©La Prensa GI'Il/Il'a © La Prensa Gr El Salvador: Key Government Ofi'cials Key Cabinet Members Minister of Agriculture Antonio CABRALES Ca’ceres Cattleman and investor with considerable experience in Agriculture Ministry . . . economic adviser to President Cristiani . . . has technical expertise and administrative skills . . . headed livestock improvement program in Agriculture Ministry in 1967; served briefly as Under Secretary of Agriculture in 1973 . . . treasurer of Salvadoran Foundation for Economic and Social Development before receiving present post . . . received degree in animal husbandry from Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture (Pennsylvania) while father was serving as diplomat in US . . . speaks fluent English . . . born 12 January 1936. Minister of Economy (Jose‘) Arturo ZABLAH Kari Industrialist; owner of one of E1 Salvador’s three largest furniture- manufacturing companies . . . has expertise in areas of finance and administration . . . active in industrial chamber of commerce . . . educated in US . . . speaks English . . . born around 1954. Minister of Foreign Relations (Jose’) Manuel PACAS Castro ‘ Lawyer and banker . . . as Minister of Economy during 1982-84, advocated free market policies; resigned post to help with Roberto D’Aubuisson’s presidential campaign . . . former member of ARENA executive council . . . has served as alternate member of Supreme Court . . . holds law degree from University of El Salvador and MA. degree in economy and finance from Louisiana State University . . . speaks fluent English . . . born 1942. Minister of Labor Mauricio GONZALEZ Dubo’n Experienced government official and diplomat . . . held posts in Ministry of Labor 1969-74, then joined Foreign Ministry . . . served as Deputy Chief of Mission, Washington, 1976-77; Alternate Permanent Representative to OAS 1978- 80; member, Salvadoran Permanent Delegation, UN European Office, Geneva, 1981-83; and representative to International Labor Organization and Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy, Madrid, 1983-85 . . . has served in West Germany (1985) and Honduras (1986- 87) . . . attended National University of El Salvador 1964—71 . . . speaks English and some French . . . born 1945. Minister of Public Works (Jose’) Mauricio ST UBI G Career civil servant . . . specialist in home financing . . . chief technician in school construction department, Ministry of Education and Aid, 1961-62 . . . director of national home financing, Ministry of Public Works, 1973-75 . . . before assuming present post was member of Private Business National Association, which is responsible for funds for home financing . . . attended Autonomous University of El Salvador 1952—58 and Guatemala College of Engineers 1966 . . . does not speak English . . . born 13 January 1934. President Alfredo CRISTIANI Burkard US-educated businessman . . . member of ARENA since 1983; party president 1985—May 1989 . . . deputy in Legislative Assembly in 1988 . . . held leadership positions in Coffee Growers Association, National Association of Private Enterprise, and other private-sector organizations before entering politics in early 19805 . . . comes from wealthy family of coffee growers . . . attended military academy in New York; received BS. degree in business administration from Georgetown University in 1968 . . . has run coffee and cotton farms, insurance firm, and pharmaceuticals company . . . speaks excellent English . . . born 22 November 1947. Minister of Defense Gen. Rafael Humberto LARI OS Lo’pez Army officer with US training and considerable administrative experience . . . graduate of Salvadoran Military Academy (1961); attended Command and General Staff course at US Army School of the Americas (Panama) in 1977 . . . directed Salvadoran Military Academy 1980-83 . . . served as assistant military attache in Washington while attending Inter-American Defense College during 1983-85 . . . commanded Artillery Brigade (1985-87) and National Guard (1987-88) . . . Vice Minister of Defense for Public Security from June 1988 until assuming present post . . . speaks English . . . born 23 October 1940. Minister of Finance Rafael Eduardo AL VARADO Cano Economist and businessman who has served as consultant to Finance Ministry . . . speechwriter for President Cristiani . . . has worked for San Salvador Chamber of Commerce and Salvadoran Foundation for Economic and Social Development . . . speaks English . . . born around 1951. Minister of Justice Oscar Alfredo SAN TAMARIA Lawyer and businessman . . . specialist in labor law . . . served for over two years as executive director of National Association of Private Enterprise before accepting present post . . . has been adviser to Salvadoran Industrial Association . . . served two terms as National Coalition Party deputy in Legislative Assembly in mid-19705 . . . speaks English. Minister of Planning Mirna LIE VANO de Marques Economist and technocrat . . . only woman in Cabinet . . . started career in Ministry of Economy; subsequently served in Ministries of Foreign Commerce and Planning . . . administered foreign-aid—funded programs . . . directed economic studies program at Salvadoran Foundation for Economic and Social Development (FUJADES) . . . attended Central American University in El Salvador and Catholic University in Louvain, Belgium . . . once lived in US for short time . . . speaks French; understands some English . .. born 1 July 1954. Wamizwzm M , _ ; asfififi M ls member of ARENA party Plays rcle in combating 10- year-old insurgency ls responsible for programs funded substantially by the United States 4‘0 Kilometers I *1 40 Miles Vice President; Minister of Interior (Jose) Francisco MERINO Lo’pez mm” Gmup term as legislator 1982-83 . . . ARENA ©La Prensa Grafica Has few duties as Vice President . . . as Interior Minister is responsible for overseeing local government, immigration, and some economic development programs . . . elected to Constituent Assembly in 1982 . . . helped write present Constitution . . . has served as vice