W, W M W Date ...... PERSONAL LIBRARY OF JOHN WM. GREGG ..._-_ .......................... Value ...................... orristone rt N the study of Norristone Art—or even \ (kg? in instances of casual inspection—that 'W which most impresses people of cultivat— ed taste is the dignity and simplicity of Norristone Designs. Whether just freed from the modeller’s hand from whence it comes, in the window of some artcrafter’s store, or in some beauty corner of an estate border— ing the Mediterranean, or elsewhere, the effect is the same—one of quiet but impelling dignity and beauty. No show garden, however artistic, but will be enhanced by the presence of Norristone decora- tions, none but which would be depreciated by its removal. Added to the Norristone charm of design is the very important feature that Norristone productions are not affected by sea atmospheres nor adverse weather conditions. They neither crack nor dis- color by exposure nor crumble under the pressure of time. We know of no other similar product for which the same may be truthfully claimed. 1 5% fi:2 . Any original idea, from the smallest flower pot to the most elaborate fountain, pool or any desired piece of garden furniture may be perfected for you by our designer, thereby enabling you to have something strictly of your own planning. In submitting your ideas, if possible, send a Kodak picture or sketch of the space in which furniture may be wanted. 2'84 Important _ The NORRISTONE STUDIO is organized and equipped to pro— duce work for the Larger Formal Gardens and for Special Interior Mantles from the plans of architects. We solicit the opportunity to furnish estimates for this work. THE NORRISTONE STUDIO N 01‘1'66 Our products are carefully packed at our plant. We cannot be held for delay or loss in transit. If any damage occurs in transit be sure to have agent make notation on the expense bill describing the damage in full. Prices quoted here are on board cars Rochester, N. Y. Prices sub— ject to change without notice. If hand-cut work is desired, the price will be 30% more than prices quoted. Prices of sundials and gazing globes include pedestals only. THE NORRISTONE STUDIO ROCHESTER, N. Y. .v ‘ Norristone Not Ordinary Concrete: This cut shows the appearance of NORRISTONE GARDEN FURNITURE. 'Made in light or dark buff and light or dark gray colors. NORRISTONE BIRD BATH, No. 792 BIRD BATH, No. 729 BIRD BATH, N0. 728 l Height, 31 in. Bowl, 21 in. Base, 14 in. Height, 33 in. Bowl, 28 in. Ba C, 11 in. Height, 33 in. Bowl, 25%; in. Base, 13% in $18.00 $20.00 $25.00 BIRD BATH, No. 749A Height, 6 in. Bowl, 26% in. $8.00 BIRD BATH, No. 714A BIRD BATH, No. 710 Height, 19 in. Bowl, 36 in. Base, 16 in. Height, 42 in. Bowl, 40 in. J $40.00 $50.00 Page Four NORRISTONE BIRD BATH, N0. 714 09, 16 in. Bowl, 36 in. Height, 23 in. $35.00 BIRD BATH, N0. 702 Height, 33 in. Bowl, 36 in. ? $85.00 _ BIRD BATH N0. 730 l Base, 15% in, Bowl, 33 in l'leight, 35 in. 1 $40.00 l BIRD BATH, No. 794 BIRD BATH, No. 729A BIRD BATH, N0. 750 . Base, 16 in. Bowl, 30 in. Height, 39 in. Base, 11 in. Bowl, 22 in. Height, 33 in. Base, 20 in. Bowl, 32 in. Height, 43 111. $7 . 0 $20.00 $45.00 Page Five NORRISTONE BIRD BATH, N0. 766A Base, 13 in. Bowl, 25 in. Height, 30% in. $15.00 GAZING GLOBE PEDESTAL, N0. 