[I LOG‘I RARY BIC LIB ‘u"" ¢~ .4 ' l‘x» w ‘ ' VJ-fé.’ ‘Ffi .4 ‘-~'\< I} s; '5». are, 3,...“ u. yrs “u. . L' \. IL In L. m. ,M R ‘ v 73.6? . . ' SW“ E5 . aw ' 2.2141 (1? " 03 -\ Manna ',\‘d;' 1?? - 7 .v' p ‘1 pr“: 11:“). midi? ; 13. .. L" ‘r -. \. ' Y‘" ‘W' .91 . area 1... a . PL ‘( “B" l 10 I ”1???” .‘~ ~ 0.0,, m: ) #3:; .‘: 7‘. .2. ' I. *4 - 1,44; .-’ . any: ‘~ .IORGANIZATION OFITIIIE. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY.- IChp'ef: ID. E. SALMON, D. V. M.‘ I Assistant Chief: A. D.MEI§V111', D V. S. Chief Clerk. E. B. Joxas, LL. l1I., M. D.- Dairy Dim'aion. ED. II. WEBSTER, M. S. ,ehief; CLARENCE B. LANE, B. 8., assistant chief. I Inspection Dirision: A. M. FARRINGTON, B. 8., D. V. 31., chief. Quarantine Division: RICHARD W. HICKMAN, Ph. G., V. M. D., chief. Editor: GEORGE FAYET'I‘E THOMPSON, M. 8, Artist.- W. S. D. Hum-3s. Animal Husbandman. GEORhE M. ROMMEL, B. 8. A. Librarian: BEATRICEC. OBERLY. v I . 1. ABOR ATORIES. ~ Biochemic Dim-ion. Mamox IDORSl-IT, M. 1)., (IIICI. Pathological Division. JOIINR. MOHIER, A. M. ,\. M. D. ,ehieI Zoological Dirisioli: BRA\TO.\' IIO11'.1RD Rxxson, B. 812, z-I.\ M. a111ng zoologist EXPERIMENT STATION. Superintendent: E. C. SennOEDEn, )I. D. 1'.; expert assistant, W. E. COTTON. . INSPECTORS IN CHARGE. Dr. F. W. Ainsworth, East Liberty'smek Yards- . Dr. Geo. D1te111g eare Union StO1k Yards, Cin- Pittshurg. Pa. ' 11innati. Ohio Dr. M. 0. Anderson, L'are Geo. A. iIormel A ().,o ‘ Dr. E. I’. Dow'd, care \\ lute, Pevye 11 Dexter Co, , Austin, Minn. \\ orust1r Dr. Don C.A1'er. I'ost-(1tiiee Building, South j Dr. (1. E. Dyson. 316 Exchange Building.- Union __0maha, Nebr. ! Stock Y11rd.~‘,Chieago.IlI. Dr. G. S. Baker, Sixth and Townsend s1s., San : Dr. Geo. C. I‘111iIIe P.1'1. box 796. Norfolk. Va. Francisco, Cal. 3 Dr. J. 11'. Fi11k.IeareS11it‘t 1K (711., Harrison station, Dr. L. R. Baker. South St. Joseph, Mo. 1 Newark N. Dr. A. E. Behnke, room 1132. FederalBuilding, )iil- ' Dr. '1‘. A. Coddes. eare U. S. consul, LOndon, 1 wankee, Wis. England. .Dr. John A. Bell, “atertow 11 N. Y. 1 Dr. H. H. George. 5117 Johnson 81., 1111113111111, R); Dr. S. E. Bennett, room 338 Live S1111}; I\(l11111ge ; Dr. \1. II. Gibbs, (are Morto-n -Gregson C_O., Ne- Building. K11111I1as Ci11' Kans. f braska L111 Nehr. Dr. ILL. Bertram. careIJ S. Cihnore. Davenport. ; Dr. L. K. (1reen. eare Hammond Standish&(‘o. Iowa. ; Det troit Mirh. Dr. Fred Braginton, eareContinental i’aekingtn. 1 Dr. II. A. I--Iedri( k "h St Paul st Baltimore Md. Bloomington. Ill. f Dr. (1. B. Hess. (areFr1L1-Br111111 CO Seattle. “ash. fDr. J. .J. Brougham, eare Missouri Stock Yards, , Mr. 11. S. Hiekox P. 0. box 1145, Salt Lake City, St. Louis, MO. _ Utah. ' ‘ ' Dr. G. W. Butler, care Drummond Broa, liau ' Dr. A. A. HOIL-ombe, Aurora Ill. Claire, Wis. Dr. \1. In. Howe. (age \\ estern Paeki11g'CO.,Den- Dr. J. B.’ Clancy, National Stock Yards, lllinois.‘ 1'.er ( 1110. Dr. Lowell Clarke, room 320, Quinecy Building. 1 Dr. Julius Huelsen. (are. The Jerse1'Cit1' Stock Denver, Colo. Yards Co. .lersev Cit1', Nq. J. 'Dr. Joel E. Cloud. care The Agar Packing CO.. ' Dr. F. 11'. Huntington, U .customs oti‘tce. G T, Des Moines, Iowa. 1 it. l{.11'hari, Portland .111. Dr. Charles CO11',ie Ogdensburg, .\'Y. , i Dr. Robert Ja1'.eare Jacob E. DeLkeIr & .8011, Dr. David Cumming 912 I.apeera1'.,e Port Huron, 1 1 Mason City. Iowa. 1 Dr. G. A. Johnson, Exchange Building, $101111 Dr. Robert Darling, care CharlesS 1.. Hardy, San § ~City. Iowa. ' 1 DiegO,Ca . 1 Dr. James Johnston care U. S. consulate, '26 .Dr. E. T. D111 ison Rnshville Nebr. 1 (impel 81.. L11 erpOOI England. Dr. J. F. 11911111111111. Sault Ste. Marie. Mir-h. ‘ Dr. F. C. Jons, care Carstens Packing CO.,Taco1naI, .Mr. Albert Dean. room 328, Stock Yard Station, Wash. Kansas (‘itv. Kans. ? Dr. J S. Kellv. care Blomer 1% Michael CO.. Dr. F. L. De Violi, care Chas. W olfl i’acki11g1‘o., ' Qui1111'.Ill. Topeka, Kans. .' Dr. F. D. Ketehum, SonthSt. Paul, Minn. (Concluded 011 third page of cOv er. ) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 39. D. E. SALMON, D. V. M., Chief of Bureau. INDEX—CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL ANDVETERINARY ZOOLOGY. VI?AJTT 12. [Authors: K to K0hl.] BY CH. WARDELL STILES, Ph. D., Consulting Zoo/ogisl of Bureau of Animal [mix/slag- Zoolog‘isl of U. 5. Public Hoall/z and filarinc-Hos/fiilal SEPZ'Z't‘L’, AND ALBERT HASSALL, M. R. C. V. 8., Assistant in Zoology, Bureau of Animal lizdzlsz‘ry. Il‘gfinfi. .a III m as .. ,1- ti“; *' I‘ill "T‘I'ITEEI {’1' -. ... 1'”, J",- ”‘41me 1' ‘u '2'.” J. w: t 1.” 1‘ ,_ Ill \‘hwa A \ " E at . A": \\\W 's . ,. y \\ WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT‘PRINTLNG OFFMHL 1905. AUTHOR INDEX. K. lBITZ, H. [Hannoven] 1895 a.—Ueber die Beurtheilung finnigen Rindfleischcs nins an 111111111111 (/1391. ii. 11. Veterinarw. i111 K1111igr. 8:11'11s., I)1'11s11. (189:3). 3T. .1., pp. 159—161. [\V“, \\"".] 1894a.—8a1110ni11 in 11111 11111:. [Abstnu-t 111' K511111111. 1893 a] . ‘Am. Vet. 111113, N. Y,, 1'. 18, May, pp, 1113-117. [\"11, wm_] 1904 a.—-(_1‘r1'1sS1-111'111'115'111nisse111’1‘ 1{i111111r11111111 1.:ff1)11ut_<(-h(1 thiprgirzt]. \VL'111181'111'., IIann11v., 1'. 12 (15), 9. .-\pr., p. 143. [\V", \\"“.] 1904 11.—11111111. [Reviewed by K1011] 2, V. (i (3), 15 fév., pp. 118—120. [\V“, \\"”.] KALM, Plan. [1718—1779.] (1740 a).—\Viistg5tha och_1’)iihu.l. f. Bakteriol., I’arasitenk. [ete.], Jena, 1. Aht.. v. 3l (2), 23. Jan., Referate, pp. 50—52. [\Y", \\"".] 1902 l).—Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Dislomum ll'v.-(e1'n1(1nni. [Review of Kat- surada, 1900 d, hy Lillie] ‘('l‘\'tltl()118 (111 the .lsmris lum/u'imitlm‘. [Review «1f Kermorgant, 1904 g] -1.'1‘rnp. .\l., 1.111141, v. T (l2),.lui1e 15, p. 192. [\V", \\""_] 1904 l.——1’r(i1pl1ylaxie «lu palmlisme par la prnteetinu 111eel1a11ique (les habita- tiuus, :‘1 l’aule (le tmles metalliques Ann. «l’l1vg. et «le 111611. eultm., l’ar., v. T (3), juillet-sepL, pp. 340—348, :3 ligs. [\\"“.] 1904 m.—.\'ntes sur la tievre jauue :1 'l‘ampieu (/Auu. 11’l1yg. et (le med. 001011., P2112, V. 7 (-1), nt't.—tl("('., pp. 534—540. [\\"".1 1904 11.—_l€11quete sur la 111ala.(1211911 ti. Nut] [\\"“.] 1894 a.—l\'ernseue and animal parasites. [lixtraet from letter (1111(‘(1 Ilee. 30, 1893] - lnseet Life, \\'asl1.. v. 0 (3). l“el1.. p. 2370. [\\"‘.] KERN, .1(18|«11’11. 18:33 a.—l'el)er «lie l‘leurtlieilung (les l’leiselies kranker llausthiere l1iusiel1tlie11 seiner Selliitlliehkeit als Nahruugsmittel fur )leusehen. l)iss. 27 pp. 8°, lirlangen. [\\"".] KERNIH. W. [1112, ()l1erarzt. ()l111C110w-Frauen-lInspital.] 1880a.—l'el)erei11e Reil1e von 'l‘riel1i11usisfiilleu in St. l’eterslmrg <51. l‘etersh. metl. Wel111se11r., v. :3 (1),F1. (:17. ) .lau., pp. 2—0. [318111110111 :33. Dee. 1879.] [\\"".] 1880 b.——Idem - Allg. metl. Centr.-Ztg., Rerl., v. 49(8), :38. .1au., pp. 87—90; (9), 31. Jan., pp. 99—101. [WW] INDEX'CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLUGY. 863 KERXIG, W.; & UCKE, A. [Dr., Prosector, Deutsch. Alexander Ilospital f. Manner]. 1901 a.—UeberAmoben-Enteritis in St. Petersburg.r 'St. l’etersb. med. \Vclmschr., v. 26, n. F., v. 18 (25), 23. Juni (:6. Juli), pp. 299—307. [\V'".] 1901 11.—On amebic enteritis in St. Petersburg. [Review of Kernig & ’Ucke, 1901 a] 2, V. 19 (37), 10 sept, pp. 560—561. [\\"“.] I864 d.—De.< epidemies de triehine obserVees en Allemagne dans ees‘dernieres annees. [Abstract of Kestner, 1864 a] - Ree. de menu. de med . . . . mil., Par., 3. 9., V. 11, mai, pp. 453—163. [\\"".] KRTLI. KARMA: . _ 1896 a.—.\I:ij-];'rh{um-urem- harmn nperdlt es lllt’gg}'(’)g}'llit esete - ()rvosi heti 87.011110, Budapest, V. 20 (9), mar. 1, pp. 278-280. [\V'".] n K Henry. J. B. 1889 a.—(,‘heap sheep dip - Agrie. J., (‘ape Town, V. l (26), Aug. 22, p. 219. [m Klil'l’, J. B. 1786 a.—1Ct\Vas iiber die lleilung der Kriitze - N. Mag. 1. Aerzte, 1.eipz., V. 8 (6), pp. 495—502. [318. dated 25. Juli.] [\\"”.] KEI‘TEN, J. [I)r., k. Kreistierarzt, Heldern.] (1903 2-1).—(}esetzbehe Restnnnmngen fiir den Triebinenbesebauer. 61 pp. 8°. (ieldern. 1903 b.—Ideln. [ReViewed by Stier] . Ztsehr. f. Fleiseb- n. )[ileliliyg., Berl., V. 14 (1), ()et., p. 3-1. [\V“, \\"”.] 1903 e.—Idem. [ReView of lx'enten, 1903 a, by RieVel] ~ [Dentsehe tieréirztl. \Vebnseln‘., V. 11 (47). 21. ()et., p. 4-18. [\V”, \\"".] 1903 d.—Idem. [Rey'iew of Kenten, 1903 a, by I’rofe] ‘ Fortsehr. d. \'et.-Hyg., Rerl., v. I (9), Dee, p. 276. [\V“, \Vm.) KEY, ERNEST AXE]. “EINRH'. [1830-1901.] 1866 a.—Triebiner. [Read 5 Sept, 1865] Fiirh. 8Venska Liik.-Siillsk. 8am- 1nank., Stockholm (1865), pp. 216—223. [\\"".] 1867 a.—()m Trikinernas utbredning i SVerige (Med. .-\reb., Stoekhohn, V. 3 (2), Art. 5 18 pp. [\V'".] [1867 b].—-Ide1n. Reprint. 18 pp. 8°. [Stoekimlnr] [\\"”.] 1867 e.—I)ie .‘\n.~'breitnng der Triehinen in Sehweden. [Abstract of Key, 1867 a, by Odenius] - Areh. f. path. Anat. [ete.], Berl., V. 41. 4. F., V. 1 (1—2), NOV., pp. 302—304. [\V“, W'".] INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 865 KEY, ERNEST AXEL HEINRIC—Continued. 1867 d.—[Trikinfragan.] [Read 27 Feb] ‘tiftung in \\ 11111 (1811111, pp. 184—135: pp. 232—234. [\\"“.] [Sec K1111), Julius [Martin], 13117 a.] KIENER, I’At'L-Lot'is [-A.\'11R1':]. Sm Kelsch [Louis-Felix-], Achillc: 1k Kiener, Paul- l.ouis [—Andre]. Kiassuxu, FRANZ. 1882221.—1'el1er1le11 Bau V1111 Sr}:{stoccpluzlz1s dinmrplms (‘1‘epli11 111111 [jg/11111 sim- ])/i('is.villlll Rudolphi « Arch. 1'. Nat11rg., 13erl..~13.J., V. 1 122). pp. 241—280, pls. 1-1— 15,11gs. 1-9. [Wi] 188:2 11.—Idem. l)iss. ~1-1pp., pls. 1-1—15,9 figs. 3°. Leipzig. [1.il1. Stiles] 1882 e..—-Idem. [Report on Kiessling, 1832221. 113' Richm] ‘ Ztschr. f. Naturwz, 8911., v. 55, 4. F., v. 1 (:31, 11p. 274—2711. [\\"'.] KIEWIET 111: Joxuu, (1. W. (1902a).—-Tjilatjap als inalariahaard - (iencesk. Tijdschr. \'. Nederl. Indie. 13a- tau. I)ee1 ~12, pp. 96—117. (1902211).—.\1alaria <(1enecsk. 'I‘ijdschr. V. Nedcrl. 11111113, 11:11am. heel ~12 (‘23), pp. 41-75. 1903 11.—Idem. [Reviewed by Kohlhrugge]< A1111. 