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Maps For maps, address mail orders to U.S. Geological Survey, Map Distribution Box 25286, Bldg. 810, Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Residents of Alaska may order maps from U.S. Geological Survey, Earth Science Information Center 101 Twelfth Ave., Box 12 Fairbanks, AK 99701 ‘ OVER THE COUNTER Books and Maps Books and maps of the U.S. Geological Survey are available over the counter at the following U.S. Geological Survey offices, all of which are authorized agents of the Superintendent of Docu— ments. 0 ANCHORAGE, Alaska—4230 University Dr., Rm. 101 0 LAKEWOOD, Colorado—Federal Center, Bldg. 810 o MENLO PARK, California—Bldg. 3, Rm. 3128, 345 Mid- dlefield Rd. 0 RESTON, Virginia—National Center, Rm. 1C402, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr. 0 SALT LAKE CITY, Utah—Federal Bldg, Rm. 8105, 125 South State St. 0 SPOKANE, Washington—U.S. Post Office Bldg, Rm. 135, W. 904 Riverside Ave. 0 WASHINGTON, D.C.—Main Interior Bldg, Rm. 2650, 18th and C Sts., NW. Maps Only Maps may be purchased over the counter at the U.S. Geologi- cal Survey offices: 0 FAIRBANKS, Alaska—New Federal Building, 101 Twelfth Ave. 0 ROLLA, Missouri-4400 Independence Rd. 0 STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Mississippi—Bldg. 3101 Geochemistry of Minor Elements in the Monterey Formation, California: Seawater Chemistry of Deposition By D.Z. Piper and CM. Isaacs U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1566 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1995 US. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BRUCE BABBITT, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Gordon P. Eaton, Director For sale by US. Geological Survey, Map Distribution Box 25286, MS 306, Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Text and illustrations edited by George A. Havach Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Piper, David Z. Geochemistry of minor elements in the Monterey Formation, California: seawater chemistry of decomposition / by D.Z. Piper and CM. lsaacs. p. cm. — (U.S. Geological Survey professional paper; 1566) Includes bibliographical references (p. 36—41) Supt. ofDocs. no.: I 19.1611566 l. Geochemistry—Califomia—Monterey Formation. 2. Geology, Stratigraphic—Miocene. 3. Monterey Formation (Calif). l. lsaacs, Caroline M. II.T1tle. III. Series. QE515.P54 1995 551.46'083432—dc20 95-31300 CIP MMPP’PI‘ CONTENTS 14 17 18 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 3 1 34 PPN?‘ Abstract ..................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 Analytical procedures ................................................................................................ 2 Review: Elemental sources—the modern ocean ..................................................... 2 Detrital source .................................................................................................... 7 Marine source ....................... 7 Biogenic source ............ 7 Hydrogenous source ..... 11 Diagenetic overprint ................................................................... 18 Results: Elemental host phases—the Monterey Formation ............ 19 Detritus ........................................................................................ 20 Carbonates .................................................................. 20 Sulfur phases ...................................................................................................... 20 Organic matter .................................................................................................... 20 Apatite ................................................................................................................. 23 Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................... 28 Discussion: Elemental sources—the Monterey ocean ............................................ 28 Terrigenous source ............................................................................................. 30 Marine source ..................................................................................................... 30 Paleoceanography ............................................................................................... 35 Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 35 References cited ......................................................................................................... 36 FIGURES Stratigraphic sections of the Monterey Formation at Naples Beach and Lions Head, Calif ..................... Plots of intraelement ratios for Fe203, Cr, and Ba ........................................................................................ Schematic diagram illustrating seawater and sediment chemistry in shelf and basin environments ........ Chart showing generalized summary of elemental accumulation in marine sediment ............................. Zn:Cu interelement ratio in modern marine organic matter and sediment .................................................. Plots of: 6. Contents of selected major—element oxides and minor elements versus detritus content ................. 7. Contents of organic matter, Fe203, and Ba versus S content .............................................................. 8. Contents of selected minor elements versus organic-matter content, with samples grouped by lithology .......................................................................................................................................... 9. Contents of selected minor elements versus organic-matter content, with samples grouped by site ................................................................................................................................................... 10. Contents of selected minor elements versus apatite content ................................................................ 11. Rare-earth-element patterns of samples ................................................................................................. 12. La content and Ce anomaly versus apatite content ............................................................................... 13. Cr versus organic-matter contents .......................................................................................................... 14. Contents of selected minor elements versus Cu content ...................................................................... 15. Cd versus Cu contents ............................................................................................................................. TABLES Major-element—oxide contents in the Monterey Formation ........................................................................... Minor-element contents in the Monterey Formation ..................................................................................... Correlation coefficients for major-element oxides in the Monterey Formation .......................................... Correlation coefficients for selected minor elements in the Monterey Formation ...................................... Coo-Aw I—lt-d {"PEO?°>' CONTENTS End-member major-element-oxide and minor-element contents in sedimentary fractions of the Monterey Formation in comparison with standards ..... ' .......................................................................... Major components in sedimentary rocks of the Monterey Formation at Naples Beach and Lions Head, Calif ...................................................................................................................................... Weight ratios of minor elements to Fe in fecal matter, shale, and plankton ........................................... Minor-element contents in organic matter and seawater ........................................................................... Half-cell reactions, assuming equilibrium conditions ................................................................................ Correlation coefficients for major components and minor elements in the Monterey Formation ............. Factor analysis for major components in sedimentary rocks of the Monterey Formation, using the computer program Statview II (oblique-solution primary-pattern matrix) .......................... 11 12 12 12 15 22 23 Geochemistry of Minor Elements in the Monterey Formation, California: Seawater Chemistry of Deposition By D.Z. Piper and CM. Isaacs ABSTRACT We have analyzed samples of the Monterey Formation of southern California, collected at one site in the Santa Barbara-Ventura Basin and at another in the Santa Maria Basin, for maj or-element oxides and minor elements. Agree— ment between the analyses by three different laboratories, using three different methods, is excellent. These analyses allow identification of the following host phases for minor elements: terrigenous quartz, clay minerals, and other A1 silicate minerals (detrital fraction), and biogenic silica, cal- cite, dolomite, organic matter, and apatite (marine fraction). Part of the marine fraction of minor elements also might be present as sulfides, but we have no evidence for the presence of this phase, except for pyrite. The current minor—element contents in the marine frac- tion alone required, at the time of deposition of the sediment in these two basins, a moderate level of primary productiv- ity in the photic zone (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mo, Se, Zn) and denitrify- ing bacterial respiration in the bottom water (Cr, V, and rare- earth elements). We interpret the absence of any enrichment in Cu, Cd, Se, Mo, and Zn above that provided by accumu- lating organic matter to preclude the establishment of sul- fate reduction in the water column. INTRODUCTION The geochemistry of sedimentary formations composed of the four units organic-carbon-enriched mudstone, lime- stone and dolomite, chert and porcellanite, and phosphorite have been widely studied because of (1) their oil-source and reservoir potential (Waples, 1983), (2) their source of phos- phate for fertilizers, and (3) the information that their geochemistry might shed on paleoceanography. For example, Cook and Shergold (1986) and Donnelley and others (1988) suggested that this suite of rocks accumulates during times of oceanic anoxia (seawater sulfate reduction), a seawater chemistry that may contribute to the preservation of organic matter in marine sediment and, ultimately, to the formation of major oil deposits (Demaison and Moore, 1980; Jenkyns, 1980; Schlanger and others, 1987). The Miocene Monterey Formation in southern Califor- nia, which is both a source rock and a reservoir rock for oil, consists of these four units (Bramlette, 1946; Pisciotto and Garrison, 1981; Isaacs and others, 1983) and has been inter- preted as accumulating in an environment of intermittently high primary productivity in the photic zone of the water column (Blueford and Isaacs, 1989) and under anoxic con- ditions in the bottom water (Bramlette, 1946; Govean and Garrison, 1981). This interpretation was based largely on the occurrence of finely laminated porcellanite and diato- mite units in both the lower and upper parts of the formation and on the exceptionally high organic-matter contents. In this study, we examine the chemical composition (major-element oxides, organic carbon, and minor elements) of the Monterey Formation. The aim of our research is to establish criteria, based on minor-element contents, for (1) defining the approximate primary productivity in the seawa- ter photic zone and (2) identifying the redox conditions of the bottom water at the time of deposition, as opposed to the redox conditions of the sediment pore water during early diagenesis, Basically, we attempt to determine the source phases of minor elements at the time of their deposition, as opposed to their current host phases in the rocks. These criteria may be applicable to other sedimentary formations. The success of determining the seawater chemistry of depo- sition from the current minor-element contents of a forma- tion, however, depends largely on the degree to which the marine fraction of minor elements is diluted by the detrital fraction and on the extent to which this marine fraction was retained in the sediment during early diagenesis, lithification, and deep burial, at one extreme, and subaerial weathering, at the other extreme. In the Monterey Formation, the rocks consist of a large fraction of marine mineral components, suggesting that the marine minor-element signal may not be masked by terrigenous debris or erased by postdepositional events. That is, the minor-element contents of this formation might be interpretable in terms of the environment of depo- sition, specifically the seawater chemistry. 2 GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA Acknowledgments.—We thank S. Calvert, J. Domagal— ski, and L. Balistrieri for their helpful reviews of the manu- script. M. Medrano drafted many of the figures and tables. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES A total of 22 samples were analyzed, representing splits of rock samples distributed for the Cooperative Monterey Organic Geochemistry Study. Of these samples, 13 (KG—1 through KG—13, tables 1, 2) are from the Naples Beach section of the Miocene Santa Barbara-Ventura Basin, in- cluding 9 samples from the Monterey Formation and 2 samples from each of the overlying Sisquoc Formation and the underlying Rincon Shale; the other samples are from stratigraphically equivalent strata of the Lions Head section in the Santa Maria Basin (fig. 1). Although we refer to these samples collectively, we note that they come from two separate basins. Detailed descriptions of individual samples and of the regional geologic setting of the two basins were given by Isaacs and others (1992). Analyses of major elements, reported as oxides (table 1) and referred to subsequently as such, and of minor ele- ments (table 2) were performed by three separate laborato- ries: the US. Geological Survey laboratories in Menlo Park, Calif., and Denver, Colo., and the X-Ray Assay Laboratory in Don Mills, Ontario, Canada (M, D, and X, respectively, tables 1—3). The methods used were X-ray-fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spec- troscopy, and instrumental neutron—activation analysis (NAA). Although details of these methods vary between the laboratories, the basic techniques are quite similar in all three laboratories, and all use internationally accepted rock standards for calibration. Complete descriptions of the pro- cedures used at laboratories D and M were given by Baedecker (1987). Agreement between the different techniques used at the three laboratories for major-element-oxide analyses is ex- cellent (table 3); for example, for Fe, the agreement is within 3 percent (fig. 7A), and correlation coefficients are greater than 0.985. Correlation coefficients for 93 of the 101 pairs of analyses exceed 0.98. We elected to use the XRF analyses for major-element oxides (tables 1—3) from laboratory D (analyses D—XRF, fig. 2A). Rather than discuss the precision and accuracy for each minor element, we use the data for Cr (fig. 23) and Ba (fig. 2C) to establish the confidence level of the minor-element analyses and to identify possible analytical problems. Our reasons for selecting Cr are that we have four analyses of each sample and Cr is an element that we discuss below in some detail. The X-NAA and X—ICP analyses agree closely about the 1-to-l line. The D—ICP analyses are uni- formly higher than the X—NAA and X—ICP analyses, but they otherwise correlate strongly with both sets of analyses; that is, they have a high precision (table 4). This variation likely results from a systematic bias, rather than from a failure of the analytical methods in either laboratory, given the excellent agreement between the X—NAA and X—ICP analyses. Still, the disagreement is not insignificant and needs to be resolved. The deviation of the X—XRF analyses from both the X—ICP and X—NAA analyses cannot be ex- plained in this way because all three analyses are from the same laboratory. The agreement between the ICP and NAA analyses suggests that both methods give superior results for Cr. The XRF analyses for other minor elements may be equally reliable, or even superior, to the NAA and ICP analyses; we simply have not examined the XRF technique thoroughly. Incomplete dissolution of minor minerals, such as rutile and sphene, can introduce serious analytical errors into the ICP analyses (Gromet and others, 1984; Sholkovitz, 1990). These minerals are extremely difficult to dissolve with the acids used in conjunction with the ICP procedure. This condition may have greatly affected the ICP analyses for Ba in this study (fig. 2C). In sample KG—24 (table 2), the Ba content is 2,500 ppm by NAA and only 61 ppm by ICP analysis; the difference corresponds to a possible barite content of about 0.40 weight percent, a mineral that also is highly insoluble. This problem might have biased the rare-earth-element (REE) analyses, as well as the Ba analyses. Marine barite is known to have exceptionally high REE contents (Guichard and others, 1979). For example, in sample KG—24, the La content by ICP analysis is 7.2 ppm (31 percent) lower than by NAA analysis (table 2). If this discrepancy is a result of incomplete dissolution of barite in the ICP procedure, then the barite in this sample also has extremely high REE con- tents. As discussed below, the REE pattern of sample KG— 24 lends some support to this interpretation. The Ba contents of other samples are much less than that of sample KG—24, and although there is a disagreement between the NAA and ICP analyses for Ba, for La the two procedures show no consistent differences (table 2). Therefore, we elected to use the X—NAA analyses be- cause this technique measures the bulk concentration of an element without resorting to chemical pretreatment, similar to the XRF technique. For those minor elements not mea- sured by NAA, we used the X—ICP analyses. Agreement between the X—ICP and D—ICP analyses for these minor elements, an agreement not seen in the Ba analyses (fig. 2C), supports the interpretation that the data are not biased by incomplete dissolution of barite or other weakly soluble minerals. REVIEW: ELEMENTAL SOURCES— THE MODERN OCEAN Marine sediment is a complex mixture of detrital debris and seawater-derived material (Goldberg, 1963a). The 4 ELEMENTAL SOURCES—THE MODERN OCEAN REVIEW NN.N .N.N NN.N 2 N... ...N .2 NN. ...N on ... a. ...... .N. ..N.. 3. ON. NN. 2: 2.. 8.. N..N 2.. ........ m N..... NE N... NN 8. .. N3 .N.N on... a. .. NN.N 2... ...... ...N 8... 8... .N.N .N.N. no... ...... ..N.... 8.. iv? NN.N. 3.... 3. N..N NN. S... N.. .N.N NN.N 8. N.. ...N ”...N NN.N N..N NN.N .N.N x; MN... 2.9 :2 .3 2.. :62. 8.... on... a... a. 8. 2... 8.. NN.N NN.N a... a N..N 2... N... .N.N NN.N o2 NN.N 8.2 .2 8.2 No... 0N... :62 RS. 2.8 N3... 28 8.... 8.3 a... 3% .2... 2.8. 38 3.8. NN.N... ”NS. 2.8. 2.8 N3... ..N.... 8.8. 8.8. 3.8 .. 5...... ......E ...N N.NN N.N. 0.3 a ..N ...N N..N 3.. ...... N.2 N.N. 2.. N.NN N... ...NN ...N. o... N.NN N.NN ...N ...N N..N N.NN N.N. N..... 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N.N N... ...N N.N ...N ...N N.N 5...]: :83". N2. 9.. N3 .... .N.N a... 8.. NN.N N3. N..N S... ..N.. N.N NN.N ...... N..N 2... NN.N .N.N NN.N NN.N ...N 5...... :69". ..N... 8N ..N.. N.. ...N NN. .N. NN.N no... NNN NN.N ..N. .NN 8.. N... ...N ...... NN.N .N.N NN.N NN.N .. 5...... x63. NN.N 8.. No.0 2. «...N a. N... 8N NN.N NNN 8. N... 8. 8.. N..N NN.N ...... NN.N NN.N on. NN.N N..N 6.1x ..NoNu". 2a SN N... 2. SN 8.. ..N.. RN 3... N.N .N.N ..N.. NNN ..N.. N..... NN.N N..N .N.N N..N NN.N N..N N..N <§ég=o= 3:255... .<83. .92..“ .x SEND ......E 2:02 Sufism Rama—80 .m.D 2 ”.260 ...u>=un_ Satan Rama—80 .m.D d “motsfioaj dosh—a...» 8.. £2.26 E830 £5»... .88 .00.. ESE». =6 82 .54 4:35.. EMS? ... 32.; .2. .couannom 3.852 05 E 35:50 02.8655206932 A 035,—. GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA O. N. m. vv 0. v. 0. WV .O. v. w m an .. o v ms 5 m V wv. mm Om. mO.v O. O. N v O. m. .m N e. m. ON v N mN O... 0.0. m. N N .... O.N m.v .. o v. vv O O. ... N V N. o v. . 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REVIEW: ELEMENTAL SOURCES—THE MODERN OCEAN 5 LEGEND NAPLES BEACH SECTION "ms“mm‘“ Dinomaceous madame and shale Age (Ma) @ Porcelanilemdmudnane A5LM= Cale-noun diattxmccoul mudltone E and Ihnle with inlerbcdthd porcelanitc — 5.1 _' Phouphltic shale Cale-lean: dintamoeoul inudnone and shale Swarm“ m Phaphorite m SCALE 2 ES: :2 a teccilm FEET SISQXOSN :entom'te METERS 200 F RM TI - Minister: 50 LIONS HEAD SECTION Clan. porcelmite, and shale with interbcdded dolomite thphllicmul 0 with inlerbedchd dolomite Porcellnite Ind alumnus shale - 5,5 -i with mined“ ddomite Phosphor“: zone Clayey- 3mm; siliceous with imprbedded dolomite membCr Ultnrnafic buement Upper calcareous- siliceous and _ 7O _ transitional marl-siliceous members LIONS HEAD SECTION % Carbona- Age (Ma) r 8.4 ‘ i: ceous H ‘>89 ‘ - 8.9 - E marl —. .8 a: member g, E 2 -l4.0- E _: :8 —15.0— g “6) z '2 —11.4— E; Q —>14.0— 2 Lower S calcareous- —® E siliceous 0 member _@ t h L” 8 °‘ 5 E a -17.8— ‘9 E 3 = m ‘1’ RINCON _@ r 11f- SHALE _@ $7.113le Point Sal ophiolite Figure l. Stratigraphic sections of the Monterey Formation at Naples Beach (Santa Barbara-Ventura Basin) and Lions Head (Santa Maria Basin), Calif., showing locations of samples. Ages compiled from Arends and Blake (1986), Barron (1986), and DePaolo and Finger (1991). Stratigraphic positions revised from lsaacs and others (1992); Point Sal ophiolite from Hopson and Frano (1977). 6 GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA detrital fraction consists mostly of terrigenous Al silicates and quartz, introduced into the oceans by way of riverine and eolian transport, and marine volcaniclastic debris. The seawater-derived marine fraction is predominantly inorganic 7 6 _ EXPLANA'UON 0 Fe (D-ICP) 0 Fe (X-NAA) 5 - a Fe (X-XRF) x Fe (X-ICP) 4 + Fe (M-XRF) Fe203 CONTENT, IN WEIGHT PERCENT l l l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fe203 CONTENT, IN WEICIIT PERCENT (D-XRF) EXPLANATION . Cr(X-NAA) n Cr (X-XRF) o. Cr (D-ICP) Cr CONTENT, IN PARTS PER MILLION W o o I l 0 100 200 300 400 500 Cr CONTENT, IN PARTS PER MILLION (X-ICP) 700 X z 600 EXPLANATION o x Ba (X-ICP) E 0 Ba (D-ICP) EN; 500 i— Z 2 a a: 400 Z Bi 9 n. U U, 300 a E; x 9‘ < 200 a. z -— 100 o o x C I I I ? 0 O 500 1000 1 500 2000 2500 3000 Ba CONTENT, IN PARTS PER MILLION (X-NAA) Figure 2. Intraelement ratios for Fe203 (A), Cr (B), and Ba (C). Analyses are identified by laboratory (D, US. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo.; M, US. Geological Survey, Menlo Park Calif; X, X—Ray Assay Laboratory, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada) and method (ICP, inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy; NAA, instrumental neutron-activation analysis; XRF, X-ray-fluorescence spectroscopy). precipitates and adsorbates (hydrogenous fraction) and CaCO3, opal, and organic debris (biogenic fraction). The distribution and abundance of the detrital and marine frac- tions, their composition and rates of accumulation, and their alteration products vary widely within the oceans. Geochem- ists have used the complex distributions and major-element- Oxide and minor-element compositions of these fractions to identify the past record of such phenomena as eolian transport of terrigenous material, biologic productivity in the photic zone, hydrothermal activity along midoceanic ridges, and sediment diagenesis as it might relate to metallogenesis. An evaluation of the geochemistry of ancient deposi- tional environments for marine sedimentary rocks must be based on the major-element-oxide and minor-element com- positions of their marine fractions alone. For major—element oxides, the marine signal is commonly masked by the detri- tal fraction, even in sediment for which the accumulation rate of detrital debris is low. In modern sediment from the central Pacific Ocean, where the accumulation rate is as low as 0.1 mg/cm2 per year, the ratio of the marine to detrital fraction of Fe is approximately 0.05 to 0.10 (Piper, 1988), ferromanganese nodules aside. By contrast, this ratio is as high as 2 to 10 for many minor elements in pelagic sediment (Chester and Hughes, 1967; Fischer and others, 1986; Piper, 1988). In sediment from ocean-margin areas, however, where accumulation rates are as much as 105 times higher, the marine fraction of minor elements also can be masked by the detrital fraction, making identification of the marine fraction uncertain, if not impossible. Two procedures are commonly used to partition minor elements among the different sedimentary fractions. One procedure uses a chemical leaching procedure (Chester and Hughes, 1967; Bruland and others, 1974; Bowser and oth- ers, 1979; Lyle and others, 1984; Tessier and others, 1984; Boust and others, 1988); the other involves modeling the sediment on the basis of end-member compositions of the major fractions (Leinen, 1977; Isaacs, 1980; Dymond, 1981; Calvert and Price, 1983; Isaacs and others, 1983; Medrano and Piper, 1992)——a stoichiometric approach—or on the basis of factor analysis or other similar statistical approaches. Both the leaching and modeling procedures are not without problems. For the leaching procedure, sample treat- ment can introduce a bias (Belzile and others, 1989; Sholkovitz, 1990; Tessier and Campbell, 1991; Piper and Wandless, 1992). Among the problems are incomplete iso- lation of a fraction at any single step of the procedure, which then imposes an operational rather than genetic interpreta- tion on the origin Of the varyingly soluble fractions. For the modeling procedure, a major uncertainty can be introduced by selecting a single end-member composition for each of the different fractions (Leinen and Pisias, 1984). Multiple and varying detrital sources (BOStrom and others, 1969; Calvert, 1990), as well as marine sources, can impart a complex chemistry to both the detrital and marine fractions. REVIEW: ELEMENTAL SOURCES—THE MODERN OCEAN 7 Despite these and other problems, both procedures have been used with some success (Chester and Hughes, 1967; Bruland and others, 1974; Dymond, 1981; Isaacs and others, 1983; Leinen and Pisias, 1984; Tessier and others, 1984; Piper, 1988; Belzile and others, 1989; Calvert, 1990). We use a modeling procedure in this study, although the leach- ing procedure might be the only way to collect information about the marine fraction of the several minor elements whose bulk contents are strongly dominated by the detrital contribution. DETRITAL SOURCE Studies using a stoichiometric, or normative, scheme to evaluate the detrital input of elements to the marine environ- ment typically use A1203 to estimate the abundance of the detrital fraction (Isaacs, 1980; Dymond, 1981; Leinen and Pisias, 1984; Medrano and Piper, 1992). Implicit in the calculations is the assumption that the sum of the compo- nents of the detrital fraction (quartz, feldspar, clay minerals, and other A1 silicate minerals) has a constant major-ele- ment-oxide and minor-element content (table 5), that is, that the interelemental ratios with A1203 are constant between samples, which is clearly a more reasonable assumption for any single formation than it is for formations separated both temporally and areally. The detrital contribution of $0; P205, MgO, and CaO to each sample is calculated on the basis of their ratios to A1203 in a standard. The standard most often referenced is the World Shale Average (WSA; Wedepohl, 1969—78). The major-element-oxide contents in excess of the detrital con- tribution then give the amounts of biogenic silica, apatite, dolomite, and calcite (also adjusted for CaO content in apatite and dolomite) by using appropriate stoichiometric factors. The determination of organic-carbon content gives the abundance of organic matter present (table 6). The K20:A1203 and Ti02:A1203 ratios can evaluate the degree to which the selected composition of WSA is representative of the detrital fraction because K20 and TiOz, along with A1203, occur virtually totally in the detrital fraction of many, though certainly not all, sedimentary rocks. The same procedure determines the contribution of minor elements by the detrital fraction. That is, minor- element:detritus ratios are assumed to be constant and simi- lar to those in the WSA, or another, standard. In this study, we used the REE contents of the North American Shale Composite (NASC; Gromet and others, 1984), except for Ce. The contents of other minor elements in detritus (table 5) are from Wedepohl (1969—78). Previous studies have shown that C0:A1203, GazAIZO3, Li2A1203’ Sc2A1203, and Tth1203 ratios may be used to evaluate this procedure for the minor elements (Piper, 1991; Dean and Arthur, 1992) because they, like K20 and TiOz, are present predominantly in this fraction. MARINE SOURCE Within the modern open ocean, the bulk of the marine fraction of Cu, Cd, Se, Zn, and, possibly, Cr, Mo, and V accumulating in the sediment may be transported to the sea floor by organic debris, whose minor-element stoichiometry (table 5) has been estimated from field studies (Martin and Knauer, 1973; Bruland, 1983; Collier and Edmond, 1984; Brumsack, 1986). Organic matter is most important to mi- nor-element budgets in shelf—slope environments (Collier and Edmond, 1984), which have high rates of accumulation of organic matter. In addition to organic matter, biogenic silica and calcite contribute to the marine flux of minor elements to the sea floor. Silica may be an important carrier of Ni (Sclater and others, 1976) and Zn (Bruland, 1983), and its content of Cu, on the basis of the analyses by Martin and Knauer (1973), is slightly higher than that of Zn. Conversely, biogenic carbon- ate contributes little to the minor—element contents of sedi- ment other than Sr (Palmer, 1985). If the biochemical pathways of minor elements in ancient oceans were similar to those in the modern ocean, organic debris would have provided a major flux of several minor elements to ancient marine sediment. Many minor elements in sediment have a marine hy— drogenous source, as well as a biogenic source. Under oxic seawater conditions, such elements as Fe and Mn and, less so, REE’s, Co, Cu, Ni, and Zn are transported to the sea floor as hydroxides and oxides or as adsorbates on other particulates. Under sulfate-reducing conditions, Fe, Cd, Cu, and Zn precipitate as sulfides. Cr, Mo, and Se precipitate, or are adsorbed onto other particulate matter, owing to their reduction to less soluble valence states. Under intermediate redox conditions of denitrification, Cr and REE’s are ex- tracted from sea-water, either by precipitation or adsorption. The accumulation of U and V requires some special atten- tion because their distributions in the natural environment seem to conflict with their behavior as predicted by their thermodynamic properties. Thus, the accumulation of minor elements within the marine fraction of sediment may reflect the level of primary productivity in the photic zone, assuming a stoichiometry for the biogenic fraction of minor elements preserved in the sediment. The suite of minor elements that show an enrich- ment in excess of that due solely to the rain rate of organic matter onto the sea floor defines the redox conditions of bottom water under which the sediment accumulates. BIOGENIC SOURCE The minor-element contents of modern plankton have been measured by several researchers. Measurements vary considerably (Martin and Knauer, 1973; Collier and Edmond, 1984), owing to inconsistencies introduced during sample GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA 0—. RF emf emf WWI emf emf var muf VNF -.I 3.: S. no. no. _ 2. 8. co. 2. moi E . 3. w. . 06.: 8F c- .I 8. 8.: 8.- 8: 8.: 8.- 8.: 8.- 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.: S. 8. 8. S. 3. 8. 82. S.- 2. 2. 2. 82.: 2.: 2.- 2. 8.: 8.: 8.- 8: 8.: 8.- 8.: 8.: 8: 8.: 8.- 2. S. 8. 2. S. 8. 82. 3.: 2. 8. 2. 8: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8. S. S. S. 8. S. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8.: 8.- 8: 8.: 8.- 8.- S.: 8: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8: 8.: 8.- 8.: 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. S. 8.: 8: 8.: 8.- 8.: 8.- 8: 8.: 8.: 8.- 8: 8.: 8.- 8.: 8.- 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. S. 8. S. S. S. S. 8.: 28: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.- 8.- 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.: -x ......202 8. 8.: 8.: 8.- 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.: N22.- 8: 8.: 8.: 8. 8. 8. 2o. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. ”202-22 £80: 28. 8: 8: 8.: 8.: 8.- 8.: 8.- 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.: a. 2m. .2... 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. ”252-: :18: 8. 8.- 8: 8.: 8: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.- 8. 8. 2.... 8. 2a. 2a. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. "Ex-o £808 8. 8.: 8.: 8: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8: 8: 8: 8.: 8.- 8. a. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 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S.- 8: S.- S: 8.: 8.- 8.: 8.- 8: 8: 8.- 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 2.. 8. 8. 252-02 :092 8. 8.: S.- 8: 8.: S.- 28: 8.: 8.: 8.: 8.- 8: 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 82:02 £092 2 8.: 8.- 8: 8.: 8: 8.: 8.: 8: 8: 8.- 8: 8, S. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. <E-x MEX ”22388 2223320952220: 5222223285 .<zo=u5 in: 800502 .25 huh—E22: .3 2:0 32.222283 80202832 2: 02222222200 33 OOH .2850 62.8225 8:22 2200 502833 88¢. 8“ -X .X £230 Jan— 22202 #9226 1880280 .m.D .2 2.0200 .8280 $9.225 2885—000 .w.D d 80220820923 22828-0 22890 2502 .002. 220222.82 220 .80— 20:2 528.2222: 82$: 02 3922202 mo=2§ 5; 22028222292 882202 05 E 80288 220820-20.qu .28 8222305000 220222880 .n 933. TOC L01 L01 L01 TOC TOC D— M— “’26 #15 #36 x- Ti02 no; 1102 no; no; P205 P205 P205 K20 K20 K20 P205 P205 K20 X—ICP X—XRF D—XRF M—XRF D—lCP X-ICP X-XRF D—XRF M—XRF D—lCP X—ICP X—XRF D—XRF M-XRF D—lCP X—lCP X-XRF D—XRF M—XRF D—lCP NazO NazO Na20 Na20 Nazo K20 method laboratory— ........ nnnnnnnn .......... lllllllll Table 3. Correlation coefficients for major-element oxides in the Monterey Formation—Continued. REVIEW: ELEMENTAL SOURCES—THE MODERN OCEAN 9 collection and analysis, but also to such natural factors as variations among species, geography, and growth rates (Eisler, 1983). Also, waste products (such as molts and fecal material of zooplankton), which constitute a major contribu- tion of organic matter to the sea floor, commonly have minor-element contents significantly greater than those of plankton itself (table 7). The distributions of Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Se, V, and Zn in the water column, relative to those of P03", N05, and Si(OH)4, indicate that organic detritus is the major carrier of many minor elements from seawater to the sea floor. NO; and P02“ are the limiting nutrients for phytoplankton productivity in the ocean today (Sverdrup and others, 1942; Broecker and Peng, 1982; Codispoti, 1989), and Si(OH)4 may be a limiting nutrient in some ocean-margin areas (Nelson and others, 1981). These nutrients are extracted from seawater in the photic zone during photosynthesis and returned to the ocean at depth by way of bacterial respiration. As much as 15 to 40 percent of the initial particulate organic matter survives to the sea floor, a func- tion largely of sea-floor depth and primary productivity (Sarnthein and others, 1988; Baines and others, 1994). Thus, concentrations of P09; and NO; in surface water are relatively low and even can closely approach zero; they increase sharply below the photic zone to the thermocline and then remain relatively constant below approximately SOO—m depth. Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, V, and Zn all show a similar depth profile. Cd parallels POZ‘ (Boyle and others, 1976), more so than other minor elements. Zn and Ni profiles resemble that of Si(OH)4 (Sclater and others, 1976; Bruland, 1983). For Zn, the Zn:Si(OH)4 ratio in seawater (Broecker and Peng, 1982) corresponds to a Zn content in opal of approxi- mately 60 ppm; however, the measured content averages only 5 to 10 ppm (Martin and Knauer, 1973), much less than its bulk content in plankton of 110 ppm (table 5). Thus, the high measured content of Zn in organic detritus (Collier and Edmond, 1984) and its much lower measured con- tent in the siliceous fraction of plankton (Martin and Knauer, 1973) indicate that it and, probably, Ni are associ- ated dominantly with the soft parts of organisms, similar to Cd. Se is unique among this group of elements; significant amounts exist in two valence states, with SeOfi" somewhat more abundant than Seog‘ (Measures and others, 1980). The distribution of Seog' approaches zero in the photic zone, similar to that of Cd. Although SeOfi‘ also shows a nutrient-type profile, it does not approach zero in the photic zone, similar to Si(OH)4. The depth profiles of nutrients and minor elements in seawater can be used to evaluate the interpretation that the average measured minor-element composition of plankton (table 8) approximates the composition of organic matter settling through the water column and onto the sea floor. For example, the concentration ratio of NO; and P02", 10 REVIEW: ELEMENTAL SOURCES—THE MODERN OCEAN Table 4. Correlation coefficients for selected minor elements in the Monterey Formation. [All values rounded to nearest hundredth. Laboratories: D, US. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo.; X, X-Ray Assay Laboratory, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada. Methods: ICP, inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy; NAA, instrumental neutron-activation analysis; XRF, X-ray-fluorescence spectroscopy] Laboratory— Ba Ba Ba Co Co Co Cr Cr Cr Cr M0 M0 M0 Sc Sc Sc Zn Zn Zn method X—NAA X—ICP D—ICP X—NAA X—ICP D—lCP X—NAA X—lCP X-XRF D—ICP X—NAA X-ICP D—ICP X—NAA X—lCP D—ICP X—NAA X—ICP D—ICl> Ba ------- X—NAA 1 Ba ------- X—1C1> —.37 1 Ba ------- D—ICP —.39 .08 1 Co ------- X—NAA .34 .51 —.30 1 29 42 —.18 95 l .34 .44 —.19 .96 .96 1 .80 —.08 —.49 .67 .57 .62 1 .80 -.ll — 52 .64 .55 .58 .99 1 .77 —.01 -.47 .68 .60 .61 .98 .97 .79 —.10 —.48 .62 .52 .56 .99 1.00 .86 —.32 -.40 .31 .28 .34 .75 .77 .83 —.28 —.44 .31 .28 .32 .75 .78 84 —- 28 - 43 .31 .27 .32 .75 .78 .23 .51 —.14 .94 .96 .97 .52 .48 .23 .54 — 16 .93 .96 .96 .53 .50 .20 .55 —.10 .93 .95 .96 .50 .46 .81 —.23 —.53 .42 .32 .40 .89 .91 .81 —. 13 —.58 .53 .44 .48 .94 .96 78 —. l 4 —.55 48 .37 44 92 94 72 .75 1 73 .76 .98 l 72 .76 .99 1.00 l 54 46 .18 .16 .15 1 56 47 .21 .20 .19 99 l 52 44 17 . 15 .14 99 99 1 83 91 82 .83 .83 27 27 .23 1 91 96 84 86 .86 36 39 .34 .97 1 88 94 82 84 .84 31 33 .29 .98 99 1 5—seawater[NO§] = NO§(deep ocean) — NO§(photic zone) POE—(deep ocean) — POZ'(photic zone), (1) based on chemical analyses of seawater, should equal the average atomic ratio in plankton of 15:1, if only metabolic and advective processes determine their distributions in the oceans. Although there is considerable scatter in the mea- surements of the composition of plankton, the average N:P ratio approaches the 8—seawater value. The ratios of minor elements in plankton also should equal their S-seawater values. This relation seems to be true for Cd, but the 8- seawater values for Cu, Cr, Ni, Se, and V are higher, and for Zn lower, than the mean element:P ratios in plankton. Boyle and others (1977) explained the distribution of Cu in the deep ocean by a combination of biologic and nonbiologic processes, whereby the nonbiologic processes involve scav- enging of Cu throughout the water column by settling par- ticles and recycling of Cu into the bottom waters from oxic pelagic sediment. These and other nonbiologic processes also might explain the high 8—seawater values for Cr, Ni, Se, and V, although their marine chemistries have not been examined as thoroughly as that of Cu. Nonetheless, the similarities of the seawater-concentration—versus-depth pro— files of many minor elements to those of NO; and P03" and the fact that their 8—seawater values are within ,a factor of 5 of the average compositional ratios of plankton (table 8), suggest that the elemental composition of plankton approxi— mates the average composition of marine organic detritus settling into the deep ocean and, presumably, onto the sea floor. Nonbiologic processes might influence the distributions of many minor elements in the deep ocean. Their influence can be demonstrated for Cu if we consider the similarity of its 8—seawater value based only on the uppermost 2,000 m of seawater (1.6x10‘3) to the Cu:P ratio in plankton (1.4x10'3) and its 5-seawater value based on bottom water (3.5x10‘3). Thus, nonbiologic processes might contribute relatively little to the minor-element distributions in shallow-basin and con- tinental-shelf environments along the margins of the oceans. The distributions of REE’s, Mo, and U are little influ- enced by the biologic cycle. Mo and U concentrations are constant with depth (Broecker and Peng, 1982; Emerson and Huested, 1991). M0 is mildly bioreactive (table 5), but its uptake by plankton in the photic zone and remineralization at depth by bacteria are simply insufficient to affect measur- ably its vertical distribution in the water column. REE con- centrations increase continuously with depth in the ocean, an observation that has been explained in terms of nonbio- logic processes (de Baar and others, 1985). Although REE contents are relatively high in handpicked biogenic siliceous tests (Elderfield and others, 1981), indicating that REE’s might be incorporated into the biogenic-silica fraction, their low concentrations in bulk organic matter (table 5) suggest that the REE contents are very low in silica, possibly similar to those in biogenic calcite (Palmer, 1985). Throughout the rest of this report, we present the con- tent of each minor element in plankton as a single value that we consider to be best defined by average plankton, although it is unlikely to be a single value, nor is it well defined. We note that whereas the absolute content of a single minor element can vary by several orders of magnitude, the inter- element ratios vary by no more than a factor of approxi- mately 20; therefore, we focus our attention on these ratios. REVIEW: ELEMENTAL SOURCES—THE MODERN OCEAN Table 5. End—member major-element-oxide and minor-element contents in sedimentary fractions of the Monterey Formation in comparison with standards. [Major-element-oxide contents in weight percent; minor-element contents in parts per million. Dashes, not available. NASC, North American Shale Composite (Gromet and others, 1984); WSA, World Shale Average (Wedepohl, 1969—78). Values for detrital fraction of the Monterey Formation (in parentheses) represent minimums or single trends, calculated from plots of element or element oxide versus detritus; neither a minimum nor a single trend was recognized in several plots, in which case no value is listed. Contents of other minor elements in WSA and in detrital fraction (in parentheses) are as follows: Ag, — (0.5); As, 10 (10); Ba, 640 (670); Cs, 5.2 (5.4); Ga, 21 (22); Hf, 3.8 (4.0); Li, 60 (50); Se, 13 (16); Sr, 125 (220); Th, 12 (10.5); Y, 26 (32). Data sources: Biogenic SiOz, Elderfield and others (1981); calcite, Palmer (1985); organic matter, Sverdrup and others (1942), Elderfield and others (1981), and Brumsack (1986)] 11 Detrital fraction Marine biogenic fractions Authigenic fraction WSA or NASC (Monterey Biogenic Si02 Calcite Organic matter Apatite Formation) Major-element oxides 0.16 - — 1.74 40.7 .77 (0.81) - — — — 3.2 (3.2) — — — — 3.09 — 56.0 -— 55.5 6.75 (6.33) - — .050 —- 17.1 (17.4) — — - — 58.4 100.0 — — — Minor elements 312 (31) 5.80 .128 .14 — 66.7 (61) 8.21 .105 .23 - 27.4 (24) 6.71 .106 .30 — 5.59 (5.3) 1.56 .019 — — 1.18(1.12) .40 .004 — - — 1.78 .022 — .85 — — — _ —— 1.69 .024 .01 — 3.06 (3.0) 0 86 015 — — Lu—-————--——- .456 (0.45) — — — — 35.0 ¢ 700 11.0 - .2 - — 12.0 — 19.0 — — 1.0 — 83.0 — — 2.0 —- 2.6 — — 2.0 — 44.0 -— — 7.5 — 1.0 — - 3,0 _ 3.0 — — _ ._ 1 10 - — 3‘0 _ 100 — - 110.0 — HYDROGENOUS SOURCE the incorporation of seawater-undersaturated minor elements Two mechanisms have been invoked by geochemists to account for the accumulation directly from seawater of mi- nor elements in marine sediment. One mechanism involves equilibrium thermodynamics, first treated in depth by Krauskopf (1956) and Garrels and Christ (1965). The sec- ond mechanism, proposed by Goldberg (1954) to explain into the inorganic phases of pelagic sediment, promotes seawater scavenging throughout the water column by both organic and inorganic particulate matter. The major seawater redox reactions that drive the pre- cipitation-dissolution reactions of individual minor com- pounds can be written in a simplified form as follows (Froelich and others, 1979): GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA Table 6. Major components in sedimentary rocks of the Monterey Formation at Naples Beach and Lions Head, Calif. [All values in weight percent, calculated from major-element-oxide contents] Sample (fig. 1) Silica Detritus Apatite Dolomite Calcite Organic matter KG—l 3.35 31.92 5.16 1.43 37.76 15.03 KG—2 6.49 35.06 8.25 2.88 14.54 23.85 KG—3 4.85 64.40 6.30 7.01 .02 9.77 KG—4 5.11 55.66 1.54 1.40 2.60 24.60 [(6—5 34.85 36.40 1.35 1.80 11.06 5.00 KG—6 9.70 64.96 .82 1.66 3.84 8.25 KG—7 36.07 49.34 .09 .46 .31 5.96 KG-8 12.50 61.60 1.53 2.24 1.27 8.69 KG—9 3.15 70.00 3.09 9.79 2.60 6.18 KG—lO 20.46 30.46 .60 5.81 32.44 6.23 KG—l 1 45.82 18.37 .27 3.24 24.47 3.85 KG—12 28.3 57.12 .20 2.37 O 1.34 KG—13 32.51 51.18 0 1.85 0 1.34 KG—14 18.05 59.92 .16 5.72 7.58 3.53 KG—15 32.67 39.09 .68 6.17 13.02 5.88 [(6—16 17.17 24.70 2.17 41.30 4.98 8.40 KG—17 30.18 19.71 8.60 .65 28.83 10.28 KG—l 8 11.52 19.66 .23 53.03 11.02 . 1.35 KG—19 2.32 2.07 .63 91.14 3.77 1.40 KG—20 15.45 67.76 .50 5.47 O 6.44 KG—22 24.45 24.25 4.34 6.36 29.30 9.84 KG—24 26.91 43.34 3.52 O .55 22.20 Table 7. Weight ratios of minor elements (in parts per million) to Fe (in weight percent) in fecal matter, shale, and plankton. [Data on fecal matter from Fowler (1977); data on shale are for World Shale Average (WSA) from Wedepohl (1969—79) or, for rare-earth elements, for North American Shale Composite (NASC) from Gromet and others (1984). Fe contents (in weight percent): fecal matter, 2.4; WSA, 4.72; NASC, 4.43; plankton, 0.034] Cu Zn Cd Sc Cr Mn Co Ni Ce Eu Fecal material--- 94 400 4.0 1.2 16 100 1.5 8.3 83 .28 Shale ------------- 6.8 20 .06 2.5 16 112 3.6 8.2 17 .30 Plankton --------- 315 2,860 340 -- 58 —- 29 210 -- -- Table 8. Minor-element contents in organic matter (plankton) and seawater. Seawater Organic matter E1ement:P ratio S-seawater concentration (ppm) (organic matter) (weight ratio) at ~2,000-m depth (ppb) 12 1.6x10‘3 1.3x10-3 .078 <1 — — .0012 20 .26x10-3 1.6x1o-3 21 1 l 1.40x10‘3 1.6x10-3 .23 2 .26x1o-3 — 10.60 75 1.0><10-3 5.3x1o-3 .47 3.0 .40x1o-3 1.5x10-3 .13 <1 — —- 3.00 3-0 .39x10'3 1.1><10—3 1.80 110 14.00x10’3 6.1x1o-3 .39 REE's (La)--- <1 — — .0052 REVIEW: ELEMENTAL SOURCES—THE MODERN OCEAN 13 Oxygen respiration: 10CH2 O +1002+10CaCO3= 20HC0; + 130Ca2+ (2) Denitrification: 10CH30 + 8No3 + 2Caco3 4N2 + 12Hco§ + 411:0 + 2Ca2+ (3) Sulfate reduction: IOCHZO + 5502- + 5Caco3 = 5HS + 15Hco§ + 5Ca2+ (4) Organic matter, expressed here as CHZO but better represented by the formula (CHZO)106(NH_3)15(H3 P04) (mi- nor elements)o OX’ is the most important electron donor 1n the oceans, and 02, N03, and 802‘ are the most important electron acceptors. The hierarchy of these reactions is deter— mined by the one yielding the greatest free energy (Froelich and others, 1979). Thus, reaction 2 proceeds until 02 de- creases to a concentration such that denitrification yields equal free energy, and so on. Within several ocean—margin basins, advection is weak enough, and the flux of settling organic matter great enough, to allow depletion of successively more favored electron acceptors with depth in the water column. These basins include the Gulfo Dulce (Costa Rica), Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Cariaco Trench (Venezuela Shelf), and several fiords at high latitudes (Richards, 1965; Emerson and others, 1979; Jacobs and others, 1985, 1987; Emerson and Huested, 1991). Profiles of 02, NOE, and H28 show that 02 is abundant in the surface mixed layer, owing to mixing with atmospheric 02 and to photosynthesis, but decreases in the water column below the mixed layer, in response to oxygen respiration; O2 is present at a very low concentration at intermediate depths (Emerson and others, 1979) under conditions of deni- trification, the depth interval over which NO; shows a sharp decrease in concentration, and both 02 and N03 are virtu— ally absent in the bottom water, under conditions of sulfate reduction (eq. 4), 1n the presence of H28. Sulfate reduction continues into the sediment until 803‘ is depleted in the pore water, at which depth the residual labile organic matter begins to be broken down through methanogenesis and fer- mentation reactions (equations not shown). In the Santa Barbara Basin (California Continental Borderland) and Dar- win Bay (Galapagos Islands), bacterial respiration in the bottom water does not proceed beyond denitrification. In contrast, the open ocean exhibits oxygen respiration virtually throughout the water column. Denitrification oc- curs in the oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ, fig. 3), but only along the Peru and Mexico Shelves in the eastern Pacific Ocean (Codispoti, 1980) and at a few other localities of limited areal extent in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Al- though the OMZ is present at intermediate depth throughout most of the oceans, only in these relatively small areas is the balance between advection in the OMZ and primary produc- tivity in the photic zone such that bacterial oxidation of settling organic matter drives down the 02 content of the water column within the OMZ to a value that promotes denitrification. Several minor elements also serve as electron accep— tors, including CrOZ‘, Fe(OH)_3 MnOz, M002: SeOfi‘, U02(CO3)2 , H2V04, and other components of seawater that might be reduced by way of oxidation of organic matter (table 9). By including the half-cell reaction for the oxida— tion of organic matter, as we did in equations 2 through 4, Fe(III) reduction can be written in the following form: 10CH 20 + 4OFe(OH)3 + 60HCO3 + 70Ca2+= 70Caco3 + 40Fe2+ + 1001120 (5) Its reduction occurs before that of sulfate (table 9) and toward the end of denitrification (Berner, 1980; Bender and others, 1989); SeOfi‘ and CrOfi‘ also are reduced under conditions of denitrification (table 9; Measures and others, 1983; Murray and others, 1983). These minor elements contribute insignificantly to the actual oxidation of organic matter, owing to their low con- centrations in seawater, but their accumulation on the sea floor, as a result of their reduction and (or) precipitation, contributes in a major way to our identification of past redox conditions in the water column. Under conditions of oxygen respiration, inorganic precipitates consist mostly of Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides (Landing and Bruland, 1987). Other mi~ nor elements are undersaturated in oxic seawater, but high concentrations of several minor elements in deep-ocean ferromanganese nodules indicate that a fraction coprecipitates with Fe and Mn oxide phases or is scavenged by these oxides. Pelagic sediment, however, is a minor sink for many minor elements, except Mn (Lyle and others, 1984). Its high metallic—element contents reflect very low bulk-sediment- accumulation rates rather than high minor-element-accumu- lation rates. Within basins that exhibit sulfate reduction in bottom waters, Fe2+, Cu+, Cd2+, and Zn2+ exhibit reduced concen- trations in the bottom water (Brewer and Spencer, 1974; Jacobs and others, 1985, 1987), possibly owing to precipita— tion as sulfides; CrOfi‘ is reduced and precipitates as Cr(OH)3 (Emerson and others, 1979); and HZVOZ should be reduced to V204, or, possibly, V(OH)3 (Wanty and Goldhaber, 1992). Mo, Se, and U also show lower concentrations in the bottom water than in the oxic surface water (Bruland, 1983; Ander- son and others, 1989a; Emerson and Huested, 1991); they too might precipitate, possibly by some form of the reac- tions listed in table 9. Minor elements in the modern environment, however, seldom behave ideally, or simply. For example, the thermo- dynamic properties of U require that it is present in seawater as U03(c03)§- (Langmuir, 1978) and U02(Co_3)f3‘~; the one should be reduced under conditions of denitrification and the other under conditions of sulfate reduction (table 9). The 14 GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA distribution of U in the Black Sea (Anderson and others, 1989) supports its reduction under conditions of sulfate reduction. It exhibits no variation through the intermediate zone of denitrification but shows a strong decrease in the bottom water. Isotopic evidence further suggests that reduc- —.° .— tion and precipitation of U actually occur in the sediment pore-water environment (Anderson and others, 1989a). This distribution indicates that the complex U02(CO3)‘3“ is the stable seawater species. Similarly, V should be reduced under strongly denitrifying conditions (table 9), but its dis- Sea level _% 92 . respiration """"'—" v)» Aj 1‘ Phofic zone / ”‘° , J Sulfate reduction OCEAN DEPTH, IN METERS / \ \ / \ a \ a / \ _ [Methanogenesis g E l I— p. Z | m A D Z fl E H Sea level D _ E-' 02 respiration PhOfic zone 4 __ e E . ,/ —a a 3 U) 8042‘ reduction 5042' reduction / / \_.._ Methanogenesis B Figure 3. Schematic diagram illustrating seawater and sediment chemistry in a marine-shelf environment with high primary productivity and weak advection at intermediate depth (top), and in a shallow-silled basin with low to moderate primary productivity and extremely weak advection (bottom). Modem examples of shelf environment are the Peru and Namibia Continental Shelves, and of basin environment the Black Sea and the Cariaco Trench. Fundamental difference between these two environments is depth of most intense reduction in water column: at intermediate depth on shelf and at maximum depth in basin. Shaded area, oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ). REVIEW: ELEMENTAL SOURCES—THE MODERN OCEAN Table 9. Half—cell reactions, assuming standard-state conditions. [Boldface, major reactions in oxidation of organic matter. Activity coefficients calculated by using the Debye-Hiickel equation (Wagman and others, 1982); 5, effective ionic diameter used in the Debye-Hiickel equation (from Nordstrom and Munoz, 1985, or estimated from their table 7—4). Seawater concentrations of dissolved species (in moles per kilogram) are those at approximately 2,000—m depth. The pH was taken to be 7, although it is closer to 8 under conditions of oxygen respiration and 7.5 under denitrification. Data sources for thermodynamic constants and species concentrations in seawater: 1, Bruland (1983); 2, Latimer (1953); 3, Wagman and others (1982); 4, Landing and Bruland (1987); 5, Broecker and Peng (1982); 6, Murray and others (1983); 7, Elderfield (1970); 8, de Baar and others (1985); 9, Langmuir (1978); 10, Jacobs and others (1985); 11, Collier (1984); 12, Boyle and others (1976); 13, Collier (1985); 14, Emerson and Huested (1991); 15, Anbar and others (1992); 16, Koide and others (1986)] water concen ' i Sea tratlon, nmoles Reference Eh Half-cell reaction per kilogram or partial pressure 1.099 3C02+(aq) + 41-1200) -) C03O4(S) + 26' + 8H+(aq) 6 C02+ = 2.04><10‘ll 1, 2 .805 211200) -—) 02(g) + 4e‘ + 4H+(aq) -- 02 = 0.2 atm 3 .704 Mn2+(aq) + 2H200) —) Mn02(s) + 26‘ + 4H+(aq) 6 Mn2+ = 2.5)(10"10 3, 4 .702 I—(aq) + 311200) —> 103—(aq) + 6e‘ +6H+(aq) 3 I_ = 5.0X10'9, 1, 3 4 103— = 4.5X10‘7 .698 N2(g) + 61-1200) —) 2N03—(aq) + 10e‘ + 12H+(aq) 3 N03_ = 3.9X10‘5, 3, 5 N2(g) = 0.8 atm .545 Cr(OH)3(S) + H200) —) Cr042‘(aq) +3e‘ + 5H+(aq) 4 Cr042‘ = 4.04X10‘9 2, 6, 7 .320 Ce3+(aq) + 21-1200) —) C602“) + e‘ + 4H+(aq) 9 Ce3+ = 1.0X10‘11 3, 8 .296 Fe2+(aq) + 3H200) —> Fe(OH)3(s) + e' +3H+(aq) 6 1362+ = 1.20><10‘9 3, 4 .153 Cu+ —> Cu2+ + e- -- ZCu = 3.59x10-9, 1, 3 Cu+ = 1.80X10"9 .013 U02“) + 2HCO3_(aq) —) U02(CO3)22‘(aq) + 26‘ + 2H+(aq) 4.0 HC03— = 2.47X10“3, 3, 5, 9 4.5 U02(CO3)22‘ = 1.26)<10‘8 —.018 2Fe2+(aq) + 311200) —> 176203“) + 26‘ + 6H+(aq) 6 See above —.040 V2040) + 4H200) —-> 2H2VO4_(aq) + 26‘ + 4H+(aq) 5.6 H2VO4_ = 4.0><10‘8 2, 11 —.055 PIS—(ml) + 411200) —> SO42'(aq) + 8e" + 9H+(aq) 35 HS- = 7.75X10‘25, 3, 5 4 SO42— = 2.8><10‘2 —.055 Cqu(5) + 4H200) —) SO42‘(aq) + 2Cu+(aq) + 8e' + 8H+(aq) 4 SO42— = 2.8X10‘2, 1, 3, 10 2.5 Cu+ = 3.59X10‘9 —.l37 CdS(s) + 4H200) —-) SO42“(aq) + Cd2+(aq) + 8e‘ + 8H+(aq) 4 SO42— = 2.8X10‘2, 1, 3, 5, 12 6 Cd2+ = 6.94X10‘10 —.162 ZnS(s) + 41-1200) —) SO42‘(aq) + Zn2+(aq) + 86’ + 8H+(aq) 4 SO42‘ = 2.8X10‘2, 1, 3, 5 6 Zn2+ = 5.97X10‘9 —.170 M002“) + 21-1200) —) M0042'(aq) + 26‘ + 4H+(aq) 4.5 M0042‘ = 1.1><10‘7 3, 13 —.175 MoS2(s) + 12H20(1)—) M0042”(aq) + 18e- + 250427,,” + 4.5 5042- = 2.8x10-2, 3, 13, 14 24H+(aq) 5 M0042‘ = 1.1><10”7 —.188 NiS(S) + 4H200) —) SO42‘(aq) + N12+(aq) + 86‘ + 8H+(aq) 4 SO42- = 2.8X10‘2, 1, 3, 5, 10 6 Ni2+ = 8.01x10-9 —.209 1368(5) + 411200) —> SO42‘(aq) + Fe2+(aq) + 86‘ + 8H+(aq) 4 SO42” = 2.8X10‘2, l, 3, 4 6 Fe2+ = l.20><10‘9 —.210 U02“) + 3CO3_(aq) -> U02(CO3)34‘(aq) + 26‘ 4.5 CO3_ = 1X10‘4, 3, 5, 9 5.5 U02(CO3)34“ = 1.26><10—8 —-.25() R6020) + 21-1200) —) ReO4_(aq) + 36‘ + 4H+(aq) 4.5 ReO4_ = 4.5X10‘ll 3, 15, 16 —.250 HS_(aq) + 41-1200) —-> 8042—0”) + 8e‘ + 9H+(aq) 35 HS_ = 2.8X10‘2, 3, 5 4 SO42— = 4.3X10‘6 15 16 GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA tribution in several basins (Emerson and Huested, 1991) suggests it is reduced only under sulfate-reducing condi- tions. The concentration of Ni in seawater and the Eh condi- tions established in sulfate-reducing environments predict that Ni too should precipitate as a sulfide (table 9). At first glance, its depth profile in the water column, which shows no depletion in the bottom water relative to the surface water (Jacobs and others, 1985, 1987), suggests that it does not. However, the profile simply requires that Ni removal from bottom water is limited to the amount added to bottom water by way of bacterial oxidation of organic matter. Still, Ni should exhibit a depth profile similar to those of Cu and Cd. Several reasons likely account for its apparent nonideal behavior and the nonideal behavior of other minor elements. First, our calculations of stable species (table 9) are limited to those for which we have equilibrium constants, and these may not necessarily be the species that actually control the solubility of, for example, Ni and U. Second, the therrnody— namic constants used in our calculations are from one of several recently published lists of values, which do not always agree. Third, we have not fully evaluated the effects of complexation (Kremling, 1983; Jacobs and others, 1985; Landing and Lewis, 1991), which would increase solubili- ties. Fourth, we have not considered diffusion across the benthic boundary layer (see below). Under the intermediate redox condition of denitrifica- tion, metallic sulfides will not precipitate. Cr(OH)3, however, is stable (Murray and others, 1983), and the thermodynamic properties of V (table 9) allow for its reduction from HZVO,‘1 to the more reactive ionic state VO2+ (Sadiq, 1988) and to V204 near the NOE-sogireduction boundary (table 9). The higher concentration of V in sea-water than of Cr (table 8) and the possible removal of V from the water column during denitrification make V a more conspicuous index of sedi- ment from this environment than is Cr. REE’s respond still differently in seawater. They are adsorbed onto seawater particulate phases under oxic and denitrifying conditions and returned to seawater under sul— fate—reducing conditions. Within the open ocean, acetic— acid-soluble particulate phases show an increase in REE content and increasingly positive Ce anomaly with depth (Sholkovitz and others, 1994); however, sediment—accumu- lation rates suggest the flux is quite low. Within the denitri- fication zone of the Cariaco Trench and the Black Sea, above the zone of sulfate reduction (Hashimoto and others, 1983; Codispoti and others, 1991), the 3+—valence-state (within the marine environment, all REE’s except Ce) light REE’s La, Pr, Nd, and Sm show strong concentration mini- mums, requiring their removal onto particulate phases (de Baar and others, 1988, German and others, 1991; Schijf and others, 1991). Toward the NO;—SO§‘-reduction interface and into the sulfate-reducing water in both basins, their concentrations increase sharply. Within the denitrification zone of the OMZ in the eastern Pacific Ocean, the 3+- valence—state REE’s also show concentration minimums. They are scavenged by particulate phases, most likely oxyhydroxides of Mn (German and others, 1993) and Fe (Sholkovitz, 1993), more so under denitrifying than oxic conditions, and released to solution under sulfate-reducing conditions. The carrier phase in the denitrification zone in the OMZ of the eastern Pacific is unlikely to be an Mn phase. Dissolved Mn shows a concentration maximum, whereas REE’s exhibit concentration minimums (Klinkham- mer and Bender, 1980; de Baar and others, 1985; German and others, 1991). Particulate Mn is reduced, possibly by some form of the reaction 2Mn304 + CHZO + 10HC03‘ + 11Ca2+ = 6Mn2+ + llCaCO3 + 6H20. (6) Thus, although the mechanism whereby the 3+-valence- state REE’s are transferred to the sea floor within the hy- drogenous fraction remains problematic, the redox conditions under which it is enhanced or diminished are well estab- lished. Ce is somewhat more complex than the other REE’s. Its occurrence as insoluble Ce(OH)4 under oxic conditions (table 9) accounts for the negative Ce anomaly (see fig. 4 for definition) of seawater. Reduction back to a 3+ valence state under denitrifying conditions accounts for the increase in Ce concentration and for the more positive Ce anomaly of the OMZ in the eastern Pacific Ocean and the Cariaco Trench (de Baar and others, 1988). In the Black Sea, this trend is reversed (German and others, 1991 ; Schijf and others, 1991): In the denitrification zone, the Ce concentration decreases to a minimum, as does the Ce anomaly, paralleling the trends of the 3+-valence-state REE’s. Scavenging by the seawater particulate phases of other minor—element ions (Balistrieri and others, 1981; Li, 1981; Whitfield and Turner, 1987; Clegg and Sarmiento, 1989) probably is equally complicated by such geochemically com- plex water columns as that in the Black Sea and Cariaco Trench, but the results of research into metallic—ion adsorp- tion under oxic conditions clearly identify the importance of scavenging for many minor elements. Evaluating the impor— tance of minor-element scavenging in the Monterey Forma- tion, or in any ancient rocks, however, is hampered by the difficulty of identifying a marine fraction for those minor elements that have been well studied, are nonbioreactive, and are strongly scavenged. Th is the most intensively ex- amined element in this group, but its high content in the detrital fraction of sediment and sedimentary rocks, relative to its concentration in seawater—that is, relative to a pos- sible seawater contribution—makes it unlikely that we might identify a marine fraction for Th in the Monterey Formation from bulk analyses. Of the other minor elements for which we have analyzed, Zn and Cu also are likely to be scav- enged, and Ni and Cd should not be, or much less so (Clegg REVIEW: ELEMENTAL SOURCES—THE MODERN OCEAN 17 and Sarmiento, 1989; Balistrieri and Murray, 1984). Thus, within the group of minor elements for which we have analyzed, hydrolytic scavenging should enrich Zn over Ni and Cd, owing to the greater tendency for Zn to be adsorbed onto particulate matter (under seawater oxic conditions) and its higher concentration in seawater (for example, 5 times that of Cd). The distributions of Zn, Ni, and Cd in the marine fraction of sediment of the Gulf of California (Brumsack, 1986), however, reflect a strong, possibly solely, biogenic input, suggesting that scavenging is a minor process under conditions of high primary productivity. Interpretation of the accumulation of metallic elements in ancient rocks on the basis of their accumulation in mod— ern sediment is further complicated by diffusion across the benthic boundary layer. Where 02-depleted pore waters of organic—matter-enriched sediment are present close to the sea floor, Mo, U, V, and Cr can diffuse from seawater across the seawater-sediment interface and be retained in the sedi— ment (Calvert, 1976; Manheim and Landergren, 1978; Brumsack, 1983, 1986; Francois, 1988; Pedersen and oth- ers, 1989; Emerson and Huested, 199]; Klinkhammer and Palmer, 1991), possibly independently of redox conditions of the bottom water. Near—surface sediment in the Gulf of California exhibits increasing concentrations of Mo, Cr, and V with depth. In absolute terms, however, this enrichment mechanism results in only slightly elevated minor-element contents (Brumsack, 1986); sediment on the Peru Shelf, which also accumulates under denitrifying conditions, shows no evidence of minor-element diffusion across the benthic boundary layer—minor—element concentrations are relatively constant in the uppermost 35 to 40 cm of sediment (Dean and Arthur, 1992). The relative accumulation rates of metallic elements under these different redox conditions, in an area of high primary productivity, are summarized in figure 4. This dia- gram should be considered only in general terms because the elemental contribution of any single source changes with primary productivity, water depth, bulk-sediment—ac- cumulation rate, and residence time of the bottom water, to name but four factors. Also, we exclude scavenging and diffusion as major mechanisms of minor-element enrich- ment under conditions of O2 depletion in the bottom water, except for REE’s, although scavenging could be important for some metallic elements, however difficult it is to evalu— ate. Figure 4 is intended to show that the hydrogenous flux of minor elements to the sea floor will be low under oxic conditions, except for Mn and Fe, with REE’s exhibiting a widely varying, but commonly positive, Ce anomaly; it will be virtually zero for Mn and high for REE’s (negative Ce anomaly), Cr, and V under denitrifying conditions; and it will be zero for Mn and REE’s and high for Cr, V, Mo, Se, Fe, Cu, Cd, and Zn under sulfate-reducing conditions. Al— though Fe precipitates as a sulfide under sulfate-reducing conditions, detection of a hydrogenous fraction is hampered by detrital and organic inputs, even under conditions of the lowest bulk—sediment-accumulation rates, as noted above for pelagic deposits. The failure of seawater profiles of several minor ele— ments in modern basins to reflect the geochemistry of the bottom water—that is, the apparent absence of approach toward equilibrium between dissolved and solid phases Particulate element fluxes to the sea floor Marine fractions Non- marine Hydrogenous Biogenic fraction Oxic Denitri- Sulfate ‘ ' Organic Detrilal respiration ficatinn _reduction Carbonate Opal _ matter Fe . o . I o . M... 2 O O . o I D O o O . . Co . . . . . O . Cr . . . . . o . Cu O - . ° 0 . . M0 , . . . . o - N, . . Q . o O . Se . — O — '— ° ' U . O . . . - o v , O . . . O . Zn 0 . . - 0 . . REE . . ° ' ' . Ce * Pos. to Zero Zero Neg. Neg. Neg. Zero neg. to neg. . Very high . High . Moderate . Low 0 Absent to very low Figure 4. Generalized summary of elemental accumulation in marine sediment under conditions of high primary productivity in photic zone, where seawater (hydrogenous and biogenic) sources are not totally masked by detrital (terrigenous) source. Chart should be read across rather than down; for example, dominant sediment source of Cd under conditions of high primary productivity