704 Height, 36 in. Base, 14 in. Top, 9 in. $45.00 Globes from 8 to 24 inches Prices on Application BIRD BATH, N0. 792A Base 41 in. Bowl, 21 in. Height, 31 in. $15.00 GARDEN SEAT, No. 707 TABLE, N0. 793 Height, 20 in. Width, 18 in. Length 60 in. Height, 32 in. Top, 44 in. Base, 18 in. $30.00 $75.00 Page 52x NORRISTONE BENCH, N0. 772 Height, 18% in. \Vidth, 18 in. Length, 54 in. $35.00 TABLE, N0. 709 Height, 33 in. Top, 34 in. Base, 16 in. $50.00 BENCH, N0. 741 Height, 21 in. \Vidth, 21 in. Length, 54 in. $45.00 GARDEN SEAT, N0. 772A Height, 19 in. \Vidth, 18 in. Length, 48’ in. $25.00 GARDEN BENCH, N0. 708 , BENCH, N0. 771 Height, 19 in. Width, 22 in. Length, 54 in. Height, 18 in. Width, 20 in. Length, 54 in. $35.00 $30.00 Page Seven JAPANESE GARDEN LANTERN, No. 711 Height, 55 in. Width, 20 in. $100.00 JAPANESE LANTERN. No. 718 Height 48 in. Width 22 in. $7 0 NORRISTONE JAPANESE PORCH TABLE LANTERN, No. 748 Height, 20 in. Center, 4 im Base, 11 in. 30.00 GARDEN REST TEMPLE, No. 703 A Fascmating and Necessary Garden Accessory Prices given on request, according to size Page Eigfit NORRISTONE BASKET OF FRUIT, N0. 800 PORCH FRUIT BOWL, No. 801 EAGLE, N0. 797 Height 13 in. Width, 10 111. Height, 9 in. Top, 18 in. Base, 9 in. Height, 24 in. Width, 18 in. .L $15.00 $10.00 Base, 10% in. . $2 . 0 JAPANESE LANTERN, No. 776 JAPANESE LANTERN, No. 800 JAPANESE LANTERN, No. 796 Height, 27 in. Top, 30 in. Height, 20 in. Top, 29 in. Height, 30 in. Top, 20 in. Base, 19 in. $75.00 $75.00 $65.00 SUND IAL PEDESTAL No. 734 Height, 36 in. Top, 11 in. SUNDIAL N0. 707A. BENCH, N0. 707 Base, 16 in. Height, 36 in. Base, 16 1n. Height, 20 in. Width, 18 in. Length, 60 in. $45.00 $40.00 $30.00 Page .Nim’ NORRISTONE JAPANESE LANTERN, No. 716 Height, 24 in. Top, 29 in. $75.00 GARDEN TABLE, No. 790 Height, 33 in. or 40 in. Top, 40 in. 33 in. $70.00 ~10 in. $75.00 FLOWER POT, No. 753 Height», 17% in. \Vidth, 17 in. $25.00 BASE, No. 753A Height, 10 in. $6.00 GARDEN VASE, No. 715 Height, 40 in. Width, 22 in. $125.00 Page Tm NORRISTONE ARCHITECTURAL VASES N0. 700 (Example of use on parapet and pier) Height], 42 in. Top ,25 in. Base, 16 in. 5.00 GARDEN BENCH, No. 706 Height, 36 in. Width, 17 in. Length, 72 $150.00 Page E/m'm in. NORRISTONE ' 2 g. . x TABLE, N0. 701 Height, 30 in. Width, 32 in. Length, 72 in. or 96 in. Length, 72 in. $135.00 Length, 96 in. $150.00 3’2 v -}' .. 21‘s.. SEAT, N0. 705 Height, 19 in. Width, 22 in. Length 96 in. $75.00 Page Twelve FLOWER POT, N0. 788 Height, 24 in. Top, 13 in. Base, 17 in. $20.00 GREEK VASE, No. 803 Height, 15 ,1/2 in. Top, 21 in. Base, 17 in. $13.00 NORRISTONE VASE, N0. 802 GREEK URN, N0. 785 Height, 20 in. Top, 7 $25.00 VASE N0. 804 VASE N0. 805 Height, 16 in. Width, 13 in. Height, 22 in. Top, 17 in, $84)" $25.00 Other sizes to order Page Thirteen ,/2 in. Height, 22 in. Top, 716 in. Base, 51f) in. Base, 7 in. NORRISTONE GREEK VASE, No. 712 Height, 30 in. Width, 23 in. $50.00 VASES, N0. 712 Height, 30 in. Width, 23 in. $50.00 FLOWER POT, N0. 726A Height, 15 in. Top, 17,1/2 in. Base, 111/; in. $15.00 FLOWER PCT, No. 720A FLOWER POT. N0. 725 Height, 14 in. Top, 16in. Ba ‘9, 11 in. Height, 16 in. Top, 20 in. Base, 15 in. $15.00 $12.00 Page Fourticn NORRISTONE .«M» a m “m. .w «w ORNAMENTAL GREEK URN VASE No. 758 URN N0. 