5w 22 WW-' ■^M . i.'-;.-iH^S '<..i'ir. SA.V! CARLOS 1/60 ROBERT ERNEST COWAN Zbc Moik OF THE IRo^al lEuGineevs in British Columbia 1858 to 1863. HIS HONOUR FREDERIC W. HOWAY JUDGE OF THE COUNTY COURT OF WESTMINSTER. An Address delivered before the Art Historical and Scientific Association of Vancouver on 9th February, 1909. VICTORIA, B. C. : Printed liy Richard Wolpinden, I. SO. , V.D., Printer to the Kiog'8 Most Exoellent Uajesty. 1910. • '.. -.• CO ^•?5 FOREWORD. Mj' good friend Judge Howay has been kind enough to ask me to subscribe a few ititroductory lines to his excellent lecture on the pioneer work of the Sappers and Miners in British Columbia, and it is ivith pleasure indeed that I readily comply with his request. An early recollection of the members of the corps who remained in British Cohnnbia after the }nain body had returned to England bririgs to mind names of many who have passed away — ivhose descendants arc now prominent in the social and commercial life of the Province — as uvll as of those who still remain with us, notably in this instance Colonel Wolfenden , who for upwards of forty-seven years has efficiently filled the position of King's Printer in British Columbia. fudge Howay's contribution to perhaps the most important event in con- ^ nection with the establishment of civil gover-nrnent on the mainland of the Province will pr ove a most valuable addition to the authentic literature relat- ing to the early history of this country. The achievement of the officers and men of the corps will ever remain as a permanent factor in the development and material prosperity of British Columbia , and should rank as a work worthy of the highest traditions of the Royal Engineers. RICHARD McBRIDE. Prime Minister's Office, Victoria, B. C, March zist, igio. ^he Jlogal ^nigmeer 5 ^»>IIT<^ British Sclumbi;^. THE ROYAL ENGINEERS. IN the formation of the Colony of British Cohim- bia, the doctrine of evolution had neither place nor part. In the spring of the year 1858 the mag- netic lure of the gold drew into the amorphous territory called New Caledonia a horde of reckless fortune-hunters, " from the world's four corners blown." The first contingent of 450 miners arrived in Victoria on the 25th April, 1858. Reporting this event, Governor Douglas said: "They are repre- sented as being with some exceptions a specimen of the worst of the population of San Francisco — the very dregs, in fact, of society." Yet he admits that they were quiet and orderly during their stay there ; and we know that some of our best respected and most esteemed citizens came in that early rush. In the fortnight between the 5th and the 20th of June there arrived in Victoria from San Francisco the steamers Republic, Commodore, Pamvna, Cortec, and Santa Cruz; the ships Gcorgina and William Berry; the barques Gold Hunter, Adelaide, Live Yankee, and Madonna; the schooners Guilictta, Kos- suth, and Osprcy; and the sloop Curleiv. And all of them loaded to the gunwales with eager adventur- ers. On the 27th June the Republie returned with 800; on the 1st July the Sierra Nevada landed 1,900; and on the 8th July the Orizaba and Corlez landed 2,800 more. By every then known mode of conveyance, on land and water, " this motley inundation of immi- grant diggers," as Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton (after- wards Lord Lytton) described it, poured into the unorganised territory, startling with a rude awaken- ing the slumberous forts of the Hudson's Bay Com- pany, until by the middle of July the number ex- ceeded 30,000. As the Rev. R. C. Lundin Brown says : " Never in the migrations of men had there been seen such a rush, so sudden and so vast." The mainland of British Columbia, comprising the territory referred to as New Caledonia, then held by the Hudson's Bay Company under its exclu- sive licence of trade, still lay wrapped in the mantle of original silence. About a score of forts, or trad- ing posts, of the Company, separated in most instances by hundreds of miles, were the only evidences of civilisation ; hunting, trapping, and trading, the only occupations; beaver-skins, the only money; the natural waterways, the Indian, and brigade trails, the only means of communica- tion ; semblance of government there was none ; and the law of the club and the fang was the arbiter in all disputes. In a moment all this was completely changed. The gathering cry had been cried; the bounden were obeying and responding in thousands to the call of the " yellow root of evil." Instantly an enormous burden was thrown upon the " mother of nations." This great inrusii called for the formation of civil government ; the enforce- ment of law and order; the raising and collection of revenue; the examination, exploration, and development of the country; the construction of roads, trails, and bridges ; and all the thousand-and- one things which are necessary to change a wilder- ness into the abode of civilised and law-abiding people. And all of these things to be done, not leisurely, but immediately; not separately, but jointly; not consecutively, but concurrently. THE ROYAL ENGINEERS James Douglas, the Governor of Vancouver Island, and the head of the Hudson's Bay Company west of the Rockies, being the nearest representa- tive of the Crown, was by letter from Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated i6th July, 1858, " authorised under the necessity of the case " to perform the duties of Governor of the unorganised territory, pending the passage of the organic Act, and his own formal and legal appointment as Governor. Douglas, from a lad, had been accustomed to the natives, knew their habits, their manners, their lines of thought and of action, and understood the motives and impulses which prompted their con- duct ; but these foreign gold-seekers, these wild and adventurous spirits, many of whom brought un- savoury reputations from California, and whose sympathies, as he himself said in his letters to the Secretary of State, were decidedly anti-British— these he looked upon with suspicion and dismay. The inrush of land-seekers had robbed the British Crown of the fertile fields of Oregon; this inrush of gold-seekers might rob it of New Caledonia. With such thoughts in his mind he felt the necessity of a "power behind the throne." Writing to Sir E. . B. Lytton on the 19th August, he says: "The affairs of Government might be carried on smoothly with even a single company of infantry; but at present I must, under Providence, depend in a great measure on personal influence and management — a position inconsistent with the dignity of the Queen's Government." Much the same thought appears to have been in the mind of Sir E. B. Lytton, for in introducing into the House of Commons, on the 8th July, 1858, the Act to provide for the government of New Cale- donia, he spoke of " the necessity of an immediate measure to secure this promising and noble terri- tory from becoming the scene of turbulent disorder, and to place over the fierce passions which spring from the hunger of gold the restraints of established law." This abstract statement took form in a letter which he wrote a few days later to Governor Douglas, in which he says that he intends " sending to British Columbia by the earliest opportunity an officer of Royal Engineers (probably a field officer with two or three subalterns) and a company of Sappers and Miners, made up of 150 non-commis- sioned officers and men." In a letter of 31st July, 1858, he explains to him his views as to the duties of the Royal Engineers. " It will devolve upon them " he says, " to survey those parts of the country which may be considered most suitable for settlement, to mark out allotments of land for public purposes, to suggest a site for the seat of Government, to point out where roads should be made, and to render you such assistance as may be in their power. . . . This force," he adds, " is sent for scientific and practical purposes, and not solely for military objects. As little dis- play as possible should therefore be made of it." Sir E. B. Lytton, in a very lengthy letter written to Governor Douglas on the i6th October, 1858, goes into the reasons which moved him to select the Royal Engineers for this work. He says : — " The superior discipline and intelligence of this force, which afford ground for expecting that they will be far less likely than ordinary soldiers of the line to yield to the temptation to desertion offered by the goldfields, and their capacity at once to pro- vide for themselves in a country without habitation, appear to me to render them especially suited for this duty ; whilst by their services as pioneers in the work of civilisation, in opening up the resources of the country, by the construction of roads and bridges, in laying the foundations of a future city or seaport, and in carrying out the numerous engineer- ing works which in the earlier stages of colonisa- tion are so essential to the progress and welfare of the community, they will probably not only be pre- served from the idleness which might corrupt the discipline of ordinary soldiers, but establish them- selves in the popular good-will of the emigrants by the civil benefits it will be in the regular nature of their occupation to confer." The detachment was sent out in three principal sections : First, Captain Parsons and twenty men ; second, Captain Grant and twelve men; third. Cap- tain Luard and the main body. Those accompany- ing Captain Parsons were principally surveyors; those accompanying Captain Grant, principally car- penters. These two bodies came by way of Pana- ma, leaving England on the 2nd and 17th Septem- ber, 1858. Colonel Moody, the commanding officer, also came by that route, leaving England on the Asia on 30th October, 1858. Captain Parsons and his men arrived at Victoria on 29th October; Cap- tain Grant and his men arrived on 8th November; and Colonel Moody, accompanied by his wife and children, arrived at Victoria on Christmas Day, 1858. Captain Grant's party, although the second to reach Victoria, was the first to enter British Colum- bia. They were embarked on the Beaver on the 14th November, 1858, and sent forward to Fort Langley. Captain