1'. S1l1iffs- u. Tr11pe11—ll\'g., Leipz., V. T (23), Marx, pp. 198—199. [\\"". ]\ (1904 a).—De aetiologie der tropis1l1e 111se11terie <(ieneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, 13ata\'.. Ileel ~14 (12), [11172—9]. K11.111111.\'R, FREDERH‘K 1.. Sn) Smith, Theobald; & liillmrne, Frederick 1.. K11.11111'R.\'1:, 1‘211w1.\' 1). [Asst. 811111.. 1'. S. Army] 190411.—S11me experiments with the ’1’1'_1/pmu1.\-1111111 lg‘mnsi (.1. Ass. Mil. Surg. 1'. 3.. (‘arlislu l’a., V. 14, Apr.. pp. 12-18—250, [\\"",] I INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 869 KILFUIL, Jorix. 1899 a.—A Kaffrarian farmer on dips ‘(u§‘. 6—20. 1 port. 8°. London. [\\'“.] l821111.——lde111. V. 4, 11' ~ 1134 1111., l)l>‘. 221—2111, 1 port. 8°. 111111111111. [\V", \\"'.] 18:28 21.—11111111. 5. 1111., 1'. l. xxili - 51211111., I 1.,31 pl.~‘. 8°, . London. [\\'n1_] 18‘28 11.—l1leni. 1'. 22,5111] 1., 221113. 8°. London. [\\"“.] 11'281'.—l1lel11. 1'. 3'}, 1’ 1111..l 1., 7321111. 8°. 1.1111111111. [\\"".] 1828 11.—11111111. 1'. 4, i1' , 11831 1111., 11111111. .’°. 1.1111111111. [\V'“.] 18811 21.—.111111/1113. [Ahstraet] '1~il:.[11].,(‘Ol1lellz.] 1842 21. Ahgant: einer lC i1l1\11 211114 1111111 \ttei 11inerk1‘anken I ran Med. (‘1’112- 111. 1‘l1ei11.11. 1111511211. Ae17.te. ’1111111. 1'. 1 (81.15. .\11r.. 11. 137. [\\"‘.] 11'1111"11.\1.11'1-:11, SHILW'I‘IANI'S. (11191) a).—l)e 7.111111111‘t1s. lhss. 4°. l111t1111l1. 1(1111‘11X1111,A1.1=111:11. [1858— . 1871121.—lCm Beltrag 7.11r ()1111ratlo11 11111‘ 1'31-l1i11111-111-1-en 11111‘ 011:2111e 11er Hamli- l11"1l1le. Ihss. 3511p. 8°. Berhn. [\\"“.] I880 21.—Z111‘ 1'111111‘ati1'en Behandlun;_r 11er Leher-l'I1-l1in111-111-1'en (Berl. klin. Wehnsehr. 1‘. 17 (‘2'21 31. Mai. 11. 315—21111. \V'". 1 1 . I l K1111‘11.\'1«:11, 1111111.. 1842 21.—[12111111111011 11er allgemeinen Therapie; znnaehst als \‘11rscl1nle fiir 111111 klnnsehen l nterr1eht 7.11111 (11111111111111 der 8tn1liren11en. x1'iii +373 pp. 8°. lx'1el. [\\"“.] K1111‘11x1: 11, 0. , 1k 1’11.'11111.11.1.\‘.\'. 11‘. (_l8115121).—l)ie 111il11‘11sk1111is1'he l’flanzen- 111111 'l‘hierwelt 1111s Siisswassers. Theil :2: Die 1111kr11sk11111s1-h1-Th1er11'elt 1111s 8118811'21ssers. Aht. l: Protozoa. 4°. llanihurg. INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 873 KIRIKOFF, N. N. ~ 1893 a.—SluchaI febris intermittentis comitatac pnemonicze (nepravilynoy quar- tanae) s demonstraziei malyariynyich parasitov. [Intermittent pneumonia of irregular quartan type; demonstration of malarial parasite] [Russian text] 2, V. :2 (17), 10 sept., pp. 513—517; (18), 25 sept, pp. 545—549. [\V'“.] KIRSCHBAI’M, C. L. (1855 a).——I)ie Rhynclmten (ler Hegeml vmi Wieslmden. 1. Heft: Die Capinen. Verzeiclmiss, Bestinnnungstalwlle, ausfiiln‘lielie Besehreilmng (lerneuen Arten. 189 pp. 8°. \Vieshaden. KIRSCIIMANN, Snnu'xn. [1)r., Sinala, Russia] 1881 a.—Ueslrus-Larven lieiin )Ienselien /\\'ien. 1110(1. Wehnselnx, V. 31 (-19), 3. Dec., pp. 1370—1371. [\\"".] KIRTLANI). , 18-1-1 a. «[(I‘mvlius uquuthws in a gi'asslu‘)ppei:.] [Seeretary’s abstract of paper read Nov. 20] - ’Almtr. Hf l’me. Aslunnl. Sma, ()Xf()1‘(l (1835), V. 1 (9), p. 5. [\\"'.] KISt.‘11,1‘:[.\'()(‘1-1]HEINRICH. [1841— .] 1886 a.——I\Iarienl)a(l in (191‘ Saisun 1885 llt‘l)>‘t )[ittlieilung fiber einen Fall YOII (‘hyluriu 15 pp. 8°. l’rag. [\\"".] KISEL, Aucxmxna. [1859— .] 1889 a.—— [(‘asenf ana-inia pernieiosa in a ('llll(l (i yearsnfage, dependent on Ta‘nia; death] [Russian text] eiin Rimle -' Areli. f. vet. Wissenseh. (5), pp. 427—435. 1903 l).-—l(lL’111. [Reviewed by J. Waldlnann] a/Jaln‘esl). 1"1. «1. Leistung. a. (1. Gel). (l. Vet.-.\Ie«1., Berl. (1902), V. :32. p. 145. [1 "2] KI'I‘ASA’I‘U, SHIHAZABI'RH. [Sew u/xn .\liajilna, 1904, pp. 321—325.] (1884 a).—[1)istunm helm/[rum] [Japanese text] ~ ‘(‘hiugai lji Sliinpo, Tokio (99), May 10. [\\"“.] Kl'r.\7..\'r0. New Kitasatu, Sliiliazalnirn. KI'I‘T, 'l‘n. - 138l 1L—’I‘I'HH’INI/IIIHI‘HN IIU(]Il/H.\'ll.\‘ 21118 (101‘ l.el)er 011101‘ R3110. ([II [41.3 I’at11(;)10gisch- anatmniselie )littlieilungen) .laliresl). (l. k. (‘entr.-Thierarznei-Sehule in )Iiinelien, Leipz. (1879—81)), -1. Suppl-Heft. p. 28. [WW] 1881 l).——.\Iy(:0sen (ler Luftwege lwi TillIlN‘n - heutsehe Ztsehr. f. Tliiermed., l.eip7.., V. T (1—2), :20. .-\pi'., l’l’- ”p-113. [\\"".] 1883 a.—.\'0tiz fiber eine, neue NelllilUHlt‘llft)l'lll l)(‘llll 8e11weine< Wclmscln‘. f. Tlnerli. n. \ ielizuelit, .-\ug.t., 5:28 pp., 52 figs. 8°. Berlin. [\\"”.] 1873 a.———1deni. [v. 1, 2. .‘\l)t.], 4. Lief., 719—1254 pp., 56 figs. 8°. Berlin. [\ 'In.] 1876 a.—1dein. v. 1, 2. .\l)t.. xxvii 7530—717 pp., 80 figs. 8°. Berlin. [\V'“.] 1887 a.—I)ie. allgemeine Patlmlogie, ()der (lie Lehre. von den I'rsaehen 11nd dem \Vesen der Krankheitspnwesse. l‘Iin Handlmch fiir Studirende 11nd Aerzte. v. 1: llie Krankheitsnrsachen. .-\llgelneine patlmlngisehe Aetiolugie. xiv pp., 1 1., 514 pp., 66 figs., 8 pls. 8°. .lena. [\\"“.] INDEX-CATALOGUE 01‘ MEDICAL AND VETERINARY 7.001.001: 877 KLEBs, E1)11'1N—Conti11ued. "1889 a.—Ide111. 1'. 2: Sti'1runge11 des Baues 11nd (1er Zusammensetzung. (A11- gemeine pathologische Morphologie.) xviii+836 pp., 79 figs, 47 pls. 8°. Jena. [\V‘“.] KLEBS, EDWIN; & TOMMASI-CRUDELI, CORRADO. 1879 a.—Studi sulla natura della malaria. 66 pp., 4 pls. 4°. Roma. [11“.] 1888 a.—On the nature of malaria. Transl. and edited by Edward Drummond. [Transl. 0fK1ebs & Tommasi-Crudeli, 1879 a] ’0lllri0m>plmlux lulux, als Beweis einer direoten Metamm‘pllnsv des geschlechtsreifen IndiViduums aus seinem bewimperten Embryo. Zugleivh ein Beitrag zur Tlierapie der l'lelminthiasis. [Read 8 aVril] Rnll. Avad imp. d. sc. de St.-l’étersb., V. 14 (2), pp. 176—188. [Published 10 am‘1t.] [\V", W".] - 1870 al—Note sur le made do. (lt’WUlt)Iqwnu‘nt du lmthriocéphale large. [Transl. of Ixnuch. 1869 a, by Rabuteau] - .1. d0 l‘anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., V. 7, pp. 1—10. [\\"”.] (1870 l)l.—"1))0/11‘I'iIH'(’l)]I(I/Il.\'[ll/NS : Arm-1111idensystmns. 2. Heft, 38 pp. 8°. Niirnberg. [\V“.] 1841 a.—Die Arachniden. Hotreu 11ac11 der Natur abgebildet 111111 beschrieben. (Fortsetzungdes Hahn’svlmn Werkes.) V. 8, 131 pp., pls. 253—288. 8°. Nfirn- berg. [\\'“.] 1842 a. [7ebersicl1t des Arachnidensystmus. 3. Heft, 1. .»\1,)t., 130 pp., 1 1., 13 pls. 8°. N111'1111e1'g. [\V“.] 1842 11—1110 Arm-huhlen. (1etreu nat-h der Natnr a1 )gebildet 11nd 11escl1rieben. V. 9, 108 pp., 1115. 289—324. 8°. Xi'lrnberg. [\\"'.] 1843 a.—I<1em. V. 10, 142 pp., pls. 325—360. 8°. Mirnberg. [11“.] 1844 a.——8Vst0111atisv11e 1'01101'Si011t fiber (119. Ordnung «1er Zecken ‘(:11v 1.011(‘1‘211)SZ(‘SS(‘. [RUViOW 0f K0011, 1904 a] BY CH.i_WAR-_DELL AIST;I‘ILES,2PhQ DJ, . _ Consurliz'ngiZoogogz'st of BzgreauofAiiz'mIa-l Indflstry; Zodlogist of U. 5. {public 3“ ‘ ‘ _ ' Healt/zvana’1Wazin¢7Hospilal Service, - . "ALBERT HASSALL,‘ M3 R.;‘C..V. 5., ~A532'5'2fa'722f 1‘72 Zyo'o'logy'fBurekzu—Wof Animal Industry. ‘7'.. I h :- 'LFI.'.:.!:';::-.-. II I $ 'H .m, .-.1 .._- t : .~ ,' ’ ml w-’ .u . .v' *1 93-11. .31 _'_ F -—g ‘; :5 ". h it; rml 1! L. L. l‘ u ._ :t' . ,l. " . fly”; O .3," . .0 'l ‘0?! I .r ' a] .7 «II I?“ _- WASHINGTON. :- , _G6V;E R'I‘ATM EN? 7 P R IN 11 N G ‘ 01? F1 CAE.‘ 39051 . ORGANIZATION OETHE BUREAUOF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, \ sChiqf: D. E.,SALMON, D. V. M. _ Assistant chief. A. D. MELVIN, D. V. S. Chiefclerk. E B. JONES, LL M., M. D. "Dairy Division. ED. H. WEBSTER, M. S., chief; CLARENCE B. LANE, B. S., aSsistant- chief. Inspection Division: A. M. F ARRINGTON, B. S 9 Quarantine Division: RICHARD W. HICKMAN, Ph. Editor. GEORGE FAYETTE TIiOIIPsoN, M. S. -Artist: W. S. D. HAINES. , D. V. M., chief. e., V. M. D., chief. 7.4121:de husbandman: GEORGE M. ROMMEL, B. S. A. Librarian, BEATRICE C: OBERLY. LABORATORIES. BiOchcmic Diiision.-' MARION DORSET, M. D., chief. Pathological Division: JOHN R. MOHLER, A. M., V. M. D. Zoological Division: BRAX’TON H. RANSOII, B. Sc., A. M., acting zoologist. E XPERI .XIENT STATION. Superintendent, E. C. SCHROEDER, M. D. V INSPECTORS Dr. F. W. Ainsworth, Union StO‘ck Yards, Pitts- burg, Pa ‘ ‘ - Dr. M. 0. Anderson, care Geo. A. ”Hormel & CO., Austin, Minn. ,. Dr. Don C. Ayer, Omaha, Nebr. Dr. G. S. Baker, Sixth and Townsend sts., Francisco, Ca]. Dr. L. R. Baker South St. Joseph MO. Dr. A. E. Behuke, room 432, Federal Building, Milwaukee Wis. - Dr. JOhn A. Bell, Watertown, N. Y. Dr. S. E. Bennett, room 338 Live change Building Kansas CitI, Kans. Dr. Eli L. Bertram, care J. S. Gilmore, Daven- port, Iowa. Dr. Fred Braginton, care Continental Packing 00., Bloomington, Ill. J. J. Brougham, care Missouri Stock X’ards CO. St. Louis. MO. Dr. G. W. Butler, care Drummond Bros, EaII , Claire, Wis. Dr. J. B. Clancy, NationalSIock X',ards Ill. -Dr. Lowell Clarke room 3‘20, QuincI Building, ». Denver, Colo. . Dr. Joel E. Cloud, care The Agar Packing CO., Des Moines, Iowa. Dr. Charles Cowie. Ogdensburg, N. X'. DgiDghvidCummingfi 912Lapecrave., Port Huron, Dr Robert Darling, care Chas. S. IIarIlI, D.Diego, Ca l. D.r E. T. Davison, Rushville, Nebr. ‘Dr. J. F. Deadman, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Mr. Albert Dean, room 328, Stock Yard Station, Kansas City, Kans. ~ Post-Office Building, South San Stock Ex- San 6 ,expert assistant, W. E. COTTON. - IN CH AERG Dr. F. L. De Wolf, care Chas. Wolff Packing Co" Topeka, Kans. Dr. Geo. Ditewig, care Union Stock X'ards, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Dr. E. P. DOIId care White, PeI'eI &Dexter C0,, Worcester, Mass. - Dr. 0. E. D) sou. 316 Exchange Building, Union , Stock Yards, Chicago, Ill. Dr. Geo. C. Faville P. 0. box 796, Norfolk, Va. Dr. J. XVm. Fink, care SII'ift&Co., Harrisbn sta., NeIIark. N. J. Dr. T. A. Geddes, care U. S. consulate, London, ., England. ‘ DIR H. H. George, 507 Johnson st., Louisville, 3. Dr. W. H. Gibbs, care Morton-Gregson CO., Ne braska CitI, Nebr. Dr. L. K. Green, care Hammond, Standish&_€o., Detroit, Mich. 1 Dr. H. A. Hedrick, 215 St. Paul st. ,Baltimore, Md. Dr. 0. B. Hess,dare FrIe Bruhn 00., Seattle, Wash. MDGhS' Hickox, P. 0. box 1145, Salt Lake City, ta Dr. A. A. Holcombe, AurOra, Ill. Dr. U. G. Hour-k, care Swift & CO., Fort Worth ’I‘e. Dr. W. E. Howe, care Western Packing CO., Den- Ier Colo. Dr. Julius Huelsen care JerseI (‘itI Stock Xards ' Co. Jersey City, N. ‘ Dr. F. XX. Huntington, U. S. customs Oflice G. T. R. R. wharf, Portland,l\le. Dr. Robert JaI, care Jacob E. Decker & Son, Mason City, Iowa. ‘ Dr. G. A. Johnson. Exchange Building, Sioux City, Iowa. ‘ " ’ [Concluded on page 3 of cover.] U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY-BULLETIN NO. 39. D. E. SALMON, D.V. M., Chief of Bureau. INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. PART 18. [Authors: Kohl to Kynsey.] BY CH..WARDELL STILES, Ph. D., Consulting Zoologist of Bureau of Animal Industry; Zoologist of U. 5. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, AND ALBERT HASSALL, M. R. C.V. s., Assistant in Zoology, Bureau of Animal Industry. __._....__. I l r O '= t H \{ 1' "‘ "- — _—.== :- ' {7"}? CT-_ 5 _ _ 4' #2:“? “EX-2:" f: MWW‘ |”"lllll*.l C C o': 0 § Illa] in" _ ‘fi 4. /\‘\ ._ — . 'Ub a 3:1,, "l'é’fal_\\r-h’$;v‘/l' I v V!" V' “’I.’ :-,:0 7‘3, KIM-«3!: ‘ ‘Mmlx ' r :'|‘ . r ‘W WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 903 KOHL, O.—Continued. 1904 b.—-Idem. [Reviewed by Jess] thringen wiihrend des James 1883. lm amtlichen .‘mftmge nzu-h den Berichten der Medicinalbeamten. x +— 182 pp. 8°. Strasslmrg. [\\"".] (1886a).——Idem . . . \\';'iln'cn<1 des Jahres 1884. 198 pp. Strassbmg. (1887 a).—Idem . . . wiihrend des Jahres 1885. 84 pp. Strassburg. (1888 a).—Jalirlmch derMedicinal-\'er\\'altung in lilsass-Lothringen. I. p. 252. Strasslmrg. (1889 a).—Idem . . . II. p. 299. Strasslmrg. (1890 a)—1dem . . . 111. p. 217. Strasslmrg. (1891a a.) —ld 1111‘ ordering/copies, , state distinctly which number iS‘deSired - Collaborators—In preparing this Catalogue, We haye had Jhe assistance ofwarious persons who have come to the Zoological Diyisien for study, or Who have been. employed as ass1stants, technical clerks etc; Of these there should be mentioned in particular 1 a.» - ‘1,Eunice-R Oberly, A.- B Caroline Myers, Charles A.‘ Pfender M» D., Harry Lee. Watson, A :B., LIE.- M, rayton Howard Ransom _.‘.B_. S0 A VI and Earle G Stevenson BeSc A M , 2-. , 1 _ ‘ , 1].); a, “.12 (1’: ” . —.; 9:, AUTHOR INDEX .- ’ 3.332" 21' ‘(Part-l pages 1—46 —.Intr0duction and authors A to Azevede Issued May, 1902 Price, 5 cents. Part 2, pages 47—198 —-Authors B to Buxton Issued February, 1903 Price, 10 cents 5: 51 31,2, \A ,Part 3, pages 199-324 —-Auth0rs C to Czygan. Issued May, 1903 P1113810 cents. , _fi Part 4; ,pages 325—403 —Authors I) to Dzieipbowski Issued, Julv, 1903 Price,5 :Sei'i 5.: C’Part 5 pages 405-485 —Auth0rs E t0 Eyssel Issued September, 1903 Price~5 (ants; Part 6; pages 437—510 ——~Authors a? 12.6 Fynney Issued February, 1904 .1.Price,5 cen’ig’ : _<- . . - Pagt7 pages 511 572 ——-Auth0 G to Gmelin Issued December 19 I904 Pree, Part 8 pages 573-659 —Auth0rs Gobee t0 Gyser Issued December 19] 190}. “ rice, 5 cents , - 9 pages 661 706 “Authors H; to Helm Issued 1905.. Pride, ,1.“ :2:- (Part 10 pages 707—782 —Authors Helm to Hyrtl issued April 5,1965 VPrice 5 $193.1"th1 pages (783—838.—s-Authgrs I to a J uvattis. _ Issued April 18, ”3905‘ ”131310965“, }¢—.‘- - {t ‘3‘. Issued, . October, *1905 ‘Price 53 “so" ' “\‘: {V-B 1 ..... E, pages 839 902 —Authors K: to Kohl u 5: DEPARTMENT oF AGRICULTURE UREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY-— BULLETIN NO 39. A D: MELVIN, Chief of Bureau. PART\ 14 [Authors L tQ Leger] _- 23v . C;H WARDELL STILES, Ph D, Cousultzug' Zaclogz'st of Bureau of A 777777771 Industry, .' l onologzst of U. S. P776172: Health 777771 flfnrzue-Hospu‘al Sen/776 ' . , 5 » . ( '1 . 1,4 ,. H .‘XND _ ‘, ALBERT HASSALL, M. R G. V. S. ASszstaut 777 Zoology, Bureau ofAmmal Industry “u:"I1“[l’"a' - rib?!“ ‘l 1‘: " . .5 _’ .‘ -; Fit: t. 'I "“1 ‘37 " $4M ..” -r .1:7:71l WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT QRINTING OFFICE. 1906 N‘x FFFFFFFFFmF oF FFF FFFFFFOmemFusm . . . "k -. ‘1 -. . 1.. l- ‘ ‘- 1 g ' - 1 -- ‘ .‘s I ' ._ ' I - I" 7 .I. . .2 - 1'! 4,: ,;"~- " 01w 'A. D. MELVIN, D. V. s Assistant Chief. A M FARRiNGTON B. S. D. V Chief Clerk. E:B. J6NEs, LL. M., M D. Dairy Divisimt. ED. H. WEBSTER lVLS ch1ef CLARENCE B LANE, B. S assrsrant chief._ . - - Inspection Division. BICE B. STEDDOM, V S, chief _‘_. Quarantine Division. RICHARD W. HICEMAV Ph. G V. M. D. c,hief; Editor J AMEs M. PicRENs. A Artist: W S. D HAINES. ', h 70 J- ,Amfiai Husbandman. GEORGE M. BOMMEL B. S. A. Librarian:BEATR1CE C. OBERLY. ' ‘ f ' , LABORATORIES. Biodhemic 'Dim's‘ihn. MARION" DORSET, M. D., chief." . Pathological Di'mion. JOHN R. Mont“, A. M., V‘. M. D. ,‘chief: Zoological Division. BEAYTON H. RANsOM, B. Sc., A. M. ,scientific assistant 1n charge. . L - ' ,.'~ , EXPERIMENT STATION. a Superintendent E. C SCHROEDER, M. D. V. expert assistant, W. E. COTTON MEAT INSPECTION. Inspectors in charge. Austin, Minn. -—Dr. M. 0. Anderson, care George Milwaukee Wis. -Dr. A. E Behnke, room 432 Fed- - A.Hormel &Co. eral Buil ing. . Baltimore, Md. —Dr. H. A. Hedrick, 215 St. Paul Nashville, Tenn. —-'Dr. W. B. Lincoln, care Ten? . _ street. nessee Packing and Provision Company.- Bloomington, Ill. —-Dr. Frederick Braginton,‘ care National Stock Yards, 111. —Dr. J. B..Clancy , Continental Packing Compam. v ‘ . , zNebraska City, Nebr. —Dr. W. H. Gibbs, care Mor— BostOn, M.Dass— r.J ..F Ryder, 141 Milk street. ton-Gregson Company. BrightwOod, Mass. —Dr. W. J. Murphy,care Spring- Newark N. J. -Dr. Thomas Castor, care Swift &_ ' field Provision Company. - . . 00., Harrison Station. - ‘Buflalo, N.Y .——.Dr. B. P. Wende, LiVe Stock Ex- New Haven, Conn. -—Dr. Albert Long, care Sperry change Building, East Buffalo. “ &Barnes. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. —Dr. T. A. Sh1pley, careT M. New York, N.Y.—Dr. H. N. Waller, 199 West i. Sinclair & Cor ' - Forty-second street. " Chicago 111. —.—Dr. S. E Bennett, room 316 Ex- Ottumwa, Iowa—Dr. Joshua Miller, care John . change Building, Union Stock: Yards. Morrell 61 Co. _ 'Cincinnati, Ohio. —Dr. A. G. G Richardson, care .Philadel hia, Pa. —Dr. C. A. Sohaufler, 134 South ,- Union StockYa rad , Seco'n street. Cleveland, Ohio. —Dr. E. P. Sch ter, care Cleve- Pittsburg, Pa. —Dr. F. W. Ainsworth, Union Stock land Provision Company Yards. Davenport, Iowa. -—Dr. E. L. Bertram, care Henry. Portland, 0.1:eg -r-Dr. Clarence LOVeberry, robin Kohrs Packinfifiompany. 402 custom- house (new). ' "Denver, Colo E Howe,‘ care Western Quincy, [11 —Dr J Sicelly, careBlomer&M1chael Packing Company. Company. DES Moines, Iowa. —Dr. A. B. Morse, care The: St. Louis Mo. -—Dr. J. J. Brougham, care Missouri ; . Agar Packing Company Stocki’ardsCOmpany. Detroit, Mich. —Dr. L. K. Green. are Hammond, San Diego, Ca]. ——Dr. RobertDarling, care Charles Sta tandish&Co. , - ‘. S. Hardy. Eau Claire, Wis. --Dr. G. W. Butler. care Driim- San FrancisCo, Cal. ‘_—Dr. GeOrge S. ”Baker Sixth m'oncl Brothers. “ and Townsend streets. Fort Worth, Tex. —Dr. A. H. Wallace, care Swift Seattle, Wash. —-Dr. 0 B. Hess, care Frye-Briihn &Co. ,- Company. Hutchinson, Kans. —Dr. J E, Blackwell, care . Sioux C1ty, Iowa —Dr. G. A. Johnson, Exchange Hutchinson Packing Comp a Buildin n.g , Indianapolis, Ind. —Dr. N. ITi‘ensen care Kim» South Omaha, Neb'r. —Dr. Den 0, Ayer, Post- " gan n& Co. Oflice building. ~ , Jersey Cit, N. J. —Dr. Julius elsen, care, The, South St. Jose b, No —-Dr. George Ditewig. , Jersey 0 tyStock Yard Comp 1y. _South St. Pau, Minn. —Dr. F. D. Ket'chum. -..-T,' \Kansas Citi Kans. -—"—Dr. L. R. aker room 338 Tacoma, Wash. ‘—Dr. E. C. Joss, care Carstensu Live Sfoc Exchange. ’ Packing Company. ;. Los Angeles,Cal.—Dr. A. E. Rishel, care Cudahy Topeka, Kans. —Dr F. L. De W,olf care Charles » Packing Company. ‘ , Wolfl Packing Company. 'iiouisville, Ky. --Dr. H. H. GeJ’rge, 507 Johnson Waterloo, Io'wa. .-—Dr. T. W. Scott, care The Bath” street. Packing Company. Mankato, r‘Minn. e—Dr. H. H. Déll, Care Macbethdiv ‘Wichita, Kans. ——Dr. W. .Neil, care John Cud- Gardne ( ahy Company. Marshalltown. Iowa —-Dr. J 0. F. Price. care Worcester, Mass. -Dr. E P. Dowd, care White, 4.1 Brittain & Co 0. Pevey& Dexter Co. ' - Mason City, low a. -—Dr. Robert Jay, care Jacob E. ’ Decker & S'ons. - (Concluded. on p. 8 Of cover. ) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 39. A. D. MELVIN, Chief of Bureau. INDEX-CATALOGUE IDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. [Authors: L to Léger.] BY CH. WARDELL STILES, Ph. D., zszllting Zoologist of Bureau of Animal Industry; Zoologist of U. 5. Public Healt/z ana’ filarine-Hospital Service, AND ALBERT HASSALL, M. R. C.V. 8., Assistant in Zoology, Bureau of Animal Industry. HEW-*- “33:11:95! 12’?” O .'*_ 1 . - :=-._= .. I I ' l a? [I “If“ I!!!“ *I t'nrilj 3}" “ll 55:,"133‘- I High” r5.“ . ‘i'i‘hfiu. I” III 0.; h I ,I I" _ I g H“ _ ' IA r xs'é‘f'wys'fiz' , 'o'u I .i-I * I WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1906. NOTICE. The Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology represents the working card-catalogue of the Zoological Division, Bureau of Animal Industry. It is pub- lished, in an edition of 2,568 copies, as Bulletin No. 39, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, with continuous pagination. This bulletin is not for general free distribution, but is intended for use of libraries, educational institutions, experiment stations, laboratories, sanitary officials, and investigators. Persons desiring private cOpies can obtain them by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, “'ashington, D. C., or by exchange with the Bureau of Animal Industry. In ordering copies, state dis- tinctly which number is desired. Collaborators—In preparing this Catalogue, we have had the assistance of various persons connected with the Zoological Division. Of these there should be men- tioned in particular: Brayton H. Ransom, B. St-., A. 31., now in charge of the Zoological Division, Eunice B. Oberly, A. B., Caroline Myers, Charles A. Pfender, 31. 