\9 1 -, m 1 ?= 0-^^ ' m '\ ■'/^83AINn]Wv ^lOSANCElfJ^. m %a3AINft-3Wv o "^/iaJAINrt-JWV -^^;^l•llBRARYQ^ ^IIIBRARYQ^ ^OFCAIIFO;?^ Co ^OFCALIFO/?^ ^\\t■UNlv o AWEUNIVER% o yO/:, ^IIIBRARY^^ AWEUNIVER^ ^lOSANCElfj^ O %a9AIN(l-3WV^ ^>^llIBRARYQc. i ^ ^ILIBRARYQ^^ -^tLiBRARY(?/^ %a3AiNn-3WV ^OJIWOJO^ ^JUVDJO"^ ^WEI]NIVER% . , , ^ o o '^/Sa3AiNn-3WV ^OFCALIFO/?^ ^OFCAllFO%, ^' aweuniver% . , ^ ^ o o ^IIIBRARYQ^ %a3AIN(l-3WV^ ^,!/0JllVD-3O^ '^ 0/?^^ ^ .4;0FCALIF0% ^WEUNIV£R% ^lOSANCElfX^ t2^5 .^.OFCAllFOftj^ Ti-in: MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS OF TUE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SECOND SESSION OF THE FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. 1892-'9.3. IN THIRTY VOLUMES. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1893. a:^ INDEX TO HOUSE MISCELLAtfEOUS DOCUMENTS. CONTENTS OF THE VOLUMES. Vol. Vol. Vol-. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. 1. Ts'os. 1 to 94, inclnsive, ex- copt No3. 11, 40, 41, 42, 43, 83, and 00. '.i.-Xo. 11. 3..K0. 40. 4.. No. 41. 5..K0. 42. 6.. No. 43. 7.. No. 83. 8.. No. 90. 9.. No. 93. Vol. 10. .No. 96, pt. 1. Vol. 21- -No. 113. Vol. 11. .No. 9G, pt. 2. Vol. 22- .No. 114, pt. 1 Vol. 12. -No. !)6, pt. 3. Vol. 23. -No. 114, pt. 2 Vol. 13. -No. 96, pt. 4. Vol. 24. .No. 115. Vol. 14. .No3. 97 to 104, iuclusive. Vol.25. .No. 116. Vol. 15. .No. 105. Vol. 28. .No. 117. Vol. 16. -No. 106. Vol. 27. -No. 113. Vol. 17. .No. 107. Vol. 23- -No. 119. Vol. 18. .Nos. 108 aiul 109. Vol. 29. .No. 120. Vol. 19. .No.s. 110 and 111. Vol.30. .No. 121. Vol. 20. .No. 112. INDEX TO MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. Subject. Aldricb, Bettie A Aiiimal ludustry, eighth and ninth annual reports of Bureau of Art, report on growth of industrial Astronomical observations, Washington, 1889 Atchlcv, T.V Baylor', M. C Beasley, George W Bell, J. M , Belue, N. H Bewlcy, W. S Bickford, William A., report of Coui-t of Claims Bigelow, John R 7 Bone, J.T Brightwood Railway Comiiany Brown, Benjamin Bureau of Animal Industry, eighth and ninth annual report of Bureau of Ethnology, ninth report of, 1887-'88 tenth report, 1888-89 Capitol, North O Street and South Washington Railway Company ... Cartmell, A. M .' Cattle, special report on diseases and feeding of Census, resolution to establi.sh a permanent bureau of Chism, Robert Civil Service, communication from Commission, relative to reinstate- ments in classified departmental service Clark, J. W Claypole, Reuben Clerk of Horse of Representatives. See House of Representatives. Commerce with Europe, 1870-1890 Commissioner of Labor, statement of expenditures Comprehensive index Connally, W. L [[[[ III No, Vol. 51 1 120 29 L21 30 115 24 79 1 64 1 76 1 68 1 30 1 29 1 87 1 19 1 29 1 69 1 61 1 120 29 11 2 116 25 67 1 52 1 106 16 72 1 29 1 93 1 79 1 45 1 117 26 12 1 95 9 49 1 ^y4S7 IV INDEX TO HOUSE :\IISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. Subject. Consnlar Reports : Vol. 40 Vol. 41 Special report on stave trade and tariffs of foreign countries (Vol. 0- Special report on lire and building regulation in foreign countries. Specialrcport on Australian sLecii and ^vool; and on vagvaney, and public charities in foreign countries (Vol. 9) ". Cook, J. S Cook, Peter Cotton, Willis Couch, Drury Court of Claims, list of judgments for fiscal year ending December 31, 1892 : Cowart, Slater and William Craig, Alexander K. , eulogies on Grafton, P. C ' , Crosby, Peter Deaton, John Department of Ijabor, statement of expenditures Diseases of cattle, special rt'port on Doorkeeper of House of Representatives. {See House of Representa- tives.) Du Bose, Adele L Dunbar, Peter Eckiugton and Soldiers' Home Rail v.ay Company Endeavor (brig) ^ Ethnology, ninth annual report of Bureau of. lS87-'88 tenth report of Burean of Eujogies : Craig, Alexander K Ford, Melbourne H Gamble, John R Kendall, James W McDonald, Edward F Spinola, Francis P Stackhouse, Eli T Warwick, John G Europe, commerce with, 1870-1890 Evans, Sarah E Fain, W. Y Feezer, P. L Ferguson, J. G Fernandina, Fla., resolution for information relr.tive to condition of entrance to harbor at Fish Commission. {See U. S. Fish Coumiis.sion.) Fitzhngh, Anna M Ford, Melbourne H., eulogies on ■ Freedman's Saving and Trust Company, and report of commissioner of. Freeman, F. M Gallahcr, Henry Galloway, W. A. Gamble, John R., eulogies on Geological Survey. {Sec United States Geological Survt'v.) Graham, David Heiulr icks, W. J Holtzclaw, Elijah Horatio (brig) House of Kepresenlatives: List of nuMnbers of, by States Standing and select committees of List of members of, and committee's on Avhich they servo Inventory of property in possession of the Clerk of Annual risport of Clerk of, on receipts and disbarseu'.ents Counnunication of Clerk transmitting list of reports to be made to Congress by public officers 108 109 110 111 119 68 oG 22 85 i 13 25 97 80 29 59 12 106 33 22 GO 15 11 116 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 117 62 29 22 22 74 17 98 21 66 29 29 65 22 80 INDEX TO HOUSE MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. Subject. ""' use of Reprcsontatives — Continued. Inveatoiy of property hy Doorkeeper of Iiivcntorj- of property in possession of tlie Sergeant-at-Arms Statement of receipts and disburseineuts by Sergcant-at-Arnis Eesolntion relative to ventilation of dining-room Index of ]uiblic Congressional docnments Industrial art, growth of Industrial Christian Home Association, Utah Irwin, B. J. D Irwin, "William Jenkins, J. T Johnson, F. I Ken.dall, James W., eulogies ou K i r 1 1 e y , F . W Langstone, M. E Laumau, Charles Lcneave, I. T Leonliart, George Lewis, William H Library of Congress, annual report on construction of the buildingfor Lougacre, Eichard Louvmau, II. J Lnmmis, J. C McDonald, Edv.ai'd F., exilogics ou McLemare, J. C Mauney, John W. (widow of) Metropolitan Kailroad Company Mineral resources, report of 1891 Mitchell, W.Vi Moore, William C Murchisou, Catherine Musseu, Susan Navy, resolution for joint comiiuttee to investigate the ]iersounel of.. New York Packett (sloop) Odd Fellows' Hall Association Oubre, Eugene Owen, Pleasant Owens, J. H Padgett, George W , Parham, B. M Pash, Dents Phelan.A.T Phillips, A. B Picket, Jesse Postal Service. Laws and regulations of Pyles. Charles L. Eeport of Court of Claims Robbins, Samuel Roberts, J. L Rosenthal, C. F. F Russell, Jaber. . .- Scroggius, J. C Seals. Alexander Sembler, J.E Sergeant-at-arras. (Sec House of Representatives.) Sheep industry, special report on. .• Sherman act. ' (Sec Silver.) Silver, resolution requesting Committee on Banking and Currency to furnish information relative to request for repeal of act for pur- chase of Smith, George W '. Smithsonian Institution : Report, 1892, part 1 p a r t 2 Ninth Annual Report of Bureau of Ethnology of. 1887-'88 Tenth Annual Report of Bureau of Ethnology of, 1888-89 Report on expenditures 31 24 23 fj2 95 121 6 18 4i 100 89 91 20 31 52 47 9 S6 49 26 101 30 63 73 83 84 81 57 26 38 14 48 71 58 77 82 29 32 29 28 22 90 49 54 29 29 22 30 105 78 50 114 114 11 116 VI INDEX TO HOUSE MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. Su1)ject. Siuitlisouian Institution— Continued. Comnuinicatiou from secretary of, relative to vacancy in board of regents of Sovrell,E.F Spinola, Francis P., eulogies on Stackliouse, Eli T., eulogies on Steplieus, J. N Stewart, M.J Strong, S. R. andC. W Suffolk (sliip) Sumraerhayes, J. W Tennv, Daniel K Thomas, M. H Thrift, S. B Turner, S. M United States Fish Commission, bulletin of, 1891 report of, l889-'90, 1890-'91 statement of expenditures for propa gation of food-iishes, etc United States Geological Survey (monographs, Vol. 21) Wade, Henry Wade, John A Waldron, John War of Rebellion, Official Records of: " VoLl Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 Vol. 41, parti Vol. 41, i>art 2 Vol. 41, part 3 Vol. 41, part 4 Warwick, John G., eulogies on - Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company Weather Bureau Report West, John H White, Annie B Vv^ o db ur y , R . S . a n d G. W Woodruff, Amos AVool and Manufacturers of Wool, report on York, William Young, Fannie No. Vol. 39 1 30 1 102 14 103 14 22 1 30 1 30 1 16 1 37 1 34 1 26 1 29 1 46 1 112 20 113 21 10 1 118 27 49 1 49 1 55 1 40 3 41 4 42 5 43 6 96 96 96 96 104 70 107 53 61 J 27 92 1 94 68 22 * Vols, 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Official Keconla of tlie War of KeOelliou arc printed for tko first time in tlic Cougressional set of documents. 52d 2d Congress,) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. (Mis. Doc. I Session. ] \ ^o. 117. STATISTICAL TABLES EXHIBITING THE COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES WITH EUEOPEAN COUNTRIES FRO]M 1790 TO 1890. PREPARED BY THE CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF STATISTICS, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. WASHINGTON: GOVEEN]\IENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1893. RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concumng), That there shaG be printed 6,000 copies of the Special Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department in regard to our commerce with the countries of Europe from 1870 to 1890; 1,000 copies for the use of the members of the Senate, 2,000 copies for the use of the memoers of the House of Representatives, and 3,000 copies for distribution by the Bureau of Statistics. — S. July 13, 1892 ; H. Aug. 5, 1892. ir CONTENTS. TOTAL VALUES OF IMPORTES AND EXPORTS. Page. Total values of exports to Europe and all other countries, respectively, ■with the percentages of total values to Europe, 1790 to 1820, inclusive viii Total values of merchandise imported from and exported to Europe and all other countries, respectively, with the percentages of total values from and to Europe, 1821 to 1892 vm Total values of merchandise imported from and exported to the United King- dom and all other countries, respectively, with the percentages of total values from and to the United Kingdom during each period of five years, to 1821 1890, inclusive X Total values of exports, 1790 to 1802, and separately of domestic and foreign exports, 1803 to 1820: Austria xii Azores, and Madeira Islands xii Denmark and Norway xiii France xiii Germany xi v Gibraltar xi v Italy (including Malta) XV Netherlands (Belgium and Holland) XV Portugal XVI Russia (total) xvi Spain XVII Sweden xvii Turkey xvili United Kingdom xviii Europe xix Total values of exports and imports, 1821 to 1892 : Merchandise — Austria-Hungary xx Azore, Madeira, and Cape Verde Islands xxi Belgium xxiii Denmark xxiv France xxvi Germany xxvii Gibraltar xxix Greece xxx Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands xxxi Italy xxxii Netherlands xx xiii IV CONTENTS. Total values of exports and imports, 1821 to 1892 — Continued. Merchandise — Continued. Page. Portugal XXXV Rouinania xxxvi Eussia iu Europe xxxvn Spain XXXVIII Sweden and Norway XL Switzerland XLi Turkey in Europe xlii United Kingdom XLiii All oilier Europe xlv Gold and silver coin and bullion — Austria-Hungary xlvi Azore, Madeira, and Cape Verde Islands xlvi Belgium xlviii Denmark xlviii France XLix Germany L Gibraltar Lll Greece Lii Italy Liii Netherlands Liv Portugal LV Russia in Europe LVI Spain LVI Sweden and Norway LVil Switzerland LVii Turkey in Europe lviii United Kingdom Lix AU other countries in Europe Lx IMPORTS AND EXPORTS, BY ARTICLES. Imports and exports of foreign merchandise in the trade of the United States with countries in Europe, quantities and values of, 1871 to 1890: Austria-Hungary 3 Azore, Madeira, and Cape Verde Islands 25 Belgium 28 Denmark 61 France 66 Germany 101 Gibraltar 135 Greece 1?7 Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands 138 Italy 139 Netherlands 162 Portugal 185 Roumania 192 Eussia in Europe 193 Spain 202 Sweden and Norway 221 Switzerland 230 Turkey in Europe 235 United Kingdom 239 Eecapitulation of total values, by coautries 280 CONTENTS. V Page. Exports of domestic merchandise in the trade of the United Static with countries in Europe, quantities and values of, 1871 to 1890 : Austria-Hungary 285 Belgium 293 Denmark 309 France 321 Germany 335 Gibraltar 349 Greece 359 Italy 362 Netherlands 371 Portugal 379 Russia in Europe 390 Spain 399 Sweden and Norway 406 Switzerland 418 Turkey in Europe 421 United Kingdom 428 Azore, Madeira, and Cape Verde Islands 445 Roumania 458 Racapitulation of total values, by countries 459 COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES WITH EUROPE. The following series of tables has been prepared for the purpose of showing the growth and development of the trade of the United States with the several countries of Europe, in response to a resolution of the first session of the Fifty-second Congress, 1892. From 1790 to 1820 the Governmeut records of the total values of our imports are fairly complete, but do not show, except for a few years, the articles imported. They show, however, domestic exports by arti- cles, but do not distinguish the values of merchandise from coin and bullion imported and exported, nor the value of the commerce with each country. By the act of February 10, 1820, a statistical division was created in the office of the Register of the Treasury for the purpose of collect- ing and publishing annually information in regard to our foreign com- merce. Since that date there are complete records with respect to im- ports and exports of articles from and to each country, showing sepa- rately imports and exports of merchandise from coin and bullion. The following tables are embraced in the series: First. For the period from 1790 to 1820, the total values of exports from the United States to each country of Euroije are exhibited. As before stated, the official records do not show the values of imports from each country prior to 1820. Second. For the period from 1820 to 1892, tables are presented ex- hibiting the total values of imports and exports of merchandise and specie, respectively, in the trade with each country. Third. For the period from 1871 to 1890, in9lusive, a series of tables is presented showing the imports and exports of each article of mer- chandise in the trade with each country of Europe, annually. vn VIII COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Total V.vluks of ExrouTS of Merchaxdi.sk from the United St.\tes to Europe axd All Other Countries, respectively, with the Pekckxtaoes op Total Values to Europe, during each Fiscal Year from 1790 to 1820, inclusive. EXPORTS TO— TEAR END- ING— EXPORTS TO— TEAR END- IXG- Europe. Other \^^\^ countries, j,^^^^^ Europe. Other countries. Per cent to Europe. Sept. 30— 1790 Dollars. 13, 034, 853 10, 405, 932 12, 153, 302 15, 398, 406 21, 366, 060 30 954 828 Dollars. Sept. 30— 1806 Dollars. 64, 918, 750 70. 922. 524 6, 71S, 523 33, 825, 980 46, 853. 841 39, 839. 293 27, 429, 199 22, 124, 132 1, 012, 023 37, 811, 745 59, 203, 377 58, 361, 841 67, 995, 129 47, 045, 885 48, 009, 548 Dollars. 36, 618, 213 37, 420, 626 15, 711, 437 18, 377, 253 19, 904, 129 21, 477, 539 11, 098, 037 5,731,885 5, 915, 418 14, 746, 008 22, 716, 675 29, 309, 728 25, 286, 004 23, 096, 636 21, 682, 121 63. 9E 1791 8, 60G, 109 54. 77 8, 599, 796 58. 43 10,711,166 1 ."iS-OO 1807 65 40 t792 1808 30 00 1793 1809 64.80 1794 11, 677, 665 17 n.^=i 044 64.75 64.49 67.13 56.71 63.31 57.00 58.28 63.96 61.06 66.77 66.06 63.57 1810 70. 14 1795 1811 64.99 1796 .. . . 39 338 168 19 ?.^fi 4.=;7 1812 71 24 1797 29, 098, 531 38, 806. 959 44, 869, 356 41, 379, 234 59 478,001 22, 196. 179 22, 520, 452 33, 796, 166 29, 592, 546 33. 541, 912 27, 996, 601 18, 541, 482 26, 368. 080 34, 797, 730 1813 79.30 1798 1814 14.67 1799 1815 71 83 1800 1816 72.30 1801 1817 66.55 1802 dA QRO ."ua 1818 72.88 1803 37,258,551 1819 67.11 1804 fii ."^an fiOi 1820 68.88 1805 60, 768, 291 Total Values of Merchandise Imported from and Exported to Europe and All Other Countries, respectively, in the Foreign Trade of the United States, with the Percentages of Total Values from and to Europe, DURING each Fiscal Year from 1821 to 1892, inclusive. IMPORTS FEOM— EXPORTS TO— TOTAL IMPORTS AMD EXPORTS. TEAR END- ING- Europe. All other countries. Per cent from Eu- rope. Europe. All other countries. Per cent to Eu- rope. Europe. All other countries. Per cent of trade with Eu- rope. Sopt. 30— Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1821.. 35, 303, 949 19, 216, 885 64.75 36, 012, 690 18, 583, 633 65.96 71, 316, 639 37,800,518 65.36 1822.. 51, 448, 478 28,423,217 64.41 40, 238, 592 21,111,509 65.59 91,687,070 49,534,7261 64.92 1823.. 42, 911, 838 29, 569. 533 59.20 44, 173, 896 24, 152, 147^ 64. 65 87, 085, 734 53.721,680! 61.85 1824.. 44, 426, 172 27, 743, 000 61.56 40, 459, 656 28, 512, 449i 58. 66 84, 885, 828 56, 25,5, 4491 60. 14 1825.. 59, 135, 258 31, 054, 052 65.57 58, 916, 784 31,821,549 64.93 118, 052, 042 62,875,601 65.24 1826.. 45,540,916 32, 552, 595 58.32 42, 464, 954 30,425,835 58.26 88, 005, 870 62,978,430 58.29 1827.. 47, 862, 797 23, 470, 141 67.10 48, 533, 149 25, 776, 798 65. 31 96, 395, 946 49, 246, 939| 66. 19 1828.. 54, 449, 474 26, 570, 609 67.20 38, 894, 837 25,126,3731 60.75 93, 344, 311 51,690,9821 64.36 1829.. 44, 141, 006 22, 947, 909 65.79 45, 088, 531 22, 346, 120 66. 86 89, 229. 537 45,294,029 66.33 1830.. 40, 489, 300 22,231,656 04.55 47, 806, 009 23,864,726 66.70 88, 295, 309 46,096,382 65.70 1831.. 68, 361, 681 27, 523, 498 71.30 44, 800, 334 27,495.318 61.97 113,162,015 55,018,816 67.29 1832.. 62, 718. 960 32, 402, 802 65.94 55, 440, 941 26, 079, 602 68.01 118, 159, 901 58, 182, 404 66.89 1833.. 62, 893, 883 38, 154, OCO 62.24 56, 556, 837 30,971,895 64.61 119, 450, 720 69, 125, 955 63.34 1834.. 70, 643, 862 37, 965, 838 65.04 74, 422, 400 27,837,815 72.78 145, 0G6, 262 65, 803, 653 68.79 1835.. 99, 027, 283 39, 737, 012 70. 95 83, 239, 874 31, 975, 928 72.25 180, 207, 157 71,712,940 7L54 1836.. 127,511,020 49, 068, 134 72.21 96, 413, 449 27, 925, 255 77.54 223,924,469 76, 993, 389 74,41 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IX Total Values of Mkrcu.vxdisb Impoutkd fkom and Exported to Europe AXD All Other Countries, etc. — Continued. TEAR END- ING- IMPORTS FROM- Europe. All other countries. Per cent from Ell- rope. EXPORTS TO- Europe. Per All other | cent countries. toEu rope. TOTAL IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Europe. All other countries. Per cent of trade with Eu- rope. Sept. 30— 1837.. 1838.. 1839.. 1840.. 1841.. 1842.. June 30— 18430 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars 85.690,590| 44, 782, 2i;{ 65.681 85, 918, 509| 25, 524, 618J 77.10 62, 017, 575| 33, 952, 713 64. 62| 79, 849, 768 25, 128, 802| 76. 06 114,454,287i 42, 042, 669{ 73. 14 85,736,497 26,515,176,76.38 62,133,802' 36,124.9041 63.23. 92,313,397 31,355,6351 74.65 82, 829, 812 40, 127, 732J 67. 36| 80, 033, 730; 31, 783, 741| 71. 58 60, 743, 031 3o^ 332, 040| 63. 22 71, 578, Oio! 28, 299, 979 71. 67 20, 472, 251 67, 385, 0721 78, 017, 281 80, 279, 313 83, 101, 748 103, 123, 589 99, 711, 913 123, 915, 755| 148, 037, 093 133, 875, 526| 189, 993. 095J 203, 635, 259 164, 925, 543 198. 501, 841 205, 135, 284 152. 680, 617 201, 288, 316 216, 700, 275 166, 277, 909 104. 693, 539 148- 038, 020 178, 720, 982 109, 445, 095 266, 060, 261 244, 975, 354 196, 193, 623 234, 844, 965 241, 329, 235 297, 243, 865| 364, 720. 409 361, 049, 813 302. 055, 494 281, 384, 196 232, 201, 750 214, 459, 672 204, 098, 613 216,027,113 370, 821, 782i 21, 961, 213 35, 219, 534 35, 167, 041 37, 634, 752| 39, 322, 601 ' 45, 515, 055! 41, 494, 286i 49, 593, 771j 62, 734, 3361 73, 564, 872i 73, 784, 170J 93, 987, 780 92, 883, I60! Ill, 930, 469' 143, 293. 058! 110, 658. 037] 130, 045. 025' 136, 915. 844! 123, 032. 6331 84, 663, 1381 95, 297, 795 137, 726, 301 129, 300, 485 168, 751, 805 150, 785, 742 161, 242, 817 182, 661, 414 194, 629, 173 222, 979, 819 261, 874, 668 281, 086, 377 265. 350, 848: 251, 621, 240 228, 539, 440 236, 863, 454 232,952.919 229, 750, 662 297, 132, 964 48.25 65.67 68.93 68. 08 67.88 69.38 70. 62: 71.42; 70. 24 64.54 72.03 68.42 63.97 63.94 58.87 57.98 60.75 61.28 57.47 55.29 60.84 56.48 45.84 61.19 61.90 54.89 56.25 55.36 57.14 58.21 56.23 53.23 52. 79 50.40 47.52 40.70 48.46 55.52 62. 890, 616 19, 935, 073 75, 749, 932 [ 29, 995, 900 73,345,3141 32,694,797 76,272,074' 33,311,174 123,392,883! .33,348.715 99, 141, 441 106, 837, 455 108, 896, 212 145, 729, 704 124, 295, 236 151,027,134 170, 002, 501 147, 676, 135 204, 423, 560 217, 834, 591 198. 505, 034 209.717,182 39, 049, 074 33, 513, 717 35. 479, 514 43, 185, 555 42, 688, 995 52, 462, 148 66, 957, 059 71, 233, 368 76, 795, 863 75, 989, 169 73, 506. 240 83, 184, 869 249, 425, 465| 84, 150, 592 146, 810, 844| 72. 742. 989 127. 184, 318j 65, 867, 027 172. 715, 779f 95, 136. 192 137, 926, 925{ 96, 968, 673 158, 686, 019j 129, 528. 099 336, 172, 028! 93, 210, 295 307, 385, 819 287, 400, 766 290, 483, 151 380, 714, 918 393,527,751 392, 531, 614 478,518,106 527. 707, 577 S3, 079, 545 95, 717, 971 91. 512, 998 90, 648, 718 99, 008, 811 99, 580. 319 114, 155, 394 122, 481, 410 458. 794, 1691 113, 602, 080 496, 757, 303 524, 852, 653 583, 867, 087 .594,189.272 112, 962, 836 120. 933, 197 126.039,341' 117,448.121 719,433,7881 116.204,8701 a Nine mouths. 75.93 71.63 69.17 69.60 78.72 71.74 76.12 75.43 77.14 74.44 74.22 71.74 67.46 72.69 74.14 72.97 71.60 74.77 66.87 65.88 64.48 58.72 55.06 80.56 76.76 75.02 70. 04 80.77 79.90 79.76 80.74 81.10 80.15 81.47 81.27 82.25 83. 50 86. 09 Dollars. 171, 609, 099 141, 867, 343 200, 190, 784 154, 447, 199 162, 863, 542 132, 321, 047 83, 362, 867 143, 135, 004 151, 362, 595 156, 551, 387 206, 494, 631 202, 265, 030 206, 549, 368 232, 811, 967 293, 766, 797 258, 170, 7G2 341, 020, 229 373, 637, 760 312.601,678 402. 925. 401 422, 969, 875 351, 185, 651 411, 005, 498 466, 125, 740 313, 088. 753 231, 877, 857 320, 753, 799 316, 647, 907 268, 131, 114 652, 232, 289 552, 361, 173 483, 594, 389 525, 328. 116 622, 044, 153 690, 771, 616 757, 252. 023 839, 567, 939 829, 763, (171 740, 178, 365 728, 959. 053 739, 312, 325 787, 965, 700 810.216.385 1, 090, 255, 570 Dollars. 70, 306. Kill 70.94 59,081.515 70.60 68,557,845 74.49 67, 480,439| 69.59 71,911,473 69.37 63,632,019 67.53 41, 896, 65, 215, 67, 861. 70, 945, 72,671, 84, 564, 75, 008, 85, 073, 105, 919, 116, 253, 126, 246, 160, 944, 164, 116, 188, 726, 219, 282, 184, 164, 213, 229, 221, 066, 195, 775, 150, 530, 190, 433, 234, 694, 258, 828, 261, 962, 243, 865, 2.56, 960, 274, 174, 285, 277, 321, 988, 361, 454, 395,241, 387, 832, 365, 223, 341, 502, 357, 706. 358, 992, 347, 198, 413, 337, 286, 66.55 434' 68.70 838 69.04 926J 68.81 316 73. 97 120: 70.52 003' 73.36 285 1 73.24 891 ; 73.50 867 1 08.95 318 72.98 8J'J 69.89 65.57 68.10 65.86 65.60 65.84 67.83 61.53 165, 60. 64 987| 62. 75 974 57.43 584 50.88 100; 7L35 287! 69.37 788 06.20 412, 65.71 S91 68.56 630 68.21 9S7 67.69 771 67.99 258' 68.15 3201 66.96 276! 6>!. 10 67.39 68,70 70.00 72.51 X COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Total Values of Merchaxdise Imported from and Exported to Europe AND All Other Countries, etc. — Continued. TEAR END- ING— June 30— 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 1884 . 1885.. 1886.. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. 1891.. 1892.. I5IPORTS FROM — EXPORTS TO- TOTAL IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Europe. All other countries. Dollars. 340, 727, 631| 397,578,413 409, 713, 125 370, 956, 601 318, 733, 328 357, 538, 465 390, 728, 002 407,051,875 403,421,058 449. 987, 266 459, 305, 372 391, 628. 469 Per cent from Europe. Eu- rope. Dollars. 301, 930, 997 327, 061, 161 313, 467, 789 296,741,092 258, 794, 001 277, 897, 671 1 301, 591, 766 316, 905, 239 341, 710, 5941 339, 323, I43I 385, 610, 824] 435, 773, 993 53.02 54.8' 56.65 55.56 55. 19 56. 27 56. 44 56.23 54.14 57.01 54.36 47.33 All other countries. Per cent to Eu- rope. Dollars. 766, 113, 798 600, 100, 498| 659, 867, 390 583, 795, 402: 599,251,8361 541,377,173! 575, 300, 320 549, 095, 361 578, 912. 481' 683, 742, 815 704, 798, 047 850, 623, 150 Dollars. 136, 263, 548 150,441,759 163, 972, 006 156, 718, 147 142, 937. 919 138, 147, 657 140, 882, 885 146, 859, 146 163, 488, 894 177. 085. 869 179, 682, 763 179, 654, 998 Europe. 84.90 79. 961 80.10 78.84 80.74 79.67 80.33 78. 90 77. 98' 79.71 79.68 82.56 AU other countries. Dollars. 1,106,841,429 997, 678, 911 1, 069, 580, 521 954,752,063: 917, 985, 164| 898,915,638, 966. 028, 328 956, 147, 236' 982, 333, 539I 1. 133, 730. O81! 1,164,103,419 1,242.251,019 Per cent of trade with Eu- rope. Dollars. 438, 200. 545 477, 502, 92o| 477, 439, 79.) 453, 459, 239 401, 731, 920 416, 045, 328 442, 474, 651 463, 764, 385 505, 199, 488 513, 409, 012 565, 293, 587 615, 428. 991 7L64 67.63 69.14 67.80 69.56 68.36 68.56 67.34 66.04 68.83 67.31 66.87 Total Values of Merchandise Imported from and Exported to the United Kingdom and All Other Countries, respectively, in the Foreign Trade OF THE United States, with the Percentages of Total Values from and TO THE United Kingdom during each Period of Five Years, from 1821 to 1890, inclusive. PERIODS OF FIVE YEARS. IMPORTS FROM- TJnited King- dom. AU other countries. Per cent from U.K. 1821-'25 1826-'30 1831-'35 1836-'40 1841-'45 1846-'50 1851-'55 1856-'60 1861-'65 1866-70 1871-'75 1876-'80 1881-'85 188ft-'90 Dollars. 151. 346, 561 138, 667, 139 219.976,517 254.414.559 178. 359, 348 285, 730, 187 564, 701, 624 601, 646, 802 519. 962, 621 817. 642, 584 1, 042. 179, 670 663, 550, 722 857, 956, 437 801, 977, 495 Dollars. 217, 885, 821 221, 589, 204 317, 452, 362 403, 363, 348 298, 895, 659 417, 962. 596 672, 719, 215 1,005,501,964 757, 233, 276 1,223,831,805 1, 847, 187, 079 1,799,297,047 2, 477, 753, 701 2,724.177.584 40.99 38.77 40.93 38.68 37.37 40.60 45.64 37.44 40.71 40.05 36.07 26.94 25,72 24.04 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XL Total Values of Merciiaxdise Impoktp-.d from axd Exported to the United Kingdom axd All Othkr Countries, etc. — Continued. PERIODS OF FIVE TEARS. EXPORTS TO- United King- dom. All other countries. Per cent . to U. K. 1821-'25 1826-'30 1831-'35 1836-'40 1841-'45 1 846-' 50 1851-'55 1856-00 18Gl-'65 186G-70 1871-75 1876-'80 1831-'85 1886-90 Dollars. 122, 154, 837 117, 509, 294 188, 287, 249 273, 849, 766 221, 175, 606 349, 495, 899 493, 649, 426 694, 7U0. 256 523, 032, 033 1,144,210,704 1, 518, 031, 975 1, 872, 008, 771 2, 099, 247, 996 1, 607, 157, 418 Dollars. 221, 828, 068 232, 758, 038 270, 533, 755 302, 831, 240 285, 131, 492 339, 746, 360 521.608.409 778, 832, 309 680, 534, 832 972,115,505 1, 281, 875, 256 1, 640, 619, 697 1, 860, 214, 373 2, 084, 735, 189 35.51 33.56 4L04 47.49 43.68 50.71 48.62 47.15 43.46 54.07 54.22 53.29 53.02 43.53 PEPvIODS or FIVE TEAKS. TOTAL EttPOETS AND EXPOET3. United King- dom. All other countries. Per cent of trade withU.K. 1821-'25 1826-30 lS31-'35 1836-40 1841-'45 1846-50 1851-'55 185G-'60 1S61-65 1 866-' 70 1871-'75 1876-'80 1881-'85 1886-'90 Dollan. 373, 501, 398 250. 23G, 433 408, 263, 766 528, 264, 325 399, 534, 954 635, 226, 086 1,058,351,050 1, 296, 347, 058 1, 042. 994, 654 1, 961, 853, 288 2, 560, 211, 645 2, 535, 619, 493 2, 957, 204. 433 2, 469, 134, 913 Dollars. 439, 713, 889 454, 347, 302 587, 986, 117 706, 194, 588 584, 027, 151 757, 708, 956 1. 194, 327, 624 1, 784, 334, 273 1, 437, 768, 108 2. 195, 947, 310 3, 129, 062, 335 3, 439, 917, 344 4, 337, 968. 074 4, 808, 912, 773 45.90 36.06 40.98 42.79 40.52 45.60 46.98 42.08 42.04 47.18 45.00 42.43 40.54 33.93 XII COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Total Values of the Exports of Merchandise and Gold and Silver from THE United States to the Countries of Europe during the Years ending September 30, 1790 to 1820. lnclusive. TEAR ENDING SEP- TEMBER so- Domestic. Foreign. Total. AZORES, AXD MADEIEA ISLANDS. Domestic. Foreign. Total. 1790- Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1792. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1707. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1P02. ISOS- 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 419 85, 835 6,665 10, 826 23, 263 10, 530 6,768 41, 606 247, 963 822, 992 664, 452 567, 992 163, 353 97, 049 59, 639 17, 657 63. 380 86, 377 23, 859 15, 146 30, 788 71, 501 232, 148 293, 332 469, 849 245, 303 556, 794 42, 025 333, 798 329, 657 675. 278 591, 255 173, 883 103, 817 59, 639 89, 158 295, 528 379, 709 493, 708 260, 449 587, 582 394, 726 595. 826 405. 242 546, 612 550, 332 132, 094 5, 263, 138 2, 943, 443 1, 001, 483 832, 768 524, 226 102, 485 640, 312 389, 202 477, 488 511, 791 327, 777 253, 625 31, 323 144, 450 184, 345 163, 867 84, 170 48,850 154, 694 101, 200 105, 690 35, 286 6,066 6,733 122, 300 42, 034 23, 621 19,318 10, 386 451, 677 222, 089 224, 889 261, 715 212, 649 292, 358 194, 202 386, 374 226, 891 579, 595 533, 464 523, 307 426. 049 740, 276 679, 587 710, 479 634, 502 180, 944 5, 417, 832 3, 044, 643 1, 107, 173 868, 054 530, 292 102. 485 647, 045 511,502 519, 522 535, 412 347, 095 264, Oil COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XIII Total Values of the Expouts of Merchandise and Gold and Silver from TUE United States to the Countries of Europe — Continued. TEAR EXDIXG SEP- TEMBEK 30— DENMARK AND NORWAY. Domestic. Foreign. Total. Domestic. roreiEn Total. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. Dollars. 366, 550 477, 211 435, 926 356, 595 572, 150 11, 740 958, 584 3, 962, 739 262, 794 70, 638 127, 920 364, 768 202, 989 94, 034 77, 375 83, 560 Dollars. 334, 310 1, 115, 965 1, 481, 767 1, 052, 954 836, 468 138, 836 3, 327, 766 6, 548, 051 137, 846 45, 746 10, 583 119, 434 243, 138 94, 153 26, 074 154, 694 Dollars. 14, 972 78, 492 257, 771 306, 488 405, 299 302. 955 421, 779 140, 972 1, 400, 258 951, 577 356, 853 531, 825 638, 911 700, 860 1, 593, 176 1, 917, 693 1, 409, 549 1, 408, 618 150, 576 4, 286, 350 10, 510, 790 400, 640 116, 384 138, 503 484, 202 446, 127 188, 192 103, 449 238, 254 Dollars. Dollars. 1, 877, 040 2, 598, 674 3, 220, 112 t 5, 604, 942 3,079,862 j 9,885,602 3, 226, 698 8, 197, 694 2, 716, 141 708, 680 16, 782 673, 808 402, 803 1, 780, 291 286, 429 5, 033, 084 7, 352, 676 7, 124, 535 8, 719, 445 6, 612, 499 5, 461, 889 10, 315, 678 2, 126, 396 1.670 1, 119, 312 2, 435, 218 2, 296, 453 30, 018 1, 853, 859 2, 222, 660 1, 695. 232 3, 346, 577 2, 729, 549 2, 134, 854 Dollars. 1, 384, 246 806, 882 1, 500, 561 1, 934, 395 1, 296, 662 7, 698, 683 3, 171, 759 3, 534, 165 1, 476, 588 40, 400 3, 985, 292 7, 611, 287 4, 475, 714 8, 825, 054 12, 965, 464 11, 424, 392 13, 031, 819 2, 835, 076 18,452 1, 793, 120 2, 838, 021 4, 076, 744 316, 447 6, 886, 943 9, 575, 336 8, 819, 767 12, 066, 022 9, 342, 048 7, 596, 743 XIV COMMERCE WITH UUROPE. Total Values op the P3xports of Merchanise and Gold and Silver from THE United States to the Countries of Europe — Continued. YEAR EXDTNG SEP- QERIIANY. QBBKALTAE. TEMBER 30- Domestic. Foreign. Total. Domestic. Foreign. Total. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 478, 050 426,269 646, 117 1,805,884 5, 037, 923 9, 655, 524 9, 507, 457 9, 589. 858 14, 563, 343 17, 866, 493 8, 008. 877 10, 636, 435 6, 380, 412 3, 599, 357 5, 661, 123 3, 622, 328 6, 592, 338 3, 160, 282 229, 815 2, 392, 643 1, 663, 281 149, 217 Dollars. Dollars. Dollart. 25, 959 23, 465 53, 178 10, 940 85, 861 1,866 225, 067 528, 142 865. 957 204, 627 383, 688 1, 542, 132 1,358,775 1, 039, 318 1, 677, 687 912, 225 24, 963 709, 981 1,018,713 42, 040 2, 057, 225 4, 302, 348 2, 583, 010 4, 914, 651 2, 248, 057 204, 852 1, 682, 662 644, 568 107, 177 390, 053 242, 248 134,379 178, 193 119, 332 10, 976 53, 883 132, 972 720, 681 1, 117, 123 115, 687 74, 339 40, 704 60, 510 131, 221 505, 740 1804 316, 587 175, 083 1806 238. 703 250, 553 10, 976 1,687 106, 483 586, 429 287, 370 55, 570 1810 239, 455 1,307.110 1819 1, 404. 493 13, 086 13, 086 1, 901, 191 2, 368, 287 2, 021, 213 2, 260, 027 2, 029, 039 1, 719, 035 478, 542 1, 166, 213 1, 324, 418 1, 073, 491 1, 544, 025 877, 079 2, 379, 733 3, 534, 500 3, 345, 631 3, 333, 518 3, 573, 064 2, 596, 114 588, 892 1, 442, 659 1, 637, 827 1, 357, 599 806, 159 809, 043 109, 970 620, 228 852, 770 760, 7C2 1, 350, 168 710, 649 698. 862 1816 2, 062, 887 2, 490, 597 1818 2, 118, 301 2, 156, 327 1,^20 1, 519, 692 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XV Total Valuks of the Exports ok Mehciiandise and Gold and Silver from THE United States to thk Countries of Europe, etc. — Coutinued. YEAR ENDING SEP- TEMBEK 30- ITALY, INCLUDING MALTA. NBTHKRLANnS (BEI/JIUM AND HOLLAND). Domestic. Foreign. Total. Domestic. Foreign. Total. 1790 . .. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1 ''90 883 1791 31, 727 94, 124 214, 840 211,244 1, 223, 150 1, 100, 522 769, 064 1, 334, 036 1, 157, 212 2. 689. 068 2, 090, 439 2, 423, 935 1, 585. 672 1, 671, 149 2, 462, 574 4, 773, 073 5, 751, 483 1, 370, 258 1, 155, 745 728, 494 588, 936 274, 722 1,947 915 763 1792 1 600 595 1793 1, 953 751 1794 . . .. 4, 617 700 1795 1, 917, 336 6, 083 491 1796 1797 7, OO"' 457 1798 4, 713, 976 696 968 1799 1800 4, 372, 964 1801 6, 234, 450 5,051,480 1802 1803 370, 695 118,441 142, 475 185,346 250, 257 58, 085 49. 206 71,803 151,. 555 139, 928 1,947 1, 208, 977 1,552,708 2, 320, 099 4, 587, 727 5, 501, 226 1, 312, 173 1, 106, 539 656, 691 437, 381 134, 794 1, 451, 710 2, 064, 158 1, 783, 503 3, 609, 964 3, 098, 234 382, 121 421, 294 74, 194 2, 535, 239 11, 757, 002 14, 959, 380 15, 051, 665 13, 086, 160 2, 227, 722 697. 070 28, 992 3, 986, 949 1804 13,821,160 1805 16, 742, 883 1S06 18, 661, 629 1807 16, 184. 394 i808 2, 609, 843 1, 118, 364 iS09 ISIO 103, 186 1811 1812 30, 747 29, 160 12, 159 3, 687, 437 3, 325, 429 2, 588, 566 3, 501 920 30, 747 29 160 1814 15, 422 795, 390 1, 940, 358 1, 905, 905 9 7fiJ. QIS 27, 581 1815 110, 706 324, 929 124, 223 101,173 108, 373 77, 117 333, 330 1, 233, 349 1, 309, 491 1, 037, 304 1, 007, 338 1, 134, 073 444, 036 1, 558, 278 1, 433, 714 1,138,477 1, 115, 711 1, 211, 190 4, 482, 827 5, 265, 787 4,494,471 6, 266, 863 4 135 944 1816 1817 1818 1819 2, 174, 310 i 1, 961, 634 3 950 102 ^ 9^9 Q'^i 1820 6, 900, 031 XVI COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Total Values of the Exports of Merchandise and Gold and Silver from THE United States to the Countries op Europe, etc. — Continued. TEAE ENDING SEP- TEMBER 30— 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1703. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. POHTUOAL. Domestic. Foreijm. Dollars. 1, 520, 488 1, 2S2, 169 508, 284 920, 841 829, 313 342, 277 1,629,709 2, 664, 121 8, 445, 827 7, 729, 997 9, 992, 012 396, 548 1, 176, 079 1, 237, 587 542, 822 1, 323, 837 555, 708 83, 031 Dollars. 291, 984 190, 716 851, 647 857, 050 159, 173 151, 424 121, 578 130, 726 45, 043 7,275 540 2,996 15,158 6,364 7,642 Total. Dollars. 1, 051, 830 581,711 724, 654 744, 182 761, 617 549, 801 142, 567 221, 979 286, 781 538, 662 448, 548 1, 139, 377 1, 541, 085 1, 812, 472 1, 472, 885 1, 359, 931 1, 777, 891 988, 486 342, 277 1, 781, 133 2, 785, 699 8, 576, 553 7, 775, 040 9, 999, 287 397, 088 1, 179, 075 1, 252, 745 549, 186 1, 331, 479 555, 798 83, 031 Domestic. Foreltjn Dollars. 12, 044 3,580 78, 850 146, 462 1, 048, 762 1, 630, 499 156, 980 50, 400 460 248, 047 181, 101 134, 557 87, 138 143, 752 159, 851 Dollars. 59. 328 8,827 366, 367 737, 799 2, 926, 936 4, 507, 158 1, 586, 617 750 326, 502 525, 783 505. 636 353, 881 4S5, 869 1, 222, 470 TotaL Dollars. 3,570 5,769 90, 388 69, 221 47, 381 3,450 60, 732 46, 030 9,136 73, 721 71,372 12, 407 445, 217 842, 261 3, 975, 698 6, 137, 657 1, 745, 597 51, 150 460 574, 549 706, 884 640, 393 441, 019 629, 621 1, 382, 321 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XVII Total Vaixes of the Exports of Mkrciiandise and fioLD and Silver fuosi THE United States to the Countries op Europe, etc. — Continued. YEAR ENDING SEP- TEMBER 30— 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 179-4. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. Domestic. Foreign Dollars. Dollars. 1, 745, 888 2, 304, 193 2, 327, 1.55 1, 363, 283 1, 181, 231 541, 378 1, 289, 220 3,487,951 3, 963, 263 4, 567, 754 6, .532, 101 57, 750 1, 109, 674 1, 892, 155 608, 285 599, 398 571, 832 280, 253 230, 221 597, 143 1,656,312 1, 758, 954 3, 547, 907 901, 003 1, 290, 003 1, 218, eoi 297, 354 140, 711 40, 905 1,882 160, 890 313, 092 136,777 94, 625 236, 054 118, 326 Total. Dollars. 1,841,614 1, 172, 563 1, 602, 258 1, 8.59, 489 2, 951. 774 2, 253, 754 1, 324, 060 J, 625, 500 2, 274, 223 4, 237, 954 4, 743, 678 2, 865, 101 2, 920, 115 1, 976, 109 2, 901, 336 3, 983, 467 3, 122, 237 4, 729, 138 1, 442, 381 2, 579, 223 4, 706, 552 4, 260, 617 4, 708, 465 6, .573, 006 59, 632 1,270,564 2, 205, 247 745, 062 694, 023 807, 886 398, 579 Domestic. Foreign Dollars. 6,325 58, 361 35, 834 56, 157 4,030,395 1, 563, 336 195, 867 220, 864 713, 844 107, 670 204, 066 240, "87 101, 775 110, 658 98, 881 85, 878 Dollars. 4,472 64, 045 55, 214 29, 414 38, 567 1, 409, 303 4, 294, 397 431, 968 729, 357 135, 616 36, 741 140, 346 59, 194 6,513 11, 267 11, 354 Total. Dollar n. 42, 981 14, 871 42, 332 48, 117 12, 839 23, 564 17,020 101,057 104, 071 91,342 39, 17S 13, 030 10, 797 122, 406 91,048 29, 414 94, 724 5, 439, 698 5, 857, 733 627, 835 950, 221 849, 460 107, 670 240, 807 380, 733 160, 969 117, 171 110, 148 97, 232 S, Mis. 117 n XVIII COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Total Values of the Exports of Merchandise and Gold and Silver from THE United States to the Countries of Europe, etc. — Continued. YEAR ENDING SEP- TEMBER so- Domestic. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1S09. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. Dollars. Foreign. Dollars. 12, 681 11, 984 22, 193 4,520 308 19, 719 15, 319 24, 965 42, 622 31, 975 134, 741 270, 591 424, 855 172, 881 531,407 180, 408 473, 156 387, 004 Total. Dollars. CNITED KINGDOM. Domestic. Foreign. Dollars. 44, 656 146, 725 292, 784 429, 375 173, 189 551, 126 195, 727 498, 121 429, 626 16, 459, 264 11,787,659 13, 939, 663 12, 737, 913 21, 122, 332 3, 093, 978 5, 326, 194 11, 388. 438 13, 184, 553 5, 982, 563 Dollars. Total. 1, 342, 090 1, 418, 842 1,472,600 I 2,855,583 2,027,650 I 106, 327 I 239,405 I 892, 435 554, 757 107, 205 Dollars. 6, 888, 979 5, 906, 448 5, 439, 336 6, 247, 424 5, 707, 9» 6, 324, 066 17,143,313 6, 039, 941 11, 909, 036 18. 930, 538 19, 085, 663 30. 931, 121 16, 083, 550 17, 801, 354 13, 206, 501 15, 412, 263 15, 593, 496 23, 149, 982 3, 200, 305 5, 565, 599 12, 280, 873 13, 739, 310 6, 089, 768 3,996 23, 405 25, 582 4,025 31, 369 40, 335 279, 507 200, 705 129, 883 661,817 44, 331 302, 912 226, 287 133, 908 693, 186 660 17, 636, 321 29, 401, 211 32, 209, 124 37, 081, 609 22, 165, 018 23, 265, 622 51, 620 548, 922 823, 611 1, 239, 254 1, 381, 069 317,936 ceo 17, 687, 941 29, 950, 133 33, 032, 735 38, 320, 863 23, 546, 087 23, 583, 658 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XIX Total Values of the Exports of Merchakdise and Gold and Silver from THE United States to the Countkles of Europe, etc. — Continued. YEAR ENDING SEP- TEALBEK 30— 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 180i. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. EDEOPE GENEEALLT "FOE A MARKET.' Domestic. Foreign Dollan. Dollars. 178, 86, 179, 85, 31, 416, 241, 74, 1,001, 963, 414, 394, 180, 379, 156, 754 534, 064 628, 608 212, 385 41,191 Total. Dollars. 41,298 684, 127 2, 206, 295 266, 698 411, 179 125, 514 90, 100 411, 408 587, 080 329, 000 47, 352 585, 330 207, 077 74, 858 11, 818 35, 389 278, 158 316, 022 335, 453 620, 891 808, 216 298, 080 72, 696 2, 494, 619 683, 610 652, 984 200, 061 1, 091, 702 1, 375, 284 1, 001, 246 723, 794 227, 703 965, 024 TOTAL EXPOETS TO ECEOPE. Domestic. Foreign Dollars. 26, 309, 989 23, 694, 492 24, 131, 942 24, 925, 426 31, 545, 842 5, 317, 130 20, 192, 877 28, 805, 494 30, 539, 140 21, 369, 334 19, 637, 067 964, 161 33, 482, 988 49, 551, 643 48, 297, 352 56, 192, 864 35, 870, 982 36, 670, 857 Dollars. 10, 948, 562 27, 636, 502 36, 636, 349 39, 993, 324 39, 376, 682 1,402,393 13, 633, 103 18, 048, 347 9, 300, 153 6, 059, 865 2, 487, 065 47, 862 4, 328, 757 9, 651, 734 10, 064, 489 11, 802, 265 11, 174, 903 11, 338, 691 Total. Dollars. 13, 034, 853 10, 405, 932 12, 153, 302 15, 398, 406 21, 360, 060 30, 954, 828 39, 338, 168 29, 098, 531 38, 806, 959 44, 869, 356 41, 379, 234 59, 478, 601 43, 960, 543 37, 258, 551 51, 330, 994 60, 768, 291 64, 918, 750 70, 922, 524 6, 719, 523 33, 825, 980 46, 853, 841 39, 839, 293 27, 429, 199 22, 124, 132 1, 012, 023 37,811,745 59, 203, 377 58, 361, 841 67 995, 129 47, 045, 885 48, 009, 548 XX COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Merchanbisr Imported into, and Expoutkd from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive. Note. — Domestic exports from 1862 to 1879, inclusiye, are stated in mixed gold and currency values. AUSTEIA-HTJNGAEY (INCLUDING VENICE POR 1859 AND 1860). YEAR END- ING— September 30 — 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 June 30— 1843 (9mos.) 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 Domestic. Foreign. Dollar*. 31, 781 38, 752 25, 697 6,596 8,834 13, 387 42, 671 119, 233 409,288 300, 859 276, 561 199, 911 146, 517 518, 609 818, 375 1, 138, 431 1, 233, 370 643, 223 429, 578 1, 590, 356 1, 258, 776 748, 179 400, 240 1, 257, 285 1, 433, 103 1, 104, 468 1, 175, 375 1, 701, 495 942, 489 1, 179, 893 2, 265, 573 2, 403, 530 2, 062, 484 1,697,319 1, 277, 527 2, 238, 783 2, 173, 065 1, 969, 468 2, 744, 096 886, 950 253, 514 35, 615 25, 894 99, 450 936, 668 690, 328 161, 63:! 267, 837 622, 732 Dollars. 308, 580 436, 968 919,618 518,057 643, 568 273, 933 234, 122 205, 255 280, 200 293, 261 262, 808 936, 775 408, 447 954, 728 384, 038 827, 374 334, 071 125, 740 162, 671 196, 264 52, 980 136, 526 118, 938 168, 735 368, 775 366, 143 73, 348 107, 727 464, 376 312, 111 230, 894 329, 889 171, 804 206, 290 122, 274 206, 065 282, 616 214, 591 93, 896 151, 954 55, 013 78, 759 63, 061 52, 512 192, 077 22, 706 30, 305 2,558 19 Total. Dollars. 340, 361 475, 720 945, 315 524, 653 652, 402 287, 320 276, 793 324, 488 689, 488 594, 120 539, 369 1, 136, 686 554, 964 1, 473, 337 1, 202, 413 1, 965, 805 1, 567, 441 768, 963 592, 249 1, 786, 620 1, 311, 756 884, 705 579, 178 1, 426, 020 1, 801, 878 1, 470, 611 1, 248, 723 1, 809, 222 1, 406, 860 1, 492, 004 2, 496, 467 2,733,419 2, 234, 288 1, 903, 609 1, 399, 801 2, 444, 848 2, 455, 681 2, 184, 059 2, 837, 992 1, 038, 904 308, 527 114, 374 88, 955 151, 962 1, 128, 745 713, 034 191, 938 270, 395 622, 751 Free. Dollars. 20, 085 21,733 14, 503 19, 673 5,037 26, 729 53, 530 115, 750 49, 956 16, 714 68, 972 149, 258 200, 585 383, 437 330, 063 586, 153 353, 478 345, 446 380, 946 324, 820 347, 988 317, 289 10,818 37, 739 25, 418 40, 591 21, 799 1,250 27 2,600 9,862 3,972 21, 742 160, 858 93,883 21, 285 22. 693 215, 197 219, 986 242, 746 289, 027 11,479 49, 666 26, 043 102, 948 189, 510 175, 698 90,703 40, 808 Dutiable. Dollars. 111,568 240. 442 161, 346 91, 477 98, 769 162, 423 99, 712 121, 628 141, 480 114, 467 90, 190 212, 769 114. 026 175, 177 158. 027 431, 146 275, 987 19, 013 95, 093 48, 545 70, 618 95, 921 62, 139 191, 312 296, 132 339, 128 157, 959 383. 276 405, 251 465, 001 720, 926 304, 777 506, 825 581, 061 402, 400 455, 256 399, 672 186, 815 351, 192 483, 874 199, 650 27, 719 159, 611 197, 157 93, 855 246,648 335, 143 533, 864 934, 770 Total. Dollars. 131, 653 265, 175 175, 849 111, 150 103, 806 189, 152 153, 242 237, 378 191. 436 131,181 159, 162 362, 027 314,611 558, 614 488, 090 1, 017, 299 629, 465 364, 459 476, 039 373, 365 418, 606 413, 210 72, 957 229, 051 321,550 379, 719 179, 758 384, 526 405, 278 467, 601 ■ 730, 788 308, 749 528, 567 741, 919 496, 283 476, 541 422, 365 402, 012 571, 178 731, 620 488, 677 39, 198 209, 277 223, 200 196, 803 436, 158 510,841 624, 567 975, 638 Excess of ex- ports (+) or imports ( — ). Dollars. 208, 708 210, 545 769, 466 413, 503 548, 596 98, 168 123, 551 87, 110 498, 052 462, 939 380, 207 774, 659 240, 353 914, 723 714,323 948, 506 937, 976 404, 504 116,210 + 1,413,255 + 893, 150 + 471, 495 + + 1, + 1 + 1, + 1 + 1, + 1, + I + 1, + 2, + 1, + 1, + + 1, + 2, + 1, + 2, + + 506, 221 196, 969 480, 32S 090, 892 068, 965 424, 696 001, 587 024, 403 765, 679 424, 670 705, 721 161, 690 903, 518 968, 307 033, 316 782, 047 266, 814 307, 284 180, 150 75, 176 120, 322 71,238 931, 942 270, 876 318, 903 354, 172 352, 887 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XXI Value of MEPcnANDisP: Imported into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. AUSTEIA-HUNGART (IXCLUBIN'G VENICE FOR 1859 AND I860)— Continued. YEAH END- ING— EXPORTS. isipoins. Excess of exports (+) or im- ports (— ). Domestic.a Foreign. Total. Free. Dutiable. Total. Jniio ;jo — Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollan. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1S70 1, 185, 380 23, 317 1, 208, 697 54, 129 317,280 371, 409 + 837, 288 1871 1, 630, 130 23, 240 1, 653, 370 168, 335 775, 693 944, 028 + 709, 342 1872 1, 460, 348 34,474 1,494,822 202, 364 809, 702 1, 012, 066 + 482, 756 1873 1, 608, 612 62,544 1, 671, 156 204, 025 577, 377 781, 402 + 889, 754 1874 1, 682, 249 5,972 1, 688, 221 113, 962 374, 680 488, 642 + 1,199,579 1875 1, 662, 355 5,400 1, 667, 755 241, 126 427, 732 668, 858 + 998, 897 1876 1, 554, 319 1,200 1, 555, 519 166, 582 783, 287 949, 869 + 605, 650 1877 2, 606, 246 2,300 2, 668, 546 155, 427 258, 593 414, 020 + 2,254,526 1878 2, 827, 581 3,673 2, 831, 254 197, 300 74, 950 272, 250 + 2, 559, 004 1879 2, 640, 648 1,059 2, 641, 707 168, 565 147, 248 315, 813 + 2,325,894 18rf0 2, 304, 601 2, 228 2, 306, 829 403, 839 1, 151, 168 1, 555, 007 + 751, 822 1881 2, 255, 140 272 2, 255, 412 364, 270 1, 051, 341 1,415,611 + 839, 801 1882 2, 286, 162 9,540 2, 295, 702 633, 524 1, 811, 288 2, 444, 812 — 149, 110 1883 1, 715, 382 64,522 1, 779, 904 581, 622 2, 403, 301 2, 984, 923 — 1, 205, 019 1884 2, 483, 025 6,857 2, 489, 882 1, 176, 655 6, 568, 310 7, 744, 965 — 5, 255, 083 1885 2, 609, 216 105, 321 2, 714, 537 1, 099, 459 4, 646, 121 5, 745, 580 — 3, 031, 043 1886 1,950,267 44,868 1, 995, 135 952, 726 5, 650, 332 6, 603, 058 — 4, 607, 923 1887 679, 981 3,000 682, 981 1, 070, 316 7, 451, 772 8, 522, 088 — 7, 839, 107 1888 331, 662 1,164 332, 836 1, 045, 123 7,638,405 8, 683, 528 — 8, 350, 702 1889 720. 825 5,227 726, 052 805, 502 6, 836, 795 7, 642, 297 — 6, 916, 245 1890 945, 703 2,650 948, 353 819, 820 8,511,558 9, 331, 378 — 8, 383, 025 1891 1, 215, 540 95, 543 1, 311, 083 3, 594, 659 8, 000, 651 11, 595, 310 —10, 284, 227 1892 1, 485, 233 42, 747 1,527,980 2, 616, 472 5, 102, 093 7,718,565 — 6, 190, 585 AZORES, MADEIRA, AND CAPE VERDE ISLANDS. &. September 30 — 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 220, 251 220, 112 145, 526 333, 359 156, 261 136, 034 113, 640 121, 507 183, 023 162, 368 182, 112 169, 069 136, 928 110, 468 85, 926 46, 126 96, 155 43,978 73, 212 104, 290 a A mixed gold and currency b From 1869 to include 1872 "Azores, aud Madeira Islands. " 35, 825 15, 116 10, 695 30, 180 6,971 15, 894 9,142 13, 537 14, 667 12,244 11, 777 12, 292 13, 688 47, 506 24,321 13, 832 7,560 3,050 5,642 13, 869 values fr included 256, 076 235, 228 156, 221 363, 539 163, 232 151,928 122, 782 135, 044 197, 690 174, 612 193, 889 181, 361 150, 616 157, 974 110, 247 59, 968 103, 715 47, 028 78,854 118, 159 om 1862 to 18 AH other 598 316, 367 316, 1, 580 384, 022 385, 1, 020 281, 088 282, 38 265, 326 265, 25, 002 394, 320 419, 10, 222 289, 906 300, 126 270, 636 270, 240 218, 154 218, 264 . 411, 434 411, 3, 508 252, 716 256, 9, 511 188, 083 197, 85 237, 395 237, 13, 259 329, 121 342, 8, 706 429, 767 438, 8, 806 541, 807 550, 24, 892 358, 165 383, 11, 978 687, 463 699, IP, 358 379, 662 399, 4, 609 550, 413 555, 9, 932 334, 035 343, '9, inclusive. Portugueae Possessions -,' 965 602 108 364 322 128 762 394 698 224 594 480 380 473 613 057 441 020 022 967 — 60, 889 -150,374 -125, 887 + 98,175 —256, 090 -148,200 -147,980 — 83,350 —214, 008 — 81,612 — 3, 705 — 56, 119 —191,764 —280, 499 —440, 366 —323, 099 —595, 726 —351,992 —476, 168 -225,808 for 1892, only, XXII COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Merchan^dise Imported into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. AZORES, MADEIRA, AXD CAPE VERDE ISLANDS— Continued. September 30 — 1841 1842 June 30— 1843 (9 mos.) 1844 1845 1846 1847 J848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 , 1887 1888 1889 , 1890 1891 1892 Domestic. rt Foreijni Dollars. 121, 042 92, 237 46, 218 62, 509 60, 143 63, 568 114, 497 114, 356 127, 782 150, 427 112, 379 105, 698 119, 179 55, 738 60, 218 43, 614 106, 376 150, 401 157, 069 85, 724 101, 364 68, 347 113, 007 80, 843 130, 534 81.272 95, 445 173, 336 178, 030 215, 293 298, 388 303, 363 413, 637 645, 108 587, 881 333, 147 526, 852 557, 769 621,724 499, 530 419, 053 447,944 351, 252 309, 939 398, 833 488, 572 470, 835 271, 475 Dollars. 4,235 19, 708 1,871 5,181 1, 835 3,257 1,914 7,011 2,598 8,679 1,045 1,866 7, 764 440 5,854 1,422 18,435 0,800 1,466 2,448 10, 914 289 256 18, 116 2,441 274 3,712 1,211 2,877 2,804 1,767 1,638 2,000 4,920 6,884 6,347 13, 032 9,365 4,093 7,773 10, 806 4,372 3,347 3,357 1, 748 I 4,069 I 396 Total. Dollars. 125, 277 111,945 48, 089 07, 690 61, 978 66, 825 116,411 :21,367 130, 380 159, 106 113,424 107, 564 326,943 56, 178 66, 072 45, 036 124, 811 157, 201 158, 535 88, 172 112, 278 68, 636 113, 263 98, 959 132, 975 81, 546 99, 157 174, 547 180, 907 215, 293 301, 192 305, 130 415, 275 647, 108 592, 801 340, 031 533, 199 570, 801 631, 089 503, 623 426, 826 458, 750 355, 624 313, 286 402, 190 490, 320 474, 904 271, 871 Free. Dollars. 9,094 3,252 1,447 2,798 4,268 3,770 1,410 784 200 150 18, 465 106 127 157, 450 6,127 26, 656 26, 957 50, 120 16,845 31, 222 43, 328 38, 598 (6) 133, 647 128, 357 252, 563 570 23, 879 20, 755 16, 819 42, 870 52, 353 31,827 25, 981 34, 764 49, 396 45, 463 20, 702 33, 189 17, 799 20, 842 14, 684 10, 044 17, 248 17, 002 16, 706 9,553 Dutiable. Dollars. 231,318 182, 879 18, 496 48, 161 192. 979 163. 597 118, 511 20, 086 87, 111 130, 907 112, 478 117,911 88, 490 51, 464 67, 338 36, 039 51, 311 51,451 40, 200 46, 587 41, 608 8,133 17, 625 31, 125 39, 464 21, 136 15, 528 101,998 11, 737 132, 590 25, 058 26, 161 29, 376 74, 173 47, 695 128, 395 64, 429 49, 987 25, 227 82, 718 82, 520 29. 701 64, 154 22, 423 20, 753 15,076 25, 118 Total. Dollars. 240, 412 ISO, 131 19, 943 50, 959 197, 247 167, 367 119, 921 20, 870 87, 311 131,057 130, 943 118. 017 88, 490 51,591 224, 794 42, 166 77, 967 78, 408 90, 320 63, 432 72, 830 51,461 56, 223 188,011 164, 772 167, 821 273, 699 16, 098 125, 877 32, 492 149, 409 67. 928 78, 514 61,203 100, 154 82,459 177, 791 109, 892 70, 689 58, 416 100, 517 103, 302 44, .385 74, 198 39, 671 37, 815 31, 782 34, 671 Excess of exports (+) or im- ports ( — ). a Mixed gold and currency values from 1802 to 1879, inclusive. 6 Not separately stated. COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XXIII Value of MERcnAXDisE Impoktrd into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive— Continued. BELGIUM, a TEAREXD- IXG— September 30 — 1833 1834 1835 *836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 Jane 30— 1843(9 mos.) 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 Domestics Foreign Dollars. 644, 112 585, 342 603, 080 1,580,925 716,618 1, 340, 900 541,641 1. 834, 229 1, 673, 726 1, 434, 038 674, 224 852, 571 495, 754 632, 607 874, 367 989, 764 443, 064 168, 357 709. 393 202, 767 301, 038 848, 890 376, 354 345, 386 692, 428 192, 868 165, 261 770, 293 921, 889 192, 691 051, 344 121, 349 763, 277 431,853 539, 333 200, 345 408, 981 579, 820 610,950 054, 186 280, 437 197, 515 387, 590 093, 747 206, 025 388, 075 470, 003 Dollars 361 873 144 69 393 274 66 486 150 176 296 151 355, 749 348 176. 287 375 136, 1,001 907 1, 158 1, 550 1, 155 1, 949. 1, 626 1,030 1, 789, 832 844, 443 318 1, 458, 468, 576 614, 318 475 261 328 462 620 331 682 020, 1, 149 1, 052, Total. J, 300 1, 1,542 ',135 2 J, 969 1, t,051 1, 3,269 3,426 2, ),156 1, 3,646 1, 5, 485 1. 1,230 2, ),319 1. ),207 2, !,190 3, 5,301 2, r,743 2, ),403 2, 5,999 2, L,003 4, r,495 3, !,004 5, ),886 3, ),237 6, >,098 5, 5,093 3, ,512 4, ),455 4, !,122 2, t,058 4, i,852 4, !,836 3, !,174 6, !,879 6, t,019 7, ,414 6, !,923 6, ),814 7, ,260 11, ,755 13, >,802 15, ),710 20, ,778 12, >,393 16, 3,034 18, ),506 23, 2,398 28, DoUara. 1,005,611 , 458, 642 748, 222 , 284, 060 , 110, 587 , 614, 951 607, 910 , 320, 655 , 823, 882 , 610, 684 . 970, 709 , 003, 801 . 851, 073 , 381, 814 , 222, 557 , 166, 065 , 730, 807 , 543, 760 , 846, 392 , 203, 770 , 208, 533 , 006, 894 , 927, 240 , 500, 623 , 641, 526 , 818, 961 195, 773 , 5.59, 748 ,754,011 , 036, 749 , 495, 196 , 440, 185 , 221, 451 , 900, 732 , 115, 352 , 814, 759 , 727, 904 , 055. 634 , 872, 210 , 382, 941 , 743, 239 , 818, 225 ri9, 368 776, 140 , 832, 059 , 537, 581 , 522, 401 Free. Dollars. 26, 971 46, 357 122, 830 204, 581 216, 805 94, 536 123, 999 76, 136 121, 909 84, 633 9,950 21,224 2,809 17, 070 8,831 4,284 5,835 7,711 5,840 9,002 3,155 25, 917 11, 167 58, 414 49, 635 132, 754 50, 428 92, 007 64,248 485, 768 111, 974 23,489 26, 753 2,066 9,697 36, 642 113, 850 204, 956 254, 743 510,910 778, 323 1,148,766 1, 016, 618 1, 093, 347 1, 358, 509 812, 988 975, 978 Dutiable. Total Dollars. 112, 657 127, 275 218, 937 274, 209 307, 204 135, 692 341, 702 193, 314 250, 880 515, 947 148, 994 597, 494 699, 245 819, 302 906, 323 1,313,262 1,836,618 2, 394, 742 2, 371, 790 2, 037, 043 2, 729, 013 3, 433, 518 3, 387, 523 3, 048, 097 5, 010, 676 3, 645, 242 3, 416, 120 2, 466, 866 2, 207, 280 939. 636 2, 379, 998 1, 812, 562 1, 312, 584 2, 265, 296 3, 202, 871 3, 125, 941 2, 876, 089 2, 935, 188 3, 923, 971 5, 069, 551 4, 932. 754 4, 578, 675 5, 172, 480 4, 348, 131 3, 720, 640 3, 169, 854 3, 233, 254 Dollars. 139, 628 173 341 478 524 230, 465, 269, 372 600, 158 618 702 836, 915 1.317 1,842 2, 402, 2, 377 2, 046, 2, 732, 3, 459 3, 398 3, 106 5, 060 3, 777 3,' 2, .5.58 2,271 1, 425, 2,491 1, 836, 1, 339, 2, 267 3,212 3, 162, 2, 989, 3, 140, 4, 178 5,580 5,711 5, 727 6, 189 5, 441 5, 079 3,982 4, 209, Excpss of export 8 (-I-) or im- ports (— ). Dollars. + 865, 983 + 1,285,010 + 400, 455 + 1,805,270 + 586, 578 + 1, 384, 723 + 142, 209 + 2,051,205 + 1,451,093 + 1,010,104 + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 2, + + + + + 2, + + 1, + + 3, + + + + 2, + + 2, + 2, + 1, + 4, + 4, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 7, + 7, +10, +15, + 6, + 11, + 13. +19, +24, 811, 765 385, 083 149, 019 545, 442 307, 403 848, 519 888, 354 141, 307 468, 762 157, 725 476, 365 547, 459 528, 550 394, 112 581, 215 40, 965 729, 225 000, 875 482, 483 611,345 003, 224 604, 134 882, 114 633, 370 902, 784 652, 176 737, 965 915,490 693, 496 802, 480 032, 162 090, 784 530, 270 334, 662 752, 910 554, 739 313, 169 oNot separately stated prior to 1833. (Mixed golu and currency values from 1862 to 1879, inclnsive. XXIV COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value OF Merchajidise Imported into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. BELGIUM— Continued. TEAR END- EXPOKTS. IMPORTS. Excess of exports (+) Domestic. Foreign. Total. Free. Dutiable. Total. ports (— ). June 30— Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1880 33, 715, 843 438, 337 34, 154, 180 2, 348, 714 9, 442, 751 11, 791, 465 +22, 362, 715 1881 35, 683, 574 642, 757 36, 326, 331 2,091,311 10, 512, 124 12, 603. 435 -t-23, 722, 896 1882 24, 153, 787 953. 226 25, 107, 013 2, 646, 056 18, 353, 612 20, 999, 668 + 4, 107, 345 1883 26, 730, 731 1,048,244 27, 778, 975 2, 641, 253 20, 519, 947 23, 161, 200 + 4, 617, 775 1884 21,897,019 691, 636 22, 588, 655 1, 827, 928 9, 095, 232 10, 923, 160 + 11,665,495 1885 25. 373, 756 1,084,493 26, 458, 249 1, 759, 750 6, 935, 334 8, 695, 084 +17, 763, 165 1886 22, 613, 399 680, 996 23, 294, 395 1, 929, 644 7, 248, 869 9, 178, 513 +14, 115, 882 1887 27, 239, 023 700, 800 27, 939, 823 1, 709, 028 6, 354, 620 8, 063, 648 +19, 876, 175 1888 24, 636, 205 544, 517 25, 180, 722 1, 944, 513 7, 892, 059 9, 836, 572 +15, 344, 150 1889 22, 603, 406 741, 813 23, 345, 219 1, 929, 083 7, 887, 352 9, 816, 435 +13, 528, 784 1890 26, 140, 377 490, 067 26, 630, 444 1, 361, 145 7, 975, 337 9, 336, 482 + 17,293,962 1891 26, 694, 150 846, 274 27, 540, 424 1, 849, 924 9, 095, 748 10, 945, 672 + 16,594,752 1892 47, 713, 121 1, 071. 996 48, 785. 117 2, 781, 858 7, 491, 203 10, 273, 061 +38, 512, 050 DENMARK. September 30 — 1821a 1822a 1823a 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 , 1833 1834 1835 1836 , 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 165, 568 32, 023 39, 783 35, 487 214, 517 100, 582 148, 958 150, 979 73, 597 76, 292 178, 333 181, 605 ] 80, 511 99, 643 212, 461 312, 208 172, 260 98, 081 50, 634 70, 183 110, 424 70, 760 360, 535 160, 757 53, 134 299, 822 637, 146 245, 288 253, 983 386, 189 13, 166 29, 048 166, 383 331, 515 105, 453 312, 619 105, 939 271, 717 109, 421 24,750 38, 177 17, 868 24,364 27, 819 526, 103 192, 780 92, 917 335, 309 851, 663 345, 870 402, 941 537, 168 86, 763 105, 340 344, 716 513, 120 285, 964 412, 262 318, 400 583, 985 281, 681 122, 831 88,811 94, 051 134, 788 98, 585 a Includes l^urway . 2,206 6,127 1,725 65 18 14, 197 48, 549 25, 116 40, 006 12, 750 39, 762 1,787 1,689 16,121 21, 232 24, 028 44, 621 42, 795 40, 822 116, 221 32, 911 5,384 575 63, 277 28,154 48, 345 72, 451 23, 855 62, 813 14, 368 41, 235 5,714 7,102 16, 156 21, 232 24,028 46, 827 48, 922 40, 822 117, 946 32, 911 5,384 575 63, 342 28, 172 62, 542 121, 000 48, 971 102, 819 27, 118 80, 997 7, .501 8,791 + 509,947 + 171,548 68, 889 335, 309 804, 836 290, 948 362, 119 419, 222 53, 852 99, 956 344, 141 449, 778 257, 792 349, 720 197, 400 535, 014 178, 862 95, 713 7,814 86, 550 125, 997 98, 585 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XXV Valup:of Mercuandise Imported into, and Expoihed from, thk Unitkd Statks, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. DENMARK— Coutinued. YEAR END- ING— Juno. 30— 1843 (9 mos.) )84-t 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869c 1870c 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 Domestio.a Dollars. 74, 657 100, 859 124, 666 97, 746 198, 952 164, 661 55, 138 165. 874 92, 257 93, 009 82, 903 87, 870 70, 996 195, 960 234, 529 36, 179 71, 166 65, 124 10, 478 26, 500 124, 420 70, 906 205, 341 1,597,651 1, 265, 129 1,454,101 728, 394 1, 281, 380 1, 315, 682 920, 796 781,375 3, 329, 725 3, 303, 488 2, 284, 784 3,471,204 6, 392, 539 3, 856, 813 4, 442, 077 3, 804, 909 4, 527, 743 2, 915, 003 3, 892, 593 3, 002, 463 3,213,248 5, 037, 290 3, 306, 357 8, 358, 881 Foreign. Dollars. 6,510 11,975 20, 501 23, 496 4,M3 17, 252 20, 706 19, 540 22, 643 23, 547 8,675 31, 755 140 12, 722 36, 999 72, 319 1,435 Total. Free. Dollars. 81,167 112,834 145, 167 121, 242 203, 895 181,913 55, 138 186, 580 111,797 115,652 82, 903 111,417 79, 671 227, 715 234, 529 36, 179 71, 306 65, 124 10, 478 Dollars. 8,758 66,799 10, 780 5, 266 11, 107 11, 700 4,377 2,757 10, 780 11, 795 26, 500 124, 420 83, 628 205, 341 1, 634, 650 1,337,448 1, 454, 101 728, 394 1, 281, 380 1, 317, 097 920, 796 781, 375 3, 329, 725 3, 303, 488 2, 284, 784 3, 471, 204 6, 392, 539 3, 865, 571 4, 508, 876 3, 804, 909 4, 538, 523 2, 920, 269 3, 923, 700 3, 014. 163 3, 217, 625 5,040,047 3, 317, 137 8, 370, 676 GO 500 166 423 (6) 5,029 33, 117 55, 023 2,097 6,179 1,755 33, 009 4,461 1,224 4,557 8,147 16,424 64, 701 346, 222 210, 005 169, 071 379, 679 271, 676 360, 895 200, 050 185,401 135, 220 82, 526 94, 856 126, 595 Dutiable. Dollars. 6,063 22, 429 1,313 475 19, 557 18, 704 527 38, 887 16,611 8,097 1,701 1,130 3, 809 9,028 11, 530 16, 343 6,018 527 107 (6) 35,487 21, 467 861 554, 836 451,469 1,095 5,869 6,827 126, 802 2,510 4,496 1, 322 5,014 115, 598 56, 757 184, 372 133, 815 166, 207 78, 775 71, 125 138, 704 312, 473 103, 753 155, 982 173, 830 101,950 Total. Dollars. 6,063 22, 429 1,313 475 19, 617 19, 204 527 38, 887 16,611 8,097 1,701 1,130 3,809 9,028 11,530 60, 509 6,441 527 107 32, 513 35, 487 21, 467 861 5, 029 587, 953 506, 492 3,192 12, 048 8,582 159, 811 6,971 1,224 9,053 9,469 21,438 180, 299 402, 979 394, 377 302, 886 545, 886 350, 451 432, 020 338, 754 497, 874 238, 973 238, 508 268, 686 228, 545 Excess of exports (+) or im- ports ( — ). Dollars. 81,167 106, 771 122, 738 119,929 203. 420 162, 296 35, 934 186, 053 72, 910 99, 041 82, 903 103. 320 77, 970 220, 585 230, 720 27, 151 59, 776 4,615 4,037 — 527 — 107 — 32,5)3 — 8, 987 + 102, 953 + 82, 767 + 200,312 + 1,046,697 + 830, 950 +1,450,909 + 716, 346 +1, 272, 798 +1, 157, 286 + 913, 825 + 780, 151 +3, 320, 672 +3, 294, 019 +2, 263, 346 + 3,290,905 +5, 989, 560 +3,471,194 +4, 205, 990 +3, 259, 023 +4, 188, 072 +2, 488, 249 +3, 564, 946 + 2,516,289' + 2,978,652 + 4,801,539 +3, 048, 451 +8, U2, 131 a Mixed gold and currency values 6 Free and dutiable not separately from 1862 to stated. 1879, iuclusive. c lucludos Danish "West Indies. XXVI COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value ok Merchandise Imported into, and Exported from, the United States,^ BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Coutinued. FRA:NrcE. TEAR END- ING EXPOETS. IMPORTS. Exce.'ss of exports (-I-) Domestic. a Foreign. Total. Free. Dutiable. Total. or im- ports {—). September 30 — Dollar*. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1821 5, 168, 698 347, 861 5, 516, 559 14. 948 4, 110, 344 4, 125, 292 + 1,391,267 1822 4, 744, 490 7G0, 978 5, 505, 468 40, 137 5, 954, 794 5,994,931 — 489, 463 1823 5, 001, 775 3, 522, 749 8, 524, 524 56,419 5, 471, 082 5, 527, 501 + 2, 997, 023 1824 7, 851, 630 1, 839, 283 9, 690, 913 75, 783 6, 990, 671 7, 066, 454 -f 2,624,459 1825 7, 525, 935 2, 415, 937 9, 941, 872 92,501 10, 847, 035 10, 939, 536 — 997, 664 1826 9, 336, 482 1, 608, 139 10, 944, 621 97, 532 8, 288, 219 8,385,751 + 2,558,870 1827 9, 165, 558 1, 794, 252 10,959,810 93, 592 8, 269, 293 8, 362, 885 + 2,696,925 1828 7, 644, 241 972, 682 8, 616, 923 116. 239 9, 215, 572 9,331,811 — 714,888 1829 8, 872, 725 1, 273, 470 10, 146, 195 63, 213 8, 746, 713 8, 809, 926 + 1,336.269 1830 9, 894, 754 952, 702 10, 847, 456 70, 373 7, 589, 496 7, 659, 869 + 3,187,587 1831 5, 217, 699 554, 098 5, 771, 797 118, 552 13, 893, 087 14, Oil, 639 — 8, 239, 842 1832 9, 745, 355 2, 214, 368 11, 959, 723 124, 139 12, 010, 652 12, 134, 791 — 175, 068 1833 10, 806, 583 2, 899, 332 13, 705, 915 559, 734 12,811,811 13,371,545 + 334, 370 1834 12, 715, 754 2, 722, 945 15, 438, 699 8, 897, 985 6, 582, 216 15, 480, 201 — 41, 502 1835 18, 028, 014 1, 092, 608 1 19, 120, 622 15, 185, 356 7,210,974 22, 396, 330 — 3, 275, 708 1836 19, 608, 434 1, 218, 033 20, 826, 467 20, 943, 185 10, 831, 228 31,774,413 —10, 947, 946 1837 17, 075, 147 2, 290, 117 19,365,264 12, 246, 793 8, 783, 764 21,030,557 — 1, 665, 293 1838 14, 522, 914 783, 837 15, 306, 751 9, 867, 103 5, 664, 382 15,531,485 — 224,734 1839 15. 304, 510 2, 908, 641 18, 213, 151 21, 967, 771 10, 406, 916 32, 374, 687 —14,161,536 1840 18, 760, 690 875, 510 19, 636, 200 10, 474, 127 5, 978, 500 18, 452, 627 + 3, 183, 573 1841 17, 185, 315 492, 811 17, 678, 126 16, 333, 774 7, 314, 245 23, 648, 019 — 5, 969, 893 1842 16, 641, 330 410, 822 17, 052, 152 863, 301 15, 875, 289 16, 738, 590 + 313, 562 Jnne 30— 1843 (9mos.) 11, 570, 872 390, 271 11, 961, 143 334, 328 4, 670, 868 5, 005, 196 + 6,955,947 1844 13, 066, 212 335, 515 13, 401, 727 867, 496 15, 987, 155 16, 854, 651 — 3, 452, 924 1845 11, 876, 932 443, 024 12, 319, 956 650, 899 20, 807, 271 21, 458, 170 — 9,138,214 1846 13, 579, 650 355, 489 13, 935, 139 806, 108 22,993,980 j 23,800,088 — 9, 864, 949 1847 18, 592, 531 505, 087 19, 097, 618 309, 759 23,232,610 23,542,369 — 4, 444, 751 1848 14, 447, 876 569, 556 15, 017, 432 65, 959 27, 744, 327 27,810,286 —12, 792, 854 ]849 12, 092, 760 434, 699 12, 527, 459 89, 437 24, 033, 192 24,122,629 —11, 595, 170 1850 17, 146, 074 524, 281 17, 670, 355 68, 709 27, 394, 377 27, 463, 086 — 9, 792, 731 1851 20, 435, 852 341, 132 20, 776, 984 95, 8G9 31, 314, 851 31,410,720 —10, 633, 736 1852 18, 180, 067 336, 082 18,516,149 95, 427 25, 0;;G, 409 ' 25, 131, 836 — 6, G15, 687 1853 21,999,023 289, 819 22, 288, 842 91, 090 j 33, 132, 944 j 33, 224, 034 —10, 935, 192 1854 24, 359, 152 840, 806 25, 190, 958 140,511 35,614,318 35,754,829 —10, 554, 871 1855 28, 035, 901 1, 079, 827 29,115,728 137, 164 31, 469, 153 31,606,317 — 2, 490, 589 1856 34, 826, 989 511, 092 35, 338, 081 293, G81 48, 534, 198 48, 827, 879 —13, 489, 798 1857 30, 923, 032 714, 937 31, 637, 969 195, 963 45, 709, 031 45, 904, 994 —14, 207, 025 1858 27,611,581 497, 369 23, 108, 950 1, 148, 338 32, 291, 195 33, 439, 533 — 5, 330, 583 1859 29, 207, 911 392, 754 29, 660, 6G5 2, 561, 034 38, 577, 719 41, 138, 753 -11.478,088 18G0 37, 676, 939 862, 364 38, 539, 303 1,478,739 41,692,674 43,171,413 — 4,632,110 1861 13,911,381 817, 719 14, 729, 100 1, 472, 924 30, 338, 793 31,811,717 —17, 082, 617 1802 19, 318, 191 505, 236 19, 823, 427 997,188 6, 707, 641 7, 704, 829 + 12,118,598 1863 13, 990, 261 317, 225 14, 307, 486 649, 247 9, 942, 377 10,591,624 + 3,715,862 1864 12, 013, 166 499, 007 12, 512, 173 508, 982 10, 970, 645 11, 479, 627 -f 1,032,546 1865 10, 220, 095 858, 516 11,078,611 465,722 ! 6,218,307 6, 684, 029 + 4, 394, 582 1806 50, 990, 307 321, 796 51, 312, 103 1,538,506 21,383,559 22, 922, 065 +28, 390, 038 1867 33, 834. 460 582, 706 34, 417, 166 693, 256 28, 692, 983 29, 386, 239 + 5, 030, 927 1868 25, 890. 759 526, 232 26 416,991 1, 460, :;g6 23, 855, 2.39 25, 315, 605 + 1,101,386 a Mixed gold and currency values from 1862 to 1879, incluaive. COMMERCE WITPI EUROPE. XXVII Value OF Merchandise Imported into, and Exported from, trk United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. FR A NCE— Continued. YEAR END- LNG— EXPORTS. mPOETS. Excess of exports (+) Domeatic.a Foreign. Total. Free. Dutiable. Total. ports (— ). June 30— Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1869 32, 747, 919 366, 489 33, 114, 408 3, 219, 129 27,065,402 30, 284, 531 + 2,820,877 1870 45, 053, 886 502, 361 45, 556, 247 1, 525, 650 41, 205, 488 42, 731, 138 + 2,825,109 1871 26, 482, 263 170,345 26, 652, 608 1,667,114 20, 432, 165 28, 009, 279 — 1, 446, 671 1872 30, 939, 206 492, 812 31,432,118 1, 863, 874 41,276,282 43,140,156 —11, 708, 038 1873 33, 220, 620 560, 886 33, 781, 506 3, 051, 223 30, 925, 977 33, 977, 200 — 195, 694 1874 42, 326, 187 638, 124 42, 964, 311 2, 684, 576 49, 007, 320 51,691,896 — 8, 727, 585 1875 33, 172, 387 460, 340 33, 632, 727 3, 678, 317 56, 094, 831 59, 773, 148 —26, 140, 421 1876 39, 022, 829 769, 873 39, 792, 702 3, 633, 496 47, 326, 081 50, 959, 577 -11,166,875 1877 44, 098, 343 1, 041, 575 45, 139, 918 4, 402, 633 43, 153, 659 47, 556, 292 — 2, 416, 374 1878 54, 289, 918 1,029,220 55, 319, 138 4,149,536 39, 229, 334 43, 378, 870 + 11,940,268 1879 88, 194, 041 1, 475, 586 89, 669, 627 4, 323, 304 46, 361, 297 50, 684, 601 +38, 985, 026 1880 98, 889, 209 1. 173, 835 100, 003, 044 8, 272, 611 61,071,801 69, 344, 412 +30, 718, 632 1881 89, 844, 100 4, 353, 351 94, 197, 451 6, 763, 331 63, 043, 044 69, 806, 375 + 24,391,076 18S2 47, 401, 923 2, 608, 895 50,010,818 9, 298, 290 79, 599, 316 88, 897, 606 —38,885,788 1883 55, 905, 191 2, 717, 032 58, 682, 223 10, 632, 670 87, 356, 494 97, 989, 164 —39, 306, 941 1884 49, 290, 650 1, 609, 235 50, 899, 885 9, 660, 852 61,181,561 70, 842, 413 —19, 942, 528 1885 44, 562, 334 2, 146, 616 46, 708, 950 7, 464, 214 49,471,138 56, 935, 352 —10, 226, 402 1886 40, 006. 096 1, 675, 650 41, 681, 746 7, 727, 057 55, 690, 373 63, 417, 430 -21, 735, 684 1887 55,681,994 1, 575, 676 57, 257, 670 8, 253, 963 59, 853, 661 68, 107, 624 —10, 849, 954 1888 37, 784, 237 1, 426, 071 39,210,308 8, 839, 246 62, 526, 020 71, 365, 266 —32, 154, 958 1889 45, 110, 922 1, 009, 119 46,120,041 7, 927, 322 61, 639, 296 69, 566, 618 —23, 446, 577 1890 49, 013, 004 964, 020 49,977,024 10, 880, 297 66, 792, 014 77, 672, 311 —27, 695, 287 1891 59, 826, 739 866, 451 60, 693, 190 10, 339, 344 66, 349, 651 76, 688, 995 —15, 995, 805 1892 97, 896, 132 1, 230, 575 99, 126, 707 8, 068, 044 60,486,749 68, 554, 793 +30, 571, 914 GERilAXY. September 30 — 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837..- 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 535, 506 644, 226 589. 622 804,546 149, 392 994, 442 702, 486 819, 763 012, 587 566, 098 839, 284 446, 658 120, 922 618, 871 824, 453 218, 828 666, 734 692, 463 090, 921 411,316 254,566 I 964. 135 I a Mixed 597, 038 800, 789 1, 587, 653 1,003,890 1, 931, 159 1, 140, 805 1, 319, 214 1, 190, 918 1, 276, 984 725, 148 779, 931 1, 652, 670 795, 186 2, 059, 613 759, 568 1,211,464 1, 182, 403 672, 593 764, 856 873, 405 476, 826 756, 461 2, 132, 2, 505, 3, 177, 1,868, 3, 080, 2, 135, 3, 021, 3, 010, 3, 289, 2, 291, 2, 619, 4, 099, 2, 916, 4, 678, 3, 584, 4, 430, 3,849, 3,364, 2, 861, 4, 284, 4, 730, 4,720. gold and currency 544 015 275 436 551 247 700 681 571 ,246 ,215 328 108 ,484 ,021 ,292 ,137 ,056 ,777 ,721 ,692 ,596 values 36, 369 72, 225 48,030 41, 899 61, 821 182, 349 57, 279 105, 958 56, 883 30, 411 111, 807 133, 790 168,189 1, 594, 750 2, 109, 090 2, 264, 089 2, 093, 538 1, 267, 821 2, 092, 195 946, 440 866, 580 165, 842 from 1862 765, 1,447, 1,892, 2, 409, 2, 696, 2, 707, 1, 619, 2, 674, 2, 236, 1, 846, 3, 426, 2, 753, 2, 181, 1, 758, 1, 770, 2, 810, 4, 033, 1, 575, 2, 821, 1, 633, 1,619, 2, 122, to 1879, 801, 399 1, 519, 606 1,940,454 2,450,910 2, 758, 804 2, 890, 301 1,676,351 2, 780, 444 2, 293, 466 1, 877, 395 3, 538, 643 2, 887, 743 2, 350, 096 3, 352. 834 3, 879, 181 5, 074, 914 6, 127, 315 2, 843, 776 4, 913, 437 2, 580, 404 2, 485, 994 2, 288, 149 + 1,331,145 + 985, 409 + 1, 236, 821 — 582, 474 + 321, 747 — 755, 054 + 1,345,349 + 230, 237 + 986, 105 + 413, 851 — 919, 428 + 1,211,585 + 566, 012 + 1,325,650 — 295, 160 — 644, 622 — 2,278,178 + 520, 280 — 2, 051, 660 + 1,704,317 + 2,250,698. + 2,432,447 inclusive. XXVIII COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Merchandise Impouted into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Coiitinued. GEEMANT— Continued. TEAR END- ING— Domestic. a Foreign. Total. Free. Dutiable. Total. Excess of exports (4-) or im- ports (—). Jnne 30— 1843(9 mos.) 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1807 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 Dollars. 3, 120, 987 089 934 525 141 476 071 658 581 884 337 268 700 859 860 067 413 725 394 086 625 381 274 693 510 606 931 530 022 604 410 381 648 752 120 387 394 106 571 056 490 307 091 857 655 264 695 215 981 732 3, 369, 4, 608, 4, 404, 4, 257, 3, 870, 2, 667, 4, 355, 5, 212, 5 580, 6 199, 7, 484, 7, 796, 11, 816, 13, 593, 9 929, 13 994, 12, 677, 8, 938, 8, 286, 11 930, 10, 531, 16, 861, 19 984, 20 578, 29 641, 36 924, 41 250, 34 352, 39 867, 60 124, 61 668, 49 232 49 161, 57 456, 53 991, 56 164, 56 292, 68 858, 52 790, 64 340, 59 251, 60 819, 60 923, 57 316, 55 621, 66 568, 84 315, 91 684, L04 180, Dollars. 411,314 416, 903 639, 286^ 344 386 836 341, 463 487, 1,043 922 1, 059, 988, 2, 296, 1, 176 1, 965, 1, 839 1, 619 1,655, 2,040 3,453 1,531 1,489 1,548, 958, 1,038 638 766 1, 465 1,324 1,233 1, 467, 651 818, 892, 770, 1, 329 1, 438 1, 829 1,351 1,403 1, 037 1,254 792 1,433 1, 248 1,110 1, 340 Dollar*. 3, 532, 301 3, 785 5,512 5,044 4, 543 4,215 3, 053 5, 192, 5,554 6,044 6,687 8, 527, 8,718 12, 876 14, 582, 12, 225 15, 170 14, 043 10, 778, 9, 905 13, 586 12,571 20, 315 21, 516 22, 068 31, 190 37, 883, 42, 288, 34,990, 40, 633, 61, 590, 62, 993, 50, 466, 50, 629 58, 107 54, 809 57, 057 57, 062 70, 188 54, 228 66, 169 60, 603 62, 222, 61, 901 58, 571 56, 414 68, 002, 85, 563 92, 795, 105, 521 Dollars. 20, 526 55, 870 164, 682 188, 610 79, 861 27, 682 47, 382 32, 180 51, 953 41, 465 59, 465 56, 573 57, 610 135, 647 96, 824 344, 407 260, 760 214, 884 211, 800 4, 078, 402 1, 018, 797 433, 634 222, 557 425, 164 615, 893 611, 105 661, 161 654, 282 1, 576, 279 1, 839, 854 3, 113, 061 3, 677, 177 2, 802, 718 2, 625, 295 3, 218, 561 3, 358, 756 3, 252, 486 6, 497, 259 6, 082, 762 8, 779, 055 7, 936, 189 10, 733, 886 9, 358, 367 10, 631, 575 11,406,127 11, 244, 968 10, 893, 364 12, 029, 482 19, 469, 530 18, 869, 832 Dollars. 615, 072 Dollars. 635, 598 2,113 2,943 Dollars. + 2, 896, 703 + 1, 671, 470 + 2,568,522 -f 1,863,170 + 913, 480 — 2, 096, 897 — 4, 663, 077 — 3, 622, 891 — 4. 228, 666 — 2, 089, 234 — 7, 199, 153 — 8, 486, 732 — 4, 599, 009 — 1, 735, 289 — 722, 456 — 1, 767, 125 — 2, 544, 004 — 3,891,878 — 3, 920, 670 — 4,588,752 + 119, 312 — 1, 254, 324 -flO, 751, 359 — 4, 899, 898 — 4, 513, 030 + 8,812,561 + 12,795,265 +15, 273, 556 + 9,896,772 — 5, 609, 880 + 188, 281 +19, 083, 373 + 10,218,313 -H5, 309, 610 +25, 598, 068 +20, 019, 742 +21, 537, 427 + 4,851,026 +17, 199, 071 — 2, 139, 589 + 8,792,201 — 4. 416, 104 — 1, 018, 962 — 7, 193, 804 —22, 076, 288 —22, 007, 664 —13, 739, 952 —13, 274, 371 — 4, 520, 927 +22, 614, 005 a Mixed gold and carrency Talaes from 1862 to 1879, inclusive. COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XXIX Value of MRRrHANDisE Imported into, and Expouted from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. GIBRAIvTAK. YEAR END- ING - September 30 — 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 June 30— 1843(9 mos,) 1844 184b 1840 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 Domestic. o Foreign. Total Dollars. 956, 111 525, 708 875, 604 934, 402 861, 733 692, 396 1, 040, 999 898, 411 301, 132 513, 248 427, 625 428, 833 573, 076 506, 703 553, 582 635, 198 355, 376 609,818 902, 247 643. 344 I, 020, 931 466, 937 218, 251 502, 462 426, 107 463, 241 365, 360 310, 400 723, 819 186, 307 177, 904 229, 302 169, 444 440, 214 225, 365 358, 223 564, 314 403, 454 265, 261 920, 072 558, 557 1, 027, 082 1, 444, 509 769, 106 709, 698 1, 155, 338 1, 448, 993 2, 363, 913 Dollars. 481,445 620, 074 1,024,468 932. 335 795, 694 1,045,025 861, 387 471, 719 149, 558 310, 270 145, 786 151,558 164, 270 283, 785 190, 062 218, 580 186, 836 142, 678 139, 031 257, 110 98, 989 100, 748 38, 197 68,961 115, 674 85, 008 52, 236 44, 625 60, 432 18,397 46, 949 33, 157 22, 070 74, 817 123, 379 44, 393 53, 065 15, 665 7,739 113, 520 23, 778 20, 998 41, 268 86, 257 203, 447 29, 556 158, 633 38, 483 Dalian. 1, 437, 556 1,145. 1, 900, 1,860, 1, 657 1,737 1, 902 1, 370 450 823 573, 580 737, 790 743 853 542 752, 1, 041 900 1,119 567 256 571 541 548 417 355 784, 204 224 262 191 515 348 402 617 419 273 1,033 582, 1, 048, 1, 485, 855 913 1, 184 1,607 2,402 Free. Dollars. 441 2,847 8,648 3,895 6,818 30, 946 13, 178 13, 444 1,225 220 751 6,784 39, 047 52, 375 46, 077 162, 437 122, 625 793 28, 857 10, 518 6,525 3,414 106 804 85 5 393 465 9,251 565 1,291 1,604 2,166 46, 103 17,380 37, 876 25, 097 7,973 5,086 (c) 2,321 a Mixed gold and currency values from 1862 6 Includes Malta in imports, not in exports, c Free and dutiable not separately stated. Dutiable. Total, Dollars. 630, 462 433 287, 378 640 552 726 615 187, 81 141 264 141 123 109, 83, 83 24 70 21 14, 29 79 27 26, 4, 1 44 73 96 61 59, 65 35 41 45 48 28 33 117 109, (0 15 2, 6, 21 to 1879, Dollar)!. 630, 903 Excess of export.s (-(-) or im- ports (— ). 870 864 481 203 inclusive 436 296 382 646 583 739 629 188 82 142 271 180 175 155 245 206 25 99 32 21 12 3 30 79 27 26 4 1 44 73, 105 61 59 66, 36, 43 91 66 65 58 125, 114 63 15 2, 6 23 717 074 473 842 120 675 187 673 168 017 538 208 744 740 978 285 624 178 107 079 268 037 803 896 806 969 445 193 269 604 853 784 673 541 750 958 737 261 933 346 7866 3796 222 I 870 864 481 524 Dollars. + 806, 653 + 709, 065 + 1,603,998 + 1,484,264 + 1,010, .585 + 1,154,301 +1,162,711 740, 943 262, 017 741, 350 431, 394 308, 853 557, 138 614, 744 587, 904 607, 800 335, 927 726, 872 942, 100 + 868, 347 +1, 098, 841 + 555, 417 253, 411 540, 620 461, 885 520, 443 390, 627 350,580 783, 058 160, 435 151, 249 156, 606 129, 730 455, 358 282, 203 365, 866 573, 421 327, 382 206, 739 967, 659 523, 989 + 922, 294 +1,371,398 + 793,141 + 897, 275 +1, 182, 030 +1,601,145 4-2,378,872 XXX COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Merchandise Imi'orted into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. GIBRALTAR— Continued. TEAR END- ING— June 30- 18(59 . 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1836. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. Domestic. a Foreign. Dollars. 2, 881, 115 3, 7U. 103 3, 531, 494 2, 652, 943 2, 430, 938 2, 519, 883 1,141,222 1, 565, 054 2, 544, 931 2, 641, 916 1, 297, 820 2, 322, 703 2, 802, 610 1, 338, 731 623, 481 1,104,141 1, 251, 784 920, 734 727, 050 604, 134 533, 755 501, 421 476, 068 403, 165 Dollars. 63, 948 287, 190 253, 311 145, 610 25, 133 10, 238 2,711 7,198 21, 515 2,541 480 962 79, 132 16, 776 4,335 14, 025 9,827 4,278 5,005 1,911 4,708 1,095 4,037 2,342 Total. Dollars. 2, 945, 063 4, 071, 293 3, 784, 805 2, 798, 553 2, 456, 071 2, 530, 121 1, 143, 933 1,572,252 2, 566, 446 2,644,457 1, 298, 300 2, 323, 665 2, 881, 742 1, 355, 507 627, 816 1, 118, 166 1, 261, 611 925, 012 732, 055 606, 045 538, 463 502, 516 480, 105 405, 507 Free. Dutiable. Dollars. 345 5,418 4,724 9,513 2,417 1,025 2,706 12, 239 2,174 3,127 7,132 3,834 7,332 1,964 1,817 392 5 2,078 1,733 8,933 19, 487 67, 473 76, 314 Dollars. 35, 562 48, 190 14, 492 17, 339 3,832 . 5,879 5,633 1,564 34, 695 6,332 7,094 15, 686 13, 582 5,435 2,609 2,931 3,171 1,901 3,865 2,862 4,140 8,070 15, 356 10, 617 Total. Dollars. 35, 562 48, 535 19,910 22, 063 13,345 8,296 6,658 4,270 46, 934 8,506 10, 221 22, 818 17,416 12, 767 4,573 4,748 3,563 1,906 5,943 4,595 13, 073 27, 557 82, 829 86, 931 Excess of exports (+) or im- ports (—). Dollars. +2, 909, 501 +4, 022, 758 +3, 764, 895 +2, 776, 490 +2, 442, 726 +2, 521, 825 + 1,137,275 +1, 567, 982 + 2,519,512 +2, 635, 951 + 1, 288, 079 +2, 300, 847 +2, 864, 326 +1, 342, 740 •f 623,243 +1, 113, 418 + 1,258,048 923, 106 726, 112 601,450 525, 390 474, 959 397, 276 318, 576 GEEECE.& 14, 634 9,783 4,f 14, G34 14, 663 7,440 1,590 9,030 September 30 1827 1835 1836 1837 1838 1840 1842 June 30— 1848 1849 1852 1853 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 a Mixed gold and currency values from 1862 to b Not separately stated prior to 1827. 3,060 13, 048 2,367 3,060 15, 415 20, 190 23, 507 10, 616 40, 627 15, 366 50 300 (0 1,018 14, 461 9,474 5,138 14, 294 15, 106 291 23, 591 4,550 47, 712 159, 759 67, 290 134, 601 69,713 28, 012 (c) 87, 751 82, 147 184, 783 128, 925 34, 651 32, 981 10, 616 45, 765 14, 294 15, 106 291 23, 591 4,550 47, 712 175, 125 67, 290 134. 651 70, 013 28, 012 52, 605 87, 751 83, 765 184, 782 128, 925 14, 634 19, 988 32, 981 10, 616 9,030 45, 765 14, 294 15, 106 291 23, 591 4, 550 47, 712 172, 065 51, 875 134, 651 70, 013 28, 012 52, 605 87, 751 83 '765 184, 783 128, 925 1879, inclusive. c Free and dutiable not separately stated. COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XXXI Value of Mkrchandisk Tiniported into, and Exported from, thk United States, BY CouNTiuES, KROM 1821 TO 1892, INCLUSIVE — Coutiuued. G R EECE — Continued . TEAR END- ING— Domestic. a Foreign Dollart. 33, 101 71, 700 51, 379 32, 668 22, 900 143, 235 190, 170 64,888,104 285, 019 145, 572 142, 042 349, 467 91,017 185, 485 207, 822 144, 003 171, 497 174, 411 165, 079 167, 282 159, 445 100. 370 Dollars. 6,458 2,222 Total. Free. Dollars. 33, 101 71,700 51. .379 32, 668 22, 900 143, 235 196, 628 4, 890, 326 285, 019 145, 572 142, 042 349, 467 91, 017 185, 485 207, 822 144, 003 171, 497 174, 411 165, 079 167, 282 159, 445 100, 370 Dollars. CO 17, 488 1,786 24, 338 329 13, 927 412 110 62 5,614 11,423 23, 720 12, 471 21, 968 1,221,780 1, 183, 243 Dutiable. Dollars. 138, 431 80, 001 298, 275 290, 273 411, 818 459, 830 455, 290 560, 411 523, 128 276, 116 409, 328 451,379 550, 638 885, 634 1, 231, 168 1, 039, 874 596, 645 725, 209 986, 820 1, 238, 799 976, 452 1, 103, 130 156, 553 117, 206 Total. Dollars. 138,431 80. 001 298, 335 307, 7C1 413, 604 484, 168 455, 290 560, 411 523, 128 276, 445 409, 328 451, 379 550, 638 899, 561 1, 231, 580 1, 039, 984 596, 707 730, 823 998, 243 1, 2G2, 519 988, 923 1, 125, 098 1, 378, 333 1, 300, 449 Excess of exports ( + ) or im- ports (— ). Dollars. — 138,431 — 80, 001 — 20.), 234 — 2:i6, 061 — 362,225 — 451,. OOO — 432, 390 — 417,176 — 326,500 +4, 613, 881 — 124,309 — 305, 807 — 408, ."ioe — 550,094 —1, 140, 563 — 854,499 — 388,885 — 580,820 — 826,746 —1, 088, 108 — 823,844 — 957,816 —1, 218, 888 —1, 200, 079 GREENLAND. ICELAND, AND THE FAROE ISLANDS. June 30— 1866 44, 599 58, 612 102, 806 44,599 58, 612 102, 900 85, 126 28,118 70, 472 103, 530 137, 465 105, 884 66,042 91, 371 103, 529 51,589 97, 400 106, 029 113,847 91, 890 157, 034 132,416 58, 105 115, 338 95, 495 76, 379 44 599 1867 3,784 131 3,915 — 54, 697 —102, 9U0 85 126 1868 94 85, 126 28, 118 70, 472 103, 530 137, 465 105, 884 66, 042 91,371 103 5''9 1873 1874 28, 118 1875 100 100 70 372 1876 103 530 1877 —137, 465 —105, 829 65 972 1878 55 70 55 70 1879 1880 91 371 1881 19 19 103 510 1882 51,589 97 400 51 589 1883 97 400 1884 106, 029 113, 847 91,890 157, 034 132, 416 58, 105 115, 158 95, 405 76, 350 106 0''9 1885 113 847 1886 91 890 1887 157 034 1888 132 416 1889 58 105 1890 180 90 29 —115, 338 94 595 1891 900 900 1892 76, 379 o Mixed gold and and currency values from 1802 to 1879, inclusive. 6 Priiiciiially firearms. XXXII COMMEKCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Merchandise Imported into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive -Coutinued. ITALY. YEAH END- ING— September 30— 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 183J 1840 1841 1842 Tuue 30— 1843 (9 mos) 1844 1845 1846 , 1847 , 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1800 1801 1802 1863 1864 1865 1806 1867 Domestic.a Foreigr Dollars. 410, 171 560, 714 115, 994 76, 868 66, 605 81, 622 74, 417 279, 520 289, 755 326, 239 373, 884 181,595 76, 487 109, 846 195, 918 285, 656 223, 888 344, 068 507, 861 1, 493, 055 1, 252, 881 793, 646 652, 149 486, 712 821, 121 1, 544, 987 1, 743, 153 1, 299, 647 1, 326, 835 1, 834, 171 2, 089, 465 2, 416, 407 2,514,635 2. 0:!2, 518 2, 552, 633 2, 9U4, 990 4, 489, 252 3,887,138 3, 947, 077 4, 950, 208 1, 756, 223 1, 560, 361 1, 650, 653 3, 158, 563 6, 064, 834 4, 934, 148 4, 902, 983 a Mixed Dollars. 689, 496 889, 470 951,911 587. 480 578, 434 448, 599 535, 804 616, 230 577, 685 414, 121 323, 010 508, 896 304, 762 387, 771 118, 280 574, 300 424, 286 163, 170 207, 360 317, 270 188, 749 484, 737 238, 592 536, 949 230, 352 724, 019 117,421 186, 952 319, 687 362, 532 155, 000 258, 518 235. 217 218,391 630, 266 141,739 136, 536 238. 144 91, 375 123, 167 332, 248 20, 876 184. 145 27, 279 44,261 4,450 57, 297 Total. Dollars. 1, 099, 667 1, 450, 184 1, 067, 905 664, 348 645, 039 530, 221 610, 221 895, 750 867, 440 740, 360 696, 894 689, 991 381, 249 497, 617 314, 198 859, 956 648, 174 507, 238 715, 221 1,810,325 1, 441, 630 1, 278, 383 920, 741 1,023,661 1, 051, 473 2, 269, 006 1, 860, 574 1, 486, 599 1, 646, 522 2, 190, 703 2, 244, 465 2, 674, 925 2, 749, 852 2, 250, 909 3, 182, 899 3, 046, 729 4, 625, 788 4, 125, 282 4, 038, 452 5, 073, 375 2,088,471 1, 581, 237 1, 834, 798 3, 185, 842 6, 109, 095 4, 938, 598 4, 960, 280 Free. Dutiable. gold aud currency values Dollars. 32,643 95, 302 190, 584 37, 678 1, 106, 516 142, 548 84,190 181, 657 148, 332 50, 292 223, 281 318, 525 494, 058 889, 493 1, 234, 772 1, G50, 597 1, 466, 002 775, 241 1, 195, 210 1, 284, 249 1, 112, 110 395, 536 55, 066 167, 846 236, 866 154, 904 123, 432 51, 468 25, 354 22, 063 27, 148 41, 745 46, 709 59, 815 55, 429 92, 599 106, 985 806, 275 1, 023, 135 1, 269, 809 1, 090, 102 301, 987 631,214 058, 334 573, 442 1, 149, 054 1, 139, 867 from 1862 to Dollars. 585, 609 1, 254, 787 1, 063, 659 920, 868 1, 247, 472 903, 942 826, 344 1, 358, 228 1, 260, 056 891,132 1, 587, 092 1, 453, 487 669, 590 769. 231 483, 141 959, 225 777, 652 456, 597 574, 663 464, 304 609, 042 1, 129, 343 504, 456 2, 390, 492 1, 610, 463 1,548,117 1, 694, 304 2, 170, 416 2, 048, 054 2, 879, 195 2, 853, 475 2, 085, 191 2, 778, 556 3, 109, 606 3, 047, 370 3, 348, 971 3, 473, 929 2, 621, 451 2, 756, 709 3, 464, 709 2, 528, 501 1, 990, 081 2, 514, 465 2, 466, 328 1, 604, 286 2, 996, 718 4, 149, 020 1879, iiicli Total. Dollars. 618, 252 1, 350, 089 1, 154, 243 958, 546 1, 353, 988 1, 046, 490 910,534 1, 539, 885 1, 408, 388 941, 424 1, 810, 373 1,772,012 1, 16:3, 048 1, 658, 724 1, 717, 913 2, 609, 822 2, 243, 654 1,231,838 1, 769, 873 1, 748, 553 1, 721, 152 1, 524, 879 559, 522 2, 558, 338 1, 847, 329 1, 703, 021 1,817,736 2,221,884 2, 073, 408 2,901,258 2, 880, 623 2, 126, 936 2, 825, 265 3, 169, 421 3, 702, 799 3,441,570 3, 580, 914 3, 427, 726 3, 779, 844 4, 734, 518 3, 618, 603 2, 292, 068 3, 145, 679 3,124,662 2, 177, 728 4, 145, 772 \ 5, 288, 887 sive. COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XXXIII Value of Merchandise Imported into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Coutiuued. ITALY— Continued. TEAR END- EXPORTS. IMPORTS. Excess of exports (+) ING— Domestic. a Foroign. Total. Free. Dutiable. Total. or im- ports (— ). Juno 30— Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1868 5, 434, 276 24, 218 5, 458, 494 1, 083, 458 3, 426, 175 4, 509, 633 + 948,861 1869 5, 682, 951 23, 224 5, 706, 175 1,528,237 4, 686, 626 6, 209, 863 — 503,688 1870 6,344,912 129, 741 6, 474, 053 1, 417, 692 5, 223, 874 6, 641, 566 — 166,913 1871 6, 030, 449 68, 776 6, 159, 225 2, 120, 897 5,322,615 7,443,512 —1, 284, 287 1872 5,438,718 13, 468 5, 452, 186 2, 510, 277 5, 081, 914 7, 592, 191 —2, 140, 005 1873 7,241,097 54, 552 7, 295, 649 3, 135, 157 4, 839, 325 7, 974, 482 — 678,833 1874 8, 378, 666 4,019 8, 382, 685 5, 637, 409 2.861,885 8, 499, 294 — 116.009 1875 7, 226, 554 1,515 7, 228, 069 3, 330, 690 5, 859, 492 9, 190, 182 —1, 962, 113 1876 7, 770, 470 17, 005 7, 787, 475 2, 866, 086 4, 762, 276 7, 628, 362 + 159, 113 1877 8, 484, 496 10, 172 8, 494, 668 2, 411, 080 4, 694, 150 7, 105, 230 4-1, 389, 438 1878 8, 736, 719 4,381 8, 741, 100 2, 289, 260 4, 421 , 746 6, 711, 006 +2, 030, 094 1879 8, 657, 403 830 8, 608, 233 2, 725, 939 5, 158, 388 7, 884, 327 + 773, 906 1880 12, 348, 239 4,403 12, 352, 642 3, 649, 090 6, 668, 596 10, 317, 686 +2, 034, 956 1881 8, 987, 417 31, 458 9, 018, 875 4,565,841 7, 078, 146 11, 643, 987 —2, 625, 112 1882 8 981,260 95, 037 199, 010 9, 076, 297 10, 313, 558 4, 255, 783 4,051,402 7, 858, 438 7,858,256 12 114 2''! —3, 037, 924 —1,596,100 1883 10, 114, 548 11, 909, 658 1884 7, 563, 403 507, 627 8, 071, 030 7, 079, 285 9, 627, 072 16, 706, 357 —8, 635, 327 1885 11, 690, 142 284, 275 11, 974, 417 6, 113, 465 8, 379, 443 14, 492, 908 —2, 518, 491 1886 13, 048, 846 324, 578 13, 373, 424 8, 933, 543 7, 937, 093 16, 870, 636 —3, 497, 212 1877 12, 056, 481 115, 123 12, 171, 604 9,241,139 10, 146, 669 19, 387, 808 —7, 216. 204 1888 12, 725, 887 25, 672 12, 751, 559 8, 568, 358 9, 833, 230 18, 401, 588 —5, 650, 029 1889 12, 543, 928 12, 974, 219 60, 920 12, 604, 848 13, 068, 096 9, 494, 070 10.241,323 8, 498, 079 10, 088, 728 17 992 149 5,387 301 1890 93, 847 20, 330, 051 —7, 261, 955 1891 15, 927, 274 119, 651 16, 046, 925 9, 640, 982 12, 037, 226 21, 678, 208 —5, 631, 283 1892 14, 223, 947 93, 835 14, 317, 782 10, 901, 745 11, 259, 872 22,161,617 —7, 843, 835 XETHEELANDS. Septojuber 30— 1821 1, 954, 513 1, 739, 560 3, 694, 073 12, 614 574, 172 586, 780 -f3, 107, 287 1822 2, 077, 368 1, 524, 369 3, 601, 737 27, 962 677, 382 705, 344 +2, 890, 393 1823 2, 642, 930 2, 407, 226 5, 050. 156 20, 378 511,781 532. 159 -f4. 517. 997 1824 1, 597. 514 617, 831 2, 215, 345 29, 912 940, 804 970, 716 4 1, 244, 629 1825 2, 486, 468 1, 306, 839 3, 793, 307 43,327 1, 194, 957 1, 238, 284 +2, 555, 023 1826 1, 970, 199 1, 899, 857 3, 870, 056 42, 451 912, 577 955, 028 -f-2, 915, 028 1827 2, 339, 381 888, 210 3, 227, 591 48, 274 832, 035 880, 309 +2, 347, 282 1828 1, 863, 767 361,326 2, 225, 093 35, 229 1, 182, 060 1, 217, 289 -fl, 007, 804 1829 3, 095, 857 873, 879 3, 969, 736 15,917 1, 024. 629 1,040,546 -1-2,929,190 1830 3, 354. 551 675, 527 4, 030, 078 26, 961 849, 250 876, 211 + 3,153,867 1831 1, 707. 292 207, 860 1. 915, 152 8,861 964, 335 973, 196 + 941,956 1832 2, 332, 792 1, 634, 353 2, 870, 490 696, 231 5 103 282 41 018 1 314 836 1, 355, 904 1,161.416 -f 3, 747, 378 + 1.169.168 1833 2, 330, 584 272, 836 888, 580 1834 2, 3G5, 53G 1, 258, 138 3, 623, 674 492, 003 571, 882 1, 063, 885 +2, 559, 789 1835 2, 345, 980 187, 036 2, 533, 016 840, 466 690, 496 1, 539, 962 + 993, 054 1836 2, 498, 096 686, 479 3, 184, 575 950, 457 877, 774 1, 828, 231 + 1.356,344 1837 2, 035, 589 1, 322, 936 3, 358. 525 626. 893 1, 227, 622 1. 854. 515 + 1,504,010 1838 2, 555, 979 394, 657 2, 950, 636 364, 655 806, 730 1, 171, 385 + 1,779,251 1839 1, 677, 352 295, 391 1, 972, 743 1, 267, 049 880, 295 2, 147, 344 — 174,601 1840 3, 345, 264 510,246 3, 855, 510 511, 206 563, 082 1. 074. 288 +2, 781, 222 1841 2, 237, 444 277, 478 2, 514, 922 1, 170, 116 467, 906 1, 638, 022 + 876,900 1842 3, 236, 338 a Mixed lis. 117- 386, 988 gold and cu — in 3, 623, 326 rrency valu< 550, 923 38 from 1862 516,515 to 1879, incli 1.067,438 isive. +2, 555, 888 xxxrv COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Merchandise Imported into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countuies, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. XETHEELAXDS— Continued. -YEAR EITD- EXPORTS. IMPORTS. Excess of export.s (+) LNG— Domestic.a Foreign. Total. Free. Dutiable. Total. or im- ports (— ). June 30— Dollarg. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1843 (9 mo3.) 1, 698, 327 238, 140 1, 936, 467 108, 744 309, 359 418, 103 + 1,518.364 1844 2, 517, 921 181, 023 2, 698, 944 594, 193 715, 652 1, 309. 845 + 1,389.099 1845 2, 753, 780 268, 267 3, 022, 047 218. S58 733, 986 952. 844 + 2,069,203 1846 2, 097, 691 199, 074 2, 296, 765 363, G43 693, 892 1, 057, 535 + 1,239,230 1847 1, 885, 398 129, 936 2, 015, 334 389, 153 843, 394 1. 232. 547 + 782, 787 1848 1, 595, 450 242, 613 1, 838, 063 213, 222 1, 204, 686 1, 417, 908 + 420,155 1849 2, 155, 328 242, 027 2, 397, 355 209, 906 1, 291, 737 1, 501, 643 + 895, 712 1850 2, 188, 101 416, 564 2. 604, 665 156, 240 1, 530, 727 1, 686, 967 + 917, 698 1851 1,911,115 284, 054 2, 195, 169 383, 917 1,668,789 2, 052, 706 + 142, 463 1852 2, 292. 848 204, 681 2, 497, 529 267,193 1, 368, 368 1, 635, 561 + 861, 968 1853 1, 983, 723 215, 773 2, 199, 496 115, 227 1, 509, 943 1, 625, 170 + 574, 326 1854 2, 299, 710 142, 956 2, 442, 666 98, 952 1, 597, 018 1, 695, 970 + 746, 696 1855 1,920,369 208, 615 2, 128, 984 348, 642 1,477,058 1,825,700 + 303, 284 1856 3, 501, 110 85, 318 3, 586, 428 349, 135 2, 077, 344 2, 426, 479 + 1,159,949 1857 3, 980. 633 127, 244 4, 107, 877 221, 384 2, 248, 378 2, 469, 762 + 1, 638, 115 1858 3, 033, 454 338, 053 3, 371, 507 776, 601 1,551,541 2, 328, 142 + 1,043,-365 1859 4, 497, 241 209, 742 4, 706, 983 1, 848, 243 2, 548, 989 4, 397, 232 + 309, 751 1860 3, 762, 413 209, 918 3, 972, 331 627, 021 2, 242, 938 2, 869, 959 + 1,102,372 1861 3, 254, 141 465, 232 3, 719, 373 755, 141 2, 056, 193 2, 811, 334 + 908, 039 1862 2, 440, 232 284, 876 2, 725, 108 558, 861 1, 103, 593 1, 662, 454 + 1, 062, 654 1863 3, 358, 221 279, 354 3, 637, 575 197, 149 1, 349, 365 1, 546, 514 + 2, 091, 061 1864 3, 433, 523 103, 964 3, 537, 487 (b) (6) 1, 324, 637 + 2,212.850 1865 3, 006, 453 128, 421 3, 134, 874 91,462 686, 558 778, 020 + 2, 356. 854 1866 2, 407, 149 23, 282 2, 430, 431 357, 255 2, 421, 059 2, 778, 314 - 347, 883 1867 2, 9GG, 502 113, 205 3, 079, 707 124,296 1, 461, 064 1, 585, 360 + 1,494,347 1868 4, 624, 454 31,477 4, 655, 931 101, 079 1, 172, 778 1, 273, 857 + 3,352,074 1869 3, 936, 163 89, 593 4, 025, 756 539, 471 2, 151, 563 2, 691, 034 -1- 1, 334, 722 1870 6, 115, 821 284, 014 6, 399, 835 99, 553 1, 245, 369 1, 344, 922 + 5,054,913 1871 12, .381, 161 288, 970 12, 670, 131 163, 342 1, 884, 620 2, 047, 962 +10, 022, 169 1872 11,010,391 165, 541 11, 175, 932 279, 669 2, 268, 046 2, 547, 715 + 8,628,217 1873 10, 842, 840 367,468 11,210,308 834, 812 2, 108, 265 2, 943, 077 + 8.267,231 1874 13, 712, 846 202, 578 13, 915, 424 802, 652 1,713,971 2, 516, 623 +11, 398. 