»t,..^,- ,, la^:^', 1 rt\HllUI mm ^iJ!' Z-3f f. ^s&fr?^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY *V GRAY DON'S FORMS^ OF C N V E Y A N C I N U, AND or VARIOUS COURTS AND PUBLIC OFFICES, IN TWO VOLIMF.S, IBZPB.OVSD BY THE ADDITION OF AN APPENDIX, Containing x number of useful forms not heretofore pnblislied, topether with occasional notes of I'ennsvlvania cases, cnibraciiip the modes of taking Acknowledgments and I'roofs of Deeds, Lc. V O I*. I. ARHANGF.D AND CORRECTr.D BY PETER THOMSON, Conveyanrpr. AKD JOHN P. OWENJr, Esquire, A. Walker, Agt. No. 14 Arch Street, I'hiladclphi*. * 1831. v* .< '^\ Zattern District of Penntylvania, touit: 2??? BE IT REMEMBERED,THAronthe,eyemhdajofJanu«r7, ^ '^ in the tiCiv-fifth ytar i>l' the Indi-pn-iidtnce of the Uiiittd States of Americi, ##"# ij? A. I). 18Ji', Aiiibiose 'Walker, of the said District, hath deposited in this of- fice the title of u book, the right whereof ht claims as proprietor, iu the words foUowiuf, to wit : Graydon's Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice in various Courts and Public OfBcet, in two volumes, improved by the addition of an Appendix, containing- a number of useful Forms not hrn-tofiire publislied, together with oceasiona! Notts of Pennsylvania Cases, em- briiciiig- themode» of taking Acknowledgments and Proofs of Deeds, ire. vol. I. Arranged and corrected by Pelcr Tlionison, Conveyancer, and John F. Owens, Esquire. In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An Act for the rncouragernent of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned ;''— And also to the Act, entitled •' An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled •' Au Act for the encouragement of learning, bv securing the copiis of maps, charts, and books, to the aiitliors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned," and extending the benefits thcrtof to till! art«ol designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." D. CAl.DWKLL. Clerk of the f.aUern Dittrict ofPenmylvama. UJi^ INDEX TO THE APPENDIX. jicknowUdgTnents and Proofs of Deeds, Sfc. Peje. Certificate of Acknowledgment by one person, - - 6 " when by virtue of" a Letter of Attorney, - ib. " by Husband and Wife, - - - - - ib. " when proved by subscribing witness, - - 7 " proof of a Deed executed by a Corporation, - - 42 " before what Officers Acknowledgments .and Proofs may be " made, - - - - - - 7 &. 8 Apportionment of Groundrent, - - - - - 32 Assignments voluntary ...--- 9 " Notes thereon, and duties of Assignees under them, 11 Conveyancing, practice in, - - - - - - 5 Deeds of Trust, 4'C. 1. To the use of Grantor and Wife for their several li\e8, then to the use of their son and duujrhter for tlieir several lives; and afier- wards the Estate to be sold, and the proceeds divided amongst the grandchildren, - - - - - - 12 2. From Husband and Wife, for the w ife's Estate, limiting the use to wife for life, remainder to the uses of her Will; and in default of a Will to such persons as at her death m.ay be her heirs — reserving powers of revocation and declaration of new uses, - .14 3. Of settlement of a Woman's Estate, in consideration of marriage, limiting the estate to the use of the woman till marriage; tlicn to her sole and separate use during the coverture; if she survive, then to her in fee; if she do not survi\ e, then to the uses of her Will, and in default of a will, tlicn to such person or persons as would be en- titled in case she had survived her husband, and afterwards died intestate, ..-..-- 17 4. Of settlement of a Woman's Estate, in consideration of marriage, limiting the estate to the »ise of the woman till marriage; then to her sole and separate use during tlie coverture; remainder to tlie uses of her will; and for want of a will or appointment; then to her children, &c. proviso, that if slic suivive l.er husband, then trustees to convey the estate to her in fre, with powers to the trustees to make partition of undivided real estate; to sell and dispose of real estate, and to invest and re-invest proceeds of personal property in stocks, &c. and providing- for the appointment of new trustees in cer- tain events, .......18 5. Of settlement of a Woman's Estate, in consideration of marriage, (reciting a former husband's will,) limiting the estate including a contingent and executory remainder in a moiety, in her vested, un- der the will, to her use till marriage; then to her sole and sep.'i.ate use during the coverture; remainder to the uses of her will, and in case of no such appointment, remainder to the use of the intended husband in fee; reserving powers of revocation and declaration of new uses, Sec. with a special covenant on the part of the intended husband not to oppose the execution of her former husband's will, 23 6. Of settlement of the Wife's Estate, made after mai-riage, upon a separation of the husband and w ife, ... - 26 7. Deed of Release of Groundrent, which had been reserved to the uses of a marriage settlement, made in pursuance of a proviso in the groundrent deed This release by Attorney duly authorized, 29 leed of Release of Groundrent, adapted to the extinguishment cr to a sale of the groundrent, - - - - - 31 5 Deed of .Appiortioiimentof a large Groundrent. issuing out of a Jaj-gc lot of ground, ...... 32 10. Groundrent Deed in usual form, - - - - 36 INDEX. 11 Deed, in which part of the purchase money to be secured by « mortgage, is expressly charged upon the bargained property, 39 12. Deed from a Corporation, and Proof of its Execution, - 41 Devises. A particular Devise in a Will, which may be a fee, or, by possibility, only an estate for life, - - - - - - 52 Devise to a Wife in bar of Dower, .... 53 " of a Moiety of an Estate to a Son in fee, with a contingent and executory remainder, to the wife in fee, charged with the maintenance and education of a son till he attain the age of twenty-one, - - - - - - 55 Doioer. Dower, release of by Husband and Wife — the Husband having pre- viously conveyed to the purchase:, - - - - 40 Groundrent. Release of Grovmdrent, which had been reserved to the uses of a mar- riage settlement, made in pursuance of a proviso in the groundrent deed. The Release by Attorney in fact, duly authorized, - 29 Release of Groundrent adapted to an Extinguishment or to a Sale of the groundrent, - - - - - - - 31 Apportionment of a large Groundrent, issuing out of a large lot of ground, ....-.- 32 Groundrent Deed in usual form, - - - - '36 Mechanic's Liens. Release of, ■--"""■ 43 '• where the personal responsibility of the owner of the house is taken in lieu of the Liens, - - ' - 44 OFFICERS before whom Acknowledgments and proofs of Deeds, &c. may be made, " ■ ' ' - ' '7 &'8 PRACTICE in Conveyancing, - " " - - 5 Releases. Release of Dower, - . - - ' - 40 " of Mechanics' Liens, ■ - . ".. " - 43 " of Mechanics' Liens where the personal liability of the owner is accepted instead of the Liens, " * - 44 " from the Lien of Judgments, absolute, - - - ib. " from the Lien of a Judgment, with proviso, - • 45 REVOCATIONS of old uses and declarations of new ones, 15&25 SETTLEMENTS and Trusts, (see Deeds and Wills.) Wills. Will containing Trusts of Legacies, and providing for their increase, ^for the benefit of minor children, &c. with power to the executors to sell real estafe, - ' - ■ - 45 A particular Devise, which may be a fee, or, by possibility, only an estate for life, . - - - - - - 52 A Devise, &c. to Wife in bar of Dower, ■ - .53 A short Bequest of the interest of stock for maintenance of Wife and children, - . - " " _ - " - ib. Proviso in a Will, to prevent lapse of a Devise or Bequest, - 54 Clause in a Will providing for the payment of debts due by Devisees to Testator, and for the mutual pa} ment of debts, &c. between the Devisees, &c. ------- ib. Will devising a moiety of an Estate to a son in fee, with a contingent and executory remainder to the wife in fee, charged with the main- tenance and education of son till he attain the age of twenty-one, 55 A TABLE OF THE CONTENTS OF THE CONTAINED IN THE FIRST VOLUME. Acknowledgment, Of she riff's deed page 9,10 Of u mortgage 10 Of husband and \vifc " 11 Of special bail in the common picas 1 1 Of recogmzunces in the oyer and terminer to answer 12 iu tlie qiualer sessions to keep the peace 12, 1 3 to testify 1 3 in the orphans court 13, 14 in foreign attachment * 14 Of a writing in English with a copy in another language (3 forms) 1 5 Of recognizances of a sheriff and his sureties 1 6 Acquittance. For money received on a purchase 1 7 Cienerul form 18 I'or rent p.id 18 For money received of a third person 1 8 for the use of another 18 in part of a bond 1 8 For interest due 01) a buyd 19 For a legacy * ^ To an administt-atbT |fege 1^ Tor u pronubsory note given for abook debf 19 J"oi icU Older ui-avvn upon u t.ai u ppi&ou 20 For the consii.,er, tion iiciicy of a couveyancc 20 tor wiiiinga left m a pei-soii'^ h«nds 2(7 Where the debt * damage exceeds S lO'O 29 To cUi account 2 1 Coninion form of an oatli by kissing the book 2 1 Oatliof cLwiiiiessona tiial 22 of voir aire 22 by liidng up tlie light hand 22 Fomi of affirmation 22 Oatli of gi-and j ury 23 of traverse jUiy (2 forms) 23 of a constable attending upon a jurjr 24 of a witness to the grand jury 24 of attorney or practitiontv at law 24 of clerks of markets • 24 of constable 25 of overseer of the poor 25 of appraisers of goods distrained forren? 25 of deputy-surveyor 26 pf notary public 26 ofsheulf ^: 27 pf an inspector of t:he general election 27 of a judge of the general election 2S Gf a clerk of the genenvl election ^ Agreement., for the sale of a freehold estate S§ (Observations) 31 Sec. lor buikUng a house, &c. ^ 38 To pull dow n an old farm-house and build a nevr one 39 J'ersaleof an estate 43, 455 47 of household goods, &c. as they shall be appraised 49 3For bearing equal charges in a law-.Aiit, to be brought for the reco- very of an estate 50 Between a tradesman and his factor 5 i 5For the making of bricks 53 For wheat sold 5 5 Between a master and oyerseer about the management of affirm 5J Between an attorney and his clerk f page 58 Btisvecn a house-keeper unci liis lodger 60 "Wilh a clerk or workniau C I For the sale of u parcel of trees growing, and liberty to cm do\v!i and carry them away, Sec. 6 J With u manager ' 63 Aiuong copartnei's, to exercise but one trade, 8cc. 64 Between broiiicrs, for diviuliig money, o;c. 68 For erectiii;:^ a house, Sec. 7 1 For tlic purchase of cord-wood, Sec, 72 >Vitii a mili-u li-Jit 73 For isJio' £ to sail in a ship, See. 74, 75 Bi ■ •■ cen a master and a journeyman or hired sciwant 76 For engui^ing a person to rebuild niiils, at cert.iin weekly wages 78 For performing brickla}er3 ar.u plasterers work in building a bouse ■ 79 Articles of copartnership between two tradesmen 8 1 of marriage 84 Between a master shipwright and his workmen, &c. 86 Be; ween persoii-S to tit out u vessel from one pon to another 88 To go, set up, and build a schooner on the weateni waters 89 To c:.ny p.issen:jers frop.; one port' to another 92 To indemnify a person on his delivering writings, &c. 93 For freight between die master of a sliip arid a luerchant 94 \ appointment. Of a guardian by a father for his son 95 Of executors in the roo!u f.f deceased ones 96 Of a guardian of person and estate, with power to let-lands, Sec. 97 Of a new trtistce in the place of one deceased, Avith a declaration of trust 98 Of a guardian by an infant 99 (Observations) 99 Sc set[. Assi^^mnent. Of dower by the heir 100 Of part of a cargo on board a ship lol Of copy -right in books 103 Of a patent for tiie sole u ;e of an invention 1Q4 Ofbond by indorsctncnt (i. forms) -^ 106,107,108 Of a lease witli the usual and necessary covenant 108 Oia bond and mortgage after judgtueut Si\d execution; ajid partot* the debt pidd ' H3 Of uu apprentice ' U5;1'6 ■ [vl] Of a servant page 11/ In trust, for creditors 1 17 Of an aiinuity lor the life of the assignee 126 Assiganient uiid reieuse of u share of thci*er>idue of the testator's persoij il cs.v^tc from one executor to another 129 Of a pension until money due upon a bond shall be paid 133 Ofalci'.se by i Klorseuient 13S Of d. in0i-t,j herif^■ to a high sheriff *, ^7 Of a bondol indcnuii'y on paying; a lost note : ) From u person impov/crt-ci to ijct in debts for another • 3 /j U'opci'furni ..;i-. .;;rd 501, o02 Of u bond oi ..lofiiii.ity on signing a lease 305 Th.l a person when of age shall convey 205 To indrniidfy suicty in a bond SOft To deliver up a niiil witli the Utensils, S:c» 30T Qf a bond of i '>n sy fterint^ an execuior to retain money 308 For fiiidin.;- ,e in clothiiS} kc. and for his lidciity 310 To indt'uihily u.ai i.i Ijtiil bond • 311 For the obligor to repay inoney given him for his c!erkshia|taE. 3 1 2 For reminding a legacy in c;iscof deficiency of assets t|f 312 To discharge an apprentice Ijofore the expii auon of his appr<;ntj',e- ship 214 To indemnify special bail 3 1 5 To deliver up a t,hip r^nd to p?.y part of the profits, kc. S 1 5 From a surviving partner to amaiiioid his wife, the executrix of a deceased partner, Ecc. 3 1 T To indemnify a person on discharging his apprcutics SlT To indemnify biui in reco^hizunce 31$ That an apprentice ^h'all account, Sec. 319 For payment of cm ann\uty auring life 32^ For tiie fidelity of a clerk 32 1 To indemnify surety in administration bond 32 S To pay mqney for goods sold, and for freight and insurance 525 For payment of an annuity during the joint lives of two pei-sons 52* I'o pay money on manidgc or death 325" To iudcmuify an executor on payment of a legacy . 325 From iin intended husband to leave his wife ali his estate 325 For p^ymientof an anauiLy duiing ten years, S;c. • 22T To ]iay mon*'y quarleily S28t To indemnify lessee on pajTnent of r^nt 329 To deliver a watcii or pay t!ie value tliereof. Sec. 529 For paynjcnt of money deposited in apersor.'s hands pursuant to a v.iil 330 To pay money at the end of an apprenticeship or marriage 535 Against claim of dower SS-t To permit a wife to live separate from her husband 35.^ I'or payment of money after a person's death, Sec. 53'5 To pay yearly to two persons during their lives* 33(i F©r bond nuskid or lost 53^ Trom a tViaster, that in consideration of money paid him, he shnU take an apprentice) Sec. page 337 Tor payment of money by a person for the use of his intended wile, Sec.' 338 To serve in considaraticn of the payment of a debt 340 To indemijify sheriiTon attachment or I ieri Facias 34 1 That the heirs, Sec. of theintendcd iiusband shall pay the intendedt Avifc, ^.c. 341 To indemnify the township ag;ainst a bastard child 342 To pay a woman for the support of an iiiegitimate child 343 To indemnify one executor against the application cf moiues by the other 344 Trom a grantor who had in the deed described himself to be an heir at law, ^c. 346 Toperfoinii an order of court for the support of an illegitimate child 34 8 J'rom an intended husband to the trvistees of his intended v, ifc, £cc. 349 On a person's being chosen treasurer of a company 350 To pay a person who shall help another to a wife with a good for-r tune 35 1 por a iourncyman's fidelity . 3 53 To marry awoman, or in default thereof to pay a sum ofmoncy 353 To permit an intended wife to enjoy her own personal estatcj&c 353- (Conditions of sale, and observations) 355 Sc seq* ■Covenant. A deed of covenants between a debtor and his creditors 360 of covenant from the original landlord of other hovises, to a lessee, Sec. 365' Prom the obligees to one of the obligors in a bond for the payment ♦ of money, See. 367 Deed of covenant to hold parts of a ship to be built, he. ^ 3fig That several merchants snail be equally concerned in a cargo 369 Deed of covenant to produce deeds 370 For tonnage 371 The beginning of a covenant of one person to one person 372 introductory part of a joint covenant to one pe:-son 373 of a joint and several covenant 373 of a several covenant 373 of a CO veKunt where husband covenants fqrhimr self and wife 374 Warranty 374 Por further assuranco 374) 'IPor quiet cnjoymeat 375 C xi ] For peaceable onjoymcnt in an assignment of a lease page "76 Ag'iinst iiuuinbiii!)' i-s 37G, 577 7'hat vendor shall hu\ e room unci liberty for threshing, Sec. 37S That if a good title cannot be made before a certain day, Sec. 57tf Not to assign the premises without notice totlie lessor ;i7^ 1'hat lessee shall not be chargeable for auv accident by fire* 27'^ J"'rom the assignee of leases to ii\dcmnify the l«asec from rents an4 , covemmts 380, oiJl To pay rent and perform covenants in a lease assigned 382- As to a lessor's insurance of premises, and that lessee may quit 383 That the tenant shall lay out, Sec. in rcpaii's 38 t That lessee may take down and carry awav. Sec. " 385 deduct the charges of repairs out of his rent 585 shall not assign his Iccse, or let the premises SSft if desirous may leave the premises within tlie term 387" That the lease is valid, and that the parties have a right to assign 3HT 'From two lessees to rep^dr, and pci^ceably to yield up 38!> To repair the pi-emises, having uai allowance of materials .58^J To piunt the out:>ide of liie house every third year, 6cc. 390 From lessee to ricw-rip and tile the top of the house, £cc. 391 To permit lessor to take tiic bark and tops of trees, kc. 391 That the lessor may enter to view the repairs 392, 393 That lessee shall use the hay, bcc. 39S fallow the land, Sec, 394* To lay down part of the ground with clover. Sec. 394 To permit lessor to enter. Sec. and cultivate, Sec. 395 That lessee may dispose of hay and straw, Sec. 395 From lessor to provide le::>see materials to repair 395 That certain trades shall not be exercised upon the premises 39f> That lessor shuU. pay the taxes 30T Covenants to renew a lease 3y7 That lessee shall pay the rent and all the taxas ■ 398 Not to suffer any nuisance 39'.» .To insure the premises from fire and to rebuild, S:c. 39^ To build 40O From lUJ^ignor that neither he, Sec, hath done any act to incum- ber, Sec. 40'J grantor th;it he lias good right to grant and convey 401 That grantor is seised in fee simple, Sec. 401 From assignee that he will, bee. get in bankrupt's eflects. Sec. 40;> To indemnify comndssioncrs of bankrupt ^ 4U-* From creditors to accept a composition and to indemnify, &c. 405 That mortgagor till default, may enjoy 406 From grantor to pay an annuity free from taxes 406 assignor that animity has not been paid for three years 407 T.o vouyey a life estate ' ' f^J C ^" 1 'from husband that wife shall enjoy her jewel?, Sec. p^^J^e 408 to secure by -will to -wiic a suilu.b!c house, 8cc. 408 Of wife to accept the present provision in satisfaction of dower 412 The husband binds hiiuseif to the performance of covenants 412 Declaration, • Of trust in respect to an annuity bond 41;i of purchase money * 414 indorsed upon .a ^ond • 415 by way of assigi^ment ' 416 from les.sces, that lease has been granted for tlie benefit 4 i 8 That a man's name is used in trust in a bond 419 Of trust relatin;^ to an assi.c:nmcnt of a louse 419 by t)'ustees and guardians, to an infant, &c- 421 relating to a bond " 423 Deed. Common form 42'» (Observations) 425 8c seq. By auditors under a domestic attachment 433 Dcedj)oU ^ 433 Of heirs at law rclcasincj a trust reposed in the intestate AoS Of feoffment . ' 436 Deed poll on disfranchisin;^ a member of a company 439 FroTu un administratrix for land sold by order of orphan's court 440 Sheriff's deed upon a venditioni exponas 442 levari facias 444 •for lands sold by his predecessor 416 "-uy an cxcciitor on contract of the testator 449 For barring an estate-tail 45 I Same by way of conhrmation 452 By executors 453 .By an administrator with the will annexed 455 for lands sold liy administrators by order of orphan's court 453 a guardian by order of-orpiian's court 461 By trustees of an insolvent debtor . 464 Of copartnership betv/een apothecaries 466 Of dissolution of copartnership 4S0. Whereby cue co])artner upon retiring from business grants' to otliers his shiire of the copartnership debts and effects 490 ThefolloKving ivcre omitted tinder yli'/ARD. The noTnination of an umpire by tAVO arbitrates, Sec. 215 District rfetvu'n of itn e-let:tion 31^ CONVEYANCING, &c. Of Sheriff's Deed, Dauphin county, K. lE IT REMEMBERED that this — d;iy of Anno Domini in open court of common picas, held at Jlarrisbnr^b^ in and for the covmty of Dauphin^ before the judges of the faid court, came /''. JV. cfquire, flierift" of the faid county, and acknow- ledged the above deed-poll to be his act and deed, and defired that the faid acknowledgment of the faid deed might be entered of record in the proceedings of the faid court, and the fame was thereupon entered ac« cordingly. In tellimony "whereof I have herecinto fct my hand, and caufed the feal of the faid court to be affixed, the famcdav and vear. /. B. prothonotary oi the fame court, [ 2 ] 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Short Forms of same, Dauphin county, iT. * ACKNOWLEDGED in open court of com • * ^'^^'■* mon pleas for the county oi Dauphin^ the — — • 5ay of ^ Anno Domini ^ , and entered among the proceedings of faid court. Certified under my hand and the feal of my office, at Ilarrisburghy the day and year aforefaid. Dauphin county, ff. * * * * ACKNOWLEDGED by F. JK efquire, fhe- * ^^*'l ^^^ ^f Dauphin county, at an adjourned court of common pleas, held at Harriskurgh^ for the faid county, the — — day of — , Anno Domini . Witnefs my hand and the feal of the faid court the fame day and year. Of a Mortgage. Dauphin county, ff. * * * * BE IT REMEMBERED that on the '"" - day of * »^*^ * A. D. before me the fubfcriber, one of the juftices*- of the peace in and for the county of Dauphin^ came the within named A. B. and ac- knowledged the within written indenture of mortgage, to be his a6l and deed, to the end that the fame might be recorded | as fuch according to law. In teflimony whereof I have hereunto fet my hand and feal the day and year aforefaid. y p * By an act passed February 7, 180.S, (vol. v. 305.) the aldem-^en of the city of Philadelphia are inade competent to take and receive the acknowledgment or proof of all instruments of writing touch- ing lands, tenements or hereditaments, situate within the city ; and also the separate examination of any feme covert respecting such lands, Sec. t No deed can be recorded in Pennsylvania, until it has been acknowledged, or (in case the grantor be dead, or cannot appearj proved by the witnesses ou oath or affirmation. A C K N O W L E D GM E N T. 11 Of Husband and Wife, Dauphin county, fT. * * * * ON the day of , A. D. -, be- * r^J^ * ^^'^^^ "^^ *^"^ ^'^ ^^^ j'^^g^s § of the court of common pleas of the county of Dauphin^ came the above named A. B. and C. his wife, and fcverally ac- knowledi^ed the within written indenture as and for their ac\ and deed, and dellred that the fame might be recorded as fiieh according to law : She the faid C. beincj of full age feparate and apart from her faid hus- band by me examined, and the full contents thereof made known to her, voluntarily confenting thereto. In tellimony w hereof I have hereunto fet my hand and feal the day and year aforefaid. J. P. K7" Where lands, tenements or hereditaments are fold by virtue of writs of testatum, the Iherift' may ac- knowledge the deed in the court of common pleas of Jhe county wherein the fale is made» Read^s Dig, 69. And where lands have been fold by his predeceflbr in office, the fhcrift' may acknowledge the deed in the. county where the lands lie. Ibid. 73. Of Special Bail in the Common Pleas. *^' In this a8;ioti wherein A. B, is plaintiff and CD, defendant— --&\ F. you acknowledge yourfelf to be in.^ debted to the plaintiff in the fum of dollars, to be levied of your goods and chattels, lands and tene- ments, upon condition that if the defendant be call he (liall pay the condemnation-money and colls, or fur- § \Vherc the lands lie in a different county. Such acknowlcdg' ments may also i,e made before any of the judf^cs of the supremo, court, or presidents of the common plcus. Read' n Dig. 69. 19 A C K !^ O W L E D G M E N T. render himfelf a prifoner to the gaol of county, othervvife you undertake to do it for him. Are you content ?" icr This mull be taken by the prothonotary, or one of the judges, OfRecogniza?Jces in the Oyer and Terminer to answer, '■'■A. B. and C. D. you and each of you acknovv. ledge to owe the cojiimonvveahn of Pennfylvanm, the fum of — -" doiiara, to be levied of your goods and chattels, lands and venemcnts rcfpeftively, upon con- dition that if the laid A. B,. ihal) perfonaliy be and ap- pear at the next ccurt of oyer and terminer, to beheid at Reading for the county o^ Berks, then and there to. anf^ver to all fuch matters and things as fiiail be object- ed againft him on the part of the commonwealth, and iliall not depart the find court without leave, then thefe recognizances to I'C void, otherwife to be and reraaia in full force and virtue. Are you content T' Of Recognizances in the ^larter Sessions to keep ths' Peace. "- J. JB. and CD. you and each of you acknow- ledge to owe the commonwealth of Pennfylvania the jfum of — — dollars, to be levied of your goods and chattels, lands and tenements refpectively, upon con- dition that if the faid J. B. fhall peribnaily be and ap- pear at the next court of quarter feffions of the peace, to be held at Ilarrisburgh, in and for the county of Dauphin, then and there to anfwer to all fuch matters and things as (hall be objected againil him on behalf of the commonwealth, and fliall not depart the faid court without licence, and inth* mean time fiaall keep ACKNOWLEDGMENT. 13 the peace and be of .s;ood behavior to all the citizens ol" tl:ie commonwealth, and eipecinlly toward E. F. then thele rccognizunces to be void, othcrwiic valid. Are )0U content H >>> Another. '' ./. B. and C.I), you and each of yoii acknow- ledge to owe the commonu'ealth of Pennfylyania the fum of dollars, to be levied of your gG;.ids and chattels, lands and tenc]nents rcrpectively, ii;..on con- dition that if the faid A. B. lliall keep the jx ce and be of |»'Ood behavior to all the citizens of the conimon- weahh, and in particular to E. V. for the fpace of twelve calendar months, then thefe recoi^nizaincci* to be void, otherwiie valid. Arc vou content ?'* Of a Recognizance in the ^larfc?- Sessions to tcstijy. A. Jj. you acknowledt^e yourielf to be indebted to- the comuKinwealth in the fum of dollars, to l^e- levied of your goods and chattels, lands and tene- ments, upon this condition, that if y(xi fliall perional- ly be and appear at the ne:.Lt court of quarter felV'. ■ of the peace, to be held at/, , i'v>r the coin L , then andiheie to i^'ivt evidence on beha.! •. the commonwealth, and Ihall not depart the cc-w: without leave, thtMi this recop^nizance to be vol'', otherwife valid. Are you content ?" Of Recognizances in the Orphans'' Court. *' A. B. and C. D. you and er.ch of you acknow- M^Q to owe/. /. //. tff|. prelident of the Orphans* »;Qurtof the i:.Q)\:iniy i^i Dauphin^ and his lucceiVors in U A C K N O W L ED G M £ N T. office, the fiim of dollars, [double the amount of the val'datiov,'] to be levied of your refpeclive goods and chattels, lands and tenements, upon this condition, that if the faid A. B. fliall and do, within twelve months from this time, pny or caufe to be pai'd imto the wi- dow and other children of /^. B. deccafed, their feve- ral and refpective Ihares of and in the valuation of the real ellatc of the faid deceafed, then thefe recognizan- ces to be void, otherwife valid. Are you content V Another. " A. B. and C. D. you and each of you acknow- ledge to owe y. J. // efq. prefidcnt of the Orphans' court of the county oi Dauphin^ and his fucceflbrs in office, the fum of dollars, \douhle the amount of the 'vahiatiofi'] to be levied of your refpe^live goods and clrattels, lands and tenements, upon this condition, thatif the faidcf- ^- Tnali and do, within tv.elve months from this time pay or caufe to be paid unto the other children of i?. B. deccafed, their feveral and refpeftive fliares of and in the valuation of that part of the real eftate of the faid deceafed, adjudged and confirmed to^' the fliid A. B. then thefe recognizances to be void, otherwife valid. Are you content. 3.1^7' Thefi.' acknowledgments mufl be taken by the clerk, in open court. Of Recognizances in Foreign Attachment. " In this action of foreign attachment, wherein A B. is plaintili; and C. D. defendant, E. F. and G. H. you and each of you acknowledge to owe the faid C. j3. the fum of dollars, to be levied of your re- fpeftive goods and chattels, lands and tenements, up- on condition that if the faid C. D. ihall, v.'ithin a year A C KN O W L E D G M E N T. 15 and a day next following, by himfclf or attorney, come into court and diiprove or avoid the debt reco- vered by the faid .7. Ji. again ft him, or ihali difcharge the lame, with cofts, that then the laid A. B. lluill rc- flore to the laid C. D, the goods or eft'ects or value thereof, by the faid .7, B. attached and condemned, or io much thereof as Ihall be difproved or difcharged, or elfe you and each of you undertake to do it for him. Arc you content :" Of a fFrithig in English witb a copy in another Lan- guage. County, ^ flate of Penniyivania, ss. ^ This day of , A. D. — • — , before mc the fubferiber, prodionotary of the court of common pleas ofthefaid count)' of , perfonaliy appeared the above named A. B. who in my preienee did acknow- ledge the foregoing inllrument of writing, whereof the following [_or ajuicxed] purports to be a true tranfla- tlon, to be his voluntary atl and deed, and bv him de- livered to the therein named C. D. for the puqDofcs therein mentioned, the name and feal thereunto fub- fcribcd and affixed, being the proper hand and feal of him the faid A. B. » « « , In teftimony whereof 1 have hereunto fet my *Skai..# hand, and affixed the feal of the faid court at , the dav and vcar albrcfaid. E.F, Proth'y, « Another form. Countv, Hate of Pennfylvania, sz, 5 This day of , A. D. , before me the fubferiber, prothonotary of the court of commcn pleas 36 A C K N O W L E i) G M E N T. oj'the faid county of — -— , perfonally appeared the above named A. B. who in my prefence did fign, feal and deliver the foregoing inftriiments of writing, both jn the German and KngUlli langnages, feach ptirport- iug to hi a true traiiQitioa of the other.) to the with- in named G. D. as the voluntary a6\ and deed of him the laid A. B. for the purpofcs therein mentioned'; the name and feal thereunto fubfcribed and affixed, be- ing the proper hand and feal of him the faid A. B^. » * » » Intedimony whereof I have hereunto fet my »Si:.vL * hand, and affixed the feal of the faid court * * * * at , the day and year aforefaid. E. F. ProtJfy. X} .Uleri^ his heirs, executors, and admin ilhators, for ever. Ik" WITNESS, 8^c., . [3] iS ACQUITTANCE, General Form» Ke c E I V E D the day, b' <:. of Thorn as Cole, t!ie fum of in full for • j and of all demands. tcr A general receipt \vill difcharge all debts ex- cept fuch as are on fpecialt}^ which can only be dif- charged by fomething of equal force, viz. fome other fpeeialty, fuch as a general releafe, &c. JFor Rent paicL Received the day, ^c. of Thomas Cole, the fum of cafh, which with more paid by the faid Thomas Cole for taxes and repairs, making in the whole , is in full of one year's rent of the houfe' and lot he now occupies, fituate in • *-, due the . laft. For Money recehed of a third person. Heceived the day, ^c. of Thomas Cole, by the liands oi. Tames Porter^ the fum of — ■ — , in full of ^— =- — , bought by the faid Thomas Cole of me. For Money receded for the use of another » Received the day of, i'^e. of Thomas Cole the fum of- in full for work done by John Riley for the faid Thomas Cole, Received fame by the order, and for the ufe of the faid John Riley. Fcr Money recehed in part of aRo7id. Received the day of, &V. of Tho?nas Cole the fum of — ■ — in part payment of a greater fum, due to me on bond by the laid Thomgs Cole. ACQUITTANCE. i9 For Interest due on. Bond. Received the day of, ^c. of Thomas Cole, the lum of in full for one year's interest of due to me the day of lad, on bond, by the faid Thomas Cole. ITT' Such payments on bond, ought alfo to be in> dorfcd thereon. For a Legacy. Received the day of of Thomas Cole^ executor of the laft will and teftament oi Charles Cobb^ deceafed, the fum of in full of a legacy bequeath- ed to nie in and by the laft will and teilament of the faid Charles Cobb^ deceafed^ To an Administrotor^ Received the day of, 'b'c, of Thomas Cole^ adminiftrator of the goods and chattels, rights and credits o^ Richard White ^ late of deceafed, the fum of in full of a debt due to me by the laid Richard JFhite in his life time, for . For a promissory Note giiien for a hook^debt^ Received the day of, 'i^c. of Thomas Cole^ a promilTory note, payable to me or order after date, for due to me for certain floods bought by dic faid Thomas Cole^ uhich, ^^■hen paid, is in full of all d:jmands. 25 A F F I D A V I T. For an Order drav.in upon a third person. Received the day of, ^c. bf Thomas Cole, an (Jrder dr;Avn in my favor upon James Roe, for the fuin of upon light, which, when paid, is in fi:ii of all demands 1 have againft the faid Thomas Cole. For the consideration Money of a Coirccyancc. Peceived the day and year within written, of the •^vithin named /y/^v D'le., the fum of , being the full conli deration money within mentioned. For IFri tings left in a person'* s Hands. Beceived the day of, ^c. of Thomas Cole, of, ^c. four feveral deeds or conveyances ; one oi them puiportin,^ to be a leafe of, ^c, and made between, ^c. another of thtm to be an affignment of the faid leafe, and made between, ^c, ^c. For which feve- ral deeds or writino;s I hereby engage to be account able, and to re-deliver the fame to the faid Thomas Cole on demand. Witnefs my hand, the day and yeaj aforefaid. JFhcre the Debt or Damage exceeds 100 dollars^ John Doe^ ^ vs. C In the Common Pleas of York county, Richard Roe. } York County, ss. BEFORE me A. B. efquire, prothonotary of the- court of common pleas in and for the county of Yorhy A F F I D A V 1 T. 21 perfonally appears John Doe^ the plaintiff above nam- ed, who bciiii^ duly fw orn according to law, depolcth and laith, that he doth truly believe that the debt due by Riihard Roe^ the defendant above nnmed, to liim. the laid Juhn JDoe^ exceeds the fum of one hilndrcd dollars. \_0r^ that the dama^^e sustained by him the said John Doe from Richard Roe, the defendant in the aboiie action, exceeds, is'c.'] John Doe. Sworn and fubfcribed the day of , before me, A. B. KT- If a fuit is brought in court without the above affidavit being previoufly fded, and the plaintiff reco- vers lefs than iOO dollars, he Ihall recover no coils. To an Account. -— Countv, ss. On the day of , before me the lubfcriber, one of the juffices of tb,e peace, in and fur the county of , perfonally came J. B. of, ^c. and being du- ly svoorn according to law depofcth and faith, that the above account as dated is jull and true — that the above fum >;i!)lc, and the tcsiimony of all iiiiidels, who ai-c not atheists, is to be receivcc. 1 .Jtfc. 2 1 . 24 AFFIDAVIT. and the prifoner at t^e bar, whom you fhall have in charge, and a true vcrdicl give according to your evi- dence : So help you God." Oath of a Constable attending upon a Jury. *' You do fwear that you will keep this jury, without meat, drink, fire or candle : you will iuffer none to fpeak to them, neither will you fpeak to them your- feir, but only to alk them w hether they are agreed • So help you God." Oath of a Witness to the Gr and Jury , *' You dofwear that the teilimony you fliall give to the grand inqueft for the body of the county o{ Bucks ^ upon fuch bills of indi6\ment, whereto you Ihall be ex- amined, fliall be the truth, the whole truth, and noth- ing but the truth. So help you God»" Oath of Attorney or Practitioner at La\v> *♦ Thou flialt behave thyfelf in the offioe of attorney within the court, according to the beft of thy learning and ability, and with all good fidelity, as well to the court as to the client : Thou flialt ufe no fiilfehood, nor delay any perfon's caufe for lucre or malice," ICT" No attorney or practitioner at law fliall be ad- mitted to make any plea at the bar, except in his own cafe, without taking the above qualification, by oath or affirmation. Read'' s Dig. 24. Oath of Clerks of Markets. " You do fwear that you will well and truly, to the beft of your ilvill and judgment, do and perform all things enjoined and required of you, as clerk of the market, by the laws of this Hate. So help you God.'*_ AFFIDAVIT. 2^ in.?' The clerks of the fcveral marketswithinthe ftate r>f PennlVlvania, before they enter upon the execution of their offices, Ihali take the above oath or affirmc-tiori before fome mai^illrate or juftice of the city, borouq^h or county, wherein they Uiall rcfidc. Read^s Dig. 4ij- Vatb of Constable. *' You fliall well and truly execute the olEpe of a conllable for the !o-iviis/j2fj of Halifax^ the enfuiug year, and until you fhall be legally difeharged." Oath of Oiierseer of the Poor. *' You do fwear that you will difeharge the office of overfeer of the poor, truly, faithfully and impartially, to the beft of vour knowledge and ability. So help you God.^^ lirT" Every overfeer Hiall before he enters upon the execution of his office, take the above oath or affirma- tion, which any alderman in the city of Philadelphia, or any juftice in the county, is auihorifed to adminiflcr. Read's Dig. 296. By ana6l of aflembly paffed March 11, 1809, the oveyfeers of the poor are in future to be elected and appointed by the fame perfons, at the fame time, and in the fame manner as fupervifors of the highways. Sec i)oL ix. 41. Oat/j of Appraisers of Goods distrained for Renr. " You M. J^. do fwear that you will well and truly, according to the beft of your underftanding, appraifc the goods and chattels of D. M. diftrained on for rent, bv Z. f/'. So help vou Go in any cafe or point whatever relating to the feleilion, drawing and returning of jurors, to influence me, but that I will, in all ret'pc6ls, conform to the true intent, and meaning of the a6ls of the general aifembly ia fuch call' made and provided.'* JO^ This oath, or affirmation, is to be taken, be- lidcs the ufual oath or affirmation of office, as required by the conllitution and laws of Pennfylvania.* And in. cafe of inability (occafioned l)y death, reiignation or othcrwife-) of any (licrilf in difcharging the duties en- joined upon him by this a6\, the coroner of the proper county fhall perform fuch duties ; but before he enters upon the difchargc thereof, he ihall take the oath or affirmation above prefcribed. VII doL Acts 186. All executive and judicial officers, both of the unit- ed flates and of the feveral dates, ihall be bound by oath or affirmation, to fupport the conllitution ofther united ilates ; but no religious tell Ihall ever be requir- ed as a qualification to aiiy office, or public trufl, un- der the united dates, .krt. vi. Const. U. 6\ All officers executive and judicial, fliall be bound by oath or affirmation to fupport the conllitution or this commonwealth, and to perform the duties of their refpeclive offices with fidelity, ylri. viii. Const. Penn^ Oath of an Inspector of the General Election. "■' I, A. B. do fwear, [cr, solemnly^ sincerely and' truly declare and affirvi\ U^iat 1 will duly attend at the S8 A F F I D A V I T. cnfuing cle6\ion, during the continuance thereof, as. an infpe6lor, and that i will not receive any ticket or vote from any perfon or perfons, other than thole I fliall firmly believe are, according to the provilions of the a6l, entitled ''• An a6l to regulate the general ele(5\ions within this comnionwealth," entitled to vote at the faid ele6lion, without requiring fuch evidence of their right to vote as is directed to be given by the faid a6l ; nor will I vexatioufly delay or it^ufe to receive any vote from any perfon 1 fliall believe is entitled to vote as aforefaid, but will in all things truly, impartially and faithfully perform my duty therein, to the bcfl of my judgment and abiiitieSo'" Oath of a Judge of the General Election. -' I, M. M. do fwear [^r, solemnly^ sincerely and truly declare and Gffirm~\ that I will as one of the jud- ges, duly attend the enfumg elcclion, during the con- tinuance thereof, and faithfully affiil the other judges and infpeiStGrs in carrying on the fame ; that I will not give my confent that any vote or ticket (liall be receiv- ed from anv perfon or perfons, other than thofe I fhall firmly believe are, according to the provifions of the a6l, entitled " An acl; to regulate the general eleftions within this commonwealth,*' entitled to vote at the faid eleftion, without requiring fuch evidence of their right to vote as is dirt^led to be given by the faid a6l ; and that I will ufe my bed endeavors to prevent any fraud, deceit or abufe, in carrying on the fam.e by citizens qualified to vote or others ; and that I will make a true and perfect return of the faid ele6lion, and in all things truly, impartially and faithfully per- form my duty refpeciing the fame, to the beft of my judgment and abilities," A F F I D A V I T 29 Oath of a Clerk * oj the General ^lution, '' I A. B. do fvvtar, [ar, solenDily^ sincerely and truly declare and ajjirni'\ that I will jnjpariiully and iruly write down the name of each elector, who' ihall vote at the enluint^ t'le6\ion, whieh (liall be given mc in charge, and a!fo the name of the town, tovvnihip, ward or diilridt, wherein I'uch elee given for each candidate at the election, as often as his name iluiU be read to me by the judges thereof, and in all things truly and faithfully perform, my duty refpeetins^ the fame, to the btfl of my judg- ment and abilities." tCT^ Any judge of the court of common pleas, alder- man, or juliice of the peace, who may be prefent at the election, fliall adminiller the above oaths or aifirni- ations ; but if no fuch be prefent, or cannot be conve- niently had, one of the judges, after firft having the above oath or affirmation adminillered to him by one of the other judges, iliall adminiiter the oaths and iliirmations to the other judges, and to the infpeclors iind clerks. See Read's Dig. 102, ^^c. Vol. v. 'Acts, tJ69. iLj" Various other affidavits will be foimd under title Process, where it was thought advifcable to infcrt them, in order to prcferve a conntt\ion m the proceed- ings. •Clerks must be of the age of twenty one yeurs op nicrc- Rcad'v Di^'-. 102. 30 A G R E £ M E N f %sxttmmt. For the Sale of a Freehold Estate, Memorandum, That it is agreed between Andreii Archer^ oS ihc one part; aiTd Bcnjainin Bower^ of the other part : That the faid Andreiv Archer lliall, on or before the^^r^^day o^ .Xov ember next, make out a good title unto, and by good and fufficient conveyances ivi the law convey and aimre \uito the faid Bejijcunm JfoTjer and his heirs, free from all encumbrances what- foever, [except an annuity, or rent charge of forty iliiiiings a year, iffuiiig out of the premifes and paya- ble to the poor of the borough of , in the county of and ftate of -] All thofe three freehold ineifuages or tenements with the appurtenances, in second-street in the faid borough of , now or late let for sixty pounds a year, togedier w'iih the poli- cies of infurance from fire of the faid premifes ; and all lockfc, bolts, bars, cocks, cillerns, and other fixtures *• therein be!onu;ing to the faid Andreiv Archer : And that the f^iid Benjajn'ni Bower (hall receive the rents of the faid premifes from the fv^entieth day of August laft : And the faid ylndrew Archer fliall pay all arrears of taxes, and the faid annuity to the poor, up to that time : In confideration whereof the faid Benjamin Bower dolh hereby agree to pay to the faid Andreiv Archer the fum of Jour thousand dollars on executing fuch conveyances as aforefaid : And it is hereby fur- ther agi-eed between the faid parties, that the faid Ben- * By almost general custom, whatever is stronj^ly affixed to the freehold or inheritance, and cannot be severf.d from thence without violence or damage, is become a member of the inheritance, and shall thereupon pass to the heir ; as chimney-pieces, pimips, old ^xed or dormant tables, benches, and the like 2 BL 432. AGREEMENT. 31 jamin Bavcr, fliall be at the charge of the clccvls ibr coiTVcying to him th.e laid prcniii'es ; and that all at- telled copies of title deeds and covenants to produce the fame, and alfo a line and recovery, if neceiVary, ihall be at -the charge of the faid Andreiv Jrcher. In WITNESS whereof the faid ATidreiv Archer and Ben- jamin Boiver have hereunto fet their hands and feals., the day of %CT' Where the title deeds cannot be delivered up, fome provillon lliould be made as to the expenfe of the attelted copies, and the covenants to produce them, uhich will otherwife fall upon the vendor ; and where the ellate is fold in many lots, and the title-deeds are numerous, nearly the whole purchafe money may, per- haps, be exhaufted. The vendor mull at his own ex- penfe furnilli the purcbafer with an abstract of his muniments, and deduce a clear title to tire ellate : The abilra6l: ought to mention every encumbrance whate • ver aftecling the ellate, and Oiould, therefore, contain an account of every judgment by which the eftate is aflfecled ; but equity conTiders it complete whenever it appears, that upon certain a(!fts done, the legal and equitable eftates will be in the purchafer ; which mav be long before the title can be completed. The llri^ rule feems to be, that the vendor mull procure the fee, to be veiled either in himfelf, or a trullce for him; and that a purchafer is not compellable to bear the expenfe of a long conveyance, on account of the le- gal ellate having been outll^nding ibr a length of time, or the ellate being fubjetl; to encumbrances, which are to be paid off. It is not, however, ufual to infill upon this, unlefs the title cannot be perfe61ed without a private acl of parliament ; in which cafe, the ex- y penfc of obtaining it is always borne by the venclor, r 'Unlefs there be an exprefs llipulation to the contrary, th-e expenfe of the conveyance falls on the purchafer ; 32 AGREE M E N T. \v1io, muRin that cafeprenire and tender the convey* ance. The expenfe attending the escctit'ion of the conveyance, is however always borne by the vendor* If a p\irchaA.'r cannot obtain the title-deeds, he is, as we have alreadv leen, entitled to attefted copies of them at the expenfe of the vendor, unlefs there be an ex- prefs ftipulation to the contrary : and although he may not be entitled to the poflefiion of the deeds, yet he has a right to infpe6l them, and the vendor nuifl pro- duce them for that purpofe. Eat apurchafer is not entitled to attelled copies of mllruments on record. This was decided in the cafe of Campbell v. Camp- bell, where the mailer, in taxing colls incurred by the fale of confiderable eftatcs, difallowed the charg;es for attefted copies of deeds and documenis upon record ; and upon exceptions to his report on that account com- ini^ on, the mafrer of the rolls over-ru^ed them, and held that a purchafer was not entitled to fuch copies at. the expenfe of the vendor. In fome cafes, however, a purchafer can obtain at- teiled copies even of inilruments on record. For a pur- chafer is entitled to examine the abftra6l with the ori- p;inal title-deeds, or with attefted copies of them : and, therefore, if a vendor has not the inftrument itfelf, and cannot obtain it, he is bound to procure an atteiled copy of it, to enable the purchafer to afcertain that the abilra(Sl is corre6l , and when it is obtained, the pur- chafer is cfcourfe cntided to it on the completion of the purchafe ; unlefs indeed the vendor retains other eftatcs hoiden under the fame title. In a cafe before lord Rosslyn, where there was an agjeement that the vendor Ihould produce the original tiUe-deedS; his lordihip conftrued it, not only as an en- A a R £ E jM E N T. 33 *^aj^en\cnt to produce llic title-deeds, but as a negative ilipulation, that lit; liiould not give atlclled copies. Tills was certainly pre funiine:; a great deal. Lord EI- don has llnce thouLi,ht that the prelVure of the itanip duties led to that decifion ; and it is probable that a fi- milar cafe would now receive a dilFerent determination. Where a purchafcr cannot claim the title-deeds, it is of great importance to iiim to obtain attcfted copies of them. But atteiled copies arc not of themfelves fuf- ficient fccurityto a purchafcr, as they are indeed mere walle- paper again R ilrangers, and cannot be ufed upon an ejectment, unlefs, perhaps, as between the parties themfelves- Therefore, in order to enable a purchafcr to efteclually manifeft and defend his title and pofles-- iioR, he is alfo entitled, at the expejife of the vendor* to a covenant to produce the deeds themfelves, at the expenfe of the p'lrchafer ; which (liould in moll caft^s be carried into effect by a feparate deed. And where a vendor retains the deed by which the eftate he is felling was conveyed to him (which is moitly the cafe when. it relates to other eftates), it feems advifeable for the purchafcr to require a memorandum of hiii purchafc tc» be endorfed on fuch deed . It ma}' be here remarked, that although a purchafcr of part of an eflate has taken a covenant for tbc produc- tion of the deeds, yet if they afterwards come into his polfeffion by accident, no perfon can recover them fron^ him who has not a better rijHit to them than he has. o SuppoOng a purchafcr to be entitled to the cuftodv of the deeds themfelves, yet if any of them be loft, and the vendor can deliver over copies which would be admitted as evidence at law, the purchafcr will be * compelled to take the title. [ 5 ] 'J4 AGREEMENT. It frequently happens that a perfon having a covenant for produ6lion of the title-deeds to his ellate, fells only partoftheeflate, and retains his purchafe deeds, and the covenant to produce the deeds ; and in fuch cafes it is the pra6lice for the vendor to enter into the ufual covenant for produc\ion of the ti- tle-deeds in his pofiefiion, which of courfe would in- elude the original covenant to produce the deeds. But it feems that Mr. Fearnc thought that a purchafer v.'as, in cafes of this nature, entitled to require the vendor to covenant for the produ6lion of the deeds to fuch an ex- tent as the covenant in the vendor's poifefTion entitled him to the produaion thereof, unlefs he could procure a new covenant for that purpofe, from his grantors to the new purchafer ; but that fuch covenant from the vendor fhould not be enforced, in cafe he produced the original covenant to produce the deeds, when it fliould be required to defend the purchafer's title. It is not unufual to infert a provifo in a deed of cove- nant to produce title-deeds, for determining the cove- nant, in cafe the vendor fell the part of the eflate re- tained by him, and procure the perfon to whom the eilate is fold, and the title-deeds are delivered, to enter into a fimilar covenant with the firft purchafer, for pro- du6lion of the title-deeds. There are few cafes in which judgments fhould not be fearched for on the part of the purchafer ; and if there is any reaibn to fufpect the vendor, it is abfolute- ly necelfary to fearch immediately before the convey- ance is executed, left any judgments may have been entered up during the treaty. Although if any judg- ments arc entered up after the purchafe-money, being an adequate confideration, is actually paid, equity would relieve the ])urchafer, againft the judgments, jiotwithftanding that they were entered up previouily AGREEMENT. 3:^ to the execution of the conveyance ; the vendor being*^ in equity, only a trullcc for the purchafer, and a judg- ment being merely a general lien, and not a fpecilic lien on the land : and this equity prevails, whether the judginent creditor had or had not notice of the cou- tracl. It foems advifcable to aflv the vendor, or his attorney, whether there arc any encumbrances which do not ap- pear on the abftra6l ; for if he anfwer in the negative, the fearch for judgments may be pollponed until im- mediately before the execution of the conveyance ^- and if there are an}- judgments, and the purchafe can- not be completed on that account, the purchafer can recover all his expenfes from the vendor. But it does not feem perfe6lly clear, that the purchafer would be entitled to recover die expenie of the conveyance, un- lefs he had inquired after, or fearched. for encumbran- ces before it was prepared. It is ufual to fearch for judgments againil a vendor, only from the time he purchafcd the ellate ; but this practice is not correal, as judgments bind after pur- chafed lands, and v. ill confequently affect fucli lands even in the hands of a purchafer. Judgments do not, it feems, bind leafehold eflatcs till writs of execution are taken out upon them, and delivered to the fhcriff. And yet, upon purchafe of a leafehold eftate, judgments muft be fearched for ; be- caufe the Iheriif will not permit his office to be fearch- ed, for any writ of execution which may have bccu delivered there, left the purpofes of the writ fliould be defeated, by the party agalnftwhom it is ilfued abfcond- ing, or removing his goods. Therefore, although the judgment will not of itfelf bind the leafehold eftate, yet the purchafer cannot fafcly complete his contriicl, )j^herc he difcovers a jiidgment, as he cannot ba ilitiii- S6 AGREEMENT. iied that an execution iirued upon it, has not been lodged with the iherift'. \V hen we conlider how many vakiable lealehold eftatcs arc daily broug^ht into the market, we Ihall perhaps think that the legiflature woold do well to ena61:, that writs of execution in- tended to bind leasehold estates fnall be doggeted in like manner as judgments, and that where the eilute lies in a regifter county they Ihall be regillcred. It may be ufeful to obferve, that if a purchafer is damnified by his folicitor negle(SVmg to fearch for en- cumbrances, it is clear, that he may recover at iaw, againilthe folicitor, for any lofs occahoned i3y hisneg., iigence. So if the chief clerk, whole duty it is to en- ter up and docket judgments, negle6l to do fo, by which a purchafer, who has made the proper fearches, fuftains any lofs, he the purchafer, has a remedy a- gainft ihe clerk by an adlion on the cafe. See Sitgden's Law ofVendorSy ^c- passim. As to encumbrances, the encumbrancer m\\^ at his charge acknowledge fatisfiiction on record or alTign, as the cafe may require. If this was not fo, a purcha- fer after having fixed his price with the feller, miglu be faddled with another year's pmchafe or more, for the expenfe of conveyances ; and the more debts and encumbrances the feller had charged on theeftate, the dearer \^'ould be the eilate to the purchafer, Parchafers expeft to find all thefe matters eafy and clear, and if they are not fb, it's incumbent on the fell- ers to inform them of the truth of the cafe, and not to keep them in ignorance. A title to dower is as much an encumbrance as a grant of a rent-charge to a llran- ger for life, (to the amount of one third of the value of the land) to commence on the f:ainsta vendor for any encumbrancc,or de- fect in the title,tof\vhich his covenants do not extend ; and therefore, if it purchaser neglect to have die title im estimated, or his counsel ©veriouk any defect in it, he appears to be without a remedy. A pui-chaser will be entitled to relief, on account of any latent defects ia the eatate, or the title to the estate, which were not disclosed to him, and of v/iiith lit* vendor., or his agent., was aware, ^'^i^---- dm 7. AGREEMENT, 4l parties to thcfe prcfents dolh hereby bind himfclf, his heirs, executors and aiiigns, in the pcnul luni oi' six thousand dollars. In witnefs whereof, the faid parties to thefe prefents have hereunto fct their hands and feals, the day and vcarfirll above written. •Sealed and dehvered, &c. Atiotber. Articles of agreement, indented, made, concluded i!id agreed upon the day of , in the year of our Lord , between Anthony J^roivn, of, Wc. of the one part, and Conrad D'lce^ of, fe'c, of the other part, as folio weth : Firft, The faid Anthony Broivn^ in confideration of the funi of twelve hiindrtd dollars of lawful ntoney of the United States, to be paid as is herein after men- tioned and agreed, doth covenant and agree with the laid Conrad Dice^ that he the faid Anthony BroiDiz ihall and w ill, at the proper cofls and charges in the law, of the faid Conrad JJice, on or before, csV. next '■nfuing, by fuch conveyances, ways and means in the I nv, as the couiifcl of the faid Conrad Dice ihall rea- onable advife, devife and require, well and fufficiently grant, con\ey and aifure to the faid Conrad Dice, his heirs and ali.gns, or to whom he or they lliall appoint, and to fuch ufes as he or they fliall diredl:, all those viessuages, b'f. And the faid Conrad Dice for himfelf, his heirs, ex- ecutors and adminiftrators, doth covenant, promife and grant to and w ith the faid Anthony Jhown, his heirs and alTigns, that he the faid Conrad Dice ihall and will, on executing the laid conveyance or conveyances, pay or Cfiiilc to be paid to the laid Anthony Bro'Gjn, his 48 _ A G K E E M E N T- heirs or affigns, the faid fum o( tivche hundred dollars ^ as and for the piuchaie money for the laid messuage and premifcs ubo\e mentioned. And it ib further agreed b}^ and between the faid par^ ties to thefe prefents, that the faid Conrad Dicu^ his heirs andafligiis, ihall and may on or before, feV. next, enter into and upon tine iliid messuage and premifes, and from thence receive and take the rents, iffues and profits thereof, to his and their own ufes. And lallly, for the due performance of all and fmgu- lar the covenants and agreements aforefaid, the faid Anthony Broivnm^d Conrad Dice ^ do bind themfelves, their heirs, executors and adniinidrators, each to the other, his executors, adminiftrators and ailigns, in the penal fum of Mi' thousand four hundred dollars of lawful money of the United States, firmly by thefe prefents. In witnefs whereof the faid parties to thefe prefents have hereunto interchangeably * fet their hands and feals, the day and year abo\e written. Sealed and delivered in the prefencc of %\J^ Where diflicullies arife in making out a good title, the purchafer fliould not take pofiefTion of the eftate, until every obflacle is removed. Purchafers frequently take this ilep, under an imprelfion, tluU it gives them an advantage over the vendor ; but this is a falfe notion ; fuch a meafnre would, in moll cafes, be deemed an acceptance of the title. If, however, the objections to the tide be remedia- ble, and the purchafer bedehrous to enter on the eftate, he mav venture to do fo ; provided the vendor will fign a "memorandum, importing that the poiTeffion ta- » Wherx this word is inserted, it sllo^vs there ought to be two parts. A G R E E M E N T, 49 ixcn by' the purchaier, fliall not be deemed a waiver of the objeiitionisi to ihe i.ilk^ And a purchafer may Tafely take poffeflion of tiie elhite, at tlie time the eoiitract is entered into, as he cannot be held to have waived objeclions, ol uhieh he was not auiire ; and if the purchal'e cannot be con^p^et- ed o'.i acconnt of objections to the title, he will not be bound to pay any rent for the eitate, uniefs the occu- pation of ic has been beneficial to him. See Siigdcn 9. For sale of Household Goods, bV. as they shall he appraised. Articles, Sec. between Ann Rose, of, &:c. and Beii- ■amin Wlnsh'ip^ of, 8cc. It is hereby mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the parties to thefc prefents, that all and fm- gular the houfehold goods, utenfils and implements of houfehold furniture, which are the property of and belong to her the faid Ann liose, and now are about or belonging to a mefiuage now in her occupation, called, Sec. ihall at the joint and equal charge of them the faid parties, be appraifed and valued by Conrad ffise kind Daniel Little^ (being twoperfons chofen by the faid parties as appraifers for that purpofe) on or be- fore the tenth day of this instant, on or before which day they the faid appraifers (hall in writing, bv them ligned, give their valuation of the faid g'oods to the laid ])arties hereto ; and in cafe the faid apjjraifers ftiall dif- fer in fuc^h valuation, then they ihall ele;ht or commenced : And whereas it is apjrced by and between the f.iid parties, that if any fuch. action orattions, fuit or fuits be brought or commen- ced a.s>;ain{t any or either of them, at any time or times hereafter, that they and every of them do and ihall bear and pay their refpe^tive fliares and parts of the damac^es and colls thereof: Now thefe prefents uit- iiefs, that the faid Matthew Brown, Charles Dixon^ &c. and every of them, do hereby covenant, promiie and ai^ree, to and v.ith each other, that they the faid Matthew Brown, Charles Dixon, ^c. and every of them, their and every of their executors, adminillrators and aHigns, Ihall and will ])ay and bear their refpe(Stive equal Hiares and parts of all the colls and damapi^es of all and every fuch atlion and a61:ions, fuit and fuits, as at any time or times hereafter ihall or may be brou.^ht by or againil them, or any or either of them, lu wit- nefs, ^c. Between a Tradesman, and his Factor. Articles, bV. between Robert Cults, of, h\-. of the one part, 2ii\(\Itc7n Few, of, ^c. of the other part. Whereas the faid Bobert Ciitts, hath contraiSled and agreed with the faid Item Few, to employ him as a fac- tor ill J\'ew -Orleans, for him the faid Robert CnttSy for the vending, felling, and uttering of all fuch wares and merchandifes, as he the faid Robert Cutis fliall confign and fend unto the faid //iiy to him the faid Item Few, his, &c. the fum of, ccc per annum, and alfo the fum of, £^c. for porterage, ^nd other like charges. Ailb, that the faid Robert Cutts, l])al! not at any time during the laid five years, coniii^n, or fend unto the {did Item Few, any >\'ares, &:c. that ihall belons^ unto any other perfon or perlbns, but fuch as fliall properly belong to him the lliid Robert Cntts only. In witness, £cc. For the jnaking of Bricks. Articles of agreement indented. Sec. between, ,Tohn May, of &c. of the one part, and Obed CLiy, of, Ccc. of the other part, viz. The faid Obed Clay, for the conhderations h.ereun- der mentioned* doth hereby for himfelf, his executors and adminiftrators, covenant, contrail, and agree, to and with the faid John May, his executors, admlni- llrators and afilgns, as followeth, viz. That he the faid Obed Clay, his executors, admini- llrators, fervants, workmen, or alTigns, Huill and will within the fpace of seven months, to be accounted from the date hereof, at his and their own proper cofls and charges, and with good and fulficient materials, make or caufe to be made in the towndiip of P ----; 54 A G K £ E M E N T. for the faid John May ^ of c^ood, hard, well burnt and lawful bricks, to be all of them full four inches broad, full eiglu inches three-fourths long, and full two inches and a halt" thick when burnt off, and at his and their like charge, deliver, or caule the lame to be delivered, by fuoh parcels and quantities froin tiviie to time, *?t the boufe of the faid John May, at M'lddle- £o--wn, -IS tht fame ihall be demanded, or occafion Ihall req^fre^ for carr}dng on his buiidini^s there. In con- iidesaiion whereof, thef\id Join May, for himfelf, his exe€(5i:ors, adminifirators, and afiigns, doth covenant, promife, and agree, to and witli the faid Obed Clay, his execators, adminiftnitors and aifigns, that he the laid Ja/?/? il/i7y, his executors, adminiilrators and as- li^ss, fhall and will provide the ground and place wherein to dig the earth for, and to make the faid bricks upon, and a!fo truly pay, or caufe to be paid un- to thq faid ObedClay^ his executors, adminiilrators <5r alSgns, three dollars for every thouflind of the faid forkks to be made and delivered as aforefaid, via; ©ne hundred dollars, part thereof, after the faid Obed €hy has dvn^ three weeks in the ground towards mak- iii]!§^ the laid bricks, and upon the faid Obed Clay, and has foil Obed Clay, jun. giving their fecurity by bond^ fear the fame, till the value thereof fhall be delivered of '" -^1" taid bricks, to or for the fiid John May as aforefaid, ! •-■fter th.e value of the faid one hundred dollars fnali .Pi' to delivered in as aforefaid, then he and they fliali ajjii! will pay all the remainder of the faid money to ^mv rlae as aforefiid, as the refidue of the faid quan- tsty of bricks fliall be delivered in from time to time ; m\ if, after the faid quantities ihall be fo delivered, jQ>hn Rod, bricklayer, and John Oaks, carpenter, the workmen of the faid John May, Oiall judge and declare th& fiiul bricks to be bona fide worth of then- goodnefs, ^^r point ; and the fame fo fown or planted ihall in good A G R E E M E N T. Si hufband-Iike manner liiirrow or plough : And that he the faid Ju/jn Shcck, with tht: workmen to be furniihcd him by tiie laid Abel Pain^ Ihall, from time to time, durmg the term of three years, or fo long thereof as he iliall remain in the faid fervice of the laid Abel Pain, at fuafonable times in the year, in a good hulband-like manner gather, hufk and crib all the eorn, and reap, cut down, hik! (hock all the grain that ihall ftaiid, grow, or be in or upon the faid farm, or any part thereof, and do all other things that Iball be con- venient for making the lame iit to be houfed, and ther* Ihall fetch m and lay up the fame in the barn belong- ing to the farm : And alfo, wcil and fufficiently repair, maintain, leep and amend the fences and enclo- fures of or belonging to the faid farm and premifes, in, by, and wich ail needful and neceifary reparations andamendmenisduringtlK'faid term: And fliallandw ill manure all the meadows of the faid farm from the lirit day of April to the twenty- fi'-ft day of June, or fomuch longer every year during fo long of the f.iid term- of three years as he fhall contnuie in the faid feivice of the f lid Abrl Pain^ his executors or afiiii-ns, as Ihall be convenient for hay : And ihall and will alfo, atfcafon- able tmies in the year yearly, duriiig the H'id term in good and hufband-Iike manner, mow all the faid mea- dows, and in liUe manner make up all the hay, and fetch and carry ir from the faid meadow to the yard be- longing, to the faid farm, and there lay it up in a ihick or flacks : And iliali and w ill lay ail the dinig, foil and compofl, that fhall be made in or about the yards and out-houfes belonging to t;he faid farm, and fuch other dung and foil as ihe faid AbclPahi fliall buy or provide for that purpoie, to and upon fuch part of the lands and grounds of the faid farm as the iWK]Abel Pain or his executors or afa,^ns, lliall f om time to time dire Among Copartners^ to exercise but one Trade^ ^c Articles of agreement, made, concluded and agreed upon this , between Abel Atkins^ of — — , iron- monger ; Bion Bell, of the f^me place., ironmonger ; AGREE M E N T. 65 and Charle.^ Cre-iKi^ of ^, ironmonger, of the one part; 'dwd T/jaina$ Ciew^oi — — , gcnilcmun, of the other part, u^ follow s ; Whereas, i^y indenture tripartite, bearing eveB diite herewith, made bctu cen the faid Abel Atkins^ of the firil part ; the faid Bion BcU, of the fecond part ; and the laid Charles Crew^ of the third part : the laid vhich the faid Charles Crcvo therein covenants to pay them at the times and upon the continj^encies therein mentioned, have agreed to take and admit the faid Charles Crciv into copartnerfliip with them in the joint trade or buiinefs of an ironmonger, hardware- man, toyman, mcrchiint, manufac\nrer, dealer and chapman, from the — day of— next, for and during the term of twenty-one years, determinable at the ex- piration of the firlt fourteen years thereof, in manner therein meiitioned : And for furnilhing the faid joint trade with a fufficient capital, they the faid parties did thereby agree to bring in and put together in equal proportions, in money and goods belonging to the fai.'l trade, thcfumor value of , on or before the firil day of January next, for their fcveral fnares and pro- portions of the capital thereof : And it was thereby (amongll other things) declared and agreed. That the faid joint (lock, and all the profit, benefit, and advan- tage accruing from the faid joint trade, Ihould, during the continuance of the faid copartnerfliip, be had and received by the faid partners in equal proportions . And that each of them the faid partners aiiii;lu annually take outof the profits of the faid copartn jriliip trade tlie fum of , for his own private ufc, as in and by the faid recited indenture, relation being thereto had, may appear: And whereas the faid Thomas Crciv^ having agreed to ac'.vance and lend his brother, the faid Char lea Crciv^ the fum of , part of the money \\ hich he [ 9] 66 A G R E E M E N T» hath agreed to bring into the faid trade, and pay the i'Aid Abel J tkms and^ic;zi?£'//asaforefaid, hath there- fore requefted the laid Abel Atkins and Bion Belly that they will, together v/ith the faid Charles Cre%Vy under- take not to carry on in copartnerlhip any trade or bufi- nefs other than as aforefaid : And that the neat efiate of the faid copartnerfiiip, after difcharging the feverai debts owing by the faid partners in refpe«5l thereof, fhall always amount to the full fum or value of ; and likewife to \)ennit JDaiiid Dew^ of , efquire, in behalf of the faid Thomas Crew^ to have free accefs andrecourfe at his pieafure tothecounting-houfe,war€- houfes, and other places, wherein the faid copartner- fiiip trade fliall be carried on, and to perufe the books of account relatir.g thereto, and to infpe6l into the. fliares and circumftances of the faid copartnerfliip trade, to which the faid Abel Atkins and Bio/i Bell, as well as the faid Charles Creii}, have contented : And the faid Charles Crevo hath likewife agreed to leave in the hands of the faid Abel Atkins and Bion Bell, fo much of the annual fum of , which he hath liber ty to take out of the profits of the faid copartnerlliip trade, as will be fufficient to pay the intereilof the mo- ney he fliall then owe the faid Thomas Crevj, which money the faid Abel Atkins and Bion i/^// will accord- ingly pay to the faid Thomas Crew : Now therefore witnefs thcfe prefents : And the faid Abel Atkins, Bion Bell, and Charles Crero, do hereby for themfclves feve- rally covenant, promife and agree to and with the faid Thomas Crew, his executors and adminiflrators, in the manner following, that is to fay. That they the faid A- bcl Atkins, Bion Bell, and Charles Crew, fhall not nor will carry on in copartnerlhip any trade or bufmefs other than thetrade or bnhnefs of an ironmonger, hard- wareman, toyman, merchant, manufa61urer, dealer and chapman, without the confent in writing of the faid Thomas Crcw^ for that purpofe : And that the clear AGREE M E N T. 67 aJKl neat eftale and effccls of the faid copaitnerlhip or joint trade, after difchurjj;ini; the fevcral debts owing by the faid j)artners in refpect thereof, fliall always a- moLint to the full fum or Aalue of . iAnd alfpthat they the fliid.'/ZW Aik'nis, BiouBell^n^ Charles Crc^cc^ iha'll and will from time to time, during the continu- ance of the laid copartnerlhip, permit and fufier the faid Da'uid Dcu\ on behalf of the faid Thomas Crew, his executors and adminiflrators, to have free ingrefs and rcgrefs, at all fcafonable times, into and from the count- ing-houfe, ware-houfes, ai^d other places, wherein the faid copartnerlhip trade fliall be carried on, and to ex- amine all and every the books of account^ and to in- fpecl into the circumlhmces of the faid partnerfhip trade, in order to judge of the Hate and proceedings of the laid copartnerlhip trade : And that he the faid Charles Crew Ihall and will from time to time permit rnd fuffer fo much and fuch part of the faid annual fum of , which he is empowered to take to liis own. ufe out of the profits of the f\iid copartnerfhip or joint trade as afoicfuid, as Ihall be fufiicient to pay the inte- reft of the money he Ihall then owe, the faid Thomas Crcw^ to remain in tlie hands of the faid Abel Atkins and Jiion Bell for that purj)ofe, which money they the faid Abel Atkins and Bion /jV// Ihall and will Vvcll and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid Thomas Crew, his executors or adminiftrators, immediately after the fame fliall from time to time be fo leftintheii hands by the faid Charles Crew as aforefaid : And al- Jb, that he the faid Charles Crew, ihall not nor will at any time or times, fo long as the faid fum, or any part thereof, fliall remain due to the faid Thomas Crew. take and appro])riate to his own pri\ate ufe out of the laid partncrfliip fiock or profits any larger or greater fum than the faid annual fum of ; nor fliall they the faid Abel Atkins and Bion Bell voluntarily confent to permit the faid Chares Crew fo to do, without the 68 AGREEMENT. leave and confent of the MCi Thomas Crew, his execu- tors or adminiftrators, in writing th 11 had and obtained for that parpoie. In vvitnefs, &c. Ben^ecn Brothers^ for dhidlng Money, ^c. Articles of a'^reement, indented, made, conchided, and fully as^reed upon, this -- — -, between Abel AmoSy of -, wea'Der, of the one part : and Brian Amos, of the Jatne place, u'^^Ttr, brother of the laid Abel Amos y of the other part, \Vhereas Charles Amos, deceafed, late father of the faid Abel Amos and Brian Ajjios, parties to ihefe pre- fents, by his laft will and teilament in writmjj, bearing date on or about the , did, amongll other things, >vill and diredl, that — dollars, part of his perfonal ellate, lliould be laid out by his executor thereinafter named, in fuch of the public flocks or fecurities as ihould be dircRed and appointed by Thomas Sno%Vy of ' -, esquire ; Thomas Haines, of , gentleman, and Henry Crosby, of -, broker, histruilees there- Snafter appointed, or by the furvivors or furvjvor of them, his executors or adminiftrators ; w hich ftocks or fecurities fo to be purchafedwith the laid dollars, fliould be afflfjned and transferred unto the joint names of the faid Thomas Sncw, Thomas Haines and Htnry Crosby, or unto the name or names of the furvivors or furvivor of them, his executors or adminiftrators, up^ on truft and confidence neverthelcfs, and to the intent and purpofe that they the faid Thomas Snoiv, Thomas Haines and Henry Crosby, or the furvivors or furvivor of them, or the executors or sdmnhftrators of fuch fur- vivor, during fo long of the term of the natural life of his M'ife Catharine Amos, as (he fliould continue his widow and unmarried, ihould pay and difpofe of ail A G R £ E M E N T. 69 the yearly intercll, dividentls and profits of the faid ilocks and fecurities unto her his faid wife, or permit the liime to be received by her, lor her own ufe : And upon further trull, that in cafe his faid wife Ihould'Con- tinue his widow and unmarried to the time of her de- ceafc, then immediately after her dcceafe the f:ad trus- tees, and the farvivois or furvivor of them, his execu- tors or adminillrators,lh.ould transfer and uHii^n orcaufe to be transferred and ariip;ncd ail the faid Hocks and fe- curities io to be purchafed with, or to arifefrom the faid dollars, and pay and apply all the yearly dividends, intereil and profits thereof, uiuo, or lor the l)enefit of fuch one or both of his for.s, the aibrefaid ^/'c/ Amos and Bricm Awos^ or of all and every, or any one or more of the child or children of the body or bodies of his faid fons, or either of them lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, at fucli time or times, and in fuch man- ner, parts, lliares, and proportion.s to each and every or any of them, as his faid wife Catbi'mc Anios^ by any writing under her hand and fea!,' attelled by two or more credible Avitnelfes, or by her lail will in writing, attelled as aforefaid, ihould direct, limit or appoint. And for want of fuch dire61ion, limitation or appoint- ment, then unto or equally Ixtween his faid fons, if then liring, or if cither or both of them fliould be then dead, leaving any iifue which might furvive his faid wife, then fuch child or children of either of his fons fo dying to have their tarher's part, and in cafe either of his faid fons fliould die without leaving any ilfue who might furvive his faid wife, i\wx\ his part or ihare to go to his furviving brother, or his iffue ; and appoint- ed his fon the faid Abel Anios, folc executor of his faid will, as by the faid will duly proved bv the faid ex- ecutor in , (rehition being tliereto had', may ap- pear. Now witnefs thefe prefents, that for preventing all difputes and controveriics that may happen or arife Isetween the faid Abel Amos and Brian Amos, after 70 AGREEMENT. the deceafe of their mother, the nforefaid Cat banns- Amos^ they the faid Abel Amos and Jirian Amos, do. hereby for themfelves feverally and refpe6livcly, and ibr their feveral and refpcclivc heirs, executoi s, and adminillrators^Tniitually and reciprocally covenant, pro- inife and agree, to and with each other, his execntors, adminiftrators and afTigns, that as to for and concern- ing the faid fiim of dollars, fo diretled to be laid out by the will of their faid late father, notwithftanding any direction, limitation, or appointment already made and executed tliereof,or hereafter to be made or execut • ed thereof, by their laid mother, in purfuance of the pow- er to her given by the faid will, the faidfuni of dol- lars, and the fecurities in which the fame is or fliall be Tefled, (hall go, remain, and be applied to, and be had, received, and enjcyed by fuch pcj fon and peribns only (and no oiher than) as by the faid Mill of their faid late father, thf fame is given or devifed to, for want or m default of any direction, limitation, or appointment be- ing thereof made by the faid Catharine A?7ws, his wife,, and in the fame manner to all intents and puipofes, as if the faid Catharine Amos^ their mother, had never made or executed any fuch appointment, or ihoulddie "without executing her faid power= And that neither of them the faid Abe! Amos and Brian Amos, their ex-, ecutors or adminiftrators, fliall or will have, claim, challenge, or take any benefit or advantage of or by any dire6lion, limitation, or appointment that fliall be luade of the faid dollars, by their faid mother, but the fame fliall be confidered as undifpofed of by her, to a^l intents and purpofes whatever. And that as to al! and fmgnlar the goods, chattels and perfonal eftates ofher the faid Catharijie Amos, notwithltanding imy bequells or difpofition flie iliall or may make there- of by her lafl will and teflament, unto or in favor of either of them the faid Abel Amos c\n(\ Brian Amas^ fuch will fo far as it fliall concern either of them, fliall A G R E E M E N T. 71 Le held of none efie^^ ; and all and every legacy and be- qiiclts, iiun and lums of money thereby given to them, or either of them refpeclively, Ihall go and be diftribut- ed and divided aoeording to the llauite for dillribution of intellates eihues, in fueh and the fame manner as if llie the laid Catharine Amos had died without making -i.ny will orbequell thereof uhatfoever. In witncfb, &.e» For letting a House^ ^Sc, Agreed the day of , between Join Barnes^ of, ^c. of the one part, and James Pngb^ of, bV. of the other part, as followeth, viz. The faid John Barnes doth let unto the faid James Plight and he takes all that^ fcPtr. for one year from the first day oi January next^ and for fuch longer time af- er the expiration of the faid one year, as both the faid parties fliall agree, and until the end of three months after notice fliall be given by either of the faid parties to the other of them for leaving the faid premifes, at and for the yearly rent of dollars, to be paid quar- terly on the tirit Mondays in April, July, Otlober and January, by even and equal portions, which faid \carly rent the laid James Piigh duth hereby for him- felf, his executors aiKJ adminiilratcrs, covenant and a- '^ree to pay the faid John Barnes [^if freehold say"] and his heirs, \_but ij otherviise say'\ executors, adminiftra- tors and alligns, accordingly, for fo long time a5 he ihall hold and enjoy the faid premifes as aforefaid, and until the end of the faid three months next after notice Ihall be given by either of the faid parties, to the other of them, for leaving the faid premifes as aforefaid. In ^ituefs, t*V, 72 A G R E E M E N T. For the purchase of Cord-vooocl^ cTj. It is agreed and concluded upon b)' and betvcen the faid parties hereunto, and the laid Thomas Stiles hath bargained and fold, and by thefe prefents doth, ^c. un- to the i- if they the laid Daniel Dan-can and Benjaviin Dec QkiII both fo long live, iliall and will (at the now dwelling- houfe of him the faid Daniel Duncan, lituate, &c. or at fuch other place or places, if by him the faid Daniel Duncan, froiti time to time fo required, order- ed and dire6\cd) work as a journeyman, and well and truly and faithfully ferve him the faid Daniel Duncan, in the bnfmefs of a mill-wright, carpenter, joiner, tur- ner, and in all fuch other arts, myfteries, and work, tis he the faid Benjamin Doe now is or fliall be any wavs capable of doing or performing, during the term afore- faid, and that according to the bell of his the faid Beji- janiin Doc'^s ability, knowledge, and judgment there- in ; and that he the faid Benjamin, Doe during- the con. r 10] 74 AGREE i\I E N T. tinuance of the faid term, fliall 3^early work and per- form the trade or bufinefs aforefaid for him the faid JJaniel Duncan^ inmdnwtr as kAlows^ viz. From the twenty-fifth day of March to the twenty-ninth day of September, from the hours of fix in the morning to fix in the evening, and from the tw enty-ninth of Septem- ber to the twenty-fifth of March, from day Hght to day- light, and that daily, (fickncfs, Sundays, fix days at Chriftmas, one at Whitfuntide, one at Eafi.er, the Fourth day of July, and fuch days as he may be laM ful- ly required to muiler as a militia man, and ufual hours of breakfall and dinner, only allowed, and excepted :) And further, that he the faid Benjamin Doe^ during the term aforefaid, fliall not at any time abfent himfelf from fuch fervice of the faid Daniel Dime an ^ nor Mork, do or perform any part of the faid trade or bufinefs aforefaid, for the ufe or benefit of any other perfon or perfons whomfoever, uidiout the confent of him the laid Daniel Duncan^ firft had in writing for that pur- pofco For Sailors to sail in a Ship^ ^c. Know all men by thefe prefents, That we who havfe fubfcribed our names, or made our marks, and fet our feals hereunto, do feverally, but not jointly, nor on'e for the other, declare and agree we have feverally fliip- ped ourfelves on board the faid sbip Dauphin^ captain NoahSommers^ commander, now in the river Dela- 'ware, and bound for Demarara, and from thence to Portsmouth^ and back to Philadelphia, at and for the feveral wages mentioned herein, and inferted againfl our feveral rsames hereunder fubfcribed ; and we do fe- verally, but not jointly, nor one for the other, agree, that fuch of us as fliall depart from and leave the faid ship during her faid intended voyage, and fliall not per- AGREEMENT, 7$ ibrm the fame, (inevitable accidents excepted,) our ex- ecutors, adminiftrutois, and uilij^ns, Ihall not, nor will be entitled to, nor w ill have or claim any wages or pay- that may arife or become due to luch of us as fhall fo leave or depart from, the laid Ih.ip during her whole voyage, under the command of the faid mailer or his fuccellbrs, or the fervice of the owner or owners there- of, but that in fuch cafe the wages of fuch of us as (liall defert from or leave the laid ihip, fliall be abfolutely loft and forfeited by virtue of thefe prefents. In wit- nefs, &c. Another. We who have hereunto fet our hands and feals, be- ing hired as mariners to ferve on board the Ihip Monky burthen tons, whereof K'llian Handspike is mailer, in her intended voyage to Lherpool^ do hereby feverally, in confideration of our wages to grow due to us refpcQively, covenant and agree to and with the faid Kdian Handspike^ that each of us reipe6lively will ferve on board, and continue in and with the faid fliip during- her faid intended voyao;e, and until her return and difcharge therefrom into the port of AVw- For ^', or to fome other port of delivery, without departing from or leaving the faid (hip or the fervice thereof,u.nder the penalty to forfeit and lofe our refpe^livc wages to s:ro\v due for our fervice in the laid Ihip, by virtue of thefe prefents, which in fuch cafe lliall be pleaded and allow- ed as a bar and difcharge of, for, and from the wages' pavable, or to become due to fuch of us as lliall de- oM'f r,nnT or leave the fiiip as aforefaid. 