president of ARENA . . . represented party on Central Elections Council 1984—October 1988 . . . trained as industrial engineer . . . managed family business before becoming involved in politics in early 19805 . . . understands some English . . . born 29 February 1952. Other Senior Officials Commander of the Air Force Gen. Juan Rafael BUST ILLO Toledo Over 30 years of military service; has held post since October 1979 . . . has modernized El Salvador’s air fleet . . . member of 1957 graduating class of Salvadoran Military Academy . . . has received extensive military training in US, including instruction at US Air Force Command and Staff College . . . has served in both command and staff posts . . . speaks fluent English . . . born 31 January 1935. Deputy, Legislative Assembly Roberto D’A UBUISSON A rrieta Elected to position March 1988 . . . founder and honorary president for life of ARENA . . . involved in politics since early 19805 . . . has received military training in US and Taiwan; has served briefly with US Green Berets in Panama . . . has served in Salvadoran National Guard and Army . . . resigned from armed forces as major in 1979 . . . lived briefly in self-imposed exile in Guatemala in 1980; after return to El Salvador was arrested for coup plotting and detained briefly . . . lived again in Guatemala until 1981 . . . President of Constituent Assembly throughout first candidate for presidency in 1984 . . . owns shrimp—processing business . . . speaks English . . . born 23 August 1943. Chief, Presidential Military Staff Col. Hector Leonel LOBO Pe'rez Appointed to position June 1989 . . . Air Force officer who has held both line and staff positions . . . chief of operations 1980—83 . . . Deputy Commander, Air Force, 1983-85 . . . assistant military attache in Washington before receiving present post . . . graduate of Salvadoran Military Academy (1961) . . . speaks French and some English . . . born 12 October 1938. Chief, Joint General Staff Rene‘ Emilio PONCE Torres Appointed to post November 1988 . . . overall commander of army units . . . has advocated joint civilian-military approach to combating the insurgency . . . has held several field commands and has been chief of operations, Joint General Staff . . . was commander of 3rd Infantry Brigade before receiving present position . . . widely recognized as leader of 1966 graduating class of Salvadoran Military Academy . . . attended Mexican Superior War College 1978-80 . . . understands some English . . . born 27 April 1947. © Gamma/Liaison Mayor of San Salvador Armando CALDERON Sol Has held post since March 1988 . . . succeeded President Cristiani as president of ARENA in April 1989 . . . was deputy in Legislative Assembly and leader of ARENA faction there 1985-88 . . . has served as vice president for ideology of ARENA . . . has been president of National Institute for Municipal Development . . . holds law degree from University of El Salvador and Ph.D. from National Autonomous University of Mexico . . . does not speak English . . . born 24 June 1948. President, Supreme Court Mauricio GUTIERREZ Castro Has held post since June 1989 . . . attorney, landowner, and former Vice President of El Salvador (1983-84) . . . involved in drafting reforms of national penal code . . . holds law degree from National Autonomous University of Mexico . . . Governor of Santa Ana Department 1972-73 . . . National Conciliation Party deputy in National Assembly 1973-79 . . . First Magistrate of Supreme Court 1984—June 1989 . . . does not speak English . . . born 18 March 1942. Vice Minister of Defense for Public Security Col. Inocente Orlando MONTANO Promoted to position June 1989 . . . responsible for public security; oversees National Guard, Treasury Police, National Police, and Directorate of National Intelligence . . . Army officer . . . member of 1966 graduating class of Salvadoran Military Academy . . . holds degree in civil engineering . . . received military training in US in 1982 . . . director of National Police School in 1983 . . . commanded 6th Infantry Brigade from 1987 until receiving present post . . . owns cotton business . . . born on 4 July 1943. Director, Salvadoran National Telephone Company (ANTEL) Saul SUSTER Has headed ANTEL since June 1989 . . . businessman . . . Honduran national . . . adviser to President Cristiani, whom he has known since childhood . . . owns and operates a Sony distributorship in El Salvador . . . born 8 April 1948. Vice Minister of Defense Col. Juan Orlando ZEPEDA Herrera Career military officer; promoted to position June 1989 . . . expert in counter— insurgency strategy . . . member of 1966 graduating class of Salvadoran Military Academy . . . attended Mexican Superior War College 1978-80 . . . has served as chief of intelligence, Joint General Staff, and as director of Salvadoran Military Academy . . . was commander of [st Infantry Brigade in San Salvador before assuming current duties . . . does not speak English . . . born on 27 March 1943. LDA 89-15440 December 1989 07901 '31] ‘uOJSUFISVM ssamuog 10 Mnlqn aoruag uopsorldnpozoqd :10 ('OS9V'L87 (£01.) X590 l9910 SILN sq; “In aoruas ajipadxa 01) [9122 VA ‘plagaupds P3021 [3508 110d 9815 aaguos uopnuuopll [narulpal [BuognN 21110.1} unogomiul 10 Adoo Jaded u; Jaqua suopeonqnd oggoads aseqomd flew segues uondposqns u; powwow} 1ou momma/mg Sf] 9111 apismo smzsanbsg I9IZZ VA ‘Plaufiuuds Mon [“021 Md 5819 ”was llOpBllflOfilI [Baruqoal [uuopBN :10 07902 ‘31] ‘llolfingqsum ssamnog 10 £13.1ng "°!S!A!([ Jug) pun asumpxg Joanna (x3300) Bumpadxa mammoa :01 soilinbui Buissaxppe Kq auo sun 01 mumis suogeonqnd VIQ 01 suopdposqns Uimqo Maw Juamuong Sf] 9({1 apysmo $119159an 'AouaSV asuafimawl [enuag mp 1110.1} spuueqo uosren q3n01q1 .IO Annelip Juaumoop $qu JO sordoo [euomppe Inqu lieu] $121090 woummAOD Sf] 'swsumjinbol ogioads 119m 199m 01 pcufirsap 9112 memos pun ‘sfimaAoo ‘muuog sq} pue ‘sleioiyo momma/tog) Sf] J0 asn mp 10} pemdojd s; uorwonqnd siql Directorate of Intelligence El Salvador: Key Government Officials A Reference Aid LDA 89-13524 December 1989