801 1875 7,483,010 60,064 7, 543, 074 780, 202 1, 573, 456 2, 353, 658 + 5,189,416 1876 12, 185, 355 57, 753 IS, 243, 108 731, 239 1, 707, 018 2,438,257 + 9,804,851 1877 10, 411, 757 156, 578 10,568,335 923, 570 1, 623, 549 2, 547, 119 + 8,021,216 1878 13, 174, 079 125, 968 13, 300, 047 895, 755 1, 879, 179 2, 774, 934 +10, 525, 113 1879 13, 802, 840 361,319 14, 164, 159 1,617,025 2, 063, 907 3, 680, 932 +10, 483, 227 1880 16, 887, 230 319, 868 17, 207, 098 2, 942, 567 4, 001, 520 6, 944, 087 +10, 263, Oil 1881 25, 785, 004 567, 503 26, 352, 507 1, 445, 334 4, 356, 972 5, 802, 306 +20, 550, 201 1882 13,102,401 635, 422 13, 737, 823 .1,982,632 6, 183, 096 8, 165, 728 + 5, 572, 095 1883 18, 538, 161 381, 422 18, 919, 583 2, 177, 545 10, 076, 188 12, 253, 733 + 6,665,850 1884 16, 322, 960 235, 322 16, 558, 282 2,580,533 2, 292, 400 4, 872, 933 +11, 685, 349 1885 16, 634, 137 170, 126 16, 804, 263 1, 860, 360 3, 792, 389 5, 652, 749 + 11,151,514 1886 14, 536, 664 223, 053 14, 759, 717 2,681,209 5, 842, 547 8, 523, 846 + 6, 235, 871 1887 18, 445, 556 402, 714 18, 848, 270 2, 307, 587 7,615,326 9, 922, 913 + 8,925,357 1888 15, 983, 191 230, 942 16, 214, 133 2, 820, 823 9, 535, 551 12, 356, 374 + 3,857,759 1889 14, 800, 780 262, 159 15, 062, 939 1, 904, 191 9, 046, 652 10, 950, 843 + 4, 112, 096 1890 22, 487, 588 170, 207 22, 657, 795 2, 457, 523 14,571,710 17, 029, 233 + 5,628,562 1891 23, 816, 814 297, 163 24, 113, 977 2, 290, 146 10, 132, 028 12, 422, 174 + 11,691,803 1892 43, 556, 865 361, 119 43, 917, 984 2, C52, 139 8, 234, 663 10, 886, 802 + 33,031,182 a Mixed gold and currency values from 1862 to 1879 inclusive. b Free and dutiable not separately stated. COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XXXV "Value of Merchandise Impokted into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. PORTUGAL. TEAR EXD- IXG— September 30 — 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835." 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 June 30— 1843 (9 mo8.) 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 I860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 Domestic. a Foreign. Dollars. 147, 726 102. 935 48,077 77, 255 110, 015 99, 945 116, 103 77, 010 42. 088 43, 408 39, 149 28, 262 73,313 42, 542 162, 703 38, 355 124, 337 64, 970 59,711 97, 341 111, 443 72, 723 59, 096 99,553 124, 350 96,316 56, 983 112, 260 169, 721 172, 978 167, 342 234, 064 223. 651 127, 150 270,716 344. 098 1,619,057 263, 250 671,120 200, 704 273. 776 608, 230 1, 468, 485 487, 879 1, 042, 918 498, 728 Dollars. 66 4, 555 300 5,168 2,824 538 220 1,164 628 1,803 2,356 300 1.230 16, 583 89, 342 9,716 17,072 2,093 93 5,724 7,321 1,388 1,538 3,565 5,419 5,953 1,3.35 2,984 6.273 5,236 4,996 4,129 24,552 22, 895 24, 867 33, 771 16, 388 10, 008 7,619 6,285 10, 090 15, 393 31, 657 12, 896 19,520 19, 480 Total. Dollars. 147.792 107 48. 82 112 100 116 78, 42, 45 41 28, 74, 59, 252 48 141 67 59 103 121 74 60 103 129 102 58 115 175 178 172, 238 248 150 295, 377, 1, 635 273 678 272 2S3, 623 1, 50O 500, 1, 062 518 Free. Dutiable. Dollars. 1,956 4,984 5,628 886 1,831 6,059 12, 172 600 2,966 981 615 2,121 3,084 2,565 45, 397 9,215 16, 723 4,673 15, 321 8,614 11,121 3,941 910 12, 202 6,506 8,407 7,374 1,350 150 15, 450 3,011 6,948 10, 104 35, 059 21, 818 29, 042 3, 832 6,076 (6) 309 Dollars. 213, 385 436, 882 162, 379 217, 673 204, 081 304, 325 224, 305 109, 359 220, 400 156, 186 119, 085 120, 095 163, 100 201, 731 474, 682 265, 068 155, 480 269. 614 554, 690 211,217 249, 880 133, 100 45, 291 183, 623 283, 186 369, 843 273, 584 210, 838 320, 360 339, 763 367, 398 266, 014 411, 155 228, 142 186, 067 284, 155 415, 888 119, 044 117, 280 124, 995 147, 111 84, 600 170, 191 (6) 110, 985 246, 706 Total. Dollars. 215, 341 441 168, 218 205 310 236 109 223 157 119, 122 166, 204 520 274 172 274, 570 219. 261 137 46 195 289 378 280 210 321 339 367 206 411 243 186 287 422 129 152 146, 176 88, 176 158 110 247 Excess of export.s (+) or im- ports ( — ). Dollars. — 67, .549 —334 —119 —136, —209, —120 — 31 —180, —111 — 78, — 93 — 91 —145 —208, —226 — 30, —207 -510 —110 —139 _ 62, + U — 92 —159 —275 —222 — 95 —145 —161 —195 — 27 — 162 — 93 + 109, + 90 + 1,212 144 526 126 107 535 + 1,323 + 342 + 951 + 271 376 630 136 073 901 214 785 050 956 195 654 641 171 034 212 794 224 207 706 237 930 433 707 923 981 640 594 716 549 210 821 952 547 516 703 609 110 400 176 713 131 875 329 453 201 o Mixed gold and cuiTt-ncy values from 1862 to 1879 inclusive. 6 Free and dutible not separately stated. XXXVI COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Merchandise Imported into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. PORTUGAL— Continued. TEAK END- ING— June 30- 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. Domestic.o Foreign Dollars. 546, 244 915, 085 883. 429 1, 528, 056 1, 423, 949 1, 508, 484 1, 180, 187 1, 553, 042 2, 820, 099 3, 169, 027 2, 361, 734 3, 879, 896 4, 897, 290 4, 586, 764 4, 291, 088 4, 522, 403 5, 363, 122 4, 607, 321 4, 553, 445 4, 306, 205 4, 506, 521 4,910,197 2, 872, 507 3, 891, 789 4, 986, 909 4, 081, 453 Dollars. 3,700 21, 808 42,345 37, 907 6,345 8,939 5,450 25, 819 48, 737 78, 785 19, 030 131, 645 29,871 8,972 178 67, 368 121,915 11, 610 44, 901 170, 218 34, 366 2,087 562 1,045 229 9,595 Total. Dollars. 549, 944 936, 893 925, 774 1, 565. 963 1,430,294 1, 517, 423 1, 185, 637 1,578,861 2, 868, 836 3, 247, 812 2, 380, 764 4, Oil, 541 4, 927, 161 4,595.736 4,291,266 4, 589, 771 5, 485, 037 4,618,931 4, 598, 346 4, 476, 423 4, 540, 887 4, 912, 284 2, 873, 009 3, 892, 834 4,987,138 4, 091, 048 IMPORTS, Free. Dollars. 5, 751 5,727 9,882 14, 908 135, 319 333, 096 480, 192 431, 363 375, 325 489, 779 447, 995 372, 335 407, 943 520, 500 578, 815 929, 937 862, 422 1, 087, 977 861, 021 1, 165, 397 1, 441, 253 1, 210, 548 1,071,632 1, 177, 256 1, 302, 049 1, 575, 880 Dutiable. Total Dollars. 255, 992 221, 237 210, 148 289, 089 193,745 127, 917 98, 883 74, 774 105, 037 83, 909 76, 831 57, 112 46, 442 250, 197 179, 387 211, 947 231, 054 174, 823 146,129 178, 770 237, 945 253, 394 167, 659 241, 053 316, 203 390, 489 Dollars. 261,743 226, 964 220, 030 303, 997 329, 064 461,013 579, 075 506. 135 480, 362 573, 688 524, 826 429, 447 454, 385 770, 697 758, 202 1, 141, 884 1, 093, 476 1, 262, 800 1, 007, 150 1, 344, 167 1, 679, 198 1, 463, 942 1, 239, 291 1,418,309 1, 618, 252 1, 966, 369 Excess of exports (+) or im- ports ( — ). Dollars. + 288, 201 -f 709, 929 -f 705, 744 -f 1, 261, 966 -f 1,101,230 +1, 056, 410 -f 606, 562 + 1,072,724 -f 2, 388, 474 + 2,674,124 +1,855,938 +3, 582, 094 +4, 472, 776 +3, 825, 039 -t 3, 533, 064 +3, 447, 887 -1-4, 391, 561 +3, 356, 131 +3, 591, 196 +3, 132, 256 +2, 861, 689 + 3,448,342 +1,633,778 +2, 474, 525 + 3,368,886 +2, 124, 679 EOUMANIA. 1885 11, 088 4,134 11,088 4,134 47, 485 143,165 119, 950 20, 995 47, 485 152, 992 130, 109 26, 438 — 36, 397 —148, 858 130 109 1886 9,827 10, 159 5,443 1887 1888 2,858 9,961 6,418 50, 462 25, 230 2,858 9,961 6,418 50, 462 25, 230 23, 580 1889 + 9,961 + 6, 418 + 50, 411 + 25,230 1890 1891 51 51 1892 a Mixed gold and currency values Irom 1862 to 1879 inclusive. COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XXXVII Value of Mkrchandise iMroRXEi) into, and Exportkd from, the United States, BY Countries, fhom 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Coutinued. RUSSIA IN EUROPE, a TEAR END- ING Domestic. 6 Foreign. Total. Free. Dutiable. TotaL Excess of exports ( + ) or im- ports ( — ). September 30 — 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 182S 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1339 18t0 1841 1842 June 30— 1843 (9mo8.) 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851........ 1852. ...I... 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 , 1867 , Dollars. 127,939 177 51 92 55, 11 45, 108 51 35 111 121 223 168 231 320 144 359 434, 234 146, 316, 309 414 536 535, 626, 1, 047 937, 666, 1, 465 1,061 2,313 335 48, 536 4, 426 4,263 5, 546 2, 713 598 44 69 325 414 2,547 1, 928, Dollars. 500, 955 351, 820 597, 099 139, 215 232, 210 163, 604 336, 734 328, 020 324, 329 352, 414 257, 491 379, 515 394, 577 160, 521 346, 863 572, 730 1, 159, 652 682, 172 802. 803 925, 394 879, 611 515, 589 76, 300 139, 412 190, 492 97, 079 124, 118 108, 428 197, 947 198, 506 145, 987 138,732 143, 478 145, 095 20, 414 69, 863 171, 465 72, 390 104, 268 30, 453 70, 931 12. 175 54, 106 72, 078 117, 590 27, 394 63, 443 Dollars. 628, 894 529, 081 648, 734 231, 981 287, 401 174, 648 382, 244 436, 942 376, 013 387, 875 368, 843 500, 629 018,311 329, 148 578, 470 893, 013 1, 303, 732 1,041,219 1, 237, 390 1, 160, 250 1, 025, 729 831, 615 386, 167 554, 294 727, 333 632, 467 750, 450 1, 156, 010 1, 135, 504 864, 941 1,611,691 1, 200, 480 2, 456, 653 480, 616 69, 3.54 006, 721 4, 597, 475 4, 335, 944 5, 650, 423 2,744,219 669, 101 57, 032 123, 477 398, 031 532, 219 2, 574, 527 1,991,763 Dollars. 13, 526 27, 578 45, 195 22, 078 17,676 102, 668 28, 395 37, 424 41, 554 17, 901 42, 425 143, 769 72, 395 358, 056 703, 860 771, 848 868. 242 431,251 619, 281 559, 080 602, 570 135, 705 2,893 109, 390 31,313 39, 135 16, 500 19, 394 45,511 57, 018 36, 344 54, 379 24, 404 23, 140 2,749 2,150 55, 830 286, 376 80, 178 151, 675 114, 205 8,097 65, 071 (c) 210, 161 172, 692 176, 791 Dollars. 1, 838, 673 3, 279, 450 2, 211, 782 2, 187, 585 2, 049, 434 2, 514, 501 2, 057, 682 2, 750. 938 2,177,441 1, 603, 998 1, 565, 903 3, 105, 083 2, 697. 963 2, 237, 784 1, 691, 385 2, 006, 706 1, 943, 874 1,466,145 1, 774, 563 2, 013, 347 2, 214, 878 1,214,401 a From 1821 to 1854, inclusive, includes "All b Mixed gold and currency values from 1862 c Free and dutiable not separately stated. 736. 509 950, 029 1, 460, 949 1, 530. 919 908, 173 1. 299, 690 794, 653 1, 454, 554 1,356,438 1, 527, 241 1, 254, 097 1, 521, 095 274, 115 222, 550 1,423,190 1, 777, 489 769, 581 1, 380, 515 1,173,747 587, 105 884, 147 (c) 1, 122, 041 958, 415 1, 069, 763 Russia." to 1879 inclusive. Dollars. 1, 8,-i2, 199 3, 307, 028 2, 256, 977 2, 209, 663 2,067, no 2, 617, 109 2,080,077 2, 788, 362 2, 218, 995 1, 621, 899 1, 608, 328 3, 248, 8.52 2, 770, 358 2, 595, 840 2, 395, 245 2, 778, 554 2, 812, 110 1, 897, 396 2,393,844 2,572,427 2,817,448 1, 350, 106 739, 1, 059, 1, 492. 1, 570, 924, 1,319, 840, 1,511, 1, 392, 1,581, 1, 278, 1, 544. 276, 224, 1, 479. 2, 063, 849, 1, 532, 1, 287, 595. 949, 1,611, 1, 332, 1,131, 1, 246, 402 419 262 054 673 084 164 572 782 620 501 235 864 700 020 865 759 190 952 202 218 279 202 107 554 Dollars. — 1,223.305 — 2, 777. 947 — 1, 608, 243 — 1,977.082 — 1, 779, 709 — 2, 442, 521 — 1,703,833 — 2, 351, 420 — 1,842.982 — 1, 234, 024 — 1, 239, 485 — 2, 748. 223 — 2, 152, 047 — 2, 206. 692 — 1,816.775 — 1, 885, 541 — 1, 508, 384 — 850, 177 — 1,1,56,454 — 1,412,177 — 1,791,719 — 518, 491 — 353, 235 — 505, 125 — 764, 925 — 937, 587 — 174, 223 — 163, 074 + 295, 340 — 646, 631 + 218, 909 — 381, 140 -h 1,178.152 — 1, 063, 619 — 207, 510 -I- 382, 021 + 3,118,455 -f 2,272,079 + 4,800,064 + 1,212.029 — 618, 85-1 — 538, 179 — 825. 741 — 1, 213, 248 — 799. 983 -f 1,443,420 + 745, 20« XXXVIII COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Merchandise Imported into, and Expouted from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821, to 1892, inclusive — Continued. RUSSIA IN EUROPE— Continued. TEAR END- ING— Domestic.a Foreign. Total. Free. Dutiable. Total Excess of exports (+) or im- ports ; — ). June 30— 1808 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 September 30 — 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 , 1830 1831 , 1832 , 1833 , 1834 1835 1836 1837 , 1838 , 1839 , 1840 , 1841 , 1843 , Dollars. 2, 193, 562 4, 296, 659 4, 180, 639 6, 777, 442 6, 917, 709 11, 697, 326 10, 163, 557 11, 324, 478 11, 757, 099 4, 317, 034 11,002,472 16, 597, 515 13, 126, 444 15, 818, 823 11, 455, 135 19, 002, 014 11, 156, 915 7, 645, 338 9, 705, 335 7, 616, 846 11,206,304 8, 255, 357 10,533,565 7, 764. 012 6, 693, 095 Dollars. 54, 620 23, 836 13,721 26, 366 4,076 10, 304 2,600 717 8,016 17, 420 20 4,425 440 5,740 Dollars. 2, 248, 182 4, 320, 495 4, 194, 360 6, 803, 808 6, 921, 785 11, 707, 630 10, 166, 157 11,324,478 11,757,816 4, 317, 034 11, 002, 472 16, 597, 515 13, 127, 144 15, 818, 823 11,463,151 19, 019, 434 11, 156, 935 7, 645, 338 9, 709, 760 7, 616, 846 11, 206, 304 8, 255, 357 10, 534, 005 7, 764, 012 6, 698, 835 Dollars. 157, 778 64, 933 66, 033 170, 572 118, 474 70, 185 65, 425 34, 381 12, 769 16, 041 10, 354 968 21, 529 7,365 97, 413 44,452 337, 828 311, 395 541, 928 842, 308 787, 721 840, 246 750, 318 1, 600, 252 1, 458, 344 Dollars. 2, 069, 863 1, 116, 221 1, 515, 604 1, 292, 329 1, 846, 919 1, 992, 801 1, 191, 745 1, 306, 077 990, 551 597, 166 590, 330 582, 877 652, 425 2, 790, 061 2, 376, 317 2, 455, 016 2, 363, 786 2, 678, 328 2, 641, 225 3, 464, 390 2, 677, 619 2, 034, 847 2, 556, 303 3, 129, 526 3, 468, 286 Dollars. 2, 227, 641 1,181,154 1, 581, 637 1, 462. 901 1, 965, 393 2, 002, 986 1, 257, 170 1, 340, 458 1, 003, 320 613, 207 600, 684 583, 845 673, 954 2, 797, 426 2, 473, 730 2, 499, 468 2, 701, 614 2, 989, 723 3, 183, 153 4, 306, 698 3, 465, 340 2, 875, 093 3, 306, 621 4, 729, 778 4, 926, 630 Dollars. + 20, 541 + 3,139,341 + 2,612,723 -f 5,340,907 + 4,958,392 + 9,644,644 + 8,908,98'7 + 9,984,020 + 10,754,496 4- 3, 703, 827 +10, 401, 788 +16, 013, 670 + 12,453,190 +13, 021, 397 + 8,989,421 + 16,519,966 + 8,455,321 + 4,655,615 + 6,526,607 + 3,310,148 + 7,740,964 + 5,380,264 + 7,227,384 + 3,034,234 + 1,772,205 SPAIN. 348, 931 141, 470 151, 842 150, 276 92, 329 152, 277 137, 114 107, 790 731, 705 684, 512 310, 705 489, 448 337, 769 390, 217 524, 933 883, 457 554, 280 474, 309 525, 086 353,419 386, 001 555, 120 a Mi.'ifd 190, 815 66, 066 85, 413 366, 434 89, 057 42. 273 54, 290 217, 546 135, 432 61, 327 66, 626 43, 685 23, 796 15, 428 29, 116 20, 036 40, 140 960 38. 494 7,504 6,265 17, 778 539, 207, 237, 516, 181, 194, 191, 325. 867, 745, 377, 533, .361, 405, 554, 903, 594, 475, 563, 360, 392, 572, 746 536 255 710 386 550 404 336 137 839 331 133 565 645 049 493 432 260 580 923 266 11, 3 5 7, 1 3, 3 10 180 1, OOO 553 1, 189 1, 879. 540, 1, 129, 1, 191, 866, gold and currency values from 1802 to 1879 inclusive. 491 122 894 185 766 980 437 489 971 467 255 949 397 990 656 275 057 274 631 397 363 377 1802 514, 700 819. 773 958, 113 422, 389 573, 097 655, 347 585, 798 629, 176 767, 308 962,160 1,220,270 1, 397, 776 929, 679 746, 753 708, Oil 1, 201, 814 1, 005, 571 471, 956 728, 740 477, 867 424, 949 1, 143, 156 516, 191 819, 895 968. 007 433, 574 ' 576, 863 661,327 593, 235 630, 665 771, 279 965,627 1, 220, 585 1, 408, 725 1, 110, 076 1, 747, 743 1,261,667 2, 391, 089 2, 384, 628 1, 012, 230 1,858,371 1, 672, 264 1,291,312 1, 143, 533 + + 23, 555 612, 359 730, 752 83, 136 395, 477 466, 777 401, 831 305, 329 95, 858 — 2)9,788 — 843,194 — 875,592 — 748,511 — 1, 342, 098 — 707,618 — 1, 487, 596 — 1, 790, 196 — 536,961 — 1, 2!)4, 791 —1,311,341 — 899,046 — 670,f)35 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XXXIX Value OF MERCHANDISKlMrOKTED INTO, AND ExrOKTKD FROM, THE UNITED STATES, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, incia'Sive — Contiuued. SPAIN— Continued. TEAR END- EXPORTS. iMPoms. Excoss of ex])ort,s (+) i:ng— Domestic.a Foreign. Total. Free. Dutiable, i Total. or im- ports (— ). Juue 30— Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. DoVars. Dollars. 1843 (9 mos.) 50, 100 240 50, 340 530 397, 596 398, 126 — 347,786 1844 585, 397 6,065 591,462 3,229 594, 503 597, 732 6, 270 1845 326, 933 550 327, 483 1,899 956, 449 958, 348 — 630,865 184C 427, 877 1,959,088 427, 877 1,975,706 4,176 2,954 987, 546 1, 106, 071 991, 722 1,109,025 — 563,845 1847 16, 678 + 866.741 1848 2, 339, 271 1, 788, 494 2, 339. 271 1,701,814 306 581 1,106,677 1, 181, 955 1, 106, 983 1, 182, 536 +1, 232, 288 1849 3, 320 + 609, 278 1850 3, 862, 021 12, 008 3, 874. 229 1,432 1, 673, 775 1, 675, 207 +2, 199, 022 1851 5, 416, 5-14 32, 004 5, 448, 548 6,710 2, 147, 383 2,154,093 -f3, 204, 455 1852 3, 216, 818 28, 780 3, 245, .598 7,080 1, 778, 491 1, 785, 571 +1, 460, 027 1853 4, 555, 150 1,970 4, 557. 120 10, 393 2,081,172 2. 091, 565 + 2,465,555 1854 4, 602, 716 4, 602, 716 25, 510 2, 078, 030 2, 103, 546 +2. 499, 170 1855 4, 558, 712 354, 818 4, 913, 530 28, 668 2, ,398, 511 2, 427. 179 4-2,486,351 1856 7, 366, 329 38, 539 7, 404, 8G8 30, 283 2, 182, 683 2,212,966 +5, 191, 902 1857 10, 678, 004 25, 093 lO, 703, 097 3,199 2, 713, 017 2, 716, 216 +7, 986, 881 1858 8, 610. 168 101, 477 8,711,645 27, 084 2, 983, 161 3, 010, 245 -f5, 701. 400 1859 7, 390. 342 27, 663 7,418,005 10, 357 2, 725, 160 2, 735, 517 +4, 682, 488 1860 6, 435, 317 29, 091 6, 464, 408 137, 051 2, 885, 000 3, 022, 051 -f 3, 442, 357 1861 1, 832. 135 8,890 1, 841, 025 57, 945 3,190,444 3. 248, 389 —1, 407, 364 1862 950. 045 10, 784 96.i, 829 628 1,186,471 1, 187, 099 — 226,270 1863 2,591,564 35, 422 2. 626. 986 7,929 1, 994, 640 2, 002, 569 + 024,417 1864 2, 654, 213 815, 247 3, 469, 460 (6) (6) 2, 187, 630 + 1.281,830 1865 4, 035. 869 13,445 4, 049, 314 995 1, 031, 988 1, 032, 983 +3, 016, 331 1866 5, 718. 746 5 718, 746 10, 103 240 2, 663, 005 2, 673, 108 +3, 045, 638 1867 5, 506. 749 59, 547 5, 566, 296 3, 050, 572 3, 050, 812 +2, 515, 484 1868 7, 627, 552 23, Oil 7, 6.50, 563 520 2, 877, 487 2, 878, 007 +4, 772, 556 1869 7, 596, 294 4,885 7, 601, 179 10, 713 3, 547, 675 3, 558. 388 +4, 042, 791 1870 9, 749, 545 32, 858 9, 732, 403 3,170 3, 635, 175 3, 638, 345 + 6.144,058 1871 10, 248, 320 3,566 10,251,886 123, 298 4, 065, 147 4,188,445 + 0,063,441 1872 9, 445. 705 20, 861 9, 460, 566 271, 591 4, 154, 574 4, 426, 165 +5, 040, 401 1873 10, 056, 724 16, 909 lO, 073, 633 431, 964 4, 530, 467 4, 962, 431 +5,111,202 1874 11, 643, 715 9,423 ll, 653, 138 561, 821 4, 036, 383 4, 598, 204 +7, 054, 934 1875 7, 540, 086 27, 290 7, 567, 376 267, 750 4, 266, 916 4, 534, 666 +3, 032. 710 1876 10,138,320 9,400 10, 147, 720 316, 477 3, 083, 386 3, 309, 863 + 6,747,857 1877 10, 461, 750 11,726 10, 473, 476 267, 358 3, 013, 478 3, 280, 836 +7, 192, 640 1878 8, 200, 840 4,626 8, 205, 466 412, 544 2. 853, 102 3, 265, 646 +4, 939, 820 1879 12, 438, 903 86, 426 12, 525, 329 328, 028 3, 006, 213 3, 334, 241 +9, 191. 088 1880 14, 641, 237 16, 647 14, 657, 884 429, 718 4, 622, 701 5, 052, 419 +9, 605, 465 1881 12, 536, 283 18, 264 12, 554, 547 625, 501 5, 308, 494 5, 933, 995 + 6, 620. 552 1882 11, 997, 881 16, 327 12, 014, 208 606, 417 5, 393, 089 5, 999, 506 +6. 014. 702 1883 16, 815, 708 11,890,023 115, 579 5,167 16 931 287 444 831 7 349 514 7 794 345 +9, 136. 942 + 5,687,670 1884 11,895,190 468, 999 5, 738, 521 6, 207, 520 1885 11,967,165 23, 903 11,991,068 375, 175 4, 328, 770 4, 703, 945 +7, 287. 123 1886 13, 047, 762 44, 188 13, 091, 950 385, 282 5, 544, 920 5, 930, 202 +7.161,748 1887 12, 753, 634 27, 919 12, 781, 553 469, 395 5, 101, 473 5, 570, 868 +7. 210. 685 1888 14, 310, 459 7,707 14, 318, 166 660, 190 4, 529, 555 5,189,745 +9, 128, 421 1889 11,9.32,614 13, 734 11,946,348 799, 701 3, 836, 960 4, 630, 661 +7, 309, 687 1890 12, 736, 273 22, 190 12, 758, 463 638, 077 4, 650, 460 5, 288, 537 +7, 469, 926 1891 14, 607, 893 11,442 14,619,335 736, 517 5, 296, 964 6.033,481 +8, 585, 854 1892 11, 522, 150 6,274 11, 528, 424 1, 234, 284 3, 973, 577 5, 207, 861 +6, 32U, 563 a Mixed gold and currency values from 1862 to 1879 inclusive. b Kot separately' stated. XL COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. ValueofMerchandisk Imported INTO, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Coutiuued. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. YEAR END- ING— Domestic. a Seplember 30— 18216 18226 18236 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 18:30 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 June 30— 1843 (9mo8.) 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1800 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 Dollars. 154,213 180, 411 151.037 163, 725 222, 164 126, 034 201, 488 256, 532 122, 663 181, 353 190, 511 214, 048 244, 587 272, 237 416, 078 528, 983 211, 700 210, 745 337, 000 435, 092 563, 766 238, 948 18, 381 217, 870 250, 567 362, 792 391, 847 625, 972 725, 281 668. 580 760. 800 732, 846 833. 533 1, 085, 602 949, 017 1, 871, 645 1, 373, 306 490. 121 1,373,010 1,416,741 87, 338 29, 286 25, 066 106, 784 183, 593 149. 882 125, 267 Poreign. Dollars. 62, 968 80, 210 147 161 112 207 215, 126 189, 86 152 70, 128 100, 89 208 66 26, 115 38, 105, Total. Dollars. 217, 181 260, 621 298, 228 324, 758 334, 542 214, 523 409, 041 471, 754 249, 634 371, 302 277. 030 366, 413 314, 849 405, 799 516, 238 618, 541 420, 404 277, 431 363, 502 550, 226 602, 319 344, 918 Free. Dollars. 5,049 19, 007 3, 992 914 4,565 27, 928 490 32 1,066 323 42 65 2,536 2,875 613 1,338 2,973 6,700 6,463 2, 482 3,837 j 1,920 i Dutiable. Dollars. 744, 565 1, 132, 781 1, 311, 250 997, 701 1,328,251 1, 097, 308 1,010,617 1,570,756 1, 016, 844 1, 166, 677 901, 770 1, 097, 329 1, 166, 161 1, 076, 452 1. 284, 565 1, 241, 851 1, 396, 928 843, 044 1, 547, 221 1, 215, 431 1, 204, 044 889, 014 807 34,188 487 226,869 227,356 231 230,101 123 421,711 421,834 761 273,328 138 627,800 627,938 545 402,337 2,096 722,769 724,865 340 420,187 1,651 612,047 613,698 844 658,816 1,513 749,304 750,817 506 763,787 34 731,812 731,846 610 720,190 163 1,031,954 1,032,117 566 782,366 581 966,656 967,2.37 .322 758,168 705 774,743 775.448 735 852,268 870 446,462 447,332 324 1,124,926 509 514,669 515,178 793 977, 810 169 848, 731 848, 900 718 1,919,303 871,245 871,245 120 1,400.426 232 744,580 744,812 881 503,002 50 625,160 625,210 294 1,376.304 537,462 i 537,462 386 1,419,127 310 513,881 \ 514,191 609 96,947 64,'>,241 i 645.241 718 40,004 200 259,219 ' 259.419 25,066 474 332,699 333,173 2,139 108,923 (c) (c) 348.543 5,964 189,557 653,838 658,838 091 156,973 430,900 430,900 600 128,867 6,633 905,206 i 911,839 a Mixed gold and currency values from 1862 to 1879 iucluaive. 6 Sweden only. cFree and dutiable not separately stated. Total. Dollars. 749, 614 1, 151, 788 1, 315, 242 998, 015 1,332,816 1, 125, 236 1, Oil. 107 1, 570, 788 1, 017, 910 1. 167, 000 901, 812 1, 097, 394 1. 168, 697 1, 079, 327 1, 285, 178 1, 243, 189 1, 399, 901 849, 744 1, 553, 684 1, 217, 913 1, 207, 881 890, 934 Exce.'ss of exiforts (+) or im- ports ( — ). Dollars. — 532,433 — 891,167 —1, 017, 014 — 673,857 — 998.274 — 910,713 — 602,066 —1, 099, 034 — 768,276 — 795,698 — 624,782 — 730,981 — 853.848 — 673, 528 — 768,940 — 624,648 — 979,497 — 572,313 —1, 190, 182 — 667,687 — 605, 502 — 546,016 — 193, 168 — 191. 733 — 254,610 — 322,528 — 193,511 — 92, 001 + 31, 941 — 311,927 — 184,871 — 17, 280 + 404, 930 + 609,748 + + 128, 910 948, 118 655, 614 122, 208 838, 842 904, 936 548, 294 219,415 308. 107 239, 620 404, 281 273, 927 782, 972 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XLI Value of Merchandise Imported into, and Exported from, the United State.- BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. SWEDEN AND NORWAY— Continued. TEAR END- ING— June 30— 1868 1869 1870 1S7] 1872 1S73 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 Domestic. o Foreign Dollars. 177, 426 166, 974 105, 532 1, 318 797 742, 055 2, 542, 330 2, 385, (188 821. 603 1,460,987 3,041,625 2, 792, 228 2 138, 461 2, 365, 678 3, 405, 484 1, 740, 813 2, 822, 115 2, 440, 112 3, 115, 774 2,931,317 3, 076, 799 2, 679, 613 2, 612, 526 3, 555, 633 4, 939, 572 6, 578, 857 Dollars. 83 1,386 5,134 15, 144 15, 382 8,791 20, 725 812 2,978 2,433 3,050 2, 504 6,870 4,070 41, 009 3,043 16, 201 3,608 524 Total. Dollars. 177. 426 166. 974 105, 532 1, 318, 880 742, 055 2, 542, 330 2, 380, 474 821, 603 1,466,121 3, 056, 769 2, 807, 560 2, 147, 252 2, 380, 403 3, 406, 296 1, 743, 701 2, 824, 548 2, 443, 162 3, 118, 278 2, 938, 187 3, 080, 869 2, 720, 622 2, 615, 569 3,571,834 4, 943, 180 6, 579, 381 Free. Dollars. 144 100 1,726 3,636 5,180 9,713 4,600 10, 8S4 4,151 5,238 8,767 11,411 76, 003 62, 767 115, 851 140, 298 100, 822 82, 579 97, 638 124, 003 105, 352 87, 599 135, 481 139, 238 Dutiable. Total Dollars. 1, 224, 514 1,103,511 1, 180, 741 1, 837, 298 1, 766, 950 2, 592, 872 2, 028, 201 542, 251 337, 061 239, 411 132, 518 205, 157 677, 552 871, 893 1, 577, 205 1, 715, 320 2, 909, 540 2, 509, 849 2, 480, 454 3, 015, 764 3, 132, 061 2, 877, 967 3, 447, 291 3, 587, 720 3, 615, 694 Dollars. 1, 224, 658 1, 103, 611 1, 180, 741 1, 839, 024 1,770,586 2, 598, 052 2, 037, 914 546, 851 347, 945 243, 562 137, 756 213, 924 688. 963 947, 896 1, 639, 972 1,831,171 3, 049, 838 2, 610, 671 2, 563, 033 3, 113, 402 3, 256, 064 2, 983, 319 3, 534, 890 3, 723, 201 3, 754, 932 Excess of exports (+) or im- ports ( — ). Dollars. —1, 047, 232 — 936, 637 —1, 075, 209 — 520, 144 —1, 028, 531 — 55, 722 + 348, 560 + 274,752 + 1,118,176 i-2,813,207 + 2,669,804 + 1,933,328 + 1,697,440 + 2,458,400 + 103, 819 + 993,377 — 60C, 676 + 507, 607 + 375, 154 — 32, 533 — 535,442 — 367, 750 + 36, 944 +1, 219, 979 + 2,824,449 SWITZERLAND. 6 June 30 — 1884.. 1885.. 1886. . 1887.. 1888.. 1889. . 1890. . 1891.. 1892.. 4,016 46, 360 31, 727 49, 598 24, 254 20, 354 22, 170 49, 317 10, 397 330 1,015 4,016 46, 360 31, 727 49, 598 24. 584 20, 354 23, 185 49, 317 10, 397 600, 679 315, 162 330, 246 344, 078 315, 993 384, 738 434, 075 704, 609 929, 170 15, 863, 355 13, 548, 270 14, 023, 735 13, 234, 135 13, 395, 293 12, 958, 966 14, 007, 875 13, 414, 136 12, 267, 299 16, 464, 034 13, 863, 432 14, 353, 981 13, 578, 213 13, 711, 286 13, 343, 704 14, 441, 950 14, 118, 805 13, 196, 469 —10. 460, 018 —13, 817, 072 —14, 322, 254 —13, 528, 615 —13, 686, 702 —13, 323, 350 —14, 418, 765 —14, 069, 488 —13, 186, 072 o Mixed gold and currency values from 1862 to 18 ?9 iuclusiua. b During years prior to 1884, not enumerated. XLH COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. "Value of Mkrchakdise Imported into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Coutiuued. TUEKEY I3S" EUROPE, o TEAE END- ! ING— Domestics September 30 — 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 T831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 June 30— 1813 (9 mos.) 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858..'. 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 J8«(i 1867 Dollars. 30, 883 6,124 4,877 25, 171 34, 373 46, 897 131, 734 78, 374 27, 600 75, 801 38. 503 64, 722 167, 208 62. 458 63, 202 99, 085 36, 659 142, 448 83, 320 119, 745 200, 934 125, 521 108, 465 186, 139 115,553 12C, 193 01.570 114, 830 193, 876 204, 397 162, 204 205, 825 207, 358 219, 496 377, 327 1, 069, 321 187, 975 509, 985 244, 023 477, 347 273, 501 259, 349 336, 142 26, 222 40, 000 201, 202 185, 364 Foreign. Dollars. 406, 997 248, 191 491, 783 384, 257 364, 591 271, 438 420, 325 124, 567 47,384 337. 539 268, 804 679, 786 492, 020 294, 381 214, 070 511, 949 74, 653 115, 161 266, 054 154, 945 178,712 76, 515 68, 014 97, 245 49, 546 73, 910 65, 672 109, 021 85, 120 53,344 65, 529 50, 371 79, 981 105, 702 54, 783 62, 371 7,389 1,360 1,849 11, 687 9,868 295 16, 660 Total. 740 Dollars. 437, 880 254, 315 496, 660 409, 428 398,964 318, 335 552, 059 202, 941 74, 984 413, 340 307, 307 744, 508 659, 228 356, 839 277, 272 611, 034 111, 312 257. 609 349, 374 274, 690 379, 646 202, 036 176, 479 283, 384 165, 099 200. 103 127, 242 223, 851 278, 996 257, 741 227, 733 316, 196 287, 339 325, 198 432, 110 1, 131, 692 195, 364 511,345 245, 872 489, 034 283, 369 259, 644 352, 802 26, 222 40, 000 201, 202 180. 104 Free. Dollars. 7,924 8,154 67, 355 12, 397 25, 786 36, 622 25, 245 59, 715 23, 482 21, 817 41, 044 58, 005 557, 309 533, 632 352, 135 927, 062 488, 280 258, 915 589. 480 535, 711 549, 121 220, G46 24, 003 52, 932 77, 548 57, 102 58, 586 590 7 15 10, 195 9,095 4,829 1,486 2,475 245 110,815 49, 925 24, 809 19, 648 2,389 2,896 (c) 65, 456 13, 630 8,053 Dutiable. Dollars. 296. 378 342, C.->3 557. 025 410,311 792, 404 380, 409 746, 29 ;i 427, 413 269, 267 350, 557 474, 186 861, 305 225, 061 35, 558 28, 058 48, 309 202, 181 33, 336 37, 180 27, 765 65, 751 149, 602 156, 051 332,911 703, 969 703, 896 517, 124 405, 438 374, 057 801, 008 891, 041 547, 005 722. 687 801, 628 44, 987 46, 274 7,160 1,496 4,800 3,214 3,077 5,416 25, 032 (c) 13, 113 2,542 3,709 0, and 1871 all Total. a From 1821 to inclado 1854, and for 1861, 18 b Mixed gold and curreucj- values from 1862 to 1879 inclusive c Free and dutiable as separately stated. Dollars. 304, 302 350, 807 624. 380 422, 708 818. 190 417, 031 771, 541 487. 128 292, 749 372, 374 515, 230 919, 310 782. 370 569, 190 380, 193 975, 371 690, 461 292, 251 626, 660 563 476 614, 872 370, 248 180, 054 385, 843 781, 517 760, 998 575, 710 406, 028 371,064 801, 023 901, 236 550, 100 727, 516 803, 114 47, 462 46, 274 7,405 112,311 54, 725 28, 083 23, 325 7,805 27, 928 58, 229 78, 569 10, 172 11,762 " Turkey. Excess of exports ( + ) or im- ports ( — ). Dollars. + 133, 578 — 90, 492 — 127,720 — 13, 280 — 419,226 — 98, 696 — 219,482 — 284,187 — 217,765 + 40, 966 — 207,923 — 174,802 — 123,142 — 212,351 — 102, 921 — 364,337 — 579.149 _ 34, 642 — 277,286 — 288,786 — 235, 226 — 168,212 — 3, 575 — 102.459 — 616,418 — 560,895 — 448,468 — 182. 177 — 95, 068 — 543,282 — 673, .503 — 239, 904 — 440,177 — 477,916 + 384, 648 + 1,085,418 187, 959 399, 034 191, 147 400. 951 260, 044 251,839 -f 324, 874 _ 32, 007 — 38. 569 + 185, 030 + 174, 342 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XLIII Value of Mkrciiandtse Imported into, axd Exported from, the United States, BY Countries. FROM 1821 to 1892, inclusive. — Coutiuued. TUKKET IN EUROPE a— Continued. TEAR END- ING— Junr 30— 18C8 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 September 30 — 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 , 1833 , 1834 1835 , 1830 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 Domestics Foreign. Dollarx. 267, 342 653, 195 2, 565, 289 1, 249, 071 1, 209, 443 885, 258 1, 697, 320 3, 454, 795 2, 499, 776 8, 344, 522 384, 919 3, 989, 230 1, 443, 596 619.419 1, 344, 470 679, 946 615, 835 419, 666 1, 157, 263 285, 398 182, 796 25, 099 15, 225 37,031 28, 951 Dollars. 1,697 101, 890 13, 025 1, 314 6,995 102 8,773 Total. 31 500 385 420 Dollars. 269, 039 755, 085 2,578.314 1, 250, 385 1, 216. 438 885, 360 1, 706, 093 3, 454, 795 2, 499, 776 8, 344, 522 384, 919 3, 989, 230 1, 443, 596 619, 419 1, 344. 470 679, 946 615, 866 420, 106 1, 157, 648 285, 398 183, 216 25, 099 15, 225 37, 031 28, 951 Free. Dollars. 49, 375 108, 055 115, 367 32, 293 238, 038 52, 196 64, 187 69, 178 28, 710 44.915 2,707 3,077 230, 777 122, 973 198, 631 358, 417 361, 628 167, 629 305, 344 432, 099 433, 811 496, 040 946, 589 1, 055, 392 Dutiable. Total. Dollars. 29, 425 782, 774 563,351 490, 200 628, 681 61, 337 2,438 3,281 575 1,799 184 Dollars. 78, 800 890, 829 678. 718 527, 493 866. 719 113, 533 66, 625 72, 459 29, 285 46, 714 2,891 26, 758 52, 349 155, 893 289, 881 498, 716 519, 003 480, 773 780, 727 572, 221 590, 479 930, 509 908, 086 972, 816 29, 835 283, 126 278, 866 488, 512 857, 133 880, 631 648, 402 1, 086, 071 1, 004, 320 1, 024, 290 1, 426, 549 1, 854, 675 2, 028, 208 Excess of exjiorts (+) or im- ports (— ). Dollars. + 190, 239 — 135, 744 4-1,899.596 + 722, 892 + 349, 719 + 771,827 +1, 639, 468 ■+3,382,336 -h2, 470,491 + 8,297,808 + 382, 028 +3, 989, 230 +1, 413, 761 + 336, 293 + 1,065.604 + 191, 434 — 241,267 — 460. 465 + 509, 246 — 800,673 — 821,104 — 999.191 —1,411,324 —1,817.644 —1, 999, 257 UNITED KINGDOM. 18, 634, 134 209, 488 18, 843, 622 370, 850 24, 068, 046 23,458,136 • 243,993 23,702,129 483,549 ! 34,214,849 20,840,717 660,590 21,501,307 312,079 | 27,332,815 20,328,592 979,475 21,308,067 383,155 j 27,554,260 35,043,466 1,756,246 36,799,712 825,267 35,801,691 20,287,674 1,006,126 21,293,800 508,751 , 25,501,002 25, 477, 710 I 714, 495 1 26, 192, 205 | 769, 505 29, 482, 997 19, 549, 237 659, 223 20, 208, 460 790, 308 j 31, 999, 930 22, 504, 377 1, 173, 483 23. 677, 860 613, 4.57 24, 626, 206 25,479.764 717,205 26,196,969 634, 490 I 23, 740, 493 29, 990, 795 757, 363 30, 748, 158 1, 050, 929 42, 911, 958 27,034,398 1,787,823 28,822,221 1,068,221 j 35,769,405 30,889,624 1,473,582 j 32, .963, 206 2,448,406 i 35,365,015 41,208,393 3,003,434 ; 44,211,827 11,704,117 j 29,739,177 51, 223, 215 918, 622 j 52, 141, 837 18, 546, 329 ' 41, 382, 960 55,985,878 1,876,835 57.862,713 23,039,435 53,280,253 49, 057, 026 3, 064, 294 i 52, 121, 320 j 12, 119, 902 32, 646, 742 50, 623, 626 1, 545, 779 52, 169, 405 10, 824, 498 25, 027, 840 55, 125, 088 1, 637, 664 | 56, 762, 752 , 19, 807, 123 44, 737, 373 52,286,219 ' 2,647,357 1 54.933,576 j 9,872,496 j 2.>,0o8,897 44,939,016 1,59.3,120 ! 46,534,136 15,332,317 30,848,056 37,655,020 1,910.162 39,565,182 I 2.520,764 j 31,477,566 a luclndes all Turkey lor 1871 and 1872. b Mi.xcd gold and currency values from 1802 to 1879 inclusiYe. 24, 438, 34, 698, 27, 644, 27, 937, 36, 626. 26, 009, 30, 252, 32, 790, 25, 239, 24, 374, 43, 962, 36, 837, 37, 813, 41, 433, 59, 929, 76, 319, 44. 760, 35. 8.')2, 64. 544, 32,931. 46, 080, 33, 998, — 2745, 595, — IC, 996, 269 — 6. 143, .587 — 6, 629. 348 + 172, 754 — 4, 715, 953 — 4, 060, 297 —12, 581, 778 — 1, 561, 803 + 1,821,986 —13,214,729 — 8, 015, 405 — 5, 450, 215 + 2,778,533 — 7, 787, 452 —18, 456, 975 + 7,354,676 + 16. 317, 067 — 7,781,744 +22, 002, 183 + 453, 163 + 5,566,852 XLIV COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Merchandise Imported into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Contiuued. ITNITED KIKGDOM— Continued. TEAK END- ING— Domestic. o Foreign Total. Free. Dutiable. Total. Excess of exports ( +) or im- ports (— ). June 30— 1843 (9 mos.) 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857.. 1858.. 1859.. I860.. 1801.. 1802.. 1863.. 1804.. 1865.. 1866.. 1867.. 1868.. 1869.. 1870.. 1871.. 1872.. 1873.. 1874.. 1875.. 1876.. 1877.. 1878.. 1879.. 1880.. 1881.. 1882.. 3883.. 1884 1885.. 1886.. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. 1891.. 1892.. Dollars. 39, 720, 951 112 Dollars. 1, 121, 501 Dollars. 40, 842, 452 45 46, 87, 67 T 70 100 81, 102, 117 91 128, 134 129, 133 168, 108, 85 128, 96 145 1103 298 i287 100 1225 406 198 125 ,185 814 i248 465 '273 584 265, 026 316, Dollars. 379, 432 Dollars. 11, 628, 353 Dollars. 12, 007, 785 40, 952, 45, 320, 44, 677 48,132 59, 805, 58, 482, 74, 632, 92, 749 89, 149 129, 980 146, 386 106. 435 121,844 126, 734, 88. 960 125, 607 138. 495 104, 917 74, 759 112, 898, 142, 204 85. 182 202, 275 172, 398 132, 012, 158, 890 152. 066 220, 768, 248. 772 237, 298, 180, 042, 155, 297 123, 373 113, 734 107, 290 105, 538 210, 613 174, 493 195. 588, 188, 622 162,549, 136.701 154,254, 165, 067 177, 897, 178, 269 186, 488 194, 723 156, 300 Dollars. + 28,834,667 + 7, 898, 329 + 63, 247 + 1, 660, 906 + 39, 154, 340 + 7, 603, 109 + 19,343,327 — 3,995,970 -f- 8,097,715 — 7, 882. 164 _ 27, 310, 170 — 29, 256, 717 — 14,700,862 + 6, 3.55. 434 + 8, 221, 477 + 40,493,546 + 7, 517, 704 + 30,465,233 + 3, 453, 205 4- 11, 109. 495 + 15,539,049 — 45, 329, 992 + 18, 297, 655 + 85,240,013 + 52, 692, 096 + 66, 352, 968 + 26, 163, 670 + 96,119,373 + 52, 434. 169 + 16,724,511 + 79, 563. 656 + 165,316,771 +101,813, 198 +212, 678, 769 + 2:i2, 226. 797 +280, 140. 0.')3 +240, 289. 627 + 243,182,803 + 306.641,340 + 212,758,463 +236,801,555 + 223,688.778 +261.401.423 + 194, 199. 046 +201,243,236 + 183,017,728 + 204,712,607 +201,400,706 +250. 090, 704 + 343,014,451 a Mixed gold and currency values from 1862 to 1879 inclusive COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XLV Value of Merchandise Imported into, and Exported from, the United States, BY Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Contiuucd. EUKOPE, ALL OTHER, a YEAR END- ING— September 30 — 1821 1822 182;! 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 183G 1837 1838 1839 1840 1S41 1842 June 30— 1843 (9 mos.). 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1892 Domestic. 6 Foreign Dollars. 183, 854 58, 575 10, 994 55. 401 16,312 166, 875 150, 236 46, 586 102. 364 16, 090 25, 702 174, 182 96, 258 114, 364 109, 655 287.816 225, 798 113,714 193, 975 78, 586 69, 807 30, 934 42, 502 38, 452 31. 482 23. 754 25, 096 33, 129 69. 821 75, 329 64, 061 96, 347 165, 319 153, 578 212, ,397 281, 045 288, 485 57, 845 91, 239 58, 699 170, 637 68, 565 99, 981 176, 433 69, 961 283, 714 245, 282 163, 997 Dollars. 10, 782 6,931 17,956 1,608 135 12, 443 779 9,367 250 22, 653 15 7,411 520 8,476 120. 862 13D, 892 173. 366 4,078 34, 126 45, 386 21, 070 8,261 11, 611 7,246 10, 927 22, 541 15, 955 62, 734 39, 051 12, 238 16, 975 20, 237 21, 245 72, 453 33,541 30, 992 2,339 2,884 3,047 6,007 2,472 836 19, 216 2,010 1,106 392 Total. Dollars. 194, 636 65, 500 28, 950 57, 009 16, 447 179, 318 151,015 55, 953 102,614 38, 743 25,717 181, 593 96, 778 122, 840 230,517 427, 708 399, 164 117, 792 228, 101 123, 972 90, 877 39, 1D5 54,113 45, 698 31,482 34, 681 47, 637 49, 084 132, 555 114, 380 76, 299 113,322 185, 556 174, 823 284, 850 314, 586 319, 477 60, 184 94, 123 61, 746 182, 644 71, 0.37 100, 817 195, 649 71,971 284, 820 245, 074 163, 997 Free. Dollars. Dutiable. Excess of I exports (+) Total. ^Z '?■ , ports ( — ). Dollars. Dollars. 10, 887 19, 317 30, 009 25, 104 24, 372 3,166 7,077 23, 662 2,306 1,026 248 2,091 1,960 2,336 5,408 4,198 4,424 28, 809 23, 791 13, 678 16, 656 (c) 1,543 2, 171 17, 753 1,915 25 1,124 20. 186 30, 206 376 9,286 11, 589 11, 230 17, 866 4,809 1,461 4,994 23 15 21, 285 21, 589 369 8,405 11,354 25,919 112. 273 78. 093 81, 359 57, 208 40, 026 110, 053 22, 345 23, 932 22, 323 53, 920 (c) 10, 611 99 3,4S4 2,378 1,915 25 1,124 394 31,073 49, 523 30, 385 34, 390 35, 961 14, 396 24, 943 28, 471 1,461 7,300 27 15 22, 311 21, 589 384 8,405 11,354 26, 167 114, 364 80, 053 83, 695 62, 616 44,224 114, 477 51, 214 47, 723 36, 001 70, 576 (a) 2,117 10,611 99 4,977 4,549 17, 753 Dollars. +194, 636 + 65,506 + 27,035 + 56.984 + 16,447 +178, 194 + 151,015 + 55,953 + 102,614 + 38,349 + 25,717 +181, 593 + 65,705 + 73,317 +200, 132 + 393, 318 +363, 203 + 103,396 +203, 158 + 95,501 + 89,416 + 31,895 + 54,086 + 45,683 + 9, 171 + 13,092 + 47,637 + 48, 700 + 124,150 +103, 026 + 50, 132 — 1,042 + 105,503 + 91,128 +222, 234 +270, 362 +205, 000 + 8, 970 + 46, 400 + 25,745 +112, 068 + 71,037 + 100,817 + 193,532 + 61,360 +284, 721 +240, 697 +159, 448 — 17,753 a Prior to 1834, comprises "Europe generally;" from 1834 to 1868, comprises "Europe generally" and Malta, principally the latter; in 1862, imports, Malta included in Gibraltar; 1892, Ser via only. b Mixed gold and currency values from 1862 to 1879 inclusive. c Free and dutiable not separately stated. XLVI COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Gold and Silver Coix and Bullion Imported into, and Exported FROM, the United States, by Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusixe. Note.— In the following tables only those years of the above period appear in which imports or exports of gold and silver coin and bullion occurred. AUSTKIA-HUKGAEY. TEAR ENDING— EXPORTS. IMPORTS. Excess of Domestic. Foreign. Total imports(— ). September 30— 1821 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 98, 139 9,200 13, 288 157, 717 2,033 4,000 10, 304 460 912 1,900 22, 000 4,477 2,800 Dollars. 98 139 1822 9 ''OO 1823 13 288 1824 157 717 1825 2 033 1826 — 4,000 — 10, 304 460 1827 1829 1830 912 1831 1 900 1834 — 22. 000 1835 — 4,477 500 1836 2,300 44, 150 2.300 44, 150 1837 + 44,150 — 7, 919 1838 7,919 1,500 3,038 7,5S3 1, 287 3,900 1, 025 1839 1 — 1,500 June 30— 1844 — 3, 038 1847 — 7, 5S3 1848 — 1, 2o7 1849 — 3. 000 IbllO — 1, 025 1 AZORE, MADEIRA, AND CAPE VERDE ISLANDS, a September 30- - 1821 2,000 2,000 11, 306 5,600 13, 584 27, 249 3,457 10,966 42, 723 20, 544 12, 060 16, 340 11, 867 12. 520 3,250 4,707 7,331 527 2,364 — 9, 30C 1822 — 5, 600 1823 8,985 190 53, 050 12, 150 14, 000 1,167 500 1,638 8, 985 190 53, 050 12, 150 14, 000 1,167 500 1, 638 — 4, 599 1824 — 27, 059 1825 + 49,593 1826 + 1, 184 1827 — 28. 723 1828 — 19, 377 1829 — 12, 160 1830 — 14 702 1831 — 11,867 1832 — 12, 520 1833 800 5,482 6,282 + 3, 032 1834 — 4, 707 1835 10, 674 4,011 14, 49J 3,160 14. 143 10, 674 4,011 14, 493 3,160 14, 143 + 3, 343 1836 + 3, 484 1837 + 12.129 1838 + 3,166 + 14,143 1839 a From 1869 to 1872, inclusive, included iu "All otlier Portuguese Possessions;" for 1802 only and Madeira Islands." COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XLVII Vaxve op Goi.r> and Silver Coin and Bullion Imported into, and Exported FROM, THE United States, by Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. AZOKE, MADEIRA, AND CAPE VERDE ISLANDS— Continued. TEAR ENDING— Domestic. Foreign Total. Excess of ex- porl.-i ( + ) or imports ( — ). September 30— 1840 1841 1842 June 30— 1843 (nine months) . 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1857 18G0 1861 1866 18C8 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. Dollars. 1,500 2,000 1,600 Dollars. 14,612 21,920 1, 822 2,606 9,325 146 4,300 2,450 3,C52 2,000 2,256 8,800 7,176 7,000 12, 250 19, 740 10, 367 412 4,383 7,973 949 3,282 1,000 Dollars. 14, 612 21, 920 1,822 2,606 10, 825 2,000 1,600 542 4,300 868 9,626 7,000 15, 902 2,000 2, 256 8,800 19, 740 10, 367 3.694 4,383 8,094 949 2,020 Dollars. 3,695 5,200 1,1«0 1,515 1,000 10, 500 3,500 4,357 1,332 7,006 4,370 700 3,600 1,249 3,649 10, 584 13,036 13, 837 11, 873 1,888 23, 506 23, 047 17, 754 27, 584 196, 782 44,037 64, 309 42, 933 56, 362 73, 682 68.152 47. ('30 51,531 Dollars. + 10,917 + 16,720 722 2,606 9,310 2.000 600 — 10, 500 + 542 4- 800 + 868 + 5, 269 + 5, 668 + 15,902 + 2, 000 + 2,256 + 1, 794 — 4,370 — 700 + 19,740 — 6,767 — 1,249 — 3.649 — 10, 584 — 13, 036 — 13, 837 — 11, 873 — 1,888 — 19, 812 — 18, 664 — 9.660 — 26, 635 —196, 782 — 44, 037 — 62. 289 — 42. 9.33 — 56. 362 — 73, 682 — 68. 152 — 47, 030 — 51.531 XLVIII COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion Imported into, and Exported FROM, THE United States, by Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive— Coutiniied. BELGIUM, a YEAR EXDING— EXPORTS. IMPORTS. Excess of Domestic. Foreign. Total. imports ( — ). September 20— 1834 DoUar». Dollars. Dollars. Dollar.^. 12, 047 200 1,219 25, 000 9,700 5,417 2, 044 19, 008 12, 751 16, 059 7,508 33, 171 7,515 1,840 2,501 Dollars. — 12. 047 1835 — 200 1836 — 1,219 1837 — 25, 000 1838 — 9, 700 1840 — 5,417 1841 — 2, 044 1842 . . — 19, 008 June 30— - 12,751 1844 I — 16, 059 1845 . i — 7, 508 1847 i — 33. 171 1848 23, 870 500 23, 870 500 + 16,355 1849 — 1, 340 1850 — 2,501 1851 . . 5,C20 5,G20 + 5, 620 1852 7,998 2,806 — 7,998 — 2, 806 1857 1,2U0 1,600 2,800 + 2, 800 674 930 570 5,597 30, 880 6 — 674 1870 — 930 — 570 1880 — 5,597 — 30, 880 1882 — 6 550, 990 550, 990 +550, 990 1885 19,534 — 19, 534 150, 000 150, 000 + 150,000 1887 .. . 45, 162 96, 500 — 45, 162 1892 — 96, 500 DENMARK. September 30— 1826 1828 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 , June 30— 1869 1870b 1889 2,000 76, 404 140, 326 500 10. 500 18, 6U0 7, 000 5,842 4,900 2,122 10, 623 500 10, 500 IS, 600 7, OUO 5, 842 4,900 2,000 78, 586 150, 951 342 50, 597 122, 378 2,500 a Not separately stated prior to 1831. b Includes Danish West Indies. COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. XLIX Value of Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion Importkd into, and Expokted FROM, THE United States, by Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Coutiuued. FKANCE. YP:aR ENDING— September 30— 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 June 30— 1843 (nine months). 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 Domestic. Foreign Dollars. 927, 009 430, 999 804, 203 4, 866, 233 4, 010, 003 3, 121, 783 6, 609, 100 3, 587, 997 7, 001, 476 6, 295, 408 1858 1 3, 904. 085 12,447 22, 000 54, 096 22, 320 6,392 417, 725 197, 221 275. 767 500 661. 598 151,886 1,225,052 373, 968 453, 239 22, 000 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. H. Mis. li: 13, 763, 562 21,371,292 8, 874, 659 695, 990 2, 540, 465 4,766,175 3, 657, 091 10,192,998 10, 256, 371 20, 055, 105 Dollars. 12, 000 519, 892 176, 805 6,760 936, 530 191,716 1,542,693 2, 402, 551 1, 580, 880 140, 111 2, 975, 280 462, 779 66, 306 70, 274 621, 622 112, 633 38, 933 470, 265 1,356.200 2, 046, 717 2, 863, 577 739, 730 135,008 2, 036, 673 2, 727, 209 1, 173, 436 3, 874, 869 2, 552, 125 1, 358, 789 2, 608, 929 1, 464, 493 1, 161, 159 338, 923 174, 403 171,416 305, 610 728, 882 875, 391 2, 295, 683 654, 084 49,096 302, 348 215, 845 173, 400 340, 348 1, 223, 310 1, 458, 789 Total. Dollars. 12, 000 519, 892 176. 805 6,760 936, 530 204, 163 1, 564, 693 2, 456, 647 1,603,200 146, 503 3, 393, 005 660, 000 66, 306 70, 274 630, 622 112, 633 314, 700 476, 765 2, 017, 798 2, 198, 603 4, 088, 629 1, 113, 698 135, 008 2, 036, 673 3, 180, 448 1, 195, 436 niPOBTS, 4, 801, 878 2, 983, 124 2, 162, 992 7, 475, 162 5, 474, 496 4, 282, 942 6, 948, 023 3, 762, 400 7, 172, 892 6,601,018 4, 632, 967 14, 638, 953 23, 666, 975 9, 528, 743 745, 086 2, 842, 813 4, 982, 020 3, 830, 491 10, 533, 346 11, 479, 681 21, 513, 894 Dollars. 864, 648 94, 902 139,229 125, 113 24, 646 193, 769 164, 347 59, 043 29, 052 62, 329 54,104 40, 967 60, 133 1, 660, 972 519, 046 4, 841, 004 1, 053, 057 2,240.312 156. 634 1, 1'JO, 249 285, 793 235, 468 2, 654, 490 694, 833 137, 255 111,102 1, 358, 472 285, 745 241, 154 74, 939 304, 833 758, 430 231,908 26, 564 2,814 188, 183 1, 887, 833 1, 852, 988 162, 394 48, 136 2, 433, 832 130, 637 Excess of export8(+)or imports ( — ). 4, 633 8,224 1,822,495 1, 606, 346 Dollars. — 852,648 + 424, 990 + 37, 576 — 118,353 + 911,884 + 10, 394 4-1, 400, 34& +2, 397, 604 +1, 574, 14& + 84, 174 + 3,338,901 -f 619,033 + 6, 173 —1, 590, 69& + 111, 57& —4, 728, 371 — 738,357 —1, 763, 547 +1, 861, 164 + 1,078,354 + 3,802,836 +- 878,230 —2, 519, 482 + 1,341,840 + 3,043,193 +1, 084, 334 —1, 358, 472 +4, 516, 133 + 2,741,970 +- 2,088,053 +- 7, 170, 320 + 4,716,066 + 4,051,034 + 6, 921, 459 +- 3,759,586 + 6, 984, 709 + 4, 713, 185 +- 2,779,979 +14, 476, 559 + 23,618,839 + 7,094,911 + 614, 449 + 2, 842, 813 + 4,982,020 + 3, 825, 858 + 10,525,122 + 9, 657, 186 + 19,907,548 -IV COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value op Gold ksd Silver Coin and Bullion Imported into, and Exported FROM, THE United States, by Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive— Continued. FRANCE— Continued. TEAK ENDING— Domestic. Foreign Total. Excess of exports (+)or imports ( — ). JTone 30— 1869.. 1870.. 1871.. 1872.. 1873.. 1874.. 1875.. 1876.. 1877.. 1878.. 1879.. 1880.. 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. 1885.. 1886.. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. 1891.. 1892.. Dollars. 9, 702, 220 8, 283, 393 635, 249 812, 805 416, 650 6, 403, 242 16, 961, 324 6, 970, 818 2, 135, 450 1,812.081 173, 200 64, 200 5,000 3, 288, 250 1, 321, 274 5, 803, 195 807, 675 12, 050, 460 938, 250 601, 966 23, 363, 832 5,535,533 14, 775, 349 13,871,064 Dollars. 1, 055,'048 994, 969 97, 358 48, 900 14, 400 100, 900 159, 860 106, 175 422, 700 338, 888 81, 890 27, 880 71, 300 112, 200 59, 940 9,360 28, 740 113, 609 79, 598 44,009 34, 500 30, 375 283, 350 602, 660 Dollars. 10, 757, 268 9, 278, 362 732, 607 861, 705 431, 050 6, 504, 142 17, 121, 184 7, 076, 993 2, 558, 150 2, 150, 969 255, 090 92, 080 76, 300 3, 400, 450 1,381,214 5, 812, 555 836, 415 12, 164, 069 1. 017, 848 645, 975 23, 398, 332 5, 565, 908 15, 058, 699 14, 473, 724 Dollars. 5, 353, 793 5, 356, 272 3,746 24, 050 324 79,213 3, 569, 483 547, 487 2, 799, 248 654, 178 1, 489, 544 33, 407, 571 18, 220, 825 1, 516, 070 104, 432 3, 971, 550 3, 114, 266 4, 574, 032 12, 503, 453 9, 798, 224 1, 560, 247 2, 355, 115 472, 850 16, 206, 250 Dollars. + 5,403,475 + 3,922,090 + 728, 861 + 837, 655 + 430, 726 + 6,424,929 +13, 551, 701 + 6,529,506 — 241, 098 + 1,496,791 — 1, 234, 454 —33, 315, 491 —18, 144, 525 + 1,884,380 + 1,276,782 + 1,841,005 — 2, 277, 851 -f 7,590,037 —11,485,605 — 9, 152, 249 +21, 838, 085 + 3,210,793 + 14,585,849 — 1, 732, 526 GERMANY. September 30— 1821 190, 165 59, 151 40, 572 76, 920 1, 972 33, 859 1,965 12 3,844 12,-188 5,628 5,280 2,200 17, 067 1,305 1,207 12, 735 10,211 6,125 393 89 4,062 + + + + 190, 165 1822 59, 151 1823 40, 572 1824 76, 920 1825 1826 58, 050 58, 050 56, 078 33, 859 1827 1, 905 1828 li 1829 2,000 2,000 135 1,844 1830 135 12, 353 1831 5,628 1832 5,280 1833 2, 200 1834 17, 067 1835 1,305 1836 1,207 1837 2,181 43, 616 12, 533 12, 103 206 45, 797 12, 533 12, 103 206 5,300 605 33, 062 1838 2, 322 1839 5,978 1840 187 1841 5, :;oo 5,211 1842 605 3,457 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. LI Value op Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion Impoktkd into, and Expoktkd FROM THE UNITKD STATES, BY COUNTRIES, FROM 1821 TO 1892, INCLUSIVE— Continued. GERM AN Y— Continued. YEAR E>fD6NG— Domestic. Foreign Total. June 30 — 1843 (nine luontlis) 1844 184G 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 131,274 86, J77 35, 767 273, 844 714, 182 1, 243, 179 3, 157, 328 1, 3S9, 894 1.442,493 718, 833 1.027,434 948, 897 2. 070, 757 1, 3C0, 408 4, 386, 560 485, 272 3, 138, 126 3, 133, 286 6, 414, 007 6, 463, 099 9. 807, 157 2. 9!G, 8.S3 291, 231 257, 999 277, 038 1,643,587 2, 676, 241 3, 285, 265 1, 945, 395 736, 391 119.862 355, 032 399, 080 333, 655 213, 700 125, 700 900, 000 4,931 3. 889, 818 2, 028, 404 6, 738, 593 8, 703, 698 2, 292, 135 1891 i 16,530,377 1892 j 19,283,500 1889. 1890. 135, 512 227, 398 76, 939 305, 272 217, 946 124, 630 400, 991 66, 318 42, 500 19, 410 58, 268 1, 614, 154 474, 381 696, 961 73, 844 85, 322 58, 329 408, 428 731, 610 1,231,992 427. 880 167, 746 216, 623 308, 278 298, 462 44, 244 10,955 3,990 56, 385 142, 531 518,488 242, 355 2,130,234 334, 717 92,314 55, 165 49,924 I 6,529 j 38, 385 910 132, 210 ! 266, 786 313, 775 112, 700 579,116 932, 128 1, 367, 809 3, 558, 31 9 1,450,212 1, 442, 493 761, 333 1,046,844 1,007,165 3, 684, 911 1, 834, 789 5, 083, 521 559, 116 3, 223, 448 3, 191, 615 6, 822, 435 7, 194, 709 11, 039, 149 3, 374. 763 458, 977 474, 622 585, 316 1, 942, 049 2, 720, 485 3, 296, 220 1, 945, 395 740. 381 170, 247 355 032 399, 680 470, 186 732, 188 368, 055 3, 030, 234 339, 648 3. 982, 132 2, 083, 569 6, 788, 517 8, 710, 227 2, 330, 520 16, 531, 287 19,415,716 Excess ot exports (+)or imports ( — ). Dollars. 285, 267 35, 204 143 3,842 43, 519 245, 996 59, 319 5,144 10, 110 7,752 132, 624 I 171,920 51,544 150 670, 994 436, 617 16, 432 19, 386 3,776 31, 192 15, 386 6, 942 182, 009 382, 637 262, 270, 112 333 872, 2,069 96, 188 164, 400 645, 674 168, 655 520, 120 18, 150 45,399 3, 143, G50 31, 502, 343 4, 893, 661 2,570,717 3, 118, 799 7, 947, 702 5, 956, 063 12,922,124 18, 400, 737 1,278,154 2, 507, 517 3, 604, 713 4, 012, 155 Dollars. - 285, 267 204 143 944 256 706 120 809 665 819 102 741 709 924 621 761 795 904 684 062 839 243 323 207 1 .j4 340 622 247 861 085 546 740 261 097 633 970 157 473 662 565 054 931 555 220 073 997 574 561 + 1, 362, + 3,558 + 1,446. + 1,434 + 628, + 874 + 955 + 3,684 + 1. 163 + 4, 646, + 542 + 3,204, + 3, 187 + 6, 791 + 7,179 + 11,032 + 3, in2 + 76 + 474 + 583 + 1,845 + 2,556 + 2, 650 + 1,776 + 214, + 158, + 309, — 2, 743 —31, 026, — 4, 161 — 2, 202 — 88 — 7, 608, — 1,973 —10, 838 —11, 612 + 7,432 — 176, + 12,926, + 15,403, LII COMxMEKCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion Imported into, and Exported FROM, THE United States, by Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. GIBK ALTAR. YEAR ENDI^'G— EXPORTS. IMPORTS. Excess of Domestic. Foreign. Total. cxii61 IS-T) + 44, .583 84 188 1826 1827 SO 278 1828 1,000 1 391 1829 48 2*^6 1833 + 52,020 + 12,962 -f 25, 196 2 000 1831 1,462 1832 1833 1 — 24, 947 1835 74, 938 6,597 17, 034 9, 693 9,356 74, 938 6,597 22, 689 9.693 9,356 + 70,478 1836 + 6,597 + 21, 801 -f- 9, 693 1837 5.655 1838 888 1839 + 9, 356 1840 ! 460 — 460 1842 i 15, 213 15, 213 + 15,213 — 20,878 1843 (nine mouths) 20, 878 13,471 12, 222 1844 8,460 47, 890 44, 643 2,790 16, 920 18, 035 42. 085 5,580 16, 000 44,500 6,510 10 inn 8,460 47, 890 44,643 2,790 16, 920 18, 035 42. 085 5,580 16, 000 44, 600 12,741 26, 400 — 5, 01 1 1845 ' . . . + 35,608 1846 + 44, 643 1847 + 2, 790 1848 + 16,920 + 18,035 + 42.085 1849 1850 1851 -(- 5, 580 1852 + 16,000 1853 + 44,500 1854 6,231 14 300 + 12,741 + 25,024 — 501 1856 1,376 501 30 1,700 2,878 1.007 276 800 500 700 600 950 1858 1860 1 — 30 — 1, 700 1873 — 2, 878 1879 1 — 1,007 1880 ! — 276 1881 . . . — 800 1883 — 500 1884 — 700 1885 1 — 600 1892 — 950 GREECE. 2,400 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. LIII Valuk of Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion I.mi'outkd into, and Exportkd FROM, TUK United States, by Countrikh, from 18i!l to 1892, inclusive — Continued. ITAiY. YEAR ENDING— EXPORTS. IMPORTS. Exrpss of expoit.-i(+)or imports ( — ). Domestic. Foreign. Total. September 30— 1821 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 355, 211 211, 944 215, 197 70, 893 100, 034 74, 259 102, 592 67,532 1,200 2,570 37, 938 4,400 1,200 18,305 14, 602 2,514 58, 613 6.723 58, 172 18, 141 2,068 4,706 1. .301 3.600 13, 475 12, 245 50, 270 26. 653 2i), OuO C, 87U 22. 000 93 242 60 410 136 170 Dollars. — 355 211 1822 — 211,944 1823 — 215, 197 1824 — 70, 893 1825 — 100. 034 1826 — 74, 259 1827 — 102, 592 1828 25, 000 33, 572 25, 000 33, 572 — 42, 532 1829 + 32, 372 1830 1 — 2, 570 1831 — 37, 938 1832 660 660 — 3, 740 1833 1 — 1,200 1834 — 18, 305 — 14, 602 1836 — 2,514 — 58 613 1839 — 0, 723 — 58, 172 1841 3,750 16, 000 3,750 16, 000 — 14 391 + 13, 932 June 30— — 4, 706 1844 — 1,361 — 3, 600 1847 — 13 475 — 12, 245 1 849 ' — 50, 270 26 653 1853 — 20, 000 6,870 1857 \ — 22, 000 — 98 1871 — 242 60 1876 — 410 1877 136 1881 170 2, 980, 026 4,400 2, 984, 426 +2, 984, 426 500 1885 600 12 425 1886 — 12 1888 425 1821 to 1832, inclusive, Italy and Malta; 1833 to 1836, Italy and Sicily; 1837 and following, Italy, Sicily, and Sardinia. LIV COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Goi-d and Sir.vER Coix axd Bnxiox Imported ixto. axd Exported FROM, THE United States, by Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. NETHERLANDS. TEAR ENDING— Domestic. Foreign. TotaL Excess of export.s(-(-;ior imports (—). September 30— 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1837 1838 1839 1840 June 30— 1843 (nine months). 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1869 1881 1882 1883 1884 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 Dollars. Dollars. 132 314 1,990 67, 251 740 4. 320 15.451 5,000 26, 178 3,612 260 800 28, 901) Dollars. 132 314 1,990 740 4,320 15,451 5,000 26, 178 3,612 260 800 28,900 120, 000 Dollars. 1, 352, 167 158, 651 222, 791 239, 551 15, 085 151, 380 85, 608 181, 283 17, 308 12, 197 16, 641 4,764 5,440 60, 071 50, G08 32, 461 9,512 2,388 466 12, 720 236 1,500 2, 062 14, 662 289 96, ^m ,071.6,'->2 60, 300 100, 5U0 67,251 219, 700 345, 928 1,000 8,524 3,620 34,572 Dollars. —1, 352, — 158. — 220, — 239. — 15, — 151, — Si, — 176. — 1, — 12, — 11, — 4, + 20, — 60, — 50, — 32, — 5, — 2, 035 337 801 551 08.J 380 868 96.! 857 197 641 764 738 071 608 461 900 128 334 - 12, 720 236 1, 500 2, 062 - 14, 662 - 28, 900 289 - 96, 500 -2,071.652 - 60, 300 - 100, 500 - 120, 000 - 219,700 - 345, 928 1, 000 8, 524 3, 620 I- 32, 679 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. LV Value op Gold and Silvkr Coin and Bullion Imported into, and Exported FROM, THE United States, by Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Coutiiiued. PORTUGAL. YEAPv ENDIJfG— EXPORTS. IMPORTS. Excess of eiports( |-)or importa(— ). Domestic. Foreign. Total. September 30— 1321 Dollars. Dollart. Dollart. Dollars. 140, 775 800 13, 087 23, 745 15, 160 39,605 31,554 2,600 13, 985 8,154 4,746 1,600 4,005 11,013 27, 895 990 15, 440 22, 577 17, 707 3,053 25, 567 5,546 512 3,880 7,216 DoUars. —140, 775 1822 14,000 14, 000 + 13,200 1823 — 13,087 1824 — 23, 745 1825 — 15, 160 1826 ! — 39, 605 1827 — 31,554 1828 — 2,600 1 18''9 1 — 13 985 1830 ' — 8,154 1831 I ' — 4,746 1832 .. --- — 1,600 1833 4,100 4,100 + 95 1834 — 11, 013 1835 18, 260 3,531 18, 260 3,531 — 9,635 1836. + 2. 541 1837 ! — 15,440 1838 3,000 6,000 6,000 9,000 6,000 — 13, 577 1839 — 11, 767 1840 — 3,053 1841 — 25, 567 1842 — 5,546 June 30— — 512 1844 — 3,880 1845 — 7,216 1846 2,500 2,500 + 2,500 1847 2,372 3,944 510 850 — 2,372 1848 '' — 3,944 1849 .... — 510 1852 — 850 1853 1 2,000 820 330 2,000 820 330 6,234 + 2,000 + 820 1856 + 330 1858 6,234 12, 908 1,800 150 — 6,674 1891 . . — 1,800 1892 — 150 LVI COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Gold and Silver Com and Bullion Imported into, and Exported FROM, THE United States, by Countries, from 1822 to 1892, inclusive — Coutiiiued. RUSSIA IN EUROPE, o YEAR ENDIIfG— Domeatic. Foreign Total. Excess of exports(+)or imports ( — )- September 30 — 1832 1823 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1842 June 30— 1843 (nine months) ■ 1844 1849 Dollars. Dollars. 3,500 6,000 13, 553 10, 213 28, 700 90, 423 82, 053 85, 494 1,546 6,977 12, 000 3, 000 7,070 1,856 9,231 4,978 626 1,120 Dollars. 13, 553 10, 213 28, 700 93, 923 82, 053 85, 494 1,546 6,977 18, 000 3,000 7,070 1,856 9,231 4,978 626 1,120 Dollars. 300 1,800 3,000 2,192 4,000 1,000 50 3,401 SPALS^. September 30— X821 26, 202 6, 296 14,019 134, 043 800 3,790 21,500 1,495 . 30, 250 38,911 54, 569 9, 4.59 34, 432 5,491 34, Oil 3,400 12, 528 90, 306 2,800 12, 401 19, 384 1,842 65, 972 35, 632 — 26, 202 1822 0, 030 3,030 — 3, 266 1823 — 14,019 1824 —134, 643 1825 — 800 1826 — 3, 790 1827 — 21, 500 1828 33, 600 50, ono 33, 600 50, 000 + 32, 105 1829 + 19,750 1830 — 38, 911 1831 4,000 2,050 1,321 9, 605 101,912 20, 244 36, 8.'.0 14, 105 12, .520 1,370 21, 554 4,000 2,050 1,321 9, 605 101,912 26, 244 36, 850 14, 105 13, 320 1,370 21,554 — 50, 569 ] fi;j2 — 7,409 1833 — 33,111 1834 + 4,114 1835 + 67,901 1836 + 22,844 1837 + 24,322 1838 + 76,201 1839 800 + 10,520 1840 — 11,031 1841 + 2,170 1842 — 1,842 June 30— — 65, 972 1844 41, 083 41, 083 + 5,451 a Includes aU Russia. COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. LVII Value of Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion Impoutkd into, and Expohted FKOM, THE United States, by Countries, fkom 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. SPAIN— Continued. YEAR ENDING— EXP0ET8. IMPORTS. Excess of eiports(+)or imports (— ). Domestic. Foreign. Total. June 30— 1845 Dollars. Dollars. 28, 808 47,718 34, 500 6,875 47, 986 113, 405 106, 543 113, 665 47, 878 31, 040 Dollars. 28, 808 47,718 34, 500 6,875 47, 986 113, 405 107, 043 113, 665 47, 878 31, 040 6,126 29, 450 Dollars. 113, 438 20, 056 182, 234 89,468 130, 641 407, 188 8,480 1,500 2,960 14, 032 26, 333 19, 500 26, 800 12, 332 Dollars. — 84, 630 1846 + 27, 6C2 1847 —147, 734 1848 — 82, 593 1849 — 88, 655 1850 —293, 783 1851 500 + 98,563 1852 +112, 165 1853 + 44,918 1854 + 17,008 1855 6,126 — 20, 207 1856 29, 450 + 9, 950 1857 — 26, 800 1858 — 12, 332 15, 000 15, 000 14,892 + 15,000 I860 14, 892 20, 000 10, 972 1,901 — 5,108 — 10, 972 1866 — 1,901 19, 572 19, 572 12, 000 + 19,572 1868 12, 000 1,360 271 207 1,083 — 10, 640 — 271 1875 — 207 — 1,083 1879 1 2,000 2,000 + 2, 000 7,650 - 7, 650 1882 1,350 1,350 1,500 + 1, 350 1,500 320 + 1, 180 SWEDEN AND NORWAY. 1821 10, 139 2,000 300 3,080 3,000 4,400 3,000 1,110 5,027 2,000 350 2,608 1,500 1,800 2,100 —10, 139 1823 — 2, 000 1824 — 300 1825 — 3, OSO 1826 — 3, 000 1827 — 4,400 1829 — 3, 000 1830 — 1,110 1838 — 5, 027 1841 — 2, 000 June 30— 1884 — 350 1885 — 2, 608 1886 — 1, 500 1887 — 1, 800 1888 100 100 — 2, 000 SWITZERLAND. 1888. —86 LVIII COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value op Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion Imported into, and Exported FROM, the United States, by Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. TURKEY LN EUROPE, a YEAR ending- Exports. Domestic. Foreign Total. Imports. Exce.ss of ex- ports (+) or imports ( — ). September 30 — 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 183] 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 June 30— 1843 (nine months). 1844 1847 1848 1884 1888 1889 Dollars. Dollart. 157, 006 68, 000 50, 000 29, 500 2,100 20, 451 20, 840 2,752 23, 000 300 1,928 900 1,300 DoUa/r». 157, 006 68, 000 50, 000 29, 500 2,100 26, 451 26, 840 2,752 23, 000 300 1,928 900 Dollars. 91, 378 13, 870 79, 381 48, 530 22, 609 4,901 11, 587 11,405 488 45,018 6,368 4,319 3,674 321 7,360 2,700 4,282 2,530 2,800 23 2.000 Dollars. — 91, 378 +143, 136 — 11,381 — 48, 530 — 22, 609 — 4,901 + 38,413 — 11, 405 — 488 — 45,018 + 23,132 — 2,219 + 22,777 + 26,519 — 4,608 + 23,000 + 2, 700 — 3,982 — 2,530 + 1,928 + 900 2,800 23 2,000 1,300 14 6 24 a From 1821 to include 1854, and for 1869, 1870, and 187] all "Turkey." COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. LIX Valuk of Got,T) and Silver Coix an'd Brrxiox Imported ixto, avd Exported FROM, THE United States, by Countries, from 1821 to 1802, inclusive — Contiuucd. UNITED KINGDOM. TEAR ENDING- Sept^mber 30 — 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1823 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 June 30— 1843 (nine mniitlis). 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 18G0 1861 Domestic. Foroign. Total Dollars. 125. 542 10, 000 542. 434 20, 154 625,718 876, 481 1.000 10, 000 629, 180 846, 790 1, 905, 957 1,226,719 599, 491 98, 112 2,312 1, 085, 047 225, 565 368, 657 11, 572, 608 32, 127, 379 18, 006, 581 26, 365, 399 46, 300, 738 33, 702, 713 50, 003, 491 34, 589, 145 40, 497, 255 30, 235, 110 11, 532, 533 1862 22, 670, 722 45, 118, i 1864 1 74,932,350 1865 1*35,114,461 Dollars. 1, 933, 858 796, 218 365, 632 312,112 303, 266 572, .533 190, 101 2, 309, 775 613, 833 112, 229 1, 615, 643 1, 112, 293 244 270 38, 037 2,500 1, 833, 070 10, 185 2, 316, 700 2, 477, 829 1, 791, 418 1, 102, 257 400 85, 706 3, 575, 025 970, 798 8,055 8, 233, 586 538, 532 2, 165, 528 5, 526, 473 2, 174, 905 625,319 1, 560, 864 1, 557, 277 458, 349 886, 777 4, 046, 856 1, 323, 796 3, 145, 465 632. 277 2, 058, 229 6, 220, 379 1, 744, 677 1, 135, 724 Dollars. 1, 933. 8.58 796,218 365, 632 312,112 303, 266 698. 075 200, 101 2, 852. 209 613, 833 132, 383 2, 241, 361 1, 988, 774 244 270 39, 037 12, 500 2, 462, 250 10, 185 2, 163, 490 4, 383. 786 3,018,137 1, 701, 748 400 85, 706 3, 673, 137 973, 110 8,055 9, 318, 633 764, 097 2,534,185 17, 099, 081 34, 302. 284 18, 631, 900 27, 926, 263 47. 858, 015 34, 161, 062 50, 890, 268 38, 636, 001 41, 821, 051 33, 380. 575 12, 164, 810 24, 728. 951 51, 339. 267 76, 677, 027 36,250,385 Excess of ex- ports ( + ) or imports ( — ). Dollars. 648, 212 107, 889 290, 247 150, 902 86, 288 122,216 34, 611 20, 972 39, 826 144, 231 130, 830 83, 639 32, 403 5,809,513 1, 320. 238 2, 326, 280 120, 299 9, 009, 340 1, 420, 092 806, 306 581, 842 205, 919 14, 305, 714 1, 139, 219 180. 828 482, 711 19, 464, 666 2, 041, 107 2,671,792 527, 266 1, 098, 667 1, 478, 484 284, 799 52,244 107, 464 421, 771 4,069,054 i 6, 754, 357 147, 383 101, 371 34, 288, 457 11, 721, 720 238, 499 991, 281 150, 115 Dollars. + 1,285.646 688, 329 75, 385 101, 21» 216. 978 575. 85» 165. 490 + 2,831,2.37 + 574, 007 — 11,848 + 2, 110, 531 + 1,905,135 — 32. 159 — 5, 809 243 — 1,281,201 — 2, 313. 780 + 2,341.951 — 8. 990, 155 + 1,743,398 + 3,577.480 + 2,436.295 + 1,495,829 —14, 305. 314 — 1, 053, 513 + 3,492.309 + 490, 399 —19,456.611 + 7,277,526 — 1,907.695 + 2,006,919 + 16,000,414 + 32,823,800 +18, 347, 101 +27,874,019 + 47, 750, .551 +33, 739, 291 +46,821.214 +31,881,644 +41. 673. 668 +33. 279. 204 -22.123.647 +13, 007, 231 +51, 100, 768 +75, 685. 746 +36, 100, 070 LX COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Value of Gold and Silver Coin and Bulliox Imported into, and Exported FROM, THE United States, bt Countries, from 1821 to 1892, inclusive — Continued. UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. TEAR ENDING- Domeetic. Foreign Total. Excess of ex- ports (+) or imports ( — ). June 30— 1866.. 1867.. 1868.. 1869.. 1870.. 1871.. 1872.. 1873.. 1874.. 1875.. 1876.. 1877.. 1878. . 1879.. 1880.. 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. 1885.. 1886.. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. 1891.. 1892. . Dollars. 54, 040, 324 27, 310, 593 43, 000, 677 19, 194, 194 24, 182, 953 74, 516, 475 51, 750, 818 51, 161, 357 32, 542, 459 53, 258, 020 30, 149, 398 23, 825, 098 9, 635, 995 10, 432, 362 2, 341, 284 8, 143, 979 34, 083, 231 9, 992, 854 34, 280, 029 13, 034. 544 24, 017, 012 7, 239, 525 14, 270. 963 34, 120, 148 19, 352, 792 60, 919, 695 20, 021, 017 Dollars. 722, 471 1,542,038 2, 415, 382 2,942,010 6, 796, 272 10, 487, 238 4, 438, 388 7, 189, 668 3, 252, 109 1, 376, 520 2, 698, 876 5, 682, 839 1, 944, 661 3, 752, 845 2, 404, 723 1,981,416 2, 046, 448 3, 974, 562 3, 604, 669 1,930,260 1, 176, 712 1, 099, 774 1, 146. 300 2, 593, 030 2, 976, 461 2, 357, 593 6, 053, 435 Dollars. 54, 762, 795 28, 852, 631 45, 416, 059 22, 136, 234 30, 979, 225 85, 003, 713, 56, 189, 206 58, 351, 025 35, 794, 568 54, 634, 510 32, 848. 274 29, 507, 937 11, 580, 656 14, 185, 207 4, 746, 007 10, 125, 395 36, 129, 679 13, 967, 417 37, 884, 698 14, 964, 804 25. 193, 724 8, 339, 299 15, 417, 263 36, 713, 178 22, 329, 253 63, 277, 288 26, 074, 452 Dollars. 164, 592 6,517,127 1, 155, 617 4, 305, 641 2, 977, 603 111, 996 553, 633 498, 570 13,552,517 1, 749, 883 1, 479, 683 21.404,002 12, 552, 008 3, 432, 954 36, 955, 634 43, 344, 891 13, 330, 810 2, 008, 633 3, 124, 363 6, 654, 076 801, 010 8, 794, 055 4, 217. 706 490, 242 1,790,414 2, 992, 200 13, 057, 963 Dollars. +54, 598, 203 +22, 335. 504 +44, 260, 442 +17, 830, 593 +28, 001, 622 +84,891,717 + 55,635,573 +57, 852, 455 + 22,242,051 +52,884,657 + 31,368,591 + 8, 103, 935 — 971, 352 +10, 752, 253 —32, 209, 627 -33,219,490 +22, 798, 869 + 11,958,784 +34, 760, 335 + 8, 310, 728 +24, 392, 714 — 454, 756 +11, 199. 557 H-36,222,936 -1-20.532,839 + 60,285,088 + 13,016,489 ALL OTHER EUROPE. June 30— 1823... 1829... 1835 a. 1836 a. 1838 a. 1863 o. 1,000 381 2,000 6,689 j 300 381 I 1,482 1,000 I 2,470 2,000 —6, 689 — 300 —1, 101 + 1,000 +2,470 +2, 000 a Includes Malta. IMPORTS AND EIPOllTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE IN THE TRADE OF THE UNITED STATES WITH COUNTEIES OF EUEOPE, 1871-1890. H. Mis. 117 1 General Explanations. The classification of foreign commodities in the following tables has been considerably affected by the frequent changes in the tariff which occurred between 1870 and 1884, rendering difficult a comparison of the imports of all articles through the entire period of twenty years embraced in the tables. The following tariff acts were enacted during the period: General acts — July 14, 1870, took effect January 1, 1871. June 6, 1872, took effect August 1, 1872. March 3, 1883, took effect July 1, 1883. Special acts — May 1, 1872, to make coffee and tea free after July 1, 1872. July 1, 1879, to make salts of quinine and sulphate of quinine free from date. Schedules for the classification of foreign merchandise in the monthly returns by countries were slightly changed, to conform to tariff acts in 1871, 1872, and 1873, and new schedules were issued to take effect Au- gust 31, 1878, and July 1, 1883, respectively. TLie classification of articles of domestic exports, however, has run almost uniformly through the entire period of twenty years, presenting fewer difficulties in making comparisons of exports of articles for this period than are met with in imports and exports of foreign merchandise. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. FREE OF DUTY. YEAR ENDING JUNE Articles, the growth, prod- uce, and mamifactiire of the United States, returned. Art works, the i)ro- duct ion of American artists. AspliaUnm or bitu- men, crude, a Books, maps, enjrravings, etcliings, and other printed mat- ter, a not olsewliere specified. CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND DYES. NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. 30- Argal, or argol, or crude tartar. Dye- woods. 1871 Dollars. Dollars. Founds. Dollars. Dollars. Poundt. 30,940 33, 112 107, 124 Dollars. 3,237 2,608 21,044 Dollars. 187"' 233 9 207 1873 1874 6, 623 14, 769 1,367 32, 757 1875 1876 47, 100 4,470 1877 1878 117,019 81, 683 163, 429 131,675 211, 397 167, 763 152, 078 168, 304 198, 513 133, 324 22, 878 6,601 1,768 1879 ! 1 18S0 1 12, 432 2,633 .... 1881 40 1882 212, 358 68, 665 1, 940, 138 1, 988, 280 1, 602, 070 2, 376, 101 1, 762, 067 - 1, 698, 658 1, 456, 293 40, 471 9,525 320, 679 321, 832 252, 688 372, 962 247, 211 230, 553 172, 572 1883 1 153 30 276 507 152 283 1,736 1,000 233 1884 1885 1886 57, 775 7,666 58, 600 120, 057 182, 866 4,110 8,219 12,282 243 618 1887 678 1888 1889 1,254 1,132 113 4,240 48 217 1,079 1890 1,331 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. 1871 1 6''0 1872 3,780 1873 1874 1,920 1875 2,000 1876 1,200 1877 2,300 1878 2,466 1879 600 1880 2,106 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1 1 a Not euamerated prior to 1884, prior to which it was dutiable. COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. TEAR FREE OF DUTY. CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND DYE.S, NOT ELSEWHEEE SPECIFIED. ENDING JUNE 30 Gums. Sulph ur, or Arabic, a All other Licorice root, b not artificial. 6 brimstone, 1 /i^" crude. i ''^^er. 1871 Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 35,453 62, 432 77, 917 33, 330 40, 331 42,486 1,216 4,209 7,013 45,859 129, 863 178, 560 168, 137 48,486 25, 428 40, 798 31, 528 26,344 11, 879 29, 804 Pounds. Dollars. Gallons. Dollars. Tons. 106 261 225 Dollars. 3,825 7,461 8.481 Dollars. 5,553 1872 7,795 1873 23, 095 1874 89 3, 968 25 973 11, 525 1875 20, 121 17, 266 1877 1 21, 7G0 1878 33, 718 1879 29, 198 1880 38, 833 Iggl 1 45, 154 188'' 1 58, 694 1883 1 65, 869 1884 1,171,202 589, 066 459, 738 207, 147 415, 709 172, 329 186, 207 192, 949 148, 405 99, 478 81. 145 142,792 64, 982 67, 075 1,781 41, 951 98, 487 76, 762 106, 180 37 175. 814 49, 409 53, 515 55, 062 63, 278 35, 457 49, 259 67, 044 93, 364 1885 841 1 135.672 103, 269 1886 2,657 2, 249 1,538 178, 155 269, 109 195, 919 257, 600 272, 221 131, 784 1887 166, 188 1888 277, 999 1889 1890 157,948 2,427 133 192, 998 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 227 1886 380 1887 1 888 . . 1889 1890 200 50 1 1 a Included in "All other gums " prior to 1884. b Included in "All othei chemicals" prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. Coffee.a Farinaceoua sAb.stances and propara- tiousof (.sago, tapioca, etc.), not elsi'whore specified. 6 Fruits, including nuts, not eLsewlicre specified. b Furs and fur skins, un- dressed. HIDES AND SKINS, OTHKK THAN FUB SKINS. Household and personal efl'ects, and wearing TEAR ENDING JUNE 30- Goat skins. c] All other. and iinple- uients, in.stru- iiients. and tools of trade of per- sons arriving from foreign countries, and of citizens of the United States dying abroad. 1871 Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1872 1873 . 150 1874 ■ 170 34 1875 1876 i 205 1877 ' 26, 846 1878 1 144 1879 1880 49, 172 16, 909 23, 685 81,732 43,532 46,044 4.864 7,265 4,935 16, 992 1,415 1881 30 1882 9,329 20 1883 1884 9,087 10, 101 36, 493 61, 282 44, 884 64, 470 108, 721 78, 193 39,789 1,428 8 8,050 1,443 447 55, 670 28, 518 3,798 15, 338 38, 545 18, 354 36, 646 1,143 10, 194 7,478 1,608 1885 1886 1887 9,324 1,732 7,372 6,835 3,964 1888 1 684 1889 2,682 2,827 7,409 1 505 1890 287 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 77, 440 9, 540 537,880 ! 56,522 18, 000 ' 1, 800 1, 031, 735 102, 589 447,850 1 43,665 ISfiij 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 11,635 1.164 1889 34, 520 13, 000 5, 130 2,600 1890 a Dutiable prior to 1873. 6 Not enumerated prior to 1884. cNot enumerated prior to 1884, included witli "All other bides," etc. COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR. ENDING OILS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. O PAPER STOCK, CRUDE. Plumbago, b Seeds, not el.io- ■wliere speii- lied. JUNE 30— Fixed or ex- pressed. Volatile or essen- tial. Rags, other than ■woolen. All other. 1871 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Potmds. 2, 115, 498 2, 572, 909 779, 549 944, 245 1,801,849 816, 786 1, 046, 073 1, 140, 502 1, 045, 775 1, 055, 294 207, 125 18, 660 455,312 218, 518 606, 968 322, 045 191, 360 381, 728 1,052,748 384, 834 Dollars. 118, 672 110, 963 41, 602 37, 936 87, 492 35, 223 32, 087 37, 616 27, 927 24,274 7,043 819 17, 969 10, 524 10, 832 7,161 3,300 8,497 22, 829 3,323 Dollars. Tons. Dollars. Dollars. 1872 1873 2,407 1,761 2,838 2,308 226 1.033 642 4,291 746 101 19, 612 1874 128 26 16, 362 62, 294 1875 1876 27, 784 35, 071 1877 432 1,632 102 380 39, 185 2,052 1878 1879 22, 076 1880 745 804 2,147 13, 912 4,769 4,037 6,233 1,507 6,271 12, 386 3,937 941 1,187 2,101 3,435 1,785 1,187 1,707 967 2,544 1,431 1,353 ■ 74, 417 1881 4.769 13, 062 21, 840 1882 .. . 2, 984 1,600 1,309 920 451 241 283 89 60, 195 1883 22, 558 1884 1885 1886 474 90 618 231 90 18 92 730 521 403 490 2,567 2,649 4,635 18, 557 18, 168 12, 240 13, 302 22, 769 35, 283 17, 079 1887 1888 1889 1890 390 1,165 113, 437 1,672 79 281 6,731 270 11, 882 13, 002 12, 947 15, 500 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Cent inued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 .. . 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Dutiable prior to 1873. b Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. DUTIABLE. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30- Tea.* Tin, bars, blocks, or pigs, grain or granu- lated. Wood, unmanu- factured, not else- where specified. All other free articles. Total FREE OF DUTY. Art works, not elsewhere specified: Paintings, in oil or water colors, and statuary. Books, maps, engravings, etchings, photographs, and other printed mat- ter, not elsewhere speci- fied. Brass and manu- facture! of. 1871 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1,595 10, 872 1,884 3,516 3,340 1,964 1,172 2,162 668 4,281 5,760 34, 740 43, 921 72, 263 54, 336 46, 296 82, 380 81, 732 91, 319 149, 894 Dollars. 168, 335 202. 364 204, 025 113, 962 241, 120 166, 582 155, 427 197, 300 168, 565 403, 839 364, 270 633, 524 581, 622 1, 176, 655 1, 099, 459 952, 726 1,070,316 1, 045, 123 805, 502 819, 820 Dollars. 2,021 103 186 79 Dollars. 287 118 Dollars, 1872 1873 28 1874 4 5 1875 1,515 1876 1877 201 72 142 7 1878 1879 1880 253 220 1881 1882 995 1,245 9,252 7,214 8,175 20, 877 24,219 10, 207 17, 760 209 280 8,039 5,411 4,205 8,769 11,218 11,776 9,977 160 1883 86 194 937 2,809 4,598 5,136 9,206 19, 580 3 1884 15, 591 9,608 12, 232 14,447 4,159 3,121 1885 2 1 1886 1887 1,164 3,470 283 828 1888 1889 1890 3,218 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— Continued. 1871 1,620 3,780 1872 1873 1874 1,920 2,000 1,200 2,300 2,466 600 2,106 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 9,540 64, 522 1,800 102, 816 44,045 3,000 1,164 5,130 2,650 1883 8,000 1884 595 1885 1886 1887 3,000 1888 1889 1890 97 a Dutiable prior to 1873. COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. DUTIABLE. All otlier brcadst litis, and preparations of, used as food, not elsewhere specified. Brush- es, a Buttous and button forms. CHEMICALS, DEUaS, DYES, AND .MEDICIN-ES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Argol, or crude tartar, h Glycerin, o Gums, c Logwood and other dye wood.s. extracts and deooctions of. a 1871 Dollars. 3,129 177 Dollars. Dollars. 25 26 4,197 1,554 3,020 Pounds. 47, 873 Dollars. 7,730 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. 34, 874 Dolls. 4,108 Pounds. Dollars. 1872 1S73 1874 1875 1876 . ... 4,727 929 1877 23 1878 1879 1880. ... 900 3,044 7,054 9,822 934 1,680 870 1,081 2,408 751 448 8,400 6,140 6,828 6, 959 16, 067 14, 592 38, 710 21, 709 12, 405 34, 612 128, 707 1, 495, 830 1, 004, 737 1, 365, 258 1, 612, 198 1,558,028 1, 352, 241 1, 679, 338 1881 1882 1883 1884 95, 579 52, 864 73, 404 60, 252 233, 661 43, 086 25, 020 12, 222 5,307 5,821 5,788 25, 348 4,936 2,661 1885 4,211 2,500 4,044 9,233 68 1886 101 1887 255 1888 446 1889 1800 . . 385 36 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. b " Free of duty " after January 1, 1871. c See also " Free of duty." IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMroilTS FROM AUSTKIA-HUNttARY.— Continued. YEAR. DHTIABLE. CHE.MI- CALS. DUl'OSS, ENDING DYES, ETC. JUNE 30— 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1S79 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 All other. Dollars. 40, 521 26, 970 10, 383 9,216 14, 808 8, 081 14, 752 6, ::;3 5, ti'il 11, 476 0,861 73, 972 53, 098 71,947 71,274 98, 586 167, 831 217, 135 170, 769 100, 502 Cla.va or earths of all kinds, including china clay, or kaolin. a Tons. Dollars. 409 462 260 323 1.004 CLOCKS A.ND WATCHES, AND PARTS OF. Clocks, and parts of. a Watche.s, and parts of, and watch materials and move- ments. Dollars. 2,040 9,230 4,934 2,974 2,735 3,440 2,181 Dollars. 1,267 787 8 48 142 218 585 Cocoa or cacao, crude, and leaves and shells of. b Pounds. Copper, manu- fac- tures of. COTTON, MANU- FACTUEES OF. Cloth. Dollars. DoUars.'Sq. yards. Dollars. 4,812 32. 817 4,138 62,555 10, 468 9,873 1,381 21, 864 4,262 13,787 2,528 18, 587 2,747 24, 302 2,606 164 62 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— Continued. 1871 600 1872 18, 166 1,407 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 459 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 3,312 814 1H85 1 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. 6 Free of duty after 1872. 10 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. DU' riABLT COTTON, MANUPACT0BES OP. EARTHEN, STONE CHINA WARE AND Feath- ers, natural, crude, dressed, colored, or man- ufac- tured, ft FISH. TEAR ENDING JUNE « £ « OS a s a bt> alt Knit goods: Stockings, hose, half hose, shirts, drawers, and aU goods made, fash- ioned, or shaped on knit- ting machines or frames, or knit bv liand. Laces, edgings, embroiiler- ies, insertings, neck ruf- fling, rnchings, trimmings, tuckings, lace window cur- tains, and other similar tamboured articles, a All other. China, porcelain, p a r i a n and bisque, earth- en, stone, and crockery ware. AU other. An- chovies and sar- dines, packed in oil, or other- wise. All Not deco- rated or orna- mented. (a) Deco- rated or orna- mented. a other. 1871 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 220 Dollars. Dollars. Dolls. Dollars. Dollars. Dolls. 1872 35 1874 1 1875 i _ 1 -- . 5 1876 1877 3 642 1878 \ 1879 1 1 361 1880 821 1,115 4.409 10. 000 200, 607 182, 871 231, 032 393, 521 380, 830 219, 593 232, 608 1 1, 405 3,855 1,969 8,745 2,544 650 761 769 1,810 402 3,172 1,593 1881 1 1882 1,971 159 8,758 2,474 2,018 4,777 1,063 15, 215 1,219 2,506 4,399 1,288 1,922 12 790 6.306 3,416 14,465 10, 555 6,422 30,354 18, 729 7,336 7 26 309 1883 6 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 9,608 3.366 629 6,559 7,430 16, 132 11, 497 24, 974 3,265 7,828 6,836 9,475 12, 073 19, 481 8,473 13, 266 26,760 46, 814 40, 191 42, 909 43,024 150,447 169, 511 226, 308 347, 246 429, 339 476,276 497, 189 5 22 4 83 201 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1675 1876 1877 1878 1879 186i> 1881 1882 1883 1884 1 j 1886 1 1887 1888 1889 1890 oNot enumerated prior to 1884. iniduded with "All other earthen, etc., ware." b Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 11 IMPOliTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. DUTIABLE. FLAX, HEMP, AND JUTE, AND OTHER VEGETABLE SUB- STANCE AND MANUFACTURES OF. FRUITS, INCLUDING NUTS, NOT ELSEWIIKRE SrEClFIED. Unmanufactured. Manufactures of. Figs, b YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Hemp. Other. Brown or bleaclied lin- ens, ducks, canvas, pad- dings, cot bottoms, dia- pers, crash, huckabacks, handker- chiefs, and lawns. « All other. Lemons. & 1871 1872 1873. 1874 Tons. 98 41 23 Dollars. 14, 706 6,667 4,686 Toji*. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. ' 1,164 1,659 1875 1876 24 4,902 572 1877 1878 1879 1880 2 265 120, 681 5,479 6,294 5,801 23, 916 10, 972 12, 925 21, 694 51,423 15, 751 10, 825 1881 1 267 1882 9 4 45 45 18 56 28 10 273 1,214 1,225 8,405 9,378 3,499 8,785 3,518 1,356 35, 725 1883 6 20 678 2,496 1884 145, 978 130, 523 166, 533 206, 521 295, 021 417, 152 507, 762 1885 10,754 38, 639 23, 798 9,107 489 977 529 159 1886 1887 653 1888 1889 1890 37, 438 1,424 , EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 .... 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 . ..' 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. b Included in "All other fruits " prior to 1884. 12 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. DUTIABLE. FRDITS, IN'CLUDIXQ NUTS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. ENDING JUNE 30— Or- anges, a Pre- served fruits, a All other fruits. Nuts, a Plums and prunes. a Raisins, a Almonds. All other. 1871 Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dolls. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. 585. 69;i - DoUs. Dolls. 1872 430, 156 485, 242 298,477 250,626 696, 419 159, 158 47, 509 130, 547 484,844 683, 325 1, 377, 434 1,869,058 1,480 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1 • 1878 1879 . 1880 1881 1882 1883 . 1884 46,571,700 37, 833, 122 52, 228, 073 55, 400, 262 55, 852, 623 28, 946, 451 34, 695, 010 1, 739, 355 1, 167, 169 1, 223, 957 1, 593, 113 1, 380, 811 730, 798 857, 271 8,487 2,701 602 4,531 3,380 2,378 4,698 3,491 1885 188, 558 34, 895 7,708 2,056 2,330 313 845 18S6 1,271 2,776 4,866 1887 6,988 11, 053 1,396 1,434 1888 13 1889 13 1890 16, 534 1,867 3,895 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 .. 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884. .. 1885 838 1886 398 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Included in "All other fruits " prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 13 IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HONGARY-Continned. DUTIABLE. Furs, and manufac- tures of. GLASS AND GLASSWARE. Hair, not elsewhere specified, and man- ufactures of. Hats, bonnets, and hoods, and ma- terials for. a YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Bottles, viala. demi- jolins, car- boys, and jars, empty or filled, a Plate glass, unsil- vered and silvered. All other. Hops, a 1871 Dollarg. Dollars. Sq. feet. Dollars. Dollars. 814 Dollars. DoUars. Pounds. Dollars. 1872 1.^ 1873 ' 1,165 690 1874 1 1875 -- 5 1876 37 8,298 1877 43 1878 1 1879 1 1 1880 1 1,641 2,365 15, 266 72, 265 595, 269 502, 704 601, 741 782, 293 828, 385 724. 223 636, 276 1881 ' 1882 1883 3,215 1884 9 354 13. 728 15, 657 14,611 21,826 21,953 38, 205 27, 569 21, 587 13, 726 12, 453 i:j, 205 11.985 30. 365 19, 637 2 896 36 673 1885 1880 1887 1888 1889 1890 3,447 6,388 3,451 31, 539 16, 575 11, 993 2,046 62 6,050 6,643 13, 042 39 782 405 2,350 2,089 4,402 110 791 2, 662 2,167 4,154 1,033 1,452 33, 357 41, 637 705, 984 318, 102 274, 693 109, 822 11,515 8,897 179, 088 57, 935 85, 718 22, 394 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 i 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1 1890 1 .... 1 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. 14 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FKOil AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. DUTIABLE. yp:ar India rubber aud putta- percha, manufac- tures of. mON AND STEEL: AND MANUFACTUEES OF. EXDIXG JUNE 30- Pig iron. Scrap iron and steel, tit only to be remauu- factured. Manufactures of, not elsewhere specified. 1 Cutlery. 'Firearms. Machinery. All other. 1871 Dollars. Tons. Dollars. Tons. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 506 1872 166 1873 I 25 1874 695 230 26,912 5,362 1 21 1875 10 92 336 211 30 5,688 2,492 1,433 599 5,786 11, 897 10, 920 1,018 205, 939 83, 727 37, 095 1 95 1876 1877 ' 616 1878 1879 1 1880 5,568 2,154 157, 004 62, 658 1 7,415 1881 1882 1883 23 262 940 103 27 425 3,517 2,863 8,503 12, 133 11, 820 13,447 8,463 2,210 1884 517 15 U 1,009 567 773 222 468 168 1,684 3,605 296 1,556 2,848 589 1,333 9,248 1885 8,502 1886 4,555 1887 1 888 12 203 1,854 380 27, 832 6,241 71 643 3,167 5,632 1889 9,263 1890 821 2,863 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 3,400 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885... . 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 15 IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. DUTIABLE. JEWELRY, MANUKA CTUKES OF GOLD A.VD SILVEB, AND PRECIOUS STONES. Lead, and manufac- tures of. LEATHER, AND MANUFACTURES OF. YEAR Leather. Manufactures of. ENDING JUNE 30— Jewelry, and nianutactures of §old and silver. Precious stones, not elsi^wliore specified, and imita- tions of, not set. Upper leath- er, dre.ssed, and skins dressi'ii and finished, not elsewhere specified, a All other. Gloves of kid, or other leather. AU other. 1871 Dollars. 75 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. DoUars. 237 Dollars. Dollars. 1872 956 746 1873 79 292 7,295 1874 25 10 1,268 280 1,450 1875 1 411 1,063 1876 - ! - - t^ 1877 4,125 49 677 1878 1879 175 1 j 3 1880 3,112 4,486 1.2J0 552 1881 194 22 564 116. 800 60, 628 87, 212 73, 775 122, 595 155, 274 186, 877 129 281 2,048 1,400 1,415 45, 378 33, 984 1882 3,593 3,364 12, 336 760 1883 1 4,162 1884 43 867 95, 197 29,352" 34, 522 60, 246 34. 732 47, 212 39, 941 40, 351 1885 . . 45, 543 83, 473 72, 036 133, 072 209, 333 71, 746 21, 867 1886 7,089 72. 143 13, 361 1887 2, 146 185, 713 944 190. 406 19,926 1888 19, 710 1889 1890 31 855 204, 141 170, 581 40, 838 13, 505 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTEIAHUNGAEY-Continued. 1871 1872 1873 * 1874 1875 1876 1877 . . . 1878 t 1879 1880 1881 1882 . . 1883 1884 37 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 oNot enumerated prior to 1884, included with " All other leather. 16 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE, IMPOirrS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— DTTTIABLE. Malt liquors. MARBLE AND STONE, AND MANUFACTCEES OF. Marble, and manu- factures of. a Stone and manufact- ures of, in- cluding slate. METALS, METAL COM- POS? I T I O N S. AND MANUFACTURES OF, NOT ELSE W HEBE SPECIFIED. Bronze manufact- ures, b All other. I Mineral substances, not else- where spec- ified, c Musical instru- ments. Gallons. | Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. \ Dollars. Dollars. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 100 128 420 1,264 1,611 2,117 705 191 120, 247 135, 383 128, 474 125, 994 143, 349 173, 747 200, 537 27, 235 25, 405 23,747 19, 238 20, 833 26, 517 29,760 62 3,570 89 369 34 1,273 51 83 10, 710 17, 938 5,704 7,128 12, 526 7,458 8,084 897 1, C08 CO, 173 39, 332 48, 390 56, 253 66, 250 76, 172 87, 437 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY- Continued. 1871 .. .. 1872 . 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877. 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 188S 1884 581 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 o Includes "Stone," etc., prior to 1884. 6 Included in "All other metals," etc., prior to 1884. c Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 17 TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875- 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. OILS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Mineral. Qallont. 99 Dollars. 19 Vegetable. Fixed or expressed. Olive, salad. Gallons. 223 83 3G0 6 7 4,718 1,219 33, 7G9 51, 329 54, 610 1,018 3, 90S 4,357 8,125 15, 687 11, 789 22, 780 Dollars. 189 131 260 2,890 954 20, 916 35, 614 32, 909 720 2,421 2,641 3,808 8,710 6,284 13, 041 Other. Qallons. 260 22 216 176 16 148 35 79 301 202 176 351 39 146 109 1,165 1,842 1,389 Dollars 276 43 413 302 27 231 51 98 89 216 175 225 27 92 32 393 1,027 2,460 Volatile or essential. Pounds . 4,707 2,714 1,340 302 450 8 20 425 1,116 1,709 308 7,116 Dollars. 3,878 1,989 333 958 10 11 57 448 924 322 2,361 Paints and colors. Dollars. 3,209 4,145 3,840 2,548 141 13 1,230 364 3,281 4,987 5,922 6,036 2,764 13,633 7,670 10, 166 11,922 Paper, and man- ul^ctures of. Dollars. 305 2,860 26 271 34 521 1,896 15, 177 16, 269 30, 177 15, 020 31,202 14, 992 26, 705 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 47, 825 7,092 1 1872 24, 798 408, 038 23, 376 3,724 62, 544 4, 052 1 1873 1874 1875 1876 . . . . 1877 1878 8,000 1,120 1879 1 1880 ... 1881 1882 1883 1884 1 1885 1 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 H. Mis. 117- 18 COMMERCE WITEI EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR Perfum- eries, cos- motics, and all toilet prepara- tions. Pipes, and smokers' articles. (a) PHOVISIONS, COMPRISING MEAT AND DAIUY PEOUUCTS. 6 Salt. ENDING JUNE Meat products. Dairy products. Seeds, not elsewhere 30— Meat and meat extracts. All other. Cheese. specitied. 1871 Dollars. Dollar*. DoUart. G6 Dollar*. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 1872 70, 108 406 1873 1874 133 1875 46 1876 1877 8 327 7 1878 1879 1880 2,284 1881 1882 3 1 1883 1 595 1884 153 504 250 136 185 255 309 86, 694 71,822 60. 892 63, 168 90, 982 116, 959 93, 524 15 17 75 51 12 117 225 1,401 636 3,743 2,779 25, 085 19, 833 10, 053 173 84 337 218 2,875 2,095 532 6.777 188.''. 3,400 6 7,972 1886 2 038 1887 18, 841 1888 103 26 23 4,607 1889 9,223 857 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGART— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 69 1885 1886 1887 3888 1889 1890 a Not eniimcrntcd prior to 1884, included with " Fiuiry articles." b Not separately shown prior to 1884, included with "Moat," etc. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 19 TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1881. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. SILK, MANUFACTUEKS OP. Clothing, "•f'-^"- I Dres8 "'■"?•'•'""' and piece """?'^ I goods, wearing *= apparel.o Dollars. Dollars. 186 Lacea and em- broider- ies. a Dollars. Rib- bons. a Dollars. All other Dollars. 53 214 SOAP.6 Fancy, perfumed, and "all descrip- tions of toilet soap. Pounds. Dollars. All other. Dollars. Spices, not else- where specified. Pound*. 289, 036 Dollars. 19, 998 1,145 119 622 8,145 326 2,182 880 2,103 147 131, 387 101, 515 96, 167 98, 069 147, 438 72, 908 90, 608 1,099 800 3, 231 198 1,031 8 1,128 1,865 4,173 2,853 1,231 693 3,852 4,210 5 583 24 7,234 815 92, 627 102, 917 140, 506 187, 702 207, 706 207, 870 240, 067 2,067 502 1,315 499 659 169 2,477 731 4,506 1,047 2,560 713 769 267 262 401 23 77 167 1,315 49 110 470 683 991 688 2,006 2,603 3,570 21 81 156 225 195 419 354 363 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ATJSTRIA-HUNGART— Continued. 1871 186 952 10 300 1872 508, 213 25, 205 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 ainoluded in "All other silk," etc., prior to 1884. b Not enumerated prior to 1884. 20 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA -HUNG ART— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR END- SPIEITS, DISTILLED. Sponges, b SUGAR, MOLASSES. SUGAR CANDY, AND CO.VFECTIONKRY. ING JUNE 30— Brandy. a All other. Sugar. Sugar candy and i-onl'ec- tionery. 1871 r/. galls. Dollars. r/. galls. 1,732 6 350 254 50 313 131 285 485 257 229 46 238 436 588 508 4,818 1,199 2,999 3,490 Dollam. 539 17 828 395 71 587 339 366 8U 317 311 95 689 1,083 1,025 998 3,717 1,727 5,230 5,302 Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1 1881 1882 1883 1884 905 1,326 909 5,231 2,149 2,623 4,091 1,317 1,454 1,095 4,230 2,610 2,347 5,955 9,943 8,578 15, 247 12, 757 9,247 4,830 5,467 1885 1886 3, 430, 963 3, 698, 224 110, 250 9, 613, 234 60, 621, 711 93. 275 84, 098 2,370 241, 907 1, 578, 494 1888 1889 114 1890 a For subsequent years see "Free of duty." EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1 27 75 1879 1880 ' 1 1881 1 1882 1 1883 1884 1885 298 592 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Included in "All other s])irits " prior to 1S84. 6 Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPOKTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 21 IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. DUTIABLE. TOBACCO, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Toys.o VEGETABLES. TEAK ENDING JUNE 30— Loaf. Manufactures of. Beans and pease. Pickles and sauces. (o) All other, a Cigars, cigar- ettes, and cheroots. All other. In their natural state. Pre- pared or pre- served. 1871 Pounds. Dolls. Pounds. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Bushels. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. 1872 1873 1 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 15 33 62 33 1 158 1883 1884 1885 1886 4,564 2,352 15 1,846 1,017 37 18,484 200, 432 27, 334 276, 231 79 50 128 40 30 52 43 277 111 305 108 24 189 130 287 197 109 362 397 171 362 23, 320 23, 635 25, 979 26, 987 27, 514 21,113 20, 101 3 27, 781 8,324 12, 150 1,364 10, 892 15, 273 4, 366 4 1887 17 1 198 1888 1889 1890 126 71 983 64 64 731 252, 018 11, 380 182, 725 256, 675 11,017 180, 725 9 124 1,564 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 10,415 3,397 1 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 38 122 1881 1882 . 