700 a and PEDESTAL, No. 798 Base, 17 in. Top, 30 in. Height, 24 in. Base, 16 in. Top, 26 in. Height, 42 in. Pedestal Base, 16 in. Top, 11% in. $25. $ . i"? Urn Width, 15% in. Height, 48 in. PEDESTAL No. 758 A BASE STONE, N0. 700A $75.00 Base, 26 in. Height, 31 in. $30.00 Width, 19 in. Height, 14 in. $10.00 '; URN and PEDESTAL, N0. 717 DORIC SUN-DIAL PEDESTAL .No. 735 GRECIAN DORIC, N0. 785 Height, (33 in. Width, 3.") in. Top, 14% in. Diameter, 36 m. Hvight, 33 in. Base, 14% in. $100.00 Height, 331/2 in. Top, 14% in. T01), 14% in. quare Base, 14% in. $45.00 Round Bast" $12.00; Pedestal $45.00; Total $57.00 Page Fifttm NORRISTONE FLOWER POT, N0. 778 FLOWER POT, N0. 736 Height, 1 ft. 1 in. Top, 1 ft. 1% in. Base, 71/; in. Height, 19 in. Top, 20 in. Base, 14 in. $6.00 $20.00 FLOWER POT, N0. 777 FLOWER POT, N0. 731 Height, 13% in. Top, 15% in. Base, 8% in. Height, 25 in. Top, 23 in. Base, 15 in. $10.00 $25.00 Page Sixteen } 3 Q NORRISTONE FLOWER POT, N0. 732 Height, 1711éi1'1. Top, 25 in. $20.00 Base, 13 in. AMAZON, No. 102 Height, 2 ft. 6 in. Price on request FLOWER POT, N0. 791 Height, 13 in. Top, 25 in. Base, 14 in. 0 BOY and GOOSE N0. 802 I n the Lawn , Paris Height, 1 ft. 2 in. Price on request SEAT STANDARD, No. 708 Height 15 in. Width 16 in. $10.00 FLOWER BOX, N0. 719 Height, 11% in. Width, 11 in. Length, 24 in. $ 0.00 Page Se-vemeen NORRISTONE m POT, N0. 778 § in. Top, 14 in. Base, 8 in. Height, 13} 6.00 PEDESTAL, N0. 778A URN, No. 782 .U' ‘) ' 1 2: - . :7 ; . Height ,10111. Ba 9, 121:) in. He1bht, -9 111. Top, 3 111 Base, 14 11 $5.00 $35.00 2 FLOWER POT, N0. 7243 FLOWER POT, N0. 724A Height, 13 in. Top, 15 111. Base, 0 in. Height, 18 in. Top, 24 in. B $20.00 FLOWER POT, N0. 723 Height, 13 in. Top, 16 in. Base, 9 in. $10.00 $6.00 s9, 13 in. t Page Eightrrz NORRISTONE FLOWER BOX, No. 733 , RURAL MAIL BOX Height, 9% in. Width, 11 in. Length, 311/; in. STANDARD, No. 727 Standards, Height, 18 in. . N eck 4 in Square; Babe With Standards, $30.00 6 in. square, Length 78 in. Without Standards, $15.00 $1 . 0 Standard Only FLOWER POT, N0. 783 Height, 9/16 in. Top, 2‘2 in. Base 9 in. $20.00 VASE, No. 758 Height, 24 in. Top, 30 in. Base, 17 in. $2 FLOWER BOX, N0. 720 .00 Height, 10 in. Width, 12 in. Length, 30 in. m‘ 36 in. BASE STONE, N0. 758A 30 in., $12.00 Height, 12 in. “'idth, ‘20 in. 36111. $15.00 $8.00 Page Ninetem NORRISTONE FLOWER BOX, No. 733A _ FLOWER BOX, N0. 761 . Height, 9%; in. Width, 11 in. Length, 30 in. Helght, 14 in. Width, 18 1n. Length, 72 111. $20.00 $60.00 FLOWER BOX, No. 762 (Small Size of No. 701) Height, 10% in. Width, 13 in. Length, 60 in. $30.00 FLOWER BOX, N0. 721 Height, 91/; in. Width, 9%; in. Length, 43 in. $20.00 MERCURY FLYING N0. 25 (By Giovanni da Bologna) Original in Florence . . Height, 4 ft. 6 in. LION, No. 742, (Front and Slde Vlews) Height, 3 ft. 10 in. 1 Prices Height, 2216 in. Base, 9 in. square. . Height, 3 ft- " 0“ Height, 2 ft. 4 in. 5 request $25.00 Height, 1 ft. 9 in. Page Twenty NORRISTONE "w w m m» . Wm < M,” WALL FOUNTAIN N0. 7 Price on request 4 .( Mgr. “anew-.332: NEPTUNE VASE, No. 3957 WINDOW BOX, N0. 791 In the Vatican Height, 7 in. Width, 8 in. Length, 26 in. Height, 3 ft. 1 in. $8.00 Price on request Pug: Twenty-one NORRISTONE VASE, ROMAN, VASE, ANTIQUE, VASE, MEDICIAN, N0. 3954 No. 3953 N0. 