is organic matter. Under conditions of sulfate reduction in bottom water, as well as high primary productivity in photic zone, Cd also accumulates as an inorganic precipitate, CdS; its accumulation as an inorganic precipitate under bottom-water redox conditions of oxic respiration, or denitrification, is minor, as is its accumulation within detrital fraction of sediment under all conditions. Sizes of circles in any one row are unrelated, in absolute terms, to those in any other row; open circles are used in those cases for which theoretical considerations seem to conflict with observations. Ce*, Ce anomaly, defined as log [3Ce/(2La+Nd)], in which all three REE’s have been normalized on an element-by-element basis to North American Shale Composite (see table 1). Dashes, no information available on which to estimate accumulation rate. 18 GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA (Cutter, 1982; Anderson and others, 1989a, b; Emerson and Huested, l991)—urges further caution in the application of figure 4 to natural systems. One possible explanation for this apparent nonideality is suggested by the strong correla- tions in many samples of modern and ancient sediment between organic matter, albeit the residual fraction, and several minor elements, which should otherwise behave quite differently. We have stressed the transport of minor elements to the sea floor by organic matter, whose inter- element ratios approach those of plankton. A second major role of organic matter is to supply minor elements to bottom waters by way of oxidized organic matter (Piper and Isaacs, 1995), again in the ratios of plankton. A third role of settling organic matter may be to provide a surface on which the actual reduction and (or) precipitation of minor elements occurs. The presence of the oxidized species U(VI) in the sulfate-reduction zone of water column in the Black Sea (Anderson and others, 1989a) might be explainable by this mechanism. If, as we suggest, reduction and precipitation of seawater-dissolved elements partly depend on reactions at the surfaces of organic debris, then the rate of minor-ele- ment accumulation in the sediment would depend on the settling rate of organic matter—again, primary productivity. The degree to which minor-element removal from the water column then reflects equilibrium depends on a balance be- tween primary productivity in the photic zone and residence time of the bottom water, as well as on the physical chemical properties of the dissolved species. In possible support of this interpretation, Mo, U, and V are strongly depleted in the bottom water of the Black Sea (long residence time) but very weakly depleted in the bottom water of Saanich Inlet (short residence time). Still, the distributions of Mo and V in the bottom water of Framvaren Fiord demonstrate the full complexity of our problem: M0 is depleted, whereas V is not (Emerson and Huested, 1991). Thus, the enrichments of minor elements, as illustrated in figure 4, represent idealized cases of marine shelf-slope and basin environments for which the detrital contribution of minor elements does not totally mask that of the marine environment, and equilibrium be- tween particulate and dissolved species in seawater is ap- proached, if not actually attained. DIAGENETIC OVERPRINT The depth profile of Eh in sediment of the ocean mar- gins resembles that in the water column of anoxic basins, such as the Black Sea (see eqs. 2—5). The pore water of the surface veneer of sediment has the same redox properties as that of the immediately overlying bottom water, and the pore water becomes more reducing with depth. Burial ex- poses each parcel of sediment to ever more reducing condi- tions than that under which it accumulated. Thus, deciphering the marine fraction of metallic elements in sedimentary rocks is further complicated by the changing redox condi- tions to which the rocks were exposed immediately after deposition. The loss of a minor element from a sediment during early diagenesis can mask its source if its loss is substantial and differs from the relative loss of other ele- ments. Sholkovitz (1973) reported a difference between the OP ratio of sedimentary organic debris in the Santa Barbara Basin and that of plankton of 10621 (Redfield and others, 1963). Interelement ratios of minor elements may be simi- larly decoupled from those in settling organic matter, through diagenesis (Shaw and others, 1990). Within fully oxygenated sediment, Cu, as well as Cd, Cr, V, Zn, Ni, and organic P, are, indeed, recycled into the overlying water column during early diagenesis. Sediment- trap studies (Fischer and others, 1986) and pore-water stud- ies of pelagic sediment (Callender and Bowser, 1980; Klinkharnmer and others, 1982) reveal that as much as 90 percent of the Cu is recycled at the sediment surface. The absence of Cr and U in excess of a terrigenous contribution in oxic sediment (Piper, 1988) requires that virtually all of the seawater-derived fractions of these elements also are recycled. Even with this loss, the albeit-slight retention of several minor elements by the sediment in oxic environ- ments, largely associated with Fe and Mn oxides in both concretions (Mero, 1965) and finely dispersed phases (Piper, 1988), is notable, owing to the very low rate of sediment accumulation in the pelagic environment rather than to a high flux of minor elements or a high retention efficiency on the sea floor of the deep ocean. Thus, different interelement ratios in the marine fraction of this sediment from those in marine organic matter and in the marine fraction of modern _. M O .s O O on 0 Zn CONTENT, IN PARTS PER MILLION A 0') O O N O I l l l 0 50 100 150 200 250 Cu CONTENT, IN PARTS PER MILLION Figure 5. Zn1Cu interelement ratio in modem marine organic matter (shaded area on left), based on this ratio in plankton, in sediment from the Peru Shelf (circles), the Namibia Shelf, and the Santa Barbara Basin of the California Continental Borderland, and in fully oxic sediment (shaded area at bottom right) from a pelagic environment (diamonds). Labeled curves represent averages. See text for data sources. RESULTS: ELEMENTAL HOST PHASES—THE MONTEREY FORMATION 19 sediment in ocean-margin areas (fig. 5), as discussed below, might allow for the identification of sedimentary rocks that accumulated under oxic conditions, on the basis of their current minor-element contents. Profiles of the major oxidants (02, N05, and 802‘) in sediment on ocean margins are greatly steepened (Froelich and others, 1979; Berner, 1980; Claypool and Threlkeld, 1983; Bender and others, 1989; Shaw and others, 1990) over those in pelagic and hemipelagic sediment, somewhat inde- pendently of the organic-matter content. At one extreme is sediment on the Peru and Namibia Continental Shelves (Baturin and others, 1972; Calvert and Price, 1983; Burnett and Froelich, 1988), which contains as much as 20 weight percent organic carbon (30—40 weight percent organic mat- ter). The surface sediment is exposed to oxic seawater con- ditions, or to denitrification over that area of the sea floor impinged by the core of the OMZ (fig. 3), and sulfate- reducing conditions extend upward to the surface of the sea floor in some areas (Froelich and others, 1988), owing to the high content of labile organic matter in the sediment and the low 02 content in the overlying bottom water. Sediment of the Santa Barbara Basin shows a similar redox profile. The sulfate-reduction zone extends to within 2 cm of the surface (Sholkovitz, 1973), yet the sediment contains as little as 3 weight percent organic carbon. Cu, Cd, Cr, Zn, and V are likely to be retained in this type of sediment, a conclusion supported by their behavior in sulfate—reducing seawater and in sediment pore water. Douglas and others (1986) and Shaw and others (1990) showed that Cu tends to be retained in the solid phases of such sediment. Cd and Zn are expected to behave similarly because of the low solubility of CdS and ZnS. The distribu- tions of Cr and V in surface and near-surface sediment of the Gulf of California (Brumsack and Gieskes, 1983) reflect not merely their retention by, but their slight addition to, the sediment of 02-depleted environments, possibly owing to the reduction of Cr and V under denitrifying and more negative redox conditions (table 9). Their reduction, CrOfi‘ to Cr(OH)3 and H2V02‘ to VO2+ or V204, results in their greater stability under reducing than oxidizing conditions (Sadiq, 1988), although the formation of metal-organic com- plexes (Douglas and others, 1986; Heggie and others, 1986; Breit and Wanty, 1991) and various other possible reactions greatly complicate their geochemical behavior. Minor-element contents and interelement ratios in sedi- ment on the Peru and Namibia Shelves and the California Continental Borderland (fig. 5) support our interpretation that minor elements are efficiently retained in mildly to strongly reducing sediment. Average interelement ratios of several elements in the marine fraction of sediment from these areas are comparable and similar to those in average plankton. Equally important, minor—element ratios in sedi- ment from all of these environments differ significantly from those in the marine fraction of oxic pelagic sediment (fig. 5). REE’s are remobilized within sulfate-reducing sedi— ment (Elderfield and Sholkovitz, 1987), an observation in agreement with their behavior in sulfate-reducing seawater (de Baar and others, 1988; German and others, 1991). Sig- nificant loss of REE’s from the sediment, however, may not occur. Their incorporation into a stable solid phase, such as apatite, before the onset of sulfate reduction might enhance their retention in the sediment. In sediment on the Peru Shelf, pelletal carbonate—fluorapatite accretes in the surface and near-surface sediment (Burnett and others, 1988) and has a high REE content (Piper and others, 1988). A slightly negative Ce anomaly in several, but certainly not all, bulk- sediment samples (Piper and others, 1988; Dean and Arthur, 1992), similar to that in apatite pellets (Piper and others, 1988) and in seawater (de Baar and others, 1985), also requires retention of a seawater fraction, possibly within very fine grained apatite that is dispersed throughout the sediment (Burnett, 1977). Sulfate reduction in the water column and in the surface sediment would have prevented the retention of REE’s in all marine fractions of the sedi— ment, if not their initial accumulation (fig. 4). This discussion of the behavior of minor elements within widely varying redox environments of the modern ocean— from seawater through the sea floor to burial—has allowed us to introduce a stoichiometric model for the minor- element contents of ancient sediment and, at the same time, to outline many of the limitations of this model. Though none too brief, our discussion is little more than a cursory summary of a vast literature that, even so, has yet to define fully this extremely complex environment. Our discussion can serve only as an introduction to the subjects of the sources of minor elements in marine sediment and of the behavior of minor elements during burial. It is surely but one small step, hopefully, in the right direction. RESULTS: ELEMENTAL HOST PHASES—THE MONTEREY FORMATION Rocks of the Monterey Formation consist of the follow- ing major components (Isaacs, 1980): biogenic silica (opal- A, opal-CT, and diagenetic quartz), calcite, dolomite, organic matter, and minor amounts of apatite and metallic sulfides— the marine fraction—and quartz, clay, and other Al silicates, such as feldspar and heavy minerals—the detrital fraction. Their abundances (table 6) were calculated by using the normative scheme for which A1203X5.7 gives the amount of the detrital fraction. Comparison of the contents of other major—element oxides with those in WSA defines the contri— bution of these oxides by the detrital fraction in the Monterey Formation. The combination of “excess” SiOz, MgO, and P205 in each sample identifies the amounts of biogenic silica, dolomite, and apatite, respectively. The CaO in 20 GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA excess of that present in detritus, dolomite (assuming sto- ichiometric dolomite), and apatite gives the amount of ca]- cite present. The abundance of organic matter is calculated from the organic-carbon content (organic matter=organic carbonx 1 .5). DETRITUS Fe203, TiOz, and K20 correlate with A1203 (table 3). On a plot of these elements versus detritus (A1203x5.6), the trends approximate those of WSA (figs. 6A—6C) and ex- trapolate to the origin. The agreements are especially close when we consider the range of rock compositions used to determine the composition of WSA (Wedepohl, 1969—78; Medrano and Piper, 1992) and the heterogeneity of the Monterey Formation. Several of the plots (fig. 6) suggest that the average composition of NASC (Gromet and others, 1984) more closely approaches that of the detrital fraction of the Monterey Formation than does that of WSA. Relative to the NASC standard, the Monterey Formation contains a slight excess of Fe203. Regardless of the standard used for comparison, however, the detrital fraction of the Monterey Formation appears to be uniform in composition. More analyses of the Rincon Shale and Sisquoc Formation are needed to fully evaluate their compositions relative to both the Monterey Formation and the two shale standards, but the two analyses of each unit suggest no significant differ- ences. Several minor elements, similar to K20 and TiOz, cor- relate strongly with detritus (tables 10, 11). The trends of elements versus detritus also approach those of WSA (figs. 6D—6F) and extrapolate to or near the origin. These ele— ments include Li, Ga, and Co; additional elements that show this same strong trend with detritus (tables 10, 11) and with WSA are Hf, Sc, and Th (not shown) and the REE’s La through Eu (figs. 60—61). The strength of these trends sup— ports our use of WSA as a standard for the detrital host of minor elements in the Monterey Formation and our assump- tion that its composition is uniform. We can use the compo— sition of WSA and the A1203 content in the Monterey Formation to estimate the detrital contribution of minor elements to their total inventory, even for those elements that do not correlate with detritus, including Cd, Cr, Cu, M0, Ni, Se, U, V, and Zn; we consider below REE’s as excep- tions to this interpretation. CARBONATES Calcite has negligible contents of minor elements, ex- cept Sr (tables 10, 11), as also may be true for dolomite (table 11). These conclusions are supported by the sparse minor-element content in modern biogenic calcite (Palmer, 1985). SULFUR PHASES Sulfur is present in the Monterey Formation in amounts as high as 8 weight percent (table 1) but less than 4 weight percent in most samples (Leventhal, 1989; Zaback and Pratt, 1992). It exhibits a positive correlation with organic matter (fig. 7A), similar to the relation in core samples from the Santa Maria Basin near Orcutt, Calif. (Leventhal, 1989). A slight excess of 0.5 weight percent S at 0 weight percent organic matter was reported in samples from the Santa Maria Basin, as inferred by extrapolation of the trend of S versus organic matter; Leventhal (1989) attributed this ex- cess to the presence of metallic sulfides, mostly pyrite. A similar trend is seen in our data (fig. 7A); however, by merely interchanging the axes, the curve defining the rela- tion in the samples used in this study extrapolates onto the organic-matter axis at 0 weight percent S. Going through this same exercise with the data of Leventhal (1989) reduces the excess S in samples from the Santa Maria Basin virtually to zero, a reflection of the weakness of the correlation, plus very low pyrite. The presence of pyrite was evaluated by comparing excess Fe203—that is, relative to NASC (fig. 6A)—with sulfur. Although the curve for pyrite (fig. 73) defines a maximum for excess iron in the Monterey Formation, we are unable to say whether pyrite is actually present, although certainly it averages less than approximately 1.0 weight percent. Pyrite has been reported by researchers investigat- ing the Monterey Formation, and it was observed in several of the samples in this study, in the range 1—2 volume percent (J. Rullkotter, verbal commun., 1993). Such a low concen- tration of pyrite likely hosts a minor fraction of minor elements. Ba also correlates weakly with S (fig. 7C; table 10). The occurrence of Ba as barite (BaSO4) is more strongly sug— gested by the much-reduced Ba content in samples analyzed by ICP versus those analyzed by NAA (fig. 2C). The lower La content in the ICP-analyzed than in the NAA-analyzed sample (KG—24, table 2) with the highest Ba content sup- ports this interpretation of barite occurrence; marine barite is known to have an REE content of hundreds of parts per million (Piper, 1974; Church, 1979; Guichard and others, 1979). The barite (present in only 0.5 weight percent) and apatite in these samples likely represent the major hosts of the marine REE inventory. ORGANIC MATTER Several minor elements that do not correlate with detri— tus correlate strongly with organic matter (table 10), and the correlations are enhanced, albeit slightly, by subtracting the detrital contribution from their bulk contents (figs. 8, 9). Strong partitioning of minor elements into organic matter I 2 RESULTS: ELEMENTAL HOST PHASES—THE MONTEREY FORMATION cm on em em ov om ON HZNUMmE FED—m3 Z— .HZEZOU mph—NEED o— o ‘ _ 4‘ 0 term. '— O N .LNEIDHEId .LHDIEIM NI ‘lNEIlNOD CIA 8 8 e NOI’I'IIW 213d SlHVd NI 0 '3' 0 LI) LO 0 .— In ,— O N Ln N ,- O m ‘lNEIlNOD 3:) NOI'TIIW HIE-Id SLHVd NI ‘LNELNOD 9'1 HZmUy—m—n. EEO—m3 Z— .PZm—HZOU mDHEHmD on on ow 0m 0* 0m ON 0.. In ‘INELNOD 03 o NOI'I'IIW HEId SlHVd NI In 2 e NOI'I'IIW HZ-Id SLHVd NI ‘lNElLNOD 9E) O ._ o o M N NOI'I'IIW Had 8.].qu NI ‘lNELLNOD 1”I 0 v I O In 0 £9 Eng 5 *0 one? $3.500 E 22:8 co m mon vino we coca—cambxo ”2953 some 3 cocoac 3.5% ‘3 3:33:00 00 mo BaEzmo So i :EzEEE :92: 8:53 vino .to Rama E Avg: 59m Set 3 @525 be moSmc E «:6 > A33— .Eofio was SEED Um>v uwfiu>< 22m 253 5w momfiug 25852 85:0 accustom 58:52 05 ho 8.08 meoEEom E G.mme~_ ADV D .6: am .03 _Z An: 02 A00 :0 Am: 00 AS U0 *0 3:00:00 .w 35w:— PZNOMm—m Emu—m5, Z~ .FZmHHZOU ME<~>T0~Z A9 D 85 em .83 «Z AS 32 63 :0 A3 5 AS cu Ho 3:850 .a PE»:— HZm—Ummm EOE; Z— HZEZOU ME A9 D .55 um .93 _Z AQV GE AB :0 A5 :0 AS :0 95 85:80 .3 «Sara Hzmummm EEO—m3 Z_ .HZBZOU BPS: Him—0mm: RIO—m3 2— HZEZOU EF % 9" Plankton 9‘ 5 2° E 100 — Plankton o I l I 0 I I I 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 350 500 H Z 300 ' Plankton x 3'5 z Plankton 9 o 400 — ° .r—I Seawater E E: 250 ‘ Era Plankton x 0.35 2 - E M 200 - E M 300 Z E z Lu 0 o D. L) if 150 _ Q [‘2 20° _ Seawater z 3“ [5 m < ‘3' 100 - o. E Plankton E 100 - 50 r o l I o I l I 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 Cu CONTENT, IN PARTS PER MILLION Cu CONTENT, IN PARTS PER MILLION Figure 14. Contents of Cd (A), Cr (B), Mo (C), Ni (D), Se (E), U (F), V (G), and Zn (H) versus Cu content of marine fraction in sedimentary rocks of the Monterey Formation. Samples are grouped by site. Curve labeled “plankton” represents our best estimate of trend for modern plankton, extrapolated into field of the Monterey Formation; curve labeled “seawater” represents ratio for seawater (table 8), also extrapolated into field of the Monterey Formation; curve labeled “planktonx...” represents data for the Monterey Formation, along with its deviation from plankton. 32 GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA unconsolidated sediment apparently removed minor elements from pore water as they were released during diagenesis from the labile fraction of organic matter and any labile hydrogenous fractions. Although the marine fraction of several minor elements correlates strongly with organic matter (fig. 8), a curve that defines the approximate average minimum minor-element content in organic matter (curves labeled “organic matter,” fig. 9) lies well above that for modern plankton in all cases, by approximately 3- to 300-fold. If the sedimenting organic matter had the same stoichiometry as modern plankton, then clearly a major readjustment to the minor-element:organic- carbon ratio occurred during sedimentation and burial. Depth profiles of organic carbon in modern sediment (Douglas and others, 1986; Froelich and others, 1988; Calvert, 1990), which has an organic—matter content similar to that of the Monterey Formation, strongly suggest that some organic matter was lost during early diagenesis as HCOg, rather than that minor elements were gained. Possible exceptions are Cr, Mo, U, and V, which might have diffused across the benthic boundary layer (Brumsack, 1983; Francois, 1988; Emerson and Huested, 1991). Sediment-trap studies of pelagic environments further support the loss of organic matter during early diagenesis (Fischer and others, 1986). Settling particulate matter col- lected at greater than 3,000-m depth contains approximately 5 times more organic matter than detritus, whereas surface sediment at the same sites contains approximately 100 times more detritus than organic matter. Approximately 95 to 99 percent of the organic matter that rains out of the water column is, thus, oxidized at and very near the surface. Ocean-margin areas will have an even larger flux of organic matter to the sea floor, owing to shallower sea floor (Sarnthein and others, 1988), higher primary productivity (Berger and others, 1988; Pedersen and Calvert, 1990), and a positive relation between the relative rain rate of organic matter from the photic zone and primary productivity (Baines and oth- ers, 1994). To differentiate between minor-element contributions to the Monterey Formation by (1) a biogenic source and (2) a hydrogenous source, we first ascertain the biogenic contri- bution. The minor-element contribution by organic matter (plankton) alone can be evaluated by comparing the rate of accumulation of organic matter necessary to deliver the now-observed metallic—element contents in the Monterey Formation with modern sedimentary environments. The rate of primary productivity of organic matter in the photic zone of the Peru Shelf today, an area of exceptionally high pri- mary productivity, is approximately 200 mg/cm2 per year (Chavez and Barber, 1987), of which approximately 15 to 45 percent settles out of the photic zone (Dugdale and Goering, 1970; Von Bockel, 1981). As much as 8 percent escapes oxidation in the water column and benthic boundary layer altogether and accumulates within the sediment (Reimers and Suess, 1983). An even larger amount must settle (that is, rain) onto the sea floor, as is the case in the pelagic environment (Fischer and others, 1986; Sarnthein and others, 1988). For the Monterey Formation, Isaacs (1985) estimated a bulk-sediment-accumulation rate of 3 to 5 mg/ cm2 per year, although this rate varied spatially and tempo- rally. By considering that (1) the average Cu content in the marine fraction of the Monterey Formation is 37 ppm (fig. 14) and (2) the stoichiometry of accumulating organic mat- ter was the same as that of modern plankton (table 5), we calculate the rate of accumulation of organic matter required to deliver Cu to the sea floor at 10 to 15 mg/cm2 per year. A calculation based on the Fe content (fig. 7B) in excess of the terrigenous contribution (NASC curve, fig. 6A) and the Fe content of plankton (table 5) gives a similar accumulation rate for organic matter. Cd and Zn require slightly lower rates, and M0 and Se slightly higher rates. Thus, the sedi- ment raining onto the sea floor consisted of approximately 80 percent organic matter. Our interpretation is that primary productivity significantly lower than the current rate on the Peru Shelf could have provided this amount and the total marine fraction of Cu, Cd, Mo, Se, Zn, and Fe to the Monterey sea floor. If the sole source of these minor elements was organic matter and minor elements were retained in the sediment after deposition, then a projection of the interelement ratio for any pair of minor elements in plankton should extend into the field of concentrations for the Monterey Formation. In fact, all the values are displaced slightly from the minor- elementzCu trend of plankton (fig. 14). The shift in trends away from the ratios in plankton is toward the seawater— concentration ratios, suggesting that a small part of the marine fraction may be attributable to the accumulation of a hydrogenous fraction. Unlike the Cd:Cu, MozCu, SezCu, Zn:Cu, and Fe:Cu trends, the shifts in minor-element:Cu trends for Cr, V, REE’s (not shown), and U away from the organic-matter trends are extreme and must be explained largely by inor- ganic processes. For Cr, U, and V, their diffusion across the benthic boundary layer into a pore-water system that was 02 depleted offers one possible explanation (Brumsack and Gieskes, 1983; Brumsack, 1986; Emerson and Huested, 1991; Klinkhammer and Palmer, 1991). This same explana- tion might also account for the slight enrichment of Mo relative to Cu (fig. 14). All else being equal, we might have expected the order of enrichment in the rocks to reflect, in part, their seawater concentrations: Mo>>U>V>>Cr; but this is not the case. In absolute terms, V is somewhat more enriched in rocks of the Monterey Formation than is Cr, and both elements are much more strongly enriched than are Mo and U (fig. 8). Their enrichments, over and above a biogenic contribution and relative to their seawater concentrations, follow the trend Cr>V>>U=Mo. The thermodynamic properties of these elements (table 9) allow Cr and V to precipitate under conditions of denitri- fication in the OMZ of the water column, as well as under DISCUSSION: ELEMENTAL SOURCES—THE MONTEREY OCEAN 33 lower redox conditions, but these same properties restrict Mo precipitation to sulfate-reducing conditions. Thus, bot— tom-water conditions of denitrification can explain the much greater enrichments of Cr and V. These two metallic ele- ments would have been strongly enriched in sediment un- derlying such an OMZ, more so than other minor elements, by precipitation as oxyhydroxides and (or) adsorption onto particulate phases within seawater, but unlikely by diffusion across the benthic boundary layer. The absence of a strong enrichment of U apparently is due to its occurrence in sea- water as U02(CO3)§‘, rather than as U02(CO3)%‘. The slight Mo enrichment probably reflects diffusion across the benthic boundary layer, but we cannot dismiss the possibility of brief periods of sulfate reduction in the bottom water, as occur on the Peru Shelf (Dugdale and others, 1977). Establishment of denitrification in the bottom water constrains bottom-water advection. If we assume that the denitrifying part of the water column was 250 m thick and that approximately 25 percent of surface productivity was oxidized in the bottom water—conditions similar to those on the Peru Shelf today—a residence time for the bottom water of approximately 5 yr would be required to establish denitrification. Although this value will change by adjusting the various parameters, the instability of the water column of the present-day Santa Barbara Basin (Sholkovitz and Gieskes, 1971) clearly suggests a residence time in this modern, open-oceanic, denitrifying basin on the order of years. This calculation should apply to “bottom” waters, whether we are considering a basin environment or an open— shelf environment, as illustrated in figure 3. The Cr content of the Monterey Formation also limits the residence time of the bottom water at the time of deposi- tion. Assuming that (1) the thickness of denitrifying water was 250 m, as above; (2) the initial Cr concentration in the water advecting into the basin was 0.21 ppb (table 8), 25 percent of which was removed to the sea floor, the approxi- mate maximum amount of Cr(III) in the DMZ of the eastern Pacific Ocean (Murray and others, 1983); (3) the average Cr content in the marine fraction of the Monterey Formation is 102 ppm, 90 percent of which accumulated as a hydrog- enous fraction (fig. 8); and (4) the sediment—accumulation rate was 3 mg/cm2 per year (Isaacs, 1985), then the maxi- mum residence time for bottom water in the basin is also calculated at 5 yr. Adjusting the thickness of the denitrifying section of the water column changes the residence time proportionally but does not alter the agreement between the calculation based on the accumulation of Cr and the above calculation of the oxidation of organic matter. Al- though this calculation is simplistic, the result is consistent with our interpretation of bottom-water denitrification. The residence time for bottom waters in permanently sulfate reducing basins is considerably greater than this: in the Black Sea about 375 to 1,000 yr (Ostlund, 1974; Murray and others, 1991) and in the Cariaco Trench 100 to 200 yr (Jacobs and others, 1987). Although sulfate reduction in the bottom waters of such fiords as Saanich Inlet can be sea- sonal (Anderson and Devol, 1973), several aspects of these small inland basins suggest that they are unlikely to be analogs of a large, open-ocean basin. For example, much of the organic matter settling into the bottom water might be terrigenous rather than marine, forcing sulfate reduction at a much greater rate than that predicted by surface-water productivity alone. Also, flushing apparently reestablishes denitrification, rather than oxygen respiration, in the bot— tom water of Saanich Inlet. Thus, the mean residence time of the bottom water is more than merely 1 yr, and the water is poised to almost immediately reestablish sulfate reduction with the secession of flushing. Although we cannot dismiss the dynamics of this basin as one possible explanation, the longer bottom-water residence time required for the estab- lishment of sulfate reduction in such larger basins as the Black Sea, and the significantly shorter residence time for bottom water of the Miocene basin (or open shelf), seems to preclude sulfate reduction in the bottom water of the Santa Barbara-Ventura Basin during Miocene time. Field studies of REE’s have established their removal from denitrifying seawater and their dissolution under con- ditions of sulfate reduction (de Baar and others, 1988; Ger- man and others, 1991). Sulfate reduction in the bottom water would have required sulfate reduction in the pore water of the surface sediment as well. Such a system should have precluded any enrichment of REE’s above a detrital contribution, and yet REE’s are enriched in the sediment, although this conclusion is based more on the seawater-type pattern of several samples (fig. 11) than on their absolute contents (fig. 6). Nonetheless, denitrification in the bottom water and sulfate reduction restricted to the near-surface pore water could have allowed the accumulation of REE’s from the water column. The content of marine La (fig. 12A) supports this interpretation: Its content in the marine frac- tion of the Monterey Formation and its content in seawater (table 8) give a bottom-water residence time of 5 yr, the same as did Cr. Thus, REE’s should have been no more enriched than by the slight amount we observe. Scavenging of additional minor elements in the water column, particularly Th, Sc, Be, Ga, and Hf, by particulate phases is clearly an important process on a global scale (Li, 1981; Balistrieri and Murray, 1984; Clegg and Sarmiento, 1989). The mere absence of these elements in the marine fraction of the Monterey Formation, however, may not al- low us to dismiss scavenging as an important minor-ele- ment-enrichment mechanism in the Monterey Formation. The low concentrations of Th and other elements of this group in seawater should preclude our identification of a hydrogenous fraction within bulk analyses. Leaching ex- periments, which we have not pursued to date, might iden- tify such a fraction. Although Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn are slightly enriched above their biogenic input, scavenging cannot explain the slight shifts in minor~elementzCu ratios toward their values 34 GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA in seawater (fig. 14). Ni should be only weakly scavenged from seawater, whereas Cu and Zn should be scavenged more efficiently (Clegg and Sarmiento, 1989); yet Ni is the more strongly enriched above a biogenic source. Also, scavenging should have shifted the Zn:Cd ratio away from the stoichiometric value in organic matter of about 9.2 (table 5), which is not observed (compare figs. 14A and 15 with fig. 14H). Evidence against scavenging is also provided by the metallic-element content of fecal material (table 7). Its high Cd, Cu, and Zn contents indicate these minor elements are strongly scavenged by fecal debris, but an NizFe ratio approximating that in WSA suggests a detrital origin for Ni (Piper, 1991). The low organic-carbon content (approx 5 weight percent; Youngbluth and others, 1989), and high clay content (approx 85 weight percent; Dunbar and Berger, 1981) in fecal material emphasize the need for a complete chemical analysis to fully account for the partitioning of metallic elements between the various fractions of fecal material. Even in the absence of such data, the enrichment of Ni in the Monterey Formation over both Zn and Cu is evidence against a major role for seawater scavenging in the enrichment of minor elements in these rocks. Accumulation within biogenic silica, in addition to or- ganic matter, might account for the displacement of these minor-element ratios away from the plankton value. The enrichment of Zn in biogenic silica is supported by the similarity of the distribution of Zn in seawater to that of Si(OH)4 (Sclater and others, 1976). Analyses of biogenic silica (Martin and Knauer, 1973), however, show that Cu is even more enriched in this phase, which has a Zn:Cu ratio of about 0.7. Accumulation of this phase on the sea floor, then, followed by its dissolution and the retention of Cu and Zn could explain the shift in the Zn:Cu trend in the rocks away (A (II Siliceous shale (a) O I Plankton O Seawater M 01 l N O r Phosphatic shale .4 (II I Cd CONTENT, IN PARTS PER MILLION 8 0 50 1 60 1 I50 200 Cu CONTENT, IN PARTS PER MILLION Figure 15. Cd versus Cu contents of marine fraction in sedimentary rocks of the Monterey Formation. Labeled curves represent averages. Data sources: circles, this study; squares, Leventhal (1989); dots, C.M. Isaacs (unpub. data, 1993). from the ratio in plankton of 10 (fig. 14H). The Zn:Cu ratios in plankton, silica, and the Monterey Formation actually suggest that silica supplied a major part of minor elements to the sediment. This same mechanism might also contribute to the low Cd contents, but a sampling bias also contributes to the lower than expected average Cd content. The Cd-Cu relation has two separate trends (fig. 9A). The samples with the lower Cd:Cu ratios (phosphatic samples) seem to be disproportionately represented. Additional analyses for the Santa Barbara-Ventura Basin (C.M. Isaacs, unpub. data, 1993) and the analyses by Leventhal. (1989) for the Santa Maria Basin (fig. 15) also show these two trends, but most samples plot along the siliceous-shale trend. An Ni content in biogenic silica needed to explain the shift in the Ni2Cu ratio (fig. 14D) seems to be much higher than we might expect to observe. Thus, the strong enrich- ment of Ni in these rocks must remain enigmatic until its distribution in biogenic phases is more fully evaluated. Its behavior during early diagenesis (Shaw and others, 1990) seems only to add to the problem; it is apparently remobi- lized under 02-depleted pore-water conditions. The slight shift of Cd:Cu, Mo:Cu, Se:Cu, UzCu, and Zn:Cu ratios all away from their plankton values, toward seawater values (fig. 14), might also be explained by a very brief excursion of bottom-water redox conditions into the field of sulfate reduction, as mentioned above. Just as the DMZ on the Peru Shelf can become sulfate reducing for brief periods of time (Dugdale and others, 1977), so might have the bottom water of this Miocene sea. A simple calcu- lation, similar to that made for Mo accumulation in early Quaternary sediment from the Sea of Japan (Piper and Isaacs, 1995), limits sulfate-reducing conditions in the bottom wa- ter considered here to less than about 1 percent of the time. Thus, accumulating organic matter remains the dominant source of these elements. The variation in bottom-water redox is expressed by the difference in V contents in the phosphatic unit and the shale units (fig. 146). The higher values in the shale units require accumulation under more strongly reducing bottom-water conditions (table 9), an interpretation that seems to conflict with the sulfur-isotopic data (Zaback and Pratt, 1992). Our stoichiometric approach clearly has many prob- lems because it is a simplified representation of an extreme- ly complex system. Froelich and others (1979, 1988), Bender and others (1989), J ahnke (1990), and Ingall and Van Cappellen (1990) revealed the complex geochemistry of major nutrients during diagenesis, from oxygen respiration, through manganese reduction, denitrification, Fe(III) reduc- tion, and sulfate reduction, to methanogenesis. The behavior of minor elements during early diagenesis is likely to be equally complex (Shaw and others, 1990). As future re- search better defines the geochemistry of minor elements in the modern marine environment, our interpretation of their distributions in sedimentary rocks will surely require adjustment. CONCLUSIONS 35 PALEOCEANOGRAPHY The late Miocene ocean is commonly considered as representative of an ocean that underwent a global anoxic event—that is, sulfate—reducing conditions much more wide- spread in bottom water of the ocean than they are today. Evidence generally cited for this representation is the seem- ingly vast areal extent of formations of this age with high organic-matter and minor—element contents, similar to those of the Monterey Formation, and on the interpretation that sedimentary rocks of this composition accumulated under seawater sulfate—reducing conditions. This environment has a very limited areal extent in the ocean today, and yet its accumulating sediment represents a major sink for several minor elements (Kolodny and Kaplan, 1970; Bertine and Turekian, 1973; Cutter, 1982; Jacobs and others, 1987; Emerson and Huested, 1991; Klinkhammer and Palmer, 1991). Sediment within this environment may or may not have high minor-element contents, depending on the rate of accumulation of the detrital fraction (dilution), but it will have high minor—element-accumulation rates. The Monterey Formation has high minor—element contents but minor- element-accumulation rates that were typical of the modern shelf environment. The effect of a global anoxic event on the distribution of minor elements in seawater would be drastic. In response to their accumulating over a much larger area of the sea floor, minor—element residence times and concentrations in the ocean would decrease sharply. The decrease would be felt worldwide and virtually instantaneously, owing to the very short residence times of most minor elements (Goldberg, 1963b). Piper and Codispoti (1975) suggested that NO; might have the same fate, with the somewhat-unexpected consequence that if organic-matter enriched sedimentary rocks represent periods of global anoxia, they must also represent times of reduced global primary productivity. The geochemistry of the Monterey Formation suggests another interpretation for its high contents of organic matter and minor elements. The high organic-matter content of this formation and, possibly, of rocks of correlative age results from low bulk-sediment-accumulation rates, that is, slight dilution by detrital phases and biogenic carbonates and silica, not from any significant change in primary productivity or in the geochemistry of the world’s ocean. Locally, primary productivity during much of the time represented by the Monterey Formation was probably no higher than it is today in the California Current. Similarly, high minor-element contents reflect this moderate primary productivity and low accumulation rate of diluting sediment fractions. The accu- mulation rates of Cr and V, alone, required a somewhat- expanded distribution of denitrifying bottom water, from its current restricted distribution in the Santa Barbara Basin. This local expansion of 02-depleted bottom water, however, probably had no global significance. Interelement ratios of all minor elements in the Monterey Formation can be ex- plained by accumulation from a seawater with minor-ele- ment contents similar to those in the North Pacific Ocean today; in fact, interelement ratios in the Monterey Forma— tion require such an ocean. CONCLUSIONS Analysis of 9 major-element oxides and 33 minor ele- ments in 22 samples of the Sisquoc and Monterey Forma- tions and Rincon Shale were carried out in three laboratories by ICP, NAA, and XRF methods. The precision of most analyses, on the basis of agreement of the results between laboratories, was better than 5 percent, allowing us to iden- tify contributions of the minor elements by terrigenous de- bris, marine-biogenic matter, and marine hydrogenous phases. The interelement ratios between major-element oxides (A1203, K20, Ti02) and minor elements (Co, Cs, Ga, Hf, Li, Sc, Th) closely approach those of NASC and (or) WSA standards. These ratios indicate that the detrital fraction was the sole source for these elements and that it itself had a terrigenous source. The strength of these relations allows us to determine the detrital contribution to the total inventory of other minor elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Se, U, Zn, REE’s) and Fe203 from the A1203zminor-elemental ratios in the standards and the A1203 content of each individual sample. The residual content of this group of minor ele- ments and Fe203 represents, then, the marine contribution. The interelement ratios between Cd, Cu, Mo, Se, Zn, and Fe in this marine fraction of the rocks approximate the corresponding interelement ratios in modern plankton, sug- gesting that these minor elements had a predominantly bio- genic source. During Monterey time, the rate of accumulation of organic matter on the sea floor of the Miocene Santa Barbara-Ventura and Santa Maria Basins necessary to pro- vide these elements to the sediment was approximately equal to that on the present-day California Continental Shelf, an area of moderately intense coastal upwelling and primary productivity in the photic zone of the water column. The enrichments of Cr, V, and REE’ 5 required accumu- lation directly from seawater, a hydrogenous input. On the basis of their chemical properties and distributions in 02- depleted environments of the ocean today, their accumula- tion from seawater would have been enhanced by conditions of denitrification in the bottom water. Their rates of accu- mulation in Monterey sediment limited the residence time of bottom water in the basin to a maximum of approximately 5 yr. This residence time is the same as that necessary to establish denitrification in the bottom water by way of the oxidation of settling organic matter. Sulfate reduction was not established in the bottom water through bacterial respiration, an interpretation based on the preservation of a seawater-derived enrichment of REE’s in the Monterey Formation, the absence of a strong 36 GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINOR ELEMENTS IN THE MONTEREY FORMATION, CALIFORNIA marine input of U, and the absence of enrichments of Cu, Cd, Se, Zn, and, particularly, Mo above a biogenic input. Otherwise, Cu, Cd, Se, Zn, and Mo would have accumulated as inorganic sulfides, in addition to accumulating in an organic fraction, and REE’s would not have accumulated from seawater at all but would have had solely a terrigenous source. A hydrogenous input of Mo, which is 5 to 50 times more abundant in seawater than V and Cr and 2,000 more abundant than REE’s (La), would have been easily detected. 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DEPOSlTCRY no. 1567 BART MAY 2 2 1995 7-DAYS Ecoregions of Alaska U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1567 Prepared in cooperation with Colorado State University and the Environmental Protection Agency >UW§#4Wafififi$%fl&EMHflflfig The Librarv - UC BerkeleV Received on: 06-24-96 Geoloqical SurveV professional paper h Ecoregions of Alaska By Alisa L. Gallant, Emily F. Binnian, James M. Omernik, and Mark B. Shasby U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1567 Prepared in cooperation with Colorado State University and the Environmental Protection Agency A spatial analysis of regional ecological patterns in Alaska using analog and digital maps and descriptive information UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1995 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BRUCE BABBITT, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Gordon P. Eaton, Director For sale by U.S. Geological Survey, Information Services Box 25286, Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US. Government CONTENTS Abstract ......................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 Background ................................................................................................................... 1 Methods ......................................................................................................................... 3 Materials ........................................................................................................................ 5 Ecoregion Descriptions ................................................................................................. 7 Arctic Coastal Plain ................................................................................................ 8 Arctic Foothills ....................................................................................................... 11 Brooks Range .......................................................................................................... 15 Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands ................................................................ 17 Interior Highlands ................................................................................................... 20 Interior Bottomlands ............................................................................................... 23 Yukon Flats ............................................................................................................. 25 Ogilvie Mountains .................................................................................................. 28 Subarctic Coastal Plains .......................................................................................... 30 Seward Peninsula .................................................................................................... 32 ' Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains .............................................................................. 34 Bristol Bay—Nushagak Lowlands ........................................................................... 38 Alaska Peninsula Mountains ................................................................................... 41 Aleutian Islands ...................................................................................................... 43 Cook Inlet ................................................................................................................ 45 Alaska Range .......................................................................................................... 48 Copper Plateau ........................................................................................................ 51 Wrangell Mountains ................................................................................................ 53 Pacific Coastal Mountains ...................................................................................... 55 Coastal Western Hemlock—Sitka Spruce Forests .................................................... 56 Summary ....................................................................................................................... 59 Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................... 59 References ..................................................................................................................... 60 Appendix 1 .................................................................................................................... 64 Appendix 2 .................................................................................................................... 70 Appendix 3 .................................................................................................................... 71 PLATES 1. Ecoregions of Alaska ........................................................................................................................................... In pocket III IV CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Map of Alaska ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 2. Arctic Coastal Plain thaw lakes .................................................................................................................................... 9 3. Arctic Coastal Plain vegetation .................................................................................................................................... 10 4. Arctic Coastal Plain vegetation .................................................................................................................................... 10 5. Arctic Foothills physiography and drainage pattern ..................................................................................................... l3 6. Arctic Foothills beaded stream drainage ...................................................................................................................... 13 7. Arctic Foothills vegetation ............................................................................................................................................ 14 8. Brooks Range physiography ......................................................................................................................................... 14 9. Brooks Range unstable slopes ...................................................................................................................................... 16 10. Brooks Range vegetation .............................................................................................................................................. 16 11. Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands forest vegetation ......................................................................................... 18 12. Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands burned area ................................................................................................. 18 13. Interior Highlands physiography .................................................................................................................................. 22 14. Interior Bottomlands physiography, surface water, and vegetation ............................................................................. 22 15. Yukon Flats physiography and surface water ............................................................................................................... 25 16. Yukon Flats physiography and vegetation .................................................................................................................... 26 17. Yukon Flats vegetation ................................................................................................................................................. 26 18. Ogilvie Mountains physiography and vegetation ......................................................................................................... 29 19. Subarctic Coastal Plains physiography, surface water, and vegetation ........................................................................ 29 20. Subarctic Coastal Plains forest vegetation ................................................................................................................... 31 21. Seward Peninsula physiography and vegetation .......................................................................................................... 33 22. Seward Peninsula gelifluction lobes ............................................................................................................................. 33 23. Seward Peninsula low scrub and dwarf scrub—graminoid communities ...................................................................... 35 24. Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains physiography ............................................................................................................. 35 25. Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains vegetation .................................................................................................................. 36 26. Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains vegetation .................................................................................................................. 37 27. Bristol Bay—Nushagak Lowlands physiography ......................................................................................................... 37 28. Bristol Bay—Nushagak Lowlands vegetation ............................................................................................................... 40 29. Alaska Peninsula Mountains physiography, soils, and vegetation ............................................................................... 40 30. Alaska Peninsula Mountains vegetation ....................................................................................................................... 42 31. Aleutian Islands physiography and vegetation ............................................................................................................. 42 32. Cook Inlet vegetation .................................................................................................................................................... 44 33. Cook Inlet vegetation .................................................................................................................................................... 44 34. Cook Inlet vegetation .................................................................................................................................................... 47 35. Alaska Range physiography and glaciation .................................................................................................................. 48 36. Alaska Range vegetation .............................................................................................................................................. 50 37. Alaska Range vegetation .............................................................................................................................................. 50 38. Copper Plateau surface water and vegetation ............................................................................................................... 52 39. Wrangell Mountains physiography and glaciation ....................................................................................................... 53 40. Wrangell Mountains glacial till .................................................................................................................................... 54 41. Pacific Coastal Mountains physiography ..................................................................................................................... 55 42. Coastal Western Hemlock—Sitka Spruce Forests physiography and vegetation .......................................................... 57 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA By Alisa L. Gallant‘, Emily F. Binnianz, James M. Omernik‘, and Mark B. Shasby4 ABSTRACT A map of ecoregions of Alaska has been produced as a framework for organizing and interpreting environmental data for State, national, and international inventory, monitoring, and research efforts. The map and descriptions of 20 ecolog- ical regions were derived by synthesizing information on the geographic distribution of environmental factors such as cli- mate, terrain (including information on physiography, geolo- gy, glaciation, permafrost, and hydrologic features), soils, and vegetation. A qualitative assessment was used to interpret the distributional patterns and relative importance of these factors for influencing the character of the landscape from place to place. The specific procedures and materials used to delineate the ecoregion boundaries are documented, and the environ- mental characteristics in each ecoregion are described. An accompanying map shows the distribution of the ecoregions and the transitional areas along their boundaries. INTRODUCTION A map and descriptions of ecological regions (ecore- gions) of Alaska have been produced as a framework for organizing and interpreting environmental data for State, national, and international inventory, monitoring, and research efforts. Ecoregions have been defined by Wiken (1986) as ecologically distinct areas resulting from “... the mesh and interplay of the geologic, landform, soil, vegeta- tive, climatic, wildlife, water and human factors which may be present. The dominance of any one or a number of these factors varies with the given ecological land unit.” The map of Alaskan ecoregions was derived by synthesizing informa— tion on the geographic distribution of environmental factors such as climate, terrain (including information on physiogra- phy, geology, glaciation, permafrost, and hydrologic fea- |Forest Sciences Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Work performed under US Geological Survey Cooperative Agreement #1434-93—A—00760 2Hughes STX Corporation, US. Geological Survey, EROS Alaska Field Office, Anchorage. Work performed under US. Geological Survey Contract #1434—92—C—4004 3Environmental Protection Laboratory, Corvallis. 4US. Geological Survey, EROS Alaska Field Office, Anchorage. 5The term “framework” will be used throughout this report to represent the ecoregion map and accompanying descriptions as a package. The descriptions are an important component because they allow the user to assess the charac— teristics that are representative of each ecoregion and the relative amounts of within—region environmental variability. Use of the map without the descrip- tions restricts the selection of representative field sites for regional analyses. Agency, Environmental Research tures), soils, and vegetation. This synthesis was a qualitative assessment of the distributional patterns and relative impor- tance of these factors for influencing the character of the landscape from place to place. The ecoregion map has been designed to accommodate a wide range of regional concerns, basically any that affect, or are affected by, the environmental factors analyzed to develop the map. Examples of applications for the map include the assessment of natural resources (regional chemi- cal, physical, and biological characteristics of surface waters, soil erosion potential, wildlife habitat diversity, and ecological risk assessment) and effects research (potential regional ecological effects from environmental contaminants or climate change). The map can also be used to evaluate how well research sites are distributed across ecoregions or along regional environmental gradients, and the regional descriptions can be used to infer the relative density of sam- ple sites needed to represent the ecological variability occur- ring within each ecoregion so that site—level information can be extrapolated to larger areas. Given national trends toward more holistic monitoring and management of ecosystems, the ecoregion map and descriptions provide an ecological frameworks to help integrate efforts among different envi- ronmental disciplines and agencies. Sections in this report describe the origin of the need and philosophy for delineating ecoregions of Alaska (Background), general procedures (Methods) and references (Materials) used, and environmental characteristics occurring in each ecoregion (Ecoregion Descriptions). The accompany- ing map (pl. 1) shows the distribution of Alaskan ecoregions. Environmental characteristics that typify each ecoregion are tabulated in appendix 1 and also appear on the reverse side of the map. Specific methods used to delineate each ecoregion are discussed in the descriptions of the individual regions. BACKGROUND Interest in developing the map of Alaskan ecoregions evolved from the need to have an ecological framework that is based on a variety of environmental characteristics of interest to different State, Federal, and international agen- cies. Single—theme frameworks have traditionally been pop- ular because they are customized for specific concerns, such as forest resources, soil characteristics, or agricultural poten- tial. However, use of different frameworks by different administrative agencies results in duplication of effort and inability to integrate and co—reference data across agencies and disciplines (Rubec, 1979). An ecological framework 1 2 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA that can integrate many environmental characteristics dimin- ishes these problems and assists in the exchange of informa- tion (Bailey and others, 1985). The utility of multipurpose ecoregion frameworks, such as those developed for the con- terminous United States (Omernik, 1987, 1995) and Canada (Wiken, 1986), has been successfully demonstrated in vari- ous projects (for example, Hughes and others, 1986; Rubec, 1979; Whittier and others, 1988; Whittier and others, 1987). Work is under way to combine the frameworks for Canada and the conterminous United States into one covering all of North America (James Omernik and Ed Wiken, oral commun, 1993, 1994). Delineation of Alaskan ecoregions is a step to furthering this work. Additionally, a growing interest in the effects of potential global environmental change on ecosys- tems, particularly on arctic systems,6 has promoted an effort to expand the ecoregional frameworks developed for Alaska and Northern Canada to all the northern circumpolar area. The ecological frameworks developed for Alaska, the conterminous United States, and Canada reflect a common philosophy and methodology, making it possible to combine these frameworks across international borders. The approach and objectives of these frameworks differ from those used to develop other, multipurpose7, regional schemes covering Alaska, such as the “Land Resource Regions and Major Land Resource Areas of the United States” (common- ly referred to as MLRA’s; U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1981), the “Major Ecosystems of Alaska” (Joint Federal- State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska, 1973), and the “Ecoregions and Subregions of the United States” (Bailey and others, 1994). The map of MLRA’s depicts two levels of classification hierarchy that were developed by considering a number of environmental characteristics similar to those used to delin- eate the ecoregions of Alaska. However, the main focus of the Soil Conservation Service in developing MLRA’s was land management concerns; the identification of regions was based on their land use potential. In addition, the Soil 6This interest is evidenced in the escalating number of international meetings and symposia on arctic ecological concerns, such as those includ— ed in this list of recent meetings: (1) The Panarctic Biota Project (Moscow, Russia, February 1991), (2) the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (Tromso, Norway, December 1991), (3) the Classification of Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation (Boulder, Colorado, USA, March 1992), (4) the Second Circumpolar Symposium on Remote Sensing (Tromsta, Norway, May 1992), (5) Global Change and Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems Conference (Oppdal, Norway, August 1993), (6) the Arctic Environmental Reference Database Workshop (Arendal, Norway, September 1993), (7) the International Symposium on the Ecological Effects of Arctic Airborne Contaminants (Reykjavik, Iceland, October 1993), and (8) the Third Circumpolar Symposium on Remote Sensing of Arctic Environments (Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, May 1994). 7The term “multipurpose” refers to regions that reflect general patterns of many ecosystem characteristics, therefore providing an ecological framework that should be generally useful for many environmental pur- poses. 