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 1881. 22 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTUIAnUNGART— Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— UL'TIAHLK. C1iaTnp:>giie and other Hpaikling. a Still wines. In casks. In bottles. WOOD. NOT FLSEWnEHE SPEC- IFIED, AND MAXLFACTUUES OF. Lumber. Cabinet All wait' anil ! otliiT lioiisc t'lir- inannract- uitiire.b ures ol'. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1866. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. Dozens. 94 72 108 64 126 70 81 Dollars. Gallons. 2,455 972 1,063 20 60 2,202 1,021 594 1,033 563 1,104 823 667 40 239 24, 579 3,400 17, 455 37, 947 43, 885 93, 401 80, 226 78, 134 84, 191 76, 096 77, 777 Dollars. 711 340 397 4 53 539 159 61 9,171 1,340 11, 133 23, 096 28, 230 63, 100 46, 003 45, 859 61, 025 54, 869 49, 673 Dozens. 20 102 196 2,489 1.180 1,898 4,131 3,890 11, 830 6,456 Dollars. Dollars Dollars. 393 4 4 22 111 431 1,665 14, 616 5,748 11, 105 15, 655 15, 43? 49,513 24,107 Dollars. 41 437 245 264 202 8 113 30 582 10 89, 992 107,513 55, 820 59, 278 68. 514 78, 151 79, 364 6,901 9,532 18, 463 11,104 63, 875 46, 545 29, 894 45, 624 54, 205 60, 602 156, 413 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1 1 1884 463 1885 ' 1 261 1880 88 425 1887 1888 1889 1890 cinolnded in " Still winps," prior to 1884. b Included with "All other manuJ'ucturcs of wood," prior to 1884. IMPOETS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 23 IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. TEAR ENDINO JUNK 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1800. DUTIABLE. WOOLS, HAIR OF THE CAMEL, GOAT, ALPACA, AND OTHER LIKE ANIMALS, AND MANUFACTURES OP. Unmanufactured. Vounds. 101,045 1, 332, 338 109, 165 1, 017, 856 410, 733 246, 835 43, 375 Dollars. 9,334 234, 897 15, 379 120, 597 56, 748 48, 5:J6 5,040 Manufactures of. Clotliing, ready- I mfidc. and Carpets and car otlur wcar- petiug. iugai)j)arel, except aliawl.s and knitgoods.a Sq. yds. Dollars} Dollars. 63 104 Cloths. 6 Pounds.] Dollars. 1,639 2,452 9,754 6,815 996 Dress {roods. Knit women's and fabrics. cliUdreu's. (a) Sq.yds. Dollars.' Dollars. 460, 424 362, 412 733, 833 44, 432 565, 512 106, 487 464, 229 208, 403 140, 513 643, 045 11, 977 74, 927 73, 180 84, 378 4,473 64, 188 11,570 44,899 21, 092 15, 821 72, 509 1, 435 4.096 4,071 1,134 1,955 1,140 1,267 485 16 1,028 1,607 4,433 3,130 2,953 1,080 67 457 973 475 433 1189,520 216,115 1,361 110.074 1143,649 1,755 110,017 147,941 4,210 773 8,456 2,539 3,912 2,042 186, 757 128, 340 163, 236 88,549 119,104 145, 058 97, 946 117,517 7,956 21, 578 41, 166 177,610 137, 967 14, 647 53, 173 3,277 9,196 12, 359 43, 691 37, 862 4,355 10,944 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 J888 1889 1890 a Included in "All other manufactures of wool" prior to 1884. b Quantity not given prior to 1884. 24 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY— Continued. YEAR ENDETG JL;^■K 30— 1S71. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1R82. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. RECAPITULATION. WOOLS, HAIR OF TUE CAMEL, ETC. Manufactures of. Shawls. All otber. Dollars. 2,185 106 699 1,990 3,033 2,238 772 Dollars. 99 877 472 352 16, 370 20, 487 4,642 30, 654 7,071 4,746 5, 105 All nth or diitiahlo articles. TOTAL DUTIABLE. Dollars. 79, 133 26, 892 36. 564 17, 827 16, 730 5,689 4, .548 3,907 3,996 29, 481 74,810 62, 197 79.419 191,701 175, 864 291, 946 351,531 340, 053 345. 479 312, 678 Dollars. 775, 693 809, 702 577, 377 374, 680 427, 732 783, 287 258, 593 74, 950 147, 248 1, 151, 168 1,051,341 1, 811, 288 2, 403, 301 6, 568, 310 4, 046, 121 5, 650, 332 7,451,772 7, 038, 405 6, 836, 795 8, 511, 558 TOTAL THEE OF DUTY. Dolla rs. 168, :!35 202. 364 204, 025 113,902 241, 126 106. 582 155, 127 197, 300 ir.8, 565 40 i, 839 304, 270 633, 524 581, 622 1, 176, 655 1, 099, 459 952, 726 1,070,316 1,045.123 805. 502 £19, 820 TOTAL VALUE OF MERCHAN- DISE. Dollars. 944, 028 1, 012, 066 781, 402 488, 642 6CS. 858 449, 869 414, 020 272, 250 315, 813 1, 555. 007 1,415,611 2, 444, 812 2, 984. 923 7, 744, 965 5. 745, 580 6, 603, 058 8, 522, 088 8, 683, ,-28 7, 642, 297 9, 331, 378 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AUSTRIA-HUNG.IRY— Continnod. 1971 231 358 21, 620 30, 694 62.544 4, 052 3,400 1,620 3,7S0 23, 240 1872 34, 474 1873 02, 544 1874 1,920 2,000 1,200 2,300 2,466 600 2,106 5,972 1875 5,400 1876 1,200 1877 2, 300 1878 12 1,207 459 122 272 3, 673 1879 1, 059 1880 2, :;28 1881 272 272 1882 9,540 64, 522 1,800 102, 816 44, 045 3,000 1,164 6,130 2,650 9.540 1883 64, 522 1884 . ... 5.057 2. 5' 5 823 6,857 1885 105. 321 1886 41,868 1887 3,000 1888 1, 164 1889 97 6,227 1890 2,650 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 25 IMPORTS FROM AZORE, MADEIRA, AND CAPE VERDE ISLANDS. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR ENDING JUNE CHEMI- CALS, ETC. Hides and skins, otlier tlianfur skins. PAPER STOCK, CRUDE. Seeds, not me- dicinal. Tea. a Wood, uninan- ul'ac- tured, not else where 8I)PCi- fied. All other free articles. TOTAL so- All other. Rags other than ■woolen. notel.se- where speci- fied. FREE OF DUTY. ls??. Dollars. 338 8 53 Dollars. 6,943 13,006 12, 820 40, 071 48,122 11,443 21, 526 28. 144 37, 226 35, 337 18, 227 30, 198 15, 843 12, 878 13, 167 6,431 14, 019 15, 507 Pounds. 237, 100 Dollars. 14, 257 Dollars. Pounds. DoUars. Dollars. Dollars. 2,341 7,741 3,946 2,799 4,231 5,406 4,401 2,137 4,736 1,500 2,475 2,991 1,956 7,929 1,517 3,611 2,766 1, 555 Dollars. 23 879 1874 20, 755 16, 819 42 870 1875 1876 1877 . .. 52, 353 31 827 1878 14, 893 2,739 2,863 17, 480 7,305 4,145 85 54 627 214 42 1879 25, 981 34, 764 49 396 1880 3,856 7,220 8,584 1881 1882 45, 463 20, 702 33 189 1883 1884 1885 . 17 799 1886 165 35 20 842 1887 14, 684 10 044 1888 150 800 2 12 1889 451 17, 248 17, 062 1890 1 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AZORE, MADEIRA, AND CAPE VERDE ISLANDS. 1873 1874 1875 160 91 35 21 126 1876 21 1877 162 2,778 2,061 547 820 926 452 665 1,242 682 320 150 150 61 1,052 788 178 380 243 113 160 328 231 112 32 45 61 1878 1 052 1879 18 500 806 1880 678 1881 380 1882 132 1,165 375 1883 1, 278 160 1884 1885 162 740 173 65 490 1886 971 1887 285 1888 97 1889 65 1890 a Dutiable prior to 1873. 26 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM AZORE, MADEIRA, AND CAPE VERDE ISLANDS— Continued. TEAR ENDING JITNE 30— 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1880. 1890. DUTIABLE. Copper, in pigs, bars, ingots, old, and other unmanufactured. Pounds. 2,037 2,143 143 355 5,672 1,577 3,314 8,417 65 187 Dollars. 209 273 17 38 875 218 314 946 47 19 Cotton, manufac- tures of. Elax, hemp, jute, and other ^vegetable sub- stances, roanufact urea of. Dollars. 1,504 850 1,921 1,467 1,220 735 757 736 4,356 4,795 902 1,651 1,948 1,873 1,610 596 363 Dollars. 178 359 312 170 78 209 184 210 246 728 1,102 926 2,131 1,336 1,730 2,002 2,158 2,500 Fruits, in- cluding nuts Iron and Hteel Metals, metal composi- tions, and nu.«, «.ee.. l,„,,n„fac. not else- manulact-, ,„^..„ , .. where speci- fied. Dollars. 12,341 72:; 25, 531 12, 549 772 4,005 8,941 7,384 450 3,885 1,048 1,934 3,315 446 36 5,414 21 ures of. Dollars. 3,101 706 1,038 112 1,476 1,075 466 8,820 28, 155 8,298 21, 149 2,014 55, 095 57, 569 443 536 1,109 434 turi'8 of, not else- where specilied. Dollars 361 502 278 193 1,016 1,867 50 1,934 3,329 5,085 2,696 571 86 311 Salt. Pounds. 1, 659, 576 243, 000 1, 464, 800 1, 709, 901 385, 485 797, 400 187, 851 3, 076, 128 2,175,012 2, 033, 996 2, 696, 559 1,718,745 116,938 889, 057 89, 960 Dollars. 1,642 271 1,450 1,888 439 952 175 3,321 2,221 2,142 2,575 1,645 120 1,684 92 3,993 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AZORE, MADEIRA, AND CAPE VERDE ISLANDS— Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF KOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 27 IMPORTS FROM AZORE, MADEIRA, AXD CAPE VERDE ISLANDS— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR EXI) I X(t Tobacco JUNE and •i^ — nianulap tures of. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. Dollars. In casks. Gal'.onn. 2,217 3, 606 3,422 1,843 2,650 632 1, 803 3,006 12, 908 5,951 6,601 3,837 7,500 11, 958 19, 138 11,291 7, 930 8,848 Dollars 1, 132 4,611 3,811 1,466 6,399 1.756 2,849 5, 429 25,713 10, 882 12, 084 7,231 12, 965 13, 176 22, 008 12, 640 12, 162 13, 562 In bottles. Dozens. 15 5 41 3 122 209 253 115 678 173 100 127 70 43 65 64 26 61 Dollars. 115 16 317 35 995 2, 655 2,566 1,141 4,254 1,982 1,304 1,490 700 338 1,192 629 274 485 All Wm.il.andl.otlHT iiianiit'ai't^ iliiiia- uius of. lilt' aili- eles. Dollars. 147 69 144 51 87 319 667 830 736 371 602 323 1,418 1,959 737 517 2,940 1,302 Dollars. 81. 268 3, 298 97, 771 7,089 12,804 15, 585 57, 518 17, 576 57, 989 26, 214 6,506 7.442 4,940 3,828 1,853 41, 820 3,413 1,951 RECAPITULATION. TOTAL DUTIABLE. Dollars. 101, 998 11,737 132, 590 25, 058 26, 161 29, 376 74, 173 47, 695 128, 395 64, 429 49, 987 25 227 82, 718 82, 520 29, 701 64, 154 22, 423 20, 753 TOTAL FREE OF DUTY. TOTAL VALUE OF MEK- CHANUISE. Dollars. 23, 879 20, 755 16, 819 42, 870 52, 353 31, 827 25, 981 34, 764 49, 396 45, 463 20, 702 33, 189 17, 799 20. 842 14, 684 10, 044 17, 248 17, 062 Dollars. 125, 877 32, 492 149, 409 67, 928 78, 514 61, 203 100, 154 82, 459 177, 791 109, 892 70, 689 58, 416 100, 517 103, 362 44,385 74, 198 39, 671 37,815 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO AZORE, MADEIRA, AND CAPE VERDE ISLANDS— Continued. 1873 213 1,131 1,533 2,877 2 8V7 1874 1875 800 626 414 702 260 1,8U1 77 1,120 388 72 111 294 286 814 1,193 6,867 564 214 2,704 837 2,678 1,746 1,577 948 4,114 6, 206 5,967 12, 657 8,087 3,933 7,283 9,835 4,087 3,250 3,292 1,748 126 21 61 1,052 806 678 380 375 1,278 160 490 971 285 97 65 2 804 1876 1,767 1877 775 174 3,743 5,912 5, 537 11,843 6,007 3,539 7, 127 2,762 3,416 2,972 588 762 1,638 2,000 4 920 1878 1879 1880 6 884 1881 144 6,347 13, 032 9,365 4,093 7,773 10, 806 4,372 3,347 3,357 1 748 1882 issa 887 394 156 206 107 64 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 149 28 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM. TEAR EN1>IN(t FREE OF DUTY. ANIMALS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. O Cattle. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 18'80. 1881. 1882. 1883. 188-1. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1880. 1890. No. Dollars. Horses. No. Dollars. All other, in- cluding fowls. Articles, the growth, j)rod-| Art works, uce, and the prodiic- manufacture 1 tion of of the United American States, re artists. turned. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Asphaltiim or bi- tumen, crude. a Pounds. Dollars. 615 216 26 47, 735 20, 518 6,000 1,375 700 54 39 35 74 82 149 223 47, 226 21, 748 22,443 32,544 93, 784 65, 997 176,423 5 75 55 3,764 27 55 112,939 139, 393 241,897 220, 322 97, 529 115, 728 164, 101 340, 687 522, 335 453, 981 737, 017 878, 724 809, 724 1, 024, 609 876, 508 737, 966 753, 975 451, 827 53, 573 207 48 791 4,754 20, 792 10, 779 3,069 2,810 9,000 60, 695 30, 947 501 4.885 2,463 829 2,909 1,800 1,208 2,832 135, 000 1, 380 EXTORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 .. . 1878 1879 1880 .. . 1881 2,427 1882 1883 1884 308 1885 ■ 1880 1887 1888 1889 40, 000 30, 372 1,200 1890 911 a Not enumerated prior to 1881. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 29 IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. YEAR END- Bolt- ing cloths. Books, niiips, cn- gravii|i;8, etcliiugs, ami otlitT printed inaltiT not elsi-where specitied. CHEMICALS, DKUOS, AND DYES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Argal, or argol, or crude tartar. Barks: Cinchona, or otlipr, from wliich quiuiuo may be extracted. Cochineal. Byewoods. JU^■E 30— Logwood, a All other. 1871 Dolls. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dolls. Tons. Dolls. DoOs. 1872 2,718 39, 196 11,008 14, 324 113, 591 456, 670 237, 116 544, 835 278,813 565, 400 12, 376 55, 718 11, 039 488 5,566 2,186 2,892 19, 071 65, 359 34, 626 74, 638 48, 381 70, 675 2,792 9,617 3,855 1873 3,646 5,295 934 1,189 565 111 o64 413 1,743 577 1,744 3,077 5,783 2,548 8,735 555 1,477 2,592 1874 1875 1876 4,505 19, 881 2,010 9,867 1877 13 121, 398 1,311 39, 041 64, 875 11, 983 22, 801 66, 141 985 30, 349 42, 719 9,539 32, 168 1878 1879.... 1880 1881 276 1882 5 492 1883 1884 233, 957 25,724 45, 991 24, 411 89, 353 4,696 24, 762 5,788 8,496 1885 1886.... 1,694 12, 520, 4,928 94, 200 329, 100 21, 655 2,318 924 13, 473 45, 019 2, 776 1887 1888.... 1889.... 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM-Continued. 1871 75 15 1,475 320 1872 1873 ' 1874 ' 1875....' 1 1876 1 1877 1 1878.... 1 1879.'... 1 72 25 25 1,575 580 600 1880.... 1 1881 1 1882.... 1 1883.... i 1884. . . . 1 1885. . . . 1886.... 1 1887. . . . 1 1888.... 1889.... j 1890.-... 170 a Includes all dyewoods prior to 1884. 30 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. FREE OF DUTY. CHBIIICALS, DROas, AND DYES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIEU. Gums. Pounds. Dollars. Lime, clilorido of, or bleaching powder. Pounds. Dollart. Mineral waters, all not artificial, a Gallon*. Dollars. 2,161 8,422 237 1,059 185, 833 15, 308 44, 8 34 3,490 374 977 4,154 1,141 55, 534 37 118 98 308 10, 159 168 111.117 45,700 73. 534 13, 030 35, 501 30, 983 41,237 24, 604 9, 707 14, 443 2,990 7,235 9,533 11,507 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. a Included in "All other chemicala, etc.," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 31 IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. TKAR ENDING J r N E SO- FREE OF DUTY. CHEMICALS, DRDGS. AND DYES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Quiiiia. sulphate of, ai)<1 iill alk.iloids or salts of I iiuhoua bark. a Stilphtir, or brim- stone, crude. Ounces. Dollars. Tons. 5,000 2,695 20, 500 5,330 79 190 60 83 180 182 Dollars. 3,037 4,766 1,718 1, 933 4,086 3,995 All other. Dollars. 1, 002 5,786 5,669 30, 091 114,479 160, 9G9 109, 381 68,615 43, 147 107, 437 69,931 129.429 123, 212 37, .'US 24. 248 45. 138 30, 395 14, 369 13, 323 6,736 Cocoa, or cacao, erode, and leaves and shells of. b Pounds. Dollars. 24 Coffee.& Pounds. 4,030 1, 186, 550 7,485 491, 019 276, 000 1,593 61, 245 79, 492 323, 525 284, 172 62, 541 692. 551 132, 589 109. 061 197, 884 965. 670 3,315 76, 469 Dollars. EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1 1872 1 1873 1, 329 150. 411 12,417 23, 340 1,094 4,758 7,531 1, 341, 256 794, 058 1, 202, 030 1, 314, 210 2.261,835 3, 180, 385 2, 932, 150 102, 794 3, 271, 393 2, 668, 497 4, 676, 467 2, 917, 141 4, 849, 773 2, 498, 261 1,432,032 1. 160, 032 2, 556, 954 487, 792 196, 768 1874 189 178, 337 13, 680 58, 460 91, 681 157, 460 1875 206, 096 1876 227, 099 1877 102 343, 399 1878 514, 690 1879 300 443, 583 1880 12, 873 1881 110,900 76, 450 120, 165 20, 440 63, 031 155, 579 170, 961 6,344 64, 136 214, 100 14,010 12,420 8,947 2,044 6,302 17, 174 17, 574 598 6,422 22,898 439, 821 1882 409 2,600 4,758 7,100 6,099 1,760 1,200 4,158 1,833 346, 079 1883 441, 387 1884 291, 834 1885 481, 587 1886 226, 641 1887 149, 859 1888 123, 148 1889 . .. 397, 349 1890 87, 877 a Dutiable prior to July 1, 1879, and included in "All other chemicals, etc.,' prior to 1884. b Dutiable prior to July 1, 1872. 32 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. LMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR EXD- JUNE Cotton, nnman 30 ulactured. jewel."* to lie where spec 1871 . 1872. 1873. 1874 . 1875. 1876 . 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 18S5. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. .Poundt. Dolls. Diamonds and other prH<-i^ ^i^ 86 312 1,339 8,354 26, 104 57, 304 97, 059 113, 252 148. 931 2,733 9,094 160 115 4891 220 155 5,060 8,475 5, 746 17, 469 6,482 5.940 241 1879 5,107} 9,360i 1880 92 387 1881.... 1882 459 464 16, 409 7,718 8,312 3,378 660 52 99 3,686 7,442 16 44 7,431 1884 22, 261 35. 073 31, 430 1885 . 1,412 1,119 22 1 iitn 1,018 53, 599 1886 601 1,698 20 181 1. 318 560 3, 391 657 20 32 10,985 21,751 9,428 22,673 9,549 99,401 10,474 81,336 9,985 259.834 24, 748 1887 24,457 1888 39,784 22,736 84, 262 1889 ... 5 10 73 4,181 285 20 66, 092 1890 . . . 208.921 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1376. 1877- 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1835. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1389. 1890. 113, 512 70, 887 9,911 28,658 26,340 55,414 33,253 U,979 890 72,719 171,054 218,185148 58,022 50. 201,345198, 292,137 203, 199,241|128, 8,300 6, 47, 55,482 28, 220 21, 411 104, 490 28, 764 245, 035 8,795 25,2861 15, 7,936 4, 015 466, 941 32, 854 1 15, 134J 39, 1071 35, 3, 3911 12 23, 1151 73 800 132 287, 674 863415,026' 349 37,594 288J 16,330' 395 54,846' 141 36,782 4,485 10, 603 18, 566i 11, 000 56, 770 82,894 48,334. a Not enumerated prior to 1884. 38 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR E^^)r^'G JUKE 30- CHEMICALS, DEUaS, DYES, AND MBDICnraS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Coal-tar colors and dves. (a) Glycerin. a GomB. Lime, chloride of, or bleach- ing powder. Logwood and other dye woods, extracts and decoctions ol.a 1871- Dollars. Poundi. Dollars. Pounds. Dolls. Pounds. DolU. Pounds. Dollars. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 21,752 8,888 11, 890 16, 071 12,469 14,627 8,999 57,124 269, 492 873, 438 1, 106, 264 291,493 344, 104 381, 173 8,694 12, 606 46, 027 84, 925 30, 857 27, 083 35, 814 314, 953 199, 651 204, 529 12, 997 6,012 2,320 6,320 26, 518 1885 16. 682 1886 18,983 1887 2,260 620 1889 364 1890 1 1,160 1 i EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 3,732 4,800 431 1887 1888 495 6,605 627 1889 7,4U 519 1890 slncludcd in "All other chemicals, etc.," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 39 IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continned. DUTIABLE. YKAR EX in KG jr.NK 30 CHEMICALS. DHUGS, DYES, AND MEDICINES, NOT ELSEW HERE SPECIFIED. Opinm. Soda. Bicarbonate or eu- percaibonate of. Caustic. Sal »oda and soda ash. All other salts of. 1^7l Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. DoUars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. 1872 2,729 1,082,915 31,636 42, 863 829, 771 548, 125 434, 022 89 25, 587 542 1,073 20,143 13, 275 8,791 1873 156, 800 56, 000 4,667 1,966 163, 435 67 7,368 2 90, 150 3 IGO 1874 1875 1876 5,913 155 1877 41 263 1878 10, 837 21, 606 22, 688 252 1879 400 1880 354, 856 2,598 418 1881 1882 22, 699 39, 252 91, 979 64, 210 367 1883 2,432 24 24,716 2n PI 1 435 330 13, 815 4,918 3,376 49 494 1884 15,856 50, 085 6,042 2, 233 352 852 1885 1,538 i.5nr! 065 664 1886 193 55 ' ' — 661, 090 451, 891 2,028 1887 1888 ! 109, 032 995 1889 j 1890 1 I EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 ' 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1800 . 40 COMMERCE WITH . EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE ao— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. CHEMICAI-S, DHUGS, DYES, AND MEDICINES NOT ELSEWHEKE SPECIFIED. Sulphur, re- fined.a Tons. 6 DoUam 237 Sumac, ground. & Founds. 103, 638 Dollars All other. 3,114 Dollars. 19, 397 35, 982 37, 147 33, 831 38, 124 30, 305 27, 347 60, 983 79, 902 187, 560 207, 687 246, 585 258, 743 52, 418 70, 326 83, 642 64,751 33, 987 38, 955 40, 180 Clays or earths of all kinds, includ- ing china clay, or kao- lin.6 Tons. 302 578 558 128 88 686 92 Dollars. 3,140 4,914 7,006 1,287 839 7,689 761 parts oi.b Dollars. 2,811 2,247 1,696 1,124 1,945 1,129 1,076 CLOCKS AND WATCHES, AND PAKTS OF. Clocks, and Dollars. 9,918 1,032 2,068 757 107 1,413 552 55 136 1,399 4,164 671 1,887 2,183 1,411 119 422 550 1,281 Coal, bitumi- nous. Tons. DoUars. 42 51 221 150 537 374 50 170 4 1,734 154 476 5,475 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM-Continued. 1871 2,556 1872 1873 1874 38 57 1875 1876 1877 266 1878 1879 1880 920 1881 1882 4,791 611 1883 1884 492 67 722 24 731 1885 1886 1887 1888 4 582 1889 1,354 2,627 1,165 941 1890 o Includes " Crude sulphur" for 1871, and after 1883 included in "All other chemicala.' b Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 41 IMPORTS FROM BELGITJM— Continued. YEAR END- ING JUNE 30— 1871 . . 1872 . . 1873 . . 1874.. 1875.. 1876.. 1877.. 1878 . . 1S79-- iJiSO.. 1881 . . 1882 . . 1883 . . 1884 . . 1885 . . 1886.. 1887.. 1888 . . 1889.. 1890 . . DUTIABLE. Cocoa, not including ohocolate.a Poundt. 250 Dolls. 8offee.5 Pounds. 95 Dollars. COPPER AND MANU- FACTUliES OF. Pigs, bars, ingots, old, and other un- maofactured. Lbs. 4,400 1,252 Dolls. 1,503 Man- ufact- ures of. Dolls. 1,064 1,442 611 UO 282 210 506 2,354 1,045 693 2,474 705 65 8,420 86 549 321 201 22 Cor- sets. c Not bleached, dyed, col- ored, stained, painted, or printed.d Dollars. 87, 105 105, 391 163, 364 219, 175 200, 543 249, 864 280, 818 COTTON, MANUFACTCUES OF. Cloth. Sq.yds Dolls. Sq 3,746 Bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted or printed. 819 780 446 856 580 454 3,947 794 947 404 918 467 569 78 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM-Continued. 1871 .... 49, 317 6,415 3,704 433 1, 236, 620 1, 344, 368 110, 587 160, 699 1872.... 1873 ... 1874 1875 1876 69, 656 9,672 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 71 6 1886 1887 1888 23, 297 1,008 1889 1890 114,461 16, 171 a Not enume rated after 1883. 6Froe of duty after 1872. cNot enumerated prior to 1884. d Included in " Bleached, etc., cotton cloths " prior to 1884. 42 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGnJM— Continued. DUTIABLE COTTON, MAKUFACTDEKS OF. EASTHEN, STONB, AKD CHINA WABE.i) . 3 2a a u TEAR. END- ING JUNE 30— aoth- ing. ready made, and other wear- ing ap- parel, not in- cluding knit goods.o Knit goods : Stockings, hose, half- hose, shirts, drawers, and all goodsmade, fashioned, or shaped on knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand. Laces, edg- ings, em- liroidories, linsertings, neck ruf- fling, ruch- ings, trim- mings, tuckings, lace window curtains, and other similar tamboured articles. a Thread (not on spools), yam, warps, or warp yam.a All other. China, porce- lain, parianand bisque, earth- em, st(me, and crockery ware. All other. o 1 nirted.--[^1- 1 1 1871 .... Dollars. DoUara. Dollars. Lbs. Dolls. Dollars. 11, 975 1,252 1,400 26, 238 24, 606 14, 847 24,789 31, 425 20, 166 219, 318 165, 284 504, 676 596, 442 52, 055 11, 037 11, 399 19, 683 41, 601 46, 694 34, 2U DoUars. Dollars .Dollars. Dolls. 3,746 534 DoUs. 8 331 1872 .... 10,227 12,958 18, 559 1873 .... 1,918 4,085 1874 .... 4,125 9,845 3,522 1875 .... 10, 727 ' 19, 858 1876 .... 3,550 3,701 2,863 2,542 17, 170 23, 783 97, 218 253, 240 3,080 6,650 7,457 6,552 3,754 6,923 16,287 9 2 19, 531 1877 .... 5,753 1878 .... 16, 134 17, 910 1879 .... 1880 .... 37,280 1881 .... 7,867 30, 368 14, 667 10, 008 599 352 468 6,631 948 6 104,684 1882.... 260. 387 1883.... 273, 252 1884 .... 1885.... 1886.... 1887.... 1888.... 1889.... 2, 027 1,022 128 87 2,554 2,176 46 158, 520 152, 651 115, 194 91,618 133, 671 168, 371 127, 205 574 120 523 45 7 1,739 3,662 328 43 149 11 7 684 1.585 1,972 1,827 851 783 572 696 489 3,903 16, 751 7,817 6,789 7,676 6,265 4,905 60 189 12 61 126 1890.... 580 205 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM-Continned. 1871.... 1872.... 1873.... 1874.... 8 lOO 1875.... 1876.... 251 3 1877.... 2,737 1878.... 1879.... 53 1880.... 1881.... 568 7,045 333 1,031 182 1882.... 80 1883.... 256 1884.... 3,688 128 1885.... 927 429 519 559 57 1886.... 1887.... 5,210 7,723 375 3,058 60 1888.... 1889.... IS90.... a Included in " All other cotton " prior to 1884. e Embraces the claes " Fancy goods," prior to 1884. 6 Included in "All other earthen, etc., ware" prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. EMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. 43 DUTIABLE, FISH. FLAX, HEMP, AND JUTE, AND OTHER VEGETABLE SUB- STANCES, AND MANLFACTUKES OF. TEAR ENDING JUNE 80— Cored or preserved. Unmanufactared. Anchovies and sar- dines, pacl^ed in oil or otherwise. ricrrtng, pickled or salted. All other. Flax. Hemp. Jute. Sisal grass.S 1871 Dollars. Barrels. Doa$. DoUs. Tons. Dollarg. Tons. Dollars Tons. Dollars. Tons. Dolls. 597 100 1 13 448 167 209 92 7,459 984 16 148 5,320 2,368 2,959 984 173 59 16 24 27 75 35 9 27 18 44 59 10 126 55 35 75 70 97 184 403 1,092 210 228 33, 761 14, 486 ?., 112 9,121 8,667 19, 458 26, 127 3,787 50, 209 15, 182 10, 670 26, 595 21, 437 24,497 38, 385 112, 887 278, 532 72,500 80,741 1873 1 126 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 115 1,249 20 367 1 7 32 109 2,696 3,504 1880 41 216 235 313 130 384 649 199 363 239 99 18, 970 33, 239 41, 623 41, 187 26, 074 70, 318 94, 616 49, 280 75, 313 48, 126 1881 3 1882 50 350 41 11 15, 355 4,238 1883 2,575 1884 9 4,010 1885 62 202 3,355 4,129 8,652 11, 953 129 26 1,252 299 333 10 33 1886 1887 1888 1889 221 1890 174 1,571 19, 315 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 697 1877 1878 1879 1880 5 76 167 403 61 500 10, 000 20, 280 33,645 6,525 1881 5 550 1882 1883 34 3,490 1884 940 538 841 118 17 23 151 84,253 1885 40, 410 59, 532 9,730 2,593 1886 1 102 1887 1888 1889 2,875 1890 350 17,829 A. Not enumerated prior to 1884. 44 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. DUTIABLE. FLAX, HEMP, AND JUTE, AJTO OTHEE VEGETA- BLE 80BSTANCES, AND MANUFACTURES OF. FEUITS, rNCLUDINO NtJTS, NOT ELSEWHEEE SPECI- FIED. Manufactures of. Figs. 6 Plums and prunes.ft YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Bags and bag- ging, a Brown or bleached lin- ens, ducks, canvas, pad- dinps, cot bottoms, dia- pers, crash, huckabacks, handker- chiefs, and lawns. a Cables and cordage. All other. Raisins. 1871 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 4,191 1,226 883 25, 934 20, 549 10, 9U5 15, 423 12, 330 17, 244 43, 491 161,478 255, 290 385,403 99,841 102, 823 103, 246 112, 008 101, 629 158, 909 147,823 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dolls. Pounds. Dolls. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 . 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 209, 443 165, 360 224, 997 251, 405 291, 912 273, 937 347, 997 897 154 2,525 4,182 1,752 4,605 8,403 100 4 1885 5,323 1886 ■ 1887 139 647 811 8,526 1,946 522 95 615 219 30 1888 1,323 29 1889 12, 686 555 1890 26 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 18T5 1876 1877 114 1878 • 1879 1880 1881 i 1882 41 1 1883 1884 IC, 329 4,364 . 1885 2,930 1 1886 1887 2, 430 795 1888 1889 1890 265 a Included in "All other fiax, etc., manufactures," prior to 1881. bincluded in "All other fruita " prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 45 IMPORTS FROM BEI-GIUM— Continued. DUTIABLE mrrre. iNci-uniNfi nuts, not ki.se- WHEEE SPECIFIED. Furs, and manufact- ures of fur. <>LASS AJJn GLASSWARE. YEAR KNDING Pre- served fruits. (o) All other fruits. Nuts, tt Bottles, vials, denii- jolms, carboys, and jars, empty or filled. 6 Cylinder, crown, and common window glass, unpolished. JUNE 30— Almonds. All other. Cylinder and crown jilass, polit>ht;d. 1871 Dolls. Dollars. 767 Lbs. DolU. DoUs. Dollars. 12, 939 7,307 10, 206 43, 186 73, 018 49,584 60, 781 135, 674 151, 365 177, 333 108, 920 636, 300 748,896 683, 904 223. 179 338, 962 398, 070 360, 218 242, 574 170, 625 Dollars. 11, 383 25, 421 13, 253 13, 612 15, 431 12, 516 26,604 Pounds. 30, 321, 184 40, 951, 794 41, 336, 830 31, 678, 961 31, 450, 339 22, 808, 577 19, 329, 799 19, 187, 423 17, 875, 191 37, 927, 414 39, 943, 417 39, 690, 238 51, 235, 574 73, 342, 057 53, 209, 868 52, 909, 977 56, 785, 498 60, 107, 633 68, 247, 815 66, 074, 370 Dollars. 1,103,824 1,684,289 2, 181, 044 1, 624, 377 1, 420, 799 1, 001, 945 729, 924 623, 813 507, 506 1, 230, 622 1, 226. 641 1, 180, 937 1, 588, 715 2, 267, 639 1, 467, 533 1, 249, 539 1, 183, 510 1, 145, 738 1, 156, 742 1, 143, 770 Sq.ft. Dolls. 1872 1873 293 117,664 21,752 15,565 43, 962 42, 519 2,913 13,228 16, 543 3,366 7,584 81 168 22, 787 1,655 1,900 1,180 1,233 301 1874 1875 551 1870 1877 1878 1879 1880 2,859 1,544 6,172 107,536 5,222 13, 240 13, 996 26, 419 46, 898 37,418 74, 238 160 1881 733 1882 1,651 1883 44, 031 1884 1,165 648 243 2,022 751 437 77 18 20 17 6 10 154 2,799 1,965 1885 3,498 4,250 1886 1887 1888 260 45 5,789 17, 117 1889 12, 030 1890 22,264 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 150 14 1875 1876 1877 557 7,169 1878 1879 1880 1881 206 L023 1882 1883 1884 3,502 1885 115 7,960 899 1886 19, 438 22, 960 5,247 1,772 650 1887 1888 615 10 1889 1890 15 89 a Included in I) Included in 'All other fruits" prior to 1884. 'All other glass, etc.," prior to 1884. 46 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. GLASS AND GLASSWARE. Plate glass. Fluted, rolled, or rough. Sq.feet. 90, 211 89, 776 438, 393 319, 252 552, 875 570, 933 59, 992 Dollars. 11, 208 9,043 14, 814 12, 722 24, 531 20, 021 2,674 Cast, polished, nn- silvered. 20, 790 1,596 20, 901 3,099 17,655 2,677 30,719 1,355 48,955 2,096 88, 092 3,204 28, 356 1,313 70, 355 2,594 47,379 3,695 65, 474 1,951 Sq.feet. 268, 028 304, 677 246, 698 316, 443 442, 251 819, 714 927, 000 878, 017 1, 131, 129 877, 948 1, 035, 824 1, 508, 318 1, 300, 577 1, 188, 729 1, 204, 077 1, 306, 090 1, 325, 044 1, 645, 809 1, 479, 880 1, 538, 198 Dollars. 149, 830 165, 107 155, 450 272, 272 484, 350 844, 287 859, 993 730, 308 527, 954 397, 749 465, 987 627, 436 536, 195 472,550 438, 686 432, 203 400, 678 518, 631 468, 828 503, 508 Cast, polished, sil- vered. Sq.feet. 25, 250 21, 541 4,284 47, 376 41, 039 110, 007 29, 106 121,569 17, 555 14, 118 966, 525 1, 730, 934 1, 650, 070 620, 226 131, 755 155, 532 72, 973 109, 382 89, 777 42,358 Dollars. 11,344 15, 421 3,288 42, 837 50, 362 119, 162 33, 069 106, 499 5,943 9,518 270, 706 511, 328 521, 249 231, 634 42,888 56, 405 27, 211 41, 860 35, 132 16, 277 Hair, not elsewhere I speciUed, and All other. 'mauufao- tui'es of. Dollars. 126, 186 133, 867 123, 023 94,994 67, 083 40, 492 43, 198 41, 656 45, 901 93, 708 173, 901 320, 957 374, 840 162, 917 141, 756 149, 237 171, 399 ei5, 099 237, 097 284, 909 Dollars. Dollars. 2,137 9,277 13, 502 18, 874 1,574 392 695 318 3,072 1,208 12,617 3,975 4,420 4,041 1,789 9,137 1,609 204 4161 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 6,384 167 7,373 3,578 ift7a 25 467 250 3,189 218 8,378 196 393 19, 751 614 160 16, 778 11, 096 174 13,125 4,632 1890 200 893 S,04a o Kot enumerated prior to 1681. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 47 IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDING JUNE Hides and .skins, other than fur skins. a Hopa.b India rubber and gutta- percha, manufac- tures of. IBON AND 8TKEL, AND MANUFACTDRES OP. 30— Iron ore.b Pig iron. Scrap iron and steel, lit only to be remanufactured. 1871 Dollars. 54, 615 5,722 Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 576 289 Tons. Dollars. Tons. 5 415 654 4,334 9,724 19,229 15, 160 10,824 21, 332 20,709 20, 700 22, 243 9,722 4,406 5,050 9,196 1,696 1,948 6,107 Dollars. 739 11, 629 36, 806 292, 220 331, 190 552, 584 328, 310 243, 619 443, 503 457, 079 521, 520 530, 586 231, 270 73, 095 83, 039 151, 875 36,431 34, 372 104, 105 82,319 Tons. 12,850 28, 073 13,006 200 626 Dollars. 336, 505 782 035 1872 1873 463 144 1874 64 155 184 9 5 539 1875 21 595 1876 1877 . 1878 8 57 1879. .. 1880 72,426 26, 919 32, 253 1,452 1,553 2,543 6,740 10, 973 5,032 9 198 1, 494, 569 63d 454 1881 40 6, 765 2,121 553 1,013 1,813 212 33 54 173 1882 644, 953 26, 680 24,177 1883 .. 1884 19, 928 22, 609 5,127 19, 341 65, 779 30, 025 33, 546 10, 277 6,851 1,346 2,416 13,821 10, 846 6,454 1885 1 16 36, 671 90, 687 147 290 1886 .. 1887 1888 75 361 1889 1 2 171 1890...... 3,595 3,242 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 33, 006 8,709 1885 1886 1887 13, 812 7,601 47, 778 27, 992 2,209 1,563 8,993 6,522 1888 1889 1890 • FtB» of dots after 1872. b Ilot euumerated prior to 1884. 48 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. TEAR EX DING JUNE ao— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. mON AlfD STEEL, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Bar iron, rolled or hummered. Pound*. 1, 095, 910 106, 650 148, 605 894, 828 299, Oil 1, 669, 087 1,499,185 588, 258 3, 990, 231 1, 248, 927 1, 985, 647 2, 055, 127 3, 649, 413 2, 737, 824 8, 421, 417 6, 973, 609 8, 658, 945 'a, 098, 282 4, 931, 652 Dolls. 17, 730 2, 126 3, 964 21, 171 10, 039 36, 208 29, 003 11, 613 78, 565 21, 105 29, 717 28, 704 48, 600 35, 176 88, 609 76, 892 92, 581 |67, 428 62, 912 Bars, railway, of iron or steel, or in part of steel. Tons. 3,281 6,944 3,340 17 19, 870 28, 747 40, 995 3,954 20 2,907 2,040 Dollars. 136, 331 321, 361 159, 754 817 725, 214 1, 100, 866 1, 240, 061 119, 924 670 53, 351 Hoop, band, or Bcroll iron or steel. Ingots, blooms, slabs, billets, and bars of steel, and steel in forms not elsewherespeciQed.a Founds. \ Dollars. 13,552 I 263 14, 388 226, 387 146, 102 692, 953 49,081 2,975,979 1,757,384 8 I 11,380 340 2,189 1,948 8,935 39, 967 25, 374 164 Pounds. 1,261,120 2, 777, 566 22, 068, 647 32, 816, 207 38, 467, 851 20, 140, 784 2, 088, 077 Dollars. 16, 587 23,215 155, 147 250, 584 333, 054 165, 566 19,597 Sheet, plate, and taggers' iron or steel. Pounds. Dollars. 42, 686 114,645 22, 219 771 10, 972 112 2,997 7,267 1,193 73 288 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 ♦■ 1878 1879 1880 43, 857 782 1881 1882 .. 1883 1884 1885 1886 18. 898 914 1 29 600 96 3,134 2,160 108 68, 530 672 151 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Included in "All other xnauufacturea of iron, etc.," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. 49 DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— mON AND STEEL, AND MANUFACTURES OP, terSK=;nd^i--^^?f--- Wire, and wire rope and strand, iron or steel. a Manufactures of, not elsewhere specified. taggers' tin. Anvils. o 1 Chains. a 1871 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Founds. Dollars. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 . ... 43, 508 1,871 1878 1879 1880 1881 29, 132 6,832 1,082 249 1882 1883 1884 52, 332, 388 46, 740, 518 51,213,274 26, 949, 481 28, 999, 316 21, 662, 472 18, 031, 917 844,022 12.047.173 1 afi 5(18 296, 419 8,736 74, 913 15, 481 18, 297 8,581 90, 464 12, 037 661 3,381 1,602 1,442 721 3,104 227 15,686 54, 903 30, 286 26 1885 623. 273 639, 581 297, 854 317, 063 249, 398 222, 932 374, 263 8,521 796 1886 3,083 1887 35 42, 084 2,000 672, 072 1 1,263 152 12,061 1,672 1888 1889 32, 901 13, 589 1,686 762 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1,120 67 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1 1883 1 1884 1 1885 13, 000 260 1886 1887 1888 1889 1 1890 i 1 a Included in "AH other manufactures of iron, etc.," prior to 1881. H. Mis. 117 i 50 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMTORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. DUTIABLE. IRON AND STEEL, AND MANUFACTURES OF. JEWELRY, MANUFAC- TURES OF GOLD AND SILVER, AND PUK- CIOUS STONES. Lead, and manu- fac- tures of. LEATHER, AND MANUFACTURES OF. TEAR ENDING JUNE Manafactares of not elsewhere specified. Jewelry, and man- ufacturns of gold and sil- ver. Precious stones, not elsewliere spt'cilied, and inii- tations of, not set. Bend, or belt- ing, and sole leather. (a) Calf- skins, tanned, or tan- ned and dressed, and ja- panned, (a) 30— Cut- lery. Files, file blanks, rasps, and floats. Fire- arms. Machin- ery. All other. 1871 Dollars. 9,300 Dollars. Dollars. 107, 468 37, 813 71. 253 95, 292 103, 979 90, 117 43, 323 43, 027 101,292 216, 647 333, 061 454, 659 454, 694 528, 519 463, 966 342, 519 483, 620 679, 356 769, 469 989, 431 Dollars. 241 120, 000 644 3,356 12, 558 21.382 7,266 7,635 2,259 Dollars. 110,256 42, 536 30, 741 48, 057 160, 927 69, 878 63, 548 70, 878 .54. 42S Dollars. 571 Dollars. 107 Dollars. 447, 192 Dollars. Dollars. 1872 200, 952 1873 82 5,198 4,414 1,260 949 4,011 1,149 2,010 40, 563 88, 227 71,415 2,091 9,690 10, 917 11, 352 430 1,936 11, 739 750 1,095 8 650 1,552 34 462 1,543 1,362 790 330 320 1,248 202 5,338 7,215 1,890 3,802 4,103 772 1,269 737 1,693 3,394 299, 267 479, 889 536, 003 152, 282 14, 930 8 3,757 18, 931 4,494 33, 662 10, 020 17 2 1874 1875 1876 115 170 72 1877 1878 1879 1880 1,871 j 919,572 801 1,702,373 10,729 '3 749 .526 17 2,303 916 43, 841 43, 939 26, 050 12, 031 69, 722 278, 552 407, 960 404, 815 1881 1882 1883 4,280 4,480 16,440 7,147 3,541 90, 843 14,212 61, 565 4,485,911 166, 536 76, 218 61, 884 67, 366 35, 193 28, 226 27, 410 1884 1885 1886 1887 961 2 1888 6 1889 13, 768 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 70 1875 1876 1877 1,558 874 746 1,188 1878 1879 600 1880 4,970 310 15,410 2,164 1,525 2,670 6,932 1,567 430 1,300 625 240 1881 1882 2.693 1,559 40 7,436 446 530 235 3,029 280 3,667 880 500 982 1883 J884 1885 1,376 1886 1887 2,756 1888 1889 7, 405 700 1,594 1890 a Included in " All other leather," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPOUTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. 51 TEAR END- LNG JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. LEATHER, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Leather. Skins lor moroc- co, a All other. Manufactures of. Gloves of kid, or other leather. All other. Malt liquors. MARBLE AND STONE, AND MANU- FACTURES OF.6 Marble, and manu- fact- ures of. Stone, and manu- factures of, includ- ing slate. b Bronze mannfact tures.c METALS, METAL COMPOSITIONS, AND MANUFACT- URES OF, NOT ELSEWHERE SPEC- IFIED. Dollars 1871.... 1872.... 1873.... 1874.... 1875.... 1876. . . . 1877. . . . 1878. . . . 1879.... 1880. . . . 1881.... 1882.... 188:!.... 1884. . . . 1885.... 1886.... 1887.... 1888.... 1889.... 1890.... 1,913 1,499 6 2,502 6,452 683 1,805 Dollars. 33, 241 4,398 20, 243 77, 543 52, 960 13, 626 7,007 35, 839 63, 897 60, Oil 59, 038 81, 169 G5, 762 14, 022 12, 802 9,981 20,411 23, 904 15, 473 23, 534 Dollars. 299 4 13, 458 53, 067 25, 993 21, 234 41, 024 6,332 15, 309 14, 191 10, 434 79, 358 97, 239 153, 403 174,451 229, 666 198, 863 316, 757 209, 916 361,791 Dollars. 18 122 334 6,022 1,288 3,740 432 1,905 1,008 5,463 2,998 7,524 18, 848 8,967 543 3,508 1,935 1,785 3,962 4,243 Gallons. 3, 108 1,108 5,084 1.185 1,857 4,019 1,377 1,478 1,989 4,435 1,778 2,964 2,436 1,719 43 18 661 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1,177 522 2,108 456 946 2,663 585 698 772 1,180 658 1,669 1,623 878 69 10 663 9,037 2,406 5,131 2,026 5,167 2,595 5,913 14, 383 10, 825 11, 809 22, 070 6,433 2,346 10, 428 2,298 5,793 24, 186 21, 522 46, 277 151 1,800 349 1,419 2,175 1,178 3,737 2,972 1,999 1,183 1,071 1,292 5 805 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 . 1874 1875 1876 419 1877 1878 -■ 1879 733 340 1880 1881 1882 357 1883 1884 3,000 154 1885 986 5,276 725 8,208 3 2,888 1886 308 1887 327 235 1888 116 1,000 1,846 1889 45 1890 666 3,535 385 a Included in "All otlier leather" prior to 1884. b IncliuU'd in " Marble," prior to 1884. c Included in "All other metals " prior to 1884. 52 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. DUTIABLE. YEAR Mineral sub- stances, not else- where speci- fied, a Musical instru- ments. OILS, NOT ELSEWHERK SPECIFIED. ENDING JUNE "Whale and fish. Mineral. Vegetable. 30— Pixed or expressed. Volatile or Olive, salad. Other. essential. 1871 Dollars. Dollars. Gallons Dolls. Gallons Dollars. Gals. 6 Dolls. 8 Gallons. 582 Dolls. 489 Pounds. 160 Dolls. 138 1872 1873 525 1,482 2,175 1,103 1,767 42 41 174 245 38 4 814 56 82 139 348 148 930 262 129 1874 150 209 1875 85 32 3,402 1,840 12 1876 1,094 341 472 1,644 121 601 2,640 772 1,259 4,089 223 1,513 403 1877 272 57 20 392 37 25 135 1878 1,803 164 1879 1,956 2,756 17, 014 75, 102 71, 009 30, 782 20, 101 10, 425 7,788 5,614 6,170 7,755 410 1880 268 1881 523 1882 46 5 20 1,770 147 249 1,158 36 607 30 3 13 725 106 98 600 15 926 1,143 1883 347 45 1,800 140 4,675 8,653 6,817 3,430 605 80 1,314 150 5,413 8,580 6,894 3,420 698 1884.. 4,735 1,505 5,337 23 683 9,712 4,362 1885 88 44 114 1886 52 1887 50 26 1888 1889 220 77 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 198, 833 58, 361 1872 285, 454 74,235 34, 047 11, 187 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 104, 057 18, 096 1878 1879 1880 248 144 1881 1882 1883 425 845 1884 826 1, 138 1885 1886 70 1887 1888 500 1,500 2,411 160 629 1889 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 53 IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM-Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30- Painta and colors. Paper, aixl IIKIIIU- fact- ures of. Per- fiinicr- io.s, co.s- inctica. anil all toilet pr.pa- rationa. Pipes, and smok- ers' ar- ticle.s.a PROVISIONS, COMPRISING MEAT AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. Moat pro- ducts. Dairy products. Butter, b Cheese, h Milk, b 1871 Dollars. 39, 016 Dollars. 56. 217 Dollars. 2,323 3,246 Dollars. Dollars. 1,613 3,356 10, 389 29, 161 38, 235 53, 327 54, 537 66, 114 73, 873 64. 723 J'ovnds DolU. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 1872 118,7.52 205,816 98,092 219.642 1873 5,201 j 1874 27, 439 51, 376 23, 165 22, 704 51.451 38, 849 79, 436 73, 113 111,364 147, 825 39, 614 33, 025 41, 254 40, 327 53, 393 50, 019 46, 186 57,712 42, 879 28, 739 22, 916 20, 578 35, 498 55, 611 78, 768 91, 381 67, 303 35, 646 26, 482 39, 606 62, 905 56, 220 60, 170 41, 493 2,847 6,516 4, 213 3,399 4,017 993 700 411 1,712 1,745 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 93.216 1882 149, 859 199, 758 165, 660 153, 849 186, 472 127, 577 175, 371 169, 178 250,488 1883 1884 235 5. 221 2,932 981 63, 455 124, 280 49, 489 33, 162 27, 434 25, 901 43, 249 10,510 20, 654 7,102 4,836 3,839 3,445 6,692 52, 165 31 90O 1885 174 1,000 335 295 142 335 3,081 2,101 322 128 360 343 1886 1,504 1 776 1887 135 1889 3 012 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM-Continued. 1871 1,500 1872 1873 1874 50 1875 1876 1877 1878 1 . . 1 1879 1880 1881 1 1882 413 477 500 19 746 30 105 41 88 34 272 65 ■ ■ 1 1883 1884 8 125 29 348 1885 1886 1887 1888 992 1889 733 2,448 1890 30 40 2,260 400 o Included in " Fancy articles," prior to 1884. b Included in " Meats, etc.," prior to 1884. 54 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continned. DUTIABLE. Rice, not elsewhere specified. Salt. Seeds, not else- wliere siieci- fied. SILK, MANL'FACTUUES OF. TEAK END- ING JDNE 30— Cloth- iiiK. ready- niade, and other wear- ing ap- parel, a Dress and piece goods. Laces and em- broi- deries. o Rib- bons, a Another. Soap. 6 1871.... Pounds DoUs. Pounds. Dolls. Dolls. Dollars. Dollars. 54, 649 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 109, 153 1,829 298 30, 677 27, 622 9,648 44,227 15, 862 6,723 70, 137 122, 458 1,277,581 2, 717, 353 27, 380 70, 580 55, 494 53, 425 43, 528 47, 299 42,059 Dolls. 1872 1,600 82 641 25 3,385 3,876 2,141 3,606 657 1,717 11, 819 4,866 5,227 4,378 2, 219 1,297 1,233 714 407 85 1,171 1873 1874 1875 288 4 627 346 91 101 512 472 78 1,000 180 9,000 2,473 22, 124 62, 333 331,612 1,164,615 1,115,885 12, 791 12, 710 1,936 434 2,571 5,612 1,990 1876 1877 1, 246, 630 1, 400 1,411 63 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 ... 1883 1884 56, 000 56, 000 171, 710 126, 554 807, 638 33, 571 1,585 1,582 5,178 2,618 16, 334 818 23, 472 9,902 6,363 3,135 7,447 4.055 4,930 10, 854 2,574 1,984 30 542 553 3,044 1885 2,955 1886. . . . 389 1887.... 1888.... 21, 740 154 6,877 7,172 1889 7,296 1890 3,846 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 106 2,166 2,053 1876 1877 2,985 1878 9,647 1,158 1,652 1879 . . 1880 349 399 43 11, 108 24,087 97, 871 7,893 14, 787 17, 183 17, 537 5,834 1881 1,005 1882 2,495 174 1883 8,614 8,681 12, 238 588 2,154 1884 1885 425 j l^."; 45, 846 16 1886 ... 603 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Included in "All other niannCactures of silk, etc.," prior to 1884. b Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM -Continued. 55 DUTIABLE. TEAR END- IN(; JUNE 30— Spices, not elsewhere spec- iiied. SPIRITS, DISTILXED. AS T. R a P. SUGAR, MOLASSES, SUGAR CANDY, AND CONFECTIONERY. Brandy, o All other. Molasses. Siisar. Dutch standard in color. Not above No. 13, cano and other. 1871 Pounds 160 DolU 33 P. galls. Dollars P. galls. 16, 985 17, 459 17, 966 23, 261 28, 772 55, 629 45,063 41, 317 65, 575 76, 654 81, 135 77, 347 100, 777 54, 841 38, 261 41, 689 32, 945 33,543 28, 500 19, 839 Dollars 8,726 9,859 10, 360 23,919 28, 736 42, 474 38, 814 23, 539 38, 901 49. 810 44,934 44.447 62, 799 27, 848 18, 738 21, 071 21,001 25, 509 22, 722 18, 327 Dollars Gallons. Dolls. Pounds. Dollars. 1872 126, 721 2, 261, 661 6,284 1873 5,430 19, 733 9,917 967 5,051 977 2,892 130 338 982 12,434 7,245 271 2.642 318 825 ■\o nfii 129, 062 1874 1875 5,212,768 295, 590 1876 1877 9, 134, 375 2, 543, 042 2. 253, 786 1, 504, 350 1,991,275 437, 848 1, 903, 234 26, 687, 953 37, 158, 233 26,746,163 6, 864, 751 7, 125, 870 27, 031, 955 19, 329, 390 491, 623 1878 129, 117 1879 ... 114, 606 1880 94, 396 1881 95, 353 1882 21, 955 1883 45, 198 4,571 96, 480 1884 . 819 4,355 1,335 8,597 8,914 6,941 4,009 1, 335 8,566 3.294 18, 780 21, 381 17. 873 9,077 1, 059, 679 1885 342 1,019 1,375 3,623 1,656 330 872, 657 1880 804, 694 1887 149, 520 1888 190, 177 1889 1 810, 333 1890 498, 858 EXPORTS OE FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM-Continued. 1871 45,422 1,101 76, 728 5.065 [872 606 509 1,251 198 190 446 72, 603 8,888 14, 521 1,778 1873 ... 1, 134, 751 75, 124 1874 1875 1876 1877 275 185 79 580 143 62 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 409 450 181 1,217 835 1,310 1,331 457 2,733 2,419 500 1885 1 314 1,184 94 34 1886 438 775 223 16 40, 957 45, 483 135, 271 177, 652 20, 155 6,170 6,800 25,545 18,482 4,655 1887 1888 ... 185, 876 5,203 1889 1890 a Included in "All other spirits," prior to 1884. b Not enumerated prior to 1884. 56 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDING JUNE30 - SUGAR, MOLASSES, SUGAR CANDY AND CONFEC- TIONERY. TOBACCO, AND MANUFACTURES OP. Toys.a VEGET.\BI.ES. Sugar, Dutch Leaf. MANUFACTOnES OF. color. Above No. 13. Confec- tiouery. Cisar-s, ciga- rettes, and che- roots. All other. Beans and pea.se. 1871 Pounds Dollars Dollars Pounds 1,227 Dollars 289 Pounds Dollars Dollars 19 Dollars Bushels Dollars 1872 400 41 ; 1873 ' 1874 41 114 714 1,010 1, 7(55 1,608 2,046 998 597 1,724 2,270 1,999 3 254 16 10 25 19 1875 6,137 3,326 18 1876 121 56 12 75 78 67 74 84 237 112 40 302 244 66 32 1877 1878 30 29 1879 1880 1,174 2,027 19, 034 5,765 5,933 12, 306 14 05 126 1,419 2,533 759 1,524 10, 161 2,567 3,803 10, 472 7 25 55 290 2,003 27 97 1881 1882 200 411 629 143 809 807 ir, RR.c. 172 13, 654 1,284 279 1883 17,810 1884 1,547 1885 8 11 36 80 14 710 ! 'i'7 5isn 1886 1,682 1,375 963 337 4 25, 773 8,371 15, 487 4,162 2,181 1887 192 50 273 44 8,549 106, 351 3,491 46, 281 7 905 1888 139, 035 1889 3,672 1890 HI 184 41, 610 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM- Continued. 1871 11, 447 964 2,610 224 614 97 1,467 116 1872 1873 61 1874 4,608 13, 288 6,089 4,518 24, 619 3,596 75,449 1,097 1,804 472 1,641 2,200 1,584 10, 393 1,908 39, 375 371 1,039 347 1,164 1875 1876 1,798 1, 262 422 1877 140 06 157 202 8,300 7 341 1878 1879 1880 800 143 2,701 404 2,504 125 1881 1882 52, .594 16, 127 24,485 55 813 1883 408 980 3,149 1,147 2, 797 9,723 15 926 1884 15, 923 7,427 25, 122 5,790 2,796 1,102 3,778 4,811 3,886 11,685 5,505 1,793 650 2,254 154 23, 421 1885 1886 44 1,313 1887 122 223 1888 1889 20, 141 31, 783 12, 378 1890 21 39 2,460 19, 070 a Included in "Fancy articles," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued, 57 DUTIABLE. VEGETABLES. WINES. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Potatoes. Pickles anil sauces. (a) All other. Champafrne, and other sparkling. (6) Still wines. In their natu- ral state, (a) Dolls. Pre- pared or I>re- .ierved. (a) In casks. In bottles. 1871 Bushels Dolls. Dollars. Dolls. Dozens. Dollars. Gallons. 46, 018 80, 185 76, 092 168, 463 236, 035 245, 751 129, 107 108, 481 127, 474 185, 234 184,214 176, 174 185, 679 24,412 54, 589 36, 101 35, 356 46, 337 29, 878 26, 009 Dollars. 16, 196 32, 714 37, 254 63, 376 93, 795 126, 467 71, 769 67, 886 71, 061 117,612 144, 600 136,244 135, 783 18, 392 35, 348 23, 658 17, 873 26, 903 17, 144 14, 088 Dozens. 24, 750 4,377 1,001 5,079 6,468 11, 769 3,915 10, 166 28, 183 35, 751 56, 317 54, 230 88, 444 1,183 2,660 2,033 4,086 6,965 5,464 7,237 Dollars. 171, 361 1872 29,208 1873 8,058 1874 . . 38, 896 1875 28 15 66, 834 1876 . . . 100, 106 1877 40 33 35, 361 1878 92, 705 1879 40 29 292, 877 1880 387, 453 1881 635, 448 1882 17, 507 20 735 8,644 15 251 617, 407 1883 1, 027, 918 1884 1885 36 11 42 514 247 315 820 2,175 17 1,481 1,343 845 765 2,501 2,246 2,895 2,435 3,550 4,493 1,490 4,229 4,717 3,246 1,455 2,944 13, 765 3,395 43, 104 54, 712 33,400 15, 290 43, 086 167, 045 50, 597 8,865 12, 657 1886 1887 383 164 10, 081 14, 945 1888 1889 16, 612 7,071 28, 658 24, 378 1890 501 273 28, 056 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 5 99 715 38 21 1876 1,626 1877 1,571 2,032 9,230 1878 238 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1,460 238 3,869 140 4 15 18, 335 3,287 53, 966 838 50 148 1886 998 629 1887 1888 1,312 2,578 67 800 1,645 31 1889 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. b Combined with "Still wines," prior to 1884. 58 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM BELGIUM— Continued. DUTIABLE. YEAR END- ING WOOD, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED, AND MANUFACTUEES OP. WOOLS, HAIR OF THE CAMEL, GOAT, ALPACA, AND OTHER LIKE ANIMALS, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Lumber. Manufactures of. Unmanufactured, b JUNE 30— Boards, planks, deals, and other sawed lumber. All other luni- ber. Cabinet- ware und house furni- ture, a All other. Class one. Class two. Class three. 1871 Mfeet. Dolls. Dolls. 6 Dollars. Dollars. 39, 825 51, 323 39, 049 40, 700 35, 247 33, 491 15, 064 14, 106 13, 267 30, 968 118, 146 178, 693 217, 893 74, 501 47, 181 15, 691 11, 510 14, 262 15, 409 28, 559 Founds. Dollarr. Pounds Dollars. Pounds. 320, 984 939, 479 495, 955 58, 717 604, 510 139, 196 93, 108 244, 699 29, 494 4, 408, 568 90, 551 340, 963 1,641 100, 504 38, 188 321,755 55,354 48, 528 70, 660 Dollars. 42,045 225, 937 1872 , 1 "" 1873 . . . 118 570 1874 4 160 12, 090 1875 165, 187 1876 32, 361 1877 17, 343 48, 846 1878 99 1879 1 3,963 1880 .... 1,919 5,517 942, 210 1881 .... 10 113 23, 689 1882 60, 613 1883 203 1884 440 816 323 49 2 5,307 5,973 3,923 1,402 2,052 2,068 2,964 46, 977 209,906 1, 148, 127 78, 102 189, 816 80, 892 9,998 34, 885 186, 065 14, 527 44, 530 25, 273 99. 923 28, 663 15, 082 1885 .... 3,171 1886 .... 2,497 441 969 303 37,810 5,046 4,036 1887 1888 .... 1889 .... 10, 637 1890 .... 1,536 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM- Continued. 1871 .... 1872 499, 231 53, 023 1, 054, 505 107, 610 54 830 1873 .... 6,636 199, 223 16, 291 1874 61 200 1875 .... 12 179 448 774 169 2,494 5,813 10,381 538 1876 .... 1877 .... 1878 46, 261 353, 694 2,908 40,412 6,766 10, 270 6 279 1879 006 59, 090 580 1880 1881 271 6,052 5 960 1882 .... 1 126 1883 .... 1 429 1884 .... 19 1,850 2,317 5,719 32 353 6,881 1,936,304 1, 772, 065 1, 188, 195 105, 646 144, 460 122 1,239 215,189 193, 207 159, 005 18.497 23, 763 1885 .... 5,6U0 500 1886.... 1887 1,656 140 1888 .... 1889 1,434 1890 5,257 733 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. included in " All other manufactures of wood.' b All uumauufactured wools combined iu one class, prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 59 IMPORTS FROM BELGIDM-Coutiniicd. DUTIABLE. WOOLS, HAIR OK THE CAMEL, GOAT, ALPACA, AND OTHKE LIKE ANIMATES AND MANUFACTURES OF. TEAR Manufactures of. ENDING JUNE 30— Cari)eta and carpeting. Cloth insr. ri.ndvniade and other wearing a[)- jtart'l, ex- cept shawls and Unit goods, a Cloth.s. Dress goods, women's aTid cliil- dreu's. Knit fahrics. Rags, mnngo. Hocks, noils, shoddy, and wastes. Shawls. 1871 Sq. yds. 94 60 Dollars. 123 121 Dollars, Dollars. 80, 897 67, 705 51,731 414, 783 415, 347 468, 408 316, 478 201, 406 211,710 351, 873 699, 858 1, 370, 577 1, 482, 424 398, 348 285, 052 373, 132 494, 019 564, 897 490, 787 493, 240 Sq. yards. 171, 835 Dollars. 43,244 Dollars. 389 Pounds. 91, 450 121, 612 191,457 105, 953 59, 203 Dollars. 3, 495 7,171 13, 445 7,744 7,722 Dollars. 1 077 1872 1873 6,644 6,664 1,767 1,970 1,819 707 1,839 1874 52 46 2,249 564 126 649 1,057 1,317 54 74 2,587 797 429 868 1,302 1, 143 1875 1876 25 50 31,491 6,918 15,490 111, 979 437,420 583, 144 134, 240 21, 122 28, 076 8,975 90, 895 74, 947 108, 533 10 9 6,692 1,208 3,298 28, 752 115, 168 151, 193 24, 409 5,428 6,4G5 2,515 20, 330 16, 333 23, 644 1877 1,637 2,359 2,094 3,262 2,739 5,202 160 80 41 557 199 2,586 32 7,786 857 449 1878 1879 1880 2,853 1,698 6,382 123, 885 86, 999 5,077 89, 336 11, 361 110, 325 103, 476 19, 138 571 408 807 44, 431 37, 750 1,044 17, 916 5,905 45, 257 45, 004 7,789 278 1881 856 1882 84 1883 34 35 667 333 84 148 43 70 1,098 743 161 295 11 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 315 903 931 6^5 451 1,501 3,867 441 28 16 8 5 19 1890 15 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO BELGIUM— Continued. 1871 1872 1,572 270 1873 1874 1875 1876 4,311 237 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 657 781 1882 914 1,437 367 4,732 209 1883 1884 1885 6 10 2,405 80, 369 7,011 14, 086 1.467 1886 1887 2,016 5,673 1,870 1888 10, 195 30, 348 2,526 5,245 1889 3, 387 1890 19 3 a Included in "All other manufactures of wool " prior to 1884. 60 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FEOM BELGIUM— Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 3Ck— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. WOOLS, HAIE OF THE CAMEL, GOAT, ALPACA, AND OTHEK LIKE ANI- MALS, AND MANUFACT- URES OF. Manufaclures of. Yams. a Pounds. 8,978 8,871 10, 219 62, 535 110, 830 422. 903 Dollars. All other. 6,510 5,971 6,354 36, 489 61, 590 182, 026 Dollars. 27,963 9,309 10, 059 3,906 17, 134 11, 693 5,244 12, 140 13, 829 40, 908 38, 253 84, 409 82, 786 6,932 15,832 27, 751 11, 123 9,258 34, 874 45, 353 ZINC OK SPELTER, AND MANUFACTURES OF. In blocks or pig..s, en- {jraviu^s, etoljiii;;s, and other printed matter not else- where specltied. Chem- icals, drugs, and dves, not else- where speci- fied. Cocoa or cacao, and leaves and shells of. CoiToe.o Eggs. Fish, not else- where Rpeci- tied. 1871 . 1872 1873 . 1874. 1875 . 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884 . 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. Dollars, Cotton, manu- fact- ures of. Dollars. 9 Earthen, stone, and china ware. Dollars. 19 6.59 341 746 650 Fi.sh, noti'lso wliero spt-ci- fied. Dollars FLAX. HEMP, .JUTE, AND OTHKI! VKOETAnLE SUBSTANCES, AND MANUFACTUKES OF. Unmanufact- ured. Tons. Dollars. Mann factures of. Dollars 54 400 Fruits, includ- ing nuts, uotel.se- where speci- lied. Dollars. IRON AND STEEL, AND MANUFACTUKES OF. Scrap, fit only to be rem an u factured. Tons. Dollars. All other. Dollars. 3,327 1,185 139 74 196 58 32 916 2, 171 101 1,427 209 209 159 410 438 556 542 691 530 1,569 2,566 4.148 2,639 5, 602 204 329 1,102 3,565 1,677 919 117 169 267 198 26 105 193 401 4 62 39 11.728 20, 935 38, 251 376 7,035 6,538 18 1,572 307 37 7 307 323 718 17, 506 80 231 2,827 7,281 1,153 111 3,075 114 4 25 1, 644 523 401 7,418 1,182 2,537 1,770 550 300 4,835 112, 627 18, 447 41, 908 26, 680 7,555 3,713 2,478 4,067 1,265 30, 896 54, 296 14, 198 20 132 46 827 10, 014 46, 125 184 9,351 12, 354 29, 158 4,692 38, 103 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO DENMARK-Continued. 1874 1882 1883 1885 1886 1887 1888 100 1889 1 578 1890 64 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. nirORTS FROM DENMARK— Continued. DUTIABLE. Loatlier, and manu- fa-^t- ures of. Dollars. 7 Marl.le and stone, and manu- fact- ures of, not else- where speci- tied. Dollars. CI 1,081 Oils, not else- where speci- lied. Dollars. Seeds, not else- where speci- fied. Spirit8,distilled, y ^ and .spirituous vf" compounds. Dollars. Pf .galls.' Dollars, 1,301 1,056 616 140 1,787 1,616 944 60 Dollars. In casts. Galls. In bottles. Dollars. Doz.qts 182 76 36 Dollars. 145 60 1,322 4 37 427 2, 382 2,048 683 1,062 442 228 81 908 48 4,931 50 85 439 20 2,816 2,801 4,907 588 322 1,445 3,919 1,188 9,217 20, 641 7,389 602 782 894 6,403 3,842 415 5,834 3,613 3,006 810 274 1,202 1,260 1,037 882 632 1,020 1,800 950 1,553 779 669 2,781 2,001 2,430 1,915 962 1,879 2,725 1,530 2,631 491 120 5 36 21,890 20, 250 12, 090 13, 709 29, 420 9,287 13,851 4 I 1 20 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO DENMARK— Continued. 1874 3,251 1,435 1882 1883 1885 1886 105 1887 1888 . 1889 1890 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 65 mrORTS FKOM DEKM ARK— Continued. DUTIABLE. Another dutiable articles. REOAPI'l'ULATION. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— "Wood, and inannfa«t- urea of. WOOLS, ETC., AND MANUFACT- tTBES OF. TOTAL DU- TIABLE. TOTAL FHEE OF DUTY. TOTAL VALUE OF MERCHAN- DISE. nnmanafaotnred. Manu- factures of. 1871 Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 998 1,119 1,904 344 72 Dollars. 1,095 5,869 6,827 126, 802 2,510 Dollars. 2,097 6, 179 1,755 33, 009 4,461 1,224 4,557 8,147 16, 424 64. 701 346, 222 210, 005 169, 071 379, 679 271, 676 360, 895 200, 050 185,401 135, 220 82, 5:;g Dollars. 3,192 Ig72 295 170 612 52 12,048 1873 8,582 1874 159. 811 1875 6.971 1876 1,224 1877 548 12 4,496 1,322 5.014 115, 598 56, 757 184, 372 133, 815 166, 207 78, 775 71, 125 138, 704 312,473 103, 753 155, 982 9,053 1878 9,469 1879 21, 438 1880 . .. 63 651 904 1,303 4,746 29 1,019 247 215 1,615 1,647 6 57 858 821 289 344 559 965 730 2,104 648 1,037 8,722 82, 716 25, 800 23, 822 31, 851 22, 584 59, 794 72, 464 30, 931 48,273 180, 299 1881 402, 979 1882 26, 225 3,350 264, 722 2,973 647 44, 974 394, 377 1883 302, 886 1884 .545, 886 1885 350, 451 1886 28, 537 20, 488 44, 732 4,290 1,968 4,912 432, 020 1887 338, 7.'".4 497, 874 1889 238, 973 1890 40, 662 7,214 238, 508 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO DENMARK— Continued. 1874 1,435 8, 0.')6 15, 664 563 2,286 720 11,472 3,777 989 1.435 1882 702 51, 135 10,217 2,980 10, 387 228 600 1,708 8.758 1883 1,097 66, 799 1885 563 476 10, 780 1886 49 730 5, 266 1887 4,816 720 11, 107 1888 686 11,700 1889 14, 242 2,080 119 4,377 1890 29 2,757 H. Mis. 117- 66 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM FRANCE. 1 FREE OF DUTY. ANIMALB, NOT EMEWHBHB SPKCIFIED. a Articles, the growth, produce, and manufact- ure of the United States, returned. Art works, the pro- duction of Ameri- can artists. Asphaltnm or bitumen, crude. a Bolt- ing clotha. Boolcs, maps, engray- ings, etcli- ings, and otherr printed matter not else- where speci- fied. Cattle. Horses. Sheep, All other, iuclud- fowjs. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 Ko. Dolls. No. Dollars. No. Dolls. Dollars. Dollars. DoUars. Pound.i. DoUs. DoUs. 20, 031 DoUara. ISO, 685 34,246 60, 985 29, 222 13, 442 62, 301 83, 142 211, 014 891,565 244,606 198, 087 291, 601 175, 172 299, 821 426, 755 400, 852 316, 221 188, 795 733, 686 4,454 8, 343 19, 430 30, 207 54, 861 31,. '541 26, 525 53, 447 46, 302 59, 136 39, 078 80, 223 80. 355 207, 892 49,146 35, 181 1 20, 693 67, 539 25, 705 104,562 26,716 140, 387 20, 624 161, 809 15, 4U 186,261 16,390 212,146 21,732 288, 937| 18, 297 252, 009 19, 604 346, 873 33, 549 395, 329 36, 866 121 20 2 9,512 4,640 209 1,007 992 586, 216 589. 295 104 11, 330 3,736 6,982 4,927 6,388 15, 010 55, 905 28, 096 3, 039, 576 571.200 28, 051 4,242 7,222 16,997 13,265 2,052 24, 288 89, 672 14, 435 49, 910 1, 123 617, 570 163, 374 116, 480 144, 409 478. 360 27, 492; 59, 311 1, 479 846, 342 2, 245j 899, 374 1, 618 692, 182 2, 02ll 947.211 37, 343 95, 778 3 772 186, 853 132, 905 201, 367 210,560 40,320 113,648 54,295 101,024 66. .535 145.024 1890 5,222 89.2411 107.641 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE. 1871 187' 5,000 18. 000 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 . . . 1878 3,000 1879 1880 2,000 1881 1882 1883 1884 ... 1,400 1,045 1885 25 1886 . 22, 400 798 228 1887 3,240 1888 225 1889 17, 175 24,640 800 406 494 1800 600 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXroliTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. G7 IMl'ORXS FROM. FllANCE— Contiuued. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR CHEMICALS, DHOGS, AND DYE3, NOT BLSEWHEEB SPECIFIED. JUNE 30- Argal, or argol, or crude tartar. Bark.s: Cinchona, or oll'ir, from which quinine may be extiacted. Cochineal. Dyewoods. Logwood, a All other. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 Pounds. 143, 668 1, 127, 135 1, 024, 777 941. 731 2, 373, 989 3,861,247 6, 241, 284 8, 230, 582 9, 262. 798 10, 322. 485 9, 326, 822 12, 059, 692 «, 776, 538 11, 439, 409 10, 075. 938 7, 196, 755 8, 489, 203 4, 494, 894 4, 448, 925 5, 843, 797 Dollars. 12,311 134, 327 143, 311 130, 055 379, 255 586, 556 890, 756 1, 054, 322 1, 250. 831 1, 487, 448 1, 471, 152 1, 911, 664 1, 647, 523 1, 872, 054 1, 636, 998 1, 132, 358 1,201,414 534. 793 497, 440 679. 018 Porinds. Dollars. Pounds. 150 Dollar*. 101 Tons. Dollars. Dollars. 3,190 14, 010 141, 891 159, 454 105. 270 10, 386 22, 499 78, 571 62, 300 5,478 15, 001 9,962 2,645 41,364 45, 254 19, 532 1,406 3,300 21,658 24,144 1,226 1,071 2,028 100 1,522 14 11, 316 31, 310 8 7,065 18, 198 1 14 28, 949 3,750 20, 698 1,918 158 1 132 2 6,678 119 2.782 45 , 11, 387 29, 617 2,782 6,032 174 1885 13, 791 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1,060 150 431 15 132 57 35 157 27 1,734 456 592 214 90 1,800 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890, 169 4,300 17, 830 8, 870 10,528 j 1,316 61, 7C9 12, 387 206 3,430 59, 500 46, 557 23, 390 474, 200 27, 150 20, 865 4,843 171, 148 167 313 3,813 7,051 43, 159 I 13, 339 a Lacludes aU dyewoods, prior to 1884. 68 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FKOM FRANCE-Continued. FRE E OF DYES DUTY. TEAR CHEMUCAUS, DEUOa, AND NOT ELSKWHKBK SPKCITIBD. ENDING JUNE so- Gums. Indigo. Licorice root. (b) Lime, chloride of, or bleach- ing powder. Mineral waters. mH not artilicial. b Arabic, a All other gnma. lan Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. 108, 065 57, 661 177, 089 34, 749 187, 568 6,818 86, 175 10, 619 2,845 92, 089 9,018 48,157 54,375 136, 636 1, 211, 589 1,295,437 fi77_ 032 Dollars. 18, 570 8,539 25,770 5,069 13, 694 2,060 12, 064 1,702 377 15, 296 1,800 9,967 11,348 18, 400 190, 780 290, 874 247, 537 268. 094 164, 977 152, 173 Lbs. 10, 950 DoUs. 7,045 Pounds. Dolls. rounds. Dolli. Gallons. DolU. 1872 1873 8 4,088 59 6 2,236 64 1874 13, 321 87, 330 556 2,862 1875 1876 1877 1878 1^79 1880 1881 1,000 39, 796 10 632 1882 1883 1884 326, 647 141,317 75, 709 44,374 50, 0G8 49, 386 80,744 45, 455 30, 501 15, 351 14 952 61,771 84, 983 174, 191 311,565 102, 662 61, 676 2,652 2, 646 10, 048 15, 431 7,980 2 Rfin 62,893 20. 410 1885 92, 080 26, 503 1886 1887 4,389 1,711 2,313 1,574 73, 189 25, 658 58, 355 23, 149 1888 17,361 811,181 21,660' 470,705 16,448 P^ltCi^ 80, 59.") 30, 518 1889 105. 604 31, 031 1890 . . 215, 26112. 64."^ 127, 481 39. 016 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 1872 22, 346 31,229 1873 1874 1875 5,567 326 90 100 1876 1877 1878 1879 55 901 7 nnn 1880 1 ' 1881 1882 1 895 1 .>;nn 1883 79, 276 93 fiOO 1884 10, 304 3,600 8,405 3,300 1885 1886 200 67 1887 1 1888 2,000 1,500 1889 1890 6,892 5,695 a Included in "All other gums" prior to 1884. b Included in " All other ohemioals, etc.," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 69 IMPORTS FROM FRANCE— Coutinued. FREE OF DUTY YKAR KIsD- CHEjnCi Quinia, of, and J loids of ciB bai LLS. DRUGS, AND DYES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Cocoa, or cacao, crude.and leaves and shells of. ING JUNE 30- mlphate ill alka- r salts choiia k.a Sulphur, or briiiistone, crude. Vanilla beans. b All other. Coffee. 1871 Ounces. Dollarg. Tons. Dollars. Pounds. Dolls. Dollars. 767, 965 750, 622 2, 006, 190 1, 201, 935 1,583 092 Pounds Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. 1872 1873 61 8 2,013 336 16,490 490, 405 1, 065, 737 875, 583 1, 818, 131 3,378 80, 228 196,330 161, 204 1874 1875 1876 878, 255 672, 689 646, 951 446, 764 858, 051 705, 882 729, 279 515, 433 324, 662 212, 504 233, 933 241, 006 •233.616 205 90, 715 753, 870 169, 199 120, 165 278, 954 350, 120 107, 409 267, 185 56, 644 62, 753 13, 008 32, 052 8,403 40, 181 40 1,091 1877 274, 384 1878 20, 908 2,450 1879 276 935 48, 969 1880 988 23, 580 6, 84i 33, 125 7, 700, 403, 612 12, 962 66, 602 7, 305 460, 822 29, 836 7, 482, 672 6,213, 2,995,973 3, 240 464, 570 2,519i 1,629,442 5,436 7,782,312 1, 305 450 6,358 6. .^.'iS. '207 7,597 1881 60, 048 1882 526 34 13, 770 858 7,209 1883 29, 148 1884 23, 828 11, 789 23, 007 30, 611 111, 188 14, 925 16, 487 35 732 11, 501 637 168 17,615 24, 650 7,484 5,824 8,984 3,618 702 80, 388 64, 486 828, 909 268, 069 1885 11, 669 18,073 18, 130 50, 671 5,271 5,497 1888 . . 45, 036 1887.... 1888 290 6,951 249, 611 956, 868 1889 14,567 918 809 88 1890 14, 980 195, 939 1, 060, 911 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FKANCE^Continued. 1871 1872 812 14, 834 2,518 6,603 3, 595 23, 123 6,050 24, 490 55, 272 21, 980 37, 051 1873 6,120 722 9,600 261, 131 564, 022 1,800 57, 722 iLij-sa? 1874 ... 1875 1,650 3,700 88, 630 48, 408 45, 082 73,349 802, 834 Sn.'i 43fl 132 259 9,487 4,890 5,455 13, 927 87, 903 129, 262 67, 619 42, 419 58, 994 90, 646 56, 388 29,744 18, 761 1876 965,9251 184,222 1,733,9581 254,372 2, 937, 27l| 477, 547 4, 021, 6091 574. 584 1877 1878 1879 1880 1,715,1941 211,159 1881 17, 876, 4052, 467, 870 11, 684, 376^1, 588, 816 14,619,6151 541,098 1882 1883 48,958' 488,278 9,860 369,428 11,964 551,681 65,713 8.54.224 1884 7,343 48. S87 9, 104, 9451 939. 936 1885 173 946 9,053 41,564 1,229 10,240 8,959 72.201 12,387,550 1,236,607 9, 842, 518 852. 242 1886 1887 40, 646 20, 177 13, 416 7,521 496, 292 280, 505 157, 060 8,181,8821 913,358 1888 5, 667, 924 629, 581 1889 8,378 57,880 2, 789, 574 450, 437 1890 1,820,454 310.011 a Dutiable prior to July 1, 1879, and not enumerated but included under "All other chemicals, etc., prior to 1884 b Not euuiuerated prior to 1884. « Dutiable prior to July 1, 1872. 70 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FEOM FRANCE— Continued. FREE or DUTY. Cork wood or ct)rk bark, nn- manu- fac- tured. Cotton, nnmanufac- tured. ?nd"o?her ^'^'-i"'^- rERTItlZERS. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— precious stones, rough and uncut, in- cluding glaziers' and engrav ers' dia- monds not set, etc.o ceoiis sub- stances and iirep- arations of (sago, tapioca, etc.). not elsewhere specified, (o) Gnano. Phosphates, crude or native.o All other. Egga. 1871 Dollars. Lbs. Dolls. Dollars. Dollars. Tons. Dollars. Tom. Dolls. Dolls. 1 Doz. DolU. 1872 1873 3,708 2,105 622 1,105 62 50 2,474 2,190 1874 1875 1876 1877 16 790 1878 510 3.401 6,639 3,341 1,882 2,662 9,908 7,865 5,539 5,528 15, 151 636 6,519 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 889 1,566 58, 625 98, 287 1884 77, 550 64, 510 37, 664 18,081 46, 571 30, 750 21, 925 147, 597 153, 070 158, 488 196, 602 223,312 228, 039 298, 880 601 3,670 2,084 516 3,706 7,462 1885 2 4 1886 3,201 1,241 155, 288 53, 834 1887 50 1,940 1888 1889 1890 2,749 60 1,086 1,216 31, 879 26, 707 295 1,089 UO 24 1 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 ! 1872 1873 4,248 6,110 915 1,912 1874 1875 1876 7,418 47, 983 827 5. fiUO 1877 1878 612, 754|55, 059 422, 572 41, 231 1879 1880 1881 378, 393 44, 130 170,90122,810 63,155 8,300 81,166 8,113 101, 500 15, 607 597, 823 53. 393 1882 1883 1884 1885 6 1886 780 1887 48,595 46, 960 3,058 5,827 1888 16, 750 1889 9U0 96 685 ISflO 30, 861 4,007 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 71 OtPORTS FROM FRANCE— Continned. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR Flflh, not else- where speci- fied. Fmits, includ- ing nuts, not else- where speci- fied.a Fnrsand fur skins, un- dressed. Hair, not elsewhere specified. HIDES AND SKINS, OTHER THAN FUB SKINS. 6 Household and ])er8onaI elVccts, and wearing ap- parel in use, and imple- ments, instru- ments, and tools of trade of persons ar- riving from foreign coun- tries, etc ENDING JUNE 30— Goat skins, c All other. India rubber and gutta-percha, crude. 1871 DoUars. DoUarg. DoUarg. 56 3,405 467 5,186 601 1,776 2.696 11, 746 11,426 48,489 64, 132 30, 270 20, 849 78, 365 159, 628 DoUart. 104, 090 10, 595 12, 050 19, 344 17, 321 26, 762 15, 575 6,221 2,571 53, 439 5,628 4,024 23, 968 134, 348 53, 793 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 102, 5'36 117, 046 34, 128 25, 818 33, 206 64,896 51, 084 59, 899 198, 654 110, 131 107, 391 154,818 170, 941 Pounds. DoUars. 1872 166 400 30, 722 94 1873 32, 540 38, 851 34, 707 80, 439 237, 777 361, 370 180, 718 1 553,921 161 1874 9,385 1875 1876 20, 995 9,614 10, 5L;5 55, 085 171, 862 32, 165 262, 629 205. 612 7,691 1877 4,081 1878 4,041 1879 25, 104 1880 38 112, 199 1881 720, 673 1,052,510 1, 260, 717 929, 037 405, 222 538, 908 365, 010 456, 288 721, 681 363, 882 19,411 1882 143, 207 1883 86 20 187, 545 1884 1885 24, 644 21, 343 21, 913 18, 362 30, 352 39, 803 44, 213 128, 153 169, 987 279, 445 279, 421 412, 332 618, 289 1, 237, 081 73,291 ' 689,261 194, 197 130. 070 594, 138 51, 468 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 26 63 128 14 48 210, 837 224, 197 209, 113 213, 704 112, 787 73,138 79, 498 121, 223 87. 546 77, 979 229, 038 214, 216 302, 728 195, 105 200, 638 303, 152 231, 792 220, 285 817, 893 517, 523 160, 503 127, 239 107, 400 122, 503 247. 150 EXPORTS OP FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 200 729 400 500 1,495 93 2,201 1,300 1872 9,630 4,950 1873 .... 19, 467 2,323 19, 156 13,841 13, 976 7,464 1874 1875 1876 . . 1,920 3,227 16, 667 2,330 19, Oil 6,734 7,500 1877 1, 212 1878 560 23,417 12,133 6,442 6,520 5,136 35, 342 37,547 15, 218 34, 8U6 20, 962 5,803 1879 5,345 450 2,316 1880 13, 214 19, 121 113, 742 15,678 52, 672 104, 587 31, 947 33, 488 10, 206 21, 907 58, 526 1881 .. . 294 138 12,503 11, 281 9,860 4,500 1882 .... 1883 153, 187 33, 106 22, 900 3,123 58, 791 19, 018 17, 209 21,763 132, 500 1884 15,848 1885 750 95 3,445 10, 735 1886 1,885 1887 90 15 32, 957 1888 3,550 16,663 5,939 64,214 2,010 169. 171 8,454 1889 475 5,038 1890 75 7,850 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. b Dutiable prior to 1873. c Included in "All other hides, etc.," prior to 1884. 72 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPOKTS FROM FRANCE-Continued. YKAR ENDING JUiS'E FREE OF DUTY. IVORY, a OILS, NOT ELSEWHKBE SPECIFIED. 6 PAPBB STOCK, CBCDB. 30— Animal. Vegetable. Fixed or ex- pressed. Volatile or es- sential. Rags, other than woolen. All other. 1871 Lbit. Dolls. Pounds. Dolls. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. PouTid*. 41,600 Dollars. 1,248 DolU. 1872 8,566 21, 897 1873 ! 75, 608 60. 752 94, 456 95, 816 104, 520 156, 728 222, 100 165, 52u 419, OtiS 473, 920 782, 696 829, 579 644, 037 996, 812 533, 371 774, 793 1, 462, 748 1,454,106 8,119 8,806 11, 735 90. 672 62, 101 ion 747 78, 322 61,510 68, 849 57, 695 48, 251 59, 802 57, 666 78, 390 88, 027 126, 210 118, 715 151, 067 133, 128 168, 725 196, 473 216, 156 213, 549 217, 862 556, 976 1, 529, 287 796, 024 704, 893 3, 199, 982 879,402 322, 177 410, 872 248, 618 2, 064. 200 2, 797, 252 3, 306, 082 2, 737, 090 4,980,640 1,806,692 2, 713, 495 7, 882, 899 5, 251, 294 26, 670 69, 350 34, 352 21,019 114, 862 28,231 10, 010 11 648 1874 5U 539 1875 56 471 1876 9, 603 73, 593 10,402 1 62,281 17, 846 98, 859 21, 351 73, 448 17,256 1 87,770 38,100 1 94,676 41,323 [127,938 59,523 150,996 67,774 226,837 53,721 138,764 81,321 194 Ififi 35, 436 1877 50 301 1878 21 510 1879 1880 . ... 360 1881 7, 608 77 1882 77, 247 210 110, 177 1 881 1883 1884 1885 2,450 3, 522 2,999 2,196 847 301 2,294 9,519 11,494 14, 947 861 92,493 14,236 74, 613 17, 844 126, 651 85, 096 45.385 109,224 64, 771 99, 609 1880 10, 969 1887 1888 6,733 3,069 1, 399 5,321 88, 750 3,887 33,611 62, 166 260. 493 217, 398 1889 91, 732 98, 681 223, 472 202, 763 161,852 90,185 1890 100,423 ."iR-fiia EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 16, 110 7,500 1878 1879 1880 120 2,000 260 4,600 1881 1882 1883 1884 444,000 419, 102 13,418 13,628 1885 360 930 390 450 133, 300 27 12, 000 1886 1887 1888 276 800 198 653 1,022 120 650 2,0U 1889 1890 a Not ennnierated prior to IBSi. b Dutiable prior to 1878. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPORTS FEOM FRANCE— Con tiDued. 73 FREE OF DUTT. TEAK ENDING JUNE 30- Platinnm, unmanu- factmcd. a Sroda, not else- where specified. (b) SILK, UNMANITACTURED. Cocoons, a Raw, or as reeled from the cocoon. "Waste, a 1871 Pound*. Dollars. Dollars. PoundM. DoUa/rs. 1 Povnds. 101, 026 52, 095 21, 103 43,366 79,226 169, 721 133 108 DoUart. 508,888 340, 882 204, 985 299, 238 527, 493 933, 312 1 017,339 Pounds. Dollars. 1872 1873 39, 681 12, 997 20, 528 38 217 28, 399 33, 151 16, 643 95, 447 44, 437 71,113 30, 336 45, 476 73, 649 219, 349 69, 723 65,775 85,895 61,871 1874 187,) 1876 1877 1878 114 809 791 ,19'^ 1879 156,310 891,618 129, 807 825, 242 249,229 1,343,817 517,002 2,831,759 671,330 ^ fin? QKs 1880 1881 1882 1SS3 18SI 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 740 914 1,321 1,825 2,038 2,453 2,237 76, 288 94, 262 145, 476 193, 126 212, 943 270, 484 309, 845 301. 322 153, 895 299, 541 166, 767 242, 035 51,445 305,757 147, 323 229, 610 167, 825 184, 947 39, 959 365, 018 292, 528 204, 407 276, 633 265, 128 283, 963 279, 488 1, 734, 578 1, 382, 800 895, 835 1, 340, 872 1, 190, 141 1,113,500 1, 310, 081 35, 882 92, 940 366, 677 247, 503 129, 695 551, 852 452, 839 22, M8 n,4M 181, 694 207, 395 108,930 386,643 376,774 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continned. 1871 2,048 1,500 463 1,200 12, 000 6,000 4,217 6,520 1872...... 1873 1874 1875 1876 1,937 1,000 5,099 3,818 6,508 3,171 4,800 5,000 2,491 1,030 10, 500 6,300 28,322 29, 893 35,844 18, 071 22, 632 25, 000 8,119 3,650 1877.. J... 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 103 9,200 275 698 200 583 1885 3,125 3,570 1886 1887 5,780 12, 365 11, 068 18. 805 26, 248 46, 650 41,786 77,445 1888 189 22,800 70 1889 1890 «Not enumerated prior to 1884. ft Dutiable prior to 1873. 74 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FKOM FR A.NCE— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. SPICES, CNGEOtTND. O Tea. 6 Tin in bars, blofk.s, piffs, or jrrain or granulated. 6 Wood, nnnian- niact- ured, not else- where Bpeci- fled. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Pepper, black or whit«. All other. All other free articles. TOTAL FREE OF DDTY. 1871 Lbs. JDoUars. Lis. Dollars. Lbs. Dolls. Lbs. DoU». DoUa/rs. 32. 156 22,006 7,359 40,036 4,818 24,365 38, 662 17, 532 Dollars. 88,527 263, 507 296, 880 309. 294 DoUart, 1, 667, 114 1,863,874 3,051 223 1872 1873 1874 96 2,967 2. 65U .^76 1875 112 50 456,306 .S. 67S. 317 1876 454, 137 651, 894 748 493 3, 633, 496 1877 4. 402, 633 1878 100 650 30 1.050 350 100 60 258 30 279 48 76 4, 149, 536 1879 41, 025 1 593, 471 122,294 1,541,651 164,057 1,331,071 150,964 1.305.782 4. 323, 304 1880 8. 272. 611 1881 6, 763, 331 1882 1 9, 298, 290 1883 299, 675 128, 194 121, 582 90, 356 1, 640, 447 46:;, 065 416. 970 499. 112 10. 632, 670 1884 227, 992 31,019 506, 797 189 21,908 68 9, 660, 852 1885 7, 464, 2U 1886 1 1 7, 727. 057 1887 14, 219 20, 399 3,975 3,311 34 18 100,061 j 540,335 88. 002 759. 841 8, 253. 963 1888 407, 703 94, 644 8. 839. 246 1889 181 101 80, 782 52, 219 1 • 850, 679 7, 927. 322 1890 3,228 411 1, 353, 102 10. 880. 297 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN iTERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 6,242 13, 891 16, 492 2,338 37, 878 32, 391 6,658 8,020 2,898 440 3,206 40, 771 5,350 4, 337 4,146 10, 804 2,211 2,886 7,138 2,363 7,070 33, 491 43,650 9,249 51, 714 24,313 444, 814 61, 577 19, 615 445, 254 983 900 358, 041 258, 073 5,228 1,972 92, 956 57, 030 18,233 21, 170 38, 306 30, 312 1872 102, 277 1873 160 73 75 41 125, 615 1874 03, 604 1875 234, 452 1876 295, 185 1877 450 238 180 140 77C, 649 1878 686. 182 1879 761. 372 1880 550 120 1,495 215 40 430 801, 612 1881 3, 844, 486 1882 2, 322, 613 J883 2,213,815 1884 210, 975 986, 016 18,795 488,792 140 305 1 91 'fon 24.844 2,357 3,019 3,393 3,737 1, 261, 407 1885 1, 651, 856 1886 29,560 69, 769 77, 259 1. 277, 33B 1887 37, 256 9,470 7,130 399 1, 227. 022 1888 ! 968, 7U2 1889 1 677, 381 1890 689, 826 oNot enumerated prior to 1884. b Dutiable prior to 1873. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 75 IMPORTS FIIOM FRANCE— Continued. DUTIABLE. ANIMALS, NOT EI-SE- WHBBE SI'ECIFIED. Art work.s, not else- where sjiec- ill 0.1 : Paiulings, in oil or water col- ors, and statuary. Books, maps, en- gravings, etchings, photo- graphs, and other printed matter, uot elsewhere speciHed. Brass, and man- ufactures of. BEEADSTUrrS. TT/AK ENDING JUNE 80- Horses, a All 01 her. Barley. Eye. Xo. Dolls. Dolls. 11,066 7,126 20 Dollars. Dollar!. 43, 116 113, 637 137, 197 179,816 197, 827 187,401 168, 568 129, 536 151, 873 210,154 261, 468 332, 600 335, 950 306, 283 215, 596 193, 655 222, 254 190, 036 205, 805 208, 825 Dollars. 11, 646 10, 299 43, 122 134, 703 97, 626 88, 064 79, 601 87, 717 109, 134 125, 110 120, 085 192, 354 171,974 120, 386 80, 049 66, 829 62, 330 56, 757 43, 941 45, 590 BusheU. Dollars. Buthelt. Dollars. 211, 599 295, 924 298, 177 414. 567 427, 539 378, 661 310, 894 566, 487 1,237,415 1,409,468 1,458,166 1, 623, 582 358. 682 581, 376 485, 287 1, 539, 053 1, 049, 889 660, 473 1,053,863 1873 1874 195, 200 66, 649 251, 943 69, 978 1875 188 1,678 60 1,030 3,311 373 960 243 1,062 20 289 619 477 1,094 543 2,157 1876 1877 8 48 1878 1879 2,082 1,988 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1 22 4 4 116 10, 856 720 3,667 1886 1887 1888 12, 865 7,420 1889 ... . 1890 2 965 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 1 1872 10, 300 11,315 29, 500 12, 100 70, 662 8,853 80 8,940 24,077 5,000 2,400 3,636 2,350 7,004 28, 007 84, 433 145,060 96, 717 85, 156 305 1 1873 1 1874 512 800 135 942 1,479 1 1875 100 388 1876 3,200 2 362 1877 1878 1879 1880 80,688 55,912 1881 65 750 378 5,291 5,182 4,578 54 705 608 2,356 1882 1883 1884 282 1885 1886 1887 200 1888 31 200 3889 200 1890 c Included in " All other animals " prior to 188i, 76 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM FEANCE— Continued. TEAK ENDING JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. BKEADSTCFFS. Wheat. AU other bread- stutfs, and pre- para- tions of, used as food, not else- wh«re speci- fied. Biuheli. 205 150 7 75 9 5 307 450 8 Dolls. 459 361 171 4 12 13 199 25 12 2,384 3,101 23 Dollars 2,033 1,260 47 451 8,156 23, 642 33, 390 73, 871 59, 405 82, 214 80, 023 114, 031 119, 047 1,176 4,329 895 623 753 322 2,497 Bristles. Brushes (a) Poundk. Dolls. 39, 507 41, 466 35, 588 47, 819 48, 096 43, 532 54, 572 37, 856 97, 276 43, 009 48, 580 46, 270 54, 020 54, 573 48, 064 54,191 37, 286 85, 936 100,245j 90,2.5; 105,000104,616 144, 622 148, 078 153, 662 148, 096 132, 143 115, 482 209, 0521165, 270 203, 0391174, 896 222, 448194, 772 311, 8231234, 149 274, 327I215, 409 Buttons and button forms. Cement. (a) CHEMICALS. ETC., NOT KLSEWHKRE SPECI- FIED. Dollars. Dollars. Bbls. 180,4641 , 377,5ft4' 254,428' 612,480 767,329 702,926 842,647' 1,136,392' 946, 639 963, 335 902, 805 1, 193, 147 1, 227, 711 993, 518 888, 329 1, 088. 6.59 1, 089, 939 1, 089, 951 469,356J 896,7241 3,957 543,408 721,879! 15, 658 428, 256 329, 375 418, 368 398, 159 468, 858 Dolls. 5,453 1,451 3,937 4, 854 10, 465 Coal- Argal, or ar- tar gol, or crude .culors tar tar. 6 and Pounds. 130, 816 Dolls. Dolls. 16,011 7,086 2, 0871 1, 998 4,531 9,583 3,331 14, 466 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 ... 7,450 27,879 8,149 37, 636 15 1872 9 1873 1874 161, 891 214, 321 1875 1876 30, 820 14, 723 66,804 496, 4:10 66, 927 13, 178 9,802 80, 102 23, 813 118, 804 14,099 34, 687 15, 102 76, 486 446, 910 70,419 13, 206 12, 956 80, 750 25,447 121, 517 12,408 650 1877 1878 1879 199 287 216 1880.. .. 1881 1882 1 1883 667 244 448 2 408 708 319 1884 1885 1,158 1886 . 311 1887 441 352 131 3,376 2,694 109 214 1888 6S1 1889 1,492 1,395 1890 2,610 39 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. 6 Free of duty from January 1, 1871. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 77 IIIPOIITS FROM FRANCE-Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30- CHEMICALS, DRUGS, DYES, AND MEDICINES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Glycerin, a Gnmn. Lime, chloride of, or bleach- ing powder, b Logwood and other dje woods, extracts and de- coctions of. a Opium, crude. 1871 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. 41,310 Dollars. 7,355 Pounds. 17, 566 Dollars. 384 Pounds. Dollars. Pound.1. Dollars, 1872 4 34 1873 1874 1875 1876 924 1,711 3.769 1877 8,771 1878 1879 1880 ... ■ 4,470 23, 736 1881 1882 1883 999 787 3,618 1884 ... 3, 535, 759 5, 815, 251 7, 359, 574 8, 717, 263 6, 874, 971 8, 706, 570 9, 153, 630 375, 501 317, 982 393, 865 729, 925 715, 995 729, 202 748, 638 962, 296 1, 007, 522 1, 630, 819 1, 616, 1?9 1, 071, 258 1, 028, 757 95, 158 91, 870 120, 303 104, 538 71, 526 64, 963 104, 440 2,680 1885 1886 2,306 3,649 9.159 1,653 326 5,256 1887 10, 238 30,0-9 1888 1889 3,329 1890 1, 382, 660 828 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 783 10 2,668 19 1885 1886 651 i 1,819 1887 1888 1, 661 4, 490 1889 1890 a Included in "All other chemicals, etc," prior to 1881k b .Free of duty after 1872. 78 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM FRJJS CE— Continued. DUTIABLE. YEAR END- ING JUNE 30— CHEMICALS, DKCGS, DYES, AND MEDICINES, NOT ELSEWHKRB SPECIFIED. Soda. Sulphur, refiued. a Bic.irbonate or sii])er- cai'bouate of. n„„^*;^ Sal soda and Caustic. g„^ ^jj All other salt.s of. Sumac, ground. 6 other. 1871 Poundi. DolU. Pounds. Doil». Pounds. 1 DoUt. Pounds. Dolls. Tons. 55 47 85 60 27 83 229 193 239 128 118 295 86 DolU. 2, .550 Lbs. Dolls. DoUs. 1,094,432 1, 549, 151 1, 024, 282 680,797 1, 045, 321 1872 . . . 46,240 35. 600 125, 350 89,000 1,670 1,240 2,432 4,249 1873 1,761 68 1874 4,854 3,176 3,144 1,363 4,071 10,780 9,174 10, 270 4,361 4,728 11, 333 3,357 1875 24 2 1876 .. 157, 976 5,404 775 60 739,285 590,222 1877 . 1878 12 1 496, 751 727, 963 1879 1880 10 41,354 2 1,705 841,080 1,055,782 1, 227, 298 1.S81 1882 67, 260 79, 280 69, 080 66, 613 1,428 1,700 869 36 1883 875, 926 1884 52 45 322 2 2 8 1,420 1,304 48,808 1,217 58,903 1,707 225, 252 195, 959 l'^85 1886 2,218 52 292, 630 1887 46,344 41, 720 25, 652 11,313 512 766 713 320 290, 477 298, 977 1 888 448,777 229 229, 886 1,023 2 810 188') 50 44 3 2 312,944 1890 52, 383 1,442 31, 360 700 430,439 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871.... 5,491 5,187 1872 1873 1874 279 1875 1,542 1870 8,571 2,360 1877 . . 1878 2,335 1879 8,409 1880 9,629 8,115 1881 1882 884 1883 5,824 1884 7,049 1885 57 1 1,624 IH.SG 1887 2,512 1888 1,838 1889 104 19U0 1,201 a Includes "Crude sulphur" prior to 1872, not enumerated after 1883, but included with "All other fCbi-raicals, etc." b Included in " All other chemicals, etc.," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPOETS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 79 i:\rPOKTS FKOM FRANUE-Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDIXC JTTKE 30- Clays or earths of all kinds, including china clay, or luolin. a CLOCKS AND WATCHBS, AND PABT8 OF. Coal, bittun- moos. Coro.i, not in- cluding choco- lato.c Clocks, and parts of. 6 Watches, and parts of, and watch ma- terials and move- ments. Coffee, d Ton*. Dollars. Dollars. DoUars. 165, 168 1, 192, 497 680, 649 1,132,662 470, 962 282, 835 230. 419 158, 636 • 163. 338 333 043 364, 470 2, 252, 475 2, 166, 588 117, 843 61,434 82, 250 93, 526 90, 403 93,093 77,759 Tons. 285 DoUars. 639 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. 7,055 7,695,324 DoUant. 853 1872 431 225 442 884 780 1,640 600 212 86 186 317 169 359 142 1, 175, 003 1873 1874 1 1875 453 3,273 1876 1877 108 619 1878 1 1879 1880 906 132 229 48 1881 49 1,343 1,714 1,337 122 4,848 6,341 3, 515 18g9 1883 1884 . . 3 35 66 139 14 30 1 51 323 fi2n 1885 242 1,288 2,448 494 537 20 287, 770 232, 049 297, 458 292, 652 300, 347 329,090 1886 18 60 1 70 15 87 150 46 165 53 IS 87 1888 1889 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 95, 017 18. 026 8,336 1,092 144, 552 14, 031 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 2,502 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 200 1882 1883 1884 1885 309 1886 1887 800 3,970 111 572 1888 1889 1890 a Not enumerated i)rior to 1884. b Included in " Watches, etc.," prior to 1884. c Not enumerated after 1883. d Free of duty after 1872. 80 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPOKTS FEOM FRANCE— Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. COPPER, AND MANU- FACTDBES OF. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. Pigs, bars, in- gots, old, and other nnnian- ufactured. Mann- fact- u res of. Corsets (a) Pounds 2,705 57, 159 Dolls 788 13,122 244 26, 901 490 3,812 Dollar$. 55, 486 127, 173 86, 147 U,623 7,704 9,500 4,437 4,603 8,111 9,769 4,122 6,961 7,832 10, 373 2,430 2,707 2,224 1, 3,641 8,32] DoUar$. 245, 162 235, 148 COTTON, MANUFACTUBES OF. Cloth. Not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or priiit«d.& Sq. ydt. DoUs. 14, 437 8,474 138, 484 63, 879 273,223; 385,197 35,697 330, 519 596, 274,95, 268 329,969 125,2281 6,911 308,3241 47,24o] 3,155 413,837| 95,466, 9,514 Bleached, dyed, colored, stained. painted, or printed . Sg. ydt. 1, 950, 521 4, 310, 981 2, 435, 395 4, 834, 778 3, 034, 513 2, 065, 300 1, 938, 549 1, 601, 200 1, 763, 083 2, 717, 311 3, 001, 683 3, 065, 207 3, 096, 193 2, 313, 857 3, 733, 033 5, 988, 8671 6, 516, 698 8, 354, 560 6, 726, 546 2, 976, 352 Clothing, ready- made, and other wiaring ap]iareli nut iiiclud ing knit goods, c Knit goods: Stockings, hosf. half- hose, shirts, drawers, and aU goods made, fash- ioned, or sha))ed on knitting ma- chines or frames, or knit by hand. Dollars. 217, 075 534, 203 284, 499 574,430 445,819 329, 111 294, 595 244, 189l 268, 641 400, 666 419, 956 474, 112 547,954 366,444 519, 958 836, 826 953, 658 1, 235, 558 1, 038, 401 434,825 Dollars. 304, 692 183, 039 262, 864 299, 546 230, 974 190, 029 180,214 Dollars. 39,249 72, 902 68, 844 119, 459 224, 480 103, 272 138, 553 138, 450 155, 838 189,924 331, 986 271, 624 372, 250 317, 691 341,891 365, 608 605, 749 638, 293 629, 133 408,048 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE-Continued. 1871 1872 1873 .... 46,188 5,678 68,422 11,415 1,320 4,715 179 1874 1875 150 1876 1877 1,527 1878 1879 1,375 1880 1881 265, 262 39, 561 154 2,193 10, 493 619 1,733 1882 1883 1,375 60 7, 780 1,875 143 1884 1885 654 169 2,132 1,210 1886 1887 3,874 25,111 440 1,961 250l 1, 390 1888 1,046 76 171 520l 2 1889 1890 1 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. b Included in "Bleached, etc., cloth," prior to 1884. e Included in "All other manufactures of cotton " prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OP FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. EMPORTS FROM FRANCE— Continued. 81 DUTIABLE. COTTON, MANDFACTUEES OF. Laces, edg- ings, em- br()i(liries, iusertiugs, neck ruffling, rucliiiiKS, trimmings, tnckings, lacoMTin- dow cur- tains, etc. a Dollars. Thread (not on spools), N arns warjis, or warp yai'n.a Lbs. 810, 622 Dolls. 17, 290 24, 624 770, 902119,400 31,453 874, 652!21, 931 30, 763 777, 104 923, 810 995, 058 843, 484 20, 532 36, 763 28, 818 35, 252 28, 469 31, 515 38, 152'34, 200 All other, KAETHEN, STONE, AND CULNA WAUE. China, porce- lain, parian and bisque, earthen, stone, and crockery ware. Not deco- rated or orna- mented Dollars. Dollars. 532, 764 1,652,617 726, 106 1,908,155' 2,224,806' 2,105,520 1, 967, 788' 1, 718. 700l 2, 692, 179 3, 595, 283 4, 887, 403 6, 364, 755 8, 246, 295 816,917 657, 102 844, 515 900, 300 895, 997 769, 867 778, 346 Dcco rated or orna- mented Dollars. 195,820 627,248 151, 795 128, 813 155, 787 151, 098 160, 336 449, 755 404, 122 502, 154 563, 388 554, 077 207,7891 744,904 All other, (&) Dollars. 482, 507 650, 300 810, 831 622, 046 622. 705 638, 728 544. 320 531, 383 607, 172 850, 907 954,010 1,145,112 1. 382, 046 19, 5^3 15, 80& 14, 603 13, 401 12, 993 19. 341 13, 222 Feathers, natural, crude, dressed, colored, or manu- factured, (c) Dollars. 659, 392 490, 130 662, 717 591, 135 449, 708 215, 461 519. 275 Feathers and flowers, artificial. (d) Dolla. 681. 1, 196, 932, 1, 665, 2, 659, 1, 941, 1, 784, 1, 576, 1,410, 1, 930, 2, 307, 2, 393, 2, 075, 697, 338, 415, 357, 401, 859, 872, Cured 01 pre- served. Ancho- vies and sardines, pa(;ked in oil or other- wise. Dollars. 252, 612 617, 359 864, 052 445, 022 498, 864 685, 164 587, 834 796, 706 786, 890 834, 213 796, 839 683, 467 946, 098 489, 553 708, 840 619,801 792, 820 699, 121 625, 109 EXPORT OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE-Continued. 1871 211 845 1,500 22 4,275 2,454 39, 475 5,799 1,823 12, 260 4,314 27, 035 18, 627 2,489 5,772 218 1872 1873 8,218 511 6,946 11,611 11, 309 1,577 4, 712 2,481 3,609 5, 330 119 4,999 371 1,787 1,405 4,801 1,474 2,883 1874 670 6,010 100 74 1875 2,976 1876 1877 1,811 1878 718 34 1879 103 1880 292 1881 129 1882 779 1883 468 1884 1,292 2,800 5,434 6,486 550 1,942 48 100 15 3,348 583 7,468 230 49 7 326 2,823 2,083 22, 960 6,076 8,917 600 739 20O 189S 2,972 18S6 564 29 1887 405 148 160 1888 100 593 1889 .... 197 244 1890 olncluded in "All other manufactures of cotton" prior to 1884. bincludes " China, etc.," juior to 1884. clncludedin "Feathers and flowers, artificial," prior tol884. d Embraces the class " Fancy goods " prior to 1884. H. Mis. 117 6 82 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM FRANCE-Continaed. DUTIABLE TEAR ENDIXG FISH. FLAX, HEMP, JUTE, AND OTHER 1 MANUFACT rEGKTJ UEES C cture< ILBK SUBSTANCES, AND )F. JUKE 30— Cured or preserved. Unnianufa I. Herring, pick- led or salted. All other. Flax. Hemp. •Tute. Siaal graas.a 1871 Barrel*. Dollars. Dollars. 508. 916 8,129 4,042 2,717 12, 820 2,337 913 1,262 2,644 52, 464 3,7U1 3,697 5,233 17, 895 8,967 5,560 5,349 3,547 2,238 7,844 Tons. Dollars. Tons. Dollars. Tons. 2 1 10 50 Dollars. 723 216 2,096 6,818 3,988 9,242 12,644 774 1,749 4,082 Tons. Dollars. 1872 1873 IS?"; lo 1876 1 330 96 31 2 8 10 1877 1878 33 552 ififlO 71 19, 675 1881 1S82 42 412 5 975 1 186 3 1 204 1,118 65 15,428 1883 1884 1885 312 170 62 50 2,972 1,228 434 316 92 86 125 244 360 73 511 29, 714 27, 593 35, 715 59, 604 98, 047 21, 047 122, 140 25 6 32 15 2 6 7 5,024 998 7,610 3,527 202 1,466 1,374 24 2,897 1887 1888 18 1,135 1889 1890 1"-" EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE -Continued. 1871 1872 175 1873 4,510 1874 1875 1876 6,463 2,033 156 219 38 285 75 152 43 129 36 4 21, 608 3,400 29, t;i3 7,241 15, 500 6,875 13, 035 2,955 450 1877 1878 7 803 1879 1880 1881 8,117 9,717 1882 37 4,271 1883 1884 16, 769 52 197 46 20 34 4,8d5 1885 17 2,848 15.406 1880 3,024 1887 180 68 891 1,913 1888 4,960 1889 1890 63 7,912 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FORKIGN MERCHANDISE. 83 IMPORTS FROM FRANCE— Continued. DUTIABLE. FLAX, HEMP, JUTE, AND OTHER VEOETA- BLE SUBSTANCES AND MANUFACTURES OF. FRUITS, INCLUDING NUTS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. TEAR. ENDING JDNE 30— Manufactiirea of. Figa.fr Plums and prunes, b Bags and bag- ging.a Brown or bleaclied linens, ducks, can- vas, pad- dinss, cot bottoms, diapers, crash, etc.a Cables, cordage, t%yiiie, and yarns or thread. All other. Raisins, b 1871 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 72, 697 196, 056 200, 144 304, 724 438. 0i:i 299, 409 367, 442 Founds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dolls. 1872 383 2,123 1,382 2,191 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 .. .. 