1)., Harry Lee \Vatson, A. B., 1.1.. 31., and Earle G. Stevenson, B. Stu, A. 31., 31. D. AI'THOR INDEX. Part 1, pages 1—46.—Int-roduction and authors A to Azevedo. Issued May, 1902. Price 5 cents. Part :2, pages 4T—l98.—Authors B to Buxton. Issued February, 1903. Price 10 cents. Part 3, pages ]99—324.——Authors C to Czygan. Issued May, 1903. Price 10 cents. Part 4, pages 325—403.—.~\uthors D to Dziembowski. Issued July, 1903. Price 5 cents. Part 5, pages 405—435.——.~\uthors 1“. to I‘Iyssel. Issued September, 1903. Price 5 cents. Part6, pages 437—510.—.-Xuthors F to Fynney. Issued February, 1904. Price 5 cents. Part 7, pages 511—572.—.-\uthors (} to Gmelin. Issued December 19, 1904. Price 5 cents. Part 3, pages 5T3—659.—Authors (w‘obee to Gyser. Issued December 19, 1904. Price 5 cents. Part 9, pages (561—7(‘)6.—Authors II to I-Ieim. Issued April 5, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 10, pages 707—7812.—Authors Ileim to Hyrtl. Issued April 5, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 11, pages TSB—S38.—Authors 1 to a Juvattis. Issued April 18, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 1:3, pages 839—902.~—.~\uthors K to Kohl. Issued October, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 13, pages 903-950.——A uthors Kohl to Kynsey. Issued October, 1905. Price 5 cents. II AUTHOR INDEX. L. LAACHE, S. 1883 a.—Die Anéimie. Universitiits-Program fiir das 2. Semester 1883. 4 p. 1., 276 pp., 19 pls., 2 tables. 8°. Christiania. [\V'”.] VAN DER LAAN. [Dr., Lisboa.] 1876 a.—Cysticercos intra-oculares nipt. rend. 80c. (le biol., Pan, V. 45, 9. s, V. 5 (30), 3 110V., pp. 867—870. [Xnte by LaVeran, pp. 870—871.] [\V”, \V‘“, \V“.] 1893 l.—I(le1n. [Abstract] l1re 1. (1. path. Mikro- organism. [ete.] [Baunigarten], Brnschwg. (1892), 1'. 8, p. 416. [\V", W'“.] 1894 e.—Etiologie (1e la dysenterie. [Review of Laveran, 1893 11] . Stiles] 1902 y.—Des trypanosonies des poissons «fAreli. f. Prolistenk., Jena, V. 1 (3), pp. 475—498, figs. 1-15. [318. dated l“r sept] [\V", \\"".] 1902 z.—Desarrollo del nagana en las espeeies animales. [Alistraet of Laverau & Mesnil, 1902 n, by Martinez de Anguiaun] \'nnuloida for the reception of these animals. [Read May 20] ~ ;.I. Roy. Dublin Soc. (22—23), v. 23, July—Oct, pp. 216—223. [\\"'.] 1861 b.—Idem 11uito,101111i11uj1sorigi- males /'I3e\'. 1111 1111111. tr11p., Habana, Y. 5(4), ab1il, }p 53— (11, figs. ‘—7; (5), mayo, pp. 77—82, figs. 8-11; ((1), junio, pp. 9(1—2‘9, 2pls., figs. 12— 14; (7), julio, pp. 103-115, 3 pls [\1'“, W‘".] 1. 04 11 ——811me observations on the anatomx of the mosquito,\\itl1111igi11al drau- i11gs.[T121nsl. 11f ].1'1,111111l11 190-121] <13c\ '.1111 111111. 1111p, 112111211121, 5 (4), abril, pp. (11— (18; (71), 1112110, pp. 82—85; (6), junio, pp. 100—1022; (7), julio, pp. 115—119.[\\“\\“.' ] INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 1029 LEImEoo, MARIO G.—Continued. . 1904 c.——Filariasis. Nota preliminar deducida de cxperiencias practicas, que demuestran el sitio por donde la Film/in. nectar-1m, ahandona cl Calm: pip'iens iVI‘irfecfado ‘i1°all.<1-be l-ieobael1t1111ge11 derer Saamentbiergens [ete.]. 23 111)., 8 1115. 3°; N1'1rnberg. [\\"".] 170:3 a.——.\'a1~11le.~'e seiner 111ikreskopisehen (1en11'1tl1s- 11nd Augen-I‘lrgbtzung [eta]. 511. 1., 941111., 501115. 4°. [N11r11berg.] [\V'“,] 1703a.—.\Iikr11sk1111isel1e (1e1111’1t11s- 111111 A11;:en-Erg1'11z1111g: Bestehend in 8111 11111111111. 11:11-11 der Natnr gezeiehneten 111111 111it Farben erleuehteten K1111ferta- feln, sammt deren lirkliirnng. 0 1). 1., 20:3 1111., 101 1113., :2 ]. 4°. [Nflrn- berg] [\\'"'.] LEDENUHAM, .1. (7‘. (i. .w Mareband, Felix; & Ledingham, J. C. G. LEI)().\'.\'F'J—(“HARDIEIHC, 1.11115. 1377 a.—C11n.~'id1'-rat111113 9111' 1113 11ri111'i11aux tzenifnges, 8111‘ 1’1‘1'01‘1-11 de racine de grenadier partienlif-rement et surleurlnude11’adlninistration. Thése. 46 pp., 1 4°. Paris. [\\"".] INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 1033 LEnoIIx-LEEARD, hIARIlfi-xAI‘GITSTE-1‘1116ENl-Z. [1850—1902.] 19(12 a.—A1-,tIon 1111 s61‘11111 sangum sur 111s 11111‘111111’11'i11s \rch. de med. na\'., Pain, v. 33 (4), avril, pp. 241—271); (6), juin, pp. «101—415; V. 34 (8), aout, pp. 161—177, maps; (10), oct., pp. 321—829; (11), 110\'., pp. 401—429. [\\"".] 1881 a. Idem [continued] - Ihidem, V. 21:") (2), few, pp. 81—102. [\V'".] 190-1 a. l'tber die Kraukheiten der llochseetischer -<;\.-\rch. f. Seliiffs- u. Tropen-llyg., l.eip7.., V. 8 (6'), Juni, pp. 287—252. [\V‘“.] LEEPIN, REINHOLI). 1891 a.—Quautitati\'e l[iimoglobinbestiuunuugen uach Fleisehl an Thieren unter der liiuwirkung I)harmakolt)gischer Agentien. Diss. 116 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dorpat. [\\"".] LEEs. [Dr., l’hys., Meath IIospital.] 1859 a.—Case of discharge of ligamentous substances (supposed to he tapeworm) from the bowels; with observations -,l)ublin llosp. (iaz., n. s. (18), v. 6, Sept. 15, pp. 273—274, figs. 1—-:%. [\\"“.] LEEs, K A Y. 1888 a.—(.'lo.s-sina mmns-iluns or tsetse fly a: Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. I’ath., Lond., v. 27, Aug, pp. 79—84. [\V“, \\"“.] VAN LEEUWEN, 1). 11. [Dr., Utrecht] 18-15—46 a.—Mededeeliugen over de Scabies en den .lmrus sea/Mei ‘.nr nn nonvean flagelle paiasite des tabanides. [Read 24 dec. ] Inspectors m charge 9]: d'JSthts .. 2. LII < "4' ‘ Dr. R A. Ramsay, room 330 Quincy Buildmg/ Fargo, N. Dak. 3—111: R, H. Treacy. , Denver, Colo. in. general charge of eradication’ , --°I_Kansas City, Kans. -—Albert Dean, 100111 828 Live¢ f 0f scabies 01‘s eep and cattle the West. . Stock Exchange. ->- Albulguerque N Mex. —Dr.— L011'_Metsker room ,_ . Salt Lake City, Utah. --Dr. George S}. Hickox, TArmij3 Building. » 100m 21 Eagle bl9&3k. . . Denyer,..Colo —D1°. Lowell Clarke, 100111 320 - 'f . Qumcy vikings?- - . _. - T’ - _ 3, ~- , "', 1,. y '2: f’ x3- , w . . 3 1 ~ 3 #7»?- 3 , \ INSPECTION OF LIVESTOCK 110R EXPORT. “.1 .. .1 _ _ 3;. .' . nix, ' .- ‘fx: _ .t ‘71" ‘ —‘ ', "N ?" 1‘54; ,: ' 3"» ' I ‘ 1’}: I ‘1'. "-3.4 1’ 5—1 " 1° ° "' ~'.-.~-t. " 'rT - - . f1." , . 4;: " '3)”. . J". K’- .. I ___ Inspectors zIn charge... J, '31‘.‘ I .I , .1 K’_ /I' '~’-\ -' -I I", ; ‘~_ 1 1;? ° . II", ’f.‘:f‘ . ’~ :\_v Baltimore, Md. -D1‘.\H.' A. Hednck 5215 St Paul Philadeéihia, :Pa. --Dr.,C A. Séhaufler, 134 S01} llI Street. . Smon treet.1. NeweYork, N.Y.'—-Dr.' W. 11.113.43.- IBLBroadway Portland, Me. —Dr.F F.W. HuntiDgI U. S.‘ (311%- Noffolk, Ya. -_I-I__Iii. G. C~Fav1;lle, 0.b0xf796 . : »' t01nIs oflice G 3nd Trunk R? R.‘_ M. - . ‘11:: '(‘iI/t'jc‘ I;ir~‘I ‘. J'yi 7’ .II, '2 . "t\I‘ ,I \rI-q" 1. (I EDS-l": .1 .t. ‘1, I. I IS“,KII .. ..,. ” INSPECI‘IONJAND QUARANTINE OF IMPORTED ANIMALS. . . . J , ‘M. . . ..‘ _ , ‘1 . f”— ,- ~r. . .A- . . -. - . t , 1 . .1 ‘ . x ' ;') ' - - 1 . ’1 ‘j‘ 'W v ‘ . ,3 '. $ . . , < \ . . (h I'.".._ ‘.,‘ . 1n -‘,“-. . *1". ,I" )1..° ,' 4.,- - .. z ‘, -. _I . 4. . . ‘, .‘ 2. ,‘3“' I. . '3 .,/ .' ' . . ,{ . ",I’, . f .., i 5, "I 31,1, , , -I ._ Quarantine statwns. -— - i . Athenia N. J.‘ for 1114 p rt at. New York) \Dr.. Littleton, Mass. (far-i3p rte: oston’) 131:3 Georg SW. Page“. 811 erigite'nde 111:. * ‘LJF Ryder, inspectorin Range, 141' Mill: streég, Hale'tho'rp, Md; (for e portof Baltimore) —W11- - BOSton, Mass. . ,. X, , lian'Ii H. ,IWadeI, supenntendenh 3 \I.II, J; I,’ :1, , \1-3 I . A"; I; '\ . . K - \ . ",5 _‘_ .‘. '. 3 ., ...'.,‘ . I ‘ 3/3“- I "\J ', ll'- I 7.1 ,1, I , . \ k 'jI-‘L’ 1' ,‘JI I,I‘I-/°' .~-.';’. ' ‘3. 1", ,jf‘7‘f' . .1 r , .. ,3. 5-3.. - I- ~, . 7 -.'.° ID ,- a.” “x 51.1», —. ° °‘ Iii,- I,=;‘§.1.,,:.I_ g I .71" -.. .5 Inspgc‘orsaon Ithe Canadian border , {SJ} Galai's, Me. —3Dr T.-. otter. ~ "" ‘-:° 7' -Ir Ogdensbifrg, N. Y --D1° Charles Cowfe. , ' ”ff-I317 Carthage, N Y¢J—-D1°..;S.G01'°1i_s.’.y 23"" mm), Me' —-'Dr. M Detroit, Mich. '--Dr. L.- K‘; Gfeeii, care Hammond P011; Huron,“ :Mic’h. —D1°1§.»Dav1d Cummink, Standish: "81500. ~ - -‘ " 3;, . LaIDQer avemie. ,. A, KAI 131153-2- Fort Fairfleld, Me.,, £31: F3 LI. Perm" ~1 , IJ’,’ St. A bafns, Vt. —D1:. 0- L.Mori11§ ~ ; ‘-' 1,; "“ ‘fi : Malone, NéYa—Dr Mayne. I _..J,_,,..,._ :,’,, 2; Sault Ste Marie,I Mich —~D1J. TI: FwDeadxnan if; )1 Newpbrt,.Yt J—Dr GAW. War :32“? ~ f ._.I..‘,: jII.- " . .. _ - (_ a“, . ,3 '~ -“= “-~ . - - * ‘~.- ’- \T.‘ ' “I791. .1' ’ W3 \‘17- .‘x‘ ' .' ‘ ' \‘_ 1 ' . (-1,, Y ‘t’. ' ' ' ‘1 - I; : ,5“1 .fl‘; t7 1. ’3": Inwectors on the M moan border", *3 ~ " -~. , \I. 3‘1. El Paso, Tex.-—Dr. ThomaRA Braly. '-. I _. San Diego, Calm-Dr. RgbertDarlmg, careGhaffiBa. San Antonio Te‘i: —Dr.,Joseph WI Parker, , S. Hardy A _ u. :5 , - ~72: I )3: ”l: ‘.:I ' %-\""I1I I '. .I, ,~ '\ ‘. 1 a» u f {V}; :IK‘J °Q ,- '1 73575.13 -1, w, " ,_. 1‘ VETERINARYRINSPECTORS STATIONED ABROAD. kg“ ‘ V 7’. ” It ""_"- "fl ‘ -- .1, "1- :1 ;‘./_ *r; "Mg; Dr.w 11.me 34,3 eatham Hill‘London s. w. *1 Dr. v. A. Norgaar’d Hogoluiu Hawaii/r '. Eng InId ,inchafg'e (1633.1313an and Ireland. I Dr.T -. Geddes, care UI._.S consulate London, " :.Engl 3119 .. . \ - ' F ' - _‘ - “If. j :3 . ' " "-I . (“A *7”: ”bf.” “1"" /)‘ T \I" I - ‘3. . ‘- .""°’:§.’?-, ,j r DAIRY INSPECTORS. . - K .1’ ‘l' I . 3 - ' ’ ’ ‘ ' luff)". ’J’f‘ II ' :3 :1» , - M. WcLang, room 2&ManneBuild1 Ch1cag0, Ill W. s. Smarz‘o, 6 HarrisonP street, New Yoik N; Y Rebei't McAdam,1‘00m 23 Mann uilding’, Chi-\ Levi Wells, Laceyvil'le Pa. in: 3 , 21 t M 3;“ (39.30. 1115- , ‘ ‘ r: “‘- ' ‘ G. M. Whitaker, .‘0 3110;: 1332 Boston 3.3;: E. S} McDonald,’b’8 and 59 Downs block Seattle, . , ((3:14,- ’1‘ V1" 1 . vx~4 U S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 39. A. D. MELVIN Chief of Bureau. ‘ INDEX—CATALOGUE *M‘EMCAMN/D NENNNNNINN zooLocN [Authors Legg to van der L1nden] BY CH. WARDELL STILES~ RLi. D. S‘Cousultzug Zoologzst of Bureau of A uzmal Industry; zoologist bf_ U. S. Public Health and Marine— —Hosp2'tal Sara/zoo, r. - I- I. T, ’Ijk- .. ‘LAND ALBERT HASSALL, M. R. C. V. S., Asszstaut m Zoology, Bureau ofAm'mal Industry .. In; tifflflfl’, .‘IIII-IL'J‘DL" " 1.! cut-3 A I" O.— o; . . __ «2.2—7: .