8The ecoregional maps delineated for the conterminous United States (Omernik, 1987) and Canada (Wiken, 1986) were developed using this approach. Conservation Service did not have access to several statewide references that have since become available. These references improve the data base for interpreting ecoregion patterns. The map of “Major Ecosystems of Alaska” (Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska, 1973) shows the distribution of nine classes of ecosystems within a single hierarchic level. The focus of the ecosystems map is on the regional distribution of vegetation community type and structure. Information relating to other landscape characteristics, such as topography, hydrology, and climate, is considered only so far as it influences ecosystem type. The resultant classes contain much variability in environ- mental characteristics that are not reflected in the ecosystem type. For example, the “Alpine Tundra” ecosystem class encompasses mountain formations of different geologic ori- gin and climatic regime. Therefore, the map may not be use- ful for addressing concerns related to soil or surface water characteristics. The map “Ecoregions and Subregions of the United States” (Bailey and others, 1994) depicts four hierarchic lev- els of terrestrial ecological units. The authors explain that, “At each successive level [of the hierarchy] a different ecosystem component is assigned prime importance in the placing of map boundaries.” Climatic characteristics are used to delineate regions at the broadest level; vegetative features are used at the second level; the distinction between montane and nonmontane areas distinguishes the third level; and physiographic units define the finest level. The “Ecoregions of Alaska” map depicts a single level of resolution (although the ecoregions are being aggregated to conform with the coarser level of resolution planned for the map of North American ecoregions that was discussed earlier). Unlike the method used by Bailey and others (1994) in defining the ecoregions for Alaska, our approach is to con- sider a suite of environmental characteristics, regardless of the level of hierarchic resolution, rather than assigning importance to a single environmental characteristic per level of classification hierarchy.8 There are at least three reasons for this approach. First, the degree of influence of any one environmental characteristic changes from region to region, and even within regions (Omernik, 1987, 1995; Wiken, 1986); that is, there is no single, consistently reliable predic— tor of where boundaries should be drawn for multipurpose regions. An example is the popular use of “climate” at glob- al, regional, and finer scales to predict the distribution of ecosystems. The predictions have been disappointing in light of the actual distribution of ecosystems. The reason for this poor performance is that vegetation is also strongly affected by other characteristics, such as interspecific com- petition, factors affecting soil temperature and moisture, rate of seed dispersal and establishment of propagules, and land management practices (Barbour and others, 1987; Davis and others, 1986 in Prentice, 1992; Prentice, 1992;), so consider- ation of interrelationships among several environmental METHODS 3 variables is necessary to understand distributional patterns. Second, if emphasis is placed on a single factor at a par- ticular hierarchic level, the resultant regions may not reflect the distribution of other important features that have only a weak association with that factor. Recall that in the example described for the map of “Major Ecosystems of Alaska,” regional patterns related to soil type or surface water charac- teristics were not adequately recognized when the single fac- tor of vegetation community type was emphasized for delin- eating the regions. Third, the data set representing the distribution of the single factor includes varying degrees of informational reso- lution and accuracy. For example, weather stations are not distributed in a systematic network. The quality of interpo- lation of data among stations is affected by the methods of measurement at each station, the distance between stations, and the intervening orographic (or other) effects. Similar problems arise with soil or geology references, where con- tinuous map surfaces have been generated from differential- ly distributed observations. Therefore, weaknesses in a sin- gle information source can have a heavy impact when that source is emphasized in delineating regions. Incorporating a suite of independently derived references into the delineation process helps to counter the influence of weak information from a single data source. The multihierarchic maps so far discussed (the MLRA’s and “Ecoregions and Subregions of the United States”) pri- marily represent a “top down” approach toward delineating ecological units. Information is first analyzed to delineate the coarsest level of classification in a hierarchy (on the order of 104 km2 for our purposes). Successively more detailed information is then analyzed to subdivide the class- es into more detailed subunits. An alternate approach is described by Walker and Walker (1991) in their work on Alaska’s North Slope. Data are gathered and patterns ana- lyzed beginning at the microscale level (100—106 m2). A hier- archy of units is then constructed upward (“bottom up”) through mesoscale (10—104 km) and macroscale (104—106 kmz) levels of information. The objectives of the approach taken by Walker and Walker (1991) were to define the types of eco- logical processes, questions, data, and linkages appropriate to different hierarchic scales of regional analysis. Such an approach requires a very long—term, intensive effort for map- ping regions. Since our objective was to develop an ecore- gion framework for the state of Alaska, a “top down” approach was more appropriate because it directly addressed the landscape scale of interest, with little dependence on intensive, detailed ecosystem studies. This top—down approach not only resulted in a product within a relatively short time, but also provided an overall ecological context for further subdivision of regions as interest and availability of more specific data emerge. When ecoregions are being mapped, errors can be intro— duced into the process in several ways. Boundaries and other map components may be inaccurately located; classes can be incorrectly assigned or may not be informationally discrete; the spatial or informational resolution of classes may be misrepresented; data may not be available for some areas; and data accuracy may change because of temporal aspects in the landscape (for example, water level changes). These factors pertain to the reference maps used to derive the ecoregion map, as well as to the process used to delineate the ecoregions. This makes it difficult to determine the accura- cy of the map. Other problems with determining the accuracy of an ecoregion map relate to field sampling logistics, within—region heterogeneity, and field and map differences in informational resolution. Field Sampling Logistics. — Because each ecoregion has been defined on the basis of a number of ecological charac- teristics, field verification of the ecoregion map would entail collecting information on climate, physiography, geology, soils, permafrost, glaciation, hydrology, and vegetation for each sample site. Some of these variables are readily evalu— ated in the field, but others are not. The difficulty of col- lecting information for all of these variables at each site, plus the problem of site accessibility (most sites are not accessi- ble by ground transportation, and many are not accessible by air), makes accuracy assessment from the field infeasible. Within—Region Heterogeneity. — The array of combina- tions of environmental characteristics that could be expected within each ecoregion would have to be represented in the field verification data set. This requires a more detailed level of within—region analysis than that used to delineate the ecoregions because of the top—down approach that was used. Field and Map Informational Resolution. — The ecore— gions have been delineated at a very general level of informa- tional resolution. It would be necessary to design the collec- tion of field data so that the same level of generalization is rep- resented. This is difficult because the surrounding environ- mental context for an ecoregion may be lost at the site level. Because of the multipurpose nature of the ecoregion map, it may be inappropriate to attempt to assess its accura- cy. Boundaries between regions are expected to be “gener- ally” correct for a number of purposes, but are not expected to precisely fit the distribution of any singular variable. Therefore, there is not even a conceptual set of boundaries that will be perfect for all uses of the map. It is more perti— nent to assess whether stratification of sample data by ecore- gion helps to explain spatial variation of particular variables of interest (an assessment of the utility of the map). METHODS A number of environmental references were examined for this analysis, including statewide information on climate (sea- sonal and annual temperatures, rain, and snow), physiography (landsurface forms, topography, elevation, amount of local relief, and local surface irregularity), surficial and bedrock 4 ECOREGION S OF ALASKA geology, soils, permafrost, glaciation, hydrology, and current and potential vegetation. Previous work (Gallant and others, 1989; Omernik, 1987; Oswald and Senyk, 1977; US. Soil Conservation Service, 1981; Wiken, 1979, 1986) has shown that these factors are of primary importance for delineating ecoregional patterns. The steps for mapping ecoregions have been described in Gallant and others (1989) and involve delin- eating areas where unique combinations of different environ- mental factors coincide. In Alaska, for example, topographic data and physiographic maps show several extensive flat coastal plain areas that coincide with areas depicted as wet tun- dra on a map of major ecosystems. Among these coincidental areas, one occurs where arctic climate prevails, while several occur where subarctic climate prevails. Different climatic regimes result in different growing season lengths, different hydrologic cycles, and some variation in occurrence of plant species. Such differences led us to distinguish the Arctic Coastal Plain Ecoregion from the Subarctic Coastal Plains Ecoregion. Another example includes the montane areas in Alaska. All of these areas are mapped as having steep, high, rugged mountains and alpine tundra ecosystems. Within these areas of coinciding terrain and vegetation components are areas subject to arctic, continental, transitional, or coastal cli- matic influences that affect hydrologic characteristics and plant species distributions. Additionally, there are different geologic formations and soil parent materials that affect soil chemistry and moisture holding capacity and the physical and chemical characteristics of surface waters. These variations in condi- tions resulted in our recognition of several different montane ecoregions. We used a predominantly qualitative approach for eval- uating and delineating ecoregions. It would have been quicker and easier to duplicate a product derived from a strictly quantitative approach; however, we thought that the product would have been less accurate in its representation of ecoregions. It is difficult to apply strict quantitative weightings to represent the importance of different environ- mental factors for delineating ecoregions because the impor— tance of these factors, and the accuracy with which they are mapped, vary within and among ecoregions. An example occurs within the Yukon—Kuskokwim lowland portion of the Subarctic Coastal Plains Ecoregion. The importance of a particular vegetation type for defining the extent of the ecoregion varies across the region. Areas north of the Yukon River include both wet and moist tundra communities and exclude forests, while areas south of the Yukon River include only wet tundra because moist tundra is more indicative of the adjacent region to the south. A qualitative, interactive approach allows the human interpreter to recognize the need for changing the delineation criteria along the border of adj a- cent ecoregions. A more mechanical approach would simply delineate the ecoregions using prescribed factor weightings. The question of whether a factor’s importance varied throughout a region would most likely be overlooked. The decision of when to delineate an area as an ecore- gion is a judgment call that depends on (1) the combination and pattern of environmental characteristics occurring in that area versus those in the surrounding areas, (2) the size of the area, (3) the informational resolution and accuracy of the ref- erence material used in delineating regions, and (4) the infor- mational resolution and scale intended for the final frame- work. These four aspects are further described below. 1. There is more variation in the combination of envi- ronmental characteristics within some regions than between others. The size and distribution of the components that make up a landscape pattern are important for deciding whether areas should be classified as separate regions or consolidated within a single region at a given level of region- al resolution. For example, the Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains Ecoregion consists of clusters of steep, jagged peaks separated by broad valleys. At the informational res- olution depicted on our map, it is more appropriate to aggre— gate these mountains and valleys into a single ecoregion. However, the ecoregion could then be subdivided to separate the mountains from the valleys at a finer level of resolution. 2. There are no hard and fast rules for designating a min- imum—area criterion for ecoregions. Generally, 10,000 km2 or larger is a good size for regions of State—level frameworks because the area is large enough both to be distinctive on statewide maps of environmental variables and to be recog- nized as a management unit for State resources. However, in some circumstances this “rule” is not suitable. For instance, an extensive ecoregion might have many small outliers that are easily distinguishable on the reference materials, as in the Interior Highlands and the Interior Bottomlands Ecoregions in Alaska. The outliers, alone, are too small to be considered as a separate ecoregion; but in the context of mapping the larger, more extensive part of the ecoregion, it makes sense to delineate associated outliers that are still dis- cernible at the statewide scale. Another exception to a size criterion arises when an ecoregion is broken up by a water- body, as in the Aleutian Island Ecoregion. All of the indi- vidual islands may be smaller than the minimum—size crite- rion, but they are distinctive enough to be recognized as a region in the context of their grouping and their location, and their total area exceeds the minimum—size criterion. 3. The informational resolution and accuracy of the ref- erence materials used for delineating ecoregions impose implicit limits on the level of detail that can be depicted in the resultant ecoregion map. It is misleading to delineate regions that are more detailed than the bulk of the reference material from which they were defined; rather, regions should be less detailed than the components that were used to define them. 4. The intended use of the final framework affects the size and level of detail that is delineated for the regions. A very general framework will have relatively large regions separated by smooth boundaries. Accompanying regional descriptions will also be fairly general, listing only the major characteristics that typify each region. A very refined frame- MATERIALS 5 work will have small regions (or one or more levels of regional hierarchy) with more intricate boundaries and detailed descriptions of regional characteristics. The pur— pose for creating the framework governs the level of detail that should be shown on the final product. The general procedures used to produce the map of ecoregions of Alaska involved an iterative cycle of steps. The initial delineation of ecoregions was based on analysis of hardcopy maps and descriptive text. Maps representing the environmental variables listed earlier were examined to locate concurrent spatial patterns of the different variables. Also considered were the ecological processes associated with these factors. An early draft map of ecoregions was pre— pared by outlining areas (that met the minimum size criteri- on) of unique combinations of factors. This initial draft map was used to plan an itinerary for summer field reconnais— sance. The purpose of the reconnaissance was to compare ecosystems on the ground with the variables that represented them on the reference maps. Prospective ecoregions were visited by means of low—altitude flyovers and, where acces- sible, by ground. The draft map of ecoregions was then mod— ified on the basis of field reconnaissance, and a second ver- sion was prepared and circulated to a number of regional experts for review. Reviewers were asked to comment, based on their field experience, on whether the set of ecoregions depicted on the map corresponded with their understanding and general knowledge of ecological patterns in Alaska. Review comments provided guidance toward modifications for a third draft map. This third map was circulated to the reviewers, and their comments were incorporated. Final boundary placement involved manipulating of digital files in a geographic information system (GIS) to reduce errors intro- duced by estimating the location of landscape patterns from the variety of scales and projections used in the reference maps. The GIS also was helpful for creating new maps derived by combining information from different reference maps (for example, mapping the coincidence of the distribu- tion of major ecosystem types with different terrain features or with patterns on images developed from satellite data). The final map of ecoregions was further augmented to show the approximate transitional zones between regions. The zones are depicted as cross—hatched areas overprinted on the ecoregions. A transitional zone represents an area that shares the characteristics of adjacent regions. For example, a transitional zone between a mountainous region and a plains region might consist of widely scattered mountains separated by broad plains. Within each ecoregion are areas that are not indicative of the environmental characteristics that typify the region. These areas are not shown as transitional zones. Transitional zones distinguish land that is adjacent to, and shares the characteristics of, two or more ecoregions. Because of the relatively small scales of the ecoregion map and the references used to develop the map, it is not possible to depict transitional zones along all of the ecoregion bound- aries. It is important to remember that a line on the ecoregion map already represents an area (swath) on the ground, even when no additional transitional zones are indicated. When selecting names for ecoregions, we generally tried to include information on the location of the region, as well as a dominant distinguishing feature. Some examples of names are: (1) Arctic Coastal Plain Ecoregion, which confers climatic, physiographic, and location information, (2) Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands Ecoregion, which confers information on physiography, vegetation com— munity structure, and location, and (3) Coastal Western Hemlock—Sitka Spruce Forests Ecoregion, which indicates maritime climate, forest type, and coastal location attributes. Most of the mountainous regions simply bear the name of their respective physiographic units, because this information conveys both location and terrain characteristics. Regions encompassing a large variety of ecological characteristics, such as the Seward Peninsula and Cook Inlet Ecoregions, have names that denote only location. Attempts to make the names more descriptive would have made them long and unwieldy. We also avoided locational adjectives that are Alaska—centered, such as northern or southeastern, because eventually Alaskan regions will be included in North American and Northern Circumpolar regional frameworks. MATERIALS Statewide and regional data sets and reports were acquired for climate, physiography, elevation, geology and geomorphology, soils, permafrost, glaciation, vegetation, hydrology, wildfire occurrence, land use, and wildlife char— acteristics. These references are itemized below by topic. Climate. — Weather station data were obtained primarily from two sources: (1) the World WeatherDisc (WeatherDisc Associates, Inc., 1990, US. Monthly Normals and Worldwide Airfield Summaries data sets), a data base con- taining data acquired from the archives of the National Climatic Data Center and the National Center for Atmospheric Research and (2) a six—volume set of Regional Profiles of Alaska (Selkregg, 1974). Climatic information was also compiled from regional descriptions in several pub- lications (Black, 1955; Hopkins, 1959; Kimmins and Wein, 1986; Oswald and Senyk, 1977; Reiger and others, 1979; Slaughter and Viereck, 1986). Terrain. — A number of references provided information on physiographic characteristics (Black, 1955; Drury, 1956; Oswald and Senyk, 1977; Reiger and others, 1979; Spetzman, 1959; US. Geological Survey, 1964; Wahrhaftig, 1965). The US. Geological Survey (USGS) Map E shad- ed—relief map (1987a) was also useful. USGS digital eleva- tion data at a l—km2 resolution were used to determine ele— vation, slope gradient, and terrain roughness. Terrain rough- ness is an evaluation of the variability of local (within 5 km) 6 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA topographic relief. A terrain roughness map was derived using the steps identified in appendix 2. Classes of local ter- rain roughness include very low, low, moderate, high, and very high (see appendix 2 for a definition of these classes). Information on geology was obtained from maps and reports by Beikman (1980), Black (1951, 1955, 1969), Drew and Tedrow (1962), Karlstrom and others (1964), Oswald and Senyk (1977), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), Spetzman (1959), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), and Wahrhaftig (1965). A map showing the extent of Pleistocene glaciation in Alaska (Coulter and others, 1962) was the main source of information on glaciation. Several reports (Oswald and Senyk, 1977; Reiger and others, 1979; US. Geological Survey, 1964; Wahrhaftig, 1965) were also helpful. Information on permafrost came from a map classifying the distfibution of permafrost in Alaska (Ferrians, 1965). Other publications (Black, 1955; Ferrians and Hobson, 1973; Reiger and others, 1979) were used to augment this information. Several publications were helpful for characterizing sur- face waters and other hydrologic features (Drury, 1956; Reiger and others, 1979; Selkregg, 1974; Wahrhaftig, 1965; US. Geological Survey, 1987a). A map showing the distri~ bution of wetlands in Alaska (Hall, 1991) was helpful in depicting general areas of wetlands, but it included no fur- ther classification of wetland types. Soils. — A series of draft maps of various soil components, derived from information published in the Exploratory Soil Survey of Alaska (Reiger and others, 1979), was provided by the USGS (Larson and Bliss, written commun., 1992). Several published references were also used (Drew and Tedrow, 1962; Reiger and others, 1979; Selkregg, 1974). More recent soil information (since the publication of the Exploratory Soil Survey) was provided by soil scientists (Moore, written com~ mun., 1993 and Ping, written commun., 1993). Vegetation. — No statewide vegetation map has been completed for Alaska, although parts of the State have been mapped by different agencies. A subset of these maps (Fitzpatrick—Lins and others, 1989; Markon, 1992; Powell and others, 1993; Talbot and Markon, 1986, 1988; Talbot and others, 1986; US. Geological Survey, 1987b), along with other descriptive information and species lists (Drury, gThe AVHRR, mounted on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites, has a polar, sun—synchronous orbit. The AVHRR sensor offers spatial resolution of approximately 1 km2 (after geo— graphic correction) and collects data in the red—visible, near—infrared, mid—infrared, and thermal—infrared wavelengths. l0An NDVI value is calculated for each pixel by using the following equation: (Near IR — Visible)/(Near IR + Visible). This ratio relates to a measure of relative photosynthetic activity; that is, the higher the NDVI value, the greater the level of photosynthetic activity (Eidenshink, 1992). However, NDVI values can be misleading because of the effects that clouds, background soil color, and surface texture have on the original vis— ible and near—IR reflectance values (Huete and Jackson, 1988; Huete and others, 1985). 1956; Fleming, written communication, 1993; Reiger and others, 1979; Selkregg, 1974; Shasby, unpub. mapping, 1985; Spetzman, 1959; US. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1987a, 1987b; US. Forest Service, 1992; Viereck, 1989; Viereck and Little, 1972; Viereck and others, 1986, 1992; Wibbenmeyer and others, 1982) were used for this project. Descriptive information on vegetation for Alaskan ecore- gions that border Canada was augmented using a publication by Oswald and Senyk (1977). We also used surrogate information regarding the distri- bution of vegetation, such as statewide maps of major ecosys- tem types (Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska, 1973; Viereck and Little, 1972) and maps of characteristics related to photosynthetic activity (Markon and others, 1995). The latter refers to a collection of data sets derived from twice—monthly composites of advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR)9 sensor data that were available for the 1991 (Binnian and Ohlen, 1992) growing season. Each twice—monthly composite rep- resents the five—band sensor data for the acquisition date hav- ing the highest Normalized Difference Vegetation Index'0 (NDVI) value for each pixel. The conceptual basis for the composite is that the highest NDVI value represents condi- tions of least atmospheric interference during data acquisition (Loveland and others, 1991). The products derived from these composites (hereafter referred to as the “derivative products”) include maps of the (1) temporal classification of composite NDVI values over a growing season (resulting in 80 “greenness” classes; methodology for deriving this type of classification has been described in Loveland and others, 1991), (2) duration of greenness (number of days, per green- ness class, that the NDVI value exceeded a threshold value of 0.10), (3) yearly maximum NDVI (maximum NDVI per pixel for a growing season), (4) mean NDVI (the average twice—monthly composite value per pixel), (5) onset of green- ness (the composite period during which the NDVI value for a given pixel rose above 0.10), and (6) period of peak green- ness (the composite period during which the maximum NDVI value occurred for each pixel). Another derivative product that proved particularly useful for capturing spatial trends in vegetative characteristics is a relative color—infrared repre- sentation (hereafter referred to as the “relative CIR image”) of the 80 greenness classes (Fleming, 1994). The AVHRR data products were not used to delineate the actual boundaries of ecoregions because these data represent characteristics detected over a single growing season. The annual variation in these characteristics has not been ana- lyzed, so it is difficult to determine how well a single grow- ing season represents long—term landscape patterns. We used the AVHRR data products to aid in the interpretation of the spatial patterns shown on the rest of the reference maps. Wildfire. — Although not used to delineate ecoregions, information on wildfire has been included in the descrip— tions. Wildfire information in this report is limited to fires ECOREGION DESCRIPTIONS 7 started by natural causes. Human—caused fires are not dis- cussed because they are concentrated primarily along high- ways and in settled areas and are not necessarily indicative of natural regional ecological processes. Information on the occurrence of lightning fires was obtained from Gabriel and Tande (1983), and somewhat augmented from Selkregg (1974). The report by Gabriel and Tande summarized data from a 23—year span (1957—1979). Information in the cur- rent report, therefore, does not represent wildfires outside of this interval. Land use. — Although not used to delineate ecoregions, information on extractable resources and subsistence land use has been included in the descriptions. Extractable resource information was compiled from the US. Bureau of Mines (1992a; 1992b), Selkregg (1974), and Pittman (1992). Information on subsistence land use came from Langdon (1993), Morgan (1979), and Selkregg (1974). Wildlife. — Information on wildlife was not used to delineate ecoregions. Wildlife is an important component of the Alaskan landscape; however, it was beyond the scope of this report to describe the distribution and density of impor- tant species across individual ecoregions. ECOREGION DESCRIPTIONS Ecoregion descriptions have been compiled from the references listed in the Materials Section. An attempt has been made to provide consistent types of information for each ecoregion, but variations in the quality and quantity of information available have sometimes hindered this objec- tive. A State map of selected features (fig. 1) precedes these descriptions to assist readers unfamiliar with locations that are mentioned. The description of each ecoregion has been divided into the following topics: Distinctive Features, Climate, Terrain, Soils, Vegetation, Wildfire, Land Use and Settlement, Delineation Methods, and References. The general contents of each topic are described below. Distinctive Features. — Approximate location and size of the ecoregion are described. Information on the primary factors that distinguish it from the rest of the ecoregions has been extracted from the subsequent paragraphs describing that ecoregion. Climate. — Overall climatic regime is described in terms of major influencing factors (coastal, continental, transition- al, arctic), winter and summer temperatures, and annual pre- l'Wildfire information was obtained from Gabriel and Tande (1983). Because their reporting units did not coincide completely with ecoregion boundaries, data were summarized (using the actual frequency values pro— vided in the original report) to a coarser class of information. cipitation. Annual precipitation refers to the water equiva- lent (for both rain and snow) per year, and annual snowfall refers to cumulative depth. Weather stations are poorly dis- tributed across most ecoregions. Because the available data provide an imprecise representation of regional climate in most ecoregions, we have rounded the figures to the nearest 10 mm for total annual precipitation and 5 cm for total annu- al snowfall. Terrain. — Information about physiography, geology, extent of glaciation and permafrost, and hydrologic features is provided. Elevation information is based on height (meters) above mean sea level. Soils. — Principal soils are listed and parent materials are described. Vegetation. — Major community types are described and common or typifying species are listed. Names of communi- ty types and species closely follow those described by Viereck and others (1992). For the purposes of this report, Equisetum (horsetail) species are considered herbaceous veg- etation in the sense that they are nonwoody. Appendix 3 is a list of Latin and common names for plant species mentioned in this report. Wildfire. — Frequency of lightning fires for each ecore- gion has been classified based on the following cate— gories”: very low (<1 fire/yr), low (1—5 fires/yr), common (6—10 fires/yr), very common (11—20 fires/yr), and fre- quent (>20 fires/yr; the only region in this last category averages more than 80 fires per year). The range and the aver- age area bumed are also provided. Other descriptive inforrna— tion is included where available. Land Use and Settlement. — Information is provided regarding native human subsistence and selected commodi- ties, such as resource extraction, agriculture, and timber har- vest. Listings of extractable resources for an individual region generally follow the frequency of occurrence (from high to low) in the Bureau of Mines data base . Delineation Methods. — Specific materials used to decide boundary placement on the basis of synthesized char- acteristics typifying each ecoregion are discussed. Although nearly all information described above (except land use) was assessed to evaluate regional patterns, only a small subset of the material was used to delineate the boundaries. This sub- set represents maps that best integrate the spatial patterns of the full set of characteristics defining each ecoregion. Scientists from Environment Canada and Agriculture Canada assisted in the delineation of regional boundaries that cross the international border into Canada. References. — A list of specific references used to com- 8 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA pile each ecoregion description is included. 101.”, ARCTIC COASTAL PLAIN Distinctive Features. — As the northernmost ecoregion in Alaska, the 50,000—km2 Arctic Coastal Plain Ecoregion is bounded on the north and the west by the Arctic Ocean and stretches eastward nearly to the international boundary between Alaska and the Yukon Territory, Canada. The poor- ly drained, treeless coastal plain rises very gradually from sea level to the adjacent foothills. The region has an arctic climate, and the entire area is underlain by thick permafrost. Because of poor soil drainage, wet graminoid herbaceous communities are the predominant vegetation cover, and numerous thaw lakes dot the region (fig. 2). Climate. — The coastal plain has arctic climatic condi- tions, with very low mean annual temperatures and very low annual precipitation. Although July and August are general- ly frost—free, freezing temperatures can occur in any month of the year. Winds are persistent and strong. The few weath- er stations in this region are primarily located along the coast, but the data are fairly consistent from station to sta- tion. Average daily minimum winter temperatures are about -30°C, and average daily maximum winter temperatures are about —21°C. Daily minimum summer temperatures average just above freezing, and daily maximum summer tempera- tures average 8°C. Continuous sunlight during the summer months yields diurnal temperature fluctuations of only about 5°C. Cloud cover or fog prevails during the summer months, although fog decreases (and temperature rises) with increas— ing distance from the coast. The ecoregion receives approx- imately 140 mm of precipitation13 annually. Average annual snowfall varies among weather stations, ranging from 30 cm to 75 cm. Terrain. — The ecoregion is mainly a smooth plain ris- ing very gradually (slope gradients 31°) from the Arctic Ocean to the foothills of the Brooks Range, 180 m above sea level. Locally, permafrost—related features mark the terrain surface. Pingos rise 6 m to 70 m above the surrounding area, and other ice—related features, such as extensive networks of ice—wedge polygons, oriented lakes (ranging from a few meters to 15 km in length), peat ridges, and frost boils are common. Northeast—trending sand dunes, 3 m to 6 m high, occur between the Kuk and Colville Rivers. The coastal plain is mantled with Quaternary deposits of alluvial, glacial, and aeolian origin. Siltstone and sandstone lie beneath the unconsolidated materials at depths of several 12Numbers in front of ecoregion headings correspond with those used on the map “Ecoregions of Alaska.” 13The average annual precipitation figure for all ecoregion descriptions includes the snow water equivalent. meters to tens of meters. The ecoregion was not glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch, but the arctic climate is responsible for permafrost to depths of more than 300 m. The permafrost table is at or near the ground surface, with an active layer of less than 0.50 111 (except beneath the larger rivers, where thawing may be deeper). The Arctic Coastal Plain is very poorly drained. Thaw lakes cover 20 percent to 50 percent of the land surface across the region. In many areas, for example, near Teshekpuk Lake, lakes are rectangular and oriented north—northwest. This orientation is related to the effects of predominant winds on the permafrost shorelines of thaw lakes. Thaw lakes expand approximately 1 m per year in places and range from less than 1 In to 7 In in depth. Lake bottoms are usually covered by organic muck. Streams orig— inate in the highlands of ecoregions to the south. Streams west of the Colville River tend to be sluggish and meander- ing; those east of the Colville River are more braided and distributary, building deltas into the Arctic Ocean. Most of the smaller streams dry up or freeze during the winter and have clean sand or gravel beds. Soils. — The principal soils of the Arctic Coastal Plain are Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts and Pergelic Cryaquepts. Soils are poorly drained and have developed under thick vegetation cover. Very poorly drained fibrous peat soils occupy broad depressions, shallow drainages, and lake bor- ders, commonly under a thick cover of sedges. Pergelic Cryopsamments have developed on low, stabilized sand dunes. Very gravelly soils form from stream deposits in braided and distributary channels of streams west of, and including, the Sagavanirktok River. Lower parts of the ter- rain are subject to annual flooding from runoff of spring snowmelt and heavy summer rainstorms in the upper, mountainous reaches of their watersheds. East of the Colville River are extensive areas of loamy and poorly drained soils that have formed beneath a cover of sedge tus- socks, mosses, and low shrubs in nonacid and calcareous sediments. Vegetation. — The distribution of vegetation communi— ties is strongly related to microtopographic features that affect soil drainage. Wet soil conditions are most typical of this ecoregion, supporting wet graminoid herbaceous com- munities dominated by sedges or grasses (fig. 3). Dryer soil conditions occur where slight rises in microtopographic relief provide a rooting zone above the standing water table, such as along the rims of old lake basins, on river, lake, and coastal bluffs, and on pingos. Dwarf scrub communities grow in these better drained areas (fig. 4). Sedge communities are generally dominated by Carex aquatilis and Eriophorum angustifolium. Various herba- ceous species may share dominance with sedges in some areas. Mosses (usually Scorpidium spp. or Drepanocladus spp.) may be common. ARCTIC COASTAL PLAIN 180° 70" 172° 164° 156° 148° 140° 132° 124° 70° Barrow . D ARCTIC OCEAN 62" nchor 58° OF ALASKA i \ l ' " Sitka 54° ‘ . an “} , Dafl 0 100 200 300 400 MILES ("g 0 100 200 300 400 501 KILOMETERS /” Bass adapted from US. Geological Survey Map 0 Figure 1. Locational map of Alaskan features. Figure 2. Thaw lakes scattered over the treeless Arctic Coastal Plain Ecoregion. Many are oriented north-northwest, as in this area east of the Kuparuk River. ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Figure 3. Wet graminoid herbaceous community dominated by sedge (Carex and Eriophomm species) in the Arctic Coastal Plain Ecoregion. (Photo taken by Carl Markon, Hughes STX Corporation, US. Geological Survey, EROS Alaska Field Office, Anchorage.) Figure 4. Dwarf scrub community indicative of dryer soil conditions occurring on raised topographic features (approxi- mately 10 cm or more above the surrounding plain) in the Arctic Coastal Plain Ecoregion. (Photo taken by Carl Markon, Hughes STX Corporation, US. Geological Survey, EROS Alaska Field Office, Anchorage.) ARCTIC FOOTHILLS 11 Grass communities are generally dominated by Dupontia fischeri and Alopecurus alpinus, but Arctophilafizlva dominates where surface water is 15 to 200 cm deep. Various herbaceous species may share dominance with grasses in some areas. Dwarf scrub communities commonly include entire—leaf mountain—avens (Dryas integrifolia), mountain—cranberry (Vaccim'um vitis—idaea), four—angled cassiope (Cassiope tetragona), bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpina and A. rubra), and willows (Salix reticulata and S. phlebophylla). Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Arctic Coastal Plain Ecoregion is very low. Fire records show a range in size from 1 ha to 3,400 ha, with an average size of 1,135 ha. Land Use and Settlement. — Native inhabitants of this region are Inuit (Taremiut) who have traditionally depended heavily on large marine mammals (for example, bowhead whales, beluga whales, and walrus) for food and materials. Winter ice fishing and seal hunting supplement these food supplies. Caribou are hunted during late spring, following the conclusion of the major whale hunts. Edible plant roots and summer waterfowl and their eggs add variety to the diet. The ecoregion is rich in energy related commodities, including oil, gas, and coal. The Prudhoe Bay area has played a major role in providing these commodities. A num— ber of sand and gravel operations support construction and road maintenance. Delineation Methods. — The reference that best depict- ed the integration of important regional characteristics was the terrain roughness map. The ecoregion boundary corre- sponds with the pattern of continuous, very low terrain rough- ness. This boundary encompasses the full extent of “Wet Tundra” ecosystems shown on the arctic portion of the “Major Ecosystems of Alaska” map, as well as the thaw lakes shown on the USGS Map E base map. Some inclusions of “Moist Tundra” from the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska” also occur, and are depicted as transitional gray tones on the ecoregion map. Patterns on the relative CIR image reflect a combination of those shown on the surface roughness map and those shown on the ecosystems map; so the image is gen- erally in agreement with the ecoregion boundary. References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from: Beikman (1980), Black (1951, 1955, 1969), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal—State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), Spetzman (1959), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), U.S. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a),Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 102. ARCTIC FOOTHILLS Distinctive Features. — The 124,000—kmZ Arctic Foothills Ecoregion consists of a wide swath of rolling hills and plateaus that grades from the coastal plain on the north to the Brooks Range on the south. The east—west extent of the ecoregion stretches from the international boundary between Alaska and The Yukon Territory, Canada, to the Chukchi Sea. The hills and valleys of the region have better defined drainage patterns than those found in the coastal plain to the north and have fewer lakes (fig. 5). The Arctic Foothills Ecoregion is underlain by thick permafrost and has many ice—related surface features. The region is predomi- nantly treeless and is vegetated primarily by mesic graminoid herbaceous communities. Climate. — Arctic climate prevails in this ecoregion. The foothills are somewhat warmer in winter than the adjacent regions to the north and south, and gain some ameliorating effects from the Chukchi Sea to the west. Weather stations are rare in the Arctic Foothills Ecoregion, and information from the few data locations and anecdotal accounts may not be representative. Annual precipitation mirrors that of the Arctic Coastal Plain (2140 mm). As much as 50 mm of additional precipitation is intercepted near the boundary with the Brooks Range Ecoregion. The Noatak Valley, in the western portion of the Arctic Foothills Ecoregion, receives approximately twice as much annual precipitation as the rest of the region. Snowfall patterns are similar to overall annual precipita- tion patterns in that more snowfall occurs near the Brooks Range (up to 130 cm) and in the Noatak Valley (up to 150 cm) than throughout the rest of the region (75 cm to 100 cm). Average daily winter temperatures range from a minimum of -29°C to a maximum of —20°C. Average daily summer temperatures range from a minimum of 1°C to a maximum of 11°C to 15°C, although maximum temperatures of 24°C are not uncommon in some areas. Freezing can occur in any month of the year, but July and August are usually frost—free. Terrain. — The Arctic Foothills Ecoregion can be topo- graphically and geologically separated into northern and southern sections. The northern section consists of broad, rounded east—west ridges and mesa—like uplands built from unconsolidated Quaternary materials (glacial, alluvial, and aeolian in origin) over Lower Cretaceous continental deposits. Elevations are generally less than 600 m above sea level. The southern section has undifferentiated alluvial and colluvial deposits overlying Jurassic and early Cretaceous graywacke and chert formations. Elevations are higher than in the northern section (up to 800 m) and consist of irregular buttes, mesas, and long linear ridges with intervening undu- lating plains and plateaus. The ecoregion was free from Pleistocene glaciation 12 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA (except for some areas directly north of the Brooks Range) but is currently underlain by thick permafrost. The active layer of the permafrost is generally less than 1 m, except beneath large rivers, where thawing may be deeper. Many ice—related features are present, such as pingos, gelifluction lobes, ice—wedge polygons, stone stripes, and beaded drainage (fig. 6). Although regional slope gradients general- ly vary from 0° to 5°, they may be steeper in some areas. Drainage in the Arctic Foothills Ecoregion is integrated. Major streams originate from the Brooks Range and are structurally controlled by the bedrock. Most streams are swift, but portions may be braided across gravel flats. Smaller streams dry up or freeze to the bottom in winter; these streams typically have clean sand or gravel bottoms. Perennial streams have algae—covered rocky bottoms. During spring snowmelt and breakup of river ice, flooding and channel shifting are common. Oxbow lakes along major stream valleys are the predominant type of lake in this ecoregion. Most lake beds are organic muck, but some are sandy. Lake shores are surrounded by ice—push ridges (as much as 2 m high). Plant communities in lakes are general- ly arranged in concentric bands that correspond with water depth; aquatic vegetation is usually limited to water that is less than 1.5 m deep. Soils. — Principal soils are Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts, Pergelic Cryaquepts, and Pergelic Ruptic—Histic Cryaquepts. Dominant soils in valleys and on long slopes formed in silty or loamy colluvial sediments. On hills and ridges, most of the soils are composed of very gravelly materials eroded from sedimentary rock. The dominant soils in the Noatak Valley are poorly drained and are derived from very gravel— ly glaciofluvial material from limestone rock in the sur- rounding mountains. Well drained soils occur on hilly moraines of the valley, formed from very gravelly, nonacid and calcareous drift. Shallow depressions on terraces accommodate fibrous peat soils. Vegetation. — Vegetation over most of the region con- sists of mesic graminoid herbaceous (fig. 7) and dwarf scrub communities. Open low scrub occurs along drainages. Forest communities occur in the Noatak River Valley, a somewhat anomalous area of this ecoregion. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities dominated by tussock—forming sedges are widespread. Typical species are Eriophorum vaginatum and Carex bigelowii. Low shrubs, such as dwarf arctic birch (Betula nana), crowberry (Empetrum nigrum), narrow—leaf Labrador—tea (Ledum decumbens), and mountain—cranberry (Vaccinium vitis—idaea) often occur and may codominate with sedges. Mosses (for example, Hylocomium splendens and Sphagnum spp.) and lichens (for example, Cetraria cucullata, Cladonia spp., and Cladina rangiferina) are common between tussocks. Dwarf scrub communities are dominated by mat—form- ing Dryas species accompanied by ericaceous species (for example, Vaccinium spp., Cassiope tetragona, Arctostaphylos spp.) and prostrate willows (Salix reticulata and S. phlebo- phylla). Open low scrub communities are codominated by alders (Alnus crispa) and willows (for example, Salix lanata, S. plan- ifolia, and S. glauca). Mosses (for example, Tomenthypnum nitens and Drepanocladus spp.) are usually abundant. Forest vegetation is common along river terraces of the lower Noatak Valley (as far inland as the Kugururok River). White spruce (Picea glauca) occurs in either pure stands or with balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera). The spruce grows in open stands along the riverbanks, with an understory dom- inated by willows (for example, Salix alaxensis, S. planifolia, and S. lanata). Away from the river, forest canopies are closed and stands have few understory species (for example, ericads such as Ledum spp., Arctostaphylos spp., and Vaccinium spp.). A thick layer of featherrnosses (for exam- ple, Hylocomium splendens) is common. Balsam poplar stands grow all along the river, occurring farther upriver than white spruce stands. Typical understory species are alpine bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpina), buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis), and bush cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa). Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Arctic Foothills Ecoregion is very low. Fire records show a range in size from <1 ha to 1,600 ha, with an average size of 185 ha. Land Use and Settlement. — The ecoregion has tradi- tionally been home to the Inuit (Nunamiut). Caribou is the primary subsistence resource. Moose, bear, hare, ground squirrel, and ptarmigan are also hunted. Edible plant roots and berries supplement the diet. Subsistence and recreational fishing and hunting remain the primary human activities in this ecoregion. A number of potential extractable resources have been investigated, including coal, barium, lead, chromium, zinc, and silver. Sand and gravel operations have supported construction of the trans—Alaska pipeline service road. Delineation Methods. — Typical characteristics of the Arctic Foothills Ecoregion are integrated within the area of low terrain roughness on the arctic portion of the terrain roughness map. The ecoregion boundary shared with the Arctic Coastal Plain was delineated on the basis of a distinct boundary between very low terrain roughness and low terrain roughness. The ecoregion boundary shared with the Brooks Range was delin— eated along a generalized 600—m elevation contour, an elevation coinciding with the northern extent of “Alpine Tundra” in the Brooks Range, as depicted on the “Major Ecosystems of Alaska” map. This contour line corresponds well with regional pattems shown on the relative CIR image. The ecoregion boundary shared with Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands was based on the interface of the forest ecosystems of the inte— rior and the tundra (graminoid herbaceous) ecosystems of the Arctic. Transitional areas adjacent to the Brooks Range indicate ARCTIC FOOTHILLS Figure 5. Rolling hills of the Arctic Foothills Ecoregion showing better defined drainage patterns than those found in the coastal plain to the north. (Photo courtesy of Skip Walker, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder.) Figure 6. Beaded stream drainages controlled by the pattern of ice wedges formed in permafrost environments of the Arctic Foothills Ecoregion. (Photo courtesy of Skip Walker, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder.) ECOREGION S OF ALASKA Figure 7. Mesic graminoid herbaceous-dwarf scrub community near Umiat in the Arctic Foothills Ecoregion. (Photo cour- tesy of Skip Walker, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado. Boulder.) Figure 8. The Brooks Range Ecoregion is composed of deeply dissected mountains formed from uplifted, stratified Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments. BROOKS RANGE 15 alpine tundra ecosystems, areas greater than 600 m in elevation, and areas of medium to high terrain roughness. Transitional areas adjacent to the Arctic Coastal Plain indicate inclusions of areas of very low terrain roughness. References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Black (1951, 1955, 1969), Coulter and others (1962), D. Binkley (oral commun., 1994), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), Spetzman (1959), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 103. BROOKS RANGE Distinctive Features. — The 134,000—km2 Brooks Range Ecoregion consists of several groups of rugged, deeply dissected mountains carved from uplifted sedimenta- ry rock (fig. 8). The ecoregion traverses much of the east—west extent of northern Alaska, from the Canadian bor- der to within 100 km of the Chukchi Sea. Elevation of mountain peaks ranges from 800 In in the relatively low Baird Mountains in the west to 2,400 m in the central and eastern Brooks Range. Pleistocene glaciation was extensive, and small glaciers persist at elevations above 1,800 In. An arctic climatic regime and unstable hillslopes maintain a sparse cover of dwarf scrub vegetation throughout the moun- tains, though some valleys provide more mesic sites for graminoid herbaceous communities. Climate. — The ecoregion is influenced by arctic cli- mate. The only perennial weather station, located at Anaktuvuk Pass, sits at an elevation of 770 m, where winter temperatures average a daily minimum of -30°C and a daily maximum of -22°C, and summer temperatures average lows of 3°C and highs of 16°C. In most years, freezing tempera- tures occur each month. In general, temperatures decrease with elevation, but hillslope aspect, strong and persistent winds, and convective currents result in climate that is high- ly variable. Mean annual precipitation at Anaktuvuk Pass is 280 mm, with 160 cm of annual snowfall. Precipitation is heaviest on south—facing slopes and near mountain summits. Terrain. — The Brooks Range Ecoregion represents the Alaskan extension of the Rocky Mountains. The steep, rugged mountains consist of folded and faulted stratified Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary deposits (including sandstone, shale, and limestone marine and nonmarine deposits, and some metamorphic rocks) that were uplifted during the Cretaceous period. Elevations range from 500 m in the lower valleys to 2,400 m on the higher peaks. Slope gradients of 5° to 15° are common. The ecoregion was extensively glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch, but only small, scattered glaciers persist. Continuous thick per- mafrost underlies the region. The interplay between water (frozen and thawed) and sediments is evidenced by moraine and gravel outwash terraces in most valleys, by gelifluction lobes on hillslopes, by ice—push ridges around lakes, and by polygons, stripes, and circular frost scars on many surfaces. Rubble and exposed bedrock cover the mountain slopes. Lakes are sparse for such a glacially influenced region, occurring primarily in rock basins at the mouths of large glaciated valleys, in areas of ground and end moraine, and on the floodplains of major streams. Streams often have a trel- lis drainage pattern, with major streams draining north or south and their tributaries draining east or west. Extensive alluvial fans of loose material carried down from mountain slopes have formed in broad valleys at the base of streams. Hot springs are known to occur in several areas. Soils. — The principal soils of the Brooks Range Ecoregion are Pergelic Cryaquepts, Pergelic Cryumbrepts, and Lithic Cryorthents. Hillslope soils formed from local colluvium, while most valley soils generally developed from glacial till. Soils are often gravelly, but are covered in many places with silty colluvial and residual material from fine-grained sedimentary rocks. Because of glaciation, frost action, and rapid erosion of steep slopes, there is little soil accumulation on hillslopes. Soils throughout this ecoregion typically have poor drainage because of the shallow depth to permafrost. Vegetation. — Because of highly erodible hillslope sed- iments, shallow soils, high winds, and harsh climate in this ecoregion, vegetation cover is sparse (fig. 9) and generally limited to valleys and lower hillslopes. Drier sites support dwarf scrub communities. Wet to mesic sites support mesic graminoid herbaceous communities. Dwarf scrub communities are dominated by ericaceous species (for example, Arctostaphylos alpina, A. rubra, Vaccinium spp., Ledum decumbens, Empetrum nigrum, and Cassiope tetragona), mountain—avens (Dryas octopetala and D. integrifolia), and willow (Salix rotundifolia, S. arctica, and S. polaris). Herbaceous species (for example, Carex spp.) and fruticose lichens (for example, Cladina spp. and Cetraria spp.) may codominate with shrubs in some areas (fig. 10). Graminoid herbaceous communities are dominated by sedges (Carex aquatilis and C. bigelowii) and willows (Salix planifolia and S. lanata). Mosses (for example, Tomenthypnum nitens, Distichium capillaceum, Drepanocladus spp., and Campylium stellatum) are often abundant. Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Brooks Range ECOREGION S OF A SKA ‘ u waif? Mil?“ .ae' Figure 9. Steep, unstable slopes of the Brooks Range Ecoregion. Physiography and an arctic climate restrict vegetation. Figure 10. Dwarf scrub community dominated by mountain-avens and lichen growing on a windswept site of the Brooks Range Ecoregion. (Photo courtesy of Skip Walker, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder.) INTERIOR FORESTED LOWLANDS AND UPLANDS 17 Ecoregion is common. Fire records show a range in size from <1 ha to 109,265 ha, with an average size of 1,790 ha. Land Use and Settlement. - The Brooks Range has historically been used by nomadic groups of the Interior North Alaska Coast Inuit (Nunamiut) and by the Kutchin and Koyukon Athabascans. Salmon fishing and hunting for cari— bou and moose are the major means of subsistence. Small fur—bearing mammals are hunted secondarily. Edible plants are also gathered. The fact that Anaktuvuk Pass is the only year—round set- tlement in this ecoregion underscores the harsh environment and difficulty of transportation associated with the moun- tains. The region is little developed and provides subsistence hunting and fishing, as well as recreational uses. Many extractable resources have been investigated and, in some cases, mined. These include gold, silver, copper, tungsten, zinc, lead, chromium, vanadium, antimony, barium, molyb— denum, phosphate, and rare earth elements. Numerous sand and gravel operations have supported construction of the trans-Alaska pipeline service road. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary pri- marily follows a generalized 600—m elevation contour. An exception occurs in the southeastern part of the ecoregion, where a 900—m contour was used. This is because the moun- tains at the 600—m level in the southeast are more widely spaced, have climatic characteristics more similar to those of interior regions, and have a different geologic origin than the rest of the Brooks Range. The boundary delineated general- ly corresponds with patterns shown on the relative CIR image. The transitional zones on the northern side of the ecoregion distinguish areas of “Moist Tundra,” as depicted on the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska,” and lower eleva- tion valleys penetrating from the Arctic Foothills Ecoregion. Transitional zones on the southern side distinguish “Upland Spruce—Hardwood Forest” ecosystems, as depicted on the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska,” along drainages adja- cent to interior ecoregions. References. — The information provided in this region— al description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Black (1955, 1969), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Ferrians and Hobson (1973), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), Spetzman (1959), US Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 104. INTERIOR FORESTED LOWLANDS AND UPLANDS Distinctive Features. — The 269,000—km2 ecoregion rep- resents a patchwork of ecological characteristics. Regionwide unifying features include a lack of Pleistocene glaciation, a continental climate, a mantling of undifferentiated alluvium and slope deposits, a predominance of forests dominated by spruce and hardwood species, and a very high frequency of lightning fires. On this backdrop of characteristics is super- imposed a finer grained complex of vegetation communities resulting from the interplay of permafrost, surface water, fire, local elevational relief, and hillslope aspect (fig. 11). Climate. — The ecoregion has a continental climate, with short, warm summers and long, very cold winters. Because the ecoregion is so large, there is much variation in temperature and precipitation from west to east. Total annu- al rain and snow generally increase with elevation. Temperature, while affected by elevation, is also influenced by distance from the ocean; maximum summer temperatures increase from west to east, and minimum winter tempera- tures decrease in the same pattern. Accordingly, variation in diurnal temperature increases from west to east. Mean annual precipitation over most of the region ranges from 250 mm to 550 mm, with contribution from snowfall averaging from 125 cm to 205 cm. Most precipita— tion occurs during summer, mainly as a result of convective storms. Snow covers the landscape for half the year, linger- ing at higher altitudes, on north—facing slopes, and on shad- ed aspects. Average minimum winter temperatures vary from -18°C in the west to -35°C in the east; average maximum winter temperatures vary from -11°C in the west to -22°C in the east. Strong, stable temperature inversions are common in winter due to low sun angle and corresponding long—wave radiation cooling. Summer temperatures, averaging a mini- mum of 8°C to 11°C and a maximum of 17°C to 22°C, have less regional variation than winter temperatures. At lower elevations, temperatures usually remain above freezing from June through mid—September. Terrain. — The Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands Ecoregion consists of rolling lowlands, dissected plateaus, and rounded low to high hills. Most of the region lies between elevations from sea level to 500 m, but some hills rise over 700 m. Slope gradients are generally from 0° to 5°. The predominant geologic formations are derived from Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, but extensive areas of volcanic deposits also occur. The region is surfi- cially mantled by undifferentiated alluvium and slope deposits. There is little exposure of bedrock. Streams orig- inating from within the ecoregion tend to be short, with the larger and longer streams originating from adjacent glaciat— ed mountainous regions. Although thaw lakes and oxbow lakes occur throughout the ecoregion, lakes are not a pre- ECOREGION S OF ALASKA Figure 11. Forest plant communities typical of the Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands Ecoregion. The patterns and species composition of the communities are often controlled by the effects of permafrost, surface water, fire, relief, and hill- slope aspect. Figure 12. Initial recolonization by fireweed within recent burn, east of Tok in the Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands Ecoregion. High frequency of lightning fires is a common characteristic. INTERIOR FORESTED LOWLANDS AND UPLANDS 19 dominant landscape feature. The western portion of the ecoregion is underlain by thin to moderately thick per- mafrost, and the eastern portion has a discontinuous distrib- ution of permafrost. The region was not glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch. Soils. — Dominant soils of this ecoregion are Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts, Pergelic Cryaquepts, Aquic Cryochrepts, Pergelic Cryochrepts, Typic Cryochrepts, Typic Cryorthents, and Pergelic Cryumbrepts. Many upland soils were formed in silty, micaceous loess and colluvial material. Where mantles of loess are lacking, upland soils formed in stone and gravel weathered from local rock. Lowland soils were formed in silty alluvium and loess derived from the floodplains of large rivers. Soils are generally shallow, often overlying ice—rich permafrost. Those soils with permafrost, especially in the eastern portion of the ecoregion, are very susceptible to alteration upon disturbance of the organic mat. This is due to the relatively warm (>-1.5°C) permafrost tem— perature. Organic mat disturbance, as by wildfire, can result in warmer soil temperatures, lowered permafrost tables, and significant changes in soil physical properties and hydrology. Vegetation. — Interrelationships among permafrost, sur— face water, fire, hillslope aspect, and soil characteristics result in a finely textured, complex pattern of vegetation across the ecoregion. Soil temperatures may differ greatly from air tem— peratures, so patterns in vegetation may not correspond with expected site conditions. Needleleaf, broadleaf, and mixed forests occur over a variety of sites. Tall scrub communities grow in areas of newly exposed alluvium, such as flood- plains, strearnbanks, drainageways, and lake margins, on burned or otherwise disturbed areas, and near timberline. Low scrub communities occur in moist areas and on north—facing slopes. The wettest sites support tall scrub swamps, low scrub bogs, or scrub—graminoid communities. Recently burned areas (fig. 12) display a succession of recov— ery stages that include mesic forb herbaceous communities, mesic graminoid herbaceous communities, scrub communi- ties, and broadleaf, needleleaf, and mixed forests. Needleleaf forests are dominated by spruce and occur over a variety of site conditions. White spruce (Picea glau- ca) occurs on warm, dry, south—facing hillslopes, along rivers where drainage is good and permafrost is lacking, and on well drained timberline sites. Dominant components of the under- story include shrubs, such as resin birch (Betula glandulosa), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), alder (Alnus spp.), willow (Salix spp.), buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis), high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule), and bearberry (Arctostaphylos spp.); herbs, such as twinflower (Linnaea borealis); and mosses, such as Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, and Cladonia spp. Black spruce (Picea mariana) forests are found on floodplain terraces and flat to rolling uplands in well drained to poorly drained soils. Tamarack (Larix laricina) may be associated with black spruce in wet bottomland areas. Low shrubs, such as Labrador—tea (Ledum groenlandicum and L. decumbens), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), blueberry/cran- berry (Vaccinium spp.), and resin birch (Betula glandulosa) are typically dominant in the understory. The ground has a patchy to continuous layer of mosses (for example, Pleurozium schreberi, Hylocomium splendens, Polytrichum spp., and Sphagnum spp.), and lichens (for example, Peltigera spp. and Cladonia spp.). Broadleaf forests of balsam poplar (Populus balsam- ifera), quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), or a mix of the two develop on the floodplains of meandering rivers. These forest stands follow the establishment of alder and willow thickets. The stands are subsequently replaced by white spruce (Picea glauca). Dominant understory species of broadleaf forests are alder (Alnus spp.), willow (Salix spp.), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), and herbaceous species (for example, Equisetum spp., Calamagrostis canadensis, and Heracleum lanatum). Mixed forests are dominated by combinations of spruce, paper birch, and quaking aspen. Dominant understory species include bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis), alder (Alnus spp.), bearberry (Arctostaphylos spp.), and Labrador—tea (Ledum spp.). Most tall scrub communities are dominated by willows (Salix alaxensis, S. glauca, and S. lanata) and alders (Alnus crispa, A. tenuifolia, and A. sinuata), though communities near timberline may be dominated by birch (Betula glandu- losa and B. papyrifera). Understory shrubs are usually sparse, but mosses (for example, Polytrichum spp., Hylocomium splendens, and Drepanocladus uncinatus) may be abundant. Low scrub communities are dominated by open stands of willow (for example, Salix glauca, S. planifolia, and S. lana- ta), birch (Betula glandulosa and B. nana), alder (Alnus crispa), or mixes of these genera. Dominant understory shrubs may include cranberry/blueberry (Vaccinium spp.), bearberry (Arctostaphylos spp.), and Labrador—tea (Ledum spp.). The ground is covered by a patchy to continuous layer of moss (for example, Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, Tomenthypnum nitens, and Aulacomnium palustre). Tall scrub swamps are dominated by alder (Alnus tenuifolia and A. crispa) and willow (Salix planifolia and S. lanata). Low shrubs may be present in the understory, including leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata), high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule), sweetgale (Myrica gale), and spirea (Spiraea beauverdiana). Mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp.) are usually present. Bogs support open low scrub or scrub—graminoid com- munities. The shrub component includes a number of wil— low species (for example, Salix planifolia, S. reticulata, S. barclayi, S. commutata, and S. fuscescens), birch (Betula glandulosa and B. nana), Labrador—tea (Ledum decumbens), blueberry/cranberry (Vaccinium uliginosum, V. vitis—idaea, and V. oxycoccos), bush cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa), sweetgale (Myrica gale), alder (Alnus tenuifolia), and bog— 20 ECOREGION S OF ALASIQA rosemary (Andromeda polifolia). Sedge tussocks (Eriophorum vaginatum and Carex bigelowii) or other graminoids (for example, Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex aquatilis, and C. pluriflora ) are codominant with shrub species in some bogs. A continuous moss layer, commonly consisting of Sphagnum spp., Pleurozium schreberi, Hylocomium splendens, Dicranum spp., and Polytrichum 51211., is present. Recent burn areas are initially colonized by mesic forb herbaceous communities dominated by fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium). Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities develop when bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) becomes dominant. The scrub communities that follow consist mainly of willows (Salix arbusculoides, S. barclayi, S. bebbiana, and S. scouleriana), accompanied by prickly rose (Rosa acicu- laris), buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis), and ericaceous species (for example, Ledum decumbens, L. groenlandicum, Vaccinium caespitosum, and V. vitis—idaea). Broadleaf forests dominated by quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) often suc- ceed the willow stage in upland areas on south—facing slopes, or on well drained river terraces. Paper birch (Betula papyrifera) stands succeed the willow stage on east—, west—, and occasionally north—facing slopes and flat areas. Mixed forest stands occur when spruce becomes established in the broadleaf stands. Needleleaf forests dominated by spruce eventually replace the mixed stands on many sites. Wildfire. — Wildfires occur frequently in the Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands Ecoregion. Fire size has ranged from less than 1 ha to 260,800 ha (the largest occur- ring in the Kuskokwim Mountains), with an average size of 1,630 ha. Low annual precipitation, high summer tempera- tures, low relative humidity, frequent lightning storms, and trees having branches low to the ground are factors that make this ecoregion especially prone to wildfire. The fire season usually lasts from June through the beginning of August. Land Use and Settlement. — The region is used primar- ily for subsistence and recreational hunting and fishing. Native inhabitants have descended from a number of Athabascan groups, such as the Koyukon, Kutchin, Tanana, Han, Tanacross, Upper Tanana, Upper Kuskokwim, Holikachuk, and Ingalik. Upland dwellers rely on large game (caribou and moose) as important sources of food and materi- als. Riverine groups depend heavily on salmon and freshwa- ter fish (for example, Whitefish, blackfish, and pike). Smaller mammals and ptarmigan provide secondary subsistence sources. Edible and medicinal plant parts are also collected. Investigation and extraction of metals (for example, gold, silver, tin, tungsten, mercury, lead, platinum, nickel, zinc, chromium, cobalt, columbium, and copper) occur in many areas. Energy—related resources in the region include uranium and coal. Other extractable resources are antimony, bismuth, molybdenum, thorium, and rare earth elements. Sand and grav- el operations have supported construction and road building. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary abut— ting the Arctic Foothills in the northwest delineates where the forest ecosystems meet the arctic tundra ecosystems, as depicted on the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska.” The boundaries adjacent to the Brooks Range, the Ogilvie Mountains, the Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains, the Alaska Range, and the Wrangell Mountains Ecoregions are based on a generalized 600—rn elevation contour. The boundary adja- cent to the Interior Highlands is based on a generalized 500—m elevation contour. The boundary shared with the Interior Bottomlands and Yukon Flats Ecoregions eliminates from the Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands Ecoregion those areas of low and very low terrain roughness that have “Bottomland Spruce—Poplar Forest,” “Lowland Spruce—Hardwood Forest,” or “Low Brush, Muskeg Bog” ecosystems, as shown on the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska.” The boundary adjoining the Subarctic Coastal Plains Ecoregion was based on where the coastal “Wet Tundra” and “Moist Tundra” ecosystems meet the interior forest ecosystems, also as shown on the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska.” Likewise, the boundary adjoining the Seward Peninsula was based on the extent of the forest ecosystems of the interior versus the brush and tundra ecosystems shown for the peninsula. The boundary shared with the Bristol Bay— Nushagak Lowlands Ecoregion is based on separating the coastal tundra and “Lowland Spruce—Hardwood Forest” of the Lowlands from the “Upland Spruce—Hardwood Forest” and small, scattered “Alpine Tundra” areas of the Interior. Transitional zones shown in the Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands Ecoregion depict areas of isolated peaks greater than 600 m in elevation that are near borders of montane regions, and moist tundra ecosystems that are adjacent to coastal and bot- tomland regions. References. — The information provided in this region- al description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Kimmins and Wein (1986), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written com- mun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun.,1993), Pittman (1992), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), Slaughter and Viereck (1986), Viereck (1989), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1986, 1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 105. INTERIOR HIGHLANDS Distinctive Features. — The 115,000—kmz discontinu- ous Interior Highlands Ecoregion is composed of rounded, INTERIOR HIGHLANDS 21 low mountains, often surmounted by rugged peaks (fig. 13). The highlands primarily sustain dwarf scrub vegetation and open spruce stands, though graminoid herbaceous communi- ties occur in poorly drained areas. Mountains in most parts of this region rise to at least 1,200 m, and many rise higher than 1,500 m. Most of the higher peaks were glaciated dur— ing the Pleistocene epoch. Climate. — The ecoregion has a continental climate. Although no long-term weather data are available, certain generalizations can be made regarding temperature and pre— cipitation. First, an orographic effect on precipitation caus- es the highlands to receive more precipitation than the sur- rounding, lower elevation areas. Second, summer tempera- tures probably decrease with elevation. Because of steep and persistent winter temperature inversions at lower elevations, it is difficult to generalize the relative pattern of winter tem- peratures in the highlands versus in the surrounding areas. Terrain. — The ecoregion consists of steep, rounded ridges, often capped by rugged peaks. Elevations range from 500 m in the valleys to greater than 1,500 m on the peaks (some peaks rise above 1,800 m). Slope gradients commonly range from 5° to 15°, but lower gradient slopes are typical around the margins of the ecoregion. The mountains have much more exposed bedrock than the surrounding hills of the Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands Ecoregion. Geologic formations of the Interior Highlands consist of Paleozoic and Precambrian metamorphic rocks, felsic volcanic rocks, and intrusive rocks. Outlying parts of the ecoregion, in the Kuskokwim Mountains and Nulato Hills, have Cretaceous and Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. The northern por— tions of the ecoregion are underlain by continuous permafrost, and the central and southern portions are underlain by discon- tinuous permafrost. Permafrost and frost—related ground fea- tures are evident, including low mounds, gelifluction lobes, frost boils, and stone stripes. Many of the peaks were glaciat- ed during the Pleistocene epoch. Soils. — Dominant soils are Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts, Typic Cryochrepts, Pergelic Cryumbrepts, Lithic Cryorthents, and Typic Cryorthods. Most soils are shallow, formed in very stony or gravelly material weathered from local rock. The permafrost table is shallow and soils are poorly drained; however, they are generally too shallow over bedrock for ground-ice to form. Barren, rocky peaks and stony and bouldery slopes are common. Alluvium and col- luvium cover the valley floors. Soils with permafrost are very susceptible to alteration upon disturbance of the organ- ic mat because of the relatively warm (>-1.5°C) permafrost temperature. Organic mat disturbance, as by wildfires, can result in warmer soil temperatures, lowered permafrost tables, and significant changes in soil physical properties and hydrology. Vegetation. — The highest elevations are barren of veg- etation. Dwarf scrub communities, dominated by species of mountain—avens, ericads, and willow, are widespread in sites exposed to wind. Lower elevations are generally more pro— tected from wind and have a denser vegetation cover that can include open needleleaf forests and woodlands. Areas of poor soil drainage support mesic graminoid herbaceous communities. Mountain—avens dwarf scrub communities are dominat- ed by several species of Dryas (for example, D. octopetala, D. integrifolia, and D. drummondii). Sedges (for example, Carex scirpoidea, C. misandra, C. bigelawii and Kobresia myosuroides) and lichens (for example, Alectoria spp., Cetraria spp., and Cladina spp.) may codominate with Dryas. Also common are prostrate willows (Salix reticulata and S. phlebophylla) and ericaceous species (for example, Vaccinium spp., Cassiope tetragona, Arctostaphylos spp., and Empetrum nigrum). Mosses (for example, Tomenthypnum nitens, Rhytidium rugosum, and Hylocomium splendens) are abundant in Dryas—sedge communities. Ericaceous dwarf scrub communities are also wide- spread. Bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpina or A. rubra) and cranberry/blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) are the common dom- inants, though other ericaceous shrubs (for example, Ledum decumbens, Empetrum nigrum, and Cassiope tetragona), prostrate willows (Salix phlebophylla and S. rotundifolia), and fruticose lichens (for example, Cladina spp., Cetraria spp., and Stereocaulon tomentosum) may be common or codominant. Mosses (for example, Dicranum spp., Rhacomitrium lanuginosum, Tomenthypnum nitens, and Hylocomium splendens) are common. Willow dwarf scrub communities are dominated by wil- low (for example, Salix polaris, S. reticulata, and S. arctica). Other dwarf shrubs (for example, Empetrum nigrum, Cassiope lycopodioides, Dryas spp., Vaccinium spp., and Ledum decumbens) are common and may codominate with willows. Mosses (for example, Dicranum spp. and Aulacomnium spp.) can be common. Open needleleaf forests and woodlands are often domi- nated by white spruce (Picea glauca) or codominated by white spruce and black spruce (P. mariana). Other tree species in these communities include paper birch (Betula papyrifera) and quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). The open shrub layer commonly includes resin birch (Betula glandulosa), alder (Alnus crispa and A. sinuata), willow (Salix planifolia and S. lanata), prickly rose (Rosa acicu- laris), buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis), and other eri- caceous shrubs. The ground is covered by a continuous layer of mosses (for example, Pleurozium schreberi, Hylocomium splendens, Polytrichum spp., and Dicranum spp.). Lichens (for example, Cladonia spp.) provide significant cover at some sites. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities consist of sedge tussocks (for example, Eriophorum vaginatum and Carex bigelowii) surrounded by mosses. Low shrubs (for 22 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Figure 13. Rounded mountains, often surmounted by rugged peaks, are typical of the Interior Highlands Ecoregion. Vegetation communities consist of alpine tundra and open spruce stands. Figure 14. Relatively flat terrain of Interior Bottomlands Ecoregion. Soil drainage is usually poor. Black spruce and low ericaceous shrubs are common on slightly raised peat deposits. Various forbs and graminoid species occur in vegetated wet— lands. Vegetation communities are subject to periodic flooding from local rivers. INTERIOR BOTTOMLANDS 23 example, Betula mum and several ericaceous species) may also grow between tussocks. Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Interior Highlands Ecoregion is very common. Fire records indicate a range in size from less than 1 ha to greater than 82,000 ha, with an average size of 640 ha. The occurrence of fires can be related to the relatively warm and dry summer climate of interior Alaska and frequent lightning storms. Fire season is usually from June through the beginning of August. Land Use and Settlement. — The ecoregion primarily provides resources for subsistence and recreational hunting and fishing. The highlands have historically been used by a number of Athabascan groups. Hunting for large game (for example, moose, caribou, and sheep) is supplemented by hunting for smaller mammals (such as ground squirrels). Streams supporting salmon and freshwater fish provide addi- tional food and materials. Plants are collected for edible and medicinal purposes. Many minerals have been mined, although most opera- tions have ceased production. Important mining elements have included gold, silver, tin, tungsten, lead, copper, mer- cury, zinc, platinum, chromium, antimony, asbestos, molyb- denum, and rare earth elements. Energy—related resources have included uranium and coal. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary was delineated based on a generalized 500—m elevation contour. This elevation often, but not always, coincides with areas of “Alpine Tundra” on the map of “Major Ecosystems of Alaska.” “Upland Spruce—Hardwood Forest” covers the rest of the region. Patterns on the relative CIR image generally agree with the boundary depicted on the ecoregion map. Transitional zones represent areas where upland peaks are widely scattered (approximately 10 km or farther from other peaks). References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Ferrians and Hobson (1973), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun, 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun, 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), Slaughter and Viereck (1986), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 106. INTERIOR BOTTOMLANDS Distinctive Features. — The 103,000—km2 ecoregion is composed of flat to nearly flat bottomlands along larger rivers of interior Alaska. The bottomlands are dotted with thaw and oxbow lakes (fig. 14). Soils are poorly drained and shallow, often over permafrost. Predominant vegetation communities include forests dominated by spruce and hard- wood species, tall scrub thickets, and wetlands. Climate. — The ecoregion has a continental climate. The bottomlands in the west receive more annual precipita- tion than those in the east. Annual precipitation ranges from 280 mm to 400 mm, and annual snowfall from 95 cm to 205 cm. Average daily minimum temperatures in winter range from -33°C to -26°C. Average daily maximum winter temperatures range from -22°C to -17°C. Summer tempera- tures have lows of about 7°C and highs of about 22°C. Summer maximum temperatures generally increase from west to east. Temperatures usually remain above freezing throughout the summer (June through August), though they may dip below freezing during this time. Terrain. — The ecoregion is typified by flat to nearly flat bottomlands, with some inclusions of local hills. Most areas in the bottomlands have a slope gradient of less than 1°. Elevations range from 120 m in the west to 600 m in the east. Fluvial and aeolian (for example, large areas of stabilized dunes) deposits of mixed origin cover most of the region, but outwash gravel and morainal deposits occur in some areas, such as the Northway—Tanacross lowland. Permafrost is widespread, but it ranges from isolated masses to a continuous thin layer. The ecoregion is strongly associated with riparian features; meandering streams and side sloughs are prevalent. Oxbow lakes and thaw lakes are numerous. Morainal lakes occur in a few areas, where Pleistocene glaciers from the Alaska Range reached the edge of this ecoregion. The Interior Bottomlands Ecoregion was not glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch. Soils. — Principal soils are Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts, Pergelic Cryaquepts, Aquic Cryochrepts, Typic Cryochrepts, and Typic Cryofluvents. Most soils formed in micaceous loess and alluvial materials. On flat areas away from the main river channels, soils are shallow over permafrost, poor- ly drained, and nearly always wet. On the slightly higher lev- ees, soils are well drained and permafrost is deep or absent. Soils with permafrost are very susceptible to alteration upon disturbance of the organic mat because of the relatively warm (>-1.5°C) permafrost temperature. Organic mat disturbance, as by wildfire, can result in warmer soil temperatures and lowered permafrost tables. Soil physical properties may change, as well as hydrology, on any upland position. Vegetation. — Needleleaf, broadleaf, and mixed forest stands occur on a variety of sites in the Interior Bottomlands ( Ecoregion. Tall scrub communities form thickets on flood— plains. The wettest sites support a variety of wetland com- munities, such as low scrub bogs, wet graminoid herbaceous meadows, and wet forb herbaceous marshes and meadows. 24 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Needleleaf forests are dominated by white spruce (Picea glauca), black spruce (Picea man'ana), or a combination of the two. Closed stands of white spruce occupy young river terraces where soil drainage is good. Understory vegetation consists pri- marily of low and dwarf scrub, such as ericaceous species (for example, Vaccinium vitis—idaea and V. uliginosum, Ledum groenlandicum, and Empetrum nigrum) and dwarf arctic birch (Betula nana). Herbaceous species, such as twinflower (Linnaea borealis) and horsetail (Equisetum sylvaticum and E. arvense), are common. A well—developed moss layer (mainly of feathermosses, such as Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozz'um schreberi, and Rhytia'iadelphus triquetrus) is typical. Closed stands of black spruce occur on well—drained to poorly drained floodplain soils. Associated woody species include white spruce (Picea glauca), paper birch (Betula papyrifera), American green alder (Alnus crispa), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), willow (Salix spp.), Labrador—tea (Ledum groenlandicum), bog blueberry (Vaccinium uligi- nosum), and mountain—cranberry (V. vitis—idaea). The moss layer varies from patchy to continuous and generally includes Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi. Sphagnum species may occur on wetter sites. Foliose lichens (for example, Peltigera aphthosa and P. canina) are common. Stands codominated by white spruce and black spruce have a tall shrub understory of alder (Alnus crispa) and wil- low (Salix bebbiana and S. scouleriana). Other understory components are similar to those found in white spruce stands and black spruce stands. Colder, wetter soils support black spruce woodlands, where the tall shrub (for example, Alnus crispa, Betula glan- dulosa, Salix lanata, S. planifolia, and S. glauca) understory is a much more important component of the ecosystem than in the closed forest stands. Ericaceous shrubs (for example, Vaccinium uliginosum, V. vitis—idaea, Ledum decumbens, L. groenlandicum, and Empetrum nigrum) are common, and herbaceous cover, dominated by sedges (Carex spp. and Eriophorum vaginatum) and grasses (for example, Calamagrostis canaa'ensis), ranges from sparse to dense. Mosses (Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, and Sphagnum spp.) and lichens (Nephroma arcticum, Cladonia spp., Cladina spp., Cetraria spp., and Peltigera spp.) provide continuous ground cover. Broadleaf forests consist of closed stands of Balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera). The understory consists of shrubs, such as alder (Alnus crispa and A. tenuifolia), willow (Salix spp.), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), high bushcran- berry (Vzburnum edule), and red—osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera), as well as a dense herb layer of species such as northern bedstraw (Galium boreale), dwarf dogwood (Cornus canadensis), and bluebell (Mertensia paniculata). Mixed forests form where paper birch codominates in stands with black spruce and white spruce, and where white spruce codominates in stands with balsam poplar. Tall scrub communities are dominated by willow (for example, Salix alaxensis and S. glauca) or alder (Alnus crispa or A. sinuata). The understory is usually sparse, though mosses (for example, Polytrichum spp., Hylocomium splen- dens, and Drepanocladus uncinatus) may be common. Herb cover ranges from sparse to dense, including bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis), horsetail (Equisetum arvense), monkshood (Aconitum delphinifolium), fireweed (Epilobium latifolium and E. angustifolium), bluebell (Mertensia panicu- lata), and lady fern (Athyriumfilix—femina). Low scrub bogs are characterized by open, low mixed shrubs and tussock—forming sedges. Resin birch (Betula glan- dulosa), dwarf arctic birch (B. nana), narrow—leaf Labrador—tea (Ledum decumbens), bog blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum), mountain—cranberry (V. vitis—idaea), and sedge tussocks (for example, Eriophorum vaginatum) are the most common species. Mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp., Pleurozium schreberi, and Hylocomium splendens) form a continuous mat between tussocks. Wet graminoid herbaceous meadows are typically domi- nated by tall sedges (for example, Carex aquatilis, C. rostra- ta, C. saxatilis, and C. sitchensis). Woody plants are scarce. Mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp.) can be common. Wet forb herbaceous marshes are characterized by an open cover of wetland emergent species. Horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile) typically dominates the communities, though buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) and marsh fivefin- ger (Potentilla palustris) are common associates. Aquatic mosses often are present. Wet forb herbaceous meadows are dominated by non- graminoid herbaceous species, (for example, Equisetum arvense, E. variegatum, Caltha palustris, and Juncus arcti- cus,), though grasses and sedges may be present. Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Interior Bottomlands Ecoregion is very common. Fire records indi- cate a range in size from less than 1 ha to 325,150 ha (the largest in Kanuti Flats), with an average size of 2,260 ha. A high occurrence of lightning storms, a warm and dry summer climate, and stands of vegetation with branches low to the ground aid the ignition and spread of wildfire. Fire season generally lasts from June through the beginning of August. Land Use and Settlement. — Most of the settlements in the Alaskan interior occur in the bottomlands because of the food sources and transportation routes provided by rivers. The ecoregion is used for subsistence and recreational hunt- ing and fishing. Native inhabitants include several Athabascan groups (for example, lngalik, Koyukon, Tanana, and Holikachuk). The riverine systems of the bottomlands provide salmon and other fish that are important sources for subsistence. A variety of mammals (for example, caribou, moose, beaver, and muskrat) and birds (for example, geese and ducks), drawn to the water, are also hunted for food and materials. Edible greens, roots, and berries round out the diet. Extractable metals are found in certrain areas, such as near the confluence of the Yukon and Tanana Rivers, where YUKON FLATS 25 Figure 15. Water-worked basin of the Yukon Flats Ecoregion covered by numerous thaw and oxbow lakes. Annual precip— itation is insufficient to maintain many lakes, which are replenished by yearly flooding of the Yukon River (center, flowing from east to west) during spring breakup of river ice. gold and silver occur. An assortment of other metal and non- metal resources have also been mined, but to a much small- er degree. There is some logging activity. Limited agricul- tural efforts have occurred along the Tanana River. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary was based on areas where low and very low terrain roughness coincide with the distribution of the “Bottomland Spruce—Poplar Forest,” “Lowland Spruce—Hardwood Forest,” and “Low Brush, Muskeg—Bog” classes shown on the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska.” Transitional areas are not indicated because areas not consistent with the above criteria were not included in the ecoregion. References. — The information provided in this region- al description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Drury (1956), Fenians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Hall (1991), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Markon (1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), Shasby (unpub. mapping 1985), Talbot and Markon (1988, 1986), Talbot and others (1986), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Fish and Wildlife Service (1987a), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck (1989), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 107. YUKON FLATS Distinctive Features. — The 33000—ka Yukon Flats Ecoregion is a relatively flat, marshy basin floor in east cen- tral Alaska that is patterned with braided and meandering streams, numerous thaw and oxbow lakes, and meander scars (fig. 15). Surrounding the basin floor is a variable band of more undulating topography with fewer water bodies (fig. 16). In many respects, the ecoregion is similar to the Interior Bottomlands Ecoregion. However, the Yukon Flats Ecoregion differs in climatic characteristics. Temperatures in the Flats tend to be more extreme than in the Bottomlands. For example, summers in the Flats are warmer and winters are colder than in other areas of comparable latitude. The Flats also receive less annual precipitation than the Bottomlands. Forests dominated by spruce and hardwood species, tall scrub communities, and wet graminoid herba- ceous communities are the predominant vegetation types. ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Figure 16. Undulating topography covered by dense forests of black spruce interspersed with small lakes along the periph— ery of the Yukon Flats Ecoregion. Figure 17. Widespread forests of the Yukon Flats Ecoregion occupying sites representing an array of soil drainage charac- teristics often formed by changes in river courses. Tall scrub thickets occur on alluvial deposits subject to periodic flooding. Tall scrub swamps and wet gramino d herbaceous communities occupy the wettest sites. YUKON FLATS 27 Climate. — The Yukon Flats Ecoregion has a continental climate. The mountains surrounding the ecoregion isolate it from the weather systems affecting the neighboring regions. Consequently, summer temperatures tend to be higher than at other places of comparable latitude and winter tempera- tures tend to be colder. Average daily temperatures in win- ter range from lows of about -34°C to highs of about -24°C. Average daily temperatures in summer range from lows of just above freezing to highs of about 22°C (the ecoregion is the only place north of the Arctic Circle where a temperature of 38°C has been recorded). Although temperatures usually remain above freezing from June through August, freezing can occur in any month. Annual precipitation is low, averaging 170 mm. Average annual snowfall is 115 cm. Precipitation is not suf— ficient to maintain water levels in many lakes. Levels are primarily maintained by the yearly flooding of the region that accompanies spring breakup of ice on the Yukon River. Terrain. — The central portion of the ecoregion is flat, becoming more undulating along the edges. Elevations range from 90 m to greater than 250 m. Slope gradient is general- ly less than 1° in the center of the ecoregion, and 1° to 2° at the edges. The region is mantled by Quaternary alluvial deposits. Aeolian silt and sand deposits cover some areas. The Yukon River drains the ecoregion, assisted by numerous meandering and braided tributaries and side sloughs. Permafrost is present in most areas, except beneath rivers and large thaw lakes. Thaw lakes are abundant, as are oxbow lakes. The region was free from glaciation during the Pleistocene epoch. Soils. — Principal soils are Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts, Pergelic Cryaquepts, Aquic Cryochrepts, and Pergelic Cryochrepts. Most soils formed from silty alluvium and loess from the floodplains of the large rivers. On flat areas away from the main river channels, soils are poorly drained, commonly overlain by peat, and have a shallow permafrost table. Soils on the natural levees are better drained and con- sist of silty and sandy sediments. Many of the soils are sub- ject to flooding. Soils with permafrost are very susceptible to alteration upon disturbance of the organic mat, due to the relatively warm (>-l.5°C) permafrost temperature. Organic mat disturbance, as by wildfire, can result in warmer soil temperatures and lowered permafrost tables. Soil physical properties may change, as well as hydrology, on any upland position. Vegetation. — Needleleaf, broadleaf, and mixed forests are widespread and occupy sites representing an array of soil drainage characteristics. Tall scrub thickets occur on alluvial deposits subject to periodic flooding. Tall scrub swamps and wet graminoid herbaceous communities occupy the wettest sites (fig. 17). Needleleaf forests of white spruce (Picea glauca) are found on well drained sites. Willow (for example, Salix beb- biana) commonly dominates the understory shrub layer. Foliose lichens (for example, Parmelia spp. and Peltigera spp.), along with feathermosses, cover the ground. Needleleaf forests dominated by black spruce (Picea mariana) grow in open stands where drainage is poor. Common understory shrubs are resin birch (Betula glandu- losa), narrow—leaf Labrador—tea (Ledum decumbens), crow- berry (Empetrum nigrum), and bog blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum). Feathermosses are common. Broadleaf forests dominated by quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) occur on floodplains. Common understory shrubs include willow (Salix spp.), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), and buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis). Mixed forests consist of closed stands of white spruce and paper birch (Betula papyrifera) or white spruce and bal— sam poplar (Populus balsamifera) on the better drained allu- vial soils; poorly drained soils support stands of black spruce (Picea mariana) and paper birch. Understory constituents of the broadleaf and mixed for— est communities generally include a tall shrub layer of alder (for example, Alnus crispa and A. tenuifolia) and willow (Salix spp.) and a low shrub layer of prickly rose (Rosa aci- cularis) and high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule). An herb layer is common and typically includes bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis), bluebell (Mertensia paniculata), and horsetail (Equisetum spp.). Tall scrub communities are dominated by willows (gen- erally Salix alaxensis, S. arbusculoides, S. barclayz', S. lana- ta, and S. sitchensis), alders (Alnus crispa, A. sinuata, and A. tenuifolia), or a mix of willows and alders. Herbs (for exam- ple, Calamagrostis canadensis, Epilobium angustifolium, Geranium erianthum, and Aconitum delphinifolium) and mosses (for example, Hylocomium splendens, Polytrichum spp., and Drepanocladus uncinatus) may be abundant or sparse. Tall scrub swamp communities are dominated or codominated by alder (Alnus tenuifolia) and willow (Salix planifolia and S. lanata). The low shrub layer typically includes currant (Ribes spp.), high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule), and prickly rose (Rosa acicularis). Bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis), sedge (Carex aquatilis), horse— tail (Equisetum spp.), and marsh fivefinger (Potentilla palus- tris) are common herbs. Mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp., Mnium spp., and feathermosses) are usually present. Wet graminoid herbaceous communities are dominated by sedges (for example, Carex aquatilis, C. rostrata, C. saxatilis, and C. sitchensis). Other herbaceous vegetation, such as horse— tail (Equisetum arvense), may codominate with sedges. Mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp.) can be common. Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Yukon Flats Ecoregion is common. The recorded range in size has been from less than 1 ha to 32,370 ha. Mean fire size is 685 ha. 28 ECOREGION S OF ALASKA Land Use and Settlement. — The region is populated by several small villages. The primary land use is subsistence and recreational hunting and fishing. The Kutchin Athabascans have historically inhabited the Yukon Flats basin. They depend on the rivers to provide salmon and freshwater fish, a main dietary staple. Hunting for caribou and moose is also important, supplemented by hunting for smaller mam- mals. Edible and medicinal greens, roots, and berries are col- lected. Gold has been the only major mined commodity. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary was based on areas where low and very low terrain roughness coincide with the “Bottomland Spruce—Poplar Forest,” “Lowland Spruce—Hardwood Forest,” and “Low Brush, Muskeg—Bog” classes shown on the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska.” Transitional zones separate the central core of the region, where very low terrain roughness occurs, from the peripheral, low surface roughness areas. The “core” area cor- responds with patterns evident on the relative CIR image. References. — The information provided in this region- al description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written com— mun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Fish and Wildlife Service (1987b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 108. OGILVIE MOUNTAINS Distinctive Features. — The 11,000—km2 Ogilvie Mountains Ecoregion, along the eastern edge of Alaska, con— sists of flat—topped hills eroded from a former plain (fig. 18) and broad pediment slopes built up from mountains that are much subdued from their former stature. Karst topography is common. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities and tall scrub communities are widespread throughout the region. Forest communities occupy lower hillslopes and valleys. Climate. — The Ogilvie Mountains have a continental cli— mate. No perennial weather stations are located in this region. Precipitation and temperature characteristics, interpolated from stations outside the region, include an annual precipita- tion of about 500 mm in the hills to 650 mm in the higher mountains, annual snowfall from 130 cm to 205 cm across the region, daily winter temperatures ranging from lows of —32°C to highs of -22°C, and daily summer temperatures ranging from lows of 8°C to highs of 22°C. Terrain. — The ecoregion consists predominantly of flat—topped hills eroded from a former plain. Pediment slopes, extending across broad valleys to the foothills of the current, subdued mountains, are characteristic of the plateaus. Erosional scarps in sedimentary rock occur in many localities. Weathered limestone is exposed at higher elevations, and talus and rubble mantle the lower mountain— sides. Elevations range from 900 m to greater than 1,300 m. Slope gradients are generally less than 5°. The region is composed of metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, primarily dolomite, phyllite, argillite, limestone, shale, chert, sand- stone, and conglomerate. Karst topography is common. Most of the region is underlain by permafrost; related fea- tures include pingos, earth hummocks, peat polygons, stone stripes, and beaded streams. Ponds and thermokarst basins occur in valley bottoms. The Ogilvie Mountains Ecoregion was not glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch. Soils. — Principal soils of the Ogilvie Mountains Ecoregion are Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts, Typic Cryochrepts, and Pergelic Cryorthents. Soils formed in gravelly or stony material weathered from local rock. Soils in valleys formed from deep, loamy, alluvial sediments from the surrounding uplands. Areas near large floodplains are commonly mantled with silty loess. Rock fragments cover the lower mountainsides. Vegetation. — Mesic graminoid herbaceous communi- ties dominated by tussock—forming sedges are widespread and occur on sites exposed to wind. Needleleaf, broadleaf, and mixed forest communities occupy lower hillslopes and valleys. Tall scrub communities occur extensively at lower elevations and can extend above the timberline. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities are dominat- ed by sedges (for example, Eriophorum vaginatum and Carex bigelowii). Mosses (for example, Drepanocladus spp. and Sphagnum spp.) commonly occur between sedge tus- socks. Dwarf shrubs, such as dwarf arctic birch (Betula nana) and ericaceous species (for example, Ledum decum- bens, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, and Empetrum nigrum), are often present. Needleleaf forests dominated by white spruce (Picea glauca) occur in well drained valleys and on protected sites. The more open forest stands typically have a tall shrub layer of alder (Alnus crispa and A. sinuata) and willow (Salix plam'folia and S. lanata), and a low shrub layer dominated by buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis) and prickly rose (Rosa acicularis). The ground supports a continuous mat of feath- ermosses (for example, Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splendens). Closed forest stands generally lack a tall shrub layer but have a low shrub layer of bog blueber- ry (Vaccinium uliginosum), mountain—cranberry (V. vitis—idaea), bearberry (Arctostaphylos rubra), Labrador—tea (Ledum groenlandicum), crowberry (Empetrum nigrum), and resin birch (Betula glandulasa). OGILVIE MOUNTAINS Figure 18. The Ogilvie Mountains Ecoregion consists of flat—topped hills and broad pediment slopes vegetated by tussock tundra communities, alpine shrubs. mosses, and lichens. Forest communities occupy lower hillslopes and valleys. (Photo courtesy of Ken Winterberger, Forest Service. Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Anchorage.) Figure 19. The Subarctic Coastal Plains Ecoregion is typified by numerous lakes surrounded by wet tundra communities, resulting from a shallow permafrost table and wet soils. The climate is affected by both maritime and continental influences. 29 30 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Broadleaf forests of quaking aspen (Populus tremu- loides) and balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) occupy well—drained warmer sites and recently exposed alluvial deposits. A tall shrub layer of willow (Salix spp.) is com- mon. A low shrub layer generally includes prickly rose (Rosa acicularis) and buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis). Mixed forests on poorly drained lowlands are dominat- ed by black spruce (Picea mariana) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera). The understory consists of tall shrubs (for example, Alnus crispa, Salix bebbiana, and S. scouleriana) and low shrubs (for example, Rosa acicularis, Viburnum edule, Ribes triste, and Spiraea beauverdiana). Mixed forests of well drained sites result from the inva- sion of white spruce into stands of aspen and balsam poplar (see broadleaf forest description above). Tall scrub communities form dense thickets dominated by birch (Betula glandulosa) and willow (for example, Salix alaxensis, S. arbusculoides, S. planifolia, and S. lanata). Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Ogilvie Mountains Ecoregion is low. Size of burn ranges from less than 1 ha to 18,650 ha, with an average of 1,050 ha. Land Use and Settlement. — There are only a few per- manent settlements in this ecoregion. The region has tradi- tionally been used for subsistence hunting and fishing by descendants of the Kutchin Athabascans. Larger streams are fished for salmon and freshwater species. Caribou, moose, and small mammals are the major terrestrial game. Edible and medicinal plants are also collected. Gold, silver, platinum, and tin have been mined in this region, though mining is not extensive. Prospective sources of other metals and of energy—related commodities (coal, petroleum, and uranium) have been investigated. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary was delineated using a generalized 600—m elevation contour, which somewhat corresponded with patterns shown on the relative CIR image. Information was insufficient to map transitional areas. References. — The information provided in this region— al description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written com- mun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Oswald and Senyk (1977), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 109. SUBARCTIC COASTAL PLAINS Distinctive Features. — The 91,000—km2 ecoregion main— ly includes coastal plains of the Kotzebue Sound area and the Yukon and Kuskokwim River delta area. Flat, lake—dotted coastal plains and river deltas are characteristic of the region (fig. 19). Streams have very wide and serpentine meanders. Soils are wet and the permafrost table is shallow, providing conditions for wet grarninoid herbaceous communities, the predominant vegetation type. The region is affected by both maritime and continental climatic influences. Climate. — Climate is transitional between maritime and continental influences. In general, the southern portion of the region has warmer temperatures and receives more pre- cipitation than the northern portion. Average annual precip— itation varies from about 250 mm around Kotzebue Sound to 500 mm in the Yukon—Kuskokwim lowlands. Annual snow— fall is approximately 100 cm in the north and ranges from 105 cm to 150 cm in the south. Temperatures in winter range from average daily lows of -25°C in the north and -20°C to —15°C in the south, to average daily maximums of -16°C in the north and -10°C in the south. July and August are usual- ly frost—free months over most of the region. Average daily minimum temperatures in summer range from 6°C in the north to a couple of degrees warmer in the south. Average summer daily maximum temperatures vary from 13°C to 17°C in both the northern and southern sections of the ecore- gion, generally increasing inland from the coast. Terrain. — The ecoregion is comprised mainly of flat, poorly drained coastal plains with shallow permafrost tables. Low hills of basalt surmounted by cinder cones and broad shallow volcanic craters occur in some locations, cre- ating a range in regional elevation from sea level to greater than 120 m. Slope gradients in the plains are generally less than 1°. The region is predominantly covered by older coastal deposits of interstratified alluvial and marine sedi- ments. Quaternary mafic and undifferentiated volcanic rocks occur in the western part of the Yukon—Kuskokwim lowlands and on Nunivak and St. Lawrence Islands. Cretaceous intermediate volcanic rocks occur in the Selawik Wildlife Refuge area. Only the northernmost por- tion of the ecoregion, around Kotzebue, was subject to Pleistocene glaciation. Continuous thin to moderately thick permafrost underlies the entire region. Thaw lakes and thaw sinks are numerous. Pingos are common around the Selawik River area. Streams are sluggish and have very wide meanders. Soils. — Dominant soils are Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts and Pergelic Cryofibrists. Soils are shallow over permafrost and are constantly wet. Soils have formed from stratified silty and sandy alluvial deposits that, in many areas, have additionally incorporated deposits of volcanic ash and loess. SUBARCTIC COASTAL PLAINS 31 White and black spruce stands growing on old river meander scars in the southern portion of the Subarctic Coastal Plains Ecoregion. Figure 20. Soils on Nunivak Island formed in very gravelly and stony materials derived from basaltic rock. Vegetation. — Standing water is almost always present in this ecoregion. Wet graminoid herbaceous communities, such as wet meadows and bogs, predominate in saturated soils. Peat mounds, barren sand dunes, and volcanic soils support dwarf scrub communities dominated by ericaceous species. In areas where peat or alluvium accumulation and growing season temperatures are sufficient, as in the south- ern section of the ecoregion, invasion by trees is possible, and stands of needleleaf forests occur (fig. 20). Wet meadows are typically dominated by sedges (for example, Eriophorum angustifolium and Carex spp.). Mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp.) are common and may codominate with sedges. Bogs develop where peat mounds and polygonal ridges provide drained substrates for woody plants, such as erica- ceous shrubs (for example, Empetrum nigrum, Ledum decumbens, Loiseleuria procumbens, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, and Andromeda polifolia). Sedges are common or codomi— nant with woody species. Sphagnum species usually domi- nate the moss layer. Dwarf scrub communities are typically dominated by crowberry (Empetrum nigrum). Many other ericaceous species (for example, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, Ledum decumbens, Loiseleuria procumbens, and Arctostaphylos alpina) and dwarf willows are common in these communities. Fruticose lichens (for example, Alectoria spp., Cladina spp., and Cetraria spp.) often codominate with shrubs. Mosses (for example, Rhacomitrium spp., Hypnum spp., Polytrichum spp., Sphagnum spp., and Dicranum spp.) are also common. Needleleaf forests consist of black spruce (Picea mari— ana) and white spruce (P. glauca). Alder (Alnus spp.), wil- low (Salix spp.), birch (Betula glandulosa and B. nana), and ericaceous shrubs (Vaccinium vitis—idaea, Ledum decum- hens, and Empetrum nigrum) may be found in the understo- ry. Mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp., Dicranum spp., Hypnum spp., Polym'chum spp., Hylocomium splendens, and Pleurozium schreberi) cover the ground. Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Subarctic Coastal Plains Ecoregion is low. Fires generally range in size from less than 1 ha to 4,050 ha. Mean burn size is 280 ha. Land Use and Settlement. — Small permanent and sea- sonal settlements occur throughout the region, primarily adjacent to rivers or along the coast. The eastern end of Kotzebue Sound was settled by the Kotzebue Sound Inuit, who rely on small ocean mammals (for example, seals), land mammals (for example, caribou), fish (for example, pink and chum salmon), and migratory birds and their eggs as important sources of food and materials. The western end of Kotzebue Sound and the northeastern portion of Norton Sound were settled by the Bering Strait Inuit, who depend more heavily on large marine mammals (for exam- ple, beluga whale, bowhead whale, and walrus). The remainder of the ecoregion was settled by the Yup’ik. The Yup’ik of St. Lawrence Island rely on walrus as a main source of food and materials. Bowhead whales and seals are also important. The Yukon—Kuskokwim Delta Yup’ik depend primarily on salmon, but other fish, seals, beluga whales, and terrestrial mammals are also important. Migratory waterfowl and their eggs provide resources dur- ing the spring. Edible and medicinal greens and berries are collected during summer. Though mining is not extensive in this region, gold and silver have been extracted. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary repre- sents the coincidence of low and very low terrain roughness and the “Wet Tundra” and “Moist Tundra” ecosystems por- 32 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA trayed 0n the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska.” In the Yukon—Kuskokwim portion, areas that are north of the Yukon River include both “Wet Tundra” and “Moist Tundra” and exclude the forests of the interior regions. South of the Yukon River, only “Wet Tundra” is included because the “Moist Tundra” grades into the adjacent Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains Ecoregion. Transition zones eliminate “Moist Tundra” from the periphery of the Subarctic Coastal Plains Ecoregion. References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Fleming (written commun., 1993), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990), and Wibbenmeyer and others (1982). 110. SEWARD PENINSULA Distinctive Features. — Some of the oldest geologic for- mations in Alaska provide a backdrop for the 47,000—km2, predominantly treeless Seward Peninsula Ecoregion (fig. 21). Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities and low scrub communities occupy extensive areas. The ecoregion is sur- rounded on three sides by water, yet this has little ameliorat- ing effect on the climate. Winters tend to be long and harsh and summers short and cool. Climate. — Long, severe winters are typical of this ecore— gion. Overall climatic characteristics range from maritime (a narrow strip along the coast), to transitional between mar- itime and continental influences (most of the region), to con- tinental (in the eastern portion). Winds are persistent and strong throughout the region. Approximately 10 weeks are frost—free each summer. All weather stations in the region are located at the lower elevations. Annual precipitation is heav- iest in late summer and early fall, occurring as rain. Mean annual precipitation ranges from 250 mm to 510 mm at lower elevations, with 100 cm to 190 cm of snowfall occurring. Mean annual precipitation for the highlands, interpolated from lowland data, exceeds 1,000 mm, and snowfall may be as much as 250 cm. Average daily minimum temperature in winter ranges from -24°C to -19°C, and average daily maxi- mum from -16°C to —11°C. Average daily minimum temper- ature in summer ranges from 1°C to 6°C, and maximum from 13°C to 17°C. Temperatures are generally warmer in the southern portions of the region. Terrain. — The ecoregion has narrow strips of coastal lowlands that grade into extensive uplands of broad convex hills and flat divides. Small, isolated groups of rugged mountains occur in a few locations. Elevation ranges from sea level to 500 m for most of the region; the higher moun- tains climb to 1,400 m. Slope gradients are generally from 0° to 5° in the lowlands and hills, but typically from 5° to 15° in the mountains. Geologic parent materials include Paleozoic sediments and metamorphosed volcanic rocks and Precambrian volcanic rocks. Highland areas are possible Cenezoic uplifts of these formations. An extensive area of Quaternary or Tertiary volcanic rock occurs in the northeast- ern part of the ecoregion. Permafrost is continuous throughout the ecoregion, ranging from a thin to a moderately thick layer. Related features, such as gelifluction lobes (fig. 22) and stone stripes on sloping areas, frost scars on low knolls, and poly- gons in level valley bottoms, are common. Streams drain- ing interior basins travel through narrow canyons across broad uplands. Lowlands have numerous thaw lakes, but lakes are rare in the highlands. Except for the highest ele- vations, the region was unglaciated during the Pleistocene epoch. Soils. — Predominant soils are Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts, Pergelic Cryaquepts, Typic Cryochrepts, Pergelic Cryumbrepts, Lithic Cryorthents. and Pergelic Cryorthents. Soils are generally poorly drained and shallow over permafrost. Soils on hillslopes and ridges formed in very gravelly residual materials over weathered bedrock. Soils in valleys and on lower slopes formed mainly in collu— vial and alluvial sediments. Vegetation. — The coastal beaches, rolling hills, and mountains in this ecoregion provide a variety of climate and substrate characteristics. Mesic graminoid herbaceous com— munities (fig. 23) and low scrub communities occupy exten— sive areas on hills and lower mountain slopes. Saturated or flooded soils sustain wet graminoid herbaceous communi- ties. Tall scrub vegetation occurs along streams and on floodplains. Ridgetops and higher elevations are barren or support dwarf scrub communities. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities are dominat- ed by tussock—forrning sedges. Low scrub communities result when woody species colonize the area between tus- socks. Principal sedges are Eriophorum vaginatum and Carex bigelowii. Woody species include dwarf arctic birch (Betula nana), resin birch (B. glandulosa), mountain—cran- berry (Vaccinium vitis—idaea), bog blueberry (V. uligi- nosum), diamondleaf willow (Salix planifolia), netleaf wil— low (S. reticulata), and crowberry (Empetrum nigrum). Mosses (for example, Pleurozium schreberi, Hylocomium splendens, Aulacomnium spp., and Sphagnum spp.) are prevalent, and lichens (for example, Cetraria cucullata, C. islandica, Cladonia spp., Cladina rangiferina, and SEWARD PENINSULA Figure 21. Coastal plains, rolling hills, low mountains, and lava flats of the Seward Peninsula Ecoregion. A lack of trees is noticeable across all terrain types. Figure 22. Gelifluction lobes in the Bendeleben Mountains of the Seward Peninsula Ecoregion. 33 34 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Thamnolia subuliformis) can be common. Wet graminoid herbaceous communities consist of sedges (for example, Carex aquatilis, C. lyngbyaei, C. ros- trata, C. saxatilis, C. sitchensis, and Eriophorum angusti- folium) and grasses (for example, Calamagrostis canadensis and Arctophila fulva). Tall scrub communities are dominated by willow (for example, Salix alaxensis, S. glauca, S. planifolia, and S. lana- ta). Birch (for example, Betula nana) may codominate with willow in some areas. Other woody constituents include alder (Alnus sinuata and A. crispa) and shrubby cinquefoil (Potentillafruticosa). A dense herb layer may be present, typ- ically including oxytrope (Oxytropis spp.), vetch (Astragalus spp.), dwarf fireweed (Epilobium latifolium), worrnwood (Artemisia spp.), and bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis). Mosses (for example, Polytrichum spp., Hylocomium splen- dens, and Drepanocladus uncinatus) can be abundant. Dwarf scrub communities are composed of low shrubs, grasses, and lichens. Communities are dominated by moun- tain—avens (Dryas octopetala and D. integrifolia) or codom- inated by a combination of mountain—avens and sedge (for example, Carex scirpoidea, C. misandra, and C. bigelowii) or mountain—avens and lichens (for example, Alectoria spp., Cetraria spp., and Cladina spp.). Other typical shrubs occurring in these communities are willows (Salix reticulum and S. phlebophylla) and ericads (for example, Cassiope tetragona, Empetrum nigrum, Arctostaphylos spp., Vaccim'um vitis—idaea, and V. uliginosum). Mosses (for example, Tomenthypnum nitens, Rhytidium mgosum, and Hylocomium splendens) can be common. Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Seward Peninsula Ecoregion is common. Burns range in size from less than 1 ha to 109,260 ha, with an average size of 2,815 ha. Mosses and lichens dry out during summer, allowing fire to spread readily through the tundra. Fire season is usually from June through August. Land Use and Settlement. — Population is low and small settlements are scattered throughout the region. The land has been historically used for subsistence hunting and fishing by the Bering Strait Inuit. Their livelihood has depended on large marine mammals, such as bowhead whales, beluga whales, and walrus. Winter ice fishing and seal hunting are important to supplement spring and summer ocean catches. Away from the coast, streams provide salmon and freshwater fish. Large game (for example, caribou) and smaller mammals (for exam- ple, rabbits, squirrels, muskrats, and beaver) are also taken. Reindeer herding is unique to this area. A number of metallic elements, including antimony, barium, gold, lead, silver, tin, tungsten, and zinc occur in the region. Numerous mines, including many gold mines, are scattered throughout large parts of the region. Other impor- tant metals include copper, mercury, platinum, and uranium. Antimony, bismuth, and coal have also been mined. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary delin— eates a break between the forested ecosystems of interior Alaska and the nonforested peninsula. One of the character- istic features of the Seward Peninsula is the age of the bedrock geologic formations; the transitional area on the ecoregion map excludes the more recent geologic formations along the eastern portion of the ecoregion from the older for- mations throughout the core of the region. References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Pittman (1992), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 111. AHKLUN AND KILBUCK MOUNTAINS Distinctive Features. — Located in southwestern Alaska off Bristol and Kuskokwim Bays, the 51,000—km2 ecoregion is composed of steep, sharp, often ringlike groupings of rugged mountains separated by broad, flat valleys and low~ lands (fig. 24). The mountains were glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch, but only a few small glaciers persist. Dwarf scrub communities are the predominant vegetation cover in the mountains. Tall scrub and graminoid herba- ceous communities are common in valleys and on lower mountain slopes. Valley bottoms may support stands of spruce and hardwood species. Climate. — Climate is affected by both maritime and continental influences. Average annual precipitation ranges from 1,020 mm in the lowlands to 2,030 mm in the higher mountains. Average annual snowfall ranges from 205 cm to 510 cm, with a similar distribution pattern. Winter temperatures have an average daily minimum of -16°C and a maximum of -8°C. Mean summer tempera- tures have daily lows averaging about 8°C and daily highs of about 16°C to 19°C. Terrain. — This mountainous ecoregion is composed of strongly deformed sedimentary and volcanic rocks of late Paleozoic and Mesozoic age and includes some bodies of older schist. Ringlike mountain groupings have resulted from small granitic masses surrounded by more resistant homfels. Slope gradients over most of the region are from 0° to 8°, but steeper slopes are not uncommon (occurring across 7 percent of the area), and summits are very steep and ‘4‘ AHKLUN AND KlLBUCK MOUNTAINS Figure 23. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities often occupy hills and lower mountain slopes of the Seward Peninsula Ecoregion. Figure 24. Typical sharp mountain ridges encircling glacial lakes of the Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains Ecoregion. Mountain groupings are separated by broad valleys. 35 36 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Figure 25. Ericaceous‘ dwarf scrub-graminoid community of the Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains Ecoregion. Prostrate dwarf scrub- lichen vegetation grows on the hilltop in the background. (Photo taken by Carl Markon, Hughes STX Corporation, U.S. Geological Survey, EROS Alaska Field Office, Anchorage.) sharp. Broad lowlands separate mountain groups. Regional elevations rise from sea level to more than 1,500 m. Streams are generally shallow and have radial drainage patterns; most are incised in bedrock gorges. A number of long, narrow, and often deep glacial lakes have formed in U—shaped val- leys. The region was heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch, and a few small cirque glaciers persist on higher mountains. Permafrost is discontinuous at higher ele- vations, and isolated masses occur at lower elevations. Soils. — Principal soils are Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts, Pergelic Cryaquepts, Typic Cryochrepts, Lithic Cryumbrepts, Pergelic Cryumbrepts, Pergelic Cryorthods, Typic Haplocryods, and Typic Humicryods. Mountain soils formed in very stony and gravelly colluvial material over bedrock. Valleys soils formed in glacial till. Vegetation. — Upper slopes and summits of mountains are exposed to harsh climatic conditions. Lower slopes and valleys offer more protected sites for vegetation establish- ment. Dwarf scrub communities are widespread in the mountains (fig. 25). Valleys provide an array of soil drainage conditions that support different vegetation com- munities (fig. 26). Sites with better drainage support needle- leaf, broadleaf and mixed forest stands, and tall scrub com— munities. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities occur over a range of dry to wet soils. The wettest sites are colo- nized by low scrub communities and wet graminoid herba— ceous communities. Dwarf scrub communities are dominated either by erica- ceous shrubs (for example, Arctostaphylos alpina, Vaccim'um vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, Empetrum nigrum, and Ledum decumbens), or by a mix of mountain—avens (Dryas octopeta- la) and dwarf arctic birch (Betula nana). Lichens (for exam- ple, Cladina spp., Cetraria spp., Stereocaulon tomentosum, Thamnolia vermicularis, Cladonia spp., and Alectoria spp.) may be sparse or may codominate with shrubs. Valley bottoms may support needleleaf forests dominat- ed by white spruce, broadleaf forests dominated by balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera), or mixed forests of white spruce and paper birch (Betula papyrifera). White spruce forests are dominated by Picea glauca. Resin birch (Betula glandulosa) dominates the low shlub layer. Common herbs include Linnaea borealis, Calamagrostis canadensis, and Equisetum spp. A nearly continuous cover of feathermosses (for example, Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splen- dens) is typical. Lichens (for example, Cladonia spp.) are particularly common in open areas. Balsam poplar forests are dominated by Populus bal- samifera in the overstory. Understory composition varies, usually including willow (Salix spp.), alder (Alnus spp.), high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule), prickly rose (Rosa acicu- laris), bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis), and feather- mosses (Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi). Spruce—paper birch forests are dominated by white spruce (Picea glauca) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera). Shrubs, such as willow (Salix bebbiana and S. scouleriana), alder (Alnus crispa), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), and high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule), are common. Typical herbs are bluejoint (C alamagrostis canadensis) and horsetail (Equisetum arvense). Cover by mosses (for example, Hylocomium splendens, Dicranum spp., Hypnum spp., and Rhacomitrium spp.) is patchy. Tall scrub communities are dominated by willow (for example, Salix alaxensis, S. planifolia, and S. glauca), alder (for example, Alnus crispa and A. sinuata), or a mix of eri- caceous shrubs (for example, Empetrum nigrum, Ledum decumbens, Vaccim'um vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, and Arctostaphylos alpina), dwarf arctic birch (Betula mum), and sedges (for example, Carex spp.). Mosses (for example, Hypnum spp., Dicranum spp., and Polytrichum spp.) may be common or absent. AHKLUN AND KILBUCK MOUNTAINS Figure 26. Vegetation communities showing patterns related to slope position and drainage characteristics in the Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains Ecoregion. Low scrub communities grow in drainage tracks. Dwarf scrub—lichen communities grow on better drained sites that are more exposed to wind, such as on the tops of lower rounded summits and at middle and upper slopes. Low and dwarf scrub communities occur in open, low, flat areas. .\ Figure 27. Subtly rolling terrain of the Bristol Bay—Nushagak Lowlands Ecoregion. The region has better drainage than other coastal lowlands. 38 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities are dominat— ed by bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis), which forms meadows that may include other herbaceous species (for example, Carex spp., Eriophorum spp., and Epilobium angustifolium). Low scrub communities include low scrub—sedge tussock bogs, ericaceous scrub bogs, and low sweetgale—graminoid bogs. Low scrub—sedge tussock bogs are codominated by low woody plants (for example, Betula glandulosa, B. nana, and Vaccinium vitis—idaea) and tussock—forming sedges (for example, Eriophorum vaginatum). Mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp. and Rhacomitrium spp.) provide a nearly con- tinuous mat between tussocks. Ericaceous scrub bogs are dominated by Empetrum nigrum, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, V. oxycoccus, and Ledum decumbens. Sedges (for example, Carex spp. and Trichophorum caespitosum) are common or codomi- nant. The moss layer is usually dominated by Sphagnum species, though other species (for example, Dicranum spp.) may be common. Lichens (for example, Cladina spp.) are present on mounds. Sweetgale—graminoid bogs are dominated by sweetgale (Myrica gale), bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis), sedges (Carex spp.), and clubrush (Trichophorum caespitosum). Other woody and herbaceous species may be present. Mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp., Rhacomitrium spp., and Hypnum spp.) are abundant. Wet graminoid herbaceous communities include sedge wet meadows and sedge—moss bogs. Several species of sedge (for example, Carex aquatilis and C. lyngbyaei) dom- inate sedge wet meadows. Sedge—moss bogs are dominated by mosses (principally Sphagnum spp.) and low sedges (for example, Eriophorum russeolum, Carex spp., and Trichophorum caespitosum). Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains Ecoregion is very low. Recorded burns have ranged in size from less than 1 ha to 80 ha, averaging about 20 ha. Land Use and Settlement. — Permanent settlements are limited to the coastal margins of the ecoregion. The region has traditionally provided hunting and fishing resources to the people of the Bristol Bay and Yukon—Kuskokwim Delta Yup’ik groups. Their primary resources for subsistence have been salmon and freshwater fish, seals, and beluga whales. Terrestrial mammals, particularly caribou, provide a sec- ondary resource. Migratory waterfowl and their eggs are an important source of food in early spring. Edible and medic— inal plants are collected. Gold, silver, platinum, lead, mer- cury, zinc, and borax have all been mined in this ecoregion. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary outlines a group of mountains that exceed 600 m in elevation, with some adjustment in order to include areas shown as “Moist Tundra,” “Alpine Tundra,” “Upland Spruce—Hardwood Forest,” and “High Brush” on the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska.” These latter two ecosystem types are considered tran- sitional with adjacent regions. Also transitional are areas of very low terrain roughness on the west side and of low and very low terrain roughness on the east side. Excluded from the Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains Ecoregion are areas of “Lowland Spruce—Hardwood Forest” and “Wet Tundra.” References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990), and Wibbenmeyer and others (1982). 