1G6 1878 464, 286 606, 394 997, 691 1879 1880 1881 936, 785 974, 326 1, 207, 872 954, 916 747, 260 779, 418 789, 087 1, 075, 824 1, 010, 989 1, 062, 776 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 13, 094 7,818 1,502 3,426 1,655 3,200 3,094 343, 712 213, 603 232, 003 240, 119 258,543 315, 579 232, 201 2,562 4,019 3,613 7,320 7,392 10,194 27,696 93, 514 75, 784 1,453 435 2,168 284 10, 008 6,058 3,955 68 45 129 14 602 10, 689, 655 10, 724, 984 10,727,344 18, 355, 992 6, 100, 161 5, 337, 753 10, 483, 896 743, 458 686, 350 738, 225 939, 527 547, 927 379, 697 554, 712 617, 527 43, 718 124,543 39, 358 3,726 8,362 1888 1889 1890 54, 056 1,204 531 2,628 64 30 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 30 185 1,131 500 1872 1873 1874 1875 1,730 1876 1877 4,235 1878 1879 365 2,271 4,183 336 2,209 1,480 817 179 137 132 606 1880 1881 188S .. 18-:3 1884 *733 190 10 1885 8, 500 -"ii 108, 535 53, 600 101,903 7,000 1886 189 4,007 1887 14, 936 26, 025 33. 185 S80 830 780 5,936 1888 38 1889 1890 a Inclnded in " All other manufactures of flax, etc.," prior to 1884. b Included in " All other fruits, ' prior to 1884. 64 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM FRANCE— Continued. DUTIABLE. FBUITS, INCLUDING NUTS, NOT EtSKWHEKE SPECITIED. rnr8,and manufac- tures of fur. GLASS AND GLASSWARE. YEAR. ENDING JUNE 30— Pre- served fruits. a All other fruits. Nuta. Bottles, vials, d<-TOi- jolinw, carboys, and .jars, emptv or filled. 6 Almonds, a AU other, (a) Cylinder, crown, and common win- dow gli'.s.s unpol- ished. 1871 Dollars. Dollars. 543. 2-18 376, 056 338, 130 579, 373 1, 176, 331 993, 760 521, 349 558, 974 703, 379 502, 649 624, 590 1, 344, 683 1, 250, 748 46, 757 10, 259 7,848 10,719 1,209 2,338 2,386 Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 248, 884 520, 913 503, 884 766, 593 992, 809 805, 510 781, 769 719, 404 877, 347 1,381,463 1, 213, 859 1, 284, 172 1, 594, 484 1,181,733 . 852,410 1, 101, 453 1, 034, 877 968, 916 1, 117, 422 1, 027, 909 Dollars. Pounds. 150, 429 32, 664 875, 685 7,700 1,000 8,000 1, 410 8,860 33, 342 466, 275 391, 476 Dollars. 6,207 2,669 36, 439 395 1872 1873 1874 1875 . . . 48 1876 646 1877 132 1878 772 1879 2,605 1880 18, 478 1881 15, 151 1882 1883 10, 264 422, 735 327, 267 51, 217 304, 385 212, 461 1, 695, 379 5,575 735 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 137, 799 139, 659 140, 768 135, 188 183, 231 404, 066 214, 536 1, 473, 457 1, 251, 517 1, 320, 758 1, 546, 990 1, 644, 414 1, 589, 700 1, 321, 765 183, 542 128, 050 163, 301 153, 027 152, 720 133, 370 147, 077 322, 897 249, 536 303. 289 322, 654 345, 975 313, 758 393, 367 77, 153 82, 458 80, 908 78, 569 96, 536 95, 731 101, 736 11, 360 11, 188 6,578 14, 621 9,763 38, 156 602 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 1,182 2,643 7,119 8,379 1872 741 1873 1874 1875 1,347 6,759 2,136 1876 3,130 6,738 36 41, 775 48,098 4,661 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 20, 563 5,288 2,696 1884 60 459 4,722 2,775 178 1885 11, 376 914 8,304 1886 2 515 633 27 80 52 943 3,186 3,303 1,871 1,890 230 1887 1,485 220 1888 1889 197 1890 207 1,031 a Included in "All other fruits " prior to 1884. b Included in "All other glass, etc.," prior to 1884. IMrORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 85 IMPORTS FROM TRANCE— Continued. DUTIABLI T1«AR ENDING JTNE 30— GLASS AND GLASSWARE. Hair, not Cylinder and crown Kla-;8, polished. Plaie plass. All other. el.sewliere specilicd, and manufact- ures of. Fluted, rolled, or rough. Cast, poli.shed, unsilvered. Cast, polished, silvered. 1871 Sq.fe^t. Dollars. Sq.feet. Dollars. Sq.feet. 64,460 147, 074 39, 047 494, 707 249, 925 17, 211 14, 372 22. 743 2,307 6,413 36, 540 Dollars. 39, 704 75, 583 22, 963 405,481 295. 031 8,650 2,735 Sq.feet. 19, 089 52, 865 11, 398 127,375 52.024 6,255 4.484 Dollars. 13, 681 33, 052 10, 670 108, 220 62, 701 6,475 3,765 905 758 294 Dollars. 116. 083 276, 926 340, 653 368, 504 373, 435 294, 530 250, 329 290, 872 308, 584 519.739 Dollars. 1872 14,769 6,871 292 070 1873 254, 696 352, 156 1874 101, .'540 172, 095 8,813 9,652 1875 1 284, 990 79, 781 1876 1 1877 1 25, 316 37, 664 54, 574 1878 25. 698 1. 712 1879 1,285 2, 729 16, 552 492 344 10 804 5,607 14, 526 18, 518 10, 804 12, 387 99. i?.e, 1880 81, 579 1881 1,998 702 9 ' 631.7.55 100, 676 173 800 1882 2,268 171 1,205 3,824 12,443 14, 646 12, 490 15, 531 17, 385 12, 357 17, 816 831,292 910, 064 531, 558 429, 307 386, 665 454, 013 489, 293 442. 583 444, 010 1883 3t)8 i.'iS 3,814 16, 255 5,810 103, 192 468, 098 509, 898 464, 781 602, 605 1,969 5,667 2,575 35, 570 151,206 107, 720 128, 079 116, 052 92, 328 92, 559 61 152 1884 1885 1886 1887 998 1,621 35,964 24, 259 58, 798 1,985 — 313 511 14, 083 11, 839 25,344 2,070 20, 970 15, 467 4,722 672 1,430 1,861 1888 59, 830 40 112 1889 164,275 23,863 202,189 1 '23.330 1890 53 993 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE- Continusd. 1871 1 1872 ! 2,775 6,058 1,046 2, 119 125 1873 342 1874 2 111 1875 91 1876 6,941 2,455 1,747 1877 80 1.038 593 3 3:;8 1878 1879 8 338 1880 1881 2 789 f,?ja 1882 1,823 1883 1 2,045 1884 1885 890 ' 4 791 1886 2,282 157 1,105 1,182 1,029 726 1887 1888 371 150 2,342 1889 1890 125 ■' 86 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM FRANCE— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30- Hats, bon- nets, and hoods, and materi- als for.o Hides and skins, otlier tlian fur skins. 6 Hops.o INDIA RUBKEH AUD GUTTA-PEECHA. IRON AND STFEt AND MANUFACT- URES OF Unmannfact- ui'ed. 6 Mann- fact 111 t'.s of. Iron ore. o Pig iron. 1871 Dollars. Dollam. 110, 542 65, 752 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. 6,351 Dollars. 4,698 Dollars. 27, 987 63, 209 46, 365 50, 748 54, 054 42, 019 33, 406 26, 289 24, 649 25, 417 35, 031 44, 761 40, 333 47, 958 27, 466 31,022 38, 320 40, 648 43, 524 49, 119 Tons. Dollars. Tons. 405 242 751 1,242 683 2,091 3,089 3,233 10, 345 8,684 6,702 9,484 3,255 524 164 95 Dollars. 7,369 1872 5,480 1873 29, 207 1874 38, 403 1875 27, 707 1876 . . . 119, 170 1877 131, 669 1878 169, 531 1879 367, 608 1880 536, 518 1881 331, 462 1882 260. 742 1883 175, 240 1884 388, 993 476, 666 767, 970 689. 670 782, 645 634, 106 397, 612 19, 996 7,989 4,566 4,674 3,877 5,218 7,289 6,804 3,316 18, 410 14, 700 7,3G3 14, 935 19, 187 18, 925 7,200 36, 683 1885 9,488 1886 1,602 1887 6,681 936 1888 2,363 20 2,364 42, 498 1889 249 1890 2,391 616 88, 261 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE Continued. 1871 1872 13, 316 1873 1874 1875 50 871 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 535 1882 1883 1884 11, 735 738 2,204 7,217 4,044 207 3,475 1885 520 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Not enumerated p'rior to 1884. b Free of duty after 1872. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 87 IMroiiTS FROM FltANCE— Continued. DUTIABLE. IRON AND STEEL, AND MANUFACTUEES OF. TEAR I ENDING! JHNE 30— ; Scrayi iron ami stfel, fit only to be re- mauul'actured. Bar iron, rolled or hammered. Tons. iDoUars. PoundsSDollii 1,789 39, 931 L. 7,518 198, 19ll... 27,368 800,147 232,644 295 6,073 89.5 26,164 111,627 7,312 4,435 Bars, railway, ot iron or steel, or in jjart of steel. Hoop band, or scroll iron or steel. IngotR, bloom.'), slabs, billet.s, and bars of steel, and steel in forms not else- where specified. a Tons. \ Dollars. rounds.'BoUars. Pounds. Dolls. 1,370 5, 354 65. 365 298, 422 18, 270,1, 054, 927 8, 648 540, 144 1, 118 62, 578 .Sheet, plate, and taggers' iron or steel. Lbs. Dolls. 15, 195 795 61 1 8,695 3,160 l| 200 40' 5^ 16, 378 8,172 11 220, 787 87, 400 7 3,709 800 100 214 63, 767 1,207 2,031 80, 359 260, 111 4,443 1,968 245, 935 122, 951 335 628 140 6,540 232 33 32, 714 153,339, 1,583 66, 339 926 12, 088 423 13, 609 38, 777 37, 279 65, 374 65, 142! 67,187! 54, 790 3,125 14, 612 13,449 25, 067 26, 020 26, 197 19, 921 6,720 2,240 718. 521 942, 563 335, 328 381 68 5, 106 17 8,476 2,823] 4,754 145, 022 1,293. 22 2 2,058 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 'l877 1 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1 1883 1884 1885 1 1886 1 1887 1 1 1888 1 1889 900 15 1890 a Included in "All othei manufactures of iron, etc.,' prior to 1884. 88 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. niPOETS FROM FIIAXCE-Continued. YEAH E^'DmG JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. mON AND STSEL, AND MANUFACTtTRES OF. Tin plates, terne plates, aud taggers' tin Pounds 22, 0C4 3,808 784 2,240 38, 8 1882 2,088,351 1,126,169 2 511 982 1.349.617 67 1883 1,295 1884 1885 190,270 2,238,299 217,049 2,701,078 229,594 3,010,138 247,807 3,289,743 266,860 3,546,106 294,089 3,991,358 342,919 i fiia .qftS 848, 968 1, 165.421 1, 173, 605 881, 385 791, 704 617, 354 644, 998 487, 550 630, 727 661, 410 536. 909 461, 942 387, 613 399, 862 4 37 4 4,216 6,748 1,869 1886 1887 1,917 1888 1,109 1889 402 1(!90 888, 083 819 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 752 15,244 1,953 7,697 324 398 6,693 495 5,416 1,748 6,399 220 307 2,465 1872 903 1,770 2,705 317 2,244 514 1,127 1,356 920 1,757 797 773 475 204 99 564 254 286 186 7, 396 15, 729 11,848 1,734 7,833 6,326 7,054 18, 823 8,054 22, 132 5,292 7,127 3,736 1,738 675 2,642 1,369 1,802 848 1873 1874 1875 1876 40 43 132 70 78 351 686 1,695 1,157 961 2,750 1877 700 1878 1879 ,. 6,482 2,658 1880 1881 179 1,760 111 893 1882 1883 1884 155 471 1,461 1,843 387 942 639 1,615 6,492 18, 569 25, 185 5,243 12, 949 7,337 811 3,462 3,792 10, 005 7,504 1,214 2,153 1,471 2, 107 2,905 6.168 4,111 898 2,190 10 1885 1886 1887 21 8 452 120 551 1888 20 19 240 245 1889 1890 H. a Included with Mis. 117 7 ' still wines " prior to 1884. 98 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM FRANCE-Continiipd. TEAR. ENDING JUNK 30- DUTIABLE. WOOD, NOT ELSE- WHERE SPECI- FIED AND MAN- UFACTURES OF. Cabinet warB and houae furni- ture. * Dollars. Manufactures of. All other 85, 606 68, 690 57, 857 125, 833 136, 344 109, 793 107, 721 Dollars. 74, 256 172, 135 197, 471 169. 695 186, 326 166,250 146, 624 140, 157 195. 071 181, 627 196, 285 278, 976 235, 192 170, 577 142, 886 145, 175 214, 328 162, 308 202, 396 234, 358 WOOLS, HAIB OF THE CAMEL. GOAT, ALPACA. AND OTHER LIKE ANIMALS, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Unmanufactured. Clothing. Pounds .'Dollars. Combing. Pounds. 57, 858 11, 236 349, 779 18, 268 295, 004 274, 026 320, 542 6,424 2,386 50, 373 6,220 53, 561 88, 752 99, 130 60 179, 593 36, 589 8,102 11, 526 Dollars. 73 29, 272 5,901 1,294 1,955 Cari)et and other similar. ^ Pounds. \ 708, 071! 2, 131, 207j 266, 098' 714, 004i 2, 515, 236: 2, 972, 589| 469, 16o! 913,662 2, 500, 694' 12,715,011' 3, 311, 775J 4, 411, 078| 5, 798, 992| 4, 019, 539 1, 986, 4161 6, 858, 186' 8,560,241 9, 378, 038' 9,783,947! 6,219,191 Manufactures of. Carpets and car- peting. Dollars. 77, 968 409, 365! 62, 747I 115,0291 326, 439 427, 310 52, 788 105, 39ol 286, 6I2! 1, 644. 444 420, 717 552, 028 706, 857 448, 340 195, 869 685. 944 942, 594 1, 037, 380 1, 032, 556 701,545 Sq. yd.?. 65,564 29, 694 19, 068 65, 465{ 51, 906 54, 199 20,113 6,382 9,737 8,305 19, 904 20, 980 11, O84! 8, 742! 7, 050| 6, 756 12, 590 9,190 5,344 5,108 Dollars. 75,297 58, 195 36, 575 138, 256 116, 459 115, 799 42, 411 17,600 17, 273 10, 392 22,089 32, 025 16,664 23,265 15, 667 10,855 24,253 22, 749 16, 369 12, 571 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 341 1,243 88, 993 11, lis 1873 23, 080 63, 894 24, 143 107, 824 5,013 1875 917 1,378 1,101 3,000 1,140 541 060 10, 150 4,577 23,835 1878 1879 71, 147 3,108 51,410 79,944 48,810 47,714 10, 231 512 8,449 1880 1881 1882 211 766 404 774 2 768 14, 141 7,578 1883 1884 1885 480 2,925 529 7,282 650 29 683 2,100 744 112 1880 RRQ nR1 73, 480 26, 094 21,757 1 »qi 1,861 1887 1888 1889 50 4,884 3, 808' 288, 610 4,454 158,565 1 901 I."; 7RS 4,342 4,507 502 1890 600 78 a Inr.hided in "All other manufnctures of wood " prior to 1884, b Includes all nnmamifactured wools prior to 1884. Prior to 1884 all unmanufactured wools ar« Included under class three. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 99 IMPORTS FROM FRANCE— Continued. TEAR ENDIKG JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. WOOLS, HAIB OF THE CAMEL, GOAT, ALPACA, AND OTHER LIKE ANIMALS, AND MANUFAC- TURES OF. Manufactures of. Clothing, ready-uiade and other wearing apparel, ex- i;ei)t sliawla and Icnit goods, a Dollart. Cloths. 322, 079 244, 448 236, 932 163, 869 175. 297 255, 772 297, 268 Dollars. 236, 545 432, 956 683, 662 1, 374, 190 2, 868, 041 1,844,702 1, 394, 581 1,321,243 1, 458, 322 2, 280, 281 2, 639. 623 2, 088, 719 2, 155. 363 1, 210, 854 1, 083, 380 1, 024, 084 793, 735 875, 728 815, 677 823, 362 Dress !:or»ds, women's and children's. Sq. yds. 3, 834, 406 8, 487, 696 4, 753, 598 14, 834, 727 17, 174, 983 13, 510, 554 14, 635, 712 14, 180, 274 19, 930, 281 22, 653, 869 17, 659, 903 27, 388, 661 44, 974, 881 24,734,901 25, 914, 496 26, 830. 206 35, 794, 927 39, 063, 558 38,253,513 46, 780, 123 Dollars. 1 240, 544 2, 929, 435 1, 708, 676 4, 994, 458 5, 821, 563 4, 402, 942 4, 512, 730 4, 232, 783 5, 603, 523 5, 858, 168 4, 630, 460 7, 118, 679 10, 885, 227 6,771,846 6, 528, 942 6, 263, 299 8, 153, 979 8, 402, 716 8, 193, 004 9, 768, 899 Knit fabrics. Dollars. 12, 947 47, 174 6,261 13, 450 66, 295 51, 804 38, 670 46, 289 31,995 62, 541 113, 644 131,015 132, 375 157, 919 136, 699 121, 053 153, 364 146, 456 150. 271 140, 428 Rags, inungo, flocks, noil.s, shoddy, and wastes. Pounds. 31,007 16, 250 15, 226 27, 719 33, 929 38, 076 17, 513 13, 075 25, 398 39, 262 36, 733 88, 873 90, 242 510, 658 396, 971 1, 098, 565 1, 435, 125 1, 788, 289 2, 634, 250 1, 770, 155 Dollars. 8,225 6,101 5,242 9,350 11,215 15, 401 7,501 5,720 10, 702 13, 418 13, 536 33. 586 32, 024 195, 213 155, 009 384, 810 575, 211 704, 079 1,048,401 755, 602 Shawls. Dollars. 405, 976 781. 146 359, 504 1,031,891 1,078,562 583, 451 553, 832 428, 106 559, 689 538, 866 499, 260 452. 147 497, 350 497, 867 517, 748 489, 608 506, 346 461, 510 381.233 518, 142 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871 31, 617 47, 552 90, 051 141, 259 18, 286 30, 788 15,515 36, 097 207, 902 61,471 242, 5.-.3 47. 354 66, 931 75, 903 241, 157 376, 172 74, 057 110, 796 31,103 80, 666 8.150 16, 066 34, 291 50, 059 6,890 10, 637 5.655 10, 705 51, 772 14, 544 65, 036 14, 228 15, 536 16, 869 _ 64,560 71. 764 17,447 28. 293 6,776 3,777 1872 1873 4,662 1874 20, 684 1875 5.772 1876 5,350 1877 791 1878 958 1879 3,502 3,556 7, 231 2,001 1880 535 363 1881 1882 1,479 1883 • 6.396 1884 824 1885 13 713 2,683 7,415 2.099 2,465 1886 2.047 1,210 318 1887 1888 545 33 1889 . ... 7. :!21 19, 227 1890 665 a Included in "All other mauufacturos of wool " prior to 1884. 100 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FliOM FRAXCE— Continued. YKAT! JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. WOOLS. HAIR OF THE CAMEL, GOAT. ALPACA. AND OTIIKK LIKE ANIMALS, AND MANUFACTIKES OF. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. Manufactures ol'. Yarns, a All other, founds. Dollarg. 12, 687 4,538 66, 781 117,809 22, 186 204, 2G6 146, 748 12, 209 5,168 43, 867 77, 875 14, 097 119, 339 83, 519 Dollar*, 922, 602 1, 574, 256 1, 050, 687 1, 708, 449 1, 637, 035 1, 530, 526 1, 132, 927 934, 582 912,1.58 642. 7r)7 468, 406 773, 958 1, 874, 106 1, 880, 693 785, 369 1, 402, 936 832, 258 696, 269 1,121,966 1, 072, 671 ZINC on SPELTER. AND MANfKACTURES OF. I Mnn- In blocks or 1 ul'act- pigs, anil old. urea of. Foundg.l Dollarf. RECAPITULATION. All other „„_.. TOTAL dutiable „™^t^,,' FREE OF articles, "uhabll. ^^..^.^_ 441, 079 55. 250 18, 552 2, 669; DolU. 2. 421 j 6, 956: 15, 1731 6,743 4, 236! 110, 000 4,245 554 37 133, 342 7,595 1, 5631 14 3,061 16 38 1,672 733 536 1,028 2,118 803 9,043 Dollars. 931, 270 903, 003 1, 092, 284 1, 537, 154 1, 671, 554 1, 454, 446 1,491,937 1, 482, 137 1,329,244 l,858,02o' 1, 718, 849' 2, 412, 536 2, 527, 036 1, 101, 750 1, 187, 244 1, 373, 298 1, 516, 684 1, 554, 786 1, 646, 893^ 1, 505, 296 Dollars. 26, 432, 165 41,276,282 30, 925, 977 49. 007, 320 56, 094, 831 47, 326, 081 43. 153, 659 39, 229. 334 46, 361, 297 61,071,801 63, 043, 044 79, 599, 316 87, 356, 494 61, 181, 561 49, 471, 138 55, 690, 373 59, 853, 661 62, 526, 020 61, 639, 296 66, 792, 014 TOTAL VALUE OF MERCHAN- DISE. Dollars. 1, 667, 114 1, 863. 874 3,051.223 2, 684, 576 3, 678. 317 3, 633. 496 4, 402, 633 4,^49,536 4, 223, 304 8, 272. 611 0,763,331 9, 298, 290 10. 632. 670 9, 660, 852 7, 464, 214 7, 727, 057 8, 253. 963 8, 839, 246j 7, 927, 322, 10, 880, 2971 Dollars. 28, 099. 279 43,140.156 33, 977, 200 51, 691, 896 59, 773, 148 50, 959, 577 47, 556, 292 43, 378, 870 50, 684. 601 69, 344, 412 60, 806, 375 88, 897, 606 97, 989, 164 70, 842. 413 56, 935, 352 63, 417, 430 68, 107, 624 71, 365, 266 69,566,618 77, 672, 311 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO FRANCE— Continued. 1871.. 1872.. 1873.. 1874.. 187^. 1876.. 1877.. 1878.. 1879.. 1880.. 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. 1885.. 1H36. . 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. 16, 142 24,700 54. 231 20. 142 29, 573 13,841 7,872 7,765 2, 613 582 7, 234! 5, 047] 5,813' 1.4191 31,796 , 3, 443! , 3. 61 4' 17,414 . ion . 140, 033 390, 635 435, 271 544, 430 225, 888 474, 688 264, 926 343, 038 714, 214 372, 223 508, 865 286, 282 503, 21' 347, 828 494, 760 398,311 348. 654 457, 369 331, 738 274, 194 39, 312 102, 277 125, 615 93, 694 234, 452 295, 185 776, 649 686, 182 761, 372 801, 612 3, 844, 486 2, 322, 613 2,213,815 1,261,407 1, 146, 616 1. 277, 339 1, 227, 022 968, 702 677, 381 689, 826 170, 345 492, 912 660, 886 638, 124 460,340 769, 873 1, 041. 575 1, 029, 220 1, 475, 588 1, 173, 835 4, 353, 351 2, 608. 895 2. 717, 032 1, 609, 235 2, 146. 616 1. 675, 650 1, 575. 676 1, 426, 071 1. 009. 119 964, 020 a Included in " All other manufactures of wool" prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 101 IMPORTS FROM GERMANY, FREE OF DUTY. ANIMALS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED, a Articles, the jjrowth, produce, and manu- facture of the United States, re- turned. AH works, the pro- duction of Amer- ican artists. Bolting cloths. Books, YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Cattle. Horses. Sheep. All other, includ- ing fowls. gravings, etchiiijra, and other printed matter not elsewhere specitied. 1871 No. Dollars. No. Dollars. No. Dolls. DoUar.f. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 6,596 20, 072 Dollart. 1872 327. 656 328, 083 711, 034 405, 266 294,091 628, 247 734, 558 815. 570 1, 232, 369 1, 069, 613 1, 220. 236 1, 552, 629 l,772,fl66 1, 637, 873 2, 225, 058 3, 773, 030 3, 018, 066 1, 806, 995 1, 047, 425 60, 148 34,515 43,091 1873 48, 329 51, 239 1874 12. 434 39, 139 187b 26,763 45,121 31,375 1 36,577 22, 738 24, 017 17, 328 44, 707 22,311 26.839 41, 604 1876 46. 946 1877 43,026 1878 39, 131 1879 43,907 1880 31, 366 13, 766 11, 972 16,223 41, 627 26,613 40, 302 28, 916 31, 317 42, 629 18, 676 38, 788 60,971 7,328 15, 510 2,381 20, 893 1,332 328 278 283 49, 349 1881 37,883 1882 52, 939 1883 55,849 1884 135,711 88, 899 78, 168 89,447 101, 220 96, 340 90, 392 170,069 1885 161 17 6 16, 550 2, 033 619 2 17 3 238 957 71 197, 001 1886 1887 1888 15 10 3 22 29 7,572 6,331 714 7,868 10, 111 231,062 237,323 250, 608 1889 281, 774 1800 14 820 323, 486 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERMANY. 1871 1 1872 ' i 1873 250 1874 ' 1875 1 1876 1 1877 . .J 1,250 15 1878 ..' 1879 ' 1 277 1880 ' 245 1881 .J 1882 ' 1 1883 ' 1 1884 12,400 170 1885 1,014 1886 3,000 841 1887 2,970 1888 600 1889 231 1890 3,000 3,245 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. 102 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM GERMANY— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— CHEMICALS, DKUOS, AND DYES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Alizarine, nat- ural or artiticial, iucluiliug ex- tract of madder, (a) Argal.or argol or crude tartar. Barks: Cin- chona, or other from which quin- ine may be extractea. Cochineal. o o o o o Gums. Arabic.b Camphor, crude. 1871 Lhs. Dolls. Lbs. 9,141 32, 318 5,805 31, 502 19, 688 Dolls. 1,394 4,121 .422 5, 992 3,779 Lbs. 29, 485 432 2,121 6,499 5,857 1,883 18, 039 4,259 600 10, 589 68, 401 5,653 29, 247 22,324 19, 064 255 45, 697 1,095 Dolls. 216 Lbs. Dolls. Dolls. 52 Lbs. Dolls. Lbs. Dolls. 187'' 2 342 28, 050 21, 278 2,901 1, 595 4,844 1,260 3,749 21 4,634 1 7:u 1874 3,688 63, 547 12, 796 869 9,919 21, 613 785 1875 239 9,001 652 2.491 1870 1877 12,449 1,781 689 140 1,109 1 001 1879 12, 188 7,284 1880 480, 694 222, 238 1,704,166 1,486,698 45, 009 57, 963 33,050 265, 400 229, 287 9,418 1881 172 3,156 3,455 256 4,212 1,360 1,806 32 8,710 300 2,460 1,982 ' \ 1882 1 1883 1 1884 18S5 598, 980 1,307,321 1,903,11! 1,773,740 2,290, lie. 2. 074,. 532 1,820,402 217, 703 357, 127 387, 736 301, 052 388, 548 347, 693 301, 831 6, 739 39 9.32 5,859 8,564 21,923 6,154 1886 1887 1888 794 7.687 199 236 1 31C 67 23, 052 7,304 1889 1 204 12 31,024 2,757 8,159 734 53, 838 5,723 10, 105 61, 772 7,299 2,031 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERMANY— Continued. 1871 1 25, 090 1872 1 1 1 8,855 6,240 28, 200 2,000 10, 880 1873 1 1874 31,409 2,562 1875 1876 578 114 1877 1878 14,953 1,610 1,936 GOO 750 1,890 800 1879 1880 1881 8 099 1 4Ri) 1882 1883 1 1884 1885 1 ■ 1,658 1886 1887 1888 1 1889 625 4,633 375 1,630 1890 alni-luded in "All otiier chemicals, etc.," prior to 1884. 6 Included Lu "All other gums " prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 103 IMPORTS FROM GERMANY— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. YEAK END- ING JUVf" CHEMICAT-S, DKUUS. AND DXIBS. NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Gums. luiligo. Lime, chlo rido of, or bleiiihing powder Mineral waters, all not artificial. 6 Quinia.sulphate of, and all alkaloids or salts of cincho- na bark. c iO— Gambler, or terra japonica. Shellac, a All otlier 1871 Fcuiida. DoiU. Lbs. Dolls. DulU. 4.290 Lbs. 3. 160 Dolls. 3. 255 Lbs. Dolls. Gallons. Dolls. Ounces. Dolls. 1872 .... 26, 23.5] 4,627 18,448 9,987 2,28510. 112 3, 174 6,455 1873 46. 532 1,510 1874 7,8741 187r) 943 998 6,715 7,737 2,284 22, 317 42, 473 71, 268 845 1,603 1,931 541 1. 013 1, 106 1876 1877 1878 1879 323 164 1880 43. 593 115.845 3,024 6,592 1881 18 20 661, 341 8,840 1882 1883 87,815 2, 922 5,193 36, 748 12, 005 11,319 22, 871 32, 490 30, 200 28, 538 m, 973 25 31 1884 196 1, 137. 304 255, 232 1, 340, 977 302, 825 1 19,:? fi07 2a.i fii5 510, 580 1, 178, 084 1, 498, 088 2, 121, 721 1, 405, 835 2, 332, 521 562 703 1885 1,249 1,413 354 3,661 977, 454 188G 32, 900 1,160 53 31 18 50 11 774, 241 1887 4 1 31, 426, 208 276, 116 21,312,232 261,227 201-022. 28lil8.'i.8.'?7 969 086 1888 2,423 7,994 3,971 5,036 10, 652 7,668 561 529 1889 . . 7fi7 9.^1 1890 ... 29, 090 1,826 1,338, 930 5(31 Ofiii 1 905 473 fi'^o ^'''> ' EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERM AITZ- Continued. 1871 ... 700 800 1872 24.684 30, 538 1873 1874 278 1875. . 3,100 9,497 9,347 1876 1877 ■"■ ]•■■ 1878 1 1879 1,621 888 ] 1880 1881.... 1882 . .. 1883 3,000 26 492 32, 540 1,850 2,645 1884 2,600 4, 350 44, 000 62, 200 1885 50 616 1886 ... 1887 1888 8 971 750 328 1889 1, 43o e, 700 6,150 1890 aincluded in "All other gums '" prior to 1884. fc Included in "All other chemicals, etc." e Dutiable prior to J uly 1, 1879 ; not enumerated prior to 1884 but included in ' 'AU other chemicals, etc.* 104 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM GERM ANT— Continued. FREE OF DOTS. TEAR END- ING JUNE 30- CH»M1CA1>! DRUGS. ANT. DTUS, NOT E'.SB- WHKEE SPEOH'IED. •yOcoa 01 cacao, crude, and leave.-* au(i shells oi. Coffee. 1 Cork wood or cork bark, un- man li- ra Lt- ured. Soda, nitrate of. Sulphur, or briuistoue, cruue. All otiier Cotton, nn- mauufaoturcd. 1871 Pounds. Dollars ions. DoUii. D'llart. 197, 395 268, 132 518 250 Lbs. DolUi. Pound*. Dollam. DolU. Pounds. Dolla. 1872 45 292 47 1,769 11,224 1,744 1873 1,120 26 452, 067 4,469,536 486, 896 1,705,849 35, 178 2,388 27, 854 238, 495 224, 301 75, 750 872, 810 79, 95L' 284, 941 6,214 353 4,068 24, 996 36, 595 3,474 1874 377, 663 521, 759 570, 390 878, 073 812, 607 1875 1,150 200 126 27 1876 13, 699 393 1877 1878 17 596 2, 828 46 1879 577. 851 - - - - 1880 2, 393, W7 1, 503, 642 100, 689 53, 347 1,408,717 1, 132, 153 1, 684, 272 1, 595, 650 1, 329, 544 1,160,122 1, 375, 102 1, 250, 759 1, 540, 037 1, 892, 542 1, 785, 425 1 110| 52 102, 658'11. 289 1881 1882 24, 043 4,310 454 1883 4,942 359 1 743 R1.=i 1884 1 30 94, 51o'T7, 813 4. 954. 339 512, 673 123, 120 179, 402 57, 575 594, 693 127.458 7,300 31,032 957 1885... 8,605 1,657,636 867, 137 10 1,651 219 540 35, 052 17, 163 1 24 12 9,0.55! 3,052 1.216.023 6,618 1886 52,176 10,344 57 113! 11 490 1, 940, 080 477, 981 3. 907, 181 843, 265 1887 1,921 1888 153,157 75, 779 86, 160 29, 069 11, 491 16, 334 60 12,765 11 1889 951 1890 12 281,947 2 076 496 EXPORTS Oy FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERM ANY— Continued. 1871.. 1872. . 1873.. 1874. . 1875.. 1876.. 1877.. 1878.. 1879.. 1880.. 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. 1885. . 1886.. 1887.. 1888. . 1889.. 1890.. 5, 8?«, 533 126, 321 10, 941 44, I62J 70, 244 218 76, 336 29, 489 51,558 20, 018 18. 802J... 28,712 72 57, 243 7 36,901 28 39, 940 463 67, 322J345 81. 672 367 73, 22l!25a 049:24, 148 2, 894 1 549 2 2, 2, 2, 68. 293 42.613 47, 379 51,519 54 460 002 55, 07548, .31942, 697129, 933'77, 970 10. 344, 515 495, 409 566, 360 915,856 416,403 531, 055 847. 843 785, 666 809, 929 092, 730 823, 134 012,392 719,210 488, 351 906, 382 681,889 548, 538 138,224 5. 3, 30, 6, 7, 153, 70, 09, 17, 500 754' 041 564 203' 1,158 660 5. 031 1,313 1,140 909 22,053 197 50, 1, 042, 1,941, 225, 52, 131, 98, 22, 21, 15. 7, 803 7,494 2.000 6,450 126, 900 827,233, 470 22, 861 5,077 15, 405 742 14,610 2,300 1,968 2,208 a Dutiable prior to 1873. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 105 IMPORTS FROM GERMANY— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Diamonds an>l"tlier precious Stl>Ilt^8, rougli or uncut, etc., aud jewelii to be used in tbeiuiuiu- facturo of watches, (a) Dollars. 15 13, 398 251, 903 50, 849 :467, 242 Eggs. Doz. 550 100 24,678 14. 294 1,118 5,271 38, 605 6,001 310, 161 121, 320 1 250 1,583 73, 355 42 Dollars. Farina (•eons sul»- stances and prepare^ tions of (.sago, tapioca, etc.) notelse- wliere speci- lied. a 4 3, 1.59 54, 166 90, 730 62, 610 23, 276 225 540 14,119 Dollars. 106 4,206 9,126 15, 680 60, 583 63, 164 37, 330 FERTILIZEE3. Guano. Tons. 150 350 990 51 Dollars 4,084 12, 805 18, 483 1,758 473 27, 566 571 I 33,328 943 I 56,843 1, 367 58, 687 |A11 otlier. (a) Dollars. Fish, not else- wliere speci- fied. Dollars. Fruits, includ- ing nuts, uotelse- where speci- tied.a Dollars. Fura and fur skins, un- dressed. 844, 078 659, 565 843, 387 621, 547 457, 974 815, 996 675, 465 844 26 14, 395 10, 466 19, 795 16, 421 4,258 23, 902 9,413 Dollars. 155. 008 135, 509 149. 453 99, 725 112, 456 82, 234 82,044 129, 339 161, 570 421, 617 474, 889 547. 380 241, 048 335, 873 110,414 232, 626 196, 041 213, 444 239. 875 434, 894 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERMANY— Continued. 1871 11, 298 28, 292 15, 075 32, 100 1872 6,925 1873 5,558 1874 5,077 1875 1876 4,449 9,214 450 3,000 2,300 94, 028 600 3.214 11, 600 3,381 160 12, 735 10, 217 16, 050 7,981 1877 1878 3,445 11, 268 3,967 2,153 77 3,763 865 1,150 2,160 8,450 2, eoo 1.831 900 24, 334 451 6,779 18, 686 60, 577 450 1879 1880 1881 1882 365 1883 2,000 1884 13, 250 7,900 4,100 1885 1886 5,000 3,000 600 6,071 1887 325 200 1888 6,947 1889 1890 570 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. 106 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM- GERMANY— Con tinned. FREE OF DUTY. HIDES AND SKINS, OTHER THAN FOB SKINS. Household and personal effect.*, and wearins ap- parel in use, anil iniplcnuiit.s. In- st rumcut.s, and tools of trade of persons arriving from foreign countries, and of citizens of the United .States dying abroad. India rubber and gutta-perclia, crude. IVORY. 6 YEAR EXltJNG JUNE 30- Goat skins. a AU other. Animal. Vegetable. 1871 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 32, 587 97, 359 117,689 54,662 44,186 83, 955 103, 756 62, 137 84, 090 95, 451 107, 938 148, 729 132, 478 156, 697 135, 343 142, 510 187, 655 241, 227 199, 942 262, 840 Pounds. 1,000 Dollars. 334 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. 1872 576 31, 208 23, 823 54, 915 11, 743 234, 153 228, 301 125, 859 630, 428 580,184 991, 639 1, 046, 908 1,121,198 479, 613 719,411 500, 394 285, 066 471, 135 184, 468 1873 3,618 1,973 1874 1875 3,594 3,000 113, 244 182,339 278, 291 323, 156 398, 557 388, 385 256, 127 316, 036 563, 318 708, 021 815, 353 693, 384 956, 580 1,131,027 1,309 1,409 36, 413 56,510 63, 801 111,938 153, 933 158, 760 121,978 137, 447 181,925 254, 665 324, 867 229, 844 323, 887 452, 029 1876 1877 1878 _ 1879 ■;;:::: 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 202, 010 72, 558 142, 158 174, 615 283, 363 329, 088 372, 833 25, 628 23, 792 23, 132 16, 524 23, 058 17, 739 24,043 111,970 91, 796 80, 572 54,336 87, 591 64, 802 101, 292 578, 512 528, 511 23, 747 613, 074 115, 293 501, 207 221, 267 28, 139 16,349 709 32. 980 6,301 12, 375 5,065 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERMANY— Continued. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882 . 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 16, 704 13, 099 4,382 13, 333 7,515 11, 172 7,508 10, 151 59, 520 20, 430 19, 029 48, 130 21,518 30, 330 7, 934 32. 215 39, 538 20, 504 325 1,480 1,100 950 200 1,500 5,145 4,000 1,373 1,275 1,486 2, 9.59 2,954 1,535 14, 11, 29, 4, 3, 43, 00, 12, 4, 3, 19, 36, 11, 22, 3, 265, 91, 105, 38, 9,899 7,184 16, 850 2.300 2,453 19, 051 19,432 5, 194 2, 900 2,660 9, 850 27, 971 5,363 9,821 2, 060 046 134,721 113 40,359 893 37,229 373 19,836 1,476 677 738 1,948 1,494 1,508 1, 099, 098 2, 350, 087 843, 973 532, 319 152, 974 2,500 39,445 62, 979 20, 214 13, 359 6,370 186 a Included in "All other hides and skins, etc." prior to 1884. b Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 107 IMPORTS FliOM GERMANY— Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— OILS.NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED.d FREE OF DUTY. Fixed or ex- pressed. Pounds. Volatile or es- sential. Dolls. Pounds. 10, 232 .S5, 424 1,816 5,800 2,71 2, 7381 4, 928| 9, 608' 102, 888' 45, 600 41,744J 5,293 57, 642 140, 964 268, 060 1 40, 748 31, 047i 18, 668 1, 037 2, 810 3321 1, 306 536 324 753 687 4, 5241 1, 776[ 2, 004| 1, 1441 6, 909 8, 274 14, 634' 3, 364* 2, 489 2, 363; Dollars. 29, 549 25, 418 28, 505 j 15, 084 23, 627 50, 229 60,718 83, 198| 36,068 77, 305 56, 981 128,151 270, 069' 453, 8511 498. 32l| 335, 61l| 767, 676i 481, 091 PAPER STOCK, CRUDE. Ragd, otlier than All woolen. other. 37,616 30, 945 33, 864 27, ]67 31,391 46,824 36, 436 54. 467 35, 695 72, 388' 49, 925' 105, 820| 117, 423! 130, 312| 129, 524 1 119, 480 177, 139 142, 196 Pounds. 12, 912, 222 7, 340, 430' 7, 043, 755 10,697,221 9, 440, 491 9, 239, 285 9, 044, 605 10, 678, 777 10, 326, 102 34, 420, 893 22, 608, 937 40, 630, 488 32, 326, 363 51,257,824 58, 990, 246 37, 698, 811 46, 048, 575 44, 018, 424 53, 509, 373 50,815,892 Dollars. 456, 917 289, 100 293, 519 436, 700 370,711 364, 388 337, 453 338, 915 499, 853 1, 130, 659 741, 734 1,421,196 964, 628 1, 348, 040 1,391,656 790, 227 840, 793 810, 237 917, 145 874, 719 Dolls. Platinum, uDinaniitact- ured. b Lbs. Dolls. 562 331 518 535 893 1,050 1,915 50, 882 31, 587 50, 512 51,011 75, 765 101, 831 237, 765 Plumbago, b Cwts. DolU. 11, 885 14, 077 10, 498 22, 985 4, 208 12, 594 2, 324 13, 127 2, 782 21, 874 10, 767 26, 381 6, 862 24, 886 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERMANY— Continued. .| 400,. I ! 29, 800 1,500 3,247 3,500 3,799 5,263 16,000 27, 131 3,842 6,274 1,675 3,325 600 1,200 4,830 6,680 1,926 4,335 11, 404 8,784 2,183 1,291 4,127 2,929 672. 735; a Satiable prior to 1873. b Not enumerated prior to 1881. 108 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM GERMANY— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR ENDING Seeds, not else- where speci- lied. SILK, UNMANUFACTURED. SPICES, UNQEOUND. a JUNE 30— Raw, or as reeled from the cocoon. "Waate.o Nutmegs. Pepper, black or white. All other. 1871 Dollarg Pounds 2,300 18, 490 59, 264 2,687 2,679 4,077 2,192 5,287 222 245 5,473 2,328 10 3 Dollars 13, 422 122, 419 401, 737 23, 870 16, 665 23, 107 18, 403 27,364 1,200 918 32, 433 12, 383 93 15 Pounds Dollars Pounds Dollars Pounds Dollars Pounds Dollars 1872 1873 29, 980 18,218 21,250 16, 719 29, 780 14, 665 17,544 40, 303 11, 652 10, 366 15, 370 49, 417 99, 326 490, 353 79, 687 123, 898 94, 914 80, 390 1874 1875 1876 1877 1 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1 . 1884 8 16 29, 760 3, 057 2« 793 2,471 45 1885 420 16, 831 34, 107 1886 64 2,417 1,245 331 11,455 5,556 98, 538 50, 611 14, 677 7,176 4,740 2,293 1 832 1887 18, 380 2,126 2,991 1888 41, 330 2,484 1889 22, 695 3,721 2,941 525 572 212 550 146 48 22 25, 905 5,019 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERMANY— Continued. 1871 1872 7,756 450 69, 574 4,000 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1881'. 1883 1884 20 254, 960 7,923 7,787 593, 292 213.343 13,013 113, 973 19,659 1385 269, 890 35, 600 799 ] 886 273 502 1887 30, 410 1888 13, 071 1889 1,221 1890 9.306 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 109 IMPORTS FROM GERMANY-Continued. FREE OF DUTY. Tea. a Lbs. 6,147 121 228 034 616 846 790 109 159 100 25 7,029 222 60 3, 020 9,992 820 803 Dolli. "Wood, un- mauu- Tin in bars, fact- blocks, pifis, iired, or grain or not granulated. a else- wliere speci- fied. All other free articles. Lbs. 1,163 91 ; 71' 4641 234' 818! 322 26 95 24 7 2,173 45 46 864 2,665 585 500 7,210 2,520 2, 576' 610 4,480! 3,360 5,600 2,230 14, 391- 3, 413 5,782 1,897 3,488 1,100 4.650 1,443 23 13 51,790 9,981 5,233 1,634 Dolls. Dollars. 11, 882 22, 107 15, 933 24,423 17, 043 23, 362 0,371 23, 591 23, 810 28,621 33, 763 31,912 24, 144 22, 243 28, 038 55, 996 48, 119! 66, 003 66, 866 111, 392 371 133 938 992 Total FREE OF DUTY. DUTIABLE. Dollars. Dollars. 526,311 1,576,279 219, 157J 1,839,854 650,056 3,11.3,061 666, 436| 3, 677, 177 660,672J 2,802,718 637,287, 2,625.295 625,885| 3,218,561 690,547: 3,358,756 663, 0761 3, 252, 486 855, 844 j 6,497,259 1, 283, 832! 6, 082, 762 1, 894, 686! 8, 779, 055 1,507, 159^ 7,936,189 627,743 10,733,886 528,564 9,358,367 589, 671 10, 631, 575 704,50011,406,127 810, 938 11, 244, 968 785, 742 10, 893, 364 1, 082, 009il2, 029, 482 Ani- mals, not else where speci- fied. works, ' ^«.ks. not ' ""^P^- el.se- i e?*-""*^- where '"">»■ six-'cified:^**^ ""««• incs. in ' «7'I\*',''' .."i „_ and other printeil matter, not elsewhere specified. oil or water colors, and statu- ary. Dollars. 21,122 27, 761 24,430 23, 392 5,641 14, 468 13. 262 10, 967i 8,266 15, 130 19, 008 30,116 27, 614 19,724 13, 076 6,064 6,303 14, 351 3,539 4,220 Dollars. 268, 834 358, 697 324, 534 217, 080 380, 779 151, 957 172, 105 196, 082 247, 212; 280, 710 339, 526 390, 424; 183, 264 184, 020 174, 276 278, 604 231, 205 264, 291 210, 698 Dollars. 528, 767 792, 072 864, 768 812, 397 055, 998 567, 829 431, 448 404, 035 401, 297 490, 210 656, 889 848, 543 899, 952 904, 593 729, 340 700, 598 911, 906 906, 406 990, 220 1, 000, 261 Brass, and manu- fact- ures of. Dollars. 5,303 66, 222 30, 906 59, 921 36, 126 30, 873 26. 486 31, 698 48, 573 42, 733 39, 410 134, 091 97,417 160. 445 162, 130 149. 097 129, 112 78, 535 62, 710 57, 794 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERMANY-Continued. 1,760 2,731 6,414 16 119 1,914 276 4,980 2,499 990 i 240 175 1 693' 100 ,838 316! 28| 302 109 50 346 32 1,956 98 15 945 500, 689 71l' 541 255 907 ! 000 378 151, 103j 15, 045 j 19, 029 10, 9031 52, 459 62,344 2,581 35, 357 41. 8931 8, 702 6,890j 2. flOO 50, 012j 33, 4671 177, 17l| 177, 843 90,398; 60, 978' 130. 158 205, 414; 215, 751 256, 614 587, 354 362, 663 573, 857 669, 327 394, 739 503, 132 585, 742 368, 697 783, 325 787, 471 1, 194, 15 853. 388 881, 470 744, 462 944.01 528, 005 1,110,131 796, 385 1 2,011 5. 745 15, 2901 l,588j 1, 800 968 422 1 5 5,000 1 3, 727, 2, 975 3,447 4, 764j 3,985 14, 238j 93, 884' 2, 619 85: 2,993!, 7,780', 8, 763 1,921 1, 051 1,474J 679 , 2. 004 2. .")29 2, KI4 3.211 . 2. 878 1879 27 91fi 3,292 26, 953 28, 670 87, 595 51, 176 133, 021 92, 608 148, 263 157, 594 68, 353 93, 365 195, 389 1880 1881 1882 1 40 120 9^fifi 803 459 998 675 1 iw 2 2 303 348 1883 1884 1885 35 5,457 1886 11 10 7 147 35 2 110 1887 1888 1889 1,553 1,019 1, 165 579 31, 947 802 6,682 1-954 6 267 5 1890 2 138 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERMANY— Continued. 1871 14 1 1,560 144 1872 1873 1874 736 1,128 1,801 1, 079 1 240 2 90 214 88 320 12, 044 27, 137 12, 472 1875 1876 318 4.753 636 10, 607 17 2,850 1877 1878 1879 8 721 1880 1881 1 5 71 125 608 6,888 1882 4,291 2,388 1883 1884 . .. 231 11 100 118 7 17 46 21, 443 1885 858 1880 85 330 6,824 1887 464 634 201 10, 482 1888 14 10 122 93 1,070 1889 275 270 2,091 1890 6,836 U Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 117 IMPORTS FROM GERMAN r-Continned. DUTIAHLE. FLAX, HKMI', JUTK, AND OTHER VEOETABLK SUB- STAJJCE8, AND MANUFACTCKES OF. FRUITS, INCLUDING NUTS, NOT ELSEWDEEB SPECIFIED. YEAR ENDING 'Manufactures of. Figs, a Lem- ons. (b) Or- anges. JUNE oO- S "f- cottou). <*> j (a) [ Cal)lP8 and cordage. Yarns 01 threads, (a) Another. Plums and prunes. (6) 1871 Dolls. Dollar*. Pounds. 1. 366 2.982 12, 223 89, 484 Dolls. 316 405 1,483 11.118 Dollars. Dollars. 213, 121 491, 862 606, 625 512, 387 446, 177 449, 133 Lbs. Dolls. Dolls. t>0ll8. Pounds. Dollar t. 1872 1873 1874 1875 103,060 11.155 1876 893 91 1877 464. 102 657, 088 81 0, 223 • 1878 1879 1 1880 1 ' 1, 374, 872 1, 209, 367 1, 169, 710 1, 323, 386 1, 454, 045 1, 566, 657 1, 448, 399 1, 299, 572 1,634,174 2, 030, 730 2,431,803 1881 : 1882 1 1883 1 « 1 1884 1, 729 4, 249 5.217 1,634 95 1,288 1,984 842 1,482 10, 303 145 2, 258, 793 7,404,808 1, 454, 160 17,330,647 8, 182, 241 9, 201, 104 99, 575 218, 282 1885 220 30 258 60 4 1886 6.918 2, 355 2, 830 616 9f> 5§, 394 1887 4,896 6,830 5,837 8,996 268 444 367 1888 4,537 10, 523 1. 932 295 115 374 252 5il 1889 250, 477 303, 379 1890 228 3,392 40, 712 1,402 2,509 12,436,414 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERMANY— Continued. 1871 330 125 3,588 5,835 12,212 747 2,917 3,527 4,245 700 1872 1873 1874 6,900 1.000 1875 i 1876 i 1877 37,816 4,619 1878 1879 1880 1881 1 1882 7, 218 1,094 427 3,025 1,246 454 1883 1 1884 600 175 ■ 1 • 1885 1 1886 ! 21, 024 502 18?7 1,470 10!) 1888 834 44-i 35.'-. 1889 1890 1 a Included in "All other manufactures of tlax," etc., prior to 1884. 6 Included in "All otlitr fruits" prior to 1884. 118 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM GERMANY— Conlinvied. DITTIABLP:. TEAR ENDING JUNE 80- 1871 . 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875 . 1876. 1877. 1878. 1870. 1880. 1881 . 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885"; 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. FHUITS, IXCLUDINO NUTS, NOT ELSEWHERE 8PE IFIBD. Eaisins.a Pounds. 7,! Pre- served fruits. a Dolls. Dollars All other fruits Nuts. Almonds. a 7f7 161,737 32,4921 1,043: 227,766 5o! 8: 137,860 .... 123,036; .... 142,1041 14,8021 384, 181,594 326, 264 10, 793 152, 751 Dollars. ' Pounds. 363, 568 276, 359 327, 615 818, 237 651, 539 910, 990 441,502 578, 763: 390, 217, 799, 906 318, 890 1,314,913 558, 045 109, 660 43,072 25, 075 32, 902 60, 350 88, 560 69, 347 2,322 22, 054 55 Dolls. All other. a Dollars. 445 2, 893 9 26, 535 3, 150 8, 148 1, 148 55 GLASS .VND QLA.«SWABB. Furs nnd m:iiiutact U.CS (.if fur. Bottles. vi;il.s, doiiii- Jolillx, car hoys, aiid jars, empty :)rlilleQ. Dollars. Dollars 378, 596 694, 072 931, 000 585, 816 52(', SOo' 461, 8I3' 378, 643' 305, 655' 339, 309J 518,462 448,091 495, 687 636, 8I9' 2,278 701 3S1 7,775 7, 7471 7, 422 18, 2041 Pounds. 678, 062 141,775 1, 706, 300 471, 206 568, 193 831, 679 837, 139 3, 509, 023 1, 008, 667 323, 359 868. 698 2, 447, 893 1, 307, 889 925, 386[ 186, 654'l, 112. 598 475,318' 242,4831,920,508 Cylinder, crown and coiMiiioii window slass, unpolished. 935,484! 265,324 1,067,3391 364,003 747,8201 357,941 1, 086, 950 1, 319, 707 334, 255 423, 434 495, 867 482, 888J 719, 972 991, 570| 592, 244 Dollars 29, 766 4,499 60,464 24,389 23, 615 40,123 38, 032 125, 141 35, 082 9,632 25, 952 71, 711 38, 038 35, 545 57, 973 32,672 28. 491 44,618 49,158 27,385 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERMANY— Continued. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881 . 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887 1888, 1889, 1890 102 98 30' 162. 3, 353' , 506! 450. ,092 ,489 ,167 ,665 ,322 ,91o|. ,551 . ,087 . , 339 . ,.4 , 043' , I ,497 436 ,088 377 ,105 7,175 720 27 2,400 1,601 4,027 705 32, 705 1,290 2, 309 5, 842 6,251 10, 729 22,943 4, 760 61, 772 3,524 13, 994 3,024 6,302 14, 353 a Included in "All other fruits," prior to 1884. b Included in "All other glass," etc., prior to 1884, IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 119 IMPORTS FROM GERMANY— Continaed. DUTIABLE. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— ]871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883. 1884, 1883 1886 1887, 1888. 1889 1890, GLASS AND GLASSWARE. Plate ^lasa. Cyliixlcr and crown glass, i)olislic.\ Dollars. Dollars. 356, 126 52, 054 150. lOi 564, 690 26, 853^ 251, 951 582,389 46,431456.852 406,635 12,546; 418,817 490.070 28, 443[ 301,896 577,630 41,415 316.567..- 547, 379 11 , 327 325. 693 777, 609 18, 035' 215, 861 540,166 12.634: 131, .564 739.538 20, 362| 148,634 878,960 15,9521 l.'j*. i;;2 893, 675 12, 208 88. 5ii0 928, 546 11, 2181 93, 757 972, 485 23, 0071 43, 732 919.304 17, 5.Sl| 44,253 1, 050, 262 13, 806j 67, 206 1, 234, 203 13, 708! 58, 375 1, .598, 174 14, 130J 60, 697| 1, 644, 100 13, .3761 59. 178| 1, 905, 871 19, 165 65, 531 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GERMANY -Continued. ,062 103 16, 370 199 5, 3971 2, 133 118 1,650 388 386 50 145 80 2,791 568 2,039 1,430 4, 486 1,021 700 1, 050 515 11,400 3,440 7,418 824 3, 060 2. 558 455 346 1,500 134 1,496 450 181 429 3,790 517 7,991 585 405 4.030 244 5, 659 98 3, 583 3, 740' 3,839 3, 277 10 175 187 1.176 346 1, 14l' 1,381 1,326 566 701 266 948'... a Included in " Meats," etc., prior to 1881. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPORTS FROM GERMANY-Contiuued. 127 DUTIABLE. Rice. Poii/ids. 809, 413 2, 992. 424 5, 065, 502 125 34, 166 26, 925 39, 415 113, 002 1, 284, -195 674. 850 2. 838, 898 29. 664. 370 29, 684, 501 35, 237, 126 48, 479, 840 60, 155, 087 53, 088, 261 Dollars. 21, 202 91, 460 152, 008 3 807 763 1,266 3,128 35, 030 10, 284 01, 368 544, 821 512, 130 551,031 782, 762 1,008,911 934, 128 Salt. Pounds. 063, 800 416, 268 994, 606 379, 773 290, 580 754, 836 173, 071 658, 951 203, 900 316. 042 395, 864 138, 069 466, 682 140,218 130, 789 721, 551 155, 470 123, 104 322, 631 1, 030, 846 SILK, MANUFACTURES OF. Seeds. not! else- wlifre spfcilied Dre.sa and piece goods Dollars. 2,499 2,350 4,304 1,808 1,680 4,238 999 1,312 1,141 623 1,413 1,045 1,593 989 912 1,751 918 511 1,242 1,990 Dollars. 62, 732 49,918 71, 335 87, 576 104, 218 104, 948 64, 395 64, 356 118, 346 73, 943 126,062 116, 468 104, 410 124,781 121, 960 98, 961 87, 958 109,-02 127, (.58 Dollars. 1, 376, 866 4, 279, 654 8, 275, 517 4, 003, 393 4, 075, 913 3, 725, 524 4,169,004 3, 827, 513 4, 384, 5G6 5, 329, 084 4, 928, 855 2, 382, 466 1, 029, 459 2, 494, 268 2, 437, 053 2, 323, 130 2, 554, 687 2, 920, 515 1, 785, 999 2, 937, 680 Laces and ein- broid- erie.s.a Ribbons. (o) Dollars.' Dollars. 17,581 7,065 17, 986 22, 669 26, 415 30, 572 68, 516 322, 915 84, 294 26, 849 129,940 90, 565 105, 224 148, 335 All other. Dollars. 1, 550, 600 3,781,404 4, 842, 963 1,641,543 1, 143, 977 1, 365, 666 1,218,127 1, 811, 349 2, 256, 993 2, 744, 739 2, 317, 592 2, 759, 937 3, 197, 650 5,421,919 4, 073, 429 4, 032, 439 5, 247, 239 5, 396, 260 6, 881, 314 7, 202, 555 EXPORTS or FOREIGN MERCUANDLSE TO GERMANY— Continued. 1871 6,947 13 933 1872 1873 1,143 255, 810 145 597 1874 1875 12,015 80, 914 ■5, 889 15, 058 4,392 4,495 25 543 1876 35, 812 21 794 1877 1878 295 3,181 8,052 40, 622 8,028 25, 348 6,513 868 1,089 2,029 28 192 1879 5,272 8 815 1880 2,011 1881 " 21 8«9 1882 127, 705 16, 654 4 353 1883 20, 335 7 615 1884 1835 1.581 22 l") 046 1886 165, 867 2,719 4 519 1887 3, 770 5,215 1888 1889 10, 480 1890 243, 661 6,172 1,184 a Inoladed la " All other manufactures of silk," prior to 1884. 128 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. liirOIiTS FROM GERMANY— Continued. TEAR ENDING J ONE SO- DUTIABLE. Fancy, per- funif.l, aii(lall| All (l('S(ri])iiiius other of toiltt soap. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 , 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 , Pounds. Dolls. 40, 834 35, 172 44, 616 12, 503 10, 921 12, 433 45, 035 12, 74, 663 19, 851 88, 298 22, 556 69, 446ll9, 402 Dolls. Spicea, not elsewhere specUied. 2,719 3,224 2,374 3,712 5,390 7,746 7,475 Spirits, (lis- , tille'1)IN(; JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. WOOLS, IIAIK OF THE CAHrEL, GOAT, ALPACA, AND OTHER LIKE ANIMALS, AND MANUFACTURES OF. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 , 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 Mainifactures of. Dross goods, ■woTUfn's ami chil- dreu's. Sq. yds. 3, .508, 405 5, 047, 356 4, 359, 471 3, 762, 973 3, 779, 557 2, 225. 737 2, 710, 387 2, 646, 519 2,821,240 3, 024, 879 3, 944, 297 4, 9J2, 567 5, 116.953 7. 174, 219 8,911,790 7, 691, 318 10,012,141 14, 430, 204 14, 792, 483 19, 583, 302 Dollars. 054, 688 1, 206, 555 1,360,576 1, 016, 384 914,718 559, 626 675, 393 625, 450 640, 520 759, 900 961, 628 1,365,524 1,414,478 1,897,578 2, 170, 501 1, 916, 142 2, 534, 748 3, 191, 026 3, 560, 891 4, 561, 007 Knit fabrics. Dollars. 45, 774 92, 803 70, 153 50, 61 76, 736 182, 397 159, 112 180, 486 121, 327 176, 400 330, 799 146, 969 249, 244 1, 102, 204 1,020,395 830, 762 827, 710 784, 434 637, 966 820, 924 Kags, 1111111^0, floe l £ g a 3 c to u eS 9 < >- H D a U H b H H ri a si ®* . 1^ *^ a c'.S 1 5-s a as a TEAR. ENDING JUNE 30- liana, other tlian woolen. E 5 = § M 1871 Pounds. Dolls. Dolls. Tons. Dolls. Lbs. \DoIIs. 119, 0?9! 5,398 101,639 i 7!^i Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. 20 5,418 4,724 16 73 *44 ■ ■ ■ 95 6 30 J>oJZ«. 2 922 Dolls. 1872 ... 10,318 1873 2,277 2,206 6 103 1,133 9,513 2,417 1 n^s 153 1874 ' 211 1,459 78 1875 1,025 1876 1,339' 1,857' 1,367 2,706 10,38212.239 474 1877 31,445 3,245' 2,444' 46 235 1878 15, 874 496 1,297 1 381 3,127 2,966 3,782 7,033 1,964 1,817 392 5 1,689 1,733 25 9,599 2,174 3,127 7,132 3,834 7, 332 1,964 1,817 392 5 2,078 1.733 8,933 19, 487 1879 1880 4,166' 52 299 1881 1 440 1882 116 1, 472 87 1883 226 484 132 39 61 172 417 18 60 1884 3' 145 1885 36 287 1886 28' 1887 389 33 22 1888 18 20 1889 8,697 9,888 211 44 68 1890 103 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GIBRALTAR— Continued. 1871 1872 20 10 400 175 400 600 2,240 45 1873 425 2,240 45 1874 1875 1876 1877 55 1,500 2,140 3,640 1878 1879 253 253 1880 1881 527, 960 76, 729 610 77.3.^9 1882 225 095 1883 900 612 90 75 90 1884 30 48 105 48 1,442 1885 1886 15,850 1,442 1887 • 1888 550 550 1,589 1889 8,595 1,589 1890 o Dutiable prior to 1873. 136 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE- IMPORTS FROM GIBRALTAR— Continued. RECAPITULATION. EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GIBRALTAR— Continued. 1871 249 036 2,100 2,175 253,311 253, 311 1872 130 962 14, 248 1,456 7,998 2,666 6,389 4 539 145,2101 400 24, 533! 600 145,610 1873 22, 935 142 25, 133 1874 7,998 2,240 2, 666 45 7,198' 17,875, 3,640 2,54l! 227 253 962' 1, 793 77. 339 10. 238 1875 2,711 1876 . . 809 155 7,198 1877 13, 181 21, 515 1878 2,541 227 688 2,541 1879 480 1880 274 962 1881 1, 793 1,795 4,245 7,219 4,942 2,836 5,005 1, 333 3,119 1,095 79, 132 1882 ol4, 756 16, 551 4,245 13,920 9,779 2,836 225 90 105 48 1.442 16, 776 1883 4, 335 1884 66, 701 4, 837 14, 025 1885 9,827 1886 4,278 1887 5,005 1, 361 550 3,119 1,589 1, 095 5,005 1888 28 1,911 1889 4,708 1890 1,095 a Wheat. b Art works, $6,000. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 137 IMPORTS FROM GREECE. TEAR ENDING JUNE SO- FREE OF DUTY. nidps ' aiidHkiiiH, ot her tliau fur skina. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 188). 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1880. 1890. Dollars. 60 23 2 500 250 All other free articles. Dollars. 17, 488 1, 780 24,338 13, 927 389 110 62 5,612 10, 923 23, 470 12,471 21,968 TOTAL FREE OF DUTY. Dollars. 60 17, 488 1,786 24, 338 13, 927 412 110 62 5,614 11, 423 23, 720 12, 471 21, 968 DUTIABLE. Friiils, in- cluding nuts not elsewhere 8i)ecitied. Dollars. 293, 429 270, 382 258, 869 367, 202 447, 489 560, 270 454, 209 246, 759 409, 328 450, 209 489, 862 885, 089 1, 225, 314 1, 019, 724 596, 456 705, 741 910, 585 1, 186, 858 934, 159 971, 869 All other dutiable articlea. Dollars. 4,846 19, 8;)1 152, 949 92, 628 7,801 141 68,919 29, 357 1,170 60, 776 545 5,854 20, 150 189 19, 4C8 76, 2:J5 51,941 42, 293 131, 261 RECAPITULATION. TOTAL DUTIABLE. Dollars. 298, 275 290, 273 411,818 459, 830 455, 290 560, 411 523, 128 276, 116 409, 328 451, 379 550, 638 885, 634 1, 231, 108 1, 039, 874 596, 645 725, 209 986, 820 1, 238, 799 970, 452 1, 103, 130 TOTAL FREE OF DUTY. Dollars. 60 17, 488 1,786 24, 338 329 13, 927 412 110 62 5,614 11,423 23, 720 12, 471 21, 968 TOTAL VALUE OF MERCHAN- DISE. Dollars. 298, 335 307, 701 413, 604 484, 168 455, 290 560, 411 523, 128 276, 455 409, 328 451,379 550, 638 899, 561 1,231,580 1, 039, 984 596, 707 730, 823 998, 243 1, 262, 519 988, 923 1, 125, 098 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GREECE. 1877. 1878. 6,458 2,222 6,458 2,222 6,458 2,222 138 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM GREENLAND, ICELAND, AJTD THE FAROE ISLANDS. TEAR ENDING JINE 30— FREE OF DUTY. DUTIABLE. RECAPITULATION. or cork bark unmanu- factured. All other free articles. TOTAL FEEE OF DUTY. Spirits, distilled. AU other dutiable articles. TOTAL DUTI- ABLE. TOTAL FREE OF DUTY. TOTAL VALUE. OF MEE- CHANDISE. 1871 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pf. galls. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1872 1873 84, 226 28, 118 70, 472 103, 530 137, 465 105, 884 66, 042 91, 366 103, 529 51, 589 97, 400 106,029 113, 847 91, 890 157, 034 132,411 57, 605 115, 158 900 85, 126 28, 118 70, 472 103, 530 137, 465 105, 884 66, U42 91, 371 103, 529 51,589 97,400 106, 029 113, 847 91, 890 157, 034 132, 416 58, 105 115, 158 85, 126 28, 118 r.0, 472 103 530 85, 126 28 118 1874 1875 70,472 103 530 1876 1877 137, 465 137, 405 1878 105, 884 66, 042 91,371 103, 529 51,589 97, 400 106, 029 113,847 91, 890 157, 034 132, aa 58, 105 115,158 105, 884 1879 66, 042 1880 5 91, 371 1881 103, 529 1882 51, 589 1883 97, 400 1884 106, 020 113,847 1885 1880 91, 890 1887 157, 034 1888 5 500 132, 416 1889 58, 105 1890 180 180 115, 338 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO GREENLAND. ICELAND. AND THE FAROE ISLANDS. 1878 88 179 46 55 70 19 70 19 55 1879 70 1881 19 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 139 IMPORTS FROM ITALY. FREE OF DUTY. TFAR ENDING JDNE 30- Ani- mals, not eI.so- w lie re speci- fied, in- clud- ing fowls. (a) Articles, the growth, ))ro(lu(p, and iiiMn uCiictiiie of the rnitcd States, returned. Art works, the pro- ductioii of Ameri- can art- ists. Asphaltiim or bitii- men, crude. a I5oolrD SKINS, OTHER THAN FUE SKINS. Honseliold and personal cMVcts, and wearinjj apparel in use, and iinplenionts, instruments, and tools of trade of persons arriving from foreign coun- tries, etc. JUNE 30— Goat skins. 6 All other. India rubber and gutta- percha, crude. 1871 Bollare. Dollars. Dollars. 766 43 Dollars. DoUars. Dollars. Dollars. 49,858 11.827 5, 3.57 3,159 9,182 4,463 9,563 13. 472 17, 049 15. 542 21, 845 33, 615 Pounds. Dollars. 1872 2,767 1, 842 58, 557 3,178 505 679 2,230 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 65, 217 19, 722 30, 937 ■^1, 335 98, 318 163 6,369 4,945 7,232 21, 832 6,231 1881 467 1882 1883 17, 104 33,010 21. 133 38, 414 18, 323 49,443 22, 885 29, 422 1884 176, 365 171, 517 179, 666 209, 611 274, 059 304, 297 385, 553 5,506 7,126 2,025 5,359 9,072 6,745 8,860 42 6.308 4,938 3.907 17, 491 5,699 12, 200 22, 173 1885 1866 39 678 3,392 2,854 1,115 9,458 1 1887 1 1888 1889 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN" MERCHANDISE TO ITALY-Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 3,350 9,120 4,652 1,764 2,428 1,082 2,370 1884 •» 2, 000 6,000 10, 676 4,6U 4,563 3,875 1885 1880 1887 1,300 520 1888 10 1,200 1,200 5,000 1889 1890 27 600 ^ 'i<^» ' oNot enumerated prior to 1884. fr Included in '• All other hides, etc.," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 143 IMPORTS FROM ITALY— Continued. FRKB OF DUTY. YEAR KND- ING JUNE 30— OILS, NOT ELSEWHERE -SPECIFIED. a Fixed or ex- pressed. 24, 336 77, 200 138, 952 118,816 42. 280 39, ire 40, 384 103, 108 41, 152 205, 416 338, 656 145,901 126, 872 22, 587 1,461 Dolll. 1,654 5,170 10, 723 7,909 3,690 3,412 3,741 10,617 3,645 20, 036 29, 769 14, 645 11, 850 2,382 787 Volatile or es- sential. Lbs. 40, 498 35, 335 35, 503 40, 100 23, 552 35, 850 40, 166 45, 068 43, 296 42,116 18, 652 234, 876 145, 518 147, 145 183, 710 217, 688 212, 441 233, 499 Dollars. 157, 363 169, 573 190, 093 125, 482 88, 763 114, 094 96, 966 114, 814 89, 966 78, 192 36, 370 335, 724 159,459 204, 613 266, 627 294, 423 245, 268 261, 032 PAPER STOCK, CEUDB. Rags. Other than vrooleu. Pounds. 30, 664, 960 31,445,209 25,052,816 30, 382, 421 27, 508, 672 17, 718, 131 15, 172. 565 17, 185, 699 13, 873, 729 24, 339, 294 19, 683. 290 10, 749. 033 8, 596. 588 9, 387, 795 4, 175, 726 8, 058, 336 4, 035, 386 4, 431, 695 6, 871, 677 5,871,546 Dollars. 1, 213, 645 1,348,523 1,197,384 1, 473, 267 1, 382, 208 854, 638 743, 345 778, 614 546, 256 881, 132 818, 726 450, 406 351, 198 362, 789 158, 6;!4 316, 098 162, 354 182,698 220, 216 204, 624 All other. Dolls. 11, 173 4,129 13 21, 617 31, 977 8,053 45, 352 14, 643 12, 807 83, 835 87, 553 110, 864 151,765 204, 060 Seeds, not else- where speci- fied. a SILK, CNMANU- FACTUEED. Raw, OP a.s reeled from the cocoon. Dolls. Lbs. 4,576 34, 220 20, 280 33, 690 36,048 54, 407 12, 422 43, 537 67, 883 I 15,925 1108,874 90,294 49, 455 94, 532 266, 098 102, 296 82, 127 80, SOI 76, 918 132 2,282 1,150 2,881 11, 742 14, 121 526, 82C 534, 420 949, 981 1, 005, 856 958, 816 1,091,871 922,811 Dollars. 30, 815 769 19, 979 6,704 14, 876 65, 004 74, 804 2, 426, 817 2, 408, 229 4, 149, 228 4, 622, 541 4, 156, 339 4,371,076 4, 402, 786 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCUANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873.... 1874 1875 1876.... 1877.... 1878 1879.... 1880.... 1881.... 1882.... 1883 1 1884 600 1,500 1885.... 1886.... 1887.... 1888.... 1889 1890 160 a Dutiable prior to 1873. 144 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM ITALY— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR ENDING SII-K, UNMAN- UFACTUKED. Spices, un- groanil. a Tea. 6 Tin in bars, blocks, pijjs, or gr.iin or granulated, b Wood, unnian- ufact- uri'il, notelse- wliere .speci- fied. All other free articles. JUNE 30— \raste. a TOTAL FREE OF DUTY. 1871 Potinds Dollars Pounds Dolls Pounds Dollars Pounds DolU. Dollars 216 Dollars. 152, 397 19, 075 131, 254 2, 335, 534 61,414 30, 375 29, 402 25, 896 35, 198 47, 916 75,993 122,094 128, 820 99, 041 117, 375 123, 384 109, 838 111, 474 189, 194 183, 433 Dollars. 2, 120 897 1872 2,510 277 1873 3, 135, 157 1874 2,240 548 1,001 165 190 85 25 97 60 174 830 55 33 56 6,336 14, 477 13, 954 15, 731 27, 220 5, 637, 409 1875 3, 330, 690 1876 2, 866, 086 2,411,080 2, 289 260 1877 1878 1879 1 . .. . 2, 725, 939 1880 3, 649, 090 1881 4, 565, 841 1882 4, 255, 783 1883 4, 051, 402 1884 19,231 17, 451 104, 883 71,410 85, 694 82, 294 276, 528 43, 155 18, 924 100, 699 90, 691 111, 091 92, 282 304, 859 24, 634 940 7, 079, 285 1885 6, 113,465 1886 8, 933, 543 1887 9, 241, 139 1888 33, 123 215 275, 689 1,487 17 8,613 8, 568, 358 1889 9, 494, 070 1890 10,241,323 EXPORTS OF MERCnANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 500 2,687 1872 1873 500 49, 806 3,840 1874 . . 1875 1876 15, 400 1877 60 47 8,919 1878 . ... 3,350 1879 1880 1,355 1881 1,630 1882 87, 195 1883 . 4,763 2,982 664 1,197 1,361 196, 882 1884 501, 841 1885 347 129 7,000 8, 7.55 2,875 1,870 1,025 240 279, mb 1886 318, 636 1887 453 175 95, 219 1888. . 16,815 J889 1,140 30 25G 15 154 59, 023 1890 86, 229 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. b Dutiable prior to 1873. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 145 IMPORTS FROM ITALY— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Ani- mals, not else- wlifio spefi- tii'il, in- clud- ing live poul- try. Art works, not else- where .specifled : I'aiut- iugs, in oil or wa- ter col- ors, aud statuaiy. Books, maps, enyrav- iiiga, etch- ings, photo- graphs, etc., not else where speci- fied. Rrass, and man- ufact- ures of. BREAD8TDFPS. But- tons and but- ton forms CHEMICALS, DRUGS, DYES, AND MEDICINES, NOT ELSKWHEBB SPECIFIED. 1 Wheat. Another bread- Btutfs, and prep- arations of, used as food, not else- where specitied. Argal or argol, or crude tartar. a Glycerin. 6 1871 Dulls. 104 Dollars. Dolls. 5,557 3,578 2,435 3,603 2,421 5,685 3,898 2,958 2,883 2,765 3,644 2,062 2,124 4,193 1,748 3,132 7,752 4,127 DolU. 38 151 1,438 80 327 63 111 74 57 144 837 1,751 430 1,233 138 961 Ihtsh. DolU Dollars. 53, 316 48, 505 8,677 192 Dolls. 55S 3,219 Pound.s. 341, 531 Dolls. 46, 397 Pounds. DolU. 128, 906 159, 790 150, 679 141, 871 156, 790 122, 667 62, 671 88, 291 106, 820 124, 686 154, 500 163, 565 152, 994 95, 886 85, 233 108, 727 109, 887 116 665 1fi7^ 22 50 . 43, 217 102, 137 53, 877 71, 411 44,816 70, 864 84,544 82, 964 85, 343 184 370 49 217 330 494 162 744 4.531 9,220 6,760 1,717 835 3,390 1,921 992 2,402 937 980 2,729 148 1876 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 20 40 15 8 87 165 1 87, 500 89, 663 376. 058 408, 721 556, 048 299, 940 324, 008 11, 389 1885 1886 39 5,759 19, 113 1887 748 180 105 244 28, 606 1888 1. 164 19 62, 206 1889 14 20 23, 725 1890 123 395' 4 2R4 29, 708 i i EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 187'' 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 . .. 1884 1885 1886 1887 100 39 1,235 116 1888 1,393 1889 1890 a Free of duty after 1871. H. Mis. 117 10 6 Included in " All other chemicals, etc.," prior to 1884. 14G COMMERCE WITH EUKOrE. IMPORTS FKOil ITALY— Coutinued. YEAR ENDING JU^E SO- DUTIABLE. CHIOIICALS, DECGS, DTKS, AND MEUICIN'KS NOT ELSEWH^EE SPECIFIED. CLOCKS AND ! WATCHES, ETC. 1871. 1S72. 1R73. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881 . 1882 . 1883 . 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. Logwood and other dye- woods, extracts and decoctions of. a Lbs. Bolls. Gums. 6 Sulphur or briiustmie, reliued.c Lbs. \Dolls.\ Tons. 2, 962 1,0511 17,120 DolU. Sumac, ground, o I'ounds. 840 22, 720 39 Dolls. 88, 9161 46, 891 24, 269 64, 656 127, 839 105, 823 C9, 738 2. 978 , 1,339'. 703;. 1,845!. 2,891 . 3,2811. 1,580. 370, 154! 495, 835 563, 604 582, 357 695. 619 668. 392 927,58]' 561, 159 384, 221 ...I ' j 601,681 24l! ! I 483,625 All other. •3 a a S , oc S t- a H n " T, H S'll Bolls. Dolls DolU. 3,202 15,801.9091 573,058 13, 475, 734 438, 795 16,659,7141 487,187 15,243,548, 366,907 13,310,608 261,519 10, 500. 761 16, 211, 323 545, 410 44S, 637 99, 437 74, 155 85,500 63, 508 8.), 665' 1,116 194,7361 100,286i 96 298, 443 80, 566| 348 209 27 175 12 651 2,032 830 5 35 10 1,152 EXPORTS or FOREIGN' MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1 1872 1873 l(j74 1875 . . 1876 1,530 1877 1878 1879 . 1880 . 1881 3,412 56 1882 1 1883 1884 1885 1880 1887 1888 1889 3 1800 1 ' I 1 a Included with " All other chemicals, etc.," prior to 1884 b Free of duty after 1871. c Includes crude ,sul|)liur tor 1871. d Kot enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND KXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 147 IMPORTS FROM ITALY— Continued. DUTIABLE. Coal, bitu- minous. Coffee.a Cop- ])(■;•, and nianu- tac- tures of. COrrON, MANCFACTDBES OF. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30- Cloth. Cloth- ing, ready- made, etc. .not includ- ing kuit goods. b Knit goods : Stockings, hose, etc., and all goods made on knitting machines or by baud. Laces, edg- ings, em- broideries, in.serting.s, etc.andoth- er similar tamboured articles. 6 AU other. 1871 . Tuns. DolU. Lhs. DoUs. Dolls. 3,295 7,445 4,744 385 27 82 20 253 61 55 106 254 143 141 338 135 34 159 145 44 Sq. yds. 30, 000 Dolls. 3,573 Dolls. Dollars. Dollars. Dolls. 177, 069 23, 905 1872 52, 221 10,016 1873 43 187i 144 15 421 1875 9 5 63 26 689 1876 1 798 1877 687 1878 3 6 235 1 451 1879 577 1880 474 1881 50 112 1,552 1882 278 387 43 22 934 1883 150 308 290 152 3,774 11 7 108 6 37 4,028 1884 136 17 445 160 1,033 99 3,517 421 1885 2,745 429 538 1886 16 29 608 1887 2,468 100 250 1.587 3,133 1889 63 31 3,315 71 14 19 5,758 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 9,412 825 1872 1873 1874 ... 1875 1876 1877 1878 961 1879 1880 8,533 1, 182 1881 1882 1883 1884 1 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Free of dnty after 1S72. b Includ'id in "All other manufactures of cotton" prior to 1884. 148 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM ITALY— Continued. DUTIABLE. EARTHEN, STONE, AND CHINA WARE. Feath- ers, natural, crude, dressed, colored, or nian- llfilCt- urod, etc. 6 FISH. Cured or preserved. China, porce- lain, parian and bisque, etc. All other. TEAR ENDING Ancho- vies and .sar dines, ])acked in oil, or otlior- wise. Herring. JUNE Pickled or salted. m- Not deco- rated or orna- menied. (a) Deco- rated or orna- iiK'iited. (a) Cod, haddock, halie, and pollock, dried. Smoked, or pickled. Dried or smoked. All other. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. 2,135 5,648 5,521 1,793 2, 123 2,885 5,754 1, 723 7,686 9,392 14, 460 10, 006 13, 685 1,804 2,224 764 1,604 987 2,246 4,663 Dolls. Dolls. Lbs. Dolls. Lbs. Dolls. Bblt. DolU. Dolls. 1,567 10 56 25 101 51 12 558 972 219 2,100 572 1,459 2,448 795 318 909 458 230 351 272 846 801 3,701 2,275 4,095 5, 366 5,303 4,744 7,007 715 176 1878 10 140 637 1"" 442 109 1881 4 18 883 1882 1,268 1883 1,447 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1,331 1,252 848 1,028 155 232 635 8,253 7,705 4,948 6,796 13, 679 5,309 7,873 3,665 2 29 2,708 870 61 1,826 45 42 26 53 401 455 283 488 2,394 2,100 400 439 73 27 16 4,915 256 1,806 2,364 2,132 102 3,716 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 1 1 1872 1 1 1873 1 1 1874 1 t 1875 1876 1877 1 1878 ■■| 1879 1880 319 1881 1862 36 1883 1884 1885 1886 1 362 6,400 185 60 1887 1888 571 1889 10 54 46 1890 . . a Included in "All other earthen, etc., ware," prior to 1884. 6 Included in " Fancy articles" prior to 1884. IMPOKTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 149 lairORTS FROM ITALY— Continued. DUTIAKLE. FLAX, HEMP, JUTE. AND OTHER VEGETABLE 8DBSTANCES, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Unraanufactured. Manufactures of. TEAR END- ING JUNE 30— Flax. Hemp. Jute. Sisal grass, and (itlier Tcijc table substances. (a) Bags and bag- ging- Bur- laps (ex- cept for bag- ging for cot- ton). 6 Cables and cordage. Tama or threads. All other. 1871 Tons. Dolls. Tons. 76 80 67 244 177 56 47 21 170 243 290 222 254 726 929 716 Dollars. 15, 043 18, 321 17, 641 50, 450 39, 059 13, 606 12, 517 5,734 33, 327 60, 296 57, 784 41, 890 44,286 123, 569 157, 838 129, 184 141, 196 214, 006 138, 532 269, 708 Tons. Dolls. Tons. Dolls. Dolls. DolU. 1 Lbs. > Dolls. 2, 022 2Sn Dollars. Dolls. 229 1872 3 5 7 12 11 3 5 2 2 1,635 2,437 2,923 5.323 5,161 1,3U 2, 530 434 565 11, 040 3, 205 121 785 320 1 619 1873 2 5 883 718 214 1874 24 207 1875 97 1876 791 1877 2,095 200 235 14 106 1878 170 1879 5,916 1880 369 1881 1,240 1,659 1882.... 6 2,170 1883 5 624 983 1884 2,861 225 16 1 9^?, 1885 117 ... 373 2,837 25 1,779 1886 4 22 1,108 28 1,008 1887 3, 694I 805 3,027 1 994 1888. . . . 1,299 935 1,896 82, 194 2, 224 1889 2 700 12 464 57 8 61,312 6,070 1890 101, 1"7 1 iR-'i EXPORTS OF FOREIGNT MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871.... 1 1...... 1872. . . . 1 1873 i 1874 1875 1 7,923 1 I'll' 1876 1877.... 1878 1879 1880 1881.... 1882 1883 1884.... 1885.... 1880 1887.... 1 150 1888 1889.... 1890 40 3, 855 oNot enumerated prior to 1884. b Included ir ' 4'1 other manufactures of flax, etc.," prior to 1884, 150 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. niPOKTS I'ROM ITALY— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR EXUIXG FRUITS, DfCLODINQ NUTS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPE(?IFIED. 80— Figs, a Lemons.o Oranges .o Plums and prunes. o Baisina.a Prp- servf d fruits.o 1871 ... . Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 . 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 137, 264 68, 186 161, 270 40, 637 69, 657 159, 567 94,574 7,963 4,001 8,065 2,120 2,623 6,362 3,030 2, 612, 805 2, 434, 977 2, 486, 236 3, 697, 943 3, 328, 955 3, 140, 531 3, 297, 678 1, 900, 924 1, 594, 822 1, 101, 095 1, 735, 306 1,499,898 1, 338, 123 1,294,089 176, 978 46, 677 580, 192 19, 441 109, 837 13,244 6,384 1,521 11, 679 1,187 2,644 763 1, 739, 987 254, 935 717, 235 113, 140 407, 446 187, 245 36, 841 90, 215 11, 157 40, 188 5,073 7,694 7,252 1,618 156, 309 217, 419 312, 207 377, 740 287, 927 167, 152 298, 801 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 . 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1 a Inoladed in "All other froitB " prior to ISSi. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 151 IMPORTS FKOM ITALY-Continued. DUTIAI'.LE. FRUITS, INCLUDING NUTS, NOT ELSE- WHERE SPECIFIED. Furs and maii- ufact- uros of fur. GLASS AND GLASSWARE. Hair, not elHO- wliere spcci- fiied, and manu- factures of. TEAK ENDING JUNE 30— All ot hor fruits. Nuts. Bottles, vials, deiiii. Johns, car- boys, and jars, eniiity or fiUed.6 Plate fi;l'iss, caKt, jiol- islii'd, sil- vered. All other. Hats Almonds. o All other. a bonnets, and hoods, and mate- rials for.c 1871 Dollars. 2 317 106 rounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dolls. 102 442 312 Dollars. Sq.ft. Dolls. Dollars. 1. 042 1,224 1,002 310 234 1,803 3,183 576 3,045 10, 632 8,566 10, 254 11, 331 10, 995 7,886 6, 093 5,203 12, 726 10, 732 9,747 Dollars. Dollars. 1872 2, 936, 90!) 2, 736, 073 20 12 10 59 8,930 1873 1,060 1874 847, 990 3, 688, 080 2, 692, 439 2, 524, 734 2, 759, 045 3,431,387 3, 766, 622 3, 768, 780 4, 733, 261 4, 725, 354 73, 870 2,288 606 514 933 3,854 12,428 1,600 1875 11 4,274 2,488 1,481 3 41 1,564 5,963 6,478 20, 528 10, 271 5,108 6,815 11, 530 18, 165 11, 065 8,755 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 60 35 148 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 726, 231 776, 989 772, 849 1, 021, 134 1, 280, 6C5 1, 058, 767 1, 334, 233 120, 631 97,716 100, 191 129, 005 155, 307 126,689 210, 911 226. 142 261. 143 232, 479 288, 958 278, 983 241, 938 341, 437 19 883 58 4 9,458 10, 056 7,485 8,666 9,361 9,274 11,507 3,558 12 1 22 89 12 10 3,309 17 10 116 145 59 55 1, 315, 872 1, 261, 299 1, 161, 387 970, 805 1, 084, 647 604, 060 875, 069 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 1872 200 187.1 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 277 1883 54 100 1884 1885 400 1886 403 1887 10, 456 1,050 15,453 1888 957 1889 1890 110 a Included in "All other fruits" prior to 1884. b Included in "All other glass, etc.," i)rior to 1884. e Not enumerated prior to 1834. 152 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FKOM ITALY— Continued. TEAR ENDING jd:se SO- DUTIABLE. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1873. 1879. 1880. 1881- 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. Hides. and .skins, otlier than fur skins.a Dollars. 15, 077 1,000 474 India rubber »nd ffutta- pc^rcha, niaini- fact- ures of. Dollars IKON AND STDEL, AND MANUFACTURES OP. Iron ore. 6 Tons. 57, 664 16, 213 20. 982 114,423 98,344 66, 812 117, 245 Dollars. Tons. 100 154, 857 40 125 44, 885 241, 025 211, 889 167, 876 304, 030 1,011 1,202 1 Dollars, 2,880 22.256 23, 304 18 Scrnp iron and stcol, tit only to be riMiianufact. ured. Tons. 244 1 Dollars. 17, 800 9,060 19 ilanufarturcsof. not else- where specilied. Cut- lery. Fire- arms. Dolls. Dollf. DoUars Machin- ery. 25 2,312 3,210 68. 808 90, 757 1 450 16 1,800 3 27 4 45 125 41 113 24 15 660 194 169 291 1,024 263 112 275 40 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALY-Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1 547 1881 1882 1883 1884 257 1885 1,428 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Free of duty after August 1, 1872. b Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 153 IMPORTS FROM ITALY -Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. JEWELRY. MAND- FAOTUHES OK GOLD A^•I) SILVER, AND PUECIOUS STONES. Jewelry, Precious and man-! stones, ufactnres not elso- of gold and sil- w lie re speiilied, etc. Dolls. 12, 342 7,913 6,250 1,137 866 1,157 22, 375 655 431 1,820 1,741 8,371 3,195 23, 128 30, 779 14, 619 11,921 10, 696 9,115 10, 962 Bolls. 226 899 923 1.004 1,836 30 453 423 1,263 771 112 34 477 1,394 969 948 977 2,171 327 95 Lead, and man- ufact- ures of. Dolls. LEATHER, AND MANU- FACTURES OF. Leather Gloves of kid. All or other other, leather. Dolls. 4, 17i 5,483 17 3,293 1,546 1,348 3,71 Manufact- ures of — 6,781 2, 217 106 2,205 5,427 2,043 273 3,797 1,664 3, 885' Dolls. 31,975 9,470 2, 358 178 875 2,432 1,333 11, 086 58 15, 711 36, 764 82, 602 68, 067 207, 784 208, 505 Malt liquors. MARBLE AND STONE, AND MANL'KACT- UKES OF. METAI,S, METAL COM- I'OSrnONS, AND MANUFACT- URES OF, ETC. Marhle, and manu- factures of. Dolls 3 826 658 122 44 103' 119! 64 30 187 665 252 675 523 770 Galls. 199,704 2,961 329,493 2,170 262, 533 209, 860 285, 870 235 146 512 40 Dolls. Dolls. Stone and nian- u fact- urea of, etc.o Dolls 483, 182 423, 818 538, 088 606, 214 506, 596 394, 624 398, 205 335, 306| 565, 456' 554, 210 490, 060 601, 893 550, 818 494, 323 495, 031 505, 067 440, 415 461, 179 512, 956 Bronze man- ufact- ures. 6 AU other Dolls. Dolls. 2,338 84; 126; 1, 201'' 380| 795 128' 14, 918 12, 909 5,949 5,429 8,517 1,989 5,224 10, 889 8,911 7,283 4,719 7,225 6.935 9,695 13, 770 16, 277 17, 706 3,283 4,248 2,725 8,747 4,810 2,835; 5,775 6, 169!. 7, 488 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 45 1872 1873 . . 300 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 . . 1879 1880 1881 1882 60 150 1883 1884 1885 1,200 1886 500 1887 1888 235 1,200 1889 1890 . .. 7 oincluded in "Marble, etc.," prior to 1884. & Included in "All other metals, etc.," prior to 18S4. 154 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM ITALY— Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. Mineral stib- stancea, not else- where speci- fied. o Dollars. 13, 835 8,037 5,357 8,696 7,274 7-, 635 9,347 Musical instru- ments Dollars. 2,045 93 848 2,760 520 1,070 282 168 180 423 249 929 749 2,398 4,418 4,202 5,075 3,538 2, 094 OILS, NOT BLSEWHEEE SPECIFIED. Animal or rendered. Whale and fish. Galls. 100 Dolls. 72 Mineral. Galls. Dolls. Vegetable. Fixed or expressed. Olive, salad. Gallons. 112, 879 79, 043 90, 767 53, 897 73, 278 99, 330 89, 472 77, 031 125, 146 158,512 146,010 193, 655 224, 081 300, 612 177, 947 238, 922 383, 632 376, 433 542, 145 448, 904 Other. Dollars. 'Gallons. 105, 315| 85, 034 87, 874; 59, 915 71, 694 97, 364 90, 542 102, 965 123, 210 159, 882 134, 489 179, 546 187, 457 243, 289| 176, 0301 202, 498' 283, 820 280, 778 343, 501 385, 910; 112 165 163 28 20 124 DoIU 219 1,007 171 30 25 212 Volatile or es- sential. 117 142 151 218 18 135, 84 5,621: 7,377 962 166 417 155 924 507 502 163 5,925 2,020 14,048 6,154 Pounds. 82, 481 71,205 56, 797 68, 570 36, 849 72, 626 66, 158 45,949 52, 937 104, 359 92, 903 71. 183 109, 831 220 233 350 15 26 Dollars. 198, 767 226, 557 198, 846 213,000 103, 217 165, 009 147, 201 89,864 92.744 205, 560 189, 355 150, 526 193, 739 339 184 732 16 35 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 345, 887 63, 707 1872 79, 038 12, 549 1873 1874 1875 1876 16 27 1877 99 1878 1879 1880 .. . 1881 2,110 4.553 1882 . 1883 422 924 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 18S4. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 155 IMPORTS FROM ITALY-Continned. DUTIABLE. Paints and colors. Paper, aii (B 1 YKAK ENDING JUNE 30— Leaf. Manufactures of. Cigara, cigarettes, and cheroots. All otlier manu- fact- ures of. "SI 1871 Lbs. Dolls. Lbs. Dolls. 16 1 23 Dolls. 13 DolU. Bushs. Dolls. Biishs. Dolls.Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. 1872 20 21 57 23 1,482 35 6 20 70 90 37 2,065 52 19 38 67 i 1873 5 17 1 1874 1 '"1 1875 1 1876 1 1877 1 1878 1 1879 55 20 1 1880 5 13 45 43, 361 4,978 84, 750 908 8,179 5,824 135, 785 8,319 107, 682 24 35 63, 354 8,102 122, 534 1,253 9,950 6,110 160, 849 9,968 112, 828 1881 1882 5 45 18 6 30 57 272 145 4 40 29 225 228 1883 1884 536 680 868 2,377 907 1,092 610 7,497 7.989 9,098 6,209 13, 368 16, 839 15,429 1, 983 3,453 2,407 2 198 1885 574 143 199 88 1886 1837 1888 4,517 10, 502 1889 11 134 1890 150 77 25, 077 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALT-Continued. 1871 394 278 59 41 120 929 . 619 165 179 505 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 143 88 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Included in " Fancy articles " prior to 1884. 6 Not eiiuuieratoil jjrior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 159 IMPORTS FROM ITALY— Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871 . 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. r890. DUTIABLE. Champagne, and other sparkling. a Dozen. \ Dollars. 186 262 148 220 100 281 373 1,884 1,314 941 1,247 526 1.909 1,813 Still wines. In casta. Gallons. 108, 246 114, 714 69, 445 66, 556 86, 467 64, 829 51,156 42, 366 96, 153 70, 427 76, 894 88, 707 108, 146 69, 665 86, 312 69, 742 77, 921 91, 612 132,223 121, 033 Dollars. 26, 868 28, 514 20, 601 23, 435 31, 658 25, 540 22, 070 19. 614 38, 930 36, 556 38, 930 46, 052 52, 326 34, 292 42, 893 36, 186 41,063 39, 496 46.213 52, 240 In bottles. Dozen. 4,584 6, .555 11,221 3,053 1,940 4,953 5,446 6,447 11, 620 12, 622 19, 107 23, 310 21, 932 25, 948 26, 917 26, 477 32, 275 40, 561 34, 872 43, 146 Dollars. 12, 139 16, 491 30,616 7,375 6,815 17, 309 18, 781 20, 433 35, 387 38, 794 59, 184 68, 670 69, 453 77, 963 79, 103 75, 273 88, 680 106, 570 88, 615 117, 425 WOOD, NOT ELSEWHERK SPEC- IFIED, AND MANUFACT- UHES OF. Lumber. Dollars. 24 496 219 2.444 3,032 7,667 9,160 6,256 7,076 1,853 1,461 2,177 3,492 Mannfactures of. Cabinet- ware and house- funiiture. (b) Dollars. AU other. 22, 420 15, 431 23, 008 15, 623 20, 847 19, 859 22, 509 Dollars. 22,984 28, 477 20, 375 22, 340 35, 216 34,606 16, 785 9,522 12, 878 22, 495 43, 280 59, 186 52, 580 21, 497 12, 839 11, 070 11, 243 15, 175 18, 335 17, 849 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 58 38 25 133 100 96 450 1872 1873 ... 288 81 1874 1875 1876 1877 8 3 1878 1879 50 158 1880 1881 956 1,731 536 255 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 445 1887 30 21 85 210 2,608 181 1,550 310 23 423 115 2,098 1888 1889 1890 108 60 2,979 898 a Included in "Still wines " prior to 1884. h Included in " All other manufactures of wood " prior to 1884. 160 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMrOKTS FKOM ITALY— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDING JUNE WOOLS, HAIE OF THE CAMEL, GOAT, ALPACA, AND OTHEB LIKE ANIMALS. AND MANUPACT- UKES OF. Unmanufactured. Manufactures of. 30— Carpets and carpeting. Clotliine, readyniaae, and other wearing ap- parel, etc. a Cloths. Dress goods, women's and chil- dren's. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 Pounds. 36, 012 84, 276 535, 482 46, 691 75 47 50 Dollars. 5, 952 12, 608 110, 388 5,837 14 9 5 Sq. yds. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. 30 Sg. yds. Dollars. 150 194 41 75 360 18 746 91 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 94,337 83, 759 69, 548 33, 629 164, 142 12, 421 8, 872 3,173 78, 234 22, 652 1,959 16, 663 12, 392 10, 700 4,019 15, 239 991 1,027 312 6,531 2,478 227 110 216 10 17 81 1,190 674 2,706 2,562 80 206 115 435 968 262 40 52 20 233 689 1,647 519 78 251 29 210 123 715 117 711 384 119 649 2,394 1,804 28 128 4 11 29 73 8 4 92 ^ EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1 1875 I 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1 1882 1883 1884 100 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Included in " All other manufactures of wool " prioi to 1884. IMPORTS A.ND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 161 IMPORTS FKOM IT A LY— Continued. DUTIABLE. RECAPITULATION. TEAR ENDINU WOOLS, HAIR OF THE CAMEL, ETC. ZINC OK SPELTER, AXD MANUFACTURES OF. All other dutiable articles. TOTAL DUTIABLE. TOTAL FREE OF DUTY. TOTAL JUNE 30— Manufactures of. In blocks or pigs, anil old. Manu- fact- uros of VALUE OF MERCHAN- Knit fabrics. All other. DISE. 1871 Dollars. Dollars. 566 3,654 125 143 74 60 283 283 514 244 1,326 1,640 1,242 623 1,399 182 783 1,815 2,347 1,799 • Lht. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1, 312, 798 359, 219 329, 570 256, 594 256, 277 182, 283 213, 429 195, 072 362, 232 697, 710 1, 105, 025 885, 904 836, 288 62, 906 51, 606 31, 632 39, 889 46, 923 51, 103 63, 863 Dollars. 5, 322, 615 5, 081, 914 4, 839, 325 2, 861, 885 5, 859, 492 4,762,276 4, 694, 150 4, 421, 746 5, 158, 388 6, 668, 596 7, 078, 146 7, 858, 438 7,858,256 9, 627, 072 8, 379, 443 7, 937, 093 10, 146, 669 9, 833, 230 8, 498, 079 10, 088, 728 Dollars. 2, 120, 897 2, 510, 277 3, 135, 157 5, 637, 409 3, 330, 690 2, 866, 086 2, 411, 080 2, 289, 260 2, 725, 939 3, 649, 090 4, 565, 841 4, 255, 783 4, 051, 402 7, 079, 285 6, 113, 465 8, 933, 543 9, 241, 139 8, 568, 358 9,494,070 10,241/323 Dollars. 7, 443, 512 7, 592, 191 1872 — 1873 7, 974, 482 1874 39 8, 499, 294 1875 9, 190, 182 1876 7, 628, 362 1877 11 7, 105, 230 1878 6, 711, 006 1879 . 7, 884, 327 1880 10, 317, 686 18S1 11, 643, 987 1882 12,114,221 1883 11, 909, 658 1SS4 21 2 17 399 6 10 3 16, 706, 357 18S5 14, 492, 908 1886 16, 870, 636 1887 19, 387, 808 1888 18,401,588 1889 17, 992, 149 1890 20, 330, 051 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO ITALY— Continued. 1871 66, 089 13, 468 4,746 179 1,515 1,605 1,253 1,031 830 3,048 29, 828 7,842 2,128 5,786 4,890 5,942 19, 904 8,857 1,897 7,618 2,687 68, 776 1872 13, 468 1873 1,404 49, 806 3,840 54, 552 1874 4,019 1875 1,515 1876 48 694 15, 400 8,919 3,350 17, 005 1877 10, 172 1878 4,381 1879 830 1880 1,355 1,630 87, 195 196, 882 501, 841 279, 385 318, 636 95, 219 16, 815 59, 023 86, 229 4,403 1881 21,327 7.008 1,050 1,200 31, 458 1882 95, 037 1883 199, 010 1884 507, 627 1885 284, 275 1886 324, 578 1887 115, 123 1888 457 25, 672 1889 60, 920 1890 93,847 H. ]\fis. 117 11 162 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS. FREE OF DUTT. ANIMALS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED, a Articles, the growth, produce, and manu- facture of the United States, returned. Art works, the pro- duction of Amer- ican artists. Asphaltum or bitumen, crude, a Books, TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Cattle. Horses. All other, includ- ing fowls. gravings, etchings, and other printed matter not elsewhere specified. 1871 No. Dollars. No. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 1872 66, 526 154, 812 182, 913 123, 303 78, 096 121, 996 138, 462 191, 001 359, 618 306, 546 367, 872 402, 870 432, 038 353, 734 619, 689 640, 251 522, 166 237, 579 2,824 1873 21 989 1874 9,284 1875 436 1876 1,664 1877 2,156 1878 250 1,015 601 1879 493 1880 635 1881 1 531 393 763 340 1,456 2,527 4,192 6,787 1,013 23, 069 630 1882 1,318 1883 . .. 1,454 1884 2,527 1,663 464 93 1 196, 325 133, 194 37, 473 7,306 683 110, 167 1,462 436 1885 6 405 533 1886 1887 2 1,500 66, 371 854 892 1,229 1888 20 88, 391 130, 772 480, 186 1,111 1,595 5,520 3,400 1889 4,102 1890 1 201 2,522 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 .. . 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 140, 000 708 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 163 IMPOETS FROM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. FREE OP DUTY. TEAR END- I\G JUNE 30— CHEMICALS, DKUOS, AND DVES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Alizarin, Barks: Cin- chona, or other, from which quiuineniay be extracted. Dyewoods. Gums. tiflciiil, includ- ing extract of madder. a Argal, or argol, or crude tartar. Logwood. Arabic. 6 All other. 1871 Lbs. Dolls. Lbs. Dollars. Lbs. Dollars. Tons. DolU. Lbs. Dolls. Pounds. 4,200 10, 000 10, 381 Dollars. 965 1872 1 702 1873 12, 800 2,528 1 110 1874. . . . 1875 19, 005 10, 100 3,950" 300 18 593,617 399, 029 161, 273 291, 898 452, 848 825, 360 411,501 393, 403 209, 245 367, 037 762, 981 736, 606 346, 573 175, 936 287, 484 272, 614 42 379 1876 2.319 22, 739 7 935 1877 4,490 1 549 235,199 , 36,349 1878 15 075 1879 200,931 28,723 145,538 23,822 21 566 25, 835 68 078 1880 . . 1881... 17, 250 i 3. 136 9,390 4.559 66, 069 22, 466 24 779 1882 4,100 885 1883 6, 200 222 1884 23, 186 1885 39, 507 55, 635 37,736 35, 594 21, 870 262, 003 14, 078 5,908 6,395 7, 782 4,700 48, 951 44 354 1886 50, 457 4,410 12, 192 8,677 760 655 53 323 1887.... 14, 010 2,271 21, 333 1888 17, 178 1889 26, 632 21, 067 1890 17, 388 1,727 6,864 3,096 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871 112 60 2,136 1,208 1872 1873 1874 61 800 1875 1876 100 4,000 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 9,179 1,669 1882.... 1883 1884 7,250 3,575 1885 1886 1887 58, 876 5,360 1888 1889 1890 o Included in "All other chemicals, etc.," prior to 1884. b Included in "All other gums " prior to 1S8^ 164 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. YEAR CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND DYES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Cocoa, or ca- cao,crude, aiid leaves and shells of. ENDING JUNE 30— Indigo. Mineral waters, all not artificial. a Quinia, sulphate of, and all alka- loids or salts of cinchona bark. 6 All other. Coflfee.c 1871 Pounds. Dolls. Gallons. Dollars. Ounces. Dollars. Dollars. 75, 214 101, 342 238, 788 209, 680 338. 168 Founds. Dolls. Pounds. Dollars, 1872 1873 1, 606, 988 1, 082, 664 340, 676 223, 010 357, 406 156, 034 1, 688, 158 3, 083, 840 55, 791 157, 643 1, 332, 589 8, 619, 332 3,555,908 8,567,274 5, 187, 837 5,936,460 4,103,206 6, 084, 964 260, 297 260, 209 79,465 46, 773 72, 781 1874 1 1875 1 1876 425, 929 377, 392 479, 915 713, 747 886, 157 496, 580 514,820 410, 811 79, 872 72, 186 1877 .-. 1878 1 32,712 321, 347 1879 1880 4,543 4, 262 550,366 11,263 1881 72, 548 7,695 1882 1,906 4,518 1,730 4,097 24,122 1883 173,248 1,028,793 421 857 1884 19, 909 11, 680 43, 521 51,782 141,051 161, 291 234, 056 4,867 2,267 13, 016 10, 414 30, 717 44, 165 5,450 10, 000 3,051 10, 050 1885 3,517 11, 847 7,558 1,638 5,089 18, 139 10, 092 1,254 1886 79, 391 63, 814 102,422 89, 059 128, 577 770 162 937, 305 1887 715, 698 945,645 1888 200 23, 204 191, 970 33 5,182 25, 361 1889 73, 500 26, 480 663, 453 1,236,979 1890 2,716 3,079 66, 985 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871 1 1872 300 500 1873 235,842 39,647 1874 1875 1876 692 1877 487, 169 97,433 1878 1879 194, 382 59, 376 1, 040, 586 687, 356 250, 829 23,304 11,100 1880 1 1881 ' --- 697 250 156,844 96,036 29, 322 1882 n IS."; 1,215 1,383 1883 29,630 4 617 1884 1,500 13,470 4,671 1 183 1885 34, 200 683, 271 1,476,370 3,426 1886 73,727 204, 862 1887 1888 563 1,982 689 6, 311 36, 480 740 5,550 1889 250, 043 37, 689 37,657 5,000 1890 o Included in "All other chemicals, etc.," prior to 1884. b Dutiable prior to 1880; included in "All other chemicals, etc.," prior to 1884, e Dutiable prior to 1873. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE 165 IMPORTS FEOM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. YEAR END- ING JUNE 30— FREE or DUTY. Cork wood or cork bark, un- manu- fact- ured. Diamonds and other precious atones, rough and un- cut, including glaziers' and en- gravers' diamonds, etc.o ■2 § s y« S S 2 ' Q p. O ID w HIDES AND SKINS, OTHER THAN FUE SKINS. Goat skins. (6) All other. Household and person- al efi'ects, etc., of persons ar- riving Irom foreign countries, and of citi- zens of the United States dy- ing abroad. India rubber and gutta- percha, crude. Dollt. Dollari. Boll*. Dolls. 1871... 1872... 1873. . . 1874. . . 1875. . . 1876... 1877... 1878... 1879... 1880... 1881... 1882... 1S83... 1884... 18S5.. . 1886... 18S7... 1S88... 1889... 1890... 176 Dolls. 1,689 Dolli. 29, 131 16, 186 Dolls. Dolls. 3,516 1,070 2,295 2,118 1 5G4 1,373 8,5C1 47, 672 15, 252 26, 526 37, 190 7,553 27, 543 571 23 598 1,607 23 16 1 1,266 714 3 317 3,827 6,989 43,159 40, 365 589 735 3,980 4,318 3,522 7,986 504 4,102 1,810 8,120 9.059 9,859 350 2,956 314 1,391 8,106 15, 273 6,390 153 126, 857 54, 905 50, 934 177, 963 268, 251 493, 448 243, 548 75, 902 48, 620 76, 277 33, 030 28, 015 62, 958 6,931 Dollars. 5.209 2,972 1,932 1,415 767 3,366 815 1,514 5,426 4,106 6,978 7,190 12, 163 8,266 4,781 5,821 7,909 11, 691 15, 530 47, 817 Pounds. 2,176 55 28, 000 21, 505 64, 595 80, 647 55,427 281, 047 340, 435 188, 574 596, 657 162, 038 283, 738 482, 730 389, 390 409, 853 DoUs. 34 10, 075 8,677 30,345 58, 799 28, 559 172, 213 228, 252 93. 937 256, 390 72,199 126, 758 229, 078 142, 037 166, 057 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 250 1,030 2,500 1876 1877 1878 700 1879 140 1880 1881 1882 1883 . . 725 1884 1885 5,500 1886 1887 116 4.50 2,800 325 4,016 3.212 1888 1889 50 295 2,021 6,540 808 1890 134 2,600 I Not enumerated prior to 1884. b Included in "All other hides," etc., prior to 1884. 166 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS— Oontinned. FREE OF DUTY. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878- 1879. 1880. 1881- 1882. 1883- 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. OILS, NOT ET^EWHERK SPECIFIED. Fixed or ex- pressed. LhB. 304 480 1,320 304 264 17, 306 16,289 5,914 1.233 8,697 13, 174 DolU. Volatile or essential. Lbs. 24' 6, 648 '30,449 6723, 609 Il4,357 I 4,040 130,168 196 98, 185 53' 281 33' 138 ! 1,762 13,478 2,007 1,993 1,293 BolU. 2,111 8,446 7,839 4,413 1,144 8,500 27, 653 365 257 1,260 6,971 PAPER STOCK, CECDE. Rags, other than woolen. All other, Pounds. DolU. 215 729 1,216 48 4,914 22 3,487 1, 620, 270 1, 362. 223 912, 842 1, 479, 991 416, 959 708, 839 546, 318 41, 068 795, 830 411, 469 1, 334. 375 5, 494, 631 6, 813, 369 4,515,818 1, 815, 913 5, 831, 388 7, 456, 155, 7, 086, 4961 4,902,81o| 61,884 71, 118 45, 888 89, 966 22,324 29, 663 11, 690 1,148 30, 288 10, 120 38, 407 163, 389 Dolls. 990 50, 810 7,624 10, 084 9,699 12, 473 5,130 DoUs. 527 6,328 12, 894 157, 409 27, 339 103, 59118, 827 44, 90l'l6, 258J 93, 558 '33, 492 117, 12l[40, 539! 115, 695 40, 966 79, 067 19, 477 Silks, nn niann- factiired raw. or as reeled from the cocoon. LhsVDols. 339 2, 136 SPICES, UNGROUND.O Nutmegs. Lhs. 143, 061 63, 116 210, 635 366, 810 404, 310 168, 985 304, 965 Dolls i. 133 26, 700 83, 412 157, 433 194, 860 59,845 161, 891 All other. Lhs. Dolls. 193, 597 73, 424 31, 038 164, 311 38, 303 55, 129 411, 502 25, 146 20, 295 7,292 29, 460 16,888 15,444 67, 860 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871- 1872. 1873- 2, 887, 048 2, 15S, 560 279. 088 220, 1*73 133. 296 23, 548 1874- 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 600, 384 3, 289, 152 2, 162, 016 2, 526, 064 573, 368 45, 757 237, 019 135, 422 150, 267 38, 703 1879. 1880. 1881 1882. 4, 730 1883. 1884. 1885- 1886. 10,500 1,100 13. 000 ^ 689 17, 873 6,845 1887. 1888. 3,300 14, 424 21, 767 2,145 6,055 1889. 1,310 3,847 610 2,226 1890. 1,561 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 167 IMPOKTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. TEAR. EN 1)1 KG JUNE 30— FREE OF DUTY. DUTIABLE. fTea.o Lbs. 187' 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881 . 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886 . 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1,598 2,095 150 11, 623 L695 14, 793 20 20 20 8,928 6,423 37, 461 49, 822 35, 446 Dolls. 671 •864 60 3, 739 298' 1, 838 12j 12 6 1,851 1, 1991 6, 002 8, 428| 8. 119 Tin, in bars. block.s, pigs, or grain or granulated, a Wood, unman- ufact- ured, not el.se- ■where speci- fied. All other free ar- ticles. TOTAI. FREE OF DUTY. Ani- mals, not else- where .speci- fied, in- clud- ing live poul- try. Pounds. \ Dollars. 92, 114 16, 759 2, 020! 342 35, 392 222, 080 150, 416 210, 672 64, 506 1, 000, 160 3, 581, 648 92, 624 123, 312 706, 048 1, 255, 708 1, 027, 839 2, 428, 956 949, 371 1, 410, 540 1, 007, 288 907, 467 7,482 28, 015 27, 487 32, 679 9,533 138, 552 687, 069 18, 612 26, 719 155,244 250,277 185, 510 467, 465 214, 463 359, 394 218, 762 192, 199 Dollars. 5,064 12, 553 3,934 14, 009 1, 6,317 1,949 673 2,470 6,193 833 2,351 28 87 648 1, 188; 1,2801 115j 3, 222 Dollars. 43, 934 14, 856 18, 228 7,445 13, 756 17, 602 23, 136 55, 079 36, 206 75, 940 174. 846 199, 221 256, 122 30, 106 30, 372 30, 618 42,476 66, 740 55, 464 73, 560 Dollars. Dolls 163, 342 279, 669 If 834,812 802, 652 780, 202 731, 239 923, 570 895, 755 1, 617, 025 2, 942, 567 1, 445, 334 1, 982, 632 2, 177, 545 2, 580, 533; 1, 860, 360 2, 681, 299 2, 307, 587 2, 820. 823 1, 904, 191 2, 457, 523 Art works, not else- wh«*re specified I'riint- ing.s, in oil or water colors, and statuary. Dollars. 290 2,889 9,484 3,329 3,100 2,233 590| 2,113 3,671 4,207 4,467 9,845 16, 014 915 5,134 2,679 1,551 3,670 6,826 8,734 Books, maps, en- graving.s, etchings, photo- graphs, and other printed matter, not else- where specified Brass, and man- ufact- ures of. Dollars. Dolls. 3,375 1,818 6, 170 55 6, 537 552 12,252, 1,470 17, 446, 499 17, 765 211 12,138: 1,047 7, 875 28 11, 448 98 13,917 1,035 22,83314,684 13,857; 6,134 3, 656, 885 7,341j 1,337 5, 023 768 9, 2371 1,128 5, 46lj 584 9, 995I 260 12, 079 163 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871 750 200 3,650 120 104, 194 91,573 8,000 107, 080 93, 281 264, 670 143, 496 26,048 10, 592 98, 194 46, 447 260, 463 221, 325 315,844 214, 443 61, 120 6,471 24,213 n« R28 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 5,900 761 1877 1878 1879 1880 415,576 3,582 279, 552 74,527 652 61, 500 276 5, 715 6,809 5,200 60 86 6,088 1,618 * 1881 1882 49 1883 1884 1,310 1,817 1885 1886 .____ 1887 1 50 214, 783 7,385 11 28.^ 755 1888 1 1889 243 3,092 55 755 1890 15, 922 . a Dutiable prior to 1873. 168 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEARS ENDINO JUNE 30— BREADSTUFFS. Buttons and button forms. CHEMICALS. DRUGS, DYES, AND MEDI- CINES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Rye. Wheat. All other bread- stuffs, etc. Glycerin, a Logwood and other dye- woods, ex- tracts and de- coctions ot.a All other. 1871 Bush. Dollars. Bush. Dollars. Dollars. 2,069 1, 623 685 20 42,641 901 in 4sr Dollars. Pounds. 50 Dollars. Pounds.\Dolls. Dollars. 283, 091 5,776 392, 969 1873 1874 22 84 73, 408 3, 045 79, 964 1875 1876 268 1,199 166, 430 327 4,350 7.979 155,345 1877 1878 210 959 303 611 I 483 65, 706 2^.1 1.162 - 95,314 1879 1880 74 317 2421 895 64 452i « fiOfi \ 147, 268 666 2, 616 594 1,032 2,229 28,897 840 9. 85>fi 688 11, 562 17,042 14, 822 764 1 294, 491 1881 306, 549 1882 352, 641 1883 1,380 4,491 347 477, 757 1884 100,184 10, 703 10, 955 412 _ 1 17, 950 1885 92 250 9 44 1,551 8,353 139 29 1 1 16,972 1886 43, 453 2, 541 1,140,597 113,550 1,039,677 101,942 8,940 1887 13, 035 742 34, 116 1888 3 2 3 2 9,847 1889 578, 092^ 53, 786 156. 500 13. 579 33, 093 1890 10, 199 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871 3,107 3,895 1872 1873 1874 1375 32, 492 24, 401 30, 610 22, 043 17, 399 23, 259 888 296 416 4,106 1876 8,000 7,440 15, 956 1877 3,499 83, 715 123, 051 125, 203 222, 731 344, 726 354, 756 258, 260 55, 826 16, 995 8,600 2,799 52, 560 71,428 90, 676 191, 577 316, 370 248, 978 183, 964 39, 672 10, 197 5,160 3,982 1878 4,000 13,444 1,952 4,600 11,842 1,500 3.050 1870 8,000 1880 1881 1882 15, 992 21, 719 246 1883 2,075 1884 4.404 1885 14, 533 1886 862 1887 1888 1,718 1889 1890 8,267 4,960 1,014 4 Included in "All other chemicals, etc.,'' prior to 188A. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 169 IMPORTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR END- ING CLOCKS AND WATCHES, AND PABT8 OF. Coal, bitu- minous. Cocoa, or coc-ao, crude and leave.sand sheila of.6 Coffee.6 Copper, and manu- fac- tures of. COTTON, MANUFACT- URES OF. JUNE 30— 11 «3 Cloth. Cloth- ing, ready- made, etc.c 1871 Dollars. Dollars. 