- _ .. a; :‘=-:*- 5 33-“: "IF If: :1 w HI'JI" ‘ Iv-‘m I I l O D t «2 lb. _— I I- I} C t I I WASHINGTON GOVEKNMENT PRINTING OFFICE.‘ » 1906 ‘cEaANIzAzrroNgor' THE~.,EUIIEAE‘;0F ANIMAL’INImssnm 'Chief. A. D. MELVIN; Assistant Chief. A. M. EARRINGTON. Chief Clerk. E. B. JONES. Dairy Division: ED. H. WEBSTER, chief, CLARENCE B. LANE, assistant Chief. ) WQQDEN, assistant chief. ‘InspectiOn Division: RICE P. STEDDOM, chief; U. G HOUCK, associate chief, Moms, Quamnmantmmon RICHARD W. HICKMAN, chief. . Animal Husbandman. GEonGE M. ROMMEL. Editor. JAMES M. ,PICEENS. .‘A'rtist. W. S. D. HAINES. 7 Librarian. BEATRICE C. OBERLY. . Biochemic Division: MA 0N DORSET, chief. ' LABORATORII‘E. ! . Pathological DioisiOn. J {IHN R. MOHLER, chief. Zoological Division. BRAYTON H. RANSOM, scientific assistant In charge EXPERIMENT STATION. Superintendent, E. C. 'SCHROEDERI‘ expert assistant, W. E. CorroN. MEAT INSPECTION. Inspectors in charges Austin, Minn. —Dr. M 0. Anderson, care George , A. Hormel ‘& Co. Baltimore, Md. —Dr. H. A. Hedrick, .215 St. Paul street. Bloomington Continentai Packin Corn any Boston, Mass. —Dr. J. er 141 Milk street. Brigh twood, Mass. —Dr. \V.J J.Murphy,careSpring- . field Provision Compan y. Buffalo, N. Y. —Dr. B. P. \ ende, Live Stock Ex- change Building, East Buffalo. ~ Cedar Rapids, Iowa ..—Dr 'I‘. A. Shipley, careT. M. Sinclair &. Co. ,.Chicago, Ill.’—Dr. S. E. Bennett, room 316 Ex-n~ change Building, Union StockY ard 5. Cincinnati, Ohio. —Dr. A. G. G. Richardson, care Union Stock Yards. Cleveland, Ohio. —Dr. E. P. Schaflter,care Clev e- land Provision Company. Davenport, Iowa. '—-Dr. E. L. Bertram, care Henry ‘ Kohrs Packing Company ‘Denver, Colo. —Dr.- W. E. Packing Company. y,Howe Care Western ,Des’Moines, Iowa. —-Dr. Chester Miller, care The' - Agar Packing Company. Detroit Mich. ——Dr. L. K. Green, care Hammond, smndishA ACo. . Eau Claire, Wis. -—Dr. G. W. Butler, care DrIIIn- ’mond Brothers. cht Worth, Tex. —Dr. A._ H. Wallace, care Swift Co. VHutchinson, Kans. —Dr. J. E. Blackwell, care" Hutchinson Packing Company. Indianapolis, Ind. —Dr. N. C. Sorensen, care Kin- , gan & 06. Jersey City, N. J. -—-Dr. Julius Huelsen, care The ‘ Jersey City Stock Yard Company. Kansas Cit, Kans. -—Dr. L. R. Baker, room 338 Live Stoc Exchange. ,Los An e1es,Cal—Dr A. E. Rishel, care Cudahy Packn ng Company. Louisville, Ky. —Dr. H. H. George, 507 Johnson et. Stet Mankato, Minn. —Dr. H. H. Dell, care MaCbeth & Gardner. ‘ Marshalltown, Iowa. —Dr. J. O. F. Price, care BrittaI'n & Co. Mason Cit, Iowa. —Dr. Robert Ja) ,care JacobE. * Decker sons. l 111. —Dr. Frederick Braginton, care, New York, N. Y.—Dr. H. N. Milwaukee. Wis .—Dr. A. E. Behnke, room 432 Fed- eral Building. \~ Nashville, Tenn. —Dr. W. B. Lincoln, Care Ten-‘ neésee Packing and Provision Company. “- a NatIonal Stock Yards Ill ——Dr J. B. Clancy. Nebraska City, Nebr. —Dr. W. H. Gibbs, care More ton- -Gregson Co.mpany ‘ Newark, N. J. -Dr. Thomas Castor, Cfire Swift 6.: 00., Harrison Station.‘ New Haven, COnn. —Dr. Albert Long, care Sperry. & Barnes. Waller,- 109 West Forty-second street. Ottumwa, Iowa. —Dr. Joshua Miller, care Jehn Morrell & Co. in , uh .Philadel hia, Pa. —Dr. C. A. Schaufler, 134 So Secon street. Piitsbéirg, Pa. —Dr. F. W. Ainsworth, Union Stock ’ar s - Portland Oreg. -—Dr. Clarence Lox eberry, room 402 Custom- House (new). Quincy, Ill.——Dr. J. S. Kell\.careBlomer&M1chael Company. 'St. Louis, Mo. --Dr. J. J. Brougham, care Missouri Stock Yards Company. San Diego, Cal. —Dr. Robert Darling, care Charles S. Hardy. ' San Francisco, Cal. ~Dr. George S. Baker, care Western Meat Company ' 'S attle, Wash. —Dr. 0. B. Hess, care Frye-Bruhn 0m , SioBuII1d gitny, Iowa. —Dr‘. G. A. Johnson, E'xchange‘l uIl ding. South Omaha, Nebr. .—-Dr Don C. Ayer, Post- Ofiice building .- ., South St. Jose h, Mo. —Dr. George Ditewig. 3‘3 South St. Pau, Minn —.Dr. F. D. Ketchum. ‘- Ta’éoma, Wash. —Dr. E. C. Joss, care carstens TPacking Company. ka, Kans. —Dr. F. L. De Wolf, care Charles , ’ Clfi Packing Company. Waterloo, Iowa—Dr. T. W. Seott, care The aha: wPacking{Company Wichita ans—Dr. W. N. Neil, care John Cudv- ahy Company. Worcester, Mass. —Dr. E. P. Dowd, care Whitey Pevey & Dexter Co. 1) (Concluded on' p. 3fof coverj U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 39. A. D. MELVIN, Chief of Bureau. IN D EX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. PART 15. [Authors: Legg to van (ler Linden] BY CH. WARDELL STILES, Ph. D., Consulting Zoolog‘z'st of Bureau of Animal [nduslzy; Zoologist of U. 5. Public ‘ Health and fllarino-Hos/bital Sorviw, AN D ALBERT HASSALL, M. R. C.V. 5., Assistant in Zoology, Bureau of Animal Industry. u "-1 w,‘ 31. 31"“- \" I ' fifiy‘é ’- I“ C?- ' - ‘Sfifl- 3:“ i1‘\f’,:"__" ' a--. "II 727'... mum!!! 7...":- . L :33] :3. “I!!!" E .1 J i It. i __ a—f‘: — ‘ —.._.' o‘:__; ‘ ,- a , I 5*5 31—;4; ' =3 \‘ iii: . .,—-.—_ 241167.216 131.111,, 5* --:_~11‘1M1:§3u = ., t . ' . :1”: e," h' ”'1 WASHINGTON: 'GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1906. NOTICE. The Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology represents the working card-catalogue of the Zoological Division, Bureau of Animal Industry. It is pub- lishcd, in an edition of 2,568 copies, as Bulletin No. 39, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, with continuous pagination. This bulletin is not for general free distribution, but is intended for use of libraries, educational institutions, experiment. stations, laboratories, sanitary officials, and investigators. Persons desiring private cOpies can obtain them by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., or by exchange with the Bureau of Animal Industry. In ordering copies, state dis- tinctly which number is desired. Collaborators—In preparing this Catalogue, we have had the assistance of various persons connected with the Zoological Division. Of these there should be men- tioned in particular: Brayton H. Ransom, B. Sc., A. M., now in charge of the Zoological Division, Eunice R. Oberly, A. B., Caroline Myers, Charles A. Pfender, M. D., Harry Lee Watson, A. B., LL. M., and Earle G. Stevenson, B. 80., A. 31., M. D. AUTHOR INDEX. Part 1, pages 1—46.—Introduction and authors A to Azevedo. Issued May, 1902. Price 5 cents. Part 2, pages ~17-198.—Authors B to Buxton. Issued February, 1903. ’Price 10 cents. Part 3, pages 199—324.—Authors C to Czygan. Issued May, 1903. Price 10 cents. Part 4, pages 325—403.——Authors D to Dziembowski. Issued July, 1903. Price 5 cents. Part 5, pages 405—435.—.~1uthors E to Eyssel. Issued September, 1903. Price 5 cents. Part 6, pages 437—510.—Authors F to Fynney. Issued February, 1904. Price 5 cents. Part 7, pages 511—?72.—Authors G to Grmelin. Issued December 19, 1904. Price 5 cents. Part 8, pages 573—659.—Autliors Gobce to Gyser. Issued December 19, 1904. Price 5 cents. ’ ' Part 9, pages 66l—706.—Authors H to Heim. Issued April 5, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 10, pages 707—782.—Autliors Heim to Hyrtl. Issued April 5, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 11, pages 783-838.——Authors I to a J uvattis. Issued April 18, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 12, pages 839—902.—-Authors K to Kohl. Issued October, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 13, pages 903-950.—Authors Kohl to Kyusey. Issued October, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 14, pages 951—1044.—Authors L to Léger. Issued , 1906. Price — cents. II INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 1045 LEGG, J. WICKHAM. 1871 a.—Report on a specimen received from Dr. Graily Hewitt, on March 25th, 1870'tzer herwn'gerul'enen Erkrank- ungen er die Epidemic in Andelfingen (Canton Ziirich) vom’Jahre 1839. Ahdominaltyphus oder Trichinenkrankheit‘? ' K: ’3'" . ' “3 . 3 3‘" 3"- . '3' M7,. ’ '17-! 4 - 7 3: ‘77:” . . .11” ':' K7” .7‘. _ "~43; x .73.; :24 ‘ ' n.) .I —. r. ". 7III 11:2." .,. , h» - 7 , V II k‘ "F L. A?" 2 33:15.3?“ 7' ’.Q I ‘. . I ~75 . I?" ' " 5' "I 4’7": U ~~ ‘7 -' -' 'f .‘-‘ ’ ’" '. i. ' 37““1; " 7"“..7 ‘u‘r.«~.. >7- .:: 7 .[73159‘4 ,. :4’.‘ r 15‘: 1,,‘1-76 I, II . -, .? -I , I :I .‘I' I ‘ ‘v ._\..I ‘ 7 1’4 11“,. I .3‘ 75 I... - , , .I -- . n ’ U L .7 ‘ V ,- ‘ , ~, II A. .I . 5‘ I :‘I.-I v - . \ I ‘ 5' \. I... .1 ‘r ' . v. ”3.77.? r ‘ . ' . ' . - . i (LUV . ~ .333 ,L. $15!. 5:1}: i- 1 _ " 7 . I435. «(ff 1": .E I» ‘3 IIIII‘, '7" ‘II 1.. 5 ' J . ; 241:; 2‘ ; XI x»: 3'31.” ‘I ‘I‘ ‘ 7 ‘. .'-"" ~ ', . :37,:\"I" ' Iv -' H . l '5 'f ‘ ' ' V7.7 ” A 5.] . A.’ I" " "I' .1, I." :f" . KEIT'L ‘ ”it"! ("7’ \ r ‘.‘-}?I .II)“, '53 id" {III {I H l ‘I‘f‘ ’1‘, 2 (.II. I\ 5;? .‘. '7‘! .hI; .Lf}1:;1?i?'fi’1 «7 p .5 A 7 . 7 » . 7 w 77.07“ {xii-R1; Nashvxlle '1‘ -—Dr. B". 53%. Lincoln carg e-gr'; .- 27" n‘eesee P00 :and Provision Comgany - ', ational 8106113 d, Ill.=,-—Dr._ lane)? " id“? -.7“}gflflu_' " ~— ~\ ,1 u‘ -' :75, '. ',,".b ,‘ . ‘. g I b 1 ,7 . )3 7 '. #71 (3" r R ' "1 .1 . .,II .- . ‘7 A .M. _ .;3 .3 4,. .- .q '1' .1: . . 42.2.31: 773$”- , ' l U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL lNDUSTRY-——BUI-LETIN NO. 39. A. D. MELVIN, Chief of Bureau. INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. PART 16. [Authors: von Linden t0 Lyutkevich.] BY CH. WARDELL STILES, Ph. D., Consulting Zoologist of Bureau of Animal Industry; Zoologist of U. 5. Public Healtlz and [Marine-Hospital Service, AND ALBERT HASSALL, M. R. C.V. 8., Assistant in Zoology, Bureau of Animal Industry. . Lucas-A... ‘, — - — ‘1', ‘ 22:22.5.- o‘rv-Z ' ' i3 2-7—2 ‘3: b3. — 3'55 é’é "‘ —— “ i‘g'f: ‘2. l/m'f £52: at; '/ '| fifil '3! I ' H T- 3 fl —" =—‘ a; .L&fi%?fifi§ fi§2 xrflxafl a .7411”; ' Ia ‘f‘d'dw figaWfiwk2&%M&. 