Parsons's party accompanied Governor Douglas and the other officials of the new colony of British Columbia who sailed from Vic- toria for Fort Langley on the i6th November in H. M. S. Satellite. At Point Roberts the officials and their bodyguard were transferred to the Hudson's Bay Company's steamers Beaver and Otter, arriving at Langley on the i8th November. There they were received in approved military form by Captain Grant's party. These two sections of the Royal Engineers took part in the ceremonies in connection with the official birth of the Colony of British Columbia, which occurred at Fort Langley on the following day. IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. The third section, comprising the main body, sailed from Gravesend on the loth October, 1858, and from the Downs a week later, in the clipper ship Thames City, 557 tons, commanded by Captain Glover. This section consisted of two subalterns (Lieutenants A. R. Lempriere and H. S. Palmer), one staff-assistant surgeon (J. V. Seddall), 118 non-commissioned officers and men, 31 women, and 34 children, under the command of Captain H. R. Luard, R. E. A portion of the stores and provisions for the detachment was sent out in the barque Briscis, which sailed from the Downs on 27th October, 1858. It had been intended to send on her four married men of the detachment under Corporal William Hall, but when the vessel was loaded it was found that there was not sufficient accommoda- tion for them. This was fortunate, as the Briscis was burned at sea, and the passengers and crew suffered many hardships before reaching safety. The remainder of the stores and provisions was sent out on the ship Euphrates, which sailed from London Docks on the 3rd January, 1859, and arrived at Victoria on the 27th June, 1859. On her came the four married men and their families above alluded to — Sergeant Rylatt, the storekeeper and his wife, and Mrs. James Keary and her infant son, W. H. Keary, the present Mayor of New Westminster. The interest which Sir E. B. Lytton took in the formation of the colony and in all that made for its solid foundation is shown by the care and attention he gave to the selection and proper fitting out of the Royal Engineers. He believed in the necessity for proper literary surroundings, and the men of the detachment having raised a fund for the purchase of a library, he undertook to select it personally. The result was a small but complete library, which after the disbanding of the Engineers in 1863 was transferred to the Mechanics' Institute in New Westminster, and formed the nucleus of the first public library in the colony. A description of this library as it existed some years afterwards will be found in Morley Roberts's " Western Avernus." When Captain Parsons was leaving on the La Plata, Sir E. B. Lytton went on board and addressed the party at some length, impressing on them the inter- est he felt in their welfare, and pointing out how much the ultimate success of the new colony depended on the exertions of themselves and their comrades. We must never forget — indeed, it should be a pleasure to us to remember — that the author of the " Last Days of Pompeii " was the father of the Colony of British Columbia. Of it, he was, he said, " most proud "; and in September, 1861, in address- ing the electors of Hertford, whom he represented in the House of Commons, he expressed the hope that " in future generations his name might be remem- bered in connection with the commencement of a colony destined, he believed, to be the wealthiest of all that now speak our language." It must not be thought that the detachment sent to British Columbia was simply one of tiie forty companies into which the Royal Engineers were then divided. No greater mistake could be made. It was a picked body— selected out of a large num- ber of volunteers for this service, and chosen with the view of having included in their ranks every trade, profession, and calling which might be useful in the circumstances of a colony springing so sud- denly into existence as British Columbia had done. And although it is called a detachment of the Royal Engineers, there were four men in it who did not belong to the Royal Engineers at all— namely, two of the Royal Artillery and two of the 15th Hussars- included for the purpose of forming the nucleus of an artillery corps or a cavalry corps should the exigencies of the case so require. Upon the arrival of Captain Parsons's and Cap- tain Grant's parties at Fort Langley, they were sent to New Langley, or Derby, for the purpose of erect- ing the necessary buildings in which the force should be housed. In the interval the Hudson's Bay Company's brigantine Recovery was pressed into service as a place of lodgment for them. The main body, as I have stated, left England on the 17th October, 1858. Although in a clipper ship, the long voyage around the Horn occupied over six months — anchor not being dropped in Esquimalt Harbour until the 12th April, 1859. The only calls made on the way were at the Falkland Islands, of which Colonel Moody had at one time been Gover- nor, and at Valparaiso. THE EMIGRANT SOLDIERS' GAZETTE. Chief amongst the means of whiling away the dull monotony of the voyage was the preparation and presentation of a paper, " The Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette and Cape Horn Chronicle." This novel paper was edited by that versatile genius Second Corporal Charles Sinnett, assisted by Lieutenant H. S. Palmer, and " published at the Editor's Office, Starboard Front Cabin, Thames City." It was read by Captain Luard to the assembled company every Saturday night. Each little occurrence on board, all births and deaths (there were no marriages), the natural his- tory of the voyage, the records of the days' runs, jokes, gags, and riddles, original and selected items, both of prose and poetry, fill its columns. It may be interesting to note that among the children born on the voyage was a son of Sapper Linn, after whom Linn Creek, on the northern side of Vancou- ver Harbour, is named ; a daughter of Sergeant Jonathan Morey, whose very name (Marina) indi- cated that she was born upon the sea ; a son of Sapper Murray, and a son of Sapper Walsh. Per- haps I may be pardoned for introducing a specimen of a home-made poetic effusion, entitled " Hutlili- caut's Wedding," sung by Corporal Sinnett at a theatrical entertainment on 4th March, 1859: — THE ROYAL ENGINEERS I'll sing ye lads a Falkland sang, Wi' thumpin' chorus loud and lang, I'll tell ye o' the gleesom' thrang At Huthlicaut's braw weddin' O. The first that cam' was Geordie Cann, Then Osment too, and Wolfenden, Wi' Jock McMurphy, Dick Bridgeman, Cam' skippin' to the weddin' O. There was Morey too, and Rogerson, And Lindsay cam' to join the fun, An' Smith cam' ere the feast begun. At Huthlicaut's braw weddin' O. There was Normansell and blithe Woodcock, And Launders came to join the flock, An' Sinnett wi' his dirty smock, Gid faith ! he marred that weddin' O. The proper names, it will be observed, are worked into the metre in a manner worthy of a Macaulay. After filling four more verses with an enumeration of the other persons present, the alleged poet goes on to describe the good things. The tables groaned, he says, Wi' haggises an' fine kale soups, Wi' brandies, wines, and mint-juleps, Wi' gid brown ale full mony stoups. At Huthlicaut's braw weddin' O. Wi' ham, an' beef, an' mutton too, Wi' Athol brose an' Irish stew, Wi' pies an' pasties, not a few. At Huthlicaut's braw weddin' O. The original manuscript of the paper, in Sinnett's own handwriting, is preserved in the archives of the Province, and was no doubt seen by many who viewed the Simon Fraser exhibit at the Exhibition at New Westminster last year. Soon after the arrival of the corps at New Westminster it was published by the late Hon. John Robson, then editor of the " Columbian." This edition being unobtain- able, the Provincial Government, in 1907, reprinted the paper in a most attractive and elaborate style, embellishing the work with beautiful photogravures of the officers of the corps. I have referred at length to this paper not only on account of its intrinsic merit and its interest as an historical document relating to this Province, but also and more especially because a perusal of it will show far better than any words of mine the versatile abilities of the members of the corps. By the time Colonel Moody arrived, the carpenter force, which had been at work since the latter part of November, had constructed at New Langley, or Derby, quite a number of necessary military build- ings. Remembering that his instructions were to suggest a site for the seat of Government, Colonel Moody proceeded to examine into the suitability of New Langley, or Derby, then the de facto capital. On sanitary, on commercial, on military, and on political grounds, the Colonel unhesitatingly con- demned that spot, and chose instead the site upon which the City of New Westminster now stands. The position selected for the Royal Engineer camp lay at the junction of the Brunette and the Fraser — the spot upon which the Provincial Peni- tentiary now stands. To this place Captain Par- sons's and Captain Grant's parties were removed early in March, 1859. THE NED McGOWAN "WAR." Before the removal from New Langley and while the Royal Engineers consisted only of Captain Par- sons's and Captain Grant's contingents, they were called upon for the first military service performed in the colony. The incident is trivial, but may be interesting, as showing how high treason may grow out of a common assault. Know, then, that at Yale and at Hill's Bar, two miles below, were resident two magistrates, Whan- nell and Perrier, each bitterly jealous of the other. On Christmas Day, 1858 — by the way, the first Christmas in British Columbia — a miner, Farrell, a resident of Hill's Bar, went up to Yale, imbibed too freely, and strolling along its one street, happened to see a negro, Dickson, standing at the door of his barber-shop. Feeling, with Sir Anthony Absolute, that he should not breathe the same air, or use the same light, or enter the same hemisphere with him, he committed a serious and unprovoked