76 A G R E E M E N T. JBetween a- Master and a Journeyman or hired Seriiant. Articles of agreement indented, ^^'c. bttwceli. JViU Ham So Lilt, of the one part, and. IViUiam Man^ of the other part, as foiloweth, that ib to -fay : The fi\id TVm. Man, for the eonfideration hereunder mentioned, doth covenant, proniife and agree, to and v/ith the faid IVm. Sotdt, his executors, adminiftrators and alTigns, by thefe prefents, in manner follo\ving, that !s to {liv,^ That he the faid JFm. Man, Pr.all and will become fervant unto and diligently ferve, abide and continue uith the faid IVvi. Soult his executors, adminiflrators and afiigns, from the date of thefe pre- fents, for and during and unto the full end and term of » years now next enfuino-, as his and their covenant fervant, and diligently and faithfully, according to the beft and utmoft of his power, ikill and knowledge, ex- ereifeand employ himfelf in, and fliall and will during the faid term, do and perform all fuch fervice and bu- fmefs whatfoever, as well relating to the trade afurefiiid which the faid JVm. Soult now ufeth, as in and about any other bufuiefs, matter and thing whatfoever, as the faid Wm. Soult fliall from time to time .order, direct and appoint, to and for the moll profit and advantage of the faid JVm. Soult, that he can ; and fnall and will keep the fecrets of the faid Wm. .So z//r, relating to the faid trade and buhncfs ; and likewife be jidt, true and faithful to the faid JVm. Soult, in all matters and things, and no ways wrongfully detain, embezzle or purloin anv monies, goods or things \\hatfoever belong- ing to the faid IJ^m. Soult, and alfo (ball and \\\\\ keep jnft, true, and faithful accounts in the books of the faid IVm. Soult, of all the goods bought and fold, monies received and pciid, and of all other things whatfoever relating to the bufmefs of the faid JFm. Soult, as fhall t:oixie to be committed to his care, management or dif- AG RE EMEN T. 77 pofal ; and from time to time pay all monies m hich he ihall receive of or bclont2;ing lo or by the order of the iaid //w. 6'oz/// into his hands, and make and gi\c up true and fair ac^.counts of all liis a6lings and doings whatfoever in his faid employment w ithout fraud or delay, when and as often ai he Ihall be thereto requir- ed. And in conhderation of the premifes, and of the I'everal matters and things by the faid /At??. J/uW, to be performed as aforefaid, the faid iriii, Soult doth for himfelf, his executors and adminiltrators covenant and agree to and with the faid IFni. Mmi, by thefe prefents, that he the faid JFm. Suult^ his executors and admin- iftrators, (hall and will find and provide unto and for the faid fP^m. Man, in his dvelling-houfe, meat, drint, wadiing and lodging ; and alfo v.-ell and truly pay nr caufe to be paid unto the faid IV 771. Man. his execu- tors o\ afligns, the fum or falary of dollars per annum, for the firft years,~£s?c. by equal quarter- ly payments ; and ihall and will allow the faid JFnj. Mon, fuch reafonable expenfes in and about the bufi- nefs aforefaid, as he the faid JFm. Soiilt fh'al! think fit ; and the faid parties do mutually covenant and agree to and with the other, viz. That if the faid.//'';w. Soult Ihall not be willing to continue the faid IFm. Man ii\ his fervice after the expiration of the faid years» or if the faid JFm. Mtni'^ fiiall not be wiliirig to ferve and continue M'ith the faid /Fm, Soti/t, after the expi- ration of the faid years, in either of the faid cafes, the faid parties lliall and will give t/jrcc months notice of fnch their minds and intention befo«: the expiration of the faid term. \^Pcnalty 'as bcjore.'^ In witntfs, ^8 AGREEMENT. For engaging a Person to rebuild Mills^ at certain iveekly, IFages. Articles of agreement indented, ^c. between Eli Bern- on .> of , Cyrus Donne^ of — , and EUhu JFox , of , of the one pmt ; and George Iloax^ of . , of the other part. Fiift. The liiid George Hoax, for the confiderations Iiereinaiter mentioned and txprelfed, doth covenant, promifc and aj^-ree, to and with the faid JLli Benson^ Cyrus Doane and Elihu Fux^ and each and every of them, their, and each and every of their executors, ad- miniitrators and afiigns, that he the faid George Hoax^ iliail, on or before the next enfuing the day of the date of thefe prefents, ,^o to Milhrstoivn, and there in a e^ood and workmanlike manner, according to the beftof his art and fkill, by and with the dire(?tions of the faid Eli Benson^ Cyrus Doane^ and Elihu Fox, or one of them, well and fufficiently rebuild, or caufe to be rebuilt, the mills of ^c. with fuch materials and workmen to be employed under him, as they the faid Eli Benson, Cyrus Doane^ and Elihu Fox, or any of them, their, or any of their executors, adminiftrators or afiigns, lliall find, appoint, and provide, for the fame. In confideration whereof, they the faid Eli Benson, Cyrus Doane and Elihu Fox, do hereby for them- felves, .their and every of their heirs, executors and.ad- miniftrators, covenant, promife, and agree, to and with the faid George Hoax, well and truly to pay, or caufe to be paid to the faid George Hoax, his executors, admi- niRrators or affit^ns, for all fuch time as he fhall be em- ployed by them the faid Eli Benson, Cyrus Doane iind Elibu ■ Fox. or ?iuy of them, in rebuilding the mills- aforefaid, weekly and every week, the wages of wme- dollars a week, and i^o in proportion for a lefs time than AGREEMENT, 79 a 'U*€ek, to be paid to liim the fa'ul George Iloax^ by the faid lili Benson^ Cyrus Doane^ and 7l//- hu FoXy Ibnie or one of them, at Afil/erstown. And alio, that they the faid Fii Boison^ Cyjiis Doaue and Elihu Fox^ fome or one of them Ihall ml will pay, or caufc to be paid, to the faid George lloax^ over and above the wages aforefaid, the fum of dollars, for his expcnfes in going to and returning from the faid mills at Mil/erstowji. And laftly, the laid George Hoax^ doth covenant, promife and agree, to and with the faid Eli Benson^ Cyrus Doane^ and Eli- hu Fux^ their executors, adminiftrators and afligns, and every of them, by thefe prefents, that he the laid George Hoax^ fhall not abfent himfelf nor depart from the work and rebuilding aforefaid, without leave in writing, firll had and obtained from the faid llli Ben- son^ Cyrus Doane and Elihu 7'ox, fome or one of them, for the doing thereof, on pain of forfeiting for every day of fuch abfence the fum of dollars, to be Hop- ped and dedu6\ed by the faid Eli Benson^ Cyrus Doane md Elihu Fox^ fome or one of them, their, fome or one of their executors, adminiftrators or afligns, out of the wages aforefaid. In witnefs, bV. For performing BricMayers and Plasterers ivork in building a House, Agreed bV. between /hnos Kent^ of, bV. of the one part, and IVin Bar^ of, £;'<:. of the other part, as follow- eth, that is to fay : The faid iVin Bar^ for the confiderations hereunder mentioned, doth, for himfelf, his executors and admin- ilh'ators, covenant, promife and agree, to and with the faid Amos Kent^ his executors, adminiftrators and as- figns, as followeth, that is to fay : That he the faid IP^in Bar^ his executors, adminiftrators, workmen or 80. AGREEMENT. aiTigns, ui fuiTicient and workmanlike manner at ina and their own charges, with the materials to be for that parpoie provided b}^ the laid Amos Kent, Ihall andwill do and perform, ail the work and workmanlhip belong- ing to the bricklayer and plallerer, in and about the creeling and building of one good and fubilantial new meftliageor tenement, in the room and place whereon lateiy Hood a certain meiruage or tenement belonging to the iaid 4>JiQS Kcnt^ late in the occupation o^ Isaac Lee, fituate in Lancaster, and will build the fame in fuch manner, and fuch thicknefs of walls, height or ilories, and fuch and io many lights, chimnies and con- veniences, and in fuch manner, and will do and per- form fuch ornamental work about the faid building as the faid Amos Kent, his executors or aligns Ihall or- der and direct ; and that he the faid tljn Bar, will ufe his utmolt care in working up the faid Amos Kenfs ma- terials for the faid building to the moil advantage, and. will alfo pay and difchargeailhisfaid workmen \0 be em . ployed in and about the fame; and will completely finiih all the faid work and workmanfliip belonging to the bricklayer and plallerer for building the faid intended meliLiage, on or before the next ^nfuing the date hereof: In confideration of which faid works fo to be done and performed as aforefaid, he the fi«d Amos Kent for himfelf, his executors, adminiilrators and as- figns, doth covenant, promife and agree, to and with the faid IF'in Bar, his executors, adminiilrators and aHigns, by thefe prefents, that he the {-ahiXAmos Kent, his executors, adminiilrators and aliigns, Ihall and will well and truly pay qr caufe to be paid unto the faid Win Bar, his executors, adminiilrators and aiTigns, for all fuch work which ihall be by him and them done and performed in and about the faid buikling, ornamental work excepted, at and after the rate of per yard, for every yard which the faid work fliall meafure, accounting three feet fcjuare for every A G R E E M E N T. 81 yard, and in full for all the faid ornamental work ib to be done and peri'oinied as aforelaid, and will pay ?^11 the faid money in manner following, viz. In witnefs, £vV. Articles ofCG-partnefslAp^ hetnoeen nvo Tradcsiiien, Articles of agreement, fi'c. Firft of all the faid Abel Broivn and Peter Moor have agreed, and by thcfe prefents do agree to become co- partners together in the art or trade o{ painting, and all things thereto belong- ing, and alfo in buying, felling, vending and retailing all forts of wares, goods and commodities belong- ing to the faid trade o[painti?ig ; which faid co-part- ncrlliip it is agreed (liail continue from , for and during, and unto the full end and term of ten years, from thence next enfuing, and fully to be complete and ended. And to that end and purpofe he the faid .-Ibel Brown, hath tlie day of the date of thefe prefents deli- vered in as llock, the fum of , and the faid Peter Moor, the fum of , to be \)'iC(\^ laid out, and em- pio3'ed in common between them, for the management of the faid trade iy^ painting, to their utmoll benefit and advantage. And it is hereby agreed between the faid parties, and the fiid co-partners each for himfelf re- fpedilively, and for his own particular part, and for his refpeclive executors and adminifb-ators, doth co-- vcnant, promife and agree each with the other of them, his refpedive executors and adminiftrators, by thefe prefents, in manner and form following, that is to lay : That they tlie faid co-partners ftiall not, nor will at nny time hereafter, ufe, exercife or follow the trade of painting aforefaid, or any other trade whalfoever, dur- ing the faid term, tothcirprlvatc benefit and advantage ; but (hall and will, from time to time, and at all times [ 11] 82 AGREEMENT. dviring the faicl term, (if they fliall fo long live,) do their, and each of their bell and utmoll endeavors, in and by all nieans poffible to the utmoll of their ikiil and povrer, for their joint interell, profit, benefit and advantage : and truly employ, buy, fell and merchan- dife with the llock as aforefaid, and the increafe there- of in the trade of painting aforefaid, without any iin- iiler intentions or fraudulent endeavors whatfoever. And alfo, that they the faid co-partners fliall and will, from time to time, and at ail tmies hereafter during the faid term, pay, bear and difcharge equally between them the rent of the fliop, which they the faid co-part- ners (liall rent or hire for the joint exerciling or mana- ging the trade aforefaid. And that all fuch gain, pro- fit and increafe, that Ihail come, grow or arife, for or by reafon of the faid trade or joint buiinefs as aforefaid. fliall be from time to time during the faid term, equal- ly and proportionably divided between them the faid co-partners, Ihare and fliare like. And alfo, that all fuch loffes as fliall happen in the faid joint trade, by bad debts, ill commodities or otherwife, without fraud or covin, fliall be paid and borne equally and propor tionably between them. And further, it is agreed by and between the faid co-partners, that there fliall be had and kept from time to time, and at all times during the faid term and joint bufinefs and co-partnerfliip toge- ther as aforefaid, i)erfe6l, jult and true books of ac- counts, Vv'herein each of the faid co-partners fliall duly enter and fet down, as well all money by him received, paid, expended and laid out, in and about the manage- ment of the faid trade, as alfo all wares, goods, com- modities and merchandifes by them, or either of them, bought and fold by reafon or means, or upon account of the faid co-])artnerniip, and all other matters and things whatfoever to the faid joint trade, and the man- agement thereof in any wife belonging or appertaining, which faid books fliall be ufed in common between the AGREEMENT. 8i faid co-partners, fo that cither of them may have free accefs thereto without any interruption of the other. And alfo, that they the faid co-partners once in three months, or oftner if need Ihall require, upon th^ rca- fonablc rcquell: of one of tliem, Ihall make, yield and render, each to the other, or to the executors and j^- minillrators of each other, a true, juft, and perfect ac- count of all profits and increafe, by them, or either of them m:ule, and of all lollcs by thera or cither of them fultained, and alfo of ail payments, receipts, dilburfe- ments, and all other thiui^s whatloevcr, by tliem made, received, difburfed, a^led, done or fuffered in the faid co-partnerlhip, and joint bufmefs as aforefaid ; an.d the fame account lb made, ihall and will clear, adjull, pay and deliver each unto the other at the time of making fuch account, their equal (hares of the profits fo made as aforefaid : And at the tnd of the faid term of ten years, or other fooner determination of thefe prefents (be it by the death of one of the faid partners or other- wife) they the laid co-partners, each to the other, or in cafe of the death of either of them the furviving party, to the executors or adminiflrators of the party deceaf- ed, flvall and will make a true, juft and final account of all things as aforefaid, and divide the profits, aforelaid, and in all things well and truly adjuft the fame, and that alfo upon the making of fuch final account, all and every the ftock and ilocks, as well as the gains and in- creafe thereof, which (hall appear to be remaining, whether conhlting of mjoney, wares, dei>ts, &c. (hall be equally parted and divided between them, the faid: co-partners, their executors or adminiflrators, fliare and fliare alike. Liwitnefs, Sec, U AGREE M £ N 1^: Articles cf Marriage. Articles of agreement of three parts indented, made, i^c. between Abel Bcek, of — — , of the firll part, Es- ther Dos, of daughter of, ^c. of the fecond part, and Charles Doe, of — — , and Enoch Fcsset, of , of the third part, as folio weth : Whereas the faid Esther Doe is fei^ed to her, and to her heirs in fee fimple, of and in certain lands, mes- fuages or teiiements, with their appurtenances, lituate, ]3ing and being, ^c. And whereas a marriage is Ihort- ly intended to be had and folemnized between the laid Abel Beck and Esther Doe, with whom the fiiid Abel Beck is to have and receive dollars in money, over and befides the lands, feV. above mentioned, as iind for her marriage portion ; it is therefore covenant- ed and agreed by and between the faid parties to thefe prefentSj in manner and form Ibllowing, that is to ftiy : Firft, the faid Abel Beck for himfelf, his heirs, exe- cutors and adminiftrators, doth covenant and agfee to and with the iliid Charles Doe and Enoch Fessct, their heirs and aifigns, that they the faid Abel Beck and Est. her Dee, his" intended wife, in cafe the faid intended inarriage fhall be had and folemnized, by ibme good and fufficient conveyance or conveyances in the law, fliall fetde and allure all thofe lands, mefTuages or ten- ements, with the appurtenances whereof fhe the faid Esther Doe is feized as aforciaid, on and to the laid Charles Doe and Enoch Fesset, to the ufe and behoof of the laid Abel Beck, and his aifigns, during the term of his natural life; and from and after the deceafe of the h\(\ Abel Beck, then to the uic and behoof of the faid Esther Doe, his faid intended wife, for and during the term of her natural life ; and from and after her de- ceafe, then, to the ufe and behoof of the heirs of the; A G K i: E M E N T. 85 body of the laid Esther Doc, by the faid Jbd Bcck^ lawl'ully to be begotten ; and for the dciault of'iueh is- fue, then to the ule and beiiooiorthe laid Enthcr Doe^ her heirs and alhgns, for ever, and to and for lio other life, intent or pur[.oie whatfoever. And whereas the laid Eatbe)' Doc, is alfo pofrcfTcd of or interelled in, for the remainder of a temi uf nine- t) -nine years ;,if ilie flialifo long livejall that melfuage or tenement, wiih the appurienances, lituale, iit feized or poifeired of an cltate fufiicicnt to make a 86 AGREEMENT. jointure for the fakl Esther Doe, his intended v/iie, equivalent to her fortune, the faid Abel Beck, doth for himfelf, his heirs, executors and admhiiftrators, cove- nant, f^rant and agree to and with the faid Charles Doe and Enoch Ecsset, their heirs and aiVig'ns, that in cafe the faid intended marriage Ihall take effecl (and left he the faid .'i3th on the day of the day hereof, delivered unto the faid Alwl KnoXy liowen Lynch, Uc. the feveral deeds or m ritings fol- lowing, viz. — ; the receipt of all which faid writings they the faid Abel Knox, ^c. do hereb)- acknowledge, and thereof acquit and for ever difcharge the faid Enos Snow den, by thefe prefents. And therefore, they the faid Abel Jvnox. 8rr. for themfeUes, their and each of their executors and a(!minillrators, do jointly and feve- rally covenant, promiie and agree, to and with the faid Enos Snoivden, his executors and adminiftrators, by thefe prefents, that they the faid Abel Knox, ^c. their heirs, executors, or adniinillrators, or feme of them, fliall and will from time to time, and at all times here- after, well and fulficiently fare harmkfs and keep in- demnified the faid Enos Snoivden, ^c. his ^c. from and againfl all manner of coils, charges, exnenfes and AGREEMENT. livery thereof as afore faid : And likewife that they the faid ylbel Knox\ ^c. their &c. Ihall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, upon the requtrft of the faid Enos Snowden, his &c. produce and lliew, or caule to be produced, all or any of the faid deeds or writings, in any court or courts of record as occafiQD fhail require, in afuit now dependiniz; between, the faid Enos Snow den, and Filbert Lamb^ &c. In vritnefs, &g. For Freight to a place hetivcen the Master of a Sbip^ mid a Merchant. Agreed, ?cc. between IVill'iam Murphy^ of , mafter of ihe fhip Ganges^ burthen of about tons, now at anchor in , and forthwith bound out on a voyage to Havanna, of the one part ; and John Jackson^ of , merchant, of the other part, as foUoweth, that is to fay : The faid Wm. Murphy, mafler, for the confideration hereunder mentioned, doth hereby for himfelf, his ex- ecntors and adminiftrators, covenant, promife and a- gree, to and with the faid John Jackson^ merchant, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, that the faid (hip fhali -R-ith all expedition be made ready, and provided in all refpc6ls, fitting for fuch a fhip, and the voyage aforefaid, and fliall receive and take aboard her, for the iA\^ merchant, [name the goods,'] and w'whm tvjenty daj's after the date hereof, fhall fet fail and depart from , outwards, and wind and weather ferving, fhall fail direclly tnHa^anna, and withinyfi;^' days after her arrival thee, fliall iniladeand deliver the fame unto the faftorsor alTigns of the faid merchant, (the dangers of the fea, enemies, and the reftraint of princes and rulers always excepted :) 2LX\(\i\iQ lAid merchant for himfelf,. A P P O I N T M E N T. 95 >.is executors or afrui;ns, doth hereby covenant and a- gree to and with the laid mailer, his executors and as- lii^ns, that he the laid merchant, his executors, fudors or alligns, Ihall or will lade or tender the laid \the goods,^ to be laden on board the laid Ihip, and receive aiid dil'charge the fame from aboard her at Haiianna^ within the rclpeclive times therefor limited ; and will truly pay, orcauleto be paid unto the S.,i\i\ master^ his executors or alhgns, lor IVeii^ht thercofat and alter the rate of ten dollars per ton, immediately after a right difcharire and delivery thereof at Haiicmna aforefaid, with primage and average, accultomed, and two third parts of all port charges to grow due during the faid voyage, the other third part \hereof to be paid by tlte iaid mafler. {^Penalty as before.'] In witnefs, 8cc. :^ppointment* > Of a Guardian by a Father for his Son, KNOW all men by thefe prefents, that I Mel Bear, of -7— » l^ave committed and difpofed, and by thefe prefents do commit and dilpofe unto Peter Dexter^ of — ^ — , the cuilody, tuition and education of my fon Richard. Bcar^ from and Immediately afier my deceafe, until my laid fon Ihall attain his age of twenty- one years; and if it lliall hajipen that the faid Peter Dex- ter dies before me, or before my faid Ion attains his age of t\\enty.one years, thenand'in fuch cafe 1 do com- mit ai>d dilpofe unto Isaac Dcxier, of , fuch cuf. 96 APPOINrMKNT. tody, tiiHion and education, after my deceafe, and the deceafe of the faid Peter Dexter^ until my faid fon at- tains his age of tv\enty-one. years, and humbly delire the faid Isaac Dexter^ to take upon him the trouble for die good of my faid fon. ICT Till the age of tu-enty-one years, the empire of the father continues even after his death, f(jr lie may by his will appoint a guardiim to his children. 1 Blac, 479. Of Executors in the room of deceased ones. To all to whom thefe prefents fliall come, we, Abel Adams^ of , and Bennett BoToen^ of '-, fend greeting : \_Here recite the vjill authorising the sur- njii'ing executors to appoint in the room of those who die, and the death of such,'] Now know ye that we the faid Abel Adams and Bennett Bowen, furviving executors of the lad will and teitament of the faid Ca- leb Coates, do, and each and every of us doth, purfuant to the power and authority, dire^tioiis, and appoint- ments in and by the faid will of the laid Caleb Coates, in that behalf mentioned and contained, as far as in us lieth, and we lawfully may, by thefe prefents, choofe, nominate and di\s\iomt Daniel Dowu of , 2iX\^Enos Edes^oi , to be executors of the w^ill of the faid Caleb Coates, in the room. Head and place of the a- hovQ.u:x.mzd Francis I'^anc, and Goflieb Gough, de ccaied, to act in conjunction with us the faid Abel A- dams and Bennett Bowen, m all matters and things re- lating to the faid executorfhip. And we the -.iid Abel Adams di^d. Bennett Bo^^en, do, and each and every of us doth hereby give and appoint unto the ibid Daniel Donn and Enos Edes, all the power and authorit}- which \ve may, can, or ought to give and commit by virtue of the will of the faid Caleb Coates, to any per- APPOINTMENT. 97 Ton or perfons, in the room and Head of ilic faid Fran- cis Fane and Goilicb Gou^b^ as they the Iliid Francis Inme and Gotlieb Goiigh u ere two of the executors of the lall will andtednnent of the faid Caleb Goaf a, to- gether \A ith the allowance mentioned in the faid will, for their and each of their trouble and care in aC^ins^ in the execution of the faid will, for fo long time as they the faid Daniel Donn and Enos Edcs^ or either of theiii fliall a^\ therein- In witnefs, SsPc* f •Of a Guardian of Person and Estate^ ''^i^^^ poroer ft/ let Lands ^ yc. Know^ all men by thefe prcfents, That I Abel Betz fon and heir of Thomas Bctz^ late of , being of the age of feventeen years, have nominated, elecrled and appointed, and by thefe prefcnts do nominate, elect and appoint Pc/^cT iiy(?^;^, of , to be guardian of my perfon and eftate until I fliall attain the age of twenty-one years: And 1 hereby promife to be ruled and governed by him in all things, touching my wel- fare : And I do alfo hereby authorife anj empower the faid Peter Aleck, to enter upon and take polTefllon of all and every my meffuages, lands, tenements, heredi- taments, and premifes whatfoever, fituate, lying and being in Lebanon, in the county of Dauphin, or clfe- where, whereunto I have or may have any right or ti- tle, and to let and fell the fame, and recene' and take the rents, iffues and profits thereof, for my ufe and be- nefit, during the term aforelliid, giving unto the faid Peter Meek, my full power in the ))rcmifes ; and what- foever he fliall lawfully do, or caufe to be done in the {l\id premifes, by virtue hereof, I do hereby promife to confirm. Ill v/itnefs, 2vC, 99 APPOINTMENT- Of a neiv Trustee in the place of one dec^eased, 'with a ' declaration of trust. Whereas? a marriage was foon after the execution of the within written indenture, had and folcmnized be- tween the within named Arthur Aid and Sarah Fields and the within named John Jukes^ one of the truftees therein named is hnce dead, ^vhereupon the faid Arthur Aid and Sarah his wife, in purfuance and performance of the power and authority within given and referved to them fo»' th?i<- p«vpnf and fcals, bear* ing date the day of — —, have for the conlideia- tions therein mentioned, granted, bargained aiid fold, unlo Simuel Sha%i\ of , one fixteenth part 'of the iiiip, burden about — tons, w hereof, yc/67? Cox is com- mander, than at fea on a voyage to Newfoundland, as thereby, relation -being tliereunto had, more evidently apjjears. And whereas there is a cargo or adventure of lead on board the faid Ihip, and the faid ihip hath taken in at JVeiifuundland quintals of fdh on ac- count of the part owners of the faid Hup, which lead and hill are to be fold, and difpofed of at Liverpool^ for the owners account and benefit, according to their parts in the faitl fhip : And whereas the faid Samuel Shavo, hath before the fealing hereof paid unto tli'e faid Bion Beek and Henry Humes, the fiim of , for the one fixteenth part of the coil of the lead, the receipt whereof the faid Bion Beck and Henry Hu?nes, do iiere- by ackno'n ledge, and hath paid or is to pay the fum of for the one fixteenth part of the colls of the faid fifli at J\'e%v/oundland, according to the bills draw n fgr the fame : Now know ye, that for and in coniideratioi^ ^) 102 ASSIGNMENT, of the feveral fums of , and , fo paid and to be paid to. the faid Blon Beck and Henry Humes ^ by tJie fuid Samuel Sbaw as ii^orefaid, the faid Bion Beck and Henry Hui7ies\\ANQ bargained, fold,afligned, &: fet over, and do hereby bargain, fell,affign-, and fet over unto the faid Sanmel Sharo^ the one full and eqnaUixteenth part of the cargo of lead on board the faid fhip, and of and inthefiid — quintalsQl fifh, and of and inalltbeproduce, proccv'd, eiifcCls, gain and advantage by and in rcfpeit ther,enf, or either of tht m -, r.^d all their, and either of their r'rht, title, claim and demand of, in, and lo the fame : 1 o have, hold and receive the fame unto the faid Samuf'l Shaw, his executors, adminiflrators and •aiii"n)s, to bis and their oivn proper ufe and ufes, and as his and their o-.vn proper .proods and chattels forever : ?\.nd thev the faid Bion Beck and Henry Humes, for themfelves, their heirs, executors, adminiltrators and aifu^ns, do jointly and feverally covenant, promife and aeree, to and ^ith the faid Samuel Shavo^ his heirs, executors, adminiftrators and affigns, by thefe preftnts as follows', to v'ii : That he the laid fi'amuel Sbaw, his heirs, executors, adminillrafors and alTigns, fliall and mav at all times hercaf er have, take, receive and en- joy, to his and their own proper ufe and ufes, one full and equal fixtgenth part of all the produce, effe6ls, pro- ceed, profit and advantaj^e, by and in refpe6\ of the faid cargo or adventure of lead, laden on board the faid fliip, and likewife of the f^iid — quintals of fifh taken in Ne^cvfoundlajid, without any let, or hindrance of or by the faid Bion Beck and Henry Humes, their heirs, executors, adminiftrators or afligns, or either or any of them : And free and clear of ail former bargains, fales, affignments, debts, charges and incumbrances whatfo- ever by them, or either of them committed, done or fuffered : And that they the faid Bion Beck and Henry Humes, their and each of their heirs, executors, admi- niftratorsand alfigus, will at all times hereafter do, per- ASSIGNMENT. 103 form and execute fiich further acl:s, deeds and things for the better airigniiig the fuld premifes hereby fold and alfigned unto the i'lud Samuel S/^aiv, his heirs, ck- ecutors, adminiftrators and ail'igns, and for enabling liim and them to demand and receive the fame to his and their own proper ufe and ufes, as by him or them, or his or their counfel, ihall be reafonably advifed and rec^uircd. In witncfs, 8;c. 0/ Copy -right in Books. This iadenture made, &:c. between John Lone^ of - — , gentleman^ of the one part, and Ccdcb JVaync^ of ^ bookseller^ of the other part. Whereas the faid John JLove hath written and compiled a book entitled, See. Now this indenture witnelfeth, that the faid John i^oDe, for and in confideration of the fum of , to him in hand paid by the faid Calel? IVayne^ the receipt ■whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath bargained, fold, and affigned, and by thefe prefents doth bargain, fell and adign unto the faid Caleb Wayne ^ all that the faid book, and all his copV-right, title, intereft, property, claim and demand whatfoever of, in, and to the fame : To have and toJiold the faid book, copy-right, and all the profit, benefit and advantage thatfliall or may arife by and from printing, re-printing, publifliing and vend- ing the fame, unto the faid Caleb JTayne, his execu- tors, adminiftrators and afligns, on the terms and con- ditions and for the whole period of time provided and allowed in and by an act of the congrefs of the United States, entitled, " An ac\ for the encouragement of leaming, by fecming the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of fuch copies, during the times therein mentioned." Provided al- ways neverthelefs, and thefe prefents are upon this ex- pr<^s condition, that the nuir.ber to be printed of the 104 A S S I G N M £ N T. firll and each and every other edition or ijnpreiTion of the fiid book, ihail not exceed — , and that the fold CaUb IVayne^ his executors, admtniftrators and alllgns, iliall^nd \viil pay unto the faid John Lo'ue^ his execu- tors adminiilrators or affigns, the further fum and fums of -, for, at, and upon the re-printing or makin^^ a fecond and each and every other future and further edi- tion or imprelTion that Ihali or may be of the faid boo!:, for and towards a further reward and fatibfa6lion to the faid John Loije^ for his writing and compiling the fame; the laid payments to be m^de before the publication of the faid feveral imprcflions or editions (after the firll) and fale of the fame, or any part there- of, by the f"id Caleb IFayne^ his executors, admini- flrators or ailign^r, or any of them, or by any other per- •fon or perfons by, for or under them, or any of them. And the faid CaUb Wayne for himfelf, his executors, tidminiilrators and affigns, doth covenant, promife and agree to and with the find John Loije^ his executors, adininiflrators and aSgns, that he the faid Caleb f Fay ue, his executors, adminiilrators, and affigns, Ihall and will pay, or caufe to be paid to the faid John Loi^e, his executors, adminiftrators, and aliigns, the faid re- fpe6\ive fum and fums of , at and upon the re printing, and before the publication and fale of the faid fecond and every other future and further edition and impreffion that lliall or may be made of the faid book, according to the provifo aforefaid, and the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents. In Witnefs, 8cc, Of a Patent for the sole use of an In'vention, This Indenture, made, &c. between Abel Bell^ of the one part, /}ci<^% at or before the fealing and delivery of tliefr pre fents, the receipt wh.ereof he the faid jibner Bain doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof and there- from dv)th acfjuit, releafe and difcharge the fiiid Caleb Doe, his executors, adminiib-ators and affigns forever, by thefe prefents, hath granted, bargained, fold, allign- ed, transferred and fet over, and by thefe i^refents doth grant, bargain, fell, affign, transfer and fet over unto the faid Caleb Doe, his executors, adminihrators and uiTiirns, All that the A\id meiVuage or tenement and pre- mifes above mentioned to be demifed and leafed to him the f lid Abner Bain, in and by the faid recited inden- ture of leafe as aforefaid, and every part and parcel thereof; and alfo all the eihitc, right, title, intereft, term of years yet to come and unex])ired, property, benefit, advantage, claim and demand whatfoever of him the faid Abner Bain^ of, in, and to the f:\me, or of, ]n, or to any part or parcel thereof, together with the faid recited indenture of leafe ; To have and to hold the faid mefTuage or tenement and premifcs abovemen- tioned, and hereby granted and afhgncd, or meant and intended fo to be, and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances, together ^^ ith the faid recited indenture of leafe, unto the faid Caleb Doe, his execu. tors, adn^iniftrators and aHlgns, for and during all the reft, refiduc, and remainder, yet to come and unexpir- 110 A S S I G N M E N T, ed of and in the faidtcrm o[ forty -four 3^ears, in and by the l\iid in part recited indeniure of leaie granted in as full, large, ample and beneficial manner and form, to all intents and purpofes, as he the faid Abner Bain, his executors, adminifliators and afligns, might, ihould, could, ort^^ight to have had, held and enjoyed the fame, by virtue or means of the laid in part recited indenture of leafe, or other wife ho\vfoever. And the fa:d Abner J^ain i:yr himfeif, his hejrs, executors, and adm-niftra- tors, doth covenant, promife and agree to and Vv'ith the Hiicl Caleb Doe^ his executors, adminiilrators and af- figx^^s, oy liitfe prcfents, in manner and foim following, thai is to fay, that for and notwithllanding any act, matter or thing, by him had, made, done, committed, or wittingly or willingly fuife.edto the contrary, the faid recited indenture of leafe, is at the time of the fealingand c!eli\*ery of thefe prcfents a good and effec- tual leafe, valid in the law, of and for the faid premifes thereby demifed, and in no wife furrendered, forfeited, or become void or voidable in the law : And that he the (aid Abner Bain, for and notwithlianding any fuch a-8:, matter or thing as aforefaid, now hath in himfeif good right, full power, and lawful and abfolute autho- rity to l>argain, fell, aflign and fet over the faid recited indenture of leafe, and the faid melTuage, tenement, and premifes, with the appuitenar^ces, unto the laid Caleb Doe, his heirs, executors, admin iftrators and af- figns, in manner and form aforefaid : And alfo that he tlie faid Caleb Doc, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, fliail and lawfully may, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, for and during all the reft, refi- dueand remainder yet to come and unexpired of the faid term o^. forty -four years in and by the faid recited indenture of leafe granted, peaceably and quietly have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy the faid mefTuage or tenements,'and all ind fingular other the premifes here • ia before mentioned or intended to be hej:eby affxgoeds ASSIGNMENT. lH \vith their and every of their appurtenances, without the lawful let, trouble, damage, moleilalion, e\ic\ion, difturbance, hindrance or interruption of or by him the faid Abncr Bain^ \us^ txcoutors, adminillratars, o^ af- iigns, or of or by any other perfon or perfons lawfully claiming or to claim from, by or under him, them or any of them, or b} his, their, or any of their a6\, means, confenc, neglett, default, privity or procurement ; and that free and clear, freely and clearly acquitted, exon. eratedanxl difeharged, or by him the Hiid Abner Bain, his executors, adniiniilrators or alTiyns, well and fufti- ciently faved,^ defended, kept harmlefs and indemnified of, from and againft all and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargains, fales, Icafes, afLgnmcnts, furrenders, forfeitures, rents, arrearages of rents, and of and from all other eftates, titles, troubles, charges and incumbrances had, made, committed, done, or ■wittingly or willingly fufFercd, or to be had, made,com- miued, done, or wittingly or willingly fuffered by hira. the faid Abncr Bain^ or by, through, w ith or under his a6\, means, confent, privity, neglect, default or pro- curement : And further, that the faid Abner Bain, his executors, adminiRrators and afligns, and all and every other perfon or perfons lawfully having or claiming, or to claim any eilate, right, title or intercil, of, in, to, or out of the faid hereby afiigned premifes or any part thereof, by, from or under him, lliall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, at the rcaibn- able requeit and at the proper colls and charges in the law of the faid Caleb Doe^ his executors, adminiftrators or afligns, make, do, and execute all and cver\ fuch fuither and odicr lawful and reui'onabic a6l and acls, thiig and things, al'Airance and aifurances in the law V hatfoever, for the further, better and mo' e abfolute aflij^iiing, confirming and aifuring of ihe faid mtffu age *"^^ ortenements and prcmifeshereby aHigned w iththeir ap- ^purtenances, unto the faid Cahb JOoe^ his executors. il2 ASSIGNMENT. adminiftrators and afiigns, for an-:! during all the refiduc and remainder ot" the laid term oS. forty -four yeais, which ihall be then to come and unexpiicd, as by the faid Caleb Dgc\ his executors, adminillrators or aiiigns, or his or their counfel learned in the law, Ihall be rea- fonably advifed, devifed or required ; lb as fuch further alTurances and conveyances continue or extt nd to no further or other warranty or covenant, than againil the a6ls of the perfon or perfons making the fame ; and fo as fuch perfon or perfons, who fhall be required to make the fame, be not compelled or compellable to go or travel from their refpe6live places of abode for the doing thereof. And the faid Caleb Doe^ for himfelf, his heirs, executors, adminillrators and afiigns, doth covenant, promife and agree to and with the faid Abner Bain^ his heirs, executors and adminillrators, by theie prefents in manner and form following, that is to fay, that he the faid Caleb Doc, his heirs, executors,- ad- minillrators or afiigns, or fome of them, fliall and will, from time to time and at ail times hereafter, well and truly pay the rent, and perform the covenants and agreements in the faid recited indenture of leafe referv- ed and contained, which on the tenant's or leffee's part from the day of are and ought to be paid and performed, according to the true intent and mean- ing of the faid indenture of leafe ; andthereof, and there- from, and of, from and againfl all a6lions, fuits, colls, charges, expefifes, troubles, damages and demands ■whatfoever, which fhall or may arife, happen, be com- rnenced or profecuted againil the faid Abner Ba'in^ his heirs, executors, adminiftrators or affigns, or which he, they, or any of them, lliall or may fuflain, fuffer, or be put unto, for or by rcafon or means of the non-pay- ment of the rent, or the breach or nonperformance of the faid covenants or agreements, or any of them, fball and will-at all times hereafter, well and iiifficiently fave, defend, keep Imnnlefs and indemnified the laid Abner ASSIGN ME NT. il3 Bain, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, forevei;, by thtfc pi efents. In witnefs whereof, Is'c. %cr An authority or trull cannot be affigned Over» iinlefs it be granted to one and his aflii^-ns, and then it miifl: be in writing. Matters of eafc and pleafurc £;ranted to a perfon, cannot be affigned, as to go to church over my ground, to live at my table, &:c. but generailyfpeakingmattcrs of profit may be granted overj,. Of a Bojid and Mortgage after judgment did execu^ t'lon^ and part of the debt paid. This inricnturc made the day of — ^, betweea Oeorge /vV.v, and Caleb Cone, executors Sj:c. oS. Henry P.ex^ deceafed, of the one part, and Martin Gates of , of the other part. Whereas Andreix) Eaton, of -^ , in and by a certain cbligatio'i or >vritip.g obligatoiy, under his hand and feal, fUily executed, bearing date, &c. became bound unto thr faid Ilrury Rex, in his life time, in the fum of . conditioned for the payment of , on or be- fore Sec. as in and by the faid recited obligation and condition thereof fully appears. And whereas the faid Andrew Eaton, by wa}' of collateral fecurity for the aforefaid debt and intereft, in and by a certain indenture of mortgage, bearing date Sec. for the confiderations therein mentioned, did grant, bargain and fell, unto the faid George J^ex, and Caleb Cone^ as executors afore- faid, and to their heirs and afiigns, a certain tra61: of land called -, htuatc &.C. containing acres, ,being bounded, &cc. Alfo a certain other trafV, 8*c. together with their and every of tlieir appurtenances to hold to them the faid George Rex, and Caleb Cone, their heirs and affigns forever, w'ith this provifo, That tjje fame indenture and the eftate aud ettates thereby [15 ] (^ 114 A S S I G N M E N T granted, and the faid recited obligation flioiild becotfte void on pa} meat of the mortgage monies and intereft aforefaid, as in and by the laid recited indenture oi mortgage duly recorded in Dauphin county more at large appears. And v\ hereas judgment for the faid debt, interell and coits hath been obtained in the court of common pleas for the liiid county oi Dauphin, a- gainll him the faid Andreiv EatoUy at the fuit of the faid George Rex^ and Caleb Cone, executors as afore- Itiid, upon which judgment execution hath been iflued and fued forth, and the faid execution is now in the hands of the ilieriff of the county oi Dauphin aforefaid. And whereas the fakl Andre\'j Eaton hath only paid tha fum of — 1^, on account of the principal debt and in- terell aforeliud, fo that there yet remains due the prin- cipal fum of——, belides ■ interell accrued there =- on, to the day of the date hereof. Now this indenture Xvitneffeth, that the faid George Rex and Caleb Cone, as executors aforefaid, for and in confideration of the faid fum of , bahmce of the principal debt aforefaid, ■sand interell unto them w ell and truly paid by the i'aid Martin Gates, at or before the fcaling and delive- ry hereof, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknow- ledge, have granted, bargained,, fold, affigned and fet over, and by tbefe prefents do grant, bargain, fell, allign and fet over unto the faid Martin Gates, his heirs, ex- ecutors, adminiflrators and affigns, the aforefaid recit- led obligation and the warrant of attorney thereunto an- 3iexed, and the faid recited indenture of mortgage, and till and every the fum and fums of money which on the .day of the date hereof are due and parable thereupon, and which Ihall or may hereafter accrue and grow due and payable thereupon, aixl alfo the aforefaid two feve- ral defcribed tra^s of land and prcmifes with the ap- purtenances, mortgaged as aforefaid ; and alfo the a- forefaid judgment and execution, and all the monies l!;9W 4ue or jjereafter to become due and payable there* I ASSIGNMENT. 115 upon, and the benefit and advantage thereof, and all the eftate, right, title, interelland demand of, in and to the laid recked obligation, indenture, landb and monies hereby alhgned ; and alfo of, in and tp the faid judg- ment and execution which they the laid George Rey: and CaUb Coiic^ as executors aforefaid, now have or ought to have or ehiim. 'I'o have, hold, receive, take and enjoy the faid obligation, indenture of m.ortgage, and the faid lands thereby granted, and the faid judg- ment and execution, andall the monies hereby aflignedT unto the faid Martin Gatcs^ to the only ufe and behooC of the faid Mdrtin Gates^ liis heirs, executors, admi- niflrators and afligns for ever, and at his and their fole xifque — Subje(5l to the right of redemption of the faidl Andrew Eaton, his heirs and afligns, by payment of the principal monies and interefl now due or to become -due thereupon. And itishercby agreed, that they the faid George Rex and Caleb Cone, as executors aforefaid, or otherwifc, or the eilate of the faid Henry Rex de- ceafed, fliail not in any wife ho\\foever be refponfiblc or accountable for any lofs, deficiency or damage which XhQ{i\\(\ Alar tin Gates, his heirs, executors, admini- flrators or afiigns fliail or may fullain or fuffer, by rea- fon of this aflignmen", or in cafe the faid Andreiv Ea^ ton fliould prove ir.folvent, or his title to the faid ^rt- gaged lands and premifes prove defeBi\ e. In witnefs whereof the faid parties to thefc prefents have inter- changeably let their hands and feals hereunto. Dated -the day and year firll before written. Of an Apljr entice. To'all to whom thefe prefents fliail come,! Abel Man, of , fend greeting. VVhereas my apprentice Andreiv Pool, hath divers years yet to come and unexpired of •bis apprcnticelhip, to wit, whole years froiia V^e l6 A S S I G N M E N T. day of now lail paft, as by his indenture of apprenticelhip to me feaitd doth appear ; Now know yc, that 1 the laid .'-.fti Man, ioi divers good cauftb and coniiderations me hereunio movnig, hiive given, grant- ed, aiiigned, ana fet over, and by ihefe prei'ents uo luU ly and abfolutely give, grant, aflign and fet over, unto J4bner Stout, oi ■ , ail fuch right, titie, dut) , term ot } ears io come,fervice and demand uhatfoever,^^'hich. 1 the iliid Abti Man have in or lo the faid Andrew jPbol, or which i may or ought to have in him by force and vu'iLie oI'dTie faid indenture of apprenticefliip. And moreover 1 die f^id Abel Man, do by thtfe prefents covenant, promife, anci agree to and with the faid Ab- ncr Stout, his executors and adminiilrators, that not- withflanding any thing by me the faid Abel Man, to be done to the contrary. the faid^^/zr/rt'-iu Poo/ ihall, during the faid term of--* — • years, well and truly ferve the faid Abner Stout as his mafter, ar.d his commandments lawful and honell flnali do, and from his fei viee Ihall not abient himfelf during the faid teini. Provided that the faid Ahier Stout, ftiali well intreat and v.ie him the laid Andreiv Pool, and him tht faid Audrcnv Pool in the craft, mvftery and occupation o^ i\ blacksmith, Axhich he the Hiid Abner Stout now ufeth, after the bell man^ lierlftiat he can or may, fliall teach, inftiufl, and in- form, or caufe to be taught, infirutted and informed, as much as thereunto beiongeth, or in any \vife apper- taineth, and Ihall alio aurirg die fame term find and al- low unto the faid Afia'rew Pool, fufficient meat, drink, apparel, waihing, lodging, and all other things needful or meet for an apprentice. In vvitnefs, &c<, y4not/jer. Know all men by tli^fe prefents, That I, the withirt named Michael Myer, for divers good caufes and con- fiderationsj have affiled and let over, and by tliefiJ ASSIGNMENT. 117 prefents (as far as I lawfully may or can) Do aflign and let over tlic within inckiilLuc, and the* apprentice there- in ncimett, unto V/iUiam IVin^b'ip^ his executors, ad- mniiltrators and alligiis, for the reliduc of the term withni mentioned, he and they performing all and hn- gular the covenants therein contained on my part to be kept and ];ci formed, and indemnifying me from th& I'umc, lu witnels, &c. Of a Sernant, In conllderation of the fiim of -, I do hereby af- fign and fct over the witl/in iirrvant, to fcrve Caleb Doe, his executors, adminiitrators and afligns, for the refi- due of the term within mentioned. \\'itnefs my hand and feal, Ei;V. N. B. This muftbe done before a jufticc of peaqe. See Rcad''s Dig, 347. In trust for Creditors, This indenture, of three parts;, ^c. between Joseph Gcor^c\ of , qf the full part ; John llec^ of , Fetcr CtoTj^ of , and Uu-vid licll^ of , of the fecond part ; and all other the ci editors of the faid Jo- seph George^ who fliall have figned and fettled thefe prefents, of the third part : \\hereasthe faid Joseph George, on the day of the date hereof is juftly and truly- indebted unto his laid creditors refpertively, in tlie fe- veral fumsin tlie fchcdule liereunto annexed, mention- ed, w hich by reafon of divers lolfes and misfortunes he is unable to make full payment and iatisfaclion for : And \^hereasthe faid Joseph George hath confented and agreed to transfer and aiTii^n all and lingular the mercery goods, debts, fum and fums of money 36 arc lis A S S I G N j\I E N T. pow due, owing, or belonging to him, in trull only, for all fuch of his faid creditors, who (hiiW fign and feal thefe prefents towards payment and fatisfaclion of their feveral refpe6live debts, without any undue preference: Na\v this indenture witneifeth, that the laid Joseph George, for and towards payment and fatisfadtion of the feveral and refpeetive debts of all fuch of his faid creditors, and in confideration of the fum of five fliil- lings of lawful money of the United States, to the faid Joseph George, in hand by the Utid Joh7i Bee, Peter Crow, and Da'uid Bell, at or before thefealingand des livery of thefe prefents^ well and truly paid ; the re« ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, fold, afiigned, transferred and fct over^ and by ihefe prefents doth grant, bargain, fell, affign, trans- fer and fet over unto the faid John Bee, Peter CroiVy tm6. Daiiid Bell, all and ftngular the mercery goods, debts, fum and fums of money due, owing, or belong- ing to the faid Joseph George, and all fecurities had, taken, or obtained for the Jame, and alfo all the right, title, intereft, claim and demand whatfoever of him the faid Joseph George, of, in, or to the fame, or any part thereof. To have and to hold, receive, and take, all and fmgular the faid mercery goods, debts, fum and fums of money hereby afiigned, or mentioned, or in- tended fo to be, with their and every of their appurte- nances, unto the [-did John Bee, Peter Crow, and David Bell, their executors, adminiftrators and affigns, from henceforth for ever ; Upon truft neverthelefs, and to the intent and purpofe that they the faid John Bee^ Pe- ter Crow, and David Bell, their executors and ad- miniftrators, do, and (hall, with all convenient fpeed, make fale and difpofition of the faid mercery goods, .for the moft and belt price tltey can get for the fame, and ufe their befl endeavors Ijy all lawful ways and means to obtain, recover, and receive into their hands and pofreirion,^all and fmgular the liiid debts, fum aud ASSIGNMENT. IIS f^mis of money due and owini^ to the faid Joseph Cic'or^c'^ and that alter u deduction of" all ilich njai'ona-" ble colls, charges, and expenies as they the laid John Bee, Peter Croiv, and David Jie/l, their executors and adniinillrators, ihall really pay and expend, relating to the ckecution of the trull, and of a year and an half's rent to Simon Old, esq. for the dwelling-houTe of the faid yoi-t'/*/^ 6Vo7-^f , fituate in , to become due a!: Cbrisfvias riext, then upon truil, that all the remainder of all fuch mercery ^oods, debts, ilun andfums ofmo- pey lb belonging to, and due and owinj^ to the faid Joseph George^ and which fliall be had, recovered, and received by them the faid John Uce, Peter Croiv, and DciDid Bell, their executors or adminiilrators, by vir- tue of thefe prefents, Ihall be diltributed and divided imto and amongft the laid John Bce^ Peter Cro'ijj^ and JJa-i'id Bell, their executors, and adminiilrators, and all the other creditors of the faid Joseph George^ who fhall have ligncd and fealed thefe prefents cqiial.'y and proportionabiy, according to iheir rcf}jec1;ive debis, in the fchediile annexed, mentioned, and to and for no other ufe, intent, or puipofe whatfoever. And for l4ie better and more ealy getting in and receiving of all and every tlie debt and debts, fum and funis of money now due, owing, or belouLring unto the faid Joseph GVy/'gc ; the foid Joseph George hath made, ordained, conili. tuted, and appointed, and by thefe prefents doth make, ©rdain, conftitute, and appoint the faid Jai>n Bte, Pe- ter Cro\v, and Ddvul Bell, their executors and admi- niilrators, his true and lawful attornies ij'revocable, in the name of him the fuid Joseph George, or in their ©vvn name or names, or otherwilc, but to and for the Oinly proper ufe and benefit of them the faid John Bee^ Peter Crow, and Dai: id B^ll, and all fuch of the faid creditors of the faid Joseph Geor^e^ who Ihall lign and leal thefe prefents, to alk, demand, fue for, recover and rjsctive, of aujl frojjTi all and every peifon and perfoiis 120 A S S I G N M E N T. any ways indebted to the faid Joseph Gcor£r^t% all and every lum and iunis of money by them rcfpectivcly due and owing unto the faid Joseph Gcor^c^ in trull ne- vertheiefs, to and for the ufcs aforefaid, and upon the receipt thereof, or of any part thereof, acquittances or other difcharges in the name of him the faid Joseph George, his executors or adminiftrators, or in the faid truitees own name or names, to make, and give, and for default of payment thereof, or of any part thereof the faid feveral perfons every or any of them, to fue, profecute, imprifon, and implead, and to compound and agree for all or any of the faid debts, as they or the furvivor of them fliall fee occahon ; and upon fuch compofition or other agreement the faid perfons, or any or either of them out of pnfon to deliver, and alfo for the purpofes aforefaid one or more attorney or attor- iiies, under them, and the furvivor of them, to conili. tute and appoint, and to do and perform all and every / fuch further and other lawful and reafonable adl and a6ts, thing and things, as fliuU be neceffary, fer the bet- ter and morefpeedy recovering and getting in the faid debt and debts, fum and fums of money, and every of them : And the iliid Joseph George for himfelf, his ex- ecutors and adminiftrators, doth covenant, -promife, and agree to and with the faid Joh?i Bee, Peter Croiv^ and JJaDid Ikll^ their executors and adminiftrators, by thefe prefents in manner and form following, that 35 to fay, that he the faid Joseph George, or any other perfon or perfons, by his order or for his ufe ihall not nor will at any time hereafter make, do, commit, or fuffer any a(5l, matter, or thing whatfoever, to releafe or difchargeany the debt or debts, fnm or fums of mo- ney due, and owing unto him the faid Joseph George^ as "aforefaid, or any part thereof, nor (hall nor will re- voke the power and authority hereby given, nor ob- ftru6lnor hinder the faid Joh?t Bee, Peter Crow, and David. Bell, or any or either of them, in. the recover = ASSIGNMENT, 121 ing, receiving;;, and getting in the fame, but ilmll and Will permit and iufili the hud John Bcc, I'ctcr L/oWp and David Bcll^ their executors and adminiilrators, and every of them, peaceably and quietly to recover and receive all and lingular the faid debis, fum and funis of money, to and lor fuch ufe and benefit as afore- faid, hereby ratifying and allowing all and whAtfoever the faid John Bcc\ Peter Cro'ii\ and David Bcll^ their eivccutors or admmillrators, ihali huvfully do, or caufe to be done, in and about the premifes, by virtue of diefe prefcnts : And further, that he the i'd,\i\ Joseph George^ at the requcll, colts, and charges of the laid creditors^ fhall and will from time to time and at all times hereaf-' ,t.er, make, do, and execute, all and every fuch hirther and other acts, matters, and things, for the further and better alligning and alluring all and hngular the pre- mifes Ik reinbefore menlioned or intended to be here- by alligned, to and for the ufes, intents, and purpofes hereinbefore exprelled as by their or ;my of their coun- fel learned in the law, lliall be reafonabiy adviled or required : And that he the faid Joseph George, his ex- ecutors and adra'vnlliators, lliall and uill from time to time, and at all timrs hereafter, as often as there Ihallj, be occafion, upon every reafonable requell or notice to him or them given by tliefaid Jo/yn Bcs^ Peter Crow, and David Bell, or fome ordne of therm. '^^'^. tlier^ in making up his accounts, and in the le putes that Ihall at any time hereafter a ac or ii.;:. •rji touching or concerning any of the debts or films of money whatfoevcr, due and oAving to the faid Joseph George, and alfo in the proving and gerting in of tne laid debts, accordingto the bell of his po\\er .jkI abili y : And the faid John Bee, Peter Crow, and David Bell,- for thcmfelves feverally, and not jointly, and for their feveral and refpcclive executors and adminiftrators do and each and every of them doth covenant, promife, and agree, to and with the other creditors of the faid [ 16 J 122 A S S- 1 G N jM E N T. Joseph George by thefe prefents, fliat they the iaict tfobiiBee^ Peter Croiv^ ^\\d David Bell^ their execu- tors and adminiftrators, fliall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter, as often as they fliall be there - imto required by the faid creditors, or any three or more of them whofe debts fhall amount in the whole to , or upwards, make, render, and give unto him, iier, or them demanding the fame, a juft account of ail fuch fum and fums of money as fliall be by them or either of them received or got in, for, or upon the ac- count of the mercery goods, .debts, ium and fums of jiioney fo belonging, due, and ow-ing to the faid Joseph George^ together with the time when, and alfo the names of the perfons of whom any money (liall be received^ gild where they live, and alfo fliall and will upon re^ queft and notice to them, or the furvivors or furvivor of them, given by all the other creditors of the faid Jo- seph George (or any three or more of them, whofe debts in the w hole fliall amount to , or upwards) well and truly pay, diftribute, and divide the fame unto and amon git them the faid Jo/j71 Mee^ Feter Croiv , and Da- I'id Bell, and all and every of the other creditors of the laic! "Joseph George, who fliall have ligned and fealed thefe prefents as aforefaid, and fo from time to time, and at all times hereafter, pay, diflribute, and divide, all fuch monies as fliall be received and gotten in by them the faid John Bee, Peter Cromi^.2C!\ADaiiid Bc'll, their ex- ecutors or adminiftrators, as often as the other creditors of the faid Joseph George fliall defire and demand the fame, to and amongft themfelves, and all and every of the other creditors of the faid Joseph George as afore- faid, fhare and fliare alike, according to the propor- tions of their feveral and refpeclive debts : And alfo, that they the faid John Bee, Peter Crow, and Davki ^dl, their executors and adminiftrators, fliall and will deal juftly and faithfully according to their power and ability, ikill and knowledge in the execution of the ASSIGNMENT. 123 tnifts hereby repofed in them : And all the fuid credi- tors, parties to thefe prelents, for the coniideraiion a- forefaid, and for other good caufes and confide rations them thereunto moving, do, fortherafelves feverally and refpc6lively, and not jointly, and for their feveral and jefpedlivc executors and adminiftrators, partners and afligns, and not the one for the others a6l,or for'the ex- ecutors or adminiftrators of the others of them, cove- 5iant, promife, and agree, to ^nd with the faid Joseph ■Gecrs^e, his executors and adminiflrators, and every of thembythefeprefents, thacneither they thefaid creditors, parties to thefe prefents, nor their executors or admi- 3iiftrators, partners or alligns, or any of them, fliall or will in any manner or wife fue, arrell, implead or pro- fecute him the faid Joseph George^ his executors or adminiftrators, or any of them, or his, their, or any of their goods, chattels, lands, or tenements, for or upon account of any debt or fums of m.oney now due or ow-^ ing unto them or any of them, and in cafe any of the laid creditors, parties to thefe prefents, their executors or adminiftrators, partners or afligns, fliall fue, arreft, imprifon, implead or profccutc the faid Joseph Geoi'^e, his executors or adminiftrators, or any of them, for any fuch debts due and owing from the faid Joseph Gcor^e^ as aforefaid, that then thefe prefents fliall be ;i fufficient releafe and difcharge, to all intents and pur- j)ofes at law or in equity, to and for the faid Joseph iu'orge, his executors and adminiftrators, and he and they fliall be and are hereby acquitted, releafed, and vhere- as the Hiid Innis Adams, hath contracted and agreed with the faid Enoch Man, for the purchafc of the faid r.nnuity or rent charge, at or for the price or fum of . Now therefore, this indenture witnelTeth, that the faid Enoch Man^ for and in confideration of the fiini of dollars unto him in hand paid, by the faid /«72L^ -^^/^wj, before the fealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof the faid Enoch Man, doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefrom doth acquit and difcharge the faid , his executors, adminiitrators, and afiigns, and every of them by thefe prefcnts, and- for divers other good caufcs and confiderations him thereunto moving, he the laid E?wcb Man, hath grant- ed, bargained, fold, affigned and fet over, and by thefe prefcnts doth grant, bargain, fell, aflign and fet over, unto the faid Tnnh Jda?ns, his executors, adminillra- tors and alligns, all and every part of the aforeiaid an- nuity, yearly rent, or fum of dollars, and all the dilate, right, title, intcreft, benefit and power of diftrefs and diilrelH-s, ufe, pbireffion, claim and demand what- foever, which he the faid Enoch Man, now hath or may, or in any wife ought to have, of, in, or unto, or for the faid annuity, or yearly fum, or annaal rent of — — dollars before mentioned. To have, hold, receive, enjoy and take the laid annuity, or yearly fum or rent of dollars, and all the efiate, right, title, intereft, property, beneiit and power of diftrefs, and dlftreifcs. ufe, pofTeflTion, claim and demand whatfoever of him the laid E?wch Man, of, in, and unto every part and parcel thereof as aforefaid, unto the faid Innis Ad- amsj immediately from henceforth, for and during th^r 128 A S S I G N M E N T. term of the life of the faid Enoch Man^ in as large, am- ple and beneficial manner, to ail interns and purpofes,as he the faid. ./!,V;0^/j Man^ niiglit, coiiid, ihould, or ought to have or enjoy the lame, it thefe prcients had not been made. And the faid Enoch Man, doth for hinifeif, his executors, adminillrators and ailigns, covenant, pro- mife and agree, to and with the faid Innis Adatns, his executors, adminillrators and affigns, by thefe prefents, that he the laid Enoch Man^ now hath lawful au- thority and right to give, &c. the faid annuity in man- ner and form aforefaid : and that heretofore neither he, nor any other by his appointment, or with his confent, hath made any former bargain, ftile, gift, grant, aifign- ment, furrender, extinguilhment, charge or incum- brance of the lliid annuity or yearly rent of, &c. or any part thereof; nor that he the laid Enoch Man, nor any- other by or from him, or with his confent have or hath done, nor hereafter at any time fliall do, commit orfuf- fer to be done any a^l, deed, or thing whatfoever, where- by the faid Innis Adams, his executors, adminillrators or ailigns, fliall or may be hindered or letted, of, or inthe having, receiving, and enjoying of the faid annuity or yearly rent, or any part thereof : And that the faid Innis Adams, his executors, admiuiftrators and ailigns, fliall tmd may from time to time, and all times hereafter, for and during the natural life of the faid Enoch Man, law- fully, peaceably, &c. have &c. the faid^annurcy or, &c. and every part, &c. to the proper ufe, &c. without the let, &c. And farther that the {:\\^E.noch Man, fliall and will from time to time, and all timeshereafter,attherea- fonable requeft, &c. do or caafe to be done, all fuch further a6l and aCls, thing and things, for the further afTurins: of the faid annuity, &c. to the Lxi^ Innis Ad- ams, his executors, adminillrators and affigns, for and during the natural life of the faid Enoch Man, as by the faid/?/;z/6' Adams, his executors, adminillrators and affigns, fliall be reafonably devifed, ad vifed and requir- ed. In witnefs, &c. ASSIGNMENT, 129 Asslgn7nent and release of a Share of the residue of the Tcs:ator''s personal Estate from one Executor to another. This indenture made, fcV. between Sarah Lee^ of •, of the one part, and Peter Lee^ of , of the \ other part : Whereas [here recite the will^ and did nominate and appoint his fuid vvife Sarah^ and his tA\ o fons, Peter and Johii Lee^ executors of his faid will, as by the faid will, relation being thereunto had \vil! more fully appear. And whereas the faid Peter J^ee, folely a6\ed in the faid executoHhip, and paid all the faid teftator's debts, and the faid Sat ah Lee her faid legacy of dollars, and all other legacies given by the fiid teilator's will ; and the K^xCi Surah T^c'fhath retained in her hands all the silver plate^^c. given her by the faid teftator's will as atorefaid. And where- as the refidue of the faid teftator's eftate confifts chief* ly in debts beyond fea, and in damaged and old flifli- ioned [^okland iilver ftufts, which debts in all probabi- lity v/ill not be got in without great length of time (if at all), nor can the goods be difpofed of without great lofs : And whereas in order to make an end of the faid execiitorfliip account, he the faid Peter Lee^ hath a- greed w ith the ftiid Sarah Lee for the purchafe of her third part, or fliare, of the refidue of the faid teftator's eftate, given her by the faid teftator's will as aforefaid, at and for the fum of- . Now this indenture wit- nefteth, that the faid Sarah Lee^ for the confideration aforei lid, and for and in confideration of the faid fum of ' of lawful money of the United States, to her in hand, at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe pre- fents by the faid Peter Lee, well and truly paid, the re- ceipt w hereof (he, the faid Sarah Lee, doth hereby ac- knowledge, and thereof, and of every part thereof, doth acquit, rcleafe, and difchargc the {-Aid Peter Lee, his ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, and afiigns, by thefc prefents ; [ 17 ] 130 A S S I G N M E N T. hath granted, affignecl, and releafed, and by thcfe pre- fents doth grant, allign, and releafe, unto the laid Pe- ter Lee^ his executors, adminiftrators, and alTigns, all lier third part, or fliare of, and in the reft and rehdue of the eftate of the faid Peter JLec^ deccafed, given and bequeathed to her by the faid recited will as afore- faid. To have and to hold the fiud third part, or ihare, of the refidue of the eftate of the faid Peter Lee, deceafed, liereby affigned and releafed, or mentioned, or intend- ed fo to be, unto the faid Peter Lee, his executors, ad- miniftrators, and ailigns, to be by him and them had, held, received, and enjoyed, to his and their only pro- per ufe and benefit, Avithout any account to be given, to the faid Sarah Lee, her executors or adminiftrators, for thefame. And the better to enable x\iQ{2i\(\. Peter Lee j his executors, adminiftrators or ailigns, to get in and re- ceivethe debts ftill remaining, due and owing tothe faid ieftator's eftate, Ihe, the faid Sarah Lee, hath made, or. dained, conftituted and appointed, and by thefe prefents cloth make, ordain, conftitute, and appoint the faid Peter Lee, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, her true and lawful attorney and attornies, irrevocable in her name and ftead, or in the name, and to and for the proper ufe and behoof of him the faid Peter Lee^ his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, or in her name, jointly with the faid Peter Lee and John Lee, or the iurvivor of them, to afk, demand, receive, and take of and from all and every jTcrfon and perfons any ways indebted to the eftate of the faid Peter Lee deceafed, all and every debt and debts, fum and fums of money, io by them refpe6lively due and owino; ; and in default of payment thereof, or of any part thereof, to fue for and recover the fame ; and upon the recovery or re- ceipt thereof, or any part thereof, or any other end, compofition, or agreement made, of or concerning the premifcs, to make and execute any lawful releafe or difcharge for the fame ; and further, to do all and eve- ASSIGNMENT. 131 ry other act and a6is, thing and things \vhalfocver, •which fliall be requititc or nccdiul in or about tlic pre- iTiifcs, for obtaining thereof in as full, large, ample, and beneficial manner and form, to all intents and purpofes ^vhatfoever, as Ihc the laid Sarah Lee^ might or could do in her proper pcrfon, if thefe prefents had not been made. And alio for him the faid Peter Lcc^ his executors, adminiilrators, or afligns, to detain and keep to his and their own proper ule and benefit, all fuch fum and funis of money fo to be had, received or recovered as aforefaid, without any account to be given or rendered imto her the {wid Sarah Lee ^ her execu- tors, adminiilrators, or aifigns, for or concerning the fame ; (lie, the faid Sarah Lee, giving, and by thelb prefents granting, unto the faid Peter Lee, his execu- tors, adminiilrators, or ailigns, her full and abiblute power in the premifes, and hereby ratifying and con- firming all imd whatfoever the faid Peter Lee, his ex- ecutors, adminiilrators, or afligns, iliall lawfully do, or cauie to be done, in and about the fame premifes, as fully and effe6\ua1ly, to all intents and purpofes, as if ihe, the faid Sarah Lee, were prefent and did the fame herfelf. And the faid Sarah Lee, doth hereby for her- felf, executors and adminiilrators, and for every of them, covenant, promife and grant to and with the faid Peter Lee, his executors, adminiilrators and ailigns, and every of them by thefe prefents, that flioj, the faid Sarah Lee, her executors or adminiilrators, or any o£ them, unlefs it be at the requeil of the faid Peter Lee^ his executors, adminifirators, or aifigns, or fome or one of them, fliall not nor will at any time hereafter releafe, difcharge, vacate, or make void, the faid debt and debts, fum or fums of money hereby afligned and re- Icaied, to liim the laid P$ter Lee as aforeiaid, or any part thereof, or any proceedings to be had or com- menced for the recovery of the fame, or do any a6l on thing whatibcver, whereby to defeat, or any ways im- 152 ASSIGNMENT. pede or hinder the faid Peter Lee of or from all, or any lawtul procecdiny;s, and takiagaii and fingular the be- nefit and advantage thertot", lor the recovering and re- ceiving all and hngular the faid debt and aebts, I'um and fuinh of money hereby alilgned ana releafed to him the faid Peter Lee as aiorelaid, or mentioned or intended fo to be, accoraing to the true intent and xneaning ofthefe prefentb. And that neither the faid Sarah Lee nor her executors or admuiiiliators, Ihaii or* will at any time hereafter revoke, or in any ^vlfc make void this prefent letter of attorney or any of the powers herein and hereby granted. And further, that ftie the faid Sarah Lee^ her executors, and admmiilrators Ihall and will, from time to time, and at ah times hereafter, at the reafonable requeft, and at the proper cofts and charges of him the faid Peter Lee, his executors, ad- miniilrators or affigns, make, do^ and execute, fuch further and other lawful and reafonable a6l and a6\s, thing and things, for the better alTignnig, releafnig, re- covering or obtaining, all and Angular the faid hereby aifigned, and releafed, or mentioi^.ed, or intended to be alfigntd and releafed premifes, unto him the faid Peter Lee in manner aforefbid, as by the faid Peter Lee^ his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, or his or their counfel learned in the law, fliall be reafonably devifed, advifed, or required. And the faid Peter Lee ^ for him- felf, his heirs, executors^ and adminiflrators, doth co- venant, promife, grant and agree, to and with the faid Sarah Lce^ her executors and adminillrators, that he the f'tid Peter Lee^ his heirs, executors, and admini- llrators, fliall and will, at all times hereafter, indemni-, fy, defend, and faveharmlefs, the faid Sarah Lee^ her heirs, executors, and adminillrators, of and from all coils, charges, lolTes, dnmag^es, and expenfes, which fhe or they fhall or may fnllain, or be put unto, for or by reafon or means of any a6>ion or a6l!ons, fuitor fuits, tliat ll:;ali or may be brought or commenced againft ASSIGNMENT. 133 anyperfon or perfons whatloever, debtors ta the eltate of the iaicl Feter Lcc dcccaild, by virtue oi Uiele pre- fents. In vvitnefs, t^c. Of a Pension until Aloncy due upon a Bond shall he satisfied thereout. To all to whom thefe piefents fliall come, Henry Man, of , Icrndeth gri^etini^; : Whereas the laid Henry Man, by his bond or obligation uiider his hand and leal, bearing date on or about the — day of , which was in the year , became bound to hnocb Hall, of , \_as in bond.'] And whereas the faid £?iocb Hall IS i^n-ice dead, having full made his lall will and tcllament in writinc^, bearing- date the , and thereof coullituted and appointed Samilel Innis and Isaac Boe, both of , the executors, as in and by the faid will duly proved and remaining in the regifter's office of the county of , reference being thereunto had ^\ill appear. And whereas there is now jult!y due and owing from the faid //t;zry jMan to the faid Samu- el Innis Siud Isaac Roe, on the fl\id bond, as executors as aforefaid, the fum of . And whereas the faid Henry Alan, is entitled during his life to a penfion of a year, given him by , payable quarterly ; which pennon the Hud Henry Man, hath agreed to af- . fign unto the faid Samuel Innis and Isaac Roe for the better fecuring the payment ofthe faid fum of , fo remainuiQ: due on the faid recited bond, as aforefaid, with hnvfnl interell for the fame. Now know ye, that the faid Henry Man, for the end and purpofe aforefaid, and in purfuance and performance of the faid agree- mjjjit, and for and in confideration of the fum of five flfflings of lawful money of , to him in hand, a* or before the fcalinc^ and delivery of thefe prefents, by thefiAid Samuel Innis and Isaac Roe, well anr! truly paid, the receipt whereof he the faid Henry Man doth 134 ASSIGN M E N T. I^ereby acknowledge j hath afligned, transferred and let over, and bythefc j)rcfents doth aflign, transfer and fet over, unto the faid Samnel Lnnis and Isaac Ji^oc, their executors, adminiitrators and affigns, the laid pen- fion of a year, given him by as aforefaid ; and all benefit and advantage whatfoever to be had, gotten, or obtained thereby, or by means or in refpeft thereof. I'o have, hold, receive, take and enjoy, the faid penhon hereby affigned, or intended to be hereby, afligned unco the f;'id Samuel lnnis and Isaac Roe, their executors, adminiilrators and affigns, for and during fo long time and until the faid fum of , fo due and owing from the faid Henry Mart, to the faid Samuel lnnis Mid Isaac Roe, as executors as aforefaid on the faid recited bond, with lawful intereflfor the fame, Ihall ,be fully fatisiied and paid (if he the faid Henry Man fliall fo long live). ^nd the better to enable the faid Samuel lnnis diud Isaac Roe, their executors, admini- ilrato' s and affigns, to receive the faid penfion hereby affigned, when and as the f ime fliall from time to time become due, he the faid Henry Man, hath made, or- dained, coaftituted, and appointed, and by thefe pre- fenns doth make, ordain, conftitute and appoint, the faid Samuel lnnis and Isaac Roe, and each of them, and the executors and adminiftrators of the furvi- vor of them, his true and la^vf^l attorney and attornies, irrevocable, in his name and ftead, or in their or either of their own name or names, but to and for t^e purpo- fes aforefaid, to afk, demand, receive, and take of and from all and every perfon or perfons now or hereafter to be appointed to pay the fame, the faid penfion of , fo given to the fiid Henry Man, by as a- forefaid, when and as the fame fliall from time to time become due and payable, for and during fo long tnle and until the faid fum of fo due and owing from the faid Henry Alan totht^dkl Samuel lnnis and Isaac liocj as executors as aforefaid, with lawful interefl for A S S I G N :>I E N T. ISS- the fame, fliall he fully paid and fatibfied if be the faid Henry Man Ihall fo long live.) And upon rcceipi there- of or any part theieof, to make and exeeute any laufid releafe or difcbarge lor the fame. And lui ther, to do all and every other a6\ and acls, thing and things what- foever, which fliall be needful or nLceifary to be done in or about the premifes, for reeeiving therebf in as full, large, ample, and beiiefieial a manner to all intents and purpofcs as he the faid Hcmy j\lan^ might or could do in his proper perfon, if thefe prefcnts had not been made ; he the faid Henry M iii^ hereby raiifxing and confirming all andwhatfoever the faid Samuel Innis and Isaac Roe^ and each of them, and the executors and adminiftrators of the furvivor of them, lliali lauiuliy do, or caufc to be done, in or about the premifes, by virtue of thefe prefents. And the faid Henry Man^ for hnnfeif, his heirs, executors and adniioillrators, and for every of them, doth hereby covenant, piomifeand agree to and with the faid Samuel Inn'is and Isaac lioe^ their executors, adminiilrators, and afngn^. and every ofthem, by thefe prefents, that the laid Henry JSlan Ihall not, nor will at any time hereafter, revoke or make void the letter of attorney herti":i before containtd, or do any a6\: or thing to defeat or hinder the faid Samuel lun'is and Isaac Roc^ or either of ^ht- m, or the execu- tors or adminiilrators of die furvivor ofthem, in the re- ceiving the faid peniion hereby affigned according to the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents. And further, that the faid Henry 3lan, ihv.W and will, from time to time,athis own proper colls and charges, make, do and execute, fuch further and other lawful and rea- fonable acl and a6ls, thing and things, aflignments and allurances whatfoever, for the better and more effe6lual aii^ningand receivingthc faid penfion hereby afli.e;ned» or intended fo to be, unl the laid Samuel Innis and Isaac Roe^ for the purpofes aforefaid, as by the faid Samuel Ijinis and Isaac Roe^ their executors or admi- 136' ASSIGNMENT, iiiilrators, fliall be reafonably devifed, advifed, or fc« quired. In witncls, ^c. Of a Lease by Indorsement, Know all men by thefe prefents, That I, the Avithin named Charles Diill^ for and in conficieration of the fum of , to me in hand paid by Enos Fairplay, of —. — , at and before the enfealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have granted, affigned, and fet over, and by thefe prefents do grant, affign, and fet over, unto thefaid Eiios Fair- play ^h'ls executors, adminiftrators and alTigns, the with- in indenture of leafe, and all that meffuage, &:c. there- by demifed, with the appurtenances : And alfo all my ellate, right, title, term of years yet to come, claim and demand whatfoever, of, in, to or out of the fame, to have and to hold the fiiid meffuage, z^c. unto the faid Enos Fairplay, his executors, adminiftrators and af- figns, for the refidue of the term within mentioned, un- der the yearly rent and covenants within refe^A'cd and contained on my part and behalf to be done, kept, and performed. In witnefs, ^V, Of a Mortgage by Indorsement. Know^ all men by thefe prefents. That I, Abel Bell, the mortgagee within named, for and in confideration of the fum of , to me in hand paid by Charles Dice, of , at and before the enfealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, fold, affigned and fet ov^r, and by thefe prefents, do grant, bargain, fell, affigii and fet over unto the faid Charles Dice, his h^irs and ailigns, the within indenture of mortgage, and all that meffuage, ^c. therein mentioned and defcribed, toge- ASSIGNMENT, 1^7 ther with the rights, mcml:crs an.d appurtenance? there- unto bek)iit^in^, and all my cilatc, right, title and inte- red therein : To have and to hold all and fuigular the premifes hereby gi anted and aflii^ncd, or mentiontd and Hiiended Co to he, unto the faid Chiirles Bice, hi-s heirs and alllgns, for ever, lLibje6\ neverthek fs to the ri^^ht and equity oF rede4Ti])tion of the within nanietl Jipbvaim ro'cclcr, hi:s heirs and affigi^s (if any they have) in the fame. lu witnefb, ^y. Of a Bond for payment of Money by Indeniureo This indenture ^c. between Abel Jonts, cf — — , o£ the one part, (the aflignor) and John S/jaVJ, of , of the other part (the afiignee.) Whereas ^e. [recital of the bond.'] x\nd whereas the fuid Abel Jones, in coii" iideration of hei-eaiier mentioned to be paid to him by the faid JoJjn Sbavj, hath agreed abfolutely to alhgn the faid before recited bond, and all principal and intereft monies thereby feeured, in fnch manner as herein after is mentioned and expiellVd, of and con-t cerning the fame refpe^ively : Now this indenture witneifeth, that the faid Abel Jone cutors and adminiftrators, covenant, promife and agree to and v'ith the faid Conrad Hogc\ his executors, and adminiftrators, by thefe prefents, that he the faid 5"^- nniel JFadc^ his executors and adminillrators fliall and ivill well and truly obferve, perform, fulfil and keep the covenants and agreements in the faid recited inden- ture of apprenticeiliip on the part and behalf of the faid Conrad Hogc^ to be done and performed. In witnefs, £cc. Another short Form, To all to whom thefe prefents fnall come, greeting " Whereas Thomas Holmes^ bv this indenture made 8<:c. hath put Robert Henry ^ his fon,an apprentice to me the faid Abel Jhll^ to learn the art and myik-ry of ^painter fcmdgluzier. Know ye, that I the faid Abel Bell, have afiigned, transferred and turned over, and by the O- pre- fents do aflign, transfer and turn over unto Conrad Doe, 144 A S S I G N M E N T. the faid Robert Henry, and the faid indenture ofap-- prcnticefiiip, and all iny right, title, intereft, term, fervice, benefit, claim and demand whaifoever» of, in, or unto the faid apprentice by force and %'irtue of the faid recited indenture or otherwife how^ foever : I'o have and to hold the faid apprentice, and the faid indenture of apprenticefliip, right,title, intereft, benefit and fervice, hereby afiigned unto the faid Conrad Boe, his executors, admmiftrators and aifigns, from henceforth, for and during all the refidue and remainder now to come, he finding to the faid ap- prentice, meat, &c. and all other necefiaries during the faid term, and teaching and in{lru8:ing him in the art and myftery aforefaid,, as I Abel Bell am bound and o- bliged according to the tenor of the faid indenture. In xvitnefs whereof, &c. Of a Mortgage 'for a term of years by to ay of indorse, ment, and of a Bond for payment of the Mort-. gage-money^ and for performance of Co'uenantSy ivitb a Letter of Attorney^ Know all men by thefe prefents, that I the within named Samuel Capp, in confideration of the fum of ■ , to me in hand paid by Thomas Bently, of -, and for divers other good caufes and confiderations me hereunto efpecially moving, have bargained, fold,affign- ed, transferred and let over, and by thefe prefents do bargain, fell, affign, transfer and fet over unto the faid Thomas Bently, his executors, adminiftrators andaf- ligns, All and fmgular the within indenture of demife, and premifes thereby granted and demifed, or mention- ed or intended fo to be, and every part thereof, with the appurtenances ; and all my eftate, right, tide, inte- reft-, term of years to come, propert)-, claim and de- ASSIGNMENT. 145 mand whatfoever, eiihcr in law or equity, of, in or to the fame, or any pai t tiKrcof : And alio one bond or obligation bcariii;^ equal date whh theu ithin incteniure, whereby the wilhin named Titus Crane became bound to me "in the penal liin> oL , conditioned for the payment of wiUiui mentioned, and for the true performance of the leveral covenants in the within in- demure mentioned, and all and every fum andfumsof money due, or to grow due thereon : To have and to hoid the laid foveral kc. and premifes, by the within indenture granted anddemifi-d, with their appurtenan- ces, unio the faid Thomas Bcvtly, his executors, ad- miniftrators and aftigns, from henceforth, for and dur- ing the relidue and remainder now to come and unex- pired of the within term of years, fubje6l to the provifo within contained ; and to have, receive and take all and every fum and fums of money due, or to grow due upon the faid bond to the faid 1 homas Bent' ly, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, to his and their own proper ufe and behoof: And I, the laid Sarjiuel Capp, do here by make the (aid Thomas Bent' ly^ his executors, adminiftrators and afltgns, my true and lawful attorney and attornics, Sec [as in a letter ej attorney in the assignment of a bond^p. 138.] And 1 the faid Samuel Capp, do hereby for myfelf, my heirs, executors and adminiftrators, covenant, promife and grant to and v/ith the faid Thomas Bcntly, his execu- tors, adminiftrators and afficrns, by thefe prefents, that I the faid Samuel Capp, have not at any time or times, made, done, committed, or wittingly or willingly fuf«. fered any a6l, matter or thing whatfoever, whereby or by reafon or means whereof the fiid hereby bargained and affigned premifes, or any part thereof, is, are, fliall or may be charged or impeached in title, charge, CS" tate or othervile howfoever. In witnef^j, &tc, i 19] 146 A S S I G N M E N T. Of a Bond in trust for the uses of Marriage Jrttchs, in discbarge of the residue of Money^ fa Mort- gage being made for part J due on a Bond to the like ■uses. This indenture quadripartite, made the day of . , httwQtn Martha Ho^iv, of— — , of the firft part, Joel Eaton, of , of the fecond part, Eli Elaines, of . , and Rachel his wife, of the third part, 2X\i\Caleb Wain, of , and Lemuel Ho\\j, of- , of the fourth part. Whereas the faid Martha Ho%[), in and by one bond, dated the ^^ became bound unto the faid €aleb TVain, in the penal fum of , conditioned for Ihe payment of — — , on ■ — -, to be applied and dif; pofed, to, for and upon fuch ends, intents, trufts ^ncj, purpofes, as were agreed and declared in and by cer- tain articles of agreement, bearing date the , and made' between the faid Eli Haines, of the one part, and the faid Caleb Wain, and Lemuel How, o^ i\i^ o- ther part : And whereas Richard Mason, of -, fmce deceafed, together with the faid Joel Eaton, m and by one other bond, became bound unto the faid Martha LIow, in the penal fum of , conditioned to be void on payment by the faid Richard Mason and J&el Eaton, of the fum of , on ,as by the faid bonds reference being thereunto had more fully appears. And whereas the iak\3Iartha How hath, in and by one indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date hereof, ''granted to the l\\id Caleb Wain, by ■way of mortgage a melTuage &c. for fecuring dol- lars and intereft, towards difcharging and in part of payment of the faid firft recited bond : Now this inden- ture witneffeth, that the MdMartha How, for the pay- ment and fatisfaftion of , and in full difcharge of the faidfirft recitedbond,and in confideration alfoof the fum of one dollar to her in hand by the faid Caleb IVain^'md Lemuel How^\it\\ and truly paid, (he tke iaid ASSIGNMENT. X47 Martha How^ hath bargained, fold»afIigiied,traHsferred and let over, and by thclc prtients doth bargain, fell, aliijL^n, transfer and fet over unto the laid Caleb JFain and Lemuel Hinv^ their executors, adminillrators and aHigns, the faid lail recited bond or obligation entered into by the faid Richard Mason and Joel La (o?iy to the faid Martha How ^ as aforefaid, and the monies thereby leeui'ed, and all her right, title, interell, claim and de- mand u halfoever, of, in and to the fame. And 8fc. [^As in I^et tor of attorney ,p . 