05:23am w: 512- ' b‘__ 88 \‘v ‘ Lit-.413} “W [m ' £9" a"? ‘33-? VVASEHDMYTOBE GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1906. NOTICE. The Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology represents the working card-cataloguebf the Zoological Division, Bureau of Animal Industry. It is pub- lished, in an edition of 2,568 copies, as Bulletin No. 39, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department. of Agriculture, with continuous pagination. This bulletin is not for general free distribution, but is intended for use of libraries, educational institutions, experiment stations, laboratories, sanitary officials, and investigators. Persons desiring private cOpies can obtain them by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., or by exchange with the Bureau of Animal Industry. In ordering copies, state dis- tinctly which number is desired. Collabora/ors.-—In preparing this Catalogue, we have had the assistance of various persons connected with the Zoological Division. Of these there should be men- tioned in particular: Brayton H. Ransom, B. Sc., A. M., now in charge of the Zoological Division, Eunice R. Oberly, A. B., Caroline Myers, Charles A. Pfender, M. D., Harry Lee Watson, A. B., LL. M., and Earle G. Stevenson, B. Sc., A. M., M. D. AUTHOR INDEX. Part 1, pages 1—46.—Introduction and authors A to Azevedo. Issued May, 1902. Price 5 cents. ' Part 2, pages 47—198.—Authors B to Buxton. Issued February, 1903. Price 10 cents. Part 3, pages l99—32-l.—.-\uthors C to Czygan. Issued May, 1903. Price 10 cents. Part 4, pages 325—403.—.~\uthors D to Dziembowski. Issued July, 1903. Price 5 cents. Part 5, pages 405—435.—Anthors I) to lessel. Issued September, 1903. Price 5 cents. Part6, pages 437—510.——.~\uthors F to Fynney. Issued February, 1904. Price 5 cents. Part 7, pages 511—572.—Authors G to (hnelin. Issued December 19, 1904. Price 5 cents. Part 8, pages 573—659.—Authors (iobce to (,iyser. Issued December 19, 1904. Price 5 cents. Part 9, pages 661—706.——Authors II to Heim. Issued April 5, 1905. Price 5' cents. Part 10, pages 707—78L.—Authors I-Ieim to Hyrtl. Issued April 5, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 11, pages 783-838.—.~\uthors I to a Juvattis. Issued April 18, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 12, pages 839—902. cents. Part 13, pages 903—950.—Authors Kohl to Kynsey. Issued October, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 1%, pages 951—1044.——Author§ L to Leger. Issued , 1906. Price — cents. Part 10, pages 1045—1116.—Authors Legg to van der Linden. Issued —, 1906. Prlce — cents. Authors Ii to Kohl. Issued October, 1905. Price 5 II INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 1117 VON LINDEN, M. 1898 a. —Professor Dr. Theodor Eimer. [Obituary] .—1de1n. [Ilev'iewed] .,N‘0\\ York. ] 1897 a.—.-\ contribution to the study 11f ammbic. dysentery. [Read Jan. 26] ' eutscl1c tieriirztl. \Vclmsclnx, IIannoV., V .11 (18), 2. Mai, p. 169. [\V“, \V‘“.] 1903 11.—«La peste (les 1i(1ucs; leu1 dest1u(tion par les pulversi sations (l’ huile. [Review (1f1.ounsl)111V, 190211, bV E. J.e( 1.1111(l1e] \nn. Sue. entmn. de France, Par., :3. s, V. 3, Bull. (2), pp. xxxi— xxxii. [\V“, “"1] 1878 a.—[I.mdcs (Ic/mflmglnas'i.] [R‘ad ‘27 fe\'.] 11111S1211e entom. 71812111., .1301‘1. (1900), 3. Heft, .211'111111, Nov. ., pp. 983— 98:1 [11”.] 1.903 11.—11111111 . . . 11'2'1111‘111111 11es J21111‘es 1899. .\1‘211:11ni1121 <1)eutS1‘,1111. 1111111111. Ztscl1r., 1311,1‘1. (1900), 3. Heft, 2. lliilfte, Non, pp. 1153—1242. [11“.] 111 AS-CII AMPIONVIfl RE, I’ \1 1-161 12113112. [ 1111‘ ien int111n111l11s 111‘1pit2111\'. ] 1876 21. —Ky ste 1111121tiq110 1111 foie unvert (lans 111s 11r11n1211es; tr21it111n11nt 1111. 121 dilatation 1le l’est111na1 par l’emploi 1111. 121 pmnpe S11111121121111 J. 1111 111111 111; (thir. p1at., 1’.211‘, 3. s. ,1'. 47 (8), 21ont, pp. ‘342— ‘3:41. [11 '“] 1876 b.——-I1len1 111’un pr11t11111111) «’\’R111:. 1111 1111'111. V1’1t., 1’111‘., V. 7-1, 8. 8., V. 4 (19), 11"1111:t., pp. 633—6371. [\V“, \\"".] 1898 a.—T1‘aV-11.ux scientifiquesde Adrien 1.1111et. 11 pp. 8°. Montargis. [\\'”.] 1 .1111 Tubunux 71111111119 11. ([11C111‘1111t11enotes11’1111 prativien) bin11ria. [Review of Luebbert, 1903 a] 11aliden. [Abstract of Luehe, 1899 i, by E. Riggenbaeh] . \Zunl. (‘entralbl., ,l.eip'/.., y. T [7), 3. Apr., p. 243. [\V", 11".] 1900 p.——Zur lx'enntnis einiger Distmnen. [Abstraet nf Luelie, 1899 k, by Max. 1raun] < 7.001. (‘entralbl., l.eipz., y. T (8—9), ,1. Mai, pp. 305—306. [\V“, W".] 1900 q.——Classitieatinn of (Jestmles. [Abstract of l.uel1e, 1899 l] '1’homaa A. 1315-! '- -' 91‘7““ I gnu Drego; Cab—'Dl‘. Roget-t 12111-1 cage (316.11"? _2- ‘l‘ex fir‘woséph aikg}; I, 5 .§ 1} y.,.44 1 44.4 4.. 3” :fijn ‘- if? 4\ .‘K ‘5 I . 2"? ‘2‘4455354242‘ , 3 x“ I“, 2" - "”JL M ’1‘)“ f‘ 4 3244 “ 5 - 4‘31}! ’ 44: ,1.‘ - .~ gym-123111.134 yquEdctxfis STATIONE‘Q, LHROAD..4.. j .- ' ' u " N reaWBnfiaim-inq I Q4 finglan d. 4444 x 444 44.44.4545 4444 5k' rM‘V 4141-44- Nii’ 93rd Hongluhi ”Haww. . 4;:2::’l (”’3'“): I fl 2“: r’N.‘ ‘2‘”? 2 ‘2‘". I “‘12:.{I . 11““ 125 V '.‘:2 2 2 ‘ “4‘4“ K'srarj‘iy‘i-fi A MORS- Lip-E4 441 41:44.42; 4‘ 24;: " l—{‘4u 22. ) 45$ 4 €44,» ‘-’ dug 41144244444444 - jj SWIG m 6Han‘1 str ' :Gllg’y 291V digoiacéyville P11." M fiLfl er; 139120421332, Bosto é um?“ 34-,Stzreatham5H1n L011 8'. j 1);“ T. ‘A. Gefldes, carG U‘ G. mifgma’ J4 . my}. @0534 4... MAW: ' 423m:- 9311 c . .. b’dptMsA amps, , . 4 5.555121551111315... ca 55' «KQMcDofi’q'ldXQefi 229§W84Sh¢2 44,4i_.4;- 4'11'44 23:144. 4-4;;4'4‘4'44245, f . G41- 4 ( l .,. 5",..5'2"; 1;" ‘- ‘ 1-Wm~ , Issued June 22, 1907. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF ANIMALINDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 39. A. D. MELVIN, CHIEF OF BUREAU. INDEX-CATALOGUE .oF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. PART 17. [Authors: M to Martirano.] BY / C‘H. WARDELL STILES, Ph. D, Consulting Zoologz'st of Bureau of A nz'mal [na’nsbgc Zoologz'st of U. 5. Public ' Heall/z and IIIaH'ne-Hospz'tal Service, ' AND ALBERT HASSALL, M. R. C. V. 8., Assistant in Zoology, Bureau of Animal Industry. ‘_, ._'_ ‘5' “If ,-' . 14' '2‘, ,1 . Wanna?“ \ '- ‘\ WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1907. NOTICE. The Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology represents the joint work- ' ing card catalo e of the DiVision of. Zoology, Bureau of Animal Industry, and of the Division 0 Zoology, Hygienic Laboratory, U. S. Public Health and Marine- Hospital Service. It consists of three parts— Authors, Subjects, and Hosts. The - Author Index 1s published In an edition of 2,568 co ies, as Bulletin No.39, Bureau of Animal Industry, With continuous pagination. {he first number of the Subject Index will be on the Trematoda and Trematode Diseases. This bulletin 1s not for general free distribution, but 1s intended for use of libraries, educational institutions, experiment stations, laboratories, sanitary ofli‘cials, and investigators Persons desiring private copies can obtain them by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printin Office, Washington, D. 0., or by exchange with the Bureau of Animal Industry. 11 ordering cOpies, state dis- tinctly which number 1s desired. Collaborators. —In preparing this Catalo e, we have had the assistance of various persons connected with the two Zoologica Divisions. Of these there should be men- tibned 1n particular, as collaborators on the letter M: Brayton H. Ransom, B. Sc., A. M. Chief of Division of Zoology, Bureau of Ani- mal Industry; Caroline Myers, CharlesA. Pfender, M. D., EarleC. Stevenson, B. Sc. .,_ . A M, M. D., and Walter'D. Cannon, A. B., M. D. , AUTHOR INDEX. V Part 1, pages 1—46. —-Introduction and authors A to Azevedo Issued May, 19021‘ Price 5 cents. 1 Part 2, pages 47-198. -—Auth0rs B to Buxton. Issued February, 1903. Price 10. cents. ' ' w ‘ - - , Part 3, pages 199-324. —A11thors C to Czygan. Issued May, 1903. Price 10 cents._ Part 4, pages 325—403. —Authors D to Dziembowski Issued July, 1903. Price 5.‘ cents. \ 1 Part 5, pages 405-435. —Authors E to Eyssel. Issued September, 1903. PriCe ,5; cents. Part 6, pages 437—510.—~—Authors F to Fynney. Issued February, 1904 Pr.ice 5 cents. Part 7, pages 511-572. —Authors G to Gmelin. Issued December 19, 1904. Price ,5' cents. _ l 5. Part 8, pages 573-659. —Authors Gobée to Gyser. Issued December 19, .1904}; Price 5 cents. Part 9, pages 661—706. —Authors H to Heim. Issued April 5, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 10, pages 707-782. -—Authors Heim to Hyrtl. Issued April 5, 1905. Price 5, cents.‘ - Part 11, pages 783—838. —Authors I to a J uvattls Issued April 18, 1905. Price 5 _ cents. Part 12, pages 839—902. —Authors K to Kohl. Issued OCtober,1905. Price 5‘ cents. Part 13, pages 903—950. .—Authors Kohl to Kynsey. Issued October, 1905.Pr1ce 5 cents. Part 14, pages 951—1044. —Authors L to Léger. Issued July, 1906. Price 10 cents Part 15, pages 1045-1116. ——Authors Legg to van der Linden. Issued Augist, 1906; Price 10 cents. Part 16, pages 1117—1208. —Authors von Linden to Lyutkevich. Issued September, 1906. Price 10 cents. 51l- , Issued June 22, 1907. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO. 39. A. D. MELVIN, CHIEF OF BUREAU. INDEX—CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. PART 17. [Authors: M to Martiran0.] BY CH. WARDELL STILES, Ph. D., Consulting Zoologisl of Bureau of Animal Indnslij’; Zoologist of U. 5. Public Heall/i ana’ fllan'ne-Hospilal Service, AND ALBERT HASSALL, M. R. C. V. 8., Assistant in Zoology, Bureau of Animal [na’nstijh / (b - __-- IA“ ' 1 > ‘2‘- ; {tit-'- f “'5. r5: 432's. ——;-.. I z;—=-;=: 7/} ’ 21-: ‘="‘k-L ’ ' my: I"; "I .' i g d u=£ . - 51—42 ='.'§‘= I ' ' F1: —-- amass “my“??? 53.47.4124, «vv'w‘ =’*—-—-" =_\'W~:'-'7{'fl “A hit-"- «my: \\ 8 Lil] II a. I fl :4 u: )l . m fi ‘ \NASHLNGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1907. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Chief: A. D. MELVIN. Assistant Chief: A. M. FARRINGTON. Chief Clerk: E. B. JONES. Biochemic Division: MARION DORSET, chief; J AMIB A. EMERY, assistant chief. Dairy Division: ED. H. IVEBS'I‘ER, chief; C. B. LANE, assistant chief. Inspection Division: RICE P. STEDDOM, chief; U. G. HOUCK, associate chief; MORRIS \VOODEN, assistant chief. Pathological Division: J OHN R. MOHLER, chief; HENRY J. WASHBURN, assistant chief. Quarantine Dirision: RICHARD IV. HICKMAN, chief. _ Experiment Station: E. C. SCHROEDER, superintendent; W. E. COTTON, assistant. Animal Husbandman: GEORGE M. ROMMEL. Editor: JAMES M. PICKENS. Librarian: BEATRICE OBERLY ROGERS. DIVISION OF ZOOLOGY. Chief: BRAY'I‘ON H. RANSOM. Scientific Assistants: EARLE C. STEVENSON, HARRY W. GRAYBILL, ALBERT HASSALL. II AUTHOR INDEX. M. MAARTENS, D. J. 1906 a.