14, 580 Tons. Dolls. Lbs. Dolls. Pounds. 220, 030 843, 243 Dollars. 30, 664 154, 180 Dollars. 7,434 1,124 7,507 111 41 131 Sq. yds. 1,551 DoUs. 263 Dollars. 1872 299 1,340 1873 135 1874 6,739 25, 515 3,998 1,077 3,460 522 1875 1876 83 246 1,275 1877 1878 40 13 117 24 132 20 209 82 654 6,050 5,411 634 757 1879 29 327 7 9 143 1880 1881 13, 212 3,453 2,129 1,542 592 363 1882 1883.... 60 1,354 500 8 35 206 4,529 1,005 19 53 1884 7,061 2,718 1,453 4,901 2,287 2,438 2,871 3,053 60 953 67 74 25 262 1885.... 348 674 78 96 51 14 1886.... 1887. . . . 132 731 372 1888. . . . 15, 917 14 2,834 2 13 1889. . . . 8 1890 30 60 53 EXPORTS OE FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS-Continued. 1871 9,572 915 349 49 1872 1873.... 75, 606 1874.... 1875.... 1876 6,599 1.172 1877.... 1878. . . . 1879 1880 1881.... 20, 207 1882.... 3,361 363 1883.... 382 1884. . . . 1885.... 1,784 1886.... 1887.... 1888 1 1889 1890.... a Not enumerated prior to 1884. ^ Free of duty after 1872. • Included in "All other manufactures of cotton" prior to 1884. 170 COMMERCE WITH EUKOPE. nrPORTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. DUTIABLE. COTTON, MANUPACTUEES OP. EARTHEN, STONE AND CHINA WAEB. Feath- ers, natural, etc., or man- ufact- ured, and feathers and flowers, artifi- cial.c FISH. TEAR Knit goods: Stockings, etc., made on knitting machines or frames, or by hand. Laces, edg- ings, etc., and other simi- lar tam- boured ar- ticles.a All other. China, porce- lain, parian and bi.f que, earthen tjtono,and crock- ery ware. 6 All other. Cured or preserved. ENDING JUNE 30— Ancho- vies and .sar- dines, packed in oil, or other- wise. Co fact- urea of. 505 29 18, 155 184, 924 303, 355 575, 020 1,426 17 1,361 47, 952 2,394 Dolls. 22, 858 28, 460 39, 468 10, 452 5,215 7,621 2,451 1,927 8,683 38, 834 62, 737 58, 058 86, 036 2,678 1,624 645 1,002 9,412 3,076 2,495 Dolls. EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871 1872 . . 1873 . . 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 . . 1883 . 1884 2,834 1.750 855 871 1885 1886 1887 1888 90 1889 . . . 1890 . 4 a Included in "AU other glass, etc.," prior to 1884. 174 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. niPORTS FEOM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. DUTIABLE. Hats, YEAR IJon- END- nets, rS'G ,and JUNE hoods 30— and ma- te- rials for. o 1871... 1872... 1873... 1874. . . 1875... 1876... 1877... 1878. . . 1879. . . 1880... 1881 . . . 1882... 1883... 1884... 1885... 1886... 1887... ]888... 1889... 1890... DolU. Hides and skins, other than fur skins. 6 Dollars. 72,918 56, 652 48 18 10 76' 8, 088 1, 797 Hops, a Lbs. DolU 52, 937 24, 765 28, 973 50, 787 231,634 92, 490 4,728 4,345 9,907 8,403 54,844 14, 458 1,588 331 India rub- ber and gutta per- cha, man- ufact- ures of. IHON AND STEEL, AND MANUFACTCEES OF. Iron ore. a Pig iron. DolU. Tans, 1,762| l,608j 1,.'?24! I 36 640 3,606 5 262 2,404 5 73 160 4 166 572 2,221 Dolls. Ton*. I 879 2, 499 5,519 3,823 2,882 5,229 5,110 5,129 7,437 3,485 13, 207 6,012 4,889 1, 391 3, 639 5,250 2,552 345 4,805 Dolls. 24, 843 85, 234 333, 505 215, 180 116, 458 143,441 115, 285 106, 035 166, 650 79, 404 343, 782 156, 039 97,121 22, 306 38, 407 88, 415 39, 626| 5,251 Scrap iron and stft^l. fit only to be reman ufact- ured. Bar iron, rolled or hammered. Tons. 4,108 5, 256 3,211 550 778 33, 046 6,551 15, 881 3,300 2,484 1 6,006 DoUars. 92, 686 139, 652 116, 535 14, 742 18, 844 719, 673 194, 512 Pounds.] Dolls. 36, 000, 4, 681 221.499 5,684 755, 274,19, 051 100,157J 2,847 232,050 6,111 466,27611,033 33, 523 820 111, 650 21,249 315,608 265,009 53,038] 29,810 3 97,957 21,287 309,668, 10,849 160,273. 1, 183J 18,719', 4,729 83,897|. 633 21 1,832 588 4,325 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874. . . . 1875 1876.... 1877.... 1878. . . . 1879 1880.... 1881.... 1882.... 1883 1884.... 1885.... 1886. . . . 1887.... 1888.... 397 13,213 1,980 1889.... 1890.... • Not eunmerated prior to 1884. b Free of duty after 1872. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 175 IMPORTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871, 1872. 1873, 1874 1875, 1876 1877, 1878 1879 1880, 1881, 1882. 1883, 1884 1885, 1886, 1887. 1888 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. IBON AND STEEL, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Bars, railway, of iron or steel, or in part of steel. Wire rods, of iron or steel. a Tons.\DoUarg. Pounds. 4711 25,052, 2,930 165,0701 855 53,198 15 954 17 sol 1, 464 9i 435 6, 690' 201, 375 4,957 190,441 14, 381 433, 829 12, 810 17, 105, 996 18, 485, 320 10, 796, 878 30,020,775 314,193 2, 149, 518 27, 292 Dollars 266, 713 271, 389 124, 237 Manufactures of, not else- where specified. Cut- lery. Dolls. 4,211 91 33 10 37 100 3,873 2,863 631 6,319 19 21 32 107 264 131 1,379 Fire- arms. Ma- chin- ery. Dollars} Dolls. 26 76 952 120 L872 234 2,103 20 20 21 10 35 574 3.656 958 1,073 275 172 1,650 320 1,547: 3,640 19,361 1,596 11, 066 9,707 18, 471 9,033 10, 452 9,289 19, 425 789 253 1,399 1,082 2,583 1,036 158 All other. JEWELRY, ETO. Jewel- ry, and manu- fact- ures of gold and sil- ver. Dollars. 35, 625 20, 618, 17, 806 16, 063 11, 275 19, 945 25, 955 23, 264 16, 047 238, 529 254, 145 912, 344 2, 315, 822 16, 501 21,648 4,878 19, 341 6,245 2,198 484 Dollars. 2,691 161 1,139 334 159 174 305 185 957 1,679 2,503 4,163 634 1,364 3,186 7,436 6,776 6,328 26, 735 Precious stones, not else- where specified, and imi- tations of, not set. Dollars. 2,873 Lead, and manu- fact- ures of. 6,856 3,310 94 1,810 1,773 17,248 4,548 42, 207 260, 196 209, 067 186, 647 177, 534 892, 969 1, 696, 868 2, 024, 073 2,801,959 3, 513, 631 Dollars. 213, 642 200, 031 176, 330 118, 260 37,849 31, 051 2 45 18, 352 108 16, 331 116 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS-Conlinned. 1871 1872 1873 200 1,322 820 3, 242 3,005 1874 1875 1876 1877 1,046 1878 1879 1880 1881 103 1882 1883 1,000 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 5.000 1889 121 1890 ... o Included in "All other manufactures of iron, etc.," prior to 1884. 176 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS-Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— ]871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 188C. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. LEATHER, AND MANTFACT UBES OF. Manufact- ures of. Dollars. 34, 393 4,789 8,410 292 9,670 1,022 8,907 9,735 46, 108 15, 290 32, 364 13,724 1,125 163 458 1,365 97 Dollt. 99 23 11 28 274 5 801 66 Dollars. 4,933 14 1,171 932 1,979 430 11 2,593 4,311 1,118 6,186 52 80 40 1,176 109 20 649 Malt liqaors. Galls. 19 3,730 869 913 268 10 29 37 6,419 455 60 6 669 39 145 255 MABBLB AND STONE. AND MAN' CFACTUEES OP. So Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 8 3,050 935 357 215 6 13 48 2,440 136 13 3 121 12 55 162 038 586 644 639 158 573 152 456 290 487 910 130 268 270 98 7 30 51 Dollars. Dollars. 589 339 17 503 METALS. METAL COMPOSITIONS, ETC., NOT ELSE- WHERE SPCIFLED. Eg 10, 737 1,112 145 205 2,199 14 2,315 -7!^ Dollars. DoUars, 844 60 1,106 887 3,551 956 664 594 226 2,257 1,273 2,538 1,466 6,759 12,444 9,463 628 2,706 622 959 2,319 502 212 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS-Continued. 1871 1 1872 1 1873 . - . - 1 1874 1875 60 1876 1877 1878 1870 1880 1881 138 1882 380 1883 1884 701 1885 1886 . . 1887 1888 1889 82 1890 a Included in "Marble, etc.," prior to 1884. b Included in "All other metala, etc.," prior to 1884. « Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 177 IMPORTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. DUTIABLE. YEAR END- ING JUNE OILS, NOT ELSEWHERE 8PKCIF:KD. Paints and colors. Paper, and nianu fact- ures of. Animal or rendered. Mineral. Vegetable. Per- fum- eries, 30— Whale and fish. Eixed or expressed. Volatile or essential. met- iC8, etc. Olive, salad. Other. 1871 GaU*. 320 350 DolU. 191 229 OalU. DoUt. Galls. 27 Dolls. 57 Galls. 1,385 597 25 456 60 923 74 36 670 5 4,724 1,855 5,427 5,480 4,550 1,526 2,180 35, 571 28, 792 82, 986 Dolls. 785 462 18 Lbs. 523 235 712 Dolls 326 221 344 295 545 31 145 122 DolU. 45,966 27, 009 80, 369 59, 806 80, 856 97. 557 64,433 87,340 119, 761 157, 765 130, 667 190, 552 187,511 116 33 334 347 DoUfi. 5 354 Dolls. 7 OOll 1872 3 942 8 179 1873.... 301 418 4,931 9,020 7, 830 12, 526 2 766 4,730 1874 450 680 4,043 4,767 7,550 13, 276 7,640 20, 903 6, 729 412 524 4,102 5,377 6,481 9,026 6,688 12, 817 4,721 286 5!fin 1875 37 49 79 509 99 59 583 37 2,477 1,066 3,506 2,695 2,131 656 821 42, 645 47, 634 96, 177 537 30 88 73 1876 6 691 8 123 1877 2, 234 10, 929 1,680 9,227 5.160 7,011 14 128 11 951 1878 12 603 1,882 2,780 483 12 10 60 22 1,486 1,441 2,072 352 17 12 94 1879 1880 1881 185 361 ll,08o'lO,463 15,031 6,707 10,662 7,162 1,730 293 41 1882 1883 3 14 1884 2 5 1885 ... 1886 39 25 34 35 1,480 18 20 13 673 1 314 1887.... 1888 1,435 291 1,475 1,509 4 1 3, 325 931 1889 ... 15 471 2,396 690 1 964' ^ 9t;4 693 1890 1,605 5,985 3 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS -Continued. 1871 .... 4,300 1,996 956, 521 165, 909 1872 84,854 14, 267 1873 .... 1874 .... 1875.... 1876 .... 872 448 1877.... 1878 .... 49 723 1879 .... 1880 .... 1881 .... 15 144 1882.... 307 1883 .... 1,425 1,849 1884.... 1,141 960 175 233 1885 .... 1886.... 1887.... 1888.... 1, 080 400 182 1889 314 1890.... H. Mis. 117 12 178 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE NE THERLANDS— Continned. DUTIABLE. TEAR Pipes, and smok- ers' articles (a) PROVISIONS, COlIPl^ISTNa MEAT AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. Rice, not else-whcre specified. ENDING JUNE 30- Meat products. Dairy products. Salt. Meat, and meatex- tracts. AU other.b Cheese, b Milk and butter. (b) 1871 Dollars. Dollars. 11,742 6,918 35, 832 32. 521 36, 795 48, 857 40, 145 52, 526 44,189 34,829 69, 525 85 820 105,110 4,057 4,014 14 Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. 1872 436 20, 670 26 659 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 . . - 1881 258 134, 400 2, 872, 800 5, 039, 009 10, 738, 829 3, 882, 034 2, 406, 886 7, 405, 344 8, 076, 947 3, 029, 874 23 3.914 82, 237 137, 560 271, 701 83, 483 39, 032 188, 904 233, 296 76, 583 1882 1883 44,100 201 1884 7,037 10, 212 2,403 2,124 1,359 3,165 1,899 60 464 9 1 093 615, 663 591, 758 686, 355 787, 708 864, 690 939, 051 950, 129 97, 107 86, 822 85, 606 97, 610 110, 945 120, 875 127, 503 53 9 782 5 540 18S5 1880 1887 33, 690 353 1888 5 274 118 1889 2,687 2,273 2,123 1,677 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continiicd. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 • 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 64, 480 1,064 1887 978 116 1888 1889 1, 504 225 1, 618, 355 24, 275 1890 oinclndod in " Fancy articles," prior to 1884. h lucludud in "Meat and meat extracts," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISL. 179 IMTOKTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. DUTIABLE. YEAR ENDING SEEDS, NOT KLSEWHEUE SPECIFIED. SILK, MANUFACT- URES OF. SOAP, a JUNE 30— Linseed, or tluxseed. All other. Dre.^8 and piet-e good-s. All other. Fancy, per- fnnicd, nnd all de.sciii)ti(in8 of toilet soap. All other. Spices, ground. 1871 BxisheU. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 37, 059 Dollar.t. 20, 776 Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Povnds. 239, 369 230, 357 216, 046 230, 624 76, 435 82, 809 101, 189 211, 957 116, 926 53, 151 39,828 2 135, 183 17, 974 Dollars. 37, 204 109, 125 39, 764 162, 077 54,568 29, 085 25 133 1872 2,3C1 23, 390 23, 032 38, 884 23,524 17, 138 27, 252 22, 858 31,601 35, 155 55, 583 70, 976 67, 883 69, 029 87, 133 116, 246 146, 524 139, 678 136, 657 1873 931 1,350 21, 446 228, 492 284, 235 373. 270 358. 080 295. 315 228, 611 172, 598 211, 527 10 241 406 40 94 10, 785 4,437 1874 1,729 1875 52, 314 17, 145 0,531 16,763 18, 585 41,429 64, 257 85, 294 192. 773 8,373 11,812 10, 775 10, 835 7,447 33, 912 3,394 1876 1877 1878 73, 915 32, 175 29, 837 23, 312 1 1879 1880 1881 80 125 1882 188:! 1884 1, 993 3,559 205 103 30, 582 6,884 1885 1886 1887 1S88 6 12 14 28 54 13 22 209 13 10 5 85 292 47 620 3,312 220 248 53 1889 51 175 137 316 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871 1872 18, 039 439 3,788 63 1S73 1874 1875 4,162 774 278 17 1876 1877 1,438 2,031 1,112 1878 ' I,ni7 1,845 1879 ' 4,333 1880 12,564 3,053 1881 ' 1882 ' 5,030 24,136 19, 765 7,078 5,629 1883 ! 1,210 847 1,225 350 1884 1885 1880 1887 4,386 198 1888 1889 130 28 1890 a Kot enumerated prior to 1S84. 180 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. nrrORTS from the XETHERLANDS— Contlnned. DUTIABLE. YEAR ENO- IXCt SPIRITS, DISTILLED. 8DGAR. MOLASSES, SUQAK CANDY, AND CONFECITONERY. Tea.c Tin, bars, blocks. jrxE 30- Brandy .a All other. (b) Sufrar, Dutch stanilard in color. Con- fee- tion- ery. Dolls. orplga, sniiii or grauulated.e Xot above No. 13 1871 Pf. galls 2,181 111 552 1,093 377 109 813 Bolls. 2,816 157 862 648 504 88 1,575 rf. (jails. 523, 241 673, 939 603, 050 497, 599 515, 701 349. C53 322, 025 342, 481 315, 062 306, 303 331,355 376, 222 400, 870 468, 416 410, 520 421, 901 419, 300 407, 456 393, 006 417, 067 Dollars. 201, 728 Dollars. Pounds. DolU. Lbs. 12 Dolls. 5 Chct. 805 65 Dolls. 24, 163 1872 270, 006 2,019 1S73 273, 032 2:!3, 495 Z>.2, 824 151,409 138, 048 146, 477 125, 391 130 299 173, 457 7.874 1874 1875 85, 527 4,328 1870 1877 1, 330, 360 63, 797 1878 1879 40 45 45 446 83 5 85 39. 1880 62, 821 30,100 346, 601 411,490 1,587,160 1, 858, 600 2, 493, 998 1,433,463 221, 145 2, 620, 437 2, 385, 680 2,435 1, 192 16, 596 18, 069 44, 061 36, 028 63,245 1881 165 890 1882 180, 003 176, 045 188, 866 162. 065 154, 156 143, 804 147, 122 152, 762 167,005 125 1,225 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 26, 436 383 4 501 S.l.'i 1888 1889 62, 208 52,761 9 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGK MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871 98 3,714 4,887 3,535 372 392 20 136 300 180 196 242 74 1,402 2,846 1,373 353 108 11 134 135 183 220 216 1872 .. 1873 . 1874 1875 1876 . 1877 1878 1879 1S80 ... 1881 1882 1883 1884 68 90 2.506 2,102 2,284 2,610 3,076 4,152 1,724 1,547 1885 1880 783 299 3 1887 1888 82 67 1889 1890 15 10 a Included in "All other spirits" prior to 1884. b Not eniimorated i)rior to 1884. • Free of duty after 1872. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 181 IMPORTS FIIOM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAK TOB.\CCO, AND MANCrACTUBES OF. Toya. a VEGETABLES. ENDING JUNE Loaf. Manufactures of. Beans and peaso. 30— Cig.ira, cigar- ettes, and che- roots. All other. Potatoes. 1871 Poundi. Dollars. Poundi. 2 381 70 132 134 200 142 Dollars 1 372 321 256 309 286 138 Dollars 5 80 88 65 36 91 298 Dollars BusheU Dollars Bushels Dollart 1872 Ig73 811 12,862 13, 462 8,552 542 4,764 3,335 2.656 7 17 20 312 320 80 553 30 16 42 25 79 22, 202 293 40 874 32 U6 36, 711 88 498 15 191 1874 214 1875 58 1876 330 1877 868 674 40 1878 34 1879 1,013 38 200, 602 782, 763 3, 818, 931 603, 536 2,217,917 4, 000, 519 4,213,336 5, 861, 472 5, 024, 455 9, 734. 999 858 10 140, 665 487, 127 2, 942, 148 480, 702 1, 881, 494 3, 394, 156 3, 651, 349 5, 634, 765 4, 333, 463 9, 037, 388 22 92 16 10 467 10 19 1880 1881 66 397 4 59 142 34 73 247 97 341 283 84 768 3 76 201 76 53 286 180 400 333 72 179 30 64 1882 1883 1884 1885 6 293 76 42 478 151 90 12,439 151 36 343 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 44 9 26 42 4,152 5,676 1,695 2,007 40 168 9,173 948 12, 192 80 300 11, 427 1,528 15, 361 13 57 14, 496 96 409 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871 6,796 3.216 104 114 123 399 1872 1873 2.934 53, 362 1,706 1. 609 1874 29, 247 1,000 1875 20, 228 19, 235 39, 702 17. 428 15, 982 31, 670 1876 503 204 2,283 156 252 1, 672 2,502 571 1877 22, 598 3,060 1,496 1,243 1878 1879 1880 263 576 1881 40, 129 47, 426 62, 212 39, 889 88, 566 86, 461 183, 055 257, 824 269, 126 182, 328 15. 277 32, 636 32,945 14, 322 60. 891 56, 445 138, 325 188, 990 165, 200 137, 903 1,351 1882 0,870 6, 193 1883 1884 2,745 464 30 1885 67 145 133 453 1886 25, 150 33, 500 15, 490 20, 108 1887 1888 135 135 394 202 471 400 1889 1890 alnduded in "Fancy articloa" prior to 1884. 182 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. DUTTABLE. Vegetables. WIKES. WOOr>, NOT ELSE- WHEkK S) ECIFIED, ETC. TEAR ENDING All other. Champajrne, anil other sparkling. 6 Still wines. Manufactures of. JUNE 30— In casks. In bottles. Pickles and sauces. (O) In their natural Btate.a Pre. pared or pre- served (o) Lum- ber. Cabinet ware and All house- other, furni- , ture. c \ 1871 Dolls. Dolls. DolU. Doz. DolU. 6alU. 410. 375 484, 816 559, 387 404, 237 313, 124 340, 157 250, 872 246, 692 295, 955 309, 301 380, 772 382, 853 435, 127 15, 391 12, 218 49, 501 56, 110 26, 381 19, 431 6,719 DolU. 1 Doz. 135, 652 5, 789 162, 730 7, 376 210, 76l' 10, 686 153, 653 11. 641 DolU. 22, 833 25, 664 49, 608 52, 225 49, 527 100, 266 48, 286 66, 014 DulU. DolU. DolU. 42, 903 1872 3,297 1873 15 6,652 1874 4,727 1875 . .. 133, 148 187, 944 149, 516 150, 584 183. 666 230, 436 299, 667 305, 604 334, 047 12, 685 6,599 '34,052 42, 668 19, 158 13, 284 6,000 10, 787 17, 974 8,200 12. 593 18, 360 26, 608 36, 136 38, 219 26, 242 1,036 367 2,170 3,043 1,588 2,862 600 14, 523 1876 6,128 1877 24, 871 1878 .. . 31, 191 1879 \ 121,746 167, 622 204, 078 62 17, 773 1880 1 26, 414 1881 35,619 1882 250, 952 159, 734 6,867 2,010 13, 774 18, 656 10, 009 17, 812 3,343 40, 615 1883 32, 114 188'4 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 2P 32 50 31 5 22 86 18, 264 20, 040 20, 519 26,747 44,883 20. 031 41, 750 1,230 16 645 3,949 961 216 377 8 153 293 681 31 54 94 931 2,513 5,277 370 525 5,165 3,814 4,587 10, 626 1,474 6,158 9,898 6,588 4,634 2,011 2,P11 6,623 3,042 10, 821 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS-Continued. 1871 109 28 95 418 1872 1873 1874... . 242 56 41 1875 1876 1877 711 590 7,954 3,680 1878 1879 1880 196 1881 1882 150 830 240 1883 182 1884 1885 860 1886 224 12 95 1,200 50 1887 9 150 1,842 413 601 1, 200 252 501 1888 60 385 iO 1889 1890 40 371 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. 6 Included in "Still wines " prior to 1884. Included in "All other manufactures of wood," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPOKTS FKOM TUE Nli'i'UEKLANDS-Continued. 183 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871. ]87'_>. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1870. 18S0. 1881. 1882. ISSr.i. DUTIABLE. WOOLS, HAIR OF THE CAMEL, GOAT, ALPACA, AND OTHER LIKE ANIMALS, AND MANUFACT- URES OF. Uunianufact- urcd. Pounds' Dollars. 9,527 4,111 2,693 1,848 Manufactures of C'arpots anil carpoliiig. 112 1884.. 18S5.. 18S6.. 3887.. 1888 'l01,075 1889 124.021 1830 I 59, 978 8,586 11, 529 15, 383 Sq. yds. 100 7 1,124 460 757 2,664 2,308 158 2,045 21 886 314 525 1,627 243 92 390 288 62 ^22 I D.olh. ' 103 9 11,773 j 961 2, 550 5,015 5.891 I 252 15,116 I '« 11,496 036 ,1, 009 '3, 155 1,409 500 1, 101 1,181 303 685 Clothing, rcaily-niade, etc., except shawls and kuit gouds. (a) Dollars. Cloths. Lbs.b Dollars. 6,799 Dress goods, women's and children's. 622 93 55 286 284 345 1,848 598 1, 038 2,987 647 42, 042 44,359 38, 926 150, 848 212, 954 172, 798 170, 729 422 56 Dollars 9,720 Knit fab- rics. 103 12, 049 3, 357 15 4,199 9,473 5,108 2,755 1,460 5,412 4,915 11,040 5,353 3,046 1, 151 3,377 3,409 74 751 15, 607 15, 933 19, 085 5,529 2,485 152 1,061 21 145 Dolls 2,273 All other. Dollars. 6,707 25 261 541 651 5,969 8,838 7,035 15, 905 116, 043 236, 368 99, 531 83, 767 79,956 3,951 418 1,715 922 2,791 1,916 555 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1S71 1 1 872 1 638 1873 1 3874 3,902 532 1875 1876 1 1877 1 1878 1879 1 1 143 1880 1 1 1881 1 1 116 1882 1 1 1883 1 1884 . . i 1885 1886 1887 1888 1,755 507 1889 1890 1,893 i a Included in "All other manufactures of wool " prior to 1884. b Not stated prior to 1884. 184 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE KETHERLA^TDS— Continued. YEAR. ENDING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882 . 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890 . DUTIABLE. ZIXC OE SPELTER, AND MANUFACT- URES OF. In blocks or pigs, and Mauufact- old. urea of. Pounds. 1, 696, 204 1,585,183 221,080 91,069 172, 003 Dollars. 76, 905 73, 500 13, 730 7,072 9,634 1, 222, 664 112, 160 55, 524 5,710 49, 730 4,592 1,071 Dollars. 101,808 151. 794 128, 410 79, 483 528 8,200 9,349 5,870 1,251 6,670 8,393 All other dutiable articles. Dollars. 186, 822 67, 519 l.oO, 052 100,427 54, 4S4 99, 776 132, 919 88, 874 82, 960 145, 240 190, 336 306, 459 603, 271 14, 838 16, 360 27, 704 46, 014 70, 196 91, 863 289, 702 RECAPITULATION. I TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL FREEl VALUE OF DUTIABLE- OF DUTlf. I MERCHAN- DISE. Dollars. 1, 884, 020 2, 208, 046 2, 1H8, 205 1,713,971 1, 073, 456 1, 707, 018 1, 023, 549 1, 879, 179 2, 063, 907 4,001,520 4, 356, 972 6, 183, 096 10, 076, 188 2, 292, 400 3, 792, 389 5, 842, 547 7, 615, 326 9, 535, 551 9, 046, 652 14, 571, 710 Dollars. 163, 342 279, 669 834, 812 802, 652 780, 202 731, 239 923, 570 895, 755 1.617,025 2, 942, 507 1, 445, 334 1, 982, 632 2, 177, 545 2, 580, 533 1, 860, 360 2, 681, 299 2, 307, 587 2, 820, 823 1, 904, 191 2, 457, 523 Dollars. 2, 047, 962 2. 547. 715 2, 943, 077 2, 516, 623 2, 353, 658 2, 138, 257 2,547,119 2, 774, 934 3, 680, 932 6, 944, 087 5, 802, 306 8, 165, 728 12, 253, 733 4, 872, 933 5, 652, 749 8, 523, 846 9,922,913 12, 356, 374 10, 950, 843 17, 029, 233 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE NETHERLANDS— Continued. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889 . 1890. 2,317 3,151 1,588 1, 894 2,301 1,917 9, 153 2,504 398 14, 791 23,583 14,456 4, 059 18. 685 20. 358 11,456 11. 359 6,982 5,324 181, 72, 102, 59, 34, 47, 58, 79, 100, 98, 2r)i, 420, 320, 228, 145, 124, 187, 219, 200, .154, 107, 080 93, 281 264, 670 143, 496 26, 048 10, 592 98, 194 46, 447 260, 4(!3 221,325 315, 8t4 214, 443 01, 120 6,471 24,213 98, 828 214, 783 11,283 55, 755 15, 922 288, 970 165, 541 367, 468 202, 578 60, 064 57, 753 156, 578 125, 968 361, 319 319, 868 567, 503 635, 422 381, 422 235, 322 170, 126 223, 053 402, 714 230, 942 262, 159 170, 207 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 185 IMPORTS FROM rORTUGAL. FREE OF DUTY. «2 3*^ . u O 3 P. t- ^*£| ^-§''- o u « CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND DVKS, NOT KLSEWHEBK SPECIFIED. Arjral, or All Mg.,1, or crude «"ms other, tartar. Dolls. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 8,026 1,000 5,412 32, 662 51, 116 'ol, 381 j35, 729 [ee, 853| ■49, 745 ;66, 240 63, 068 58, 372 36, 555 |24, 0191 Lh». 131, 400 307, 211 575, 625 706, 676 716, 538 439, 769 343, 351 259, 865 54, 281 63,530 11,000 5,360 265, 396 1886..;30, 600 1,317,518^ 454, 932J 395, 943 706, 458' 722, Sis! Dolls. 11, 446 26, 132 59, 482' 72, 742| 76, 731 41, 700 25, 870 17, 801 6,575 4,269 Dolls. 3,779 11,888 1,478 9,536 912 3,648 1887 1888 1389 1890 30, 170 1, i22, 0831, 124, 339J1, '24,43811, 1, 664I 852' 39, 727 181, 978 167, 955 168, 881 170, 356 172, 887! DolU. 2,728 12,651 29, 577, 13, 702 11,018 8,261 12, 165 6.920 4, 945 1 13, 543 11, 036! 407 10, 239 15, 461 12,979 33,193 22. 958 22, 242 2, 481 j 2, 084 30, 534! 3, 217 j 5,042 3,500' 340j 431 11, 219 213 Coffee, a Cork wood, or cork bark, un- manu- factured, skius.a Hides and skin.s, Pounds. 1,452 5,252 12, 681 22, 073 265, 457 3, 024, 461 348, 315 2, 644, 666 979, 491 140, 155 537, 305 74, 0061 Dolls. Dollars. 221 790 1,076 2,690 20, 220 266, 811 23, 005 167, 661 81, 254 23, 139 59, 069 10, 787 386, 326, 251, 378, 330, 292, 314, 446, 473, 794, 722, 772, 739, 7811, 1, 106, 806, 570, 873, Household and per- sonal ell'ec'ts, etc.. and imple- ments, etc., other "fl'F?«n8 , - . than fur '^'Ji^i'?;. P^rclia, crude, and ot citi- zen.solthe United States dy- ing abroad. India rubber and gutta- Dolls. Dollars. Lbs. 1 DolU. 79 23, 467 1,782 1, 000 303 500', 21 153 95! 11,176 209 23,204 128 20,683 1,185 864 6,919 14, 869 14, 075 256 75111,759 51,243 60 367, 915 189, 035 125 515,504 232,243 80 238, 23l! 89, 751 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO PORTUGAL. 1871.. 2,300 1872.. 1873.. 1874.. 1875.. 10, 604 1876.. 1877.. 1878.. 5 432 1879.. 1880.. 1881.. 1SS2 1H8!.. 269 lH.-<4.. , ... 1885.. 400 70 43 9 1886.. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. 1 a Dutiable prior to 1873. 186 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM PORTUGAL— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR ENDING JUNE PAPER STOCK. CUUDE. Seeds, not else- where specitied. ■ Tea.a Wood.un- tnjiniifact- meii, not elsewhere specified. All other free articles. TOTAL 30— Rags, other than woolen. All other. DUTY. 1871 Pounds. Dollars. JDollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 19, 532 Dollars. 101,613 285, 985 Dollars. 135, 319 333, 096 1872 1873 480 192 1874 1,079 431, 361 1875 1,044 375, 325 1876 754 1,180 3,298 383 5,302 5,259 5,170 48 489, 779 1877 447, 995 1878 12, 406 46 372, 335 1879 407, 943 1880 941 768 520, 500 1881 6 1,148 578, 815 1882 90, 955 2,254 929. 937 1883 .. . 10 8G2, 422 1884 124, 362 3,431 2,598 1 . 087. 977 1885 . 430 ' 801,021 188C 41 5 1 67 1 Lin."). 397 1887 200 3 708 133 27 3,318 5,735 1, 441, 253 1888 1, 210. 548 1889 601 1,071,632 1, 177, 256 180U EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO PORTUGAL— Continued. 1871 2,300 1872 5,787 5,450 5,445 5,700 6,420 2, 500 5,787 1873 5, 45 J 1874 5,445 1875 16, 364 1876 v,,420 1877 2,500 1878 5,432 1879 1880 1881 1882 370 130 130 1883 269 1884 43 1885 1880 2 1 10 1887 1888 1889 1890 • Dutiable prior to 1873. IMrORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 187 IMPOKTS FKOM PORTUGAL— Continued DUTIAI'.LE. BliEADSTUFFS. Chem- icals, ('.I-lI^S. (Iv.s, and niiili- ciiu's, not el.se- wliere SJU^.i- tied. Coal, bitiiuiinuiis. EARTHEN. .STOXE, AND CHINA WAKE. PISH, CUKKD OB PKESEBVED Flax, lump, jute, etc., man- TEAR END- ING JUNE 30— Kye. Wheat. China, porce- lain, parian. and bisque, earthen, stone, and crockery ware, a All other. Ancho- vies and sar- dines, packed in oil, or oth- erwise. All other. ures of. 1871.... Bush. Dolls. Bush. Dollars. Dollars. 4,468 Tons. Dolls. Dollars. Dollars. Dolls. 10 57 Dollars. Dolls. Dollt. 1872 1,118 5,308 396 1873 538 797 3, o:!4 37 1874 81 1875 1876 1,840 1877 8 84 25 617 129 9 240 58 1878 .... 225 1879 1,991 1880 170 678 1881 ... 10, 118 1S82 2 10 100 4 35 4 90 1 50 8,514 9,552 7 5,375 59, 545 46,499 19 74'' 17 1883 20 1884 175 81 1 25 8 22 138 4 1,923 1885 ... 188G 1887 2, 3.52 86 173 22 20 1888 10, 92o' 1S89 8''7 1890 14, 965 20 060 316 \ EXPORTS OE FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO PORTUGAI.,— Continued. 1871 3,117 3,580 400 1872 1873 1874.... 15, 400 19. 466 1875 33,208 32,334 6.5,123 69,164 15, 381 ' 16,448 107,498 126,013 1876 41 82 1877 1878.... 1879 7,6341 3.912 30, 3001 25. 802 1880 3,573 2,198 6,589 6,754 20 1881 1882.... 8,000 10. 400 37, 692 87, 872 8,485 56. 489 91,003 8.494 349 201 500 300 460 100 302 149 1883 .... 30, 804 28. 154 1884 .... 1885 53, 587 43, 284 190,086 163,752 39, 790 32. 633 1886 5.533 1887 2,512 1,500 1888 2,181 1,744 1889 382 1890 .... 903 oincluded in "All other earthern, etc., ware " prior to 1884. 188 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. niPORTS FROM PORTUGAL— Continued. DUTIABLE. Fruits, includ- ing nuts, not else- where, specified. mON AND STEEL, AXD MANUFACTURES OF. Jewel - ^y,nlan- nfac- tures of gold and ail- V(.T, and pre- cious stones. MARBLE AND YEAR Iron ore. a Pig iron. Scrap iron and steel, fit only to lie remand- factured. All other. MANUFACT- URES OF. ENDING JUNE 30— Marble and mnn- utact- ures of. Stone and manu- lact- uies of. in- cluding slate. 2> 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 18S0 1881 1882 1883 1884 18S5 1886 1887 1883 1889 1890 Dollars. 5,602 19, 500 4,640 3,055 3,601 3,643 8,070 2, 895 367 647 1,511 5€4 1,284 Tons. Dollars. Tons. 100 54 Dollars. 2,356 1,339 Tons. 117 497 433 101 68 Dollars. 1,846 11, 163 13,714 3,769 957 Dollars. 298 50 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 314 154 812 240 2,455 340 1 69 1,324 1,583 276 6,973 3,852 1,092 37 286 8 36 32 92 33 1,860 137, 227 74,844 21, 379 901 4,036 90 76 176 907 181 602 3.009 454 17 66 140 3,487 90 540 2 57 84 2 042 fi 9.m 13, 942 15, 153 19, 235 20, 591 6,975 11. 582 28, 947 14 639 ! 6,684 597 ! 8,716 915 10. 122 93 3, 181 4G0 5,230 115 104 12 491 79 404 350 642 11 ""^ EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO PORTUGAL— Continued. i::::.... i 339 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. h Included in " Matblo, etc.," prior to 1884. -I IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 189 niPOKTS FROM PORTUGAL— Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. OILS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECI- FIED. "Vegetable, fixed or expressed. Oallonn. 37 4,409 6,047 404 Dollars. 20 3,501 5,025 33:! 2 3 40 30 7 7 5,405 2,917 3,540 2,480 372 252 174 134 27 23 All other. Dollars. Salt. Pounds 9.22?,. !)(i4 4, 7C1.0!)4 11,30:!, 338 10, 964, 654 12, 442, 654 32.828, 189 32, 225, 206 6, 2:::!, 489 12, 830, 318 20, 330, 559 28.531,404 1, 669, 300 34, 378, 616 32,664,604 19, 775, 320 24, 322, 600 30, 698, 339 39, 386, 560 15, 612, 114 6, 837, 530 SPIRITS, DISTILLED. Brandy. a Dollars. 9,759 4,302 11, 623 15,846 15, 711 33, 936 ^ 34,255 i 7,087 13, 506 20,344 28, 737 2,046 37,442 28, 290 16, 581 20, 329 24, 026 30, 028 12, 188 6,178 Pf. Galls. 39 All other. //. Galls. iDollars. 130 126 10, 466 5, 470 29 j 74 5 15 39 31 118 14 340 25 116 71 325 21 589 74 10 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO PORTUGAL-Continued. 1871 77 65 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 199, 200 349 1886 1887 1888 1889 28 19 1890 1 aliicluded in "All other spirits, etc," prior to 1884. 190 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM PORTO GAL-Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR SNDINC, JUNE 30— VKGETABLKS. Beans and pease. All other. Chanipas^f, and other sparkling. a Still wines. In casks. In bottles. Biuhels. 3,162 9,495 8,151 1,086 452 725 2,017 Dollars. Dollart. Doztnt. 5,588 15, 874 13, 101 1,350 1,147 907 2.885 20 475 597 491 169 177 1,817 Dollars. OaUont. 46, 419 55, 600 49, 242 32, 746 53, 303 28. 549 20. 250 36, 040 21. 339 36, 177 25, 253 58, 328 83, 587 08, 598 03, 532 88, 008 87,744 99, 461 66, 207 115, 021 DoUari. 60,325 62, 918 47, 390 40, 042 65, 335 32, 166 26, 499 40, 419 24,466 43, 798 29, 706 73, 904 99, 130 85, 255 83, 707 108, 294 104, 836 130, 294 81,905 140, 302 Dozen*. 429 774 674 528 697 386 300 620 139 2,286 445 771 1,003 1, 157 874 838 1,561 1,663 889 2,255 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO PORTUGAL— Contiuned. 1871 18"2 . . 1,893 1,638 1873 . .. . 1874 1,360 120 860 39 10 48 1875 1870 1877 1878 364 200 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1880 1887 1888 1889 1890 • Included in "Sti31 wines" prior to ISSi. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FORE JN MERCHANDISE. 191 IMPORTS FROM PORTUGAL-Continued. VKAR ICNDING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1831. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. WOOD, NOT EI.SEWHEIt E SPECI FIBD. MANUFACT- URES OF. Cabinet; ware i nrlioiise furni- ture. a AU other. Dollars.] Dollars 20 104 419 18 898 292 30 70 81 6 179 429 4,041 178 234 328 16 7 51 1,899 WOOLS, HAIR OP THE CAMEL. GOAT, AUACA, AND OTHER LIKE ANIMALS, AND MANUFACTUBES OK. Unman iifai'tiired Pounds. 6,568 49, 347 3,168 3,601 693 1,323 962 270 32, 567 Dollars. 4,909 810 395 M.-xnufact ures of. Dollars. 76 307 206 33 3,623 28 All other dutiable articles. Dollars. 114,920 8, 938 11, 234 8,375 11,251 4,548 175 725 2,628 37,299 29, 819 102, 097 52, 422 8,008 23, 123 13, 728 9,214 11,496 27, 349 10, 689 RECAPITULATION. TOTAL DUTIABLE. Dollars. 193, 745 127, 917 98, 883 74, 774 105, 037 83, 909 76, 831 57, 112 46,442 250, 197 179, 387 211, 947 231,054 174, 823 146, 129 178, 770 237, 945 253, 394 167, 659 241,053 TOTAL FREE OF DUTy. Dollars. 135,319 333, 096 480, 192 431,363 375, 325 489, 779 447, 995 372, 335 407, 943 520, 500 578. 815 920, 937 862, 422 1, 0S7, 977 861, 021 1,-165, 397 1,441,253 1, 210, 548 1,071,632 1, 177, 256 TOTAL VALUE OF MERCHAN- DISE. Dollars. 329, 004 461,013 579, 075 506, 135 480, 362 573, 688 524, 826 429,447 454, 385 770, 697 758. 202 1, 144, 884 1, 093, 476 1, 262, 800 1, 007, 150 1, 344, 167 1, 679, 198 1, 463, 942 1, 239, 291 1, 418, 309 EXPORT.S OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO PORTUGAL-Continued. 1871 4,045 3,152 2,300 5,787 5,450 5,445 16. 364 6,420 2,500 5,432 6 345 1872 1,514 8 939 1873 5 450 1874 20, 374 32, 373 72, 365 16, 530 126, 213 29, 871 8,972 178 67, 238 121, 616 11, 567 44,901 170, 208 34, 366 2, 087 562 1,045 "5 819 1875 48,737 78, 785 19,030 131 645 1876 3,160 1877 1878 1879 28 129 29,871 8,972 178 1880 1881 178 1882 130 269 43 67 368 1883 2,288 2,573 908 124 73 41 12 142 121 ^115 1884 11 610 1885 . ... 44 901 1886 10 170 218 1887 34 366 1888 2,087 1889 562 1890 1,045 ainciuded in "All other manufactures of wood" prior to 1884. 192 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMl'OKTS FKOM ROUMAKTA.o FREE OF DUTT. TEAR ENDING JLNE 30— TTides and skiu.s, otlior than fur skins. PAPER STOCK, CEUDE. All other free articles. TOTAL FEEE. Rage, other than woolen. 1885 Dollars. 40, 339 130, 755 112, 544 19, 734 Pounds. 263. 577 299, 875 107, 520 Dollars. 5,761 2,906 1,104 Dollars. 1,385 9.504 6,302 1,261 DoUars. 47. 485 Ig86 143. 165 1887 119. 950 1888 20, 995 DUTIABLE. RECAPITULATION. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Wool, raw. All other dutiable articles. TOTAL DUTIABLE. TOTAL FEEIK. TOTAL VALUE OF MERCHAN- DISE. 1885 Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 47,485 143, 105 119,950 2U, 995 Dollars. 4,1, 483 43, 577 95, 797 50. 825 4,566 9,686 5,250 5,261 473 193 9,827 10, 159 5,443 152, 992 1887 130, 109 26, 438 a No exports of forci£n morchandiBO. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF J^OREIGN MERCHANDISE. 195 IMPORTS FROM RUSSIA IN EL'ROPE. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR Boolea, Articles '"•''PS. en- CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND DYES, NOT EI-SEVVHEBE SPECIFIED. flair, not elsewhere specifled. HIDES AND SKINS, OTHER THAN FUU SKINS. & Household and personal eflects, etc., in- use, and implements of persons ar- arriving, etc., and of citi- zens of Mio United States* dying abroad. ENDING JUNE 30— produce, or luauufac- ture of the United States, re- turned. and otlier printed matter, not clse- wliero specified. (O) Dye woods. AU other. Goat skins. All other. 1871 Dollais. Dollars. Tons. Dolls. Dollar.'!. Dollars. 21, 407 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. SO' 1872 1^73 874 2,483 2,817 9.'!6 9, 291 7,721 12.511 4,492 998 70 1874 1875 139 1870 1 "" ! 1877 5,540 1878 ! 1879 1880 " ■ 1881 1882 382 14, 550 3,161 4,866 12,410 17, 742 15, 037 30. 424 81, 913 148, 151 51,414 3,837 214, 433 175, 685 345, 427 454, 024 302, 404 399, 282 216, 503 1883 1884 lOOfiS 280 192 81 572 600 12, 177 8, 032 4,754 127, 155 192, 876 229, 650 302, 599 9, 767 1885 49 6,312 55, 178 102, 956 36, 310 1, 141 1880 7,03» 8,651 1887 2,500 508 2,882 407 1888 5,418 1889 118 1890 130 4, 945 514 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO RUSSIA IN EUROPE. 1871 60 71 85 100 1,080 1,776 1,502 2,600 5,400 2,300 1872 . 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 30 700 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 - - - 1888 1889 1890 H. Mis. 117- a Not enumerated prior to 1884. b Dutiable, except goat skins, prior to 1873. —13 194 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM RUSSIA IX EUROPE— Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE- SO- FREE OF DUTY. PAPER STOCK, CRUDE. Rag8. other th.in wouIl'U. All other Pound*. 3, 890, 450 3, 012, 825 902, 701 296, 064 1871. 1872, 1873 , 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880 1 591,600 1881 416,640 1882 1883 67,361 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 22, 608 7,060 Dollars. 107, 047 118, 012 3€,070 Dollars. 15,542 21, 529 7,365 6, 521 11,011 6,608 540 Platinum, unmanu- factured, a Pounds Seeds, not me- dicinal, not else- where speci- fied. Tea. 6 Dollars. DoUars 2,170 620 244 161 189 516 116 32 1,139 311 385 739 30, 918 49, 017 88, 450 792 1112,527 1,506 178,042 1, 099 I 96, 418 672 48,139 21, 247 220 805 1,111 Lbs. 1,662 6,196 197 2,202 250 20 54 180 24 40 Dolls. "Wood, unman- ufact- ured, not else- where speci- fied. Dollars. All other free arti- cles. 15 Dollars. 42,068 462 18, 929 39, 420 11,360 4,227 1,210 9,814 968 9, 805 34,903 53, 625 58, 337 22, 714 17, 108 34, 842 27, 495 26, 618 TOTAL FREE OF DtJTT. Dollars. 170, 572 118, 474 70, 185 65, 425 34,381 12, 769 16,041 10,354 968 21, 529 7,365 97, 413 44, 452 337, 828 311. 395 .541,928 842, 308 787, 721 840 :;46 750 318 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO RUSSIA IN EUROPE— Continued. 1871 6,480 4,076 1872 1873 3,488 4,990 1874 2 600 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 700 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 20 14 14 28 1887 1888 1889 1890 aNot enumerated prior to 1884. b Dutiable prior to 1873. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCIFANDISE. 195 IMPORTS FROM RUSSIA IN EUROPE- Continued. DUTIABLE. YEAR Art works, not lelsewhere ENDIXG 8P«cjlied: J ONE I .l^'^V 30— in^a, lu oil or water colors, and statuary. Dollars. Dollars. Books, maps, en gravinfra, etchings, and other printed matter, not else- where specified Brass, and manufact- ures. Dollars. Bristles. Pounds. Dollars. Chem- icals, drugs, dyfs, and medicines, not else- where specified. Dollars. Dollars. I Cotton, manu- factures of. EARTHEN, STONE, AND CHINA WAKE. China, porcelain, parian and bisque, earthen, stone, and crockery wate. decoratedP«*^°'^''<««' ororna- "r orna- mented.a m«nted.a Dollars. Dollars. 1872. 1873. 83 13, 949 14, 737 638 1876. 1877, 203 1880. 1881 . 1882, 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 101 183 19 511 48 50 1,220 476 187 1,399 3,463 2,806 2,893 9,648 20 779 25 460 130 298 2,134 957 42, 896 23, 651 198, 682 137, 449 163, 527 215, 548 183, 174 167,235 206, 839 58, 31, 289, 214, 207, 240. 245. 168, 225, 823 858 948 813 765 350 786 886 ?84 535 572 8,479 13, 906 6,921 10, 127 8,770 6, 452 13, 117 21 2,784 89 111 71 34 24 52 960 12 1,001 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO RUSSIA IN EUROPE-Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1876 1880 1882 1883 1884 1886 80 1890 1 a'Sot separated prior to 1881. 19G COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM RUSSIA IN EUROPE— Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. FLAX, HEMP, JUTE, AND OTHER VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Unmaaufactured. Flax. Hemp, nnd substi- tutes lor. Manufactures of flax, hemp, or .jute,or of which fiax, hemp, or jute shall bo the component material of chief value. Brown or bleaclied linens, ducks, can- vas, ])a(l- diiiKs, cot bottoms, diapers, crash, hucka- backs, handker- chiefs, and lawns. a Cables and cord- EKO. All other. G1.1SS and glass- ware. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 Tons. 360 1,517 1,236 489 1,155 1,037 1,4.59 1,628 1,156 631 1,695 J, 479 1,204 156 1,723 668 1,790 521 1,163 1,502 Dollars. 87, 224 354, 489 305, 178 119, 959 253, 685 246, 769 385, 177 449, 838 338, 457 149, 869 346, 450 301,010 205, 283 24, 073 308, 498 148, 060 392, 937 111, 612 236, 832 255, 410 Tons. 1,277 1,090 116 297 325 428 49 53 52 185 1,009 514 596 294 485 135 543 458 377 Dollars. 232, 159 293, eio 22, 883 51,655 €0, 597 78, 493 Dollars. 6,788 9,803 9, 093 22, 770 121, 341 75, 465 88, 793 43, 464 68, 720 22, 297 66, 811 50,310 49, 098 173, 752 86, 918 82, 884 69, 241 46, 629 98, 708 130, 844 Pounds. 268, 593 626, 371 700, 394 917, 229 253, 236 115, 143 282, 075 10, 659 332, 280 510, 760 716, 363 529, 965 436, 488 502, 398 525, 647 500, 225 488, 779 Dollars. 27, 501 67, 935 75, 662 99, 037 28, 509 12, 306 25, 597 1.207 37, 064 54, 563 69, 729 60, 619 49,489 50, 810 56, 456 50, 830 44, 652 Dollars. 216, 452 243, 175 124, 956 134, 328 99, 568 77, 933 2,391 107, 689 1,345 3,797 30, 698 113,201 141, 548 209 9,883 5,138 9,674 19, 400 7,462 Dollars. 00 36 252 54 1,103 7.275 181 119 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO RUSSIA IN EUROPE-Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1876 1880 1882 1883 1884 20 358 1886 102 44 1890 a lutladed in "All other flax, etc., manufactures of," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 197 IMrOliTS FROM RUSSIA IN EUROPE-Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 187G. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1835. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. Hair, not elsewhere apecitied, uiul man- ufactures of. DUTIABLE. Dollars. lEON AND STEEL, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Iron ore. a Tom. Dollars. Scrap, fit only to be reiuanufactured, Tons. Dollars. Sheet, plate, and taggers' iron. Pounds. 1, 525, 714 5, 483, 753 1, 693, 004 2, 609, 682 2, 326, 740 2, 896, 205 Dollars. 130, 456 447,019 141, 156 236, 552 217, 656 253, 930 Manufact- ures of, not else- where specified. Dollars. 23, 692 9,135 3,868 2,386 31,701 I 99, 177 7,761 64,846 110, 583 1, 616, 979 61 22 249 177 2,400 29, 187 1, 873, 332 2, 535, 395 1,980,318 3, 837, 536 4, 207, 698 4, 145, 808 4, 065, 070 2, 381, 486 1, 073, 166 1, 167, 976 135, 884 196, 601 152, 446 266, 164 300, 328 294, 723 249, 684 138, 862 60, 808 64, 066 89 1,271 716 203 197 24 1,702 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO RUSSIA IN EUROPE— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1876 1880 1882 8,016 17,420 1883 1884 1886 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. 198 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FKOM RUSSIA IN EUROPE— Continned. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1880. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. JEWELRr. MANUFAC- TURES OF GOLD AND SIL- VER, AND PRECIOUS STONES. Jewelry, and nianu- facturosof gold and silver. Dollars. Precious stones, not elsewhere specified, and imita- tions of, not set. Dillarg. LEATHER, AND MAN UFACTURES OF. Gloves, of kill and other leather. All other manufact- ures of. Marble anrisiiig moat and dairy pro- ducts. Dollars. 197 153 SILK, MANUFACTURES OF. Dress and i)ioce goods. Dollars. All other. Dollars. Spirits, distilled. I'ruiif (jalh. I'ollar 268 100 ;!54 284 422 658 1, 925 1,096 122 631 194 226 263 53 55 89 98 624 1, 037 950 1,201 823 1,426 975 2G8 262 1,680 2,383 1,872 2,682 2,050 2,857 2,368 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO RUSSIA IN EUROPE— Continued. 1871 . 1872 1873 1874 1876 1880 1882 1883 1884 1886 368 1890 200 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPOKTS FROM RUSSIA IX EUROrE-Continncd. iTEAR EN'D- JNG JDNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. :1878. ^879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. Tobacco, aiidiiinnu- factures of. Dollars. 339 21 792 162 107 Clianipajjne. and other sparkling, a Dozens. Dollars. Gallons. Dollars. Still wiiiea. Id casks. I In bottles. Dozens. Dt liars. 108 in 389 Wood, not elsewliere sj)ecified, and n)anu- factures of. Dollars. 1,838 432 132 205 23 79 170 227 304 544 443 254 20 84 129 374 31 236 2,880 1,643 1,299 1,148 269 1,267 43 34 1,954 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO RUSSIA IN EUROPE-Contiiiuod. 1871 • 1872 1873 ! 1874 1376 717 1880 . . . 1882 1883 1 1884 . 1886 67 440 973 1890 1 \ a Included ixx 'Still wines" prior to 1881. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 201 IMPORTS from: RUSSIA IN EUROPE— Continued. TEAK ENDING JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. WOOLS. HAIR OF THE CAMEL, GOAT, ALPACA. AND 01 HER LIKE ANIMALS, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Unmanufactured. Manufact ures of. All other dutiable articles. RECAPITULATIOX. TOTAL DUTIABLE. TOTAL FREE OF DUTY. TOTAL VALUE OF MERCHAN- DISE. 1871. 1872. 187.3 . 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 18S8 . 1889. 1890. Poi'7ide. 4, 524, 462 2, 165, 087 5. 254, 193 3, 118. 930 3,814,950 1, 972. 624 1, 503, 703 1, 786, 893 3, 322, 700 4, 400, 151 10, 933, 587 12, 569, 723 12, 588, 840 16, 151, 392 17, 663, 056 18, 118, 059 16, 474. 931 11,088.386 14, 271, 884 Dollars. 519, 069 381, 492 1, 317, 471 545, 088 642, 237 320, 822 199, 253 233, 177 375, 053 631, 316 1, 465, 765 1, 047, 478 1, 422, 020 1, 614, 962 1, 746, 657 2, 380, 163 1, 894, 072 1, 305, 417 1, 729, 649 Dollars. 82 139 2,552 3,024 880 200 84 573 553 1,186 Dollars. 47, 566 21, 080 2,966 . 492 162 203 964 213 36 2,714 35, 287 40,395 4,441 5,160 10, 469 4,679 10, 294 3,760 8,141 Dollars. 1, 292, 329 1, 846, 919 1, 992, 801 1, 191, 745 1, 306, 077 990, 551 597, 166 590, 330 582, 877 652, 425 2, 790, 061 2, 376, 317 2, 455, 016 2, 363. 786 2. 678, 328 2, 641, 225 3, 464, 390 2, 677, 619 2, 034, 847 2, 556, 303 Dollars. 170, 572 118. 474 70, 185 65, 425 34, 381 12,769 16, 041 10, 354 968 21,529 7,365 97, 413 44, 452 337, 828 311,395 541, 928 842, 308 787, 721 840, 246 750,318 Dollars. 1, 462, 901 1. 965, 393 2, 062, 986 1, 257, 170 1, 340, 458 1, 003, 320 613, 207 600,684 583, 845 673, 954 2, 797, 426 2, 473, 730 2, 499, 468 2, 701, 614 2, 989, 723 3, 183, 153 4, 306, 698 3, 465, 340 2, 875, 093 3, 306, 621 EXPORTS OF FOREIGX MERCHANDISE TO RUSSIA IN EUROPE— Continued. 1871 19, 886 19, 886 6,480 4,076 4,990 2,600 26, 366 1872 4,076 1873 j 5,314 5,314 10, 304 1874 . . . 2,600 1876 717 717 18H0 700 700 1882 8,016 17, 420 20 4,317 440 8,016 17,420 20 1883 1884 1886 60 168 28 4,425 1890 440 202 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FKOM SPAIN. TEAR ENDENG JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1880. 1887. 1888. 1?89. 1890. FKEE OF DUTY. Ani- mals, not else- whi're speci- fied, a Dollars. 2,638 3,037 9,601 29, 337 16, 155 19, 294 Articles, the Art growth, works produce, thepro- and man- duction ufactiire I of of the Ameri- United can ar- States, returned. tists. Dollars. [Dollars. Asphaltnm or bitumen, crude. (a) Pounds. \DoUs. 150 2,209 1,025 2,250 25 38, 864 1,008,000 96 Books, maps, en- gravings, etchings, and other printed matter not else- where speciHed. Dollars. 2,736 563 490 734 205 100 192 20 40 67 CHEM ICAI-S. DRUfiS, AND DYES, NOT ELSEWHEUE SPECIFIED. Argal, or argol, or crude tartar. Pounds. Dollars. 13,414 12, 000 32, 400 110 32, 527 223, 711 60, 340 1,031 4,995 4,687 18, 597 6,015 Dyewood.s. T071S. 130 224 204 Gums. Dollars. \ Dolls. 1,814 2,811 4,26i 149 120 2, 434 294 45 449 798 677 203 EXPORTS OP FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN. 1871 1 1872 1 1873 1874 1875 1 1876 1 . 1877 } 347 7,980 1878 1879 1880 ' 1881 ' 1882 '. 1883 ' 1884 ' i 1885 ' 1886 4,192 216 1887 ' 403 1888 ' 1889 1 1 1890 ' a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 203 IMPORTS FROM SPAIN— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR ENDING CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND DYES, NOT EI-PEWHEKE SPECIFIED. Cocoa, or cacao. JUNK 30— Licorice root.o Mineral wa- ters, all not artirtcial.a Sulphur, or brinistdTie, crude. All other. crude, and leaves and shells of. b Co.Tec.6 1871 Pounds. Dollars. Gallont. Dolls. Tons. Dollars. Dollars. 25, 254 61,247 162,440 174, 489 118, 839 73, 227 119,691 121, 342 103, 273 119, 927 154, 570 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. 1872 1873 1874 .... 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1,870 1,665 235 1881 308 8, (i37 16, 807 1,958 235 1882 193, 051 1883 500 827 134 12, 856 17, 3.56 1, 552 86, 066 31, 373 20, 135 21, 946 19, 778 27, 417 25, 733 26, 655 1884 1885 4, 562, 242 2, 955, 168 4, 775, 123 7,341,253 6, 441, 235 3, 470, 046 4,482,466 118, 756 70, 983 131, 186 205, 763 105,037 94, 282 89, 522 645 291 1886 150 29 1887 1888 4.182 7,953 8,2*<8 3,769 6,808 7,349 1 1889 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN' MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 345 18, 938 34, 007 203, 347 2,338 5, 417 21, 849 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 10 3,724 530 1881 2, 780 385 1882 109 25 I. 1883 2,700 Il6,211 1,700 42, 565 1884 606 170- 200 1885 291 1886 50 94, 896 10 1887 3,521 1,263 453 7,600 1888 1889 31.551 4,678 1,650 189i 1, 082 fi 936 a Included in "All other chemicals" prior to 1884. b Dutiable prior to 1873. 204 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM SPAIX— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR ENDING •JUNE 30— Corlc wood, or cork bark, un- manu- factured. Farina- ceous sub- stances, and prep- arations of (sago, tapioca, etc.), not elsewhere specified, (a) Fruits, including nuts, not elsewhere specified, (a) HIDES AND SKINS, OTHER THAN FUE SKINS. Household and personal effects, etc., of persons arriving from foreign countries, and of citizens of the United States dying abroad. OILS, NOT ELSEWHEKK SPECI- FIED. Goat skins. i» All other. Fixed or expressed. Volatile or esssutial. 1871 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars Dollars. Dollars. 76 2,951 218 147 2,649 3,847 125 3,854 2,193 186 1,664 1,608 1,818 5,910 9,872 341 1.279 2.979 11,817 393 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. DoUs. 1872 . . 1873 206, 079 76, 671 97, 312 207, 620 75, 349 185,393 173, 040 137,244 299, 860 310, 272 202, 492 137, 492 121,745 92, 797 113, 252 253, 442 276, 964 304, 257 309 2,103 400 1,025 1874 1875 1876 177 928 134 1877 1878 3,624 1879 1880 1881 584 11,280 72 60 3,374 21 75 1882 1883 1 1 19,904 1,356 46 73 1884 1885 98, 040 83, 082 103, 392 87, 836 151, 931 112, 573 160, 873 5,704 2, 113 287 285 1886 1887 1888 8 211 17,315 1,649 511 932 80 1889 1890 1,129 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. 1871 1 1872 1 1873 1874 1 1875 1876 1 1877 1 1878 1879 1 1880 i 1 1881 7,050 1 1882 1883 ! 1884 529 1 1885 1886 75, 000 5,545 1887 700 1888 1889 360 1890 3,566 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. b Included with "All other hides, etc.," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 205 IMPORTS FUOM SPAIN— Continued. YEAR EXDING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873 . 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1800. FKEE OF DUTY. [>APEK STOCK, CRUDE. Kag8, Other than woolen. Pounds. 66, 678 966, 755 29, 800 18, 631 01, 336 32, 000 225, 459 5,939 866, 530 1, 091, 636 2, 086, 184 784, 640 3,050 1,000 212. 716 102, 469 Dolls. 1,845 44,390 647 865 4,095 631 6,454 147 20, 018 23, 546 45, 861 15, 707 45 10 3,522 1,608 All other. Dolls. 4,817 2 -122 284 245 197 1,316 8,120 2,132 10 Seeds, not else- where sjieci- lied. Dolls. 16, 921 2,767 4,956 4,477 22,128 38, 274 9,369 47, 933 7,549 27, 081 3,414 9,757 16, 603 12, 380 11, 406 8,055 8,885 624 Tea. a Pounds. 175 1,035 Dolls "Wood, un- manu- fact- All ured, other not free else- articles, where speci- fied. Dolls. 28, 614 1,939 308 172 Dolls. 67, 509 156, 184 38, 197 1,062 292,767 34, 097 12, 290 38, 309 53, 616 29, 691 49. 283 83, 844 52, 263 77, 213 4,568 1,382 525 4,413 2,101 197, 737 9,887 83 115 4 4 2 341 10, 413 8, 034 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. 1 1 1873 3,273 5,956 5,417 21, 849 1876 1877 1 7,980 1878 317 317 1880 490 1,030 1R81 24 16 7,451 1889 1 25 45, 265 899 lgg5 291 1886 1 5,771 1887 . .. 12. 226 Iggg 1,060 180 11 2,334 Iggg 5.671 1890 6,298 a Dutiable prior to 1873. 206 commp:rce with Europe. IMPOUTS FiUni SPAIN— Continued. DUTIABLE. Animals, not else- wliere epecilied. Art works, not else- where spec- ified: Paintings, in oil or wa- ter colors, and stat- uary. Books, maps, en- gravings, etchings, jihoto- gra])lis, and other printed matter, not elsewhere specilied. Brass, and mami- facturea of. BRK.KUSTUFFS. TEAR ENDIKG JUNE 30— Wheat. All other breadst litis, and prepa- tions of, used as food, not -elsewhere specihed. Brushes. (a) 1871 Dollars. 125 236 46 Dollars. Dollars. 195 100 81 C18 14 36 1,374 543 23 7 48 270 413 823 1,482 318 650 1,301 1,709 1,435 Dollars. Bushels. 1 Dollars. 1 Dollars. 137 Dollars. 1872 3,381 1,204 622 597 4,423 21, 920 253 362 1,324 748 585 1,170 13, 693 1,266 20 1,224 740 10, 301 560 ! 1873 1 ! 1874 1 1 1875 4 1 i 336 1876 3 132 1 6,126 42 230 9 1877 1878 25 79 79 6 31 20 32 140 133 13 97 103 81 4 69 1879 1880 116 218 1881 1882.. 1883 474 132 1884 1885 1880. 1887 35 10 49 1888 1889 48 123 1890 110 645 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. 1871 1872 ■■ 1873 ! 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1,717 88,155 17, 367 1,750 79,743 11, 386 J879 2,000 1880 1,080 1881 692 1882 1883 57,714 55, 037 1884 1885 23,000 39, 520 16,024 18,400 32,256 12, 816 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 207 IMPORT.S FROM SPAIN— Continued. DUTIABLE. TP.AR CHEMICALS, DnUGS, DYES, A.VD MEDICINES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Clays or earths of all kinds, includ- ing china clay, or kaolin. 6 CLOCKS AND WATCHES, AND PAKTS OF. ENDING JUNE 30— Glycerin. a Logwood and other dyewoods. ex- tract.s and decoc- tions of. All other. Clocks, and parts of. (6) Watches, and parts of, and watch materials and move- ments. 1871 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dolla-'i. 71, 965 81, 566 97, 594 59, 459 56, 699 39, 008 Tons. Dollars. Dollars. Dollart. 1872 1 1873 1 1 ! 1874 1 1 1 1875 ] 1876 1877 73, 014 5 1878 59, 891 45, 136 1879 1880 1' 68, 141 47, 698 , 1881 1 :::. ■ 1882 1 i ■ 1 52, 689 52,921 78, 311 42, 945 81, 559 89, 322 53, 041 32, 880 27,1]" 1883 I 1 1 1884 ' 1 37 368 50 1885 I 1886 25 5 17 9 1 243 231 270 410 39 1 1887 1 1888 11,041 484, 845 306, 009 1,121 46,443 26, 136 1 1889 24 1890 ! 1 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCH.^NDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. 1871 . 1 .. i . ' . . 1872 1 1873 1874 1875 1 1 1876 1 1 1877 1 1 1878 1879 1 ■ 188D 41 20 1 1 1881 t 1882 1 ' 1883 i 1 1884 1 1 1885 33 1 ! 1886 3,650 328 1 1887 1 1888 200 2,565 12, 857 1889 1890 a Included in "All other chemicals, etc.," prior to 1884. b Not enumerated prior to 1884. 208 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. niPORTS FROM SPAIN— Continued. DUTIABLE. COPPER, AND MANTJFACT- UEES OF. COTTON, MANUFACTURES OF. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Coal, bitu- minous. Coffee.a Ore (fine cop- per contained therein). Manu- fact- ures of. Cloth. Clothing ready- uiade, and other wearing apparel, not in- cluding knit goods, b Knit goods: Stockings, etc., and all goods made, fashioned, or shaped on knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand. Tons. Dolls. Lbs. 1,333 13,913 Bolls. 138 2,088 Lbs. Bolls. BoUs. Sq.yds.' Bolls. Bolls. Dollart. 1872 10 25 5 3 22, 400 566 1875 1876 3 1878 1879 1880 1881 8 90 51 80 33 265 122 200 10 10 190 1883 1884 1885 78 20 15 255 60 38 1 30 1 7 1 606, 389 312, 614 161, 090 59, 207 20, 676 10, 693 1887 15 33 1890 40 80 1 1 EXPOETS OF FOREIGN" MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. 3,748 314 17 1R70 18R'^ 1QR1 1885 1886 1887 IfiAR 1890 a "Free of duty " after 1872. b Included in "All other manufactures of cotton" prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. rMTORTS moM SPAIN— Continued. 200 DUTIABLE. COTTON, MANUFACTDRKS OF. EARTHEN, STONE, AND CHINA WARE. FISH. Laces, edgings, embroideries, inst rtings, neck rulHing, nicliingb, trim- mi nfis, tuck- injis, lace window cur- tains, and other similar tam- boured articles, (o) All other. China, porcelain, pari- an and bisque, earthen, stone, and crockery ware, b All other. Cured or preserved. TEAR ENDING JUKE 30— Anchovies and sar- dines, pack- ed in oil or otherwise. Not decorated or orna- mented. Decorated or orna- mented. All other. 1871 Dollars. Dollar*. 10, 095 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 253 460 121 258 Dollars. Dollars. 27 1872 2,001 62 40 398 1,464 671 600 159 1873 1874 1875 54 789 89 51 1876 24 157 480 1,773 1, 217 856 773 1,068 2,427 449 267 3 156 146 121 42 171 692 1,759 1,162 1877 60 1878 58 1879 307 452 273 3,807 13, 339 12 1880 226 ]881 1882 177 1883 2,005 2,233 1,254 3,968 8,686 19, 147 3,857 24 1884 284 17 369 122 78 162 2 581 351 68 142 354 861 4,093 170 1885 1886 386 9 20 39 230 117 95 57 1887 1888 56 1889 1800 8 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. a Included in "All other manufactures of cotton " prior to 1884. h Included in "All other earthen, etc., ware," prior to 1884. 1871 1872 1873 1874 3 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 ' 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 188r> 54 1886 1887 1888 24 1889 1890 H. Mis. 117- -14 210 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM SPA IX— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR FLAX, HEMP, JUTE, AND OTHER VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES, AND MANUFACTURES OF. FRUITS, INCLUDINO NTTT8, NOT ELSKWUEKB 81'ECIFIED. ENDING JUNE Unmanufactured. Manufactures of. Pigs. 6 80— Hemp. Other nnmanulactured. Brown or bleached lin- ens, ducka, canvas, etc. a All other. Lemons.^ 1871 Tom. Bollart. Tom. Dollars. Dollart. Dollars. 7,336 14, 801 1,203 5, 205 5,689 Founds. Dollars. Dollart. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 144 1,654 3,095 4,289 1,460 2,244 14, 626 722 56 583 139 101 309 29 1878 1879 1880 " 1881 1882 43 6,111 1883 1 1 1884 • 2,082 178, 560 2,500 10, 606 6,837 75, 691 5,104 152 366 241 3,818 58, 229 1885 70, 314 1886 1 109, 330 18S7 302 90,955 1888 56, 399 1889 39, 988 1890 15, 642 434 46, 080 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 24 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 4 520 27 20 76 113 2,780 1,730 7,073 13,466 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 23 1,725 1885 1886 36 2,592 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Included in "All other manufactures of flax, etc.," prior to 188i. ftlncludediu "Ail other fruits " prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 211 IMPORTS FROM SPAIN— Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872- 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. FBL'ITS, INCHJDINQ NUTS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Oranges.o Dollars. 441, 787 75, 397 210, 768 105, 580 103, 138 121, 074 183, 059 Plums and prunes.o Lbs. Dolls. Raiaina.a Pounds. 47, 516, 903 31, 847, 560 32, 334, 165 37, 782, 740 35, 271, 257 29, 857, 951 30, 788, 515 Dollars. 2, 984, 713 2, 340, 110 2, 479, 469 2, 152, 045 1,845,583 1, 513, 951 1, 594, 766 Pre- served fruits. o Dolls. 8,597 1,211 69, 540 517 7,618 274 3,578 All other fruits. Nuts. I All Almonds.a other, (a) Dollars. Pounds. \ Dolls, j Dolls. 2, 299, 110 2, 539, 315 2, 728, 814 2, 948, 150 3, 236, 979 2, 417, 221 2, 195, 055 2, 150, 028 2, 351, 664 3, 249, 405 3, 139, 170 3, 539, 606 5, 034, 096 250, 886 ;i, 164, 050 165, 609 124,654 2,199,207 214,497 155,236 299, 461 300, 432 3,284,393 325,422 2,318,255 239,988 2,377,209 256,586 308,835 2,456,326 278,001 191, 148 12, 413, 668 344, 815 I I 2,606 110 1,026 1, 952 1,018 1,636 5,466 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPALN— Continued. 1871 1872 .... 1873 1874 1,000 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 278 1880 1881 1882 1 1883 •150 1884 1885 ! 1886 20, 000 1,400 j 1887 1888 1889 1890 alncladedin "All othe: fruits" prior to 1884. 212 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPOKTS FROM SPAIN— Continued. TEAPv ENDING JUNE 30— 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1SS3 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1800 DUTIABLE. GLASS AND GLASSWARE. Dolls. DoUs. Dolls. 27 4 173 2)o/?«. 7)o?Js. Dolls. 441 Doifa. lEON AND STEEL, AND MANU- FACTURES OP. Iron ore. 6 Pig iron. Tons. DolU. Tons. Dolls. 71 22 87 134 300 18 33 73! 235 183 11 52, 893 29. 953 54, 805 90, 880 106, 710 98, 085 66, 691 991 21, 506 1,61142,388 I 36 374,943 829.42?'. 243,<)06l .527,728 428,58oj 772.027 522,719 855,896 416, 138; 701, 169 190,400 418,317| 482, 551 974, 308 7,507 74. 080 2,300:22,960 2, 002 19, 799 517 5,360 EXPORTS OP FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN-Continued. 3871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 ... 1879 . 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1883 1880 1887 1.-8K ii81 179, 009 12, 436 4,133 14, 970 14, 497 84 6,264 60 279, 614 301, 867 1,108 C74 118 Manufactures of, not elsewhere specified. Cutlery. Dollars. 85, 052 466 Eire- arms. Dollars. 32 6 332 Machin- ery. Dollars. 77 605 50 All other. Jewelry, manufact- ures of gold and silver, I and pre- cious stones Dollars. 1,078 20 5 15 45 29 399 3,806 245 6,221 1,941 Lead, and manufact- ures of. Dollars. 37 22 1,074 606 97 299 354 432 301 976 Dollars. 841, 730 751, 764 625, 140 183, 393 144, 408 81, 002 184, 662 148, 381 13, 048 33, 020 11, 257 30, 515 17, 334 60,724 55, 558 71, 733 26, 571 15, 924 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. 1871 1 1872 1 1873 1 1874 I 1875 1876 1 1877 1 1878 1,200 1 1879 1880 ! 1881 i 1882 ^ 1883 1 1884 1 1885 1 1886 1 1887 1 1,434 1888 1 1889 1890 i 1 214 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM SPAIN— Continued. DUTIABLE. LEATHER, AND MANDFACTURES OF. METAI.S. METAI, MARBLE AND | COMPOSITIONS AND Miner.ll 8ub.stan- ces. not elsewhere specified.c TEAR Leather. Manufactures of. CFACTURES OF. NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. ENDING JUNE 30— Upper leather, dressed and skins dressed and fin- ished, not elseTviierc specified. All otlier. Gloves of kid, or otlier leather. All other. Marble and nianu- fact- urcB of. Stone and manufact- ures of, including slate. o Bronze manu- fact- uresb. All others. Musi- cal in- stru- ments. 1871 Dollars. Dolls. Dolls. 76 51 Dolls. Dolls Dollars. Dolls. Dollars. Dollars. DolU. 1872 168 648 28 7,366 613 31 1873 21 1874 29 146 45 15 1875 702 1876 ■ 1877 97 255 33 706 417 83 1878 1879 149 1880 73 1881 8,940 54 3,067 183 27 55 141 120 7 1 1882 827 29 1883 357 781 1884 224 50 70 295 326 27 298 300 150 20 1,985 8,032 65 1885 24 305 10 17 2,928 20 1886 4 264 72 42 4 69 29 2 1887 10 38 137 729 79 48 1888 2 1889 31 13 48 1890 326 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN-Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 .. . 1876 1877 1878 1879 .. ■ 1880 1881 ]>iS2 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 . ... 1888 2 15 1889 1890 o Included in "Marble, etc," prior to 1884. b Included in "All other metals, etc.," prior to 1884. cNot enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 215 IMPORTS FROM SPAIN— Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE so- ls?] , 1872, i87;t , 1874, 1875 . 1876, 1877, 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881 . 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888 . 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. OILS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Wli.nlo and tish. Oallons. Dolls. Vegetable. Fixed or expressed. Olive, salad. Gallons. 8,849 5,335 49, 571 78, 010 60, 696 3,174 9,375 8,809 12, -240 13, 913 17, 979 16, 538 27, 153 16, 561 68, 218 102,314 68, 694 565 58, 367 80, 202 Dollars 6,678 4,607 33,416 54, 650 49, 039 2,786 8,146 8,252 9,070 10, 712 13, 287 11, 592 19, 062 12, 908 45, 218 66, 522 35, 235 418 25, 108 43, 883 Other. Gallons 22 Dolls. Volatile or essential. Pounds 30 915 Dollars. 29 1,610 804 332 Paints and colors. Dollars. 327 25 629 31 154 Paper, and manu- fact- ures of. Dollars. 1,691 1,403 623 2,024 2,255 1,233 936 1,180 Pcfum- eriea, cos- metics, and all toilet prej)ara- tions. Dollars. 43 2,024 2 189 25 343 630 50 1,063 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 60 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 197 118 325 132 1889 1890 216 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. nLPORTS FROM SPAIN— Continaed. DUTIABLE. PROVISIONS, COMPIIISING MEAT AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. Salt. Seeds, not else- where speci- fied. SILK, MANrrACTDRKS OP. TEAK E^^)ING JUNE 30 Meat prod- ucts. Dress and l)iece goods. Lac«s and em- broid- eries. Meat and meat ex- tracts. All other. (a) Cbeese.a All other. 1871 Dolls. 1,256 2,412 540 288 285 Dolls. Pounds. Dolls. Pounds. 45, 382, 946 35, 644, 733 63, 581, 141 78, 354, 926 74,003,588 90, 468, 971 79, 049. 852 64, 955, 076 37, 274, 230 84, 914, 554 89, 698, 727 58, 762, 322 42, 163, 816 52, 431, 917 28,701,695 16, 584, 094 18, 577, 781 30, 354, 312 30, 325, 862 19, 067, 222 Dollars. 48, 215 32, 910 60, 599 78, 829 69, 138 83, 945 75, 507 62, 518 39,003 83, 535 98,242 62, 997 48,807 53, 060 28, 9C1 18,133 18, 626 29, 691 28, 176 19, 267 DoUs. 415 6 57 Dolls. Dolls. 87 1,957 ; Dolls. 659 1872 97 1873 1874 4,338 1875 172 52 1876 610 58 153 190 667 343 116 338 306 86 1877 16 2 134 220 127 1878 93 1879 ... . 137 1880 1,334 1881 235 1882 204 537 1883 350 33 1884 234 562 147 165 10,586 1.874 699 1885 122 38 1886 77 149 503 8 1887 523 70 101 15 158 1888 119 . 519 1890 131 117 16 14 94 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN-Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 . . . 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 ■ 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 a Included in "Meat and uieat extract-s, etc.," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 217 IMPORTS FKOM SPAIIf— Continued. DUTIABLE. TEAR END- ING Soap, (a) Spices, not olse- •wliere epecitied. BPIHITS, DISl ILLED. Sponges.a SUGAH, MOLAS?!ES. srGAH CANDY, AND CONFEC- TIONERY. JUNE 80— Brandy. b All other. Sugar, brown. Confec- tionery and mo- lassea. 1871 Dolls. Pounds. Dollars. P. galls. Dollars. P. galls. 8 Dollars. 25 230 1,403 4, 639 Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 1872 15, 189 12, 321 2,019 4,399 8, 22i) 5,424 11, 133 805 903 12^ 551 738 506 868 272 1,197 9,413 32 850 336 1, 124, 054 47, 367 12 1873 11 1874 1875 46 442 1,122 13 1876 23 1877 1878 1879 8, 600 692 5 430 699 140 86 57, 451 266 1,276 381 374 233 164 295 56 566 313 429 42,927 1,437 2,217 786 515 4 1880 1881 . . 8, 400i 852 519 273 32 887 2 788 2, 038, 096, 74, 474 364 1882 1883 40 1884 . . . 1,958 6,859 11, 287 9ia 874 982 4,208 a 087 358 62 274 406 156 152 457 722 139 581 800 355 312 775 35 14 30 1885 1886 9 4101 SS iA9. 261 176 526 160 1,085 i 1887 5,455 8,375 4,577 8,358 11, 440 695 26,325 1,443 15, 880 941 24,706 1 664 1888 51 1889 200 1890 237 1 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. 1871 1872 . . . 4,018 25 1,065 16 1873 1874 1875 238 289 1876 1877 1878 1879 531 1,988 60 215 506 65 1880 1881 1882 1 1883 1884.... 1885 174 1886 1887 28 20 1888 .... 1889.... , 1890.... a Not enumerated prior to 1884. b Included with "All other spirits " prior to 1884. 218 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPOKTS FEOM SPAIN— Continued. YEAR END- ING JUNE 80— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. Snlphnr or brimstrine, refined. Tom. Dollars TOBACCO, AND MANVFACTCKES OF. Leaf. Pounds Dolls. Manufactures of. Cigars, cigar- ettes, and che- roota. Potmds Dollars All other. VEGETABLES Beans and pease. Dollars Bushels] Dolls. Pickles and sauces. (a) All other. Pre- pared In their; natural „ „ „ <"> (a) Dollars ^Dollars Dollars. 158 234 43 38 92 71 233 16 341 125 98 102 190 567 30 11, 467 11, 977 12, 399 17,607 30, 827 6,328 5,600 5,743 8, 756 14, 152 9,438 14, 335 13, 907 16, 059 14, 346 500 560 320 4,770 620 555 7,678 38, 279 52, 548| 45, 154 51, 784 47, 960 363 43 20 155 76 226 94 46 327 145 454 209 l,960j 4,247 1,210' 4,38i: l,065j 6,319 2, 265 1 13, 993^ 683! 13, 564 675 30, 217 1, 289 26, 292 232 121 254 383 125 109 177 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN-Continued. 1871 . . 1872 1873 1874 1875 ... 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 ... 640 500 328 1882 ... 1883 50 60 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1883 1890.... a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 219 IMPORTS FROM SPAIN-Continned. YEAR ENDING JUKE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 188G. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. Champagne, and other 8|>;ukling. (o) Dozens. ^Dollars. 45 512 10 31 483 Still wines. In casks. Gallons. 1,170,510 1,033,254 1,492,953 1, 240, 562 1, 156, 394 512, 753 568, 652 609, 080 580, 479 725, 336 1, 182, 284 1, 442, 879 1, 953. 687 948, 169 976, 9*4 1, 232, 640 1, 054, 397 1, 077, 601 983, 565 1, 169, 456 Dollars. 611,597 522, 280 693, 968 607, 845 628, 822 369, 381 332, 146 304, 437 296, 370 446,240 775, 959 945, 477 1, 212, 797 695, 683 662, 496 803, 654 727, 557 725, 840 673, 257 806, 524 In bottles. Dozens. 361 360 259 275 352 612 449 1,030 273 2,758 2,349 161 1,477 895 2,367 1,734 2,548 1,368 1,191 1,520 Dollars. 2,585 1,896 1,942 1,360 3,448 4,414 2,971 5,100 2,593 7,894 11, 186 7,059 8, 583 4,994 1»,680 7,293 13, 153 7,610 8,687 11, 601 WOOD, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED, AND MANL'FACT- UKES OF. Lnm- ber. Dollars. Manufactures of. Cabinet- ware or house furni- ture. 6 Dollars. All other. 270 90 50 10 338 229 667 1,772 Dollars. 103 1,454 1,732 611 32 198 520 153 92 1, 139 1,]4» 2,825 474 10, 053 137 17» 842 471 1,157 485 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN— Continued. 1871 5,101 36, 586 20, 399 2,424 6,841 9,077 7,368 407 128 2,853 19, 796 8,687 2.962 5,029 8,255 3,620 154 130 1872 ! 1873 1 1874 1875 123 1, 145 126 1,145 760 874 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 5,502 3,932 24,775 8,788 7,316 1,632 2 028 2, 135 2,067 15, 067 2,543 4,401 1,730 1,370 4,297 5. 188 3,035 18S2 709 1883 1884 1885 550 1 1886 1 16 1887 1888 4,691 569 1889 8,494 6,275 1 310 1890 1 1 1 1 a Included in " StiU winea " prior to 1884. b Included in " All other manufactures of wood " prior to 1884. 220 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMTORTS FEOM SPAIX— Continnod. DUTIABLE. EECAPITULATION". YEAR WOOLS, HAIB OF THE CAMEL, GOAT, ALPACA, AND OTHEE I.TKR ANIMALS, AND MANUFACTUKES OF. All otlier duti- altle ar- ticles. TOTAL DUTI- ABLE. TOTAL FREE OP DUTT. i:nd- Unmanufact- ured. Manufactures of. TOTAL JUNE 30- Clothing, reafly- made, etc. (a) Cloths. Knit fab- rics. All other. VAI.tJE OF MERCHAN- DISE. 1871 Lbs. Bolh. Dollars. Lbs. Bolls. DolU. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. 64, 900 Dollars. 4.065 147 Dolls. 123, 298 Dollars. 4.188.445 1872... 10 66,824 4,154,574 94,360, 4,530,407 72,309 4,036,383 271,591 4,426,165 1873 12, 658 2,406 431,964 4,962,431 1874 155 561.821' 4. .598. 204 1875 64,319 4,266,916 267,750 71,531 3,083,386| 316,477 112,849 3,013,478 267.358 4, 534, 006 1876 (6) 10 3, 399, 803 1877 . . 6 63 3, 280, 836 1878 106,526. 2,853,102 412,544 328, 028 3, 265, 646 1879 240,130j 3,006,213 407 1 ns .i r>'>i. 7U1 3. 334. 241 1880 1,689 83,248 227 5 429,7181 5,052,419 1881 15, 712 (b) 12 6 210 703,219 ■ 38 717,159 161 91.'5.697 5, 308, 494 635. 501 ' 5.933.995 1882 5,393,089 606.4171 5.999.506 1883 7.349.514 1 444,83li 7,794,345 1884 15 4 147 1 2 10 , 1 -■- , 39,813 5,738,521 59,601 4,328,770 468,999, 6,207,520 1885 375,175 4.703,945 1886 . 71, 659 8,175 89,216 5. ."1-14. 9''0 385,282 5.930,202 1887 14 10 5 3 24 100, 226 114, 055 87,744 231, 544 5, 101, 473 4, 529, 555 3, 836, 960 4, 650, 460 469,395: 5. 57t', 868 1888 660, 190. 5. 189. 745 1889 . 23 233 799, 701 638, 077 4, 636, OUl 1890.... 19, 632 3,192 10 5 1 5, 283, 537 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SPAIN-Continued. 1871 713 3,566 20, 861 10. 953 4, 006 5,441 9,400 3,740 4,309 80, 426 15,617 10,813 10, 302 70, 314 4,208 23,612 38,417 15, 6113 5, 373 8, 003 15, 892 5,950 3,566 1872 20,801 1873 1,936 16. 909 1874 5,417 9.423 1875 21,849 7,980 317 1,030 7, 451 25 45, 265 899 291 5.771 12. 226 2,334 5,671 6, 298 27, 290 1876 9,400 1877 ... 11, 726 1878 . 4,626 1879 86, 426 1880 16, 647 1881 18, 264 1882 16, 327 1883 115,579 1884 5,167 1885 . 23, !)03 1886 96 53 20 44, 188 1887 27. 919 1888 ... 7,707 1889... 13, 734 1890 . 22, 190 a IncUulid in "All other manufactures of wool" prior to 1884. b Not stated. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 221 IMPORTS FROM SWEDEN AND NORWAY. FREE OF DUTY, YEAR ENDlNd JUNE 30- Articles, the growth, pro- duce, or niamifact- nre of the United States, re- turned. Books, maps, encraviiijis, etcTiings, and other printed matttT not elsewhere specified . Clieni- icals, drugs, and dyes, not else- where specified. Cofifee.a Eggs. Fish, not else wliere speci- fied. Fruits, inrlud- iiig nuts, not, else- where 8j)eei- fied.6 1871 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dozens. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1872 1,706 1,396 9,483 4,092 10, 703 3,508 5,217 5, 093 1873 573 168 1874 1875 1876 139 1877 1878 1879 1880 4,430 9, 820 18, 037 29, 496 35,083 51, 560 54, 620 56, 095 41,585 21,538 28, 336 13 1881 1882 230 100 435 1,450 1,233 899 1,179 1,724 825 1883 2,780 41, 840 48, 380 9,000 720 418 8,415 8,817 1,085 174 1884 1 476 1885 1 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SWEDEN AND NORWAY. 1871 1874 1876 4,954 9,088 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 812 2, 050 2,433 2,750 2,000 1,615 3,750 875 1,216 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 2, 500 7. ."500 750 1887 320 1888 1,300 75 20 1889 1890 a Dutiable prior to 1873. b Not enumerated prior to 1884. 222 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS from: SWEDEK and NORWAY— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. HIDES AND SKINS, OTHER THAN FUE SKINS. Household and personal effic'tw, and wearing ap- parel in UHe, ami iiiii)lc- ments, instru- ments, and tools of trade of persons ar- riving from foreign coun- tries, and of citizens of the United States dying abroad. PAPER STOCK, CKDDE. Seeds, not medic- inal, not else- where speci- fied. ■Wood, unman- ufac- tured, not else- where speci- fied. All other free ar- ticles. TEAK ENDING- JUNE 30— Goat skins, a All other. Rags, other than woolen. AU other. TOTAL FREE OF DUTY. 1871 Dollars. Dollart. Dollart. 200 Poxtnds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollart. Dollars. Dollars. 1,526 1,930 169 47 508 , 643 3, 614 1.024 21, 245 798 2,861 2,748 2,342 3,602 5,914 10, 567 24, -!29 21, 232 DoUart. 1,726 1872 3,636 1873 100 15 110, 000 2,581 361 6,180 1874 9,713 1875 4,600 1876 42 10, 884 1877 4,151 1878 21 5,238 1379 60 290 453 1,047 566 489 1,981 3,272 1,916 3,026 1,826 2,276 8,767 1880 3,462 5,051 39, 620 79, 949 85, 602 30, 249 13, 908 24,445 46, 040 26, 888 5,613 2,067 320 125 15 11,411 1881 995, 107 129, 761 101, 417 352, 559 238, 370 39, 090 3,035 1,455 6,801 4, 282 76, 003 1-882 62, 767 1SS3 986 50 Kil 177 2,110 9,690 9,060 12, 591 199 4,682 80 20 10 32 115, 851 1884 140, 208 1885 100, 822 1886 82, 579 1887 1888 1889 4,316 10, 343 18,262 16, 726 72, 303 63, 133 136, 1?4 1,689 1,541 1,625 97, 638 124, 003 105, 352 3890 87, 599 1 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SWEDEN AND NORWAY— Continued. 1871 1874 1876 4,954 9,088 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 812 1882 2,050 1883 2, 433 1884 2,750 1885 504 375 2, 504 1888 5,270 1887 4,070 1888 2,195 1889 775 910 1,991 1890 910 a Included in "A 11 other hides and skins" prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 223 IirPOKTS FROM SWEDEN AND NORWAY— Continued. DUTLABLE. Art works, not else- where specitied: Paint- ings, in oil or water col- ors, and statu- ary. Books, maps, en- gravings, eteliings, and other printed matter, not else- where specified. Brass, and mauu fact- ures of. Bread- BtufTs, and ])repara- tious of, used as food, not else- where specitied. Bristles. Chemi- cals, drugs, dyes, and medi- cines, not else- where speci- fied. Cotton, manu- facture! of. EAETHEN, STONE, AND CHINA WABB. yi:ar ENDING JUNE 30— China, porcelain, parian, and bisiine, eaithen, stone, and crockery ware. All Not deco- rated or orna- mented. (a) Deco- rated or orna- mented.a other. 1871 Dollars. Dollars. 3, 185 267 553 8,756 4,012 2,122 1,621 2,077 1,245 180 6 7,479 20, 694 13, 420 19, 640 30, 783 25, 177 19, 662 18, 103 21, 181 DolU. Dollars. Lhs. Dolls. Dollars. 37 28 5,864 143 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollt. 1872 18 2 6 139 49 1873 1874 364 975 1,416 9,557 276 64 200 59 1875 1876 . ... 57 1877 . ... 172 299 132 15 26 7,388 1878 1879 1880 180 943 124 542 1,066 515 323 313 44, 118 5,156 7,315 3 20 120 12 3,356 56 13 2,096 14 674 1,028 51 11 7 231 233 156 209 599 112 20 75 1881 1882 24 3 36 1883 457 505 175 1884 335 92 40 105 2,356 70 57 530 124 383 526 39 1885 1 1886 270 431 398 247 613 1887 129 1888 87 1889. 3 1890 1,034 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SWEDEN AND NORWAY— Continued. 1871 1874 1876 1877 6,056 15, 332 8,696 20, 725 1878 1879 95 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 37,843 193 1889 1890 14,110 105 a Not separated prior to 1884. 224 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM SWEDEN A2^^D IfORWAT— Contiimed. DUTIABLE. FISH, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Flax, hemp, jute, and other vepeta- bio sabstau- ces, mann- factures of. TEAR Ancbo- vies and sardines, packed in oil or other- wise. Cod, haddock, liake. and pollock, dried, smoked, or pickled. Herring. AU other. Furs, ENDING JUNE 30— Dried or smoked. Pickled or salted. dressed on the skin, and- manufact ores of fur. 1871 Dollart. Pounds. Dollars. Tounds. Dollars. Barrels. Dollars. Dollars. 3,729 241 83 1,205 955 432 1,134 393 5,280 4,007 6,845 11,458 29. 884 50, 784 40, 918 32, 313 28, 349 9,981 22, 423 65, 939 Dollars. BoUars. 1872 . ... 8 320 635 152 51 60 173 331 305 1,203 2 1,793 1,717 2 1,602 8 259 343 1 277 1873 33 1874 1875 1876 300 247 193 1877 8, 252 1878 45 1879 271 480 48 436 78 250 452 3, 485 2,643 4,218 9,024 19, 632 22, 237 22, 994 27, 709 2,536 563 898 3,091 22, 721 16, 308 29, 474 46, 303 94, 325 100, 124 110,046 117, 100 1880 9,928 1881 1882 659 18 6 31 15 1 334 73 1,208 1,400 171 1883 1,892 3,455 9, 054 11, 883 14,419 22, 554 11, 926 14, 415 431 1884 6,758 1885 926 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 104,732 248,690 465, 419 474, 592 108,759 7,082 10, 949 19, 841 23, 982 5,552 5,826 53, 371 184,451 329, 668 701, 288 241 1,966 7,409 16, 677 27, 373 1,265 826 531 1,132 772 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SWEDEN AND NORWAT-Continuud. 1871 1 1872 1873 1 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 928 1883... . 1 1884 i 1 1 1885 1886 1887 1 1888 27 1 1889 . 18!'0 52 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 225 IMPORTS FROM SWEDEN AND NORWAY— Continued. DUTIABLE. YEAR r ENDING G,„,, „,,rtl IRON AND STEEL, AND M^VNUFACTUREOF. JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1880. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. glass- ware. Dollars. 21 11 20 227 75 105 507 23 4 49 362 826 1,474 2,300 2,830 2,908 8,799 4,675 Iron ore. a Totis. Dollars. 2,625 10, 139 Pig iron. I'ons. 22 244 492 Dollars. 510 8,698 21,007 255 151 3,244 4,311 2,203 3,455 1,872 1,174 1,226 556 4,106 6,319 3,112 6,862 3,761 89, 462 111,176 52, 076 79, 292 42, 334 22, 019 24, 627 10, 403 74, 846 129, 561 70, 035 Scrap, fit only to be renianufactured. Tons. 1,751 583 1,592 932 479 656 180 8,690 5,234 1,976 679 246 101 7,559 8,006 141 1,439 Dollars. 53, 204 16, 470 78, 512 52, 351 28, 547 30, 688 6,365 154, 817 114, 883 36, 048 11, 600 3,833 2.915 110, 149 124, 898 2,816 25, 159 Bar iron, rolled or haiiiniered. Fovnds. 82, 181, 267 74, 967, 323 63, 568, 210 41, 076, 806 13, 825, 411 9, 990, 709 5,913,968 6, 114, 537 9, 016, 859 17,911,454 21, 206, 289 49, 992, 231 39, 453, 128 66, 232, 162 58, 557, 991 58, 652, 135 57, 638, 277 44, 341, 461 48, 466, 570 52, 180, 070 Dollars. 1, 764, 089 1, 707, 254 2, 099, 210 1, 652, 323 457, 923 296, 202 164, 278 120, 37» 190, 464 410,2]0« 517,959 1,118,331 851, 940' 1, 334, 119' 1, 138, 819 1,171,352 1, 119, 404 807, 159 812, 485 896,276 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SWEDEN AND NORWAY— Continued. 1871 1 1872 , 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 188? 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 ' a Not enumerated prior to 1884. H. Mis. 117 15 226 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS riiOM SWEDEN AND ^■ORWAY— Contiuued. DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDING IRON AND STEEL, AND MANUFACTURES OP. JUNE 30— Hoops, bands, strips. sheets, and plates of steel. lugots, blooms, slabs, | l)illets, and bars of steel. Sheet, plate, and and steel in forms not tagf^eis' iron, elsewheie specified. o Wire rods (rivet, screw, nail, and fence), round, in coils and loops, of iron or steel. a 1871 Potinds. 325, 536 Dollars. 8, 553 Poinifis. 1 Dollars. I'ouikU. j 1 Dollars. Poxiyids. Dollars. 1872 1 ! 1873 1 24, 122 1,079 1874 1,246,941 57, C92 1875 1876 168, 140 6, 031 1 1 1877 1878 1 1879 1 1880 ... i ■ 1 1881 1882 55, 296 4, 622 1883 1884 1885 2,242 23, 075 1,031 465 36,634 104, 359 102, 916 58 632 33 15 828 3,523 3,889 2, 555. 840 3, 233, 010 6, 815, 539 9, 244. 072 8, 680, 690 7, 422, 782 8, 902, 694 51,554 61,882 131,913 145. 987 133, 138 123, 520 154,311 24, 740 899 48,310.678 42, 163, 385 37, 043, 844 50, 963, 332 58, 690, 020 52.03.5,814 62, 043, 353 1, 035, 273 931,316 1886 787. 140 1887 1888 1889 1,973 12, 378 49 285 1,011,348 1,018,047 900, 603 1890 370 10 I, 087, 120 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SWEDEN AND NOKWAT-Continucd. 1871. 1874. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. •1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. a Included in "All other iron and steel, etc.," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 227 IMPORTS FROM SWEDEN AND NORWAY— Contiuued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871 . 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881 . 1882. 1883 . 1884. 1885. 1886 1887 , 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. IRON AND STEEL, AND MANU- FACTURES OF. Wire, .iiiil wirfi rope iuut .stiaiul, iron or steel. o All other. Jewelry, and man- uCactiires of ^rold iind silver, and pre- cious, stoues. Pounds. I Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 69, 753 75, 476 2, 783 368 12, 279 113,484 1,089 2,566 138 15 874 3,436 3,714 32, 273 380, 799 239, 850 48,001 18, 636 3,0C5 112 25 1.374 112.758 304, 886 641,244 24, 146 11,019 7,740 22, 536 40, 614 36,44J 65, 444 542 65 2,180 2,293 33 58 320 212 6 223 398 117 LEATHER, MAN- UFACTURES OF. Oloves, of kid or other leather. All other manufact- ures of. Dollars. Dollars. 599 13 80 498 3,079 885 118 241 700 683 777 563 3,892 1,914 1,148 Metals, metal Marble | coni])()si- ! Musical iind stone, tion.'i, andl iiistru. and nian-.manufact' ments, ulactures urea of, {and jiarts of. Dollars. 150 not cl.se- wliere 8i>ecitie2 1,235 1,004 1.640 202 Dollars. 319 151 290 675 237 89 Dollars. 332 153 503 200 990 2,309 40 Dollars. 332. 778 246,815 199, 876 2:i3, 448 2.39. 232 222. 369 231,249 Alizarin, natural or arti- tieial. inilud- ing extract of madder. Dollars. rnuncU. 2,796 I 4,800 1,788 2,254 1,791 1,528 922 2,400 15, 200 11,420 Dollars. 1,409 652 2,447 1,718 1,339 1,100 234 Argal, or argol, or crude tartar, and argol dust. Pounds. Dollars. 19, 112 3,352 13.924 2,576 146,246 23, 346 70, 419 10, 147 19, 53] 2,964 89, 594 11,683 85, 891 9,971 EXPORTS OF FOKEIGN JJERCHANDISE TO SWITZERLAND. 1888 ' 1 1890 1 i 1 IMPORTS FROM SWITZERLAND— Continued. FREE OF DUTT. CHEMICAI-S. DRVfiS, AND DYES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Hair. not el.se- wliere S])eci- lied. HIDES AND 8K1NS, OTHER THAN FUR SKINS. Household and personal ett'eits. and weai ina apiiarel in use, iiiid iiui)le- nients, insf runients, and tools of tradi^ of ])ers<)ns ar- riving from ftirei;;n coun- tries, etc. PAPER STOCK, CRUDE. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Mineral water.i, all not artilicial. Another. Goat skins. All other. Rags, other than woolen. AU other. 1884 1885 Gallons. 240 345 5U ICl 1,779 55 60 Dollars. 73 250 12 38 3.18 17 12 Dollars. 13, 180 14.932 12,727 13,910 7,478 8,695 19, 370 Dollars. 478 1,923 2, 188 1,655 4,418 8,671 Dollars. 3,820 188 Dollars. 38, 991 12, 082 52, 443 27, 633 32, 234 99, 127 127, 248 Dollars. 1,254 7,935 9.585 9,381 2,152 12, 833 18,719 Lbs. 167, 858 Dollars. 7,654 DolU. 7,565 8,647 1886 1887 1888 407 1889 1890 46,253 556 2,071 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCUANDISE TO SWITZERLAND-Continued. 1888. 1890. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 231 IMrORTS FROM SWITZERLAND-Coiitinued. YEAR JUNK FREE OF DUTY. Seods. not modicinal, Dot el.se- wlipre spei-ificd. nulla i:i. SILK, UNMANUFACTUBED. Raw, or as reeled from the foeooii. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 18S8. 18sn. 1800. Potaids. 31, 402 2,724 1,959 4,576 2, 133 510 100 Dollars. 169, 898 10, 206 9,517 22. 237 10, 148 2,060 5C5 "Waste. rcundg. Dollars. Wood, uiiiiianii- factured, not else- where specitied. Dollars. AUotlier free arti- cles. 2, 21)5 5,790 9,254 23, 076 8,464 111 6,087 1,714 9,192 1,337 112 455 Dollars. 12, 490 0,649 9,470 10,630 13,643 18,307 13, 284 TOTAL FKKE OF DUTY. Dollars. 600, 679 31.5,162 330, 246 344, 078 315,993 384, 738 434, 075 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO SWITZERLAND— Continued. 1888 1 1 1 1 1 1 1890 1 ' 1 1 1 i ' IMPORTS FROM SWITZERLAND-Continued. TEAR ENDIXC; .JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. Ani- mals, not else- Art I j works, I n. e. s. : : I'ainl- inas. in I oil or where! water speci- colors, tied. anle articles. TOTAL DUTIABLE. TOTAL FREE OF DUTY. TOTAL jrXE 30— Uiiinauufiutured. Jklauufatturea of. OF MEli- Carpi- ts iind car- peting. All oilier. DISE. roinult. Dollars. Sq. yards. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1873 642, 455 49. 868 14 61,337 52, 106 113, .-,33 1S74 12, 205 3, 220 6, 023 343 1,141 131 540 11 2. 4.38 3,281 575 1,709 64, 187 69,178 28,710 44,915 66. 025 1875 72, 450 J8TC 29, 285 1877 816 1,040 124 92 46,714 1878 30 103 184 2, 707 2,891 1879 1 1880 1.3.50 20. 370 524 2,594 4, 000 10,274 21. 669 26, 758 52, 349 3,077 230, 777 20, 835 1881 700 1,611 283. 126 1882 2n.:;o8 25, 417 10. 944 39, 623 62, 2(i6 4,090 122, 973 278. 866 l».rior to 1884. 240 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. nirOKTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM -Continued, TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1890. FREE OF DUTY. Books, maps, en- i^raviugs, etchinirs, and otiier printed matter not elsewhere | epecitied CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AMD DYES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Alizarine, nat- ural or arti- ficial, includ- ing extract of madder, a Dollars. Lbs. {Dollars. 230, 844 249, 465 259, 760 242, 902 193, 084 195, 894J 202, 229 213, 367 264, 258 361, 826 349, 591 523, 434 513, 889 489, 981 607, 207 600, 427 701, 003 645, 930 65, 768 152, 464 319, 576 294, 186 155, 782 472, 300 331, 998 20, 805 43, 688 72, 294 51,095 25, 076 85, 132 56, 437 Argal, or argol, or crude tartar. (6) Pounds, j 587, 8711 1, 976, 703 1, 375, 959 813, 047 1, 359, 602 1,416,611 1, 405, 476 1,070,552 2, 099, 581 1, 914, 505 1, 627, 068 1,025,447 1, 114, 108 531. 749 460, 104 181, 865 279, 515 66, 635 65, 946 72,245 Dollars. 73, 616 264, 136 205, 002 117,949 203, 829 221,938 207, 785 126, 631 295, 820 309, 196 267, 136 195,427 199, 986 94, 643 76, 778 34, 953 49, 5341 10, 262 10, 801 11, 060 Barks: Cliinchona, or other, from ■which quinine may be extracted. Cochineal. Pounds. (c) (0 226, 639 1, 043, 645 73, 540 501, 148 156, 252 238, 159 617,581 349,118 1,242,556 1, 333, 569 1, 284, 972 1, 190, 074 2, 641, 141 3, 516, 533 2, 903, 847 1, 706, 407 1,946,917 1, 978, 983 Dollars. 353, 007 205, 711 97, 845 430, 526 22, 481 205, 360 83,4 165, 984 543, 260 258, 946 1, 077, 697 664, 990 525, 018 361, W3 733, 155 781, 996 519, 121 217,845 261, 292 188, 955 Lbs. IDollars. 800,995! 534,431 482, 198 461, 280 609, 388 471, 079 391, 127 342, 109 542, 626 324, 733 284, 391 337, 779 241, 040 179, 037 180, 035 277, 748 727.695 404,265 892,138 613.656 799, 527^ 398,485 Dye- woods. 755, 932 335, 233 279, 398 467, 141 383, 884 223, 424 65, 861 184, 760 55, 489 297, 696 86, 238 66, 432 120, 850 115, 098 63, 405 16, 593 39, 390 11, 873 Dollars. 455 2,649 1,801 4,260 26, 724 19, 164 108, 055 56, 114 33, 621 78, 317 66, 089 • 7,8,054 38, 496 21,948 31, 799 99, 843 32, 372 8,734 36, 696 16, 275 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 40, 710 1872 1,000 127 2,075 1,200 14, 993 1873..:... 1874 656 19, 565 7,134 36, 379 6,398 39, 379 49, 846 166, 146 318, 544 390, 20S 229, 480 101,106 122, 245 3,897 3,322 13, 500 875 7,006 41, 103 31, 933 145, 957 163, 760 62, 960 34, 390 30, 568 20, 563 1875 29, GIO 5,968 19, 470 10, 600 30, 738 1876 81, 245 1877 30, 000 4,037 66, 986 52, 938 12, 048 1878 13, 035 1879 2,310 1880 1,100 1881 1,225 1882 1883 1884 522 1,746 175 60 15 88, 502 1,579 4,676 1885 1886 38, 465 12, 800 2,030 374 4,092 810 3,075 7,928 5,250 1,987 1,950 1887 1888 1889 1 L 1,280 1890 a Included in " All other chemicnla, etc.,'' prior to 1884, b Free of duty on and after January 1, 1871. e Quantity not stated^ IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 241 IMPOrwTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continned. FREE OF DUTY. TEAR CHEMICALS, DRDG3, AND DYES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. ENDING JUNE Gums. 30— Arabic. a Camphor, crude. Cutcli or patlu'chu or ierra,iai)oiiica or gambler. Sliellac.o All other 1871 Pounds. nollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. 1,200 740, 419 23, 121 140, 227 60, 189 778, 210 419.105 Dollars. 50 39, 350 1,302 Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 398, 738 1872 719, 187 415, 862 604, 142 627, 574 432,576 604, 117 624, 147 870, 033 1, 047, 389 824 679 1873 91,406 15,301 1874 7,440 3,343 40, 168 23, 858 4,625 1875 1876 25, 088 187, 9i6 148, 315 9,615 2,640 3,276 35, 695 1877 1878 26,356 114.642 1879 ... 1,611 531 152, 875 2, 594, 030 2, 521, 780 1. 560, 483 583, 560 1, 581, 470 2, 393, 556 3, 137, 408 3, 920, 859 6, 935, 919 2, 460, 259 5, 288, 050 7,673 152, 954 145, 657 72, 577 33, 651 93, 274 121, 259 161, 159 236, 504 379, 838 131, 710 322, 560 1880 1881 1882 2,750 90, 991 705 13, 899 433, 923 568 576 1883 1884 1885 1,723,442 371, 148 427, 630 141, 266 232, 842 405, 420 556, 816 241,813 72, 200 85, 590 a, 115 45, 843 55, 893 49, 661 601, 369 801, 608 1, 457, 696 1, 704, 178 1, 765, 471 2, 974, 954 1,379,758 110, 879 123, 333 215, 951 227, 940 225, 585 421, 710 213, 299 402, 341 241, 578 381, 103 306, 872 276, 292 434, 572 616,319 1886 1887 1888 1889 1S9) 22, 691 ■445, 779 153, 204 252, 380 273, 979 3,365 63, 933 21, 709 45, 324 90, 257 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 1 1872 1 10, 516 5,484 1873 1 1874 1 30, 919 17, 650 1875 1 1876 i 74, 247 24,809 11, 403 5,160 5,251 2,500 1877 1 1878 32, 138 5,257 1 1879 1880 1881 150, 380 111,406 198, 563 24, 000 10, 352 1882 5,647 11,417 1,200 470 1883 419 1884 1 2,248 12, 820 4,705 1885 1 1886 14, 473 14, 604 1,832 10, 000 3,412 3,763 550 2,400 53,553 5,368 31, 390 1,600 1887 9,002 14, 317 27, 653 4.032 1888 22, 197 4,000 1889 34, 061 1,882 1890 a Included in "All other guma " prior to 1881. H. Mis. 117 16 242 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. TEAR ENDING Jl'NE SO- FREE OF DUTY. CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND DYES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Indigo. Lime, chloride of, or bleaching powder. Mineral waters, all not artificial, a Qiiinia, sulphate of, and all alka- | loids or salts of cinchona bark. 6 Soda, nitrate of. EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 10, 962 30, 029 7,600 53, 583 7,036 10, 744 49, 043 7,600 59, 377 9,500 1872 1873 1874 1875 , 1876 1877 . . 38, 785 24, 623 32, 665 107, 696 16, 632 18, 450 205, 196 54, 483 24,831 2,211 19, 788 33, 388 25, 359 29, 288 12G, 30» 20,844 18, 597 209, 778 51,870 28, 807 1.286 10, 437 1878 1 1879 1 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1,500 1, 609 1885 1886. . 1887 1888 5,000 2, 500 153, 211 3,081 1889 12, IXi 21,883 10,800 16,113 1890 135 27 a Inclndod in "All other chemicaln, etc.," prior to 1884. b Dutiable prior to .July 1, 1879; from 1S80 to include 1883 returned in "All other cheniicalB, etc.' IMPORTS AND EXTORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 243 IMPORTS FROM THE UXITED KTN'GDOJI— Continued. FREE OF DUTY. year ■ chemicals. drl'os, and ending! dyes, not ei^ewherk JUNE SI- SPECIFIED. Sulphur, or brim. stone, crude. All other, Cocoa, or cacao, crude, and leaves aud sLells of.a Coffee. o Cork wood, or <'ork bark, unman- ufact- ured. 6 Cotton, unmanufactured. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885 1886 1887 1SS8 ISSil 18D0 Tons. 76i 93j 262 ai 48 54 897 16J] 808: 1, 605 1, 608 755 16 394 606 81 162 310 305 4,918 Dollarg. 2,131 3,330 9, 4J2 1,108 1,960 2, 121 27, 862 3,977 19, 622 36, 460 43.311 20, 294 467 9,442 15, O84I 2,535 4,437 7,200 8,337 101, 587 Dollars. 538, 573 1, 321, 101 1,821,054 1, 354, 523 1, 359, 977 913, 963 961, 356 1, 007, 248 1, 002, 752 2, 078, 912 1, 893, 709 1, 968, 202 2, 726, 953 1, 044, 984 992, 327 825,062 952, 866 1, 503, 379 1, 289, 221 1, 329, 691 Pounds. ' Dollars. Pounds. 3,459 141,541 794, 068 503, 905 747, 708 291, 649 1, 504, 365 866, 088 307, 871 774, 068 288. 948 901, 309' 318,491 443, 289 529, 277 867, 950 770, 692^ 1, 607, 82lj 14, 690 77, 681 70, 690| 118, 035 48, 444 329, 721 166, 042 40, 972 113, 659 43, 388 139, 524 43, 129 76, 684 92, 675 160, 238 129, 509 335, 337 2, 208, 1, 789, 1, 047, 2, 157, 2, 313, 1, 309. 2, 976, 5, 517, 596, 784, 580, 8, 618, 759, 1, 838, 975, 3, 900, 1,551, 8, 623, Dollars.] Dollars. 850 390,834 915' 377,736 021 290,735 396 441,922 535 429,282 785 273,507 592 632,640 991, 928 129, 365 166, 443 96, 453 922, 342 87, 829 238, 376 152, 934 621, 283 305, 715 252| 1,438,593 Pounds. Dollars. 201, 859 43, 223 607,197 45, 496 27,813 19. 039 18, 642 3,406 1,303 787 15, 039 9,096 17, 711 5,838 19, 557 12, 110 11, 495 11,818 2,945 44, 589 6, 352; 456, 747 2, 207, 649 888, 738' 1, 196, 470' 1, 983, 76o' 2, 043, 006 2, 174, 553 2, 487, 303 2, 453, 495' 3,673,2971 3, 181, 910 93, 342 114, 106 475, 527 209, 487 232. 186 327, 249 337, 490 415, 569 444,036 454, 004 680. 187 648, 008 4, 893, 225 1, 026, 014 3,569,549 678,600 3, 248, 637J 479, 769 2, 739, 610} 382, 202 3, 920, 226 578, 912 4. 793, 189 5, 062, 058 702, 327 843, 669 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1S85. 1880. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 4, 318 91, 0681 82, 1371 93, 972 193, 505I 188, 634 194,292' 110,066 179, 892; 115, 930 173, 283 341, 560 294, 225 55, 912 49, 649 118, 566 88, 825 148, 318 129, 270 86, 696 78, 312j 102, 158 122, 068 64, 249 141, 816 529, 487 524,571 886,615 563, 392 483, 606 284, 953 349, 657 195, 704 404, 542 446, 090 3,523 6,500 13. 153 18, 090 11. 182 22, 558 69, 840 75,416 124,410 68, 883 48, 613 32, 973 38, 756 23,993 49,516 52, 931 1, 282. 538, 728, 2, 283, 1,412, 2, 012, 3, 242, 1, 392, 3,111, 2, 657, 5, 634, 3, 746, 3,645, 4, 136, 5, 216, 3, 791, 3, 626, 2, 061, 672 104, 328 303 264' 503 231 [ 200 598 414, 330 346 734, 196 105, 950 284, 543 79,446 300, 359 91,520 364,936 75, 526 425, 838 86, 120 63, 170 14, 442 159, 769 35, 401 253, 532 51,851 62, 841 14, 160 234, 729 57,424 811, 783 166, 87a 586, 452 101, 493 1, 106, 144 180, 028 1, 047, 716 222, 345 1, 394, 857 282, 039 479, 866 63, 577 569, 034 71, 270 63, 700 9,012 156, 481 22. 986 201, 446 33,311 a Dutiable prior to 1873. b Not enumerated prior to 1873 2d4 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. liirORTS FRO.M THE UNITED KINGDOM!— Continued. 1 FREE OF DUTY. Diaiuf>nds and otiier precious stonea. rough and uncut, including glaziers and engra- vers' dia- monds not set, etc.o Eggs. Far: naceous sab- stances aiiU )>rep- arations ot (sago, tapioca, etc.), not el.'iewhere speci- iicd. a FERTILIZERS. Fish, not else- where speci- fied. Fniits, in- cluding nuts, not else- wliore speci- fied. a Furs and fur skins, un- dressed. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Gnano. All other. a Hair, not else where speci- fied. 1871 Dollars. Doz. Dolls. Dollars 7'ons. 3,255 15 18 984 Dollars. 98, 560 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 184, 517 190, 188 n4, 35i 229,41-; 280, 12J 264,5:!; 301,27. 523,313 .503. 200 708, 613 977, 043 848, 063 799, 944 953, 83U 734, 471 828, 322 780, 883 697, 109 978, 410 998, 615 Dollars. 23:!, 543 1872 10 4 89r) 807 31, 980 :!49, U33 1873 197, 699 1874 1 149, 982 1875 135, 472 1876 10 4 760 317 119,853 1877 1 1 76, 851 1878 4 710 97, 638 99, 765 1879 144, 033 1880 16 9 190, 829 1881 999 3, 298 2,418 1,280 1,862 2,047 806 1, 302 291 20 60, 294 174, 305 129, 208 79, 097 99, 284 72, 038 29,544 59, 516 14, 495 211 191, 444 276, 112 539,093 297, 050 193, 202 284, 941 190, 615 476 39 21 179, 909 1882 60 5,410 37, 930 14, 140 93, 160 1,435 1,491 9,014 200 7 849 7,64S 2,795 19, 188 303 370 1,717 41 235, 301 1883 367, 373 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 249, 505 216,755 222, 902 209, 153 178, 198 137, 541 130, 125 16, 297 49, 926 39, 975 22, 071 66, 652 27, 274 66, 685 47 65 5 87 728 99, 847 9,010 28, 947 33, 821 37, 083 22, 474 18, 530 697, 617 558, 539 782,426 1,024,317 984, 650 1,194,522 1,750,267 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 4 160 5,000 99, 492 246, 830 65, 212 283, 004 70, 843 105, 020 61 1872 783 1873 1,360 1874 19, 677 122, 191 2,000 1875 800 1876 27, 061 22. 098 10, 395 1877 1,217 630 41,934 12.600 4,201 1878 40. 608 1879 27, 941 61, 783 9,912 18,173 45,117 1880 2,886 1881 10, 929 57,701 49, 210 156, 446 2,874 1882 10. 050 1883 500, 670 25. 777 1884 10, 300 904 200 24, 161 513, 142 96. 262 10, 900 1885 4,827 1,186 5,303 11,900 180 1886 1 47,098^ 224,949 98,193 189.545 49, 329 1887 14,926 1888 8,268 500 1,953 2,320 179, 470 146, 540 79, 561 49, 891 19,713 599, 608 28, 577 1889 8,710 1890 5,195 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 245 IMPORTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1S71 . 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 187G. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. FREE OF DUTY. HIDES AOTD SKmS, OTHi R THAN FUE SKIN8. Goat skins. a Dollars. An otlier. Dollars. 431,724 204, 609 425, 430| 561,764 412, 360 563, 049 1, 091, 629 2, 821, 679 3, 779, 465 3, 222, 739 2, 299, 414 2, 988, 186 2, 933, 677 2, 721, 881 6, 858, 827 5,411,233 5, 075, 393 4, 942, 277 3,500,451 2, 883, 623 4, 079, 636 3, 683, 086 3, 483, 296 3, 503, 869 2, 488, 559 ITouseliold and personal etl'ects, etc., of persons arriviufi from forrign conn- tiios and of citizens of the I'niled .States dying abroad. India rubber and gutta- percha, crude. Dollars. 705,098 903, 661 101. 370 95, 857 96, 484 155, 165 141, 0471 111, 424 118,090 172,711 196, 514 262, 743 225, 127 294, 351 343, 207 332, 744 402, 430 417, 716 323, 765 339, 662 Pounds 279, 542 647, 955 1, 174, OO'j 930, 097 696, 488 718, 476 2, 513, 078 2, 225, 718 3, 064, 552 3, 342, 166 3, 039, 404 3, 727, 540 2, 042, 091 4, 015, 969 3, 399, 525 4,984,566 4, 348, 339 4,342,392 4, 989, 100 6, 431, 510 IVORY. 6 Animal. Pounds. Vegetable. Dollars. Pounds J Dolls. Dollars. 115, 519 276, 702 526, 029' 378, 98S' 225, 845 263, 848 1, 035, 519 784, 314 1, 243, 86G 1,965,714 1, 676, 258 2, 226, 981 2, 039, 298 2,110,105! 55,583' 150,453 1, 281, 923' 28, 527J 72, 815 2,318,052' 43,8151 100,003: 2,066,23l! 52,887| 134,120 l,916,790i 30,323J 71, 73l| 41,030 1,924,045 39,964 109,564 280| 3,141,122 54,718 165,259 253, 793 15, 078 1,705 7 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 18?G. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 97 2,030 60, 736 13, 412 63, 545 22, 129 10,668 11,838 4, 730' 9,609 139. 693 53, 148 25, 876 45, 788 42, 531 17, 644 22, 969 36, 715 36, 284 50, 607 300 175 20, 550 1,192 140 78 2,500 4,010 21,001) 11, 700 1,755 388 180, 716 15, 369 17, 130 221,931 657, 627 739, 822 576, 720 727, 709 569, 752 134, 272 514, 509 93, U42 3, 239 474, 893 1,073,019 1,425,015 481, 379 409, 889 112, 590 308, 267 262, 382 278, 123 235, 756 149, 454, 246, 340, 326, 206, 45, 158, 32, 1, 264, 454, 1, 129, 270, 179, 50, 149, 133, 150, 104, 5,401 3,084 2,060 33,700 1,350 13, 320 313, 027 7, 491 7,020 1,945 202,000 4,753 22, 31o| 410 56,523 2,800 a From 1873 to include 1883 included in "All other hides, etc." b Not enumerated prior to 1884. 246 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS from; the united KINGDOM— Continued. TEAR END- ING FREE OF DUTY. OILS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. PAPER STOCK, CEUDE. Pl.Ttinuni, JUNE 30— Fixed or expressed. a Volatile or esaen- tial.a Rags, other than woolen. AU other. Dollars. (c) 945, 576 1,339,763 459, 443 577, 792 1, 022, 753 929, 413 1, 005, 471 687,983 1, 362. 280 1, 080, 269 1, 394, 661 1, 062, 044 1, 168, 904 2,090.724 1, 922, 996 1,581,468 2, 129, 145 1, 996, 371 1, 504, 415 uiiinaiiiitact- urttl. b Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. 44, 4; 2, 396 59, 565, 576 34, 070, 627 25, 795, 941 28, 553, 466 22, 235, 906 31, 258, 208 41,454,359 45,405,036 91, 369, 121 61,720,880 68, 824, 850 74. 404, 207 70, 931, 678 34, 522, 442 12, 340, 893 18, 811, 198 .18, 865, 764 20, 038, 920 27, 923, 885 Dollars. 1, 575, 833 2, 374, 748 1, 545, 375 1, 087, 165 1,113.229 722, 125 906, 147 1, 158, 251 1,070,369 2,561,796 1, 633, 515 1, 814, 214 1, 837, 675 1, 557. 949 802, 433 263, 629 338, 110 336, 158 385, 698 473, 072 Lbs. Dolls. 1873.... 1874.... 1875.... 1876. . . . 1877.... 1878.... 1879.... 1880.... 1881.... 1882.... 1883.... 1884.... 1885.... 1886.... 1887. . . . 1888.... 1889.... 1890.... 21, 359 58,710 12, 817 29, 597 22, 575 47, 670 38, 232 7,270 13, 079 237. 277 113,672 1, 229, 477 661, 153 1, 117, 285 2, 330, 139 1, 384, 657 697, 246 2, 451, 677 18. 939 32, 869 15, 466 24, 647 20, 844 34, 098 31, 408 7,119 8,511 116, 264 58, 916 105, 971 55, 074 67, 293 120, 767 74, 698 37, 178 134, 255 75, 094 101, 479 53, 076 16, 829 52, 816 127,221 115, 617 161, 170 68, 582 135, 941 248,712 143, 852 205, 214 185, 774 193, 216 272, 378 232, 842 235, 804 104, 946 122, 797 115, 493 68, 332 106.678 148, 386 83, 569 182, 404 101, 223 115, 349 383,371 68, 323 74. 081 66, 227 86, 213 80, 783 67, 487 67, 936 1,240 982 706 711 891 832 903 131, 794 110,373 71, 603 81. 852 97, 056 95, 303 110, 235 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED EXtfGDOM— Continued. 1871 1872 12,500 375 1873.... 1874.... 1875 35,971 92, 777 20, 516 40, 622 29, 282 14, 462 2, 333 78, 374 55, 600 72, 684 133, 968 790, 066 48, 220 468, 020 2, 701, 647 1, 568, 555 194, 690 2, 082, 268 21, 426 59, 080 11, 313 22, 683 16,354 8,900 900 43, 050 25, 500 34, 696 74, 590 61,284 2,427 17, 668 147, 806 63, 290 10, 575 77, 931 3,525 8,373 1876. . . . 1877.... 1878.... 1879.... 1880 • 2,310 .5, 750 5,438 3,652 2,507 610 3,350 5,200 16, 054 4,175 5,925 1,000 • 45 1881.... 1882.... 1883 112, 080 4,764 1884 1885 1,666 6,254 1,050 1,356 6,325 2,165 6,782 1,400 27, 912 14, 900 3,375 9,568 283 50 1, 329 529 200 445 1886 1887 1888 ... 1,242 125 200 15 1,800 1889.... 1890 2,879 600 2,939 690 a Dutiable prior to 1873. ( Not enumerated ]>rior to 1884. Not eaamerated. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 247 IMPORTS FROM THE UNITE') KINGDOM— Coutimied. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871, 1872, 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877, 1878, 1879 1880 , 1881 , 1882 , 1883 . 1884 , 1885 . 1886. 1887 . 188)^ . 1889 . 1890, FREE OF DUTY. Plumbaffo. a Civts. Dollars. 2, 200 15 015 2,330 20 3, 539 12, 408 7,717 55 2,231 4,625 90 11, 156 34, 000 Seeds, not elsewhert! siiecilied.i Dollars. 91,071 62, 049 123, 258 239, 063 201, 285 129, 008 132. 477 17]. 975 92,727 136, 056 74, 124 168, 680 201, 302 192, 436 133, 765 136,017 158, C41 132, 176 SILK, DNMANUFACTURED. Raw, or as reeled from tlie cocoon. "Waste. a Pounds. 407,191 200, 785 193, 565 194. 540 223. 212 155, 705 179, 891 118, 395 217.982 155, 934 40. 770 85, 536 53, 558 12,335 21 , 029 54, 774 23, 472 10, 078 21, 673 108, 979 Dollars. 1, 839, 311 1, 256, 076 1, 198. 891 1, 005, 947 949, 939 576, 038 1, 113, 832 526, 252 871. 339 665. 197 200, 012 364, 892 277, 784 43, 847 44, 997 150,531 68, 357 24, 839 70,844 406, 116 Pounds. Dollars. 543, 824 518, 223 809, 433 398, 371 363, 821 343, 826 470, 009 188, 477 146, 350 228, 230 121,617 115, 100 105, 830 125, 320 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Coutinued. 1871 7,884 14, 595 4,631 2,923 6,868 1,422 37, 018 43, 026 56, 946 37, 675 13, 787 32,910 8,400 200, 445 1872 1873 1874 520 1875 1876 50 1877 1878 1879 1,350 2,909 4,481 5,370 13, 823 19, 453 1880 1881 643 1882 1883 2,792 4,874 1,687 4,437 2,865 1,783 11, 7.53 8, 893 1884 10, 424 1,120 6,000 1,093 4, 118 iO 100 1885 3,840 662 9,500 1,500 1,075 1886 2.700 3,999 3,057 • 320 10, 715 8,301 9,696 860 S, 600 1887 550 1888 1,500 4,100 1889 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. b ^ot enumerated prior to 1873. 248 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FEOif THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. TEAR FREE OF DUTY. ENDING JUNE SPICES. UNGROUND.a Tea.6 30— Nutmegs. Pepper, black or white. All other. J 871 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. 1872 1873 1, 721, 651 6, 440, 165 5, 263, 615 3, 601, 615 5, 706. 844 3, 027, 624 1, 343, 637 1, 081, 423 474, 374 199, 697 4(54, 724 2, 240, 034 3. 541, 538 3,517,169 3, 886, 583 3, 346, 379 4, 678, 326 3, 767, 376 740, 883 1874 2, 504. 721 1875 1, 860, 349 1876 1, 085. 864 1877 1, 604, 070 1878 1 764 082 1879 36,^, 719 1880 293, 648 1881 120. 533 1882 62. 918 1883 93 394 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 253, 960 249, 653 247, 839 268, 998 408, 570 148, 442 131, 756 132, 507 105, 532 98, 412 108, 921 207, 135 65, 956 76, 601 5, 629, 771 4, 746, 246 8, 214, 037 6, 699, 897 7, 522, 279 5, 289, 733 8,427,476 721, 615 650, 307 1, 157, 264 980, 425 1, 135, 090 745, 416 1, 022, 027 2, 566, 102 1,782,431 2, 006, 255 2, 307, 2.58 1, 489, 788 2, 552, 753 1, 932, 942 268, 233 172, 785 176, 535 235, 883 231, 151 232,460 209, 491 591. ll»i 723. 500 823, 206 766, 299 655, 755 8T4,«247 725, 607 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continueil. 1871 1872 187? 288, 782 225, 385 172, 072 132, 281 000 315,087 55, 557 200, 022 . 193, 983 10.484 157, 917 43, 690 54,749 43, 479 99, 380 164,8.')2 38, 764 96, 927 ' 135.481 1874 120 244 1875 00, 806 1876 56, 538 300 1877 1878 93, 930 1879 13, 409 1880 71,719 1881 60, 291 1882 4,266 1883 33 570 1884 .. . 176, 247 2.38, 140 36. 404 401, 225 245, 252 103, 577 641,250 14.745 25, 506 4,351 16, 736 12, 863 6,382 62, 982 10, 237 1885 2,'5, 110 106, 500 74, 169 287, 632 3,587 15, 700 6,675 39, 870 17, 800 1886 9, 853 1887 35, 152 1888 1889 •6,064 150 2,586 60 53, 069 5, 897 1890 24.538 a Dntiablo prior to 1884. h Dutiable prior to 1873. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 249 IMPORTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. YEAR EKDIXG JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1831. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1880. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. FREE OF DUTY. Tin, in bars, blocks, pigs, or jrraiu, or granulatid. a Founds. 2, 397, 584 8, 030, 358 5, 322, 128 5, 091, 908 6, 680, 912 8, 604, 624 9, 761, 248 16, 087, 125 2, 641, 744 1, 415, 232 5, 246, 864 5, 397, 191 13, 231, 207 13, 991, 545 12, 353, 959 19,680,111 17, 354, 373 14, 280, 875 Dollars. 743, 406 1, 801, 749 1, 099, 044 889, 101 1, 083, 887 1, 289, 149 1,411,945 3, 001, 441 516, 678 324, 160 1, 161, 760 1, 062, 522 2 325. 099 2, 840, 488 2, 728, 961 5,711,416 a, 590, 562 2, 880, 411 "Wood, iininanu- I'aotiirod, uof else- where specified. Dollars. 68. 352 94, 091 129, 837 112, 532 142, 521 115,270 83, Oil 115, 162 229, 161 177, 522 209, 443 150, 649 110, 102 155, 480 246, 662 169, 727 143, 006 108, 310 154, 281 167, 789 All other free articles. TOTAL FREE OF DUTY. Dollars. 1, 916, 796 1, 477, 598 2, 005, 490 2, 127, 928 2, 561, 649 1, 908, 691 I, 509, 979 1, 540, 541 1, 817, 983 2, 282. 013 2,715,610 3, 644, 892 4, 247, 591 1, 455, 934 1, 566, 226 1, 448, 347 1, 642, 001 1, 908, 146 1, 730, 187 1, 808, 857 DUTIABLE. Dollars. 8, 630, 662 12,241,510 17,601,603 20, 490, OGl 18, 270, 172 14, 647, 514 18, 030, 515 16,431,505 18, 638, 423 30, 789, 424 24, 053, 368 25, 680, 499 27, 324, 440 27, 586, 708 24, 495, 559 27, 345, 468 26, 732, 749 30, 695, 422 28, 205, 963 30, 646, 069 Animals, includ in^ fowls. Dollars. 54, 266 14, 100 5,989 10, 065 5,698 9,708 6,321 9,626 15, 854 18, 814 13, 873 12, 669 11, 129 9,957 10, 437 15,484 24, 953 22. 525 10, 837 12, 631 Art works, not el«ewliere .specified: Paintiii oil or water colors, and statuary. in Dollars. 301, 060 499, 32? 335, 92<« 321, 12J» 627, 814 280, 470 229, 934 164, 085 361, 573 346, 204 602, 691 796, 404 69, 86(? 145, 86« 143, 225 352, 886 177, 048 214, 547 238, 258 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN! MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 18S7. 1888. 18S9. 1890. 157, 040 81,088 239, 904 884, 240 2, 102, 352 125 195, 256 58, 075 18, 300 34, 002 179, 212 484, 600 22 75,040 20, 38, 28, 36. 108, 110, 51, 45, 42, 17, 67, 53, 101, 76, 89, 53, 40, 233 399 964 916 484 859 988 696 982 818 75, 409 40, 589 87, 377 310 564 026 035 829 305 099 94. 216 70, 402 44, 575 132, 229 59, 072 96, 931 39.3,424 56, 715 53, 526 244, 330 20, 223 21, 601 53, 854 59, 041 129, 650 383, 373 34, 429 36, 369 255, 093 159, 767 474,318 975, 828 1, 320, 640 1, 219, 143 1, 604, 333 1, 437, 222 1, 500, 021 1,015,961 1, 008, 419 1, 146, 367 1, 880, 175 2, 236. 856 3, 397, 683 1, 974, 265 1, 459, 019 1, 590, 085 1. 614, 718 1, 640, 391 1,497,594 1,797,676 7,111 12, 136 95, 325 42, 347 58, 606 46, 759 29, 468 11, 746 4,215 1,000 780 300 200 985 1,317 16, 000 34, 066 17, 314 504, 528 3,527 7,596 450 5,097 300 127, 081 1,186 199, 331 49, 300 19, 200 27, 538 62,070 a Dutiable prior to 1873. b Not enumerated. 250 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. DUTIABLE. Books, maps, en- giuving.s, etcliings, plioto- grajili.s. and otlier jirinted niatti^r, not elsi;wht're specified. Brass, and manu- factures of. BHEADSTUFFS. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Barley. Oats. Oatmeal, a Eye. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 Dollars. 1, 245, 257 1, 343, 429 1,486,726 1,410,114 1, 353, 647 1. 293, 657 961, 546 1, 032, 406 1, 182, 200 1, 448, 778 1, 632, 835 1, 815, 092 1, 831, 438 1, 488, 321 1, 288, 667 1, 364, 181 1, 424. 624 1, 635, 681 1,560,970 1, 515, 887 Dollars. 78, 940 36, 592 85, 605 94, 764 101, 777 84, 443 79, 525 59, 245 74, 535 152, 123 233, 810 218, 155 195, 766 121, 372 119, 683 127, 118 157, 109 120, 828 50, 100 55, 255 Bush. 2,283 432 26 462, 237 402, 046 19 Dollars. 2,161 697 17 541, 426 377, 924 54 Bush. 3, 502 1,466 164 19 40 81 268 271 47 153 128 1, ei,"; 2,14? 2,182 94? 2,'^3 1, 0i'3 3' 18 1, 708 3,100 Dollars. 3, 799 1,191 134 26 Pounds. Dollars. Bush. 204 4 3 3 Dollars. 883 4 5 4 71 108 204 327 70 108 221 1,142 2,687 3,497 3 43, 950 5 43, 116 118 290 224 48 1 18 90, 106 418 5,007 227 211 145 36 2 50 59, 130 432 2,256 1 135 343 49,218 48, 765 48, 567 37, 168 35, 006 31, 348 25, 668 1,524 1,008,399 306 n O')!! l.'iO 1,747 327 1,395 2,182 908, 580 886, 994 784, 918 657,416 1 2 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 2,957 695 5,165 3,314 7,795 1,481 12, 517 10,412 3,328 1,483 750 74, 603 6,807 27, 877 17,497 15,010 2,390 3,375 4,774 3,208 16, 024 11, 360 18, 876 12,501 10. 470 13, 059 14, 903 3, 503 3,662 9,300 3,411 2,400 205 555 1,204 17, 413 30, 401 633, 353 44, 810 6,406 9, 705 19,671 389, 843 31, 378 5, 808 14, 375 0, 542 433 21, 540 10, 665 1, 298 1, 2,57 9,120 .21,403 25, 612 719 558 1880 1881 149 6,436 1, 331 467 20, 090 1882 522 25, 523 1883 1884 1885 7,500 4, 275 631 2,326 3,004 9, 382 1,073 2,681 421 6,598 3,287 38, 132 12,248 1887 1888 29, 319 17, 592 96, 300 1,814 1889 1890 9,793 3,322 274, 680 14, 633 33, 754 20, 252 a Included in "All other breadstufl's, etc." prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 251 IMPORTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Coiitinned. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. DUTIABLE. BREADSTl'FFS. Bushels. 1,196 112 63 15 83 125 48 140 96 394 89 1,282 493 47 35 Dollars. 2,819 357 115 26 167 294 79 303 205 837 103 1,924 1,018 114 Wheat flour. Barrels Dollars. All other brcndslurt's mill iircpiir;! I tiiiii-(il. us.mI as Unn\. iKit t'lscwliiTo 8i>eiitied. Bristles. a 142 35 29 38 Dollars. 195, 222 193, 376 174, 301 163, 849 180, 032 150, 926 156, 773 150, 006 119, 863 184, 070 181, 000 357, 974 602, 024 54, 792 47, 829 35, 706 31, 124 31, 895 36, 968 39, 821 Pounds. 104, 149 29, 394 21,513 4, 946 23, 668 11,324 12, 874 21, 574 33, 907 72, 363 54, 528 105,083 102, 952 71,991 137, 278 145, 983 108, 040 117, 507 117, 914 Dollars, 129, 956 31,488 29 069 6,022 31. 500 15, 534 15, 178 19, 974 24, 060 54. 987 47, 337 112, 356 108, 621 61, 092 121,477 122, 117 116,241 111,377 124, 115 Brushes. 6 Dollars. 105, 037 95, 780 72, 193 77, 775 74, 2C9 71, 234 84, 229 Buttons and button forms. Dollars. 824, 651 1,013,618 1, 126, 527 660, 448 520, 677 472. 762 401,416 517. 987 488.374 691, 452 398, 231 408, 467 376, 861 337, 454 257, 516 335, 581 278, 416 321, 976 254, 128 218, 365 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM.-Coiitinued. 1871 418. 945 512, 582 726, 433 506, 631 675, 242 215,318 1, 036, 158 441, 218 884, 372 538, 636 534, 588 96, 112 573, 822 481, 762 47, 101 59, 499 49, 098 176, 284 384, 330 185, 263 8,608 1 442 1872 526,828 20, 030 6,011 40, 036 2,100 4,800 90 5,149 500 87 500 740 75 121, 447 35, 421 235, 860 9,722 24, 236 427 25, 915 2 434 436 5,227 5,945 630 2, 297 1873 369,115 1874 534,023 976 1,538 16, 839 590 1, 706 3,911 689 3,139 2,058 2,022 2 167 1875 193.454 1876 1,033,505 409, 035 753, 706 617, 563 460, 627 93, 384 412, 156 484, 829 44, 174 71, 328 55, 630 220, 316 488, 546 212, 495 24,817 1877 1878 1879 1,100 3,035 3,789 3,181 1,999 10, 572 6,922 8,558 4,198 0,209 2,201 1,962 602 3,000 2,918 3,098 724 8,121 5,810 7,782 3,440 4,960 2,013 1,348 4 900 1880 1 644 1881 2,511 1882 22, 247 1,443 1883 259 1884 1,869 1885 688 134 1886 1 553 1887 35 1888 2,450 8,580 196 1889 22 1890 428 1,498 a Not enumerated in 1871. b Not enumerated prior to 1884. 252 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE USTITED KINGDOM- Con tinned. DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDIXG Cement.a CHEMICALS, DRUGS, DYES. AND srEDICINES, NOT ELSEWHEEB SPECIFIED. JUNE 30— Coal-tar colors and dyes. (6) Glycerin. 6 Logwood and other dye woods, extracts and decoctions of.& Opium. 1871 Barrels. DoUars. Dollars. Pounds. DoUars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. 274, 587 343, 375 255, 590 334, 155 246, 097 334, 809 298, 977 366, 435 339, 326 326, 975 157, 281 141, 490 113, 276 44, 964 60, 985 111, 750 168, 884 135, 853 99,006 94, 419 Dollars. 1 564 ''73 1872 1,373,503 1, 325, 156 1 931 634 1873 1874 1875 1 489 539 1876 1, 246, 995 1 290 ''87 1877 1878 1, 228, 977 1, 122, 355 1 316 162 1879 1880 1881 808, 023 411, 083 345, 106 140, 756 198, 131 288, 309 465, 560 441, 647 268, 355 279, 235 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 370, 515 271,356 332, 546 621, 367 1, 332, 865 343, 866 1, 161, 612 533, 736 448, 061 379, 692 638, 651 1,231,083 881, 216 1,174,733 328, 783 225, 304 283, 863 248, 640 170, 638 172, 628 141, 018 636, 953 285, 988 290, 628 361, 843 163, 637 35, 129 177, 681 80,245 29, 894 20, 882 37, 645 19, 811 6,431 17, 699 860, 458 789, 714 1,611,613 1, 137, 220 622, 087 719, 684 903, 048 63, 739 53, 487 92, 410 55, 167 36, 604 36, 108 54, 939 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM-Continned. 1871 1 2 434 M R519 1872 1 123 653 1873 1 560 1 "> OR'' 1874 8,818 13, 233 559 419 43 959 1875 1 ■ 95 188 1876 ! 1 607 1877 ' 2,087 1878 1 1879 ' 1 1880 2,034 25, 061 4,119 6,289 2,984 10 401 1881 133 981 1882 17 770 1883 18 GG3 1884 7,271 7,529 1,401 3,061 573 4, 380 107 9 196 1885 34, 000 I, 401 4,400 1 4ad 1886 1887 3,443 3,193 1,306 315 7,447 9,042 3,005 660 1888 140 128 1889 1890 800 816 alSot enumerated prior to 1884. ^Included in "All other chemicals, etc.," prior to 1884. LMroUTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IMPORTS FKOM TUE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. DUTIABLE. YEAR CHEMICALS, DRUGS, DYES, AND MEDICINES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. EX DING JUNE 30— Potash, nitrate of, or saltpeter, crude. Soda. Bicarbonate of. Carboii^ite. iiiclmliiiff sal .suda and stoda asL. Cau.stic. Pounds. Dollart. Poundi. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. 1871 70, 203 4,900 19, 929, 846 440, 083 170, 567, 647 2, 623, 373 26. 682, 957 816, 757 1872 122, 912 9,355 15, 249, 520 397, 389 178,955,123 3, 488. 353 28, 351, 423 991,372 1873 96, 450 7, 018 10, 879, .340 384, 580 203, 990, 920 4, 952, 378 28, 360, 232 1, 252, 12» 1874 82, 497 5,836 12, 586, 327 458, 728 184,147.447 4,018,219 34, 104. 586 1, 493, 35T 1875 140, 036 9,360 6, 983, 312 233, 864 193, 021, 824 3, 804, 996 37, 775. 900 1,404,134 1876 248, 042 J 4, 188 4, 925, 782 1.30, 950 181,465,881 3, 129, 821 30, 8.57, 076 1, 058, 30fr 1877 1, 948, 603 92. 821 4, 296, 778 107, 047 214, 618, 019 3, 398, 025 35, 638. 641 1, 101. 555 1878 260, 555 15,052 3, 901. 830 96,215 229. 721. 024 3, 327, 894 35, 087, 906 1, 059, 584 1879 255, 874 14, 292 2, 725. 774 66, 069 236, 132, 859 3, 042, 831 45,484,227 1, 179, 802 1880 692, 701 38, 674 8, 367, 431 143, 052 316, 109, 778 4, 515. 095 42, 432, 107 1,015,478 1881 225, 524 13,556 1,591,213 46, 989 290, 150, 911 3, 997, 617 45, 957, 346 1,068,432 1882 345, 897 21, 350 1, 937, 824 53, 235 290, 965, 840 3. 503, 963 55, 860, 346 1,247,167 1883 152, 438 8,930 1, 996, 155 49, 508 340, 122, 596 4, 206, 305 56, 202, 834 1, 218, 382 1884 8,316 434 2, 015, 811 46, 760 311.912.024 3, 700, 911 76, 714, 545 1, 736, 187 1885 93, 240 4,278 2, 32.9, 272 46, 092 284, 753, 354 3, 238, 652 69, 435, 180 1,519,257 1886 149, 950 6,910 3, 146, 627 53,130 308, 813, 703 3,406,709 78, 504, 222 1, 508, 228 1887 , 56, 168 2,537 2, 542, 981 48, 446 280, 475, 793 2, 998, 296 84, 412, 782 1, 616, 784 1888 1, 998, 421 1, 098, 738 28, 417 18, 923 283, 325, 553 305, 683, 129 2, 838, 668 2, 860, 182 89, 253, 378 78, 542, 381 1, 562, 250 1889 1,300,511 1890 237, 254 10, 356 899, 437 16, 033 332, 275, 961 3, 486, 170 79, 998, 114 1, 407, 259 EXPORTS Ob' FOREIGN- MERC!I.\XDISE TO TFIE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 295, 930 281,811 11, 833 13, 570 1 1872 1 1 1873 j 1 1874 1875 1876 j 5, 820 210 1877 I 1878 1 1879 1880 1881 1882 66, 787 1,083 1,041 20 4,635 1883 3,914 253 1884 75 1885 1 1888 1887 1888 1889 1890 254 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE niPOKTS FROM THE TJNITED KINGDOM— Continued. TEAK ENDING JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. CHEMICALS, DRUGS, DYES, AND MEDICINES, NOT ELSEWllEUE SPEC IKIED. Soda. All other salts of. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 Founds. 4, 269, 874 1, 271, 047 339, 108 215, 167 480. 951 996, 763 459, 006 860, 659 2, 403, 517 1, 437, 210 208, 228 8, 028, 420 8, 166, 299 7, 725, 014 9, 529, 043 5, 802, 255 15, 534, 964 16, 561, 768 16, 556, 456 22, 225, 111 Dollars 124,797 17, 930 9,980 5,161 21, 599 10, 859 7,842 11, 634 25, 157 19, 453 3,151 56, 737 55,014 39, 440 52, 731 27, 888 47, 142 54, 556 71, 286 133, 501 All other. ClnvR or earth-s of all kinds, in- cliuling cliinaclay or kaolin. o Dollars. 3, 503, 623 3,431,425 3,513,439 3, 124, 250 2, 625, 091 2, 073, 206 2, 532, 007 1, 729, 102 2,519,463 2, 734, 817 2, 853, 497 2, 651, 018 3, 068. 961 1,783,226 1, 561, 515 1, 816, 784 1, 709, 836 1, 748, 437 1,811,883 1, 950, 348 Tons. 16, 929 14, 488 19, 677 25, 312 34, 078 34, 276 37, 209 DoUar.i. CLOCKS AND WATCHES, AND PABTS OF. electa, and parts of.o Dollars 136, 720 113, 066 145, 706 175, 588 219, 487 217, 688 242, 511 55, 763 57, 546 51,333 46, 037 53, 912 72, 708 63, 461 Watches, and parts of. and watch ma- terials and move- ments. Dollars. 3, 077, 098 1, 784, 529 590, 084 369, 922 364, 382 117, 088 83, 486 66, 481 82, 959 81, 777 123, 066 163, 380 116, 424 64,558 52, 368 49, 099 36,309 32, 899 44,947 25, 055 Coal, bituminous. Tons. 113, 029 151, 402 106, 124 76, 909 118, 106 104, 090 184, .533 189, 596 138, 387 117, 540 247, 302 390, 863 236, 977 273, 784 259, 210 216, 813 249, 552 168, 371 133, 355 46, 723 Dollars. 343, 779 472, 801 622, 670 483, 579 541, 930 418, 684 548, 456 551, 465 415, 093 360, 573 761, 929 975, 847 705, 297 875, 758 818, 915 675, 017 633, 009 483. 727 408, 294 184, 008 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 26, 413 131, 334 27, 920 30, 505 114, 483 37, 772 71, 352 74, 607 19, 108 5,5, 614 19, 792 19, 479 53, 729 10, 307 8,746 4, 563 2, 2i)0 1,751 1,672 2,470 247 1872 34, 053 302 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 . . 1882 • 1883 1884 1,195 1,910 136 260 70 85 788 175 1885 425 1880 3,732 1887 1888 125 700 1889 6C9 1890 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCTTANDISE. :orj nirOllTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM-Coiitiimod. DUTIABLE. TEAR. ENDING Copo.T, m.niinfact- uifd, not iiiclud- iiiy i;lu)t;il;ilo.a Coffee.* COI'PER, AND MANUFACTURES OP. JUNE 30- Oro (fine copptT coTitaiiied thureiu). rigs. l);irs, ingots, old, ami other unmauu- factured. Manu- factures of. 1871 1872 1873 I'ounili. 23, 400 629, 463 36, 436 34, 471 38, 790 28, 025 fifi IQfl Dollars. 4,707 82, 570 7, 762 6,797 9,454 6, 941 8 73'j 13, 908 16, 742 29. 188 37, 267 56, 917 85, 845 Potincls. 1,117,255 6,217,266 Dollars. 148, 467 980, 201 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. 37, 126 3, 744, 847 10,933,518 590,418 120, 440 1,120 5,102 2, 990 11,318 4, 676, 6('6 176, 810 243, 590 19, 602 5,787 1, 615 56 Dollars. 4,265 828, 060 2, 237, 964 104, 382 18, 272 190 784 509 1,677 748. 325 24, 029 32, 101 2,312 744 68 13 Dollars. 398, 901 456. 812 20, 656 2, 688 3, 014 478 642, 985 1874 120, .501 1875 176, 915 1876 20, 720 11, 872 2,239 1,436 194, 174 1877 299. 450 1878 53 244 289, 439 1879 59 1143 1 220, 746 1880 101 179 29, 120 2, 093 1,183 337, 455 1881 1''':'' O.'ifl 12,880 322, 940 1882 183, 576 300, 572 265, 719 151, 196 1883 2, 352 4, 220 290 536 1884 210, 144 1885 109, 673 1886 1 115,811 1887 108, 432 1888 555 10 539 204 712 116 37 12C 90, COS 1889 64, 669 1890 82, 415 EXTORTS OF FOl;EIG>f MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871....... 1872 205, 179 20, 697 488, 5S0 127, 691 39, 918 14, 341 497, 280 35, 504 3,690 2,023 80, 612 16, 228 188 74 1873 96, 286 582, 928 23, 670 34, 884 98, 178 124, 757 21, 523 107. 716 3,691 3,718 13, 023 12, 982 6,189 1874 1,759 307 3,650 1875 572, 320 108,752 20, 318 10, 513 72 1.50 1876 190, 192 1877 246, 810 1878 134, 400 217, 056 254, 016 234, 528 1, 013, 488 2, 704, 400 367, 662 62, 475 2( 5, 488 69, 724 39, 508 915, 828 1, 367, 697 1,400 16,478 9,810 6,545 28, 814 73, 824 40, 587 2,361 22,116 5,640 3,507 76, 016 90, 548 98, 731 60 1879 " 1880 233, 457 113,120 42, 532 20. 234 352 1881 891 1882 1883 1884 21, 835 162, 797 86, 360 45, 986 534, 004 144, 043 55, 327 2,000 11, 643 6,126 2,883 40, 525 9,394 4,455 1885 3 617 1886 7,176 1887 1,101 1888 12,319 1889 4,401 7,835 1890 a For 1871 and 1872 includes crude cocoa,. and after 1883 not enumerated. b Free of duty alter 1872. 256 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. liirORTS FlUni THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. YEAR ENDING JTNE SO- DUTIABLE. COTTON, MANUFACTCHES OF. Cloth. Not bleaclied. flyod, Blcidiofl, dypd, colored, colored, staiiipil, | stained. i).'iiiit(d, or paiutcd, or printed, a Sq. yards. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882 . 1883. 1884. 1885. 3886. 1887. J888. 1880. 1890. Dollars. printed. Clothinsr, ; ready made, aii,irel, not includ- ing kuit goods. 6 1,530,311 739, 038 1, 363, 663 1, 573, 931 642, 033 1, 975, 876 1, 057, 815 157, 588 89, 650 156, 825 158, 408 54, 463 159, 366 88, 531 . yards. 029, 675 295. 581 145, 086 250, 690 012, 791 864, 249 252. 064 372, 640 602, 088 608. 273 415, IGl 849, 032 322, 367 364, 929 526, 919 587, 209 691, 724 157, 023 996, 461 509, 114 Dollars. 8,831,^28 10. 298, 148 8, 671, 395 5, 767, 103 5, 137, 745 3, 647, 082 2,318,862 1,901,321 1,288,191 2. 730, 641 2, 973, 449 3, 872, 577 2, 274, 460 1, 735, 445 2,012,819 2, 168, 441 1, 749, 712 1, 718, 417 2, 073, 423 2, 561, 726 Knil iioods: Stoekin;:s.hose. hall' lio.se, shirtB, drawers, and all ^joods made, fash- ioned, or shaped on knit- tinjrni.-iehines or trames. or kuit by liand. Dollars. 101, 768 41,214 36, 846 36, 306 32, 726 47, 898 54, 185 Laces, edgings, eniluoideries, .insert inirs, neck ruffling, ruch- iiigs. trim- mings, tuck- ings, laee win- dow curtains, and other simi- lar tamboured articles. 6 Dollars. 2, 443, 264 1,971,164 1,718,431 1, 528. 927 1,725,476 1, 527. 708 1, 084. 264 1,134,110 1. 2I9!'(t02 1, 472, 193 1,791,557 1, 020. 601 1, 834. 991 1, 194, 757 969. 372 925. 535 846, 402 712, 374 949, 825 751, 385 Dollars. 3, 655, 666 2, 850. 066 3, 157. 353 3, 090, 373 3, 383, 857 2, 644, 766 3, 474, 912 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Coutinued. 1871 . 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887, 1888, 1889. 1890. 25, 271 17, 150 39,241 10, 662 2,462 925 1,448 427 297, 138, 199, 328, 262, 466, 237, 54, 31, 43, 348, 84, 19, 77. 70, 25, 18 3, 803 482 145 992 662 372 5()5 5-! 6 950 530 342 596 849 358 784 573 518 376 826 233 513 998 885 189 632 502 798 065 798 090 331 049 236 173 279 082 695 145 846 560 3 4,079 457 3,396 2,636 537 314 257 332 1,928 5 2,737 620 1,043 3,985 12, 806 8,437 14, 415 4,684 894 4,484 a Included with "Blenched, etc., cloth," prior to 1884. b Included in "AU other manufactures of cotton " prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 257 IMPORTS FROM THE UNITKU KINGDOM— Continued. DUTIABLE. COTTON, MANUKACTURES OF. EAUTHBN, STONE, AND CHINA WARE. Fancy ar- ticles. TEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Thread (not on spools), yavn. warps, or warp yaru.o All other. China, porcelain, parian and bisque, earthen, stone, and crockery ware, b All other. Feathers and Mow- ers, arti- ficial, orna- Not deco- rated or or- namented. Decorated or orna- mented. or natu- ral, c 1871 Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 15, 179, 185 16. 004, 978 16, 394, 715 12, 709, 156 11,504,122 9,070.211 7, 626, 102 7, 518, 058 DoUars. Dollars. Dollars. 3, 889, 397 4, 151, 150 4, 646, 688 3, 820, 030 3, 276, 872 3, 001, 641 2, 796, 380 3, 082, 355 2, 962, 519 4, 047, 176 4, 683, 344 4, 614, 968 5, 633, 544 774, 250 946, 325 1, 020, 927 1, 016, 596 1. 135, 058 939, 905 898, 327 Dollars. 2, 258. 078 1, 968, 621 1, 594, 290 985, 139 1,211,877 1, 049, 107 869, 930 1, 196, 282 1, 190, 789 1, 704, 363 1, 987, 943 3, 169. 584 2, 658. 307 162. 465 109, 126 121, 332 134, 729 118, 947 119, 839 162, 699 DoUart. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 7, 024, 914 1880 12, 688, 508 12, 289, 836 13, 669, 646 14, 679, 248 5, 114, 151 4, 799, 640 4, 322, 270 4, 377, 811 4, 063, 469 3, 535, 955 4, 193, 338 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1, 797, 412 811,198 1, 034, 202 1, 763, 182 1, 734, 969 1, 55G, 263 1,471,420 1,261,182 572, 092 575, 326 818, 526 831,033 745, 709 768, 804 1, 049, 587 795, 963 733,550 759, 526 807, 777 917, 391 918, 389 1, 162, 879 1, 305, 813 1, 445, 990 1, 754, 322 1, 998. 835 1, 988, 934 2, 180, 184 2, 598, 543 1, 256, 551 598, 24a 791, 566 591, 507 361,513 734, 476 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN" MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 1 15, 476 43,514 15, 165 17, 942 16, .586 28, 480 21,756 32, 737 23, 433 30, 348 8,016 10, 697 10, 338 16, 222 18,461 30, 026 17,252 6,009 4,525 1,077 563 745 1872 1 234 1,077 040 68 70 4, 231 1,123 3,481 241 536 485 23,925 347 30 238 1, 062 1873 70, 488 08. 073 69, 597 54, 570 31, 140 33,545 28, 497 17, 953 45,214 13,817 30. 750 13. 063 16, 885 172, 996 40. 652 50, 161 18, 392 18, 171 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 5,014 2,356 1,533 617 186 360 709 24 353 12,254 1,633 616 339 193 715 2,010 5,931 92 296 1886 1887 1888 500 1 194 500 243 31, 591 14,641 9 138 1889 1890 257 67 200 1,343 9,251 9,460 a Included in "All other manufactures of cotton," prior to 1884. 6 Included iu "All other earthen, etc. ware," prior to 1884. c Included in "Fancy Articles," prior to 1884. H. Mis. 117 17 258 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE UNITED KIXGDOM— Continned. DUTIABLE. FISH, CUBED OE PRESERVED. FLAX, HEStP, JUTE, AWD OTHER VEQETABLB TEAR SUBSTANCES, AKD MAN UK ACT L UES OF. ENDING JUNE 30— Anchovies and Herring, pickled or salted. Unmanu factnred. sardines, packed iu All other. oil or Flax. Hemp. otherwise. Dollar*. Barrel*. Dollars. Dollar*. Ton*. Dollars. Ton*. Dollar*. 1871 661, 619 29, 397 1,666 2,404 366, 117 714, 157 348 753 62,280 1872 349, 568 1,498 29, 078 126, 559 1873 525, 447 845 12, 130 10, 539 1,095 484, 497 208 46, 872 1874 101, 926 279 4,521 802 1,405 525, 537 194 46, 215 1875 56, 518 242 3,195 810 1,408 577, 882 542 100, 714 1876 82, U99 135 1,703 475 908 482, 325 746 153, 371 1877 77, 317 147 1,975 7,289 1,225 560, 218 248 54, 707 1878 77, 056 1,485 16, 006 5,329 1,023 506, 901 500 100, 808 1879 106, 920 1,581 15,754 4,695 1,276 530, 087 591 95, 480 1880 292, 362 4,053 38, 839 6,160 2,466 845, 044 2,672 394, 980 1881 122, 479 1,885 14,365 5,409 2,928 966, 532 4, 302 595, 901 1882 41,091 1,042 7,903 9,566 3,034 1, 000, 265 2,351 336,043 1883 186, 826 79 971 6,851 3,308 1, 168. 127 2,205 292, 251 1884 51, 895 508 4,024 7,407 3,010 981, 798 1, 262 180, 308 1885 56. 506 826 7,097 4,516 3,125 1, 039, 796 6,864 1, 175, 191 1886 41, 220 3,597 19, 521 10,924 2,336 905, 934 3,158 403, 952 1887 56, 213 2,804 16, 283 8,428 1,956 811,752 3,513 486, 357 1888 77, 020 3,214 20, 335 31, 289 2,230 1, 022, 686 12, 321 1, 972, 505 1889 31, 073 6,888 44,474 151, 049 3,894 1, 312, 779 13, 383 2,498,469 1890 35, 454 10, 175 73, 113 325, 321 3,167 1, 217, 860 9,979 1, 981, 038 EXPORTS OP FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KIN GDOI^I— Continued. 1871 4,389 193 17 181 2 282 900 39, 004 1872 150 400 2,454 22, 924 2,877 8,912 10, 286 33, 950 26, 535 12 1,233 1,057 1873 287 31, 300 1874 380 1875 36 4,906 48, 973 1876 225 118, 490 1877 1878 1,878 1,450 2 173 1879 27, 543 61 1880 1881 10 1,600 1882 2,184 25, 272 7,802 1,590 20 323 10, 000 244 1883 75 18 415 14 7,621 1884 7,340 1,792 1885 61, 470 1886 3,600 3, 492 1,375 55 12, 002 50 1,288 1887 J888 1889 1 146 1890 2, 069 174,511 2 208 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 259 IMrORTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. TEA.R ENDING JUNE 30— 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 DUTIA15LE. FLAX, HEMP, JUTE, AND OTHER VEaETABLE SUBSTANCES, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Unmanufactured. Manufactures of. Jute. Tons. 3,090 219 45 15 363 1,413 43 16 28 213 Dolls. Sisal grass, and other vegetable substances, a Tons. Dollars. Bags and bag- ging.b Dolls. 6 237^ 5. 355 1 2, 688, 2, 669i 363 2, 718 6, 793 8,448] 783|. 500 941 659 620 204' 60ll 42 374 200 213 1,134 1,251 7,436 4,425 49, 550 24, 240 28, 063 191, 460 239, 242 Burlaps (except for bag- ging for cotton). 6 Dollars. Cables and cordage. Pounds 339,680 3,866,518 190,168 3,506,024 219, 226, 2, 776, 363 183,575 3,622,018 222, 420 387, 754 1,064, 292i 312,81- 1 3, 680, 805 4, 950, 521 5, 375, 522 253, 201, 1,275, 590, 152, 435, 537, 849, 275, 853, 523, 513, 301, 127, 24, 237, 407, 21, 52, 341, Tarns or thread8.6 Dolls. 36,141' 29, 212 191, 994 89, 289 20, 394 59, 544 63, 473 101, 886 34, 478 99, 371 59, 820 52, 196 31,88' 14, 074 3,716 19, 457 31, 134 2,704 5,316 35, 363 Dollars. All other. l,091,698j 1, 229, 734, 1, 556, 109 1,401,936, 1, 346, 6941 1, 352, 6571 1, 370. 637i Dollars. 19, 487, 614 21, 882, 567 21, 673, 004 18, 584, 079 18, 106, 131 14, 874, 043 14, 603, 099 14, 082, 038 14, 005, 637 21, 335, 953 17, 237, 710 19, 356, 923 19, 353, 485 12, 406, 012 11. 046, 040 12, 146, 567 12, 428, 672 12, 973, 599 12, 917, 2.52 14, 048, 132 EXPORTS OP FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 98 9jn 24,466 1872 79 12, 850 686 46,292 lie' 12,005 78 10, 923 594 63, 914 186 17 UO 36, 950 1873 96, 294 1874 140, 754 1875 . . 2,229 238 73, 429 1876 24, 690 1877 51. 853 1878 165 175 63 223 724 992 988 3 14, 722 18, 179 4,938 34, 500 80, 903 86, 950 92, 08;; 150 33, 165 1879 54, 539 1880 11,488 1881 5,511 158 368, 553 1882 65, 829 1883 19, 761 1884 3,276 2,816 2, 320 1,083 360 804 558 309, 979 a .'^3n 11, 370 1885 211, 912 .5- 80!) 8,664 1886 157, 881 89, 726 53, 405 106, 390 76, 095 4, 142 5,289 6,290 448 3.352 1887 148 834' 124, 413 1888 115 2 2,914 55 5, 258 18 146 ! «a 280 1880 2-- i 2..5ao 1890 768 1, 449 2. 913 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. (Included in "All other manufactures of flax, etc.," prior to 1884. 260 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. rMrORTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM-Continned. YE \R DUTIABLE. ENDING J L/'NE FBUIT8, IKCL0DING NUTS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. 30— Fig s.a Lemons. a Oranges.o Pluma and prunes.o Raisii s.a Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. DoUari. 1871 .. .. 1872 1873 1874 1 1875 1 1876 1 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 2,271,212 155, 560 3,924 256, 907 532, 732 29, 880 3, 453, 114 158, 797 1885 1, 835, 521 124, 986 3,956 130, 453 1, 435, 767 67, 195 4, 193, 971 212, 272 1886 1,859,430 106, 886 7,501 219, 237 1,383 217 5. 603, 966 274, 451 1887 1, 813, 404 107, 401 6,854 84,205 175, 496 7,028 1, 369, 147 65, 723 1888 3, 245, 634 149, 526 ],959 216, 579 149, 359 7,269 3, 363, 577 157, 137 1889 2, 319, 992 104, 432 3,920 160, IbO 116, 641 5,280 2, 820, 830 133, 708 1890 3,170,202 148, 062 2,562 126, 080 176, 319 7,117 4,405,357 314, 667 EXPC RTS OF F( )REIGN M ERCHAND ESE TO 1 HE UNITED KING] DOM— Continued. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883.. 1884. 2,800 150 578 43 1885 1886... . 16, 394 728 575, 526 42,725 110 1887.. 760 1888 20, 861 2,425 14, 472 1889 324, 790 1,250 74, 096 2,793 2,965 1890 135 a Included in "All other fruits " prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 2G1 IMPORTS FJROM THE UNITED KIXODOM— Continued. DUTIABLE. FEUITS, INCLUDING NDT8, NOT ELSBWHEBB TEAR ENDING JUNE I 30- I Pre- served fruits, a SPECIFIED. All other fruits. Dollars. Nnts.a Almonds. AU other. 1871 . . . 1872 ... 1873 . . . 1874 . . . 1875 . . . 1876... 1877 . . . 1878... 1879 . . . l«8il . . . 1881 . . . 1882 . . . 1883 . . . 1884 i 69,330 1885 |lOi. 196 1886 j 82,410 1887 56, 370 1888 123,384 1889 190,377 1890 173, 952 Poundt. Dollart. Dollari. Dollars. ; 1,524,873 I 1,561.403 i 1,465,787 I 1,654,781 j 1,695.902 I 2,295,722 | 1,984,911 j 2,115,351 ; 1,831,486 i, 2,503,113 j. 1,772,092 ., 2,394.956 ;, 1,929.079 ;. 726, 308 I 242, 777 i 43. 497 288. 682 1 279, 952 I 40. 446 307, 765 I 41. 717 334. 777 j 43. 148 280, 795 ! 47, 056 427, 505 422, 625 401, 451 333, 999 412, 680 257,344 35,663 309,488 I 56,393 QLA8S AND OLASSWABE. Furs, and I Bottles, manufact-ivials, demi- urea of | joiins, car- boyu, and jar.*!, eiuptv or filled, b 67,662 ; 13,469 1 11,918 j 39,604 I 62, 758 I 10.992 j 24,692 I Dollars. 1, 398, 168 1, 4.35, 079 1, 429, 922 1, 096, 228 1,372,453 1, 483. 244 1, 090, 905 964, 826 1, 369, 912 1, 808, 708 2, 254, 690 2, 679, 399 2, 109. 812 2, .561, 307 1, 596, 861 1, 705, 446 1, 711, 965 2, 297, 957 2, 454, 430 2, 498, 373 Dollars. Cylinder, crown, and common win- dow glass, unpolished. 215, 736 207, 582 215, 746 236,252 278, 562 302, 014 281, 915 Pounds. 5, 755, 064 8, 145, 257 7, 375, 983 3, 286, 732 3, 024, 950 3, 964, 876 3,915.181 1, 324, 437 1, 338, 420 5, 043, 813 4, 609, 404 3, 699, 706 2, 307, 188 2, 926, 243 2, 109, 254 1, 591. 289 4, 758, 058 4, 371, 537 4, 465, 307 6, 432. 844 Dollars. 302, 070 402, 876 451,223 217, 978 200. 846 240,991 236, 100 62, 803 49.848 173. 117 139, 917 132, 138 108, 134 114, 494 91. 792 72,003 192. 336 196, 773 197, 921 289, 627 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 33,292 32, 732 41, 979 .46, 320 27. 980 27, 227 24,156 44.746 45. 250 81,601 115.908 24, 239 50,571 39, 807 4,280 10, 524 250, 619 1,222 3,447 17,778 12,981 90, 459 8,025 12, 960 3,263 17 9,320 22,240 89,197 60,533 34,436 20,448 23,096 33, 083 13,682 48, 232 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 . ... 1877 1878 1879 6,322 506 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 * 129 1,316 21, 495 11, 956 33,037 3,135 1,930 3,189 2,937 9,696 95 63 2 19 15 37 202 1885 1886 1887 1888 5,186 226 1,779 2,353 458 4,860 247 907 24 1889 961 5,497 95 342 1890 a Included in "AU other fruits," prior to 1884. b Included in "All other glass, etc.," prior to 1884. 262 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. arPOETS FJROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNE SO- DUTIABLE. GLASS AND QLASSWABE. CyliiultT and crown jilass, polished. Sq.feet. Dollars. 1871 ' 32,048 1872 39,852J 8 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880., 1881 ! 111,688 1882 1883 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 15, 4081 14, 793! 32, 676' 7. 846 6, 030 2, 844^ 3, 304! 24, 229 14, 710 15, 994 2. 499' 6, 373' I 29,811 22,53l! 7, 256' 3, 3031 8,230 8,055 5,738 4,521 11, 528 1,942 1,391 1,242 1,191 5,291 44,599 5,026 3,002 6,030 900 1,686 9,660 6,444 2,863 1,394 Plate glass. Fluted, rolled, or Cast, polished, un- roufjh. silvered. Sq.feet. 282, 312 121,936 273. 205 203, 053 291, 980 188, 100 207, 888 105, 550 169, 361 563, 760 Dollars. 14,917J 7,039 17, 689 11, 738' 13, O82' 9, 048 11, 693 5,685 6, 527 22, 799 589,082i 30,554 1 OCl, 770! 52, 142 1, 158, 842' 59, 292| 1,903,530 97,119 2,318, 58ll 114,747 2, Oil, 4601 97, 1511 2, 191, 535; 89, 077! 2,722,756j 109,302 2,548,164^ 116,936 1, 817, 495: 73, 177 Sq.feet. 1, 318, 661 1,596,187 1,962,049 1, 183, 579 1, 072, 307 772, 079 640, 765 235, 822 399, 981 1,011,188 1,248,425 1, 409, 320 1,697,934 1,301,270 1,226,358 1, 078, 205 1, 667, 603 1, 482, 874 818, 443 378, 585 Cast, polished, silvered. Dollars. Sq.feet. 670,746 505,723 805, 856 48, 995 1,259,269 969, 820 821, 966 497, 849 392, 413 126, 317 161, 790 359, 132 495. 325 521, 787j 602, 356 420. 646 396, 930 325, 620 497, 156 477, 013! 258, 586| 125, 582| 75, 472 75, 372 52, 107 51, 092 9,016 18,711 22,241 89, 730 22, 871 119, 862 8,525 5,938 380 4,104 13, 267 5,341 3,685 2,! Dollars. 138, 972 29, 877 39, 160 46, 516 48, 570' 26, 640' 4,338 8,192 5,028 30, 132 9, 507 51, 222' 4, 07lj ■ 1,954; 323' 1,781 4, 847J 4, 4771 6, 275] 4, 909l All other. Hair, not elsewhere specified, and manu- factures of. Dollars. 426, 133 592, 685 648, 258 437, 155 359, 140 298. 786 264, 171 205, 536 334, 764' 491, 940 569, 078 077, 554 786, 421 342, 773 308, 941 297, 953 3.58, 639| 294, 277 287,543 261, 937 Dollars, (a) 559, 476 537, 300 386, 304 279, 466 164, 163 142, 024 158, 327 159, 258 414, 860 272, 066 230, 247 496, 148 125, 248 55, 379 88, 346 56, 624 34, 629 31, 836 33, 035 EXPOETS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM-Continued. 1871 620 714 2,459 483 3,212 6,975 3,995 1,686 !,""■! 377 2,916 775 285 6. 005 4, 583 1872 1,556 1873 3,893 1874 1,853 4,680 1875 1876 1,305 1877 15, 431 1878 1879 374 1880 6,488 1881 1,871 1882 1,101 510 100 1883 1884 1885 85 208 1886 3,879 811 2,108 150 1,409 105 1887 686 1888 2,026 1889 1890 45 39 o Not enumerated. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 263 IMPORTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. TEAR END- ING JUNE 30— 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. DUTIABLE. Hats, boiiiiots, and hoods, and mate- rials for. a Dollars. Hides and skins, other than furs. 6 Hops. a INIHA RUDBER AND IRON AND STEEL, AND MANUFACT- GUTFA PERCHA. URES OF. Mann- | factures Crude.c of. Dollars. Pounds. 2, 291, 787 2, 100, 931 94, 233 523, 469 1885 i 495,499 488, 816 459, 318 648, 413 640, 770 1890 1 493,793 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. Dollars. 53, 289 65, 998 112, 965 2, 774, 933 118,717 83, 680 311, 389 19, 857 16, 934 17, 084 348, 123 17, 428 22, 062 29, 277 Dollars. 873, 954 784, 721 714, 733 598, 384 336, 438 229, 980 218, 781 175, 832 128, 732 259, 874 131, 200 232, 634 234, 549 224, 759 150, 884 128, 753 143, 362 119,937 110, 316 139. 420 Dollars. 269, 022 Iron ore. a Tons. 7,355 12, 094 15, 049 73, 809 58, 540 29, 216 68, 678 Dollars. Pig iron. 23, 873 35, 080 51,434 228, 209 186, 492 62, 937 156, 093 Tana. 151,616 200, 027 172, 044 73, 373 34, 788 50,078 39, 587 32, 347 46, 930 660, 018 343, 590 ;435, 740 401, 846 263, 997 133,382 j221, 532 i 364, 434 {267, 770 1120,263 lllO, 192 I Dollars. I 2,516,823 j 4, 197, 559 I 5,381,020 i 2,386,726 i 800, 583 I 1,030,186 855, 142 j 659, 816 j 912, 904 j 12, 505, 617 6, 805, 240 7, 775, 937 7, 124, 466 4, 569, 809 2, 402, 969 3, 452, 589 5, 648, 029 4, 136, 324 1, 957, 916 2, 836, 564 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued, 1871 617 204, 115 31, 147 1,839 1,543 1,913 1,583 405 1, 138 323 50, 716 83 1,164 1872 1873 1874 1875 49 7''9 1876 1877 .. 35 100 628 1878 1 727 1879 3,329 517 3,768 1880 1881 1882 1883 1,190 395 1884 76, 308 48, 976 36, 005 12, 984 30, 911 83, 419 56, 136 10, 519 5,713 10, 301 111, 039 268, 482 50, 2()0 84, 122 2,979 1,771 1,338 17,911 38,824 9,761 12, 982 1885 352 1886 1,535 1,219 208 1887 1888 200 2,391 1889 438 1890 1 a Not enumerated prior to 1884. b Free of duty from Augnst 1, 1872. c Free of duty from January 1, 1871. 264 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FKOM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. TEAR ENDING JUNK DUTIABLE. lEON AMD STEEL, AND MANTJFAOTUBES OF. 30- Scrap iron and step;. fit only to be renianu- "laotured. Tons. Dollars. 1871 100, 455 2, 452, 148 1872 143, 641 3, 800, 265 1873 90. 228 3,318,085 1874 11,246 387, 973 1875 5, 637 152. 210 1876 6,144 134,077 1877 3,223 60, 803 1878 2,019 19, 760 1879 3,298 40, 267 1880 325, 296 7.218,926 1881 46, 361- 1,169,194 1882 70, 693 1,404,322 1883 34, 493 654, 802 1884 19, 702 314, 425 1885 9,539 138, 538 1886 23, 917 295, 862 1887 139, 603 2, 074, 186 1888 74, 680 1, 062, 911 1889 16, 044 200, 724 1890 11, 326 153, 257 Bar iron, rolled or hamuiered. Pounds. 116, 627, 468 150.200,015 94, 374, 973 26, 565, 086 34, 758, 790 38, 343, 231 47, 109. 695 56, 552, 504 40, 790, 900 222, 551, 594 79, 677, 921 94, 947, 920 69, 997, 678 12, 920, 734 7, 619, 445 4,951,027 5, 262, 050 11, 247, 670 9, 068. 510 4, 524, 798 Dollars. 2,188,649 3, 179, 919 2, 904, 033 1, 002, 486 1, 124, 042 1, 183. 757 1, 267, 776 1,339,948 945, 813 4, 564, 270 1, 934, 868 1, 941, 228 1,420,887 288, 659 198, 356 146, 430 102, 563 188, 591 172, 598 97, 464 Bars, r.iilway. of iron Of steel, or in part of Bteel. Tons. 449, 066 507, 888 308, 378 140, 049 DoUart. 16, 991, 951 20,883 767 18, 222, 689 10,204,490 I Hoops or ties for bal- ing purpoup.-i, barrel hoops, and hoop or band iron or ., band, or scroll iron or steel. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 18S3 1884 1880 188G 1887 1888 1889 1890 Pounds. 22, 089, 008 23, 340, 750 25, 659, 409 4, 768, 901 8:!8. 421 477, 163 399, 902 1,500 27, 333 34,491,074 17, 634 867 3, 388, 145 11, 107, 791 3, 599, 245 2,611,775 6, 616, 958 30. 460, 271 44, 303, 223 552, 620 2,441 Dnllan. 497. 168 570, 846 846, 894 142, 877 23, 803 12, 596 12, 502 26 637 711, 350 345, 407 57, 033 192, 350 163, 724 103, 178 154, 186 485, 447 719, 022 6, 695 50 Ingots, blw>ni3. slabs, billets, and biir.-i of steel, and steel in lorius not el.'iewhere specilied.o Shoet, plate, nnd tag- gers' iron or steel. Pounds. Dollars. 41, 220, 480 25, 263, 851 67, 079, 396 440, 303. 547 239, 958, 390 99, 521, 456 53, 304, 398 1. 295, 845 817,016 1, 180, 754 4, 157. 946 3, 008, 476 1, 414, 7.34 1, 164, 521 Po%inds. 20, 465, 058 25, 265, 756 28, 521, 739 9, 220, 155 7, 993, 848 6, 514. 718 2. 081, 020 1,385,923 2, 601, 268 23, 707, 368 9, 789, 965 19, 275. 340 21, 392, 123 14, 473, 463 9, 300, 258 9, 608, 697 10, 857, 644 13, 240, 957 14, 232, 796 15, 755, 960 Dollars. 508, 530 712, 528 1, 134, 089 526, 445 597, 260 474, 588 103, 841 71. 656 138, 638 839, 245 477, 677 549, 159 595, 225 411.800 282, 512 281, 747 288, 074 371, 157 381, 724 441, 275 Tin plates, t«me plates, and taggers' tin. PoutuJg. 178,949,120 106, 366, 352 191, 824, 304 169, 278, 032 190,312,416 19S. 269, 456 221, 673, 872 236, 524, 900 276, 203, 984 371, 104, 822 :?65, 703, 408 429, 610, 384 477, 309, 050 ■506, 364, 102 506, 231, 501 569, 488, 534 ;566, 071, 998 632, 614, 482 734,211,903 1678, 933, 940 Dollars. 9, .-.).->, 976 12, 300, 988 14, 957, 585 12, 989, 993 12, 932, 457 10, 003, 707 9, 702, 860 9, 561, 852 10, 130, 042 16, 870, 954 13, 914, 062 16, 151, 891 17, 435, 087 18, 120, 544 16, 632, 701 17, 580, 033 16, 088. 810 18, 898, 315 21, 174, 529 20, 891, 062 EXPORTS or FOREIGN! MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 1872 140, 392 20,160 2,812 486 1,744 141 1873 1874 1875 435 431 4,298 39 38 384 1876 1 1877 1 1878 1 1879 1880 -• 1881 1882 437 33 1883 1884 100, 002 3,030 35, 961 560 1 230 1885 3,042 391 24 1886 1887 873 65 8n 2 1888 324 11,653 11,855 14 1889 1 686 1890 27,120 1,184 388 alneluded in "AH other manufactures of iron, etc.." prior to 188^ 266 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. nrPORTS FROM THE UNITED KIXGDOM— Continned. DUTIABLE. TEAR ENDING lEOX AND STEEL, AND MA.VUFACTUHES OP. JUNE 30— "Wire rods of iron or steel, a Wire, ami wire rope and .strand, iron or steel, a Manufactures of, not elsewhere spi-cilied. Anvils, a Chains, a Cutlery. 1871 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Poxmds. Dollars. Poundt. Dollars. Dollars. 1 726 906 1872 1 7''9 154 1873 1, 810, 036 1, 268, 864 1,127,441 837, 455 654, 973 820,769 768, 675 1, 076, 004 1,153,489 1, 290, 155 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1,330,425 1,060,534 709,544 828, 518 884,900 1, 059, 009 1,146,356 1,202,802 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 32, 657, 214 18, 732, 258 29. 021, 468 19, 853, 317 22, 788, 556 21, 260, 475 24, 182, 490 569, 581 331,080 428, 169 325, 374 418, 365 363, 082 472, 600 3. 924, 526 3.040,861 4. 785, 325 3, 680, 221 0, 542, 9S5 7, 389, 036 8, 001, 787 375, 272 307, 822 444,942 432, 624 516, 719 534, 854 615, 643 1.868,120 1,137,471 1, 232, 091 1, 586, 273 2, 280, 635 2, 090, 106 2, 465, 907 110, 968 69. 222 76, 179 97, 161 157, 360 129, 998 133, 098 1, 499, 474 460, 535 416, 330 528, 755 996, 850 703, 701 580, 692 59, 009 20, 219 19,720 23,010 37,594 31, 293 41, 034 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM-Continaed. 1871 1872 1873 1874 713 1875 256 1876 1877 1,376 1878 * 1,870 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1,357 84 3,131 1885 4,801 1886 1887 17, 688 2,422 1,524 302 1,325 1888 1889 1890 3.000 540 661 a Included in " All other manafactores of iron, etc.," prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 267 IMPORTS FROM THE UNITED KTXGDOM-ContJnued. DUTIABLE. IRON AND STEEL, AND MANUFACTURES OF. TEAR EXDIXa JUNE 30— Manufactures of, not elsewhere speci- fied. JEWELRY, MANU- FACTURKS OF OOLD AND SILVER, AND PRECIOUS STONES. Files, file blank.s, rasps,, and floats. a Dollars. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 31, 755 29, 911 35, 957 43,847 41,971 40, 055 45,175 Firearms. Machin- ery. Dollars. 548, 830 632, 870 690, 849 582, 817 455,847 983, 839 246, 568 270, 241 443,370 594, 501 794, 381 1, 015, 679 937, 431 772, 317 617, 622 438, 706 411, 579 314, 422 326, 127 303, 186 Dollars. 885, 858 921, 701 1, 602, 024 1, 237, 068 593, 242 630, 782 679, 531 546, 954 500, 362 1,151,358 1, 56G, 293 1, 918, 442 2, 080, 590 997, 448 748,545 1, 012, 804 1, 684, 757 1, 632, 911 2, 153, 254 2, 270, 371 All other. Dollars. 9, 729, 858 10, 117, 562 11, 505, 574 8, 969, 303 6, 643, 840 4, 845, 656 3, 402, 081 2, 975, 695 2, 833, 873 7, 928, 029 9, 237, 403 12, 814, 695 8, 770, 581 1,461,685 1, 312, .503 1,093,827 1, 349, 669 1, 223, 514 1, 193, 481 1, 294, 070| Precious Jewelry, stones, and man- not else- ufactures' where of gold specified, and imi- tation. s of, not set. aa sil- ver. Dollars 645. 873 536, 368 377, 706 251. 874 143, 123 149, 379 126, 266 63, 378 79, 276 82, 613 112, 922 174, 467 192, 809 142, 520 176, 969 193, 833 197, 809 212,616 158, 496 155, 018 Lead, and manufact- ures of. Dollars. 1, 949, 284' 1, 716, 454 1,457,116! 1, 029, 231 1, 268, 929, 1, 006, 432| 792, O8O; 1,214,511 1,668,061 2, 608, 527 1 3, 261, 224| 3,533,173 3, 020, 376, 3,511,709 2, 704, 999 3, 112, 489 4, 288, 063 3, 043, 543 3, 048, 908 3, 537, 096 LEATHER. AND MANU- FACTURES OF. Leather. Brnrt, or belting, and sole- leather. 6 Dollars 1, 295, 200 874, 618 814, 334 317, 594 288, 474 151,290 410, 371 149, 620 24, 525: 214, 934' 51, 743! 100, 836 64, 210' 109, 008| 93, 964 183, 239 168, 510 173, 991 105, 786 26, 218 Dollars. Calf- skins, tanned, or tanned .md dressed, au3 . 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. Sulphnr. or briiustoue, reliued.o Tont. 51 53 402 224 709 Tea.b Tin, bars, blocks, or pigs, grain or jjranu- lated.e Dolls. Potmds. Dollars. Lbs 2, 368 1, 212, 440| 593, 150J38, 295 2, 363; 2, 945, 106i 1, 185, 555 43, 987 TOBACCO, AND MANiryACTURES OF. Leaf. Manofactares of. AU Cigars, cigar- 1 otber ettes. and nianu- (•heroots. | fact- ures of. I 927 36 1, 597 512; 1,233| les! 469 352J 693' 624! 1,1691 397] 763 388 j 8621 495 1,089' 255 1, 328, 732 8,324 Dollars. iPounds.' Dollars, 1, 100, 440; 17, 802 8, 367 40, ^661 19. 146 112, 776 66, 632 61, 195 35, 600 21,008 11,586 30, 520 24, 927 63, 105 46, 014 57, 393 26, 349 37, 442 29, 288 39, 251 12, 633 40, 860 16, 541 107, 370 23, 896i 71,820 41,370: 25, 819 6, 8381 136,303 82,013 112, 322 51, 326 rounds.]Dolls.\Dollart, 120, 061 1 26, 296, 47,frtl 18, 810 43, 424 16, 445 57, 761 23, 282 1, 754 3, 298 744j 1, 504 694 913 4271 915 795J 2,286 1,125 2.772] 1,0871 3,285 940 3,764 953 1,219 3, 117! 5, 766 7, 069|14, 263 4,023|15,844 1,554[ 6,842 2,967j 9,545 4, 209:12, 088 3, 570.12, 150 3,425|ll,381 4,59916,953 7,76917,594 6, 172 20, 621 2,281 227 479 637 1,707 1,985 1,427 4,605 2 668 3,193 1,174 334 465 222 199 383 197 669 237 697 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM-Continued. 1871 106, 060 239,492 3,358 39, 725 81,544 1,748 90, 341 31, 479 2.404 5.616 605 1872 14, 998j 4,830 344l 1.0041 1873 104,699; 16,083 73,375! 19,625 18. 270| 5, 125 4, 679] 1, 073 4, 747j 1, 952 7,515| 5,011 1,659: 303 23, 931; 12, 093 724 228 16.626* 1,887 8, 700 2, 951 .|,:i7C 1,908 23,834J 11,132 43, 453| 35, 014 22,888' 11,130 5, 075 3, 119 8,115' 4,328 13, 394 4, 832 1 2,261 6,116| 593 1874 125| 528i 812 1875 144! 637i 5, 078 1876 1, 175 3. 709 1, 705 3877 862 2.564: 4.836 1878 ... 72 179' 2. 446 1879 1,998 1880 l,235i 2,220 2, 235J 7, 250 177j 363 4,213; 6,243 1,494 2.770 84 232 1,028 1,875 1,419! 1,509 3, 170J 4, 241 218| 630 1,7511 3. 89:i 1,716 1881 1,728 1882 590 1883 424 1884 1885 16, 917 1886 212 1887 3,685 1888 870 1889 18'J0 700 ... olucludes " Crude sulphur" prior to 1873. b Fr of duty after 1872. e Free of duty from and after August 1, 1872. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FUREIGX MERCHANDISE. 275 IMPOirrS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. DUTIABLE. YEAK ENDIN(i JUNE 30— Toya.o VEOErABLES. Beans and pease. Potatoes. Pickles and sauces. 6 All other.6 1871 Dollars. Bushels. Dollars. Bushels. 1,904 93 684 1,747 2,052 210 75, 279 33 34, 156 6,722 59 4,416,121 28,590 2,548 106, 291 423, 123 100, 122 5, 064, 817 25, 146 1, 913, 624 Dollars. 949 66 623 Dollars. Dollars. 1872 1873 3 2, 524 426 113 56 2 37 4,713 4 3, 286 537 334 141 6 38 3,513 1874 1,183 992 92 52, 050 27 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 13,113 2,075 94 1, 899, 055 13, 510 891 42, 691 184, 785 51,512 2, 378, 027 14, 034 771, 647 1880 1S81 1882 24,887 8,016 45, 106 14, 347 5, 829 1883 1884 1885 45.243 34, 830 44, 797 44, 461 46, 700 60,189 48.942 3,477 287, 002 242, 477 265, 757 318, 101 347, 914 287, 948 331, 160 55, 235 99, 273 61, 022 24, 979 98, 875 33, 276 153, 075 1886 1887 18H8 349 110 43, 832 3, 741 2,774 1,084 188 . 61, 582 6,561 3,396 1889 1890 EXPOPiTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 1 1872 49, 783 57, 354 240, 795 331, 625 510, 005 278, 933 456, 422 107, 497 131,690 69, 235 74, 907 11,068 34, 256 20 no 33, 396 1873 41, 027 169, 895 279, 161 382, 301 196, 428 314, 243 72, 773 92, 504 50, 808 64, 688 12, 929 28, 739 23, 525 28, 685 24, 729 8,304 43,379 16, 154 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 4,121 1,583 1881 1882 1 1883 j 1884 169 151 ! 116 530 1885 664 1886 9 40, 820 103 41. 140 166 1887 757 1888 9,021 60, 373 27. 281 1889 63 22 1890 2,139 449 a Included in "Fancy articles, prior to 1884." b Not enumerated prior to 1884. 27G COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. DIPORTS FKOM THE UNITED KINGDOM-Coutinued. DUTIABLE. TEAR E^'I)l^■G JUXE 3U— WINES. WOOD, NOT ELSE- WHERE SPECIFIED, AND .MANUFACr- URES OF. Cliainpngne, and Other sparkling. o Still wines. Timber and lumber. Manufao- Id rasks. In bottles. tures of. Doze7is. Dollars. Gallons. Dollars. Dozens. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1871 852. 976 370, 109 153, 743 1,237,423 343 354, 862 1872 641, 359 299, 871 71, 620 603, 850 48 366.365 1873 545, 170 265, 636 61, 214 548, 768 60 368, 720 1874 259, 785 153, 240 61, 657 591. 176 17 258,709 1875 228, 189 145, 669 54, 009 554, 036 605 218, 622 1876 190, 849 205, 922 158, 908 179, 052 45, 380 38, 982 467. 913 400, 638 128 1.477 223, 193 1877 ' 160, 540 1878 ' 227. 908 201,670 26, 087 269, 871 5,595 167, 938 1879 422, 935 317, 326 42, 234 367, 503 ],6Q5 195, 362 1880 344,036 278, 889 238, 491 278, 683 296, 326 55, 110 520, 018 8, 324 270, 270 1881 246, 422 227, 609 273, 899 41, 259 42, 234 53, 872 428, 006 457, 81)6 615, 773 12. 472 3,813 8,158 290, 172 1882 312, 104 1883 344, 018 1834 2,933 37, 783 91, 505 107, 819 8,676 61,689 9,768 181, 785 1885 2,665 37, 465 84 120 76, 416 7,248 47, 489 2,880 215,692 1886 1,543 21, 100 80, 598 71, 222 4, 806 35, 781 1, 356 238, 610 1887 2,191 29, 671 76, 796 67, 811 .5,554 41,467 2,776 292, 561 1888 1,431 20, 673 106, 756 91,715 6,0C9 45, 146 3,533 212,222 1889 2,875 43, 048 119, 198 113, 731 5,600 41, 262 3,220 230. 934 1890 1.995 29, 072 90, 562 85, 790 7,455 52, 729 4,599 460, 141 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 1,009 904 414 3,341 1,162 2,705 1872 32 7,384 4, 720 593 1,430 1, 067 1,490 3, 429 1,194 39 491 2, 037 2, 232 55 7,274 3,494 672 2,389 4,051 900 1,264 572 21 409 1,412 6,194 2,000 106 487 759 1,497 669 886 261 91 111 391 131 252 8,277 1,193 4,853 5,862 13, 022 7,084 8,255 2,915 935 888 3,163 1,737 2,485 1873 374 125 309 22, 221 1,604 2,644 3,352 1874 1,970 1875 4,288 1876 11, 241 1877 7,690 1878 23, 725 1879 13, 348 1880 3,665 17, 578 59, 239 88,805 96, 253 18, 285 1831 41, 933 1882 25,879 1883 5,424 1884 124 1,458 64,248 1885 617 4,707 7,678 5,382 1 1 43,925 36, 779 1886 402 4,866 3,336 2,631 1,506 6,677 56, 544 35, 087 1887 50 136 4,659 2,784 615 1,336 35, 935 24,644 1888 617 7,620 3,050 1, 831 9 92 11,287 6,546 1889 24 298 480 562 114 640 9, 468 4,175 1890 2. 546 2,380 93 362 309 1,648 • Included in "Still wines" prior to 1884. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 277 IMPORTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. TEAR END- ING JUNE 30— 1871 . . , 1872... 1873... 1874... 1875... 1876... 1877... 1878... 1879... 1880... 1881... 1882... 1883... 1884... 1885... 1886... 1887... 1888... 1889... 1890... DUTIABLE. WOOLS, HAIR OP THIS CAMEL, GOAT, ALPACA, AND OTHER LIKE ANIMALS, AND MANUFACTURES OF. Unmanufactured. Clothing.a Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Combing. o Dollars. Carpet .nnd other similar. Carpets and rarpet- ing of all kinda. Pounds. 15, .593. 166 40, 250, 449 19. 040. 920 7, 9G6, 382 11,882,212 10, 934, 294 14, 270, 095 18, 387, 554 16, 876, 650 58, 009, 631 24, 786, 226 20, 642. 887 26, 080, 275 796, 008^20, 127, 231 601,342 1.5,4,39,411 1,432,942 30,510,849 8, 092, 907 2, 181, 694j3, 414, 130 4, 474, 256 1, 059, 248 2, 467, 037 12. 879, 061 2, 761, 346 6, 298, 043 6, 308, 770 1, 456, 745 9, 500, 132'2, 232, 354.34, 211, 028 11, 360, 153 2, 576, 788 5, 02G, 821 il, 176, 118i28, 053, 103 9, 957, 566' 2, 363, 007 6, 468, 984 1, 521, 956'37, 496, 852 11, 810, 519! 2, 984, 2336, 897, 404 1, 721, 920 27, 831, 881 III Dollars. 3, 244, 755 11, 220, 625 5, 459, 138 1, 859. 254 2, 753, 549 3,426,994 2, 833, 198 3, 750, 762 2, 153, 783 12, 447, 235 4, 499, 559 3, 855, 142; 4, 710, 508] 2, 934, 992 2, 009, 920 3, 753, 656 4, 734, 959 3, 966, 321 4, 899, 443 3, 759, 186 Manufactures of. Clotliing, ready-made, and other wearing a|)parel, e.K- cept sliawls and knit good.-i. b Sq. yards. 4,705,420 4, 997, 610 3, 827, 890 3, 0o5. 938 2, 248, 786 1, 050, 433 502, 515 267, 101 238, 881 1, 414, 124 954, 080 616, 205 688, 433 807, 072 682, 413 823, 649 734, 518 717, 177 577, 513 592, 404 Dollars. | Dollars. 4,611,103j 5,611,0391 4,245,436| 3,471,960' 2,501,672: 1,380,7521 602,902] 367.616 325,083 1,194,437 1,008,471' 760,666 780,00lj 970, 565 864, 409 996, 355 956, 266 897, 844 678, 800 716, 808 444, 316 431,688 375, 903 473, 189 492, 535 577, 783 618, 735 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDO.il— Continued. 1871 107, 898 66, 364 4, 107, 227 2, 821, 061 479, 504 419, 056 23, 928 186, 269 678, 201 309, 112 527, 349 99, 091 24, 996 15, 400 12, 843 11,012 11,711 9''5 413 269 354 1S72 1873 9! r.rn 2,437 3, 656 1874 622,935 4,168 130,200 a '}^x 1875 3, 426 1876 120, 442 3,550 1877 5>. ^(^■?. 3, 242 29, 981 1878 42,06t 28,058 118, 415! 828 86, 375 396 112, 919 629 21, 243 1 .50 1879 - 5641 1880 499 - --- 1881 884 203 1882 1883 7,036 3,058 1884 82.721 24.226 338, 848 74, 242 237, 239 37. 670 2 200 6,009 2,700 835 1885 1, 448 1 - 375 1 Oilt 1886.... 16, 984 63, 614 105,748 2,294 9, 291 27,519 252 322 1,909 75 489| 21, 261 1887.... 1888.... 1889 932, 943 163, 642 261,901 647, 596 138,932 29, 003 67, 537 15, 344 380, 294 470 201, 145 1,695 50, 581 52 24, 425 605! 2, 300 3, 943 276 203 1-040 1890.... 174, 728 16,411 3,988 12, 303 a Included in " Carpets, etc., wools," prior to 1884. b Included in " All other manufactures of wool " prior to 1884. 278 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. IMPORTS FROM THE UXITKl) KINC.DOM-Cmitinned. O I' DUTIABLE. WOOLS, HAIIl OF THE CAMEL, GOAT, ALPACA, AXD OTHER LIKE ANIMALS, AND UAHiTFACrVhCi OS. Mauiifactures of. Cloths. Dresa goods, wonien'.s and children's. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874., 1875., 1876., 1877., 1878.. 1879.. 1880.. 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 1884- . 1885.. 1880.. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. Dollar*. \S'i. yards.] Dollar*. 8, 303, 28i 07, 721, 786 16, 621, 449 9, 422, 244 58, 522, 370 16, 297, 04S 10, 342, 312|55, 938, 023 16, 360, 21 7. 972. 540 53, 581, 787 15, 103, 195 7, 865, 675[50, 330, 747 13, 018, 933 5, 763, 190'38, 65S, 644j 9, 252, 542 3, 299, 14632, 299, 520 7, 359, 928 3, 625, 85332, 609, 979j 7, 174, 295 3, 229, 087 26, 900, 4451 6, 174, 847 5, 906, 950 40, 620, 256 8, 719, 721 5, 731, 904 30, 944, 786 6,696,468 32,180,462 6,976,049 33,575,679 7, 201, 294 27, 370, 186 5, 649, 184J24, 719, 687 5, 660, 416134, Oil, 05lj 6, 549, 519 5. 920. 541 ^31, 988, 695 6, 457, 977 6, 852, 690 31, 857, 844 6, 670, 784 7, 790, 023 7,181,826 5, 205, 708 Knit fabrics. Raji-s, mungo, tlock.s, noil.s, shoddy, and wastes. Shawl.s. 5, 324, 892 :;8, 050, 491 11, 662, 34550, 382, 295 Dollars. Pounds. 476, 581j 893, 575 517, 000jl,885,014 528,070;i,543,797 439,600il,550,479 538,67l|l,164,429 436, 519 131, 916 362, lOOi 116, 591 354, 437J 58, 146 236, 952i 54, 929 370,624|1,205,504 552, 095j 356, 694 516, 770| 875, 030 739, 30l| 691,898 996, 3081 670, 469 4, 746, 468 1 , 042, 205| 290, 994 945, 549 1, 824, 653 919, 742 3, 232, 592 781,894 2,445,492 808, 723 5, 865, 344 984, 235 3, 142, 767 7, 664, 609 9, 815, 065 Dollars. 51,087 Dollars. I, 554, 501 163, 092|2, 332, 218 147,465 1,803,646 117,882; 972, 18S 111, 442j 8, 902 14, 082 6,205 7,151 273, 270 108, 318j 300, 890 960, 943 788, 345 665, 092 810, 213 703, 979 704, 727 493, 840 523, 449 335, 446! 559, 182 316,474J 391,888 128,5241 435,285 018, 104j 399, 260 1, 208, mi 397, 145 918, 784; 392, 735 2, 332, 288; 344, 383 1, 266, 3981 367, 357 Yams. a Pounds. Dollars. 614, 013 .Ml OtluT. Dollars. 5, 387, 721 4, 915, 674 4, 667, 272 2, 737, :;89 2, 141, 167 2, 368, 304 1, 602, 580 1, 750, 922 1, 559, 231 2, 225, 933 2, 031, 600 2, 579, 773 3, 183, 649 3, 158, 785 911,010 404, 718i 312, 086J2, 986, 247 3, 177, 323!l, 692, 872|4, 453, 939 l,626,3i4j 883, 097J4, 769, 650 1, 843, 352 1, Oil, 597 5, 912, 748 1, 578, 358 1,381,094 861,794 9,687,164 789, 6.^012, 887, 295 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871.. 1872.. 1873.. 1874.. 1875.. 1876.. 1877.. 1878.. 1879.. 1880.. 1881.. 1882.. Ie83.. 1884.. 1885.. 1886.. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890 . . 3,723 12, 835 15, 066 1, 209 13, 888 7, 925l 6, 710J 6, 907 5, 091 45, 350 13, 956 6,520 9, 228 23, 024 14,886 28, 840 20, 757 28, 502 22, 206 152, 047| 140, 607j 374, 146; 205, 178' 404, 635i 676, 015j 279, 522; 505, 17o' 213, 564| 100, 714 468, 123 200, 317 268, 894 136, 103 151,177 150, 585| 52, 132 110,078 127, 792| 85, 913 32, 49, 122, 66, 89, 143, 64, 102, 38, 19, 106, 37, 55, 29, 32 28, 10, 25, 24, 19, 470 1,159 2,600 94 35, 047 13, 268 9,924 101 73? 139,847 13, 951 64, 516 77, 343 1,740 7,541 526 3,305 7,187 146 355 330 2,074 504 2,492 59.) 605 2,570 63-' 7^9 1,189 32, 465 595 6,051 3,280 6,625 402 14 2,430 925 338 9,784 678 411 8T! 989 399 1,082 760 1,340 2,957 3,013 2,040 234 3,496 700 3,158 9,281 1,915 158 11,051 9,449 ?39 005 4,082 1,414 12, 950 2,466 4,440 23, 449 7.922 1,497 2,736 10, 685 137 2,258 1,139 27 204 442 11,314 6, 206 4,185 2,936 43, 097 27,565 95, 242 64.033 35, 927 119, 112 38, 236 27, 537 15, 080 13, 972 10, 726 2,191 24, 902 25, 332 55, 099 74,948 67,754 46, 013 47, 775 19, 861 a Included in ' bU other manufactures of wool " prior to 1834. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. 279 IMPORTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. DUTIA15LE. RECAJ'ITULATION. YEAR ENDING J L'NE 30- ZINC, on SPELTER, AND MANUFAC- TIKES OF. All other dutiable articles. TOTAL DUTIA- BLE. TOTAL FREE OV DUTY. TOTAL VALUE In blocks or pigs, and old. Manufac- tures of. OF mi:r- CHiVNDISE. Pound ti. Dollan. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1871 513. 645 22, 819 22, 433 6,161,703 212, 137, 709 8. 630, 602 228, 708, .371 1872 497. .1,58 25,091 32, 384 2,941,628 236, 530, 814 12,241,510 248, 772, 324 1873 176, 145 10, 650 20,144 3, 154, 669 210. 696, 615 17, 601, 603 237, 298, 218 1874 5,588 687 13, 002 2, 369, 537 159, 546, 752 20, 496, 061 180,042,813 1875 13, 3C0 710 38.841 1, 918, 296 137,027,772 18,270,172 155, 297, 944 1H76 18, 954 24,420 1, 789. 400 1, 708, 436 108. 725, 767 95, 703, 743 14.647,514 18,030,515 123, 373. 281 1877 119, 867 5,772 113, 734, 258 1878 442, 927 19, 581 8,038 1, 734, 141 90. 859, 172 16, 431, 505 107, 290, 677 1879 441,365 17, 072 1,466 2, 087, 092 89, 900, 389 18, 638, 423 108, 538, 812 1880 861,898 39, 974 1,060 3, 400, 073 179, 824, 270 30, 789, 424 210, 613, 694 1881 505, 242 20, 917 14, 672 3,316.485 150, 440, 370 24, 0.53, 308 174, 493, 738 1882 255, 838 10, 750 4,907 3, 830, 226 169, 908, 193 25, 080, 499 195, 588, 692 1883 122, 425 4,505 7,038 4, 084, 899 161.298,179 27, 324, 440 188, 622, 619 18S4 165,897 6,682 1,083 1, 679, 951 134, 902, 800 27, 586, 708 162, 549, 608 lt<85 179, 344 5,837 183 1, 240, 735 112,206,221 24, 495, 559 136, 701, 780 1886 338, 378 10, 499 899 1,372,774 126, 008, 586 27, 345, 468 154, 254, 054 1887 1, 097, 187 43, 226 2,195 1, 360, 741 138, 334. 694 26, 732, 749 105, 067, 443 1888 170, 748 5,529 1,820 1,598,878 147, 202, 553 30, 695, 422 177, 897, 975 1889 54, 834 2,249 7,179 1, 447, 106 150,063.104 28, 205, 963 178, 269, 067 1890 394, 272 18, 343 3,225 1, 506, 402 155, 842, 887 30, 646, 069 186, 488, 956 EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. 1871 410 103, 010 33, 994 52, 238 58, 320 66, 537 42, 496 27, 998 53, 568 21, 231 30, 887 183, 247 126, 037 139, 258 11, 425 2.905 7,555 4,974 3,624 11, 290 3,430 2,612,147 3, 076, 756 3, 193, 386 3, 116, 392 1,964.960 3, 227, 702 2, 609, 400 2, 807, 858 1,334,139 1, 655. 886 1, 804, 284 1, 862, 268 1, .593, 018 1, 546 962 474, 318 975, 828 1, 320, 640 1, 219, 143 1, 604, 333 1,437,222 1, 500, 021 1, 015, 961 1, 008. 419 1, 146, 367 1, 880, 175 2, 236. 856 3, 397, 683 1 fl7i 9R'i 3, 086, 465 4, 052, 584 4, 514, 026 4, 335, 535 3, 569, 293 4 604 924 1872 1873 i 1874 j 1875 1 1876 j 1877 i 4, 109, 421 3, 823, 819 2, 342, 558 2, 802, 253 3, 684, 459 1878 1 1879 j 1880 ; 1881 1 1882 1 4 099,124 1883 ; 4, 990, 701 1884 j 3, 521, 227 3, 177, 278 3 525 727 1885 ' 1 718 "^59 i 1 4.'iQ_ (11 Q 1886 i 420 1, 935, 642 1, 594, 818 1, 636, 522 1, 493, 949 1, 638, 977 1, 590, 085 1,614,718 1, 640, 391 1,497,594 1,797,676 1887 13.496 175 3, 209, 536 1888 3, 276, 913 1889 2, 991, 543 1890 3, 436, 653 280 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. ^ a Ul a Urn Lrt 'A C5 U z; K •S s D i- >< ■^ ^^ Y, -H iij 03 r> c C5 ,10 X I— f M 1- 11 1-H Z p; c -) u cs Ui o .^ <-> ' M a a y. 5^ < D -5 ■J >5 c y^ o < < SJ s o a o ■^ c cd << u !» ri »^ « .-^ b ^ o x; a ^ u OJ n < 5 O a ^ J^ o > a a •-4 'f J '^ a < :j u> V- LJ '^ a - u r- » ta o f- a -fl /'. K U( -' a o ;> ^ -> X. o c 3i a H a ^ D a < ^ ■< H C f- _r cl c-r co- oT co -* OS -* in r-T •* r^ 1 _' ~f ' ^ Itl J^ -* « CM co -91 ■w t- ■^ 1 1 22 rs ir5 CO 00 •«* CO ^ CO t-( C<1 t^ 70 00 CO CO 70 in CO I-- 1 „ -^ ro a c3 -r cs Cl Cl CO ■* CO -*i cs I- in 5 M 2 5 -• c; CO -* co' 1.0 00" CM 0' 00 = CO CO co" ■.* cf in ■oi" ■*" cs CS in uo 1 CO r^ in Til" co" t-^ co" CD • a; ■* P< _?jr_ CJ r-l CM 1-1 '" ^^ - Cl 1 cs in CO 1 CO lA ■^ b- •^ t- CO 00 ^ t- < ^ t~ OS M CO t~ t- t~ a| ~oo 71 l> d in in to s 00 OS in CO rH CS 01 00 2" (N CO CO" IT 00 CO CO 1^ " ocT 00 cf CO 00 00 cf CO cs" 00 00 0:" i~ t~ CO CO CS 00 co" t-^ -r" cf to" 00 CO cf g -^ «: in Cl Cl Cl 70 in cs CO -T d + "= iO i~ 5 CO c5 •«* CO 00 00 t^ ^ 00 CO ■>>• Cl C~ ■* CM >< < (^g d -^ '-^ .--!-• '^ '^ - rH rH r-T rH rH CO •^ o 00 CI c^ „, in CO 00 r^ CO e» ^ Cl 00 CO CO t~ in CO CO 00 «r CO m . 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J OC 00 OS a> cc OS CO Cl OS t- cs 70 — 70 C i-H 10 f 10 cc in in 09 CO ■* t- 00 [- t-" in" CO cf OS 0" CO rH 00 00 CO 00 OS 00 OS OS 00 CO d cf + 9^^: f-i in '"' CM C5 '""' Cl •* ' 1^ -^ , f. 00 a -* t- Cl in CO CO CO CM t^ t^ 00 Ift 5^ c CO CO Cl no OS 1- -J1 CO OS I- t^ ■* in -T Cl ■^ ^ • DC CO 0: 00 Cl CO CO C- 00 TO 70 CO I- d -* '3 S • Cs 1 <> rH ^ ci 1* co" co" CO os' ■fli" e~" 0" -* co" co" r-f ■^ > 6/.- is - c > t- in Cl OS '~ Cl in d £ 2 5^ ■* ir " a T K Cl CO CO N 1 Cl IT in 00 CO 00 rH d cs ■* •aj C; ■ ■^ c^ 1 10 5 ^H C4 0: 1- C4 Cl -01 OS •^ CO 1-r ■* CO i-f in d" ■HI t- S 17 CO C£ 5 -H r-l CO ■* ^ Cl + _ ry CO c J CI ~ D 05 ~~^ co 1^ m CO ^ c; CO in 00 00 CO 1* 00 ^ c 5 -.^ ^ CO c< in OS Cl CO c« in CO 01 cs 1^ t- ;< ■* !• !0 D 00 c CO OS iU CO a c» C55 m in Cl CO d 5 s 5^ c-f - " M CS ■fl c u in -h" in -Jl -a m" co" cf co" cf -h" 00" „- a r* p- ES -1 3 00 c 5 -* -ii -d 00 -r = Cl CO -1< CO i> ^ < ~ ? - ■>* c 5 OS 5 c5 CO in ■* 11 Cl OS CM t^ cs in CO CO 70 in cs' 00 06 t^ of cs co" + ^^ H ' ] • ^ 1 t?i Cj t c 1 .5 2 gl r3 SO c! S^ "3 o» i H < i (TJ 7 -t , CO t- cc J c CO ■* in CO 1^ ocJ oi si r^ - t^ 00 CO 00 00 00 QO CO 00 C 1 >" 0( 1 00 « r-t f tic r OC H 1— oi OC OC S 00 o< a CO OC 00 00 CO 00 (S"" IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MEllCHANDISE. 281 «o ;o •^ r^ o CO o ■ to o o m o 1 rH 1 H t(-£ rt -■ri ^ ll ° \ v.- ~ 3 o o •* t-" 1 00 r~ c If^ a, ^? (=i !| ; 1 K ^ m «o o 00 o r^ -«i ira ^ 00 r- to O 00 •* CO on o rH 'to ,^ -, •rt< o of lO' 04 r-^ o m CO o CO co' « to' o' c: -■' CJS' „' tn in -■?; S M q ^^ ■^ -d* l- OS o + » '-' ^ (M '^ -^ -' •1 • " Ol N W ca CO ■w CO N »' <= r CO < m ; lO Ol m m i-* to ; ^^ < e D o Q O ; , J : r J* ir. o o» r- lO o lO ^ N CO OS loo 00 in o ^ to 'F 5 !0 OS in in on 00 at os' oo" co' to' « Ol CO o lO 3 OJ ■* ■^ < + f^ i ■^ '"' '-' -<* o s o 1 ^ lO O) no to t^ in r- oi ^ 05 a o o oT x6 o -* nT O' 00 00 ' oa 00 -* oo ■^ oi s CO -* o lira' C~ rH o Ol fH to •rj« Ol -■ '^ + 00 . o ^ on 00 •* CO 00 00 OS 00 't~ ^ 1 CO IM oa CQ to ■^ ^ !- •* O Tji ■* CO o c- OS »— t oa oc 'OJ L-5 m I' X CT) in [^ 04 o r~ to lO ^ OS to o t~ in ■-t in co" <-) + (5 <; fH s Q (-M *"* '^ '^ -'-Q CO Ol Ol ■ t> 00 OS CO 00 Ol :tO o O s o a r~ r- JO to CO on r~ -K o ■*' u* ci' o ■n M co" of >5 =) of in C5 m -* of of of to CO OS t- to o O lOO I- CO 'lo" oo" Ol 00 to m o OS — lir lO + ■■o 00 Ol o> in o Ol ^ o CO -^ OI 00 c~ o t- in ro ni in __l fl X t- Tl< o o »— 1 CO ■* i-H OS tH O <= to lO to OS QC !ir ^ CO n •* ^ r~ o ■* t^ r-i in OS l^ -t lO' lO CO o o 00 <; ^£ ^ Ol CO I> + r~\ (M t" C5 IM o to r- to ^Ol t- t~ iH ^ GO ■* to c- Ol a M !S CO of iT o" o" oo" ITS rt' ^' t-^ to '^ 1 CO -^ o- o' ci ^f oo gl + '*^ -* rH CO CO O 1 to i-H o- t' ■* 00 C3 xH OS CO |0C ^ t- t> ■^ 00 05 t- c- to I- o o 00 00 rH of to '^ to OS 00 c- gi^ in'l 1 1- 1 q" C3 !0 m" in o lO oi j'los • (T rr, o S CO ►3 Q li 5 t- a ,, z « 2 -1< •-' ift t^ o r". • ro ^ o ci r^ -^ 1.-3 =-. " 1.-5 C-. -* I w cc w CO cs to IfS t- ^ N ' CO CO o C! » r; , M o CC CO T o to CJ r^ ift lO w .-• iri CO : c^i t* II f-t I'. CO CO t^ i.-^ -J" c~ to 1-1 n in c- (£.£ jH<ifti>^t*'^ir5i"-*' ■^ II i-^ OS in oT rJ ro ir: , -^ rn t*coot*co o o CO O 1^5 C: (N Tl O O 1^ 00 rT w" cc co' 00 i-T .-T t-^ C^i-^oOXiO-^'t^iCt^Cit- io cooocor^^Oi-tt- in-^»incO"^r-iosooco •ZP COWC001CvlC^i-(»ftiO * ■* inoirsc^O'^ooioc^ • -^ iM ^ m Ci 05 CO (M CVI P^S ;^c30 0f-ir:cocoooi-i' oo omcoincor-iooMoo R eo •« TjT ■<)!■ ec -*" -T)!" eo' N OQ r-t -^ 00 CO -1* -^ 00 t~ IM rt 00 a> 00 tft t' ^-1 cs C J C' J CO 00 CO l~ CO O M rt Jt^t-CJOC4COL^NmCO > Z> 00 t- O m CO 00 O (M i-l O O 1-1 ;i-i 05 o t- ■CO Ol iH t- tHO COOiMOCiiO-^i-l a; OS — CO CI lA CO r-t OS ?° TP t* Ift O ^ CM t* CO ^t-^ CO* CO «" c (M -fj( ro (M in w oo ■~ t> O •Q' cs ot^csooot^or^coci -^CSOt-i-fiOOOO^ CO ro rr CO CO OS "t i-H t^ OC t^ CO «-" 1-- CJ CM t^ t- CM rt i-H ■*j< ri CO -* OS o ^ COOSCSC^Jl^CMOt^OS CDOCSm— IIOCMCJCS-* CO ^ ^ CO CO CO CO CO C3 CO ^' P r:< ^ I CO ^ OS ir> in CO cowoscoo-^root^co COOSi-iOOOiO'<*«l-Ou'^ tr^OOOt^O'^CSOO: CO rr -Ki OS rt OS 00 CM Tf o t- r- cs CO o o o ac -TOOlOl^CMOOOiM ■* ift 00 C^J o -** t- 00 « CO CO O O t- I- X ^H O lO CO O 00 OtOdCOi-HdrHOOOllOiH i-Ha0lOr-ic^^OC0CMlft!0St> CO 00 00 t* O 00 o -f eo I h- oor-ooiocC'Tj^coocMc^r^Ci _-_- cOCOOOOO"^iOSt> lH t-H i-H ^ t- o CO ;d CM .-I CO O -^ CO oo ^ CO O - _ '^OSCMCMlr-0:»OS CO CO Co" — h" CO f-h" •^ CO CO. in t^co "^ii-cM eo co" H*" co' CO co" -^ j os" '^ CO o •^ •<*» CM r-( »o 1 m -^ CO "^ CO OS c) I cs »-l ^ .-I CO t- t- ■ lO »rt irT to irT 00 o • o" oT '^COCi'^r-tlOCMCO'^COt^OO •CM COlOi-H i!0 -Tt* CO IftCM COlh- lO 'O IftOOSOOOSlOt^OSOSirtT -Tf( CO 1—1 OO ■ CM -f c*3 op I Tf 'cC0t-»^O»AC6CCOOOCO«D«Ot- 00 CO COOMCSOMWCa-f ^O 00O>TKCJTHt-CO-*CC> •CiCO O CO OS t- OS i-H T(( £5 CO CO ^ CO CO i-H ■* N CD 00 CO CO CO CO rH 0> C5 ** H* rH 00 CO N ■^ X CO CI 00 -^ OS O lO 'Jl CI •« c^i CO OS CO c:s OO CO CO i.o HJIOSIOIOCOCJIMCOO I* CO CO CO CO in -f o O rH 00 CO o -*« o I- CO m o t~ OS Hji o lO 00 M aS CO im" o' cs CO rH O O H)l O I 1^ O O CI OS rH CO CO' Cf COCqrH30rHCOCl-*IOSO cst^r^cot^coocorHcs OOCSr-tOOCOO-VOCOX l~ OS -H -*i CO CO OS CO 00 cs O C^ CO -r 1-c CO rH in rH Cn to t^ 00 o o> uo m oo — c: -* o OO O .-1 05 to — o> =11 ^ o « O r-- (D o QO CD »r. -r o o •^ i> ^cdirrrtc-fcvTc^i-H o in o O CO o to to t- 1 a Cas- ings for sau- sages. (a) 1 o s o o o to t~ CO in "* O O O to ^ O CO •«• IH CO i-l CM lO 1 i ! g i ^ Si- 2 3.= o ^ O CI g ^ !• ^ 1 00 90 1 CI o CO i Brass, and manufac- tures of. 5 1 CO ^ S O rt ** 5 1 to o oo o t» 00 o in IM rt to to Cl 0> m -w oi a c i - = |gog o o o o CO IM CO O O .-1 to in r-T O CM Artworks: Paintings and statuary. c* o o in O CI AGRICULTURAL IM- PLEMENTS. <1 c- 1 o t~ o m a ^ o o c^ t^ -* in m uo in o i- 00 TjT r).' co' ill o ^ ^, = « CO o m 00 o CO to o 00 t^ to oj M in rt o o t~ -* in CO t-' c-i t-' cf .-T -1 1-1 CO ^5 ^ HH — CO 1 »^ oc c- s oc IT oc i 1 o oc oc i a oc oc in oc oc 00 i ot 00 286 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. in Z. o 2 Q o s 5 •3 g-3 •9 ; o 06 CO 5 I to in '• 9 1 s • •9 T-l 5 e4 Flax, lienip, anil jute, mauu- I'actiires of. (a) fs o o e« ^ O. CJ pi ^1 s s a o> CO to in o s s O 1-1 to o> in oo o QQ a a D •< P H 8 o E-" O 3 rH01Ml-HnC:05-f 1-1 rH .-1 M * i-T -* in in o 00 CO Id Ci D h So Q i3 BS' 0. o <1 i- ^ O « g -3 d 5r3 I o • I;; bjD a M •3 e s 3 3 '^ 5 C - 1- I I ' J '' " 5 t£ cr ■J c EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 287 6) O ■r. u < Ik < a u z o K All other inanufac- tuics of iron and steel. Dollars. 150 — — — o o -.3 i.o r~ L-j 50 o I- -a ri o o _> ifi n I- " — . lO fO CJ CO o r^ cJ Stoves and ranges, and jiarts of. 2 o g 3 CO bljcg gas.. __^Ji_. o 16, .S8l 5,505 1,945 1,889 2,736 1.111 1,417 231 1,158 55 289 Print- ing presses, and parts of. 2 O 00 -H i_o 00 O .-H 00 Machinery, not else- where si)ec- itied, and steam en- gines and parts of. J9 .5 o CD 2,452 12, 450 560 2,012 16, 447 10, 952 1,715 Locks, hinges, and otlier build- ers' hard- ware. 6 1 1 - o 00 " 1 11 £ a p — " o t- ■* CO ■ i nsa"cS^=5-S|^ ;= ITS o t- o CI O rt o ■a- c c- t~ ■-(■ r-T ci" Ink, print- ers' and other, a - - - -' ..-5 •* 00 n o CT -W IM i-H India rub- ber and gutta- percha, manufac- tures of. «0 (M 00 3 Hides and skins, other tlian furs. 2 — — - - 3,050 10. 000 6,000 o 3 14, 797 3,795 1,050 o CJ Grease, grear.c scraps, and all soap stock, a to o P o •§ i — — o 00 Glucose, or grape sugai'. a in co (X i 2 1 00 2 1 i « Ot on oc oc 0( 00 0< 2 oc 00 oc 00 M 288 CO.MMERCE WITH EUROPE. c « "a g !2i 00 O o as o" 00 s § 00 O to c-. CO \n 00 ■* 00 o o 1 00 CO 00 J6 t-' o 1 oommc»5-»5 ^ i = = i e : o oo CO 2 = =0 5 . M i en u BS D B S < S Q •< ed" g Id 1^ 5 lO o K CO s o lO in CO !o oc ir. '-f o" -* o co" rH jJl TJI (M 1 s 1 S 3 S § t- in 00 un in -* o' -* to 00 ■-H (M d o -- CO 00 lO I-l ■* -i< -r oc -* o cc ^ ro t~ ^ t~ 00 in t-^ t-^ »-H t~ K> -^f o t-^ in CO CO -* in c^ ro o -^ o in CO 00 CM c 00 ^1 = "="■■- s '■ 00 I o in . o t~ . lO 1 1- ' « = a t; -S '~ K = Jl £ -^ tb'" o • 00 1 '^ • in • CM WW 3 O o -t f 5 I C -4 r j : g H r c j c H r H r 6 D ■( r > o •* r o 3 S ( -1 » c ) c i % D a H r 3 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 289 . a» g 00 M 1- " to C* u t- ? la re ^ s in (? IT in er, n all- ures b '^ 10 -* IM C* ? t- c « K ►S in ? P<"-M 00 = = kn in e ■^ a -* c to P-l — o Q "^ j^ c^ m _ ^ v tc to ^ o ^ Csl ^1 'c M o Q -^ in --H a 'C c IN ~~z. r; ^ H o = -* oc OC s cq m J N C- [~ C^l cr 06 oc IT ■rr to C3 2 8 ^ r-^ t-^ CC c- c- " os' oc 05" ^•■ 'd o tO (M ^ r- 6c ir -_^ Q o ""- " i * " Q B =^^-2 = 5 t= 9-^ ^ (M Q ■5 ^T S -i^ § 1 H 8 fa 1=3 00 c c c tc c If t^ ^ ■>* j4 o t ^ i- t~ < c- ^ -d M Tl - t^ • -^ t- :3! s ic m in o c 3 t- < c: r^ -^ ^ 00 a (M -^ C = O (M 1-1 l- t- 'S (> y- bb CC IT " co" o" t- o" -h' CO to" r- t ^ ^ t- ^ I; " i-T cr c H 7. _P O O -i o C2 L- o -* — 1 (M ir t^ -* 0. 1 Ci OO C£ lO to -3 to OO CO CO ff- tl a C 1 "" > ^ a rH t-H .-H (- I- r- iH H lO CO e^ r- -* -r o tc C J e> c ) CS If c S ee -r 00 T- C^l O to 00 c s c > ■* J c S CO C£ 03 OO 1- to r-l — ( C- 0- c tc > c ) t- i? t£ ' Cf r ' o" -^ -^ to « ire cf = c^ c - _ h" ■ L- " ^ ' CO* c c< S CD l~ C O O ^ rH f a< r- t; J c- -# c c^ e -rjl ^ -^ l> f CO t~ tH CO I.' s e> t- 1 Tj !• in c t- to CO c- \ c^ n V r irf 00 oT M t: i -1 ' \£ r ?> r t- r 1 < (r " "- rS r- - c > H H ev 00 » rX ee (^ 1 ir 5 t£ c^ 1 00 "^ i- s in c- s to 8 h- " (^ 5" ^ -1 h" o~ -^ r (rf Cv c- 5 fr- t- ■ 00 a - 4 b &>> ^" - C > CO s S c« •- > HP t- • t- - ^ 1 a s in -a 3 r-t c 1* c > c 1 -* c H 05 Cs ■ " h" t- 1 t- > c - CO c If H (M 11'^$ 1 C c- C5 tt t- -i CO Cr- a OJ a- (^ ^ > If ■^ to" 1- c c?" * ■" b ; S| g CO WKl ^5^ is f-H ^^ CO -* ir to t- 00 a> c Cv *- ^^ tc t- ^ c 1 b.1 t^ r- t- r^ t- I7 I- t- t- oc oc oc OC QC § 1 -m *■• oc oc oc oc oc OC a oc oc a oc oc oc a a a •- J H. Mis. 117 -19 290 CO:\rMERCE WITH FA'ROPE. Q "S a ■;S S o >!. « -t* m rh 'A k-H i»H t3 »>=!5 M o <1 Q M P=< K O <1 ro f .5 • = lf| ts in CO 2 i i~ (M in . => (M 00 ^ CO m ei CJ cs 00 -* m '- X in c; !C to cH -f O) to in Oi -* -^ CO r5 X OJ » rH •* CO i-H iji N 1-t I -^ ■^ CJ 00 -T 3C t- 0- IT O! oc 00 o- IT rf cr IT t- i^ : to > o a (T c t£ ft. : IT- ■^ 1 ±^ • , ot If t: m 00 in oc IH « t- CJ CO IM <> to ,5 ^ • " IM -»i I- ■O 00 i-H to 5 C -*j c^ 00 00 00 m 00 a> 1 00 -a 0( 0( a a a u ) ot 00 oc oc oc oc oc oc 01 oc oc 1 EXPOin'S OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 291 a ".is 2 : « : 1 : "^ lO i 30 1 • 3 3 ^ g g S : CM o 1 1 3 g ^•e^c3oo.-iO'H(Oi.':itoom(Mr3to ?ooooccioo>raccoo>oi--rtO -w Q-TC.-HOt~00-rl-MI-OO-* 0.-1 !2 c>f 00 -J «5 m" o o" o o' o' i.-:' t-T o" o" o to oo" OOOlftOO»ft*OlftOI»r-IOOOOC>1 • oiinrOf-i.HOt-.-iwnoi'orrcoQO . .^.-it-incooo^'J'i-c-iOirtOJ.-HrtcM . ?S CO irT ■.* 00 ro* -iT o rC •^'" oT fo o" cf -f<' giHl--3t-l:~W)tD.-ltO0000-^1< in in oc^^ro-.i'Cit^inC50co-»*fe ^5 o = o =. c in in T-A ■p, M CQco(Min.H.-imocooo-*t< .-1— .c:ri-*mc:oo-!j t£ 1 - 0! 3 a 3 a i 1 > o 3 OS . 3 292 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. o ^ »— I P4 M <1 m C5 H Szi i-H U> f^ rt o ■s ,_, oc ^^ s '^1 N l"^ CO f^ ^^ N IS ea fc D ■ -T r- Ci M M OJ a = ^ a X CO 00 o cs o j5 = g . i 2 fO o CO CO — . — . cc c ?) CI c» CO 00 t- ■! a ?^ S « o oc 1-' =■ -»' irT -j' u- =3 c: ifT a o 00 CO kn CO C<1 O O 00 00 O CJ 1* > o a :s CO ■* to CO CO tn CO 00 CO CO CM IM c» CO CO CO a o C) -^ iH r^ rH r-T rH N IN ci cf pf e e4 Ed 3 , "T e 1 ! o o O lO I o o ^ CD '~Z CO IM CJ CO CO ■<* CO in So 5 = ^^ • N CKI '"' "^ i 2 O n O OC o 00 c c o D £!H'c ? _e C! C" CO o 01 m 5 a C) l- 3! CJ TT CO 5 E 3 5 _ 1 wis J o S3 c s • O ' 2 • 00 S oc J c.s 1 g CO ~U- "~^ c e» o ^ C' c o -* •-! t^ t- eo O cc b n c; o eJ ^ 05 B 4 ^ c a •^ IT c a o eg « c CO oc « c c CO OJ ja: i§ CV '■ r— pK ^ •^ CO oc 1 b] - t- t - 1- 1- I- f- - 00 oc 01 3 0< 3 Ot 3 oc o I ? X , o> P* 2 3 a 3 a 3 00 01 3 a 3 0( 1 a 1 ot 3 a 1 1 0< i a IX i 1 ^ I EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 293 m 1^ "A >< H ,p DC IT c h- to in CO o t~ 1 ■o . !• s c- c Tt p- c 7- CT . fl ?, 5 3 _- t- 5 f O i« 00 o » — er C- t- o rt * CO bb N O « ffj a- c in c^ tc to p ■« c 00 o o- to to C^ t- CT s ^ - " ct" ci (^ ^ -r^ ■— " ib t* N O O ,-1 o c CO OC ts 2 tc oc O So P 00 to N l~ L-J — o r- c i? l> to CT 05 CS 1- t^ l~ ? CO o 6 C5 in CO = -e 5 c^ -^ »" o -^ t^ c c- c- o t- .i*" 2 =s q *" CO CT 45 'Si aj X ■ 1 o o lO in c o c OC ^ ""^ in 00 in r-t ,. o O O L- t^ ^ m — c tc Cl to t:~ tc c; Oi CO o c- -* oc c4" CO in" — ' ^ lO !M !-<■ a- CT c- tc (M 00 t^ -^ ■ CO t-T W o cj r-i in ci in Ti ■^ a 0- CC t^ tc 1-3 . 1? Q t- CJ t^ "" CT " *" '~ B S o o in c«3 — o c 9 t- a> X ftTiiJ 2 C4 — ^ in IT IT c= c -^ 00 ,^P