112. BRISTOL BAY—NUSHAGAK LOWLANDS Distinctive Features. — This 61,000—km2 lowland ecoregion is located in southwestern Alaska off Bristol Bay. The region has rolling terrain, formed from morainal deposits (fig. 27). Soils of the lowlands are somewhat better drained than soils of the Subarctic Coastal Plains Ecoregion. Dwarf scrub communities are widespread, but large areas of wetland communities occur. Lakes are scattered throughout the lowlands, but are not nearly as numerous as in the Subarctic Coastal Plains. Climate. — Climate is transitional between maritime and continental influences. Average annual precipitation varies greatly from location to location, ranging from 330 mm to 860 mm, with contributions from annual snowfall ranging from 75 cm to 250 cm. There is less geographic variation in temperatures. Daily winter low temperatures average -15°C in the Nushagak Lowlands and -10°C along the Alaska Peninsula. Daily winter highs average near freezing throughout the region. Daily summer low temperatures average just above freezing, and highs average about 18°C. Terrain. — The Bristol Bay—Nushagak Lowlands Ecoregion consists of rolling lowlands, with elevations rang- ing from sea level to 150 m and slope gradients of generally less than 2°. The region was glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch and is covered by glacial moraine and outwash. Deposits tend to be coarse near the mountains of adjacent ecoregions, grading to fine sand along the coast. Sand dunes are found along sea bluffs, river bluffs, and past and current shorelines of larger lakes. Parts of the lowlands are mantled BRISTOL BAY—NUSHAGAK LOWLANDS 39 by silt and peat. Most streams arise from nearby mountain- ous ecoregions, and many are headwatered in lakes in ice‘carved basins. The lowland is dotted with morainal and thaw lakes. Isolated masses of permafrost occur in the Nushagak Lowland area. The southern half of the region is generally free from permafrost. Soils. — Dominant soils are Typic Haplocryands, Typic Vitricryands, Fluvaquentic Cryofibrists, Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts, Pergelic Cryaquepts, and Typic Cryochrepts. Most soils formed in volcanic ash deposits of various thickness underlain by gravelly glacial till, outwash deposits, or silty alluvium. Coastal plain soils formed in gravelly alluvium, cin- ders, or weathered rock blanketed with thick sedge peat. Vegetation. — Dwarf scrub communities grow on rela- tively well drained mineral soils and are the dominant vege- tation type in this ecoregion (fig. 28). Wetland communities vegetate large areas; poorly drained slopes and terraces are colonized by low scrub bog communities, and poorly drained lowlands are colonized by wet graminoid herba- ceous communities and wet forb herbaceous communities. Of more limited distribution are broadleaf and mixed forest stands that grow on the floodplains of major rivers. Dwarf scrub communities are dominated by ericaceous species (typically Empetrum nigrum). Lichens (for example, Alectoria spp., Cetraria spp., and Cladonia spp.) may be codominant. A number of other woody species (for example, Ledum decumbens, Loiseleuria procumbens, Arctostaphylos alpina, Salix spp., and Dryas octopetala) may be present. Mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp. and Dicranum spp.) are common in most stands. Dwarf arctic birch (Betula nana) may invade these communities when peat accumula— tion provides a deeper rooting zone. Low scrub bog communities are codominated by woody species (for example, Betula glandulosa, B. nana, Ledum decumbens, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, and Empetrum nigrum) and tussock—forming sedges (for exam- ple, Eriophorum vaginatum). Mosses (primarily Sphagnum spp.) form a nearly continuous mat. Wet graminoid herbaceous communities include fresh sedge marshes, wet sedge meadows, sedge—moss bog mead— ows, and halophytic sedge wet meadows. Fresh sedge marsh- es are comprised almost entirely of tall emergent sedges (for example, Scirpus validus or Eleocharis palustris). As plant detritus and sediments accumulate, these communities may be replaced by wet sedge meadows dominated by Carex species. Mosses (for example, Dicranum spp., Polytrichum spp., and Sphagnum spp.) may be abundant in meadows. Sedge—moss bog meadows occur in peat—filled depres- sions. Low sedges (for example, Eriophorum russeolum, Carex spp., and Trichophorum caespitosum) are dominant and are rooted along with other herbs (for example, Potentilla palustris) in a mat of Sphagnum mosses. Halophytic sedge wet meadows occur in coastal areas and are dominated by Carex lyngbyaei. Other important graminoid constituents include Eriophorum spp. and Calamagrostis canadensis. Wet forb herbaceous communities mainly include fresh herb marshes colonized principally by emergent herbs (for example, Menyanthes trifoliata, Potentilla palustris, and Equisetum fluviatile). Aquatic mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp.) are common. Broadleaf forest communities are dominated by birch (Betula papyrifera) or codominated by birch and other tree species (for example, Populus balsamifera). A tall shrub understory is common, consisting of willow (for example, Salix bebbiana and S. scouleriana) and alder (Alnus crispa and A. sinuata). A low shrub understory typically includes prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), high bushcranberry (Viburnum ea’ule), and resin birch (Betula glandulosa). Dwarf dogwood (Camus canadensis) and fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) are common forbs. Mixed forest communities result where white spruce (Picea glauca) codominates with birch. Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Nushagak Lowlands portion of the ecoregion is low. The range in recorded burn size is from less than 1 ha to 1,820 ha, aver- aging 870 ha. Fire data are not available for the portion of the ecoregion along the Alaska Peninsula. Land Use and Settlement. — Permanent settlements occur primarily along the coast or adjacent to the larger rivers. The region is used primarily for commercial fishing and processing and for subsistence and recreational hunting and fishing. The northern half of the region was settled by the Bristol Bay Yup’ik, and the southern half was settled by the Koniag. These two groups are descended from the Bering Sea Yup’ik and the Pacific Yup’ik, respectively. Coastal communities rely primarily on marine resources (for example, whales, seals, salmon, halibut, sea lions, sea otters, clams, mussels, and seaweed). Away from the coast, salmon and terrestrial mammals (for example, caribou and moose) are more important. Edible and medicinal greens, roots, and berries are also collected. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary is generally based on inclusion of the “Moist Tundra,” “Wet Tundra,” and “Lowland Spruce~Hardwood Forest” ecosys— tems and an exclusion of “High Brush,” “Alpine Tundra,” and “Upland Spruce—Hardwood Forest” ecosystems, as depicted on the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska.” Transitional zones occur where “Upland Spruce—Hardwood Forest” penetrates from the Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains Ecoregion to the west, and in areas having moderate to high terrain roughness, as shown on the terrain roughness map. References. — The information provided in this region- al description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), 40 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA .4. Figure 28. Distribution of vegetation communities indicates a relationship with hillslope position and drainage characteris- tics in the Bristol Bay-Nushagak Lowlands Ecoregion. Dwarf shmbs, graminoid species, and lichens grow in well drained areas. Scattered small communities of alder occur on hillslopes. Graminoid marsh communities grow in depressions. Figure 29. Alaska Peninsula Mountains Ecoregion typically shrouded in clouds. Soils, formed from volcanic ash and cin- der, are highly erodible and restrict the development of vegetation. ALASKA PENINSULA MOUNTAINS 41 Black (1951), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written cornmun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990), and Wibbenmeyer and others (1982). 113. ALASKA PENINSULA MOUNTAINS Distinctive Features. — The 48,000—km2 ecoregion is composed of rounded, folded and faulted sedimentary ridges intermittently surmounted by volcanoes. The mountains were heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch. A mar- itime climate prevails, and the region is generally free of per- mafrost. Many soils formed in deposits of volcanic ash and cinder over glacial deposits and are highly erodible (fig. 29). Vegetation cover commonly consists of dwarf scrub commu— nities at higher elevations and on sites exposed to wind, and low scrub communities at lower elevations and in more pro- tected sites. Climate. — Climate has a predominantly maritime influ- ence, as is evident from the higher precipitation and lower seasonal and diurnal fluctuations in air temperatures than in ecoregions having continental or transitional climates. Annual precipitation varies greatly from location to location along the coast, with coastal areas receiving from 600 mm to 3,300 mm. High elevations in the mountains average more than 4,060 mm of precipitation each year. Mean annual snowfall ranges from 55 cm to 150 cm along the coast and exceeds 510 cm in the higher mountains. Winter daily min— imum temperatures average from -11°C to -6°C throughout the region; daily maximum temperatures average from -2°C to 1°C. Summer temperatures range from lows of about 6°C to highs of about 15°C. Terrain. — The region is characterized by rounded ridges, 300 m to 1,200 m high, surmounted at varying inter- vals by rugged volcanic peaks, 1,400 m to 2,600 m high. The mountains are dissected by many drainageways. Slope gradients are usually from 0° to 11°, but steeper slopes occur across 7 percent of the region. Geological formations con- sist of stratified Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary sediments, and undifferentiated Quaternary volcanic rocks. The region was heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch. Most of the volcanoes reached their acme following Pleistocene glaciation. Glaciers persist on volcanoes. Many features of glacial erosion are present, such as cirques and U—shaped valleys. The ecoregion is generally free from permafrost. Streams draining to the Pacific Ocean are short and have steep gradients. Streams draining to the Bering Sea become braided when they reach the rolling lowlands of the Bristol Bay—Nushagak Lowlands Ecoregion to the north. Many streams are glacier fed. Lakes have been formed by moraines, or have formed in ice—carved basins. Soils. — Dominant soils are Typic Haplocryands and Typic Vitricryands. Glacial deposits cover all but the highest parts of ridges. Soils, formed in deposits of volcanic ash and cinder that mantle the glacial deposits, are highly erodible. Mountain peaks, rock escarpments, and talus slopes have little or no soil cover. Some depressions are filled with fibrous peat. Vegetation. — Dwarf scrub communities are widespread in this ecoregion, occurring at higher elevations and on windswept areas (fig. 30). Low scrub communities grow on sites more protected from wind and at lower elevations. Tall scrub communities grow at lower elevations and along hill- slope drainages. Floodplains and south—facing slopes sup- port broadleaf forest stands. Poorly drained areas are colo- nized by low scrub bog communities and mesic graminoid herbaceous communities. Dwarf scrub communities are generally dominated by crowberry (Empetrum nigrum). Accompanying shrubs include other ericads (for example, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, and Arctostaphylos alpina), arctic willow (Salix arctica), and white mountain—avens (Dryas octopetala). Mosses (for example, Dicranum spp., Hypnum spp., Polytrichum spp., and Rhacomitrium spp.) and lichens (for example, Alectoria spp., Cladom'a spp., Cladina spp., and Cetraria spp.) are common. Low scrub communities are dominated by willow (for example, Salix glauca, S. lanata, and S. planifolia). Dwarf shrubs (for example, Betula nana, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, Ledum decumbens, Dryas spp., and Salix reticu- lata) and forbs (for example, Calamagrostis canadensis, Festuca altaica, Carex bigelowii, and Artemisia spp.) colo— nize the understory. Mosses (for example, Polytrichum spp. and Hypnum spp.) form a patchy to continuous mat cover. Tall scrub communities consist primarily of alder (for example, Alnus sinuata) or a mix of alder and willow (Salix alaxensis, S. barclayi, S. planifolia, and S. glauca). Low shrubs (for example, Betula glandulosa, B. nana, Vaccim'um vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, and Ledum decumbens) may be common or absent in the understory. Broadleaf forests are dominated by balsam poplar (Populus balsamzfera). A tall shrub understory of alder and willow is usually present. Bluejoint (Calamagrostis canaden- sis) is important in the herbaceous layer. Mosses (commonly featherrnoss species) provide extensive ground cover. Low scrub bogs are typically dominated by ericaceous species, such as crowberry (Empetmm nigrum), narrow—leaf Labrador—tea (Ledum decumbens), mountain—cranberry (Vaccinium vitis—idaea), bog blueberry (V. uliginosum), and bog cranberry (V. oxycoccus). Sedges (for example, 42 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Figure 30. Dwarf scrub communities are common on the middle slopes and some of the higher slopes of the Alaska Peninsula Mountains Ecoregion. Willow grows along the lower slopes. The beach ridges along the shore are vegetated by willow and alder. (Photo courtesy of Keith Trexler, National Park Service, Anchorage.) Figure 31. Typical landscape of the Aleutian Islands Ecoregion, composed of a chain of sedimentary islands overtopped by steep volcanoes. Bare rock and rubble occur on volcanic cones, peaks, and high ridgetops. Dwarf shrub tundra communities occur at higher elevations and in windswept areas. Moist tundra communities are found at lower elevations and in protected sites. (Photo courtesy of Leslie Kerr, Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage.) ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 43 Eriophorum spp. and Carex spp.) and forbs (for example, Potentilla palustris and Menyanthes trifoliata) are common. Sphagnum mosses are always present and are usually the dominant mosses. Lichens (for example, Cladina spp. and Cetraria spp.) occur on mounds. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities primarily consist of meadows dominated by bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) or a mix of bluejoint and various herbs (for example, Epilobium angustifolium, Heracleum lanatum, Athyrium filix—femina, and Equisetum arvense). Wildfire. — No fire data are available for the Alaska Peninsula. Land Use and Settlement. — Settlements are located mainly along the coastline. The region is used primarily for commercial fishing and processing and for subsistence and recreational hunting and fishing. The area was historically occupied by the Koniag, of the Pacific Yup’ik people. Marine resources, such as whales, seals, salmon, halibut, cod, rockfish, sea lions, sea otters, porpoises, shellfish, sea urchins, bivalves, and seaweed, have been the basis for sub- sistence. Terrestrial mammals (for example, caribou, moose, ground squirrel, and hare) are of secondary importance. Plant greens, roots, and berries are collected for food and medicinal purposes. Several metals have been mined in this ecoregion, includ- ing gold, silver, lead, and copper. Energy—related resources, such as coal and petroleum, have also been extracted. Delineation Methods. — The boundary separating the Alaska Peninsula Mountains from the Bristol Bay—Nushagak Lowlands is based on the inclusion of “Alpine Tundra” and “High Brush” ecosystems and on the exclusion of “Moist Tundra” and “Wet Tundra” ecosystems, as shown on the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska.” The boundary separating the Alaska Peninsula Mountains from the Aleutian Islands is based on general climate information; the exact placement of the line is somewhat arbitrary. Because the Alaska Peninsula Mountains Ecoregion is narrow and environmental gradients are steep, it is not possible to delineate transitional areas at the current scale of mapping. References. — The information provided in this region— al description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Joint Federal- State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990), and Wibbenmeyer and others (1982). 114. ALEUTIAN ISLANDS Distinctive Features. — The 12,000 km2 Aleutian Islands Ecoregion in southwestern Alaska is composed of a chain of sedimentary islands (eroded from older volcanic formations) that are crowned by steep volcanoes (fig. 31). Maritime climate prevails. The region is south of the winter sea ice pack and is generally free from permafrost. Vegetation cover mainly consists of dwarf scrub communi- ties at higher elevations and on sites exposed to wind, and of graminoid herbaceous communities in more protected sites. Climate. - The Aleutian Islands have a maritime climate. Annual precipitation varies greatly from place to place, from as little as 530 mm to as much as 2,080 mm at sea level weath- er stations. Annual snowfall averages from 85 cm to 250 cm at the same stations. In general, smaller islands receive less precipitation than larger islands. Winter daily low tempera- tures average from -7°C to -2°C, and daily highs average from 2°C to 5°C. Summer daily temperatures average from lows of 4°C to highs of 10°C to 13°C. The frost—free season usually lasts from May through mid—September. Terrain. — The ecoregion is composed of a chain of islands exposed along the crest of a submarine ridge. Most of the islands, formed of blockfaulted Tertiary sediments derived from earlier igneous processes, are surmounted by volcanoes of Tertiary and Quaternary Age. Regional eleva- tions range from sea level to greater than 1,900 In. Most high volcanoes have icecaps or small glaciers. Lowlands have slope gradients less than 1°, but mountains are steep, with gradients almost always greater than 5°. The islands have been intensely glaciated (though only the easternmost portion was glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch), and evi- dence of glacial erosion is common. The region is generally free from permafrost, but periglacial erosional processes are active because of the cold, wet climate. Streams are short and swift. Many enter the sea as waterfalls. In areas of porous volcanic rock, stream courses are widely spaced and are filled with water only during exceptionally heavy rains. Many small lakes occupy irregu- lar ice—carved basins in rolling topography on the glaciated islands. Lakes fill a few volcanic craters and calderas. Soils. — Dominant soils are Typic Haplocryands and Typic Vitricryands. Most soils formed in deposits of vol- canic ash or Cinders over basaltic bedrock. Bare rock and rubble occur on volcanic cones, peaks, and high ridgetops. Volcanic material generally grades from coarse to fine with increasing distance from active volcanoes. Organic soils occupy depressions and some broad valley bottoms. Vegetation. — Vegetation cover at higher elevations and on windswept areas consists of dwarf scrub communities dominated by willow or crowberry. Mesic graminoid herba- ECOREGIONS OF A ASKA Figure 32. Spruce—hardw )od forests. the most widespread vegetation co nunity of the Cook Inlet Ecoregion. The area has one of the mildest climates in Alaska and. consequently. is generally free liom permafrost. Figure 33. Forest stand with pockets of white spruce or hite spruce mixed with birch in the Cook Inlet Ecoregion. COOK INLET 45 ceous and dry graminoid herbaceous communities occur at lower elevations and in protected sites. Low scrub commu— nities grow in bogs having thick peat deposits. Willow dwarf scrub communities are dominated by Salix arctica, S. rotundz'folia, and S. ovalifolia. Other com- mon shrubs are crowberry (Empetram nigrum), mountain—cranberry (Vaccim'am vitis—idaea), bog blueberry (V. uliginosam), mountain—avens (Dryas spp.), cassiope (Cassiope lycopodioides), and narrow—leaf Labrador—tea (Ledum decumbens). Herbs, (for example, Carex spp. and Saxifraga spp.) and mosses (for example, Dicranam spp. and Aulacomniam spp.) are common. Crowberry dwarf scrub communities are dominated by Empetrum nigrum. Aleutian mountain—heath (Phyllodoce aleutica), cassiope (Cassiope stelleriana), dwarf blueberry (Vaccinium caespitosam), and meadow—spirea (Luetkea pectinata) are typical constituents of these communities. Mosses are common. Lichens (for example, Cladom'a spp.) are common in many stands. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities primarily consist of meadows, where bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) is codominant with a variety of other herbs (for example. Epilobium angusttfolium, Equisetum arvense, Carex spp., and Festuca spp.). Dry graminoid herbaceous communities occur in coastal areas, such as near coastal marshes and at the bases of cliffs. Hair—grasses (Deschampsia spp.) provide nearly all of the vegetation cover. Low scrub bog communities are dominated by erica— ceous species (for example, Empetrum nigrum, Vaccinium uliginosum, V. vitis—idaea, V. oxycoccus, Andromeda polifo- Zia, and Ledam decumbens). Sedges (for example, Eriophoram angustifolium, Trichophorum caespitosum, Carex pluriflora, and C. pauciflora) are common or codomi- nant. Sphagnum species are always present and are usually the dominant mosses. Feathermosses may be common. Lichens may occur on mounds. Wildfire. — No fire data are available for the Aleutian Islands. Land Use and Settlement. — Settlements are sparse and are primarily located along the coastline. The native popu- lations of the islands are Aleut. They depend on marine resources (for example, Steller sea lions, seals, otters, and whales) for subsistence. Caribou and salmon are important sources of food and materials in the eastern part of the region. Tidal waters provide additional resources, such as algae, chitons, fish, mussels, urchins, octopus, and sea otters. Birds (for example, cormorants, gulls, murres, and puffins) and their eggs augment the traditional diet. Edible and med- icinal plants are also collected. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary sepa— rates the islands of the Aleutian chain from those immediately south and west of the Alaska Peninsula. The boundary is based primarily on climate information. A lack of sufficient infor- mation detail prohibits the delineation of transitional areas. References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun, 1992), Moore (written commun, 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 115. COOK INLET Distinctive Features. — Located in the south central part of Alaska adjacent to the Cook Inlet, the 28,000—km2 ecore— gion has one of the mildest climates in the State. The cli- mate, the level to rolling topography, and the coastal prox- imity have attracted most of the settlement and development in Alaska. The region has a variety of vegetation communi- ties (fig. 32) but is dominated by stands of spruce and hard- wood species. The area is generally free from permafrost. Unlike many of the other nonmontane ecoregions, the Cook Inlet Ecoregion was intensely glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch. Climate. ~ The climate is affected by both maritime and continental influences. Average annual precipitation ranges from 380 mm to 680 mm across the region. Annual snow- fall averages from 160 cm to 255 cm. Winter temperatures range from lows of -15°C to highs of —5°C, and temperature inversions are common. Summer temperatures vary from lows of about 5°C to highs of about 18°C. May through September are usually frost—free. Terrain. — The level to rolling terrain of this ecoregion is shaped by ground moraine, drumlin fields, eskers, and out- wash plains, remnants of Pleistocene glaciation. Elevations range from sea level to 600 m. Slope gradients are general- ly less than 3°. Bedrock consists of poorly consolidated Tertiary coal—bearing rocks. Marine and lake deposits man- tle portions of the region, and a considerable part of the low- lands has been blanketed by aeolian materials. Hundreds of small lakes, swamps, and bogs have developed in areas of stagnant ice topography and on ground moraines. The region was intensely glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch. There is currently little permafrost. Soils. — Dominant soils are Haplocryands, Sphagnic Borofibrists, Terrie Borosaprists, Typic Borohemists, Andic 46 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Haplocryods, and Andic Humicryods. Surface soil layers formed in loess blown from the floodplains of glacial streams and in volcanic ash blown from mountains to the west. Subsurface soil layers formed predominantly in glacial deposits, and range from gravelly clay loam to very gravelly sandy loam. The subsurface soil layers on alluvial terraces and outwash plains are waterworked, very gravelly sand. Soils in depressions holding fens and bogs are organ- ic and consist of peat. Vegetation. — A variety of vegetation communities occur in the ecoregion. Needleleaf, broadleaf, and mixed forests are the most widespread (fig. 33). Tall scrub com- munities form thickets on periodically flooded alluvium, such as occurs on floodplains, along streambanks, and in drainageways. Mesic graminoid, graminoid herbaceous, and low scrub graminoid communities occur over a range of moist to dry sites. Poorly drained lowlands support low scrub communities. The wettest sites are colonized by tall scrub swamp, low scrub bog, wet forb herbaceous, and wet graminoid herbaceous vegetation (fig. 34). Needleleaf forests are dominated by white spruce (Picea glauca), black spruce (P. mariana), and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis). Broadleaf forests are dominated by quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), balsam poplar (P. balsam- ifera), black cottonwood (P. trichocarpa), and paper birch (Betula papyrifera). Mixed forests are codominated by com- binations of these needleleaf and broadleaf species. White spruce forests grow on well drained soils. Black spruce, paper birch, balsam poplar, and aspen may codomi— nate with white spruce. A low shrub layer is typical, includ— ing birch (for example, Betula glandulosa and B. nana), eri- caceous species (for example, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, V. ulig- inosum, Ledum groenlandicum, and Empetrum nigrum), buf— faloberry (Shepherdia canadensis), and prickly rose (Rosa acicularis). Herbaceous cover varies, depending upon open- ness of stands. Common species are Equisetum spp., Linnaea borealis, and Calamagrostis canadensis. Feathermosses (for example, Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi) form a nearly continuous layer. Aspen forests grow on relatively warm, dry slopes. Stands may also contain balsam poplar (Populus balsam- ifera), spruce (Picea glauca and P. mariana), and paper birch (Betula papyrtfera). Alder (Alnus crispa) and willow (Salix bebbiana) commonly provide a tall shrub layer. The low shrub layer includes prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), buf- faloberry (Shepherdia canadensis), and high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule). The herb layer is patchy, and mosses and lichens provide little cover. Paper birch forests are common on moderately well to well drained upland sites. White spruce and black spruce may be present. Alders (Alnus crispa and A. sinuata), wil- lows (Salix spp.), and, in open stands, resin birch (Betula glandulosa) occur as a tall shrub layer. Prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule), and erica- ceous shrubs provide low shrub cover. In closed forest stands, Calamagrostis canadensis dominates the herb layer, and mosses and lichens are rare. In more open stands, the ground is covered by feathermosses (for example, Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi). Forests dominated by black spruce or a mixture of black spruce and paper birch colonize poorly drained areas. Alders (Alnus crispa) usually provide a tall shrub layer. Common lower shrubs are prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), willow (Salix spp.), Labrador—tea (Ledum groenlandicum), and eri- caceous species. Feathermosses (for example, Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splendens) form a patchy to con- tinuous moss layer. Sphagnum mosses may occur on the wetter sites. Foliose lichens (for example, Peltigera aph- thosa and P. canina) are common. Floodplains and active alluvial fans support relatively pure or mixed stands of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), balsam poplar (P. bal- samifera), and paper birch (Betula papyrifera). When pre— sent, the tall shrub component consists of alder and willow. Lower shrubs typically include prickly rose (Rosa acicu- laris), high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule), and devilsclub (0plopanax horridus). Herbaceous species vary with forest type. Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Athyrium filix—femina, and Tiarella trifoliata occur in Sitka spruce stands; Calamagrostis canadensis and Equisetum spp. occur with black cottonwood; Calamagrostis canadensis, Mertensia paniculata, and Epilobium angustifolium occur with balsam poplar. Feathermosses are found in some of these communities. Tall scrub thickets are dominated by alders (Alnus crispa, A. tenuifolia, A. sinuata), willows (Salix alaxensis, S. brachycarpa, and S. planifolia), or a combination of alders and willows. Mosses (for example, Hylocomium splendens, Drepanocladus uncinatus, and Polytrichum spp.) may be abundant. Dry to mesic sites support mesic graminoid, graminoid herbaceous, and low scrub graminoid communities. Examples are communities dominated by dry fescue (Festuca altaica), communities codominated by midgrasses (Festuca altaica, F. rubra, Deschampsia beringensis, and Poa eminens) and forbs (for example, Aconitum delphini- folium and Mertensia paniculata), and communities codom— inated by midgrasses (Festuca altaica, Calamagrostis pur- purascens, Agropyron spicatum, Poa spp., Bromus pumpel— lianus) and low shrubs (for example, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, Empetrum nigrum, Salix reticulata, and S. lanata), respec— tively. Nonsphagnaceous mosses are common in all of these community types. Lichens may be common or absent. Mesic to moist sites support mesic graminoid communi— ties dominated by bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis), graminoid herbaceous communities codominated by blue- joint and herbs (for example, Epilobium angustifolium, Angelica lucida, Athyrium filix—femina, Equisetum arvense, and E. fluviatile), or low scrub graminoid communities dom- inated by bluejoint and low shrubs (for example, Alnus sinu- COOK INLET 47 Figure 34. am). Feathermosses form a patchy layer on the ground. Low scrub communities are dominated by willows (for example, Salix glauca and S. lanata) or a mixture of willows and birch (for example, Betula glandulosa). The herbaceous layer typically includes graminoid species (for example, Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex spp., and F estuca altaica). Mosses (for example, feathermosses) form a patchy to con- tinuous mat. Tall scrub swamps are dominated by alder (for example, Alnus tenuifolia) or combinations of alder (A. tenuifolia) and willow (Salix planifolia and S. lanata). Cover by low shrubs varies, but typical constituents are high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule), currant (Ribes spp), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), and Pacific red elder (Sambucus callicarpa). Sedges (Carex spp), bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis), dwarf dogwood (Cornus canadensis), and horsetail (Equisetum spp) are typical herbaceous species. Mosses (for example, feathermosses and Sphagnum spp.) are common but discontinuous. Low scrub bog communities include those dominated by low mixed shrubs (for example, Betula glandulosa, B. nana, Ledum decumbens, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, and V. ulig- inosum) and tussock—forming sedges (for example, Eriophorum vaginarum), ericaceous species (for example, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, Ledum decumbens, Empetrum nigrum, and Andromeda polifolia), a mixture of Wet graminoid herbaceous communities, such as this sedge meadow, commonly occur in shallow basins in the Cook Inlet Ecoregion. birch (for example, Betula glandulosa and B. nana) and eri- caceous species, and a mixture of willow (for example, Salix barclayi and S. commutata) and graminoid species (for example, Calamagrostis canadensis and Carex spp). Other low shrubs (for example, C hamaedaphne calyculata and Andromeda polifolia) may be present in any of these bog communities. A nearly continuous mat of mosses (for exam— ple, Sphagnum spp. and feathermosses) occurs in low scrub—sedge tussock communities. Wet forb herbaceous communities are dominated by nongraminoid species, including horsetail (for example, Equisetum fluviatile), buckbean (Menyanthes trifall’ata), marsh fivefinger (Potentilla palustris), and marsh—marigold (C altha palustris). Mosses and floating 0r submerged aquat— ic plants may be abundant. Freshwater wet graminoid herbaceous communities are dominated by sedges (Carex spp.) or a mixture of sedges and low shrubs (for example, Myrica gale and Salix spp). Mosses are common. Coastal areas may be dominated by salt—toler— ant grasses (for example, Puccinellia spp), sedges (for exam— ple, Carex lyngbyaei), and forbs (for example, Honckenya peploides, Triglochin maritimum, and Plantago maritima). Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Cook Inlet Ecoregion is low. The size of burns varies from less than 1 ha to 2,270 ha, averaging 160 ha. 48 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Figure 35. Extensive systems of valley glaciers in the Alaska Range Ecoregion. Features of glacial erosion, such as cirques and U-shaped valleys, are common. Land Use and Settlement. — The Cook Inlet Ecoregion is the most populated region in Alaska. Summer and winter recreational activities occur extensively throughout the region. Agricultural activities are limited largely to the Susitna Valley, but they also occur on the Kenai Peninsula. Numerous gas and oil wells dot the Trading Bay area, and some are scattered about the Kenai Peninsula. Many oil platforms occupy the Cook Inlet. Timber production occurs on the west shore of Cook Inlet and in some areas along the Susitna River. The Tanaina, a group of Pacific Athabascans, were the native inhabitants of the ecoregion. Their traditional diet included salmon, moose, and caribou, although these were supplemented by beaver, hare, ground squirrel, grouse, ptarrnigan, migratory waterfowl, Whitefish, blackfish, and pike. Edible greens, berries, and roots were also collected. Extractable resources have included metals (for exam- ple, gold, silver, platinum, tin, copper, and tungsten) and energy—related commodities (for example, coal and urani- um). Numerous sand and gravel operations support con— struction and road building activities. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary repre— sents areas less than 600 m in elevation. The boundary cor- responds well with patterns on the relative CIR image. Transitional areas include the “Upland Spruce~Hardwood Forest" areas, depicted on the map “Major Ecosystems of Alaska,” that occur along the interface with the surrounding mountainous ecoregions. References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from Beikrnan (1980), Black (1951), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Flaming Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (writ- ten commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), U.S. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), U.S. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992),Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 116. ALASKA RANGE Distinctive Features. — The mountains of south central Alaska, the Alaska Range, are very high and steep. The 117,000—km2 ecoregion is covered by rocky slopes, icefields, and glaciers (fig. 35). Much of the area is barren of vegeta- tion. Dwarf scrub communities are common at higher ele- vations and on windswept sites where vegetation does exist. The Alaska Range has a continental climatic regime, but because of the extreme height of many of the ridges and peaks, annual precipitation at higher elevations is similar to that measured for some ecoregions having maritime climate. Climate. — Climate is influenced by continental factors. ALASKA RANGE 49 Weather data for the region are from lower elevation sta— tions. Daily winter low temperatures average about —25°C and daily highs about -3°C at these stations. Daily summer low temperatures for the same areas average about 2°C and daily highs about 18°C. Mean annual precipitation in the lowlands is approximately 380 mm, with snowfall ranging from 150 cm to 305 cm at various stations. Estimated aver— age annual precipitation for the higher mountains peaks is 2,030 mm, with estimated snowfall at 1,015 cm. Terrain. — The ecoregion consists of steep, rugged moun- tain ridges separated by broad valleys. Elevations are 600 m in the lower valleys (sea level in the southwestern portion of the ecoregion), often rising to greater than 3,900 m on mountains peaks (Mt. McKinley is higher than 6,100 m). Slope gradients, which are almost always greater than 5° on hillslopes, exceed 25° on some mountains. The southern portion of the ecoregion is underlain by granitic batholiths intrusive into moderately metamorphosed, highly deformed Paleozoic and Mesozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Large active volcanoes occur in this area. The central and eastern portions of the ecoregion are part of a broad syncline having Cretaceous rocks in the cen- ter and Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks on the flanks. The ecoregion was heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch, and extensive systems of valley glaciers still radiate from the higher mountains. Rock glaciers are com- mon. Gelifluction features are well developed. Permafrost is discontinuous in this ecoregion; however, its full extent is unknown. Streams are swift and braided, and most are head- watered in glaciers. Many large lakes occupy the glaciated val- leys within the southern part of the ecoregion. Lakes in the central and eastern part of the ecoregion are relatively rare for a glaciated area; most occur either as rock—basin lakes or as collections of small ponds in areas of ground moraine. Soils. — Much of the ecoregion consists of rocky slopes, icefields, and glaciers. Where soil development has occurred, principal soils are Lithic Cryorthents, Pergelic Cryaquepts, Pergelic Ruptic—Histic Cryaquepts, Typic Cryochrepts, Pergelic Cryumbrepts, and Typic Cryumbrepts. Most soils are stony and shallow over bedrock, or bouldery colluvial or glacial deposits. Soils on lower slopes and in valleys are typically poorly drained, with a shallow per— mafrost table. Soils on upper hillsides and ridgetops are often well drained, very gravelly, and shallow over bedrock. These soils usually do not retain sufficient moisture for ice—rich permafrost. Vegetation. — Much of the ecoregion is barren of vege- tation. Dwarf scrub communities are most common where vegetation does occur, growing on well drained, windswept sites. More protected slopes provide moist to mesic sites that support low or tall scrub communities (fig. 36). Open needleleaf forests and woodlands occur on well drained sites in some valleys and on lower hillslopes (fig. 37). Dwarf scrub communities are typically dominated by mountain—avens (Dryas octopetala, D. integrifolia, and D. drummondii), ericaceous species (for example, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, Cassiope tetragona, Arctostaphylos alpina, and A. rubra), or combinations of these species. Grarninoid species, such as sedges (for exam- ple, Carex scirpoidea and C. bigelowii) and alpine holygrass (Hierochloé‘ alpina), may be present and may even codomi- nate with shrubs, as may lichens (for example, Alectoria spp., Cetraria spp., Cladonia spp., and Thamnolia spp.). Forbs (for example, Oxytropis nigrescens, Hedysarum alpinum, Minuartia spp., Anemone spp., and Saxifraga spp.) and moss— es (for example, Tomenthypnum nitens, Hylocomium splen- dens, and Polytrichum spp.) typically form the ground layer of these communities. Low scrub communities are dominated by birch (Betula glandulosa and B. nana) and ericaceous shrubs (for example, Vaccim'um vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, Ledum decumbens, Arctostaphylos spp., and Empetrum nigrum), or by willows (for example, Salix glauca, S. planifolia, and S. lanata). Other shrubs commonly found in these communities include red—fruit bearberry (Arctostaphylos rubra), bog blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum), mountain—avens (Dryas spp.), netleaf willow (Salix reticulum), and arctic willow (S. arctica). Common herbs are fescue grass (F estuca altaica), alpine holy- grass (Hierochloé alpina), Bigelow sedge (Carex bigelowii), arctic sweet coltsfoot (Petasites frigidus), and arctic worm- wood (Artemisia arctica). Mosses (for example, Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi) form patchy to continu- ous mats. Lichens (for example, Cetraria spp. Stereocaulon tomentosum, and Cladom'a spp.) can be abundant. Tall scrub communities occur at altitudinal treeline, along streambanks, in drainages, and on floodplains. These communities are dominated by willow (Salix alaxensis, S. arbusculoides, S. planifolia, and S. lanata), alder (Alrms sin- uata and A. crispa), a mixture of willow and alder, or a mix- ture of willow and birch (Betula glandulosa). Low shrubs, such as Alaska bog willow (Salix fizscescens), Beauverd spirea (Spiraea beauverdiana), narrow—leaf Labrador—tea (Ledum decumbens), and bog blueberry (Vaccinium uligi- nosum), occur in the more open stands. Understory herbs include polar grass (Arctagrostis latifolia), fescue grass (Festuca altaica), Bigelow sedge (Carex bigelowii), and large—flowered Wintergreen (Pyrola grandiflora). Mosses (for example, Polytrichum spp., Hylocomium splendens, and Drepanocladus uncinatus) may be abundant in wetter stands. Lichens (for example, Cladonia spp. and Stereocaulon tomentosum) are locally abundant in drier stands. Needleleaf forests and woodlands are dominated by white spruce (Picea glauca) or white spruce mixed with black spruce (P. mariana). The understory typically consists of low woody vegetation, such as white mountain—avens (Dryas octopetala), red—fruit bearberry (Arctostaphylos rubra), arctic willow (Salix arctica), crowberry (Empetrum nigrum), and mountain—cranberry (Vaccinium vitis—idaea). 50 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Figure 36. Mountains with middle to lower slopes blanketed with low and tall scrub communities in the Alaska Range Ecoregion. Deciduous (for example, Populus spp.) and coniferous (Picea spp.) trees often follow water tracks downslope. (Photo courtesy of Beverly Friesen, Saint Mary’s College of Minnesota, Winona.) Figure 37. White spruce woodlands on well drained lower slopes and valleys in the Alaska Range Ecoregion. The under- story is resin birch. COPPER PLATEAU 51 Mosses (for example, Pleurozium schreberi and Rhytidium rugosum) grow in moist depressions. Fruticose lichens (for example, Cetraria spp.) are scattered throughout the under- story vegetation mat. Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Alaska Range is low. Fires have ranged in size from less than 1 ha to 3,290 ha, with the majority of the largest fires occurring in the central and eastern portion of the ecoregion. Average area burned per fire over the entire region is about 90 ha. Land Use and Settlement. — The few permanent settle- ments in this ecoregion are below 750 m elevation. The region is used primarily for recreation and subsistence hunt- ing and fishing. Native inhabitants of the Alaska Range belong to several Athabascan groups, primarily the Tanaina, Ahtna, and Tanacross. Their livelihoods depend on salmon and freshwater fish (for example, Whitefish, blackfish, and pike), large mammals (caribou, moose, and dall sheep), smaller fur—bearing mammals (for example, beaver, hare, and ground squirrel), and edible plants. Many extractable resources occur in this ecoregion; these include metals (for example, gold, silver, lead, copper, tungsten, platinum, zinc, chromium, mercury, and tin), energy-related commodities (for example, coal and uranium), and other commodities (for example, antimony, bismuth, and molybdenum). Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary fol— lows a generalized 600—m elevation contour for separating the Alaska Range from the interior forested ecoregions. A generalized 900—m elevation contour was used to separate the Alaska Range Ecoregion from the Copper Plateau Ecoregion. The Matanuska River is the boundary between the geological formations of the Alaska Range and those of the Chugach Mountains. The mountain pass along Jack Creek and the upper Nabesna River forms the boundary between the Alaska Range and Wrangell Mountains Ecoregions. Transitional zones are areas less than 600 m in elevation along river drainages, areas where mountains higher than 600 m become more widely spaced (approximately 210 km apart), and areas having upland spruce—hardwood forest vegetation. References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians ( 1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990), and Wibbenmeyer and others (1982). 117. COPPER PLATEAU Distinctive Features. — The 17,000—km2 Copper Plateau Ecoregion in south central Alaska occupies the site of a large lake that existed during glacial times. The nearly level to rolling plain has many lakes and wetlands (fig. 38). Soils are predominantly silty or clayey, formed from glacio- lacustrine sediments. Much of the region has a shallow per- mafrost table, and soils are poorly drained. Black spruce forests and tall scrub, interspersed with wetlands, are the major types of vegetation communities. Climate. — The ecoregion has a continental climate. Weather stations are located along the eastern side of the region. There, winter temperatures range from lows of about -27°C, to highs of about -16°C. Summer temperatures are more consistently distributed throughout the area, with aver- age lows of about 4°C and average highs of about 21°C. Annual precipitation is lowest in the south and highest in the north, ranging from 250 mm to 460 mm. Snowfall distribu- tion patterns are comparable, ranging from 100 cm in the south to 190 cm in the north. Although frost can occur in any month, temperatures warm enough for plant growth general- ly occur over a period of 11 weeks. Terrain. — The ecoregion has smooth to rolling terrain. Elevations vary from 420 m to 900 m, with slope gradients generally less than 2°. The region is mantled in Pleistocene proglacial lake deposits that are tens to hundreds of meters thick. Most rivers head in glaciers from the surrounding mountains. Wind—blown deposits from local floodplains have developed into dunes along most of the glacial streams. The overall drainage pattern is poorly defined, but the lower stretches of the larger rivers are deeply incised in narrow val— leys. The continuous permafrost layer ranges from thin to moderately thick. The permafrost table is close to the ground surface, resulting in abundant thaw lakes. The per- mafrost table is deep or absent in some of the very gravelly and sandy material. Lakes have formed in abandoned melt- water channels and morainal depressions. Soils. — Principal soils are Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts, Aquic Cryochrepts, Typic Cryochrepts, Pergelic Cryaquolls, and Typic Cryoborolls. The major soils formed in silty aeo- lian mantles overlying calcareous silty and clayey glaciola- custrine sediments and, in places, gravelly glacial drift. Organic soils occupy some depressions. Most of the soils have a shallow permafrost table and are poorly drained. Well drained soils occur in upland areas disturbed by wild— fire or in very gravelly deposits where permafrost is deep or absent. Soils with permafrost are very susceptible to alter— ation upon disturbance of the organic mat, because of the rel— atively warm (>-l.5°C) permafrost temperature. Organic mat disturbance, as by wildfire, can result in warmer soil temperatures, lowered permafrost tables, and significant 52 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Figure 38. Widespread black spruce forest and small lakes typically encircled by bog communities are common in the Copper Plateau Ecoregion. The area is mantled with fine—textured glaciolacustrine sediments. Depth to permafrost is shallow and soils are poorly drained. changes in soil physical properties and hydrology. Vegetation. — Vegetation communities in the ecoregion reflect characteristics of the poor soil drainage and shallow permafrost table. Needleleaf forests and woodlands domi- nated by black spruce are the most common communities. Better drained sites, such as those occurring along streams, on the larger floodplains, and on south—facing slopes of very gravelly moraines, support needleleaf forests dominated by white spruce, broadleaf forests dominated by black cotton— wood or aspen, and tall scrub communities. Wetlands are common and support low scrub bogs and wet graminoid herbaceous communities. Black spruce (Picea mariana) forests and woodlands may include a tall shrub layer dominated by willow (for example, Salix planifolia and S. glauca) and resin birch (Betula glandulosa), a low shrub layer of ericaceous species (for example, Ledum groenlandicum, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, and V. uliginosum), and herbs (for example, Eriophorum spp., Carex spp., and Equisetum spp.). Moss cover (for example, feathermosses and Sphagnum spp.) is patchy to continuous. Lichens (for example, Cladonia spp., Cladina spp., and Cetraria spp.) are often present. White spruce (Picea glauca) and balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) stands commonly have a low shrub layer that includes prickly rose (Rosa acicularis) and buf- faloberry (Shepherdia canadensis). Species of Calamagrostis and Equisetum are typical of the herb layer. Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) stands have a low shrub understory that typically includes prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), a number of ericaceous species (for example, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, V. uliginosum, and Arctostaphylos uva—ursi), and buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis). The ground cover usually consists of herbs (for example, Cornus canadensis and species of Calamagroslis and Pyrola) and mosses (for example, Drepanocladus spp., Hylocomium splendens, and Polytrichum 3121).). Low scrub bogs are dominated by birch (Betula glandu- losa and B. nana) and ericaceous shrubs (for example, Vaccinium vitis—idaea, V uliginosum, Ledum decumbens, Empetrum nigrum, and Andromeda polifolia). Sedges (Carex spp.) and other herbs are common in the understory. Sphagnum mosses are abundant at most sites. Wet graminoid herbaceous communities are typically dominated by sedges (for example, Eriophorum angustifoli- um and Carex spp.) or codominated by sedges and herbs (for example, Menyanthes trifoliata, Petasites frigidus, and Potentilla palustris). Mosses (for example, Sphagnum spp.) are common. Wildfire. — Occurrence of wildfires in the Copper Plateau Ecoregion is low. Size of burn typically is small, rang- ing from less than 1 ha to about 40 ha, with a mean of 5 ha. WRANGELL MOUNTAINS 53 Figure 39. The Wrangell Mountains Ecoregion is extensively covered by ice fields and glaciers. Most slopes are barren of vegetation; however, dwarf scrub communities predominate where vegetation does occur. (Photo courtesy of M. Woodbridge Williams, National Park Service, Anchorage.) Land Use and Settlement. — A few small settlements occur in the region. The region has traditionally been used for subsistence hunting and fishing by the Ahtna Athabascans. Their principal resources for food and materi— als are salmon and freshwater fish, large game (for example, caribou and moose), small fur-bearing mammals (for exam— ple, beaver, hare, and ground squirrel), and edible plants. Some mining activities have occurred, such as those related to extraction of gold and selenium. Delineation Methods. — A generalized 900—m elevation contour was used to delineate the boundary of the Copper Plateau Ecoregion. This boundary corresponds with patterns on the relative CIR image. Because the ecoregion is typified by features that relate to low and very low terrain roughness, steeper, more variable terrain has been depicted as transitional. References. — The information provided in this region— al description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Black (1951), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and oth- ers (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written com- mun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 118. WRANGELL MOUNTAINS Distinctive Features. — The 29,000—km2 Wrangell Mountains Ecoregion consists of steep, rugged mountains of volcanic origin that are extensively covered by ice fields and glaciers (fig. 39). Most slopes are barren of vegetation. Dwarf scrub tundra communities, consisting of mats of low shrubs, forbs, grasses, and lichens, predominate where vegetation does occur. The climate has harsh winters and short summers. Climate. — Climate is primarily affected by continental influences. The only weather station within the region is located at McCarthy. There, winter low temperatures aver- age -34°C, and winter highs average -9°C. Mean summer low temperature is 3°C, and mean summer high is 22°C. The average number of frost—free days each year is some- what less than 2 months. McCarthy receives an average of 410 mm of precipitation per year, of which 175 cm is snow. Higher elevations may receive 2,030 mm of precipitation annually, including 255 cm of snow. Terrain. — The ecoregion represents a large group of shield and composite volcanoes of Cenezoic age; Mount 54 ECOREGION S OF ALASKA Figure 40. Typical glacial till parent material in valley soils of the Wrangell Mountains Ecoregion. Deposits, such as these left by the receding Kennicott Glacier, can deeply mantle valley floors and provide considerable sediment loading to streams. Wrangell remains an active volcano. These volcanic forma- tions lie over Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary and vol- canic rocks. The terrain is steep and rugged, with most slope gradients exceeding 7° and many (15 percent of the come- gion) surpassing 15°. Elevations start at 600 m, and most of the largest peaks are 3,900 m or more, with a couple of peaks exceeding 4,880 m. The mountains were glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch, and extensive glaciation persists. Permafrost is discontinuous. Streams headwater in glaciers, and their drainages radiate outward from the region. There are few lakes. Soils. — Much of the landscape consists of steep rocky slopes, icefields, and glaciers. Soil development has result- ed in thin, stony soils that are shallow over bedrock or boul- dery deposits. Most soils have formed in very stony and gravelly colluvial material. Soils in valleys and on foot- slopes have formed in glacial till (fig. 40), with a thin man- tle of volcanic ash or loess in some places. Most soils are poorly drained, but well drained soils do occur in very grav- elly material at the foot of high ridges, on some south—facing slopes, and on hilly moraines at lower elevations. Principal soils are Lithic Cryorthents, Typic Cryorthents, Pergelic Cryochrepts, and Pergelic Cryumbrepts. Vegetation. — Most slopes in the mountains are barren of vegetation. Dwarf scrub communities dominate where vege— tation does occur, growing on well drained, windy sites. Tall scrub communities occur along drainages and on floodplains. Broad ridges, valleys, and hilly moraines at lower elevations support needleleaf forests dominated by white spruce or broadleaf forests dominated by paper birch or aspen. Dwarf scrub communities are dominated by moun- tain—avens (Dryas drummondii, D. integrifolia, and D. octopetala), ericaceous shrubs (for example, Vaccim’um vitis—idaea and V. uliginosum), or willow (for example, Salix rotundifolia, S. polaris, S. reticulata, and S. arctica). Typical herbaceous vegetation includes Carex spp., F estuca spp., Anemone spp., and Saxifraga spp. Lichens (for exam- ple, Cladina spp., Cetraria spp., and Cladom'a spp.) may provide substantial cover and may codominate with shrubs. Tall scrub communities are dominated by willow (for example, Salix lanata, S. alaxensis, S. barclayi, and S. plani- folia) and alder (for example, Alnus sinuata). The understory consists of herbs, typically including both graminoid and broad—leaved species, and mosses (primarily feathermosses). Forests dominated by white spruce (Picea glauca) typi— cally include understory shrubs, such as willow (Salix spp.), alder (Alnus spp.), and birch (Betula spp.). A nearly continu- ous layer of featherrnosses covers the ground. . Forests dominated by paper birch (Betula papyrifera) or quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) are typically accompa- nied by an understory shrub layer, including alder (Alnus spp.), willow (Salix spp.), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), and PACIFIC COASTAL MOUNTAINS 55 high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule). Herbaceous cover is variable, often including species such as bluejoint (Calamagrostis spp.), horsetail (Equisetum spp.), and twin— flower (Linnaea borealis). A layer of mosses (primarily feathermosses) or, on drier sites, lichens is common under open stands of paper birch. Wildfire. — Occurrence of lightning fires in the Wrangell Mountains is very low. Gabriel and Tande (1983) report no fires during the 22—year period of record examined. Land Use and Settlement. — Perennial settlements are rare, mostly located in the lower valleys. The region has tra- ditionally provided subsistence resources for Athabascans of the Upper Tanana and Ahtna groups. Salmon and freshwa- ter fish, caribou, moose, dall sheep, beaver, hare, and ground squirrels are typical sources of food and materials. Edible and medicinal plants are also collected. A belt of copper deposits lies on the south side of the region and has been economically important. Other impor- tant metals have included silver, gold, lead, and zinc. Delineation Methods. — The Chitina River, up through Logan Glacier, was used to separate the geologic formations of the Wrangell Mountains Ecoregion from those of the Pacific Coastal Mountains Ecoregion. The mountain pass along Jack Creek and the upper Nabesna River forms the boundary between the Wrangell Mountains and the Alaska Range Ecoregions. A generalized 900—m elevation contour was used to separate the Wrangell Mountains from the Copper Plateau. Moderate to very high terrain roughness was used to distinguish the mountains from the bottomlands of the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge, to the north. The boundary between the Wrangell Mountains and the Interior Highlands Ecoregions was based on a generalized 600—m elevation contour. Transitional areas are those having vege— tation other than alpine tundra ecosystems. References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written commun., 1993), Morgan (1979), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990) 119. PACIFIC COASTAL MOUNTAINS Distinctive Features. — The steep and rugged moun- tains along the southeastern and south central coast of Alaska receive more precipitation annually than either the Alaska Range or Wrangell Mountains Ecoregions. Glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch, most of the 106,000—km2 ecoregion is still covered by glaciers and ice fields. Most of the area is barren of vegetation (fig. 41), but where plants do occur, dwarf and low scrub communities dominate. Climate. — Climate for most of the ecoregion is transi— tional between maritime and continental influences. There are no long—term weather stations in this ecoregion. Climatic pat- terns within the region are affected by elevation, latitude, and geographic position. Interpolation of data from the low—ele— vation stations of the adjacent coastal ecoregion estimates an annual precipitation ranging from 2,030 mm to greater than Figure 41. Pleistocene epoch, are typical of the Pacific Coastal Mountains Ecoregion. The ecoregion is predominantly barren of vegetation, but alpine tundra communities occur where conditions permit. (Photo courtesy of Ray Koleser, Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Anchorage.) Glaciers and ice fields, remaining since the 56 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA 7,000 mm, increasing with elevation and in a south—to—north direction. Estimated annual snowfall ranges from 510 cm to 2,030 cm and follows the same distribution pattern. Terrain. — Steep, rugged mountains covered by many active glaciers are typical of this ecoregion. Elevations range from sea level to more than 4,500 m. Higher parts of the ecoregion are buried in ice fields, from which valley and piedmont glaciers radiate. Slope gradients for most of the region are greater than 7°; slope gradients for 5 percent of the region exceed 20°. Geologic formations of Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic sediments occur extensively throughout the Chugach Mountains. Tertiary to Cretaceous (Paleozoic in some places) intrusive rock occurs throughout the south- eastern portion of the ecoregion. The Chugach Mountains are underlain by isolated masses of permafrost. The moun- tains of the southern half of the region are generally free of permafrost. The ecoregion was extensively glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch, and many glaciers remain. Features typical of glaciated terrain, such as arétes, horns, cirques, U— shaped valleys, and morainal deposits in valleys and on lower hillslopes, are abundant. Streams are short and swift, and headwatered in glaciers. Lakes lie in ice—carved basins. Soils. — Most areas are covered by glaciers, ice fields, or rock outcrops. Where soil development has occurred, soils have formed in gravelly till and colluvium. Soils on steep ridges are shallow over bedrock. Dominant soils are Lithic Cryorthents, Andic Cryumbrepts, Pergelic Cryumbrepts, Typic Cryumbrepts, Typic Haplocryods, Andic Humicryods, Lithic Humicryods, and Typic Humicryods. Vegetation. — The principal nature of this ecoregion is alpine slopes barren of vegetation or dwarf and low scrub communities in areas where vegetation does occur. There are many areas where needleleaf forests, originating in adja- cent, lower elevation ecoregions, colonize mesic sites along drainageways. Dwarf scrub communities are typically dominated by mountain heath (Phyllodoce aleutica). Associated shrubs include cassiope (Cassiope mertensiana and C. stelleriana), meadow—spirea (Luetkea pectinata), bog blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum), and dwarf blueberry (V. caespitosum). Low scrub communities dominated by ericaceous shrubs (for example, Cladothamnus pyrolaeflorus) form dense thickets at lower elevations in the ecoregion where snow cover persists until late spring. Needleleaf forest stands are dominated by hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla or T mertensiana) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) or by Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis). The understory layer consists of ericaceous shrubs (for example, Vaccinium alaskaense, V. ovalifolium, and Menziesiaferrug- inea), raspberry (Rubus spp.), currant (Ribes spp.), and dev- ilsclub (Opiopanax horridus). The forest floor is typically covered by herbs (for example, Tiarella trifoliata and Streptopus spp.) and a number of fern species. Wildfire. — Wildfire information is only available for the northern portion of the ecoregion, in the Chugach Mountains, where occurrence is very low. Burn areas have ranged in size from less than 1 ha to 40 ha, averaging 4 ha. Land Use and Settlement. — Permanent settlements are rare in this ecoregion, primarily occurring at the lower ele- vations. The eastern half of the region has historically been used by the Tlingits, and the western half has been used by the Chugach and Eyak peoples. Moose, mountain goat, and smaller mammals are hunted in the mountains. Streams yield salmon and freshwater fish. Coastal areas provide marine resources as well as coastal birds and their eggs. Edible greens, roots, and berries are also collected. In addition to subsistence and recreational hunting and fishing, the region has supplied a variety of metallic elements (for example, gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, tungsten, iron, nickel, platinum, barium, and chromium), nonmetallic ele- ments (for example, antimony, arsenic, and molybdenum), and energy—related commodities (coal, petroleum, and uranium). Delineation Methods. — The boundary of the southern section of the ecoregion excludes the western hemlock—Sitka spruce forests of the Pacific Coast. The northern boundary is based on Logan Glacier, along the interface with the Wrangell Mountains; a generalized 900—m elevation con- tour, along the interface with the Copper Plateau; the Matanuska River, along the interface with the Alaska Range; and a generalized 600—m elevation contour, along the inter— face with the Cook Inlet Ecoregion. Transitional areas are those having forests. References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Ferrians (1965), Gabriel and Tande (1983), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun, 1992), Moore (written commun, 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun, 1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines (1992a, 1992b), US. Forest Service (1992), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). 120. COASTAL WESTERN HEMLOCK—SITKA SPRUCE FORESTS Distinctive Features. — Located along the southeastern and south central shores of Alaska, the terrain of this 61,000—km2 ecoregion is a result of intense glaciation during late advances of the Pleistocene epoch. The deep, narrow COASTAL WESTERN HEMLOCK—SITKA SPRUCE FORESTS 57 Figure 42. peratures of all ecoregions in Alaska. bays, steep valley walls that expose much bedrock, thin moraine deposits on hills and in valleys, very irregular coast— line, high sea cliffs, and deeply dissected glacial moraine deposits covering the lower slopes of valley walls are all evi- dence of the effects of glaciation. The region has the mildest winter temperatures in Alaska, accompanied by large amounts of precipitation. Forests of western hemlock and Sitka spruce are widespread (fig. 42). Climate. — The ecoregion has a maritime climate, with cool summers and mildly cold winters. Moderate to heavy precipitation occurs throughout the year, though storms are most frequent and heavy during the winter. Surface winds are moderate to strong, with prevailing winds coming from the south or southeast. The average frost—free season is about 7 months. Mean annual precipitation ranges from 1,350 mm to 3,900 mm, depending on location. Mean annu- al snowfall ranges from 80 cm to 600 cm. Daily minimum temperature in winter is about -3°C at many weather sta- tions, and daily maximum temperature averages about 3°C. Mean daily minimum temperature in summer is about 7°C, and maximum temperature is about 18°C. Terrain. — The ecoregion includes the steep footslopes, alluvial fans, floodplains, outwash plains, scattered The Coastal Western Hemlock-Sitka Spruce Forests Ecoregion has deep, narrow bays and steep, dissected valley walls covered by highly productive forests. The ecoregion receives large amounts of precipitation and has the mildest winter tem- (Photo courtesy of Ken Winterberger, Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, moraines, river terraces, and river deltas of the Pacific coastal mountains. Elevations climb from sea level to 500 m (including some local mountains up to 1,000 m). Slope gra- dients range from 0° to 28°, with a median of 5°. Geologic formations are Lower Tertiary interbedded sedimentary, vol- canogenic, and volcanic rocks in the Prince William Sound area, Upper Cretaceous sandstone and slate on Kodiak Island, and Mesozoic volcanic and intrusive rock along with Mesozoic and Paleozoic sediments in the southeastern por- tion of the ecoregion. More recent formations are dunes of aeolian sand that border some of the floodplains throughout the ecoregion. Nearly all of the ecoregion was subject to late glacial advances during the Pleistocene epoch, although no glaciers remain. The region is generally free from per- mafrost. Most streams originate from the mountain glaciers of adjoining ecoregions; exceptions are streams on islands. Lakes are plentiful in some areas and absent in others. Soils. — Dominant soils are Terric Cryohemists, Andic Cryaquods, Andic Humicryods, Lithic Humicryods, and Typic Humicryods. Soils near the mountains formed in gravelly and stony moraine deposits or in a mantle of vol- canic ash over the morainal deposits. Soils of river deltas, terraces, alluvial fans, and floodplains formed in waterlain silts and clays. Poorly drained depressions are filled with 58 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA fibrous peat. Many parts of the ecoregion are susceptible to flooding or to inundation by tidewater. Ash—influenced soils are located on Kruzof Island and areas of Baranof Island. Vegetation. — The relatively long growing season, high annual precipitation, and mild temperatures of this ecoregion support a large variety of coastal forest, scrub, and wetland communities. Forests, which may be dominated by needle- leaf or broadleaf species, or a mixture of both, predominate. Scrub communities are dominated by tall shrubs, low shrubs, or dwarf shrubs. Wetland sites support tall scrub swamps, low scrub bogs, wet graminoid herbaceous communities, and wet forb herbaceous communities. A large variety exists in the dominant and codominant constituents of forested communities. Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) are the two most typifying species of the region, but a variety of other trees also occur, including silver fir (Abies amabilis), subalpine fir (A. lasiocarpa), lodgepole pine (Pinus contor- ta), Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia), alder (Alnus rubra), and black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa). Understory vege- tation varies somewhat with forest type. Typical woody species include alder (Alnus spp.), willow (Salix spp.), cur- rant (Ribes spp.), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), red—fruit bearberry (Arctostaphylos rubra), cranberry/blueberry (for example, Vaccim'um alaskaense, V. ovalifolium, and V. parvifolium), high bushcranberry (Viburnum edule), dwarf dogwood (Cornus canadensis), devilsclub (Opiopanax horridus), and five—leaf bramble (Rubus pedatus). Herbaceous cover is supplied by bluebell (Mertensia paniculata), false lily—of—the—valley (Maianthemum dilatatum), laceflower (Tiarella trifoliata), deer cabbage (Fauria crista—galli), twisted stalk (Streptopus spp.), goldthread (Coptis aspleniifolia), sedge (Carex spp.), reed—grass (Calamagrostis spp.), and ferns (for example, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Dryopteris dilatata, Athyrium filix—femina, and Blechnum spicant). Mosses (for example, Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, and Drepanocladus uncinatus) are common. Scrub communities range from tall scrub to dwarf scrub. Tall scrub communities are dominated by willow (for exam- ple, Salix alaxensis, S. planifolia, S. lanata, and S. sitchen- sis), alder (Alnus tenuifolia), or a mix of willow and alder. An understory scrub layer is typically absent, but cover by herbs (for example, Calamagrostis canadensis, Festuca altaica, Equisetum spp., Epilobium spp., Mertensia particu- lata, Aconitum delphinifolium, and Athyrium filix—femina) may be dense. Mosses (for example, Polytrichum spp., Hylocomium splendens, and Drepanocladus uncinatus) form a patchy to continuous mat. Low scrub communities are dominated by copperbush (Cladothamnus pyralaeflorus) or by a mix of willow (for example, Salix glauca, S. planifolia, and S. lanata) and alder (for example, Alnus sinuata). Although copperbush commu- nities generally have no significant associated species, com- munities dominated by willow and alder are often accompa- nied by ericaceous shrubs (for example, Arctostaphylos alpina, Empetrum nigrum, and Vaccinium vitis—idaea) and nonsphagnaceous mosses. Dwarf scrub communities occur at higher elevation, where sites are exposed to harsh climatic elements. Mountain—heath (Phyllodoce aleutica) is the dominant species. Associated dwarf shrubs include cassiope (Cassiope mertensiana and C. stelleriana), meadow—spirea (Luetkea pectinata), bog blueberry (Vaccim'um uliginosum), dwarf blueberry (V. caespitosum), Nootka lupine (Lupinus nootkatensis), Sitka valerian (Valeriana sitchensis), and rose— root (Sedum rosea). Mosses and lichens can be common. Tall scrub swamps are usually dominated by alder (Alnus tenuifolia) but are sometimes dominated or codomi- nated by willow (for example, Salix planifolia or S. lanata). Typical herbs are bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) and horsetail (Equisetum spp.). Low scrub bogs are dominated by low ericaceous shrubs (for example, Empetrum nigrum, Vaccinium oxycoccus, Andromeda polifolia, and Kalmia Polifolia), a mixture of willow (Salix spp.) and graminoid species (for example, Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex aquatilis, and C. pluriflo- ra), or a mixture of sweetgale (Myrica gale) and graminoid species (Calamagrostis canadensis, Trichophorum spp., and Carex spp.). Mosses (usually including Sphagnum spp.) occur at most sites. Wet graminoid herbaceous communities are dominated by sedges (for example, Scirpus validus, Eleocharis palus- tris, and Carex spp.), a mixture of sedges and mosses (princi~ pally Sphagnum spp.), or a mixture of sedges and shrubs (Myrica gale or Salix spp.). Woody plants are lacking from the first two community types, and lichens are lacking from all three. Wet forb herbaceous communities are typically dominat— ed by one or more of the following: swamp horsetail (Equisetum spp.), yellow marsh—marigold (Caltha palustris), buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), and marsh fivefinger (Potentilla palustris). Woody plants and lichens are lacking from these communities, though aquatic mosses are common. Wildfire. — Lightning fires are rare in this ecoregion; however, no data have been recorded regarding the frequen- cy and size of burns. Land Use and Settlement. — Population is concentrat- ed along small stretches of flat coastal areas. Timber harvest and mining are the primary economic activities. A variety of metallic elements occur in this ecoregion, including gold, copper, silver, zinc, lead, iron, platinum, titanium, barium, nickel, cobalt, and chromium. Nonmetallic elements include antimony, arsenic, calcium, molybdenum, and sulfur. Energy—related commodities, such as coal, uranium, and petroleum, have also been investigated and mined. The ecoregion has traditionally been populated by SUMMARY 59 Tlingit and Haida groups in the eastern half and by Eyak, Chugach, Uneqkurmuit, and Koniag peoples in the western half. Mainland dwellers base their subsistence on salmon, eulachon (an important source of oil), moose, and mountain goat. Because island dwellers have access to smaller salmon runs, they make more use of marine resources, such as her— ring, halibut, and seaweed. Both mainland and island groups supplement their diets with deer, birds (for example, cranes, ducks, geese, grouse, and ptarmigan) and their eggs, seals (hunted at rookeries), intertidal resources (for example, clams, cockles, and chitons), and edible plants. Delineation Methods. — The ecoregion boundary is based on the extent of “Coastal Western Hemlock—Sitka Spruce Forest,” as shown on the maps “Major Ecosystems of Alaska” and forest types (Powell and others, 1993). This boundary corresponds with patterns on the relative CIR image. Because individual land units are small and environ- mental gradients are steep, it is not possible to delineate tran- sitional zones at the current scale of mapping. References. — The information provided in this regional description has been compiled from Beikman (1980), Coulter and others (1962), Fenians (1965), Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (1973), Karlstrom and others (1964), Langdon (1993), Larson and Bliss (written commun., 1992), Moore (written commun, 1993), Morgan (1979), Ping (written commun., 1993), Powell and others (1993), Reiger and others (1979), Selkregg (1974), US. Bureau of Mines ( 1992a, 1992b), US. Forest Service (1992), US. Geological Survey (1964, 1987a), Viereck and Little (1972), Viereck and others (1992), Wahrhaftig (1965), and WeatherDisc Associates, Inc. (1990). SUMMARY We have mapped and described 20 ecoregions of Alaska to serve as a framework for organizing and interpreting envi— ronmental data relevant to a wide range of regional ecologi— cal concerns. Examples of applications for the map include the assessment of natural resources (for example, regional chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of surface waters, soil erosion potential, and wildlife habitat diversity) and effects research (for example, potential regional ecolog- ical effects from environmental contaminants or climate change). The map can also be used in developing strategies for locating field sites or in evaluating how well existing research sites are distributed across ecoregions or along regional environmental gradients. The regional descriptions accompanying the map indi- cate the degree of ecological variability occurring within each ecoregion. This information can be used to infer the relative density of sample sites needed to represent each ecoregion and the within—region areas over which field sam— ple information can be extrapolated. The ecoregion map was compiled by synthesizing infor- mation on the geographic distribution of environmental fac- tors such as climate, physiography, geology, soils, per- mafrost, glaciation, hydrology, and vegetation. The synthe- sis was a qualitative assessment of the distributional patterns of these factors and their relative importance in influencing the nature of the landscape from place to place. The actual placement of ecoregion boundaries was achieved by follow— ing boundaries from a selected subset of mapped references that best integrated the patterns of the major factors of inter— est for each ecoregion. An accuracy assessment was not performed on the map of Alaskan ecoregions. There are several problems associated with determining map accuracy, such as inability to sufficient- ly field sample the number of variables that define each ecore— gion, inability to sample a sufficient number of (largely inac- cessible) field sites to represent the range of within—region ecological variability, and difficulty in designing a sampling strategy that reconciles the differences in informational reso- lution between field samples and the ecoregion map. It may be more appropriate to assess the utility of the ecoregion map for different needs than to assess its accuracy. This is because the ecoregion boundaries have been delineated to be general- ly correct for a number of purposes but not necessarily precise for any singular purpose or variable. The 20 ecoregions of Alaska are being aggregated into coarser ecological units for developing a North American map of ecoregions. A map of ecoregions has already been developed for Canada and has been integrated across the international border with the map of Alaskan ecoregions. Also under way are efforts to delineate ecoregions of other northern circumpolar areas to promote international programs involved with assessing and monitoring global resources. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the many people who contributed their expertise, materials, and general support for this pro- ject. Carl Markon, Hughes STX Corporation, USGS EROS Alaska Field Office, coordinated field reconnaissance, fur- nished extensive information on Alaskan ecosystems, and provided review and discussion on draft versions of the ecoregion map and text. A number of people donated an assortment of unpublished information. Thomas Loveland, USGS EROS Data Center, Donald Ohlen, Hughes STX Corporation, USGS EROS Data Center, and Michael Fleming, Hughes STX Corporation, USGS EROS Alaska Field Office, provided unpublished maps derived from vari- ous methods of synthesizing Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer satellite data to depict relative pat- terns in photosynthetic activity across Alaska. Norman Bliss and Kevin Larson, Hughes STX Corporation, USGS EROS Data Center, provided a series of maps based on soil compo- 60 ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA nents, textures, and slopes. Joseph Moore, Soil Conservation Service, edited the discussions on regional soil characteristics to reflect more recent field information than that published in the 1979 Alaska Soil Survey; Chien—Lu Ping, Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, University of Alaska, Palmer Research Center, provided cor- rections for the soils information in an early draft of the table of major ecoregion characteristics. Douglas Brown, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, supplied a digital data base showing the type, loca- tion, and status of mines in Alaska. Daniel Binkley, Forest Sciences Department, Colorado State University, and Sara Wesser, National Park Service, provided information on veg- etation of the Noatak River Valley. Ian Marshall, Ed Wiken, and Denis DeMarchi, all of Environment Canada, and Scott Smith, Agriculture Canada, helped to integrate the ecore- gional boundaries delineated for Alaska with those delineat- ed for Canada. Valuable reviews were contributed by: Leslie Viereck, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Institute of Northern Forestry, Robert Lipkin and Gerald Tande, Alaska Natural Heritage Program, The Nature Conservancy, Ken Winterberger, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Anchorage Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Walt Stieglitz and Anthony DeGange, US. Fish and Wildlife Service, Torn Newbury, Minerals Management Service, Dave Carneggie, USGS EROS Data Center, Page Spencer, National Park Service, David Swanson, Soil Conservation Service, and Jim Hawkings, Canadian Wildlife Service. Roger Hoffer, Forest Sciences Department, Colorado State University, administered Colorado State University’s cooperative participation in this project and provided critical reviews of this report and of all proposals leading up to this report. We gratefully acknowledge the sig- nificant contributions in production of this report by Sablou Gabriel and Darla Larsen, and the cartographic work by John Hutchinson, all of Hughes STX Corporation, USGS EROS. This work was partially funded under Environmental Protection Agency Cooperative Agreement #CR820070. REFERENCES Bailey, R.G., Zoltai, SC, and Wiken, EB, 1985, Ecological regionalization in Canada and the United States: Geoforum, v. 16, no. 3, p. 265—275. 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EEBEO «a £8“ BEBE .anEuum oESE Ea ESE—u EEEEEBE *0 E896 .838 SEC .Lv 352% mEEuEw one—m ‘E ON _A 9 “53 new :5; SEES/Em .mEmE En— .Uo: 9 Us: E SE .Eam E .mEB .xaE b3”. .m>n ”manta usage}— EEBv—ostx $83? was @5ch 030 2: E Dom—I 9 Doomw E5 3.3 vasom ongofiom 2: k8 Uommw E .BEB E ‘QEB .EE Emu .w>< :38 E Eo GE 9 Eu 8— duo: E Eu o9 :flaozm .==< ,EE 8m 9 EE 0mm .Eu .oa .=:< 1:255; G .m .v Am .8 CE 08, av 2.35 5:8 ofiansm .9: 5 GV :EEQEO vauooEuE =E§owo> A0 Eom @V SENSE—um 5 3280 Q Fmfiwoinm :v 3556 :EmoEQm 67 tal characteristics. a_]OI' CHViI‘OIlIIlCIl APPENDIX 1 — Table of In 8:03 86E 5 $0: 9:8 301— .953 :5: 8680:: 8:8 :0 95 8=o§>£o 532 E 39:59:00 8:08 $90; EoEEfiw b: Ufim wUUi—SEEOU wDODO .35: EOE—:5» 0802 835 3038ka :0 9:: 8:09:56 :uswE 0m 80: 4:29:00 9:8 twan— fiflfiow—w H.098 HmoEEBmmo 09 9:0 .muzmbowz; 09KB 9:: 82:52:33 99? 80wa Lem 90.: 3: 3:20:00 5.00: 2:87; bqu... 95 imEBw50 83:55:99: 3 8:59:98 2:09:08 x3559 92390305 8:93.509 E owA 82.230— 5 LV 80:06 .Sw 32m .8 0004A 8 _o>o_ «8 Eat 8:09:65 89:950.: Emma: .0008 \3 nuance—30 :oao 8:92:52: 304 Oom— o. 009 9 55:98 E .52: b8: .3: ”Dow I 8 007 E 5:93 9 .QEB .99 3.5: .m>< 8:0: .502 2:8 3 50 0mm 9 E0 mm :3305 .::< A9005 82 :02: PE: E2: 895: 5:95 85:30— _o>o_ :8 3 EE Owed 9 EE Omm .9020 .::< 699.52 A» .0 .v .m .3 CE: 83: $52 5:52 .3: 8:2: 6099: 3:000 .5 82:55:50 8:38.90: 205.5%... 082: 2.5 mwon 9:8 32 9:: A3028 9:03 r928 95 8:83:02: :8 8828 93:08.5 A2935? 30— a: En mow—Nina: :5 8299:: .900 9:8 :3 Ba :09. -989 38:09:“ 82 D5 .828 3889a 29: E 39:29:00 9:8 30‘— .mmoem “0038093 :0 95 8:93;? .5sz a we: 898%:055 99A,: .umOhWNE 80—00: 0E8 ._o> E5230 022.5 9.35:5 95 2:09:08 DEEP can 8:08.320 .GOEEOOE: “OE memo: Show: .0: 0. co bahzsw mucofifim mac—m .9 80d 0: ER: :8 Eoc 8:0:m>2m 8:92:29: vowwn: £008 E 9250: 0% T m: EEE8 E .52: 91.: .9“ do? 201T 9 SEE, E 9:2 .99 DE: .m>< 895.50.: E E0 03A 89:230— .: Eu of 9 :8 mm :8 .308 .::< 8:09:20 5&5 a as 83A 895232 98:00 9 EE osmflm 8 EE coo pdéaé £5 83$ 8:92:50: .o>._m:2xm .EsEEg 9:8 «ESQ Ea mucmbooawm 0.5»: :3 90$ 8.: 3:20:00 .9883. “02.3.25 .:0>0 meme: @0950“ EBB .::< .2993: EEEEA «in? a“: 85>: 5.3.: 9.0 miflacooc :0 was -_:=.:Eoo 80:09: :29: “0:: 93—935 .828 0%: m: :2: @098: 9.000 :0 82:: 1:58 E .52: 9:: .9: 59:50 8:08:90: 90: .mfiEfiPCU 99? ”3:0: 9 532 9:8 33 9:: ,muEgEEou 6:: .mauscmbu 0.90me E 5&9: Uoofil 8 Q d .m .9 8:08:90: EOEEEM .3025:th o=ow5m Dom—I 9 59:3 9 .mEB 83 .mmon 9:8 985 .EEFEobU .80:me .930 2:: :8 E .oN 4o bur—3% £5 :9: 9m: .w>< .Eo OmN FEM 0843 301— .888 BEE: 530n— 2Eo=vm>=i .50 E0: 8.: 83:: :3 5. 82:5: .3803: .Efiw 32m .E of 00 0: E0 mu .3308 .=:< =0 :0EE00 82: mm: .mucmfotug 99$. 2 80¢§Eum 90 8889: E9505 9.: :33 “30— :8 50¢ 8:09.905 .EE 00w 9 58 0mm .90 805.304 immzwnz .o>_m:o§m .EaEEoo 9:8 $55G .mucmbooim: 2&9 @228. E0; mumamm .30 362m meBgO 89.232 wE=0M .2: .::< 4298sz wam .085,» .N: E 60 AC 3 5 € 5 5:986 2500863 :0:§omo> mzom “mofimEBn— 30—000 xifiwoizzm 29:20 :0_w200m_ \r 1 I ‘ i. A b .vzmfifim 83.5 8263 8 $8stan 80835: 208.85% 83 “En mmon 288 >54 .828 888“. 8:3 so 88% 283 3 “.28 .808 888 $223»: new ”888.888 £88 :8 .8888 «mo—855 $888038 8828003 88 8828 83288.2 8:802in 88? can .wzoscmio 83MB.“— 88080080 38? 8808880 882 gagging ozowfim 385 888888 #88 328258 2 8F .8888 83 $62on 8808qu cm 2 as 388% 55:55. 32m .8 coo 8 E omv 89c 82355 882m 850.— bacuw 8 $35 .OLNM 2 5:88 8 .88 >58 .w>m ”Oobmln i .283 8 888 .55 £8 .wé .8 ea 8 Eu 00— =8388 .::< .88 00v 8 88 0mm 86 yea .==< 48808800 A» .o .m J. .m .3 £8 83: .322.“— SHEOU .5: ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA 0380:6— 880? .532 98 9A2 ._m> go 828 8888—63 :0 8888003 85 88809. $228qu .828 238 2 888 :0 no: .8888 8:8 :8 “Eu 82888800 888 264 .on8 8038883 «.28 no 8088888 288 Fan .883qu go 552 m. 8&8 Ho 8032 88958896 39$. 83 88858sz ozomuom 88088.06 88? £808wa 285 Ioumsm ozomfin— .Emungu 0:030“— .mEontPCU 255 .quhme Jam 8888085 808.8 *0 5:8 $80 828% can .mEocoom .8828 5.8% 885* 08 :o 888 :EEESDE Ea 3082mm 83 $83 08 E 338 808580 E: .58 0838? 88.5 a PE 808880 we 8080a 80 -83 can :8on 88: -81; u>8on 8282:, «Pa 8:. .308 E 880888 was 088—? 28822 EB 8381”.“— 8088qu 3:3: 6881 985808 b38288 88 038.88 85088 888m 3 8.: .588 8an Eofisom 885858 288 :OOmNA HQ 8 am EELEEM £5 .68 828 .8 2: dA 3280: .8: E 88.? 8 883.58 we 880m 803858 E 65— $3 8 com 808 82355 .m%o=m> 88.5 8m 888808 comma ,3on 85882 088 a Oom— E .5888 8 .88 88 .m>a 888856 32 a Domml E .8283 8 .QEE .88 bEw .w>< 8:0: .863 :ME 3 Eu msgn bnmnoa ”88856 32 E Eu mam o. 80 of =3328 .85. .88.? .20 8.8 a 88 Omo§n 38398 .8268? 32 3 88 owm .888 .::< 8:08:20 32 ‘5“ b8 05238 58 58va 888.800 Q a .v .m .N .3 :8 80.2: 8:8 8.32 .0: .u>mw=D~Xm— .838 8803 no 8885888 8083.68 22—85% $3 88 8088888 8532.58 88 83 amen 288 32 88538 8:8 :8. 88232 80888 3808 :0 8285888 8:8 30‘— .8=_>==w cocoa: 3.38088 :0 888 .5888 8.58 :«F .828 £38 2 in 8 $88 8888 EoEEEw 8:8 32 85 85083.5: EoEEEw .Eon8fim 282 .8388 .083 8888 3x8 88 82395 822832 .muoi2853 28$ .85 .wcobooEmE 28¢. 888883. 08¢. .mgmimmmohom oEuH .fimtn—ceom manna—Em .mcnmbuoim: .88me Lou 80¢ nob b88250 888088 3—2 85 08.88 85 .3888 888a 885580 was 8.3.88 33% 3 @2858 868 wagging EEuH 888388 buoom .om 8 oo 335:8“ 880 .68m 285 .E 80 o. :32 «8 80¢ 808555 .8888 98:8 8 35: 0%: 8 SE .88 8 .88 have .w>m ”UOEI 8 58:5 8 .882 SE 85 8% .8 RN 8 8o o9 =£Bosw .:=< .88 93 8 88 owm .80 .08 .:=< 4808888. n .0 .m .v .m .2 $8 838 6:: x000 .2 _ E 888080 8808qu 68 A8 nozfiomu> 6 wzow A3 wmocwfium 5 3280 AS 88888??— A: 285 :omwuhoom 69 APPENDIX 1 — Table of major environmental characteristics. .35 “03 CO wumamEDEF—OU 30835: £8 63 EB .333888 958 -35: EoEESw 83 .mwon 52% 32 £9:wa £58m =mH .BmEEou .05 33.8 BEE Ea .o>_m:u§m umofiwofi gnu—0:50 Z .mcobomEq—I 39? EE .muobflfizm 255 .wuobomfism BEE .mwoswmbu 065‘ .wiEuzobU ”ELM—L éEwBooo 2: mo coEom anuofisa 2: E ficuEEum 3052mm 25 33802 uza Jun: ufimst 95 E50 -_o> 28822 dam—2 xE—qu :0 2m? 93 28:23 380820 5&3 .3; 25cm SEE?» REE E 362 258—3 Ea diamonmu ._o> 595563 won 685E bitch. .5304 .aocaE tum Eat out €82.00 .owm 8 00 59c E Mum—.5 Mm 256me as? 5:82 .E 83 9 a: wESEEE E02 2:8 39:25 E 00m 9 ER: «um Eofi €21.55 .mEnanE 338 we fizfiofl @005 9 ENEB :2:on 2 325 .UowH E SE VE=m E .52: Eat .w>w ”00ml 2 HEEB E 9:2 .EE bE—u .w>< .Eo ace 2 Eu ow =fl>>o=m .==< .EE comm 2 ES 02; .385 .:=< daring Q a .m .v .3 es. 838 mumuucm 33am izmlxoofifium E233 13300 .09 .mumefin $32 0E8 E Emuue mam—2802 .580 meow :25 nuwnu> who—*5 EOEEOU 0:" 33:25:60 32% 99:; can 254 doufiuwg we dimcfixm 2953 E :2on we :32 ‘wcobu_E=: 29? ES .muPCEEzm 355 .wuobaEsm u€=< finance—mam 29F .mEoEEPDU 39¢ 5:555st ozumhon— .mEoSEPCU BEE div—Echo 255 .5:on we :05E $>oo Eofiflm ES 522,32 £32m 300m .mEmE—EE .838 E23358 Segment—t bra—Ea #08 9325.: @353 view E 2.3025: 308320 9 DEEP .mEfigoE scum—EU Eoswsohfi butw .535 mEuEEQm ummmflsm 5mm: Ea 308.220 .aocmE Jan Eoc vac >=Eo=ow E :Ewmzoou up: he 5c .EmEE 2F Egan—Eva we momma: USN—o2 02E 2.5552 comm—EU .mEE .EEE 0E3 =c oomA .ohA b—Eocow £56 .Ew ego—m .E SméA 0. 3%: «3 Eat $5.355 .wEnanE 3me £0on dougflu 5T5 ”335E zzfiocuw .385 .=:< .Eo Omorm 2 Eu 9m :3 .328 .54. .58 000.7 2 EE omo.~ .53. zosfim Eamon” conga—o 32 Eat wBEOEBE .985 .=:< 23¢sz Sun .6583 EHBIwce oZ #:25sz s a .m ,N .3 £5. 83o: mEmE—E—Z .2280 252$ 6: .zuEEOE Dz: USN 53:? 53% 205 :0 $2353 532 «a mamthw wNflEuNOEg win Mao—2302 .mEnEuooc so Ea wowsEEa w=2m mozEzEEoo 2E8 =~H 33 503mg; not“. :0 32:2:an 9:3 tsaa donauow? mo .965me 5:3 E 5&2 we sun—2 .mEQSEPCU 2.0wa Ea .EmquobU 0:09?— .fizustobo E9? .zEufiabu 25: .:o_wuu we :02: .550 mafia—w “Ea £22m .2: £30? $00M .omm 280on he moo—=37; BanEoo 23 22% $0wa .hom Sega—585 .mnEm \EmE 5% 09A "RA 333: £56 .8» 32m .E 036A 2 E 000 80¢ gouge—m .wESEEE .8me $35 .OoNN E 5:82 2:3 a BEE-a E .52: bat .w>m R5300: a UoVMI E SEE E .QEB .EE 3% .w>< .30: .329 kiwi 3 Eu mmmu bnmnoa $5.3002 a :5 mi #3305 .:=< .3235? ‘5ng 3 EE cmonmu began €23.58 2: E no: .5“ $533 :EzIw—E 3:0 23 EunUoE E EE o; .90 .oE ‘=:< ESE—550 s .e .w .m .m .5 £5. 89% 35552 =omzm§> .w 2 6 3V :oqus—O 0:80:65 :oufiumg AS mzow g 5 HmoamEuon— $280 AS Emimofibfi 3 22:5 :EMqum 70 APPENDIX 2.—Methodology for deriving the terrain roughness map The terrain roughness map was derived from l—km2 resolu— tion digital elevation model (DEM) data using a raster based GIS. Procedures are listed below; common GIS terminolo- gy appears in italics. 1. The maximum change in local terrain elevation was calculated within a 5—kma radius around each pixel of the DEM data (an 11x1] diflerencing filter was applied over the DEM raster map). This resulted in a new map where the original DEM data values were replaced by maximum ele- vation difference values. The maximum amount of local relief measured was 4,310 m. 2. Values on the maximum local relief map were then sorted (sliced) into consecutive classes so that each class rep- resented a change in elevation of 10 m. This resulted in a map of 431 “relief change” classes. 3. The number of different relief change classes occur— ring within 25 km2 around each pixel was used to calculate local terrain variability (a 5x5 diversity filter was passed a Five kilometers was selected as an appropriate resolution for defining “local” relief based on the level of generalization represented by the ecore— gions. over the pixels of the relief Change class map). The resultant map depicted values representing the number of different classes that occurred in the vicinity of each pixel. The max- imum number of classes recorded for a single pixel was 25, which was also the theoretical maximum. 4. The values on the local terrain variability map were sorted (reclassified) into five classes of terrain roughness: very low (0—2 terrain change classes within the 5 km2 vicin- ity of a pixel), low (3—5 change classes), moderate (6—10 change classes), high (11—15 change classes), and very high (16—25 change classes). 5. The average terrain roughness class within 25 km2 of each pixel was determined (a 5x5 low—pass, averaging filter was applied to the raster map of the five classes of local ter- rain roughness). This effectively smoothed the local “noise” on the map of terrain roughness classes so that broad—scale patterns of the variability in local relief were more dis- cernible on the final terrain roughness map. APPENDIX 3.—List of Latin and common names of plant species mentioned in this report 71 TREESa Abies amabilis Abies lasiocarpa Alnus rubra Betula papyrifera Larix laricina Picea glauca Picea mariana Pacific silver fir Subalpine fir Red alder Alaska paper birch Tamarack, larch White spruce Black spruce Picea sitchensis Pinus contorta Populus balsamifera Populus tremuloides Populus trichocarpa Taxus brevzfolia Tsuga heterophylla Tsuga mertensiana Sitka spruce Lodgepole pine Balsam poplar Quaking aspen Black cottonwood Pacific yew Western hemlock Mountain hemlock SHRUBSb Alnus crispa Alnus sinuata Alnus tenuifolia Andromeda polifolia Arctostaphylos alpina Arctostaphylos rubra Arctostaphylos uva—ursi Betula glandulosa Betula nana Cassiope lycopodioides Cassiope mertensiana Cassiope stelleriana Cassiope tetragona Chamaedaphne calyculata Cladothamnus pyrolaeflorus Cornus canadensis Cornus stolonifera Dryas drummondii Dryas integrifolia Dryas octopetala Empetrum nigrum Kalmia polifolia Ledum decumbens Ledum groenlandicum Loiseleuria procumbens Luetkea pectinata Menziesia ferruginea Myrica gale Oplopanax horridus Phylloa'oce aleutica Potentilla fruticosa aNomenclature from Viereck and Little (1972), as cited in Viereck and others (1992). b Nomenclature from Hultén (1968) and Welsh (1974), as cited in Viereck and oth- ers (1992). American green alder Sitka alder Thinleaf alder Bog—rosemary Alpine bearberry Red—fruit bearberry Bearberry, kinnikinnik Resin birch, bog birch Dwarf arctic birch Alaska cassiope Mertens cassiope Starry cassiope Four—angled cassiope Leatherleaf Copperbush Bunchberry, dwarf dogwood Red—osier dogwood Drummond mountain—avens Entire—leaf mountain—avens White mountain—avens Crowberry Bog kalmia Narrow—leaf Labrador—tea Labrador—tea Alpine—azalea Luetkea Rusty menziesia Sweetgale Devilsclub Blue mountain—heath Bush cinquefoil Ribes triste Rosa acicularis Rubus spectabilis Salix alaxensis Salix arbusculoides Salix arctica Salix barclayi Salix bebbiana Salix brachycarpa Salix commutata Salixfuscescens Salix glauca Salix lanata Salix ovalifolia Salix phlebophylla Salix planifolia Salix polaris Salix reticulata Salix rotundifolia Salix scouleriana Salix sitchensis Sambucus callicarpa Shepherdia canaa’ensis Spiraea beauverdiana Vaccinium alaskaense Vaccinium caespitosum Vaccinium ovalifolium Vaccinium oxycoccos Vaccinium parvifolium Vaccinium uliginosum Vaccinz'um vitis—idaea Viburnum edule American red currant Prickly rose Salmonberry Feltleaf willow Littletree willow Arctic willow Barclay willow Bebb willow Barren—ground willow Undergreen willow Alaska bog willow Grayleaf willow Richardson willow Ovalleaf willow Skeletonleaf willow Diamondleaf willow Polar willow Netleaf willow Least willow Scouler willow Sitka willow Pacific red elder Buffaloberry Beauverd spirea Alaska blueberry Dwarf blueberry Early blueberry Bog cranberry Red huckleberry Bog blueberry Mountain—cranberry High bushcranberry 72 HERBSC Aconitum delphinifolium Agropyron spicatum Alopecurus alpinus Anemone spp. Angelica lucida Arctagrostis latifolia Arctophila fulva Artemisia arctica Astragalus spp. Athyriumfilix— emina Blechnum spicant Bromus pumpellianus Calamagrostis canadensis Calamagrostis purpurascens Caltha palustris Carex aquatilis Carex bigelawii Carex lyngbyaei Carex misandra Carex pauciflora Carex pluriflora Carex rostrata Carex saxatilis Carex scirpoidea Carex sitchensis Coptis aspleniifolia Deschampsia beringensis Dryopteris dilatata Dupontia fischeri Eleocharis palustms Epilobium angustifolium Epilobium latifolium Equisetum arvense Equisetumfluviatile Equisetum sylvaticum Equisetum variegatum CNomenclature from Viereck and Little (1972), as cited in Viereck and others (1992). ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA Monkshood Bluebunch wheatgrass Alpine foxtail Anemone Sea coast angelica Polar grass Pendent grass Wormwood Milk vetch Lady fern Deer fern Brome grass Bluejoint Purple reed—grass Yellow marsh—marigold Water sedge Bigelow sedge Lyngbye sedge Short—leaved sedge Few—flowered sedge Many—flowered sedge Beaked sedge No common name Northern single—spike sedge Sitka sedge Goldthread Bering hair—grass Spinulose shield—fern Tundra grass, dupontia Spike rush Fireweed Dwarf fireweed Meadow horsetail Swamp horsetail Woodland horsetail Variegated scouring-rush Eriophorum angustifolium Eriophorum russeolum Eriophorum vaginatum Fauria crista—galli Festuca altaica F estuca rubra Galium boreale Geranium erianthum Gymnocarpium dryopteris Hedysarum alpinum Heracleum lanatum Hierochloe' alpina Honckenya peploides Juncus arcticus Kobresia myosuroides Linnaea borealis Lupinus nootkatensis Maianthemum dilatatum Menyanthes trifoliata Mertensia paniculata Minuartia spp. Oxytropis nigrescens Petasites frigidus Plantago maritima Poa eminens Potentilla palustris Puccinellia spp. Pyrola grandiflora Rubus pedatus Saxifraga spp. Scirpus validus Sedum rosea Streptopus spp. Tiarella trifoliata Trichophorum caespitosum Triglochin maritimum Valeriana sitchensis Tall cottongrass Russett cottongrass Tussock cottongrass Deer cabbage Fescue grass Red fescue Northern bedstraw Northern geranium Oak fern Alpine sweet—vetch Cow parsnip Alpine holygrass Seabeach sandwort Arctic rush No common name Twinflower Nootka lupine False lily—of—the—valley Buckbean Bluebell Sandwort Blackish oxytrope Arctic sweet coltsfoot Goose—tongue Coastal bluegrass Marsh fivefinger Alkali grass Large—flowered Wintergreen Five—leaf bramble Saxifrage Great bulrush Roseroot Twisted—stalk Lace flower Tufted clubrush Maritime arrow grass Sitka valerian ALL- _ MOSSES d Aulacomnium palustre Campylium stellatum Dicranum spp. Distichium capillaceum Drepanocladus uncinatus Hylocomium splendens Hypnum spp. Mnium spp. APPENDIX 3 — List of Latin and common names of plant species. No common name No common name No common name No common name No common name Feathermoss No common name No common name Pleurozium schreberi Polytrichum spp. Rhacomitrium lanuginosum Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus Rhytidium rugosum Scorpidium spp. Sphagnum spp. Tomenthypnum nitens Feathermoss No common name No common name No common name No common name No common name Sphagnum moss No common name 73 LICHENSe Alectoria spp. Cetraria cucullata Cetraria islandica Cladina rangiferina Cladom'a spp. Nephroma arcticum dNomenclature from Crum and others (1973), as cited in Viereck and others (1992). e Nomenclature from Egan (1987), as cited in Viereck and others (1992). No common name No common name N 0 common name Reindeer lichen N0 common name No common name Parmelia spp. Peltigera aphthosa Peltigera canina Stereocaulon tomentosum Thamnolia subuliformis Thamnolia vermicularis No common name No common name Dog lichen No common name No common name Worm lichen US. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ECOREGIONS OF ALASKA By Alisa L. Gallantl, Emily F. Binnianz, James M. Omernik3, and Mark B. Shasby4 1995 U.s. DEPOSITORV «I, MAY 22 1995 " 11:»- Professional Paper 1567 Plate 1434 / 0 175° 170° 165° 160° 155° 150° 145° 140° 135° 130° 125° 120° 70 / / I / l l \ \ , , , . _ , , B E A U F 0 R T S E A 65° g: This map of ecoregions has been produced for Alaska as a framework for organizing c7) and interpreting environmental data for State, national, and international level inven- $0160 tory, monitoring, and research efforts. The map and descriptions for 20 ecological q- E, regions were derived by synthesizing information on the geographic distribution of I: environmental factors such as climate, physiography, geology, permafrost, soils, and I32 vegetation. A qualitative assessment was used to interpret the distributional patterns I and relative importance of these factors from place to place. Numeric identifiers assigned to the ecoregions are coordinated with those used on the map of “Ecoregions of the Conterminous United States” (Omernik 1987) as a continuation of efforts to map ecoregions for the United States. Additionally, the I, ecoregions for Alaska and the conterminous United States, along with ecological 650\ . regions delineated for Canada (Wiken 1986), have been aggregated at a coarser / level into a map of North American ecological regions (Omernik 1995). / References 7L / Omernik, J.M., 1987, Ecoregions of the Conterminous United States: Annals of the Association of Ameri- / can Geographers, v. 77, no. 1, p. 118-125. / ' 1995, Ecoregions: a Framework for Managing Ecosystems: The George Wright Forum, v. 12, no. 1, p. 35-51. / J Wiken, E.B., 1986, Terrestrial Ecozones of Canada: Lands Directorate, Environment Canada Ecological __ - Land Classification Series 19, 26 p. , / , For table of major environmental characteristics occurring in each ecoregion, see reverse side. , St. Lawrence H I I I L I: , r ' i L ‘4 I L ' I i I l i ' L i ’S’and NORTON SOUND ‘3 ' 60° 17/3’°w '\ \ St. Matthew Island / ‘60°N\ 60° \’ Nunivak ! Island 7L . t l K {,7- YAKUTA K U S K 0K WIM BAY “to {7) O GULF OF ALASKA <7 , d” 6‘ B R I S T 0 L B A Y (7 v 55° 55° \ . ' ' Aleutian Islands continuation + ,3 “Q . (same scale as main map) :63 r .4 77 , ,7 . _ 5, % A ,5) 114 ‘ «a t + ‘r o «3 ~ (:17 452°N’ gem” s (2 Jr T Ti“ 4 Q i i E: E I 1 1 e . 0 av fit" €42 -. s + .. _ . s O o gadget“ f? l l G l \ 175°E 160° 175°w 17q°w / l l l l l \ 1 65° 160° 1 55° 150° 145° 1 400 INTERIOR~GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, RESTON,VIRGINIA—-1995 1 35° AUTHOR AFFILIATIONS SCALE 1:5 000 000 ROADS lForest Sciences Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Work performed under USGS Cooperative Agreement #1434-93-A-00760. 100 O 100 200 300 400 500 KILOMETERS TRAN S-ALASM PIPELINE 2Hughes STX Corporation, US. Geological Survey, EROS Alaska Field Office, Anchorage, Alaska. Work performed under USGS Contract #1434—92-C-4004. 100 o 100 200 300 MILES — — - —— — — INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY 3Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon. 4U.S. Geological Survey, EROS Alaska Field Office, Anchorage, Alaska. Prepared by USGS in cooperation with Colorado State University and Environmental Protection Agency Albers Equal Area Projection Standard Parallels: 55°N, 65°N _: Arctic Coastal Plain 50,000 sq km The northernmost ecoregion is bounded on the north and the west by the Arctic Ocean and stretches eastward nearly to the international boundary between Alaska and the Yukon Territory, Canada. The poorly drained, treeless coastal plain rises very gradually from sea level to the adjacent foothills. The region has an arctic climate, and the entire area is underlain by thick permafrost. Because of poor soil drainage, wet graminoid herbaceous communities are the predominant vegetation cover, and numerous thaw lakes dot the region. 124,000 sq km This ecoregion consists of a wide swath of rolling hills and plateaus that grades from the coastal plain on the north to the Brooks Range on the south. The east-west extent of the ecoregion stretches from the international boundary between Alaska and the Yukon Territory, Canada, to the Chukchi Sea. The hills and valleys of the region have better defined drainage patterns than those found in the coastal plain to the north and have fewer lakes. The area is underlain by thick permafrost and many ice-related surface features are present. The region is predominantly treeless and is vegetated primarily by mesic graminoid herbaceous communities. 134,000 sq km : This ecoregion consists of several groups of rugged, deeply dissected mountains carved from uplifted sedimentary rock. The region traverses much of the east-west extent of northern Alaska, from the Canadian border to within 100 km of the Chukchi Sea. Elevation of mountain peaks ranges from 800 m in the relatively low Baird Mountains in the west to 2,400 m in the central and eastern Brooks Range. Pleistocene glaciation was extensive, and small glaciers persist at elevations above 1,800 m. An arctic climatic regime and unstable hillslopes maintain a sparse cover of dwarf scrub vegetation throughout the mountains, though some valleys provide more mesic sites for graminoid herbaceous communities. Interior Forested Lowlands and Uplands 269,000 sq km This ecoregion represents a patchwork of ecological characteristics. Regionwide unifying features include a lack of Pleistocene glaciation, a continental climate, a mantling of undifferentiated alluvium and slope deposits, a predominance of forests dominated by spruce and hardwood species, and a very high frequency of lightning fires. On this backdrop of characteristics is superimposed a finer grained complex of vegetation communities resulting from the interplay of permafrost, surface water, fire, local elevational relief, and hillslope aspect. nterior Highlands 115,000 sq km This discontinuous ecoregion is composed of rounded, low mountains, often surmounted by rugged peaks. The highlands primarily sustain dwarf scrub vegetation and open spruce stands, though graminoid herbaceous communities occur in poorly drained areas. Mountains in most parts of this region rise to at least 1,200 m, and many rise higher than 1,500 m. Most of the higher peaks were glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch. - Interior Bottomlands 103,000 sq km This ecoregion is composed of flat to nearly flat bottomlands along larger rivers of interior Alaska. The bottomlands are dotted with thaw and oxbow lakes. Soils are poorly drained and shallow, often over permafrost. Predominant vegetation communities include forests dominated by spruce and hardwood species, tall scrub thickets, and wetlands. - Yukon Flats 33,000 sq km This ecoregion is a relatively flat, marshy basin floor in east central Alaska that is patterned with braided and meandering streams, numerous thaw and oxbow lakes, and meander scars. Sur- rounding the basin floor is a variable band of more undulating topography with fewer water bodies. In many respects, the ecoregion is similar to the Interior Bottomlands Ecoregion, but differs in climatic characteristics. Temperatures tend to be more extreme; summers are warmer and winters are colder than in other areas of comparable latitude. The ecoregion also receives less annual precipitation than the Interior Bottomlands. Forests dominated by spruce and hardwood species, tall scrub com- munities, and wet graminoid herbaceous communities are the predominant vegetation types. A Ogilvie Mountains 11,000 sq km This ecoregion, along the eastern edge of Alaska, consists of flat—topped hills eroded from a former plain and broad pediment slopes built up from mountains that are much subdued from their former stature. Karst topography is common. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities and tall scrub communities are widespread throughout the region. Forest communities occupy lower hillslopes and valleys. u Subarctic Coastal Plains 91,000 sq km This ecoregion mainly includes coastal plains of the Kotzebue Sound area and the Yukon and Kuskokwim River delta area. Flat, lake—dotted coastal plains and river deltas are characteristic of the region. Streams have very wide and serpentine meanders. Soils are wet and the permafrost table is shallow, providing conditions for wet graminoid herbaceous communities, the predominant vegetation type. The region is affected by both marine and continental climatic influences. Seward Peninsula 47,000 sq km Some of the oldest geologic formations in Alaska provide a backdrop for this predominantly treeless ecoregion. Mesic graminoid herbaceous and low scrub communities occupy extensive areas. The ‘1 ecoregion is surrounded on three sides by water, yet this has little ameliorating effect on the climate. , Winters tend to be long and harsh and summers short and cool. 7%7% Transitional Areas Cross-hatched portions along the ecoregion boundaries represent transitional areas sharing charac- teristics of two or more adjacent ecoregions. Due to the map scale and resolution, as well as to the resolution of the information used to derive the map, not all transition zones can be represented. Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains 51,000 sq km Located in southwestern Alaska off Bristol and Kuskokwim Bays, this ecoregion is composed of steep, sharp, often ringlike groupings of rugged mountains separated by broad, flat valleys and lowlands. The mountains were glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch, but only a few small glaciers persist. Dwarf scrub communities are the predominant vegetation cover in the mountains. Tall scrub and graminoid herbaceous communities are common in valleys and on lower mountain slopes. Valley bottoms may support stands of spruce and hardwood species. Bristol Bay-Nushagak Lowlands 61,000 sq km , This lowland ecoregion is located in southwestern Alaska off Bristol Bay. The region has rolling terrain, formed from morainal deposits. Soils of the lowlands are somewhat better drained than soils of the Subarctic Coastal Plains Ecoregion. Dwarf scrub communities are widespread, but large areas of wetland communities occur. Lakes are scattered throughout the lowlands, but are not nearly as numerous as in the Subarctic Coastal Plains. Alaska Peninsula Mountains 48,000 sq km ., This ecoregion is composed of rounded, folded and faulted sedimentary ridges intermittently surmounted by volcanoes. The mountains were heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch. A ' marine climate prevails, and the region is generally free of permafrost. Many soils formed in deposits of volcanic ash and cinder over glacial deposits and are highly erodible. Vegetation cover commonly consists of dwarf scrub communities at higher elevations and on sites exposed to wind, and low scrub communities at lower elevations and in more protected sites. ' Aleutian Islands 12,000 sq km , This ecoregion in southwestern Alaska is composed of a chain of sedimentary islands (eroded from older volcanic formations) that are crowned by steep volcanoes. Maritime climate prevails. The region is south of the winter sea ice pack and is generally free from permafrost. Vegetation cover mainly consists of dwarf scrub communities at higher elevations and on sites exposed to wind, and of graminoid herbaceous communities in more protected sites. - Cook Inlet 28,000 sq km , i, Located in the south central part of Alaska adjacent to the Cook Inlet, the ecoregion has one of the mildest climates in the State. The climate, the level to rolling topography, and the coastal proximity have attracted most of the settlement and development in Alaska. The region has a variety of vegetation communities but is dominated by stands of spruce and hardwood species. The area is generally free from permafrost. Unlike many of the other nonmontane ecoregions, the Cook Inlet Ecoregion was intensely glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch. Alaska Range 117,000 sq km The mountains of south central Alaska, the Alaska Range, are very high and steep. This ecoregion is ' . covered by rocky slopes, icefields, and glaciers. Much of the area is barren of vegetation. Dwarf scrub communities are common at higher elevations and on windswept sites where vegetation does ‘ exist. The Alaska Range has a continental climatic regime, but because of the extreme height of many of the ridges and peaks, annual precipitation at higher elevations is similar to that measured for some ecoregions having maritime climate. - Copper Plateau 17,000 sq km This ecoregion in south central Alaska occupies the site of a large lake that existed during glacial times. The nearly level to rolling plain has many lakes and wetlands. Soils are predominantly silty or clayey, formed from glaciolacustrine sediments. Much of the region has a shallow permafrost table, and soils are poorly drained. Black spruce forests and tall scrub, interspersed with wetlands, are the major types of vegetation communities. Wrangell Mountains 29,000 sq km This ecoregion consists of steep, rugged mountains of volcanic origin that are extensively covered by ice fields and glaciers. Most slopes are barren of vegetation. Dwarf scrub tundra communities, consisting of mats of low shrubs, forbs, grasses, and lichens, predominate where vegetation does occur. The climate has harsh winters and short summers. - Pacific Coastal Mountains 106,000 sq km The steep and rugged mountains along the southeastern and south central coast of Alaska receive more precipitation annually than either the Alaska Range or Wrangell Mountains Ecoregions. Glaciated during the Pleistocene epoch, most of the ecoregion is still covered by glaciers and ice fields. Most of the area is barren of vegetation, but where plants do occur, dwarf and low scrub _ communities dominate. - Coastal Western Hemlock-Sitka Spruce Forests 61,000 sq km Located along the southeastern and south central shores of Alaska, the terrain of this ecoregion is a result of intense glaciation during late advances of the Pleistocene epoch. The deep, narrow bays, steep valley walls that expose much bedrock, thin moraine deposits on hills and in valleys, very irregular coastline, high sea cliffs, and deeply dissected glacial moraine deposits covering the lower slopes of valley walls are all evidence of the effects of glaciation. The region has the mildest winter temperatures in Alaska, accompanied by large amounts of precipitation. Forests of western hemlock and Sitka spruce are widespread. Major Environmental Characteristics Occurring in each Ecoregion Major Environmental Characteristics Occurring in each Ecoregion Ecoregion 101. Arctic Coastal Plain (50.000 km:) (1. 2. 4.6) 102. Arctic Foothills ( 124.000 knr‘) ( 103. Brooks Range (134.000 kml) ( 7) 104. lntcrior Forested Lowlands and Uplands (269.000 km:) (2. 3. 6. 7) 105. Interior Highlands (115.000 knr) (2.6.7) 106. lnterior Bottomlands (103.000 knr) (2.3.6) 107. Yukon Flats (33.000 km") (2. 3. 4. 6) Cli matc‘ (t )‘i Arctic. Ann. precip." Z140 mm. Ann. snow- fall 30 cm to 75 cm. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is »30“‘C: avg. daily max. in summer is Z8°C. Arctic. Ann. precip. Z140 mm. up to 190 mm near Brooks Range. Ann. snowfall 75 cm to 130 cm. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is —29"C: avg. daily max. in summer is 11C to 15°C. Arctic. Ann. precip. at Anaktuvuk Pass (the only long—term weath— er station in the region) 280 mm. Ann. snowfall 160cm. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter at Anaktuvuk Pass is »30“C: avg. daily max. in summer for same location is l6“C. Continental. Ann. precip. 250»550 mm. usually increasing with elevation. Ann. snowfall 125 cm to 205 cm. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is —35"C to ~18'7C: avg. daily max. in summer is 17C to 22"‘C. Continental. No long»term weather data available. Likely increasing precip. and decreasing temp. with rise in elevation. Continental. Ann. precip. 280 mm to 400 mm. Wetter in west. drier in east. Ann. snowfall 95 cm to 205 cm. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is »33“C to »26°C: avg. daily max. in summer is 22"C. Continental. Ann. precip. 170mm. Ann. snowfall l 15 cm. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is :234vc; avg. daily max. in summer is ~22 C. Pliysiography (2) Nearly level plain. Elevations from sea level to 180 ms. Slope gradients 51°. Broad. rounded ridges and rnesas in northern section; irregular btrttes. rnesas. long. linear ridges. and undulating plains and plateaus in southern section. Elevations from sea level to 800 m. Slope gradients generally 0” to 5". Steep. rugged moun» tains. Elevations from 500 m to >2.400 1n. Slope gra» dients generally 5" to 15‘”. Rolling lowlands. dis» sccted plateaus. and low to high hills. Elevations from sea level to 500 In. Slope gradients generally 0” to 5". Steep. round ridges often capped by rugged peaks. Elevations from 500 in to >1 .500 m. Slope gradients generally 5° to 15". lower gradients typical around margins of ecoregion. Flat to nearly flat bot» tomlands. inclusion of local hills. Elevations from 120 in to 600 in. Slope gradients gener» ally <1 ". Flat to undulating basin floor. Elevations from 90 m to >250 111. Slope gradients generally <1 1". Geologv (3) Quaternary deposits of alluvial. glacial. and aeolian origin. Northern section has unconsolidated Quaternary deposits of glacial. alluvial. and aeolian origin. Southern section has undifferentiated allu- vial and colluvial deposits over Jurassic and early Cretaceous formations. Stratified Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedi» mentary deposits. .Vluch exposed bedrock and rubble. Predominantly Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. but also exten» sive areas of volcanic deposits. Region is covered by undiffer- entiated alluvier and slope deposits. Little bedrock exposure. Paleozoic and Precambrian metamor» phic rocks. felsic vol» canic and intrusive rocks. Kuskokwim Mountains and Nulato Hills have Cretaceous and Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Much more bedrock exposure than lntcrior Forested Lowlands and Uplands Ecoregion. Fluvial and aeolian deposits of mixed ori» gin. Outwash gravel and morainal deposits in some areas. Quaternary alluvial (and some aeolian) deposits. Permafrost (4) Underlain by continu» ous thick permafrost. Underlain by continu- ous thick permafrost. Underlain by continu» ous thick permafrost. Western portion underlain by thin to moderately thick per- mafrost. Eastern por» tion underlain by dis- continuous per- mafrost. Northern portions are underlain by continu- ous permafrost. Central and southern portions are underlain by discontinuous per- mafrost. Ranges from isolated masses of permafrost to continuous thin permafrost. Permafrost wide» spread but discontinu» ous. Soils (5) Histic Pergelic Cr‘yaquepts and Pergelic Cryaquepts. Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts. Pergelic Cryaquepts. and Pergelic Ruptic»Histic Cryaquepts. Pergelic Cryaquepts. Pergelic Cryumbrepts. and Lithic Cryorthents. Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts. Pergelic Cryaquepts. Aquic Cryochrepts. Pergelic Cryochrepts. Typic Cryochrepts. Typic Cryorthents. and Pergelic Cry umbrepts. Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts. Typic Cryochrepts. Pergelic Cryumbrepts. Lithic Cryorthents. and Typic Cryorthods. Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts. Pergelic Cryaquepts. Aquic Cryochrepts. Typic Cryochrepts. and Typic Cryofluvents. Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts. Pergelic Cryaquepts. Aquie Cryochrepts. and Pergelic Cryochrepts. Vegetation (6) Wet graminoid herba- ceous communities predominate. Dwarf scrub communities in areas where micr‘otO» pography provides deeper rooting zone. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communi» ties predominate. Dvy arf scrub on other well—drained sites. Open low scrub along drainages. Much of region is barren of vegetation. Dwarf scrub commu» nities on drier sites. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communi» ties on wet to moist sites in lower valleys. Needleleaf, broadleaf. and mixed forests pre- dominate. Tall scrub communities on newly exposed alluvium. burned or disturbed areas. and at treeline, Lovv scrub in moist areas and on nortb»fac» ing slopes. Tall scrub swamps. low scrub bogs. and scrub» graminoid communi» ties in wettest areas. Dwarf scrub on sites exposed to harsh eli» matic elements. N eedleleaf forests and woodlands at lower elevations. Mesic graminoid herbaceous communities in poor» 1y drained areas. Needleleaf. broadleaf. and mixed forest com» munities are wide- spread. Tall scrub communities on flood» plains. Low scrub bogs. wet graminoid herbaceous meadows. and wet forb herba— eeots meadows and matches in wettest sites N eedleleaf. broadleaf. and mixed forest communities wide— spread. Tall scrub communities on allu» vial sites subject to periodic flooding. Tall scrub swamps and wet graminoid herbaceous communi- ties in wettest areas. Pleistocene Glaciation (.7) None. None. except for some areas directly north of the Brooks Range. Extensive. None. On higher peaks. None. N one. Ecoregion 112. Bristol Bay» Nushagak Lowlands (61.000 km:) (2. 3. 6. 7) 113. Alaska Peninsula Mountains (48.000 kml) ,_\ 2. 3. 4. 6. 7) 114. Aleutian Islands (12,000 km*') ( 7) Climate ( l ) Transitional. Ann. precip. 3.30 mm to 860 mm. Ann. snoW» fall 75 cm to 250 cm. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is »15°C to »10“C (higher in south. lower in north): avg. daily max. in summer is 18°C. Maritime. Ann. pre— cip. 600 mm to 3.300 mm in coastal lowlands. >4.060 mm at higher elevations. Ann. snowfall 55 cm to 150 cm in lovv» lands. >510 cm in mountains. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is »| 1°C to »6"‘C; avg. daily max. in summer is z15°C. Maritime. Ann. pre» cip. 530 mm to 2.080 mm at sea level locations (smaller islands may have much less precip.). Ann. snowfall 85 cm to 250 cm at same locations. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is —70C to —25C; avg. daily max. in summer is 10C to 13C. Physiography (2) Rolling lowlands. Elevations from sea level to 150 m. Slope gradients generally 0—2“. Rounded ridges over— toppcd by steep. rugged mountains. Elevations from sea level to 2.600 m. Slope gradients gener- ally 0“ to 11“. steeper slopes not uncom» mon. Low mountains. often overtopped by steep. rugged mountains. Elevations from sea level to >1.900 m. Slope gradients <1“ in lowlands. >5“ in mountains. Geology (3) Quaternary glacial outvvash and morainal deposits. mantled in part by silt and peat. Stratified Jurassic. Cretaceous. and Tertiary sediments and undifferentiated Quaternary volcanic rocks. Blockfaulted Tertiary sediments surmounted by undifferentiated Quaternary and Tertiary volcanic rocks. Permafrost (4) Ranges from isolated masses of permafrost to areas free from per» mafrost. Generally free from permafrost. Generally free from permafrost. Soils (5) Typic Haplocryands. Typic Vitricryands. Fluvaquentic Cryofibrists. Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts. Pergelic Cryaquepts. and Typic Cryochrepts. Typic Haplocryands and Typic Vitricryands. Typic Haplocryands and Typic Vitricryands. Vegetation (6) Dwarf scrub commu- nities most common on better drained sites. Low scrub bogs, wet graminoid herbaceous communi» ties. and wet forb herbaceous communi- ties on poorly drained sites. Broadleaf and mixed forest commu» nities on floodplains of major rivers. Dwarf scrub commu- nities at higher eleva» tions and on windswept areas. Low scrub communities in more protected sites. Of less extensive dis» tribution are tall scrub communities (in drainages and at low elevations). broadleaf forests (on floodplains and south»facing slopes). and low scrub bogs and mesic graminoid herbaceous communities (in poor» 1y drained areas). Dwarf scrub commu» nities at higher eleva» tions and on windswept areas. Mesic graminoid herbaceous commu— nities and dry graminoid herba» ceous communities at lower elevations and on sites protected from wind. LOW scrub bogs in moist areas. Pleistocene Glaciation (7) Extensive. Extensive. Only the easternmost portion glaciated. 115. Cook Inlet (28.000 kml) ( 7) Transitional. Ann. precip. 380 mm to 680 mm. Ann. snow» fall 160 cm to 255 cm. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is 45°C; avg. daily max. in summer is 18°C. Level to rolling ter— rain. Elevations from sea level to 600 m. Slope gradients gener» ally 0” to 3". Poorly consolidated Tertiary coal»bcaring rocks mantled by glacial moraine and outwash. aeolian deposits. and marine and lake deposits. Generally free from permafrost. Haplocryands. Sphagnic Borofibrists. Terrie Borosaprists. Typic Borohemists. Andie Haplocryods. and Andie Humicryods. Needleleaf. broadleaf. and mixed forests widespread. Mesic graminoid, graminoid herbaceous. and low scrub graminoid corn— rntrnities in dry to mesie sites. Tall scrub communities on periodically flooded alluvium. Low scrub communities on poor- ly drained lowlands. Tall scrub swamps. low scrub bogs. wet forb herbaceous com» munities. and wet graminoid herbaceous communities on wettest sites. Extensive. 108. Ogilvie Mountains (1 1.000 kml) (Region is most dis- tinguishable on vege- tation greenness images. Other impor- tant characteristics are distinctive mainly in Canada.) 109. Subarctic Coastal Plains (91.000 km:) (2. 3. J 5. 6) l 10. Seward Peninsula (47.000 km:) (3. 6) 11 1. Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains (51.000 km:) (2. 3. 6. 7) Continental. No longAtcrm weather data available. Ann. precip. probably from 500 mm to 650 mm. Ann. snowfall proba» bly from 130 cm to 205 cm. Estimated avg. daily min. temp. in winter is »32”C: estimated avg. daily max. in summer is 22C. Transitional Ann. precip. 250 mm to 500 mm. Ann. snow- fall 100 cm in north. 105 cm to 150 cm in south. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is —25"‘C for the Kotzebue Sound area and »20°C to »15"C for the Cape Denbigh and Yukon— Kuskokwim Lowland areas; avg. daily max. temp. in summer is 13"C to 17"C. Maritime to continen- tal. Ann. precip. 250 mm to 510 mm in the lowlands. >1 .000 mm estimated for the mountains. Ann. snowfall 100 cm to 190 cm in the low'» lands. probably up to 250 cm in the moun- tains. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is —24°C to —190C; avg. daily max. in summer is 13C to 17C. Transitional. Ann. precip. 1.020 mm in lowlands to 2.030 mm in highlands. Ann. snowfall 205 cm in lowlands to 510 cm in highlands. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is »16”C; avg. daily max. in summer is 16°C to 19C. Predominantly 11at~topped hills. sometimes overtoppcd by mountains. eroded from a former plain. Elevations from 900 m to >1.300 1n. Slope gradients gener» ally 00 to 5"". Flat plains. Elevations from sea level to >120 111. Slope gradients gener- ally <1". Narrow strips of coastal lowlands. extensive uplands of broad convex hills and flat divides. small. isolated groups of rugged mountains. Elevations from sea level to 500 m for most of region. >1.400 m on high mountains. Slope gradients generally 00 to 5”. tip to 15" typi— cal in the mountains. Steep. rugged moun— tain groupings sepa- rated by broad low- lands. Elevations from sea level to >1 .500 m. Slope gra— dients generally 00 to 8”. steeper slopes not uncommon. Metamorphic and sed» irnentary rocks, pri— marily dolomite. phyla lite. argillite. lime- stone. shale. chert. sandstone. and con— glomerate. Karst topography common. Older coastal deposits of interstratified allu» vial and marine sedi» ments. Includes areas of Quaternary mafie and undifferentiated volcanic rocks in western part of Yukon»Kuskokwim Lowlands and on Nunivak and St. Lawrence Islands. Cretaceous intermedi— ate volcanic rocks in Selawik Wildlife Refuge Area. Paleozoic sediments and metamorphosed volcanic rocks and Precambrian volcanic rocks. Highlands may be Cenozoic uplifts of these formations. Extensive Quaternary or Tertiary volcanic rock formations in northeastern portion of ecoregion. Strongly deformed sedimentary and vol» canic rocks of late Paleozoic and Mesozoic age. Small granitic masses sur» rounded by more resistant hornfels have formed ringlike mountain groups. "Climate information for nearly all ecoregions represents interpolations from very few weather stations. “Numbers below headings of environmental characteristics correspond with those listed in footnote c. ‘Numbers indicate the mapped environmental characteristiCs most useful for distinguishing the ecoregion and do not necessarily reflect the primary l=climate. 2=physiography 3=geology. 4=permafrost. 5=soils. 6=v egetation. and 7=Pleistocene glaciation. t . ‘lncludes snovt water equrvalent. “Elevation is in meters above mean sea level. Permafrost wide- spread but discontinu» ous. Continuous thin to moderately thick per» mafrost. Continuously thin to moderately thick per- mafrost. Discontinuous per- mafrost at higher ele» vations. isolated masses at lower ele- vations. Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts. Typic Cryochrepts. and Pergelic Cryorthents Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts and Pergelic Cryofibrists. Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts. Pergelic Cryaquepts. Typic Cryochrepts. Pergelic Cryumbrepts. Lithic Cryorthents. and Pergelic Cryorthents. Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts. Pergelic Cryaquepts. Typic Cryochrepts. Lithic Cryumbrepts. Pergelic Cryumbrepts. Pergelic Cryorthods. Typic Haplocryods. and Typic Humicryods. ecological driving factors: Mesic graminoid herbaceous communi- ties widespread on exposed sites. Needleleaf. broadleaf, and mixed forest communities on lower hillslopes and in val- leys. Tall scrub corn- rnunitics mainly at lower elevations. sometimes extending above timberline. Wet graminoid herba» ceous communities predominate. Dwarf scrub communities in better drained areas. Needleleaf forests in southern portion of region. where drainage and warm temperatures suffi» cient . Mesic graminoid herbaceous communi— ties and low scrub communities wide» spread on hills and lower mountains. Wet graminoid herba- ceous communities in wettest areas. Tall scrub communities along drainages and on floodplains. Dwarf scrub commu» nities in highlands. Dwarf scrub commu- nities in mountains. Mesi graminoid herbaceous communi» ties on mesie valley sites. Wet graminoid herbaceous communi» ties and low scrub herbaceous bogs on wettest valley sites. Needleleaf, broadleaf. and mixed forest stands on better drained valley sites. None. Only northernmost portion glaciated. Only highlands were glaciated. Extensive. 116. Alaska Range (117.000 km“) ( Continental. Weather data available only for low elevations. Ann. precip. 380 mm at low elevations. proba- bly z2.030 mm at high elevations. Ann. snowfall 150 cm to 305 cm at low eleva— tions. probably z1.015 cm at high elevations. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is —250C at low eleva- tions; avg. daily max. in summer is 18‘7C at same locations. Steep. rugged moun— tains and broad val~ leys. Elevations from 600 m (sea level in southwest portion of eeoregion) to >3,900 in (Mt. McKinley >6.100 m). Slope gradients gener» ally 5° to 25’“. >25Oon some mountains. Southern portion underlain by granitic batholiths intrusive into moderately meta» morphosed. highly deformed Paleozoic and Mesozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks. This area includes active volcanoes. Central and eastern portions of ecoregion are a broad syneline having Cretaceous rocks in the center and Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks on the flanks. Rocky slopes. ieefields. and glaciers cover much of region. Discontinuous per- mafrost. Lithic Cryorthents. Pergelic Cryaquepts. Pergelic Ruptie» Histic Cryaquepts. Typic Cryochrepts. Pergelic Cryumbrepts. and Typic Cryumbrepts. Much of region is bar— ren of vegetation. Dwarf scrub commu» nities on drier, windswept sites. Low scrub communities and tall scrub commu— nities on moist to mesie sites. Needleleaf forests and woodlands on well»drained sites of valleys and lower slopes. Extensive. 1 17. Copper Plateau ( 17.000 km:) (2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7) Continental. Ann. precip. 250 mm to 460 mm. Ann. snow» fall 100 cm to 190 cm. Avg. daily mrn. temp. in vvrnter is z»27“C: avg. daily max. in summer is =210C. Level to gently rolling plain. Elevations from 420 in to 900 m. Slope gradients gener- ally 00 to 2° Pleistocene proglacial lake deposits. Thin to moderately thick permafrost. Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts. Aquic Cryochrepts. Typic Cryochrepts. Pergelic Cryaquolls. and Typic Cryoborolls. Needleleaf forests and woodlands predomi» nate. Broadleaf forests. tall scrub communities, and needleleaf forests dominated by white spruce on better drained sites. Low scrub bogs and wet graminoid herbaceous communities in wettest areas. Extensive. 118. Wrangell Mountains (29.000 kml) (, 6, 7) 119. Pacific Coastal Mountains (106,000 km:) (1,2. 3.6.7) Continental. Ann. precip. 410 mm at McCarthy (the only long—terrn weather station in the ecore» gion). probably z2,030 mm at higher elevations. Ann. snowfall 175 cm at McCarthy, probably z255 cm at higher ele» vations. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is »34°C at McCarthy: avg. daily max. in summer at same loca- tion is 22")C. Transitional. No long—terrn weather data available. Ann. precip.. interpolated from low elevation coastal station data. 2.030 mm to >7.()()() mm. Ann. snowfall 510 cm to 2.030 cm. Ann. pre- cip. generally increas— es with elevation. Steep. rugged moun- tains. Elevations from 600 m to >3.900 m. Slope gra» dients usually >7“. >150 for many areas. Steep. rugged moun— tains. Elevations from sea level to >4.500 m. Slope gra» dients generally >7", >200 on some moun- tains. Shield and composite volcanoes of Cenozoic age. Rocky slopes. ieefields. and glaciers cover much of region. Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic sediments extensively through- out Chugach Mountains. Tertiary to Cretaceous (Paleozoic in some places) intrusive rock primarily throughout southeastern coastal mountains. Rocky slopes. ieefields. and glaciers cover much of region. Discontinuous per» mafrost. Chugach Mountains have isolated masses of permafrost. The remainder of the ecoregion is generally free from permafrost. Lithic Cryorthents, Typic Cryorthents. Pergelic Cryochrepts. and Pergelic Cryumbrepts. Lithic Cryorthents. Andie Cryumbrepts. Pergelic Cryumbrepts. Typic Cryumbrepts. Typic Haplocryods. Andie Humicryods. Lithic Humicryods. and Typic Humicryods. Much of region is barren of vegetation. Dwarf scrub commu— nities on drier. windswept sites. Tall scrub communities along drainages and on floodplains. Needleleaf and broadleaf forests at lower elevations on broad ridges, valleys, and hilly moraines. Much of region is barren of vegetation. Low and dwarf scrub communities are com— mon where vegetation does occur. Needleleaf forests in some lower drainages. Extensive. Extensive. Gallant. A.L.. Binnian. E.F.. Omernik. J.M.. and Shasby. M.B.. 1995. Ecor‘zions ofAlaska: U.S.Geo|ogical Survey Professional Paper 1567. 120. Coastal Western Hemlock»Sitka Spruce Forests (61.000 kml) ( Maritime. Ann. pre» cip. 1.350 mm to 3,900 mm. Ann. snowfall 80 cm to 600 cm. Avg. daily min. temp. in winter is »3"C; avg. daily max. in summer is 180C. Level to irregular ter— rain to steep foothills of coastal mountains. Elevations from sea level to 500 m (includes some local mountains up to 1.000 m). Median slope gradient 5”. range is from 0" to 28”. Lower Tertiary interbcdded sedirnen» tary, volcanogenic. and volcanic rocks in Prince William Sound area. Upper Cretaceous sandstone and slate on Kodiak lsland. Mesozoic vol» canic and intrusive rock. and Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedi- ments in the south» eastern portion of the ecoregion. Generally free from permafrost. Terrie Cryohemists, Andic Cryaquods. Andie Humicryods. Lithic Humicryods. and Typic Humicryods. Needleleaf. broadleaf, and mixed forests pre- dominate. Tall scrub swamps, 10w scrub bogs. wet graminoid herbaceous communi» ties. and wet forb herbaceous communi- ties on wet sites. Extensive. ‘ U.S. DEPOSITORY no. 1568 EART 7mm » JUL 0 11996 Lithostratigraphy, Mierolithofacies, and COnOdont Biostratigraphy and Biofacies of the Wahoo Limestone (Carboniferous), Eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, Northeast Brooks Range, Alaska U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1568 The Library - UC Berkele} Received on: O7—18w96 Geological Survey professional paper Cover: Angular unconformity separating steeply dipping pre-Mississippian rocks from gently dipping carbonate rocks of the Lisbume Group near Sunset Pass, eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, northeast Brooks Range, Alaska. The image is a digital enhancement of the photograph (fig. 5) on page 9. Lithostratigraphy, Mierolithofacies, and Conodont Biostratigraphy and Biofaeies of the Wahoo Limestone (Carboniferous), Eastern Sadleroehit Mountains, Northeast Brooks Range, Alaska By Andrea P. Krumhardt, Anita G. Harris, and Keith F. Watts U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1568 Description of the lithostratigraphy, microlithofacies, and conodont biostratigraphy and biofacies in a key section of a relatively widespread stratigraphic unit that straddles the M ississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1996 US. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BRUCE BABBITT, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GORDON P. EATON, Director For sale by US. Geological Survey, Information Services Box 25286, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US. Government. Published in the Eastern Region, Reston, Va. Manuscript approved for publication June 26, 1995. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Krumhardt, Andrea P Lithostratigraphy, microlithofacies, and conodont biostratigraphy and biofacies 0f the Wahoo Limestone (Carboniferous), eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, northeast Brooks Range, Alaska / by Andrea F. Krumhardt, Anita G, Harris, and Keith F. Watts. p, cm. — (US Geological Survey professional paper ; 1568) Includes bibliographical references. Supt. of Docs. n0.:l 19.16:1568 1. Geology, Stratigraphic—Pennsylvanian. 2. Geology, Stratigraphic—Mississippian. 3. Geology—Alaska—Sadlerochit Mountains Region. 4. Conodonts—Alaska— Sadlerochit Mountains Region. 5. Paleontologwaennsylvanian. 6. Paleontology— Mississippian. 7. Wahoo Limestone (Alaska). 1. Harris, Anita G. ll. Watts, Keith F. 111. Title. W. Series. QE673.K77 I996 551.7'5'097987—d020 95—3128l ClP CONTENTS Abstract ........................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2 Acknowledgments ................................................................................................... 2 Previous Studies .............................................................................................................. 4 Regional Geologic Setting .............................................................................................. 5 Lisburne Group, Northeast Brooks Range .............................................................. 5 Alapah Limestone ........................................................................................... 7 Alapah Limestone-Wahoo Limestone Boundary, Northeast Brooks Range ........... 7 Wahoo Limestone ............................................................................................ 7 Lithostratigraphy of the Wahoo Limestone, Eastern Sadlerochit Mountains ................. 9 Lower Member of the Wahoo Limestone ............................................................... 10 Upper Member of the Wahoo Limestone ................................................................ 10 Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Wahoo Limestone, Eastern Sadlerochit Mountains ........................................................................................................... 12 muricatus Zone ....................................................................................................... 13 Lower muricams Subzone .............................................................................. 13 Upper muricatus Subzone ............................................................................... l3 noduliferus-primus Zone ......................................................................................... l4 minums Fauna ......................................................................................................... 15 Lower minums Fauna ...................................................................................... 15 ldiognathoa’us Fauna ............................................................................................... 16 The Mid-Carboniferous Boundary—An Approximation of the Mississippian- Pennsylvanian Boundary .................................................................................... 17 Biostratigraphic Criteria .......................................................................................... 17 Conodont-Based Boundary in the Eastern Sadlerochit Mountains ......................... 18 Foraminiferan-Based Boundary in the Eastern Sadlerochit Mountains ................. 18 Morrowan-Atokan Boundary .......................................................................................... 2O Conodont Biofacies ......................................................................................................... 21 Conodont Biofacies and Associated Microlithofacies, Wahoo Limestone, Eastern Sadlerochit Mountains ................................................................... 21 Mississippian Part of the Wahoo Limestone ................................................... 22 Cavusgnathid Biofacies .......................................................................... 22 Near-Restricted to Open-Platform Environments ........................... 22 Cavusgnathid-Kladognathid Biofacies ................................................... 25 Open—Platform to Open-Marine Environment ................................ 25 Gnathodid—Hindeodid Biofacies ............................................................. 26 Low-Energy, Open~Marine Environment ....................................... 26 Pennsylvanian Part of the Wahoo Limestone .................................................. 26 Lower Member of the Wahoo Limestone ....................................................... 27 Adetognathid-Related Biofacies ............................................................. 27 Near-Restricted to Open-Platform Environment ............................ 27 Low-Energy, Open-Marine Environment ....................................... 27 Upper Member of the Wahoo Limestone ........................................................ 27 Adetognathid—Rhachistognathid Biofacies ............................................. 27 Restricted to Near Open-Platform Environment ............................. 27 Open—Platform to Near-Shoal Open—Platform Environments ......... 28 Tidal-Channel(?) Environment ....................................................... 28 Ill IV CONTENTS Rhachistognathid Biofacies .................................................................... 28 Near—Shoal, Open-Platform Environment ...................................... 28 Shoal or Tidal-Channel Environments ............................................ 28 Near-Shoal, Open-Marine Environment ......................................... 29 Deelinognathodid-Related Biofacies ...................................................... 30 Near~Shoal, Open-Marine Environment ......................................... 30 Low—Energy, Open-Platform and (or) Open—Marine Environment ........................................................................ 30 Biofacies Summary ................................................................................................. 3O Conodont Preservation and CAI Values ......................................................................... 3] Systematic Paleontology ................................................................................................. 32 References Cited ............................................................................................................. 50 Appendix 1. Conodont Faunas, Biofacies, and Age and Lithology of Collections Mentioned in Text but not Described Elsewhere in this Report ......................... 59 PLATES [Plates 1—5 follow appendix 1; plate 6 in pocket] 1—3, 5. Conodonts from the Wahoo Limestone, eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, Alaska. 4. Conodonts from the Wahoo Limestone, eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, and Pogopuk Creek, Franklin Mountains, Alaska. 6. Conodont zones, faunal intervals, and species distribution and lithologies of the Wahoo Limestone in the study section, eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, northeast Brooks Range, Alaska. FIGURES Map showing distribution and tectonic affinities of the Lisburne Group in the Brooks Range .................................... 3 Map showing distribution of the Lisburne Group, major structural features, and location of study section, northeast Brooks Range ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Diagram showing generalized stratigraphic succession, northeast Brooks Range and northeast coastal plain ............ 6 . Schematic diagram showing stratigraphic relationships, lithologies, and inferred depositional environments of the Lisburne Group, northeast Brooks Range ........................................................................................................... 8 Photograph of study section, eastern Sadlerochit Mountains ....................................................................................... 9 Photograph of Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary beds in upper part of lower member of the Wahoo Limestone at study section ............................................................................................................................................ 11 Diagram showing conodont zonation/fauna] succession recognized in the Wahoo Limestone at study section compared to the North American middle Carboniferous conodont zonation of Baesemann and Lane ........................ 12 Diagram comparing lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and time—rock boundaries between study section and nearby Sunset Pass section ............................................................................................................................................ 19 Schematic diagram showing depositional model for and sediment characteristics of the Wahoo Limestone .............. 23 . Schematic diagram showing generalized paleogeography, biofacies, and distribution of conodont genera, Wahoo Limestone, eastern Sadlerochit Mountains ....................................................................................................... 24 TABLES [Tables 1 and 2 are in pocket] Conodont species distribution in the Wahoo Limestone in the study section, eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, northeast Brooks Range, Alaska. Depositional environments interpreted from carbonate-micro]ithofacies and conodont—biofacies data, Wahoo Limestone, eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, northeast Brooks Range, Alaska. Lithostratigraphy, Microlithofacies, and Conodont Biostratigraphy and Biofacies of the Wahoo Limestone (Carboniferous), Eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, Northeast Brooks Range, Alaska By Andrea P. Krumhardt,l Anita G. Harris,2 and Keith F. Watts3 ABSTRACT The Lisburne Group (chiefly Carboniferous) is a wide- spread succession of platform carbonate rocks that appar- ently developed along a south-facing passive continental margin in northern Alaska. Marine transgressions onlapped northward across northeast Alaska allowing the Lisburne platform to extend over terrigenous deposits of the Endicott Group and local pre-Mississippian paleotopographic highs. The Wahoo Limestone is the youngest formation of the Lisburne Group in northeasternmost Alaska, ranging from latest Mississippian (latest Chesterian) to Middle Pennsyl- vanian (at least early Atokan) in age. The Wahoo Limestone was systematically sampled for lithostratigraphy and con— odont biostratigraphy and biofacies at a relatively continu- ous section (about 262 m in thickness) in the eastern Sadlerochit Mountains. Existing Carboniferous conodont zonations could not be readily applied to the study section because most zonal indicators are absent. Species diversity is low for a section that spans at least 10 million years. Twenty-four species, distributed among 14 genera, were identified in 72 produc- tive samples; no new species were distinguished. The fol- lowing biostratigraphic zones and fauna] intervals were recognized: Upper muricams Subzone (latest Chesterian); noduliferus—primus Zone (earliest Morrowan); minutus Fauna (Morrowan) containing a lower subdivision (lower minutus Fauna of early to middle? Morrowan age); and an Idiognathodus Fauna (Morrowan? to early Atokan). The presence of Idiognathoa'us incurvus? and Rhachistognathus minutus subspp. above the first occurrence of the foramini- fer Pseudostafiella sp. in the uppermost part of the Wahoo Limestone indicates that the youngest beds are early Atokan in age. The Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary is 1Department of Geology and Geophysics and Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775. 2us. Geological Survey. 3Geophysical Institute. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775. placed at 56 m above the base of the lower member of the Wahoo Limestone on the basis of the lowest occurrence of Declinognathodus noduliferus japonicus above forms tran- sitional from Gnarhodus girtyi simplex. Established foraminiferan biostratigraphy is somewhat inconsistent with respect to conodont-based time—rock boundaries and conodont zones in the study section and in northern Alaska in general. This indicates that the standard foraminiferan and (or) conodont zonations are not locally applicable without modification. Conodont collections from the Wahoo Limestone across the northeast Brooks Range (from Wahoo Lake to the Clarence River) show remarkably similar faunal succes- sions but even less species diversity than that found in the study section. Fifty-six biostratigraphically significant col— lections documenting the distribution of faunal units recog— nized in the study section are described in appendix 1. The Wahoo Limestone formed in a range of chiefly open-platform, near-shoal, and open-marine environments on the shallow, inner part of a high—energy carbonate ramp. In the uppermost Mississippian and lowermost Pennsylva- nian part of the formation, shoal facies were uncommon so that open-platform and open-marine microlithofacies and conodont biofacies were not clearly separated. Grain types and, to a lesser extent, conodonts were hydraulically spread beyond their original settings making some paleoenviron- mental interpretations equivocal. The use of conodont bio- facies and microlithofacies in concert clarifies some of the environmental ambiguities. In the Pennsylvanian part of the Wahoo Limestone, extensive ooid and skeletal shoal tracts separated open-marine and open—platform environments producing more distinct biofacies and diagnostic microli- thofacies. Rhachistognathids thrived in and adjacent to the shoal facies. After death, many of their skeletal elements remained in place; however, a substantial number were washed into surrounding environments, masking natural species associations. Similarly, mixing of carbonate grains obscures microlithofacies interpretations. The vertical suc- cession of conodont biofacies substantiates microlithofacies interpretations that indicate that the upper part of the Wahoo 2 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE Limestone represents a transgressive—regressive sequence passing from restricted platform to shoals and, finally, back to restricted platform. Conodont species associations, abraded conodonts and bioclasts, and grain-type associa- tions indicate a high degree of postmortem hydraulic mixing across the carbonate platform supporting the inter- pretation that it represents a high-energy carbonate ramp. Conodont color alteration indices (CAI) in the study section are chiefly 4 and 6, rarely 3, and very rarely 3.5 and 4.5. Most conodont elements have a sugary and (or) cor- roded texture. The anomalously high CAI values of 6 have positive correlation with grainstones and dolomitized inter- vals and negative correlation with quartz-rich and poorly washed carbonate rocks. The range of CAI values and tex— tures and the distribution of high CAI values suggest local, probably low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of the Wahoo Limestone. INTRODUCTION The Lisburne Group (chiefly Carboniferous) is a thick sequence of predominantly carbonate rocks that extends across the Brooks Range and into the subsurface of the North Slope (fig. 1). In the northeast Brooks Range, the Lis— burne Group is at least 500 m thick and is subdivided into the Alapah Limestone and overlying Wahoo Limestone. The northeast Brooks Range is the area east of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and north of the Continental Divide, which trends east-northeast between lat 68° and 69° N. and long 139° to 147° W. The Wahoo Limestone in the eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), was measured and systematically sampled for conodonts, fora— minifers, and microlithofacies (figs. 1, 2). The study section is well exposed, contains some of the youngest beds of the Wahoo Limestone in the area, and is similar to the Wahoo Limestone in the subsurface at Prudhoe Bay (Reiser, 1970; Armstrong and Mamet, 1974). It is accessible from Kakto— vik, a major embarkation point for ANWR (fig. 1). This study was undertaken to (1) establish a conodont biostratigraphic framework for the Wahoo Limestone in ANWR, (2) determine the position of the Mississippian- Pennsylvanian boundary in the formation, (3) integrate con- odont biofacies with microlithofacies studies (for example, Armstrong, 1972; Armstrong and Mamet, 1977; Watts, 1990; Gruzlovic, 1991; Krumhardt, 1992), and (4) compare conodont and foraminiferan biostratigraphic data. Previ- ously, foraminifers provided the primary biostratigraphic control for the Lisburne Group in ANWR. Inconsistent assignment of foraminiferan zones and lithologic bound- aries by previous researchers in our study area, however, indicates unresolved stratigraphic problems (see fig. 8). More recently, conodonts have been used to refine, confirm, or as an alternative to foraminiferan age determinations (>500 conodont collections from the Lisburne Group were analyzed by AG. Harris from 1979 to 1994 and by Harris and AP. Krumhardt from 1989 to 1994; published and unpublished written communs.). Many of these samples indicate that conodonts have greater biostratigraphic resolu- tion than foraminifers in the uppermost Mississippian and Lower Pennsylvanian part of the Lisburne Group. In addi- tion, the conodont Declinognathodus noduliferus is the pri- mary micropaleontologic indicator for the base of the Pennsylvanian (Lane and Manger, 1985). Thus, conodonts are the preferred microfossils for locating the mid- Carboniferous (Mississippian—Pennsylvanian) boundary. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to many people and organizations for their time, help, knowledge, and support during this study. Much of this investigation was part of a Master’s thesis by AP. Krumhardt at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (Krumhardt, 1992). Krumhardt is indebted to the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the helicopter pilots who provided safe and timely transport throughout ANWR. Special thanks are due Kurt (“Stretch”) Johnson, who wounded his knees and destroyed several pairs of boots collecting and hauling conodont samples. Her colleague, P.D. Gruzlovic, provided invaluable advice on thin section interpretations. Krumhardt acknowledges the aid of her advisors (exclusive of co-authors), R.K. Crowder and RA. Gangloff. Funding for Krumhardt and Watts was provided by (1) the Tectonics and Sedimentation Research Group, University of Alaska Fairbanks, from contributions by Amoco, ARCO Alaska, ARCO Research, BP Alaska, Chevron, Conoco, Elf Aquita- ine, Exxon, Japan National Oil Corporation, Marathon, Mobil, Murphy, Phillips, Shell, Texaco, and UNOCAL, (2) the US. Department of Energy (contract no. DE—AC22— 89BC14471), and (3) the University of Alaska Museum Geist Fund to partly cover field and thin section expenses. Watts also acknowledges partial support from the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, and the Geophysical Institute and College of Natu- ral Sciences of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Special thanks are extended to J.F. Baesemann, H.R. Lane, and PL. Brenckle, Amoco Production Company, Houston, Tex.; Sylvie Pinard, Geological Survey of Can— ada; and RC. Grayson, Jr., Baylor University, Waco, Tex., for their expert consultation on conodont and Foraminifera specimens. Many collections listed in the appendix were submitted to us for conodont analysis by other investigators identified in the appendix. We are indebted to them for providing stratigraphically well—positioned samples that yielded important data for our understanding of the bios- tratigraphic and paleoenvironmental distribution of con- odonts in the Lisburne Group. Particular thanks are extended to S.K. Morgan and MK. Eckstein, University of Alaska Fairbanks, for collecting many samples from their INTRODUCTION mx 65:52 --b__moo_ cozow=oo Eouocoo O or 8:82 923 vwcwmo--mcmt2 mxmm? 262 9: B EQmE EmcSom Bméxoanf I 4. ll 5950:: 99:5 8:95 fiatfig 9mg; Umcwmo--wco£coo__m 3ch $605 8888 go Emuczom I 4 ||4| 2 .m__E_m >cnm.m_um:w--mxoe msococfioofimhmn. mmcmm 9.09m 6856: E 9.02 2 8:836 28.2% >cam.m_wm=w--mxoo. 30:05:00.2 M $3.85 bEEw o_cam6=m:m--mxoo. msococfioo=m 0cm 3805:8553 >mm 8.5sz «m 969 30855093 ”25 8220 .295 xmbmx mmbaog 3:82 530% m<--flm:9w=con.mov 96:0 9:ij “4%,“th zo:> B m9< _ wEEJ‘BE 9.x .0? CM: _ cm no .95sz o_~o‘_< mm.___2 oow om_. oo_. om o \ \ A. 5 o& L\.\\ \ I: |\ \9050 07054 W/ a“ C’Q9Ov MU ‘ l N A o a «Em. w. C D\ \ \ e . . 296 4W '& wmm=_> mmd. x3>2wch< % V a, . m... [ msmEso zooficm ,w 4/oofi< a ITII q! 1 VI mume m. '1‘» b 0 IN” 1 V l $900 mxmq y HI. IA. null v W 08 \ 52m EEwcm I ‘ ll } v O O I . _. a: < m‘ x \ 1 m w . 0 Z Lwem m\\.S\OQ \ \ . o H w 90 I fl 9:5. 9:33: _ $M§ 2:2 52%;; o \_. 5:25 9.51 \l I J 85 f #099 m \. M 90wa .. SEOMMQ/ / ,Q 9:5. swarm \ 56 I cop , $0 3.. mam. toSmmm \ :u a oyo / \ \ / / ;\ \ so» // \ a \ «9 2 Anticline--Showing plunge . Measured section or sample locality o 10 MILES 0 $00 . g ‘22“. 0 FOURTH ’33; RANGE 0» 10 KILOMETERS Figure 2. Distribution of the Lisburne Group, major structural features, and locations of study section (1A) and selected mea- sured sections discussed in this report, northeast Brooks Range (geology modified from Bader and Bird, 1986; see fig. 1 for regional setting). Numbered localities refer to measured sections and (or) conodont collection sites described in appendix 1. Let- tered and some numbered localities are sections described by other measured sections and providing us with microlithofacies analyses of their samples. We are most grateful to J.A. Dumoulin, US. Geological Survey; P.H. von Bitter, Royal Ontario Museum and University of Toronto; L.M. Brown, Lake Superior State University; and GD. Webster, Washington State University for their heroic, timely, and thorough reviews of the manuscript. This paper was consid- erably improved by their technical reviews. PREVIOUS STUDIES Schrader (1902, p. 241) first used the name “Lisburne formation” for limestone and shale exposed in the vicinity of Anaktuvuk Pass in the central Brooks Range (fig. 1). The regional extent and character of the formation were more fully described by him in a later paper in which he states that the Lisburne extends from Cape Lisburne to Anaktuvuk Pass and eastward “nearly to the international boundary and STUDY SECTION K . E Moo“ 5'5 69 KIKIKTAT E MOUNTAIN g — 59° 30' N. I workers referred to in text: 18, Armstrong and co-workers (Arm- strong and others, 1970; Armstrong, 1972; Armstrong and Mamet, 1975, 1977; Mamet and Armstrong, 1984; Wood and Armstrong, 1975); C, 18, and 1C, Carlson (1987); 2, Clough and Bakke (1986) and Imm (1986); G, 6, and 7, Gruzlovic (1991); and 5, Morgan (1992). probably beyond it” (Schrader, 1904, p. 67). Subsequently, in the central Brooks Range, Bowsher and Dutro (1957) raised the Lisburne to group rank and subdivided it into two new formations, the Wachsmuth Limestone and overlying Alapah Limestone. Brosgé and others (1962) distinguished a third and the youngest formation of the group, the Wahoo Limestone, in the eastern Brooks Range. Detailed regional biostratigraphic and microlithofacies analyses of the Lisburne Group accompanied the expansion of hydrocarbon exploration of the North Slope during the 1970’s. Armstrong and others (1970) first applied Mamet’s Carboniferous foraminiferan zonation to the Lisburne Group in the northeast Brooks Range. and, later, Armstrong (1972) described the carbonate lithology, coral biostratigra- phy, and paleoecology. Mamet and Armstrong (1972) examined sections in the Franklin and Romanzof Moun- tains (fig. 1) and later Armstrong and Mamet (1974) tied the Lisburne Group in the subsurface at Prudhoe Bay to expo— sures in ANWR. Wood and Armstrong (1975) described the REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING diagenesis and stratigraphy of the Lisburne Group in the Sadlerochit Mountains and adjacent areas while Armstrong and Mamet (1975) extended their biostratigraphic studies to other sections in the northeast Brooks Range. Ultimately, Armstrong and Mamet (1977) produced a regional synthe- sis of their investigations for the entire northern Brooks Range. Armstrong and Mamet (1978) extended their work to the Lisburne Group in the allochthonous thrust sheets in the central and western Brooks Range. Mamet and Arm- strong (1984) discussed the Mississippian—Pennsylvanian boundary in the Sadlerochit, Franklin, and Romanzof Mountains and placed the boundary at the contact between the Alapah and Wahoo Limestones. A revised megafossil ‘zonation for the Carboniferous of the northern Brooks Range and its relation to Mamet’s foraminiferan zonation is given in Dutro (1987). As in Mamet and Armstrong (1984), Dutro (1987) placed the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary at the contact between the Alapah and Wahoo Limestones. Since 1985, many reports have been produced on the geology of ANWR by investigators at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (for example, Crowder, 1990; Wallace and Hanks, 1990; Watts, 1990). Of particular importance to our study are reports on the depositional environments, cyclicity, and diagenetic history of the Wahoo Limestone in the eastern Sadlerochit Mountains and the stratigraphic evo- lution and lateral facies changes of carbonate cycles (parasequences) across the Lisburne Group carbonate plat- form (fig. 2; Carlson, 1987; Gruzlovic, 1991). Additional studies describing the geology of ANWR are included in Bird and Magoon (1987), Tailleur and Weimer (1987), and Grantz and others (1990). REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING The parautochthonous rocks of northeastern Alaska are part of the tectonically complex Arctic Alaska terrane that also includes allochthonous thrust sheets of the south- ern Brooks Range and the relatively little deformed autoch- thonous rocks beneath the North Slope (fig. 1; Reiser, 1970; Mull, 1982; Crowder, 1990). The rocks in the Arctic Alaska terrane have been subdivided into the Franklinian, Ellesme- rian, and Brookian tectono-depositional sequences (fig. 3; Grantz and May, 1983; Bird and Molenaar, 1987; Hubbard and others, 1987) using terminology established by Lerand (1973) in the Canadian Arctic. The Franklinian sequence in the northeast Brooks Range includes Precambrian to Devonian sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Erosion of these rocks fol- lowing orogenic uplift during the middle Paleozoic pro- duced a paleotopography that considerably influenced subsequent depositional patterns and structural deformation (Watts and others, 1988; Wallace and Hanks, 1990). Mississippian to Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Ellesmerian sequence unconformably overlie the Franklinian sequence (fig. 3). The Ellesmerian sequence documents a long interval of sedimentation from a northerly source onto a broadly subsiding, passive continental mar- gin. In the Carboniferous part of the sequence, terrigenous elastic sedimentary deposits of the Endicott Group (Missis- sippian in age in the Sadlerochit Mountains) are succeeded by carbonate-platform deposits of the Lisburne Group. A major unconformity with a hiatus of about 40 my. separates the Lisburne Group from the overlying terrigenous elastic deposits of the Sadlerochit Group (Permian and Triassic) (Crowder, 1990). The upper part of the Ellesmerian sequence (Triassic to Lower Cretaceous) is dominated by terrigenous shale of the Kingak Shale (primarily Jurassic) with lesser amounts of sandstone and rare phosphatic lime- stone and calcareous sandstone to siltstone of the Shublik Formation (Triassic). This report concerns the Carbonifer- ous part of the Ellesmerian sequence. LISBURNE GROUP, NORTHEAST BROOKS RANGE The Lisburne Group (chiefly Carboniferous) is a thick succession (>500 m) of platform-carbonate rocks that apparently developed along a south-facing passive conti- nental margin in northern Alaska (relative to present coordi- nates). Marine transgressions onlapped northward across northeast Alaska so that eventually the Lisburne platform extended over much of Arctic Alaska. In most of the north- east Brooks Range, the Lisburne Group gradationally over- lies the fluvial to marginal—marine deposits of the Endicott Group (fig. 4). In the Sadlerochit Mountains, however, the pre-Mississippian rocks formed a paleotopographic high so that the Endicott Group is thin or absent (Armstrong and Mamet, 1975; Watts and others, 1988). Where the Endicott Group is absent, the Lisburne Group rests with angular dis- cordance on southward-dipping, pre-Mississippian rocks (fig. 5); this relationship influenced the structural develop- ment of northeastern Alaska (Wallace and Hanks, 1990). South of the Sadlerochit Mountains, the Kayak Shale of the Endicott Group provides a major detachment surface. Because the Kayak Shale is absent or thin in the Sadlerochit Mountains, Ellesmerian rocks (fig. 3) remained attached to the underlying Franklinian rocks, and both deformed as a unit (Wallace and Hanks, 1990). Thus, the Lisburne Group here is parautochthonous and has undergone little north- ward tectonic transport. In the northeast Brooks Range, the Lisburne Group consists of the Alapah Limestone and Wahoo Limestone. Three large-scale transgressiveregressive (TR) sequences are recognized in these strata (fig. 4; Gruzlovic, 1991). Superimposed on these large-scale sequences are many parasequences of variable thickness that record the response CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE EXPLANATION Conglomerate sandSt ne SIItstone E Limestone Sandy limestone Q Dolostone Igneous rocks, undivided Metamorphic rocks, undivided UJ o E 3 STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT LITHOLOGY AGE 8 (I) SURFiCIAL DEPOSITS HOLOCENE GUBIK FORMATION PLEISTOCENE PLIOCENE SAGAVANIRKTOK MIOCENE FORMATION <2: ________ i OLIGOCENE 8 II EOCENE In CANNING FORMATION PALEOCENE LATE CRETACEOUS HUE SHALE ________ PEBBLE SHALE UNIT EARLY CRETACEOUS KEMIK SANDSTONE EARLY CRETACEOUS(?) KINGAK SHALE AND JURASSIC Z KAREN CREEK SANDSTONE < SHUBLIK FORMATION E I: ”g LI) 0. TRIASSIc m g 8 |V|SHAK FORMATION u.I Lu I: j a 6 Lu 5, ECHOOKA FORMATION PERMIAN E35 WAHOO LIMESTONE PENNSYLVANIAN : O m II <2 <5 ALAPAH LIMESTONE -' MISSISSIPPIAN ENDICOTT ITKILYARIAK FORMATION _. GROUP KEKIK‘FSIIQIOSECOEAERATE '-' <2: MOUNT COPLESTON LIMESTONE 2 NANOOK LIMESTONE g KATAKTURUK DOLOMITE PRE—MISSISSIPPIAN <2); SEDIMENTARY, METAMORPHIC, AND : E IGNEOUS ROCKS, UNDIVIDED Contact or boundary-- Dashed where approxi- mately located Figure 3. Generalized stratigraphic succession, northeast Brooks Range and northeast coastal plain, Alaska (not to scale; modified from Bird and Molenaar, 1987). REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING 7 of the platform to eustacy and (or) changes in carbonate production and platform subsidence (fig. 4: Watts, 1990; Gruzlovic, 1991). The Endicott Group (where present) and the Alapah Limestone represent the first large-scale TR sequence. The remaining TR sequences generally corre- spond to the lower and upper members of the Wahoo Limestone. ALAPAH LIMESTONE The age of the Alapah Limestone (~200 to >500 m in thickness) is Meramecian and (or) Chesterian on the basis of foraminiferan (Armstrong and others, 1970; Armstrong and Mamet, 1977) and conodont biostratigraphy (this report). In the Sadlerochit Mountains, Alapah deposition began in the Chesterian (Mamet and Armstrong, 1984). The age of the base of the Lisburne Group is progressively older southward and westward. In the northern part of the north- east Brooks Range, continued transgression during much of the deposition of the Alapah Limestone is indicated by a transition from algal limestone into cross-stratified skeletal grainstone culminating in bryozoan-pelmatozoan limestone. The upper member of the Alapah Limestone is dominantly spiculitic dolostone and dolomitic lime mudstone- wackestone containing lesser amounts of cryptalgal laminite (fig. 4: Watts, 1990; Gruzlovic, 1991) indicating restricted and (or) peritidal conditions associated with a major regression. The uppermost part of the Alapah Lime— stone is late Chesterian in age (Armstrong and Mamet, 1977; this report). The contact with the overlying Wahoo Limestone is relatively sharp in the study area but is more gradational and difficult to define farther to the south. ALAPAH LIMESTONE-WAHOO LIMESTONE BOUNDARY, NORTHEAST BROOKS RANGE The base of the Wahoo Limestone is placed at the first light-weathering, cliff-forming, fossiliferous limestone above the slope-forming, darker limestone and dolostone characteristic of the underlying Alapah Limestone (fig. 5). A similar contact was chosen by Brosgé and others (1962), Armstrong (1972, 1974), Wood and Armstrong (1975), and Carlson (1987). Other authors were inconsistent in their placement of the contact (see fig. 8) and used biostrati- graphic rather than lithostratigraphic criteria so that their contact approximated the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary (Armstrong and others, 1970; Armstrong and Mamet, 1974, 1975, and 1977; and Mamet and Armstrong, 1984). WAHOO LIMESTONE The age of the Wahoo Limestone (O to >350 m in thickness) is late Chesterian to Atokan on the basis of fora- minifers (Armstrong, 1972, 1974; Wood and Armstrong, 1975; Carlson, 1987) and conodont biostratigraphy (this report). Brosge’ and others (1962) named the Wahoo Lime— stone and subdivided it into lower and upper members at its type section near Wahoo Lake (fig. 1). They assigned the formation a Pennsylvanian(?) and Permian age on the basis of brachiopod-bryozoan assemblages in the basal part of the lower member and brachiopods in the uppermost part of the upper member. Our conodont collections from the forma- tion, 1.5 km west of the type section, show that the lower member is within the late Chesterian muricatus Zone at its base, and the appearance of Adetognathus [autus 15 m higher indicates the Upper muricatus Subzone (app. 1, locs. 4Ala, b). The first definitive Pennsylvanian strata are marked by the appearance of Declinognathodus nodu— liferus, the guide to the Pennsylvanian, at 155 m above the base of the lower member (app. 1, loc. 4A1d). The youngest bona fide Wahoo Limestone at the type locality is Mor- rowan to early Atokan in age (Watts and others, 1992; app. 1, loc. 4E). At its type locality, Watts and others (1989) referred the calcareous beds of Permian age to the Echooka Formation in their examination of the upper member of the Wahoo Limestone. A collection from 4.5 m below the top of the formation, about 5 km west of the type section, helps constrain the age of the uppermost beds to the late Mor- rowan or early Atokan (app. 1, loc. 4D). Grainstone makes up two-thirds of the Wahoo Lime- stone at the study section indicating deposition under domi- nantly high-energy conditions. We recognize two mappable members of the Wahoo Limestone: light-gray, massive, cliff-forming grainstone and packstone of the lower mem- ber overlain by the heterolithic upper member that forms ledge-and-slope topography. The lower member represents a large-scale TR sequence (fig. 4) consisting primarily of bryozoan-pelmatozoan grainstone and packstone that prob— ably formed in an open-marine environment. Four to five parasequences (each 10—20 m in thickness) are recognized within the lower member (fig. 4; Carlson, 1987; Watts, 1990; Gruzlovic, 1991); these probably formed in slightly deeper water than those of the upper member. Parase- quences in the lower member are more difficult to distin- guish in the field because they lack the marked lithologic contrasts characteristic of the upper member; parasequences of the lower member are best recognized by microlithofa- cies analysis. In the eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, the contact between the lower and upper members of the Wahoo Lime- stone appears to be planar but locally has erosional relief (Carlson, 1987; Krumhardt and Harris, 1990). Farther to the southwest, in the Fourth Range and at Plunge Creek (fig. 2), this contact is gradational (Gruzlovic, 1991). Most of the upper member of the Wahoo Limestone represents a TR sequence containing many parasequences (each 3—9 m thick) related to relative sea-level changes and the migration of ooid shoals. The ooid shoals formed a 8 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE DEPOSITIONAL E % ENVIRONMENT .. O STRATIGRAPHIC LITHOLOGY DESCRIPTION HAT- OPEN 9 03 UNIT FORM MARINE < ”J 3% BASE Q . . Q 5 0c: 8 i: IVishak Formation I- E E; _l m g s I Quartzose sandstone and shale '1 ,_ Z :2 < > o woe (part) “Jr/)LUEOOJ i— o I) '— Lu 0. E0 I 03 LL] ? E 9: Z n: O 3 m < m g 5' (5 EChOOka S'Itstone and la con'tic sandstone - l u l . 35 5 Formation g Clastic shelf 0' wJWA-We ”'33:? ' MWGHéQ—flx/“V Z Oncolitic and peloid <> it ackstone and rainstone —=‘ z p g Cyclical, \ < Ooid and (or) Donezella alternating <>" 3 upper packstone and grainstone with \\ (>5 Wahoo member Ooid grainstone tart/0:03“- ‘\> . T LU pe ma ozoan E D. leeStone J: Cryptalgal and (or) limestone 3 UJ 8 . dolomitized mudstone .<;> n. ,. — 0: lower Bryozoan-pelmatozoan grainstone and < 8 member packstone E u er Spiculitic dolostone and dolomitic 3 meprgber lime mudstone-wackestone, m ' ' \\~ __ (L) cryptalgal laminite F. _i . ap middle “Mme” m Bryozoan-pelmatozoan limestone <2: Limestone member / -< _ ; 3; Cyclical, crossbedded, skeletal grainstone ‘ x D. 0_ lower E alternating with peloidal skeletal packstone. ‘ (7) member 'r Algal limestone and spiculitic dolostone and <\ (D limestone in lower part \> (7) CL ltkilyariak . (2 3 Formation Sandy limestone E Q g Fluvial |_ Black shale, containing some sandstone to l— Kayak Shale and limestone marginal 0 marine 9 D . Z Keklktuk Quartzose sandstone and con lomerate L” Conglomerate g i WWW Z Mount Cop eston Limestone E Nanook Limestone u-J g: ' Sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous Variously deformed, E a Katakturuk Dolomite rocks relatively south-dipping (7) rocks (—1-) Sedimentary, metamorphic, L, E and igneous rocks, undivided Figure 4. Stratigraphic relationships, lithologies, and inferred depositional environments of the Lisburne Group, northeast Brooks Range. At the study section, the Endicott Group is absent, and the Alapah Limestone rests with angular discordance on pre~Mississippian rocks (fig. 5). Only the Wahoo Limestone was systematically analyzed for this study. See fig. 3 for explanation. (Modified from Carlson, 1987; Watts, 1990; and Gruzlovic, 1991.) LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE, EASTERN SADLEROCHIT MOUNTAINS 9 Figure 5. View of study section looking northeast, eastern Sadlerochit Mountains (see fig. 2 for location). Measured section follows ridgeline and includes upper 3 m of the Alapah Limestone, the entire Wahoo Limestone, and lower 1 m of the Echooka Formation. Note that the Endicott Group is absent and a marked angular unconformity separates the Alapah from underlying pre—Mississippian rocks. broad, discontinuous belt trending westward from the north- ern British Mountains, near the Canadian border, to the Canning River and then possibly northwestward toward Prudhoe Bay (fig. 1). The shoals pinch out southwestward, down the depositional dip of the carbonate ramp (Gruzlovic, 1991). The lithology of the upper member var- ies vertically and laterally as a consequence of ooid shoal migration through time (Carlson, 1987; Watts, 1990; Gruzlovic, 1991). A disconformity of considerable magnitude (~40 m.y.) separates the Lisburne Group from the overlying Echooka Formation of Permian age (fig. 4). Regionally, this discon— formity is an irregular surface having as much as 200 m of section removed by erosion locally and as much as 20 m of local erosional relief (Crowder, 1990). The contact between the Lisburne Group and Echooka Formation is typically planar; carbonate rocks of the Lisburne Group are overlain by terrigenous siltstone, shale, and (or) glauconitic quart- zose sandstone of the Echooka Formation (Crowder, 1990). Locally, erosional relief is most apparent beneath channel- ized conglomerates in the basal part of the Echooka Forma- tion. Clasts in the conglomerates include limestone and chert derived from the Lisburne Group providing additional evidence of erosion. Even though the Lisburne Group plat- form was subaerially exposed, karst features are rare (Carl- son, 1990; Watts, 1990; Watts and others, 1992). Erosion along the disconformity produced some of the variation in thickness of the Wahoo Limestone and significantly influ- enced the age of the uppermost part of the formation. At the study section, the formation is not as thick as at the type section (262 m versus >330 m in thickness), but the upper— most part of the formation is as young as or younger than the highest beds at and near the type section (app. 1, locs. 4E, D). In some areas, such as near the Trans-Alaska Pipe— line (fig. 1), the upper part of the Lisburne Group is no younger than latest Mississippian (Watts, 1991). LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE, EASTERN SADLEROCHIT MOUNTAINS The study section is near the eastern limit of outcrops of the Wahoo Limestone in the Sadlerochit Mountains (fig. 2). The base of the section is in the SE1/4SW1/4 sec. 5, T. 3 N., R. 31 E. (lat 69°38‘24" N., long 144°34‘45" W.), and the 10 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE top is in the center NW1/4 sec. 8, T. 3 N., R. 31 E. (lat 69°38'03" N., long 144°34'45" W.), Mt. Michelson C-1 quadrangle. This section was chosen because of (1) accessi— bility by helicopter (65 km southwest of Kaktovik; fig. 1), (2) proximity to measured sections described by previous workers (Armstrong and others, 1970; Wood and Arm— strong, 1975; and Carlson, 1987) that were less accessible for conodont sampling, (3) excellent exposures of the Wahoo Limestone (95 percent) and its boundaries (fig. 5), and, in particular, (4) the relatively thick interval of upper Morrowan and Atokan strata. Our measured section includes the upper 3 m of the Alapah Limestone, the entire Wahoo Limestone (262 m), and the basal 1 m of the succeeding Echooka Formation (pl. 6). The lower 3 m of the Wahoo Limestone is massive— bedded dolomitized bryozoan packstone that overlies a 0.5—m—thick interval of light-gray, fenestral, dolomitic mud- stone at the top of the Alapah Limestone. The lower and upper members of the Wahoo Limestone are readily distin- guished; their boundary is placed at the change from cliff-forming, light—gray packstone below to orange- weathering, silty, cryptalgal(?) dolostone above (fig. 5). The contact with the overlying Echooka Formation forms a rubble-covered dip slope, but only a few meters of section are concealed. The section was systematically sampled for microlithofacies at 2-m intervals. Additional samples were taken to document obvious lithologic changes and at all conodont sample sites (table 1; pl. 6). LOWER MEMBER OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE The lower member (Mississippian and Pennsylvanian) of the Wahoo Limestone is 70 m thick and is chiefly bryozoan—pelmatozoan grainstone and packstone. Rare beds of wackestone and skeletal packstone occur particularly in the basal part of the lower member and near the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary and contain minor sponge spicules. Peloids, including completely micritized bioclasts, are a common constituent of the lower member and become abundant near the boundary. An interval of oolitic grainstone, 62 to 64 m above the base of the lower member, is the lowest occurrence of a lithology that typifies the upper member. Dark-gray replacement chert nodules are common throughout (pl. 6). The lower member of the Wahoo Limestone formed on a predominantly open—marine platform that developed above restricted-platform carbonate deposits of the upper part of the Alapah Limestone (see fig. 9). Muddy and spicu— litic limestone in the lower several meters of the Wahoo Limestone formed in partly restricted conditions during the early phase of a major transgression. The upper 25 m of the lower member primarily formed in normal-marine condi- tions, but common to abundant peloids and minor spicules suggest intermittent restriction; locally abundant ooids imply proximity to shoals. These grain types indicate the onset of regression. Just below the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian bound- ary, at 56 m above the base of the lower member of the Wahoo Limestone, a distinct interval of peloidal-spiculitic wackestone is partly replaced by reddish-brown and gray nodular chert. This chert-bearing interval has variable thick- ness (<0.5 to 1 m), sharp lower and upper contacts, and appears to have been deposited above an irregular surface with as much as 1 m of relief (fig. 6). The surface has been interpreted to have formed during subaerial exposure (Carl- son, 1990; Watts, 1990). The chert-bearing interval overlies a skeletal grainstone that contains definitive Mississippian conodonts within 10 cm of the contact and, in turn, is over- lain by a peloidal-skeletal grainstone, the base of which pro- duced the lowest definitive Pennsylvanian conodonts in the study section (fig. 6). The chert—bearing interval was traced 1 km west to Carlson’s (1987) section where Declinogna- thodus noduliferus japonicus, an index to the Pennsylva- nian, occurs 1.5 m below the chert (app. 1, 100. lBlb), suggesting at least 1.5 m of erosion at the study section. A comparable chert-rich interval was noted in Lower Pennsylvanian rocks (based on foraminiferan biostratigra- phy) in the western Sadlerochit Mountains (Clough and Bakke, 1986; Imm, 1986). Correlation of this interval with the eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, however, has not been verified with conodonts. A chert-rich interval has not been noted in a similar stratigraphic position in sections to the south or east. The contact between the lower and upper members of the Wahoo Limestone appears planar. Redeposited, latest Mississippian conodonts occur sporadically in the Pennsyl- vanian part of the lower member and increase in abundance a meter below the contact with the upper member (table 1). The redeposited conodonts indicate intermittent reworking of slightly older deposits of the Wahoo Limestone. UPPER MEMBER OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE The upper member of the Wahoo Limestone is 192 m thick at the study section and contains many shallowing- upward parasequences. These parasequences are superim- posed on a major TR sequence. The lower 24 m of the upper member is dominated by peloidal-bryozoan packstone, dolomitized silty mudstone, and wackestone. Cryptalgal laminites are poorly developed in the study section but are present in nearby exposures. Shallowing-upward parasequences in this interval begin with peloidal-bryozoan packstone (minor grainstone) and pass upward into dolomitized, silty, locally spiculitic, lime mudstone. Detrital quartz is relatively abundant (as much as 40 percent), particularly in dolomitic mudstone. Signifi— cantly, quartz sand increases from 3 to 4.5 percent in the upper meter of the lower member and then abruptly rises to LITI-IOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE, EASTERN SADLEROCHIT MOUNTAINS 1 1 Figure 6. Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary beds in upper part of lower member of the Wahoo Limestone at the study section showing the distinct reddish-brown and gray, nodular chert-bear— ing interval (arrows mark its top and bottom). Thickness of beds shown is approximately 4 m. Conodont samples at locations A—D. Sample A, 53 m above base of the Wahoo (table 1, USGS colln. 30757—PC), contains Gnathodus girtyi girtyi, G. g. simplex, and forms transitional t0 Declinognathoa'us spp. as well as G. bilineatus bilinealus, Hindeodus minutus, Vogelgnathus post- campbelli, and Kladognathus sp. Sample B, 54.9 m above base of formation (table 1, USGS colln. 31698—PC), contains Mississip- pian species including G. g. girtyi, Kladognathus spp., and Lochriea commutata as well as subadult Pa elements of G. g. sim- plex transitional to D. noduliferusjaponicus and abundant Cavusg- an average of 12 percent in the lower 20 m of the upper member (percent quartz determined from acid-insoluble residues of conodont samples). This sudden increase of ter- rigenous sediment at and above the lower member-upper member contact suggests considerable regression and some exposure of the Wahoo platform. Indeed, exposure surfaces in the lower part of the upper member and local channeliza— nut/ms? tytlhus of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian age. Sample C, 55.5 m above the base and within the cherty interval (table 1, USGS colln. 31699—PC), produced only a few conodonts, chiefly C? tytthus of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian age. In sample D, 56 m above base of formation, D. n. japonicus (pl. 3, figs. 4—8), an index to the Pennsylvanian, occurs with several other species known to range across the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary (table 1, USGS collns. 30758—PC and 31700—PC). Collections 1 km to the west yielded Pennsylvanian conodonts 1.5 m below reddish-brown and gray chert-bearing interval suggesting that the irregular surface at base of chert is a disconformity that probably marks the Mississippian—Pennsylvanian boundary at the study sec- tion. tion of cryptalgal laminites at the lower member—upper member contact have been described in the eastern Sadlero- chit Mountains here and 1 km to the west (Carlson, 1987, 1990; Watts, 1991). In addition, relatively few conodonts and foraminifers are found in this part of the upper member, possibly due to inhospitable environmental conditions. The lower 24 m of the upper member formed on a 12 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE predominantly restricted platform during a major regression and contain some of the shallowest water deposits in the Wahoo Limestone (Gruzlovic, 1991). The succeeding 120 m of the upper member of the Wahoo Limestone are characterized by oolitic grainstones, particularly the upper part of the member (pl. 6). Bioclasts and peloids are common and grapestone lumps, intraclasts, and Archaeolithophyllum sp. (algae) are rare to minor in these high-energy grainstones and associated packstones. Oncolites are most common in the lower part of this interval whereas Donezella sp. (algae) occur in the upper part, first appearing at 167 m above the base of the Wahoo (P.L. Brenckle, written commun., 1991) suggesting some envi- ronmental restriction up section. Shallowing—upward parasequences typically begin with dolomitic bryozoan wackestone and pass upward into dominantly skeletal and oolitic grainstone that may be capped by dolomitized, locally spiculitic, lime mudstone. Repeated intervals of oolitic grainstone represent migration of shoals across the Wahoo platform. Oncoids, peloids, grapestone lumps, and algae indicate that open-platform depositional environ- ments developed shoreward of the shoals. Rare, isolated colonial and solitary corals also occur and are locally asso- ciated with spiculitic mudstone and peloids that suggest proximity to partly restricted conditions. The abundant ooid-shoal deposits in the upper part of this interval corre- spond with the maximum transgression during deposition of the upper member of the Wahoo (Watts, 1990; Gruzlovic, 1991). The upper 48 m of the upper member of the Wahoo Limestone are chiefly peloidal-oncolitic and bryozoan- pelmatozoan packstone and grainstone (pl. 6). Ooids and superficial ooids occur in the lower part of the member, rep- resenting the last ooid-shoal deposits of the Wahoo. Peloidal-spiculitic-oncolitic wackestone and spiculitic mud— stone become prevalent approximately 13 m below the top of the formation, marking a shift from primarily open- platform to restricted—platform environments. Persistent sea—level fluctuations during deposition of the Wahoo Limestone produced a mosaic of shifting envi— ronments that controlled biotic distribution. Conodont and foraminiferan biofacies (species associations) reflect these environmental changes. Biofacies, as well as postmortem transport of skeletal remains, controlled the occurrence of biostratigraphically significant species and, ultimately, the biozonation of the Wahoo Limestone. CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE, EASTERN SADLEROCHIT MOUNTAINS The conodont zonation proposed by Lane and Straka (1974) and subsequently revised by Lane (1977) and Baese- mann and Lane (1985) for uppermost Mississippian and STUDY SECTION CONODONT CONODONT ZONATION SYSTEM SERIES F%RE“:AAJégN/ ZONE/ (Baesemann FAUNA and Lane,1985) ECHOOKA PERM'AN FORMATION wmwmmez m)W‘\/W First appearance Unzoned ATOKAN of ldiognathodus \ Z , < Incurvus’? Idiognathoides (246 m) <2: 5 ouach/Iensis g l— < . ' ' g D: Id/ognathodus ld/ognathOIdes a: LU convexus 0 g E Fauna Z 2 9 C0 ldiognathadus S E E 2 k/apperi Z O. o g < “-V ”J Id' m d > Do 2 II (177 m) ’09“ ° “5 i <2: 0 Bi smuosus g ('7) n_ Y First appearance N rh d 2 LL! 3 of Pseudostafie/la eogna 0. us LIJ E w (171 m) bass/en CL 3 c (162 m, <2: 0 a Neognathodus ; g “0-) lower symmetricus : . 8 < ‘5 minutus Idiognathoides I g .5 Fauna Siriuatus- E RhachIstognathus CE) (84 m‘ minutus nlodu/I'ferus Dec/ingglnfathodus ' I70 UI erus— primus Zone Hhachistognarhus CE \ pr/mus 2 E UJ (56 I“! < <2: E tn (First appearance E _ A E of G. buI/oides U a. CC I— O L” (43 m) ‘pper a M [I —' 2 Hhachrstognarhus (I) 5 at Upper muricatus (7, I:.IEJ v ALAPAH (0 m) muricatus Subzone <2 0 LIMESTONE Subzone 2 (PART) Figure 7. Conodont zonation/fauna] succession recognized in the Wahoo Limestone at study section compared to the North American middle Carboniferous conodont zonation of Baesemann and Lane (1985). Zonal indicators of Baesemann and Lane not found at study section include Neognathodus symmetricus, N. bassleri, Idiognathodus klapperi, and ldiognathoides convexus. Declinognathodus noduliferus first appears 13 m above Globival- vulina bulloides, the foraminiferan secondary guide to the mid- Carboniferous boundary (Lane and Manger, 1985). See figure 6 and table 1 for detailed information on the Mississippian- Pennsylvanian boundary. Idiognathodus sinuosus first appears 6 m above Pseudostafi‘ella sp., a foraminiferan guide to the Morrowan- Atokan boundary in the Midcontinent and Cordillera of the conter- minous United States (Lane and Manger. 1985; Groves, 1986). The Morrowan—Atokan boundary is poorly constrained by con- odonts and foraminifers. The foraminifer Pseudostaflella sp. appears well below the lowest definitive Atokan conodont, [diag- nathodus incurvus? (table 1). G, Glabivalvulina. Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) rocks in North America only applies to the conodont succession in the upper part of the Alapah Limestone and the succeeding 84 m of the Wahoo Limestone (fig. 7). The Upper muricatus Subzone (upper- most Mississippian). the noduliferus-primus Zone (lower- most Pennsylvanian), and the lower part of the succeeding CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE, EASTERN SADLEROCHIT MOUNTAINS l3 minums Fauna (= sinuarus-minutus and symmetricus Zones of Baesemann and Lane, 1985) are well documented in this part of the section (table 1 and pl. 6). The remaining Penn— sylvanian strata, however, could not be precisely dated by using existing conodont zonal schemes (for example, Baesemann and Lane, 1985; Grayson, 1990) because of a persistent, chiefly rhachistognathid biofacies (high-energy, shoal to near-shoal environments) in which most zonal indi— cators are rare or absent. We have, instead, used a faunal designation for this part of the Wahoo Limestone based on possible local ranges of some rhachistognathids and what is almost certainly a relatively late migration of Idiognathodus into northeast Alaska. Some of the rhachistognathids that appear before or originate in the lower 84 m of the Wahoo Limestone disappear before the lowest occurrence of Idio— gnathodus in the northeast Brooks Range; other rhachisto- gnathids persist to the major unconformity that truncates the formation (pl. 6). Rare, sporadic occurrences of generally poorly preserved, nonrhachistognathid species are not origi- nations but are clearly the result of postmortem hydraulic admixture from other biofacies and can be used to roughly tie the northeast Alaskan succession to successions in other parts of North America. Species diversity is rather low for a section that spans at least 10 million years, from the latest Chesterian to at least early Atokan. Only 24 species, distributed among 14 genera, were identified in 72 productive samples. Further complicating establishment of a reliable conodont succes— sion for part of the Wahoo Limestone is the menace of rede- position. Several samples from the post—Mississippian part of the study section (table 1 and pl. 6), as well as many other spot samples from the uppermost part of the Wahoo Limestone in the northeast Brooks Range, produced rede- posited Mississippian and earliest Pennsylvanian conodonts that cast some doubt on the biostratigraphic integrity of spe— cies distribution in the upper part of the formation. The conodont zones of Baesemann and Lane (1985) and the conodont faunal succession established in the Wahoo Limestone and upper part of the Alapah Limestone at the study section and elsewhere in the northeast Brooks Range are described below. MURICA TUS ZONE The muricatus Zone is defined by the first appearance of Rhachistognalhus muricatus below the occurrence of either Declinognathodus noduliferus or R. primus (Lane and Straka, 1974; Baesemann and Lane, 1985). Baesemann and Lane (1985) proposed a phylogeny for the rhachistog- nathids of the middle Carboniferous in which R. prolixus is the inferred ancestor. They suggested that R. prolixus proba- bly gave rise to R. muricatus after the appearance of Adetognarhus unicornis (= Cavusgnathus monocerus [Rexroad and Burton] of Brown and others, 1990) the name bearer of the preceding conodont zone. Baesemann and Lane (1985) subdivided the muricams Zone into lower and upper subzones. The muricams Zone is the most widely rec- ognized conodont zone in the Chesterian part of the Lisburne Group in the northeast Brooks Range. It is repre- sented by a very thick sequence that may include much of the Alapah Limestone and part of the Wahoo Limestone and is well documented in nine sections between Atigun River gorge and the Clarence River (fig. 1; AG. Harris and AP. Krumhardt, unpub. data). At and near the study section, the muricams Zone is at least 155 m thick and ranges from about 24 m above the base of the Alapah Limestone (app. 1, loc. 1A2) to 55.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (table 1, USGS colln. 30757—PC). It is apparently thickest (250 m) in the Romanzof Mountains (app. 1, locs. 9B1a, b). In the area of the type section of the Wahoo Limestone, the upper 70 m of the Alapah Limestone and lower 140 m of the overlying Wahoo Limestone are within the muricams Zone (app. 1, locs. 4A1a, c). LOWER MURICATUS SUBZONE The Lower muricams Subzone is defined by the first appearance of the zonal indicator below the occurrence of Adetognathus laums. This subzone has not yet been identi- fied at the study section or in our other collections from northern Alaska but may be present in the Alapah Lime- stone. As proposed (Baesemann and Lane, 1985), the sub— zone can be identified only in closely sampled sections of appropriate shallow—water, relatively normal-marine biofa- cies. Virtually all common associates of this biofacies in the Lower muricatus Subzone, with the possible exception of Hindeodus cristulus (Youngquist and Miller), extend or likely extend into the Upper muricams Subzone (table 1; Weibel and Norby, 1992). Thus, the only guide to this zone is the presence of A. [autus in definitive pre-Pennsylvanian strata above the occurrence of Rhachistognathus muricatus with H. cristulus. UPPER MURICA TUS SUBZONE This subzone is defined by the overlapping ranges of Rhachistognathus muricalus and Adetognathus [aunts below the appearance of Declinognathodus noduliferus or R. primus. As yet, R. muricams has not been found in the upper 64 m of the Alapah Limestone or the succeeding lower 5 m of the Wahoo Limestone in the eastern Sadlero- chit Mountains. Representatives of the species were recov— ered 6 m above the base of the formation and well below D. noduliferus (table 1). Adetognathus lautw. although not found in the lower 84 m of the Wahoo Limestone, was recovered from the Alapah Limestone at 72 and 65 m below the base of the Wahoo Limestone at the study section (app. I, locs. lAla, b). Thus, the Upper muricams Subzone is l4 CONODONT BlOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAl-lOO LIMESTONE present at a level considerably below the base of the Wahoo Limestone and is at least 127 m thick (from 72 m below the top of the Alapah Limestone to 56 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone). Species that occur within the Upper muricatus Sub— zone in the Alapah and Wahoo Limestones in the study sec— tion include, in order of decreasing abundance, Cavusgnatlms unicornis Youngquist and Miller, Klado— grim/ms spp., Gnatlzodus girtyi simplex Dunn, G. g. girtyi Hass, Hindeodus minutus (Ellison), Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn), Vogelgnathus postcampbelli (Austin and Husri), C.? tytthus Brown and Rexroad, G. bilineatus bilin- eams (Roundy), Idioprioniodus spp., Adetognathus lautus (Gunnell) (see app. 1, locs. lAla, b), Lochriea commutata (Branson and Mehl), G. girtyi subspp. transitional to Decli- nognathodus spp., C. altus Harris and Hollingsworth, R. prolixus Baesemann and Lane?, and Gnathodus defectus Dunn?. Cavusgnathus monocerus (Rexroad and Burton), 3 rel— atively common component of the R. muricams Zone as well as the name bearer of the preceding conodont zone, is notably absent in the Brooks Range. The Upper muricatus Subzone is recognized in the upper part of the Alapah Limestone and lower part of the Wahoo Limestone in six sections (including the study sec— tion) between Wahoo Lake and the Clarence River. The sub— zone is thickest (at least 133 m) at Clarence River and includes at least the upper 53 m of the Alapah Limestone and the lower 80 m of the Wahoo Limestone (app. 1, locs. 10A1a-e) and at least 124.5 m near Wahoo Lake (app. 1, locs. 4A1b, c). The only other species found in the subzone in the northeast Brooks Range, but not in the study section, is Rhachistognatlzus websteri Baesemann and Lane (app. 1, loc. 4Alc). NODULIFERUS-PRIMUS ZONE Baesemann and Lane (1985) modified the primus Zone of Lane and Straka (1974) to the noduliferus—primus Zone, the lower boundary of which marks the base of the Morrowan Series and the Pennsylvanian System. Whereas Rhachistognathus primus has not been found outside of North America, Declinognathodus noduliferus has a world- wide distribution and has been recommended as the primary micropaleontologic guide for the base of the Pennsylvanian (Lane and Manger, 1985). The noduliferus-primus Zone is recognized by the occurrence of either D. noduliferus or R. primus below the appearance of R. minutus or Idiogna- thaia’es sinuams Harris and Hollingsworth. The zone was subdivided into lower and upper subzones by Brenckle and others (1977). The lower subzone is characterized by “the overlap in the upper ranges of Gnathodus girtyi simplex and G. cf. G. bollandensis with the lower ranges of R. primus and D. noduliferus” (Baesemann and Lane, 1985, p. 100). We assume that G. cf. G. bollana'ensis of Baesemann and Lane (1985) is G. bilineams bollandensis of other workers or a form close to it. Gnat/iodus girtyi simplex has been reported together with D. noduliferus in Nevada (Baese- mann and Lane, 1985). In our study section, G. g. girtyi and G. g. simplex occur relatively consistently in the lower 54.9m of the Wahoo Limestone, 1.1 m below the first occurrence of D. noduliferus japonicus (table 1). Neither subspecies has been recovered from the succeeding 10 m, but 4 and 5 In higher G. g. girtyi reappears together with G. b. bilineatus and Kladognathus spp. as well as other species (table 1). We believe that these typical Mississippian forms are redeposited. Significantly, Carlson (1987) reported channelization at this level about 1 km to the west. It is pos— sible that other Pennsylvanian occurrences of G. g. girtyi are also redeposited, as shown for the Granite Mountain, Utah section, by Wardlaw (1984). Gnathodus bilineams bollandensis has not been recognized in the study section and G. g. simplex does not occur in the noduliferus-primus Zone here. Thus, we cannot recognize the subdivisions of the noduliferus-primus Zone at the study section. Elsewhere in the northeast Brooks Range, G. g. simplex is a rare, possi— bly indigenous constituent of the noduliferus—primus Zone (app. 1, locs. 5b, lBle). Species that occur in the noduliferus-primus Zone in the study section include, in order of decreasing abundance, Cavusgnathus? tyttlms, Declinognatliodus noduliferus japonicus (Igo and Koike), Rhachistognathus muricalus, Hindeodus minutus, D. n. noduliferus (Ellison and Graves), Vogelgnathus postcampbelli, Idioprioniodus conjunctus (Gunnell)?, R. websteri, and Gnathodus girtyi subspp. tran- sitional to Declinognathodus spp. Rhachistognathus primus has not been identified in this zone in our section but has been found elsewhere in the zone in the northeast Brooks Range (app. 1, loc. 4B). Additional guides for the noduliferus—primus Zone in the northeast Brooks Range are Cavusgnathus? tytthus and Vogelgnathus postcampbelli with or above D. noduliferus (table 1). Cavusgnathus? [yt- thus extends to near the top of the zone, is common, and appears to occupy the habitat of Adetognathus lawns, which is notably absent in this zone in collections in the northeast Brooks Range; V. postcampbelli has a similar range but is rare in the study section. Only 1 km to the west, V. post- campbelli is relatively abundant (app. 1, loc. lBlg). Other species found in the zone in the northeast Brooks Range, but not in the study section, are G. girtyi simplex (app. 1, locs. 4B, 4A1d, 5a) and R. prolixus (app. 1, loc. 5a). Beds 56 to 84 m above the base of the Wahoo Lime- stone in the study section are representative of the noduliferus-primus Zone (table 1). The zone is recognized within the lower member of the formation in three other sections, as far west as Wahoo Lake. These are (1) the Sun- set Pass section (app. 1, locs. lBlb—g); (2) the Pogopuk Creek section (app. 1, locs. 5a, b), where the zone is thickest in the northeast Brooks Range (at least 80 m) and where the CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE, EASTERN SADLEROCHIT MOUNTAINS 15 highest sample in the zone contains Gnarhodus girtyi sim- plex suggesting a level presumably within the lower part of the zone; and (3) in the vicinity of the type section near Wahoo Lake (app. 1, locs. 4A1d, 4B). MINUTUS FAUNA Considerable controversy surrounds the time of origin of Rhachistognathus minutus. Baesemann and Lane (1985) proposed a phylogeny for rhachistognathids in which R. minutus evolved from R. muricatus some time after the appearance of R. primus and Declinognathodus noduliferus. Lane and others (1985b) noted that Higgins (1975) reported R. minutus below the first appearance of D. noduliferus in the Craven basin, northern England. In order to explain the succession of rhachistognathids in chiefly shallow-water carbonate rocks of North America, a hiatus was inferred in the Craven basin succession encompassing the interval of the North American unicornis, muricatus, noduliferus- primus, and most of the sinualus—minums Zones (Lane and others, 1985b). However, Riley and others (1987) demon- strated persuasively that R. minutus appears substantially later in North America than in northern England. Manger and Sutherland (1992) support the interpretation of Riley and others (1987) in their comprehensive summary of this controversy. We agree that the appearance of R. minutus in many areas of North America is a migration event, so that the lower boundary of the sinuams-minutus Zone (based on R. minutus) is diachronous from England to North America. Rhachistognathus minutus has a very short range in England but is relatively long ranging and widespread in the Cordillera of North America (including Alaska) where it is most abundant in high-energy, shallow-water deposits. According to Baesemann and Lane (1985), R. minums extends into at least the lower Atokan. We are introducing a minutus Fauna to identify the local range of Rhachistognathus minutus subspp. below the range of ldiognathodus spp. The lower boundary of this fauna undoubtedly varies within the northeast Brooks Range because its distribution is biofacies dependent. The sinuams—minutus Zone of Baesemann and Lane (1985) is not used because Idiognathoides sinuatus (as defined by Grayson and others, 1990) was found in only a single sam- ple high in the study section (table 1). Furthermore, the suc- ceeding symmetricus Zone (as used by Lane and Straka, 1974) cannot be recognized because of the apparent absence of the zonal indicator in the Brooks Range. In the western Canada sedimentary basin of the Canadian Cordil- lera, Higgins and others (1991) recognize a minutus Zone that includes the sinuams—minutus and symmetricus Zones of Baesemann and Lane (1985) because of the absence of Idiognathoides sinuams and Neognathodus symmetricus in their sections. The minutus Zone of western Canada con- tains diverse rhachistognathids and is probably equivalent to the lower part of our minums Fauna. Indeed, we recog— nize a lower subdivision of the minutus Fauna by the over— lapping ranges of R. minutus subspp. and R. websteri. In our section, R. websteri ranges slightly higher than R. murica- ms. Baesemann and Lane (1985) indicate that R. websteri does not occur above their symmetricus Zone in North America, and they show R. muricatus extending into the lower Atokan. According to J.F. Baesemann and HR. Lane (oral commun., 1992), R. muricams may be absent from the upper Morrowan part of the Wahoo Limestone and is rare in the post-Morrowan part. These late forms of the species are small and atypical of early R. muricatus. The only small rhachistognathids from the highest part of the Wahoo Lime- stone are juveniles of R. minutus that occur with adults of R. minutus subspp. (table 1, USGS colln. 