assault on the poor negro. News of his conduct reached the Bar, and the Hill's Bar magistrate, on the ground that Farrell resided there, and should have got in- toxicated at home, following the maxim, possibly, that " equity looks on that as done which ought to have been done," concluded that he would investi- gate the affair, although it had not occurred in his jurisdiction, but in the jurisdiction of the Yale magistrate, and sent his constable with a warrant to Yale to arrest the offender. But before the con- stable arrived Farrell had been arrested by the Yale authorities, and the former was himself arrested and locked up for contempt of Court in daring to enter Yale for such a purpose, which, the Yale magistrate thought, reflected on his impartiality. This roused the ire of the Hill's Bar magistrate. The celebrated Ned McGowan was then a resident of the Bar. Likely at his suggestion, for he had been a Judge in California, a warrant was issued by the Hill's Bar magistrate for the arrest of the Yale magistrate and his constable for contempt in arresting the Hill's Bar constable. Armed therewith, and accompanied by a posse coinitatits from the Bar, McGowan entered the town of Yale, arrested the Yale magistrate and his constable, opened the gaol, released the Hill's Bar constable, and took possession of the " bone of contention " — to wit, the original offender. When the matter came before the Hill's Bar magistrate, heavy fines were imposed — especially upon the brother magistrate for contempt of Court. The Yale magistrate, highly incensed, sent word to Governor Douglas that the notorious Ned Mc- Gowan, the renegade of renegades, had been prison- breaking at Yale, and was at the bottom of a con- spiracy to overturn British power in the colony, and annex it to the United States. The Governor called upon Colonel Moody for assistance to put down this supposed rebellion. Twenty-five sappers under Captain Grant and a party of blue-jackets and marines were embarked IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. for Yale; a field-piece was taken along; and that there might be no delay in trying the traitors when caught, Chief Justice Begbie accompanied the ex- pedition. Of course, as soon as the party reached Yale the real truth became known. Lack of time prevents entering into all the details of this opera bouflfe, which may be found in Lieutenant Mayne's interest- ing volume. McGowan entered into an elaborate and successful defence of his conduct in the squab- ble over magisterial dignity; took the Chief Justice and the officers to Hill's Bar, showed them how to wash " dirt," and invited them to a champagne lunch in his hut. Mayne says : " Whatever opinion the Viligance Committee of San Francisco may entertain of these gentlemen (McGowan and his friends), I, speaking as I found them, can only say that, all things considered, I have rarely lunched with a better spoken, pleasanter party." The testy magistrates both lost their commis- sions; the Royal Engineers had an outing; the colony paid the expenses — and heavy expenses they were; and Ned McGowan's war, as the incident was named, went on record as being even more bloodless than the ordinary South American revolution or the celebrated Battle of the Spurs. THE SAN JUAN TROUBLE. Later in the summer of 1859 occurred the San Juan difficulty, and although not in exact chrono- logical sequence, this seems a suitable place to men- tion it, so as to have side by side the two occasions in which the Royal Engineers performed military duties. The question of the ownership of San Juan Island had been in difiference between Great Britain and the United States from about 1854, but that was quite a different matter from the " mimic war " which developed on the island in July, 1859. Like the trouble just related, the San Juan imbroglio originated in a very trifling incident. On San Juan Island the Hudson's Bay Company had a farm, and on the farm they had an historic hog. One L. A. Cutler was a resident of the island and he had a potato patch. About the 15th June, 1859, this hog trespassed on the potato patch and did damage. Mr. Cutler, irate, shot it. The com- pany was wroth, and claimed exorbitant damages for the loss of the hog. You know that nothing increases the value of an animal like an accident to it. It is said that the company threatened to take Cutler to Victoria for trial. Now at this time Brigadier-General W. S. Har- ney, in command of the United States Military Department of Oregon — Dcus ex machina — visits San Juan, and in response to a request from the " American citizens on the Island of San Juan " orders a company of troops under Captain Pickett to occupy the island for their protection against interference by the British authorities on Vancou- ver Island and the Hudson's Bay Company. Gen- eral Harney's brusque and almost insulting letter to this eflfect is reproduced in Viscount Milton's San Juan Water Boundary, at page 272. Governor Douglas protested against this occupa- tion. He did more than protest. He called upon Colonel Moody for military assistance. As the greater portion of the Royal Engineers was then scattered over the colony. Colonel Moody could only send forty-four of the Royal Marines who happened to be then at New Westminster, but he supplemented these with fifteen of the Royal Engi- neers. In a letter to Governor Douglas dated the 31st July, 1859, Colonel Moody states his reasons for doing this. He says : — " As the number of Marines is so few, and as it is not improbable field intrenchments may have to be formed, I have taken on myself to add to the above force Lieutenant Lempriere, R. E., and fourteen non-commissioned officers and men of the Royal Engineers." And in his instructions of the same date to Lieutenant Lempriere, Colonel Moody says : " Your party will take with them in addition to the ordinary equipment: Revolvers, ammunition for ditto, entrenching tools, carpenter's tools, camp equipment, and such other stores and in such quantities as may be ordered." I am indebted to Lieut-Colonel Wolfenden, I. S. O., V. D., for copies of the above letters. Lieutenant Lempriere with his fourteen Royal Engineers embarked on H. M. S. Plumper on the 1st August for service on the Island of San Juan, where they formed part of the force on H. M. S. Tribune, Captain G. Phipps Hornby. Colonel Moody himself, as Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, accompanied the expedition. Mr. T. C. Elliott, of Walla Walla, Washington, has called my attention to the issue of the Pioneer and Democrat of 12th August, 1859, published at Olympia, in which the following item appears : — " H. B. M. ship Tribune lies with spring cables and her guns double-shotted, broadside to the camp of Captain Pickett ; her decks are covered with red- coats, having on board 450 marines and some 180 sappers and miners." The number of Royal Engineers is grossly exaggerated; from 15 to 180 is certainly a long cry. Governor Douglas's instructions were that Brit- ish forces equal in number to the American troops should be landed ; but although the entire American strength on the island was only 66 (afterwards increased to 461), while Rear-Admiral Baynes had under his command five ships carrying 167 guns and THE ROYAL ENGINEERS 2,140 men, he contented himself with making a demonstration of his force and with making a suggestion of a joint occupation. Viscount Milton tells us: "The Admiral was complimented by the British Government for the line of conduct adopted by him." It cannot be doubted that it was owing to his moderate and dignified conduct that no collision took place. It is not difficult to surmise what the result of a landing of a British force would have been. As Captain Pickett himself said in a letter to headquarters dated 3rd August, 1859: " They have a force so much superior to mine that it will be merely a mouthful to them." In September, Lieut.-General Winfield Scott, Commander-in-Chief of the United States Army, was sent out by the President to assume immediate command of the United States forces on the Pacific Coast. The knowledge that General Harney, who was regarded as somewhat of a firebrand, was to be superseded and that General Scott was coming to arrange the matter, cooled the atmosphere ; and when he arrived in October, 1859, all the British vessels, except H. M. S. Satellite, had been with- drawn from San Juan. After an absence of about three months, Lieuten- ant Lempriere and his party of Royal Engineers returned to New Westminster, without having seen any more of actual warfare than their brethren in arms had seen in the Ned McGowan war. Of those who were sent on this service three still survive — Sergeant L. F. Bonson, Corporal William Hall, and Sapper J. Musselwhite. General Scott and Governor Douglas, after some correspondence, agreed upon a plan of joint occupa- tion, whereby each Government was ultimately represented by a company of about sixty men. The British troops were not landed on San Juan until 20th March, i860, when by command of Rear- Admiral Baynes a detachment of Royal Marines under Captain Bazalgette was disembarked on the north point of the island. It is a matter of common knowledge that this joint occupation continued until 1872, when the award of the Emperor of Germany, declaring the island the property of the United States, was made. 1859. On the arrival of the Thames City at Esquimalt on April i2th, 1859, the main body of the Engineers was immediately embarked on the old Elica Ander- son and sent forward to its future home — the camp I have mentioned, at Queensborough, as New West- minster was then called. Reporting to the Home authorities on April 25th, 1859, Governor Douglas says : " The Royal Engi- neers have been all safely landed at Queensborough, where they are now stationed." On their arrival, owing to the change from New Langley, or Derby, instead of finding their quarters ready for occupa- tion, as they had expected, they found only a small portion of the site of their camp cleared, and one little log-hut erected. However, the Hudson's Bay Company's old brigantine Rceovcry lay at anchor before the spot, and as many as could do so found accommodation