138] for herand in her name^ and in the name or names of her executors and admi- nillrators, but upon the irufts and for the ends, intents and purpofes in the faid articles mentioned, to alk, re- quire, demand, recover and receive of and from the faid i^c, and for non-payment thereof, they the faid Caleb jrain^nd. Lemuel How and their executors, ad- miniflrators and alligns, to fue for the fame ; and on payment thereof, to deliver upandcancel the faid bond^ and give fufficient releafes and difcharges thereof. All •which monies, when received, iliall and ought to be laid out, applied and difpofedto and for fuch ufes, in- tents, trufts, and purpofes, as are agreed and declared by and in the laid before mentioned articles. And l_Covcna?it not to receive the money., nor release'^ ^c. as in p. 138.] In witnefs, ^c. Of an Intestate^ s Personal Estate by the Jdmitiistra- tor^ and a re-ass?^^ntncjit of it to the Administrator in order to alter the Property. To all to whom thefe prefents fliall come, I TnUlam Jones.Gi-^ — , fend greeting: Whereas, I the laid IViUi- am Jones, \\\ion the deceafe of my kite daughter Esther Jones, hiive in due form of kav taken out letters of ad- miniliration to my fuid late daughter Esther Jones , and 148 ASSIGNMENT. am thereby entitled to ^vhatfoever perfonal eflate flic did die any ways poilVlllcI of, intereiled in, or entitled to : Now thefe prefei)tt> witnefs, That I the faid fVil- liam Jones, nitending hereby to aher the property of fuch perfonal eftate, have, Tor the pnrpofe atbreiaid, and lor and in coniideration of the funi of one dollar to rae paidbymy fon JVi III am Jones, and Walter Fitch, of , tiie receipt \^•helcof ib hereby acknowledged), bargained, fold, afligned, transferred and fet over, and by thcfe prefents do bargain, fell, affi^^n, transfer and fet over unto my faid fon William Jones, and Walter Fitch, their executors, adminiftrators and affigns, all and hngular the goods, chattels, monies, mortgages, fecurities, and all other the perfonal eftate of what na- ture or quality foever the fame may be, which my faid late daughter Esther Jones \\ as any ways poffefied of, intereflecl in, or entitled unto, at the time of her de- ceafe : To have and to hold the find goods, chattels, monies, mortgages, fecurities and perfonal eftate unto the faid William Jones, and Wilter Fitch, their exe- cutors, adminiftrators and affigns ; in truft neverthe- lefs for me, and for my only ufe and benefit. In witnefs, icr The re-affignm.ent to be indorfedon the back thereof, and dated the day after the date of the above. Memorandum : That we the within named Williatri Joncs,jiin. and Walter j^/rcy6,putfnant to the truft in us repofed by the within named William Jones, and for and in confideration of the fum of one dollar to us in handpaid by the faid William Jones, the receipt where^ of we do hereby refpeQively acknowledge, have bar- gained, fold, affigned, transferred and fet over, and by thefe prefents do, and each of us doth bargain, fell, affign, transfer and fet over unto the faid V/iWam Jones, his executors, admijiiftrators and afllgns, all the goods, ASSIGNMENT. 149 chattels, monies, mortgages, fccurities, and all other the perfonal eitate wliairotver, \vhich by the wiihin U'ritten deed, is, or are mentioned or intended to be ai"- iigned unto us by the faid Jniliam Jones^ to have and to hold the laid goods, chattels, monies, mortgages, lecurities, and all other the peribnal eftate whatjoever fo afligned unto us as aforefaid, unto the faid jnUiam Jojics^ his executors, adminiilrators and alTigns, to and for his and their own proper ufe, behoof and benefit, In Witnefs, ^d'c. Of an Aimiiity left by JVilL Whereas Richard Doe^ late of , in and by his laft will and teftament in writing, bearing date the — — day of , which was in the year , gave and be- queathed unto his brother Paul Doe^ one annuity or clear yearly funi of one hundred dollars, to be paid quarterly, during the natural life of the faid Paul Doe^ and the faid tellator, by his faid laft will, amongft other things, charged all his edate in , with the payment of the faid annuity, as by the faid will, relation being thereunto had may appear : And whereas the faid tef- tator foon after died without altering or revoking his faid will : And whereas the faid Paul Dot\ by deed poll, bearing date the day of laft, for the confideration therein mentioned, did bargain, fell, af- fign, transfer and fet over unto John Grj^en^ of , the faid annuity or yearly fum of one hundred dollars, payable to him as aforediid, and which fliould fiom time to time become and grow due and payable, by virtue of the faid recited will, and all his efta'te, right, title, intereft, property, claim or demand, of, in and to the iame ; to hold, receive, perceive, take, and enjoy the faid thereby afligned premifes, from time to time as 150 ASSIGNMENT. the fame fiiould become due and payable unto the faid John Grecn^ his executors, adrainillrators and aiTsgng, as and for his and the irovvnproper monies : And where- as y<;7777c'5 Tr'ipp^ of , haih contra^led and agreed with the faid [John Green^ for the purchafc oi' the faid annuity fo afligned to him as atbrefaid, and the arrears thereof, from January laft, to which time the faid an- nuity was paid to the faid Paul Doe ^ at and for the fum @f dollars : Now know all men by ihefe prefents, that 1 the faid John Grceiij for and in confideration of the faid fum of dolJ^irs, of lawful money of the United States, to me in hand, well and truly paid by the i.2Ci^ James Tripp^ at and before the fealing and delive- ry of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby ac- knowledged, and for other good caufes and confidera- tions, me hereunto moving, have bargained, fold, af- figned, transferred and fet over, and by thefe prefents do bargain, fell, affign, transfer and fet over unto the faid James Tripp^ the faid recited annuity or yearly fum of one hundred dollars, lo alTigned or fet over to me as aforefaid, and which fhall from time to time be- come af:;d grow due and payable by virtue of the faid recited will, and the faid recited (\t<'.(\ poll of afiignment thereof, and the faid arrear of the f lid annuity, and all my eftate, right, title, intereft, property, claim, or de- mand, of, in and to the fame : To have, hold, receive, perceive, take, and enjoy the faid hereby afligned pre- mifes, from time to time, as the fame fliall become due and payable, and the faid arrear unto the faid James Tr'ipp^ his executors, adminillrators, and affigns, as and for his and their own proper monies : And for the confiderations aforefaid, and for the better enabling the faid James Tripp ^ to recover and receive the laid here- by afligned monies, I the faid John Green^ have made, ordained, conilituted and appointed, and by thefe pre- fents do make, ordain, conftitute and appoint, the faid James Tripp^Wis executors, adtninillrators, and affigns^ ASSIGNMENT. 151 to be my true and lawful attorney and attornics, irre- vocable, in my name, or otheru ile, but to the Iblc ufe and behoof ofhim the faid James Tripp, his executors, adniiniltrators and aiVigns, to alk, demand, and receive of and from all perfons whom it doth and may concern, the faid annuity or yearly fum of one hundred dollars, payable as aforefaid, during the natural life of the faid Peter Doe, and the faid arrears thereof, and to bring, commence, or profecute any a6\ion, fuit or procefs, ei- ther at law or in equity, for the recovering and obtain- ing thereof, as lliall be requiiite and necelTary, and at- tornies one or more under him or them to fubilitute, and at plcafure to revoke, and to do and perform all and every other lawful acl and a6\s, thing and thirigs, in and touching the premifes, as fully and effe^lually to all intents and purpofes as I the faid John Green might or could have done, before the execution of thefe pre- fents : And laflly, 1 the faid John Green, do here- by covenant, promife and agree, to and with the laid J a?nes Tripp, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, that I the laid John Green, upon every reafonlible rcqueft, of the faid James Tripp, his executors, admi- nillrators and afligns, lliall and will make, do, and exe- cute, or procure to be made, done and executed, all and every fuch further and other law ful and reafonabl« a6l and ac\s, thing and things whatfoever, for the fur- ther, better, more perfe lum and lams of money, debts, dues, duties, claims and demands whatioever, both at law and in equity or otherwife howfoever, which, againll the laid Jane Rose, either in her own right, or as executrix of the latl will and tellament of the laid Eckvard Rose deceafed, he the laid William Rose now hath, or ever had, or can, or may, at any time or times hereafter have, claim, challenge or demand for or in relpe<;:\ of the afortfaid bequcll of a third part of the reiiflue of the ellate of the faid Edward Rose, deceafed, given to the laid irdliajn Rose, by the will of the faid Edward Rose, or for on account or by reafon or nuans of ai»y other matter, caufe or thing whalfoever, from the beginning of the ■world unto tlieday of the date of thefe prefents. And the faid JFilliam Rose, for the confideration aforelaid, for himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiilrators.and for every of them, doth covenant, promife, and agree to and M'ith the faid Jane Rose, her executors and ad- miniftrators, by thefe prefents, in manner following, that is to fay, That if it fliall hereafter appear that the faid George Rase, the Ion, was living, at the time of the death of the fiiid teftator, and the faid George Rose, the fon, his executors, admiuillrators, or afligns, Ihail claim or demand of the faid Ja/te Rose, her executors or adminillrators, his, the laid George Rosens Ihare of the orphanage part of the eftatc of the (i\k\ Edward Rose deceafed, that then he the laid JFilliam Rose, hia heirs, executors or adminillrators, lliall ai)d will, w ithin th'fe [21] 562 A S S 1 G N M E N T, fpaee of twenty days next after notice to him or ihttci. given in that behalf, well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid unto the faid ^arie Rose^ her executors or admi- iiiflrators, fomuch lawful money of the United States, as the faid annuit}'- and tvro bonds hereby aifigned fliall amount unto more than his, the faid William Hose's ihare of the perfonal eilate of the faid teilator, by virtue of the faid recited will, or odierwife. And alfo, that lie the faid JVilliam Rose^ his heirs, executors and ad- sniniftrators, fliall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, fave, defend, keep harmlefs, and indemnified her the faid Jane Rose^ her executors and' adminiilrators, and the eftate of the laid Edward Rose deceafed, of and from all claims and demands that fliall or may be made thereouty by the ehildren of him the faid JFilUam Rose, any or either of them, or any per- fon or perfons claiming or to claim, by, from, or under them, any or either of them, by virtue of the faid recit- ed will or otherwife howfoever ; and of and from all 'COils, charges, damages, and expenfes that lliall or may happen, or come to her or them, or the eilate of the faid Edward Rose deceafed, for or by reafon or means thereof, or for or by reafon or means of her having affigned the faid annuity and bonds to the faid William Hose, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns as aforefaid, or any thing relating thereto. In witnefs, Of Monies due upon Account,, Know all men by thefe prefents. That I Ahel Bend of -, in confideration of the fum of , to me in hdnd paid by Caleb Dde^ of- , do hereby aflign and fet over unto the faid Caleb Doe^ to his own proper life, without any account to be given for the fame, the ftim of — — ;. and all other itim and fums of money as A S S I G N INI E N T. 163 arc remaining due and payable upon or by virtue of the annexed account, and all my right, title, intereft and demand in and to the fame : ^nd do gi\c and grant unto the faid Caleb Doe, full power and authority to demand and receive the fame, to his own ule, and upon receipt thereof to give difcharges for the lame, or any part thereof: And 1 the faid Abel Bctid, do hereby covenant and a^ree to and wiih the liiid Caleb Doe, the faid fum of , is jiiltly due and owing, and that I have not received or difcharged the fame, or any part thereof. In witneis, ike. Of Articles of Agreement for the sale of Goods, by Indorsements Know all men by thefe prefents, That I Ann Banksy of , adminiilratrix of the within named Caleb Banks, late of deceafed, for and in confideratioix of the fum of , have granted, bargained, fold and idVigned, and by thefe prefents do hereby grant, bar- gain, fell and allign unto the faid Daniel Eaton, of , the w ithin written articles of agreement, and all and every the goods mentioned in the fchedule there- unto annexed ; and ail or any fums of money to be- come or grow due by or upon any covenant or agree- ment therein contained ; and all right of adlion, ellate, benefit, advantage, claim, and demand whatfoever re- lating thereto, to which thereby or otherwifc, in any manner of wife 1 am entided ; to have, hold, receive, take and enjoy all and fingular the iiiid goods, and all other the premifes, w ith the appurtenances, unto the iaid Daniel Eaton, his executors, adminiilrators and aifigns, to his and their own ufe and ufes, and as his and their own proper goods and chattels from hence- forth for ever, fr(ie and clear of all former and other lU ASSIGNMENT. eftates, debts, charges, and incumbrances \vhatfoever committed, done or iuiiered by me the faidy/;?;; Banks, or the faid Cahb Banks, deceafed, or any other perfou or peribns Avhatfoever : And I the laid Ann Banks, do make, ordain, coinftitut^ and appoint the faid Daniel Jlaton, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, to be my true and lawful attorney and attornies, to demand, fue for, receive, bold and enjoy all and fmgular the faid premifes before bargained, fold and afligned, by all lawful ways and means whatfoever, and upon receipt of fuch payment to give fufiicient releafe and difcharge thereof. In witnefri, 8ic, Of a Debt ivitb power of Attorney, Know all men by thefe prefents, that 1 Bion May^ butcher, in confideration of the fum of — '■ — , now juftiy due and owing by me to Walter Fain, of Newton, and for better fecuring the payment of the fame to the fliid JValter Pain, have bargained, fold, afTigned, transfer- red and let over, and by thefe preferits do bargain, fell, alTign, transfer and fet over unto the faid Walter Pain, all that debt or fum of , which is now due and owing to me from Isaac Humes, of , for goods fold \ and delivered by me to the faid Isaac Humes, crc his order, before the day of the date hereof, and all my right, title, intercft, claim and demand, in, and to the faid debt, or fum of — r—, and every or any part there- of, To hold to the faid Walter Pain, his executors, ad- miniRrators and afllgns, from henceforth, to his and their own proper ufe and benefit for ever, neverthelefs under the provjfoand condition hereinafter mentioned. And I do hereby conftitute and appoint the faid JValten Pain, my true and lawful attorney irrevocable, and g^y;ye and grant to lipi^, ^^^ executors, adminiflratprg ASSIGNMENT. 165 and afligns, full power and authority, in my name, ancji in the name of my executors atul achiiiniihators, but to the only proper life and behoof of the faid ITaLtcr Pain^ his executors andaclmin;llrators,to afk, demand, liie for, buy, recover, receive, compound, acquit, rc- leafe and difcharge, the faid debt or Aim of »- and every or any part or parcel thereof, and upon receipt of the lame, or any part thereof, acquittances or other proper difcharges to make, and generally for me and in mv name, or in the name of my executors and admin- illrators, to make, do, perform, and execute, all and every fuch further and other ac\s, m;atters and things, touching and concerning the premlfes, as to the faid If'alterPa'in, his executors or adminiflrators fliall feem requilite ; and that as fully and effechially, to all intents and purpofes, as I myfclf, my executors and adir.ini- llrators could or might have done ; hereby vatif} ing and coiiiirming all and whatever he or they fliall law- fully do, orcaufcto be done, in or about the premifcs. And 1 do hereby covenant and agree to and with the faid JJ'altcr Pain^ his executors and adminiftrators, that 1 have not done or fuffered, and that 1, or my ex- ecutors or adminiflrators, fliall not nor w ill do or udlcr, any aO, matter or thing, \vhereby or by reafon m here- of the faid IFaltcr Pahi, his executors or adminiilra- tors, fliall or may be hindered or prevented from the recovering or receiving the faid debt or fum of , hereby afligned, or any part thereof, or fuch other fa- tisfaclion as can or may be had or obtained for the fame, by virtue hereof. And further that I, my execu- tors and adminiflrators, fliall and will at all times here- after, at the requell of the \^iiidU\!ltcrPain, his execu- tors, adminiflrators or afligns, make, do, and execute all fuch further and other a6ls and deeds as (liall be realonably required for the proving of the faid debt, and the better and more efleCfually enablmg him or them to recover, veochx and enjoy the fame, according im A S S I G N M E N T. to the true intent and meaning of thcfe prefents. Pro- Tided al\va3s, and ii is hereby agreed, that if I the faid Mion May^ my executors or adminiih-ators, fliall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, to the faid IValter Fain^ hib executors, adminiilrators or aingns, the faid fum of fo due to him as aforefaid, within three calendar months from the date hereof, then this prefent affignment, and every matter and thing herein contain- ed, fhall ceafe, determine, and be void to all intents and purpofes whatfoever. In witnefs, &:c. Of a Bill penal. Know all men by thefe prefents, that I Ahel Bell, of , have borrowed and received of Conrad Doe, of -, the full fum o'i fifty dollars, which I do promife to pay on the 7?r^/ day of il/r/jy next, with intcrell : And for the better fecuring the re-payment thereof, I do herebv afTio-n and fet over to the faid Conrad Doe, a ■J Ci 7 » bill penal for two hundred dollars, made by Eaivard Fox\ oi , to me the faid Abel Bell, for the pay- ment o^ one /j i/ndred doW^rs, on the frst day of Octo- ber next, and all my right, title and interefl therein and thereunto, with full power and authority for him the faid Conrad Doe, to fue for, recover and receive the Same of the faid Edward Fox, to and for the purpofe herein before mentioned. Witnefs my hand and feal this tenth day of No'v ember, Aniio Dom.nii . Of a Bo fid. This indenture made the — — day of , betv/een IViUiam Tezv, of — , of the one part; and Titus Amos^ of -^ ', of the other part : Whereas Branch ASSIGNMENT. 167 P«g.^, of .John Boal, of , and Aaron Sloan, of , by their bond or oblij^ation, under thtir hands and fcals, bearhig date the day of , Hand joint- ly and ieverally bound to the faid Wm. TfW,iu the pe- nal funi of ^dollars, with condition thereunder writ- ten, reciting, that whereas the faid Wm. I'eiv, keeper of the prifon of the county of • had at the requeil and dcfire of the faid Frajic'is Pugh, entertained and ad- mitted him the faid Francis Fu^b^ to be a fervant to him the faid IVilliam Jt"zy, in the place and office of clerk of the keeper of the prifon, during the ^ ill and pleafurcof him the laid JFUUam Ttiiv ; if therefore the laid i^rrt;/cz> Pz/g/6, indemnified the faid William Tcvj^ againft all efcapcs which fliould happen by the ncglc ct, privity, or confent of the faid Francis Fu^b^ or any perfons employed by him, by any prifoner or prifoners- then or thereafter committed unto or left in the cuflcdy of the faid William Tcu\ during the time the faid Francis Piigb^ fliould continue fervant or keeper's clerk asaforcfaid, and from all aOions and fuits which fhould be brought aaainfl the faid William Tew, by reafon of fuch efcapes, and from all damages and de- mands which the faid Willi a?n Tlvj, or his fccurities^ ihould fullain concerning the fame, or any other thing happening by reafon of the non-performance, mis-per- formance, or negligence of the faid Francis Puzb, in his faid oiiice ; and aUo if tlie faid Francis Fugb, at all times thereafter, ihotild make a jufl and true account with, and payment to the faid WilliaJn Tcw^ for all fuch fees, fines, and fums of money to him the fail!' jniliam Tc'W belonging, which he, or any perfon in- trufted by him, fliould receive of any of the prifonersor other perfons in diat behalf, or for which he fliould give credit to any prifoners or other perfons, and alfa If the faid Francis Pz/g/6, iliould pay the faid JFillinm Tc%i\ all fuch fums of money as he or any one intruded by him fliould receive for the ufe of any plaintili' Qt 16S A S S I G N M E N T. plaintiffs, at whofe fuit any prifoner then did, or hereaf^ ter Ihould Hand chyrp-( 'I with, in tlie cuftcxv oi the {a'ldlVm. TewMiht faidprifon; andif hetht iaMFra/i' CIS Pugh Ihould faitiiiuiiy perform all oilier icrvices and things uhich to the laid ofiice or place of keeper's clerk and fervantto the faid JFm. Ti^^u;, belonged diir- in"- his continuance in fuch office, the faid obligation was to be void, or elfe to remain in full force and vir- tue, as by the laid bond or obligation, and conditions thereof, relation being thereunto had, will more fully appear. i\nd whereas the il\id Francis Pugb, on the __! day of laft, was indebted to the faid F/m. TeTj, in'the fum of dollars, for fines and fees re- ceived by him, for the ufe of the faid IFm. Tc-w, as fervant or keeper's clerk, as aforefoid, or otherwife, on account of his faid ofiice, as by an ackitowledgment thereof under the hand of the faid Francis Fugb, bear- ing date the liiid day of laft appears, which laid fum of Hill remaining juilly due and ow- ingfrcm the mid Francis Piigl\ to the faid IFm. Tero : Now this indenture Vvitneifeth, that the faid JF?n. Tew, for and in couiideration of the fum of dollars, to him in hand paid, by the faid Titus Jmos, at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof he the laid /r//7. Tew, doth hereby acknowl- edge, and thereof, andofeverypart thereof, doth acquit, refeafe, and difcharge the faid Titus Amos, his execu- tors, adminiilrators and affigns, and every of them, by thefe prefents, hath afligned, transferred, and fet over, and bv thefe prefents doth aflign, transfer, and fet over unto the faid T7/Z/5 Amos, hisexecutors, adminlftrators, and alTigi^s, as well the faid recited bond or obligation, asthefaidfuni of dollars, fo due and owing from the fiiid Francis Pugh, to the faid JFni. Tew as afore- faid, and all his eftate, right, tide, intereil, claim and demand whatfoever, of, in, or to the foid premifes here- by alTigned, and every part thereof. To have and to ASSIGNMEN T. ie^ hold as well the faid recited bond or obligation as the raidrum oi' i'ochic and owing irom the i'uid Francis i^iigb^ to tlie faid Pl'ln. Tc-iu, a^afordaid, unio tiic laid Tinis Amos, his e^eciUors, adniiniilrators, and alVigns, to his and their own ul'c ; and lor the conlideralion a- forelaid, he the laid ^Fm. Tciv, hath made, ordained, conllitiited and i\i)i)ointed, and by thcle prefents dolh make, ordain, conilitute and aj)point, the faid 7'itus ,imos, his executors, adminilhalors, and ufiigns, his true and lawful attorney and attornies irrevoeable, in the name of him the faid Pfm. Tt-w^ or in his or their own name or names^ but to and for the fole proper uiw and behoof of him the faid l^'iius Amos^ his executors, adniiniilrators and aillgns, to aflv, demand, fue for, re- cover and receive, of, and from the faid Francis Piigb„ John Boat and .laron Sloan, any or either of them^ their, any or either of their heirs, executors or admini- Ib-ators, the faid hereby alugned premifes, and every part thereof, and upon receipt thereof, or of any part thereof, acquittances or other difcharges, in the name of him the faid JP'ni. Text}, or in his or tlieir own name or names, to make, feal and deliver, and for non-pay- ment thereof, to arrell, imprifou, implead and out of prifon to deliver the Hiid Francis Pugk, John Boal^ '.\\\Ci Aaron Sloan, or any or cither of them, their, any or either of their heirs, executors, or adminillrators, and td agree and compound for the fame as fluill feem requifite to him the faid Titus Amos, his executors, ad- miniftrators, or aili.gns, giving aiul hereby granting un- to his laid attorney, full power to acl and do, in the j)remifcs, as fully to all intents and purpofes as he the faid IVm. yViu, might or could do, if thefe prcients had not been made : And the faid IVm. Td%v, for himfelf, his executors, adminiftrators and aiiigns, doth cove- nant, promife and agree, to and with the faid Titus A- mos, his executors, adminillrators and afiigns, bv thcfe prefcnts, that the faid bond or obligaiiou now llauds. in [ 2:2 ] 170 ASSIGNMENT. fail force and virtue, and that he the {c\id JFm. TcWy liath not done, nor hereafter fliall or will do any att, matter or thing ^v hatfoever, Avhereby to releafe or dif- charge the faid bond or obligation, or the faid fiim of dohars, hereby alTigned, or any part thereof, nor revoke the power and authority hereby given, or ob- itrucl, or hinder the faid Titus Amos^ his executors, adminilh'ators or affigns, in recovering, receiving and getting in the fame, but lliall and will permit andfuffer the fliid Titns Amos^ his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, peaceably and quietly to recover and receive the faid affigned premifes, to his and their own ufe and ufes, hereby ratifying and confirming all and whatfoe- ver the faid Titus Avios^ his executors, adminiftrators or aifigns, fliall lawfully do, or caufe to be done, in or about the execution of thcfe premifes, by virtue of thefe prefents|: And further, that hethe faid,^772. 7>w,hisexe- cutors, adminillrators and affigns, fliall and vvill, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, at the requeft, colls and charges of the {-ciidiTitusAmos, his executors, tidminiftrators or affigns, make, do and execute fuch further and other alfurances in the law, for the better nffigning the faid premifes, and enabling him the faid Titus Amos ^ his t^tcwiors, adminillrators, or afligns, to recover, receive, and get in the fame, as he or they^ orhis ortheir counfcl, fhall reafonably devife, or ad- vife and require : And the faid Thus Amos, for him- felf, his executors, adminillrators and affigns, doth co- venant, promife and agree, to and with the faid lF7n. Tew, his executors, adminillrators and affigns, by thefe prefents, that he the faid Titus Amos, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, fomc or one of them, fliall snd will from time to time and at all times hereafter^ well and fufficiently ffive, deiend, keep harmlefs, and jndemnifythe faid/Fw/. Tr-iv, his heirs, executors and adminillrators, and his and their goods and chattels, lands and tenements, of, &om, and agaii^fl all coils ; da^ ASSIGNMENT. ITI. mages, and expeiires that Iliall happen to come to him or Them, for or by rcalbii ormcans of any adlion or ac- tions, fait or fuits, or other procijcdings whatfocvcr, to be had, made, brought or profccutcd in the name of the faid JTm. Tc-iv, his executors or adminiilrators, by virtue of any power or authority herein or hereby given. In witnefs, Sec. JF'rof?! the Assignees of a Bankrupt to the Bankrupt,^ of ^z Leasehold Estate, and all Monies, Vc. remaining unsold and unappropriated, after alibis Debts paid^ and the CommiJJion superseded. This indenture, made the day of , between John Play, of , Edward Ames, of , and Jajues Earl, of , of the one part ; im<\ Ralph Atkins, of the other part : Whereas a commiflion of bankruptcy was awarded againll the faid Ralph Atkins, dire6led to Roger Old, esq. John Cone, and John Alas on, gen- tlemen, lo^tlhti with Samuel Adams, esq. and James: JMuncy, gentleman, thereby givino; full power and au- thority unto them the faid commiiftoners, four or three of them, whereof the [did Rosier Old, or Samuel Adams y M-as to be one to execute the fame. And whereas the faid Roger Old, John Cone and fohn Ufasan^ being the major part of the commlfiioners in the faid com- flfinion, named and authorifed in execution of the faid commiflion, by their indenture of aflignment bearing date the day of , for the confiderations there- in mentioned, did order, bargain, fell, aflign, and fet over, unto the faid John Hay, Edward Ames, and James Earl, their executors, adminiftratorsand afligns, a meffuagc or tenement, with the appurtenances, hol- den by Icafe for a term of years then and yet enduring, divers fums of money, plate, jewels, and fe^•cri\l forts of m A S S I G N INI E N T. Jioiifehold goods, and implements of houfchold, aric^ divers debts, finu and Turns of money due, o\\'ing anc^ belonging to the i^-dld J^a/p/j yUkij7s, ir« the fcbedule thereunto annexed, mentioned, and all other debts, fum and fums of money, goods, and other commodities, in the hands, cullodj^'or pofiefiion of any perfon in the I'chedule theieto annexed mentioned, or of any other perfon or perfons, or which at any time thereafter Hiould, or might become due oi- ov.ing to the faidi I^alpb Jtkins, or h.is eilate, by any ]:eifon or peifons whatfoever, and all fecurities had or taken for the fame t To hold unto them, their executors, adminiilrators and affigns, in trull neverthelefs, to and for the life and be- nefit of them the i'dkl John Hay^ Edward Ames ^ and James Earl^ and all fuch other creditors of the fald Ralph Atkins^ who then had, or thereafter in due time, iliould come in and feek relief by virtue of the faid comm'ilTion, and contribute towards the charges there- of, and to and for no other ufe, intent, or purpofe what- ibever, as in and by the faid recited indenture, relation being thereunto had more fully may appear. And whereas the fidd ailignees, by and out of the eftate and elTecls of the iliid Ralph Atkins fo affigned as afore- faid, have made full fatisfa(?tlon unto themfelves, and all and every other the creditors of the faid Ralph At- kins^ who paid their contribution money, and came in and fought relief by virtue of the faid commifaon ; and ihey the fiiid affignecs, parties to ihefe prcfents, and the faid other creditors, by their deed-poll, undfer their refpe^tive hands and feals bearing date the day of , for the confideration therein, for them- felves feverally, and for thofe for whom they did fub- fcribe, their feveral and refpe6livc executors, adminif- trators, partners, and affigns, did acquit, releafc, and difcharge, the faid Ralph Atkins, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, and his and their goods and chat- tels, lands ag^d tenements; of. frqni and agaiiiil all and aU ASSIGNMENT. 17^ manner of a6\ion and a6\ions, caufc and caufcs of ac- tion, fuits, bills, bonds, accounts, debts, dues, claims^ and demands whaifocver, cither in law or ccjuity, from the beginning of the world unto tlie i-f^-iTW/Zj day of r/z/g?/i^f then lalt, and did thereby confcnt and agixe, that the- i'aidconimiflion of bankruptcy might be ruperccded, vacated, and made void, as in and by the faid dced-poU of rcleafe, relation being thereunto had may appear. And whereas the faid mefluage or tenement, and Icafe, and divers other parts of the clhitc of the faid Ralph Atkins remain undifpofed of, and ilveral debts, liim and fums of money, late due and owing unto him and his eftate arc Hill {landing out and luireceived. Now this indenture v.itnelleth, that the faid Jobn Hay, Ed* I'Mjrd dnu'S; m-)d t/avics Ear!., as \\ ell for the confide- rations aforcfaid, as for and in coniideratiO]i of the fum of one dollar a-picce lo them fcverally in hand, at and before the cnfeiiling and delivery ofthefe pre - fcnts, by the {aA Ralph A thins ., wtW and truly paid, the receipt whereof they do hereby feverully acknow-' ledge, and thereof and of every part thereof, ncqnit and difeharge the faid Ralph Atkins, his executors, ad- miniftrators, and afligns, have and each of them hath granted, afligned, transferred, and ill over, and by thefe prefents do, and each of them doth, grant, afiign, tranf- fer, and fet over, unto the faid Ralph Afki?is, his exe- cutors, adminiftrators, and fifligns, as A\cn the laid melfuagc, or tenement, and premifes, vvilh their ap- ])urtcnances ; and all the eftate, right, title, and inte- rell of them, the faid John Hay, Edward Aines^ imd James Earl, as alfo the indenture of leafe by which the fiiid premifes are holdcn ; and all and every funi and fums of money, goods, houfliold fluff, plate, linen, jewels, rings, and other goods and things, and all debts, fum and fums of money, late part of the eflate of the faid Ralph Atkins ; and Vvhcreto or \vhcrein they or cither of them was, or were any v.-n}-s intitlcd unto^ cf 174, A S S I G N M E N T. iiitcreflcd in, by virtue of the fuid recited indenture of afiignment, or otherwiie howfoever, and which now remain undirpoied of, or are Hill ftanduigout, due or owing, with their and every of their appurtenances, and all the right, title, intereil, term and terms of ^^ars yet to come and unexpired, claim and demand vvhatfo- ever, of them the faid Jobn Hay^ Edvjard Amcs^ and James Earl^ any or either of them, to have and to hold the faid melTuage or tenement and premifes, with their appurtenances, and the indenture of leafe by which the fame is holden unto the faid Ralph AtkinSy liis executors, adminiflrators, and ailigns, for and dur- ing all the reft and refidue of the term of years by the faid Icafe granted and therein yet to coine and unex- pired : And to have, hold, ail;, demand, fue for, re- cover, receive, and enjoy, all and Angular the faid de1)ts, funi and fums of money now Handing out, due and ouing : and all and lingular the goods, houfliold ftuff, plate, jevv'elr,, rings, and other the premifes before by thefe prcfents affigned and fet over, or mentioned, and intended to be affigned and fet over unto the faid Ralph Atkins^ his executors, adrriiniftrators, and afiigns, to the only proper ufe and behoof of him the faid Ralph Atkins^ his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, without any account to be given for the fame. And this indenture further witneifeth, that the faid Ralph Atkins for the confiderations aforefaid, hath acquitted, releafed, and difcharged, and by thefe prefents doth ac- quit, reieafe and difcharge the faid [jobn Ilay^ Edivard Ames, and James Earl^ their executors, and adminif- trators, and every of them, of and from all a61:ions, fuits, accounts, claims and demands whatfoever, both at law and in equity, for touching or concerning only the fur- plus of the faid ellate, or relating thereto, or for, or by v-eafon of their or any of their intermeddling therein. And the faid Ralph Atkins, for himfelf, his executors, adminiftrators ar,d aiTigns, doth covenant, promife, ASSIGNMENT. 17^ grant and agree to and with the fuid John Hny^ Ed- ward yJmes^ and Jajucs Earl^ Icverally and rclpc6\ive- ly, and to and ^\ith every of them, by thele ivitlcnts, that he, the laid lialph Atkins^ his cxewitors and ael- miniftrators, (hall, and will, IVom time to time, and at all times hereafter, well and fuflieiently fave, defend^ keep harmlefs, and indemnified them, the laid 'John Jlay^ Edward Amcs^ and James Earl^ and every of them, their and every of their heirs, executors and ad- miniltrators, and his and their i2;oods and chattels, lands and tenements, of and from all future claims and de- mands, that Ihall or may be made or claimed by or out of the laid eftate, or from them the faid John Hay^ Edward .hue::, and James Enrl^ as afiignecs thereof as aforefaid ; and of, from, and againll all and all man- ner of a6Vion and actions, i'uits, arrel^s, troubles, coils^ charLj^es, damages, andexpenfcs whatlcever, which they the faid John Hay^ Edward Ames, and James Earl, or anycf them, their or any of their executors or adminillra- tors fliall or may fullain or be put imto,or which fliall or may happen to them, or any of them, for or by reafoji of their and every of their lawful intermeddling in the faid commilllon,or becominf the fecond part ; and iniiiajn Mare, of , of th(5 third part: Whereas b}^ indentures of leafe and re- leafe, bearing date refpeclivcly^the leafe the thirteenth^ and the releaie the fourteenth days of March, Mhich 'wa.s in the year of our Lord , and made or men- tioned to be made betM een the faid Richard Glyn, of the one part, and the faid Liusawiah Beet and Alarj^a- retBeeI,(A\he. other part, in confideration of — dolhirs, paid to the faid Richard Gly/i, by the faid Susannah £eelsind Marg.aret Bed, he the faid Richard Glyn did grant,bargain,feU,ahen,releaie,and confirm, and thereby pais & convey unto the faid Susannah Bed and Marga- ret Beel,2L\\(\ to their heirs and affigns, all that meiluage or tenement, farm and lands, &c. To hold unto, and to ■ the ufe of the laid Susannah Beel, and Margaret Beel^ their heirs and adigns, by Avay of mortgage, and fubject to a provifo and agreement in the faid indenture of re- Icafe, contained for reconveyance of the faid thereby mortgaged premifes, with the appurtenances, on pay- ment by the laid Richard Glyn, his heirs, executors, Jidminiftrators or aiTigns, of the fum of , (being in difcharge of the principal of fuch dollars, as a- forefoid, with one year's intereftfor the fame) unto the. faid Susannah Beel and Margaret Bed, their execu- tors, adminiflrators, or aifigns, at the times, and in manner therein mentioned : i\nd whereas by indenture bearing date x\\t fourteenth day of March, wliich was in the year of our Lord — — , and made or mentioned to be made between the faid Richard Glyn of the one ])art, and the faid Susannah Bed and Margaret Beel, of the other part ; after reciting or taking notice of the faid indentures of leafe and releafe, by way of mort- gage, and for fecuring fuch dollars and interefl;, as aforefaid, and alfo taking notice of an arrear of inte- refl, having 'incurred on fuch — ^ — dollars, belldes fome other charges in the faid now reciting indenture mentioned, to the amount logeiher of — — , which not ASSIGNMENT, 177 Suiting the convenience of the l\iid Richard Glyti^ then to latisfy, he was dcfirous, and the iUid Susamiab Heel and Margaret BceU conlentcd that the fame lliould be made principal, and added to the faid fum of — dol- lars, which made together the fum of — — dollars, or reciting or taking notice to that or the like efFe6\ ; it was witnclfcd by liich now reciting indenture, that the faid Richard Glyn, did for himfclf, his heirs, execu- tors and adminillrators, covenant and agree with the faid Susannah Reel and JMargaret Reel^ their heirs, executors and adminittrators, that the faid feveral pre- mifcs comprifed in the faid indentures of leafe and re- leafe, and thereby mortgaged in fee, by the faid Rich- ard Glyn^ to the faid Susannah Reel and Margaret BeeU as aforefaid, fhould from thenceforth Hand and be a fecurity to them for the faid fum. of — — dollars, which fliould from thenceforth be confiderciil all as principal money, and accordingly carry intereft, after the rate of fix per centum per annum, or fuch now re- citing leafe was, or purported to be to that or the like effe6l, and by way of further and additional charge of the faid fum of dollars and intereft, upon the fi\id mortgaged premifes with the appurtenances : And whereas all intereft accrued, due on the faid fum of dollars, principal money, fofecuredas aforefaid, to the day of the dateof thcfe prefents, hath been fully paid and fatlsfied by the laid Vincent Vine and Jane his wife, to the faid Susannah Reel and Alargarct Reel, which they do hereby acknowledge, wherefore there now remains due to them on the faid fecurity, only the faid principal fum of dollars : Now this in- denture witnelfeth, that for and in confideration of the fum of — dollars, by the faid IVm.More, in hand, well and truly paid to the faid Susannah Reel ^w(\ Margaret ^a'/,ator immediately before the fealingand delivery of thefe prefents (by and with the privity and confent of the MdVi?iccntPlnesiiidJane his wifcjteiliified bv their fcve- [23] :I7S ASSIGNMENT- TdViy being parties to and refpe6\ivelyfeai'ing and deliver- ing of thefe pre{ents)iu full of all money in any refpect due, owing or payable upon the faid recited fccuritics, the receipt of which fum of dollars,thclaidiS//j'rtn- nab lict'l o.nd Margaret Bed, do hereby acknowledge, and, of, and from the fame and every part thereof, do liertby rtfijc6lively acquit, releafe, and for ever dif- charge the faid //0;2. More, his heirs, executors, ad- aniniftrators and afiigns, they the faid Susannah Bed iind Margaret Bed (by and a\ ith fuch privity and con- jent fo teilified as aforefaid,) have, and each of them iiath bargained, fold, releafed and confirmed, and by thefe prefentsdo, and each of them doth bargain, fell, ieleafe, and confirm unto the faid JP^m.'More, (in his actual polTeflion now being by virtue of a bargain and fale to him thereof made by the laid Susannah Beel imd Margaret Beel, in conii deration o^ one dollar, by indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date of thefe preients for one whole year, commenc- ing from the day next before tl^e day of the date of the fame indenture, and by force of the Iiatute for transfer- ring ufes intopo{relIlon,)andtohisheirsand afligns: All thatthe laid meiTuagesortenements, and farms, and thefe- ■veral lands, arable, meadow, and pafture, and other the hereditaments and premjfes comprifed in the faid in- dentures of leafe and releafe, and thereby mortgaged 2n fee by the faid JUchard Glyn, unto the faid Susan- nab Beel and Margaret Beel, and afterwards the fiiid indenture of the fourteenth of March , fo further charged refpcctively as aforefaid, with the appurtenan- ces ; and the reveriion and reverfions, remainder and rem/ainders, of all and lingular the faid feveral premi- fes yearly, and other rents, iiTues and profits thereof, and all the eilate, right, title, freehold, inheritance, in- terell, ufe, truft, poffclTion, property, claim and demand v'hatfoever of the faid Susannah Bed and Margaret Beel, or either of them, of, in, or out of fuch fe- Tsral premifes, or, of, in,, to or oijt of any part or ASSIGNMENT. 179 parcel thereof, together \\ilh the faid feveral recited indentures, and all beiieiit and advantage thereof. To have and to hold the laid rrieiiViagc or tenement, iarm, lands, tenements, hereditamentb and premiieb hercl^y granted, bargained, fold, reieaied,andconfirmed, or luen- tioned, or intended ibt'obe,\\ idi their arid every of their appurtenances unto the laid IVm. il/(9rt',his heirs andal- figns X Sabjccl nevertlielefs to inch power and ec^uity oi' redemption, as is now lubiilling, of or concerning the fame premifes refpc£\ively : And the fuid *S'z/5i^z72- 7iab J^ce/-dnd Margaret JJec/^ each of them feparately and apart for herf:;lf, her heirs, executors and admmi- llrators, acls and deeds only, and not jointly one for the other, or for the heirs, executors and adminiHrators a^s or deeds of the other of them, do feverally cove- nant and declare, toand\'ith the faid IFni. More, his heirs and afiigns by thcfe prefents, that they the faid Susannah Bed and Marg-irct BceU refpe6\ively, hath not at any time heretofore, made, done, or conmiitted, or wittingly or willingly, iufiercd to be done or com- mitlcd any aft, matter or thing whatfoever, whereby or by means whereof the faid hereby releafed premiles, ^vith the appurtenances, or any part thereof, is, arc, can, fliall, or may 1)C in any wife impeached, charged, or incumbered, in title, eflate, or otherwife howfaever. In witncfs, &c. Of a Bmd as a collateral Security. This indenture made the day of , between Caleb King^ of , of the one part ; and Tniliam JFatkins^ of , of the other part : Whereas Rich- ard Giles, of , in and by one bond or obligation, bearing date the day of , which was in the 3'ear of our Lord , became bound to the faid Ca- ieb Kin^^ in the fum of — •— , conditioned for the pay- lao ASSIGNMENT. ment of , on the ■ day of , which was in the year of our Lord , with lawful intcrcft for the fiime : And whereas the faid Caleb Kin^^ in and by his bond or obligation bearing date the day of laftpall, became bound to the faid JFm. JVat- kins^ in dollars, conditioned for the payment of the fum of -. , on the day of now next enfuing, with lawful intercft for the fame, and the faid Caleb Kin^^ alfo in and by his other bond or oblij^a-t tion, bearing even date herewith, became bound to the faid Wm. JFatkins^ in another fum of dollars, conditioned for the payment of the further fum of ■ dollars, on the faid day of nov^ next enfu- ing, with lawful intereft for the fame, and the faid C^- /^^ A7;2g, for the further and better fecu ring the pay- ment of the faid feveral funis of — -^ dollars, and — -— dollars, (making together the principal fum of ~ dollars) with intereft for the fame refpectively, accord- ing to the conditions of the faid two feveral lall in part recited bonds or obligations, hath propofed and agreed to transfer and affign over, to the faid JVm. JVathns^Y wayjof additional and collateral fecurity,the faid herein before recited bond or obligation^fo entered into by the {■Aid Richard Giles ^ to the faid Caleb JT/'/zg as afore - faid, and the principal money and intereft due thereon, or fecured, or recoverable thereby, or by means thereof, in manner herein after mentioned : Now this indenture witnefTeth, that the faid Caleb Kin^^ for the confiderations aforefaid, and alfo in confideration of the fum of o;z^ dollar, of lawful money oithQ Unit- ed States, to him in hand paid by the faid JVin. Wat- kins, at or before the enfealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged ; hath bargained, affigned, transferred, and fet over, and by thefe prefents, doth bargain, affign, transfer, and fet over unto "the faid Wm^ JVatkins, his e^^ecviters, ad- ASSIGNMENT. 182. miniflrators, and afligns, the faid herein before recit- ^ed bond or obligation, lb given and entered in by the laid Richard Gi/cs, to the laid Caleb K'uig as afore- faid, and all his the laid Caleb King's intercllj therein^ and all the benefit and advantage thereof, and all fum antl fums of money, principal money and intcreft, lb . cured or recoverable thereupon, or by means thereof, and which is or are now due and owing, or which fliall or may hereafter grow due thereon, and all pow- ers and remedies which he the faid Caleb King hath, or ever had for the recovery of the fame : To have, hold, receive and take all and lingular the premifes hereby alligned, or intended lb to be, and the whole benefit and advantage thereof, and all monies ariling therefrom, unto the laid JTm. JFatkiiis, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, to, and for his and their own proper ufe and benefit : And the faid CV/Zti^ A77/g, for the confideration aforefaid, hath made, ordained, con- ilituted, and appointed, and by thefe prefents doth make, ordain, conllitute and appoint the faid //w. fVatkins^ his executors or adminillrators, his the faid Caleb Alng's true and lawful attorney and attornie^, irrevocable, giving to him and them full power and au- thority, in the name or names of him the faid Caleb Ki7}g^his execuiors or adminillrators, to aflv, demand, fue for, recover, levy, and receive all and every fum. and fums of money now due and owing, for principal and mtereft on the faid bond or obligation hereby af- figned or mentioned, or intended fo to be, or that iball or may hereafter grow or accrue due thereon, to and for the fole ufe and beneilt of him the faid /rm. JFat- kijis-, his executors, adminillrators and alfigns, in fuch manner, and by fuch procefs and lawful means as he rhe faid IF?!!. IFatkins^ his executors, adminillrators or alligns, or any of them Iball be advifed and think proper, and upon receipt thereof, or upon fatisfaclio© IB2 ASSIGNMENT. being given to the fliid JP^'m. fFatJdns^ for the liime, in fcl^d name of the laid Caleb King^ his executors, or/ ti^dminiftratorii, or any of them, or in the name or names ofhira the faid JFm. JFatkins, his executors, admini- itrators or alligns, to releafeaiid difcharge the faid Rich- ard Gilcs^ his heirs, executors and adminiftrators from the fame, and further, to do and perform all and every other lawful ae\ and ad Giles^ his executors, adminiftrators, and arAi^ns all that piece or parcel of ground, and all. and hngnlar other the premifes in and by the within written indenture of Icafe demifed or mentioned or intended to be thereby demifed, with their and every of their appurtenances ; and all the cilatc, right, title, intercfl, term of years to come and unexpired, property, claim, and demand whatfoever, either of the within named Samuel Buvcs^ or of her the (liid Susannah Bo%ves, as executrix or otherwife, of, in, to, or out of the fame premifes, every or any part thereof, together with the l:\id indenture of leaie. To have and to hold the faid piece or parcel of ground, and all and fmgular other the premifes hereby, or mentioned to be hereby afligned, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the faid Richard Giles^ his executors, adminiilrators, and aifigns from ihc/irst day of , next rnfuing the date hereof, for and du:*- ing all the reft, reliduc, and remainder, which Ihall be then to come and unexpired, of the term of years, ill and by the withhi written indenture of li.ufe grant- 19S ASSIGN M E N T. ed thereof : SubjcCl neverthelefs to the paj^ment of the rentancl perlbimance of the covenants in the lame indenture of ieafe, rtferved and contained on the te- nant or lelicc's part, from thenceforth to be paid, done, and performed : And the faid Susannah Boivcs, doth hereby for herfelf, her heirs, executors, and adminif- trators, covenant, promife, and agree, to and nith the fliid Richard Giles^ his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, in manner following (that is to fay) that he the iaid Richard Giles^ his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, paying the rent, and obferving, and performing the covenants and agreements refcrved and contained in and by the faid within written indenture of Ieafe, on tlje tenant or leflee's part, to be paid and per- formed, from and after the {di^^. first day of , next enfuing the date hereof, Ihall and may from time to time and at ali times thereafter, fof and during all the refidue and remainder which fnall be then to come and unexpired, of the faid term of years by the with- in written indenti*ire of leafc granted, lawfully, peacea- bly, and quiet]}" have, hold, occupy, polfefs and enjoy the faid piece or parcel of ground and premifes, hereby afligned or intended fo to be, with their and every of their appurtenances, and receive and take the rents, if- fues, and profits thereof, and of every part thereof, to and for his and their own ufe and benefit, without any lawful let, fult, trouble, denial, eviftion, or interrup- tion of, or by the faid Susannah Bowes ^ her executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, or any other perfon or perfons •^vhomfoevcr, iav/fuliy claiming or to claim, by, from, or under her, them, or any of (hem^ or by or through her or their aCl, means, neglect, default, or procure- ment : And that free and clear, and freely and clearly acquitted and difchargcd, or otherwife by the faid 5^- sannah Bowes ^hQV Q.^tc\xtox^ or adminiftrators, well and fuiTicientiy ftived, kept harmlefs, and indemriified ®f, from and ajjainft. all and all m^aniier of former an«i ASSIGNMENT^ 193 other deeds, gifts, grants, bargains, fales, afTignments, mortgages, furre riders, re-entries, judgments, exeeu- tions, extents, ilatiitcs, recognizanees, and all other incumbrances whatlbever : And of and from all arrears of rent, taxes and aireHnients, until the ididjirst day of now next enfuing. And further, that llie tlxifaid Susannah Jioivcs, her executors or adniinillrators, and all and every other pcrlbn and perfons having, or law- fully claiming, or to claim any ellate, right, title or in- terell, of, in, to or out of the faid hereby afiigned pre- mifes, or any part thereof, from, by, under or in truft, either for the within named Samuel Bowes^ or for her the faid Susannah Bowes^ her or any of her executors or adminirtrators fliall and will from time to time and at all times during the continuance of the faid term hereby afligned upon every reafonable requeft, and at the cofts and charges in the law, of him the faid Rich- ard Giles^ his executors, adminillrators, or afligns, make, do and" execute, or caufe and procure to be: made, done, and executed, all and every fuch fur- ther and other lawful and reafonable a6\s, conveyances and affurances in the law wdiatfoever, for the further and better afligning and alfuring the faid premifes unto the faid Richard Gilcs^ his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, for the then relldue of the term within de-. mi fed, as by the faid Richard Gilcs^ his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, or his or their counfcl learn- ed in the law, fliall be rcafonably devifed and required- In witnefs, &c. 8G^ The expenfe of the afllgnmcnt oJf any terms o£- years which a purchafer can require to be afligned to attend the inheritance, muft be borne by the purchafer himfclf; but the thleto them muft of courfe be dedu- ced at the expenfe of the vendor ; and if a term has ne- ver been afiigned to attend the inhentaace, tjie vender [ 25 ] 194 ASSIGNMENT. Tnufl bear the expenfe, not only of deducing tlie tifk, but alfo of the allu^nmcnt of the term to ii truflee of the purchafer's noniination to attend the inheritance. iSugden 27 L. Of Leasehold Premises^from a Mortgagee and Mar t^ gagor to a Purchaser . This indenture tripartite, made the day of ,' between John Jones ^ of- , of the firft part ; Joseph A'ingy of , of the fecond part ; and Paid Poe, of the third part : Whereas [^here recite the lease.'] And tvhereas the faid Da'uid Giles, did afterwards ere6l and build on the faid piece or parcel of ground, one brick auelfuage or tenement, purfuant to a covenant for that purpofe contained in the faid indenture of leafe. And whereas in and by an indenture of affignment or mort- gage, bearing date on or about the day of , and made or mentioned to be made between the faicf Daiiid Giles of the one part, and Abel Hay, of , of the other part \j-echin^ to the effect hereinbefore recited'] the faid David Giles, for the confiderations therein mentioned, did allign and fet over, unto the faid \Abel Hay, all the faid piece or parcel of ground, and the faid melTuagce or tenement thereon creeled and built, and all and fingular other the premifes in the faid indenture of leafe granted and demifcd, vvith their and every of their appurtenances, together with the Hiid in- <]enture of leafe. To hold unto the faid Jbel Hay, his executors, adminillrators and afligns, from thenceforth, for and during all the reil, reficlue and remainder of the faid term of years, in and by the faid recited in- denture of leafe granted, then to come and unexpired, binder a provifo in the faid indenture of mortgage con- tained for making void the fame, on payixient of the Rim ASSIGNMENT. i9S of dollars with intcrcft, on the day of , as in and by the faid recited indenture of afiignmcnt or mortgage, relation being thereunto had may appear : And whereas by one other indenture of affignment tri- partite, bearing date the day of , and made or mentioned to be made, between the iindJbc/ IIa)\ of the iirll part, the fliid Ba'vid Giles of the fecond part, and the faid Joscp/j King, of the third part ; recit- ing that there v. as then due and owing to the faid Jbel- Hay for principal and intercil on the laid recited mort- gage, the ilini of , and that the faid Joseph K'ing> had contra6\ed and agreed with the faid Dai) id Giles y for the abfolute purchafe of the laid mortgaged premi- fes, for the fum of dollars, the faid Jciam Hay, in confideration of the faid fum of , fo due to him for principal and intercil on the faid mortgage, to him paid by the faid Joscpb King, by the direction and appoint- ment of the faid DavidGiles^d'id hereby grant, bargain, fell, aflign, transfer, and fet over, and the faid Da^id Giles, in confideration of the further fum of do 1- lars, to him then paid by the faid Joseph King, did thereby grant, bargain, fell, aflign, releafe, and confirm unto thcYaid Joseph King, his executors, adminiilra- tors and alfigns, the faid recited indenture of leafe, made and granted to the faid Dai^id Giles, as afore- faid, and the faid piece and parcel of ground, mefTungc or tenement, and all and fmgular other the premifes, with the appurtenances, in and by the faid recited in- denture of leafe, demifed to the faid Daiiid Giles, by the faid IFatt Tyler, or mentioned or intended fo to be, to hold unto the faid Joseph King, his executors, ad- minifl;rators and affigns, from thenceforth for and dur- ing all the rell, relidue, and remainder of the faid term of years, in and by the faid recited indenture of leafe granted, then to come and unexpired, as in and by the faid laft recited indenture ofaflignment, relation being thereunto had will appear. And whereas by one 196 A S S I G 1S[ M E N T. other iiulenture of aiTignment or mortgage, bearing date the day of , made between the faid Jo- seph Kim^, of the one part, aad the faid John Jones, pat ly hereto of the other part ; [^reciting to the effect herein before recited'^ and further recitmg that by one bond or obHgation bearing even date herewith, the. faid Joseph King had become bound unto the faid John Joncs^ in the penal fum of dollars, condi- tioiiCd for the payment of the fum of dollars, in manner and at the times therein meritioned, the laid Joseph Kiug^ as veil for the better feeuring and more lure paymentof the faid fum of dollars, accord- ing to the condition of the faid bond or obligation, as alfo for other the conditions therein m.entioned, did grant, bargain, fell, afiign, transfer and fet over unto the faid John Jones, his executors, adminillrators ar.d aiiigns, the faid recited indentures of leafe, -made and granted to the faid Duuid Giles as afore faid, and the laid piece or parcel of ground, melfuage or tenement, and ail and fnigular other the prcmifes, with the appur- tenances, in and by the faid recited indenture of leafe deihifed to the faid Dai) id Giles, by the faid IP^att Ty- ler, or meant, mentioned, or intended fo to be : To hold unto the faid John Jones^ his executors, admini- llrators and alTigns, from. thenceforth, for and during all the rell, refidue and remainder of the faid term of — — years, in and by the faid recited indenture of leafe granted, then to come and unexpired, under a provifo therein contained, for making void the llmie, on pay- ment of the faid fum of dollars, at the time, and in manner therein before limited and appointed, as in and by the faid lall recited indenture of afiignment, re- lation being thereunto had will appear : And whereas the faid fum of — ^ dollars, or any part tliereof was not paid or Hitisfied at the time mentioned and appoint- ed for payment thereof, whereby the eftate and in- fereft of the faid John Jones^ in and to the faid mortg^-" ASSIGNMENT. io1 ged premifcs bt-cnme abfolute in law : And whereas tiiere is now clue and owiiii^ to thefald Jo/j/i Jones, lor principal and intereilon tlie faid lecitedbond aiid mort- gage, to the day of the date of ihefc prelects the luni cl" dollars : And whereas the laid Paui Poc, hath coiitrac\ed and agreed with the laid.y(?ir//Z> Jun^\^ lor ihe abfolutc purehale of the laid niortg-.'.ged premifes, for all the rehout and remainderrf the faid teini oi years, in and by the laid rceiled indenture of Icafe granted, now to come and unexpired for the price or film of dollars: Ntnv this iiideniiire witncilcth, that for and in conlidcration of tlie faid fum of dollars, to the faid yn/.>n Jcucs, in l\:il of all principal money, and intcrell due to him hem the LAiX Joseph Kiiig^ on^ich laid recited bond and mortgage, to him in hand, well and truly paid by tliefaid Paul Poe^ by and nith the confent, dire committed, done or fu fie red by the faid John Jones and Joseph Jung, or either of them, their or either of their executors, adminiftrators or afligns, or by or w itU their, any or either of their privity, confent, or pro- curement, or by aiiy other perfon or perfons whatfoe- ver (exceptone indenture of leafe bearing date the — — ♦ day of , whereby the faid Joseph Kiiig\ demifcdto Titus Dull, of , his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, the aforefaid meifucige or tenement, known by the si<^n of the Black Horse, part of the premifes here- by affigned, from the/? rj^ d-dyofJpril, then lafl, forthe term of tivehe years, at and under the yearly rent of two hundred dollars, payable (juarterly ; which faid rent of tivo hundred dollars is from heaceforth to be paid to the faid Paul Poe^ his executors, adminiflratora or affigns :) And further, that he the faid Joseph King^ his executors, adminiflrators and all and every other perfon or perfons lawfully claiming or to claim the premifes, by, from or under him, them, or any of them, except as aforefaid, lliall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, during the remainder of thg faid term of years now to come and unexpired, at the requefl, cofls, and charges in the law, of the Hiid Paul Poe, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, make, do and execute, or caufc and procure to be made, 4pne and executed, all and every fuch further and othci; t 26 J - 2b5 A S S I G N INI E N T. ](a'>vfal and reafonable act and afts, thing and thing's, deeds, conveyances, afllgnments, and alTurances in the law whatlbever, for the further, better, more perfect, and abibhitc conveyhig, aingning, and afiuring the faid hereby afiigncd premifes, unto the faid Paul Poe^ his executors, adminiftrators and alTigns, for all the reft, rciidue, and remainder of the Aiid term of , which lliall be then to come and unexpired, as by the faid Paul PoCy his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, or his or their counfel learned in the law, fliall be reafona- blyadvifed,dev-ifed or required: And laftly, the faid PautPoe, for himfelf, his executors, adminiftrators and aiiigns, doth covenant, promife and grant, to and with the faid Joseph King, his executors and adminiftra- tors, that he the faid Paul Poe, his executors, admini- llrators, or afiigns, feme or one of them, fliall and wiU from time to time; from henceforth, for and during the remainder of the faid term of— — years, now to come and unexpired, well and truly pay the ftiid yearly rent of two hundred dollars, at the times and in fuch man- ner as in and by the faid recited indenture of leafe, the fame is referved, and which fliall from henceforth grow- due, and perform all and every the covenants contained in the faid recited indenture of leafe, which on the ten- ant's or lelTee's part or behalf, from henceforth are or ought to be kept and performed, and alfo fliall and w ill from time to time and at all times hereafter, fave, de- fend, keep harmlefs and indemnified, the faid Joseph King, his executors and adminiftrators, of and from all cofts, charges, fuits, damages, and expenfes what- foever, which he or they fliall or may bear, pay or fuf- tain, for, or by reafon or means of the non-payment of the ftiid yearly rent or fum of two hundred dollars, which from henceforth fliall become due and payable, or any future non-performance of any of the covenants in the faid recited indenture of leafe contained. In wit- Hcfs, £'.Q. ASSIGNMENT. 20^ Of the benefit of purchased Articles, This indenture made the day of , between fValtar Rex, of , of the one part, and Tbomns Leach, of , of the other part. Whereas ia ar- ticles of agreement bearint^ date the day next before tlie day of the date of thefe prelents, and made between the fiiid JFaltar Rex of the one part, and John Fen of , and Kitty Fen, of , m idow, mother of the iiUiXJohn Fen, of the other part, and in and by an in- dorfement written on the fame, feveral covenants and iis^reements, matters and things, are contained touch- ing the valuation of, and paying for feveral trees there- in mentioned to be valued and paid for, as therein ia mentioned, and for the true performance of fuch cove- nants and agreements contained in the faid articles which on the part and behalf of the faid TFaltar Rex, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns ought to be performed ; he the faid JFaltar Rex, hath obliged iiimfelf, his heirs, executors and adrniniftrators, unto the faid John Fen and Kitty Fen, their and each of their heirs, executors and adrniniftrators, in the penal J\im of dollars, and for the true performance of inch of the covenants and agreements contained in the iaid articles, which on the part and behalf and parts and behalfsofthefaid./c//f7;z 7'>;z and Kitty Fen, their and each of their heirs, executors, adrniniftrators and al- figns, ought to be performed, the {i\\(\John Fen, hath obliged himfelf, his heirs, executors, adrniniftrators and'afiigns, and the faid Kitty Fen, hath obliged her- felf,her heirs, executors, adrniniftrators and afligns, un- to the laid JFaltar Rex, in the penal fum of dol- lars. Now this indenture witnefleth. That the ftiid JFaltar Rex, doth hereby acknowledge and declare, that at the time of his executing he faid articles, it was intended that the faid Thomas Leach, his heirs, executors^ adrniniftrators and afllgns, ihould have all 204 ' ASSIGNMENT. the advantage that might arife thereby, and therefore he the faid IValtar Rcx^ in conlideravion oF the funi of o«(? dollar, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, hath, as far as in him lies, bargained, fold, af- figned and fci over, and by tliLfc prefdits doth, as far as in him hes, bargain, fell, aiiign and fet over unto the faid Thomas Leach ^ his heirs, executors and ad- miniiUators, to and for his and their own ufe and bene- fit L All fuch benefit, profit and advantage which he the faid IValiar Rex^ his heirs, executors and adminiflia- tors, can or may have or claim by reafon or means of the faid articles and indorfement, or any covenants, a- gretments, matters or things therein contained : And for the better enabling him the faid Thomas Leach, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, to receive and take the benefit, profit and advantage hereby afligned, or mentioned and intended to be afhgned, he the faid Waltar Rex^ doth hereby conflitute, authorife and ap- point die faid Thomas Leach, his heirs, executors and adminiflrators, his true and lawful attorney and attornies, to commence any aclion or alliens, fuit or fuits, to compel the pet formance of all deeds, cove^ nants, agreements, matters or things contained in the faid articles or indorfements, which on the part and behalf, parts and behalfs of the faid Johji Fen and Kitty Fen, or either of them, their or either of their heirs, executors or adminiftrators, ought to be performed. And this indenture further witnefTeth, t}>at in conlide- ration of the affignment ther( by made, and of the pow- ers hereby given to the faid Thomas Leach, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, he the faid Thomas Leach, for himfeif, his heirs, executors and admini- ftrators, doth covenant, promife and agree to and with the faid IValtar Rex^ that he the laid Thomas Leach^ his heirs, executors, adminiflrators and affigns, fliall and will from time to time, and at all times, fave, de- lend and keep Ixarnilel^ and indejimificd the laid JValff ASSIGN M E N T. 205 tar Rex^ his heirs, executors and admlniftrntors, and his and thtir h.iids, tenements, and hercdiiurnei . of, from, andagainil all liich colls, charji^es, di-iv. .iid cxpenies, which he the faid JValtiir licx^ h; , cciUors and admir.illrators, or his, their^ or a:.;. Ci u.-ir lands, tenements or heredltamentb, ihall ca ii-iybLiir, fullain, or be put unto for or by reaf'!' ; s of his, the faid 7/1:/; jr i;t.v, executing the ij.a.aiiic.cs and ligning the faid indorfement, or for or by rcafon or means of any covenant, ap;reement, iiia'.cer or thing' therein contained, or ibr or bv reafon or means of any aC\ion or aclions, fuit oi- fuits to be commenced or pro- fecuted by virtue of any power or auiiu)rity thereby giveii or granted by the faid ll\dtar Rex, In \\ it- ncfs, &.C. Transfer of Shares in a Company . For value received, 1 JMartin jSIiles^ of , affgn the whole of my right, title and intereil of, in and to ti\)0 Ihares in the corporation of The picOdcnt, mana- gers and company of the Schuyikill and Suf(iuehannah naviijation ; [or. The president^ mnnogcrs and covipa- vy nf the Delaware and Schuylk'iU can :l nai}ii^afion,'] to Jobn !\f-Mu//en, of , and cordUfute him, his adiijrnsand fublUtiites.mv attornev&.attornies.with full power to receive in his or their name or names certi- ficates for thefiid fliares, hereby obliging myl'elf athis or their requellto do all neceffary matters and things for the more effectually transferring the faid ihares to h'lxn oi- thcpi. vVit^e^^; my l^and and feal, this day of Anno Domini . Acknowledged before me,' notary public for the com- aion wealth of Peunsyhafihr tl^is day r. , fc.i'i Doe. 1^ 206 A W A R D. CfSbarcs of Stcck. ^ FofA'alne received,! Simon /S'/i??7,nftmcd in x\\&tivcn- ^v-/('y;//'CtTtilica^Cb hereto annexed, which are numbered tis foilous, viz. No _, and No. , a'iign the fharesof ^ock theiein mt-ntioned, to Ch^'rles Moony, of — , and coniiitute him, his aiiigns and I'abliiturcs, my attorney and attoi'.ies, with full power to receive, in hi.s or their name or names, certificates for the faid fnarts ; hereby ob!i;i;ini:i: niyfelf, my heirs and executors, at the recjuell of th'e Add Charles Moo7iy, or his aiiigns and fubllitutes, to do all necelfary matters and things for the more ef- feaually transferring the faid fliares to him or them. Witnefs, &c. Acknowledged, he. as in the preceding. * The stock sho^kl bo annexed and sewed through this place bv a ribbon, aiul the notaiial seal iniprebscd on it. 4 Reference.-^ An appointment of an Umpire by the Rfcrecs—and an Award by that UmpUe, ^' The Reference. To all to whom tbefe prefents fliall come, George Graham, oi- , and Joseph Jones, of , clerk y adminiftratorofthe goods, chattels, rights and credits oi Thomas Jones, late of , deceafed, fend greeting : Whereas bv articles of cp-partnerfliip bearing date on or about the day of --^— , which was in the year A W A R D. 20T of our Lord • -, and made, or mentioned to 1;C made, between the laid Thojuas Jones oi" the tirll part ; the laid (horgcGrabani, ot the fecond part ; and Charles Jones, ol" ekleli: ion of the laid Thomas Joms, of the third part : it is witneiled, tluit lor tiie eonlldera- tions tliertin mentioned, they the fuid parties thereto dici ix-eome, -c-'X ./.rec > eoniinue pattneis and'joir;t traders lo.Leii <- -, •■ '■.- -''. trade, m}llerv, oi buh; tfs of an aputbcca.yy irom tiie day of the daie thereol' for and dunny; tlieir ji^'.it lives, ait'j 'die joint lives of the two of the laid three w'aieli ihouid liapjen lo larvive i And that fioni i;ri(i iii'ier the day of , ^\hich ihould be in tl.e yeai of onr Lord • — , thty tl^e faicl parties fliouici caeh ol'tiKn\ iuive a fevcial lii^l't. ii.te- reil and propc rty in ai ci to ore luil third poit ef the lloek and utti)l".,s in ttiiCc. wl/'xh fiiould belong to the faid partnerfliip, and in and to the incrtafe and iraiii tliat ihould grow or ariie by '.he mear.s of the faid joint trade : And it was h\ the fan)e artieles, amongft od er things, declared and agreed by and betv een the laid parties thereto, that when and lb often iis any cor trover- fv, difierence, or quellion, fliould ha^jpen or arife be- tween tlie iaid parlies, tlnir executors, adminilbalors oralligns, or any of tl^.em, touching or corccrning the faid partneifliip or the joint iloek or trade thereof, or in refpecl of any matter or thing r.ot dicrcl\v fully deter- mined, fet down, explained or declared; then and \\\ every fuch cafe before any fuit in law or equity flioukl be commenced, each of the laid pai ties aiid his execu- tors, adminiftrators and afligns, Ihould refer the con- fideration of every fuch eontrcveify, diftereiice anci. quellion, to two dilcreet and indifferent j^erfons, to be named and appointed by the parties fo contending, ^\ ho, fliould hear and determine the feme ; and in dt fault of tlieir determination and aA\ard il-erein, lliould have ])Owe>f to eledl and make choice of a third pcifon for imipirc, who alone ihoukl hear and determine fuch coa^ 50B A W A R D. troverfy, difference and qiieftion ; and whatever awartl touching or concerning fuch controverfy, diuerence, andqueilioii fnouid be made and delivered, or given up in writing, ir.dented, under tiie hands and feals of facii arbitraiorb within fc^icnty days next after their ele^\ion, or under the hand and feal of fuch umpirias Jonesy at the tinic ci" the dcceale oi" the iaul 'J'/jo- 4iias Junes, in iull pa}iuent, latisfaction, and dilcharge, of and lor all monies, debts, and demands, due or ow- ing to the laid Gcor:(C Grabam., in relpeCl oi his being iit tlie expenle of pros idint^ and keeping sundry hgrses^ to attend the faid eo-partnerihip buiinefs, from the de- -ceafe of the faid Charles Jones, until the death of the laid Thomas Junes, In witncfs, ^c. By three Arbitrators. To ail to whom this prefcnt writing of award indent ' cd Ihall come, ^\■e Abel Bell, Caleb Doe, and Enoch Fey, fend greeting : Whereas divers controverfies and debates have been, and yet are depending between inks Hone and Innis Key, for the appcafing and deter- mining wheieof, the faid parties have fubmitted them- Jelves, and are become- bound, each to the other, by their feveral ol:)ligations, bearing date the day of , in the fiim of , widi conditions thereunder written for the performance of the award, arbitrament, determination and judgment of us, the faid Abel Belly Caleb Dqc and Enoch Eey, arbitrators indifferently eler\ riting, unto the other of them, of all a6lions, fuits and demands, to the day of the date of the within obli- gation. In witnefs, &.c. By an Umpire, To all lo whom this prefent uriting of award indent- ed lliall come, I, Abel B'lon^ of , fend greeting : Whereas \rccitc the bond']. And whereas the faid ar- bitrators did not make any award in the premifes, v ith- in the time for that purpofe limited as aforefaid ; but by w riting under their hands, dated the day of now lall pall, did agree, that I, the faid AhelBion^ (hould be the umpire concerning the lame. Now^ 8^c. 214 A W A R D. Upon a Rule of Reference ?nade at theTrlalof a Cause* Whereas at n court of , held at , tDii the day of , a caiifc came on then to be tried, wherein Rion Fox of was plalntill",and/F/6//(? tinman oi — , defendant, and on fuch trial, by confent of both parties, their counfel and attornies, an order or rule was then made, that the faid caufe, and aifo one other caufe depending between the fame parties in the court of commovi pleas, (l:iould be referred to Titus ^Truemany Benjamin Jostle and A'atban Crook^ the three foremen of the jury empannelled and fworn to try the faid caufe, or any two of them, to hear and determine all the faid differences, fo as the liiid Titus "Truernan^ Benjamin Jostle and Nathan Crook^ or any two of them, fliould make and publilh their award in ■writing, on or before the day of next : Kow we the faid Titus Trueman^ Benjatnin Jostle and Nathan Crook, in purfuance of the faid order or rule t)f reference, having heard both the faid parties, their ailegations and anfwers, touching the matters in differ- ence between them, and haviiTg thoroughly confidered of the fame, do award, order and adjudge of and upon the premifes, in manner and form. following : Firft, we do award and order,that the faid7?io7«/^ox,(liali confent that the fum of dollars paid by him into the h\<\ court of common pleas, be received out of the faid court by him the faid IFhitc Tinman^ to the proper ufe of iiim theiaid White Tinman. Secondly, we do award and order, that the find Rion Fo>c, fliall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid unto the faid JVhitc Tinman^ ^thefum of dollars, on the day of next, 'at the houfc of Titus Rose, of , between the hours of and of the clock of the fome day. Third- ly, we do asvard aiul order, that the foid JFhite Tin- fiian^ Ihall upon the receipt of the faid dollars out of the faid court of common pleas, Jiiid on payment A W A R I). 215- ©f the faid fiim of dollars, execute unto tlic Hiki Jiion Fox^ a g-cneral rclcale of the matters to us refer- red, and that the faid Rion Fox Ihall at the fame time execute unto the faid IVh'nc Tinman^ the like ickafe. In witnefs, &:c. The nomination of an Umlnrc by two Arbitrators^ ivhsi C9uld not conclude the D'ljj'crcnccs to ihem referred. To all to whom this prefent v, riting of award indent- ^d Ihall come, we Abner OUU tmd B'lon Youngs of » fend greetiuj^ : Whereas Comely IVolf^ and Dainty Daiiy^ of , by obIi_^ation bearini^ date the day of , have bound tliemfelves reciprocally to Hand to the award of us the faid Abner Old and Bion Yming^ to be g-iven up in writin^^, relative to all dilier- enees, depending between them on or before the day of the date hereof, and in cafe no award iliould be made by us on or before the faid day in concUifion of the ])remifes, then to Hand to the final determination of ibch peribn that Ihould l>e chofen um])ire by us tlx? faid arbitrators, for the final concluiion of the prcmifcs to be given up by the faifl umpire on or before the day of , as by the faid obligation and condition thereof more plainly m.ay appear: Now know ye, that we the {-ciifX Abner Old and Bion }o//7?^^, arbitrators aforcfiid, having not concluded and agreed upon the prcmifcs to us referred as aforrfaid, and alfo defiring that a full end and final conclufioii may at length be made between the faid panics concerning the prcmi- fcs, Do hereby, according to the pov er to us granted ])y the faid obligation nominate, determine and ^\>- Y)(j\nt James Ford, of , to be the fole and only umpire in the premifes to conclude, end, determine, and finally to finiili, all the matters, demands, and dif- ferences in controNcrfy betvvccn the fuid parties, which !516 AWARD. umpirage and final conclufion of the premifes fiiall be given up by the faid James Ford^ in writing indented under his hand and feal, ready to be delivered unto the faid parties in eontroverfy at the fliop oiJohn Handy in , on or before — --. In Witnefs, &:c. District Return of an Election. To the judges delegated from the different di{lri61:3 of the county oi Dauphin, to meet at the court houfe in the borough olHarrishurgh. At an eleftion held on Tuefday the day of October Anno Domini, 180 , at the houfe of , in the tovjnship of , in the county of Dauphin, being the second ele6tion diftrift of the faid county on clofmg the poll and counting the votes it appeared that for Governor. A. B. had two hundred votes 200 Reprefentatives in Congrefs. C. D. had two hundred liotes 200 E. F. had one hundred and ninety 'uotes 190 Senator. G. H. had one hundred and ninety -four 'uotes 194 Members of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, J. K. had, &c. L. M. had, &c. N. O. had, &c. P. Q. had, &c. R. S. had, &:c. T. U. had, &c. V. W. had, &c. Sheriff. Coroner. AWARD. ojj Commiflloner. X. Y. had, he. Dire^or of the poor. A. Z. had, &c. Auditors. B. A. had, he. C. L. had, 8cc. K. R. had, &c. In teflimony w hereof wc the judejes of faid diih-i^l have hereunto fet our hands the faid day of Oclo- ber, Anno Domhii, 181 — Q. P. S. R. U. T. KT* For the return of infpe6lor, previoufiy to thie general election, fee Graydou's Juilice, p. 8y. County Return of Reptresetitathes in Congress^ To the judges deputed from the counties of Dauphin^ Cumberland^ lyFifflin and Hniningdon., to meet at the houfe now occupied by JVilliam Sterrety in Mifflin^', tawny in the county oi Afiffl'uu We the fubfcribers, judges of the ele6lion, held in. the feveral diilricts of die county of Dauphin^ on tho twelfth inllant, (it being the fecond Tuefday in Oci:o- ber, Anno Domini 181 — ), to wit, A, B. one of the: judges of the fnit djilri6l ; 6*. /). one of the judges o£ the fecond diflriii); ; E. F. one of the judges of thc! third diftri6\ ; G. H. one of the judges of the fourtli dillridl, %^c. \_one judge from each districts according to the number of districts in the county']^ being met together at the court houfe of the faid county, and having care- fully examined the returns of the faid feveral dilbi6ls, and enumerated and added together the votes therein contained, do certify, that at the faideleclion *.he votes for reprefentatives in the congrefs of the united Hates, ^^)pcar to be as follows, viz. j: 2» ] 218 A W A R D. For J. K. eleven h u fid r e d \oics llOO For L. M. 7iine /hundred votes 900 For N. O. seven hundred \oics 700 For P. Q. one hundred votes iOO In tcftlniony whereof we have hereunto fet our hands 2iimiti\\^ i\\t fifteen th day ofOclober, A. D. 181 — . C. D. *.Vr«/.* A. B. *'S,;o/.# * * * * » * * # Cr. ri. *'!)Vft/.* F,. F. #AVfl/.« Sec. S;C. iCj" See postea the general return of the difcri^l, compofed of the counties of Dauphin^ Ciunberland^ Mifflin and Huntirigdon, County Meturn of Senators. To the judges delegated from the counties of York and AdamSy to meet at the court houfc in the borough of York, We the fubfcribers, judges of the election held in the feveral diflricls of the county of York^ on the twelfth inilant, (it being the fecond Tuefday in 06lobcr, Anno Domini 181 — ), to wit, A. B. one of the judges of the firil diftri6"l ; C. /). one of the judges of the fecond dittrift ; E. F. one of the judges of the third di{lti6\; G. H, one of the judges of the fourth diftricl, 8?c. [one judge from each district^ according to the number of districts ifi the zounty^^ being met to- ther at the court-houfe of the faid county, aad having carefully examined the returns of the faid feveral dif- tri£ls, and enumerated and added together the votes therein contamed, da certify that at the faid elcclion^ the votes for fenators appear to be as follows, to wit :, c. * » G. » » « H. *Seal « * « &C. AWARD. 219 For J. K. one tbousaiul . ^ 1000 For L. JNl. liiiic hundred 900 For N. O. scutn hundred 700 For P. Q /our hundred 400 In teftimoiiy whereof we have hereunto fet our hands and Icalb thi^Jiftecnth day of October, A. D. 131 — A. .B *^<^uC «t » * -:k * * |0" See postea the general return of the dillricl com- pofed of York and Adams counties. General Election Returns. Of Go\}ernor. To the honoral)Ic the Speaker of the fcnate of the com- monwealth of Pciniiyivania. We the fubfcrlbcrs, judges of the election held in thefeveral diilnC^s of the county of Daupbuu on the tivelftb inlhmt (it being the lecond'rutfduy mO(?lolx r. Anno Domini 181 — ) lo uii, A. B. one of the judges of the full dillria ; C. D, one of the jud:j;cs oi'the fe- cond diftri^l ; E. F. one of the judges of the third dif- triQ ; G. H. one of the judges ofthefourth dillricVAc [one judge from each district^according to the number of districts in the <:o;/;ji'v]lxingmet together at tliccourt- houfeof thefaid county, & havingcarcfuUy examined the returnsof the faid feveVal diftric\s,&enumeratedand ad- ded together the votes tiiereiii contained, do certify, that 22(1 AWARD. at the faid ele6lion, the votes for a governor appear t» be as follows, viz. For K. S. twelve hundred andjifty-fve "votes^ 1255 For J. K. three hundred and se'Dcn'uotcs 307 In teiliniony Vv hereof we have hereunto fet our handg andlcalb the 13th* day of October, AnnoDonnni 181 CD. ,&a/* A. B. *6rc/.« * * * % «««* «*■*» „.„*•** G. H. *6'ea/.# £. F. *Seal.