—Heartwater and dropsy. [Letter to editor] i11e111, mars, pp. 115—117. [11“.] 1889 a. ——8ur les psorospermoses. [Read 23 mars] -'711)i11e111, V. 41, 9. s., V. 1 (12),2 9111ars, pp. 2311-22 38. [\V“, \V‘“, W2] 1890 a.—Sur les psorospermoses :1 piopos (1e 1a cuniniunication de M. Vincent. [Read 1"r mars] /Ibide111, V. 42, 9. V. 2 (9), 7 111ars, pp. 123—124. [\V“, W‘”, W".] 1890 b.—Sur les nouvelles psorospermoses chez 1’1101111ne. (Note rectificative) ‘l. 111’111ier0 (101 Hospital de la Pri11cesa.] 1888 a.—Q11istes 11111a11’1’111'11s z111d0111111ales {REV 118111811. y 1-1r11g. pract, 31a11rid _'278), an. 12.11222, 22 epero, pp. 57—67; (279), 7 181)., pp. 121—133; (281), 1 111ar., pp. 230—213. [\\ m.] MARIANO 1% G11.\'7..11.1:.<, .1. (1905 a).—La 11111111111.1st111111as1s, 1'1 a111>1111a de 10.< 111111er11s. [30m (181 Sr. Iglesia] (An. r. Avad. 119 111911., 31adr111, V. 25, pp. 62—71. [Wnk] 13111111311, 31.111111. [D1‘.,' 151. 211111., r. 1'niV. 1’ar111a.] (1902 a) .—Di 1111a 111111Va spevie 111 acar11 11911’111-11111e 118131813811g111313, gen. Argas (-11'5/115-11111111111, I1. sp. ). 6 pp. (11111911110. 1901 a.—111en1 [2’] (/711101. 11112., Leipz., V. 27 (22), 28. Juni, pp. 701—706. DIS. 11111911 giugno 1902.] [\V“, \V‘“.] 31.111113. [C11ir11rg. 119 premiére 1°1asse.] 1800 a.—( 111serVati1111 sur 1111e fiOVre putri11e Ver111ineuse, qui a r13g111? :‘1 Ravennes, St.-All1ert11 ct C111‘Via,1,11‘1 11a 111111zi011111 r13gi111e11t 1113 dragons (Itoit cantonné 110111121111 l’1'1té 11e l’An X.[Rea11 2 prairial, .111. X11] (J. gén. 1111 111éd., Par. (99), an. 9, V. 21, 1111.250—2116. [\V‘“.] 31.111113 & DL‘BOI8. 1883 a.—.\1’1te s11r1'a1‘t1011 \‘E‘FllllIUUQ 1111 santonate 11e soude admlnlstré par la Voie 11Vpode1‘1111’1p1e. [111stra1t 11f pape1 read 8 1161.] -./C1:1111pt. rend. 80c. (1e 11101., Pan, V. 35, 7. s., V. 5 (37).15 11130., p. 6—10. [\V"‘. ] 31.111112, A. . 1901 a.—.\‘11te sur la rage (11192 les (11sea11x (Compt. rend. Soc. 1113111111., Par., V. 56 (12), 1er aVrll, pp. 573—575. [\V“, W‘“, \VR] 31.111112. R. 1897 a.—F11ari1_1se -:/31a1111el 118 1111311. (13811011) 1% Achard), I’ar.. V. 9, 111a1. i11f., 1111.490—500. [\V‘“.] (1898 a‘1.—A111'111111y111p11111-it1x inguino-crurale 11’01‘igi11e filarienne; examen his- 11111311111111 -.\Bull. ct 11113111. b‘oc. 1113 1111121113 Par., 11. s., V. 21, pp. 807-809. [\\'111 ] 31.11111-:, 11.; & 111111111111. (189:1 a).——1\V.~'t1>.—' 11}'11{1111'1110>‘ 1111 111111111011. [1 {9 ad 12 mai] (B1111. 801‘. anat. de 1’ar.. V. (18, 5. s., V. 7 (15), 111ai—juin, 1111.372—176. [\\ m .] 319111111111 s. I11~t11111111er\atur. V. 3, pt. 2. p. 180. 31111111113? 1778 a.—011.<01‘Vati1111 sur 1111s \‘01‘8 ténia trouvés dams 1e Ventre de quelques lapins sauVagvs - ()11s. sur la plus. [etc], l’ar., V. 12 (2), sept, pp. 229—231, pl. 2, fig. 3. [11“.] INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 1285’ MARIN. . (1905a).—-Deux observations des kystes hydatiques du foie. [Rap do P. Del- bet] '1;I 01115101111111 te~ 111111 selir 11'i111t 111581. , S1‘h111'11 rathgcbendes 1111151111011f111'j1'111'11 1'iel1111's1t71'1',1't1'. xvii - 21121111 8°. 112111111111'g. MARTHA, Amnnxsu. [18.719— .] 1891 11.—Dos1111111111051311i|1111tif11r1111n< 11111's 2‘1 111111'1‘51'111'91111 511111111, 11seud1'1-é11ile11sie vermineusc 11Vc1'te. 16 pp. 8°. ParIs. [AIL 11 de la Republlque.] [\\‘III_] 1 1803 b].—-Suite de la seance publique de la Société de santé dc Nancy (111 2 Ines- sidor an. 10. contre la decouVerte anti-psorlque. 10 pp. 8°. Paris. [AIL 11 de la Republique] [\\"“.] [1805 a]:—Refutation des assertions lIasardes contre le Inoyen de reeonnaitre, de guerir et de preVenir les maladies intcrnes et. externes (1e cause psorique, decouVerte importante pour la Societé. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. [Paris] [AIL 13 de la République] [\\'“‘.] INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 1373 METTENHEIMER, C. [Dr., Schwerin] 1877 a.—-Ein Fall V011 Eclzinococcus des Herzens <1\Iemorabilien, IIeilbr., V. 22 (8), 14. Sept, pp. 337-344. [WW] 1878 a.——A case of Echinocowus of the heart. [Abstract of 1877 a, by R. Saundby] S('., .3, Lief. 3, pp. 43— 46. MINKOWSKI. 1904 a.—Zur A11k33l11stom'1asisfragc. [Secretary’s abstract of paper read before allg. iirztl. V1313. 7.11 K6111. 4. Juli] ‘15Pa'rt 17, pages 1209 1304. —A11thors M to Martirano Issued .Iune 27,1907 Pnce cents. """ Part 18, pages l305—1398—Authors Mart1us to Mitrofanow Issued July 29, 1907. .. Price — cents . .- .‘i Issued Aug-11st 14,3. 13‘”? U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 39’. A. D. MELVIN, CHIEF m: Buxmu. IN D LIX-CATALOGUE MEDICAL IND VETERINIRY ZOOLOGY. FMAFTT 19. [Authors: Mitschein to Myrcpsusj BY ') CH. WARDELL STILES, PI). D Consulting Zoolog'z'st of Burmu of Animal luduslljv, Zoo/owls] of U. 5. Public [foal/ll and ,J/arino-llos/H'fal .S'erwu‘t‘. AND ALBERT HASSA LL, M. R. C.V. 5., Assistant in Zoology, Buroau of Animal Industry. ‘ I. u 2?. IIuIII?.lT.7.-. III???»- J . ‘illu'o. ‘~'. "I" ‘ I" 'l' "'I u'u ' - IIIII» ' an» -.;u I. , ugl'r‘ ’ poo": -" 4‘ |.' r* I 0. I. I A c a \WASPHBKINDN: PRINTING OFFICE. GOVEnxnnnwr 1907. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Chitf: A. D. MELVIN. Assistant (‘liiq/I- .-\. M. EARRINOTON. Chid Clerk: E. B. JONES. Biochemic Dirision: M. DORSET, chief; JAMES A. EMERY. assistant chief. Dairy Diz‘is-ion: ED. H. WEBSTER, chief; C‘. B. LANE, assistant chief. Inspection Division: RICE P. STEDDOM, chief; MORRIS WOODEN, R. A. RAMSEY, and ALBERT E. BEIINKE, associate chiefs. ' Pathological Dil'ision: JOHN R. MOHLER, chief; HENRY J. WASHBL’RN, assistant chief. Quarantine Dirision: RICHARD W. HICKMAN, chief. Experiment Station: E. C. SCHROEDER, superintendent: W. E. COTTON, assistant. Animal Husbamlman: GEORGE M. ROMMEL. Editor: JAMES M. PICKENS. Librarian: BEATRICE OBERLY ROGERS. DIVISION OF ZOOLOGY. Chief: H. II. RANSOM. Scientific .-ls.\‘isiani.~': HARRY W. GRAYBILL, ALBERT HASSALL, MAURICE (i‘. HALL. II 'INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 1399 MITSCHEIN. [Dr.] 1845 a. ——Der Kinde1-Arzt, oder fasslicher Unterricht ube1 die Erkennung, Vei- hutung und Heilung der Kinderk‘rankheiten [etc.] vii+285 pp. 24°. Nordhausen. [Wm] MITTENDORF, W. F. [Surg., New York Eye & Ear Infirma1y.] 1881 a. —A manual on diseases of the eye and ear for the use of students and practi- tioners. viii pp., 1 1. ,445 pp., figs. 10 pls. 8°. New York. [VV “1 .] MITTER, JEAN JULIUS. [1866— .] 1891 a.—Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Balantid’ium coli im menschlichen Darmkanale. Diss. 41 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel. [Wm. ] 1892a.——Idem. [Reviewed by Spener] (Centralbl. f. Bakte1iol. 11. Pa1asitenk., Jena, v. 12 (2—3), 19. Juli, p. 111. [W85 VVm.] MITVALSK1, J. [Dr., Prag.] 1893 a. ——Erfahr1ingen fiber Augencysticerkon in Bohmen ‘l[(‘>‘ in the eggs of (‘ln'ysopa <31. Ann. Re p. 11311111111. Soc. Ontario, Toronto ( 19001 1 l9 1. pp. 51—52. 11g. 8. [\V“. \\"'.j MOFFAT. R. If. [D1'.. V. M. 8.1'ganda Protectorate] 1 1901 a).——Principal 111edi1'al officer’s report 1111' the Vearending December 31. 1900. 1902 11.—11111111. [Abstract by Albert Plehn] - Arch. 1‘. Schiffs- 11. Trop1111-HV'g.. I.eip7... V. (H 31. Marx. pp. 99—10]. [Wm] 1907 .1.—Spi1ill111n f11'1'V11 in Iganda <1..1n1e.t 1.111111. (”4352). V'. 17 Jan. 211. pp. 208— ‘210. [\\. ' \\ m .| \ MOFFETT. THOMAS. [1553—1004.] 1634 a.--Insecto1'un1 siV'e 111inin1111'111n animalium theatrunl [1110.]. 911.1..3‘20 pp. 21. figs. 1111. Londml. [“3] [v V. 1 (4), 11158 a. ——The 11isto1y11f f11ur- footed beasts and s11'1p1nts [etC. ]. Collected out 111' the VV'1itings 111' (‘onradus Gesn11 and 11tl111 1111111111s bV Edward Topsel [111.21 ]. 6 p. 1. 818 pp. 31.. 1i1r< 1'.ol I.1111d11n.[\\.] [Sm Gesner. 1558.1] 1058 11.—The theater 111' insects: 111'. lesser liVing creatures [etc]. 5 p. l.. 889~ 1130 pp.. 31.. figs. fol. London. [Trans]. of 11334 a] [\\"'.] MocALLA, G. P11. (“Ur—[7111111111111 Krankheiten der Pferde. 8°. Hreslau. [M11111.11~:_ {1111111.} [Dr.. 1111111. asst. ()sp.| [1898 a].——.~\1'sn1edic-.1 p1'11n1pti111'. Manuale del medico pratico. 482 pp. 24°. Roma. [Wm] MOHAMMEI) BEV' TALAA’I‘. , (1904 a).—Quel11ues 11bs1'1'Vat11111s stallsthucs sur la bilharziose en Engte <(‘on1pt. rend. 1“r (‘11ng. 1’1ngt.1l111111'1d.. (‘1.111'111 1902 1. M()11ENI)R.~\ NA'rn 011111;“.111. [1.. M. 8.. Srinagar Dispensary. Gurhwal] 1881 11.—A case 111' pin-ash 501an. rend. Amid. (1. se.. P811, V. 85 (21). 19 nov.. pp. 974—976. [W“. WW W“.] 1878 a.——Sur les spermatomides dos ('estndes (Ibidem. V. 87 (3). 15 juillet, pp. 112—114. [W“. WW WP] 1878 1).—ObserVatinns teratolngiques sur les tzenias - Bull. seient. dép. du nerd [on-.7], Lille. 2. 3.. V. 1 (8—91, aunt—sept.. pp. 199—202. [WW] 1878 (-.—(‘ontril)utimi ii 1‘61ude anatomiquv ('1 einhr_Vng(mique dos teenias (Ibi- dem. pp. 220—226. [WW] 1878 d.——Sur les rystieerques .———.\‘ur quelques puints d’organisatiun du ‘S‘olcnophorus allegarephalus {Ibi- dem (~11. aVrll pp. 113—123. [WW W“.] 1879 (n—Nhtp sur le Tzrniu krabbri. espet-e nmm-lle de ' ‘a‘n'ia armé 14). 23. Sept. p. 394. [W9 Wm] 1889 f.—.xlncyrocephalus paradorus. (‘repiin e reVisiune del genere Tetraonchus Diesing. Nnta preli111inare. [Read 3 mar] [Wm] MORANO, FRANCESCO. [Dr., Med.-Ocul., Ospedali riuniti d. Grande Albergo de -.< 'Poveri.] 1880 a.—Ambliopia amaurotica per tenia m. [Abstract of 1878 a, by Littcn] :Ccntralbl. f. (1. mod. “'issensclr, B011, V. 16 (23). 8. Juni. pp. 426—427. [Wm] MORELI.I,(‘ARLO. [Prof] 1857 a.—Guida pratica c razionalo alla cura dci morbi chronici (1011a. pello. V. 1, 1 p. 1., 1064+8 pp. 8°. Fircnzo. [Wm] 1872 a.—-Guida pmtica 0 razionalo alla cura dci morbi chronici (1011a pello. V. 1, 1061+8 pp.. 11 p18. 