aboard her, while the remainder went out under canvas on the site of their future home. The summer of 1859 saw them busily engaged in clearing the site of their camp, building the bar- racks, married men's quarters, storehouses, offices, and other necessary structures; surveying and lay- ing out the City of New Westminster, and preparing the necessary plans with all the neatness and accuracy for which their draughtsmen were famous. Some of Corporal Sinnett's and Corporal Launders's plans prepared at this time are preserved in the archives of the Province, and show work so exact and so beautifully executed that it is difficult to believe that they were done by hand. Speaking of the site of the camp. Captain Barrett- Lennard, who visited it in i860, says, in his book: " About a mile higher up the river are the quarters of the Royal Engineers, situated on a steep incline, presenting a most picturesque coup d'ceil from which- ever side it is approached, both on account of the graceful high-pitched roofs of the buildings them- selves, as well as the romantic character of the site they occupy." The crying necessity of the colony was a waggon road to reach a point above the canyons of the Lower Eraser. To meet this demand the first work undertaken was the improvement of the communi- cation between Douglas and Lillooet. During May and June, 1859, Lieutenant Palmer surveyed the road — a trail already existed — and later in the sum- mer a party of almost a hundred men of the Royal Engineers was employed in making more passable the various stretches of land travel which separated the series of lakes on that route. With the same object in view. Lieutenant Lem- priere and a small party explored from Hope up the Coquihalla, thence along the south branch of Ander- son River to Boston Bar, and along the left bank of the Eraser to Lytton. On receiving their report another party of the Engineers commenced the work of making a trail along this route, which was com- pleted by August, 1859. During 1859, the Engineers surveyed, besides New Westminster, the towns of Yale, Hope, and Douglas ; and established at their camp an observa- tory, settling its exact position as 49 deg. 12 min. 47 sec. North Latitude, and 122 deg. 53 min. 19 sec. West Longitude. The transit used by them in this observatory is still preserved by the Provincial Government, and was shown with other relics at the Simon Eraser Exhibition. I IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. In this year the Engineers also built a trail from New Westminster to Burrard Inlet, along the line on which in 1861 they constructed the road, which exists to-day, known as the North Road. In September and October, 1859, Lieutenant Pal- mer explored the country between Hope and the Columbia River. The careful, systematic work of the Engineers is well shown in his report of his examination, which covers ten closely printed folio pages containing topographical, geological, and military information and remarks. i860. Upon the passage of the first Pre-emption Act on the 4th January, i860, a demand for land at once sprang up, and the survey department of the Engi- neers was kept busy laying off the lands applied for. While the country was being overrun with people seeking chiefly the royal metals, yet that which always and everywhere is the basis of stable condi- tions and steady development — good agricultural land — was not being overlooked by the far-seeing ones. This demand necessitated the formation of a drafting office and a record department. These were also in charge of the Royal Engineers. The Clerk of the Records was the late Corporal Alfred R. Howse. The Douglas-Lillooet route was much hampered by the poor means of reaching Douglas, hence in March, i860, a detachment of eighty men of the corps under Captain Grant commenced the deepen- ing of the channel through the shoal of the Harrison River. This is the portion of that river which to- day prevents its navigation, as it is only during a freshet that sufficient depth of water can be found on it to float the ordinary river steamer. When driven from this work by the rising of the river in June, Captain Grant changed the scene of his labours and resumed work on the Douglas-Lillooet Road, or rather on the twenty-eight-mile section that separates Douglas from the Little Lillooet Lake. " This road," says Captain Barrett-Lennard, " as far as it was then finished, lay through a wild rocky district ; on the left hand of it flowed the Harrison, sometimes broad and shallow, brawling over stones, sometimes deep and narrow, and rush- ing through a gorge." By the end of October this waggon road was practically completed to the 28-Mile House at Little Lillooet Lake. Reporting to the Duke of Newcastle, Governor Douglas speaks of it as " a work of magnitude and of the utmost public utility which has been laid out and executed by Captain Grant and a detachment of Royal Engi- neers under his command with a degree of care and professional ability reflecting the highest credit on that active and indefatigable officer." During the summer of i860. Sergeant McColl with another detachment of the Engineers located the trail from Hope towards the Similkameen as far as the summit or punch-bowl, carrying it over an elevation of 4,000 feet with no greater single grad- ient than I foot in 12. Later in the summer of i860, the Hon. Edgar Dewdney built along this route the first trail from Hope to the Similkameen. The trail from Yale to Spuzzum was built by Powers and McRoberts in the summer of i860. The old trail used by the Hudson's Bay Company and by the early packers left the Eraser at Spuzzum, and crossing a divide followed Yale Creek to the town of Yale ; but this new one was built along the course of the Eraser at a moderate elevation above the river, following much the same line afterwards adopted for the waggon road. Speaking of this work. Governor Douglas, in a letter to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, says: "The arduous part of this undertaking — excavating the mountain near Yale — was executed entirely by a detachment of the Royal Engineers under Sergeant-Major George Cann, and it has been completed in a manner highly creditable to themselves and to the officers who directed the operation." In this year, the Royal Engineers also surveyed the sites of Lytton and Lillooet. Captain Parsons and a party of Royal Engineers were engaged from the middle of June till the end of the summer of i860 in making a reconnaissance of the country adjacent to the Sumas and Chilliwack Rivers. This work was done in connection with the plan of the Governor for a waggon road from tide- water to Yale ; it also had in view the ascertainment of the feasibility of utilising the rich farming lands of that locality. Indeed, whenever Governor Doug- las wished information of any kind in reference to the colony, he had only to turn to the Royal Engi- neers and he could find men competent to undertake the investigation ; thus, while on a tour through the country in the fall of i860, not being satisfied with the location of the existing trail from Pember- ton to Lillooet, he sent out two exploring parties under Sappers DuiTy and Breckenridge to examine the neighbouring country with a view to obtaining a more convenient route. Apparently no better route could be obtained, as there is no record of the route being changed. 1861. We now come to the operations of the Engineers during the year 1861. The Douglas-Lillooet Road and the road from Hope to the Similkameen were those upon which work was done. On the former the Engineers still stuck to the twenty-eight miles separating Douglas from Little Lillooet Lake, which had been completed the pre- vious year. On this portion was a hill — Gibraltar Hill — very steep and difficult of access. A party of the Engineers under Sergeant Bridgeman was em- ployed during this summer in making a cut-off, decreasing the gradients and generally improving the road at this spot, and so well was the work done that Sergeant Bridgeman was dubbed the " con- THE ROYAL ENGINEERS queror of Gibraltar." Lieutenant Mayne, who travelled over this road soon after its completion, speaks of it as " a waggon road which would be no discredit to many parts of England." The work in the neighbourhood of Hope this year consisted in commencing a road to the Similkameen. This was in charge of the greatest builder of them all— Captain Grant. The road did not follow the exact line of the trail built the preceding year, although it touched it here and there. By October, Captain Grant with his party of eighty sappers had completed the road to the Skagit Flats, twenty-five miles from Hope. From that point to the Similka- meen the Engineers simply widened the existing trail. This latter work was divided into three sec- tions : the first under the charge of Sergeant L. F. Bonson; the second in charge of Corporal William Hall ; the third in charge of the late Sergeant John McMurphy. The intention of this work was to improve the access to the diggings on Rock Creek and the vicinity ; but when their glory waned before the wondrous riches of Williams, Antler, and the other creeks of Cariboo, the road was abandoned. The success of the work done on the trail along the Eraser from Yale led the Governor to consider the possibility of a waggon road along that route to Lytton. This necessitated a careful survey and examination of those sheer and stupendous shoulders of rock which confine the Eraser as in a straight-jacket for miles along the Little Canyon and the Black Canyon. To whom was this work of examination to be intrusted? To none other than our old friends the Royal Engineers. A party was despatched to examine the route from Yale to Lyt- ton and thence to Cook's Ferry, or Spence's Bridge, as we now call it. Preserved in the archives of this Province will be found the reconnaissance sketch of this survey, together with the specifications drawn by the Engineers for the construction of the road. It was seen as soon as their preliminary reports were made that the waggon road, if built, must cross the Eraser. What point should be selected? To determine this, another party of Engineers under Sergeant McColl was ordered to examine and select the most suitable spot for a suspension bridge. The spot selected was that upon which in 1863 the late Sir Jos. W. Trutch built the Alexandra Suspension Bridge. It was not at all a case of " all work " with the Royal Engineers. From November till March the corps was gathered together into its home at the camp. This portion of the year saw another phase of the versatile sapper. At the camp a theatre was built, and during each winter the members of the corps presented from time to time light dramatic pieces, comedies, farces, etc. They were not at a loss even when it came to female parts in such theatrical entertainments, and one or two of the beardless youths obtained quite a reputation for acting such parts. The corps had also a social club, the Royal Engineers' Club, and during each winter it was the scene of many happy gatherings, ban- quets, and dances. 