* &c. Scci Of Representathes in Congress. To his excellency S» S. efquire, Governor of the commonwealth of Pennfylvania. We the fubfcribers, judges of the eledlion held in the diftri^l: cumpofed of the counties o^ Dauphin, Cum- berland, Mifflin and Huntingdon, on the twelfth in- ilant, (it being the fecond Tuefday in October, An- no Domini 181 — ), to wit, A. B. one of the judges of Dauphin county ; C. D, one of the jud- ges of Cumberland county ; E. i% one of the judges g{ Mfflin county ; and G. H. one of the judges of Huntingdon county, being met together at the houfe now occupied by William Sterret, in Mifflintoivn, in the county of Mifflin, and having compared and call lip the returns of the faid feveral counties, do certify, that at the laid electicA the following named perfons •appenj to have been duly elected reprefentatives in the * Fomierly, in Pennsylvania, the general returns were maclc up *n Satuvclay. " the fourth day after the clay of election ;" but by act of assembly passed March 17, 1806, (vol. VII. 484.) " all township •lections aiid meetings of return judges of the general elections, "that now are directed by. law to be held on Saturday, shftU be holdc?? Oil the Friday, iracietUately pregeclJLng.'' A W A U D. 221 congrefs of the United States for the diflrict aforefaid, to wit : J. K. having three thousand six hundred votes 3G00 L. M, hvi\un^ three thousand tivo hundred 'uotcs 5200 III tcftimony whereof ^^e have iK-reunto fet our lv\nds and feals the — day of October, Anno Domini 180 C. D. ,6W* A. B. *'Vr'c/. » # #« * # » » * G, H. *^cai,* h. F. *^>«/.^ tcr Such returns (i. e. where two or r.iore conn- ties compofc a dillric\) are within the Ipace of ten days after the election, to be deHvered by the judges to the Iherift'ofthe county in which they lliall be con- vened, who Ihall within thirty days after faid election, deliver or fafely tranfmit the fame to the governor. The judges lliall alfo caufe a duplicate to be depo- fited in the prothonotary's oflice of fame county, bee vol. V. Aas, 145, 0/ Senator. To the honorable the Senate of the commonwcaUh of Pennfylvania. We the fubfcribers, judges of the ele6tion, held ia thefeveral diilrifls of the county oi Dauphin, on tho fcoelfth inflant, (it being the fecond Tucfday in Octo- ber, Anno Domini IS I — ), to wit, yf. B. one of the judges of the firft diltrict ; C. D. one of the judges of tile fecond diftrict ; E. F. one of the judges of the third diftrict ; G. H. one of the judges of the fourth diilrict, 'i^c. \one judge from each district, according t^ the numlier ofdistncts in the county,'] being met to- 222 A W A R D. gcther at the court-houfc of thefaid county, and hav- ing carefully examined the returns of the i\u'J feveral chllricts, and enumerated and arlded to.i^ethtr the votes therein contained, do certify, that at the faid elec.ion, thf following named perfon appei^rs to have been duly elected Senator for the faid county, to wit : P. S. he \\Viv'n-)^one thousand Jiijc hundred liotcs^ 1500 In teilimbny whereof, we have hereunto fet our himds and fealb the fifteenth day of October, Anno Domini 181— C. D. #'Vm/# A. B- *.A-a/« J^ -SK ^: TT^ ;m. at G. H. *.'^v./.* E. F. *i-/. Another. To the honorable the Senate of the commonwealth of Pennfylvania. We the fubfcribers, judges deputed from the coun- ties of Tork ?iW^Adams^ to meet at the court-house in the borough of York^ for the purpofe of making a gen- eral and true return of fenators for the diftiict compof- ed of the counties aforelliid, being met together at the faid court-houfe, and having carefully examined and call up the feveral county returns of the election held on Tuefday the -day of October inftant, do certify, that at the faid election, the following perfons were duly elected fenators for the dillrict aforefaid, that is to J. li. he having tv:ehe hundred votes 1200 Zj' M. he having eleven hundred votes 1100 In tejlimony whereof we have hereunto fet our hands AWARD. 223 and feals, the day of October, Anno Domini 181— CD. ».V^«/., B. k. *.Vta/.- Id* This hitter return applies \\hcre two or more eouiities compolc a clillrict. Of Rcprcsrntathcs. To the honorable tlie Houft of P.eprefentatives of thq cunimoiiweallh ol Pennlylvania. We the fubfcribers, judges of the eledlion held \\\ the feveral diftricls of the county of Dauphin^ on the tiDclfth inttant (it being the fecond '1 uefday in Octo- ber, i 81 — ) to wit, A. B. one of the jucigcs of the full diilrifl ; C D. one of the judges of the fecond dif- tricl ; E. F. one ofthe judges of the third diftri8: ; G, II. one ofthe judges ol the foi.rih dilbict, 8;c. [one judge from each district accoraiiig to the mnnber of districts in the county'\ being met together at the court houfe of the faid county, and having carefully examined the returns of the iaid feveral difu i(S\s, and enumerated and added together the votes therein con- tained, do certify, that at the faid eleirMon the follow- ing iiamed perfons, being the three highcll in votes, appear to have been duly elccled members ofthe houfe of reprefentatives for the faid county, to wit : /. K. having twelve hundred \o\ts 12C0 L. M.\\^\'w\^ eleven hundred \otzs 1100 J/. N. \\^\\\\^nine hunih-ed \o\QS 900 In tedimonv whereof we ha\e hereunto fet our hands 224 A W A R D. and feals i\\t fifteenth day of October, Anno Domini 181— * * * :^ C. D. *.SeaL* A. B. ^Seai * * * «■ * * * » G. H. -^Seal.^ E. F. ^Seal. Of Sheriff ^ To jV. -5. ^. efqiiire, Secretary of the commonwealth ofPennfylvania. We the fubf:ribers, judges of the ele6\ion held in the feveraldiftrictsof the county of Dauphin^ on the twelfth inftantCit being the fecond Tuefday in O6lo- ber, Anno Domini 181 — ) to wit, A. B. one of the judges of the firll diftricl ; C. D. one of the judges of the fecond dillricl ; E. F, one of the judges of the third diftrict ; G. II. one of the judges of the fourth diftriiSl, &:c. [one judge from each district according to the number of districts in the county~\ being met together at the court houfe of the faid county, and hav- ing carefully examined the returns of the faid feveral diflrifts, and enumerated and added together the votes therein contained, do certify, that at the faid eleftion, the following named perfons, being higheft in votes, appear to be duly elected flierifts for the faid county, to wit : J. K. having twehe hundred votes 1200 L. M. having ten hundred and fifty votes 1050 In teftimony whereof we have heremito fet our hands and feals ilief fteenth day of October, Anno Domini 181— C. D. .Seal, A. B. ^SeaL* Cr. H. *Seal.^ £4 F. *5'^^/.* A W A R D, o^ Of Coroner, 1*0 A*. B. B. efqiiire. Secretary of the common\j'ealtI> of Pciinlylvania. We the fubfcribers, judges of the election held In the fevcral dilhicls of the county of Dauphin^ on iho twelfth inftant it being the fccond Tucfclay in 06lo- ber, Anno Domini 18 L — ) to wit, A. B. one of the JLidgesof the lirst dillricl ; CD, one of the judges of the fecond dillricl ; E. F» one of the judges of thes third di{lri6l; G. II. one of the judges of tne fourth dif- tridl, &.C. \one judge from each district according ta the number of districts in the county~\ being met to* gethcr at the court-houfe of the faid county, and hav- ing carefully examined the returns of t'le faid fcveral diftricls, and enumerated and added together the votes therein contained, do certify, that at the faid election, the following named perfons being higheft in votes, appear to be duly elected coroners for the faid coun- ty, to wit : J. K. having tivehve hundred votes 1200 L. M. having ten hundred and fifty votes 1050 In teflimony whereof we have hereunto fet our hands and feals x\\t^ ffteenth day of October, Anno Domini 181— C. D. *Scal.» « « * » * • • » A. B. uSeal.^ « # k •. ^ TT « « * • £. F. *Seal\ » » » « • » • • Of Commissioner^ To jf, B, efquire, Clerk of the court of Quarter Sc^ fions of the county of Dauphin* r.29j 225 A W x\ R D. We the fubfcribers, judges of the eleftion held in the feveral dillritfis of the county of Dauphin^ on the HMclJth inftant(it being the fecond Tuefday inOclober, Anno Domini 181 — ) to wii, A. B, one of the judges of the firil diflrid ; C. /). one of the judges of the fe* Cond diilri61 ; E. F. one of the judges of the third dif* trift ; G. H. one of the judges of thefourthdiIlricl,&c. \o7iejudgefroriieacb district^according to the number of districts in the coz/wi^_)'] being met together at thecourt- houfeof thefaid county, & havingcarefully examined the returnsof the faid feveral diftri6ts,& enumerated and ad- dedtogether the votes therein contained, do certify,that at the faid election, the following perfon being highelt in votes, was duly elected commiflioner for the faid county, that is to fay : J. K. having nine btmdred and seven 'votes 907 In teflimony whereof we have hereunto fet our hands andfeals the 15 th day of 0(Stober, Anno Domini 181 — CD. *&-eaU ' A. B. ifi^cal.* G. H. * ScaU E. F. « Seal.* # » * * &c. &c. Of Director of the Poor. ^fo /. B, efquire Clerk of the court of Quarter Sef* iions of the county of Dauphin^ We the fubfcribers, judges of the eledion, held m .the feveral diftri^ls of the county of Dauphin^ on the twelfth inftant, (it being the fecond Tuefday in Oclo- bcr, Anno Domini 181 — ), to wit, A. B. one of the judges of the lirft diftri^ ; C. D, one of the judges A W A R D. 227 of the fccond cliflri6\ ; E, F. one of the judges of the third dillrict ; O. II. one of the judges of tlie fourth diftriet, ^c. [^one judge from each district^ according to the number of districts in the county,'] being met to- gether at the court-houfe of the faid eounty, and hav- ing carefully examined the returns of the faid feveral diilricts, and enumerated and added together the votes therein contained, do certify, that at the faid election, T. B. was duly cle6\ed a director of the poor and of the houfe of employment, for the faid county, he having ^five hundred votes. In tellimony uhereof, we have hereunto fct our hands and leals the fifteenth day of October, Anno Domini 181— C. D. #'SVc/.* A. B. *6Vfi/.« G. H. *'SVc/» \.. F. *5'-/.» « * « « * * Of Auditors, To y. B. cfquire, prothonotary of the county of Dau- phin,. We the fubfcribers, judges of the ele6\ion held in the feveral di{lri6\s of the county of Dauphin, on the /•TycZ/'^/jinftant (it being the fecond Tuefday in October^ A. D. i 81— ) to wit, A.B, one of the judges of thefirft diflri(St ; C. D. one of the judges of the feoond dif- tric\ ; E. E. one of the judges of the third dillrict ; G. //.one of the judj^es of the fourth diftridt, &c. \one judge from each district according to the nutnber of districts in the county'] being met together at the court houfe of the faid county, and having carefully examined the returns of the faid feveral diilri^ls, ancl m AWARD. enumerated and added together the votes therein con- tained, doceriily, ihatav the faid tkC'iion the follow- ing named peribns, being ihe three higheft m votes, ^Were duly elected auditors for the laid cruLiy, to wit : i\7. 0. having se'ven hundred votes 700 JP. Q. having six hundred votes 6G0 R, S^ having Ji'oe hundred voles 600 In teftimony whereof we have hereunto fet our bands and feals \X\^ fifteenth day of October, Anno Dcmini 181— * * * % C. D. *Seal.* * * * * A. B. ^SeaL* » * # * * *■ * » * * * * G. H. *Seal.* E. F. ^Seal.it ■ * * * * « * * y |Cr It fliall be the duty of the prothonotary, to in- form the auditors of the time of their meeting annually (firft Monday of January) at leaft ten days previous thereto. See IX. vol. acts, 42. Of Electors^ To A^. B, B. efquire, Secretary of the commonwealth of Pehnfylvania* We the fubfcribers, judges of the ele6lion held in the feveraldiftri6\sof the county of Dauphin^ on Fri- clay* the day of , to wit, A. B. one of the judges of the firft diftrict ; C. D. one of the judges of the fecond diftri6\ ; E. F. one of the judges of the third diftria ; G. H. one of the judges of the fourth diftria, » The election is to be held on the fifth Friday preceding the Erst Wednesday in December 1 804, and in every fourth year thei^ ^fter. V. vol. acts, 33. A W A R D. 220 oV. [^one jttd(re from e-jch district, accord'm^ to the ruinibct oj districcs in the coiinly'^, being ip.ei togL-ther at the court houle of the laid count}-, and luwinj^ c;irc- fully examined the returns of the Hiid ieverai diihids, and enumerated and added toi^ether the votes therein contained, do certify, that at ihe faid cletSlion, thevoies for electors of a prefident and vice-prc Iident of the Uni- ted States appear to be as follows, that is to fay : For ./. K. tTcchoe hundred votes J 200 L. J\I- eUiicn hundred votes IICO M. N. nine hundred votes - 900 O. /*.* eight hundred votes 800 &c. &c. In teftimony whereof vre have hereunto fet our hands and feals the day of , A D. 131 — . »♦** ^^^« C. D. *iVfl/.» * » » » « * * * G. H. * iical.* » « • * &c. Sec. IC7*The Monday next after the election, the general return is to be made up, at the coui t-houfe : two copies are to be delivered to the prothonotary, one to be filed in his office, and the other witlun two days after to be depofited in the neareil pofl-office for the fecretary of the commonwealth ; a third copy is to be delivered to the flieriff, who Ihall within fourteen days after the election by himfelf or his deputy, deliver the fame to the governor. See V. vol. acts, 32. * The number voted for must be equal to the -whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the congress. See Const, of U. S. art. II. \'. vol. acts of Pcpn. 52, A. B. ^Stal. • » » E. * *■ * F. «6Va/. » » « ^30 BARGAIN anh SALE. See acts vol. V. G69 and VIII. 291, refpccting the forwarding returns to the fecretary of the common- veahh, &.C. For a return of the election of conflahle, fee Graydon's JuHice p. 81. Of alfefibrs, fee ibid. p. 63. Various other returns will be found under *' Pro- cefs," Vvhere it has been thought proper to p'ace them, in order to prefcive a connected view of the proceed- ings» From the siir'vhirjg Assignee of a Bcvikriipt^ and the Bankrupt to a Purchastr, Thisindenture tripartite made the day of , in the year of our Lord , betu ecu Joseph IVingJicId^ cooper^ of , furviving aflignee of the eilate and ef- fe6ls of Richard Smithy of , dealer in horses, a- gainft whom a commiflfion of bankruptcy hath been awarded, of the firft part ; the iliid Richard Smithy of the fecond part ; and Richard Solly, o^ — , ?^jy/or,ofthe third part: Vv^itneiTeth, That for and in confideration of the fum of two thousand dollars, to him the faid Jo- seph JVingfield, in hand paid by the faid Richard Sol- ly, at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, and alfo for and in confideration of the fum of one dol- lar, to the faid Richard Smith, in hand alfo paid by the faid Richard Solly, at or before the fealing and de- livery of thefe prefentSj the receipt of which faid feve- BARGAIN AND SALE. 231 ral fums of tivo thousand dollars, and one dollar, the faid Joseph IVingJicld, and the faid Richard Smithy do hereb\icveral!} ackno\vlcdt!;e,and thcreofand 'd.ere- from do ll veraiiy ac(p.iit, rtk-aie and dii'charge the laid Richard SvUy^ his hciis, executors and adminiflrators, and every n tlieni lor ever, by llicfe prelents, !i£ the icaCiJoscph IFingfuld, and alio the laid Richard Srnith, have, atKl each of them hath, bars^ained and fold, and by ihcfe prefents do, and each of tlum doth, bargain and fell unto the faid Richard Solly ^ and his heirs, all that piece or parcel of grouiid, aiid all and firgi.jr o- ther the mefTuages, lands, hereoifamenls and prenjifcs, fituared in aforefaid, which uere bargained and fold by the mijor part of the commiflioners in the faid comniiffion naiiicd, to iMaHhew Scofcld^ of , in the county of , carpenter^ (fmce deceafed. and the faid Joseph IVingJiehU and tlieir heirs, and the rever- fion and reverlions, remainder and remaindeis, yearly and other rents, iifiies, and profits, of all and hngular the faid meifuages, lands, hereditaments arid premifes hereinbefore mentioned, or intended to be hertby bar- gained and fold, and of every part and parce' :! ( 'cof ; and all the ellate, right, title, intercll, ufe, pofitflion^ property, benefit, ti ult, claim, and demand a\ hatfoever, both in law and equity, of them the faid Jowph Wiv.g^ fields and Richard Smith, or either of thtm, of, in, to or out of the fame prcm.ifes, and every or any part or parcel thereof, together \\\\\\ all deeds, evidences and writings, touching or concerning the faid premifes, and every or any part or parcel thereof, in the cufiody or power of them the faid Joseph Tl'ivg^icld^ and Rich- ard Smith, or either of them ; To ha\e and to hold the faid meifuages, lands, liereditaments, and all and fmgu- Jar other the premifes hereinbefore mentioned or in- tended to be hereby bargained and fold, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the faid Richard Solly y his heirs and afligns forever. In vvilDcfs, See. 232 BARGAIN and SALE. liTP He ;vho fells is called the Bargainor, and he who buys is called tlic Bargainee. Of Jjands. This indenture made the day of , in the year of our Lord , between Ainos BoaU of , of the one part, and Caleb Doe^ of , of the other part, witneileth, That the faid Amos BoaU for and in confideration of the funi of dollars, to him the faid Amos Boal^ in hand well and truly paid, the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged ; he the faid Amos BoaU hath granted, bargained, and fold, and by thefc prefents, doth grant, bargain and fell unto the faid Ca^ teb Dbe^ his heirs and afligns, all thofe melTuages, ^c. and alfo all trees, woods, underwoods, ways, water- courfes, profits, commodities, advantages, heredita- inents and appurtenances whatfoever, to the faid mef- fuages, bV. above mentioned belonging, or in any wife appertaining ; and the reverfion and reverfions, remain- der and remainders, rents, iilues and profits of the faid premifes, and of every part and parcel thereof; and all the eftate, right, title, intereft, claim and demand what- foever of him the faidyi;?2a? Boal^ of, in and to the faid meffua^jjes, 'i£c. and j^remifes, and every part thereof : To have and to hold the faid meffuages, ^c. and all and lingular other the premifes above mentioned, and eve- ry part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances un- to the faid Caleb Doe^ his heirs and alligns, to the only proper ufe and behoof of the faid C^/(f3 Doe^ his heirs and aifigns forever. And the faid Amos Boal^ forhim- felf and his heirs, the faid meffuages ^c. and premifes, and every part thereof, againft him and his heirs, and againft all and every other perfon and perfons whatfoe- ver, to the faid Caleb Doe^ his heirs and affigns, lliall and will warrant and for ever defend by thefe prefents. In witncfs, BV. BARGAIN AND SALE. 233 Bargain and Sale enroUeiL This indenture made; the day of bcMvceri Amos lioaly ot Liie one pari, and (4aU'b Do \ of tac oilur part, witneilltii : 1 liat /or aiul in conli.Ieration oi'the fuin of dolla!-s, lo the Wud Jmos Jlui/, in lia id, well and truly |>aid, at or bc^'oie tlic k-aiini? and ilcliv- ery of dicfc picfents, in full for the ablo utc purchafc ol the iuheriia.ice n> fte fimple, of aud m all that trad: or parcel of laiid vviih its apijurtenanccs, &c. hereinaf- ter mentioued to i)e hereby bui^ained and f.)ld, the re» cei;-t whereof he the faid Amos Boai, doth hereby ac- knowltklge, and thereof, and from every part thereof, doth acquit, releafe and (hfcharge the faid Caleb Doe^ liis heirs, exeGUtors and adminiilrators, and every of them for ever by thvfe !>refents, he the faid Amos Boaly h.uh granted, bargained and fold, and by thefe prefents doth grant, bargain and fell unto the faid Caleb Doe^ his heirs and affigns all* that tra'il or parcel of land fi- tuared in the county of , on the waters of , and bounded as followeth, to wit : Beginning, &c. to- gether with all and fingular the rights, members and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and the reverhons and remainders, rents, ifliies and profits thereof. To have and to hold the faid tra6l or parcel of land, andi all and fingular other the premifes hereby bargained and fold, or mentioned or intended fo to be, with their and every of their rights, members and appurtenances, unto the fiiid Cahb DoCy his h/irs and afligns, to the only proper ufe of him the faid Caleb Doe, his heirs and afligns forever. And the fiid Amon (.f thr.fum of vine hunii;-ed(\o\]sLYS, to m dby Isaac Lenk, of the lame place, atanu uciarc luc eufeuliujj and Ueli^ 240 BILL OF SALE. very of thefe prtreiits,tlie receipt whereof is liercb}' ac- knowledged, have bargained, fold and delivered, aad by thefe prefents do bargain, fell and dejivcr, unto ihe faid Isaac Leak, [here insert the goods sold'] : To have and to hold the faid [^goods], unto the faid Isaac Leak^ his executors, adminiflrators and afiigns, to his and their own proper ufe, benefit, and behoof, for ever. And I, the faid Peter Stone^ my heirs, executors and adminiflrators, the f:tid bargained premiles unto the faid Isaac Lcah^ his executors, adminiflrators and alTigns, from and againfl all perfon and perfons Vvhom- foever, fliall and will warrant, and for ever defend, by thefe prefents. In witnefs whereof, ^c* Of Land. Know all men by thefe prefents, That \^Adam Bird^ of , for and in confidcration of the fum of , to me in hand paid by Caleb Dick, of , at and be- fore the enfeuling and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bar- gained, fold, releafed and confirmed ; and by thefe prefents, do j^rant, bargain, fell, releafe and confirm un- to the faid Caleb Dick, his heirs and afligns, ail my eftate, right, title, interefl. property, claim and demand, •whatfoever, of, in, to, or Out of a certain tra6l or par- cel of land, fituate in , containing ^i^r^d" hundred acres, or thereabouts, be the fame more or lefs, furvey- ed, or intended to be furveyed, by virtue of a warrant for the fime, bearino; date the , Together with all and fmgular the rights, members, and appurtenances thereunto belonging ; and the reverfions and remain* ders, rents, ifTues and profits thereof ; and together ■with the fcud warrant, and all benefit and advantage thereof, to hav-e and to hold the faid tn'6l of land, and premifes, hereby bargained and fold, or mefttioned, or BILL OF SALE. 241 j.-.tcndcd lb to be, with the appurtenances, unto thefaid (Jahb D'lck^ his heirs and aliij^ns, to the only proper life and behoof of the laid Caleb Dick, his heirs and afiigns for ever : And the laid Adam Bird, and his heirs, the fi\id hereby granted premilcs, unto the laid Caleb Dick, his heirs a..d afligns^ againft him J:he laid .ddam Bird, and his heirs, ard againll all and every other perlbn and perfons whomfoever,lavvfully claiming- or to claim by, from, or under him, them, or any of them, Ihall and will warrant, and for ever defend, by^ thefe prefents. In witnefs, &e. Of Goods and Chattels. Know all men by thefe prefents, that I .Abncr Bgx% of , in conlideration o^froc hundred dollars, to me in hand paid by Caleb Dick, of , at and before the iealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt where- of I do hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained, fold and confirmed, and by thefe prefents do grant, bargain, lell and confirm vmto the faid Caleb Dick, all the goods, houfehold Huff, and implements of houfe- hold, and all other goods and chattels whatfoevcr mcn« tioncd in the fchedule hereunto annexed, now remain- ing and being in : To have and to hold all and iingular the faid goods, houfehold (luff, and implements of houfehold, and every of them, by thefe prefents granted, bargained, fold and confirmed unto (the only proper ufe and behoof of) theHiid Caleb Z)ic^, his ex- ecutors, adminillrators and affigns for ever, freely, qui- etly, peaceably and entirely, without any contradi6lion, claim, diftnrbance, or hindrance of any perfon whatfo- evcr, and without any account to me, or to any other whatfoevcr, to be made, anfwered, or hereafter to be rendered ; fo that neither I the fi.iid Abncr Box, nor jinv other for me, or in my name, oughf to cxa^, cixal- [31 ,1 24i B 1 L L o F 5 A L E, knge, claim or demand, at any time or times hercaifery any right, title, intticft or demand, of, in, tour lor the faid goods, 'iiouiehold Huff, and implements of iioiife- hold, or any part or parcel thereof, but from all aclion, right, title, eftate, claimy demand, poirc.il'on^ and intereft thereof, Ihali be \v holly barred and exclud- ed, by force and virtue of thefe prefents. And i the faid Abner Box for myfelf, my executors and admini- ilrators fliall and will warrant and for ever defend all and lingular the faid goods and lioufehold llufi^mto the faid Caleb D'lck^ his executors, adniinillrators and af- figns, againft me the faid Abner Jiox^ my executors^ adminiilrators and affigns and i^ganift all and every o» ther perfon and perfons whatfoever, of which goods, houfehold ftuff, implements of houfchoid, and all other goods and clrattels whatfoever mentioned in the fche- dule hereunto annexed, I the faid Abner Box^ have put the faid Caleb Dick, in full poffeffion, by delivering him one dozen siher spoo?is, in the name of all the. faid goods and chattels, at the fealing and delivery Jiereof. -In witnefs, &c. Sealed and delivered, and livery and feinn of the goods and premifes above bargained and fold, deliver- ed by the faid Abiier Box, giving and delivering to' the faid Caleb Dick, one dozen siher spoons, in the name of the whole goods and premifes, in the prefencer ©f, Sec. Or livery and &ifin maybe endorfed thus : Memorandum : The day and year firft within writ- ten, livery and feifin of the goods and premifes withia bargained and fold, was delivered by the faid Abner Box, to the faid Caleb Dick, by the fiiid Abiier Box's giving and delivering to the faid Caleb Dick, one dozere ojher spoons^ in the ^ame of livery and feifm of the- BILL OF SALE. :ci'j ji'Iiole goods and premifcs within mentioned, in the prelcncc ofus. 0/ a Part of a Ship. To all to whom thefe prefents iliall come, I Abel ^Bruce, of , lend t^rectiiig'. KniAvyc, diat 1 .Jbcl J^ruce^ for and in conlidcrution ol'thc fum of two tbuu- -j^7/r/ dollars, to me in hand {)aid by Charles Doe^ the receipt wliereof is hereby acknoulcdi^ed, have 'granted, bargained, fold and confirmed, and by ihefe prefents, do grant, bargain, fell and confirm unto the faid CZ^^r/t'.? Doc, his executors, adminiflrators and afligns for ever, the one full eighth part of the ililp, called the XcptiinCy of the port of Philadelphia^ in the county of Phila- delphia^ of the burthen of ?/6;tc' hundred tons, or there- abouts, and whereof one Pufus Green, is at prefent mader, now lying and being in Philadelphia, together •with one full eighth part of all the malls, fails, fail yards, :aRchors, cables, ropes, cords, boats, oars, pieces of •ordnance, guns gunpowder, fl-;ot, tackle, :tppatel, am- mimition, provifion and fuiniture to the faid lliip be- longing or ajjpertaining: To have and to hold thefaid eighth part of the faid flilp, and all other thopremifes hereby bargained and fold, Avith their and every one of their appurtenances, and every part and parcel thereof^ unto the faid Charles Doe, his executors, achnini- ftiators and alTigns for ever, as his and their own pro- per goods, and to his and their own proper ufe and tifes for ever. And I the faid Alhl Bruce, do for my- felf, my heirs, executors and adminiltrators. covenant, grant and agree, to and with the faid Charles Doe, his executors and aHigns by thcfe prefents, that 1 the f lid Jlbel Bruce, at the tin^e of fealin!^ and clclivery hereof (notwithllanding any a6\ or thing done by ine to the contrary) am the true aud lawful owner and proprietor 244 B I L L OF S A L E. of the fiiid eighth part of the faid fliip and prcmifes^ hereby granted, with the ai'purvenantes, and have full power and lawful authority (notwithltanding fuch a6l or thing as aforeiaidy to graiit and convey the faid eighth part of the laid lliip and picmifes hereby mentioned to be granted, uith the appurtenances, unto the faid Charles Doe^ his executors, adminiltrators and aiTigns, in manner and form aforefaid : And that it Ihall and may be lawful to and for the laid Charleys Doe^ his ex- ecutors, adminiftrators and affigns, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, quietly and peaceably to have, hold and enjoy the fliid eighth part of the faid iliip, and all other the premiies hereby granted, with the appurtenances, without any let, molellation, dis- turbance or denial of me, the faid Abel Bruce ^ my ex^- ecutors, adminiftrators or afiigns, or of any other per- fon or perfons whatfoever, lawfully claiming, or to claim, from, by, or under me, them, or any of us, \jexcept^^c.\ IfreefromincumbraJices.^inwhuds.^c. Of Goods Distrained Jar Rent. This indenture made the day of— — , between J\''oah Cuts, (the landlord) of , John Roe. she- riff oi ; Damd Cone, of ; and Henry Rich^ of , of the one part : and John Snow, of , and Titus Slack, of , of the other part, witnefTeth, That it is affirmed by the faid J\'oah Cuts, and teftified by the faid David Cone, upon his oath, fworn before the faid sheriff, that on the Jirst day of May laft paft, the faid J\oab Cuts, in the prefence of the faid Da%nd Cone, did enter into a melTuage and lands, called South Farms, \n\\\Q Qownty o^ Berks, Siwd for one hundred and eighty dollars of rent, on the Jirst day of October laft paft, due to him the faid Noah Cuts, froi^ Samuel Frazcr, upoo a demife, whereby the faid Samuel Fra- BILL OF SALL. i^i:^ zcr held the faid farm of the fnid Noah Cuts, and did- diflrain there, and Tuund the goods and chaitcls follow, ing, viz. [_Insert the i^oods distrained.^ Anditi.s further teitified by the faid DaDid Cone^ and alfo by John Fee and Henry liicc, upon their oaths, fworn before the faid shcr'ijf\ that after fnchdiibefs taken^to vrit, oa ihcfixt/j day of May lad paft, tlie faid Noab' Cuts, did, at the chief manfioii hoid'e of the faid farm, apd at fun- dry other places in the faid county, give public notice, of the faid dilb-efs, and the cai'.fe thereof, and a note thereof in writing, expreiTmg the particular^ oflhefald goods and chattels diftrained, and of the faid rent for which the fame were diilrained, did'then and. therie de- liver unto ^/isa^t'^'/^, daughter of the faid Samuel Fra- zer^ and the faid Damd Cove, John Fee, and Henry Rice, upon their oalhs aforefaid, have truly 'appraifed all the faid goods aud chattels diflraincd, at — dol- lars. And this indenture vvitnefTeth, that the faid goods and chattels being yet unrcplevied, the faid Konh Cuts with the flierixT aforefaid, for and in conlldeiation of dollars, being the beil price that can be gotten for the faid goods and chattels, by the faitl John Snoiv and Titus Slack, paid to the faid Xoah Cms, towards fatisfiiclion of the faid rent of one hundred and eighty 'lollars, for which the faid goods and chattels were dif- irained, Have bargained and fold, and by thefe prefents do bargain and fell unto the ^^\(\ John .SV/oou and Titus Slack, all the goods and chattels hereinbefoic men- tioned, to be diRrained as aforefaid. To hold unto the faid /o/;/z Snoiv and Titus Slack, ^^^\c\t only pro- jicr goods and chattels forever. In witnefs, See. IFhat is necessary to be done to const: tufj a j-ood Bill of Sale. J. is indebted to B. and C. in a confiderable fum of mouevjandis willing to fecure the fame by warrant of 545 "B O .N U. ^ ■attorney, or execntlon to be thereupon fued out, or a bill off lie oi his cffecls, vvita delivery of the iinp.icdlatc |roiTeilion. Qu. Will a bill of fale be as erftflual as an exeeuti- on,.uridas ^. t'oes no\v,aiKi wiil alur poiielTidn deliver- ed, appear publicly , caw a ilatuie fuj.eifedt piO'^t edings in either of iheft cafes ? Pray advife. w hich is.the pro- pereil, and whether by reaibn ol tlie expeniVof lhe ilicriii 's fees, a biii of fale vvid not be as good againft ■Oi:her Ciaiuis as an e-Kccution., If pofTt ffion be fairly delivered immediately, I think a bill of fide the fafeft and bell ^-tay, and if A ap;)ears iniblicly at the time of the execunon of the^jbill of file, and has committed no a6i of bankruptcy before ; to be fure the bill of fale made for a vahiaWe cgnfideration, ♦will be G;ood notwithftanding any commifiion of bank- mptcy tliut may be afterwards taken out. See 1 //"//- Tiaras'' s Precedents. 287. If-T" t^ bond or obligation is a deed in writing, whei'^- by one man binds hi-mfelf to another to pay a fum of ^ncney, or to do or fuffer fome other thing. He that makes this <}.e.(^(S. is called the obligor^ and he to whom it is made is called the obligee. An obligation is fometimes firaple or fmgle, i. e. v/lxen it is to pay a fum of money or to do fome other BON D. 247 ^hfng, and ^vhcn it is without any dcfeaHince or coTidi- tioiJ 111 or annexed lo it, uhich-aifo is louittinics \vi:ha pejralty, ciiUcd a penal !5ill,..ar:d i'<'UK'timcs without a penalty : and this, is that 'xhich i iy cailcii an obligationr ar.d'fr.!T>.ci;ini<':y alii' .. •. '...•.,. <.\i a lingle bill, or liiif;'e Ixjud ; arfl fomctimcs ?t is ttou1iU» or conditional ; which is when it is atiended by ar.d ac- companied with a condition ;• and thti! it is faid to be a bond containir.g- a penalty, with condition to pay mo-- ncy, or .to do orfiillcr Ibmc act: or 'hiiij^, {kc. And tliis condition is , I'ometin^cb callccr a d^realahce, and then cfpeeially when it isYas fometimes is the cafe; in ana- ther deed or inllrinnent ; for nioft commonly it is in- fcrted in the Time deed wherein the obiigaiion, beini^ the other pif:t of it, is contained. And tlien alio it is eitlier hiblcribrdunderthe ohiig;a*Ton,or included with- in the body Oi'-it, or inrlorfed upon tliebacK of it- And in either cafe if the condition be performed, the penalty is faved, if not, the penalty is forfeited. Although the bcfl manner and form of an obligation is that which is moil ufual, yet any words in a a\ i iting fealed and delivered, whereby a man proves and de- (lares himfelf to have another man's money, or to be indebted to him, A'.dll make a good obligaiion ; and therefore if a man by deed fays but this : ** Memoran dnin, that I J. B. of , do owe to C. D. of , one bi/?idrccU\o\h\rs, to be paid the Jirst day of JA:v next." Or, " Memorandum, that I J. B- of ^.. have had of C. D. of , one hundred dolhirs, of T\ hieh there \s fifty dollars behind, 'or, of which I owe to\\\m fifty dollars)." All thefe and fueh like are good obligations. The condition of an obligation may be either in the fame or in anoiher i\v.c(\, and it may be indorftd on the back of the obligation, fiibfcribed under it, or contain- ed within it ; !xit the beft way to make it is? the ufual 243 BON D. wa}% viz. "The condition of this obligntion is fnch/ kc. and yet if it be other wife it miiy be good ; for if an obligation be made fromiy/^ to B. and on the back of ttie lame thefe words are indorfed : (that whereas the within bounden A. is bound to i/. in one hundred dollars, yet B. willeth and granteth, that if A. pays to B.ffiy dollars on or before the day of- — , that then the obligation Ihall be void ;) this is a good con- dition. The condition of' ^!t. obligation may be to do any lawful or pofiible thing, as to pay money, deliver goods or cattle, acknowledge a llatute, enter into an obliga- tion, make a releaie, fell an efi.ate, furrender an eflate, make reparations, for quiet enjoying, to f-ye harmlefs, to defend a title, to perform covenants, to abide by an award, to perfprm a will, to give fo much land or mo- ney in legacy, to purchafe lands, to appear ia court, to rnarry another, not to fue, not to meddle with any c::- ecutordiip, not to revoke a letter of attorney, not to be furety, not to play at cards or dice, or any fuch thing ; and fuch a condition is good. So aifo it feems a con- dition that a man ihallnot fell his goods, is good. But when the matter or thing to be done by the condition is unlawful or impoffible, or the condition itfelf is re- pugnant, infenfible or uncertain, the condition is void, and in Ibme places the obligation alfo. A fingle obligation is always taken mod in advan- tage of the obligee and againft the obligor ; but it is otherwife of the condition of an obligation ; for this is always taken moll in advantage of the obligor and a- crainft the oblic;ec. The condition of an obligation, when it is doubtful, is always t;.4; en moft favorably for the obligor in whofe advantage it is made, and moll againft the obligee, yet xo as an equal and reaionable conflru^lion be made ac- BOND, £49 cording to the minds of the parties, although words ibuiui to a contrary uudtrilandiiij^. !f fomcthing be by condition to be done, and it is fct do'.vrt indefinitely, and not fetdoun vho (hall do it, if the obijgee has more Ikill to do the thing than the ob- ligor, it Ihali be done by him,otIier\vife ii fhall be done by the obligor ; as if a tayior be bound to me in an ob- lig;Uion, with condition, that il'l bi inp: hiin three yards ol" cloth, M hich (hall be mealured and lliaped ; and il he makes mc a cloak of it, &c. and it is not faid by whom it ihall be lliaped, this mud be done by the tayior. Ifthe condition ofi'.n obligation he to pay money, or to do any ot'v-!' tranfuory acl; to the obligee hiinfclf,ancl no time is fet for the doing thereof, but a place only ; this regu'aily malt be done in convenient time, and that without requed. Ifthe condition of an obligation be to pay money, or to do any like tranfitory a6l to the obligee, on a day certain, but no place isfet down where it fliall be done : in this cafe it mull be done to the perfon of ihe obligee wherever he be ; and for this purpofe the obligor mull at his peril feek out the obligee, if he be in the flate, otheruifc the obligation is forfeited ; but ifthe obligee be not within ihe Hate at the time w-hcn the thing is to be done, he is not bound to feek him ; fo neither is the obligation forfeited for not doing of the thmg ; but when the thing the party is bound by the condition to do is local, he is not bound to go any further or to any other place but the place itfelf; and therefore if the condition be to make a feoffment of a piece of land, the party that is bound to do it is not bound to go to any other place but to the piece of land to do it. Ifthe condition be to deliver one hundred bufliels of wheat on fuch a day to the obligee, and no place \^ [ 32] s 250" BOND. fet down where it fliall be delivered ; in this cafe it i§ fufficlent if the obligor, when the wheat ib ready, give noiice thcreol" to the obligee, and dchres him to ap- point a place \Aherennto the obligor may bring it, and if he refufes to appoint a place, it is at his own peril ; or the obligor may bring the wheat to the hoiife of the obligee, (and this is the fafeil way) and if the obligee refnies it, the condition is performed, and the obliga- tion is difcharged. If the condition be, to deliver me a horfe, and the obligor tenders the horfe to me, and I refufe him, here- by the condition is performed, and fo in all fuch like ca- fes where the obligor is to do any collateral thing, as to (land to an award or the like ; if the obligor offers to do it, and the obligee refnfes, the condition is per^ formed, and the obligation is difcharged forever. If the condition be to pay money at a day certain, and the obligor pays a litde before night, time enough for the receiver to fee and number his money by day- light ; this is a good performance of the condition. And if the condition be to pay money by or before a day ; payment the laft inftant of the day before, is a lufficient performance of the condition If the condition be to pay money at a day and place certain, and the obligor tenders it at the time and place, and the obligee is not ready to receive it ; or, being ready, refnfes to receive it ; this is a good performance of the condition to favethe forfeiture of the obligation : and yet if the obligor be afterwards fued for this money, he mull fay in his pleading that he is Hill ready to pay 3t,and he muft tender it in court. If the condition be, that the obligor fliall marry thtf daughter of the obligee by a day, and he tenders hrm» felf, and fiie refufes ; in this eafe the obligation is for- 1R;ited n©twithllan^ing tlii* leader siiid refufaL BOND, ±51 3f an obligation that is finglc be not performed, as M'hen ii is to pay money at ii clay, and moiie\ is not paid, the obligation is broken ; but if a man be bonncl by an obhgatioii to pay mom-y at fcveral days, the ob- ligation is not forleited, nor can be fued until all the days be palt. And yet if the condition of an obligation be, to pay money at fevcral days, and the obligor fails to pay the motiey the liiil day ; in this eafe the obligee may fue for the money due by the obligation prefently. If the condition be, to pay money to me at a day and 'place certain, and the money is not tendered at the lime and place, although there be nobody ready to re- ceive it, if it be tendered ; yet the condition is broken. If the condition be, to pay money tome at a day and place, and 1 feeing him go to the place to pay the mo- ney, defire him to forl3ear, and thereupon he does ^o, and does not pay it, the obligation is forfeited, and this will not excufe. But if i do violently and actually detain and hinder him fo that he cannot pay it, this V'ill excufe him. If the condition be, to pay me the rent referved on fuch a leafe at the times limited by the leafe, and it be not paid accordingly ; hereby the condition is broken although i do never demand the rent. Upon a bond for performance of covenants, 8cc. the obligee Ihall recover no more in equity than he is really danmified by the breach of covenants ; but in an ac- tion at law the whole penalty of the bond lliall be reco- vered from the obligor. And chancery gives relief againft the penalty of a bond, and though the principal, or inlereft, or damages fuftained exceed the penalty, yet the obligee fliall not recover beyond the penalty. 25^ BOND. For where an obligee is plaintiff, a court of equity tvili noicairy the cubt beyond the peiiahy. LccauU iie hasch(jiei» his own kcariiy ; but it is ouitiwile as to theoDhgor;. for he Who leeks equity mull do it j Ar\(.\ therelore vvhert the piaiutiii came to be reiicved agaiitlt the penally ot a bond, though it wasTo:(iecfeed, yet.it wab on tile payment of priiicipai,- intert ft-and cxVAs ; and though they exceeded the pt-nalty, yet the dtciee was aiinmed ill th^ houfe of Lords. If a bond betaken away fraudulently, arid Cancelled, the obligee fhah have the fame benefit thereby as il it had not been cancelled. So \\ hen an obligee lofes his bond, he fliall have his remedy againft the obligor in equity. And when a bond is loft, the money may be recov- ered of a furety, on proof that he had feaied and enter- ed into the bond. If a man is under duress of imprisonment^ (i. e. a compullion by an illegal rellraint of liberty \ until he fcalsa bond or the like, he may allege this durefs, and avoid the extorted bond. But if a man be la^vfuliy im- prifoned, and either to procure his difcharge or on any other fair account, feals a bond or a (X^td^ this is not by durefs of imprifonmcnt ; and he is not at liberty^ to avoid it. Common Form. Know all men by thefe prefents, that I Abel Bondy of May town , in the c ouvty oi Lancaster, am held and iirmly bound unto Betsy Aliworthy ., of Middlctoivn^m the county of Dauphin, in the fum of dollars, of good and law ful money of the United States, to be paid to the faid Betsy Allviorthy^ or her certain attorney, BOND. u:3^ executors, adminiilriitors or afTi^ns ; to wliich payment well and truly to bt made and done, i do bind mvRIf*, ryiy heirs, execiiloi b and adnuuiilrators, and every of them, tirmly by tlicie prtlents : Sealed with wy leal, dated the day of Anno Domin; ; The condition of this obligation is fuch, Ihat if the above boui\i\ .idci Bond, liis heirs, executors, achviini- llrators, or any of them, ihall and do well and truly [)ay or caule to be paid, unto the above named Ecisy All- ^doitbyy her executois, adminilbators or ailii^ns, the ju(t and full fum of of Ian fill money aforefaid, with legal intcred for the fame, on or before the (Xixy of , without fraud or further delay, then this obligation to be void and of none effect, or elfe to be and remain in full force and virtue.* From tvjo to one. Know all men by thcfc prefents, that we Jmos Bond, of , and Ciiic'/; Doe, of , are held and lirmly bound to F/i Fox, of , in the fum of of good and la\\ful money of the United States, to be paid to the laid Eli Fox, or his certain attorney, executors, ad- miniibators or afligns ; to which payment wt !1 and truly to be made, we bind ourfelves, and each of us, by himfclf, \_[fonc of the obl'i^^ors be a •moman, ivritr tbiis, viz. by him and herself ^ ^ov -AWfX in the whole, our heirs, executors and adminiilrators, and each of us, * By adding tlie followini^ after " virtue" it beccmes a jndg- iiicnt bond : — " And funlicr, 1 ilo herthy en^poweriuiy atturiicy of any of the courts ol" record ott-liis state, orclsewhcre, to appei r for me, and after one or more declarations filed for the above penalty, theroipon to conlcss judc^nient or judgnieiUs ag.inst me, Ss of last, next, or any other subsequent term, uilh slay of execution till tiic said day of——, in the year , and release of er- rors," 254. BOND. firmly by thefe prefents : Sealed with our fcals, dated, gcc. The condition of this obligation is fuch, Tliat if the" above bound Amoa Bond, aiid Caleb Doc, ov titlicr of thtm, thtir or either of their heirs, executors or admi- niib'otorb,do and fnall well aiid truly pay or caafe to be paid, 10 the faid £// Fox, his executors, acimitiiiha- tors or uilii^ns, the liiii fum of , lawful money a- forcfaid, with legal iutereft for the (lime, on or bclore the day of , which ihah be in the year of our J[^ord , then &c. [_as in t/^e preceding.'] From three to one. Know all men by thefe prefents, that we .^;«0o^7?o^/, of , Caleb Doe, of , and Enoch Fen, of , are heJd and firmly bound to Giles Hodge, of , in the fum of dollars, to be paid to the faid Giles Hodge, or his certain attorney, executors, adminiftra- tors or afligns ; to \Ahich payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourfelves, and every one of us, by him- felf, [but if d female be an obligor, than as in the last~\ for and in the whole, our heirs, executors and admin- aftrators, and every of us, firmly by thefe prefents : Sealed, &:c. The condition of tliis obligation is fuch, That if the above bound Amos Boal, Caleb Doe and Enoch Fen^ or either, or any cf them, their, or either, or any of their heirs, executors or adminiftrators, do and lliall, Itc. From one to two. Know all men by thefe prefents, that I Amos Bend^ ^i > — --, am held and firmly bound to Caleb Doe, of B O N D» 25^ , and Eli Fen, of , in the fum of of good and liixsful money of tlie United States, to be puid to. the ^-.miCiiLb Boe, and Eli Fen, or one of them, or to their certain attornie^, executors, adminillrators or af- iiih, admi- niftrators, or any of them, fliall and do well and truly pay or canfe to be paid, unto the above named Samuel Q_uigh\ his executors, adminiib'ators or ailigns, thejulland full fum of dollars, wkh legal intereft for the fame, on or befoi e the ■— ^- day of , without * A corporation being' an invisible body, cmmot uiamfL'St its in* tcnlious, by any personal act or oi\4l cllscoiu'se ; it theiefoie acta and speaks only by lis common seal, and by its corporate niMnc. A corponitJon ciuinot be executor or administrctor, or pcrfornx any personal duties ; for it cannot take an o„th for the due exe- cution of the office. It cannot be seised of laJids to tbe use of ano- ther ; for such kind of confidence is fovoii;ii to the end of its insti- tution. An aggregate corporation (i. c. consisting of nivaiy per- sons united together into one society) may take goods and chattoia for the benefit of themselves and their successors, but a sole cor- poration (i. e. consisting of one person only) cinnot; for s\ich moveable property is liable to hz lost or einbczzled, and would raise a muliitude of disputes between the 3ucce^;;or ajid ex>ccutorj which the law is cavefij to avoid. I Biaci 50^i S;Ca [33] 253 B O N^D, fraud or further delay, then this obligation to be void and oi none eticCt, or cile to be and remain in luii loree and Virtue. To Abncr Lyle^ efqiiire, attorney of the couit of com- mon pieab at , in the couiiiy of ■ , in tnc torn- monweauhof , or to any other auoincy oi the faid court, or of any other court eikwheie. Whereas I, Titus Baum^ oi- , by a certain obli- gation bearing even date heiewith, do iland bound . n- to Samutl^iigly, of — —y in ihe fum oi" \_pc'?}alty~\ conditioned lor tue payment of \real debt]'Vht{i: are to deiire and authoiifc you or any of you, to appear ior me, my heirs, executors, or admiuiftrators, in the faid court, or elfewhere, in an action of debt there or eire- where brought, or to be brought, againil me, my heirs, executors, or adminiflrators, at the fuit of the faid Sa- mucl Quighy his executors, admiuiftrators or affigns, on tliefaid obligation, as of any term, or time pall, pre* fent or any other fubiequent term or time, there or elfewhere to be held, and confefs judgment or judg- ments thereupon againft me, my heirs, executors, or adminiflrators, for the faid fum of , [^pejialtyj^, debt, beiides cofls of fuit, by fwnsum informatus^ ni- hil elicit, or otherwife, as to you Ihail feem meet : and for your, or any of your fo doing, this fliall be your fufiicient warrant. And 1 do hereby ibr myftlf, my heirs, executors, and admiuiftrators, remifc, rekaie and forever quit claim unto the faid Samuel ^mglyy his certain attorney, executors, admiuiftrators and af- figns, ail and ail manner of error and errors, mifprifi- ons, mifentrics, defe6ls and imperfe^lions whatever in the entering of the faid judgment, or judgments,or any procefs or proceedings thereon, or thereto, or in any wife touching or concerning the fame. In witnels whereof! have hereunto fet my hand andfeal the — — * day of ^ Sealed and deiivcred, S<.c, BOND. 2-9 Bail Bond to Sbcrijf, Know all men by thcfe prcfents, that wc Ezra IIycU\ of-^-, and John Kchn, of , arc held and ihmly bouud unto LcuiMan^ efq. hit^h flicrift'of the county of Greene^ in the luniof dollars, to be paid to th,e laid fherifF, or to his certain attorney, executors, adnuni- llrators ot aflii^ns ; to w hich payment well and truly to be mude, we do Ijiiid ourfelves and each of us for and in I he whole, our and each of our heirs, executors, and adniinillrarors, jointly and feverally by thefe prefents. Sealed witii our icals and dated the day of . The condition of this oblio^ntion is fuch. That if the above bounden Ezra Hyde, Ihall be and appear before the judgesof the court of common pleas, to beheldat — inand for ihe coQTTty afoVefaid, the^^—^dayof next^ then aiid there to anfw er Katban Oldy of a plea, that &:c. [pursue tbe words, or set forth the substance of the writ'] then this obligation to be void and of none cfFe6\, or elfe to be and remain in full force andvirtue- Sealed and delivered E-^ra Hyde, !.w* ill the prefcnce of * * A. b" " C. D. Jobn Kcim^ «.s>f /.* Bail Bond to Constable, We Adam Bend, [the defendant'] and Caleb Doe^ \_the surety'] are held and fnmly bound unto Enoch Eelty, conftable of the townfliip of , in the fum of ' 't on condition that the faid Adam Bend fliall be and appear before John Peacemaker, efquire, juftice of t The jnslice should indorse upon the ivariv.nl or cajjiiis the sum reciuircd, lo be tuken, vhich ouijhl tu be sufiicicut lo cov9r the dtbt; interest und costs. 260 B O N t). peace in the townfliip of , on the clay of -^ to auf^ver unto TbomasTrottblc'some^ in a plea of . Witntfs our handb and ftals the day of . Rcpleiiin Bond by Plaintiff, Rno\v all men by thefe prefents, that we Minor Vin- csnty of , and Tttiis Lamb^ of , are held and iirmly bound unto Lucas /l/cz/i, clq. high flieriiF of the couuty of , in the fiimof ^lyo /;z/«^/;W dollars, to be paid to the faid fliei iff,or to his certain attorney, exe-. cutors, adminiflrators or afligns ; to which payment well and truly to be made, we do bind ourfc^lves, and each of us, for and in the whole, our and each of our heirs, executors, and adniiniftrators, jointly and feve- rally by thefe prefents, Sealed with our Teals, and da- ted the , The condition of this obligation is fuch, That if the above bounden i5///2Cir Vincent^ fliall be and appear be- fore the judges of the court of common pleas, to be held in and for the coTinty aforefaid, the day of next, then snd there to profecute his fuit with cfFccl, and witi>out delay, againft Noah Nidig, for tak» \\^% and uiijullly detainin,!^ his goods and chattels, to wit, one red cow, and nuo sheep, of the price of — — lawful money, &c. [or, one bed, one chesty ^c. of the value of ] and alfomake return of the faid goods and chattels, if return thereof Ihall be adjudged by law, and alfo fave and keep harmlefs the faid fiieriff touching the replevying the goods and chattels aforefaid, then the above obligation to be void and of none efft6l, or clfe to be and remain in full force and virtue. Icj™ Th.is bond is to be taken from the plaintiff in the replevin, and one refponfible perfon as furety,in double the value of the goods diftrained, before it is ferved up? pn the defendant. Sec Read's Dig. 204. BOND, 261 "■*' Rcplculn Bund by Defendant. . Know all men hy tlicTe prefcnts, that we GeorgelTainSy of , and Caleb Doe, ot , arc held and lirnily bound unlo Enuch Fairplay^ el'quire, higii Iheriu of the county ol Berks, in tht- I'um of three bimdre'd dol- lars, to be paid to the faicl ilitriff, or to his certain at- torney, executors, adminilirators or afiigns ; to which payment well and truly to be made, we do bind our- ielves, and each of us, for and in the wiiolc, our :irsd each of our heirs, executors and admiuillrators, joiv.iiy and fcverally by thcfe prefcnts. Sealed with our fcals, and dated the day of , Anno Domini , Whereas a writ of replevin wherein Jbel Bovd^ is ^plaintiii", and George llalns defendant, hath ilfued out of the court of common pleas, in and for the county of J^erks, and is made returnable upon the next, for one bay geldings of the price of dollars, v hich the faid George Ilains doth unjullly detain, as it is laid. And \vhereas the faid George H.iins, doth plead \no- perty in the faid bay gcld'nig^ by reafon whereof the fame cannot be given up under the faid writ. Now the condition of the above obligation is fuch, That if the faid George Hains^ niail be and appear at the county court of common pleas, to be held at Read- ings in and for the faid county, upon tlic next, then and there to defend dikI make good his claim to the faid ^./>'^t/c//«j/", and Iball make return of the fnd bay gelding y if return thereof fliall be adjudged by law, and Ihall alf) faye, keep harmlefs and indemnify the fiifl llicriff in the premifes, then this obligation to be void and of none eticct, or elfeto be and remain in full force and virtue. IrrT' This bond is to be given by the defendant, and applies to tlifi pra^ice in Peiinfylvania, where reple- 262 BON D. vinsjfTue whenever a plaintiiTclaims goods in the "pof- fefiu)!! of another, in l">np:hinc!, moft calcs of replevin arc founded on previous dilhefTes for rent ; ancl it is even faid in fome books, that it lies in no other. In fnch replevins, property cannot be pleaded by the de- fendant, but muft be given up to tiie plaintiff. Of courfe, this kind of bond is not required. 5"^^ 1 Dull, Rep, 156. Bond of Sheriffs. Know all men by thefe prefents, that we Abel Bond, Caleb Doe and Enos French, are held ai\d firmly bound inito the commonwealth of Pennsyhania^ in the fum of dollars, to be paid to the laid com- monwealth, for the ufes, intents and purpofes declared and appointed, in and by an a6\, entitled, ^' An a6l di- re61int>: flieriffs and coroners to give fufEcient fureties for the faithful execution of their official duties, and for other purpofes," to which payment well and truly to be made* and done, we bind out felves, our heirs, exe- cutors and adminiftrators, jointly and feverally, firmly by thefe prefents, fealed w ith our feals, and dated the • day of , in the year of our Lord, one thou- liuid eight hundred and . '& The condition of the above obligation is fuch. That if the fiiid Jbel Bond, after he fliall be duly commifiion- ed Iheriff of the county of , for the term of , from and after the fecond Tuefday of Oclober in the year laft aforefaid, Ihall and do without delay according to law, well and truly ferve and execute all writs and procefs of the faid commonwealth to him directed, and iliall and do from time to time upon requeft to him for that purpofe made, well and truly pay or canfe to d:)e paid to the feveral fuitors and parties interefied in the c^iecution of fuch writs or procefs, their lawful attor- # BOND. 263 nics, factors, agents or aftigns, all and every fum and funis oi' money to ihcni lel'pcdive'.y bcionging, w hicli \ ilKilicomc to ins hands, and iliail and do iVcni tinu to time, and at all tmics during his contii.uancc in the faid oflicc oflherifl^, well andlcUthUilly execute and pcr< foim all and every ol the triilts and tintics lo tfie Lid otiice appertaining, ihcuthis ob igatiun tube void, or cUe to be and remain in lull I'urec and virtue. ;;C ' The fum required of the dificrent flierifFs will be found in the law irom which the above lorm is taken. The' coroner of each county before he Iball execute any of the duties of his ofiice, fdali become bound in vk fnuiiar ol3hjnition, with at leaft two fifacient fureties, in like circumlbnces in one fourth o the fum which is required from the Ihei ifl' of the fame county, '■'■ that he will well and truly pciform all and hiitiuhtr the du- ties to tlie faid office of coroner appertaining." Sec V Acts, 497. Bond of Constables* Know all men by thefe prefents, that we Thomas Gilts of , and John Udric^ of , are held and firmly bound unto the commonwcahl oi Pc7i??syhc7n a j in the fum of o?ie thousaiid dollars, to be paid to the faid commonwealth ; to vhich pa} m:nt well and tiuly to be made, we do bind ourfehts, and each cf us, jointly and fevcrally, for and in the A\hole, our and each of our heirs, executors and adminillrators, f miiy by thefe prefents. Sealed with our feals, and dated the . day of . Whereas the faid Thomas GiUs, hath been duly clecled and returned to the court of quarter fcflions of the peace in and for the count} ol l;y the inh;.bi- tants of the townfliip of , in faid county, as conlla? 264 BOND. ble for faicl townfliip, for the enfuing year, and his faid eitdiion being coniiimcdb} iht faicl court : iSow the coiiditiou of this obligation is fuch, That ii the faid Thomas Giles ^ Ihali and do well and trn!v ftrve and execute all writs andproccfs to him dire6\ed, without delay and according to lav. , and fhail and do from time io time upon requeft to him for that purpofe made, well and truly pay or caufe to be paid, to the feveral fuitors and parties intereiled therein, their lawful attor- jiies, fadlors, agents and afiigns, all and every fum and funis (if money, to them refpe6livcly belonging, which fl'iall come to his hand^, and (liall and do from time to time and at al! times during his continuance in the faid ofrxc of conlliibje for the towniliip of aforefaid, well and faithfujly execute the faid office, and perform in all tilings the iluty and trull in him repofed according to law, then the above obligation to be void and of none efle^l, or elfe to be and remain in full force and virtue. By a Trustee of an Iiisohent Debtor, Know all men by thefe prefents, that we Abel Bell^ and Conrad Dana^ both of ^ yeomen^ are held and firmly bounduntqthe commonwealth oiPennsyhania^ in the fum of 1- dollars, \_such penalty as the court shall direct'] ; to ivhich payment well and truly to be made, we bind owfelves, our and every of our heirs, executors and lidminiflrators firmly by tlicfe pre- fents. Sealed wilh our feals. Dated the . The condition df this obligation is fuch, That if the faid .^^W/,fljai faithfully perform his trufl in the office or duty of truftee to John Dicky an infolvent debtor, to which he was appointed by the court of com- mon pleas of the county of , on the day of " , then this obligation to be void, otherwife to be and remain in full forc^ and virtue. BOND, -6$ Admihistrauun BoncL ]^no\v all men b\- thcfc prefcius, that wtAbher Blh^^ of , George IIollis^ of ^^iiWiX Ezckicl tain^ of , arc htld and lirmly bound nnto the comnion- uealdi of l^'unlyivauia, inihcfam oi , \j-eiipcct be^ ing Luid to the "oalue of the cstatel ^'^^'^f'-il ino- ncy, 'i^c. to be paid to the faid commonwealth r to which payment well and truly to be made, we do bind ourRlvts, ar.d each of us, for and in tiie whole, our and each of our heirs, executors and admiuilbators, jointly iiiid fjvcrally by thefe prefents. Sealed witii oui feals, and dated the ^ . The condition of this obligation is fuch. That if the within bounden Abner Blhs, adminillrafor of all ;nicl fmgiilar the tj^oods, ch'ituls and credits of C'/^z/-^/^ Da^ gcn^ deceafcd, do make, or caufe to be made, a true and perfed: inventoiyrf al! and 'lin;Li;-u.'ar the i^-ooci.^, chat- tels and credits of the fiid deceaied, which have or fiiall come to the hands, pj^flVfllon or knowledo^e of him the faid Abucr Bliss, or into the hands and polfefilon of any other perfon or pes fons,.for him, and the fcnnc, fo made, do exhibit, or caivfe to* be exhibited, into the regiller's oflic.e, in the county of , at or before the day of nextenfninjy ; and the fame j^oods, chattels and ci edits, and all ot!=ier the goods, chat- tels and credits of the faid deceafcd, at the time of his death, which at any time after flinll come to the hands or polfeflinn of the f.id Jibncr Bliss, or int(> ':he hands and polfeffion of at^y orh<^r jjerlonor peifons for him, do well and truly adminiller aecordini;- to law ; and further do make, or caufe to be rqnde, n true and jull account of his faid ad mini drat ion, at or bcfo'-e the day of , and all the reO and rr fidue of die fiiid gwods, chattels and credits, which lliall be fouicl icmainintj upon the faid adminiftrator's account, die; me B o N D^. fame being firft examined and allowed of, by tBe <5r^ phans court of the county where thefaid admijiiftration is granted, fliail deliver and pay unto fucii peifon or perfons, refpeclively, as the faid orphans court, by their decree or ientence, purfuant to the true intent and meaning of this a»St, Ihall limit and appoint ; and if it iliall hereafter appear that any laft will and teftament was made by the faid deceafed, and the executor or ex- ecutors therein named do exhibit the fime into the faid regiller's office, making requeM, to have it allowed and approved accordingly, if the faid Abner Bliss withiii^ bounden, being thereunto required, do render and de- liver the faid letters of adminiilration, approbation of fuch teilament being firll had and made, in thefaid re- gifter's office, then this obligation to be void and of aione effe^i, or elfe to remain in full force and virtaCo He funding Bond. Know all men by thefe prefents, that we John Boe'^. ^f , legatee under the teftament and laft will of Bion Bell^ deceafed, and John Hone^ of ,, are held and firmly bound unto Waltar Hone^ and Richard Sloan, executors of the faid Bion Bell, de- ceafed, in the fum o^ four hundred doW-dis, to be paid to the faid JFaltar Hone and Richard Sloan, or to their certain attorney, executors, adminiftrators or affigns; to whicli payment well and truly to be made, we bind ©urfelves, and each of us by himfelf, for and in the whole, our heirs, executors and adminiftrators, and every of them, firmly by thefe prefents. -Sealed with our feals, and dated the . Whereas the faid Bion Bell, by his laid laft will and feftament, bearing date the day of laft paft. did give and bequeath unto the faid John Roe, a certain le- gacy of Hv9 hundred dollars, [or, qus equal pari codicil: 2G7 €f his personal estate after the payment of debts*] as by the laid in part recited will, duly proved and remain- ing in the regiller's otlicc at appears. Now the condition of this obligation is fuch, That JTany part or the whole of tlie laid legacy, Ibali at any "time after payment tiiereof to the laid foh?! yv'oc?, 'appear lo be wanting to difchargc any debt or debts, legacy or legacies, which the faid executors fliall not have o- ther aif-^'tsto pay ; then and in fuch cafe, if the faid Johit i?;?^, his heirs, executors or adminilbators, fliall and do return the faid legacy, or fuch part thereof as fliall he nccelfitry for the payment of the faid debts, or the payment of a proportional part of the faid leecacies, then this obligation iball be void and of none eife6t, or elfc ihall be and remain in full force and virtue. Kj° No fuit can be brought in Pennfylvania for a le- gacy, till fuch a bond be previoufly tendered to the executor or adi-nijiiftrator with the will annexed. On refufal to accept the fame, the legatee fliall file it witli the clerk of the court before obtaining any procefs a- gainft fuch executor or adminiftrator. See Beacl^s- l)ig. 232. * In this latter case the bond must be jvlven in double tlic sum, >yhich the person shall tliiuk liinisclf entitled to. CoDiciU I Abel Beam, of— — , do make this codicil to l>e ta 4en aspart of mv. laft will and tcftamcnt, as follows, that is to (liy : Whereas I have, by my faid will, given tV. ^68 CODICIL. ihyTons Waltar Beam^ and Silas Bcam^ tlie fum of ~ each, rormuaining : Imovv 1 do hereby revoke and make void the laid legacies to my Tons ; and 1 do hereby give and bequeath unto my laid ion Waltar Jhonl, the i'um of , over and above the lum of ^, tvhich i have given him by my laid will. In witncls tvhereof I have to this codicil annexed to my faid will, fet my hand and feal die day of . Another Form. I Ah7ier Blight, of , do this day of ^ make and pubiiih this codicil to my kill will and tefta- nient in manner following, that is to fay : I give to my niece Mary Slhny one gold watch and one fdver coffee pot. And whereas iri and by my lad will and tefiament I btive given and bequeathed to my daughter in law the fum of , 1 do hereby order and declare that my will is, that only the fum of be paid unto her iii full of the faid legacy I have as aforefaid given and be- queathed untQ her, and that the remaining part of the faid legacy be given and paid to my nei}hew Ezra Hoe. And laftiy, it is my defire that this my prcfent codicil be annexed to, and made a part of \\\y lall will and tellamentto ail intents and purpcfes. in witnefs, &.c. ICT" A codicil, codicilhis, a little book or writing, is $L fnpplenient to a will ; or an addition made by the teftator and aniiexed to, and to be taken as part of, a teilament : being for its explanation, or alteration, or to make fome addition to, or elfefome fubtraftion from the former difpofitions of the teilator. It may be either •written or nimcupative. 2 Blac. 504- In cafe of a real cflate, a codicil cannot operate, nil- lefs it be executed according to the ibtute of frauds aufl perjuries. 1 Aik. 425^ C O M r O S I T I O N. 269 It is not necclTciry tbnt the cofHcil be annexed to the ^vill ; it 1T103- be in a Itnai ate inUrumtnt ; ytt the will and eodicii nuike both but one w ill. 1 ('cs. 442. CoinpjDStiou. JFitb Creditors. To all to wliom thefe prefents (liall come, We ^vhofe nanu'sare here '.inder written, and Teals arilxnl, credi- tors o^Jbel BitL\ of , fend grcetinp^ : *\\'!iercas the hk\ J if e/ Bite, doth }i\({.\y owe, and is indebted imta lis, hisCiid ieveral creditors, in divers funis of monev ; but by rcafon of many loflls, great hindrunc^s, and o- thcr dania,4es happened unto the faid .^li?e/ Bite, he is become utterly unable to pay and Auisfy us our full debts, with fuch p^oods, wares and mcrchandifes as he hatii, which we the faid creditors are unwilling: to ac- cept of, or any ways to intermeddle with the fame , and therefore we the faid croditorshave relblved and ag:reed to undergo a certain lof-, ar.d to accept o{ fve shillings for every pound owinsj by the faid Jbcl Bite to us the feveral and refpeclive creditors aforefaid, to be paid m full fatisfadlion and difcharjre of our feveral and refpec- tive debts : Now know ye, thnt we the faid creditors of the (liid Abel Bite, do for ourfelves feverally and re- fpe^lively, and for our feveral and rcfpe8ive heirs, ex- ecutors and adminidrators, covenant, promife, com- pound and agree, to and with the faid Abel Bite, his executors and adminiftrators, and to and with every of tiicm by thefe prcfent^i, that wc tlie faid feveral and" re- $70 C O M P O S I T I O N, fpeclive creditors, and our fcveral and refpe6live executors, adminillrators and affigns, fliall and will accept, receive, and take of and from the liiid ^Z'e/ J^ite^ his executors and adminiftrators, for each and every pound that the faid Abel Bite doth owe and is in- debted to us the faid' feveral and refpeclive creditors, the funi or/rj paid unto us, his faid fcvcral and relpedive creditors, the Hiid funi ol' Jive sbiUmgs lor every pound he^ doth owe and llandelh indebted unto us relpedlively \\ ithiii the laid time or fpace of ^^.x" months next cnlliing th© date hereof. In witnefs, &.c. A Deed of Compositicii of Dchts, To all to M horn thcfc prefents fliall come, We whofo names and feals are hereunto fubieribed and let, credi- tors o{ Richird Crane and Caleb Roe^ of- , fend grcetinpj. Whereas the faid Richard Crane and Caleb JRoe, aie and do Hand jointly indebted unto us the faid creditors, in divers funis of money, which they are willing to fatisfy and pay as far as they are able : Now know ye, that we the laid creditors who have hereto fub- fcribed, our names, and affixt d our feals, finding that the faid Richard Crane and Caleb Roe, are by lofTes and otlierwife difabled, to pay our fnll debts, do feve- rally and refpeclively agree, and bind ourfelves, our heirs, executors and adminiftrators unto the laid Rich- ard Crane and Caleb Roc, by thefe pre lints, to accept and take of them the faid* Richard Crane and Calel/ Roe, their executors or adminillrators, after the rate of Ihillingsin the pound, in full f.\tisfa6\ion of all fuch debts and fums of money as they jointly oAve to us, and every of us refpeftively, the fame to be paid at four equal payments on the days following, that is to fay, the dav of , ^c. fo as the faid Richard Crane ^w^\ Caleb Roe ^for ihe more fure and better pay- ment of the feveral fums of money aforefoid, in recom- penfe imkI fatisf i61ion of our and every of our faid fe- veral debts as aibrellud,) their executors or adminiflraie 272 C O M P O S I T O N. tors, do before the day of become jointly and feveraily bound, with luthcient furetics unto u^i, and every of us refpe6\ively by obligation, in due form of law to be made, fcaled and delivered to each and every of us, and to each and every of our ufe and ufe^, by the appointment of us, and each of us. Provided ab.vays, that neither tliefe prefents, nor any thing herein contained, ihall bind us, or any or either of us who have hereunto fubfcribed our names and put our feals, unlefs ail and every of the creditors aforefaid, ilKtll have fealcd and executed the fame , on or be- fore the day of next enfuing. In witnefs, £vC. A?iother Form. To all to whom thefe prefents fliall come, v;e 71)0- mas Geof'/c and Robert Ycun^^ of , merchants and copartners, and [Z'^TC were inserted tfje names of the oth- er creditors'] creditors of Arthur Andrews of , fend greeting, Whereas the i-AidJlrthur Andrews is indebted unto us in the feveral fams of mone}> mentioned and fet down in the fchedule here- under written, the whole of which by reafon of feveral lolTes and misfortunes which have haj^penecl unto him in trade and otherwife, he is become difl'.bled to pay and fatisfy ; but being willing anddefirous fofaras in him' lies, and his prefent cir- cumftances will permit, to difcharge all and every his debts, he hath propofed to us his faid feveral creditors, parties hereto^ as the utmoft fatisfac^ion he is able to make, to pay and fecure unto each and every of us ten fliiilings in the pound for every pound, or fum of twen- ty ihiliings, now bj him due and owing unto us his faid feveral creditors, for and on account of our refpec- tive debts in the manner folio v/ing ; (that is to fay) by his, the iliid Arthur Andrews, delivering unto each and every of us his faid creditors, \vithin the fpace of COMPOSITION, 273 ti^irty days next enfuing the day of the date of tliefe prcfent;!, oitc pi omlUbry iioic figncd by him the faicl Arthur ylndrcws^ bearing even date herewith, pavuble to us icfpGCtivciy ororcier, tliiee monliib after tlic date thereof, for fiich a fum of money as will amount to pay eacii and every of us the faid creditors of the fukl Ar- thur Andrews^ the full fum of Jiijc lliillings in the pound for every pound or twenty iliilbngs of our re- IpeciUve debts ; and alfo by his the faid Arthur An- ^/rt'iy^,dclivering unto each and every of us his faid cre- ditors, within the faid time of thirty days next eufuing the day of the date of thefe prefents, one other promif- fory note iigned hyW\n\K\i(^L\.\<\ Arthur Andrew s^ytuw- ing even date herewitli, payable to Baptist Bary, of — — clock-maker^ or his order, six months after the •date thereof, forfuch a fum of money as will amount to' pay ea(Ji and every of us the fasd creditors of the faid -^r/Z?//r/^/;r//Tcy^, the further fum of/?-7;(? (hillings in the pound forevery pound, or twenty niiHings,of our refpcc- tivcdebts,and each of the faid laftmentioned,notcs tobe indorfed by the ^aid B apt is t Bary to usthefaid creditors refpe6\ively : And wc the faid creditors, parties hereto, being contented andfatiified with fuch propofal of him the faid Arthur Andrews, have agreed to accept of the faid fum of /'^w lliillings in the pound forevery pound or twenty iliillings (to be fecured as aforellud) in full latisfaclion and difchargc of our faid feveral and re- fpeclive debts. Now know ye, TUt we the faid feve- ral creditors of the ^did Arthur Andrews, parties here- to, do for ouifelvcs feverally and refpe61:ively, and for our feveral and refpe(Slive executors, adminillrators and afligns, covenant, compound, and agre^ to and with the Hiid Arthur Andrews, his executors and adminillra- tors, to accept, receive, and take from the faid Arthui/ Andrews the faid promillbry notes (to be figncd by the faid Arthur Andrcvjs, and made payable to us refpcr • lively, or order, for the firft payment of /u^flul in es m [35] :^4 G O M P O S I T I O rv. the pound, and the faid promiffory notes to be figned"; by t!ie laid Anhur J/idrcivs and indorfed by the laid Baptist Bary for the lad payment of/'z;ively,^ to whom the fame fliall be fo delivered, fliail and will im- mediately after the delivery thereof, deliver up to the iiiid Arthur Andrews, or fuch perfon or perfons as he iliall authorife to receive the fame, all fuch bonds, pro- miilbry notes, and other fecurities, under the hand of the faid Arthur Andrews^ which we, any or either of us zefpettively now have in our hands, cultody, poJDTeflioa 276 CONDITION. or power : Provided always, that if the faid notes fo to be Ugiied by tne laid Artbur Andreivs^ and payable to us reipe6livciy, oi oulcr, us afoiefaid ; or the laid notes io to be ij^iicd b) tla laid ArtburAndrenvs^ and indorf- ed by tiic laid Baptist Bary^ as atbrcfaid, be not de- livered into the hands, poiieilion, or power oi us the laid creduor^j, parties hereto, respectively, according- to the true mtent and meaning oi thefe preients, \Mtliin the faid fpace ot" thirty days next enfuing- the date hereof j or if the faid ni.>tes ihall not be paid at the refpe^live times when the fame ihall become due and payable, or within three days next after, '1 hen the above releafe, and every other ctaufe, matter, and thing in this pre- sent deed of compofition contained, as, to, or againft the perfon or pcrfons to whom fuch default fliall be luade, Ihall ceale, determine, and be utterly void, any- thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof ia any wife notwithflanding. In witnefs, &c. To pay Money at different times. The condition of this obligation is fuch, That if the above bounden Matthc%v Mason, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or any of them, fliall and do well and truly pay or caufc to be paid unto the above named Ca- leb Doe, his certain attorney, executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, the juft and full fum of two hundred dollars in manner following, to wit : Eighty dollars, part there- of, on the day of May next enfuing the date here* of ; sixty dollars more thereof on the -— day of A*^- CONDITION, 277 "cembcr, then next follov, iiicj ; and s'lxfy dollars, the relklue, and in lull payment thereof", on the day of Miiy^ which will be in the year of our Lord one ihoii- land eight hundred and , without fraud or covin, then thib oblig.ition to be void : But if deiauit llndl be made in };aynient of any or cither of the faid fums on the day;^ and times herein before mentioned, and ap- pointed for payment thereof refpccUvely, then to be and remain in full force and virtue. For Payment of Money ^voith Intercst^at seiner al timcs% The condition of this obligation is fucb, That if the above bounden Caleb Doc^ his heirs, executors, or adininillracors, do well and truly pay or caufe to be paid, unto the above named jDi77;/c// /J<;T)(', his executors, adminiRrators or afli[^!]s, the full fum of dollars, with intereft for the fame, after the rate of lix dollars for every one hundred dollars, for every year, on the days and times, and in manner following, that is to fay. The fum of dollars, part thereof, with interell for the lame, alter the rate of hx dollars for every one hundred dollars, for a year, on the day of- next cnfuinj]^ the date of the above written obligation, which \vill be in the year of our Lord one thoufand ci|^ht hundred acid ; the fum of — '■ — dollars more thereof, with intereft for the fame, ^fter the rate a« forefaid, on the day of then next follo\\ iii^, and the fum of dollars, refidpc thereof, with int^e- fed for the fame, after the rate afo'efaid, on the day of then next enfuing-, which will be in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight htindred and , then this obligation to be void, but if default lliall hap- pen to be rnnde in payment of any or either of the faid fevcral and refpcctive fums of money above mentioned, with intereft as albrefaid, or any part of any of them , oa ^78 CONDITION. :any of the faid days or times above mentioned for pay- menl thereof, according to the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents, then this obligation to l)c and remaiin in fuii force and virtue. T<3 Marry a certain Ftrson., or Pa^ a Sum qf ]\[oney\ The condition of this obligation isfuch, That if the above bounden Caleb Rovjan^ do, on or before the day of next enfuing the date of the above writ- ten bond or obligation, efpoufe and marr}^, according to theufage oitht Epis.copal (A\i\rc\\ of the United States, Molly iSVi??2, daughter oi Solomon Slim^ oi Middlctowu aforefaid, if fiie the faid Molly Slijn, will thereunto •confent, and the laws of the United States permit the i*aid marriage to be confummated : Or, if it Ihall hap- pen the fiiid Caleb Roivan Iliall not marry and take to wife the faid Molly Sl'im^ as aforefaid ; if then the faid Caleb Rowan do and ihall well and truly pay or caufe to be paid to the fliid Molly Slim^ her executors, ad- niiniflrators and afiigns, the full fum of dollars, on or before the — ■ — day of above mentioned, then this obligation to be void, or elfe to be and re- main in full force and virtue. To Execute a Con'ocyance, The condition of the above obligation is fuch, That if the faid Isaac Row, Ihall and do, on or before the day of May next enfuing the date hereof, or in cafe of his death before that time, if the heir or heirs of the faid Isaac Row^ vvitliin fix months next after his de- ?;, his executors, adminiilrators or aifigns, as a good and dutiful appren, tice ought to do, during the faid term_. Then, &c. To Suffer a Wife to Lhe a-part and have all her EJfects^ and to Behave ^iietly to her. Know all men, &c. Whereas MaUy\ the wife of the faid Rian Boe^ hath, for fevcral years kill paft, lived feparate and apart from the faid Riaii Boe^ her huiband, and hath during all the faid time, maintained and pro- vided for herfelf, and Jane the daughter of the faid Rian Roe^ without any expenfe to the faid Ria7i Roe, And whereas it is agreed betw een the faid Rian Roe^ and the faid Molly his w ife, that the faid Molly the wife ©f the faid Rian Roe^ fhall and may at all times here- after live feparate and apart from the faid Rian Roe, *nd alfo that the faid Molly Roe fiiall and may ha\'e; CONDITIO N. 28S liold, and enjoy to her Iblc and Icparatc ufe, all fuch lUoiijcs, goods, and enccls, as the iuid Alolly J\uc\ is now poiieiied of, or Ihali or may at any time or times heixaltcr, gel or accjuirc, or w hich liiall be sjiven or beqiieathed to her by any pcrlbn or perlons \vluitroever, \\ ithoLit any hindrance, moleilaiion, or interrnpti<3n, of or by him the laid I\'iiin Roc. And whereas the laid Riiiu Rue, hath ah'^o agreed lo behave himielf peacea- bly and quietly towards the faid Molly Roe, his wife, and the ^AiiUane Roe,\ui> dau'<.y her the laid Betsy Bane^ the Lid luni ol doilars, ciue fi cm ihcnito the eftate oiher laid late hulhand, wiihouto* bilging her to take out letters ol" admiuiilraiion of the j^o'aIs and chattels ol'her laid late lu:fL;and witli his v. ill annexed, as the lame ^vill exhaull f>;reat part oi'lhc Gid lli.n oj do.'laib, and there bei-ii;- no (jiher debt or elitt\s of her laid iati luifoaJid tot;et in, l!u f:iid sccicty ha\e agreed to comply with fuen requcll on tlie' i'lid Jhhian Asi> and Beisy Bar.e iju^emniiyin.g them i"o lb d')ing, .And \. htreas the faic: ^£)^/<:'/'j have ac- cordingly on the daj ol the dale hereof, paid the H;id Betsy Biiric^ tiie laid lum ol" dollars, the receipt thereof Ihe dcjth hereby acknov.ledge. Now there- fore the condition of this obiigation isfueh, That if the i\ud Adrian Ash and 7ii:7.?jy Bane^ or cither of them, lluir or either of their heirs, executors or adminillrators do and (hall, fiom lime to time, and at all times herc^ after, well and fufHcient'.y fave, defend, keep harn^.lefs and indemnilied the laid ^oc/V/j\', and their fuceeffors, and their goods and chattels, lands and tenemerits, cf, from andagai)iil all !ollls,cons, eii.^.rges, damagcf; and expenfcs w hich they Iball i^\ nuiy bear, poy, fullain, or be pn; unto, for or by rcafon or r.u ar.s of their having paid the fiid Betsy Bane^ the laid fum ol dollars, due from tbem to the cflate of the 'ic\<\ Caleb Bane^ as aforefaid, or any matter, caufe or thing rclalir.g there- to. Then, &:c. For Payment of Money after a Pcrscn^s Death. The condition of the above written ol)ligation is fiich. That if t!ie above bound Abel 4wl, his heirs, ex- ecutors, or adminillrators, do aud llijiU well aod truly £94 CONDITION. ptiy or caufe to be paid, unto the above nnmed B'wfi A'liig^ his executors, iKiminiilrators, or ail)gi'''i ^^^^ ^^ill Ibm oi' dollars within the i'pace oi'six calendar i^noiiths next after the deceafe of Car ban ne I)oc^ mother of the laid Ah'i Aivi, then this obligation to be void, othernife to remain in full force and \ iriue. To pay Rent for a Shop let for a Year certain fond JVamnig io be giiicnj and to indemnify ibe Lavtd^ lord from a former 'Tenant^ and to dcLrocr up the 7'Jjings at toe end of the Term. Whereas the above named Bion King, did formerly let at Vvill unto Cvnrad Loiie^ a iho{) lituated in , winch f:ud Conrad Lo'Tieham left the faid ihop, and I'le abovebonnd^/??05 Irishh^ih dehredandagieed to take the faid ihop at the 3eariy rent of dollars, for one j'car certain from the day of , and for fo long time afterwards as both the faid parties fliall agree, and until after the end of three months notice given by either of them, upon any of the quarter days hereunder mentioned, for leaving the faid premifes, v. hich the faid parties do for that purpofe agree to give to each other accordingly ; and after the end of fuch three Kionths notice fo given, the faid Amos Irish doth agree to quit and give up the aclual polfeiHion thereof, with the appurtenances, unto the faid Bion King : Now the condition of this obligation is fuch, That if the Itiid Amo.'i Irish, his executors, adminiHrators or afiigns, do and fnall truly pay or caufe to be paid, unto the faid J^ion King, his executors, adminiftrators or afhgns, for the fiid lliop and premifes, the faid yearly rent of dollars, on the four ufuai quarter days in the year, viz. the firft days of the months of January, April, Ju- ly and 06\ol)er, in every year, by equal portions ; the Xrft payment thereof to begin and be made on the firft CONDITION. £95 Jay of July next, ^ny andduricit^ the fjid one year, and loj i ) ioii^ ijuic atteruui tU, Ub Uic iiud Amos li iah^ ais fXL'Oiitots, adiumiitiatois, uiuier-leiusuts and ali-.