Research Issues 27 Guide to the Drug Research Literature i | UN ITY ; { —————— Prug Abuse U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration RESEARCH ISSUES SERIES CON AWN = Drugs and Employment Drugs and Sex Drugs and Attitude Change Drugs and Family/Peer Influence Drugs and Pregnancy Drugs and Death Drugs and Addict Lifestyles A Cocaine Bibliography — Nonannotated Drug Themes in Science Fiction Drug Themes in Fiction . Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook . Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research . Drugs and Personality . Cocaine— Summaries of Psychosocial Research The Lifestyles of Nine American Cocaine Users —Summary . Drugs and Crime . Drug Users and the Criminal Justice System . Drugs and Psychopathology . Drug Users and Driving Behaviors . Drugs and Minorities . Research Issues Update, 1978. . International Drug Use . Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use . Use and Abuse of Amphetamine and its Substitutes . Glossary of Drug Research Terminology. . Guide to the Drug Research Literature. mn Ju Guide to the Drug Research. Literature Gregory A. Austin Documentation Associates Mary A. Macari Documentation Associates and Dan J. Lettieri Psychosocial Branch Division of Research National Institute on Drug Abuse 1979 J 9 \_National Institute on Drug Abuse | 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 T- | ) Wn This volume, part of a Research Issues Series, was compiled and written for the National Institute on Drug Abuse by Documentation Associates Information Services Incorporated, 11720 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90064, under Contract Number 271-75-3071. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock No. 017-024-00980-6 Contents KCsz4 Foreword / iv Aa; / Introduction / v 1377 Drug Index Terms / x “uU I5¢ Methodology Index Terms / xi Sample Index Terms / xiii Subject Index Terms / Xiv Major Journals Containing Drug Literature / xviii Main Listings / 1 Author Index / 141 Location Index / 225 Methodology Index / 242 Sample Index / 27h Subject Index / 300 iii Foreword The Issues of psychosocial drug use and abuse have generated many volumes analyzing the ''problem' and suggesting ''solutions.' Research has been conducted in many disciplines and from many different points of view. The need to bring together and make accessible the results of these research investigations is becoming increasingly important. The Research Issues Series is intended to aid investigators by collecting, summarizing, and disseminating this large and disparate body of literature. The focus of this series is on critical problems in the field. The topic of each volume is chosen because it represents a challenging issue of current interest to the research community. As additional issues are identified, relevant research will be published as part of the series. Many of the volumes in the series are reference summaries of major empirical research and theoretical studies of the last fifteen years. These summaries are compiled to provide the reader with the purpose, methodology, findings, and conclusions of the studies in given topic areas. Other volumes are original resource handbooks designed to assist drug researchers. These resource works vary considerably in their topics and contents, but each addresses virtually unexplored areas which have received little attention from the research world. Dan J. Lettieri, Ph.D. Project Officer National Institute on Drug Abuse iv Introduction OVERVIEW This Guide to the Drug Research Literature is designed to serve the diverse information needs of the audience of drug researchers. It can be used both as a cumulative index to the 27 volumes of the NIDA Research Issues Series and as a general guide to some of the most significant writings in the field. Special care has been taken to make the Guide an independent information resource. It contains over 1,300 indexed references, the great majority of which are to literature that has been abstracted in the 17 Reference Volumes in the series. These lengthy abstracts summarize in detail the purpose, methodology, findings, and conclusions of each study. The literature largely consists of empirical research studies published in English since 1960, as well as some significant theoretical discussions and literature reviews. The Guide also contains references to the data collection instruments included in the Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook (volume 12) and to the specially prepared original discussions in the other Resource Hand- books in the series. These Resource Handbooks vary considerably in their topics and contents, but each addresses virtually unexplored areas which have received little attention from the research world. A full description of the contents of the 27 volumes of the series is found on the back cover of this volume. The main topics covered in relation to drug use are employment, sex, attitudes and attitude change, family and peer influences, pregnancy, death, addict lifestyles, adolescent drug use, personality and psychological variables, criminal behavior, the criminal justice system and law enforcement, driving, minority drug use, international drug use, cocaine and amphetamine use, research designs and aides, and drug history. This extensive coverage of topics and materials should make this Guide an invaluable reference tool for all persons interested in drug use. The Guide has a main document listing section and six divided indexes: author index drug index location index methodology index sample index subject index AVI EWN = The main listing section contains the indexed literature citations listed sequentially by control numbers. Sample main listings for a journal article and a data collection instrument are provided in the following exhibit. Journal Article control number volume and issue number Research Issues Series __—__ volume and page index fields Instrument control number source fe SAMPLE DOCUMENT ENTRIES author(s) title 0056 Smart, R.; Krakowski, M Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers. Journal of Drug Eouoation, 234279258 V2. ~smesee...., publication date journal name RIS: 3:2 DRUGS: *marihuana; *tranquilizers SAMPLE: *college students (578) sample size SUBJECTS: *inforrnation sources, media; *drug attitudes; *adverse reactions LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires pagination instrument developer 0456 Kluckhohn, F. instrument title Value Orientation Schedule — In: Nehemiks, A., et al, eds. Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing office, 1976. RIS: 12:275 DRUGS: *marihuana; psychodeysleptics SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *value orientation METHODOLOGY: *value orientation scale vi Each listing includes a full bibliographic citation and a reference to the Research Issues Series (RIS) volume and page where that document is located. Generally, documents are assigned sequential control numbers in the order in which they appear in the series, beginning with the first document abstracted in volume 1, Drugs and Employment. Thus the studies that appear in the same volume and deal with the same topic tend to be grouped together. When an article has been included in more than one volume, it is listed either with the first volume in which it appears or with the volume which contains the most complete abstract. In a few instances, original writings that appear in one volume are also abstracted in another volume; these are entered with the volume where the complete text occurs. Under the citations, index terms are grouped into fields corresponding to the divided indexes which follow the main listing section; terms which are preceded by an asterisk (*) are listed in these separate indexes. In the indexes themselves, under each term is listed the titles and main listing control numbers of all relevant documents. At times in a main listing a particular category or field will be missing; this is because pertinent information is not given within the document or the field is not applicable. For instance, a literature review would rarely require a geographic locator unless the review deals with drug use in a particular area. A description of the indexing procedures and the scope of each index is provided below. As a further aide for users, a complete list of all the drug, sample, subject, and methodology terms which were used to index the literature, arranged alphabetically in fields, has been included following this Introduction. A partial list of major journals (and their publishers) from which studies have been abstracted has also been included. Although this list is not exhaustive, it provides a guide to most of the journals containing drug research literature. INDEXING PROCEDURES In the indexing of the documents, an effort has been made to select terms which will provide users with a clear and complete understanding of the purpose and scope of the document so that they might better evaluate its relevance to their interests. To assist in this, a system of weighted terms has been employed. Terms without asterisks (ho *) are general descriptors which provide information about a document's subject matter but were judged inappropriate for indexing and inclusion in the divided indexes. For example, the sample terms 'whites' and ''males'' are used only as descriptors in the main listings because too many studies deal with these groups to include them in the sample index. On the other hand, ""blacks' and ''females' are asterisked index terms because the literature dealing with these samples is not as extensive and is of critical importance to the field. An attempt also has been made to select the single most specific terms possible from an established authority list. However, users should check under both specific and general terms relevant to a topic of interest as well as under variant terms. The complete list of drug, sample, subject, and location terms supplied following this Introduction should assist users in identifying relevant terms. vii DIVIDED INDEXES The six divided indexes (authors, drugs, samples, subjects, locations, and methodology) list alphabetically all the asterisked index terms from the main listing section. Under each term appear the document title and control numbers. The control numbers direct the user to the main listing section which contains the full bibliographic citation and description of the document. The titles of the documents have been provided to assist users in determining the relevance of a study without examining the full document listing. A title with initial capital letters is a monograph; if only the first word is capitalized, it is a journal article. Subject Index. Includes all terms describing the subjects discussed in a document which are not covered by any of the other indexes. Author Index. Includes all the authors listed alphabetically by last name and first initial. |f more than five authors contributed to a work, only the first author is listed, followed by ''et al." If a listing refers to a chapter in a book and the author's last name is not repeated before the book title, he or she may be assumed to be the author or editor of the entire book. Drug Index. Includes the general and specific names of drugs discussed in each study. Whenever possible, drug terms have been standardized according to the taxonomy utilized in the Glossary of Drug Research Terminology (RIS volume 26). However, this was not always possible because of the idiosyncracies of the drug names used by authros. The user therefore should examine all possible terms by which a drug of interest might be indexed. If a document deals with a great many drugs, it has been indexed as "multidrug'; if it discusses drug use without specifying a particular drug, it is indexed as ''general drug use.' If one specific drug is treated far more extensively than others, only the major drug is indexed and other drugs are listed as descriptors (non- asterisked). Two specialized volumes dealing with drug themes in fiction and science fiction posed unique indexing problems as many of the drugs were fictitious and the fiction volume also had its own indexing system which classified drugs in terms of their functions or effects. Eight classifications were used: euphorics, intelligence enhancers, mind controllers, mind expanders, mind injureres, panaceas, reality testers, and sensation enhancers. It was decided not to include fictitious drugs in the index, but we did preserve the fiction volume's c'assification scheme as descriptors. Sample Index. Includes terms which describe the characteristics of the people who participated in the research sample or who were the focus of a theoretical exposition or literature review. As discussed above, many sample terms such as ''males' and 'whites'' are included as descriptors rather than index terms and are not asterisked. [If a study includes both blacks and whites, or males and females, but does not draw any conclusions as to the similarities or differences between them, both terms are listed as descriptors and not as index terms. Numbers which follow sample terms in parentheses provide information on the actual sample size. viii Location Index. Includes all the geographical areas in which drug research took place, or areas that are discussed in the documents. Terms are entered alphabetically in descending geographic order; that is, ''California' is followed by ''California, Los Angeles' and ''California, San Francisco." Methodology Index. Includes the type of methodology utilized in the research, or a description of the document type or classification. Also includes all instruments or other investigative devices which have been employed in the research. Some of the document listings refer to instruments which appear in volume 12, Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. The names of these instruments are listed twice, once as the main listing title and again in the methodology index. Research strategies and designs. (such as factor analysis, longitudinal research) discussed in the literature are indexed in the subject index. The main document classifications utilized in this index are as follows: literature review: A review of what has been written about a topic and what can be concluded from previous writings. theoretical/critical: a general discussion of a theory, hypothesis, or the results of other studies. econometric: a form of statistical analysis focused on the economic variables involved in drug use and control. secondary analysis: an analysis of existing data already collected and compiled by others and not the product of original investigations. ethnography: the study of drug users in their natural environment through participant observation or personal interaction. history: a study of drug use in the past. case study: a study of one person, or more than one person studied independently, seeking to collect as much data as possible on each subject (a comprehensive description) in order to understand that single, idiosyncratic case. clinical observation: a study based on a psychiatric evaluation of patients based on impressions as opposed to administered tests. descriptive: a general description of some aspect of drug use, treatement, and control, for example, a special program. descriptive survey: seeks to make simple descriptive assertions about some population on the basis of a survey or to discover the distribution of certain traits or attributes. The focus is not why the observed characteristics exist but merely what the distribution is. longitudinal: a survey over time; the same variable is investigated on two or more occasions to see of there is a change in the population. retrospective: a survey which depends on respondents' recall of pertinent experiences in the past. The data may be longitudinal in that it deals with happenings over time, but the data collection istelf is post-facto. correlational: a study which examines the relationship of drug use with some other variable or factor (e.g., religion, age), seeking not just to report on different characteristics but to examine the relationship. comparative: a study which examines the relationship between distinctly different drug using groups (e.g., males vs. females; users vs. nonusers, etc.). ix Alcohol Amitriptyline Amphetamines Analgesics Anticholinergics Antidepressants Antihistamines Ayahuasca Barbiturates Benzedrine Caffeine Cannabis Chlordiazepoxide Chlorimipramine Chlorpromazine Cocaine Codeine Coffee Cyclazocine Demerol Depressants Dexamphetamine Dexedrine Dextroamphetamine Diazepam Diphenhydramine Doxepin Ergogenics Ether Glutethimide Hallucinogens Hashish Heroin Hypnotics Imipramine Inhalants L-Dopa Levamphetamine Lithium LSD Marihuana Meperidine Meprobamate Mescaline Methadone Methamphetamine Methaqualone Methedrine Methylphenidate Morphine DRUG INDEX TERMS Multi-Drug Nortriptyline Opiates Opium Oxymorphone Pentazocine Pentobarbital Pep Pills Perphenazine Peyote Phenmetrazine Phenobarbital Phenothiazine Propoxyphene Psychotherapeutics Secobarbital Sedatives Shireh Sodium Amytal Stimulants Thioridazine Tobacco Tranquilizers METHODOLOGY INDEX TERMS Addict Identification Scale Addiction Research Center Inventory Addict Psychosocial Functioning Scale Adjective Check List A Priori Identity Crisis Scale Army Beta 1Q Bayley Scales on Infant Mental and Motor Development Beck Depression Inventory Bel levue-Wechsler 1.Q. Bender-Gestalt Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test Beta IQ Test Bown Self-Report Inventory Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale California Achievement Test California F Scale California Personality Inventory California Psychological Inventory Career Maturity Inventory Cartoon-0-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test Case Study Cattell High School Personality Questionnaire Cattell Sixteen Personality Factors Changing Lifestyles and Values Questionnaire Clinical Observation Clyde Mood Scale CODAP Admission and Discharge Reports Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts Questionnaire Comparative Comrey Personality Scale Confidential Information Questionnaire/Johnston Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory Cornell Medical Index Correlational Delinquency Check List Descriptive Descriptive Survey Desire-For-Novelty-Scale Draw-A-Person Test Drug Abuse Description Questionnaire Drug Abuse Interview Form/Cohen, Klein Drug Survey Interview/Timber lawn Econometric Edwards Personal Preference Schedule Ethnography Experiential World Inventory Experimental Eysenck Personality Inventory Freiburg Personality Inventory Gordon Personal Profile Gui lford-Zimmerman Temperament Scale High School Questionnaire/Block et al. High School Student Questionnaire/ Kandel History Hopkins Symptom Check List House-Tree-Person Test Human Figure Drawing Test Imaginal Process Inventory Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale internal Sensation Novelty Seeking Scale Interpersonal Behavior Inventory Interpersonal Check List Inventory of Selected Experiences/ Monroe et al. IPAT Anxiety Scale Katz Adjustment Scale Kelly Adjustment Scale Kelly Rep Tests Kent Series of Emergency Scale D Langer Psychiatric Impairment Scale Lanyon Psychological Screening Inventory Leary Interpersonal Check List Lexington Personality Inventory Lifestyles and Values of Youth/ Johnston, Bachman Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Literature Review Longitudinal Manifest Anxiety Scale Marijuana Attitude Scale/Baer Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Maudsley Personality Inventory Mean Cost Rating Procedure Mental Status Examination Record Minnesota Student Questionnaire Miskimins Self-Goal-Other Discrepancy Scale MMP | Mooney Problem Check List Moos' Family Environment Scale Morbidity Attitude Survey Scale Mosher Forced Choice Sex Guilt Subscale Motivation Analysis Test Muller-Lyer Illusion Multiple Affect Check List National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse Survey Nationwide Survey Questionnaire/Cisin Novelty Experiencing Scale Omnibus Personality Inventory Otis Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Test Peer Culture Index Personal Inventory/Monroe, Hill Personality Inventory/Bentler Personality Research Form Personality Test/Stokes Personal Opinion Survey Primary Affect Scale Profile of Mood Scales Prospective Psychiatric Status Schedule Psychological Tests Purpose in Life Test Questionnaires Rathus Assertiveness Schedule Raven's Progressive Matrices Retrospective Revised Army Alpha Revised Beta Rokeach Value Survey Rorschach Rotter's I-E Scale Secondary Analysis Self Assessment Scales/Norem- Hebeisen Self-Rating Depression Scale Sensation Seeking Scale Shipley-Hartford Scale Shipley Institute of Living Scale Shostrom Personal Orientation Inventory Situational Preference Inventory/ Edwards Social Adjustment Scale Socialization of Problem Behavior Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire Srole Anomia Scale Stanford Achievement Test Zid State-Trait Anxiety Scale Statistical Survey Student Drug Use Questionnaire/ Blackford Suitability for Treatment Scale/English, Monroe Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale Teenage Drug Study Questionnaire/ Elinson et al. Tennessee Self-Concept Scale Test of Effective Academic Motivation Thematic Apperception Test Theoretical/Critical Traditionalism/Yea Saying Scale Untitled Drug Questionnaire/Luetgert Untitled Questionnaire/Baer Value Orientation Schedule Vietnam Veterans Questionnaire/ Robins WAIS 1Q WISC Witkin's Rod and Frame Test Yorkville LSD Users Questionnaire/ Smart, Jones Youth Drug Use Survey/Judd Accident-Involved Drivers Adolescent Offenders Adolescents Aged American Animals Arrested Drivers Arrestees Asian-Americans Asians Athletes Blacks Blue Collar British West Indians Children Civilly Committed College Students Coroners Criminal Justice Personnel Delinquents Driver Fatalities Drivers, Accident-Involved Drivers, Arrested Drug Dealers Drug Offenders Employees Employers Ex-Addicts Families Families (Wives) Fatalities Fatalities, Driver Females General Population Ghetto Residents High School Students Hippies Homicide Cases Hospital Patients Hospital Staff Incarcerated Industrial Workers Infants Junior High School Students Lower Class Medical Examiners Medical Patients Medical Students Methadone Patients Indians SAMPLE INDEX TERMS xiii Mex ican-Americans Middle-Aged Middle Class Military Mothers Musicians NARA Patients Nurses Occasional Heroin Users Offenders Overdose Cases Parents Parolees Physician Addicts Physicians Pimps Police Posttreatment Pregnant Women Probationers Prostitutes Psychiatric Patients Puerto Ricans Rural Siblings Social Service Personnel South American Indians Spanish-Speaking Street Addicts Students Suburban Suicide Cases Treatment Treatment, Inpatient Treatment, Nonvoluntary Treatment, Outpatient Treatment Personnel Treatment, Voluntary Upper Class Vietnam Veterans Violent Offenders Vocational Trainees White Collar Working Class SUBJECT INDEX TERMS Abstinence Abuse Potential Academic Achievement Accidents, Fatal Achievement Actuarial Prediction Addiction Careers Addiction Models Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation Adulterants Adverse Reactions Age Factors Aggression Alcoholism Alienation Analysis of Covariance Analysis of Variance Anesthetic Uses Animal Experiments Anomie Anorexia Anxiety Aphrodisiacs Arrest Rates Arrests Assaults Athletic Performance Attention Patterns Attitude Change Auditory Effects Automatic Interaction Detection Average Linkage Analysis Background Characteristics Bayesian Analysis Birth Weights Botanical Characteristics Burglary California Civil Addict Program California Rehabilitation Center Cardiovascular Effects Causal Models Cerebral Effects "Cheating" Chemical Characteristics Chipping Chromosome Damage Civil Commitment Cluster Analysis Cognitive Dissonance Xiv Cognitive Effects Cohort Designs College Subcultures Comas Commercial Uses Communication Theory Community-Based Treatment Complete Linkage Analysis Compulsory Treatment Conformity Congenital Defects ""Conning"' Convictions Coordination Coping Copping Correlation and Regression Analysis Court Dispositions Covariance Structure Analysis Creativity Crime/Drug Sequences Crime Rates Crimes Against Persons Crimes Against Property Crimes for Money Crimes for Violence Criminal Background Criminality Criminal Justice System Criminal Recidivism Cross-Sectional Designs Cross-Sequential Designs Curiosity Daydreaming Death Rates Deaths, Accidental Deaths, Classification Deaths, Drug-Related Deaths, Natural Deaths, Violent Defense Reactions Delinquency Demography Depression Deterrence Theory Detoxification Developing Adolescents Without Narcotics Deviance Deviant Subcultures Discriminant Analysis Discriminant Function Analysis Diversion Programs Dosage Driving Behavior Driving Laws Driving Performance Driving Records Drug Abuse Reporting Program Drug Arrests Drug Attitudes Drug Availability Drug Costs Drug Education Drug Education, Evaluation Drug Education Materials Drug Education Models Drug-Free Treatment Drug Hot Lines Drug Knowledge Drug Law Effects Drug Law Enforcement Drug Laws Drug Laws, Attitudes Drug Offenses Drug Policy Drug Potency Drug Preferences Drug Relapse Drug Subcultures Drug Substitution Drug Trafficking Drug Use Patterns East Los Angeles Halfway House Educational History Ego Functioning Employee Dismissals Employee Problems Employee Programs Employer Policies Employment Epidemiology Ethnic Factors Factor Analysis Family Influences Family Relationships Felonies Fiction Field Dependence Forgery Gambling Gangs "Ganja Vision" Geographic Factors Xv Geographic Mobility Ghettos Goal Orientation Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic Halfway Houses ""Hang-Loose' Ethic Health Status Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic Hepatic Effects Hippie Subcultures Homicides Homosexuality Hustling Hyperkinesis Hypersensitivity Reactions Hypochondriasis Hypomania Hysteria Imagination Incarceration Industrial Accidents Infant Mortality Infections Information Sources, Media Information Sources, Personal Inhibition Intelligence Interpersonal Relationships Judgment Labeling Larceny Law Enforcement Biases Least Squares Analysis Legalization of Drugs Life Cycles Lifestyles Linear Models Locus of Control Log-Linear Analysis Longitudinal Designs Lymphatic Effects Malaria Mania Marital Relationships Maternal Influences Maturing Out Medical Treatment Methadone Maintenance Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program Methodological Factors Minimal Brain Dysfunction Misdemeanors Mother-Child Relationships Motivation for Treatment Motivation for Use Multiple Drug Use Multiple Regression Analysis Multiple Regression and Correlation Analysis Multivariate Analysis Multivariate Analysis of Variance Narcolepsy Narcotic Addiction Control Commission Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act Program Narcotics Treatment Administration Narcotic Treatment Control Program National Center for Health Statistics National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse Neonatal Addiction, Diagnosis Neonatal Addiction, Treatment Neonatal Characteristics Neurosis NIMH Clinical Research Centers Notification of Addicts Obesity Occupational Drug Use Occupational Status Onset Openness to Experience Operation Intercept Overdoses Panic Reactions Paranoia Parental Drug Use Parental Influences Parent-Child Relationships Parkway Community Correctional Center Parole Parole Outcome Parole Prediction Paternal Influences Path Analysis Peer Influenses Peer Subcultures Perceived Effects Perception Personality, Addiction-Prone Personality Factors Personality Integration Pharmacogenic Orgasms Phoenix House Physician Drug Use xvi Physiological Effects Pimping Police Attitudes Political Orientation Postmortem Diagnosis Prediction Pregnancy Effects Prenatal Care Prison-Based Treatment Probation Prostitution Psychasthenia Psychological Adjustment Psychological Effects Psychometric Theory Psychomotor Performance Psychopathic Deviation Psychopathy Psychosis Psychosis, Drug Psychosocial Attitudes Psychotherapy Pulmonary Effects "Punding"' Rastafarianism Reaction Time Regression Analysis Rehabilitation Religious Uses Renal Effects Representative Case Research Respiratory Effects Retreatist Behavior Risk-Taking Robbery Rotter's Social Learning Theory Routes of Administration Sampling Schizophrenia Science Fiction Screening and Detection Self-Concept Self-Control Self-Esteem Self-Treatment Sensation Seeking Set and Setting Sex Factors Sex Roles Sexual Adjustment Sexual Attitudes Sexual Behavior Sexual Effects Sexual Functioning Sexual Identification Sexual Offenses Sexual Stimulation Shoplifting Sibling Differences Simulation Models Single Linkage Analysis Single-Organism Designs Situational Factors Social Costs of Drug Use Social Interactions Sociocultural Influences Socioeconomic Factors Sociopathy Southmore House Special Narcotics Program Stepping-Stone Hypothesis Stepwise Discriminant Analysis Stepwise Multiple Regression and Correlation Analysis Stepwise Regression Analysis Stereotyped Behavior Stimulant Reactions Stress Suicides Synergistic Effects Temporal Sequences Teratogenic Effects Tetanus Theft Therapeutic Communities Therapeutic Uses Time in Treatment Time-Reversed Analysis Time-Sequential Designs Time-Series Designs Tolerance Toxicity Traffic Accidents Traffic Accidents, Fatal Traffic Convictions Traffic Violations Treatment Alternatives to Street Crimes Treatment Crime Treatment Treatment Treatment Programs Treatment Programs, Evaluation Typological Models Alternatives to Street Models Outcome xvii 314-297 0 - 80 - 2 Typologies U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals Value Orientation Venereal Disease Visual Effects Vocational Rehabilitation Withdrawal Withdrawal, Infants Work Performance MAJOR JOURNALS CONTAINING DRUG LITERATURE American Journal of Epidemiology Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health 615 No. Wolfe St. Baltimore, MD. 21205 American Journal of Obstretics and Gynecology C.V. Mosby Co. 11830 Westline Industrial Dr., St. Louis, MO. 63141 American Journal of Pharmacy and the Sciences Supporting Public Health Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science 43rd. St., and Kingsessing Mall, Philadelphia, PA 19104 American Journal of Psychiatry American Psychiatric Association 1700 18th St., N.W. Washington, DC 20009 American Journal of Psychology University of Illinois Press Urbana, IL 61801 American Journal of Public Health American Public Health Association 1015 18th St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 American Journal of Sociology University of Chicago Press 5801 S. Ellis Ave. Chicago, IL 60637 Annals of Internal Medicine American College of Physicians 4200 Pine St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences The New York Academy of Sciences 2 E. 63rd St. New York, NY 10021 Xviii Archives of General Psychiatry American Medical Association 535 N. Dearborn St. Chicago, IL 60610 British Journal of Addiction Longman Group Ltd. Journals Division 43-45 Annandale St. Edinburgh EH7 4 at Scotland British Journal of Criminology Sweet and Maxwell Stevens Journals 11 New Fetter Lane London EC4 PLEE, England British Journal of Psychiatry Headley Bros. Ltd. Ashford Kent TN24 8HH, England British Medical Journal British Medical Association B.M.A. House, Tavistock Sq. WC1 H9 JR, England Ed S.P. Canadian Medical Association Journal Canadian Medical Association Box 8650 Ottawa K1G 068, Canada Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutic C.V.Mosby Co. 11830 Westline Industrial Dr. St. Louis MO 63141 Clinical Toxicology Marcel Dekker Journals 270 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10049 Contemporary Drug Problems Federal Legal Publications, Inc. 95 Morton St. New York, NY 10014 Crime and Delinquency National Council on Crime and Delinquency Continental Plaza 411 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Criminology Sage Publications Inc. 275 S. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Diseases of the Nervous System Physicians Postgraduate Press Box 38293 Memphis, TN 38138 and Alcohol Dependence Elsevier Sequoia S.A. Box 851 CH 1001 Lausanne 1, Switzerland Drug Forum Baywood Publishing Co., 120 Marine St. Farmingdale NY Drug Inc. 11735 Federal Probation Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Supreme Court Bldg. Washington DC 20544 Human Pathology Saunders Co., W. Washington Square Philadelphia, PA 19105 International Journal of the Addictions Marcel Dekker Journals 270 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10016 John Marshall Journal of Practice and Procedure John Marshall Law School 315 S. Plymouth Ct. Chicago, IL 60604 Journal of Abnormal Psychology American Psychological Association 1200 17th. St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Journal of Altered States of Consciousness Baywood Publishing Co., 43 Central Dr. Farmingdale, NY Inc. 11735 xix Journal of the American Medical Association 535 No. Dearborn St. Chicago, IL 60610 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Springer-Verlag 175 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10010 Journal of Clinical Psychology Clinical Psychology Publishing Co, Inc. Lk Conant Square Brandon, VT 05733 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology American Psychological Association 1200 17th St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology Williams and Wilkins Co. 428 E. Preston St. Baltimore, MD 21202 Journal of Drug Education Baywood Publishing Co., 120 Marine St. Farmingdale, NY Inc. 11735 Journal of Drug Issues Box 4021 Tallahassee, FL 32303 Journal of Forensic Sciences American Society for Testing and Materials 1916 Race St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 Journal of General Psychology Journal Press 2 Commercial St. Provincetown, MA 02657 Journal of Health and Social Behavior American Sociological Association 1722 N. St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases New York State Journal of Medicine Williams and Wilkins Co. Medical Society of the State of L428 E. Preston St. New York Baltimore, MD 21202 L420 Lakeville Rd. Lake Success, NY 11040 Journal of Personality Duke University Press Psychiatry 6697 College Station William Alanson White Psychiatric Durham, NC 27708 Foundation Incorporated 1610 New Hampshire Ave., N.W. Journal of Personality and Social Washington, DC 20009 Psychology American Psychological Psychological Reports Association Box 9229 1200 17th St., N.W. Missoula, MT Ammons Washington, DC 20036 Psychology Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Box 6495, Station C. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Savannah, GA 31405 Britain 1 Lambeth High St. Psychopharmacology London SE1 7JN, England Springer-Verlag 175 Fifth Ave. Journal of Pharmacology and New York, NY 10010 Experimental Therapeutics Williams and Wilkins Co. Social Problems 428 Preston St. Society for the Study of Social Baltimore, MD 21202 Problems 114 Rockwell Hall, State Journal of Psychedelic Drugs State University College at Stash Buffalo, NY 14222 118 South Bedford St. Madison, WI 53703 Sociological Quarterly Midwest Sociological Society Journal Psychology Department of Sociology, Journal Press Southern Illinois University 2 Commercial St. Carbondale, IL 62901 Provincetown, MA 02657 Journal of Social Psychology Journal Press 2 Commercial St. Provincetown, MA 02657 Journal of Studies on Alcohol Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies Publications Division New Brunswick, NJ 08903 New England Journal of Medicine Massachusetts Medical Society 10 Shattuck St. Boston, MA 02115 XX Main Listings 0001 Trice, H.; Roman, P. Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 1972. 268 pp.. RIS: 1:2 DRUGS: *marihuana; *amphetamines; *alcohol; *opiates SAMPLE: *employees SUBJECTS: *work performance; *employer policies; *industrial accidents; *drug availability; *occupational drug use; *stress; *employee problems METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0002 ward, H. Employment and Addiction: Overview of Issues. Washington, D.C.: Drug Abuse Council, 1973. 55 pp.. RIS: 1:4 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *employers; addicts SUBJECTS: *employment, addict; *employer policies; *employee programs; *drug attitudes; *rehabilitation LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0003 Kieffer, S. Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry. In: Carone, P., and Krinksy, L., eds. Drug Abuse in Industry. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1973. pp. 1563-163. RIS: 1:7 DRUGS: *alcohol; *heroin; *barbiturates SAMPLE: *employees SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *screening and detection; *employee programs; *employee dismissals; *employer policies METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0004 urban, M. Drugs in industry. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Use in America. Vol. I. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. pp. 1136-1156.. RIS: 1:9 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana; *pep pills; *tranquilizers SAMPLE: *employees; *employers SUBJECTS: *employer policies; *occupational drug use; *employee programs; *screening and detection; *drug attitudes; *employee dismissals; *rehabilitation METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0005 Leonard, J. Dismissal for off-the-job criminal behavior. Monthly Labor Review, 21-26, 1967. RIS: 1:12 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *employers; *employees SUBJECTS: *employee problems; *employee dismissals; *employer policies METHODOLOGY: *descriptive MAIN LISTING 0006 Watkins, C. Use of amphetamine by medical students. Southern Medical Journal, 63(8):923-929, 1970. RIS: 1:15 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *medical students (233) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *perceived effects; *drug availability; *stimulant reactions LOCATION: *Louisiana, New Orleans; *Oregon METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *comparative; *questionnaires 0007 Hill, H.; Haertzen, C.; Yamabhiro, R. The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics. Research Publications of the Association for Research into Nervous and Mental Diseases, 46:321-332, 1968. RIS: 1:18 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *physician addicts; nonaddict physicians; *treatment, inpatient; males; whites SUBJECTS: *psychological adjustment; *psychopathic deviation; *drug availability; *goal orientation; *physician drug use; *occupational drug use LOCATION: *California; *North Carolina METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis; *MMPI 0008 vaillant, G.; Brighton, J.; McArthur, C. Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20-year follow- up report. New England Journal of Medicine, 282(7):365-370, 1970. RIS: 1:21 DRUGS: *sedatives; *alcohol; *tobacco; *amphetamines; *tranquilizers SAMPLE: *physicians; males (135) SUBJECTS: *physician drug use; *work performance LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *comparative; *questionnaires; interviews 0009 Putnam, P.; Ellinwood, E. Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten-year follow- up. American Journal of Psychiatry, 22:745-748, 1966. RIS: 1:25 DRUGS: *morphine; *meperidine SAMPLE: *physicians (68); *physician addicts (68); males SUBJECTS: *psychological adjustment; *drug availability; *geographic mobility; *physician drug use; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *statistical survey; program/clinic statistics MAIN LISTING 0010 Poplar, J. Characteristics of nurse addicts. American Journal of Nursing, 69(1):117-119, 1969. RIS: 1:27 DRUGS: *demerol; general SAMPLE: *nurses (90); addicts; males; *females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *drug availability; *personality factors; *motivation for use; *occupational drug use; *stress; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers; treatment outcome; demography LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *questionnaires; *psychological tests; interviews; observations 0011 Lipp, M,; Benson, S. Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco. American Journal of Psychiatry, 129(5):612-616, 1972. RIS: 1:30 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; *tobacco SAMPLE: *physicians (1,314) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *age factors; *information sources, media; *information sources, personal; *geographic factors; *physician drug use LOCATION: *California; *New York; *Nebraska METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0012 Jones, L. E. How 92% beat the dope habit. Bulletin of the Los Angeles County Medical Association, 88:19, 37-40, 1958. RIS: 1:33 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *physician addicts (130) SUBJECTS: *drug availability; *probation; *physician drug use LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records 0013 smith, G.; Beecher, H. Amphetamine sulfate and athletic performance. Journal of the American Medical Association, 170(5):102-117, 1959. RIS: 1:36; 25:95 DRUGS: *amphetamines; placebo SAMPLE: *athletes; *college students; males (57) SUBJECTS: *athletic performance LOCATION: *United States, eastern METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 0014 Margaria, R.; Aghemo, P.; Rovelli, E. The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man. /nternationale Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physiologie, 20:281-287, 1964. RIS: 1:38 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *caffeine; multi-drug; placebo SAMPLE: *college students (3) SUBJECTS: *cardiovascular effects; *athletic performance; *respiratory effects LOCATION: *Italy METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 0015 Karpovich, P. Effect of amphetamine sulfate on athletic performance. Journal of the Americar Medical Association, 170(5):118-121, 1959. RIS: 1:41; 25:99 DRUGS: *amphetamines; placebo SAMPLE: *college students (54); males SUBJECTS: *athletic performance; *perceived effects; *stimulant reactions; *psychological effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 0016 Fowler, W. The facts about ergogenic aids and sports performance. Journal of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 40:37-42, 1969. RIS: 1:45 DRUGS: *stimulants; *ergogenics SAMPLE: *athletes SUBJECTS: *athletic performance; *physiological effects; *cognitive effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0017 Golding, L.; Barnard, J. The effect of d-amphetamine sulfate on physical performance. Journal ot Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 3(4):221-224, 1963. RIS: 1:47 DRUGS: *amphetamines; placebo SAMPLE: *college students; *athletes (10) SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *cardiovascular effects; *respiratory effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination; treadmill test 0018 McGuire, T.; Leary, F. Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. lll. Tranquilizing drugs and stress tolerance. American Journal of Public Health, 48(5):578-584, 1958. RIS: 1:49 DRUGS: *chlorpromazine; *meprobamate; tranquilizers; placebo SAMPLE: pilots; males (10) SUBJECTS: *stress; *psychomotor performance; *occupational drug use; *risk-taking LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 0019 Hauty, G.; Payne, R. Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Il. Effects of analeptic and depressant drugs upon psychological behavior. American Journal of Public Health, 48(5):571-577, 1958. RIS: 1:51 DRUGS: *dextroamphetamine; *depressants; placebo SAMPLE: *military; males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *adverse reactions; *psychological effects; *stimulant reactions LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests MAIN LISTING 0020 Johnston, R. A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio. Akron, Ohio: Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of Akron, 1971. 56 pp.. RIS: 1:55 DRUGS: *alcohol; general SAMPLE: *employers (134) SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *industrial accidents; *occupational drug use; *employee dismissals; *employee programs; *employer policies; demography LOCATION: *Ohio METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0021 Rush, H.; Brown, J. The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience. Conference Board Record, 6-15, 1971. RIS: 1:60 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *employers (222) SUBJECTS: *employer policies; *work performance; *employee problems; *drug attitudes; *screening and detection; *employee dismissals; *occupational drug use LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0022 Rogg, S.; Pell, S. Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons. Industrial Medicine and Surgery, 2, 1963. RIS: 1:64 DRUGS: *tranquilizers; *barbiturates SAMPLE: *employees (6,146); *white collar; *blue collar; males; *females; *rural SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *occupational status; *occupational drug use; *motivation for use LOCATION: *Delaware METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0023 Goldenberg, I. Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University, 1972. 175 pp.. RIS: 1:66 DRUGS: *opiates; general SAMPLE: *employers (18); users (60); *treatment personnel (20) SUBJECTS: *vocational rehabilitation; *information sources, media; *drug attitudes; *employer policies; *employee programs; *employment/drug sequences; work attitudes LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews 0024 Goldenberg, I.; Keatinge, E. Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment. Contemporary Drug Problems, 2:363-392, 1973. RIS: 1:72 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *employers (20); users (20); *treatment personnel (20) SUBJECTS: *information sources, media; *employer policies; *drug attitudes; *rehabilitation; *employment/drug sequences LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0025 Nurco, D. Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts. Sponsored by the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Social and Rehabilitation Services and the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. Baltimore, Maryland, 1972. 128 pp.. RIS: 1:76 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated; *treatment, voluntary; *treatment, nonvoluntary; males; *blacks; whites; (total 99) SUBJECTS: *demography; *occupational status; *treatment programs; *criminality; *employment/drug sequences; *vocational rehabilitation; lifestyles LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; interviews; official records 0026 Levy, S. A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry. New York: Training for Living Institute, 1972. 20 pp.. RIS: 1:81 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, voluntary (95); males; females; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *crimes against property; *drug trafficking; *occupational drug use; *employee problems; *employee dismissals LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0027 Chambers, C. Differential Drug Use Within the New York State Labor Force. Mamaroneck, New York: Starch/Hooperating/ The Public Pulse, 1971. 41 pp.. RIS: 1:85 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *general population (7,500); males; females SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug attitudes; *demography; *occupational status; *occupational drug use LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews MAIN LISTING 0028 Rush, H. Combating employee drug abuse. Conference Board Record, 58-64, 1971. RIS: 1:93 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *employers; *employees SUBJECTS: *drug education; *employee programs; *employee dismissals; *screening and detection; Chase Manhattan Bank LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0029 Rush, H. When a company counsels the drug abuser. Conference Board Record, 11-15, 1972. RIS: 1:95 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *employers; *employees SUBJECTS: *drug education; *employer policies; *employee programs; *screening and detection; *employee dismissals; Pitney-Bowes METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0030 Levy, S.; Ramirez, E. Guidelines for Management-Labor Team Efforts: Approaches to Drug Abuse Education and Prevention in Industry. New York: Training for Living Institute and the Institute for Existential Therapy, 1971. 18 pp.. RIS: 1:97 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *employers SUBJECTS: *drug education; *employer policies; *gscreening and detection; *employee programs; *employee dismissals METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0031 Hine, C.; Wright, J. A program for control of drug abuse in industry. Occupational Health Nursing, 18:17-18, 41, 1970. RIS: 1:99 DRUGS: *hallucinogens; *stimulants; *sedatives; *opiates; *alcohol SAMPLE: *employees; *employers SUBJECTS: *drug education; *work performance; *screening and detection; *employer policies; *rehabilitation; *employee dismissals METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0032 Freedman, A. Drugs and sexual behavior. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 1(3):25-31, 1967. RIS: 2:2 DRUGS: *heroin; *cyclazocine; multi-drug SAMPLE: users; males (3); females (2) SUBJECTS: *set and setting; *sexual stimulation; *sexual behavior; *sexual functioning; *aphrodisiacs METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0033 Gay, G.; Sheppard, C. Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality?. In: Harms, E., ed. Drugs and Youth: The Challenge of Today. New York: Pergamon Press, 1973. pp. 149-163. RIS: 2:4 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient; males (25); *females (25) SUBJECTS: *sexual behavior; *set and setting; *inhibition; *sexual stimulation; *sexual functioning; *aphrodisiacs; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, Berkeley METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 0034 Linken, A. A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases. British Journal of Venereal Diseases, 44:337-341, 1968. RIS: 2:8 DRUGS: *hashish; *amphetamines; heroin; LSD SAMPLE: *hospital patients; users; males (26); *females (20) SUBJECTS: *venereal disease; *homosexuality; *sexual behavior; *drug attitudes; *sexual effects; *background characteristics; demography LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0035 Ponting, L.; Nicol, C. Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology. British Journal of Venereal Diseases, 46:111-113, 1970. RIS: 2:11 DRUGS: *hashish; *amphetamines; *methadone; *heroin; *opium SAMPLE: *hospital patients; males (146); *females (60) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *venereal disease; *drug use patterns 0036 Saghir, M. et al. Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual. American Journal of Psychiatry, 127(2):147-154, 1970. RIS: 2:14 DRUGS: *marihuana; *amphetamines; barbiturates; hallucinogens; amyl nitrite SAMPLE: homosexuals; heterosexuals; *females (100); whites SUBJECTS: *homosexuality; *drug use patterns; *psychological adjustment LOCATION: *California, San Francisco; *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *comparative; interviews 0037 Winick, C.; Kinsie, P. The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971. 320 pp.. RIS: 2:16; 17:161 DRUGS: *heroin; amphetamines; marihuana; cocaine SAMPLE: *prostitutes; *pimps; (total 2,000) SUBJECTS: *prostitution; *onset; *drug use patterns; *crime/drug sequences; *arrests; *life cycles; *sexual effects; *psychological effects; *maturing out LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews MAIN LISTING 0038 Goode, E. Drug use and sexual activity on a college campus. American Journal of Psychiatry, 128(10):1272-1276, 1972. RIS: 2:19 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (564); users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *sexual behavior; *college subcultures; *alienation LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0039 Goode, E. Marijuana and sex. Evergreen Review, 66:19-21, 72-73, 1969. RIS: 2:24 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: users (200); males; *females SUBJECTS: *sexual attitudes; *sex factors; *sexual stimulation; *perceived effects; *inhibition; *aphrodisiacs LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0040 Goode, E. Sex and marijuana. Sexual Behavior, 2(5):45-51, 1972. RIS: 2:27 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (600); users (200); nonusers; males; females SUBJECTS: *sexual behavior; *sexual stimulation; *college subcultures; *aphrodisiacs LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0041 Kolodny, R. et al. Depression of plasma testosterone levels after chronic intensive marijuana use. New England Journal of Medicine, 290(16):872-874, 1974. RIS: 2:30 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: users (20); nonusers (20); males SUBJECTS: *sexual functioning; *hepatic effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination 0042 National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse Marihuana and sexual behavior. In: Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding. Appendix, vol. 1. Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. pp. 434-439. RIS: 2:32 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *sexual behavior; *sexual effects; *sexual offenses; *sexual stimulation; *sexual attitudes; *set and setting; *inhibition; *aphrodisiacs METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0043 Angrist, B.; Gershon, S. Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis— Unresolved issues. In: Ellinwood, E., and Cohen, S., eds. Current Concepts on Amphetamine Abuse. Proceedings of a Workshop, Duke University Medical Center, June 5-6, 1970. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. pp. 193-204. RIS: 2:36 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (60); males; *females; whites SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *homosexuality; *sexual effects; *psychosis, drug; *sexual adjustment; *sexual behavior; *background characteristics; Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *questionnaires; interviews 0044 Bell, D.; Trethowan, W. Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4:74-78, 1961. RIS: 2:37; 25:395, 443 DRUGS: *amphetamines; cocaine SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (14); males; *females SUBJECTS: *sexual behavior; *adverse reactions; *homosexuality; *psychosis, drug; *sexual stimulation; *sexual adjustment; *sexual functioning LOCATION: *Australia, Sydney METHODOLOGY: *case study 0045 Greaves, G. Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 155(5):363- 365, 1972. RIS: 2:40 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients; users (25); nonusers (25); males (28); *females (22) SUBJECTS: *sexual behavior; *sexual attitudes; *sexual adjustment; *psychopathic deviation; *psychological adjustment LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; interviews 0046 Alpert, R. Drugs and sexual behavior. Journal of Sex Research, 5(1): 50-56, 1969. RIS: 2:44 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (1); male SUBJECTS: *homosexuality; *sexual behavior; *sexual identification; *therapeutic uses LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study 0047 Chessick, R. The “pharmacogenic orgasm” in the drug addict. Archives of General Psychiatry, 3:545-556, 1960. RIS: 2:47 DRUGS: *heroin; multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (50); males; females SUBJECTS: *pharmacogenic orgasms; *psychotherapy; *psychological adjustment; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *psychological tests; *questionnaires; psychiatric interviews MAIN LISTING 0048 Clark, J.; Capel, W.; Goldsmith, B.; Stewart, G. Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 497-502, 1972. RIS: 2:52 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *families (wives) (73); *methadone patients; *females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *employment; *family relationships; *sexual behavior; *treatment outcome; sleep patterns LOCATION: *Louisiana, New Orleans METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 0049 Deleon, G.; Wexler, H. Heroin addiction: Its relation to sexual behavior and sexual experience. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 81(1);36-38, 1973. RIS: 2:55 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (31); males; whites; blacks; Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *sexual behavior; *sexual functioning; *sexual stimulation; *Phoenix House LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 0050 Gardner, J. Indicators of homosexuality in the human figure drawings of heroin- and pill-using addicts. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 28:705-706, 1969. RIS: 2:58 DRUGS: *heroin; pills SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient; males (52) SUBJECTS: *homosexuality; *sexual identification; *situational factors; Samaritan Halfway Society, Inc. LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Draw-a-Person Test 0051 Hoffman, M. Drug addiction and “hypersexuality”: Related modes of mastery. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 5(4):262-270, 1964. RIS: 2:60 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *sexual behavior; *personality, addiction-prone; *depression; *interpersonal relationships; *homosexuality; *pharmacogenic orgasms; hypersexuality METHODOLOGY: *literature review; *clinical observation 0052 Irwin, J. The “normal” life of the addict and the consequences of addiction. In: The Social Careers of Heroin Addicts. NIDA grant RO-1-DA-00280, 1973. pp. 77-90. RIS: 2:63 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *civilly committed (1,248) SUBJECTS: *sexual behavior; *sexual effects; *lifestyles; *interpersonal relationships; *California Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; interviews 0053 Kurtzberg, R.; Cavior, N.; Lipton, D. Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test. Journal of Projective Techniques, 30:55-58, 1966. RIS: 2:66 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *incarcerated; addicts (59); nonaddicts (66) SUBJECTS: *mother-child relationships; *sexual identification; *homosexuality LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Draw- a-Person Test; interviews; case histories 0054 waldorf, D. Women versus men. In: Waldorf, D. Careers in Dope. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1973. pp. 159-177. RIS: 2:69 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: males (226); *females (122); *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *homosexuality; *psychological adjustment; *prostitution; *age factors; *drug laws; *family influences; *criminality; Manhattan Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews 0055 Wieland, W.; Yunger, M. Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Third National Conterence on Methadone Treatment. New York, November 14-16, 1970. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970. pp. 50-53. RIS: 2:72 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients; males (55); *females (15); blacks (22); whites (48) SUBJECTS: *homosexuality; *prostitution; *marital relationships; *sexual behavior; *sexual stimulation; *sexual functioning LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0056 Smart, R.; Krakowski, M. Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers. Journal of Drug Education, 2(3):279-288, 1972. RIS: 3:2 DRUGS: *marihuana; *tranquilizers SAMPLE: *college students (578) SUBJECTS: *information sources, media; *drug attitudes; *adverse reactions LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0057 Kowitz, A; Clark, R. Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana. Paper prepared under NIMH Grant MH 20595-01. 23 pp. RIS: 3:5 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *students (300); males; females; whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *information sources, personal; *information sources, media; *drug education models; *motivation for use LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0058 Fejer, D. et al. Sources of information about drugs among high school students. Public Opinion Quarterly, 35(2):235-241, 1971. RIS: 3:8 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *students (12,554) SUBJECTS: *information sources, personal; *information sources, media; *drug attitudes; *drug education; *geographic factors LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0059 Becker, H. S. Becoming a marihuana user. American Journal of Sociology, 59:235-242, 1953. RIS: 3:11 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: users (50) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *perceived effects; *attitude change; *motivation for use; social learning theory LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; interviews 0060 Bogg, R. et al. Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan. Lansing Michigan: Michigan State Department of Public Health, 1969. 158 pp. RIS: 3:14 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; *tobacco SAMPLE: *students (1,379) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *geographic factors; *social interactions; *drug use patterns; *information sources, personal LOCATION: *Michigan METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0061 Blum, R.; Blum, E.; Funkhouser, M. Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared. In: Richard Blum and Associates. Utopiates: The Use and Users of LSD-25. New York: Atherton Press, 1964. pp. 90-117. RIS: 3:17 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: users; nonusers; males; females; whites; (total 118) SUBJECTS: *demography; *family influences; *perceived effects; *anxiety; *self-control; *ego functioning; *marital relationships; *motivation for use; temporal factors LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews 0062 Hanneman, G. et al. Televised Drug Appeals: A Content Analysis. Drug Abuse Information Research Project Report No. 1. Storrs, Connecticut: University of Connecticut Communication Research Program, 1972. 18 pp. RIS: 3:20 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *information sources, media; *drug education, evaluation; National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information LOCATION: *Connecticut; *Florida; *California METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0063 McEwen, W.; Wittbold, G. Dimensions of Response to Public Service Drug Abuse Information. Drug Abuse Information Research Project Report No. 2. Storrs, Connecticut: University of Connecticut Communication Research Program, 1972. 21 pp. RIS: 3:23 DRUGS: marihuana; LSD; amphetamines SAMPLE: *college students (114) SUBJECTS: *drug education, evaluation; *methodological factors; University of Connecticut; persuasion strategies LOCATION: *Connecticut METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0064 Hanneman, G. Dissemination of Drug Related Information. Drug Abuse Information Research Project Report No. 3. Storrs, Connecticut: University of Connecticut Communication Research Program, 1972. 37 pp. RIS: 3:26 DRUGS: *marihuana; *amphetamines; *barbiturates; *hallucinogens; opiates SAMPLE: *college students (407); users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *information sources, media; *information sources, personal; *peer influences; University of Connecticut; National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information LOCATION: *Connecticut METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0065 Hanneman, G.; Pet, M. The Search for Drug Abuse Information. Drug Abuse Information Research Project Report rev. No. 4. Storrs, Connecticut: University of Connecticut Communication Research Program, 1972. 20 pp. RIS: 3:31 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *general population (418); males; *females SUBJECTS: *drug hot lines; *sex factors; *information sources, media; *information sources, personal LOCATION: *Connecticut METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0066 McEwen, W.; Wittbold, G. Assessing the Persuasiveness of Drug Abuse Information. Storrs, Connecticut: University ot Connecticut Communication Research Program, 1972. 11 pp. RIS: 3:34 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *college students (114) SUBJECTS: *information sources, media; *attitude change LOCATION: *Connecticut METHODOLOGY: *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0067 Hanneman, G.; McEwen, W. An Experimental Analysis of Reaction to Filmed Drug Abuse Information. Drug Abuse Information Research Project Report No. 8. Storrs, Connecticut: University of Connecticut Communication Research Program, 1972. 16 pp. RIS: 3:37 DRUGS: marihuana; LSD; amphetamines SAMPLE: *college students (30) SUBJECTS: *drug education, evaluation; *information sources, media; *perception; University of Connecticut; persuasion strategies LOCATION: *Connecticut METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; laboratory/examination 0068 Hanneman, G.; McEwen, W. Public Service Advertising and Social Problems: The Case of Drug Abuse Prevention. n.d. 12 pp. RIS: 3:40 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *college students SUBJECTS: *drug education, evaluation; *information sources, media; persuasion strategies LOCATION: *Connecticut; *Massachusetts; *Rhode Island METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey 0069 Kanter, D. et al. Pharmaceutical Advertising and Youth. Coronado, California: Coronado Unified School District, 1970. 256 pp. RIS: 3:44 DRUGS: marihuana; pep pills; tobacco SAMPLE: *students (606) SUBJECTS: curiosity; *information sources, media; *peer influences; *family influences; *environmental influences; *drug attitudes; advertising LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0070 Ianni, F. Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Use in America: Problem in Perspective. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 612-623. RIS: 3:47 DRUGS: *alcohol; *tobacco; prescription drugs; over-the- counter drugs SAMPLE: *children; *adolescents; *general population (5,085); *blacks; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *stress; *information sources, media; *information sources, personal; *socioeconomic factors; *motivation for use; *ethnic factors; advertising LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews 0071 Goldstein, H.; Whitfield, M. Effects of Electronic Media in Drug Abuse Education and Prevention. Tallahassee, Florida: State of Florida Drug Abuse Program, 1972. RIS: 3:51 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *communication theory; *drug education; *information sources, media; *attitude change; Florida State University LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *literature review; *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0072 stuart, R. Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing?. Unpublished paper. n.d. 28 pp. RIS: 3:54 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *junior high school students (935); *suburban; *middle class SUBJECTS: *drug education, evaluation; *drug knowledge; *alienation LOCATION: *Michigan METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0073 National Coordinating Council on Drug Education Drug Abuse Films. Washington, D.C.: the Council, n.d. 119 Pp. RIS: 3:57 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *drug education, evaluation; *drug education materials METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0074 Woodcock, J. Action in the schools. In: Richard Blum and Associates. Drug Dealers—Taking Action. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass, 1973. pp. 267-281. RIS: 3:60 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: educators SUBJECTS: *drug education models; *drug education, evaluation METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0075 wald, P.; Abrams, L. A. Drug education. In: The Drug Abuse Survey Project. Dealing with Drug Abuse. A Report to the Ford Foundation. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. pp. 123-172. RIS: 3:62 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: educators SUBJECTS: *drug education materials; *drug education; *information sources, media; *drug education, evaluation METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0076 National Research Council Evaluating Drug Information Programs. Washington, D.C: the Council, 1973. 111 pp. RIS: 3:65 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *drug education, evaluation; *information sources, media; *methodological factors METHODOLOGY: *descriptive MAIN LISTING 0077 Abrams, L. A; Garfield, E.; Swisher, J. Accountability in Drug Education. A Model for Evaluation. Washington, D.C.: Drug Abuse Council, 1973. 168 pp. RIS: 3:68 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: educators SUBJECTS: *drug education, evaluation; *drug attitudes; *methodological factors METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0078 Chow, S;; Ertle, V.; Keyes, D. Drug Education. PREP Report No. 36. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Pub. No. OE 72-9. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. 81 pp. RIS: 3:69 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: educators SUBJECTS: *drug education, evaluation; *drug education materials; *drug education models; typologies METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0079 Cornacchia, H.; Bentel, D.; Smith, D. Drugs in the Classroom. A Conceptual Model for School Programs. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby, 1973. 329 pp. RIS: 3:73 DRUGS: general; alcohol; tobacco SAMPLE: educators SUBJECTS: *drug education, evaluation; drug education models; drug education materials METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0080 Macro Systems, Inc. Evaluation of Drug Education Programs. Prepared for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Silver Spring, Maryland: Macro Systems, Inc., vol. 1, 1972. 76 pp. RIS: 3:74 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *adolescents; educators; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *drug education, evaluation; *drug attitudes; *drug education materials; *information sources, personal; *information sources, media; *motivation for use; ethnic factors METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0081 Swisher, J.; Crawford, J. An evaluation of a short-term drug education program. The School Counselor, 18:265-273, 1971. RIS: 3:80 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students (207) SUBJECTS: *drug education, evaluation; *drug attitudes; *drug knowledge; *drug use patterns; *attitude change LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0082 Swisher, J.; Warner, R.; Herr, E. Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 19(4): 331-332, 1972. RIS: 3:83 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *high school students (216) SUBJECTS: *drug education models; *drug knowledge; *drug attitudes; *alienation; *peer influences; *drug education, evaluation; *attitude change LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0083 Swisher, J. et al. Drug education: Pushing or preventing?. Peabody Journal of Education, 49:68-75, 1971. RIS: 3:86 DRUGS: *marihuana; LSD; amphetamines; barbiturates; opiaies SAMPLE: *college students (134); *high school students (859) SUBJECTS: *drug education; *drug attitudes; *drug knowledge LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0084 Swisher, J.; Warner, R. A Study of Four Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention. Washington, D.C.: Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education. Bureau of Research, 1971. RIS: 3:89 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *high school students SUBJECTS: *drug education models; *drug attitudes; *drug knowledge; *drug education, evaluation; counseling LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive; *questionnaires 0085 Richards, L. Psychological sophistication in current drug abuse education. In: Wittenborn, J, et al., eds. Communication and Drug Abuse. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1970. pp. 43-54. RIS: 3:91 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *drug education models; *information sources, personal; *peer influences METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0086 Stoessel, R. Exploration of attitudes of students involved with drugs. In: Keup, W., ed. Drug Abuse: Current Concepts and Research. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1972. pp. 215-220. RIS: 3:95 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *junior high school students (140); *treatment, outpatient (15); users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug knowledge; *time in treatment LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0087 Goode, E. The smoker's view of marijuana. In: The Marijuana Smokers. New York: Basic Books, 1970. pp. 69-93. RIS: 3:98 DRUGS: *marihuana; alcohol; amphetamines; LSD SAMPLE: *students; males; females; whites; *blacks; *Pyerto Ricans; (total 150) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *perceived effects; *demography; *inhibition; *interpersonal relationships; *legalization of drugs; *self-concept LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; interviews; observations 0088 Carlin, A. et al. Social facilitation of marijuana intoxication: Impact of social set and pharmacological activity. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 80(2):132-140, 1972. RIS: 3:101 DRUGS: *marihuana; *chlordiazepoxide; placebo SAMPLE: users (40); males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *cognitive effects; *set and setting; *perceived effects; *dosage LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 0089 Suchman, E. The “hang-loose” ethic and the spirit of drug use. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 9(2):146-155, 1968. RIS: 3:106 DRUGS: *marihuana; LSD; alcohol SAMPLE: *college students (497); males; females SUBJECTS: **‘hang-loose’’ ethic; *self-concept; *drug attitudes; *demography; *psychosocial attitudes; *conformity LOCATION: *United States, western METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; interviews 0090 Anker, J.; Melman, D. Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage. In: Keup, W., ed. Drug Abuse: Current Concepts and Research. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1972. pp. 202-214. RIS: 3:111 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (7,032) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *perceived effects; *demography; *legalization of drugs; State University of New York LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0091 Smart, R. Discrepancies between drug educators and students in attitudes toward marihuana: Their implications for communication. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 18(4):21-29, 1973. RIS: 3:115 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students (560); educators (62); users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *drug education; *attitude change; *drug attitudes; *legalization of drugs LOCATION: *Canada, Ontario METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires 10 0092 Glaser, D.; Snow, M. Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State. New York: Narcotic Addiction Control Commission, 1974. 82 pp.. RIS: 3:119; 21:26 DRUGS: *marihuana; *LSD; *amphetamines; *heroin SAMPLE: *general population; males; females; whites; *placks; *Puerto Ricans; (total 6,105) SUBJECTS: *drug knowledge; *drug attitudes; *drug education; *crimes against property; *ethnic factors; *geographic factors; *Narcotic Addiction Control Commission LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews 0093 McGuire, W. The nature of attitudes and attitude change. In: Lindzey, G., and Aronson, E., eds. The Handbook of Social Psychology. vol. 3. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison Wesley Publishing, 1969. pp. 136-314. RIS: 3:122 SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *communication theory; *attitude change METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0094 McGuire, W. Designing communications to change attitudes regarding drug abuse. In: Wittenborn, J., et al., eds. Communications and Drug Abuse. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1970. pp. 79-107. RIS: 3:125 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *communication theory; *drug attitudes; *attitude change; *information sources, personal; persuasion strategies METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0095 Schwartz, E. Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Dissertation Abstracts, 33(10):1973. RIS: 3:128 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students (292); males; *females SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug education; *information sources, personal; *sex factors; *attitude change; *communication theory; *peer influences; *|egalization of drugs; persuasion strategies; counseling LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *iongitudinal; *descriptive survey; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0096 Horan, J.; Swisher, J. Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Educational Research Association, April 6, 1972, Chicago, Illinois. 8 pp.. RIS: 3:131 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *college students (34); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *attitude change; *value orientation; *drug education models; *cognitive dissonance; Pennsylvania State University LOCATION: *Pennsylvania METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0097 Rommetveit, R. Verbal communication and social influence: A theoretical framework and some reflections concerning implications for public education on drugs and drug abuse. In: Wittenborn, J., et al., eds. Communication and Drug Abuse. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1970. pp. 69-78. RIS: 3:135 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *drug education; *communication theory METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0098 Smith, J. P. Drug communication processes: Problems and targets. In: Wittenborn, J., et al., eds. Communication and Drug Abuse. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1970. pp. 133-146. RIS: 3:137 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *drug education; *communication theory; *drug attitudes METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0099 White, E.; Schoolar, J.; Cohen, C. Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers. In: Wittenborn, J., et al., eds. Communication and Drug Abuse. Springfield, lllinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1970. pp. 253-263. RIS: 3:140 DRUGS: *LSD; general SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (40); *college students (40); males; *females SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *personality factors; *drug attitudes; *psychosocial attitudes; *parent-child relationships; *conformity; intentionality; communication gaps LOCATION: *Texas, Houston METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; *MMPI; *Thematic Apperception Test; *Interpersonal Check List 1 314-297 0 - 80 - 3 0100 Soloway, I. Videotape Recording of Narcotic Addicts in Group Therapy: The Analysis of Communicational and Interactive Behavior. Unpublished thesis, 1971. 77 Pp. RIS: 3:143 DRUGS: *heroin; *morphine SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (4); males; females SUBJECTS: *psychotherapy; *communication theory; *drug subcultures; *social interactions; nonverbal behavior LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 0101 Davis, F.; Munoz, L. Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 9(2):156-164, 1968. RIS: 4:6; 25:42 DRUGS: *LSD; *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *hippies SUBJECTS: *typologies; *hippie subcultures; *background characteristics; *drug use patterns; *drug subcultures LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; observations 0102 Klein, J; Phillips, D. From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working- class community. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 9(2):139-145, 1968. RIS: 4:9 DRUGS: *marihuana; *heroin; *alcohol; pills SAMPLE: *adolescents (40 + ); males; whites; *working class SUBJECTS: *gangs; *drug use patterns; *drug availability LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; interviews 0103 Cloward, R.; Ohlin, L. Delinquency and Opportunity: A Theory of Delinquent Gangs. Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press, 1960. pp. 178- 186. RIS: 4:13 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *adolescents; *lower class SUBJECTS: *retreatist behavior; *delinquency; *gangs; *deviance; sociocultural influences; differential association theory METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0104 Feldman, H. American way of drugging. Street status and drug users. Society, 10(4):32-38, 1973. RIS: 4:15 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *adolescents; adults; whites; *blue collar; (total 150) SUBJECTS: *typologies; *drug subcultures; *psychological effects; *risk-taking LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; interviews; observations MAIN LISTING 0105 Keniston, K. Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society. American Scholar, 38(1):97- 112, 1968-1969. RIS: 4:18 DRUGS: *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *college students SUBJECTS: *typologies; *personality factors; *alienation; *hippie subcultures; *sociocultural influences; *goal orientation; *college subcultures; *motivation for use; counterculture METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0106 Londergan, S.; Wilson, R.; McGrath, J. Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community. Paper presented at 1971 Rural Sociological Society Meeting, Denver Colorado. 41 Pp. RIS: 4:21 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *adolescents; *rural; *suburban SUBJECTS: *demography; *drug use patterns; *drug attitudes; *information sources, personal; *deviance; *peer influences; *geographic factors; *alienation; *drug education LOCATION: *United States, eastern METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *Qquestionnaires 0107 Foulks, E.; Eisenman, R. An analysis of a peer network using psychedelic drugs. Psychiatric Quarterly, 43:389-395, 1969. RIS: 4:25 DRUGS: *hallucinogens SAMPLE: users (5); males SUBJECTS: *stress; *social interactions; *personality factors; *self-treatment; *peer subcultures LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; *psychological tests; observations 0108 Preble, E.; Laury, G. Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 2(2):271-281, 1967. RIS: 4:28 DRUGS: *inhalants SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients; *children; *adolescents; users (60); males; females; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites; *lower class SUBJECTS: *psychological adjustment; *social interactions; *health status; deviance LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Bender-Gestalt; *Rorschach; *House-Tree-Person test; *WISC; interviews; laboratory/examination; observations 0109 Braucht, G.; Brakarsh, D.; Follingstad, D.; Berry, K. Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates. Psychological Bulletin, 79(2):92-106, 1973. RIS: 4:30 DRUGS: *opiates; marihuana; LSD; methamphetamine; alcohol SAMPLE: *adolescents SUBJECTS: *sociocultural influences; *parental influences; *peer influences; *personality factors; *methodological factors METHODOLOGY: *literature review 12 0110 Goode, E. The Drug Phenomenon: Social Aspects of Drug Taking. Indianapolis, Indiana: Bobbs-Merrill, 1973. RIS: 4:32 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *drug availability; *parental drug use; *peer influences; *deviance; *perceived effects; *drug subcultures METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0111 Goode, E. Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user. In: The Marijuana Smokers. New York: Basic Books, 1970. pp. 122-138. RIS: 4:35 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: users (150); males; females; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *peer influences; *drug attitudes; *onset; *perceived effects; *drug subcultures; social learning theory LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0112 Kandel, D. Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers. Science, 181:1067-1081, 1973. RIS: 4:38 DRUGS: *marihuana; multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students (8,206); *parents (5,574) SUBJECTS: *peer influences; *parental influences; *parental drug use; *delinquency; differential association theory LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0113 Lucas, W.; Grupp, S.; Schmitt, R. Predicting who will turn on. In: Grupp, S., et al. The Marijuana Muddle. Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books, 1973. pp. 33-53. RIS: 4:42 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (120) SUBJECTS: *peer influences; *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *drug availability; *prediction LOCATION: *Illinois METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *questionnaires; interviews 0114 Johnson, B. Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1973. pp. 29-50. RIS: 4:45 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students; males (1,692); females (1,779); *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *deviance; *ethnic factors; *peer subcultures LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; *Peer Culture Index MAIN LISTING 0115 Gergen, M,; Gergen, K.; Morse, S. Correlates of marijuana use among college students. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2(1):1-16, 1972. RIS: 4:52 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (5,000 + ); users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *demography; *family influences; *academic achievement; *alienation; *political orientation; *goal orientation LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0116 Tec, N. Differential involvement with marijuana and its socio- cultural context: A study of suburban youths. International Journal of the Addictions, 7(4):655-669, 1972. RIS: 4:56 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students (1,704); *suburban SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *peer influences; *sociocultural influences; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *United States, eastern METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0117 Tec, N. Family and differential involvement with marihuana: A study of suburban teenagers. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 32(4):656-664, 1970. RIS: 4:59 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students (1,074); *suburban SUBJECTS: *family influences; *parental drug use LOCATION: *United States, eastern METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0118 seldin, N. The family of the addict: A review of the literature. International Journal of the Addictions, 7(1):97-107, 1972. RIS: 4:63 DRUGS: *heroin SUBJECTS: *family influences; *psychological adjustment; *mother-child relationships; *sociocultural influences; *marital relationships; *peer subcultures; *addiction models; differential association theory METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0119 Chein, I; Gerard, D; Lee, R.; Rosenfeld, E. The individual environment. In: Chein, I. et al. The Road to H: Narcotics, Delinquency, and Social Policy. New York: Basic Books, 1964. pp. 109-148. RIS: 4:67 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *adolescents (252); *delinquents; users; nonusers; males; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *delinquency; *family influences; *goal orientation; *sociocultural influences; *ethnic factors; *stress; *peer influences; *typologies; *socioeconomic factors LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; interviews; official records 13 0120 Chein, I. et al. The family of the addict. In: Chein, |. et al. The Road to H: Narcotics, Delinquency, and Social Policy. New York: Basic Books, 1964. pp. 251-275. RIS: 4:77 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts (30); nonaddict controls (29); *adolescents; adults; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *ego functioning; *paternal influences; *mother-child relationships; *sexual identification LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlaticnal; interviews 0121 Haastrup, S.; Thomsen, K. The social backgrounds of young addicts as elicited in interviews with their parents. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 48:146-173, 1972. RIS: 4:80; 23:81 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (250); *parents (187) SUBJECTS: *parental influences; *schizophrenia; *socioeconomic factors; *parental drug use LOCATION: *Denmark METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 0122 Hirsch, R. Group therapy with parents of adolescent drug addicts. Psychiatric Quarterly, 35:702-710, 1961. RIS: 4:83 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *parents (4); males; females; whites SUBJECTS: *psychotherapy; *parent-child relationships; *psychological adjustment; *parental influences LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *case study 0123 Wolk, R.; Diskind, M. Personality dynamics of mothers and wives of drug addicts. Crime and Delinquency, 7(2):148-152, 1961. RIS: 4:86 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *parolees (344); *families; males SUBJECTS: *mother-child relationships; *maternal influences; *marital relationships; paternal influences LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; observations 0124 Attardo, N. Psychodynamic factors in the mother-child relationship in adolescent drug addiction: A comparison of mothers of schizophrenics and mothers of normal adolescent sons. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 13(4):249- 255, 1965. RIS: 4:89 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *mothers SUBJECTS: *mother-child relationships; *schizophrenia LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; interviews MAIN LISTING 0125 Rosenberg, C. The young addict and his family. British Journal of Psychiatry, 118(545):469-470, 1971. RIS: 4:92 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *barbiturates SAMPLE: *parents (35); *adolescents (87); users (35); nonusers (52) SUBJECTS: *family influences; *parent-child relationships; *sibling differences; *health status; *psychological adjustment LOCATION: *Australia, Sydney METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews 0126 Blum, R. et al. Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1972. 327 pp.. RIS: 4:95 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *hippies; *families (211); *blacks; *Mexican- Americans; whites; *middle class; *blue collar SUBJECTS: *family influences; *parental drug use; *hippie subcultures; *peer influences; *psychological adjustment; *value orientation; *socioeconomic factors; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *California, San Francisco - METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; interviews; official records; observations 0127 Robbins, L. et al. College Student’s Perceptions of their Parents’ Attitudes and Practices toward Drug Use. Paper presented at 42nd Annual Meeting, Eastern Psychological Association, New York, April 15-17, 1971. 8 pp.. RIS: 4:102 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (12,142) SUBJECTS: *parental drug use; *parental influences; *drug use patterns; *demography LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0128 Losciuto, L.; Karlin, R. Correlates of the generation gap. Journal ot Psychology, 81:253-262, 1972. RIS: 4:105 DRUGS: *marihuana; tobacco; alcohol SAMPLE: *high school students (2,362); males; females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *parent-child relationships; *alienation; *demography LOCATION: *Pennsylvania METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0129 Smart, R; Fejer, D. Relationships between parental and adolescent drug use. In: Keup, W., ed. Drug Abuse: Current Concepts and Research. Springfield, lllinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1972. pp. 146-153. RIS: 4:108 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students (8,568); males; females SUBJECTS: *parental drug use; *parental influences; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *Canada, Ontario METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 14 0130 Mellinger, G. Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users?. Journal of Drug Issues, 1:274- 285, 1971. RIS: 4:113 DRUGS: *marihuana; *psychotherapeutics SAMPLE: *general population (1,164); males; *females; *suburban SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *age factors; *demography; *drug availability; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0131 Pittel, S. et al. Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 10(4):640-660, 1971. RIS: 4:118 DRUGS: *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *hippies (250); users; males; females; *middle class SUBJECTS: *parental influences; *academic achievement; *ego functioning; *social interactions; *demography; *stress; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews 0132 Ppittel, S. Drugs and the adolescent experience. Journal of Drug Issues, 1:215-236, 1971. RIS: 4:121 DRUGS: *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *hippies (250); users; males; females; middle class SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *social interactions; *sociocultural influences; *drug education models; *hippie subcultures; *perception LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive survey; interviews 0133 Hartmann, D. A study of drug-taking adolescents. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 24:384-398, 1969. RIS: 4:124 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (12); *adolescents; adults; males; females; *middie class SUBJECTS: *ego functioning; *psychotherapy; *parental influences; *psychological adjustment; *motivation for use LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0134 Rosenberg, C. Young drug addicts: Background and personality. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 148(1):65-73, 1969. RIS: 4:128 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *marihuana; *barbiturates; *LSD SAMPLE: *hippies; *treatment, inpatient (50); males; females SUBJECTS: *parental influences; *psychological adjustment; *anxiety; *psychopathy; *alienation; *neurosis; *drug subcultures LOCATION: *Australia, Sydney METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Eysenck Personality Inventory; *IPAT Anxiety Scale; *Raven's Progressive Matrices; interviews; official records 0135 Falek, A; Einstein, S. Genetics and drug abuse: A primer for workers in the field. Drug Forum, 2(4):377-394, 1973. RIS: 5:2 DRUGS: general; LSD SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *chromosome damage; *congenital defects; *synergistic effects; *methodological factors METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0136 Crow, J. Epidemiological surveillance of human populations for mutational hazards. In: Epstein, S., ed. Drugs of Abuse, Their Genetic and Other Chronic Nonpsychiatric Hazards. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1971. pp. 196-200. RIS: 5:5 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *chromosome damage; *congenital defects; *teratogenic effects METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0137 Forfar, J.; Nelson, M. Epidemiology of drugs taken by pregnant women: Drugs that may affect the fetus adversely. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 14(4-part2):632- 642, 1973. RIS: 56:7 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *pregnant women (911) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *teratogenic effects LOCATION: *Scotland, Edinburgh METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *retrospective; interviews; hospital records 0138 Brazelton, T. Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate. American Journal of Psychiatry, 126(9):1261-1266, 1970. RIS: 5:10 DRUGS: *barbiturates; *LSD; *codeine; progesterone; *tranquilizers SAMPLE: *infants SUBJECTS: *pregnancy effects; *withdrawal, infants; *chromosome damage; *prenatal care; *teratogenic effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 15 0139 Sussman, S. Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 106(3):325-330, 1963. RIS: 5:12 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *heroin; *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *pregnant women (19); *infants (23) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal addiction, diagnosis; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *prenatal care; *dosage; *pregnancy effects LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *case study 0140 Neumann, L. Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant. In: Harms, E., ed. Drugs and Youth: The Challenge of Today. New York: Pergamon Press, 1973. pp. 1-32. RIS: 5:15 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin; multi-drug SAMPLE: *pregnant women; *infants SUBJECTS: *pregnancy effects; *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *infant mortality; *infections; *teratogenic effects; *malaria; *neonatal characteristics; menstruation; infertility METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0141 Neuberg, R. Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth, 77:1117-1122, 1970. RIS: 5:19 DRUGS: *heroin; *amphetamines; *LSD; *marihuana; *barbiturates SAMPLE: *pregnant women; *infants SUBJECTS: *teratogenic effects; *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *neonatal characteristics; *chromosome damage; *pregnancy effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0142 Desmond, M. et al. Maternal barbiturate utilization and neonatal withdrawal symptomatology. Journal of Pediatrics, 80(2):190- 197, 1972. RIS: 5:22 DRUGS: *barbiturates; *heroin SAMPLE: *infants (28) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *neonatal characteristics; environmental influences LOCATION: *Texas, Houston METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *comparative 0143 Bleyer, W.; Marshall, R. Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome in a passively addicted infant. Journal of the American Medical Association, 221(2):185-186, 1972. RIS: 5:26 DRUGS: *barbiturates SAMPLE: *pregnant women (1); *infants (1); whites SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *pregnancy effects LOCATION: *Washington, Seattle METHODOLOGY: *case study MAIN LISTING 0144 Long, S. Does LSD induce chromosomal damage and malformations? A review of the literature. Teratology, 6(1):75-90, 1972. RIS: 5:30 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: *infants; users SUBJECTS: *chromosome damage; *teratogenic effects; *congenital defects; *methodological factors METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0145 Titus, R. Lysergic acid diethylamide: Its effects on human chromosomes and the human organism in utero. A review of current findings. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 7(4):701-714, 1972. RIS: 5:32 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: *infants; users SUBJECTS: *chromosome damage; *congenital defects; *methodological factors; *teratogenic effects; *pregnancy effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0146 Greenblatt, D.; Shader, R. Adverse effects of LSD: A current ve. Connecticut Medicine, 34(12):895-902, 1970. RIS: 5:36 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *chromosome damage; *congenital defects; *methodological factors; *teratogenic effects METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0147 Smart, R.; Bateman, K. The chromosomal and teratogenic effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: A review of the current literature. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 99:805-810, 1968. RIS: 5:38 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: *infants; users SUBJECTS: *chromosome damage; *teratogenic effects; *methodological factors METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0148 Dumars, K. Parental drug usage: Effects upon chromosomes of progeny. Pediatrics, 47(6):1037-1041, 1971. RIS: 5:40 DRUGS: *LSD; multi-drug SAMPLE: *infants (67) SUBJECTS: *chromosome damage LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *comparative; laboratory/examination 0149 warren, R; Rimoin, D.; Sly, W. LSD exposure in utero. Pediatrics, 45:466-469, 1970. RIS: 5:43 DRUGS: *LSD; marihuana; peyote SAMPLE: *infants (1); *parents (2) SUBJECTS: *chromosome damage; *pregnancy effects; *synergistic effects LOCATION: *Missouri, St. Louis METHODOLOGY: *case study; laboratory/examination 16 0150 Stenchever, M.; Jarvis, J. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): Effect on human chromosomes in vivo. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 106(4):485-488, 1970. RIS: 5:45 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: *infants (1); users (12); nonusers (8) SUBJECTS: *chromosome damage LOCATION: *Ohio METHODOLOGY: *comparative; laboratory/examination 0151 Hirschborn, K.; Cohen, M. Drug-induced chromosomal aberrations. Annals of the New York Academy ot Sciences, 151(2):877-897, 1968. RIS: 5:48 DRUGS: *LSD; chlorpromazine; diphenylhydramine SAMPLE: infants; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *chromosome damage; *congenital defects; *dosage; *pregnancy effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination 0152 Jacobson, C.; Berlin, C. Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users. Journal of the American Medical Association, 222(11):1367- 1373, 1972. RIS: 5:51 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *LSD SAMPLE: *pregnant women (140); *infants (148); *hippies; whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *prenatal care; *teratogenic effects; *background characteristics; *pregnancy effects; *congenital defects; spontaneous abortions LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *clinical observation; laboratory/examination; interviews 0153 Eller, J.; Morton, J. Bizarre deformities in offspring of user of lysergic acid diethylamide. New England Journal of Medicine, 283:395-397, 1970. RIS: 5:54 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: *infants (1); female SUBJECTS: *congenital defects; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *Colorado, Denver METHODOLOGY: *case study 0154 Barton, W. A statistical study of infants born with withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia. Medical Annals of the District of Columbia, 42(6):287-290, 1973. RIS: 5:58 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *pregnant women; *infants SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *prenatal care; *screening and detection; *epidemiology LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0155 Lin-Fu, J. Neonatal Narcotic Addiction. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967. 11 pp.. RIS: 5:61 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *pregnant women; *infants SUBJECTS: *pregnancy effects; *epidemiology; *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal addiction, diagnosis; *infant mortality; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *prenatal care; *neonatal characteristics METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0156 Krause, S. et al. Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 75(4):754-758, 1958. RIS: 5:64 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone; barbiturates; belladonna; paregoric SAMPLE: *pregnant women (18); *infants (18) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *infant mortality; *congenital defects; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *neonatal characteristics LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 0157 Stone, M. et al. Narcotic addiction in pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 109(5):716-723, 1971. RIS: 5:66 DRUGS: *heroin; barbiturates; tranquilizers; chlorpromazine SAMPLE: *pregnant women (382); *infants (382); *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *prenatal care; *pregnancy effects; *demography; *dosage; *withdrawal; *infant mortality; *neonatal addiction, treatment; prostitution; Metropolitan Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 0158 stern, Roy The pregnant addict: A study of 66 case histories, 1950- 1959. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 94:253-257, 1966. RIS: 5:69 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *pregnant women (66); *infants (70) SUBJECTS: *prenatal care; *pregnancy effects; Metropolitan Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 0159 Zelson, C.; Rubio, E.; Wasserman, E. Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation. Pediatrics, 48(2):178-189, 1971. RIS: 5:71 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *infants (384) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *congenital defects; *infant mortality; *dosage; *neonatal characteristics; Metropolitan Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 17 0160 Schulman, C. Alterations of the sleep cycle in heroin-addicted and “suspect” newborns. Neuropaediatrie, 1:89-100, 1969. RIS: 5:74 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *infants (24) SUBJECTS: *neonatal characteristics; sleep patterns LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; laboratory/examination 0161 Blinick, G.; Tavolga, W.; Antopol, W. Variations in birth cries of newborn infants from narcotic- addicted and normal mothers. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 110(7):948-958, 1971. RIS: 5:77 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *infants (369) SUBJECTS: *neonatal addiction, diagnosis; *neonatal characteristics; birth cries LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; observations 0162 Glass, L.; Rajegowda, B.; Kahn, E; Floyd, M. Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid- base status in the newborn. New England Journal of Medicine, 286(14):746-748, 1972. RIS: 5:80 DRUGS: *heroin; phenobarbital SAMPLE: *infants (41) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *neonatal addiction, diagnosis; *respiratory effects LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; laboratory/examination 0163 Kiain, D.; Krauss, A.; Auld, P. Tachypnea and alkalosis in infants of narcotic-addicted mothers. New York State Journal of Medicine, 72(3):367-368, 1972. RIS: 5:83 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *infants (9) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal characteristics LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 0164 Naeye, R. et al. Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and of stress. Journal of Pediatrics, 83(6):1055-1061, 1973. RIS: 5:85 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *pregnant women; *infants; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *prenatal care; *teratogenic effects; *neonatal characteristics; *pregnancy effects; *infections LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *comparative; hospital records MAIN LISTING 0165 Glass, L.; Rajegowda, B.; Evans, H. Absence of respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants of heroin-addicted mothers. Lancet, 2:685- 686, 1971. RIS: 5:88 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *infants (156) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *respiratory effects METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 0166 Behrendt, H.; Green, M. Nature of the sweating deficit of prematurely born neonates: Observations on babies with the heroin withdrawal syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine, 286(26):1376-1379, 1972. RIS: 5:90 DRUGS: *heroin; epinephrine; nicotine; acetylcholine SAMPLE: *infants (239) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal characteristics 0167 Hill, R.;; Desmond, M. Management of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome in the neonate. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 10:67- 86, 1963. RIS: 5:93 DRUGS: *opiates; paregoric; methadone; barbiturates; reserpine; chlorpromazine SAMPLE: *infants; males (2); females (2) SUBJECTS: *neonatal addiction, treatment; *withdrawal, infants; *infant mortality; *prenatal care LOCATION: *Texas, Houston METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; case histories 0168 Kahn, E.; Neumann, L.; Polk, G. The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine. Journal of Pediatrics, 75(3):495-500, 1969. RIS: 5:95 DRUGS: *heroin; *phenobarbital; *chlorpromazine SAMPLE: *infants (38) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal addiction, treatment LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *experimental 0169 Nathenson, G.; Golden, G.; Litt, I. Diazepam in the management of the neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome. Pediatrics, 48(4):523-527, 1971. RIS: 5:98 DRUGS: *diazepam; *heroin; methadone SAMPLE: *infants (18); males; females SUBJECTS: *neonatal addiction, treatment; *withdrawal, infants LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination; observations 18 0170 Statzer, D.; Wardell, J. Heroin addiction during pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 113(2):273-278, 1972. RIS: 5:102 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin; barbiturates SAMPLE: *methadone patients (150); *infants (100); *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *routes of administration; *neonatal characteristics; *prenatal care; *dosage; *methadone maintenance LOCATION: *Michigan, Detroit METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive; laboratory/ examination 0171 Maslansky, R.; Sukov, R;; Beaumont, G. Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Third National Conterence on Methadone Treatment. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971. pp. 56-61. RIS: 5:105 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin; *LSD SAMPLE: *infants (4); *methadone patients (4); whites; blacks SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *teratogenic effects; *congenital defects; *neonatal characteristics LOCATION: *Minnesota METHODOLOGY: *case study; laboratory/examination; observations 0172 Pierson, P.; Howard, P.; Kleber, H. Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone-maintained addicts. Journal of the American Medical Association, 220(13):1733-1744, 1972. RIS: 5:108 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin; chlorpromazine SAMPLE: *infants (3); pregnant women SUBJECTS: *infant mortality; *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal characteristics; *methadone maintenance; sudden deaths LOCATION: *Connecticut METHODOLOGY: *case study 0173 Rajegowda, B. et al. Methadone withdrawal in newborn infants. Journal of Pediatric Research, 81(3):532-534, 1972. RIS: 5:111 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *infants (53) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal characteristics; neonatal addiction, treatment LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *clinical observation 0174 wallach, R,; Jerez, E.; Blinick, G. Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 105(8):1226-1229, 1969. RIS: 5:114 DRUGS: *methadone; heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (90) SUBJECTS: *Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program; *methadone maintenance; *pregnancy effects; menstruation LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive MAIN LISTING 0175 Rementeria, J.; Nunag, N. Narcotic withdrawal in pregnancy: Stillbirth incidence with a case report. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 116(8):1152-1156, 1973. RIS: 5:118 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *pregnant women; *infants SUBJECTS: *infant mortality; *teratogenic effects; *withdrawal LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *case study 0176 Finnegan, L. et al. Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome. Contemporary Drug Problems, 1(4):795-809, 1972. RIS: 5:121 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *pregnant women (85); *infants SUBJECTS: *prenatal care; *pregnancy effects; *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal characteristics; Philadelphia General Hospital LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; hospital records; observations 0177 Zelson, C; Lee, S.; Casalino, M. Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone. New England Journal of Medicine, 289(23):1216-1220, 1973. RIS: 5:124 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin; chlorpromazine SAMPLE: *infants (91) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *prenatal care; *neonatal characteristics; neonatal addiction, treatment; Metropolitan Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *clinical observation; laboratory/examination 0178 Reddy, A.; Harper, R.; Stern, G. Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn. Pediatrics, 48(3):353-357, 1971. RIS: 5:127 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone; paregoric; phenobarbital SAMPLE: *infants (40); males; females; blacks; Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *congenital defects; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *neonatal characteristics; *infant mortality LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *retrospective; laboratory/examination 0179 Finnegan, L.; Connaughton, J.; Emich, J. Abstinence score in the treatment of the infant of the drug-dependent mother. Pediatric Research, 7(4):319, 1973. RIS: 5:132 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *infants SUBJECTS: *neonatal addiction, diagnosis; *neonatal addiction, treatment; Philadelphia General Hospital LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; observations 19 0180 Glass, L.; Evans, H. Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn. American Family Physician, 6(1):75-78, 1972. RIS: 5:133 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *pregnant women; *infants SUBJECTS: *prenatal care; *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal characteristics; *infant mortality METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0181 Glass, L. et al. Effect of heroin on cortisol production in pregnant addicts and their fetuses. Pediatric Research, 7(4):320, 1973. RIS: 5:134 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *pregnant women; *infants SUBJECTS: *teratogenic effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; laboratory/examination 0182 Kandall, S.; Gartner, L. Delayed presentation of neonatal methadone withdrawal. Pediatric Research, 7(4):320, 1973. RIS: 5:135 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *infants (46) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0183 Kron, R; Litt, M.; Finnegan, L. Behavior of infants born to narcotic-addicted mothers. Pediatric Research, 7(4):292, 1973. RIS: 5:136 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone; paregoric; phenobarbital SAMPLE: *infants (50) SUBJECTS: *neonatal addiction, treatment; *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal characteristics LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; laboratory/examination 0184 Lipsitz, P.; Blatman, S. The early neonatal period of 100 live-borns of mothers on methadone. Pediatric Research, 7(4):404, 1973. RIS: 5:137 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *infants (100) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal addiction, diagnosis; *neonatal characteristics LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0185 Naeye, R.; Blanc, W.; Leblanc, W. Heroin and the fetus. Pediatric Research, 7(4):321, 1973. RIS: 5:138 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *infants SUBJECTS: *teratogenic effects; *prenatal care; *pregnancy effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; laboratory/examination MAIN LISTING 0186 Naeye, R; Blanc, W.; Leblanc, W. Postmortem findings in offspring of heroin addicts. Laboratory Investigation, 28(3):392-393, 1973. RIS: 5:139 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *infants SUBJECTS: *teratogenic effects; *infant mortality LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0187 zelson, C; Lee, S. Neonatal addiction-exposure to heroin and methadone. Pediatric Research, 7(4):289, 1973. RIS: 5:140 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *infants SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal characteristics LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *questionnaires; laboratory/examination 0188 Lerner, M,; Nurco, D. Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 5(4):693-715, 1970. RIS: 6:2 DRUGS: *barbiturates; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *fatalities (464) SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *deaths, classification; *demography; *suicides; *death rates; *deaths, accidental; *life cycles LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; medical examiner reports 0189 Gottschalk, L. et al. The Development of a Uniform System for Reporting and Recording Drug-Related Deaths. Orange, California: Research and Education Foundation, Orange County Medical Center, Psychiatry Department, 1973. vol. 1, 405 pp. vol. 2, Appendices. RIS: 6:6 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *coroners; *medical examiners; *social service personnel SUBJECTS: *deaths, classification; *deaths, drug-related LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews 0190 Laskowitz, D.; Jones, F. A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls. In: Harms, E., ed. Drug Addiction in Youth. New York: Pergamon Press, 1965. pp. 99-106. RIS: 6:10 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *adolescents; *fatalities (24); *treatment, inpatient (24); *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *suicides; *adulterants; *social interactions; *deaths, drug-related; impulsivity; physical energy; restlessness; Riverside Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *Rorschach; *Bellevue-Wechsler 1.Q. 20 0191 Sanborn, D,; Casey, T.; Niswander, G. Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI. Diseases of the Nervous System, 32:183-187, 1971. RIS: 6:13 DRUGS: *hallucinogens; *stimulants SAMPLE: users (12); *suicide cases (12); *treatment, inpatient; *adolescents; males SUBJECTS: *psychological adjustment; *personality factors; *schizophrenia; *suicides; *paranoia LOCATION: *New Hamphsire, Concord METHODOLOGY: *psychological tests; *MMPI 0192 Berger, F. Drugs and suicide in the United States. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 8(2):219-223, 1967. RIS: 6:17 DRUGS: *barbiturates; *tranquilizers SAMPLE: *suicide cases (2,666) SUBJECTS: *suicides; *death rates; *depression; *toxicity LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; official records 0193 Ross, M. Suicide among physicians. Psychiatry in Medicine, 2(3):189-198, 1971. RIS: 6:19 DRUGS: general; alcohol SAMPLE: *physicians; *medical students; males; *females SUBJECTS: *suicides; *physician drug use; *depression; *sex factors; *health status; *psychological adjustment; *psychotherapy; *psychological effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0194 |anzito, B. Attempted suicide by drug ingestion. Diseases of the Nervous System, 31(7):453-458, 1970. RIS: 6:21 DRUGS: *barbiturates; *tranquilizers SAMPLE: *overdose cases (95); males; *females SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *demography; *medical treatment; *suicides; *sex factors; *interpersonal relationships; *comas; psychiatric diagnosis; Rhode Island Hospital LOCATION: *Rhode Island, Providence METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; hospital records 0195 Frederick, C.; Resnick, H.; Wittlin, B. Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction. Archives of General Psychiatry, 28:579-585, 1973. RIS: 6:25 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients; *treatment; *adolescents; males; females; *blacks; whites; (total 268) SUBJECTS: *Narcotics Treatment Administration; *depression; *risk-taking; *suicides; *ethnic factors; *psychosocial attitudes LOCATION: *District of Columbia; *Maryland METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *Morbidity Attitude Survey Scale; *Self-Rating Depression Scale MAIN LISTING 0196 Baden, M. Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts. Human Pathology, 31(1):91-95, 1972. RIS: 6:28 DRUGS: *heroin; *alcohol; *methadone SAMPLE: *fatalities (6); males; females; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *homicides; *suicides; *accidents, fatal; *methadone maintenance; *postmortem diagnosis; *hepatic effects; *alcoholism LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; medical examiner reports 0197 Brecher, E. et al. The “heroin overdose” mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction. In: Licit and lllicit Drugs. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1972. pp. 101-114. RIS: 6:34 DRUGS: *heroin; *alcohol; *barbiturates; quinine SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *postmortem diagnosis; *pulmonary effects; *cerebral effects; *adulterants; *tolerance; *synergistic effects LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0198 wilson, E.; Fisher, R. Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968. Maryland State Medical Journal, 18(10):49-52, 1969. RIS: 6:37 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *fatalities (9); males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *deaths, drug-related; *age factors; *tcierance; *drug potency; *death rates; sudden deaths LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *case study; *retrospective; medical examiner reports 0199 Wetli, C.; Davis, J.; Blackbourne, B. Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies. Archives of Pathology, 93(4):330-343, 1972. RIS: 6:39 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *fatalities (100); males; females; *blacks; whites; *Spanish-speaking SUBJECTS: *demography; *overdoses; *suicides; *hepatic effects; *pulmonary effects; *lymphatic effects; *postmortem diagnosis LOCATION: *Florida METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; hospital records; police records; laboratory/examination 21 0200 Sapira, J.; Ball, J.; Penn, H. Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts. Journal of Chronic Diseases, 22:733-742, 1970. RIS: 6:42 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *fatalities (385); *treatment, inpatient; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *NIMH Clinical Research Centers; *infections; *postmortem diagnosis; *cardiovascular effects; *age factors; *deaths, violent; *deaths, drug-related; *deaths, natural; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; program/clinic statistics; laboratory/examination 0201 Baden, M. Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view. New York State Journal of Medicine, 72(7):834-840, 1972. RIS: 6:45 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana; *cocaine; LSD SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *deaths, drug-related; *infections; *homicides; *suicides; *screening and detection; *accidents, fatal; *hepatic effects; *tetanus; *cardiovascular effects LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; medical examiner reports 0202 selis, S.; Chatham, L.; Retka, R. A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971. Contemporary Drug Problems, 1(4):665-706, 1972. RIS: 6:47 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (9,276); males; females; whites; *blacks; *Mexican-Americans; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *death rates; *deaths, violent; *deaths, drug- related; *ethnic factors; *methadone maintenance; *age factors; *deaths, natural; *Drug Abuse Reporting Program LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; program/clinic statistics 0203 Mason, P. Mortality among young narcotic addicts. Journal of Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, 34:4-10, 1967. RIS: 6:50 DRUGS: *heroin; *barbiturates; alcohol SAMPLE: *fatalities (74); males (66); *females (8); *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *ethnic factors; *sex factors; *death rates; *schizophrenia; *psychological adjustment; *suicides; *tolerance; *self-treatment; *risk-taking; *situational factors; Riverside Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; medical examiner reports; official records MAIN LISTING 0204 Cherubin, C. et al. The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts. American Journal of Epidemiology, 96(1):11-22, 1972. RIS: 6:53 DRUGS: *opiates; *alcohol SAMPLE: *fatalities (591); *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *pulmonary effects; *death rates; *demography; *infections; *hepatic effects; *overdoses; seasonal variations LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; medical examiner reports; official records 0205 Helpern, M. Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem. In: Keup, W., ed. Drug Abuse: Current Concepts and Research. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1972. pp. 51-63. RIS: 6:57 DRUGS: *heroin; amphetamines; barbiturates; morphine SAMPLE: *fatalities; *adolescents; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *situational factors; *overdoses; *infections; *death rates; *demography; *postmortem diagnosis; *deaths, drug-related; *pulmonary effects; *tetanus LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; medical examiner reports 0206 Helpern, M.; Rho, Y. Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings. New York State Journal of Medicine, 66(18):2391-2408, 1966. RIS: 6:62 DRUGS: *heroin; morphine; meperidine SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *malaria; *death rates; *demography; *pulmonary effects; *overdoses; *tetanus; *postmortem diagnosis; *occupational status LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; medical examiner reports 0207 Helpern, M. Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings. Human Pathology, 3(1):13-21, 1972. RIS: 6:65 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *fatalities; males; females SUBJECTS: *death rates; *tetanus; *demography; *postmortem diagnosis; *malaria; *occupational status LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; medical examiner reports 22 0208 Larrier, D. et al. Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970. Contemporary Drug Problems, 4(4):711-725, 1972. RIS: 6:67 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *fatalities; males; females; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *demography; *homicides; *deaths, drug-related; *accidents, fatal; *deaths, natural; *death rates; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; official records; medical examiner reports 0209 Bewley, T.; Ben-Arie, O.; Marks, V. Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques. British Medical Journal, 1:730-732, 1968. RIS: 6:71 DRUGS: *heroin; *cocaine SAMPLE: *hospital patients; addicts; (total 455) SUBJECTS: *hepatic effects; *routes of administration; needle-sharing; Tooting Bec Hospital LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *descriptive survey; case histories; *questionnaires; laboratory/ examination 0210 Cherubin, C. Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City. Archives of Internal Medicine, 121:156-158, 1968. RIS: 6:75 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *hospital patients (114); males; *females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *infections; *tetanus; *routes of administration; *deaths, drug-related; *respiratory effects; *medical treatment; *ethnic factors; *sex factors; Metropolitan Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 0211 Cherubin, C. The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction. Annals of Internal Medicine, 67(1):23-33, 1967. RIS: 6:78 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *demography; *deaths, drug-related; *pulmonary effects; *infections; *medical treatment; *hepatic effects; sudden deaths LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *literature review MAIN LISTING 0212 Rho, Y. Infections as fatal complications of narcotism. New York State Journal of Medicine, 72(7):823-830, 1972. RIS: 6:79 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *fatalities (2,463) SUBJECTS: *infections; *cardiovascular effects; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *tetanus; *routes of administration; *hepatic effects; *malaria; *pulmonary effects; *lymphatic effects LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; medical examiner reports 0213 Baden, M. Pathologic aspects of drug addiction. In: National Academy of Sciences. Problems of Drug Dependence, 1969. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Scientific Meeting, Committee on Problems ot Drug Dependence. Washington, D.C.: the Academy, 1969. pp. 5792-5798. RIS: 6:83 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *routes of administration; *physiological effects; *deaths, drug-related; *suicides; *screening and detection; *tetanus; sudden deaths LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 0214 Siegel, H. Human pulmonary pathology associated with narcotic and other addictive drugs. Human Pathology, 3(1):55-66, 1972. RIS: 6:85 DRUGS: *heroin; methadone SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *pulmonary effects; *deaths, drug-related; *postmortem diagnosis; *geographic factors METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0215 Siegel, H.; Helpern, M.; Ehrenreich, T. The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 11(1):1-16, 1966. RIS: 6:87 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *fatalities (100) SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *pulmonary effects; *adulterants; *hepatic effects; *postmortem diagnosis; *lymphatic effects LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 23 0216 Siegel, H.; Bloustein, P. Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 15:179-184, 1970. RIS: 6:90 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *pulmonary effects; *postmortem diagnosis; *hepatic effects; *lymphatic effects LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 0217 Johnston, E.; Goldbaum, L.; Whelton, R. Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases. Medical Annals of the District of Columbia, 38(7):375-380, 1969. RIS: 6:93 DRUGS: *opiates; *morphine SAMPLE: *fatalities (30) SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *deaths, drug- related; *homicides; *accidents, fatal; *postmortem diagnosis; *adulterants; *pulmonary effects; sudden deaths LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 0218 Pearson, J.; Challenor, Y.; Baden, M.; Richter, R. The neuropathology of heroin addiction. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 31(1):165-166, 1972. RIS: 6:96 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *adulterants; *physiological effects; *deaths, drug-related; *routes of administration; *dosage; *hypersensitivity reactions; *comas LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 0219 Adelman, L.; Aronson, S. The neuropathologic complications of narcotics addiction. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 45(2):225-234, 1969. RIS: 6:97 DRUGS: *heroin; *morphine SAMPLE: *fatalities (11) SUBJECTS: *infections; *cardiovascular effects; *cerebral effects; Kings County Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; hospital records MAIN LISTING 0220 Force, E; Fisher, R.; Millar, J. Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction. Archives of Environmental Health, 26(3):111-119, 1973. RIS: 6:99 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *fatalities; addicts; (total 287) SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *pulmonary effects; *death rates; *hepatic effects; *hypersensitivity reactions; seasonal variations LOCATION: *Maryland; *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; medical examiner reports; interviews 0221 Setter, J.; Maher, J.; Schreiner, G. Barbiturate intoxication. Archives of Internal Medicine, 117(2):224-236, 1966. RIS: 6:103 DRUGS: *barbiturates SAMPLE: *overdose cases; males (36); *females (127); blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *deaths, drug- related; *comas; *medical treatment; *dosage; *physiological effects; Georgetown University Hospital LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 0222 Richman, A; Orlaw, R. Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 93(26):1336-1339, 1965. RIS: 6:106 DRUGS: *barbiturates; *alcohol SAMPLE: *fatalities; males; females SUBJECTS: *suicides; *deaths, drug-related; *death rates; *deaths, accidental LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; official records 0223 Davis, J.; Bartlett, E.; Termini, B. Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. |. Major and minor tranquilizers. Diseases of the Nervous System, 29(3):157-164, 1968. RIS: 6:108 DRUGS: *tranquilizers SAMPLE: *overdose cases (945) SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *deaths, drug-related; *physiological effects; *comas; *toxicity LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *literature review; *secondary analysis; official records 24 0224 Peele, R.; Von Loetzen, I. Phenothiazine deaths: A critical review. American Journal of Psychiatry, 130(3):306-309, 1973. RIS: 6:111 DRUGS: *phenothiazine SAMPLE: *fatalities; males (85); *females (74) SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *sex factors; *age factors; cardiac deaths; seasonal variations; lethal catatonia; sudden deaths LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis; *comparative 0225 Matthew, H.; Roscoe, P.; Wright, N. Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs. The Practitioner, 208:254-258, 1972. RIS: 6:113 DRUGS: *barbiturates SAMPLE: *overdose cases (1,176) SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *deaths, drug-related; *medical treatment; *comas; *renal effects; *cardiovascular effects; *respiratory effects LOCATION: *Scotland, Edinburgh METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; program/clinic statistics 0226 Kramer, J. Introduction to amphetamine abuse. In: Ellinwood, E., and Cohen, S., eds. Current Concepts on Amphetamine Abuse. Proceedings of a workshop, Duke University Medical Center, June 5-6, 1970. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. pp. 177-184. RIS: 6:116; 25:206 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *barbiturates; *chlorpromazine SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *infections; *deaths, drug-related; *hepatic effects; *medical treatment; *cerebral effects; *tolerance; *toxicity; *pulmonary effects; *deaths, violent LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0227 Davis, J.; Bartlett, E.; Termini, B. Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents. Diseases of the Nervous System, 29:246-256, 1968. RIS: 6:118 DRUGS: *antidepressants; *barbiturates; *amphetamines; *sedatives; alcohol SAMPLE: *overdose cases (214) SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *deaths, drug-related; *physiological effects; *suicides; *medical treatment; *comas; *synergistic effects; *toxicity LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *literature review; *secondary analysis; official records MAIN LISTING 0228 Koch, B. et al. Renal papillary necrosis and abuse of analgesics. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 98:8-15, 1968. RIS: 6:120 DRUGS: *analgesics; barbiturates; bromides; salicylates SAMPLE: *hospital patients; males (9); *females (17); *aged SUBJECTS: *renal effects; *deaths, drug-related; motivation for use LOCATION: *Canada, Ottawa METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *comparative; hospital records 0229 Sturner, W.; Garriott, J. Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period. Journal of the American Medical Association, 223(10):1125-1130, 1973. RIS: 6:123 DRUGS: *barbiturates; *alcohol; *propoxyphene SAMPLE: *fatalities (41); males; females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *suicides; *deaths, natural; *accidents, fatal; *homicides; *deaths, drug-related; *postmortem diagnosis; *synergistic effects LOCATION: *Texas, Dallas METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination; official records 0230 Baden, M. Methadone related deaths in New York City. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 5(6):489-498, 1971. RIS: 6:125 DRUGS: *methadone; *barbiturates; *amphetamines; *heroin; *alcohol SAMPLE: *fatalities (32) SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *overdoses; *suicides; *homicides; *hepatic effects; *deaths, natural; *methadone maintenance LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; medical examiner reports 0231 Roizin, L. et al. Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts. Psychiatric Quarterly, 46(3):393-410, 1972. RIS: 6:128 DRUGS: *methadone; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *fatalities (12) SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *respiratory effects; *pulmonary effects; *methadone maintenance; *hepatic effects; *infections; *deaths, violent; *accidents, fatal; *synergistic effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *literature review; *clinical observation; laboratory/examination 0232 Smart, R.; Bateman, K. Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 97:1214-1221, 1967. RIS: 6:131 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *psychosis, drug; *suicides; *homicides; *background characteristics; *toxicity; *situational factors; *dosage; *psychological adjustment METHODOLOGY: *literature review 25 0233 Robinson, A. Recovery of cannabis constituents from the hands at autopsy. Bulletin on Narcotics, 23(3):37-40, 1971. RIS: 6:134 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *fatalities (4) SUBJECTS: *postmortem diagnosis LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 0234 wyse, D. Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 108:71-74, 1973. RIS: 6:135 DRUGS: *inhalants SAMPLE: *adolescents SUBJECTS: *age factors; *physiological effects; *deaths, drug-related; *medical treatment; *peer influences; *cerebral effects; *cardiovascular effects; *sex factors; *socioeconomic factors; *drug use patterns; sudden deaths; tolerance METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0235 Whelton, A.; Snyder, O.; Walker, W. Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970. Johns Hopkins Medical Journal, 132(3):157-167, 1973. RIS: 6:139 DRUGS: *heroin; *barbiturates; salicylates; glutethimide SAMPLE: *overdose cases (519); males; *females SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *overdoses; *deaths, drug- related; *cardiovascular effects; *pulmonary effects; *background characteristics; *suicides; *epidemiology; Johns Hopkins Hospital LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; hospital records 0236 Fiddle, S. Notes on the heroin addict and his culture. In: Portraits from a Shooting Gallery. New York: Harper and Row, 1967. pp. 21-54. RIS: 7:2 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *typologies; *anxiety; *retreatist behavior; *psychological effects; *alienation METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0237 Rubington, E. Drug addiction as a deviant career. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 2(1):3-20, 1967. RIS: 7:5 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *addiction careers; *drug laws; *drug subcultures; *deviance METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical MAIN LISTING 0238 Gregory, R. The eye of the beholder: An important variable in addiction typologies. International Journal of the . Addictions, 6(1):161-166, 1971. RIS: 7:8 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *value orientation; *sociocultural influences; #personality factors; *typologies; *addiction models METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0239 Stephens, R.; Levine, S. The “street addict role”: Implications for treatment. Psychiatry, 34(4):351-357,1971. RIS: 7:10 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *street addicts SUBJECTS: *typologies; *lifestyles; *treatment models; *addiction careers; *‘‘conning”’ METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0240 Nurco, D. Transferability of addict life styles into socially acceptable occupations. In: Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Social and Rehabilitation Services and the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. Baltimore Maryland, 1972. pp. 58-76. RIS: 7:13 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *employment, addict; *vocational rehabilitation; *typologies; *drug trafficking METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0241 Feldman, H. Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 9(2):131-139, 1968. RIS: 7:15 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *ghettos; *addiction models; *typologies; *epidemiology; *ethnic factors; *motivation for use; *socioeconomic factors LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; observations 0242 Newmeyer, J. The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco. Unpublished paper. Haight-Ashbury Medical Clinic, San Francisco, California. 9 pp.. RIS: 7:18 DRUGS: *heroin; alcohol; cocaine; hallucinogens SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (561) SUBJECTS: *typologies; *demography; *life cycles; *drug use patterns; *background characteristics; *psychosocial attitudes; *onset; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 26 0243 Gay, G.; Winkler, J.; Newmeyer, J. Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 4(1):53-64, 1971. RIS: 7:21 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (1,539); males; *females SUBJECTS: *typologies; *drug use patterns; *sex factors; *background characteristics; *multiple drug use LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *comparative; program/clinic statistics 0244 Gay, G.; Smith, D.; Sheppard, C. Yesterday's Flower Child is Today’s Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction. New York: Insight Publishing, 1972. 3 pp.. RIS: 7:24 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (1,254) SUBJECTS: *typologies; *background characteristics; *|ife cycles; *drug use patterns; *self-treatment; *multiple drug use; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *comparative; program/clinic statistics 0245 Brotman, R.; Freedman, A. A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968. RIS: 7:27; 17:176; 21:84 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (253); hospital staff (33); *placks; *Puerto Ricans; whites; males SUBJECTS: *typologies; *demography; *psychological adjustment; *drug attitudes; *onset; *criminality; *treatment outcome; *abstinence LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive survey; interviews 0246 Brotman, R.; Meyer, A; Freedman, A. An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 6(2):104-118, 1965. RIS: 7:35; 21:114 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (253); males; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *typologies; *criminality; *lifestyles; *treatment models LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0247 Finestone, H. Cats, kicks, and color. In: O'Brien, R., ed. Readings in General Sociology. 4th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1964. pp. 255-260. RIS: 7:38 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts; males; *blacks SUBJECTS: *typologies; *lifestyles; **‘conning’’; *hustling; *self-concept; *sociocultural influences; *drug attitudes; *drug subcultures LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; interviews MAIN LISTING 0248 Hughes, P.; Jaffe, J. The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity. Archives of General Psychiatry, 24(5):394-400, 1971. RIS: 7:50 DRUGS: *heroin; marihuana; amphetamines; hallucinogens SAMPLE: males; females; *blacks; *middle-aged SUBJECTS: *copping; *drug subcultures; *epidemiology; *demography; *onset LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *ethnography 0249 Agar, M. Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Heroin Addicts. New York: Seminar Press, 1973. 173 pp.. RIS: 7:53 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient SUBJECTS: *hustling; *copping; *lifestyles; *drug subcultures; *motivation for use LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *ethnography 0250 Proctor, M. The habit. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 6(1):5- 18,1971. RIS: 7:56 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *drug subcultures; *self-concept; *onset; *therapeutic communities; *methadone maintenance; Exodus House LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0251 Powell, D. A pilot study of occasional heroin users. Archives of General Psychiatry, 28:586-594, 1973. RIS: 7:60 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *occasional heroin users (12); males; females; *middle class SUBJECTS: *motivation for use; *chipping; *background characteristics; *sociocultural influences; *drug use patterns; *personality factors; *drug attitudes LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *California Psychological Inventory; *Rorschach; *State-Trait Anxiety Scale; interviews; Visual Impressions Test 0252 Brown, B. S.; Gauvey, S.; Meyers, M.; Stark, S. In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 6(4):635-645, 1971. RIS: 7:65 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; *treatment, voluntary; *treatment, nonvoluntary; *adolescents; males (182); *females (36); *blacks SUBJECTS: *motivation for use; *life cycles; *criminal background; *peer influences; *sex factors; *treatment models; *onset; *crime/drug sequences; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 314-297 0 - 80 - 4 0253 Ray, M. The cycle of abstinence and relapse among heroin addicts. Social Problems, 9:132-140, 1961. RIS: 7:73 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts (17) SUBJECTS: *life cycles; *abstinence; *lifestyles; *drug subcultures; *drug relapse; background characteristics LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study 0254 O'Donnell, J. The relapse rate in narcotic addiction: A critique of follow- up studies. In: Wilner, D., and Kassebaum, G., eds. Narcotics. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. pp. 226- 246. RIS: 7:76 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *prediction; sex factors; age factors; voluntary treatment; time in treatment; compulsory treatment; *treatment outcome; *abstinence; *drug relapse; *life cycles; *screening and detection; *background characteristics METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0255 Schasre, R. Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin-users. International Journal of the Addictions, 1(2):23-32, 1966. RIS: 7:78 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts; ex-addicts; males; *Mexican-Americans (80) SUBJECTS: *life cycles; *abstinence; *sociocultural influences; *drug availability; *personality, addiction- prone; *onset LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0256 Winick, C. The 35 to 40 age dropoff. In: Proceedings of the White House Conterence on Narcotic and Drug Abuse. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962. pp. 153-160. RIS: 7:81 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *maturing out; *age factors; *life cycles; *onset LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis; official records 0257 winick, C. The life cycle of the narcotic addict and of addiction. Bulletin on Narcotics, 16(1):1-11, 1964. RIS: 7:83 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *middle-aged; *aged; young adult SUBJECTS: *maturing out; *life cycles; *onset; *age factors LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis; official records MAIN LISTING 0258 vaillant, G. The natural history of narcotic drug addiction. Seminars in Psychiatry, 2(4):486-498, 1970. RIS: 7:89 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *posttreatment SUBJECTS: *sociocultural influences; *background characteristics; *delinquency; *family influences; *abstinence; *employment; *compulsory treatment; *methadone maintenance; *therapeutic communities; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals; *treatment outcome LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective 0259 O'Donnell, J. A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 34:948-954, 1964. RIS: 7:93 DRUGS: *opiates; barbiturates SAMPLE: *posttreatment (266); males; *females; whites SUBJECTS: *deaths, natural; *abstinence; *drug relapse; *drug availability; *sex factors; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals; *treatment outcome LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; program/clinic statistics; laboratory/examination; interviews 0260 vaillant, G. A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: I. The relation of treatment to outcome. American Journal of Psychiatry, 122(7):729-740, 1966. RIS: 7:96 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *posttreatment; males; *blacks (50); whites (50) SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *criminality; *abstinence; *background characteristics; *incarceration; *family influences; *compulsory treatment; *age factors; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals; *time in treatment LOCATION: Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; program/clinic statistics; interviews; *correlational 0261 vaillant, G. A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence. American Journal of Psychiatry, 123(5):573-585, 1966. RIS: 7:101 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *posttreatment (60) SUBJECTS: *abstinence; *criminality; *employment; *psychological adjustment; *family influences; *compulsory treatment; *treatment outcome; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *retrospective; interviews 28 0262 Richman, A. et al. Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963. American Journal of Public Health, 62(7):1002-1007, 1972. RIS: 7:104 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *posttreatment (500); males; *females; *blacks; *Spanish-speaking; whites SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *detoxification; *Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *comparative 0263 Richman, A. Follow-up of criminal narcotic addicts. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 112:107-115, 1966. RIS: 7:107 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts; males; *females SUBJECTS: *abstinence; *maturing out; *sex factors LOCATION: *Canada, British Columbia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *retrospective; official records 0264 Duvall, H.; Locke, B.; Brill, L. Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization. Public Health Reports, 78(3):185-193, 1963. RIS: 7:109; 17:196; 21:106 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *posttreatment (453); blacks; Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *abstinence; *drug arrests; *drug relapse; *criminality; *employment; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *longitudinal 0265 Trussell, R.; Alksne, H.; Elinson, J.; Patrick, S. A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users. New York: Columbia University School of Public Health, 1959. 17 pp.. RIS: 7:112 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *posttreatment (247); *adolescents; *Puerto Ricans; whites; *blacks SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *abstinence; *drug relapse; *life cycles; *psychological adjustment; *treatment outcome; Riverside Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *retrospective; interviews; official records 0266 Perkins, M.; Bloch, H. A study of some failures in methadone treatment. American Journal ot Psychiatry, 128(1):47-51, 1971. RIS: 7:116 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *posttreatment; blacks (20); Spanish-speaking; whites (33) SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *treatment outcome; *background characteristics; *criminality; *abstinence; *health status LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *questionnaires; program/clinic statistics; interviews MAIN LISTING 0267 Nurco, D. Analysis of a community-wide population of narcotic addicts. Description of an on-going research project; abstract supplied by principal investigator. RIS: 7:119 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *demography; *life cycles; *epidemiology; *methodological factors LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive; interviews; police records 0268 Berzins, J.; Ross, W. Locus of control among opiate addicts. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 40(1):84-91, 1973. RIS: 7:122 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; *college students; males; *females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *locus of control; *sex factors; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers; University of Kentucky; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *Rotter’s |I-E Scale 0269 Sutker, P.; Allain, A. Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison. Psychological Reports, 32(1):243-246, 1973. RIS: 7:128 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *incarcerated; *treatment; *street addicts; nonusers SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *psychological adjustment; *environmental influences; *lifestyles; *Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act Program LOCATION: *Louisiana, New Orleans METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *MMPI 0270 Gendreau, P.; Gendreau, L. The “addiction-prone” personality: A study of Canadian heroin addicts. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 2(1):18-25, 1970. RIS: 7:130 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *incarcerated (133) SUBJECTS: *personality, addiction-prone; *addiction models LOCATION: *Canada, Ontario METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *MMPI; *Beta 1Q Test 2 0271 Stewart, G.; Waddell, K. Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone. In: National Association for Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Methadone Treatment. San Francisco, California, January 8-10, 1972. New York: the Association, 1972. pp. 141-144. RIS: 7:133 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients; *street addicts; *blacks; whites; (total 218); nonusers SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *schizophrenia; *criminality; *background characteristics; *employment; *treatment outcome; *psychopathic deviation LOCATION: *Louisiana, New Orleans METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *MMPI; *psychological tests; *Eysenck Personality Inventory 0272 Sheppard, C.; Fracchia, J.; Ricca, E.; Merlin, S. Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness. Journal of Psychology, 81(2):351-360, 1972. RIS: 7:136; 19:54 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (336); males (336) SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *neurosis; *personality, addiction-prone; *treatment models; *methadone maintenance; *paranoia; *sociopathy LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *MMPI 0273 Pittel, S. Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 4(1):40- 45,1971. RIS: 7:139 DRUGS: *heroin; *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient; *treatment, voluntary; (total 235) SUBJECTS: *typologies; *personality factors; *ego functioning; *stress; *drug subcultures; *anxiety; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *MMPI 0274 Gay, G. et al. The Psychotic Junkie. New York: Insight Publishing, 1972. 4pp.. RIS: 7:145 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (1) SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *psychotherapy; *psychological effects; *onset; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *case study MAIN LISTING 0275 Monroe, J. The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self. Journal of Social Psychology, 85(2):239-249, 1971. RIS: 7:148 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (c.150); males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *drug subcultures; *peer influences; *value orientation; *self-concept LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *Addict Identification Scale 0276 Nurco, D. An ecological analysis of narcotic addicts in Baltimore. International Journal of the Addictions, 7(2):341-353, 1972. RIS: 7:151 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts (833) SUBJECTS: *delinquency; *criminality; *socioeconomic factors; *geographic factors; *sociopathy; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; police records 0277 williams, J. E.; Bates, W. Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts. International Journal of the Addictions, 5(2):245-256, 1970. RIS: 7:154 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; *females; *blacks (58); whites (114) SUBJECTS: *geographic factors; *ethnic factors; *age factors; *drug use patterns; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; program/clinic statistics; *retrospective 0278 Cuskey, W.; Moffett, A; Clifford, H. Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967. HSMHA Health Reports, 86(4):332-40, 1971. RIS: 7:156 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (457); *females; whites (239); *blacks (218) SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *age factors; *geographic factors; *educational history; *marital relationships; *employment; *criminality; *drug relapse; *lifestyles; *treatment models; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *comparative; program/clinic statistics 30 0279 Chambers, C.; Hinesley, R.; Moldestad, M. Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison. International Journal of the Addictions, 5(2):257-278, 1970. RIS: 7:159 DRUGS: *opiates; *marihuana SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; *females; *blacks (57); *Pyerto Ricans (4); whites (107) SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *demography; *family influences; *criminality; *psychological adjustment; *onset; *treatment programs; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *comparative; program/clinic statistics; interviews 0290 Glaser, F. Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. I. A comparison with addict controls. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 1(2):47-59, 1966. RIS: 7:162 DRUGS: *opiates; *codeine; marihuana SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; *females (55); blacks (13); whites (39) SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *ethnic factors; *geographic factors; *onset; *psychological adjustment; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals; medical addiction; *motivation for use LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *comparative; program/clinic statistics; psychiatric interviews 0291 Ellinwood, E.; Smith, W.; Vaillant, G. Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison. International Journal of the Addictions, 1(2):33- 45,1966. RIS: 7:165 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; *females (30); males (81) SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *demography; *background characteristics; *family influences; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *comparative; psychiatric interviews 0292 Wellisch, D.; Gay, G.; McEntee, R. The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population. Family Process, 9(4):425-430, 1970. RIS: 7:168 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts; males; *females SUBJECTS: *homosexuality; *lifestyles; *family influences; *sexual behavior; *interpersonal relationships; *psychopathic deviation; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *MMPI MAIN LISTING 0293 Preble, E. Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 1(1):3-41, 1966. RIS: 7:176 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *adolescents (c. 400); *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *sociocultural influences; *delinquency; *coping; *ghettos; *gangs; *addiction careers; *socioeconomic factors LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *ethnography 0294 Ball, J; Lau, M. The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States. Social Forces, 45(1):68-72, 1966. RIS: 7:179 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (137); males; *Asian- Americans SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *background characteristics; *criminality; *employment; *motivation for use; *epidemiology; *ethnic factors; *treatment outcome; *sociocultural influences; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *retrospective; program/ clinic statistics 0295 Bates, W. Narcotics, negroes and the south. Social Forces, 45(1):61- 67, 1966. RIS: 7:182; 21:80 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; males; *blacks (20,300); whites (73,300) SUBJECTS: *geographic factors; *ethnic factors; *epidemiology; *age factors; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington; *Texas, Fort Worth METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *statistical survey; program/clinic statistics 0296 Chambers, C.; Moffett, A; Jones, J. Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 3(2), 1968. RIS: 7:185 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana; barbiturates SAMPLE: males (98); *females (57); *blacks SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *drug use patterns; *sex factors; *arrests; *family influences; *onset; *drug offenses; *drug relapse; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *comparative; interviews 31 0297 Chambers, C.; Cuskey, W.; Moffett, A. Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans. Public Health Reports, 85(6):523-531, 1970. RIS: 7:188 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (271); males (247); *females (24); *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *demography; *arrests; *criminal recidivism; *epidemiology; *employment, addict; *sex factors; *onset; *geographic factors; *drug relapse; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington; *Texas, Fort Worth METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *retrospective; program/ clinic statistics 0298 Maddux, J.; Berliner, A; Bates, W. Addiction careers. In: Maddux, J., et al. Engaging Opioid Addicts in a Continuum of Services. A Community- based Study in San Antonio Area. Fort Worth, Texas: Texas Christian University Press, 1971. pp. 64-71. RIS: 7:191 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment (100); *treatment personnel; males; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *addiction careers; *family influences; *peer influences; *drug use patterns; *onset; *life cycles; *motivation for use; *drug subcultures; *abstinence LOCATION: *Texas, San Antonio METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; interviews 0299 vaillant, G. Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 142(6):534-539, 1966. RIS: 7:194 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *posttreatment; males; *blacks (171); *Puerto Ricans (130); whites (187) SUBJECTS: *geographic mobility; *ethnic factors; *parental influences; *sociocultural influences; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; program/clinic statistics; official records 0300 Nurco, D.; Lerner, M. Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system. Journal of Drug Issues, 2(2):49-56, 1972. RIS: 7:200 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *heroin SAMPLE: *incarcerated (669); males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *criminality; *drug use patterns; *onset; *peer influences; *sociopathy; *age factors; *anomie; *drug availability LOCATION: *Maryland METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records; interviews MAIN LISTING 0301 Capel, W.; Goldsmith, B.; Waddell, K.; Stewart, G. The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades. Journal of Gerontology, 27(1):102- 106,1972. RIS: 7:203 DRUGS: *opiates; marihuana; barbiturates SAMPLE: *middle-aged; *aged; addicts SUBJECTS: *maturing out; *drug use patterns; *peer influences; *sociopathy; *demography; *criminality; *anomie; *onset; *treatment programs LOCATION: *Louisiana, New Orleans METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 0302 Ramer, B; Smith, D.; Gay, G. Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 7(3):461-465, 1972. RIS: 7:206 DRUGS: *heroin; multi-drug SAMPLE: *adolescents SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *therapeutic communities; *demography; *methadone maintenance; *treatment models; *background characteristics; *Haight- Ashbury Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 0303 Siegel, A. The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview. Journal of the American Medical Association, 223(11):1258-1261, 1973. RIS: 7:208 DRUGS: *heroin; marihuana; barbiturates; amphetamines SAMPLE: *military SUBJECTS: *drug availability; *physiological effects; *medical treatment; *onset; *routes of administration; *withdrawal; *psychological adjustment; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *Asia, Southeast METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *questionnaires 0304 Robins, L.; Murphy, G. Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men. American Journal of Public Health, 57(9):1580-1596, 1967. RIS: 7:212 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana; multi-drug SAMPLE: *general population; males; *blacks (235) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *ethnic factors; *drug arrests; *onset; *family influences; *delinquency LOCATION: *Missouri, St. Louis METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; interviews; official records 0305 Dai, B. Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach. In: Burgess, E., and Bogue, D., eds. Contributions to Urban Sociology. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, 1964. pp. 643-654. RIS: 7:215 DRUGS: *opium SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *sociocultural influences; *geographic factors; *background characteristics; *motivation for use; *personality factors; *onset LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *history; interviews; official records 32 0306 Chambers, C.; Taylor, W. Patterns of “cheating” among methadone maintenance patients. In: Keup, W., ed. Drug Abuse: Current Concepts and Research. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1972. pp. 328-336. RIS: 7:224 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *methadone patients (40) SUBJECTS: *‘‘cheating’’; *screening and detection; *multiple drug use; *methadone maintenance LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; interviews; urinalysis 0307 Schuster, C.; Smith, B.; Jaffe, J. Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self- administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine. Archives of General Psychiatry, 24(4):359-367, 1971. RIS: 7:227 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone; *codeine; *pentazocine; placebo SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (88) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *abuse potential; *dosage LOCATION: *llinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *experimental 0308 Inciardi, J.; Chambers, C. Patterns of pentazocine abuse. In: Keup, W., ed. Drug Abuse: Current Concepts and Research. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1972. pp. 337-351. RIS: 7:230 DRUGS: *pentazocine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1,494) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *background characteristics; *drug availability; *perceived effects; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers; *Narcotic Addiction Control Commission; Philadelphia General Hospital LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; program/clinic statistics 0309 Langrod, J. Secondary drug use among heroin users. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 5(4):611-635, 1970. RIS: 7:233 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (422); males; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *background characteristics; *ethnic factors; *drug availability; *onset; *therapeutic communities; *multiple drug use; *Phoenix House LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0310 Watkins, T.; Chambers, C. Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts. In: Keup, W., ed. Drug Abuse: Current Concepts and Research. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1972. pp. 307-312. RIS: 7:237 DRUGS: *oxymorphone; *heroin SAMPLE: *NARA patients (309); males; females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *ethnic factors; *drug preferences LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; interviews MAIN LISTING 0311 Isbell, H. Perspectives in research on opiate addiction. In: Wilner, D., and Kassebaum, G., eds. Narcotics. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. pp. 36-50. RIS: 7:240 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *addiction models; *physiological effects; *personality factors; *background characteristics; *maturing out METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0312 Ausubel, D. Causes and types of narcotic addiction: A psycho-social view. Psychiatric Quarterly, 35:523-531, 1961. RIS: 7:242 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *addiction models; *drug availability; *personality factors; *ghettos; *sociocultural influences; *withdrawal METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0313 Lindesmith, A. Narcotic addiction. In: Burgess, E., and Bogue, D., eds. Contributions to Urban Sociology. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, 1964. pp. 616-628. RIS: 7:244 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts (70) : SUBJECTS: *addiction models; *personality factors; *drug policy; *withdrawal; *drug availability; *drug law effects LOCATION: *lilinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; interviews 0314 Lindesmith, A. Habituation and addiction. In: Addiction and Opiates. Chicago: Aldine Publishing, 1968. pp. 47-67. RIS: 7:246 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *addiction models; *drug relapse; *physiological effects; *withdrawal METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0315 Lindesmith, A. Problems in the social psychology of addiction. In: Wilner, D., and Kassebaum, G., eds. Narcotics. New York: NcGraw-Hill, 1965. pp. 118-139. RIS: 7:248 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *addiction models; *personality, addiction- prone; *motivation for use; *retreatist behavior; *perceived effects; *withdrawal METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 33 0316 Laskowitz, D. Psychological characteristics of the adolescent addict. In: Harms, E., ed. Drug Addiction in Youth. New York: Pergamon Press, 1965. pp. 67-85. RIS: 7:251 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *adolescents SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *addiction models; *psychological adjustment; *personality, addiction- prone; *onset; *motivation for use METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0317 Phillips, J.; Wynne, R. A Cocaine Bibliography Nonannotated. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 8. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1974. 131 pp.. RIS: 8 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: psychosocial factors; sociolegal factors; ethnocultural factors; treatment; physiology—animal studies; behavorial—animal studies; pharmacology; chemical detection; chemical properties; botanical/ cultivation; physiology—human studies 0318 silverberg, R. Overview of drug themes in science fiction. In: Drug Themes in Science Fiction. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 9. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974. 55 pp.. RIS: 9:3 DRUGS: *LSD; *mescaline; *marihuana; *hallucinogens; soma; moksha; tempus SUBJECTS: *science fiction; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *drug attitudes; fantasy; technology; drug themes; totalitarianism; utopianism; western industrial society; morality METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0319 Pratt, F; Lester, I. The Roger Bacon formula. Amazing Stories, 3(10):940- 948,1929. RIS: 9:12 DRUGS: *mind expanders, mandragordeum; mandragordeum SUBJECTS: *science fiction 0320 Harris, C. The diabolical drug. Amazing Stories, 4(2):156-161,1929. RIS: 9:12 DRUGS: *mind controllers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; aging; psychological effects 0321 Huxley, A. Brave New World. London, England: Chatto and Windus, 1932. 214 pp.. RIS: 9:13 DRUGS: * panaceas, soma SUBJECTS: *science fiction; utopianism 0322 Keller, D. The literary cork screw. Wonder Stories, 5(8):867- 873,1934. RIS: 9:13 DRUGS: *intelligence enhancers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; pain MAIN LISTING 0323 Herbert, B. The control drug. Wonder Stories, 6(6):669-675,1934. RIS: 9:14 DRUGS: * euphorics SUBJECTS: *science fiction; emotions; physiological effects 0324 Fearn, J. He never slept. Astounding Stories, 13(4):56-67,1934. RIS: 9:14 DRUGS: *intelligence enhancers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; perception; dreams 0325 Bartel, P. The elixer of progress. Wonder Stories, 6(11):1286- 1304,1935. RIS: 9:15 DRUGS: *coffee; * euphorics SUBJECTS: *science fiction; stimulation 0326 Hamilton, E. The truth gas. Wonder Stories, 6(5):1060-1071,1935. RIS: 9:15 DRUGS: * mind controllers; truth gas SUBJECTS: *science fiction; honesty 0327 Barnes, A. Emotion solution. Wonder Stories, 7(8):955-963,1936. RIS: 9:18 DRUGS: *mind controllers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; emotions 0328 smith, C. The Plutonian drug. Amazing Stories, 9(5):41-48,1934. RIS: 9:18 DRUGS: *mind expanders, plutonium SUBJECTS: *science fiction; time-perception 0329 Coblentz, S. The glowworm flower. Astounding Stories, 17(4):22- 29,1936. RIS: 9:19 DRUGS: *euphorics; glowworm flower SUBJECTS: *science fiction; opium-like visions 0330 Gatter, G. Emotion gas. Wonder Stories, 7(8):967-971,1936. RIS: 9:19 DRUGS: * mind controllers; * euphorics, emotion gas SUBJECTS: *science fiction; euphoria; depression 0331 Wellman, M. Dream-dust from Mars. Thrilling Wonder Stories, 11(1):14-28,1938. RIS: 9:20 DRUGS: * panaceas; dream-dust SUBJECTS: *science fiction; dreams 0332 Binder, E. The hormone menace. Thrilling Wonder Stories, 8(1):34- 47,1936. RIS: 9:20 DRUGS: *mind controllers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; mental abilities 34 0333 Kyle, D. Golden nemesis. Stirring Science Stories, 1(1):28- 34,1941. RIS: 9:21 DRUGS: *mind expanders, *LSD SUBJECTS: *science fiction; intelligence 0334 Hall, C. The time drug. Tales of Wonder, 1(5):62-73,1938. RIS: 9:21 DRUGS: * mind expanders SUBJECTS: *science fiction; time-perception 0335 Slesar, H. | remember oblivion. Fantasy and Science Fiction 30(3):36-43,1966. RIS: 9:22 DRUGS: * mind controllers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; brainwashing; criminality 0336 Pohl, F. What to do until the analyst comes. In: Alternating Currents. New York: Ballantine Books, 1956. pp. 143- 154. RIS: 9:22 DRUGS: * panaceas; Cheery-Gum SUBJECTS: *science fiction; euphoria 0337 MacDonald, J. Trojan horse laugh. Astounding Science Fiction, 43(6):73-111,1949. RIS: 9:23 DRUGS: * mind controllers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; emotions; depression; hysteria 0338 Keller, D. The abyss. In: The Solitary Hunters and the Abyss. Philadelphia: New Era Publishers, 1948. pp. 108-265. RIS: 9:23 DRUGS: * mind controllers; XYZ SUBJECTS: *science fiction; psychosis 0339 Heinlein, R. The Puppet Masters. New York: Doubleday, 1951. 219 pp.. RIS: 9:24 DRUGS: *mind expanders, tempus SUBJECTS: *science fiction; time-perception 0340 williams, R. The elixer of peace. Amazing Stories, 23(12):124- 131,1949. RIS: 9:24 DRUGS: * mind controllers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; tranquilizing effects 0341 smith, G. O. Hellflower. New York: Abelard Press, 1953. 264 pp.. RIS: 9:25 DRUGS: *sensation enhancers, hellflower, love lotus SUBJECTS: *science fiction; drug trafficking; *sex factors; addiction MAIN LISTING 0342 Morrison, W. The addicts. Galaxy Science Fiction, 3(4):122-131,1952. RIS: 9:25 DRUGS: * euphorics SUBJECTS: *science fiction 0343 Phillips, R. The yellow pill. Astounding Science Fiction, 62(2):51- 61,1958. RIS: 9:26 DRUGS: * reality testers; yellow pill SUBJECTS: *science fiction; delusion 0344 Devaux, P; Viot, H. The stolen minute. Science Fiction Plus, 1(4):44-61; 1(5):42-62,1953. RIS: 9:26 DRUGS: * mind expanders, hexostyromolybdenum SUBJECTS: *science fiction; human metabolism 0345 Gunn, J. The Joymakers. New York: Bantam Books, 1961. 160 pp.. RIS: 9:27 DRUGS: *euphorics; *mescaline; neo-heroin SUBJECTS: *science fiction; hedonism 0346 Hartley, L. Facial Justice. New York: Doubleday, 1960. 263 pp.. RIS: 9:27 DRUGS: *mind controllers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; sedative effects; enforced equality 0347 Burgess, A. A Clockwork Orange. New York: W. W. Norton, 1963. 160 Pp. RIS: 9:28 DRUGS: * mind controllers, * mind expanders, synthemesc; drencrom SUBJECTS: *science fiction; delinquency; brainwashing 0348 Huxley, A. Island. New York: Harper and Row, 1962. 295 pp.. RIS: 9:28 DRUGS: * mind expanders, moksha; soma SUBJECTS: *science fiction; utopianism; mystical visions 0349 Purdom, T. Greenplace. Fantasy and Science Fiction, 27(5):5- 16,1964. RIS: 9:29 DRUGS: * intelligence enhancers, MST SUBJECTS: *science fiction 0350 Buck, D. Come where my love lies dreaming. Fantasy and Science Fiction, 26(2):113-126,1964. RIS: 9:29 DRUGS: * panaceas; detenser pills, Protoceratops Tabs SUBJECTS: *science fiction; time-perception 0351 McCombs, L.; White, T. The peacock king. Fantasy and Science Fiction, 29(5):23- 36,1965. RIS: 9:30 DRUGS: *mind expanders; *LSD SUBJECTS: *science fiction 35 0352 Collins, H. Tomorrow and Tomorrow. New York: Pyramid Books, 1956. 190 pp.. RIS: 9:32 DRUGS: *reality testers SUBJECTS: *science fiction 0353 Guin, W. Beyond bedlam. In: Living Way Out. New York: Avon Books, 1967. pp. 1565-208. RIS: 9:32 DRUGS: * panaceas SUBJECTS: *science fiction; schizophrenia 0354 Dick, P. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. New York: Doubleday, 1965. 278 pp.. RIS: 9:33 DRUGS: *mind controllers; narkidrine SUBJECTS: *science fiction; memory 0355 Dick, P. We can remember it for you wholesale. Fantasy and Science Fiction, 30(4):3-16,1966. RIS: 9:33 DRUGS: * mind expanders; Can-D, Chew-Z SUBJECTS: *science fiction; fantasy 0356 Harrison, H. Make Room! Make Room. New York: Doubleday. 1966. 213 pp.. RIS: 9:34 DRUGS: * euphorics, *marihuana; *LSD SUBJECTS: *science fiction; stress 0357 Dick, P. Now Wait for Last Year. New York: Doubleday, 1966. 214 pp.. RIS: 9:34 DRUGS: *mind expanders; JJ-180 SUBJECTS: *science fiction; time-perception 0358 Anderson, C. The Butterfly Kid. New York: Pyramid Books, 1967. 190 pp. RIS: 9:35 DRUGS: * mind expanders; Reality Pills SUBJECTS: *science fiction; hallucinations; hippies 0359 Aidiss, B. The night that all time broke loose. In: Ellison, H., ed. Dangerous Visions. New York: Doubleday, 1967. pp. 151-160. RIS: 9:35 DRUGS: *mind expanders; time gas SUBJECTS: *science fiction; time-perception 0360 Lupoff, R. One Million Centuries. New York: Lancer Books, 1967. 352 pp. RIS: 9:36 DRUGS: *mind expanders, samra SUBJECTS: *science fiction; time-perception MAIN LISTING 0361 Dick, P.; Nelson, R. The Ganymede Takeover. New York: Ace Books, 1967. 157 pp.. RIS: 9:36 DRUGS: *mind expanders; hallucinogens SUBJECTS: *science fiction; reality 0362 wilson, C. The Mind Parasites. Sauk City, Wisconsin: Arkham House, 1967. 222 pp.. RIS: 9:37 DRUGS: * mind expanders; *mescaline; *LSD SUBJECTS: *science fiction; mental abilities 0363 Spinrad, N. Carcinoma angels. In: Ellison, H., ed. Dangerous Visions. New York: Doubleday, 1967. pp. 489-497. RIS: 9:37 DRUGS: * mind expanders; hallucinogens SUBJECTS: *science fiction; cancer 0364 Herbert, F. The Santaroga Barrier. New York: Berkley Books, 1968. 255 pp.. RIS: 9:38 DRUGS: * mind expanders; Jaspers SUBJECTS: *science fiction 0365 Disch, T. Camp Concentration. New York: Doubleday, 1968. 184 Pp.. RIS: 9:38 DRUGS: * intelligence enhancers, Pallidine SUBJECTS: *science fiction; mental abilities; disease 0366 Silverberg, R. How it was when the past went away. In: Earth’s Other Shadow. New York: New American Library, 1973. pp. 66-127. RIS: 9:39 DRUGS: *mind injurers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; memory 0367 Moorcock, M. The Final Programme. New York: Avon Books, 1968. 191 pp.. RIS: 9:39 DRUGS: * mind expanders; hallucinogens; LSD gas SUBJECTS: *science fiction 0368 Aldiss, B. Barefoot in the Head. New York: Doubleday, 1970. 281 pp.. RIS: 9:40 DRUGS: * mind injurers; hallucinogens SUBJECTS: *science fiction; insanity 0369 Spinrad, N. Bug Jack Barron. New York: Walker Books, 1969. 327 pp.. RIS: 9:40 DRUGS: * mind expanders, *marihuana; *hallucinogens SUBJECTS: *science fiction; immortality 36 0370 Vonnegut, K. Welcome to the monkey house. In: Welcome to the Monkey House. New York: Delacorte Press, 1970. pp. 28-47. RIS: 9:41 DRUGS: * mind controllers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; birth control 0371 Silverberg, R. Sundance. In: The Cube Root of Uncertainty. New York: Collier Books, 1970. pp. 219-239. RIS: 9:41 DRUGS: * mind expanders; hallucinogens SUBJECTS: *science fiction; racial communion 0372 Lafferty, R. Sky. In: Silverberg, R., ed. New Dimensions One. New York: Doubleday, 1971. pp. 149-161. RIS: 9:42 DRUGS: * mind expanders; Sky SUBJECTS: *science fiction; parachuting 0373 Benford, J. Pulse. Fantastic Science Fiction, 20(6):22-25,1971. RIS: 9:42 DRUGS: *mind expanders; ¥*LSD SUBJECTS: *science fiction; reality 0374 Sheckley, R. Down the digestive tract. In: Silverberg, R., ed. Can You Feel Anything When | Do This? New York: Doubleday, 1971. pp. 145-147. RIS: 9:43 DRUGS: *reality testers; hallucinogens SUBJECTS: *science fiction; hallucinations 0375 Panshin, A. How can we sink when we can fly?. In: Four Futures, a Science Fiction Anthology. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1971. pp. 94-130. RIS: 9:43 DRUGS: *mind expanders, tempus SUBJECTS: *science fiction; time-perception 0376 Silverberg, R. A Time of Changes. New York: New American Library, 1971. 220 pp.. RIS: 9:44 DRUGS: *mind expanders SUBJECTS: *science fiction; drugs as means of communication; telepathy 0377 Silverberg, R. Downward to the Earth. New York: New American Library, 1971. 176 pp.. RIS: 9:44 DRUGS: * mind expanders SUBJECTS: *science fiction; limb regeneration; psychological effects 0378 Davis, G. My head's in a different place now. In: Carr, T., ed. Universe Two. New York: Ace Books, 1972. pp. 151- 172. RIS: 9:45 DRUGS: hallucinogens; * mind expanders SUBJECTS: *science fiction; telepathy; utopianism MAIN LISTING 0379 silverberg, R. The World Inside. New York: Doubleday, 1971. 201 pp.. RIS: 9:45 DRUGS: * mind expanders; multiplexer SUBJECTS: *science fiction; drugs as means of communication; telepathy 0380 Jones, L. The eye of the lens. In: The Eye of the Lens. New York: Collier Books, 1972. pp. 53-90. RIS: 9:46 DRUGS: * mind expanders SUBJECTS: *science fiction; perception 0381 Hollis, H. Stoned counsel. In: Ellison, H., ed. Again, Dangerous Visions. New York: Doubleday, 1972. pp. 270-281. RIS: 9:46 DRUGS: * mind expanders; *LSD SUBJECTS: *science fiction; courtroom procedures 0382 Niven, L. The fourth profession. In: Carr, T., ed. Best Science Fiction of the Year, Vol. I. New York: Ballantine Books, 1972. pp. 293-340. RIS: 9:47 DRUGS: * mind expanders SUBJECTS: *science fiction; intelligence; memory 0383 Nelson, R. Time travel for pedestrians. In: Ellison, H., ed. Again, Dangerous Visions. New York: Doubleday, 1972. pp. 140-159. RIS: 9:47 DRUGS: * mind expanders, flower seeds SUBJECTS: *science fiction; time-perception 0384 Spinrad, N. No direction home. In: Carr, T., ed. Best Science Fiction of the Year, Vol. I. New York: Ballantine Books, 1972. pp. 227-244. RIS: 9:48 DRUGS: * mind expanders; hallucinogens SUBJECTS: *science fiction; drug industry 0385 Silverberg, R. Dying Inside. New York: Charles Scribner's and Sons, 1972. 245 pp. RIS: 9:48 DRUGS: *LSD SUBJECTS: *science fiction; drugs as means of communication; telepathy 0386 Brunner, J. The Stone that Never Came Down. New York: Doubleday, 19783. 206 pp. RIS: 9:49 DRUGS: * mind expanders; VC SUBJECTS: *science fiction; perception; intelligence; memory 0387 Bradley, M. Darkover Landfall. New York: Daw Books, 1973. 160 pp.. RIS: 9:49 DRUGS: * mind expanders SUBJECTS: *science fiction; extrasensory perception 37 0388 Free, C. The Soft Kill. New York: Berkley Books, 1973. 159 pp.. RIS: 9:50 DRUGS: *mind controllers SUBJECTS: *science fiction; totalitarianism 0389 Dickson, G. The R-Master. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1973. 216 pp.. RIS: 9:50 DRUGS: * mind expanders, Reninase-47 SUBJECTS: *science fiction; intelligence; brain damage 0390 Rotsler, W. Gods of Zar. Amazing Stories, 47(3):20-40,1973. RIS: 9:51 DRUGS: *euphorics; tazeel SUBJECTS: *science fiction 0391 Pumilia, J. As dreams are made on. Fantastic Science Fiction, 22(3):18-29,1973. RIS: 9:51 DRUGS: *mind expanders; metamorphium SUBJECTS: *science fiction; dreams; telepathy 0392 Spinrad, N. The weed of time. Vertex, 1(3):58,92-93,1973. RIS: 9:52 DRUGS: *mind expanders, Tempis ceti SUBJECTS: *science fiction; time-perception 0393 scortia, T. The weariest river. In: Elwood, R., ed. Future City. New York: Trident Press, 1973. pp. 108-148. RIS: 9:52 DRUGS: *euphorics SUBJECTS: *science fiction; immortality 0394 Diehl, D. Drug themes in fiction. In: Drug Themes in Fiction. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 10. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974. pp. 1-12. RIS: 10:1 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana; *LSD; *opium; *hashish SUBJECTS: *fiction; *drug attitudes; *alienation; *hippie subcultures; *sexual behavior; counterculture; aesthetics; cultural attitudes; romantic era; eastern exoticism; transcendentalism; existentialism; junkies; experientialism LOCATION: United States; France; England METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0395 Crowley, A. The Diary of a Drug Fiend. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1923. 368 pp.. RIS: 10:14 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction; exoticism; utopianism 0396 Hergesheimer, J. Java Head. New York: Knopf, 1919. 279 pp.. RIS: 10:14 DRUGS: *opium SUBJECTS: *fiction; exoticism MAIN LISTING 0397 Maugham, W. Narrow Corner. New York: Doubleday, 1932. 314 pp.. RIS: 10:15 DRUGS: *opium SUBJECTS: *fiction; exoticism; escapism 0398 Algren, N. The Man with the Golden Arm. New York: Doubleday, 1949. 343 pp.. RIS: 10:17 DRUGS: *heroin SUBJECTS: *fiction; *drug subcultures; addiction 0399 Baldwin, J. Another Country. New York: Dial Press, 1962. 436 pp.. RIS: 10:17 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction; social problems; subcultures; *sexual behavior 0400 Burroughs, W. Junkie. New York: Ace Books, 1953. 157 pp.. RIS: 10:18 DRUGS: *heroin SUBJECTS: *fiction; *lifestyles; *drug subcultures; addiction 0401 Burroughs, W. Naked Lunch. New York: Grove, 1962. 255 pp.. RIS: 10:18 DRUGS: *heroin SUBJECTS: *fiction; *lifestyles; *homosexuality; hallucinations; addiction 0402 Burroughs, W. Nova Express. New York: Grove, 1964. 187 pp.. RIS: 10:19 DRUGS: hallucinogens SUBJECTS: *fiction; *lifestyles; *homosexuality; addiction; futuristic society 0403 Burroughs, W. The Soft Machine. New York: Grove, 1966. 182 pp.. RIS: 10:19 DRUGS: hallucinogens SUBJECTS: *fiction; *lifestyles; hallucinations 0404 Burroughs, W. The Ticket That Exploded. New York: Grove, 1967. 217 Pp-. RIS: 10:20 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction; *lifestyles; futuristic society 0405 Ellison, H. Gentleman Junkie. Evanston, Illinois: Regency Books, 1961. 160 pp.. RIS: 10:20 DRUGS: *heroin; general SUBJECTS: *fiction; *delinquency; *gangs; addiction; social problems 0406 Ellison, R. Invisible Man. New York: Random House, 1952. 439 pp.. RIS: 10:21 DRUGS: *heroin; general SUBJECTS: *fiction; *ethnic factors; *drug subcultures 0407 Isherwood, C. Down There on a Visit. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1962. 318 pp.. RIS: 10:21 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction; social problems 0408 Kerouac, J. The Dharma Bums. New York: Viking, 1958. 244 pp.. RIS: 10:22 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction (experiential); *drug subcultures; Zen Buddism 0409 Kerouac, J. On the Road. New York: Viking, 1957. 310 pp.. RIS: 10:22 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction (experiential); *lifestyles 0410 Kerouac, J. The Subterraneans. New York: Grove, 1958. 111 pp.. RIS: 10:23 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction (experiential); *sexual behavior; drug trips 0411 Kerouac, J. Vanity of Duluoz. New York: Coward-McCann, 1968. 280 pp.. RIS: 10:23 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction; *lifestyles 0412 Mills, J. Panic in Needle Park. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1966. 212 pp.. RIS: 10:24 DRUGS: *heroin SUBJECTS: *fiction; *lifestyles; junkies 0413 Selby, H. Last Exit to Brooklyn. New York: Grove, 1964. 304 pp.. RIS: 10:24 DRUGS: *heroin; general SUBJECTS: *fiction; *lifestyles; *sexual behavior; addiction 0414 Trocchi, A. Cain’s Book. New York: Grove, 1960. 252 pp.. RIS: 10:25 DRUGS: *heroin SUBJECTS: *fiction; *lifestyles; addiction 0415 Coles, R. The Grass Pipe. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown, 1969. 112 pp.. RIS: 10:27 DRUGS: *marihuana SUBJECTS: *fiction; social problems; adolescent use 0416 Matthiessen, P. At Play in the Fields of the Lord. New York: Random House, 1965. 373 pp.. RIS: 10:27 DRUGS: *ayahuasca SUBJECTS: *fiction; *perception; South American Indian culture; missionaries 0417 Pynchon, T. V, a Novel. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lippincott, 1963. 492 pp.. RIS: 10:28 DRUGS: hallucinogens SUBJECTS: *fiction; hallucinations 0418 salas, F. What Now My Love. New York: Grove, 1969. 154 pp.. RIS: 10:28 DRUGS: *heroin SUBJECTS: *fiction; *drug subcultures; *ethnic factors; social problems 0419 Susann, J. Valley of the Dolls. New York: Bernard Geis Associates 1966. 442 pp.. RIS: 10:29 DRUGS: pills SUBJECTS: *fiction; *sexual behavior; *socioeconomic factors; escapism 0420 wojciechowska, M. Tuned Out. New York: Harper and Row, 1968. 125 pp.. RIS: 10:29 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction; social problems 0421 Anonymous Go Ask Alice. New York: Avon Books, 1973. 187 pp.. RIS: 10:31 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction; *drug subcultures; *anxiety; social problems 0422 Burroughs, W. Kentucky Ham. New York: Dutton 1973. 194 pp.. RIS: 10:31 DRUGS: *heroin; *amphetamines; *opiates SUBJECTS: *fiction (experiential); social problems 0423 Corley, E. Acapulco Gold. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1972. 329 pp.. RIS: 10:32 DRUGS: *marihuana SUBJECTS: *fiction; *legalization of drugs; commercialization 0424 Didion, J. Play It as It Lays. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1970. 214 pp.. RIS: 10:32 DRUGS: *barbiturates; *stimulants SUBJECTS: *fiction; *overdoses; escapism 39 MAIN LISTING 0425 Douglas, M. Dealing or the Berkeley-to-Boston-Forty-Brick-Lost-Bag Blues. New York: Knopf, 1971. 222 pp.. RIS: 10:33 DRUGS: *marihuana SUBJECTS: *fiction; *drug trafficking; escapism 0426 Farina, R. Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me. New York: Random House, 1966. 329 pp.. RIS: 10:33 DRUGS: *marihuana; *peyote SUBJECTS: *fiction (experiential); *drug subcultures 0427 Gent, P. North Dallas Forty. New York: Morrow, 1973. 314 pp.. RIS: 10:34 DRUGS: *stimulants; pain-killers SUBJECTS: *fiction; *athletic performance; escapism; football; physical punishment 0428 Norman, G. Divine Right's Trip: A Folk Tale. New York: Dial Press, 1972. 302 pp.. RIS: 10:34 DRUGS: *hashish SUBJECTS: *fiction (experiential) 0429 Herlihy, J. The Season of the Witch. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971. 384 pp.. RIS: 10:35 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction; escapism; social problems; counterculture 0430 MacDonald, J. Dress Her in Indigo. New York: Lippincott, 1971. 255 pp.. RIS: 10:35 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction; social problems 0431 McCune, N. The Gateway. New York: Dell Publishing, 1973. 203 pp.. RIS: 10:36 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SUBJECTS: *fiction; *paranoia; social problems; hallucinations 0432 Michener, J. The Drifters. New York: Random House, 1971. 751 pp.. RIS: 10:36 DRUGS: general SUBJECTS: *fiction; social problems; youth culture 0433 steward, R. The Possession of Joel Delaney. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown, 1970. 279 pp.. RIS: 10:37 DRUGS: *LSD SUBJECTS: *fiction; witchcraft MAIN LISTING 0434 Thompson, H. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. New York: Random House, 1971. 231 pp.. RIS: 10:37 DRUGS: *hallucinogens; *stimulants; *depressants SUBJECTS: *fiction; reality 0435 Tidyman, E. Shaft. New York: Macmillan, 1970. 188 pp.. RIS: 10:38 DRUGS: *heroin SUBJECTS: *fiction; *drug trafficking; *ethnic factors; social problems; Mafia 0436 Lettieri, D. Prediction: A prolegomenon. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 1-6. RIS: 11:1 (complete text) DRUGS: marihuana; heroin SAMPLE: *adolescents SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *discriminant function analysis; *multiple regression analysis; *prediction; homogeneity; criterion variables METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0437 Eichberg, R.; Bentler, P. Current issues in the epidemiology of drug abuse as related to psychosocial studies of adolescent drug use. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: US. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 17- 32. RIS: 11:17 (complete text) DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *adolescents SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *epidemioclogy; *|ongitudinal designs; *prediction; *psychological adjustment; ethnic factors; sampling; onset; socioeconomic factors; demography; data sources; drug use fads METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0438 Fisher, Seymour The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 33-44. RIS: 11:33 (complete text) DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *adolescents SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *prediction; *anxiety; *peer influences; *psychological adjustment; *multiple regression analysis; *personality factors; *longitudinal designs; *drug attitudes; demography METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; *MMPI; *Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale; *Hopkins Symptom Check List; Traditionalism-Yea-Saying Scale 40 0439 Goldstein, J. Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 45-52. RIS: 11:45 (complete text) DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *adolescents; *college students SUBJECTS: *set and setting; *peer influences; *prediction; *drug use patterns; *amotivational syndrome; religious influences METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0440 winick, C. Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 53-61. RIS: 11:53 (complete text) DRUGS: *marihuana; *LSD; *heroin SAMPLE: *adolescents; *middle class SUBJECTS: *prediction; *lifestyles; * psychosocial attitudes; counterculture; *drug subcultures; *sexual identification; *information sources, media; *drug education; *value orientation METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0441 Kovacs, M. A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 61- 76. RIS: 11:61 (complete text) DRUGS: *marihuana; *muiti-drug SAMPLE: *adolescents; *college students SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *psychological adjustment; *drug use patterns; *prediction; *sensation seeking; *depression; *anxiety; *motivation for use; *perceived effects METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 0442 Nurco, D.; Lerner, M.; Bonito, A; Balter, M. An approach to the classification of the life-styles of narcotic abusers. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 77-94. RIS: 11:77 (complete text) DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *typologies; *addiction careers; life cycles; *employment, addict; *criminality; family relationships; *deviance; *prediction METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; *case study; *Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts Questionnaire MAIN LISTING 0443 Dunnette, M.; Personnel Decisions Research Institute Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 95-128. RIS: 11:95 (complete text) DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *adolescents; *college students SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; * psychometric theory; *prediction; *multiple regression analysis; *discriminant function analysis; * Automatic Interaction Detection; *actuarial prediction; *demography; *personality factors; *drug attitudes; *value orientation; *alienation METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; *Minnesota Student Questionnaire 0444 Bentler, P; Eichberg, R. A social psychological approach to substance abuse construct validity: Prediction of adolescent drug use from independent data sources. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 129-146. RIS: 11:129 (complete text) DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *adolescents SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *prediction; *linear models; *psychometric theory; *peer influences; *parental influences; operational definitions METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0445 Greist, J.; Klein, M.; Van Cura, L; Erdman, H. Computer interview questionnaires for drug use/abuse. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S.Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 147-164. RIS: 11:147 (complete text) DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; *tobacco SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *prediction; self- reports; data sources; data collection procedures METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0446 Segal, B. Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S.Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 165-192. RIS: 11:165 (complete text) DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students; males; females SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *daydreaming; *sensation seeking; *personality factors; *prediction; *|locus of control; *drug use patterns; *sex factors; *discriminant analysis; Yale University; Murray State University LOCATION: *Connecticut; *Kentucky METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Imaginal Process Inventory; *Personality Research Form; *Sensation Seeking Scale; *Rotter’s I-E Scale 41 0447 Norem-Hebeisen, A. Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 193-206. RIS: 11:193 (complete text) DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment (22); *students (396); users; nonusers; whites; *suburban SUBJECTS: *prediction; *self-concept; *drug attitudes; *peer influences; *parental influences; *drug availability; *value orientation; *psychological adjustment; *coping LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *Self Assessment Scales/Norem- Hebeisen 0448 Naditch, M. Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 207-223. RIS: 11:207 (complete text) DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (483); users; nonusers; males; whites SUBJECTS: *ego functioning; *coping; *defense reactions; *locus of control; *schizophrenia; *paranoia; *prediction LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *psychological tests 0449 Plumb, M.; D'’Amanda, C.; Taintor, Z. Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S.Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 223-262. RIS: 11:223 (complete text) DRUGS: *opiates; *alcohol SAMPLE: psychiatric patients; users SUBJECTS: *locus of control; *self-concept; *anxiety; *depression; *defense reactions; *schizophrenia; *paranoia; *sex factors; *Rotter’s social learning theory; *self-treatment; *treatment outcome; *prediction METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0450 Block, J. Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 263-276. RIS: 11:263 (complete text) DRUGS: *multi-drug; *alcohol SAMPLE: *junior high school students; *high school students; (total 9,048) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *demography; *age factors; *goal orientation; *academic achievement; *psychosocial attitudes; *prediction LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0451 smith, G.; Fogg, C. Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D,C,: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 277-282. RIS: 11:277 (complete text) DRUGS: *tobacco; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *students (542); whites; *suburban; *middie class SUBJECTS: *academic achievement; *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *personality factors; *prediction LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *Test of Effective Academic Motivation 0452 Jessor, R. Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 283-298. RIS: 11:283 (complete text) DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students (432); whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *onset; *deviance; *parental influences; *peer influences; *achievement; *value orientation; *alienation; *prediction; *attitude change; *personality factors; *interpersonal relationships; problem behavior theory LOCATION: *Colorado METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *Socialization of Problem Behavior 0453 Mellinger, G.; Somers, R.; Manheimer, D. Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 299-342. RIS: 11:299 (complete text) DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (960); males SUBJECTS: *ego functioning; *personality factors; *amotivational syndrome; *creativity; *interpersonal relationships; *prediction; *methodological factors; *psychological adjustment; *openness to experience; University of California LOCATION: *California, Berkeley METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *Changing Lifestyles and Values Questionnaire 42 0454 Kandel, D. Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use. In: Lettieri, D., ed. Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods and Correlates. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 343-361. RIS: 11:343 (complete text) DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students; *parents SUBJECTS: *demography; *value orientation; *peer influences; *parental influences; *methodological factors; *political orientation; *educational history; *depression; *drug use patterns; *prediction LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *Questionnaires 0455 Kandel, D. Study of High School Students— Student Questionnaire, Wave 1. In: Nehemkis, A, et al, Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 259-260. RIS: 12:259 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *family influences; *parental drug use; *value orientation; *drug use patterns; *personality factors; *delinquency; *academic achievement METHODOLOGY: *High School Student Questionnaire/ Kandel 0456 Block, J.; Goodman, N.; Ambellan, F.; Revenson, J. High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs. In: Nehemkis, A. et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 261-262. RIS: 12:261 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *junior high school students; *high school students SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug knowledge; *drug use patterns METHODOLOGY: *High School Questionnaire/Block et al. 0457 National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse Untitled Questionnaires and Interview. In: Nehemkis, A., et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 263-264. RIS: 12:263 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *drug laws, attitudes METHODOLOGY: *National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse Survey; Questionnaire MAIN LISTING 0458 Cisin, I. Nationwide Survey Questionnaire. In: Nehemkis, A. et al, Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 265. RIS: 12:265 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns METHODOLOGY: *Nationwide Survey Questionnaire/ Cisin 0459 Goldstein, J; Korn, J. Carnegie-Mellon University Drug Use Research Project; Study lil Junior Year Questionnaire, Class of 1972. In: Nehemkis, A., et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 266-267. RIS: 12:266 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *demography; personality factors METHODOLOGY: Carnegie-Mellon Drug Use Questionnaire/Goldstein,Korn 0460 Nurco, D. et al. Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts. In: Nehemkis, A., et al, Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 268-269. RIS: 12:268 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *opiates SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *drug use patterns; *criminality; *background characteristics METHODOLOGY: *Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts Questionnaire 0461 Lipman, R; Derogatis, L; Rickels, K.; Uhlenhuth, E.; Covi, L. Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List. In: Nehemkis, A., et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 270. RIS: 12:270 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *anxiety; *depression; *interpersonal relationships; *physiological effects; *psychological adjustment METHODOLOGY: *Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List 0462 McNair, D,; Fisher, Seymour Traditionalism/ Yea Saying Scale. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., | Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 271. RIS: 12:271 DRUGS: *tranquilizers; *marihuana SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *personality factors METHODOLOGY: *Traditionalism/Yea Saying Scale 314-297 0 - 80 - 5 43 0463 Fisher, Seymour; Botto, R. Marijuana Attitude Scale. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, Vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 272. RIS: 12:272 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: adolescents SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes METHODOLOGY: Marijuana Attitude Scale/Fisher, Botto 0464 Manheimer, D. et al. Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 273-274 RIS: 12:273 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students; males SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *value orientation; *goal orientation; *academic achievement; *parent-child relationships; *social interactions; *personality factors; demography METHODOLOGY: *Changing Lifestyles and Values Questionnaire 0465 Kluckhohn, F. Value Orientation Schedule. IN: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 275-276. RIS: 12:275 DRUGS: *marihuana; psychodysleptics SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *value orientation METHODOLOGY: *Vaiue Orientation Schedule 0466 Bentler, P. Personality inventory. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 277. RIS: 12:277 SAMPLE: *junior high school students SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *personality factors METHODOLOGY: *Personality Inventory/Bentler 0467 Norem-Hebeisen, A. Self Assessment Scales. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 278-278. RIS: 12:278 SAMPLE: *adolescents SUBJECTS: *self-concept METHODOLOGY: *Self Assessment Scales/Norem- Hebeisen MAIN LISTING 0468 Monroe, J.; Hill, H. Personal Inventory. In: Nehemkis, A., et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washingion, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 280-281 RIS: 12:280 DRUGS: *opiates; *alcohol SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *parental influences; *psychological adjustment; *drug use patterns; *interpersonal relationships; *goal orientation; demography METHODOLOGY: *Personal Inventory/Monroe, Hill 0469 Cohen, M,; Klein, D. Drug Abuse Interview Form. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 282-283. RIS: 12:282 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *drug attitudes; *peer influences; *perceived effects METHODOLOGY: *Drug Abuse Intervew Form/Cohen, Klein 0470 Smart, R.; Jones, D. Yorkville LSD Users Study. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 284-285. RIS: 12:284 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *perceived effects; *demography; *social interactions LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *Yorkville LSD Users Questionnaire/ / Smart, Jones 0471 Edwards, C. Situational Preference Inventory. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 286. RIS: 12:286 SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *social interactions METHODOLOGY: *Situational Preference Inventory/ Edwards 0472 Timberlawn Psychiatric Research Foundation Drug Survey Interview. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 287-288. RIS: 12:287 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students; *junior high school students SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *parental drug use; *interpersonal relationships METHODOLOGY: *Drug Survey Interview/Timberlawn 44 0473 English, G.; Monroe, J. Suitability for Treatment Scale. In: Nehemkis, A., et al, Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 289-290. RIS: 12:289 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *treatment SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *value orientation; *psychological adjustment METHODOLOGY: *Suitability for Treatment Scale/English, Monroe 0474 Bown, O. Self Report Inventory. In: Nehemkis, A., et al, Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 291. RIS: 12:291 DRUGS: *tobacco SAMPLE: *college students SUBJECTS: *self-concept METHODOLOGY: Bown Self Report Inventory 0475 Johnson, R. Inquiry on Smoking. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12 Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 293. RIS: 12:293 DRUGS: *tobacco SAMPLE: *college students; plumbers SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *cognitive dissonance METHODOLOGY: Inquiry on Smoking/Johnson 0476 Luetgert, M. Untitled Drug Questionnaire. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 294-295. RIS: 12:294 DRUGS: *hallucinogens; *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students SUBJECTS: *demography; *drug use patterns METHODOLOGY: *Untitled Drug Questionnaire/Luetgert 0477 Crumbaugh, J.; Maholick, L. Purpose in Life Test. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 296-297. RIS: 12:296 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *psychotherapy; *goal orientation; *self- concept; *psychological adjustment METHODOLOGY: *Purpose in Life Test MAIN LISTING 0478 Monroe, J; English, G.; Haertzen, C. Inventory of Selected Experiences. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 298-299 RIS: 12:298 DRUGS: *opiates; *alcohol SAMPLE: addicts; alcoholics SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *perceived effects METHODOLOGY: *Inventory of Selected Experiences/ Monroe et al. 0479 Judd, L. Youth Drug Use Survey. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 300. RIS: 12:300 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *demography; *parental drug use; *parental influences; *psychosocial attitudes METHODOLOGY: *Youth Drug Use Survey/Judd 0480 Baer, D. Untitled Questionnaire. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 301-302. RIS: 12:301 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *parental influences; *parent-child relationships; *drug use patterns METHODOLOGY: *Untitled Questionnaire/Baer 0481 Baer, D. Marijuana Attitude Scale. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 303. RIS: 12:303 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students; *high school students SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *legalization of drugs; *political orientation METHODOLOGY: *Marijuana Attitude Scale/Baer 0482 Jessor, R.; Jessor, S. Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 304-305. RIS: 12:304 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students; *college students SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *onset; *drug attitudes; *personality factors; *demography METHODOLOGY: *Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire 45 0483 Elinson, J.; Josephson, E.; Zanes, A. “Make Yourself Heard” Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire. In: Nehemkis, A., et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 306-307. RIS: 12:306 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *junior high school students; *high school students SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *self-concept; *value orientation; *psychosocial attitudes; *demography; *drug attitudes; *interpersonal relationships; *parent- child relationships; *health status METHODOLOGY: *Teenage Drug Study Questionnaire/ Elinson et al. 0484 Johnston, L.; Bachman, J. Survey Questionnaires for “Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth”. In: Nehemkis, A., et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 308-309. RIS: 12:308 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *value orientation; *psychosocial attitudes; *drug use patterns; *drug attitudes METHODOLOGY: *Lifestyles and Values of Youth/ Johnston, Bachman 0485 Johnston, L. Confidential Information Questionnaire. In: Nehemkis, A., et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 310. RIS: 12:310 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *drug attitudes; *deviance METHODOLOGY: *Confidential Information Questionnaire/Johnston 0486 sells, S. Drug Abuse Reporting Program: Admission Record and Status Evaluation Record. In: Nehemkis, A. et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 311-312 RIS: 12:311 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *demography; *drug use patterns; *employment; *criminality; *family relationships METHODOLOGY: DARP Admission and Status Evaluation Records MAIN LISTING 0487 Stokes, J. Six Factor Drug Related Personality Test. In: Nehemkis, A. et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 313. RIS: 12:313 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *drug attitudes; *personality factors METHODOLOGY: *Personality Test/Stokes 0488 Robins, L. Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later. In: Nehemkis, A., et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp.314-315 RIS: 12:314 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *military SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *drug attitudes; *political orientation; *demography; *deviance; *depression; *family relationships METHODOLOGY: *Vietnam Veterans Questionnaire/ Robins 0489 Rotter, J. Rotter’s I-E Scale. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 316-317. RIS: 12:316 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts; *college students SUBJECTS: *locus of control; *Rotter’s social learning theory; *ethnic factors; *sex factors METHODOLOGY: *Rotter’s I-E Scale 0490 singer, J.; Antrobus, J. Imaginal Process Inventory. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 318-319. RIS: 12:318 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *daydreaming; *attention patterns METHODOLOGY: *Imaginal Process Inventory 0491 Zuckerman, M. Sensation Seeking Scale. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 320-321. RIS: 12:320 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *sensation seeking; *sex factors METHODOLOGY: *Sensation Seeking Scale 0492 National Institute on Drug Abuse CODAP Admission Report, CODAP Discharge Report. In: Nehemkis, A., et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 322. RIS: 12:322 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment SUBJECTS: *demography; *drug use patterns; *treatment outcome METHODOLOGY: *CODAP Admission and Discharge Reports 0493 Blackford, L. Survey of Student Drug Use. In: Nehemkis, A, et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. p. 3283. RIS: 12:323 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *junior high school students; *high school students SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns METHODOLOGY: *Student Drug Use Questionnaire/ Blackford 0494 smith, G. Test of Effective Academic Motivation (TEAM). In: Nehemkis. A., et al., Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 324-325. RIS: 12:324 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *students SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *academic achievement METHODOLOGY: *Test of Effective Academic Motivation 0495 Bentler, P.; Lettieri, D. Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research. In: Bentler, P., et al. Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 1-11. RIS: 13:1 SUBJECTS: *actuarial prediction; *analysis of covariance; *analysis of variance; *causal models; *cluster analysis; *correlation and regression analysis; *discriminant analysis; *factor analysis; *longitudinal designs; *multiple regression and correlation analysis; *multivariate analysis; *path analysis; *regression analysis; *single-organism designs; *time-series designs; *methodological factors; *Automatic Interaction Detection MAIN LISTING 0496 shontz, F. Single-organism designs. In: Bentler, P., et al. Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 25-44. RIS: 13:25 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *self-concept; *motivaton for use; *single-organism designs; *analysis of covariance; *analysis of variance; *factor analysis; *multiple regression and correlation analysis; *representative case research; *time-series designs; *methodological factors METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; *Kelly Rep Tests 0497 Labouvie, E. Longitudinal designs. In: Bentler, P., et al. Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 45-60. RIS: 13:45 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *adolescents SUBJECTS: *age factors; *analysis of variance; *causal models; *cohort designs; *cross-sectional designs; *factor analysis; *longitudinal designs; *path analysis; *regression analysis; *representative case research; *time-reversed analysis; *time-sequential designs; *time-series designs; *methodological factors; *cross-sequential designs METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0498 Somers, R.; Mellinger, G.; Davidson, S. Automatic Interaction Detection. In: Bentler, P., et al. Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 61-83. RIS: 13:61 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students; *general population SUBJECTS: *academic achievement; *demography; *drug use patterns; *analysis of variance; *Automatic Interaction Detection; *correlation and regression analysis; *factor analysis; *least squares analysis; *longitudinal designs; *multiple regression and correlation analysis; *regression analysis; *sampling; *simulation models; *cross-sequential designs; *stepwise regression analysis; *methodological factors LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 47 0499 Sines, J. Actuarial prediction. In: Bentler, P., et al. Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 85-101. RIS: 13:85 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *environmental influences; *actuarial prediction; *methodological factors METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; *California Personality Inventory; *Cattell Sixteen Personality Factors; *Interpersonal Behavior Inventory; *Mental Status Examination Record; *MMPI; *Moos’ Family Environment Scale; *Personality Research Form; *Shipley-Hartford Scale 0500 Lorr, M. Cluster and typological analysis. In: Bentler, P., et al. Data Analysis Strategies and Designs tor Substance Abuse Research. NIDA Research Issue Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 103-124. RIS: 13:103 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *psychopathic deviation; *schizophrenia; *depression; *typological models; *average linkage analysis; *Bayesian analysis; *cluster analysis; *complete linkage analysis; *discriminant function analysis; *factor analysis; *single linkage analysis; *methodological factors METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; *Lexington Personality Inventory; *MMPI 0501 Naditch, M. Path analysis. In: Bentler, P., et al. Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research. NIDA Research Issue Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 125-137. RIS: 13:125 DRUGS: *LSD; *marihuana SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *psychological adjustment; *adverse reactions; *motivation for use; *self-treatment; *defense reactions; *schizophrenia; *peer influences; *causal models; *path analysis; *factor analysis; *|least squares analysis; *time-series designs; *methodological factors METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical MAIN LISTING 0502 Bentler, P. Factor analysis. In: Bentler, P., et al. Data Analaysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 139-158. RIS: 13:139 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students SUBJECTS: *sensation seeking; *daydreaming; *locus of control; *personality factors; *drug use patterns; *imagination; *analysis of variance; *covariance structure analysis; *factor analysis; *least squares analysis; *multivariate analysis; *path analysis; *stepwise regression analysis METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0503 Cohen, J.; Cohen, P. General multiple regression and correlation analysis. In: Bentler, P., et al. Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 159-178. RIS: 13:159 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *students SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *background characteristics; religious involvement; *analysis of covariance; *analysis of variance; *multiple regression and correlation analysis; *regression analysis; *stepwise regression analysis; *linear models; *stepwise multiple regression and correlation analysis METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0504 Bock, R. Multivariate analysis of variance. In: Bentler, P., et al. Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 179-199. RIS: 13:179 DRUGS: *chlorpromazine; placebo SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients SUBJECTS: *therapeutic uses; *sex factors; *schizophrenia; *psychological adjustment; *analysis of covariance; *analysis of variance; *Bayesian analysis; *covariance structure analysis; *discriminant analysis; *discriminant function analysis; *least squares analysis; *log-linear analysis; *multiple regression and correlation analysis; *multivariate analysis of variance; *factor analysis; *regression analysis METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; *Hopkins Symptom Check List; *Katz Adjustment Scale; *Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale 48 0505 Tatsuoka, M. Discriminant analysis. In: Bentler, P., et al. Data Analysis Strategies and Designs tor Substance Abuse Research. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. pp. 201-220. RIS: 13:201 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *adolescents; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *analysis of variance; *discriminant analysis; *discriminant function analysis; *factor analysis; *multiple regression and * correlation analysis; *multivariate analysis of variance; *stepwise discriminant analysis METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; *Cattell Sixteen Personality Factors; *Motivation Analysis Test 0506 Brehm, M.; Back, K. Self image and attitudes towards drugs. Journal of Personality, 36:299-314, 1968. RIS: 14:2 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (333); males; *females SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *drug attitudes; *sex factors; *anxiety; *self-treatment LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0507 Brill, N.; Crumpton, E.; Grayson, H. Personality factors in marihuana use. Archives of General Psychiatry, 42:163-165, 1971. RIS: 14:4 DRUGS: *marihuana; multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students; nonusers; males (37); females (42); users SUBJECTS: *ego functioning; *drug use patterns; *psychopathic deviation; *anxiety; *risk-taking; *sensation seeking; *depression; goal orientation; parental identification; religious factors; University of California LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; *psychological tests 0508 Burke, E; Eichberg, R. Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 154(4):291-298, 1972. RIS: 14:6 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *adolescents; *treatment, outpatient; males (107); *females (135) SUBJECTS: *psychological adjustment; *self-concept; *Developing Adolescents Without Narcotics (DAWN); Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *MMPI MAIN LISTING 0509 Carlin, A.; Post, R. Drug use and achievement. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 9(3):401-410, 1974. RIS: 14:8 DRUGS: *marihuana; *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *college students; *general population SUBJECTS: *amotivational syndrome; *goal orientation; *academic achievement; *drug subcultures; *employment LOCATION: *Washington, Seattle METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 0510 Carman, R. Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 9(1):57-80, 1974. RIS: 14:10 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students (327); *rural SUBJECTS: *goal orientation; *value orientation; *personality factors; *Rotter’s social learning theory LOCATION: *Wyoming METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0511 Cox, C; Smart, R. Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 7:201-207, 1972. RIS: 14:12; 25:266 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *adolescents (75); users; males; females; *middle class SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *perceived effects; *adverse reactions; *psychological adjustment; *motivation for use; *parental drug use; *drug subcultures; *routes of administration; schizophrenia LOCATION: *Canada, Toronto METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *MMPI 0512 Crain, W.; Ertel, D.; Gorman, B. Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 10(5):849-856, 1975. RIS: 14:14 DRUGS: *marihuana; *amphetamines; *barbiturates SAMPLE: *college students (90); males; whites SUBJECTS: *value orientation; *perceived effects; *personality factors; *drug preferences; *conformity LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; *Omnibus Personality Inventory 0513 Davis, G. C.; Brehm, M. Motivational factors in drug use. Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, 6(part 1):333- 334, 1971. RIS: 14:16 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *incarcerated (91); *adolescents; users; nonusers; males SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *self-concept; *motivation for use LOCATION: *North Carolina METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; *MMPI; *Army Beta IQ 49 0514 Fitzgibbons, D.; Berry, D.; Shearn, C. MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers. Journal of Community Psychology, 1(1):79-81, 1973. RIS: 14:18 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (139); males; *females; whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *psychosis; *psychological adjustment LOCATION: *Connecticut, Hartford METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *MMPI 0515 Gossett, J.; Lewis, J; Phillips, V. Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 36:425- 435, 1972. RIS: 14:20 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students; males (51); females (49); *middle class SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *background characteristics; *psychological adjustment; *multiple drug use; *academic achievement; *delinquency; *hippie subcultures LOCATION: *Texas, Dallas METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 0516 Green, L.; Haymes, M. Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2(3):213-231, 1973. RIS: 14:22 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (501); males; females; whites SUBJECTS: *value orientation; *personality factors LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *comparative; *California Psychological Inventory; *Value Orientation Schedule 0517 Green, M. G; Blake, B.; Carboy, J.; Zenhausern, R. Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user. Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, 6(part 2):559-560, 1971. RIS: 14:24 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *high school students (498); *middle class; *suburban SUBJECTS: *academic achievement; *personality factors; *drug education models; *socioeconomic factors; *intelligence LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *Cattell High School Personality Questionnaire MAIN LISTING 0518 Grossman, J.; Goldstein, R.; Eisenman, R. Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation. Proceedings of the 79th Annual Convention of the American Psychiatric Association, 1971. pp. 335-336. RIS: 14:26 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (316); males; females SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *creativity; *openness to experience; *imagination LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *Personal Opinion Survey; *California F Scale; *Manifest Anxiety Scale; *Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale 0519 Hager, D. Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social- Psychological Correlates. Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, 1970. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, No. 71-11, 854. 203 pp.. RIS: 14:28 DRUGS: *marihuana; *hallucinogens; *amphetamines SAMPLE: *high school students; *middle class (4,230) SUBJECTS: *deviant subcultures; *value orientation; *socioeconomic factors; *‘‘hang-loose’ ethic; *social interactions; *depression; *alienation; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *United States, midwestern METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0520 Heller, M.; Mordkoff, A. Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser. International Journal of the Addictions, 7(1):65-72, 1972. RIS: 14:29 DRUGS: *multi-drug; heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (67); males; females SUBJECTS: *depression; *anxiety; *treatment outcome; *self-concept; *multiple drug use; antisocial behavior LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *MMPI 0521 Henriques, E; Arsenian, J.; Cutter, H.; Samaraweera, A. Personality characteristics and drug of choice. International Journal of the Addictions, 7(1):73-76, 1972. RIS: 14:31 DRUGS: *heroin; *barbiturates; *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (98); males; females SUBJECTS: *anxiety; *depression; *drug preferences; paranoia; hypomania; Boston State Hospital LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *MMPI; *comparative 50 0522 Hill, P. Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon-O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT). Ph.D. Dissertation, Case Western University, 1972. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfiims, No. 72-76, 165. 185 pp.. RIS: 14:33 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *junior high school students (238); males; females; users; nonusers; males; females; *suburban SUBJECTS: *aggression; *sensation seeking; *goal orientation; sex factors LOCATION: *Ohio METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test; *Sensation Seeking Scale; *Purpose in Life Test 0523 Hogan, R.; Mankin, D.; Conway, J.; Fox, S. Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use. Journal ot Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 35(1):58-63, 1970. RIS: 14:34 DRUGS: *marihuana; multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (148); users; nonusers; males SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *academic achievement; *social interactions; Lehigh University; Johns Hopkins University LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *California Psychological Inventory; *questionnaires 0524 Hollaran, D. The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers. Ph.D. Dissertation, Arizona State University, 1972. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, No. 72-23, 169. 134 pp.. RIS: 14:36 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *hospital patients (100); *adolescents; users; nonusers; males; *females; *middle class SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *psychological adjustment; *personality factors; *conformity; *interpersonal relationships LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *MMPI 0525 Holroyd, K.; Kahn, M. Personality factors in student drug use. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42(2):236-243, 1974. RIS: 14:37 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students; users; nonusers; males (77); *females (67) SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *academic achievement; *value orientation; *sex factors; *risk-taking; *conformity; University of Miami LOCATION: *Florida METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Personality Research Form; Kahn and Holroyd Drug Involvement Scale; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0526 Jessor, R.; Jessor, S.; Finney, J. A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 26(1):1-15, 1973. RIS: 4:48 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students (949); *college students (276); males; females SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *academic achievement; *onset; *prediction; *deviance; social learning theory; problem behavior theory LOCATION: *Colorado METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *questionnaires 0527 Jones, A. Personality and value differences related to use of LSD- 25. International Journal of the Addictions, 8(3):549- 557, 1973. RIS: 14:42 DRUGS: #*LSD SAMPLE: *high school students; *college students; users; nonusers; (total 49) SUBJECTS: *academic achievement; *value orientation; *alienation; *self-concept; hostility; intelligence; creativity; Texas Christian University LOCATION: *Texas METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; interviews; *Miskimins Self-Goal-Other Discrepancy Scale 0528 Kendall, R.; Pittel, S. Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 3(2):63-66, 1971. RIS: 14:44 DRUGS: *hallucinogens; *amphetamines; *barbiturates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; *hippies; males (229); *females (178) SUBJECTS: *hippie subcultures; *delinquency; *psychosis, drug; *value orientation; *personality factors; *sex factors; Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *MMPI 0529 Kieckner, J. Personality differences between psychedelic drug users and nonusers. Psychology, 5(2):66-71, 1968. RIS: 14:46 DRUGS: *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *college students (80); users; nonusers; males: *middle class SUBJECTS: *personality factors LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Cattell Sixteen Personality Factors 51 0530 Knecht, S.; Cundick, B.; Edwards, D.; Gunderson, E The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 32:1111-1117, 1972. RIS: 14:48 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (135); males; females SUBJECTS: *conformity; *value orientation; *personality factors; Appalachian State University LOCATION: *North Carolina METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *Cattell Sixteen Personality Factors; *Comrey Personality Scale 0531 Krug, S.; Henry, T. Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns. Journal ot Counseling Psychology, 21(5):440-445, 1974. RIS: 14:50; 25:281 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students (278); *college students (285); males (300); *females (263) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *personality factors; *peer subcultures; *family influences; *motivation for use; *sex factors; *inhibition LOCATION: *Mississippi; *South Carolina METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *Cattell Sixteen Personality Factors; *Motivation Analysis Test 0532 Ludenia, K. Personality Characteristics of Drug Abusers. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia, 1972. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, No. 73- 7056. 422 pp.. RIS: 14:52 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: users (759); males; *females SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *psychological adjustment; *sex factors; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *MMPI 0533 McAree, C.; Steffenhagen, R.; Zheutlin, L. Personality factors in college drug users. /nternational Journal of Social Psychiatry, 5:102-106, 1969. RIS: 14:53 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (76); users; nonusers; males SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *psychopathic deviation; *hypomania; *multiple drug use; *interpersonal relationships; University of Vermont LOCATION: *Vermont METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; *MMPI 0534 McAree, C.; Steffenhagen, R.; Zheutlin, L. Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students. American Journal of Psychology, 128(7):890-893, 1972. RIS: 14:55 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (200); users; nonusers; males SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *psychological adjustment; *multiple drug use LOCATION: *Vermont METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; *MMPI MAIN LISTING 0535 McGuire, J.; Megargee, E. Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42(1):124-133, 1974. RIS: 14:57 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *incarcerated (96); users; nonusers; males; *placks; whites SUBJECTS: *drug offenses; *psychological adjustment; *personality factors LOCATION: *Florida METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *California Psychological Inventory; *MMPI; *Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale; *State-Trait Anxiety Scale; *Revised Beta 0536 McLaughlin, J. Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Montana, 1973. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, No. 74-1390. 144 pp.. RIS: 14:59 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (136) SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *social interactions; *multiple drug use LOCATION: *United States, western METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *California Psychological Inventory; *Guilford- Zimmerman Temperament Scale; *Cattell Sixteen Personality Factors 0537 Naditch, M. Ego functioning and acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs. Journal of Personality, 43(2):305-320, 1975. RIS: 14:64 SAMPLE: *college students; general population; males (483); whites (449) SUBJECTS: *ego functioning; *adverse reactions; *defense reactions; *coping LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *MMPI; *California Psychological Inventory 0538 Obitz, F.; Oziel, L.; Unmacht, J. General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users. International Journal of the Addictions, 8(4):723-727, 1973. RIS: 14:66 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *alcohol SAMPLE: *delinquents; males (44); females (36); whites; Mexican-Americans; blacks; American Indians SUBJECTS: *locus of control LOCATION: *Arizona METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *Rotter's I-E Scale 52 0539 Richek, H.; Argle, J.; McAdams, W.; D'Angelo, J. Personality / mental health correlates of drug use by high school students. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 160(6):435-442, 1975. RIS: 14:70; 25:277 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students (190); males; *females; whites (180); American Indians; Mexican Americans SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *self-concept; *psychosocial attitudes; *multiple drug use; Rogerian theories LOCATION: *Oklahoma METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Bown Self-Report Inventory 0540 Riggs, E. Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior. Conseiller Canadien, 7(1):9-15, 1973. RIS: 14:72 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students (60); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *personality factors; *amotivational syndrome; *deviance LOCATION: *Canada, Alberta METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *Edwards Personal Preference Schedule 0541 Robinson, L. Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Maryland, 1970. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, No. 70-23,314. 142 pp.. RIS: 14:74 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students; *females (34) SUBJECTS: *neurosis; *peer subcultures; *personality factors; *family influences LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *Eysenck Personality Inventory; interviews 0542 Sadava, S. College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Colorado, 1970. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, No. 70-23, 749. 200 pp.. RIS: 14:77 DRUGS: *marihuana; *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *college students; males (159); females (199) SUBJECTS: *Rotter’s social learning theory; *deviance; *academic achievement; *social interactions; *peer subcultures; University of Colorado LOCATION: *Colorado METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0543 sadava, S. Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 5(4):371-385, 1973. RIS: 14:79 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students; males (149); females (170) SUBJECTS: *Rotter’s social learning theory; *academic achievement; *locus of control; *motivation for use; *prediction; *onset; Brock University LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *longitudinal; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0544 Samuels, D. Low self-concept as a cause of drug abuse. Journal of Drug Education, 4(4):421-438, 1974. RIS: 14:81 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *adolescents; adults; males (23); females (14) SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *motivation for use; sensation seeking; curiosity; boredom; peer influences LOCATION: *Florida, Miami METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0545 sanborn, D.; Casey, T.; Niswander, G. Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI. Diseases of the Nervous System, 32:183-187, 1971. RIS: 14:83 DRUGS: *hallucinogens; *stimulants SAMPLE: *hospital patients (24); users (12); suicide attempters (12); males SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *paranoia; *hypomania; *psychopathic deviation; *sociopathy; *suicides LOCATION: *New Hampshire METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; * MMPI 0546 Scherer, S.; Ettinger, R.; Mudrick, N. Need for social approval and drug use. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 38(1):118-121, 1972. RIS: 14:85 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students; users; nonusers; males (38); females (28); whites SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *social interactions; *therapeutic communities; *peer influences; need for social approval LOCATION: *Canada, Ontario METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; *Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale 0547 Schoolar, J.; White, E.; Cohen, C. Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 39:9-15, 1972. RIS: 14.87 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient; males (53); *females (27) SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *family influences; *social interactions; *muitiple drug use; *personality factors; antisocial behavior LOCATION: *Texas, Houston METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *MMPI; *Leary Interpersonal Check List 0548 Segal, B.; Rhenberg, G; Sterling, S. Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 20(8):17-22, 1975. RIS: 14:91 DRUGS: general; *alcohol SAMPLE: *college students; users; nonusers; *females (200) SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *defense reactions; *sex factors; Murray State University LOCATION: *Kentucky METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Tennessee Self-Concept Scale 53 0549 Shean, G.; Fechtmann, F. Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 27:112-113, 1971. RIS: 14:93 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (55); users; nonusers; *middle class SUBJECTS: *goal orientation; *perceived effects; *adverse reactions LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Purpose in Life Test 0550 Shetterly, H. Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Denver, 1970. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, No. 71-2452, 152 pp.. RIS: 14:95 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students (40); males; whites; *suburban SUBJECTS: *parent-child relationships; *academic achievement; *value orientation; *family influences; *onset LOCATION: *Maryland METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews; *Mooney Problem Check List; High School Personality Questionnaire; school records 0551 Smart, R; Fejer, D. lliicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 10:297-308, 1969. RIS: 14:96 DRUGS: *LSD; *multi-drug SAMPLE: general population; users; nonusers; males (81); females (19) SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *drug use patterns; *perceived effects; *adverse reactions; *psychological adjustment; *conformity; *parental influences; *motivation for use LOCATION: *Canada, Toronto METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; interviews; *MMPI; *Otis Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Test; *Thematic Apperception Test 0552 Steffenhagen, R.; Schmidt, F.; McAree, C. Emotional stability and student drug use. Journal of Drug Education, 1(4):347-357, 1971. RIS: 14:100 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students; users; nonusers; males (200); females (138) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *college subcultures; *psychological adjustment; *multiple drug use; University of Vermont LOCATION: *Vermont METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; *MMPI MAIN LISTING 0553 Stokes, J. Personality traits and attitudes and their relationship to student drug using behavior. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 9(2):267-287, 1974. RIS: 14:102 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (738) SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *drug attitudes; *motivation for use; *self-concept; hedonism; University of Illinois LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0554 Victor, H.; Grossman, J.; Eisenman, R. Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 41(1):78-85, 1973. RIS: 14:104 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students (871); whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *creativity; *sensation seeking; *academic achievement; *anxiety; *packground characteristics; *openness to experience; religious factors LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *Internal Sensation Novelty Seeking Scale; *Manifest Anxiety Scale; *Personal Opinion Survey; *California F Scale 0555 Weckowicz, T.; Janssen, D. Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 81(3):264-269, 1973. RIS: 14:106 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (22); users; nonusers; males; whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *cognitive effects; *value orientation; *deviant subcultures; *field dependence; *conformity LOCATION: *Canada, Alberta METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *psychological tests 0556 Welpton, D. Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 147(4):377-385, 1968. RIS: 14:108 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: users (10); males; whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *family relationships; *sexual identification; *alienation; *schizophrenia; *interpersonal relationships; *motivation for use; marital relationships; drug subcultures LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; interviews; *Rorschach; *Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test; *Human Figure Drawing Test 0557 Zuckerman, M.; Bone, R.; Neary, R.; Mangelsdorff, D.; Brustman, B. What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 39:308-321, 1972. RIS: 14:110 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (98); males; females SUBJECTS: *sensation seeking; *sexual behavior LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *Sensation Seeking Scale 0558 Freud, S. On coca. Centralblatt tur die Gesammte Therapie (Wien), 1:289-314, 1884. Reprinted in: The Cocaine Papers. (S. Edminster, trans.) Vienna: Dunquin Press, 1963. RIS: 15:3 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *animal experiments; *therapeutic uses; *religious uses; *psychological effects; *respiratory effects; *anesthetic uses; *cardiovascular effects; *work performance METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0559 Brown, C. Freud and cocaine. The Military Surgeon, 114:285-286, 1954. RIS: 15:5 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *anesthetic uses METHODOLOGY: *history 0560 Becker, H. K. Carl Koller and cocaine. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 32:309- 373, 1963. RIS: 15:6 DRUGS: *cocaine; morphine SUBJECTS: *anesthetic uses; *animal experiments METHODOLOGY: *history 0561 Blejer-Prieto, H. Coca leaf and cocaine addictions. Some historical notes. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 93:700-704, 1965. RIS: 15:7 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *work performance; *therapeutic uses; *anesthetic uses; *adverse reactions METHODOLOGY: *history 0562 Musto, D. A study in cocaine: Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud. Journal of the American Medical Association, 204(1):27-32, 1968. RIS: 15:8 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *fiction; *psychological effects; *therapeutic uses METHODOLOGY: *history MAIN LISTING 0563 Martin, R. The role of coca in the history, religion and medicine of South American Indians. Economic Botany, 24:422- 438, 1970. RIS: 15:9 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *South American Indians SUBJECTS: *botanical characteristics; *religious uses; *therapeutic uses; *respiratory effects; *stimulant reactions; *health status LOCATION: South America METHODOLOGY: *history 0564 Eiswirth, N.; Smith, D.; Wesson, D. Current perspectives on cocaine use in America. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 5(2):153-157, 1972. RIS: 15:11 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *commercial uses; *anesthetic uses; *therapeutic uses; *drug laws; *drug trafficking; *adulterants; *treatment models; *stimulant reactions; *routes of administration; *cerebral effects; *overdoses METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0565 Gay, G.; Sheppard, C.; Inaba, D.; Newmeyer, J. Cocaine in perspective: “Gift from the Sun God” to “The rich man’s drug”. Drug Forum, 2(4):409-430, 1973. RIS: 15:13 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *demography; *religious uses; *anesthetic uses; *therapeutic uses; *drug laws; *overdoses; *respiratory effects; *epidemiology; *routes of administration; *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *drug law effects; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *history; *clinical observation 0566 McLaughlin, G. Cocaine: The history and regulation of a dangerous drug. Cornell Law Review, 58:537-572, 1973. RIS: 15:15 DRUGS: *cocaine; methadone SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *anesthetic uses; *drug trafficking; *overdoses; *drug policy; *health status; *drug laws; cardiovascular effects; respiratory effects METHODOLOGY: *history 0567 Mortimer, W. Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas. New York: J.H. Vail and Company, 1901. Reprinted by And/Or Press, History of Coca. San Francisco, 1974. RIS: 15:19 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *South American Indians SUBJECTS: cultivation; *religious uses; *therapeutic uses; *botanical characteristics; *stimulant reactions; *anesthetic uses; *drug policy; *commercial uses LOCATION: *South America METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *history 55 0568 Ashley, R. Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1975. RIS: 15:23 DRUGS: *cocaine; marihuana; amphetamines SUBJECTS: *fiction; *sexual effects; *routes of administration; *therapeutic uses; *physiological effects; *psychological effects; *commercial uses; *drug law effects; *drug trafficking; respiratory effects; cardiovascular effects METHODOLOGY: *history 0569 Mariani, A. Coca and Its Therapeutic Application. New York: J.N. Jaros, 1890. RIS: 15:29 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *botanical characteristics; cultivation; *therapeutic uses; *commercial uses METHODOLOGY: *history 0570 Scheppegrell, W. The abuse and dangers of cocaine. The Medical News, 73(14):417-422, 1898. RIS: 15:31 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *animal experiments; *physiological effects; *deaths, drug-related; *therapeutic uses; *psychological effects; *ethnic factors METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0571 Moffett, C. Rx cocaine. Hampton's Magazine, 26:595-606, 1911. RIS: 15:32 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *drug law enforcement; *drug trafficking; *psychological effects; *commercial uses; *drug policy; *criminality METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0572 wiley, H.; Pierce, A. The cocaine crime. Good Housekeeping, 58:393-398, 1914. RIS: 15:33 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *therapeutic uses; *commercial uses; *drug trafficking; *drug laws; *drug policy METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0573 Kolb, L. Drug addiction in its relation to crime. Mental Hygiene, 9(1):74-89, 1925. RIS: 15:34 DRUGS: *cocaine; opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated (181); addicts; treatment, inpatient SUBJECTS: *crimes of violence; *stimulant reactions; *psychological effects METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews; official records MAIN LISTING 0574 Kolb, L. Pleasure and deterioration from narcotic addiction. Mental Hygiene, 9(4):699-724, 1925. RIS: 15:35 DRUGS: *cocaine; *opiates SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *stimulant reactions; *adverse reactions; *work performance; *marital relationships; anxiety METHODOLOGY: *case study 0575 Tatum, A; Seevers, M. Theories of drug addiction. Psychological Reviews, 11(2):107-120, 1931. RIS: 15:36 DRUGS: *cocaine; *morphine SUBJECTS: *animal experiments; *abstinence; *psychological effects; *stimulant reactions; *tolerance; *addiction models; *withdrawal; *cerebral effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0576 Seevers, M. Drug Addiction Problems. American Scientist, Sigma Xi Quarterly, 27:91-102, 1939. RIS: 15:37 DRUGS: *cocaine; *morphine SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *stimulant reactions; *personality factors; *motivation for use; *epidemiology METHODOLOGY: *correlational 0577 Gutierrez-Noriega, C.; von Hagen, V. The strange case of the coca leaf. Scientific Monthly, 70(2):81-89, 1950. RIS: 15:38 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *South American Indians SUBJECTS: *commercial uses; *respiratory effects; *cardiovascular effects; *stimulant reactions; *psychological effects; *cerebral effects; *health status; *value orientation; cultivation LOCATION: *South America METHODOLOGY: *history; *descriptive 0578 Isbell, H.; White, W. Clinical characteristics of addictions. American Journal of Medicine, 14(5):558-565, 1953. RIS: 15:40 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *cocaine SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *psychological effects; *demography; *criminality; *physiological effects; *routes of administration; *respiratory effects; *cardiovascular effects; abstinence METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0579 Granier-Doyeux, M. Some sociological aspects of the problem of cocaism. Bulletin on Narcotics, 14:1-16, 1962. RIS: 15:42 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *South American Indians SUBJECTS: *health status; *work performance; *socioeconomic factors LOCATION: *South America METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 56 0580 Eddy, N.; Halbach, H.; Isbell, H.; Seevers, M. Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 32:721- 733, 1965. RIS: 15:44 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *routes of administration; *stimulant reactions; *physiological effects; *tolerance; World Health Organization; withdrawal METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0581 Hegnauer, R. Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen. IV, Erythroxylaceae. Basel: Birkhauser Verlag, 1966. pp. 94-99. RIS: 15:45 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *botanical characteristics; *chemical characteristics METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0582 Ludwig, A; Pyle, R. Danger potential of commonly abused drugs. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 68:216-218, 1969. RIS: 15:47 DRUGS: *cocaine; *multi-drug SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *criminality; *deaths, drug-related; *accidents, fatal; *physiological effects; *tolerance METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *literature review 0583 Bejerot, N. A comparison of the effects of cocaine and synthetic central stimulants. British Journal of Addiction, 65:35-37, 1969. RIS: 15:48 DRUGS: *cocaine; *multi-drug SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *physiological effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0584 Crowley, A. Cocaine. San Francisco, California: Level Press, 1973. RIS: 15:49 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *stimulant reactions; *drug policy; *drug law effects; drug laws METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0585 not specified The Gourmet Cokebook: A Complete Guide to Cocaine. White Mountain Press, 1972. RIS: 15:50 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *religious uses; *therapeutic uses; *drug laws; *commercial uses; *routes of administration; *adulterants; *psychological effects; anesthetic uses METHODOLOGY: *history; *descriptive MAIN LISTING 0586 Woods, J.; Downs, D. The psychopharmacology of cocaine. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Use in America: Problem in Perspective. Appendix, vol. |: Patterns and Consequences of Drug Use. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 116- 139. RIS: 15:52 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *therapeutic uses; *routes of administration; *stimulant reactions; *cardiovascular effects; *deaths, drug-related; *psychological effects; chemical composition; cultivation; anesthetic uses METHODOLOGY: *history; *descriptive 0587 Post, R. Cocaine psychosis: A continuum model. American Journal of Psychiatry, 132(3):225-231, 1975. RIS: 15:55 DRUGS: *cocaine; amphetamines SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *psychosis, drug; *adverse reactions; anxiety; paranoia; stress METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0588 Freud, S. On the general effect of cocaine. Medizinisch- chirurgisches Centralblatt, 20(32):374-375, 1885. Reprinted in: The Cocaine Papers. (S. Edminister, trans.) Vienna: Dunquin Press, 1963. RIS: 15:59 DRUGS: *cocaine; morphine SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *stimulant reactions; *work performance; *therapeutic uses; *withdrawal; *psychomotor performance; depression METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0589 Freud, S. Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of cocaine. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 35(5):129-133, 1885. Reprinted in: The Cocaine Papers. (R. Potash, trans.) Vienna: Dunquin Press, 1963. RIS: 15:60 DRUGS: *cocaine SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 0590 Freud, S. Craving for and fear of cocaine. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 28:929-932, 1887. Reprinted in: The Cocaine Papers. (W. Hammond, trans.) Vienna: Dunquin Press, 1963. RIS: 15:62 DRUGS: *cocaine; morphine SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *therapeutic uses; *physiological effects; *psychological effects METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0591 Hammond, W. A volunteer paper. Transactions of the Medical Society of Virginia, 212-226, 1887. Also in: Byck, R., ed. Cocaine Papers by Sigmund Freud. New York: Stonehill Publishing Company, 1974. pp. 179-193. RIS: 15:63 SAMPLE: male (1) SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *cardiovascular effects; *respiratory effects; sleep patterns; adverse reactions METHODOLOGY: *experimental; self report 57 0592 Bose, K. Cocaine intoxication and its demoralizing effects. British Medical Journal, 1:1020-1022, 1902. RIS: 15:66 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *treatment (10); males; females SUBJECTS: *physiological effects; *stimulant reactions; *psychological effects; *motivation for use LOCATION: *India METHODOLOGY: *case study; observations 0593 Bose, C. Cocaine poisoning. British Medical Journal, 1:16-17, 1913. RIS: 15:68 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: users; males (1); females (3) SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *adverse reactions; *medical treatment LOCATION: *India METHODOLOGY: *case study; official records; laboratory/examination; observations 0594 Mills, C. Morphinomania, cocomania, and general narcomania and some of their legal consequences. /nternational Clinics, 1(Ser. 15-11):159-176, 1905. RIS: 15:70 DRUGS: *cocaine; *morphine SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *physiological effects METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 0595 Gordon, A. Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility. Journal of the American Medical Association, 51(2):97-101, 1908. RIS: 15:71 DRUGS: *cocaine; *morphine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (171) SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *adverse reactions; *cardiovascular effects; *respiratory effects; *suicides; *psychological effects; *abstinence LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; program/ clinic statistics; observations 0596 Owens, W. Signs and symptoms presented by those addicted to cocaine. Journal of the American Medical Association, 58:329-330, 1912. RIS: 15:74 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *treatment (23) SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *stimulant reactions; *routes of administration METHODOLOGY: *case study; observations MAIN LISTING 0597 Chopra, R.; Chopra, G. Cocaine habit in India. /ndian Journal of Medical Research, 18:1013-1046, 1930/31. RIS: 15:76 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: addicts (200); males; females SUBJECTS: *demography; *onset; *personality factors; *sexual effects; *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *routes of administration; *motivation for use LOCATION: *India METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; program/clinic statistics; official records 0598 Lindemann, E.; Malamud, W. Experimental analysis of the psychopathological effects of intoxicating drugs. American Journal of Psychiatry, 90(4):853-881, 1933/1934. RIS: 15:79 DRUGS: *cocaine; *hashish; *mescaline; *sodium amytal SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (6); males; females; whites SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *personality factors METHODOLOGY: *experimental; observations 0599 Lindemann, E. The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs. American Journal of Psychiatry, 90(5):1007-1037, 1933/1934. RIS: 15:82 DRUGS: *cocaine; *hashish; *mescaline; *marihuana; *sodium amytal SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (10); males; females SUBJECTS: *stimulant reactions; *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *personality factors METHODOLOGY: *experimental; observations 0600 Chopra, |.; Chopra, R. The cocaine problem in India. Bulletin on Narcotics, 10:12-24, 1958. RIS: 15:85 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: addicts (200); males; females SUBJECTS: *peer influences; *drug trafficking; *routes of administration; *psychological effects; *physiological effects LOCATION: *India METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; interviews 0601 Rojo, M. Therapy of obsessive neuroses with cocaine. Revista Psiquiatria y Psicologia Medicina, 1:365-373, 1954. RIS: 15:88 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *treatment (3) SUBJECTS: *therapeutic uses; *psychological effects; *cerebral effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study; observations 0602 Kane, F.; Taylor, T. Mania associated with the use of L.N.H. and cocaine. American Journal of Physiology, 119:1098-99, 1963. RIS: 15:89 DRUGS: *cocaine; I.N.H. (isonicotinic acid hydrazide) SAMPLE: *treatment (1) SUBJECTS: *stimulant reactions; *psychological effects; *cerebral effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study; observations 58 0603 Bewley, T. Heroin and cocaine addiction. Lancet, 738(1):808-810, 1965. RIS: 15:91 DRUGS: *cocaine; *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (33); males; females SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug use patterns; *withdrawal LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; official records 0604 Negrete, J.; Murphy, H. Psychological deficit in chewers of coca leaf. Bulletin on Narcotics, 19(4):11-17, 1967. RIS: 15:93 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *South American Indians (92); males SUBJECTS: *cognitive effects; *cerebral effects LOCATION: *South America METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination; interviews; observations 0605 Buck, A.; Sasaki, T.; Hewitt, J.; Macrae, A. Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village. American Journal of Epidemiology, 88:159-177, 1968. RIS: 15:96 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *South American Indians SUBJECTS: *health status; *work performance; *hepatic effects LOCATION: *South America METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews; laboratory/ examination 0606 Woodley, R. Dealer: Portrait of a Cocaine Merchant. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971. RIS: 15:100 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *drug dealers (1) SUBJECTS: *hustling; *drug trafficking; *drug law effects LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; observations; interviews 0607 Sinnett, E.; Stone, L.; Coles, G.; Washington, W. The subjective dimensions of the drug experience. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 5(1):37-44, 1972. RIS: 15:101 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: users; *college students; males; females SUBJECTS: *motivation for use; *stimulant reactions; *psychological effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0608 Chambers, C.; Taylor, W.; Moffett, A. The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 7(3):427-441, 1972. RIS: 15:104 DRUGS: *cocaine; *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (173); males; females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; **‘cheating’’; *drug use patterns; *criminality LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; program/clinic statistics; urinalysis 0609 Stephens, R.; Weppner, R. Patterns of “cheating” among methadone maintenance patients. Drug Forum, 2(4):357-366, 1973. RIS; 15:107 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin; *cocaine SAMPLE: *methadone patients (75); males; females; blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *drug relapse; *treatment outcome; *drug use patterns; *‘‘cheating”’ METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0610 Hanna, J. Coca leaf use in southern Peru: Some biological aspects. American Anthropologist, 76:281-296, 1974. RIS: 15:109 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *South American Indians (11) SUBJECTS: *cardiovascular effects; *respiratory effects; *health status; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *South America METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination; observations 0611 Nail, R;; Gunderson, E; Kolb, D. Motives for use among light and heavy users. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 159(2):131-136, 1974. RIS: 15:112; 25:279 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment (997); males SUBJECTS: *demography; *psychological effects; *drug use patterns; *motivation for use LOCATION: not specified 0612 Post, R.; Kotin, J.; Goodwin, F. The effects of cocaine on depressed patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 131:511-517, 1974. RIS: 15:114 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (16) SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *cardiovascular effects; *respiratory effects; sleep patterns LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; interviews; *questionnaires; laboratory/examination; observations 0613 Lambert, A. The obliteration of the craving for narcotics. Journal of the American Medical Association, 53(13):985-989, 1909. RIS: 15:119 DRUGS: *alcohol; *morphine; *cocaine SAMPLE: addicts (28); males; females SUBJECTS: *treatment models METHODOLOGY: *case study; program/clinic statistics 314-297 0 - 80 - 6 59 0614 Chopra, R.; Chopra, I. Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India. Bulletin on Narcotics, 9(4):21-33, 1957. RIS: 15:121 DRUGS: *cocaine; marihuana; opiates SAMPLE: *treatment (8,000) SUBJECTS: *demography; *rehabilitation; *abstinence; *treatment models; *treatment outcome; *age factors; *drug relapse; *motivation for use LOCATION: *India METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; program/clinic statistics 0615 Chapel, J. Emergency room treatment of the drug-abusing patient. American Journal of Psychiatry, 130:257-259, 1973. RIS: 15:124 DRUGS: *multi-drug SUBJECTS: *treatment models; *adverse reactions; *overdoses METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0616 Eberle, E.; Gordon, F. Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits. American Journal of Pharmacy, 75:474-485, 1903. RIS: 15:127 DRUGS: *cocaine; *heroin; *morphine SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *geographic factors; *drug policy; *drug attitudes; *parental influences; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional 0617 Winick, C. The use of drugs by jazz musicians. Social Problems, 7:240-2583, 1959. RIS: 15:130 DRUGS: *marihuana; *heroin; *cocaine SAMPLE: *musicians (357); whites; *blacks SUBJECTS: *demography; *drug use patterns; *work performance; *drug attitudes LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0618 wilson, C. Drugs of dependence. The Practitioner, 200:102-112, 1968. RIS: 15:131 DRUGS: *cocaine; *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *motivation for use; *abstinence; *physiological effects METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records 0619 Backhouse, C.; James, |. The relationships and prevalance of smoking, drinking, and drug taking in (delinquent) adolescent boys. British Journal ot Addiction, 64:75-79, 1969. RIS: 15:132 DRUGS: *alcohol; *cocaine; *tobacco; general SAMPLE: *delinquents (304); males SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; interviews MAIN LISTING 0620 Connell, P. Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem. Royal Society tor the Promotion of Health, 89:92-96, 1969. RIS: 15:133 DRUGS: *heroin; *cocaine SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *age factors; *sex factors; *drug offenses; *personality factors; *treatment models LOCATION: *Great Britain METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records 0621 Noble, P. Drug taking in delinquent boys. British Medical Journal, 1:102-106, 1970. RIS: 15:134; 23:25 DRUGS: *multi-drug; soft drugs; hard drugs SAMPLE: *adolescent offenders (67); males SUBJECTS: *demography; *drug use patterns; *personality factors; *family influences LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; interviews; official records 0622 Noble, P.; Barnes, G. Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors associated with the progression to narcotic use. British Medical Journal, 2:620-623, 1971. RIS: 15:136 DRUGS: *cocaine; general SAMPLE: *delinquents (327); *females SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *sex factors; *background characteristics LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *longitudinal; interviews; official records 0623 Noble, P.; Hart, T.; Nation, R. Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls. British Journal of Psychiatry, 120:497-504, 1972. RIS: 15:137; 25:253 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *delinquents (327); users; nonusers; *females SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *age factors LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *longitudinal; official records; laboratory/examination 0624 Edmundson, W.; Davies, J.; Acker, J.; Myer, B. Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners. Industrial Medicine and Surgery, 41(1):15-19, 1972. RIS: 15:138; 21:24 DRUGS: *alcohol; *heroin; *cocaine; *marihuana SAMPLE: *incarcerated (470); males; females; blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *age factors; *drug use patterns; *ethnic factors; *routes of administration; *onset; *drug availability; *multiple drug use LOCATION: *Florida, Dade County METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews; laboratory/examination 0625 Hindmarch, I. The patterns of drug abuse among school children. Bulletin on Narcotics, 24(3):23-26, 1972. RIS: 15:139 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *marihuana; stimulants SAMPLE: *adolescents (103); users; males; females SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews 0626 Horowitz, J.; Sedlacek, W. University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs. Journal of College Student Personnel, 14(3):236- 237,1973. RIS: 15:140 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (2,141); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug laws, attitudes; *drug use patterns; *drug availability; *motivation for use LOCATION: *Maryland METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0628 Blum, R. Drugs and violence. In: Mulvihill, D., and Curtis, L., eds. Crimes of Violence: A Staff Report Submitted to the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969. pp. 1461-1523. RIS: 17:3 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *alcohol SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *crimes of violence; *crimes against property; *methadone maintenance; *suicides; *psychosis; *drug trafficking; *drug policy; sexual offenses METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0629 Blumberg, A. The politics of deviance: The case of drugs. Journal of Drug Issues, 3(2):105-114, 1973. RIS: 17:6 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *deviance; *drug law enforcement; *crimes of violence; *crimes against property; *social costs of drug use; *drug policy; methadone maintenance METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0630 Chambers, C. Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review. In: Inciardi, J., and Chambers, C., eds. Drugs and the Criminal Justice System. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1974. pp. 125-142. RIS: 17:7 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts; males; *females; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *crimes against property; *crimes against persons; *sex factors; *prostitution; *drug trafficking; *treatment programs; *crime/drug sequences; *arrests; *incarceration; robbery; shoplifting METHODOLOGY: *literature review MAIN LISTING 0631 Drug Abuse Council A Perspective on “Get Tough” Drug Control Laws. Washington, D.C.: the Council, 1973. Publication No. PPS-1. RIS: 17:9 DRUGS: *heroin; *methamphetamine; *alcohol; *barbiturates SAMPLE: addicts; users SUBJECTS: *drug law effects; *drug policy; *chipping; *drug law enforcement; *treatment outcome; *employment, addict; *crimes of violence; *crimes against property; *drug offenses; burglary; prostitution METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0632 Finestone, H. Narcotics and criminality. Law and Contemporary Problems, 22:69-85, 1957. RIS: 17:11 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts; *adolescents SUBJECTS: *socioeconomic factors; *delinquency; *crimes of violence; *drug policy; *addiction models; *crimes against persons; *crimes against property; *drug arrests; ghettos; lifestyles; role models LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago; *United States, cross- sectional METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis; *history; Uniform Crime Reports 0633 Glaser, D. Interlocking dualities in drug use, drug control, and crime. In: Inciardi, J., and Chambers, C., eds. Drugs and the Criminal Justice System. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1974. pp. 39-56. RIS: 17:13 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *drug laws; *drug law enforcement; *crimes against property; *criminality; *drug use patterns METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0634 Glaser, F. Drug addiction and crime: Is methadone maintenance preferable to withdrawal?. /nternational Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 16(1):18-24, 1972. RIS: 17:14 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *criminality; withdrawal; toxicity METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0635 Gould, L. Crime and the addict: Beyond common sense. In: Inciardi, J., and Chambers, C., eds. Drugs and the Criminal Justice System. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1974. pp. 54-75. RIS: 17:15 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *theft; *crimes against persons; *social costs of drug use; *crimes of violence; crime theories METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 61 0636 Greenberg, S.; Adler, F. Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973. Contemporary Drug Problems, 3(2):221-270, 1974. RIS: 17:17 DRUGS: *heroin; *amphetamines; *methadone SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *crimes of violence; *crimes against property; *crimes against persons; *methadone maintenance; *treatment models; *crime/drug sequences; *treatment outcome METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0637 Petersen, D. Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction. In: Inciardi, J., and Chambers, C., eds. Drugs and the Criminal Justice System. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1974. pp. 143-169. RIS: 17:20 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *compulsory treatment; *treatment outcome; *community-based treatment; *prison-based treatment; *abstinence; *criminal recidivism; *parole; *probation; *halfway houses METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0638 Reasons, C. The addict as a criminal: Perpetuation of a legend. Crime and Delinquency, 20(1):19-27, 1975. RIS: 17:22 DRUGS: *opiates; *marihuana SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *drug laws; Bureau of Narcotics METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0639 Tinklenberg, J. Drugs and crime. |. Literature review. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Use in America: Problem in Perspective. Appendix, vol. 1: Patterns and Consequences of Drug Use. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 242- 267. RIS: 17:24 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *crimes of violence; *physiological effects; *psychological effects; *methodological factors; *crime/drug sequences; *sexual offenses; *crimes against persons; *crimes against property; *tolerance; *sexual effects; robbery; dosage; psychosis; panic reactions METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0640 Wilson, J.; Moore, M.; Wheat, |. The problem of heroin. Public Interest, 29(4):3-28, 1972. RIS: 17:27 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *addiction models; *crimes against property; *crimes of violence; *prostitution; *crime/drug sequences; *drug law enforcement; *drug policy; burglary; shoplifting METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical MAIN LISTING 0641 Bean, P. Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 62(1): 80-86, 1971. RIS: 17:31; 23:29 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *incarcerated (100); males; females SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *drug use patterns; *drug offenses; *crimes against property; *crime/drug sequences; *crimes of violence; breaking and entering; theft; larceny LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0642 Eckerman, W.; Bates, J.; Rachell, J.; Poole, W. Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Office of Scientific Support, Drug Control Division, 1971. 388 pp. RIS: 17:33 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *incarcerated; *blacks (1,081); *Mexican- Americans (233); *Puerto Ricans (87); whites (465); users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *crimes against property; *crimes against persons; *drug use patterns; *arrest rates; *crimes of violence; burglary; drug offenses; robbery LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *comparative; *correlational; *retrospective; interviews; official records; urinalysis; Uniform Crime Reports 0643 Ellinwood, E. Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse. American Journal of Psychiatry, 127(9):1170- 1175, 1971. RIS: 17:36; 25:427 DRUGS: *amphetamines; multi-drug SAMPLE: *violent offenders (13) SUBJECTS: *homicides; *paranoia; *schizophrenia; *screening and detection; *drug use patterns; *crimes of violence; assaults; emotional lability LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study; *correlational; interviews; observations 0645 Fitzpatrick, J. Drugs, alcohol, and violent crime. Addictive Diseases, 1(83):353-367, 1974. RIS: 17:38 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; *barbiturates SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *crimes of violence; *drug trafficking; *homicides; *drug policy; organized crime; assaults METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 62 0646 Goode, E. Excerpts from marihuana use and crime. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding. Appendix, vol. 1. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. pp. 453-469. RIS: 17:40 DRUGS: *marihuana; alcohol SAMPLE: *general population (559); males; whites; *blacks SUBJECTS: *crime/drug sequences; *perceived effects; *theft; *aggression; *crimes of violence LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 0647 Guze, S.; Goodwin, D.; Crane, J. Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness. American Journal of Psychiatry, 127(6):832-835, 1970. RIS: 17:43 DRUGS: *opiates; *barbiturates; *amphetamines; *alcohol SAMPLE: *incarcerated; males; *blacks (51); whites (125) SUBJECTS: *criminal recidivism; *sociopathy; *ethnic factors; *age factors; *criminality; alcoholism LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *clinical observation; interviews; official records 0648 Jacoby, J.; Weiner, N.; Thornberry, T.; Wolfgang, M. Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse Drug Use in America: Problem in Perspective. Appendix, vol. 1: Patterns and Consequences of Drug Use. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 300- 345. RIS: 17:45 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana SAMPLE: *general population (9,945); *blacks; whites; *children; *adolescents; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *delinquency; *drug offenses; *crime rates; *criminal recidivism; *ethnic factors; *age factors; *crime/drug sequences LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *gtatistical survey; interviews; police records 0649 New Jersey State Police Uniform Crime Reporting Unit Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. New Jersey: State Law Enforcement Planning Agency, 1971. 49 pp. RIS: 17:47 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *offenders (22,418); males; *females SUBJECTS: *crimes of violence; *robbery; *homicides; *crimes against property; *geographic factors; *arrests; demography LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; police records MAIN LISTING 0650 Rosenthal, S.; Young, J.; Wallace, D.; Koppel, R.; Gaddis, G. Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self-Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Center for Social Policy and Community Development, Temple University, 1973. RIS: 17:49 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment (216); *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *robbery; *burglary; *prostitution; *crime/drug sequences; *sociocultural influences; *peer subcultures; *deviance; *shoplifting; demography LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; *questionnaires 0651 Smith, R. C. Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district. In: Zarafonetis, C., ed. Drug Abuse: Proceedings of the International Conference. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lea and Febiger, 1972. pp. 435-448. RIS: 17:52; 25:429 DRUGS: *methamphetamine; *barbiturates; *heroin SAMPLE: users; whites SUBJECTS: *typologies; *drug subcultures; *prostitution; *robbery; *hustling; *drug trafficking; *adulterants; *crimes of violence; *paranoia; *drug use patterns; *drug policy; demography LOCATION: California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; interviews 0652 stanton, J. Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence. State of New York, Division of Parole, Bureau of Research and Statistics, 1969. 29 pp. RIS: 17:55 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana SAMPLE: *parolees (150); males SUBJECTS: *drug offenses; *robbery; *burglary; *larceny; *arrests; *assaults; *crime/drug sequences LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *correlational; official records 0653 Swezey, R.; Chambers, A. Drug use and criminal activity: Some relationship indices. Drug Forum, 3(2):161-171, 1974. RIS: 17:57 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *offenders; addicts; nonusers SUBJECTS: *drug offenses; *robbery; *criminality; *Narcotics Treatment Administration METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *secondary analysis; arrest records; police records; urinalysis; interviews 63 0654 Swezey, R. Estimating drug-crime relationships. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 8(4):701-721, 1973. RIS: 17:59 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *criminal justice personnel; *treatment personnel; (total 179) SUBJECTS: *prostitution; *burglary; *robbery; *larceny; *drug attitudes; *ethnic factors; *age factors LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *Drug Abuse Description Questionnaire 0655 zahn, M.; Bencivengo, M. Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users. Addictive Diseases, 1(3):283-296, 1974. RIS: 17:61 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *homicide cases (476); males; females; *blacks; whites; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *homicides; *lifestyles; *demography; *crimes against property; *robbery; *burglary; *theft; *assaults LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *statistical survey; medical examiner reports 0656 Ball, J. The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts. American Journal of Sociology, 72(6):650-654, 1971. RIS: 17:65 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *posttreatment; *Puerto Ricans (59) SUBJECTS: *arrests; *methodological factors; *onset; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Puerto Rico } METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *statistical survey; program/clinic statistics; arrest records; urinalysis; interviews 0657 Ball, J.; Snarr, R. "A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction. Bulletin on Narcotics, 21(4):9-13, 1969. RIS: 17:67 DRUGS: *heroin; opiates SAMPLE: *posttreatment; males; *Puerto Ricans (108) SUBJECTS: *maturing out; *treatment outcome; *arrests; *employment; *drug trafficking; *criminality; *abstinence; *onset; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals; methodological factors LOCATION: *Puerto Rico METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; *statistical survey; interviews; arrest records; program/clinic statistics; urinalysis MAIN LISTING 0658 Cushman, P. Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime. Federal Probation, 38(3):38-43, 1974. RIS: 17:75 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (277); males; females; *blacks; whites; *Spanish-speaking; *lower class SUBJECTS: *arrest rates; *drug offenses; *crimes for money; *methadone maintenance; *crimes against property; *crimes against persons; *prostitution; *sexual offenses; *crime/drug sequences; *treatment outcome; St. Luke's Hospital 0659 DeFleur, L.; Ball, J; Snarr, R. The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction. Social Problems, 17(2):225-234, 1969. RIS: 17:78 DRUGS: *heroin; marihuana SAMPLE: *posttreatment; *treatment, nonvoluntary; males; *Puerto Ricans (53) SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *life cycles; *arrests; *drug trafficking; *theft; *employment, addict; *socioeconomic factors; *crime/drug sequences; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Puerto Rico METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; official records; interviews; urinalysis 0660 Glaser, D.; Lander, B.; Abbott, W. Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area. Social Problems, 18(4):510-521, 1971. RIS: 17:81; 7:197; 21:123 DRUGS: *opiates; *marihuana SAMPLE: addicts (37); *siblings (37); users; nonusers; males; females; *blacks (10); *Puerto Ricans (54) SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *deviance; *criminality; *employment; *anomie; *ghettos; *gangs; *arrests; *sibling differences LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Srole Anomia Scale; *psychological tests; interviews 0661 Hughes, P.; Crawford, G.; Barker, N.; Schumann, S.; Jaffe, J. The social structure of a heroin copping community. American Journal of Psychiatry, 128(5):5561-558, 1971. RIS: 17:83 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts (125) SUBJECTS: *copping; *typologies; *treatment outcome; *treatment models; *hustling; *shoplifting; *onset; *drug trafficking; *social costs of drug use LOCATION: *Illinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; *Addict Psychosocial Functioning Scale 0662 Inciardi, J.; Chambers, C. Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts. Journal of Drug Issues, 2(2):57-64, 1972. RIS: 17:85 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana SAMPLE: *treatment; males (38); *females (52); *blacks; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *crime rates; *arrests; *crimes against property; *drug use patterns; *drug offenses; *prostitution; *crimes of violence; *methodological factors; *sex factors; *Narcotic Addiction Control Commission; robbery; theft; burglary; shoplifting 0663 Kozel, N.; DuPont, R; Brown, B. S. Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 7(3):443-450, 1972. RIS: 17:87 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *incarcerated (225); addicts; nonaddicts; males SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *hustling; *employment, addict; *crimes against property; *crimes against persons; *robbery LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; interviews; urinalysis 0664 Messinger, E.; Zitrin, A. A statistical study of criminal drug addicts. Crime and Delinquency, 11:283-292, 1965. RIS: 17:89 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *offenders; addicts (4,500) SUBJECTS: *typologies; *crimes of violence; *robbery; *purglary; *drug policy; *sociocultural influences; *psychosis; *psychotherapy; theft LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *comparative 0665 Newmeyer, J. The Junkie Thief. San Francisco, California: Haight- Ashbury Free Medical Clinic. 4 pp. RIS: 17:92 DRUGS: *heroin; *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient; thieves (100); nonthieves (159) SUBJECTS: *paranoia; *theft; *background characteristics; *burglary; *hustling; *arrests; *incarceration; *maturing out; *drug law enforcement; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic; demography LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews 0666 O'Donnell, J. Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky. Public Health Service Publication No. 1881. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969. pp. 107-125. RIS: 17:96 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (266); males; *females; whites SUBJECTS: *arrests; *robbery; *burglary; *theft; *drug offenses; *crimes against persons; *drug availability; *crime/drug sequences; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; interviews; urinalysis MAIN LISTING 0667 Plair, W.; Jackson, L. Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment. Research Report No. 33. Washington, D.C.: District of Columbia, Department of Corrections, 1970. 128 pp.. RIS: 17:98 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana; *methadone SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (50); *blacks; *adolescents; adults SUBJECTS: *drug arrests; *crimes against property; *halfway houses; *abstinence; *age factors; *methadone maintenance; *treatment outcome; *crime/drug sequences; *Narcotics Treatment Administration; habit size LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *retrospective; interviews 0668 Preble, E.; Casey, J. Taking care of business—The heroin user’s life on the street. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 4(1):1- 24,1969. RIS: 17:100 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (150); *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; Irish; Italians SUBJECTS: *burglary; *crimes of violence; *hustling; *ethnic factors; *robbery; *typologies; *addiction careers; *treatment models; *ghettos; *shoplifting; Manhattan State Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; interviews; observations 0669 Roebuck, J. The Negro drug addict as an offender type. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, 53:36-43, 1962. RIS: 17:102 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *incarcerated; addicts (50); nonaddicts (350); males; *blacks SUBJECTS: *mother-child relationships; *arrests; *background characteristics; *drug offenses; *crimes against property; assaults; sexual offenses; forgery; gambling; robbery; burglary; larceny; shoplifting LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *comparative; arrest records 0670 Stimson, G. Heroin and Behavior. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1973. 246 pp. RIS: 17:104 DRUGS: *heroin; multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient; males (92); females (36) SUBJECTS: *typologies; *employment, addict; *crimes of violence; *crimes against property; *crimes for money; *drug offenses; *hustling LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *longitudinal; interviews 65 0671 Sutter, A. The world of the righteous dope fiend. /ssues in Criminology, 2(2):177-222, 1966. RIS: 17:107 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *street addicts; *adolescents SUBJECTS: *typologies; *retreatist behavior; *lifestyles; *hustling; *burglary; *gambling; *drug relapse; *drug trafficking; maturing out LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *ethnography 0672 vaillant, G. A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics. Archives of General Psychiatry, 15(6):599-609, 1966. RIS: 17:109 DRUGS: *heroin; *alcohol SAMPLE: *posttreatment; males; *blacks (50); whites (50) SUBJECTS: *family influences; *mother-child relationships; *crimes against property; *geographic mobility; *crimes against persons; *delinquency; *crime/drug sequences; *ethnic factors; *depression; *schizophrenia; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *questionnaires; official records 0673 Voss, H.; Stephens, R. Criminal history of narcotic addicts. Drug Forum, 2(2):191-202, 1973. RIS: 17:112 DRUGS: *alcohol; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; males (773); females (217); *blacks (493); whites (443); *Spanish- speaking (52) SUBJECTS: *gambling; *theft; *ethnic factors; *sex factors; *burglary; *forgery; *drug offenses; *robbery; *prostitution; *crime/drug sequences; *drug trafficking; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; interviews 0674 waldorf, D. Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long- term periods of voluntary abstention. Socia/ Problems, 18(2):228-242, 1970. RIS: 17:115 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (422); *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *abstinence; *drug trafficking; *treatment outcome; *pimping; *prostitution; *life cycles; *crime/drug sequences LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews MAIN LISTING 0675 Weissman, J.; Katsampes, P.; Giacinti, T. Opiate use and criminality among a jail population. Addictive Diseases, 1(3):269-281, 1974. RIS: 17:117 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated; males (229); *females (53); *placks (117); whites (79); *Spanish-speaking (85); American Indians (1) SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *drug offenses; *larceny; *burglary; *prostitution; *robbery; *assaults; *age factors; *arrest rates; *sex factors; *maturing out; *crime/drug sequences LOCATION: *Colorado, Denver METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *statistical survey; official records 0676 Winick, C. Maturing out of narcotic addiction. Bulletin on Narcotics, 14:1-7, 1962. RIS: 17:119 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts (7,234) SUBJECTS: *maturing out; *life cycles LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; official records 0677 Blumer, H. The World of Youthful Drug Use. Berkeley, California: University of California, School of Criminology, 1967. 85 pp.. RIS: 17:123 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *general population (200); *adolescents; adults; *blacks; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *typologies; *drug subcultures; *drug use patterns; *hustling; *criminality; *onset; *drug trafficking LOCATION: *California, Oakland METHODOLOGY: *ethnography 0678 Chein, I. Narcotics use among juveniles. In: Cavan, R. Readings in Juvenile Delinquency. New York City: J.B. Lippincott, 1964. pp. 237-252. RIS: 17:126 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *delinquents; *adolescents; users; nonusers; *placks; *Spanish-speaking; whites; (total 3,000 +) SUBJECTS: *gangs; *delinquency; *ghettos; *drug attitudes; *ethnic factors; *socioeconomic factors; *robbery; *burglary; *psychological adjustment; *drug policy; *family influences LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; interviews; official records; observations 66 0679 Friedman, C.; Friedman, A. Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court- adjudicated adolescent boys. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Use in America: Problem in Perspective. Appendix, vol. 1: Patterns and Consequences of Drug Use. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 398-436. RIS: 17:130 DRUGS: *marihuana; *inhalants; *stimulants; opiates SAMPLE: *delinquents; users; nonusers; males; *blacks (223), whites (65) SUBJECTS: *criminal recidivism; *crimes of violence; *family influences; *drug trafficking; *delinquency; *demography; *crime/drug sequences; *psychological adjustment LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *clinical observation; *|ongitudinal; official records; *Delinquency Check List 0680 Friedman, C.; Friedman, A. Drug abuse and delinquency. Part li. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys. In: National Commission of Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Use in America. Problem in Perspective. Appendix, vol. 1: Patterns and Consequences of Drug Use. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 436-484. RIS: 17:133 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *delinquents; nondelinquents; users; nonusers; males; *blacks (355); whites (163); *lower class SUBJECTS: *crimes of violence; *drug use patterns; *gangs; *drug offenses; *crime/drug sequences; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *retrospective; *questionnaires; *psychological tests; police records; *Delinquency Check List 0681 Glaser, D.; Inciardi, J.; Babst, D. Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin-using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City. International Journal of the Addictions, 4(2):145-155, 1969. RIS: 17:135 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana SAMPLE: *adolescent offenders (706); users; nonusers; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites; *lower class SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *delinquency; *crime/ drug sequences LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *statistical survey; *retrospective; official records MAIN LISTING 0682 Gordon, A. Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction. British Journal of Psychiatry, 122(567):205-210, 1973. RIS: 17:137; 23:31 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (60); users; nonusers; males SUBJECTS: *family influences; *larceny; *crimes of violence; *background characteristics; *convictions; *multiple drug use; *crime/drug sequences; fraud LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; interviews; official records; urinalysis 0683 James, |. Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain. British Journal ot Criminology, 9(2):108-124, 1969. RIS: 17:139 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *incarcerated (50); males; whites SUBJECTS: *crimes against property; *drug offenses; *background characteristics; *delinquency; *larceny; *sociopathy; *drug use patterns; *crime/drug sequences LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0684 Johnston, L. Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 1973. 273 pp. RIS: 17:141 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students SUBJECTS: *delinquency; *drug use patterns; *drug attitudes; *crime/drug sequences LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *questionnaires; interviews; *Delinquency Check List” 0685 Mauldin, J.; Bunn, C.; Whittemore, K. Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study. Paper presented at the 1972 annual meeting of the Georgia Sociological and Anthropological Society. RIS: 17:143 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *adolescent offenders (399); users; nonusers; males; females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *arrests; *drug offenses; *crimes for money; *crimes of violence; *traffic violations; runaways LOCATION: *Georgia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews; urinalysis 67 0686 Polonsky, D.; Davis, G. F.; Roberts, C. A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender. Sacramento, California: Institute for the Study of Crime and Delinquency, 1967. 35 pp. RIS: 17:144 DRUGS: *marihuana; *opiates SAMPLE: *adolescent offenders (866); males (712); females (154); *blacks (294); *Mexican-Americans (348); whites (204) SUBJECTS: *drug offenses; *delinquency; *socioeconomic factors; *arrests; *ethnic factors; *age factors; *sex factors; *court dispositions; *convictions; *crime/drug sequences LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; arrest records 0687 Tinklenberg, J.; Woodrow, K. Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders. In: Frazier, S., ed. Aggression: Proceedings of the 1972 Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease. Baltimore, Maryland: Williams and Wilkins Co., 1974. pp. 209-224. RIS: 17:148 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *secobarbital; *alcohol SAMPLE: *incarcerated; *adolescents (152) SUBJECTS: *sexual offenses; *assaults; *perceived effects; *drug preferences LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; interviews; official records 0688 Ball, J.; Levine, B.; Demaree, R.; Neman, J. Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States. Addictive Diseases, 1(40):481-489, 1975. RIS: 17:153 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *treatment; males (32,418); *females (9,875); *blacks (19,840); whites (15,037); *Mexican- Americans (3,244); *Puerto Ricans (3,615) SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *geographic factors; *incarceration; *arrests; *Drug Abuse Reporting Program LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; program/clinic statistics 0689 File, K.; McCahill, T.; Savitz, L. Narcotics involvement and female criminality. Addictive Diseases, 1(2):177-188, 1974. RIS: 17:155 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *offenders; *females (227); *blacks (163); whites (64) SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *prostitution; *arrests; *typologies; *assaults; *homicides; *robbery; *larceny; *gambling; *forgery; crimes against property; crimes against persons LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *descriptive; interviews; urinalysis; police records MAIN LISTING 0690 d’'Orban, P. Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison. British Journal of Addiction, 65:67-68, 1970. RIS: 17:157; 23:35 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *incarcerated; *females (66) SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *drug use patterns; *crimes of violence; *larceny; *multiple drug use; *robbery; *psychological adjustment; *family influences; *homosexuality; *convictions; *prostitution; Holloway Prison LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive survey; *psychological tests; interviews; official records 0691 d'Orban, P. Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers. British Medical Journal, 19(4):345- 347,1973. RIS: 17:159; 23:37 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated; *females (66) SUBJECTS: *drug offenses; *crimes against property; *maturing out; *incarceration; *prostitution; *crime/ drug sequences; *crimes of violence; Holloway Prison LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; official records 0693 Zahn, M.; Ball, J. Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females. Addictive Diseases, 1(2):203-213, 1974. RIS: 17:162 DRUGS: *heroin; marihuana; *demerol SAMPLE: *posttreatment (12); *females; *Puerto Ricans; *middle-aged SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *prostitution; *drug offenses; *onset; *drug relapse; *socioeconomic factors; *crime/drug sequences; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals; medical addiction LOCATION: *Puerto Rico METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews; official records; urinalysis 0694 Alexander, M.; McCaslin, C. Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment. American Journal of Public Health, 64(Suppl.):51-56, 1974. RIS: 17:167 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (118); males; females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *onset; *crime rates; *crime/drug sequences; *crimes against property; *drug offenses; *criminal recidivism; *crimes of violence; *treatment outcome; *drug relapse; *misdemeanors; *methadone maintenance LOCATION: *Georgia, Atlanta METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; official records 0695 Berecochea, J.; Sing, G. The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 7(1):123-132, 1972. RIS: 17:169 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (44); *parolees (44); males; blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *halfway houses; *civil commitment; *treatment outcome; *misdemeanors; *drug relapse; *felonies; *criminal recidivism; *Parkway Community Correctional Center LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *comparative; official records 0696 Bloom, W.; Capel, W. An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Methadone Treatment. Washington, D.C., March 17-19, 1973. vol. 1 New York: the Association, 1973. pp. 123-132. RIS: 17:171 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *street addicts (89); *methadone patients (430) SUBJECTS: *crime rates; *age factors; *treatment outcome; *traffic violations; *assaults; *misdemeanors; *methadone maintenance; *deviant subcultures; *crime/drug sequences LOCATION: *Louisiana, New Orleans METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; program/clinic statistics; police records 0697 Brill, L.; Lieberman, L. Authority and Addiction. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1969. 388 pp. RIS: 17:173;18:75 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *probationers (200); males SUBJECTS: *rehabilitation; *treatment outcome; *compulsory treatment; *employment; *abstinence; *criminality; Washington Heights Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *comparative; interviews; official records 0698 Collins, W.P.; Kelly, W. Methadone treatment and crime reduction— Differential impact: An analysis and a case study. In: Senay, E., et al., eds. Developments in the Field of Drug Abuse. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman Publishing Company, 1975. pp. 144-147. RIS: 17:181 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *methadone maintenance; *criminality; demography METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical MAIN LISTING 0699 Cuskey, W.; Ipsen, J.; Premkumar, T. An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment. In: National Commission of Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Abuse in America. Problem in Perspective. Appendix, vol. 4. Treatment and Rehabilitation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 198-357. RIS: 17:182 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *treatment (103); males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *psychotherapy; *therapeutic communities; *treatment outcome; *ethnic factors; *arrest rates; *convictions; *drug offenses; *crimes of violence; *crime/drug sequences; theft; burglary; assaults; St. Luke's Hospital; Gaudenzia House; Eagleville Hospital LOCATION: *Pennsylvania METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0700 Deleon, G.; Holland, S.; Rosenthal, M. Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts. Journal of the American Medical Association, 222(6):686-689, 1972. RIS: 17:185 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (358); *treatment, voluntary; *treatment, nonvoluntary; males; females; *blacks; whites; *Spanish-speaking SUBJECTS: *therapeutic communities; *arrest rates; *treatment outcome; *ethnic factors; *time in treatment; *criminal recidivism; *Phoenix House LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; program/ clinic statistics; arrest records 0701 Dole, V.; Nyswander, M.; Warner, A. Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts. Journal of the American Medical Association, 206(12):2708- 2711, 1968. RIS: 17:187 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *convictions:; *criminal recidivism; *treatment outcome; *drug relapse; *Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; program/clinic statistics; urinalysis 0702 Dole, V. et al. Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts. New England Journal of Medicine, 280(25):1372-1375, 1969. RIS: 17:189 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *incarcerated (116); males SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *criminal recidivism; *treatment outcome; *drug relapse; motivation for treatment; Rikers Island LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *comparative; interviews; program/clinic statistics; official records 69 0703 DuPont, R. Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction. American Journal of Psychiatry, 128(7):856-860, 1972. RIS: 17:191 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *treatment (475); *treatment, voluntary; *treatment, nonvoluntary; males; *blacks SUBJECTS: *criminal recidivism; *crimes against property; *crimes of violence; *treatment programs; *social costs of drug use; *arrest rates; *treatment outcome; *employment; *drug relapse; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; program/clinic statistics 0704 DuPont, R.; Greene, M. The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic. Science, 181(4101):716-722, 1973. RIS: 17:193 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone; *methamphetamine SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *death rates; *overdoses; *drug substitution; *drug attitudes; *crime rates; *epidemiology; *drug availability; *crimes against property; *drug law enforcement; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; official records; observations; urinalysis 0705 Gearing, F. Methadone maintenance treatment five years later— Where are they now? American Journal of Public Health, 64 (Suppl.):44-50, 1974. RIS: 17:198 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (1,230); males; females; *blacks; whites; *Spanish-speaking SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *treatment outcome; *employment; *arrest rates; *drug relapse; *abstinence; *criminal recidivism; *detoxification:; *Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; official records; program/ clinic statistics; observations 0706 Gearing, F. A road back from heroin addiction. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Methadone Treatment. New York: the Association, 1972. pp. 157-158. RIS: 17:201 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (6,109) SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *arrest rates; *incarceration; *employment; *treatment outcome; *criminal recidivism; *Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program; motivation for treatment LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; official records; observations MAIN LISTING 0707 Hayim, G. Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment. In: Hayim, G., et al., eds. Heroin Use and Crime in a Methadone Maintenance Program. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, 1973. pp. 1-62. RIS: 17:203 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (416); males; *females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *crime rates; *age factors; *drug offenses; *treatment outcome; *packground characteristics; *crimes against property; *ethnic factors; *prostitution; *sex factors; *forgery; *onset; *Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation; assaults LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; program/ clinic statistics; official records 0708 Lukoff, |; Quatrone, D. Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two-year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report. In: Hayim, G., et al, eds. Heroin Use and Crime in a Methadone Maintenance Program. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, 1973. pp. 63-112. RIS: 17:205 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (765); *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *drug arrests; *arrest rates; *larceny; *criminal recidivism; *misdemeanors; *felonies; *treatment outcome; * Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation; demography LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *comparative; arrest records; urinalysis 0709 Lukoff, I. Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment. In: Josephson, E., and Carroll, E., eds. Drug Use: Epidemiological and Sociological Approaches. Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere Publishing, 1974. pp. 129-157. RIS: 17:207 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *onset; *treatment programs; *deviance; *criminality; *methadone maintenance; *age factors; *drug arrests; *arrest rates; *assaults METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 70 0710 Maddux, J.; Bowden, C. Critique of success with methadone maintenance. American Journal of Psychiatry, 129(4):440-446, 1972. RIS: 17:209 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *methadone maintenance; *methodological factors; *employment; *arrest rates; *criminal recidivism METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0711 Maddux, J.; McDonald, L. Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance. Drug Forum, 2(8):239-252, 1973. RIS: 17:211 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (100); males (86); females (14); blacks; *Mexican-Americans; whites SUBJECTS: *arrest rates; *incarceration; *drug use patterns; *misdemeanors; *methadone maintenance; *treatment outcome; *criminal recidivism LOCATION: *Texas, San Antonio METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive survey; urinalysis; arrest records; interviews 0712 Nash, G. The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs. Upper Montclair, New Jersey: Montclair State College, 1973. 92 pp. RIS: 17:215 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *treatment (277); males; *females; *blacks; whites; *Spanish-speaking SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *drug-free treatment; *criminal recidivism; *crime/drug sequences; *treatment outcome; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *employment; Drug Abuse Treatment Information Project (DATIP); *arrest rates; *drug arrests LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; interviews; arrest records 0713 Newman, R.; Bashkow, S. Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conterence on Methadone Treatment. Washington, D.C., March 17-19, 1973. vol. 1. New York: the Association, 1973. pp. 101-108. RIS: 17:218 DRUGS: *opiates; *methadone SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (280); males; females SUBJECTS: *arrest rates; *detoxification; *drug offenses; *treatment outcome; *time in treatment; *criminal recidivism; motivation for treatment; demography LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; arrest records MAIN LISTING 0714 Newman, R.; Bashkow, S.; Cates, M. Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment ram. Contemporary Drug Problems, 2(3):417-430, 1973. RIS: 17:220 DRUGS: *opiates; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (330); males; *females; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *arrest rates; *treatment outcome; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *criminal recidivism LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; arrest records 0715 Patch, V. et al. Heroin addicts and violent crime. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Methadone Treatment. Washington, D.C., March 17- 19, 1973. vol. 1. New York: the Association, 1973. pp. 386-390. RIS: 17:222 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone; marihuana SAMPLE: *methadone patients (526); *hippies; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *crimes of violence; *drug law enforcement; *crimes against property; *drug offenses; *age factors; *ethnic factors; *law enforcement biases; *methadone maintenance LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; official records 0716 Patch, V. et al. Urban versus suburban addict crime. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Methadone Treatment. Washington, D.C, March 17-19, 1973. vol. 1. New York: the Association, 1973. pp. 393-396. RIS: 17:224 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment (526) SUBJECTS: *geographic factors; *crime rates; *larceny; *forgery; *robbery; *burglary; *arrest rates LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; official records; Uniform Crime Reports 0717 Perkins, M.; Bloch, H. Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program. American Journal of Psychiatry, 126(10):33-40, 1970. RIS: 17:226 DRUGS: *methadone; barbiturates; alcohol SAMPLE: *methadone patients (521); addicts (712) SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *background characteristics; *treatment outcome; *vocational rehabilitation; *health status; *criminal recidivism; *time in treatment; *dosage; *Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; program/ clinic statistics 71 0718 Schut, J; Steer, R.; Gonzalez, F. Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment. British Journal of Addiction, 70:80-93, 1975. RIS: 17:228 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (65); males; *blacks (38); whites (27); *middle-aged SUBJECTS: *crimes of violence; *crimes against property; *drug offenses; *arrests; *methadone maintenance; *treatment outcome; *criminal recidivism LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; police records 0719 Sechrest, D.; Dunckley, T. Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment. Addictive Diseases, 1(4):491-512, 1975. RIS: 17:230 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (463) SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *treatment outcome; *employment; *arrest rates; *drug offenses; *criminal recidivism; *burglary; *convictions; *misdemeanors; *felonies LOCATION: *California, Santa Clara County METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; official records 0720 Sobol, N. et al. The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Methadone Treatment. Washington, D.C., March 17-19, 1973. New York: the Association, 1973. pp. 928-942. RIS: 17:232 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment; males (80); females (20); *blacks (50); whites (50) SUBJECTS: *diversion programs; *arrest rates; *convictions; *treatment outcome; *criminal recidivism; *Treatment Alternatives to Street Crimes (TASC) LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; program/clinic statistics 0721 Soloway, |. Methadone and the culture of addiction. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 6(1):91-99, 1974. RIS: 17:234 DRUGS: *methadone; *cocaine; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (82); users (21) SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *drug trafficking; *drug use patterns; *crimes of violence; *employment; *treatment outcome; *criminal recidivism; motivation for treatment LOCATION: *United States, eastern METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews MAIN LISTING 0722 Alexander, M. The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conterence on Methadone Treatment. Washington, D.C., March 17-19, 1973. vol. 1.. New York: the Association, 1973. pp. 733-751. RIS: 17:239 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts; *methadone patients SUBJECTS: *crime rates; *methadone maintenance; =crimes of violence; *crimes against property; *drug availability; *drug costs; *drug potency; *treatment outcome; *larceny; *robbery; *burglary LOCATION: *Georgia, Atlanta METHODOLOGY: *econometric; official records 0723 Brown, G.; Silverman, L. The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 69(347):595-606, 1974. RIS: 17:241 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *drug costs; *drug potency; *drug availability; *robbery; *burglary; *larceny; *theft LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *econometric; official records 0724 Casey, J. Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers. In: Casey, J. Economics ot Narcotics Addiction. Unpublished Dissertation, Department of Economics, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.,1973 Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, No. 72-22,770. pp. 126-198. RIS: 17:243 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *social costs of drug use; *drug costs; *drug offenses; *burglary; *prostitution; *robbery; *hustling; *crimes of violence; *crimes against property; *shoplifting LOCATION: *Kentucky; *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *econometric; *secondary analysis 0725 Goldman, F.; Coate, D. The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis. Unpublished preliminary report. New York: Center for Policy Research, 1975. 71 pp. RIS: 17:245 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1,151); males; females; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *social costs of drug use; *drug costs; *criminality; *maturing out; *crimes against persons; *crimes against property; *Phoenix House; habit size LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis; *econometric 72 0726 Holahan, J. The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation. Washington, D.C: District of Columbia, Department of Corrections, 1970. 93 pp. RIS: 17:247 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *police; *treatment personnel SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *social costs of drug use; *robbery; *burglary; *larceny; *crimes against property; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *econometric; interviews 0727 McGlothlin, W.; Tabbush, V. Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control. In: Inciardi, J., and Chambers, C., eds. Drugs and the Criminal Justice System. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1974. pp. 77-124. RIS: 17:248 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *treatment SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *therapeutic communities; *theft; *detoxification; *civil commitment; *social costs of drug use; *employment; heroin maintenance METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis; *econometric 0728 Moore, M. Policy Concerning Drug Abuse in New York State, Volume Ill: Economics of Heroin Distribution. Croton-on- Hudson, New York: Hudson Institute, 1970. RIS: 17:250 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *burglary; *social costs of drug use; *shoplifting; *crimes of violence; *drug costs; *drug policy METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis; *econometric 0729 O'Connor, G.; Wurmser, L.; Brown, T.; Smith, J. The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts. In: National Academy of Sciences. Problems of Drug Dependence, 1971. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence, Toronto, February 16-17, 1971. Washington, D.C.: the Academy, 1971. pp. 397-424. RIS: 17:251 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment (115); *police; addicts; general population; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *crimes against property; *crimes against persons; *drug costs; *theft; *social costs of drug use; addict-community interactions; habit size; Johns Hopkins Drug Abuse Center LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *econometric; *questionnaires; interviews MAIN LISTING 0730 Coates, R; Miller, A. Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction. Journal of Police Science and Administration, 2(3):308-321, 1974. RIS: 18:3 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *police (73); *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *ethnic factors; *methadone maintenance; *drug law enforcement; *police attitudes; *Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation; police-addict interactions; heroin maintenance LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews; observations; police records 0731 Cooper, S. Dismissal of Narcotics Arrest Cases in the New York City Criminal Court. Santa Monica: Rand Corporation, 1973. 62 pp. RIS: 18:5 DRUGS: *heroin; multi-drug SAMPLE: *drug offenders (917) SUBJECTS: *drug law enforcement; *drug arrests; *court dispositions; *diversion programs LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; interviews; official records 0732 DeFleur, L. Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research. American Sociological Review, 40:88-103, 1975. RIS: 18:7 DRUGS: *marihuana; *opiates SAMPLE: *drug offenders (18,000); males; *females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *ethnic factors; *drug law enforcement; *sex factors; *drug offenses; *geographic factors; *drug attitudes; *arrest rates; *law enforcement biases LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *history; interviews; observations; arrest records 0733 Drug Abuse Council Survey of Marijuana Use and Attitudes: State of Oregon. Washington, D.C.: the Council, 1975. Mimeograph. RIS: 18:9 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *general population (800) SUBJECTS: *drug law effects; *drug laws, attitudes; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *Oregon METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 73 0734 Erickson, P. Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 67(2):222-232, 1976. RIS: 18:11 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *drug offenders (95); males; females; *adolescents SUBJECTS: *drug law effects; *deterrence theory; *drug use patterns; *court dispositions; *social costs of drug use; *peer influences; demography LOCATION: *Canada, Toronto METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 0735 Fernez, F. Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders. Journal of Police Science and Administration, 3(3):354-362, 1975. RIS: 18:13 DRUGS: *opiates; *marihuana SAMPLE: *police; *criminal justice personnel (80) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *attitude change; *police attitudes; *drug laws, attitudes LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *longitudinal; *questionnaires 0736 Fisher, G.; Steckler, A.; Strantz, |.; Nabholz, E. - The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 6(3):333-349, 1974. RIS: 18:15 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *general population (2,728); users; nonusers; community leaders; officials SUBJECTS: *legalization of drugs; *drug attitudes LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis; *comparative; *questionnaires; interviews 0737 Grupp, S. Prior criminal record and adult marihuana arrest dispositions. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 62(1):74-79, 1971. RIS: 18:17 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *drug offenders SUBJECTS: *convictions; *court dispositions; *drug arrests; *criminal background; *drug law enforcement LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; official records 0738 Hays, R.; Winburn, M.; Bloom, R. Marijuana and the law: What young people say. Journal of Drug Education, 5(1):37-43, 1975. RIS: 18:19 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *students (23,976); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug laws, attitudes; *drug attitudes; *drug law enforcement; *drug use patterns; *drug arrests LOCATION: *Texas METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0739 Hughes, P.; Parker, R.; Senay, E. Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 44(1):129-141, 1974. RIS: 18:21 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *police (6); *social service personnel (6); community residents (6); community businessmen (6) SUBJECTS: *drug subcultures; *community-based treatment; *drug attitudes; *copping; *drug law enforcement; community-addict interactions LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0740 inciardi, J. The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 8(1):65-73, 1971. RIS: 18:28 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *parolees (424) SUBJECTS: *onset; *educational history; *background characteristics; *employment; *treatment programs; *crimes of violence; *crimes against property; *parole prediction; *parole outcome; *criminal recidivism LOCATION: *New York; *California METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *Mean Cost Rating Procedure; official records 0741 Jaffe, D. Drug laws: Perceptions of illegal drug users. Drug Forum, 3(4):321-329, 1974. RIS: 18:26 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *students (123); users; *middle class SUBJECTS: *drug laws, attitudes; *drug use patterns; *attitude change; *peer subcultures LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0742 Johnson, W.; Bogomolny, R. Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Use in America. Problem in Perspective. Appendix, vol. 3. The Legal System and Drug Control. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 498-650. RIS: 18:28 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *drug offenders (5,000 +); *criminal justice personnel; *blacks; whites; *Spanish-speaking SUBJECTS: *drug law enforcement; *demography; *drug arrests; *court dispositions; *incarceration; *convictions; *criminal background LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *correlational; official records; interviews; observations 74 0743 Kaplan, J. et al. Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County. UCLA Law Review, 15(5):1499-1585, 19689. RIS: 18:30 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *drug offenders; *criminal justice personnel SUBJECTS: *drug law effects; *drug use patterns; *social costs of drug use; *drug law enforcement; *court dispositions; *background characteristics LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; official records; interviews 0744 Kittrie, N. et al. The juvenile drug offender and the justice system. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Use in America. Problem in Perspective Appendix, vol. 3. The Legal System and Drug Control. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 686-797. RIS: 18:32 DRUGS: *opiates; general SAMPLE: *drug offenders (461); *adolescents; males; females; whites; *blacks; *suburban SUBJECTS: *demography; *drug arrests; *drug law enforcement; *court dispositions; *criminal justice system LOCATION: *District of Columbia; *Maryland; *Virginia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *descriptive survey; interviews; arrest records 0745 Lindesmith, A. The Addict and the Law. Bloomington, indiana: Indiana University Press, 1965. pp. 35-98. RIS: 18:35 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *drug offenders; *criminal justice personnel SUBJECTS: *drug law enforcement; *court dispositions; *drug law effects; *convictions; *incarceration; *drug trafficking METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0746 McGlothlin, W.; Jamison, K.; Rosenblatt, S. Marijuana and the use of other drugs. Nature, 228:1227- 1229, 1970. RIS: 18:37 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (116); *college students (478); males; females; whites SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *drug availability; *drug law enforcement; *drug substitution; *Operation Intercept; demography; Los Angeles Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0747 Neil, T. A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws. Journal of Drug Issues, 3(3):267-270, 1973. RIS: 18:39 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *probationers (572); males; females; *blacks; whites; *adolescents; adults SUBJECTS: *demography; *court dispositions; *legalization of drugs; *social costs of drug use; *convictions; *drug arrests LOCATION: *Georgia; *California METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; probation records 0748 Oregon. Legislative Research Branch Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana. State Capitol, Salem, Oregon, 1974. RIS: 18:41 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *police; *social service personnel; *criminal justice personnel; (total 104) SUBJECTS: *drug law enforcement; *drug laws, attitudes; *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *drug arrests; *drug law effects; *arrest rates; *attitude change LOCATION: *Oregon METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *retrospective; *questionnaires 0749 Petersen, D.; Schwirian, K.; Bleda, S. The drug arrest. Criminology, 13(1):106-110, 1975. RIS: 18:43 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *drug offenders; males; *females; *blacks; whites; (total 2,393) SUBJECTS: *demography; *ethnic factors; *age factors; *sex factors; *drug arrests LOCATION: *Ohio, Columbus METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; arrest records 0750 Petersen, D.; Stern, S. Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons. Georgia Journal of Corrections, 3:1-9, 1974. RIS: 18:45 DRUGS: *heroin; *opiates SAMPLE: *NARA patients (291); males (232); females (59); *blacks (122); whites (99); *Mexican-Americans (45); *Puerto Ricans (25) SUBJECTS: *demography; *deviant subcultures; *prison- based treatment; *criminal background; *drug offenses LOCATION: *California; *Connecticut; *West Virginia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; prison records 314-297 O - 80 - 7 75 0751 Platt, J; Labate, C. Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment. International Journal ot the Addictions, 11(4):651- 657,1976. RIS: 18:47 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *parolees (79) SUBJECTS: *criminal recidivism; *parole outcome; *geographic factors; *employment; *drug use patterns; *parole prediction; New Jersey Youth Reception and Correction Center LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *correlational; official records 0752 Platt, J.; Scura, W. Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity. Journal ot Counseling Psychology, 21(6):511-515, 1974. RIS: 18:49 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *incarcerated (89); males SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *parole prediction; *locus of control; *anomie; *self-concept; *parole outcome; *personality factors LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *questionnaires; *psychological tests; official records; *Rotter's I-E Scale; *Sensation Seeking Scale; *Adjective Check List 0753 Raynes, A; Climent, C.; Patch, V.; Ervin, F. Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts. International Journal of the Addictions, 9(1):145-150, 1974. RIS: 18:51 DRUGS: *heroin; *amphetamines; *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *incarcerated (46); *treatment, voluntary (49); *females; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *employment; *psychological adjustment; *onset; *incarceration; *parental influences; *drug use patterns; *criminal background LOCATION: *Massachusetts METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires 0754 Waldo, G.; Chiricos, T. Perceived penal sanction and self-reported criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research. Social Problems, 19(4):522-540, 1972. RIS: 18:53 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (321) SUBJECTS: *deterrence theory; *drug use patterns; *drug laws, attitudes; *theft; *drug offenses; Florida State University LOCATION: *Florida METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews MAIN LISTING 0755 Weisman, |. Law enforcement politics and drug abuse. Journal of Drug Issues, 5(2):109-114, 1975. RIS: 18:55 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *drug law enforcement; *drug law effects; *methadone maintenance; *court dispositions; *drug arrests; *drug policy LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0756 Weitzner, M.; Smith, A; Pollack, H.; Gerver, |; Figlio, R. A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Use in America. Problem in Perspective. Appendix, vol. 1. Patterns and Consequences of Drug Use. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 798-809. RIS: 18:56 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *drug offenders (1,776); males; females; *adolescents; adults SUBJECTS: *drug arrests; *court dispositions; *criminal background; *criminal recidivism; *incarceration; *drug offenses; *crimes against property; *theft; demography LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; police records 0757 williams, J. R. Effects of Labeling the “Drug Abuser”: An Inquiry. Research Monograph Series, 6. Rockville, Maryland: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1976. 39 pp. RIS: 18:59 DRUGS: *marihuana; *heroin SAMPLE: *adolescents; users SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *deviance; *drug laws, attitudes; *criminal justice system; *deterrence theory; *labeling METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0758 Winick, C. Some aspects of the “tough” New York State drug law. Journal of Drug Issues, 5:400-411, 1975. RIS: 18:60 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *police; *criminal justice personnel; *students; *drug offenders SUBJECTS: *drug arrests; *felonies; *drug use patterns; *convictions; *drug trafficking; *social costs of drug use; *drug law enforcement; *crimes against property; *drug law effects LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *retrospective; official records; interviews 76 0759 Adams, S.; McArthur, V. Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience. Research Report No. 16. Washington, D.C.: Department of Corrections, 1969. RIS: 18:65 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *drug offenders; *parolees; *treatment; *blacks SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *parole outcome; *treatment programs, evaluation; *treatment outcome; Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (DATRC) LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *retrospective; official records 0760 Aron, W.; Daily, D. Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison. International Journal of the Addictions, 11(1):1-18, 1976. . RIS: 18:67 DRUGS: *heroin; *barbiturates; *amphetamines; *alcohol SAMPLE: *treatment, voluntary; *treatment, nonvoluntary; males; *females; whites; *middle class; (total 286) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *therapeutic communities; *treatment outcome; *demography; *parental drug use; *self-concept; *sex factors LOCATION: *California, Camarillo METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *psychological tests; interviews 0761 Beckett, G.; Thomas, E. Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program. Journal of Drug Issues, 6(2):191-195, 1976. RIS: 18:69 DRUGS: *opiates; *methadone SAMPLE: *civilly committed (94); males; females SUBJECTS: *court dispositions; *treatment outcome; *civil commitment; *probation; *criminal recidivism; *California Civil Addict Program LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *retrospective; official records 0762 Bellassai, J.; Segal, P. Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system. Georgetown Law Journal, 60:667-71 0, 1972. RIS: 18:71 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *social costs of drug use; *rehabilitation; *diversion programs; *criminal justice system LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; *Connecticut METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; *descriptive MAIN LISTING 0763 California. Bureau of Criminal Statistics Drug Diversion 100C P.C. in California, 1974. Sacramento: the Bureau, 1976. 48 pp. RIS: 18:78 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *drug offenders (33,640); males; females; *blacks; whites; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *drug laws; *diversion programs; *demography; *treatment outcome; *court dispositions; *criminal background; *geographic factors; *drug offenses LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; probation records 0764 California. Bureau of Criminal Statistics Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966. Sacramento: the Bureau, n.d. 44 pp. RIS: 18:80 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *civilly committed (4,050); males; *females; whites; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *civil commitment; *treatment outcome; *drug relapse; *criminal recidivism; *crimes against property; *drug offenses; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *age factors; *criminal background; *time in treatment; *California Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; official records 0765 Colbert, P; Kirchberg, S. Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program. Federal Probation, 37(4):46-51, 1973. RIS: 18:82 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *criminal justice personnel; addicts SUBJECTS: *rehabilitation; *screening and detection; *criminal justice system; *treatment programs; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0766 Dole, V. Detoxification of sick addicts in prison. Journal of the American Medical Association, 220(3):366-369, 1972. RIS: 18:84 DRUGS: *methadone; *opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated (22,000 +); *treatment SUBJECTS: *prison-based treatment; *detoxification; *treatment outcome; Manhattan House of Detention for Men LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records; observations 0767 Fisher, Sethard The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 56(1):190-196, 1965. RIS: 18:88 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *parolees; males; *blacks; whites; *Mexican- Americans SUBJECTS: *halfway houses; *parole outcome; *treatment outcome; *treatment programs, evaluation; *drug relapse; *East Los Angeles Halfway House LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *longitudinal; interviews; observations 0768 Geis, G. A halfway house is not a home: Notes on the failure of a narcotic rehabilitation project. Drug Forum, 4(1):7-13, 1974. RIS: 18:90 SAMPLE: *parolees; males; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *halfway houses; *ethnic factors; *treatment programs, evaluation; *geographic factors; *East Los Angeles Halfway House LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0769 Joseph, H.; Dole, V. Methadone patients on probation and parole. Federal Probation, 34(2):42-48, 1970. RIS: 18:92 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (2,205); probationers; parolees SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *treatment outcome; *criminal recidivism; *convictions; *drug relapse; *arrest rates LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *retrospective; official records 0770 Kaplan, H.; Meyerowitz, J. Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts. International Journal of the Addictions, 4(1):65-76, 1969. RIS: 18:94 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated (177); *treatment, inpatient (92) SUBJECTS: *halfway houses; *personality factors; *drug relapse; *criminal recidivism; *treatment outcome; *goal orientation; *employment; *Southmore House LOCATION: *Texas .- METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *comparative; interviews; 77 program/clinic statistics MAIN LISTING 0771 Katz, H. California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look. International Journal of the Addictions, 6(3):543-551, 1971. RIS: 18:34 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *civilly committed (11,000 +) SUBJECTS: *civil commitment; *rehabilitation; *treatment outcome; *treatment programs, evaluation; *screening and detection; *drug relapse; *drug law enforcement; *California Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records 0772 Kramer, J.; Bass, R. Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts. Journal of the American Medical Association, 208(12):2297-2301, 1969. RIS: 18:98 DRUGS: *opiates; *heroin SAMPLE: *civilly committed (121); males; females SUBJECTS: *civil commitment; *drug relapse; *treatment outcome; *criminal recidivism; *time in treatment; *California Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; official records 0773 Kramer, J.; Bass, R.; Berecochea, J. Civil commitment for addicts: The California program. American Journal of Psychiatry, 125(6):816-824, 1968. RIS: 18:100 DRUGS: *opiates; *heroin; alcohol SAMPLE: *civilly committed (1,209) SUBJECTS: *civil commitment; *treatment outcome; *criminal recidivism; *convictions; *drug relapse; *gelf-concept; *California Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; official records; interviews; observations 0774 Landsman, R. A pre-trial court diversion program for narcotics addicts: An alternative to incarceration. Drug Forum, 3(3):295- 306, 1974. RIS: 18:102 DRUGS: *heroin; *barbiturates; *amphetamines SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *diversion programs; *vocational rehabilitation; *detoxification; *criminal justice system; *employment METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0775 Langenauer, B.; Bowden, C. A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program. American Journal of Psychiatry, 128(1):41- 46, 1971. RIS: 18:104 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *NARA patients (252) SUBJECTS: *drug relapse; *treatment outcome; *criminal recidivism; *employment; *civil commitment; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; official records; urinalysis 0776 Lynn, R.; Nash, G. A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs. Montclair, New Jersey: Drug Abuse Treatment Information Project, Montclair State College, 1975. 11 pp.. RIS: 18:106 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated; *treatment; males; females; *blacks; whites; (total 364) SUBJECTS: *criminal recidivism; *therapeutic communities; *prison-based treatment; *civil commitment; *treatment programs, evaluation; *arrest rates; *treatment outcome; *drug-free treatment LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *comparative; observations; arrest records 0777 Massachusetts. Department of Correction An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole. Massachusetts: Department of Correction, 1971.11 pp.. RIS: 18:108 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *incarcerated (130); *posttreatment; males; *placks (72); whites (58) SUBJECTS: *criminal recidivism; *prison-based treatment; *treatment outcome; *onset; *criminal background; *time in treatment; *Special Narcotics Program; Alcoholics Anonymous LOCATION: *Massachusetts METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; official records 0778 McCabe, L.; Kurland, A; Sullivan, D. Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five-year study. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 10(2):211-228, 1975. RIS: 18:110 DRUGS: *heroin; cocaine; cough syrup SAMPLE: *parolees (371); males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *drug-free treatment; *drug offenses; *treatment outcome; *drug relapse; *criminal recidivism; *parole outcome; demography LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *retrospective; program/ clinic statistics 0779 McGlothlin, W. California civil commitment: A decade later. Journal of Drug Issues, 6(4):368-379, 1976. RIS: 18:112 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *civilly committed (863); males; *blacks; *Mexican-Americans; whites SUBJECTS: *civil commitment; *incarceration; *maturing out; *criminal recidivism; *treatment outcome; *drug relapse; *employment; *methadone maintenance; demography LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; official records; interviews MAIN LISTING 0780 Meiselas, H.; Brill, L. The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming. In: Inciardi, J., and Chambers, C., eds. Drugs and the Criminal Justice System. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1974. pp. 171-182. RIS: 18:114 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *civilly committed SUBJECTS: *civil commitment; *treatment outcome; *criminal justice system; *diversion programs; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers; *Treatment Alternatives to Street Crimes (TASC); *Narcotic Addiction Control Commission; *Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act Program LOCATION: *California; *New York METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0781 Miller, D.; Himelson, A; Geis, G. Community’s response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts. International Journal of the Addictions, 2(2):305-311, 1967. RIS: 18:116 DRUGS: *heroin; opiates SAMPLE: *parolees (225); *Mexican-Americans; males SUBJECTS: *halfway houses; *parole outcome; *background characteristics; *treatment outcome; *drug relapse; *criminal recidivism; *East Los Angeles Halfway House; *Narcotic Treatment Control Program LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *longitudinal; program/ clinic statistics 0782 New York City. Office of the Mayor. Crim. Just. Coor. Comm. Criminal commitment of narcotic addicts under state law. In: Simmons, L., and Gold, M., eds. Discrimination and the Addict. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1973. pp. 277-297. RIS: 18:118 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *civilly committed; criminally committed SUBJECTS: *civil commitment; *criminal justice system; *treatment outcome; *Narcotic Addiction Control Commission LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 0783 Pearson, J. Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report. California: Santa Clara County Juvenile Probation Department, 1971. LEAA Report No. NI 72 09 0001.B (NTIS-PB-224 639). RIS: 18:120 DRUGS: *marihuana; *barbiturates SAMPLE: *drug offenders (590); *treatment, nonvoluntary; *adolescents; males; females; blacks; whites; Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *criminal recidivism; *treatment outcome; *diversion programs; *treatment models; *drug offenses; *drug use patterns; *delinquency; demography LOCATION: *California, Santa Clara County METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires; official records; interviews 79 0784 Perpich, J.; DuPont, R.; Brown, B. S. Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Methadone Treatment. Washington, D.C., March 17-19, 1973. vol. 1. New York: the Association, 1973. pp. 78-84. RIS: 18:122 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, nonvoluntary (163); *treatment, voluntary (84); males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *criminal background; *detoxification; *methadone maintenance; *drug relapse; *background characteristics; *treatment outcome; *arrests; *compulsory treatment; *criminal recidivism; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; program/ clinic statistics; arrest records 0785 Research Concepts, Inc. Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Use in America. Problem in Perspective. Appendix, vol. 3. The Legal System and Drug Control. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 810-852. RIS: 18:126 DRUGS: *opiates; marihuana SAMPLE: *drug offenders SUBJECTS: *treatment programs, evaluation; *civil commitment; *halfway houses; *therapeutic communities; *incarceration; *parole; *drug attitudes; *prison-based treatment; *East Los Angeles Halfway House; *Parkway Community Correctional Center LOCATION: *California; *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *literature review; *descriptive survey; *secondary analysis; official records; interviews; observations 0786 sing, G. California Civil Addict Program. Research Report No. 37. Sacramento: California Department of Corrections, 1969. RIS: 18:128 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *civilly committed (2,491); males; *females; *blacks (368); whites (1,095); *Mexican-Americans (1,008) SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *drug relapse; *criminal recidivism; *civil commitment; *time in treatment; *California Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; official records MAIN LISTING 0787 sing, G. A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969. California Civil Addict Program Report No. 12. Corona, California: Civil Addict Program Research Unit, 1971. 21 pp. RIS: 18:130 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *civilly committed; males; *females; *blacks; *Mexican-Americans; whites SUBJECTS: *civil commitment; *drug relapse; *treatment outcome; *criminal recidivism; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *California Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *retrospective; official records 0788 vaillant, G. A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts. Archives of General Psychiatry, 29:237-241, 1973. RIS: 18:134 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *posttreatment; males; *blacks (50); whites (50) SUBJECTS: *abstinence; *criminal recidivism; *packground characteristics; *employment; *treatment outcome; *psychological adjustment; *deaths, drug-related; *time in treatment; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; official records 0789 waldorf, D. New York's big push. In: Careers in Dope. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1973. pp. 94-115. RIS: 18:136 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *civilly committed (375); males (280); females (95); *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *civil commitment; *treatment outcome; *age factors; *ethnic factors; *treatment programs, evaluation; *criminal recidivism; *drug relapse; *Narcotic Addiction Control Commission; demography LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; interviews; official records 0790 Wieland, W.; Novack, J. A comparison of criminal justice and non-criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Methadone Treatment. Washington, D.C., March 17-19, 1973. vol. 1. New York: the Association, 1973. pp. 116-122. RIS: 18:138 DRUGS: *opiates; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (261); *treatment, voluntary; *treatment, nonvoluntary; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *treatment outcome; *criminal background; *criminal recidivism; *arrest rates; *drug relapse; *Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime (TASC); demography LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; official records 80 0791 Halikas, J. Marijuana use and psychiatric illness. In: Miller, L., ed. Marijuana: Effects on Human Behavior. New York: Academic Press, 1974. pp. 265-302. RIS: 19:3 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *adverse reactions; *panic reactions; *cerebral effects; *amotivational syndrome; *schizophrenia; *depression; *mania METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0792 McDonald, L. “Psychopathology” of “narcotic addiction:” A new point of view. In: Harms, E., ed. Drug Addiction in Youth. New York: Pergamon Press, 1965. pp. 56-66. RIS: 19:5 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *coping; *family relationships; *psychotherapy; *family influences; *sociocultural influences; onset METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0793 vaillant, G. Sociopathy as a human process. Archives of General Psychiatry, 32(2):178-183, 1975. RIS: 19:7 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (3); males (2); females (1) SUBJECTS: *sociopathy; *psychopathy; *anxiety; *depression; *parent-child relationships; *psychotherapy; *peer influences; *self-concept LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *case study 0794 Wurmser, L. Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 22(4):820-843, 1974. RIS: 19:9 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *depression; *anxiety; *suicides; *aggression; *family influences; *sociocultural influences; *self-treatment; *psychological effects; *drug preferences; *motivation for use METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0795 Berzins, J.; Ross, W.; English, G.; Haley, J. Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation. Journal ot Abnormal Psychology, 83(1):65-73, 1974. RIS: 19:13 DRUGS: *opiates; *alcohol SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; *probationers; *civilly committed; *treatment, voluntary; *incarcerated SUBJECTS: *sociopathy; *psychopathic deviation; *self- concept; *anxiety; *depression; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *MMPI; *Lexington Personality Inventory MAIN LISTING 0796 Berzins, J.; Ross, W.; Monroe, J. A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 27(2):174-181, 1971. RIS: 19:15 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; *civilly committed; *treatment, voluntary; *probationers; *incarcerated SUBJECTS: *sociopathy; *neurosis; *psychosis; *psychopathic deviation; *depression; *schizophrenia; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers; *Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act Program LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *MMPI; program/clinic statistics; *Lexington Personality Inventory 0797 DeLeon, G. Psychopathological signs among male and female drug- free residents. Addictive Diseases, 1(2):135-151, 1974. RIS: 19:17 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; males (147); *females (61); *blacks (81); whites (86); *Puerto Ricans (39) SUBJECTS: *Phoenix House; *sex factors; *drug-free treatment; *locus of control; *schizophrenia; *depression; *ethnic factors; *anxiety; *therapeutic communities LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *psychological tests 0798 Deleon, G.; Skodol, A; Rosenthal, M. Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts. Archives of General Psychiatry, 28(1):131-135, 1973. RIS: 19:19 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; males (147); females (61); *blacks (81); whites (86); *Puerto Ricans (39) SUBJECTS: *Phoenix House; *drug-free treatment; *therapeutic communities; *depression; *schizophrenia; *locus of control; *anxiety LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *psychological tests 0799 Gay, G.; Wellisch, D.; Wesson, D.; Smith, D. The Psychotic Junkie. New York: Insight Publishing Co., 1972. (A Medical Insight Reprint). 4 pp. RIS: 19:21 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient; males (1); whites (1) SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *family influences; *therapeutic uses; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *case study 81 0800 Gerard, D.; Kornetsky, C. Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects. Psychiatric Quarterly, 29:457-486, 1955. RIS: 19:23 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; *treatment, voluntary; *treatment, nonvoluntary; users; nonusers; *adolescents (55); males; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *neurosis; *delinquency; *socioeconomic factors; *family influences; *self- concept; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *psychological tests; *Rorschach; *Human Figure Drawing Test; psychiatric interviews 0801 Gilbert, J.; Lombardi, D. Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 31(5):536-538, 1967. RIS: 19:25 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment; users; nonusers; males (90) SUBJECTS: *depression; *psychopathic deviation; *psychasthenia; *schizophrenia; Mount Carmel Guild LOCATION: *New Jersey, Newark METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *MMPI / 0802 Haertzen, C.; Hooks, N. Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 148(6):606-614, 1969. RIS: 19:27 DRUGS: *heroin; *morphine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (15); males SUBJECTS: *psychopathic deviation; *hypochondriasis; *depression; *hysteria; *psychasthenia; *withdrawal; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *MMPI; *Lexington Personality Inventory; laboratory/examination; *Addiction Research Center Inventory 0803 Hampton, P.; Vogel, D. Personality characteristics of servicemen returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 130(9):1031-1032,1973. RIS: 19:29 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *Vietnam veterans (101); *treatment, inpatient; males SUBJECTS: *sociopathy; *hypomania; *schizophrenia LOCATION: *Colorado METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *MMPI MAIN LISTING 0804 Hill, H.; Haertzen, C.; Glaser, R. Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI. Journal otf General Psychology, 62:127- 139, 1960. RIS: 19:31 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (249); *treatment, voluntary; *incarcerated; males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *age factors; *depression; *hypomania; *schizophrenia; *psychopathic deviation; *sociocultural influences; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *MMPI 0805 Kaufman, E. The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1(3):349-370, 1974. RIS: 19:35 DRUGS: *heroin; methadone SAMPLE: *incarcerated; *college students; *upper class; *middle class; *lower class SUBJECTS: *neurosis; *schizophrenia; *socioeconomic factors; *parental influences; *psychosis; *peer influences; *sexual effects; *pharmacogenic orgasms; *depression; *treatment models LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *comparative; psychiatric interviews 0806 Ling, W.; Holmes, E.; Post, G.; Litaker, M. A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts. In: National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Methadone Treatment. March 1973. vol. 1. New York: the Association, 1973. pp. 429-432. RIS: 19:38 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; males; *blacks (20); whites (18); *Mexican-Americans (32) SUBJECTS: *sociopathy; *psychosis; *neurosis; *methodological factors LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *correlational; psychiatric interviews 0807 Lombardi, D.; O'Brien, B.; Isele, F. Differential responses of addicts and non-addicts on the MMPI. Journal ot Projective Techniques, 32(5):479- 482, 1968. RIS: 19:40 DRUGS: *opiates; *alcohol SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (60); *incarcerated; nonusers (60); males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *psychopathic deviation; *depression; *personality, addiction-prone; *self-concept LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *MMPI 82 0808 McGrath, J. A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves. Ph.D. Dissertation, Rutger’s University, 1967. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, No. 68-4545. 330 pp. RIS: 19:42 DRUGS: *heroin; *barbiturates SAMPLE: *delinquents (356); users; nonusers; males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *theft; *crimes of violence; *schizophrenia; *crimes against persons; *family influences LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *MMPI; official records 0809 Mirin, S.; Meyer, R.; McNamee, H. Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(3):525-544, 1976. RIS: 19:46 DRUGS: *heroin; narcotic antagonist SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (6); males; whites SUBJECTS: *anxiety; *psychological effects; *aggression; *detoxification; *depression LOCATION: *Massachusetts METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *questionnaires; *psychological tests; laboratory/examination 0810 Monroe, J.; Ross, W.; Berzins, J. The decline of the addict as “psychopath”: Implications for community care. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 6(4):601-608, 1971. RIS: 19:48 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (845); *NARA patients; *civilly committed; *treatment, voluntary; *treatment, nonvoluntary; males SUBJECTS: *psychological adjustment; *psychopathy; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers; *Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act Program LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Lexington Personality Inventory 0811 Olson, R. MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts. Journal of General Psychology, 71:257-266, 1964. RIS: 19:50 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated; *treatment, inpatient; males (60); *females (60); *blacks; whites; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *defense reactions; *depression; *psychopathic deviation; *hypomania LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *MMPI 0812 Robbins, P. Depression and drug addiction. Psychiatric Quarterly, 48(3):374-386, 1974. RIS: 19:52 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment (114); males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *depression; *anxiety LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *psychological tests; *MMPI; interviews; observations MAIN LISTING 0813 sheppard, C.; Ricca, E.; Fracchia, J.; Merlis, S. Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program. Psychological Reports, 33:535-540,1973. RIS: 19:56 DRUGS: *opiates; *methadone SAMPLE: addicts; males (63); females (11); *suburban; *middle class SUBJECTS: *sociopathy; *schizophrenia; *neurosis; *methodological factors; *methadone maintenance; *geographic factors LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *MMPI 0814 Sutker, P. Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 78(3):247-251, 1971. RIS: 19:58 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *incarcerated; addicts; *treatment, inpatient (40); nonusers (40) SUBJECTS: *sociopathy; *depression; *neurosis; *psychosis; *anxiety LOCATION: *Louisiana, New Orleans METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *MMPI; *Shipley Institute of Living Scale 0815 Sutker, P; Allain, A; Cohen, G. MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts. Psychological Reports, 34:495-500, 1974. RIS: 19:60 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (58); *NARA patients; males SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *self-concept; *sociopathy; *anxiety; *Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act Program LOCATION: *Louisiana, New Orleans; *Texas, Fort Worth METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *MMPI 0816 Bernhardson, G.; Gunne, L. Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users. International Journal of the Addictions, 7(1):9-16, 1972. RIS: 19:65 DRUGS: *hashish SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (46); males (34); females (12) SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *adverse reactions; *mania; *depression; *schizophrenia LOCATION: *Sweden METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; hospital records 0817 Chopra, G.; Smith, J. W. Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians. Archives of General Psychiatry, 30:24-27, 1974. RIS: 19:67 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; males (190); females (10) SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia; *paranoia; Addiction Research Clinic, Calcutta LOCATION: *India METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 83 0818 Halikas, J.; Goodwin, D.; Guze, S. Marihuana use and psychiatric illness. Archives of General Psychiatry, 27(2):162-165, 1972. RIS: 19:69 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: users; nonusers; males (87); females (63); whites SUBJECTS: *sociopathy; *anxiety; *hysteria; *onset; *schizophrenia; *depression LOCATION: *Missouri, St. Louis METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; psychiatric interviews 0819 Harmatz, J.; Shader, R.; Salzman, C. Marihuana users and nonusers. Archives of General Psychiatry, 26:108-112, 1972. RIS: 19:71 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: users; nonusers; males; *females SUBJECTS: *depression; *psychological adjustment LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *psychological tests; *Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale; . *Langer Psychiatric Impairment Scale; psychiatric interviews 0820 Keup, W. Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse. Diseases of the Nervous System, 31(2):119-126, 1970. RIS: 19:73 DRUGS: *marihuana; *hashish SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (126) SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *paranoia; *schizophrenia; *adverse reactions; Brooklyn State Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *psychological tests; interviews 0821 Linn, L. Psychopathology and experience with marihuana. British Journal of Addiction, 67(1):55-64, 1972. RIS: 19:75 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (704); users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *psychological adjustment; *college subcultures; University of Wisconsin LOCATION: *Wisconsin METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Questionnaires 0822 stefanis, C.; Liakos, A.; Boulougouris, J.; Fink, M.; Freedman, A. Chronic hashish use and mental disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 133(2):225-227, 1976. RIS: 19:77 DRUGS: *hashish SAMPLE: users (47); nonusers (40) SUBJECTS: *drug offenses; *schizophrenia; *neurosis; *paranoia; *cerebral effects; *background characteristics LOCATION: *Greece METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; laboratory/examination; official records; psychiatric interviews MAIN LISTING 0823 Blumenfield, M.; Glickman, L. Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital. New York State Journal of Medicine, 67:1849-1853, 1967. RIS: 19:81 DRUGS: *LSD; heroin SAMPLE: users; males (18); females (7); blacks (3); whites (20); Asians (1); Puerto Ricans (1) SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *homicides; *suicides; *anxiety; *psychosis; *sociopathy; *schizophrenia; *sociocultural influences; Kings County Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 0824 Breakey, W.; Goodell, H.; Lorenz, P.; McHugh, P. Hallucinogenic drugs as precipitants of schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine, 4:255-261, 1974. RIS: 19:83 DRUGS: *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (46); nonusers (46); males (56); females (36) SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; interviews; Phillips’ Scale of Premorbid Adjustment in Schizophrenia 0825 Ditman, K.; Tietz, W.; Prince, B.; Forgy, E.; Moss, T. Harmful aspects of the LSD experience. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 145(6):464-474, 1968. RIS: 19:85 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (64); users (52); males; females SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *anxiety; *depression; *paranoia; *psychological effects LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; *questionnaires 0826 Frosch, W.; Robbins, E.; Stern, M. Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization. New England Journal of Medicine, 273(23): 1235-1239, 1965. RIS: 19:87 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (12) SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *value orientation; *anxiety; *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia; *paranoia; Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 0827 Hays, P; Tilley, J. The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 18(4):331-333, 1973. RIS: 19:89 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients; users (15); nonusers (114) SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia; *anxiety; *depression LOCATION: *Canada, Alberta METHODOLOGY: *comparative; psychiatric interviews 84 0828 Hensala, J.; Epstein, L.; Blacker, K. LSD and psychiatric inpatients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 16(5):554-559, 1967. RIS: 19:91 DRUGS: *LSD SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (45); users (20); nonusers (25); males; females; whites SUBJECTS: *sexual adjustment; *psychological adjustment; *schizophrenia; *psychosis, drug; Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *comparative; program/clinic statistics 0829 Naditch, M. Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 83(4):394-403, 1974. RIS: 19:93 DRUGS: *marihuana; *mescaline; *LSD SAMPLE: *students (483); users; nonusers; males; whites SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *schizophrenia; *paranoia; *defense reactions; *drug use patterns; *personality integration LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; *MMPI 0830 Naditch, M. Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 84(4):374-385, 1975. RIS: 19:95 DRUGS: *marihuana; *mescaline; *LSD SAMPLE: *students (483); users; nonusers; males; whites SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *defense reactions; *schizophrenia; *self-treatment; *peer influences; *motivation for use; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; *MMPI 0831 Smart, R.; Jones, D. INicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 75(3):286-292, 1970. RIS: 19:97 DRUGS: *LSD; *multi-drug SAMPLE: users (100); nonusers (46); males; females SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *hypomania; *psychopathic deviation; *hypochondriasis; *psychosis; *alienation; *background characteristics; Addiction Research Foundation LOCATION: *Canada, Ontario METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *MMPI; interviews MAIN LISTING 0832 Bell, D. Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 111:701- 707.1965. RIS: 19:101;25:227 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (14); males; females SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia; *physiological effects; *depression; *suicides LOCATION: *New South Wales METHODOLOGY: *case study 0833 Bell, D.; Trethowan, W. Amphetamine addiction. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 133(6):486-496, 1961. RIS: 19:103 DRUGS: *amphetamines; alcohol; sedatives SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients; males (8); females (6) SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *withdrawal; *depression; *sexual adjustment; *personality integration; *psychopathic deviation; *schizophrenia LOCATION: *Australia METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; interviews; hospital records 0834 Brook, R.; Kaplun, J.; Whitehead, P. Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPL. British Journal of Addiction, 69:61-66, 1974. RIS: 19:105;25:270 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *adolescents (84); users (60); nonusers (24) SUBJECTS: *psychosis; *schizophrenia; *psychopathic deviation; *hypomania; *suicides; *background characteristics LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; interviews; *MMPI 0835 Brook, R.; Szandorowska, B.; Whitehead, P. Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents. Addictive Diseases, 2(3):465-478, 1976. RIS: 19:107;22:97;25:272 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *adolescents; *treatment, inpatient (117); *parents; users; nonusers; males; *females SUBJECTS: *family influences; *schizophrenia; *psychasthenia; *depression; *sex factors; *psychological adjustment; *academic achievement; *intelligence; *criminal background; *suicides LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; interviews; school records 85 0836 Ellinwood, E. Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 144(4):273-283, 1967. RIS: 19:109;25:416 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; users (25); addicts (111) SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *hysteria; *schizophrenia; *sociopathy; *psychopathic deviation; *psychasthenia; *hypochondriasis; *drug preferences; *adverse reactions LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *MMPI; psychiatric interviews 0837 Brozovsky, M.; Winkler, E. Glue sniffing in children and adolescents. New York State Journal of Medicine, 65(15):1984-1989, 1965. RIS: 19:115 DRUGS: *inhalants; *alcohol SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients; *adolescents; *children:; males; *females; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *family influences; *schizophrenia; *cerebral effects; *psychosis; *ethnic factors; *sex factors; Kings County Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *case study; laboratory/examination; psychiatric interviews 0838 Cohen, M.; Klein, D. Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 40(3):448-455, 1970. RIS: 19:117 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (105); users; nonusers; males; *females; whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *intelligence; *demography; *sexual behavior; *psychological adjustment; *schizophrenia; *peer subcultures; *psychosis; *drug preferences LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *WAIS IQ; hospital records 0839 Cohen, M.; Klein, D. Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users. Archives of General Psychiatry, 31:221- 227,1974. RIS: 19:119 DRUGS: *heroin; *amphetamines SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients; users (118); nonusers (100); males (103); females (115); whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *drug use patterns; *treatment outcome; *drug use patterns; *psychological adjustment; *cerebral effects LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; laboratory/ examination; psychiatric interviews MAIN LISTING 0840 Hekimian, L.; Gershon, S. Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Journal of the American Medical Association, 205(3):125-130, 1968. RIS: 19:122;25:233 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients; males (84); females (28); *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *sociopathy; *schizophrenia; *neurosis; *paranoia; *depression; *psychosis; *adverse reactions; *cerebral effects LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; psychiatric interviews 0841 Jarvis, L.; Simnegar, R.; Traweek, A. An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users. Psychological Reports, 37:1339-1345, 1975. RIS: 19:124 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *military (170); *treatment, inpatient; males; *placks; whites; Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *rehabilitation; *therapeutic communities; *psychopathic deviation; *hypochondriasis LOCATION: *Texas METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *MMPI 0842 Jones, R. Mental iliness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs. In: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Drug Use in America. Problem in Perspective. Appendix, vol. 1. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 373-397. RIS: 19:126 DRUGS: *multi-drug SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *depression; *sociopathy; *adverse reactions; *psychosis; *neurosis; *anxiety; *psychological effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0843 Senay, E.; Dorus, W.; Meyer, E. Psychopathology in Drug Abusers. Preliminary Report. Department of Psychiatry, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 1976. RIS: 19:128 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient; males (524); *females (124); *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *depression; *anxiety; *treatment outcome; Illinois Drug Abuse Program LOCATION: *Illinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Psychiatric Status Schedule 86 0844 Zuckerman, M.; Sola, S.; Masterson, J.; Angelone, J. MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 43(3):286-296, 1975. RIS: 19:130 DRUGS: *opiates; soft drugs SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; males (117); females (28); blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *therapeutic communities; *treatment outcome; *psychopathic deviation; *depression; *neurosis; *psychasthenia; *treatment models; *hypochondriasis; *hypomania; *schizophrenia; Crittenton Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *Delaware METHODOLOGY: *comparative 0845 Burns, M.; Sharma, S. Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality. In: Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, San Diego, Calitornia, November 20-22, 1975. Lake Bluff, Illinois: the Association, 1975. pp. 274-284. RIS: 20:3 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *perception; *attention patterns; *cognitive effects; *psychological adjustment; *psychomotor performance; *driving performance; *visual effects; *reaction time; *dosage METHODOLOGY: *literature review; *MMPI 0846 Frankenhaeuser, M. Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents. In: Israelstam, S., and Lambert, S., eds. Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Satety. Toronto, September 8-13, 1974. Toronto, Canada: Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, 1975. pp. 259-279. RIS: 20:5 DRUGS: *stimulants; *depressants SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *aggression; *stress; *risk-taking; *attention patterns; *traffic accidents; *psychomotor performance; *cognitive effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0847 Gordon, N. Influence of narcotic drugs on highway safety. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 8(1):3-7, 1976. RIS: 20:7 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *perception; *driving records; *traffic accidents; *psychomotor performance METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0848 Hurst, P. Amphetamines and driving behavior. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 8:9-13, 1976. RIS: 20:9 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *alcohol SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *risk-taking; *perception; *cognitive effects; *psychomotor performance; *traffic accidents METHODOLOGY: *literature review MAIN LISTING 0849 Kielholz, P. Alcohol, drugs and driving behaviour in Switzerland. In: Israelstam, S. and Lambert, S., eds. Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Satety. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conterence on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Satety. Toronto, September 8-13, 1974. Toronto, Canada: Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, 1975. pp. 395-397. RIS: 20:10 DRUGS: *alcohol; *barbiturates; *tranquilizers SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *traffic accidents; *physiological effects; *psychological effects LOCATION: *Switzerland METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0850 Kleinknecht, R.; Donaldson, D. A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 161(6):399-414, 1975. RIS: 20:11 DRUGS: *diazepam; *alcohol; stimulants SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *cognitive effects; *perception; *psychomotor performance; *driving performance; *methodological factors; *reaction time; *auditory effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0851 Moskowitz, H. Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations. In: Israelstam, S. and Lambert, S., eds. Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conterence on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety. Toronto, September 8-13, 1974. Toronto, Canada: Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, 1975. pp. 295-304. RIS: 20:13 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; amitriptyline SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *driving performance; *traffic accidents; *perception; *risk-taking; *traffic accidents; *methodological factors; *visual effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0852 Sharma, S. Barbiturates and driving. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 8:27-31, 1976. RIS: 20:15 DRUGS: *barbiturates; *alcohol; *tranquilizers SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *traffic accidents; *psychomotor performance; *cognitive effects; *perception; *reaction time; *visual effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0853 Smart, R. The Problems of Drugs and Driving: An Overview of Current Research and Future Needs. Addiction Research Foundation, Substudy No. 685. Toronto, Canada: the Foundation, 1975. 20 pp. RIS: 20:16 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *driving performance; *screening and detection; *traffic accidents; *methodological factors; *driving laws; *risk-taking; drug prescriptions METHODOLOGY: *literature review 87 0854 weiss, B.; Laties, V. Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines. Pharmacological Reviews, 14:1-36, 1962. RIS: 20:18 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *alcohol; *caffeine SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *driving performance; *cognitive effects; *judgment; *coordination; *reaction time METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0855 zyiman, R. Mass arrests for impaired driving may not prevent traffic deaths. In: Israelstam, S., and Lambert, S., eds. Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conterence on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Satety. Toronto, September 8-13, 1974. Toronto, Canada: Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, 1975. pp. 225-237. RIS: 20:20 DRUGS: *alcohol SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *traffic accidents, fatal; *traffic violations; *background characteristics; *driving laws; traffic safety programs METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0856 Babst, D.; Inciardi, J.; Raeder, P.; Negri, D. Driving records of heroin addicts. In: National Academy of Sciences. Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence, 1970. Report of the 32nd Meeting, February 16, 17, 18, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C.: the Academy, 1970. pp. 6514-6522. RIS: 20:25 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts; males (1,226); females (19) SUBJECTS: *traffic violations; *driving records; *traffic accidents; *driving laws; *traffic convictions; *Narcotic Addiction Control Commission LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; official records 0857 Babst, D.; Newman, S.; Gordon, N.; Warner, A. Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State. Journal of Drug Issues, 3(4):285- 292, 1973. RIS: 20:27 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (630); general population SUBJECTS: *driving records; *traffic violations; *traffic accidents; *traffic convictions; *Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; official records 0858 Blomberg, R.; Preusser, D. Narcotic use and driving behavior. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 6:23-32, 1974. RIS: 20:29 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone; *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *methadone patients (1,562); nonuser controls (1,059) SUBJECTS: *driving records; *traffic violations; *traffic accidents; *driving laws LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *comparative; interviews; official records MAIN LISTING 0859 California. Department of the Highway Patrol A Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Organic Factors in Fatal Single Vehicle Traffic Accidents. Final Report. Sacramento: the Department, 1967. 120 pp.. RIS: 20:31 DRUGS: *alcohol; *barbiturates; *stimulants; *tranquilizers SAMPLE: *fatalities, driver; males (662); females (110) SUBJECTS: *traffic accidents, fatal; *screening and detection LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 0860 Crancer, A; Quiring, D. Driving Records of Persons Arrested for lllegal Drug Use. State of Washington, Department of Motor Vehicles, Report No. 011, 1968. 11 pp. RIS: 20:33 DRUGS: *opiates; *marihuana SAMPLE: *drug offenders; males (260); females (42) SUBJECTS: *driving records; *traffic accidents; *traffic violations LOCATION: *Washington METHODOLOGY: *comparative; official records 0861 Finkle, B. Drugs in drinking drivers: A study of 2,500 cases. Journal of Satety Research, 1(4):179-183, 1969. RIS: 20:35 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *arrested drivers (2,500); males; females SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *traffic violations; *traffic convictions; demography LOCATION: *California, Santa Clara County METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *descriptive survey; laboratory/examination; police records 0862 Finkle, B.; Biasotti, A; Bradford, L. The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 13(2):236-245, 1968. RIS: 20:37 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *alcohol SAMPLE: *drivers, arrested SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *driving performance; *traffic violations LOCATION: *California, Santa Clara County METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; police records 0863 Garriott, J.; Latman, N. Drug detection in cases of “driving under the influence”. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 21:398-415, 1976. RIS: 20:38 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *alcohol SAMPLE: *arrested drivers (135); males; *females; blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *age factors; *sex factors; *traffic violations LOCATION: *Texas, Dallas METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; laboratory/examination 88 0864 Jamison, K.; McGlothlin, W. Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior. Journal of Psychology, 83:123-130, 1973. RIS: 20:40 DRUGS: *LSD; *multi-drug SAMPLE: LSD-treated (164); males; females SUBJECTS: *value orientation; *drug use patterns; *sensation seeking; *demography; *traffic violations; *traffic accidents; * personality factors LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *psychological tests; *questionnaires; interviews 0865 Klein, A.; Davis, J.; Blackbourne, B. Marihuana and automobile crashes. Journal of Drug Issues, 1(1):18-26, 1971. RIS: 20:42 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug; *alcohol SAMPLE: *college students (571) SUBJECTS: *traffic accidents; *traffic violations; *perceived effects; *perception; *driving performance; *drug attitudes; *screening and detection; *psychomotor performance; *reaction time LOCATION: *Florida METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews 0866 Maddux, J.; Williamson, T.; Ziegler, J. Driving records before and during methadone maintenance. In: National Academy of Sciences. Problems of Drug Dependence. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Scientific Meeting, Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence. Washington, D.C.: the Academy, 1975. pp. 275-288. RIS: 20:44 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (174); whites; *blacks; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *driving records; *traffic accidents; *methadone maintenance; *traffic convictions; *physiological effects; Bexar County Mental Health Retardation Center LOCATION: *Texas, San Antonio METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews; official records; program/clinic statistics 0867 Maki, M.; Linnoila, M. Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients. In: Mattila, M.J. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving. Modern Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry. vol. 11. Basel: S. Karger, 1976. pp. 11-21. RIS: 20:46 DRUGS: *alcohol; general SAMPLE: *medical patients (1,480); *psychiatric patients (1,050); nonuser controls(587); males; females SUBJECTS: *traffic accidents; *driving behavior; *synergistic effects; . LOCATION: *Finland METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0868 smart, R. Marihuana and driving risk among college students. Journal of Safety Research, 6(4):155-158, 1974. RIS: 20:48 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol SAMPLE: *college students (296); males; females SUBJECTS: *traffic accidents; *traffic violations; *driving behavior; *screening and detection LOCATION: *Canada, Toronto METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0869 Smart, R; Fejer, D. Drug use and driving risk among high school students. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 8:33-38, 1976. RIS: 20:50 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students (710); users; nonusers; males; females SUBJECTS: *traffic accidents; *traffic violations; *driving behavior LOCATION: *Canada, Toronto METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0870 Smart, R.; Schmidt, W.; Bateman, K. Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents. Journal of Satety Research, 1(2):67-73, 1969. RIS: 20:52 DRUGS: *alcohol; *barbiturates; *tranquilizers; *amphetamines SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (30) SUBJECTS: *traffic accidents; *driving behavior LOCATION: *Canada, Toronto METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews; official records 0871 sterling-Smith, R. Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents. In: Israelstam, S., and Lambert, S., eds. Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Satety. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conterence on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety. Toronto, September 8-13, 1974. Toronto, Canada: Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, 1975. pp. 93-105. RIS: 20:54 DRUGS: *alcohol; *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *drivers, accident-involved; males (236); *females (31) SUBJECTS: *traffic accidents, fatal; *drug use patterns; *sex factors; *age factors; *driving laws; Boston University LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews; official records; *comparative 89 0872 sterling-Smith, R.; Graham, D. Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample. Final Report to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C., under Contract DOT HS-3-595, 1976. 180 pp. RIS: 20:57 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; *tobacco SAMPLE: *accident-involved drivers; users; nonusers; general population; (total 1,068) SUBJECTS: *traffic accidents, fatal; *background characteristics; *drug use patterns; *perceived effects; *drug attitudes; *driving performance; Boston University LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *psychological tests; interviews; police records 0873 Woodhouse, E. The prevalence of drugs in fatally injured drivers. In: Israelstam, S., and Lambert, S., eds. Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety. Toronto, September 8-13, 1974. Toronto, Canada: Addiction Research Foundation of Onatrio, 1975. pp. 147-158. RIS: 20:59 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *driver fatalities (710); males; females SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *traffic accidents, fatal; *age factors; *sex factors LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 0874 Adams, A; Brown, B.; Flom, M.; Jones, R; Jampolsky, A. Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity. American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics, 52:729-735, 1975. RIS: 20:63 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; placebo SAMPLE: users; males (10) SUBJECTS: *perception; *perceived effects; *cardiovascular effects; *psychomotor performance; *driving performance; *dosage; *visual effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination; psychomotor tests 0875 Adams, A; Brown, B.; Haegerstrom-Portnoy, G.; Flom, M.; Jones, R. Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination. Perception and Psychophysics, 20(2):119-124, 1976. RIS: 20:65 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; placebo SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *perception; *visual effects; *driving performance; *dosage LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination; perception tests MAIN LISTING 0876 Brown, B.; Adams, A; Haegerstrom-Portnoy, G.; Jones, R.; Flom, M. Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements. Perception and Psychophysics, 18(6):441-446, 1975. RIS: 20:67 DRUGS: *alcohol; *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perception; *traffic accidents; *dosage; *visual effects LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination; psychomotor tests 0877 Bye, C.; Munro-Faure, A; Peck, A; Young, P. A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 6:163- 169, 1973. RIS: 20:69 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: users (24); males; females SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perception; *cognitive effects; *perceived effects; *cardiovascular effects; *dosage; *driving performance; *auditory effects LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *questionnaires; laboratory/examination; psychomotor tests 0878 Caldwell, D.; Myers, S.; Domino, E.; Merriam, P. Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 29:755-759, 1969. RIS: 20:71 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: *college students (20); users SUBJECTS: *auditory effects; *visual effects; *reaction time; #*driving performance LOCATION: *Michigan, Detroit METHODOLOGY: *experimental; perception tests 0879 Clark, L.; Nakashima, E. Experimental studies of marihuana. American Journal ot Psychiatry, 125(3):379-384, 1968. RIS: 20:73 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *students (12); users; males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perception; *cognitive effects; *auditory effects; *visual effects; *driving performance; *reaction time LOCATION: *Utah METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *psychological tests; psychomotor tests; perception tests 0880 Clayton, A; Betts, T.; Mackay, G. A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance. European Journal of Toxicology, 5(4):254-256, 1972. RIS: 20:75 DRUGS: *tranquilizers; *alcohol; placebo SAMPLE: *students; males (50); females (50) SUBJECTS: *driving performance; *sex factors; *psychological effects; *synergistic effects; *psychomotor performance; *perception LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *experimental; driving tests 90 0881 Crancer, A; Dille, J.; Delay, J.; Wallace, J.; Haykin, M. Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance. Science, 164:851- 854, 1969. RIS: 20:77 DRUGS: *alcohol; *marihuana SAMPLE: users (36); males; females SUBJECTS: *driving performance; *cardiovascular effects; *psychomotor performance LOCATION: *Washington METHODOLOGY: *experimental; simulated driving tests 0882 Dalton, W.; Martz, R.; Lemberger, L.; Rodda, B.; Forney, R. Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 18(3):298-304, 1975. RIS: 20:79 DRUGS: *marihuana; *secobarbital SAMPLE: users (12); males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *psychological effects; *perceived effects; *synergistic effects; *auditory effects; *driving performance; *reaction time LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *psychological tests; *Cornell Medical Index; psychomotor tests 0883 Dott, A. Effect of Marihuana on Risk Acceptance in a Simulated Passing Task. Public Health Service Report ICRL-RR 71-3, DHEW Publication No. HSM-72-10010, Washington, D.C. 1972. 19 pp.. RIS: 20:81 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: users (12); males SUBJECTS: *driving performance; *risk-taking; *judgment; *perception; *reaction time LOCATION: *Rhode Island METHODOLOGY: *experimental; simulated driving tests 0884 Ellingstad, V.; McFarling, L.; Struckman, D. Alcchol, Marijuana and Risk Taking. Virginia: NTIS, 1974. 74 pp. (PB-228 450/3). RIS: 20:83 DRUGS: *alcohol; *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (96); users; nonusers; males SUBJECTS: *risk-taking; *driving performance; *psychological effects; * judgment; *psychomotor performance LOCATION: *South Dakota METHODOLOGY: *experimental; simulated driving tests 0885 Goodnow, R.; Beecher, H.; Brazier, M.; Mosteller, F.; Tagiuri, R. Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 102(1): 55-61, 1951. RIS: 20:85 DRUGS: *barbiturates; placebo SAMPLE: *college students (30); males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *cognitive effects; *perceived effects; *reaction time; *driving performance LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *psychological tests; psychomotor tests MAIN LISTING 0886 Gordon, N. Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex-heroin addicts. Psychopharmacologia, 16:337-344, 1970. RIS: 20:87 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin; barbiturates; amphetamines SAMPLE: *methadone patients; *treatment, inpatient; hospital staff; males (77); *females (18) SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *methadone maintenance; *reaction time; *driving performance LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination; psychomotor tests 0887 Haffner, J. et al. Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol. Acta Pharmacologia et Toxicologia, 32:161-178, 1973. RIS: 20:89 DRUGS: *diazepam; *alcohol; placebo SAMPLE: *students (8); males SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *cognitive effects; *perception; *psychomotor performance; *driving performance; *dosage; *coordination LOCATION: *Norway, Oslo METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *psychological tests; laboratory/examination; psychomotor tests 0888 Heimann, H.; Reed, C.; Witt, P. Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress. Psychopharmacologia 13:287-298, 1968. RIS: 20:91 DRUGS: *perphenazine; *imipramine; opipramol; placebo SAMPLE: *students (20); males; females SUBJECTS: *stress; *psychomotor performance; *cognitive effects; *cardiovascular effects; *perception; *physiological effects; *driving performance; *psychological effects; *visual effects; *perceived effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *psychological tests; laboratory/examination; psychomotor tests 0889 Holzman, P.; Levy, D.; Uhlenhuth, E; Proctor, L; Freedman, D. Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital. Psychopharmacologia, 44:111-115, 1975. RIS: 20:93 DRUGS: *diazepam; *chlorpromazine; *secobarbital SAMPLE: users (5); males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *driving performance; *dosage LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 91 314-297 0 - 80 - 8 0890 Kielholz, P.; Hobi, V.; Ladewig, D.; Miest, P.; Richter, R. An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour. Pharmakopsychiatrie Neuro-Psychopharmakologie, 6(2):91-103, 1973. RIS: 20:95 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: professional workers (54); males; females SUBJECTS: *cardiovascular effects; *physiological effects; *psychological effects; *psychomotor performance; *visual effects; *reaction time; *coordination; *driving performance LOCATION: *Switzerland METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *psychological tests; *Muller-Lyer lllusion; *Freiburg Personality Inventory; psychomotor tests; laboratory/examination 0891 Kiplinger, G.; Manno, J.; Rodda, B.; Forney, R. Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 12(4):650-657, 1971. RIS: 20:97 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *students (15); males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perception; *physiological effects; *perceived effects; *driving performance; *cognitive effects; *dosage; *auditory effects LOCATION: *Indiana METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *psychological tests; *Addiction Research Center Inventory; *Cornell Medical Index; laboratory/examination; psychomotor tests 0892 Kionoff, H. Marijuana and driving in real-life situations. Science, 186:317-324, 1974. RIS: 20:99 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: males (43); females (21) SUBJECTS: *cardiovascular effects; *driving performance; *dosage; *judgment LOCATION: *Canada, Vancouver METHODOLOGY: *experimental; driving tests; laboratory/ examination 0893 Landauer, A; Milner, G.; Patman, J. Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior. Science, 163:1467-1468, 1969. RIS: 20:101 DRUGS: *alcohol; *amitriptyline; placebo SAMPLE: *medical students; males (18); females (3) SUBJECTS: *driving performance; *psychomotor performance; *synergistic effects LOCATION: *Australia METHODOLOGY: *experimental; simulated driving tests; psychomotor tests MAIN LISTING 0894 Lawton, M,; Cahn, B. The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136:550-554, 1963. RIS: 20:103 DRUGS: *diazepam; *alcohol; placebo SAMPLE: males (20) SUBJECTS: *cognitive effects; *psychomotor performance; *driving performance; *synergistic effects LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *psychological tests; psychomotor tests 0895 Linnoila, M. Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol. European Journal ot Clinical Pharmacology, 6:107- 112, 19783. RIS: 20:105 DRUGS: *anticholinergics; *alcohol; placebo SAMPLE: *students (170) SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *attention patterns; *psychomotor performance; *coordination; *reaction time; *driving performance; *synergistic effects LOCATION: *Finland, Helsinki METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 0896 Linnoila, M.; Mattila, M. Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator. Pharmakopsychiatrie Neuro-Psychopharmakologie, 6:127-132, 1973. RIS: 20:107 DRUGS: *alcohol; *tranquilizers; *barbiturates; *antihistamines; *anticholinergics; placebo SAMPLE: *students; *military; males (1,600) SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *driving performance; *synergistic effects; *coordination; *reaction time; *attention patterns LOCATION: *Finland METHODOLOGY: *experimental; simulated driving tests; psychomotor tests 0897 Linnoila, M.; Mattila, M. Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol. European Journal ot Clinical Pharmacology, 5:186-194, 1973. RIS: 20:109 DRUGS: *diazepam; *alcohol; placebo SAMPLE: *students (200); males; females SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perceived effects; *driving performance; *dosage; *synergistic effects; *reaction time; *coordination LOCATION: *Finland, Helsinki METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests; fixed-speed coordination test 92 0898 Linnoila, M.; Saario, |.; Maki, M. Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 7:337-342, 1974. RIS: 20:111 DRUGS: *diazepam; *lithium; *alcohol; placebo SAMPLE: *students; males (20) SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perceived effects; *coordination; *reaction time; *driving performance; *synergistic effects LOCATION: *Finland, Helsinki METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 0899 Macavoy, M.; Marks, D. Divided attention performance of cannabis users and non- users following cannabis and alcohol. Psychopharmacologia, 44:147-152, 1975. RIS: 20:113 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; placebo SAMPLE: users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *attention patterns; *driving performance; *synergistic effects LOCATION: *New Zealand METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests; laboratory/examination 0900 Manno, J; Kiplinger, G.; Haine, S.; Bennett, |; Forney, R. Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 11:808-815, 1970. RIS: 20:115 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: *students (8) SUBJECTS: *perception; *psychomotor performance; *perceived effects; *physiological effects; *driving performance; *auditory effects; *cardiovascular effects LOCATION: *Indiana METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests; laboratory/examination 0901 Milner, G.; Landauer, A. Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour. British Journal of Psychiatry, 118:351-352, 1971. RIS: 20:117 DRUGS: *chlorpromazine; *thioridazine; *alcohol; placebo SAMPLE: *students (21); males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *driving performance; *perceived effects; *reaction time LOCATION: *Australia METHODOLOGY: *experimental; simulated driving tests; psychomotor tests 0902 Milstein, S.; MacCannell, K.; Karr, G; Clark, S. Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disiease, 161:26-31, 1975. RIS: 20:119 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: users; nonusers; males (16); females (16) SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perception; *perceived effects; *driving performance; *cognitive effects; *dosage; *visual effects; *coordination LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests; perception tests; *Primary Affect Scale MAIN LISTING 0903 Moskowitz, H.; McGlothlin, W. Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection. Psychopharmacologia, 40:137-145, 1974. RIS: 20:121 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: *college students (23); males SUBJECTS: *perception; *attention patterns; *perceived effects; *driving performance; *auditory effects LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *experimental; perception tests 0904 Moskowitz, H.; Hulbert, S.; McGlothlin, W. Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 8:45-50, 1976. RIS: 20:123 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (24); males SUBJECTS: *driving performance; *perception; *attention patterns; *driving performance; *reaction time LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *experimental; simulated driving tests 0905 Moskowitz, H.; Sharma, S.; Shapero, M. A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions. In: Current Research in Marijuana. New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1972. pp. 129-150. RIS: 20:125 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol SAMPLE: *college students (48); males SUBJECTS: *perception; *physiological effects; *psychomotor performance; *visual effects; *reaction time; *driving performance; *synergistic effects LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *experimental; perception tests; psychomotor tests 0906 Mould, G; Curry, S; Binns, T. Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man. Journal of Pharmaceutical Pharmacology, 24:894-899, 1972. RIS: 20:128 DRUGS: *alcohol; *glutethimide; *phenobarbital; placebo SAMPLE: *students (40); males; females SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *screening and detection; *driving performance; *synergistic effects; *reaction time LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination; psychomotor tests 0907 Palva, E.; Linnoila, M.; Mattila, M. Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving. In: Mattila, M., ed. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving. Modern Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry. vol. 11. Basel: S. Karger, 1976. pp. 79-84. RIS: 20:130 DRUGS: *tranquilizers; placebo SAMPLE: *students; males (17); females (23) SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perception; *perceived effects; *attention patterns; *synergistic effects; *driving performance; *coordination; *reaction time LOCATION: *Finland, Helsinki METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 93 0908 Patman, J.; Landauer, A; Milner, G. The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving. Medical Journal of Australia, 2:946-949, 1969. RIS: 20:132 DRUGS: *alcohol; *amitriptyline; placebo SAMPLE: *hospital staff (24); males; females SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *driving performance; *synergistic effects LOCATION: *Australia METHODOLOGY: *experimental; simulated driving tests; psychomotor tests 0909 Rafaelsen, O.; Bech, P.; Rafaelson, L. Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol. Pharmakopsychiatrie Neuro-Psychopharmakologie, 6(2):71-83, 1973. RIS: 20:134 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; placebo SAMPLE: nonusers (8); males SUBJECTS: *driving performance; *perceived effects; *cardiovascular effects; *psychomotor performance; *dosage; *methodological factors; *reaction time LOCATION: *Denmark METHODOLOGY: *experimental; simulated driving tests; laboratory/examination 0910 Reid, L.; Ibrahim, M.; Miller, R.; Hansteen, R. The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task. Technical Paper No. 730092, Society of Automotive Engineers Congress. Detroit, Michigan, 1973. 9 pp.. RIS: 2:136 DRUGS: *alcohol; *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (25); males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *driving performance LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 0911 Roth, W. et al. The effect of marihuana on tracking task performance. Psychopharmacologia, 33:259-265, 1973. RIS: 20:138 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: users (41); males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perceived effects; *dosage; *driving performance LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 0912 Salvendy, G.; McCabe, G. Marijuana and human performance. Human Factors, 17(3):229-235, 1975. RIS: 20:140 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: users; nonusers; males (40) SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *driving performance; *coordination LOCATION: *Indiana METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests MAIN LISTING 0913 Schroeder, D.; Collins, W. E.; Elam, G. Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration. Ergonomics, 17(5):613-621, 1974. RIS: 20:142 DRUGS: *secobarbital; *amphetamines; placebo SAMPLE: *college students (30); males SUBJECTS: *cardiovascular effects; *psychomotor performance; *physiological effects; *driving performance LOCATION: *Oklahoma METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests; laboratory/examination 0914 Schwin, R; Hill, S;; Goodwin, D.; Powell, B. Marihuana and critical flicker fusion. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 158(2):142-144, 1974. RIS: 20:144 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: users (31) SUBJECTS: *perception; *driving performance; *visual effects LOCATION: *Missouri, St. Louis METHODOLOGY: *experimental; perception tests 0915 Seppala, T.; Linnoila, M.; Elonen, E.; Mattila, M.; Maki, M. Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 17(5):515-5622, 1975. RIS: 20:146 DRUGS: *amitriptyline; *doxepin; *nortriptyline; *chlorimipramine; placebo SAMPLE: *students (40) SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *psychomotor performance; *coordination; *reaction time; *synergistic effects; *driving performance LOCATION: *Finland, Helsinki METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 0916 Seppala, T.; Saario, |.; Mattila, M. Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving. In: Mattila, M. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving. Modern Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry. vol. 11. Basel: S. Karger, 1976. pp. 85-90. RIS: 20:148 SAMPLE: *students (37); males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perception; *attention patterns; *coordination; *reaction time; *dosage; *synergistic effects; *driving performance LOCATION: *Finland, Helsinki METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 94 0917 Sharma, S. Marihuana effects on a critical tracking test. In: Hueike, D., ed. Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, San Diego, Calitornia, November 20-22, 1975. Lake Bluff, Illinois: the Association, 1975. pp. 285-291. RIS: 20:150 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *cardiovascular effects; *driving performance LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests; laboratory/examination 0918 Sharma, S.; Moskowitz, H. Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 38:967-970, 1974. RIS: 20:152 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: *students (12) SUBJECTS: *perception; *attention patterns; *dosage; *driving performance; *visual effects LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *experimental; perception tests 0919 Smiley, A; LeBlanc, A.; French, |; Burford, R. The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile. In: Israelstam, S., and Lambert, S., eds. Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conterence on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety. Toronto, September 8-13, 1974. Toronto, Canada: Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, 1975. pp. 433-438. RIS: 20:154 DRUGS: *alcohol; *diphenhydramine; *diazepam; *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: users (8) SUBJECTS: *driving performance; *psychomotor performance; *reaction time; *synergistic effects LOCATION: *Canada, Ontario METHODOLOGY: *experimental; driving tests 0920 Weil, A; Zinberg, N.; Nelsen, J. Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man. Science, 162:1234-1242, 1968. RIS: 20:156 DRUGS: *marihuana; placebo SAMPLE: users; nonusers; males (17) SUBJECTS: *cardiovascular effects; *attention patterns; *cognitive effects; *psychomotor performance; *perceived effects; *coordination; *dosage; *psychological effects; *driving performance LOCATION: *Massachusetts, Boston METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *psychological tests; laboratory/examination; psychomotor tests MAIN LISTING 0921 Bailey, W.; Koval, M. Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 7(2):191-199, 1972. RIS: 21:3 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (154); whites; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *political orientation; *value orientation; *ethnic factors; *socioeconomic factors LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires 0922 Blum, R. Blue collar black families. In: Richard Blum and Associates. Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1972. pp. 140-154. RIS: 21:5 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *blue collar; *families (20); *blacks SUBJECTS: *family influences; *drug use patterns; *drug attitudes; *parental drug use LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; interviews; *questionnaires; observations 0923 Blum, R. Mexican-American families. In: Richard Blum and Associates. Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1972. pp. 155-170. RIS: 21:7 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *families (20); *Mexican-Americans; *lower class SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *family influences; *drug attitudes; *parental drug use LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *questionnaires; interviews; observations 0924 Callan, J.; Patterson, C. Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees. American Journal of Psychiatry, 130(3):260-264, 1973. RIS: 21:12 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *marihuana SAMPLE: *military (19,948) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *family influences; *onset; *geographic factors; *peer influences; *ethnic factors; demography LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0925 Chambers, C.; Inciardi, J. An Assesssment of Drug Use in the General Population Special Report No. 2. New York: Narcotic Addiction Control Commission, 1971. RIS: 21:14 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *general population (7,378); *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 95 0926 Cockerham, W.; Forslund, M.; Raboin, R. Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth. International Journal of the Addictions, 11(2):209-220, 1976. RIS: 21:16 DRUGS: *marihuana; *hallucinogens; *amphetamines SAMPLE: *high school students; *American Indians (120); whites (391) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *onset; *peer influences; *drug use patterns; *motivation for use; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *Wyoming METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires 0927 Crowther, B. Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans. International Journal of the Addictions, 7(4):637-647, 1972. RIS: 21:18 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *NARA patients; *Mexican-Americans (223); whites (137) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *onset; *motivation for use; *ethnic factors; *background characteristics; *sociocultural influences; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Texas, Fort Worth METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews; official records 0928 Curtis, B.; Simpson, D. Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample. International Journal of the Addictions, 11(1):161- 173, 1976. RIS: 21:20 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; *Mexican- Americans; whites; (total 11,380) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *age factors; *ethnic factors; *sex factors; *Drug Abuse Reporting Program LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional; *Puerto Rico METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; program/clinic statistics 0929 Giobetti, G.; Brigance, R. Rural youth and the use of drugs. In: Singh, J., and Lal, H,, eds. New Aspects of Analytical and Clinical Toxicology. vol. 4. New York: Stratton, 1974. pp. 255- 262. RIS: 21:28 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students; males; females; whites (250); *blacks (208); *rural SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *sex factors; *family influences; *geographic mobility; *socioeconomic factors; *motivation for use; *ethnic factors; *curiosity; *background characteristics LOCATION: *Mississippi METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0930 Guinn, R. Characteristics of drug use among Mexican-American students. Journal of Drug Education, 5(3):235-241, 1975. RIS: 21:30 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *students (1,789); users; nonusers; males; females; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *socioeconomic factors; *drug attitudes; *background characteristics; *peer influences; *information sources, personal LOCATION: *Texas METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires 0931 Helmer, J.; Vietorisz, T. Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict. Washington, D.C.: Drug Abuse Council, 1974. 44 pp. RIS: 21:32 DRUGS: *heroin; *cocaine; *opium SAMPLE: *Asian-Americans; *blacks; whites; *Mexican- Americans SUBJECTS: *drug trafficking; *drug law enforcement; *socioeconomic factors; *drug laws; *drug policy; *drug attitudes; *ethnic factors METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 0932 Johnson, B.; Nishi, S. Myths and realities of drug use by minorities. In: liyama, P., et al. Drug Use and Abuse among U.S. Minorities. New York: Praeger, 1976. pp. 3-68. RIS: 21:34 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: addicts; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans; *Mexican-Americans; *Asian-Americans SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *drug use patterns; *drug arrests; *drug law enforcement; *addiction models; *treatment outcome; *socioeconomic factors; *drug laws; *ethnic factors; *law enforcement biases; Federal Bureau of Narcotics METHODOLOGY: *literature review 0933 Kleinman, P.; Lukoff, I. Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community. New York: Columbia University School of Social Work, Center for Socio-Cultural Studies in Drug Use, 1975. 77 pp.. RIS: 21:38 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *ghetto residents (871); males; females; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans; *British West Indians SUBJECTS: *prediction; *drug use patterns; *peer influences; *ghettos; *age factors; *geographic mobility; *ethnic factors; *Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation; multiple drug use LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 96 0934 Lipscomb, W. Drug use in a black ghetto. American Journal of Psychiatry, 127(9):1166-1169, 1971. RIS: 21:40 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *marihuana; *alcohol SAMPLE: *ghetto residents (92); *blacks; *Mexican- Americans SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *ghettos; *vocational rehabilitation LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *longitudinal; interviews 0935 Nail, R;; Gunderson, E.; Arthur, R. Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns. American Journal of Psychiatry, 13(10):1097-1102, 1974. RIS: 21:42 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *military (833); males; *blacks (69); whites (764) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *delinquency; *gociocultural influences; *parent-child relationships; *gthnic factors; *background characteristics; *alienation; Naval Drug Rehabilitation Center at Miramar LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires; interviews; official records 0936 O'Donnell, J.; Voss, H.; Clayton, R.; Slatin, G.; Room, R. Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey. NIDA Research Monograph, vol 5. Rockville, Maryland: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1976. RIS: 21:46 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *general population (2,510); males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *age factors; *criminality; *epidemiology; *ethnic factors; demography LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews; official records 0937 Petersen, D. Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison. Addictive Diseases: An International Journal, 1(2):223-233, 1974. RIS: 21:49 DRUGS: *heroin; *sedatives; *analgesics SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; *females (661); *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *suicides; *age factors; *overdoses; *drug use patterns; *multiple drug use LOCATION: *Florida, Miami METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *retrospective; hospital records; laboratory/examination MAIN LISTING 0938 Porter, M. Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12-1971. Journal of the American Medical Association, 223(6):657-664, 1973. RIS: 21:53 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *students (15,634); males; females; *blacks; whites; *American Indians; *Asian-Americans SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *ethnic factors; *drug use patterns; demography LOCATION: *Alaska METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0939 Stenmark, D.; Wackwitz, J.; Pelfrey, M.; Dougherty, F Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics. Addictive Diseases: An International Journal, 1(1):43-54, 1974. RIS: 21:59 DRUGS: *alcohol; *marihuana; barbiturates; stimulants; opiates SAMPLE: *adolescents; *blacks (111); whites (157) SUBJECTS: *demography; *parental influences; *drug use patterns; *criminal background; *parental drug use LOCATION: *South Carolina METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *questionnaires 0940 Strimbu, J.; Schoenfeldt, L.; Sims, O. Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status. Research in Higher Education, 1:263-272, 1973. RIS: 21:61 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *alcohol; *tobacco SAMPLE: *college students (20,547); *blacks; whites; *American Indians; *Asian-Americans SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *United States, southeastern METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires 0941 Abrams, A; Gagnon, J.; Levin, J. Psychosocial aspects of addiction. American Journal of Public Health, 58(11):2142-2155, 1968. RIS: 21:67 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated (883); *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *addiction models; *onset; *demography; *crime/drug sequences; *criminal recidivism; *drug relapse; *curiosity; *peer influences; *goal orientation LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; interviews; police records 97 0942 Ball, J. Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts. British Journal of Criminology, 7(4):408-413, 1967. RIS: 21:69 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana SAMPLE: *posttreatment; males (107); females (12); *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *onset; *demography; *peer influences; *delinquency; *arrests; *drug use patterns; *routes of administration; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Puerto Rico METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *retrospective; interviews; program/clinic statistics 0943 Ball, J. Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the U.S.. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 55(2):203-211, 1965. RIS: 21:71 DRUGS: *opiates; *analgesics SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; females (588); males (2,713); *blacks; whites; *Mexican-Americans; *Puerto Ricans; *Asians SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *demography; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington; *Texas, Fort Worth METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; program/clinic statistics 0944 Ball, J.; Bates, W. Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts. Social Problems, 14(1):56-69, 1966. RIS: 21:73 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (925); males (725); females (200); *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans; *Asian-Americans; American Indians SUBJECTS: *geographic mobility; *ethnic factors; *drug use patterns; *geographic factors; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; program/clinic statistics 0945 Bates, W. Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts. International Journal of the Addictions, 3(2):345-350, 1968. RIS: 21:82 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (99); males; *blacks SUBJECTS: *occupational status; *employment; *drug trafficking; *arrests; *paternal influences; *educational history; *socioeconomic factors; *typologies; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews MAIN LISTING 0946 Chambers, C. Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States. In: Josephson, E., and Carroll, E., eds. Drug Use: Epidemiological and Sociological Approaches. Washington, D.C. Hemisphere Publishing, 1974. pp. 61-88. RIS: 21:87 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment (69,887); males; *females; *blacks; whites; *Spanish-speaking SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *onset; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers; *Narcotic Addiction Control Commission LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; program/clinic statistics 0947 Craig, S.; Brown, B. S. Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 10(1):53-64, 1975. RIS: 21:99 DRUGS: *marihuana; *heroin; *cocaine; *alcohol SAMPLE: *adolescents (130); users; nonusers; *blacks SUBJECTS: *social interactions; *family influences; *arrests; *background characteristics; *peer influences; *motivation for use; *motivation for treatment; *screening and detection; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews 0948 Eldred, C.; Washington, M. Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome. International Journal of the Addictions, 11(1):117- 130, 1976. RIS: 21:108 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment; males (79); *females (79); *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *peer influences; *sex factors; *family influences; *onset; *interpersonal relationships; *treatment outcome; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 0949 Force, E; Millar, J. An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: I. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 9(3):481-487, 1974. RIS: 21:117 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone; alcohol SAMPLE: *treatment; males (25); females (25); *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *drug attitudes; *life cycles; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 98 0950 Gearing, F.; D'Amico, D. The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast. Report to Methadone Maintenance Evaluation Unit, Columbia University School of Public Health and Administrative Medicine, New York City, 1974. RIS: 21:119 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *methadone patients; males; *females; *Spanish-speaking (10,000); *Asians (400) SUBJECTS: *Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program; *rehabilitation; *sex factors; *arrests; *multiple drug use; *incarceration; *health status; *treatment outcome; *employment; *assaults; *death rates; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *comparative; program/ clinic statistics; observations 0952 Goldsmith, B.; Capel, W.; Waddell, K.; Stewart, G. Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities. In: Singh, J., et al., eds. Drug Addiction: Clinical and Socio-Legal Aspects. Mount Kisco, New York: Futura Publishing, 1972. pp. 137- 152. RIS: 21:125 DRUGS: *methadone; *marihuana; *barbiturates; *opiates SAMPLE: *methadone patients (534); males; females; *blacks (399); whites (135) SUBJECTS: *demography; *methadone maintenance; ethnic factors; *onset; *family influences; *arrest rates; *drug use patterns; *psychopathic deviation; *treatment outcome; *drug arrests; *drug law enforcement; *anomie LOCATION: *Louisiana, New Orleans METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *MMPI; interviews; police records 0953 Gorsuch, R. The impact of drug treatments on during-treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2(1):73-98, 1975. RIS: 21:127 DRUGS: *opiates; *alcohol; *methadone SAMPLE: *treatment (12,297); males; *females; *blacks; whites; *Mexican-Americans; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *sex factors; *drug-free treatment; *treatment outcome; *criminality; *employment; *ethnic factors; *Drug Abuse Reporting Program; Texas Christian University LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional; *Puerto Rico METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; program/clinic statistics MAIN LISTING 0954 Halikas, J.; Darvish, H.; Rimmer, J. The black addict: I. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, in press, 1976. RIS: 21:129 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin; morphine SAMPLE: addicts; *treatment; males; *blacks (192) SUBJECTS: *onset; *arrests; *drug use patterns; *educational history; *criminal background; *employment; *family influences; *abstinence; *drug relapse; *treatment outcome; Archway House; Narcotics Service Council (NASCO) LOCATION: *Missouri, St. Louis METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews; official records; urinalysis 0955 LacCalle, J. Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts. Dissertation Abstracts International, 34(4- B):1753, 1973. Ph.D. Dissertation. United States International University 1973. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilm, No. 73-22,675,173. RIS: 21:132 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (140); *Mexican- Americans SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *psychotherapy; Narcotic Treatment Program; behavioral change LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *questionnaires; *California Personality Inventory 0956 Lander, B.; Lander, N. A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York. In: Vocational Rehabilitation Administration. Rehabilitating the Narcotic Addict. Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967. pp. 359-369. RIS: 21:134 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *ghetto residents (49); *blacks (10); whites (6); *Puerto Ricans (33) SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *typologies; *drug trafficking; *sexual behavior; *personality factors; *family influences; *educational history; *employment; *drug subcultures; *multiple drug use; *ghettos LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; official records; *psychological tests; interviews 0957 Lawson, C; Young, S.; Chappel, J. The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago. In: National Association for Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conterence on Methadone Treatment, Washington, D.C., March 17-19, 1973. New York: the Association, 1973. pp. 361-367. RIS: 21:136 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment; *blacks SUBJECTS: *therapeutic communities; *community-based treatment; *drug attitudes; *lifestyles; *gangs; *peer influences; *ghettos; *age factors; *crimes of violence; *criminality; Illinois Drug Abuse Program LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *comparative; program/clinic statistics; observations 99 0958 Levi, M.; Seborg, M. The study of I.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups. International Journal of the Addictions, 7(3):581-584, 1972. RIS: 21:138 DRUGS: *heroin; opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated (414); *females; *blacks (96); whites (214); *Mexican-Americans (104) SUBJECTS: *educational history; *intelligence; *California Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *California Achievement Test; *Revised Army Alpha; *Raven’s Progressive Matrices 0959 Lukoff, I; Brook, J. A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use. In: Winick, C., ed. Sociologial Aspects of Drug Dependence. Cleveland, Ohio: CRC Press, 1974. pp. 35-56. RIS: 21:140 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: males; females; *blacks (244); whites (80); *Puerto Ricans (99); *British West Indians (145) SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *geographic mobility; *family influences; *peer influences; *demography; *ethnic factors; *psychosocial attitudes; *Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation; cognitive orientation LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews; Child Orientation Index 0960 Maddux, J. Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts. In: National Institute of Mental Health. Proceedings, Institute on Narcotic Addiction Among Mexican Americans in the Southwest, April 21-23, 1971. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. pp. 59-68. RIS: 21:142 DRUGS: *heroin; marihuana SAMPLE: *treatment (5,360); *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *arrests; *peer influences; *onset; *sociocultural influences; *ethnic factors; demography; Texas Christian University LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; program/clinic statistics 0961 Maddux, J.; Desmond, D. Obtaining life history information about opioid users. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1(2):181-198, 1974. RIS: 21:146 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *posttreatment (248); males; *blacks; whites; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *employment; *abstinence; *incarceration; *treatment outcome; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers LOCATION: *Texas, San Antonio METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *retrospective; interviews; official records MAIN LISTING 0962 Miller, J.; Sensenig, J.; Stocker, R.; Campbell, R. Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex. International Journal of the Addictions, 8(4):589-598, 1973. RIS: 21:148 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient; males (212); *females (62); *blacks (170); whites (104) SUBJECTS: *value orientation; *interpersonal relationships; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Rokeach Value Survey 0963 Monforte, J.; Spitz, W. Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 20(1):186-190, 1975. RIS: 21:150; 22:281 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *homicide cases; males (170); females (37); *blacks (185); whites (22) SUBJECTS: *homicides; *drug trafficking; *screening and detection; *ethnic factors; Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office LOCATION: *Michigan, Detroit METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 0964 Nurco, D;; Bonito, A; Lerner, M.; Balter, M. Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2(2):183-196, 1975. RIS: 21:152 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: addicts (349); males; *blacks (175); whites (174) SUBJECTS: *demography; *onset; *drug use patterns; *age factors; *death rates; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *retrospective; interviews; official records; *questionnaires 0965 Platt, J.; Hoffman, A; Ebert, R. Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(2):221-226, 1976. RIS: 21:158 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *adolescents (886); *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *age factors; *educational history; *intelligence; *epidemiology; *ethnic factors; Youth Reception and Correction Center LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; official records; *Revised Beta; *Stanford Achievement Test; official records 100 0966 Quatrone, D. Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction. In: Lukoff, |, et al, Some Aspects of the Epidemiology ot Heroin Use in a Ghetto Community: A Preliminary Report. Washington, D.C.: Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice, 1972. RIS: 21:164 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *ghetto residents (610); males; *females; *blacks (275); whites (89); *British West Indians (145); *Puerto Ricans (101) SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *socioeconomic factors; *peer influences; *ethnic factors; *drug attitudes; *employment; *ghettos; *age factors LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0967 Rangel, C. American diplomacy and the international narcotics traffic: A black perspective. In: Simmons, L., and Said, A, eds. Drugs, Politics, and Diplomacy: The International Connection. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1974. pp. 91-111. RIS: 21:166 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: federal employees SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *drug trafficking; Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention; UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control; NIMH (Division of Narcotics Addiction and Drug Abuse); Law Enforcement Assistance Administration; Department of State; Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs; Department of Treasury; *ethnic factors; *drug law enforcement METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *theoretical/critical; official records 0968 Robins, L. Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps. In: Rittenhouse, J., ed. The Epidemiology of Heroin and Other Narcotics. Rockville, Maryland: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1976. pp. 13-21. RIS: 21:170 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *Vietnam veterans (571); males; *blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *demography; *life cycles; *parental influences; *ethnic factors; *prediction; *background characteristics; *motivation for use LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; interviews; official records; urinalysis 0969 Scott, N.; Orzen, W.; Musillo, C.; Cole, P. Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 43(3):355-361, 1973. RIS: 21:176 DRUGS: *alcohol; *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (61); males (51); *females (10); *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *treatment outcome; *health status; *deaths, drug-related; *sociocultural influences; *prostitution; *arrests; *incarceration; *drug relapse; alcoholism LOCATION: *New Mexico METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; interviews; program/clinic statistics; official records; observations; urinalysis MAIN LISTING 0970 Simpson, D.; Curtis, B.; Butler, M. Description of drug users in treatment: 1971-1972 DARP admissions. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2(1):15-28, 1975. RIS: 21:178 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana; *barbiturates; *cocaine; *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment (12,297); males; females; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *therapeutic communities; *drug-free treatment; *demography; *drug use patterns; *age factors; *ethnic factors; *Drug Abuse Reporting Program; *criminal background LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional; *Puerto Rico METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; program/clinic statistics 0971 Snarr, R; Ball, J. Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts. British Journal of Addiction, 69:243-248, 1974. RIS: 21:180 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *posttreatment (108); males; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *onset; *drug subcultures; *abstinence; *treatment outcome; *socioeconomic factors; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Puerto Rico METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; interviews 0972 Stephens, R.; Slatin, G. The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type. Drug Forum, 3(4):375-389, 1974. RIS: 21:182 DRUGS: *heroin; *amphetamines; *cocaine; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1,096); males; *females; *blacks (527); whites (505); *Spanish-speaking; *street addicts SUBJECTS: *ethnic factors; *sex factors; *drug use patterns; *routes of administration; *arrests; *typologies; *sociocultural influences; *onset; *NIMH Clinical Research Centers LOCATION: *Kentucky, Lexington METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0973 Waldorf, D. Careers in Dope. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice- Hall, 1973. 186 pp.. RIS: 21:189 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment; males; *females; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *demography; *onset; *drug trafficking; *multiple drug use; *drug preferences; *criminal background; *abstinence; *educational history; *family influences; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *treatment outcome; *addiction careers; *drug substitution; *Phoenix House; *Narcotic Addiction Control Commission LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews; program/clinic statistics 101 0974 Watterson, O.; Simpson, D.; Sells, S. Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970- 1973. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2(1):99-111, 1975. RIS: 21:191 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment; males; females; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *death rates; *deaths, drug-related; *deaths, violent; *age factors; *ethnic factors; *Drug Abuse Reporting Program; Texas Christian University LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional; *Puerto Rico METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; program/clinic statistics 0975 zahn, M.; Ball, J. Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 7(2):237-245,1972. RIS: 21:198 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *posttreatment (108); males; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *educational history; *employment; *criminal background; *drug use patterns; *abstinence; *onset; *family influences; *demography; *time in treatment; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals LOCATION: *Puerto Rico METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *retrospective; official records; interviews; urinalysis 0976 Alexander, B.; Dibb, G. Opiate addicts and their parents. Family Process, 14(4):499-514, 1975. RIS: 22:3 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *parents; addicts; (total 18 families) SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *psychotherapy; *parent-child relationships; Narcotic Addiction Foundation LOCATION: *Canada, Vancouver METHODOLOGY: *correlational; official records 0977 Baer, D.; Corrado, J. Heroin addict relationships with parents during childhood and early adolescent years. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 124:99-103, 1974. RIS: 22:5 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts (100); nonusers (100); males; females; whites SUBJECTS: *parental influences; *parent-child relationships LOCATION: *Massachusetts METHODOLOGY: *correlational; Biological Inventory MAIN LISTING 0978 Bowker, L. The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use. Addictive Behaviors, 1(4):293-298, 1976. RIS: 22:7 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (948); *middle class SUBJECTS: *parental drug use; *peer influences; *drug attitudes; *parental influences LOCATION: *United States, midwestern METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0979 Burkett, S. Religion, parental influence, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana use. Journal of Drug Issues, 7(3):263-273, 1977. RIS: 22:9 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol SAMPLE: *high school students (837); whites SUBJECTS: *parental influences; *value orientation; *background characteristics LOCATION: *United States, northwestern METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0980 DeForest, J.; Roberts, T.; Hays, J. Drug abuse: A family affair? Journal of Drug Issues, 4(2):130-134, 1974. RIS: 22:11 DRUGS: general SAMPLE: *mothers (62) SUBJECTS: *maternal influences; *family influences LOCATION: *Texas, Houston METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *MMPI; *Interpersonal Check List 0981 Frankel, P; Behling, C.; Dix, T. The parents of drug users. Journal of College Student Personnel, 16(3):244-247, 1975. RIS: 22:13 DRUGS: *hallucinogens; *stimulants; *depressants; *marihuana; *hashish SAMPLE: *college students; males (46); *females (49); whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *parent-child relationships; *sex factors LOCATION: *United States, midwestern METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *psychological tests 0982 Lerner, S.; Linder, R. Birth order and polydrug abuse among heroin addicts. Journal of Drug Education, 5(3):285-291, 1975. RIS: 22:15 DRUGS: *multi-drug; heroin SAMPLE: *treatment (198) SUBJECTS: *multiple drug use; *drug use patterns; birth order LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 102 0983 Miller, B. Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences— A pilot study. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(6):1079-1084, 1976. RIS: 22:17 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students; users; nonusers; males (53); *females (58) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *sex factors; *self-concept; *environmental influences; *parent-child relationships LOCATION: *Pennsylvania METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *psychological tests; Parent-Child Relations Questionnaire 0984 Schwartzman, J. The addict, abstinence, and the family. American Journal of Psychiatry, 132(2):154-157, 1975. RIS: 22:19 DRUGS: *heroin; *barbiturates SAMPLE: addicts; *families; *working class; (total 21 families) SUBJECTS: *abstinence; *psychotherapy; *parent-child relationships; *paternal influences; *maternal influences LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 0985 Tennant, F. Dependency traits among parents of drug abusers. Journal of Drug Education, 6(1):83-88, 1976. RIS: 22:21 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *military (1,091); users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *parental influences; *drug use patterns; *parental drug use LOCATION: *German Federal Republic METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0986 Tennant, F.; Detels, R.; Clark, V. Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse. American Journal of Epidemiology, 102(5):377-384, 1975. RIS: 22:23 DRUGS: *opiates; *hashish; *amphetamines; *alcohol SAMPLE: *military (5,044); users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *parental influences; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *German Federal Republic METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 0987 Tolone, W.; Dermott, D. Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 10(5):761-766, 1975. RIS: 22:25 DRUGS: *marihuana; *hallucinogens; *amphetamines; tranquilizers SAMPLE: *high school students (136); users; nonusers; males; females SUBJECTS: *family influences; *drug use patterns; *parental drug use; *parent-child relationships; *peer influences LOCATION: *Illinois METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0988 Calhoun, J. Attitudes toward the sale and use of drugs—A cross- sectional analysis. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 10(1):113-126, 1975. RIS: 22:29 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *parents (39); *students (282); educators (78); *suburban SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes LOCATION: *United States, northeastern METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0989 Clark, R.; Kowitz, A.; Duckworth, D. The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana. Journal of Drug Issues, 5(2):177-188, 1975. RIS: 22:32 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *students; *adolescents; males (156); females (144) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *drug knowledge; *information sources, media; *information sources, personal LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 0990 Dorn, N.; Thompson, A. Research into expression of attitudes about drugs—What use is it?. Bulletin on Narcotics, 28(2):19-33, 1976. RIS: 22:34 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students (1,796); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *temporal sequences; *motivation for use LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0991 Ebel, H.; Katz, D.; Rosen, A. Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data. Journal of Drug Education, 5(1):77-85, 1975. RIS: 22:36 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students (300); males SUBJECTS: *drug education; *attitude change; *drug attitudes; *information sources, personal LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires 0992 Hart, L. Attitudes regarding drug abuse among a group of ex- addict staff members. International Journal of the Addictions, 11(1):35-39, 1976. RIS: 22:38 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *ex-addicts (24); males (13); *females (11) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *sex factors; Marathon House LOCATION: *United States, eastern METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 103 0993 Knox, W. Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 32(1):179-188, 1976. RIS: 22:40 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug; *alcohol SAMPLE: *hospital staff (827) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *treatment outcome; *treatment programs; *motivation for use LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *retrospective; *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0994 McPeek, R.; Edwards, J. Expectancy disconfirmation and attitude change. Journal of Social Psychology, 96:193-208, 1975. RIS: 22:42 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students (85) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *questionnaires 0995 Rathus, S.; Siegel, L.; Rathus, L. Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system. Adolescence, 11(41):1-6, 1976. RIS: 22:44 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *high school students (296); males; whites; *suburban SUBJECTS: *psychosocial attitudes; *drug use patterns; *educational history; *criminal background LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires 0996 Schaps, E.; Sanders, C.; Hughes, P. Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 6(4):425-434, 1974. RIS: 22:46 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *high school students (13,603); whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *drug education models; *drug use patterns; *drug education, evaluation; *drug attitudes; *information sources, personal LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0997 Stenmark, D.; Kinder, B.; Milne, L. Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 12(1):153-160, 1977. RIS: 22:48 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (241); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug knowledge; *drug education, evaluation LOCATION: *South Carolina METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 0998 Traub, S. Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers. British Journal of Addiction, 72(1):67-74,1977. RIS: 22:50 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students; users (100); nonusers (77); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *social interactions; *information sources, media; *perceived effects; *peer influences LOCATION: *Oklahoma METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 0999 Arnon, D.; Kleinman, M.; Kissin, B. Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts. International Journal of the Addictions, 9(1):151-159, 1974. RIS: 22:55 DRUGS: *alcohol; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients; males (30); females (31) SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *field dependence; *methadone maintenance; *sex factors; Kings County Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Witkin's Rod and Frame Test 1000 Carman, R. Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 12(1):53-64, 1977. RIS: 22:57 DRUGS: *marihuana; *amphetamines; *barbiturates; *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *junior high school students (215); males; females SUBJECTS: *locus of control; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *Wyoming METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 1001 Cryns, A. Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study. International Journal of the Addictions, 9(2):255-266, 1974. RIS: 22:59 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: addicts (11); *methadone patients (70); males; females SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *methadone maintenance; *psychotherapy LOCATION: *New York, Buffalo METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Shostrom Personal Orientation Inventory 104 1002 Gasser, E.; Langrod, J.; Valdes, K.; Lowinson, J. The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients. British Journal of Addiction, 69:85-88, 1974. RIS: 22:61 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (39); *college students (34); males; females; *blacks; whites; *Spanish- speaking SUBJECTS: *neurosis; *personality, addiction-prone LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *Eysenck Personality Inventory 1003 Gulas, |; King, F. On the question of pre-existing personality differences between users and nonusers of drugs. Journal of Psychology, 92:65-69, 1976. RIS: 22:63 DRUGS: *marihuana; *hallucinogens SAMPLE: *college students (90) SUBJECTS: *personality factors LOCATION: *New Hampshire METHODOLOGY: *comparative; * Gordon Personal Profile 1004 Henik, W.; Domino, G. Changes in locus of control in heroin addicts. International Journal of the Addictions, 9(6):899-902, 1974. RIS: 22:65 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (31); addicts (31) SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *Rotter’s social learning theory; Bronx State Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *comparative; *Rotter’s I-E Scale 1005 Horan, J.; D'Amico, M.; Williams, J. M. Assertiveness and patterns of drug use: A pilot study. Journal of Drug Education, 5(3):217-221, 1975. RIS: 22:67 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (81) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *personality factors LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *Rathus Assertiveness Schedule 1006 Huba, G.; Segal, B.; Singer, J. Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 45(1):34-44, 1977. RIS: 22:69 DRUGS: *alcohol; *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students; males (498); *females (597) SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *personality factors; *motivation for use; Yale University; Murray State University LOCATION: *Kentucky; *Connecticut METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *Personality Research Form; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 1007 Huntwork, D.; Ferguson, L. Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 5(1):53-60, 1977. RIS: 22:71 DRUGS: *tobacco; *alcohol; *marihuana; *amphetamines; *LSD SAMPLE: *high school students (2,390); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *peer influences; *self- concept LOCATION: *Ohio METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires 1008 Khavari, K.; Mabry, E.; Humes, M. Personality correlates of hallucinogen use. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 86(2):172-178, 1977. RIS: 22:73 DRUGS: *marihuana; *hashish; *hallucinogens; *LSD SAMPLE: *employees (298); males; females SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *sensation seeking LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Eysenck Personality Inventory; *Sensation Seeking Scale; *Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale; *Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale 1009 Kilpatrick, D.; Sutker, P.; Roitzsch, J.; Miller, W. Personality correlates of polydrug abuse. Psychological Reports, 38:311-317, 1976. RIS: 22:75 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: hospital patients (34); males; whites (26); *blacks (8) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *background characteristics; *ethnic factors; *sensation seeking; *anxiety LOCATION: *South Carolina METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; interviews; *psychological tests 1010 Kohn, P.; Annis, H. Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking. British Journal of Addiction, 72(2):135-141, 1977. RIS: 22:77 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; *tobacco; painkillers SAMPLE: *high school students (430); males (198); *females (232) SUBJECTS: *sensation seeking; *sex factors; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *Canada, Ontario METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Novelty Experiencing Scale; *Desire-for-Novelty Scale; *questionnaires 1011 Kurtines, W.; Hogan, R.; Weiss, D. Personality dynamics of heroin use. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 84(1):87-89, 1975. RIS: 22:79 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana SAMPLE: *treatment (59); *psychiatric patients (26); *college students (37); delinquents; police SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *psychopathic deviation LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore; *California, Oakland METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *California Personality Inventory 105 1012 Obitz, F.; Cooper, K.; Madeiros, D. General and specific perceived locus of control in heroin addicts. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 9(5):757-760, 1974. RIS: 22:81 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts (50); males; whites SUBJECTS: *locus of control LOCATION: *Texas, Fort Bliss METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Rotter’s I-E Scale 1013 Philips, B.; Bruhn, J.; Gouin, H. Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants. Drug Forum, 4(3):217- 232, 1975. RIS: 22:83 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment personnel; *social service personnel; *military; educators; males (455); females (104) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *locus of control; *occupational status; *drug education; Oklahoma Drug Education Center LOCATION: *Oklahoma METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Rotter’s I-E Scale; *questionnaires 1014 Reith, G.; Crockett, D.; Craig, K. Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 10(1):97-112, 1975. RIS: 22:85 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *incarcerated (140) SUBJECTS: *age factors; *educational history; *personality factors; Canadian Federal Penitentiary LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; * Thematic Apperception Test; *MMPI; *Rotter’s I-E Scale; *Edwards Personal Preference Schedule 1015 Schaeffer, G.; Schuckit, M.; Morrissey, E. Correlation between two measures of self-esteem and drug use in a college sample. Psychological Reports, 39(3):915-919, 1976. RIS: 22:87 DRUGS: *alcohol; *marihuana SAMPLE: *college students; males (171); females (219) SUBJECTS: *self-concept; *drug use patterns; San Diego State University LOCATION: *California, San Diego METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Coopersmith Self- esteem Inventory; *A Priori Identity Crisis Scale 1016 Schmidt, G. A study of achievement motivation and frustration in glue sniffers. Drug Forum, 4(4):331-348, 1975. RIS: 22:89 DRUGS: *inhalants SAMPLE: *delinquents (38) SUBJECTS: *motivation for use; *goal orientation LOCATION: *Ohio METHODOLOGY: *experimental; interviews; psychomotor tests MAIN LISTING 1017 Sheppard, C; Ricca, E.; Fracchia, J.; Merlis, S. Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts. Journal ot Psychology, 87:123-128, 1974. RIS: 22:91 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *general population; addicts (51); *suburban SUBJECTS: *personality factors LOCATION: *New York, Suffolk County METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *Edwards Personal Preference Schedule 1018 Abruzzi, W. Drug-induced psychosis. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 12(1):183-193, 1977. RIS: 22:95 DRUGS: *chlorpromazine; *marihuana; *amphetamines; *LSD SAMPLE: users (5,000 +) SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *schizophrenia; *psychosis, drug LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *clinical observation 1020 Korin, H. Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 83(2):208-212, 1974. RIS: 22:99 DRUGS: *heroin; *marihuana SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (44) SUBJECTS: *anxiety; *depression; *schizophrenia; *psychosis LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Bender- Gestalt; *Multiple Affect Check List; *Kent Series of Emergency Scale D 1021 Kwant, F.; Rice, J.; Hays, J. Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients. Psychological Reports, 38:547- 553, 1976. RIS: 22:101 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (97); nonusers (70); males; *females; whites; *blacks; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *ethnic factors; Texas Research Institute of Mental Science LOCATION: *Texas METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *MMPI; Heroin Addiction Scale 1022 Richman, A. Narcotic addicts, multiple drug abuse and psychological distress. In: National Academy of Sciences. Problems ot Drug Dependence, 1975. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Scientific Meeting, Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence. Washington, D.C.: the Academy, 1975. pp. 1115-1123. RIS: 22:103 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *opiates SAMPLE: addicts (446) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *psychological adjustment; Beth Israel Medical Center LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *U.S. National Health Survey Medical History Questionnaire 1023 Stauss, F.; Ousley, N.; Carlin, A. Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients. Addictive Behaviors, 2:75-78, 1977. RIS: 22:105 DRUGS: not specified SAMPLE: *treatment (210); *psychiatric patients (59); males; females SUBJECTS: *paranoia; *depression; *psychopathic deviation; *schizophrenia; psychasthenia; hypomania LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *MMPI 1024 Weissman, M.; Slobetz, F.; Prusoff, B.; Mezritz, M.; Howard, P. Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community. American Journal of Psychiatry, 133(12):1434-1438, 1976. RIS: 22:107 DRUGS: *opiates; *methadone; *alcohol SAMPLE: *methadone patients (106); males; whites; *|lower class SUBJECTS: *depression; *family influences; *methadone maintenance; Yale University LOCATION: *Connecticut, New Haven METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Hopkins Symptom Check List; *Social Adjustment Scale; interviews 1025 Westermeyer, J.; Walzer, V. Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population. Diseases of the Nervous System, 36(12):673-677, 1975. RIS: 22:109 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (200); males; females; whites; blacks; American Indians; Asians SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *deviance; *psychological adjustment; *psychosis; *neurosis; University of Minnesota Hospital LOCATION: *Minnesota METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; program/ clinic statistics 1026 Carlson, K. Heroin, hassle, and treatment: The importance of perceptual differences. Addictive Diseases, 2(4):569- 584, 1976. RIS: 22:113 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *life cycles; *treatment programs LOCATION: *Hawaii, Honolulu METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; interviews; observations 1027 Catton, K.; Shain, M. Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment. Addictive Diseases, 2(3):421-440, 1976. RIS: 22:115 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *typologies; *criminality; *lifestyles; *hustling; *drug subcultures; *motivation for use; *anomie; *copping; *ethnic factors; *background characteristics; *socioeconomic factors; *chipping; *addiction careers METHODOLOGY: *literature review MAIN LISTING 1028 Cheek, F. et al. From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part I. The study of reinforcement differentials. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(4):659-679, 1976. RIS: 22:118 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (133) SUBJECTS: *peer influences; *family influences; *lifestyles; *treatment outcome; *methadone maintenance; New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; interviews 1029 Dudley, D.; Mules, J.; Roszell, D.; Glickfield, G.; Hague, W. Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(6):977-987, 1976. RIS: 22:120 DRUGS: *methadone; *alcohol; heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (116) SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *environmental influences; *coping LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *questionnaires 1030 Fiddle, S. Sequences in addiction. Addictive Diseases, 2(4):553- 568, 1976. RIS: 22:122 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *street addicts SUBJECTS: *addiction careers; *drug subcultures; *criminality; *crimes of violence METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1031 Greene, M. The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2(2):141-164, 1975. RIS: 22:124 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *crimes against property; *burglary; *onset; *age factors; *epidemiology; *death rates; Narcotics Treatment Administration; Drug Abuse Surveillance System LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *prospective 1032 Hendler, H.; Stephens, R. The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction. International Journal of the Addictions, 12(1):25-42, 1977. RIS: 22:126 DRUGS: *marihuana; *hashish; *alcohol; *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment (30); *adolescents; males; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; whites SUBJECTS: *onset; *peer influences; *motivation for use; *drug use patterns; *routes of administration; *life cycles; *lifestyles; *criminality; *perceived effects LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 314-297 0 - 80 - 9 107 1033 Nace, E.; Meyers, A.; Rothberg, J.; Maleson, F. Addicted and nonaddicted drug users. Archives of General Psychiatry, 32(1):77-80, 1975. RIS: 22:129 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *heroin SAMPLE: *military (101) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *onset; *demography LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews 1034 Stephens, R.; Cottrell, E. A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA). British Journal of Addiction, 67:45-53, 1972. RIS: 22:131 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *posttreatment (200); *social service personnel; whites; *blacks SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *abstinence; *maturing out; *ethnic factors; *educational history; *U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals; *Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act Program; *drug relapse LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *correlational; *questionnaires 1035 Stephens, R; Smith, R. B. Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer. Addictive Diseases, 2(4):585-600, 1976. RIS: 22:133 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *street addicts (30); whites; *blacks; *Spanish- speaking : SUBJECTS: *drug subcultures; *typologies; *drug potency; Drug Abuse Control Commission LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 1036 Suffet, F.; Brotman, R. Female drug use: Some observations. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(1):19-33, 1976. RIS: 22:135 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol; *psychotherapeutics; pills SAMPLE: *females SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *onset; *drug use patterns; *sex factors METHODOLOGY: *literature review 1037 Tokar, J.; Brunse, A; Steffler, V.; Sodergren, J.; Napior, D. Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts. Diseases of the Nervous System, 36(2):77-81, 1975. RIS: 22:137 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (20) SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *stress; *anxiety; *value orientation; *social interactions LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; interviews MAIN LISTING 1038 Wesson, D.; Smith, D.; Lerner, S.; Kettner, V. Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1(2):159-179, 1974. RIS: 22:139 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *sex factors; *background characteristics; *treatment outcome; *treatment programs; *psychological adjustment; *drug use patterns; *detoxification; West Coast Polydrug Abuse Treatment Research Project LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *MMPI 1039 Bloch, H.; Ellis, R.; Spielman, C. Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs. International Journal of the Addictions, 12(1):161- 172,1977. RIS: 22:143 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (37); whites; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *treatment programs, evaluation; *treatment outcome; *methodological factors; *methadone maintenance; *employment; Drug Abuse Control Commission LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *retrospective; *comparative; interviews 1040 Crowther, B.; Felkner, L.; McDaniel, O. Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 12(1):43-52, 1977. RIS: 22:145 DRUGS: *opiates; *amphetamines; *barbiturates SAMPLE: *physicians (154) SUBJECTS: *self-treatment; *physician drug use; *drug attitudes; *stress LOCATION: *lllinois; *New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews 1041 Lester, D.; Narkunski, A.; Burkman, J.; Gandica, A. An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex-addicts. Psychological Reports, 37:1212-1214, 1975. RIS: 22:147 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: ex-addicts (51) SUBJECTS: *vocational rehabilitation; *self-concept; *goal orientation LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *psychological tests 1042 Malinowski, F. Employee drug abuse in municipal government. Public Personnel Management, 4(1):59-62, 1975. RIS: 22:149 DRUGS: general; *alcohol SAMPLE: *employers (32) SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *drug attitudes; *drug education; *employer policies LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *questionnaires 108 1043 Mangione, T.; Quinn, R. Job satisfaction, counterproductive behavior, and drug use at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 60(1):114-116, 1975. RIS: 22:151 DRUGS: not specified SAMPLE: *employees (1,327) SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *age factors; *work performance; job satisfaction LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews; official records 1044 Morton, F. Employing ex-addicts: Determinants of support and opposition. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(4):681-694, 1976. RIS: 22:153 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment personnel; businessmen; males; females; (total 100) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *employer policies; *employee problems LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 1045 Powers, R. The vocational maturity of inner-city narcotic addicts. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 17(4):210-214, 1974. RIS: 22:155 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *civilly committed (103); males; whites; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *vocational rehabilitation; *goal orientation; vocational maturity LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Career Maturity Inventory 1046 Suffet, F.; Brotman, R. Employment and social disability among opiate addicts. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 3(3):387-395, 1976. RIS: 22:157 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment (296); whites; *blacks; *Spanish- speaking SUBJECTS: *criminal background; *ethnic factors; *educational history; *employment; New York Medical College LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; program/clinic statistics 1047 Weimar, R. A state-wide survey of drug issues in industry. Southern Medical Journal, 69(2):196-198, 1976. RIS: 22:159 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *alcohol SAMPLE: *employers (268) SUBJECTS: *vocational rehabilitation; *drug attitudes; *employee dismissals; *employer policies LOCATICN: *Virginia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive MAIN LISTING 1048 Baridon, P. Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy. Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath and Co., 1976. 126 pp. RIS: 22:163 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment (101); males; *blacks SUBJECTS: *robbery; *larceny; *forgery; *gambling; *prostitution; *burglary; *crimes against property; *drug trafficking; *drug costs; *drug potency; *drug law enforcement; *temporal sequences; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *retrospective; *correlational; interviews; official records 1049 Boudouris, J. Criminality and addiction. /nternational Journal of ** Addictions, 11(6):951-966, 1976. RIS: 22:165 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients; males; females; whites; *placks; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *arrest rates; *methadone maintenance; *crimes against property LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *comparative; official records; interviews 1050 California. Bureau of Criminal Statistics Five-Year Foliow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-involved Drug Arrestees. Research Report No. 13. Sacramento, California: the Bureau, 1973. 15 pp.. RIS: 22:167 DRUGS: *marihuana; *opiates SAMPLE: *drug offenders; *blacks; whites; *Mexican- Americans SUBJECTS: *arrest rates; *criminal background; *purglary; *ethnic factors; *court dispositions; *drug arrests; *robbery; *crimes of violence; *crimes against persons; *crimes against property LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *retrospective; *comparative; official records 1051 Edwards, E.; Goldner, N. Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program. Drug Forum, 4(3):251- 259, 1975. RIS: 22:169 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (75); males; females SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *age factors; *felonies; *misdemeanors; *sex factors; *arrest rates; *convictions; Drug Abuse Program LOCATION: *Michigan, Detroit METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey 1052 Greenberg, S. The relationship between crime and amphetamine abuse: An empirical review of the literature. Contemporary Drug Problems, 5(2):101-130, 1976. RIS: 22:171;25:436 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *delinquency; *typologies; *temporal sequences; *robbery; *burglary; *homicides; *crimes of violence METHODOLOGY: *literature review 109 1053 Grupp, S.; Bridges, C. Criminal record characteristics of California and lllinois adult marihuana arrestees. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 8(1):25-35, 1975. RIS: 22:173 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *drug offenders (661) SUBJECTS: *criminal background; *arrest rates; *convictions; *crimes against property; *drug offenses; *crimes against persons; *court dispositions; *law enforcement biases LOCATION: *California; *lllinois METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; official records 1054 Hayim, G. Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment. The Center for Criminal Justice, Harvard Law School, and the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation Evaluation Team, Columbia University School of Social Work, 1973. 75 pp. Ri.: 22:175 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (357); males; blacks; *methadone patients (357); males; females; whites; *blacks SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *treatment outcome; *methadone maintenance; *arrest rates; *crimes of violence; *drug offenses; *crimes against property; *theft; Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation; *prostitution LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *longitudinal; official records 1055 James, J. Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach. Addictive Diseases, 2(4):601-618, 1976. RIS: 22:177 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: addicts; *prostitutes; *females; *blacks; whites; (total 100) SUBJECTS: *psychological adjustment; *prostitution; *onset; *sex roles; *age factors; *ethnic factors; *|ifestyles LOCATION: *United States, western METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *questionnaires; *MMPI; interviews; observations 1056 Long, G.; Demaree, R. Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2(1):123-136, 1975. RIS: 22:179 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient; whites; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; *Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *drug-free treatment; *arrest rates; *drug offenses; *treatment outcome; *incarceration; *age factors; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *crimes against persons; *crimes for money; Drug Abuse Reporting Program LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *iongitudinal; *descriptive; program/ clinic statistics; official records MAIN LISTING 1057 Shellow, R. Drug abuse and crime: Fact or fancy? Contemporary Drug Problems, 5(2):131-147, 1976. RIS: 22:181 DRUGS: *multi-drug SUBJECTS: *methodological factors; *treatment programs; *drug policy; *drug availability; *crime/ drug sequences METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1058 Silverman, L.; Spriull, N. Urban crime and the price of heroin. Journal of Urban Economics, 4:80-103, 1977. RIS: 22:183 SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *environmental influences; *drug costs; *drug availability; *crimes against persons; *crimes against property; *socioeconomic factors; *ethnic factors; *drug potency; *crimes of violence; *robbery; *burglary LOCATION: *Michigan, Detroit METHODOLOGY: *correlational; official records 1059 Stephens, R.; Ellis, R. Narcotic addicts and crime. Criminology, 12(4):474-488, 1975. RIS: 22:185 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (598); males; *blacks; whites; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *crimes against persons; *crimes against property; *arrest rates; *crime/drug sequences; *crimes for money; *crimes of violence LOCATION: *New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; official records 1060 Weissman, J; File, K. Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(6):1063-1077, 1976. RIS: 22:187 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *offenders; *females (227); *blacks; *Spanish- speaking; whites SUBJECTS: *typologies; *prostitution; *crimes against persons; *drug offenses; *arrest rates; *ethnic factors; Treatment Alternatives to Street Crimes LOCATION: *Colorado, Denver; *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *descriptive; program/ clinic statistics; urinalysis 1061 Weissman, J.; Marr, S.; Katsampes, P. Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts. Journal of Drug Issues, 6(2):153-165, 1976. RIS: 22:189 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated (200); males; *females; *blacks; *Mexican-Americans; whites SUBJECTS: *onset; *larceny; *burglary; *sex factors; *drug offenses; *crimes of violence; *arrest rates; *ethnic factors LOCATION: *Colorado, Denver METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews; official records 110 1062 Burkett, S.; Jensen, E. Conventional ties, peer influence, and the fear of apprehension: A study of adolescent marijuana use. Sociological Quarterly, 16:522-533, 1975. RIS: 22:193 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students; males (546); females (510); whites SUBJECTS: *peer influences; *family influences; *drug attitudes LOCATION: *Washington METHODOLOGY: *correlational 1063 California. Health and Welfare Agency A First Report of the Impact of California’s New Marijuana Law (SB 95). Sacramento: the Agency, 1977. 50 pp.. RIS: 22:195 DRUGS: *marihuana; *heroin; *alcohol SAMPLE: *general population; *drug offenders SUBJECTS: *drug law effects; *drug attitudes; *drug law enforcement; *drug arrests; *drug use patterns; *diversion programs; *legalization of drugs; *social costs of drug use LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1064 Johnson, W.; Petersen, R.; Wells, L. Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement. American Journal of Sociology, 83(3):681-699, 1977. RIS: 22:197 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *general population; *drug offenders SUBJECTS: *arrest rates; *sex factors; *ethnic factors; *age factors; *socioeconomic factors; *National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse LOCATION: *District of Columbia; *Illinois; *Nebraska METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis; *questionnaires; official records 1065 Leon, J. Public policy and judicial perspectives in two Canadian cities: The case of heroin. Journal of Drug Issues, 6(2):172-181, 1976. RIS: 22:200 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *criminal justice personnel SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *court dispositions; *drug policy LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews 1066 Ottomanelli, G. Follow-up of a token economy of civilly committed narcotic addicts. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(5):793-806, 1976. RIS: 22:202 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *civilly committed (31); males SUBJECTS: *treatment programs, evaluation; *treatment models; *treatment outcome; *therapeutic communities; Bayview Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *MMPI MAIN LISTING 1067 Rinella, V. Rehabilitation or bust: The impact of criminal justice system referrals on the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in a therapeutic community (Eagleville’s experience). American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 3(1):53-58, 1976. RIS: 22:204 DRUGS: *heroin; *alcohol SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient SUBJECTS: *therapeutic communities; *compulsory treatment; *treatment outcome; *abstinence; Eagleville Hospital and Rehabilitation Center LOCATION: *Pennsylvania METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1068 Rosenthal, M. The legislative response to marihuana: When the shoe pinches enough. Journal of Drug Issues, 7(1):61-77, 1977. RIS: 22:205 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *drug offenders SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *drug laws METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1069 Stuart, R.; Guire, K.; Krell, M. Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants. Contemporary Drug Problems, 5(4):553-563, 1976. RIS: 22:207 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug law effects; *drug use patterns; *legalization of drugs LOCATION: *Michigan METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 1070 Zinberg, N.; Jacobson, R.; Harding, W. Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2(2):165-182, 1975. RIS: 22:209 DRUGS: *opiates; *marihuana; *hallucinogens SAMPLE: users; *general population; males; females; whites; *blacks SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *drug attitudes; *sociocultural influences; *peer influences LOCATION: *Massachusetts METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 1071 Burdsal, C.; Greenberg, G.; Bell, M.; Reynolds, S. A factor-analytic examination of sexual behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 31(3):568-572, 1975. RIS: 22:213 DRUGS: *marihuana; *alcohol SAMPLE: *college students; males (138); females (220) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *sexual attitudes LOCATION: *Kansas, Wichita METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 111 1072 Cicero, T. et al. Function of the male sex organs in heroin and methadone users. New England Journal of Medicine, 292(17):882-887, 1975. RIS: 22:215 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *methadone patients (29); addicts (16); nonusers (43) SUBJECTS: *sexual behavior; *sexual effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *questionnaires 1073 Cushman, P. Plasma testosterone levels in healthy male marijuana smokers. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2(2):269-275, 1975. RIS: 22:217 DRUGS: *marihuana; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students; males; users (25); nonusers (13) SUBJECTS: *sexual effects LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 1074 Gay, G.; Newmeyer, J.; Elion, R.; Wieder, S. Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or “the sensuous hippie”. In: National Academy of Sciences. Problems of Drug Dependence, 1975. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Scientific Meeting. Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence. Washington, D.C.: the Academy, 1975. pp. 1080-1093. RIS: 22:219 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment (95); males (59); females (36); whites; *blacks; *Spanish-speaking; *Asian- Americans SUBJECTS: *sexual effects; *sexual behavior; *sexual attitudes; *routes of administration; *pharmacogenic orgasms; *inhibition; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *correlational; *Qquestionnaires; interviews 1075 Gossop, M; Stern, R.; Connell, P. Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines. British Journal of Psychiatry, 124:431-434, 1974. RIS: 22:221;25:445 DRUGS: *opiates; *amphetamines SAMPLE: *hospital patients; males (27); *females(27) SUBJECTS: *sex factors; *sexual effects; *sexual adjustment LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; official records MAIN LISTING 1076 Mintz, J.; O'Hare, K.; O'Brien, C.; Goldschmidt, J. Sexual problems of heroin addicts. Archives of General Psychiatry, 31(5):700-703, 1974. RIS: 22:223 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (45); addicts (91); males SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *sexual effects; *withdrawal LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires; program/clinic statistics 1077 Parr, D. Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts. British Journal of Addiction, 71:261-268, 1976. RIS: 22:225 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone; *amphetamines; *cocaine; *LSD SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient; males (14); females (11) SUBJECTS: *homosexuality; *sexual effects; *sexual behavior; Brighton Drug Dependency Clinic LOCATION: *England, Brighton METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 1078 Ungerer, J.; Harford, R.; Brown, F.; Kleber, H. Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 32(4):891- 895, 1976. RIS: 22:227 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *barbiturates; *heroin; *cocaine SAMPLE: *treatment; males (53); females (17) SUBJECTS: *drug preferences; *sexual adjustment LOCATION: *Connecticut METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *questionnaires; *Mosher Forced Choice Sex Guilt Subscale 1079 Blinick, G.; Wallach, R.; Jerez, E.; Ackerman, B. Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate. American Journal ot Obstetrics and Gynecology, 125(2):135- 142, 1976. RIS: 22:231 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *pregnant women; *infants SUBJECTS: *hepatic effects; *withdrawal; *methadone maintenance; *teratogenic effects; *withdrawal, infants; *congenital defects; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *cerebral effects; *prenatal care; birth weights; detoxification LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *literature review 1080 Davis, M. The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Addicted Families and Their Children. A Services Research Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977. pp. 48- 58. RIS: 22:233 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *pregnant women (37); *infants; *blacks SUBJECTS: *prenatal care; *infant mortality; *withdrawal, infants; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *correlational 112 1081 Finnegan, L.; Reeser, D.; Connaughton, J.; Kandall, S. The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2:131-140, 1977. RIS: 22:235 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *infants (1,764) SUBJECTS: *prenatal care; *birth weights; *infant mortality; Philadelphia General Hospital LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; official records 1082 Kandall, S. et al. Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight. Pediatrics, 58(5):681-685, 1976. RIS: 22:237 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *infants (337); whites; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *birth weights; *prenatal care; *ethnic factors; *Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; official records 1083 Kron, R.; Kaplan, S.; Finnegan, L.; Litt, M.; Phoenix, M. The assessment of behavioral change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal: Comparative data from clinical and objective methods. Addictive Diseases, 2(2):257-275, 1975. RIS: 22:239 SAMPLE: *infants SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *neonatal addiction, treatment; Philadelphia General Hospital LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *comparative; observations 1084 Oleske, J. Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic-using mothers. Clinical Pediatrics, 16(5):418-423, 1977. RIS: 22:241 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone; *alcohol SAMPLE: *infants (118); males; females; *blacks; *Puerto Ricans SUBJECTS: *birth weights; *prenatal care; *withdrawal, infants; *infant mortality; New Jersey Medical School LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *correlational; official records 1085 Ostrea, E.; Chavez, C.; Strauss, M. A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal. Addictive Diseases, 2(1):187- 199, 1975. RIS: 22:243 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *pregnant women; *infants (95) SUBJECTS: *neonatal addiction, diagnosis; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *screening and detection; *withdrawal, infants LOCATION: *Michigan, Detroit METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; program/clinic statistics MAIN LISTING 1086 Ramer, C.; Lodge, A. Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part I. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance. Addictive Diseases, 2(2):227-234, 1975. RIS: 22:245 DRUGS: *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *infants (35) SUBJECTS: *birth weights; *congenital defects; *methadone maintenance; *withdrawal, infants; *Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program; infant development LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale; *Bayley Scales of Infant Mental and Motor Development 1087 Rosen, T.; Pippenger, C. Pharmacologic observations on the neonatal withdrawal syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics, 88(6):1044-1048, 1976. RIS: 22:247 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *pregnant women (30); *infants (31) SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *screening and detection; Columbia University Babies Hospital METHODOLOGY: *correlational 1088 Soloway, |.; Walters, D. Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations. Addictive Diseases 2(4):673-68¢, 1976. RIS: 22:249 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *pregnant women; *infants SUBJECTS: *health status; *birth weights; *hepatic effects; *psychological adjustment; *methadone maintenance; *withdrawal, infants; *infant mortality; *venereal disease; *neonatal addiction, treatment; *prenatal cars METHODOLOGY: *literature review 1089 Stimmel, B.; Adamsons, K. Narcotic dependency in pregnancy. Journal of the American Medical Association, 235(11):1121-1124, 1976. RIS: 22:251 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SUBJECTS: *withdrawal, infants; *health status; *neonatal characteristics; *respiratory effects; *infant mortality; *congenital defects; Mt. Sinai Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *correlational; official records 1090 Yacavone, D.; Scher, J.; Kim, Y.; Schwitz, B; O'Connor, H. Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 75(9):826-829, 1976. RIS: 22:253 DRUGS: *methadone SAMPLE: *pregnant women (17); *infants; whites; *blacks; *Asian-Americans SUBJECTS: *birth weights; *health status; *lifestyles; *prenatal care; *withdrawal, infants; Methadone Maintenance Institute METHODOLOGY: *correlational 113 1091 Peters, B.; Lewis, E.; Dustman, R.; Straight, R.; Beck, E. Sensory, perceptual, motor and cognitive functioning and subjective reports following oral administration of delta-nine-Tetrahydrocannabinol. Psychopharmacology, 47(2):141-148, 1976. RIS: 22:256 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: users (20); males; females SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perception; *cognitive effects; *perceived effects LOCATION: not specified 1092 Schaefer, C.; Gunn, C.; Dubowski, K. Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 44:3-16, 1977. RIS: 22:259 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: volunteers SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *psychomotor performance; *perception; *cardiovascular effects; *field dependence; *cognitive effects LOCATION: *Oklahoma METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *correlational; psychomotor tests; perception tests 1093 Barton, W. Deaths involving methadone: A statistician’s view. Drug Forum, 4(2):139-158, 1975. RIS: 22:263 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *death rates; *overdoses; *methadone maintenance LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; medical examiner records; coroner records 1094 Barton, W. Drug-related mortality in the United States, 1963-71. Drug Forum, 4(1):79-89, 1974. RIS: 22:265 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *death rates; *overdoses; *National Center for Health Statistics LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records 1095 Barton, W. Narcotics-related deaths decrease in 1972 from the number of narcotics-related deaths in 1971. International Journal of the Addictions, 9(4):513-529, 1974. RIS: 22:267 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *death rates; *deaths, drug- related; *geographic factors LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; medical examiner records; coroner records MAIN LISTING 1096 Baselt, R.; Allison, D.; Wright, J.; Scannell, J; Stephens, B. Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco. Western Journal of Medicine, 122(6):455-458, 1975. RIS: 22:269 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *fatalities; whites; *blacks SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *postmortem diagnosis; *death rates LOCATION: *California, San Diego; *New York, New York; *District of Columbia; *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *comparative; medical examiner records; coroner records 1097 Dinovo, E.; Gottschalk, L.; McGuire, F.; Birch, H.; Heiser, J. Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities. Clinical Chemistry, 22(6):847-850, 1976. RIS: 22:271 DRUGS: *opiates; *alcohol; *amphetamines; *barbiturates; *diazepam SAMPLE: *fatalities (2,000) SUBJECTS: *postmortem diagnosis; *deaths, drug-related LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; medical examiner records; coroner records 1098 Haberman, P.; Baden, M. Drinking, drugs, and death. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 9(6):761-773, 1974. RIS: 22:273 DRUGS: *alcohol; *heroin SAMPLE: *fatalities (1,000); alcoholics; addicts SUBJECTS: *accidents, fatal; *deaths, natural; *deaths, drug-related; *homicides; *postmortem diagnosis; demography LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *comparative; medical examiner records; coroner records 1099 Lettieri, D.; Backenheimer, M. Methodological considerations for a model reporting system of drug deaths. In: Josephson, E., and Carroll, E., eds. Drug Use: Epidemiological and Sociological Approaches. Washington, D.C.; Hemisphere Publishing, 1974. pp.160-173. RIS: 22:275 DRUGS: *opiates SUBJECTS: *deaths, classification; *death rates; *deaths, drug-related; *overdoses; Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 114 1100 McGuire, F.; Birch, H.; Gottschalk, L.; Heiser, J.; Dinovo, E. A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities. American Journal of Public Health, 66(11):1058-1061, 1976. RIS: 22:277 DRUGS: *opiates; *alcohol SAMPLE: *fatalities (651) SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *suicides; demography LOCATION: *District of Columbia; *Florida, Miami; *Texas, Dallas; *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; coroner records; medical examiner records 1101 Monforte, J.; Spitz, W. Drug deaths involving propoxyphene—An assessment in metropolitan Detroit. Preventive Medicine, 5:573-576, 1976. RIS: 22:279 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *propoxyphene SAMPLE: *fatalities (68) SUBJECTS: *suicides; *postmortem diagnosis; *deaths, drug-related LOCATION: *Michigan, Detroit METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1102 Stanton, M. The addict as savior: Heroin, death, and the family. Family Process, 16(2):191-197, 1977. RIS: 22:283 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts (2); *families (2) SUBJECTS: *suicides; *overdoses; *mother-child relationships; *schizophrenia; *family influences LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study 1103 Burchard, R. Coca chewing: A new perspective. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 463-484. RIS: 22:287 DRUGS: *cocaine SAMPLE: *South American Indians SUBJECTS: *health status; *stimulant reactions; *chemical characteristics; coca chewing LOCATION: *South America METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1104 Finkle, B.; McCloskey, K. The forensic toxicology of cocaine. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Cocaine: 1977. NIDA Research Monograph, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977. pp. 1563-192. RIS: 22:289 DRUGS: *cocaine; *alcohol SAMPLE: *fatalities (111); males; females; whites; *blacks; *Spanish-speaking SUBJECTS: *postmortem diagnosis; *deaths, drug- related; *routes of administration; demography LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional; *Canada METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; medical examiner records; coroner records MAIN LISTING 1105 Fischman, M. et al. Cardiovascular and subjective effects of intravenous cocaine administration in humans. Archives of General Psychiatry, 33:983-989, 1976. RIS: 22:291 DRUGS: *dextroamphetamine; *cocaine SAMPLE: users (9); males SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *cardiovascular eftects; Billings Hospital LOCATION: *lllinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *Addiction Research Center Inventory; *Profile of Mood Scales 1106 Siegel, R. Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication. In: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Cocaine: 1977. NIDA Research Monograph Series, vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977. pp.119- 136. RIS: 22:293 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *cocaine SAMPLE: users (85); males SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *stimulant reactions; *adverse reactions; *drug attitudes; *perception; *perceived effects; *routes of administration; UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *MMPI; *Experiential World Inventory 1107 waldorf, D.; Murphy, S.; Reinarman, C.; Joyce, B. Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers. Washington, D.C.: Drug Abuse Council, 1977. 76 pp.. RIS: 22:297 DRUGS: *marihuana; *cocaine; *alcohol SAMPLE: users (32); whites; *middle class SUBJECTS: *lifestyles; *drug subcultures; *drug trafficking; *adverse reactions; *psychological effects; *methodological factors LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; observations; interviews 1108 Hawks, D. The epidemiology of narcotic addiction in the United Kingdom. In: Josephson, E., and Carroll, E., eds. Drug Use: Epidemiological and Sociological Approaches. Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere Publishing, 1974. pp. 46-61. RIS: 23:3 DRUGS: *heroin; methadone; barbiturates; amphetamines SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *criminality; *epidemiology; *drug laws; *notification of addicts; *drug availability; *background characteristics LOCATION: *United Kingdom METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records 1109 James, I. Suicide and mortality amongst heroin addicts in Britain. British Journal of Addiction, 62:391-398, 1967. RIS: 23:5 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *fatalities (39); males; females SUBJECTS: *suicides; *death rates; *overdoses; *deaths, drug-related; *deaths, violent LOCATION: *Great Britain METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records 115 1110 James, |. The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 6(1):119-134, 1971. RIS: 23:7 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug availability; *drug law effects; *background characteristics; *drug subcultures; *age factors; *routes of administration LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *literature review 1111 Hitchins, L.; Mitcheson, M.; Zacune, J.; Hawks, D. A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town. British Journal of Addiction, 66:129- 140, 1971. RIS: 23:9 DRUGS: *heroin; *multi-drug SAMPLE: addicts (63); males; females SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *employment; *drug policy; *drug availability; *criminality LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive survey; interviews; observations; official records 1112 Spear, H.; Glatt, M. The influence of Canadian addicts on heroin addiction in the United Kingdom. British Journal ot Addiction, 66:141-149, 1971. RIS: 23:11 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: Canadian addicts SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug laws LOCATION: *United Kingdom METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records; interviews 1113 Zacune, J.; Mitcheson, M.; Malone, S. Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later. International Journal of the Addictions, 4(4):557-570, 1969. RIS: 23:13 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts (50); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *abstinence; *employment; *criminality; *peer subcultures; *drug laws LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive survey 1114 Zacune, J. A comparison of Canadian narcotic addicts in Great Britain and in Canada. Bulletin on Narcotics, 23(4):41-49, 1971. RIS: 23:15 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: Canadian addicts (25); males; females SUBJECTS: *employment; *criminality; *convictions; *drug availability LOCATION: *Great Britain METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews MAIN LISTING 1115 Stimson, G.; Ogborne, A. A survey of a representative sample of addicts prescribed heroin at London clinics. Bulletin on Narcotics, 22(4):13-22, 1970. RIS: 23:17 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts (111); males; females SUBJECTS: *employment; *background characteristics; *criminality; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 1116 Ogborne, A.; Stimson, G. Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts. International Journal of the Addictions, 10(6):1061- 1071, 1975. RIS: 23:19 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: addicts (128) SUBJECTS: *typologies; *employment; *criminality; *maturing out; *addiction careers LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive survey; offical records; interviews 1117 Bewley, T.; James, |; Le Fevre, C.; Maddocks, P.; Mahon, T. Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now). /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 7(4):597-611, 1972. RIS: 23:21 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone SAMPLE: addicts (491) SUBJECTS: *drug law effects; *notification of addicts; *drug availability; *employment; *criminality LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; program/clinic statistics 1118 Blumberg, H. et al. British opiate users: Il. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 9(2):205-220, 1974. RIS: 23:23 DRUGS: *heroin; *methadone; multi-drug SAMPLE: addicts (174) SUBJECTS: *age factors; *employment; *background characteristics; *drug attitudes; *criminality; motivation for treatment LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *comparative; interviews 1120 Barnes, G.; Noble, P. Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group. British Journal of Social Work, 2(3):299- 311, 1972. RIS: 23:27 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *delinquents; *females (90) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *drug availability; *geographic mobility; *parental influences; *psychological adjustment; *deviant subcultures LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; program/ clinic statistics; official records 116 1121 willis, J. Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States. British Journal of Addiction, 66:235-248, 1971. RIS: 23:33 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment (177); *blacks; *Puerto Ricans; males; whites SUBJECTS: *delinquency; *socioeconomic factors; *arrest rates; *parental influences; *employment; *crime/drug sequences LOCATION: *New York, New York; *England, London METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *comparative; program/ clinic statistics; interviews 1122 de Alarcon, R. The spread of heroin abuse in a community. Bulletin on Narcotics, 21(3):17-22, 1969. RIS: 23:39 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (58); males; females; users SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *peer influences; *situational factors LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews; program/clinic statistics 1123 de Alarcon, R. An | evaluation of a public health measure aimed at reducing the availability of methylamphetamine. Psychological Medicine, 2:293- 300, 1972. RIS: 23:41 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *general population SUBJECTS: *drug availability; *drug law effects; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *descriptive; interviews; offical records; program/clinic statistics 1124 McConnell, W. Amphetamine substances in mental illnesses in Northern Ireland. British Journal of Psychiatry, 109:218-224, 1963. RIS: 23:43 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (31); males; females SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia; *paranoia LOCATION: *Northern Ireland, Belfast METHODOLOGY: *case study 1125 Plant, M. Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital. British Journal of Addiction, 71:31-43, 1976. RIS: 23:45 DRUGS: *alcohol; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (100); *adolescents; males; females; adults SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *employment; *suicides; *socioeconomic factors; *criminality LOCATION: *Scotland, Edinburgh METHODOLOGY: *case study; *correlational MAIN LISTING 1126 Bennie, E.; Mullin, P.; Sclare, A. Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970. British Journal of Addiction, 67:101-105, 1972. RIS: 23:47 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *age factors; * personality factors; *sex factors LOCATION: *Scotland, Glasgow METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1127 Davidson F.; Etienne, M.; Piesset, J. Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972). Bulletin on Narcotics, 25(4):9-32, 1973. RIS: 23:51 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment (662); *adolescents; adults; males; females SUBJECTS: *parental influences; *socioeconomic factors; *employment; *motivation for use; *drug use patterns; *suicides LOCATION: *France METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; program/clinic statistics 1128 Poulain, C. Drug offenders and the prison regimen in France. Journal of Drug Issues, 5(1);68-72, winter 1975. RIS: 23:53 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *drug offenders (464) SUBJECTS: *prison-based treatment; *drug relapse; *treatment outcome; *age factors; background characteristics LOCATION: *France METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1129 Cohen, H. Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping- stone hypothesis. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 7(1):27-55, 1972. RIS: 23:55 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: users (958) SUBJECTS: *multiple drug use; *stepping-stone hypothesis; *motivation for use; *drug preferences; *drug subcultures; *drug availability; *peer influences LOCATION: *Netherlands METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews; questionnaires; official records; observation 1130 Buikhuisen, W.; Timmerman, H. The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands. Bulletin on Narcotics, 24(3):7-16, 1972. RIS: 23:57 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *students (29,467); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *sensation seeking; *parent-child relationships; *epidemiology; *packground characteristics; *personality factors LOCATION: *Netherlands METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; *Eysenck Personality Inventory; *Sensation Seeking Scale; *Srole Anomia Scale; *California Personality Inventory 117 1131 Szewczyk, H.; Jahnig, H. The problem of drug misuse in the German Democratic Republic. Journal of Drug Issues, 5(1):89-91, Winter 1975. RIS: 23:59 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *alcohol SAMPLE: *general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *background characteristics; *criminality LOCATION: *German Democratic Republic METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; program/clinic statistics 1132 Falco, M. Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(4):597-610, 1976. RIS: 23:61 DRUGS: *methaqualone SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *aphrodisiacs; *adverse reactions; *overdoses; *epidemiology; *drug law effects; *perceived effects; *drug availability; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *German Federal Republic; *Japan; *Great Britain METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1133 Kielholz, P. Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland. Bulletin on Narcotics, 22(2):1-6, 1970. RIS: 23:64 DRUGS: *hypnotics; *analgesics; *stimulants; *tranquilizers SAMPLE: *treatment (1,964) SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *sex factors LOCATION: *Switzerland METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; program/clinic statistics 1134 Hobi, V.; Ladewig, D.; Dubach, U.; Miest, P.; Ehrensberger, T. Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 13(1):36-41, 1976. RIS: 23:66 DRUGS: *analgesics SAMPLE: *industrial workers; *females (338) SUBJECTS: *personality factors; *sex factors LOCATION: *Switzerland METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; urinalysis; *Freiburg Personality Inventory 1135 vViani, F.; Paracchi, G.; Balzani, A; Fallini, G. Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure. Acta Paedopsychiatrica, 42(4):145-151, October 1976. RIS: 23:68 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment (40); *adolescents; adults; males; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *family influences; *psychological adjustment; *cognitive effects; *psychopathy LOCATION: *Italy, Milan METHODOLOGY: *comparative; program/clinic statistics MAIN LISTING 1136 Zerbetto, R. An overview on drug abuse in Italy. Addictive Diseases, 3(1):43-50, 1977. RIS: 23:70 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *drug use patterns; *socioeconomic factors; *motivation for use LOCATION: *Italy METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; program/clinic statistics 1137 Madeddu, A; Malagoli, G. Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations. Bulletin on Narcotics, 22(4):1- 11,1970. RIS: 23:71 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *general population SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *epidemiology; *information sources, media; *drug policy; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *Italy METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; program/clinic Statistics 1138 stefanis, C.; Ballas, C.; Madianou, D. Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975, pp. 303-325. RIS: 23:73 DRUGS: *hashish SAMPLE: users; males SUBJECTS: *drug laws; *epidemiology; *geographic mobility; *socioeconomic factors; *background characteristics LOCATION: *Greece METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *comparative; police records 1139 Kilibarda, M.; Zizic, V. Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia. In: International Council on Alcohol and Addiction. Papers Presented at the 4th International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependence. Belgrade: the Council, 1973. pp. 5-11. RIS: 23:75 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *age factors; *psychological adjustment; *drug availability; *drug use patterns; *background characteristics LOCATION: *Yugoslavia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records 1140 uiff-Moller, B. Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training. Danish Medical Bulletin, 18(5):105-111, 1971. RIS: 23:79 DRUGS: *cannabis SAMPLE: *students; *vocational trainees; males; females; (total 8,638) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *drug laws, attitudes; *socioeconomic factors; *onset LOCATION: *Denmark METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 118 1142 Winslow, J. Drug use and social integration. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 9(4):531-540, 1974. RIS: 23:83 DRUGS: *hashish SAMPLE: *students (251) SUBJECTS: *peer influences; *peer subcultures; *social interactions LOCATION: *Denmark METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *questionnaires 1143 Boolsen, M.; Knipschildt, H. Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment Journal of Drug Issues, 5(1):33-42, Winter 1975. RIS: 23:85 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *students; *adolescents; residents; adults; (total 6,958) SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *treatment programs; *geographic factors LOCATION: *Denmark METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews 1144 Voigt, J.; Dalgaard, J.; Simonsen, J. Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72. Medicine, Science, and the Law, 15(4):265-269, 1975. RIS: 23:87 DRUGS: *opiates; *cannabis SAMPLE: *fatalities (156); males; females SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *background characteristics; *criminality; *motivation for use; *postmortem diagnosis LOCATION: *Denmark METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; police records; hospital records 1145 Hemminki, E.; Rissanan, A.; Mattila, A. Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970. British Journal of Addiction, 68:159-165, 1973. RIS: 23:89 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *hashish SAMPLE: *students (2,702); males; females; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *family influences; *socioeconomic factors; *parent-child relationships; *motivation for use; *neurosis; alienation LOCATION: *Finland, Helsinki METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires; *Eysenck Personality Inventory 1146 Retterstol, N. Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway. Journal of Drug Issues, 5(1):22-32, Winter 1975. RIS: 23:91 DRUGS: *cannabis; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *adolescents SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *drug use patterns; *drug attitudes; *treatment programs; *drug laws LOCATION: *Norway METHODOLOGY: *literature review MAIN LISTING 1147 Goldberg, L. Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden. In: International Council on Alcohol and Addiction. Papers Presented at the 1st International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment ot Drug Dependence. Lausanne: the Council, 1970. pp. 217-240. RIS: 23:92 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug law effects; *packground characteristics; *age factors; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *Sweden METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; official records 1148 Herulf, B. Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm. In: Sjoqvist, F., and Tottie, M., eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1969. RIS: 23:94 DRUGS: *hashish; *stimulants SAMPLE: *students (8,500); males; females; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *motivation for use; *interpersonal relationships; *background characteristics LOCATION: *Sweden, Stockholm METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; *comparative 1149 Kihlbom, M. Illicit use of drugs among university students in Stockholm. In: Sjoqvist, F., and Tottie, M., eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1969. RIS: 23:96 DRUGS: *stimulants SAMPLE: *college students (879); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *motivation for use LOCATION: *Sweden, Stockholm METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 1150 Rylander, G. Clinical and medico-criminological aspects of addiction to central stimulating drugs. In: Sjoqvist, F., and Tottie, M., eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1969. RIS: 23:98;25:299 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; **‘punding’’; *routes of administration; *adverse reactions; *stimulant reactions; *psychosis, drug LOCATION: *Sweden METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1151 Sjoberg, C. Addiction in Sweden. Journal of Drug Issues, 5(1):12-21, Winter 1975. RIS: 23:99 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *hepatic effects; *physiological effects; *drug use patterns; *deaths, drug-related; *routes of administration; *drug laws; *treatment programs LOCATION: *Sweden METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 119 1152 Ofori-Akyeah, J.; Lewis, R. Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students. Ghana Medical Journal, 11:383-387, December 1972. RIS: 23:103;25:197 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *caffeine; *alcohol; *amphetamines SAMPLE: *medical students (52); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *motivation for use; *drug education; *stimulant reactions LOCATION: *Ghana METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 1153 Anumonye, A. A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians. In: International Council on Alcohol and Addiction. Papers Presented at the 4th International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependence. Lausanne: the Council, 1973. pp. 23-31. RIS: 23:105 DRUGS: *methaqualone SAMPLE: *students; *treatment, inpatient; *adolescents; males; users; nonusers; (total 40) SUBJECTS: *family influences; *socioeconomic factors; *adverse reactions; *psychological adjustment; *age factors; *drug availability LOCATION: *Nigeria, Lagos METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews 1154 Oviasuy, V. Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria. British Journal of Addiction, 71:51-63, 1976. RIS: 23:107 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *caffeine SAMPLE: *treatment (491) SUBJECTS: *age factors; *occupational status; *family influences; *socioeconomic factors; *drug availability; *motivation for use; *cognitive effects; *physiological effects; *psychological effects LOCATION: *Nigeria, Benin City METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 1155 Codere, H. The social and cultural context of cannabis use in Rwanda. In: Rubin, V, ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 217-226. RIS: 23:109 DRUGS: *cannabis; *alcohol SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *sociocultural influences; *motivation for use; *stimulant reactions LOCATION: *Rwanda METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1156 Verbeke, R.; Corin, E. The use of Indian hemp in Zaire: A formulation of hypotheses on the basis of an inquiry using a written questionnaire. British Journal of Addiction, 71:167- 174, 1976. RIS: 23:110 DRUGS: *cannabis SAMPLE: *college students (234) SUBJECTS: *occupational status; *motivation for use; *stimulant reactions LOCATION: *Zaire METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 1157 Jones, A. D. Cannabis and alcohol usage among the Plateau Tonga: An observational report of the effects of cultural expectation. Psychological Record, 25(3):329-332, 1975. RIS: 23:112 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *sociocultural influences; *set and setting LOCATION: *Zambia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; observations 1158 Joseph, R. Economic significance of Cannabis sativa in the Moroccan Rif. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 185-193. RIS: 23:113 DRUGS: *cannabis; *alcohol SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *sociocultural influences; *socioeconomic factors; *commercial uses LOCATION: *Morocco METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1159 Soueif, M. The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study. Bulletin on Narcotics, 23(4):17-28, 1971. RIS: 23:114 DRUGS: *hashish SAMPLE: *incarcerated (1,689); males; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *geographic factors; *motivation for use; *onset; *neurosis; *perceived effects; *cognitive effects; *psychomotor performance LOCATION: *Egypt METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *correlational; *Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale; interviews; psychomotor tests 1160 Drapkin, |; Landau, S. Drug offenders in Israel: A survey. British Journal of Criminology, 6:376-390, 1966. RIS: 23:116 DRUGS: *hashish; *opium SAMPLE: *drug offenders (318); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug offenses; *age factors; *demography; *crime/drug sequences; *criminality LOCATION: *Israel METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *comparative; police records 1161 wislicki, L. Alcoholism and drug addiction in Israel. British Journal of Addiction, 62:367-373, 1967. RIS: 23:118 DRUGS: *hashish; *alcohol; *multi-drug SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *alcoholism; *epidemiology; *drug policy; *treatment programs LOCATION: *Israel METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 120 1162 Friedman, |; Peer, I. Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel. In: Shoham, S., ed. Israel Studies in Criminology, I. Tel Aviv: Goneh Press, 1970. pp. 141-175. RIS: 23:119 DRUGS: *hashish SAMPLE: *pimps (11); *prostitutes (10) SUBJECTS: *crime/drug sequences; *onset; *peer influences; *sexual effects; *motivation for use; *deviant subcultures; *drug use patterns; *prostitution LOCATION: *Israel METHODOLOGY: *correlational; inteviews; police records 1163 Miller, L. The epidemiology of drug abuse in Israel (with especial reference of cannabis). /srael Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines, 9(1);3-10, April 1971. RIS: 23:121 DRUGS: *hashish; *opium SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *Israel METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1164 Shoham, S.; Geva, N.; Kliger, D.; Chai, T. Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study. Bulletin on Narcotics, 26(2):9-27, 1974. RIS: 23:122 DRUGS: *cannabis; *multi-drug SAMPLE: *students (416); males; females SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *drug knowledge; *legalization of drugs LOCATION: *Israel METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 1165 Hes, J. The opiate addict in Israel. British Journal ot Addiction, 69:159-166, 1974. RIS: 23:124 DRUGS: *hashish; *opiates SAMPLE: *methadone patients (68) SUBJECTS: *onset; *demography; *treatment outcome; *psychological adjustment; *criminality; *geographic factors LOCATION: *|srael METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; program/clinic statistics 1166 Mayer, R. Drug dependence in Israel. Journal of Drug Issues, 5:83- 88, Winter 1975. RIS: 23:125 DRUGS: *hashish; *opium SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug policy; *treatment programs; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *Israel METHODOLOGY: *literature review MAIN LISTING 1167 Palgi, P. The traditional role and symbolism of hashish among Moroccan Jews in Israel and the effect of acculturation. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 207-216. RIS: 23:126 DRUGS: *hashish SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *sociocultural influences; *drug policy; *socioeconomic factors LOCATION: *Israel METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1168 Mowlana, H. The politics of opium in Iran: A social-psychological interface. In: Simmons, L., and Said, A., eds. Drugs, Politics, and Diplomacy: The International Connection. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1974. pp. 159-177. RIS: 23:127 DRUGS: *opium; *shireh; *heroin; *cannabis SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *age factors; *epidemiology; *occupational status; *motivation for use; *drug policy; *treatment programs; *sociocultural influences; social uses LOCATION: *Iran METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1169 Gobar, A. Drug abuse in Afghanistan. Bulletin on Narcotics, 28(2):1- 11,1976. RIS: 23:131 DRUGS: *hashish; *opium SAMPLE: *treatment SUBJECTS: *therapeutic uses; *religious uses; *treatment programs; *adverse reactions; social uses LOCATION: *Afghanistan METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 1170 Khan, M.; Abbas, A.; Jensen, K. Cannabis usage in Pakistan: A pilot study of long term effects on social status and physical health. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 345-354. RIS: 23:132 DRUGS: *cannabis SAMPLE: users (70); males SUBJECTS: *physiological effects; *psychological effects; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *Pakistan METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *questionnaires; laboratory/examination 1171 Benoist, J. Reunion: Cannabis in a pluricultural and polyethnic society. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 227-234. RIS: 23:134 DRUGS: *cannabis SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *sociocultural influences; *religious uses; *therapeutic uses; *drug policy; social uses LOCATION: *Reunion METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 121 1172 Sharma, B. Cannabis and its users in Nepal. British Journal of Psychiatry. 227:550-552, 1975. RIS: 23:136 DRUGS: *cannabis SAMPLE: users; nonusers; males (454) SUBJECTS: *work performance; *employment; *personality factors; *interpersonal relationships; *drug policy; Western influences LOCATION: *Nepal METHODOLOGY: *comparative; observation; interviews 1173 Fisher, J. Cannabis in Nepal: An overview. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 247-255. RIS: 23:138 DRUGS: *cannabis SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *religious uses; *therapeutic uses; *drug laws; *drug policy; *drug trafficking; *sociocultural influences; Western influences; social uses LOCATION: *Nepal METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1174 Martin, M. Ethnobotanical aspects of cannabis in Southeast Asia. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 63-75. RIS: 23:139 DRUGS: *cannabis SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *therapeutic uses; *stimulant reactions; *sociocultural influences; Western influences; social uses LOCATION: *Asia, Southeast METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1175 Schneider, R. et al. Incidence of daily drug use as reported by a population of Thai partners working near United States military installations: A preliminary study. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(1):175-185, 1976. RIS: 23:140 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *females (497); volunteers SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *peer influences LOCATION: *Thailand METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 1176 Lee, C. Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea. In: International council on Alcohol and Addiction. Papers Presented at the 2nd International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependence. Lausanne: the Council, 1971. pp. 1-32. RIS: 23:142 DRUGS: *opiates SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1,388); males; females SUBJECTS: *criminality; *occupational status; *socioeconomic factors; *family influences; *onset; *motivation for use; *age factors LOCATION: *Korea METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *psychological tests MAIN LISTING 1177 Hess, A. Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1965. 182pp. RIS: 23:144 DRUGS: *opium; *heroin SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug policy; *drug law effects; *drug trafficking; *background characteristics; *drug education; *treatment programs; *drug laws LOCATION: *Hong Kong METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1178 Ding, L,; Chan, L. A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong. Bulletin on Narcotics, 12(2):7-11, 1970. RIS: 23:146 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *posttreatment (109); *females SUBJECTS: *treatment outcome; *incarceration; *prostitution; *drug relapse; *onset LOCATION: *Hong Kong METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; observation 1179 Holzner, A; Ding, L. White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 8(2):253-263, 1973. RIS: 23:148 DRUGS: *heroin SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (14); *females SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *family influences; *drug use patterns; *motivation for use; *goal orientation; *self-esteem; *psychosocial attitudes; *drug subcultures LOCATION: *Hong Kong METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 1180 Singer, K. The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese. British Journal of Addiction, 69:257-268, 1974. RIS: 23:150 DRUGS: *alcohol; *opium SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *sociocultural influences; *alcoholism; *drug policy; *drug availability; *socioeconomic factors; social uses LOCATION: *Taiwan; *Hong Kong; *People’s Republic of China METHODOLOGY: *literature review 1181 Lowinger, P. How the People’s Republic of China solved their drug abuse problem. In: National Academy of Sciences. Problems of Drug Dependence, 1972. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Scientific Meeting, Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence. Washington, D.C.: the Academy, 1972. pp. 431-442. RIS: 23:152 DRUGS: *opium SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *epidemiology; *sociocultural influences; *drug education; *treatment programs LOCATION: *People’s Republic of China METHODOLOGY: *literature review 122 1182 Nagahama, M. A review of drug abuse and counter measures in Japan since World War Il. Bulletin on Narcotics, 20(3):19- 24,1968. RIS: 23:154 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *heroin SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug policy; *drug laws; *treatment programs LOCATION: *Japan METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1183 Brill, H.; Hirose, T. The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955. Seminars in Psychiatry, 1:179-194, 1969. RIS: 23:155;25:17 DRUGS: *methamphetamine; *heroin; multi-drug SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *background characteristics; *psychosis, drug; *adverse reactions; *drug policy; *socioeconomic factors; *stimulant reactions; *psychological adjustment; *environmental influences; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *Japan METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1184 Kato, M. An epidemiological analysis of the fluctuation of drug dependence in Japan. International Journal of the Addictions, 4(4):591-621, 1969. RIS: 23:157 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug laws; *drug policy; *age factors; *personality factors LOCATION: *Japan METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1185 Ishii, A.; Motohashi, N. Drug abuse in Japan. Addictive Diseases, 3(1):105-114, 1977. RIS: 23:159 DRUGS: *heroin; *stimulants SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug policy; *drug trafficking; *drug laws; *treatment programs LOCATION: *Japan METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; official records 1186 Hutchinson, H. Patterns of marihuana use in Brazil. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 173-183. RIS: 23:163 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *therapeutic uses; *sociocultural influences; *socioeconomic factors; social uses LOCATION: *Brazil METHODOLOGY: *literature review MAIN LISTING 1187 de Pinho, A. Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 293-302. RIS: 23:164 DRUGS: *cannabis SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *set and setting; *therapeutic uses; *socioeconomic factors; *criminality; *drug law effects; *drug laws; *epidemiology; *schizophrenia; social uses LOCATION: *Brazil METHODOLOGY: *literature review 1188 Gomberoff, M.; Florenzano, R.; Thomas, J. A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile. Bulletin on Narcotics, 24(3):27-33, 1972. RIS: 23:166 DRUGS: *marihuana SAMPLE: *high school students (734); males; females; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *perceived effects; *drug use patterns; *motivation for use LOCATION: *Chile METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 1189 Elejalde, B. Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. p. 327-343. RIS: 23:168 DRUGS: *marihuana; *LSD SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug offenses; *sociocultural influences; *drug policy; *pregnancy effects; *chromosome damage; *congenital defects LOCATION: *Colombia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; *clinical observation 1190 Marin, G. Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 11(2):199-207, 1976. RIS: 23:170 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *college students (2,142); males; females; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *motivation for use; *personality factors; *drug attitudes LOCATION: *Colombia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *questionnaires; *Maudsley Personality Inventory 1191 Comitas, L. The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Moulton Publishers, 1975. pp. 119-132. RIS: 23:172 DRUGS: *cannabis (ganja) SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *drug trafficking; *therapeutic uses; *age factors; *drug attitudes; *sociocultural influences; *drug policy; *stimulant reactions; *socioeconomic factors; social uses LOCATION: *Jamaica METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 314-237 0 - 80 - 10 123 1192 Rubin, V.; Comitas, L. Ganja legislation. In: Ganja in Jamaica: The Effects of Marihuana Use. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1976. pp. 21-36. RIS: 23:174 DRUGS: *cannabis (ganja) SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *drug laws; *drug law effects; *Rastafarianism; *socioeconomic factors; *drug trafficking; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *Jamaica METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1193 Rubin, V. The “ganja vision” in Jamaica. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 257-266. RIS: 23:176 DRUGS: *cannabis (ganja) SAMPLE: *working class SUBJECTS: **‘ganja vision'’; *therapeutic uses; *religious uses; *drug subcultures; *perceived effects; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *Jamaica METHODOLOGY: *descriptive; observations 1194 Beaubrun, M. Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 485-494. RIS: 23:177 DRUGS: *cannabis (ganja); *alcohol SAMPLE: *working class SUBJECTS: *alcoholism; *socioeconomic factors; *drug preferences; *drug subcultures; *personality factors; *drug availability LOCATION: *Jamaica METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; *Eysenck Personality Inventory 1195 Prince, R.; Greenfield, R.; Marriott, J. Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica. Bulletin on Narcotics, 24(1):1-9, 1972. RIS: 23:179 DRUGS: *cannabis (ganja); *alcohol SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (106); males SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *drug preferences; *drug attitudes; *socioeconomic factors; *Rastafarianism; *adverse reactions LOCATION: *Jamaica METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 1196 Schaeffer, J. The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica. In: Rubin, V., ed. Cannabis and Culture. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1975. pp. 355-388. RIS: 23:181 DRUGS: *cannabis (ganja) SAMPLE: *rural; general population SUBJECTS: *work performance; *perceived effects; *sociocultural influences; *physiological effects; *psychomotor performance; *socioeconomic factors LOCATION: *Jamaica METHODOLOGY: *ethnography; laboratory/examination MAIN LISTING 1197 Wellisch, D.; Hays, J. A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico. Bulletin on Narcotics, 26(1):31-42, 1974. RIS: 23:183 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *students; males; females SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug use patterns; *age factors; *goal orientation; *motivation for use; *academic achievement; *peer influences; *parental drug use LOCATION: *Mexico, Monterrey; *Texas, Houston METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires 1198 Teran, C.; Schnass, L.; Vargas, G.; Belsasso, G. Drug abuse among the inmates of a women’s prison in Mexico City. Addictive Diseases, 1(2):153-175, 1974. RIS: 23:185 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *incarcerated; *females (72); volunteers SUBJECTS: *socioeconomic factors; *personality factors; *employment; *family influences LOCATION: *Mexico, Mexico City METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 1199 Austin, G. . Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use. NIDA Research Issues Series, vol. 24. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1978. 280 pp. RIS: 24 DRUGS: *coffee; *tobacco; *opiates; *alcohol; *cocaine; *cannabis; *amphetamines; *stimulants; *ether SUBJECTS: *drug attitudes; *drug laws; *drug policy; *drug law enforcement; *drug law effects; *onset; *|egalization of drugs; *epidemiology; *background characteristics; *sociocultural influences LOCATION: *Arabia; *China; *Great Britain; *Finland; *France; *India; *Ireland; *Italy; *Jamaica; *Japan; *Germany; *Russia; *Sweden; *United States METHODOLOGY: *history 1200 Hemmi, T. How we handled the problem of drug abuse in Japan. In: Sjoqvist, F., and Tottie, M., eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. New York: Raven Press, 1969. pp. 147-153. RIS: 25:21 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug laws; *crimes of violence; *drug law enforcement LOCATION: *Japan METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1201 Kato, M. Epidemiology of drug dependence in Japan. In: Zarafonetis, C., ed. Drug Abuse: Proceedings of the International Conference. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger Publishers, 1972. pp. 67-70. RIS: 25:23 DRUGS: *methamphetamine; *heroin; multi-drug SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug laws; *age factors LOCATION: *Japan METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 124 1202 Inghe, G. The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden. In: Sjoqvist, F., and Tottie, M. eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. New York: Raven Press, 1969. pp. 187-214. RIS: 25:25 DRUGS: *stimulants SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *routes of administration; *drug subcultures; *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *deaths, drug-related; *criminality; *onset LOCATION: *Sweden METHODOLOGY: *literature review 1203 Goldberg, L. Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden. In: Zarafonetis, C., ed. Drug Abuse: Proceedings of the International Conterence. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1972. pp. 27-66. RIS: 25:27 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *age factors; *routes of administration; *background characteristics; *drug use patterns; *motivation for use; *psychological adjustment; *drug laws; *drug law effects LOCATION: *Sweden METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1204 stalberg, E. Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala. In: Sjoquist, F., and Tottie, M., eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. New York: Raven Press, 1969. pp. 291- 296. RIS: 25:30 DRUGS: *hashish; *amphetamines; *opiates; *LSD SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *age factors; *criminality; *epidemiology; *treatment programs LOCATION: *Sweden, Uppsala METHODOLOGY: *ethnography 1205 Bergsman, A.; Jarpe, G. Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs. In: Sjoqvist, F., and Tottie, M., eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. New York: Raven Press, 1969. pp. 275-277. RIS: 25:31 DRUGS: *morphine; *stimulants SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (71) SUBJECTS: *drug policy; *drug trafficking; *criminality; *treatment programs; *treatment outcome LOCATION: *Sweden METHODOLOGY: *descriptive MAIN LISTING 1206 Rawlin, J. Street level abusage of amphetamines. In: Russo, J., ed. Amphetamine Abuse. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1968. pp. 51-65. RIS: 25:32 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *drug subcultures; *drug substitution; *stimulant reactions; *perceived effects; *drug availability; *routes of administration; *crimes of violence; *deviance LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1207 Smith, R. C. Traffic in amphetamines: Illegal manufacture and distribution. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 2:20-24, 1969 (revised edition). RIS: 25:34 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SUBJECTS: *drug trafficking; *drug law enforcement; *hustling; *criminality; speed labs LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *descriptive 1208 Cohen, S. Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California. In: Sjoqvist, F., and Tottie, M., eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. New York: Raven Press, 1969. pp. 165-185. RIS: 25:37 DRUGS: *amphetamines; multi-drug SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *motivation for use; *multiple drug use; *sexual effects; *perceived effects; *adverse reactions; *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *depression LOCATION: *California METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1209 Smith, D. Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury. California Medicine, 110:151-157, 1969. RIS: 25:39 DRUGS: *methamphetamine; *LSD SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (310) SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *routes of administration; *psychological effects; *depression; *perception; *set and setting; *drug subcultures; *physiological effects; *adverse reactions; *psychosis, drug; *situational factors; *typologies LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 125 1210 Pittel, S.; Hofer, R. The transition to amphetamine abuse. In: Ellinwood, E., and Cohen, S., eds. Current Concepts on Amphetamine Abuse. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, DHEW No. 72-9085, 1972. pp. 169-176. RIS: 25:44 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *hallucinogens SAMPLE: users (250); *middle class; *hippies SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *drug preferences; *perceived effects; *motivation for use; *anxiety; *personality factors LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; *comparative; *questionnaires; interviews; *psychological tests 1211 Greene, M,; DuPont, R. Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic. Journal of the American Medical Association, 226:1437-1440, 1973. RIS: 25:46 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: addicts SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *drug availability; *drug substitution; *overdoses; *drug policy; *drug law enforcement LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; police records; medical examiner reports; program/clinic statistics; urinalysis 1212 Ellinwood, E. The epidemiology of stimulant abuse. In: Josephson, E., and Carroll, E., eds. Drug Use—Epidemiological and Sociological Approaches. Washington, D.C. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1974. pp. 303- 329. RIS: 25:49 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: general population SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *sociocultural influences; *drug subcultures; *deaths, drug-related; *physiological effects; *crimes of violence; *psychological effects LOCATION: *Japan; *Sweden; *United States, cross- sectional METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1213 snyder, S. Amphetamine psychosis: A “model” schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines. American Journal of Psychiatry, 130:61-67, 1973. RIS: 25:57 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *animals; users SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia; *stimulant reactions; *animal experiments; *psychomotor performance; *stereotyped behavior; *physiological effects METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical MAIN LISTING 1214 Ellinwood, E.; Sudilovsky, A.; Nelson, M. Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 130:1088-1093, 1973. RIS: 25:61 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *animals; users SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *paranoia; *animal experiments; *stimulant reactions; *psychomotor performance; *stereotyped behavior; *physiological effects METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1215 Randrup, A.; Munkvad, I. Biochemical, anatomical and psychological investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines. In: Costa, E., and Garattini, S., eds. International Symposium on Amphetamines and Related Compounds. New York: Raven Press, 1970. pp. 695- 713. RIS: 25:65 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *animals; users SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *stereotyped behavior; *animal experiments; *physiological effects; *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1216 Seashore, R.; Ivy, A. The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue. Psychological Monographs, 67:1-15, 1953. RIS: 25:81 DRUGS: *caffeine; *methamphetamine; *Benzedrine; placebo SAMPLE: *military; males (372 +) SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *perceived effects; *physiological effects; *work performance; fatigue reduction LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests; perception tests; laboratory/examination; subjective reports 1217 Cuthbertson, D.; Knox, J. The effects of analeptics on the fatigued subject. Journal of Physiology, 106:42-58, 1947. RIS: 25:85 DRUGS: *Benzedrine; methedrine SAMPLE: *military (c.468); males SUBJECTS: *work performance; *physiological effects; *reaction time; *perceived effects; fatigue reduction LOCATION: *Scotland METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 1218 Payne, R.; Hauty, G. The effects of experimentally induced attitudes on task efficiency. Journal ot Experimental Psychology, 47:267-273, 1954. RIS: 25:89 DRUGS: *dextroamphetamine; *caffeine; *depressants; placebo SAMPLE: *military (80); males SUBJECTS: *work performance; *psychomotor performance; attitudes LOCATION: *Texas, Randolph Air Force Base METHODOLOGY: *experimental; USAF SAM Multidimensional Pursuit Test 126 1219 Hauty, G.; Payne, R.; Bauer, R. Effects of normal air and dextro-amphetamine upon work decrement induced by oxygen impoverishment and tatigue. Journal of Pharmacology, 119:385-389, 1957. RIS: 25:91 DRUGS: *dextroamphetamine; placebo SAMPLE: *military (64); males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *work performance LOCATION: *Texas, Randolph Air Force Base METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination; USAF SAM Multidimensional Pursuit Test 1220 Kornetsky, C. et al. The effects of dextro-amphetamine on behavioral defects produced by sleep loss in humans. Journal of Pharmacology, 127:46-50, 1959. RIS: 25:93 DRUGS: *dextroamphetamine; placebo SAMPLE: volunteers; males (6); females (13) SUBJECTS: *reaction time; *psychomotor performance; *work performance LOCATION: *Maryland, Bethesda METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychomotor tests 1221 Nathanson, M. The central action of beta-aminopropyl-benzene (Benzedrine). Journal of the American Medical Association, 108:528-531, 1937. RIS: 25:101 DRUGS: *Benzedrine; placebo SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (40); *treatment personnel (80) SUBJECTS: *stimulant reactions; *physiological effects; *perceived effects; fatigue reduction LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *case study 1222 Davis, D. Psychomotor effects of analeptics and their relation to “fatigue” phenomena in air crew. British Medical Bulletin, 5:43-45, 1947. RIS: 25:104 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *military SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *physiological effects; *stimulant reactions; *stress; *anxiety; fatigue reduction METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1223 Lasagna, L.; von Felsinger, J.; Beecher, H. Drug induced mood changes in man. |. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts. Journal of the American Medical Association, 157:1006-1020, 1955. RIS: 25:107 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *heroin; *morphine; *pentobarbital; placebo SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (30); *hospital patients (30); *college students (20) SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *physiological effects; *psychological effects; *set and setting LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *questionnaires MAIN LISTING 1224 Mayfield, D. The effect of intravenous methamphetamine on mood. International Journal of the Addictions, 8:565-568, 1973. RIS: 25:111 DRUGS: *methamphetamine; placebo SAMPLE: volunteers; males (12) SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *perceived effects LOCATION: *North Carolina, Durham METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *Clyde Mood Scale 1225 idestrom, C.; Schalling, D. Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs. In: Sjoqvist, F., and Tottie, M., eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. New York: Raven Press, 1969. pp. 31-60. RIS: 25:113 DRUGS: *dextroamphetamine SAMPLE: *military (44); males SUBJECTS: *psychomotor performance; *reaction time; *physiological effects; *personality factors; *psychasthenia; *psychological effects LOCATION: *Sweden METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *Cattell Sixteen Personality Factors; *questionnaires; psychomotor tests; laboratory/examination 1226 Weiss, B. Enhancement of performance by amphetamine-like drugs. In: Sjoqvist, F., and Tottie, M., eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. New York: Raven Press, 1969. pp. 31-60. RIS: 25:115 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *work performance; *psychomotor performance; *coordination; *reaction time; *attention patterns; *cognitive effects; *psychological effects METHODOLOGY: *literature review 1227 Prinzmetal, M.; Bloomberg, W. The use of Benzedrine for the treatment of narcolepsy. Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:2051-2054, 1935. RIS: 25:129 DRUGS: *Benzedrine SAMPLE: *medical patients (9); males; females SUBJECTS: *narcolepsy; *therapeutic uses; *stimulant reactions LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study 1228 Rosenberg, P. Clinical use of Benzedrine sulfate (amphetamine) in obesity. The Medical World, 57:646-659, 1939. RIS: 25:131 DRUGS: *Benzedrine SAMPLE: *medical patients (90) SUBJECTS: *obesity; *therapeutic uses LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *case study 127 1229 Harris, S; Ivy, A.; Searle, L. The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: A consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite. Journal of the American Medical Association, 134:1468-1475, 1947. RIS: 25:133 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: volunteers; animals SUBJECTS: *obesity; *therapeutic uses; *animal experiments; *anorexia; Northwestern University Medical School LOCATION: *Illinois, Chicago METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination 1230 Adlersburg, D.; Mayer, M. Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 9:275-284, 1949. RIS: 25:135 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *medical patients (299); *females (272); males (27) SUBJECTS: *obesity; *therapeutic uses; *physiological effects; *adverse reactions; Mt. Sinai Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *case study 1231 Modell, W. Status and prospect of drugs for overeating. Journal of the American Medical Society, 173:161-166, 1960. RIS: 25:138 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *sedatives; *tranquilizers SUBJECTS: *obesity; *therapeutic uses; *physiological effects; *adverse reactions; *stimulant reactions; *psychological effects METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1232 Grinspoon, L.; Bakalar, J. The amphetamines: Medical uses and health hazards. Psychiatric Annals, 7:381-390, 1977. RIS: 25:142 DRUGS: *amphetamines SUBJECTS: *therapeutic uses; *narcolepsy; *obesity; *adverse reactions; *toxicity METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1233 Bradley, C.; Bowen, M. Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 11:92-103, 1941. RIS: 25:144 DRUGS: *Benzedrine SAMPLE: *hospital patients (100); *children; males; females SUBJECTS: *therapeutic uses; *hyperkinesis; *stimulant reactions; *adverse reactions; *psychological adjustment LOCATION: *Rhode Island, Providence METHODOLOGY: *case study MAIN LISTING 1234 Korey, S. The effects of Benzedrine sulfate on the behavior of psychopathic and neurotic juvenile delinquents. Psychiatric Quarterly, 18:127-137, 1944. RIS: 25:147 DRUGS: *Benzedrine; placebo SAMPLE: *delinquents (20); males SUBJECTS: *psychological adjustment; *therapeutic uses; *psychopathy; *neurosis; *adverse reactions LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *experimental 1235 Lasagna, L.; Epstein, L. The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children. In: Costa, E., and Garattini, S., eds. International Symposium on Amphetamines and Related Compounds. Proceedings of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Milan, Italy. New York: Raven Press, 1970. pp. 849-864. RIS: 25:149 DRUGS: *dextroamphetamine; placebo SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients; *children SUBJECTS: *hyperkinesis; *therapeutic uses; *physiological effects; *psychomotor performance; *adverse reactions LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *experimental; perception tests; *psychological tests; laboratory/examination 1236 Arnold, L. et al. Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine: Differential effect on aggression and hyperkinesis in children and dogs. American Journal of Psychiatry, 130:165-170, February 1973. RIS: 25:152 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *children (11); animals SUBJECTS: *hyperkinesis; *animal experiments; *aggression; *therapeutic uses; Ohio State University LOCATION: *Ohio, Columbus METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis 1237 Arnold, L. et al. Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine in minimal brain dysfunction. Archives of General Psychiatry, 33:292-301, 1976. RIS: 25:155 DRUGS: *amphetamines; placebo SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (31); *children; males; females SUBJECTS: *minimal brain dysfunction; *therapeutic uses; *hyperkinesis; Ohio State University LOCATION: *Ohio, Columbus METHODOLOGY: *experimental; observation; laboratory/ examination 1238 Eddy, N. et al. Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 32:721- 733, 1965. RIS: 25:158 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *morphine SUBJECTS: *addiction models; *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *tolerance; *withdrawal METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 128 1239 American Medical Association Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs. Journal of the American Medical Association, 197:193-197, 1966. RIS: 25:160 DRUGS: *amphetamines SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *therapeutic uses; *depression; *work performance; *stimulant reactions; *psychological effects; *tolerance; *physiological effects; *adverse reactions; *treatment programs METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1240 Ludwig, A; Pyle, R. Danger potential of commonly abused drugs. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 68:216-218, June 1969. RIS: 25:163 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *tolerance LOCATION: *Wisconsin, Madison METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *literature review 1241 Lemere, F. The danger of amphetamine dependency. American Journal of Psychiatry, 123:569-571, 1966. RIS: 25:165 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *psychosis, drug; *adverse reactions; *physiological effects; *cerebral effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *literature review 1242 Connell, P. The use and abuse of amphetamines. Practitioner, 200:234-243, 1968. RIS: 25:167 DRUGS: *amphetamines SUBJECTS: *therapeutic uses; *physiological effects; *narcolepsy; *psychopathy; *hyperkinesis; *obesity; *depression; *psychological effects; *psychosis, drug; *adverse reactions; *treatment programs METHODOLOGY: *literature review 1243 Edison, G. Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion. Annals of Internal Medicine, 74:605-610, 1971. RIS: 25:171 DRUGS: *amphetamines SUBJECTS: *therapeutic uses; *narcolepsy; *hyperkinesis; *obesity; *depression; *tolerance; *physiological effects; *adverse reactions; *sociocultural influences METHODOLOGY: *literature review MAIN LISTING 1244 Monroe, R.; Drell, H. Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers. Journal of the American Medical Association, 35:909-915, 1947. RIS: 25:187 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *incarcerated; *military (1,000 +); males SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *psychosis, drug; *adverse reactions; *psychological adjustment LOCATION: *Indiana METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; urinalysis; laboratory/examination 1245 Freyhan, F. Craving for Benzedrine. Delaware State Medical Journal, 151-156, August 1949. RIS: 25:189 DRUGS: *Benzedrine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1); male SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *psychological adjustment; *psychosis, drug; *adverse reactions; *physiological effects LOCATION: *Delaware METHODOLOGY: *case study 1246 carr, R. Acute psychotic reaction after inhaling methylamphetamine. British Medical Journal, 1954:1,1976. RIS: 25:191 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1); male SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *psychological adjustment; hallucinations LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *case study 1247 Norman, J.; Shea, J. - Acute hallucinosis as a complication of addiction to amphetamine sulfate. New England Journal of Medicine, 233:270-271, 1945. RIS: 25:193 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1); male SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; hallucinations LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study 1248 Chambers, C.; Griffey, M. Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables. Addictive Diseases, 2:7-19, 1975. RIS: 25:195 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *general population (30,000); *adolescents; adults; males; females SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *stimulant reactions; *sex factors; *demography; *motivation for use LOCATION: *United States, cross-sectional METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 129 1249 Davidson, H. Confessions of a goof ball addict. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120:750-756, 1964. RIS: 25:199 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *barbiturates; goof balls SAMPLE: female (1); user SUBJECTS: *motivation for use; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *New Jersey METHODOLOGY: *case study 1250 Griffith, J. A study of illicit amphetamine drug traffic in Oklahoma City. American Journal ot Psychiatry, 123:560-569, November 1969. RIS: 25:201 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: users (43); drug dealers (3); males; females; whites; American Indians (5) SUBJECTS: *drug trafficking; *motivation for use; *drug use patterns; *psychosis, drug LOCATION: *Oklahoma, Oklahoma City METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 1251 Kramer, J.; Fischman, V.; Littlefield, D. Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously. Journal of the American Medical Association, 201:305-309, 1967. RIS: 25:204 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *incarcerated (36) SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *paranoia; *tolerance; *withdrawal; *adverse reactions; *California Rehabilitation Center; *physiological effects LOCATION: *California, Corona METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 1252 Carey, J.; Mandel, J. The Bay area speed scene. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 9:164-174, 1968. RIS: 25:209 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *drug dealers; users SUBJECTS: *stimulant reactions; *physiological effects; *stereotyped behavior; *psychological effects; *aggression; *paranoia; *lifestyles LOCATION: *California, Oakland METHODOLOGY: *ethnography 1253 smith, R. C. The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 2:77-83, 1969 (revised edition). RIS: 25:212 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *onset; *adulterants; *psychological effects; *paranoia; *lifestyles; *drug trafficking; *typologies LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews; observation MAIN LISTING 1254 Shick, J.; Smith, D.; Meyers, F. Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 2:63-76, 1969 (revised edition). RIS: 25:215 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *multi-drug SAMPLE: users (413); males; females; middle-class; whites (355) SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *motivation for use; *routes of administration; *demography LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires 1255 Kipperman, A; Fine, E. The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines. American Journal of Psychiatry, 131:1277-1280, November 1974. RIS: 25:218 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *alcohol SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (3); volunteers (12); males; whites (10); blacks (5) SUBJECTS: *synergistic effects; *drug use patterns; *perceived effects; *adverse reactions; *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *depression; *anxiety LOCATION: *Pennsylvania, Philadelphia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; *comparative; *Lanyon Psychological Screening Inventory; interviews; *Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale; *Beck Depression Inventory 1256 Johnson, J.; Milner, G. Amphetamine intoxication and dependence in admissions to a psychiatric unit. /nternational Journal of Psychiatry, 112:617-619, 1966. RIS: 25:229 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (370); males; females SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; urinalysis 1257 Rockwell, D.; Oswald, P. Amphetamine use and abuse in psychiatric patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 18:612-616, 1968. RIS: 25:231 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (45) SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *drug use patterns; *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *comparative; urinalysis; interviews 1258 Blumberg, A. et al. Covert drug abuse among voluntary hospitalized psychiatric patients. Journal of the American Medical Association, 217:1659-1661, 1971. RIS: 25:237 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (332); *adolescents; adults SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *drug use patterns; Hillside Hospital LOCATION: *New York, Glen Oaks METHODOLOGY: *case study; urinalysis 130 1259 Cohen, M.; Klein, D. Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 26:266-269, 1972. RIS: 25:239 DRUGS: *muilti-drug SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (66); *adolescents; adults; whites; middle-class; males; females SUBJECTS: *onset; *age factors; *prediction; *psychological adjustment; *family influences; *sex factors; Hillside Hospital LOCATION: *New York, Glen Oaks METHODOLOGY: *correlational; interviews 1260 Gould, L; Kleber, D. Changing patterns of multiple drug use among applicants to a multimodality drug treatment program. Archives of General Psychiatry, 31:408-412, 1974. RIS: 25:241 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment (1,000 +) SUBJECTS: *multiple drug use; *drug use patterns LOCATION: *Connecticut, New Haven METHODOLOGY: *statistical survey; *retrospective; program/clinic statistics 1261 Scott, P.; Wilcox, D. Delinquency and the amphetamines. British Journal of Psychiatry, 111:865-875, 1965. RIS: 25:251 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *delinquents (474) SUBJECTS: *screening and detection; *perceived effects; *drug availability; *drug use patterns; *deviance; *personality factors LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *psychological tests; urinalysis 1262 Geerlings, P. Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users. Psychiatria, Neurologia, Neurochirurgia, 75:219-224, 1972. RIS: 25:255 DRUGS: *dextroamphetaming; *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (79); *adolescents; adults SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *psychosis, drug; *perceived effects; *sexual effects; *depression; *withdrawal; *treatment programs LOCATION: *Netherlands METHODOLOGY: *case study 1263 Tatetsu, S. Methamphetamine psychosis. in: Ellinwood, E., and Cohen, S., eds. Current Concepts on Amphetamine Abuse. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, DHEW No. (HSM) 72-9085, 1972. pp. 159-162. RIS: 25:257 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (131) SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia; *motivation for use; *treatment outcome LOCATION: *Japan, Tokyo METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation MAIN LISTING 1264 Fischman, V. Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center. International Journal of the Addictions, 3:113-130, 1968. RIS: 25:259 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *civilly committed (25); males; whites; blacks; Mexican-Americans SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *drug preferences; *onset; *drug use patterns; *California Rehabilitation Center; *personality factors; *motivation for use LOCATION: *California, Corona METHODOLOGY: *comparative; observation; *questionnaires 1265 Rosenberg, C. Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences. Medical Journal of Australia, 24:1031-1033, 1968. RIS: 25:261 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (44); *incarcerated (6); males; females; *adolescents; adults SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *drug availability; *drug attitudes; *background characteristics; *personality factors; *deviance LOCATION: *Australia, Sydney METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; hospital records; interviews 1266 Hawks, D. et al. Abuse of methylamphetamine. British Medical Journal, 2:715-720, June 1969. RIS: 25:263 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (74) SUBJECTS: *family influences; *educational history; *employment; *psychological adjustment; *delinquency; *sexual behavior; *drug use patterns; *drug availability; *adverse reactions; *drug policy; *drug preferences LOCATION: *England, London METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; interviews 1267 Rardin, D.; Lawson, T.; Kruzich, D. Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 9:891-898, 1974. RIS: 25:275 DRUGS: *opiates; *amphetamines; *alcohol SAMPLE: *military (80); *treatment, outpatient; users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *drug use patterns; *parental influences; *motivation for use; *family relationships; *educational history; *anxiety; *alienation; *personality factors LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *comparative; *questionnaires; *MMP!; *Shipley-Hartford Scale; interviews 131 1268 Lidz, T.; Lidz, R.; Rubenstein, R. An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 31:317- 348, 1976. RIS: 25:283 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (5); *females; *adolescents SUBJECTS: *depression; *maternal influences; *paternal influences; *sexual behavior; anaclitic syndrome; Yale Psychiatic Institute LOCATION: *Connecticut, New Haven METHODOLOGY: *case study 1269 Evans, J. Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin). Lancet, 2:152-155, 1959. RIS: 25:297 DRUGS: *phenmetrazine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (12); *females (10); males (2) SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *psychological adjustment; *motivation for use; *self-treatment; *drug use patterns; *paranoia; hallucinations; *schizophrenia LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *case study 1270 Bejerot, N. Intravenous drug abuse in the arrest population in Stockholm: Frequency studies. In: Sjoqvist, F., and Tottie, M., eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. New York: Raven Press, 1969. pp. 235-249. RIS: 25:301 DRUGS: *stimulants SAMPLE: *arrestees (30,000); users (3,000) SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *sex factors; *arrests; *age factors LOCATION: *Sweden, Stockholm METHODOLOGY: *longitudinal; laboratory/examination 1271 Schiorring, E. Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man. In: Ellinwood, E., and Kilbey, M., eds. Cocaine and Other Stimulants. New York: Plenum Press, 1977. pp.481-522. RIS: 25:303 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *animals; users (50) SUBJECTS: *social interactions; *animal experiments; *sexual effects; *stereotyped behavior; *psychosis, drug; *adverse reactions; *psychological adjustment LOCATION: *Sweden METHODOLOGY: *experimental; observations; *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; interviews MAIN LISTING 1272 Greene, M.; Turner, N; DuPont, R. Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. lll. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine. /nternational Journal of the Addictions, 9:653-662, 1974. RIS: 25:305 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *phenmetrazine SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (450) SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *screening and detection; *treatment outcome; *detoxification; *Narcotics Treatment Administration; *physiological effects LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *questionnaires; urinalysis 1273 Raskind, M.; Bradford, T. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance. Diseases of the Nervous System, 36:9- 12,1975. RIS: 25:308 DRUGS: *methylphenidate; *methadone; *heroin SAMPLE: *methadone patients (40); *treatment, inpatient (40); *blacks (31); whites(49); males; females SUBJECTS: *methadone maintenance; *drug costs; *motivation for use; *perceived effects; *drug preferences; *psychosis, drug LOCATION: *Washington, Seattle METHODOLOGY: *comparative; interviews 1274 Angrist, B. et al. Mephentermine psychosis: Misuse of the Wyamine inhaler. American Journal of Psychiatry, 9:1315-1317, 1970. RIS: 25:311 DRUGS: *amphetamines; mephentermine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (3); males SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia; *paranoia; Wyamine inhalers; Bellevue Psychiatic Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *case study 1275 Anderson, E. Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) psychosis. New Zealand Medical Journal, 71:302, 1970. RIS: 25:313 DRUGS: *amphetamines; propylhexedrine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1); male SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia; *adverse reactions LOCATION: *New Zealand METHODOLOGY: *case study 1276 Jonsson, C. Behavioral studies of diethylpropion in man. In: Sjoqvist, F., and Tottie, M., eds. Abuse of Central Stimulants. New York: Raven Press, 1969. pp. 71-80. RIS: 25:315 DRUGS: *amphetamines; diethylpropion; placebo SAMPLE: *college students (30); males SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *psychological effects; *stimulant reactions LOCATION: *Sweden, Stockholm METHODOLOGY: *experimental; triple blind study 132 1277 Smith, D. The psychotomimetic amphetamines with special reference to DOM (STP) toxicity. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 2:37-41, 1969 (revised edition). RIS: 25:317 DRUGS: *amphetamines; STP; MDA; LSD SAMPLE: users SUBJECTS: *psychological effects; *adverse reactions; *physiological effects; *treatment programs LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 1278 Richards, K.; Borgstedt, H. Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA. Journal of the American Medical Association, 218:1826-1827, 1971. RIS: 25:320 DRUGS: *amphetamines; MDA SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (3); *animals SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *animal experiments; *physiological effects; *medical treatment; *stimulant reactions; *toxicity LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *experimental 1279 Meyers, F.; Rose, A.; Smith, D. Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 1:139-146, (Winter) 1967/1968. RIS: 25:323 DRUGS: *amphetamines; STP; MDA; LSD; PCP SAMPLE: users; males; females SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *dosage; *chemical characteristics; *anxiety; *paranoia LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 1280 Snyder, S.; Weingartner, H.; Faillace, L. DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man. In: Efron, D., ed. Psychotomimetic Drugs. New York: Raven Press, 1970. pp. 247-262. RIS: 25:325 DRUGS: *amphetamines; DOET; DOM(STP); placebo SAMPLE: *college students (40); males SUBJECTS: *perceived effects; *psychological effects; *physiological effects; euphoria; Johns Hopkins University; *cognitive effects; *dosage LOCATION: *Maryland, Baltimore METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination 1281 Anderson, E.; Scott, C. Cardiovascular effects of Benzedrine. Lancet, 1461-1462, December 19, 1936. RIS: 25:337 DRUGS: *Benzedrine SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients; controls; (total 20) SUBJECTS: *cardiovascular effects; *physiological effects LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination MAIN LISTING 1282 Apfelberg, B. A case of benzedrine sulfate poisoning. Journal of the American Medical Association, 110:575-576, 1938. RIS: 25:339 DRUGS: *Benzedrine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1); male SUBJECTS: *overdoses; *physiological effects; *comas; *dosage; *toxicity LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *case study; laboratory/examination 1283 zallis, E.; Parmley, L. Fatal amphetamine poisoning. Archives of Internal Medicine, 112:822-826, 1963. RIS: 25:341 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1); male SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *physiological effects; *dosage LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *case study; laboratory/examination 1284 Espelin, D.; Done, A. Amphetamine poisoning: Effectiveness of chlorpromazine. New England Journal of Medicine, 278:1361-1365, 1968. RIS: 25:343 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *chlorpromazine SAMPLE: *children (22); males; females SUBJECTS: *medical treatment; *overdoses LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study; laboratory/examination 1285 Oswald, I; Thacore, V. Amphetamine and phenmetrazine addiction: Physiological abnormalities in the abstinence syndrome. British Medical Journal, 2:427-431, 1963. RIS: 25:345 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *phenmetrazine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (6); *females SUBJECTS: addiction; *withdrawal; *physiological effects; sleep patterns LOCATION: *Scotland METHODOLOGY: *case study; laboratory/examination 1286 Oswald, |. Effects on sleep of amphetamines and its derivatives. In: Costa, E., and Garattini, S., eds. International Symposium on Amphetamines and Related Compounds. Proceedings of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Milan, Italy. New York: Raven Press, 1970. pp. 865-871. RIS: 25:348 DRUGS: *amphetamines SUBJECTS: *physiological effects; sleep patterns; *tolerance METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 133 1287 Lewis, S. Comparative effects of some amphetamine derivatives on human sleep. In: Costa, E., and Garattini, S., eds. International Symposium or Amphetamines and Related Compounds. Proceedings of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Milan, Italy. New York: Raven Press, 1970. pp. 873-888. RIS: 25:350 DRUGS: *amphetamines; placebo SAMPLE: volunteer; males (8) SUBJECTS: *physiological effects; *perceived effects; *synergistic effects; *stimulant reactions; sleep patterns LOCATION: *Scotland METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination 1288 Hahn, H.; Schweid, A.; Beaty, H. Complications of injecting dissolved methylphenidate tablets. Archives of Internal Medicine, 123:656-659, 1969. RIS: 25:353 DRUGS: *methylphenidate SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (16); males; females; blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *infections; *physiological effects; *deaths, drug-related; King County Hospital LOCATION: *Washington, Seattle METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 1289 Atlee, W. Talc and cornstarch emboli in eyes of drug abusers. Journal of the American Medical Association, 219:49-50, 1972. RIS: 25:355 DRUGS: *methylphenidate SAMPLE: users (17); animals SUBJECTS: *physiological effects; *visual effects; *animal experiments; *pulmonary effects LOCATION: *Oregon, Portland METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; laboratory/ examination 1290 Bruhn, P.; Maage, N. Intellectual and neuro-psychological functions in young men with heavy and long-term patterns of drug abuse. American Journal of Psychiatry, 132:397-401, April 1975. RIS: 25:357 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *incarcerated (87); males SUBJECTS: *cognitive effects; *perception; *reaction time LOCATION: *Denmark, Copenhagen METHODOLOGY: *descriptive survey; *psychological tests; interviews 1291 Citron, B. et al. Necrotizing angiitis associated with drug abuse. New England Journal of Medicine, 283:1003-1011, 1970. RIS: 25:359 DRUGS: *methamphetamine; multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (14); males; females SUBJECTS: *physiological effects; *deaths, drug-related; *pulmonary effects; *postmortem diagnosis; *cardiovascular effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study; laboratory/examination MAIN LISTING 1292 Rumbaugh, C. et al. Cerebral angiographic changes in the drug abuse patient. Neuroradiology, 101:335-344, 1971. RIS: 25:362 DRUGS: *multi-drug SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (19); *females (12); males (7) SUBJECTS: *cerebral effects; *cardiovascular effects LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *case study; laboratory/examination 1293 Rumbaugh, C. Small vessel cerebral vascular changes following chronic amphetamine intoxication. In: Ellinwood, E., and Kilbey, M., eds. Cocaine and Other Stimulants. New York: Plenum Press, 1977. pp. 241-251. RIS: 25:364 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *animals SUBJECTS: *cerebral effects; *cardiovascular effects; *animal experiments; *routes of administration LOCATION: *California, Los Angeles METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination 1294 Young, D.; Scoville, W. Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger of Benzedrine treatment. Medical Clinics of North America, 22:637-646, 1938. RIS: 25:379 DRUGS: *Benzedrine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (3); males SUBJECTS: *narcolepsy; *psychosis, drug; *paranoia; *adverse reactions; hallucinations LOCATION: *Massachusetts METHODOLOGY: *case study; *literature review 1295 O’Flanagan, P.; Taylor, R. A case of recurrent psychosis associated with amphetamine addiction. Journal of Mental Science, 96:1033-1036, 1950. RIS: 25:381 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1); male SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *physiological effects; *medical treatment LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *case study 1296 Knapp, P. Amphetamines and addiction. Journal ot Nervous and Mental Disease, 115:406-431, 1952. RIS: 25:383 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (7); males; females SUBJECTS: *stimulant reactions; *anxiety; *depression; *motivation for use; addiction LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study; *literature review 134 1297 Herman, M.; Nagler, S. Psychoses due to amphetamine. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 120:268-271, 1954. RIS: 25:385 DRUGS: *Benzedrine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (8); males; females; blacks; whites SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *psychopathy; *psychological adjustment; *paranoia; hallucinations LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study 1298 Chapman, A. Paranoid psychosis associated with amphetamine usage. American Journal of Psychiatry, 111:43-45, 1954. RIS: 25:387 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (2); males SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *paranoia; *narcolepsy LOCATION: *Missouri, Kansas City METHODOLOGY: *case study 1299 Simpson, W. Toxic psychosis: A complication of overdosage of anti- obesity drugs. Journal of the Kansas Medical Society, 58:524, 1957. RIS: 25:389 DRUGS: *Benzedrine SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (1); female SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *anxiety; *obesity LOCATION: *Kansas, Topeka METHODOLOGY: *case study; *psychological tests 1300 Askevold, F. The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine. Archives of Psychology and Neurology, 34:145-164, 1959. RIS: 25:391 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (14); males SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *paranoia; *anxiety; *toxicity; *withdrawal LOCATION: *Norway METHODOLOGY: *case study; *retrospective 1301 Connell, P. Amphetamine Psychosis. London: Oxford University Press, 1958. RIS: 25:393 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (42); males; females SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *paranoia; *schizophrenia; *motivation for use; *withdrawal; *depression; addiction; hallucinations LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; psychiatric interviews MAIN LISTING 1302 Beamish, P.; Kiloh, L. Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption. Journal of Mental Science, 106:337-343, 1960. RIS: 25:397 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (7) SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia; *psychological adjustment; *psychopathy; *multiple drug use LOCATION: *England METHODOLOGY: *case study 1303 McCormick, T. Toxic reactions to the amphetamines. Diseases of the Nervous System, 23:219-223, 1962. RIS: 25:399 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (6); males; females SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *psychosis, drug; *depression; *personality factors; hallucinations; University of Texas LOCATION: *Texas, Galveston METHODOLOGY: *case study 1304 Lynn, E. Amphetamine abuse: A ‘speed trap’. Psychiatric Quarterly, 45:92-101, 1971. RIS: 25:403 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (5); males; females SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *paranoia; *anxiety; *schizophrenia; hallucinations LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *case study 1305 Griffith, J. et al. Schizophreniform psychosis induced by large-dose administration of d-amphetamine. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 2:25-27, 1969. RIS: 25:406 DRUGS: *dextroamphetamine; placebo SAMPLE: volunteer (4); males SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *schizophrenia; *paranoia; Vanderbilt University LOCATION: *Tennessee, Nashville METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *psychological tests 1306 Angrist, B.; Gershon, S. The phenomenology of experimentally induced amphetamine psychosis—Preliminary observations. Surgical Psychiatry, 2:95-107, 1970. RIS: 25:408 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: users (4); males; females SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *cognitive effects LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *experimental; *psychological tests; psychiatric interviews; laboratory/examination 1307 Griffith, J. et al. Experimental psychoses induced by the administration of d-amphetamine. In: Costa, E., and Garattini, S., eds. International Symposium on Amphetamines and Related Compounds. Proceedings of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Milan, Italy. New York: Raven Press, 1970. pp. 897-904. RIS: 25:410 DRUGS: *dextroamphetamine; placebo SAMPLE: volunteer (6); males SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *paranoia; *depression; Vanderbilt University LOCATION: *Tennessee, Nashville METHODOLOGY: *experimental; laboratory/examination; observation; interviews; *psychological tests 1308 Bell, D. The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis. Archives of General Psychiatry, 29:35-40, 1973. RIS: 25:413 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (16); males; females SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *physiological effects; *perception; *paranoia; *aggression; *schizophrenia; hallucinations LOCATION: *Australia METHODOLOGY: *experimental; psychiatric interviews; observation 1309 Ellinwood, E. Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences. In: Ellinwood, E., and Cohen, S., eds. Current Concepts on Amphetamine Abuse. Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. pp. 143-158. RIS: 25:418 DRUGS: *amphetamines SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *sexual effects; *paranoia; *psychopathy; *schizophrenia; *situational factors; *sociopathy; *stimulant reactions; *personality factors; hallucinations METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical; *MMPI 1310 Angrist, B. et al. The clinical symptomatology of amphetamine psychosis and its relationships to amphetamine levels in urine. International Pharmacopsychiatry, 2:125-139, 1969. RIS: 25:420 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (20) SUBJECTS: *background characteristics; *psychological adjustment; *schizophrenia; hallucinations; Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *case study; observation; urinalysis MAIN LISTING 1311 Jonsson, L.; Gunne, L. Clinical studies of amphetamine psychoses. In: Costa, E., and Garattini, S., eds. International Symposium on Amphetamines and Related Compounds. Proceedings of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Milan, Italy. New York: Raven Press, 1970. pp. 929-936. RIS: 25:422 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (12); males SUBJECTS: *psychosis, drug; *withdrawal LOCATION: *Sweden METHODOLOGY: *case study; observation; urinalysis 1312 Greene, M.; DuPont, R.; Rubinstein, R. Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Il. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population. Archives of General Psychiatry, 29:773-776, 1973. RIS: 25:431 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *opiates SAMPLE: *incarcerated (2,133); users; nonusers SUBJECTS: *crimes of violence; *motivation for use; *psychological effects; *Narcotics Treatment Administration LOCATION: *District of Columbia METHODOLOGY: *correlational; police records; program/ clinic statistics; urinalysis 1313 Allen, R; Safer, D.; Covi, L. Effects of psychostimulants on aggression. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 160:138-145, 1975. RIS: 25:433 DRUGS: *amphetamines SUBJECTS: *aggression; *animal experiments; *psychosis, drug; *dosage; *stimulant reactions; *environmental influences; *therapeutic uses; *hyperkinesis METHODOLOGY: *literature review 1314 Angrist, B,; Gershon, S. Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 17:715- 722,1976. RIS: 25:447 DRUGS: *amphetamines; *L-dopa SAMPLE: *treatment, inpatient (60); males; females SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *sexual effects; *aggression; *homosexuality; *sexual adjustment; *assaults; *hypomania; New York University LOCATION: *New York, New York METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation; *experimental; *comparative 1315 Lucas, A; Weiss, M. Methylphenidate hallucinosis. Journal of the American Medical Association, 217:1079-1081, 1971. RIS: 25:453 DRUGS: *methylphenidate SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (3) SUBJECTS: *therapeutic uses; *hyperkinesis; *adverse reactions; *psychosis, drug; hallucinations LOCATION: *Michigan, Detroit METHODOLOGY: *case study 136 1316 Janowsky, D. et al. Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by intravenous administration of methylphenidate. Archives of General Psychiatry, 28:185-191, 1973. RIS: 25:455 DRUGS: *methylphenidate; placebo SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (39); controls (12); males; females SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *psychosis, drug; *stimulant reactions; *depression; *anxiety; *cardiovascular effects; Vanderbilt University LOCATION: *Tennessee, Nashville METHODOLOGY: *experimental; double-blind study 1317 Janowsky, D.; Davis, J. Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine. Archives of General Psychiatry, 29:773-776, 1973. RIS: 25:458 DRUGS: *methylphenidate; *dextroamphetamine; *|levamphetamine; placebo SAMPLE: *psychiatric patients (16) SUBJECTS: *schizophrenia; *psychosis, drug; *stimulant reactions; *stereotyped behavior; *physiological effects LOCATION: not specified METHODOLOGY: *experimental 1318 Smith, D. The characteristics of dependence in high-dose methamphetamine abuse. International Journal of the Addictions, 4:453-459, 1969. RIS: 25:469 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *hippies; users SUBJECTS: *drug subcultures; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic; *hippie subcultures; *withdrawal; *drug use patterns; *dosage; *tolerance; *routes of administration; *stimulant reactions; *physiological effects; *depression; *psychosis, drug; *anxiety; *environmental influences LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation 1319 Smith, D.; Fischer, C. Acute amphetamine toxicity. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 2:49-54, 1969 (first edition). RIS: 25:471 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (310) SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *Height-Ashbury Free Clinic; *toxicity; *physiological effects; *hepatic effects; *psychosis, drug; *anxiety; *medical treatment; *withdrawal; *personality factors; *drug preferences; *self-treatment; *situational factors LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *clinical observation MAIN LISTING 1320 Smith, D. Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 2:60-62, 1969 (revised edition). RIS: 25:474 DRUGS: *methamphetamine SAMPLE: *treatment, outpatient (3) SUBJECTS: *adverse reactions; *dosage; *situational factors; *anxiety; *psychosis, drug; *Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic; *peer influences; *tolerance LOCATION: *California, San Francisco METHODOLOGY: *case study 1321 Kalant, H; Kalant, O. Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 8:299-304, 1975. RIS: 25:476 DRUGS: *amphetamines SAMPLE: *fatalities SUBJECTS: *deaths, drug-related; *cardiovascular effects; *physiological effects; *routes of administration; *suicides; *homicides; *hepatic effects; *multiple drug use LOCATION: *Canada METHODOLOGY: *literature review; *statistical survey; coroner reports 1322 Connell, P. Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence. Journal of the American Medical Association, 196:130-135, 1966. RIS: 25:479 DRUGS: *amphetamines SUBJECTS: *toxicity; *physiological effects; *tolerance; *therapeutic uses; *psychosis, drug; *treatment programs; *withdrawal; *depression; *drug relapse; *drug availability; *drug policy; *cerebral effects; *screening and detection METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 137 1323 Greene, M.; Nightingale, S.; DuPont, R. Evolving patterns of drug abuse. Annals of Internal Medicine, 83:402-411, 1975. RIS: 25:491 DRUGS: *multi-drug SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *methodological factors; *demography; *drug arrests; *motivation for use; *suicides; *overdoses METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis 1324 Chambers, C. Trends and projections. In: Richards, L., and Blevens, L., eds. The Epidemiology of Drug Abuse: Current Trends. NIDA Research Monograph 10, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977. pp. 226-235. RIS: 25:495 DRUGS: *multi-drug; *alcohol SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *prediction; *drug availability; *sex factors; *overdoses; *treatment programs METHODOLOGY: *secondary analysis 1325 Shulgin, A. Drugs of abuse in the future. Clinical Toxicology, 8:405- 456, 1975. RIS: 25:497 DRUGS: *multi-drug SUBJECTS: *epidemiology; *prediction; *chemical characteristics; *psychological effects; *physiological effects; *drug availability; drug classification METHODOLOGY: *theoretical/critical 1326. Austin, G., editor-in-chief Glosary of Drug Research Terminology. NIDA Research Issues Series 26. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1979. RIS: 26 DRUGS: multidrug SUBJECTS: drug terminology, definitions. Indexes 139 Abbas, A. Cannabis usage in Pakistan: A pilot study of long term effects on social status and physical health Abbott, W. Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Abrams, A. Psychosocial aspects of addiction Abrams, L. A. Drug education Accountability in Drug Education. A Model for Evaluation Abruzzi, W. Drug-induced psychosis Acker, J. Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Ackerman, B. Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate Adams, A. Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements Adams, S. Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience Adamsons, K. Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Adelman, L The neuropathologic complications of narcotics addiction Adler, F. Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 Adlersburg, D. Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine Agar, M. Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Heroin Addicts Aghemo, P. The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man Aldiss, B. The night that all time broke ioose Barefoot in the Head Alexander, B. Opiate addicts and their parents AUTHOR INDEX 1170 0660 0941 0075 0077 1018 0624 1079 0874 0875 0876 0759 1089 0219 0636 1230 0249 0014 0359 0368 0976 141 Alexander, M. Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta Algren, N. The Man with the Golden Arm Alksne, H. A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Allain, A. Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Allen, R. Effects of psychostimulants on aggression Allison, D. Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Alpert, R. Drugs and sexual behavior Ambellan, F. High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs American Medical Association Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs Anderson, C. The Butterfly Kid Anderson, E. Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) psychosis Cardiovascular effects of Benzedrine Angelone, J. MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Angle, J. Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Angrist, B. Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Mephentermine psychosis: Misuse of the Wyamine inhaler The phenomenology of experimentally induced amphetamine psychosis— Preliminary observations The clinical symptomatology of amphetamine psychosis and its relationships to amphetamine levels in urine Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Anker, J. Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among 0694 0722 0398 0265 0269 0815 1313 1096 0046 0456 1239 0358 1275 1281 0844 0539 0043 1274 1306 1310 1314 university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage Annis, H. Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Anonymous Go Ask Alice Antopol, W. Variations in birth cries of newborn infants from narcotic-addicted and normal mothers Antrobus, J. Imaginal Process Inventory Anumonye, A. A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians Apfelberg, B. A case of benzedrine sulfate poisoning Arnold, L. Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine: Differential effect on aggression and hyperkinesis in children and dogs Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine in minimal brain dysfunction Arnon, D. Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Aron, W. Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Aronson, S. The neuropathologic complications of narcotics addiction Arsenian, J. Personality characteristics and drug of choice Arthur, R. Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Ashley, R. Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects Askevold, F. The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine Atlee, W. Talc and cornstarch emboli in eyes of drug abusers Attardo, N. Psychodynamic factors in the mother-child relationship in adolescent drug addiction: A comparison of mothers of schizophrenics and mothers of ncrmal adolescent sons AUTHOR INDEX 0090 1010 0421 0161 0490 1153 1282 1236 1237 0999 0760 0219 0521 0935 0568 1300 1289 0124 Auld, P. Tachypnea and alkalosis in infants of narcotic-addicted mothers Austin, G. Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Glossary of Drug Research Terminology Ausubel, D. Causes and types of narcotic addiction: A psycho-social view Babst, D. Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Driving records of heroin addicts Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Bachman, J. Survey Questionnaires for ‘‘Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth” Back, K. Self image and attitudes towards drugs Backenheimer, M. Methodological considerations for a model reporting system of drug deaths Backhouse, C. The relationships and prevalance of smoking, drinking, and drug taking in (delinquent) adolescent boys Baden, M. Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Pathologic aspects of drug addiction The neuropathology of heroin addiction Methadone related deaths in New York City Drinking, drugs, and death Baer, D. Untitled Questionnaire Marijuana Attitude Scale Heroin addict relationships with parents during childhood and early adolescent years Bailey, W. Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students Bakalar, J. The amphetamines: Medical uses and health hazards Baldwin, J. Another Country Ball, J. Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States 0163 1199 1326 0312 0681 0856 0857 0484 0506 1099 0619 0196 0201 0213 0218 0230 1098 0480 0481 0977 0921 1232 0399 0200 0294 The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the u.s. Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Ballas, C. Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece Balter, M. An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Balzani, A. Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure Baridon, P. Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Barker, N. The social structure of a heroin copping community Barnard, J. The effect of d-amphetamine sulfate on physical performance Barnes, A. Emotion solution Barnes, G. Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors associated with the progression to narcotic use Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group Bartel, P. The elixer of progress Bartlett, E. Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Barton, W. A statistical study of infants born with AUTHOR INDEX 0656 0657 0659 0688 0693 0942 0943 0944 0971 0975 1138 0442 0964 1135 1048 0661 0017 0327 0622 1120 0325 0223 0227 withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia Deaths involving methadone: A statistician’s view Drug-related mortality in the United States, 1963-71 Narcotics-related deaths decrease in 1972 from the number of narcotics-related deaths in 1971 Baselt, R. Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Bashkow, S. Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Bass, R. Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program Bateman, K. The chromosomal and teratogenic effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: A review of the current literature Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents Bates, J. Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Bates, W. Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts Narcotics, negros and the south Addiction careers Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts Bauer, R. Effects of normal air and dextro-amphetamine upon work decrement induced by oxygen impoverishment and fatigue Beamish, P. Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption Bean, P. Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders Beaty, H. Complications of injecting dissolved methylphenidate tablets Beaubrun, M. Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience 0154 1093 1094 1095 1096 0713 0714 0772 0773 0147 0232 0870 0642 0277 0295 0298 0944 0945 1219 1302 0641 1288 1194 Beaumont, G. Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Bech, P. Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol Beck, E. Sensory, perceptual, motor and cognitive functioning and subjective reports following oral administration of delta- nine-Tetrahydrocannabinol Becker, H. K. Carl Koller and cocaine Becker, H. S. Becoming a marihuana user Beckett, G. Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Beecher, H. Amphetamine sulfate and athletic performance Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Drug induced mood changes in man. I. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Behling, C. The parents of drug users Behrendt, H. Nature of the sweating deficit of prematurely born neonates: Observations on babies with the heroin withdrawal syndrome Bejerot, N. A comparison of the effects of cocaine and synthetic central stimulants Intravenous drug abuse in the arrest population in Stockholm: Frequency studies Bell, D. Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia Amphetamine addiction The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis Bell, M. A factor-analytic examination of sexual behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage Bellassai, J. Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system Belsasso, G. Drug abuse among the inmates of a women's prison in Mexico City AUTHOR INDEX 0171 0909 1091 0560 0059 0761 0013 0885 1223 0981 0166 0583 1270 0044 0832 0833 1308 1071 0762 1198 Ben-Arie, O. Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques Bencivengo, M. Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users Benford, J. Pulse Bennett, I. Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Bennie, E. Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970 Benoist, J. Reunion: Cannabis in a pluricultural and polyethnic society Benson, S. Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco Bentel, D. Drugs in the Classroom. A Conceptual Model for School Programs Bentler, P. Current issues in the epidemiology of drug abuse as related to psychosocial studies of adolescent drug use A social psychological approach to substance abuse construct validity: Prediction of adolescent drug use from independent data sources Personality Inventory Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Factor analysis Berecochea, J. The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program Berger, F. Drugs and suicide in the United States Bergsman, A. Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs Berlin, C. Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Berliner, A. Addiction careers Bernhardson, G. Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users Berry, D. MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers 0209 0655 0373 0900 1126 1171 0011 0079 0437 0444 0466 0495 0502 0695 0773 0192 1205 0152 0298 0816 0514 Berry, K. Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates Berzins, J. Locus of control among opiate addicts Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI The decline of the addict as *‘psychopath’: Implications for community care Betts, T. A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance Bewley, T. Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques Heroin and cocaine addiction Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) Biasotti, A. The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations Binder, E. The hormone menace Binns, T. Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Birch, H. Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Blackbourne, B. Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Marihuana and automobile crashes Blacker, K. LSD and psychiatric inpatients Blackford, L. Survey of Student Drug Use Blake, B. Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Blanc, W. Heroin and the fetus Postmortem findings in offspring of heroin addicts AUTHOR INDEX 0109 0268 0795 0796 0810 0880 0209 0603 1117 0862 0332 0906 1097 1100 0199 0865 0828 0493 0517 0185 0186 Blatman, S. The early neonatal period of 100 live-borns of mothers on methadone Bleda, S. The drug arrest Blejer-Prieto, H. Coca leaf and cocaine addictions. Some historical notes Bleyer, W. Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome in a passively addicted infant Blinick, G. Variations in birth cries of newborn infants from narcotic-addicted and normal mothers Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate Bloch, H. A study of some failures in methadone treatment Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs Block, J. Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs Blomberg, R. Narcotic use and driving behavior Bloom, R. Marijuana and the law: What young people say Bloom, W. An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Bloomberg, W. The use of Benzedrine for the treatment of narcolepsy Bloustein, P. Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism Blum, E. Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared Blum, R. Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Drugs and violence Blue collar black families 0184 0749 0561 0143 0161 0174 1079 0266 0717 1039 0450 0456 0858 0738 0696 1227 0216 0061 Mexican-American families Blumberg, A. The politics of deviance: The case of drugs Covert drug abuse among voluntary hospitalized psychiatric patients Blumberg, H. British opiate users: II. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one Blumenfield, M. Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Blumer, H. The World of Youthful Drug Use Bock, R. Multivariate analysis of variance Bogg, R. Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Bogomolny, R. Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities Bone, R. What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales Bonito, A. An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Boolsen, M. Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs Borgstedt, H. Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA Bose, C. Cocaine poisoning Bose, K. Cocaine intoxication and its demoralizing effects Botto, R. Marijuana Attitude Scale Boudouris, J. Criminality and addiction Boulougouris, J. Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Bowden, C. Critique of success with methadone maintenance AUTHOR INDEX 0923 0629 1258 1118 0823 0677 0504 0060 0742 0557 0442 0964 1143 1278 0593 0592 0463 1049 0822 0710 A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program Bowen, M. Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders Bowker, L. The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use Bown, O. Self Report Inventory Bradford, L The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations Bradford, T. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Bradley, C. Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders Bradley, M. Darkover Landfall Brakarsh, D. Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates Braucht, G. Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates Brazelton, T. Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate Brazier, M. Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Breakey, W. Hallucinogenic drugs as precipitants of schizophrenia Brecher, E. The “heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction Brehm, M. Self image and attitudes towards drugs Motivational factors in drug use Bridges, C. Criminal record characteristics of California and Illinois adult marihuana arrestees Brigance, R. Rural youth and the use of drugs Brighton, J. Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report 0775 1233 0978 0474 0862 1273 1233 0387 0109 0109 0138 0885 0824 0197 0506 0513 10583 0929 0008 Brill, H. The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 Brill, L. Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization Authority and Addiction The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Brill, N. Personality factors in marihuana use Brook, J. A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Brook, R. Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Brotman, R. A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis Female drug use: Some observations Employment and social disability among opiate addicts Brown, B. Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements Brown, B. S. In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Brown, C. Freud and cocaine Brown, F. Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Brown, G. The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications Brown, J. The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience AUTHOR INDEX _ 1183 0264 0697 0780 0507 0959 0834 0835 0245 0246 1036 1046 0874 0875 0876 0252 0663 0784 0947 0559 1078 0723 0021 Brown, T. The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Brozovsky, M. Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Bruhn, J. Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Bruhn, P. Intellectual and neuro-psychological functions in young men with heavy and long-term patterns of drug abuse Brunner, J. The Stone that Never Came Down Brunse, A. Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Brustman, B. What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales Buck, A. Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village Buck, D. Come where my love lies dreaming Buikhuisen, W. The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands Bunn, C. Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study Burchard, R. Coca chewing: A new perspective Burdsal, C. A factor-analytic examination of sexual behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage Burford, R. The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile Burgess, A. A Clockwork Orange Burke, E. Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Burkett, S. Religion, parental influence, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana use 0729 0837 1013 1290 0386 1037 0557 0605 0350 1130 0685 1103 1071 0919 0347 0508 0979 Conventional ties, peer influence, and the fear of apprehension: A study of adolescent marijuana use Burkman, J. An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex- addicts Burns, M. Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Burroughs, W. Junkie Naked Lunch Nova Express The Soft Machine The Ticket That Exploded Kentucky Ham Butler, M. Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Bye, C. A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperaziné and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Cahn, B. The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance Caldwell, D. Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Calhoun, J. Attitudes toward the sale and use of drugs—A cross-sectional analysis California. Bureau of Criminal Statistics Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees California. Department of The Highway Patrol A Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Organic Factors in Fatal Single Vehicle Traffic Accidents. Final Report California. Health And Welfare Agency A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) California. Bureau of Criminal Statistics Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 Callan, J. Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees Campbell, R. Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Capel, W. Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior AUTHOR INDEX 1062 1041 0845 0400 0401 0402 0403 0404 0422 0970 0877 0894 0878 0988 0763 1050 0859 1063 0764 0924 0962 patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Carboy, J. Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Carey, J. The Bay area speed scene Carlin, A. Social facilitation of marijuana intoxication: Impact of social set and pharmacological activity Drug use and achievement Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients Carlson, K. Heroin, hassle, and treatment: The importance of perceptual differences Carman, R. Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community Carr, R. Acute psychotic reaction after inhaling methylamphetamine Casalino, M. Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone Casey, J. Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers Casey, T. Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Cates, M. Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Catton, K. Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment 0048 0301 0696 0952 0517 1252 0088 0509 1023 1026 0510 1000 1246 0177 0668 0724 0191 0545 0714 1027 Cavior, N. Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test Chai, T. Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study Challenor, Y. The neuropathology of heroin addiction Chambers, A. Drug use and criminal activity: Some relationship indices Chambers, C. Differential Drug Use Within the New York State Labor Force Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Patterns of ‘‘cheating’”’ among methadone maintenance patients Patterns of pentazocine abuse Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts An Assesssment of Drug Use in the General Population Special Report No. 2 Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables Trends and projections Chan, LL A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong Chapel, J. Emergency room treatment of the drug- abusing patient Chapman, A. Paranoid psychosis associated with amphetamine usage Chappel, J. The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Chatham, L A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Chavez, C. A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Cheek, F. From heroin to methadone—Social role AUTHOR INDEX 0053 1164 0218 0653 0027 0279 0296 0297 0306 0308 0310 0608 0630 0662 0925 0946 1248 1324 1178 0615 1298 0957 0202 1085 changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part I. The study of reinforcement differentials Chein, I. The individual environment The family of the addict Narcotics use among juveniles Cherubin, C. The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction Chessick, R. The *'‘pharmacogenic orgasm’’ in the drug addict Chiricos, T. Perceived penal sanction and self-reported criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research Chopra, G. Cocaine habit in India Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians Chopra, I. The cocaine problem in India Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India Chopra, R. Cocaine habit in India The cocaine problem in India Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India Chow, S. Drug Education Cicero, T. Function of the male sex organs in heroin and methadone users Cisin, I. Nationwide Survey Questionnaire Citron, B. Necrotizing angiitis associated with drug abuse Clark, J. Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Clark, L Experimental studies of marihuana Clark, R. Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana 1028 0119 0120 0678 0204 0210 0211 0047 0754 0597 0817 0600 0614 0597 0600 0614 0078 1072 0458 1291 0048 0879 0057 0989 Clark, S. Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Clark, V. Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Clayton, A. A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance Clayton, R. Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Clifford, H. Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Climent, C. Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Cloward, R. Delinquency and Opportunity: A Theory of Delinquent Gangs Coate, D. The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis Coates, R. Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Coblentz, S. The glowworm flower Cockerham, W. Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Codere, H. The social and cultural context of cannabis use in Rwanda Cohen, C. Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Cohen, G. MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Cohen, H. Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping-stone hypothesis Cohen, J. General multiple regression and correlation analysis Cohen, M. Drug-induced chromosomal aberrations Drug Abuse Interview Form AUTHOR INDEX 0902 0986 0880 0936 0278 0753 0103 0725 0730 0329 0926 1155 0099 0547 0815 1129 0503 0151 0469 Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients Cohen, P. General multiple regression and correlation analysis Cohen, S. Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California Colbert, P. Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program Cole, P. Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Coles, G. The subjective dimensions of the drug experience Coles, R. The Grass Pipe Collins, H. Tomorrow and Tomorrow Collins, W. E. Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration Collins, W.P. Methadone treatment and crime reduction— Differential impact: An analysis and a case study Comitas, L The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica Ganja legislation Connaughton, J. Abstinence score in the treatment of the infant of the drug-dependent mother The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality Connell, P. Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines The use and abuse of amphetamines Amphetamine Psychosis Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Conway, J. Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use Cooper, K. General and specific perceived locus of control in heroin addicts 0838 0839 1259 0503 1208 0765 0969 0607 0415 0352 0913 0698 1191 1192 0179 1081 0523 1012 Cooper, S. Dismissal of Narcotics Arrest Cases in the New York City Criminal Court Corin, E. The use of Indian hemp in Zaire: A formulation of hypotheses on the basis of an inquiry using a written questionnaire Corley, E. Acapulco Gold Cornacchia, H. Drugs in the Classroom. A Conceptual Model for School Programs Corrado, J. Heroin addict relationships with parents during childhood and early adolescent years Cottrell, E. A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Covi, L Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Effects of psychostimulants on aggression Cox, C. Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Craig, K. Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Craig, S. Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Crain, W. Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Crancer, A. Driving Records of Persons Arrested for Illegal Drug Use Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Crane, J. Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Crawford, G. The social structure of a heroin copping community Crawford, J. An evaluation of a short-term drug education program Crockett, D. Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule AUTHOR INDEX 0731 1156 0423 0079 0977 1034 0461 1313 0511 1014 0947 0512 0860 0881 0647 0661 0081 1014 Crow, J. Epidemiological surveillance of human populations for mutational hazards Crowley, A. The Diary of a Drug Fiend Cocaine Crowther, B. Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs Crumbaugh, J. Purpose in Life Test Crumpton, E. Personality factors in marihuana use Cryns, A. Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study Cundick, B. The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Curry, S. Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Curtis, B. Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Cushman, P. Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Plasma testosterone levels in healthy male marijuana smokers Cuskey, W. Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Cuthbertson, D. The effects of analeptics on the fatigued subject Cutter, H. Personality characteristics and drug of choice Dai, B. Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach Daily, D. Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison 0136 0395 0584 0927 1040 0477 0507 1001 0530 0906 0928 0970 0658 1073 0278 0297 0699 1217 0521 0305 0760 Dalgaard, J. Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Dalton, W. Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital D’Amanda, C. Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control D’Amico, D. The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast D’Amico, M. Assertiveness and patterns of drug use: A pilot study D’Angelo, J. Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Darvish, H. The black addict: |. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population Davidson F. Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Davidson, H. Confessions of a goof ball addict Davidson, S. Automatic Interaction Detection Davies, J. Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Davis, D. Psychomotor effects of analeptics and their relation to ‘fatigue’ phenomena in air crew Davis, F. Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies Davis, G. My head's in a different place now Davis, G. C. Motivational factors in drug use Davis, G. F. A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Davis, J. Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents AUTHOR INDEX 1144 0882 0449 0950 1005 0539 0954 1127 1249 0498 0624 1222 0101 0378 0513 0686 0199 0223 0227 Marihuana and automobile crashes Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine Davis, M. The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome De Alarcon, R. The spread of heroin abuse in a community An epidemiological evaluation of a public health measure aimed at reducing the availability of methylamphetamine De Pinho, A. Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil Defleur, L. The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Deforest, J. Drug abuse: A family affair? Delay, J. Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Deleon, G. Heroin addiction: Its relation to sexual behavior and sexual experience Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts Demaree, R. Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Dermott, D. Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community Derogatis, L. Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Desmond, D. Obtaining life history information about opioid users Desmond, M. Maternal barbiturate utilization and neonatal withdrawal symptomatology Management of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome in the neonate Detels, R. Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse 0865 1317 1080 1122 1123 1187 0659 0732 0980 0881 0049 0700 0797 0798 0688 1056 0987 0461 0961 0142 0167 0986 Devaux, P. The stolen minute Dibb, G. Opiate addicts and their parents Dick, P. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch We can remember it for you wholesale Now Wait for Last Year The Ganymede Takeover Dickson, G. The R-Master Didion, J. Play It as It Lays Diehl, D. Drug themes in fiction Dille, J. Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Ding, L A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts Dinovo, E. Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Disch, T. Camp Concentration Diskind, M. Personality dynamics of mothers and wives of drug addicts Ditman, K. Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Dix, T. The parents of drug users Dole, V. Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Detoxification of sick addicts in prison Methadone patients on probation and parole Domino, E. Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Domino, G. Changes in locus of control in heroin addicts Donaldson, D. A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance AUTHOR INDEX 0344 0976 0354 0355 0357 0361 0389 0424 0394 0881 1178 1179 1097 1100 0365 0123 0825 0981 0702 0701 0766 0769 0878 1004 0850 Done, A. Amphetamine poisoning: Effectiveness of chlorpromazine D’Orban, P. Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers Dorn, N. Research into expression of attitudes about drugs—What use is it? Dorus, W. Psychopathology in Drug Abusers Dott, A. Effect of Marihuana on Risk Acceptance in a Simulated Passing Task Dougherty, F. Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Douglas, M. Dealing or the Berkeley-to-Boston-Forty- Brick-Lost-Bag Blues Downs, D. The psychopharmacology of cocaine Drapkin, I. Drug offenders in Israel: A survey Drell, H. Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Drug Abuse Council A Perspective on ‘Get Tough” Drug Control Laws Survey of Marijuana Use and Attitudes: State of Oregon Dubach, U. Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Dubowski, K. Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking Duckworth, D. The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana Dudley, D. Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts Dumars, K. Parental drug usage: Effects upon chromosomes of progeny Dunckley, T. Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment 1284 0690 0691 0990 0843 0883 0939 0425 0586 1160 1244 0631 0733 1134 1092 0989 1029 0148 0719 Dunnette, M. Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse DuPont, R. Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. II. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Evolving patterns of drug abuse Dustman, R. Sensory, perceptual, motor and cognitive functioning and subjective reports following oral administration of delta- nine-Tetrahydrocannabinol Duvall, H. Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization Ebel, H. Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Eberle, E. Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits Ebert, R. Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Eckerman, W. Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Eddy, N. Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Edison, G. Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion Edmundson, W. Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Edwards, C. Situational Preference Inventory AUTHOR INDEX 0443 0663 0703 0704 0784 1211 1272 1312 1323 1091 0264 0991 0616 0965 0642 0580 1238 1243 0624 0471 Edwards, D. The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Edwards, E. Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Edwards, J. Expectancy disconfirmation and attitude change Ehrenreich, T. The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Ehrensberger, T. Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Eichberg, R. Current issues in the epidemiology of drug abuse as related to psychosocial studies of adolescent drug use A social psychological approach to substance abuse construct validity: Prediction of adolescent drug use from independent data sources Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Einstein, S. Genetics and drug abuse: A primer for workers in the field Eisenman, R. An analysis of a peer network using psychedelic drugs Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Eiswirth, N. Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Elam, G. Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration Eldred, C. Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome Elejalde, B. Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country Elinson, J. A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users ‘Make Yourself Heard" Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire 0530 1051 0994 0215 1134 0437 0444 0508 0135 0107 0518 0554 0564 0913 0948 1189 0265 0483 Elion, R. Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie” Eller, J. Bizarre deformities in offspring of user of lysergic acid diethylamide Ellingstad, V. Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking Ellinwood, E. Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences Ellis, R. Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs Narcotic addicts and crime Ellison, H. Gentleman Junkie Ellison, R. Invisible Man Elonen, E. Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Emich, J. Abstinence score in the treatment of the infant of the drug-dependent mother English, G. Suitability for Treatment Scale Inventory of Selected Experiences Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation Epstein, L LSD and psychiatric inpatients The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children Erdman, H. Computer interview questionnaires for drug use/abuse Erickson, P. Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition Ertel, D. Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates 314-297 0 - 80 - 12 AUTHOR INDEX 1074 0153 0884 0009 0291 0643 0836 1212 1214 1309 1039 1059 0405 0406 0915 0179 0473 0478 0795 0828 1235 0445 0734 0512 Ertle, V. Drug Education Ervin, F. Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Espelin, D. Amphetamine poisoning: Effectiveness of chlorpromazine Etienne, M. Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Ettinger, R. Need for social approval and drug use Evans, H. Absence of respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants of heroin-addicted mothers Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn Evans, J. Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Faillace, L. DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man Falco, M. Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy Falek, A. Genetics and drug abuse: A primer for workers in the field Fallini, G. Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure Farina, R. Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me Fearn, J. He never slept Fechtmann, F. Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users Fejer, D. Sources of information about drugs among high school students Relationships between parental and adolescent drug use Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Drug use and driving risk among high school students Feldman, H. American way of drugging. Street status and drug users Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict 0078 0753 1284 1127 0546 0165 0180 1269 1280 1132 0135 1135 0426 0324 0549 0058 0129 0551 0869 0104 0241 Felkner, L. Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs Ferguson, L Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms Fernez, F. Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders Fiddle, S. Notes on the heroin addict and his culture Sequences in addiction Figlio, R. A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State File, K. Narcotics involvement and female criminality Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Fine, E. The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Finestone, H. Cats, kicks, and color Narcotics and criminality Fink, M. Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Finkle, B. Drugs in drinking drivers: A study of 2,500 cases The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations The forensic toxicology of cocaine Finnegan, L Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome Abstinence score in the treatment of the infant of the drug-dependent mother Behavior of infants born to narcotic-addicted mothers The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality The assessment of behavioral change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal: Comparative data from clinical and objective methods Finney, J. A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Fischer, C. Acute amphetamine toxicity Fischman, M. Cardiovascular and subjective effects of AUTHOR INDEX 1040 1007 0735 0236 1030 0756 0689 1060 1255 0247 0632 0822 0861 0862 1104 0176 0179 0183 1081 1083 0526 1319 156 intravenous cocaine administration in humans Fischman, V. Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center Fisher, G. The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users Fisher, J. Cannabis in Nepal: An overview Fisher, R. Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction Fisher, Sethard The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users Fisher, Seymour The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Traditionalism/Yea Saying Scale Marijuana Attitude Scale Fitzgibbons, D. MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Fitzpatrick, J. Drugs, alcohol, and violent crime Flom, M. Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements Florenzano, R. A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile Floyd, M. Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn Fogg, C. Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Follingstad, D. Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates 1105 1251 1264 0736 1173 0198 0220 0767 0438 0462 0463 0514 0645 0874 0875 0876 1188 0162 0451 0109 Force, E. Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: |. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors Forfar, J. Epidemiology of drugs taken by pregnant women: Drugs that may affect the fetus adversely Forgy, E. Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Forney, R. Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Forslund, M. Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Foulks, E. An analysis of a peer network using psychedelic drugs Fowler, W. The facts about ergogenic aids and sports performance Fox, S. Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use Fracchia, J. Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts Frankel, P. The parents of drug users Frankenhaeuser, M. Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents Frederick, C. Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Free, C. The Soft Kill Freedman, A. Drugs and sexual behavior AUTHOR INDEX 0220 0949 0137 0825 0882 0891 0900 0926 0107 0016 0523 0272 0813 1017 0981 0846 0195 0388 0032 A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Freedman, D. Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital French, I. The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile Freud, S. On coca On the general effect of cocaine Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of cocaine Craving for and fear of cocaine Freyhan, F. Craving for Benzedrine Friedman, A. Drug abuse and delinquency. Part I. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Drug abuse and delinquency. Part II. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Friedman, C. Drug abuse and delinquency. Part I. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Drug abuse and delinquency. Part II. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Friedman, I. Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel Frosch, W. Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization Funkhouser, M. Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared Gaddis, G. Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and Illegal Behavior Gagnon, J. Psychosocial aspects of addiction Gandica, A. An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex- addicts 0245 0246 0822 0889 0919 0558 0588 0589 0590 1245 0679 0680 0679 0680 1162 0826 0061 0650 0941 1041 Gardner, J. Indicators of homosexuality in the human figure drawings of heroin- and pill-using addicts Garfield, E. Accountability in Drug Education. A Model for Evaluation Garriott, J. Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Drug detection in cases of “driving under the influence” Gartner, L Delayed presentation of neonatal methadone withdrawal Gasser, E. The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Gatter, G. Emotion gas Gauvey, S. In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Gay, G. Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction The Psychotic Junkie The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” The Psychotic Junkie Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘‘the sensuous hippie” Gearing, F. Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? A road back from heroin addiction The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast Geerlings, P. Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users Geis, G. A halfway house is not a home: Notes on the failure of a narcotic rehabilitation project Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Gendreau, L The ‘‘addiction-prone’’ personality: A study of Canadian heroin addicts AUTHOR INDEX 0050 0077 0229 0863 0182 1002 0330 0252 0033 0243 0244 0274 0292 0302 0565 0799 1074 0705 0706 0950 1262 0768 0781 0270 Gendreau, P. The ‘“‘addiction-prone’’ personality: A study of Canadian heroin addicts Gent, P. North Dallas Forty Gerard, D. The individual environment Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Gergen, K. Correlates of marijuana use among college students Gergen, M. Correlates of marijuana use among college students Gershon, S. Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital The phenomenology of experimentally induced amphetamine psychosis— Preliminary observations Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Gerver, |. A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Geva, N. Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study Giacinti, T. Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Gilbert, J. Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts Glaser, D. Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Interlocking dualities in drug use, drug control, and crime Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Glaser, F. Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. |. A comparison with addict controls Drug addiction and crime: Is methadone maintenance preferable to withdrawal? Glaser, R. Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI 0270 0427 0119 0800 0115 0115 0043 0840 1306 1314 0756 1164 0675 0801 0092 0633 0660 0681 0290 0634 0804 Glass, L Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn Absence of respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants of heroin-addicted mothers Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn Effect of heroin on cortisol production in pregnant addicts and their fetuses Glatt, M. The influence of Canadian addicts on heroin addiction in the United Kingdom Glickfield, G. Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts Glickman, L Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Globetti, G. Rural youth and the use of drugs Gobar, A. Drug abuse in Afghanistan Goldbaum, L. Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases Goldberg, L Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Golden, G. Diazepam in the management of the neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome , L Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment Golding, L The effect of d-amphetamine sulfate on physical performance Goldman, F. The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis Goldner, N. Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Goldschmidt, J. Sexual problems of heroin addicts Goldsmith, B. Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone AUTHOR INDEX 0162 0165 0180 0181 1112 1029 0823 0929 1169 0217 1147 1203 0169 0023 0024 0017 0725 1051 1076 0048 The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Goldstein, H. Effects of Electronic Media in Drug Abuse Education and Prevention Goldstein, J. Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use Carnegie-Mellon University Drug Use Research Project; Study Ill Junior Year Questionnaire, Class of 1972 Goldstein, R. Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Gomberoff, M. A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile Gonzalez, F. Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Goode, E. Drug use and sexual activity on a college campus Marijuana and sex Sex and marijuana The smoker's view of marijuana The Drug Phenomenon: Social Aspects of Drug Taking Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user Excerpts from marihuana use and crime Goodell, H. Hallucinogenic drugs as precipitants of schizophrenia Goodman, N. High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs Goodnow, R. Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Goodwin, D. Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Marihuana and critical flicker fusion Goodwin, F. The effects of cocaine on depressed patients Gordon, A. Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. ,. study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction 0301 0952 0071 0439 0459 0518 1188 0718 0038 0039 0040 0087 0110 0111 0646 0824 0456 0885 0647 0818 0914 0612 0595 0682 Gordon, F. Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits Gordon, N. Influence of narcotic drugs on highway safety Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts Gorman, B. Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Gorsuch, R. The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions Gossett, J. Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Gossop, M. Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines Gottschalk, L The Development of a Uniform System for Reporting and Recording Drug-Related Deaths Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Gouin, H. Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Gould, L Crime and the addict: Beyond common sense Changing patterns of multiple drug use among applicants to a multimodality drug treatment program Graham, D. Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Granier-Doyeux, M. Some sociological aspects of the problem of cocaism Grayson, H. Personality factors in marihuana use Greaves, G. Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users AUTHOR INDEX 0616 0847 0857 0886 0512 0953 0515 1075 0189 1097 1100 1013 0635 1260 0872 0579 0507 0045 Green, L. Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Green, M. Nature of the sweating deficit of prematurely born neonates: Observations on babies with the heroin withdrawal syndrome Green, M. G. Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Greenberg, G. A factor-analytic examination of sexual behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage Greenberg, S. Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 The relationship between crime and amphetamine abuse: An empirical review of the literature Greenblatt, D. Adverse effects of LSD: A current perspective Greene, M. The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. II. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Evolving patterns of drug abuse Greenfield, R. Cannabis or alcohol? Observ: tions on their use in Jamaica Gregory, R. The eye of the beholder: An important variable in addiction typologies Greist, J. Computer interview questionnaires for drug use/abuse Griffey, M. Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables Griffith, J. Schizophreniform psychosis induced by large-dose administration of d-amphetamine A study of illicit amphetamine drug traffic in Oklahoma City Experimental psychoses induced by the administration of d-amphetamine 0516 0166 0517 1071 0636 1052 0146 0704 1031 1211 1272 1312 1323 1195 0238 0445 1248 1305 1250 1307 Grinspoon, L The amphetamines: Medical uses and health hazards Grossman, J. Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Grupp, S. Predicting who will turn on Prior criminal record and adult marihuana arrest dispositions Criminal record characteristics of California and lllinois adult marihuana arrestees Guin, W. Beyond bedlam Guinn, R. Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Guire, K. Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants Gulas, I On the question of pre-existing personality differences between users and nonusers of drugs Gunderson, E. The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Motives for use among light and heavy users Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Gunn, C. Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking Gunn, J. The Joymakers Gunne, L Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users Clinical studies of amphetamine psychoses Gutierrez-Noriega, C. The strange case of the coca leaf Guze, S. Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Haastrup, S. The social backgrounds of young addicts as elicited in interviews with their parents Haberman, P. Drinking, drugs, and death Portnoy, G. Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements AUTHOR INDEX 1232 0518 0554 0113 0737 1053 0353 0930 1069 1003 0530 0611 0935 1092 0345 0816 1311 0577 0647 0818 0121 1098 0875 0876 Haertzen, C. The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI Inventory of Selected Experiences Haffner, J. Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Hager, D. Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Hague, W. Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts Hahn, H. Complications of injecting dissolved methylphenidate tablets Haine, S. Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Halbach, H. Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Haley, J. Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation Halikas, J. Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Marijuana use and psychiatric illness The black addict: I. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population Hall, C. The time drug Hamilton, E. The truth gas Hammond, W. A volunteer paper Hampton, P. Personality characteristics of servicemen returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers Hanna, J. Coca leaf use in southern Peru: Some biological aspects Hanneman, G. Televised Drug Appeals: A Content Analysis Dissemination of Drug Related Information The Search for Drug Abuse Information 0007 0802 0804 0478 0887 0519 1029 1288 0900 0580 0795 0818 0791 0954 0334 0326 0591 0803 0610 0062 0064 0065 An Experimental Analysis of Reaction to Filmed Drug Abuse Information Public Service Advertising and Social Problems: The Case of Drug Abuse Prevention Hansteen, R. The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task Harding, W. Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention Harford, R. Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Harmatz, J. Marihuana users and nonusers Harper, R. Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Harris, C. The diabolical drug Harris, S. The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: A consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite Harrison, H. Make Room! Make Room! Hart, L Attitudes regarding drug abuse among a group of ex-addict staff members Hart, T. Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls Hartley, L. Facial Justice Hartmann, D. A study of drug-taking adolescents Hauty, G. Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Il. Effects of analeptic and depressant drugs upon psychological behavior The effects of experimentally induced attitudes on task efficiency Effects of normal air and dextro-amphetamine upon work decrement induced by oxygen impoverishment and fatigue Hawks, D. The epidemiology of narcotic addiction in the United Kingdom A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town Abuse of methylamphetamine Hayim, G. Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction AUTHOR INDEX 0067 0068 0910 1070 1078 0819 0178 0320 1229 0356 0992 0623 0346 0133 0019 1218 1219 1108 1111 1266 Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Haykin, M. Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Haymes, M. Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Hays, J. Drug abuse: A family affair? Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Hays, P. The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia Hays, R. Marijuana and the law: What young people say Hegnauer, R. Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen Heimann, H. Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Heinlein, R. The Puppet Masters Heiser, J. Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Hekimian, L. Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Heller, M. Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Helmer, J. Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Helpern, M. Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York 0707 1054 0881 0516 0980 1021 1197 0827 0738 0581 0888 0339 1097 1100 0840 0520 0931 0205 0206 City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Hemmi, T. How we handled the problem of drug abuse in Japan Hemminki, E. Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Hendler, H. The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Henik, W. Changes in locus of control in heroin addicts Henriques, E. Personality characteristics and drug of choice Henry, T. Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Hensala, J. LSD and psychiatric inpatients Herbert, B. The control drug Herbert, F. The Santaroga Barrier Hergesheimer, J. Java Head Herlihy, J. The Season of the Witch Herman, M. Psychoses due to amphetamine Herr, E. Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders Herulf, B. Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm Hes, J. The opiate addict in Israel Hess, A. Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong Hewitt, J. Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village Hill, H. The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality AUTHOR INDEX 0207 0215 1200 1145 1032 1004 0521 0531 0828 0323 0364 0396 0429 1297 0082 1148 1165 1177 0605 characteristics and availability of narcotics Personal Inventory Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI Hill, P. Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) Hill, R. Management of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome in the neonate Hill, S. Marihuana and critical flicker fusion Himelson, A. Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Hindmarch, I. The patterns of drug abuse among school children Hine, C. A program for control of drug abuse in industry Hinesley, R. Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Hirose, T. The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 Hirsch, R. Group therapy with parents of adolescent drug addicts Hirschborn, K. Drug-induced chromosomal aberrations Hitchins, L A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town Hobi, V. An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Hofer, R. The transition to amphetamine abuse Hoffman, A. Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Hoffman, M. Drug addiction and ‘‘hypersexuality’’: Related modes of mastery 0007 0468 0804 0522 0167 0914 0781 0625 0031 0279 1183 0122 0151 1111 0890 1134 1210 0965 0051 Hogan, R. Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use Personality dynamics of heroin use Holahan, J. The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation Holland, S. Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Hollaran, D. The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Hollis, H. Stoned counsel Holmes, E. A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Holroyd, K. Personality factors in student drug use Holzman, P. Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital Holzner, A. White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts Hooks, N. Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Horan, J. Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance Assertiveness and patterns of drug use: A pilot study Horowitz, J. University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs Howard, P. Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Huba, G. Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Hughes, P. The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity The social structure of a heroin copping community AUTHOR INDEX 0523 1011 0726 0700 0524 0381 0806 0525 0889 1179 0802 0096 1005 0626 0172 1024 1006 0248 0661 Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Hulbert, S. Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance Humes, M. Personality correlates of hallucinogen use Huntwork, D. Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms Hurst, P. Amphetamines and driving behavior Hutchinson, H. Patterns of marihuana use in Brazil Huxley, A. Brave New World Island lanni, F. Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies lanzito, B. Attempted suicide by drug ingestion Ibrahim, M. The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task Idestrom, C. Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Inaba, D. Cocaine in perspective: ‘‘Gift from the Sun God’ “The rich man's drug" Inciardi, J. Patterns of pentazocine abuse Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Driving records of heroin addicts An Assesssment of Drug Use in the General Population Special Report No. 2 Inghe, G. The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden Ipsen, J. An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Irwin, J. The ‘‘normal’’ life of the addict and the consequences of addiction 0739 0996 0904 1008 1007 0848 1186 0321 0348 0070 0194 0910 1225 0565 0308 0662 0681 0740 0856 0925 1202 0699 0052 Isbell, H. Perspectives in research on opiate addiction Clinical characteristics of addictions Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Isele, F. Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI Isherwood, C. Down There on a Visit Ishii, A. Drug abuse in Japan Ivy, A. The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: A consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite Jackson, L. Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Jacobson, C. Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Jacobson, R. Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention Jacoby, J. Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Jaffe, D. Drug laws: Perceptions of illegal drug users Jaffe, J. The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine The social structure of a heroin copping community Jahnig, H. The problem of drug misuse in the German Democratic Republic James, |. The relationships and prevalance of smoking, drinking, and drug taking in (delinquent) adolescent boys Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Suicide and mortality amongst heroin addicts in Britain The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) James, J. Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach AUTHOR INDEX 0311 0578 0580 0807 0407 1185 1216 1229 0667 0152 1070 0648 0741 0248 0307 0661 1131 0619 0683 1109 1110 1117 1055 Jamison, K. Marijuana and the use of other drugs Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Jampolsky, A. Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Janowsky, D. Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by intravenous administration of methylphenidate Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine Janssen, D. Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls Jarpe, G. Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs Jarvis, J. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): Effect on human chromosomes in vivoff Jarvis, L. An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users Jensen, E. Conventional ties, peer influence, and the fear of apprehension: A study of adolescent marijuana use Jensen, K. Cannabis usage in Pakistan: A pilot study of long term effects on social status and physical health Jerez, E. Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate Jessor, R. Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Jessor, S. Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Johnson, B. Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Johnson, J. Amphetamine intoxication and dependence in admissions to a psychiatric unit 0746 0864 0874 1316 1317 0555 1205 0150 0841 1062 1170 0174 1079 0452 0482 0526 0482 0526 0114 0932 1256 Johnson, R. Inquiry on Smoking Johnson, W. Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Johnston, E. Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases Johnston, L Survey Questionnaires for ‘‘Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth” Confidential Information Questionnaire Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project Johnston, R. A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio Jones, A. Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 Jones, A. D. Cannabis and alcohol usage among the Plateau Tonga: An observational report of the effects of cultural expectation Jones, D. Yorkville LSD Users Study Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Jones, F. A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Jones, J. Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Jones, L The eye of the lens Jones, LE. How 92% beat the dope habit Jones, R. Mental illness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements Jonsson, C. Behavioral studies of diethylpropion in man Jonsson, L. Clinical studies of amphetamine psychoses AUTHOR INDEX 0475 0742 1064 0217 0484 0485 0684 0020 0527 1157 0470 0831 0190 0296 0380 0012 0842 0874 0875 0876 1276 1311 Joseph, H. Methadone patients on probation and parole Joseph, R. Economic significance of Cannabis sativa in the Moroccan Rif Josephson, E. ‘Make Yourself Heard’ Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire Joyce, B. Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers Judd, L Youth Drug Use Survey Kahn, E. Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine Kahn, M. Personality factors in student drug use Kalant, H. Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Kalant, O. Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Kandall, S. Delayed presentation of neonatal methadone withdrawal Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Kandel, D. Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 Kane, F. Mania associated with the use of I.LN.H. and cocaine Kanter, D. Pharmaceutical Advertising and Youth Kaplan, H. Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts Kaplan, J. Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County Kaplan, S. The assessment of behavioral change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal: 0769 1158 0483 1107 0479 0162 0168 0525 1321 1321 0182 1082 0112 0454 0455 0602 0069 0770 0743 Comparative data from clinical and objective methods Kaplun, J. Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Karlin, R. Correlates of the generation gap Karpovich, P. Effect of amphetamine sulfate on athletic performance Karr, G. Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Kato, M. An epidemiological analysis of the fluctuation of drug dependence in Japan Epidemiology of drug dependence in Japan Katsampes, P. Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Katz, D. Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Katz, H. California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look Kaufman, E. The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Keatinge, E. Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment Keller, D. The literary cork screw The abyss Kelly, W. Methadone treatment and crime reduction— Differential impact: An analysis and a case study Kendall, R. Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles Keniston, K. Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society Kerouac, J. The Dharma Bums On the Road The Subterraneans Vanity of Duluoz Kettner, V. Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco AUTHOR INDEX 1083 0834 0128 0015 0902 1184 1201 0675 1061 0991 0771 0805 0024 0322 0338 0698 0528 0105 0408 0409 0410 0411 1038 Keup, W. Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse Keyes, D. Drug Education Khan, M. Cannabis usage in Pakistan: A pilot study of long term effects on social status and physical health Khavari, K. Personality correlates of hallucinogen use Kieffer, S. Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry Kielholz, P. Alcohol, drugs and driving behaviour in Switzerland An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland Kihlbom, M. lllicit use of drugs among university students in Stockholm Kilibarda, M. Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia Kiloh, L. Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption Kilpatrick, D. Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Kim, Y. Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Kinder, B. Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates King, F. On the question of pre-existing personality differences between users and nonusers of drugs Kinsie, P. The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States Kiplinger, G. Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Kipperman, A. The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines 0820 0078 1170 1008 0003 0849 0890 1133 1149 1139 1302 1009 1090 0997 1003 0037 0891 0900 1255 Kirchberg, S. Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program Kissin, B. Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Kittrie, N. The juvenile drug offender and the justice system Klain, D. Tachypnea and alkalosis in infants of narcotic-addicted mothers Kleber, D. Changing patterns of multiple drug use among applicants to a multimodality drug treatment program Kleber, H. Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Kleckner, J. Personality differences between psychedelic drug users and nonusers Klein, A. Marihuana and automobile crashes Klein, D. Drug Abuse Interview Form Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients Klein, J. From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community Klein, M. Computer interview questionnaires for drug use/abuse Kleinknecht, R. A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance Kleinman, M. Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Kleinman, P. Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Kliger, D. Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study Kloneff, H. Marijuana and driving in real-life situations AUTHOR INDEX_ 0765 0999 0744 0163 1260 0172 1078 0529 0865 0469 0838 0839 1259 0102 0445 0850 0999 0933 1164 0892 Kluckhohn, F. Value Orientation Schedule Knapp, P. Amphetamines and addiction Knecht, S. The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Knipschildt, H. Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs Knox, J. The effects of analeptics on the fatigued subject Knox, W. Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Koch, B. Renal papillary necrosis and abuse of analgesics Kohn, P. Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Kolb, D. Motives for use among light and heavy users Kolb, L Drug addiction in its relation to crime Pleasure and deterioration from narcotic addiction Kolodny, R. Depression of plasma testosterone levels after chronic intensive marijuana use Koppel, R. Summary. lllicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lliegal Behavior Korey, S. The effects of Benzedrine sulfate on the behavior of psychopathic and neurotic juvenile delinquents Korin, H. Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs Korn, J. Carnegie-Mellon University Drug Use Research Project; Study lil Junior Year Questionnaire, Class of 1972 Kornetsky, C. Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects The effects of dextro-amphetamine on behavioral defects produced by sleep loss in humans Kotin, J. The effects of cocaine on depressed patients 0465 1296 0530 1143 1217 0993 0228 1010 0611 0573 0574 0041 0650 1234 1020 0459 0800 1220 0612 Kovacs, M. A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Koval, M. Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students Kowitz, A. Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana Kozel, N. Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population Krakowski, M. Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers Kramer, J. Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Introduction to amphetamine abuse Civil commitment for addicts: The California program Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously Krause, S. Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Krauss, A. Tachypnea and alkalosis in infants of narcotic-addicted mothers Krell, M. Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants Kron, R. Behavior of infants born to narcotic-addicted mothers The assessment of behavioral change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal: Comparative data from clinical and objective methods Krug, S. Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Kruzich, D. Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Kurland, A. Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study Kurtines, W. Personality dynamics of heroin use AUTHOR INDEX 0441 0921 0057 0989 0663 0056 0772 0226 0773 1251 0156 0163 1069 0183 1083 0531 1267 0778 1011 Kurtzberg, R. Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test Kwant, F. Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients Kyle, D. Golden nemesis Labate, C. Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment Labouvie, E. Longitudinal designs Lacalle, J. Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts Ladewig, D. An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Lafferty, R. Sky Lambert, A. The obliteration of the craving for narcotics Landau, S. Drug offenders in Israel: A survey Landauer, A. Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving Lander, B. Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York Lander, N. A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York Landsman, R. A pre-trial court diversion program for narcotics addicts: An alternative to incarceration Langenauer, B. A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program Langrod, J. Secondary drug use among heroin users 0053 1021 0333 0751 0497 0955 0890 1134 0372 0613 1160 0893 0901 0908 0660 0956 0956 0774 0775 0309 The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Larrier, D. Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Lasagna, L Drug induced mood changes in man. |. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children Laskowitz, D. A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Psychological characteristics of the adolescent addict Laties, V. Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines Latman, N. Drug detection in cases of ‘driving under the influence” Lau, M. The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Laury, G. Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Lawson, C. The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Lawson, T. Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Lawton, M. The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance Le Fevre, C. Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) Leary, F. Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Ill. Tranquilizing drugs and stress tolerance Leblanc, A. The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile Leblanc, W. Heroin and the fetus Postmortem findings in offspring of heroin addicts Lee, C. Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea AUTHOR INDEX 1002 0208 1223 1235 0190 0316 0854 0863 0294 0108 0957 1267 0894 1117 0018 0919 0185 0186 1176 Lee, R. The individual environment Lee, S. Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone Neonatal addiction-exposure to heroin and methadone Lemberger, L Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Lemere, F. The danger of amphetamine dependency Leon, J. Public policy and judicial perspectives in two Canadian cities: The case of heroin Leonard, J. Dismissal for off-the-job criminal behavior Lerner, M. Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Lerner, S. Birth order and polydrug abuse among heroin addicts Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Lester, D. An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex- addicts Lester, I. The Roger Bacon formula Lettieri, D. Prediction: A prolegomenon Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Methodological considerations for a model reporting system of drug deaths Levi, M. The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups Levin, J. Psychosocial aspects of addiction Levine, B. Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Levine, S. The “street addict role’: Implications for treatment 0119 0177 0187 0882 1241 1065 0005 0188 0300 0442 0964 0982 1038 1041 0319 0436 0495 1099 0958 0941 0688 0239 Levy, D. Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital Levy, S. A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Guidelines for Management-Labor Team Efforts: Approaches to Drug Abuse Education and Prevention in Industry Lewis, E. Sensory, perceptual, motor and cognitive functioning and subjective reports following oral administration of delta- nine-Tetrahydrocannabinol Lewis, J. Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Lewis, R. Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students Lewis, S. Comparative effects of some amphetamine derivatives on human sleep Liakos, A. Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Lidz, R. An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Lidz, T. An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Lieberman, L. Authority and Addiction Lindemann, E. Experimental analysis of the psychopatholiogical effects of intoxicating drugs The neurophysiologica! effect of intoxicating drugs Linder, R. Birth order and polydrug abuse among heroin addicts Lindesmith, A. Narcotic addiction Habituation and addiction Problems in the social psychology of addiction The Addict and the Law Lin-Fu, J. Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Ling, W. A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts 314-297 0 - 80 - 13 AUTHOR INDEX 0889 0026 0030 1091 0515 1152 1287 0822 1268 1268 C697 0598 0599 0982 0313 0314 0315 0745 0155 0806 Linken, A. A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Linn, L. Psychopathology and experience with marihuana Linnoila, M. Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psyciiomotor skills related to driving Lipman, R. Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Lipp, M. Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco Lipscomb, W. Drug use in a black ghetto Lipsitz, P. The early neonatal period of 100 live-borns of mothers on methadcne Lipton, D. Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test Litaker, M. A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Litt, I. Diazepam in the management of the neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome Litt, M. Behavior of infants born to narcotic-addicted mothers The assessment of behavioral change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal: Comparative data from clinical and objective methods Littlefield, D. Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously 0034 0821 0867 0895 0896 0897 0898 0907 0915 0461 0011 0934 0184 0053 0806 0169 0183 1083 1251 Locke, B. Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization Lodge, A. Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part |. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Lombardi, D. Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI Londergan, S. Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Long, G. Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Long, S. Does LSD induce chromosomal damage and malformations? A review of the literature Lorenz, P. Hallucinogenic drugs as precipitants of schizophrenia Lorr, M. Cluster and typological analysis Losciuto, L Correlates of the generation gap Lowinger, P. How the People's Republic of China solved their drug abuse problem Lowinson, J. The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Lucas, A. Methylphenidate hallucinosis Lucas, W. Predicting who will turn on Ludenia, K. Personality Characteristics of Drug Abusers Ludwig, A. Danger potential of commonly abused drugs Luetgert, M. Untitled Drug Questionnaire Lukoff, I. Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment Generational Status, Ethnic Group and AUTHOR INDEX 0264 1086 0801 0807 0106 1056 0144 0824 0500 0128 1181 1002 1315 0113 0532 0582 0476 0708 0709 Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Lupoff, R. One Million Centuries Lynn, E. Amphetamine abuse: A ‘speed trap’ Lynn, R. A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs Maage, N. Intellectual and neuro-psychological functions in young men with heavy and long-term patterns of drug abuse Mabry, E. Personality correlates of hallucinogen use MacAvoy, M. Divided attention performance of cannabis users and non-users following cannabis and alcohol MacCannell, K. Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination MacDonald, J. Trojan horse laugh Dress Her in Indigo MacKay, G. A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance MacRae, A. Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village Macro Systems, Inc. Evaluation of Drug Education Programs Maddocks, P. Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) Maddux, J. Addiction careers Critique of success with methadone maintenance Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance Driving records before and.during methadone maintenance Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Obtaining life history information about opioid users Madeddu, A. Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations 0933 0959 0360 1304 0776 1290 1008 0899 0902 0337 0430 0880 0605 0080 1117 0298 0710 0711 0866 0960 0961 1137 Madeiros, D. General and specific perceived locus of control in heroin addicts Madianou, D. Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece Maher, J. Barbiturate intoxication Maholick, L. Purpose in Life Test Mahon, T. Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) Maki, M. Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Malagoli, G. Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations Malamud, W. Experimental analysis of the psychopathological effects of intoxicating drugs Maleson, F. Addicted and nonaddicted drug users Malinowski, F. Employee drug abuse in municipal government Malone, S. Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later Mandel, J. The Bay area speed scene Mangelsdorff, D. What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales Mangione, T. Job satisfaction, counterproductive behavior, and drug use at work Manheimer, D. Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men AUTHOR INDEX 1012 1138 0221 0477 1117 0867 0898 0915 1137 0598 1033 1042 1113 1252 0557 10483 0453 0464 Mankin, D. Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use Manno, J. Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Margaria, R. The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man Mariani, A. Coca and Its Therapeutic Application Marin, G. Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students Marks, D. Divided attention performance of cannabis users and non-users following cannabis and alcohol Marks, V. Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques Marr, S. Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Marriott, J. Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica Marshall, R. Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome in a passively addicted infant Martin, M. Ethnobotanical aspects of cannabis in Southeast Asia Martin, R. The role of coca in the history, religion and medicine of South American Indians Martz, R. Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Maslansky, R. Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Mason, P. Mortality among young narcotic addicts Massachusetts. Department of Correction An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Masterson, J. MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and 0523 0891 0900 0014 0569 1190 0899 0209 1061 1195 0143 1174 0563 0882 0171 0203 0777 after treatment in therapeutic communities Matthew, H. Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Matthiessen, P. At Play in the Fields of the Lord Mattila, A. Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Mattila, M. Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Maugham, W. Narrow Corner Mauldin, J. Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study Mayer, M. Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine Mayer, R. Drug dependence in Israel Mayfield, D. The effect of intravenous methamphetamine on mood McAdams, W. Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students McAree, C. Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Emotional stability and student drug use’ McArthur, C. Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report McArthur, V. Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience AUTHOR INDEX 0844 0225 0416 1145 0896 0897 0907 0915 0916 0397 0685 1230 1166 1224 0539 0533 0534 0552 0008 0759 McCabe, G. Marijuana and human performance McCabe, L. Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study McCanhill, T. Narcotics involvement and female criminality McCaslin, C. Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment McCloskey, K. The forensic toxicology of cocaine McCombs, L. The peacock king McConnell, W. Amphetamine substances in mental illnesses in Northern Ireland McCormick, T. Toxic reactions to the amphetamines McCune, N. The Gateway McDaniel, O. Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs McDonald, L. Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance ‘Psychopathology’ of “‘narcotic addiction:"" A new point of view McEntee, R. The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population McEwen, W. Dimensions of Response to Public Service Drug Abuse Information Assessing the Persuasiveness of Drug Abuse Information An Experimental Analysis of Reaction to Filmed Drug Abuse Information Public Service Advertising and Social Problems: The Case of Drug Abuse Prevention McFarling, L. Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking McGilothlin, W. Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control Marijuana and the use of other drugs California civil commitment: A decade later Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection 0912 0778 0689 0694 1104 0351 1124 13083 0431 1040 0711 0792 0292 0063 0066 0067 0068 0884 0727 0746 0779 0864 0903 Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance McGrath, J. Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves McGuire, F. Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities McGuire, J. Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders McGuire, T. Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Ill. Tranquilizing drugs and stress tolerance McGuire, W. The nature of attitudes and attitude change Designing communications to change attitudes regarding drug abuse McHugh, P. Hallucinogenic drugs as precipitants of schizophrenia McLaughlin, G. Cocaine: The history and regulation of a dangerous drug McLaughlin, J. Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker McNair, D. Traditionalism/Yea Saying Scale McNamee, H. Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study McPeek, R. Expectancy disconfirmation and attitude change Megargee, E. Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Meiselas, H. The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Mellinger, G. Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators AUTHOR INDEX 0904 0106 0808 1097 1100 0535 0018 0093 0094 0824 0566 0536 0462 0809 0994 0535 0780 0130 0453 Automatic Interaction Detection Melman, D. Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage Merlin, S. Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness Merlis, S. Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts Merriam, P. Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Messinger, E. A statistical study of criminal drug addicts Meyer, A. An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis Meyer, E. Psychopathology in Drug Abusers Meyer, R. Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study Meyerowitz, J. Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts Meyers, A. Addicted and nonaddicted drug users Meyers, F. Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs Meyers, M. In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Mezritz, M. Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Michener, J. The Drifters Miest, P. An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics 0498 0090 0272 0813 1017 0878 0664 0246 0843 0809 0770 1033 1254 1279 0252 1024 0432 0890 1134 Nightingale, S. Evolving patterns of drug abuse Millar, J. Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: I. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors Miller, A. Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Miller, B. Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study Miller, D. Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Miller, J. Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Miller, L. The epidemiology of drug abuse in Israel (with especial reference of cannabis) Miller, R. The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task Miller, W. Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Milis, C. Morphinomania, cocomania, and general narcomania and some of their legai consequences Mills, J. Panic in Needle Park Milne, L Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates Milner, G. Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving Amphetamine intoxication and dependence in admissions to a psychiatric unit AUTHOR INDEX 1323 0220 0949 0730 0983 0781 0962 1163 0910 1009 0594 0412 0997 0893 0901 0908 1256 Milstein, S. Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Mintz, J. Sexual problems of heroin addicts Mirin, S. Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study Mitcheson, M. A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later Modell, W. Status and prospect of drugs for overeating Moffett, A. Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients Moffett, C. Rx cocaine Moldestad, M. Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Monforte, J. Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit Drug deaths involving propoxyphene—An assessment in metropolitan Detroit Monroe, J. The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self Personal Inventory Suitability for Treatment Scale Inventory of Selected Experiences A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI The decline of the addict as ‘‘psychopath’’: Implications for community care Monroe, R. Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Moorcock, M. The Final Programme Moore, M. The problem of heroin Policy Concerning Drug Abuse in New York State, Volume Ill: Economics of Heroin Distribution Mordkoff, A. Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser 0902 1076 0809 1111 1113 1231 0278 0296 0297 0608 0571 0279 0963 1101 0275 0468 0473 0478 0796 0810 1244 0367 0640 0728 0520 Morrison, W. The addicts Morrissey, E. Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample Morse, S. Correlates of marijuana use among college students Mortimer, W. Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas Morton, F. Employing ex-addicts: Determinants of support and opposition Morton, J. Bizarre deformities in offspring of user of lysergic acid diethylamide Moskowitz, H. Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana Moss, T. Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Mosteller, F. Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Motohashi, N. Drug abuse in Japan Mould, G. Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Mowlana, H. The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Mudrick, N. Need for social approval and drug use Mules, J. Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts Mullin, P. Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970 Munkvad, I. Biochemical, anatomical and psychological investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines AUTHOR INDEX 0342 1015 0115 0567 1044 0153 0851 0903 0904 0905 0918 0825 0885 1185 0906 1168 0546 1029 1126 1215 Munoz, L. Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies Munro-Faure, A. A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Murphy, G. Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Murphy, H. Psychological deficit in chewers of coca leaf Murphy, S. Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers Musillo, C. Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Musto, D. A study in cocaine: Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud Myer, B. Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Myers, S. Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Nabholz, E. The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users Nace, E. Addicted and nonaddicted drug users Naditch, M. Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Path analysis Ego functioning and acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Naeye, R. Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress Heroin and the fetus Postmortem findings in offspring of heroin addicts Nagahama, M. A review of drug abuse and counter measures in Japan since World War || Nagler, S. Psychoses due to amphetamine 0101 0877 0304 0604 1107 0969 0562 0624 0878 0736 1033 0448 0501 0537 0829 0830 0164 0185 0186 1182 1297 Nail, R. Motives for use among light and heavy users Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Nakashima, E. Experimental studies of marihuana Napior, D. Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Narkunski, A. An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex- addicts Nash, G. The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs Nathanson, M. The central action of beta-aminopropyl- benzene (Benzedrine) Nathenson, G. Diazepam in the management of the neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome Nation, R. Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls National Commission on Marihuana And Drug Abuse Marihuana and sexual behavior Untitled Questionnaires and Interview National Coordinating Council on Drug Education Drug Abuse Films National Institute on Drug Abuse CODAP Admission Report, CODAP Discharge Report National Research Council Evaluating Drug Information Programs Neary, R. What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales Negrete, J. Psychological deficit in chewers of coca leaf Negri, D. Driving records of heroin addicts Neil, T. A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws Nelsen, J. Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man AUTHOR INDEX 0611 0935 0879 1037 1041 0712 0776 1221 0169 0623 0042 0457 0073 0492 0076 0557 0604 0856 0747 0920 Nelson, M. Epidemiology of drugs taken by pregnant women: Drugs that may affect the fetus adversely Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Nelson, R. The Ganymede Takeover Time travel for pedestrians Neman, J. Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Neuberg, R. Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Neumann, L. Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine New Jersey State Police Uniform Crime Reporting Unit Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. New York City. Office of The Mayor. Crim. Just. Coor. Comm. Criminal commitment of narcotic addicts under state law Newman, R. Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Newman, S. Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Newmeyer, J. The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" ““The rich man's drug” The Junkie Thief Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie" Nicol, C. Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology Nishi, S. Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Niswander, G. Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI 0137 1214 0361 0383 0688 0141 0140 0168 0649 0782 0713 0714 0857 0242 0243 0565 0665 1074 0035 0932 0191 Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Niven, L. The fourth profession Noble, P. Drug taking in delinquent boys Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors associated with the progression to narcotic use Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group Norem-Hebeisen, A. Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Self Assessment Scales Norman, G. Divine Right's Trip: A Folk Tale Norman, J. Acute hallucinosis as a complication of addiction to amphetamine sulfate Novack, J. A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Nunag, N. Narcotic withdrawal in pregnancy: Stillbirth incidence with a case report Nurco, D. Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 Transferability of addict life styles into socially acceptable occupations Analysis of a community-wide population of narcotic addicts An ecological analysis of narcotic addicts in Baltimore Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Nyswander, M. Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Obitz, F. General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users General and specific perceived locus of control in heroin addicts O’Brien, B. Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI O'Brien, C. Sexual problems of heroin addicts AUTHOR INDEX 0545 0382 0621 0622 0623 1120 0447 0467 0428 1247 0790 0175 0025 0188 0240 0267 0276 0300 0442 0460 0964 0701 0538 1012 0807 1076 O’Connor, G. The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts O'Connor, H. Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy O'Donnell, J. The relapse rate in narcotic addiction: A critique of follow-up studies A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey O’Flanagan, P. A case of recurrent psychosis associated with amphetamine addiction Ofori-Akyeah, J. Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students Ogborne, A. A survey of a representative sample of addicts prescribed heroin at London clinics Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts O'Hare, K. Sexual problems of heroin addicts Ohlin, L. Delinquency and Opportunity: A Theory of Delinquent Gangs Oleske, J. Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers Olson, R. MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Oregon. Legislative Research Branch Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Orlaw, R. Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 Orzen, W. Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Ostrea, E. A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Oswald, I. Amphetamine and phenmetrazine addiction: Physiological abnormalities in the abstinence syndrome Effects on sleep of amphetamines and its derivatives Oswald, P. Amphetamine use and abuse in psychiatric patients 0729 1090 0254 0259 0666 0936 1295 1152 1115 1116 1076 0103 1084 0811 0748 0222 0969 1085 1285 1286 1257 Ottomanelli, G. Follow-up of a token economy of civilly committed narcotic addicts Ousley, N. Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients Oviasu, V. Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria Owens, W. Signs and symptoms presented by those addicted to cocaine Oziel, L. General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users Palgi, P. The traditional role and symbolism of hashish among Moroccan Jews in Israel and the effect of acculturation Palva, E. Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving Panshin, A. How can we sink when we can fly? Paracchi, G. Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure Parker, R. Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system Parmley, L Fatal amphetamine poisoning Parr, D. Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts Patch, V. Heroin addicts and violent crime Urban versus suburban addict crime Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Patman, J. Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving Patrick, S. A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Patterson, C. Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees AUTHOR INDEX 1066 1023 1154 0596 0538 1167 0907 0375 1135 0739 1283 1077 0715 0716 0753 0893 0908 0265 0924 Payne, R. Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Il. Effects of analeptic and depressant drugs upon psychological behavior The effects of experimentally induced attitudes on task efficiency Effects of normal air and dextro-amphetamine upon work decrement induced by oxygen impoverishment and fatigue Pearson, J. The neuropathology of heroin addiction Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Peck, A. A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Peele, R. Phenothiazine deaths: A critical review Peer, I. Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel Pelfrey, M. Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Pell, S. Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons Penn, H. Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts Perkins, M. A study of some failures in methadone treatment Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Perpich, J. Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction Personnel Decisions Research Institute Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Pet, M. The Search for Drug Abuse Information Peters, B. Sensory, perceptual, motor and cognitive functioning and subjective reports following oral administration of delta- nine-Tetrahydrocannabinol Petersen, D. Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction The drug arrest 0019 1218 1219 0218 0783 0877 0224 1162 0939 0022 0200 0266 0717 0784 0443 0065 1091 0637 0749 Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison Petersen, R. Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Philips, B. Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Phillips, D. From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community Phillips, J. A Cocaine Bibliography Nonannotated Phillips, R. The yellow pill Phillips, V. Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Phoenix, M. The assessment of behavioral change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal: Comparative data from clinical and objective methods Pierce, A. The cocaine crime Pierson, P. Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Piesset, J. Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Pippenger, C. Pharmacologic observations on the neonatal withdrawal syndrome Pittel, S. Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users Drugs and the adolescent experience Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles The transition to amphetamine abuse Plair, W. Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Plant, M. Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital AUTHOR INDEX 0750 0937 1064 1013 0102 0317 0343 0515 1083 0572 0172 1127 1087 0131 0132 0273 0528 1210 0667 1125 Platt, J. Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Plumb, M. Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Pohl, F. What to do until the analyst comes Polk, G. The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine Pollack, H. A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Polonsky, D. A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Ponting, L Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology Poole, W. Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Poplar, J. Characteristics of nurse addicts Porter, M. Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Post, G. A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Post, R. Drug use and achievement Cocaine psychosis: A continuum model The effects of cocaine on depressed patients Poulain, C. Drug offenders and the prison regimen in France Powell, B. Marihuana and critical flicker fusion Powell, D. A pilot study of occasional heroin users 0751 0752 0965 0449 0336 0168 0756 0686 0035 0642 0010 0938 0806 0509 0587 0612 1128 0914 0251 Powers, R. The vocational maturity of inner-city narcotic addicts Pratt, F. The Roger Bacon formula Preble, E. Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street Premkumar, T. An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Preusser, D. Narcotic use and driving behavior Prince, B. Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Prince, R. Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica Prinzmetal, M. The use of Benzedrine for the treatment of narcolepsy Proctor, L Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital Proctor, M. The habit Prusoff, B. Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Pumilia, J. As dreams are made on Purdom, T. Greenplace Putnam, P. Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up Pyle, R. Danger potential of commonly abused drugs Pynchon, T. V, a Novel Quatrone, D. Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction AUTHOR INDEX 1045 0319 0108 0293 0668 0699 0858 0825 1195 1227 0889 0250 1024 0391 0349 0009 0582 0417 0708 0966 Quinn, R. Job satisfaction, counterproductive behavior, and drug use at work Quiring, D. Driving Records of Persons Arrested for lllegal Drug Use Raboin, R. Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Rachell, J. Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Raeder, P. Driving records of heroin addicts Rafaelsen, O. Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol Rafaelson, L. Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol Rajegowda, B. Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn Absence of respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants of heroin-addicted mothers Methadone withdrawal in newborn infants Ramer, B. Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Ramer, C. Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part I. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Ramirez, E. Guidelines for Management-Labor Team Efforts: Approaches to Drug Abuse Education and Prevention in Industry Randrup, A. Biochemical, anatomical and psychological investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines Rangel, C. American diplomacy and the international narcotics traffic: A black perspective Rardin, D. Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Raskind, M. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Rathus, L. Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers 1043 0860 0926 0642 0856 0909 0909 0162 0165 0173 0302 1086 0030 1215 0967 1267 1273 towards representatives of the educational system Rathus, S. Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system Rawlin, J. Street level abusage of amphetamines Ray, M. The cycle of abstinence and relapse among heroin addicts Raynes, A. Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Reasons, C. The addict as a criminal: Perpetuation of a legend Reddy, A. Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Reed, C. Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Reeser, D. The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality Reid, L The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task Reinarman, C. Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers Reith, G. Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Rementeria, J. Narcotic withdrawal in pregnancy: Stillbirth incidence with a case report Research Concepts, Inc. Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems Resnick, H. Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Retka, R. A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Retterstol, N. Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway AUTHOR INDEX 0995 0995 1206 0253 0753 0638 0178 0888 1081 0910 1107 1014 0175 0785 0195 0202 1146 Revenson, J. High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs Reynolds, S. A factor-analytic examination of sexual behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage Rhenberg, G. Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students Rho, Y. Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Infections as fatal complications of narcotism Ricca, E. Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts Rice, J. Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients Richards, K. Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA Richards, L Psychological sophistication in current drug abuse education Richek, H. Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Richman, A. Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 Follow-up of criminal narcotic addicts Narcotic addicts, multiple drug abuse and psychological distress Richter, R. The neuropathology of heroin addiction An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Rickels, K. Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Riggs, E. Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior Rimmer, J. The black addict: |. Methodology, chronology 0456 1071 0548 0206 0212 0272 0813 1017 1021 1278 0085 0539 0222 0262 0263 1022 0218 0890 0461 0540 of addiction, and overview of the population Rimoin, D. LSD exposure in uteroff Rinella, V. Rehabilitation or bust: The impact of criminal justice system referrals on the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in a therapeutic community (Eagleville's experience) Rissanan, A. Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Robbins, E. Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization Robbins, L College Student's Perceptions of their Parents’ Attitudes and Practices toward Drug Use Robbins, P. Depression and drug addiction Roberts, C. A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Roberts, T. Drug abuse: A family affair? Robins, L Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Robinson, A. Recovery of cannabis constituents from the hands at autopsy Robinson, L Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study Rockwell, D. Amphetamine use and abuse in psychiatric patients Rodda, B. Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital - Dose-response analysis of the effects o tetrahydrocannabinol in man Roebuck, J. The Negro drug addict as an offender type Rogg, S. Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons AUTHOR INDEX 0954 0149 1067 1145 0826 0127 0812 0686 0980 0304 0488 0968 0233 0541 1257 0882 0891 0669 0022 Roitzsch, J. Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Roizin, L Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Rojo, M. Therapy of obsessive neuroses with cocaine Roman, P. Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Rommetveit, R. Verbal communication and social influence: A theoretical framework and some reflections concerning implications for public education on drugs and drug abuse Room, R. Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Roscoe, P. Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Rose, A. Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs Rosen, A. Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Rosen, T. Pharmacologic observations on the neonatal withdrawal syndrome Rosenberg, C. The young addict and his family Young drug addicts: Background and personality Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences Rosenberg, P. Clinical use of Benzedrine sulfate (amphetamine) in obesity Rosenblatt, S. Marijuana and the use of other drugs Rosenfeld, E. The individual environment Rosenthal, M. Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts The legislative response to marihuana: When the shoe pinches enough Rosenthal, S. Summary. lllicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior 1009 0231 0601 0001 0097 0936 0225 1279 0991 1087 0125 0134 1265 1228 0746 0119 0700 0798 1068 0650 Ross, M. Suicide among physicians Ross, W. Locus of control among opiate addicts Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI The decline of the addict as ‘‘psychopath’”: Implications for community care Roszell, D. Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts Roth, W. The effect of marihuana on tracking task performance Rothberg, J. Addicted and nonaddicted drug users Rotsler, W. Gods of Zar Rotter, J. Rotter’s I-E Scale Rovelli, E. The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man Rubenstein, R. An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Rubin, V. Ganja legislation The *‘ganja vision’ in Jamaica Rubington, E. Drug addiction as a deviant career Rubinstein, R. Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. II. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Rubio, E. Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Rumbaugh, C. Cerebral angiographic changes in the drug abuse patient Small vessel cerebral vascular changes following chronic amphetamine intoxication Rush, H. The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience Combating employee drug abuse When a company counsels the drug abuser Rylander, G. Clinical and medico-criminological aspects of addiction to central stimulating drugs AUTHOR INDEX 0193 0268 0795 0796 0810 1029 0911 1033 0390 0489 0014 1268 1192 1193 0237 1312 0159 1292 12983 0021 0028 0029 1150 Saario, I. Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Sadava, S. College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Safer, D. Effects of psychostimulants on aggression Saghir, M. Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual Salas, F. What Now My Love Salvendy, G. Marijuana and human performance Salzman, C. Marihuana users and nonusers Samaraweera, A. Personality characteristics and drug of choice Samuels, D. Low self-concept as a cause of drug abuse Sanborn, D. Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Sanders, C. Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Sapira, J. Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts Sasaki, T. Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village Savitz, L Narcotics involvement and female criminality Scannell, J. Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Schaefer, C. Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking 0898 0916 0542 0543 1313 0036 0418 0912 0819 0521 0544 0191 0545 0996 0200 0605 0689 1096 1092 Schaeffer, G. Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample Schaeffer, J. The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica Schalling, D. Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Schaps, E. Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Schasre, R. Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin- users Scheppegrell, W. The abuse and dangers of cocaine Scher, J. Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Scherer, S. Need for social approval and drug use Schiorring, E. Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Schmidt, F. Emotional stability and student drug use Schmidt, G. A study of achievement motivation and frustration in glue sniffers Schmidt, W. Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents Schmitt, R. Predicting who will turn on Schnass, L. Drug abuse among the inmates of a women's prison in Mexico City Schneider, R. Incidence of daily drug use as reported by a population of Thai partners working near United States military installations: A preliminary study Schoenfeldt, L. Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status Schoolar, J. Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions AUTHOR INDEX 1015 1196 1225 0996 0255 0570 1090 0546 1271 0552 1016 0870 0113 1198 1175 0940 0099 0547 Schreiner, G. Barbiturate intoxication Schroeder, D. Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration Schuckit, M. Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample Schulman, C. Alterations of the sleep cycle in heroin- addicted and ‘‘suspect’’ newborns Schumann, S. The social structure of a heroin copping community Schuster, C. Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine Schut, J. Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Schwartz, E. Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Schwartzman, J. The addict, abstinence, and the family Schweid, A. Complications of injecting dissolved methylphenidate tablets Schwin, R. Marihuana and critical flicker fusion Schwirian, K. The drug arrest Schwitz, B. Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Sclare, A. Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970 Scortia, T. The weariest river Scott, C. Cardiovascular effects of Benzedrine Scott, N. Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Scott, P. Delinguency and the amphetamines Scoville, W. Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger of Benzedrine treatment 0221 0913 1015 0160 0661 0307 0718 0095 0984 1288 0914 0749 1090 1126 0393 1281 0969 1261 1294 Scura, W. Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Searle, L The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: A consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite Seashore, R. The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue Seborg, M. The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups Sechrest, D. Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment Sedlacek, W. University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs Seevers, M. Theories of drug addiction Drug Addiction Problems Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Segal, B. Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Segal, P. Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system Selby, H. Last Exit to Brooklyn Seldin, N. The family of the addict: A review of the literature Sells, S. A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Drug Abuse Reporting Program: Admission Record and Status Evaluation Record Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Senay, E. Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system Psychopathology in Drug Abusers Sensenig, J. Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex 314-297 0 - 80 - 14 AUTHOR INDEX 0752 1229 1216 0958 0719 0626 0575 0576 0580 0446 0548 1006 0762 0413 0118 0202 0486 0974 0739 0843 0962 Seppala, T. Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Setter, J. Barbiturate intoxication Shader, R. Adverse effects of LSD: A current perspective Marihuana users and nonusers Shain, M. Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Shapero, M. A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Sharma, B. Cannabis and its users in Nepal Sharma, S. Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Barbiturates and driving A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Marihuana effects on a critical tracking test Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana Shea, J. Acute hallucinosis as a complication of addiction to amphetamine sulfate Shean, G. Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users Shearn, C. MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Sheckley, R. Down the digestive tract Shellow, R. Drug abuse and crime: Fact or fancy? Sheppard, C. Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness Cocaine in perspective: “Gift from the Sun God" ‘The rich man’s drug” Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts 0915 0916 0221 0146 0819 1027 0905 1172 0845 0852 0905 0917 0918 1247 0549 0514 0374 1057 0033 0244 0272 0565 0813 1017 Shetterly, H. Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users Shick, J. Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture Shoham, S. Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study Shontz, F. Single-organism designs Shulgin, A. Drugs of abuse in the future Siegel, A. The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Siegel, H. Human pulmonary pathology associated with narcotic and other addictive drugs The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism Siegel, L Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system Siegel, R. Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication Silverberg, R. Overview of drug themes in science fiction How it was when the past went away Sundance A Time of Changes Downward to the Earth The World Inside Dying Inside Silverman, L The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications Urban crime and the price of heroin Simnegar, R. An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users Simonsen, J. Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Simpson, D. Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Death rates and causes of death among AUTHOR INDEX 0550 1254 1164 0496 1325 0303 0214 0215 0216 0995 1106 0318 0366 0371 0376 0377 0379 0385 0723 1058 0841 1144 0928 0970 opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Simpson, W. Toxic psychosis: A complication of overdosage of anti-obesity drugs Sims, O. Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status Sines, J. Actuarial prediction Sing, G. The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 Singer, J. Imaginal Process Inventory Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Singer, K. The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese Sinnett, E. The subjective dimensions of the drug experience Sjoberg, C. Addiction in Sweden Skodol, A. Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts Slatin, G. Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Slesar, H. | remember oblivion Slobetz, F. Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Sly, W. LSD exposure in uteroff Smart, R. Marihuana and driving risk among college students Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers Discrepancies between drug educators and students in attitudes toward marihuana: Their implications for communication Relationships between parental and adolescent drug use 0974 1299 0940 0499 0695 0786 0787 0490 1006 1180 0607 1151 0798 0936 0972 0335 1024 0149 0868 0056 0091 0129 The chromosomal and teratogenic effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: A review of the current literature Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports Yorkville LSD Users Study Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology The Problems of Drugs and Driving: An Overview of Current Research and Future Needs Drug use and driving risk among high school students Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents Smiley, A. The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile Smith, A. A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Smith, B. Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine Smith, C. The Plutonian drug Smith, D. Drugs in the Classroom. A Conceptual Model for School Programs Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Current perspectives on cocaine use in America The Psychotic Junkie Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture The psychotomimetic amphetamines with special reference to DOM (STP) toxicity Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Acute amphetamine toxicity Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence Smith, G. Amphetamine sulfate and athletic performance Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Test of Effective Academic Motivation (TEAM) AUTHOR INDEX 0147 0232 0470 0511 0551 0831 0853 0869 0870 0919 0756 0307 0328 0079 0244 0302 0564 0799 1038 1209 1254 1277 1279 1318 1319 1320 0013 0451 0494 Smith, G. O. Hellflower Smith, J. The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Smith, J. P. Drug communication processes: Problems and targets Smith, J. W. Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians Smith, R. B. Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer Smith, R. C. Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district Traffic in amphetamines: Illegal manufacture and distribution The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak Smith, W. Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison Snarr, R. A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Snow, M. Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Snyder, O. Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Snyder, S. Amphetamine psychosis: A ‘‘model”’ schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man Sobol, N. The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Sodergren, J. Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Sola, S. MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities 0341 0729 0098 0817 1035 0651 1207 12583 0291 0657 0659 0971 0092 0235 1213 1280 0720 1037 0844 Soloway, I. Videotape Recording of Narcotic Addicts in Group Therapy: The Analysis of Communicational and Interactive Behavior Methadone and the culture of addiction Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Somers, R. Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Automatic Interaction Detection Soueif, M. The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study Spear, H. The influence of Canadian addicts on heroin addiction in the United Kingdom Spielman, C. Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs Spinrad, N. Carcinoma angels Bug Jack Barron No direction home The weed of time Spitz, W. Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit Drug deaths involving propoxyphene—An assessment in metropolitan Detroit Spriull, N. Urban crime and the price of heroin Stalberg, E. Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala Stanton, J. Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence Stanton, M. The addict as savior: Heroin, death, and the family Stark, S. In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Statzer, D. Heroin addiction during pregnancy Stauss, F. Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients Steckler, A. The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users AUTHOR INDEX 0100 0721 1088 0453 0498 1159 1112 1039 0363 0369 0384 0392 0963 1101 1058 1204 0652 1102 0252 0170 1023 0736 Steer, R. Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Stefanis, C. Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece Steffenhagen, R. Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Emotional stability and student drug use Steffler, V. Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Stenchever, M. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): Effect on human chromosomes in vivoff Stenmark, D. Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates Stephens, B. Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Stephens, R. The ‘‘street addict role’: Implications for treatment Patterns of ‘‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients Criminal history of narcotic addicts The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer Narcotic addicts and crime Sterling, S. Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students Sterling-Smith, R. Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Stern, G. Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn 0718 0822 1138 0533 0534 0552 1037 0150 0939 0997 1096 0239 0609 0673 0972 1032 1034 1035 1059 0548 0871 0872 0178 Stern, M. Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization Stern, R. Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines Stern, Roy The pregnant addict: A study of 66 case histories, 1950-1959 Stern, S. Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Steward, R. The Possession of Joel Delaney Stewart, G. Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Stimmel, B. Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Stimson, G. Heroin and Behavior A survey of a representative sample of addicts prescribed heroin at London clinics Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts Stocker, R. Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Stoessel, R. Exploration of attitudes of students involved with drugs Stokes, J. Six Factor Drug Related Personality Test Personality traits and attitudes and their relationship to student drug using behavior Stone, L The subjective dimensions of the drug experience Stone, M. Narcotic addiction in pregnancy Straight, R. Sensory, perceptual, motor and cognitive functioning and subjective reports following oral administration of delta- nine-Tetrahydrocannabinol AUTHOR INDEX 0826 1075 0158 0750 0433 0048 0271 0301 0952 1089 0670 1115 1116 0962 0086 0487 0553 0607 0157 1091 Strantz, I. The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users Strauss, M. A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Strimbu, J. Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status Struckman, D. Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking Stuart, R. Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing? Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants Sturner, W. Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Suchman, E. The “‘hang-loose’ ethic and the spirit of drug use Sudilovsky, A. Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Suffet, F. Female drug use: Some observations Employment and social disability among opiate addicts Sukov, R. Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Sullivan, D. Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study Susann, J. Valley of the Dolls Sussman, S. Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants Sutker, P. Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Sutter, A. The world of the righteous dope fiend 0736 1085 0940 0884 0072 1069 0229 0089 1214 1036 1046 0171 0778 0419 0139 0269 0814 0815 1009 0671 Swezey, R. Drug use and criminal activity: Some relationship indices Estimating drug-crime relationships Swisher, J. Accountability in Drug Education. A Model for Evaluation An evaluation of a short-term drug education program Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders Drug education: Pushing or preventing? A Study of Four Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention . Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance Szandorowska, B. Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Szewczyk, H. The problem of drug misuse in the German Democratic Republic Tabbush, V. Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control Tagiuri, R. Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Taintor, Z. Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Tatetsu, S. Methamphetamine psychosis Tatsuoka, M. Discriminant analysis Tatum, A. Theories of drug addiction Tavolga, W. Variations in birth cries of newborn infants from narcotic-addicted and normal mothers Taylor, R. A case of recurrent psychosis associated with amphetamine addiction Taylor, T. Mania associated with the use of |.N.H. and cocaine Taylor, W. Patterns of ‘‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients Tec, N. Differential involvement with marijuana and its AUTHOR INDEX 0653 0654 0077 0081 0082 0083 0084 0096 0835 1131 0727 0885 0449 1263 0505 0575 0161 1295 0602 0306 0608 socio-cultural context: A study of suburban youths Family and differential involvement with marihuana: A study of suburban teenagers Tennant, F. Dependency traits among parents of drug abusers Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Teran, C. Drug abuse among the inmates of a women’s prison in Mexico City Termini, B. Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Thacore, V. Amphetamine and phenmetrazine addiction: Physiological abnormalities in the abstinence syndrome Thomas, E. Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Thomas, J. A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile Thompson, A. Research into expression of attitudes about drugs—What use is it? Thompson, H. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Thomsen, K. The social backgrounds of young addicts as elicited in interviews with their parents Thornberry, T. Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Tidyman, E. Shaft Tietz, W. Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Tilley, J. The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia Timberlawn Psychiatric Research Foundation Drug Survey Interview Timmerman, H. The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands 0116 0117 0985 0986 1198 0223 0227 1285 0761 1188 0990 0434 0121 0648 0435 0825 0827 0472 1130 Tinklenberg, J. Drugs and crime. |. Literature review Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Titus, R. Lysergic acid diethylamide: Its effects on human chromosomes and the human organismin utero.ff A review of current findings Tokar, J. Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Tolone, W. Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community Traub, S. Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers Traweek, A. An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users Trethowan, W. Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Amphetamine addiction Trice, H. Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Trocchi, A. Cain's Book Trussell, R. A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Turner, N. Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. III. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Uhlenhuth, E. Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital Ulff-Moller, B. Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training Ungerer, J. Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Unmacht, J. General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users Urban, M. Drugs in industry AUTHOR INDEX 0639 0687 0145 1037 0987 0998 0841 0044 0833 0001 0414 0265 1272 0461 0889 1140 1078 0538 0004 Vaillant, G. Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: lll. Some social and psychiatric characteristics A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts Sociopathy as a human process Valdes, K. The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Van Cura, L Computer interview questionnaires for drug use/abuse Vargas, G. Drug abuse among the inmates of a women’s prison in Mexico City Verbeke, R. The use of Indian hemp in Zaire: A formulation of hypotheses on the basis of an inquiry using a written questionnaire Viani, F. Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure Victor, H. enn Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Vietorisz, T. Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Viot, H. The stolen minute Vogel, D. Personality characteristics of servicemen returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers Voigt, J. Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Von Felsinger, J. Drug induced mood changes in man. I. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Von Loetzen, I. Phenothiazine deaths: A critical review 0008 0258 0260 0261 0291 0299 0672 0788 0793 1002 0445 1198 1156 1135 0554 0931 0344 0803 1144 1223 0224 Von Hagen, V. The strange case of the coca leaf Vonnegut, K. Welcome to the monkey house Voss, H. Criminal history of narcotic addicts Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Wackwitz, J. Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Waddell, K. Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Waid, P. Drug education Waldo, G. Perceived penal sanction and self-reported criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research Waldorf, D. Women versus men Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term pericds of voluntary abstention New York's big push Careers in Dope Doing Coke: An Ethnograpny of Cocaine Users and Sellers Walker, W. Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Wallace, D. Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Wallace, J. Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Wallach, R. Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate Walters, D. Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Walzer, V. Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population Ward, H. Employment and Addiction: Overview of Issues AUTHOR INDEX 0577 0370 0673 0936 0939 0271 0301 0952 0075 0754 0054 0674 0789 0973 1107 0235 0650 0881 0174 1079 1088 1025 0002 Wardell, J. Heroin addiction during pregnancy Warner, A. Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Warner, R. Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders A Study of Four Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention Warren, R. LSD exposure in uteroff Washington, M. Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome Washington, W. The subjective dimensions of the drug experience Wasserman, E. Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Watkins, C. Use of amphetamine by medical students Watkins, T. Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts Watterson, O. Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Weckowicz, T. Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls Weil, A. Ciinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Weimar, R. A state-wide survey of drug issues in industry Weiner, N. Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Weingartner, H. DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thyiamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effecis in man Weisman, |. Law enforcement politics and drug abuse Weiss, B. Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines Enhancement of performance by amphetamine-like drugs 0170 0701 0857 0082 0084 0149 0948 0607 0159 0006 0974 0555 0920 1047 0648 1280 0755 0854 1226 Weiss, D. Personality dynamics of heroin use Weiss, M. Methylphenidate hallucinosis Weissman, J. Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Weissman, M. Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Weitzner, M. A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Wellisch, D. The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population The Psychotic Junkie A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Wellman, M. Dream-dust from Mars Wells, L Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Welpton, D. Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use Weppner, R. Patterns of ‘‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients Wesson, D. Current perspectives on cocaine use in America The Psychotic Junkie Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Westermeyer, J. Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population Wetli, C. Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Wexler, H. Heroin addiction: Its relation to sexual behavior and sexual experience Wheat, I. The problem of heroin AUTHOR INDEX 1011 1315 0675 1060 1061 1024 0756 0292 0799 1197 0331 1064 0556 0609 0564 0799 1038 1025 0199 0049 0640 Whelton, A. Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Whelton, R. Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases White, E. Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions White, T. The peacock king White, W. Clinical characteristics of addictions Whitehead, P. Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Whitfield, M. Effects of Electronic Media in Drug Abuse Education and Prevention Whittemore, K. Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study Wieder, S. Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie” Wieland, W. Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Wilcox, D. Delinguency and the amphetamines Wiley, H. The cocaine crime Williams, J. E. Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts Williams, J. M. Assertiveness and patterns of drug use: A pilot study Williams, J. R. Effects of Labeling the ‘Drug Abuser’: An Inquiry Williams, R. The elixer of peace 0235 0217 0099 0547 0351 0578 0834 0835 0071 0685 1074 0055 0790 1261 0572 0277 1005 0757 0340 Williamson, T. Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Willis, J. Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Wilson, C. The Mind Parasites Drugs of dependence Wilson, E. Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 Wilson, J. The problem of heroin Wilson, R. Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Winburn, M. Marijuana and the law: What young people say Winick, C. The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States The 35 to 40 age dropoff The life cycle of the narcotic addict and of addiction Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's The use of drugs by jazz musicians Maturing out of narcotic addiction Some aspects of the ‘tough’ New York State drug law Winkler, E. Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Winkler, J. Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Winslow, J. Drug use and social integration Wislicki, L Alcoholism and drug addiction in Israel Witt, P. Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Wittbold, G. Dimensions of Response to Public Service Drug Abuse Information Assessing the Persuasiveness of Drug Abuse Information Wittlin, B. Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Wojciechowska, M. Tuned Out AUTHOR INDEX 0866 1121 0362 0618 0198 0640 0106 0738 0037 0256 0257 0440 0617 0676 0758 0837 0243 1142 1161 0888 0063 0066 0195 0420 Wolfgang, M. Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Wolk, R. Personality dynamics of mothers and wives of drug addicts Woodcock, J. Action in the schools Woodhouse, E. The prevalence of drugs in fatally injured drivers Woodley, R. Dealer: Portrait of a Cocaine Merchant Woodrow, K. Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Woods, J. The psychopharmacology of cocaine Wright, J. A program for control of drug abuse in industry Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Wright, N. Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Wurmser, L. The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Wynne, R. } A Cocaine Bibliography Nonannotated Wyse, D. Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review Yacavone, D. Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Yamahiro, R. The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Young, D. Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger of Benzedrine treatment Young, J. Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Young, P. A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests 0648 0123 0074 0873 0606 0687 0586 0031 1096 0225 0729 0794 0317 0234 1090 0007 1294 0650 0877 Young, S. The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Yunger, M. Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone Zacune, J. A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later A comparison of Canadian narcotic addicts in Great Britain and in Canada Zahn, M. Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Zallis, E. Fatal amphetamine poisoning Zanes, A. “Make Yourself Heard’ Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire Zelson, C. Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone Neonatal addiction-exposure to heroin and methadone AUTHOR INDEX 0957 0055 1111 1113 1114 0655 0693 0975 1283 0483 0159 0177 0187 197 Zenhausern, R. Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Zerbetto, R. An overview on drug abuse in Italy Zheutlin, L Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Ziegler, J. Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Zinberg, N. Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention Zitrin, A. A statistical study of criminal drug addicts Zizic, V. Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia Zuckerman, M. Sensation Seeking Scale What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Zylman, R. Mass arrests for impaired driving may not prevent traffic deaths 0517 1136 05383 0534 0866 0920 1070 0664 1139 0491 0557 0844 0855 Alcohol Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio A program for control of drug abuse in industry Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts The *‘heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Methadone related deaths in New York City Computer interview questionnaires for drug use/abuse Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 Personal Inventory Inventory of Selected Experiences Sensation Seeking Scale General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students The obliteration of the craving for narcotics The relationships and prevalance of smoking, drinking, and drug taking in (delinquent) adolescent boys Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Drugs and violence A Perspective on ‘Get Tough’ Drug Control Laws Drugs, alcohol, and violent crime Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: lll. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Criminal history of narcotic addicts Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison DRUG INDEX 0001 0003 0008 0011 0020 0031 0060 0070 0090 0102 0196 0197 0204 0222 0229 0230 0445 0449 0450 0468 0478 0491 0538 0548 0613 0619 0624 0628 0631 0645 0647 0672 0673 0687 0760 Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Amphetamines and driving behavior Alcohol, drugs and driving behaviour in Switzerland A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations Barbiturates and driving Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines Mass arrests for impaired driving may not prevent traffic deaths A Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Organic Factors in Fatal Single Vehicle Traffic Accidents. Final Report The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations Drug detection in cases of ‘driving under the influence’ Marihuana and automobile crashes Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients Marihuana and driving risk among college students Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium 0795 0807 0837 0845 0848 0849 0850 0851 0852 0854 0855 0859 0862 0863 0865 0867 0868 0870 0871 0872 0874 0875 0876 0880 0881 0884 0887 0893 0894 0895 0896 0897 and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Divided attention performance of cannabis users and non-users following cannabis and alcohol Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile Drug use in a black ghetto Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Religion, parental influence, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana use Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Female drug use: Some observations Employee drug abuse in municipal government A state-wide survey of drug issues in industry A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Rehabilitation or bust: The impact of criminal justice system referrals on the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in a therapeutic community (Eagleville's experience) A factor-analytic examination of sexual DRUG INDEX 0898 0899 0901 0905 0906 0908 0909 0910 0919 0934 0939 0940 0947 0953 0969 0979 0986 0993 0999 1006 1007 1010 1015 1024 1029 1032 1036 1042 1047 1063 1067 behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities Drinking, drugs, and death A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities The forensic toxicology of cocaine Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital The problem of drug misuse in the German Democratic Republic Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students The social and cultural context of cannabis use in Rwanda Economic significance of Cannabis sativa in the Moroccan Rif Alcoholism and drug addiction in Israel The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Trends and projections Amitriptyline Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Amphetamines Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Use of amphetamine by medical students Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report Amphetamine sulfate and athletic performance The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man Effect of amphetamine sulfate on athletic performance The effect of d-amphetamine sulfate on physical performance A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology 1071 1084 1097 1098 1100 1104 1107 1125 1131 1152 1155 1158 1161 1180 1194 1195 1199 1255 1267 1324 0893 0908 0915 0001 0006 0008 0013 0014 0015 0017 0034 0035 Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users Dissemination of Drug Related Information Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State The young addict and his family Young drug addicts: Background and personality Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Introduction to amphetamine abuse Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Methadone related deaths in New York City Kentucky Ham Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Personality characteristics and drug of choice Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles The patterns of drug abuse among school children Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness The Junkie Thief Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison A pre-trial court diversion program for narcotics addicts: An alternative to incarceration Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia Amphetamine addiction Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Amphetamines and driving behavior Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on DRUG INDEX 0036 0043 0044 0045 0064 0092 0125 0134 0141 0226 0227 0230 0422 0511 0512 0519 0521 0528 0625 0636 0643 0647 0665 0753 0760 0774 0832 0833 0834 0835 0836 0839 0848 0854 0870 0877 tracking performance during angular acceleration Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms Drug-induced psychosis Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs The relationship between crime and amphetamine abuse: An empirical review of the literature Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities Amphetamine substances in mental! illnesses in Northern Ireland Clinical and medico-criminological aspects of addiction to central stimulating drugs Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria A review of drug abuse and counter measures in Japan since World War || Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use How we handled the problem of drug abuse in Japan Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala Street level abusage of amphetamines Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California The transition to amphetamine abuse Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Amphetamine psychosis: A ‘model’ schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Biochemical, anatomical and psychological 0913 0926 0970 0972 0986 0987 1000 1007 1018 1040 1052 1075 1077 1078 1092 1097 1124 1150 1152 1154 1182 1199 1200 1204 1206 1208 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines Psychomotor effects of analeptics and their relation to ‘‘fatigue’’ phenomena in air crew Drug induced mood changes in man. I. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Enhancement of performance by amphetamine-like drugs The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: A consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine Status and prospect of drugs for overeating The amphetamines: Medical uses and health hazards Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine: Differential effect on aggression and hyperkinesis in children and dogs Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine in minimal brain dysfunction Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs The danger of amphetamine dependency The use and abuse of amphetamines Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Acute hallucinosis as a complication of addiction to amphetamine sulfate Confessions of a goof ball addict A study of illicit amphetamine drug traffic in Oklahoma City Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously The Bay area speed scene Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Amphetamine intoxication and dependence in admissions to a psychiatric unit Amphetamine use and abuse in psychiatric patients Delinquency and the amphetamines. Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Mephentermine psychosis: Misuse of the Wyamine inhaler Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) psychosis Behavioral studies of diethylpropion in man The psychotomimetic amphetamines with special reference to DOM (STP) toxicity DRUG INDEX 1215 1222 1223 1226 1229 1230 1231 1232 1236 1237 1238 1239 1241 1242 1243 1244 1247 1249 1250 1251 1252 1254 1255 1256 1257 1261 1264 1267 1268 1271 1272 1274 1275 1276 1277 201 Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man Amphetamine poisoning: Effectiveness of chlorpromazine Amphetamine and phenmetrazine addiction: Physiological abnormalities in the abstinence syndrome Effects on sleep of amphetamines and its derivatives Comparative effects of some amphetamine derivatives on human sleep Small vessel cerebral vascular changes following chronic amphetamine intoxication A case of recurrent psychosis associated with amphetamine addiction Amphetamines and addiction Paranoid psychosis associated with amphetamine usage The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine Amphetamine Psychosis Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption Toxic reactions to the amphetamines Amphetamine abuse: A ‘speed trap’ The phenomenology of experimentally induced amphetamine psychosis— Preliminary observations Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences The clinical symptomatology of amphetamine psychosis and its relationships to amphetamine levels in urine Clinical studies of amphetamine psychoses Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. II. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Effects of psychostimulants on aggression Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Analgesics Renal papillary necrosis and abuse of analgesics Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Anticholinergics Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated 1278 1279 1280 1284 1285 1286 1287 12983 1295 1296 1298 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1306 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1321 1322 0228 0937 0943 1138 1134 0895 by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Antidepressants Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Antihistamines Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Ayahuasca At Play in the Fields of the Lord Barbiturates Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons Dissemination of Drug Related Information The young addict and his family Young drug addicts: Background and personality Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Maternal barbiturate utilization and neonatal withdrawal symptomatology Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome in a passively addicted infant Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 Drugs and suicide in the United States Attempted suicide by drug ingestion The “heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction Mortality among young narcotic addicts Barbiturate intoxication Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Introduction to amphetamine abuse Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Methadone related deaths in New York City Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Play It as It Lays Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Personality characteristics and drug of choice Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMP! group profiles A Perspective on ‘Get Tough" Drug Control Laws Drugs, alcchol, and violent crime Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison A pre-trial court diversion program for DRUG INDEX 0896 0227 0896 0416 0003 0022 0064 0125 0134 0138 0141 0142 0143 0188 0192 0194 0197 0203 0221 0222 0225 0226 0227 0229 0230 0235 0424 0512 0521 0528 0631 0645 0647 0651 0760 narcotics addicts: An alternative to incarceration Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves Alcohol, drugs and driving behaviour in Switzerland Barbiturates and driving A Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Organic Factors in Fatal Single Vehicle Traffic Accidents. Final Report Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions The addict, abstinence, and the family Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-invclved deaths in nine major U.S. cities Confessions of a goof ball addict Benzedrine The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue The effects of analeptics on the fatigued subject The central action of beta-aminopropyl- benzene (Benzedrine) The use of Benzedrine for the treatment of narcolepsy Clinical use of Benzedrine sulfate (amphetamine) in obesity Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders The effects of Benzedrine sulfate on the behavior of psychopathic and neurotic juvenile delinquents Craving for Benzedrine Cardiovascular effects of Benzedrine A case of benzedrine sulfate poisoning Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger of Benzedrine treatment Psychoses due to amphetamine Toxic psychosis: A complication of overdosage of anti-obesity drugs Caifeine The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man Enhancement of human perfcrmance by caffeine and the amphetamines 0774 0783 0808 0849 0852 0859 0870 0885 0896 0952 0970 | 0984 1000 1040 1078 1097 1249 1216 1217 1221 1227 1228 1233 1234 1245 1281 1282 1294 1297 1299 0014 0854 Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue The effects of experimentally induced attitudes on task efficiency Cannabis Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway The social and cultural context of cannabis use in Rwanda The use of Indian hemp in Zaire: A formulation of hypotheses on the basis of an inquiry using a written questionnaire Economic significance of Cannabis sativa in the Moroccan Rif Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Cannabis usage in Pakistan: A pilot study of long term effects on social status and physical health Reunion: Cannabis in a pluricultural and polyethnic society Cannabis and its users in Nepal Cannabis in Nepal: An overview Ethnobotanical aspects of cannabis in Southeast Asia Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica Ganja legislation The ‘ganja vision’ in Jamaica Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica Chlordiazepoxide Social facilitation of marijuana intoxication: Impact of social set and pharmacological activity Chlorimipramine Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Chlorpromazine Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. lll. Tranquilizing drugs and stress tolerance The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine Introduction to amphetamine abuse Multivariate analysis of variance 314-297 0 - 80 - 15 DRUG INDEX 1152 1154 1216 1218 1140 1144 1146 1155 1156 1158 1164 1168 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1187 1199 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 0088 0915 Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour Drug-induced psychosis Amphetamine poisoning: Effectiveness of chlorpromazine Cocaine Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques A Cocaine Bibliography Nonannotated Single-organism designs On coca Freud and cocaine Carl Koller and cocaine Coca leaf and cocaine addictions. Some historical notes A study in cocaine: Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud The role of coca in the history, religion and medicine of South American Indians Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” Cocaine: The history and regulation of a dangerous drug Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects Coca and Its Therapeutic Application The abuse and dangers of cocaine Rx cocaine The cocaine crime Drug addiction in its relation to crime Pleasure and deterioration from narcotic addiction Theories of drug addiction Drug Addiction Problems The strange case of the coca leaf Clinical characteristics of addictions Some sociological aspects of the problem of cocaism Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen Danger potential of commonly abused drugs A comparison of the effects of cocaine and synthetic central stimulants Cocaine The Gourmet Cokebook: A Complete Guide to Cocaine The psychopharmacology of cocaine Cocaine psychosis: A continuum model On the general effect of cocaine Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of cocaine Craving for and fear of cocaine Cocaine intoxication and its demoralizing effects Cocaine poisoning Morphinomania, cocomania, and general narcomania and some of their legal consequences Insanities caused by acute and chronic 0889 0901 1018 1284 0201 0209 0317 0496 0558 0559 0560 0561 0562 0563 0564 intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility Signs and symptoms presented by those addicted to cocaine Cocaine habit in India Experimental analysis of the psychopathological effects of intoxicating drugs The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs The cocaine problem in India Therapy of obsessive neuroses with cocaine Mania associated with the use of I.N.H. and cocaine Heroin and cocaine addiction Psychological deficit in chewers of coca leaf Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village Dealer: Portrait of a Cocaine Merchant The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients Patterns of ‘‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients Coca leaf use in southern Peru: Some biological aspects The effects of cocaine on depressed patients The obliteration of the craving for narcotics Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits The use of drugs by jazz musicians Drugs of dependence The relationships and prevalance of smoking, drinking, and drug taking in (delinquent) adolescent boys Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors associated with the progression to narcotic use Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Methadone and the culture of addiction Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Coca chewing: A new perspective The forensic toxicology of cocaine Cardiovascular and subjective effects of intravenous cocaine administration in humans Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use DRUG INDEX 0595 0596 0597 0598 0599 0600 0601 0602 0603 0604 0605 0606 0608 0609 0610 0612 0613 0614 0616 0617 0618 0619 0620 0622 0624 0721 0931 0947 0970 0972 1077 1078 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1199 Codeine Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. |. A comparison with addict controls Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine Coffee The elixer of progress Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Cyclazocine Drugs and sexual behavior Demerol Characteristics of nurse addicts Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Depressants Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Il. Effects of analeptic and depressant drugs upon psychological behavior Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents The parents of drug users The effects of experimentally induced attitudes on task efficiency Dextroamphetamine Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Il. Effects of analeptic and depressant drugs upon psychological behavior Cardiovascular and subjective effects of intravenous cocaine administration in humans The effects of experimentally induced attitudes on task efficiency Effects of normal air and dextro-amphetamine upon work decrement induced by oxygen impoverishment and fatigue The effects of dextro-amphetamine on behavioral defects produced by sleep loss in humans Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users Schizophreniform psychosis induced by large-dose administration of d-amphetamine Experimental psychoses induced by the administration of d-amphetamine Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine Diazepam Diazepam in the management of the neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance 0138 0290 0307 0325 1199 0032 0010 0693 0019 0434 0846 0981 1218 0019 1105 1218 1219 1220 1225 1235 1262 1305 1307 1317 0169 0850 Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities Diphenhydramine The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automotile Doxepin Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Ergogenics The facts about ergogenic aids and sports performance Ether Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Glutethimide Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Hallucinogens A program for control of drug abuse in industry Dissemination of Drug Related Information Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society An analysis of a peer network using psychedelic drugs Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users Drugs and the adolescent experience Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence Overview of drug themes in science fiction Bug Jack Barron Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Untitled Drug Questionnaire Drug use and achievement Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles Personality differences between psychedelic drug users and nonusers College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study DRUG INDEX 0887 0889 0894 0897 0898 0919 1097 0919 0915 0016 1199 0906 0031 0064 0105 0107 0131 0132 0191 0273 0318 0369 0434 0476 0509 0519 0528 0529 0542 Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Hallucinogenic drugs as precipitants of schizophrenia Narcotic use and driving behavior Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth The parents of drug users Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community On the question of pre-existing personality differences between users and nonusers of drugs Personality correlates of hallucinogen use Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention The transition to amphetamine abuse Hashish A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology Drug themes in fiction Divine Right's Trip: A Folk Tale Experimental analysis of the psychopathological effects of intoxicating drugs The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse Chronic hashish use and mental disorder The parents of drug users Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Personality correlates of hallucinogen use The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece Drug use and social integration Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study Drug offencers in Israel: A survey Alcoholism and drug addiction in Israel Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel + The epidemiology of drug abuse in Israel (with especial reference of cannabis) The opiate addict in Israel Drug dependence in Israel The traditional role and symbolism of hashish among Moroccan Jews in Israel and the effect of acculturation Drug abuse in Afghanistan Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala 0545 0753 0824 0858 0926 0981 0987 1000 1003 1008 1070 1210 0034 0035 0394 0428 0598 0599 0816 0820 0822 0981 0986 1008 1032 1138 1142 1145 1148 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1165 1166 1167 1169 1204 Heroin Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry Drugs in industry A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Drugs and sexual behavior Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States The *“‘pharmacogenic orgasm’ in the drug addict Heroin addiction: Its relation to sexual behavior and sexual experience Indicators of homosexuality in the human figure drawings of heroin- and pill-using addicts Drug addiction and ‘‘hypersexuality’’: Related modes of mastery The “normal” life of the addict and the consequences of addiction Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test Women versus men Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Videotape Recording of Narcotic Addicts in Group Therapy: The Analysis of Communicational and Interactive Behavior From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community The family of the addict: A review of the literature The family of the addict Psychodynamic factors in the mother-child relationship in adolescent drug addiction: A comparison of mothers of schizophrenics and mothers of normal adolescent sons Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Maternal barbiturate utilization and neonatal withdrawal symptomatology A statistical study of infants born with withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Narcotic addiction in pregnancy The pregnant addict: A study of 66 case histories, 1950-1959 Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Alterations of the sleep cycle in heroin- addicted and ‘‘suspect’’ newborns Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn DRUG INDEX 0003 0004 0026 0032 0035 0037 0047 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0092 0100 0102 0118 0120 0124 0139 0140 0141 0142 0154 0156 0157 0158 0159 0160 0162 Tachypnea and alkalosis in infants of narcotic-addicted mothers Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress Absence of respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants of heroin-addicted mothers Nature of the sweating deficit of prematurely born neonates: Observations on babies with the heroin withdrawal syndrome The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine Diazepam in the management of the neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome Heroin addiction during pregnancy Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Methadone withdrawal in newborn infants Narcotic withdrawal in pregnancy: Stillbirth incidence with a case report Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn Effect of heroin on cortisol production in pregnant addicts and their fetuses Delayed presentation of neonatal methadone withdrawal Behavior of infants born to narcotic-addicted mothers Heroin and the fetus Postmortem findings in offspring of heroin addicts Neonatal addiction-exposure to heroin and methadone A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts The *‘heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Mortality among young narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings Morbidity and mortality from heroin 0163 0164 0165 0166 0168 0169 0170 0171 0172 0173 0175 0176 0177 0178 0180 0181 0182 0183 0185 0186 0187 0190 0195 0196 0197 0198 0199 0201 0203 0205 0206 0207 dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques Infections as fatal complications of narcotism Pathologic aspects of drug addiction Human pulmonary pathology associated with narcotic and other addictive drugs The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects The neuropathology of heroin addiction The neuropathologic complications of narcotics addiction Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction Methadone related deaths in New York City Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Notes on the heroin addict and his culture The ‘street addict role": Implications for treatment Transferability of addict life styles into socially acceptable occupations Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction Cats, kicks, and color The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Heroin Addicts Theshabit A pilot study of occasional heroin users In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin- users The natural history of narcotic drug addiction Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 A study of some failures in methadone treatment Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison The ‘“‘addiction-prone’ personality: A study of Canadian heroin addicts Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence The Psychotic Junkie The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population Social and cultural factors related to narcotic DRUG INDEX_ 0209 0212 0213 0214 0215 0218 0219 0220 0230 0235 0236 0239 0240 0241 0242 0243 0244 0245 0247 0248 0249 0250 0251 0252 0255 0258 0262 0266 0269 0270 0271 0273 0274 0292 use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine Secondary drug use among heroin users Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts Drug themes in fiction The Man with the Golden Arm Junkie Naked Lunch Gentleman Junkie Invisible Man Panic in Needle Park Last Exit to Brooklyn Cain's Book What Now My Love Kentucky Ham Shaft Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's Untitled Questionnaire Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later Personality characteristics and drug of choice Heroin and cocaine addiction The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients Patterns of ‘‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits The use of drugs by jazz musicians Drugs of dependence Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners The politics of deviance: The case of drugs A Perspective on ‘‘Get Tough’ Drug Control Laws Crime and the addict: Beyond common sense Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 The problem of heroin Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Summary. lllicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence Drug use and criminal activity: Some relationship indices The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction 0293 0296 0297 0300 0302 0303 0304 0307 0309 0310 0394 0398 0400 0401 0405 0406 0412 0413 0414 0418 0422 0435 0440 0480 0488 0521 0603 0608 0609 0616 0617 0618 0620 0624 0629 0631 0635 0636 0640 0648 0650 0651 0652 0653 0656 0657 Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction The social structure of a heroin copping community Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population A statistical study of criminal drug addicts The Junkie Thief Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street The Negro drug addict as an offender type Heroin and Behavior The world of the righteous dope fiend A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention Maturing out of narcotic addiction Narcotics use among juveniles Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Authority and Addiction Methadone treatment and crime reduction— Differential impact: An analysis and a case study An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic A road back from heroin addiction Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment Critique of success with methadone maintenance Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year DRUG INDEX 0658 0659 0661 0662 0663 0664 0665 0667 0668 0669 0670 0671 0672 0674 0676 0678 0681 0682 0683 0690 0693 0694 0696 0697 0698 0699 0700 0701 0702 0703 0704 0706 0707 0708 0709 0710 after admission to methadone maintenance The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Heroin addicts and violent crime Urban versus suburban addict crime The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Methadone and the culture of addiction The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control Policy Concerning Drug Abuse in New York State, Volume Ill: Economics of Heroin Distribution The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Dismissal of Narcotics Arrest Cases in the New York City Criminal Court Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Effects of Labeling the ‘Drug Abuser’: An Inquiry Some aspects of the “tough” New York State drug law Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program Methadone patients on probation and parole Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program A pre-trial court diversion program for narcotics addicts: An alternative to incarceration An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified 0711 0712 0715 0716 0720 0721 0722 0723 0724 0725 0726 0727 0728 0729 0730 0731 0752 0753 0757 0758 0760 0762 0765 0769 0772 0773 0774 0777 abstinence program: Results of a five- year study Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts New York's big push Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts The Psychotic Junkie Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Personality characteristics of servicemen returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study Depression and drug addiction Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Influence of narcotic drugs on highway safety Driving records of heroin addicts Narcotic use and driving behavior Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: I. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast The black addict: I. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. DRUG INDEX 0778 0781 0784 0788 0789 0798 0799 0802 0803 0805 0806 0808 0809 0812 0814 0815 0839 0847 0856 0858 0866 0886 0931 0937 0942 0947 0948 0949 0950 0954 0956 0957 nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Obtaining life history information about opioid users Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction American diplomacy and the international narcotics traffic: A black perspective Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Careers in Dope Opiate addicts and their parents Heroin addict relationships with parents during childhood and early adolescent years The addict, abstinence, and the family Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Personality dynamics of heroin use General and specific perceived locus of control in heroin addicts Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients Heroin, hassle, and treatment: The importance of perceptual differences Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part I. The study of reinforcement differentials Sequences in addiction The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction 0958 0959 0960 0961 0964 0965 1001 1002 1011 1012 1014 1017 1020 1021 1026 1027 1028 1030 1031 1032 Addicted and nonaddicted drug users Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Criminality and addiction Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Public policy and judicial perspectives in two Canadian cities: The case of heroin Follow-up of a token economy of civilly committed narcotic addicts Rehabilitation or bust: The impact of criminal justice system referrals on the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in a therapeutic community (Eagleville’s experience) Function of the male sex organs in heroin and methadone users Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or "the sensuous hippie” Sexual problems of heroin addicts Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part I. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Deaths involving methadone: A statistician’s view Narcotics-related deaths decrease in 1972 from the number of narcotics-related deaths in 1971 Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Drinking, drugs, and death The addict as savior: Heroin, death, and the family The epidemiology of narcotic addiction in the United Kingdom Suicide and mortality amongst heroin addicts in Britain The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town The influence of Canadian addicts on heroin addiction in the United Kingdom DRUG INDEX 1033 1035 1037 1048 1049 1051 1054 1063 1065 1066 1067 1072 1074 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1084 1086 1088 1089 1093 1095 1096 1098 1102 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later A comparison of Canadian narcotic addicts in Great Britain and in Canada A survey of a representative sample of addicts prescribed heroin at London clinics Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) British opiate users: II. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one The spread of heroin abuse in a community The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts A review of drug abuse and counter measures in Japan since World War II The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 Drug abuse in Japan Epidemiology of drug dependence in Japan Drug induced mood changes in man. I. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Hypnotics Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland Imipramine Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Inhalants Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Glue sniffing in children and adolescents A study of achievement motivation and frustration in glue sniffers L-Dopa Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Levamphetamine Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine Lithium Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1122 1168 1177 1178 1179 1182 1183 1185 1201 1223 1273 1133 0888 0108 0234 0679 0837 1016 1314 1317 0898 LS.D. Drugs and sexual behavior Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies Young drug addicts: Background and personality Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Does LSD induce chromosomal damage and malformations? A review of the literature Lysergic acid diethylamide: Its effects on human chromosomes and the human organismin utero ff A review of current findings Adverse effects of LSD: A current perspective The chromosomal and teratogenic effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: A review of the current literature Parental drug usage: Effects upon chromosomes of progeny LSD exposure in uteroff Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): Effect on human chromosomes in vivoff Drug-induced chromosomal aberrations Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Bizarre deformities in offspring of user of lysergic acid diethylamide Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports Overview of drug themes in science fiction Golden nemesis The peacock king Make Room! Make Room! The Mind Parasites Pulse Stoned counsel Dying Inside Drug themes in fiction The Possession of Joel Delaney Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's Yorkville LSD Users Study Path analysis Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia LSD and psychiatric inpatients DRUG INDEX 0046 0061 0092 0099 0101 0134 0138 0141 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150 0151 0152 0153 0171 0232 0318 0333 0351 0356 0362 0373 0381 0385 0394 0433 0440 0470 0501 0527 0551 0556 0823 0825 0826 0827 0828 211 Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms Personality correlates of hallucinogen use Drug-induced psychosis Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury Marihuana Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Drugs in industry Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual Drug use and sexual activity on a college campus Marijuana and sex Sex and marijuana Depression of plasma testosterone levels after chronic intensive marijuana use Marihuana and sexual behavior Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana Sources of information about drugs among high school students Becoming a marihuana user Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Dissemination of Drug Related Information Evaluation of Drug Education Programs Drug education: Pushing or preventing? The smoker's view of marijuana Social facilitation of marijuana intoxication: Impact of social set and pharmacological activity The ‘‘hang-loose” ethic and the spirit of drug use Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage Discrepancies between drug educators and students in attitudes toward marihuana: Their implications for communication Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and 0829 0830 0831 0864 1007 1008 1018 1077 1189 1204 1209 0001 0004 0011 0036 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0064 0080 0083 0087 0088 0089 0090 0091 0092 0095 substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers Predicting who will turn on Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures Correlates of marijuana use among college students Differential involvement with marijuana and its socio-cultural context: A study of suburban youths Family and differential involvement with marihuana: A study of suburban teenagers Correlates of the generation gap Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Young drug addicts: Background and personality Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Recovery of cannabis constituents from the hands at autopsy Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Overview of drug themes in science fiction Make Room! Make Room! Bug Jack Barron Drug themes in fiction The Grass Pipe Acapulco Gold Dealing or the Berkeley-to-Boston-Forty- Brick-Lost-Bag Blues Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me Current issues in the epidemiology of drug abuse as related to psychosocial studies of adolescent drug use The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Computer interview questionnaires for drug use/abuse Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Traditionalism/Yea Saying Scale Marijuana Attitude Scale Value Orientation Schedule Untitled Drug Questionnaire Purpose in Life Test DRUG INDEX 0102 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0128 0130 0134 0141 0201 0233 0279 0296 0297 0304 0318 0356 0369 0394 0415 0423 0425 0426 0437 0438 0439 0440 0441 0445 0446 0448 0452 0454 0462 0463 0465 0476 0477 Marijuana Attitude Scale Sensation Seeking Scale Longitudinal designs Automatic Interaction Detection Path analysis Factor analysis Personality factors in marihuana use Drug use and achievement Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Personality factors in college drug users Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users Emotional stability and student drug use Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs The use of drugs by jazz musicians Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners The patterns of drug abuse among school children The addict as a criminal: Perpetuation of a legend Drugs, alcohol, and violent crime Excerpts from marihuana use and crime Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on 0481 0491 0497 0498 0501 0502 0507 0509 0512 0516 0518 0519 0523 0526 0530 0533 0535 0536 0539 0541 0542 0543 0549 0550 0552 0554 0555 0599 0617 0624 0625 0638 0645 0646 0648 0652 0660 0662 Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Survey of Marijuana Use and Attitudes: State of Oregon Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users Prior criminal record and adult marihuana arrest dispositions Marijuana and the law: What young people say Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County Marijuana and the use of other drugs A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Perceived penal sanction and self-reported criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Effects of Labeling the ‘Drug Abuser’: An Inquiry Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Marijuana use and psychiatric illness Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Marihuana users and nonusers Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse Psychopathology and experience with marihuana Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations DRUG INDEX 0667 0679 0681 0684 0686 0732 0733 0734 0735 0736 0737 0738 0743 0746 0747 0748 0754 0756 0757 0783 0791 0817 0818 0819 0820 0821 0829 0830 0838 0845 0851 Driving Records of Persons Arrested for Illegal Drug Use Marihuana and automobile crashes Marihuana and driving risk among college students Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Experimental studies of marihuana Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Effect of Marihuana on Risk Acceptance in a Simulated Passing Task Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Marijuana and driving in real-life situations Divided attention performance of cannabis users and non-users following cannabis and alcohol Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task The effect of marihuana on tracking task performance Marijuana and human performance Marihuana and critical flicker fusion Marihuana effects on a critical tracking test Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Drug use in a black ghetto Substance use among juvenile offenders: 0860 0865 0868 0871 0872 0874 0875 0876 0878 0879 0881 0882 0883 0e84 0890 0891 0892 0899 0900 0902 0903 0904 0905 0909 0910 0911 0912 0914 0917 0918 0919 0920 0924 0926 0934 Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Religion, parental influence, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana use The parents of drug users Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Expectancy disconfirmation and attitude change Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community On the question of pre-existing personality differences between users and nonusers of drugs Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms Personality correlates of hallucinogen use Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Personality dynamics of heroin use Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample Drug-induced psychosis Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Female drug use: Some observations Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Criminal record characteristics of California and lllinois adult marihuana arrestees Conventional ties, peer influence, and the fear of apprehension: A study of adolescent marijuana use A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement The legislative response to marihuana: When the shoe pinches enough Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention A factor-analytic examination of sexual DRUG INDEX 0939 0942 0947 0952 0970 0979 0981 0987 0989 0991 0993 0994 0998 1000 10083 1006 1007 1008 1010 1011 1015 1018 1020 1032 1036 1050 1053 1062 1063 1064 1068 1069 1070 214 behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage Plasma testosterone levels in healthy male marijuana smokers Sensory, perceptual, motor and cognitive functioning and subjective reports following oral administration of delta- nine-Tetrahydrocannabinol Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers Cannabis and alcohol usage among the Plateau Tonga: An observational report of the effects of cultural expectation Patterns of marihuana use in Brazil A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country Meperidine Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up Meprobamate Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. lll. Tranquilizing drugs and stress tolerance Mescaline Overview of drug themes in science fiction The Joymakers The Mind Parasites Experimental analysis of the psychopathological effects of intoxicating drugs The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Methadone Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Heroin addiction during pregnancy Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Methadone withdrawal in newborn infants Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative 1071 1073 1091 1107 1157 1186 1188 1189 0009 0018 0318 0345 0362 0598 0599 0829 0830 0035 0048 0055 0140 0156 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0176 effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn Delayed presentation of neonatal methadone withdrawal Behavior of infants born to narcotic-addicted mothers The early neonatal period of 100 live-borns of mothers on methadone Heroin and the fetus Postmortem findings in offspring of heroin addicts Neonatal addiction-exposure to heroin and methadone Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts Methadone related deaths in New York City Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts The habit Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 A study of some failures in methadone treatment Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients Patterns of “‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients The politics of deviance: The case of drugs Drug addiction and crime: Is methadone maintenance preferable to withdrawal? Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Methadone treatment and crime reduction— Differential impact: An analysis and a case study An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? A road back from heroin addiction Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment DRUG INDEX 0177 0178 0180 0182 0183 0184 0185 0186 0187 0195 0196 0230 0231 0250 0262 0266 0271 0307 0608 0609 0629 0634 0636 0658 0667 0694 0696 0698 0699 0701 0702 0703 0704 0705 0706 0707 Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment Critique of success with methadone maintenance Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Heroin addicts and violent crime Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment Methadone and the culture of addiction Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Detoxification of sick addicts in prison Methadone patients on probation and parole A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program The Psychotic Junkie A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Influence of narcotic drugs on highway safety Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Narcotic use and driving behavior Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: I. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions The black addict: |. Methodology, chronology 0708 0709 0710 0711 0712 0713 0714 0715 0717 0718 0719 0721 0727 0730 0761 0766 0769 0788 0790 0799 0806 0813 0847 0857 0858 0866 0886 0949 0950 0952 0953 of addiction, and overview of the population Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Opiate addicts and their parents Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Changes in locus of control in heroin addicts Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Heroin, hassle, and treatment: The importance of perceptual differences From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part |. The study of reinforcement differentials Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Criminality and addiction Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Function of the male sex organs in heroin and methadone users Sexual problems of heroin addicts Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part |. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Pharmacologic observations on the neonatal withdrawal syndrome Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Deaths involving methadone: A statistician’s view Narcotics-related deaths decrease in 1972 DRUG INDEX 0954 0955 0969 0976 1001 1002 1004 1024 1026 1028 1029 1039 1048 1049 1056 1072 1076 1077 1079 1080 1081 1082 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1093 from the number of narcotics-related deaths in 1971 Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) British opiate users: II. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Methamphetamine Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants The Gateway A Perspective on ‘Get Tough’ Drug Control Laws Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic An epidemiological evaluation of a public health measure aimed at reducing the availability of methylamphetamine The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 Epidemiology of drug dependence in Japan Traffic in amphetamines: Illegal manufacture and distribution Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue The effect of intravenous methamphetamine on mood Acute psychotic reaction after inhaling methylamphetamine The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users Methamphetamine psychosis Abuse of methylamphetamine Fatal amphetamine poisoning Necrotizing angiitis associated with drug abuse The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Acute amphetamine toxicity Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence Methaqualone Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians Methylphenidate Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Complications of injecting dissolved methylphenidate tablets Talc and cornstarch emboli in eyes of drug abusers Methylphenidate hallucinosis Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by 1095 1117 1118 1273 0101 0139 0431 0631 0651 0704 1123 1183 1201 1207 1209 1216 1224 1246 1253 1262 1263 1266 1283 1291 1308 1318 1319 1320 1132 11583 1273 1288 1289 1315 intravenous administration of methylphenidate Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine Morphine Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up Videotape Recording of Narcotic Addicts in Group Therapy: The Analysis of Communicational and Interactive Behavior Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases The neuropathologic complications of narcotics addiction Theories of drug addiction Drug Addiction Problems Morphinomania, cocomania, and general narcomania and some of their legal consequences Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility The obliteration of the craving for narcotics Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs Drug induced mood changes in man. |. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Multi-Drug A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Differential Drug Use Within the New York State Labor Force Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing? Drug Education An evaluation of a short-term drug education program American way of drugging. Street status and drug users Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community The Drug Phenomenon: Social Aspects of Drug Taking Correlates of marijuana use among college students Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk College Student's Perceptions of their Parents’ Attitudes and Practices toward Drug Use Relationships between parental and adolescent drug use Epidemiology of drugs taken by pregnant DRUG INDEX 1316 1317 0009 0100 0217 0219 0575 0576 0594 0595 0613 0616 0802 1205 1223 1238 0026 0027 0033 0072 0078 0081 0104 0106 0110 0115 0126 0127 0129 women: Drugs that may affect the fetus adversely Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 Pathologic aspects of drug addiction Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction The Psychotic Junkie Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system Patterns of ‘‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients Secondary drug use among heroin users Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs Untitled Questionnaires and Interview Nationwide Survey Questionnaire Carnegie-Mellon University Drug Use Research Project; Study Ill Junior Year Questionnaire, Class of 1972 Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men Drug Abuse Interview Form Drug Survey Interview Youth Drug Use Survey Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire “Make Yourself Heard" Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire Survey Questionnaires for ‘Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth” Confidential Information Questionnaire Drug Abuse Reporting Program: Admission Record and Status Evaluation Record Six Factor Drug Related Personality Test Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later 0137 0139 0152 0188 0213 0231 0243 0244 0274 0300 0306 0309 0439 0441 0443 0446 0447 0450 0451 0453 0454 0455 0456 0457 0458 0459 0460 0464 0469 0472 0479 0482 0483 0484 0485 0486 0487 0488 CODAP Admission Report, CODAP Discharge Report Survey of Student Drug Use Discriminant analysis Self image and attitudes towards drugs Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Motivational factors in drug use MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Personality factors in student drug use Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Personality Characteristics of Drug Abusers Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior Low self-concept as a cause of drug abuse Need for social approval and drug use Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Emotional stability and student drug use Personality traits and attitudes and their relationship to student drug using behavior Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales Clinical characteristics of addictions Danger potential of commonly abused drugs A comparison of the effects of cocaine and synthetic central stimulants The subjective dimensions of the drug experience Motives for use among light and heavy users Emergency room treatment of the drug- abusing patient Drugs of dependence Drug taking in delinquent boys Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls DRUG INDEX 0492 0493 0505 0506 0508 0510 0511 0513 0514 0515 0520 0525 0531 0532 0533 0534 0536 0538 0539 0540 0544 0546 0547 0551 05652 0553 0554 0557 0578 0582 0583 0607 0611 0615 0618 0621 0623 218 University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs Drugs and violence Interlocking dualities in drug use, drug control, and crime Drugs and crime. I. Literature review Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Estimating drug-crime relationships Criminal history of narcotic addicts The World of Youthful Drug Use Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Drug laws: Perceptions of illegal drug users Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities Marijuana and the use of other drugs A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws The drug arrest Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Sociopathy as a human process Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Mental illness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs Psychopathology in Drug Abusers The Problems of Drugs and Driving: An Overview of Current Research and Future Needs Drugs in drinking drivers: A study of 2,500 cases The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations Drug detection in cases of ‘‘driving under the influence” Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Marihuana and automobile crashes Drug use and driving risk among high school students Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents The prevalence of drugs in fatally injured drivers 0626 0628 0633 0639 0641 0642 0649 0654 0673 0677 0680 0682 0683 0684 0687 0690 0741 0742 0746 0747 0749 0763 0793 0794 0831 0838 0840 0842 0843 0853 0861 0862 0863 0864 0865 0869 0871 0873 Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students Blue collar black families Mexican-American families Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees An Assesssment of Drug Use in the General Population Special Report No. 2 Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Rural youth and the use of drugs Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Drug use in a black ghetto Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Careers in Dope The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use Birth order and polydrug abuse among heroin addicts Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study Dependency traits among parents of drug abusers Attitudes toward the sale and use of drugs—A cross-sectional analysis Research into expression of attitudes about drugs—What use is it? Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers Assertiveness and patterns of drug use: A pilot study Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Internal-external control and drug usage 314-297 0 - 80 - 16 DRUG INDEX 0921 0922 0923 0924 0925 0927 0928 0929 0930 0932 0933 0934 0935 0936 0938 0940 0950 0956 0964 0972 0973 0978 0982 0983 0985 0988 0990 0993 0996 0997 0998 1005 1009 patterns in drug education course participants Narcotic addicts, multiple drug abuse and psychological distress Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population Addicted and nonaddicted drug users Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Employing ex-addicts: Determinants of support and opposition A state-wide survey of drug issues in industry Drug abuse and crime: Fact or fancy? Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants Plasma testosterone levels in healthy male marijuana smokers Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or “the sensuous hippie’ Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate Drug-related mortality in the United States, 1963-71 Drug deaths involving propoxyphene—An assessment in metropolitan Detroit Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970 Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Drug offenders and the prison regimen in France Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping-stone hypothesis The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands The problem of drug misuse in the German Democratic Republic Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure An overview on drug abuse in Italy Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Addiction in Sweden Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students Alcoholism and drug addiction in Israel Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study Incidence of daily drug use as reported by a population of Thai partners working near 1013 1022 1025 1033 1038 1044 1047 1057 1069 1073 1074 1079 1094 1101 1106 1110 1111 1120 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1135 1136 1137 1139 1143 1145 1146 1147 1151 1152 1161 1164 United States military installations: A preliminary study An epidemiological analysis of the fluctuation of drug dependence in Japan Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Drug abuse among the inmates of a women’s prison in Mexico City Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Danger potential of commonly abused drugs Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture Covert drug abuse among voluntary hospitalized psychiatric patients Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients Changing patterns of multiple drug use among applicants to a multimodality drug treatment program Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences Intellectual and neuro-psychological functions in young men with heavy and long-term patterns of drug abuse Cerebral angiographic changes in the drug abuse patient Evolving patterns of drug abuse Trends and projections Drugs of abuse in the future Nortriptyline Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Opiates Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Employment and Addiction: Overview of Issues Dismissal for off-the-job criminal behavior The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics How 92% beat the dope habit Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts A program for control of drug abuse in industry Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates The individual environment Group therapy with parents of adolescent drug addicts Personality dynamics of mothers and wives of drug addicts Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Variations in birth cries of newborn infants DRUG INDEX 1175 1184 1190 1197 1198 1203 1240 1248 1254 1258 1259 1260 1265 1290 1292 1323 1324 1325 0915 0001 0002 0005 0007 0012 0023 0024 0025 0031 0109 0119 0122 0123 0155 from narcotic-addicted and normal mothers Management of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome in the neonate Abstinence score in the treatment of the infant of the drug-dependent mother Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases Drug addiction as a deviant career An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis The cycle of abstinence and relapse among heroin addicts The relapse rate in narcotic addiction: A critique of follow-up studies The 35 to 40 age dropoff The life cycle of the narcotic addict and of addiction A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome . A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Follow-up of criminal narcotic addicts Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Analysis of a community-wide population of narcotic addicts Locus of control among opiate addicts Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self An ecological analysis of narcotic addicts in Baltimore Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. |. A comparison with addict controls Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison 0161 0167 0179 0200 0202 0204 0208 0210 0211 0216 0217 0237 0246 0253 0254 0256 0257 0259 0260 0261 0263 0264 0265 0267 0268 0272 0275 0276 0277 0278 0279 0290 0291 The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Narcotics, negroes and the south. Addiction careers Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Perspectives in research on opiate addiction Causes and types of narcotic addiction: A psycho-social view Narcotic addiction Habituation and addiction Problems in the social psychology of addiction Psychological characteristics of the adolescent addict Kentucky Ham An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts Personal Inventory Inventory of Selected Experiences Rotter’s I-E Scale Cluster and typological analysis Pleasure and deterioration from narcotic addiction Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Narcotics and criminality Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction The addict as a criminal: Perpetuation of a legend Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Narcotics involvement and female criminality Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts The juvenile drug offender and the justice system The Addict and the Law DRUG INDEX 0294 0295 0298 0299 0301 0311 0312 0313 0314 0315 0316 0422 0442 0449 0460 0468 0478 0489 0500 0574 0630 0632 0637 0638 0647 0655 0660 0666 0675 0685 0686 0689 0691 0695 0713 0714 0732 0735 0740 0744 0745 221 Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 Detoxification of sick addicts in prison The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs California civil commitment: A decade later The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Criminal commitment of narcotic addicts under state law Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program ‘Psychopathology’ of ‘‘narcotic addiction:" A new point of view Sociopathy as a human process Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI The decline of the addict as ‘‘psychopath’": Implications for community care MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Amphetamine psychosis: I. Description of the individuals and process 0750 0759 0761 0764 0766 0767 0770 0771 0772 0773 0775 0776 0779 0780 0782 0785 0786 0787 0790 0792 0793 0795 0796 0797 0800 0801 0804 0807 0810 0811 0813 0836 MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Driving Records of Persons Arrested for Illegal Drug Use Psychosocial aspects of addiction Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Attitudes regarding drug abuse among a group of ex-addict staff members Narcotic addicts, multiple drug abuse and psychological distress Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community A follow-up stud’ of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex- addicts The vocational maturity of inner-city narcotic addicts Employment and social disability among opiate addicts Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Narcotic addicts and crime Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or DRUG INDEX 0844 0860 0941 0943 0944 0945 0946 0952 0953 0962 0963 0971 0974 0975 0986 0992 1022 1024 1034 1040 1041 1045 1046 1050 1055 1059 1060 1061 1070 1075 medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities Methodological considerations for a model reporting system of drug deaths A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 The opiate addict in Israel Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Il. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Opium Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach Drug themes in fiction Java Head Narrow Corner Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Drug offenders in Israel: A survey The epidemiology of drug abuse in Israel (with especial reference of cannabis) Drug dependence in Israel The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Drug abuse in Afghanistan Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese How the People’s Republic of China solved their drug abuse problem Oxymorphone Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts Pentazocine Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine Patterns of pentazocine abuse Pentobarbital Drug induced mood changes in man. |. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Pep Pills Drugs in industry Perphenazine Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress 1097 1099 1100 1121 1144 1165 1176 1199 1204 1267 1312 0035 0305 0394 0396 0397 0931 1160 1163 1166 1168 1169 1177 1180 1181 0310 0307 0308 1223 0004 0888 Peyote Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me Phenmetrazine Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Amphetamine and phenmetrazine addiction: Physiological abnormalities in the abstinence syndrome Phenobarbital The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Phenothiazine Phenothiazine deaths: A critical review Propoxyphene Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Drug deaths involving propoxyphene—An assessment in metropolitan Detroit Psychotherapeutics Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Female drug use: Some observations Secobarbital Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration Sedatives Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report A program for control of drug abuse in industry Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison Status and prospect of drugs for overeating Shireh The politics. of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Sodium Amytal Experimental analysis of the psychopathological effects of intoxicating drugs The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs DRUG INDEX 0426 1269 1272 1285 0168 0906 0224 0229 1101 0130 1036 0687 0882 0889 0913 0008 0031 0227 0937 1231 1168 0598 0599 Stimulants The facts about ergogenic aids and sports performance A program for control of drug abuse in industry Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Play It as It Lays North Dallas Forty Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Drug abuse and delinquency. Part I. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents A Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Organic Factors in Fatal Single Vehicle Traffic Accidents. Final Report The parents of drug users Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm Illicit use of drugs among university students in Stockholm Drug abuse in Japan Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs Intravenous drug abuse in the arrest population in Stockholm: Frequency studies Thioridazine Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour Tobacco Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies Computer interview questionnaires for drug use/abuse Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Self Report Inventory Inquiry on Smoking The relationships and prevalance of smoking, drinking, and drug taking in (delinquent) adolescent boys Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Drug usage in college students as a function 0016 0031 0191 0424 0427 0434 0545 0679 0846 0859 0981 1133 1148 1149 1185 1199 1202 1205 1270 0901 0008 0011 0060 0070 0445 0451 0474 0475 0619 0872 DRUG INDEX of racial classification and minority group status 0940 Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms 1007 Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking 1010 Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use 1199 Tranquilizers Drugs in industry 0004 Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report 0008 Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons 0022 Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers 0056 Effect of prenatal drugs on the bé&havior of the neonate 0138 Drugs and suicide in the United States 0192 Attempted suicide by drug ingestion 0194 Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers 0223 Traditionalism/Yea Saying Scale 0462 Alcohol, drugs and driving behaviour in Switzerland 0849 Barbiturates and driving 0852 A Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Organic Factors in Fatal Single Vehicle Traffic Accidents. Final Report 0859 Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents 0870 A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance 0880 Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator 0896 Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving 0907 Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland 1133 Status and prospect of drugs for overeating 1231 224 Afghanistan Drug abuse in Afghanistan Alaska Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Arabia Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Arizona General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users Asia, Southeast The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Ethnobotanical aspects of cannabis in Southeast Asia Australia Amphetamine addiction Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis Australia, Sydney Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality The young addict and his family Young drug addicts: Background and personality Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences Brazil Patterns of marihuana use in Brazil Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil California The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco How 92% beat the dope habit The “normal” life of the addict and the consequences of addiction Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared Televised Drug Appeals: A Content Analysis Pharmaceutical Advertising and Youth Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Parental drug usage: Effects upon chromosomes of progeny LOCATION INDEX 1169 0938 1199 0538 0303 1174 0833 0893 0901 0908 1308 0044 0125 0134 1265 1186 1187 0007 0011 0012 0052 0057 0061 0062 0069 0130 0148 Introduction to amphetamine abuse Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Prior criminal record and adult marihuana arrest dispositions The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program California civil commitment: A decade later The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts A Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Organic Factors in Fatal Single Vehicle Traffic Accidents. Final Report Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions The effect of marihuana on tracking task performance Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana Mexican-American families Drug use in a black ghetto Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Criminal record characteristics of California and lllinois adult marihuana arrestees A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) 0226 0687 0737 0740 0747 0750 0761 0763 0764 0771 0772 0773 0779 0780 0785 0786 0787 0811 0859 0864 0876 0904 0905 0911 0918 0923 0934 0935 0955 0958 0989 1050 1053 1063 Street level abusage of amphetamines Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California California, Berkeley Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators California, Camarillo Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison California, Corona Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center California, Los Angeles Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin- users Personality factors in marihuana use A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County Marijuana and the use of other drugs The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users A halfway house is not a home: Notes on the failure of a narcotic rehabilitation project Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication The central action of beta-aminopropyl- benzene (Benzedrine) Cerebral angiographic changes in the drug abuse patient Small vessel cerebral vascular changes following chronic amphetamine intoxication California, Oakland The World of Youthful Drug Use Personality dynamics of heroin use The Bay area speed scene California, San Diego Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco California, San Francisco Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies LOCATION INDEX 1206 1208 0033 0453 0760 1251 1264 0255 0507 0686 0695 0743 0746 0767 0768 0781 0806 0825 0903 1106 1221 1292 1293 0677 1011 1252 1015 1096 0036 0101 Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users Drugs and the adolescent experience Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence The Psychotic Junkie The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Automatic Interaction Detection Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles Cocaine in perspective: “Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” The Junkie Thief The world of the righteous dope fiend The Psychotic Junkie LSD and psychiatric inpatients Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Birth order and polydrug abuse among heroin addicts Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie” Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part I. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers Traffic in amphetamines: Illegal manufacture and distribution Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury The transition to amphetamine abuse The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture Amphetamine use and abuse in psychiatric patients The psychotomimetic amphetamines with special reference to DOM (STP) toxicity Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs Fatal amphetamine poisoning The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse 0126 0131 0132 0139 0242 0243 0244 0273 0274 0292 0302 0498 0508 0528 0565 0665 0671 0799 0828 0875 0982 1038 1074 1086 1096 1100 1107 1207 1209 1210 1253 1254 1257 1277 1279 1283 1318 Acute amphetamine toxicity Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence California, Santa Clara County Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Drugs in drinking drivers: A study of 2,500 cases The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations Canada Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers Sources of information about drugs among high school students Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 Yorkville LSD Users Study Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Public policy and judicial perspectives in two Canadian cities: The case of heroin The forensic toxicology of cocaine Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Canada, Alberta Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia Canada, British Columbia Follow-up of criminal narcotic addicts Canada, Ontario Discrepancies between drug educators and students in attitudes toward marihuana: Their implications for communication Relationships between parental and adolescent drug use The “‘addiction-prone” personality: A study of Canadian heroin addicts LOCATION INDEX 1319 1320 0719 0783 0861 0862 0056 0058 0222 0470 0543 0834 0835 0902 0910 1014 1065 1104 1321 0540 0555 0827 0263 0091 0129 0270 227 Need for social approval and drug use Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Canada, Ottawa Renal papillary necrosis and abuse of analgesics Canada, Toronto Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition Marihuana and driving risk among college students Drug use and driving risk among high school students Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents Canada, Vancouver Marijuana and driving in real-life situations Opiate addicts and their parents Chile A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile China Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Colombia Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students Colorado Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study Personality characteristics of servicemen returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers Colorado, Denver Bizarre deformities in offspring of user of lysergic acid diethylamide Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Connecticut Televised Drug Appeals: A Content Analysis 0546 0831 0919 1010 0228 0511 0551 0734 0868 0869 0870 0892 0976 1188 1199 1189 1190 0452 0526 0542 0803 0153 0675 1060 1061 0062 Dimensions of Response to Public Service Drug Abuse Information Dissemination of Drug Related Information The Search for Drug Abuse Information Assessing the Persuasiveness of Drug Abuse Information An Experimental Analysis of Reaction to Filmed Drug Abuse Information Public Service Advertising and Social Problems: The Case of Drug Abuse Prevention Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Connecticut, Hartford MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Connecticut, New Haven Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Changing patterns of multiple drug use among applicants to a multimodality drug treatment program An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Delaware Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Craving for Benzedrine Denmark The social backgrounds of young addicts as elicited in interviews with their parents Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training Drug use and social integration Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Denmark, Copenhagen Intellectual and neuro-psychological functions in young men with heavy and long-term patterns of drug abuse District of Columbia Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users A statistical study of infants born with LOCATION INDEX 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0172 0446 0750 0762 1006 1078 0514 1024 1260 1268 0022 0844 1245 0121 0909 1140 1142 1143 1144 1290 0152 withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction Barbiturate intoxication In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment The Negro drug addict as an offender type Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation The juvenile drug offender and the justice system Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction Depression and drug addiction Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: |. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic The effects of Benzedrine sulfate on the behavior of psychopathic and neurotic juvenile delinquents Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in 0154 0195 0217 0220 0221 0252 0663 0667 0669 0703 0704 0726 0744 0759 0765 0784 0812 0947 0948 0949 1031 1048 1064 1080 1096 1100 1211 1234 treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine } Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. II. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Egypt The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study England Heroin and cocaine addiction The relationships and prevalance of smoking, drinking, and drug taking in (delinquent) adolescent boys Drug taking in delinquent boys Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors associated with the progression to narcotic use Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) The spread of heroin abuse in a community An epidemiological evaluation of a public health measure aimed at reducing the availability of methylamphetamine Acute psychotic reaction after inhaling methylamphetamine Amphetamine intoxication and dependence in admissions to a psychiatric unit Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Cardiovascular effects of Benzedrine A case of recurrent psychosis associated with amphetamine addiction Amphetamine Psychosis Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption England, Brighton Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts England, London A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques Recovery of cannabis constituents from the hands at autopsy Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders Heroin and Behavior Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison LOCATION INDEX 1272 1312 1159 0603 0619 0621 0622 0623 0877 0880 1111 1113 1117 1122 1123 1246 1256 1269 1281 1295 1301 1302 1077 Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 A survey of a representative sample of addicts prescribed heroin at London clinics Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts British opiate users: II. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Delinquency and the amphetamines. Abuse of methylamphetamine Finland Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Finland, Helsinki Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and aicohol Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Florida Televised Drug Appeals: A Content Analysis Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Personality factors in student drug use Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Perceived penal sanction and self-reported criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research Marihuana and automobile crashes 0691 0906 1075 1110 1115 1116 1118 1120 1121 1261 1266 0867 0896 1199 0895 0897 0898 0907 0915 0916 1145 0062 0199 0525 0535 0754 0865 Florida, Dade County Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Florida, Miami Low self-concept as a cause of drug abuse Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities France Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Drug offenders and the prison regimen in France Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Georgia Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws Georgia, Atlanta Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta German Democratic Republic The problem of drug misuse in the German Democratic Republic German Federal Republic Dependency traits among parents of drug abusers Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy Germany Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Ghana Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students Great Britain Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem Suicide and mortality amongst heroin addicts in Britain A comparison of Canadian narcotic addicts in Great Britain and in Canada Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Greece Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece LOCATION INDEX 0624 0544 0937 1100 1127 1128 1199 0685 0747 0694 0722 1131 0985 0986 1132 1199 1152 0620 1109 1114 1132 1199 0822 1138 Hawaii, Honolulu Heroin, hassle, and treatment: The importance of perceptual differences Hong Kong Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese Illinois Predicting who will turn on Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs Criminal record characteristics of California and lllinois adult marihuana arrestees Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Illinois, Chicago Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual Cats, kicks, and color The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine Narcotic addiction Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Personality traits and attitudes and their relationship to student drug using behavior Narcotics and criminality The social structure of a heroin copping community Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system Psychopathology in Drug Abusers Psychosocial aspects of addiction The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Expectancy disconfirmation and attitude change Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Cardiovascular and subjective effects of intravenous cocaine administration in humans The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: A consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite India Cocaine intoxication and its demoralizing effects 1026 1177 1178 1179 1180 0113 0987 1040 10583 1064 0036 0247 0248 0305 0307 0313 0516 0553 0632 0661 0732 0739 0843 0941 0957 0994 0996 1105 1229 0592 Cocaine poisoning Cocaine habit in India The cocaine problem in India Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Indiana Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Marijuana and human performance Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Iran The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Ireland Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Israel Drug offenders in Israel: A survey Alcoholism and drug addiction in Israel Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel The epidemiology of drug abuse in Israel (with especial reference of cannabis) Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study The opiate addict in Israel Drug dependence in Israel The traditional role and symbolism of hashish among Moroccan Jews in Israel and the effect of acculturation Italy The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man An overview on drug abuse in Italy Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Italy, Milan Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure Jamaica The social nexus of ganja Ganja legislation The *‘ganja vision’ in Jamaica Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use in Jamaica LOCATION INDEX 0593 0597 0600 0614 0817 1199 0891 0900 0912 1244 1168 1199 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 0014 1136 1137 1199 1135 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1199 231 Japan Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy A review of drug abuse and counter measures in Japan since World War I The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 An epidemiological analysis of the fluctuation of drug dependence in Japan Drug abuse in Japan Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use How we handled the problem of drug abuse in Japan Epidemiology of drug dependence in Japan The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Japan, Tokyo Methamphetamine psychosis Kansas, Topeka Toxic psychosis: A complication of overdosage of anti-obesity drugs Kansas, Wichita A factor-analytic examination of sexual behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage Kentucky Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Kentucky, Lexington Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up Characteristics of nurse addicts The *“‘pharmacogenic orgasm’ in the drug addict Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Heroin Addicts The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Locus of control among opiate addicts The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. I. A comparison with addict controls The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Narcotics, negroes and the south. 1132 1182 1183 1184 1185 1199 1200 1201 1212 1263 1299 1071 0446 0548 0724 1006 0009 0010 0047 0200 0249 0258 0259 0261 0268 0275 0277 0279 0290 0294 0295 Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Patterns of pentazocine abuse Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky Criminal history of narcotic addicts A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program Sociopathy as a human process Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI The decline of the addict as “‘psychopath’": Implications for community care Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Korea Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea Louisiana, New Orleans Use of amphetamine by medical students Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Maryland Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: LOCATION INDEX 0296 0297 0308 0666 0673 0775 0793 0795 0796 0800 0802 0804 0810 0836 0943 0944 0945 0962 0972 1176 0006 0048 0269 0271 0301 0696 0814 0815 0952 0195 Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs The juvenile drug offender and the justice system Maryland, Baitimore Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Analysis of a community-wide population of narcotic addicts An ecological analysis of narcotic addicts in Baltimore Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Personality dynamics of heroin use The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man Maryland, Bethesda The effects of dextro-amphetamine on behavioral defects produced by sleep loss in humans Massachusetts Public Service Advertising and Social Problems: The Case of Drug Abuse Prevention Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study Heroin addict relationships with parents during childhood and early adolescent years Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger of Benzedrine treatment Massachusetts, Boston Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment A pilot study of occasional heroin users 0220 0300 0550 0626 0744 0025 0188 0198 0235 0267 0276 0523 0729 0778 0964 1011 1235 1280 1220 0068 0753 0777 0809 0977 1070 1294 0023 0024 0251 Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Personality characteristics and drug of choice Heroin addicts and violent crime Urban versus suburban addict crime Marihuana users and nonusers Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Mexico, Mexico City Drug abuse among the inmates of a women’s prison in Mexico City Mexico, Monterrey A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Michigan Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing? Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants Michigan, Detroit Heroin addiction during pregnancy Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Urban crime and the price of heroin A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Drug deaths involving propoxyphene—An assessment in metropolitan Detroit Methylphenidate hallucinosis Minnesota Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population Mississippi Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Rural youth and the use of drugs Missouri, Kansas City Paranoid psychosis associated with amphetamine usage Missouri, St. Louis LSD exposure in uteroff Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men LOCATION INDEX 0451 0521 0715 0716 0819 0871 0872 0885 0920 1198 1197 0060 0072 1069 0170 0878 0963 1051 1058 1085 1101 1315 0171 1025 0531 0929 1298 0149 0304 Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Marihuana and critical flicker fusion The black addict: I. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population Morocco Economic significance of Cannabis sativa in the Moroccan Rif Nebraska Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Nepal Cannabis and its users in Nepal Cannabis in Nepal: An overview Netherlands Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping-stone hypothesis The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users New Hamphsire, Concord Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI New Hampshire Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI On the question of pre-existing personality differences between users and nonusers of drugs New Jersey Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part I. The study of reinforcement differentials Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers Confessions of a goof ball addict 0818 0914 0954 1158 0011 1064 1172 1173 1129 1130 1262 0191 0545 1003 0649 0712 0751 0752 0776 0807 0808 0965 0995 1028 1084 1249 New Jersey, Newark Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts New Mexico Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts New South Wales Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia New York Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco Drug use and sexual activity on a college campus Marijuana and sex Sex and marijuana Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures Personality dynamics of mothers and wives of drug addicts College Student's Perceptions of their Parents’ Attitudes and Practices toward Drug Use Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism Secondary drug use among heroin users Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods. of voluntary abstention Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Law enforcement politics and drug abuse A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample LOCATION INDEX 0801 0969 0832 0011 0038 0039 0040 0070 0090 0092 0102 0112 0114 0123 0127 0178 0215 0216 0309 0448 0454 0517 0652 0672 0674 0735 0740 0755 of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Some aspects of the “tough” New York State drug law The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Criminal commitment of narcotic addicts under state law Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Hallucinogenic drugs as precipitants of schizophrenia Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Driving records of heroin addicts Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Narcotic use and driving behavior An Assesssment of Drug Use in the General Population Special Report No. 2 Careers in Dope Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs Employing ex-addicts: Determinants of support and opposition Narcotic addicts and crime New York, Buffalo Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study New York, Glen Oaks Covert drug abuse among voluntary hospitalized psychiatric patients Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients New York, New York Employment and Addiction: Overview of Issues A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Differential Drug Use Within the New York State Labor Force Combating employee drug abuse Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Heroin addiction: Its relation to sexual behavior and sexual experience Indicators of homosexuality in the human figure drawings of heroin- and pill-using addicts Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test Women versus men The smoker's view of marijuana 0756 0758 0780 0782 0813 0824 0829 0830 0838 0839 0856 0857 0858 0925 0973 1020 1040 1044 1059 1001 1258 1259 0002 0026 0027 0028 0043 0049 0050 0053 0054 0087 Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user The individual environment The family of the addict Group therapy with parents of adolescent drug addicts Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Narcotic addiction in pregnancy The pregnant addict: A study of 66 case histories, 1950-1959 Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Alterations of the sleep cycle in heroin- addicted and ‘‘suspect’’ newborns Variations in birth cries of newborn infants from narcotic-addicted and normal mothers Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn Tachypnea and alkalosis in infants of narcotic-addicted mothers Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine Diazepam in the management of the neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome Methadone withdrawal in newborn infants Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone Narcotic withdrawal in pregnancy: Stillbirth incidence with a case report Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone Delayed presentation of neonatal methadone withdrawal A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts The ‘heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Mortality among young narcotic addicts The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction Infections as fatal complications of narcotism The neuropathology of heroin addiction The neuropathologic complications of narcotics addiction Methadone related deaths in New York City 314-297 0 - 80 - 17 LOCATION INDEX 0108 0111 0119 0120 0122 0156 0157 0158 0159 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0168 0169 0173 0174 0175 0177 0182 0190 0196 0197 0201 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0210 0211 0212 0218 0219 0230 Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis The habit Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users A study of some failures in methadone treatment Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Dealer: Portrait of a Cocaine Merchant The use of drugs by jazz musicians Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area A statistical study of criminal drug addicts Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street Narcotics use among juveniles Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Authority and Addiction Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? A road back from heroin addiction Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis 0241 0245 0246 0250 0262 0264 0265 0266 0272 0293 0299 0512 0520 0606 0617 0660 0664 0668 0678 0681 0697 0700 0701 0702 0705 0706 0707 0708 0713 0714 0717 0724 0725 Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Dismissal of Narcotics Arrest Cases in the New York City Criminal Court Detoxification of sick addicts in prison Methadone patients on probation and parole A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts New York's big push Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Changes in locus of control in heroin addicts Narcotic addicts, multiple drug abuse and psychological distress The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs The vocational maturity of inner-city narcotic addicts Employment and social disability among opiate addicts Criminality and addiction Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Follow-up of a token economy of civilly committed narcotic addicts Plasma testosterone levels in healthy male marijuana smokers Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate LOCATION INDEX 0730 0731 0766 0769 0788 0789 0797 0798 0805 0820 0823 0826 0837 0840 0886 0933 0950 0956 0959 0966 0991 0999 1004 1022 1032 1035 1039 1045 1046 1049 1054 1066 1073 1079 Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Drinking, drugs, and death Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine Mephentermine psychosis: Misuse of the Wyamine inhaler A case of benzedrine sulfate poisoning The phenomenology of experimentally induced amphetamine psychosis— Preliminary observations The clinical symptomatology of amphetamine psychosis and its relationships to amphetamine levels in urine Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression New York, Suffolk County Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts New Zealand Divided attention performance of cannabis users and non-users following cannabis and alcohol Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) psychosis Nigeria, Benin City Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria Nigeria, Lagos A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians North Carolina The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Motivational factors in drug use The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales North Carolina, Durham The effect of intravenous methamphetamine on mood Northern Ireland, Belfast Amphetamine substances in mental illnesses in Northern Ireland Norway Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine Norway, Oslo Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol 1082 1089 1096 1098 1121 1230 1274 1282 1306 1310 1314 1017 0899 1275 1154 1158 0007 0513 0530 1224 1124 1146 1300 0887 Ohio A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): Effect on human chromosomes in vivoff Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms A study of achievement motivation and frustration in glue sniffers Ohio, Columbus The drug arrest Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine: Differential effect on aggression and hyperkinesis in children and dogs Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine in minimal brain dysfunction Oklahoma Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking Oklahoma, Oklahoma City A study of illicit amphetamine drug traffic in Oklahoma City Oregon Use of amphetamine by medical students Survey of Marijuana Use and Attitudes: State of Oregon Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Oregon, Portland Talc and cornstarch emboli in eyes of drug abusers Pakistan Cannabis usage in Pakistan: A pilot study of long term effects on social status and physical health Pennsylvania Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance Correlates of the generation gap An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study Rehabilitation or bust: The impact of criminal LOCATION INDEX 0020 0150 0522 1007 1016 0749 1236 1237 0539 0913 0998 1013 1092 1250 0006 0733 0748 1289 1170 0096 0128 0699 0983 justice system referrals on the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in a therapeutic community (Eagleville's experience) Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone Videotape Recording of Narcotic Addicts:in Group Therapy: The Analysis of Communicational and Interactive Behavior Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome Abstinence score in the treatment of the infant of the drug-dependent mother Patterns of ‘‘cheating’”’ among methadone maintenance patients Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients Excerpts from marihuana use and crime Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Summary. lllicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Narcotics involvement and female criminality Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Sexual problems of heroin addicts The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality The assessment of behavioral change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal: Comparative data from clinical and objective methods Clinical use of Benzedrine sulfate (amphetamine) in obesity The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines 1067 0055 0100 0176 0179 0306 0310 0518 0554 0608 0646 0648 0650 0655 0679 0680 0689 0718 0720 0762 0790 0894 1060 1076 1081 1083 1228 1255 People’s Republic of China The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese How the People’s Republic of China solved their drug abuse problem Puerto Rico The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Reunion Reunion: Cannabis in a pluricultural and polyethnic society Rhode Island Public Service Advertising and Social Problems: The Case of Drug Abuse Prevention Effect of Marihuana on Risk Acceptance in a Simulated Passing Task Rhode Island, Providence Attempted suicide by drug ingestion Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders Russia Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Rwanda The social and cultural context of cannabis use in Rwanda Scotland The effects of analeptics on the fatigued subject Amphetamine and phenmetrazine addiction: Physiological abnormalities in the abstinence syndrome Comparative effects of some amphetamine derivatives on human sleep Scotland, Edinburgh Epidemiology of drugs taken by pregnant women: Drugs that may affect the fetus adversely LOCATION INDEX 1180 1181 0656 0657 0659 0693 0928 0942 0953 0970 0971 0974 0975 1171 0068 0883 0194 1233 1199 1155 1217 1285 1287 0137 Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital Scotland, Glasgow Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970 South America Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas The strange case of the coca leaf Some sociological aspects of the problem of cocaism Psychological deficit in chewers of coca leaf Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village Coca leaf use in southern Peru: Some biological aspects Coca chewing: A new perspective South Carolina Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates Personality correlates of polydrug abuse South Dakota Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking Sweden Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Clinical and medico-criminological aspects of addiction to central stimulating drugs Addiction in Sweden Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Clinical studies of amphetamine psychoses Sweden, Stockholm Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm lllicit use of drugs among university students in Stockholm Intravenous drug abuse in the arrest population in Stockholm: Frequency studies Behavioral studies of diethylpropion in man 0225 1125 1126 0567 0577 0579 0604 0605 0610 1103 0531 0939 0997 1009 0884 0816 1147 1150 1151 1199 1202 1203 1205 1212 1225 1271 1311 1148 1149 1270 1276 Sweden, Uppsala Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala Switzerland Alcohol, drugs and driving behaviour in Switzerland An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Taiwan The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese Tennessee, Nashville Schizophreniform psychosis induced by large-dose administration of d-amphetamine Experimental psychoses induced by the administration of d-amphetamine Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by intravenous administration of methylphenidate Texas Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 Marijuana and the law: What young people say Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients Texas, Dallas Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Drug detection in cases of ‘driving under the influence” A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Texas, Fort Bliss General and specific perceived locus of control in heroin addicts Texas, Fort Worth Narcotics, negroes and the south. Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. LOCATION INDEX 1204 0849 0890 1133 1134 1180 1305 1307 1316 0527 0738 0770 0841 0930 1021 0229 0515 0863 1100 1012 0295 0297 0815 0927 0943 Texas, Galveston Toxic reactions to the amphetamines Texas, Houston Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Maternal barbiturate utilization and neonatal withdrawal symptomatology Management of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome in the neonate Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Drug abuse: A family affair? A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Texas, Randolph Air Force Base The effects of experimentally induced attitudes on task efficiency Effects of normal air and dextro-amphetamine upon work decrement induced by oxygen impoverishment and fatigue Texas, San Antonio Addiction careers Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Obtaining life history information about opioid users Thailand Incidence of daily drug use as reported by a population of Thai partners working near United States military installations: A preliminary study United Kingdom The epidemiology of narcotic addiction in the United Kingdom The influence of Canadian addicts on heroin addiction in the United Kingdom United States Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use United States, Cross-Sectional The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users Effects of Electronic Media in Drug Abuse Education and Prevention Correlates of marijuana use among college students The Development of a Uniform System for Reporting and Recording Drug-Related Deaths Drugs and suicide in the United States A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. 13083 0099 0142 0167 0547 0980 1197 1218 1219 0298 0711 0866 0961 1175 1108 1112 1199 0021 0045 0071 0115 0189 0192 0202 0223 Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents The 35 to 40 age dropoff The life cycle of the narcotic addict and of addiction Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 Personality Characteristics of Drug Abusers Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits Narcotics and criminality Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Estimating drug-crime relationships Maturing out of narcotic addiction Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users Drug laws: Perceptions of illegal drug users Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems The prevalence of drugs in fatally injured drivers Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Addicted and nonaddicted drug users Employee drug abuse in municipal government Job satisfaction, counterproductive behavior, and drug use at work Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Deaths involving methadone: A statistician’s view Drug-related mortality in the United States, 1963-71 Narcotics-related deaths decrease in 1972 from the number of narcotics-related deaths in 1971 Analysis of results of toxicological LOCATION INDEX 0227 0256 0257 0450 0532 0616 0632 0642 0654 0676 0684 0688 0723 0736 0741 0742 0785 0873 0924 0928 0936 0946 0953 0960 0968 0970 0974 1033 1042 1043 1056 1093 1094 1095 examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities Methodological considerations for a model reporting system of drug deaths The forensic toxicology of cocaine The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables United States, Eastern Amphetamine sulfate and athletic performance Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Differential involvement with marijuana and its socio-cultural context: A study of suburban youths Family and differential involvement with marihuana: A study of suburban teenagers Methadone and the culture of addiction Attitudes regarding drug abuse among a group of ex-addict staff members United States, Midwestern Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use The parents of drug users United States, Northeastern Attitudes toward the sale and use of drugs—A cross-sectional analysis United States, Northwestern Religion, parental influence, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana use United States, Southeastern Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status United States, Western The ‘‘hang-loose’’ ethic and the spirit of drug use Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Utah Experimental studies of marihuana Vermont Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Emotional stability and student drug use Virginia The juvenile drug offender and the justice system A state-wide survey of drug issues in industry 1097 1099 1104 1212 1248 0013 0106 0116 0117 0721 0992 0519 0978 0981 0988 0979 0940 0089 0536 1055 0879 0533 0534 0552 0744 1047 Washington Driving Records of Persons Arrested for lllegal Drug Use Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Conventional ties, peer influence, and the fear of apprehension: A study of adolescent marijuana use Washington, Seattle Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome in a passively addicted infant Drug use and achievement Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Complications of injecting dissolved methylphenidate tablets West Virginia Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Wisconsin Psychopathology and experience with marihuana LOCATION INDEX 0860 0881 1062 0143 0509 1273 1288 0750 0821 241 Wisconsin, Madison Danger potential of commonly abused drugs Wyoming Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community Yugoslavia Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia Zaire The use of Indian hemp in Zaire: A formulation of hypotheses on the basis of an inquiry using a written questionnaire Zambia Cannabis and alcohol usage among the Plateau Tonga: An observational report of the effects of cultural expectation 1240 0510 0926 1000 1139 1156 1157 METHODOLOGY INDEX Addict Identification Scale The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self Addiction Research Center Inventory Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Cardiovascular and subjective effects of intravenous cocaine administration in humans Addict Psychosocial Functioning Scale The social structure of a heroin copping community Adjective Check List Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity A Priori Identity Crisis Scale Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample Army Beta LQ. Motivational factors in drug use Bayley Scales of Infant Mental And Motor Development Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part I. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Beck Depression Inventory The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Bellevue-Wechsler 1.Q. A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Bender-Gestalt Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use Beta 1.Q. Test The “‘addiction-prone’’ personality: A study of Canadian heroin addicts Bown Self-Report Inventory Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part I. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance 0275 0802 0891 1105 0661 0752 1015 0513 1086 1255 0190 0108 1020 0556 0270 0539 1086 California Achievement Test The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups California F Scale Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students California Personality Inventory Actuarial prediction Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts Personality dynamics of heroin use The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands California Psychological Inventory A pilot study of occasional heroin users Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker Ego functioning and acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Career Maturity Inventory The vocational maturity of inner-city narcotic addicts Cartoon-O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) Case Study Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Drugs and sexual behavior Group therapy with parents of adolescent drug addicts A study of drug-taking adolescents Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome in a passively addicted infant LSD exposure in uteroff Bizarre deformities in offspring of user of lysergic acid diethylamide Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Narcotic withdrawal in pregnancy: Stillbirth incidence with a case report Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 0958 0518 0554 0499 0955 1011 1130 0251 0516 0523 0535 0536 0537 1045 0522 0044 0046 0122 0133 0139 0143 0149 0153 0171 0172 0175 0198 METHODOLOGY INDEX The cycle of abstinence and relapse among heroin addicts The Psychotic Junkie An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Pleasure and deterioration from narcotic addiction Cocaine intoxication and its demoralizing effects Cocaine poisoning Signs and symptoms presented by those addicted to cocaine Therapy of obsessive neuroses with cocaine Mania associated with the use of I.LN.H. and cocaine The obliteration of the craving for narcotics Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse Sociopathy as a human process The Psychotic Junkie Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia Glue sniffing in children and adolescents The addict as savior: Heroin, death, and the family Amphetamine substances in mental illnesses in Northern Ireland Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital The central action of beta-aminopropyl- benzene (Benzedrine) The use of Benzedrine for the treatment of narcolepsy Clinical use of Benzedrine sulfate (amphetamine) in obesity Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders Craving for Benzedrine Acute psychotic reaction after inhaling methylamphetamine Acute hallucinosis as a complication of addiction to amphetamine sulfate Confessions of a goof ball addict Covert drug abuse among voluntary hospitalized psychiatric patients Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Mephentermine psychosis: Misuse of the Wyamine inhaler Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) psychosis A case of benzedrine sulfate poisoning Fatal amphetamine poisoning Amphetamine poisoning: Effectiveness of chlorpromazine Amphetamine and phenmetrazine addiction: Physiological abnormalities in the abstinence syndrome Necrotizing angiitis associated with drug abuse Cerebral angiographic changes in the drug abuse patient 0253 0274 0442 0574 0592 0593 0596 0601 0602 0613 0643 0793 0799 0832 0837 1102 1124 1125 1221 1227 1228 1230 1233 1245 1246 1247 1249 1258 1262 1268 1269 1274 1275 1282 1283 1284 1285 1291 1292 Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger of Benzedrine treatment A case of recurrent psychosis associated with amphetamine addiction Amphetamines and addiction Psychoses due to amphetamine Paranoid psychosis associated with amphetamine usage Toxic psychosis: A complication of overdosage of anti-obesity drugs The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption Toxic reactions to the amphetamines Amphetamine abuse: A ‘speed trap’ The clinical symptomatology of amphetamine psychosis and its relationships to amphetamine levels in urine Clinical studies of amphetamine psychoses Methylphenidate hallucinosis Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence Cattell High School Personality Questionnaire Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Cattell Sixteen Personality Factors Actuarial prediction Discriminant analysis Personality differences between psychedelic drug users and nonusers The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Changing Lifestyles And Values Questionnaire Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men Clinical Observation Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues The “‘pharmacogenic orgasm’ in the drug addict Drug addiction and ‘‘hypersexuality’’: Related modes of mastery Videotape Recording of Narcotic Addicts in Group Therapy: The Analysis of Communicational and Interactive Behavior Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Narcotic addiction in pregnancy The pregnant addict: A study of 66 case histories, 1950-1959 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1302 13083 1304 1310 1311 1315 1320 0517 0499 0505 0529 0530 0531 0536 1225 0453 0464 0036 0043 0047 0051 0100 0152 0156 0157 0158 METHODOLOGY INDEX Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Tachypnea and alkalosis in infants of narcotic-addicted mothers Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress Absence of respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants of heroin-addicted mothers Management of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome in the neonate Methadone withdrawal in newborn infants Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Mortality among young narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City Infections as fatal complications of narcotism Pathologic aspects of drug addiction The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases The neuropathology of heroin addiction The neuropathologic complications of narcotics addiction Barbiturate intoxication Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Renal papillary necrosis and abuse of analgesics Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Methadone related deaths in New York City Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Recovery of cannabis constituents from the hands at autopsy Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use 0159 0163 0164 0165 0167 0173 0177 0178 0196 0199 0201 0203 0205 0209 0210 0212 0213 0215 0216 0217 0218 0219 0221 0225 0228 0229 0230 0231 0233 0235 0292 0302 0303 0441 0556 Cocaine in perspective: "Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” Danger potential of commonly abused drugs Morphinomania, cocomania, and general narcomania and some of their legal consequences Criminal recidivism and psychiatric iliness A statistical study of criminal drug addicts Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization Amphetamine addiction Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital A Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Organic Factors in Fatal Single Vehicle Traffic Accidents. Final Report Drugs in drinking drivers: A study of 2,500 cases The prevalence of drugs in fatally injured drivers Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit Drug-induced psychosis Plasma testosterone levels in healthy male marijuana smokers Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria Drug abuse in Afghanistan Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury Danger potential of commonly abused drugs The danger of amphetamine dependency Amphetamine intoxication and dependence in admissions to a psychiatric unit Methamphetamine psychosis The psychotomimetic amphetamines with special reference to DOM (STP) toxicity Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs Complications of injecting dissolved methylphenidate tablets Talc and cornstarch emboli in eyes of drug abusers Amphetamine Psychosis Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Acute amphetamine toxicity 0565 0582 0594 0647 0664 0679 0805 0817 0823 0826 0833 0840 0859 0861 0873 0963 1018 1073 1154 1169 1176 1189 1209 1240 1241 1256 1263 1277 1278 1279 1288 1289 1301 1314 1318 1319 METHODOLOGY INDEX Clyde Mood Scale The effect of intravenous methamphetamine on mood Codap Admission And Discharge Reports CODAP Admission Report, CODAP Discharge Report Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts Questionnaire An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts Comparative Use of amphetamine by medical students Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test Women versus men Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies Discrepancies between drug educators and students in attitudes toward marihuana: Their implications for communication Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community The individual environment Psychodynamic factors in the mother-child relationship in adolescent drug addiction: A comparison of mothers of schizophrenics and mothers of normal adolescent sons The young addict and his family Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Maternal barbiturate utilization and neonatal withdrawal symptomatology Parental drug usage: Effects upon chromosomes of progeny Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): Effect on human chromosomes in vivoff Alterations of the sleep cycle in heroin- addicted and ‘‘suspect’’ newborns Variations in birth cries of newborn infants from narcotic-addicted and normal mothers Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress Methadone withdrawal in newborn infants 1224 0492 0442 0460 0006 0008 0009 0025 0036 0045 0053 0054 0061 0070 0091 0099 0106 0119 0124 0125 0126 0142 0148 0150 0160 0161 0162 0164 01783 Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction Phenothiazine deaths: A critical review Renal papillary necrosis and abuse of analgesics Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 Locus of control among opiate addicts Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. |. A comparison with addict controls Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison Narcotics, negroes and the south. Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Personality factors in marihuana use Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Motivational factors in drug use Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Personality characteristics and drug of choice Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use The Personality Characteristics of Middle and 0176 0177 0190 0195 0220 0224 0228 0243 0244 0261 0262 0268 0269 0271 0278 0279 0290 0291 0295 0296 0507 0508 0512 0513 0516 0520 0521 0522 0523 METHODOLOGY INDEX Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Personality factors in student drug use Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles Personality differences between psychedelic drug users and nonusers The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Need for social approval and drug use Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Emotional stability and student drug use Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Drug use and criminal activity: Some relationship indices Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population A statistical study of criminal drug addicts The Junkie Thief Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment The Negro drug addict as an offender type Heroin and Behavior Narcotics use among juveniles Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction 0524 0525 0527 0528 0529 0530 0533 0534 0535 0536 0545 0546 0547 0548 0549 0551 0552 0555 0605 0608 0642 0648 0653 0655 0660 0663 0664 0665 0667 0669 0670 0678 0680 0681 0682 Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts Authority and Addiction Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users The juvenile drug offender and the justice system Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs An Evaluation-of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole California civil commitment: A decade later Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction California Civil Addict Program A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects 0685 0687 0695 0697 0700 0702 0708 0712 0713 0717 0735 (0736 0744 07583 0759 0760 0764 0767 0770 0776 0777 0779 0781 0783 0784 0786 0790 0795 0796 0800 METHODOLOGY INDEX Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts Personality characteristics of servicemen returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves The decline of the addict as ‘‘psychopath’’: Implications for community care MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Marihuana users and nonusers Psychopathology and experience with marihuana Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Hallucinogenic drugs as precipitants of schizophrenia Harmful aspects of the LSD experience The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia LSD and psychiatric inpatients Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Driving records of heroin addicts Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Narcotic use and driving behavior Driving Records of Persons Arrested for Illegal Drug Use Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and 0801 0803 0804 0805 0807 0808 0810 0811 0813 0814 0815 0818 0819 0821 0822 0824 0825 0827 0828 0829 0830 0831 0834 0835 0836 0838 0841 0844 0856 0857 0858 0860 0867 0871 Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students Blue collar black families Mexican-American families Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago The study of I.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Drug abuse: A family affair? Attitudes toward the sale and use of drugs—A cross-sectional analysis Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients On the question of pre-existing personality differences between users and nonusers of drugs Changes in locus of control in heroin addicts Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Personality correlates of hallucinogen use Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Personality dynamics of heroin use Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Personality characteristics in heroin addicts 0872 0921 0922 0923 0926 0927 0930 0935 0939 0940 0947 0950 0957 0958 0962 0980 0988 0991 0993 0995 0997 0998 0999 1001 1002 1003 1004 1006 1008 1009 1011 10183 METHODOLOGY INDEX and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part |. The study of reinforcement differentials Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts Addicted and nonaddicted drug users Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs + Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex- addicts Criminality and addiction Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Function of the male sex organs in heroin and methadone users Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines Sexual problems of heroin addicts Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight The assessment of behavioral change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal: Comparative data from clinical and objective methods Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Drinking, drugs, and death British opiate users: Il. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure 1014 1017 1020 1021 1023 1025 1028 1029 1033 1037 1039 1040 1041 1049 1050 1055 1060 1072 1075 1076 1078 1082 1083 1096 1098 1118 1120 1121 1134 1135 Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece Drug use and social integration Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study Drug offenders in Israel: A survey Cannabis and its users in Nepal A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Drug abuse among the inmates of a women’s prison in Mexico City The transition to amphetamine abuse The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Amphetamine use and abuse in psychiatric patients Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Comrey Personality Scale The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Confidential Information Questionnaire/ Johnston Confidential Information Questionnaire Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample Cornell Medical Index Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Correlational Characteristics of nurse addicts Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Drug use and sexual activity on a college campus Marijuana and sex Sex and marijuana Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Heroin addiction: Its relation to sexual behavior and sexual experience Indicators of homosexuality in the human figure drawings of heroin- and pill-using addicts The ‘normal’ life of the addict and the consequences of addiction 1138 1142 1145 1148 1153 1159 1160 1172 1197 1198 1210 1255 1257 1264 1267 1273 1314 0530 0485 1015 0882 0891 0010 0025 0033 0038 0039 0040 0045 0048 0049 0050 0052 METHODOLOGY INDEX Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing? Exploration of attitudes of students involved with drugs The “*hang-loose’’ ethic and the spirit of drug use Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers Predicting who will turn on Family and differential involvement with marihuana: A study of suburban teenagers The individual environment The family of the addict The social backgrounds of young addicts as elicited in interviews with their parents Psychodynamic factors in the mother-child relationship in adolescent drug addiction: A comparison of mothers of schizophrenics and mothers of normal adolescent sons Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Relationships between parental and adolescent drug use Young drug addicts: Background and personality Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness 0053 0055 0072 0086 0089 0096 0099 0102 0106 0108 0112 0113 0117 0119 0120 0121 0124 0126 0129 0134 0176 0190 0195 0220 0258 0260 0261 0272 Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Self image and attitudes towards drugs Personality factors in marihuana use Drug use and achievement Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Motivational factors in drug use MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Personality characteristics and drug of choice Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Personality factors in student drug use A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles 0273 0299 0301 0304 0446 0448 0450 0451 0452 0453 0454 0506 0507 0509 0510 0511 0512 05183 0514 0515 0516 0517 0518 0519 0520 0521 0522 0523 0524 0525 0526 0527 0528 METHODOLOGY INDEX Personality differences between psychedelic drug users and nonusers The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Personality Characteristics of Drug Abusers Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker Ego functioning and acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Low self-concept as a cause of drug abuse Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Need for social approval and drug use Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Emotional stability and student drug use Personality traits and attitudes and their relationship to student drug using behavior Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales Drug addiction in its relation to crime Drug Addiction Problems Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility Drug taking in delinquent boys Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors 0529 0530 0531 0532 0533 0534 0535 0536 0537 0538 0539 0540 0541 0542 0543 0544 0545 0546 0547 0548 0549 0550 0551 0552 0553 0554 0555 0557 0573 0576 0595 0621 associated with the progression to narcotic use Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse Excerpts from marihuana use and crime Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Summary. lllicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Heroin and Behavior A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Criminal history of narcotic addicts Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Narcotics use among juveniles Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans A road back from heroin addiction Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity 0622 0642 0643 0646 0647 0648 0650 0652 0657 0659 0660 0666 0667 0670 0672 0673 0674 0675 0678 0679 0680 0682 0684 0686 0687 0694 0696 0706 0707 0734 0742 0751 0752 METHODOLOGY INDEX Perceived penal sanction and self-reported criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts New York's big push Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI The decline of the addict as *‘psychopath’’: Implications for community care MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Depression and drug addiction Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Marihuana users and nonusers Psychopathology and experience with marihuana Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Hallucinogenic drugs as precipitants of schizophrenia Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users Psychopathology in Drug Abusers Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents 21u_n207 A _ an _ 1Q 0754 0759 0788 0789 0795 0796 0797 0798 0801 0804 0806 0807 0810 0811 0812 0813 0814 0818 0819 0821 0822 0824 0829 0830 0831 0834 0835 0836 0838 0839 0841 0843 0864 0871 251 Blue collar black families Mexican-American families Rural youth and the use of drugs Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Drug use in a black ghetto Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Psychosocial aspects of addiction Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: I. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Opiate addicts and their parents Heroin addict relationships with parents during childhood and early adolescent years The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use Religion, parental influence, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana use Drug abuse: A family affair? The parents of drug users Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study The addict, abstinence, and the family Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Assertiveness and patterns of drug use: A pilot study Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms Personality correlates of hallucinogen use 0922 0923 0929 0933 0934 0939 0941 0945 0948 0949 0952 0955 0959 0962 0968 0971 0975 0976 0977 0978 0979 0980 0981 0983 0984 0986 0987 0999 1000 1001 1002 1005 1007 1008 METHODOLOGY INDEX Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Personality dynamics of heroin use General and specific perceived locus of control in heroin addicts Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs Narcotic addicts, multiple drug abuse and psychological distress Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part |. The study of reinforcement differentials Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex- addicts Job satisfaction, counterproductive behavior, and drug use at work The vocational maturity of inner-city narcotic addicts Employment and social disability among opiate addicts Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Urban crime and the price of heroin Narcotic addicts and crime Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Conventional ties, peer influence, and the fear of apprehension: A study of adolescent marijuana use Follow-up of a token economy of civilly committed narcotic addicts Function of the male sex organs in heroin and methadone users Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie” Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1017 1020 1022 1024 1025 1028 1029 1034 1037 1041 1043 1045 1046 1048 1055 1058 1059 1061 1062 1066 1072 1074 1075 1078 addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part I. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Pharmacologic observations on the neonatal withdrawal syndrome Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping-stone hypothesis Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Drug use and social integration The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. II. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Delinquency Check List Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project Descriptive Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry Dismissal for off-the-job criminal behavior How 92% beat the dope habit Combating employee drug abuse When a company counsels the drug abuser Guidelines for Management-Labor Team Efforts: Approaches to Drug Abuse Education and Prevention in Industry A program for control of drug abuse in industry Televised Drug Appeals: A Content Analysis The Search for Drug Abuse Information 1080 1081 1082 1084 1086 1087 1089 1090 1092 1120 1125 1129 1134 1142 1159 1162 1190 1255 1259 1312 0679 0680 0684 0003 0005 0012 0028 0029 0030 0031 0062 0065 METHODOLOGY INDEX Drug Abuse Films Evaluating Drug Information Programs Drug Education Drugs in the Classroom. A Conceptual Model for School Programs Evaluation of Drug Education Programs A Study of Four Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention Psychological sophistication in current drug abuse education The nature of attitudes and attitude change Designing communications to change attitudes regarding drug abuse Personality dynamics of mothers and wives of drug addicts Heroin addiction during pregnancy Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone Abstinence score in the treatment of the infant of the drug-dependent mother Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn Effect of heroin on cortisol production in pregnant addicts and their fetuses Delayed presentation of neonatal methadone withdrawal Behavior of infants born to narcotic-addicted mothers The early neonatal period of 100 live-borns of mothers on methadone Heroin and the fetus Postmortem findings in offspring of heroin addicts Neonatal addiction-exposure to heroin and methadone Attempted suicide by drug ingestion Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis A pilot study of occasional heroin users Follow-up of criminal narcotic addicts Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Analysis of a community-wide population of narcotic addicts The *‘addiction-prone’’ personality: A study of Canadian heroin addicts The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Addiction careers Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach Patterns of “‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients Patterns of pentazocine abuse 0073 0076 0078 0079 0080 0084 0085 0093 0094 0123 0170 0174 0179 0180 0181 0182 0183 0184 0185 0186 0187 0194 0241 0246 0251 0263 0264 0265 0267 0270 0275 0277 0294 0296 0297 0298 0300 0305 0306 0308 Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas The strange case of the coca leaf Clinical characteristics of addictions Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen The Gourmet Cokebook: A Complete Guide to Cocaine The psychopharmacology of cocaine Cocaine psychosis: A continuum model Cocaine habit in India The cocaine problem in India Patterns of ‘‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients Drugs of dependence The relationships and prevalance of smoking, drinking, and drug taking in (delinquent) adolescent boys Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs Narcotics involvement and female criminality A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws The drug arrest Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program Detoxification of sick addicts in prison Methadone patients on probation and parole California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look A pre-trial court diversion program for narcotics addicts: An alternative to incarceration Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study Criminal commitment of narcotic addicts under state law A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations Drug detection in cases of ‘‘driving under the influence” Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison American diplomacy and the international narcotics traffic: A black perspective The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Employee drug abuse in municipal government A state-wide survey of drug issues in industry Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin 0310 0564 0567 0577 0578 0581 0585 0586 0587 0597 0600 0609 0618 0619 0620 0623 0626 0689 0747 0749 0750 0762 0765 0766 0769 0771 0774 0778 0782 0787 0816 0820 0862 0863 0937 0967 1031 1038 1042 1047 METHODOLOGY INDEX Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Deaths involving methadone: A statistician’s view Drug-related mortality in the United States, 1963-71 Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Drug deaths involving propoxyphene—An assessment in metropolitan Detroit The epidemiology of narcotic addiction in the United Kingdom Suicide and mortality amongst heroin addicts in Britain The influence of Canadian addicts on heroin addiction in the United Kingdom Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States An epidemiological evaluation of a public health measure aimed at reducing the availability of methylamphetamine Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970 Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Drug offenders and the prison regimen in France The problem of drug misuse in the German Democratic Republic An overview on drug abuse in Italy Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Clinical and medico-criminological aspects of addiction to central stimulating drugs Addiction in Sweden The social and cultural context of cannabis use in Rwanda Cannabis and alcohol usage among the Plateau Tonga: An observational report of the effects of cultural expectation Economic significance of Cannabis sativa in the Moroccan Rif Alcoholism and drug addiction in Israel The epidemiology of drug abuse in Israel (with especial reference of cannabis) The opiate addict in Israel The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface 1054 1056 1060 1063 1085 1093 1094 1097 1100 1101 1108 1109 1112 1117 1121 1123 1126 1127 1128 1131 1136 1138 1139 1144 1147 1150 1151 1155 1157 1158 1161 1163 1165 1168 Reunion: Cannabis in a pluricultural and polyethnic society Cannabis in Nepal: An overview Ethnobotanical aspects of cannabis in Southeast Asia Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong A review of drug abuse and counter measures in Japan since World War Il An epidemiological analysis of the fluctuation of drug dependence in Japan Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica The ‘‘ganja vision in Jamaica How we handled the problem of drug abuse in Japan Epidemiology of drug dependence in Japan Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs Street level abusage of amphetamines Traffic in amphetamines: Illegal manufacture and distribution Descriptive Survey Use of amphetamine by medical students Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Differential Drug Use Within the New York State Labor Force A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana Sources of information about drugs among high school students Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Dimensions of Response to Public Service Drug Abuse Information Dissemination of Drug Related Information An Experimental Analysis of Reaction to Filmed Drug Abuse Information Public Service Advertising and Social Problems: The Case of Drug Abuse Prevention Pharmaceutical Advertising and Youth Effects of Electronic Media in Drug Abuse Education and Prevention 1171 1173 1174 1177 1182 1184 1189 1191 1193 1200 1201 12083 1205 1206 1207 0006 0011 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0026 0027 0034 0037 0056 0057 0058 0060 0063 0064 0067 0068 0069 0071 METHODOLOGY INDEX An evaluation of a short-term drug education program Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders Drug education: Pushing or preventing? Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures Correlates of marijuana use among college students Differential involvement with marijuana and its socio-cultural context: A study of suburban youths College Student's Perceptions of their Parents’ Attitudes and Practices toward Drug Use Correlates of the generation gap Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users Drugs and the adolescent experience Epidemiology of drugs taken by pregnant women: Drugs that may affect the fetus adversely The Development of a Uniform System for Reporting and Recording Drug-Related Deaths Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction The habit In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin- users Secondary drug use among heroin users Heroin and cocaine addiction The subjective dimensions of the drug experience Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India The use of drugs by jazz musicians Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners The patterns of drug abuse among school children Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders Estimating drug-crime relationships The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison 0081 0082 0083 0090 0092 0095 0111 0114 0115 0116 0127 0128 0130 0131 0132 0137 .0189 0209 0242 0245 0250 0252 0255 0309 0603 0607 0614 0617 0624 0625 0641 0654 0656 0683 0690 Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance Methadone and the culture of addiction Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Survey of Marijuana Use and Attitudes: State of Oregon Marijuana and the law: What young people say Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system Drug laws: Perceptions of illegal drug users Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County The juvenile drug offender and the justice system Marijuana and the use of other drugs Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Some aspects of the “‘tough’ New York State drug law Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems Narcotic use and driving behavior Drugs in drinking drivers: A study of 2,500 cases Marihuana and automobile crashes Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Marihuana and driving risk among college students Drug use and driving risk among high school students Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees An Assesssment of Drug Use in the General Population Special Report No. 2 Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts The black addict: |. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population Obtaining life history information about opioid users Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Careers in Dope Birth order and polydrug abuse among heroin addicts Dependency traits among parents of drug abusers 0693 0699 0711 0721 0730 0733 0738 0739 0741 0743 0744 0746 0748 0758 0785 0858 0861 0865 0866 0868 0869 0870 0924 0925 0936 0938 0942 0954 0961 0964 0966 0972 0973 0982 0985 METHODOLOGY INDEX Attitudes toward the sale and use of drugs—A cross-sectional analysis The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana Research into expression of attitudes about drugs—What use is it? Attitudes regarding drug abuse among a group of ex-addict staff members Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer Employing ex-addicts: Determinants of support and opposition Public policy and judicial perspectives in two Canadian cities: The case of heroin Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention A factor-analytic examination of sexual behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or “the sensuous hippie” Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later A comparison of Canadian narcotic addicts in Great Britain and in Canada A survey of a representative sample of addicts prescribed heroin at London clinics Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts British opiate users: Il. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one The spread of heroin abuse in a community The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm Illicit use of drugs among university students in Stockholm 0988 0989 0990 0992 0993 0996 0998 1032 1035 1044 1065 1069 1070 1071 1074 1077 1106 1111 1113 1114 1115 1116 1118 1122 1130 1133 1137 1140 1143 1148 1149 Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students The use of Indian hemp in Zaire: A formulation of hypotheses on the basis of an inquiry using a written questionnaire Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study Incidence of daily drug use as reported by a population of Thai partners working near United States military installations: A preliminary study White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica Drug abuse among the inmates of a women's prison in Mexico City Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables A study of illicit amphetamine drug traffic in Oklahoma City Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture Delinquency and the amphetamines. Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences Abuse of methylamphetamine Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Intellectual and neuro-psychological functions in young men with heavy and long-term patterns of drug abuse Desire-For-Novelty Scale Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Draw-A-Person Test Indicators of homosexuality in the human figure drawings of heroin- and pill-using addicts Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test Drug Abuse Description Questionnaire Estimating drug-crime relationships Drug Abuse Intervew Form/Cohen, Klein Drug Abuse Interview Form Drug Survey Interview/ Timberlawn Drug Survey Interview Econometric The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications 1152 1156 1164 1175 1179 1188 1195 1198 1244 1248 1250 1251 1253 1254 1261 1265 1266 1271 1272 1290 1010 0050 0053 0654 0469 0472 0722 0723 METHODOLOGY INDEX Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation . Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control Policy Concerning Drug Abuse in New York State, Volume Ill: Economics of Heroin Distribution The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Edwards Personal Preference Schedule Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts Ethnography The smoker's view of marijuana Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies American way of drugging. Street status and drug users An analysis of a peer network using psychedelic drugs Cats, kicks, and color The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Heroin Addicts Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Dealer: Portrait of a Cocaine Merchant Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district The social structure of a heroin copping community Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street The world of the righteous dope fiend The World of Youthful Drug Use A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York Heroin, hassle, and treatment: The importance of perceptual differences Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala The Bay area speed scene Experiential World Inventory Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication 0724 0725 0726 0727 0728 0729 0540 1014 1017 0087 0101 0104 0107 0247 0248 0249 0293 0606 0651 0661 0668 0671 0677 0956 1026 1107 1196 1204 1252 1106 Experimental Amphetamine sulfate and athletic performance The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man Effect of amphetamine sulfate on athletic performance The effect of d-amphetamine sulfate on physical performance Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Ill. Tranquilizing drugs and stress tolerance Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Il. Effects of analeptic and depressant drugs upon psychological behavior Depression of plasma testosterone levels after chronic intensive marijuana use Social facilitation of marijuana intoxication: Impact of social set and pharmacological activity Drug-induced chromosomal aberrations The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine Diazepam in the management of the neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of cocaine A volunteer paper Experimental analysis of the psychopathological effects of intoxicating drugs The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs Psychological deficit in chewers of coca leaf Coca leaf use in southern Peru: Some biological aspects The effects of cocaine on depressed patients Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Experimental studies of marihuana A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Effect of Marihuana on Risk Acceptance in a Simulated Passing Task Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking 0013 0014 0015 0017 0018 0019 0041 0088 0151 0168 0169 0307 0589 0591 0598 0599 0604 0610 0612 0802 0809 0874 0875 0876 0877 0878 0879 0880 0881 0882 0883 0884 METHODOLOGY INDEX Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Marijuana and driving in real-life situations Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Divided attention performance of cannabis users and non-users following cannabis and alcohol Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task The effect of marihuana on tracking task performance Marijuana and human performance Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration ‘Marihuana and critical flicker fusion Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and 0885 0886 0887 0888 0889 0890 0891 0892 0893 0894 0895 0896 0897 0898 0899 0900 0901 0902 0903 0904 0905 0906 0907 0908 0909 0910 0911 0912 0913 0914 alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Marihuana effects on a critical tracking test Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Expectancy disconfirmation and attitude change A study of achievement motivation and frustration in glue sniffers Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking Cardiovascular and subjective effects of intravenous cocaine administration in humans Cannabis usage in Pakistan: A pilot study of long term effects on social status and physical health The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue The effects of analeptics on the fatigued subject The effects of experimentally induced attitudes on task efficiency Effects of normal air and dextro-amphetamine upon work decrement induced by oxygen impoverishment and fatigue The effects of dextro-amphetamine on behavioral defects produced by sleep loss in humans Drug induced mood changes in man. |. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts The effect of intravenous methamphetamine on mood Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: A consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite The effects of Benzedrine sulfate on the behavior of psychopathic and neurotic juvenile delinquents The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine in minimal brain dysfunction Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Behavioral studies of diethylpropion in man Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man Cardiovascular effects of Benzedrine Comparative effects of some amphetamine derivatives on human sleep Small vessel cerebral vascular changes 0915 0916 0917 0918 0919 0920 0994 1016 1092 1105 1170 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1223 1224 1225 1229 1234 1235 1237 1271 1276 1278 1280 1281 1287 METHODOLOGY INDEX following chronic amphetamine intoxication Schizophreniform psychosis induced by large-dose administration of d-amphetamine The phenomenology of experimentally induced amphetamine psychosis— Preliminary observations Experimental psychoses induced by the administration of d-amphetamine The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by intravenous administration of methylphenidate Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine Eysenck Personality Inventory Young drug addicts: Background and personality Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Personality correlates of hallucinogen use The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience Freiburg Personality Inventory An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Gordon Personal Profile On the question of pre-existing personality differences between users and nonusers of drugs Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Scale Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker High School Questionnaire/Block et al. High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs High School Student Questionnaire/Kandel Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 History Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach Freud and cocaine Carl Koller and cocaine Coca leaf and cocaine addictions. Some historical notes 1293 1305 1306 1307 1308 1314 1316 1317 0134 0271 0541 1002 1008 1130 1145 1194 0890 1134 1003 0536 0456 0455 0305 0559 0560 0561 A study in cocaine: Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud The role of coca in the history, religion and medicine of South American Indians Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” Cocaine: The history and regulation of a dangerous drug Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects Coca and Its Therapeutic Application The strange case of the coca leaf The Gourmet Cokebook: A Complete Guide to Cocaine The psychopharmacology of cocaine Narcotics and criminality Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Hopkins Symptom Check List The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Multivariate analysis of variance Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community House-Tree-Person Test Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Human Figure Drawing Test Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Imaginal Process Inventory Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Imaginal Process Inventory Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale Multivariate analysis of variance Internal Sensation Novelty Seeking Scale Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Interpersonal Behavior Inventory Actuarial prediction Interpersonal Check List Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Drug abuse: A family affair? Inventory of Selected Experiences/Monroe et. al. . Inventory of Selected Experiences IPAT Anxiety Scale Young drug addicts: Background and personality Katz Adjustment Scale Multivariate analysis of variance 0562 0563 0565 0566 0567 0568 0569 0577 0585 0586 0632 0732 1199 0438 0504 1024 0108 0556 0800 0446 0490 0504 0554 0499 0099 0980 0478 0134 0504 - METHODOLOGY INDEX Kelly Rep Tests Single-organism designs Kent Series of Emergency Scale D Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs Langer Psychiatric Impairment Scale Marihuana users and nonusers Lanyon Psychological Screening Inventory The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Leary Interpersonal Check List Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Lexington Personality Inventory Cluster and typological analysis Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates The decline of the addict as *‘psychopath’’: Implications for community care Lifestyles And Values of Youth/Johnston, Bachman Survey Questionnaires for ‘Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth” Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Literature Review The facts about ergogenic aids and sports performance Marihuana and sexual behavior Drug addiction and ‘“‘hypersexuality’’: Related modes of mastery Effects of Electronic Media in Drug Abuse Education and Prevention Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates The family of the addict: A review of the literature Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Does LSD induce chromosomal damage and malformations? A review of the literature Lysergic acid diethylamide: Its effects on human chromosomes and the human organismin utero ff A review of current findings The chromosomal and teratogenic effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: A review of the current literature Neonatal Narcotic Addiction 0496 1020 0819 1255 0547 0500 0795 0796 0802 0810 0484 0461 0016 0042 0051 0071 0109 0118 0138 0140 0141 0144 0145 0147 0155 Suicide among physicians The “heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction Human pulmonary pathology associated with narcotic and other addictive drugs Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Introduction to amphetamine abuse Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review The relapse rate in narcotic addiction: A critique of follow-up studies Overview of drug themes in science fiction Drug themes in fiction Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Theories of drug addiction Danger potential of commonly abused drugs A comparison of the effects of cocaine and synthetic central stimulants Drugs and violence Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction Drugs and crime. |. Literature review Effects of Labeling the ‘Drug Abuser’: An Inquiry Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems Mental illness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents Influence of narcotic drugs on highway safety Amphetamines and driving behavior Alcohol, drugs and driving behaviour in Switzerland A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations Barbiturates and driving The Problems of Drugs and Driving: An Overview of Current Research and Future Needs Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines Mass arrests for impaired driving may not prevent traffic deaths Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Female drug use: Some observations 0193 0197 0211 0214 0223 0226 0227 0231 0232 0234 0254 0318 0394 0449 0575 0582 0583 0628 0630 0636 0637 0639 0757 0785 0842 0845 0846 0847 0848 0849 0850 0851 0852 0853 0854 0855 0932 1027 1036 METHODOLOGY INDEX The relationship between crime and amphetamine abuse: An empirical review of the literature Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway Drug dependence in Israel The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese How the People’s Republic of China solved their drug abuse problem Patterns of marihuana use in Brazil Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden Enhancement of performance by amphetamine-like drugs Danger potential of commonly abused drugs The danger of amphetamine dependency The use and abuse of amphetamines Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger of Benzedrine treatment Amphetamines and addiction Effects of psychostimulants on aggression Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Longitudinal Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report Characteristics of nurse addicts A Study of Four Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Predicting who will turn on Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users Drugs and the adolescent experience Maternal barbiturate utilization and neonatal withdrawal symptomatology Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Heroin addiction during pregnancy Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence A twelve-year follow-up of New. York narcotic addicts: I. The relation of treatment to outcome Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization A study of some failures in methadone treatment Analysis of a community-wide population of narcotic addicts Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences 1052 1079 1088 1110 1146 1166 1180 1181 1186 1187 1202 1226 1240 1241 1242 1243 1294 1296 1313 1321 0008 0010 0084 0095 0113 0131 0132 0142 0152 0170 0174 0245 0259 0260 0262 0264 0266 0267 0451 261 Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors associated with the progression to narcotic use Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Heroin and Behavior A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Drug abuse and delinquency. Part I. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project Heroin dependence and delinquency in women-—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Authority and Addiction Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts New York's big push Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Drug use in a black ghetto The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on 0452 0453 0454 0526 0543 0622 0623 0647 0670 0672 0679 0684 0690 0697 0701 0702 0703 0705 0711 0735 0752 0767 0770 0772 0773 0775 0781 0789 0839 0934 METHODOLOGY INDEX Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Changes in locus of control in heroin addicts Drug-induced psychosis A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Criminality and addiction Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts An epidemiological evaluation of a public health measure aimed at reducing the availability of methylamphetamine A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong The transition to amphetamine abuse Intravenous drug abuse in the arrest population in Stockholm: Frequency studies Manifest Anxiety Scale Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Marijuana Attitude Scale/Baer Marijuana Attitude Scale Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Need for social approval and drug use Personality correlates of hallucinogen use Maudsley Personality Inventory Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students Mean Cost Rating Procedure The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Mental Status Examination Record Actuarial prediction Minnesota Student Questionnaire Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse 0950 0955 0968 0969 1004 1018 1034 1049 1054 1056 1111 1113 1116 1123 1178 1210 1270 0518 0554 0481 0518 0546 1008 1190 0740 0499 0443 262 Miskimins Self-Goal-Other Discrepancy Scale Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 MMPI The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison The ‘‘addiction-prone’’ personality: A study of Canadian heroin addicts Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Actuarial prediction Cluster and typological analysis Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Motivational factors in drug use MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Personality characteristics and drug of choice The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles Personality Characteristics of Drug Abusers Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Ego functioning and acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Emotional stability and student drug use Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality 0527 0007 0099 0191 0269 0270 0271 0272 0273 0292 0438 0499 0500 0508 0511 0513 0514 0520 0521 0524 0528 0532 0533 0534 0535 0537 0545 0547 0551 0552 0795 METHODOLOGY INDEX characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Personality characteristics of servicemen returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Depression and drug addiction Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs lllicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Drug abuse: A family affair? Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Follow-up of a token economy of civilly committed narcotic addicts Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences Mooney Problem Check List Self and Social Perceptions and Personal 0796 0801 0802 0803 0804 0807 0808 0811 0812 0813 0814 0815 0829 0830 0831 0834 0836 0841 0845 0952 0980 1014 1021 1023 1038 1055 1066 1106 1267 1309 Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users Moos’ Family Environment Scale Actuarial prediction Morbidity Attitude Survey Scale Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Mosher Forced Choice Sex Guilt Subscale Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Motivation Analysis Test Discriminant analysis Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Muller-Lyer lllusion An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Multiple Affect Check List Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs National Commission on Marihuana And Drug Abuse Survey Untitled Questionnaires and Interview Nationwide Survey Questionnaire/Cisin Nationwide Survey Questionnaire Novelty Experiencing Scale Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Omnibus Personality Inventory Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Otis Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Test Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Peer Culture Index Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures Personal Inventory/Monroe, Hill Personal Inventory Personality Inventory/Bentler Personality Inventory Personality Research Form Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Actuarial prediction Personality factors in student drug use Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Personality Test/ Stokes Six Factor Drug Related Personality Test Personal Opinion Survey Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students 0550 0499 0195 1078 0505 0531 0890 1020 0457 0458 1010 0512 0551 0114 0468 0466 0446 0499 0525 1006 0487 0518 0554 METHODOLOGY INDEX Primary Affect Scale Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Profile of Mood Scales Cardiovascular and subjective effects of intravenous cocaine administration in humans Prospective The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia Psychiatric Status Schedule Psychopathology in Drug Abusers Psychological Tests Characteristics of nurse addicts The ‘‘pharmacogenic orgasm" in the drug addict An analysis of a peer network using psychedelic drugs Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Personality factors in marihuana use Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study Depression and drug addiction Marihuana users and nonusers Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Experimental studies of marihuana Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Some observations suggesting preservation of 0902 1105 1031 0843 0010 0047 0107 0191 0271 0448 0507 0555 0660 0680 0690 0752 0760 0797 0798 0800 0809 0812 0819 0820 0864 0872 0879 0882 0885 0887 skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York The parents of drug users Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study Personality correlates of polydrug abuse An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex- addicts Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea The transition to amphetamine abuse The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children Delinquency and the amphetamines. Intellectual and neuro-psychological functions in young men with heavy and long-term patterns of drug abuse Toxic psychosis: A complication of overdosage of anti-obesity drugs Schizophreniform psychosis induced by large-dose administration of d-amphetamine The phenomenology of experimentally induced amphetamine psychosis— Preliminary observations Experimental psychoses induced by the administration of d-amphetamine Purpose In Life Test Purpose in Life Test Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users Questionnaires Use of amphetamine by medical students Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report Characteristics of nurse addicts Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry 0888 0890 0891 0894 0920 0956 0981 0983 1009 1041 1176 1210 1235 1261 1290 1299 1305 1306 1307 0477 0522 0549 0006 0008 0010 0011 0020 0021 0022 0023 0026 METHODOLOGY INDEX A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Drug use and sexual activity on a college campus Marijuana and sex Sex and marijuana Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues The “pharmacogenic orgasm'’ in the drug addict The “normal” life of the addict and the consequences of addiction Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers Sources of information about drugs among high school students Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Dimensions of Response to Public Service Drug Abuse Information Dissemination of Drug Related Information Assessing the Persuasiveness of Drug Abuse Information An Experimental Analysis of Reaction to Filmed Drug Abuse Information Pharmaceutical Advertising and Youth Effects of Electronic Media in Drug Abuse Education and Prevention Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing? An evaluation of a short-term drug education program Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders Drug education: Pushing or preventing? A Study of Four Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention Exploration of attitudes of students involved with drugs The “*hang-loose’ ethic and the spirit of drug use Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage Discrepancies between drug educators and students in attitudes toward marihuana: Their implications for communication Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers Predicting who will turn on Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures 0034 0038 0039 0040 0043 0047 0052 0055 0056 0058 0060 0063 0064 0066 0067 0069 0071 0072 0081 0082 0083 0084 0086 0089 0090 0091 0092 0095 0096 0099 0106 0112 0113 0114 Correlates of marijuana use among college students Differential involvement with marijuana and its socio-cultural context: A study of suburban youths Family and differential involvement with marihuana: A study of suburban teenagers Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk College Student's Perceptions of their Parents’ Attitudes and Practices toward Drug Use Correlates of the generation gap Relationships between parental and adolescent drug use Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users A study of drug-taking adolescents A statistical study of infants born with withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia Neonatal addiction-exposure to heroin and methadone The Development of a Uniform System for Reporting and Recording Drug-Related Deaths Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin A study of some failures in methadone treatment The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Self image and attitudes towards drugs Personality factors in marihuana use Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Motivational factors in drug use MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use Personality factors in student drug use A social psychology of marijuana use: 0115 0116 0117 0126 0127 0128 0129 0131 0133 0154 0187 0189 0209 0252 0266 0303 0448 0450 0454 0506 0507 0510 0511 0512 0513 0514 0516 0517 0518 0519 0523 0525 METHODOLOGY INDEX Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Ego functioning and acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Low self-concept as a cause of drug abuse Need for social approval and drug use Emotional stability and student drug use Personality traits and attitudes and their relationship to student drug using behavior Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales The subjective dimensions of the drug experience The effects of cocaine on depressed patients Drug taking in delinquent boys Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners The patterns of drug abuse among school children Summary. lliicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Narcotics use among juveniles Drug abuse and delinquency. Part II. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users Marijuana and the law: What young people say Marijuana and the use of other drugs Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana 0526 0531 0533 0534 0537 0538 0540 0541 0542 0543 0544 0546 0552 0553 0554 0557 0607 0612 0621 0624 0625 0650 0672 0678 0680 0684 0696 0729 0730 0735 0736 0738 0746 0748 Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study Psychopathology and experience with marihuana Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Marihuana and automobile crashes Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients Marihuana and driving risk among college students Drug use and driving risk among high school students A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students Blue collar black families Mexican-American families Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Rural youth and the use of drugs Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use Religion, parental influence, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana use Birth order and polydrug abuse among heroin addicts Dependency traits among parents of drug abusers 0752 0753 0783 0809 0821 0825 0829 0830 0835 0864 0865 0867 0868 0869 0877 0921 0922 0923 0924 0926 0929 0930 0935 0936 0938 0939 0940 0955 0964 0978 0979 0982 0985 METHODOLOGY INDEX Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community Attitudes toward the sale and use of drugs—A cross-sectional analysis Research into expression of attitudes about drugs—What use is it? Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Attitudes regarding drug abuse among a group of ex-addict staff members Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Expectancy disconfirmation and attitude change Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community Assertiveness and patterns of drug use: A pilot study Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Employee drug abuse in municipal government Employing ex-addicts: Determinants of support and opposition Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Public policy and judicial perspectives in two Canadian cities: The case of heroin Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants A factor-analytic examination of sexual behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage Function of the male sex organs in heroin and methadone users Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie” Sexual problems of heroin addicts 314-297 0 - 80 - 19 0986 0987 0988 0990 0991 0992 0993 0994 0995 0996 0997 0998 1000 1005 1006 1007 1010 1013 1029 1034 1042 1044 1055 1064 1065 1069 1071 1072 1074 1076 Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training Drug use and social integration Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm Illicit use of drugs among university students in Stockholm Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students The use of Indian hemp in Zaire: A formulation of hypotheses on the basis of an inquiry using a written questionnaire Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study Cannabis usage in Pakistan: A pilot study of long term effects on social status and physical health A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Drug abuse among the inmates of a women’s prison in Mexico City The transition to amphetamine abuse Drug induced mood changes in man. |. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Rathus Assertiveness Schedule Assertiveness and patterns of drug use: A pilot study 1078 1130 1133 1137 1140 1142 1143 1145 1148 1149 1152 1156 1164 1170 1188 1190 1197 1198 1210 1223 1225 1244 1254 1264 1267 1271 1272 1005 METHODOLOGY INDEX Raven's Progressive Matrices Young drug addicts: Background and personality The study of I.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups Retrospective From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community Epidemiology of drugs taken by pregnant women: Drugs that may affect the fetus adversely Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Follow-up of criminal narcotic addicts A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Summary. lllicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and Illegal Behavior A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Criminal history of narcotic addicts Drug abuse and delinquency. Part II. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys 0134 0958 0102 0137 0178 0188 0198 0200 0206 0222 0258 0261 0263 0265 0277 0294 0297 0304 0595 0642 0650 0657 0659 0663 0666 0667 0673 0680 Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts A road back from heroin addiction Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Some aspects of the ‘tough’ New York State drug law Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 Methadone patients on probation and parole An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study California civil commitment: A decade later Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts 0681 0686 0688 0691 0694 0700 0706 0707 0712 0713 0714 0717 0718 0719 0720 0748 0756 0758 0759 0761 0764 0769 0777 0778 0779 0784 0786 0787 0788 METHODOLOGY INDEX A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison Psychosocial aspects of addiction Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Obtaining life history information about opioid users Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Changing patterns of multiple drug use among applicants to a multimodality drug treatment program The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine Revised Army Alpha The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups Revised Beta Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Rokeach Value Survey Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Rorschach Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls A pilot study of occasional heroin users Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Rotter’s I-E Scale Locus of control among opiate addicts 0790 0825 0928 0937 0941 0942 0943 0944 0961 0964 0971 0975 0993 1039 1048 1050 1260 1300 0958 0535 0965 0962 0108 0190 0251 0556 0800 0268 Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Rotter’s I-E Scale General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Changes in locus of control in heroin addicts General and specific perceived locus of control in heroin addicts Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Secondary Analysis The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Phenothiazine deaths: A critical review Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. II. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents The 35 to 40 age dropoff The life cycle of the narcotic addict and of addiction Narcotics and criminality Drug use and criminal activity: Some relationship indices Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control Policy Concerning Drug Abuse in New York State, Volume Ill: Economics of Heroin Distribution The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine: Differential effect on aggression and hyperkinesis in children and dogs Evolving patterns of drug abuse Trends and projections Self Assessment Scales/Norem-Hebeisen Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Self Assessment Scales Self-Rating Depression Scale Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction 0446 0489 0538 0752 1004 1012 1013 1014 0007 0223 0224 0227 0256 0257 0632 0653 0724 0725 0727 0728 0736 0785 1064 1236 1323 1324 0447 0467 0195 METHODOLOGY INDEX Sensation Seeking Scale Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Sensation Seeking Scale Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Personality correlates of hallucinogen use The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands Shipley-Hartford Scale Actuarial prediction Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Shipley Institute of Living Scale Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners Shostrom Personal Orientation Inventory Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study Situational Preference Inventory/Edwards Situational Preference Inventory Social Adjustment Scale Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Socialization of Problem Behavior Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Socialization of Problem Behavior In Youth Questionnaire Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire Srole Anomia Scale Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands Stanford Achievement Test Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders State-Trait Anxiety Scale A pilot study of occasional heroin users Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Statistical Survey Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up 0446 0491 0522 0557 0752 1008 1130 0499 1267 0814 1001 0471 1024 0452 0482 0660 1130 0965 0251 0535 0009 A statistical study of infants born with withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 Drugs and suicide in the United States Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 An ecological analysis of narcotic addicts in Baltimore Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotics, negroes and the south. Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The Negro drug addict as an offender type Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Maturing out of narcotic addiction Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Narcotics involvement and female criminality Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Heroin addicts and violent crime Urban versus suburban addict crime Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment 0154 0188 0192 0198 0200 0202 0204 0206 0207 0208 0222 0276 0279 0295 0642 0648 0649 0652 0655 0656 0657 0669 0675 0676 0681 0688 0689 0691 0704 0708 0714 0715 0716 0718 METHODOLOGY INDEX Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Dismissal of Narcotics Arrest Cases in the New York City Criminal Court Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Prior criminal record and adult marihuana arrest dispositions The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State : Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Criminal record characteristics of California and Illinois adult marihuana arrestees Narcotics-related deaths decrease in 1972 from the number of narcotics-related deaths in 1971 The forensic toxicology of cocaine Drug offenders in Israel: A survey Drug abuse in Japan Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic Changing patterns of multiple drug use among applicants to a multimodality drug treatment program Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Student Drug Use Questionnaire/Blackford Survey of Student Drug Use Suitability For Treatment Scale/English, Monroe Suitability for Treatment Scale Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents 0719 0720 0731 0732 0737 0740 - 0756 0763 0928 0943 0944 0946 0953 0960 0965 0970 0974 1051 1053 1095 1104 1160 1185 1211 1260 1321 0493 0473 0438 Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Marihuana users and nonusers Personality correlates of hallucinogen use The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Teenage Drug Study Questionnaire/Elinson et al. ‘Make Yourself Heard" Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire Tennessee Self-Concept Scale Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students Test of Effective Academic Motivation Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Test of Effective Academic Motivation (TEAM) Thematic Apperception Test Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Theoretical/ Critical Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Employment and Addiction: Overview of Issues Drugs in industry Drugs and sexual behavior Becoming a marihuana user Action in the schools Drug education Accountability in Drug Education. A Model for Evaluation Verbal communication and social influence: A theoretical framework and some reflections concerning implications for public education on drugs and drug abuse Drug communication processes: Problems and targets Delinquency and Opportunity: A Theory of Delinquent Gangs Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society The Drug Phenomenon: Social Aspects of Drug Taking Genetics and drug abuse: A primer for workers in the field Epidemiological surveillance of human populations for mutational hazards Adverse effects of LSD: A current perspective Notes on the heroin addict and his culture Drug addiction as a deviant career The eye of the beholder: An important variable in addiction typologies The ‘‘street addict role’’: Implications for treatment Transferability of addict life styles into socially acceptable occupations 0535 0819 1008 1159 1255 0483 0548 0451 0494 0099 0551 1014 0001 0002 0004 0032 0059 0074 0075 0077 0097 0098 0103 0105 0110 0135 0136 0146 0236 0237 0238 0239 0240 METHODOLOGY INDEX Perspectives in research on opiate addiction Causes and types of narcotic addiction: A psycho-social view Narcotic addiction Habituation and addiction Problems in the social psychology of addiction Psychological characteristics of the adolescent addict Prediction: A prolegomenon Current issues in the epidemiology of drug abuse as related to psychosocial studies of adolescent drug use The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse A social psychological approach to substance abuse construct validity: Prediction of adolescent drug use from independent data sources Computer interview questionnaires for drug use/abuse Single-organism designs Longitudinal designs Automatic Interaction Detection Actuarial prediction Cluster and typological analysis Path analysis Factor analysis General multiple regression and correlation analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Discriminant analysis On coca The abuse and dangers of cocaine Rx cocaine The cocaine crime Some sociological aspects of the problem of cocaism Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Cocaine On the general effect of cocaine Craving for and fear of cocaine Emergency room treatment of the drug- abusing patient The politics of deviance: The case of drugs A Perspective on ‘Get Tough’ Drug Control Laws Interlocking dualities in drug use, drug control, and crime Drug addiction and crime: Is methadone maintenance preferable to withdrawal? Crime and the addict: Beyond common sense The addict as a criminal: Perpetuation of a legend The problem of heroin Drugs, alcohol, and violent crime 0311 0312 0313 0314 0315 0316 0436 0437 0438 0439 0440 0442 0443 0444 0445 0496 0497 0498 0499 0500 0501 0502 0503 0504 0505 0558 0570 0571 0572 0579 0580 0584 0588 0590 0615 0629 0631 0633 0634 0635 0638 0640 0645 Methadone treatment and crime reduction— Differential impact: An analysis and a case study Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment Critique of success with methadone maintenance The Addict and the Law Law enforcement politics and drug abuse Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system A halfway house is not a home: Notes on the failure of a narcotic rehabilitation project The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Marijuana use and psychiatric iliness “Psychopathology” of “‘narcotic addiction:" A new point of view Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict American diplomacy and the international narcotics traffic: A black perspective Sequences in addiction Drug abuse and crime: Fact or fancy? Rehabilitation or bust: The impact of criminal justice system referrals on the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in a therapeutic community (Eagleville’s experience) The legislative response to marihuana: When the shoe pinches enough Methodological considerations for a model reporting system of drug deaths Coca chewing: A new perspective Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy The traditional role and symbolism of hashish among Moroccan Jews in Israel and the effect of acculturation The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 Ganja legislation Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Amphetamine psychosis: A ‘model’ schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Biochemical, anatomical and psychological investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines Psychomotor effects of analeptics and their relation to ‘‘fatigue’’ phenomena in air crew Status and prospect of drugs for overeating The amphetamines: Medical uses and health hazards Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs Effects on sleep of amphetamines and its derivatives 0698 0709 0710 0745 0755 0762 0768 0780 0791 0792 0794 0931 0967 1030 1057 1067 1068 1099 11083 1132 1167 1183 1192 1194 1208 1212 1213 1214 1215 1222 1231 1232 1238 1239 1286 METHODOLOGY INDEX Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Drugs of abuse in the future Traditionalism/Yea Saying Scale Traditionalism/Yea Saying Scale Untitled Drug Questionnaire/Luetgert Untitled Drug Questionnaire Untitled Questionnaire/Baer Untitled Questionnaire U.S. National Health Survey Medical History Questionnaire Narcotic addicts, multiple drug abuse and psychological distress Value Orientation Schedule Value Orientation Schedule 1309 1322 1325 0462 0476 0480 1022 0465 273 Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Vietnam Veterans Questionnaire/ Robins Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later W.ALLS. LQ. Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population W.LS.C. Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Witkin’s Rod And Frame Test Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Yorkville Lsd Users Questionnaire/Smart, Jones Yorkville LSD Users Study Youth Drug Use Survey/Judd Youth Drug Use Survey 0516 0488 0838 0108 0999 0470 0479 Accident-Involved Drivers Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Adolescent Offenders Drug taking in delinquent boys Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Adolescents Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies Evaluation of Drug Education Programs From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community Delinquency and Opportunity: A Theory of Delinquent Gangs American way of drugging. Street status and drug users Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates The individual environment The family of the addict The young addict and his family A study of drug-taking adolescents A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Psychological characteristics of the adolescent addict Prediction: A prolegomenon Current issues in the epidemiology of drug abuse as related to psychosocial studies of adolescent drug use The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and SAMPLE INDEX 0872 0621 0681 0685 0686 0070 0080 0102 0103 0104 0106 0108 0109 0119 0120 0125 0133 0190 0191 0195 0205 0234 0252 0265 0302 0316 0436 0437 0438 0439 0440 0441 interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse A social psychological approach to substance abuse construct validity: Prediction of adolescent drug use from independent data sources Self Assessment Scales Longitudinal designs Discriminant analysis Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Motivational factors in drug use The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Low self-concept as a cause of drug abuse The patterns of drug abuse among school children Narcotics and criminality Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment The world of the righteous dope fiend The World of Youthful Drug Use Narcotics use among juveniles Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition The juvenile drug offender and the justice system A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Effects of Labeling the ‘Drug Abuser’: An Inquiry Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: 0443 0444 0467 0497 0505 0508 0511 0513 0524 0544 0625 0632 0648 0667 0671 0677 0678 0687 0734 0744 0747 0756 0757 0783 0800 0834 0835 0837 0939 0947 0965 0989 1032 Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables Covert drug abuse among voluntary hospitalized psychiatric patients Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Aged Renal papillary necrosis and abuse of analgesics The life cycle of the narcotic addict and of addiction The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades American Indians Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status Animals Amphetamine psychosis: A ‘‘model” “schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Biochemical, anatomical and psychological investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA Small vessel cerebral vascular changes following chronic amphetamine intoxication Arrested Drivers Drugs in drinking drivers: A study of 2,500 cases SAMPLE INDEX 1125 1127 1135 1143 1146 1153 1248 1258 1259 1262 1265 1268 0293 0228 0257 0301 0926 0938 0940 1213 1214 1215 1271 1278 1293 0861 Drug detection in cases of "‘driving under the influence" Arrestees Intravenous drug abuse in the arrest population in Stockholm: Frequency studies Asian-Americans The Chinese narcotic. addict in the United States Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or “the sensuous hippie” Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Asians Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast Athletes Amphetamine sulfate and athletic performance The facts about ergogenic aids and sports performance The effect of d-amphetamine sulfate on physical performance Blacks Characteristics of nurse addicts Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Women versus men Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies The smoker's view of marijuana Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures The individual environment The family of the addict Horatio Alger's Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Correlates of the generation gap Narcotic addiction in pregnancy Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress 0863 1270 0294 0931 0932 0938 0940 0944 1074 1090 0943 0950 0013 0016 0017 0010 0025 0026 0048 0054 0070 0087 0092 0108 0111 0114 0119 0120 0126 0128 0157 0164 Heroin addiction during pregnancy A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Mortality among young narcotic addicts The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis Cats, kicks, and color The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Locus of control among opiate addicts Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotics, negros and the south Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Secondary drug use among heroin users Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts SAMPLE INDEX 0170 0190 0195 0198 0199 0200 0202 0203 0204 0205 0208 0210 0229 0241 0245 0246 0247 0248 0252 0260 0262 0265 0268 0271 0275 0277 0278 0279 0295 0296 0299 0300 0304 0309 0310 Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients The use of drugs by jazz musicians Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Excerpts from marihuana use and crime Criminal recidivism and psychiatric iliness Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street The Negro drug addict as an offender type A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Criminal history of narcotic addicts Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention Opiate use and criminality among a jail population The World of Youthful Drug Use Narcotics use among juveniles Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Narcotics involvement and female criminality Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin 0535 0608 0617 0630 0642 0646 0647 0648 0650 0655 0658 0660 0662 0667 0668 0669 0672 0673 0674 0675 0677 0678 0679 0680 0681 0685 0686 0688 0689 0694 0699 0700 0703 0705 addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Heroin addicts and violent crime Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities The juvenile drug offender and the justice system A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws The drug arrest Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study California civil commitment: A decade later Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts New York's big push SAMPLE INDEX 0707 0708 0712 0714 0715 0718 0720 0724 0725 0729 0730 0732 0742 0744 0747 0749 0750 0753 0759 0763 0767 0776 0777 0778 0779 0784 0786 0787 0788 0789 A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Depression and drug addiction Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users Psychopathology in Drug Abusers Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students Blue collar black families An Assesssment of Drug Use in the General Population Special Report No. 2 Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Rural youth and the use of drugs Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Drug use in a black ghetto Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status Psychosocial aspects of addiction Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by 0790 0797 0798 0800 0804 0806 0807 0808 0811 0812 0840 0841 0843 0866 0921 0922 0925 0928 0929 0931 0932 0933 0934 0935 0936 0937 0938 0939 0940 0941 0943 0944 0945 0946 0947 men and women and their role in treatment outcome An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: I. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions The black addict: I. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Obtaining life history information about opioid users Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions . The street addict role: Toward the definition o a type Careers in Dope Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs The vocational maturity of inner-city narcotic addicts SAMPLE INDEX 0948 0949 0952 0953 0954 0956 0957 0958 0959 0960 0961 0962 0963 0964 0965 0966 0968 0970 0972 0973 0974 1002 1009 1021 1032 1034 1035 1039 1045 Employment and social disability among opiate addicts Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Criminality and addiction Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Narcotic addicts and crime Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie" The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco The forensic toxicology of cocaine Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Blue Collar Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons American way of drugging. Street status and drug users Horatio Alger's Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Blue collar black families British West Indians Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction Children Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children's behavior disorders The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children 1046 1048 1049 1050 1054 1055 1056 1059 1060 1061 1070 1074 1080 1082 1084 1090 1096 1104 1121 1273 0022 0104 0126 0922 0933 0959 0966 0070 0108 0648 0837 1233 1235 Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine: Differential effect on aggression and hyperkinesis in children and dogs Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine in minimal brain dysfunction Amphetamine poisoning: Effectiveness of chlorpromazine Civilly Committed The “‘normal’’ life of the addict and the consequences of addiction Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program California civil commitment: A decade later The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Criminal commitment of narcotic addicts under state law California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 New York's big push Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI The decline of the addict as ‘‘psychopath’’: Implications for community care The vocational maturity of inner-city narcotic addicts Follow-up of a token economy of civilly committed narcotic addicts Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center College Students Amphetamine sulfate and athletic performance The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man Effect of amphetamine sulfate on athletic performance The effect of d-amphetamine sulfate on physical performance Drug use and sexual activity on a college campus Sex and marijuana Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers Dimensions of Response to Public Service Drug Abuse Information Dissemination of Drug Related Information Assessing the Persuasiveness of Drug Abuse Information An Experimental Analysis of Reaction to Filmed Drug Abuse Information SAMPLE INDEX 1236 1237 1284 0052 0761 0764 0771 0772 0773 0779 0780 0782 0786 0787 0789 0795 0796 0810 1045 1066 1264 0013 0014 0015 0017 0038 0040 0056 0063 0064 0066 0067 Public Service Advertising and Social Problems: The Case of Drug Abuse Prevention Drug education: Pushing or preventing? The *'hang-loose’" ethic and the spirit of drug use Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society Predicting who will turn on Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures Correlates of marijuana use among college students College Student's Perceptions of their Parents’ Attitudes and Practices toward Drug Use Locus of control among opiate addicts Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Carnegie-Mellon University Drug Use Research Project; Study Ill Junior Year Questionnaire, Class of 1972 Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men Self Report Inventory Inquiry on Smoking Untitled Drug Questionnaire Marijuana Attitude Scale Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire Six Factor Drug Related Personality Test Rotter’s I-E Scale Automatic Interaction Detection Factor analysis Self image and attitudes towards drugs Personality factors in marihuana use Drug use and achievement Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use Personality factors in student drug use A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth 0068 0083 0089 0090 0096 0099 0105 01183 0114 0115 0127 0268 0439 0441 0443 0446 0448 0453 0459 0464 0474 0475 0476 0481 0482 0487 0489 0498 0502 0506 0507 0509 0512 0516 0518 0523 0525 0526 Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 Personality differences between psychedelic drug users and nonusers The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker Ego functioning and acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Need for social approval and drug use Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users Emotional stability and student drug use Personality traits and attitudes and their relationship to student drug using behavior Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales The subjective dimensions of the drug experience University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs Marijuana and the use of other drugs Perceived penal sanction and self-reported criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Psychopathology and experience with marihuana Marihuana and automobile crashes Marihuana and driving risk among college students Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration Differential patterns of drug abuse among SAMPLE INDEX 0527 0529 0530 0531 0533 0534 0536 0537 0542 0543 0546 0548 0549 0552 0553 0555 0557 0607 0626 0746 0754 0805 0821 0865 0868 0878 0884 0885 0903 0904 0905 0910 0913 white activists and nonwhite militant college students Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use The parents of drug users Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study Expectancy disconfirmation and attitude change Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients On the question of pre-existing personality differences between users and nonusers of drugs Assertiveness and patterns of drug use: A pilot study Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Personality dynamics of heroin use Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample A factor-analytic examination of sexual behaviors and attitudes and marihuana - usage Plasma testosterone levels in healthy male marijuana smokers Illicit use of drugs among university students in Stockholm The use of Indian hemp in Zaire: A formulation of hypotheses on the basis of an inquiry using a written questionnaire Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students Drug induced mood changes in man. |. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Behavioral studies of diethylpropion in man DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man Coroners The Development of a Uniform System for Reporting and Recording Drug-Related Deaths Criminal Justice Personnel Estimating drug-crime relationships Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County The Addict and the Law Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana 0921 0940 0978 0981 0983 0994 0997 0998 1002 1003 1005 1006 1011 1015 1071 1073 1149 1156 1190 1223 1276 1280 0189 0654 0735 0742 0743 0745 0748 Some aspects of the “‘tough’ New York State drug law Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program Public policy and judicial perspectives in two Canadian cities: The case of heroin Delinquents The individual environment General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users The relationships and prevalance of smoking, drinking, and drug taking in (delinquent) adolescent boys Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors associated with the progression to narcotic use Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls Narcotics use among juveniles Drug abuse and delinquency. Part I. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves A study of achievement motivation and frustration in glue sniffers Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group The effects of Benzedrine sulfate on the behavior of psychopathic and neurotic juvenile delinquents Delinguency and the amphetamines Driver Fatalities The prevalence of drugs in fatally injured drivers Drivers, Accident-Involved Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents Drivers, Arrested The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations Drug Dealers Dealer: Portrait of a Cocaine Merchant The Bay area speed scene Drug Offenders Dismissal of Narcotics Arrest Cases in the New York City Criminal Court Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition Prior criminal record and adult marihuana arrest dispositions Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County SAMPLE INDEX 0758 0765 1065 0119 0538 0619 0622 0623 0678 0679 0680 0808 1016 1120 1234 1261 0873 0871 0862 0606 1252 0731 0732 0734 0737 0742 0743 281 The juvenile drug offender and the justice system The Addict and the Law The drug arrest A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Some aspects of the ‘tough’ New York State drug law Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems Driving Records of Persons Arrested for Illegal Drug Use Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Criminal record characteristics of California and lllinois adult marihuana arrestees A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement The legislative response to marihuana: When the shoe pinches enough Drug offenders and the prison regimen in France Drug offenders in Israel: A survey Employees Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry Drugs in industry Dismissal for off-the-job criminal behavior Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons Combating employee drug abuse When a company counsels the drug abuser A program for control of drug abuse in industry Personality correlates of hallucinogen use Job satisfaction, counterproductive behavior, and drug use at work Employers Employment and Addiction: Overview of Issues Drugs in industry Dismissal for off-the-job criminal behavior A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment Combating employee drug abuse When a company counsels the drug abuser Guidelines for Management-Labor Team 0744 0745 0749 0756 0758 0759 0763 0783 0785 0860 1050 1053 1063 1064 1068 1128 1160 0001 0003 0004 0005 0022 0028 0029 0031 1008 1043 0002 0004 0005 0020 0021 0023 0024 0028 0029 Efforts: Approaches to Drug Abuse Education and Prevention in Industry A program for control of drug abuse in industry Employee drug abuse in municipal government A state-wide survey of drug issues in industry Ex-Addicts Attitudes regarding drug abuse among a group of ex-addict staff members Families Personality dynamics of mothers and wives of drug addicts Horatio Alger's Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Blue collar black families Mexican-American families The addict, abstinence, and the family The addict as savior: Heroin, death, and the family Families (Wives) Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Fatalities Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts The *‘heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Mortality among young narcotic addicts The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction Infections as fatal complications of narcotism Pathologic aspects of drug addiction Human pulmonary pathology associated with narcotic and other addictive drugs The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With SAMPLE INDEX 0030 0031 1042 1047 0992 0048 0188 0190 0196 0197 0198 0199 0200 0201 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases The neuropathology of heroin addiction The neuropathologic complications of narcotics addiction Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 Phenothiazine deaths: A critical review Introduction to amphetamine abuse Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Methadone related deaths in New York City Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Recovery of cannabis constituents from the hands at autopsy Deaths involving methadone: A statistician’s view Drug-related mortality in the United States, 1963-71 Narcotics-related deaths decrease in 1972 from the number of narcotics-related deaths in 1971 Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities Drinking, drugs, and death A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Drug deaths involving propoxyphene—An assessment in metropolitan Detroit The forensic toxicology of cocaine Suicide and mortality amongst heroin addicts in Britain Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Fatalities, Driver A Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Organic Factors in Fatal Single Vehicle Traffic Accidents. Final Report Females Characteristics of nurse addicts Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual Marijuana and sex Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality 0217 0218 0219 0220 0222 0224 0226 0229 0230 0231 0233 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1100 1101 1104 1109 1144 1321 0859 0010 0022 0033 0034 0035 0036 0039 0043 0044 Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Women versus men Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone The Search for Drug Abuse Information Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Suicide among physicians Attempted suicide by drug ingestion Mortality among young narcotic addicts Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City Barbiturate intoxication Phenothiazine deaths: A critical review Renal papillary necrosis and abuse of analgesics Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 Follow-up of criminal narcotic addicts Locus of control among opiate addicts Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. I. A comparison with addict controls Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Self image and attitudes towards drugs Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Personality factors in student drug use Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles 314-297 O - 80 - 20 SAMPLE INDEX 0045 0048 0054 0055 0065 0095 0099 0130 0193 0194 0203 0210 0221 0224 0228 0235 0243 0252 0259 0262 0263 0268 0277 0278 0279 0290 0291 0292 0296 0297 0506 0508 0514 0524 0525 0528 Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Personality Characteristics of Drug Abusers Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors associated with the progression to narcotic use Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Narcotics involvement and female criminality Heroin dependence and delinquency in women-—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research The drug arrest Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Marihuana users and nonusers Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population 0531 0532 0539 0541 0547 0548 0622 0623 0630 0649 0662 0666 0675 0688 0689 0690 0691 0693 0707 0712 0714 0732 0749 0753 0760 0764 0786 0787 0797 0811 0819 0835 0837 0838 Psychopathology in Drug Abusers Drug detection in cases of ‘driving under the influence" Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Careers in Dope The parents of drug users Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study Attitudes regarding drug abuse among a group of ex-addict staff members Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients Female drug use: Some observations Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Incidence of daily drug use as reported by a population of Thai partners working near United States military installations: A preliminary study A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts SAMPLE INDEX 0843 0863 0871 0886 0937 0946 0948 0950 0953 0958 0962 0966 0969 0972 0973 0981 0983 0992 1006 1010 1021 1036 1055 1060 1061 1075 1120 1134 1175 1178 1179 Drug abuse among the inmates of a women's prison in Mexico City Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Amphetamine and phenmetrazine addiction: Physiological abnormalities in the abstinence syndrome Cerebral angiographic changes in the drug abuse patient General Population Differential Drug Use Within the New York State Labor Force The Search for Drug Abuse Information Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Automatic Interaction Detection Drug use and achievement Excerpts from marihuana use and crime Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort The World of Youthful Drug Use Survey of Marijuana Use and Attitudes: State of Oregon The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users An Assesssment of Drug Use in the General Population Special Report No. 2 Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention An epidemiological evaluation of a public health measure aimed at reducing the availability of methylamphetamine Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970 The problem of drug misuse in the German Democratic Republic Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables Ghetto Residents Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Drug use in a black ghetto A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York Community attitudes towards drugs: 1198 1230 1268 1269 1285 1292 0027 0065 0070 0092 0130 0304 0498 0509 0646 0648 0677 0733 0736 0925 0936 1017 1063 1064 1070 1123 1126 1131 1137 1248 0933 0934 0956 Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction High School Students An evaluation of a short-term drug education program Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders Drug education: Pushing or preventing? A Study of Four Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention Discrepancies between drug educators and students in attitudes toward marihuana: Their implications for communication Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers Differential involvement with marijuana and its socio-cultural context: A study of suburban youths Family and differential involvement with marihuana: A study of suburban teenagers Correlates of the generation gap Relationships between parental and adolescent drug use Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs Drug Survey Interview Marijuana Attitude Scale Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire “Make Yourself Heard” Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire Survey Questionnaires for ‘‘Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth" Confidential Information Questionnaire Survey of Student Drug Use Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns SAMPLE INDEX 0966 0081 0082 0083 0084 0091 0095 0112 0116 0117 0128 0129 0450 0452 0454 0455 0456 0472 0481 0482 0483 0484 0485 0493 0510 0515 0517 0519 0526 0527 0531 Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project Drug use and driving risk among high school students Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Rural youth and the use of drugs Religion, parental influence, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana use Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community Research into expression of attitudes about drugs—What use is it? Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Conventional ties, peer influence, and the fear of apprehension: A study of adolescent marijuana use Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile Hippies Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies Horatio Alger's Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users Drugs and the adolescent experience Young drug addicts: Background and personality Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles Heroin addicts and violent crime The transition to amphetamine abuse The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Homicide Cases Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users 0539 0540 0541 0550 0554 0684 0869 0926 0929 0979 0987 0990 0991 0995 0996 1007 1010 1062 1069 1188 0101 0126 0131 0132 0134 0152 0528 0715 1210 1318 0655 Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit Hospital Patients A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City Renal papillary necrosis and abuse of analgesics The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines Drug induced mood changes in man. |. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders Hospital Staff The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Incarcerated Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison The ‘‘addiction-prone’’ personality: A study of Canadian heroin addicts Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system Motivational factors in drug use Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Drug addiction in its relation to crime Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population The Negro drug addict as an offender type Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Heroin dependence and delinquency in SAMPLE INDEX 0963 0034 0035 0209 0210 0228 0524 0545 1075 1223 1233 0908 0993 0025 0053 0269 0270 0300 0513 0535 0573 0624 0641 0642 0647 0663 0669 0675 0683 0687 women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Detoxification of sick addicts in prison Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners Psychosocial aspects of addiction The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study Drug abuse among the inmates of a women's prison in Mexico City Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences Intellectual and neuro-psychological functions in young men with heavy and long-term patterns of drug abuse Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Il. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Industrial Workers Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Infants Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants 0690 0691 0702 0752 0753 0766 0770 0776 0777 0795 0796 0804 0805 0807 0811 0814 0941 0958 1014 1061 1159 1198 1244 1251 1265 1290 1312 1134 0138 0139 Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Maternal barbiturate utilization and neonatal withdrawal symptomatology Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome in a passively addicted infant Does LSD induce chromosomal damage and malformations? A review of the literature Lysergic acid diethylamide: Its effects on human chromosomes and the human organismin utero.ff A review of current findings The chromosomal and teratogenic effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: A review of the current literature Parental drug usage: Effects upon chromosomes of progeny LSD exposure in uteroff Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): Effect on human chromosomes in vivoff Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Bizarre deformities in offspring of user of lysergic acid diethylamide A statistical study of infants born with withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Narcotic addiction in pregnancy The pregnant addict: A study of 66 case histories, 1950-1959 Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Alterations of the sleep cycle in heroin- addicted and ‘‘suspect’’ newborns Variations in birth cries of newborn infants from narcotic-addicted and normal mothers Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn Tachypnea and alkalosis in infants of narcotic-addicted mothers Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress Absence of respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants of heroin-addicted mothers Nature of the sweating deficit of prematurely born neonates: Observations on babies with the heroin withdrawal syndrome Management of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome in the neonate The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine Diazepam in the management of the neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome Heroin addiction during pregnancy Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Methadone withdrawal in newborn infants Narcotic withdrawal in pregnancy: Stillbirth incidence with a case report SAMPLE INDEX 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0147 0148 0149 0150 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 0158 0159 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 0170 0171 0172 0173 0175 Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Abstinence score in the treatment of the infant of the drug-dependent mother Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn Effect of heroin on cortisol production in pregnant addicts and their fetuses Delayed presentation of neonatal methadone withdrawal Behavior of infants born to narcotic-addicted mothers The early neonatal period of 100 live-borns of mothers on methadone Heroin and the fetus Postmortem findings in offspring of heroin addicts Neonatal addiction-exposure to heroin and methadone Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight The assessment of behavioral change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal: Comparative data from clinical and objective methods Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part |. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Pharmacologic observations on the neonatal withdrawal syndrome Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Junior High School Students Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing? Exploration of attitudes of students involved with drugs Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs Personality Inventory Drug Survey Interview ‘Make Yourself Heard" Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire Survey of Student Drug Use Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality 0176 0177 0178 0179 0180 0181 0182 0183 0184 0185 0186 0187 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1090 0072 0086 0450 0456 0466 0472 0483 0493 Factors Using an Original Cartoon- 0O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community Lower Class Delinquency and Opportunity: A Theory of Delinquent Gangs Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Mexican-American families Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Medical Examiners The Development of a Uniform System for Reporting and Recording Drug-Related Deaths Medical Patients Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients The use of Benzedrine for the treatment of narcolepsy Clinical use of Benzedrine sulfate (amphetamine) in obesity Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine Medical Students Use of amphetamine by medical students Suicide among physicians Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students Methadone Patients Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone Heroin addiction during pregnancy Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone Patterns of ‘‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients SAMPLE INDEX 0522 1000 0103 0108 0658 0680 0681 0805 0923 1024 0189 0867 1227 1228 1230 0006 0193 0893 1152 0048 0055 0170 0171 0174 0195 0271 0306 0608 Patterns of ‘“‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? A road back from heroin addiction Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Heroin addicts and violent crime Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment Methadone and the culture of addiction The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta Methadone patients on probation and parole A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Narcotic use and driving behavior Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Changes in locus of control in heroin addicts Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients Clinical depression among narcotic addicts 0609 0658 0694 0696 0701 0705 0706 0707 0708 0711 0714 0715 0717 0718 0719 0721 0722 0769 0790 0857 0858 0866 0886 0950 0952 0955 0969 0999 1001 1002 1004 1021 maintained on methadone in the community From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part I. The study of reinforcement differentials Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs Criminality and addiction Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Function of the male sex organs in heroin and methadone users Sexual problems of heroin addicts The opiate addict in Israel Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Mexican-Americans Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin- users Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Addiction careers Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States The World of Youthful Drug Use A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users A halfway house is not a home: Notes on the failure of a narcotic rehabilitation project California civil commitment: A decade later Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts California Civil Addict Program SAMPLE INDEX 1024 1028 1037 1039 1049 1051 1054 1054 1072 1076 1165 1273 0126 0202 0255 0297 0298 0642 0677 0686 0688 0711 0750 0763 0764 0767 0768 0779 0781 0786 A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Mexican-American families Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Drug use in a black ghetto Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Obtaining life history information about opioid users Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Middle-Aged The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity The life cycle of the narcotic addict and of addiction The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Middle Class Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana 0787 0806 0811 0866 0923 0927 0928 0930 0931 0932 0934 0943 0953 0955 0958 0960 0961 0969 0970 0974 1021 1050 1056 1061 0248 0257 0301 0693 0718 0057 Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing? Horatio Alger's Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users A study of drug-taking adolescents Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users A pilot study of occasional heroin users Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Personality differences between psychedelic drug users and nonusers Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use Drug laws: Perceptions of illegal drug users Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use The parents of drug users Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers The transition to amphetamine abuse Military Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Il. Effects of analeptic and depressant drugs upon psychological behavior SAMPLE INDEX 0072 0126 0131 0133 0152 0251 0440 0451 0452 0511 0514 0515 0517 0519 0524 0529 0549 0554 0555 0556 0741 0760 0805 0813 0838 0839 0978 0981 0996 1107 1210 0019 The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Dependency traits among parents of drug abusers Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Addicted and nonaddicted drug users The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue The effects of experimentally induced attitudes on task efficiency Effects of normal air and dextro-amphetamine upon work decrement induced by oxygen impoverishment and fatigue Psychomotor effects of analeptics and their relation to ‘‘fatigue’’ phenomena in air crew Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers The effects of analeptics on the fatigued subject Mothers Psychodynamic factors in the mother-child relationship in adolescent drug addiction: A comparison of mothers of schizophrenics and mothers of normal adolescent sons Drug abuse: A family affair? Musicians The use of drugs by jazz musicians Nara Patients Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program The decline of the addict as *‘psychopath’': Implications for community care MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Nurses Characteristics of nurse addicts Occasional Heroin Users A pilot study of occasional heroin users 0303 0488 0841 0896 0924 0935 0985 0986 1013 1033 1216 1218 1219 1222 1225 1244 1267 1217 0124 0980 0617 0310 0750 0775 0810 0815 0927 0010 0251 Offenders Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Drug use and criminal activity: Some relationship indices A statistical study of criminal drug addicts Narcotics involvement and female criminality Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Overdose Cases Attempted suicide by drug ingestion Barbiturate intoxication Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Parents Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers The social backgrounds of young addicts as elicited in interviews with their parents Group therapy with parents of adolescent drug addicts The young addict and his family LSD exposure in uteroff Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Opiate addicts and their parents Attitudes toward the sale and use of drugs—A cross-sectional analysis Parolees Personality dynamics of mothers and wives of drug addicts Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users A halfway house is not a home: Notes on the failure of a narcotic rehabilitation project Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Physician Addicts The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of SAMPLE INDEX 0649 0653 0664 0689 1060 0194 0221 0223 0225 0227 0235 0112 0121 0122 0125 0149 0454 0835 0976 0988 0123 0652 0695 0740 0751 0759 0767 0768 0778 0781 291 the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up How 92% beat the dope habit Physicians Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco Suicide among physicians Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs Pimps The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel Police The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Some aspects of the ‘tough’ New York State drug law Posttreatment The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users A study of some failures in methadone treatment Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction 0007 0009 0012 0008 0009 0011 0193 1040 0037 1162 0726 0729 0730 0735 0739 0748 0758 0258 0259 0260 0261 0262 0264 0265 0266 0299 0656 0657 0659 A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Obtaining life history information about opioid users Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong Pregnant Women Epidemiology of drugs taken by pregnant women: Drugs that may affect the fetus adversely Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome in a passively addicted infant Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users A statistical study of infants born with withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Narcotic addiction in pregnancy The pregnant addict: A study of 66 case histories, 1950-1959 Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress Narcotic withdrawal in pregnancy: Stillbirth incidence with a case report Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn Effect of heroin on cortisol production in pregnant addicts and their fetuses Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Pharmacologic observations on the neonatal withdrawal syndrome Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations SAMPLE INDEX 0672 0693 0777 0788 0942 0961 0971 0975 1034 1178 0137 0139 0140 0141 0143 0152 0154 0155 0156 0157 0158 0164 0175 0176 0180 0181 1079 1080 1085 1087 1088 Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Probationers Authority and Addiction A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Prostitutes The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel Psychiatric Patients Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen The social backgrounds of young addicts as elicited in interviews with their parents Drug Abuse Interview Form Multivariate analysis of variance MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Experimental analysis of the psychopathological effects of intoxicating drugs The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs The effects of cocaine on depressed patients Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse Hallucinogenic drugs as precipitants of schizophrenia Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia LSD and psychiatric inpatients Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia Amphetamine addiction Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents Personality dynamics of heroin use Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs 1090 0697 0747 0795 0796 0037 1055 1162 0043 0044 0045 0108 0121 0469 0504 0514 0598 0599 0612 0816 0820 0824 0825 0826 0827 0828 0832 0833 0837 0838 0839 0840 0867 0870 1011 1020 Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population The spread of heroin abuse in a community Amphetamine substances in mental illnesses in Northern Ireland Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine in minimal brain dysfunction Amphetamine intoxication and dependence in admissions to a psychiatric unit Amphetamine use and abuse in psychiatric patients Covert drug abuse among voluntary hospitalized psychiatric patients Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients Cardiovascular effects of Benzedrine The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by intravenous administration of methylphenidate Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine Puerto Ricans A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Women versus men Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies The smoker's view of marijuana Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user The individual environment The family of the addict Narcotic addiction in pregnancy Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Mortality among young narcotic addicts The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction SAMPLE INDEX 1023 1025 1122 1124 1125 1195 1235 1237 1256 1257 1258 1259 1281 1308 1316 1317 0026 0054 0070 0087 0092 0108 0111 0119 0120 0157 0164 0190 0196 0202 0203 0204 0208 0241 0245 An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction Secondary drug use among heroin users Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Heroin addicts and violent crime Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons New York's big push Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students 0246 0265 0279 0293 0299 0309 0630 0642 0656 0657 0659 0660 0662 0668 0674 0681 0688 0693 0708 0714 0715 0724 0725 0750 0789 0797 0798 0800 0837 0921 An Assesssment of Drug Use in the General Population Special Report No. 2 Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Careers in Dope Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs The vocational maturity of inner-city narcotic addicts Criminality and addiction Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Narcotic addicts and crime Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Rural Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community Rural youth and the use of drugs The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica Siblings ] Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area SAMPLE INDEX 0925 0928 0932 0933 0942 0943 0944 0953 0956 0959 0960 0966 0970 0971 0973 0974 0975 1032 1039 1045 1049 1056 1059 1082 1084 1121 0022 0106 0510 0929 1196 0660 Social Service Personnel The Development of a Uniform System for Reporting and Recording Drug-Related Deaths Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) South American Indians The role of coca in the history, religion and medicine of South American Indians Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas The strange case of the coca leaf Some sociological aspects of the problem of cocaism Psychological deficit in chewers of coca leaf Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village Coca leaf use in southern Peru: Some biological aspects Coca chewing: A new perspective Spanish-Speaking Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Criminal history of narcotic addicts Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Narcotics use among juveniles Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer Employment and social disability among opiate addicts Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie" 0189 0739 0748 1013 1034 0563 0567 0577 0579 0604 0605 0610 1103 0199 0262 0658 0673 0675 0678 0700 0705 0712 0742 0946 0950 0972 1002 1035 1046 1060 1074 The forensic toxicology of cocaine Street Addicts The ‘street addict role’: Implications for treatment Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone The world of the righteous dope fiend An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Sequences in addiction Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer Students Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana Sources of information about drugs among high school students Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Pharmaceutical Advertising and Youth The smoker's view of marijuana Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Test of Effective Academic Motivation (TEAM) General multiple regression and correlation analysis Marijuana and the law: What young people say Drug laws: Perceptions of illegal drug users Some aspects of the ‘tough’ New York State drug law Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Experimental studies of marihuana A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or SAMPLE INDEX 1104 0239 0269 0271 0671 0696 0972 1030 1035 0057 0058 0060 0069 0087 0447 0451 0494 0503 0738 0741 0758 0829 0830 0879 0880 0887 0888 0891 0895 0896 0897 0898 placebo on human motor and mental performance Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Attitudes toward the sale and use of drugs—A cross-sectional analysis The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training Drug use and social integration Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Suburban Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing? Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Differential involvement with marijuana and its socio-cultural context: A study of suburban youths Family and differential involvement with marihuana: A study of suburban teenagers Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse 0900 0901 0906 0907 0915 0916 0918 0930 0938 0988 0989 1130 1140 1142 1143 1145 1148 1153 1164 1197 0072 01086 0116 0117 0130 0447 Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users The juvenile drug offender and the justice system Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Attitudes toward the sale and use of drugs—A cross-sectional analysis Attitudes of middie class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts Suicide Cases Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Drugs and suicide in the United States Treatment Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison Addiction careers Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Suitability for Treatment Scale Drug Abuse Reporting Program: Admission Record and Status Evaluation Record CODAP Admission Report, CODAP Discharge Report Cocaine intoxication and its demoralizing effects Signs and symptoms presented by those addicted to cocaine Therapy of obsessive neuroses with cocaine Mania associated with the use of LN.H. and cocaine Motives for use among light and heavy users Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India Summary. lilicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and illegal Behavior Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Urban versus suburban addict crime The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment SAMPLE INDEX 0451 0517 0522 0550 0744 0813 0988 0995 1017 0191 0192 0195 0269 0298 0447 0473 0486 0492 0592 0596 0601 0602 0611 0614 0650 0662 0688 0699 0703 0712 0716 Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience Detoxification of sick addicts in prison A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts Depression and drug addiction Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: I. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions The black addict: I. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Careers in Dope Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Birth order and polydrug abuse among heroin addicts Personality dynamics of heroin use Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Employment and social disability among opiate addicts Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or “the sensuous hippie” Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria 0720 0727 0729 0759 0766 0776 0801 0812 0928 0946 0948 0949 0953 0954 0957 0960 0970 0973 0974 0982 1011 1023 1032 1038 1046 1048 1074 1078 121 1127 1133 1135 1154 Drug abuse in Afghanistan Changing patterns of multiple drug use among applicants to a multimodality drug treatment program Treatment, Inpatient The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics The *‘pharmacogenic orgasm’ in the drug addict Heroin addiction: Its relation to sexual behavior and sexual experience Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Young drug addicts: Background and personality A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Heroin Addicts The habit In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Locus of control among opiate addicts Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. I. A comparison with addict controls Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Narcotics, negros and the south Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Patterns of pentazocine abuse Secondary drug use among heroin users Personality characteristics and drug of choice Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility SAMPLE INDEX 1169 1260 0007 0047 0049 0099 0134 0190 0191 0200 0202 0245 0246 0249 0250 0252 0268 0272 0277 0278 0279 0290 0291 0294 0295 0297 0308 0309 0521 0528 0595 Heroin and cocaine addiction Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street Criminal history of narcotic addicts Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts Sociopathy as a human process Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Personality characteristics of servicemen returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study The decline of the addict as ‘psychopath’ Implications for community care MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Amphetamine psychosis: I. Description of the individuals and process An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison 0603 0666 0667 0668 0673 0674 0695 0700 0725 0770 0793 0795 0796 0797 0798 0800 0802 0803 0804 0806 0809 0810 0811 0814 0815 0817 0835 0836 0841 0844 0886 0937 Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts Narcotic addicts and crime Rehabilitation or bust: The impact of criminal justice system referrals on the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in a therapeutic community (Eagleville's experience) A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts The central action of beta-aminopropyl- benzene (Benzedrine) Drug induced mood changes in man. I. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Craving for Benzedrine Acute psychotic reaction after inhaling methylamphetamine Acute hallucinosis as a complication of addiction to amphetamine sulfate The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Methamphetamine psychosis Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Mephentermine psychosis: Misuse of the Wyamine inhaler Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) psychosis Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA A case of benzedrine sulfate poisoning Fatal amphetamine poisoning Amphetamine and phenmetrazine addiction: Physiological abnormalities in the abstinence syndrome Complications of injecting dissolved methylphenidate tablets Necrotizing angiitis associated with drug abuse Cerebral angiographic changes in the drug abuse patient Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger of Benzedrine treatment A case of recurrent psychosis associated with amphetamine addiction Amphetamines and addiction Psychoses due to amphetamine Paranoid psychosis associated with amphetamine usage SAMPLE INDEX 0943 0944 0945 0962 0972 1029 1059 1067 1153 1176 1179 1221 1223 1245 1246 1247 1255 1263 1265 1268 1269 1273 1274 1275 1278 1282 1283 1285 1288 1291 1292 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 Toxic psychosis: A complication of overdosage of anti-obesity drugs The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine Amphetamine Psychosis Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption Toxic reactions to the amphetamines Amphetamine abuse: A ‘speed trap” The clinical symptorhatology of amphetamine psychosis and its relationships to amphetamine levels in urine Clinical studies of amphetamine psychoses Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self Treatment, Nonvoluntary Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects The decline of the addict as ‘psychopath’: Implications for community care Treatment, Outpatient Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Drugs and sexual behavior Indicators of homosexuality in the human figure drawings of heroin- and pill-using addicts Exploration of attitudes of students involved with drugs Videotape Recording of Narcotic Addicts in Group Therapy: The Analysis of Communicational and Interactive Behavior A study of drug-taking adolescents The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence The Psychotic Junkie Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1310 1311 1314 0275 0025 0252 0659 0700 0703 0760 0783 0784 0790 0800 0810 0033 0046 0050 0086 0100 0133 0242 0243 0244 0273 0274 0307 Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions The Junkie Thief Heroin and Behavior Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Marijuana and the use of other drugs The Psychotic Junkie Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI Psychopathology in Drug Abusers Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users Abuse of methylamphetamine Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Methylphenidate hallucinosis Acute amphetamine toxicity Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence Treatment Personnel Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment Addiction careers Estimating drug-crime relationships The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Employing ex-addicts: Determinants of support and opposition The central action of beta-aminopropyl- benzene (Benzedrine) Treatment, Voluntary Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry 314-297 0 - 80 =- 21 SAMPLE INDEX 0508 0520 0547 0665 0670 0682 0713 0746 0799 0807 0843 1056 1077 1205 1209 1262 1266 1267 1272 1315 1319 1320 0023 0024 0298 0654 0726 1013 1044 1221 0025 0026 In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI The decline of the addict as ‘‘psychopath’’: Implications for community care Upper Class The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Vietnam Veterans Personality characteristics of servicemen returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Violent Offenders Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse Vocational Trainees Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training White Collar Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons Working Class From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community The addict, abstinence, and the family The *‘ganja vision" in Jamaica Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience 0252 0273 0700 0703 0753 0760 0784 0790 0795 0796 0800 0804 0810 0805 0803 0968 0643 1140 0022 0102 0984 1193 1194 Abstinence -A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction The cycle of abstinence and relapse among heroin addicts The relapse rate in narcotic addiction: A critique of follow-up studies Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin- users The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: I. The relation of treatment to outcome A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Follow-up of criminal narcotic addicts Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users A study of some failures in methadone treatment Addiction careers Theories of drug addiction Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India Drugs of dependence Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention Authority and Addiction Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts The black addict: |. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population Obtaining life history information about opioid users Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Careers in Dope Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts The addict, abstinence, and the family A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Rehabilitation or bust: The impact of criminal justice system referrals on the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in a SUBJECT INDEX 0245 0253 0254 0255 0258 0259 0260 0261 0263 0264 0265 0266 0298 0575 0595 0614 0618 0637 0657 0667 0674 0697 0705 0788 0954 0961 0971 0973 0975 0984 1034 therapeutic community (Eagleville's experience) Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later Abuse Potential Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine Academic Achievement Correlates of marijuana use among college students Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men Test of Effective Academic Motivation (TEAM) Automatic Interaction Detection Drug use and achievement Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use Personality factors in student drug use A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Accidents, Fatal Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Danger potential of commonly abused drugs Drinking, drugs, and death 1067 1113 0307 0115 0131 0450 0451 0455 0464 0494 0498 0509 0515 0517 0523 0525 0526 0527 0542 0543 0550 0554 0835 1197 0196 0201 0208 0217 0229 0231 0582 1098 Achievement Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Actuarial Prediction Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Actuarial prediction Addiction Careers Drug addiction as a deviant career The ‘street addict role’: Implications for treatment Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Addiction careers An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street Careers in Dope Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Sequences in addiction Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts Addiction Models The family of the addict: A review of the literature The eye of the beholder: An important variable in addiction typologies Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict The “‘addiction-prone’’ personality: A study of Canadian heroin addicts Perspectives in research on opiate addiction Causes and types of narcotic addiction: A psycho-social view Narcotic addiction Habituation and addiction Problems in the social psychology of addiction Psychological characteristics of the adolescent addict Theories of drug addiction Narcotics and criminality The problem of heroin Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Psychosocial aspects of addiction Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Addiction Research And Treatment on Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report SUBJECT INDEX 0452 0443 0495 0499 0237 0239 0293 0298 0442 0668 0973 1027 1030 1116 0118 0238 0241 0270 0311 0312 0313 0314 0315 0316 0575 0632 0640 0932 0941 1238 0707 0708 Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Adulterants A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls The “heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases The neuropathology of heroin addiction Current perspectives on cocaine use in America The Gourmet Cokebook: A Complete Guide to Cocaine Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak Adverse Reactions Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. II. Effects of analeptic and depressant drugs upon psychological behavior Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports Traditionalism/Yea Saying Scale Path analysis Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Ego functioning and acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Coca leaf and cocaine addictions. Some historical notes Pleasure and deterioration from narcotic addiction Cocaine psychosis: A continuum model Cocaine poisoning Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility Emergency room treatment of the drug- abusing patient Marijuana use and psychiatric illness 0730 0933 0959 0190 0197 0215 0217 0218 0564 0585 0651 1253 0019 0043 0044 0056 0232 0462 0501 0511 0537 0549 0551 0561 0574 0587 0593 0595 0615 0791 Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Mental illness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs Drug-induced psychosis Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers Amphetamine substances in mental illnesses in Northern Ireland Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy Clinical and medico-criminological aspects of addiction to central stimulating drugs A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians Drug abuse in Afghanistan The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine Status and prospect of drugs for overeating The amphetamines: Medical uses and health hazards Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders The effects of Benzedrine sulfate on the behavior of psychopathic and neurotic juvenile delinquents The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs The danger of amphetamine dependency The use and abuse of amphetamines Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Craving for Benzedrine SUBJECT INDEX 0816 0817 0820 0825 0826 0827 0829 0830 0832 0836 0840 0842 1018 1106 1107 1124 1132 1150 1153 1169 1183 1188 1195 1208 1209 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1239 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Abuse of methylamphetamine Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) psychosis The psychotomimetic amphetamines with special reference to DOM (STP) toxicity Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger of Benzedrine treatment Toxic reactions to the amphetamines Methylphenidate hallucinosis Acute amphetamine toxicity Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence Age Factors Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco Women versus men Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Phenothiazine deaths: A critical review Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review The 35 to 40 age dropoff The life cycle of the narcotic addict and of addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Narcotics, negroes and the south. Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 Longitudinal designs Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Estimating drug-crime relationships Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on 1251 1255 1266 1271 1275 1277 1278 1279 1294 1303 1315 1319 1320 0011 0054 0130 0198 0200 0202 0224 0234 0256 0257 0260 0277 0278 0295 0300 0450 0497 0614 0620 0623 0624 0647 0648 0654 Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Opiate use and criminality among a jail population A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment Heroin addicts and violent crime The drug arrest Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 New York's big push Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI Drug detection in cases of *‘driving under the influence” Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents The prevalence of drugs in fatally injured drivers Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia Job satisfaction, counterproductive behavior, and drug use at work Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 SUBJECT INDEX 0667 0675 0686 0696 0707 0709 0715 0749 0764 0789 0804 0863 0871 0873 0928 0933 0936 0937 0957 0964 0965 0966 0970 0974 1014 1031 1043 1051 1055 1056 1064 1110 British opiate users: Il. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970 Drug offenders and the prison regimen in France Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria Drug offenders in Israel: A survey The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea An epidemiological analysis of the fluctuation of drug dependence in Japan The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Epidemiology of drug dependence in Japan Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients Intravenous drug abuse in the arrest population in Stockholm: Frequency studies Aggression Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) Excerpts from marihuana use and crime Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine: Differential effect on aggression and hyperkinesis in children and dogs The Bay area speed scene The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis Effects of psychostimulants on aggression Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Alcoholism Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts Alcoholism and drug addiction in Israel The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience Alienation Drug use and sexual activity on a college campus Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing? 1118 1126 1128 1139 1147 1153 1154 1160 1168 1176 1184 1191 1197 1201 1203 1204 1259 1270 0522 0646 0794 0809 0846 1236 1252 1308 13183 1314 0196 1161 1180 1194 0038 0072 Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Correlates of marijuana use among college students Correlates of the generation gap Young drug addicts: Background and personality Notes on the heroin addict and his culture Drug themes in fiction Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Amotivational Syndrome Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Drug use and achievement Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior Marijuana use and psychiatric illness Analysis of Covariance Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Single-organism designs General multiple regression and correlation analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Analysis of Variance Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Single-organism designs Longitudinal designs Automatic Interaction Detection Factor analysis General multiple regression and correlation analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Discriminant analysis Anesthetic Uses On coca Freud and cocaine Carl Koller and cocaine SUBJECT INDEX 0082 0105 0106 0115 0128 0134 0236 0394 0443 0452 0519 0527 0556 0831 0935 1267 0439 0453 0509 0540 0791 0495 0496 0503 0504 0495 0496 0497 0498 0502 0503 0504 0505 0558 0559 0560 Coca leaf and cocaine addictions. Some historical notes Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" "The rich man’s drug” Cocaine: The history and regulation of a dangerous drug Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas Animal Experiments On coca Carl Koller and cocaine The abuse and dangers of cocaine Theories of drug addiction Amphetamine psychosis: A “‘model”’ schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Biochemical, anatomical and psychological investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: A consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine: Differential effect on aggression and hyperkinesis in children and dogs Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA Talc and cornstarch emboli in eyes of drug abusers Small vessel cerebral vascular changes following chronic amphetamine intoxication Effects of psychostimulants on aggression Anomie Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Anorexia The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: A consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite Anxiety Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared Young drug addicts: Background and personality 0561 0564 0565 0566 0567 0558 0560 0570 0575 1213 1214 1215 1229 1236 1271 1278 1289 1293 1313 0300 0301 0660 0752 0952 1027 1229 0061 0134 Notes on the heroin addict and his culture Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence Go Ask Alice The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Self image and attitudes towards drugs Personality factors in marihuana use Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Personality characteristics and drug of choice Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Sociopathy as a human process Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study Depression and drug addiction Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia Mental illness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs Psychopathology in Drug Abusers Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts The transition to amphetamine abuse Psychomotor effects of analeptics and their relation to ‘fatigue’ phenomena in air crew The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs Amphetamines and addiction SUBJECT INDEX 0236 0273 0421 0438 0441 0449 0461 0506 0507 0520 0521 0554 0793 0794 0795 0797 0798 0809 0812 0814 0815 0818 0823 0825 0826 0827 0842 0843 1009 1020 1037 1210 1222 1255 1267 1279 1296 Toxic psychosis: A complication of overdosage of anti-obesity drugs The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine Amphetamine abuse: A ‘speed trap’ Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by intravenous administration of methylphenidate The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Acute amphetamine toxicity Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence Aphrodisiacs Drugs and sexual behavior Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Marijuana and sex Sex and marijuana Marihuana and sexual behavior Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy Arrest Rates Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Opiate use and criminality among a jail population An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? A road back from heroin addiction Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report ’ Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment Critique of success with methadone maintenance Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Urban versus suburban addict crime Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing 1299 1300 1304 1316 1318 1319 1320 0032 0033 0039 0040 0042 1132 0642 0658 0675 0699 0700 0703 0705 0706 0708 0709 0710 0711 0712 0713 0714 0716 0719 0720 0732 Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Methadone patients on probation and parole A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Criminality and addiction Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Criminal record characteristics of California and lllinois adult marihuana arrestees Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Narcotic addicts and crime Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Arrests The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts The Junkie Thief Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky The Negro drug addict as an offender type Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Narcotics involvement and female criminality Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment SUBJECT INDEX 0748 0769 0776 0790 0952 1049 1050 1051 1053 1054 1056 1059 1060 1061 1064 1121 0037 0296 0297 0630 0649 0652 0656 0657 0659 0660 0662 0665 0666 0669 0685 0686 0688 0689 0718 Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast The black addict: I. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Intravenous drug abuse in the arrest population in Stockholm: Frequency studies Assaults Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Narcotics involvement and female criminality An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Athletic Performance Amphetamine sulfate and athletic performance The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man Effect of amphetamine sulfate on athletic performance The facts about ergogenic aids and sports performance North Dallas Forty Attention Patterns Imaginal Process Inventory Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Divided attention performance of cannabis users and non-users following cannabis and alcohol Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection 0784 0942 0945 0947 0950 0954 0960 0969 0972 1270 0652 0655 0675 0687 0689 0696 0709 0950 1314 0013 0014 0015 0016 0427 0490 0845 0846 0895 0896 0899 0903 Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Enhancement of performance by amphetamine-like drugs Attitude Change Becoming a marihuana user Assessing the Persuasiveness of Drug Abuse Information Effects of Electronic Media in Drug Abuse Education and Prevention An evaluation of a short-term drug education program Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders Discrepancies between drug educators and students in attitudes toward marihuana: Their implications for communication The nature of attitudes and attitude change Designing communications to change attitudes regarding drug abuse Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders Drug laws: Perceptions of illegal drug users Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Auditory Effects A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Experimental studies of marihuana Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance SUBJECT INDEX 0904 0907 0916 0918 0920 1226 0059 0066 0071 0081 0082 0091 0093 0094 0095 0096 0452 0735 0741 0748 0991 0850 0877 0878 0879 0882 0891 0900 Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection Automatic Interaction Detection Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Automatic Interaction Detection Average Linkage Analysis Cluster and typological analysis Background Characteristics A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction A pilot study of occasional heroin users The relapse rate in narcotic addiction: A critique of follow-up studies The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: I. The relation of treatment to outcome A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users A study of some failures in methadone treatment Analysis of a community-wide population of narcotic addicts Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. I. A comparison with addict controls Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach Patterns of pentazocine abuse Secondary drug use among heroin users Perspectives in research on opiate addiction 0903 0443 0495 0498 0500 0034 0043 0101 0152 0232 0235 0242 0243 0244 0251 0254 0258 0260 0265 0266 0267 0269 0271 0290 0291 0294 0296 0300 0302 0305 0308 0309 0311 Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts General multiple regression and correlation analysis Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors associated with the progression to narcotic use Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population The Junkie Thief The Negro drug addict as an offender type Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Mass arrests for impaired driving may not prevent traffic deaths Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Rural youth and the use of drugs Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns SUBJECT INDEX 0460 0503 0515 0551 0554 0622 0641 0660 0663 0665 0669 0682 0683 0690 0707 0717 0740 0743 0759 0781 0784 0788 0822 0823 0831 0834 0855 0872 0927 0929 0930 0935 Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Opiate addicts and their parents Religion, parental influence, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana use Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment The epidemiology of narcotic addiction in the United Kingdom The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 A survey of a representative sample of addicts prescribed heroin at London clinics British opiate users: Il. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands The problem of drug misuse in the German Democratic Republic Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences The clinical symptomatology of amphetamine psychosis and its relationships to amphetamine levels in urine Bayesian Analysis Cluster and typological analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Birth Weights The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers 0947 0968 0976 0979 1009 1027 1038 1054 1108 1110 1115 1118 1130 1131 1138 1139 1144 1147 1148 1177 1179 1183 1199 1203 1262 1264 1265 1310 0500 0504 1081 1082 1084 Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part I. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Botanical Characteristics The role of coca in the history, religion and medicine of South American Indians Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas Coca and Its Therapeutic Application Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen Burglary Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence Estimating drug-crime relationships Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users A statistical study of criminal drug addicts The Junkie Thief Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street The world of the righteous dope fiend Criminal history of narcotic addicts Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Narcotics use among juveniles Urban versus suburban addict crime Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation Policy Concerning Drug Abuse in New York State, Volume Ill: Economics of Heroin Distribution The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees The relationship between crime and amphetamine abuse: An empirical review of the literature Urban crime and the price of heroin Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts California Civil Addict Program Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program SUBJECT INDEX 1086 1088 1090 0563 0567 0569 0581 0650 0652 0654 0655 0664 0665 0666 0668 0671 0673 0675 0678 0716 0719 0722 0723 0724 0726 0728 1031 1048 1050 1052 1058 1061 0761 California Rehabilitation Center The “‘normal” life of the addict and the consequences of addiction Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 The study of I.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center Cardiovascular Effects The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man The effect of d-amphetamine sulfate on physical performance Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Infections as fatal complications of narcotism The neuropathologic complications of narcotics addiction Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 On coca The strange case of the coca leaf Clinical characteristics of addictions The psychopharmacology of cocaine A volunteer paper Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility Coca leaf use in southern Peru: Some biological aspects The effects of cocaine on depressed patients Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Marijuana and driving in real-life situations Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or 0052 0764 0771 0772 0773 0786 0787 0958 1251 1264 0595 0610 0612 0874 0877 0881 0888 0890 0892 placebo on human motor and mental performance Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration Marihuana effects on a critical tracking test Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking Cardiovascular and subjective effects of intravenous cocaine administration in humans Cardiovascular effects of Benzedrine Necrotizing angiitis associated with drug abuse Cerebral angiographic changes in the drug abuse patient Small vessel cerebral vascular changes following chronic amphetamine intoxication Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by intravenous administration of methylphenidate Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Causal Models Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Longitudinal designs Path analysis Cerebral Effects The “heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction The neuropathologic complications of narcotics addiction Introduction to amphetamine abuse Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Theories of drug addiction The strange case of the coca leaf Therapy of obsessive neuroses with cocaine Mania associated with the use of I.N.H. and cocaine Psychological deficit in chewers of coca leaf Marijuana use and psychiatric illness Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate The danger of amphetamine dependency Cerebral angiographic changes in the drug abuse patient Small vessel cerebral vascular changes following chronic amphetamine intoxication Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence SUBJECT INDEX 0900 0909 0913 0917 0920 1092 1105 1281 1291 1292 1293 1316 1321 0495 0497 0501 0197 0219 0226 0234 0564 0575 0577 0601 0602 0604 0791 0822 0837 0839 0840 1079 1241 1292 1293 1322 “Cheating” Patterns of ‘‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients Patterns of ‘‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients Chemical Characteristics Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen Coca chewing: A new perspective Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs Drugs of abuse in the future Chipping A pilot study of occasional heroin users A Perspective on ‘Get Tough’ Drug Control Laws Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Chromosome Damage Genetics and drug abuse: A primer for workers in the field Epidemiological surveillance of human populations for mutational hazards Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Does LSD induce chromosomal damage and malformations? A review of the literature Lysergic acid diethylamide: Its effects on human chromosomes and the human organismin utero.ff A review of current findings Adverse effects of LSD: A current perspective The chromosomal and teratogenic effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: A review of the current literature Parental drug usage: Effects upon chromosomes of progeny LSD exposure in uteroff Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): Effect on human chromosomes in vivoff Drug-induced chromosomal aberrations Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country Civil Commitment The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program 0306 0608 0609 0581 1103 1279 1325 0251 0631 1027 0135 0136 0138 0141 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150 0151 1189 0695 0727 0761 0764 0771 0772 0773 0775 A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs California civil commitment: A decade later The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Criminal commitment of narcotic addicts under state law Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 New York's big push Cluster Analysis Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Cluster and typological analysis Cognitive Dissonance Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance Inquiry on Smoking Cognitive Effects The facts about ergogenic aids and sports performance Social facilitation of marijuana intoxication: Impact of social set and pharmacological activity Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls Psychological deficit in chewers of coca leaf Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents Amphetamines and driving behavior A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance Barbiturates and driving Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Experimental studies of marihuana Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Sensory, perceptual, motor and cognitive functioning and subjective reports SUBJECT INDEX 0776 0779 0780 0782 0785 0786 0787 0789 0495 0500 0096 0475 0016 0088 0555 0604 0845 0846 0848 0850 0852 0854 0877 0879 0885 0887 0888 0891 0894 0902 0920 311 following oral administration of delta- nine-Tetrahydrocannabinol Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study Enhancement of performance by amphetamine-like drugs DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man Intellectual and neuro-psychological functions in young men with heavy and long-term patterns of drug abuse The phenomenology of experimentally induced amphetamine psychosis— Preliminary observations Cohort Designs Longitudinal designs College Subcultures Drug use and sexual activity on a college campus Sex and marijuana Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society Emotional stability and student drug use Psychopathology and experience with marihuana Comas Attempted suicide by drug ingestion The neuropathology of heroin addiction Barbiturate intoxication Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents A case of benzedrine sulfate poisoning Commercial Uses Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects Coca and Its Therapeutic Application Rx cocaine The cocaine crime The strange case of the coca leaf The Gourmet Cokebook: A Complete Guide to Cocaine Economic significance of Cannabis sativa in the Moroccan Rif Communication Theory Effects of Electronic Media in Drug Abuse Education and Prevention The nature of attitudes and attitude change Designing communications to change attitudes regarding drug abuse 1091 1092 1135 1154 1159 1226 1280 1290 1306 0497 0038 0040 0105 0552 0821 0194 0218 0221 0223 0225 0227 1282 0564 0567 0568 0569 0571 0572 0577 0585 1158 0071 0093 0094 Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Verbal communication and social influence: A theoretical framework and some reflections concerning implications for public education on drugs and drug abuse Drug communication processes: Problems and targets Videotape Recording of Narcotic Addicts in Group Therapy: The Analysis of Communicational and Interactive Behavior Community-Based Treatment Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Complete Linkage Analysis Cluster and typological analysis Compulsory Treatment The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction Authority and Addiction Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction Rehabilitation or bust: The impact of criminal justice system referrals on the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in a therapeutic community (Eagleville’s experience) Conformity The **hang-loose’ ethic and the spirit of drug use Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Personality factors in student drug use The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls Congenital Defects Genetics and drug abuse: A primer for workers in the field Epidemiological surveillance of human populations for mutational hazards SUBJECT INDEX 0095 0097 0098 0100 0637 0739 0957 0500 0258 0260 0261 0637 0697 0784 1067 0089 0099 0512 0524 0525 0530 0551 0555 0135 0136 Does LSD induce chromosomal damage and malformations? A review of the literature Lysergic acid diethylamide: Its effects on human chromosomes and the human organismin utero.ff A review of current findings Adverse effects of LSD: A current perspective Drug-induced chromosomal aberrations Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Bizarre deformities in offspring of user of lysergic acid diethylamide Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part I. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country “Conning” The ‘‘street addict role’: Implications for treatment Cats, kicks, and color Convictions Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Prior criminal record and adult marihuana arrest dispositions Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities The Addict and the Law A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws Some aspects of the ‘‘tough’’ New York State drug law Methadone patients on probation and parole Civil commitment for addicts: The California program Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Criminal record characteristics of California and lllinois adult marihuana arrestees A comparison of Canadian narcotic addicts in Great Britain and in Canada 0144 0145 0146 0151 0152 0153 0156 0159 0171 0178 1079 1086 1089 1189 0239 0247 0682 0686 0690 0699 0701 0719 0720 0737 0742 0745 0747 0758 0769 0773 1051 1053 1114 Coordination Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving Marijuana and human performance Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Enhancement of performance by amphetamine-like drugs Coping Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Ego functioning and acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs “Psychopathology” of *‘narcotic addiction: A new point of view Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts Copping The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Heroin Addicts The social structure of a heroin copping community Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Correlation And Regression Analysis Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Automatic Interaction Detection SUBJECT INDEX 0854 0887 0890 0895 0896 0897 0898 0902 0907 0912 0915 0916 0920 1226 0293 0447 0448 0537 0792 1029 0248 0249 0661 0739 1027 0495 0498 Court Dispositions A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Dismissal of Narcotics Arrest Cases in the New York City Criminal Court Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition Prior criminal record and adult marihuana arrest dispositions Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County The juvenile drug offender and the justice system The Addict and the Law A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws Law enforcement politics and drug abuse A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Criminal record characteristics of California and lllinois adult marihuana arrestees Public policy and judicial perspectives in two Canadian cities: The case of heroin Covariance Structure Analysis Factor analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Creativity Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Crime/Drug Sequences The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 Drugs and crime. |. Literature review The problem of heroin Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders Excerpts from marihuana use and crime Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Summary. lllicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime 0686 0731 0734 0737 0742 0743 0744 0745 0747 0755 0756 0761 0763 1050 1053 1065 0502 0504 0453 0518 0554 The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Criminal history of narcotic addicts Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Psychosocial aspects of addiction Drug abuse and crime: Fact or fancy? Narcotic addicts and crime Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Drug offenders in Israel: A survey Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel Crime Rates Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Urban versus suburban addict crime The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta SUBJECT INDEX 0659 0666 0667 0672 0673 0674 0675 0679 0680 0681 0682 0683 0684 0686 0691 0693 0694 0696 0699 0712 0941 1057 1059 1121 1160 1162 0648 0662 0694 0696 0704 0707 0716 0722 Crimes Against Persons Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Narcotics and criminality Crime and the addict: Beyond common sense Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 Drugs and crime. |. Literature review Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Criminal record characteristics of California and Illinois adult marihuana arrestees Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Urban crime and the price of heroin Narcotic addicts and crime Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Crimes Against Property A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Drugs and violence The politics of deviance: The case of drugs Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review A Perspective on ‘‘Get Tough’ Drug Control Laws Narcotics and criminality Interlocking dualities in drug use, drug control, and crime Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 Drugs and crime. I. Literature review The problem of heroin Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime 0630 0632 0635 0636 0639 0642 0658 0663 0666 0672 0725 0729 0808 1050 1053 1056 1058 1059 1060 0026 0092 0628 0629 0630 0631 0632 0633 0636 0639 0640 0641 0642 0649 0655 0658 Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment The Negro drug addict as an offender type Heroin and Behavior A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Heroin addicts and violent crime Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Some aspects of the ‘tough’ New York State drug law Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Criminality and addiction Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Criminal record characteristics of California and lllinois adult marihuana arrestees Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Urban crime and the price of heroin Narcotic addicts and crime Crimes For Money Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime SUBJECT INDEX 0662 0663 0667 0669 0670 0672 0683 0691 0694 0703 0704 0707 0715 0718 0722 0724 0725 0726 0729 0740 0756 0758 0764 1031 1048 1049 1050 1053 1054 1058 1059 0658 Heroin and Behavior Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Narcotic addicts and crime Crimes of Violence Drug addiction in its relation to crime Drugs and violence The politics of deviance: The case of drugs A Perspective on ‘Get Tough’ Drug Control Laws Narcotics and criminality Crime and the addict: Beyond common sense Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 Drugs and crime. |. Literature review The problem of heroin Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse Drugs, alcohol, and violent crime Excerpts from marihuana use and crime Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts A statistical study of criminal drug addicts Taking care of business—The heroin user’s life on the street Heroin and Behavior Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Heroin addicts and violent crime Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Methadone and the culture of addiction The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta 0670 0685 1056 1059 0573 0628 0629 0631 0632 0635 0636 0639 0640 0641 0642 0643 0645 0646 0649 0651 0662 0664 0668 0670 0679 0680 0682 0685 0690 0691 0694 0699 0703 0715 0718 0721 0722 Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers Policy Concerning Drug Abuse in New York State, Volume Ill: Economics of Heroin Distribution The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Sequences in addiction Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees The relationship between crime and amphetamine abuse: An empirical review of the literature Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Urban crime and the price of heroin Narcotic addicts and crime Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts How we handled the problem of drug abuse in Japan Street level abusage of amphetamines The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Il. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Criminal Background In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Prior criminal record and adult marihuana arrest dispositions Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics The black addict: I. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions 0724 0728 0740 0808 0957 1030 1050 1052 1054 1058 1059 1061 1200 1206 1212 1312 0252 0737 0742 0750 0753 0756 0763 0764 0777 0784 0790 0835 0939 0954 0970 SUBJECT INDEX Careers in Dope Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system Employment and social disability among opiate addicts Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Criminal record characteristics of California and lllinois adult marihuana arrestees Criminality Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts Women versus men A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization A study of some failures in methadone treatment Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone An ecological analysis of narcotic addicts in Baltimore Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts Drug Abuse Reporting Program: Admission Record and Status Evaluation Record Rx cocaine Clinical characteristics of addictions Danger potential of commonly abused drugs The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients Interlocking dualities in drug use, drug control, and crime Drug addiction and crime: Is methadone maintenance preferable to withdrawal? Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Drug use and criminal activity: Some relationship indices A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area The World of Youthful Drug Use Authority and Addiction 0973 0975 0995 1046 1050 1053 0025 0054 0245 0246 0260 0261 0264 0266 0271 0276 0278 0279 0294 0300 0301 0442 0460 0486 0571 0578 0582 0608 0633 0634 0647 0653 0657 0660 0677 0697 Methadone treatment and crime reduction— Differential impact: An analysis and a case study Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Sequences in addiction The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction The epidemiology of narcotic addiction in the United Kingdom A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later A comparison of Canadian narcotic addicts in Great Britain and in Canada A survey of a representative sample of addicts prescribed heroin at London clinics Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) British opiate users: Il. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital The problem of drug misuse in the German Democratic Republic Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Drug offenders in Israel: A survey The opiate addict in Israel Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs Traffic in amphetamines: Illegal manufacture and distribution Criminal Justice System The juvenile drug offender and the justice system Effects of Labeling the ‘Drug Abuser’: An Inquiry Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program A pre-trial court diversion program for SUBJECT INDEX 0698 0709 0725 0936 0953 0957 1027 1030 1032 1108 1111 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1125 1131 1144 1160 1165 1176 1187 1202 1204 1205 1207 0744 0757 0762 0765 narcotics addicts: An alternative to incarceration The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Criminal commitment of narcotic addicts under state law Criminal Recidivism Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? A road back from heroin addiction Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Critique of success with methadone maintenance Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Methadone and the culture of addiction The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Understanding honored: Court dispositions of 0774 0780 0782 0297 0637 0647 0648 0679 0694 0695 0700 0701 0702 0703 0705 0706 0708 0710 0711 0712 0713 0714 0717 0718 0719 0720 0721 0740 0751 0756 early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 Methadone patients on probation and parole Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study California civil commitment: A decade later Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts New York's big push A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Psychosocial aspects of addiction Cross-Sectional Designs Longitudinal designs | Designs Longitudinal designs Automatic Interaction Detection Curiosity Rural youth and the use of drugs Psychosocial aspects of addiction Daydreaming Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Imaginal Process Inventory Factor analysis Death Rates Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 Drugs and suicide in the United States Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Mortality among young narcotic addicts SUBJECT INDEX 0761 0764 0769 0770 0772 0773 0775 0776 0777 0778 0779 0781 0783 0784 0786 0787 0788 0789 0790 0941 0497 0497 0498 0929 0941 0446 0490 0502 0188 0192 0198 0202 0203 The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia Deaths involving methadone: A statistician’s view Drug-related mortality in the United States, 1963-71 Narcotics-related deaths decrease in 1972 from the number of narcotics-related deaths in 1971 Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Methodological considerations for a model reporting system of drug deaths Suicide and mortality amongst heroin addicts in Britain Deaths, Accidental Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 Deaths, Classification Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 The Development of a Uniform System for Reporting and Recording Drug-Related Deaths Methodological considerations for a model reporting system of drug deaths Deaths, Drug-Related Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 The Development of a Uniform System for Reporting and Recording Drug-Related Deaths A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0220 0222 0704 0950 0964 0974 1031 1093 1094 1095 1096 1099 1109 0188 0222 0188 0189 1099 0003 0188 0189 0190 0198 Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction Pathologic aspects of drug addiction Human pulmonary pathology associated with narcotic and other addictive drugs The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases The neuropathology of heroin addiction Barbiturate intoxication Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Phenothiazine deaths: A critical review Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Introduction to amphetamine abuse Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Renal papillary necrosis and abuse of analgesics Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Methadone related deaths in New York City Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 The abuse and dangers of cocaine Danger potential of commonly abused drugs The psychopharmacology of cocaine Cocaine poisoning A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Drug-related mortality in the United States, 1963-71 Narcotics-related deaths decrease in 1972 from the number of narcotics-related deaths in 1971 Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities SUBJECT INDEX 0200 0201 0202 0204 0205 0208 0210 0211 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 0218 0221 0222 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0228 0229 0230 0234 0235 0570 0582 0586 0593 0788 0969 0974 1094 1095 1097 Drinking, drugs, and death Methodological considerations for a model reporting system of drug deaths A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Drug deaths involving propoxyphene—An assessment in metropolitan Detroit The forensic toxicology of cocaine Suicide and mortality amongst heroin addicts in Britain Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Addiction in Sweden The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Fatal amphetamine poisoning Complications of injecting dissolved methylphenidate tablets Necrotizing angiitis associated with drug abuse Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Deaths, Natural Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Methadone related deaths in New York City A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence Drinking, drugs, and death Deaths, Violent Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Introduction to amphetamine abuse Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Suicide and mortality amongst heroin addicts in Britain Defense Reactions Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Path analysis Ego functioning and acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and 1098 1099 1100 1101 1104 1109 1137 1144 1151 1202 1212 1283 1288 1291 1321 0200 0202 0208 0229 0230 0259 1098 0200 0202 0226 0231 0974 1109 0448 0449 0501 0537 0548 0811 0829 psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Delinquency Delinquency and Opportunity: A Theory of Delinquent Gangs Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers The individual environment The natural history of narcotic drug addiction An ecological analysis of narcotic addicts in Baltimore Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Gentleman Junkie Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles Narcotics and criminality Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Narcotics use among juveniles Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts The relationship between crime and amphetamine abuse: An empirical review of the literature Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Abuse of methylamphetamine Demography Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts Differential Drug Use Within the New York State Labor Force Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared The smoker's view of marijuana The “‘hang-loose’ ethic and the spirit of drug use Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among SUBJECT INDEX 0830 0103 0112 0119 0258 0276 0293 0304 0405 0455 0515 0528 0632 0648 0672 0678 0679 0681 0683 0684 0686 0783 0800 0935 0942 1052 1121 1266 0025 0027 0061 0087 0089 university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Correlates of marijuana use among college students College Student's Perceptions of their Parents’ Attitudes and Practices toward Drug Use Correlates of the generation gap Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users Narcotic addiction in pregnancy Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 Attempted suicide by drug ingestion Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity Analysis of a community-wide population of narcotic addicts Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/ psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Carnegie-Mellon University Drug Use Research Project; Study lll Junior Year Questionnaire, Class of 1972 Yorkville LSD Users Study Untitled Drug Questionnaire Youth Drug Use Survey Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire ‘Make Yourself Heard" Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire 0090 0106 0115 0127 0128 0130 0131 0157 0188 0194 0199 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0211 0242 0245 0248 0267 0279 0291 0297 0301 0302 0443 0450 0454 0459 0470 0476 0479 0482 0483 Drug Abuse Reporting Program: Admission Record and Status Evaluation Record Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later CODAP Admission Report, CODAP Discharge Report Automatic Interaction Detection Cocaine in perspective: “Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug’ Clinical characteristics of addictions Cocaine habit in India Motives for use among light and heavy users Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India The use of drugs by jazz musicians Drug taking in delinquent boys Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users Drug abuse and delinquency. Part I. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities The juvenile drug offender and the justice system A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws The drug arrest Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Psychosocial aspects of addiction Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps . Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Careers in Dope Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Addicted and nonaddicted drug users Drug offenders in Israel: A survey The opiate addict in Israel Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture Evolving patterns of drug abuse SUBJECT INDEX 0486 0488 0492 0498 0565 0578 0597 0611 0614 0617 0621 0655 0679 0742 0744 0747 0749 0750 0760 0763 0838 0864 0939 0941 0942 0943 0952 0959 0964 0968 0970 0973 0975 1033 1160 1165 1248 1254 1323 321 Depression Drug addiction and ‘“‘hypersexuality’’: Related modes of mastery Drugs and suicide in the United States Suicide among physicians Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later Cluster and typological analysis Personality factors in marihuana use Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Personality characteristics and drug of choice A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Marijuana use and psychiatric illness Sociopathy as a human process Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Depression and drug addiction Personality differences and sociopathy in “heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Marihuana users and nonusers Harmful aspects of the LSD experience The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia Amphetamine addiction Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents 0051 0192 0193 0195 0441 0449 0454 0461 0488 0500 0507 0519 0520 0521 0672 0791 0793 0794 0795 0796 0797 0798 0801 0802 0804 0805 0807 0809 0811 0812 0814 0816 0818 0819 0825 0827 0832 0833 0835 Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Mental iliness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs Psychopathology in Drug Abusers MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs The use and abuse of amphetamines Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Amphetamines and addiction Amphetamine Psychosis Toxic reactions to the amphetamines Experimental psychoses induced by the administration of d-amphetamine Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by intravenous administration of methylphenidate The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Deterrence Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition Perceived penal sanction and self-reported criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research Effects of Labeling the ‘‘Drug Abuser’: An Inquiry Detoxification Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control Detoxification of sick addicts in prison A pre-trial court diversion program for narcotics addicts: An alternative to incarceration 0840 0842 0843 0844 1020 1023 1024 1208 1209 1239 1242 1243 1255 1262 1268 1296 1301 1303 1307 1316 1318 1322 0734 0754 0757 0262 0705 0713 0727 0766 0774 SUBJECT INDEX Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Developing Adolescents Without Narcotics Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Deviance Delinquency and Opportunity: A Theory of Delinquent Gangs Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community The Drug Phenomenon: Social Aspects of Drug Taking Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures Drug addiction as a deviant career An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Confidential Information Questionnaire Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study The politics of deviance: The case of drugs Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment Effects of Labeling the ‘Drug Abuser’: An Inquiry Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population Street level abusage of amphetamines Delinquency and the amphetamines. Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences Deviant Subcultures Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel 0784 0809 1038 1272 0508 0103 0106 0110 0114 0237 0442 0452 0485 0488 0526 0540 0542 0629 0650 0660 0709 0757 1025 1206 1261 1265 0519 0555 0696 0750 1120 1162 Discriminant Analysis Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Multivariate analysis of variance Discriminant analysis Discriminant Function Analysis Prediction: A prolegomenon Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Cluster and typological analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Discriminant analysis Diversion Programs The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Dismissal of Narcotics Arrest Cases in the New York City Criminal Court Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 A pre-trial court diversion program for narcotics addicts: An alternative to incarceration The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report A First Report of the Impact of Californias New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Social facilitation of marijuana intoxication: Impact of social set and pharmacological activity Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants Drug-induced chromosomal aberrations Narcotic addiction in pregnancy Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Heroin addiction during pregnancy The neuropathology of heroin addiction Barbiturate intoxication Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests 314-297 0 - 80 - 22 SUBJECT INDEX 0446 0495 0504 0505 0436 0443 0500 0504 0505 0720 0731 0762 0763 0774 0780 0783 1063 0088 0139 0151 0157 0159 0170 0218 0221 0232 0307 0717 0845 0874 0875 0876 0877 Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Marijuana and driving in real-life situations Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol The effect of marihuana on tracking task performance Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man A case of benzedrine sulfate poisoning Fatal amphetamine poisoning Effects of psychostimulants on aggression The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence Driving Behavior Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients Marihuana and driving risk among college students Drug use and driving risk among high school students Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents Driving Laws The Problems of Drugs and Driving: An Overview of Current Research and Future Needs Mass arrests for impaired driving may not prevent traffic deaths Driving records of heroin addicts Narcotic use and driving behavior Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents Driving Performance Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations The Problems of Drugs and Driving: An 0887 0889 0891 0892 0897 0902 0909 0911 0916 0918 0920 1279 1280 1282 1283 1313 1318 1320 0867 0868 0869 0870 0853 0855 0856 0858 0871 0845 0850 0851 Overview of Current Research and Future Needs Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations Marihuana and automobile crashes Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Experimental studies of marihuana A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Effect of Marihuana on Risk Acceptance in a Simulated Passing Task Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Marijuana and driving in real-life situations Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Divided attention performance of cannabis users and non-users following cannabis and alcohol Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine __ SUBJECT INDEX 0853 0854 0862 0865 0872 0874 0875 0877 0878 0879 0880 0881 0882 0883 0884 0885 0886 0887 0888 0889 0890 0891 0892 0893 0894 0895 0896 0897 0898 0899 0900 effects on skills related to driving behaviour Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task The effect of marihuana on tracking task performance Marijuana and human performance Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration Marihuana and critical flicker fusion Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Marihuana effects on a critical tracking test Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Driving Records Influence of narcotic drugs on highway safety Driving records of heroin addicts Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Narcotic use and driving behavior Driving Records of Persons Arrested for Illegal Drug Use Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Drug Abuse Reporting Program A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample 0901 0902 0903 0904 0904 0905 0906 0907 0908 0909 0910 0911 0912 0913 0914 0915 0916 0917 0918 0919 0920 0847 0856 0857 0858 0860 0866 0202 0688 0928 The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Drug Arrests Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Narcotics and criminality Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Dismissal of Narcotics Arrest Cases in the New York City Criminal Court Prior criminal record and adult marihuana arrest dispositions Marijuana and the law: What young people say Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities The juvenile drug offender and the justice system A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana The drug arrest Law enforcement politics and drug abuse A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Some aspects of the “‘tough’ New York State drug law Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Evolving patterns of drug abuse Drug Attitudes Employment and Addiction: Overview of Issues Drugs in industry Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on SUBJECT INDEX 0953 0970 0974 0264 0304 0632 0667 0708 0709 0712 0731 0737 0738 0742 0744 0747 0748 0749 0755 0756 0758 0932 0952 1050 1063 1323 0002 0004 0011 0021 Existing Business and Treatment Practices Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment Differential Drug Use Within the New York State Labor Force A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology Selective exposure to information about the harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers Sources of information about drugs among high school students Becoming a marihuana user Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Pharmaceutical Advertising and Youth Accountability in Drug Education. A Model for Evaluation Evaluation of Drug Education Programs An evaluation of a short-term drug education program Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders Drug education: Pushing or preventing? A Study of Four Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention Exploration of attitudes of students involved with drugs The smoker's view of marijuana The ‘“*hang-loose’ ethic and the spirit of drug use Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage Discrepancies between drug educators and students in attitudes toward marihuana: Their implications for communication Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Designing communications to change attitudes regarding drug abuse Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance Drug communication processes: Problems and targets Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user Predicting who will turn on Differential involvement with marijuana and its socio-cultural context: A study of suburban youths A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction Cats, kicks, and color A pilot study of occasional heroin users Drug abuse in heroin users. An experimental 0023 0024 0027 0034 0035 0056 0058 0059 0060 0069 0077 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0086 0087 0089 0090 0091 0092 0094 0095 0096 0098 0099 0106 0111 0113 0116 0245 0247 0251 study of self-administration of methadone, codeine, and pentazocine Overview of drug themes in science fiction Drug themes in fiction The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs Untitled Questionnaires and Interview Nationwide Survey Questionnaire Carnegie-Mellon University Drug Use Research Project; Study Ill Junior Year Questionnaire, Class of 1972 Marijuana Attitude Scale Drug Abuse Interview Form Inquiry on Smoking Inventory of Selected Experiences Youth Drug Use Survey Marijuana Attitude Scale Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire ‘Make Yourself Heard’ Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire Survey Questionnaires for ‘Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth” Confidential Information Questionnaire Six Factor Drug Related Personality Test Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later Self image and attitudes towards drugs Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior Personality traits and attitudes and their relationship to student drug using behavior Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits The use of drugs by jazz musicians The patterns of drug abuse among school children University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs Estimating drug-crime relationships Narcotics use among juveniles Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users 0307 0318 0394 0438 0443 0447 0451 0455 0456 0457 0458 0459 0463 0469 0475 0478 0479 0481 0482 0483 0484 0485 0487 0488 0506 0540 0553 0616 0617 0625 0626 0654 0678 0684 0704 0730 0732 0735 0736 SUBJECT INDEX Marijuana and the law: What young people say Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems Marihuana and automobile crashes Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Blue collar black families Mexican-American families Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: I. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study Attitudes toward the sale and use of drugs—A cross-sectional analysis Research into expression of attitudes about drugs—What use is it? Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Attitudes regarding drug abuse among a group of ex-addict staff members Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Expectancy disconfirmation and attitude change Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs Employee drug abuse in municipal government Employing ex-addicts: Determinants of support and opposition A state-wide survey of drug issues in industry Conventional ties, peer influence, and the fear of apprehension: A study of adolescent marijuana use A First Report of the Impact of California’s New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Public policy and judicial perspectives in two Canadian cities: The case of heroin 0738 0739 0748 0785 0865 0872 0922 0923 0926 0930 0931 0949 0957 0966 0978 0983 0988 0990 0991 0992 0993 0994 0996 0997 1040 1042 1044 1047 1062 1063 1065 Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention A factor-analytic examination of sexual behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication British opiate users: Il. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences Drug Availability Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Use of amphetamine by medical students The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up Characteristics of nurse addicts How 92% beat the dope habit From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community The Drug Phenomenon: Social Aspects of Drug Taking Predicting who will turn on Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin- users A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Patterns of pentazocine abuse Secondary drug use among heroin users Causes and types of narcotic addiction: A psycho-social view SUBJECT INDEX 1069 1070 1071 1106 1118 1140 1143 1146 1164 1190 1191 1195 1197 1199 1265 0001 0006 0007 0009 0010 0012 0102 0110 0113 0130 0255 0259 0300 0303 0308 0309 0312 Narcotic addiction Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications Marijuana and the use of other drugs Drug abuse and crime: Fact or fancy? Urban crime and the price of heroin The epidemiology of narcotic addiction in the United Kingdom The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town A comparison of Canadian narcotic addicts in Great Britain and in Canada Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group An epidemiological evaluation of a public health measure aimed at reducing the availability of methylamphetamine Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping-stone hypothesis Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience Street level abusage of amphetamines Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic Delinquency and the amphetamines. Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences Abuse of methylamphetamine Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Trends and projections Drugs of abuse in the future Drug Costs The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis Policy Concerning Drug Abuse in New York 0313 0447 0624 0626 0666 0704 0722 0723 0746 1057 1058 1108 1110 1111 1114 1117 1120 1123 1129 1132 1139 1153 1154 1180 1194 1206 1211 1261 1265 1266 1322 1324 1325 0722 0723 0724 0725 State, Volume lll: Economics of Heroin Distribution The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Urban crime and the price of heroin Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Drug Education Combating employee drug abuse When a company counsels the drug abuser Guidelines for Management-Labor Team Efforts: Approaches to Drug Abuse Education and Prevention in Industry A program for control of drug abuse in industry Sources of information about drugs among high school students Effects of Electronic Media in Drug Abuse Education and Prevention Drug education Drug education: Pushing or preventing? Discrepancies between drug educators and students in attitudes toward marihuana: Their implications for communication Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Verbal communication and social influence: A theoretical framework and some reflections concerning implications for public education on drugs and drug abuse Drug communication processes: Problems and targets Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Employee drug abuse in municipal government Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong How the People’s Republic of China solved their drug abuse problem Drug Education, Evaluation Televised Drug Appeals: A Content Analysis Dimensions of Response to Public Service Drug Abuse Information An Experimental Analysis of Reaction to Filmed Drug Abuse Information Public Service Advertising and Social Problems: The Case of Drug Abuse Prevention Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing? Drug Abuse Films 0728 0729 1048 1058 1273 0028 0029 0030 0031 0058 0071 0075 0083 0091 0092 0095 0097 0098 0106 0440 0991 1013 1042 1152 1177 1181 0062 0063 0067 0068 0072 0073 SUBJECT INDEX Action in the schools Drug education Evaluating Drug Information Programs Accountability in Drug Education. A Model for Evaluation Drug Education Drugs in the Classroom. A Conceptual Model for School Programs Evaluation of Drug Education Programs An evaluation of a short-term drug education program Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders A Study of Four Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates Drug Education Materials Drug Abuse Films Drug education Drug Education Evaluation of Drug Education Programs Drug Education Models Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana Action in the schools Drug Education Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders A Study of Four Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention Psychological sophistication in current drug abuse education Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance Drugs and the adolescent experience Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Drug-Free Treatment The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 0082 0084 0996 0997 0073 0075 0078 0080 0057 0074 0078 0082 0084 0085 0096 0132 0517 0996 0712 0776 0778 0797 0798 0953 0970 Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Drug Hot Lines The Search for Drug Abuse Information Drug Knowledge Teaching Facts About Drugs: Pushing or Preventing? An evaluation of a short-term drug education program Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders Drug education: Pushing or preventing? A Study of Four Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention Exploration of attitudes of students involved with drugs Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana Drug-related attitudes and knowledge of pharmacy student and college undergraduates Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study Drug Law Effects Narcotic addiction Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God” "“The rich man’s drug” Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects Cocaine Dealer: Portrait of a Cocaine Merchant A Perspective on ‘Get Tough’ Drug Control Laws Survey of Marijuana Use and Attitudes: State of Oregon Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County The Addict and the Law Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Law enforcement politics and drug abuse Some aspects of the ‘tough’ New York State drug law A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) An epidemiological evaluation of a public health measure aimed at reducing the availability of methylamphetamine SUBJECT INDEX 1056 0065 0072 0081 0082 0083 0084 0086 0092 0456 0989 0997 1164 0313 0565 0568 0584 0606 0631 0733 0734 0743 0745 0748 0755 0758 1063 1069 1110 1117 1123 Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil Ganja legislation Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Drug Law Enforcement Rx cocaine The politics of deviance: The case of drugs A Perspective on ‘Get Tough” Drug Control Laws Interlocking dualities in drug use, drug control, and crime The problem of heroin The Junkie Thief The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic Heroin addicts and violent crime Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Dismissal of Narcotics Arrest Cases in the New York City Criminal Court Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Prior criminal record and adult marihuana arrest dispositions Marijuana and the law: What young people say Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County The juvenile drug offender and the justice system The Addict and the Law Marijuana and the use of other drugs Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Law enforcement politics and drug abuse Some aspects of the ‘tough’ New York State drug law California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities American diplomacy and the international narcotics traffic: A black perspective Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use How we handled the problem of drug abuse in Japan Traffic in amphetamines: lllegal manufacture and distribution Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. 1132 1147 1177 1187 1192 1199 1203 0571 0629 0631 0633 0640 0665 0704 0715 0730 0731 0732 0737 0738 0739 0742 0743 0744 0745 0746 0748 0755 0758 0771 0931 0932 0952 0967 1048 1063 1199 1200 1207 Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic Drug Laws Women versus men Drug addiction as a deviant career Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” Cocaine: The history and regulation of a dangerous drug The cocaine crime The Gourmet Cokebook: A Complete Guide to Cocaine Interlocking dualities in drug use, drug control, and crime The addict as a criminal: Perpetuation of a legend Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Myths and realities of drug use by minorities The legislative response to marihuana: When the shoe pinches enough The epidemiology of narcotic addiction in the United Kingdom The influence of Canadian addicts on heroin addiction in the United Kingdom Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway Addiction in Sweden Cannabis in Nepal: An overview Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong A review of drug abuse and counter measures in Japan since World War I An epidemiological analysis of the fluctuation of drug dependence in Japan Drug abuse in Japan Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil Ganja legislation Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use How we handled the problem of drug abuse in Japan Epidemiology of drug dependence in Japan Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Drug Laws, Attitudes Untitled Questionnaires and Interview University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs Survey of Marijuana Use and Attitudes: State of Oregon Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders Marijuana and the law: What young people say Drug laws: Perceptions of illegal drug users Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Perceived penal sanction and self-reported SUBJECT INDEX 1211 0054 0237 0564 0565 0566 0572 0585 0633 0638 0763 0931 0932 1068 1108 1112 1113 1138 1146 1151 1173 1177 1182 1184 1185 1187 1192 1199 1200 1201 1203 0457 0626 0733 0735 0738 0741 0748 criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research Effects of Labeling the *‘Drug Abuser’: An Inquiry Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training Drug Offenses Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem A Perspective on ‘Get Tough’ Drug Control Laws Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence Drug use and criminal activity: Some relationship indices Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky The Negro drug addict as an offender type Heroin and Behavior Criminal history of narcotic addicts Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Heroin addicts and violent crime Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Perceived penal sanction and self-reported 0754 0757 1140 0296 0535 0620 0631 0641 0648 0652 0653 0658 0662 0666 0669 0670 0673 0675 0680 0683 0685 0686 0691 0693 0694 0699 0707 0713 0715 0718 0719 0724 0732 0750 criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Criminal record characteristics of California and Illinois adult marihuana arrestees Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Drug offenders in Israel: A survey Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country Drug Policy Narcotic addiction Cocaine: The history and regulation of a dangerous drug Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas Rx cocaine The cocaine crime Cocaine Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits Drugs and violence The politics of deviance: The case of drugs A Perspective on “Get Tough’ Drug Control Laws Narcotics and criminality Interlocking dualities in drug use, drug control, and crime The addict as a criminal: Perpetuation of a legend The problem of heroin Drugs, alcohol, and violent crime Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district A statistical study of criminal drug addicts Narcotics use among juveniles The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation Policy Concerning Drug Abuse in New York State, Volume Ill: Economics of Heroin Distribution Law enforcement politics and drug abuse Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict SUBJECT INDEX 0754 0756 0763 0764 0778 0783 0822 1053 1054 1056 1060 1061 1160 1189 0313 0566 0567 0571 0572 0584 0616 0628 0629 0631 0632 0633 0638 0640 0645 0651 0664 0678 0726 0728 0755 0931 331 American diplomacy and the international narcotics traffic: A black perspective Drug abuse and crime: Fact or fancy? Public policy and judicial perspectives in two Canadian cities: The case of heroin The legislative response to marihuana: When the shoe pinches enough A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy An overview on drug abuse in Italy Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway Economic significance of Cannabis sativa in the Moroccan Rif Alcoholism and drug addiction in Israel Drug dependence in Israel The traditional role and symbolism of hashish among Moroccan Jews in Israel and the effect of acculturation The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Reunion: Cannabis in a pluricultural and polyethnic society Cannabis and its users in Nepal Cannabis in Nepal: An overview Ethnobotanical aspects of cannabis in Southeast Asia Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese How the People’s Republic of China solved their drug abuse problem A review of drug abuse and counter measures in Japan since World War II The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 An epidemiological analysis of the fluctuation of drug dependence in Japan Drug abuse in Japan Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: ~The program in the city and in the country The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica Ganja legislation Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic Abuse of methylamphetamine Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Drug Potency Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Urban crime and the price of heroin 0967 1057 1065 1068 1111 1132 1136 1137 1146 1158 1161 1166 1167 1168 1171 1172 1173 1174 1177 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1189 1191 1192 1199 1205 1211 1266 1322 0198 0722 0723 1035 1048 1058 Drug Preferences Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Personality characteristics and drug of choice Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Careers in Dope Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping-stone hypothesis Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica The transition to amphetamine abuse Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center Abuse of methylamphetamine Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Acute amphetamine toxicity The cycle of abstinence and relapse among heroin addicts The relapse rate in narcotic addiction: A critique of follow-up studies A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Habituation and addiction Patterns of ‘cheating’ among methadone maintenance patients Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India The world of the righteous dope fiend Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 The rehabilitative effectiveness of a SUBJECT INDEX 0310 0512 0521 0687 0794 0836 0838 0973 1078 1129 1194 1195 1210 1264 1266 1273 1319 0253 0254 0259 0264 0265 0278 0296 0297 0314 0609 0614 0671 0693 0694 0695 0701 0702 0703 0705 0764 community correctional residence for narcotic users Methadone patients on probation and parole Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study California civil commitment: A decade later Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 New York's big push A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Psychosocial aspects of addiction The black addict: |. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Drug offenders and the prison regimen in France A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Drug Subcultures Videotape Recording of Narcotic Addicts in Group Therapy: The Analysis of Communicational and Interactive Behavior Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies American way of drugging. Street status and drug users The Drug Phenomenon: Social Aspects of Drug Taking Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user Young drug addicts: Background and personality Drug addiction as a deviant career Cats, kicks, and color The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Heroin Addicts 0767 0769 0770 0771 0772 0773 0775 0778 0779 0781 0784 0786 0787 0789 0790 0941 0954 0969 1034 1128 1178 1322 0100 0101 0104 0110 0111 0134 0237 0247 0248 0249 The habit The cycle of abstinence and relapse among heroin addicts Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self Addiction careers The Man with the Golden Arm Junkie Invisible Man The Dharma Bums What Now My Love Go Ask Alice Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960’s and 1970's Drug use and achievement Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district The World of Youthful Drug Use Addicts, police, and the neighborhood social system A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Sequences in addiction Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping-stone hypothesis White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts The ‘‘ganja vision” in Jamaica Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden Street level abusage of amphetamines Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury The epidemiology of stimulant abuse The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Drug Substitution The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic Marijuana and the use of other drugs Careers in Dope Street level abusage of amphetamines Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic SUBJECT INDEX 0250 0253 0273 0275 0298 0398 0400 0406 0408 0418 0421 0426 0440 0509 0511 0651 0677 0739 0956 0971 1027 1030 1035 1107 1110 1129 1179 1193 1194 1202 1206 1209 1212 1318 0704 0746 0973 1206 1211 Drug Trafficking A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Transferability of addict life styles into socially acceptable occupations Dealing or the Berkeley-to-Boston-Forty- Brick-Lost-Bag Blues Shaft Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Cocaine: The history and regulation of a dangerous drug Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects Rx cocaine The cocaine crime The cocaine problem in India Dealer: Portrait of a Cocaine Merchant Drugs and violence Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Drugs, alcohol, and violent crime Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction The social structure of a heroin copping community The world of the righteous dope fiend Criminal history of narcotic addicts Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention The World of Youthful Drug Use Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Methadone and the culture of addiction The Addict and the Law Some aspects of the “‘tough’’ New York State drug law Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit American diplomacy and the international narcotics traffic: A black perspective Careers in Dope Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers Cannabis in Nepal: An overview Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong Drug abuse in Japan The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica Ganja legislation Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs Traffic in amphetamines: Illegal manufacture and distribution A study of illicit amphetamine drug traffic in Oklahoma City 0026 0240 0425 0435 0564 0566 0568 0571 0572 0600 0606 0628 0630 0645 0651 0657 0659 0661 0671 0673 0674 0677 0679 0721 0745 0758 0931 0945 0956 0963 0967 0973 1048 1107 1173 1177 1185 1191 1192 1205 1207 1250 The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak Drug Use Patterns Use of amphetamine by medical students Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan An evaluation of a short-term drug education program Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Predicting who will turn on Differential involvement with marijuana and its socio-cultural context: A study of suburban youths College Student's Perceptions of their Parents’ Attitudes and Practices toward Drug Use Relationships between parental and adolescent drug use Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Epidemiology of drugs taken by pregnant women: Drugs that may affect the fetus adversely Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction A pilot study of occasional heroin users Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Addiction careers Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Patterns of pentazocine abuse Secondary drug use among heroin users Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 SUBJECT INDEX 1253 0006 0035 0036 0037 0060 0081 0101 0102 0106 0113 0116 0127 0129 0130 0137 0234 0242 0243 0244 0251 0277 0296 0298 0300 0301 0304 0308 0309 0310 0439 0441 0446 0450 Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 High School Students’ Opinions, Attitudes, Knowledge and Experience...Concerning Drugs Untitled Questionnaires and Interview Nationwide Survey Questionnaire Carnegie-Mellon University Drug Use Research Project; Study Ill Junior Year Questionnaire, Class of 1972 Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men Personal Inventory Drug Abuse Interview Form Yorkville LSD Users Study Drug Survey Interview Inquiry on Smoking Untitled Drug Questionnaire Inventory of Selected Experiences Youth Drug Use Survey Untitled Questionnaire Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire ‘Make Yourself Heard’ Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire Survey Questionnaires for ‘‘Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth" Confidential Information Questionnaire Drug Abuse Reporting Program: Admission Record and Status Evaluation Record Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later CODAP Admission Report, CODAP Discharge Report Survey of Student Drug Use Automatic Interaction Detection Factor analysis General multiple regression and correlation analysis Personality factors in marihuana use Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Personality Characteristics of Drug Abusers Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Emotional stability and student drug use Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Clinical characteristics of addictions Heroin and cocaine addiction The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients 0451 0454 0455 0456 0457 0458 0459 0460 0464 0468 0469 0470 0472 0475 0476 0478 0479 0480 0482 0483 0484 0485 0486 0488 0492 0493 0498 0502 0503 0507 0511 0514 0515 0519 0531 0532 0551 0552 0554 0578 0603 0608 Patterns of ‘‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients Motives for use among light and heavy users Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits The use of drugs by jazz musicians The relationships and prevalance of smoking, drinking, and drug taking in (delinquent) adolescent boys Drug taking in delinquent boys Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors associated with the progression to narcotic use Correlates and outcome of illicit drug use by adolescent girls Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners The patterns of drug abuse among school children University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs Interlocking dualities in drug use, drug control, and crime Social aspects of drug abuse: A study of London drug offenders Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts The World of Youthful Drug Use Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adclescent boys Later heroin use by marijuana-using, heroin- using, and nondrug-using adolescent offenders in New York City Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Drugs and American Youth. A Report from the Youth in Transition Project Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance Methadone and the culture of addiction Survey of Marijuana Use and Attitudes: State of Oregon Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition Marijuana and the law: What young people say Drug laws: Perceptions of illegal drug users Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County Marijuana and the use of other drugs Effects of the Oregon Laws Decriminalizing Possession and Use of Small Quantities of Marijuana Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and 314-297 0 - 80 - 23 SUBJECT INDEX 0609 0611 0616 0617 0619 0621 0622 0623 0624 0625 0626 0633 0641 0642 0643 0651 0662 0677 0680 0681 0683 0684 0690 0711 0721 0733 0734 0738 0741 0743 0746 0748 characteristics of parole behavior and environment Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Perceived penal sanction and self-reported criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research Some aspects of the ‘tough’ New York State drug law Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students Blue collar black families Mexican-American families Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Rural youth and the use of drugs Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Drug use in a black ghetto Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status 0751 0753 0754 0758 0760 0783 0829 0830 0839 0839 0864 0871 0872 0921 0922 0923 0924 0926 0927 0928 0929 0930 0932 0933 0934 0935 0936 0937 0938 0939 0940 Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities The black addict: I. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Birth order and polydrug abuse among heroin addicts Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study Dependency traits among parents of drug abusers Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system Student preferences on the design of drug education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community Assertiveness and patterns of drug use: A pilot study Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample Narcotic addicts, multiple drug abuse and psychological distress Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Addicted and nonaddicted drug users Female drug use: Some observations Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) SUBJECT INDEX 0942 0943 0944 0952 0954 0964 0970 0972 0975 0982 0983 0985 0986 0987 0989 0995 0996 0998 1000 1005 1007 1009 1010 1013 1015 1022 1025 1032 1033 1036 1038 1063 Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later A survey of a representative sample of addicts prescribed heroin at London clinics Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group An epidemiological evaluation of a public health measure aimed at reducing the availability of methylamphetamine Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands An overview on drug abuse in Italy Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm Illicit use of drugs among university students in Stockholm Addiction in Sweden Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study Incidence of daily drug use as reported by a population of Thai partners working near United States military installations: A preliminary study White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden The transition to amphetamine abuse Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers 1069 1070 1106 1113 1115 1120 1123 1125 1127 1130 1136 1139 1140 1143 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1151 1152 1159 1162 1164 1175 1179 1188 1190 1195 1197 1203 1210 1244 Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables Confessions of a goof ball addict A study of illicit amphetamine drug traffic in Oklahoma City Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Amphetamine use and abuse in psychiatric patients Covert drug abuse among voluntary hospitalized psychiatric patients Changing patterns of multiple drug use among applicants to a multimodality drug treatment program Delinquency and the amphetamines. Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences Abuse of methylamphetamine Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse East Los Angeles Halfway House The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users A halfway house is not a home: Notes on the failure of a narcotic rehabilitation project Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems Educational History Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts The black addict: I. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Careers in Dope Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system Personality characteristics in heroin addicts SUBJECT INDEX 1248 1249 1250 1254 1255 1257 1258 1260 1261 1264 1265 1266 1267 1269 1318 0767 0768 0781 0785 0278 0454 0740 0945 0954 0956 0958 0965 0973 0975 0995 and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Employment and social disability among opiate addicts Abuse of methylamphetamine Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Ego Functioning Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared The family of the addict Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users A study of drug-taking adolescents Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Personality factors in marihuana use Ego functioning and acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Employee Dismissals Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry Drugs in industry Dismissal for off-the-job criminal behavior A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Combating employee drug abuse When a company counsels the drug abuser Guidelines for Management-Labor Team Efforts: Approaches to Drug Abuse Education and Prevention in Industry A program for control of drug abuse in industry A state-wide survey of drug issues in industry Employee Problems Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Dismissal for off-the-job criminal behavior The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Employing ex-addicts: Determinants of support and opposition Employee Programs Employment and Addiction: Overview of Issues Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry Drugs in industry A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on 1014 1034 1046 1266 1267 0061 0120 0131 0133 0273 0448 0453 0507 0537 0001 0005 0021 0026 1044 0002 0003 0004 0020 Existing Business and Treatment Practices Combating employee drug abuse When a company counsels the drug abuser Guidelines for Management-Labor Team Efforts: Approaches to Drug Abuse Education and Prevention in Industry Employer Policies Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Employment and Addiction: Overview of Issues Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry Drugs in industry Dismissal for off-the-job criminal behavior A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment When a company counsels the drug abuser Guidelines for Management-Labor Team Efforts: Approaches to Drug Abuse Education and Prevention in Industry A program for control of drug abuse in industry Employee drug abuse in municipal government Employing ex-addicts: Determinants of support and opposition A state-wide survey of drug issues in industry Employment Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Drug Abuse Reporting Program: Admission Record and Status Evaluation Record Drug use and achievement A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Authority and Addiction Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? A road back from heroin addiction Critique of success with methadone maintenance SUBJECT INDEX 0023 0028 0029 0030 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0020 0021 0023 0024 0029 0030 0031 1042 1044 1047 0048 0258 0261 0264 0271 0278 0294 0486 0509 0657 0660 0697 0703 0705 0706 0710 The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment Methadone and the culture of addiction Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts A pre-trial court diversion program for narcotics addicts: An alternative to incarceration A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program California civil commitment: A decade later A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions The black addict: |. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York Obtaining life history information about opioid users Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs Employment and social disability among opiate addicts A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later A comparison of Canadian narcotic addicts in Great Britain and in Canada A survey of a representative sample of addicts prescribed heroin at London clinics Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) British opiate users: Il. Differences between those given an opiate script and those not given one Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: 0712 0719 0721 0727 0740 0751 0753 0770 0774 0775 0779 0788 0945 0950 0953 0954 0956 0961 0966 0975 1039 1046 1111 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1121 Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Cannabis and its users in Nepal Drug abuse among the inmates of a women’s prison in Mexico City Abuse of methylamphetamine Employment, Addict Employment and Addiction: Overview of Issues Transferability of addict life styles into socially acceptable occupations Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers A Perspective on ‘Get Tough” Drug Control Laws The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population Heroin and Behavior Employment/Drug Sequences Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts Environmental Influences Pharmaceutical Advertising and Youth Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison Actuarial prediction Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts Urban crime and the price of heroin The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 Effects of psychostimulants on aggression The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Epidemiology Differential Drug Use Within the New York State Labor Force A statistical study of infants born with withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity Analysis of a community-wide population of narcotic addicts The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Narcotics, negroes and the south. SUBJECT INDEX 1125 1127 1172 1198 1266 0002 0240 0297 0442 0631 0659 0663 0670 0023 0024 0025 0069 0269 0499 0983 1029 1058 1183 1313 1318 0027 0154 0155 0235 0241 0248 0267 0294 0295 Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Current issues in the epidemiology of drug abuse as related to psychosocial studies of adolescent drug use Cocaine in perspective: “Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” Drug Addiction Problems Heroin and cocaine addiction Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem Drug Usage and Arrest Charges. A Study of Drug Usage and Arrest Charges Among Arrestees in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic An Assesssment of Drug Use in the General Population Special Report No. 2 Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Psychosocial aspects of addiction Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia The epidemiology of narcotic addiction in the United Kingdom The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 A two-year follow-up of a cohort of opiate users from a provinicial town The influence of Canadian addicts on heroin addiction in the United Kingdom The spread of heroin abuse in a community Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970 The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands The problem of drug misuse in the German Democratic Republic Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Alcoholism and drug addiction in Israel The epidemiology of drug abuse in Israel (with especial reference of cannabis) Drug dependence in Israel The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong How the People’s Republic of China solved their drug abuse problem A review of drug abuse and counter measures in Japan since World War I 0297 0437 0565 0576 0603 0616 0620 0642 0704 0925 0936 0938 0941 0946 0965 1031 1108 1110 1111 1112 1122 1126 1130 1131 1132 1133 1137 1138 1139 1147 1161 1163 1166 1168 1177 1181 1182 The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 An epidemiological analysis of the fluctuation of drug dependence in Japan Drug abuse in Japan Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use How we handled the problem of drug abuse in Japan Epidemiology of drug dependence in Japan The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Intravenous drug abuse in the arrest population in Stockholm: Frequency studies Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Evolving patterns of drug abuse Trends and projections Drugs of abuse in the future Ethnic Factors Women versus men Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures The individual environment Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Bizarre deformities in offspring of user of lysergic acid diethylamide Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Mortality among young narcotic addicts Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City Infections as fatal complications of narcotism Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 Locus of control among opiate addicts Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts SUBJECT INDEX 1183 1184 1185 1187 1189 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1211 1212 1270 1272 1323 1324 1325 0054 0070 0092 0114 0119 0126 0153 0195 0200 0202 0203 0208 0210 0212 0241 0262 0268 0277 Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. I. A comparison with addict controls Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Narcotics, negroes and the south. Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Secondary drug use among heroin users Oxymorphone abuse among narcotic addicts Overview of drug themes in science fiction Invisible Man What Now My Love Shaft Rotter's I-E Scale The abuse and dangers of cocaine Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Drug use and criminality in a birth cohort Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and Illegal Behavior Estimating drug-crime relationships Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Criminal history of narcotic addicts Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Narcotics use among juveniles Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Narcotics involvement and female criminality An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Heroin addicts and violent crime Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research The drug arrest 0278 0279 0290 0293 0294 0295 0299 0302 0304 0309 0310 0318 0406 0418 0435 0489 0570 0624 0630 0647 0648 0650 0654 0668 0672 0673 0675 0678 0680 0686 0689 0699 0700 0707 0712 0714 0715 0730 0732 0749 Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 A halfway house is not a home: Notes on the failure of a narcotic rehabilitation project California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 New York's big push Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees An Assesssment of Drug Use in the General Population Special Report No. 2 Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Rural youth and the use of drugs Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Men and Drugs—A Nationwide Survey Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison Drug use in Anchorage, Alaska: A survey of 15,634 students in grades 6 through 12— 1971 Drug usage in college students as a function of racial classification and minority group status Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings SUBJECT INDEX 0764 0768 0786 0787 0789 0797 0804 0808 0837 0921 0924 0925 0926 0927 0928 0929 0931 0932 0933 0935 0936 0937 0938 0940 0944 0946 0950 0953 0959 0960 0962 0963 0964 341 Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction American diplomacy and the international narcotics traffic: A black perspective Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Careers in Dope Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients Narcotic addicts, multiple drug abuse and psychological distress Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Employment and social disability among opiate addicts Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Urban crime and the price of heroin Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Factor Analysis Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Single-organism designs Longitudinal designs Automatic Interaction Detection Cluster and typological analysis Path analysis Factor analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Discriminant analysis Family Influences Women versus men Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared Pharmaceutical Advertising and Youth Correlates of marijuana use among college students Family and differential involvement with 0965 0966 0967 0968 0970 0972 0973 0974 1009 1021 1022 1027 1034 1046 1050 1055 1056 1058 1060 1061 1064 1082 0495 0496 0497 0498 0500 0501 0502 0504 0505 0054 0061 0069 0115 marihuana: A study of suburban teenagers The family of the addict: A review of the literature The individual environment The young addict and his family Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Addiction careers Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users Drug taking in delinquent boys A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: lll. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Narcotics use among juveniles Drug abuse and delinquency. Part I. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison ‘Psychopathology’ of ‘narcotic addiction:" A new point of view Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use The Psychotic Junkie Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Blue collar black families Mexican-American families Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees SUBJECT INDEX 0117 0118 0119 0125 0126 0258 0260 0261 0279 0291 0292 0296 0298 0304 0455 0531 0541 0547 0550 0621 0672 0678 0679 0682 0690 0792 0794 0799 0800 0808 0835 0837 0922 0923 0924 Rural youth and the use of drugs Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities The black addict: |. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Careers in Dope Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Drug abuse: A family affair? Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part |. The study of reinforcement differentials Conventional ties, peer influence, and the fear of apprehension: A study of adolescent marijuana use The addict as savior: Heroin, death, and the family Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts Drug abuse among the inmates of a women's prison in Mexico City Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients Abuse of methylamphetamine Family Relationships Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Drug Abuse Reporting Program: Admission Record and Status Evaluation Record Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use “Psychopathology” of ‘‘narcotic addiction:” A new point of view Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers 0929 0947 0948 0952 0954 0956 0959 0973 0975 0980 0987 1024 1028 1062 1102 1135 1145 1153 1154 1176 1179 1198 1259 1266 0048 0486 0488 0556 0792 1267 Felonies The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment Some aspects of the “‘tough’ New York State drug law Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Fiction Drug themes in fiction The Diary of a Drug Fiend Java Head Narrow Corner The Man with the Golden Arm Another Country Junkie Naked Lunch Nova Express The Soft Machine The Ticket That Exploded Gentleman Junkie Invisible Man Down There on a Visit Vanity of Duluoz Panic in Needle Park Last Exit to Brooklyn Cain’s Book The Grass Pipe At Play in the Fields of the Lord V, a Novel What Now My Love Valley of the Dolls Tuned Out Go Ask Alice Acapulco Gold Play It as It Lays Dealing or the Berkeley-to-Boston-Forty- Brick-Lost-Bag Blues North Dallas Forty The Season of the Witch Dress Her in Indigo The Gateway The Drifters The Possession of Joel Delaney Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Shaft A study in cocaine: Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects The Dharma Bums On the Road The Subterraneans Kentucky Ham Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me Divine Right's Trip: A Folk Tale Field Dependence Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts SUBJECT INDEX 0695 0708 0719 0758 0555 0999 Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking Forgery Criminal history of narcotic addicts Narcotics involvement and female criminality Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Urban versus suburban addict crime Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Gambling The world of the righteous dope fiend Criminal history of narcotic addicts Narcotics involvement and female criminality Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Gangs From hard to soft drugs: Temporal and substantive changes in drug usage among gangs in a working-class community Delinquency and Opportunity: A Theory of Delinquent Gangs Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Gentleman Junkie Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Narcotics use among juveniles Drug abuse and delinquency. Part Il. Drug use in three groups of lower social class adolescent boys The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago “Ganja Vision” The *‘ganja vision’ in Jamaica Geographic Factors Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco Sources of information about drugs among high school students Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Human pulmonary pathology associated with narcotic and other addictive drugs An ecological analysis of narcotic addicts in Baltimore Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. |. A comparison with addict controls Narcotics, negroes and the south. Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans 1092 0673 0689 0707 0716 1048 0671 0673 0689 1048 0102 0103 0293 0405 0660 0678 0680 0957 1193 0011 0058 0060 0092 0106 0214 0276 0277 0278 0290 0295 0297 Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Urban versus suburban addict crime Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 A halfway house is not a home: Notes on the failure of a narcotic rehabilitation project Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Narcotics-related deaths decrease in 1972 from the number of narcotics-related deaths in 1971 Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study The opiate addict in Israel Geographic Mobility Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Rural youth and the use of drugs Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece Ghettos Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Causes and types of narcotic addiction: A psycho-social view Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street Narcotics use among juveniles Generational Status, Ethnic Group and SUBJECT INDEX 0305 0616 0645 0688 0716 0732 0751 0763 0768 0813 0924 0944 1095 1143 1159 1165 0009 0299 0672 0929 0933 0944 0959 1120 1138 0241 0293 0312 0660 0668 0678 Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Drug use in a black ghetto A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction Goal Orientation The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society Correlates of marijuana use among college students The individual environment Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men Personal Inventory Purpose in Life Test Drug use and achievement Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts Psychosocial aspects of addiction A study of achievement motivation and frustration in glue sniffers An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex- addicts The vocational maturity of inner-city narcotic addicts White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence The Psychotic Junkie The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- 0933 0934 0956 0957 0966 0007 0105 0115 0119 0450 0464 0468 0477 0509 0510 0522 0549 0770 0941 1016 1041 1045 1179 1197 0033 0131 0242 0244 0273 0274 and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Cocaine in perspective: “Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” The Junkie Thief The Psychotic Junkie Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie” The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence Halfway Houses Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users A halfway house is not a home: Notes on the failure of a narcotic rehabilitation project Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems “Hang-Loose” Ethic The ““hang-loose’ ethic and the spirit of drug use Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Health Status Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen The young addict and his family Suicide among physicians A study of some failures in methadone treatment “Make Yourself Heard" Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire The role of coca in the history, religion and medicine of South American Indians Cocaine: The history and regulation of a dangerous drug The strange case of the coca leaf Some sociological aspects of the problem of cocaism Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village Coca leaf use in southern Peru: Some biological aspects Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast SUBJECT INDEX 0292 0302 0565 0665 0799 1074 1318 1320 0637 0667 0695 0767 0768 0770 0781 0785 0089 0519 0108 0125 0193 0266 0483 0563 0566 0577 0579 0605 0610 0717 0950 Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Coca chewing: A new perspective Hepatic Effects Depression of plasma testosterone levels after chronic intensive marijuana use Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction Infections as fatal complications of narcotism The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction Introduction to amphetamine abuse Methadone related deaths in New York City Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Addiction in Sweden Acute amphetamine toxicity Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Hippie Subcultures Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society Horatio Alger's Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Drugs and the adolescent experience Drug themes in fiction Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse 0969 1088 1089 1090 1103 0041 0196 0199 0201 0204 0209 0211 0212 0215 0216 0220 0226 0230 0231 0605 1079 1088 1151 1319 1321 0101 0105 0126 0132 0394 0515 0528 1318 Homicides Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Investigation of sudden ceath in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Methadone related deaths in New York City Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse Drugs, alcohol, and violent crime Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users Narcotics involvement and female criminality Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit The relationship between crime and amphetamine abuse: An empirical review of the literature Drinking, drugs, and death Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Homosexuality A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Drugs and sexual behavior Indicators of homosexuality in the human figure drawings of heroin- and pill-using addicts Drug addiction and ‘‘hypersexuality’’: Related modes of mastery Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test Women versus men Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population Naked Lunch Nova Express Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression SUBJECT INDEX 0196 0201 0208 0217 0229 0230 0232 0643 0645 0649 0655 0689 0823 0963 1052 1098 1321 0034 0036 0043 0044 0046 0050 0051 0053 0054 0055 0292 0401 0402 0690 1077 1314 Hustling Cats, kicks, and color Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Heroin Addicts Dealer: Portrait of a Cocaine Merchant Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district The social structure of a heroin copping community Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population The Junkie Thief Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street Heroin and Behavior The world of the righteous dope fiend The World of Youthful Drug Use Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Traffic in amphetamines: Illegal manufacture and distribution Hyperkinesis Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine: Differential effect on aggression and hyperkinesis in children and dogs Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine in minimal brain dysfunction The use and abuse of amphetamines Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion Effects of psychostimulants on aggression Methylphenidate hallucinosis Hypersensitivity Reactions The neuropathology of heroin addiction Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction Hypochondriasis Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates lllicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Hypomania Personality factors in college drug users Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Personality characteristics of servicemen 0247 0249 0606 0651 0661 0663 0665 0668 0670 0671 0677 0724 1027 1207 1233 1235 1236 1237 1242 1243 1313 1315 0218 0220 0802 0831 0836 0841 0844 0533 0545 returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Hysteria Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process Imagination Factor analysis Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Incarceration A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review The Junkie Thief Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers A road back from heroin addiction Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance Selective justice: Drug law enforcement in six American cities The Addict and the Law Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State California civil commitment: A decade later Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast Obtaining life history information about opioid users Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong SUBJECT INDEX 0803 0804 0811 0831 0834 0844 1314 0802 0818 0836 0502 0518 0260 0630 0665 0688 0691 0706 0711 0742 0745 0753 0756 0779 0785 0950 0961 0969 1056 1178 Industrial Accidents Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio Infant Mortality Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Narcotic addiction in pregnancy Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Management of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome in the neonate Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Narcotic withdrawal in pregnancy: Stillbirth incidence with a case report Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn Postmortem findings in offspring of heroin addicts The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Infections Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction Infections as fatal complications of narcotism The neuropathologic complications of narcotics addiction Introduction to amphetamine abuse Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Complications of injecting dissolved methylphenidate tablets Information Sources, Media Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment Selective exposure to information about the 0001 0020 0140 0155 0156 0157 0159 0167 0172 0175 0178 0180 0186 1080 1081 1084 1088 1089 0140 0164 0200 0201 0204 0205 0210 0211 0212 0219 0226 0231 1288 0011 0023 0024 harmful effects of marijuana and tranquilizers Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana Sources of information about drugs among high school students Televised Drug Appeals: A Content Analysis Dissemination of Drug Related Information The Search for Drug Abuse Information Assessing the Persuasiveness of Drug Abuse Information An Experimental Analysis of Reaction to Filmed Drug Abuse Information Public Service Advertising and Social Problems: The Case of Drug Abuse Prevention Pharmaceutical Advertising and Youth Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies Effects of Electronic Media in Drug Abuse Education and Prevention Drug education Evaluating Drug Information Programs Evaluation of Drug Education Programs Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations Information Sources, Personal Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana Sources of information about drugs among high school students Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Dissemination of Drug Related Information The Search for Drug Abuse Information Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies Evaluation of Drug Education Programs Psychological sophistication in current drug abuse education Designing communications to change attitudes regarding drug abuse Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students The influence of information sources and grade level on the diffusion and adoption of marihuana Effect of a marijuana drug-education program: Comparison of facility-elicited and student-elicited data Student preferences on the design of drug SUBJECT INDEX 0056 0057 0058 0062 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0075 0076 0080 0440 0989 0998 1137 0057 0058 0060 0064 0065 0070 0080 0085 0094 0095 0106 0930 0989 0991 education programs: Drug users and nonusers compared Inhibition Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Marijuana and sex Marihuana and sexual behavior The smoker's view of marijuana Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie” Intelligence Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population The study of 1.Q. scores on verbal vs. nonverbal tests and vs. academic achievement among women drug addicts from different racial and ethnic groups Recent trends in the demography of heroin addiction among youthful offenders Interpersonal Relationships Drug addiction and “‘hypersexuality’’: Related modes of mastery The “normal” life of the addict and the consequences of addiction The smoker's view of marijuana Attempted suicide by drug ingestion The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Personal Inventory Drug Survey Interview ‘‘Make Yourself Heard'' Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Personality factors in college drug users Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm Cannabis and its users in Nepal Judgment Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines Effect of Marihuana on Risk Acceptance in a Simulated Passing Task Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking Marijuana and driving in real-life situations 0996 0033 0039 0042 0087 0531 1074 0517 0835 0838 0958 0965 0051 0052 0087 0194 0292 0452 0453 0461 0468 0472 0483 0524 0533 0556 0948 0962 1148 1172 Labeling Effects of Labeling the ‘Drug Abuser’: An Inquiry Larceny Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence Estimating drug-crime relationships Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Narcotics involvement and female criminality Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Urban versus suburban addict crime The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Law Enforcement Biases Heroin addicts and violent crime Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Criminal record characteristics of California and Illinois adult marihuana arrestees Least Squares Analysis Automatic Interaction Detection Path analysis Factor analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Legalization of Drugs The smoker's view of marijuana Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage Discrepancies between drug educators and students in attitudes toward marihuana: Their implications for communication Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Acapulco Gold Marijuana Attitude Scale The legalization of marihuana: Views of several American populations of users and non-users A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Penalty for the possession of marijuana: An analysis of some of its concomitants SUBJECT INDEX 0757 0652 0654 0675 0682 0683 0689 0690 0708 0716 0722 0723 0726 1048 1061 0715 0732 0932 1053 0498 0501 0502 0504 0087 0090 0091 0095 0423 0481 0736 0747 1063 1069 Drug abuse among Israeli youth: Epidemiological pilot study Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use Life Cycles The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin The cycle of abstinence and relapse among heroin addicts The relapse rate in narcotic addiction: A critique of follow-up studies Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin- users The 35 to 40 age dropoff The life cycle of the narcotic addict and of addiction A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Analysis of a community-wide population of narcotic addicts Addiction careers An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention Maturing out of narcotic addiction An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: I. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Heroin, hassle, and treatment: The importance of perceptual differences The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Lifestyles The ‘normal’ life of the addict and the consequences of addiction Notes on the heroin addict and his culture The ‘“‘street addict role’’: Implications for treatment Transferability of addict life styles into socially acceptable occupations An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental heaith diagnosis Cats, kicks, and color Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Heroin Addicts The habit The cycle of abstinence and relapse among heroin addicts Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison 1164 1199 0037 0188 0242 0244 0252 0253 0254 0255 0256 0257 0265 0267 0298 0442 0659 0674 0676 0949 0968 1026 1032 0052 0236 0239 0240 0246 0247 0249 0250 0253 0269 Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Junkie Naked Lunch Nova Express The Soft Machine The Ticket That Exploded On the Road Vanity of Duluoz Panic in Needle Park Last Exit to Brooklyn Cain’s Book Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Community-Wide Population of Narcotic Addicts Survey Questionnaires for ‘‘Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth” Single-organism designs Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users The world of the righteous dope fiend The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part |. The study of reinforcement differentials Frequency and magnitude distribution of life change in heroin and alcohol addicts The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Female drug use: Some observations Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers The Bay area speed scene The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak Linear Models A social psychological approach to substance abuse construct validity: Prediction of adolescent drug use from independent data sources General multiple regression and correlation analysis Locus of Control Locus of control among opiate addicts Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage SUBJECT INDEX 0278 0292 0294 0400 0401 0402 0403 0404 0409 0411 0412 0413 0414 0440 0442 0460 0484 0496 0655 0671 0957 1027 1028 1029 1032 1036 1038 1055 1090 1107 1252 12583 0444 0503 0268 0446 0448 Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Rotter’s I-E Scale Factor analysis General and specific perceived locus of control in delinquent drug users Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts Internal-external control and drug use among junior high school students in a rural community General and specific perceived locus of control in heroin addicts Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Log-Linear Analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Longitudinal Designs Current issues in the epidemiology of drug abuse as related to psychosocial studies of adolescent drug use The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Longitudinal designs Automatic Interaction Detection Lymphatic Effects Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Infections as fatal complications of narcotism The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism Malaria Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings Infections as fatal complications of narcotism Mania Marijuana use and psychiatric illness Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users Marital Relationships Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone 0449 0489 0502 0538 0543 0752 0797 0798 1000 1012 10183 0504 0437 0438 0495 0497 0498 0199 0212 0215 0216 0140 0206 0207 0212 0791 0816 0055 Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared The family of the addict: A review of the literature Personality dynamics of mothers and wives of drug addicts Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Pleasure and deterioration from narcotic addiction Maternal Influences Personality dynamics of mothers and wives of drug addicts Drug abuse: A family affair? The addict, abstinence, and the family An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Maturing Out The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States The 35 to 40 age dropoff The life cycle of the narcotic addict and of addiction Follow-up of criminal narcotic addicts The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Perspectives in research on opiate addiction A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The Junkie Thief Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Maturing out of narcotic addiction Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis California civil commitment: A decade later A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts Medical Treatment Attempted suicide by drug ingestion Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction Barbiturate intoxication Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Introduction to amphetamine abuse Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Cocaine poisoning Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA Amphetamine poisoning: Effectiveness of chlorpromazine 314-297 0 - 80 - 24 SUBJECT INDEX 0061 0118 0123 0278 0574 0123 0980 0984 1268 0037 0256 0257 0263 0301 0311 0657 0665 0675 0676 0691 0725 0779 1034 1116 0194 0210 0211 0221 0225 0226 0227 0234 0303 0593 1278 1284 351 A case of recurrent psychosis associated with amphetamine addiction Acute amphetamine toxicity Methadone Maintenance Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Heroin addiction during pregnancy Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts A study of differential death rates and causes of death among 9,276 opiate addicts during 1970-1971 Methadone related deaths in New York City Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts The habit The natural history of narcotic drug addiction Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 A study of some failures in methadone treatment Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Patterns of “‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients Drugs and violence Drug addiction and crime: Is methadone maintenance preferable to withdrawal? Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Methadone treatment and crime reduction— Differential impact: An analysis and a case study An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? A road back from heroin addiction Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment 1295 1319 0048 0170 0172 0174 0196 0202 0230 0231 0250 0258 0262 0266 0272 0302 0306 0628 0634 0636 0658 0667 0694 0696 0698 0699 0701 0702 0705 0706 0707 0708 0709 Critique of success with methadone maintenance Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Heroin addicts and violent crime Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment Methadone and the culture of addiction The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Law enforcement politics and drug abuse Methadone patients on probation and parole California civil commitment: A decade later Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Careers in Dope Death rates and causes of death among opioid addicts in community drug treatment programs during 1970-1973 Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study Changes in locus of control in heroin addicts Clinical depression among narcotic addicts maintained on methadone in the community From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. SUBJECT INDEX 0710 0711 0712 0714 0715 0717 0718 0719 0721 0722 0727 0730 0755 0769 0779 0784 0790 0813 0866 0886 0952 0953 0955 0959 0969 0970 0973 0974 0999 1001 1004 1024 Part I. The study of reinforcement differentials Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs Criminality and addiction Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Sexual problems of heroin addicts Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part I. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Deaths involving methadone: A statistician’s view Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? A road back from heroin addiction Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part |. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Methodological Factors Dimensions of Response to Public Service Drug Abuse Information Evaluating Drug Information Programs Accountability in Drug Education. A Model for Evaluation Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates Genetics and drug abuse: A primer for workers in the field Does LSD induce chromosomal damage and malformations? A review of the literature Lysergic acid diethylamide: Its effects on human chromosomes and the human organismin utero.ff A review of current findings 1028 1039 1049 1051 1054 1056 1076 1079 1082 1086 1088 1093 1273 0174 0262 0701 0705 0706 0717 0857 0950 1082 1086 0063 0076 0077 0109 0135 0144 0145 Adverse effects of LSD: A current perspective The chromosomal and teratogenic effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: A review of the current literature Analysis of a community-wide population of narcotic addicts Prediction: A prolegomenon Current issues in the epidemiology of drug abuse as related to psychosocial studies of adolescent drug use The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse A social psychological approach to substance abuse construct validity: Prediction of adolescent drug use from independent data sources Computer interview questionnaires for drug use/abuse Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Single-organism designs Longitudinal designs Automatic Interaction Detection Actuarial prediction Cluster and typological analysis Path analysis Drugs and crime. |. Literature review The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Methadone treatment and crime reduction— Differential impact: An analysis and a case study Critique of success with methadone maintenance Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Marijuana use and psychiatric illness A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations The Problems of Drugs and Driving: An Overview of Current Research and Future Needs Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol SUBJECT INDEX 0146 0147 0267 0436 0437 0438 0443 0444 0445 0446 0453 0454 0495 0496 0497 0498 0499 0500 0501 0639 0656 0662 0698 0710 0732 0752 0791 0806 0813 0850 0851 0853 0909 Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs Drug abuse and crime: Fact or fancy? Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers Evolving patterns of drug abuse Minimal Brain Dysfunction Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine in minimal brain dysfunction Misdemeanors Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Mother-Child Relationships Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test The family of the addict: A review of the literature The family of the addict Personality dynamics of mothers and wives of drug addicts Psychodynamic factors in the mother-child relationship in adolescent drug addiction: A comparison of mothers of schizophrenics and mothers of normal adolescent sons The Negro drug addict as an offender type A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: lll. Some social and psychiatric characteristics The addict as savior: Heroin, death, and the family Motivation For Treatment Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Motivation For Use Characteristics of nurse addicts Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons Ways Youth Receive Information about Marijuana Becoming a marihuana user Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared Attitudes towards the relationship among 0932 1039 1057 1107 1323 1237 0694 0695 0696 0708 0711 0719 1051 0053 0118 0120 0123 0124 0669 0672 1102 0947 0010 0022 0057 0059 0061 stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies Evaluation of Drug Education Programs Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society A study of drug-taking adolescents Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Heroin Addicts A pilot study of occasional heroin users In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. I. A comparison with addict controls The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Addiction careers Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach Problems in the social psychology of addiction Psychological characteristics of the adolescent addict A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Path analysis Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Motivational factors in drug use Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Low self-concept as a cause of drug abuse Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Personality traits and attitudes and their relationship to student drug using behavior Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use Drug Addiction Problems Cocaine intoxication and its demoralizing effects Cocaine habit in India The subjective dimensions of the drug experience Motives for use among light and heavy users Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India Drugs of dependence University student attitudes and behavior toward drugs Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Rural youth and the use of drugs SUBJECT INDEX 0070 0080 0105 0133 0241 0249 0251 0252 0290 0294 0298 0305 0315 0316 0441 0501 0511 0513 0531 0543 0544 0551 0553 0556 0576 0592 0597 0607 0611 0614 0618 0626 0794 0830 0926 0927 0929 Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Research into expression of attitudes about drugs—What use is it? Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users A study of achievement motivation and frustration in glue sniffers Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping-stone hypothesis An overview on drug abuse in Italy Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Narcotic consumption among school children in Stockholm Illicit use of drugs among university students in Stockholm Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria The social and cultural context of cannabis use in Rwanda The use of Indian hemp in Zaire: A formulation of hypotheses on the basis of an inquiry using a written questionnaire The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California The transition to amphetamine abuse Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables Confessions of a goof ball addict A study of illicit amphetamine drug traffic in Oklahoma City Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture Methamphetamine psychosis 0947 0968 0990 09983 1006 1016 1027 1032 1127 1129 1136 1144 1145 1148 1149 1152 1154 1155 1156 1159 1162 1168 1176 1179 1188 1190 1197 12083 1208 1210 1248 1249 1250 1254 1263 Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Amphetamines and addiction Amphetamine Psychosis Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Il. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Evolving patterns of drug abuse Motivaton For Use Single-organism designs Multiple Drug Use Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction Patterns of ‘‘cheating”’ among methadone maintenance patients Secondary drug use among heroin users Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Emotional stability and student drug use Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Patterns of delinquency in drug addiction Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York Careers in Dope Birth order and polydrug abuse among heroin addicts Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping-stone hypothesis Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California Changing patterns of multiple drug use among applicants to a multimodality drug treatment program Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates SUBJECT INDEX 1264 1267 1269 1273 1296 1301 1312 1323 0496 0243 0244 0306 0309 0515 0520 0533 0534 0536 0539 0547 0552 0624 0682 0690 0937 0950 0956 0973 0982 1129 1208 1260 1302 1321 Multiple Regression Analysis Prediction: A prolegomenon The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Multiple Regression And Correlation Analysis Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Single-organism designs Automatic Interaction Detection General multiple regression and correlation analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Discriminant analysis Multivariate Analysis Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Factor analysis Multivariate Analysis of Variance Multivariate analysis of variance Discriminant analysis Narcolepsy The use of Benzedrine for the treatment of narcolepsy The amphetamines: Medical uses and health hazards The use and abuse of amphetamines Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger of Benzedrine treatment Paranoid psychosis associated with amphetamine usage Narcotic Addiction Control Commission Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Drug Abuse in New York State Patterns of pentazocine abuse Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Criminal commitment of narcotic addicts under state law New York's big push Driving records of heroin addicts Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States Careers in Dope Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act Program Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI The decline of the addict as ‘‘psychopath’: Implications for community care MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts 0436 0438 0443 0495 0496 0498 0503 0504 0505 0495 0502 0504 0505 1227 1232 1242 1243 1294 1298 0092 0308 0662 0780 0782 0789 0856 0946 0973 0269 0780 0796 0810 0815 committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Narcotics Treatment Administration Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Drug use and criminal activity: Some relationship indices Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: |. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy The quality of prenata: treatment of narcotic addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Il. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Narcotic Treatment Control Program Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts National Center For Health Statistics Drug-related mortality in the United States, 1963-71 National Commission on Marihuana And Drug Abuse Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Neonatal Addiction, Diagnosis Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Variations in birth cries of newborn infants from narcotic-addicted and normal mothers Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn SUBJECT INDEX 1034 0195 0252 0653 0667 0703 0704 0726 0765 0784 0947 0948 0949 1048 1080 1272 1312 0781 1094 1064 0139 0155 0161 0162 Abstinence score in the treatment of the infant of the drug-dependent mother The early neonatal period of 100 live-borns of mothers on methadone A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Neonatal Addiction, Treatment Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Maternal barbiturate utilization and neonatal withdrawal symptomatology Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome in a passively addicted infant Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Narcotic addiction in pregnancy Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn Management of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome in the neonate The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine Diazepam in the management of the neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Abstinence score in the treatment of the infant of the drug-dependent mother Behavior of infants born to narcotic-addicted mothers Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate The assessment of behavioral change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal: Comparative data from clinical and objective methods A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Neonatal Characteristics Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Maternal barbiturate utilization and neonatal withdrawal symptomatology Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Alterations of the sleep cycle in heroin- addicted and ‘‘suspect’’ newborns Variations in birth cries of newborn infants from narcotic-addicted and normal mothers Tachypnea and alkalosis in infants of narcotic-addicted mothers Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress 0179 0184 1085 0139 0140 0141 0142 0143 0155 0156 0157 0162 0167 0168 0169 0178 0179 0183 1079 1083 1085 1088 0140 0141 0142 0155 0156 0159 0160 0161 0163 0164 Nature of the sweating deficit of prematurely born neonates: Observations on babies with the heroin withdrawal syndrome Heroin addiction during pregnancy Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Methadone withdrawal in newborn infants Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn Behavior of infants born to narcotic-addicted mothers The early neonatal period of 100 live-borns of mothers on methadone Neonatal addiction-exposure to heroin and methadone Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Neurosis Young drug addicts: Background and personality Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Mental illness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study The effects of Benzedrine sulfate on the behavior of psychopathic and neurotic juvenile delinquents SUBJECT INDEX 0166 0170 0171 0172 0173 0176 0177 0178 0180 0183 0184 0187 1089 0134 0272 0541 0796 0800 0805 0806 0813 0814 0822 0840 0842 0844 1002 1025 1145 1159 1234 N.LM.H. Clinical Research Centers Characteristics of nurse addicts Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts Locus of control among opiate addicts Patterns of pentazocine abuse Criminal history of narcotic addicts A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates The decline of the addict as ‘psychopath’: Implications for community care Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States Obtaining life history information about opioid users Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Notification of Addicts The epidemiology of narcotic addiction in the United Kingdom Maintenance treatment of narcotic addicts (Not British nor a system, but working now) Clinical use of Benzedrine sulfate (amphetamine) in obesity The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: A consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine Status and prospect of drugs for overeating The amphetamines: Medical uses and health hazards The use and abuse of amphetamines Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion Toxic psychosis: A complication of overdosage of anti-obesity drugs Occupational Drug Use Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Drugs in industry The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Characteristics of nurse addicts Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. lll. Tranquilizing drugs and stress tolerance A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio 0010 0200 0268 0308 0673 0775 0780 0795 0796 0802 0810 0946 0961 0962 0972 1108 1117 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1242 1243 1299 0001 0004 0007 0010 0018 0020 The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons A Study of Drug-related Criminal Behavior in Business and Industry Differential Drug Use Within the New York State Labor Force Occupational Status Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts Differential Drug Use Within the New York State Labor Force Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts Internal-external control and drug usage patterns in drug education course participants Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria The use of Indian hemp in Zaire: A formulation of hypotheses on the basis of an inquiry using a written questionnaire The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea Onset The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction The heroin copping area: A location for epidemiological study and intervention activity The habit In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin- users The 35 to 40 age dropoff The life cycle of the narcotic addict and of addiction The Psychotic Junkie Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. I. A comparison with addict controls Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Addiction careers Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades SUBJECT INDEX 0021 0022 0026 0027 0022 0025 0027 0206 0207 0945 1013 1154 1156 1168 1176 0037 0111 0242 0245 0248 0250 0252 0255 0256 0257 0274 0279 0290 0296 0297 0298 0300 0301 The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Drug use in a normal population of young Negro men Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach Secondary drug use among heroin users Psychological characteristics of the adolescent addict Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users Cocaine habit in India Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The social structure of a heroin copping community The World of Youthful Drug Use Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican.females Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Psychosocial aspects of addiction Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities The black addict: I. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population 0303 0304 0305 0309 0316 0452 0482 0526 0543 0550 0597 0624 0656 0657 0661 0677 0693 0694 0707 0709 0740 0753 0777 0818 0924 0926 0927 0941 0942 0946 0948 0952 0954 Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Studying addicts over time: Methodology and preliminary findings Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Careers in Dope Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Addicted and nonaddicted drug users Female drug use: Some observations Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel The opiate addict in Israel Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center Openness To Experience Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students Operation Intercept Marijuana and the use of other drugs Overdoses A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Attempted suicide by drug ingestion The “heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Mortality among young narcotic addicts SUBJECT INDEX 0960 0964 0971 0972 0973 0975 1031 1032 1033 1036 1055 1061 1140 1159 1162 1165 1176 1178 1199 1202 1253 1259 1264 0453 0518 0554 0746 0190 0194 0197 0198 0199 0201 0203 The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deaths from narcotisni in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Deaths among narcotic abusers in New York City, January-June 1970 Pathologic aspects of drug addiction Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. II. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Methadone related deaths in New York City Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Play It as It Lays Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” Cocaine: The history and regulation of a dangerous drug Craving for and fear of cocaine Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility Emergency room treatment of the drug- abusing patient The dynamics of a heroin addiction epidemic Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison An epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: |. Retrospective study of psychosocial factors A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York The resurgence of heroin abuse in the District of Columbia Deaths involving methadone: A statistician’s view Drug-related mortality in the United States, 1963-71 Narcotics-related deaths decrease in 1972 from the number of narcotics-related deaths in 1971 Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Methodological considerations for a model reporting system of drug deaths The addict as savior: Heroin, death, and the family Suicide and mortality amongst heroin addicts in Britain Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. I. 0204 0205 0206 0208 0213 0220 0223 0225 0227 0230 0231 0235 0424 0564 0565 0566 0590 0595 0615 0704 0937 0949 0956 1031 1093 1094 1095 1096 1099 1102 1109 1132 Identification and resolution of an abuse epidemic A case of benzedrine sulfate poisoning Amphetamine poisoning: Effectiveness of chlorpromazine Evolving patterns of drug abuse Trends and projections Panic Reactions Marijuana use and psychiatric illness Paranoia Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness The Gateway Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district The Junkie Thief Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients Amphetamine substances in mental illnesses in Northern Ireland Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously The Bay area speed scene The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Mephentermine psychosis: Misuse of the Wyamine inhaler Incidents involving the Haight-Ashbury population and some uncommonly used drugs Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger. of Benzedrine treatment Psychoses due to amphetamine Paranoid psychosis associated with amphetamine usage The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine SUBJECT INDEX 1211 1282 1284 1323 1324 0791 0191 0272 0431 0448 0449 0545 0643 0651 0665 0817 0820 0822 0825 0826 0829 0840 1023 1124 1214 1251 1252 1253 1269 1274 1279 1294 1297 1298 1300 Amphetamine Psychosis Amphetamine abuse: A ‘speed trap’ Schizophreniform psychosis induced by large-dose administration of d-amphetamine Experimental psychoses induced by the administration of d-amphetamine The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences Parental Drug Use The Drug Phenomenon: Social Aspects of Drug Taking Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers Family and differential involvement with marihuana: A study of suburban teenagers The social backgrounds of young addicts as elicited in interviews with their parents Horatio Alger's Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk College Student's Perceptions of their Parents’ Attitudes and Practices toward Drug Use Relationships between parental and adolescent drug use Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 Drug Survey Interview Youth Drug Use Survey Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Blue collar black families Mexican-American families Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use Dependency traits among parents of drug abusers Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Parental Influences Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers The social backgrounds of young addicts as elicited in interviews with their parents Group therapy with parents of adolescent drug addicts College Student's Perceptions of their Parents’ Attitudes and Practices toward Drug Use 1301 1304 1305 1307 1308 1309 0110 0112 0117 0121 0126 0127 0129 0455 0472 0479 0511 0760 0922 0923 0939 0978 0985 0987 1197 0109 0112 0121 0122 0127 Relationships between parental and adolescent drug use Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users A study of drug-taking adolescents Young drug addicts: Background and personality Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction A social psychological approach to substance abuse construct validity: Prediction of adolescent drug use from independent data sources Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Personal Inventory Youth Drug Use Survey Untitled Questionnaire Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Report of the committee on the acquirement of drug habits Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Substance use among juvenile offenders: Relationships to parental substance use and demographic characteristics Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Heroin addict relationships with parents during childhood and early adolescent years The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use Religion, parental influence, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana use Dependency traits among parents of drug abusers Some childhood antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Parent-Child Relationships Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Group therapy with parents of adolescent drug addicts The young addict and his family Correlates of the generation gap Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men Untitled Questionnaire ‘Make Yourself Heard" Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire SUBJECT INDEX 0129 0131 0133 0134 0299 0444 0447 0452 0454 0468 0479 0480 0551 0616 0753 0805 0939 0968 0977 0978 0979 0985 0986 1120 1121 1127 1267 0099 0122 0125 0128 0464 0480 0483 361 Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users Sociopathy as a human process Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Opiate addicts and their parents Heroin addict relationships with parents during childhood and early adolescent years The parents of drug users Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study The addict, abstinence, and the family Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 Parkway Community Correctional Center The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-inyolved offenders in state correctional systems Parole Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems Parole Outcome The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study Community's response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Parole Prediction The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Recidivism in youthful heroin offenders and characteristics of parole behavior and environment Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity 0550 0793 0935 0976 0977 0981 0983 0984 0987 1130 1145 0695 0785 0637 0785 0740 0751 0752 0759 0767 0778 0781 0740 0751 0752 Paternal Influences The family of the addict Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts The addict, abstinence, and the family An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts Path Analysis Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Longitudinal designs Path analysis Factor analysis Peer Influences Dissemination of Drug Related information Pharmaceutical Advertising and Youth Experimental comparison of four approaches to drug abuse prevention among ninth and eleventh graders Psychological sophistication in current drug abuse education Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Patterns of Drug Use Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates The Drug Phenomenon: Social Aspects of Drug Taking Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user Adolescent marijuana use: Role of parents and peers Predicting who will turn on Differential involvement with marijuana and its socio-cultural context: A study of suburban youths The individual environment Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self Addiction careers Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use A social psychological approach to substance abuse construct validity: Prediction of adolescent drug use from independent data sources Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use SUBJECT INDEX 0120 0945 0984 1268 0495 0497 0501 0502 0064 0069 0082 0085 0095 0106 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 0116 0119 0126 0234 0252 0275 0298 0300 0301 0438 0439 0444 0447 0452 0454 Drug Abuse Interview Form Path analysis Need for social approval and drug use The cocaine problem in India Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition Sociopathy as a human process The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees Drug use among white and American Indian high school youth Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community Psychosocial aspects of addiction Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use Some correlates of drug use among high school youth in a midwestern rural community Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part I. The study of reinforcement differentials The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Conventional ties, peer influence, and the fear of apprehension: A study of adolescent marijuana use Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention The spread of heroin abuse in a community Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping-stone hypothesis Drug use and social integration Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel Incidence of daily drug use as reported by a population of Thai partners working near United States military installations: A preliminary study 0469 0501 0546 0600 0734 0793 0805 0830 0924 0926 0930 0933 0941 0942 0947 0948 0957 0959 0960 0966 0978 0987 0998 1007 1028 1032 1062 1070 1122 1129 1142 1162 1175 A cross-cultural study of the prevalence and correlates of student drug use in the United States and Mexico Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence Peer Subcultures An analysis of a peer network using psychedelic drugs Marijuana Users and Drug Subcultures The family of the addict: A review of the literature Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Drug laws: Perceptions of illegal drug users Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Heroin use in a provincial town—One year later Drug use and social integration Perceived Effects Use of amphetamine by medical students Effect of amphetamine sulfate on athletic performance Marijuana and sex Becoming a marihuana user Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared The smoker's view of marijuana Social facilitation of marijuana intoxication: Impact of social set and pharmacological activity Patterns of nonmedical drug usage among university students. Student attitudes toward drug usage The Drug Phenomenon: Social Aspects of Drug Taking Turning on: Becoming a marijuana user Drugs and the adolescent experience Patterns of pentazocine abuse Problems in the social psychology of addiction Psychological characteristics of the adolescent addict A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Drug Abuse Interview Form Yorkville LSD Users Study Inventory of Selected Experiences Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Personality Characteristics of Drug Abusers Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Excerpts from marihuana use and crime Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders SUBJECT INDEX 1197 1320 0107 0114 0118 0531 0541 0542 0650 0741 0838 1113 1142 0006 0015 0039 0059 0061 0087 0088 0090 0110 0111 0132 0308 0315 0316 0441 0469 0470 0478 0511 0512 0532 0549 0551 0646 0687 Marihuana and automobile crashes Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol The effect of marihuana on tracking task performance Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction : Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Sensory, perceptual, motor and cognitive functioning and subjective reports following oral administration of delta- nine-Tetrahydrocannabinol Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking Cardiovascular and subjective effects of intravenous cocaine administration in humans Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy 0865 0872 0874 0877 0882 0885 0888 0891 0895 0897 0898 0900 0901 0902 0903 0907 0909 0911 0915 0920 0998 1032 1037 1091 1092 1105 1106 1132 Clinical and medico-criminological aspects of addiction to central stimulating drugs The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study Patterns of marihuana use in Brazil A study of the conscious motivations and the effects of marihuana smoking on a group of adolescents in Chile The ‘‘ganja vision’ in Jamaica The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica Street level abusage of amphetamines Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury The transition to amphetamine abuse The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue The effects of analeptics on the fatigued subject The central action of beta-aminopropyl- benzene (Benzedrine) Drug induced mood changes in man. I. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts The effect of intravenous methamphetamine on mood The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Delinquency and the amphetamines. Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Behavioral studies of diethylpropion in man DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man Comparative effects of some amphetamine derivatives on human sleep Perception An Experimental Analysis of Reaction to Filmed Drug Abuse Information Drugs and the adolescent experience At Play in the Fields of the Lord Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Influence of narcotic drugs on highway safety Amphetamines and driving behavior A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations Barbiturates and driving Marihuana and automobile crashes Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Experimental studies of marihuana A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers SUBJECT INDEX 1150 1159 1186 1188 1193 1196 1206 1208 1209 1210 1216 1217 1221 1223 1224 1255 1261 1262 12783 1276 1280 1287 0067 0132 0416 0845 0847 0848 0850 0851 0852 0865 0874 0875 0876 0877 0879 and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance Effect of Marihuana on Risk Acceptance in a Simulated Passing Task Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination Effects of marihuana on auditory signal detection Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving Marihuana and critical flicker fusion Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana Sensory, perceptual, motor and cognitive functioning and subjective reports following oral administration of delta- nine-Tetrahydrocannabinol Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury Intellectual and neuro-psychological functions in young men with heavy and long-term patterns of drug abuse The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis Personality, Addiction-Prone Drug addiction and ‘‘hypersexuality’’: Related modes of mastery Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin- users The *‘addiction-prone’ personality: A study of Canadian heroin addicts Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness Problems in the social psychology of addiction Psychological characteristics of the adolescent addict Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI The Eysenck Personality Inventory with methadone maintenance patients Personality Factors Characteristics of nurse addicts 0880 0883 0887 0888 0891 0900 0902 0903 0904 0905 0907 0914 0916 0918 1091 1092 1106 1209 1290 1308 0051 0255 0270 0272 0315 0316 0807 1002 0010 Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society An analysis of a peer network using psychedelic drugs Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI The eye of the beholder: An important variable in addiction typologies A pilot study of occasional heroin users Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach Perspectives in research on opiate addiction Causes and types of narcotic addiction: A psycho-social view Narcotic addiction The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 Traditionalism/Yea Saying Scale Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men Personality Inventory Socialization of Problem Behavior in Youth Questionnaire Six Factor Drug Related Personality Test Actuarial prediction Factor analysis Discriminant analysis Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates Motivational factors in drug use Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Openness to experience and marijuana use: An initial investigation Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers SUBJECT INDEX 0099 0105 0107 0109 0191 0238 0251 0271 0273 0305 0311 0312 0313 0438 0441 0443 0446 0451 0452 0453 0455 0462 0464 0466 0482 0487 0499 0502 0505 0510 0512 0513 0516 0517 0518 0523 0524 Personality factors in student drug use A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles Personality differences between psychedelic drug users and nonusers The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker Students and drug use: A study of personality characteristics and extent of drug using behavior Marijuana Use in High School Girls: A Psycho-Social Case Study Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Personality traits and attitudes and their relationship to student drug using behavior Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls Pleasure and deterioration from narcotic addiction Drug Addiction Problems Cocaine habit in India Experimental analysis of the psychopathological effects of intoxicating drugs The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem Drug taking in delinquent boys Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York On the question of pre-existing personality differences between users and nonusers of drugs Assertiveness and patterns of drug use: A pilot study Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Personality correlates of hallucinogen use Personality dynamics of heroin use Personality characteristics in heroin addicts and nonaddicted prisoners using the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule Psychological needs of suburban male heroin addicts Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970 The development of drug-taking among 0525 0526 0528 0529 0530 0531 0535 0536 0540 0541 0547 0553 0555 0574 0576 0597 0598 0599 0620 0621 0752 0770 0864 0956 1003 1005 1006 1008 1011 1014 1017 1126 secondary school children in the Netherlands Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Cannabis and its users in Nepal An epidemiological analysis of the fluctuation of drug dependence in Japan Social-psychological correlates of drug use among Colombian university students Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience Drug abuse among the inmates of a women’s prison in Mexico City The transition to amphetamine abuse Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Delinquency and the amphetamines. Stimulant users in the California Rehabilitation Center Young drug-addicts: Addiction and its consequences Opiates, amphetamines, alcohol: A comparative study of American soldiers Toxic reactions to the amphetamines Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences Acute amphetamine toxicity Personality Integration Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Amphetamine addiction Pharmacogenic Orgasms The ‘““pharmacogenic orgasm’ in the drug addict Drug addiction and ‘‘hypersexuality’’: Related modes of mastery The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or “the sensuous hippie” Phoenix House Heroin addiction: Its relation to sexual behavior and sexual experience Secondary drug use among heroin users Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts Careers in Dope Physician Drug Use The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up Physician use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco SUBJECT INDEX 1130 1134 1172 1184 1190 1194 1198 1210 1225 1261 1264 1265 1267 13083 1309 1319 0829 0833 0047 0051 0805 1074 0049 0309 0700 0725 0797 0798 0973 0007 0008 0009 0011 How 92% beat the dope habit Suicide among physicians Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs Physiological Effects The facts about ergogenic aids and sports performance Pathologic aspects of drug addiction The neuropathology of heroin addiction Barbiturate intoxication Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Perspectives in research on opiate addiction Habituation and addiction Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects The abuse and dangers of cocaine Clinical characteristics of addictions Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Danger potential of commonly abused drugs A comparison of the effects of cocaine and synthetic central stimulants Craving for and fear of cocaine Cocaine intoxication and its demoralizing effects Morphinomania, cocomania, and general narcomania and some of their legal consequences Signs and symptoms presented by those addicted to cocaine Cocaine habit in India The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs The cocaine problem in India Drugs of dependence Drugs and crime. |. Literature review Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia Alcohol, drugs and driving behaviour in Switzerland Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration Addiction in Sweden 0012 0193 1040 0016 0213 0218 0221 0223 0227 0234 0303 0311 0314 0461 0565 0568 0570 0578 0580 0582 0583 0590 0592 0594 0596 0597 0599 0600 0618 0639 0832 0849 0866 0888 0890 0891 0900 0905 0913 1151 Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria Cannabis usage in Pakistan: A pilot study of long term effects on social status and physical health The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Amphetamine psychosis: A “model” schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Biochemical, anatomical and psychological investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue The effects of analeptics on the fatigued subject The central action of beta-aminopropyl- benzene (Benzedrine) Psychomotor effects of analeptics and their relation to ‘‘fatigue’’ phenomena in air crew Drug induced mood changes in man. |. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine Status and prospect of drugs for overeating The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs Danger potential of commonly abused drugs The danger of amphetamine dependency The use and abuse of amphetamines Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Craving for Benzedrine Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously The Bay area speed scene The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine The psychotomimetic amphetamines with special reference to DOM (STP) toxicity Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man Cardiovascular effects of Benzedrine A case of benzedrine sulfate poisoning 314-297 0 - 80 - 25 SUBJECT INDEX 1154 1170 1196 1202 1208 1209 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1221 1222 1223 1225 1230 1231 1235 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1251 1252 1255 1272 1277 1278 1280 1281 1282 Fatal amphetamine poisoning Amphetamine and phenmetrazine addiction: Physiological abnormalities in the abstinence syndrome Effects on sleep of amphetamines and its derivatives Comparative effects of some amphetamine derivatives on human sleep Complications of injecting dissolved methylphenidate tablets Talc and cornstarch emboli in eyes of drug abusers Necrotizing angiitis associated with drug abuse A case of recurrent psychosis associated with amphetamine addiction The phenomenology of experimentally induced amphetamine psychosis— Preliminary observations The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Acute amphetamine toxicity Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Drugs of abuse in the future Pimping Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention Police Attitudes Patrolmen and addicts: A study of police perception and police-citizen interaction Attitudes of certain criminal justice personnel toward drug laws and drug offenders Political Orientation Correlates of marijuana use among college students Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Marijuana Attitude Scale Vietnam Veterans Three Years Later Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students Postmortem Diagnosis Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts The “heroin overdose’’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Causes of death among institutionalized narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York 1283 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1291 1295 1306 1308 1317 1318 1319 1321 1322 1325 0674 0730 0735 0115 0454 0481 0488 0921 0196 0197 0199 0200 0205 0206 City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings Human pulmonary pathology associated with narcotic and other addictive drugs The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Recovery of cannabis constituents from the hands at autopsy Acute heroin fatalities in San Francisco Analysis of results of toxicological examinations performed by coroners’ or medical examiners’ laboratories in 2000 drug-involved deaths in nine major U.S. cities Drinking, drugs, and death Drug deaths involving propoxyphene—An assessment in metropolitan Detroit The forensic toxicology of cocaine Fatalities among drug users in the period 1968-72 Necrotizing angiitis associated with drug abuse Prediction Predicting who will turn on The relapse rate in narcotic addiction: A critique of follow-up studies Prediction: A prolegomenon Current issues in the epidemiology of drug abuse as related to psychosocial studies of adolescent drug use The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse A social psychological approach to substance abuse construct validity: Prediction of adolescent drug use from independent data sources Computer interview questionnaires for drug use/abuse Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 SUBJECT INDEX 0207 0214 0215 0216 0217 0229 0233 1096 1097 1098 1101 1104 1144 1291 0113 0254 0436 0437 0438 0439 0440 0441 0442 0443 0444 0445 0446 0447 0448 0449 0450 Teenage drug use: A search for causes and consequences Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use A social psychology of marijuana use: Longitudinal studies of high school and college youth Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Generational Status, Ethnic Group and Friendship Networks: Antecedents of Drug Use in a Ghetto Community. Estimating addiction rates and locating target populations: How decomposition into stages helps Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients Trends and projections Drugs of abuse in the future Pregnancy Effects Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome in a passively addicted infant Lysergic acid diethylamide: Its effects on human chromosomes and the human organismin utero. ff A review of current findings LSD exposure in uteroff Drug-induced chromosomal aberrations Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Narcotic addiction in pregnancy The pregnant addict: A study of 66 case histories, 1950-1959 Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress Pregnancy and menstrual function in narcotics addicts treated with methadone Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome Heroin and the fetus Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country Prenatal Care Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users A statistical study of infants born with 0451 0452 0453 0454 0526 0543 0933 0968 1259 1324 1325 0138 0139 0140 0141 0143 0145 0149 0151 0152 0155 0157 0158 0164 0174 0176 0185 1189 0138 0139 0152 withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Narcotic addiction in pregnancy The pregnant addict: A study of 66 case histories, 1950-1959 Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress Management of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome in the neonate Heroin addiction during pregnancy Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn Heroin and the fetus Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality Differential effects of maternal heroin and methadone use on birthweight Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Prison-Based Treatment Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction Characteristics of narcotic addicts admitted to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Detoxification of sick addicts in prison A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems Drug offenders and the prison regimen in France Probation How 92% beat the dope habit Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Prostitution The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States Women versus men Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review The problem of heroin SUBJECT INDEX 0154 0155 0157 0158 0164 0167 0170 0176 0177 0180 0185 1079 1080 1081 1082 1084 1088 1090 0637 0750 0766 0776 0777 0785 1128 0012 0637 0761 0037 0054 0055 0630 0640 369 Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district Estimating drug-crime relationships Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Criminal history of narcotic addicts Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Narcotics involvement and female criminality Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Female narcotic addicts: A follow-up study of criminal and addiction careers Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong Psychasthenia Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Psychological Adjustment The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics 0650 0651 0654 0658 0662 0673 0674 0675 0689 0690 0691 0693 0707 0724 0969 1048 1054 1055 1060 1162 1178 0801 0802 0835 0836 0844 1225 0007 Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up Homosexuality. IV. Psychiatric disorders and disability in the female homosexual Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users The “‘pharmacogenic orgasm’ in the drug addict Women versus men Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen The family of the addict: A review of the literature Group therapy with parents of adolescent drug addicts The young addict and his family Horatio Alger’'s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk A study of drug-taking adolescents Young drug addicts: Background and personality Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Suicide among physicians Mortality among young narcotic addicts Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users Incarcerated and street heroin addicts: A personality comparison Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. |. A comparison with addict controls The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Psychological characteristics of the adolescent addict Current issues in the epidemiology of drug abuse as related to psychosocial studies of adolescent drug use The quest for predictors of marihuana abuse in adolescents A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Drug research items pertaining to personality and interpersonal relationships: A working paper for research investigators Lipman-Hopkins Symptom Check List Personal Inventory Suitability for Treatment Scale Purpose in Life Test Path analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Social and psychological aspects of speed SUBJECT INDEX 0009 0036 0045 0047 0054 0108 0118 0122 0125 0126 0133 0134 0191 0193 0203 0232 0245 0261 0265 0269 0279 0290 0303 0316 0437 0438 0441 0447 0453 0461 0468 0473 0477 0501 0504 0508 use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Psychological characteristics of adolescent drug users and abstainers. Some implications for preventive education The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Personality Characteristics of Drug Abusers Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Personality correlates of marijuana use among youthful offenders Illicit LSD users: Their social backgrounds, drug use and psychopathology Emotional stability and student drug use Narcotics use among juveniles Drug abuse and delinquency. Part |. Drug abuse and delinquency among lower social class, court-adjudicated adolescent boys Heroin dependence and delinquency in women—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Factors related to imprisonment in female heroin addicts A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts The decline of the addict as *‘psychopath’’: Implications for community care Marihuana users and nonusers Psychopathology and experience with marihuana LSD and psychiatric inpatients Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Narcotic addicts, multiple drug abuse and psychological distress Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Deprivation and drug addiction: A study of a vulnerable sub-group Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure Epidemiological aspects of drug dependence in Yugoslavia A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians The opiate addict in Israel The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders The effects of Benzedrine sulfate on the 0511 0514 0515 0524 0532 0534 0535 0551 0552 0678 0679 0690 0753 0788 0810 0819 0821 0828 0835 0838 0839 0845 1022 1025 1038 1055 1088 1120 1135 1139 11583 1165 1183 1203 1233 behavior of psychopathic and neurotic juvenile delinquents Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Craving for Benzedrine Acute psychotic reaction after inhaling methylamphetamine Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients Abuse of methylamphetamine Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Psychoses due to amphetamine Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption The clinical symptomatology of amphetamine psychosis and its relationships to amphetamine levels in urine Psychological Effects Effect of amphetamine sulfate on athletic performance Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Il. Effects of analeptic and depressant drugs upon psychological behavior The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States American way of drugging. Street status and drug users Suicide among physicians Notes on the heroin addict and his culture The Psychotic Junkie On coca A study in cocaine: Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” Cocaine: The history and regulation of a dangerous drug Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects The abuse and dangers of cocaine Rx cocaine Drug addiction in its relation to crime Theories of drug addiction Drug Addiction Problems The strange case of the coca leaf Clinical characteristics of addictions Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Danger potential of commonly abused drugs A comparison of the effects of cocaine and synthetic central stimulants The Gourmet Cokebook: A Complete Guide to Cocaine The psychopharmacology of cocaine Cocaine psychosis: A continuum model On the general effect of cocaine Craving for and fear of cocaine A volunteer paper Cocaine intoxication and its demoralizing effects Morphinomania, cocomania, and general narcomania and some of their legal consequences Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for SUBJECT INDEX 1234 1244 1245 1246 1259 1266 1269 1271 1297 1302 1310 0015 legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility Signs and symptoms presented by those addicted to cocaine Cocaine habit in India Experimental analysis of the psychopathological effects of intoxicating drugs The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs The cocaine problem in India Therapy of obsessive neuroses with cocaine Mania associated with the use of .IN.H. and cocaine The subjective dimensions of the drug experience Motives for use among light and heavy users The effects of cocaine on depressed patients The patterns of drug abuse among school children Drugs and crime. I. Literature review Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Psychopathology, craving, and mood during heroin acquisition: An experimental study Harmful aspects of the LSD experience Amphetamine addiction Mental iliness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs Alcohol, drugs and driving behaviour in Switzerland A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Doing Coke: An Ethnography of Cocaine Users and Sellers Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria Cannabis usage in Pakistan: A pilot study of long term effects on social status and physical health The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Drug induced mood changes in man. |. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts The effect of intravenous methamphetamine on mood Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Enhancement of performance by amphetamine-like drugs Status and prospect of drugs for overeating 0595 0596 0597 0598 0599 0600 0601 0602 0607 0611 0612 0625 0639 0794 0809 0825 0833 0842 0849 0880 0882 0884 0887 0888 0890 0920 1107 1154 1170 1202 1208 1209 1212 12283 1224 1225 1226 1231 Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs Danger potential of commonly abused drugs The danger of amphetamine dependency The use and abuse of amphetamines Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Craving for Benzedrine Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously The Bay area speed scene The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Behavioral studies of diethylpropion in man The psychotomimetic amphetamines with special reference to DOM (STP) toxicity DOET (2,5-dimethoxy-4-3thylamphetamine), new psychotropic agents: Their effects in man The phenomenology of experimentally induced amphetamine psychosis— Preliminary observations Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Il. Patterns of abuse in an arrestee population Drugs of abuse in the future Psychometric Theory Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse A social psychological approach to substance abuse construct validity: Prediction of adolescent drug use from independent data sources Psychomotor Performance The effect of d-amphetamine sulfate on physical performance Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. lll. Tranquilizing drugs and stress tolerance Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Il. Effects of analeptic and depressant drugs upon psychological behavior Social facilitation of marijuana intoxication: Impact of social set and pharmacological activity On the general effect of cocaine Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of cocaine Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents Influence of narcotic drugs on highway safety Amphetamines and driving behavior A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance Barbiturates and driving Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines Marihuana and automobile crashes Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity SUBJECT INDEX 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1244 1245 1251 1252 1253 1255 1276 1277 1280 1306 1312 1325 0443 0444 0017 0018 0019 0088 0588 0589 0845 0846 0847 0848 0850 0852 0854 0865 0874 Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine on human performance tests Experimental studies of marihuana A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance Comparison of the effects of marihuana and alcohol on simulated driving performance Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts Mental and psychomotor effects of diazepam and ethanol Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Smooth-pursuit eye movements and diazepam, CPZ, and secobarbital An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Dose-response analysis of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol in man Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Comparative effects of smoking marihuana or placebo on human motor and mental performance Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol The Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana on a Manual Tracking Task The effect of marihuana on tracking task performance 0876 0877 0879 0880 0881 0882 0884 0885 0886 0887 0888 0889 0890 0891 0893 0894 0895 0896 0897 0898 0900 0901 0902 0905 0906 0907 0908 0909 0910 0911 Marijuana and human performance Effects of secobarbital and d-amphetamine on tracking performance during angular acceleration Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Marihuana effects on a critical tracking test The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile Clinical and psychological effects of marihuana in man Sensory, perceptual, motor and cognitive functioning and subjective reports following oral administration of delta- nine-Tetrahydrocannabinol Dose-related heart rate, perceptual, and decisional changes in man following marihuana smoking The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioral study The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica Amphetamine psychosis: A “model” schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Biochemical, anatomical and psychological investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue The effects of experimentally induced attitudes on task efficiency Effects of normal air and dextro-amphetamine upon work decrement induced by oxygen impoverishment and fatigue The effects of dextro-amphetamine on behavioral defects produced by sleep loss in humans Psychomotor effects of analeptics and their relation to *‘fatigue’’ phenomena in air crew Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Enhancement of performance by amphetamine-like drugs The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children Psychopathic Deviation The addict physician: A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory study of the interaction of personality characteristics and availability of narcotics Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- SUBJECT INDEX 0912 0913 0915 0916 0917 0919 0920 1091 1092 1159 1196 1213 1214 1215 1216 1218 1219 1220 1222 1225 1226 1235 0007 0045 0271 and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population Cluster and typological analysis Personality factors in marihuana use Personality factors in college drug users Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Amphetamine addiction Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities Personality dynamics of heroin use Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients Psychopathy Young drug addicts: Background and personality Sociopathy as a human process The decline of the addict as ‘psychopath’: Implications for community care Drug abuse in adolescence: Some remarks on individual psychopathology and family structure The effects of Benzedrine sulfate on the behavior of psychopathic and neurotic juvenile delinquents The use and abuse of amphetamines Psychoses due to amphetamine Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences Psychosis MMPI and diagnosis among hospitalized drug abusers Drugs and violence A statistical study of criminal drug addicts A multivariate study of the personality 0292 0500 0507 0533 0545 0795 0796 0801 0802 0804 0807 0811 0831 0833 0834 0836 0841 0844 0952 1011 1023 0134 0793 0810 1135 1234 1242 1297 1302 1309 0514 0628 0664 characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Mental illness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs Sociopathy and drug use in a young psychiatric population Psychosis, Drug Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles Cocaine psychosis: A continuum model Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia LSD and psychiatric inpatients Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process Drug-induced psychosis Amphetamine substances in mental illnesses in Northern Ireland Clinical and medico-criminological aspects of addiction to central stimulating drugs The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury Amphetamine psychosis: A ‘‘model”’ schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Biochemical, anatomical and psychological SUBJECT INDEX 0796 0805 0806 0814 0823 0831 0834 0837 0838 0840 0842 1020 1025 0043 0044 0232 0528 0587 0816 0817 0820 0826 0827 0828 0832 0836 1018 1124 1150 1183 1209 1213 1214 investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs The danger of amphetamine dependency The use and abuse of amphetamines Oral use of stimulants obtained from inhalers Craving for Benzedrine Acute psychotic reaction after inhaling methylamphetamine Acute hallucinosis as a complication of addiction to amphetamine sulfate A study of illicit amphetamine drug traffic in Oklahoma City Amphetamine intoxication and dependence in admissions to a psychiatric unit Amphetamine use and abuse in psychiatric patients Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users Methamphetamine psychosis Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Methylphenidate (Ritalin) abuse and methadone maintenance Mephentermine psychosis: Misuse of the Wyamine inhaler Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) psychosis Paranoid psychosis in narcolepsy and the possible danger of Benzedrine treatment A case of recurrent psychosis associated with amphetamine addiction Psychoses due to amphetamine Paranoid psychosis associated with amphetamine usage Toxic psychosis: A complication of overdosage of anti-obesity drugs The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine Amphetamine Psychosis Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption Toxic reactions to the amphetamines Amphetamine abuse: A ‘speed trap’ Schizophreniform psychosis induced by large-dose administration of d-amphetamine Experimental psychoses induced by the administration of d-amphetamine The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences Clinical studies of amphetamine psychoses Effects of psychostimulants on aggression Methylphenidate hallucinosis Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by intravenous administration of methylphenidate Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Acute amphetamine toxicity Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence 1215 1239 1241 1242 1244 1245 1246 1247 1250 1256 1257 1262 1263 1269 1271 1273 1274 1275 1294 1295 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1307 1308 1309 1311 1313 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Psychosocial Attitudes The “‘hang-loose’’ ethic and the spirit of drug use Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's Behavioral and demographic correlates of drug use among students in grade 7-12 Youth Drug Use Survey ‘Make Yourself Heard" Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire Survey Questionnaires for ‘‘Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth” Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students A sociocultural exploration of reported heroin use Attitudes of middle class heroin abusers towards representatives of the educational system White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts Psychotherapy The ‘‘pharmacogenic orgasm’ in the drug addict Videotape Recording of Narcotic Addicts in Group Therapy: The Analysis of Communicational and Interactive Behavior Group therapy with parents of adolescent drug addicts A study of drug-taking adolescents Suicide among physicians The Psychotic Junkie Purpose in Life Test A statistical study of criminal drug addicts An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment “Psychopathology” of ‘‘narcotic addiction: A new point of view Sociopathy as a human process Group Psychotherapy with Mexican-American Drug Addicts Opiate addicts and their parents The addict, abstinence, and the family Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study Pulmonary Effects The “‘heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies The epidemiology of death in narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Deaths from narcotism in New York City. SUBJECT INDEX 1322 0089 0099 0195 0242 0440 0450 0479 0483 0484 0539 0959 0995 1179 0047 0100 0122 0133 0193 0274 0477 0664 0699 0792 0793 0955 0976 0984 1001 0197 0199 0204 0205 Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings The medical sequelae of narcotic addiction Infections as fatal complications of narcotism Human pulmonary pathology associated with narcotic and other addictive drugs The diagnosis of death from intravenous narcotism, with emphasis on the pathologic aspects Continuing studies in the diagnosis and pathology of death from intravenous narcotism Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases Epidemiological and ecological study of risk factors for narcotics overdose: IV. Retrospective histopathological study of lungs in cases of fatal narcotism: Comparative analysis for potential hypersensitivity reaction Introduction to amphetamine abuse Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Talc and cornstarch emboli in eyes of drug abusers Necrotizing angiitis associated with drug abuse “Punding” Clinical and medico-criminological aspects of addiction to central stimulating drugs Rastafarianism Ganja legislation Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica Reaction Time Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality A review of the effects of diazepam on cognitive and psychomotor performance Barbiturates and driving Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamines Marihuana and automobile crashes Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Experimental studies of marihuana Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Effect of Marihuana on Risk Acceptance in a Simulated Passing Task Physiological performance following a hypnotic dose of a barbiturate Reaction-times of methadone-treated ex- heroin addicts An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol 0206 0211 0212 0214 0215 0216 0217 0220 0226 0231 0235 1289 1291 1150 1192 1195 0845 0850 0852 0854 0865 0878 0879 0882 0883 0885 0886 0890 0895 0896 0897 Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Alcohol, thioridazine and chlorpromazine effects on skills related to driving behaviour Marihuana: Effects on simulated driving performance A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving Simulated car driving influenced by cannabis and alcohol Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile The effects of analeptics on the fatigued subject The effects of dextro-amphetamine on behavioral defects produced by sleep loss in humans Influence of personality on effects of centrally stimulating drugs Enhancement of performance by amphetamine-like drugs Intellectual and neuro-psychological functions in young men with heavy and long-term patterns of drug abuse Regression Analysis Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Longitudinal designs Automatic Interaction Detection General multiple regression and correlation analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Rehabilitation Employment and Addiction: Overview of Issues Drugs in industry Businessmen and therapists: Prejudices against employment A program for control of drug abuse in industry Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India Authority and Addiction Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on SUBJECT INDEX 0898 0901 0904 0905 0906 0907 0909 0915 0916 0919 1217 1220 1225 1226 1290 0495 0497 0498 0503 0504 0002 0004 0024 0031 0614 0697 0762 0765 0771 0841 Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast Religious Uses On coca The role of coca in the history, religion and medicine of South American Indians Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas The Gourmet Cokebook: A Complete Guide to Cocaine Drug abuse in Afghanistan Reunion: Cannabis in a pluricultural and polyethnic society Cannabis in Nepal: An overview The *‘ganja vision’ in Jamaica Renal Effects Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Renal papillary necrosis and abuse of analgesics Representative Case Research Single-organism designs Longitudinal designs Respiratory Effects The effect of some drugs on the maximal capacity of athletic performance in man The effect of d-amphetamine sulfate on physical performance Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn Absence of respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants of heroin-addicted mothers Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City Acute poisoning: A comparison of hypnotic drugs Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts On coca The role of coca in the history, religion and medicine of South American Indians Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" "The rich man’s drug” The strange case of the coca leaf Clinical characteristics of addictions A volunteer paper Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility Coca leaf use in southern Peru: Some biological aspects The effects of cocaine on depressed patients Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Retreatist Behavior Delinquency and Opportunity: A Theory of Delinquent Gangs Notes on the heroin addict and his culture Problems in the social psychology of addiction The world of the righteous dope fiend 0950 0558 0563 0565 0567 0585 1169 1171 1173 1193 0225 0228 0496 0497 0014 0017 0162 0165 0210 0225 0231 0558 0563 0565 0577 0578 0591 0595 0610 0612 1089 0103 0236 0315 0671 Risk-Taking Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. lll. Tranquilizing drugs and stress tolerance American way of drugging. Street status and drug users Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Mortality among young narcotic addicts Personality factors in marihuana use Personality factors in student drug use Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents Amphetamines and driving behavior Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations The Problems of Drugs and Driving: An Overview of Current Research and Future Needs Effect of Marihuana on Risk Acceptance in a Simulated Passing Task Alcohol, Marijuana and Risk Taking Robbery Drug Abuse and Crime in New Jersey: A Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district Lawbreaking and Drug Dependence Drug use and criminal activity: Some relationship indices Estimating drug-crime relationships Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users Narcotics and crime: A study of narcotic involvement in an offender population A statistical study of criminal drug addicts Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky Taking care of business—The heroin user’s life on the street Criminal history of narcotic addicts Opiate use and criminality among a jail population Narcotics use among juveniles Narcotics involvement and female criminality Heroin dependence and delinquency in women-—A Study of heroin addicts in Holloway Prison Urban versus suburban addict crime The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy Five-Year Follow-Up of 1966 Juvenile Burglary-Involved Drug Arrestees The relationship between crime and SUBJECT INDEX 0018 0104 0195 0203 0507 0525 0846 0848 0851 0853 0883 0884 0649 0650 0651 0652 0653 0654 0655 0663 0664 0666 0668 0673 0675 0678 0689 0690 0716 0722 0723 0724 0726 1048 1050 amphetamine abuse: An empirical review of the literature Urban crime and the price of heroin Rotter’s Social Learning Theory Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Rotter’s I-E Scale Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study Initiation to cannabis use: A longitudinal social psychological study of college freshmen Changes in locus of control in heroin addicts Routes of Administration Heroin addiction during pregnancy Morbidity and mortality from heroin dependence. 3: Relation of hepatitis to self-injection techniques Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City Infections as fatal complications of narcotism Pathologic aspects of drug addiction The neuropathology of heroin addiction The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Social and psychological aspects of speed use. A study of types of speed users in Toronto Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God" “The rich man’s drug” Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects Clinical characteristics of addictions Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics The Gourmet Cokebook: A Complete Guide to Cocaine The psychopharmacology of cocaine Signs and symptoms presented by those addicted to cocaine Cocaine habit in India The cocaine problem in India Patterns of drug abuse epidemiology in prisoners Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type The addict odyssey: From experimentation to addiction Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie” The forensic toxicology of cocaine Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication The changing pattern of narcotic addiction in Britain—1959 to 1969 Clinical and medico-criminological aspects of addiction to central stimulating drugs Addiction in Sweden The present state of abuse and addiction to stimulant drugs in Sweden Epidemiology of drug abuse in Sweden Street level abusage of amphetamines Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury 1052 1058 0449 0489 0510 0542 0543 1004 0170 0209 0210 0212 0213 0218 0303 0511 0564 0565 0568 0578 0580 0585 0586 0596 0597 0600 0624 0942 0972 1032 1074 1104 1106 1110 1150 1151 1202 1203 1206 1209 Use of amphetamine in the Haight-Ashbury subculture Small vessel cerebral vascular changes following chronic amphetamine intoxication The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Sampling Automatic Interaction Detection Schizophrenia The social backgrounds of young addicts as elicited in interviews with their parents Psychodynamic factors in the mother-child relationship in adolescent drug addiction: A comparison of mothers of schizophrenics and mothers of normal adolescent sons Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Mortality among young narcotic addicts Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness The Psychotic Junkie Ego mechanisms and marihuana usage Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Cluster and typological analysis Path analysis Multivariate analysis of variance Personality factors in college drug users Personality factors and patterns of drug usage in college students Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Marijuana use and psychiatric illness A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts The Psychotic Junkie Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Personality characteristics of young male narcotic addicts Personality characteristics of servicemen returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look 1254 1293 1318 1321 0498 0121 0124 0191 0203 0271 0272 0274 0448 0449 0500 0501 0504 0533 0534 0545 0556 0643 0672 0791 0796 0797 0798 0799 0800 0801 0803 0804 0805 SUBJECT INDEX A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Forty-six cases of psychosis in cannabis users Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Psychotic symptoms due to cannabis abuse Chronic hashish use and mental disorder Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Hallucinogenic drugs as precipitants of schizophrenia Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization The differences between LSD psychosis and schizophrenia LSD and psychiatric inpatients Acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs, drug usage and psychopathology Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Illicit LSD users: Their personality characteristics and psychopathology Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia Amphetamine addiction Personality characteristics of adolescent amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Amphetamine psychosis: |. Description of the individuals and process Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Mental illness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Drug-induced psychosis Comparison of psychometric measures in psychiatric patients using heroin and other drugs Psychopathology and drug abuse: An MMPI comparison of polydrug abuse patients with psychiatric inpatients and outpatients The addict as savior: Heroin, death, and the family Amphetamine substances in mental illnesses in Northern Ireland Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil Amphetamine psychosis: A “model” schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines 0808 0813 0816 0817 0818 0820 0822 0823 0824 0826 0827 0828 0829 0830 0831 0832 0833 0834 0835 0836 0837 0838 0839 0840 0842 0844 1018 1020 1023 1102 1124 1187 1213 Biochemical, anatomical and psychological investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines Amphetamine intoxication and dependence in admissions to a psychiatric unit Amphetamine use and abuse in psychiatric patients Methamphetamine psychosis Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Mephentermine psychosis: Misuse of the Wyamine inhaler Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) psychosis Amphetamine Psychosis Psychosis due to amphetamine consumption Amphetamine abuse: A ‘speed trap’ Schizophreniform psychosis induced by large-dose administration of d-amphetamine The phenomenology of experimentally induced amphetamine psychosis— Preliminary observations The experimental reproduction of amphetamine psychosis Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences The clinical symptomatology of amphetamine psychosis and its relationships to amphetamine levels in urine Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by intravenous administration of methylphenidate Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine Science Fiction Overview of drug themes in science fiction The Roger Bacon formula The diabolical drug Brave New World The literary cork screw The control drug He never slept The elixer of progress The truth gas Emotion solution The Plutonian drug The glowworm flower Emotion gas Dream-dust from Mars The hormone menace Golden nemesis The time drug | remember oblivion What to do until the analyst comes Trojan horse laugh The abyss The Puppet Masters The elixer of peace Hellflower The addicts The yellow pill The stolen minute The Joymakers Facial Justice A Clockwork Orange Island SUBJECT INDEX 1215 1256 1257 1263 1269 1274 1275 1301 1302 1304 1305 1306 1308 1309 1310 1314 1316 1317 0318 0319 0320 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0326 0327 0328 0329 0330 0331 0332 0333 0334 0335 0336 0337 0338 0339 0340 0341 0342 0343 0344 0345 0346 0347 0348 Greenplace Come where my love lies dreaming The peacock king Tomorrow and Tomorrow Beyond bedlam The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch We can remember it for you wholesale Make Room! Make Room! Now Wait for Last Year The Butterfly Kid The night that all time broke loose One Million Centuries The Ganymede Takeover The Mind Parasites Carcinoma angels The Santaroga Barrier Camp Concentration How it was when the past went away The Final Programme Barefoot in the Head Bug Jack Barron Welcome to the monkey house Sundance Sky Pulse Down the digestive tract How can we sink when we can fly? A Time of Changes Downward to the Earth My head's in a different place now The World Inside The eye of the lens Stoned counsel The fourth profession Time travel for pedestrians No direction home Dying Inside The Stone that Never Came Down Darkover Landfall The Soft Kill The R-Master Gods of Zar As dreams are made on The weed of time The weariest river Screening And Detection Summation of conference — Drug abuse in industry Drugs in industry A Study of Drug Abuse Among Employees in Akron, Ohio The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience Combating employee drug abuse When a company counsels the drug abuser Guidelines for Management-Labor Team Efforts: Approaches to Drug Abuse Education and Prevention in Industry A program for control of drug abuse in industry A statistical study of infants born with withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Pathologic aspects of drug addiction Investigation of sudden death in addicts: With emphasis on the toxicologic findings in thirty cases 0349 0350 0351 0352 03583 0354 0355 0356 0357 0358 0359 0360 0361 0362 0363 0364 0365 0366 0367 0375 0376 0381 0382 0383 0384 0385 0386 0387 0388 0389 0390 0391 0392 0393 0003 0004 0020 0021 0028 0029 0030 0031 0154 0201 0213 0217 Barbiturate intoxication The relapse rate in narcotic addiction: A critique of follow-up studies Patterns of “‘cheating’’ among methadone maintenance patients The incidence of cocaine abuse among methadone maintenance patients Assault and homicide associated with amphetamine abuse Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look The Problems of Drugs and Driving: An Overview of Current Research and Future Needs A Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Organic Factors in Fatal Single Vehicle Traffic Accidents. Final Report Drugs in drinking drivers: A study of 2,500 cases The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations Drug detection in cases of ‘‘driving under the influence” Marihuana and automobile crashes Marihuana and driving risk among college students The prevalence of drugs in fatally injured drivers Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Narcotic abuse among homicide victims in Detroit Employee drug abuse in municipal government A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Pharmacologic observations on the neonatal withdrawal syndrome Amphetamine intoxication and dependence in admissions to a psychiatric unit Amphetamine use and abuse in psychiatric patients Covert drug abuse among voluntary hospitalized psychiatric patients Delinquency and the amphetamines. Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Ill. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Self-Concept Drug addiction and ‘“‘hypersexuality’’: Related modes of mastery The smoker's view of marijuana The “‘hang-loose’ ethic and the spirit of drug use Psychological barriers to communication in drug abusers Cats, kicks, and color The habit The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self SUBJECT INDEX 0221 0254 0306 0608 0643 0765 0771 0853 0859 0861 0862 0863 0865 0868 0873 0906 0947 0963 1042 1085 1087 1256 1257 1258 1261 1272 1322 Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Personality Inventory Self Assessment Scales Suitability for Treatment Scale Self Report Inventory Purpose in Life Test ‘Make Yourself Heard" Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire Six Factor Drug Related Personality Test Test of Effective Academic Motivation (TEAM) Single-organism designs Self image and attitudes towards drugs Personality characteristics of adolescent users of dangerous drugs as indicated by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Motivational factors in drug use Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students Low self-concept as a cause of drug abuse Need for social approval and drug use Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students Personality traits and attitudes and their relationship to student drug using behavior Peer judgments of parole success in institutionalized heroin addicts: Personality correlates and validity Effects of Labeling the ‘Drug Abuser’: An Inquiry Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Civil commitment for addicts: The California program Sociopathy as a human process Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Differential responses of addicts and non- addicts on the MMPI MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Personality characteristics of heroin addicts in a methadone treatment program: An exploratory study Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms Correlation between two measures of self- esteem and drug use in a college sample An exploratory study of correlates of success 0447 0449 0466 0467 0473 0474 0477 0483 0487 0494 0496 0506 0508 0513 0520 0527 0539 0544 0546 0547 0548 0553 0752 0757 0760 0773 0793 0795 0800 0807 0815 0983 0999 1001 1007 1015 in a vocational training program for ex- addicts Self-Control Rejection and acceptance of LSD: Users and controls compared Self-Esteem White dragon pearls in Hong Kong: A study of young women drug addicts Self-Treatment An analysis of a peer network using psychedelic drugs Mortality among young narcotic addicts Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Path analysis Self image and attitudes towards drugs Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Relation of motives for drug use and psychopathology in the development of acute adverse reactions to psychoactive drugs Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (Preludin) Acute amphetamine toxicity Sensation Seeking A psychological approach toward the meanings of drug use Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Sensation Seeking Scale Factor analysis Personality factors in marihuana use Latent Aggression and Drug-Abuse: An Investigation of Adolescent Personality Factors Using an Original Cartoon- O-Graphic Aggressive Tendencies Test (COGATT) Openness to experience and marijuana use in high school students What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Personality correlates of hallucinogen use Personality correlates of polydrug abuse Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking The development of drug-taking among secondary school children in the Netherlands Set And Setting Drugs and sexual behavior Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Marihuana and sexual behavior Social facilitation of marijuana intoxication: Impact of social set and pharmacological activity Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use Cannabis and alcohol usage among the SUBJECT INDEX 1041 0061 1179 0107 0203 0244 0449 0501 0506 0794 0830 1040 1269 1319 0441 0446 0491 0502 0507 0522 0554 0557 0864 1008 1009 1010 1130 0032 0033 0042 0088 0439 381 Plateau Tonga: An observational report of the effects of cultural expectation Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury Drug induced mood changes in man. |. Observations on healthy subjects, chronically ill patients, and postaddicts Sex Factors Use of psychotropic drugs by employed persons Marijuana and sex Women versus men The Search for Drug Abuse Information Changes in Attitudes toward Legalization of Marijuana as a Function of Fear Arousal, Felt Competence and Source Credibility Psychotherapeutic drug use among adults: A model for young drug users? Suicide among physicians Attempted suicide by drug ingestion Mortality among young narcotic addicts Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City Infections as fatal complications of narcotism Phenothiazine deaths: A critical review Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence Entry into methadone maintenance programs. A follow-up study of New York City heroin users detoxified in 1961-1963 Follow-up of criminal narcotic addicts Locus of control among opiate addicts Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Overview of drug themes in science fiction Hellflower Personality factors related to drug and alcohol use Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Rotter’s |-E Scale Sensation Seeking Scale Multivariate analysis of variance Self image and attitudes towards drugs The Personality Characteristics of Middle and Upper Middle Class Adolescent Drug Abusers Personality factors in student drug use Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles Personality, motivation, and adolescent drug use patterns Personality Characteristics of Drug Abusers Personality/mental health correlates of drug use by high school students 1157 1187 1209 1223 0022 0039 0054 0065 0095 0130 0193 0194 0203 0210 0212 0224 0234 0235 0243 0252 0259 0262 0263 0268 0291 0296 0297 0318 0341 0446 0449 0489 0491 0504 0506 0524 0525 0528 0531 0532 0539 Self-concept and drug and alcohol use in female college students Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem Drug taking in adolescent girls: Factors associated with the progression to narcotic use Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Unreported criminal involvement of narcotic addicts Criminal history of narcotic addicts Opiate use and criminality among a jail population A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Pretreatment criminality of male and female drug abuse patients in the United States Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Biasing influences on drug arrest records: Implications for deviance research The drug arrest Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 California Civil Addict Program A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents MMPI sex differences in narcotic addicts Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Glue sniffing in children and adolescents Drug detection in cases of ‘‘driving under the influence” Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents The prevalence of drugs in fatally injured drivers A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance Demographic characteristics of groups classified by patterns of multiple drug abuse: A 1969-1971 sample Rural youth and the use of drugs Some epidemiological considerations of onset of opiate use in the United States Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast SUBJECT INDEX 0548 0620 0622 0630 0662 0673 0675 0686 0688 0707 0712 0714 0732 0749 0760 0764 0786 0787 0797 0811 0835 0837 0863 0871 0873 0880 0928 0929 0946 0948 0950 The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Careers in Dope The parents of drug users Student drug use: Attitudinal, parental relations and sex differences—A pilot study Attitudes regarding drug abuse among a group of ex-addict staff members Psychological differentiation in heroin addicts Organization of needs in male and female drug and alcohol users Drug use and four kinds of novelty seeking Use of heroin addiction scale to differentiate addicts from rehabilitation clients Narcotic addicts, multiple drug abuse and psychological distress Female drug use: Some observations Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Job satisfaction, counterproductive behavior, and drug use at work Criminality and addiction: Decline of client criminality in a methadone treatment program Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Addiction and criminal behavior: A continuing examination of criminal addicts Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines Drug dependence in Glasgow 1960-1970 Present problems of drug dependence in Switzerland Analgesic abuse and personality characteristics Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables Age of onset of drug abuse in psychiatric inpatients : Intravenous drug abuse in the arrest population in Stockholm: Frequency studies Trends and projections Sex Roles Prostitution and addiction: An interdisciplinary approach Sexual Adjustment Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users LSD and psychiatric inpatients Amphetamine addiction Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A 0953 0962 0966 0972 0973 0981 0983 0992 0999 1006 1010 1021 1022 1036 1038 1043 1051 1056 1061 1064 1075 1126 1133 1134 1248 1259 1270 1324 1055 0043 0044 0045 0828 0833 comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines Sex guilt and preferences for illegal drugs among drug abusers Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Sexual Attitudes Marijuana and sex Marihuana and sexual behavior Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users A factor-analytic examination of sexual behaviors and attitudes and marihuana usage Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or “the sensuous hippie” Sexual Behavior Drugs and sexual behavior Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Drug use and sexual activity on a college campus Sex and marijuana Marihuana and sexual behavior Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Sexual disturbances among chronic amphetamine users Drugs and sexual behavior Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone Heroin addiction: Its relation to sexual behavior and sexual experience Drug addiction and ‘“‘hypersexuality’’: Related modes of mastery The ““‘normal’’ life of the addict and the consequences of addiction Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone The easy rider syndrome: A pattern of hetero- and homosexual relationships in a heroin addict population Drug themes in fiction Another Country The Subterraneans Last Exit to Brooklyn Valley of the Dolls What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation-seeking scales Drug abuse in a young psychiatric population A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York Function of the male sex organs in heroin and methadone users Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie” Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts Abuse of methylamphetamine An anaclitic syndrome in adolescent amphetamine addicts 314-297 0 - 80 - 26 SUBJECT INDEX 1075 1078 1314 0039 0042 0045 1071 1074 0032 0033 0034 0038 0040 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0048 0049 0051 0052 0055 0292 0394 0399 0410 04183 0419 0557 0838 0956 1072 1074 1077 1266 1268 Sexual Effects A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States Marihuana and sexual behavior Some recent studies on amphetamine psychosis—Unresolved issues The ‘normal’ life of the addict and the consequences of addiction Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects Cocaine habit in India Drugs and crime. |. Literature review The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Function of the male sex organs in heroin and methadone users Plasma testosterone levels in healthy male marijuana smokers Drug/sex practice in the Haight-Ashbury or ‘the sensuous hippie” Drug dependence and sexual dysfunction: A comparison of intravenous users of narcotics and oral users of amphetamines Sexual problems of heroin addicts Sexual aspects of drug abuse in narcotic addicts Drug addiction among pimps and prostitutes in Israel Abuse of centrally stimulating agents among juveniles in California Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences Clinical effects of amphetamine and L-DOPA on sexuality and aggression Sexual Functioning Drugs and sexual behavior Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Depression of plasma testosterone levels after chronic intensive marijuana use Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Heroin addiction: Its relation to sexual behavior and sexual experience Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone Sexual Identification Drugs and sexual behavior Indicators of homosexuality in the human figure drawings of heroin- and pill-using addicts Sex drawn first and sex drawn larger by opiate addict and non-addict inmates on the Draw-a-Person Test The family of the addict Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use Sexual Offenses Marihuana and sexual behavior 0034 0037 0042 0043 0052 0568 0597 0639 0805 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1162 1208 1262 1271 1309 1314 0032 0033 0041 0044 0049 0055 0046 0050 0053 0120 0440 0556 0042 Drugs and crime. I. Literature review Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders Sexual Stimulation Drugs and sexual behavior Sex-crazed dope fiends! Myth or reality? Marijuana and sex Sex and marijuana Marihuana and sexual behavior Amphetamine addiction and disturbed sexuality Heroin addiction: Its relation to sexual behavior and sexual experience Sexual effects and side effects of heroin and methadone Shoplifting Summary. lllicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior The social structure of a heroin copping community Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers Policy Concerning Drug Abuse in New York State, Volume Ill: Economics of Heroin Distribution Sibling Differences The young addict and his family Opiate addicted and non-addicted siblings in a slum area Simulation Models Automatic Interaction Detection Single Linkage Analysis Cluster and typological analysis Single-Organism Designs Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Single-organism designs Situational Factors Indicators of homosexuality in the human figure drawings of heroin- and pill-using addicts Mortality among young narcotic addicts Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports The spread of heroin abuse in a community Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences Acute amphetamine toxicity Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence Social Costs of Drug Use The politics of deviance: The case of drugs Crime and the addict: Beyond common sense SUBJECT INDEX 0639 0658 0687 0032 0033 0039 0040 0042 0044 0049 0055 0650 0661 0668 0724 0728 0125 0660 0498 0500 0495 0496 0050 0203 0205 0232 1122 1209 1309 1319 1320 0629 0635 The social structure of a heroin copping community Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Addiction-related crime: Its social cost and forced transfers The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Participation in Criminal Activities: An Economic Analysis The Economics of Drug Addiction and Control in Washington, D.C.: A Model for Estimation of Costs and Benefits of Rehabilitation Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control Policy Concerning Drug Abuse in New York State, Volume Ill: Economics of Heroin Distribution The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Deterrence and deviance: The example of cannabis prohibition Marijuana laws: An empirical study of enforcement and administration in Los Angeles County A description of offenders on probation for violation of Georgia's drug abuse laws Some aspects of the ‘tough’ New York State drug law Addict diversion: An alternative approach for the criminal justice system A First Report of the Impact of California's New Marijuana Law (SB 95) Social Interactions Drug Dependence in Michigan Including a Study of Attitudes and Actions of the Young People of Michigan Videotape Recording of Narcotic Addicts in Group Therapy: The Analysis of Communicational and Interactive Behavior An analysis of a peer network using psychedelic drugs Plastic cement: The ten cent hallucinogen Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users Drugs and the adolescent experience A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men Yorkville LSD Users Study Situational Preference Inventory Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Personality correlates of undergraduate marijuana use Selected Personality Characteristics of the Moderate Marijuana, Heavy Marijuana, and Poly-drug-using Marijuana Smoker College Student Drug Use: A Social Psychological Study Need for social approval and drug use Drug abusers and their clinic-patient counterparts: A comparison of personality dimensions 0661 07083 0724 0725 0726 0727 0728 0729 0734 0743 0747 0758 0762 1063 0060 0100 0107 0108 0131 0132 0190 0464 0470 0471 0519 0523 0536 0542 0546 0547 Comparison of youthful heroin users and nonusers from one urban community Perceptions of marijuana and its effects: A comparison of users and nonusers Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Drug use and social integration Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Sociocultural Influences Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society Deviant drug use in adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates Differential involvement with marijuana and its socio-cultural context: A study of suburban youths The family of the addict: A review of the literature The individual environment Drugs and the adolescent experience The eye of the beholder: An important variable in addiction typologies Cats, kicks, and color A pilot study of occasional heroin users Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin- users The natural history of narcotic drug addiction An ecological analysis of narcotic addicts in Baltimore Social and cultural factors related to narcotic use among Puerto Ricans in New York City The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Opium addiction: A sociopsychiatric approach Causes and types of narcotic addiction: A psycho-social view Coca leaf use in southern Peru: Some biological aspects Summary. Illicit Drug Use and its Relation to Crime: A Statistical Analysis of Self- Reported Drug Use and lllegal Behavior A statistical study of criminal drug addicts “Psychopathology” of ‘‘narcotic addiction:”" A new point of view Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Black-white differences in social background and military drug abuse patterns Characteristics of Mexican-American addicts SUBJECT INDEX 0947 0998 1037 1142 1271 0105 0109 0116 0118 0119 0132 0238 0247 0251 0255 0258 0276 0293 0294 0299 0303 0305 0312 0610 0650 0664 0792 0794 0804 0823 0927 0935 0960 Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Social sanctions and rituals as a basis for drug abuse prevention Methaqualone misuse: Foreign experience and United States drug control policy Drug dependence in Italy: Some statistical, clinical and social observations The social and cultural context of cannabis use in Rwanda Cannabis and alcohol usage among the Plateau Tonga: An observational report of the effects of cultural expectation Economic significance of Cannabis sativa in the Moroccan Rif The epidemiology of drug abuse in Israel (with especial reference of cannabis) Drug dependence in Israel The traditional role and symbolism of hashish among Moroccan Jews in Israel and the effect of acculturation The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Cannabis usage in Pakistan: A pilot study of long term effects on social status and physical health Reunion: Cannabis in a pluricultural and polyethnic society Cannabis in Nepal: An overview Ethnobotanical aspects of cannabis in Southeast Asia The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese How the People’s Republic of China solved their drug abuse problem The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 Patterns of marihuana use in Brazil Marihuana and genetic studies in Colombia: The program in the city and in the country The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica Ganja legislation The *‘ganja vision’ in Jamaica The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use The epidemiology of stimulant abuse Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion Socioeconomic Factors Attitudes towards the relationship among stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies The individual environment The social backgrounds of young addicts as elicited in interviews with their parents Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: A review Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict An ecological analysis of narcotic addicts in Baltimore Social and cultural factors related to narcotic 0969 0972 1070 1132 1137 1155 1157 1158 1163 1166 1167 1168 1170 1171 1173 1174 1180 1181 1183 1186 1189 1191 1192 1193 1196 1199 1212 1243 0070 0119 0121 0126 0234 0241 0276 use among Puerto Ricans in New York City Valley of the Dolls Personality characteristics of the middle-class high school drug user Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Some sociological aspects of the problem of cocaism Narcotics and criminality The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Narcotics use among juveniles A Follow-up Study of the Juvenile Drug Offender Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students Rural youth and the use of drugs Characteristics of drug use among Mexican- American students Drug Use, The Labor Market, and Class Conflict Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts Community attitudes towards drugs: Perception of susceptibility to heroin addiction Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Urban crime and the price of heroin Arrest probabilities for marijuana users as indicators of selective law enforcement Delinquency and drug dependence in the United Kingdom and the United States Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) An overview on drug abuse in Italy Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of hashish use in Greece Drug use among youth in Denmark in the spring of 1968. Studies among school pupils and other young persons under training Drug use among school children in Helsinki 1970 A new type of drug abuse among adolescent Nigerians Abuse of stimulant drugs in Nigeria Economic significance of Cannabis sativa in the Moroccan Rif The traditional role and symbolism of hashish among Moroccan Jews in Israel and the effect of acculturation Psychiatric study on the narcotic addicts in Seoul, Korea SUBJECT INDEX 0293 0419 0517 0519 0579 0632 0659 0678 0686 0693 0800 0805 0921 0929 0930 0931 0932 0945 0966 0971 1027 1058 1064 1121 1125 1127 1136 1138 1140 1145 1153 1154 1158 1167 1176 The choice of intoxicant among the Chinese The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 Patterns of marihuana use in Brazil Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica Ganja legislation Cannabis or alcohol: The Jamaican experience Cannabis or alcohol? Observations on their use in Jamaica The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica Drug abuse among the inmates of a women’s prison in Mexico City Sociopathy Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness An ecological analysis of narcotic addicts in Baltimore Characteristics of drug abusers in a correctional system The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Criminal recidivism and psychiatric illness Delinquency and heroin addiction in Britain Sociopathy as a human process Subgroups among opiate addicts: A typological investigation A multivariate study of the personality characteristics of hospitalized narcotic addicts on the MMPI Personality characteristics of servicemen returned from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers A systematic psychiatric study of the heroin addicts Indications of psychopathology in applicants to a county methadone maintenance program Personality differences and sociopathy in heroin addicts and nonaddict prisoners MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Marihuana use and psychiatric illness Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Amphetamine psychosis: I. Description of the individuals and process Characteristics of drug abusers admitted to a psychiatric hospital Mental illness and drugs: Pre-existing psychopathology and response to psychoactive drugs Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences Southmore House Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts 1180 1183 1186 1187 1191 1192 1194 1195 1196 1198 0272 0276 0300 0301 0545 0647 0683 0793 0795 0796 0803 0806 0813 0814 0815 0818 0823 0836 0840 0842 1309 0770 ) Special Narcotics Program An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Stepping-Stone Hypothesis Multiple drug use considered in the light of the stepping-stone hypothesis Stepwise Discriminant Analysis Discriminant analysis Stepwise Multiple Regression And Correlation Analysis General multiple regression and correlation analysis Stepwise Regression Analysis Automatic Interaction Detection Factor analysis General multiple regression and correlation analysis Stereotyped Behavior Amphetamine psychosis: A “model” schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis Biochemical, anatomical and psychological investigations of stereotyped behavior induced by amphetamines The Bay area speed scene Changes in individual and social behavior induced by amphetamine and related compounds in monkeys and man Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine Stimulant Reactions Use of amphetamine by medical students Effect of amphetamine sulfate on athletic performance Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Il. Effects of analeptic and depressant drugs upon psychological behavior The role of coca in the history, religion and medicine of South American Indians Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas Drug addiction in its relation to crime Pleasure and deterioration from narcotic addiction Theories of drug addiction Drug Addiction Problems The strange case of the coca leaf Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Cocaine The psychopharmacology of cocaine On the general effect of cocaine Cocaine intoxication and its demoralizing "effects Signs and symptoms presented by those addicted to cocaine 0777 1129 0505 0503 0498 0502 0503 1213 1214 1215 1252 1271 1317 0006 0015 0019 0563 0564 0567 0573 0574 0575 0576 0577 0580 0584 0586 0588 0592 0596 SUBJECT INDEX The neurophysiological effect of intoxicating drugs Mania associated with the use of .N.H. and cocaine The subjective dimensions of the drug experience Coca chewing: A new perspective Cocaine: Recreational use and intoxication Clinical and medico-criminological aspects of addiction to central stimulating drugs Drug abuse among Ghanaian medical students The social and cultural context of cannabis use in Rwanda The use of Indian hemp in Zaire: A formulation of hypotheses on the basis of an inquiry using a written questionnaire Ethnobotanical aspects of cannabis in Southeast Asia The rise and fall of a methamphetamine epidemic: Japan 1945-1955 The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica Street level abusage of amphetamines Amphetamine psychosis: A “model” schizophrenia mediated by catecholamines Evolving behavior in the clinical and experimental amphetamine (model) psychosis The central action of beta-aminopropyl- benzene (Benzedrine) Psychomotor effects of analeptics and their relation to ‘‘fatigue’’ phenomena in air crew The use of Benzedrine for the treatment of narcolepsy Status and prospect of drugs for overeating Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs Use of legal substances within the general population: The sex and age variables The Bay area speed scene Behavioral studies of diethylpropion in man Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA Comparative effects of some amphetamine derivatives on human sleep Amphetamines and addiction Amphetamine psychosis: Individuals, settings and sequences Effects of psychostimulants on aggression Provocation of schizophrenic symptoms by intravenous administration of methylphenidate Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and levamfetamine The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Stress Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Characteristics of nurse addicts Problems resulting from the use of habituating drugs in industry. Ill. Tranquilizing drugs and stress tolerance Attitudes towards the relationship among 0599 0602 0607 1103 1106 1150 1152 1155 1156 1174 1183 1191 1206 1213 1214 1221 1222 1227 1231 1233 1239 1248 1252 1276 1278 1287 1296 1309 1313 1316 1317 1318 0001 0010 0018 stress-relief, advertising and youthful drug abuse in two recent field studies An analysis of a peer network using psychedelic drugs The individual environment Developmental factors in adolescent drug use. A study of psychedelic drug users Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Differences among medical professionals in their attitude toward drugs Psychomotor effects of analeptics and their relation to ‘‘fatigue’” phenomena in air crew Suicides Drug abuse deaths in Baltimore, 1951-1966 A comparison of the Rorschach behavior of adolescent addicts who have died of an overdose with addict controls Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Drugs and suicide in the United States Suicide among physicians Attempted suicide by drug ingestion Self-destructive aspects of hard core addiction Homicide, suicide, and accidental death among narcotic addicts Narcotic addiction in Dade County, Florida: An analysis of 100 consecutive autopsies Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Mortality among young narcotic addicts Pathologic aspects of drug addiction Barbiturate mortality as an index of barbiturate use, Canada, 1950-1963 Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Methadone related deaths in New York City Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports Acute toxic drug ingestions at the Johns Hopkins Hospital 1963 through 1970 Drug abusers, suicide attempters, and the MMPI Insanities caused by acute and chronic intoxications with opium and cocaine. A study of 171 cases. Suggestions for legislation and other measures. The question of responsibility Drugs and violence Psychoanalytic considerations of the etiology of compulsive drug use Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital Comparison of amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia Personality characteristics of adolescent SUBJECT INDEX 0070 0107 0119 0131 0273 0846 0888 1037 1040 1222 0188 0190 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 0196 0199 0201 0203 0213 0222 0227 0229 0230 0232 0235 0545 0595 0628 0794 0823 0832 amphetamine users as measured by the MMPI Psychosocial dysfunctions as precursors to amphetamine abuse among adolescents Acute drug reactions (overdoses) among females: A race comparison A comparison of suicide and non-suicide deaths involving psychotropic drugs in four major U.S. cities Drug deaths involving propoxyphene—An assessment in metropolitan Detroit The addict as savior: Heroin, death, and the family Suicide and mortality amongst heroin addicts in Britain Young drug and alcohol casualties compared: Review of 100 patients at a Scottish psychiatric hospital Medico-social survey of 662 drug users (April 1971-May 1972) Death in amphetamine users: Causes and rates Evolving patterns of drug abuse Synergistic Effects Genetics and drug abuse: A primer for workers in the field LSD exposure in uteroff The “heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Deaths involving propoxyphene: A study of 41 cases over a two-year period Methadone fatalities in heroin addicts Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients A study of the effects of certain tranquilizers and small amounts of alcohol on driving performance Effects of marihuana combined with secobarbital Alcohol and amitriptyline effects on skills related to driving behavior The effects of diazepam (Valium) and alcohol on psychomotor performance Drug effects on psychomotor skills related to driving: Interaction of atropine, glycopyrrhonium and alcohol Drug interaction on driving skills as evaluated by laboratory tests and by a driving simulator Drug interaction on psychomotor skills related to driving: Diazepam and alcohol Effect of treatment with diazepam or lithium and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Divided attention performance of cannabis users and non-users following cannabis and alcohol A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Interaction of glutethimide and phenobarbitone with ethanol in man Effect of active metabolites of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam alone or 0834 0835 0937 1100 1101 1102 1109 1125 1127 1321 1323 0135 0149 0197 0227 0229 0231 0867 0880 0882 0893 0894 0895 0896 0897 0898 0899 0905 0906 in combination with alcohol, on psychomotor skills related to driving The combined effect of alcohol and amitriptyline on skills similar to motor-car driving Effect of tricyclic anti-depressants and alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving Two weeks’ treatment with chlorpromazine, thioridazine, sulpiride, or bromazepam: Actions and interactions with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: Il. Field studies with an instrumented automobile The combined abuse of alcohol and amphetamines Comparative effects of some amphetamine derivatives on human sleep Temporal Sequences Research into expression of attitudes about drugs—What use is it? Addiction, Crime, and Social Policy The relationship between crime and amphetamine abuse: An empirical review of the literature Teratogenic Effects Epidemiological surveillance of human populations for mutational hazards Epidemiology of drugs taken by pregnant women: Drugs that may affect the fetus adversely Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Does LSD induce chromosomal damage and malformations? A review of the literature Lysergic acid diethylamide: Its effects on human chromosomes and the human organismin utero. ff A review of current findings Adverse effects of LSD: A current perspective The chromosomal and teratogenic effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: A review of the current literature Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users Fetal complications of maternal heroin addiction: Abnormal growth, infections, and episodes of stress Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Narcotic withdrawal in pregnancy: Stillbirth incidence with a case report Effect of heroin on cortisol production in pregnant addicts and their fetuses Heroin and the fetus Postmortem findings in offspring of heroin addicts Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate Tetanus Narcotic abuse: A medical examiner's view Deaths resulting from narcotic addiction—A major health problem SUBJECT INDEX 0907 0908 0915 0916 0919 1255 1287 0990 1048 1052 . 0136 0137 0138 0140 0141 0144 0145 0146 0147 0152 0164 0171 0175 0181 0185 0186 1079 0201 0205 Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence, circumstances, and postmortem findings Fatalities from narcotic addiction in New York City: Incidence, circumstances, and pathological findings Clinical severity of tetanus in narcotic addicts in New York City Infections as fatal complications of narcotism Pathologic aspects of drug addiction Theft Crime and the addict: Beyond common sense Excerpts from marihuana use and crime Violent death: A comparison between drug users and nondrug users The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction The Junkie Thief Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky Criminal history of narcotic addicts The retail price of heroin: Estimation and applications Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control The economics of narcotics addiction: A new interpretation of the facts Perceived penal sanction and self-reported criminality: A neglected approach to deterrence research A study of the relationships of disposition and subsequent criminal behavior in a sample of youthful marihuana offenders in New York State A Comparative Study of Adolescent Drug Users, Assaulters, and Auto Thieves Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment utic Communities The habit The natural history of narcotic drug addiction Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Secondary drug use among heroin users Need for social approval and drug use An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Costs, benefits, and potential for alternative approaches to opiate addiction control Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems Psychopathological signs among male and female drug-free residents Phoenix House: Changes in psychopathological signs of resident drug addicts An MMPI comparison of U.S.A.F. groups identified as drug users MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities 0756 0808 1054 0250 0258 0302 0309 0546 0699 0700 0727 0760 0776 0785 0797 0798 0841 0844 The generation gap observed among black heroin addicts in Chicago Description of drug users in treatment: 1971- 1972 DARP admissions Follow-up of a token economy of civilly committed narcotic addicts Rehabilitation or bust: The impact of criminal justice system referrals on the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in a therapeutic community (Eagleville’s experience) Therapeutic Uses Drugs and sexual behavior Multivariate analysis of variance On coca Coca leaf and cocaine addictions. Some historical notes A study in cocaine: Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud The role of coca in the history, religion and medicine of South American Indians Current perspectives on cocaine use in America Cocaine in perspective: ‘Gift from the Sun God’ “The rich man’s drug” Peru: History of Coca, the Divine Plant of the Incas Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects Coca and Its Therapeutic Application The abuse and dangers of cocaine The cocaine crime The Gourmet Cokebook: A Complete Guide to Cocaine The psychopharmacology of cocaine On the general effect of cocaine Craving for and fear of cocaine Therapy of obsessive neuroses with cocaine The Psychotic Junkie Drug abuse in Afghanistan Reunion: Cannabis in a pluricultural and polyethnic society Cannabis in Nepal: An overview Ethnobotanical aspects of cannabis in Southeast Asia Patterns of marihuana use in Brazil Social and medical aspects of the use of cannabis in Brazil The social nexus of ganja in Jamaica The *'ganja vision" in Jamaica The use of Benzedrine for the treatment of narcolepsy Clinical use of Benzedrine sulfate (amphetamine) in obesity The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: A consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite Results of prolonged medical treatment of obesity with diet alone, diet and thyroid preparations, and diet and amphetamine Status and prospect of drugs for overeating The amphetamines: Medical uses and health hazards Amphetamine (Benzedrine) therapy of children’s behavior disorders The effects of Benzedrine sulfate on the behavior of psychopathic and neurotic juvenile delinquents SUBJECT INDEX 0957 0970 1066 1067 0046 0504 0558 0561 0562 0563 0564 0565 0567 0568 0569 0570 0572 0585 0586 0588 0590 0601 0799 1169 1171 1173 1174 1186 1187 1191 1193 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 The use of amphetamines in the treatment of hyperkinetic children Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine: Differential effect on aggression and hyperkinesis in children and dogs Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine in minimal brain dysfunction Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs The use and abuse of amphetamines Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion Effects of psychostimulants on aggression Methylphenidate hallucinosis Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Time In Treatment Exploration of attitudes of students involved with drugs A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole California Civil Addict Program A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Time-Reversed Analysis Longitudinal designs Time-Sequential Designs Longitudinal designs Time-Series Designs Introduction to Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research Single-organism designs Longitudinal designs Path analysis Tolerance The “‘heroin overdose’ mystery and other occupational hazards of addiction Death from narcotics use: Baltimore city, 1963 through 1968 Mortality among young narcotic addicts Introduction to amphetamine abuse Theories of drug addiction Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Danger potential of commonly abused drugs Drugs and crime. |. Literature review Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs 1235 1236 1237 1239 1242 1243 1313 1315 1322 0086 0260 0700 0713 0717 0764 0772 0777 0786 0788 0975 0497 0497 0495 0496 0497 0501 0197 0198 0203 0226 0575 0580 0582 0639 1238 1239 Danger potential of commonly abused drugs Amphetamines: A dangerous illusion Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously Effects on sleep of amphetamines and its derivatives The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Analysis of variables in high dose methamphetamine dependence Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Toxicity Drugs and suicide in the United States Overdosage of psychotropic drugs: A review. I. Major and minor tranquilizers Introduction to amphetamine abuse Overdosage of pyschotropic drugs: A review. Il. Antidepressants and other psychotropic agents Unfavourable reactions to LSD: A review and analysis of the available case reports The amphetamines: Medical uses and health hazards Near fatal reaction to ingestion of the hallucinogen drug, MDA A case of benzedrine sulfate poisoning The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine Acute amphetamine toxicity Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Traffic Accidents Drug effects on emotions: Relevance to driving accidents Influence of narcotic drugs on highway safety Amphetamines and driving behavior Alcohol, drugs and driving behaviour in Switzerland Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations Barbiturates and driving The Problems of Drugs and Driving: An Overview of Current Research and Future Needs Driving records of heroin addicts Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Narcotic use and driving behavior Driving Records of Persons Arrested for Illegal Drug Use Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Marihuana and automobile crashes Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Characteristics of driving in relation to the drug and alcohol use of Finnish outpatients Marihuana and driving risk among college students SUBJECT INDEX 1240 1243 1251 1286 1318 1320 1322 0192 0223 0226 0227 0232 1232 1278 1282 1300 1319 1322 0846 0847 0848 0849 0851 0851 0852 0853 0856 0857 0858 0860 0864 0865 0866 0867 0868 Drug use and driving risk among high school students Psychoactive drugs and traffic accidents Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements Traffic Accidents, Fatal Mass arrests for impaired driving may not prevent traffic deaths A Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Organic Factors in Fatal Single Vehicle Traffic Accidents. Final Report Alcohol, marihuana and other drug patterns among operators involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents Marihuana and Driver Behaviors: Historic and Social Observations Among Fatal Accident Operators and a Control Sample The prevalence of drugs in fatally injured drivers Traffic Convictions Driving records of heroin addicts Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Drugs in drinking drivers: A study of 2,500 cases Driving records before and during methadone maintenance Traffic Violations Drug Abuse in a Delinquent Population: The Results of an Empirical Study An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Mass arrests for impaired driving may not prevent traffic deaths Driving records of heroin addicts Driving records of methadone maintenance patients in New York State Narcotic use and driving behavior Driving Records of Persons Arrested for Illegal Drug Use Drugs in drinking drivers: A study of 2,500 cases The occurrence of some drugs and toxic agents encountered in drinking driver investigations Drug detection in cases of ‘‘driving under the influence” Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Marihuana and automobile crashes Marihuana and driving risk among college students Drug use and driving risk among high school students Treatment Alternatives To Street Crimes The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming 0869 0870 0876 0855 0859 0871 0872 0873 0856 0857 0861 0866 0685 0696 0855 0856 0857 0858 0860 0861 0862 0863 0864 0865 0868 0869 0720 0780 A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program Treatment Models The *‘street addict role’: Implications for treatment An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis In their own words: Addicts’ reasons for initiating and withdrawing from heroin Indications of psychopathology in male narcotic abusers, their effects and relation to treatment effectiveness Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Adolescent heroin abuse in San Francisco Current perspectives on cocaine use in America The obliteration of the craving for narcotics Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India Emergency room treatment of the drug- abusing patient Drug taking in Great Britain: A growing problem Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 The social structure of a heroin copping community Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report The psychodynamics of opiate dependence: A new look MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Follow-up of a token economy of civilly committed narcotic addicts Treatment Outcome Marriage and methadone: Spouse behavior patterns in heroin addicts maintained on methadone A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction The relapse rate in narcotic addiction: A critique of follow-up studies The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization A Follow-Up Study of Treated Adolescent Narcotic Users A study of some failures in methadone treatment Attitudes and behavior of heroin addicts and patients on methadone SUBJECT INDEX 0790 0239 0246 0252 0272 0278 0302 0564 0613 0614 0615 0620 0636 0661 0668 0783 0805 0844 1066 0048 0245 0254 0258 0259 0260 0261 0264 0265 0266 0271 The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Chemical substance abuse and perceived locus of control Drug Abuse Reporting Program: Admission Record and Status Evaluation Record CODAP Admission Report, CODAP Discharge Report Personality attributes of the young, nonaddicted drug abuser Patterns of ‘‘cheating’” among methadone maintenance patients Treatment of drug addiction. Experience in India A Perspective on ‘Get Tough’ Drug Control Laws Crime and addiction: An empirical analysis of the literature, 1920-1973 Some reflections on compulsory treatment of addiction A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction Relationship between narcotic addiction and crime The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction The social structure of a heroin copping community Narcotic Use and Crime. A Report on Interviews with 50 Addicts under Treatment Life without heroin: Some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females Criminality in heroin addicts before, during, and after methadone treatment The effectiveness of a half-way house for civilly committed narcotic addicts An exploratory study of the relation of heroin addiction to crime in New Orleans Authority and Addiction An inquiry into the nature of changes in behavior among drug users in treatment Phoenix House: Criminal activity of dropouts Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Methadone maintenance treatment five years later—Where are they now? A road back from heroin addiction Changes in the criminal behavior of heroin addicts under treatment in the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation: Interim report of the first year of treatment Heroin use and crime in a methadone maintenance treatment program: A two- year follow-up of the Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation program. A preliminary report Critique of success with methadone maintenance Status of 100 San Antonio addicts one year after admission to methadone maintenance 0294 0449 0486 0492 0520 0609 0614 0631 0636 0637 0657 0658 0659 0661 0667 0674 0693 0694 0695 0696 0697 0699 0700 0701 0702 07083 0705 0706 0707 0708 0710 0711 The Impact of Drug Abuse Treatment Upon Criminality: A Look at 19 Programs Arrest histories before and after admission to an ambulatory detoxification program Arrest histories before and after admission to a methadone maintenance treatment program Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program Types of arrests recorded for methadone maintenance patients before, during, and after treatment Criminal activity, wages earned, and drug use after two years of methadone treatment The Philadelphia TASC Program (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime). Conference workshop Methadone and the culture of addiction The heroin market, crime and treatment of heroin addiction in Atlanta Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience Graduates and splitees from therapeutic community drug treatment programs: A comparison Understanding honored: Court dispositions of early drug free discharges from California Civil Addict Program Drug Diversion 1000 P.C. in California, 1974 Follow-up of Persons First Released from California Rehabilitation Center during 1963-1966 Detoxification of sick addicts in prison The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users Methadone patients on probation and parole Evaluation of a half-way house: Integrated community approach in the rehabilitation of narcotic addicts California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look Institutionalization patterns among civilly committed addicts Civil commitment for addicts: The California program A follow-up study of narcotic addicts in the NARA program A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs An Evaluation of the Special Narcotics Addiction Program at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Walpole Paroled narcotic addicts in a verified abstinence program: Results of a five- year study California civil commitment: A decade later The role of civil commitment in multimodality programming Community’s response to substance misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House for felon addicts Criminal commitment of narcotic addicts under state law Juvenile Drug Abuse Prevention Project. First Year Evaluation Report Criminal justice and voluntary patients in treatment for heroin addiction California Civil Addict Program SUBJECT INDEX 0712 0713 0714 0717 0718 0719 0720 0721 0722 0759 0760 0761 0763 0764 0766 0767 0769 0770 0771 0772 0773 0775 0776 0777 0778 0779 0780 0781 0782 0783 0784 0786 A One Year Follow-up of all Residents Released from the California Rehabilitation Center to Outpatient Status in 1969 A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts New York's big push A comparison of criminal justice and non- criminal justice related patients in a methadone treatment program MMPI indices of personality change following short-term and long-term hospitalization of heroin addicts Posthospital adjustment of psychiatrically hospitalized drug users - Psychopathology in Drug Abusers MMPI patterns in drug abusers before and after treatment in therapeutic communities Myths and realities of drug use by minorities Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome The Hispanic and Asiatic Populations on Methadone Maintenance in New York City, A Study in Contrast Demographic and sociological implications of addiction in New Orleans: Implications for consideration of treatment modalities The impact of drug treatments on during- treatment criteria: 1971-1972 DARP admissions The black addict: |. Methodology, chronology of addiction, and overview of the population Obtaining life history information about opioid users Methadone in the Southwest: A three-year follow-up of Chicano heroin addicts Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Careers in Dope Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers From heroin to methadone—Social role changes and reinforcement differentials in relation to outcome on methadone. Part |. The study of reinforcement differentials A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs Criminality and addiction Changes in the Criminal Behavior of Heroin Addicts: A Two-Year Follow-up of Methadone Treatment Indicators on criminality during treatment for drug abuse Follow-up of a token economy of civilly committed narcotic addicts Rehabilitation or bust: The impact of criminal 0787 0788 0789 0790 0815 0839 0843 0844 0932 0948 0950 0952 0953 0954 0961 0969 0971 0973 0975 0993 1028 1034 1038 1039 1049 1054 1056 1066 justice system referrals on the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics in a therapeutic community (Eagleville's experience) Drug offenders and the prison regimen in France The opiate addict in Israel A study of ex-prisoner female narcotic addicts in Hong Kong Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs Methamphetamine psychosis Amphetamines in the District of Columbia. Il. Stimulant abuse in narcotics addicts in treatment with an emphasis on phenmetrazine Treatment Programs Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison The aging narcotic addict: An increasing problem for the next decades Narcotic addiction and crime: An empirical review Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction Issues in the evaluation of heroin treatment The use of parole prediction with institutionalized narcotic addicts Operating a criminal justice unit within a narcotics treatment program Attitudes of psychologists toward drug abusers Heroin, hassle, and treatment: The importance of perceptual differences Treatment of polydrug users in San Francisco Drug abuse and crime: Fact or fancy? Who uses what drugs in Denmark and some principles behind drug treatment programs Use and abuse of dependency producing drugs in Norway Addiction in Sweden Alcoholism and drug addiction in Israel Drug dependence in Israel The politics of opium in Iran: A social- psychological interface Drug abuse in Afghanistan Chasing the Dragon. A Report on Drug Addiction in Hong Kong How the People’s Republic of China solved their drug abuse problem A review of drug abuse and counter measures in Japan since World War Il Drug abuse in Japan Field studies and social intervention in Uppsala Comments on free prescription of central stimulants and narcotic drugs Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs The use and abuse of amphetamines Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users The psychotomimetic amphetamines with special reference to DOM (STP) toxicity Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence SUBJECT INDEX 1067 1128 1165 1178 1205 1263 1272 0025 0279 0301 0630 0703 0709 0740 0765 0993 1026 1038 1057 1143 1146 1151 1161 1166 1168 1169 1177 1181 1182 1185 1204 1205 1239 1242 1262 1277 1322 Trends and projections Treatment Programs, Evaluation Performance of Narcotic-Involved Prison Releasees under Three Kinds of Community Experience The rehabilitative effectiveness of a community correctional residence for narcotic users A halfway house is not a home: Notes on the failure of a narcotic rehabilitation project California Rehabilitation Center: A critical look A Study of Seven Prison Based Drug Abuse Treatment Programs Treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug-involved offenders in state correctional systems New York's big push Use of employment criteria for measuring the effectiveness of methadone maintenance programs Follow-up of a token economy of civilly committed narcotic addicts Typological Models Cluster and typological analysis Typologies Heads and freaks: Patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies American way of drugging. Street status and drug users Heads and seekers: Drugs on campus, counter cultures amd American society The individual environment Notes on the heroin addict and his culture The eye of the beholder: An important variable in addiction typologies The “‘street addict role’: Implications for treatment Transferability of addict life styles into socially acceptable occupations Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict The Watergate-Era Junkie: Observations on the Changing Face of Heroin Addiction in San Francisco Emerging trends of heroin abuse in the San Francisco Bay area Yesterday's Flower Child is Today's Junkie: The Changing Pattern of Heroin Addiction A Community Mental Health Approach to Drug Addiction An approach to treating narcotic addicts based on a community mental health diagnosis Cats, kicks, and color Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence An approach to the classification of the life- styles of narcotic abusers Speed and violence: Compulsive methamphetamine abuse and criminality in the Haight-Ashbury district The social structure of a heroin copping community A statistical study of criminal drug addicts Taking care of business—The heroin user's life on the street 1324 0759 0767 0768 0771 0776 0785 0789 1039 1066 0500 0101 0104 0105 0119 0236 0238 0239 0240 0241 0242 0243 0244 0245 0246 0247 0273 0442 0651 0661 0664 0668 Heroin and Behavior The world of the righteous dope fiend The World of Youthful Drug Use Narcotics involvement and female criminality Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts A cross-cultural study of narcotic addiction in New York The street addict role: Toward the definition of a type Heroin users in the community: A review of the drug use and life-styles of addicts and users not in treatment Copping and caveat emptor: The street addict as consumer The relationship between crime and amphetamine abuse: An empirical review of the literature Criminal behavior patterns of female addicts: A comparison of findings in two cities Follow-up of a representative sample of heroin addicts Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury The world of the Haight-Ashbury speed freak U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals Narcotic addiction among physicians: A ten- year follow-up The “pharmacogenic orgasm’ in the drug addict The natural history of narcotic drug addiction A follow-up of narcotic addicts: Mortality, relapse, and abstinence A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: |. The relation of treatment to outcome A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts: IV. Some characteristics and determinants of abstinence Follow-up study of narcotic drug addicts five years after hospitalization Some characteristics of female narcotic addicts Comparison of female opiate addicts admitted to Lexington hospital in 1961 and 1967 Narcotic addiction in females: A race comparison Narcotic addiction in the pain-prone female patient. I. A comparison with addict controls Narcotic addiction in males and females: A comparison The Chinese narcotic addict in the United States Narcotics, negroes and the south. Demographic factors associated with Negro opiate addiction Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican Americans Parent-child cultural disparity and drug addiction The reliability and validity of interview data obtained from 59 narcotic drug addicts A test of the maturation hypothesis with respect to opiate addiction The long-term social correlates of opiate addiction Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky A twelve-year follow-up of New York narcotic SUBJECT INDEX 0670 0671 0677 0689 0945 0956 0972 1027 1035 1052 1060 1116 1209 1253 0009 0047 0258 0259 0260 0261 0264 0277 0278 0279 0290 0291 0294 0295 0296 0297 0299 0656 0657 0659 0666 addicts: Ill. Some social and psychiatric characteristics Patterns and causes of drug addiction among Puerto Rican females A 20-year follow-up of New York narcotic addicts Adolescent opiate addiction: A study of control and addict subjects Personality characteristics of narcotic addicts as indicated by the MMPI Patterns of drug use among Mexican Americans Onset of marijuana and heroin use among Puerto Rican addicts Two patterns of narcotic drug addiction in the us. Migration and residential mobility of narcotic drug addicts Occupational characteristics of Negro addicts Involvement in a drug subculture and abstinence following treatment among Puerto Rican narcotic addicts Factors related to cure of opiate addiction among Puerto Rican addicts A follow-up study of 200 narcotic addicts committed for treatment under the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) Value Orientation Effecting drug attitude change in college students via induced cognitive dissonance Horatio Alger’s Children: The Role of the Family in the Origin and Prevention of Drug Risk The eye of the beholder: An important variable in addiction typologies The attribution by opiate addicts of characteristics to addict subgroups and to self Speculations on possible changes in youthful life-style between the 1960's and 1970's Individualized prediction as a strategy for discovering demographic and interpersonal/psychosocial correlates of drug resistance and abuse Self-esteem as a predictor of adolescent drug abuse Predicting time of onset of marihuana use: A developmental study of high school youth Some comments on the relationship of selected criteria variables to adolescent illicit drug use Study of High School Students—Student Questionnaire, Wave 1 Changing Lifestyles and Values among University Men Value Orientation Schedule Suitability for Treatment Scale ‘Make Yourself Heard’ Teen-age Drug Study Questionnaire Survey Questionnaires for ‘“Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth Values, expectations, and drug use among high school students in a rural community Personality correlates of drug preference among college undergraduates 0672 0693 0788 0800 0804 0927 0942 0943 0944 0945 0971 0975 1034 0096 0126 0238 0275 0440 0443 0447 0452 0454 0455 0464 0465 0473 0483 0484 0510 0512 Value orientation and psychosocial adjustment at various levels of marihuana use Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America: Social-Psychological Correlates Personality factors in student drug use Personality and value differences related to use of LSD-25 Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles The prediction of marihuana use from personality scales Self and Social Perceptions and Personal Characteristics of a Group of Suburban High School Marijuana Users Cognitive functions, personality traits and social values in heavy marijuana smokers and nonsmoker controls The strange case of the coca leaf Untoward reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) resulting in hospitalization Drug usage, personality, attitudinal, and behavioral correlates of driving behavior Differential patterns of drug abuse among white activists and nonwhite militant college students Value patterns of drug addicts as a function of race and sex Religion, parental influence, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana use Determining what heroin means to heroin addicts Venereal Disease A study of drug-taking among young patients attending a clinic for venereal diseases Drug dependence among patients attending a department of venereology Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Visual Effects Marihuana effects on driving: Performance and personality Validity of driving simulator studies for predicting drug effects in real driving situations Barbiturates and driving Alcohol and marihuana effects on static visual acuity Evidence for acute effects of alcohol and marijuana on color discrimination Effects of alcohol and marihuana on dynamic visual acuity: 1. Threshold measurements Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man Experimental studies of marihuana Some observations suggesting preservation of skilled motor acts despite drug-induced stress An experimental investigation about the effect of cannabis on car driving behaviour Marihuana-produced impairments in coordination A comparison of the effects of marijuana and alcohol on visual functions Marihuana and critical flicker fusion SUBJECT INDEX 0516 0519 0525 0527 0528 0530 0550 0555 0577 0826 0864 0921 0962 0979 1037 0034 0035 1088 0845 0851 0852 0874 0875 0876 0878 0879 0888 0890 0902 0905 0914 Effects of two levels of attention demand on vigilance performance under marihuana Talc and cornstarch emboli in eyes of drug abusers Vocational Rehabilitation Employment and Addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and Treatment Practices Occupational Skills of Narcotic Addicts Transferability of addict life styles into socially acceptable occupations Survey of a methadone maintenance treatment program A pre-trial court diversion program for narcotics addicts: An alternative to incarceration Drug use in a black ghetto An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex- addicts The vocational maturity of inner-city narcotic addicts A state-wide survey of drug issues in industry Withdrawal Narcotic addiction in pregnancy Narcotic withdrawal in pregnancy: Stillbirth incidence with a case report The heroin crisis among U.S. forces in Southeast Asia: An overview Causes and types of narcotic addiction: A psycho-social view Narcotic addiction Habituation and addiction Problems in the social psychology of addiction Theories of drug addiction On the general effect of cocaine Heroin and cocaine addiction Changes in personality and subjective experience associated with the chronic administration and withdrawal of opiates Amphetamine addiction Sexual problems of heroin addicts Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate Drug dependence: Its significance and characteristics Amphetamine abuse: Pattern and effects of high doses taken intravenously Social and psychiatric factors in amphetamine users Amphetamine and phenmetrazine addiction: Physiological abnormalities in the abstinence syndrome The occurrence of paranoid incidents and abstinence delirium in abusers of amphetamine Amphetamine Psychosis Clinical studies of amphetamine psychoses The characteristics of dependence in high- dose methamphetamine abuse Acute amphetamine toxicity Clinical manifestations and treatment of amphetamine type of dependence Withdrawal, Infants Effect of prenatal drugs on the behavior of the neonate 0918 1289 0023 0025 0240 0717 0774 0934 1041 1045 1047 0157 0175 0303 0312 0313 0314 0315 0575 0588 0603 0802 0833 1076 1079 1238 1251 1262 1285 1300 1301 1311 1318 1319 1322 0138 Narcotic and methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Effect on newborn infants Drug abuse in pregnancy: Its effects on the fetus and newborn infant Drug dependence and pregnancy: A review of the problems and their management Maternal barbiturate utilization and neonatal withdrawal symptomatology Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome in a passively addicted infant A statistical study of infants born with withdrawal symptoms in the District of Columbia Neonatal Narcotic Addiction Heroin addiction among pregnant women and their newborn babies Narcotic addiction in pregnancy Neonatal narcotic addiction: Ten year observation Effect of heroin withdrawal on respiratory rate and acid-base status in the newborn Tachypnea and alkalosis in infants of narcotic-addicted mothers Absence of respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants of heroin-addicted mothers Nature of the sweating deficit of prematurely born neonates: Observations on babies with the heroin withdrawal syndrome Management of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome in the neonate The course of the heroin withdrawal syndrome in newborn infants treated with phenobarbital or chlorpromazine Diazepam in the management of the neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome Heroin addiction during pregnancy Pregnancies in Methadone Maintained Mothers. A Preliminary Report Sudden deaths in infants born to methadone- maintained addicts Methadone withdrawal in newborn infants Comprehensive care of the pregnant addict and its effect on maternal and infant outcome Neonatal narcotic addiction: Comparative effects of maternal intake of heroin and methadone Observations on heroin and methadone withdrawal in the newborn Narcotic withdrawal in the newborn Delayed presentation of neonatal methadone withdrawal Behavior of infants born to narcotic-addicted mothers The early neonatal period of 100 live-borns of mothers on methadone Neonatal addiction-exposure to heroin and methadone Drug addiction in pregnancy and the neonate The quality of prenatal treatment of narcotic SUBJECT INDEX 0139 0140 0141 0142 0143 0154 0155 0156 0157 0159 0162 0163 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 0170 0171 0172 0173 0176 0177 0178 0180 0182 0183 0184 0187 1079 addicted women as a factor in neonatal outcome The assessment of behavioral change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal: Comparative data from clinical and objective methods Experiences with 118 infants born to narcotic- using mothers A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Neonatal addiction: A two-year study. Part |. Clinical and developmental characteristics of infants of mothers on methadone maintenance Pharmacologic observations on the neonatal withdrawal syndrome Neonatal drug dependence: Developmental and biocultural considerations Narcotic dependency in pregnancy Heroin addiction, methadone maintenance, and pregnancy Work Performance Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job Physicians’ use of mood-altering drugs: A 20- year follow-up report The drug problem in business: A survey of business opinion and experience A program for control of drug abuse in industry On coca Coca leaf and cocaine addictions. Some historical notes Pleasure and deterioration from narcotic addiction Some sociological aspects of the problem of cocaism On the general effect of cocaine Coca chewing and health: An epidemiologic study among residents of a Peruvian village The use of drugs by jazz musicians Job satisfaction, counterproductive behavior, and drug use at work Cannabis and its users in Nepal The significance of marihuana in a small agricultural community in Jamaica The effects of analeptic drugs in relieving fatigue The effects of analeptics on the fatigued subject The effects of experimentally induced attitudes on task efficiency Effects of normal air and dextro-amphetamine upon work decrement induced by oxygen impoverishment and fatigue The effects of dextro-amphetamine on behavioral defects produced by sleep loss in humans Enhancement of performance by amphetamine-like drugs Dependence on amphetamine and other stimulant drugs 1080 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 0001 0008 0021 0031 0558 0561 0574 0579 0588 0605 0617 1043 1172 1196 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1226 1239 THE RESEARCH ISSUES SERIES DRUGS AND EMPLOYMENT. Attitudes toward drug use by employers and employees; the effects of drug use on work perfor- mance, hiring and finng practices, employer rehabilitation programs Specific studies on drug use in medicine, sports, and aviation. 31 abstracts Stock No. 017-024-00424-3 ($1.80) DRUGS AND SEX. The effects of drugs on sexual behavior, correla- tions and relationships among a variety of populations. Arranged by drug type: multi-drug, marihuana, amphetamines, LSD, heroin and methadone. 24 abstracts. Stock No. 017-024-00425 -1 ($1.45) DRUGS AND ATTITUDE CHANGE. What people believe and how they learn about drugs. Users’ and nonusers’ attitudes toward drugs; sources of drug information; the role of the media, drug education programs, and communications, as they influence attitudes and at- titude change. 44 abstracts Stock No. 017-024-00426-0 ($2.25) DRUGS AND FAMILY/PEER INFLUENCE. Classification of peer group types; comparison of drug-using and other social “deviant” behavior among youth; prediction of drug use, particularly marihuana, and the family dynamics of heroin users. 36 abstracts. Stock No. 017-024-00427-8 ($2.10) DRUGS AND PREGNANCY. LSD: literature reviews, chromosome and teratogenesis studies. Heroin: the heroin-addicted mother-child dyad and neonatal withdrawal management. Overviews on genetics and mutational hazards. 52 abstracts. Stock No. 017-024-00428-6 ($2.70) DRUGS AND DEATH. Epidemiological studies of drug-related deaths, with an emphasis on opiates; methods of classifying and re- porting drug-related deaths; and the relationship between drugs, suicide, and homicide. 49 abstracts. Stock No. 017-024-00429-4 ($2.25) DRUGS AND ADDICT LIFESTYLES. Lifestyle and motivation of the committed heroin user. 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Theories and research on human cocaine use from the turn of the century to the present in North America, South America and Europe Also incidence studies noting the extent of cocaine use in contem- porary society. 69 abstracts. Stock No. 017-024-00564-9 ($2.10) DRUGS AND CRIME. The relationship of drug use and concomitant criminal behavior. Divided into sections on reviews and theories, non-opiate drug use, the opiates, delinquency, the female drug user, the impact of treatment modalities, and the economics of drugs and crime. 108 abstracts. Stock No. 017-024-00556-8 ($3.45) DRUG USERS AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. Research on drug-related offenses, and the enforcement of drug laws; the ef- fect of the criminal justice system on the drug user. Divided into two sections: (1) research on drug laws — their effectiveness and their enforcement; (2) research on the use of compulsion in the treatment of addicts. 66 abstracts. Stock No. 017-024-00629-7 ($3.00) DRUGS AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. The relationship of drug use to severe psychological disturbance and antisocial behavior. A com- panion volume to Drugs and Personality, this volume includes re- search on opiates and nonopiates in all age groups. Stock No. 017-024-00630-1 ($3.00) DRUG USERS AND DRIVING BEHAVIORS. The use of nonmedical drugs and their effects on driving. Includes research on the effects of drug use on the physical functions associated with driving, incidence studies of driving arrests, and simulated driving studies. 76 abstracts Stock No. 017-024-00576-2 ($1.70) DRUGS AND MINORITIES. Research on the use of drugs among racial and ethnic minorities, partricularly blacks, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and other Spanish surnamed Americans; Asian and Native Americans. Includes studies dealing with minority populations as well as with the racial/ethnic patterns of drug use among general populations. 93 abstracts. Stock No. 017-024 —00745-5 ($4.00) U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1980 O - 314-297 RESEARCH ISSUES UPDATE, 1978. New readings on 13 topics previously covered by the series: sex, pregnancy, attitude change, family/peer influences, employment, crime, criminal justice, cocaine, personality, psychopathology, and driving. Organized by topical area. 135 abstracts. Stock No. 017-024-00876-1 ($5.25) INTERNATIONAL DRUG USE. Research on drug use in 35 foreign countries with a focus on patterns of use and topics covered by the series. Includes an introductory review and studies on the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Africa, the near East, Asia, and Latin America. 95 abstracts. Stock No. 017-024-00874-5 ($4.20) PERSPECTIVES ON THE HISTORY OF PSYCHOACTIVE SUB- STANCE USE. Lengthy summaries of 35 significant major events in the history of psychoactive substance use since the Renaissance in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Substances covered are alcohol, coffee, tobacco, ether, cocaine, amphetamine, cannabis, opium and the opiates. Each perspective includes an introductory review, chronology, and summaries of previous research. 280 pp. Stock No. 017-024-00879-6 ($5.25) USE AND ABUSE OF AMPHETAMINE AND ITS SUBSTITUTES. Theories and research on human amphetamine use in the U.S. and other countries. Divided into sections on history; theories; perceptual, cognitive, and psychomotor effects; medical uses; use patterns, psy- chiatric sequelae, and user characteristics; amphetamine substitutes; adverse effects, toxicity, and treatment; future trends; and legislation. Each section is preceded by an overview. 150 abstracts. GLOSSARY OF DRUG RESEARCH TERMINOLOGY. Definitions for over 1,000 terms found in the drug research literature, selected on the basis of frequency, importance, and ambiguous meaning or usage. Includes psychosocial, legal/criminal justice, biomedical, and statistical/ methodological terms, as well as drug names and terms. Excludes drug slang. GUIDE TO THE DRUG RESEARCH LITERATURE. A cumulative index to all literature included in the series. Includes fully indexed citations to each study with a reference to the volume in which it appears or is summarized. Separate indexes are provided for authors, drugs, sample characteristics, geographical locations, methodologies and instruments, and general subject terms. . Volumes in the series are available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. When ordering, please give title and stock number of the publication. DHEW Publication No. (ADM) 80-940 Printed 1980 GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY BOOOS519657