1862. The survey made in 1861 determined Governor Douglas to devote the whole strength and force at his disposal to the building of a road from Yale to connect at Clinton with the then existing Lillooet Road. That road had never been popular with the travelling public owing to the delays in making con- nection with the steamers on Lillooet, Anderson, and Seton Lakes. In May, 1862, a force of fifty-three sappers under Captain Grant was despatched to Yale to commence at that point the great waggon road — a work which, as British Columbians, we may claim to be the eighth wonder of the world. By November a mag- nificent road, cut, or at any rate built, out of the solid rock, was constructed to a point six miles from Yale. Of course, in the building of the C. P. R. that roadbed was in many instances destroyed, but suflS- cient remains unto this day to make us realise the excellent work done by them; and to indorse the words of Hon. John Robson in the " Columbian " of July 18th, 1863, " Some of their work will stand long as the everlasting rocks, an enduring monument of engineering skill and patient toil." I might add here, parenthetically, that the portion of the Cariboo Waggon Road from the six-mile post to Chapman's Bar (suspension bridge) was built by Thomas Spence in 1862 ; from Chapman's Bar to Boston Bar by J. W. Trutch in 1863 ; from Boston Bar to Lytton by Spence and Laiigvoidt in 1862; from Lytton to Spence's Bridge, the contract was held by Moberly and Oppenheimer, in 1862-3. In July, 1862, Lieutenant Palmer explored a route from Bentinck Arm to Fort Alexandria, and thence to Williams Creek. His exhaustive report can be found in the files of the " British Columbian " for March and April, 1863. It, like all the reports of these trained men, seems the final word on the sub- ject. His minute examination covering a period of three months made it clear that the road then being constructed to Cariboo through the canyons of the Eraser was the more suitable route. This line showed for a space of fifteen miles a continuous average grade of 182 feet per mile, a great part of which was on loose rock and precipitous mountain slopes. It was carefully examined in 1873 by Mar- cus Smith to ascertain if it were a feasible line for the C. P. R. ; but when it was decided to bring the C. P. R. down the Eraser valley, no further exami- nation was made. 1863. We now come to the last year of the work of the Royal Engineers as a corps in British Columbia — the year 1863. a D o IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. In this year the Engineers commenced the publi- cation of the British CoUimbia Gazette — the first number being published on 3rd January, 1863. The Gazette was then, as it is to-day, in charge of Cor- poral Richard Wolfenden (now Lieut.-Col. Wolfen- den, I. S. O., V. D.). The existing trail or, rather, route into Williams Creek by way of the Forks of Quesnel, Snowshoe Mountain, and the head-waters of Antler Creek, being at too high an elevation and consequently difficult for winter travelling, the Governor desired an alternative route z'ia Quesnelmouth and Cotton- wood River. The route was selected, and the trail built along it in 1863 under the superintendence of Captain Grant. By September he had built the trail over the whole sixty-three miles which lie between Quesnelmouth and Barkerville, and had made such a passable way that he himself rode over the entire distance in one September day. We have on this point the testimony of Lieutenant Palmer, who, in addressing the Royal Geographical Society in March, 1864, declared it to be " the one good trail in Cariboo." During the year 1863, the late Gustavus Blinn Wright built the waggon road from Clinton to Alexandria, and the work of locating the line fell to the lot of Captain Grant — that is, as to that part in the vicinity of Williams Lake and Deep Creek. The Engineers, under the charge of Lieutenant Palmer, built during 1863 the first stretch of nine miles of the Cariboo Waggon Road along the course of the Thompson River, easterly from Cook's Ferry, or Spence's Bridge. There the road connected with the portion then being constructed by William Hood. The Alexandra Suspension Bridge over the Eraser was built by the late Sir Joseph W. Trutch in 1863. This was of course a toll-bridge, but before he could obtain the right to collect tolls the work must be accepted by the Government. The duty of examining and approving the bridge was placed on Lieutenant Palmer, who in September, 1863, passed it as satisfactory. That the work was done satisfactorily and well is shown by the fact that, having been in constant use for twenty years, until the advent of the C. P. R., it is now standing after a lapse of forty-five years from its completion. Those who have pased by it lately cannot have failed to notice that the planking at this end of the bridge has given way, and it is no longer passable. The whole structure shows signs of what our medical friends would call general paresis and senile decay. Some step, it seems to me, should be taken, while there still is time, to preserve this historic bridge — one of the few remaining public works which link our present with our past. This year also saw the finishing touches put upon the Douglas-Lillooet Road by the Engineers. But the road from Yale having been constructed, it became evident that, being more direct, unbroken by portages, and always accessible by water, it would become the more popular; consequently but little attention was paid to the Douglas route there- after. In this year also a party of the Royal Engineers under Lance-Corporal George Turner surveyed the original Lots 184, 185, 186, and 187 upon which a part of the City of Vancouver now stands, and made a complete traverse of the shore-line from Hastings Townsite around Brockton Point into English Bay and False Creek. And here it may not be uninteresting to remem- ber that to Colonel Moody is due the credit of setting apart as a military reserve the land now known as Stanley Park. So that the people of Van- couver owe to that far-sighted officer the existence to-day of the largest and most beautiful natural park contiguous to any city in Canada. If the Engineers had done naught else, this one thing alone should create in the people of Vancouver a deep and abiding interest in the corps and serve to keep its memory green among them. In this year also the Engineers surveyed the sub- urban lots adjoining the City of New Westminster, and while the survey was in progress the Municipal Council seized the opportunity to do honour to Colonel Moody. On the 20th April, 1863, the fol- lowing resolution was passed : " Moved by Mr. A. H. Manson, seconded by Mr. John Cooper, and resolved: That in consequence of the judicious selection of the townsite of New Westminster for the capital of British Columbia by Colonel Moody, R. E., this Council considers it desirable that a space of not less than twenty acres should be reserved in the suburbs now being surveyed to be called 'Moody Square ' in commemoration of the founder of the city; and that the Clerk be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and W^orks with a request that the same may be acted upon." Taking stock of the work of the Engineers up to the end of 1863, we find that all the important explorations in the colony were performed by them ; the whole peninsula between Burrard Inlet and Eraser River was surveyed by them ; all the surveys of towns and country lands were made by them ; all the main roads were laid out by them ; some of these, including portions of the Cariboo Road, the Hope-Similkameen Road, the Douglas- Lillooet Road, and the North Road to Burrard Inlet, were built by them ; practically all the maps of the colony and of sections of it were made from their surveys, prepared in their drafting office, litho- graphed and published by them at their camj) ; they formed, in 1862, the first building society in the colony ; they designed the first churches (Holy Trinity Church and St. Mary's Church, New West- minster) and the first school-house in the colony; 10 THE ROYAL ENGINEERS they designed the first coat-of-arms and the first postage-stamp in the colony; they established the first observatory, and to them we owe the first sys- tematic meteorological observations in the colony, covering a period of three years ; they formed the Lands and Works Department, the Government Printing Office, and printed the first British Colum- bia Gazette; they aided in the maintenance of law and order; and their commanding officer was the first Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, as well as the first Lieutenant-Governor. This enumeration does not include the work done by a diff'erent detachment of the Royal Engineers in locating the 49th parallel in conjunction with an American force; nor does it include the work of Captain Gossett, R. E., Colonial Treasurer, to whom is due the establishment of the Assay Office and the Colonial Mint. But over and above all these material things, the Royal Engineers and their officers were a power for good in the land. Their influence in this respect cannot be overestimated. In aid of Bible and mis- sionary societies, in every moral and religious move- ment, in every scheme looking to the improvement of social