^us, liuiil ei;joy the laid picm'iics, w itliout aiiy let, deniui or inici iajAion, ol'orhy the laid hionKni^^ his cxtcutois, ach.iii.iltratorb or aiiiij^ns, and until the cndot luch three mo..iiis notice as Ihali be given by either ot the laid paities, uiito the oiiicr ol tliein, lor itaviiitr ihc Innie ; and allbirthc ^<.i\(\ Amos Irh/j, ihall givellich liotice as aloiel.iid lor !eaViii$?j the laid premileb, and ,it" the laid Amus Irish, ixwCi ah other occupiers ol'the laid piemi- fcb, do and Hiall, ai'ler three mo^ithb notice in that be- liall'ijjiven to the faid Amos Jrish^ his executors, admi- nilhato.s, under-tenants and alllgiis, or at the preinilea albrefaid, deliver up tiie a6\ual pofleiliou of the lame preinilch, with the doors, window-lluiticrs, and all o- ther the appurtenances thcteunto belonging, in good tenaiuable repair, unto the laid £io?i King^ his execu- tors, admiiiiflrators or afiigns, and iliail and do at air times indemnify the laid Jiion King^ his executors, ad- miniftralorsand alligns, from all a6iions, luits, charges and damages, by or from the f> id Conrad Lo'cc^ for or hy realbn of the laid premifes ; then, &:c. From en At:o^-ncy^ to account. Whereas li;-- ^S\\ Abtl Bion, hy letter of attorneys bearing ccii (kite heieuith, hath duly aurhorifed aud emp(>\vered the above bounden CaUb Dc^, to recover and receive divers rlebts and liims of moni v, to the tifc of the fakl Ahvl Bion.ix^ by t!ie faid letter of iittorney more fully, andar hir^.';e appears. Now the condition of this f^bligation is fuch, 'I'ii^it if the above bounden Caleb Doe, Ilia'' and do account \''n- and pay unto the faid Abel B'rnti, liis executors o>- .fli ;ns, all fnch fi.m or ii.i.m<> of money, as he Ihull from ume to time receive, 296 CONDITIO N. bv virtue of the fald letter of attorney, (tiie reafonable comr.iliiions and cxpenfes of the fakl Caleb Doe^ for je- covering and receivint^ the fame, being firil dedutled therefrom.) Then, ^c. Of a Bond of Indemnity on paying a lost Bond. Whereas the above named ^oc/i'O' by their bond or obligation under their common feal bearing date on or about the day of became bound to the above bounden ./(3/&.7 JVbite, in the penal fum of dolUirs conditioned for the payment of dollars unto tlie executors, adminiilrators, or afligns of the faid John fF/jf/*?, at the end of three months next after the de- ceafe of the faid John White^ with fuch profit of the fame, as upon the then lall general audit for the flock raifed bv and amonofl the members of the faid sccicrv. for the making and preparing Uiould appear to be due to him and unpaid, as in and by the faid bond u hen produced will more fully appear. And whereas the laid bond is alledged to be loll or fo millaid that the fame cannot be found. And whereas the fnid society the day of the date hereof, at the requell of the faid John JVhite^ and on his promife of indemnity, have iriade him full fatisfa6lion of and for the fi^id bond. Now^ the condition of t])is obligation is fuch, that if the above bounden John White ^ his heirs executors, or adminif- trators, or any or either of them, do and flTall in cafe the faid bond or obligation fiiali happen to be found or come to his, their, or any of their hands, cuilody, or power, or to the hands, cuftody. or povrcr of any other perfon for them, deliver or caufe the fame to be deliv- ered unto the then society ^ m order to be made void, cancelled, and dcftroyed ; and alfo do and (I'all from, time to time, and at all tinies here^ifter, fave, Iceep liarmlefs, and indemnified the faid society, and their CONDITIO N. 297 fucccflbrs, of aacl from all a6\ions, fuits, troubles, cofts, clurt(cs, daujages, and ex,icnfcs uhatibcvcr, iliAt Ihall oi may at aiiy time htiealtcr hapj:tii or come to them, for or by re lion of tiie faid bond Or obligation, or any the money tht.-itby paid, or for touching or concerning the fame : 1 lien ihis, &.C. To return Goods ddhcrcd to Sell or the Money. Whereas, the above named Peter Lane and Enoa Diiy, on the (iay ; uate the day of , did depute, ailign, coiiilitute and ordain the above bound Feiix Boe, his under IherifF of the fiiid county of- , as in and by the faid inden- ture more fully and at large it doth and may appear; if therefore, the Hiid F(^lix Doe, the above bound Juws Fane and Henry Iset, their heirs, executors and ad- sniniRrators, and every of them, do at all and every time and times hereafter, fave and keep harmlefs and indemnified, as well the faid Abel Baum., his heirs, ex- ecutors, adnnnillrators and alTigns, and every of them, as alfo the lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chattels of the faid y/Z'ir/ij?^?/77z, of, for, touching and concerning the returns and executions of all fach pro- cefs, writs, and warrants, of what nature foever they be, as are, or fliall be dire6lcd to the (heriffof the faid count}^ of , and fliall be brought and delivered, or offered to be delivered, to the faid Felix Doe, during the time that the faid Abel Baum, Ihali be ilieriff of the faid county ; and of, and from all iilues, fines, and amerciaments, which fhall happen to be impoft-d, or taxed upon the faid Abel Baum, for, and concernii^g the not executing, wrongful executing, or detaining in his hands, of any writs, procefs, or warrants, and of, for, and concerning all cfcapes of all, and every perfon or perfonsthat Ihall be arreikd or apprehended, by virtue of anv inch procefs, writ or warrant, during the time that the faid Abel Baum, fliall continue flierilTof the faid county of ; and alfo if the faid Felix Doe, Enos Fane and Henry Let, their heirs, executors and adminiib-ators, and every of them, fliall fave harmlefs and indemnified the faid Abel Baum, and his heirs and alTigns, and his and their lands, goods and chattels, of, for, or concerning all fuch account and accounts as tlie faid Abel Baum, is or fliall be charged withal as fherifF of the faid county of , to this commonwealth, in C O N D I T I O Nt 299 any of the courts, &lc. and of all fums of money which iliall be levied or received by the faid Felix I)iK\ as under iheiiff of the faid Abel Ba:im, or any bailiff, or other perfon, by the dire(^\ion or aiVent of the fiid Fe- lix Djl'^ to the ufeordiis commonwealth; that then, &c. Of a Bond of Indemnity on paying a lost Xote, Whereas the alDove named Caleb Cane, by his pro< miiVory note ii,::^jied by him for tiie faid Ctcil Cane, his fiithcr, and himfelf, dated the day of — — , did promife to pay unto JFin IVeb, or order, dollars, sixty days alter date for value received, and fuch faid iiote was afterwards indorfed by the faid irin JVcb and others, and became the property oS. John Jones ^ of . , as the faid Jolm Jones avers : And whereas the Uidjohn Jones ailed. j:es he fent the faid note by the mail, on the day of laft, to the above bound F.van Edes, to be received by him, for his the laid John JoiK's ufe ; which mail beinpj robbed, and the faid notes not having been offered for payment, it is appre- hended the fiid note was Hole out of the faid mi; il or othcrwife lofl. And whereas the laid Caleb Cane tmd Cecil C-Ane, have c^^^ the day of the (late hereof, at the requeftas well of th« f->id John Jones as of the faid E- ^an Edes, and upon his the faid Elian Edcs promifmg to indemnify and deliver up the faid note to be cancel- led v.'hen found, poi'l tii" faid Evan Edes the fum of dollars,in full laM^ifr.clion and difciiarc^e of the faid note, the receipt whereof the faid Evan Kdes doth here- by acknowledge : The condition therefore of thenl:)Ove ■written obll'^ation is fiich, That if the f^id Evan Edtfs^ his heir:« executors, or adminiftfators, or any of diem do and ihall from time to time, and at al! times here, after, fave, defend, keep harmlwls and indemnified the^^ 500 CONDITION. feid Caleb Cane and Cecil Cane, their executors and aclnmuiluitors, and thtir and cvciy oi ihcir g^iods, chat- teib, iu.id^ and icneiricnib cf. f; om and as^ainft the laid note of dollars, and of and from all coils, charges, damageb, and txpcnfes, that Ihall or may haj;pen to anfc iherci! om, aiid alfo deliver or caiife to be deliver- ed up the faid note, u iien and fo foou as the fame fl:iall be found to be cancelled. 1 hen, &.c. J^rom a Person impoivered to get in Debts for ano- ther. Whereas the above named Abel Adams and Bion 'Bain as executors of the teilament and iall will of i^a- -jniiel Hains, late of , deceafed, by their letter of attorney, bearing even date hereuitb, have conllituted and appointed Caleb Cards, of , their true and lawful attorney for them, and in their names, and for their fole ufe and benefit, to alk, demand, collect and re- ceive of and from all and every perfon and peifons,debt- ors to the eftate of the faid Samuel Fla'rns, all fum and funis of money from them and every of them new due and owing to the eilate of the faid Samuel Hains^ as in and by the faid letter of attorney, relation being thereunto had, will appear. Now the condition of the above written obligation is fuch, that if the above bound Caleb Cards, his executors and admininftrators, do and fliall from tinie to time, and at all times hereafter, up- on req'ieil, deliver, or caufe to be delivered, unto the faid Abel Adams and Bion Bain their executors, ad^ miniftrators, or afligns, a juft and true account, in writ- ing, of all fum and fums of money which he fliall re- ceive by virtue of the above recited letter of attorney, with the perfons names of whom received, and for ■what ; and alfo from tirnc to time pay and deliver over unto tlie faid Abel Adams and BiQii Bain their execu- CONDITION. 30b tors, adminiflnitors, oraf.'igns, or to fuch other perfon or jH jIjus as (iii'..l be liii; cto by thtni upi'ointcJ, all fuch liiin unci iuius oi' money, iiij. upon fucii account or other'J lie ihali appear to have been received by him, or be reniaitiiiig in hib huMcls, without i'raud or furiiier dehi} . Then this obligation, &c. To perform an Aivard. Whereas diuerenccs havearifen, and are dcpendint; between the above bound Adam Ihiicy^ and the abovo named C iltb Doe^ conf^erninj^ \Jjcre particularly men^ tion ivbat the difference is about^'] vvhicli account and all differences and dtir.ands concernini^ the lame, the laid parties have aj^recd to refer to the av.ard, judgment and determination of arbitrators, indiiTerently choicn by and between the laid parties to a'vrard, arbi- trate and determine, concealing the iame, \_and if to be an umpire say'\ and if they do not make the award vithin tlic time hereunder limited, then to the umpi- rage of inch peribn as the faid arbitrators ihaU indiiTe- rently chooie for um.pire, as hereunder is mentioned ; now therefore the condition of this obiigalion is hich, that if the faid Adrim Biucy^ his executors and adn^.ini- llrators, on his and their part and behalf, lliall and do in and by all things, well and truly uand to, obilrve, perform, fidHI, and keep thea\\ard, arbitration, juci,^:- nient, final end, and determination, VA'hich arbi- trators, as afftrefaid, Ihiill make and give in writing, imder tlieir hands and Teals, ready to be delivered to the laid parties in dilTcrence, on or before the day of , in and concerningthe before mentioned account and matters in difference, and all or any a(i\Ions, i'uits, debts, dues, dan:a!:i^cs, claims, and demands whatever, concerning the fame. And if the laid arbitrators fhnll not make and give the fame in writing, [^asbrforcyMvn^ 8vc. [mention the tiine of delivery by the unipl;\.'] 205 CONDITION. Another Form. The condition of the above obligation is fiich, That If the above boLiJidirii Adam Bihs^ his iitira, txecLUurS and af.hninnti-.ators, for hi^ and their parts and 1/Cisalf, ih'ai aud do, in a\\ things, v.?eii diicl truly ftauci lo, o cy, abide, perform, fuiiii and kcejD the av. aid, ovdcr, ui i- trenicn-, final end hud determination of Caleb Dice^ E- nos Fen and Gile:; Ilank^ orasiy two of thcui, arbitra- tors ifidiffertiitly elected, named and ciicfen, as well on the part and behaif of the above bounden Adam j5/?7.v, as of ttic above named Innis Smock, to arbitrate, av. ard, order, judge and dcterndne, of, for, upon, and concerning \_here maition the matter in dispute'] and alfo of and concernin,a^ all and all manner of a^li'Mt or actions, caufe and caufes of aclion, fuits, bi'is, bonds, fpecialtiejs, judtrments, executioi-.s, extents, quarrels, controverfies, trefpafies, damages and demands \a hatfo- €ver, at any time or times heretofore had, made, mov- ed, brought, commenced, fued, piofecuted, done, fuf- lered, committed or depending by or between the faid parties, for or by reafon of any other matter, caufe, or thing whatfoever, from the beginnini^ of the world,' to the d;iy of tlie da'^e hereof, fo as the faid award be made in writincij, indented under the hands and feids of the faid arbitrators, or any two of tlirm, and re;.dy to he delivered to the fi.-'Td parfits in difference, or fuch of them ?,8 Ihall require the fcrmc, on or before the day of— next enfnin,^ the datr hereof [biit if the Hud arbitrators, or arjv two of them, do not make fuch their awa'"d,cf ardcorcerninsr the premifeh,hy the time aforf-Hud ; that then if the faid Adam Bins, his heirs, executors and admivi'.flrators, for his and their prrtsand belia'Ts, do, in all thinL^[' fr>n [Vt:ckSsi>i ,csq. thei^ hite Elizabeth Johct\Jf'',,l', amongft other things, a certain Grist mill^ with its appurtenances, iiuiated in , now in the occupation of the faid Caleb Dust, and all the materi- als, utenfds and tilings, now in, about and belouijing thereto, for the term of years, from then and now next enluing, at the yearly rent therein men- tioned : Now the condition of this obligation is fnch. That if th" faid Amos ylpp. his executors, adminiQra- tors or afiigns, at his, tlieiror f(^me of their own pro. per coflsand charges, do and ihall, before the expira- tion of the faid term of years, by the faid recited ]c\.\{'ab Fee by the hAJnhn Fee, or to the furvivors or furvlvor of them, the faid le«;acy or fum of dollars, fo given to the faid Betsy ./L7; and John Fee by the faid recited will, in truft for them as aforcfiid, when and as they fhall refpe6lively attain the age of tv.enty-one years, in the proportions, and according to the dirc61ions of the laid recited will, and do and llvill from time to time aiid at all times hereafter, well and fufficiently five harmlefs, and keep indemnified, the fiid Betsy Asp, her heirs, executors and adminillrators, and her and their goods and chattels, lands and tenements, of, from and againft all loffes, cods, charges, damages and expenfes which Piie or they fliall or m;\y bear, pay, fultain, or be put un- to; for or by reafon or means of the faid legacy or funi of- dollars, not being placed out upon bank ilock, according to the direc\Ions contained in the faid recited will, or for or by reafon or means of any other matter, caufe, or thing whatfocver relating to the faid legacy ; *^\en, &,c. 316 CONDITION. Tor JincUng an Apprentice in Clothes ^ h^c. and for his i'ldelity. Whereas John Meigs ^ Ion of the above hour J. Sa- inuei Meij^s, i^y his indenture of apprenticelhip, bear- ing rven date with the above written obligation, hatl\ put h)niftii\.pprentice to the above named Jo/juFulcan^ for the term of feven years, from the date hereof, as by the faid indenture (relation beinj; thereunto had) may appear : And whereas the fwd Jo/.in Vulcan^ accepted oi'thc faid John Met^s as liib apprentice, on his the iiiid S miiel M(:igs^^;rt:Q.'yi\% to liiKl a)jd provide for the laid John McigSy his fon, all and all maniier of vvearirij^ ap- parel, and wufiiing:, during his faid apprenticelhip, and in cafe of iicknefs, proper diet, lodg-ing, phylie, at- tendance and advice : Now the condition of th'^b obli- gation is fuch, That if the above bound Samuel Me i^s^ his executors or adminilhators, or any of tlieni, do and lliall from time to time, and at all times hereafter, dur- ing the apprenticelhip of the faid John Aleigs^ at his and their own proper cofts and charges, lind and pro- vide, or caufe to be found and provided, for him the Hiid John Meigs, all and all manner of wearing apparel vrhatfoever, and wafliiny; fit and convenient for the faid John A feigs, and mc'di^G theiixid John Meigs ^ fnall at any time or times during his faidapprenticelT)ip, be ren- dered incapable by ficknefs or other\^'ife, of performing his duty as an apprentice^ do and fhall, as often and ^o long as the fame fliall happen and continue, at his and their own proper cofts and charges, find and provide for the faid John Meigs, fit and convenient diet, lodg- ing, phyfic, attendance and advice, and thereof and therefrom, and from the covenants in the faid John Meig^s indenture of apprenticefliip contained, relating thereto, do and HiaH fave,- keepharmkfs and indrmni- iied, the Ma John Vulcan, his executors and adminifira- tors, and every of them ; -and alfo if the faid John Meigs ^ at any time during liis faid apprenticelhip, fiiall CONDITION. 5U llctain, confvimc and embezzle, make away, or lend, wiiliout his laid mailer's order or privity, any money, goods, u:ires, nKiclKindifes, oroiher things appci tam- ing to the laid John Vidcaiu his executors, or admini, ftrators, and the laic! Samuel Mc'igs do andTtiali ai\vays vitliin ten days next alter notice given to him or them in tlvat behalf, make fulucient recomjx-nfe, payment and lii'isltictiwn to tlie laid /a/;;/ Vulcan^ his e?;ecutors «f adminiliiators, ol'and Ibr the fame ; then, 8^c. To indemnify Bail in Bail-Bond. The condition of this oblipration isfuch,That where^ as the above named Amos Buck, at the f^ecial inllauce and rcquell of the above bounden Caleb Doc^ in and by one obliijation, bearing date the -^ — day of , became bound unto Peter Fox^ efquire, high flier iff of the county of , in the fum of dollars, condi- tioned for the uppearance of th.e faid Caleb Doe^ before the judges of the court of common pleas, to be held at , the day uf nc xt, as by the faid recited o- bligationand condilinn thereof (relation bcingthereun- to ha(i) appears. If tliercfore the faid Caleb Doe. fliall appear according to the condition of the faid rjuligati- on, and as the law requires : And alfo fiiall and do» from time to time, and at ail times hereafter, well and fufiicicnlly lave, defnd. keep harm'efs, and indemnify the faid Jivws Buck, his heirs, executors and admii^if- trarors, and hi« and their (roods and chattels, lands ^md tenements, of and faim ^1^ ^'f ^I'd from uU actions, fuits. • s coOs. rhnr-^cs and da- mages, for or by rcafou ihereof. Then, ^c. 312 CONDITION. For the Obligor fo re-pay Money giDen him for his Clerksbip^ ij the Obligee be not admitted into it. Wherear, the above bound yi^j??2 dpp /is vi clerk of the court oi" , and whereas the laid Adam Appy doth intend to iurrender his laid oifice : and whereas the above named Bion Bell^ hath paid to the laid _^Ad'am Jpp^ ihtiwm o\ — —dollars, which is to re- main to his own proper life, when and as loon as the ftid Bion Bell, is appointed to the laid office of clerk of in the room of the laid Adam App : Novv' therefore the condition of this obligation is fuch, that if the faid Bion Bell, fnall or may be (by the means or procurement of the {^ndAdam App,) appointed to the faid office of clerk of , in the room of the faid Adam App, on or before the day of , next enfnin^ the date above written, according to the ufual cuftom in that cafe, he the faid Bion Bell^ P^yi'ig ^^"'e charge of his appointment to the laid office *, of in default, or for want of the faid Adam App'^s procuring the laid Bi- on Bell, fo to be annointed to the faid office within the time aforefaid, if the faid Adam App, his heirs, execu- tors, or adminiilrators fiiall pay back the faid dollars unto the faid Bion Bell, his executors, adminiilrators or affigns, in either of the faid cafes, this obligation to be void and of none effe^i ; or elfe to re- main in full force and virtue. For refunding a Legacy in ease ofDefciency of Assets, Whereas Samuel Saurin, late of , deceafed,fon of the above named Samuel Saurin, by his laft will and teilament in writing, bearing date on or about the day of , did amongfl other things, give and be- queath unto the a])0ve bound Rian Saurin, by the name and defcription of his dear brother Rian Saurin, the fum of -- — dollars, and declared his will to be, that CONDITION, 3LS none of his Icj^acics Oiould charge or aflfecl his real t'ilate, but iijouid be jxiid oul oi" liis i^erfoiiul tihuc on- ly ; and ol lus laid will did nominaif, coulUtiitc and appoint the laid St vine I Sauriii, his (ather, luil and toic executor, as in and by the fait! will duly proved \\\ the faid executor, in the regiller'y ottice of the county of" , relation benig thereunto had, may appear : And whereas the faid S.nnucl Saurin, the teltator, by his faid will bequeathed fever al other pecuniary legacies, amounting, together with the faid dollars, "^ given to his brother Rilui Saiirin as aforefaid, to the full fura of dollars : And uhereasthe faid Samuel Saurin^ the father, alledges, that the perfonal ellate of his late fon, will not, as he verily believes, after payment of his debts, funeral expenfes, and the neceffary charges incident to the faid executorfliip, be near fufficient to pay the whole of the faid pecuniary legacies, and he is- doubtful whether all the debts owing by his faid late fon, at his death, are yet come to his knowledge, not- withftanding which he is deiirous and willing to pay fo much of the faid legacies, as the perfonal ellate of his iliid late fon come to his hands will extend to fatisfy and pay, being indemnified and lined harmlefs in fo doing : And whereas the faid Samuel Saurin, the fa* ther, hath in his hands of the perfonal eftate of his faid late fon fuflicient to pay all the debts of the faid teltator, ■which have hitherto come to his know ledge, his fune- ral expenfes, and the nccefHiry charges of liis faid exe- cutorfliip, to the date hereof, and a fifth part of the pe- cuniary legacies bequeathed by the faid recited will, and had), the day of the date hereof, at the requefl of the laid Rian Sauriri, and on his promife of indemnity, paid unto him the faid i?i^« 5rtf/r/« the fum of— ^ dollars, being the fifth part ofthefum of dollars, given him by the laid, in part, recited will as aforefaid : Now the condition of the above written obligation is fuch, that if the perfonal eftate of the iliid Saviucl Saus S14 ' CONDITION". rin, deccafed, fliall not prove fufiicient to pay tlie jafi debts and lunerai expenics of the faid ttllator, and the jieceliary charges of the faid executorlhip, and a fifth part of ail the pecuniary legacies given by the faid will ; thtn i^ ihc i^aid Ricji Smirin^ his heirs, executors or adminilbators, do and fliall within fourteen days next after notice thereof to him or them given in ihat behalf, repay to him the faid Samuel Saurhu his father, his c^xccutors, adminiftrators or afiigns, the faid fum of dollars fo paid to him as aforefaid, or fo much thereof as (liall appear to be more than was coming due to him out of the perfonal eftate of the faid Samuel Saiwin, deceafed, in refpeft of the liiid legacy of- dollars, given to him by the faid recited will as aforefaid, in pro- portion to the other pecuniary legacies, under the faid ■will ; and alfo do and fhall from time to time, and at all times hereafter, fave, defend, keep harmlefs and indem- siiiied the faid Samuel Saur'm^ his father, his executors and adminiftrators, and the ellate of the faid Sa?7iuel Saurin^ deceafed, of and from ali coils, charges, dama- ges and expenfes that fliall or may happen, or come to 3iim or them, or the eilate of the faid Samuel Saurin^ deceafed, for or by reafon or means of his having paid the faid Rian Saurin the faid fum of dollars, \n part of the faid legacy as aforefaid, or any matter, caufe or thing relating thereto ; then. Sec. ^0 discharge an Apprentice before the expiration of his Apprenticeship. Whereas Peter Sharp, fon of the above named John Sharps by his indenture of apprenticefliip, bearing even date here^^ ith, hath put himfelf apprentice to the above bound John Jones, to ferve him as an apprentice from the date thereof, for and during the term of years, ^s in and by the faid indenture, relation being thereu»* CONDITIOX. 31$ to had, M ill appear. And whereas previous to the cx- ijcutiou olthe laid rcciicd indenture of" apprenticelliip, h was agreed between the faid John Jones and 'John Sharps tnat the laid Peter Sharp Ihould be difcharged iVoni his laid apprentieelliip at the expiration of the iiril years of the laid term of years. Now the eondition of the above written obhgation is fuch, that if liie laid John "Jones^ his executors or adniini- ihatojb do and Ihall at the expiration of the firll years ol the faid appreiuicelhip term of- years, re- leufe and dil'chargc the faid Pcier Sharps of and from, his faid ferviee and apprenticelhip, and deliver him up the laid nidcnture ofapprenticelhip to be cancelled, and do and Ih.ill p^-M-niit and fuiier the faid Peter Sharps peaceably and quietly to have and enjoy the remainder of his faid appreniicefnip term of years for his own bcnelit and advantage ; then, &c. To Indemnify Special Bail. The condition of this oblip:ation is fuch. That wliere- as the above named Adam Pcck^ at the fpecial inftance and re(]ueft of the above bounden Caleb Doe^ became fl)ccial bail for the faid Caleb Doc^ in a certain a(5>ioa of debt, [^ircspass, ^c. as the case may bel^ at the fuit of Enoch 7'(.7/, in the court of common pleas of the cour.ty aforefaid, as by the recognizance of bail on re- cord in the laid court, may mo-e at large appear. If therefore the laid ^'tileb Doe, Ihall appear according to tlic condition of the faid obligation, and as the law re- (]uires ; and alfo Ihall and do, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, well and fnfficiently fave, defend, keep harmlefs and indemnify the faid Jdam Beck: 1iis heirs, executors and adminillrators, and his and their goods and chattels, lands and tenements, of and from the faid obligation, imd of and from all anions, fiiits, pavments, coils, charges and damages, for or by reafoii hereof ; then, S^c. 31a CONDITION. To deliver up a Ship a?id to pay part of the Projits of the Master's Privilege and Caidoggen at the end of a voyage. "Whereas the above named Abncr App^ maficr and part owner ol the Ihip Nancy ^ bujihen cibout tons, and the reft of ihe part owners oi the i'aid Ihip, have coiiftniedtlui! the iibo\c\y:,u\-AAbner,.ipp^\\\d.\\ gomailer of the faid lliip for the prcfent nitended voyage to and back to . Now the condition oi this obliga- tion is fuch, that if the faid Bion Bell^ at the return and arrival of the laid (hip at , from her faid mtended voyage, or at any other time when required by the faid Abner App, ihall and do peaceably and quietly deliver lip the faid fliip, and the a6lual poflefuon thereoi^ ujito the faid Abner App, or unto BaDid Doe, one other of the part owners of the faid fliip, together with all and fnigular the furniture, tackle, apparel, and other ap* purtenances and things whatfoever to the faid (hip or veiTel belonging, and which fliall belong, at what time the fame fliali be required by the faid part owners, or the major part of them, (reafonable wear and tear there- of excepted) freed of all charges and incumbrances vdiatfoever to be done, committed or fuffered by the faid Abner App, in any manner of wife : And alfo if the faid Biofj Bill, fliall and do give a juil and true account of all fums of money and profits which fhall become due, arifc, be made or received for or on account of the faid mafter's privilege of and in th^ faid ihip, and for caploggcn during the faid voyage, by virtue of the charter party for the faid fliip and voyage, or otherwifc : And alfo pay unto the faid Abner App, for his own pro- per ufe, one full ~ part of what fliall become due and be received for his faid privilege and caploggen, the faid Abner App^ p^'ying thereout part of the faid fliip's damage and other charges, in refpecl of the faiel t^rivilege ; then, &r, CONDITION^ 31? From a surihing Partner, to a Man and Lis Wife, the Executrix of a deceased Partner, for Payment of xhat the deceased s Share of the Ej/ects aniuunt-> cd to, pursuant to a Conyeiiant in the Co-partnership Deed. 'I'be condition of this obligation is fuch, that if ihq above boiinclcn jhnos Jpp, his hcir.-j, executors or ad- niiiiillrators, do and lliall uell and truly pay or caufe to be paid unto the above named Bets'^ Black, as exc^ cutrix ofthe hill: will and tcllament of 7'VtY/^/7V*^ Finch^ her late brother deceafed, her executors, adminiilra- tors, or afiigns, the full fum of dollars on the day of next enfuinp; the date of the above written obliteration, v.ith interell for the fame, after the rate o\\f('ur dollars for every hundred dollars, by the year, from the day of next, then, 8^c. To Indemnify a Person on discharging his apprentice,, W her I:: i\s J m OS No\v, fun of the above houn(] ^ oh ?i How, by ills indenture of apprenticefnip bcarins^ date on or about the day of , did put liimfelf apprentice unto the above named Enoch Poc, to ferve him as an apprentice for the fpace of years, from the date of the faid indenture, as in and b^y the fa id in- denture of apprenticefhip, relation beinp^ thereunto had, may appear. And whereas the faid Enoch Poe^ as well at the dehre of the laid ylmos How, as with the confcnt and approtjation of the faid John How, and on his promife of indemnirv, hadi difchari^^d his appren- tice of and from his fervicc, and hath repaid unto the ^\.\k\ John How, x\\Q fum of dollars, part of the fum of dollars, by him had and received with his faid apprentice; th.e receipt of which faid fum of dollars, he the faid John How, doth hereby ac- knowledge. Now the condition cf this oblii^atiou is 513 ' CONDITION. fuel), that if the above bwuiiden John How^ his heirs, executors., and adinmillrators, or any ol them, do and iha.l, from time to nine, and at uii times iiereatter, lave deicnd, keep iiarmieib an., indemnified tne faid Enoch J^o<^y his execuiors and adnuiuiliatorh, and ins and their goods antl chattels, lands and tenements ot and from all and every the covenants in the laid in part re- cited indenture ofapprentieernip contained, and which .on the part of the laid Enoch Foe^ his executors or adminiilrators are or ought to be done and pcriormed, iiiid ail aClion and actions, fuit and I'uits both at law and in equity. Coils, charges, damages, and expenfes whatfoever, which ihall or may happen to him or them, for or by reafon thereof, or touching or concerning the faid indenture of apprenticclhip, or by reafon or means of any fain or funis of money by him had and receiv- ed with the faid Amos Hoto^ or for re -payment there- of, or any wife relating to any of the fuid matters : Then, &c. To Indemnify Bail hi Recogmzance, The condition of this obligation is fuch, That xvhereas the above named Abel Bentley^ at the Ipeciai in fiance and requeft, of the above lx)unden Caleb Doe^ llandeth bound for the faid Caleb DoCy to the com- monwealth 01 Fejinsyhania^ in the fum of dol- lars, conditioned for the appearance of the faid Caleb Doe^ at the next court of genera! quarter feilions of the peace, to be held at , in and for -the county of , aforefaid, to anfwerto fuch matters and things, asfliali then and there be objected againfl him, on the com,- anonwealth's behalf, [or to an^iver to a certain indict- :nent preferred against him^ for ^c.'] And alfo that the faid Caleb Doe iliall in the mean time keep the peace,and be of good behaviour tov/ards ail the citizieus CONDITION. S1S> «jf l»e commonwcukb, and erpecially towardg John Sloan^ as by the laid recognizance of bail on record in the iaid court, may more at lari^e appear, litht reibrc, the laid {\ilcb Doc^ Ihall appear according to the con- dition ot" the laid rccc>!^nizance,and as the iawrequires : And alio Ihall and do, IVoni time to time, and at all times herealter, ^^ell andi'nliiciently lave, dclend keep harmlels, and indemnify the i\ud /JOi/Bent/cfV. his heirs, executors and auaun.llrators, and his and Lheir goods and chattels, lands and tenements, ol' and from the faid iecognizancc,and ofandlVom all action s,fu its, payments, colts, charges and damages, for or by reafon thereof. Then, i^c. Then an Apprentice "hall account^ and that satisfactU on shall be made for what he embezzles. Whereas Daniel Boal, fon of the above bound Abel JRoal^ by his indentures of apprenticelhip uiuler his hand and feal, bearing date the « day of , hath bound himfelf apprentice unto the above ^-samed Bion Bell for the term (jf yeuri., from the date of the laid indentures of apprenticelhip, as thereby, relation being thereunto had, may appear. Now the condition of the above obligation is fuch, that if the faid Daii'ul Jioal^ lliall and do, from time to time, during the faid term of his apprenticeHiip, fo often as he Oiall thereun- to be required by the faid B'lon Bell, his executors or adminilliators, give a jnft and true account of all fuch fum and funis of money, bills, notes and other things^ Mhich lliall be received by, or be committed, or come? to the hands, ciiarge or cuilody of the faid Da'chi Boal. And that if the Riid David BoaU or any others by his means, privity or procurement \_if the bovd is made after the indentures^ these words may come in ho c'\ lince the day of the date of the faid recited indcnturG«* S20 CONDITIO N, hath wailed, coiifumecl, embezzled, mlfpcndcd, pur- loined, made auay, or unjultly detained, or (hall at any- time during (the remainder of) the faid term Widle, confumc, embezzle, mii'pend, purloin, m.ake away, or unjuilly detain any of the monies, goods, wares, mer- chandiies, or other things whatfoever, of, or belonging to the faid Bion Belly his executors, adminiili aiors or afiigns, or any other perfon or perfons wherewith he or they Ihall or may be charged or chargeable : If then, and fo often he the faid ;ccutors, gr adminiftratorsj or any of CONDITION. 321 thim, do and fliall yearly and every year duvinp^ the natural life of the above uiinicd '[John i^ii;^b, ^^cil and truly pay or caiife to be paid lo him the laid John Pir^h^ or hjs aifigns, the clear yearly fum of — - dollars, by quarterly j)ii) mer.ts, on thclbu: molt ulual d:'.ys ofpay- ir.eut 1.1 liie year (lial is to f.:y) ihc firft days of Janu- ary, Apii', July aiKl October, in each year, by even and equal portions, the lirfl p.iyment theicof to bei^ia and be made on the lirll day ol January, next tnfuing the date of the above written obligation, then this obli- gation {hail be void ar,d of no effete, but ifde{l\ult Ijuill happen to be made, of or in any of the faid quaiterly payments, or an\ part thereof, on any or either of the faid q'larterlv davs, ftn \vhieh the fiime ous^ht to be paid as aforelitid, then the fame (hali llaud and remaiii in full force and virtue. For the Fideiify of a Clerk, Whereas the above named Amos Hunt^ hath taken and received the above bound Bion Kapp, into his fer* vice to be one of his clerks to collec"t, receive and get in money for him, and to do all other things in his power incident to the bufmefs of a clerk . Now the con- dition of this oblip^ation is fuch, that iftheliiid Ilioii Ktipp do not or 111 all not at all times hereafter, from time to time, durino^ fo long time as he the faid Bion Kapp. fliall continue and be employed in the ferviceof the faid Amos Hunt, as his clerk or fervant, well, faith- fully and truly ferve the faid Amos Hunt, his mafter without confuming, wailing, embezzling, lofing, mif- pendinfT, mifajiplying or unlawfully making away with jmy of the monies, goods, chattels, wares, merchandi- fes or cfl'e6ls whatfocver, of the faid Amos Hviit, his mailer, or of any other perfon or pcrfons whatfoevcr, for which he the faid Amos Hunt, his heirs, executory. 52^ CONDITION. or admlnlftrators fliiill or may by any law, cuflom of iifaoe wliatibevcr be any nays ani'werable or rciponfi- ble, whicli fliail be commltttd to his the faid JJion Jiap/fs charge, care, cullody or keeping, by reafon or means of his laid fervice, or being cierk-as albreiaid ; and if the faitl Biofi Xapp^ Ihall at any time during the time o^ his being clerk or fervant to the faid Amos Hunt, his executors or adminiflrators, negle^l or refule to account with him the faid Amos Hunt., his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, weekly or oftener, if thereun- to required by the faid Amos Hiint^ his executors oir adminiflrators, by reafonable notice in writing under liis or their hands, for that purpofe to be given to or left for him the faid B'lon Kapp^ at his houfe or ufual place of abode or habitation ; then if the faid Blon Kapp and Enoch Ellis ^ or either of them, their or either of their heirs, executors or adminillrators, er any of them tlo and Iliall (within months next after due proof thereof, either by the confeffion of the faid B'lon Kappy or otherwife howfocver, and notice or warning thereof given or left, at or in the dwelling-houfe, habitation or place of refidence of them the faid Blon Kapp and E^ moch EUis^ or either of them, or either of their heirs^ executors or adminillrators, in writing or otherwife,) snake good and fuiTicient recompenfe, fatisfaclion, and payment, unto the faid Amos liunt^ his executors, ad- ■jniniftrators or afiigns, for the faid monies, goods, chat- tels, wares, merchandifes or efFecls of him the Hiid ^- mos Hunt, fo loft, wafted, mifpent, or milapplied as a- forefaid, and alio for all fuch lofs, damage or charg;e as he the faid Amos Hunt, his executors, or adminiftra- tors fliall fulTer, fuftain and be put unto, for or by rejj- fon or means of his the faid Bion Aj/-^/>'^ neglecting of refufmjj to acGOunt gis aforefaid ; then, &:g» CONDITION. 323 To Indemnify Surety in Administration Bond, The condition of this oblii^ation is fuch, That where- as tlic above named Ca/cb ^>ol\ at tlie ipeeial inllanee and requelt of the above bounden Paul Mcck^ in and by a certain oblij^ation bearint^ date the day of , hath become ijound toy;cther with thofaid Caleb I'olky unto %imcs Bctz, efqiiire, rcj:?iller for the probate of vills and granting letters of admmiftration, in and for the county of aforefaid, in the fum of dol- lars, for the due adminiftration of ail and fingular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, v. hieh were of John Kiits, late of , who died intellate, &C. asby the faid recited obligation and condition thereof, rcr mainingin the regiller's ofiice, at , relation being tliereunto had more at large appears. If therefore the faid Paul Jl/t'cA',admini{lrator as aforefliid, Iball and do, well and truly adminifter all and lingular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of the nfoiefaid John Kitts., according to law. and do and perform all ajid every other acl, matter and thing, on the partand be- lialfof the faid Paul Meek to be done and performed, according to the true intent and meaning of the condi- tion of the faid recited obligation, and alfo fliall and do* fjom time to time, and at all times hereafter, well and iufliciently fave, keep harmlefs and indemnify the laid Caleb Doe, his heirs, executors and adminillrators, and liis and their goods and chattels, lands and tenements, of and from the faid obligation, and of and from all 26>ions, fuits, payments, colls, charges and damages, for or by reafon thereof ; then, &,c. To Pay Money for Goods sold, cmd for Freight ami Insuranee. Whereas the above hound Jlmos Ames, and Fion j^ctz, are J^und out oo a voyage to ,^and othe§ 324 CONDITION, parts beyond the feas : And wticreas the above named Caleb CuXj at the icquell oi" the itiia ^imoa .'imcs and JBion Bctz^ hum liiippeci, oi' is co Iliip on bucud feme lijip or ilups ior , Cj«aThb -ma {lunl> piiMicuIuily nifcotioned in the invoice liiertol" ; which i^oodb by a- grcemciit are or .ue to be couiigned lo the i'diu /iriios Ames 'c?it, do and IIkiH in cafe the faid Jobn Ikiit Ih.ali happen to di« m the life-time of the faid //"/// Lpjiu ^'.^U and truly pay or caufc to be paid unto the faid IVin Lcnu his executors, adminillrators or afllgns, the full fum of dollars, within thice montlis next after fuch the deccafe of ih^ £iid Jo/jn Bent, then, £ic. To Pay Money on Marriage or Death, The condition of this ob]i.c;ation is fuch, Thrft wherce as the above named Caleb Boc^ hath fold unto the a* boA'c bound Jbncr Jiaxur^ one cjold watch, he. for the ium of , to be paid unto him the faid Caleb Dbc^ his executors, adminiibators or afligns, at or upon the day of marria|3;e, or hour of death of the faicf .Abv.cr Baxter^ which ihall firil ha])|)en : If therefore the faid Abncr Baxter, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, do and nmll \\ ell and trul} pay or caufe to be paid unto the faid Caleb Doe, his executors, adminillrators or afligns, the fum of dollars, within six n7onths af- ter the folemnization of the marriap;e of the faid ^!/^-, ner Baxter^ or the time of the death of the faid Abncr Baxter, which fliall firll liappen afier the date of the above written bond or obli,^ation ; then, &:c. ^^ CONDITION. To Indemnify an Executor on payment of a Legafy^ The condition oftlvis obligalion is fiich, That \;here- as Abel Backet^ by his lall will and teflaintnt, bearing date the day ot" , did bequeath unto Caleb Doe^ the fon of the above boundcn Conrad Doe^ a cer* tain legacy of dollars. And whereas the faid Kz- ra Feny st the recjucil of the liiid Conrad I) oe^ haiapaid the ikid legacy unto him, for the ufe ana bentht of his JiVid ion, who rs a minor, umier the age of t'v\ enty-one years, if therefore tiie faid Conrad Doe^ his heirs, ex- ecutors or ?;dtTiiniitraL, payments, colls, charges and damages, for or by reafon thereof; then, &c. '^rom an intended IJushand to ha'ue a JV'ife all his Eg t ate, "Whereas a marriage is intended, by the permiiTlon of God, to be had and iblemnifed by and between the a- bove bound Samuel Slhn and Molly IFelsh, spinster^ one of the daughters of .John JFchh, merchant, of , and whereas in confidcration of the faid intended raar« riage, and of aeon fiderable portion which the faid 5^- fnucl Slim will have with the {ixvAIt folly Welsh ^ his in- tended wife, he the faid Samuel Siim^ has agreed to leave the faid Molly, at his death, ail fuch real and perfonal eilate as he the faid Saniucl Slim, or any oth- er in truil for him er for his pfe, fuall be feizred or CONDITION. 527 ^offcncd of, or as fliall belong to him the faid Sifi- wild Slim^ at his deccaie, in cafe Ihe fliill hap- pen to iurvivc \\\m. : Now the coiuiiuon ol' thii> obli- gation is fiich, that if the laid marriage fhall take cillcl. and be IblcmnHed, and the laid Samuel Sum ihali hapr pen to depart this liic, leaving tlic laid j\IoUy rurvivini^ him : then if the laid Samuci Slim either before or ac the time of his death, fhall and do by fome deed or deeds, or by his laR will and tellament in wriiing to be by him duly exeeuted, well and fufticLently convey, af- iure, devile and fettle, unto and to the ufc of the faicl jMally^ her heirs, executors, adminillrators and afllgns, all and every the real and perfonal ellates, which he the laid Saviuel Slim^ at the time of his death, Ihall be any ■ways feized, poUeiied of, intereftcd in, or intitled unto, "without making any gift, dcvife or bequeit thereof, or any part thereof, to any other perfon or perfons whom- foever, (unlcfs it be by and with the confent of her the faid Molly, the fame to be lignihed by writing under her hand and feal, and attcllcd by two or more witnei- fcs) ; fubjec\ neverthelcfs to the payment of all fuch in- terclt and debts, as he Ihall owe at the time of hia- death ; then, Sec, For payment of an Annuity diirir^ ten Years, and a Sum of Money at three separate Payments, The condition of this obligation is fuch. That if the above bounden Henry Sands, his heirs, executors or adminiftrators, or any of them, do and Ihall yearly and every year during the term often years, to be comput- ed from the day of laft pall, before the diiy of the date of the above written obligation, well and truly p;iy or caufe to be paid unto ihe above named Jo' scph fcnks, his executors, adminiftrators, or afiigus, ttie annuity or clear yearly fum of dollars, by e. Si2S CONDITION. ven and equal (juarterl)' payments, at or upon the four moll iillial quarterly ckfvs of payment in the year, that is to fay, the iirilciays of the months of Jaiuuuy, .April, July and Ocl j'oer, and by even and equal quarterly portions, the firll payment thereof to bcp^in and be made on the uril day of Januar}', next enfuiug the day of the date of the above written obligation, and aifo do and Ihall well and truly pay or caufe to be paid unto the faid Joseph Jcnks^ his executors, aclminillrators or af- fi.a;ns, the fam of dollars, on the feveral days and times hereinafter mentioned for payment thereof, that is to fay, the fum of dollars, part thereof, on die fuTi day of ; the fum of dollars, other part thereof, on the firft day of then next fol!ovvi;',.[^, and the fum of dollars, remainder of the faifl fum of dollars, on the fail day of — — then next en- fuing : then, &c. To Pay Money SinarterJy. The condition of this obligation is fuch. That if the above bound Amos Bed: and Caleb Damp^ or either of them, their or either of their heirs, executors or ad- minifirators, do and (liall well and truly pay or caufe to be paid to the above named Eiws Fisk^ his execu- -tors, adminiilrators ^r alTigns, the full fum of dol- lars, in manner foUovvins^, that is to fay, the fum of • dollars, part thereof on the day o^ Decem- ber next cnfuinj^ the date above written ; the fum of ' dollars more thereof, on the day o^ March, which fnall be in the year of our Lord ; the fum of dollars, more thereof, on the day of June, then next enfuino:, and ths fum of dollars more thereof on the — ~ day of September then next follow- ing ; and fo quarterly, and every quarter of a year, one next and immediaieW enfuincr another, on every of the ••^/darter days aforcfaid, the fum of dollars, uutil the CONDITION. 329 fill J fum of dollars fliall be in fucli manner fully fatibiifd, conttntcd and paid ; then this obiij^auon to be, void; butifdcfauit (liali be made in payment of the fliid fimi of , or any pai t thereof, in manner afore- fuid, then this obligation to remain in full foice. To Indemnify Lessee on payment of Rent, The condition of this obligation is fuch. That ^vhcre- as the above named Amos Backfsh^ by indenture of leafe, bearing date the day of , hath de- mifed and to farm let unto the faid Caleb Doe^ ail that mefluage, &.c. To hold the fame to the faid Caleb Doe^ for the term of years, paying \ as in the lease'] as in and by the faid indenture appears. And whereas a certain Enoch Fisk^ claims title to the pre» mifes aforefaid, with the appurtenances. If therefore the faid Amos Backfish, fliall and do, from time to time, indemnify the faid Caleb Doe^ his heirs, execu- tors and adminiftrators, and his and their goods and chattels, lands and tenements, of and from the claim of the faid Enoch Fisk, and of and from all a6lions fuits, payments, cofls, charges and damages, for or by Tcafon thereof ; then, &:c. To deliver a Watch, or pav the value thereof ad the Charges of a Suit comtnenced for it. Whereas the above bound Adam Appy received of and from the above named Bion Becket, on the — — day of laft, a gold watch with a tortoife-fbell cafe, Ihidded or inlaid with gold, to mend or rectify the go- ing of the faid watch, the faid watch being made by and bought of the faid Adam App^ which faid watch the faid Adam Appy hath not vet delivered to the faid S50 CONDITION. Bton Becket. And wliereas the iakl JJwn Ihcht, liat^ bi ought his a6lion agiiuiil the laic) yicunn App:;^ for- the faid watch: Now the condition of this (biigation .is fuch, that if the faid. ^^izwyi/?^, his executors, or admin- illrators/, ihall and do on or before the day of next, deliver or caufe to be delivered un- to the faid Bion Beckett his executors, adminillrators or alTio:ns, the faid gold watch, and the faid cafe oi- cover,, in good repair and condition, and without aiiy huit,da- jmage or fpoil thereof or thereto, free of all chari^es ancl incumbrances ; and for his the faid Bion Becket''^ charges about recovering the faid \\atch, if the faid A" dam App^ his heirs, executors or adminiflrators, fl)all' and do, on or before the day of — - next, pay or' caufe to be paid, unto the faid Bicni Beckett hisexecu-' tors, adminillrators or alilgns, the fum of dollars ; then, kc. Jj'or Payment of Mondy deposited hi a Person'' s IIands\ pursuant to a IFilL Whereas john MinX^ late of (brother of the above bound David Minx, J by his laft will and tefla^ aiient. bearini;- date the day of — — ^ did (after? fome fewpecuniary legaciestherein mentionedjgive and bequeath unto his fon Eli Minx^ the fum of dol- lais, and to Jane Minx ^ his daug:htcr» and twj'in^ tli^ like fum of dohars, and to his daughter and rwi^ i)olly Minx, the like fum of dollars, and gave 'and bequeathed all the reft and refidue of I.is elkite ■ivharfoever, to his wife Dorinda Minx^ and declared jhis u ill to be, that the — — dollars, to the faid Eli il/i«j^,and the — dolLirs,to each of his ftdd daughters, iliould be fcverally depohted in the hands of his faid brother David Minx, until fuch tinne as they Pnoulcf i&e of the age of twenty: oue years, he allowing Jour CONDITION. 331 c^oUars per cent, per aim. lor the fame, by jrivlnp: bond fo piaK'lp-il unci iiitcieil ni be hall o^ .!•::, ilikl cni'uicn, tiieinttrt'it thercol to be paid to his f^id wife, lor tiie fiipport and .Dciintcnance of hi;, faid childicn, i\\. and one of the ex* cutors oflhcfdid Jobn M'nx, d^cer.ifcd, hath fnce irten-nar- ri'-d >\ith one Jam^'s Cox of . And choreas the faid Diivrd Minx, h-!^th a'j^reed to talcc into hi^ IkmuIs thcfvd f'lm of dollars, dire<5\ed by tlv- fiid r«-eit- ed '.vill ^obe dfpofited in his hands, -it inrereft as 'fore- faid. upon the terms and condit'M"^ in thr faid ti cited will mentioned, concerning the fame : And whereas 532 CONDITION. the idid David 3Ii fix, as one of the executors of the fuicl reciteii will, huth received by and out ol" the laid tellaiur'b eltdte, the ium oi dollars, and hath paid thereout lor and on account of the faid ttftator's ellatc in debts, legacies, and otherwife, the ium of dol- lars, lb that there remains of the faid teitator's ellale m his ha ds the fum of dollars, and no more, as by an account this day Hated between the faid James Cox and Dorinda his wife, and the faid JJaiid Minx, and figned and allowed by the faid James Cox and Dorinda his wife, appears : And whereas the faid James Cox, and Dorinda his wife, have, on the day of the date of the above written obligation, by and out of the faid tef- tator's eftate, come to the hands of the faid Dorinda, paid into the hands of the faid Da'uid Minx, the fum of dollars, to make up the faid fum of dollars, remaining in his hands on balance of the faid account, the fum of dollars, directed by the faid recited will, to be depolited in his hands as aforefaid, the re- ceipt whereof he the faid Da^vidMnix, doth hereby ac- knowledge. Now the condition of this obligation is fuch, that if the faid Da^idMinx, his heirs, executors or adminiftrators, do and fhall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid untethe faid Eli Minx, Jane Minx, and Dolly Minx, or to the furvivor or farvivors of them, the faid fum of dollars, fo depofited in his hands as aforefaid, when and as they iliall rcfpeQively attain the age of twenty-one years, in the proportions, and according to the diredion of the faid recited will, and alfo do and fhall in the mean time, and until they fliall arrive at the faid age of twenty-one years, yearly and every year on the day of , and the day of in each year, well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the {?aCiDorinda Cox, her executors or adminiftrators, intereft after the rate of four dollars per cent, per ann. for the faid fum of dollars, or fo much thereof as Ihall from time to time be remaining CONDITION. 333 in his hands, and unpaid, unto the faid Eli Mhix^'Jane Minx^ and ijolly Minx^ or the larx Ivors or I'urvivor oi' ihcm, '.>r li" and in culc the laid Jili MinXy Jane Minx^ and Dolly Minx^ ihall all of them happen to die before they attain ihe faid age of twenty-one years, and the laid Dorinda Cox Ihall them furvive,then if the faid David JMuix^ his heirs, executors or adminiftra- tors, do and fliall during the natural life of the faici Do- rinda 6'ox,u'ell and truly pay,|Or caufe to be paid, unto her the faid Dorinda Cox^ or her afllgns, the clear year- ly payment of dollars, yearly and every ^ < ar, for and during the term of her natural life, by even and equal half yearly payments next and immediately cnfu- ing each other ; the firft of the faid half yearlv pay- ments to begin and be made at the expiration of iix months next after the dcceafe of them the faid Eli Minx^ Jane Minx and Dolly Minx^ under age as a- Ibrcfaid ; then and in cither of the faid cafes, this obli- gation to be void, or elfe to be and remain in full fore© and virtue. To Pay Money at the end of an Apprejiticcsbip or Marriage. The condition of the above obligation is fuch, That U'hereas the above named John Loi.v, hath puthim- felf apprentice to F/in Taws, of , with him to dwell and ferve as his apprentice, from the day of , unto the full end and term of five years from thence next enfuing, and fully to be complete and ended, as by the faid indenture of apprenticelhip may more fully appear : And whereas the above named Charles Rex, hath before the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation, at fcveral times lent to and diiburfed for the faid ./oi6w Zow, feveral fums of money, amounting in the whole to^ the fum of , ^54 CONDITIO TsT. far which the faid Charles Rex is content to take hlS bond or oblii^anoii, payable at the tx|:.iraticii of ihQ apprcnticcPiiip of ihe ^aKX^fahn Loii\ or the day of mar- riage of the lliid jfo/jn La-iv^ »v!th ALiry Fe^iv, of , tvhich fhall fitil happen ; if diereibre the faid Jo/jn jLov,)^ his heirs, executdrs, or adminiftrators, or any of them, do and ihall Avcil and truly pay or c«uf-i to be paid to the faid Cyharies Rc^^ h.is executors, adminiilra- tors, ora^t^nsi, the full fum of , at the end or ex- piration of the faid apprtniticcdiip of the faid john Lo%d or term of five years above mentioned, or on the &df ofmairiaj^e ofthefwid John Low, with the faid Mary Pejv, which flial! iirft and next happen to be or come lifter the date of thefe prefents ; then k^o,. Aga'inst Claim of Doi\)er. The condition of this obiicjation is fuch, That where- as the above bonnden jlbcl BoycL hy indentute, under liis hand and fc;'l,bearin£^ (kite tr.e — day of- ,hath ^•ranted, barcrained and fold unto 'he above named Ca- leb Dffc^ AD tiiat mefTua^e, &c. with the appurtenances^ to hold the furip, to him, his liens and dfhii^ns forever, as by the faid indeiitin-e, reiation bcjii.s: th.et ewnto had, appears. If there fore the (aid Jbel Boyd, liis heirs, executors, md avdrainiilrat^rs, (hall and do, from time to time, iind at all times '-lereafter, vveil "ud fufficiendy fave. defend, keep harrahfv;, and indemnifv, the faid Caleb Dor, his heirp, executors nnd ndminillrafors, and hii and t!->cir ^>:oods and ehattek, lands and tenements, 'of and .ffoni the dower or thirds, which FJiza Bovd^ the wiff- [_or morbey. tfr] of the f -id Abd Boyd, fliall or may claim in the prt-nvifes, and of ond from all acli- ons, fnit<;. payments, coRs. charges and damages, For or by reafon thereof ; then, &c. CONDITIO N. -3» S'o permit a JVifc to li-oc sefjar ate from her IIusband4 *, \Micreai. Jcuic App^ wife of the above bouvuicn A^ ^ain App^ now lives fct :"ira'tc and apart from In r {iuc\ • }]uibaii(i, and follows the hulmefa and and cmplo} n»enC of making and felling hats^ and the f-iid Adqm App^ hatli afi;it'cd thiir liis faid wife lli.Jl have and recci\e all bencfii ariiinu: iherebv, or bv any uUu'r trade or bnii- liefs which llie ma) think fit to follow, to and for her own fcpa rate life and fiipi^ort, uhcreuiih he the faid A^ dam Appy is r.ot to intermeddle, or have any profit and advantii«rc thercironi, fo as tlie the faid Jarie App, tlotli not, and lliall not contra6\ any debt or debts, for uhieh the perfon oreiitt^ls of her lUid hufl)and Uijill or may be fued, charpicd, or incumbered by any means v hate* ver. Now the eonditioti of the above written oblig^^ tion is fuch, 'I'hat if the fuul Adam App, do and ihall from time to time, and all times, during the natural life of the faid y^7?£' .^/;/;, permit and fiiflcr her the fakl Juiw App^ to live fepanite and apart from him, and to iiave and receive all pfofjt, benefit and advantage ariCr ing, or which Ihall arilt from her faid trade or bufme{$ of making and filling /jt.7.y, or any nth«r trade or bufi. nefs which ihe ihall follow or employ herfelf in, to and for her own ftparare ufe, fupport and maintenance, without any ax:cttimt, fnit, tioubie or mokUation v, hat- foever, and widiout aiSliuf^, doing Or caufmg, or per* mitting to be done, any at^t, matter or thing whatfoe- ver, whereby or wherewith, or by means or occafiort whereof the laid JaneApp, Ihall or may be molellen or incumbered, by any ways or means whalfoevcr* Aul\ alfo, ifthe faid Adam App, his heirs, e>:eeutor3 Or iuhninillrators, cv his or their goods or chattels, lands or ttriements, flial! at any time or times' hereaf- ter be fued, attached or othcrw ife charged or incum'i)er ■ ed, f.)r or by reafon or means of any debt or ('ebts. \vhieh his fiid wife hr,th, or ilinll or may contrail. di»ea Uudin eid^.er of the faid cafes, tbitj obligation iiiaU, £;c< 536 CONDITION. ForPayment of Money after a Persoiv^Dcath^ inpur- suance of a Marriage Settlement. The condition of this obligation is fiich, that if the heirs, executors, or adminiftrators of the above bound Abner Aivl, do and fhall within the fpace of lix calen- dar months next alter his deceafe, w ell and truly pay, or caufe to be paid to the above named Richard RoCy and Stephen Stone, their executors, adminiftiaiors, or afiigns, the full fum of dollars, upon the trulls, and to and for the ulfes mentioned and exprelTed in a certain indenture tripartite, bearing even date herev. ith, and made or mentioned to be made, between the laid Abner Awl ofthefirft part ; Naoniio Nunns of the fe* cond part, and the laid Richard Roe and Stephen Stone^ ow the third part, then, 8icc. To pay Yearly to two Persons during their Lilies. The condition of this obligation is fuch, That if the above bound Abner Boyd^ his heirs, executors or admi- niftrators, Iball well and truly pay or caufe to be paid to the faid Caleb Doe and Eli Foulk, during their natu- ral lives, and the life of the furvivor of them, the annu- al or yearly fum of dollars, on the day of in every year, the firft payment thereof to begin on the day of next enfuing the date above written ; then, &Ci For Bond Mislaid or Lost, The condition of this obligjationisfuch. That where«- as the above named Abner Boyd, in and by a certain obligation, bearing date on or about the day of , became bound unto the above named Caleb Doe^ in the fum of dollars, conditioned for the pay- CONDITIONe 837 ment of tloilars, uhich faic) obligation is finceloft or niiliaid. .Vncl w hcrtab the faici .Jbricr I>i>y(i^\\i\Xh I'ully r.iUsilctl and }xnrl iht- laiil rumoi , with its intcrcll, due on the i'uid obligation, tlic receipt \\ hereof the ("aid Caleb Doc^ duih hereby acknowledge, and thereof, and tVom every part thereof, and all 'actions, fu its and demands, concerning the fame, doth acquit, and forever elifcharge the faid Culcb Doe, his heirs, ex- ecutors and adminillrators, by theie pttfents. Ifthere- forc the faid YV;/t^ DoCyWis heirs, executors anei ad* niinlftrators, Ihaii and do deliver up the faid obliiiation, when it lliail be found, to the faid Abncr Boyd, his heirs, executors or adminillrators, to be cancelled ; and until the fame Iliall fo be delivered up and cancelled, fliall fave, defend, keep hnrmlefh, and indemnify the faid Abncr Boyd, his heirs, executors and adminiflrators, and his and their goods and chattels, lands and tene- ments, of :jnd from the faid obligation, and of and froni all actions, fuits, payments, costs, charges and damages, for or by reafon thereof; then, &.c. From a J\ faster^ that hi consideration, of Money paid fj'tm^ he shall take an Apprentice and teach him his Trade diiriug three years, and that the JpprenticQ may leave him at the expiration of that term. Whereas the above named Adam App^ hath at or be-» fore the fealing and delivery hereof, paid unto the a- bove bound Bennct Baum, xhc^uxw oi , the re- ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. In confidera- tion whereof the faid Bcunct Bauni^ hath agreed with ihcfaid Adam A pp, to take his ion Caleb .'Ipp, as his apprentice for the term of three years^ from the • day of , and to teach him the art of , which he now ufcth, and to provide him with all hecelVaries during the faid term : Now therefore the condition of tjie above obligation is fuch, that if the faid Bcnnst 338 CONDITION. Baum, do and lliall, during the faid term of three years, teach and iiifirLicl the laid 'CaUb App, the ion, or caule him to be taught and inftrucled, in his faid art and trade of , which he now ufeth, by the bell means he can ; and fliaii iikewife during the faid term find and provide unto and for the faid Caleb App^ the fon, good and fufTicient meat, drink, walLing, lodging, Avearing apparel and odier necelVaries during the laid term, and at the end and expiration of the faid three years, fully permit and fuffer the faid Caleb Jpp, the apprentice, to depart from and leave his foid fervice, according to the true meaning of the faid parties and of thefe prefents ; then, S^c. 'I>'or payment of Money by a person for the use of his intended JF{fs, if she sur'oives, and if not^ to such Uses as she should direct by Will. \Nhtrt2iS Esther East, of , widoiv, now follow* eth the trade of a — , at her hotife fituate in , and is pofielfed of a ilock in money and goods and good debts, over and above what will pay and fatisfy the .bonds hereafter mentioned, and all other juft debts v/hatfoever, to the amount or value of dollars and upwards, of which the above bound Samuel Soames is fully fatisfied, having lived with the fiud Esther East, iis her clerk, ever fince flie carried on the faid trade, and having lately taken an inventory of her ftock in -trade, and an account of debts owing to and from her. And W'hereas the faid Esther East, the better to enable her to carry on her faid trade to advantage, borrowed of the above named Charles Coles, the fum of dollars; of George Groijes, of , the like fum of dollars ; and oi Felix Foulk, of , the fum of . •" • dollars, making together the fum of dollars? fend the faid Samuel S^amss l-ecimie bound with ths CONDITION. 339 Taid Esther East, in three feveral bonds for payment thereof rcfpec\ively, w hich faid bonds remain uiilatibfi- cd. And uhtreas a marriage is intended, by God's permilTion, to be Ihortl} had und folemnifcd by and be- tween the faid Samuel Soamcs and Esther East ; and the faid .Samuel Soarnes, in eafe the f.iid intended mar- riage iliall take effcel, will have and re ceive with the iaid Esther East hi marriage as her marriage portion, the fail fum or vahie of dollars and upwards as arorcfiid. Now the condition of this oblii^ation is fnch, that if the fiid intended marriiige fliall take efi'e6t and be confummated, and the faid Siimuel Soames, the in- tended hufband, Ihall depart this life, in the life- time of the faid Esther East, W\h intended wife. Then if the heirs, executors, or adminiRrators of the ^ind Satnuel Soames, within the fpace of fix months next after his dcceafe, do and fhall well and truly pay. or caufc to be paid unto the above named Charles Coles, his execu- tors, admiiuflrators or aiTig'is, die full and juft fum of dollars, without any dedn^lion, defalcation or abatement whatfoever. In trull for die fole ufe and be- nefit of the faid Esther East>,\\\s widow and rtli6t. But if itjliall ulcafe God that the fiid Esther East fliall depart this. life in the life-hme of the faid Samuel SoafJies, that then if the faid Samuel Soames, his heirs, executor'^' or adminillrators do and flinll, after the deeeafe of the faid Esther East, without fraud or de- lay-, well and truly pay or cnufe to be pnid unto fnch perfon or perlbns his, her or their executors, admini- flvators or afngns, to wliom the h\d, Esther East, tho' Ji/feme covert, fliall liy any writing or deed pnrportins: lier will, mind, or appointment under her hand and fcnl in the prefcnce of two or more wihicfre«i, eive, be- fjnrath, or difpofe of all, or any f-'hrt o-f the f ih1 fimi of dollars beforementioncd tornidfor fuch u^'t.^ orufes, intents and pnrpofes as in and by fuch wririn'g or deed fliall be mentioned and e^iprciTcd, or intended accord- 340 CONDI T I N. ing to the true intent aiKi meaning thereof ; aiid alfo if the laid SantUdl Souiues, his hcub, executors or admin- ilbaiors, do <\u(\ lliail, piiy off and i'aHbty ihe laid three fcvcrai bojidi, ioleverai.} entered into by liim, and the field Ei>thcr East to riif lind Chiulcs Cotes ^ George Groves, and Felix Foulk as aforefaid, and every of them, and fave, i!eknd, ketp harniinlk and indemiiined her the faid Esther East, hti exectito.s, adminiilra- tors, donees and ieiijatees, and eveiy of them, of and ii dm payment of the faid bonds, and every of thdii, and every part of them, and every of them, and of and from all coils, charges, damages, and expenfes, that fhall or may happen or come to them, every or any of them, for or by reafon or means of the nonpayri'-nt of the faid bonds, of any of them, or any part of them, or any of them, or by reafon of her the faid Esther East having entered into the faid bonds as aforefaid ; then, £;c. To Ser'se in consideration of the Payment of a Debt* Know all men by thefe prefents, that 1 Abjier Boyd^ of , in confideration of the fum of , to me in hand paid by John Poe^ of , esquire have bound nayfelf, and by thefe prefents do bind myfelfa fervant imto the faid John Poe, to ferve him the faid John Poe^ his executors, adminillrators and affigns, for the fpace of , months and — days, from the day of the date hereof: And I do covenant to ferve the faid John Pee, and his affij^ns faithfully during the faid time: And further to ferve at the rate of dollars per month, for all fuch monies as the faid John Poe htth undertaken or (liall undertake and be obliged to pay at my requefl, for me and on mv account, he the faid ./o/jH /*«(?, finding and providing forme during the faid time, in meat, drink, v asliinoj and accommo- dationsj as is cuftopiary with fervarits. In wUncfs^&c. CONDITIO N. ^41 To Indemnify Sberijfon Attachment or Fieri Facias, The Condition of this obligation is fuch. That uhtreas a writ ol" attach nneiu [o/- Jicri Judas'^ has lately iilucd out of the court of common pitas for the county of , directed to the above named, C/6fl/'/fS' JioCy Ihcrlfl'of the faid county, at the fuit of the laid Timothy Poe^ agaiull IVcnrich Norton^ of the faid ut of ihe real and perfouai eftrite of the faid Jiion frcst,) the ium of doiiursioi- iier own proper Life and iiiaintenance : -Now 'he condition of the r;b'jve written f>h igatio s is fuch, That if the faid snnrr;a^-e ihad take eite6t and be folemnifed, and that he the hid- Rion fFest, Ihall happen to depart this life, leavint^ the faid Dorcas Pine, his intended wife, fiir- viviirir hivn, [or say, and that the said Dorcas Pine^ shall sur'siDe him the said Rion West^~\ then if the heirs, executor's or adminiftrators of the faid Pi.ion West, fliall and do wci|,and truly pay, or caufe to be paid unto the faid Dorcas Pine, her executors, admin- iftrators o^- alTigns, to and for her ow'n proper ufe, be- nefit and maintenance, tlie faid fum of , 'Ont of fuch lands, tenements, snoods, chattels, and other eilate real and perfonal, wdiich he the faid Ri'in IVcst, or any other in trnft for him or for his ufe, (hall be feized or poiTelfed of, or which Ihall belong to him the faid Rion West, at his deceafe, according to the true intent and meaning hereof) within months next after the deceafe ofhimtheAiid Py^ion West ; then, g^c. To Indem?tify the Toivnshlp agamst a Bastard Child, The condition of this obligation is fuch. That where^ &s.Ann Bend, of , siv'^le ivoman^ is now' pregnant with child, \or hath lately been' deliis ere d of a male bastard child in the township of aforesaid,'\2L\\(\ hath charp^cd the faid Caleb Dtichct with being the fa- ther of the faid child. If tljerefore the faid Caleb Due- nets fliall and do, from, time to. time, and - at all time? liCFcafter, wcU and fufficiently fave, defeHd, keep harm- C O N D 1 T I O ^^ 84S « lefs and indemnify the Paid Enos Fend ^ml Giles Hull^ and their fuccciibrs, ovcileers ofthe poor of the fiiid townllnp. of , for the time being, and alfo all the inhabitants of the faid townfliip, of and from all ci^pen^ fcs, coils, charges and damages uhatfoever, whicli ihall or may iicreafter happen, or accrue, for, or by rcafon or means of tiie bn-th, maintenance, eclucation, or bringing: up of the faid child, [or of such child or children ivbcrcijoith the said Ann Bend noii} gecih,'] and of and from all ac\ions, fnits, troubles, and de- mands whatfoever, touching or concerning the fame ? then, See. N. B. The bond mun: be to the overfeers of the pooi? of the towr.lliip, and their 'ucccUbrs, &.c. tC7' Auomcm cannot Ic compelled to fubmit to an «xaminaLion, till ihe ib deihered. Ld. Kaymoud 1368. To pay a TFoman for the Support of an illegitimate ChiUL The condition of this obligation is fneh. That v herc- ;as the faid Ann J)cnd, hath made oath before S/i?nncl Jlec/i, elqnire, one of the julliccs of the peace for the faid county of , that ihc above bounden Ci?/^^ J)oe\ii the father of a wj/^ bulla rd child, of which (]i« hath lately been delivered, and the faid Calel? Doe^ hath thereupon agreed to afTiIl tlie faid Ann Bond, in the fupport and maintcnanct ol the faid child : Now there- fore if .the faid Caleb Doe^ his heirs, executors or ad- miniilrators, fhall well and truly pay to the faid Ann Bojid, her heirs, executors or admiriiflraturs, toward the fupport and maintenance of the faid cliild the fum of per week, IrTT each and every week, from the ■ day of , dm-ini; the, term of feven years, if the faid child iliall live fo loiijr ; they, &c. 344 C O N J3 I T I O N. ^0 Indemnify one Executor against the J [jpU cat ion of Monies by the other. Whereas Sally Stokes, formerly of the townfiTip of in the county of , but late 'of , wirTt-U', deceafed, by her laft will and tellament, in writing, bearing date on or about tiie day of hffc, cid give all the rcfidue of her peifonal ellate, alter payment of her debts, and the legacies therein mentionccJ, unto the faid Caleb Coles, and Nathan Nuts^ of — , \\\ the" county of , clerk, in trull, to lay out the fame in the purchafe of bank flock, and to pay the intercll thereof to her daughter b>usari Cline, wife of the above bound ^^777,'.? Cline, during her life, for her feparale \ife,and after her deceafe, to divide the principal amongfl the children and grand children of the faid Susan Cline^ in fach proportions and at fuch times as the faid Susan Ciine^owld by her laltwill appoint, and in default of fuch appointment, to divide the bank Hock amongll all the children of the faid Susan Cline, equally, fhare and fliare alike, at the refpcclive times therein mentioned. But in cafe aik-the ildd Susan Cline's children lliould happen to die before any of them fhould become inti- tied to their fliares thereof, by virtue of her lliid v,ill, then the faid trnllces fliould transfer the fame nnto the executors, adminiftrators or afligns of the faid Susa?i Cl'ine ; and the faid teilatrix appointed her faid daugh- ter Susan Cllne^ and the faid Caleb Coles, fole execu- tors of her faid will, who hdve duly proved the fame ia the regiller's office of the county of ,as relation be- ing thereunto had, may appear : And whereas .the faid teilatrix's whole eflate, at the time of her death, (ex- clufive of her jewels, houfeho]aid to the faid Enoch Doe and Giles Hunt^ or the fur- vivor of them, or to the executor.-s or adminillrators of fuch furvivor, the faid fum of dollars, on the day next after th^ laid marrias^c fliall be confummated,toand for the only proper and feparate ufe and behoof of tho faid Kitty Doc, her executors, adminillrators and af- ltgns» notv/ithflanding the faid coverture j then, kc. On a Person's being chosen Treasursr of a Company. Whereas the above bound John Jones, is chofeii treafurer of the company of — , by reafon whereof, iie will receive into his cuftcdy divers and feveral fums of money, goods and chattels; of and belonging to the faid company i Now the condition of the above writ- ten obligation is fuch, that if the faid John Jones, his executors, or admini{lrators,atthe end of his Hud office, or upon requeft to him or them in that behalf to be made, \\\^\\ make, and p^ive unto fuch auditor or auditors as on that behalf flrall be appointed by the faid company, or the greater part of them, a juff and true^accouat, ia writing, of all fucbgoodSj chattels. CONDITION, 551 •ioney or otlicr things, as have or fliall, during hi s aid appointment, come to iiib hands, cullody or charj^e, in right ol hib laid office of treat urer, ana ftiall upon ihc laid account, pay and deliver over to the next treafu* rer of the ILitl company, all fuch money, goods, ( luit- tels and moveables, as by the foot or bah. nee of tiio nrid account lliall appear to be due and belonging to th® laid company ; then, &c.c. ICT The obligees are ufually tiie two oldeft members* To pay a Person vj ho shall help another to a JVifd ivith a good J'oi lunc Whereas the above named Bion Beam^ hath propo* fed a marriage between the ubove bound .'iZ?t7 App, and Ms t her lulesy which the faid Abel App^ doth approve of, and hath dehred the faid Bion Btcjin, to ufe his in- terell and endeavors for efic6\ing rhe faid intended mar* riage, and in conlideration of his pains and fervice therein, the faid Abel App^ hath promifed and doth hereby agree to pay and i>;ive to the laid Bion Beam^ as a gratuity, the fum of Jive dollars, for and upon eve- ry hundred dollars of the eftate or fortune ot the laid Msthcr Edes^ which the faid Abel App fliall receive with, or Ihall be inlitltd unto by his marriage of the faid Esther Ldes^ w hen the fame ftiall be cor.fummat- ed. Now the condition of the above written obliga- tion is fuch, that if the faid marriage between the laid Abel App, and the faid Esther Edcs, lliall take efled, then if the h\(\ Abel App, do and ihall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid Bion Beam, the laid fum of^^^yd" dollars for and upon every hundred dol- lars of the ellate or fortune of the faid Esther Edes^ which he the faid Abel App^ fiiall fo have and receive with, or be irititled unto, by fuch his marriage of the faid Ivsther Edes, as a gri'.tui'y as aforefaid, arcordiiig to the true meaning of thefe prefeuts \ then, 8n.c,. 352 CONDITIO N. For a Journeyman' s FideHtyi The condition of the above obligation is fiich, That if the above bound Jacob JVeb^ do and fliail durin.g his continuance in the phice and degree of a jouineyman, to them the (aid Iknry Hack, and John Jones^ caremiiy and diligently employ himfelf, and ufe his bell endea- vors in the laid office and degree, and do once every week weekly (or oftener if thereto required) during his continuance therein, make up and give unto them the faid Henry Hack and John Jones, their executors, ad- miniftrators or affigns, a true, juft and perfe6l account in writing, at the melTuuge or tenement of them the faid Henry Hack and John Jones, fituate in afore- faid, of all Inch fum and fams of money, goods and commodities, of or belonging to them the faid Henry Hack and John Jones, which by any ways or means whatfoever, fliall come to the hands, charge, cuftody, or poirefiion of him the Md Jacob JFeb, and like wife do and ihai! from week to week on the Monday in every •week, weekly, or oftener if thereto required, at the place aforelaid, fatisfy and pay unto them the faid Henry Hach and John Jones, their executors, admini- •Rrators or afiigns, ail fnch fum and fums of money due or any ways belonging unto them the faid Henry Hack and John Jones, their executors, adminiftrators or af- figns, v.-hich he the faid Jacnb^ IVcb Ihall have received of any perfon or perfons whomfoever ; and further, if the faid Jacob Web, Ihall not depart from the fervice of them the faid Henry Hack and John Jones, their exe- cutors, adminiftrators or affigns, before fuch payment and fatisfoaion iliail be made and given by him the faid Jacoh Jfeb, unto them the faicl Henry Hack and John Jones, their executors, adminiftrators or affigns, of all fuch goods, arrearages, debts, fum and fums of money in which he the faid Jacob JVeb fball be found to be' indebted unto them the faid Henry Hack and John Jones, their executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, ©rany of them ; then, Sf.c, CONDITION. as^ To marry a JFoman^ or in default thereof to pay a sum of Money, The condition of the above obligation is fuch, ThaC if trie ab:)ve bounden Amos Btlt, do on or bcibrc the day of next, lawliiiiy efpoufe and marry A'-* I'lza Doe, diiii^hter of tnc faid iAiLeb Doe^ if the faid Jll'iza D yj wiil th^'-rjuMto coifent ; or if it (hall happen that the fciid Amns Ilcli \\\x\\ n;)t marry and take to wife the faid Eliza Doe as aforefaid, if then the faid Abel i?t^//' do and Ih^ili '.veil and truly pay, or canfe to be paid, unto th'. 1-iid Eliz i D(n\ h.- executors, admin- iftrators or ani|j;ns, the fum u'i dollars on the day of noLi enfuini^ the faid day of « above mentioned, and limited for ttie faid marriage ^ then, Sec. ^0 permit an intended Wife to enjoy ber onvn personai estate^ and to buy and sell Goods ^ i^c.for her use^^c. W^iereas a marriage is intended, by the permiiTion of God, to be Ihortiy had and confummated bv and bcsjk twecn the above bound Ab:-l Hoiv, and Betsy Ott„ dauc^hter of iSjw/Zc.'/ 0/^, of . Now the conditioa of the above written obligation is fuch, that in cafe the faid intended marriage fliall take effect, then if the faid. Abel Hoiv, lliall and do from time to time, and at all times then after, permit the faid Betsy Ott^ his intend* ed wife, peaceably and quietly to have, hold, occupy^ poffcfs and enjoy in at full and ample manner, as flic th© faid Betsy Oft now, or at any time before the execut- inijj hereof, hath or doth hold, occupy, poflefs, enjoy, and difpofe, as well of all her the faid Betsy Oft^s rea** dy monies, bor .Is, notes and all other fecuritics for mo^ ncy whatfoever, as alfo all her plate, rings, jewels, Ijoufehold, and all other her goods, dUaUels i^n<^ V^^i% [45] 354 CONDITION. nal eftate t\'hatfoever, and of what nature and kind fo- ever, whereof or wherein Ihe the faid Betsy Ott^ now is, or at any tune during the intended coverture, lliall in her own right be a6lually pofieifed of, interciled in, or intided unto, or v/hich Ihe Ihali have or accumulate by trade or indullry, or which fliall by any of her re- lations or friends be given or devifed to her ; and alfo tlo and Oiall allow, permit and fuiTer her the faid^^;^^ Ott^ to buy, fell, bargain, pay and receive in her own name, and, if occafion requires, fhall allow and confirm all fuch receipts and acquittances, as fhe the faid Betsy Ott^ fliall give or make during her faid intended co- verture ; and alfo if the faid Abel How, do and fliall at tall times hereafter allows permit and fuffcr her the faid JBetsy Qtt, to fell anddifpofe of all and lingular her ef- fects, goods, chattels and perfonal eilate, of what na- ture or kind foever and wherefoever, by any deed or "ivriting, or by her laft will and tellament in writing, to «ny perfon or perfons whomfoever, notwithftanding her Intended coverture ; and alfo if the faid Abel How, ihall not do, or caufe to be done, any at!, matter or thing, whatfoever, whereby or b}* means whereof the faid perfonal eflate of her the faid Betsy Ott, or any part thereof, fliall or may be any ways impeached, charged or incumbered in an}'^ manner howfoever, or •ivhereby or by means whereof the faid Betsy Ott, fliall or may be in any wife hindered or molefted in the qui- et and peaceable poflefiion and enjoyment thereof, or in the quiet vending and difpofing thereof, and of every part thereof, by fuch her deed, writing, or will, as a- forefaid ; then and in fuch cafe the above written obli- gatien Ihall be void and of no effe^, othcrwife, &c. m ipONDITION. 5^^ Conditions^ of Sale, I. That the highcll bidder fhall be the buyer : and if any dlfpute arile as to the lall or bell bidder, the lot in dilpute lliall be put up at a former bidding. IL That no perfon fliall advance lefs at any bidding than — [or than sucbsiuu as shall be named by the auc- tioneer at the timc'j or retract hii, or her bicWins^.j- III. That every purchafer fliall immediately pay down a depofite in the proportion of for e\ ery €Tie hundred pounds ^oi his or her purchafe-money, into the hands of the auctioneer^ [or, agent of the vendor ;~\ and r:gn an agreement for payment of the remainder to the p oprietor, on the day of day of ■ next, at , at which time and place the purchafes are to be. completed, and the refpedHve purchafers are then to h.ive the aclual pofleffion of their refpc6live lots ; all outgoings to that time being cleared by the vendor. IV. That within from the day of the fale, the vendor fliall, at his own expenfc, prepare and deliver * If printed conditions are pasted up in tl\e auction room,Mhcre they muy be seen, tiicy will be biuciiiit^- on the purcluiser, although he did not see them. 3-A.-/.'. Ca. 271. t A bidding sit a sale by auction, liuiy bd countermanded at any- time before the lot is actually knocked down : (o Term 7.'r/..l48,^ because the assent of both parties is uecessary to make the con- tract biudinj^ ; that is signified en th.e part of the seller, by knock- iiit^ down the hamnicv. Every bidding is nothing more th iii au ofteron one side, which is not binding on either side till it is as- sented to. If a bidding was binding on the bitlder, before the iiatn- meris down, he woidd be bound by his ofier, and the vcndoi* ^vould not, which can never be allowed. 'Tis therefore advi.-^.. olo to stipulate in the conditions of sale, that no person shall iciract their biciditigs, as the countermand of a bidding niiglit in som© c-iscs, be of die roost serious consequeuces. '^'t iSu^dcny 25. 55(5 CONDITION. an iibftraSt of hi:, title, to each purchafer, or his or her attorney ; And ihall deduct: a good title* to the lots fold. V. That upon payment of the remainder of tlic pur- chafe money at the tmie above mentioned,' tlie vendor ihall convt ) the lots lo the reTpt c'tive put chafers : t iich purchafcr^cU his or her on n exptnfc, to prepare the eon- v^yj.ice to him or her ; and to tender or iedve the Inm© at for execution by the vendor. VI. That if any of ttie purehrviers ll-iall negV^ or fail to comply with the above conditions, his ven fometimcsi not till the liu^lioneci 's appearance iu 560 C O V E NAN T. ■ his pulpit. Such aproceedini^ evidtBtl}'- calls for onie rcraedy ; and it is coiiccivca, that w ere any perlbii having a bona fide intention to buy the eftate', -has been put to e:?tpenie in attending at the place appointeti lor the Tale, he may fuilain .,ib far as his houfchold goods, credits, and other pcilbnal ellute will amount unto and extend, did in order thereunto, at a meeting of his faid credito'*-, on the day of iiis(a7it, produce and Inv before them ;i jull and true account of all his goods, chattels and credits, amd other perfonal elhite whereof he was then poifelfed, or any ways intitled unto, and then propofed to make an allignnR-nL thereof, uino and amoni;(l his faid creditors, for and towavdi payment and fatisfa^lion of their faid debts, which laid account is in the other fchedule hereunto underwritten, (inti- tled the fccond fchcdulc) particulur-ly mentioned .md exprelfed ; and as to the truth and reality of the faid ac- count, the l\ud*Jdnm App hath before the executing hereof, made an aflidavit before , one of the jud- ges of the court of common pleas for the county of , whercupou the faid feveral creditors having con- fidered the circumllances and condition of the faid Adam App, and from his free confcflion and full dif- covcry of his fiid perfonal eilate and eff.iSls, and his rcadinefs to make over the fame towards payment of his faid debts, and that he is no ways capable to mike or give them anv farther or blotter fatisfa6\ion and paV" mcnt, thAU by and with the faid houfehold goods, cre- dits, tnd other the perfonal eft ate of the faid Adam Appt in the faid fecond fchedule mentioned, thev have con- fcnted and agreed to accept and take an alTi«:nrir'" of the fame in the naixies of the faid J^iou Bell and Calclf [40] $62 COVENANT. Cain^ intruflas v.cll for themfelves as for all other the creditors of the faid Adam ylpp^ in full payment, fatis- ia^iion and dilcharge of the faic. feveral cicbti) anci fii.ma of money fo to them ckie and owing by and from the faid Adam Appt in the proportions according to the quantum of their refpeclive debts. Now this indenture witneilcth, that for the intent and purpofe aforefaid, the faid Adam App, hath bargained, fold, affigned and ■fet over, and by thefc prefents doth fully, freely, clear- ly, and abfolutely bargain, fell, affign and fet over unto the faid Bion Bell and Caleb Caitu at and by the nom- ination and appointment of all the other creditors of the {t\dAdam App, (telUried by their figning and feal- ing of thefe prefents) all and every the houlchold goods, credits, fum and fums of money, and other the perfonal cftateand cffe6lswhatfoeverof himthefaid Adam App^ \\\ the faid fecond fchedule hereunder written, particular- ly mentioned and expreffed. And all the eilatc, right, title, intereil, property, claim, and demand whatfoever, both at law and in equity of him the faid Adam App, of, in, and to the fame, and of, in, and toevery part and parcel thereof; to have, hold, receive, take and enjoy the faid houfehold goods, credits,fum and fums of mo- ney and other the perfonal eftate, in the faid fecond fchedule hereunto annexed particularly mentioned, Tind hereby intended to be afiigned unto the faid Bion Bell and Caleb Cain, their executors, adminiilrators Jind affigns : In truil as well for themfelves, as for all <:>ther the creditors of the faid Adam App, who have 3iereunto fubfcribed and fet their hands and feals, their refpeSive executors, gdminldrators and affigns, in e- qual proportions, according to the quantum of their re- fpeclive debts. And the faid Adavi App, for the con- fideratioHS aforefaid, hath made, ordained, conflitutedL and appointed, aod by thefe prefents doth make,ordair3 ■conflitute and appoint,and in his place and ftead,put the (kid Bien Bellixn//"y Snow, his undertenants or afuiii^ns. And whereas France:; Poe, of , widow and rciic\ of ibe late//c/?rvPof,late,Scc. jyfo;7;^72deceafcd.isintcreit'ednn(l polfeffed of and in acertain melfuai^e or tenement, witU its appurtenances, commonly called or knc.n by the S66 C O V E N A N T. rame or fign of the Sugar Loaf, fituate in the town of , V. liich at the time of the laid Henry Poe^s death, and foi leveral years were in the poiieiiioa of him the i^vi Henry Poc^ his under-tenants or aiiigns. And whereas tiicre are leveral vvnidow lights on tiie north fide of the faid meiFu^jije or tenement, late in the pof- feilion of hi in the faid//c/i'_y Pot\ and now of tbc faid Frances Pot.