'A^ K « <1 (M cc -» lO -o r- c c ^ .^ - ir- t- t- oc a =" 1 t^ t^ 1^ 1^ r- t- r- r- 1- a 5( OC a OC 05 1 ot a 5 a a ) OC OC a OC o a a a a 1 294 COMMERCI-: WITH EUROPE. EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 295 1^ a h O 0} Ed Ci a 5 ■< s a a o 0, atj o = 3 g ^ Q n -r 1.-5 73 401 2,306 65 812 2,593 123 72^ 100 1,275 1 i 1 •M in X = 00 Tl to lO ^J< TO .^ t- C^I to' 0" m" 00' 0" 1-1 L-S to »0 TO TO C^l TO 00 i.-; TO m TO TO ^ TO CI t-. t^ irt 00 .-T cT *1^ t-i" c-r h^ 0" 01 03 00 1.0 to rH ffl -WTO r-l is o a M 1 r^ -r TO = -* c^ c^j TO -r TO — 1 w ffj im' to' -"" ci 00 TO 1^ — 1 TO 00 -)" to c; ^ S § 5? S i i S £ s S 1 ■w to" -h -5 «5 O K 00 in CO i ■" 00 Cofl'ee and cocoa, ground or prepared, aud choco- late. ^ Q 00 10 •ra 1-1 1 TO t^ C3 5 5 1 -* to (M CJ l> Cf o> ^ -^ to" 1 1-H g s to (m" tr- ITS 00 TO rt c ij 5 * _5 to ift ^^ c; m ca C5 CO i> t» tOl-HtOC^JrH-J^-J-Ot^OOQO-fJHCil TOOC^lTOOTOOOinCMtOeO c cc" co" -^ M i-T to" rf 00 w 0" 0" urT OS* -1^ --T -«f .gCOCOi-l t-l i-irt(NlO-*rtN(Mir3(Mio5o Casings for sau- sages, (a) S 2;i:~Mc-5Cioooo e 1 ; ; \ ; \ ,-h m t-- ~ ' • os' -*" M cT t-^ uj" 00 ^ ::: i :::::'•• • S » -g « ~ -J- 1- .s? o" - = *■■"" . I'- •OtCWiO--tid-*tOOlO»-H.rrmWtDmQOt— jooo ;oom«omoior:ir3toi>CJcoir-(Mr:5oto g im" I to" cf •h" n CO rJ" i-h e4" (^f cq i-T cf e^" oT ■*" ■<*" 1 i IS ;z 1= s < i TO ao i{5 00 to 00 00 00 00 00 00 N S TO 00 3 00 00 i 5 00 00 00 00 05 a 00 296 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. -♦ 3 ^ 3 o o o 5 3 o O O r- o ;o c OS OS IC ■«J« g S3 in t> r-t S X ■* OS • « f-T rH in ,-, in ^ 1^ ,-i u s u e o „ o ^ t^ CO c p^ s ^i o GO t~ ^ CO X in CO CO ^^ o CO s o OS to !; o CO CO •* = o in 00 to a> 1 _5 CO 00 CO X cr. o X to in X tr- to c rH X ci OS iri in ^ CO io' -1'' in in in I 1 CO c 74 O Ci X in to ■^ in o o ~~^ to to o to rs X 1 CO 7^ in X CO c^ m CO CO to X eo S r; i~ -r tc 03 t- a> t- in to \r. O t- X 1 = o C^ M r- 00 c^ lO tc CO :: 3 s 1 Ci ~ 1 t- o to ""■ OS X «j r; o t; CO in ^ 3 3 i 2 to o cs -T o to X o CO o 5 CT in o 1-1 to as O -11 o • X a C-1 to X CO o CO to o CO -H to o in 30 o s o • S X OS a-. o X o ■■SI o to X •* -ll -H D '^ o in X to to o OS CO ■^1 ^ o to C^ CO ■* H i t^ < o» c4 in to -1 t-' cc in c< CO -1 OS 1 o r- OS c CO CO m X 1- t~ O CO CO -J 1 1 ^ OS CO to t- X 2 It: •^ in -a CO OS » s "w OS tr- CO CO o in Ci ■* t4 os' i-T 'p c; X o o CO = o 1 pc C5 o CO rt o o ^ ■TS in t^ .-o to OS CO ■^, C^l o in to" o ■*' o in rH -H CO ca H O ~ 1 « to in IM CO ^ 05 t> t~ ■* "~in r- o ^ CO t- X o o o- C-J c X a t^ to 2 X V c- O X X s c; CQ CM X X X o to tc o t- Tf in X CO to ^ e w o c t-^ OS to r- c oc lO o OS ' r," to' O 5 s to m in 't to X CO CO ir. in o 5 ffl IM o ^ O! c^ ir O! o c CM CO t~ X o •— to in CO Cl g IN rH « •-< (N •^ ■>* to IT ■ to t- •* 1 Q < 1 CO CO o t- to ai (- ^ to OS IM ■fl to "^ in O X OS p •^ to -f c t~ c- t- o- 2 X c- o CCl rH to 2 K cr eo to t^ t- c t- IT !0 o t= to IT if t: c^i in X g o e 00^ to c ' in X oc - — X cr ■■ ^ t- ^ a ^ •<* .n co' co' O OS (M to r- C to -<* IT 2 2 !<■ T CCS = CS ^ a o — ih O IT 5 IT o- .-1 cr •n QC ir CO OS t- o C) t^ ' ^ c- oc CO ir e^ •«J ■* w in X t-- to rH t- a> 2 -* t- in -* •* CO o in as ir CO ^ -t a CO •o X o £J =5 OS 3 OS OS in D tt iM in 35 t- t~ o ■* ro 1" X OS t— X OS -xi H o- cT to to C^ in o ^ a 3 -* CO r- _ t- " t-T in 00 O fiq cc C^ (M <> CO CJ T] CO os cr c- J in o> ■< r-t rt rt 1 pc 1 H; •^ o 8 t2 o S t~ t- >5 in D a 5 .- - - ot 1 C s _rt ■^ o> It" i c. ' 5" c- CO (in It i o • a J QO o "a eq 1-5 o !^l Qo ^^ W « -q F>^ -* M C 3 - i« in t£ 5 r^ 5 O I c H C 1 c ' If t s r- O OS o 1 n - r- t- - i~ 1- - r- 3 C 3 a 3 01 1 3 (X 3 S 3 01 1 Ol ? <= X o h a 5 O D CI 5 O 5 a D a 1 01 3 i 1 a 3 1 a 1 " 5 c a i a i 1 O" EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 297 oo.a = i^ - 2 <) £ o s: »ra o o M 00 o 00 M O! » in ci __ _.:£5O*-3CiC0^r-10QC»m00 t-ln r] o rH ift Cq CD •^ M ift 00 kO 00 CO (H »ft W ■^COCOOSOSt^OOlftif^OO'^OO OOO"**— C0Wift'^O-^'*»rtCS r-l OS'<100 lO i-H rH M O CO 00 to to ^ o f^ rn no r^ m -n f^ o lO o no o CO in (M OJ cc C~ >. ta lO 03 •— < IM CI CO to in 0-. o T* in « o ^ ^ ^ c^ ^ c^ C5 (Y) to f-H t^ ,T1 ^ ^ o C3 "* T-* 00 o -* to to O no o 00 00 lO 05 (J> ^ CO o o ^ 00 ra f^ r^ Ol rr> ^ m o> CO -'J' fe, ci c-f '^ N (M COCOOOCO'^OCJOOift coeocJcomcDcDiocDco COCOOO(MaOtO!OOiO-^'-«-f»-liOiO'?t(-— ' ^-^-^nHrH^:C'COCO^—lt^"^COOS00"^CO^:)3^^00 1^ 1-tCOOOOOO— 'OOOOIO t-COCMC^iOClOJOSCOinCM^ »ooooo^cooocot> Tf rH 1— I CDI>CCO"*050iOt^t--«0 C^ C^ CM C^ tJ< O M CO OS 00 • C^ (M O r-t « rl O lO i-H W ■ 1— O CO * C-i .-H N ' .-I CO O CO CO Oi r-(ClC0'r»«m?Dt^0001O'^M i^r--t— r-ocooooaooooooocoooooo» oooooooooooocxiioocooooo oooooooooooooooo 5 -i! 298 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. '^ ^-. O t^ CO C5 ^ 00 •«* a Q m m'^dm c; t^ OC ci CO t^ i 00 5 oo' c:' o o X Cl d o' o "JO E Er I. "Z r— u^'^ ^ o •«9» 00 C! c- in 00 cs o JI - S X 5 ?t ■r-Z. 't, p i^li'^lli^ C) M a> [nk. liters', and Ler. a j e to 00 c c. CO — UO t^ 00 CQ ■* OC OC t- t~ c: m t^ CO in -»■ 05 00 _« IT ^ ^ _; ei ■*■ Cl CO d' CO Ulllil "S "^ Cl ■^ iv — c3 ki l2 . •* o in IX) o ~ •<* o ~^ o o V t- §5 § in m o d 5i L.') oe o 00 ■* • 00 cc oo t-^ oT o ■* o CO ft. CJ o in o o c ~ 00 o o 00 c^ ~^ m d ■* C5 O 00 •j •^ as (X n -t t^ ■■c o m c^ o t- •f a ^ 1^ ~T C) CJ ■^ r: d o c c d s OC O* i-T C-j" cs CI 00 CO o in •<* ■ „ rH »o -r c-i CI r- «: CI CT- cc in in 8 O lO cc t- c t- l- X X cc t~ CO in i-H -* in d ^- cr *- o o oT -f t' c -t CO OC -t in Cl c Cl d" — c « o rH T-H M r^ t- c CJ r-1 ^ Tt OC t- CO in -w in cc t- ,g«^ c^ C m d O w. S cs - c; * l> ev 00 c t- ~ OC c^ in CO in 00 o> s 4 c H I r5 c c o ^ Cf c- a in d ■<(< CO 1-1 1 a h- CO c cr c*" o ■^ ^ l^ t^ CO ^' c IT t- CO -* t^ in CO in c^ 1 c C a cJ c^ c C' 00 CO C3 00 O 00 1 3 t- CS CO d .- >o CO 1 ~H £> 09 e* t~ d ■* '• \ P< 5 in o iH • 1 (S 00 ^- tto o C5 -i g —1 CO b- ! o: in d . t^ OC O CO • o * o _2 o Cl o t. 1 o CO » !zi P ^T. O a ■1 c^ CO H^ if5 CO r> - at 3 C O r- M r^ 1 c -i ,^ CO t- - a i c > o t- - I' r^ t' t^ 1^ t- ■ OC 0< 3 a 3 OC ot OC 00 a 3 J 3 C5 tH 3 a ; a a 3 01 3 a 3 a ) 0( 3 01 1 a 3 Ot a a 3 01 1 a. 1 OO EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MP:RCHANDISE. 299 -H •« CO to r- 1?^ CO --1* 00 1-H « Ift i^ -^ cs (s '-I tn t~ ^ ^^ O O O lO w i-o ci ro C5 ^ CI CJ i-i Ci t- O U5 ■* !;; * = i 5 ^'S ® S * is ^o OOOrOOCl^DT^Cl'M O CD 00 O o C5 -(M irt o t^ »o in C5 OO CO -f C^l r-( -* to iri o '^ o c: cacoooirjiot-cocD CO CD CO CO iM CM CD CO iH rH -^ O S- -V *■ C:^ /: C3 _ Q-^ - '^ s ^- E r c ^ - D 00 © O ^5 -H CO o >o O I-I CO ■* - -- CO 'ID •* CI M in t- w t^ CD r-H CO CM CO CO »rt CO o CO r-l O ''J* CD cT cd' co" o" I- ,_...._--_.— . _ ^^ ^,-lCMr^CMrOOCOiOiA'CMcocDcocMO'^ '-^ cm' cm cS cS -^ uri co" oT co o-Hr-icot^cDiomocomoo orrit^i— -t-i— 'OCOOOrHCOCO T^CO^^iOtS'TSr^CO -*.-i"cO 00 lO o » ^ CO -1< in 00 l-O o C-. g co' oc' ■^ s^' cT « :0 oo" rH rt" o CM 1-1 CM rH rH O CD O CD t^ -* lO O C^J — ■ O O I— CM m CO CO CM CI t^ c^ o" cT cT o r-^ CI CO CO O CO CM ift CO 00 ei -H CO CO CO '* CO CO '-D t^ t^ CO -t< Ci 00 t^ O t^ CJ C^ CM cf t-^ 1-^ »ft "-^*" ccT o OOCOiHOOOSClCOCOCidOOCOt-COI-*t~-CM incocoroocoo-**cocit-ci>oco.ococio lO-nHr-t^CS-OCMt^CimCOCMOCDkOC^Cl 1-4 C0i-rC0^C0"^C0"CMC0''c0Crc0t^OCD' ^H i-iCMiHCOCQCMi-H0OCM ^HCMco-fincot^coaioi-tdco-i'if5coi>-oocio oo CO oc X) 00 CO oo oo 00 c:> COCOuOOOOOCOCOOOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO 300 COMMERCE WITH EUROrE, t2 in = in in § 1 s g 1 gj (^ * ' 1-1 01 rt CO •— in a •0" »^o tt \ -' oi ' OQ qi •^^ : 1 ^ ~~^ ! 00 oo 1 in c in in in S : CO CO CO -' ~ CO 53 3 T •M I.-; = t- _g ■ ■<* t- m ■^ m a 06 it *^ : m" rt \ \ s 10 a t- •^ CQ SSI'S e CO 0> rH t- ~~~ ~ ^ CD cr 00 IT- c^ C^ OC CO N ■* to -* <: -* t i to (M ex in •* 00 CO o> © .^ O! CO Ol e t~ t- t- CO in CO 'rt rl M . «s *-i CO a (3 . r^ " . 00 ir « 0- co tr OS «: t- (= i> -t ~^ t> CO n ^ a c ^ c CO C5 r- -* .!-( in i-H c- c to ^ > CO 0- Tj r- 00 a 00 X ■^ ir 00 ■* ■<* p- Cf t- " oT of irT OC " im" 0- i> O! IN i-T »■ a| 3 \ (M C^ .- \a [h t^ C^ t^ (M != iz t- OC to i> in C ■* to .-1 a s 05 00 X) 00 OS ■* en o> t- oi ^ i L'- CJ 7i cq CO •£. ® t t~ IT 3 t~ ^001- a r~ (Z X ir 1-1 .n « ^^ M CO (3: 1- Cv 00 00 tr c^ -* in Cl- *t C in "* a ft : c« .5 -2-3 « IT ~~^ c- e< 00 o 2 : -1 3 ,f. tc t- oc a ° 1 H t^ t- t^ 1^ r- r^ ■ t- t^ t' OC 00 OC 00 OC ) OC 03 00 oc (X OC 0( a OC OC OC OC OC a oc OC OC 1 rt rH b EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 301 • ^ ^ ■.f. n 1! r; s_ 2 o Ol t- « cs r* r^ ^ ^ „- - -s 00 rH O -di CS 00 O -1< •^ ^ P •—I e M = ec ,^ o o o» ■^ -^ :^ O O C. -T o e TO 0> O -r O 00 CO TO TO = jt O (N" -h' rH r-; -' 00 TO o r-l <-> o = _, ^ T C OS TJ* 00 T ■^ ■rl' CO C-4 OS ,£3 CM TO i § e C^ •— t 1-- t- C5 i> u: rH TO o CC t> (T cf ■* TO a> ^ CM rr, TS C) ^ ^ u l-( c CI CX ■* -1 o t> t- r-' in m t- Q ^ oc o •n t^ tc cf ci X ir TO m in * CD o ^ c- o .-> co o CO TO ir OS m CO "3 6 o ^ d = c c; TO TO gi „ o o c ir o ir- OS CO o O ^ © = ■fl t> C! CM 0(. ■* t^ M ^.)-i ^ ^ ,_ CM CO CO 00 r^ [^ o C-1 TO ■s ir CJ CO c nr n (T o f^ CM ■* ^ in _ ■n' ■« "^ o TO I-H TO -* CO OS o a « tc lO c- c C-. o Cv ■ CM J21 %, c- C-1 C1 ^ i^ o> 05 in (^ (-5 rr. ^ ^ r- CO c; ■* in If v. t~ in ir in ^ 1 O CO w \^ t3 1-5 o ^ Q 55 W ^ !M to -r lO to r^ ^ ~* >i rH rH 00 00 oo OU X 302 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE r-l rt >, 000 ■M C5 [^ a IA ~ » c 1 B »> -J< C3 -W 00 OC UO t- c c e ■a ^ co" ■» rf i> <= — cJ" c = .= •3 5 rH rH " f:^ -= ^• _ c ti ^sto e -' '" Ore, ver ill (^ a g rH -« m m (M t: i-l lO a <= 3 f^ CJ 00 H <1 M 1 >J as in 00 oc 8 N cr B CI ^ -* ■- " rH -« I-' 1 ■« -^ -w in 1 o (^ •"' '^ > Ci t~ 00 1 5 tK CM oc 1-- to ^ ■* IN oc -. ■* X cr. r; ^ CO CO 1 fcc -S i . M C CI CI .- t-H .-> ^ 00 ac -» 05 t- er N r-C 00 00 ■>»• « ■SoSg . q '"' i-H 00 c in in SI <-> = Sici:'*' -sj^s £ rn" 10 of w r-: ■^ c -^ £ e5 - iJ eo 1- c m ^ Oj -1 m r- I's o e ev ^ ^ t> CJ «5 CO 0: O! CO 1^ '■* CO N ■* OS as B O =* a o f^i "^ CJ IM CM « ;c ir <: cc t^ -* M -H in ,. 'S f^ s: C 1- CO t; t- c •-1 < S iS t~ i-H ci in CO t- t- o> 1 a ",a G5 i-T rH rH rH- rH- ^ \ a o a h- o- « .n ^ 1 o» C IT -* IT c- OJ CC 00 a -* ca bb e ir - ^ ' -r - „ H a .^ (M <£ 00 I." 00 00 cj «: IM a '■S 't lO IT C^ ■>* to -r -^ CO CO CO e<- c c<- CO CO -0 CQ CI ►J c K a *- nr «C ir r- ■* 00 00 Ci 01 CO 00 in CO 1 ,:i c « oc t- CO = oc -H ir CO ;? - S a. ot t- u* ro c t- CO CI r* cs CO -* nr IM 1- -H t- CO v> rr ■ - •" ~t M- ■^ -^ cr tC tta 2 nr S u 00 ■* 00 rH in ^ ^ c- t- c- ■^ to l- CO tr r^ t- ■- 0. rH in in r^ 00 m ^ ' f^ ? s c a ^ CO !M <0 in ei" ^ « < „ ,« ~- -r i-' :d ,_ « ^ ^, ,. X X 00 -A X OC X S 1 EXTORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 303 m I— ( < '/} i lC O = 9,~i « a C3 3 ^ 00Cl-^C^irtO--HOC3'^ j; • • • • ' T- »- X o x ir:i n Ci ^ c:i Q ' • • • rs-^rot^cowTHCDcsco ^ corocTr-To-irrreo't^C'r O -I^COiOCOt-i-lt^F-lirtC-i Q'llllllll!^ '"' "^ ^ ' • • • ■ • I • I iiAOOOOOrOMlO«000 QQ I'- M CS t- O O QO -^ -«< »-( 'S C^00C^OC^IO-*WO'* 5^ • ' odi'^oioro^or'-rodoo i; ' -rcoOi-H03<-'OJirt-rro O ^l-^OCOt-MOOOOO i i i i i i ! i i i ^ ^ \a .COCOOrO'*rroirr ^ r-T C^r tH rH Co" rji" -^ -(jT '-jT r4" r-T r-T ^'' ^ ^4" cf . COCSh--f>CDOi-«iHr-l rHrHi-li-lCO g<-icoi-(fcc«cooc:)t>'r]tMcoi.-:ioccooosoco*H Or-H-rOt-OrHO'-IOOrHinOCSI-OCDOOOO-^C-l (^i-ICO TjiiMi-iC^rHi-irOS^rHi-ICQfH tH S -^ C5 o lo o t- (Tj s^i CI re CO Tt< lO C-: 'T »ra f-H cs o> oo N-H th «r r-T in CO f-T c4" ^-T m '^'" co r-i rH CO 1-i' i-H (m" c4" ci" o^OCOC0050'*rH!:OOOi':>-1«C ->! :n ^ <-> in o c^ r~ m o o rO CI en ■n o o t- o = O! c- c: o OS 00 I- ou 00 O OO t* ^H i-H CO 1^- O CO 'f h- —' CI oo:oc5c^(M-*r-C3fo-twir5t-0(N-^-t CO CO lO CO T-< CO O fH CO CD 1-1 m CO CM t> CO W CO*" — r <^ O" CO eg -rf 1-1 :o CO w t- o -+ Ol .o n> in ^ ^ o o ™ ->(i o> o o 00 -^•^Or-(0omo'^coeoi>coooot» f-IC^C*Tjn "t f^ ,-, CM c^ o ^ ^ S C: t- c: o CM m t- o oc O a o- 00 ■< ci s cr r r^ ^ nr in „ Cl nr „ CO IT cr o ji a CO t- CM ^ ■^ CM c t> i^ h- cc c- N ?> r-t o q ts •§ (f rt (~ * * • i~ ^ ' (^ c •^ t^ CM o o *^ H © 2 ^ _, ^ er CO t~ S S § 5 IN jV. o ^ » tZ- *" H cr CM tc o6 « Tt c t^ -M 00 C CM a c - i ^ r-) CM ir nr i-j CQ c- IT ^ tr a ^H cs 00 t~ t- m <£> r- CM ^ E ^ s; 00 i-H -♦ t- OS — o> 2 « o o- c- c- in oo o 00 to OS t~ ca 1 o q rH . •< e H •B CM t^ O CJ C 00 o C5 05 C5 -- 1 .2 t-- ir c^ p li; CM C^ ^ bjo cs t^ o O 1 3 _8 n a M o £ D "S ■« C-1 Q .t^ ^ p. Hi El < c M ^ _ ^ ir ■* -d ^ 1- CO s ,'" c I- C£ -4 t- t- i^ ■* .- -a a: t- - tc ^ a c c- •^ m S ^ ^ " f> r - ^ c O t- c c •rt " Q(; - cT ^ 1 u > c- • •- 1 o- > c c ftn ^ 0( 1 vr 1 c 1 <£ ^ ^ -d CO t- J c r t„ a CO 2 ft < cr ) c c 1 cr ^ cr c ^ o 1 -f a > r- - «£ 0> Cv r- . ^ a or 00 o ^ L~ c^ > a u: c » r- u -fl -1 ^ W -« 1 c cr c If > c c -1 < ? f 00 cr 5 -^ cr G ir to O f cv ■a c^ ft > r > c > c > c c > c > O If > c > O > C > c o ^ i c u- a- ■> » c. r- Ph 1 •" 1 r- ft. e i:5 1 o c!> » P3 P4 'A P J r A O 1 1" ^ ir > t- o o a 3 a 3 2 3 01 3 a 5 0( 3 0( 5 0! ) 0< 5 0( ; ex 1 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 305 O ^ o •^ CI 00 o in O t- :i: o Oi f^ C5 o CO CO o o • lO o o o CO oo ■X »n 00 p. 3 if § ; CI o 00 o C3> CO n in o> in cT 05 o i~ ^ "l CI t-" CO "2 Cl os' o «> •^ C-3 Oi Oi c> in CD o CO in CO CO 3 '^ i-H rH r^ CJ CO CO ■»! m Cd CI CO CO Cl »-9 ~ o : ■^ o CI 00 00 qj ~co •^ 05 CO 3! M "3" CI 2? o OS <0 o < o I:- o o o C) CJ 00 CO o « OJ 00 (C I- '~ ■^^ t- in in CJ X 00 o CO ''^ ^ ' eo cc" o \n co" in t-" cT ocT OS K h- o o o CO o CJ o t~ o 00 S 3 OS <3 C4 ■« ■* •^ o CO c-^ "* -* in CO j: CO Cl -<* & CO (5 I- Cl CO I- 00 Ci ■* I* "^ :i: C4 co" OJ" _A i-t ^ ? CI in CO o o in ^ [>• in CO Cl ;! in CI CO ■<* ■-C '^ Q ~ fH * c- ~ o o t- o m p :3 in cs C c S2 » 2 •* cf r-t -* C i> .o OJ g. Rh ■n in a> 00 c- CO a in _, CO ~^ CO CO r- in 1 Cv CO ^ CS 00 in a o o ^ 00 00 (i in 00 d 00 •^ o> -r< Cl e ^~* co' r-T -*' co' Cl" (^ • e^ CO c 00 CO t^ 05 in CO 00 t~ in t- in OS OS ~ ■* ^ (D -* a ^ t~ 03 in t- -* o o CO .a • 5- cc •<* c- CO m ^ -* in « '"' rH o CO CO o '• c ■* ■^ M Cl ca CO CO in oT cT CI co' co" o • t- c a> CM c oo CO C- iH Cl Cl CO i f^ c t- Cl c CO oc c cc oc CO S o OS f^ « c c '^ CO H ;2i p i-s o • : g S !Z5 W W <1 rl ff > « J t- • o< 3 O > c i c 1 c s -^ CO t> oc O! ^ t- t- - t- - t' - t- - t- - t- - t- • t- - ot 5 a 3 a 3 00 00 oc OC OS OC O a 3 a 3 01 3 a 3 a < 1- 3 a i f 5 2 oc a 1 1 a 0< a oc a 00 H. Mis. 117- -20 306 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. S a « o ^ CO o M C) ^ ^ o ^ ^ m CO lA o li? q o CO t^ 00 CO = ca 09 in in o 5 CO o CO c- •^ o s ^ ff^ • •< s c s5 1 •a « ^ ^ in ca OS in o in in s o i 1 in CO N X ^j' <= CJ i M in '-' M CO t» -H ■H s 1 2 — ^ o in O c» o o 00 e^ CO -in CO a> t- s c» o 00 t- OS CO l- *(-! 6) CO (N CO CO Cl o CO CO CO O) M o: '^ o o O i: -» t- f- CO 'I' CO t- rH fS t- CO CO C5 5 r: t- P. X P« 3 M fa C X ^ o s c; cT ci CO ifi 00 CJ CO o t-T in Cy in cs o t^ ■^ ,_r Z 5h r-( (N CO a> c- CO CO 00 CO CO in •<* lO CO o> t- OS t- -1 CO CO O t~ l> o» in in •* in CT> in o in CO a» o ~^ o o S> !• \a X '^ o> I- CO CO in in •-I* -* CO 00 o ■o S © _j fO c- in t- --I CO C-4 5 m Csl oc C4 00 Cl in CO > © s CO in o> 00 oo' \r. — c4 oc CO x' d f-H cc cs t-' ■« c o in 03 CO — t^ CO o X © 3 3 o CO p* t- O CO o oc o o cJ t^ t- CO C^ X o in r- Cl in > Q -g C) r-i" ^ _h" ,4 ^ ,_; r-< f-J f4 rA g OS a "^ g ~ C« ^ O to •§ o o CJ CO n i c Q tn !?: (5 c ■T X ~^ X Tt 3S -1» CO CO CO o ■< a QQ IM -. IM c t^ X t- X X CO a> o 8 C2 X X X CO b p- c^ in i> to 'm a r- i ^ CT c CJ n ec ~^ (M c: CT C^ cc 00 X I.- CO CT 2 X CO 1 © IM d X -fT ^ § ^ C-- ^J- ' 3 g ■^ ,^ ^ in 1= CT X Ci "o 8 ■^ X X cr in O 3 ^ *" ;,<« e y; 2 ^ CO a p c^ X _o 1-^i 5 c< O c Ol •<* 3? ~ 9 O CS m cc 05 <= x T ~) ~~^ c r^ -H « C£ 5 l^ c l? OC c ' CT cc ? P t^ c- 00 oc X CT « cr t^ . CT -^ CT c ^ o" cc ' cT o -*' CT cc t- r- X ^ C£ " ,p X a " S s "o rt CV IM I- CO ■- d cJ ^ Q 1 o C C8 c (N cr . CO o -* a > J; If CT ^ CV IT c > -^ 00 If ^ If cc s, -iS ^ c —1 c- zr CC -1 oc ■* '- t^ C*" CO -<3 • 00 c co e^ CO ^ IT t- c: M X X IT If CJ - . e -1 '. 3 ? <■ CO ev f 00 c , CT o r -f in c ~ — « ■ ^ d s 1 ^ - N O 1 « C 3 if c > r-t -rf tr S If CO r- - X CT c ^ IT ■d cc r- 0! ) o ^ t- - r^ h- - 1- 1- 1 x 0( a (H - 2 T a. 1 a. oT > 0< a a OC O X a X O 2 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 307 rt 00 iH OO — * ^ ■rs „ ^ a t- t; 09 IT "^ I- 0- «c in C) m 00 n 00 t~ o c rn Mo.S o ^ ^ O lO c M lO 05 o »o o- to CJ lo IM o ^ e« lO c- o- l- o- 1^" at c I- to er c^ o- o CI -T •w e " jr ,« or h- t^ ■>* cf o •* 2 f-* 1— •^ CQ CO *"' e a ^ 00 lO W K ^ O M (M .- c<- I- c o ot 03 O a> to CO lO to a ■«-. ' r-T to ^ ^ a ?! IM r- e^ H <§ oi to tn to in CO 00 o o c- M t- r-l ^ ^i e^ iH r-t b: (A D -a H ■< o r~ C15 en in in M D th (r. •i^ CJ iH ri rS a Q 5- N OC c O (N tr o ^ t= 00 r^ O) in O O en c cr ■o c O to c o > e o- ec e^ h- to' c - ^ C on -s ^ IN ^ «1 13 -a 03 OC ,- ,r o- c- ^ -t !- "^ m rr ■^ ^ ^ IS •^ t~" o -J in 'I ■* o lO M " 00 o 00 C2 o ■^ ^ o t^ g^ . s a- IM (M a a a 00 DO 00 00 OO s ^ q "^ ;5 ?; 3 M s ^ 308 COMilERCE WITH EUROPE. o o t~ in c= t- L-j in M - -* 1- 1-1 ^ ffl o e- in «a t» ^i. « OS --H ■* ir lO t- O O O 00 IT t- O t- M = i~ « r- 2 S rooc^??-*c-»rti- 00 ro -.3 o ts •^ m \r, a ci ts 1-1 1-1 rH Ci fHr-li-(MCJCOCOC c> c^ CM CM ca o CI CM H^ a ^ ^i t~0->)ICJt£>-<»IC10lO«00»<»00'Wi-l«t~OOOlO 1 2a « i-H « -11 -W t> •-■ lO 1 ^5 t: " 1-1 CM CO eo ^3 ^i u Q ^'i^ «^ p a to -T 1.-5 IT -» ^ O C!3 O — X O C-1 8 CM rt iH -^ 1-H ^^ o o fl = V. •^ M c 2 ai = 5£ o OjgS 4 -« c O e* 6. CM o - s ir- cm' J2:^ M O D of 2 •S c o o >; CO •<1 (T i: 1- <1 (^ o _ ir c- to o o c in m ^ e 00 cc e^ u- rt e« N 2 o IS O o c^ c l.- b^ ^ ^ _, S :3! E; r- in ir ,-4 K O r- C^ c a CM oc t- tc O a i 3 cr w o: n- CM 1-1 C< CO ci: < ,^ t- I~- ^ O « a a oc a oc oc ot ot oc oc oc oc r- iH •H 1 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MEIJCIIAXDISE. 309 m w (— I ^ ^ < w o M C=3 i«-i ^ O c^ ^H « rH o6 O' Cf n -rf -H Cf OS -» cf -^ iTi rt" oo o" -f to r-lt---.1,C0-»flftO,-t00t-.00l:*Q0l0r^O moir5rtOio->i'Oo«oo-*ooM ^ : 23, 547 lll,8;il 928, 658 1, 858, 791 1, 130, 402 2,110,206 4, 771, 894 811,907 719, 250 1,747,450 2, 084, 582 1, 313, 131 1, 802, 799 781,810 1, 854, 709 5, 788, 733 and man- ufactures of. Dallars. ■ loo : : § ^- t^ s oj oi CO • OS CO in Ci C^ CV| • ,-t (M in CO f-i . ,-1 oj X ■- zL :ti-= ii ^ - 5)* 5 ~^ Dollars. 10 '•'••'. m '• .115 498 64 324 390 593 1,559 2, 098 150 u ho 1 -.3 1 i • • o to : : g 5 875 1,164 2,007 2,092 1,629 1,800 1,600 350 880 735 lilt j ^ : 1- -s ! '^ i 925 1,657 452 407' 255 Art works: and stat- uary. g i .2 "5 '• ^ : 2,000 100 18 1 1 2 1 ■< 2 a i ■ e : 1 ! : : : : S 2 .' . 1 .flT = • 00 . in i ^ 1 o in ; o to CO n o All other, of. Dollars. 2,500 750 827 1,484 4, 520 2, 000 9,727 21, 905 9,350 14, 326 3,214 1, 120 3, 008 2. 508 9,141 Mowers and reap- ers, and parts of. Dollars. o • i ■ mill o" ■ • • 23, 175 1,020 4,460 3, 591 2, 125 7,043 21, 586 8, 435 Si • : : ; 00 a 1 M ' i in to i~^ 00 c 1 00 oo 00 CC OE ; i 3 I 1 1 !• ■ ; i in -j: 2 « oo l< 00 < o o s 1 310 COMMERCE WITH EUKOPK H o zn 1 ^ < S O ^ Q K r-f. n . in 1 "S fe-c'S f^ ' ec cj.— 1^ c • V I .2 • ^ 1 i 00 :^ ■* c C5 CO oc f^ CO 00 N -♦ CO o • CO CD "3 o c; : '^ O e-j in in ttc . 00 cc S . oc c- CO n ^ : CJ "^ ■^ in Tf t- t- r- c•^ in C! -W ^ CO CI — . cc cs « C, Ij 00 t^ CO 5 00 — "^ "" I^ C^ e 01 i> " M O! -T C- 00 Cl os" ,«?: ^ = K i-H rH rH o j2 > s 1 in oc C<1 1.- -+ c- CO -f -* M CO 00 cq >o cc oi in M si CO c^ a- CO c: CO If CO t> l> in c o •«(<" N 1* i-H ■* 1* Jo CO X c^ CO c- B U Sd- t; CO -• 10 » CO •S c re 8 CD (0 r— rH CO a CO V OJ C- (N r- OS 00 Tj H* t^ e ca IT r- CO il t- « t- OS cc t- s o 00 -s : m C4 iH [ o re c^ "" ^ c ^ t* CO r- cc in OS in c C in r: -s « CO CO l~ OS ^ 5 -^ CO l-H -* 10 CO 1 ^ ^ 5^ •* CO -^ rH rH in f=l ~ If t- C ■* -^ 00 If C~ CQ H W3 001- t- t: 00 ca OS in in c t- 1? C- - T t~ a t* CO CO CO 9 ci -x t- ■ Ol •* c- " -* CO l-H O 1-1 IM Cv t- • in I - C -.* in 3 rH 43 e3 C) cc 00 ■* 00 CO C£ > c > 00 in CC m 00 rH ^ ir ) IT > c- 4 CO er 5 I c > -V ; 2 > 3 . .-■ r- • c > m \> . CO in r- . t- - CJ> t> ^ ■ s ! rH 0' C h' in s? • (M CO ^ . If ^ ci) ^'^ pi X " w« ,>^ ^t) ;:S^ 1 H rtSin-r>ntot~a ) c > »- ■1 c ci c Ml If 5 C£ 5 t- 00 O s 1 t- I- t- i~ t- 1- I- 1- t a 00 0( 3 a J OC 00 0< ) en K^ f 3 a ■* 1- 3 a ■t f 3 a ^ I- a 3 a 3 a j c 5 c H 2 cc 00 0( 1 a i 00 00 OC a J 1 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 311 O t- 0> TJ — I fH ^H ^-1 CI -M O CO O S^ O CC O CO !:• CJ lO O --» o ro CI .H CI ^H CO m 00 o m O ro CI ^ rH •<«< O U3 O005o:0'-'0^ocor- rH --*• C4 'J ' :D 00 I-- C5 I:- m o »rt o lO t> o irt d — ' O C^ GO OD to 00 t-- in 05 - oD CI I--: CI o re 00 to ^ od iA 00 o -t* t- CI C5 CO CO c o n .-I -^ cr: to CO CJ o O CI ^ ci yi ci od t-- CO 00 ■ O 00*" 00 U^OOOt-'tOCO-^'^ lO "oiocio»n-^ in CO CQ ^ in cf Tt th »n CO 00 oo" O 00 ^ r— t- r- t* kftcor^oooJO-Hd I- t- t^ in ?o t* 00 c:! o r^OOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOCS OOOOXOOOOOCXOOOOOCXGO'JOOOXOCXOCOOOO 312 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. H 1: la •S s s a ^ n IS ,-<' I-; .-T C-f (N '^ rA .-i T^ tA i-T 'A H 3 Q 2 CO a £ r? a ° -■ -r - 5 " in *"* .I CO rt C4 CO N 00 00 in S §3 S in-*ooooc5mCT^o»e3 (Min-TOSMOOOMMlOt-IO « CO CI rt rl CO fl in CO ^H ,-H CO in t^ CO in CO cn ira a' 1 — — to 1 c5 WW 00 00 !0 ci f2 00 05 01 5 S W 01 00 ot o< 0( OC a 00 0( 3 » •^ a EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 313 O ; B e © g i-.""^ ■< -= *. £ -r 5 X .a 1 Dollars. ' Dollars. :- - _- 108,500 1 3,500 \ 102,400 i 600 .._ ; 11;-..-. e a O lO • o r-5 00 • . 00 CO 1 XL- • in C-; o • . o -K CO • •* r-1 . . -« 1 : : i 1 OS -^ CO Cl :5 CO lO O Ift o 1 00 o -.o O 1^ 1- Tl w 1- ./i T CI =V OS ■* (C> -1 O 00 O lO CI ffl- in' f^ !3 •J ^ rH CO t:~ O) rH in •TO CO f-l ,H 1 India rub- ber and gutta-per- cha, manu- factures of. c5 u-S O O C S S 5 =^ 4,480 3,494 318 2,131 7, 196 7,140 2,880 o a 00 CI .a in OS Hides and other skins, OthlT than furs. oi s 1,300 1, 120 550 5, 390 9,818 843 2, 920 1,600 2,000 300 oi a o 00 s ^ ■ CO ■* Hair,and manu- factures of. 2 : ? 1 o 00 £?.Sa S5 2 : e ; 3,051 1,000 240 1 « 1 3 : "S Q : CO 2- Glu S : l-O o oc oo oc a in 6, 285 350 YEAK ENDING JUNE 30— a ot OS oc c at £ 00 0( 0( -t 00 01 01 to 00 0( 1 ot OS s ;14 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Marble and .stone, and maiiufact- ures of. OB ci * Q : n 1-1 to oi to i> o 00 CO eo" to t-' to in to to in CO lO to Cl o in 1 • ^' 1 o tn s D i a s S : q : «l.'5 0t--OM-*t-tO • lO l~ O to to N lO S 1 Ed a H -< H 2 en o o • in ; .2 (=1 3 ot-ot»5005t~e-;cj'<*o> t:5.-l^t--.f — 00O^Ht*IO tOCltOtOMOrtOJrlOiH O" t~" m" C-f i-H^ -* to' ci cf .-T cf tX>O(Mt000i-tC^r-(rH .— 1 CO r-i .-( OB s ►s 00 (MO-^MtOOOtOOOOONO c^»-(-*ooo-?.'Oooi^caoo C!tOCC(Ml--.«C4IOOO o t-^ to' cT rf to' -r -f hJ' oc" to" oiMoooomooroostcot:- t- « O t- -.Ji t-l 2 IT) 00 g 1 O (MoS-l-lSoJ i-H .-1 to O N CO Jewelry, and inaun- factiire.s of gold and silver. 2 o o o g T-< 00 O C^ — • 00 CO OS in m to o .-( ■» to •a O tn K e i < % U 1 2 o o o O o OCOCOOOOOlrtlMCOOr-ODIftt- O! Ci lO T* -« 00 t- 1.-5 I^ .* CO O to »-1C5S^lt-OTir5f-(CMr-Cll>ODO rt r-T CO eo' o eg oT o» to' oj" .-H •--a 1^" 2 e o ■M in to d = n Ot 00 CJ o . OS • in • OS w"2 O • 00C-. moj'Mtoost^-xo-* ■tOinoOOO— lrH00«OCJI- •r-'O5tOC-lC0COCMWO3- tc t- a a 1 c s o 3 OS oo EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 315 o M* _, CO ^ (O CO t~ ci CM O OS O f^ CM o r^ 1^ CO c. i-t S 00 rt -^ moo-*-* CM C! o in CS CO OS in 1- c 00 -^ CO 00 CM d 2 m i~ in ^ ■* in t^ •* in w e ff-i -* x' cT t-^ ^ in -- ci o •* cl of t-T in ^ •4r CD »-H CD c- 60 ES t— t— ift o> ift in ca o -l -J" CI -* 00 ■* i-( fH 6 <» lA N in a..*" in ■* ci oT o" to' in co' .-r — os' OS in ■* ■<* t> o Q 2 rt -. t-l 1-t — •= =■ 2 _2 cs OS • o • in S : CO • • = £ H CD CO _. cj t- ►J 2 M;;: (^ CO '' \ ffi so ~" ; ; -1« to o o ■ O '' ' i K o to • o o • • "S— o o -. CM P.S « -* CD in '• s IS U-t; e in CO ^.= s O rwde, llnat- thont avity. -* o o o OS" Cl_ '"' '^ — : ~: -: — : --: i s to S-r-^-3 o o i - O tH o 5 eo" CD 00 00 -* 00 in J O ^ u (A __?_ Kl i o 00 o "e 1— 1 cs e CO in c CD in rH •8 e CD o fi S CO CD CI :: o T|i ■^ od oi -^ in -t 00 co" C-r lO" rH CO CD cs ^ 1- CM rH t- 00 -* « o CM t- CO C CO 1< C- CO t- s ft. r-T cm" in" IT " co" CO 00 in CM O 8 00 o t- o c: OS -c ~ c r-i CD --I l- t- o o CD in in lO c ^ to ln in CO cs o o o o in rH o in oc -* O CO CM t- CO CO to ;.. o o t- N C] t~ t- o" oc t> t~ CM eo m _R CM ^ c 'rt OS --^ 00 05 C o t- l> I l> Ol ^ o CO CI in "S C^ O Ci t- o- o o l> in ■* CO -* m CO rH 8 iH CO OO t- f- CO ^ -^ t- in to o in CI O rH ;?; r-T CO in If " to" t- t- CM cm" rH -*" to" rH cq ■" u^ * «> ■ -* M r- - o in in • CM « 1 o i ^li|o ^ 00 O 5 « ^ 00 ~ ^ tn . O '^ Q ; H 8 O O O '^. 1) K O O O u "S t- m m ^ O <2 o a _=^_ o - • -" 5 ■<; o £ ■ c 1 to O O 'f c 5 CO Ct 00 CM O 8 in in 00 CO I- H CI o in -* CO to c • ^ 1 00 OS o -^ Ji to rH to CD lO D 03 J CM ffJ e sT T^ rH Cf tH • CO u CO t- CO O OS O i . CM C CI rH CO rH cb ^i ^ (-S S" K« «g >4 -t M CO -* in c D t^ d e IS c 5 r-i CM CO -* 11 ri to t^ 00 OS o 1 1 - I~ f 00 00 00 00 C O 00 00 00 00 cs ( io c C C H r C c C C 2 H r c H F 5 c c c c c c c O H p ^ r -1 1- H 316 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. m Q W o P3 O I— i I— I O o H P5 O Ph M C* • o o o o c in o 00 « O t- 1 •» <« ■ QC 5S o N oc t- c- 00 ■** K t- • TO m 00 t- in C! e C^ ■ ci « o o in ^ to o" n ■^ CJ ; r-i o» c CJ ci O fc q_ D o Q h.- I in 00 t~ o ej r- o in in o "3 1 a; . •-*< o n m •^ o oc • -I-" CO 00 c s in K 3 C5 eo OC o in in . in to o a o in p >< ej . rt o m CO CO CM a (X, ^ 5 Q Q 05 CO ^ o o oc 5C £ ~ir CO CO (M CO CO lO g Q o •^ in -! 2 t* CJ o CM si © Hi ■^ C£ IT c t> oc *~ CO •*t CO o CM •< 0< 1 (a. Q ., ?j CI d hz " " •^ -* o o c a o o ~~ir o O c o o O 5 Ed o o oc c o c o o o o g '^ c in 2 115 '- IT CO in oo cS a o oc 00 € M <§! s m cs] f^ c c C<1 t> a- t- C4 S B ^ 0- IM -« •* CJ cr co -* o o D £ £ ; t~ CO o o — ir eo o e 00 c- in c" 00 00 1 co o- •i t- -9 e- t» 'd S5 » o t- CJ Cfl 00 ■« K CO O p ca q '^ 1 4 § i C o 00 C<1 -« ■"t P< :^ c^ IT O -^ •»* o" 00 . CO £ in c^ CT r-l «C cq CO o o 00 00 1 IM C) c- -t o 00 o ir O IT O cr c o o CO a oo in co' C8 3 1 » "oo . o C5 in m t~ t- 00 •* c cr -* 5 " o5 o cc OS "^ « 1- in c- a ■* -* o rH C<5 T-1 in t- in (M t- ir o r-T Of IN CO CJ oc ' ,4 r- OJ in P4 rt o c^ o CT cr IT oc _, -g to ■^ 00 o ^ CM ■" 00 05 'o '^ o q ►J ? a ir ~z tc o <: 8 5 •^ t i C4 "* ■* Ed s to c o -* _?, _ c fi -1 o o o IT oc o 00 a in s o T* -4 eo °^ O 1 ^ — ^ ^'^ £ cr ^ •^ 00 cc ro cr ■J D ■^ — ■? "= "-S 5 < « c Q Id 2"" ill 1 — ,2 If IT. o c 1 o t^ o m IT or cc CC 01 CT O in IT o 1^ £ if> (N a ec (N e'- ir cr cr -. 1- CM 2 «= r^ ~~^ t- ir (N C oc eo a 00 OO O ?S S cr 'C >> ta to ir [- oc S CC 05 er o i-H M .H ■*' c- c c IT OC CC " to" c CO § CO ■fl cr cr CO ec ■>* o ;?; ^ 1 Po ^=^ P^C^ J^ 5c= ^'' 6 ^ Cs ro -* ift (o t^ 00 a c ^ c Cf H ^^ a t- ■ oc ) oc ) OC oc > 3 OC o> oc « 00 r< f~* r- « ) oc OC oc oc oc a: OC J OC oc 5 OC oc ■ EXrOUTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 317 o c^ 2 X ., in •n O * o 00 CO c w '^ ij e^ '"' " " I^ •^ __'^_.. -•-f -: -:■ o -- Ol ^ n 00 o o> h- ■§ O! o = ffl o OC O QO l~ ■^ CO ''■, o CO Cl 1 (N •"C "^ •^ ci iri cf a o 0. ^ ?=' "^ o CD lO ao o -fi OC in o o o cr: a> OS m 5 so o: IT, O ^ Cl o cs p- o IN o in c; X o* c: o ei CD c; CO 00 s ' Q b ® Q *"* '^ OI o CO o O ~j^ CO in o CO CO 00 s » 1.-5 CO o lO a CO 1- cc CI •— ' CO »-" ^ o p; •^ oc r^j ro _ -X OD co' co- a) ^ Ci i-i rH Cl ci CO os -1- o ■* 03 OS CO CO ft. "' cf m g e o ?1 en r~ in -^ OJ ~-*~ -« CO e^ o OC CO o C5 d ^ CO t- CO e• ^ 00 ■^ r- -* o lO o t- < a ec ■« -1 m o o co s c H : to CJ CO 00 in 00 cd" in ■H*^ CO a OS t- CD c c (S C- -* •< I') _f o . o GO t- 2 • 00 cs o ^ ►^ ^ £ K o o I a 00 00 p? m 00 .-1 Cl 00 CO 1- 00 >n ■ — -t c- o t- r-3 o -f CTj 5! " o •^ l- • X CD lO •-^ c- a 00 CO C5 66 — r^ c; i-H • .— lO o" t- o- c^ co 00 CO cq co- CO co- co" ■ OS ■ c Cl o "d ^ C] ca 'O in o ^ X O o f— ■H ■ ^ 00 &4 c a. CO e< CO < ■p. i^ '^ » o c- o ~~in c o o ~Z^ rt -a o ^ o t-^ CO o ^ o o o 3 o 2 C: C2 3- Oi ^ Oi „ -5 CO : » t- ^ tq ^5 m CO CO » c '• '• C lO «o t- •M ~ir OC C5 t^ ^ "TT ~ in . ■ c o 1-^ OC « OC o CO o in t- § o- . . ir o 1— < CO CO iT f s in CO oo <3S 1^ '• I ir CJ cc (X OC ■ pi" ^ - ^ ->* m o' _^ CO ^ o ti ■ o. o c cr CO h- C£ c« CO n 5 c3 q a C" -0 (t "" cq "^ IT 1 ; IT OJ M cr e^ o ^ C t^ 9 ^ (r4 X o o 5- s co OS c^ 00 c ■* ■^ e im" a OC a 00 rH 00 s 00 ft 318 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. 5 I c^ ►H 1 >'<■•' Wy PiP^ ■^1-^ W^ H l> 00 *+• Ci CO O i-H t- -^ o c; o o CO ^ O W '^ CO o ■** W .-I ift lO ^ -r O CM W CO O W 05 CO ca »a CO o : 55 t~ t" I' 00 t- o oi 1(0 O O Cl CQ CD -^ ^ . — ^ -^ O X' -* CO CM r-HcTifTcoc^rco'cocsfi-r IC 00 r-l ■ co' ^ o' os' OS irt OO OS 00 CD CSI lA ?-H CD "^ ^0 C^ L-* iM irt C4^ of If? M OS ifj ■*#< O b*. (N M* •-• iCi l^ -r O OS 1-H c^i CO ■* i.o CO r^ x OS o — ' c^i CO CO t-^ CO OS o OO 00 00 00 OC 00 00 X CO 00 I <0 00 CO 00 00 -T) xacoooocoooMooooocoo EXPORTS OF DOMi;STIC MERCHANDISE. 319 S 00 »-l CO 1 1 i , ^ ■ o o ro -i< •= CO in in -H 1 ^- h • o =J 00 CO c 1 00 OS c- . lO .lO-woinooorHiMoo 1 b ^■i o -H OS ■«• -H CO CJ 1 O o i Q a o i «■ .' I>- : ° uO I m -i" in o o op . C^ t- Cl ■* lO ■* • CO Ift -^ Ci i| J. • ^ ro B °i o -^' <1 n X y. j5 a £ • iftMt^'r^t^csfiOocooo o o o> . « ■* CO ^1 « » c- 1 O 00 00 o o OS CO _e >C*WQ0OC000»0-tlO CO' Tji CO -W m' rjT CO CO CO CO co' «. . "S ^ II <^ q' OJooNiNr-s>roi-Ht~oooocoOc- CI r-» o CO N il C^ iH W ^ o 1^ « (N 00 m m in ^ CO i> 1 i-H CO t- O 00 CO o t^ 1 CO CI O CI , o r-T r-r 1 o __ __ ^ 2 cr CD C 1 -d rf -H CO rl L- C» O CI O O r-1 1 CO rt ca L- • -* !^ e •-H <» S"^"* '• at c in in CO -f o 00 O 1 c^ c ^ . 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I- O IM c; r^ t- t- C-1 X tO 1.1 r^ y^ « •* W 3||^^= p,s ec ^ 'J t> o CO O r- ojosoocomoooiftc-it^cico.— I ir^t>oococ:roi-i'rfccc>ccoc: (NC^OTHooo^occt^-^cco; »-^»— '1— lCt^COCO»r5«r-H..1*OOOmr--?t*t^Cl ^u- C:00«t^tMOC^COCMC:0 C^ 00 -^ Ca Ci" ICT Co' C5 r^ cf 1-H .1*" o t--^ CO O] r-l CJ CO (N M C t- CO O til Oi-t— JOOCOOt^OiM-frHCOOO ■^c;c^i"c^^Ht>iooco^ro^-i- C^l-^CO-— wrOrHOQCCr^OOCOO r-T C-f n Co" CJ r-I" (M" O CO CO .a -i cs 5 .9 C» CO LO rH -* o »S CI C-. o o C-. rH rt o c) CO CO >r5 rH r~ Cl l^ t* r-t O O 00 CO OS — "T" C3 m ^»i 05 O "^ QC r^ r-( t^ - O^ CO CO f-H CS C^ t* »ft C7 CO t^ (X CO L.O c^ r-" in" cf o" f-H Ct IM i-( 00 o t~ o « -^ o o Tl C-l Ca rH — T3 r^ o in — ' as 00 CO ^ t^ CI -t ■; CO ;= iri omincocoo-^cxi- o ^ OC o — O C- OC ■1 C! CO C5 -- -* t- - O O CO o ^* ^ C -* O •-■ CO -* o r^ 1-H in -!i< 00 C-. O ■^1 d. t~ in CO CO a in CD 1^ K a z; CO CO o od" CO cv m im' CD cd' a X co' CO C5 C5 X in o in a CO M CO ^ X CO a "TT X o o CO o o o « ■^ CM m = CO f^ o £ -* Ci <= IM 00 o 00 o '-< o « CJ •^ CO ■n in o CM c^ lA N t^^ •^ ^ T- 00 r-T t- CO CO t^ rH iri !2 Q CQ (M CJ ■* * ^ t^ o « •* t- N 00 c- c^ CO •Tji ^^ CD 03 ■* ■* "^ QO ;^' CM Cl CO q <^ 5 S O C3 in X CO o o w ^ CO a 05 (M ,_, t- t- X Cl o ■"11 oa CO OS s 00 X o o 5 00 o o CJ o CD § C-. ifi c^ p- 00 r-i m t> CD C3 a lO CD T~. o CD ^ 00 ■^ in C !N C5 <:5 CI CD S V. in C'J (M 5 o CO in (M 03 o ■^ in CM CM r* >- ^ l-^ S o" ^ ■* s '-' Cl 00 "co" -* 00 f t- o -4 CD m cr g cc in CO CO CJ "77 =5 X CO o t^ o X CO o c CD X 1! CO 00 Oi ^ c- C<1 o s o- ^ rH X l- CO CO S « CD cc X c^ c- Cl CO in '* c^ CO in c c- CD I> t- c:2 X o in Ci c- CO r-i CD 5s » CO 5 c- ,-( tH '^ X '(P to X Cl ^ Q C-1 CO in CD in -^■ ■ ^ C^ OJ" t- ^ l> co' co' CO ■"f in CO ■^ >H ^ CO 00 CD Oi N X X X c- in CT "^ O CO in .2 o CO CD o -<* -* Ci -i c "^ o e »— • .- ■^ O 05 '■' in ^ in~ oT CO t-^ ^ •^ t>^ t^ " ^ ir " CD in I.O ' ^ co" ci in^ cd" m G^l c-1 IM S^l t~- CO ^ o ^ ^ O X CD ^ ih T" £ s ^ e-1 in 00 CO r- CD -^ O CO in c in s CO X cq ^ c4" ■* C' " ^ CT -H If 00 X c^ o ■rf t> co" Es- ^ -* IM rH rt D - .- ■^ IT t* t-H in •* a t- a c- CO c in X 5 5 t- t~ IT V IT X ^■' (M CO in "o rl O .-( CO ■* n o c; *" CO M ^ gc (X> t~ X ^ in in t- o CO ^^ X ■^ o C3 ^ oa e h- 00 co" C! S •-H CD ■^ ■>* t:~ Ki w-< CO e 1 CD o a _i!>. "S •« o o o i 'J' o t* t* 0( o- o IT a in ~^ x in CO X § ^ CO 1- *K £ ■■c o x CO CO E: _5 CO ■^ t~ •a c CD ir CO CC <= CO CO ir o p- C3 c t- in ■« c in ic: o CO ^ r ^ 00 :s ' in ,_ IT H ao m in J cr (M t- c; Cl 3 ri t- t- • O M ev CM C£ c Oi fq '- •- CM 1° ^M 2a 2§ :S^ w -M c 5 -^ m CO r^ 3 C O 5 -* cc t~ o n I-- r-- r- ■ t-- t^ r- t^ i* i t- X a } X dc « X X X o t*" 2 CO 0( 3 00 00 00 00 oc ) « X ot X « X X 0( X r-( X EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 323 t— I o ,S S fl £?. ' c ■=x)=' M t~- ci n CD ;0 -H^ -t* OOOClt-t^CSOS'^OCfMCl'-HOOCOt^O'SCi r.1 ^- ^' o' t' oT o' CO 'M' _,- o' „- cf 1--' oT o :5 1 t- a 05 00 m n in C4 o o o ni o CI C-- r:i -*< ^ (—' ^•■ ^f ^ 1^ r^ ^^ (o' in C-l a 1-^ o Ci cv CO CO O o l^ ** [^ c^r -r in cc lO ;r> -«^ 00 ^ ^ ■M lO o> ^ " i~t IM P4 C4 '^ '^ CJ '"' ^ m on ;n a rf) o ^ „ o> f^ t~ lO -* (^csi-Hr>coirs -^ O rH h- CD .-I I> O O CO tOCOt-M^OCO-^OO OOCacO'«ttOOL'^Or-(-!t< om^co^^coc^iOF-i-»j<'«^if5iooi f? t~ to CO t- O o ob m C3 00 m C-l lO 00 c- t- CO « 53 m ^ ^ ^ IK fTj q m '"' CM •« W '"' r-t ■^ •§■ ^ on ^ ^ to JM o nri to ^ fr> m o CO CM o '— * t^ c-^ -t1 Cl en 00 § it^ CO oo o t^ -t !-5 M< CD to CO o OI fX) IM ir^ C3 ft. CJ •* C! c- -* o -H 1-1 tH f-tOrHOir^i— '--HOOCOCOCOt-HOIO CO iO rH O CC ■^ GO t- O " l>COOOWOC005C^t'5C>OOOCOir-«COOIr*'*i<00 i-HC'lCQi-' WWC^COffJ'-l W »-* rH i-l r-l rH CO O C- OlftiOtMiMtMOUlCOi-H oc^rtr:coiriCDCM(MO CvT i-T i-T r-i" N O-tOOOOOOOC0O(M-tCCC0C0'*O'rf DO .-H O (M O lO CD -* CO CO iM OO i-H t* osmoc^tT-oCf-'OOi-ioot^c^'^ccieooi CS ^f (T-l O CJ O C-l o cc o m tb CO in o o r-i in m CO 00 CO 1> CM CM t- 00 CO o to o o in OS c-5 in o 'i> § o in CO to l-l 00 05 CO .-1 CM ■^ CM CO C-. .-1 00 CM C-l t- CD (M .-I ■-! O O O O CD O o: o o in o o CD CO O to C5 CM O 00 CM CM O -* t- i-H _ -^ " -- d '^ Oi -H in ■-* 00 CM o m o — I o o •-' t- intDciooTt*oooto ■•* to rH m 00 rH in o CO in CO CO O t^ 00 -J* to -11 c-l o t^ cm" CO cm" ^ ■«< O CO o o to t-^ i^ in ^ t- Ol -* CO in T-i -* o CO CI i-T cf CO o ci o in --H ^ 00 o T* 00 to .-I CM !-• r- rl to rK L- -31 OS CO CM OS -* CM co" oo' tM to in in t^ CO cs CM 00 O ■« in i-T O 00 O ■-I t^ 00 o" t— ' 00 (M" (M~ rH(rjM-^ir5COt^OOCiOi-* t'l^t^r-t^t^OCOOOOCO oooooooooooooooooococc iC CO !>■ oo OS O 00 DO CO OC 00 O cooox-cocooooooo 324 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. >-) i to in ^ ^ '%3 t- 00 to C-. o t~ to o ^ un ■<* 00 in to -es2^ ^c o 00 cc C! in •^ o OS CI ^ CO m 00 p in o ■* t- C5 ><".= =•* tj in l~ lO o 00 re -^ CM 00 cc « in oc rt o ■* ■» ■* to m CJ -* t^ C cc c- to X 00 'i o CI C5 § t- o CM cr o t- •* •w ^ o ®-5 cc 00 o 00 (m' o 35 OS cc t> « in 00 cc o oc to 00 --=a o IM •<* to c^ CM t- a CI ^ q 1 - o -+ "TT ^ ^ ~^ 00 to -M 00 cc cc C-. m C5 C) t^ "TZ" ■■o ? o cc in r- O 00 ;o CJ CC 00 o o Jl ■^ 00 ^ « cc c-f *-< •— < fH CO CM tH 1-< I-l ^" ta o CO s e G« -* cc .-< o o ,—1 s: in -* cc o -d e cc ^ ^3 cs o i^ to' ^ •<* ^ ^ n o C'l p c; n "S 00 o o "« cs c s CO cs ci "3 to 1 • ai ; L^ o o CI Ol tn ^ o p CM o t- OC in IT ^ . 00 o oo ■^ in p 00 o oo oo O ^ . cc 00 CI O CM N « ,5 in o o o c; Ph 1 CO o 3 s c S^ Co c: in o 1^ o o in _^ -* o in ^ r; 00 l> t^ ~ 00 05 ^^ S ^'^ -* to C-1 o to t^ a> o cr; >>^ e "^ CO Tf 00 t~ (M in in u- cc -* P cc cc o t- t^ to " -^ o cc" co" to" ^ co" c t^ ^ O I:~ in Cl ■* c^ CI CC c; OS CO ^ Q 60" t~ e Si Q i t- N O c; 1^ g e 1 -* __, "oo~ ~Z~ CC in r^ ^ •»)< 00 ■* •* o o Cl 00 ^ • to cc S -^ in c in o cc oo o c^ cs 5 • cc "* o i- 'a' o oc 00 00 m cc in t- •-' t- o t^ t-^ to" r^ in cc" c: o" e^r cm" o" t^ § 1 CO I o o cc <: f_ to _, tr- 00 o> "cm" to c o ^ '6 S • t- ■T* C-1 c C/D cc m in m o e ; O to 00 o- O in CO m o -r^ c5 m to ^ iH O cT rjT CS in ^ co' 00 a- in" t~" D H o O o (M § o C) '. in C5 •^ <= CC CM o c cc cc o CI tc in cc b. • o => o> c CM to '^ cc in o -11 c t> in P 00 1 1 I "'l cc to' cc c o S t- o to" CI c in o 00 O (5 CM S Ol in ■* to •<* CM in in t- as a t c^ Cl a p 5 1 in o o m o> o CM ^ 5 o o to Cl £75 to cs to •3 00 o in in in ^ o -i pi (g-M HW ^Zi 1^ r1^ P^ ci cc un to x f CO o ft. c QO CO in p< o C3 C: c^ feie c cf feS c; *"* 00 cT oc c (? t> 3 ^ 1 c . . c G c ;3 1- c -^ c^ 1- If C5 O CO o e S h. C If c- C" c- CO O C<] CS « © IM '(J f: S ev If o- »f t- ■ ^ . "^ (M rH OS 1 CO ifT t> 1 1 ~ tc_ to C^ f- ^ o c ~^ I- t; c ~~z If c ~ in O C5 CO c- c- W G a- If C^ c\ c en ■* '- c^ C a lO t- •- cr- c o !C •^ a " 00 ;o fH=^"--« *© -J If «r e>- t> oc If ^ If ^ CQ CO t~ CO 1 c^ '' ~ JIlii OC c^ *o c^ oc c^ c I> z c: If oc z l^ CO in o 1 c; a t- -^ >f If e< ■- cr oc •^ £ a 00 CO -n t- a c If m «c Tf c<- cs oc -« lO t~ cs 3 c<- in c- ot ~ tf t* c- c r- C4 o -* Cl « '"^ s ? in 00 cji 1 o g 5 D g"2 s q — If 00 co" t~ t> oc a- cr « c a cc t- »f if in .-H CO CO 1 Ji •«a -* c^ z ^ 2, r)« CO rt o m Ci •' -J t- O t- C-1 1 tu t; c o 6c r* c r- N •a lO ■^ a cs c oc C£ CS - ^ a oo' (m" ro 1 2 o <= cr cr If •<» in in oc ro 'u C; ci- ^ rH „ 1 n c^ 00 c 3 oc t- c C f- t- O — < CO o ■g c oc t> > . c •^ If CO 1-^ a '=> t^ t> h- t^ t* t^ I> t- oc oc a oc OC CC X 00 o o a oc oc « a oc a oc a o a oc oc oc -t oc oo oc 1 326 COMMEECE WITH EUROPE. ill P^ ^ = ■~^ P-s i -* t- C-I s u-5 i y ^ c: ?1 s ~ CI l.*^ 00 CJ f£ s Ir- o M C5 o 00 o '^ g 00 oc ^ o « CO o § o fcto'3 >2 S a& .h9 o 3 •" -^ « cS fj .2 o « c ^' g : •75 fcr-^ •i;« «;::: ;::,§ o^ 00 O 0> CI ^ •- 1-1 — Ti c: CI " »- CI 00 l^ ^ »^ in CJ r-« •-T rt" cf cj cc" t-^ irT in^ocot^cit^co CI^-lOClM^-COi— I cT r-T co" f-H cf o6" ci" OOOOlOOOOlftC^CJOCCC^ rHt^ O O O O CI o C5 00 05 OOCOIOi-iCOOCat-L^OCQ^Iir^t^-^CSC^OO o oc o in CO •2'=! ^ = o S 9 — S S w a-f.s t^OClvninoOOOSC^'-^'t^t^C^COQOCIf^lftt- O O O l~ CO rH t~ — CO CI ifi - CI cs o c: c^ o o in in CI ^H 00 CO l- ci oa 00 :s w o o C^d^HTj in Ift in Cl in to 00 CO ■^ ?■ 00 C^? ■^ cs CO in Cl s .=s 00 e-1 c^ CO = t-^ -t* 06 CO H< t- f^ CM HI to CO la^ « ^ oc ■* ^ ^ X ^f to *f oT co' — r cm' to' to" to' to ^ - « 00 •^ to in Hi in 00 to cs .300 a; n to tc 05 ^ c- 00 CO C5 CS CO e'C'S q fH '^" r-T i-T N rH '^ " -' •^ e« Cl ci CO ci CO CO HI Sl^^i « 2 ©•-< m ■^ tX 00 n 00 Cl CJ to CO CO 00 •^ ^ CO Co M » CO OS CO CO — ^ ^J 00 CO IM 01 •^ -Tl* 00 C5 -* to CO CO in HI s t- t^ to c- CO »- in cs" =r t-T oc cs irT c- cc C^ S in t- c5 c- eo ■n HI e If 05 CO ■^ C5 P- CM ^ t- 1-^. m OS m to t> C! c- 00 jf co" 0" in 0" 0" cT „- in 0" CO 00* 0" 00 „- CO 00" —' M CM CM Cl Cl CO CO H< HI HI in in CO "^ => U- to HI ~ CS m CO H' cs s s -«ii CO Cl cs t^ to 00 b ^ ^ ^ ai [^ in cm" ^ •f co' ti c;i 2 q >3 2 CM CO CO Cl to t; in OS <1 ^ CI in in t- ^ HI in 00 06 00 CM Cl CO Csl ^ t^ (?] ^ t- ^ -!* CO ^ Cl to c: CM ~^ HI CO •^ t^ CO co to t- H< CO C: a oc CO in ■^ C5 co^ otT -^ cT 00 in 00" CJ 00 h!^ to OS CO HI H^ 00" CO co" "- 2. *© -* 00 oc in CM -* t~ Cl H< Cl Cl 00 eo s !C ■^ CO C^ —1 -# Oi rH a 00 OS to CO HI 4r ^ oT ^ ^ CM~ -^ C'i t^ CO co" 00 CO* 00 "^ >*" 0" os" a -* ct CI CO OC 00 in CO to H< HI OS s »-i M CO ro UO Cl »H H< CM s « -^ _9 to to ~^ «! ro in § — t" cs to" a q n Oi 00 HI M c» xo in 5 C-3 r: Cl l- ~ to" [5 ^ ~ ~ S t^ ^^ ^ "^ CQ to ~^ "^ 00 "in~ "^ "^ C» ^ CO c- t^ t- in t- rj» b ■n^ 00 Cl « !M "III c: 00 CI to b ^ l> 00 H< CO in 00 i-O c 90 CO t- a> OJ CO ^ 00 c l- in t- t- CS eo HI CO eo eo q *"• '"' •"* r-t 'S t^ CM CO ->! to 05 S CO t^ a '^ 00 t- c~ CM ~ -* tc in ■^ t~ •H t^ X to OS in in s «o" ^ ■^ cr " irT t^ ^ ^ 00 00 ^ ^ Cl" ^' ^ 0" CO CO c to ■^ t- to c^ Cl crs to in t- 13 CO CO M c to to CO in 3 00 00 CM CO in Cl 3 ?H CJ 00 t- CO c> =3 f-^ !:> Cl r-T r-^ --r t-^ a rH^ 0' hT to in CO HI Q (^ "d-^ S =3 a c c in 00 HI in p CM c i ' to CO C2 Cl t^ 00 s a - • -# 00 to CO a ■^ Cl cs ih HI ■5 6. 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S 65 ^b o oJ ra to- ro o" cn CK I-' 00 1^ ■.T- " ^ t- o eo O Q -r ^ ,_ f_ _, r\ on (M f^ m t~ ^ 1 in -K -¥ o ^ (M c-s m » -t in CO 00 ^ t~ ■-' o :^ R « CI t!-) o ^ » trs (:; Ui ''• "■' '^ "^ '^ *"* '^ (N (> 00 o in (-15 OS in CO t^ o o 00 C ■* c] T-H e>i C-. o .-I " X 1-1 00 -^ 00 - - _ - - c^ n ts -^ f-^ r;cBf-tt-icii-irHio ^t" oo' l~ i:^ o — CJ CO ^ re 00 CV rl - -- - o ^ :^ S 5c C-" ^ - 00 lO Ol o 00 o (M N M M -* ^H 00 o ^- - re X X C5 00t* O CO -^ (M C5 »r3 CTS rH (M t— -- m "-* o O «-« -^ 00 CO ^H O t>oroeocoi-iuo^H >-• t- Cl o 11 o „ „ :S "S M t- "'i CO X o CJ ■^ ■"1 t- CO ■* CO CO '*!. ■^ ^ O O O — ' o t-o .-< l-l '<#C0-*OC^0CS9OC<) ;3.-«(r:C0Q0C0iC(MO'O'-VL'^C00S rHC^lCO-^S-UOOI-tJOOOi-lS^JCO t* t^ h- in CD h- CO OS o Ot-t^t^t^OCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOQOOO ococooooooooooooococoooc cccooo 00 00 00 00 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 331 I— I < W o I— I OQ O o m P^ O CM H 1^ ^ C5 rH CO w o C3 rH 00 t- O O O O O O O ■-t -f 1-- 5"> O ^1 r-. 1-H '■rt* c^ iM o> ir5 o CO O -* C^ O 50 o Tf tr- CO lO :- C5 CO irf o Ci oi t~- ffo I— t 00 fO O O CO ift X CO '* O lO rH N rH CO CO ;^ CO o o rHOi-^OSOSOOOrHCOCO eoosooocD^ooocoo o o *io -^ i> Iff o" irf c4" o" CO ■^' co" CO •* c> »5 ^ 2 2 ^^C^lrHlftWlftCiinOO t> GO 00 O rH ^ iC C-l u^ i-T co' oo" 00 lO '^ i-H -rfl Ift ^ CO CI 05 t* CJ Ci 'Tj* '^Ji rH -* 00 W 00 »ri C3 ^ CS O --< CO o rH CO O CO O CO CO C-l fM O CO OSCOiOt^iOCOOCOOiOGOOS .'- CO OQ C5 O CO (M O o o c-1 t^ «5 Ko6iococoC3-^o oin-^THooooco'* (^ 1-5" 1-i" iH ea •«* I> 1-1 t^ 05 t* lO O CO O -SD -^ GO O UD CO Ci CO lO CDOS(Mt-iOCO«OT-;^t; iM (M C5 00l--CJOOrH--^C0 ri^ ?M rn m i.-i CO CO (Ti irt O O 'H • 00 C^3 CO 00 i.O CO CO Ci irt *"^iMl>C0ai-^«OC5-^ lO if5 CO o •«* Oi t^iOCOiMCOiMt-COrHCO GO O -^ CO t~- O 00 lO O Ci CO ro OS O ■oinifr-rlTlfti-HCO^CMO-l'^HjlO /^oaQOcoc l> O CM rH cm" CO "-i t> • o CI o t- 00 CO CJ CO CI ct o • 1 a »2 CJ to in o o ; ■s "S g q ^ CO 6« o o I o o o o o ■^ o o in in H C3 o 00 ■ in t- to CJ CO o t- CI t~ 00 ^ pH CJ TX CO in c- c- OJ I- 00 IC ti) j: ■< o O M a. a £< ?= ff4 t- O Cl CJ CO o in 00 t- o o t^ •"^ CJ r^ CJ CO CJ CI ■* to c- o ^ o to OB cs < 'S ^ CO CO fj OS -r "o OS 00 00 « q CO " d D o> C4 m o o o 1^ o o CI ■* o CO to in in 00 o o N W CO t> t> CO o to OS in to !£ o o o '"' oo oo ""l " ^. _ce C3 05 CO Cj" c: t-^ t-^ 8 c- CO CO t~ in in "o OS ■«* t- Ti* a co' ■^ Station- ery, ox- ce])t of paper, b , to o CI o r- ^ to CO to t- 00 00 to to CO o" o cT Cl •* C ^ ^ t- c- O O IC ^ ^ 00 o 00 ~^ in o 00 OS in 00 in 5 -^ ^ • .-:)< 00 t- to CO CJ -^ 00 .jj •' C^ i< cf o" CO !5 ~ [~ CO CO oo CI 00 t> o in o 'Zi,' CO o CO C5 "oo" 00 -* "^ ~^ '^ ~ ^ OS o 00 CJ o 00 OJ to CO CJ o CJ IC CI -^ TJ4 in 8 00 -# « lO -r 05 in ^ CD t^ -# o- o o ■^ 05 l> ^o ^ ^ Cl 1-" co" —■ CO cf oo" t~" cT 00 ^ co" C^ ' ^ CO l< CO co" "S CJ a> CJ ■* oo o t~ in 00 o- 00 -2 c^ CO o I- CO to c; CO 'ft C-; ■^ o" !-■" co^ — ' t^ ._,'" to" to" ^ o- oc' in t-^ ^ co •i" ■^ -^ in to oc oo o o to c- to in CO CO CO cb I> CO tc CO CI ft. ^ co" Cj" co' yC ~ ^ -d O C5 t- t- N c- !? tn o o 00 "cT CD OS §•3 to r-l 00 a => a -I< O CO in 00 to ^ o t~ CJ ^ 00 CJ in •S§ . *^ CO ^ ^ i-T -* Cj' in ■* g «! k a ag^ ■§ 00 o to CJ ^^ 00 ~^ o 00 o o ~co" to ~m m in CJ 00 00 00 00 CO m to is a s to CJ iH t- in in CJ to • t-" to 02 (§ '^ ~ 1 CO '• to CO o 00 ~m o ■■JO CO in 00 CO "oT CO Ci in • t- 03 CO o o °Q 00 cj o ^ tJ •V CJ "SI CJ K Cl5 t- to 1 iH CO '^■■ — . '^ 1 !0 to o CO C5 f; -)< CJ in c- o o ~w ~^ to 00 t- o co 2 t^ t- CO o o in ■^ C5 m to 05 t^ to CI t* l> t' •^ ^■S c to' r^ CO oo' ci co" t-^ t-" c-T co" •^ c Cl" t-' 00 t-^ 00 o Ct (M CO .n CO CJ CJ a> ?• in ■<) 00 CJ o ^_^ tfl 5 CO c l> r^ CJ Q a CO c OS c- CJ &d H >> o ■w Tl M ^' CI ■* OQ o C5 » o c 00 OS o to CO cr -^ 0-. c OS t- H ;:^ rt!' cf m 5' m" o" OS CJ ; !zi , S ' S ™ WW ..'^ Wp <;h5 J!i IM CO •>* in to l^ 00 t3i o ^ CI CO ^ ^ to r^ 00 OS o t- t* 1^ t^ t- 00 oo oo 00 cr CO CO 00 00 OS CO 00 CO 00 1-H T-i 00 00 00 00 00 00 oo 00 CO CO v oo 1-4 00 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 333 tl . . o . r; 00 ■«• t~ Ol 00 e ca r- to e>i c g PI IN «a to H c • CJ -T Ift o to to Ift - Ol to CO e- oc ■^ -91 cr. 10 - ^ J ■ tr- -r t- M o Cf O l- QC 1- ^ ijl r> oc c- £ ci c^ o" C-" e-j ci to' o' uo" c lO -.0 -» C!- ir c ■ r-r = 3 c- :>" CJ ^ § o CO <- a 'S • t^ O O O CO CO 00 o o -^ -# c c -f r- 05 Bi .^-3 .'^ to o t- C» -^Ji O O -^ CJ CO — r ~ s 5 --i :0 5* ?> to 00 O !3 1.-5 O corooi-HOOTt-o C- to t£ ^ '-^ - Z, H C X-« c C5 C> •- - (TS — 00 ff^ o t- => o — ' -* m ir O O © '3 X 00 O Tl -^ m Tjc to .- UO CQ CO T CJ c- 3 o> ■< x: > a o 00 ^ e- c 2? ~ oc X LO ^ a OS Cl ij 'rH f3 -^ OC ^■3 to O CO = c X l-O 0< CO . Q S C5 Irt -^ CM 00 i- t- i- i? \n CC to CO "-" to to S; -* i-< t-" t-" o" CO .-1 " 06 t^ if •^ 00 00 • c 1-1 C^ la o o c- o c- c to a a X CO Ci " e^ « CQ CM (N 01 CM o o a: C5 C5 CS CO O CO to I~ O C^ tr oc ^ to IT CO X -^ O to -r 00 •O 00 oc CO X 1.0 > rs ^ s^ 1^1 -* c 05 CI C- 00 1-1 CC t- O! 1.0 OC L'- c- S •^ 1H CO to" r-T C- 1.-5" -f c-f t= c ■ ^" t-* c- ' IT o 13 JO ■^ o Ifl 5 ~z t- ff^ LO 10 ts CJ ~co to CO "~in s Cl CI to r- CC IM CC Ci « ^ »-H ea Ir- 00 cr i- t- -* CM CO 't c> o ir* i ^ S M o t- o to l^ to C! c^ o er- 00 u-O r^ to •^ to t- ^ CO r* ^ CJ ■4 (N CM IM t: c 00 -H " rH c- cq r- 5 00 r-' I.* ■ » c ~ o o t- r^ o CC c: CC S -f ■^ ^ CO X 00 ^ oc c. oc oc c^ OC c: c to to er CO s ■< ■ =3 1=^ 1 1 s o IT s^r CQ CC n - iO a co cq ■0 ? IM t- Cl to cq DO s e i -f (M 00 to c- t: to CO s c " to X " '"' «5 > (^ o> cf i . 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Eh t^CrsfQCC'-^C50rt^OTjlO-<11 (M00Q0C^l-#--t-<) 00 o ro = 9 TO •? t- ira o WTOTO'^MrO-^mQ0CJQ0-VlO'^"^-*J<>n« J s ^ 2 3 5 S > 3 -< 2 a rH t- N 00 o = -r •« -* -ti lO in t- — TO TO 00 TO TO O TOOMTOrH^HC^C^OOOOHSI inoooTOOosooo O) l^ o ooTOiM-^int>Csiinc:-^TO O t^ t^ CO -_ 050000t-00l^. 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CI i CO -J- CO M f-t " •-' ■* lO CJ -' CJ N (M 1-H M -* 00 o s o 00 00 cs 00 d:; If: oc CO s 00 t- C5 s s § s 2 » M 00 § -f o 00 1 t- o 00 ^ 00 i C5 5 N " C5 l> o CO -' •* •* •^ CJ ■* *-H -H O O CO 00 CO cs CO o o o o cv ir^ in -^ ■>* r-< in -* S-5 • g . 5 O ^ CX-^ lis :5^ 5 ro -^ i^ to c; cc CM - *-l C^l O C5 ■ ~ Kaoor5-^t>c-L-L— -^t>Ci :o :s Ci !M --^ C5 i^ t- t— O O O O ITS l.-> CO '-' C^ i-H 00 CO CO CJ 1-1 CO :^ I— I Eh o Q O r/l O XI £ ?"!: -^ t- .— ci = " ~ S= ^ -7 -^ .^ M C<1 « CO ■ -^ r-^ C3 — r^ — c^cicoinooc-it^o 00 oo oc" in »-^ t-T uo rococMn-^i>ino-^t*a)'M ^ = ? cs =-^ "k ^ o c^ in cs 00 m m -^« o -* o ^H r: j^i c^ o o CO o -r c-i o CO O r- X in !M CO O CO o o --rL0ci"i--co~c4"ccr5Or-r'r-r t~ CO -* CO o m CO t^ c: -f 00 cr. -H m O O t- r; t- (M ■^ f-Hcot't^oo^Hinooo I- t^ o o o -* oo CQ CJ o o oococooococooocooooo oc-i'-^incoa>o-*oooc» o^inot^t-tocs wi-tcomoc^t^ot^in^Dinincocacococo cs t! 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Mis. 117- -22 338 COMiMERCE WITH EUROPE. I5I oi ~i. ._< '*! ^i ~^ ^j 3 .-« CJS to cc m p^ ,^ , 8 (M 00 -^ CO C- CQ r.1 rH rH CO c-> t- in (N CO CM in 1)1 10 i^i Ci tB'O 00 ^ CO t- co to OS in in O) CO in in OS ■5S'^ ^ tt> C-J .I 00 IN •» CO L.1 -H •V ^ to t- 1.^ C^l 00 5= t~ f-l to 0: -vT in' 01 00 t^ t- rJ m H D PMg CO CO C^ « rt -* IN CO '^ ■^ «e in cq to ■* to ^ s! OS t- ?a IN m --f OS in i^ O M . (M (N in r-t in ■ -I OS CO m to rt (N CO 00 to N ■2 p< f^ 10 rH CO CO iH N " S5 -" in OS 00 CO 00 in N D 00 or rr> OS OS to in to to IN OS t-* t^ OS tr CO in to CO on to t~ Q 1-1 r-( rH (M Tj< CO ■^ ■^ IN CO r-c IN in r^ _p •n rr CI m !N ts N -# IN CO m r- CO rH -* 00 < f? CO OS CO t- v~ iH N N N t> rH eo rH 00 CO " c- co CO -* 00 ■* 3 t,- ^, _, in ^ CO to 1^ t- -1 c: OS '.c^S e OS -> rt C-l IN to M fe d QO <5S r^ ,_, CO ^ OS l> a -* OS H CM rH CO "« fl £ •^ "? "^ to in 13 H IN CO 00 in on ^ ■* CO 00 to cv: CO . (O •- CO IN .H C- I- to oc ;; 7-: oc tc OS 00 Q '"' -« CO CD in -* a Ph OS CO to t~ cs ^ C-l c^ rH CO i N ■* IN ■* OS OS IN c^ to 00 cs in 00 ci to' co' c-T t~ IN CO IC CO in CD >n ^ H* 1- to CO OS in q rH fH i-l M M M in i- CO CO to -* -* in -3 to CO no iil to (^ Cfl CO to te W (^ c M N ■^ M C!5 |l Ss pqi^ M§ -«lS w tts r- 00 IT d rH e- c- to r- ? oi 6 1 H 00 a 0( a a ) ot a oc 0<. ii ii 1 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 339 - . 00 -) '-^ m '.0 (>. CJ a a> '2 S 2 st5 5 i; a u E ~ e ^ IM CO m to" » CO s in CO 0" o" CM 0" 00 in ~ "■? S .5 3 C) M 3 5S.= l*-"^ • "i a IK ^_, 1-1 ^ CD (-1 -r • CO CO CM to' -* 00" .0 •^ = ^ ^ -^ ^ ^ ^ CM in CM t1 :S m m on 00 c-j cm" rri on in 00 CM ^ rf in 00 cm" aT t^ CM CM ir. ■ a> t~ ir CO h- ■<( C o» CO ■* ftn - 50 1 n ^_, in i~ r^ ^ r-i ■^1 (T5 t~ on r~ CD 00 f/f -* -* 00 CM -Ni CO CM a CM in 0" CM (^ 10 en (M M '-' c4 *i ^ ^^ iH m ^ CM ^ C^ IS CO t>J rt r-i ^ n OS 00 1- to ■* 00 bn 11^ 2 r> r- 01 o> ^ in rr, fN ir 00 03 ^ CM CO t- n T* t- >-* CM C^ (M -* X CO ■ri yj CfJ •- = § in ^ fr5 •^ C3 on m 00 CM CO to c Tf iH "* « ,:'S „ 8 «Q ,, § --3 5 a ^ CO l^ ^ OJ t- ^'S rt 05 q ou o> OU CM e „ ^ ,^ r-1 ■^ C 00 t- n c- CO c: OJ in CO (M CO Cv Cv rt CM CO ■* t- 3 Ci •§ in <- ,^ c- rr rf CO to CO CM « «> C-. c 00 c ou (S * r^ ■" ■" ■^ ^ ft C3 p ^ -* ^ 8 to MS ^ o> 1- u c3 C5 •S 00 m m in t- in in s 3 s ^ 05" r^ 0* m i rr c in ,^ > t~ ^ C3 r- t- S § (» oc ■^ c^ *-* r- * ^ ?■ ) CO c ' f-T ,^ " ^ " ^ ;- CM ^ ^ 01 on 00 O-a^ CO a- C^ 1 M C^ ■I 13 !• n 5 10 1 ^ CO tc <- ^ ^ CO ns ^ a 1 c 3 C^ '■ 'S !• CM rH c- -* 1 -* r- > 00 •« OS 01 on to e3> t- . 1 c: ■T in « i 00 ■* t- ^1 (0 r-T '■ ^ rt - -^" ; ; ^ 1 • >-< fis ^" 1 WW ; : : w ^ r i - ^ . ^ , i ~ ■^ OS ^ 00 ; i! ao a 00 00 00 00 00 00 340 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. S O Patent or enam- eled.c f o oo Til lO Cl 2f 00 o rH d Cl s CO 00 Cl ''' a g H fc'.ef-^^sjg s ^ Cl Cl 00 ,^ d •^ CO 'J -< t5 co" Cl 00 s in s d o oo' «o" o" e r4^l ^1 CO ■* '"' CO d ■HI •-! a: -ri ^~* o o A * C o c« •rf ■* t- O in N a 00 ■^ -* 00 t* -'J' t^ ~^ n o CO o t- cs CO CO in cs in d s a> 00 in CO t- 00 00 in l^ oc o cc •f in -* O OS rf o' co" ^' im" c cs" !> aS L- ,_r CQ a-: co" -* ^ ^ d" ■H*" "o c^ ra IM (M (M CJ Hdl d -HI CO -* t- q 1 ro CO CO ~ ^ (M ■^ 00 'Z^ O O 00 ~^ ^ t^ ~ l> OS t~ ^ C-l OO cs 00 r^ CO 00 00 in CO c-i ci" CO cT o os" OS UO o 1" cc" 00 CO CO co" t~' c-^ 00 CO d o OS C3s" m CO -»3 =" i c IM (M -<# 00 t^ w c 00 o t^ c 00 OS in t* CO CO Cl CO M S CQ IM I-I ^ « -^ ^ J o O lO in o o t~ t- c: "co" CO CD CO 00 o CO in t~ CO o o 00 o CO OS * CO M -^ CO in in in in in t- 00 rH 00 CO CO CO d -HI CO H S H CO £-^3 Cl ^ CO "^ ~^ CO CO o ■^ -* CO IN t~ rt in Cl t^ r^ CO o in ■HI ^ CO o in o CO 00 -ti O OS t^ o Cl in ^ t- in CO 05 C<5 o" OS o ■^ oo 00 c« (m" -iT o of OS 00 t-^ o o ^ O" rH CO os" t-^ CO o in d" m co" CO CO CO M 1 in c- -n* « cs o o cs o OS t* 00 t- cs 3 t^ t^ in ■^ 00 OS 00 d 00 43 5 X^tM n 2 o in -•ji" IM os" OS -* co" CO 00 t- 'J' CO 00 o" co" o t-^ 5 q° IM C^ Cl CO Cl d rH d d .2 o o o ~Qo" CO CO "co" (M "cT C<1 1-1 •^ OS ■* Cl CO rH CO -* OS ■* in d tc (M l-O •^ lO o OS o in •HI 00 in >J >- '^ CO CO CO t— CO CO -* 00 ^ 00 o ^ t- CO OS 00 m e -+" lO lO' os' co" co" OS o rs cT - o ~f t~ co" r-^ 00 -hT (? - CJ CO IM N CM Cl CJ Cl CO d in 00 C5 5 © «> . , c "in g i Cl OS 00 m t- in in -g tt c -:; is S ■HI t- co oo o B j 00 CO -x" OS o 00 d" ■Hi" o 00 s to o OS o O n Cl *"* in CO CO S OS CO ^ -H » 00 -d IM M cs p. 1 -* in 00 CO in m 00 s ^ o o> OS CO ;: > 00 in CO CO (M ir 1 d 00 in o OS t- ■* 1^ o ■* c (N in CO OS t- t- d in CO 00 CO cs CO rt ■* of 00 oo" co" o c- ci t-^ 00 a in cr cf f-j in r^ t-^ o at <£) OO o tr- ■ t~ 1-1 « rH C 1 CO M Cl d d CO d .fcl C| M (M o .3 o e lO i q "in" o 00 »i1 1 C5 li §« »P^ i M J C4 CO ■^ in CO ^ 00 OS o IM c^ J in CO t- ■-c cs o t^ 00 OC 00 oc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CJO 0( 00 00 t^ 0! 00 00 00 iH 00 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 341 ^ in CO -^ CO -I" o> CM •+ 1^ CO -* M CM U5 O ■* OS •HI o 00 ^ o e •: o o • 02 -* 5 Iri o 5 « cd ^ \ ^ ,_l OS o CO CM CO t =§» O CO o CO t- in CO ^1 ^ ^ o CM f^ S3 CO • o o •§ t- . lO to ■<(i ^\ rT oo" cm" o (M CO C4 CM CS 13 OS rH CO f— 1 ft. SS ^ '"' t ^ d ^ ■n -* CO O rH t- OS o OS 00 f. t^ OS C! w in OJ t- •* t- 1 00 ^ O CO OS CO CO ■* !>. CO CM r- C-1 ^ CM rt CO t- f-i CM in "e ^ -t o oi rri o i Q CO CM m •o J o CM N CO t- [- CO CO CM ^ in in =) a s 00 o m i-H O ■* t^ t^ t^ CO OS o a ^ C- •* t- 00 in CO ^ o OS i~ GO ft C-3 CJ '" "^ ^ E- 2 < a ; ; ; ; ; -f ^ f^ (N 5 sl : : ; : : t~ in « m rci CM CO ':5 t~ o CO .'^ • CO O in O 00 "^ CO -^ -^ O o t~ rH C4 ■»i' •* O to lo" ^ ^ t^ CM CD in a Q '-' CM 00 >o •^ UJ S o ^ O OS CO '"' 1-i r-* B c 5 ? ^ CM -* O t- CS CO o ir rs CD ^ m s JC t-H O* 00 00 ?) O ^ rH CS OS li- -^ --aT -^^ M UO CD in rH C3 cr Co" n Cl t^ r-l > o -* m d rH CM PJ CJ m ^i§l i^ V OS ire fM 00 CO ■* O 00 on in 00 in OS CO CO 0) CO CO lO "^ O 00 t* o c ^ ,_r N ^ a 1^ 03 ^ ^ IfS (M ■HI ^ CO ^ ;« s o CM vn CO 00 O 00 OS C- CS o OS CO a 8 «• --1 ^_^ ^ rH CM O O CS rs CS ^ ns ^ 00 •H" s . c OS CD CO 00 O C. OS o o -f § SB'S ^1 ^ in t-T „' in" 1.0 o of in cd" ci" r~ ^ Cl" o r-i O O C- CO -* CM en & C) o; ; ^ m 1 r- ^ CO o -HI CD CM S ^a ■ o 03 m ^ r-^ ;^. t- CO CO CM W C4 eo e« "^ '^ rH •^ C5 B 1 : : pi : : p£;aq : ; " ■^ ^ ^ "^ '^ CM '^ CM CM '^ " '^ (.M ^21 _, r^l lO cq to OO ^ rs t^ CO ■* ^ to OS r>- OS C - ^ lO OO CM -* 00 00 CM c^3 e -f ^•- r~ cf o -f ir^ OO to m o o ir" os OS .5 =-' o C4 CM PH m ■* CM CM -sip 4 S"S "^ E cq "H to ^ 05 TO to in ^^ ,^ CO s r> c-l 2 C C [S c Ci CI cm" cf ■«* to" CM to" iH o § t^ ji t- O cq TO 8 lO CO TO ■* o> => CM to OS ^ ^ q ? to -* rs in in CM US B -*** 00 ^ "^ 05 ■* CM -t' ^ in o OS o CO cs tn o ire (^ ^ CM \- <-) to o -f TO ^ ■* „ O TO H S o IM -«* 00 N ■>* t^ t- o o m CM r> .-R TO ■^ -w CM lO o '^ ri ro rr m ^ CO -* -* o f^ (D 00 K o to 00 ^ CM CM to Tjl ^ OS o o V. $ CM c- t- ■* CD CM Tit w Ift ^ ■* 00 00 ;3 ^ in 00 a> ■^ TO in TO g ^ 00 1-1 s „ in C» 1^ •^ CD CD OS C4 C5 O -* »— < TO o OS co^ ^ m CM ■^ in CI in t- CO C! O ^ p4 j^,.-o BS5 ^!^< «P - o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 •H 1-1 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE m I— I o >-< C/J <^ W a g o O Q f^ CB o ;^ ■ •? z ^ ^ : =" 5 ?! O y ■r" CO O D a s CL, 1 3 P. v." a •3 J- • 00 : ^ ■ os" oc O t- — f- ■ o < - ■<) 1 ^ ■ CO 1-c CO o oi r^ 1 n 1 t' CO ^ Ed 1 ?» . 00 o - -» in 00 " ? a © s i J ■ CJ CM t^ .^ CJ O C5 1 g o c* ^ ' ^ ! 00 - !■ O ' o d - = K 1 o ■ m •* 1-1 ci d 00 c> i-' ^ © a ^ .-(it-inooinrH-* * 1 K e . CO o C-. r-l [~ t- o c; . m 00 t ~ 00 Cl in in 1 a; bi !^ 1 ci - - rH o in CO 1 = d o • CO t^ O -tl O C) li o s c« C) . rH rt rt rt W M 1 fl ~ I , — -s « e« cj.-it-O'lCasco \ ^ P^ ^ C-. cjocoincor- K o c a -T m CO oo o \ ^ £S s: r-n" cf ci" in" co' r-T CO t- o o o c- >n d ^o c- ci -* CM m t- 00 cf .-<■ cf -^ CO ■*■■ , CO _ C 3; oi ** tiC5>nt;oo.Hcocoo>-!ir5-*OCOOOr t-" o" c^' If r If ' CM OC ■* t-T r Ht-rcfcooeTodcom^co p rH(Ni-l CI O O 00 r -t CI O 00 CO e-) CS UO (M QO OO H» 1^ LS : m ooocococoorocoi O I^ 1^ -* CO in -^ K (ki 1 1 H O o:o-**Ti-HOooc-ioor" Cl c 2 CO in o CO o s S^'oo o 5 ® --o CO CO irj ci c~ co' o" 00 co' irf" t- CO t-T cj" -T -* cT 1 -r c (§ o CO a- CM rH , -1 Cl d CM CO IS 2i3« '^OOCIOOOOOOOG -< OS <= lO in -J _■ 1 "O C t- tfl o o l^ O O CM lO c o := t- ~ is p; ^ — o H "r= a e • COt~boC5 lOOOr^t-OC 1 t- _ -H CO -* c~ t^ CO e " 13 oil co" « cT -*' t>^ ^ 00 c-i t-' tc ci d i^r r- ' i-J" e^i" ccT t-T o :S — C'l 00 t^ 00 .^ eo r-( cq 00 r-l >H Cl in -* t- c ? =3 Cm « ^ C3 O rt ^ IT t^ M O t . _ ""oo X CO cc ^- If ^ — O i 5 CO o -T r: :c CO CO o c 5 >s ^ 1 I- to CO m ;; •— -. t- ^ IT O CO ^ f -T r-l , CO <= 5 U ~ oo' ri -^ o^ r- CO -; - -h' ir ' oo" >r ' CO c:s~ in"" CO 00 eT e. © 3 1 c o i: C^ -fjf .-i* ^ C3 t' O CO O IT CO c Cl '"* r-l r- " '"' •"* •" "§ — *> CO t- 00 rt CI ^ a t~ 1-1 CO rH O ■<* i-H -r fl OS ir^ QO T5< LO CI cr- o c- o c rH h^ in as a - -«! _g -* -* ■V >o -1 -^ 1-1 » CO 00 •* ci t 13 q o oc o" n in -* c=r in" -^ r-T c <■ 00 o '"' CI rji CO in -ii CO o c r-l C H > S o Qo t^ irt CI -^ 00 o t- CO 00 CO c: : -« cc OS r- I 1 ■.» O CO o O O ; 3 Q fs f' £ •3 ^ O o M r C5 -* O cf I- - o 00 H CO S o D H O '=- = !« s_s c^ < St. a 3 bo'S'T KB-- ^ B 5 O 1 - 00 ■ eg ■ in ) 00 00 rH O ^■"B- e; ~ ; 43 p: o «0 O 00 - C t- CO CO ^ > t- Cl 00 t~ 00 I- oc d 00 If . o S 'iH .«* c^ .» P CJJ CO .^ c ^ 00 -H CO t- cc W CO c s Oi Q s ° 53 t- CO 1- ^ CJ ->» 00 < c > 00 CI CI CJ C! QC ■«3 CO d ^ H « a ^" '2' " f -* OS o c- a ? c^ co' ■* IfJ 1-i" CO — a lO "hT cc g ^O to lO r- ^ (M i-l (M C£ cr cc ic: t- CO OS d O CD CD cc 2 o It •^^ : *"* iH CQ CO ■* 0- 5 ■^ ift u- bo S s 00 !» C ; S «2 'S oc o. C£ OJ 00 in o •* O ^ in CO o n ►J -H [■- C 3 cj in 00 * o CO ^ CO o cc c ■-1< W C' S > 2 t~ O C : O CO t- cc a CO OS CO CI I> c- o lO 05 a '5 eg « o 'J"" t-' C 5 lo" o-r o c a CC in -^ in cs cc " o" c^ c © CO o .^ 1* O CO -* OC in O CI c: C! c c- CJ o t> rO tl « I rH t-H CJ -^ t~- t~ oo CO O CO d U^ IM cc to ; ■^ ci" Cl Cl Cl ' cf 00 cr OQ o li ■a Jz;co o «P^ o ^ N C>1 CO -* m CO t- 00 o o CO 3 S CO h- CO O) o t* t~ t^ 00 00 X » 00 CJO oo C! 00 00 s ^ s 00 c» ot a 00 00 « X « a oc oc 00 oc 344 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. M ^^ i-> f^ "0 -f C<1 r- Ol ,_( CO ^^ on o o ^K 1 o C^ 00 C0 CM ■* CJ in •— ' to 8 -wC fy<" in I-, ..^ C'^ c-i -^ r^ o in ■r> •J ro r^ \Ci 35 O) o o CM ■^ •^ '— f"! WW q CO to m o to CO t- CO to 00 CO -* 'K •& -* CO CO CO t- ■3 1* IT CO m m on Ol on CM 00 h) 00 o i- t- o '"' — •« ^ ^ 00 *-{■ m t^ j^ oi fj" r- *f — ^ -+ t~ 3 O! » £«: -1" 00 00 -1* t- ^" CO ^ ^ ^•" 1^ oiT I'"' 1-. ,^ oc i^' ^ — *" to ^J" 00 co" 00 CO •* to in 00 00 o -* r-t 2 _, ^ ^ „ •^ CO m ni OQ -T on CO in t- ■^ •^ M 00 to CO 00 C5 CM in o -3 en OO IN CM co^ CO ■^ CM on CO "3 c^ ""^ 1-1 p- no m tn en o r- t- CO o c^ -* CO o on o o o -^ ^ e>j 1—* m o — ' a ■^ -1' •^ s \ in ^ (M cn crj in C3S to CO ol -<• en cs in 00 c^ O -T oo I- 00 CM t~ ^ 1^ R. J- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ —I O Ph » ■ - -*- ^ — ^ in ^ ^ ^ B — o OD CO ■" 00 00 :j w -I' CM CM a Ol c '-' 3 te (B • t- 00 in CM in t- ^- a — ' -iT CO o -O ' CO CO t- tH CO ^s ^ < a o -H H IM r- m 1^ r- CO Cd •• o) CO (M oi o c-> ro m r> g 8 (Lc ^ 1-' ni' oT •S ^•■ cc c■^ in -f r-' in -H <-r CO 1 5 e q lO of cS CM CM cf CM CJ "^ ^ O ^ ft .n -r- ^ lO f. ^ ^ = cq cc in o e-i O 05 m 01. •* Z^ ^ CO •n fl y ,_' oi ^ -f _;■ ^ c« s o *i< o -1 w s c^ ^ O CO CO ftn o CM CO c M r^ fT) t^ f o a M Bh ?• 05 TO 05 CO rp CM c I l- CM *— 1 o 00 t~ o to — f f^ iro IT. ^ ^ ^ ' cT ^ -* « '^ o 03 "* « CO CM CO t- • -^ q i o H ~ CO ■^ m 05 ■o 00 r~ CO ^ 5 CO r~ ^ in to CI ^ -* "+ o l» CO CO CM 00 C: tr- in C^l t- c CO CO 1^ in CM CM CO in w 1^^ ,-r -.f — f fV :? -^' rn ^ t- 00 i- to to CM to t^ o 03 CM CM o 00 o o 00 CM o f^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l-H r3 p ro ^ ^ CO IM \n Tl ■* ^ 1 CO in m CO o 00 in ^ ^ T3 f -rH 05 OJ « f- -1 '^ >— 1 -i" C3! 1— 1 to « -il-d e ^- lO — ' *-* IM 'H CM *-< »-< CM CO C*3 ^ 1 M as iz" ; : w« ' ; ! C ^_, CI 'V^ tn t^ on r > 1-1 CM CO -t in ^ o ou oc 00 i^ 00 iH 00 OO 00 00 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 345 in (71 ay <-) r~ (M to CO i -^ a CM oc « c^ a a 6 C5 _, O o = o o in C5 o o S o ^ c> (.1J CO C ti: o 0( o O •0 o ■ O <3> m ,„ to f^ 1- o at e 00 CM 00 ^"■ to o lO -r •o « SM > rH r^ o : ,, in „-, 5 •3 oi in 1' •^ Oi in c- OO — o s rf; s s c c 0-. C o r^ to a^ O -I- '"' ^ ; bl o o > M C) -§ = o • 3 o OJ O" ■^ Cu ^ « IM t-i r^ O ^, 1 £ e -f ^ :o ^ ,n f^ m CO OJ o (T •H< 00 o 00 IT c t- 00 to eo CO *f ■^ "i Q CO -* C3 05 Q o s § o ^ m ID 00 ^^ r-. __, on -* IP o in a "« (T^ -* I> to t~ _: ?£ c 00 C-1 Cl to to -# ir 03 in CO 00 co" i ^ IN 00 r-^ o 0(1 ■^ »r Q Hi -«) tc o ir O OJ -.fl 00 C<1 to o tH a Cf IN C-4 ^ a to O IT t- t- ^ O 00 CO '-' in in Bi rj a C5 05 to ii ^ cq ■; a to C-l r-l i-H -* Q 5 S ot ) O CM OC c^ in rH o o c- rH t~ o in o in " rs -^ r> - ro ro tr 5 ft. § rH C^ 3 in -< ^ IM rH ,—1 CO u ^ • ■ «• a 00 in to CM ■^ in ^ 5 to -* -* 3 55*22 t~ lO O <= 00 00 to" -*" to CM CO (^ ■»fi in •^ M T If to 111 ^ O CO t- ^ O CO r^ r-i" to 5 o t^ 00 o n ^ C) tH o B p I— 1 QO 8 o ^ i-n -t •* > .a ^ in s § H •d« M i O 00 to Eh o ft. 00 to ■* in CO lO" in J. 8 in in 11 O in to *ti 00 2 'i q OS"^ "« ■ o ift IM S s o a. ■ t- 00 to o to q 00 c5 Pi 1 ^^ ^P^ S3 2 OC ) OC > OC 00 00 OO CO r-l rH iH 00 a 00 OO 00 00 2 CO 34G COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. ^ ® M S^ S s 03 ooioeoo^i>«0'*CM ^ ^ -. 0-1 T-t c: Oi . . ^ t-* oc O CO i^- cs t* O ^ -f Cl c^o?oooir>Oi-*c;^- CSCOl-^r-lOC^COt-CCt^CJO O Irt O — t^ -ir5t>i-'co»--iiocooio ^'r*t-C-3in.-H00C^nOCDCCO— ' ^ ^ lO" as o" no of cT TJ" co" -* „- -w cJ 00 CO t- 00 C-l CO O rO t^ 05 CO N t-l lO (M 0> O ift CI i-* CO m Oi cc CO ^ -# CD '^f 'Tji CO -^ ?0 CM O CC IT) O C5 O r-l O '-"S L- -* i-H (M ■* :o CC t^ t>> C^l (M CO t'- TO ,^ O rJ CJ ts » cc t- to -^ in I- t^ o C-1 •^ Td OS (N nr r^ Cl T, to t^ - 1 m o» CO CO Cl (M ?^ *"* o> o> (M m ■rt< m ^ o « 00 o> (N a> to r~ ^ *#< "^^ to O lO o '■'"l. S ^ O^ O »0 CO r^oooi-icoc^o CDO'-HlOC0W'-<-^ MiftCOCOCO'^COC^Ni-t o o> cs t— o h- -rjt 00 ifS O iOOO-^COO t- '*! ^i' r-*OCSi-HOOi-(OOCOCO ^ in Oi 00 o C3 ^ o: oointot^coMC-co CqCflC^-^eOtOWtOtOOJCOOOrHOO'HCS to 00 in (M .-I O tX (M o (N r-1 o ■* S CO CO o I-H to o CO 03 00 00 § r-f ■^ n CO ■M IM 00 TO T-4 TO S s OO 00 C5 CO 00 00 00 o 00 t- o to O 2 Q^ in to m to Oi -14 TO TO s o in 00 ,-;■ -* a> in to TO OO to —1 to CJ in r~ ^ no C-1 O O r-l O rH IM TO O t. -' S ;^ OOCOCM-Hr- t-i— llrtCOOt-OCOTtHCOOSt- ■^ClOO'^COmi-MCOCOOOCOtOCOTHCOC? cocococooooooomt-o-^-^t— icacoca comcDc:cococDt*mcot^cor^coiMoot* OiOCOi— IOCOC^(MOO 00 CO t- CD n CO (M (M o C5CD'*OOCOt-(MCOCOOQOCOCOCaCJ S3 «0 O M< (TJ b- O iH lO O O Cl M< CO M CO '^ L* ift O CO lO cc Ift o WTpc^ric-j-^coiHCflC^ e ; .' ; I I I r~ TO o 00 TO s In to o OO f-H to in to o to C) : : : : : : Ol CO Cl M ift -* -* Ol I- lO CO CO ! o' o' r-> o" -t lO oo' CJ 00 O t- s td •m C^ CJ 't -^ to -"Jl to CO CO ■* ■* 73 m to (N ^ in 00 c^ r>) Q 5 ^ 00 M M ci to C») O 'Jl to t- CO to" o" in" t-^ CO q" co" 00 I- OS to CO S t~ rH in CO in CI in q '^ rH d IM Q o o CO ^^ -^ o (M o -* in to CO o in to 00 OS u 00 CJ o —■ o in o is Si to in in •* -1< CO in -* to CO ■* to m cf in rt o M r> o 0t> -H OS o O in to o 5 in (M 00 to in t2 ^ _i ^ OS OS e — i O 00 00 00 t~ ^ o N in 00 in -* in in co" o (^ .g ^ g- on t^ (M -t 00 to rH 00 OS ^^ s t-'-i ■* t^ lO t~ (M CO to o to in 00 CI 11 in n £2 ^ o 00 ■^ in 00 in OS M in CO OS (M in e <» 113 ^.9 ^ (M m ■O -H o ^ M O t- CO m a Ed O M > 1 lO t4 CO eo" CQ M ■*" 00 t- CO CO e ?= o f^ en CI CO CO 00 -* ^1 ^ ^ 3=" I— 1 l-H ^ f^ -n CO 00 on OS O: OS 00 o CT o in t- in ^ S 00 « C CO CO o rt" t- CO ^-^§=2" C) ■«: >j ?• r^ o o CO o O (M O eo C3 CO 00 OS 1* in T-l f— ( a a ^ *"* co" to" cq" o" c-f r-T to" to" Os" 00 O of CO —1 c s § (^ 2 r- in o ^ IM O OS c- m CO CJ •e CI CS 00 OS to OS o CO be a s lO" „' O) O' -^ ^ --1 rt d CO 00 OS C5 (2! . wcq 2§ - < a •J'J E M E- S « s.i" O M XI CS O l^ m O O Cl iTJ O O CS t-H 2 o tc ^ CO «; i> — 1 CO CO rl >o o TK CO o 00 o CM o CVl 00 -+ c5 CD o ^ o CO o CO C0 .CO '^.-H^ococoroiccrj t>- O CI lO C^ rH CJ ■^ r^ CO CO lO CD «— " c; o t- t- oo o c .— I CO — ' lO lO t- lO rt o — ■" ' CO o o »-< 1-1 M i-H CO _ __ _, _ COCl-^00 O ^ O CI CS CO CO o OCOCO'TfOCDiOCJCO OlACOi-HCOtMOCOOO ocrcrcrcocrco"cocHCO OiOCOC005COCOOS»ft''J<.-^CO lO CO CO t- CC C^ (N (N OS C^ O t-^ 1-H CO OO (MC»OOCOCOCOt^050iO COOrJ'^Cqi-ii-( 00l::*C005C0t^O'^T-''^C0(MiriQ0Cat-iC0 O »-t 00 _ ocOf-ii-HOsaiocNcoir^c^ CaOOlCiCOiHCOCOO-^COO t^ 00 t-- O Ol O Ci O O 00 o 0 i-O CO Oi -t Ol o ■-*tt^O(MO05000SC0'^C00ir-l .S aj 0) c3 c3 c3 ::-;5 3 ^ ift CD O lO r-( r- C0COC5<— liOCOfTlCDOlO CO CD l> t-^ '^ iM CO cJ50ir;ijr:tCDcowciO '^ CO -^ CO '^ cocomiooocomcDt^oc^csO'-''M CO r*< -t< r*i 00 as CO CO o O -^ CO COOJOCC»-lt^i-l<-l ■ rH i-( rH C^ (M O I-- CO --" GO o CO rH r- crs CO OOSOSt^O-^lOt-CDCOiOCOM OOOI^C^CiOCDO'tC3'*> ilO*1ir-(OUOOOCIO O O CO COiMCIOSCO^^t^iOCS'-lt— -t OS CS CO U^ CO CO Tjt (M W i-H CO W ^ (N "^ "^ '^ C -H 00 CS OS CONOrHCOtMOlrtCD'^OSCOOOO COCOOOC^i-IOOSCStH COCOlOiMt-rHC-lOtr- ClOOOSlrt'^Cqt-C^ICO'^OSCOt* CO O 'fjf OOOCOOOWWOOSCSOOiMOiOCOOMOJb-r- 00-^ococoiocD'^cO'^'^i-it-oomN-H'-*^ CSCO»-l00l:*ca"*OC0 OOCOifOlTiOOOCOOOCJ CO 00 CO OS ~ —-- — -.. 00 -rf O CO CM Ift t— OS CO CI 00 O C-J -^ CO CD CO UO 00 i-H O CiCOCO"*CO'^COt-TrCOCOCOrHrHf-i.H CD (M »0 M CI lO 1-* to CO CO 00 f-H lO 1-H OS O C^l CO CS CO rH Cs" 00 t^ O <-H CO o" ift CO t- o o t- CD OS b- CO O lO CO -* ■^ CO 00 Csl CO -^ -^ r^ t- t- 1^ cot^ooosot-H^iro kft CO t^ CO OS o t— I^COCOCOQOCOOOOOOOCOaOOS COCOCOOOCOCOOOOOQOCOCOCOCOOOOOOOCO EXPOIiTS OF DOMESTIC MERCITAXDISE. 349 t^ o c o »h <-^ I- t* t* CJ N ^ ao 1.1 Oi o r-i ift ci cc .-I r- ooooc*llOC:c^loc■^'Mcoooo-fcoo>co e ta F-4 O ^ to in TO b n lO •V oc 00 TO 00 ^^^ ■w ■A ■* TO Ci 00 '-' in 3 t- ■* 00 i s § s in to 00 S s TO 00 IM s "^ o s o o g TO in oo o to 00 00 3 C- « > lO •* TO —1 to 00 ■<)< (M to ■^ r-l rH e O 00 »n C5 00 o o c^» o r~ M to CO o cr; c^ O Cvl to 0000 Tji r-l i-l oo(ritoiMxoto;o«3o->jitoo OOr-HOlOt^OlOOr-tOOlOO ""' "" ■" "TOCSf-HCiO^ o i-T TO ■<* o cf O t^ TO rH TO TiT 00 tr O t-H O O O O O -* TO 1-1 rH o o ift cs c: LO o O O CS (M (M O O IC •-" in Ci 00 t— -J* to LO C5 to t^ CI -^ O 00 -Tf o ■Ol O C-. to 00 •* CQ O O 00 t-< f-i ^H o in o to" — ' c-f to" t>" m 00 "* o oc f-i lo " "l a = :5 -£ I C3 blc cs o t~ o . C 5 B . o c K _ X. 2 o o q a (::<5 c 2 S J5— m 1-5 2 >. _C CI T to" o in oi 00 o lo to to ■^ to c^ in "ri< c^ -^ CO r-H ^S »-HiMCO'^»rt?Ot*OCOOi— I r^ t^ t^ t> t- t^ t- oo 00 CO '^ m CD CO o o OOOOOOCOCOOOOOCl OOOOOOCCOOOOCOCOQOQOOOCOOOCOOOOOCOCOCCCO 350 COM.MERCE WITH KUROPE. TO — 1 - - o m » D H O ■< ■< a o H H O O o P H t o .a o 1" to g in iH 00 TO IM to C-l C5 to ,-1 o 3 -a o n P § 2? CO rt 00 CO eo to to ■* TO ?2 •« 5D CO o" m C-1 to" ifT t- 01 10 IM .-1 TO 13 O ;2 in ^ - - - £ S CI t) ?0 3 c: t= 1 ^ 00 00 CO to 1-^ S CO cl 00 (M Uf5 CO t-l — Copper, and manufact- ures of. 1 to to Coffee and cocoa, ground or prepared, and choco- late. CO g lO 05 C-1 C) t- 10 rH TO — — — to 1 4 to 1 o 00 Clocts and watches, and parts of. 2 M § 5,721 193 67 752 77 1,289 3,971 555 1,136 1,263 180 1,975 1,25S 993 240 S§3 o Dollars. 656 1,281 908 493 807 2,635 224 1.491 6, 2(.8 2,327 991 887 1,747 825 692 284 657 433 1,144 646 Dollars. 600 22,932 5,145 540 o Pi k a t- oo If to CO a 00 c OC 00 0( c; OC tr 0( -* a ir OC to OO t- 00 1 OS OC r- i 00 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MEKCHANDISE. Hair, and manu- faciures of. 0* "3 a . CS X s i a 3 O |i < EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 353 CO (M .H t- -* s Si O O t-l CI .-I i-H 01 2" . « ^ O no « !» g «+- I So O w m •«! -<) P (N 10 O 00 CO Ca (M N <0 iH W O « a ri 13 ca f^ scg'oaogtjeo i-tOCOCDOOlftCO-^i-(Cv| o Si H. Mis. 117- ^_( iM m ir CO ^ nr m t^ ,_, (M CO Ml 1ft ^ rr> OJ 00 X 00 00 f-( CO 00 00 00 00 r-t iH I-l -23 354 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. «OCCI-inO!00«r-IOOO Ci5-*00t-C<3 1H C5 r-l .5 cS — f- ci! cj lJ| g CO t* r-i CO t* IDOrHCiOt^OO O O CO 00 ift O CO O O OJ CO'^000?D»ftOOtr-iO(NOCO i.o CD CO CO r^ CS t* Ift »f5 CO .-H »0 >-^ ■* l> O 00 00 CI ■' — d lO 1-1 tH rH (NOSOClN'^lOrHCO-^OO '*C000CqOr-«(M'Ti1CC>^^ -«J« (N C^ O 00 t* O -*co C-li-it^OOCSi-HCiiOiOC:©©©© .-( 1-f 00 O »-f C O CO "" CCiO-^'*^(MlMQ0"**<00O00iH-rJ(-*J(C00>(M(M O'^(M0C0000C0C0CD(MOOO O CO O CO (M lO ^t^c^moooiiftcsoot^ro'— it-t>oooc OlOfMOO-^iOinOCOC^ICOOit^C^lOWW r-t(N (M C 1 5 o CO oo 5 ■^ o CO i CO ?1 00 ^ CO 0-- 00 00 in 6 00 t> t- '^ CO 00 cc M CO 00 «c * IM « r- CO ;-i r* hf S k, c- 1=1 C c3 '^' fcf W bJI o a |J o f^ o C5 Pis F-l(MCO-T'l.O:Ol-0'JC!0>-c(M 00 o> o t~ t- l~ 1- f- I- I- 00 oo oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OS oooooooooocooooooocooocooooooooooooooooo EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 355 tri 00 * ^ ^ X ,, ^, ^ — 1^ _fl ■■s o in 00 O o c* l.-^ £5 C". -^ ffi *^ o ti (M 00 C4 •-' oc 00 CI c1 11 CO o S s s ^ f-i" ^ as p. -. 5 :3! -* IN ; ^ o «> « ~^ o C-. 00 r- o cs 00 se 3; in CO e<5 o -11 o in t~ co CI 00 CO e 00 ■ 00 1^- o 00 l> a> CO CM o t> cc IN l> ■w 3 Qi d ^ c; C3 i o ~~i!^ • 00 o 00 -t 00 ~~ir ~"^ C'l o CJ o ~^ ^ '■'^ ■§ IN • t- o ro o o o to CJ CM in o C) c^ lo t- a to o ■ t:- IC c: C5 t^ ci C5 OS -J to o •* oo O lO fin *"* CM t~ s 00 o m CI 05 o o in c- to in o to .-H t: CO o 00 o d o t- o cs o S "-I r3 a> ta S t^ t- e: CM « CO CM -W »- c C5 •<* ci o o> t« CM in 00 CO r-^ Ph ^ c< i-H 05 2 b p< t- l~- o o cs o c 00 C-: o ■* Q O to ^ c to CM •Cs "^ t-^ 1 9 -i "~I7 o CM CM cc o o '> 1' c?; t- OS 00 00 a CM o to r~t O f< U 5 oo c^ iH to f-i CO to I-H c in rH << o o (3h Id g ; '^ m N r- o g o £5 ■5 c^ • IT* CI CO o ei 05 S3 o o o oc CO CM <=> 2 o o t- o ^ t- o o o oo ^ LO a c- • 1 lO o la -t oo ^ CO in f- OS CM 1- Cu c '• «5 ■n CT o CO cq CM to r~ o 1 . c cs '"' *"* o X 2 c o o Z; tc • = o r- O 5 i- t- w '. <= r: c o tj q : " '^ =i c '\~^ "^ t cs so H l> t- 00 G . c »r 5 ■* *f ^ Tt ■ I ^ ' _ o ■ ^5 ^-1 ■^ •^ oc ^ o ir r- <2 c c l~- c oc c oc c c t£ in o 2 t- c: c^ CI r- 00 in h m P- u- c^ c> t- 5 ^ ^ a 5 C- i-i o cr > c r o -d • 3 o o c o «-* ^ o c c 00 c <= ~z c c " _ c o o P< o = o c ^ c: c c c: e c ^ S -rS, •^ in c ^ o c iT c -<* c t' oc I- IT — G CO CM ^ •.#" L- '•Z ' ^ o^ ,_ c -J c X t- t- CJ iT If r iH eo" CJ n M ?j __ e ir ir ^ to c 'c 8 _§ c- »- cs o ■s i «« 's: t: o <0 g fi) a 1 o '-A , •-I Co J5« Pdli) • j'^ 1^3 **- ^•-5 ■M r" ^ tn fz t> oc c c ^ c c- ■>) t£ ,, . a 3 OS O ! r^ 1' t^ b- 1- oc oc ; a a « « 0( 3 01 3 00 OS 1 oc a OC « 00 o OC oc oc oc oc a oc oc a a 0( 3 a 3 Of 1- 5 1 C oo C3 '-' in s © I-" a -ra 356 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. If Dollars. 4,722 40 540 480 • o ■ o • O Ci CO • O T-, M< • CJ 00 " 00 t-T 2 S g S S 5 lO rH t- O • o • o • o ■ oo o o . oo in o • 00 tn '■ o ; O 5 5 1 : S S to •C5(MCSO(MNt- ■r-IOC^MlN-^t-t^t-IOCBi-l '• ui ^ ^ n aa t-" u-T of oo" irT eo ci TOCOTjlrt-^in — (M "a • t- 00 . CO Ci ■ OS • Co 1^ o CO a < a a g % CO 5 Hi § o 50 i A. to s D a o Q 1 5. o CO S : o O O t> t- i-l t~ 00 O C- O r-l (M to N r1 r-( g CM CO o 00 O r-1 rt (M m O O -* a CO T-<" r-T S : 00 CO m 5^ * -1^ rJ<'~'5>i^COCO CJ C^" 00 05 in CO s • o oooo-^t^e^oocot* • oiot^inco-^tooiOT-H ■ lO COOOTOCMt- CO. rn rn" ci o" .* rt '• to o 1 o CO SI P u i OC n OC OC to OC 00 05 o 00 s cc oo T-t 00 s OC -* OC in 00 to OC 1 00 00 CO 05 o o: f- EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 357 53 I— ( o O ai a <) Q H K hJ <1 Bi « -o « s f^ ^^ H O X 61) 01 a n Si a> s ^ a o < a o S M rS t2 ° Si CO CO m ro o> m 1-i -^Oi-HOO^OOOO't< f^wor^oo-i't'CiOcpco OO-^t-OOStMClf-i-^OOi CO t* CO Oi CS CO f-t O OO "«*< lO ^ GO Ot^COCOOiOOCi'-l-H^OMW"-! OCOOOOOOO'-HOOCiCl »-f ift CO .mC0t-r^<0OO05OC0l>C0lMC<)^HC000»HC0'^OC0CDe0O i--MC0CD'-(01C^O«3>OC0Ocr3t>00(O-^OC0OC0 t^t*— iOOt>OOJCOCOTj1 oooc^cooo-»ijt*c-)incococoQocs'*cot-m-»*t-^oco lO "^ in oq o in ■* lO o CO (N 1.-5 O (M b O ■* t- CO ^ o CO ih « '1 to ■■s lO 00 ^ S tH o CO 00 ^ CI CO cn CI 00 CO CI -* 3 00 00 IM ^ d CO ■* (M CO IM CO ■w N i-i IH tH I-I N CJ N ,-<■ ca ift '* CO C-1 CO (M t- CO O W CO m t- _ O -^ -H m t- t-~ -^ 00 Ci r-t CO o o in -^ w o o QO t> rt '^ to (M '^ CO i-O CO CO o" w r-T o oT co' iH -^ (M W O 1-1 UO Ol o o •-H rH CO -# I"- O »n C3 CO lo 00 ^o CO Ti? cT r-T m" co" lO t-- 1— I CO ■«*< m rt CD CO CO f-H CO -^ to to t^ 00 C5 O 1-H C^l t- t^ t^ t* t^ "^ »o CO r- CO o o oooocooooocooooococco OOCOQOOOOOQOOOOOCOCOOOOO CO CO CO oo 358 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. H 1 m w H cr. C5 OC I- o I- t> O J-l i^ ■* c ^ - ^ ' e" Oi ^^ ,^ -^ ^ t; ci J. 00 ~r -f ^ d t-^ 'ii Co" -i CO l." ro ^ ^ O Cr. m CO O O ■< Ea a S S ^ in ec -^ lA UO CJ CO CO CO CB t~ o in >o f^ « CsT IN (N Si IM i-T (M M r-i ~ -^ -T ill ;c ro o c^ (N "~^ o CO o in t- ^ in ^ o o> o> t- III 5 !* "* S w a <2a •^ 5 ■* o C^J t^ o o o in cs oq t- n f ' o o ro" in in C^ t- 00 00 i-T -* CO 00 CO -< n o ^ 1 m 5 in in OC CO o ^ IM CO CO m o 3 « CO in iH E •* in IM cj '"' rH ■^ CO o C| 2 P O —- fI • 2 o t^ CO IM in CO -t 00 o t^ o t^ -4 « !H C S S 3 8 o C5 ro CO CO to CO i-H CO O 00 o 00 o t- O l~ t- t lO >-l 00 IM c^ CO o CO CO CO »l CO ■"! in O 00 o t~- Op -2 O QO CO t- "5 — CQ OD O ^ IM in -4 O c 05 (M ci. in to ■^ CO CO O o ;c ■<* CO m CO a in OC CO o M q tH CO r-t ^ CO IN b- e^ ^ CO os fO T Ci CO a Ci 01 o ■^ ^ _e l> -* t> g •< e 'S tH C5 is q ^ OS CO m ci TH CC "^ CO § o N ~ ^ 1 . 3'=' S S ? C c o - in c cr 00 ^ 1 _s c: • c- «M ?! c > a ) Ci in «c ir o CJ ~^ » O Cf -J o IT c o « CO in m . . t- r in OC cc ec ir n -m cc CC t- CT~ a t~ OC -* o ^ R S ■'JO 5* c~ 1 c 5 C- t- tc o- OC i> If > Ijl CT d cc CT CO cc t- CO c r o f ■* CT ■>: CS c o- •^ 5" CO a If " If 7 OC e^ in" -^ " eo ei" "o t- - c 3 «0 C <= c- 1 c pi Pd q u ^ ~ :» t - CO CT t- - c Ci* Tl c 5 ■<* ff- I OC a. Ttt o D c ^ o t> a J If J O > Cf > a 3 t- ■" cc cc ■ c 00 hJ w . c X c» cr O i ir J a 3 r- 1 e a ■»)< I? If I- t^ iH 1| ''J o r c> l" cr " "■ r c J -fl r. cc 00' _Q "" ~ H e ■J 00 I- h c J C > C > e t- - e^ • o ■ in 'C * c o >n o( 1 c 3 C 3 C^ 1 u ■3 IM - • c t^ • in 4 a 5 I- ■1 O 3 C 3 r -1 «£ 1 H C£ . L* •^ N fc • c s^ . I? 3 «■ ^ • -^ K "o o Q i a . c > • c 5 ^ e O ■ c s < -^ H P« ^ /' WP 1 K12 - -1 c <1 CO ■« - t' 5 a - t- 3 ^ - ? 3 C - 1 » O r- ^ 00 o -1 «■ 1 c 3 a 3 O 3 Ci 3 t- O 3 CO 01 ? i i I FH' ° 5 < a 3 a H ^ 3 2 3 01 3 C o 3 2 3 a 3 a 3 C ) or 3 a 3 cr I r H f 3 1 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 359 u z.~r, - a Oft 1 ' 0} Id tn' 1) .a o < O CO • -'•- - IIP 2 in o t- t- o t- Caniages and hor.se cars, and parts of. 3 1 — CJ I OS Q <: « n ^ ^ f? ?^ 3 5.* o o to" 1 s a o 5 4 =5 2 (5 • o" C3 o o CO .-goal's ^ 5 1 C4 O -X o O C^ 1-3 U3 Cl (M 00 ■* S a o ■< = 11 _ 1 q e s : S i a ' ot ' ' 1 o 3: o 5 C i 5 1 c 3 a 3 - \ 1 M If ' 1 1 r- ; 3 1 > c ) o i 01 ■I 360 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. H o m 1 H W O ^ w O a"" a O g ^ o q to ^ -' Lamps, chandeliers, and all de- vices and appliances for illuuii- nating ])ur- poses. ^ Q s % m O t D O Q 00 (M o s § 1-H O O rt P 2 1 to ■ ->- ti-d H O o "» J 1 o o i.O CM (M o to o oc to to ^ ^ OJ CO »o g a 5 "S o ro lO -r o 00 ^ o India rub- ber and gutta-per- cha, manu- factures of. CO Co • o C-4 iS p- - p ^ 1! S 00 in U5 la o to D § i "o i 2 IM P _o "o o fl P ai ,P o 6 4 o o O CO r-1 r-t to" TO 8 g — ^ c4" in o tr- ee IM oc t- a a o QC a- oc oc a oc ir o t= oc OO OC i EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MEUCHANDISE. 3G1 c ^' ?; 2 H th ^ t£ ^rococoroM^Cicocoasc^iMOsooocoiot^oco O ^r-i W «-HCO r-((M»-ti-Ht-lrH.-( 050000000<=>00t— ooooooIMO'^C0CDO0510^lr-05-<*<00!— Q0CNO5CO ^ ?f cc" cq" c-f ??" t-^ cJ t-' oT •^' H" t-' t>r -«' rt" ■* ■^" p" t^ tS C^Si-lr-l-HOOCOIMr-iaOrH^OlOSCMeOQOOSC-C- ^ (N -<' Co' i-T n CS (N o CO "~co ~Z, o i> ifj IM • lO IfS 00 =5 to CO 00 -* ?* CO T- ira •^ w ■5 CM O Qi u 00 in im" IC ci: IM ,_,- o o q . to o o o • O ^ o in 00 o »n i> ~7^ O ~~m 50 "^ ■ r-i ir; » CO m 00 (M o ■^ii o a .^ CM ^ 1 M CO ?» o o •* 1-1 o c o CO o o ^ ■n» csi in ,-1 IT M 00 iM to 5 o ro iri -* ■* c is CJ w o o N CO ro o 00 •M C^l oo' in ■>* CO 00 O ^ OJ 03 -M OO to oe -li C5 CO Cvl .1 (M o '"' to 1-i .r^ fe ^ o -t in OJ -(1 O 1-1 M *T 00 ^ ^ o rs O O CO ^ in o U (^ 00 o '^ CO O t- 1-1 I- 00 o o H fSt c c-\ -jc 00 t- o :; in CO ■-0 o\ CO oj c- en to = O •^ CO ^ 5i (N < (^ 1-; CJ « n i : CO o "S in "oS ^ ;S ca k; • C-1 cc O I t:~ ira IM 03 r^ M c o 00 •^ in c b- Tji O l-O . CO Oi 03 rJ4 r-: O! = D- C.0 CS ^ OJ f-l . CO o 00 O ~ to -w w ? K r-7 M^ 1- ■ (m' r^ C5 ^ l>^ ^ 0( 5" 00 t-^ l>^ o ,_, cs" r-l IC C<1 • t- C-: GO m -f ': o oc IT = q 00 ■^ 00 (M -* 1-) r- OJ C3 o (M CC -* ' to CT CO IN O <= t> in in o 05 t- 1 O cc tH -* c^ . lO c- o -# CO c 5 O t- — O in 1 oq I- CC t- t- -TH u- 3 c: 00 o> 1— OS i^- oo" c ^ • o' t~ ~ iO -^ o f CO cr " ^ '— M in -T 1 tH C-; 5" ■ m (N t~ 00 CO T- 1 ci: l> o y c t- s (M ■ T-i - c 5 C t~ CO t^ O r-l 1-1 c ^ - oc O — 1 O lO rt CS 5 ^ io '^ CO in ir 3 ci- t- o CO oo rH t- Boo maps gravi etchi and pri] mat iS \ "' ■" oT "<* •«)<" oo' o in _ B Co _ 5 Cf 00 •* -* -« in in Bones, hoops, horns and hoi tij>s, strips, and waste. 1 c > ir 'ii 1-1 ■* r-( oc 1-1 S 5 IT CC O CO -f o O CO to ^ 1 O CO -* 00 1 rr C) k, and tract , for uing. 2 c ^ c 1 • i-i oi ir 5 C m eq iM in M in c- J . «o o» Ci C CT o iM in r- CS ^ T- c c > ■ (M o c 1 e- 1 in. c- OS to 00 It- I ' in ■ to cq •'^ "o (=1 Cd l^ = ^ c o c > lO c ! -* « s c > t- I- to in 00 to 1 ^ o c 3 (> 3 tH — o a o lO c 5 t' i IM ) l- - o to o in in ■« 1 § « •«i f ir • ^ ^ 00 cf CQ ^" co" 1 r-4 1 5« 3 o ? » oj ! c 7"^ 5 to e-i t- to in o i^ rH OO o o 5 ; '^' ; ■ ^ < C^ -4 IT in CO o CO " i-T ir CO c -4 i^i c o -^ |i If 5 t: ^ 3 O G> • t^ 1 3 CC OO 3 C 3 a 3 OS 1 2 \ 5 O 5 CC qT H ,-H 1- 3 a 3 01 3 CI H " 3 01 3 O 31 3 01 3 Ot i 0( 3 1 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 363 364 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. H a o m o 1 S (-; o /~1 <1 Instruments aud appa- ratus for scientilic pur- poses, includ- ing telegraph, telephone, and other electric. •0 o 05 o o CO 3 o in o CJ 49, 788 34, 417 44, 602 00 s o in India rubber and gutta- percha, nuin- ufactures of. 5 r-tC5— lOO-^CDClOJ t- 00 PI o t- => ca CI t~ 00^-*tOl-HOr-l-<0 r-i eo co" -jT co" -S c3 O o * m.HO-tioooooi-<-i<0!t-i^oi.-5in« i-tcoinooojc=>OrH rt" ■*" -o w" oo" o" in c-.' -* oT t-T CO p< 1 o .2 a § p< a w a CO 1 o < . -* in B o o 00 «3 o o in o M in in o iM (M (M i:^inoot-00in(MOiOrt ,-100 in-h" CO c a « u a 3 t i ) 2 ? ■5 C ) c 5 ( 01 oc ) a 1 c ) a oc 1 a S CO l> 01 3 CO 00 0< > 00 00 0( 3 a 9 O 3 Oi 3 S EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 365 £2 9 CO c a pB ■^ « ^^ (^ £13 e a -: ~ o •§ o o o C3 s ^ CO :^ s n o s Ps '^ QO _ in t* intO-H-Kt^ — CO-HlOr-lO.H r1 -H •* OS £ 00 ih c) as -»toinM(M--finaOi-i'^ocr: in - OS c- O e-4 •« moinooocMOi-HinrtO 1-1 eo .- ot s c -r oc o -♦ to —1 C! (M OO l~ '^ =2" S £1 t- (B ifs in o oin-^m-<*cot~ininoccin to 00 t^ 1- -H g 1 ^ o t4 o rt in c^ '^ »n ooco-»*<'^in^i>rHmcics^ -* CO to t- '-ii 1^ CO c "u P4 % .2 1 C-l 00 iMrHino-*ooot^o!»s;a o (M rt t- oooooinO'i<^c3mc^^cc 00 o ■* c ^ i^ S c^ ^ i" in" -ih' t-T t~: to" of 00 f-" ts m" cT to" o" c- 00 in 00 c > ® fl .-1 iH i-lrH—ccgr-irHCMC ) 1-1 in CJ cr CO in -w t~ ^ g a ^ J.. • o ; Q . 00 o -* O CO ■* ■« tH .- ^ O m • o • to m 03 • m r~ CO OS Cl c B S o 2 ■ N n in w -* 00 Tj. t- ts c: „ o — » -!■ -* co" "3 o o q •o C-t i C _^ • OOfMC^C-C^T-t-rffCiOsi^ 3 "?•_; ■ -ii OS 00 ^ C^ ^ - CO 00 to -5 1 < 09 )< . o 00 in -T to 1.- Tf i-< 00 t El. P ^ ■^ ""Jt to CO f-H CO H 1^ (§ < a o C 5 c 5 csi>r^intOi-it*cotj 3 . D o « o c ^ 00 to t- m in o ci ^ CJ T i -I >-( to to CO O f-l l- - CO c 3 CO u p .3 5 ^ ^ r-T r-(' o -t 00 m Oi If w Q O J o t- C in -f ~ O (N u ^ C D C ■q to o: to 00 L * o -** -^ c^ 00 ^ u t- -*-i - F-* ir c ■i cq w < »> e 1 t -fOint^ocJtoQO'^totot. 3 P< C:-— .J- ci a »• t> t - (M 00 1" t> e <1 c ■: in o 00 « in -* t - » to .1 P IM - , !<" i-H f »- ^ c i'Min'to'cTod-^to'-^o c" ci" •j" o ~ i - » -1 C3 B^ O o O M CO «"= I ca c c ^ O ' ~l -H ■3C:ooo-»'Ort«t~otoc ■3 ti_i u f CS o J.* • m c 3 C C c ':-j*c■• -a If t -. 00 ' * C M T HOintot-t~'-'in-l ■* 00 to I n t* T g c in to' -* t-" ci" 00 c f-l C3 CO » a 7i 1 O ^ J3 ^ . o I 'll NOOOOOtDCOOOt O C3 s» • CO 1 CO 3 m o ^ CO cs ■« Cl . -1 a ^ xsc-i-ioooosinc-i ~- M E S rH cT CO -^ Co" < :r g rt to cr> <:> o .ri Cl ^ a ii ^co F4F£) -I N C rs -r H n Q_ 3 t* 00 OS c 5 »■ ^j c o • i c »' d - t^ t^ b '- t- 00 00 C 00 00 'Xi oo » ■t X> o 5 10 » io C -t r o iH .- 3 K, C c 5 r H 30 » X 366 COMMERCE WITH EUEOPE. ,=" o Ti 5 " S R K C5 fi S . o . 00 i ; ; o o ■^ -(fi (M CO CO w CO — ' o '^ CO t* CO M -^ CO o h* m CO c^ C^ C5 '* n CM -J- Ctt r-1 OD O O O cTcr-t'cTcdooos »-i fCCOOC^t^CO-rt**— O i-H O o 00 in t- CI CI G> O -* -^ .-I -tJ* 05 (N «0 iH 1— I Ci CC oDco'orcocj^Do'o'c-ri-r i-(OtOCOt^t>-i*C^vCO Wr-4rHOOir:iCOOI>rH (-k" cnT c6~ O O h- 1ft O CO M -^ OS O « C^ ift »0 C5 OS 05 t^ CO oj o o; 1— I o CO O -+ O t^ -^ 00 c^ CD t>- Oi i-i O CQ CO '^ O CJ rH »-H 00 CO rH t- CO O O »H 1— ( (M -rj* iO to O 1— 1 OS CO 00 '^ OS (M CO «— O C^ rH -9< t- t- o -^ oo O CO 00 CO (M CO O lO CO 00 C^J O CO 00 OS CO O I— t- (M y^ CD f-l CO T-l ,-H 00 O CO in CO i-( CO oj c^ ca O'-H-*0SOOC0'^C0 OCOOSCO-^COO.-*CDCSCO OCOOiHOOCDT-iCOCSr-)^ co" in 00 CO -^^ i-T o" T* c^f ro CO in<-ICOt--r- m o to" m _„- ^' ^"^ ■■'l -f Cl •* ro OS lO ■* » t^ to f-Hi— Ir— .-lCMC<»i-ti-lr-l s ° s ■^ " 5 tx a » O fio WW «^ 1— in i-( t- CO tt rH r-l i-t O CO C4 00 W i-H t- M 1-1 C* 1-* OS in .-H ■^ -^ CD M OO Oi O CO CO CO CC CO cc oc cocooococcoooococoos CjOCOCOCOCOCOCCOCODOOCOOO EXPORTS OF DOMi:STIC MERCHANDISE. 3G7 • ~i* . in in • . t- OS to 1- c^' • OS t- CO CO ^ Q 2 q : ^ ■ c» • 00 • in ■ ■* • Hd (M ■e ; . l^ ; OS 00 s • 00' ! '^"" ', (N to" a (s S rt 00 rH • OS ■ in 01 • r- lO rH t- in < 1:^ OS 00 • C3S hB c . to • CO 00 tl 5 OJ « • 0" ^ u^ ^ q to H o (M 1!5 '• « •^ • in Q M •« 00 05 -* • g rH ■«(<■ rH ^J CO 00 00 to- of < re co (M ^ OS rH -* in hX to OS t- •>* co OS iH rH rH (M rH rH (=1 E-. '~j ^ 5 63 Q o g c- •<* o> rH M cs rOt^M*OStOOOrHCO«COO ^ to g t- ift to 1< OS C- J 1 ■>*' « of N rH rH .- CO ci" im' cq ■«- cT o o 3 Q 00 C 000 CO in e*- 1I 4^ 000 = 00 = CS -J< £ " CO L- rH CO to (M 00 M e T «d C4 t-' rn' 00 C -+ !>i 0' ■- t-" 0" OS- o" in" s ^ 10 ■* CO in (M c ^^ rN 14 ?^ ■^ K -tj W ^ M f^ 'f! m to 00 c; e CO .-H •* tH CO r-l i-f OO 1-1 (N in C-2 O O O M CM i-l f-1 OS OO O O -^ lTJ lO t- 1-1 o> ir:) h- CM t* 1-1 i-i 05 rt r-t • o ^ ; • O) C--1 ' r " : o : • -* ■* ■ M -iftiftO r-iT**COQOCDCMCOO0 O t- -^ CS o to tM tC rH Oi Oi O O CO C5 O 05 »-H O lO OOCOCOr-ICOO-^-^OOCJ 0> CO i^a 1— I oo CO CO OS o CO in c-i '* t> 05 lO CO m oo lO c; CO COCOCM(MCJ(M^Hi-t'*Wi-H co-^insMcoincoooooiMi-HCD C-100O00t*O(M •- (2. ' -d 0> CS o 1* in Ir- -H CO >-l o 1 00 N O Cl O 00 N CO IS OS •* Cl CO . B 0" c u- <» o r- o o in 00 -* -n m 00 CO OS OS t- U) s ® «0 IS OJ ift ■» O Cl t- c CO O CO lO CO ^ in o tr u §5=5 c^ :£ UO OS -« I- — 1 CO tH CO in in i» = C3 3 ci" M L- -* -f •* -*" r^' Cl" S u 00 (M bl cr G t-t^C^t^OrtOf-tC CO o •^ OS c o o o in B Js V 00 CS CO -I< cc .-1 iH i-H O l> f~ OS Cl Cl t~ in 55 i ^ S dc oc OS t- G c c- ^ G cr C- Cl G t- rH O oc CO C" ir " oc - ^ "^ c; - ,- t- " ^ --T t-T os" Cl" c- " t-" c Cl" •f Q c X ci o — c CJ 00 -^ O Cl Cl CO CO CO CO i-H c c^ G t cf c- o CO t- M ^ m 00 o « " -* of rf N cf -^ r-T cf CO ;l CS CO 00 ro OS " Cf CO cT CO Cl" ^- % .5 s c: oc ^ ■* in in CJ OS rt CO o CS «; 1^ -t ti i> >r M -- m IT o r- m r-l ir CS CO G -f CO 1 S "8 c^ cc " oj" c- ■ lO h^ cc " c-^ of CO co t-" -T -f g" fH in ! a 5 O" rH CC ?1 X cc -* O to tK in i^ CO O -* — 1 •n 1 P ?3 o- c IT -* O 00 CC 05 G lO C3 O ^ CO Cl C- .-H 00 1 (§ c r" " 00 «c "c cT 00 in cf oo" -H* r-T (M rt M eo CI c^ (M (M ca CO C^ CO •-1 Cl CO CO CO CO Cl o c ec G> m S> CO Cl —1 in c -H Cl CO o 6 oc s S o Cl O G CO o Cl OS 1-5 OS m t- s S ~ n (M O ? c- -: -* CS t- CO t^ bo c in ^ t- CC CC c- o- UO 00 c a ^ oc ir- X o q (X o- c- c ■^ " O CC c o6 t^ X G X un cT ■2 a c5 rH QO r- •^ t- ■* "T ~ in ^ t^ o G c CJ G IT L- o o ~z c O G o o 1 o c -* c X tS G CT *^ "O Cl 1— f Cl X c r- in c ■>* ■* -* rH •^ o oc OC G X t> O ao ^ oc c^ c^ oc uo cc G c OC cr o § t' c^ IT CQ 00 ■* 00 -^ IT oc c" s ■^ o< t-" t- ■<* " o o G -* t- <5 CJ 00 G OC ■* rt c^ oc « ^ d '^ -5 <= cc IT- r cr cr Cl C5 "^ ^ 00 r Cl -r oc O e tn ■^ •r ir c X -r oc G — ' G r- ,^ ^^ h-' C " « ■ G o" f' IT ■ ^ i o- t^ - a Cl oc c >^ oc Cl oc -« cdt>i>odododc4"ododot-^^co"- C4CJ003C4t-'^COC5(MOO'<#M rr.^ o <15 WS3 5 I® Pi OOOOMWitOONOOO oorcrtOTfoCiHW OOCS-^CDOJCOCDOOrOWl^ CO O CO iM 00 (M CC ?0 O O to -^ -^ CI r-1 i-l lO C] »o :o ^ IC -rjf »n CO N 1-1 00 (M CO « O O .-i i-T la -4" ci" CO «-t f-i -^ 00 t- ift ^ '^ w lO r-T ! o r— CO o CD c^ t- o: t^ CO t> cot^octooooi-icoir^t^ooo-^jtcfl ^coc^coco:oc^GOr-i CO -^ t- O 00 »-. t> CO rH O O ift CO ift C00Cl>00-^00riO'MiX>00'*C000rH t* (N W i-H W -* N rt tH tH CM 50 O tJ* t- ift (O jg C; CO O t* "^ CO ir: 1-1 -p t* -^ O ^ rj< t- c: c^j T-i 3^1 CO L.*: O C^ -^ W 'H' o t^ CO c: ^ CO o CO O Tj» t* CO o iAt-Hi-ii— iifSC^lOCarO— ^COT-l(Mt^-*-^00l>-.- CO CO ^ O 00 OS CO CO !>■ OS ift OS iO CD (M ITS — CO W ■^" CO t> N CO tH rl C« OOCOOCMNCSOO"-li.'0'-«(M(M OrO-fiOOOOOCOOliOC^lCOO COOCCOCiC^-T^(MOCOr-iCOt-^ CO CS tr^ ■^ ia ci '■^ ui rH Oi" THt>'t-(CCO>COCM^ CS ^^ C4 00 00 CO 00 Ift O C) 00 lO CO CO r^ t^ cs i-o o .-I , . . _ . _- _ - . . .__,_._ Ci-^OSOOOOCOi—'C^t^-OSr-tt'-OSOOJOTj't-CO 00 o cT i-T -t o o -^ t* o CI CO irs o CO OS r-t rH O O CS 00 CO Ol lO Ttl CO *— ' "^ "^ ^ »« CO 00 l^ lO CO 00 O TJt T-i C3 to C^l 00 cor>o»nt^iftr*oocoo coioi>cooococnr^cooocar-«'M COtJtCOOCOC-liOCO O'^J't— CS-(J o 00 ou 00 00 00 00 00 00 r-< 00 00 rH 00 00 00 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 371 bis- S «,- to o . « o 1- C! o CO ca CO CO ,_, Q OS CI CI 00 cs 2 n ..^ c» o C-. CO o o CO OS CI ? Ci o fi s CO CI Td o CO I- OS o o in cs « = c fc-'C >- * a =" ^ -<" CO' oo" in r-l i:^" CO cl ^ in cr^ t^" -li' co" CI '^ co' -•" (.-r S n o -S « E 2 .t- t^ "3 q ~ C*: o o o ^_J '•11 ,_ CO in Oi CO I- CM CI ■^ in CO CM o o o c: ^ ■* CO -t» CO 00 C3S OS CI i~ CO c2 l> f-^ « u CO in in l- C-' o in" o I- in iri t-" in cm" ■>)> d 00 o CO o o" s CO m CI CI •w r-l C4 rH o c-'- h- -t o t^ ~ ~^ ^ ^ oc C-. ~~^ CO 00 in o m -f in rt i. o CO CO oo oo o T CM 2? 00 _s Ir- t^ in t- o CO o t-H "•51 CM en in CI fH IH •* iH d CO h C^ l^ CO ^ rs c< gl d ,_; iri iri cm" in" cc o" co' t^ co" oo" o l~ -* i> OS •^ CO CO CO C q CO m 00 t- 00 ■^ 'ji 00 ■^ !C tH rH cf n 0& ,_, 00 "* Ol 1—4 00 t~ 00 o C! in rH t- CO OS CO CO in o 00 "H ■n i^ 00 CO 00 C<] CO 00 co o OS CO o .^ o o o ■* -* CO o: CO CI CO CO o CI CO •H CI rH ^ C- ^ CO c^ r- t> oT CO Os" r^ oT c= CI 00 co" CI hT c (M o CO CO in OS OS OS pq CJ CO *"* ■^ CO o m in 00 r- CO <:> in o OS 00 OS o t- OS OS ~co in £3 ■.* Ci o3 CO o oc o 00 00 t- 00 55 00 CM -* L~ E 55 S<1 in d; t^ CI oc co CO e'- S CI \Ci c ^ \C, 00 0( cs' oo' o d co' ci c-^ 1^ 00 o" ^ er Oi ^ "c c-i CO CO o o -t in o 00 OS o 2 q c^ pi m l> o c I* in ■^ d IC c- CO o oo CO 00 CO ■^ ^ c< r^ CJ Ml" 00 rJ ci j^ r^ r^ .H .2 in c^ ""oo" in 00 _, ,_, O ,_, CO o CI .H OS ~^ in CO "^ o oc o CO CO CO OS t- o o t- CO c^ c« «^ oc 1— ■fl< c CM o t'- CM 00 CO OS OS in CO t- o- rH s 'S o •^ CO o e4 o o' co' co' in ^ oo" co IfO in" CI !2 co" cc ^" X CO CO c- ot CI CO O "•11 o 00 en CO t- OS in IT 00 -«! Sh (M in •* ^ 00 CO CI CM o o o o CM CO n CO r^ g^ ^ _CM co' t-' r-i ci r4 CM in CM « ~ir CO CO C5 CJ c^ ^ m OS 00 O o CO o o CO C: CO -t< -* oo in is o c oc Ol in Tjl cs t- o •"T o OS CO ^-^ ^^ ■» c> I- 00 .^ t^ CO os o [., t-"^ co' "f os" c- o t^ co -^ 05 in t~ CO CM in CI i^ N c<: 00 in in CM CO m o >. Ph c; -« CM i-H 05 cq CO O CO o o -X Si o o OS -* m -tf t- in bs CI 00 => 05 ^ c: o cc CO -* 00 CO in •^ -^ ro -* UO cs oo' co" co" 'o fH CO 00 CO 05 CO CO CI CO OS OS 00 o Cl r-t CO OS ^ ii t- CO OS CO 'S' O CO r- ■H 1 CM «D 00 t- ''*< c; 00 -* c O CM m ~ OS t^ CO in 00 CO rS ffi CO o CO ■* OS t"- ^ CO CO 00 CO CI ■^i/ oo in t> in in 5 c o ir CO CI o CI m o ■* o -w 'oS l> o ^ ,_ IM a-. ■^ -* in ■a OS o CO 00 Q CM ocT t> C5 in ir: t- IN ■^ in o o »- CO 2 ui c- CO o (^ ■<* "* iH s s CO ■* 00 'Jl CO CO rH CO 05 «C ■i o in ir o in cr. ^ o CO o ^ ~~^ ^ CO CM O i> tc ; o ■^ i-* C5 ^ 05 o in ■* in t- t- in o It 1 fH >* in 00 o o oo CI CO t- CO CI in co CO o o cf ■*" . E - • o in CM o m N CM m C- in t- CO IVc, 00 m 1 a iS:r.e--:gs Cl i-H W- C3 Bark, and ex- tract of, for tanuing. Y' ir ^ ^ & r- ^ ic oc ._ cc ^ OS o •CO t~ 00 2 CI o ^ oc o- c c I> 00 CO in CM CO e c^ "^ 00 CO oc ■« 'J CO 5 r- CM C: ■ ■^ *" '"' c CM -H S ^S t? o ^ « O « c P- (N C: ~ o d c- c- c 00 ^ ,_ cc o- es rH ^ e^ c c^ cz Tt c ~i c_ cc -d oc CM if*i 00 c oc «o u~ •— o 1- -t cc <= CI O" ■■c ■^ OS CD CO PJ ,_^ j^ ir •£ e c ■^ -r c ir oc o' CC 00 CO 5 CM IT CO c c< oc o ■^ ^ . '■'' o- co CI -Ji 00 oo" o "o I? c- 1- •< s ^g (^ o !5 , '-' c4 !z" W3 jlS ?:&