conditions, the officers and men of the corps were always foremost. To their energy we owe in a great measure the existence of the first hospital in British Columbia — the Royal Columbian Hospital at New Westminster. In an editorial in the " British Columbian " of the 2ist October, 1863, the Hon. John Robson says: " Their name stands identified with nearly all the great and important public works in the colony, either as engineers, mechanics, or operatives. They have made their mark, and it will be seen by future generations, whether in throwing a pathway across the foaming torrent or in cutting a highway through the towering mountains of everlasting rock." As Joaquin Miller says : — The Crusades knew not braver knight Than these brave men before her walls ; The noblest in the old-time fight Matched not the humblest here that falls ; And never were there worn such scars As these won in these nobler wars. These bloodless wars that bring not pain, These priceless victories of Peace, Where Pride is slain, where self is slain, Where Patience hath her victories ; Where, when at last the gates are down. You have not burned, but built, a town. As early as June, 1863, there were rumours that the corps would be disbanded in the fall. On Wednes- day, the 8th July, the order for recall was read on parade. The end of September saw all the various parties who had been at work on the roads at home in camp. Preparations for the return of the corps, or those who wished, went on apace. To at least two hearts then came the thought of those " sudden partings," which, as Lord Byron says, " press the life from out young hearts." Result: On the 7th October, Lieutenant Palmer was married at Holy Trinity Church in New Westminster to a daughter of Archdeacon Wright, the Chaplain of the Force; and following the good example, Captain Luard was married on the 8th at Christ Church, Victoria, to Miss Leggett, of that city. On the 5th November, at the old Colonial Hotel, then kept by Grelley Brothers, a farewell banquet was tendered to the Royal Engineers by the citizens of New Westminster. The chair was occupied by the late Robert Dickinson, the Mayor, or President of the Council, as he was then called ; on his right hand. Colonel Moody, Captain Hardinge, R. N., Lieutenant Palmer, and Dr. Seddall ; on his left, Archdeacon Wright, representing the Bishop of Columbia, Captain Grant, and Captain Parsons. The vice-chair was filled by the late Hon. Mr. Homer; on his right, the late Hon. Mr. Holbrook; on his left, Captain Cooper. In the course of his response to the toast of " Colonel Moody and Officers of the Royal Engi- neers," the gallant Colonel said : " It was an experi- ment, gentlemen, a novelty, mingling thus military and civil duties. How far it has met what was sought for by the Government is not for me to say. I ever, as was natural, and as was my duty, kept the military part foremost in my mind, and it is with feelings of extreme satisfaction I can reflect on that part of our service in British Columbia. You have been witnesses throughout of our discipline, and at the same time how we — soldiers — have borne our- selves in our social relations with you. Some anxiety was felt on the probable result of this part of the experiment. I had no fear. I had full confi- dence from the beginning in the class of men I had the honour to command. I knew what they were; I knew well how they would act, and in this I have not been mistaken." Colonel Moody was also the recipient of compli- mentary addresses from St. Andrew's Society and from the Municipal Council of New Westminster on the day preceding his departure — the loth November. On the nth November, 1863, the steamer Enter- prise sailed at noon, carrying with her forever from our shores Colonel Moody, Captain Grant, Captain Parsons, and their respective families, and Captain Luard and his bride. An hour later H. M. S. Came- Icon, having on board Lieutenant Palmer and his bride, Dr. Seddall and some fifteen sappers, who were the only ones returning to England, came sweeping gracefully down in front of the town. "As she passed the Pioneer Wharf the order was given ' to man the rigging and give three cheers,' when up shot a hundred blue-jackets as if by magic, and out rang three hearty cheers, such as only Her Majesty's seamen can give, in response to which the crowd on shore cheered most lustily, the excellent Royal Engineers Band the while playing those 10 a ^ ^ s K IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. 11 beautiful and, under the circumstances, touching airs, ' Home Again,' ' Home, Sweet Home,' ' Auld Lang Syne,' and ' God Save the Queen.' In every direction, from window and balcony, was to be seen the waving of handkerchiefs and hats, accompanied by many a truant tear. But, Oh ! the reaction ! When all was over, and the bustle and excitement consequent upon leave-taking had subsided, a feel- ing of sadness and gloom seemed to pervade the entire community, and people wended their way home with grave countenances and drooping heads, looking as though each had lost a near and dear friend that day." Whether the policy pursued by Governor Doug- las enabled the colony to obtain the full fruits to be expected from the presence of such a body of trained men during its toddling days may well be doubted ; and it may be questioned as a consequence whether the full measure of success hoped for by Sir. E. B. Lytton was attained. But no one can doubt, in looking over their record, that what was assigned to them to do they did thoroughly and conscien- tiously. To them and to their work the language of Kipling is fitting: — Keep ye the law — be swift in all obedience — Clear the land of evil, drive the road and bridge the ford. Make ye sure to each his own That he reap where he hath sown ; By the peace among our peoples let men know we serve the Lord ! The remaining members of the corps, some 130 in all, remained in the colony, and took up as civil- ians their various occupations. A perusal of the advertising columns of the " Columbian " for November and December, 1863, shows them as gardeners, masons, carpenters, tailors, hotelkeepers, tanners, grocers, blacksmiths, architects, and sur- veyors — in fact, in every walk and avocation in life. This gave to the colony the advantage of men well trained in their trades and professions as a basis upon which to build the industrial life of the com- munity. Of this number there remain to-day in British Columbia only fourteen — namely, in Victoria, Cor- poral Richard Wolfenden, Bugler Robert Butler, Thos. Argyle, John Cox, and William Haynes ; in New Westminster District, Sergeant L. F. Bonson, Corporal William Hall, Matthew Hall, Philip Jack- man, and John Musselwhite ; in New Westminster City, Corporal George Turner, Samuel Archer, and Henry Bruce*; and in Vancouver, Allan Cummins. And all of them are men over the allotted span, for remember it is fifty years since they landed on our shores. In this number there are no survivors of Captain Parsons's party. Two, Sergeant Bonson and Sapper Bruce, came with Captain Grant ; one, Corporal Hall, came on the Euphrates; all the remainder came on the Thames City. Four of the above survivors, namely: Sergeant Bonson, Cor- poral Hall, Matthew Hall, and Henry Bruce are veterans of the Crimean War of 1854-55. In 1894, there were thirty-four of the Engineers alive in this Province ; in 1900, when Colonel Wol- fenden read his paper on this subject (to which I gladly acknowledge my indebtedness in the prepara- tion of this address), the number had decreased to twenty-five; to-night there are but fourteen. Thus we see that in fifteen years twenty of the detach- ment in this country answered their last bugle-call. And this brings the sad thought that this is a corps which can never be recruited, but must constantly diminish, until it becomes but a memory among us. As we think of this gradually diminishing force, the words of an American poet, in reference to a group picture of the pioneers of California, come to mind : — For years I have watched these shadows as others I know have done ; As death touched their lips with silence I have draped them one by one, Till, seen where the black-plumed angel has mingled here and there. The brows I have flecked with sable cloud the living every- where. Darker, and darker, and darker these shadows will yearly grow. As, changing, the seasons bring us the bud and the falling snow ; And soon — let me not invoke it — the final prayer will be said. And strangers will write the record, " The last of the group is dead." Thinking of the few remaining members of this once distinguished corps, whose motto, " Ubique quo fas et gloria ducunt," was seen in the thickest of the fight at Inkerman and at Balaklava, I feel that I cannot close better than by quoting the words of the poet last referred to : — Let us drink this toast in silence, "To the builders of the West." Long life to the hearts still beating, and peace to the hearts at rest. F. W. HOW AY. New Westminster, February 13th, 1909. ' Died 29th January, 1910. ■J. a •^ • JE - d e 7 I ^ 03 e s a i * a s c s ^ Si e = o ,= i 5 ^ .- K r. i ^ I I S OK (S n u I Pumecrs ^tttinglg gommrch at tl|c Jxl|ilnlimu ®6iel6e ^ur&iftorB of tl|c Corps of ^ogal ^ngmccrs foljo ^oimbcb tl|e ^gal Cttg ^ntcrtaincb al ^mtcIjEOit, ^eia "^tsbaiasier, on ti|c 13tl| (§ctaber, 1909. From the "Daily Columbian" op Wednesday, October 13th, 1909. OLD-TIMERS PROMINENT. Old-timers and pioneers of this city and district are the chief centres of interest at the Exhibition to-day, and every possible honour is being accorded the twelve survivors of that famous corps of Royal Engineers who founded the City of New Westmin- ster and assisted in establishing a system of law and order in the Province of British Columbia. At one o'clock to-day Mayor W. H. Keary, mana- ger of the Exhibition, entertained these pioneers at luncheon at his home. The members of the corps present at the luncheon were Thomas Argyle, Rocky Point, Vancouver Island ; Samuel Archer, New Westminster; Lewis F. Bonson, Port Ham- mond ; Robert Butler, Victoria ; Henry Bruce, New Westminster; John Cox, Victoria ; Allan Cummins, Vancouver; William Hall, Sumas ; William Haynes, Victoria; Philip Jackman, Aldergrove; George Turner, New Westminster; and Lieut. - Colonel Richard Wolfenden, Victoria. Matthew Hall, of Sumas, and John Musselwhite, of Chilli- wack, were unavoidably absent. Hon. Richard McBride, Premier of British Columbia, and Judge Howay were the only ones present beside the Royal Engineers. After luncheon the host, Mayor Keary, proposed a toast to His Majesty the King. Premier McBride proposed the toast to "Our Guests: the Survivors of the Royal Engineers." Judge Howay then read an interest- ing paper prepared by one of the pioneers, Lieut.