\ which open or look ifto the faid giound cailci^ , beh)Pii;it)g to tiie faid P\lfy Sno%v^ as a- fbrefaid ; an. I it is aifii mcd and nihiled upon by the faid Fclry Snow, that the landlord of the faid raeffuage or tenement called the Sugar Loaf, hud no right to make the falri window lights to open or look into the faid ground of the faid Fcliy Snoiv, and therefore the faid • Felty Snnw in the r.ie time of the fiid Henry Poe, did ereC:^ blinds againfl the faid window lights, to prevent and obftrn6t the faid Hairy Poe from having the benC'-' fit. of the faid li^^hts into the faid ground of the faid Fcl- ty S/iinv, and therefore the fftid Henry Poe, in his life- time did come to an agreement with the faid Feify SnoTj, to pay him a certain fnm of m.oney for the bene- fit of the laid lights for a certain term of years to come, rather thai! engage himfelfina fuitoflaw with thr faid F'elty Snnw, touching the right thereof: And whcreais lince tKc death of the ifaid Henry Poe, the faid PYances Poe hath come to an agreement with the faid FeIfy Snovj, to give him dollars for the peaceable en- joyment of the laid lights, for fuch a term of years as }s hereinafter mentioned : Now know ye, that the faid Felty SnoTj, for and in confideration of tht faid fnm of dollars, to him in hand paid by- the foid Frances Poe^ at or before theenfealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doth for hira- felf, his executors and adminiilra^ors, covenant, pro- mife and agree to and with the fa'd Fmnces Poe, her executors and adminiftrators, by thefe prefents, that te the faid Frances Fde^ her es^ecut^r^ an4 adminiftf a- COVENANT. 26? tors, and all other the tenants and occupiers of the faid melluagc or tent- ment Cvilkd tlie >^ugar Loaf^ lliail and may trom time to time, and at all times hercaltcr, for and during and until the day ot" , which will be in the year of our Lord , peaceably and quiet- ly hold, poircfs and enjoy the full and free liberty, be- refit and advantaire of the faiU feveial lights into the faid ^^round called , in fuch manner a5 tht^y now are and have been heretofore lield and tnjoyed by tlie tenants and occupiers' of the faid mefluai^e or tenement called the Su^ar Loafy without anv manner of let, hind* ranee, moleilation or interruption of or by.the faid J'^ehy S/ioiv^ his heirs, executors, adminUlrators or afligns, or any or either of them, or of or by any other perfon or perfons whatfoever, haviny^ or claiming any right, title or intereft of, in or to the faid piece or pi-rcel of ground ealled . In witnefs, &c. J^roni the Obligees to one of the Obligors in a Bond for payment of Money ; that in consideration oj Mo^iey in hand paid y they ivi/l not demand nor sue J or the j\Ioney in the Hand within a certain time. To all to whom thefe prefents fliall come, Abner Bee Sir>i\ Cal&b Cone, of , fend greeting. U hercas Daniel Doe, and Richard Roe, of , by ob'iK-'itioii under their hands and feals, bearing dale the day of , fland bound unto the faid Abner Bee and Ca- leb Cone, in the fum of — - dollars, conditioned to be void'on payment of dollars, on the day of , as by the faid obligation, reference being: there- unto had, may appear. N(»v' know ye, that they the faid Abner Bee and Caleb Cone, for ai-.d in conhdera- tion of the fum of , to them in hand, at and b( fore tlie fraling and delivery of thefe nrcfents, by the afore- faid D.mleiDoe, truly paid, the receipt whereof ig 563 C O V £ N A N T. hereby acl:nox\-1edged,and for other good and fubftanti- al reaions,that they the laid Aimer Bee andCa/ci? Cone, for themlelves fcverally and refpeftively, and their le- veral and refpcclive executors and adminiilrators, and not jointly, nor one for the other, do covenant, pro- mife and agree to and with the faid Daniel Doe^ his executors and adminilb'ators, by thefe prefents as fob lowcth, viz. That they the i\u(\ Ahner Bee and Conrad Cone, their executors and admin iib-atora,- nor any of them, Ibali or will, at any time or times hereafter, for and during the time and fpace of years next enfa- ing the date of thefe prefents, fue for, demand, or ex- peel to have recewed or be paid of, from, or by the laid Daniel Doe, his executors or adminiilrators, any fum or fums of money, confideration, benefit oi' ad- vantage, upon, for, or in refpecl of the faid bond or obligation, in any manner of wife, nor fliall or will at any time during the faid term, fue, arrell, at- tach, moleil, feize, extend or take in execution the faid Daniel Doe, or his executors or adminiilrators, or his lands, goods or chattels, for or in refpecl of the faid bond or obligation, or any fum or fums of money therein, or in confideration thereof, or thereon due, or to grow due or payable. In witnefs, &:c* Deed of Go's en a?it to bold parts of a Ship to be built ^ and to pay proportions of the prime cost and outset. We whcfe iiands and feals are hereunto fet, dn for ourfclves. our exeeiitors and adminiilrators, feverally and rerpe6li\'ely, and not jointly, nor one for the other^ or for the executors and adminlftvators (vfthe othec, co- fenant. promife and agree, to and \\\\\\ Jaceb Jenks^ of -, merchant, his executors, adminiilrators or af- figns, by thefe prefents, that each of us will hold and be concerned in the feveral parts by us rcfpe6livcly CO V E N A N T. gfii^ fubfcribed with our names toVhcfe picfeiits, of and in a new ihi[) or vciicl, to be oi the but then oi ions, or thereaboiitb, lur the building whereol the laid ^acob Jjnks^ htuii, at our rtqueil, and with our conic jit, con- tracted and a; thcfe prefents, in manner following, that is to fay : That, kc. TFiirranty. And the fald Abel Bell^ for himfelf, his heirs, exe- cutors and adminitlrators, doth covenant, promife, grant and agree, to and with the faid Caleb Doe^ his ^irs and cdhgns, by thefe prefents, that he, the faid Abel BelU and his heirs, the faid above mentioned and defcribed meffuage or tenement, and tra6l of land, — hereditaments and premifes, hereby granted, or men- tioned, or intended fo to be, with the appurtenances, unto the faid Caleb Doe^ his heirs and alhgns, againft him, the faid Abel Bell^ and his heirs,, and againft all and every .other perfon and perfons whomfotver, law- fully claiming, or to claim, by, from or under hiin, them, or any of them, fliall and will vvan"ant and for ever defend, by thefe prefents. tCP For th^ difference between 2^ general and spC' mal warranty, fee j)agc 234. For further Assurance, And farther, that he the. faid Abel Bell^ and his heirs, and all and every other perfon or perfons iawfui- ]y claiming, or to claim, by, from or under him, them, or any of them, fliall an J \vill, from tirne to time, and ^im- COVENANT. (375 at all times hereafter, upon the reafonable rcqueft, and at ilie proper colls and charges ni the law ot he laid 6'f^A7>' />(?<", his heirs and alligns, make, do, and exe- cute, or cauie and procure to be made,* done, and cxe» ciited, all and ever J' Inch uuthtr and other lawiul and, reulbnabi.: a6l or aO.s, deed or deeds, device and de- vices in the law, u hatlbever, fer the lu'ther, better, more perfe^l: and ablblute alTurance and corvlifniatiou of tlie faifl mt Ifuage or tenement, ^c. hereditaments and uremifes, hereby graj)tt( or mentioned, or in- tended ih to be, with the appurtenances, unto the laid Caleb Doc^ l.is hens and aHiiy^ns, as by him or them, or by his or their counlbl learned in the law, ILali bo re;ffoiiabiy advifed, devifed or required. For Quiet Enjoyment. And the faid Abel BtlU for himfelf, his heirs, ex-^ editors and adminill;atcjrs, doth covenant, promife, grant and agree, to and with the laid Caleb Doe. his heirs and aiiigns, by thefe prefents, that he, the laid Caleb Doe^ Jiis heirs and afiigns, fliall and laufidly may, from time to time, and at all times hereciftcr, peaceably and quietly have, hold, ufe, occupy, polTefs and enjoy the faid melTaage or tenement, fcc. heredi- laments and premifcs, hereby granted, or racntioned, or intended fo to be, with the appurtenauces, m ithout the lawful let, fuit, troi.d->Ic, hindrance or molcllation iii \X\^^\m\ Abel Bell, his heirs or iiffigns, or of any other perfon or perfons whatfocver, by or with his, their, or either of their acl, mernis, confent, privity or procurement. Inwitnefs whcreofjthc faid parties, &;c. 376 C O V E N A N T. For peaceable Enjoyment in an Assignment of a Lease, And the Uticl Martin Cane and John Shaiv, for themiclves fevergUy, and for their fcveral and reflec- tive heirs and affigns, do hereby covenant, promifc and prant to and with the faid Jobii IIovj^ and Abel 'Turner^ their executors, adminiftrators and afiigns, by thefe prefents, that they the Hiid john IIow and Jbel Tur- ner^ their fevcral and rcfpe<£live executors, adminillra- tors and affigns, paying the faid yearly rent and per- forming, faiiiiling, and keeping all and fmgular the covenants and agreements in thefe prefents referved and contained, on their parts to be paid, done and per- formed, iliall or lawfully may pcueeably and quietly have, hold, occupy, potiefs and enjoy all and lingular the faid premifes hereby demifed, with their and every of their appurtenances during the faid term hereby granted, without any lct,-fuit, trouble, denial, eviftion, €Jcc\ion, moleftation or hindrance of or by the faid Martin Cane -md John Shaw, or either of them, their or either of their heirs or afllgns, or of or by any other perfon or perfons whomfoever lawfully claiming or to claim, by, from or under them, any or either of them, or by or through their, any or either of their means, default, confent or procurement. In witnefs, See. Ap^ainst Incumbrances- And the ii^'v\Amos Bane and Caleb Dun, for them- felves, their heirs, executors and adniiniftrators, do fc- verally, and not jointly, nov the one for the other, or for the v.iii or deed of the other, but each for his own a6\son]y, covenant, promife, grant and agree, to and with the faid Enoch Frey, his heirs and afngns, by thefe prefents, tliatthcy the faid Amos Bane and Caleb u§,««, have not heretofore done, committedj or witting- COVENANT. 477 ]y or wilUngly fufiercd to be done or committed, any act, murter or thin^ v\ haliocver, whereby tin.' pjcmiles hereby granted, or any part' thereof, is, are or Ihall ol may be impeached, ehari^xd or incumbered, in title, chciige, eilutc or other^vi^e howfoever. lu witnefs, Es.e. Another, ' And the faid JUice Jones, for herfelf, her Vieirs, ex- ecutors and adminiftrators, and for eveiy ol them, doth, by thefe piefents, covenant, promife and agree, to and with the faid Isct Snem, his executorb, adminift;ators and aiVigns \_tbits you siy in an assignmciit, but in a release in fee, is'c. Siiy, heirs and allien..-.,] in manner and form following, that is to fay, that Ihe the faid Al- lice Jones, hath not at any time heretofore \^if in an assigtnnent by an executor say, that neither the faid John Jones deceafed, in his lifetime, nor the faid AU lice Jones, fnice his death hath made, &c.] made, done, committed, or wittingly or w illiiigly fufiercd any ad^, deed, matter or thing whatfoevcr, whereby, or by means or occafion whereof, the hereinbt-fore afligned meffuages, or tenenients and premifes \_or in a release infee, say, the hereditaments and premifes hereinbe- fore mentioned, or intended to be by him hereby re. leafed: or in a deed of partition say. the tenements and premifes herein before ele6\cd, allotred and limit*^ ed for the part and fliare of the faid in the faid hereby granted and rt-ieafed premifes] or any part thereof, are, is, (liall or may be in any wife impeached, charged or incumbered in title, charge, efiatcor other- vifc howfoever. In witnefs, &c, [48] 57S , C O V E N A N T. That Vendor shall banjc room and liberty for Threshingf £?V. bis Grain^ (s'c. and room for Scr'Datits^ Horses, ^c. till his Stock can be carried away. And the fiiid [pur chaser"^ doth hereby covenant and ^gree, that until the faid [yendor'^ his heirs, executors, adminiilrators or affigns, can conveniently threfh out, fell, carry away, or otherwife dilpofe ot h*is corn, grainy hay, fodder,. and other flock now beingxipon the pre- mifes, or any part thereof, he and they fliall have and enjoy fuitable barn- room and other conveniences upon the premifes, wherein to lodge, lay up, and bellow fuch corn, grain and hay as aforefaid, and likewife fuit- able houfe-room for his and their fervants, agents and horfes to be employed for the purpofes afortlaid, to- gether with free liberty of ingrefs, egrefs, negrefs, way and paiTage to go, come, threili out, fetch and carry away the fame corn, grain, hay, fodderand other ftoeky smd every or any part thereof, in or over any neceilarjr part of the faid purchafed premifes, doing no wilful •damage to the fame. In witnefs, ^c^ That if a good Title cannot he made on or before a cer^ lain day ^ the premises shall stand as a security^ hjc. It is hereby further agreed and declared by and be- tween all the iaid parties to thefe prefents, and parti- cularly the faid [yendors"^ do hereby agree and declare, Zhat in cafe they cannot make out a good title to, and execute and perfed; fuah conveyances and afliirances cf the premifes as aforefaid, on or before the — day of now next enfuing, then the faid premifes, ^c. Jmd every part thereof, fliall remain and be a fecurity to the faid [_purchaser~\ for fecuring to him, his exe- cutors, adminiflrators^ndafligns, the repayment of the faid fum of dollars, &e. now by him paid as a- forcfaidj at 9r upon the faid — ~ day of --—- fjOW COVENANT, 379 next enfuins^, together with intereft for the fame, after the rate of lixptr eciitum from henceforth, in th.e mean time, and until i)a} ment theieol, ^\hicll in fueh cafe t'hcy the laid [^DCfidorsj do hereby for themfelvesfeve- rally and refpeclively, and for their feveral and reflec- tive heirs, executors and adminillrators, promife and agree to pay accordingly, and then alfo in fuch cafe all fueh rents, iOues and profits as he the faid [_purc/jQSCt'][ ihall have received by or out of the premifes as afore- faid, Ihall be deemed and allowed by him in part of payment of the fame dollars, and interell. In \v itnefs, bV. *Xai to assign the Premises 'without notice totheLessor,' And alfo that the fai(J»/'/«;z5';;zir/j,herexeeutors,admni- iftrato/s or aifigns, Ihali not nor will during the faidi term hereby leafed, o'r any part thereof, transfer or af- fign over, let, fet, or mortgage the fafu meduages and premifes. ora«y pait thereof, for the faid term of years or any part thereof, to any perfon or pcrfons "whomfoever, without giving notice thereof in writir.g under their hands unto the faid David Dcnt^ or his af- iigns, "during the life of the faid Dwuid Dent^ or aftec his deceafe to fiicii other perfon or perfons,- who for the time being, lliall be entitled to the next and immediate reverlion of the faid leafed premifes expectant on the determination of the faid term, or in his or their ib- fence, to his or their generally reputed agent, or rcr ceiver of the rents of the premifes for the time being. In witiK-fs, ^c. That Lessee shall not he chargeable for any Accident by Fire. And laflly, it is covenanted, concluded, and agieed, hy and bet^vscn the iUid parties to thvfc nrtfvUt*, thaj 380 C O V E It A N T. the faid Amos Baid^ his executors, adminillrators or ai! gns, ihailnotbv viiiue ot thefe prefenis, or any ar- ticle, clauleor agieciueiit herein contained, be chaige- abie or cliaiged v Jiii, or aiilwciabie ior any accidents oi lire, which Ihaii luip.en cu.nii; the contmuahce of this demiie, uui.\. ihat jnch inccicitntb oi Ine are who.'iy exce;.ieci out oi die btloiementioneci cOvenanis lor kct[.;i g and icaving the prtn.iieb in repan ; niid die faio ^xDius jBctid, hih executors, aomniillratois and af-^ figns,. are not, by color of any claule inihelc preleuts contained, to slvSw er or make good any fuch accidents, or Hny damage occ.dioned thereby, but that the lame are to be borne by the faid Titus Foe, his heirs or af- figns ; any thing in thefe prefents contained to the con- trary in any wife notwithllaniling. In witnefs, ^c From the Assignee of Leases^ to indemnify the Lessee Jrom Rents and Covenants. Usually inserted in an absolute Assignment of a term^ And lallly , that the faid Jane Sha%v, for herfelf, her executors, adminillrators and afiigns, doth hereby co- Tenant, promife and agree, to and with the faid Ann Jones A^^Y executor&and adminillrators, by thefe pre- sents, that llie the faid Jane Shaiv, her executors, ad- minillrators and affigns, fliall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, during the now refidue of the feveral terms of years and years, pay and difcharge the faid feveral yearly ground rents of and by the faid two feveral recited inden-' lures of leafe rcfpe6lively rcferved, to the proper per- fons intitiedto receive the fame, and alfo perfoim and keep all and every the feveral covenants, conditions and agreenKMiTs, th.erein contained, and which from hence- forth duriti^ibe now rthdue of the fame feveral terms on the jell"; e's part are to be paid and performed, »nd tlv^reofand therefrom fl;all and will from time t© COVENANT. 381 time, and at all times hcrcarter,' well and fuHicicntiy iu\c, Kcc[i luuailLlrj ana iiickniiuljcd llie Jaici.;/-// Joucs^ licr cxccuLoib and adiiiiiiillKitorb, and* ii« i i, ci ihtir rt I and pcilonan. daltb, ol andtiom ail aciior.a, iiiits, Coltb, ciK»rii,cb,*ai)U ciamagts, which Ihc or Lhey l(:aii or may pwiy or fullaiii ibi or by lealun or in itlpct) ol her the laid Jaac Soaw, iicr executors, a or any of 'hem, at live end of the faid 3carh, or othtf fooner detein.'r.ation of thefc J reff ntr>, to tala down and carry awny \_stich and such things,'] ere^lions, huildings, furnitures, and or- naments, as he or they fliall durmg the faid term, have fixed, ere^cd, and fet up, in, about or upon the laid premifes, doing as liitle damage, to the faid rneffuage or tenement as he poilibly can, uniefs the faid Conrad Doe, his heirs or alligns be wiHingtcr have and keep the fame, and thereof Ihall give notice to the faid Adam Bend, and fliall and do pay, or caufe to be paid, unto \.\\q{:x\<\ Adam Bend, his executors, adminiitrators or alfigns. fo much money for the fime as tliey fl.all be Tcafor.aijiy valued at by two indifferent perfons, the one to he chofen by the faid Adam Bend, his executors, adminiftrators or r.fligns, and the other by the faid Conrad Doe his heirs or affigns. In v\ itnel's, 8s.c. That Lessee vj ay deduct the Charges of Repairs cu( of his Bent, And alfo, that it fliall and may be ln\\fnl to and for the faid Adam Bend, his exr«',utor6, admiiiiftrutorb an^ [4.9] 2Ba COVENANT. affigns, to retain, declu6l and keep but of every year's rtMit, agited to be paid to the faid Cairb Loe^ liis heirs or ailii^as, as aiorei'aid, all and i"o much mout y as he the laid *A(iam Bendy his executors, admiiiillrators or af- iigns, Ihall from time to time, during the faid. term, have paid for taxes agreed to be paid by the faid Ca- leb huCy his heirs and afngns ; and alfo for fuch repaics, amendments and iidditious, b}^ hirn made or done, or Gaufed to be made and done in h. about the prcmifes, by andvvith the confent or diic6tion of \X\^S<>^'^^CalebDoe his heirs or afiigns, or without, fo that fuch money be laid out and expended in repairing and Tuppor ting tliefaid premifcs,or fomcpart thereof, in witnefs, &c. ^hat Lessee shall not ass'tpn his Lease or let the Prel mises, ^c. And the faid Abel Belt, for himfelf, his heirs, exe^ cutors and adminillmtors, doth further covenant, pro- mifc and agree to and with the faid Caleb Doe^ his heirs and affigns, that he the faid Abel Belt ^ his executors or admiriifuators, fliall not, nor will at any time or tim.es hereafter, during the continuance of this demife, affigii cr fct over this prefent indenture of leafe, or leafe, fet, or let, the faid prcmifes hereby demifcd, or any part thereof, for all or any part of the term hereby granted, to any perfon or peifons whomfocver, (ufmg or exer- cifrngthe trade or bufmefs of vi6lualler, butcher, &c.) nor lliall nor will make cr do, or caufe to be made or done, any addition, diminution, or alteration whatfoe- Ter, into or about the meffuage, or tenement hereby demifcd, without licenfe and confent of the faid Caleb Doe, his heirs or affigns in writing firft had and obtain- ed, for all and every one of the purpofcs aforefaid. h\ witnefs, &;c. COVENANT. 387 ^hat Lessee if desirous may leave the Premises ivilb^ in the term. And laftly, it is lu-rtby covenanted and agreed, by and biitu't^-en thcr (aid parties hereti:), and it is the true intent and meaning? of thcfe prefents, that if the faid A- bcl Beck, his executors^, adminillrators and affigns, Ihall be niiuded and defnons to leave, yield and i^ive up the liiid premiles hereby demited, at ihe end of } ears, or years next after, the ■ commencemenr of this prefent demlfe or leafc, and Ihall leave or give si>; inonihs notice of fneh liis or their mind and defire in Vritin^ under his or their hands, unto or for the» faid Cideb'Dne, his heirs or affigns, immediately preceding either of the laid terms of or '— years ; this prei^nt indenture, and the term and eftate hereby !2;rant- ed Ihall ceafe, determine and be utterly void, any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof ia anywife notwithllanding. In witaefs, Kz, That the Lease is valid,' and that the Parties have a right to Assign. And the Paid Joseph Aln_S;. for himfelf, his heirs, ex- ecutors, and adminillrators. doth cbvenont, promife and agree to and with the faid Paul Poe, bis exccirtors, ad- roinifuators and afiijjns, by thefe preffnts in manner foliowing:, that is fay : That the fnid recited indenture ■of leafe made and JiTanted to the f;iid David Goiv, as aforefaid, at the time of the feali'.^ and delivery of thefe prefentsis gfood and efie6lna1 '.nd vidid ir the law, , • of and for the prcmifes thereby demifed, and that the fame and the term of years thereby leafed are non- in beinj:^, and in no v.'ife forfeited, fnrrendered, i'^cnmber^ ed, or become void or vo!(i-ble ; and that th»7 the faid John J ones and Josel)h King, ^a^e, or one of them hath, ill themfelves or biuifclf good right, full pouer, 588 COVENANT. true title, and lawful and abfolute authority to g:rant» bajg-.r.n, IVll, afUL:,!!, iraa.-Jcr as;d let over the picniifes "meant or inteiuled to be hereby aiiigued, wilh their and cv^ry oftijcir lippa.Tencinccb ur.Lo the faid Paul PuCj J^ib exccut .Ti,, adiniaip.illrarors and afiigiis, in maiuier and iorni aibrefaid. In w itaei's, &.c. From fwo Lessees to Repair and peaceably to yield up» Ar.d the laid ./oi?// Han':L' nablc and conve- nicni times, in the aay-time, to tiuer and come into and upon the faid iKieby demiicd jjremlfos, or any part thereof, thei e U) view, frareh and lee the true Hate and condition thereof, and of all decays, dcfe^ls ami want of reparations then and tiiere from lime lo time found, to j^ivc or leave notice or warning- in v.nting, at or up- on the faid demU'ed premifes, unto and for the WudJo^ sepb Joncs^ his executors, adminHlrators and affi^ns, to repair and amend the fame wjthin the time and of three mondis then next following ; within which faid time anil fpace q^ three months next after evov oranvfiiclx nol'.ce or warning as afoit-.idid, he the f-iid ./c;^^?/;,^'/;:/*^^, for himl^lf, his executors, acnniniftrators and afligns, doih hereby covenant, promiie and agree, to and witli the faid Samuel Soames, his executors, adminiftrators and afiigns, well and fu fiiciently to repair and amend the fame accordingly, except as aforefaid. That Lessee shall use the Hay, ^c. on the premises^ and spread the Ditvg thereon. • And alfo that he the faid C::icb Cro\v, his executors, adrainillrators or afligns, Ihall and will during the con- tinuance of this demife, ufe, andfpread on the faid de^ mifed premifes all the hay and ftraw arlfing therefrom, and all the compoil and dung which Ihall be mad« thereby; (liall fpread and bellow upon the faid premifes in aji hufoaud-like manner, fave only the compoil or 394 • COVENANT. diin^ to be made in the laft year of this dcniiic \\lnch the faid Caleb Cro%i\ bis executors, admiuiilrators or alii gns, Avail leave upon the laid preniife-j unto aiul lor the faid Mary Alctix, or her ailii^ns, if then livnig, but in cafe of her deceafe, to and for fuch other perfon or peifons as fhall then be intitled to the freehold and in- heritance of the faid premifes without being paid or al- lowed any thing for the fame* T^at Lessee shall fidloxv the LancU ciTid not vioiv more than once a year. Arid alfo that he the faid Caleb Croii^ hisexecutorf, adminillrators or ailigns, fliall not cropor fow any pait of the arable land which he hath liberty to iieep in til- lage as aforefaid above two years together, but every third year permit the fame to lie fallow and unfowi\, and not crofs crop the fame or any part thereof; and when and as it fliall be laid down, fliall and will fow the fame with grafs feed in an hulband-likc manner, and fliall not mow or caufe to be mowed any of tne mea- -dow or padure ground hereby demifed more than once in any one year of the faid term, but (hall and will dur- ing the faid term plough, fow, manure, and manage alj the ground hereby demifed in a due and regular courfe of hufbandry according to the cuftom of the country, and preferve all the trees, youngoaksand faplings grow- ing on the faid premifes, and not do or comm-it, or caufe to be done or committed any jnanncr of wafte, fpoil, or dellru6\ion in or upon the faid demifed pre- mifes or any part thereof. .To iay devjnpartoftbe Ground ivitb Clo'ver, ^c^ And alfo that he the faid Caleb Croiv^ his executors, adminiftrators or afligns, Hiall and will the fummer pre- ceding the cxpiratioii oi- other fooiier determination cf COVENANT. 595 this dcmlfL', fiimmer fallow acres of fucli part of the aral)lc land hereby demil'cd as fluili he then in courle in an hulband-like manner, fit to be fown with a crop the enfuin^ leafon, and alio lay down with clo- ver feed and ryc-grais acres more of the arable land hereby demii'cd, which lluill be then in tiliai^e and low u])on each acre thereof eit^ht pounds of the belt clover i'^^Ld and luo buliiels of the bell rye gVafsfeed. To permit Lessor to enter\ ^c. and culthatey ^V. And lliall and will permit and fuffcr the faid Mary Mt'itx or her ailigns, if then livin.i(, but in cafe of her deceafc, fuch other perfon or perfons as Ihall then be jntltlcd to the freehold or inheritance of the faid premi- fes, lier, his or tiieir ailigns^v with fervants, horfes, ploughs, carts and oilier necellaries, from and after the day of next preceding the expiration or o- ther fooner determination of this piefent leafe, to enter into and upon fuch clofes and grounds part of the here- by demifed premifes as by courfe cA the feafon ihall tlien lie fallow and unfown, and the fame to plough, fal • low and manure, at her, his or their free wills and pjea- fures, and for that j^iurpofe to have and take the dui% thattiliall be tiien in the yard or yards belonging to the faid demifed premifes. That Lessee may dispose of IJay and Stra^^a^ ^c. And alfo that he the faid Caleb Crow, his executors, adminillrators or aQigns, fliall and may as any time dur- ing this demife, except ojily in the lad year thereof, liave liberty to difpofe of any quantity of the hay and ilraw arifmg from the faid prcmiies on bringhig and laying upon the fame premifes where moil iiced re- quires, one good load of rotten dung for ev«;ry load of hay and Ilraw fo ibid and difpofcd of. ^ 596 C O V E N A N T. JFrom Lessor to proDide Lessee Malerlals fo rcpnir. And the faid Mary Meiix, for hcrfelf, her executors, acfminillrators and aiiigns, dotii covenant, promile- aiVd ao-rceto and with thsr laid Caleb Crow, his executors, admiAiilrators and alTigns, by ihelc prefects ia manner folloxving, that ibto l?.y, that Ihe the iVid Mary jVIcux, or l.ei a/'; jj^ns,. during i'ueli part o{ the faid term as ilic fliall happen to hve,' and tVom and after her deccaic, fuch pel ion or perfons as fliall iVomthenccforth diTrin;^ the then remainder of the iaid term be intitled tpthe freehold and inheriuiifce of the faid premites, fiiairarid wiii fioni time to time5at fcafonable times in the year, .iipo!) every reofonable requcft, \^henandfo often as need ihall reqyii-f, (hiring the continuance of this de- 'mife, find, provide for,^iind allow unto the {liid Caleb Crow, his excuutors, adminiUrators, or afligns on the faid demifed premifcs or within diilancc there- fiom, necetBiry rough timber on the ilem, bricks, tiles, and lime, for inch the repairs of the iliid melfuages or tenements, out-houfcs and buildings hereby demifed, together with the gates, fliles, pails, raih and fences 1i),elongnig thereunto refpe6li\eiy, as aforefaid, the faid maieriais to be carried to the faicV demifed prcmifes at the charge of the faid Caleb CrciVy his executor^ ad- niiniilrators or afiigns. That certain Trades shall not he exercised upon the Premises. And alfo that he the faid Joseph Jones, his executors, adm.iniftratois and aiTigns, fiiall not, nor uill, during the continuance of the faid term hereby granted, per- mit or fuiTer any perfen or perfons, to ufe or follow in or upon the faid hereby demifed mcffuage or tenement and premifes, or in, or upon any part thereof, the trade «f a chair-niuker, butcher, currier, foap-boiler, brev^^er, C O V E N A N T. 397 dirtiller, tril!o\r-cliancl!cr, fu[^ar-baker, tinman, plum- ber, dyer, fiiiiih, or any iiaulcoub or offtnlne bulintfs ^vh:lt^oever, w iihout the liceiife and conient of the laid Somuil So unts^ his executors, admijiillrator.'s or af- fis^Tis, full had and obtained in writiui^ lor that purpolc. That Lessor shall pay the Taxes, That lie the faid Simiicl Soavies^ his executors, ad- mi^^aiorb and aliigns, Iha.l and will iVoni time to tiawfand atail.times duringtbe laid term hereby grant- ed, well and truly pay, or allow out of the rent hereby relerved, all rates, taxes» duties, char!2;es and allelV- ments whadbcver, that Iball or may be a'aelFed, char- ged, rated or impofcd on the find hereby demil^ed prc- mifes, or any part thereof, and thereof and therefrom fuve harmlefs, and keep n)deninified the laid Joseph Joju's, his executors, adminiUrators and ailigns, and alio his and their lands and tenements. Covenants to reneiv a Lease. And further that the faid church- wardens of t!ic faid church as aforefiid, or their lucceirors for the time be- ing, iliall and will at the cofls and charr^cs of the faid Jo/jfi IlolmcSy his executors, aciminiibators and afllgns (if thereto requcilcd by him or them, 11^ months befoie the expitjation of the tern) hereby deuiifed) grant ano- ther leafe of the aforclaid [jremiu-'s lo the faid John Holmes^ his executors, adminillratorb or alliens, for the further term of years, to commence from the expiration of the term hereby granted thereof, at and under the fame yearly rent, and containing therein the like covenants and agreements, as are in thefe j)refrnts contained, he the faid./(3/j////c;/;;;t'5,his executors, ;iflmi- liiift-rators, or afligns, e^cQuting at the funic time .a 5?8 C O V E N A N T. counterpart thereof, and alfo paying- the fum of > dollars to the laid church- wardens for the time bting, ovi lat'ir exccutiiig fi.eh new leafe : And alfo tii.it the faid church-wardens, or their fucceirors foi the time beinj^, Ihall and will in like maimer on the expiffttion offach new leafe, fo to be granted of the laid j^rennftts SIS aiorefaid, at the like requeil, coltb aijd charges of the fdid jfobu Holmes, his executors, admmiftrators end aaij^ns. tyrant a fuither ieafe of the fame prem:fes» to the faid John Holmes, his executors, adminiilrators, or aliiifus, for the further term of years, to .j||p^- luence from the expiration of fuch new iniended^ile, at and under the fame yearl}- rent, covenants aid :'gree- lueiUs as^are in thefe [)refents contained, ard fo from time to time, on the expiration of every fuch renewed leafe of the faid premiies, iliall and will at the like re- quell, colls and charges, grant a'like leafe thereof to the laid John Holmes, his executors, udminiilrators or af- ii[^r>s, for the further term of years, to commence JTom the expiration of every fuch laft reiiijEwed leafe, until the full term of years, to be computed fiom ihe commencement of this prefent leafe, ihall have been granted of the faid premifes, to the faid John Holmes, his executors, adminiilrators or alfigns, by luch fucctfiive Icafes as afgrefiid, he the faid John H<>imes,his executors, adminiftrators or aflio:ns, always paying the fum of — dollars, unto the faid church-war- dens, or ti-ieir fucceffors for the tim.e being, on their granting every fuch reriewed or further leafe of the faid premifes as afortlaid, and alfo at every fuch lime or times executing a counterpart and counterparts thereof. In vvitnefs, Sec. That Lessee shall pay the Rent and all the Taxes. And the faid Josef b Jones doth hereby for himfelf, te executor, a(im:mft raters and afligns, covenant;, CO V E N A N T. 3S» • promrfc and agree, to and with the faid Samuel Smack, ))is i.xecutors, adminiUratorsi and alligjis, by ihclt- pre- Iciitb, in luajuier and Ibnn following, that is to lay, iliafc that he the i'liid Jom'oh Jon(ss^ his executors, admini- ilratttSy •r the faid Penelope Hill, JFiliiam PFattSj of — -, and COVENANT. 401 JVilUam JVatts^ the gi.ti.ci nephew or any or either of thcni. :nadc, done, co»iin\iited, or wittini^iy or willing- ly, fathered to the couiiaiy, the laid recited indenture of icafe or dtmife of the day of , is at the time of tlie feahii^ and delivery hereof, a gjod fubhll- inij and fufficicnt leafe, vahd in the law, of and loi the premifes thereby deniifed, and not forfeited, futrender- ed, or become void or voidable ; and that he the faid John JVcitts, now huth in himfelf, .giv^d right, full pow* er, and law fid authority to i^rant, aflitj^n, and transfer, releafe, ratify or con{i>m, all and hn^i^mar the premifes mentioned or intended to be heitby aflij^iied, with the appurtenances, unto the faid y'lints Tiirfiy his execu- tors, arimi liflrators and aflis^ns, in manner aiul fomi a- forefaid, and according to the true intent and meaning of thcfe prefcnts. J^rom Grantor that he has j^ood fight to grant and convey. And the faid Thomns Half, doth hereby for himCelf, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, covenatU, pro- inife, f;rant and aj^^ree to and with the faid Ldmund Ga/c\ his hei's and affisrnii, in manner fo'Iowinp^, that is to Tiy, that he the faid Tbo7nas Hrll^ now hath in himfc'.fgood right, full power, and lauful and abfolute authority to grant and convey the faid , in maa- ncr aforcfaid. That the Grantor is seised in fee simple^ ^c. And that he the faid fHn Giles, now is, at the time of the fealing and delivery of thcfe prefcnts, lawfully, riajhtfully and abfolutely fcifed of and in, or well and fufficiently intitled unto all and fmgular the faid melTu- ap^es, farms, lands, hereditaments and premiR s, here- inbefore mentioned and del'ciibcd, with their and every of their rights, members, and appurtenances, of a good. Aot C O V E N A N T» fure, perfe^l,, alifolute and indeft- afible eftate of inher* itanee in lee limple, Tvithoutany iiiauiier oi condition, trud, power ot revocation, remainder, or iiniiiation of an} ule or ules, or other rcilraint^ matter or thing \\ hat- Ibevcr, to aher, change, charge, defeat, incumber, re- volve or make void the fame ; and that for and notwith- ftandiiigaii}- fuch a6\, deed, matter, or tiling whitifoe- Ver as aforefaid, he the find fi^in Gijes, now at the ftal- ingofthefe prefents, hath in himteif good right, full power, and lawfnl and abfoiute audioriiy, to give, grant and confirm the iliicl annuity, yearly rent-charge or an- nual film of dollars, unto the faid .4i tbur Ayrcs^ his executors, adminiftrators and jifiigns, for and dur- ing the term of the natural life of him the faitl Win Giic'S, and alfo to demife and grant the faid meffuagcs, farms, lands, hereditaments and premifes hereinbefore mentioned and demiied to the faid Betsy Blocm^ her- executors, adminillralors and afiigns, for the term of — — years, as aforefaid, upon the trulls hereinbtfore mentioned. ^C?" The covenants ufual^y entered into by a vendor, feifed of the inheritance, are 1ft, that he is feifed in fee : 2dly, that he has power to convey : Sdly, for quiet enjoyment by the purchafcr, his heirs and afiigns: 4thly, that the lands fliali be holden free from incum- brances : anil laflly, for further alTurance. The five covenants are fever^l and diftir6l, but the firft and fe- cond of thtra are fynoncmous ; for if a man be feized 2n fee, he has pow er to feU. Biit the converfe cf this propolition is not univerfally true. A man having merely a power to appoint an eftate cannot be faid ta be feifed in fee of the eftate, although he has a right to convey : And accordingly, in cafes of this nature, Jt is iifual to omit the nrft covenant, and to infert a cove- nant, that the power w as well created, and is not fuf- pended or extinguiOied. Sec Siigdcn^ ^1^. . COVENANT. 403 Trom Assignee that be ivi/I Toitb all cownenlcnt speed get in the BdnkrupL''s Effects ^i:^c. And the fakl John Trest, for himfclf, his heirs, c!:e- eiiiors, aiid adniinillrators, doth covenant, promife and agree, to and with the laid commiirioners, parties liere- to, ilieir executors and adminiflrators, and to and with pv; r\ oUbem, b)' fhefc prefcnts, that he the faid John Jl'cst^ his executors and a(hvinr.lliat«jrs, lluill and will. With all convenient fpeed, by all lawful ways and means wlkiifoever, ufe his and their heft and utmoft means and endeavors to receive, recover and get polfeflion of the effcQs of the faid John Child, unreceived and not difpofed of; and flj:dl and will from time to time, with all convenient fpeed, after receipt and poffeflion had and obtained of the fame, or any part or parcel thereof, rutke fale and difpolition thereof for the mod and belt value he or they can c^et for the fame ; and alfo flialL and will from rime to time, and at -dl times hereafter, upon requelt and reafonable notice, render and g've unto the faid commifiioners, parties to thefe prefents, or the m^ijor p;irt of the commiliioners, by the faid re- newed eommifiion, or any other renewed commilTiori authorifed at fnch time and place as they fliall appoint^ a j'lft, true, fair and perfect account in writing;, u^nlec the hand or hands of the Hdd John IVcjt, his executors^ and adminiftrators, of what and how much money or other fatisf ic\ion he or they lliall have recovered and received by virtue or means of this prefent deed of af- fic::nment or ot.herw!fc,out of the eftate and efil'6\s of the faid John Child, and fuch monies, or other llitisfacl ion as upon fuch account or accounts ihall appear to be liad, tccbvercd and received by him the fiid John IVcst^ his executors and adminiitrators, as aforefaid, he the faid John West, his executors and adminiftrators, fliall and w^ill, well imd trulv pnv or caufe to be paid unto the faid commiflioners, parties to thefe prefents, or the 4(54. COVENANT. niiijor part of the conimiflrioner& by the faid renewed commjlhon authoriled, to the ena ihc Hunt may be by iheni, or the major jniri of them, ouiertd, clifpcftd, dilli ibiittd, iiividtd and fct over unto and anions.,it him the faid John fVi'St'dn(.\ fuch other creditors oi the faid John C£>//d, who have ahcady foiis^ht or iliall htreaiter in due time come in and (cek relief unc er the fa;d com- miiiion, according to the true intent and meaning of the Hiid Itatutes. To indemnify Commissioners of Bankrupt. And lallly, the faid John West, for himftlf, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, doth further covenant, promife and agree, to and with the faid commiflioners, parties hereto, their heirs, executors and adminiftra- tors, and every of then), by thife prtfents, that he the faid John IVcst, his executors and adminiftrators fliall and will from time to time, and at ail times hereafter, well andfufficiently fave, defend, keepharmlefs and in- demnified, all the faid commifiioneis in and by the faid renewed commiflion named aj\d authorifcd, their heirs, executors and adminiftrators, and every of them, their and every of their lands, tenements, goods and chattels, and their ^s:ents, of and from all and all manner of ac- tion and a6lions, fuits, arrefts, troubles, cofts, dama- ges and expenfes whatfoever, which they or any of them fhall or may fuftain or be put unto, for or by rca- fon of this prefent deed of afiignment, or any other a6l, matter or thint^c whatfoever, by them or any of them lawfully done or executed, or to be done or executed by virtue of the faid referved commilTion, or their or any of their lawful intermeddling in any of the efFc6ls of the faid John Child^ in execution of the faid com- miifion. C O V E N A N 1\ -405 From Creditors to accept a Composition, av.d to in- dcvuiij'y^ ^c, . And laflly, the faid ftrveral creditors, parties to thcfe prefcnts, every ol" liiem covciiaiitiiig leparalcly anda- part, lor himlelf, his refpe6\ive heirs, executors and ad- miaillraiurs, do ilverally covenar.t, promife and agree, to and u ilh the laid Jo.bn Goss, party hereto,, and Ho- tert Cass, tlicir executors and adniinillrators, to and vviiii each and every of them by thcfe prefcnts, that they the lame fevcral crechtors, their executors and adminillrators, Ihail and Avill accept, take, and receive, of and IVom the fan^.e Jobn Goss, his executors and ad- minillrators, the leveral fums of money, at and againft the refpeclixe names of them the laid creditors, fet down and exprelled under thefe prefents, being after the rate of cents in the dollar of their refpedive debts, in full iatisfac\ion and (hfch;vrge thereof, to be paid at iuch days and times, and in inch proportions as are hereinbefore mentioned and exprelled : And that from and after payment of the faid compolition money, they the i\ik\Jo/j/i Goss, party hereto, and Roba t Goss^ their refpec\ive executors and adminillrators, Ihall fland and be forever releafed, acquitted and difcharged, by thefe prefcnts from all and every fum and fums of money, delits or demands due or owing by them or either of them, to their faid fevcral creditors, or any of them, from the beginning of the world to the dny of the date of thefe prefcnts. And further, that foiaf- much as the faid Robert Goss, at the inllance of his faidcreditois, hath by thefe prefcnts atligned and trans- ferred to the faid John Goss, party hereto, all his ynwt ellate, and part of his feparate ellate, and hath agreed to convey the rclidue of his feparate ellate in the manner hereinbefore exprelTed, they the laid leveral creditors, their refpc^live exer.utors or adminillrators, Pnall and will indemnify and lave harmlefs the faid Robert Goss^ his heirs, executors and iidminiftfiUprs, gf, hvni and 406 ^ eOVENANT. againll allfuchcofts, cli.ngTs, damagts, and expcnfcs*, as iViv-di or niay in cafe oi any dciauit oipa) nu'nl by the faid f'hn Goss^ his heirs, oitcutors or udmnuitiacors, be recovered againft, or be fuiiai'ued, expended or be- €ome piyabse by hi;n the laid Robert G'y.v5,his htiis, execi; •' - or acimiiiiltrators, in any ac\ion or fuit,\vbit'h may iieicjfier he commenced, fued oc profecuted by tbem 'ihef.iid creditors, their executory or admini{liu% tors, wi u.v of tiiem, for the recovery of any debt oX debu loiheai relpedlivciy due or ouini^. That Mortgagor till default may enjoy. And laftly, it is agreed by and between the faid par^ ties to thefe prefents, that until default Ihaii be made, of or in payment of the faid fum of doihus, con- trarv to the covenant or conditions aforcfuid, it ihall andmay be lawful to and for the faid Richard JVren^ his heirs and affipcns, peaceably and quietly to hold Hud enjoy the faid meduatres, &c. a: id all and fmgular other the premifes, with their appurtenances, and receive and take the rent, iffues and profits thereof to bis and tkeir own nfe and ufes, without any let, fuit, trouble, denial or interruption, of or by the faid Peter Coles, his executors, adminiftrat.ors or afiigns, or any perfoft siaiming or to claim under him or them. From Grantor to pay an Annuity frscf cm Taxes, And the faid Abner .4pp. fnr himfHf, his heirs, exe- cutors, admini(lratorsand'an-£2:ns, doth covenant, grant, and agree, to and with the faid Bion BeruL his execu- tors, admisnih-ntorsand afT.o^ns, hy thefe ]>renM-its, that he the fai(i Abner 4pp. h's executors, adnViniftrators oraiup:ns, or forne or ore r>f and will well ajid truly pay., or eaufe to be paid unto the faid Bm C O V E N A N T. 407 X^end, His executors, adiv.iniftrators or alTc^s, for and diKini^- all the rcduc and rcuii-^indcr oi iiic IdidWrm of — years, in ynd l)J the laid recited in cntiiit ol Icafe dcmilcd as ah.) .e laid, uluch arc now to come and unex- pired, Liie#ui(i aiinuiiy, or }vaily ici'.toi' dollars, on the fevcral and rel'i)t6live da\ s and times, and at the phic'c above limited and appointed Cor payment thereof, without any delalcation or abatenieut, lor or by realbii of liny taxes, chaiges, ail'tiimeiits, or other matter or ihing whatlbcver. From the Assignor ^ that the Arwuity has not been paid for th> cc years. And the faid Francis Fish, lor himfclf, his heirs, executors and adminilbators, doth hereby covenant, promife and agree to and with the faid James Jones, his executors, adminiilrators and afiij^ns, in maimer lol- lowinaj, that is to fay, that no part of the faid hereby conveyed and affip^ned am uity or yearly rent-charge, of dollars hath been paid to, or received by him the faid Francis Fis/j, lor upwards of three years laft paft. To cowoey a Life Fsfate^ And in order fully to effe^l:uatc fuch further part fefthe propofal and as^reement aforefaid, as on the part of the faid Robert Go^s, rem;iir.s to be performed; the laid Robert Goss^{o\ himfllf. his heirs, executors and iidminiltrators, doth covenant, promife and agree to ai^d v.ilh the faid John (In ':*^ \>:ir^y hereto, hisexfcutors and adminiilrators, by thrfe prefents, that he the faid Robert Goss^ fliall and will as fnoli as convenienth frray be, by fuch good and fufficienT ron\eyances and afiiir- ances in the Ian-, as enuniel Ihall advife, c®n\(y and ftlVure, the laid mgietv or half part, whereof he is ixow 408 COVEN AN T. feifed as aforcfaid, of and in the faid feveral mcfTuages, "wharves, lands, tenements, and Ivireditaments, late the ellate of the laid John Edes, fitiiate, lying and being \\\ the faid counties of and , fiibjeft to tiie ef- tate and interell of the ^ivA Eliza Ecles tJ-ferein, unto and to the uie of the faid John Goss, party hereto, his heirs and afiigns, for and during the term of the natural life of him the faid Robert Goss, without impeachment of waile. I^ro?n the Husband that the Wife shall enjoy her Jcvj' els^ ^c. And in purfuance of the aforefaid agreement, on the part of the faid JVm Jones in that behalf, he the faid IVin Jones, for himfelf, his heirs, executors and ad- niiniilrators, doth covenant, promife and agree to and "with the faid /cJ/^/z Back and Thomas Ham, their heirs, executors, adminillratorsand afiigns, by thefe prefcnts, that in cafe the faid intended marriage Ihall take efit 61:, it fnall and may be lawful to and for the faid Mary Jiack, from time to timt, and all times during the joint lives of them the faid JFin Jones and Mary Baek, to have the pofTeifion and enjoyment of all the jewels, dia- rnonds, watches, rings, and other ornaments of herper- fon, which flie is or Ihall hereaf'er be poficfied of; and alfo all the plate which flie is now or hereafter may be poflefled of, and to fell and difpofe of the fame, or any of them, or any part thereof re fpe61ively, to fuch per- fon or perfons, and in fuch manner as flie fliall think proper, notwithftanding the faid intended coverture, and as if flie was fole and unmarried. From Husband to secure by Will to his JVife^ a suit' able House, l^c. And for the confiderations aforefakl, he the faid Na-* than Nichohj for himfelf, hib heirs, executors and ad- COVENANT. im li^iiniftrators, doth covenant, promifc and agree, to and \vii.h the laid Tomkms Dew and Matthew Duii^ lh,ir heirs, executois, adminillrators and al\igns, by thcte prefcnts, in manner rollo\\ing, that is lo lu\ ; thai in cafe the faid intended marriage Ihall take efflcl, and die faid Henrietta Merit, Ihall happen to furvivc du Uiid Nathan Nic/jols\ he the faid Nathan Nichols Riall, Uy his kill will, leave to or othe^^vife fecure for, the faid Henrietta Merit, during her hfe, and to take eft'c 61 from the deceafe of the faid Xut/xui Nichols, the ufe of a proper and fuitable houfe in , and alfo the ufe ofall nccefrary and proper houfehold goods, furniture^ plate,' linen, china, and other things neecflaiy for funi-. idling a houfe, to th€ value of dollars, whieli llie fliali enjoy during her life, without paying any rent or odier confideration for the fiime ; and that in cafe the faid Xathan Nichols, Ihall not by his lail will leave to, or otherwife fecure for the faid Henrietta Merit, dur- ing her life, the ufcoffuch houfe and houfehold goods, furniture, pUue, linen, china and other things neceffa- ry for furnilh^iig a houfe to the value of — dollars, and which (lie fliall enjoy during her life, without pay- ing any rent or other confiderations for the faid houfe, furniture, houfehold goods, plate, linen, china, and o- thcr things, the heirs, executors or adminiftrators of the faid Nathan Nichols, dial!, at their own expenfe, cotls, and charges, wathin the fpace of six caleidar month'=5, to be corfiputed from the rime of the death oS the faid Nathan Xichoh\ provide for the faid Hrnriet- ta Merit, for the term of her life, fuch houfe and fucU furniriire, houfehold n^oods, plate, china, linen, and o- ther thhr^s, and to fuch value as aforefaid, without her being fubjct\ or liable to pay any rent or other confide- ration whatfoever for the fame. And alfo that he the fliid Nathan Nichols. (\vJi\\, by his laft will and tefta- me'i'^ in M ritii-'g;; leave to, or othcrwif^ fctmrc for th^ laid Henrietta Merit, abfMn^°ly and for her owu ufe, [52] 4i(l C O V E N A N T. from the time of the dcceafc of him the faid Nathdh JV.c,Ools^\'d good, decent, and proper coach, and a pair oi i^ood and proper coach-horfcs, for her own ui'e and benefit ; and that if the faid Kathan Xichols Ihall not by his will leave to, or othervv ife provide for the la'ul Jiimrieita Merit, fuch a coach and pair of horfes for her ovvn life and benefit, the heirs, executors or admi- li'li. ators of him liie faid Nathan Nichols fliall, within tlv. fpace of three months, to he compnted from the time of hifa deceafe, at their own cofts and Charlies j provide for the faid Henrietta Merits fuch co.xh and p.i'.r of horfes for her own ufe ; but the faid Henrietta Mart: ihali be obliged to keep the fame at her own ^x- pt'ilf. And likewiie that he the faid Nathan Nixkols^ \ri>^ n( iis, executors, or adminillrators, fi-ail, within the fprfC> of My ^/'yf months, to be computed from the day oi liie foicmnizationof the faid intended marriage, give to tlie faid Henrietta JSlcrit^ jewels and diamonds to the value of — dollars, including thofe he has alrca- <]y given her, and that the faid Henrietta Merit-, fliall hoic! and enjoy fuch jewels or diamonds during her life, for her o\\ n fole, peculiar and perfbnal ufe, without being fubje^t to the debts, controul, difpofiil or en- gat ements of the faid Nathan Nichols^ or of any perfoii or perlbns claiming under him ; and that after her de- ceafe the fame Ihall c:o and belonp- to t**ie children or child of the body of the fLiid Henrietta Merit, to be be- gotten by the faid Nathan Nichols ; but if there fliall not be any fuch child living at the time of the death of* X\vf laid Henrietta Merit, the faid jewels and diamoiids ilinll, immediately after her deceafe, go and belong to the faid Nathan Nichols, his executors, adminiftrators or afiigns. /" nd moreover, that all the houfehv-'d p-oods, fur- ;rurc, plate, pi6lures, linen, china, and orraii^, the firit half yearly pay- ment thereof to be made on the day of next enfuingthe da+e of the faid obligation, and of thefe pre- fehts, with a proportionable pan of the faid annuity or clear yearly fnni oi dollars, for fo miniy days as lliall have elapfcd from the lall half yearly day of pay- ment nextpreeedin::: the deceafe of the faid Mary Mil- ler up to the day of h?r death, as in and by the faid reeited bond nv the condition thereof, relatiovi behtg therenntc* had, mav lippear : Ar.d whereas the f:iid fuiu of — — (Jo1!r.'«. me;-»tio!!cd to be paid by the faid Henry Prince, to the laid Henry Hii,^hes as aforefr!id,was part of the fev?nrare fortune of the faid Mary j\[iller, and "h(" laid annuity or yearly fum of -: — dollars, was int^.fidefl to be (V'cnred^ to be paid to the faid Henry Piii'XC, his execulorsj adminillrators and affigns, due- 4U PEGLARATION. jng the natural life of the faid J/jrjy il/c7/(?r as afore*. lai!.!, intruiifor the folc auci fe^jarate uie, benefit and clilpoiai oi ihefaicl Mtiry Miller y notwithitanding her coxerture m ifian'cr iieieiiiaiter mentioned: iNOKknovv ye,rhat xXx^txi'lHenry Prince tor himfelf,his heirs, exe- cutors and aclniinillratois, dotn hereby declare and a* gree, that ht; the faidJ•/c'/^r^/'ri7^£•d•, his executors, ad.nini- Itrators and aiiigns, Ihall and \vih iland aiid be poireifect of, ^^^(^ intereiled in, the ll\id annuity or yearly fum of . dollars, iceured by the faid recited bond or obliga- tion as aforcfaid, upon trull, from time to time to pay the fame when and as the fame Hial^be received to fuch perfon or pe'rfons, and upon fuch trufls, and for fuch intents and purpofes on!y, as the faid Mary Mil-. jej\ by any writing or vmtings under her hand, flial], notwithllinding her coverture, and as if- flie was folo and unmarried, dire6l or appoint, and for want of fuch dire6lion and appointment, to pay the fame into her hands for her fole and feparate uie, benefit and difpofal, excluuve of, and without being fubjecl to the debts or control of her faid huiband, and for which the re- ceipt or receipts of the ididMary Miller alone, or of fuch perfon or perfons as ihe Ihaii from time to time direct or appoint to receive the f^me. (hall notwithflanding her coverture, be a good and fuiiicient difcharge or liifcharges. In witnefsj Cxc, Of Trust of Purchase money. To all people to whom tliefe prefents fnall come, 1 Qharles Maru ol \js dcscr'ihi^d in the purchase dec(r\ fend greeting : Wherras by indenturcs;of — —* bearing date the — day of ^— , . and made between Charles Doe, of > \_as descnhed in 1-6/? J^/?^], of the one part, and me the faid Charles Man, of the other part. |le the faid dlb^rles Dee, fui? DECLARATION^. 41^ Unci in confideration of dollars [as'' its'] therein mentioiit'd to be paid to liim, by me the laid Charles MdTi^ hath granted, or did grant, bargain anci fell, all thatmciruiige, SvC. to hold the fame unto me the laid C-^ri/Vc-^ il/c///, my heirs and alliens, for, 8cc. which faid premilcs were heretofore the ellate of, or in the poIfciVion of \jbc deed must lead to this rcc'ita/.'] Now know ye, that I the faid Charles Alan d6 hereby acknowledge, teftify and declare, that the faid fnm of ■ — , above mentioned to be paid unto the faid Charles Doc, by me the faid Charles Man^ as aforefaid, waa and is the proper money o^Jdum Poe^ of , and that the name of me the Hiid Charles Man, in the faid indenture of , is ufed only in tiuil for him the faid ^f^/,77;; Poe, his executors, adminillrators and aifij^-ns, and that 1, my heirs and aaigns, Ihali at tuiy timeor times hereafter, upon the rtqueft, and at the proper colls and charges of the faid Adam Poe. his executors, adminillrators and aflii^ns, trausfer, con- vey and affure unto the faid Adam Poe^ his excctitois, adminillrators and alTigns, the faid premi^-j^ ^o bargained and fold unto mc the faid Charles Mh^k ?.s aforefaid, together with all my eftate, risjht, title ;incl interell thereunto, in fuch manner as by him the fr.id Adam Por, his executors, adminiflrators and i.ujgjis, or his or their counfel learned in the law, fliail be rea- fonably deviled or required, In witnefs whereof I have hereunto fet my hand and feal this cWy of '^ , in the year of ♦ Of Trust indorsed upon a Deed. Be it remembered, that the within named Thofnas Watts ^ doth hereby declare that the fnm of doU Inrs, within mentionccl 10 be ^-laid bv him as tl\e (orifi- deration of the within written indenture, was the pro.« UQ DECLARATIO N. per money of the within nnmecl Wyat Eld, and that ihs name o^thc{Q.\dTi>omas fVatts was made ufe of in the* l\iiv,e indenture ill trurt only for him the faicl JVyat Eld^ bib cxeeutors^ adnii'iulrarors and alugnb ; and that the fa;d Tbomai yVatts, his cxeeutors or adminillrators, Ihall and vviil at the requell, cofts and charges in the law of the faid Wyat Eul, his executors, adminiflra- tors or aiiigns, idiigu avid affiire the tv.o feveral melTu- ages, tenements, or d\v.clhn«--houreb anxl premifcs com- prac-d in the within wrilien indenture, and therein men- tioriv.d tc^be thereby aiiigned to him the faid Thomas IFatfs^ his executors, ad,miniilrators or affigns, vv'ith their and. every of iheir appurtenances, and all his and thti- ' Vuue, term, and ituereft therein, unto !)im the lidd tVy^ii %Id. his executors^ adniiniilrators or afiij^ns, free from ail incumbrances, committed or done by him the. {-'.id Tkomas JEatts, his executors, or adraini- firators, ardthat in the mean t'me, he the faid Thomas fEaft.'iy his executors and adminillnitors, fliall and will flavd and be poneired,and intcreftcd ofand in the f?me p:- i.nifes, in truft oiily for the benefit of him the faid /f^\'U EL'L hisexecuto»-s, adrainiflrators and afiigns ; in witnefs wliereof I the faid Thomas JFatts have here- unto fct m > hand this — day of , in the year of ©ur Lord . Of Trust by ID ay of Assignment, This indciUure, made the -day of , be- tween .Ibcl Bell, of -, of the ore part, and Caleb Doe, oFdie other part: Whereas in and by one inden- ture of demife, or barcrain and fide, bearinii: date the ^. — dav of , made or mentioned to be mnde. be- tween Abel BilL of , of the one part, and Cnlcb T)o(\ of . of 'he other part, h^ the faid Jbel Bt H for the confideraliou therein mentioned, did dtmiie, DECLARATION. 417 fjrnnt, barj^ainaiul fell unto the Hiid diUb Doe^ his cx- fCiUorb,;ti(lminiftrators ?a\(\ aHlii^tis, all tliolc mLlluai^cs, la'DcIsaiid tenements, &.C. to hold unto the fiudCa/ed/Joe^ his executors, adminillrators and aiii,ii;ns, for the term pi'-'-; — years from thenceforth next ciifiiiiig ; in which faid indenture was contained a jtiovifo or condition to make the fame void, on payment by the faid Hbci Bell to t})e faid Ctjlcb Doe^ of the fum of — - dollars with lawful intereft for the fame, at a certain day therein mentioned, as in and by the faid indenture of demifi. or mortj^age, relation being thereunto had, mnj' rtioie iiil- ly and at large appear : Now this indenture witncffeth, tliat the faid.'//;.:/ BjU, doth hereby .icknow ledge a(id declare, that the fum of dollars, in the^ faid in part recited indenture of mortgage .mentioned, u as ail the pror>er money of the fiid Caleb Doc\ and not any pjrt thereof the money of fhe faid Abel Hcll^ and that the name of the faid Ab-l Bll was ufed therein, only in trull for the faid Caleb Doe\, his executors, adminillra- ,tors ai)d afli'^ns : and therefore the faid Abel Bell, in piiifuance of the trail repofed in him as aforefaid by the fiid Caleb Doe, and a'fr). for and i'^ cohfideration of the fum of dollars^ to- him in hand paid b} the faid Caleb Doe^ at or b^r-fore the fealing and delivery of thcfe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow* Icdged, hath granted, bargained, fold, afli.^ned, trans- ferred, and fet over, and by thefe prefents doth grant, barij;ai'», fell, afli;.;n, transf.^rand ft over unto the faid Caleb Does his executors, adminillrators and afligns, alland fmgular the faid m( (Tuages, 8?:c. and premifes before mentioned in and by the faid in part recited in- tleniure of mortgage granted, with their, and every of their appurtenances ; and alfo all the eftate, right, title, intereil, term of years, property. claim and demand wliatfoever of him the faid Abel BtlL of, in or to the laid premifes and every part and parcel thereof ^<^ige« ther with the faid in part r( cited indenture of dcmife or [53] -^iS BE CL A RATIONS ' mortgage : To have and to hold the flild mefTuages^S^da hereby granted and affigncd, or mentioned or intended fo to be, unto the faid Caleb Doe^ his executors, admi-^ laifirators and a(i?>giis, for and during all fuch term and eitate, as he the laid Abel BelU hath or ought to have therein. And the faid Abel Bell for himfeli, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, doth covenant and gran to and with the faid Caleb Doe^ his executors, admini- ftrators and afljgns, that he the faid Abel Bell, hath not jnade, committed, a6led or done, orcaufed or procur- ed to be made, committed, a6\ed or done, an}^ a6^, matter or thing whereby, or by reafon or means where- of the faid mefmages, &c. and premifes, or any part thereof, are, may, or can be charged or incumbered in title, eilate or otberwife hewfoever. In witnefs, &c. Qf Trust from Lessees jhat the Lease has been grants ed for ths Benefit of a proprietary Fund. And this indenture further witneffcth, that the faid 'James Boon, Jacob Hod, Thorn as Pate, Joseph Adams^ John Da'vid, and Thomas Hatfield, do hereby foi* themfelv^s feverally and refpe^lively, and fcr their fe- Teral and refpeclive executors and adminiRrators, de- clare and agree, to and with the faid /cji?//-/^ Arlington^ Isaac Rather, John Wall, John Shield, and IVmHalh their executors, adminiftrators and affigns, and to and uith the faid mafter, wardens, and fociety, and their fucceflbrs, that they the faid James Boon, Jacob Hod, 'Thomas Pate, Joseph Adams, John Lanid, and Tho- was Hatfield, their executors, adminiftrators and af- figns, fiiali and will from time to time< and at all times hereafter, during the faid two fcveral terms of^' " years, and years hereinbefore refpeciively demifed, lland poilefTcd of and interefied in all and fmgular tha ground hereby demifed, and of the meiTuages or teR€> D E C L A R A T I O N> alJ ments, ercftions aud buildings, ^\ liich during the faid fcveral terms hereby demiied Ihall'be creeled and built upon the iaid ground and premifes hereinbefore de- miied as well by them the laid Joseph Arlington^ Isaao Hat he r^ John iFail^ John Shield and JFin Hall, as by the laid mailer, wardens, and foeiety refpe6ti\ely, int trull, and for the Ible beneht of the proprietors, who are or Ihall from time to time be intitled to, or benefi- cially interelled in the whole produce of the money a- rihng or to arife in conducing the ^iffairs of the faid Hock, ,fubjectneverthelefs to the concurrence of the faid mailer, wardens and court of affiftants of the faid foeiety, from time to time, in conducing the fame as hereinbefore is mentioned. In witnefs, &.c» That a marl's Name is used in trust in a Bond, "Whereas in and by one obligation bearing even date \vith thefe prelcnts, Giles Bodge, of , llandeth bound to Isaac Kin^, of , in the fum of --^ dollars, conditioned for the payment of dollars,' with intereil on the fame, on next enfuing, as thereby may ap])ear : Now know all men by thefe pre*, fents, that the faid Isaac King^ doth hereby acknow^' ledge and declare that the faid fum of dollars, lent upon the faid obligation, was all the proper money of Leonard Muse, of , and that his the laid Isaaa King''s name is iifcd in the faid obligation only in trul^ for the benefit of him the faid Leonard Muse, In wi t . ntis, Sec. Of Trust relating to an assigjiment of a Lease. To all to whom thefe prcfents fliall come, JFiri JFdeks, of fenlls and cluirges of the faid '[John Jones, his execu- tors or adminiftrators, by good and fufficitnt deeds in the law, fuch as the counfel of the faid John Jones, his executors or adminillrjitors, Oiali advife, cliign and fet ovt-i unto the f.^id John Jones, his executors, admini- ft; ators and afiji^ns, the faid melTuage, &.c. wi'h the ap- pni tenances, and the indenture of leafe, aiid indenture of :..ffignmen"t by \a hich tlie fame are holden for the re- ficlufc- and remainder of the laid term of years, 'W'hich fliall be therein then to come and unexpired, free(* and difcharged of a:.d from all incumbrances, done by him or them. \w witncfs, &lc. DECLARATION, 421 Of trusty by 1 rushes ana Guur-iHans to an Infant , of Lands, pur chased by ihtm vjii/j the muiay of Ibt Infant. To all pcrfons to whom thefe preftspts iliall come, Abncr AplK of , and LaLo Lox\ ol" , kncl greeting;. Whereas the laid yi^t/ ^^pp, and Ca/cO Cox, by ccnaiu indentures oi leafe and reletiicbeuring duie thcf — day of , and made between fobn.Po:, of — of the one part,and us tlie faid .^bncr -ipp^ and Caleb Cox, of the other part, for the conlideraiion oi the fum of -^ dollars in the faid incieniure of releafe men- tioned to be paid by us to tlie ij..i(i fo/./n Ppc\ he the laid John Poe, hath granted and reieafc d unto a))d to the ufe of us the faid Abncr App\,.:n\d Caleb Cox, and our heirs, all thatmeiiuage and tratl of land with its appurtenances, (ituated in , as by the faid inden- tures of leafe iMK\ leleafe, rel.aion being thereunto had may more at large appear. Now knon ye, that we the faid Abner Apjp and Caleb Co^., do hereby acknow- ledge and declare, that ne as guardians and truilces of Sanuu^ Fahn^ a minor, being Mtll falistied that the jiurchafing of the faid lands and premifes, Ijy reafon of their fi^uation would be very advantageous to the faid Samuel Fahn.j^uCinn improvement ol his eftate, were advifed to make the Ijiid purchafe ; and we do hereby fuither declare, that the fame was made with the pro- per monies of the Ln(\ S,imucl F,ihn^ and that the faid hmds and premifes were fo purchafed in trull for the faid 'Samuel Fiihn, his heirs and afiigns, if he or they, Vi hen capable of fo domg, {\k\\\ accept a conveyance thereof, and we the faid Abner App^ixu&Calcb Cox, our hf irs, executors and adminiibr.tors, be allowed the purchafe monies w ith other charges by us paid by reafon of the fame, upon our r.ccount, for the profits of the I IV.itv" f tin. fi!.-; S'^nucl Fahn : and we the faid Abner App^ and Caleb Cox^ do 'hereby further declart 42^ !:> E C L A R A T I O N> and miituall)' agree, that no benefit of furvivorfliip, br virtue of the faid conveyance made, as aforefaid, to us and our heirs by the faid Jofon Poe^ fhall be had or ti\^ J^en by us or either of us. In witnefs, 8^c, Of Trust relating to a Bond. This indenture made the day of between Mam Anson, of , of the one part ; and Bion Bee^ of , and Charles Bee, of , of the other part a Whereas by indenture bearing date the • day ot laft pall, and made between the feveral parties to thefe prefents, reciting, That the faid Adam Anson, had ilfue then Hving by Dorothy, his late wife, wha was filler of the f:iid Bion Bee, and Charles Bee^ two fons and one daughter, to wit, Abel Anson, Bion Anson and Charlotte Anson, and intending to make a provifi- on for his younger fon the faid Bion Anson, and Char- lotte Anson his daughter, he the faid Adam Anson, did covenant and agree, that he would within one month then next enfuing, caiffe or procure dollars, Ihare or intereft in the ftock of the bank of the United States ^ to be transferred to the faid Bion Bee, and Charles Bee ; and it was thereby declared by the faid par.ties, that the faid Bion Bee and Charles Bee would fland poiTefied of the fame ftock, in truft to permit the faid Adam Anson to recieive the intereft thereof during his life, and after his deceafe to pay, apply, and difpofe of the faid ftock in fuch proportions between his fl\id two younger children in fuch manner as the faid Adam An- son fiiould with the confent or approbation of the faid Bion Bee, and Charles Bee, or the furvivor of them, by any deed by him fealed and delivered or by his laft \v'\\\ and teftament by him figned and publilhed, in the prefence of two or more credible witnefTes, dire6l or yippointj and for want of fuch diretf^,oi •— DEED. 425 yeoman, of the other pi\rt, \_bere recite the tltu',"] wiN nciTcrlh, Tiiat the i'a'id Adam Benci^ luicl Alciry Ins wife, for and ii» coiUkierdtiOM of the fumof dollurs, to them ill liaiid paid by the faicl CJei^ Doe, at and t)Lloie the enfealing and deliverinj^ hereof, the reeeipt where- of they do liere'oy aeknovvkclj^e, and thereof acquit aiid forever difehars;e the faid L\i/e/? Doe, hib heirs, execu- tors and adminiilratuih,, by thefe ]>refcnts, havevgranted, bufi^aiued, fold, alk:ned, enfeoffed, releafed aiid con- Crnicd, and by thefe prefcnts do grant, bargain fcIlT* alien, enfeoff, releafe and confirm, unto the laid Ca/eb Doe, and to his heirs and affig-ns, all that melfu- .a£re, &:c. ToLredier with all and fin^ular oiher the liou-. I'es, out-houfes, buildirigs, barns, ilables, ways, woods. Maters, water-eourfes, rights, liberties, privileges, he- reditaments and appurtenances whatfoever, thereunto belonging, or in any wife appertaining, [^bere insert ex- cefnions, i^e.'] and the reverlions andremainders, rents, ilVucs and profits thereof : And alfj all the ellate, right, title, interell, property, claim and demand whatfoever, of them, the faid Adam Bend, and Mary his wife, in law or equity, or otherw ife howfoever, of, in, to, or out of the fame. To have and to hold the faid meflu- nq;e or tenement, and tra(Sl of acres of land, here-^ ditaments and premifes, hereby granted, or mentioned or intended fo to be, with the appurtenances [_eyccept as before excepted'] unto the faid Caleb Doe, his heirs, and alfigns, to the only proper ufe and behoof of the faid * The wonh ((ranf, bargain, sell, shall be adjudtred an express covenant to the grantee, his heirs and assigns, to wit, that the gran- tor Avas seised ol" an indefeubibic estate in fee-sirople, freed from in- cumbrances done or suffered from the grantor (cxceining the rents and services due to the lord of the fee) as also for quiet enjoyment Rg-ainst the grantor, his heirs, and assigns, unless limited by ex ■ press words contained in sueh deed, and that the grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns may, in any action as* bli^n breach.es, as if sucli covenants were expressly insert«enerolily, prudence and natural duty; a valuable coniicleration is I'uch as money, marria^re, or tlie like, which the law elleems an equivalent gi\eri for the grant ; and is therefore founded in motives of julticc. Deeds made upon good confideration only, are coiifidcred as merely voluntary, and are frequently fet afide in favor of creditors, and bona fide purchafers. Thirdly, the deed mud be written, or I prcfume printed, for it may be in any chara6\er or any language ; but it mull be upon paper or parchment. For if it be v-'ritten on Hone, board, linen, leather, or the like, it is no deed. Fourthly, the matter written mufl: be legally and or-- derly fet forth ; that is, there mud be words fufficient to fpccify the agreement and bind the parties: \\hicli fufficiency mult be left to the courts of law to deter- mine. For it is not abfolutely neccifary in law, to have all the formal p:jrts that are ufually drawn out in deeds, fo as there be fulficient words to declare clearly and le*'. gaily the parly's meaning. But, as thefe formal and orderly parts are calculated to convey that meaning in ihe cleared, didiiicled, and m.od effeRual manner, and have been well confidered and fettled by the wifdom of fucceffive ages, it is prudent not to depart from them without good reafon or urgent neceihty ; and therefore I will here mention them in their ufual order. 1. The premifes may be uftd to fet forth the num- ber and names of ihe parties, with their additions or ti- tles. They alio contain the recital, if any, of fuch deeds, agreements, or matters of ficl, as are necefhiry to ex- plain the reafons upon which the prefent tranfa(^lo!A is founded : and ht-rein alfo is letdown the confideration upon which the deed is made. And then follows the certainty of the grantofj grantee, and tbhig granted. 423 DEE D, 2, 3. Next come the habendum and tenendum. The office of the habendum is propei ly lo cklcrniire what ellave or intereil is granted by the deed : thout^h this may be performed, and fometimes ir> performed, in the premifeb. in which cafe the bubenaiim may leffen, en- large, explain, or qualify, but not totally contradict or be repni^nant to, the eilate E^ranted in the piemifes. A% if a fjrant be '' to A and the htirs of his bodv," in the premifes, habtndum '•'to him and his heirs for e- ■^'cr," or mcc -versa ; here A has an eftate-tail, and a fee-fimplc expectant thereon. But, had it been in the premifes •• to him and his heirs," habendum '' to him ibr life," the habendum \vould be uUeriy void ; ior an eftave of inheritance is veilc d m him before the babeii- dum comes, and Ihall not afterwards be taken away, or diverted, by it. I'he tenendum " and to hold," is now of very little ufe, and is onjy kept in by curtom. 4. Next follow the terms of (tipulation, if anj-, lipon which the giant is made : the firrt of which is the reddendum or refervation, whereby the grantor doth create or referve fome new thing to himfelf out of what lie had before granted. As " reF.deririg therefore yeav- *' ly the fum often ihiliings, or a pepper corn, or two *' days ploughing, or the like." 5. Anodier of the terms upon which a grant may be jnade is a condition ; which is a chuife of contingency, on the happening of which the eflate granted may be defeated ; as '' provided ahvays, that if the mortgagor " (hall pay the mortgagee 500/. upon fnch a day, the \vhole eftate granted fiiaib determine ;" and the like. 6. Next may followMhe claufe of warranty; where- by the grantor doth, for himfcif and his heirs, warrant and fecure to the grantee the effate fo granted. 7. After warranty ufually follow covenants, or con- ventions, which are claufes of agreement contained ia DEED. 429 a deed, whereby eitlier party may flipnlate for the truth ol certain ia^ls, or may biad himicii" to pcrlorm, or give, ruiuctluiij^- to tlie other. Thus the grantor may covenant that he hath a right to convey ; or lor the grantee's qujet enjoyment, or the like; the grantee may covenant to pay his rent, or keep the premiles m repair, &c. 11" tlie covenantor covenants for himlcir ynd his lieirs, it is then a covenant real, and del'cends upon the heirs ; a\ ho are bound to pertor«n it, provid- ed they nave ailets by delcent, but not othcrwiie : if he covenants alio for his executors and adminiilrators» his peilbiial ailets, as well as his real, are likewile pledged for the performance of the covenant; which makes llich covenant a better fccurity than any w ar- ranty. It is alio in fome relpe^ls a lefs fecurity, and therefore more bcnelicial to the grantor ; v.ho ulually covenants only for the a6s of himfelfand his anceftors, whereas a general u-arranty extends to all mankind. For which reafons the covenant has in modern practice totally fuperceded the other. 8. Ladly , comes the conclufion, which mentions the execution and date of the deed, or the time of it's be- ing given or executed, either exprefsly, or by refer- ence to fome day and year before- mentioned. Not but a d'] after whith the witnesses mav sij^n. DEED. 431 je(?\ matter : 2. A good and fufficicnt confideratlon : 5. VVillintj, oil paper or purchmtnt, duly ilamped i 4. Sufiicitiit a!Kl legal wordb, properly dilpoi'ed : 5, Kcadiiig, if delired, before the execiilion : G. Sealing, and, by the (latute, in moll cafes iignint; alfo : or 7. De- livery ; it is a void deed ab initio. It may alfo be a- \o\<\c(\by\T\AX\.<:v ex post facto : as, 1. By rafure, in- terlining, or other allei ation in any material part ; un- Icfs a memorandum be made thereof at the time of the execution and attellation. 2. By breaking off, or defa- cing the feal. 3. By delivering it up to be cancelled ; that is, to have lines draw n over it in the form of lat- tice work or canccll'i ; though the phrafe is now ufed figuratively for any maimer of ol^litcration or defacing it. 4. By the difagreement of fuch, whofe concurrence is necellary, in order for the deed to (land : as the huf- band, where a feme-covert is concerned ; an infant, or pcrfon under durefs, when thofc difabilities are remov- ed ; and the like. S. By the judgment or decree of a court of judicature. This was anciently the province of the court of liar chamber, and now of the chancery : when it appears that the deed v. as obtained by fraud, force, or other foul praclice ; or is proved to be an ab- folute forgery. In any ofthefc cafes the deed may be avoided, either in part or totally, according as the caufe of avoidance is more or lefs extenfive. See 2 lUack, 299 y seq. If a man through ^<:-;>x of death or mayhem is pre- vailed upon to execute a (\tQ^^ or do any other legal acrl ; thefe, tho' accompanied with all other the rec]ui- fitefolemnities, maybe alUrwards avoided, if forced 111)011 him by a well grounded apprehenfion if lofmg his life, or even his limbs, in cafe of his non-compH- ^.nce, 1 Blac. 132. 452 DEE D. By Aud'uors imdcr a Domestic Attachmcfit. Toall perfons to whom theft- prefents {hull come, Abel jBec,CaledIJoc\i\iK[J^noc/jJu/ic/j^i'cn(.\^tci:iiu^: Where- as a certain writ of attachment giour.cleduiuhca6\ ofaf- iembiy of thisftate, in fuch cafe made and provided, hath been awarded by the court of common pleas, held at , for the county of , at th® fuit of Pasquin Q«zz, bearing telle the day of , in the year of our Lord , and returnable the day of , againft the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of JiioTi jRo-iv, late of the county aforei'aid,j)'6'o«/c?/;, direct- ed to. the Iheriffof the faid county, by whom, amongll other things, in purfuance thereof, was attached a certain meffuage, &:c. [_Here describe the premises.'] And ■whereas on the return of the faid v.Tit in the fame tetm of laft pail, the faid Abel Bee, Caleb Doe, and E- noch Finch ^ were nominated and appointed by the jud- ges of the faid court of common pleas, at , to au- dit the accounts of the faid Rion Row^s, creditors, and to adjuft their demands, and fettle their Ihares and pro- portions of the ai'orefaid Rion Roi-ys whole eilate, real and peifop.al. And whereas, the faid Abel Bee, Caleb Doe, and Enoch Finch, haviiig given due and timely notice of the time and place of fale of the faid melfiiage or tenement and lot of ground by the faid Hieriff as a- forefaid attached, expofed the fame to public fale or vendue on the day of laft, when Thomas Gold, of , merchant, bought the fame for the fum of -dollars, he being the bell and highell bidder. Now know ye, that the faid Abel Bee, Caleb Doc, and Enoch Finch, by force and virtue of the act of affem- bly aforefaid, and for and in confideratlon of the fum of dollars, to them in hand paid to and for the life of the faid Rion Row, by the faid Thomas Gold^ the recei])t whereof is hereby acknov.dedged, have granted, bargained, fold, aifured, and delivered, and by thefe prefents do as much as in them the faid auditors DEED, 433 Ik and they lawfully may, ,Krant, bargain, fell, aiTure and deliver unto ilic laid 'I'honuis Go/a, iiis ijtirs and ailigns, all the aforclaid nit.llVia|;e or tci)e;r.cnt [^/jcrc do scribe the premises pat ticular/j'] 1 ogcthcr ailb \viiU all and linijjuiar the buildint's, improvemtnts, ways, watcib, waLcr-couilt'S, rights, liberties, privileges and appiirteiuinces u hatloever thereunto belonging, or in any wile appertaining, and the reverlions and 'remain- ders thereof, and all the ellate, right, title, interell, ufe, poircllion, property, claim, and demand whatfoevcr, of him the laid Rion Row, of, in, to or out of tlic above mentioned premifes : To have and to hold the f.iid de-. fcribed meirnage or tenement and lot of ground, here^ dltamcnts and premifes hereby granted, bargained iincl fold, or mentioned or intended fo to be with the appur* tenances, unto the faid Tbojnus Gold, his heirs and af- figns, to the only proper ufe and behoof of the laid Thomas Gold, hio heirs and a^^gns forever, according to the form and efieCt of the aft of riir^mWy in fuch cafe made and provided. [^Herc insert the ground rents, if any. ^^ la witiiefs, &C. X^eed Poll, To all people to whom thefe pi-efents (hall come^ Abbey Bern of the city of , in the Hate of , ivi* dow and relict oj" Ira Bent, late of the same place, es* quire, deceased^ Enoch Bent, of the fame place, 77a'r- charit, eldeftfon and heir ai law of the faid deceafed, Forbes Bent, of the borough of — — ^, in the ftate of * aforefaid,^^'7?///"W/^r;i, another of the fons of the laid de-^ ceafed, and John Slack^ of the borough of at'^orefaid, gentleman, and Mary, his wife, late ATary Bent, only* daughteroflhc faidduceafed.fend greeting: [^Recitals.'