o t- • t~ t- l- f- • t'- f- oc a a « 00 oc oc oc c 3 OS 3 OC 00 a Q< , oc oc oc oc oc oc o o 0[ oc oc 01 00 372 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. « ^ O r-l o to to in o •i» 3 ^ O ci jq I- -* o> 3> t> CO t- CO r-l C- ■* t:~ f- 3 r^l ^ >n C<5 05 o CO M S; = >5 i n ni to • 03 i-H ^ Ol CO J= e o m cs cz 00 CO CO ■» • OJ t-l rH i-H t- b o C! m N •* CO OJ ^ q e -X .-1 eo lo o» D « o CO o O ■<* 00 CO o ■^ ^^ "N to o * N OS 00 CO -i* b. -< T' Q • o b o in 00 cs a O •« • a. 00 m OJ CO t- 00 .-H in o ^ ^ in :j r- < ' ^ c Ift ^ o> ,^ o O 0-. rH O =c ■< l> O oc ^ in r-l O t' i5 cc o -- o • t- o to l- Wh ir " rv r- OS co t- m (M cr to or to 00 in i-J CO N 00 IT c IM CM n C^l d T-i r-. c Oi ■rl* .-H CV O r-t 00 -H 0-. ^ t- L~ cc l"^ c- e rir rr c o 0> CO t- CO in ^ or ,, •M rH m (T tc CO in cc rii I- 1 <- oc fC c> ir CO o t^ O O t- 00 g 1 r> . r- 00 (^ CI- in -* -H :m in to CO s q *" i-H CO -* g • in If < -H t- .H o -1 -r 05 C- to to t~ t- o -1 •a ^ (M m c ■^ -* t- 00 -* O o ^ CI O O CO Ol .-H in TjT rt N CO* 0) « '' J ? ; ^ • to to !C . >r ! -* to 1^ o t- to CO 2 e 5 ■* (N o C \ '" H -W -* HH CO CO If ) o o » ir 1 c •> If S IM O 00 O) t- O CO Ol CO 00 -^ -* in o" m 'e% ^ M 3 01 J I- T 1- r i" n oT s ;? iT -)(■ 00 C3 p '3" q " 5 T « y c- 1 Ti in in oi -w « ; ! (N o m -11 CO in to Casing for to S O OS . CO to (N ' 00 o> o f^ : O '^\ Oo ?^ WW ^^ «s ^ , , ^ r, :> -^ m to t- 00 cr. o 00 J a 01 3 00 00 00 a o 00 00 00 3 S 2 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 373 5= ea 5 t— 1 C/J <( HH ►J ^ M 3 o 03 Q W O -^ Jt t*- X ^ © O O ITS C C0000S«t--OC>iA00'^O"^C0C^I CJ CI 'W 00 CI rt Ci n ^H M CO b- CI ro -*'*OiCCiaCICO-#irtO'^W'^CO ' c> ci" cT o cf cc" oc cT 1-^ cT '^ t^ 00 cocr«£ro'i--^i-4"irrc£r«oocj"*iro-!irar»--rt^o" Cl^iiOdO'fOOI>'T*coomcicD'^ioooco 00050C10— 'IftOCJOOOCllft OSC CO 1-1 lO •-) CO t-i to oo •-( ClC30«Di-ii-lOSCO^O UOOCO-^COoOOOOi— tOlftOOCJClOCDlftUOO _ irsooi-HeoooorHt-- cot-oooococo-*-^ C0'<:j<"ini--O^cTr-r cToT -* CJ O '^ CO CO r-1 Cq O '^ CD O T-t 00 o CC CO CI CO in t*- i-H 00 05 oT irT od" cf eo" CO t^ CO w p-c CO CO -^i* Oi .§1 s b " ?' -"^-^ £ » U 4- K ^ ■: o M '^'k 0^«^ =3 c ?> i-'-^ E fe'^ 5 2 o O CI in O 00 M CO t- CO lO O .-I t^ t- 00 lo m f-i »o oc o CO cc m CO 05 CO t^ "^ C5 in O -rti CT CO Co" CS 00 cf cf 1-) C4 CI 1-1 i-i CJ d OO CO OS C5 "^ CQ rl oos-^CDooocJincccs«in OCOt-OS— it>i— lOSClOTHt- r-l CO C4 C* C^ in rH Ca^-(r-iC0C10it--^C0»-HC0t^C0t^ -- -^--•^OQOcoi--inos,_ inTj.cooocorodcococ:aiO 00 0-. 00 Oi t~-CSC^OO0000C0C0"^OiAi-H^1OC5-*00 inoooo-*coinco mot*Oi-Hi— (ooinco COi-HOt— C0OCDCa05tniHdC0t>C000 t-C100mO5r-iCOrH rH '^ CO 00 rH »-H r-l O d CO 00 CO ooin-Hcoin<0"-*C005' ------ cooaojdt-oiCici ^jTinc^co'cTodo-^fo _,__ inmcociincot-Hcod inosoodi'-inr-icoi-tcocii— toco 00 CO O ^ CO -* i-H ^ •+ 00"tOCO'x*"r4"cD'''^ inoMoc"^^--^cot— cotni— 'o CI rH — * rl ClrH Mi-t CO CO 00 '<* ojinTfCscit— in*-(oscococ«(M-t-^inr-i --- --- - — coin-^'^dciooini-H iH, t>CO-^OCO»ni— (COi— (COfHCOOrHCSi>-"^00 c4"Qqd^-^orcoodt^orco"cd'co"i-rt>"oo d^HiH i-lt-HCOCOCOi-t e :q CI Oi 05 f-l CS C^ CI r^ -M ^ -^ CO 5s t-c^c-cjo; ootoN in '-<■ .-T cq co" coirac»ooiMC>(Neo« m ■^ "M rH -* IN 04 t- o o ^^ S = e "3 3 Is »-t CJ CO -f » oj O i-< CI ro '^ I^ I>i t^ t— l- I-- t- t-- 00 00 00 00 00 OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO'" "" " '- - " CO t- 00 OS o _ _ .. _. __ -_ 00 00 00 00 c 0000000000000000000000 374 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. . 3J X i- r- — T ir .-r -M s ® 13 IM i-H t- —1 CO CO r- t^ (T '- — ^ OC c- " ro ■ i> o" lo" ta c- QL CS OC c: o .J < q C<1 " ea «4" e^ e- «: ir C tc -* t- I> l- CO C! h- h- ,_ OC ' _ ~- ■" -* uo cc " ^^ rt rt - rt .- •« ■> ?» „ -?«2-| e p c. q 6b s £ B 'i _ •^ ^ tc _ c- r- r- IP CO e a. IT 01 M cr tc t> c CO • r- t^ ■rt cr or nr tr ^ "■ ^ g Ci "" ■^ "" c 5 ifi «• T- cr »r t- - w^ >^ OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 ii 00 oo oo 00 S EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 375 ^_l in CO ..^ 25 ■^ f^ .^ ^^ CO -* c n C4 Ift ou -^ -i t- X •— ' -f C5 t-H ^_ -^r (M o ^ 00 O 00 ^ 7> ^ n c; rH 00 t- « •* in o CO in ■^ ^_, CO m o Cl CO ,H OS Cl C^l in C5 ro m c^ 1.-5 TO ro ■Ws ^ 00 00 "^ re • t- 00 T* ■* C4 CO IM N ■^ CO i-H ao ^^ CO 3 CO no o> o S !2 t; t— o o Oi o- -* CM C-l 3 '^r' rs r~ lO p- M o o r~ -* in CO ■^ ca CO Ch p. •§ _ o <- ^ o o o in o o i;^ =" 2 -M o OS CO t> 00 ir CO »"^ in "1 (2 s ^ ' ^ rr re ■* r- t^ ,_, in in 00 CO ■* cs u ■* i~ -5 o a. F- '"' s. Qe lO •n in o CO o 00 in o fcf. t- — i~ — ' '-' ■•if ? o (§ M O o p Q w i M ■-•J "2 ^ ^ _, o O 00 "* ^ i~ in CO 00 (H ^ X a: *^ < ,. _l i-U •J3 o CO a o _p CO t- O e *-H i-H in ■>; 5C C5 C5 in '^ D ^ in oo o ■* 00 « C| "^ *- -^ ■* (.^1 co < Ed i in j^ ^ _ «> -p o> ^ ^ 00 r-t 00 ^\ oo g n o C^ l- t- ac c* c^ t— "^ O 5 g ■^ ^ in c t- ts o m -^ o t~ Cl 00 CD OS 0) g ^ 00 CO ?- ;c -5 lO e^ cT to c C) ■^ ■^ CI- -a *^ '^ ^_J M o O) CO -* 00 »* 00 CO OS o a oo lO o -K CO 1^ 00 ;^ r-l •c o ^ f- p- t^ -1 o ir NH = o" — ' L" " -^r *c ^^ ,_« ^ r^ OT CO o r1 C-. o -# in 00 c t- c c -^ » o o »-' ■^ i •^ •* ■^ -^ •^ ■^ o in 50 ■"• '^ CO CO 1* CJ -* 00 CO 00 o n- M CI rs r^ t^ ^ 1^ OS OS 05 00 1 ' r^ ■ CI 00 t— < "^ t^ t^ ■ CO OJ r^ ■^ Z -^ * -r 1 ts - t- - 00 Cl o t^ -t ^ t~. f— 1 -»• t- c; If Cf. •1 0) o CO t~ ■ -^ 3 O 1 00 -Ol IM l- n :? r/^ o f-^ Cv ■fl > a. ) tr- t- ■* 00 l~ 0* » 1- ee t- -d (15 m r- 00 o -d o CJ -H r- n a ) u- 5 »: H o CO ^ 1 \t r 5 O t^ ,— , CO m CO lO 1^ ^^ 00 CO Q 01 3 to to t~ in M ^ C3 "a -( ^, CO 00 5^ ^^ ^^ ^-^ 00 OS 1-1 2_ 2. ^ m OS 00 cf o J. « ■1 <- 1 o ^ Cl ro in -o I^ 00 OS o OC 00 00 o o o 3 -t f C 00 ■t •-^ 30 00 00 *-l 1-1 l-H rt fH 376 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. m o a o in c^ t* ^ o rH M o o 1 (M CO c- m to X c o CO rH CO OS 5 00 " c: cs] Hll ■»»« CO IM la o ci o 2 H11 »; 00 l-O Oi M 1 ? ^ o CO Ci o c^ o c o t- o 00 CO CO S^ la l~ 00 00 in c 00 t~ e a H* o © o: .-1 rt o ■* c: i- in e- O CO C£ c ,a § (M m r^ -* t~ c: ? ir t> 00 CO cc o iO o' o im" •-<■ -r o .-I^ t> " ifi ■>* eq n OS t- o O «35 CO CO r-( t— (M CD CO ei CO , < (^ "" CO (N £ r^ t- -♦ CO Hf in ■^ ^ 00 c- t^ oc o o t~ CO cc 1-H t> ■^ OS c ^ "S CS 00 r-t (N _c;^ o ^ ^ c t- to C fH CO S t- cc t-H C 00 a5 •Ol I- oc C-. CQ *f o H S co" l.- -* t-^ r- - — V 00 oc c- !M r- 5 in 33 R, CO I-l to T* OS ? „ ir _ ^ CO -y oo -^ _j ?? 3c C-. .- c- CO 00 m cc ih 00 c^ « CO 00 f— OS s oc c^ t~ ^ ■ 2' t^ <* CO cc (N •o CM oc CO cc C«l CO OS 6 C5 " CM rH CO _ ■* cc ■* CO e^ t> CO CJ CO "8 -H O O ?- in e» ^ OS o CO ^ t- t- to ■* o t- c lO U5 c " 00 -* o: PJ « in c QC CO = c-i oc CO tr ■>* cc i5 CO --1 c- rH CO c; CO t- ■* " ^ o r^ ^ cr in a> c (M C o t^ c^ O rS CO (M t- o o- CO c 'I' r- 00 ■ Cv c (N CO Cs -^ c: o r m SS ■* CO T) t- IT cq o CC 00 ir M cc CO 5 t~' c t- " t~r t- CO l^ "5 <= c (M <= 00 OS M d Q <= t- 05 cr oc 00 i e 'o o TP -» (N fO C ■*" c: t~ t- Ci c^ ir- M* t) <= 00 cc c- CO u a 6 H ^ 00 oc 5 c- cc ■»t O; of o B c C* c -T t~ c- co- O 2 a [ t^ co Ck « .« rH C L*" OS c^ oc iM f< y fis C * ^ IT t-^ — o- CO ■< (^ Cf 0- ev CO c in o S o "I~ _3 in s 3 a o J_ - oc t> t^ t^ t- l> l- l- oc 00 oC oc 1 00 oc oc Oi 1 x oc a a a oc oc oc oc 01 01 a oc a o oc oc oc oo 1 WJ Wi UU Q J:;' 5 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. O < £ o -* ; ; o • I ? ■ o c> o in . e CO 00 t-i 00 ■^ • CM to 'as K rn" rt rH ■* CO ^ •» >n of t-" CO fii a g s • O O 00 1 • O ^H lO 00 . O lO N s 00 2§ 2| s dO o 1 00 C5 CO ■ CO 4) <^ ; • CM CO !0 CO CO ; • O 00 o 03 00 m O .9 S . 00 !S CI a> to Ea . i-( o> CO «5 S a « 5«^ 2 I (M . o o ' m -H ■^ ca CO b- CO ^ • CO ■ o o ■ rH 00 CO rH CO rH 03 Cl in • rH C4 rH CM ■* -* oc 00 (0 2i| 00 S3 d e « ■ o CO CM CO CM CC C CO • 00 'J' t_ O • lO in 00 -H 00 CC 03 ^ r-( rH C^ 5 rH '* rH > o <» ^=2 « o r~^ •' 5 t' C-1 b- CO "* rH t- CO T- 00 i> 00 00 N S (d V c 1 Oi a ir in CO S ■< c c > CO ev c^ 1 O C O r- a rHcot^eMt~c:co-*c in Pt -s J CO If C^ (M in ir f oi" 00 IT 00 e*j ^ oc t- t' 03 CM IT ' t-^ to" in <» X in in Cl in ci" 'H^ to" t* 00 QO" _ O 1 5 ?5 .r O > -^ eft o- CO oc C3 00 =3 ■^ 03 t> Cl CO 03 s s ^ 3 in 0- c 5 CO rH ir CO CO a- ^ '^ CO -a- CM CO c ^ 1-^ r-^ r-^ f-^ T-^ 03 1 g 43 © c- • >-l c o t~ t- in l^ 00 CI t^ Cl "^ -^ 03 CO he o' o g 1 < -* tc C5 in -■ o S p 1^ ' uo a c ' ci to" oc T CO '^ 03" oT ir " 00 cT co" in co' cm" r3 ? ■a! a J o t; c OS -* t- ci — 03 t- 10 cr Cl 1- - in 1- ^■i § 1 c a 00 CO CO ■ 50" in cf in i.- in CM c 00' ^ t' tc 03 t- rH t- CO t>" rH" DO r-T 03 to 00" H S H rt (M CM CQ H Cl Cl CM rH 3 » in Cl t- . -# CO * in C3 00 ca r-T to" CO CO in CO 03" p, 1 o - rH rH CO CO m fts rH d rH i ^ IT oc ^ to in t^ ri CM 00 C- t- t~ 00 in ■* rH CO a C^ c- CO C3 d 03 00 I> CM CO ■<* t^ rji c- u S'l e-1 a- 0- 00 rH ■* ,- 03 in CO ^ CQ S CM i in ci" ■<*" 00 CO CO cf 3 CO m c- CO to rH Tjl 00 00 CM 00 rH t- CO .a q '"' C4 r-i '"' CJ "3 a M C3 c cr t- '^ in rH CO •«# -^ 03 -Hi 03 in 03 C3 «e l> -f in 00 CO 03 CO Cl CO a S M -8 ca L- OJ 00 oc CO in 1-- in to 03 «o >* t- iC 3 t- CO S tc cT ^H CO CO 0" ^ rH to f^ 03" co" t:: r Qo CO S C£ 03 3 Cl rH 00 H Tl n 0; CO 03 in CO «? ^ to 03 CO t- CO rH -*•*-* rH in CO '^ CO CO rH ■^" rH Cm' ci cc" c^ cc ci" co" ■"X" ai oc IT rJ "* <= C- c ^ r-' in "~^ 03 t- CO 00 CO a "^ O »-H o: C^ DO to 00 "^ 03 -^ -tj* to rH 00 CO 03 t- 1 00 00 M o- [- CJ ir c in ■* t- 03 i> CO CO S- ■w "3 « 5" 2 a ' z 03' co' o> CO t~" in t-" '^ r> co" 10 in" in" t>" •D o L* iH O cr tc ■* l:~ CO i~. 03 -^ 00 rH t^ d i^ ■«* rH in (^ CO CO CJ rH CO N CO CM ■* CO ■<* m o a> to oc c tr> r- C3 03 00 00 C3 CO to 00 CO 00 in 03 e>s o- 9i !2 ;c in -* in CO Cl CO t- f- o a 0- O CO o c^ c^ c^ m to CM rH t~ CO Cl rH rH t- p 1.-5 O (M o- ' CO 1*" CO p^ in rr" 03" rH co' rf" Tt*" I:-^ C Oi cm" S t-^ 1^ ^ P c- c* c; to CO CO to Cl 1- *c tt •^ in to I' c- in CI c in CO rH -* l- 00 00 rH •* !• ia -^' c. ; ^ 1 M «S ^" Kg •<1'-5 1^ N t^ ^ f2 ?I t- CO r^ oc 03 r- Cl CO 00 00 00 00 s ir CO 00 r-- ot 03 00 g 1 ^ ^ t^ 00 00 00 00 oc 00 OC 00 00 00 00 o< oc X. cc 1 378 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. Q I ^ P w H w W H 1 ,_^ -1 -H t~ -* to rJ 00 -o ;: CO ts 00 J C r - li r- 00 00 rc r^ 00 M m r^ ^ B :3 = " 1 8 ■^ -M t* m f- o^i: : o a S < S 3 « f:) M M c- c^ CO CO to m r-( rH ^^ CJ CO 00 to to -* 00 in - C-) _^ -- CO -H 00 -* -« ^ in CO -^ ro 2^5 CO -* p; «> H 3 H!5 in !• ,^ ^ 00 r- 00 00 -* tH „ CO -)< -* L~ ■M m c-1 to .-1 5o« .-1 00 t- oa t^l Je a; "* W -M Til C^ CO 00 IM CO to ^i u . 3J,<1S !• ^ 000 10 ■n 00 r-l CO in (» in in 00 05 Sp = e i 2 » (M <=> m C<1 "* O! CO iH to m ^« ; 3 SH ^ N '^ '^ CO ^ eo T-t i-t CO '-' 1 -K CO t~ t^ to OJ t- ^1 C<5 00 CO rH (M in ^ C-) CO CO ,^rT t- c^ ts Q ''* f-H Tl* 1-1 C^ CO CO §52 ?» 3fe 8 of • in in in n i-H (M to" 00 CO Tfi rt C3 CO 00 of 0" co" -w in" a 00" cf s" C) cs g S r^ n 00 Cl 01 00 in to t- -* 05 t^ rH C-. n CO oq in in -* r5 oc to" CO rt to" 0" t-^ 0" =" 00 Cl" co" iH ca ^ iM CO ?3 i-l CO CO rt CO CO 3 ^ M 1 ^ ^ a =1 ^ I in .— t -* CO CO Cl 1-1 --I to r-l C-4 CO C5 t> CO CO « t^l 1-H *-l ■^ 0-1 ^ 00 1-1 CO CO -31 OT t^ O ''^ ' ^ -^ -^ C<1 = 00 » ca CO S ,. r rj" ,-<" _f f- •ii t~ 10 _^ Tli »M i~ to in C! 0> CO to tH r-l rH PO CO P <1 ^•• ■ I -^ to CO t- t^ in • Ci t~ to in ■ CO CO C5 co in & »; s . ir ^ 01 CO 00 CO -i" 05 to CO in e ir rH to 00 -O GS a> c-1 in in >* a> to 00 to ^ 00 q isl« 5 lO 10 to CO CO 00 00 -* -^ in 2 «— _7 f ~ ■*" t-^ 0" to" c 5 CO 00 to rt" co" 00 in T-T oT 0" -*" ck" -*■ M CO « P (^ « ?» „ a >:! e « c~ c- ) CO e-i TK CO rt 00 i> to CO o» in (35 i-H cT rH CO — CO q CO '"' -§ to tf > in -* CO -K CO (M en m p. M 0> to 5 iH OC CO in to 00 CO 03 » t- "^ h CO 00 N in -11 J3 ■^ ^ ^ to l> in ^ ^ J3 ^ -!0 ?;" :=;3 .^'A t- M 00 » 00 00 OC 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 r-l tH rt ■-( iH 00 00 r1 rH 00 00 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 379 to b fa c i.-5 C-1 in ot. o t- m o to co" o 1 i 1 00 M w • CI 00 t> in O rH cf oT oT • m « 'Ji (M O I in o I- ^1 ; in -*' • o o C) : g S g : in ca iH 1 S : oT ; 1 : t- O o I S g S : g : o co" • rH s o O . = OS o '• te o cc o • £ lo o t- ■ 1 OStO-(ltOTH-*IMt--*-*r- • e-i — • o c Bark, and extract of, lor tanning. o Ol CO 00 o to O M O CO CO in rH m CO CO Art works : Paintings and stat- uary. s 3 o 00 a , =1-; O cS P. ? rt in o 00 c-i S i-l O -0 O -I" .2 C^ to O C^ iM "S -* r-T ,-," .(MOO -^ - s ■ in CO in o « o -HI m . to CO in rH -H c-i to CO • S Til in M rt CO 00 « p.T3=4-; fe =« a o 1 2 -■! 2 Org T. t, o o o o in o M as" ; s • 00 ; § : s s : 1 c5 Si WW - i -t r > c 2 '^ 01 -t .- 3 CI H r- 5 C 3 a •■ c c 3 D - C o 3 i c 2 2 I I 5 'o 3 O V a 3 r -^ i 1 3 C 3 < 3 C C :> ■3 H 380 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. 1 o o m ^1 o 1^ ,^ rr oo o E-< O; ^ ■"" '^ '^ IT o o ■«) o r~ *- -f 30 m t^ r3 2 ^ L'J C3 t- "^ i^ C4 ^ » ■M o t- 1^ C33 CO ^ ^ - c- 3 S TO ^ m — r<5' 00 c a < ^^ »-l ^ p ^ *— u'^ ^ r-l iH CO -* r-t 8 ^ " '^ '^ *~ r-i in u" ; CO 00 ^ : o o o o ,. o ^» 3 Cl rl Cl Cl 00 ^ i^ CS o -tt C in in = Cl Cl bi rr' ^J . lO r- c- ,, r- r- rs -* m CO »♦ f- on o ,^ j^ 5^ » o 5 ■* c; eo t-r T- c: o rf t> nr o in „ h- c^ o ^ T* ~1 _^ __l o3 <15 o "fll oc ITS -* 'X r- '^ ^ 00 co' CO 00 o o t- CO o c- o c -* re in s ^^s m no r- O n „ u* ^ o o in §s ^ « c- o ,-.. in ^ t> Cl "^ Q'S's-S f5 la ■^ m " -* 01, (. J ^^ CJ 1=0 , lO C t. s » ^ = ^ IB i — . - c -' - • r- o in m rs ^ ^ cl = °! E " r 'S -5 b' .S "^ in S: CM Oi c^ « , '^iS'^ • !• o rr o in o CO O CO CO* m CO o o ^ -* ^ 5 mnu -2 " Cl •^ N Cl 00 ■n< r~ 00 CO q-»'i5 = § C; ^ ,. o o o en o C-l !M in Cl m ^ ^ -■'. I— 1 oo o tt> ^ lf5 _ I^ oo o m ,, ^ ,^ „ .^ fcl ^ S ■V -* t— -T c; D tt| 00 TJ f-H rH (M CX) CO CO T)l Cl CO CO ■«: ire CO ^ o L-^ ^ » ^ ni ^ 1 ■>1 ^ o -!• ir. rc 1- c c. - ^ ^ S^ CO Cl CJ Cl CO ■' CO co" ■^ ■^ ci" : p 1 W« I>S?i (^S -^►^ W a N -H 00 » 00 CO 00 oc 1 EXPORTS OF DOME.^TIC MEKCHANDISE. 381 2 ■ cs ^ r: !» -f Ci ci r^ o 00 c: -.o -^ C5 r- t~ o c: lO ■ C-. CO t~ » OS t- c-i in -!• Ti = -■ cr. r- i-T '• rf rH t-T r:" « oT -i in S i-j n i- .-: -T oo o' co es" o" -JlCOr-l.-SrOr^iniOr^CO-tJ^lMM r-l cs 5l| 1 \% : '= § o m in e^ 8 37, 215 201 3, 205 150 3,230 121 1 Ml ^ 1^ 1 8 s y5 •0 5 o ■* z* — in r-l a .5 ■--1 ^ 1 S ■* 1 00 Fancy articles. Dollars. 228 1,201 1,140 2, 165 696 615 791 457 517 145 2,271 1,577 1, 225 2,689 3,034 6. 231 3,991 3,239 2, 605 4,537 to fcC CO 05 s o g H O ■* ri o Tl CI O 1- cc cc oo £ « Cl >-< o W rl O : CO 'rr ■*' A -r m c' £ C cT c -5 s. e ; 3 «S^«^s ^ C) : (J ~ C'= ? E t^ o CI ■ o o CO o «0 00 l- t^ •* N i « i c; o 5 9 ~ 2^ > lit a" 1 c;-— - H.S*? CO ci ts to o rj m o o o t- t- r- oc in to t- CO £ to o r; — ' oi Ti 00 CO CO CO c = c; ** Cl in CI .-1 5-1 o o -* O O 00 -» I' 00 CO to to to ^ in r-i r- M O C-l ■a< ^ CO rH CO C! '-' ra o T. X o •S < ^1 '^ c^ q Is t- OD o o o o to o CO o ■* ~z ~^ o fcty-.S V e cs o C) o m in Cl ^ o •Jgg.^ IM i-i CO c r-l Cl -* o o a s ? "o C2 H (0 O m Q - ^ o t- "^ to 1* oo ^ o m m -* O CI i-n t- " CI = Cl rti 2 t- m Cl o o r-( O CJ c- — C-. '.O 3 5 ||i^,.^.. o to in ir in -* CO •^ rH CJ CT CO CO LO -* ■- CO 6 1 f 1 £ [: i i S 1 o 1 b' C) M - "- - e ~o lO '« u 'S ® •2 ^ f^ cS 6 t^n w "^ g§ ! u D a. All other, and parta ^ ■ CM §1 St; E=2 1 § : S o 5 o o o ,-1 i>i n in in c-j o 00 C>1 00 IM .-1 t- = ! fe; ffi CQ CO 0> IM 00 Marble and stone, and manufact- ures of. 8 CI o o TO COO^ICOCOfOt'int-i-HCDOSiH Or-l(MlOr-l->» -HTf< to to O —. -1- c 1 i a c 3 a 5 0< 3 3 a 3 « 1^ - a c 3 3 3 5 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHAXDISE. 385 ,_t ,_^ e o f^ o o 8 ■* CI B O O o ^ £ s M CO OS CO «o lO OS ou o re (>r Ol J,-'' 1^ ^ lA ^ ^ S! ^ (N ^ OS OS OS s ca „ cc >o t- 00 1" (N (M OS o CJ a> ts X c t~ -r ^ t^ f^' r: ~* 1^ oo' ^) [^ oc t~ c; in CI e: CO c^ o C c^ t- C-l - o ift eo i-o (N in o cs o t-- in o o lO OS rl lO t^ CO -^ — -»i 1-1 t- CQ in CQ CO o in o in o CO in OS o in ■^ to N rH r1 1* ca e3 . ■ rS ^ " > c = 5 jS m Ol 1^ o m ^ Oi ^ t~- ^ OS CO ^ o ^ o rs f^ CO ^^ '^. c- ^ '"'i OS CO ''"_ o o (M o r^ — ■ o t^ ?0 O i.O (M 00 Cl ^ ,.-0 -J ^ 00 O o o OOrH(MCOOOOCOCOOm«DOt-ir:i— .CS-rJ- NCQlr^^ftoo^o^r^lo^^l>a^lft"M^cdooc^- h-OOOOOOOOCOOOQO m O t* 00 05 o OOOOOOaOOOaOOOCOOOODOOOOaOOOOOOOQUGOOOOO H. Mis. 117- -25 kSG COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. .5 3t; o lo 00 m oi in M ■* ot t- Tj* O t-^ o to m OS O 00 L^ o «o -^ l^ c^ - _ ,. O O -O 00 o cocic;cooc;coO'<7'.-i CO C-l 00 o CO S CO C-. o CO L~ !M (M C- t- (M Tf OS CO -* ^ » 5£r CJ 00 IM CO ^ IM (M O O j^ Q OOCQCit-l:-i-IC5(M " ----- -r*! rH O t* UO Ot-i-'t^O.-IOiMO (M -H '^ CO O 00 O OCOCC'tCOfMO.-HOOOSOS t'-0>(MClCOO'-iiOCiiOI>-OOCT:j(M'^OS 5^- o o o |rt ^ S rr a O K (N c4" c i-T Df of i-( ^ 05 Ci CO TJH IM lO CO 4 t* CO C4 CI <0 CO i-l CO r^ 00 o o »-i 00 CO 00 00 CO 00 , , . . -*< ut. CO t^ 00 OJ o ooooQorocoooooQOcn OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 387 w •o p -3 H 3 3 ^ ■^ Cl ^_^ .- o ^1 Q ■ t~ in — C3 in £3 ~ 03 o> i' 3 :^ Msr a. i* ^ o O t- t- CO a 05 in o. M c^ t^ c- in o c3 rH ? PJ CO O (n 1 * m o O lO in in OS CO in i- CO i> c in -«i C4 IM o; c- c C) 13 ^ in rH o ^ (fl q . o o in ^ o _§ ? a S C5 1 ■^ 00 l.- c- co in -* r^ CO cr C^l o t CJ o p Q 03 IT •^ O O P © "2 t- ,-H CC <= CO CO t- K Q ,a o -* -* o- 00 o bi o o o C^l r- ■^ '^^ t- Q g 1 co' ^ 1 ft^ ?! -t] o o X o a> CO 5 Q o o M CJ ir 00 C4 5 (H Cl a o o SO in cc o in s 00 -.* o o O c; CO si *" c^ CO S CO 1 s 0< .__ • 1 O 00 ■ a> c o r- CI- o o ■^ in rH a 00 ■r o tx cc -11 C- rH t- 1 o :5 "t; "S 5 r-< ■* rH o c i_2 "o CO o ^"1. c^ s P c ^ c^ o> > ^^ S oc O CO o o -^ K -*;; o rH 0< a _C|^ •c <= cc 00 O o IT Oi CO -^ in o 03 s r- 00 CO o 03 a ft. D cc oc o o t* -^ O -K CO (M ■« in (M cc oc C<1 ■* CO %. t> -j< Ol cc c- <=> ^ c- (M rH rH Tt c c c I:- a> O e ■■c o o fH C^ rH [- oc (M C5 CO r- a oc rH O CO 1 e; •^ oc "-I cr ■^ W rH 00 cr cr CQ ■- rH si < a Hi C5 •§ o (M o O: cr o -t ir t- in o CC j; o- in 00 o ;g rH cr o t- I> --£> in 05 I- 5S -f rH (M 05 c^ O c^ 00 ex 00 (N l> O O Cl oc X ^ CO 00 Oi 4^ s . - - o 00 to" oT c= -r in" o" c o t- ■ rH cq CO 1 » o CO cr cc C^ rH t- cr Tt "** rH e »H c CJ Ca H n CO ^ o o 1 r 1- I- r- t~ 1- r- [- r- oc oc 00 00 oc oc oc X a 00 03 a oc a a oc oc a r- oc oc oc OC X a o a oc 1 388 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. O .4, to a. M to .* eg .^ o H ,-t e<5 .* lO th tH ^ 1 ir in on IM to o T3 r> a -a tx -1 IC .^ e^ 1- ev 2 C5 H o C <= n »< •« es .«1 c <=> o Q 3 ;:d e^ CQ * ^ IS n 8 o 00 (A O^ ts'S s ■t 13 13 ir er e- c- CO 1 m s p. 1 ?= M 8 rt Cl •§ ir ^ M CO a c c^. c Cvt s T t- ft. £ C C c- <- nr 3 T Cf- cr c es rH ■t 5.9 o iH T t- Cv r- - C) 2 "5 ..^ Ot r li 2 G a > in If > c ,^ r-t rH ■< s c r- "g ^ to a 5 3 Q w O < CO c ) r > ir p< a P rH C r- OT t- >-. ■fl »H c iJ ^ :^i c f is H s « a t •- r- 1- oc a. a. f- " EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 389 ,^ 1^ ^ o 3 on en IM ^ 1.0 m ^ t- t- 01 TOTAL VALUE OF DOMKSTIC MliliClIAN- S 5 co" CiCj CM 1- o •* co' t~ to" to CM '^ p>« 1 O m 00 CO 00 ou 1.1 CM « ^ r-( •^ IN of N CO ■* ■* ■* ■* in •<* •w •»< ■w •>» CM 00 El 1 ill 1 „ ^ „ ^ ^ CO Cl CO oc 00 ^ cS 5 *= a Q r/j cs a CJ CO CM CSJ o o to 00 t- •^ CO c^ CO o =^3 il2 ?• _, <-) ^ CJ o o o » to r. « c < < «§ ill (M " ^-"io ^ o O o lO CI tn t^ _ TO TO o ,. 0-— JO in (N O in CO m •^ a*' ■a IM in q n i ^ in CO ^ ir> en CO en lf» t- t~ or. 0> 00 CO ^ 1 ^5 M ■>i u a e- a o 00 CM CM e^ 1— 1 "S ^ ■ ^ O) fH CO CO ^ N ■* CM CM rH- CO" 1 ° Q o — .i . Ml c-i f_ CO ~r to t- IT CO to 1 to rH CM -* o> to . ^L 1 < ,^ ,-4 r-i t— t t-H rM ^ ca c' la & in-c-^ Cl 1 ls| «0 _, ^ CO lO C3 O S =" IT CM UJ ai 1^1 ^ * nn n ■M w ^ m ^ o to to Oi •- - to = 1 8 ir X c- T— to c^ ^ CO c: CO 00 IT" ^ " — ffl c lO CM rH t- O to o T- IT CO « Tl b bI q V CQ o oo CM lA C5 t^ I C4 o to -X C '*^. ^ 00 in -^ -♦ to c in -* to to -* CO o 1 a o o »-* rH Hjl .41 Htl 1 1 5» _ _ ,. 1^ rr ir C>1 "* -f ^ 8 r c r- IT rH CO Ol CM t- rH <2 •^ Ift o Q •« . <- -1 Cv „ ^ . tr rs ■M ^ to CO to rH UO 1 ?> « -; it r- c C T t- o o o> ^|| 8 ^ C\ - ^ ir S r „ rr - ^ f (- j TS (^ . ir e • c > ir 01 to 00 0> m CM IM 5 gj" "o 1 r- e> cr F- < a- C^ CQ i-H Cl •Sg 4'3< . a S 1- 1 G (M CM N ^ !£ c^ J '- u 3 C t- CO CO -* 00 CM r- 1 1 r- ■■ r- < c^ C c CM r1 rH eJ cm" cf in" 1 C5 |l Waq ciZ; <:"-^ H"^ tH ii i iJ 5 « 3 a 3 a ', ;f oc 00 OC 00 390 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. i All otlicr bread- stuffs, and l)re])ara- tions of, used as food. Dollars. 430 722 S T3 Is 41 • o • o ; oc o 1 • o . ■»}< . in (M *3 in 1 CO i £ 39, 297 100, 284 199, 313 n co" o O •« ^ 77, 205 197, 612 344, 547 in o o o Brass, and manu- factures of. *Cr-iCJiftO!i-{mto«>mic-i-^ CO oc in o Q •^looToooocforinciin'oooo't-^oi t- c i> o 9 1 i-i 1-1 ■^ ;o«>oiMoococ^tO(MintDomiocot~ o- to o O <*-! c-'^corct^Qoccc- mi'-coro^iniocr c cr to o a a "« -<)ioco«Oi-io-j Cl in in .-1 t- r-i cc to c c- s H (5 i-iCOmot-OOr-iTJ COC^OO.-ltOOOlO-O' to ^ o in D 5 tH ^n? C5 -^ lO O »0 lO CO S^l CO cj rr o t^ c in oc C-1 to" ■d 9 t- c t- o> s ^ 2 ■«! CO eq o '.o c: C-. to c OO-fCO-^f-ltO,-^ cocjiAojtDiraoin co ce to bi O •^ CO o t^ «D o o l^ m CO a t~ .s ■^ CO t- .-H C: rH CO c- t>PJCOi-11000^!0 t- a '-' 5 a i> ira «o i-T oT w ■* c " oT CO oo' to" l> C^f CO Cl c? i> 00 3 CI cc »0 0— 'Ct t7-0 00(Mr-tt-5 . lil-^ e ir- es ir ^- - o o o q«^ q so -3 a OS J o co" ^g 00 C) CO U o in a M S s o o o i-O* Cl 0= S o to o O O S[,I p4 o"- Q ?= o o to in t- c <= ~~^ s O UO i.- Cl or <= ■ C" Cf o "3 O Cl O O i» in O r- CO f-l I> C5 O •- S to in -* CT CJ c^ ca ^ i-( CQ CO -s ^ «tH ^ 00 o o 2_, ^ o o o ^; to o g a q >e »o o o o o o t- a OS S S 5 S I> t- C^ CO Tti 00 a IT a C5 05 rH to t- t- e^ cr 00 ^3 o 3 in ev 1- *■ w ©'5 iia % CO to lO Ift c 5 1 00 t35 X> C-: 00 to " oo' o" 00 F 1 _l CO o -* CO - c c oc in 00 5 w o T)i in r- a c- M ^ a ' -3 it M ^ ^ CO ■-( r-( C CV ) -s 00 ^'-' ^ i« — T t-ni «xa5a^-T:S5 OS =^"«p,g-=S o So CS S§ Ci=) <^T> w ci c -* i.o CO r- oc oJd-^cico-tuotc t- e ° 1 hj r- l~ r~ I- r- 1- i~ t- [— cooocooooooooc o a> 1 H « 0[ oc QC a oc oe 0( CA oe ^ oc a oc oc S ' 392 COMMERCE "\VITI[ EUROPE. = s 2 = 1 -.="<«- 1 ! 1 »H n s .= .« o 1 s s p. o 8 1 Qi 1 in — — - o o ^ s r-i' ct" 2 « o «J 04 fil 5 to M ■2 ^ >.-^ o> c* O rH .•# O O C2 CO w ^ "2 S S ^ :1 § iH to in cj c~ § •^ 2 1 t 8 Tf o o rH O OO la = -* CO r~ CO to" S s o ^ i-H « to ^ r-T «0 .-< -^ O 00 CO t^ lO 1^ T-l Otl to o O ^1 O « H 1 g i-T o>" 2 "o A o 5 to •§ ;^ t ci 1- c ft pi i a ■11 O 00 -* t- rH O j cc" (N cT o o' od" r-*" CO -ai c<5 c I e ?,--- -"5 4 S i m 1 i 5,5 "3 «§3 3» 1 cq 1 ra 5 = i.P 1 ^ g oj -t« o in -^ in cj o in (M r> N m m CO ■<* *^ 5 = = =* 5 in CI ro s i -«! B C z. ■< J H io Q s 2 lO o in o to W C^ C^ t^ '-- tH .-H 00 -* CM CO i-T 5( r- Ti Ti ri fM ?q oj o t- o u; ira (M m t- ^ c. oc OO O 1— oT 'T^ oT t-' -f^ in" o rH (M Cl CO CI CO lllll -^ t- a. 2 o o Ci § f:: :? en CI t- i-H t- ^ il if o 4 CI CO o S O O d ^ § -s in g =.2 « S § f-H 00 in to 00 00 03 -* C5 in cc o -^ CO to 00 t- C-. to to CO 00 co' in of e2 1 e w o ~ra w in O O • ca c<- C O o o C! \b ■<»i o o • ■* 1' o o o to o ra to c o .5 "^-^ ct r ^ o in 09 to' T-t ra • Q '^ CO ■* 00 ra in ir> -* c^ o -r O! uo m -5 rH rH SSI C<1 o 1 C-) ■V p o c c P o d Cl •* t-^ 1-1 " «- CO ■^ Se, u> c- t>- o CO o » in ra in to t- in (N 00 3 o o 00 to in in cj 00 « in C^ rH rH .ti* .-J* s C^ < s 00 -"H t- 00 iM ^J i-H » '^ O CO 00 00 CS 00 00 si .a •^ c-T tc -riT 00 iri -*" 00 to t^ in oo CO cq to c t-' 00 cJ" s ^ s> to o ra 00 ra ■* m in o -^ rH 54 q OC CO <£> to o t- N ra iH rH IN .H (>3 O 2 »-< rH I— i iH - - —1 .* to o OS to ra in o « ir. o to O t> ra o 00 g H Ci o to -t o ■* *-< ra o to 00 in iM -* OS OS 3 fio o t- 00 ra" ci d ra 00 to OS c~ cs" -*" -T » N to rH i-l rH 13 " to os" CO oT ra' in in to o in so •^ £ c5 o in ''J' '^ o ra M IM r- c- c OS S "5 -H m ^ c 5 cj C- OS i-l to ra 00 t~' ra •d -* — " m' -H " rH eq rH to e :! 00 o s ~TO e c; m cs t~ — 1 o » •J3 H .5 ^- H — 3 t~ ■* O i~ o CJ OS tc to 00 t- OS o> c ^ g ^'^ jz. -X o (M r.< d OS t-^ ■^ cr " t> .* lO rH ef CO 1 § ||1| >5 ra rH ag OS M 00 to to to t- t> o (M in ra It ra o e ^ M cc in m ra t- c; -H to Cl t- C<1 03 (M t^ c. L- ir c- X o to m -.o t- Ci rtt ,3 - 1 "c.;:?^ CO c-i O d" •t " 00 err d" rH -r' f- CJ oc ra ^ _fcf"3 ra -H t- C-. 00 in in C^- •«* in rH ..-* rH cj ra > •^ CO ci ra S MC g.^ ft Oi c- cs C<1 -* t- - i to ro -r "^ 1 ?5 CO CO ^ c- o Cl t^ o t- o in " in oo' in tc t^ to o 00 cs -* -* " to cs" oT d^ ci" c s" "' "^ d d- j o 1 l:~ l- iO o cs rH e» oo ra cj 00 in 00 00 c > in 5 ^ o 1 o '"' T-t T^ i-\ r-l f- ca ,2 « o -^ o I> IT IT in ra to c in c^ to to OS ^T Jl •«l< r- 00 t- ^ c-1 3 I-J m tc to C3 to ra en c 5 1- o- ci ci ra ra o o- t- c- S to to a o rH IM m Ci r in to c ci o o « e> ' ,_ f* in d' t: " ra' ra' ■* ■*" rH t£ i — " c cT ■* J_ N rt ra ■<» ■* C- IC m c- 00 o t£- r - C-l T c^ ra ''^ rH r , rH «-" <►; 09 in O © o -<* ra £'H° J CO C J; 1!^ q H ^ * 6 ^ >. o g 5.2 5 § j a o 5 ■^ g o 9 O ri tc 3 00 te; •2§"9 .«g i IT 03 ir > • s j CJ < IC c H O s in • Cv i p 3 ■»< i O Si PS ^ . few 2= <^ K H J c^ I C" .^ S t£ t^ CO OS c 3 ri CI ra -H" in ; C-^ 01 i c \ d 1 t^ r^ ; S c- - l-» 1- t^ 0( 3 00 m; CO 00 00 c C 00 0( 5 O a ot a 3 3 01 3 a 3 a 1 a a a a 3 a 3 a 3 a r c a 3 a i c 4 f a 01 i 1 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISI 395 o 2^ CO » o o OC O 0-. 00 lO L^ -^ rH CO (M 00 a 7^1 O CO -3< CO p-3 ©2--. _ M si c^t— i^t^i^t— r-t— r^ocQOoooooocoaooocoooo ooccccocooacooxoooooocoooccccQOOoooccco 396 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. 5 1 00 1 >n e-i t-l -- - 1^ in • eo o 02 >* * o si a a m CO 1 OS 03 o in in CO CO 05 O CM g o ?o .2 o O ooinoooooo CO O O lO tC CO t~ C¥i rH W rH CO 03 (5 3 00 lO CI 3,600 74, 195 3G0 13, 536 14, 025 10, 500 74, 687 24,052 a k O 6 *9 4 s J* >-< « S Q ■< H S to Oo a: D 2§ a :i as s o o « e a D o a, >< Q a 1 CO o O 1 t- 00 s - -~ — — r- 2 1 s 1 ■7-1 o i CO to M F - . r- 5 CX i i i - -x 3 O 5 C ? i I I 1 c 5 or J or 3 -^ I 1 1 01 3 0( 3 a 3 01 3 a ? 1 ■1 P- * EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 397 398 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. I oi m O ^ 00 _ *t< -1 1.-5 -I- -A in -r m X in co -* h«- lA \ gag: rs r^ ^ o o >3 o 00 "^ ^ M iH ^ OO-3>O^00^OC-. CO CO 00 CO in i fC t-" t-" n -f t--" t-" cf E-" »■" oc irT IQ CO i.o' i-o" cs CO o" -^ rl a xs '^i if^ — 1 => c: ffi — i-> o o -T O — 1 c:> m CO O O iH M i-moo^oo-*Or-7 :^ r^ cc w (N 1 o" «'* 3 S S rt •<» n" ea" ri" o" -T cf r-^ l>^ C» l> 00 o" H H n '." o = o • o IS ■* --1 • •* • (M CO in » CO !M O >5 H a ,o!-- g £ t- « 00 03 rt O o o = 2-3 e '^_ la S I o CM o c- CO CJ ■* -.Jl CO -* OS « — 1^ o" .-h" -^ »ft cT . c4" 1 s 5 § : ■* • SS w c- H 5 d~ ->? 1 o m • o O OS o o 'J o £ r-i • CO cs o ■-1 CO CO ^ r = -3 1 5 OO ►J s ; -^ 'Ta '^ &=2S 1 C) S^H £ o • o ^.'i O o • o lis tt lO 00 — — • &: f^ £ "^ ^ ^ 4 oi ri -* 1 ^tot>o6o>o.-Hcir- H lO JO 1 - o j o 1 - 1^ 1- 1- t- 00 CO 00 CO CI D 00 00 ) t ) c s o ■^ r- a 3 •i r- o -i »- 01 CI o o 01 3 01 •i 1- i ° -( I- 3 a 3 1 EXrOKTS OF L!OMi;sriC MERCHANDISE. 399 C^ t> O d »o -r o 'Tf* CO -^ O O t- —,,„__.,_,. ^ . - _ _ , t~ in OS o o CJ CO iftt C-I O t^ CO CO O t- rH W CO CO oco-*-t-coco q -^ t- t* 1-H Ol CO (M lO OS CO C^ O O 00 CO CO -^ O O CO CD rH CO m O Cj3 »-l t- lO CO -rp t-i QO o; oT o (MCOiOOQOCOiOCO-t CD C3 C> CO CO TtC'+COi— IOOOt-Ol>-a5-^OOrHOLO ^ cf c£s t-^ o CO L-i t^ cf co^ c" CO trf -^jT cT TjT cT i-T ^ CO^mOl-L.'^COl'-COCO'^iflO rHIft C: W CO rH rH ,-( ,H lf5»ftC0C:;O'M00C0C0C0C0C0C0t^'rt(l0-*O<0'^ ■^OSi— imtHi-HOOOt^tMC^O o ir:) -— 1 ci t* '^CiCDlO-Tj^iOO-^ Cvj CO ^ t- os i-t m th .— ' 00 o CO ccT vo oT tft' cT t^ooooo-^cooooo iH -# 00 CO " ■ -' a CIO g O Oi o o o o CO (M O »0 CQ lO 05 t- «J CT CJ t~ 1-i >0 .-H O 05 Ca 00 t-t O 00 CO CO O X O i-H 'O -^ aa t^ S d" 2 2 K g.-^ -2 - S c *" 5: ^ a* O Ol ■* NIU 5 : a C5 to m -^ CO CO in oo in Ci w (M CD o in - Oi -r^ {_-~ - aCDi-< C4" fH tH rH CO" fff r-i Tl rs l^ t^ l^ ™ ™ ^ COOOCOiOOOOOOOOOCOCOOOOO m CO t- CO C5 O t-H C-1 CO *■ * t-t-COCOCOODOD in . • . • lo -j4 , , ; ; t^ t^ . • I i CO OO o> o CO oo CO 00 00 CO CO o 400 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. o 00 N ; O o CO T- i O rH CI t^ CO o tn ? -11 all 2 in CO Oi t- - IM O C^ « IM ^ ^ »s ^^ 1-1 to r^ rH ^^ c e_ C; ■* rH O LO O to ^ CI CO O r- to t- CI t- CO o CI 00 r-l CO t~ 00 00 00 CI OO to CO CO o t^ to CO "^ CO t- cc o CO 00 CD O rH cc L- ■' - o '"' ■^ 5^=*4 = '-^5 = (^ ci' s 00 of l> to r-T " C) 00 to **^ t^ o -* O o 00 00 OO O to OC 00 CO o C» IM to CI ^ P-l «c «> CO CO 00 c:s rH c- ■^ ■■ t- i~< o lO »-( W w o to rH CO o* r^ 1 CO ^-< OS o ■* en CO 09 CO CD rH b^ >^i^ § CO IM i IM p"'^ CO o ^ c a ^.^ |2 -* ^ =S \ ; '"' "re S (§ t/j o O o O a o to O o 1i is o to in *> o Cl : IM >^?, CO LO C^ CD o; W O ~^ Oi ■^ OS OS t- CO ~ CO O -* CI OS oB 05 cc OJ CD (M t- CO r- CO OO CO O O \ CO p 2 lO l>- t— ^ •* o> o o o w o ^ CO CO O IM CD ^'^ M c- CO ^ o 1— 1 ^ Co o O o o a CI Tt OS LO o o CD rH O ^1 o "o lO CO to 1-1 CO rH tn CI en CO d IM C) '"' rH rH ^^ '"' '"' Ed « c- • -* O to CO oc o D c- CO o H to oc LO eg 5 1-t o h, 3 o Cl ^ CO rH rH T-H O tc 5 a c: o 00 O rH o o H o ^ 00 o- to 00 o o C5 (T 00 c- IM rH o CO a I ir if t> l> CO o l> H l-\ ~ CD r- 00 o ^ 00 CO M -^t CO IM ^ CO IM OS CO r)l 00 CO CX3 CO i!- (M IM ■* to o V CO to CD t:~ CO C^ CD OS -* CO to C^ - '^ <:i to o' O: t:- ■^ CO LO CTj Ca to S -i OS g- cf H CO oc o Oi C: c c: CO 00 to 00 o CO CO -«t -* to CO cc O CI -# o IM S CD Cl r~\ g CD t-^ co" in oo" -* CD- to- ■>* ^" oc t- t-- o t-^ t- 00 CC <£ os' os" -< t^ 3 ^ CO ~ -* i^ CO iM IM CO -* o- O CI 00 o ■* ■* to CI IM «5 !0 00 ■^ CO (M •* to t- O lO o 'i" CO CO -rfl CO C ^ ■^3 t- (M o (M •-H CD IM cr c?- 00 CO c- 'Jl to to ^ "'^^ o" o" e- oT jv- - rH" o" to' t-- CC c ' r-T CS h!" O: t~^ os' lO co' OS- to t^ c- to CO cr S CO CO o r CO :0 CO o P 1 oo to CJ CD CO oc CO ^ cc CI ci CO CD o a a t3 t^ of i> co' c- t-^ co' o" o' cc c^ ■" [-^ OO - ^ ■tf of hi' CO ■* CO a lO o -rH -* -* t> cc cc to OS CD CO 00 cc 00 OS 00 a: o ■* to "cj •H 00 o ?q o CO o CO "^ CD t- OS CD ■* ^ M* QC IM (M o tr 00 rH r- CO OS -t o CO CO 00 IM rH Oi lO ■* IM t- IM I- CD 00 00 o CO c ^ ^ C^ co- CO CO ir^ to" ^ c cc ■ -*' t- 3" c t-^ cc o' of o' fq o I> to CO o 05 00 to ^ c O C= -H OO 00 oo rn rH CJ rH '"' " feg2 . c -* 00 O rH CO j^ e^ • CO O Tjl Q> CC t2 8 to to oT lO' '^ Cl rH =^ j=. -^-s . ~^~ CO in o ■* o ^ ,^ ■H- lO CO OS ■5>l ^ ~ 00 ~^ 00 neks tchei pan of. o 00 00 to CD lO 00 Hj* to <= CI t- ^ r5 00 ■^ C tr- rd ^ 00 to OS rH ■* CI r^ o (, 00 CO ?5 w 2 ^i to CO to io CO CD CI t^ c t- c- 00 O ^ 00 ct OO ■* to to CD to t- o ■»* tx ■* OS S TH lO CI to ts o a Q '^ CO ci fH ] s os' CO «Si ; rl-'-^ Cl CO I> 00 C-. o c to CD t~ 00 OS o 1~ t^ t~ 1- f- t~ t- oc s 01 OO 00 00 00 ot 00 00 OS w 00 00 cc aC « 00 OO 00 oc 00 t^ 00 00 -HI 1:~ ^ OO 00 OO _P EXPORTS OP DOMESTIC MKKCHAXDISE. 401 .2 • C : S : § 3 ; ^ 'Jl • -M* ■ c. ' c \ J. to .S O 00 C3 n «o (M Si r-( < e • of • ■* •0 flO Oi in i3 S m CO ot 3 ■-I ce a c S 3 Q 10 in 00 C3 t^ a V .2 ■«< -I' r-l in C:i ^ 0" CT 0' c- i rt l.- s^ -roma5-*-*t^'Hro-iji^-*iot-.- ■ c: c= CO c: ;o - ■ f^t-mc - C! in ic .-< in 1— 1 fe -* ■* I- r of oc 10" c^ a> -* 05 »n o" in t> CO in c^ «^f m" ^ 5 0) -3 _Cl (Nr-. TjIrtCJIMTOtMi-' COCO0^1"#r-ie-JrtCM,-l ej .s r-IOOt~OOCSOt^l>C30t^ -* - in CO t^ in CO CM TfCotcc:coa>i>o-^-.*" "^ rH 1-1 rH i-t r-( rt 1-H CM -H 1-1 i-l tH 0__ (B 3 , "^ =0 c _, 00 m rt cq CO c- "£ p § ~.s fa's ^ i-H CO CO 00 00 CO 00 u- "^ "* I % ■^="" c ; « o c <= CM -* CD - CT £0 CO CO in CM 00 E .=^ _§ CM ^ rH rl r-. t- rH O to "o "^ P. E- i> ■* K o ® _5 H i. ^ < D ct "t^ U ^ 4 e|"1^ ~[r ~ c .-1 CO ■M rX t> ^ t^ IT f CO c CO C '^ (^^ ^ 00 00 =1 IT C^ OJ c; b = = c = 5 5 5 CO CO . ~ c- Ci 00 00 10 iM cc ir ci" i-T cT c^ cr I> CO r)l -D " CO in -^ CO CO .-1 " 0" t-T CO O ^5-=.=; CS to w 2: d "?f p g O" t^ oq in 00 ir c- oc CO If c OJ 00 c (M rt CO ? =£ in -J in c: -J" t- "- n c3 . B c t= c^ CQ Ir- 1-1 CM CO oc c IT cs cr c- c- ■M in < -* " ^_ c<- " 10" co' c- ir co oS b. C — f— ; "o CA53 q 'A < = ri a c c c ® • £ ^ ^ "^ c l-H 03 r-l -t « co r-l in -( CO t^ ^ "oT" or c c^ c- cc ■* t- c CM ^n a ^ C ^ = -:S ^ § ai IB c 00 (M 00 IT -^ C£ IT iT CO c X c CO X z. ^ " ^ c " in M to" i-T (m" 10 tc c CO c t-" IT " 1^ t- t> oT < c- t^ cq ^ 2 t^ CO 7 c- t> CO 00 H c- »r (0 ^ ir - * S ? <= t- i E X ■* CO 5 C3^ 1 C- co" P 2 If ^ ir* •^ CO ^ -V CO f; eo CM t> » 3 c^ t> -J< C" CO ■* C O) I> If 5 rt CO ir oc -^ c CO CO f-* t- Kg 1 eQ 1-i CO cm" ■" CM CM p.2ii.3^^|||.2 . cc -^ ir^ CS P CM c^ X Si' hI-^^i'I^iI:!^ 5 CO CM CO S-jt-'riJ— . X. aJi** =«p-c-::=,"|3g'3 Cl India rubber and gutta- percha, manufac- tures of. ' oc ■^ CO ir CO ai ^ CO in 00 « s 51 00 c- 10 CO C7 in 1 iH IN t> cc CM CO «.2.§ «■ c- oc g ^ oc CM c^ t=« e CO c T» CO a ^ 1- CO " r-^ <§ OK! ^^ w:j 1 pilS^ ^ M m 'J m CO t- 00 OS ^ c in cc Ex s 3J S 1 t^ t^ t* t- t^ t- t- t~ 00 oc oc 00 X 00 oc X X 2 ^,. X at oc 00 00 00 00 00 00 oc « 00 oc 01 oc oc w 00 iH 1 H. Mis. 117- -26 402 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. 5 <: > 1 . c » ■i — - ~r c » ■^ • t^ TO to ' M cc . to c C £ 1 ^ • to A CO l- . in ' 3 00 03 • d ^ t- 1 ^ -S ■<" CO '• oi 00 ff cs" oiT ^- ! 10 „ ,- ' oT b lA • (M 1 - m TO rH • rH CJ u a o c^ 2 "3 . co oc o • c: w L-5 o -H (^ • CC 03 in ; ^ H "2 c 1 t - o -• T-l o; - ■1 C3 ■ TO cr r^ > rH «) c- ! ^ oc « I- 133 . t- 03 . -i^ TO r-* N i -H CS If 3' t - 00 in • t-T o t^ TO • C* < a Q (C ^ *^ . csi -* C4 to cq I '^ in ^ ;^ TO in 00 c 1 ^ 0> to TO C- ■1 -* m • to X 8 -5" »H t- t - O —1 00 C^ .-1 CO t~ • t- CO < c-" o 03t>C. oo ooooir 3 ^ i m CD I to ffi O 1 -■ C5 tc Tti o : 1 00 (M if C-J • un w |-^ = -*OO-*OMO00r-.O C "^ £ c- o t- cq TO a "e e to C3 to c c^ o '6 ■^ ■"• c^ 9f 9 S o •S to TO TO to C3 ** o CO "■ « ^ ^ o i t- _ i r-. to m C-l 1-1 -* 00 00 to 00 Oi en o Cs 00 ■<* 1-1 03 I- • -* in CO 00 CO QJ e Cs o- CI- c^ C-1 O TO cq i-i to in TO 00 i-H TO -^ evi rH CO ^ C) P3 ^ i c » ■ i> I to 00 ~^ 31 TO 1 in r-t ca <^5 ^ M -* r-l - o ^^ 1 ^ cr IT 5 t. 3 C » ^ C^ to to C< in 3 ^ c - . c = C 3 1 ■5 C C-) 00 < -3 T * c- TO c- 'O H 10 o H tc CR ^ to 31 Q '' I ^ ■■ H Cv T to L ~ ~ . >r C" • c r~o c . „ ^ "^ Oi 00 o s Cv T • c H C 5 — in c^ n t - ^ t- 03 CT "S e- CJ " f c 5" C ^ ^ to" 1^ ^ in o to '• i ■H 5c £ to (M la ^_ c c ^ c; j, 5 c ^ (_, c 1 m f- to TO ~ ^ 3 rH <= t- 3 t. )< to a in c ■J TO 8 c^ c- 5 ^ 3 C--1 -ni c- -* a i- CI 3 =-a t> c " ^ tc ■ , l< c ■r ifT ^ -" ■* oT c»- CO co H to" « blj.^ q c H C i .- D .5 S s R M O IS^ OS o ^ c 15 C 3 c 3 e 1 ,^ 3 TO (M CT OC in to a r> to 5 t - C 3 t- ti 00 00 c 3 ^ II 5 c ir t( ■i a H e-1 c- 3 in [- OC 00 TO c 1 to IS tc ir IT" cy ff f „ ^ ff - ^ 0' t. 3' l> c^ l- to' 00" m CI 3' to 2 c ir a- c 6 C- 1 c -1 r ' ^ c TO Ci ^ o a 5 - H Ol C5 10 3 tc I> r- o> TO ~ 3 J- 5 c^ c- « a 3 a 1 i! 3 OC (M c 3 00 I^ ■>* eq O! in r" 3 Q TO t- oc c- a 3 C 4 O -^ § 3 00 to r- to c q m a S CJ to ,— o- « 2" If j" y- ^ l> t-T -" O" rH C^ t-' t^ t- -■" to a ti -^^ Ol D t£ c tl ^ d ^ H 00 t- _g o TO c <= 3 C 3 O 1 c- to ro c <^ f- ■ ^ i c q" f « ■a ^- a to o ^ to ~~; ? C > If 5 ,- ^ o IN c 3 t* cr CO tc 3 5 (^ in ^ 3 C- t- 00 03 3 1^ -0 s 3 to « O TO o - C 3 to •-0 TO K 00 t~ OC in r- S to lO in to in ir 5 t£ r c > a 3" X) to to" tH if. t^ c o 5 C 3 C- CO If 5 to CO •»* to ~^ 'O K > 00 ec to tl -«< to t- - 33 -* ■■6 in goO V H ti > 5 00 c- c 3 fH C •* 00 tc M a oc - TO Td to" ~, CO ■>! -^ 03 CT i- > TO -r rti3 I-H tc 5 C »o r~ . to = .-- -11 I- ti t-i o c« a ^ 03 --1 -* If CO ^ 3 cj • Cl h" -1 rt" r-^ iH c« o te TO D* 3 ^ 3~^ ~~^ 03 ■^i N C^ t- C3 in in 00 tc 00 « « i h. 2 OJ C c; c- 00 r- 5^1 00 TO r- cq 00 t^ " o &e 00 00 s t- 00 in to c MJ S ?*3 o c r -^ f 00 - -* 00' c- -* c < Cf TO r- — . t3-. -X 00 in 00 TO gf^ to ^ 1 c 0: CO if in rH r rH C-i" t- CO i^ -* CI tc CO "3 '^ Pi ; ; ; fi ; < K rjii >H WD ft f-i r> -i< 1-- :; t^ oc OS § 00 S S 3 s i 00 i c oc cc 00 00 00 a oi a a 00 oc 00 oc 00 oc oc QO CO 00 00 ^o 1 1-H I— ' EXPORTS OF UOML:s1I(J MERCHANDISE. 403 s .g o O ^ -5 o r> X M ■* c« to 00 -^ p< CO CO X to •* in cS i'l o o o o w C5 N = Si a IM 03 <15 i^ ZC o >o "^ u ? o ■■i -a s OS s e^ ^ « O a- IT i- 05 ir a> C5 X CO oo •nt ts tc ta w t; M in a c- » c o cS » t^ t> ^ OS to o ej w o OO 00 00 ■tt o -^ »o lO o to ir 00 00 H O Tl ^ sn o » M c; o g 5 ^ Q o s c^" O T QC ~~z r^ O (M o o o o « QO X 05 CO CO o o » X. M t- C5 05 tc •-1 ^ a- ■* ^ o (^ ~ ^ o5 i" ^ ts o to 00 c- t~ OS 00 ^ o t- to cc t- in co rt CJ rH -* T* o D 5 - ^ s ^ C<1 oo CO rH CI o o^ m" a o ^"1 q' • "^ cc a- c tc c~ ^ ^ -> CO 00 QO ~z X "^ in ~^ OS OS >H o ir c ^ tc eg C t- OS O T 'y CO ■^ e o -^ o in o- 7 CO CO CO rH OS 3 QC OC -* to m •s — " t- CI o r:3 !N o Td C5 rH .-1 M m CO ° rs Cl Q 3 t4 ~T ^ -; j[ t^ c (> -n c- ^^ ej 1-* 00 , l:~ IM rl CI CS >* 'H c5 S ir o C t^ c CO CO oo CO o CO CO H "-' -t '" o '^ o 00 in to •* 'il •< s s t^ oc' o" t- o' ir 00 o" ^ o 00 tx ■* c as Tji ira ir to s H ■" ■" .-o u Til '-' CO rj M ^ CO to Tl( c z 5^ t^ cr a OC IT 00 IT cc to C-l o < p un to ^ 00 to o OS b] tH 00 c- CO -1< 00 LO o c- CO a Cm e "* o to be cT co" pH ^ o w to i f^ ^ o ^ o to t- OO o o ■« CO « t^ tO t- IM ^ CO IM to tc t^ T-t 00 o OS s f^ (m" ^■" 1-H t> t-" Cs' to' w (^ ^. o CJ cc !C ■N «= tc CCI CO o Jv (M ~ IM r-( rH 00 o c ■-0 t- 5 CO t- 00 O l> CI OS to ?3 CO ? OJ » 'M OC CO rt CO OS ■* I< •^ •^ - J^ ^■ - ,. - ^ -^ o ^ ■^ 5c o => s Cl S _l tc 1^ ~-N — Z « a- I> ~n C' CO c^ o in in CS Td f ^ r; CO IM in to t-- o P •tt ■n* OC * QC ■^ OC T? IM ^ c- c o- O CI CO CJ c ^ — " -T- OC QC ^ CI t- » to t> of c^ in -^ ^ in ffl iT ^ C^ c^ ^ o c 00 -* a. CS P^i i <- "■ r 1 ■^ h* ■c o O) n ir J o t- I'- r- F- 00 X 00 X X 00 X OS CO OC X a QC X -e oo X 00 00 X 00 X 00 X 00 s 00 00 404 COMMERCK WITTI KUROPE. - m T- o o § ; o o c £ :s in CO !M a; it) Q ^ t^ CO ir; >-2 CO 1 **^ ® 3 S OB ^ O ■3 rH o ■w ■« o ^^ ^ CJ CO t~ si o =3 ^ &^ '-" ^ O 3 ^=■5- C) fj 8 -tf CO C' m u s* m o 00 o 05 !h 1° iC o _, t- ■^ o CO C-- -t X in o ^ C ■o a CC ■* lO M o 5 X ^ s "^ o w 5 2 ^ c^ l-H ^ IM ■* r- fS S-^ q O T I> CO -^ 2 C T c; -[ CN c- -^ f^ I- tH l- s >o tc 00 c- cc -a" oc *+ f-( ■<# cc CO Tj c- or C^l c- <= o o = F- F- CO m OO CO a t- IT cc r^~ O" IT o t^ - - t^ -^ ■^ t> in 1 r- to c (N oc OC cr cr o cc -* IM C3 p 1 oc a -i 00 t^ f" C-J -t IT u- 3- (M S O -* r- c > c CO § c< c- OO o 0" -Z,co Wiq €^ <^ w N Cv f HI ".- t- OC a o- er 1 -H J C£ M oc ) 05 O 1 r' - L-- 1^ I- t- r^ t- a oc > oc oc oc 3 OC . oc 00 05 1 « oc OC ot ■X oc CI Q< 2 cc 2 oc O oc oc 1 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 405 1 o lO ?* 1.-5 to o ^ o CO t- CO y^ 00 ?0 in cq ■* OS 1 CO fc o ^ o 00 Cl in 3 ro 00 oo o Cl to to in 00 n t- t~ o CO c- OS Cl Cl 00 o t- tc Tj" to Cl V ^ 00 lO to" cii o CO rH o oo" ^ to 1^; in ,^ r-^ t" ^ f^ 5-; to -f -r l.o -r to o 3 CO OS to -* in CO o" o to in c ■'1' 00 cJ in 3 rH 00 to 00 tH OS o CJ ■<* cs 1- cf ii t- 03 It* -^ ■* ^ o ^ o •~o to ~^ CO o ^ Cl "~^ 00 CO si C5 H .|-( c o c 5 o Cl -f o -X t- o l~ -T* to o o o 00 c; o ■V c^ to to o •n ■* ■^ to in Cl Cl in r~ l^ in OS OS ci in CO Os' OS tc> o OS in a in »_; "S M to <-H CO Cl I-( ■^l' CB S5^ f^ ■< J 2 in Cl o 00 lO to in 00 in o ■^ t- 00 lO in OS CO o cs a a OS c> Cl Cl J CJ (N IM ■^ o to to *t< in m o o o to o w !5 oo' oi in -^ 3 ^ ci cc o' CO Cl 00 t^ , m 2 O N IT o o» c If ~in OS o ^ o in ^ o in I'Sgic^ 5 CO t:~ (M o o CJ c O CO ■* tX> o M t~ in 00 M IM 5 to c 00 t- r~i (§ '^ c Cd ■* 01 Si a °° u- CO oc ^ .-( r- -^ OS o o t- Cl o c Cl 00 OS tX X 00 E3 ^ 1 u- t- o to <= cr o 05 to o 00 to l> cs o in c to IT cc c o oc in CO ^ 00 to d CO to ■* H . CJ J- tH CJ in in Ofe O C5 p ©—..jL • i: *^ rO r- oj CJ c t- cr o c o t> iH t- c- to IM r- to cc cq oc 5 L- Cl o Tj »-t O! to CO o CO iH o- rH to o ■^J O cc CO T* ■* CO cf fLi i q "" cq eq rH c O b! © c; o ■^ o oc oo Tfl o -r ^ •* m 00 w o t^ o oo Cl to to in X p« W ■^ en o oc OS — oc '~ S o to 5 o o o o -* in a ^ t> c-. o' — oc to O! t o C^ X c ^ in cr in- i-t ^* cr w 00 c; oc ■* -» © H 6 *" _^ a i in o CO ir u- cr to t3 5 in o to to t= cr t- a to a o 5 Q o in Cl" c- c tc cs" _Q_ D- '^ tc rt -* w ^ CO in Cl X cr O rH S3 r- « Cl » cf ) 00 "* fl ■^ 00 c ^ 1-H a cq O a o o N CJ cc co' in r-T ■* oi ec c o( (N C o cc 00 in ir o OS 00 to tc « cr- ■^ cr 00 a ^ § o- to cr ■n cc o Cl cr- cc cc ■^ OS tc c^ o "3 ■r ja-5 c- c< 1> o c oc to o to l> o- a ^o9 l-l o C<1 cc Cl Cl Cl oc c a CO « to _fl q c CJ r- CJ X s » -"S jj oc 33 OS C-1 oo cs l~- ^ o •p O in CO OS ir P- t^ to S » C3 . ''; -t oc ■M o f^ c OS -^ c X CO J ir. (M O! t in cc en 'i' c CO to X oc o- cr h- -K a oc t~ c OO OS CO to" ^ ir o- co" o cc c^ t: OC in cc t> o b- o OS 3 o o Pi P3 a to c- m tc cc in CO c. CO -^ I^ to OS CO -^ ir to X s ^ T~ -« 30 to -* in in 00 in ~~m in o 00 o ~~^ ■* X -tJH cq 00 -* ■^ a c to ai -1 '^ oc OS t^ a> 00 OS o >j eS _s ■* o OS o c^ Cl 1— 1 c- CO Cl r-l CO CO CJ of * ir 0( 1^ n (M to o I> to cs QC IT o" o X c cT "o co cc S O oc c o oc tc O o >* 4ft q ? cq ■^ •" Cl »i Cd o eq •>J c< OS in lO ■>) "^ CO o o to 00 in OS ■* X ^ o l> CO -J( in ^ b- cq c CO ot to -* OS ^ t- •^ t- to OS o ? t- 00 CO c c ^ i~- to OS c- t- O ^ »- ~ r- in c< CI r-l c OS ? s c -1 ir c oeJ 2 X 00 rH o ~ ~ oc o o oc tc ^ o- a- Cl • a a o: OC tc E t> -* "co '^ o tc t- « c- 1 Cl ^f 't a tH 2 ■< •< i in 1 £ _« (§ in i -' -' 1 to ^ i ■«1 o c-S .*tHeo t-tO-*0005CDO5CO .*Mcooot>tr-oom •*' N Co" M t-" 10 t> -fl! Mowers and reapers, and parts of. 1 000000 CO « 00 «o 00 10 in 00 in of to CO CO 10 rH C- 10 .* CO la 22, 175 16,245 15, 016 13, 696 10, 920 11,079 43, 861 C!3 S c CO 00 ot If a to 5 1- r- oc oc oc o- 00 i a cr oc 0( in ti o< 00 o< a 0< s EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 407 ground or l)reiiared, and choco- late. 1 . o • CO o • Oi • 00 : S 1 fi § ^ in 5; ', in . N il Clocks, watches, and parts of. 2 § '• in fM . O) OS o o 2,862 5,143 3,506 15, 008 10, 725 2,402 4,471 a z >J tn a g Q ^ ill « Q o o in o 2,329 1,490 432 2,435 351 176 346 2,149 ii m CO 5 s o o o o O CD o in in 497 3,077 1,409 ■* Casings for sausages. (a) 2 o o Carriages and horse cars, and parts of, and cars, passenger and freight, for steam railroads. 23, 191 6,650 1,285 32 -ei^s-- to o All other breadstutls, and prepa- rations of, used as food. 5 o in o CO 3,298 2,102 1, 241 317 337 903 1,394 1,951 o (S 576 164 26, 192 in in oooi-it^oin- t- CO M in s 121 2,306 13, 451 1,461 12, 350 20, 589 6,470 12, 346 § i o IN o oo" 158, 678 99, 120 105, 991 23,914 38, 088 15, 523 22, 460 3 • o in OS O iH in CO 133, Oil 70, 400 93, 897 22, 5-:4 42, 018 16, 508 26, 000 - o ^ 2 : e : 15, 652 217, 093 171, 575 81, 115 35, 870 101, 000 19, 505 273, 174 218,537 130,679 37, 649 98, 195 00 oc CO oc i in oc «o oc 00 5 OS 2 o a oc 00 oc oc oc in o< to oo a OS 00 I-l o 408 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. o o o o iO »- l~ I- t- I^ tD o oo o ■^^rscoootM^^rotocooi ca e^ c-i rH I— ri C4 r-l -♦ •* O in O 00 O N 00 'fl' c^ L*^ ro ^ w [- 00 (N O O t- O rt CO N ■* r-i O c-O«0iO.-('*00C5C0OOC ^" OCOOCiOCO'*t>i-l ^,- _;■ r-^ o" -t rn" ^ K o •* ■^ CO o o ^'i t> 05 t^O O O O O 00 (N O t^ CM OJ 1-1 r-( M 05 r-lt-.t^CDOl^00t— r^CMCOt* •^i-HCiOSTjiOOCOOO rH 00 (N CO i-HCM^t^fMCMOO'^^OOSOi M -*< ir^ :c> t- CO O) o 1^ l~ t^ !•* I— OOOOOOOOO: GOOOOOCO -H Ift CD 1^ CO Oi O 00 oo CO CO 00 OO Ci 00 oo 00 00 CO 00 00 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 409 Glucose, or grape sugar, c *5 2 i c X t-1 CI 00 0» •3 CI O CI QC -t L- O O — •? 00 o -* -r rf in" o Cl —i ■>* r3 Glass and glass- ware. s O § W CO iH a s i H D O IZ 5 D o is »r 5 « 1 --« 1 c5 th in o t~ a rH o 1 CO 00 O O 05 -* O ■« CI in -* C4 CO I-H "* ,-(1-1 r-( 03 < "C o a a u O 5 o ■^ m o in OS o c-*t-,-l(M 00 rt C) O iH (N to t-l in T-H CO t.. t^ ^ q a o in o in 00 to CO 00 i- r^ to C-I ^ i^ to to t^ o CO o o o o o o o o in in t- lo in O 05 rH CO t- c-' o' in oo -+ cOJt-COl~0(M OCiCOCOOOr-iO OdCO-t^ OOW C CO CO t-iooccojccoinoi w t- oT CO 00 o t~" CO CO -^ C5 rH >* O Ink, print- er.s' and other, a 5 in India rubber and gutta- percha, niann- factures of. o to co^oioomoio oe©ot^Cv»4n-H*co oino5t^oicio--<■ of o o w r2 e 'o 1^ CO o CO r^ -r O O --H ci cJ t-" rtCn«500-0( rH c4' r-i' Cf « m" m 3 1 CO CO C5 01 O t~ 05 -K OI Ol CO 11-^ 111 to O) Lamps, cliandelier,s, and all de- vires and appliances for illumi- nating pur- poses. 2 o o o -* O Ol 5 oi o5 o m OS o 00 o »-" oi in o O 00 Ca Ol •<)< CM Jewelry, and man- ulactiin;.s of gold aud sil- ver. 2 1 S ;;? g CO CO CO < <° iJ a gg Sg g fa •< 1 a §io1 . ° 5 £ a » JO o in in CO o ci 00 C-J ^ CO OO -H m ro r-l 00 r-l oo" ,4 r-n" ,-r Ol-^"*— I^OCO oocaoot-c^c^i^ ocoint^GMOunoo CO Tf of f^ of N cq" CO «3 g ft 1 CO L-' r^ in 03 CO CD O m >n Tf* OS rH r-t 00 CO CO fH rH 0> lO" o o in 05 lO OS O CO CO .- C- CO t- rt og CO 00 in .-H t.^ to" 1-1 t-t OJ s of 3 >4 o I a t- oc i i o c^ oc a ■11 OC a .r oc C£ 1-^ a a 3 1 i 412 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. i^a "3 j; oT y c- c be ^ fl t^ » ^ ^- (M ri i-H CO I:*: t' ci o o 00 OC3'*C^OOXOO^OOOr-(C:-^ lO r> ift -^ 00 iH t^ -rj" O O C^ -^ * -t OD CO -* M 1.-5 r~ -r CO CA _, Q C5 cr. I- o r- o o c. 05 ITS CO o -c C-1 00 CO CO CO 2 00 o CO -* no cc i £ CD g CO l.O § o in 00 00 •* o c-1 O! o CO CO o ^ CM s 3 c^ C4 CM ti -H ^ .-; « C4 CO ■* CO -* o o CO o c- 00 00 t- O rH irtdOOlrt-flOOO m o CO CO OS W Cl ^^ I" 00 IM ir^ C: lO C; 1**5 cc u"^ c^ c: t- ■^1— -Ti.OO^^COC^-(*OX CO -^ lO CI CO n Tt t* o Esor-ot^ooiocsomirirocs to CQ « OlOTji-^-*COCOiO'<* »ncoi>ooo6ioosoiHcaoo OS CO 00 O OO O GO CMrHO^MirSOSOOOOO ^i-HOrHC003GOi-lOOC*r-lrHCq O ^ 00 -t ^ •-• CO Cl o t- O ?0 I— Ci t^ t^ ooiocr3c;Oi-ic^r:i— cooiMOOt^ocooo Or)C^C5Wt:-t>t-0 t- O O 03 00 lo t- in t^ C3 CO '* -4< OS ■<* i-H -^ CT* o 00 eo M '^ i ^ in no 00 ^, ^ m lO in ^ to O o in " r-t O r^ i~ CM CM 00 t- - _ CD t- m - . Q CO 00 f-l (M lO CO o oo o o o ^ c^ o uo -* cj L-^ ca t^ o OCO^' CO f« ,_, CM L-> CO 00 % a 00 00 00 00 00 r-l 00 00 00 oo i-( rH 00 oo 00 00 00 EXrOIlTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 413 rH .-T t-J '^ a 5 < c o z. ■< t- ■«: Cd . o u g » s B< ?3 O O CO O I o p o § H g —1 00 to in C3 o" CO r:;' -!■ a 00 (O c-i M • o • in ji> 4,180 128 10, 4G0 »■• rH h- rH 05 tfi — ' CO l:~ O ;: CO r; » o S to 00 O CO i to ci to t- j£^ 00 t^ « (M : § : g ? ' cT c-i • to C5 o • ?i o in ■ CO to t~ I a> ci . CM — a"? o .> _5 3 oo" o c3 r~ = in o m ■* 00 to' CO r-T s t- inoooint^i-Hin CO •* CM in to I- o in os^inoorHi— (in inod'r o" o in CO o o CM cm" oooooooo O'.iiinoi^ooo ooountotocioco cf o" cT c-f C2 in co" .-<■ o C5 (rj en ci in to Ci CM-rfioctotocointo 15 o to in s CM O CM CO C» t~ t« CM t- CO 00 r.<" CM r-T c; g CM to O O _ r- ^ o CI ^ o M m o ^^ in" cs" CO 00 ll o o C-l -a s 1 o to c3 = ^ 4 O O -J M O CJ tOr-OlOr-CMOCMOO CO CO o -T C-. ro C3 ^ in '*ini-i a. o OC CO CO ir a 00 OC oc a a ^5 414 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. • ; "5 m CO • in o C5 o CO o o .a CO • T o in .n o c: o c ; "* F- Ol o ^ -* . "S < Q ^ b- ^ S -* 5 cj o" ^ Qi 'S =5 ® J3 •§ O o H c- to o: g a r-^ CO to" ■§ 1 (N s be s 8 ._ CO a ^ CO 00 c o o in O s .a a (S 4 s CO t^ - s ;3 CO M !?> 1 H fS O) r-l . o 00 e- ts . O — 1 -H o C^ o in in Q » m . O 1.- c^ tc CO t- OS CO CO 1 O c " -^T ^ • ci C- " IT ^ tc " -♦ in to " to t t^ CO o •-I rH T)l l> CO cs 1< a. "o tM c; 6 2 "2 ~ a c o in 1 O -f „ ' r- te M ,-1 u- s c- t- . ro c: CJ tc • c^ CO o r- r- lo a Q •< to -<* IT ITj ^ ■ oi" of e: • CO -i< I- c-- c^ CI oc ^ s e O 00 00 C! C» CO I- o ■* o c^ t-i rt O <= m CO t^ 1 5 R. 04 I in r- c oc I o to ej CO !M to •* i 05 . .-1 -* cr o to in tc CS t^ H • C-3 C^ 30 c- '• in I- o a- oo CO ■«1 &3 13 e ■ -tjT I- t~ c ^ . in rt -- ■« • -^ 00 -^ C'l t> CO 2 o o- (M r- r^ ft^ 5 in 05 O CO C3 Oi IN m o CO o bO s 00 .- m CO in o H 1 p O C-1 to o ^^ tc t- o 13 o •* o ■-I o 8 t> to" in c- co" a o e^ -» t- « -K C ; ^ „ c: c tc i '* -* in OS c r-l If CO oc o t- O If . o r- tc in CO to 00 r-* c Oi £ <= 00 00 T- . 00 t: ^ K tc : ^ CO cs ■* r- -r oc m e a (T "-<'(>" a • oT tc r- t- t c r-' o" cT ^ " ^ cT o cr ■ If3 • in c c t- i^ • If " in t- -"t c in or o c5 S| oi l^^co Woq $g W^ H C- to I- a (T c (M C- -1 tc t- oc o- '=> 1 t- t- 1 or cr OO OC a cc oc oc o * rH t- O CO CO 00 c-1 •'ii c- o co ^ lO in f; § 3 a w o to rH cf CO o to CI o to 35 IM O 00 o ^ Ol o im" to ■01 in o IM O to CO t- -41 00 t- o ^ oo in o o ira 5 § OS r-t t> to" ■a s OS to o C5 05 O O -11 O ..-5 UO l> t^ i-T to' M .-H (M o 3 01 ^ to t- in" rH ■8 1 O O O to C^ o rH QO t^ to od o" 00 ro « CO to" 3 g5 cb oa a ■< Sen ii CO a 52 t r ii ^ Q o > § 0. o a § >< 2 o 5 3 3 o (M O CO C- IM o ^ ID g g S lO IM to -*1 to o l>r 1 00 O CO r^ 'O T-i si Ol IN O0!^.-It0l0-*(M CO OO CM CC to CO C-1 lO OtO-*100tOl-OJ -di' to" Oi sf to M os" to" to IM in ■« iM ca "1 s (5 o o -* o to o o o o 05 O--?7C0rHin-! s, « o Q O B M O S =s - ?: e 1 MOO CO t^ o 00 C5 C5 t^ O O C5 CI in in CO t- to 00 OS t> to r-4 O 00 05 th" to" to' t-T to" l> iH 1-1 « 00 i p s P t2 ■* to ■-H in ■-H 00 T-T IM O IM to in -31 r-i" oo-*cotoooi>eoeoe i-H e 6 cc o S o -h" CD in o in C3 in rC I-. ocomooooi:-(M'»to t-— iinojooco-iioot-c4 oot-cst-dOci-^-^xm o^-^cicocioocfinczT r-HO (Nc^oco^eo ■-H in CO CO to t- 03 to a o Q -!! O & 00 TS 9 o ^• O CJ rt CO s s 3 CO ^ q lo in CO C5 o -^ C5 o -?■ o 00 CJ d C! -* f-" to — ■■ c" r-T rt CI 1-0 •-< q CO t- in ca o 00 Cl O rH in -* OS C^ -^ '^ CO co' o" to" o" CS O OS 00 CI CJ TH rll iH o o CO in0100Q0-*lM00(Mt~0JOt0 (NCOOCO-^i-Ht^-^WOO-Tl^t^ rtinotoocoo?^co-*rH t-T 00 to oo" 00 oT rf -* tC CO i> to' tH ooiNini>ocoi>oo-*t- rH r-l .-1 CO ooocqinooaiot-mMcoTfi r-^ -+ 05 CO Ci in CI 00 CI 00 t-' ^ coc^itoincJL^'-Hoco'^oto coinco^oTT-Ht-^os inininincT incac5c»t-i--Kci^iH-^ci w i-iooint-'<*''^Nco Station- ery, ex- cept of paper. a 2 1 t- CO 00 o to O OJ to -« 00 O T* 1-H O a 2 "a o o CO cf in o in o "" § ;^ S 4 o o o § to" o o o o £ § § § C o P I 2 1 c 1 s -a ; t - ex c 5 5 a 3 a 2 g a EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 417 t^ m o oo ■ot>inoorHoo-*coin ei -f t^ o CO CO ■rt » O »i •< M •« tC U o> ir "' O QC C-l CM to l^ 00 rt rH rH c— — ' o> ^t*oco — (ocn;oc^'*:o-^o0r-)r-i C~ M t- 03 I'n to g « cm" cj in -i o r-i" eg" ad irT i n o cT o in r-^ to" Oi eT irT TOT VALUl DOME MERCi DIS -S '-' ^ "f CO ^ S rs t- ui CO o - - - -' --D -^r o -^ :o O ■* C) -* -H CO P- X) -1* O t-- rH :^ ** t* 00 "-t rH en o xj to in q -^ CQ (M rHCOCMCMCMCOrHCMcJ CO CM CO eg CM CO «,S . '^ / ^ • • O CO o o ' CM o CO • eg o n CO CO ■0 00 CO S F 0) i> • • O CO o o * t-f ^ f~i • to CO in in ^ J t= o ill •J H Z • in CO rH OS '• in -f rH en" . Cd -J< rH • CM iH rH . CO •* : 13 "^ : ^ £> O CO m CM t- CM* to" in rH cm" oo' * • R: '• o '. tn •" o '■ • o • O CO 5 • I CM • CM • » ; ' ' '• . . in . -OI rH ■«: o w CS 4 li ~ , -, ; - o^; ' •"5 2 • o in o ■ O o5 o O = CO • • in o • • O t- CO • in • a ; . . rH ■* _■ . CO . Hit S ~ .* o «c o • CMo • t- • cm" rH j j rH CM rH rH Cm" Cm' . ■- • in o in t^ 'OrHM(C0Q000C-10)CM ^ lO WOfl 13 ■ '5 • o • • to eg D to .' • in • o • » CO CO f r3 • 5 ; '• co" , to • ' CO eq" I 55 in • a I 5- : O -^ CO c n r-i • o o to CM m c B 00 OO CM to ■* ^ l< O CM CO r HO . 02 -* in c: to a 3 O -* CO C- c» O 3 t> o in t -» -^ . -^ t- e-1 OO" QO" U S" Clf t-" 00 rH O" 01 3" c-* m" in" d =" ef '• r h" 00 rH q CO CO rH rH rH rH r H d •^i i o 03 . ; t^ r- T « 00 -« ■* to O r- H t> CM in c O CO I CO rH to H X ; H t- to m CM in c 3 CO 05 CM tl O rH . C M n as 00 T )1 rJ rH CO — I CO O- 5 0> rH l^ - * O . C3-. 00 O! U « E- .-T oT c- i" in r-T rH oT t>r ir " O -n" o" t » o" • ej" CM in" = — 1 a 3 00 CC CM 0> t^ l^ '^ in o> a S CM ■ rH in I^ D ^ rH CM rH H o O 5 CO c 5 ■ .10 = t- I o c 5 • • t- O CI 3 • • -ai ot ej 8 CO c ~ 1 1 to g (^ i i 5 02 « ■ • el tl 3 • ■ rH CM in • ■ CO 00 t- I q" o o ■2, : : !^ : : eg e -* =1 . ; : 2 O ;H CO • o o ^ -co '• a g 1 o i» ' * 00 ' S "i " ° M ! 5 i in 8 ! ; eg ic CO • CM CM 1 . rH " rH CO j .- h" ; q^ 3 I : S ») «s . IT -H ; • O I c > in in c > ' o OC CM • 00 H ■* CM u- 3 ' CO J • • • -^ 05 rH e 1 • ^ i i5-«.s ^ : • irT «3 « O jj ; ; G 9 a o oi t- a- CM 00 o O O t£ 3 CO < C 3 o in iJ CO to c 05 t^ CO -^ in ■* in CO -^ tc i f-t • C > to ^ _S : ; 05 in o- m 00 m >- 00 t- CO o o ot 5 t- . e « Oi o of . rH 00 r- " to" -kT CO CO Cm" CO eg" rH tc cm" 1-3 o • • q : : c>] in lA S t S '=5 rH 00 lO t- 00 .r n • c > in 00 CO CQ -^ O rH to CM 00 rt eg CO t- IT hX ■ cC o S "^ : : rH -* tH CO -* CM eg rH CM rH ir O ^ : i ciJ i^ 1 '-' p4 ^c. Wf^ 2§ iSi^ H (>^ .H CM S S! '.2 to t~ 00 o: O rH CM CO '<*i in to t^ 00 o c. 1 C; & 1^ t— r- t- r~ t~ t~ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 So 05 1 1 00 00 00 "" "" rH ^ 00 00 00 « 00 rH 00 00 00 rH rH a 2 00 00 a 00 (X 1 H. Mis. 117- -27 418 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. q : : 023 tn o ^ « CD g O ^ A ^" O m H' P5 O Ah H 5_ *.- o .S 5- at. J- .00 2 .-(t- •< M ^ l2§ CO- o fci tt J S 53 M ta a -t^ *- w o k"-: •- ^ = -S 6 t*a g O feO 1-9 Oh t=a§3 Q : 1 a u 1 !z; a <1 Hi « w b„ N lO CC- t- CO a: O CO CO OC 00 OC 35 CC 00 00 GO X » • <= -o 1 H .S S_ 2 1- C-. ^ • M ■ " D .- a « u, £2. g. •^ : : >> CO m r! W "* B 6a 50 q 2 • : 8 : : 00 • -t • -» ■« • 2; q : i |l:|iii-=l mo • • ■ § : : : Instrnme andappar tor 8(nent purposes, eluding t graph, tf phoue, a other elec e^'--^' cq 1 ; 1 « ; • t~ .H • •' .'-_ ti ^ . .0C0-* • • ^ cd 3 p. <=! : i : : .5fei2i"S ? 1 05 • ■ CO i-H S-^- 3 = 2 ■ • « •=* : : i £«n ■ ■ 00 • ^sa i-51)S= Q ; : : •£ S ^ : : : : : is s : £i • • ' ■ • ■ q ::::■. : H?ll'^ § I'-'" : : ; : ria hen and J niauii urea ^ ; i i : : «■ : : ; : : i(M § : I I ! ; 1 <55 q : : : : : : j;r -3 cd M •^ b< a C3 q : : : : : : t^ ■••••• m P ^ a £'■■■■' '^ .0 ; ', ; 1 ; I ^ ^- . . ■ CO ■ hS S : : :=»§ ;'" E-2 f^S q ; ; : : 12 S 1 i !| 1 i : i <)5 q : : : : : : M ■ c© £ :g!? :§ : : ^« q : : : : ii ::;:;:; y. •^'•^ :;:;:;: s 00 CO 00 30 00 OC 30 EXPOllTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 419 6 « ■ 00 £ H ^ 5 i ■A a 5 - (fi ->! OS o C 0. ^ i^ ci : a 2 O • ° : i ' iH a a o o; (^ : "2 ^ to (M 00 O O i ;: ■fl 13 § >" ~^~ ?, rble ton uuf res '^ CO a i^ q Q -3 c« Ci OS . « Co i^ 1^ ^ ^ a t-1 ■§ CO 00 ^ 0^ ii Oi 1^ 00 ?s - - . -S in o c; o 00 '3 C-J Cl ^ H to H a -a O Bi fc s P « § " g : « o 1 o 1ft Ci M M 00 lO O § be 5 CO o ■ w P 00 oc rH g M o fH" f-T u -* oo" V 2 5 £ <1 w a o o q I a a O 00 o • g ^ g : «■ 05 oc GO 00 0> o o ^ O c- O O «C !t7 s t^ 1-.^ '. 3 "3 s -t S' " o fti s p4 q • 1 g n 2 5 o g S : H xn o (^ .* 03 t- o CM Ol . «) ■s ■< CJ CO IM s o Cl 1 t~ ' rA ci -^ f^ a a q s H P c C5 i-H ct ■*( ■S o o . 'o ~ .^ CM . s <= \n -H a^ CM in » ci ri M CM ■||:I|| S si Cl o ^ s'^i'l^l f^ Pi • ?» in 5 ~ 11 'o c« ^ g.i t, a ^ »r S i; s c .9 a c ■o C q o CM c3— a " 3 3 o S 1 ■ 00 ^ .rt .a tt) • . O CO t- Cc 01 a i: t! - c» rH m cf ! Ph ac2 c3 a 2 . S S S! r-f Jewel nd ma gold a silve; 4-s 71 ill cc -^ a « ' "2 a^ • in o to H , fl ~^ o . ca in ^ O O t. c o a o =0 2 1 ev ' 3 S S ■^ ^12 q |5 I o . un o o ■ t- O o .^11 O Ci 2 D q r»> »r =" • • M cn ■-S —a , S ? o £ ■ m o c; " o 00 ! o • o o ^ ^1l|- • CO CO • o ■ in • C2 o ■J 00 S=^r| f^ : I A P J "« o 1 ^ CO aL^S 1 ^ »• o .* o - lO l-H '* CO' r-i" C4^ . : § Oi o c ^ O "S q "3 s _5__ CO s : " * o 01 3 ■"1 |5 1° C; 1 o> ^ ^ |^ 5 M (M r-l IT 1 o 1 l>j oc oo OC 3 00 00 « 00 00 m ^ oc a OC 00 0( 0^ 2 3 a 3 a 3 01 3 01 3 0< 3 OO I < r-l 420 COMxMERCE WITH EUROPE. H Q m 'A W o1 g i-l n W o o t^ cc ,^ -* O 1 TOTAL VALUE OF DOMESTIC MEKCHAN- DISE. Tl Cl ira lO f- 2 = ?5 55 3 Cl CO rH M ca (M f^ t^ ro !D -^< O — 1 o> o? -* lO lO CO 00 -^< 05 rt '-I • W T-t -tr t~ l.~ t- o Sid ~ 3 w Si s^ ^ 5 1 M of ►J "a ►5 t^ 2; •^ - i|s 8 • s ?: w lO I c> ■ IS • •< b a 3-gS Z 1 ; ' «=2 o o o o o in • 1 o o o O (M • CO CK O) 1 M 3 Ot 3 01 i " J S 1 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 421 tc_ o g o t- it ^ a "3 « ~ X « a rt .- « rt 1 i 1 o p c, oi D w Si a 3 ?: a rt s o to •* •* g s ^ 5 CO 5 la CJ 00 at s in 1 4) C5 in o § CO OS s tsT e-1 to CI o 1 o o os" Co 1 o o o e o is o 1 Brass, and manu- factures of. s 1 o o o l-O -(1 o c-i" (»" n ci t- in rH 00 rM 00 CO CO 00 t- ^ to Books, maps, en- gravings, eti'liings, and other printed matter. i 3 "S in o OS IM -f" OO O .H 00 OS t- 00 00 t-t Art works: Paintings and stcltuary. 1 1 O o in si o o; § S 5 o c^i « m i.T in to C5 0» « -* IM -i o o r3 m I; --c •* ci -^ c-i o o ^ 1 £ oc oc oc u- oc oc o s •^ i o oc oc 6c oc oc oc ir oc oc CO s 1^ oc oc oc a 01 OC s a a 5 422 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. V - i.- o OC — — - 5 6« o Hi § Fancy articles. tS PI g § g !3 D H O ■< Co D § H H 8 o E? — 1 o .3 ■-= t~ 2" 2 1-1 -H O O .-( C^ CO O lO CI .H t- CO m ri £ o o p 1^ QO Op O CO C c^o -35 o c^ g O) O OO ?D I^ CC" CO 00 1 m t~ 00 to o ri Tl -T IM O CO i-H « -* CO rH ..* . 00 IfJ o o 60 O CI o rj 13 CI C- O 00 1 1 g '°' g o O o o LO 00 e-J o CO o t- in '^f o t^ O CO t~ O 'S' t- CO" O CO -T CO o CO CO CO CM CO ■a g c o 2 o CO i o I- CO t^ 1 g o § CO CO § Copper, and luiiuu- factures of. o o o •i o O o I- CO Clocks and watches, and parts of. 1 M ift in 00 s 00 o ^ CO O CO CO lO CO Q --i ■ 0) . OD M W H u D a Q o Issi 1 O CO in ■^' eo t~ OS t- to ^^J t- OS «0 t- N rH H m H M O Ph M W u o > e 1 SS 00 i =1 rt 00 10 to H P N P^ o H 00 H M O Ph H Pi^ SCO '^i^ S (-.00 wsg 2 -s a c^*^ 0?'-^ = o all lets lati &^-^ ^ S. C^mCOOOOOOift'-'t— 1— '-»fO0CD .-I I— "-*< cc ir; Ot>COOO'*CCCOt^'*OCI ? o i6 l> ■^ CO o 00 t- Oi rA ai •* in CO CO in o m in e ^ ^ CO n en lO in m in 00 ,-^ ■j> C] CO CO iM iD (M Q -" ^ ^ o o as O n t" ^ r> '^ o -Ttl tX CO I « o 03 c> o I—* OS ■* CJ in CO t^ C) ^ cr CO ci m Cl m in 2 • e o CO CO CO CO I— I o o CO t- 05 t-i *-l Cb ■^ CO rl' CO -h" l-i' r-t C4 o CO in 00 w CO •t of paper.ft 5 3 in 00 1 : 2 • (B CO • !5 1 ira C) ef of s S t- - - CS '■'5 N of 16 to 2 ■W 00 L-^ «:; r: ■* r- CO «5 rf -r cj' N in TJ CQ ao c^ -r r^ -5- CO 00 m .- c: » 00 CO cT ■* to' i-i ra N -w (?1 0> 00 » t^ rt ir5 -M so' >-H ■-<■ 0" t- lO M in in CO w -w to CO r; 00 to ^ in CO to 5< S N H m 00 CO « § n (M -* i Ed Ed 10 ES rH CO H 1 1 in CM Ed i§ h 2e ?^ S P4 a § X < a n in IS to ^ P « ■< a 5^ 2 <» ct ^ :-> t U 2 s ■="" g ■^ CO (Tl N CO 0: tM t— »A 00 c» !ri" ^ 00 t- to »— ( lo t— CO 00 — 000(0t~— 10 5 S S 5 § >* rt N ■* C-l (O ill s ■ 1 s 00 ■r.s'o HI ^ 3 q CO 05 cj in CO CO ■-I C-. to -o c-j f-H OS CO ^ o to (d Bj D s a < q" o o § 03 Ed OS H O r~< rr> r~ m n C OiJ ■n <3 •^ in o o o m es.s o CO ^ o on rn f-i ,.- r-T ,_- o> m .. ,, o o> in -K CI ^ 00 3 "S r.5 - ■; t; -S e- o ■* to s n ~- -* ir on i_- o 00 ,c ~- ^- ri ,C t- o CO _f c> ^• OO P5 ; co c^ -^ tl -^ ^ ^ 3 Q "^ »r'2 _^ Ml c S a . as OS t^ p c -^-3 to '~l "•i ''1 o f^ ^ o ^ ^ CM n c- -* CO •^ -i" o t^ 00 o r~ o in C-1 OS CO •^ cos t- 00 s> o: -■o t- s: C<5 lO to CM CO eo to 00 00 a «i^ c^ CO X ^ so ^ bO+3 in 00 CO \ o OS o --^ "t^ r* 1, *s « (< ts t~ (M c-r" t-H ''1 - IM N CM o CO ■^ to no ^ CM in on C-1 CM O o O! t^ ■^ o ■^ 1:3 -^ 5 ^1 tH - o _, in in irj O in ,_, O o o o f^ ^ ^ o lO C5 ■* -* w •* t- ■^ CM IS* t- ^ 00 ra ^ ^ ^^ ra ni fc ir" ~» p^ (N r^ -* t~ ira m OO c: to CO OS a < T. t-l o Q in •^ CO ^ s ^^ ^ m in N 00 lO O o fH 1- »H CJ a te; cm" rt „ m CM ^ o ;? to ns :? ni ^ 60 ot CM 00 00 < I— t o O) CI in co" to s to to "^ "^ '^ ^ ^ to ^ r; o to o 2t; h~ S •-] 00 t- t~ OJ t- 00 00 r^ lO to t- o m £i Cl CO •-- 00 to" CO oT ^* to i-j" ,_, o q" 00 t- 00 I- l~ m 00 CO o in to CM ■* •* q o 00 ^ - nf o o ■* -s< CO CM CO J3 ,J i-l «5 on ■* (M « IM (M ira o t-1 in -^ c ■^ f-H q ^ o -f t~> (-: ^ ^ CO t^ t-H o I^J CO CO CO t- t^ in en in to CO Cl o o to to in s TO eq C* m r^ CM f= un l> f-t to e ^ '■^ o; ^ co" ^ -^ 5 ^ O CO w to to CO f^ a> CO o CO to 1 CQ H 00 on o CD -+ o <-> <-> Q t— CO CM a t~ rr ■vC ^ r^ rn to' to" m" 00 ^ n "S q fH ci c to to Cl to 'S t— t en ■* OD o in CM o O) -c CO C5 o rQ to ^ OO to ^f :| 03 K5 ci « to" ^ l. <- ro no ^ ^ lO CO -T o e CJ 1 fT Co" ^ 05 -r<" ^ f^ ro j^ c- CO C I- f— t 00 o c^ in CO o l^ a m f^ r^ o o <-> r-j to ^ co" rH 1-H »— * CO CO CO rH T-* CM a lO cn CO 1^ o m ^ ^ r^ C5 -f ^ ^ to m :| eo » - li - -^ CO t^ 05 ■* O t;^ ^ in to" ^ OS t^ CO CM ■»i< O) lO to o to o 00 ei ^ P4 ■i* in in -M in" to m -^ '<4 ■^ tH I— l~- M^ '^ en a 0) CO e i^ , c=!> >5" WW ^^ S ,_, 1^ -C3 1^ 00 OJ ^ f^ ■^ m h- rr, o 00 f-t 00 QC 00 X 00 a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OO r-t 00 430 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. r~) o 1— 1 1 H fJJ P l-'^ c-j tiH Izi S M O M Q Q f^ H M O P . ift 00 ^^ CO c> n in 00 t- ,_, CO t^ r^ » ^^ in 00 t' - • ? wS -* -* CO CO in r? 1.0 CO m 45 00 CS CO CO in 00 00 CO ci <1 5 2 - ~ 3 o o «: ■« "S CO ■* i-H CJ -* ~ ""* OS M 00 in 00 ■^ OS ~oo in IN CO m "IT ^ 'C <^ ■^ in m I^ l- CO =2 ai n § n CO 00 -}« CO t- c^ OS OS iH CO in l£5 H & t-^ ■-t OS ^ CS t^ in 5" i^ 0' t-^ 00 0' CO -* oT in ■^ -* re M M m CO 00 00 CO CO d OS 3 u q CO in CO ■>* CJ t- 00 a r-^ '~/^ oc in C4 CO -* CO OS (N CO 10 CI CO cq OS -* <5 m s OS C-1 l^ m => 11 CI CO 00 CO m m t- 00 t- ^ 0: CS t- 00 00 2; o •< to s r: ci C-i oo' :3 CO ci 01 CO CO 00 ocf Zi co" t* a ss CS oc m CO 00 in s CO m ►^ ■-* CO 10 OS M s CO OS CO CO CS Q z r- ^—' CO OS CO lO" 00 in I-" CO 3 CO CO lO «0 ^^ ^ CO ~co CO CS in CI J3 00 CO 00 CO un cc c ^ CO CO c: t^ r^ CO t~ c:s g r: ■^ 5 I- in ^ in r- t- •—1 ^ c^ os' t^ OS CO' crs d cs' ^ -T^ t-^ co" r~i 00" 2 'c 00 l^ uO in 00 CXi 00 CO ■^ 00 t- CO CS CI c^ «j q CO oc -* ^^ 00 CO •«ii 00 o o o cf ri? CJ •—1 '1' t-T in ^ CO ~ CO CO CO OS CO "* e« t- 01 00 CJ CO M 00 5 CI t~ CO CO in CO •* CO 05 m M t- e-j ir; t- c: OS CJ c t> ■* N 00 « 00 t- 00 t- c- e4 ^ DJ ^ ^ ■* co' <3 ir ^ t> t~^ •^T '"' CO '"' CO CO CIS fa c S ^ ^ £"0 5 S S Ac3 CO "^ ~~ N lO t- CO ^ 00 t^ 2 CO oc un ■* CO CO CO 00 C£ n CO 5 CO 't CO CO CS CO in CO f. CJ Cj" MC «3 .2 a 00 in ex 00 ■* C5 "^ co ~^ „ Tj~ CO 00 CS d M OS cc •^ m c c c ci t~ c» CJ in CS CS Cl ■ ^ c; OS CJ 1 CI a CS in t^ CS -* CO CS 1 tH m j; in (N 00 in in 00 -* oc 8 c m t^ c' e-1 in CO CO in in cj C5 00 CO t~ CO C3S 5 00 e^ c-1 ^ a c t-^ ^ in ^ cf CI '"' r-l CJ CO - ro 'ti w ^ m 00 X in CO in OS CO CO 00 ~ 00 ^_, 00 Qj 5^ CO « 5 •-0 -jO CO CO -^-■5 u e o- ce CO 1^ C Ir t> ct ■^ '- t- t- CJ ■^ c^ S -w t; P. !S cr (M a- -rf C;; r~ CO OS a ^ 00 ^ CS ^ in c a5 t; CS t- 1^ cr C3S ■^ in CO t- C) (M ^ T* CS •4 1— IT in oc 00 c- CO IT CO in CO CO ^ « s in r- OS cr CQ l-H C -t OS 00 ^ ^ c: in -* in -* (N in cq a c t^ ir t- m in OS CS in t~ CS CO g .£ c oc OJ 00 o- " Tt 5 t- QO iT CO CI e CO c -^ Id c^ cr en -^ e- c o- t- t- CJ cr I- 00 a cf 0" c> 0* CO c OS T -«t tr 3 M Cl •^ 2" o ^ C) c^ •* CO S I> •^ IT in t- CS *" a c- cr. „ ""1. 5^ ^ =5 CO ~co cr in ■^ CO ~~ OS ~ OS CO 00 t* in n c •^ -; ? l- f- OS in CO ■^ in Ol a ^ § •^ e^ ^ kT. CO OS CO a g (c-3 c- <= " (N OS ■^ - „ If* ■^ 00 iri 00 a C3S t^ os" CO cT 0-? X C! CO (N CO c- t- OS in CO OC CO o 3 CJ q •" (M iH CO CO IM CM CJ IN «1 CJ CO • e ?5 cr CO cc ^ OS be = cr c- 1- OS t~ C g ai S CO CS f-^ t- C-- oc CI CS •* 00 => CO in cc CS c- q ~' 4; =3 5 c i .<' s ^ £ 8 CO cc Cq CO ir cr 00 -* a- '»*l t~ 00 CO CO in CO co IS ; OS 1ft IT ? CO c^ CO •^ ■.fi CO CO 10 I- i> u- 3 S OS " (M *^ CO oc OS OS oT 00 CO CO C< iM 5 c- •^ F t> =• -^ t- -^1 q »H IN ^^ CO CO CO CI ci c5 CJ in liflill i IT IT oc ■2 (^ CO t- ■* CO l- OS o- CO in ^ CJ CO a; ;^ 0" '* oc IT OS CS 00 c 3 m a> t~ CJ c. •31 C3- M -t (N oc IT I; oc oc CS oc t- OS CO CO OS rt" OS CO co" OS CO 00 " 5 10 Oi q-^'lioS * CS co CJ rH iH ■* QT IT (N cr c V c 9 CM in cr 1- d C3S CO 00 •« f- c- r c; C^ CS 1- l^ co C in o- CJ £ t- cr CS oc 5 CS c o- ■^ d -* 111 OC c~ CO CO H 8 C c- CC t- t> <= IT oc « IT o- a 00" f- in 00 en p CS T ? CO r- T c- p c CO CJ O 1^ »- c: 5 i- o- c cc a CM a cr" CO OS 00 in ■* «! c3 Ci I- «v cr t- t- ir c c " „ CS If ^ ■* CO -* t- in" in P3 CM CM CO CO CS co M CO D ^ : 3 \r c^ CI li- c ir OS CO CO CI *f 00 ja ^ oi oc oc es •^ 00 r^ ■HI 00 1 f c-f 3 ^ c<> CN r* c- 00 r^ CO h- ■.T ir t> e- 0- 5 CS h CS E CM P in 00 OS CD CJ •^ '-< IN c ■^ CO IT in co" rf I-" 00 in t> • ^-y I ^•:^^ • c ci- -) Cf > c- c C ■^ ir S CS t~ oc CS => r^ r- t- t- r- - t- « } oc OC oc s oc 00 a 00 « a ! ot oc i 1- 00 00 s EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 431 o cs o C^ 00 o o t- Oi CO o o en CO o o O CD CI h- I— t- CM oo <- ;i Ci 'ft O' Ol CO cS CO GO CI O O 00 o o CO r-3 CJ o r-1 « CO cc o T-i 00 r^ s^i ^ ^-i-rcsi-<^i'3-*«o>o :0C0C*^O«.-'-ft^^«M00 CI CO -fji 00 C^I OOlM^t^CiWCCOOCSQO ::2 t- «s 00 o t- m Ci t* o (M 00 -§ "i 'v to ^ » lO i. CJ O CO t>t-ot^coir5i-HCOi-t-!'00-*i^oor^ '^CDt^OCC'-ICOCOCrsc^'rt CO ri la o 1— I O C5 O O O CI UOOOiO'^t-CJClOSi-lrJiOCO COrHCaCJCOOOCO''#COOt-OOt>CO CfleoC3.-iCQrHf-l.-H Cfl O CO W OS t-t -* CO O CO o o CO-^CflCaoOJCDCC'wfiOt^iH t> UO CS r-t -^ .-t C: rH C3 t-- ^ C00l>000>«05lft O CI CO Cfl ^ CO CO C5 t^ Oi lO CO O CO 05 Oi »o ^ OlO'^.OI>(0005 COCflCOt^rrcaCQCO-H C1-*CDOC100CD^COOO o o ^ o m cq <-n ID IM CO -H to lO n> ^ •« t- C! 00 (M 00 lO tH OO tH C5 CO oocQO'«7 ^ co" f^ !S Tl< T"* »— t C3 CQ Cl 05 n CO Cl q •* r-t c» r~ CO o to r^ m CO otT in no ^ t.-) 1-1 r-l lO CO -* CJ CM CJ 3 •^ ^ lO rr. m in C! ^ ^ ^ ^_^ ^_, CO o ^ o to CO CJ lO Cl to i-H to 1 c; l« ^ (^ od" cr OJ If^ "^^ ^ CO o C4 in o en l:~ o C5 00 o 'I -- •— "CicocoiAt^-^ocJcocoroc: cooocscfl-* OOOOiOin^rOXrHi-Ot-OOCSOO— t-WrHCO ot^cooocriosoocscicoi-icorHcocaco^--* tn to in 2 o CJ in to i O CO in CO in S 00 00 CQ 05 o> to o C5 00 § 3 CO 00 o O) CO 1 o o o 00 C5 00 \2 to CQ CO CO in cs CQ r-l 1-1 -< .-1 CQ CQ Cl Cl N d CQ Cl Cl CJ CQ CQ Cl CQ CQ cot^ococo-troo-rfco CO CS C: t* t* 00 -f _ _ _ i-< '^ CD CO ift O Cl Cl t^ '.D Cl t^ -— ' l^ lO O COCSCOCimClCOCOT-tCOCOOt^OO'^'rMaJiftt^CJ m 1— ' Cl 1-1 coct- '^CO.-'O-CiQOCSClCCCOt-r-i CD -!* Cl ca t^ C) rH o in to cs -^ OS o •* ^ to •<*' CQ o iH CQ fl ri r-l rt CQ O O .H Cl rf of CQ I-l 5 Cl .^ o CC in I-- »— t-t005t^T-IC0Oi-I^HdClCQ rc Cl -fi CQ Cl 1^ cs to CO »n — I L^ 00CCtOC5C;c:COC0Clt-Ci-* o cf -^ o to"^ in cX -i^ ^ cf cf -t Cl Cl « to Cl O Cl t- — - - cociooo.-i = .^es cr. C3 — b; CO CQ in in CO Cl m' in CO •* in ■w in « in •^ t> to" in 00 "5 o CO to ci CQ cc to Cl CO i Cl t^ 00 Cl o Cl CQ ■^ a Ol CO to g -* in 3 cc to 0>l-*lftOOt>0CC0Oi-CDr-l CO m Cl r-,^„ ^^Cj^^C^ i-HClCO-^iftCOr^OOOiO-^-MCO'^itOCOl^COCSO t^-r-t-t^h-c-i— t-t— coco ocoooooocococococi aocccocococooocooococcccoooocccooocococo 432 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. o m Q s a ■^ m O fM _, ^^ trs CJ t~ cc ■V CO •— " o o a ic o oo O n e trt o o o o r^ t^ (^ ^ o O r) o ir^ nr CO 3 to •— * ■^ c- ■* '^ CM IM O o -^ N -H rH I-l rt Ol -H ^ O D S o » t~ ■* rH t> tr tr tt ir c ir cr ?< cc c CT ^ Cl CJ m M" i CO i-l ^ -* - -* s Si t~ or CO CO c: -^c ^^ f-1 o> (M CO (M on O re Cl n g 00 C4 C-) 71 c/. -* t- •— ' CJ . oo" t3 c< o (M nn m ,_, cc nr o> 00 1- re CO ^ r~ o aj C^ IT c ■^ 0( IM C5 00 '^ CJ 00 i 13 f^ 1 \n 50 ^ o C^ ^_, m 00 •q -B a uu C3 ■# 00 t- a. cc CJ o e O! Cl 00 CO o in ^ CO CO [C a c IT e^ (^ T( 0( N o o ^ IN CO ^ ^ a, « ^ S r- ■* oc. C! ■^ Tt CJ CO CJ en CO e 1- n ti- fT " ^^ lO ^ ^ ^ c- e- If •,-; t~ iti (N o 00 >i ev c- C^ « CO lO in in CO in o o Cl a ^ -* r- ^ ^ CO r~ c^ b. co' co" on Cl 00 ^ u ^ t^ •-3 '* CJ o o a c; '"' '"' '"' '^ s. o •s a o a r~ o CO cd o ^ ■a ^ o V V o 00 1* CO o +J ^ pj o 3 CO Cl ? ir Tf -^ c- OJ o 3 » (^ rt ^" s 3 »y CO e» •o r° (M in ■* CJ ■^ a P>H s •t !.-> r^ ^f ^ , ^ 1^ ^ >iS S c^ c > -^ < ot > 0! ) -4 IT s c- c^ J OO 00 o oo o ■^ e - j^ ' f s oc ss 5 3 s ' ;( rH fHg W 1 ►p^ro >r, WW «g -^s w tH i " . K 3 01 J 0< 3 01 J a J a 1 tx i 2 00 00 00 a EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 433 ^„ IT, ,^ ,>. ^^ f7> -t ^ ^ tc rr lo CO 00 CO r- ^ r^ T3 o ^ » C-) c ?= c. t- CO e 3 a ■^ fO ^ CO CD CO 42 u g ; — - ~- —- .:> i-J CO r; _ „ ^ cc »t ir> -r, ^ •J „, 01 -ri ,_ CO P 5 i* ^1 la C) IM Cv Tf ^ CO t^ »-« m == c ^ c- - ^ to en CO c« C4 <2 ir If in cc t^ CO CO CO ^- ^ c; C it ^ . ^ ^^ ^, ,. _ ^ _ ^ r-^ C7 m ^ e a r- 1 -*■ 00 CO rS c ^' " !0 _' - r~ !.-r r-^ ^5 c; c(. 35 S _-— "'s e ro i"? in l_ rr 0" ts ,. r in _' nrT erf 0" cf CO r-( c t~- I.' CO CO O! (M CO 5 i ='3 ^ (^ ■"■ r-1 "^ ti '" -Z m E^ cc LI " '^ in I- IC c^ OJ t- Oi & '5 Si in CJ CI IM rt: CO CJ ^ ^ •* C-l CI c i Q- 10 c '^ 1 l-l 1 PS !z„ K- ..2; — =1 >H f^ ifl (^ > 1* ,_t s -* lO CO t^ CO CJ 00 00 Ct 00 00 00 H. Mis. 117- 434 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. rq»rac^)u^— -oct^««.-^oroc^^:ocjoot^csoo oc C-. o O 1— C5 o — r-scoM-^'C: - cs CI oc c-i 00 c: oc cs t- ;^ L^ oei(MOOCi;=ioc:c: oo m Qc •-< ^ r^ Tj' cj C^fOrrOCOCCCCOi tj t* o .H c" i-^ oT to" oo" -r 00 CJ t> CI I— C5 ^ CI O r-T rH of S ? 2 H O CO O CD t~ 00 -* to ■* Cft r^ -* =) o t- -• cj to ^ :o N tn oc cf >c -t" t-^ cT ift cT C-^ t^ C5 CI 00 C?5 00 r-c 1-1 tH CI r-l N CO CO-^^ODCOOi>COCO'*COClt^CI'-HMOO**-^QO » 00 O 00 o t- d i-l O CO CO -* cs O O i.'^ 0> 00 CO r-i ^-00.-^^OCJOCS .-ii-ii-iaito-HSooo CC t^ .-( ^3 £-= (^ 5 ? t-l.-5-*00-*COCO to d -H CI t^ fC 00 CI •— CO O cs t^ f-( 00 CI o CO O lO C5 t- -^ 1-1 oo o cT t^ o -^ co" ® i-H rH f-H rO Cr -TiT ^HM(N»-l'-ICOS^]C0Ci'^ T-i CO l> CO G Oi "^ ^ r^ CO -f O CO O CnI W W W CO C5 Oo t- H* o o f-i r^ o ift fe w ■**< lo I- o t- OS c) th o w i-*C^^-^H0S00O>-i01i0t>- 2 CO t^ t- O CO C^ T-t cocaooooj— «o o t- oc 1— -- -* " ~ ^ rH r-l Ca ift oo »-^ 1-H oo ^ O O CI ^ M 00 05 in cs re -t* CSinTj CO -<*< c-j i-e iH (M CI i-t CI 00 i> I— in OS oo o t* C3 o •-( ciro'^iooh-oociOi-'CJfo-^i'eor-oooJO t^ t--r^^-i-t-i-*i'-t'-oooocooocoQOCcocaoooc» ooxoococoooooccooooocaooocccococccoccoo EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 435 CD f^ ^1 rr. CD rr c- ir — ,-> no CO o TO j^ O ^ at CO ?= £ = CO t- •-^ c- Ia" CJ 1"* I—" e cf ^ »-■ *-' ^ ^* -5 ^ ^ CO IN C'J -* t- e^ Ci CO ■/, 00 t- a> ?5-!^ Q ^ ^ cn ,P m •^ in cq -t o o (— ) ^ (M -r CO C-. to CO crj in a C! 1—* o o — T — - ^ ir 00 ^ ^. O I^ t^ O <1 Ci S .- o m 00 en to CO 00 CO n cr t- « CM -r CO CO CM 00 CM cc e »n r- _ ' l-T ^ ■^ r^ o O^ o rr. 00 < -t* c m OLl lO a> CM Ci, t- 00 ^H CO lO in t= M- CT N CQ CO in C" CO CO CO in in -* CO CO CO ■m CO ^ "^ s o ci M ^ ,^ ^ in ^ r^ _ CO o z » (T' -^ o t- a ■w m rf f-* Cl l- »' i-- rf DO ■^r Ui c ci 00 "^ ^ " [^ ^ ^ in (^ . W o >« CO 00 c cc CO o OO 00 CO t^ t^ OS g iJ u, ^ ^ ^ t- Cl t- OJ ^ CO '■ -' CM CM CM CM o S 05 §§e s CM 00 -* ^1 « g o Q .5 'St e ,~. ,_ ^ ni ."> £ e I^JsS 00 05 00 ^ o m (^ CM CM CJ CXi cm' 00 CO ^ en ^ ,, :? CO -c CC, 00 rr CO Til t^ ^ ro 'll 8 a n 2 (B r; a Kl 2-5 ci ij -z o c^s ts o ffl *-5 S ^ be 00 CD" 05 OC -^ ■^ CO lO o CO C-1 cr 00 r-l ^ ■^ ^ q '"^ O 'jtMrS _ ^ in ^ Cl £ e o (M ^ -* t- CO rT ct. n< t- CO -* o r^ t- c4" CO ^ q l-H M Td CO Tf u- CO lO l^ C-. t- -« CM co CM CM CO ■«1 ^ f_ in CO O CI 00 or Cr (M m ^_, o in CO ,, rrj IM CI in 00 S--§-o IT" ^ C3 = 3 t^ J! Q 5 cc S g^ C5 of ?o fn ■^ o ^ in in Cl in ^ _ £ o -t* CO t- o a. 't CD 'H OC t- C-l o Cl CI tp h" « CO IM cr o o Q- ^ c» 00 1^ in o CO T ■^ c<- CO in CO o CM o C3 00 or. 00 o Q 5 t:) -'" ■^ '^" '^ tJ r~ o o 00 cq 00 r<- Cr- r^ ^ ^ CD 00 o CO -f a OO en TH c . >* CO •— • -* CJ tr- t-H z ■n 2 &2 ^ ^ ' ^ " ^ - ^f ^ ^ o C> c- CM CM " CO M b i^ 1 '-' Po Z" KM 5§ K N (M CO m to t- c ci; CI m to t- CO o> o l-H 00 iH S S s o .a 436 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. (M m ._, nr) to o> ,_ N ^. ■M Ol w o ^ ^^ ro ro CO CI UJ ■o § e «' c o to' CO ^- to' in -H to to' _- q t— c^ ro -* t- to o c> o o to ^. eo w" m CO '* la ■* " •^ to in ^ in la m to to lO in in to on CO IM <-> to f. r- ro iri m «a CO -p CM CM "^ l- CO "^ t'- ^J (T. in to c^' ^ ^ m 00 ^ ^ ^ 5i — -O lO •* ro •— ' to o ■— 1 < to m 00 O o _r ro IM Ol 00 CO lO^ ro in j^ ocT ^ -]' O '^ ■^ *"* ■* -* ■» •* -* •w n CO „ ^ ^ ^ s; „ t CO "^ •* ^ »-* 00 o; lO oc' to ^ ^ to' —' ^ — " f^ f^ f^ o 4 ^- ^' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •3 CO ^ ^ ir ^ ^ 1^ s ea t~ lO l- -^ o to in 00 to t^ ,-H to CO -« (M m (M K lO t~ CO CO oo o lO •-■^ ■^ in ro o CO 00 ro ro CO 00 M< ■* ■* in t- r^ t: ■a . ir> o to ^ „ ro ^ 2 5 C3 a fl g ia5 o CO ■rj* ro CO fl' ro ro ■ra ro t- ss CO o uO a Ci <9 o to o o -* in 00 in m IM IM M ro ^ '(i CO ^ CM (N rH t^ '^ e M rH to o ^ M ^ CO CO ^ ^ 3 t:) a . ^ :? r-H o> rf -^ to •* S o ^ *~ •* in '"' *"' e O i P^ O s iA « <1 P^ r-^ CI P^ Ml iro < ffi « c» 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 i-l 1-1 00 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 437 WW COi.'^OClOOiftOt-'i-HiftCOOOOrHt-r^t-O Ot^OCO<— IOt*COClt-CC .-H CO CJ to CJ » 03 o in ^ CO o -w CI to Ui in ?!• ■<« m 00 •^ o> d o C3 _e 3 1.-3 to o o CI in s c^ to C5 00 to o C-: cc CI 00 CO Cl O in r « C4 CO "* m CO t> m e<5 eo •« in la tX in to m in ■* ■* O to to o 00 o <- C-1 o o o CO CI in CI t- 00 o Cl o to to ■^ cc CO o t> C-. o o 25 o to In CI 00 n s CTi S a> t- t^ S 00 to CO C5 o o irf' to M •9 rn" to ^ 00 t-: o 9 00 Cl eo r-< oc in to .-H ^ rH CM W M coco-^-<**i>^Tj<;ot-t* occocoirt'<*oo>Oi-« O O Cl fH CX3 C-l CD ITS CO ■* t^ -rj. Cl O lO Cl t* O t- »-H l>COCC)t-CJOioomrHi>eoco OOCSCSCOt^OdOOS 0>4i'<(»lC^tnu^C0C0C>t0'<«tt-;C>mC0O'«fc0C0CQ-^ lO o ao .-H o o ~ cc in r-H :d -r o" OC irT C5 C-r t~- »•:) I-' t- <=» CO o; eo o CO to CO CO CO o ■* irt o" CM CO CO Cl CD GO O CO -. _. O>CCC000OCM_ CO.— i050C^t^rH.-(criOc:::to O^ C-f Ir^ CCT CJ irT Iff r^ -H*^ rH 00 CM -- -- ■■ - -- to rt t- c; o ro o CM re Tf CM ;o if^ t* ooodt>io"co"uo"«r- O l> t* CO o CM .-I « '-' " »H CM -* ^ CO -H •«* CO o -^ CM o -* in to -^ m c3 05 in in CO ■* CO o CO Cl CM CO t' CM in '^ 00 o 00 r- CO CO cc, CO m t- -. ■^ O .-. -rjl CO Ol O Ol O — ' ■<11 C: O CO t- r-t CO _ 05 m -^ CO CO CO O CM in 00 rf .— oicc-cococMooiLoci'-HCMinin-* •-(i-IClr-(.-H^r-('^.-IC0Q0'*CMCMt-Tt«O to O t-l r-« O CO 00 ^ *^ O C» 05 in C5 CO O r-( -tjt COO-^rOCOCOOOCD CO i-i Cl 00 o r": a .- to to r-i Cl ^ OJ 03 o to '* o t- e in Cl in m o 00 1^ ■^ ^ 00 -31 ^ ■^ '~* "^ •^ „ to „ p-1 ^ s t- lO •* •^Jl o OJ Cl Cl oo -^ 00 c: to ?5 o CMCDCOCOCO-*DOCOOOCOCl'^lt— CO'-nr— ococcooooooco cocO'-Hcoint^coco CO C;0 O CO t^ CI c-i lo in Cl 00 CO C^ r-H 00 ocMoocct^dOcoincoincoooooocooooini-i __._.- ..*_^.__ _. .. — ci-^^cOi—COi-H in rH O CO CO 00 • COt^COOCDco^*<<^'ii^~>'^^"^'^^*0'**<«'^'— ' Cl in CO 1-H Cl CO C; r-1 00 05 Cl CM th 00 .— ' in C^ C) t^ ■* OOOOCOOOt-t-T*4CMVOCMCOi-li-(rH 00 CO CM r- m in to in CO ^ „ rt -1* m ^_^ ^ ■^ a o ty Cl Cl in = '\ "^.. Cl '^1 to "^^ -s* ^■1 to OCOCOOOCO-Tt CJ to 00 to o t~ o r~ CO t- - -, K t~ t- o M s 00 o -T t^ X in m in OS CO 8 ci" -r N 5 oo" in in OO ta ^- cf in ^ OO -jT „- _,- of 2 9 2 ffj n (O t- CJ c^ to X o X o t^ 51 <^ '"' *"* '^ cq CO CO Cl Cl (M OI -- « '^. M IfS t^ C-1 "IT 00 00 ~^ ~Jo" CO ~ o X to Cl ~ ~ „ o ^ C r: . «5 n 00 o5 to to m ?S to r- Cl t^ •".•5 c: r X r-» o o t- ^^ rj cs CI CO os c^ c: o 5 o o cs tt w 5 § n TjJ" ^ «o t-' in ci ^ t-^ ^ o" cf to" ci in '^1 ^ .-r o" ^ (M Ci CO CO ci -♦ t- CO ■til to o ■>* in to ro O •s 5 « Q a. r— fc-O t- r; ■* ^ £3 m ~ ~ "in" in o in o o o l^r iC O o5 o 00 I- o o "T > tc V. l-'i "^ 00 t> in" ^- - i^ K 1*3 c- ■<* to to in t~ t o CO o o M o oc C5 ci •^' '-' -^ r~ o ~n ^ Ci „ to Cl _ to ~^ „ ~ "IT ~ cs ~ _ r— XT' 6: in 00 zc- 3 P X Cl Cl Tl ci a -^ o in C: a ■"SI X X OS t^ " M o t -r c^' ci I-' CO x' eo' x' l< to' co" in o IT. a> ■J c- CJ X M o X ■^ t- OS C) <1 •-1 ^ o o n o ~ t~ ~ -f "^ to ^ t- ^ ,^ t^ X ir- "in~ i o c c; in CO to « o M (M ■^ CJ t- Ci o Cl in OS to o t~ ■^ to o" o cf o' ■T* CO X t~ t:; cs 00 e !0 to -* CO o m t- in 00 H c r- ( cc ^^ r-l Cl ^- CM -» 1— < f-H 3 5 C; a u < o CO CJ IM •^ „ C5 to "in" CO CO in o to rl. "^ OS t~ ^ X S Ed o cc lO ra O X X X in X X m o S c^ ■^ o ■^ -* cs X in to in o •* > o O 5 ^ cf o" in^ 00 c' in t^ -*' 2t co" co^ ci cc o" Cl" o" CO ^ o lO ira t* UO to to -^ X in uo c (S M — CJ Cl '-* in ■^ CJ CJ Cl ~ '"' "^ t'^§J_J o IM ^ OO m ^ o o OS ■* o X •* OS CO « •Tt< ^ in 00 00 cc to o = Cl CO X CM Cl 00 to to s ci cv c- CM 05 CJ CO t- cs •^ ;s«i:'5_3 S M fo cT in in oT in _^' cf en to co" o" ci t-^ t> C4 o ■>* o co to t- o OS o C<1 .J s .3 ^ M-5 CO CJ CJ N CO CJ N B Sag 1 00 00 U-5 CO CO o 00 ■^ o OS •^ ,-( in X OS CJ to CJ -<* c^ CO 00 t> 00 en CO Cl CO ^. in •< — "^ v= ""■ •3 CO CO -» o o o in -* o t> X t- to o CJ in «L lO ci ci sT oo' of o oT cjT cf to ^ os" o ^ to" o -# " CO -♦ •fli to oc CO o t- 00 CO t- OS o E '^-S ^"^ '^ « O 05 ^ lO t- X 'H eo 3 -* Q >j to o 'J' Ci o m in a ■* X Cl t- > &3 c^> 00 OO •"' •"Jl CJ m ■* i- ■* s T3« c- o o 2 C3 ;. t-T 00 g" ci" ci X o' cs" os" os" co" ci cs" o CI c> ro t- c: CO CO CO CO CJ o X to 5 ■s =s oi CO ro in to -r C-. T in CJ CO to S gp. lO lo' cT o' ci o' c-r in x" •^ to" x' to" x" in" O) » to in C-. to o Cl in in Cl o l^ OS CO CM o 00 to to f- o ■V X in o to o ^ c o CM Cl eo" in in to c-' oT ^ 3 t-" *3 O S| ci JgM wa «^ E ^ N co' -1> in CO l> 00 o> o ^ ci CO ^ in to" jj OO cs a >< t- t~ t^ 1^ l~- 00 X X X X X 00 cs OO 00 co 00 « tc <» X « 2 X ~ 5 X X X X X ■V -^ r- © H m 1— 1 Q Jzh < W o S 03 ■5 P3 S 1 o 1^ n 1— 1 P H r/; iz; S M S Q O w P M 'A F^ P O » w m H H W O PU M W EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 439 r^ 00 OS to ^ ^ CI § 8 C0 to s CI c^" 5 3 CO OS C-. Ir- lO CO -* ■>* ■•f CO "* CO eo ™ ^ ^ u. g s s s g ^ s -^^ « cc ^ § o- =0 c^' « « 3 g g; s s ?. s S S ^ S S § g S S S S ^ .» CO cc « 0= 55 CO =0 05 « <-i 15 ?5 00 i-H "-I O « T-' 00 c CO -* to 51^® >" 2 I- CO C5 (M C5 00 r-l 0> i E i s s s s ;3 3 s ?2_ g ^ r-' IM t~ ■*" CO t-^ rf ■^" ■ o CJ c^ r:: S to 00 to Q ;f :> ^- c.- CO' cj -' c- ^' ^- -H- cf c e, ^ ,H r-T ^ r-l CO 1- '*, 7* S O C3 CO -^ ^ C/j o to to -"i t- o CO 00 c- o — If^ o to CO CO C<1 o o O CJ ?^ J CO C5 trJ" CO co" t-^ O CO CO IM C § " ri 5 CM o ^ ^ ■- C-. CO I- CO CO 30 to 1 r— (N C^ d« CO IN M o" t~-' CO co' t~ tc( cJ o s^cqcoNiMe^-''=^ O ■« to CO si ; ; ; ! I ! S rn uo ca "o w • ' ' ! ! ! c^ to' to l-o" C;! K : : i i : : g g s ^ S s;; - ^ ~ = <= Q I • i : : '. ■*' -i ■« t-" o>" to' CO' . i rrTTTlT|TF^s ?5 to^ e-, u^. - ■S • : : ; ; : o' to' cf ^tr « e^" o g » » '^ g ^ ?? 1 ; • : : : : § S S ^S « S S S S ::_ o=_ - ^^. = o • • : ; : : cT co n ;* co' o » ■q ^- — ^^ t- -i (i ; . . . . ■ ■»* 10 10 00 CO CJ in 06 in 05 ^ C^ lO IM >f5 IM 00 CO "^ S S S S 50^ 3 cJ o" to 00 t; s ;^ S s o_ ci « cQ CO ei cJ ri to ^ CO ift CD t» CO CI 00 CO cc cc iiili2SS2SSS2S2SSSSS 440 COMMERCE WITH \:LR0PE. o — ^. iD .« O 1*^ f^ o t^ ,^ CM -is CO ^ *- •^ - c- — CO C3 CD O -H ii (S 00 ^ ^ " — ^ ^ ^ — T ^ q (M CO ■* S> -I CO in CO o N l> 00 00 N l> -w JS M ^ -,^ ^ in ^ e O t- O CM Tf 00 CO •>» in CM 00 CO C3 in a 00 c: t~- n n c- /-J" C3 c^; o o" -1^ o Q •^ t- rt CC cc CO « o CO c- t- o to CO X o .=3 00 to o> O C-I rt M 2 CI I- 'j: r- C o a to CO t- CO e- <=> tr ^^ ^ "§ D lO -^ O rt CO o t- = c- CM CO in Q R i*- O T« N HI -"J- — o M O —' o ci: a t- o O -f -r c^l o a 00 a o -' —• en iT n T« CO CO CO 00 Oi ^ o ts — • 00 c; cq I" o " ^ " ^ " ^_ " cT ^ ^ CM^ f^ 1 in in c~ t~ 00 OJ o 0^ ~ M =■ o o 00 t- i^ t~ 00 „ ■ ■* —( cs CO O) 00 'jO t— O CM 1 S CO Ol CO tX -w ^ '-' "-I -' ^ ef O d o O O (3> t- m .-5 Ol t~ CO -S O r3 CO C^ C- 00 CO t; CO CO o I- K o •- CO li^ t> — 1 o ^ r^ o CI i-O -* oo 5 3! <5 -«3< TT .-O CO 00 00 -a cc oc CO m rt m —( rH CO rH in -* t- CO 00 tH OS o r~ CO t^ in a o '^ 0» N <- m ■^ ^ OJ ^ ,,J o ? C^ « T -* ■^ •^ c- CM IM ■n o fv 3 c co oo" - ,P 00 ^ - ^ irT ^ t- tx (~ in >< X < a H ^ CM p- cc IT a: CO e: r~ t- m lO ■* < •-) CO ■* «r c= 1^ ■ CO CO .^. CO CO CO ^ in o t~ 00 CO «) "a 3 ^ 00 o O 00 % c Q a s 2 l- CO ;^ CI t- c H •« 0-. "- -* o C^J •JO .5 s Jii fj cr •n M CO 00 -* (^ a< Cd 8 t- E t< "-; „ CO -. _g I to a; a 00 ■m" O CO in irj' in « -3 C) ■* '-) > CO 00 CO CO O C- O B3 ■§ s CO CM CM 5 00 Bi 1 •1i ITJ S ■* t- CD OS lO 5 (i; '"' ■^ p r-i a r^ 00 _ r- cs f~ t^ n ^ i-f (= N o c e-i cr - 00 to •?? »~ t— iT o C5 t- o in r-3 a> -2 a :i- " ct" c r- n -t rr 1* t^ or in CO no 3 ^ 5 -* in o o ^ 00 (C or -* M c ' hT ■* cr c- -t c- 00 r^ rn in i~ lO 'X. oc. CO CO 05 O CIS g a. " ■ C35 ift 00 CJ IT r- o c ir a C» CI in O —1 (ll fi " i-J" tr ;? !5 ir " „ CO -^ ro' ci cc^ dS o •i CN »-H t- c- o o a> c-. l- in CO 0> CO w^ 5" • • • • ■ c n ir cc t^ m n o IM irj i oi O s a rH 00 a oc 00 ou s 00 00 t-l rH EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 441 j^ n -5 .^ 5 ■^ ^ ^H 2 t~ ^ ^ r* 00 *H Cl lO JV^ t^ ^ o CO CO o cc in 00 ■* o in Ci £ .-0 t~ o m o ■^ CO oc 3 to Cl t~ t~ to CO ci 00 a ^ iri 00 CO fH ^ e«" in" cf 00 o' -^ ^ to^ s in ^ — ' to" CJ •^ OS 00 C) 5o CO d CO « q 'i-> I- M in in cq ■^ 00 CO OS in Cl cs 00 OS CO 00 O in a -* Ci in o to to Cl Cl t- to 00 "« ^ d> o ca t> C5 in oo T t" o Cl ~f Oi t» od" ^ t^ CO* ■^ ci Cl" o ^ o -i ^ '^ o" 00 ^ M o t- •^ to r- cs CO (X t~ in Cl Cl ■* CO CO in lO M ^ to i o rd ^ 00 OS in o IN in 00 o ^ t- o n !- ^ t^ r-i IN 00 IM O ca CO Cl CO t- Cl t~ o t;s to '* n o o I- N in -* CO '^ eo in to t- co CO in .!-^ t-^ « oo" to' t-^ in oo" in ■* eJ in" •^" O) to" oo' to" O n N •<* lO Ci ■* e ■^ OJ 00 ■* in CO Cl CO in b- to in 00 in in Cl eg «2 m t- 00 => to tK t- to in CO ■* <3S os o to CO Cl oo g ri 00 00 in cc" s o 00 co 00 CO cf CO 00 co" 00 to' Cl o" oT in" CO l> oo" to _l_ ■* t~ to t- OS M CO ' to o o irj 00 tr- cs cs ■^ 00 in a o !n in cc t- ee to < q ci r-< ^ CO 00 I-- o Cl m OS in 1' o c 00 o CO cs °>_ i- u Cl cs to' ■^ t~ CO ia Cl e» cs >■. Q I rC O m o: Cl to in t- 00 cs Cl c ^ •^ ~~r^ ifS CO o Cl H s I ^ s in" to ct CO cs s •^ to Cl Cl IT cs C~ (5 '^ "< -^" " '^ ^ CO to 00 o Cl o oo ~^ t- CO to m __, rH t- o to 09 D 1! n o to C-l =2 00 to t- -rj- 0< OS in t- -* Oi to C^ (M '"'__ "^__ in OS ■* 00 in tr- oo U oT in cf co' o" •^ Cl o' o' t^ o to" ^ H ^ to -* to to to CO to Td n ^rf* to t- t- CQ d o q '^ *"* ^ '^ '^ '^ *"* '^ ^~* ^~* '"' to t~ CO ^ o 00 Cl ?o 53 N t- t; o to CO ro 03 o in OS Cl in CO ■^ cs oo O •« rH (35 ■* •—1 00 OS Cl c: CO OO o Tf 00 s g cT ^ in to' to" CO in" fc to" to' cf co' 1^ !> os' (^ in to" otT s O o o OS m 1^ in Cl ^ o CJ o t- 1 to CO CO Cl cf in Q oo to C-. OS cs o b q "*. cs ■^ in in Cl Cl CO to S 1 1 ? o 1 o CO o to -* to ~co" Cl ^ -* „ to -1* cq o to •^ 00 t* to 3 s "_ ■* o o CO to 00 00 d c OS o co" -*' o" n -*' to" s o ^ 00 c -^ ►n cc 00 o 00 t~ CO <» to o CO im" o' « in ■^ in" cf d" -fl- to" os" s e o ~z~ =1 o Cl 5 o 3 => ^~* o oo c > 1 (^ o' -r to" ■«jr "o Si m Cr- q o o o "TIT = i o « OS Cl £ B CO in a c in" -f tC tc Cl ; 1 '"' CO co o •^ tc ; ~H 1 ! ; H 1 ; i ?5" 1 1 wS I 1 ^ e-i n ■<* in to t-' 0(3 OS o ^ ci ^ •^ in to" fj oc OS o t^ t^ r^ t^ t* t^ t- oo 00 CO 00 00 00 00 oc 00 OS <» 00 00 CO CO 00 00 00 00 CO 00 2 00 00 00 oc 00 00 442 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. n o CJ o CO or CI ,« 00 o ,_« .^ to .^ CM o t- m ei ee D «5 oc o o CO co to 00 3 oc s CM 00 00 en CJ in s o z "S 5 < • c: cm" cc cf ■■D t- CO — Sei g CO t— CS »n o uO S o t- m o 00 «o _l 00 t- 1— < CO CO a t~ o CI ■^ eo t- C- 5 ■^ eo Cl OS O 91 y to" o" m" 00 l< •^ CO 00 t>- cz in -*- eo' ■^ in 00 t-" to" ■*- t-^ SS Ed 8l -r ro in CO CO CO CO Cl o 00 m o 4 c-. o c; t- CO Ci oc 00 o uO t- 05 (o OS t~ -* rr o in -v UO CO CM ci Cl c- to OS E n o o a tS o ^ oo' oo' cs 00 ..-> 55 CO e-i a CO in o 1-^ n" w 3 CM t^ ■*^ o in o LO CO in- 00 0(5" CO c-. CO "^ o- Cl y o ro CO to s o CO tH N 5 c- ^ t~ ■^ 00 >-.a 3 J5 o M ~ TT ^ o m cc in t- 00 to to Cl CO t- ~^ d _, o ■^ = o c C5 o in C5 o to CO m un in o Pif-g^ ~ '- ^ CM •"S* o o ^ 00 00 00 Cl '■"_ ■^ e- '^ 2 ?, » c e*- erT CO cf CJ" o' 00 cf ag^ _S: CO CM •^r -» CI « in ■^ ■^ in ; o en _ o o> o 00 o 00 00 t- -1* ^ "^ o to "TT Cl o 00 o Cl in CO o d C5 d t^ CI 1" c- ^• in 00 00 * in CM 00 •* ~' C! CO CM CI Cl Cl „ _ 3 IM •o Cl -e a CM o OC in o CO CJ 00 o ^f ■^ O CO c- o ^^ o 05 >5 3 I -*" ^ ^ Ci — r co" r^ _r ^vT o CC I'T eo" 00 00 cf t-J" ^ to cc S o m c 2 d OS o « CO CO in 00 a CO 00 "d c: c; m CO < ^ \ o" ^ S?" t-- CO t-^ in CO co" ^ oc" ^ 00 in to" »M CO CO Cl ^ T O «■ o CO UO ~ I ; to o o Cl CO o s CO C5 o CO eo o 00 n fe o j 00 ; i i o o" i CO J ; »-t < 2 c; CM ; co ; ! ; c: ^ < cc a o ?1 o in Cl d t- g M o CO in m C5 3 cj O CO ■w CI T~* ■^ CO t- u fcfi s CO 3 c ; C»1 ; ; ; 1 ; t- 1 s ; '-' ft, CO J I ; ■^ ; ; 5 o." c\ 1-2 "1=" c _, t- "^ co o 00 in "cT o ~ ro o -f o o in P^ !^ o c^ CO o to t— -* I- 3 e t~ c^ •^ 00 I." •— 00 C5 -■ cf in ^ o cf to" es" .a c^ N a CO ■* CO c- co 03 t- to in ^ eo to in ■* TP 00 ^ O O! CO t- t- to g ro o 00 Cl o in CO t- o\ m CO rS S ts •"• O in 33 n IM ^~* CO CO to o "7* to C- """ 00 t— CO CO s ts" co" c6 (-' -^ !>■" ^ -1^ ■^ in" co- cf o" t-^ «- ^ co' in -^ co" o 00 CM t- o co 00 o CO 00 ^*« CO ^ fH s ■<*< ■«■ CO Oi r-1 05 o: eo o 00 66 CO o t-i o CO '^ cf r-T '-^ '^ '-'' -"" -'" '-'' cf £ 05 C5 t^ m m I> t* CM a> to t~ 00 o in ~n o c- ~ in d lO Oi o CO o in C: CO o cc in o CO ■S V 00 C^ ■^ CO OJ CI TjH CO S CO CO i> t- in t- oo o -*^ e e-f ^ r-' o" *^'' l> CO CO r^ ^ [>■' co- ^ Cl — r CO" ^ ^ ,-r od" m t^ o ■^ CO CM CO in CO in cc ;/ to d ci c ^ ci ^^ ^ irj to f^ CO ci o p* 1^ t^ oo s oc oo 00 oo oc CO o CO 00 QO OO 00 oo oo oo 00 oo 00 cc 00 00 00 « EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 443 »?-! -1« m ^^ |.^ ^H ^J CO 01 CO 5 rr, CO M- ^ 5 ■- S c^ = t^ ^ ■^ 00" t-T rr' or; :i^ CJ « Cl CM eo •* 03 t~ 10 c -•- d ^ cr> in 00 e\ 00 ^ CO ^ CO to 00 •0 » (M 1- »-• 00 1.-5 c~ ■* CO CO e ^ ^-r ,-r co" ^ CM ro 10" ^ in" 1^ CO c o» CO C-. « cc cc d -'■ '^ CO ^ (N '-' - tH " cq CM -^ ^ ^ ^ 03 IfS (■/> ^ r_ to r~ cc CO a H a "^ CM CO c^ *-" ^v »~" r ^ »^ m" otT or. 00 cm" rH t> 0' 00 CO co" CD lO" CM ci CO CO in rr, __, ro CO in in y OS a 8 ^ co" in r-r cf w V ■0 C) fl Eb "^ ^ A •^ -t" of co" a d" ^ -^ H t; ^ CM CM 110 ^ t-H eo CO 1-1 I-- o o ft ■S-^ « CO CM CT. u; ^• ^g q5 Q 10 CM C4 CM ■W li: CO in ■* - ."^ tn ^ •^ m CO t^ m eo ^ ^ •^ n N 8 •«* 00 r^ >^ tj) r'\ ^- r-C en ^- o" to" rn ^' irT 0" ^7 ^ 1^ ro CO ^ a Sag" Ci "^ cc •« ■>* O) en ■* ■* CO Cfi ■"S* •5S a 't ^ ro ^ •^ ^ ^ ^ CM e CO "^ C3 'I* 00 t- t- rr t- CI _J" —5" 01 ■^ x-^ ^ ^ re jA q Qi in lO 00 ■^ ■n to CO I> CO to 00 C-. CM ,_< 05 t~. ^ CO fin eo (M CO CO in on cq ^ 00 CJ CO 03 t- CO CO CM § ■^ r-. ^ ^' ^ 10 1^ OJ nrj m m iH CM ^ C*J ■* t- 03 '^ ■n* ■* « _p ,, rr, 1-1 f. CO CI -r> 01 — _^ t»l 01 no in CJ ^ 00 00 t- CO 03 C3 •— * in ^ •N CO CO ^ r- CM ^ ^ t^ -1' nn OJ n CI d ^ ^ ^ ^1 r^ ^ nn ^ CO 01 ^ to C) -ti ^ ^ ro " ;2 ^ ^ ^ ^ 03 ^ * ,2 a s fe^^ «• ^ ^ Cl l.O ^ ^ C3 00 00 ^ uo in „ _l in CO 5 CO ■5=3 ^ M 00 cm" CM 0" CO eo" CM 00" 0" CO eo CO* m" 00" 00" > 0) J 5='2- (M t~ Q C ^ 10 -t CM in CO „ 00 •^ ^ o> 03 r~ C>J H *-» CM p- O! ^-« CO 03 t- CO t- in 'w t- ^ ^ ^ ^ CM ^ q" m &^ m C g e ^ « t~ 00 ou 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 uo 00 00 •444 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. 2S «: ^ ,_, 't C3 ,^ c^ m <-> ,_, < 1^ § . a. c- '^ t> •— ' £ e es t- f^ ^« ^ L* ^, on CO f^ in r^ ^ (« C-. & 5Ei2 le •r „- c-l ^• ~,- nn 5 £ ^ ca T* N ei" ?5 ri a d'O C5 « ^ ^^ c< ^ e; N C 0&^-*,-0(M.-it~OrtOO^O:OMrJ. eo . • cf ^ -^ o" *o ic" o >~i' c*o -t CO* r-.^ i-ri' cc" ^ "^ -^ cT S'- CJCOrjir-lQOOinOOrvlCJMm CI cd : : " - o is ' *~ I ; ^ ; ~ : : : "o • ■ • Q : : : 1--5 00 a in CO o CO CO __^ 1 tit 3 3 2 ■ •rfoc-:.-oc;c4?^o>-i'ooi--5r^(Mi-it-moo Artworks: Paintings and statuary. *5 I I OCCl--. OOOlfiOr-Tl" O •* t> O .^ Ifi o O O C5 CJ ts 2 3 fcT 2 a : : ft i : l> O o CO i £ o W ■2 : : ^ i i o o 5 S o o o moo C) (M •* o o >i i I : '^ CM ■* M rH Ca CO 6 O £ : : ^ : : in s =^ 1 \ o CI a D o s « CO C3 !^ • • e • • *^ : ! to N OOOWf-lr-linOrHOC-ItOOCClO ooiHeaioa>ocot-t-oot-t-5Cc 00 CI CO 00 ^ CO ir^ -^ .^ 00 L'^ ^ e-i oc" o* r- M CT t- t- r- 00 00 ce IT- I> «0 (X ex 1 O OC oc i c oc oc 2 1 oc ot 1 oc 2 1 o 1 446 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. • 00 C* ^ c: ^ CO r- ^ c^ X ^f m CO C5 CO o ■ • l~ -^ -V CI r? l^ t -^ tA t* o »o cr cc -* to 1> c^ 5 ^ CO o CO o On » OS c= to 00 ts m CO 00 ; rt" i-T t-T -^ (N oi w rt .- CQ ^ CO eo CO 5' ^ •^ : So ^^1 ci ; Io>inmoc--C50i.- CO -t r c» i: a: CO G o in • t~e5t-ooot~-*c; C5 ci c^i c- c; •* o s : ? 1 • a> t~ o M o -i 00 CO CO r- OC ■» OJ t- to -* 1 1 cir: « : : ^ 00 00 CO CO O O OC to 00 is" ■ CO o to C5 — 00 CN -l< to CS -3 8 : '^ " ■- Q : Sg'gvraSS'g* f. ooOf-*rocooocoinr^c^oj«oco 1 2 • o ■«• in c> 00 Ol .-< O 05 tc 00 c m to 00 .2 ^ 1 « c S ? ^ 5 o3§e-5g.35g CO Tji to CO c- in m ir CO O Ol • OCOOOC5-^»ftlftTf«COOCO — CO tc „ o -^ • in j>) i> C5 .-( cc c- •^ L- CO O ICl Ol <= oo CO M 1 5^ • • Oiftooooosw-^miMOsrocoTHOSiOt-'-^oo \ § : • ift" -^ CO* cT c " 00 of tc " to" lO" t^ O" I> rH CT -^ CO l>r 1 s • I-l tH ■^ i £ : K : •' CO in CO c- -r " in -# o- o c c- CO O -H CO 05 00 •>! C>C 0- '<» t^ tc o in CO o CO 3 o .OJTfOOi-HT^CSOOOOOOOO-^CaTJiWrH I «o 1-h" 4ft 00 CO -H o" in ^ erot-oot-oj f-i tc in rH .-1 N CO O • ^ O O -K 00 •- •n ir in o- CO •* t- e» rH ,-1 00 f- . OS in t- o ^ rH e^ 00 tc ^ 00 ■* c t- t- CO • -H cf co" in TjT o" -^ tc " to" ■* >n IT " ^ to t-^ in t-^ 00 1 8 *^ : OC O O O IT » OC 2 00 ^ c C^" CO o in o .- -H O CO c \r 00 c r- 00 O OC o 1 ?* 1 o 1-1 -H rt o: cr 5 CS) t- c- 5 in 00 o 00 CO 1 s : C)' t-" IT ' C> y- c- t- " ^ OC " 00 ^' to" t-T <35' to' 1 CO t- IT OJ Csl c- 0" co in tc in o O ' C^l CM ♦3 C5 : ^ Est Si o m in 05 oo o> c^i -* OU ■* 00 -^ in o in 00 1 ■* O ^ O CO c- CJ OJ 00 — I c o CO in 00 *S ' •>f CO rH t> Cr- c^ CO in »-i IT in iji ys in 00 o "< ' i-H in in cc If "coc 5 to c^ OC en o t- t* C^ 1^ l^ c^ 1-* OC OC cc OC OC OC OC CO o> 00 30 oo OC OC OC OC OC OC 2 OC 0( OC OC a OC a OC S 1 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 447 . -K to rt O) 0( joo-wooo.-ic-iri — CM C' -fi r- 1 .C0C000t0O>-3OOOCJ.-lO- t~ o» -r o o g •5 ; ■ O N W C- <0 m u- (DOJQOOJOIO-J'O-^I.IOO £ * tH^ eOrHNt--l'-«t-^P».-l CO « CM o 1 "3 K3 • o • 5 (^ : . -1 t- « t- >n o c> CO — t- .- o CO m in m t- 1 £ : • 00 ^ o M e CO — cr s g; ^ . . t- W ^ •-' T cr t- t- I" to o ir CO CI •^ e : : S t-' =c in - - „ ' -f r-^ -» o" c: o" o" e>i" 00 t- CO i< 1 S" • »-l CM CO -^J* CO C^ w tc cfl CI ■* m CO -^ o CO CM i ^ o ■ o C5 I 1 c a I<»t0-*lOC>OOO-*Ot~O-H00'<<'*t0-* 1 QQ . O IT cofO'- -* 3 "« ; . _. t, -. —. c- "OPJ«3000|-I|- 00 t- -K CM CO 1 1 00 u- 0500COC5— HUOOOC O CO O ti 00 -H to H ^ i r-1 C4 -W "" io-oteoococoOOt»IOO 1 S • in -^ c- c^ cr O CO -il rH in 1 ■s ; O t- o o c^ i-T cf CQ so lO (0 " C^' CO 1- COOt~C»5rHr-i^i-IO " rH 1^" 00 CO rH r-T CM C" CV" ■* C-1 3 a Q : u x" rH -* a e> c CO in t* 1-1 Ci o> c- O ■* rH Q o cr w c- CJ iT OOtOOOOrHincotOO 5 ^ *9 I • c^ -^ CO o O t- CM 00 C5 o op • • i-i p t- o in c= m t^ ^ <2 •§ : . tH t» c o in -w 00 m in m s S • ,_ rH e s • B ^ i a t3 '• ^ - o CQ rl 1-1 1-1 CM I-I rH rH 2 ■ "S i *^ : ll-o 00 o oc V. • CO CO t^ '-'^ Z. e ; s § o '* q : r^ ►-^'6 '• a 'i V e^ C CO t- a c IT O Q . o? S ■ c; C rH CO -* o in f -c S^ S d 1. : e : . c *" o ; r c - c; 6 <= c O t; t- c: c- in - 1^ » ' -< pi !zi" P^E^ ^§ * u- o t- oc c « c — ,- o r- 00 ci o 1 & t- t- t- t- t- t~ 1~ t^ S OC oc oc dc 00 oc OO CO o 1 00 a X oc ee oc a oc cc « a oc a oc oc ce CC oc a 1 448 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. - -3 H & 55 O g s i D d o 1 M oc ■w p o ■o so "3 5 ft; ■>Ji o o — m W M 1-t (N 1 O O CO CO o c^ e5 ■' "" oc 1.-5 "2 O O -rj* o o in to o o t« O CO CS t- N lO 1. = ■■='= - 3 g !3 8 cc ri ei r-< (N « m" m" -oT ' o' N cf co" t-^ i 5 1 000-Hr-OfJOOC»'*(X«0«OtOt--*rJl C4" • o '^ l> lO •H Hair, and man ulactnres of. £ 1 ■0«0 t-t--*l.'5l-5M«00-HCJOoa5QOt-OC5i-H i-T t-T N i-T .*■ i-T co' n" cf r-f si -i -^ ci i-h" -h ci rH o z Q g r^ C ® • O lO lO 00 c- ■ ^ CO w -41 § O CO to lO O 00 M 0> rH in 1 o >■> M Q Pi ■< F I I i a 5 « - t- 5 a - t 3 a 5 C 5 C 'i a 1 1 a > c 1 i r If \ 2 1 CC '< a 1 1 c ' > c i a H. Mis. 117- -29 450 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. <» O C*l in , , , 00 OS •OJ> . O c<.4 c ■ : ; : ? £ 2 o • • JP (^ : : S-,_ fl e-i 00 CO I O CO CO l~ M o OS M -* lO to ! ®3S y« 00 CO t- "f CO M rt PH lO P.C 5 ■ ' mn'- <^ : : Jewelry, and maun- factnrcs of gold and silver. 2 i i K : i (§ : : OS i : S : IJll '-'OOOl«IOt>i-IM(MOOOC« OS in -X o o K * ' C0OC0C^ll--i*0305>O00Q0lO-* C) -* -K l:~ CO r-ICilAajOtJfOiC-CO-^Ot*-^ CO to in o in "c "H*^ 00 3 •^r^Qicitooai£icicicini-^9i ■*" pH* iH ei «" »— I c; y — - "^ • ^lii q : l"^.*^ 01i-HOO.-t00r-lt--*00O0>!D § ss s § s CO \ 05coroo:c>JcocorJC50iOJ*-too ^ (M N COLiM t- 1-1 rt (M CO •♦ CO 5^ CO ■>» 00 ■* K tT tn 5 : ^ C V ^ > :\. '■-' o B 5- Q : K 5 "^ ih ■*cooc^-*OtHiniMr-inioi~. 1:- t- in o N £ : 00C0O00i.'^'fO-H O OS •* CO t- (M 00 ■^ 2 : « 1-1 1-1 iH I-l CO C4 CO J- :§ : H o IS p-i <=•! •^^ i .- S 5 S b tOCOOlMr-lCONt-COCOOOOtD encocoaioiMr-.coo>o>it- o t- t- to o 1 : CJ -oT (m" i-T N t> Co" Cf -* iH 00 I- CO c4 i-T Bi "s ; <=» : a oj X =* ■^ t* OS 00 o in i-H 2 i 00 o p; o I- OS in (O ■* OS 00. O OS (M rH (N Co" n' -H im" .a o 00 Q 00 00 • o -* ir~ >n in 00 OrtMco-*i.- ^ (O t-^ OO C5 d 1 H EX i - I - r^ 1^ t— r- I- I" ^-O 00 00 00 00 ex D CO 00 00 00 03 1 00 o r-l •- a 5 a a D a 3 0< 5 ex 1 a > o< < 1- 3 M 0< 0< ■ a oc 01 oc S 1 EXPORTS OP DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 451 U >^ t : S s ■« ^ p. s 1 . : • Ui 00 ■ o o in o o o in o o 1 ! f t* ~v ' o o • 0)0 1.0 • t3> O O g CD • PI to . CO eo iH in CO t~ D 5 ; • CO N rH M CO M 1-1 S OS Ml <§ : 5 1? 1 iH CO C4 (.T ^t> '• ev M o> CO O i-H 00 00 lO >0 l> 00 O lO 00 r. fl 3 a • (T 00 o CO lO "* 00 03 09 « t> M CO o> CO rH O )^ • O Oi CO to to r-l to ro c^ N 00 t- ^ ■ ,-r « bi o s ^ ; c< ;S -1^ O O t- O O C^l M to in t~ CO c- o t- m t- CO fH "3 s£ ' to rn to Tjl CO in CO ^ rH eeoi«ir5co'<*icct»co e3 ce inoootot-cooooOtHosooot-OMt- " • -<"t~ t--a OT-(T)loe0O00<0-*r-l r-l s ^ ; cf ^- r^ * O • D u ■o (^ : ^ R o 1 ■ o> in 09 ■ CO U5 to E • CO r-( pq Fa -^ ~ : 4 ■o a ii ^g ^ 15 1 ^ f-i n" n -W lO -J) t- 00 05 o — i cj ?; •* ui to t~ 00 oi = 1 >t t~ c- c~ C» W 1"^ C^ C^ t*- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OC 00 A 1 oo X 00 00 OC X oo 0( X OC oo OC 00 OC 00 OC X OC X oo rH 1 1-1 CO y rH O o : Xi * ^ =3 -H O 452 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. " " s 2 -T-- O bB * btrr' .9 a fs w -i (4 o t o 'V'Z N 5 a ^ a ^ a CS^ u rt t- o» M r- Oi O Cl »0 W ?3 to r-l W W «-t M C-l CJ i-H T* CJ t- CO O ff OS IM -H i-H 00 N O CT "^ -^ C^ O O ■* r-i re m 1-- «o OS 00 rH to" 1^ cf i-H r^ eg m M CM o>o^O"Dii-iot-oeD:=«eqoooo>>-i« N 05 t^ eg OJ ocoMe^-*oooo>>-ima>ojoo CO C5 l.*^ o M ■"Id t> 00 T-i t- O <0 "* .H CO OS 00 0> t'CS'^CSOrtOO'^OOSf-tl^OQOnt^O; tOOOOOrHtOt-iH-* OS P» 00 i-( -H •^ososooeO'^'^Oi^QOCsto f-IOSt-ICO'>*tDU5COroT((l«(OCI>Tll 00 w O N »H 00 CO m 00 to 00 00 CO o «o o r^ -^ ^ CO rl iH O t- «-< C-1 M -^ lO ^ t^ 00 o> O ^ ?l fO t^ i, r^ t^ 1^ i- 1^ t- I- oo 00 oo 00 OOOOOOOOOOODCCOOCOOOOOOOOO lO O t- 00 C5 ^ 00 OO 00 00 00 0& 00 00 00 00 00 00 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 453 a >« a a •<1 H ■< g CO 1 o CO 1 O H O Q O 3 p. si H i ^ 44 251 1,559 3,124 1,354 3,531 g 1 : » O t- 00 OS N to O CO OO to 00 r-( to OS to C^l O r-t "' S 5' s s CI T-l 1 s-<,a S rt S » -3 ■«-|" p< 5 »o>>no,-iooirreoci'od T»ioo>«i-»»ooooi>t- >a a n at m m e^ «4H 2 ?? 1 g s g g s O (M C^l 00 O 00 00 CO to CO -W OS ill O -H -H CO O OS C-l CO CO CO »H mosooi>eoiOr-i«o-»)i«Deq-^ ^lC3r^r-^COOl-IOO OS -H ,-1 rH tH to 51" • ™ ir* ?3 o OOieOCO^t-^rHCOtt)-*— IC-1,-^t:--^^Cl lrtCO OS o torrMt-CTinincooseo c-oo-*co^t-ccm-* COC^l CO 00 r1 CI ,a in ir- CI- cs T bo in o (M cj c^i CO OS r- ^ o i : 00 to to t- i-H CO IM rl m UT in 00 rt -m a. ft, : >< s • 1 5 £ : •w t* N cv M t* If O O l> t- O t- 00 t- 00 CO 1 in c- t> (M o r- a- Ol t- i-l o t^ t^ -^ ■* rH in 1 e m in m 00 -"ji CO CO tk in to iM t> in 00 to 1 lis • tH O 1 u Q : V "3 e> NO'MOCOOO'l'OOOO^ to Ol to -d M OS 1 ^ C^OOJ-^C^ICOCOOO OS 00 Ol 00 tr- pq ■« 1 Nooscoe^^oooin CO in 03 to = CO 1 s • ^ CQ If t- to' <— 1 tH~ r-i~ r-T fo" r-T i-T co" eo 1 8 • o • s ft. : i b 2 : oOT«oomLnc-«o-^oi •«** 05 l> ■»*< g a> ^ -^ c^oo»^coincvi-fjio S O 00 OT ,4 Ot-OOOt-iIlC-lM C^ in rH rt >< o (N a C> ' < 5 a : a *^ * 1 a 5 . ; rH a ) i-i' -H in of to C to 00 in in iM N t> tH 00 in o to CO 1 o TS j-i j-i <-i r-i m rH 1 OT 3 ^ : s !0 o B ■p. o c OOOCMO'fOOOOOO o o o o -^ o o = o o to O Cs o o o o o o o o in tS o iD ,M •^ ' N c coinoi>iMoeq-*eo-* o in CO OS in N P -2 o § ' -l!' cr "i-roroTincorHw'eocJ'or ci' ifT t-T in ti" lo s <=> • ■^ iH rH i-H CV in ^ r. ^ ^ 1 6. -3 •^ : H o g a O w .2 ' o © o OS o cr in in CO ■* c c- oc CT cr e- P IN 10 1 i in -•* CT cr tc If X o ^ P ^ 5 Wf- ] ?E 5 9 r-i C' m -f in <3) 2 : t- CI o o •> in Q "o ■ < 2 J3 •^ : Q ^ O o CO o t> t-i to ■ o o CO c a i : 'H CJ o> y. < . O X be eg C^l C-l cf ftn : :i^ 00 a P. s : o CO y. -* in X CO CO t- g CO CO ^ If "" N ss H to m '3 o § •o Q : O CO CI o ^ •^ in CO -^ « ■^ CO t~ rH O 00 in CJ *5 t 00 CO S rH O » m rH Cfl" ■< a O "3 "S I E3 a a : fe = '^ III £ : •S ; ^ ^ g CO C5 *^ « C3 n M a, '^ • M . ; ^ ^ >^ IT 00 -> CO 03 1* 3 Tt •* 00 ,-o -* C<1 § ■ J^ N r- (T ~ f^ c 00 ^ cc oc N co" in i> •* s ■ ? o ' Ah ; 0) o i-i CO o- tc c*" a- C» in - o t:~ CQ C- CO O 00 CD ^ • CO "S rH !& 3 •^^ : -*J o o o c C c c "<*< c c: o o o o o =t-i lO lO o c o c a- in in CO S O S CO M O s : CO r-l -^ cr 05 CO rH C<1 ,H rH 5 o ■« •E e i "S. ^ : !» ~ CO a c •H -* o tr- in d £ • ■* cr (N (c t^ IT ■^ rH rtl OJ oc t ^ \r O in CI 00 e . XT' «c c^ in 00 f3 o • a •^^ : 5 "S. (M IT t- a l> oc O C>" • f^ : rH oj in lo c<- c c- % c lA C CO CC CD in in -^ CO CO O 00 C<1 IT tc 00 a cq ■= cs CO 1:- CO l> (M IM M " o CO ■fl c 00 in e N a c • "O ^ ■ « o o CO *=» • O ^1 og (2; WW w H > CI -* ira » t- ) a c < ci f rj H ir - t> 00 OS O 1 t- t- t- i^ 1- I- t- - t D S 1 00 0< OC 5 a 3 00 OO CX> OS 1 00 a 5 CJ( : ot , 2 1 a ) 0( 3 1 s ^ A 456 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. 2 '^ o « ^ CO o in 00 05 2? ^ CD C5 ^^ CO 00 in t- rH 1 I> C5 in 00 N ■.3< o rH CO i. • to a to to m to ■^ O) in t- in o I— ( CO ■^ CI CO i| « ; . Ci rH CO ci co' co' in co" Cl •^ ci o CO •^ t' CO «" ■* ^^ c *« « ^^ ^ : S -2 «; CO CJ to N w tc 00 o 00 O) cc O 00 _- n ^. ?• I .^ CO CO tc C! CI -* -w &3 * cs CO 00 to lO o> 00 in o •^ Ci •^ t~ 00 ot: CO CO O s .^ .-0 1 : l-^ 00 K n o CO ■*!« OC) 00 i-^ co' co" in in cT t> O 1>'^ ca CO r- CI Cl M rH PS H n D 00'^ lO t> 00 o o t- ca ^ to „ ~ "~» co t:- CO "^ O CI CS CO C5 o o to c: •^ cc c. o CI CO CI a> ^ 'd ^. ■ CO in •^ in r> to 03 o -^ o CO ■* *— ' CO OJ a B : Co" QC in 00 t- ^■ OC) —, oc ^ o CO ^ o o in t.^ y (S CO (M 5 to ■w co ^ -* ^ CO CO ■^ CO c> Cl CO CO < t; 00 8 1^ lo a to to C5 in CI .* 31 ^ m o in 00 OS a> c» 4"^ u to O! to 00 CO CO t- l- to d o t- CO 00 to • O CO in to o 1- Cl d o ir t- s 00 00 rH ^ : i-T I-. M ^ i g j o -S • Q : ^ s : o : s 4) g ID 2 : a- c; CI QC 00 o 00 •^c s 00 5^ ® \r c^ Cl 3} o s,a 1 -3-3.2 q : Ed e £ : ;§ : 5 ^ t- 50 c o Cl ■* 13 IS a p ''- r- cr ■4 00 1.0 CO Ci : n to II lO c- I> c; c t- c CO q: c to 00 rH in 00 1 Ei3 22 ^1 00 c p. ir C oc 00 t- Tjl -• 1 a to r- to" t- oc CO o to CT QC QC iT oc cc a to I> CI O 00 "^ \ OJ cf -* 1 « : &. u o t- to oc t- IT ir u- o if- s •^ CO t~ in 05 « 1 a- O OC c- c to CO ^ IT in r« 2 -d o l- 'r- s 0- -* 0- Oi cr oc IT o in Tj< in Cl fe 1 C) c l> oc tc ir C oc o- .* t-T to t-" t-T o C-1 tc a- CO t^ in t- CO ca o OC IT t:~ CO in rd T^ Q O Q : Cl 5 "3 ^ CI « a ir t- l> •4 \r 3 <= en OS Ol ^ t- 1 8 C3 "« ; CO ir tc « oc IM CI C: o c; CO in cc CO 00 o cc c^ to cr tc If to oc T tc 'J c CI 05 d O CO 1 o Q a : t^ -^ -^ ir c c QC t' " ^ o- ■ ^^ c- ' ^ O' T» " co" CO ■< s to a *t t> QC t^ CO O CI rH .«< CO ■* ■* ^ 1 ca t3 o • »-< 1 to 't t- ■* c- CC cc •4 m o R. : >, u h c t^ <= ir a c<- tc t- o 00 ■a t- cc rl M O H 01 " 1 bl M 5 i 00 t- c oc oc oc tc r in o o" cT in o = 1 (^ : M PS . •< >• a a t^ 1 : O -"J ir c cc IT cr a cc oc H t^ CI CO o ce in t- P c- t- s CC oc t- c t- CJ cc OC c c if >1 c- c ■* r- 05 t- go ^ O 3 • " tc r Tj tc cr- c c c^ c o c tc o" oc)" in in ej o • o- I- c r- c oc CO CO 00 03 H| f? : CI o ^i p^t^ f«g ^^ s rl I^ CO -J ir > tc h- oc > a c c 0- If to t- - oc o) o r^ t- tr- ■ t^ t- . t' • l> tr- e- t- a QC a oc 00 oc OO Oi 1 00 oc oc 1 oc oc ot oc QC a OC a o a 00 oe ' S 1 EXPORTS OP DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 457 n 00 co C^ 00 ,_, t- C-l at -* CO •>«" M o» CO M t H cc M M C5 00 CO ?J 00 '»*' in CO e-1 CO in -* in CO r: t- J 3^ e< ■>»" CO CO ^ oot^t^inoosciosoDio -<) _ 00 tr. er. CO ^ r^ n CO't^t--03"C3 t-^r-ToToGod" g e ^ S c^ :? 3 in n IM in CI C-. rH ■* m 00 ininco-^-^-^^scoco-* H > p i ^ HE- . • a a> 00 CO a ^ in inooc^cicooscocot-oo ^ © a 1 ^ • 00 c t~ (X c-i un r-MO'^coinr-ci'-fW • CO ■0 ■«>< cT t~-' in r: oomcoi-HOOicocoM N •>* CO' CO Cf Co' r-T i-T CO q : 91 U H , co CO in • (N CO ■* t- 00 Hi 2 : 5 : (N t:- C4 CO 00 .-1 CO T-t Ci (M .H CJ -ita § ! rc3 4!) , •* CO • 10 CO CO ■<* CO 00 1«2 J : -X CO t» . eo TO 3 51 3! !n S S a : i-T cJ "o I ^P C) : s g ; ^ a> t- oa a> iH ■w ■« oooioo-moot-ooooco 1: '• e : to CO •>* t~ f -!)iincoocot-iiMi-ic»t- h 1 '^ (M CO CO 00 tn cot-oojiooiooi-irteo • es d •* %) CO ■*" (N a> cf Cf •>* eo' -^ ■* 10" rH r-" Co' CO" "^ "S I P3 % C) ; B c 2d I CO IM CO .H a> 03 (» rH COinoOOCOMOi-liH-* <) • CO e^ ^^ 00 -^ 00 M in in eo in (M CI CO rH cs b S £ : '. "' s^ a. •* 10 t~ •<* COOOOO-'JICIOIOCOOO-^ -gB 1 • I ■* C) CO ■w co" CO 10" ■*" eoeococo'-<(rcDcoe4'rJcJ tn'2 ^ fl "o ; a w5 =^ i 'O '• n a ■* CO .-1 00 S g ■>ji in I CI ^ u t^ c3 S g 3 ^ s : • ■^ t> CI OS ■^ t* Oi tH c4 00 in o E-i . -» CO iH CO e< I-H t- ! M Q «1 c* CO -* b fc. 01 fH 5 _B • in a "S Q d : 5 ^ D M W "S '• CO g O O H v : 10 CQ & H •2 ■ Cl a 00 . CO o> ; a ■>* . eo -* eo ■ eo J : ■» cf i-T '■ co" e • •o c^ : « 1 <^ .^ in • m t- eo ■ C3 c« iH ■ •<» •^ : ^ : i m e a p ^ P4 M -«1 e H v^ a CO -^ cc l> QC a « cr ■* IT ce t- ec o> c t- t- t- t" t- t- . t^ t- Soooooooooooooooooj 1 00 00 00 a > DC OC OC cr CX3 00 0< 5 00 OC OC 1- OC OC 00 OC 1 458 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. m I— I Q tn o :^ O «j l-l M S I o « p o m H (^ O H 2 s ?; E H P J 3 03 " H ^ O > a P^S 00 -^ 00 f-i 00 cc OO CO u- O S V O 1-1 00 O T»i .S fH •^ N cT «D M o a; s; p fe k 3 !-, CB o o = a' n p^i [ bj • t^ CO 00 ©gS »-«O0000 P -S £3 M CO M O fw CO tH O >0 O 00 o c> EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 459 460 COMMERCE WITH EUROPE. b vH to ,^ g OJ ,^ r^ ^ -v^ o ^^ ,_( 1 S •* 00 oo l> •— * O ■o< 00 00 in o to o t— in c- 00 J? « ^ 05 tr> o ^ r> CO IM h- ^ in^ n tC c^ r~^ ^ ^ 2 o e ^ + o ^ o o t— -* in CO CA CO L- o 05 t~ CO ei ■* no o o o CO or 00 to t~ CO in o in o op m t-> q ■ H •* to m in in m in to o to m to bO in ^ 00 a. o to .H ^ ^ 00 r- 05 ^ CO nj m .-0 CO C3 ^ m CO S3 a c ^ a c or tc C a c< OC i: o> 03 W ^ i r-( ~f ei Cl ^- 3 3 + >— < •* o lO CO 00 to -^ t- -n •^ t~ o» 05 c^ ^ ■^ ■^ o ^^ (M ,_f ,_^ ^ -T* to Ol in r~> ^ Q r- « c. 't W i« c^ o; CO « CO CO ■* CO CO •« -* •^ CO co eo CO ■* OS CO & CO CO n m 00 N „ to o c ■<}' C^ a r- r- in c; c a t~ -ri -^ c-. OC to OJ c; Irt *f OS ^ c^ a. tc ^ •fl cc cr: a tc M t£ tc o; 5« C( eo CO CA (M in 1 , to o on ■>n -* o OS 'X a 00 o: c- tX fe tc a •^ c w OC ff -rt or; ■<( cv a CM ej q M 13 ^1 to O on CO r- in 00 m iM O u in oq n» to ro to <13 s rr) C-l cq 1,^ !3 r/1 in OO o in ri oi n in to' ci rili :S + Q CO c^ CI 00 "* o CO i- "^i oi a en r-1 co' r-J cj im' co' ai CO ei to in CO CO 00 ei CO in to t-J !-> o r- o o CO « b- t- i> o 00 05 m a t- o i- to -* to ei 00 ^ d « irs tD co rn ,_, C-) f^ m to r^ Pi s; :5 + O to in -* c- ^ ■<*i OS UJ QCi o '- CO OS i> OS OS CO f^ c a I- r- <- ot O -i 'I c o: tc 1- 1 T~t IM rn to t- m rr ^ (M in ^ to or 1 r-i in ■^ in 00 in m -HI in * ™ •^ ■^ -* - '~ CO oo o 00 + t; c: -i 1" q to to o ^ to ■r, CO o in ■ 05 r~ OS I-- 00 o IM ^ i a e 1-H ■* N OS to -+ to 3 Q M o: M ■^ o> OC «<> -H _ to 0! a^ Cf c ^ o "3 a — •^ '^ l> - o fl + o in a. t— CC Ot a cr t- IM to o OC 00 CO S " ^ O ei- CQ 0- •>* •♦ ■^ IM -* 1 2 a o 2 y t3 3 tH »^ + -a o E- i < E- <; g < o -1 If T rr _ ^ o ir to ,_ or - "^Aa^AiNamv ^•lOSANCElfj-^ o Ji^DNvsoi^ "^AaaAiNn-^w^^ ^illBRARYi?/^ ^IIIBRARYO/^ "^^^Aiivaan^^ "^(^Aavaaii^^ .^WE•UNlvi i-n ,^WEUNIVER% v^lOSANCElfj> o %JI1V3J0^ %0JI1V3J0-^ "^Jl^lJONVSOl^ ^OFCAIIFO^. ^OFCALIFO% .^WEINIVER^ o "^ jo^ '%ojnv3jo>' <^' .^WE•UNIVER^//;^ ^lOSANCElfjv. o ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^;, I last I*!©! IV£)i >-