- Colonel Wolfenden, giving an interesting descrip- tion of the trip from England to British Columbia, around Cape Horn, over fifty years ago. At the conclusion of the speaking special badges were presented to the Royal Engineers present at the luncheon as souvenirs of the occasion. A pho- tograph of the group was taken, and the party were then driven in carriages to the Exhibition grounds. This evening they will be the guests of honour at the Scotch concert to be given in the Opera House. REMINISCENT OF PIONEERS. Colonel Wolfenden, in his address, was reminis- cent of the incidents of the voyage of the old ship Thames City, which brought to British Columbia from England the main body of Royal Engineers, who were selected for service on the Mainland, or what was then termed the Crown Colony of New Caledonia. The speaker, to give effectiveness to his narrative, threw it into the form of a supposed dialogue, overheard between two, now compara- tively old, gentlemen, sons of two of the " Sappers," who accompanied their parents on the ship to this new land, a land then thought by some to be a vast wilderness, and it would, probably, remarked Colonel Wolfenden, never have been heard of had it not been for the accidental discovery of gold in the Eraser River in 1858, and but for which discovery the detachment of Royal Engineers would not have been sent out to this country. It was on the request of Governor Douglas, he points out, that Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, decided to send out a detachment of Royal Engineers to assist the Governor in maintaining law and order, to construct roads and trails, to erect bridges, to make surveys, to conduct explorations, and generally to assist in colonising the country. " You all know," the speaker said, " that that vast, and then unknown, wilderness is now the richest, the brightest and fairest Province of the whole Dominion. It is not for me to say what share the Royal Engineers had in furthering the marvellous 14 THE ROYAL ENGINEERS development that has taken place since their arrival in the then new colony of British Columbia. You will, however, I think, agree with me that but for their presence in the country this magnificent Prov- ince might have been lost to the British Crown." DIALOGUE. The speakers, as I said before, were sons of Sappers, and having heard that it was the intention to hold a Jubilee celebration of the arrival of the Royal Engineers in the country, happened to meet in the Guichon Hotel last night, and after partaking of one or two whiskies-and-sodas and several cigars, naturally commenced to relate their reminis- cences of the long voyage of six months that it took to bring them to this fair land. " I say, Hughie," said Johnny, "do you remember when we came out with our fathers and mothers in the Thames City? We were only little chaps then." " Yes, I do, Johnny, and wasn't she a regular old tub?" " Well, perhaps she was an old tub, Hughie, but didn't she bring us safely here, and didn't she behave like a thoroughly good ship when she came round the Horn? " " Oh, yes, she was a safe old boat, Johnny. I say, do you remember that night when the hatches were battened down, when we all thought we were going to the bottom of the sea? " " Yes, Hughie, and didn't the women and children scream, and weren't the men all huddled together in their hammocks, perhaps some of them praying 'God save us'? Tlicy were all as silent as the dead." " Yes, Johnny, and weren't all of us youngsters afraid to sleep that night, and weren't our fathers and mothers, our sisters and brothers, and all the men, thankful when morning came and the wind had somewhat calmed down, and the hatches had been uncovered, the men sang and whistled for pure joy? " " Hughie, do you remember Captain Luard, the commanding officer, always with his monocle in his right eye— 'Old Scrooge' the men called him— how he had the men paraded every morning in bare feet, so that the pudgy little Doctor Seddall could inspect them? What for I don't know, unless it was to see that they had not got the foot-rot." " Oh, yes, I remember that, Johnny, and although the men did call the Captain ' Old Scrooge,' I think they all liked him, for didn't he often read to them out of Dickens's and other works, and didn't he furnish them with all kinds of games to amuse them during the long voyage, and wasn't he a good- hearted, considerate man?" " Oh, yes, Johnny, and didn't they all like to hear him read the ' Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette ' every Saturday night, that was edited by a fellow named Charlie Sinnett? Wasn't he a funny little fellow, a sandy-haired chap, who used to wear a dirty smock? " " Yes, Hughie, but he was a clever fellow for all that, and wasn't it great fun to listen to his scraps of poetry on ' Matilda,' the fellow who was the Doctor's assistant, and who used to lead a little black cat around the ship with a blue ribbon round its neck? " " Yes, but my ! Johnny, didn't Matilda give it him back hot and strong, and weren't we all sorry when the two fellows couldn't accept each other's banter without quarrelling, so that the Captain had to stop them, and we lost a lot of fun? " " By the way, Hughie, why did they call that fellow 'Matilda'?" " Oh, it was because he was more like a woman than a man, with his finicky ways." " Yes, Johnny, and wasn't there a young chap — Lieutenant Palmer, I think his name was — he was a regular swell. They said he was the Assistant Editor of the ' Gazette,' and I think he must have been, for there were many interesting scientific articles in the paper which I think must have been written by him, for he was a clever fellow. I have heard it said that he was a wonderful man at figures, could add up pounds shillings and pence all at once — just run his fingers up the three columns of figures and tell you the total in a jiffy." " Some of the fellows used to think that Doctor Seddall — the men called him ' Bouncer ' — was a frequent contributor to the paper; perhaps he might have been the author of those articles on the Natural History of the voyage." " Yes, Hughie, perhaps he was, but if he did not write them, either Captain Luard, Lieutenant Pal- mer, or the Parson did. Anyway, whoever wrote them, don't you think they were cleverly written? " " Yes, indeed, Johnny. Do you remember the great fun we had on board when the men got up private theatricals; and don't you remember that chap — Howse I think his name was — who called himself the manager of the Theatre Royal? And didn't he think himself smart?" " Yes, Hughie, I remember how he rigged his company out, making us really believe he was the manager of a real ' City Theatrical Troupe.' But he was a clever chap, for didn't he and his fellow actors help to make us laugh, and thus amuse us?" " Oh, I say, Johnny, do you remember the names of the fellows who assisted him, thought they could act a bit? I think some of the names were Sinnett, Turnbull, Benney, Franklin, Derham, Eaton, Elliott, Hazel (Matilda), Launders, Mead, and Dick Wolfenden. Dick sometimes used to take a lady's part." IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. 15 " Oh, yes, Hughie, fancy white-haired old Colonel Wolfenden, as we know him now, acting the part of ' Lydia ' in ' Done on Both Sides.' But they say he was then a nice, slim, modest young fellow, and that he was always a ' ladies ' man. Oh, but weren't they all funny, and didn't they make our mothers and us kids laugh?" " And, Johnny, didn't they have lots of concerts on board, and balls, and all kinds of fun, and didn't the women like to dress themselves up in their very best for the occasion, and didn't we kids enjoy the fun, too?" " Yes, Hughie, wasn't Franklin funny when he sang ' My Pretty Maid,' when one side of him was the maid and the other the man, and didn't Wood- cock, Derham, Sinnett, Argyle (from Brum), and others bring down the house with their humourous songs, and didn't ' Professor ' Haynes and his splendid band add greatly to our amusement?" " I say, Johnny, I was reading the other day a printed copy of the ' Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette,' and I see that they had streets and squares and alleys, and all other things like they have in a town." " How was that? " said Hughie. " Oh. don't you know that the ship we sailed in was called the Thames City, so the silly Editor tried to make us believe that we were living in a real city? Do you remember, Hughie, the horrible murder that he said took place one day, when an old gentle- man named ' Jimmy ' was found dead, and his body horribly mutilated? " " Yes, the fool Editor tried to make us all believe it was a real murder, when it was only Cooper (our butcher) who had cut the throat of an old sheep, to save its life. Wasn't it silly on the part of the Editor? But it made our fathers and mothers and all the men laugh, and I think we youngsters laughed, too." " Hughie, do you remember the old ship putting into the Falkland Islands? Wasn't it a treat to get on shore once again after about three months at sea? And didn't we youngsters enjoy going shop- ping with our fathers and mothers, and buying lollypops, etc.? although we could scarcely keep our feet, still feeling the rolling of the ship." " Yes, Johnny, and I think the men must have had a jolly time on shore, too, for I sometimes think that the unsteady gait of some of them when they came on board was not altogether due to the bad behaviour of the ship." " Well, Hughie, don't you think that the officers and men tried to amuse the women and children and all