^ Know ye, that the faid Abbey Bent, Envch Bent, Forbes Bent, John Slack and MiifJ hi^ ^vife, iof. 434 BEE D. and in confideratlon of the fum of dollars to them in hand paid by Isaac Nortun, of the city of a- forefaid, at and before the enfeaiing and delivery here- of, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, and thereof acquit and forever difcharge the laid Isaac Norton^ his heirs, executors and adminillrators, by thefe prefents, have granted, bargair.ed, fold, reieafcd and confirmed, and by thefe prefents do grant, baigain, fell, releafe and confirm, unto the laid Jsaac A'orton, his heirs and alligns, all that mefuiage or tenement, &.c. Together with all and hngular the buildings, improve- ments, ways, woods, waters, w.ater-couifes, rights, li- berties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatfoever, thereunto belonging, or in any wife apper- taining, and the reverhons and remainders, rents, iffues and profits thereof ; and alfo all the eftate, right, title, interell, property, claim and demand whatfoever, of them the faid Abbey Bent^ Enoch Bent^ For* bes Bent^ John Slack and Mary his wife, in law or e- quity, or otherwife howfoever, of, in, to, or out of the fame. To have and to hold the faid mefliiage, or ten- ement, and lot or piece of ground, hereditaments and premifes, hereby granted, or mentioned or intended fo to be, with the appurtenances, unto the faid Isaac Nor- ton, his heirs and alfigns, to the only proper ufe and behoof of the faid Iscfac jYorfoj-/, his heirs and affigns, for ever ; fubjeft to the payment of the yearly ground* rent of dollars, hereafter accruing for the fame, and payable thereout to Caleb Doe of , his exe- cutors, adminillrators, or affigns. In witnefs, &:c. ^CT" A deed made by one party only is not indent- ed, but polled or fiiaved quite even ; and therefore called a deed poll, or a fmgle d^ed. DEED. 435 Ofllc'irs at Lavo releasing a Trust reposed in the In- testate. To all people to whom thefe prcfents fliall come, Rd- chel Duck, of , Amos Duck, of , IP'm Ducky of , and Amos Folk, and "Jane his wife, late [jane Thick, (the faid Rachel Duck being the mother, the fuid Amos Duck and JFin Duck being the brothers, and thefaid Jane, being the filler o'i Samuel Duck, late of , gentlemen, deceafed), fend greeting. Whereas the faid Samuel Duck in his lifetime, Daniel Bane, es- quire, JValicr Bane, John ShaiD and John Wyer, all of , were jointly intereilcd and concerned in the pur- chafe, location, andfurvey of twenty-one trads of land, on the waters of the river , in the townlhip of , in the county of , and ilate of , con- taining together , be the fame more or lefs, the le- gal title whereof by their confent and appointment, was veiled in the faid Samuel Duck, who held the fame in trufl for the ufe of the parties aforefaid, in the following proportions, to wit : one equal fourth part thereof to the ufe of the faid Daniel Bane, and his hcirs^ one other fourth part thereof to JTalter Bane, and his heirs ; one equal fixth part thereof to c/i>/>// S/jaiVy and his heirs ; one otlier iixth part thereof to Jo/jfi IVyer, and his heirs, and the remaining iixth part to his own proper ufe and behoof. And whereas the faid Samuel Duck, being fo feifed of the premifes, lately died inteftate, whereupon the fame, by tlie laws of • did defccnd and come to the faid Rachel Ducky Jmos Duck, IFin Duck, and Jane the wife of the faid Jmos Folk, fubjcft to the trull aforefaid : Now know ye, that the faid Rachel Duck, Amos, Duck, Win Ducky and Jane the wife of the faid Amos Folk, in purfuance of the fiicj trull fo as aforefaid repofed in the faid Sa^ viuel Duck, in his lifetime, and alfo for and in confide- ration of the fum of dollars each to them in hand paid by the faid Jvbn Si^aiv, At and before the cnfea^f m DEE D. ing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof Is hereby aukr.ouiedgcd, have i;; anted, bargained, fold, reinifed, releafed and confuined, and by thtfc preltnts, do grant, bargain, fell, remife, releafe and conliim, unto the faid Jo/J7i S/jci-iv, and to his hens and afligns, one lull, equal and undivided Uxdi part (the whole iiUo tix eqiiai parts to be divided) of and iu the faid twentj-one tra(Sts of of iand, containing acres. Together with all and fmguiar the rights, members and appurtenances what- Jbe\'er, to the laid equal hxth part belonging, or in any wife appertainmg, and the reverfions and remainders thereof, and alfoall'the ellate, right, title, intcreft, ufe, poffeffion, property, claim and demand whaifoever of the faid iiacbcl Duck, &c. Stc. To have and to hold the laid undivided fixth part, &c. for fuch ef- tate and eftates, and under fuch rents and conditions as the iiiid Samuel Duck^ had and held the fame in his lifetime, without any warranty exprefs or implied by the words of this deed, lave only againlt the faid Ra, (hael Duck, yc. ^c. their heirs and affigns, feverally and no; jointly, nor the one for the other, or for the a6l or deed of the other, but each for their own acls only, Jii witnefs whereof, 8fc. Of Feoffment, This Indenture, made the day of between A^cl Bcll^o^- , of the one part, and Caleb Doe, of -. , of the other part, witneiTeth, that the faid Abel Bell, for and in confideration of the fum of dol- lars, the receipt vt hereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, fold, aliened, enfeoffed, relcafed and confirmed, and by thefe prefents doth grant, bar- gain, fell, alien, enfeoff, releafe and confirm unto the iaid Caleb Doe, his heirs and affigns for ever, all that ^aieifuage or tenement, S^c, and the reverfion and re-. D E E D. 4S7 vcrfions, remainder and remainders, rents and fervi- ces thercol", and uiib, all the ellate, right, title, intc- rcft, elaini and demand whatl'oever, of him the faid ^bcl Bell^ of, in, and to the faid prcmifes, and of, in, and to every part and parcel thereof, To have and to hold the faid nielluage, tenement, and premifes above- mentioned, with the appurtenances, unto the faid 6V7- Icb Doe^ his heirs and ahigns, for ever. And the faid Abel BclL^ for himfeif, his heirs and afilgns, doth cove* nant and grant to and with the faid Caleb Doc^ his heirs and aOigns, that he the faid Abd llcll^ now is lawfully and rightfully feized, &c. And alio, that he the faid ^-y^f/ ij't'// hath good right, full power, and lawful authority, in his own right, to grant, bargain, fell and convey, all and fingular the faid mefl'uagesand premifes, with the appurtenances, unto the faid Caleb Doc\ his heirs and ailigns. And that he the faid Ca- leb Doe^his heirs and afiigns, lliall and may at all times for ever hereafter, peaceably and quietly have, ho'd, occupy, pollefs and enjoy, all and fingular the laid melfuage, kuuls, tenements, hereditaments, and pre- mifes abovementioncd, with the appurtenances, v/ith- out the let, trouble, hiridiancc, molellation, interrup* tion, or denial of him the faid Abel Bell his heirs or afligns, or ofany other ])erlan or perfons whntfoever, claiming, or to claim, by from, or under him, them, or any of them, f e:[cept as hereinafter is excepted) and that freed and diicharged, or othcr\\ife well and fufii- ciently faved and kept harmlefs and indemnified of and from all former and other bargains, fales, gifts, grants, leafcs, mortgages, jointures, dowers;, ufes, wills, in- tails, fines, pod-fines, ilfnes, amerciaments, feizures, bonds, annuities, ftatutes, recognizances, extents, judgments, executions, rents, and arrears of rent, and of and from all former and other charges, eflalcs, rights, titles, troubles and incumbrances \vhatf(»cver, liiid, made, committed, doncj or fuffcred, or to he hadj 4SS DEED. made, committed, done, or fuffercd by the faid Abel Ih.ll^ or any pcrfou or perlons vvhalloevcr claimiiiir, or to claim, by, from, or under him, them or any ofihtni (except one indt-nture ofleafe granted by tlie {\x\i\Jbel McU^ to Enoch Finch ^ of , of part of tlie faid pre- mifcs, for tiie term of years, under the yearly rent of dollars, which rent is intended to pafs hereby). And further, that tht; faid^i<^6V Ikll •a\-\(\ his heirs, and all and every other perfon and perfons, havhig or claiming in the faid premifes abovemcntioned, or any part thereof, by, from, or under him, (exce])t as be- fore excepted) Ihall and will, frdm time lo time, and at all times hereafter, upon the reafcnable requeil, and at the colls and charges of the faid Caleb Doe^ his heirs or atTigns, make, do, and execute, or caufe and procure to be made, done, and executed, all and eve- ry fuch further and other lawful and reafonable acl and acls, thing and things, devifes, deeds, conveyances, and aflurances in the law vvhatfoever, for the further, better, and more perfe^lly granting, conveying and alluring, of all and lingular the faid premifes above- mentioned, with the appurtenances, unto the faid CVz- leb Doe^ his heirs and affigns, to the only proper ufe and benefit of the faid Caleb Doe, his heirs and affigns for ever, according to the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents, as by the faid Caleb Doc, his heirs and affigns, or his or their counfel, fliall be reafonably de- viled, advifed and required. And lafdy, the faid 4bel Btll\v\i\\ made, ordained, confcituted and appointed, and by thefe prefents doth make, ordain, conflitute and appoint Ezra Foot, of , and George Hughes, of , his true and lawful attornies, jointly, and either of them feverally, for him and in his name, into the faid mefTiiage, lands and premifes, with the appur- tenances, hereby granted and conveyed, or mentioned fo to be, or into fome part thereof, in the name of the whole, to enter, and full, quiet and peaceable poireflloft DEED. A39 and fcifin iJiercof, forhim, and in his name, to take and have, and Inch potlinion and fcilln lb thcrcol" taken and hud, the like I'liU iJoirelUon and icilln thereof, or of fome [r^rt tl^ereof, in the name of the ^vhole, unto the laid Caleb Dqc^ or to his ceitain attorney, to give and deliver, '1 o hold to him the laid Caleb Doe., his heirs and alliens, for ever, according to the true iiptcnt and mcainng of thefe prefents, hereby ratifying, eonfirm- ing and allowinyr, and agreeing to ratify, confirm and allow, all and whatfoever his laid attornies, or either of them, fliall do in the premifes. In w itnefs, ^c. Deed Poll on disfranchising a j\femher of a Company^ To all to whom thefe prefents fliall come, the mafter, wardens and fociety of the art and myftery of apothe* caries of the city of ,fend greeting : Know ye, that we for divers good caufes and confiderations, us here- unto efpecially moving, have acquitted, releafed, and diffc charged, and by thefe prefents, for us and our fuccef- fors, do acquit, reieafe, and difcharge Avws Bond, apo- thecary\oi , of and from his freedom in the faid fociety or company, and of and from all other offices, duties, cha.ges, payments, and things whatfoever re- htting thereto, or whereto he now Ihinds engaged, by virtue of any charters, bye-laws, ordinances, or other matter or thing whatfoever; and fo as of and from the fame, he fliall and may at all times hereafter be fully and abfolutcly difcharged by thefe prefents. In witnefs wiiercof we have hereunto caufed our public feal to be fet, this day of , in the year of the reign of our fovereign, ^V. 440 D L K I), From an Administratrix for Land :: old' at vendue by order of Orphans Court. This indenture made the day of , bet-'.vcenL Mary Hay, adniiniibatrix of all and fnigular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were o)i John Hay^ late of , ivea'Udr^ deccafed, at the time of his death (who died mtellate) of the one part ; and Jesse Sharps of yeoman^ of the other part : Whereas the faid John Hay^ in his lifetime and at the time of his death, was feifed in his demefne as of fee of and in a certain tra6l of land, iituate in , containing about acres. And whereas adminiilration of all and fmgular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of the faid John Hay^ at the time of his death, after the death of the faid fohn Hay, was in due form of law committed to the aforefaid Mary Hay, who having undertaken the burthen of adminiftering the fame, did fettle her accompt of the adminiilration aforefaid, before the judges of the orphans court of the faid county of , at a court held at , m and for the faid county the day of lail pall, by which faid fettlement, it was manifeil, that the perfonal ellate of the faid y(?,6;2 i7f(y, deceafed, was not fufficient to pay his juft debts and m.aintain his children. And whereas by the petition of ihe. faid Mary Hay^ to the ikid judges, fetting forth the premifes, and praying the faid court to allow^ her to make fale of fo much of the faid lands as the faid court fliould judge neccffary for the purpofes aforefaid, and thereupon it wasconfidered and ordered by the faid court that acres of the a- bovementionedland, adjoining the lands of- , be fold on the day of , at , according to the prayer of the laid petition, as by the records and proceedings of the faid court, reference thereunto being had may fully and at large appear. And where- as in purfuance of the faid order, and by force and vir- tue of die laws of this ftate, in fuch cafe made and pro« DEED. 441 viclc(J, aftenvan.ls, to nit. on the fald day or*— —at , tlic IukI Mjry Hay, did exi^ofe to lii.e at public vcadufc orauclioii, the hLreinul'icr dcfcribed acres oriaiKl,|>art o* the above laid — acres, and atijoininiij the lands Of" the laid , alter duly advertiimg the lame accoidintjj to law, andtiien and there chd ft.U the lame to the laid Jesse ^barp, for the funi of dollars, he being the highell bidtler, and that the hif^heft and beft price bitlden for the fame ; which fale, on report there- of made to the laid judges, on the day of , was confirmed by the faid court, and it nas confidered and adjudged by the laid court, that the fame Ihould be and rem lin firm and liable for ever, as by the records and proceedinL>;s of the fame court, reference b«ing; thereunto hud, more fuliy and at large appears. Now this indenture witnelfeth, that the faid Mary Hay, for and in confideration of the faidfum of dollars* to Jicr in hand paid by the faid Jesse S/jirfj. at and be- fore the cnfcaling and delivering hereof, tne leceipt whereof Ihe doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof ac- quit and forever difcharge the faid Jesse Sharp, his heirs, executors and adminiilrators, by thefe prefents, hath granted, bargained, fold, releafed and confirmed, and by thefe prefents, doth grant, bargain, fell, releafe, and confirm unto the iAxdJesseShiirp, all that piece or parcel of land, lituate in , adjoining lands of , bounded andd(fcribed as follows, that is to fay » and containing acres : Together with all and fm. gular the houfes, out-houfes, buildings, barns, ftables, v,-ays, woods, waters, water-^ourfe-s, rights, liberties, privilege*^, hereditaments ana appurtenances whatfoe- ver thereunto belonging, or in any wife appertaining, and tlie reverfions and remainders, rents, ilTnes, and profits thereof, and alfo all the ellate, right, title, inte- refl, property, claim, and demand whatfoever of the faid John Hay, in his lifetime, at and immediately be;-f forethe time ofhis deceafe,or of herthe i-oXdMaryHo^y U^ DEED. in law or equity or otherwife howfoever, of, in, to ot out of the fame : To have and to hold the faid piece or parcel of land, hereditaments and preijiifes hereby granted or mentioned or intended fo to be with the ap« purtenances, unto the faid Jesse Sharps his heirs and afiigns, to the only proper ufe and behoof of the laid Jesse Sharpy his heirs and aifigns forever. In uit« nefs, &c. (6'^^ Read's Dig, 188.) Sheriff ^s Deed upon a Venditioni Exponas., To all people to whom thefe prefents Iball come^ Henry Smithy efquire, high Iherifi' of the county of "' — -—^ in the commonwealth of Pc«;z57/=yc?;?ii7, fendeth greeting : Whereas b}' a certain writ of i^Vtri Facias^ ilfued out of the court of common pleas, for the coun- ty of -, telkd at -— -, the — — day of to the faid flieriff dire6led, he was commanded that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Ann Noh^- late of his county, ividov:^ m bis bailiwick, he ftould caufe to be levied as well a certain debt of , which Simon Prahl^ lately in the faid court recovered againft her as — ■ — , which to the faid Simon Prahl were ad- judged for his damages, which he fuftained by occaiion of the detention of that debt, and that he fliould have tbofe monies before the judges of the faid coTirt at ^ at a county eourt of common pleas there to be held for the faid county of , the -^-^--^ then next, to render to the faid Simon Ppahl, for his debt and damages a^ ■forefaid, whereof the faid Jnn Nob is convi«£l, as ap-* Jjcars of record, and that he fiiould have then there that writ. And v/hereas the faid llierifF did on that day yeturn to the faid judges at — — , that by virtue of the laid writ to him direiSled, he had feifed and taken in execution, a certain messuage^ ye. [^according to the sheriff U return^'] which remained in his hands unfold ^F-W.^nt of buyers, fo thai he eoitld not have the mo* DEED, 44^ nics in the faid writ mentioned, at the day and place therein Ipccihcd, as by the laid writ he was command- ed, and that the rclidue of the execution of the faid writ WHS contained in a certain fehedule or inquilition there- unto annexed. By which faid IcUedule or intjuifition it appears on the oaths and affirmations of the inquell therein named, and under their hands and ftals, that the rents, ilUies and protits of the faid nicssuugt;^ yc\ were not of a clear yearly value beyond all reprilcs, fuf- ficient within the fpace of feven yeais to fatisiy the debt and damaj^es in the laid writ inenuoned. And ivhereas by a certain writ of l^cnditio7n Exponas^ iffii* ed out of the laid court, bearing telle at aforefaid, the — — day of lail pall, and to the laid llierilf directed, he was commanded that the faid messuage^ is'c. with the appurtenances lb by him feifed and taken in execution as aforefaid, he Ihouid expofe to faie, and that he Ihould have the monies ariling from fuch I'ale before the faid judges at , at the court of common pleas there to be held, for the faid county of , the day of then next, to render to the laid /S"/* mon Prahl^ for his debt and damages aforelliid. And whereas the faid llicriS" having given due and legal no- tice of the time and place of lale of the laid messuage^ ^"c. did on Monday the day of , expofe the fame to fale by public vendue or outcry, and fold the fiime to Jacob Long^ of , for the fum of , he being the highell bidder, and that the higheft ajnd beft price bidden for the fame. Now know ye, that the faid Iheriff, for and in confideration of the aforefaid fum of to him in hand paid by the faid Jacob Long^ at and before the enfealing and delivery hcreof,the receipt M hereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath granted, bargained, and fold, and by thcfe prefents, according to the directions of the faid lad recited writ, and by force and virtue thereof, doth grant, bargain and fell unto the fiud Jacob Long, \\u heirs and iiflig;n.S5 all that AU DEED. the faid messuage^ ^c. Together with all and fingular the builcihigs, iinprovcniculb, I'lgntb, witUii eis and iip- piineuaiictb whaiiocvcr thcicunto bcion^ing^ or m any Wiie appertaining, and the reverfions and remainders, renis, lilbcs and profits thereof. Aiid alio ail the el- tate, right, title, interell, property, chum and demand xvhatfoever of her the laid Jhni Ncb^ of, in, to or 'out of the fame : To have and to hold the faid messuage^ i^jc. hereditaments and premifes hereby granted or yiientioned or intended fo to be, with the appurtenan- ces, unto the faid Jacob Long, his heirs and affigns, to his and their only proper nle and behoof forever, for / fuch eilate and under fuch rents and conditions as the iliid Ajvi Nob had and lield the fame. at ad iramediaie- iy before ihetaking thereof in execution, but for no .larger or greater ellate than Ihe tht find Ann JVcb^ then and then- had and heJdthc lame, according to the form- and effc6\ of the laws and ufage of this commonwealth, in fuch caff mode and provided. In witnefs whereof the faid flierift'hath hereunto fet his hand and feai the Sheriff'^ s deed upon a Lcoari Facias, To all people to whom thefe prefenls fliall come, Henry Smith, efquire, high IherifF of the county of — — , in the commonA\ealth o\ Pcnnsyhnnia^ fencieth greeting : Whereas bv a m rit of Ijevari Facias illued out of the county court of common pleas of the county of—, bearing tefle ^^t—r— , the ^ day of — -\^ last p^st, toX\\Q faid flierifT dive^led, he was com- manded that without any other writ of the lands and' tenements oi Ann Nobb, late of- , widow, in his bailiwick, to wit, ofajcertain Tnessuagc, &c. he fhould eaufe to be levied, &€. \_as in the ii'rir] and that he lliOLjld have thofe monies before the* judges tit , at the GOimty court of coiBmon pleas, there to be held D. E E D. 44f for the faid county of , t!ie -- — day of then ntxt, 10 rtii^cr lo tuc laid Siviott VrabL^ lor his debt &.ualnagcbL^l'ofci"al(i : And whcrcas the laid ibcnirhaving- given diiu ii. legal notice; ot the time and place 61 ialeot' the faid in.:isuagt\ &.c. ditl on Silonduy, the day of , cxjjofe the fame to fale by public vendue or ouLcry,aiid fold the fame to Jacob Long^ oi , for the fiim of , he being die highcil bidder,' and that tile rngiielL and bell price bidden for ihe fume : No\v* know \e that the faid Iheriff lor and in coniiderutiou oi tlie afoiefaid fnm of — ,toliim in hand paid by the fuid Jacob Lon[>\, at and befoie tlie enfealing and dehvery hereof, the receipt whereof he dotli hereby acRnon- K-iR^e, hath granted, barp;ained and fold; and by ihcfe prefents, aeeoidinj:^- to the dirt6\ions of the liiid re- cited writ and by force and virtue tjiereof, doih grant, bargain and fell unto the laid Jacob Long^ his heirs and ailigns, all that the faid messuage^ csV. '1 ogether uiili all and lingular the buikhngs, improvements, rights, members and appurtenancesiwhatfoever thereunto be- longing, or in any w ife appertaining, and the reverli- ons and remainders, rents, iirues and profits thereof, and alfo, all the elhite, rivht, litie, intereil, property, elaim and demand whatfoever, of her the faid .iim. A'obb, of, in, to, or out of the Hur.e, To have and to hold the faid incssuagc^ ^c. hereditaments and premi- I'es herebv granted or mentioned, or intended fo to be. M'ith the a])purtenanees, unto the faid Jacob l.ong^ his heirs and allfs^tis, to his and theii only proper ufc •^SiA behoof forever, for ftich elhite and under fnch rents and conditions as the faid Ann Nobb had and held the fame at and immediately before the taking thereof in execution, but. for no larger or greater eftate than Ihe the faid Ann .\obb^ then and tiveie had and held the fame, aceordingto the form and effLct of the laws i\\\d (jfage of this eonu..ionweaUh, in fnch cafe made and provided. In witneis whereof the faid Iheriff \\2il\{ hereunto fet his hand and leal, the dav of ■ ■ ». 445 DEED. |f3* This deed applies where lands are fold upon a inoitgage, m whica care no previous condcmrmtioa jof umncjuctl is required. Sec Ilcad^i -^'g- ^^7. A Deed by Sherif for Lands sold by bis^prcdecessor. To all people to whom thefe prefents Ihall come, JJcnry Sjniib, cfquire^ high IherifF of the county of , in the commonwealth of FtJinsyhunia, IciKleth greetmg : VViiereas by a certain writ oi Fieri Facias jiiued out of the court of common pleas for the faid county of , teiliird at — - — , the day of , the IhcriiFof the faid county was commanded that of tiie goods and chattels, Luids and tenements oi'ylnfiJVoby lave of ius count]', widow, in his bailiwick, he ihould caui'c to be levied as well a certain debt of , which Simon Prahi, lately in the laid court recovered againft: her as y which to the faid Simon Frabi were ad- judi;ed for his damages, which he fuflained by occafion of the detention of that debt, and that he Ihould have thofe monies before the judges of ihe faid court at - — , at a county court of common pleas, there to be held for the faid county of , the then next, to render to the faid Simo7i Fra/bl, for his debt and damages a- ibrefaid, whereof the faid Ann Neb is convict, as ap* pears of record, and that he Ihould have then there. that writ. And whereas Adam Krum^ efquire, the then iViCrifTof the faid county, did on that day return to the faid judges at , that by virtue of the faid writ to him directed he had feifed and taken in execution a certairk ^ncssuage, ^c. [_according to the sheriff "^s return^'\ which rem^'''ii'Cd in his hands unfold for v/ant of bity- ers, fo that he co?ild not have the monies in the faid V'rit mentioned, at the day and place therein fpecified, as Vjy the faid writ he was commanded, and that the refidueof the execution of the faid Wiit was contained 1i:j a certain feh^dule qx inf^uifition thereunto siunexo^di DEED. U7 By which Hiid fchedule or inquifition it appears on the oaths ami aiiirniations of the iuqutlt therein naiiied, and iindtr their hands and fcals, tliat the rents, illues and profits of the laid messuage^ £?V. were not ofa clear yearly vahie beyond all rtprilcs, lufficient within tlie fpace oflevcn years to latisly the debt and daniaets ia the lliid writ niertioned. iVnd whereas by a ctrlaiu w rit of rcnciitionilLxponcJs, illued out ol'the faid court, bearinj^ telle at aloreluid, the day of lad pait, and to the faid Iherift" directed, he was com- manded that the faid messuage^ i^c. with the appurte- nances fo by him feifed and taken in execution as a- foV.efaid, he lliouid expofe to fale, and that he Ihoultl Have the monies ariling from fuchfale, before the faid judges at , at the court of common pleas there to be held, for the faid county of — — , the day of — then next, to render to the faid Simon Prahl^ for his debt and damages aforefaid. And whereas the laid Adam Krum^ the Iherift' aforefaid, havinjj given due and legal notice of the time and place of fale of the faid messuage^ <5'c. did on Monday the day of , expofe the fame to fale by public vendue or outcry, and fold the fame to Jacob Lcn^, of , for the fnm of — — , he being the highcil bidder, and th:^ the high- eft and bell price bidden for the fam.c. And whereas the faid Adam Krum^ late Iherifl" as aforefaid, was re- moved from his ofiice aforefaid, before any deed was executed by him to the faid Jacob I-^ong^ the purcha- fer aforefaid ; whereupon the faid Jacob Long did pre- fer his petition to the judgch) of the faid court of com- mon pleas, at an adjourned court of common pleas, held at — , for the faid county of — •- — , on , the — . — day of—— last past, fettihg forth thcrc-iii as is above recited, and praying the li\id court to or- der and direct the faid Henry Smith, the prefent flic rift', to execute a deed to him the faid Jacob Lrrtg, f-pr the faid messuage^ y<:, fo as aforefaid purchafcd. Ia 4U DEED. purfuance Vvliercof the faid court did then arid there order and dirc6l the laid Iknry Smithy the preit.i>t fheritt of the faid county of , to perfect Uie title of the faid Jacob Lojiv;, by executing a deed toh-ini for the premifeb fo as aforefaid purchafed of the faid Adam Knim^ late Iheri'ff, according to the ac\ of general af- fembiy in fuch cafe provided, as in by the records of the faid court, relation thereunto being had more iiilly and at large will appear. Now know ye, that the faid .Henry Smithy efquire, high fneriff as aforefaiel^ in pur- fuance of the faid order and diredlion of tlie court a- ibrefaid, and alfo for and in confideralion of the aloj e- faid fum of to the faid Adam Krum, late fiierifF, in hand paid by the faid Jacob Lon^^ (the receipt and payment whereof is hereby confefied and acknowledg- ed by the faid Adam KrumJ^ hath granted, bargained and fold, and by thefe prefcnts doth grant, bargain apd fell unto the faid Jacob Long, his heirs andalfigns, all that the faid fncssuage^ ^c. Together with all and fuv gular the buildings, improvements, rights, members nnd appurtenances whatfoever thereunto belonging, or in any wife appertaining, and the reverfiqns and re- mainders, rents, iifues and profits thereof, and alfo alJ the eilate, right, title, intereil", property, claim and de- mand whatfoever of her the faid. "/a/;; A'ob, of, in, to or out of the fame : To have and to hold the faid mcssu- c^gf, c>V. hereditaments and preraifes, hereby granted or mentioned, or iiuended fo to be, with the appurte- nances, unto the faid Jacob i..Q;?g, his heirs and afiigns, to his and their only proper ufe and behoof forever, fgr fuch eilate and under fuch rents and conditions as the faid Ap.7i Noby had and held the fame at and imm.e- diatelv before the taking thereof in execution by the fnid Adam ICrum, as aforefaid, but for no larger or greater cllate than (he the faid Ann Hob then and there bad and held the ilime, according to ?he form and (^(.61 of the: Uwr: an^^l ufage of this commonwealth in fugh D H E D. 44? ie^fe made and provided. In witncTs whereof the fiiid Iherili" luith hercLinto fethis hand and leal the day ol' . 8C7=» The form of a petition to the court required in this cafe will be found under title '' Petition." The old IheriffhavMii^ aclual'.y received thcmoiu}. Ihoiild fjgn the receipt in the deed. See Read's Dig. 354, '^c» By an Executor on contract of the TcStafor, This Indenture, made the day of , be* twecn Epbra27n Sniiiplc of , esquire, furviving executor of the idft will and teftanient of tfiilter J.dhe^ laie of the fame p'.ace, esquire^ deceafcd, of the one part, and Lewis Fee, of .yroman, of the othei* part : VV'iereas the faid Walter 4d/ee, by force and virtue of divers ^ood conveyances and afTnrancrs in the law, dnlv had and extcMtt'd, became, in his iife time, lawfully fe Z( (I, in his demefne :. of fee cfand in a certain melfuage, Kc. fuuate, &.c. \^bere describe the premises'^ with the appurtenances : And, being fo thereof fcized, did, on or about the year , eiter into a contra6l with a certain La Voge. fi)r the fale of a certain tra6\ of land (part of the premifes aforelaid) containing', by computation, about acres, be the nune more or lefs, bounded, 8ic. \_as in agtcementl^ for the fum of- -, per hundred acres ; part whereof, to wit, were paid by the faid La Foge to the faid jyalter Adlee in his life-time, ^c. And the faid Leiv» is Fee, doth alledge, that, by divers mefne convt y \n- Ces and alfurances in the law, the rig:ht and intend of the faid L'a Foge, of and in the aforefaid tra6\ of land, is now veftcd in him the (aid Lcivis Fee, fubje61: "o he payment of the refiduc of tlie purchafe monej- afore* 455 DEED. faid, with intercft : A«d whereas the faid IFalter Adlc^ did not compiy with the faid contraa in his iiie-time, nor was there any fnfficient proviiion made by him for the performance thereof: And whereas, agreeably to the provifions and dire<5\ions contained in the acl oi general aifembly of this commonwealth, paifed the thir- ty-firil day of March, Anno Domini one thoufand fe- ven hundred and ninety two, entitled, " An a61: to en* lible executors and adminiilrators, by leave of court, to convey lands and tenements contracted for, with their decedents, and for other purpofes therein men* tioned,*' the faid Lewis Fee did on the day of , Stc. caufe and procure the faid recited contract to be duly proved in the court of common pleas oi the faid county of ; which proot was adjudged by the faid court to be fufficient and Johji Boat, efnuire, pro- thonotary of the fame eourt, on the fame day and year, did annex the fame to the faid c.ontraft, and did certify the fame under his hand and the fcal of the faid court : and thereupon the fame was on the ■ day of • lafl paft recorded in the office for recording of deeds of the faid county of- , in book • , piige &c. And whereas the faid Epbraim Sample, as executor aforefaid, preferred his petition to the faid court, pray- ing leave to make and execute a deed of conveyance to the faid Lewis Fee, and his heirs, for the faid tra6t of 3and (which by a furvey thereof lately made has been found to contain acres, and is butted, bounded and qf peti-; tion under title "■ Process.'-' For barring an Estate-taiL This indenture, made the daj' of , between Rose Coli\ of , of the one part, and Enoch Tack. oJT , of the other part, witnelfeth. That the faid RosQ- Cole^ for and in conlideration of the fum of , to her. in hand paid by the Enoch Tack^ at and before the eu.- fealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is here- by acknowledged, and alfo for the purpofe of barring the eftate-tail, of which the faid Rose Cole is feifed in the rent-charge hereinafter mentioned, hath granted, bargained, fold, aliened, enfeoffed, releafed and con*, firmed, and by thefe prefents doth grant, bargain, fell, alien, enfeoff, releafe and confirm, unto the faid Etmcb 7 Ji:/^, his lK;irsand afligns, all that yearly rent-charge or fum of — '— , payable on fr——, arifmg and ifTuing 4^2 DEED. out of a certain lot of ground, with the buildings, thereon trtCtcU, liludte; lyingaiid being in , with the appurteuanceb, aiid ihe reveriion and levei lions, remainder anU remainders thereot ; and alio an the ellaie, rigiit, tiiie and interell of her, ihe faid Ruse Cole^ of, in, to and out ol the fame : To have and to hold the fame yearly rent- charge with the appurtenances, muo IDC laid Etiocb Tack^ his heirb ana aiiigns, forq* ver, in witnefs, &c. Same hy in ay of confirmation. This indenture made the day of , between the honorable John Perm, efquire, one of the late pro- prietors ot Pennfylvania, (by Enoch Price, of , his attorney, duly conllituted) of the one part, and George Kline, of— — -, of the other part : Whereas the faid John Penn^ by his faid attorney, by indenture bearing date the — day of , for the conlideration there- in mentioned, didgrant and convey unto the faid George Kline^ and to his heirs and afligns, a certain lot or pieee of ground, fituate in , with the appurtenances, to hqid to him, the faid George Kl'ine^ his heirs and af. fi£?tis, for ever, yielding and paying therefor unto the faid John Penn", his he'irs and affigns, the yearly rent or fnm of — — , on the day of • yearly fore- ever : And whereas the faid John Penn having receiv- ed from the faid George Kline, the full value of the faid lot of ground, did intend, by and under the above recited indenture, to vefl in him, the faid George Kline^ his hers and affigns, an abfolute ellate of inheritance In fee fimple of and in the aforefaid lot or piece of ground under the yearly rent charge aforefaid : But forafmuchas the faid 7o/6n Penn, at the time of mak,. ing and executing the faid indenture, was feifed onl/ of an eftate-tail in the premifes : Therefore this inden- ^re witneileth, timt the faid John Penn, (by the faid \ DEED. 453 i?«oc/6Pr/V(f,hisattoriiLy,thereto duly conftitutedjfor the puij-jole orbaniiig a;u.i UL-llioying the find tilatc-tail,of vvaicli he waborib i'cilbd ni the prcmiles aioreiaid • and in purluance and by virtue of aa act of the general af- iembiy ot Penniyivania in luch cale made and piovided, intititd, '" An act to lacihtatc the barring ol" cntaiib," and for and in conlideration of the fum of live IhiUiiigs, lawful money of Pennfyivania, unto him, at the execu- tion heicof, by the laid George Kline, well and truly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, haih given, granted, bai gained, fold, ratified and confirmed, and by thefe prefcnts doth give, grant, bargain, fell, ratify and conlirm unto the laid George Aline, and to his heirs and afligns, all that the aforefaid lot or piece of ground, together with the appurtenances, to have and to hold the faid premifes, with the appurtenances, unto the faid George Kline, his heirs and afligns, to his and their only proper ufc and behoof, for ever : Never- thelefs, under the yearly rent- charge in the above reci- ted indenture referved, and fubject to all the rights and powers therein contained, of entering and dillraining on the premifes for non-payment thereof. In witnefs, fee. fCT See Read's Digcft 118, 119. By Executors, This indenture made the day of -- — , between IFilUam Carter and Damd Tooke , executors of the teitamentand laft will ai Rice Carter, late of— — yeo- 7nan, deceafcd, of the one part and Jacob Miller, of , yeoman, of the other part : Whereas the faid Rice Carter, by force and virtue of divers good conveyances and aifurances in the law, duly had and executed, beeame in his lifetime lawfully feifed in jriis (lemefne, as of fee, of aod in a (pertain plantation 454 D E K D. and tra6V oFland, fituate and being in the townfliip of . aioi claid, bouiukd and aeicribtd as loliou b. that is to fay : Beguining, ^'ijjc-. containing acres, i^ithihe appurtenancts. i^ixl being lo thereof itiled asaforeiaid, the laid liice Carter on the day of ,— — , made his iall will and teilranent in writing, levherein and whereby among other things he did order* snd direci his executors ihereui after named, to leH and convey the faid delcribed plantation andtract oflandior the beft price that could be had for the fame, and of his fa^d will did make and C'jnfiitute the faid IFiHi-.im Car^ ier and Di'Oid tooke^ to be the executors, and died without altering or revoking the fame, as in anci by the faid u il remaining in the regifter's office at , re-* ferenee ihereu^'.to being had will more at largt appear, Kow this indenture w itnefleth, that the faid JFiltiam Carter 3.nc] Da'vid Ttwke, for and in coiifHieration of the fum of to them in hand paid by the f iid Jacob MiUer^ at and before the enfealing and delivering here- cf» the receipt and payment whereof they do hereby ac- knowledge, and thereof acquit and forever difcharge the faid Jacob AliUer^ his heirs, executors and admin- Sllrators, by thefe prefcnts, have granted, bargained, fold, aliened, releafed and confirmed, and by thcfe pre- fents (by virtue of the powers and authorities to them given by the faid will, and purfuant to the dire6\ion3 thereof J do grant, bargain, fell, alien, releafe and con- firm unto the faid Jacob Miller^ his heirs and aiTigns, all that the above mentioned and dcfcribed plantation and tra6l of land with the appurtenances : Together with all and lingular the houfes, out-houfes, buildings, barns, flables, ways, woods, waters, water- courfes, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appur- tenances xvhatfoever thereunto belonging or in any wife appertaining, and the reverfions anrj remainders, rents, iffues and profits thereof : and alfo all the eflate, rights title, intereil, property, chim and demand whatfoever DEED. 455 ctf the faid Rice Carter^ m his lifetime at and immcdi- btel')' before the time of his deceafe, of, in, to or out of the fame ; To luive and to hold the faid plantation and tradl of land, hcicditamenib and prernifcs, licieLy granted, or mentioned, or intended lb to be, with the appurtenances, unto the faid yt/cc*^ Jl//7/rr, his heirs .unci allij^ns, lo the OTily proper ale, benelit and behoof (5f the faid Jacob AI tiler ^ his lieirs and alligns forever. And the faid IfiUiam Carter^ and Daxid'Tooke^ do feverally, but not jointly, or tlu; one for the other, or for the aQ or deed of the other, but each for his own a6ls only, covenant, promife, grant and agree to and v.ith the faid Jacob JSliller^ his heirs and alligns, by thefe prefents, that they the faid IVill'iam Carter and Dainu Tookcy have not, nor hath either of them done, committed, or uiuingly or \villin5>ly fuftercd to be done or committed any atl, matter or tiling whalfoevcr whereby the premifes aforefi'.id, or any part thereof is, are or lliall or may be impeached, charged or incuiTu- bLTcd in title, charii;e or ellate or otherwife howfoever. In witnefs, SxC. By an Administrator ivitb tie irU! annexed. This indenture macfc the dr.y of , bet'>vcci3 Samuel Springs adminillrator of all and lingular the j^oodsand chattels, rights and credits, v hiih v\ere of Rice Cox, late of ^yeoman, deceafed, with the will of the faid Rice Cox annexed, of the one part ; and Jacob 3fonky of ^ yeofnan, of the other part: \\'hereas the faid Rice C'o.v,by force and virtue of di- vers good conveyances and aifurances in the la^', duly had and executed, became in his lifetime lawfully feifecl in his dcmefne as of fee, of and In a certain plantation and tract of hmd, hiuatc and being in the townliiip of aforefaid, bounded and dcfcribed as follows, that h to i\\)i : fjeginning— S>c. contaming; — -vcreg. \ ■^$ DEED. with the appurtenances. And being (o thereof fcifed as aforefaid, the faid Rice Cox, on the day of , made his laft will and tcftament in writing wherein and whereby among other things he did order and direct his executors therein after named, to fell and convey the faid defcribed plantation and tract of land, for the beft price that could be had for the fame, and of his faid will did make and conflitute JFalter Cox and Da- vid Tdd, to be the executors, and died without altering or revoking the fame, as in and by the faid will remaui- ing m the regiller's office at , reference thereun- to being had will more at large appear. And whereas the faid Walter Cox and David Tod, having accepted the faid trull, are both dead, widiout having made any faleof the faid plantation and tract of land as af<.«refaid, {[or, bave both refused to take upon them the burthen of the said executorship. Or, h>^ving taken upon them the burthen of the said executorship, and made a set- tlement of their accompts as far as they administered the estate of the said deceased, ivere at their desire dismissed from the further duties of their appointment by the Orphans' court of the said county of .Or, as the case may be."] And letters of adminiftration of the unadminiftered part of the eftate of the faid Rice Cox, deceafed, with the will of the fliid Rice Cox an- nexed, have been in due form of law granted to the faid Samuel Spring, Now this indenture witneffeth, that the faid Samuel Sfn'ing, for and in confidcration of the fum of , to him in hand paid by the fiid Jacob Monk, at and before the enfealingand delivering here- of, the receipt and payment whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof acquit and forever difcharge the faid Jacob Monk, his heirs, executors and admini- ftrators, by thefe prefents, hath granted, bar^^ained, fold, aliened, releafed and confirmed, and by thefe pre- fents (by virtue of the powers and antboriries giv^n by the faid will and in purfuance of the dnectionjj of m D E E a 457 act,of ^'eneral ancmblypaircd the tweift1\day of March Anno Domini, one thouUind arid eight hundred, eiiti* tied '• A:i act dcclarinpj the power and authori y given by any lall will and tellaineut to executors, to icll and convey real eltates, to be and remain in the furvivors orfurvivor of them, unlefs otherwife exprcITid in the will ol" tiie tellator, and for other purpofes therein men- tioned,") dotU grant, bargain, fell, alien, releafe and confirm, uatothe iludJucof^Afun/i^h]^ heirs and ailigns.all that the ai)ove mentioned and defcribed plantation and tract of land with the appurtenances : Together with all and fingular the houfcs, out-houfes, buildings, barns, llables, ways, v/oods, waters, water-courils, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appur-*" tenances whatfoever thereunto belonging. Or in any •wife appertaining, and the reverfions and remainderSj rents, iiuies and profits thereof : and alfo all the ellate, right, title, interell, property, clain- and demand what^ foeverof the faid Jiicf Cox, in his lifetime at and im- mediately before the time of his deceafe, of, in, to or out of the fame ; To have and to hold the faid plantati- on and tract of land, hereditaments and premifes, hereby granted, or mentioned, or intended Co to be, with th© appurtenances, unto the faid Jacub Afonk, his heirs and afH.^ns, to the only proper ufe, benefit and behoof of the faid Jacob Monk^ his heirs and afligns forever. And the faid Samuel Spring, d')th covenant, promife, grant and agree to and with the faid Jacob Monk, his heirs and afligns, by thefe prefents. that he the faid Sa- muel Spring, has not done, committed, or wittiiigly or willingly fuffcred to be done or committed any adt, matter or tiling whatfoever whereby the premifes afore# faid, or any part thereof is, are or' fliall or may be im* peached, charged or incumbered in title, charge Or ef* tate or otherwiH^ howfoever. In witnefs^ &C. *$V,| Read's Dig, 126. 458' BEE 0, J^or Lands sold by AdmhiistratorSy hy order of Or^^ f'ba?is'' Court. This indenture made the -^ — day of , between Timothy Rich and /^dam Strongs admhiiilrators of all and fingular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, ■which were of Abel Bush, late of' , yeoman, de- ccafed, of the one part, and Edward Gale, of , gentleman, of the other part : Whereas the faid Abel £ush,Wcis'm his lifetime lawfully feifedin hisdemefneas of fee, of and in a certain plantation and tract of land, fi'* tuate in and bounded and defcribed as follows, that is to fay '. Beginning at containing, ^cc* viththe appurtenances, and being fo thereof feifed as aforefaid, died intcftate. And whereas at an Orphans' €0urt held at , in and for the county of' —^ — , a- forefaid, the •— — day of — , upon the petition of Charles Bush, eldest son and heir at laiv, [_or, as the rase may be'] of the faid Abel Bush, praying the court to award an inquell, to make partition of the faid real eflate of the faid intellate^ in the faid petition mention- ed, to and among his children and reprefentatives, in fuch manner, and in fuch proportions, as by the lav/s of Pennsyhania, is directed and appointed, if fuch par- tition could be made without prejudice to or fpoiling the whole, otherwife to value and appraife the fame, the faid inquell was awarded by the court, according to the prayer of the faid petitioner. Whereupon a writ of partition or valuation ilTued out of the faid courts bearing telle the — — day of — r-, to the flieriff of the iaideounty dire6led,commandinghimtofummonan in- quell, to make partition of the faid real ellatc to and among the children and reprefentatives of the faid in- teftate, according to law, if fuch partition could be thereof made without prejudice to, and fpoiling the whole ; but if fuch partition could not be thereof made AS aferefaid, then t© Yalae and appraife the fame : An'J DEED, ^^. ihat that partition or valuation fo made, he fliould dif- tinclly and openly have bflbre the judgcb ol' the laid court at , the day of— then next. At whieh day, before the. judjjes aforedtid, the Ihcriif of thefaid county, to wit. C/jjr Ic'sMdn,es(/.in\xdQ returnof thefaid writ, with afchedule thereunto annexed, by uhjch fehedule or inquifition, under the hand and fcal as well of the faid iherift", as of the iiiquell tliercin named, it appears, by the oaths and affirmations of the faid inqued, that the real ellate in the faid writ menti- oned could not be parted and divided to and among the parties therein named, without prejudice to or fpoiling the whole thereof: And therefore the inqueft aforefald, upon their oaths or affirmations aforefaid, had valued and appraifed the fame at the fum of dollars, which return and valuation were, on motion, confirm- by tlie court. And whereas, all the heirs and legal reprefentatives of the V.ud .4bcl Busb, having feverally and refpedively refufed to take the faid plantation and tracl of land, at the valuation aforefaid, the faid court did, upon the application of the faid Charles Bui^h, \_or as the case may be'] grant a rule upon all the heirs and legal reprefentatives of the faid inteilate, to fliew caufe at an Orphans' court, to be held at , in and for the faid county of—, the —day of then next, xvhy the faid real eftate fliould not be fold according to the a6\s of general aflcmbly, in fuch cafe made and provided at which faid time and place legal ik>' ice of the aforefaid rule being proved to have been duly giv- en to all the heirs and legal reprefentatives of the faid inteilate, and no caufe being Ihewn why the faid real eftate fliould not be fold as aforefaid ; The faid court did then and there make an order commanding the faiti Timothy Richund Adam »S'rro;7§-, adminiftrators as a- forefaid, to expofe the aforefaid plantation and tra6\ of jand of the faid inteftate, to public fale, on the premi- ses, upon the day of — «^ thcti ne^t, upon the 4>m DEE D. terms in the fai<3 order dire6led. In purftiance where- of, the laid aammiilriitois having iirit given fufiicicnt ft cunt) acLortliiig loiuu, tor the I'uilhiui execiuioii of tlie pox^cr cumnuittd to them, cud on the day, and at the place in ihc laid order duccled, expoie the prcnii- fc5 cherein mentioned to faie, by public vendue, and fold die fame to the faid Edward GaU\ at and for the furn of dollars, ht being- the higheft bidder, and that the hightll and btil piice bidcien tor the fan e ; vvh'ch I'ale on return tliertof made to the judges cf the fiiihf eciiit. oi; -ihe — iV,..\ oi — lafl piiit Vwic coi fin « d,. and it was conildtred anu adjuilged l)y ihe faid eobrt, that the faid plantation and Lra6i of land v\ iih the ap- purteiiances, folbld, asaforeiaid, Ihouid be transicired ano veiled in the .faid tiiwarci (jcJe, as fully as tlie hiid Abel ii'«5/6,held the lame at his dece'afe, fubje6l andjia* able lo the p-a} nient oi the purcha^^-'inoney , aeeording to the teimsp'eferibed in the faid oider— as by the re- cords and proceedings of the fame court, remaining at , afoiefaul, relation thereunto being had, w^lluiore fully and at large appear. ISiovv this indenture witnef- feth that the faid Timothy Rich and Adam Strong, ad- mh.ifc! aiors as aforefaid. for and in confideratinn of the laid fum of dollars to them in hand paid by the faid Edward Gaic\ at and before the enfealing and delivery hereof, the receipt and payment Avhereofthey do hereby acknowledge, iand thereof acquit and for- ever difcharge the faid Edward Gale, his heirs, execu- tors and adminiftrators, by thefe prefents, have grant- ed bargai'if d, fold. aliened, relealtd and confirmed, and by thefe prefents (By virtup of the po\^ ers and au- thorities to them given by the aforefaid order of Or- phans' court, and purfuant to the dire61ions thereof) do grant, bargain, fell, alien, releafe and con-firm, un- to the fnid Edward Guk his heirs and afligns. all that the cibove mentioned an'i defcrib''d rihnnalio- and ^<:^Si of land with ihe appurtenances : Together with all and DEED. AOX fingiilar the houfcs, out- houfcs, buildings, barns, fta- blcs, ways, woods, waters, watcr-courics, rii^dits, liber- ties, 'privileges, hereditaments and appiircenanees w hat- foever theieunto belonging or in any \\ iie appertain- ing, and the reverfions and remainders, rents, iflues and profits thereof; and alio, all the ellate, right, title, inlereil, property, claim and demand w hatfoever of the faid Abel Bus/j, in his lifetime at and immediately be- fore the time of his deceafe,of, in, to or out of the fame : To irave and to hold the faid plantation and tradl of land, hereditaments and premifes, hereby granted, or nicnrioncd, or intended fo to be, with the api)urtenan- ces, unto the indFdward Gale, his heirs and alfigns, to the only proper \\k%, benefit and behoof of the faid I'^ikvard'Ciah;, his heirs and affigns foVever. And the faid Timothy Rich and Adam Strongs do feverally, but. not jointly, or the one for the other, or for the a(5\ or deed of the other, but each for his own a6ls only, co- veijant, promife, grant and agree to and with the faid Edward Gah\ his heirs and afni:;ns, by thefc prcfents, th'.it they the faid Timothy Rich and Adam Strong, have not, nor hath either of them done, committed, or wittingly or wiHinu;!v fuffcred to be done or committed anv a6l, maf'-er or thing whatfoever whereby the pre- mifes aforefiid, or any part thereof is, are or (liali or may be impeached, charged or incumbered in title, charge or eflate or other\\ife ho\\ever. In witnefs, 8^c. |6^ See VI. Ads, p. 460, and Vill. Acts p. 157 la, (2dfefilon.) JTor Lci7ids sold by a Guardian by order of Orphans Court. This indenture made the , between Peter Cole, guardian legally appointed by the orphans court of ihc 462 DEE D. county o? -^ — , of the eflate oiScth Malcom, a minor ionof y.i7rics Malcom^ late of .blacksmith, cle,. ceafed, of the one purt» and Edward Gale, of , ^cntlematiy of the other part ; Whereas by force and -virtiieof certani good conveyances and aiVurances in the law duly had and executed, the faid James Malcom became in his life- time lawfully feized in his demefne^ as of fee of and in a certain plantation and traCl of land, iituate in -—and boundedand defcribed asfollows,that is to fay : Beginning — , containing — acres,with the ap- purtenances, and being fo thereof feized, made his laft will and teilament in writing, bearing date r -, wherein and whereby (amongll other things) he did give and devife the faid plantation and tra^l of land un- to his faid fon Sct.b Malcom and his heirs, as in and hj the faid in part recited will (fmce his dcceafe duly- proved and remaining in the register*s ofrice at ) reference being thereunto had appears. And where- as at an orphans court held at aforefaid, in and for the faid county, upon the petition of the faid Seth MaL cam, the laid Peter Cole, was duly appointed guardian oftheeftate of the h'ulSeth Malcom, during his mi- nority : And it appearing to the faid court that the faid Seth Malcom was not poirefTed of a perfonal eftate adequate to his m.aintenance and education, the faid court did then and there make an order empowering the faid Peter Cole to m.ake public fple of the faid plan- tation and tract of land, the eftate of the faid Seth Mai- £ofn, for the purpofes aforefaid, and to make a title thereto to the purchafer, and did dirc6l the faid fale to be held on the premifes, upon the day of then next. In purfuance whereof the faid Peter Cole hav- ing firft given bond with fufficient furety to the liiid eourt, according to the a6\ ofafTembly, for the faithful difcharge of the truft thus commuted to him, did on ihe day and at the place in the faid order dire6\ed, ex- j^fe the preaiMes therein mentioned to fale by j^ubliof D E E D^ m^ <^miue and fold the fume to the faid I^ckvard Gaic, at and for the fuin of , he being tlic higheft bidder, and diat the higheil and bell priee bid en for the fume, •\vhieh fale on re port thereof made to the judges of the faid eourt on the \vas confirmed by the faid court, and it was confidered and adjudged by the faid court that the fame Ihould be and remain firm and lia- ble forever, as by the records and proceedmgs of the fanic court, reference thereunto being had will fully appear. Now this indenture witnc ifeth, that the faid Peter Cole for and in conlideration of the fum of , to him in hand paid by the faid Edvjard Gate, at and before the enfealing and delivery hereof, the receipt «nd payment whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof acquit and forever difcharge the laid JLti- *ivard Galc^ his heirs, executors and adminillrators, by thefe prefents, hath granted, bargained, fold, aliened, releafcd and confirmed, and by thefe prefents (By virtue of the pov/ers and authorities to him given by the aforefaid order of orphans court, and purfuant to the dire6\ions thereof) doth grant, bargain,feil, alien, re- leafe and confirm unto the faid Edward Gale^ his heirs and afiigns, all that the above mentioned and defcribed phuitation and tra£l of land w ith the appurtenances : Together with all and fingular the houfes, out-houfes, buildings, barns, ftahles, wa}s, woods, waters, water- •ourfcs, right-), liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatfi)e\er thereunto belonging or in any wife appertaining, and the reverfions and remain- ders, rents, iffues and profits thereof: and alfo all the eftate, right, title, intereft, property, claim and de- mand whatf >ever of the faifl James Mai com, in his life- tim.e at and immediately before the time of his deceafi\ of, in, to or out of the fame : To have and to hold the faid plantation arid tra6l of land, hereditarhents and premifes, hereby granted or mentioned, or intended fo 10 be, with the appurtenances, unto the faid Edivgrd 464 DEED, Calc^ hislicirs and ailigns, to the onl}' proper iife^ be* iicfit and behoof of the laid lunvard GaU\ his heirs and aifigns forever. And the faid Peter Cole doth covenant, promife, grant and agree to and with the faid Edward Gale^ his heirs'and aiTij^ns, by thtfe pre- fents, that he the faid Peter Cole hath not done, com- mitted, or \vittin£;]y or willingly fuffercd to be done or Committed any act, matter or thing whatfpever where- by the premifes aforefaid, or any part thereof is, ape or fliall or may be impeached, charged or incumbered in title, charge or eftate or otherwife howfoever. In wit- tiefb J &c . See Fill. Jcts^ 158. J]y Trustees of an Insohent Debtor, This indenture made, 8ic. between John Dill and Brice Page^ truftees legally nominated and appointed, t>f Noah Eccl^ an infolvent debtor, of the one part, and Jesse JV'ingate^ of , taylor^ of the other part r \Vhereas the faid Xoah Reel^ being lawfully feifed in bis demefne, as of fee (among other things) of and iii a certain lot or piece of ground, fituate in the tov.n of , bounded and defcribed as follows, that is to fay : By lot , &c. containing , with the appurte- nances, did at a court of common pleas, held at , for the. county of , on the , prefer his pe- tition to the judges of the faid court, offering to deliver lip to the ufe of his creditors, all his property, real, per- fonal and mixed, to which he was in any manner' en- titled, a fchedule whereof on oath, together with a lift of his creditors as fiiras he could afcertain them, and the nature of their debts being exhibited with and an- nexed to his petition, and thereupon the faid court did direft due and legal notice according to the a61: of af- fembly of fuch application to be given to the creditors Qf the' faid Noah Recly and did alBgn th.e — ^ day of O £ E U» 4J55 then next, for their appearance at - aforcfaidn purruaiit to tiic prayer ot the laid petition. Where* upon at the time and place appointed on the appear* aiice of the creditors oriVich dchtorLy,oi the one part; and Giles Man^ of the fame place, apothecary^ of the ether part : Whereas the faid Saviuel Triie^ hath by great pains, indullry andexpenfe, and in the courfe of jnany years practice, acquired a good, beneficial, and €xtenfive trade, in the bufiuefs of an apothecary : And ivhereas the faid Samuel True and Giles Man^ in con* fideration of the fpecial trull and confidence, they mu- tually have and repofe in each other, and in order to in# creafe their n fpedlive fortunes, have agreed to become copartners in the art or bufinefs of an apothecary, and that the fame fliall be carried on upon the terms, con- ditions and reftri6lions hereinafter mentioned ; and the feid Giles Man^ in confideration of being admitted in- to one fourth part or Ihare with h'mi the faid Samuel 'True, in the faid bufinefb or art of an apothecary, hath DEED, «5^ agreed to life his utmofc care and diligence in carrying oiiUieiaid buiiners/and not to reciuire ib ilrict an at- tendance therein Crom the (iiid Sjmuel True. Now this indenture witnelleth, and each of the faid parties for himfeif, his executors and admin iftrators, doth co- venant, proniiie and agree to and with tlie other of them, his execut-oirs and adminiftrators by thcfe prefents, in ma.iiier follow ing, that is to fay, That from tht day of the date of thclc prefents they the faid Samuel T. ue and Gi/es Man, ihall and will become and continue [>art- ners and joint dealers in the joint trade or bufmefs of an apothecary in buying and felling all forts of drugs and medicines neceifary and incident to the faid buii- iiefs, and in adminiilering the Hirne and in giving ad- vice to patients for and during and unto the full end and term of fourteen years determinable in fuch man- ner as is hereinafter more particularly mentioned, un- der and according to the conditions, provifoes and terms of a.^reement hereinafter contained. And for the more effectual carrying on the faid joint trade or bufmefs, they the faid parties have mutually agreed that one fourth part of the ftock of drugs, medicines, fixtures in the fhop and laboratory, implements and utenfils which are the entire property of the faid SamU' cl Truc^ and are mentioned and inferted in an invento- ry or particular thereof contained in a book figned at the foot thereof by each of faid parties, fhall be ptir- chafed by the faid Giles Man. And that the faid ftock, and all the profits and intercft of the faid, partnerlhip bufmefs, and all lofTcs attending the fame fliall be from time to time during the continuance of this copartner- fliip divided into four equal parts • three of which four parts, the faid Samuel True, his executors and adniini- ftrators fliall be intitled to have and receive, and (hall and will bear and pay three fourth parts (the \vholc into four equal parts to be divided) of all debts ftudlofTes whigh fliall froixi tin^e to time be incurred. by. or happen in or to the faid partnerfliip biifineri*, Aua thai the faicl Giles Man, his ^txtcutors m^d admi-t TiiiViatovfe ihal; be mtitltd to have and receive tlie re- inainiiig one fourth part of the' fold joint llock^ and t'ne intereil and piolits theieof, and ih-ail and will bear and pay one iburth part ot Inch dtbts and loiits as alore- faid. And this indenture fin ther witneiitth, that for and in coniideiatlon oi the fum of dollars to him the faid Samutrl True in hand well and truly paid by the faid Giles Man, at and before the fealing and deli- very of thefe prefci'ts (being one fourth part of the ap- piaifed value of the ftock ot drugs, medicines, and o* ther things of the faid Samuel Ttue hereby intended to be afiigned) the receipt whereof the fold Samuel True, doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of and from cvevy part thereof, doth hereby aequit, exonerate, re- leafe, and forever difcharge the faid Giles Mdn, his ex- ecutors and adminiftrators. Ke the faid Samuel True^ hath bargained, fold and afiigned, and by thefe prcfents doth bargain, fell and afiign unto the faid Giles Man, all that one fourth part (the vvhole into four equal parts to be divided) of and in all the drugs, medicines, fixtures in the Ihop, laboratory, inflrnments, utentils, and other things of the fuid Samuel True mo-e particularly men- tioned, and fet forth in the inventory or particular t];ej e- of, figned by the faid parties to thefe prefents as afore- said Mo have, hold, receive and take all and fingnlar the faid one fourth part of, and m the faid premifes hereby bargained, fold and alTigned, or intended fo to beu. to^hefoid Giles Mur^ his executors, adminiftra- tors and ailigns, as his and their own proper goods and chattels abfolntely and forever. And this indenture further witiiefreth,thatit is alfo as^reed between the faid parties to thefe prefents, that the faid joint bufinefs (hall during the continuance of this copartnei fliip, be carri- ed on and exerciff-d in the fnop l.ir'cnging to the dwdl- iiig-hovfe of him i\it{?iiA Samuel True^ in — aforefaid^ DEE D,. -ibj or in fuch other (liop or houfc as lie thefiiid S-mnucl Tnit iiKiil ai any nmr think comenitut. And thut :iic i^ivAK.) lies Mull ^\\\- DEE D.. ^f^ and thereof and therefrom, fliall and wHl ftive harmlefs and keep indemnified the faid executors and admink Itrators of the faid Giles Man^ and that the Ihare or proportion of the faid Giles Mcui^ of, in and to the fe* veral debts, which at the time of fach his deceale ihall be due and owing to the faid copartnerftiip, fl^all be paid to his faid executors or adminiftrators, when and fo foon as the fame fhall be from time to time got in and received : And the faid Giles' Man doth hereby, for himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiilrators, cove- nant, promifeand agree, to and with the faid Samiial True^ his executors, and adminiilrators, that on the faid Samuel True paying to the faid Giles Man^ fuch one fourth part of the appraifed vahie of the foid joint Itock, and of all money then in hand, (after fuch de- du(:\ions asaforefaid) and otherwife fulfilling his cova^* nant in that refpedl contained as aforefliid, he the faid Giles Man, fliall and will at the cofts and charges o£ the faid Samuel True^ re-affign and make over unto the faid Samuel True^ his executors, adminiilrators and af* figns, all that his one fourth part or fliare of and in the faid then joint ftock, and all his benefit, property and claim therein and thereto ; and alfo fliall and will duly enter into and execute a bond to the faid Samuel True, \vhereby he fliall and will bind himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiilrators, unto' the faid Sarnuel True, his executors, adminiilrators and affigns, in the penalty of dollars, conditioned to be void, in cafe the faid G // and conditions of the faid partnt rfliip herein contained, and without prejudice to the intereft of the faid Giles Maii ; but in cafe before any fuch e- vent fliall happen, thejaid Samuel True fliall be mind* ed and deiirous to* difpofe" of one fourUi part of the faid joint bufinefs,tiie faid Qiles Man is to have the preference or refufai thereof on the following terms, that is to fay, the faid Giles Man to pay to the fliid Sa- Tnntl True, the full value of one fourth part of the ftock of mtdicnies, drugs, and other things then belonging to the faid copartnerfliip, the fame to be appi aifed, and the price fixed by two perfons, of whom each of the faid parties to nominate one, and alfo to pay to the faid Samuel T!'^/^ two years purchafe of the profits of the faid-one fourth part, the fame to be calculated by. the average amount of the clear profits thereof,for the three preceding years; and if the faid Giles il/^n fliall refufe oi neglect to complete the purehafe of fuch fourth part, on the terms and conditions aforefaid, the faid Somuel True is to be at liberty to difpofe thereof, to any in- different peifon regularly brought up to the profeffion or bufinefs of an apothecary, willing to take the fame and become a partner in the find bufinefs ; And the faid Giles Man, doth for himfelf, his executors andad- miniftrators, eovenant, promife, and agree, to and with the faid Samuel True, his executors and adminifira- tors by thefe prefents, in manner following, (that is to fay) in cafe the faid 5^w«^/ Tr/zf' fliall at any time during the faid years, be inclined to quit, and ihali accordingly quit the faid bufinefs, he ths DEED, 477 Faid Gfc Man fiiall and will from time to time account with and pay to the laid SiUniiel I'rue^ lor one moiety or half part of the neat profitb of the faid bufinefs, during all the then remainder of the faid term of years, and in cafe of the death of the faid Samuel Triie^ dur- ing the faid term of years, then that he the faid Giles Man lliall and will from thenceforth, well and truly pay to and account w ith the executors' or ad- mmillrators of the faid Samuel True^ for fuch moiety of the neat profits of the faid bufmefs, from time to time as the fame lliall arife, or upon fuch annual fet- tlement as aforefaid, during all the then remainder of the laid leiin of years, if lie the Hiid Giles Man iliall fo long ilve ; Pi ovided tlie faid Giles Alan Ihall, previous to either of the faid events, have pur- chafcd another fourth part of the laid bufinefs ; but in cafe he lliall have dcclincfl oj .egle6led to mLike fucU purehafe of fuch fourth part, and in confequence there- of, fuch fourth part lliall have been fold to another, or in cafe the faid Samuel True fhall have affigned the faid fourth part to fuch perfon fo becoming his fon-in- law as aforefaid, then and in fuch cafe, the fliid Giles Man, and fuch other perfon fo becoming a partner a\ ith him as aforefaid, fliall and will account with and pay to the faid Samuel True, or in cafe of his deceafe, with his executors or adminiftrators, for a moiety of the neat profits of the faid trade or bufinefs, from thenceforth for and during all the then remainder of the faid partnerftiip term of — years, if the faid Giles Man^ & fuch other partner,orcither of them fliall fo long live ; And further, that in cafe the faid Samuel True, fhall happen to die before he fliall have difpofed of any part of his prefent ihare or intereft in the faid partnerlhip bufinefs, then and in fuch cafe, that he the faid Giles Man, Ihall and will within fix calendar months next after the deceafe of the faid Samuel True, well and truly pay or caufe to be paid unto the executors or D E E D* adminiftrators of the faid Samuel True ^ X\\e fum of i— — dollars, iawfui money of the United /States, and alio one ioLuth part of the value of the then copartner- iliip ilock at the vahie it lliall then be eftimated or ap- piaiftd by two perfons, one of \\hom to be nominated by tne faid Giles Man, and the other by liie faid exe- cutors or admiiiittrators of the foiid Samuel True, as and ior a confideralion (and which Ihall be by them fo accepted) for the faid Giles Man becoming intitled to liave receive and eMJ<.y, and actually receiving and en- joying one other louith pirt or Ihare of the faid then joint Ilock of thefaic; bufjaefs, arjd all profits and ad- vantages which hiaU or raay from time to time from thenceforth arife or be produced for or in refpe6f of fuch part or fhare. And that he the faid Giles Man Ihall arid will fiom thenceforth, for and during all the remainder of the faid partnerlhip term of years, which fliall be then to come, well and faithfully account with and pay to 'he faid executors or adminiftrators of the iliid Saviud True, an equal moiety or half part of the profits and advantages which fliall from time to time arife and be made from the liiid joint buiinefs. And it is hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents, that at the expiration ,Gf the faid term of years, or other fooncr deter- mination of the faid. copartnerlliip, the faid joint flock of drugs, medicines and other things, and the money then in hand belonging to the faid copartnerfliip, and ihe bonds, bills, notes, or other fecurities whereon the fame fliall be then placed or in vefled," together with the feveral debts which fliall be then oi;tilandiug and due to the feiidcopartnerfliip, when and fo foon as the fame Ihall be from time to time got in and received, after de- du6ling all debts which fhall be then due or owing from the faid copartnerfhip, fliall be fliared and divided by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents, or the perfons then entitled thereto, or their refpe6:ive exe-. DEED. 47^ cutors or nclminitlrators, according to tlieir fever al and rtlpcclive rightb,initereil, lliare,c<. propoitioii ••,1 iJi,ortc> the liime. And it is alio agreed by antl betv. ecu lae faid parties to thei'c prclcnts ior theuiiclveb ilverally i..id re- ipectively-^and ior their iev«;ral and rci'ptcuve exLciuors and adminillrators, thatif at any time or times hereaf- ter any difference or controverfy lliall arife or happen between the laid parties, or between the furvivo- of them, and the exeentors or admimllrators ol fuch dc- ceafed partner, touching the iaid joint bulinefs lloek or prolits thereof, or the fettling of any account or ac- eounts relatnig thereto, or any other matter or thing touching the faid copartner Ihip or any thing heieiii contained, that all Inch diilt'renceb HiaU be from time to time referred to the award, final end, and determin- ation of two indifferent perfons, whereof each party fliaii nominate one, and that if the faid two perlbns fliall not agree, the matters in difference within the fpace of one month next after the fame fliall be refer- red tothem, that then it Ihall be in the power of the faid arbitrators to nominate a third perfon as umpire be- tween the faid parties, who iliall have power to deter- mine all matters in difference between them within the fpace of one month next after the reference fliall be made to him as aforefaid, and that the faid parties, their executors or administrators fliall attend fuch ar- bitrators and umpire, and acquaint them of the matters in difference, and of their feveral allegations >n relati- on thereto, at fuch time and place as the faid arbi- trators or umpire fhall appoint, and that in every iiich cafe, each and every of the faid parties, their and each and every of their executors or administrators fliall and M'ill from time to time, on their and each and eve- ry of their parts and behalves, well and truly obey, a- bide by, and perform fuch award, order,, and deter- mination, of and upon the matters and things fo to be referred, as the faid arbitrators, or umpire fliall malvt 486 DEE D. or fet dowa in writing under their hands and feals for that purpofe, ib that the fame be made and ready to be delivered to the feveral parties in difference, or fuch of them as fliall defire the fame, within the refpe6live times hereinbefore limited for thaJt purpofe. In witnefs, &c. Of Dissolution of Copartnership. This indenture tripartite, made the day of in the year , between John Indie ^ of , refiner^ of the firfl: part ; Charles Pale^ of the fame place, re- finer^ of the fccond part ; and Mary Indle^ of , ividow, and James Crow, of , esquire^ executrix and executor of the laft will and teltament of Samuel- Indie, late of , aforefiiid, esquire, deceased, and which faid Mary Indie is alfo a refiduary legatee napi- ed in the faid will of the third part : Whereas by in- denture bearing date on or about the day of ■ which was in the year of our Lord , and made or mentioned to be made between the faid/o^;? Indie of the one part ; ar.d the faid Charles Pale of the other part ; it is witneiTed that the ia\(\John Indie andCharles Pale for the confiderations therein mentioned,did mu*.- tually covenant, confent, and agree, to become and contitiue copartners and joint traders in the art or myfiery of a refiner, and in the tranfa£ting fuch other bufmeis as ihey fliould agree on /or their mutual and equal benef-t and advantage from the day of the date th^reof,for the full term of years from thencenext cnfuing and fully to be complete and ended, if they the faid parties Oiould fo long live, fubje6\ to the pro-- vifoes, conditions and ag cements thereinafter menti- ' aned and contained. And that the money, goods, istenfils and things, then brought into the laid joint DEED. 4J5i trade hv the faid yo/6« Iridic and Charles Pale in equal pr.oportions, and amruinting; in ^allu to the funi of dollars, Ihoukl bt- nfed and employed as the capital (lock tor carryi}i^ on the laid joint trade ; and it was by tiie fame indeniure, aniongft other tlii)i;^s» provided and agreed, that each of them the faid part? ners ihouid during the Wid copartnerfliip, and it the end or determination thereof have a leveral rrghr and intereft of, in and to one full and equal moiety^, or half part of the faid joint Hock and the profits thereof ; and of all money, goods, wares and efte^s belonging there* to, as in and by the iaid in part recited indenture, re* lation being thereunto had, may more fully and at large appear. And whereas the faid parties to the faid re- cited indenture, in purfuance thereof, have carried on the (liid trade in copartuerlhip until the day of the date hereof, and on the day of laft, a general and full account was taken, dated, and made up by and be- tween them the faid John Indie and Charles Pale^ oC all the Itock, wares, merchandifes, goods, ellate, tlebts, and effects, remaining and being in the faid joint trade, or owing or belonging to them on account thereof ; and alfo of all debts and other demands, due and ow- ing by them to any perfon or perfons, for any matter of thing concerning the faid joint trade, or relating there- unto, whereby it appears that the clear or neat balance of the faid copartnerfliip eftatc and effe^s, after dif- charging the debts owing by the faid partners in refpefb thereof, will be fcarce fuflicicnt to anfwer and pay to thts or other eiicchml dilchargcs for all ths faid riioiiies, debts and effects, m d>e name oi" llie faicl Phips ^iaih& eU!er, or otherwiie, as to them the laid Phips J^/<7 the younger, wwd John i^r/cz, Ihall feeni moll prcjper and expedient |» and to uie, take, and pro- Iccute e\eryor any lawlul or equitable courfe or ex- pedient for the recovering^, receiving, and getting in the faid monies, deb.ts andefre6\s,or any part thereof, in the name of liimthefaidPZ>//?i^/jthe elderjointly uith them the faid Vhips ^la the younger, Jobji ^/a, and Robert /rood, or olherw ii'e, as to them the faid Vhipj ^la the } oungcr, and John ^ta (hall feem moll requi- lite and expedient, in as full, ample, and beneficial manner, to all intents and purpofes as they the faicl Vh'ips ^ta the elder \*hip3 ^ta the younger, John ^la, and Robert JVood, might or could do in cafe thefe prefents had not been made. And the faid Vhips ^/a, the elder, for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and admi- iiiftrators, doth covenant promifc and agree to and with the faid Fh/ps ^la the younger, and John ^ta^ their executors and adminiftrators by thefe prefents, that he the faid Vbips ^ia the elder, fiiall and will, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, at the requeil and proper cods and charges in the law of the faid Ph/ps- S^ia the younger, and John or fait, which may be commenced, fued or profecuted for the recovery thereof. And the faid Fbips ^ta the youncrer, and ^obn ^U7, for the confiderations afore- faid, do hereby for themfelves feverally, and for their leveral and refpe^live heite, executors and adminiftra- tors, covenant, promife, grant and agree to and with the faid Vhips ^la the elder, his executors and admin- iftrators, that the faid Fbips ^a the younger, Jobn J^/rt, and Robert IVood^ fome or one of them, their, feme or one of their heirs, executors, or adminiftra- tors, fliall and will, on or before the day of next enfuing the date hereof, well and truly pay or otherwife fatisfy and difcharge all debts whatfoever, contra6led by and now due and owing from them the faid Vb'ips ^la the elder, Fbips ^la the younger, John ^ia, and Robert TFood^ in partnerlhip or other- wife in refpecl of their joint trade and dealing, and jr fball and will, well and fuiuciently indemnify and fave harmlefs the ftiid Fbips ^la the elder, his heirs, exe- cutors, and adminiilrators therefrom, and from and a- gainO: all fuch colls, charges, damages, and expenfcs, as fl:iali or may be recovered againft, or fuftained, ex- pended, or become payable by him or them, for or by reafon or means of the non payment of the fame debts, or any of them, or for or by reafon or meo feme sole she paying all taxes thereon and all necessary and proper repairs thereof or at the request of the said C in writ- mg at anj^ time hereafter to sell and dispose of the said pre- mises or any part thereof and to grant and convey the same or any part "thereof unto the purchaser or purchasers thereof his her or their heirs and assigns for ever in fee simple free and discharged of and from any manner of trust or limitation whatever and to pay and apply the money arising from such sale to and for such uses and purposes as she the said C in writing shall or may from time to time direct limit or appoint and for want of such sale convc}'ance and disposition then DEEDS OF TIIUST. 17 from and after the decease of the said C in trust to g;rant and convey the said premises or such part thereof as shall remain unsolil and undisposed of to such person or persons as at the decease of the said C shall and may he her heirs and legal representatives and in sucii parts shares and proportions as such person and persons shall he entitled to aocordini; to the laws of Pennsylvania regidatino; the descent of real estate in case of intestacy In witness whereof &c. Signetl sealed and delivered 7 in the presence of us 3 Let the execution be proved by one of the subscribing witntsses. Deed of Settlemeiit in consideration of JShtrrias^e^ limiting the Estate to the use of the fVoman till Marriage, then to her sole and separate use, Sj-c. This Indenture made the — day of — in'the year of our Lord 1830 hctwecn A \l of the city of P])iladelphia spinster of the one part and C D and E F both of the said city mer- chants of the" other part Whereas a marria2;e is intenc'ed by divine permission to he had and solemnized between the said A B and G H of the said city merchant and it has been agreed to settle the estate real and personal of the said A B in the manner herein after specified with the consent of the said G H which is testified by his signing this indenture as a witness Now this indenture witnesseth that the said A B in conside- ration of such intended marriage and the purpose aforesaid and also in consideration of one dollar to her in hand paid by the said C D and K F at the time of the execution hereof the receipt whereof is h.ereby acknowledged hath granted bar- gained and sold aliened enfeoffed released and confirmed assigned transferred and set over and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell alien cnfeofT release antl confirm assign transfer and set over unto the said C D and E F their heirs executors administrators and assigns all the estate of the said A B real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever in pos- session reversion or remainder with the appurtenances and all the estate right title interest property claim and demand whatsoever of her the said A B of in and to the same To have and to hold the same with the appurtenances to the said C D and E F their heirs executors administrators and assigns to the use of them the said C D and E F their heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever In trust nevertheless that they the said C D and E F their heirs executors administra- tors or assigns shall pay the rents issues profits interest income and procce(ls thereof to tne said A B while sole and after her marriage shall pay the same to the said A B durin-j; her cover- ture to her sole and separate use and benefit and if the said A B shall survive her intended husband then that they the D 18 DEEDS or TRUST. paid C I") and E F their heiis executors administrators or as- pi^ns sliall grant and convey the said real estate and assi^^n arid transfer the said personal estate to the said A B to the only proper use and behoof of the said A B her heirs execu- tors adn\inistrators and assigns for ever And if the said A B shall not survive her intended husband then that they the said C D and E F tiieir heirs executors administrators or assigns shall grant convey and assign the said real and personal estate to such peison or persons and fur such estate and estates as she the saitl A B shall by any instrument in the nature of a last vviil and testament under her hand and seal executed in the presence of at least two witnesses who shall attest the same by subscribing the same as witnesses notvvitiistanding her co- verture direct limit and appoint And in case of no such ap- pointment and the death of the said A before her intended husband then that they the said C D and E F their heirs ex- ecutors administrators or assigns shall grant convey and assign the said real and personal estate to such person or persons as would be entitled to the same if the said A had survived her intended husband and afterwards died intestate and in such manner and for such quantity of estate as such person or per- sons would in such case be entitled to by law In witness whereof &.c Sig-ned scaled and delivered") in the presence of us 5 Let the execution be proved by one of the subscribing^^ witnesses. Another Deed of Settlement in consideration of Marriage. This Indenture made the — day of — between A B of the city of Philedclphia gentleman of the first part C D of the said city spinster of the second part and E F and G H of the said cily merchants of the third part Whereas a marriage is in- tended by divine permission to be had and solemnized between the said A B and (.' D and whereas the said C D now standetU seised in her demesne as of fee of and in all those messuages or tenements and lots or pieces of ground situate &c (describe the property) together with the appurtenances and also of and in one full equal and undivided fourth part of and in all those messuages lands &c situate &c which descended and canie to her as one of the tiaughters and heirs at law of J D late of the said city gentleman deceased intestate And whereas the said C D is" now possessed of and entitled to a certain mortgage bearing date the — day of — &c recorded at Philadelphia in mortgage book &c made and executed to her by M O of the said city merchant for securing the payment of the just sum of ten thousand dollars on a certain day and time therein men- tioned together with lawful interest half yearly for the same and the said C IJ is also entitled to certain other mortgage DEE03 OP TUUST, 19 debts of five tliousanfl dollars and four lliousand dollars payab'e with interest and to fifty shares of the capital stock of the pre- sident directors and company of the bank of — which are severally held by and in the name of the said K F in trust fur the said C I) Now this indenture wilnesseth that the said C D in consideration of the said intended marriage and Hir settlinj; anil assuring all her estate real ami personal to the uses herein after mentioned and also in considriation of one dollar to her in hand paid by the said K F and Cj 11 at the time of the ex- ecution hereof the receipt whereof is hereby ack,nowle(l5;ed hath granted bargained and sold aliened enfeoffed released and confirmed assigned transferred and set over and by these pre- sents doth grant bargain and sell alien enfeoff release and confirm assign transfer and set over unto the said K F and G II and the survivor of tluMU and the heirs executois ad- ministrators and assigns of such survivor all and singular the aforesaid messuages and lots of ground lands tenements and hereditaments and mortgage monies and interest and bank stock aforesaid and all oilier the estate real and personal whereof the said C I) or the said E F or any other person or persons in trust for her now is or are seised or possessed of interested in or entitled unto either in law or equity in pos- session reversion remainder or expectancy or otherwise how- soever with the appurtenances and all the estate right title Interest property claim and demand wliatsocver of her ilie said CI) of in and to the sanne To have and to hold all an'l singu- lar the said hereby granted and assigned premises with the appurtenances unto the said E F and G II and the survivor of them and the heirs executors atlministrators ami assigns of such survivor to their own proper use an»l behoof f(»r ever In trust nevertheless to such uses upon such trusts and to and for such intents and purposes as are herein after mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same tlu.t is to sav in trust to the use of the said C D until the solemnization of the said intended marriage and from and after the solemni- zation thereof then for an(( tluring the coverture of the said A B and C D upon the following trust that is to say the rents issues and profits of the said messuages lots lands tenements hereditaments and real estate and tlie interests diviilcnds and income of the said mortgages stock and other personal estate to be received and paid over by the said trustees to the said C D for her sole and separate use or to such person or persons as she may from time to time and not by way of anticipation by any writing under her hand direct and appoint the said trustees and the survivor of them and the heirs of such sur- vivor being hereby also empowered to unite in and efl'ect any partition or partitions sale or sales of the real estate alore- said which now is undivided or any part or parts thereof with the other parties interested ia the same and to sell and con- 20 DEEDS OF TRUST. vey in fee simple the share or shares allodnent or allotments ofher the said C D of and in the same and also to sell and convey in fee simple all other the real estate aforesaid whereof the said C 1) now is sole seised as aforesaid and to invest the proceeds of all and every such sale and sales in the names of the said trustees in niort^jages groundrents funded debt of the United States or of any State or city capital stock of any bank or other incorporated company such as she the said C D in vritin"- under her hand shall or may direct and appoint under the same trusts as are herein declared the interest or dividends thereof to be paid to the said C D for her sole and separate use or to her order as aforesaid and to re-invest the principal when paid oft' from time to time in the names of the said trus- tees upon the same trusts and conditions and in like manner as aforesaid and as for and concerning the mortgage securi- ties and bank stock herein before mentioned held as well in the name of the said C 1) as also in the name of the said E F in trust for the said C D it is hereby declared to be lier inten- tion and desire that these securities shall be and remain under the same trusts that are herein declared until the same be sold or paid oft' the dividends and interest thereof in the mean time to be paid to the said C 1) for her sole and separate use or to her order as aforesaid and that when the same shall be paid oft" then the said trustees shall re-invest the principal in the names of the said trustees and upon the trusts herein de- clared in funded debt of the United States or of any State or city capital stock of any bank or other incorporated company such as the said C D by writing under her hand shall or may direct and appoint and in like manner to make alterations or chanties or re-investments of the said stock from time to time upon the same trusts and conditions as may be deemed neces- sary or adviseable and from and immediately after the death of the said C D then in trust to and for such person or per- sons and for such estate or estates and interests as she the said C 1) by any instrument in the nature of a last will and testament shall direct linut and appoint and for want of such last will or appointment then in trust for such of the children of the said C D to be hereafter born as shall be living at her death and the issue of such as may be then deceased their heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever in equal shares as tenants in common so always however that such issue of deceased children if any shall take equally among them that part and share only which his her or their parent would have taken if living and for want of such last will or appointment and of such children and issue of such deceased children then in trust to and for the right heirs of her the said C D accord- ing- to the laws of Pennsylvania and in like manner as if all and every part of the said trust estates were real estate at the time of her decease DEEDS OP TRUST. 