3955 In Berlin Wlusmun In, British fi/Iuseum Height, 1 ft. 8 in. Height, 2 ft. 9 in. Height, 3 ft. 3 in. Prices on request PEDESTAL (Twisted) N0. 1203 Top, 12 in. Dian]. Height, 3 ft. 5 in. $50.00 a CROCUS, No. 1568 , By John Borgeson ‘ Height 1 ft. Price on request MEDITATION, No. 450 Height, 2 ft. 2 in. MEDITATION, No. 450A Height, 1 ft. 6 in. MEDITATION, No.45OB Height, 1 ft. 4 in. Prices on request MERCURY, By Thorwaldsen, No. 773 Height, 2 ft. 6 in. FLOWER POT, No. 724D Height, 11 in. Top, 17 in. Base, 9 in. $ 0 Price on request , , , ~ Page [army-two TERMINAL SATYR, N0. 2523 Height, 6 ft. 7 in. Price on request NORRISTONE RADIATOR FLOWER BOX N0. 9 (In Sun Porch) Price on request ROMAN PEDESTAL, N0. 6654 Height, 3 ft. 6 in. Diameter, (top), 13 in. $35.00 ROMAN PEDESTAL, No. 6655 Height, 2 ft. 51/2 in. Diameter, (top), 10 in. $3 0 Page Tawny-[bra HEBE (By Thorwaldsen) N0. 2517 Height, 5 ft. 3 in. Original in Copenhagen Price on request NORRISTONE rr up \I GROTESQUE HEAD FOR FOUNTAIN Height, 16 in. Width, 1.8 in. $ 0.00 PEDESTAL, N0. 768 Height, 32 in. Top, 11 in. Base, 9% in. $20.00 FERN BOX, No. 769 Height, 914 in. Top, 12 in. Base, 8}; in. 7.00 a f 4 4 Y S th N . 49 WINGED VICTOR ( amo race) 0 . BUDDHA, No. 808 No. L Height, 5 ft. 3 in. Helght, 14 in. Base, 8 in. x 10 in. N0. L—l Height, 3 ft. —— Prices on request $20.00 Page Twenty—fay r NORRISTONE up \ VENUS CROUCHING, N0. 39 Height, 2 ft. 7 in. Price on request 9 MINERVA, No. 654 APOLLO, N0. 600 Height, 2 ft. 6 in. Height, 2 ft. 9 in. $10.00 $12.00 PEDESTAL, N0. 1216 PEDESTAL, N0. 1214 Height, 3 ft. 5 in. Height, 3 ft. 7 in. $10.00 $10 .00 FAUN PLAYING FLUTE CHERUB and DOLPHIN o. 555 N0. 2511 Height, 4 ft. 6 in. Height, 2 ft. 6 in. URN, N0. 780 .Small Size, . Height, 11in. Top, 18 in. Base, 12 in. nght, 1 ft‘ 11 111- $20'00 Prices on request Page Tuvamyflve NORRISTONE BIRD FOUNTAIN AND SUNDIAL Height, 41 in. Base, 17 in. Bowl, 36 in. Dial, 13 in. Fountain $60.00 Dial $10.00 FOUNTAIN, No. 783 Height, 5 ft. Bowl, 36 in. Figure, 20 in. Base, 18 in. $175.00 Page 1 ivc’flty-SZX’ NORRISTONE FOUNTAIN N0. 789 Height, 2 ft. Base, 10 in. Bowl, 2 ft. wide, Height of Figure, 10 in. $75.00 Page Twenty-seven FOUNTAIN, N0. 788 Height, 60 in. Base, 16 in. Figure, 2‘2 in. $200.00 Bowl, 36 in. FOUNTAIN, N0. 784 Height, 3 ft. ' Base, 18 in. Bowl, 36 in. Figure, 20 in. $7500 NORRISTONE Page Twenty-62gb FOUNTAIN, N0. 787 Height, 3 ft. Base, 1 ft. 6 in. Bowl, 3 ft. 2 in. Height of Basket of Fruit, 1 ft. 1% in. $100a00 NORRISTONE CAEN STONE FIREPLACE NO. 3-A Prices on Application NORRISTONE NORRISTONE CAEN STONE FIREPLACE NO. M-l Prices on Application The above fireplaces are hand cut by skilled stone cutters. Page Twenty-nine NORRISTONE m say. a» ":91 t»: Hy? a»: "} v "531ma NORRISTONE FIRE PLACE N0. l-A Prices on Application The above fireplaces are hand cut by skilled stone cutters. Page Thirty NOBRISTONE FIREPLACE N0. 4-A Price: on flpp/ication >2 NORRISTONE NORRISTONE CAEN STONE FIREPLACE NO. M-2 Prices on App/ivatiorz N ORRISTON E , FIREPLACE a N0. 2-A Prices on Application The above fireplaces are hand cut by skilled stone cutters. Page T/l irtj—o 716 Designed and ‘Produced by the ARROW PRINTING COMPANY, Inc. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK a ,1 _-———- . ‘ 'cfl' «VA ,- gee-vs- WSW” M ‘