on board, and make the voyage as enjoyable as could be under the circumstances?" " Yes, Johnny, and wasn't it nice to hear that editor chap, Sinnett, sing his ' farewell ditty ' when we were nearing the end of our voyage ; and oh ! can we ever forget the day when our good old ship safely entered Esquimalt Harbour on the 12th of April, 1859?' " Oh, those were happy days, Hughie. And weren't they a fine, jolly lot of men, and didn't they look smart on Sunday Parade, in their splendid scarlet uniforms? " " Yes, Johnny, they were a fine-looking lot of men. There were tall men and short men, round, plump men, and thin men; men with black beards, men with red beards, and others with no beards at all ; young fellows, some of them, not then out of their teens. And there was one man with a grey beard, a man who had been in many wars and had five or six medals. You know who I mean, Johnny? Oh, but he was a grand old man." " Oh, yes (tearfully), I know who you mean, Hughie. And do you know this man — a man in the full prime of manhood, a man with red, curly hair, wearing a splendid red beard — such a well-set- up man and so strong and healthy; such a handy man, too, a man who could do almost anything — make you a pair of boots, build you a boat, or print you a map, and I don't know what he couldn't do. Do you know who that man was, Hughie?" "Yes, yes, I know, Johnny (almost sobbing)." " And there was a fat, chubby little chap — quite a boy — who used to blow the bugle for the men to parade, and to call them to dinner; and oh! couldn't he make it sound, and wasn't he proud of his bugle?" " Yes, he was a dandy player, and wasn't he the pet of all the women? Do you think you could recognise him now if you were to meet him? He must be quite an old chap now. And, oh, do you remember one day when the ship was rolling and pitching, the poor fellow fell down the hatch and broke his arm? " " Yes, I remember that, but the Doctor and ' Matilda ' (who nursed him in the hospital) soon put him to rights." " I say, Hughie, I used to hear the men talking about 'Splicing the Main Brace.' What did they mean ? " " Oh, don't you know that every day when the sun passed over the yard-arm, at 12 o'clock noon, the Quarter-Master (Davy Osment) used to serve the men with grog and limejuice? They called that ' Splicing the Main Brace.' " " And do you remember, Johnny, our leaving Esquimalt Harbour on board the steamer Eliaa Anderson on our way to our future home ' The Camp,' New Westminster, and that we got stuck on the sandheads at the mouth of the Fraser River?" 16 THE ROYAL ENGINEERS " Yes, quite well, and I saw in the papers the other day that another ship got stuck on the same sandheads." " Well, Hughie, we have had a good yarn about our experiences on board ship. What do you think of the doings of the detachment after their arrival in the colony? " " I think, Johnny, that, on the whole, our men and our women, and we boys and girls who came out with them, have reason to believe that they and we played no small part in assisting to colonise this wonderful country." " Yes, Hughie, but isn't it sad to think that at the Jubilee of our arrival to-morrow there now only remain, out of the one hundred and fifty men, fourteen who have been spared to take part in the celebration, and that nearly all the mothers have passed away, too ? " " Yes, Johnny, it is truly sad that so many have gone to their long home, yet we have the consola- tion of knowing that they strove to do their duty, and that they have left hundreds of descendants to help in upbuilding this splendid Province." AN ACROSTIC. True to their motto, time but enhances their fame ; Hard though their task nothing could them restrain ; Ending their long sea voyage and on shore once again, Robust, strong and willing, success their brightest aim, On Fraser's mighty river bank their home a canvas tent, You soon could hear the humming that saw and hammer sent. A city stands upon the spot where, fifty years ago, Lo! the Indian and the coyotes enjoyed their to and fro. Every way they cut new trails where white had never been ; No grander road than Cariboo new country's ever seen. Girtling streams with bridges, felling mighty pines, Initial work in everything — even churches in their line. Nobly did they do their work, B. C. will always tell, Empire-builders surely! their descendant ofispring swell. Esteemed by one and all are the few that now remain ; Remembered in all honour those who've left this earthly train. Symbols of their motto, they upheld their glorious name, B. C. admits that " Ubique quo fas et gloria diicunt " a motto without stain. «i „ ^ THOS. HARMAN. 8/ A March, igog. STORY OF THE ENGINEERS. The story of the work of the Royal Engineers in British Columbia is an interesting one as set forth by Lieut.-Colonel R. Wolfenden in a paper read before the Veterans' Association of Vancouver Island on November 23rd, 1900. It gives an excel- lent conception of the services performed for British Columbia by this body of men now celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of their arrival here. It was owing to the discovery of gold in 1858, in what was then termed New Caledonia, that Sir James Doug- las, Governor of Vancouver Island, reported to the British Government the advisability of appointing a Governor to administer the new territory in case of a sudden rush of miners. Mr. Douglas was appointed Governor of the Colony of British Columbia, as it was named. A body of men possessed of military and scientific acquirements was sent out to the new colony to support Governor Douglas and to contribute to the improvement and colonisation of the country. This body of men was selected from the Royal Engineers, under the com- mand of six ofificers, Colonel R. C. Moody, Captain J. M. Grant, Captain R. M. Parsons, Captain H. R. Luard, Lieutenant A. R. Lempriere, and Lieutenant H. S. Palmer, also Dr. Seddall as medical officer. From the large number of volunteers one hundred and fifty non-commissioned officers and men were selected. The men were composed of surveyors, astronomers, engineers, draughtsmen, architects, accountants, clerks, printers, lithographers, carpen- ters, boat-builders, blacksmiths, shoemakers, tailors, and men of all other trades and callings who were fitted to perform some special work in the new colony. The first detachment of this corps left South- hampton on September 2nd on the steamer La Plata, and these were followed shortly afterwards by a second detachment, under Captain Grant. The main body, in charge of Captain H. R. Luard, Lieutenant A. R. Lempriere, Lieutenant H. S. Pal- mer, and Dr. Seddall, with 118 non-commissioned officers and men, 31 women and 34 children, sailed from Gravesend in the steamer Thames City on October loth, 1858. They arrived at Esquimalt on April I2th, 1859, after a long and rather tedious six months' voyage around Cape Horn. Owing to Captain Marsh the tedium of the jour- ney was relieved by the publication of a weekly paper in manuscript form called " The Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette and Cape Horn Chronicle." This was edited by Corporal Charles Sinnett, and was read by the Captain every Saturday night. Lieut.- Colonel Wolfenden has since republished this paper in book form, which is one of the most interesting features of the historical exhibit at the Fair. On their arrival at Esquimalt the main body of the party proceeded by the steamer Eliza Anderson to their future home on the Fraser River. A camp was established on the present site of the Provincial Penitentiary. At that time the City of New West- minster was covered by a dense forest, the only signs of human habitation being a crude jetty, a saloon conducted by T. J. Scott, late of Port Moody; a butcher shop conducted by the late Robert Dick- inson ; a grocery by W. J. Armstrong, and a bakery by Philip Hicks. The party arrived here fifty years ago and at once proceeded to establish the capital of British Colum- bia here. Fort Langley was chosen by Governor Douglas, but was later abandoned for Queens- IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. 17 borough. There was some dissatisfaction with the name, and the matter was submitted to the Queen, who named the city New Westminster. The party proceeded to build barracks, to survey the sites of the city, and of Hope, Yale, Lytton, Douglas, Lillooet, Clinton, Richfield, and others ; they con- ducted numerous explorations and surveys through- out the country, and established astronomical stations ; they constructed many roads, streets, and bridges, notably the waggon road from Douglas to Pemberton Lake; the first and most difficult section of the Yale-Cariboo Waggon Road, the Hope Mountain Trail, as well as the principal streets and roads in and about New Westminster; they formed a gold escort and brought gold down from Cariboo ; they designed the first English churches built at New Westminster and Sapperton, as well as the first school-house ; they designed the first British Columbia coat-of-arms and the first postage stamp used in the colony; they built, at their own cost, a reading-room, library, and theatre, in which many interesting entertainments were held during the winter months, as will be remembered by many old residents; they established the Lands and Works Department and the Government Printing Office, and printed the first B. C. Gazette on the 3rd Jan- uary, 1863. Law and order were maintained by the party and a form of government instituted. The detachment disbanded in October, 1863, after five years' service, and all the officers and twenty- five or thirty men returned to the Old Country. Those who remained were given a free grant of 150 acres of land, and engaged in various occupations in the new colony. Fourteen of the survivors still reside in British Columbia, of whom twelve are in the city celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of their arrival. VICTORIA, B. C. : Printed by Richaed Wolfexden, I.S.O., V.D., Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1910. .MJ7?.35 / l!ii«4«^V)a^t^'l^ ■li ((•■ If THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below .Uo LQ-URL Foi'iii L-fl VMfYmStTY OF CAUFOBKU AT ^