21 And the saifl A R for himself his Iieirs executors adminis- trators and asti-ith the said A D's o\vii moiety of the said messuage and lot with the appurtenances in trust to and for such use and uses as she the said A D not- withstanding her coverture by any writing in the nature of a last will and testament under her hand and seal attested by two or more credible witnes?es shall limit and appoint and for want of such limitation or appointment then to the use of the said J K (her intended husband) his heirs and assigs for ever Provided always and it is hereby declared and agreed that tbe true meaning and intent of these presents and of all the parties hereto is that it shall and may he lawful 1o and for the said A D notwithstanding her coverture at any time or times hereafter b}' one or more indenture or indentures or by her last will and testament in writing or by any writing in the nature of a will every of them to be attested by two or more credible witnesses to alter change revoke determine and make void all and every or an}' the estate or estates use or uses be- fore by these presents limited and appointed and that from and after such alteration change revocation determination or making void thereof or any part thereof then these presents shall be and enure for and concerning the said premises or so much thereof as whereof such alteration change revocation or determination shall be had and made to such other use and uses and to the use of such other person or persons and for DEEDS OF 'inUST. 2o such estate and estates and in such sort manner and form as the said A D by the same or by any otlier indenture or in- dentures or by her last wiil and testament in nritinf^ or by any writinj; iix the nature of a will every of them to !)c attest- ed as afon;said shall declare limit and appoint and in default of such limitation or appointment then to the uses intents and purposes herein before by these presents mentioned expressed and declared and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever And the said J K (tfie intended husband) for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth hereby covenant promise grant and agree to and with tha said K F and G H their licirs executors and administrators that he the said J K shall not and will not opj)ose or contest any neces- sary expense to be laid out or employed for the maintenance and education of the said G D agreeably to his said father's will provided such expense be in good reason proportionable to that residue of his said father's estate which he ilcvised and bequeathed to the said A D as well for her own as for her said son's supj)ort and maintenance and shall not and will not at any time hereafter directly or indirectly obstruct litigate or defeat the uses and estates herein before limited and declared or any future revocation or change of the same or any decla- ration and appointment of other uses which the said A D may hereafter make either by her deed or deeds of indenture or by her last will and testament in writing or by any writing in the nature of a will agreeably to the tenor and the true intent and meaning of these presents In witness whereof 5:c (Executed by all the parties.) Deed revoking the uses of I he foregoing Deed and declaring new uses. This Indenture made &c between A K late A D widow and relict of C D late of the city of Philadelphia gentleman deceased and now the wife of J K of the said city nierchunt of the one part and her son G D of the said city merchant now of the full age of twonty-one years and upwards of the other part Whereas in and by a certain indenture tripartite bearing date the eleventh day of July Anno Domini 1S30 made and executed by and between the said A K by her then name of A D of the first part E F and G H botli of the said city gentlemen of the second part and J K of the said city merchant of the third part she the said A K late A D in consideration of a marriage then intended to be had and solem- nized between the said J K and A I) (which said intended mar- riage hath since taken eflbct) and for other the considerations therein mentioned did grant convey and confirm unto the said E F and G II and their heirs (then proceed in reciting the fore- going deed at lar^e including in the recital the power to revoke in hsec verba) as in and by the said recited indenture recorded E 28 DEEDS OF TRUST. at Philadelphia in deed book &c at large appears Now this indenture witnesseth that the said A K late A D for and in con- sideration of the natural love and atfection which she hath and beareth for her only son the said G 1) and also of one dollar lawful money to her in hand paid by her son the said G I) the receipt whereof she doth hereby acknowledge hath in pursu- ance of the powers and authorities to her reserved and given in and by tlie said recited indenture declared limited and ap- pointed and by these presents doth declnre limit and appoint that the legal estate in them the said E F and G H and their heirs vested in and by the said recited indenture shall hence- forth operate stand and enure to and for the uses intents and purposes following and no other that is to say to and for the only proper use benefit and behoof of her son the said G D his heirs and assigns for ever And the said A K late A D doth by these presents revoke annul and destroy all former use or uses by her heretofore lim/iled and appointed of and in the premises aforesaid or any part thereof any thing in the before recited indenture tripartite or any subsequent instrument of writing to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding In testi- mony whereof she the said A K late A D in pursuance and by virtue of the powers and authorities to her reserved and in her vested as aforesaid hath hereunto set her hand and seal in the presence of two credible witnesses the day and year first above written. Signed sealed and delivered") in the presence of us 3 -^^ ^- C"^- ''•) Let the execution of this be proved by one of the subscribing witnesses. Deed of Trust of the Wife's Estate made after MarriagCy upon a Separation of the Husband and Wife. This Indenture made &c between A B of the city of Phi- ladelphia Esquire and C his wife of the one part and D E and F G both of the said city Esquires of the other part Whereas H I of — (who was the grandmother of the said C) in and by her last will and testament in writing bearing date the — day of — in the year of our Lord — did give devise and bequeath unto the said C her heirs and assigns for ever all that mes- suage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate &c and also one full equal third part of all the rest residue and re- mainder of her the said testatrix's estate real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever as in and by the said recited last will and testament duly proved and filed of record in the Re- gister's office at Philadelphia fully appears And whereas J K who was the uncle of the said C in and by his last will and testament in writing lifiaring date &c duly proved and of re- cord in the Register's office aforesaid did give devise and bequeath one full equal fourth part of all his estate real and personal unto his niece the said C her heirs executors administra- tors and assigns for ever And whereas LM who was the mother D£EDS OF TttUST. 27 of the snid C lately died intestate seised of divers mcssuap^es lots lands tenements hereditanncnts and real estate situate kc and also possessed of and entitled to personal estate to a considera- ble amount by reason wiicreof one full equal and undivided fifth part of the same estate real and personal descended and came to the said C as one of her heirs at law Now this Inden- ture witnesseth that the said A B and C his wife as well for and in consideration of one dollar lawful money unto them in hand well and tndy paid by the said I) E and F G at the time of the execution hereof the receipt whereof is hereb]^ acknow- ledij^ed as also for divers other good and vahiablc causes and considerations them thereunto especially moving have and by these presents do grant bargain and sell alien enfeoff re- lease and confirm assign transfer and set over unto the said D E and F G their heirs executors administrators and assigns all and singular the messuages lots of ground lands tenements hereditaments and real estate and all and singular the monies Jewells plate goods chattels and effects of wliat nature or kind soever which 'she the said C B is now seised or possessed of or entitled unto or which the said A B in her right is seised or possessed of or entitled unto by force and virtue of the above recited last wills and testaments of the said H 1 and J K respectively or by descent or othenvise from her mother the said L M and also all debts legacies and choses in action of what nature or kind soever which she the said C or the said A in right of the said C is entitled to by virtue of the wills and descent aforesaid together with all and singular the rights liberties privileges imnmnities hereditaments and appurte- nances whatsoever to the same belonging and the reversions and remainders rents issues and prolits thereof and all tlie estate right title interest property claim and demand whatso- ever of the said A B and C his wife and of each of them either in law or equity of in to and out of the same To have and to hold receive and take all and singular the said premises here- by' o-ranted bargained sold and assigned with the appurte- nances unto the said D E and F G their heirs executors ad- ministrators and assigns to their own proper use and behoof for ever Upon this sj)ecial trust and confidence and to the end intent and purpose that they the said trustees and the survi- vor of them and the heirs executors administrators and assigns of such survivor shall be and stand seised and possessed of all and singular the premises hereby granted and assigned to and for the sole and' separate use benefit and behoof of the said C B her heirs and assigns forever in as full and ample a man- ner as if she were sole and unmarried and shall receive the rents issues and profits of the said real estate and pay over the same to the said C B or to her order in writing who shall not- withstanding her coverture receive and dispose of the same to and for her sole and separate use without the intervention or control of her husband or of any person or persons claim- 28 DEEDS OF TRUST. ing under him or in his right and without i)cing subject or liable in any way or manner whatever to her husband's debts contracts or engagements And upon this further trust and confidence that the said C B notwithstanding her coverture and whether she be covert or sole shall have full power to dispose of all or any part of the said premises hereby granted and assigned by gift grant deed or writing in the nature of a will to such person or persons and for such estate and estates as she may think proper And the said trustees and the survi- vor of them and the heirs or assigns of such survivor shall and will do and execute all such acts matters and things in deed or in law as may be necessary to carry into effect such dispo- sitions so as aforesaid to bQ made by tlie said C B by virtue hereof And the said A B for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth hereby covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said D E and F G their heirs executors and administrators that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said D E and F G and the survivor of them and the heirs ex-: ecutors or administrators of such survivor to commence and prosecute to final effect one or more actions or suits for the recovery of the debts legacies and choses in action hereby as- signed and for that purpose to use the name of the said A B and C his wife or either of them as occasion may require and that he or they shall not and will not in any manner with- draw release discontinue or directly or indirectly impede the progress of the said suit or suits and that he the said A B shall and will ratify and confirm all dispositions to be made by the said C B by virtue hereof b}^ deed grant or writing in nature of a will or otherwise howsoever In witness &c* * This form was suggested and approved by the Counsel of the wife, — but I think it might have been improved by a more definite disposition of tlie personal propert}', including the proceeds of the debts, legacies, and choses in action, when recovered; and by extending to the Trustees, in addition to the authority to bring actions for the recovery of the debts, leg- acies, &c. the power to join with the other persons interested in the undi- vided real estate in agreeing upon and making partition tliereof, or for that purpose to bring actions, or to receive summons in partition, in any court of competent jurisdiction, and to enter into agreements, and to give and ac- cept all notices, &c. and to do all acts needful and necessary to complete such pi'oceedings. It may be proper to observe that Deeds of Trust, as well as other conveyances, must be proved or acknowledged — and where the estate of a femme covert is intended to be passed, an acknowledgment and sepa- rate examination before the proper officer is indispensible to effect that object: — and that Deeds of conveyance, made in pursuance and execution of powers of appointment, must refer to the instruments in wliich such powers are reserved, and should state expressly, that they are made in pursuance and by virtue of such powers. RELEASE OF OUOUNDHKXT. 29 Deed of Release of Groundrent, which had been reserved to the uses of a 3f(irrias(r Seltlcinent, vuulc in pursuance of a proviso in the Groniulrcnt Deed. The Release by Jittorney duly authorized. This Indenture made the — day of — in the year of our Lord &e between A B and C 1) of the county of — in the State of New York F>squires by E F of the city of Phihidel- phia in the Sbite of Pennsylvania merchant their, attorney duly constituted with full power by letter of attorney under the hands and seals of the said A \\ and C 1) duly executed bearins; date the tenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eij^ht and recorded at Philadelphia in letter of attorney book &.c of the one part and G H of the city of Philadelphia aforesaiti merchant of the other part Whereas the said A B and C D by their said attorney by indenture bearing date the fourth day of June Anno Domini 182S did frant convey and assure unto J K of the said city of Phila- elphia merchant and to his heirs and assigns a certain lot or piece of ground situate &:c (describing the lot) together with the appurtenances to hold to him the said J K his heirs and assigns for ever Yielding and paying therefor and thereout unto the said A B and C D their heirs and assigns to and for the same and like uses that are mentioned and expressed in certain agreements and settlements in consideration of mar- riage between the said E F and Mary his wife the yearly rent or sum of two hundred dollars lawful money of the United States of America in two even and equal half yearly portions on the first day of the months of January and July in each and every year thereafter for ever free and clear of and from all deductions or abatements for or on account of any taxes charges or assessments whatsoever In which said recited in- denture is contained a proviso that if the said J K his heirs or assigns should at any time within the space or term of seven years from the date thereof well and truly pay unto the said A B and C D their heirs or assigns for the uses of the settle- ment and marriage contract afoiesaid the sum of three thou- sand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents lawful money aforesaid over and besides the said yearly rent thereby reserved in the mean time accruing then and immediately from and after such payment the said yearly rent thereby reserved should cease and become extinct for ever and tlvat they the said A B and C D their heirs or assigns shouUl immediately thereafter well and sullicientl}' extinguish the said yearly rent accordingly and grant and release all their estate and interest in the said lot or piece of ground with the appurtenances unto the said J K his heirs and assigns for ever as in and by the said recited indenture recorded at Philadel- so RELEASE OF GROUNDUENT. phia in deed book G W R No — page — &c relation being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear And whereas the said J K and L his wife in and' by a certain in- denture bearing date the tenth day of March Anno Domini one thousand eight bundled and twenty-nine granted con- veyed and assured the above described lot or piece of ground with the messuage thereon erected and other the appurte- nances unto the aforesaid G H party hereto his heirs and as- signs for ever subject to the aforesaid yearly groun(h^ent as in and by the said last recited indenture recorded at Philadelphia in deed book G W R No — page — relation being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear Now this indenture witnesseth that the said A B and C D by their attorney in fact the said E F duly constituted as aforesaid for and in con- sideration of the sum' of — being the extinction money afore- said besides the arrears of the said groundrent accrued to the date hereof unto them for the uses of the settlement and mar- riage agreement aforesaid well and truly paid by the said G H at or before the sealing and delivery hereof the receipt where- of is hereby acknowledged have remised released and for ever quit-claimed and extinguished and by these presents in pur- suance of the proviso contained in the said first above recited indenture do remise release and for ever quit-claim and ex- tinguish unto the said G H his heirs and assigns forever All that the aforesaid yearly rent charge or groundrent of two hundred dollars charged upon and issuing and payable for and out of the above described lot or piece of ground with the appurtenances and all the ways means and remedies for the recovery thereof and all the rights and incidents thereunto belonging And the said A B and C D by their said attorney for the consideration aforesaid have and by these presents do grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said G H his heirs and assigns all that the above described lot or piece of ground together with the appurtenances and the reversions and remainders thereof and all the estate right title interest trust property claim and demand whatsoever of them the said A B and C D either in law or equity of in and to the same 1 o have and to hold the said described lot or piece of ground hereditaments and premises hereby granted released and con- firmed with the appurtenances unto the said G H his heirs and assigns to and for his and their only proper use and be- hoof for ever so that they the said A B and C D and their heirs respectively or any or either of them or any other per- son or persons lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under them or any or either of them shall not at any time hereafter have claim challenge or demand any right of entry rent or rent charge or any estate right title or interest of in to or out of the above described lot or piece of ground or any part or parcel thereof with the appurtenances but of and from all such RELEASE OF GrounDRENT. SI claims and demands shall be utterly excluded and barred for ever by virtue of these presents In witness &c* Another Release of Groxindront. This Indenture made &c between A B of the city of Phila- delphia merchant and Ann his wife of the one paVt and C D of the said city carpenter of the other part Whereas the said A li in and by a certain indenture I)earin2; date the — day of — granted and conveyed unto the said C D his iiei^rs and as- si<:^ns all tliat certain lot or piece of ground situate &c toge- ther with the appurtenances lo hold to him the said (' D his heirs and assigns for ever Yielding and paying therefor and thereout unto the said AB his heirs and "assigns the yearly rent or sum of fifty dollars lawful silver money of the United Slates of America in two even and equal half yearly portions on the first day of January and July in each and cverv year thereafter for ever free and clear of and from all deductions or abatements for or on account of any taxes charges or assess- ments whatsoever as in and by the'said recited indenture re- corded at Phila(lelj)hia in deed book &c fully appears Now this indenture witnesscth that the said A li and Ann his wif^ for and in consideration of the sum of eight hundred dollars lawful money of the United States.unto them in hand well and truly paid by the said C T) at the time of the execution hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have and by these presents do grant bargain sell remise release and for ever quit-claim and extinguish unto the said C D his heirs and assigns all that the aforesaid yearly rent charge or ground- rent of fifty dollars lawful silver money aforesaid charged and chargeable u])on and issuing and payable for and out of the above described lot or piece of ground with the appurtenances- and all right and power of entry and distress and of re-entry and allfother the ways means and remedies for the recovery thereof and all and singular the rights incidents and appurte- nances whatsoever thereunto belonging and the reversions and remainders thereof and all the estate right title interest property claim and demand whatsoevtr of him the said A B and Ann his wife either in law or equity as well of in and to the said yearly rent charge or groundrcht hereby granted re- leased and extinguished as also of in and to the above de- scribed lot or piece of ground with the appurtenances for and out of which the same rent is issuing and payable To have and • Tliis Deed should be executed by the Attorney in the names of his con- Btitucnts, and should have affixed as well his seal as also the seals of his constituents — thus: A B (seal) C D (seal) By their Attorney in fact E F " (seal) See the Form of Ackno\vlcd£^miut for this Dcwl under the head of Aeknowledgmcnn, ^c. 32 APPORTIONMENT OF ttROUNDRENT. to hold the said yearly rent charge or groundrcnt of fifty dol- lars and all other the premises hereby granted released and extinguished with the rights rennedies incidents and appur- tenances unto the said C D his heirs and assigns to and for the only proper use and behoof of him the said C D his heirs and assigns for ever And tlie said A B for himself and his heirs all the aforesaid yearly rent charge or groundrent of fifty dollars and all other the premises hereby granted re- leased and extinguislied with the rights remedies incidents and appurtenances unto the said C l) his heirs and assigns against himself the said A B and his heirs and against all and every other person and persons whomsoever lawfully claim- ing or to claim by from or under him them or any of them shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these presents In witness whereof &c If it he desired that the Release be endorsed upon the Groundrent Deed, it may be made shorter; because, in such case, the Groundrent Deed need not be recited. The last preceding form is presented on two accounts. First, because it often happens that it must necessarily be drawn on I a separate paper or parchment; and secondly, because, with but a very slight alteration, it may be adapted to the circum- stance of a sale of the groundrent. This may be effected by omitting the words "extinguish" or "extinguished," wher- ever they occur, and substituting, in their places, the words "assign" and "assigned." — The words of the grant, in the case of a sale, being " have and by these presents do grant " bargain and sell assign transfer and set over release convey " and confirm." In all other i^espects the form is well adapted to a conveyance of the groundrent to a purchaser. Deed of Apjmrtionment of a large Grouiidrent^issuing out of a large lot of ground. This Indenture made the — day of — in the year of our Lord 1830 between A B of the city of Philadelphia merchant and C his wife of the one part and D E of the said city house- carpenter of the other part Whereas the said A B and C his wife in and by a certain indenture bearing date the — day of — one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five did grant and convey unto the said D E his heirs and assigns all that cer- tain large lot or piece of ground situate &c together with the appurtenances to hold to him the said D E his heirs and as- signs for ever Yielding and paying therefor and thereout unto the said A B his heirs and assigns the yearly rent or sum of four hundred dollars lawful silver money of the United States of America in equal half yearly portions on the first day of the months of April and October in each and every )^ear there- after for ever free and clear of and from all deductions or abatements for or on account of any taxes charges or assess- APPORTIONMENT OF CROUXDUENT. 33 ments whatsoever as in and by the said recited indenture recorded at Philadelphia in deed book — fully appears And whereas the said D E havins; found by experience that it is greatly detrimental and injurious to his interest that each and every part of the above described lare;e lot of 2;round should be subject and liable to the j)ayment of the whole of the afore- said yearly fj;roundrcnt of four hundred dollars hath besought and requested the said A B to apportion the said yearly groundrent and to sever the same and fix the same in several parts to arise respectively out of the several parts and parcels of the said larfj;c lot of ground as herein after is mentioned and expressed Now this indenture witnesseth that the said A B and C his wife in compliance with the said request of the said D E and in consideration thereof and of one dollar lawful money to them in hand well and truly paid by the said D E at the time of the execution hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have and by these presents do covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said D E his heirs and assigns that the whole of the said yearly groundrent of four hundred dollars aforesaid shall from and after the date of these presents be and stand severed and apportioned and that the herein after described lots of ground parts and parcels of the above described laige lot shall separately be liable only* for such part of the said whole grouiulrent as herein after is mentioned that is to say that the yearly rent of one hundred dollars lawful silver money aforesaid payable in equal half yearly portions on the first day of the months of April and October in each and every year hereafter fur ever free and clear of and from all deductions or abatements for or on ac- count of any taxes charges or assessments whatsoever and no more shall be charged demanded and received for and out of all that lot or piece of ground part and parcel of the above do- scribed large lot situate &,c (describing it) with the appurte- nances'as and for its full proportion of and towards the said whole yearly groundrent of four hundred dollars reserved out of the whole of the said large lot of ground as aforesaid that the yearly rent of one hundred dollars lawful silver money aforesaid payable in equal half yearly portions on the first day of the months of April and October in each and every year hereafter for ever free and clear of and from all deductions and abatements for or on account of any taxes charges or as- sessments whatsoever and no more shall be charged demanded and received for and out of all that lot or piece of ground other part and parcel of the above described large lot situate &c (describing it) with the appurtenances as and for its full pro- portion of and towards the said whole yearly groundrent of four hundred dollars reserved out of the whole of the said large lot of ground as aforesaid That the yearly rent of one F 34 APPOUTIOJTMEKT OF GROUNDHENT. hundred dollars lawful silver money aforesaid payable in equal half yearly portions on the first day of tlie months of April and October in each and every year hereafter for ever free and clear of and from all deductions or abatements for or on account of any taxes charges or assessments whatsoever and no more sltall be charged demanded and received for and out of all that lot or piece of ground other part and parcel of the above described large lot situate &c (describing it) with the appurtenances as and for its full proportion of and towards the said whole yearly groundrent of four hundred dollars reserved out of the whole of the said large lot of ground as aforesaid and that the yearly rent of one hundred dollars lawful silver money aforesaid payable in equal half yearly portions on the first day of the months of April and October in each and every year hereafter for ever free and clear of and from all deduc- tions and abatements for or on account of any taxes charges or assessments whatsoever and no more shall be charged de- manded and received for and out of all that lot or piece of ground other part and parcel and the residue of the above de- scribed large lot situate &.c (describing it) with the appurte- nances as and for its full proportion of and towards the said .whole yearly groundrent of four hundred dollars reserved out of the whole of the said large lot is aforesaid So that he the said A B his heirs or assigns shall not at any time hereafter for ever have claim challenge or demand any right of entry distress or re-entry or any other right whatever of in or to either of the aforesaid last described four lots or pieces of ground other than merely and solely for its own several and particu- lar apportioned yearly rent aforesaid any thing in the said herein above recited indenture from the said A B and C his wife to the said D E contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding the first half yearly payment of the said four several apportioned yearly rents respectively to be made on the first day of April next ensuing the date hereof And it is hereby mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents that if default be made in the payment of any or either of the said four several apportioned yearly rents on the days and times in each and every year whereon the same respectively ought to be paid as aforesaid then it shall be lawful for the said A B his heirs or assigns with respect to the lot and lots of ground last above described to and among which the whole yearly ground-rent aforesaid is apportioned in manner aforesaid whose several particular and apportioned yearly rent aforesaid 'shall be behind and unpaid to enter into and upon such lot and lots and the buildings thereon to be erected or any part thereof and levy the said ap- portioned rent in arrear with costs and charges by distress and sale of the goods and chattels there found in manner and form that rents now are or hereafter shall be by law recovera- APPORTIONMENT OF GROUNDRENT. 35 ble and if distress sufficient to satisfy such apportioned yearly rent in arrear and the costs and charges of levying the satne cannot be found and taken in and upon the said htt or lots for and out of which the said apportioned yearly rent in arrear is hereby charged to be paid and to issue as aforesaid then it shall be lawful for the said A B his heirs or assigns into and upon such lot or lots and the buildings thereon to be erected or any part thereof to re-enter and the same to have again re- possess and enjoy as in his and their first and former estate and title in the same And the said I) E for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth hereby covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said A B his heirs and assigns that he the said D K his heirs or assigns shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said AB his heirs or assigns all the said four several apportioned yearly rents aforesaid when and as the same shall respectively from time to time grow due and payable as aforesaid according to the true intent and mean- ing of these presents and that free and clear of and from all deductions or abatements for or on account of any taxes charges or assessments whatsoever it being^ the express agree- ment of the said parties that he the said 1) E his heirs and as- signs shall over and besides the said four several apportioned yearly rents aforesaid well and truly pay and discharge all and singular the taxes charges rates impositions and assess- ments whatsoever which by virtue of any law or ordinance now in existence or hereafter to be made now are and shall and may be laid imposed or assessed either on or for the said four last above described lots or pieces of ground and the buildings thereon to be erected or on or for the said four seve- ral apportioned yearly rents hereby charged to be tliereout respectively issuing as aforesaid without any allowance to be made for the same Provided always nevertheless and the said A B for liimsclf his heirs executors administrators and assigns doth covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said D E his heirs and assigns by these presents that if the said D E his heirs executors administrators or assigns shall and do at any time within the space of seven years from and next after the first day of April next ensuing the date hereof well and truly pay or make legal tender to pay to the said A B his heirs or assigns the just and full sum of one thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents lawlul money aforesaid for any one of the said four several appor- tioned yearly rents aforesaid over and besides all arrearages of such apportioned yearly rent in the mean time to accrue or at and after the same rate for all and every or any of the said four several apportioned yearly rents then and immediately upon such payment or legal tender so made such one or more or all and every of the said four several apportioned yearly 88 GROUNDRENT DEED. rents that the said D E his heirs or assigns shall desire to have extinguished shall cease and determine and the covenant for payment thereof so far as respects the apportioned rent or rents intended to be extinj>uished sliall be void and of none effect and thereupon the said A B his heirs or assigns shall and will by some proper deed or assurance in the law grant release and extinguish such one or more or all and every of the said four several apportioned yearly rents as it may be desired by the said D E his Jieirs or assigns to have extinguisheil and all his and their right claim interest and demand in or to the said lot or lots of ground for and out of which the said rent or rents intendeil to be extinguished has or have been apportioned to be payable as aforesaid witli the appurtenances unto the said D E his heirs and assigns for ever any thing herein before or in the said herein above recited indenture from the said A B and C his wife to the said D E contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding In witness whereof &c (To be executed, with a counterpart, by all the parties.) Growidrent Deed. This Indenture made the — day of — in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty between A B of the city of Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania gentle- man and Mary his wife of the one part and C D of the said city house carpenter of the other part Witnesseth that the said A B and Mary his wife as w^ell for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar law^ful mone}^ unto them at or before the sealing and delivery hereof by the said C D well and truly- paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged as of the payment of the yearly rent and taxes and performance of the covenants and agreements herein after mentioned which on the part of the sa'id C D his heirs and assigns is and are to be paid and performed have granted bargained sold aliened en- feoffed released and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell alien enfeoff release and confirm unte the said C D his heirs and assigns all that certain lot or piece of ground situate &c (here describe the property) [being part and parcel of a large lot of ground which E F of the said city Esquire and Ann his wife by indenture bearing date the — day of — in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five recorded in the office for recordin,^ of deeds in and for the city and county of Philadelphia In deed book G W R No — page — ifcc granted and conveyed unto the said A B in fee] Together with the free use and privilege of the aforesaid three feet wide alley leading from the northend of the said hereby granted lot of ground^ into — street afore- said and of ingress egress and regress into upon through along OROUNDIIRNT DEKD. ST and out of the same alley at all times hereafter for ever in common with the said A B his heirs and assio;ns owners tenants and occupiers of the other lots of 2;round bounding thereon Also the free and uninterrupted riijhl libertv and privilege of a watercourse in upon and throuu;li the saiti alley from the said hereby granted lot of ground into — street aforesaid and also to lay in the said alley pipes of conduit and therein to introduce the Schuylkill water from the main pipe laid in the said — street into the said hereljy granted premises and to maintain and keep and from time to time to repair and renew the said pipes of conduit in and throughout 'the. said alley as often as need be or occasion shall require without any molestation or interruption whatsoever And together with all and singular the buildings ways streets alleys passages waters water courses rights liberties privileges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever unto the said hereby granted pre- mises belonging or in any wise appertaining and the rever- sions and remainders thereof To have and to hold the said described lot or piece of ground hereditaments and premises hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said C D his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said C D his heirs and assigns forever Yielding and paying there- for and thereout unto the said A B his heirs and assigns the yearly rent or sum of sixty dollars lawful silver money of the tjnited States of America each dollar weighing seventeen pennyweights and six grains at least in two equal half yearly payments on the first day of the months of January and July in every year hereafter" for ever without any deduction de- falcation or abatement for or on account of any taxes charges or assessments whatsoever to be assessed either on and for the said hereby granted lot and the buildings thereon erected or to be erected" or on and for the said yearly rent hereby and thereout reserved the fn-st half yearly payment thereof to be made on the first day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one And on default of paying the said yearly rent on the days or times and in manner aforesaid it shall and may be lawful for the said A B his heirs and assigns into and upon the said hereby granted premises or any part thereof and into the buildings thereon erected or to be erected to enter and levy the rent arrear with costs and charges by distress and sale of the goods and chattels there found in manner and form that rents now are or hereafter shall be by law recoverable But if sufficient distress cannot be found and taken upon the said hereby granted premises to satisfy tlie said yearly rent in arrear and the costs and charges of levying the same then and in such case it shall and may be lawful for the said A B his heirs and assigns into and upon the said hereby granted lot and all improvements thereon wholly to re-enter and the same to have again repossess and enjoy as in his and their first and former estate and title in the same and as though this S8 GROUNDREXT DIED. indenture had never been made And the said C D for him- self his heirs executors administrators and assigns doth cove- nant promise and agree to and with the said A B his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the said C D his he.irs and assigns shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said A B his heirs and assigns the aforesaid yearly rent or sum of sixty dollars lawful silver money aforesaid on the days and times in each and. every year for ever herein before mentioned and appointed for payment thereof without any deduction defalcation or abatement for or on account of any iaxes charges or assessments whatsoever it being the ex- press agreement of the said parties that the said C D his heirs and assigns shall over and t^esides the said yearly rent hereby reserved pay all taxes whatsoever that shall hereafter be laid levied or assessed by virtue of any laws whatever as well on the said hereby granted lot and buildings thereon erected or to be erected as on the said yearly rent now charged thereon without any allowance to be made for the same Also that he the said C I) his heirs or assigns shall and will within twelve months from the date hereof erect build and finish upon the said hereby granted lot one good substantial brick dwelling house of sufficient value to secure the said yearly rent hereby reserved* Provided always nevertheless That if the said C D his heirs or assigns shall and do at any time within seven years from the date hereof pay or cause to be paid to the said A B his heirs or assigns the just and full sum of one thousand dol- lars lawful money aforesaid and the arrearages of the said yearly rent to the time of such payment thenthe said yearly rent hereby reserved shall for ever thereafter cease and be extinguished and the covenant for payment thereof shall be- come void and then he the said A B his heirs or assigns shall and will at the proper costs and charges in the law of the said C D his heirs or assigns by some proper deed or assur- ance in the law to be well and sufficiently executed and ac- knowledged grant release and extinguish the said yearly rent hereby reserved and all his and their estate and interest in and to the said lot of ground hereby granted with the appur- tenances unto the said C D his heirs and assigns for ever any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof notwith- standing And the said A B for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said C D his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the • If it be intended that the groundrent be irredeemable, then this pro- viso must be omitted — so also, if the tenant is not to be bound to improve, the covenant to build must also be omitted. There must be a counterpart of this deed; and both the deed and its counterpart must be executed and acknowledged by all the parties to it. See the form of acknowledgment for husband and wife, under the head of acknowledgments, &c. which is^suitably adapted to this deed; to which add the insertion of the name of the tenant. DEED OP CONVEYANCE SUBJECT TO MORTGAGE. 39 said C D his heirs and assigns paying the said yearly rent and taxes or extinguishing the said rent by purchase and performing the covenants and agreements aforesaid shall and may at all times hereafter for ever freely peaceahly and quietly have hold and enjoy all and singular the premises hereby granted with the appurtenances and receive and take the rents issues and profits thereof without any molestation inteiTuption or eviction of him the said A B or his heirs or of any other person or per- sons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him them or any of t^iem or by or with his their or any of their act means consent or procurement In witness whereof the said parties have interchangeably set their hands and seals hereunto Dated the day and year first above written Sealed and delivered in the 7 presence of us 3 Form of a Conveyance, in which part of the purchase money, to be secured by a mortgage, is expressly charged^ in the conveyance, ujjon the bargained property. Tins Indenture made &c between A li of the city of Phila- delphia Esquire and C his wife of the one part and 1) E of (!»e said city carpenter of the other part witnesseth that the'said A B and C his wife as well for and in consiilcraiion of the sum of one thousand dollars lawful money of the United Slates (part of the purchase money) unto them in hand well and truly paid by the said D E at or before the sealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged as also iii consideration of the further sum of two thousand dollars like money (the residue of the purchase money) to be secured to be paid with interest by a mortgage of the lot or piece of ground herein after described to be made and given by the said D E to the said A B and to be executed by the said D E at the in- stant next after the execution of this indenture and fortiiwith acknowledged and recorded have granted bargained and sold aliened enfeoffed released and confirmed and by these presents they the said A B and C his wife do grant bar;:ain and sell alien enfeoff' release and confirm unto the said D E Ins heirs and assigns subject to the said mortgage to be executed as aforesaid All that certain lot or piece of ground situate &c together also with all and singular the wavs alleys passages waters water courses rights liberties privileges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversions and remainders rents issues and profits thereof and all the estate riglit title interest property claim and demand whatsoever of him the said A B and C his wife cither in law or equity of in and to the same To have and to hold the said described lot or piece of ground hereditaments and premises hereby granted with the a[)purte- 40 RELEASE OF DOWKR. nances unto the said D E his heirs and assi;2;ns to and fcr the onlv prapcr use and behoof of liim the said D E his heirs and assio-ns lur ever subject nevertheless to and hereby expressly charged and made chargeable with the payment of the afore- said principal sun> of two thousand dollars and the interest to accrue thereon to be secured by the said mortgage to be ex- ecuted by the said D E and acknowledged and recorded as aforesaid And the said A B for Ijimself his heirs executors and administrators doth covenant grant aad agree to and with the said D K his heirs and assigns, by these presents that he the said A B and his heirs the said described lot or piece of ground hereditaments and premises hereby granted with the appurte- nances unto the said D E his heirs and assigns subject and charged as aforesaid against himself the said A B and his heirs and against all and every other person and persons whomso- ever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him them or any of them shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these presents. In witness &c Release of Dower, by Husband and Wife, the Husband having previously sold and conveyed to the purchaser. To all to whom, these presents shall come A B of — in the State of New York yeoman and C his wife send greeting Whereas the said A B by indenture bearing date the seventli day of March last past for the consideration therein mentioned hath granted bargained sold aliened enfeofted released and confirmed unto D E of the city of Pliiladelphia hatter his heirs and assigns all that certain messuage and lot or piece of ground situate ik,c together with the appurtenances to hold to him the said D E his heirs and assigns for ever And whereas it was the intent of the said partii'S at the time of the contract for the bargain and sale of the said preniises to the said D E that the saitl C the wife of the said A B should be barred of her right of dower of and in the premises in case she should sur- vive her said husband but she not being at the city of Phi- ladelphia at the time could not be made a party to the said indenture but is nevertheless willing and desirous to carry the said contract into execution Now therefore know ye that Ihe said A B and C his wife for and in consideration of the premises above set forth and of the further sum of one dollar to them in hand paid at the time of the execution hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have remised released and for ever quit-claimed and by these presents do remise re- lease and for ever quit-claim unto the said D E his heirs and assigns for ever all and all manner of dower and right and title and claim of dower whatsoever of in and to the said mes- suage and lot or piece of ground with the appurtenances which may accrue to her the said C by the death of her said husband DEED FROM A CORPORATION. 41 in her lifelime so that lie the said D K his heirs and assijjns shall and may have hold and enjoy the said mes^uajre and lot or piece of ground and premises with th*^ appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof fur ever freely and clearly ex- onerated and discharged from the said right title and claim of dower as luilv as if she the said C had heen a party to the said above recited indenture and had execiiteil and in due form of law acknowledged the same and so that neither she the said (' nor any person or persons for her or in her name any manner of dower or writ or action of dower or any other right title claim or demand of in or to the said premises or any part fhereof at any time hereafter shall or may have claim challenge demand or prosecute against the said D E his heiis and assigns or any of them but of and from the same shall be utterly barred and for ever excluded by these presents In witness whereof the said A B and C his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the — day of — ike Deed from a Corporation, and proof of its Execution. This Indenture made the — day of — in the year of our Lord &c between the corporation by the name st)]e and title of" I'hc President Directors and Company of the Bank of the " United States" of the one part and A B of the city of Phi- ladelphia in the State of Pennsylvania s;entleman of the other part Witnesseth that the said The president directors and com- pany of the bank of tlie United States for and in consideration of the sum of — lawful money of the United States unto them in hand well and truly paid hy the said A B at the time of the execution hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledi>;'id have granted bargained and sold aliened enfeolled releasefl and confirmed and by these presents do grant hnrgain and sell alien enfeofT release and confirm unto the said A B and to his heirs and assigns All that certain brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging situate on the south side of — street between the Front and Second streets from Delaware in the city of Philadelphia aforesaid containing in front or hreadth on the said — street — feet and in Icngtii or dej)th — feet bounded &.c [being the same premises which C D of the said city merchant in and by a certain indenture bearing date the — day of — one thousand eight hundred and twenty recorded at Philadelj^hia in deed book — No — page — &c granted and conveyed unto K F of the said city merchant in fee and which G H Esq High Sherifl'of the city and county of Philadelphia did sei/.e and take in execution as the estate of the said E F- by virtue of legal process issued out of the district court in and for the city and county of Philadelphia at the suit of J K and which the said Sheriff did sell and bv deed-poll under his hand and G 42 DEED FROM A CORPORATION; seal duly executed bearing date the — day of — one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five acknowledged in open district court aforesaid and entered amongst the records of the said court in Sheriflf's deed book C page &c did grant convey and confirm unto the said The president directors and company of the bank of the United States their successors and assigns for ever] Together also with all and singular the buildings im- provements ways alleys passages waters water courses rights liberties privileges hereditaments and appurtenances whatso- ever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversions and remainders rents issues and profits thereof and all the estate right title interest property claim and demand whatsoever of them the said The president directors and com- pany of the bank of the United States either in law or equity of in and to the same To have and to hold the said messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground above described here- ditaments and premises hereby granted bargained and sold or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said A B his heirs and assigns to and for the only proper use and behoof of him the said A B his heirs and assigns for ever And the said The president directors and company of the bank of the United States for themselves and their suc- cessors do hereby covenant grant and agree to and with the said A B his heirs and assigns that they the said The president directors and company of the bank of the United States and their successors all and singular the said hereby granted pre- mises with the appurtenances unto the said A B his heii-s and assigns against them tlie said The president directors and com- pany of the bank of the United States and their successors and against all and every other person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under them or any or either of them shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these presents In testimony whereof the said The presi- dent directors and company of the bank of the United States have hereunto affixed the common seal of their said corpora- tion at Pliiladelphia the daj^ and year first above written Quod attestor C seal of. the 7 N B President (.corporation. 3 Received the day of the date of the above written indenture of the above named A B the sum of— being the full consi- deration money above mentioned for the president directors and company of the bank of the United States. Witnesses present Wm J M Cashier City of Philadelphia, ss. Be it remembered that on the — day of — in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty before me B W R Esquire mayor of the said city personally appeared N B Esquire president of the at)ove namdd corporation and being duly sworn deposelh and sailh that he was personally present at the execution of the above written indenture or deed of conveyance and saw the common seal of the said cor- poration of the president directors and company of the bank of the United States duly affixed thereto and that the seal so affixed thereto is the common and corporate seal of the said The president directors and company otthe bank of the United States and that the above written indenture or deed of con- veyance was duly sealed and delivered by and as and for the act and deed of the said The j)resident directors and company of the bank of the United States for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that the name of this deponent sub- scribed to the said deed as president of the said corporation in attestation of the due execution and delivery of the said deed is of this dc[)onent's own proper and respective hand- writing* N B Sworn and subscribed the day and'^ year aforesaid before me witness ^ my hand and seal j BWRMayor (l.s.) Eelcase under the Mechanic's Lien Law. Know all men that wc the subscribers for and in considera- tion of the sum of one dollar a piece lawful money to us in hand paid b}' J M of the city of Philadelphia niercliant the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and also for divers other good and valuable causes and considerations us there- unto moving have and each ami every of us hath remised re- leased and forever quit-claimed and by these presents for ourselves severally and for our several and respective heirs executors administrators partners and assigns do and each and every of us doth remise release and forever qujt-claim unto the said J M his heirs executors administrators and as- signs all and all manner of action and actions suit and suits debts dues duties reckonings acccounts sum and sums of money liens claims damages and demands whatsoever which against the said J M or against a certain three story brick • A Corporation is an imaginary being; a creature of law, which cannot act otherwise than as prescribed i)"y law. Its Deeds are autlienticated by its common seal, and that seal must be proved. It is one of those public mat- ters of which individuals are bound to take notice. It is not necessary that the affixing of the seal must be proved by a witness who was present and saw it done. — But tlie seal itself, tliat is, the impression must be proved by some person who knows tlie device, motto, &c. Per Chf Justice Tilghman in the case of Leazure v. Hillcgas, 7 Scrg. St. Rawle, p. 313. See also 10 Jolms. R.381, and Peak's Law of Evidence, 48 note and 72. In grants made to Corporations, the word " Successors," must be used instead of "heirs," when it is imcndcd to pass a fee simple. 44 RELEASES. house and two story kitchen and wash-house and other the buildings and improvements erected built and made upon his lot of ground situate &,c or any psirt or parcel thereof we or any or either of us ever had now have or which we or any or either of us our (»r any or either of our heirs executors admi- nistrators partners or assigns shall or may have claim challenge or demand for or by reason of any work workmansliip or labor done or materials of any kind found and provided or furnished for or in the erecting and constructing of the said house kitchen wash-house and other buildings and improvements aforesaid or any part thereof or for or by reason of any act matter cause or thing whatsoever thereto in any wise relating In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals &c. Another form of Release of Mechanic's Liens, lohere the personal liability of the owner is accepted instead of the Liens. Know all men that we the subscribers in considero.tion of one dollar a piece to us in hand paid by J M of the city of Philadelphia merchant at the time of the execution hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and for other good and valuable causes and considerations us thereunto moving have and hereby do for ourselves our heirs executors adminis- trators partners"' and assigns respectively remise release and for ever quit-claim unto the said J M his heirs executors ad- ministrators and assigns all and all manner of actions suits liens claims right estate title interest and demand whatsoever which we respectively have or may or can have in any way in to or against a certain three storied brick house &c (de- scribing the situation) more especially by virtue of the law or laws of Pennsylvania passed for securing to mechanics and others payment for their work and for the labor and rnaterials found and provided or furnished for or in the et;ecting aiid constructing of any house or other building within the said city &c we being content to relv on the personal responsi- bility of the said J M for any claim or claims that we respec- tively have In witness whereof &.c Release from the Lien of Judgments endorsed on the Deed convey i7ig the jjroperty bound thereby to a jmrchaser. Whereas there are certain judgments confessed and entered or being on the docket of the supreme court for the eastern district' of Pennsylvania in favour of A B against C D which judgments are liens on and do bind the real estate holden by the said C D at the time they were confessed or entered And whereas the property described and conveyed in and by the within written indenture was holden by the said C D at the time when the said judgments were confessed or entered and WILLS. 45 the said A B is desirous of discharging the said property with- in described from all lien or obhgation from the said judp;- menls arisin^r Now it is hereby witnessed that the said A B at the instance of the o;rantors within named and in considera- tion of one dollar to him paid by E F the j^rantee within named at the time of the execution hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted released and confirmed quit-claimed and for ever dischar^^ed and by these presents doth grant release and confirm quit-claim and for ever dis- charge unto the said E F his heirs and assigns all and all man- ner of lien obligation right title interest property daim and demand whatsoever which he the said A ii hath or may have by reason of the said judgments or any other judgments in his favour against the said C D on in or to the property lands tenements and hereditaments in the within written indenture described set forth and granted In witness whereof the said A B hath hereunto set his hand and seal the — day of — &c. Another Release from the Lien of a Judgment. Whereas J D of the city of Philadelphia has obtained a judgment in the district court for the city and county of Phi- ladelphia against A C of the city of Philadcl])hia carpenter for the sum of eight hundred dollars besides costs which judg- ment now remains a lien on all the real estate of the said A C within the city and county aforesaid And whereas the said A C hath requested that all those brick messuages or tene- ments and lot and lots of ground situate Sic (conveyed to him by E F and wife) should be exonerated and discharged from the lien and operation of the judgment aforesaid Now know ye that the said J D favouring the request of the said A C and in consideration of one dollar lawful money unto him at the execution hereof by the said A C well and truly paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath and hereby doth exonerate and discharge the above described messuages or tenements and lot and lots of ground and premises afore- said with the appurtenances of and from the lien and obliga- tion of the said judgment and of and from all suits actions process executions costs damages and demands whatsoever for or on account or by reason of the same Provided however that nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to im- pair the operation of the said judgment against the said A C and his estates other tlian against the messuages or tenements and lot and lots of ground herein before expressly mentioned and described In \vitness whereof the said J 1) hath here- unto set his hand and seal the — day of — &,c JVill containing trusts of Legacies, and providing for their increase for the benefit of minor children^ Src. Be it remembered that I A B of the city of Philadelphia in 46 WILLS. the State of Pennsylvania merchant being of sound mind and memory do make and ordain tliis my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say As for and con- cerning all my temporal estate I do hereby dispose of the same as followeth viz First I will that my just debts and fune- ral expenccs be duly paid and discharged Item 1 give and bequeath unto my two brothers C B and D B and the survivor of them and the executors and adminis- trators of such survivor the sum of thirty thousand dollars lawful money of the United States of America to be paid to them within six months after my decease In trust neverthe- less that they the said C B and D B or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor shall and will as soon as they conveniently can after receiving the said legacy invest the same in good and secure mortgages of real estate bearing interest payable at least half yearly or in city stocks of any or either or all of the cities of New York Plii- ladelphia or Baltimore or in the funded debt of the United States or of any State or in the capital stock of any incorpo- rated bank or banks or other incorporated company or in any or either or all of these modes of investment as they my said trustees in their discretion shall or may think proper and most beneficial and take such mortgages and transfers of stocks and debt and all the evidences and securities thereof to them and in their names as such trustees aforesaid and hold the same in trust for the uses and purposes herein after mentioned and appointed that is to say Upon special trust and confidence that they the said C B and" D B or the survivor of them or the ex- ecutors or administrators of such survivor shall and will from time to time receive and take the interest income dividends and produce of the investments so to be made as aforesaid as the same shall from time to time accrue and grow due and payable and shall and will appropriate and apply so much of the said interest income dividends and produce as shall be necessary for that purpose to the comfortable maintenance support and education of my daughter E B for the first year after my decease and then and thereupon without loss of time to invest the surplus of the said interest income dividends and produce in such like securities as aforesaid which will then become a new and further principal yielding interest and to continue from time to time to receive the interest income di- vidends and produce of tlie investments of the said legacy and also of the said increase thereof as the same shall from time to time accrue and grow due and payable and after appropriat- ing and applying so much of the said interest income divi- dends and produce as shall be necessary for the comfortable maintenance support and education of my said daughter E B for the second year after my decease then again to invest the surplus of the said interest "income dividends and produce in WILLS. 47 such like securities as aforesaid vvhicli will tjicn also, become a new and further j)rincipal yielding interest and so to con- tinue from time to time to receive the interest income divi- dends and produce of the investments of the said legacy of thirty thonsand dollars and also of the several increases thereof as aforesaid as the same shall from time to time accrue and grow due and payalde and after aj)piopriating and applying so nuich of the said interest income dividends and ])roduce as shall he necessary for the comfortable maintenance support and education of my said daughter E h for the third year after my decease then again to invest the surplus of the said interest income dividends and produce in such like securities as aforesaid which will then also become a new and fui-lher principal yielding interest and so to continue on from time to time to receive and api)ly the interest and income in like man- ner as aforesaid and from time to time to invest the surplus of the interest and income of the said legacy and of the respec- tive investments aforesaid and of each and every futnre and successive investment in such like sccuiities as aforesaid year- ly and every year until she my said daughter K B shall attai|i the age of twenty-one years It being my will and niea'ning that in each and every year until my said daughter E 15 shall attain the said age of twenty-one years only so nuich of the interest and income as shall he necessary for that purpose shall be from time to time applied to her comfortal)le maintenance support and education and that the surplus of the interest and income shall yearly and every year be invested in manner aforesaid so as to become an annually increasing and accumu- lating capital fund j)roducing interest so that by the tinie wljon my said daughter E B shall have attained the said age of twenty-one years an adilition of prihci|)al by the annual series of increase herein before directed will have been made to the said original legacy of thirty thousand dollars and from and after my said daughter F, shall have attained the said age of twenty-one years' then upon this further trust and special confidence that they the said C B and 1) B or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor shall and will from time to time receive and take the interest and income of the investments of the said legacy of thirty thou- sand dollars and of each and every of the other investments aforesaid and of all increase thereof as the same shall from time to time accrue and grow due and payable and pay over the same interest and income when and as the same shall from time to time be received into the hands of her my said daugh- ter E from time to time for and during all the term of her natural life to and for her sole snd separate use and benefit excluding therefrom any and every husband that she may marry so that the same or any part thereof shall not be in such husband's power or disposal or subject to his intermed- dling or control or liable in any way or manner whatever to 48 WILLS. his debts contracts or engagements And in case my said daughter E shall marry then her receipts for the said interest and income under her own hand and in her own separate name alone shall notwithstanding her coverture be as good and available in law as if she had been sole and unmarried at the time of signing the same And in case my said daugh- ter E shall marry and afterwards die leaving a husband and child or children to survive her then my said trustees shall and they are hereby directed until such child or children shall respectively attain the age of twenty-one years to pay over to her surviving husband the interest and income of the said legacy and of tlie several investments and increases aforesaid to be by him applied to the express purpose of maintaining supporting and educating the said child or children of my said daughter E during their respective minorities And in case my said daughter E shall marry and afterwards die without leaving a husband but leaving a child or children to survive her then my said trustees shall and they are hereby directed to apply so much of the interest and income of the said legacy and of the several investments and increase aforesaid as shall froni time to time be necessary to the maintenance support and education of such child or children of my said daughter E during their respective minorities and from time to time to invest the surplus of the said interest and income in such like securities aforesaid and in manner aforesaid until such child or children of my said daughter E shall respectively attain the age of twenty-one years And upon this further trust that after the death of my said daughter E and after her child or children shall have respectively attained the age of twenty- one years then m}' said trustees or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor shall and will pay over part and divide the whole of the legacy aforesaid and also the whole of the several investments and increases aforesaid as well principals as interest and income to and among such child or children of my said daughter E if she shall marry and leave any as shall be living at her death part and share alike It being however my further will that if at the time of the death of my said daughter E either of her children shall be dead leaving issue then such issue shall take if one person solely and if several persons in equal parts the share that his her or their parent would have taken if then living provided always nevertheless and it is my further will that if my said daughter E shall die without leaving a child or children to survive her or if leaving a child or children to survive her and such child or children shall all die under the age of twenty-one years and without leaving lawful issue then and in these cases but not otherwise all and every the said legacy and investm.ents and increases aforesaid and all the unapplied interest and income then accrued shall go and be paid by my said trustees to my six sons namely C B, J B, R B, wij.i.ii. 49 K B, T B, andW B equally to be divided ajnongst them part and share alike And if either of my saitl sons shall he then dead leaving issue such issue shall take if one person solely and jf several persons in ecjual parts the share that his her or their father would have taken if he had heen then livin«^ Item I i^ive and hequealh unto mv said six sons the said C B, J B, il B, E B, T B, and W B the sum of twenty thou- sand dollars to each of theiii provided however and I do here- by order and direct authorize and empower my executors herein after named and the survivors and survivor of them to invest in their names in trust the six several lesjacies of twen- ty-thousand dollars each herein last before bccpiealhed to my said six sons respectively in t^ocd and secure mort2;a2;es of real estate bearin£; interest payable at least half yearly or in city stocks of any or either or all of the cities of i^cw York Philadelphia or Baltimore or in the funded debt of the United States or of any State or in the capital stock of any incorpo- rated bank or banks or other inv.'orporate company or in any or either or all of these modes of investment as they my said executors in their discretion shall or may think ])roper and most beneficial and I will and direct that the whole of tb.e said six several legacies of twenty thousand dollars each so bequeathed to my said six sons respectively and all the in- vestments to be thcieof made as aforesaid shall be and be considered and adjudged as one general fund for the purposes herein after mentioned that is to say that my said executors shall from time to time receive and take the interest and in- come arising therefrom when and as the same shall accrue and grow due and payable and shall and will appropriate and apply so much of the said interest and income as shall be ne- cessary for these purposes to the comfortable maintenance support and education of my said six sons respectively during their respective minorities and until they shall respectively attain the age of twenty-two years and shall and will from time to time invest the surplus of the said interest and income in such like securities as aforesaid and so on from time to time to appropriate and apply and invest as aforesaid until the youngest of my said six sons shall attain the age of twenty- two years provided also and I further will and direct that each of my said six sons respectively on attaining his age of twenty -two years shall out of the said general fund have and receive his said respective legacy of twenty thousand dollars And I do hereby also further will provide and direct that when theyounge^t of my said six sons shall attain the age of twenty- two years then after all and every of the said six several lega- cies of twenty thousand dollars each and the costs charges and expenses of the maintenance support and education aforesaid shall have been first paid all the then reiraming surplus of interest and income arising from the aid legacies and the H 50 WILLS. investments thereof as aforesaid together with the same invest- ments and increases shall he equally divided amongst my said six sons part and share alike And in case either of my said six sons shall die leaving issue before his respective legacy shall become due and be paid then such issue shall take if one person solely and if several persons in equal parts the legacy and all the ])enefit and increase thereof that his her or their father would have taken if such father had survived to be- come entitled to and receive the same Item A.S for and concerning all the rest residue and re- mainder of my estate not herein before otherwise disposed of it is my will that the same shall from time to time be added together and shall with all the increase thereof constitute one entire fund to be improved and increased in manner as di- rected with respect to the preceding bequests until my young- est son shall attain the age of twenty-two years And I do hereby order and direct authorize and empower my executors herein after named and the survivors and survivor of them to make the same an accumulating fund to be called the residuary fund by investing the same and all its future increase as it shall from time to time arise and accrue and be received in such like securities and in manner aforesaid and so continue to invest in manner aforesaid all the proceeds and interest and income thereof from time to time until my eldest son shall attain the age of twenty-two years and when my eldest son shall attain the said age of twenty-two years then I will and direct that he shall have and receive one sixth part of the in- terest and income annually arising from the said residuary fund for and during the terra of his natural life to and for his absolute use and ithe should die leaving a widow then from and after his decease his widow shall have and receive the said one sixth part of the interest and income annually arising from the said residuary fund for and during the then remain- der of her natural life to her absolute use And I do further provide will and. direct that each of my said sons in succes- sion as he attains the age of twenty-two years shall in like manner have and receive one sixth part of the interest and income annually arising from the said residuary fund for and during the term of his natural life to and for his absolute use and in case either of them should die leaving a widow then from and after his decease his widow shall have and receive the said one sixth part of the interest and income annually arising from the said residuary fund for and during the then remainder of her natural life to her absolute use And in case of the death of either of my said sons leaving a widow and a child or children then after the death of his widow such child or children shall have and take equally amongst them one sixth part of the principal of the said residuary fund and of the interest that may then be accrued thereon And in case of the death of either of my sons leaving no widow but leaving WILLS. 51 a child or children then from and after his decease such child or children shall have and take equally amongst them one sixth part of the principal of the said residuary fund and of the in- terest that may then be accrued thereon And in case either of my said sons shall die without leaving a widow or child or children livinp; at his death or if leaving no widow but a child or children and such ciiild or children shall die under age and without issue then and in each and every of these cases one sixth part of the principal of the said residuary fund and of the interest that may then be accrued thereon sliall go and be paid to and be equally divided amongst my other surviving sons part and share alike Provided also that if any mortgage or mortgages stocks or other securities in which any mtniies shall be invested under the directions of this my will shall be paid oft" then the monies thence arising shall again as soon as it can be done be re-in- vested in such like securities as aforesaid and so on from time to time whenever and as often as any such mortgage or mort- gages stocks or other securities aforesaid shall be paid off to the end and intent tliat this my will may be carried into full effect according to the tenor and true meanina; thereof And in correspondence with this object 1 do hereby further provide and do direct authorise and empower my trustees herein be- fore named for my said daughter and the survivor of them and the executors and administrators of such survivor so far as re- spects the legacy and its increase intended for the benefit of my said daughter ancj also my executors herein after named and the survivors and survivor of them so far as respects the legacies hereirt before intended for my said sons to sell change or alter all or any of the sti>cks aforesaid and to -re-invest the proceeds in such other stocks as they shall think proper in their discretion and as circumstances shall in their judgment call for such sale change or alteiytion so as to render the same more secure or productive and so on from time to time as to all investments and re-investments whenever and as often as they in their discretion shall or miiy think proper and most beneficial fur my estate And it is my further will that neither of tlie trustees afore- said shall be liable or accountable for any loss that nuiy arise by or in consequence of any investment or re-investments to be made by them respectively as aforesaid nor responsible for the acts deeds receipts or payments of the other or others of them but each one only separate and apart for his own respec- tive acts deeds receipts and payments only and not otherwise And provided lastly and I do hereby order ami direct^au- thorize and empower my executors herein after named or such and so many of them as shall take letters testamentary and the survivors and survivor of them whenever and as soon as they in their discretion shall think proper to bargain and sell 52 WILI-5. and absolutely dispose of all and singular my messuages lot9 of ground lands tenements hereditaments and real estate what- soever and wheresoever u!ito any person or persons and for the best price or prices tliat can be reasonably had or gotten for the same either at public or private sale or sales and to sign seal execute acknowledge and deliver in due form of law all and every such deed or deeds conveyances and assurances in the law whatsoever as shall be necessary for granting con- veying and assuring the same or any part or parcel thereof and the absolute fee simple and inheritance thereof or of any part or parcel thereof unto the purchaser or purchasers thereof and his her or their heirs ane and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my estate real and personal whatsoever unto my beloved wife A D her heirs executors administrators and assign* forever provided that my said wife for and out of the estate so devised to her s!u.ll be at t!ie charge of the maintenance and education of mv said s quest and in the presence of each otlier have here-\- unto subscribed our names as witnesses ^ SijBtrr of Ml»n%i^ AT JS^o. 24 ARCH STREET, FMIXLiABXSIiFHIA. eaUiosttt xsf J^liin'^n. Fee simple. Ground-rent and Shtriff's Deeds, on parchment, and paper of various kinds. Mortgages, on dift'erent kinds of paper Bond and Warrant Do. without the Warrant Refunding Bond Bond and Petition of Insolvents Final Petition of Insolvents Insolvent Notices Discharge Power of Attorney Bill of Exceptions General Release Lease — different forms Bill of Sale Rule and Certificate of Reference Letter of Instructions to Commissioners Notice to enter Special Bail Lien Entry for work or materials Articles of separation between husband dr wife Assignment for the benetit of creditors Petition for Divorce Petition for Naturalization Trial notice Affidavit of defence Proceedings against Tenant holding over.— 1st Notice. 2d Complaint. 3d Precept. 4th Inquisition. 5th Record. 6th War- rant to make restitution. — Also all the forms necessary under the new Act. Notice of Rule to plead Notice of the Meeting of Arbitrators. Petition for Tavern Licence Indentures of Apprenticeship Marriage Certificate Seamen's Protection Seaman's Will Summons, Warrant, Execution, and all other forms commonly used by Magistrates DECLARATIONS: Commencement and Conclusion Account stated Money had and received Money paid, laid out and expended Money lent. e!rc.. Work, labour and materials Use and occupation Goods sold and delivered A declaratiou containing several counts Debt on Bond Debt by Assignee of Bond: 1st, 2d and 3d as- signments On Bail Bond On Bond, with confession of judgment On Slander Indorsee v." Indorser Indorsee v. Maker Payee V. Maker On" Bills of Exchance. On Policy of Insurance On boai-ding and lodging Trover— for a single article, and for several ar- ticles of property MERCHANTS' BLANKS. Seamen's Articles Bills of Exchange Shipper's Manifest Coastwise Manifest, Import Entry, with Owner's and .Agent's oaths Export Entry, direct, 1. 2, and 3 oaths Export Entry, coastwise, 1,2, and 3 oaths Do. Inland, do. Bills of Lading, 1, 2, and 3 on a sheet AVest India Entry Inward Entry, coastwise and inland Transportation Entry, inland Certificate of Landing Entry. of Teas for long credit Crew List Return of passengers Entry of Goods to be taken from C. H. stores Appraisement of Goods Inward Manifest Report and Maniftst Ex. Entry, inlander coastwise, 1,2, and 3 oaths Outward Entry, coastwise, 1, 2, and 3 oaths Ex. Entry of goods received from two districts- Spirit Entry Extract from original invoice Freight List Bills of Sale of Vessels Entry of Goods to be deposited in C. H. stores (Xj' The above Laxu Blanks have been carefully corrected by several of the most able Attorneys in the city of Philadelphia. ■ This Establishment being chiefly designed for the publication and sale of B Zi ii. IT K S; all the types and other printing materials most suitable for that purpose have been provided, and particular care is taken to select the best and most suitable kinds of paper, and in the execution of the printing. Stationers can be supplied with any quantity of Blanks, to whom a liberal deduction will be made for cash. A. WALKER, Agt. M^.Jtiri-iiidM^^ 'mrrt^-^ mrzm. '^jr^ifc - &•■