8°. Fironzo. [Wm] MORELLI. P. 1886 a.——(‘isti idatidca (1011a caVita orbitaria sinistra: cnuclcaziono (1011’ occhio; guarigion‘e ~’/R1\'. clin. c tcrap.. Napnli. V. 8 (6‘), giugno, pp. 281~288, figs. 1—4. [MS dated 22 apr.] [Wm] 1902 a.—Perico1i (1011a puntura csplm‘atiVa nci casi di cisti idatidoe c101 fogato (riVista gonm‘alc] pathugémquc dc 1a (lyscntcnc: spéclficlté do son gcrme: indica- tmns sérothéraplqucs »:R(‘\'. dc méd, Par., V. 22 (2), 10 féV., pp. 122—157, fig. 1. [Wm] MOREV, A. 1897 a.—Pc.“fm‘atinn dc l’intcstin grélc par dcs parasitcs - J. dc. 1116(1. vét. ct 7.00t0011., Lyon, V. 48, 5. s., V. l, 30 aVril, pp. 214-216. [Wm] 1897 b.—Idcm. [Abstract by .-\. Barricr] '. 5—11. figs. 1—27. [\Vm. W°.] 1891 1).—D(‘\'(’1()p111(’111 11f s11111e Tzrnia' 11f birds. [Abstract of 1891 a] - J. Roy. 1111-1281111. L11nd.(.(11 D1113. pp. 744—745. [W“. “m. WC] 1893 a. ——O tak 7.V-11n1’1 llonocystzs Ignaz Stein. D1'11l1m’ prlspéV 11k k p11znani paia- sitnleh flagellati’i. [Read 18. D111. 1891] ' Sitzungsh. 11. k. 411111111. Gesellseh. 11. \\1QQ11nQ1h Piag. 111-11th.-11at11rw.'(‘l. (1892). pp. 67—7114 figs. [\V‘",Wm, W°.] 18.96 11. [111111111 13111-111113 1.1111. 111111 11688111111111: Ein Beitrag 7.111'Anat11111ie der Lernaeiden. [Presented 22. .\'11V. 1895] -Ann., Berl., V. 14, pp. 253—270. [\Vm.] Mt‘ELLER. FRITZ. [8(‘6 also Schultze. Max. 1858. pp.‘21—38.] 1862 a.—Die Rhizneephalen. eine neue Grnppe sel1n1ar0tzen(ler Kruster «TAN-11. f. Naturg.. Berl.. 28. J.. V. 1. pp. 1—9. pl. 1. figs. 1—9. [MS dated Juli 1861.] [Wi] 1862 11.*Entonisms poreellana‘. eine nene Selnnarntzerassel - 111idein. pp. 10—18, pl. 2. figs. 1—14. [W2] 1870 a.—B1‘11el1st1'1eke 7.111' Natnrgesehiehte (ler Bupyriden ‘ . Jenaiselie Ztsel1r. f. Med. 11. Naturw.. I.eip7... V. 6 (1). 3. O(-t.. pp. 53—73. pls. 3—4, figs. 1—20. [318. dated Dee. 1869.] [\V'". \\"‘.] ML'ELI.ER. G. 11849211.~—1'el1er Filaria papillosa 11nd Strongylus armatus 11nd Slrongylm tetra- eanibus heiln Pferde: gleiehzeitig Vergefundene Hzeinatozoen le 1eceptiV ité d’ une chauV e- -souiis pou1 1111 t1Vpr1noson1e pathogene. [Read 11 fév. ] ter1naires. Avec une preface du Dr. Roux. xii—[1034 pp., 211 fies. 8°. Paris. [WW] ' D 1903 a.——Idem. [Reviewed by Dijnsclunann] <(V‘entmlbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.] Jena. 1. Abt, v. 33 (7—8:). 28. Apr., Referate. pp. 224—227. [W“, WW] , NICOITLEAI'. (1858 a).—[‘.’] (J. (1. vet. du midi, Toulouse. 3. s.. v. 1, Oct—(lee. 1859 a.~—Augenentziindung von Wiirmern bei einer Frau. [Abstract of 1858 a] \.; & WAGEXER. 0. [Dr]. 1904 a.—Zur Untersuchungstechnik von Eiern und Larven des Anisyloslomum duodcnalw ~c'IIyg. Rundscllau, Bell. v. 14 (2), 15. Jan., pp. 57—60. [W“, Wm] 1904 b.——Zur Untersuchungstechnik von Eiern und Larven des Anchylostonmm duodenalc. [Review 0. 1904 a. by .-\. Gottstein] - 'Fortsclu‘. (1. Med. Berl.. v. 22 (9,), 20. Miirz. p. 404. [W“, Wm] 1904 c. Idem. [Review of 1904 a. by Bassenge] - :Arch. 1'. Schifis- u. Tropen- Hyg., Leipz., v. 8 (6). Juni. p. 268. [Wm] 1904 d.—Idem. [Review of 1904 a, by Herr] /: Centralbl. f. Bakteriul. [etc], Jena. 1. .-\bt., v. 35 (17—18), 29. Oct. Referate. p. 568. [W‘R W’“.] NITSCHE, HIXRICII. 1873 a.—Untersuchungen fiber den Bau der Tzenien <17Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., v. 23 (2). 12. Mai, pp. 181—197, pl. 9. figs. 1—10. [318. dated 23. Aug. 1872.] [WS] NITSCHE, P.; & WELTNER, W. 1894 a.—Ueber einen neuen Hautparasiten (Tetramitus nitschei) an Goldfischen Inaturie provoquee par le Distoma Izo’matobium. [Abstract of 1892 a] ‘Price 5 cents. ,, 7 ‘ Part 2, pages 47—198.——Authors B to Buxton. Issued February, 1903. Price 10; cents. » Pat 3, pages 199‘— 324. —Authors C to. Czygan. Issued May, 1903. Price 10 cents. Part 4, pages 325—403. ——Authors D to Dziembowski. Issued July, 1903. Price 53 cents. . Part 5, pages 405—435.——Authors E to Eyssel. Issued September, 1903. Price 5 cents.’ Part 6, pages 437—510.——Authors F to Fynney. Issued February, 1904. . Price 5‘ cents. - Part 7, pages 511— 572. ——Auth018 G to Gmelin. Issued December 19, 1904. Price 5 ' cents. Part 8, pages 573*659. — Authors Gobée to Gyser. Issued December 19, 1904. Price” 5 cents. . Part 9, pages 661—706. ——Authors H to Heim. Issued April 5,1905. Price 5 cents. Part 10, pages 707—782. ——Authors Heim to Hyrtl. Issued April 5,1905. Price 5 cents. - Part 11, pages 783—838.—Authors I to a Juvattis. Issued April 18, 1905. Price 5 cents. Part 12, pages 839—902. —Authors K to Kohl. Issued October 1905. Price 5 cents Part 13, pages 903—950. —Authors Kohl to Kynsey. Issued October, 1905. Price 5‘ cents. Part 14, pages 951— 1044. ——Authors L to Léger Issued July, 1906. Price 10 cents? Part 15, pages 1045—1116. —Authors Legg to van der Linden. Issued August, 1906.3: Price 10 cents. Part 16, pages 1117—1208.——Authors von Linden to Lyutkevich. Issued September, 1906. Price 10 cents.’ Part 17, pages 1209—1304. —Authors M to Martirano. Issued June 22,1907. Prlcei 15 cents. Part 18, pages 1305—1398. -—Authors Martius to Mitrofanow. Issued July 29,1907" ‘ Price 15 cents. Part 19, pages 1399—1492.—Aut11018 Mitschein to Myrepsus. Issued August 16,1907; Price 15 cents. 1: Part 20, pages 1493—1574. —Authors N to Nystrém. Issued June 30, 1908.}; Price 15 cents. ' SUBJECT INDEX. Trematoda and trematode diseases ~1 17. [W85 Wm] 1905 b.—Idem. [Secretary’s abstract] \scaridiasis. [Review of 1907a] Deutsche med. Welmschr.. Leipz., v. 38 (16,), 18. Apr., pp. 653-654. [W‘1, Wm] ORSSAUD. (1895 a).—~Un cas de. filariose. hématique logisch-anatomische Diagnostik, nebst Anleitung zur Ausfi'lhrung V011 Obductlonen SOWle von pathologlsch—hlstt)logischen Untersuchungen. 5. men bearbeltete Aufl. x1 —|— 709 pp., 410 figs. 8°. Berlln. [\V“, Wm] 1900 a.—Idem. 6. Aufl., xii + 730 pp., figs. 8°. Berlin. [Wm] 1904 a.—[Demonstrationen yon Gehirn-Cysticcrkus.] [Secretary‘s abstract of remarks before Berl. med. Gesellsch., 29. J uni] iiti‘all)l. f. Bakteriol. u. l’arasitenk., Jena, v. 4 (7), pp. 210—212. [W“, \ “‘, WR] PACINOT’I‘I, G[IUSEPPE]. [Prof., Ist. di anat. patol., I'niv. Camerino] 1890 a..—Della puntura e dei microrganismi contenuti nella ventosa ovale della mignatta (Hirudo medicinalis) konom. BibliotlL, (flitting, V. 12 (1), pp. 14—15. [W0] 1789 a.——Voyages de . . . , en differentes provinces de l’empire de Russie, et dans l’Asie septentrionale; traduits (1e l’allemand, par Gauthier de la Pey- ronie . . . V. 1, xxxij + 773+ [3] pp., 29 pls. [Atlas missing] 4°. Paris. [WC] 1789 b.—Idem. V. 2, 550 + [1] pp., pls. 4°. Paris. [\V".] 1793 a. —Idem. V. 3, 491 + [1] pp., pls. 4°. Paris. [\V°.] 1793 b.—1dem. v. 4, 722 + [2] pp., pls. 4°. Paris. [W°.] 1793 c.—1dem. v. 5, 559 + [1] pp., pls. 4°. Paris. [W°.] [1794 a].——Voyages du . . . , dans plusieurs provinces de l’empire de Russie et dans I’Asie septentrionale; tradnits de l’allemand par le C. Gauthier de la l’eyronie. Nouvelle edition, revue et enriclnie de notes par les CC. Lamarck . . . ; Langles, etc. V.1,x1+422pp. 12°. Paris. [An.2de la Republique] [WC] [1794 b].—-1dem. V. 2, 490 pp. 12°. Paris. [An. 2 de la République] [WC] [1794 c].—Idem. '. 3, 492 pp. 12°. Paris. [AIL 2 de la République.] [WC] [1794 d].—IdeIn. '. 4, 499 pp. 12°. Paris. [AIL 2 de la République.] [W°.] [1794 e].——-Idem. I. 5, 448 pp. 12°. Paris. [An. 2 de la République.] [\V".] . [1794 f].—Idem. *. 6, 455 pp. 12°. Paris. [AIL 2 de la République.] [W".] [1794 g].—Idem. '. 7, 448 pp. 12°. Paris. [AIL 2 de la République.] [W°.] [179411].—Idem. V. 8, viii + 463 pp. 12°. Paris. [AIL 2 de la République.] / / / l 1 [W2] . [1794i].—Idem. V. 9 (planches). fol. Paris. [AIL 2 de la R6publique.] [\V°.] (1800 a).—Dangerous diseases in Sweden, Russia, etc., supposed to be occasioned by insects. 8°. 1801 a.—Reise (hirch verschiedene PrOVinzen des Rnssischen Reichs. 1. Theil, 2. Aufl., 5 p. 1., 504 pp., pls., maps. 4°. St. Petersburg. [W“.] (1811—12 a) .—Fauna Asiatico-Rossica. 2 V. Petropolis. PALLE. [Epernay] 1874 a.—Kyste hydatique expulsé par les urines . PABOSA. Cor-mum- [Ph)f. 0111.. 7.001.. univ. «ii Geneva] [Slay also 6111.381. Giovanni Battistn: x Pamna, Corraeio: and (jrassi. Giovanni Battista: Pztrona, ('orraiio: 3s: Parr-mt. Ernest-n and Perugia. Alberta: 8: Parona. L‘orrado] ['3]-—Pnbblieazi0ni del Prof. (”erratio Parona. 5 pp. 8:. [11. p-] [Lib Stiles] i 1876 :1 '.—II New mrir'gnmx parassita delle api < Gior. d'apimltore. Milano. an. 9 [9 . «_ 1876 b).—Descrizione «1' un case «.li peste cieile covate (lbideni l 10). 1 1-878 a‘n—lntrvrno- all. -1htizflr_~3tr.>1'2'u.t dumienalc‘. Pavia. [1879 aim—La teste delle covate (Boll. com. agrario di Voghera. v. 16. 1880 a.—Int0rno alla mmlo‘gia oiei rizopodi (Boll. scient.. Pavia. an. 2 [v. 1] (2'1. lnglio. pp. 43—50. [\\'=.] 1880 b.—.Pamssiti olel corp) ttnmno: i cestodi « Illnstrazione. Novara. v. 1 (2), 16 lnglxo. 4 ii. pls- 1-2: {52. 1 settenibre. 4 fi.. pls. 3—4. [Wm] 1881:1.—I~lent: trematoii e netnatelniinti |. f. l3IIkiIII'iIIl. II. Purim“.- IIIIk., JIIIIII, v. 0 (:34), 2. II‘IIII., p. ll8. ]'_W“, W‘", W"._] 1803 II. w-SpIIIii7.iIIIIII HIsiIIIItiIiIIII i(IIIIHII.~|’IIHIpIII|II IIII' III HtIIIiiI) _IlIIllII IliHHIIIIi'IIriII II (1011’ IIHIIIIHHII IIpIIIIIIII iII IIIgIHII - (iIIIr. IIIIIIi. I . II. IIHIII’IIiLII [01.0.], RIIIIIII, v. 4|. (2), 101)., pp. 170—180. ]_W’”._] l(311||. IiIIl’ lIIHi. I3'IIHi.II.III 1658 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. PASQUALI, ALFREDO. [Dr.] . . . . . 1906 a. Contributo alla echinococcosi multlloculare de1 bov1n1 -——N<1tice. sur les rhiZODodes du Spitzberg .—I11e111. [Reviewed by Schuberg] ’othriocephalus punctatus bei Fischen ., v. 15 (7), 14 fev.. pp. 53—57, 1 pl., figs. 1—17. [318. dated 5 nov. 1896.] [\V'".] 1897 l).——Ihy1axe im Isthmus von Suez. [Abstract of 1904 a, by Stern] <.\Iiinchen. med. Wchnschr., v. 51 (51), 20. Dec., p. 2312. [\Y“, \Vm.] INDEX-CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ZOOLOGY. 1783 PRESSAT, ANDRE—Continued. 1905 a.—Le paludisme et les moustiques (prophylaxie). 180 pp., 11 pls. 8°. Paris. [Wm] 1905 b.—Idem. [Reviewed by P. 1:)eSfOsseS]