30800—PC). In our section, the upper limit of the minutus Fauna is defined by the first appearance of Idiognathodus sp., 177 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (15 m above the disappearance of Rhachistognathus websteri; table 1). The upper 15 m of the minulus Fauna contains few conodonts; most samples have a few specimens each of Declinognatho— dus noduliferus subspp., R. minutus subspp., and Adeto- gnathus laurus. These upper 15 m may be equivalent to part of the Idiognathoa'us Fauna. Similarly, many other collec- tions from single-sample localities or partial sections in the northeast Brooks Range contain R. minums subspp. above or with D. noduliferus subspp. and (or) R. primus and lack R. muricatus, R. websteri, and idiognathodids. Such collec— tions have been assigned to the minums Fauna although, similar to the upper 15 m of the minutus Fauna in the study section, they could be equivalent to the Idiognathodus Fauna. For example, about 10 km north of Wahoo Lake, samples from the upper 132 m of the Wahoo Limestone contain R. minutus subspp., R. primus, D. n. noduliferus, adetognathids, and idioprioniodids and are assigned to the minums Fauna (app. 1, locs. 4C1a—c). In the northeast Brooks Range, the minutus Fauna is thickest (93 m) in the eastern Sadlerochit Mountains (table 1) and is at least 70 m thick at Katakturuk gorge, western Sadlerochit Mountains (app. 1, locs. 2a—g). The foraminifers Pseudostafiella sp. and Eoschuber- tella sp. first appear in the upper part of the minutus Fauna at 171 m and 175 m above the base of the Wahoo Lime- stone, respectively (P.L. Brenckle, written commun., 1991). These species are used to approximate the base of the Ato- kan in much of North America (Groves, 1986). Their first occurrence in Alaska relative to the Morrowan-Atokan boundary remains uncertain, and conodonts provide no additional control. LOWER MINUTUS FAUNA The lower subdivision of the minutus Fauna is defined by the local overlapping ranges of Rhachistognathus 16 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE muricams, R. websteri, and R. minutus subspp. below the range of Idiognathoa’us spp. (pl. 6). In the northeast Brooks Range, this fauna] interval contains the greatest diversity and abundance of rhachistognathids. Associated conodonts within the lower minutus Fauna in the study section include, in order of decreasing abundance. Rhachistognathus muri- cams, R. minutus minutus (Higgins and Bouckaert), Adeto- gnalhus lautus, R. m. havlenai Baesemann and Lane, R. websteri, Declinognathodus noduliferus nodulzferus, R. m. declinams Baesemann and Lane, A. spathus, D. n. japoni- cus, Idioprioniodus spp., Hindeoa'us minutus, Gnathodus defectus, and R. prolixus?. The interval contains a few spec- imens of Kladognathus spp. in one sample, which we con— sider redeposited. No additional species have been recognized within the lower minutus Fauna in our many collections from the northeast Brooks Range. R/iac/iistognathus websteri and R. muricatus do not occur above the lower minutus Fauna in the study section (table 1). Rhachistognathids generally maintain their domi- nance higher in the section, but with reduced diversity; R. m. declinatus is the most abundant rhachistognathid above the lower minulus Fauna. The lower minutus Fauna is likely Morrowan in age because the foraminiferan guides to the base of the Atokan occur in the upper part of the minutus Fauna. The lower minutus Fauna roughly correlates with the sinuams-minutus to symmetricus Zones of Baesemann and Lane (1985; fig. 7, this report). Rhachistognathus minums appears 84 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (14 m above the base of the upper member) and R. websleri disappears 78 in higher in the study section (table 1). At Katakturuk River gorge, in the western Sadlerochit Mountains (fig. 2, 10c. 2), at least 34.5 m of the Wahoo Limestone contain the lower minutus Fauna (app. 1, locs. 2a—d). The fauna is also present in a 43.5—m-thick interval in the lower member of the formation at Pogopuk Creek (app. 1, locs. 5c—e) and in a single sample from the upper member in the Clarence River area (app. 1, loc. 10A11‘). IDIOGNA T HODUS FAUNA This fauna is characterized chiefly by the association of ldiognathodus spp., Rhachistognathus minums subspp., and Adetognathus lautus; the first appearance of Idiognathodus spp. in the Wahoo Limestone marks its lower boundary. The upper boundary cannot be defined biostrati- graphically but is placed at the unconformity that separates the Wahoo Limestone from the overlying Echooka Forma- tion (Permian). The lower boundary could be as old as the sinuosus Zone (late Morrowan) of Baesemann and Lane (1985) or as young as early Atokan. At least half the idiog- nathodids in our collections from the northeast Brooks Range cannot be determined to species because of poor preservation. Many of the rocks that produce abundant Idiognathodus are high-energy oolitic to skeletal grain- stones resulting in incomplete and moderately to extremely abraded specimens. Most of the better preserved specimens are assigned to I. sinuosus Ellison and Graves following the species concept of Grayson and others (1989; 1990). This species ranges from the base of the sinuosus Zone (upper Morrowan) to at least the Upper Pennsylvanian; it ranges from 187 to 243 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone in our section (table 1) and above the lowest occurrence of Pseudostaflella sp. (fig. 7). If the latter approximates the base of the Atokan in Alaska, then the first occurrence of I. sinuosus (16 m higher in the study section) is in the early Atokan and considerably later than its debut in the type Morrowan in Arkansas. Two specimens from 246 to 250 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone are assigned to I. incurvus Dunn? sensu Grayson and others (1989) (table 1). ldiognathodus incurvus is restricted to the Atokan and lower Desmoinesian (Grayson and others, 1989); there— fore, the upper 16 m of the Idiognathoa’us Fauna in the study section is probably no older than Atokan. In addition, R. minutus subspp., identified in samples from the upper— most part of the Wahoo Limestone, is not known to extend above the lower Atokan (Baesemann and Lane, 1985). Therefore, the top of the Idiognathodus Fauna in our section is considered no younger than early Atokan in age. Conodonts that occur in the [diagnathodus Fauna in the study section include, in order of decreasing abundance, Rhachistognathus minutus declinatus, Declinognaz‘hodus noduliferus noduliferus, Idiognathodus sinuosus, Adeto— gnathus laumr, D. n. japom'cus, R. m. havlenai, R. m. minu— tus, A. spathus, Idioprioniodus spp., Hindeodus minutus, Idiognathoides sinuatus (Harris and Hollingsworth), Idio- gnathodus imam/145?, Diplognalhoa’us? ellesmerensis?, and Neognathodus? sp. indet. Taken together, our many collec- tions from the Idiognathodus Fauna from elsewhere in the northeast Brooks Range have fewer species than the study section (see app. 1). The ldiognathadus Fauna is widespread in the upper— most part of the Wahoo Limestone across the northeast Brooks Range, from the Philip Smith Mountains to the Yukon (fig. 1). Some of the localities (see app. 1) that pro- duced this fauna include [samples are from the upper l m of the Wahoo Limestone, except as noted] (1) northwestern Philip Smith Mountains (locs. 3A, B), (2) 4.5 m below the top of the Wahoo Limestone near its type section, Philip Smith Mountains (loc. 4D), (3) Pogopuk Creek, Franklin Mountains (loc. 5f), (4) central Fourth Range (100. 7b), (5) central Shublik Mountains (10c. 8), (6) 6—m—thick interval in upper part of the Wahoo Limestone (locs. 2h, i) and the uppermost (loc. 2j) beds, Katakturuk River gorge, western Sadlerochit Mountains, (7) eastern Sadlerochit Mountains (10c. 1C), (8) central Romanzof Mountains (loc. 9A), (9) upper 45 m of the Wahoo Limestone, Clarence River, north— ern British Mountains, Alaska (locs. 10A1g, h), and (10) near the top of Wahoo Limestone, northern British Moun- THE MID-CARBONIFEROUS BOUNDARY 17 tains, Alaska—Yukon border (loc. 10B; figs. 1, 2). The Idio— gnathodus Fauna may extend lower at localities that repre— sent single collections THE MID-CARBONIFEROUS BOUNDARY—AN APPROXIMATION OF THE MISSISSIPPIAN- PENNSYLVANIAN BOUNDARY BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC CRITERIA Three major fossil groups, ammonoids, foraminifers, and conodonts, have been used for zoning the Carbonifer- ous and as guides to the mid-Carboniferous boundary (Sutherland and Manger, 1984b; Manger and Sutherland, 1992). In 1983, the Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy (SCCS) approved several recommendations regarding the various biostratigraphic criteria for establish- ing an international mid-Carboniferous boundary (Lane and Manger, 1985). These include— (1) The transition between the Eumorphoceras and Homoceras ammonoid zones. Homoceras, however, is geographically restricted and not useful for global cor- relations. (2) The first appearance of the conodont Declinagnarhodus noduliferus, preferably together with its ancestor Gna- thodus girtyi simplex. Secondary guides to the boundary include the first appearance of the conodonts Adetognarhus lautus, Rhachis- tognathus primus, and R. minutus and the foraminifers Globivalvulina sp. D of Brenckle (=G. moderata = G. bulloia'es; P.L. Brenckle, oral commun, 1991), Millerella pressa Thompson, and M. marblensis Thompson. These recommendations are not yet ratified because a stratotype has not been selected. Nevertheless, the recom- mendations of the SCCS are useful for defining the mid—Carboniferous boundary in marine successions (Lane and others, 1985b; Riley and others, 1987) and are followed here. The fauna] succession across the mid-Carboniferous boundary in North America and elsewhere has been exten— sively documented (for example, Ziegler and Lane, 1985; Brenckle and Manger, 1990; Sutherland and Manger, 1992). The lithofacies and conodont succession in our section are most like those described from Nevada, Utah, and Montana (Wardlaw, 1984; Baesemann and Lane, 1985; Davis and Webster, 1985; Morrow and Webster, 1991, 1992). These studies, however, indicate significant inconsistencies in conodont distribution and possible misinterpretations of depositional continuity that affect zonal schemes. For example, in the Arrow Canyon section, Nevada, Baesemann and Lane (1985) place the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary at the simultaneous first occurrence of Declina- gnathoa'us noduliferus, Rhachistognathus primus, and R. websteri immediately above beds containing Adetognat/ms laums, R. muricams, and Gnathodus girtyi simplex. Gna- tlzodus girtyi simplex occurs in 10 samples taken through a 6-m-thick interval above the boundary (Baesemann and Lane, 1985, fig. 2). Thus, beds representing the Upper muri- cams Subzone are overlain by beds representing the Lower noduliferus-primus Zone. Their lithic column shows a 2—m‘thick elastic—rich interval less than 1 m above the boundary that occurs in a limestone. According to field observations made by K.F. Watts in 1989, the systemic boundary lies at a lithic change from crinoidal packstone-grainstone to packstone having a greenish matrix and sand-filled burrows in its uppermost part. The elastic interval less than 1 m above the boundary contains a variety of lithologies including mixed-pebble conglomerate in a carbonate and lesser quartz sand matrix and flat-pebble con— glomerate. These features suggest a change in depositional regime, possibly beginning at the boundary but certainly occurring less than 1 m above it. The first appearance of Declinognathodus and new species of Rhachistognathus may be a migration event related to Changing environmental factors associated with the lithic changes. Conodont collec- tions made by ER. Wardlaw and RC. Stamm (U.S. Geo- logical Survey, unpub. data), at 0.5—m intervals from 14.5 m below to 2 m above the boundary as designated by Baese— mann and Lane (1985) reveal additional problems. In these collections, R. primus is limited to one sample 4 m below the only sample containing D. noduliferus (taken at the sys- temic boundary). Thus, in Arrow Canyon, R. primus appears before, rather than together with, D. noduliferus. At Granite Mountain, Utah, Morrow and Webster (1992) report the appearance of Rhachistogriathus primus 9 m below the first Declinognathodus noduliferus. They place the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary at the first occurrence of D. noduliferiis on the basis of comparisons to other localities where R. primus occurs below D. nodu- liferus. We agree with Morrow and Webster (1991) that the rarity of D. noduliferus and gnathodids at Granite Mountain is biofacies related and that the first appearance of D. nodu- liferus is a migration event. We do not, however, agree with their placement of the primus Zone interval in the Missis— sippian (Morrow and Webster, 1992), as it couldjust as well be partly or entirely Pennsylvanian in age. As documented above, our own and published data suggest Rhachistognathus primus evolved shortly before Declinognathodus nodulifems. Rhachistognathus primus is relatively rare in the northeast Brooks Range. Only one col~ lection contains R. primus not constrained by D. nodu— liferus; it is assigned to the nodulifems-primus Zone (app. 1, 10c. 4B) The ancestry of Declinognathodus nodulifems, the micropaleontologic guide to the base of the Pennsylvanian, remains controversial with conflicting evidence indicating ancestry from either Gnarhodus girtyi simplex or G. bilinea- tus. Grayson and others (1985b), Grayson and others 18 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE (1990), and Grayson (1990) consider G. bilineatus ancestral to D. noduliferus on the basis of apparatus comparisons. Indeed, examination of chiefly Pa elements from a proposed mid—Carboniferous stratotype section in middle Asia strongly supports the G. bilinearus ancestry (Nigmadganov and Nemirovskaya, 1992a, 1992b; Nemirovskaya and Nigmadganov, 1994). Our data, however, are equally con- vincing for a G. g. simplex ancestry (see below). The con- troversy concerning the ancestry of D. noduliferus may be the result of homeomorphy. Pa elements documenting the evolution of G. bilineams bollandensis to G. postbilineatus to D. praenoduliferus and, finally, to D. noduliferus nodu— liferus (Nigmadganov and Nemirovskaya, 1992a; Nemirovskaya and Nigmadganov, 1994) are just as con- vincing as those documenting the evolution of G. girtyi sim- plex to D. n. japonicus and (or) D. n. noduliferus (Dunn, 1970b; this report). It may be that the Pa elements presently recognized as those of D. nodulzferus are polyphyletic. Presently, the leading candidate section for the mid- Carboniferous boundary stratotype is in Arrow Canyon, Nev. (Baesemann and Lane, 1985). The first appearance of Declinognathodus noduliferus inaequalis, D. n. japonicus, or D. n. noduliferus in the section marks the mid- Carboniferous boundary and will be used to mark the base of the Pennsylvanian System. CONODONT-BASED BOUNDARY IN THE EASTERN SADLEROCHIT MOUNTAINS Gnathodus girtyi simplex transitional to Declinogna- thodus noduliferusjaponicus first appears at 53 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (table 1). Additional speci- mens were found at 54.9 m above the base of the formation, immediately below a reddish-brown and gray chert-bearing peloidal spiculitic wackestone interval (fig. 6). Declinogna— thodus nodulifems japom'cus first appears immediately above the chert-bearing interval, at 56 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (table 1). The mid—Carboniferous boundary may be no higher than 55 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone and below the chert-bearing interval at the study section because 1 km to the west (app. 1, locs. lBla—g) D. n. japonicus is common in a 1.5-m interval below a reddish-brown and gray chert-bearing peloidal spi- culitic wackestone. The chert-bearing interval can be traced between the two localities. Collections from within it con— tain similar conodont faunules (app. 1, loc. lBlf; table 1, USGS colln. 31699—PC). Its base is a discontinuity and has a relief of at least 1 m. It may be that the 1.5-m interval con- taining D. n. japonicus below the discontinuity to the west was cut out at the study section. Other, less diagnostic guides to the mid-Carboniferous boundary are either rare or absent in the boundary interval. Adetognalhus [autus does not occur in this interval for envi- ronmental reasons but does occur 121 m below it (app. 1, loc. lAlb) and 28 m above it (table 1), and Rhachisto- gnatlms primus has not been recognized. Additional guides include the last appearance of Cavusgnathus spp. at 3 m below the boundary and the continuation of C? tytthus and Vogelgnathus postcampbelli to 20.5 m above the boundary. A few representatives of species believed to be restricted to the Mississippian occur sporadically above the boundary; these are shown in table 1 as redeposited. FORAMINIFERAN-BASED BOUNDARY IN THE EASTERN SADLEROCHIT MOUNTAINS The Mamet and Skipp (1970) foraminiferan zonation has been used extensively to correlate the Lisburne Group in northern Alaska (for example, Armstrong and others, 1970, Armstrong and Mamet, 1975. 1977; Dutro, 1987). Mamet and Skipp (1970) and subsequent publications by Mamet and his co-workers place the mid—Carboniferous (Mississippian—Pennsylvanian) boundary coincident with the boundary between foraminiferan Zones 19 and 20. The base of Zone 20 is defined by the appearance of the Lipinella—Millerella sensu stricto assemblage (Armstrong and others, 1970). Later, Mamet (1975) amended Zone 20 to include the first diaphanotheca—bearing Globivalvulina. Studies in the eastern Sadlerochit Mountains show inconsistencies in lithostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic boundaries with the foraminiferan zonation (fig. 8). Arm- strong’s (1972) boundary between the Alapah Limestone Figure 8. Comparison of lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, » and time-rock boundaries between study section and the nearby Sunset Pass section analyzed in previous reports. Prior to Carl— son (1987; column 4), all interpretations for the Sunset Pass sec- tion (fig. 2, loc. 1B) were based on one composite section (Armstrong and others, 1970, sections 68A—4A, 4B); Carlson’s section is along the same traverse. The Alapah Limestone— Wahoo Limestone boundary is at the same stratigraphic level in columns 2, 4, and 5 but differs from that in columns 1 and 3. Foraminiferan zonal boundaries in columns 1—4 were deter- mined by B.L. Mamet; foraminiferan data for column 5 are from FL. Brenckle (b: written commun, 1991) and Sylvie Pinard (p; written commun, 1991). In column 5, the first occurrence of the diagnostic foraminifer that approximates the base of the Penn- sylvanian, Globivalvulina bulloides, is at least 13 m below the first Declinognathodus noduliferus. PL. Brenckle (written com— mun., 1991) also noted the last occurrence of Brenckleina mg— osa well above its known range in the conterminous United States (at or very slightly above the base of the Pennsylvanian). See figure 6 and table 1 for specific information on the Mississippian—Pennsylvanian boundary. The Morrowan-Atokan boundary is poorly constrained by conodonts. Pseudostaffella sp. is used to approximate this boundary in the Midcontinent and Cordillera of the conterminous United States (Lane and Manger, 1985; Groves. 1986). In the study section, it appears 14 in above the lowest occurrence of its plectostaffellid ancestor and 75 m below the first definitive Atokan conodont. NML. “No Man’s Land” as used by BL. Mamet in Carlson (1987) and Gruzlovic (1991). Study section THE MID-CARBONIFEROUS BOUNDARY Carlson, 1987 Armstrong and Mamet, 1975; Mamet and Armstrong, 1984 Armstrong, 1972, 1974; Wood and Armstrong, 1975 1970; Armstrong and Mamet, 1977 Armstrong and others, O O O O O THICKNESS g 8 LD 9 m 0 (METERS) I I ‘l— I I 5 U) m S——> g 1, 8(— E S i a, 35 $3 S $ E 8E", 89? .gg U)& w-D V q; 93; A: m .— g ‘1) E C (U O- x. oz is E E9 88 SSE w 8 «n -%2 33 § 5% § § $3 “ESE E g ‘05) E a (I Lu m: :L .. A A s“ 213 o. 9 ‘0 ca 50 0:.) O 3 g a O .Q U B E E3 g '2 LL U: ‘— v _r V 2 O U) L VJ '_ (G L C (I) L- (U 'C C m SSS 8.323 2% 5% Es S 256.." g8 _‘:”,g .9:ng 85:3 33 8 23 E E are: 3E0 3mg? Sig OE E 58 E 1:9 Q-‘SB $€fi$ $23 $2 ._ gawg, ‘oE 3:: Dzhmgc-E oS S SS SS Ew SWS 6&9 l ‘2 ”x euned S‘anILu c: . I Hagwaw JeqLueLu Jaddn Jaqwaul Jamar euotsewn /NO|J.VWHO:i euotsewn ooueM lJBCIIEIV SEIHEIS “myLuugnglgofigvgugggn ueMOJJow' {1211913qu WELSAS NVINVA—IASNNEd NVIddISSISSIW & 8 I "‘ O O 4 O) I O) (D EINOZ N N N z V“ v '- HEIEIWEIW JGQUJSUJ Jaddn mowewaomm; QUOISSLUH L|€CI€|V mouvwaos euo1seu1r| OOHQM >_ ‘_ SEIIHES uexotv uemouow " ' UBUGlSGLtO WELSAS NVINVA'IASNNEld " NVIddISSISSIW ‘— O (\I ,_ o ‘0 3NOZ N N 9 NOLLVWHOd euolsewn ooqu euotsewn qedew SSIHES uexotv uemouow ueuetseqo WELSAS NVINVA‘IASNNEId NVIddISSISSIW ‘— O N (\I aNoz N 8 § NOILVWHOd 9U0189LUI'] ooqu 9U0139wl1 l49d‘5’l‘v’ SEIIHEIS uexolv ueMOJJow ueue1seq0 WEILSAS NVINVA'IASNNEId NVIcchISSISSIW v- C (\I N '— O <0 mm N N 9 NOILVWHOA euolsaLun ooqu euo1seu1n qedeIV SEIIHEIS UBMOlv U'QMOJJOW UBIJGISSLIQ WEILSAS NVINVA‘IASNNEJd NVIddISSISSIW | I I I (saataw) SSEINMOIHL 8 8 8 8 8 L0 V (0 N v- 20 CONODONT BlOSTRATlGRAPHY AND BlOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE and Wahoo Limestone and his systemic boundary are simi— lar to our results; however, Armstrong and Mamet (1975, 1977) subsequently changed the position of both boundaries (fig. 8). Most of the reports cited in figure 8 use the original section measurements and thin sections that were first used by Armstrong and others (1970). Carlson’s (1987) section is at or immediately adjacent to Armstrong’s original section but was sampled in more detail. Analysis of Carlson’s sam— ples by Mamet (in Carlson, 1987) produced results different than those in previous reports. The reasons for changing lithostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic boundaries, how- ever, were not explained. It is likely that biostratigraphic criteria changed, and the formation boundary was moved to approximate the systemic boundary. In the northeast Brooks Range, Mamet and Armstrong (1984, p. 435) recognized an “...undetermined interval between Zones 19 and 20 [which] represents a very small amount of the sedimentation column but is a stratigraphic break lacking any characteristic paleontologic association.” Mamet called this interval “No Man’s Land” or NML (in Carlson, 1987; in Gruzlovic, 1991; this report, fig. 8). According to Mamet (in Clough and Bakke, 1986; in Carl- son, 1987), the NML interval is correlative with the Mississippian—Pennsylvanian regional unconformity of the Midcontinent of North America. Because foraminifers have been the principal fossils used for correlating the Lisburne Group, we were eager to tie our conodont biostratigraphy t0 Mamet’s foraminiferan zonation. Unfortunately, the original Sunset Pass section was not logistically suitable for conodont sampling, but our study section, 1 km to the east, is close enough to assure lithologic correlation and thus permit comparison of con— odont and foraminiferan data. Microlithofacies samples were taken every 2 m or less to coincide with conodont samples and lithologic changes and were also used for fora— miniferan analyses. The conodont-based Mississippian— Pennsylvanian boundary generally does not agree with the boundary determined by foraminifers. Figure 8 shows the conodont—based boundary at about the same stratigraphic level as given in columns I and 2, but about 25 In higher than in column 3, and about 17 m lower than in column 4 (see fig. 8 caption for details). If the first appearance of the foraminifer Globivalvulina bulloia’es is used as a guide to the base of the Pennsylvanian in our section, the mid- Carboniferous boundary would be 13 m lower than the conodont—based boundary but would still not match other levels determined by Mamet using his own zonation (fora- miniferan analysis by PL. Brenckle, Amoco Production Company, written commun., 1991). Sylvie Pinard (Geologi- cal Survey of Canada) analyzed the foraminifers (written commun., 1991) in the same thin sections as those exam- ined by PL. Brenckle and placed the boundary 9 m higher than his determination (fig. 8; 4 m below the conodont- based boundary). The last appearance of the foraminifer Brenckleina rugosa may be an additional guide to the mid— Carboniferous boundary in the Cordillera of the contermi— nous United States where the species disappears at, or slightly above, the base of the Pennsylvanian and before the first occurrence of Globivalvulina (Brenckle and others, 1982). At the study section (fig. 8), however, 8. rugosa extends at least 25 m above the first appearance of D. nodu— lifems and 38 m above the first Globivalvulina (PL. Brenckle, written commun., 1991). It is obvious that taxonomic interpretations, biostrati- graphic models, and paleobiogeography, as well as spacing and selection of foraminifer and conodont samples, control boundary placements. As taxonomic interpretations stabi- lize and global biostratigraphic data increase for both fora— minifers and conodonts, correlations should improve the usefulness these groups separately and in concert. MORROWAN-ATOKAN BOUNDARY The foraminiferan zonation of Mamet and Skipp (1970) has been used extensively to correlate the Lisburne Group and to approximate the position of the standard North American Midcontinent series boundaries within it. Armstrong and Mamet (1977, p. 18) place the base of the Atokan Series at the boundary between foraminiferan Zones 20 and 21. They define the base of Zone 21 as the “outburst of abundant Eoschubertella, Pseudostafiella, and Globivalvulina of the group G. bulloides.” Groves (1986) also uses Eoschubertella and (or) Pseudostaflella to define the base of the Atokan in the southern Midcontinent and Cordillera of the conterminous United States and to approx— imate this boundary in northeast Alaska. Sutherland and Manger (1984b) recommended that the base of the Atokan Series in the southern Midcontinent be marked by the appearance of the foraminifer Eoschubertella spp. and the conodont Diplognathodus spp. Diplognathodus? was found in only one sample in our section (pl. 5, figs. 18, 19; pl. 6; table 1) and is rare in the Lisburne Group in northern Alaska. Moreover, the proposal to use Diplognathoa’us as a guide to the base of the Atokan preceded the recognition of Morrowan diplognathodids (von Bitter and Merrill, 1990). For now, Diplognathodus? orphanus appears to be the only known diplognathodid restricted to the Atokan. Consequently, other conodonts or groups are needed to identify rocks of Atokan age. Grayson (1990) and Whiteside and Grayson (1990), in their revision of Idiognathodus sinuosus, I. klapperi, and I. incurvus, sug— gest that the appearance of I. incurvus indicates an Atokan or slightly younger Pennsylvanian age in the southern Mid- continent, including the type area of the Atokan. Addition- ally, ]. incurvus probably overlaps the upper range of its ancestor I. klapperi within the lower Atokan (Grayson and others, 1989). We were unable to confirm the phylogeny CONODONT BIOFACIES 21 proposed by Grayson and his co-workers. Nearly all of the idiognathodids recovered from our section are either too poorly preserved for specific identification or are represen— tatives of the long—ranging species, I. sinuosus. Two speci— mens of I, incurvus? were identified. The first appearance of I. sinuosus in the study section is probably unrelated to its origin and could represent any level within the lower part of its stratigraphic range. The occurrence of I. incurvus? with Rhachistognathus minutus subspp. suggests an age no younger than early Atokan for the uppermost part of the Wahoo Limestone in the study section. Foraminiferan data suggest that the first appearance of ldiognalhoa’us sirmosus in the study section is within the Atokan (figs. 7, 8). The foraminiferan guides to the Atokan, Pseudostaflella and Eoschubertella, first appear 16 m and 12 m, respectively, below I. sinuosus (171 and 175 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone, P.L. Brenckle, written commun., 1991). Furthermore, Plectostaffella, the ancestor of Pseudostafi‘ella, first appears 14 m below its descendant (157 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone) and contin- ues to 183 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone. Plec- tostaflella is unknown in North America except from northern Alaska (Groves, 1986, 1988). The sudden appear- ance of its descendant, Pseudostaffella, at the base of the Atokan in the North American Midcontinent indicates its migration from the Eurasian-Arctic Faunal Realm to the Midcontinent-Andean Faunal Realm (Groves, 1988). Thus, Pseudostaflella probably is not a reliable guide to the base of the Atokan in northern Alaska. The base of the Atokan could lie at some level between the first appearance of Pseudostaflella and I. incurvus?. Figures 7 and 8 show the relative position of the lower boundary of the Atokan on the basis of conodonts versus foraminifers. A third fossil group may be needed to distinguish evolutionary from migratory patterns in foraminifers and conodonts. CONODONT BIOFACIES The distribution of conodonts was chiefly controlled by the physical and chemical characteristics of the water mass and its trophic resources and, on a grander scale, by paleogeography. These factors influence biostratigraphic analyses because most zonation is based on first appear- ances. Thus, the presence or absence of a species is not only related to evolution but also to a wide range of paleogeo— graphic, paleoenvironmental, and postmortem factors (Mer- rill and von Bitter, 1976; Rexroad and Horowitz, 1990; Pohler and Barnes, 1990). Studies that are useful for conodont biofacies analysis of the Wahoo Limestone include Webster (1969), Merrill (1973a), Merrill and Martin (1976), Merrill and von Bitter (1976, 1979, 1984), Driese and others (1984), Davis and Webster (1985), Wilson (1985), Sweet (1988), Rexroad and Horowitz (1990), and Morrow and Webster (1991, 1992). Of these, Davis and Webster (1985) and Morrow and Web- ster (1991, 1992) best approximate the age, paleoenviron— mental conditions, and species associations found in the Wahoo Limestone. Davis and Webster (1985) proposed four conodont biofacies for middle Carboniferous, shallow- water, carbonate-shelf deposits in central Montana: Declinognathodus-Idiognath0ides, Rhachistognathus, Adetognathus, and Neognathodus biofacies. Morrow and Webster (1991) recognized only the Rhachistognathus and Adetognathus biofacies in offshore barrier—shoal and nearshore-lagoon environments through the mid- Carboniferous boundary interval in the Ely Limestone of west-central Utah. All but the Neognathoa’us biofacies have been recognized, with some modifications, in the Wahoo Limestone. According to Davis and Webster (1985), the Declinognathodus-Idi0gnath0ides biofacies (2 Idiognathodus-Strept0gnath0a’us biofacies of Merrill, 1973a, and Merrill and von Bitter, 1976, 1979) represents an offshore, shallow, open-marine environment. The Rha- chistognathus biofacies represents a higher energy regime that is associated with shoals transitional between the open- platform and open-marine environments (see fig. 10C). The Adetognathus biofacies (2 Cavusgnathus biofacies of Mer- rill and von Bitter, 1976, 1979) occupies the open- to restricted-platform area behind a shoal, an area of variable salinities represented by a variety of lithologies. Like Morrow and Webster (1991, 1992), we relied on regional stratigraphic relationships, field observations, such as stratigraphic sequence and bedding characteristics, and, most heavily, on microlithofacies to confirm and constrain conodont paleoenvironmental interpretations. CONODONT BIOFACIES AND ASSOCIATED MICROLITHOFACIES, WAHOO LIMESTONE, EASTERN SADLEROCHIT MOUNTAINS Conodont biofacies and depositional environments of the Wahoo Limestone in the eastern Sadlerochit Mountains are intermediate between those presented by Davis and Webster (1985) and Morrow and Webster (1991, 1992) for sections in Montana and Utah. Rhachistognathus and Adetognathus, however, are distributed across a wider range of depositional environments in the Wahoo Limestone. This probably resulted from hydraulic mixing of conodont ele- ments from adjacent environments during periodic high- energy conditions on the Wahoo carbonate platform. The predominance of grainstone (65 percent, including oolitic grainstone) in the Wahoo indicates deposition on the shal- low inner part of a carbonate ramp. Lacking reefal barriers, carbonate ramps are particularly susceptible to reworking and redistribution of sediment by waves and storm surges (Oslenger, 1991). Conodont elements in our section are commonly abraded, further evidence of hydraulic transport. 22 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE Our data are from 72 samples. Initially, samples were collected at about S—m intervals. Subsequently, intervals containing important biostratigraphic boundaries and (or) few conodonts were resampled at closer spacing. Because the main focus of this study was biostratigraphic, some lithologies, representing environments unfavorable for con- odonts, were avoided. For example, rocks representing restricted—marine and oolitic and oncolitic shoal environ~ ments were not sampled initially. After preliminary bios— tratigraphic analysis, however, even rocks known or inferred to be unfavorable for conodont recovery were col- lected near lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic bound- aries. None of these samples were devoid of conodonts, but predictably, they produced few if any biostratigraphically significant species and, even worse, too few for biofacies analysis (for example, tables 1 and 2; 62—808 m and 167— 182 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone). Conse— quently, 26 samples could not be used for biofacies analysis. Ten of these contain common to abundant peloids and (or) spicules, and another 12 contain common to abundant ooids, superficial ooids, and (or) oncoids. Five samples that contain common but not abundant ooids, superficial ooids, and (or) oncoids did qualify for biofacies analysis. The pos- itive aspect of these largely negative results is that most of our prejudices about “offensive” rock types were rein- forced, but, in a few cases, we learned not to suggest depo- sitional environments using minimal conodont data (see table 2, samples not qualifying for biofacies analysis). Only generically identifiable conodonts, including all apparatus elements, were used for biofacies analysis. Sam— ples with fewer than 20 elements identifiable to genus and genera represented by less than 5 elements were not used for analysis. Cavusgnathus? tytthus, listed separately on table 2, is combined with cavusgnathids in Mississippian collections and adetognathids in Pennsylvanian collections. Following Ziegler and Sandberg (1990), conodont biofacies are designated using the name of one or two generic compo- nents that make up about 70 percent of the fauna. If the two most abundant genera do not reach this percentage, the con- odont association is, with some exceptions, considered the result of postmortem hydraulic transport, bioturbation, and (or) unfortunate sampling. Although most of the samples analyzed show evidence of some hydraulic transport and mixing, those dominated by one or two genera are inter- preted to represent a living association or an association derived from laterally adjacent environments. For the most part, biofacies are closely related to spe— cific paleoenvironments. In some instances, however, the associated biota and (or) degree of abrasion of conodonts and grain types influenced environmental interpretations (table 2). Biofacies and microlithofacies environmental analyses agree in general but may differ in some details. Paleoenvironments (fig. 9) were interpreted from regional and local and vertical and lateral stratigraphic rela- tionships, bedding characteristics, sedimentary structures, carbonate lithology (megascopic and microscopic textural classification of Dunham, 1962), carbonate grain types, and fossil assemblages. The data set for this study is given in tables 1 and 2 and plate 6. MISSISSIPPIAN PART OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE Regional relationships suggest that the Mississippian part of the lower member of the Wahoo Limestone was deposited in a predominantly open-platform to open-marine setting. Three major environments were sampled in this part of the section: (1) near—restricted open platform4 to open platform, (2) moderate- to high-energy (above wave base) open marine, and (3) low-energy (below wave base) open marine. The general characteristics and paleogeographic setting of each are given in figure 9. CAVUSGNATHID BIOFACIES NEAR-RESTRICTED TO OPEN-PLATFORM ENVIRONMENTS Six collections from the Mississippian part of the lower member of the Wahoo Limestone represent the cavus- gnathid biofacies. The samples are from moderate— to well-sorted bryozoan grainstone, commonly containing fenestrate bryozoans and fewer pelmatozoans. Minor to rare grains include peloids, intraclasts, and bioclasts of algae, foraminifers, brachiopods, gastropods, and trilobites (table 2). Macrofossils, which are typically incomplete, occur as abraded and commonly micritized bioclasts. Beds are generally massive, bioturbated and, where preserved, parallel bedded. Grainstones are better washed and slightly coarser grained than those in the adjacent, lower energy cavusgnathid-kladognathid biofacies. A seventh collection qualified for biofacies analysis (table 1, USGS colln. 31698—PC) but could not be included here because no microlithofacies sample was saved. Conodonts are rare (600°C as a result of loss of carbon and water of crystallization and recrystallization. Conodonts altered during burial metamorphism have consistent CAI values, locally and regionally, that reflect depth and duration of burial; textural alteration related to burial thermal regimes does not generally begin until a CAI of 4.5 or greater. In contrast, conodonts recovered from contact-metamorphosed or hydrothermally altered rocks have a range of CAI values locally within an area and even within a single sample; these can be texturally unaltered to corroded and may be fractured or deformed. If a range of CA1 values occurs in a small area, the minimum value is used to estimate the regional background (burial metamor- phic) temperature (Rejebian and others, 1987). Signifi- cantly, CAI values of 6 and 7 can also be produced by relatively low—temperature saline solutions. These solutions corrode conodonts and oxidize their organic matter thereby producing CAI values of 6 and 7 that are unrelated to the thermal regimes that can also produce these values during burial and contact metamorphism (Rejebian and others, 1987; Harris and others, 1990). Characteristically, con- odonts from hydrothermally altered rocks tend to have low to medium CAI values mixed with values of 6 and 7; CAI values of 5, 5.5, and 8 are generally absent. CAI values in Ordovician through Permian rocks in the Sadlerochit Mountains range chiefly from 3 to 4 (Johns- son and others, 1992) suggesting that regional burial tem- peratures reached at least 150° to 200°C. None of the samples reported by them have CAI values greater than 4.5. Nine samples from a 102-m-thick section in the upper part of the Wahoo Limestone at Katakturuk River gorge (fig. 2, loc. 2), about 40 km west of the study section, produced conodonts having consistent CAI values of 3 to 3.5 (app. 1, locs. 2a—j). In the study section, 71 of 73 samples could be ana- lyzed for CAI; two samples contain conodonts that were too few and (or) small for CAI analysis (table 1). CAI values of 3 to 4.5 and 6 were determined; no CAI values of 5 were observed. Most samples (96 percent) contain conodonts of CAI 4, but half of these have a mixture of CAI values (chiefly 4 and 6, rarely 3, and very rarely 3.5 and 4.5). In addition, most conodonts have a sugary and (or) corroded texture (many are coated with dolomite crystals; pl. 5, figs. 18, 19). The range of CA1 values and textures suggest hydrothermal alteration of the Wahoo Limestone. A section 1 km west of the study section (fig. 2, loc. 1B1b—e), pro- duced CAIs of 4 and 6 in four samples taken immediately above the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary. What caused the anomalously “high” CAI 6 values in the study area? Nearly 50 percent of the samples produced some conodonts having a CAI of 6. About 60 percent of the anomalous samples are from grainstone or packstone- grainstone and another 30 percent are from a variety of dolomitized carbonate rocks. These data suggest positive correlation between anomalous CAI and rock porosity and permeability. However, not all grainstones or dolomitized carbonate rocks produced conodonts having anomalous CAIs. Some of the variability in CA1 values could be related to occlusion of porosity and permeability by cements that formed prior to deposition of the Permian Echooka Formation (Watts, 1991). To date, the carbonate— cement stratigraphy of the study section has not been ana- lyzed. Carlson (1990) and Watts (1991), however, partly analyzed the carbonate-cement stratigraphy of a section 3 km to the southwest (fig. 2, loc. 1C) and found that most of the cements in the Wahoo Limestone formed prior to depo— sition of the Echooka Formation. But, post-Permian cements do form 20 to 80 percent of the cement in the low- ermost 35 m of the Wahoo Limestone. Some of this porosity may have still been open for fluid migration during orogen- esis. The anomalous CAI values, at least in the lower mem- ber at the study section, may have formed prior to or concurrently with these late-stage cements, but other inter— vals of anomalous CAIs may be related to still other factors. For example, fracture porosity (related to Late Cretaceous to Holocene regional orogenesis; Wallace and Hanks, 1990) undoubtedly influenced hydrothermal circulation patterns. Two intervals in our section lack conodonts having anomalous CAIs: (1) an interval from 69 to 97 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone that approximates the quartz- rich lower part of the upper member of the formation and (2) a lO—m-thick interval at the top of the upper member containing a higher than average percentage of undolo- mitized spiculitic mudstone and wackestone. These data suggest a negative correlation between anomalously high CAI values and mixed mineralogy or poorly washed 32 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE deposits; such rock types tend to have low porosity and per- meability. Much of the above data suggest that the anoma- lous CAI values of 6 were produced by hydrothermal solutions (probably low-temperature saline solutions) mov— ing through relatively permeable channelways and possibly elevating CAIs no more than one index value (from 3 to 3.5 or 4), as well as corroding and bleaching some specimens to produce CAIs of 6. Additional samples from the uppermost part of the Alapah Limestone at the study section are severely bleached and corroded and approximate a CAI of 7, suggesting increased alteration at this level. Watts (1990) also noted that porous dolostones and spar-filled caverns in the upper part of the Alapah Limestone probably acted as channelways for hydrothermal fluids. The hydrothermal alteration occurred after the early Atokan, most likely after the Permian. It is probably related to Brookian orogenesis and occurred after maximum burial metamorphism that ele— vated CAI values to 3 or 3.5 in Carboniferous and Permian rocks. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY We have used the element notation summarized by Sweet (1988, fig. 2.10). Most of the generically and specifi- cally determinate specimens in our collections are Pa ele- ments. Wherever possible we have tried to identify other elements of apparatuses, particularly for hindeodids, idio- prioniodids, and kladognathids (table 1). Genera are listed alphabetically. Many specimens are easily assignable to a genus but are not well enough preserved for specific deter- mination. Most conodonts in the collections have under— gone extensive postmortem transport and are thus incomplete and abraded; moreover, some are diagenetically and hydrothermally altered. All specimens shown on plates 1—5 are reposited in the U.S. National Museum (USNM), Washington, DC. All other specimens are in the collections of the conodont labor- atory of the U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Va., and are cataloged by USGS collection number. Table l and plate 6 show the distribution and abundance of conodont elements, and figure 10 and table 2 show their inferred paleoenviron- mental distribution. Genus ADE TOGNAT H US Lane, 1967 Type species.—Cavusgnathus lautus Gunnell, 1933 p. 286, pl. 31, figs. 67, 68 Adetognathus lautus (Gunnell, 1933) Plate 1, figures 1345, 21—24 For synonymy to 1971, see Lane and Straka (1974, p. 64). 1971 Adetognathus gigantus (Gunnell). Lane and others, pl. 1, fig. 6. 1971 Adetognathus laums (Gunnell). Lane and others, pl. 1, fig 5. 1971 1971 1972 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1974 1975 1975 1975 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1984 1984 1985b 1985a 1985 1985 1985 Cavusgnathus gigantus Gunnell. Merrill and King, p. 654—655, pl. 75, figs. 9—22 (only). Cavusgnathus [autus Gunnell. Merrill and King, p. 655, pl. 75, figs. 23, 24, 26—29 (only). Cavusgnathus [autus Gunnell. von Bitter, p. 61—63, pl. 4, figs. 3a—h; pl. 5, figs. la—h. Adetognathus gigantus (Gunnell). Baesemann, p. 696—697, pl. 2, figs. 23?—28?, 32?, 33?, 35, 36. 37?. 3841. Adelognathus [aunts (Gunnell). Baesemann, p. 697, pl. 2, figs. 29—31, 34. Adetognathus [autus (Gunnell). Lane and Straka, p. 64—65, figs. 36: 17,21, 22, 25—31; figs. 38: 1—4, 6—8, 10—15, 20; figs. 39: 14, 15, 19, 20; figs. 40: 1— 3, 7—14?. Cavusgnathus lautus Gunnell. Merrill, pl. 1, figs. 8, 9. Adetognathus gigantus (Gunnell). Toomey and oth— ers, pl. 3, fig. 15. Adetognathus [autus (Gunnell). Toomey and others. pl. 3, fig. 14. Adetognathus gigantus (Gunnell). p. 101, pl. 3, figs. 32, 33, 40,41, 46, 47. Adetognathus lautus (Gunnell). Perlmutter, p. 101, pl. 3, figs. 34—39, 42—45. Cavusgnathus lautus Gunnell. Merrill, p. 44—46, figs. 14: 8?, 9, (not figs. 14: 1, 2); figs. 15: 1, 2, 13— 16; figs. 16: 3, 4, 36, 37; (not figs. 17: 1, 2). Cavusgnathus [autus Gunnell. Einor and others, pl. 14, figs. l3a—c. Adetognarhus giganms (Gunnell). Semichatova and others, pl. 22, fig. 16. Adetognathus [autus (Gunnell). Bender, p. 8, 9, pl. 4, figs. 26—33. Cavusgnathus lautus Gunnell. Merrill and Powell, pl. 1, figs. 30—33. Adetognathus [autus (Gunnell). Tynan, p. 1298, 1299, pl. 2, figs. 12, 13, 20, 21 (not fig. 22). Adetognathus spp. Driese and others, pl. 1, figs. 1— 3. Adetognathus [aunts (Gunnell). Grayson, pl. 3, figs. 8, 9, 26, 27. Adetognathus [autus (Gunnell). Grayson and others, p. 124, pl. 1, figs. 22, 29. Adetognathus [autus (Gunnell). Lane and others, figs. 6D, E. Adetognathus [autus (Gunnell). Rexroad and Merrill, p. 45, 46, pl. 2, figs. 5, 6?, 28—39; pl. 3, figs. 26—28; pl. 4, figs. 22—25. Adetognathus gigantus (Gunnell). Skipp and others, pl. 8, fig. 7. Adetognathus [autus (Gunnell). Skipp and others, pl. 8, fig. 6. Perlm utter, SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 33 1985 Adetognathus lautus (Gunnell). Wardlaw, p. 400, pl. 3, fig. 7. 1985 Adetognathus spathus (Dunn). Wardlaw, p. 400, pl. 2, figs. 7, 8. 1989 Cavusgnathus lautus Gunnell. Merrill and Grayson, pl. 1, figs. 31, 32, 33?, 34?; pl. 2, figs. 20—23, 24?, 257—297. 1991 Adetognathus lautus (Gunnell). Brown and others, figs. 7: 8—11. , 1991 Adetognathus lautus (Gunnell). Morrow and Webster, pl. 1, figs. 4—11. Adetognathus lautus (Gunnell). Nemirovskaya and others, pl. 3, figs. 20—24. Adetognathus lautus Webster, pl. 1, fig. 12. Adetognathus lautus (Gunnell) morphotype A. Weibel and Norby, p. 44, 45, text-fig. 5, pl. 2, figs. 1—35. Cavusgnathus lautus Gunnell. Sutherland and Gray- son, pl. 2, fig. 2. Remarks—Rexroad and Merrill (1985) suggest that A. spathus may be a recurrent ecophenotype of A. lautus. We retain A. spathus, however, as a separate taxon to test this concept; see remarks under A. spathus. A few sinistral specimens (pl. 1, figs. 13—15) have a short right-trending carinal extension of the blade. The first appearance of Adetognathus lautus below Deciinognathodus noduliferus defines the Upper muricatus Subzone of the latest Chesterian. Adetognathus lautus occurs in two collections from 72 and 65 m below the top of the Alapah Limestone (app. 1, locs. lAla, b) but is repre- sented by only one specimen in the Mississippian part of the overlying Wahoo Limestone. This specimen is from a sam- ple taken 53.4 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (app. 1, 10c. lAlc), about 50 m along strike from USGS colln. 30757—PC in the study section (table 1). Adet0g~ nathus lautus does not reappear in our collections from the study section until 84 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone. Distribution in the study section.—84 to 260.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (Morrowan to lower Atokan; lower minutus Fauna to Idiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range.—uppermost Chesterian (base of Upper muricatus Subzone) to Lower Permian. Materiai.—306 Pa elements. 1991 Morrow and 1992 (Gunnell). 1992 1992 Adetognathus spathus (Dunn, 1966) Plate 1, figures 16—20, 25, 26 1966 Cavusgnathus spatha Dunn, p. 1297, 1299, pl. 157, figs. 3, 7, 8. 1967 Adetognathuslauta(Gunne11). Lane, pl. 121, figs. 4, 5. 18. 1969 Cavusgnathus spathus Dunn. Webster, p. 28, 29, pl. 4, figs. 1, 4, 5. 1970b Adetognathus spathus (Dunn). Dunn, p. 327, text— fig. 10B, pl. 61, figs. 11—13. 1970 Adetognathus gigantus (Gunnell). Thompson, pl. 139, fig. 26. 1971 Adetognathus spathus (Dunn). Lane and others, pl. 1, fig. 25. 1971 Cavusgnathus gigantus Gunnell. Merrill and King, p. 654, 655, pl. 75, figs. 30—32 (only). 1971 Cavusgnathus lautus Gunnell. Merrill and King, p.655, pl. 75, fig. 25 (only). ?1973 Adetognathus gigantus (Gunnell). p. 696, 697, pl. 2, figs. 36, 38—41. Baesemann, 1974 Adetognathus spathus (Dunn). Lane and Straka, p. 65, 66, figs. 38: 5, 9, 16—19; figs. 40: 4—6. 1975 Cavusgnathus lautus Gunnell. Merrill, figs. 14: 1, 2 (only); figs. 17: 1?, 2?. 1985 Adetognathus spathus (Dunn). Skipp and others, pl. 8, figs. 1, 4. 1985 Adetognathus spathus (Dunn). Wardlaw, pl. 3, figs. 8, 9'? (only). 1991 Adetognathus spathus (Dunn). Morrow and Webster, pl. 1, figs. 12—16; pl. 2, figs. 14. 1992 Adetognathus spathus (Dunn). Morrow and Webster, pl. 1, fig. 13. Remarks—Specimens of Adetognathus spathus from the Wahoo Limestone may have large, exaggerated antler- like denticles on the posterior process (pl. 1, figs. 25, 26). Biofacies analysis does not show significant environmental separation in the distribution of A. spathus and A. lautus. This may be a consequence of postmortem hydraulic mix- ing. The Pa-element morphology suggests a very shallow water, possibly high-energy environment (GD. Webster, written commun., 1994, and unpub. US. Geological Survey collections). We agree with Rexroad and Merrill (1985) who believe that A. spathus may be a recurrent ecopheno- type of A. lautus. Distribution in the study section—113 to 257.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (Morrowan to lower Atokan; lower minutus Fauna to Idiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range—uppermost Chesterian (base of Upper muricatus Subzone) to at least Upper Penn— sylvanian. Webster (1969) reported Adetognathus spathus from the uppermost Rhipidomella nevadensis Zone suggest— ing a latest Chesterian age for the lowest part of its range. Material.—54 Pa elements. Adetognathus spp. indet. Remarks—Included are chiefly broken, abraded, or juvenile Pa elements. Distribution in the study section—56 to 261.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (Morrowan to 34 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE lower Atokan; nodnliferns—primns Zone to ldiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range—uppermost Chesterian (base of Upper mnricatus Subzone) to Lower Permian. Material.—277 Pa and 3 Pb elements. Genus CAVUSGNATH US Harris and Hollingsworth, 1933 Type species.—Cavusgnathus alta Harris and Hollingsworth, 1933 p. 201, 10a, b Cavusgnathus altus Harris and Hollingsworth, 1933 Plate 1, figure 27 For synonymy to 1968, see Thompson and Goebel (1969). 1969 Cavusgnathus alta Harris and Hollingsworth. Thompson and Goebel, p. 21, 22, pl. 1, figs. 19, 22. 1979 Cavusgnathns altus Harris and Hollingsworth. Chaplin, p. 276, pl. 3, figs. 1-3. 1981 Cavusgnathus altus Harris and Hollingsworth. Rexroad, p. 7, 8, pl. 1, figs. 28—34. 1985 Cavusgnathns altns Harris and Hollingsworth. Wardlaw, p. 400, pl. 3, fig. 13. 1991 Cavusgnathus altus Harris and Hollingsworth. Stone, p. 17, pl. 4, figs. 1?, 2?, 4, 5?. Remarks.———Three specimens of Cavusgnathus altus have a posterior process with 1 or 2 low denticles, a com- mon characteristic of the species (see photograph of holo- type in Rexroad and Lane, 1966). Distribution in the study section—7 to 22 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper mnricatus Subzone). Known stratigraphic range—upper Meramecian to uppermost Chesterian (Upper muricatus Subzone). Material.—3 Pa elements. Cavusgnathus? tytthus Brown and Rexroad, 1990 Plate 1, figures 7—12; plate 5, figure 20 1980 Adetognathns lautus (Gunnell). Tynan, p. 1298, 1299, pl. 2, fig. 22 (only). 1980 Adetognathns n. sp. Tynan, p. 1299, pl. 2, figs. 15— 17. 1990 Cavusgnathns tytthus Brown and Rexroad. Brown and others, p. 81, 82, text-fig. 5 [part], pl. 1, figs. 1, 4—6, 10—12, 14, 18. 71991 Adetognathus sp. cf. Adetognathus n. sp. Tynan. Morrow and Webster, pl. 2, figs. 5, 6. Description—Three Pa-element morphotypes occur in the Wahoo Limestone. The two most abundant morpho— types are right sided. The first (pl. 1, figs. 7, 8; = (x morpho- type of Brown and Rexroad, in Brown and others, 1990) has a free blade with three to four denticles that joins the right parapet (outer) and continues as a fixed blade bearing two to three denticles; the posteriormost denticle is the largest; therefore, the upper blade profile increases in height poste- riorly. The left parapet intercepts the blade two to four den- ticles behind its anterior margin. In lateral view, the outer margin is slightly to considerably higher than the inner mar- gin. The free blade of the second morphotype (pl. 1, figs. 9, 10; = [3 morphotype of Brown and Rexroad, in Brown and others, 1990) joins the platform on or slightly left of the right parapet; the very low posteriormost denticle may be slightly to moderately offset to the left; a notch separates the blade from the platform. The upper margin profile of the blade forms a moderate asymmetric arch that is highest in the middle, descends only slightly anteriorly, but steeply posteriorly. In lateral view, the right parapet margin is slightly to considerably higher than the left. The third and rarest Pa morphotype (pl. 1, figs. 11, 12; = y morphotype of Brown and Rexroad, in Brown and others, 1990) has a free blade that joins the platform centrally or subcentrally toward the right. The blade has the same upper margin pro- file as the B morphotype; the two very low, posteriormost denticles of the blade continue onto the platform as a short carina. In lateral view, right and left parapet margins are approximately equal in height. Remarks—Characteristics of the OL morphotype do not appear to change ontogenetically; the [3 morphotype devel— ops a carinal extension of the blade ontogenetically; no juveniles of the 'y morphotype were found. The collections contain chiefly adult specimens. Specimens of Cavns— gnathns? tytthus in the Wahoo Limestone differ slightly from topotype material from the Kinkaid Limestone of the Illinois basin. Carina] extensions of the blade in the [3 and y morphotypes that are obvious in the material from the Wahoo Limestone were not noted by Brown and Rexroad (in Brown and others, 1990). This is probably because their specimens are small; the name they chose for the species reflects that condition. The trivial name is somewhat unsuit— able for the material from the Wahoo Limestone in which most representatives of the species are rather large. Because no left-bladed specimens appear to occur in Cavusgnathus? tytthus, it seems inappropriate to place the species in Adetognathus, even though its fixed blade is short and, in some morphotypes, may be absent. Presently, it seems best to questionably retain it in Cavusgnathus. The array of morphotypes that occur in C.? tytthus is reminis- cent of morphotypes assigned to older Mississippian species of Taphrognathns and Cloghergnathus that are found in shallow—water, somewhat restricted depositional environments. Brown and Rexroad (in Brown and others, 1990) theo- rized that Cavusgnathns? tytthus is the phylogenetic link between C. unicornis and C. monocerus (2 Adetognathus unicornis (Rexroad and Burton) of Lane, 1967). Cavns— gnathus? tytthus occurs with abundant representatives of C. unicornis in the lower part of its range in our section; C. unicornis does not occur above the lower 51 m of the SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 35 Wahoo Limestone, and C. monocerus is absent at the study section. Thus, our data neither confirm nor contradict Brown and Rexroad’s phylogenetic hypothesis. Distribution in the study section—22 to 76.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian to lowermost Morrowan; Upper muricatus Subzone to within noduliferus-primus Zone). Cavusgnathus? tytthus occurs in the upper part of the Alapah Limestone and in many collec— tions from the Wahoo Limestone in the northeast Brooks Range including the type section at Wahoo Lake (app. 1, loc. 4A1c), at Plunge Creek (app. 1, loc. 6), and as far east as the Clarence River at the Canadian border (app. 1, locs. 10A1b, c). Known stratigraphic range—upper Chesterian and lower Morrowan (upper part of naviculus Zone (Brown and others, 1990) into noduliferus-primus Zone). Material.—99 Pa and 3 Pb (pl. 5, fig. 20) elements. Cavusgnathus unicornis Youngquist and Miller, 1949 Plate 1, figures 28—31; plate 2, figures 1—17 For synonymy to 1987, see Rexroad and Horowitz (1990). Additions and exceptions are noted below. 1979 Cavusgnathus unicornis Youngquist and Miller. Aisenverg and others, pl. 6, fig. 8. Cavusgnathus unicornis Youngquist and Miller. Skipp and others, pl. 8, fig. 10. Cavusgnathus unicornis Youngquist and Miller. Armstrong and Purnell, pl. 1, figs. 11—13 (only). Cavusgnathus unicornis Youngquist and Miller. Wang and Higgins, p. 275, 276, pl. 13, figs. 2—4. Cavusgnathus unicornis Youngquist and Miller. Rexroad and Horowitz, p. 499, 500, pl. 1, figs. 5—20. 1985 1987 1989 1990 1991 Cavusgnathus unicornis Youngquist and Miller. Morrow and Webster, pl. 3, figs. 1—3. 1992 Cavusgnathus unicornis Youngquist and Miller. Morrow and Webster, pl. 1, fig. 1. 1992 Cavusgnathus unicornis Youngquist and Miller. Purnell, p. 10, 11, pl. 2, figs. 1—5, 7. 1992 Cavusgnathus cf. unicornis Youngquist and Miller. Purnell, pl. 2, fig. 6. 1992 Cavusgnathus unicornis Youngquist and Miller. Weibel and Norby, pl. 1, fig. 18. Remarks—Rexroad (1981) synonymized Cavus— gnathus regularis ([3 morphotype) and C. convexus (y mor— photype) under C. unicornis (0c morphotype). All specimens have a right-sided free blade that is shorter than the fixed blade. In the on morphotype, denticles decrease in size ante- riorly; the largest denticle is posteriormost. The blade pro— file of the B morphotype is uniform in height or may decrease slightly anteriorly. The blade profile of the 'y mor- photype is arched. In collections from the study section, many of the blade denticles are broken so that morphotypes are indeterminate. Of the complete specimens, 0L and B mor- photypes are more common than 7 morphotypes. Wardlaw (1985, pl. 2, figs. 9—11, 13) included robust, digyrate elements in the apparatus of Cavusgnathus navicu- [us that he claimed were vicariously shared by most species of Cavusgnathus, including C. unicornis. We strongly dis- agree with this reconstruction and concur with the element morphotypes determined by Norby (1976) from natural assemblages. The digyrate elements Wardlaw attributed to Cavusgnathus belong instead to Kladognathus (see Merrill and others, 1990). Armstrong and Purnell (1987) also included an Sc element of Kladognathus as well as two morphologically dissimilar M elements in the apparatus of C. unicornis. Distribution in the study section—0.4 to 50.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper muricatus Subzone). Known stratigraphic range.—upper Meramecian to uppermost Chesterian (Upper muricatus Subzone). Material.——415 Pa, 11 Pb, 26 M, and 6 Sc elements. Cavusgnathus spp. indet. Remarks.—Chiefly broken, abraded, or juvenile Pa elements are included in this category. Distribution in the study section—13.2 to 53 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper muricatus Subzone). Known stratigraphic range.—upper Meramecian to uppermost Chesterian (Upper muricatus Subzone). Material.—122 Pa elements. Cavusgnathoids Remarks—Included are posterior Pa-element frag- ments of Cavusgnathus, Cavusgnathus?, or Adetognathus. Distribution in the study section—0.4 to 137 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian to Morrowan; Upper muricatus Subzone to lower minutus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range.—upper Meramecian to Lower Permian. Material.—-419 Pa element fragments. Genus DE CLINOGNAT H GB US Dunn, 1966 Type species—Cavusgnathus nodulifera Ellison and Graves, 1941 p. 4, 5, pl. 3, figs. 4, 6 Remarks—Dunn (1970b) expanded the concept of the genus to include forms with a median longitudinal trough and a long, slightly declined, medial carina (: Declinogna— thodus lateralis (Higgins and Bouckaert)). Grayson and others (1990) concurred with Dunn’s emendation but con- sidered D. lateralis morphotypes as vertically persistent species of Declinognathodus that are convergent with Neognathoa'us. 36 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE Declinognathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves, 1941) Grayson and others (1990) provide an extensive syn— onymy for the species. Remarks.—Declinognathodids in our collections are assigned to Declinognathodus noduliferus noduliferus, D. n. japonicus, or D. n. subspp. indeterminate. A few speci— mens in a single collection (USGS colln. 30786—PC; pl. 3. fig. 32), 187 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone, resemble forms assigned to D. lateralis (Higgins and Bouckaert) by other workers. These specimens are the larg- est declinognathodids in a sample that also contains the most abundant and largest rhachistognathids in our collec- tions. We suspect that these D. lateralis morphotypes are ecophenotypic and (or) gerontic specimens. Consequently, they are included in D. noduliferus. Specimens identified as Declinognathodus noduliferus japonicus, however, exhibit variation in ornamentation, deflection of the carina, and spacing of posterior nodes within each sample throughout the Wahoo Limestone. Some specimens have transverse ridges on the anterior inner margin (pl. 3, figs. 6, 7). All specimens of D. n. japom'cus have one or two accessory nodes that are in con- tact with or cleanly separated from the carina near the ante— rior platform margin. Juvenile specimens tend to have more widely spaced posterior nodes and a straighter carina. Spec- imens with very nodose ornamentation (pl. 3, fig. 22) are rare and considered ecophenotypes; Grayson (1984, p. 50) erected a separate species (Idiognathoides marginodosus; = Declinognathodus marginodosus of Grayson, 1990) for such forms. We see no stratigraphic succession of D. nodu- liferus morphotypes in our section and, therefore, retain these forms in D. n. japom'cus. Declinognathodus noduliferusjaponicus (Igo and Koike, 1964) Plate 3, figures [—8, 19—22 1964 Streptognathodus japonicus Igo and Koike, p. 188, 189, pl. 28, figs. 5~10, 711—13. 1966 Declinognathoa'us pl. 158, figs. 4, 8. 1967 Gnathodus nodulifera (Ellison and Graves). Koike, p. 297, 298, pl. 3, figs. 9, 11 (only). 1967 ldiognathoides aff. l. nodulifera (Ellison and Graves). Lane, p. 938, pl. 123, figs. 10, 13 (only). 1968 Gnathodus japonicus (Igo and Koike). Higgins and Bouckaert, p. 35, 36, pl. 4, figs. 1,2,4. 1970b Declinagnalhoa’us noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Dunn, p. 330, pl. 62, fig. 1 only. text-fig. 9D, 1970 ldiognathoides noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Thompson, p. 1046, 1047, pl. 139, figs. 2?, 3?, 5, 6, 8, 16, 20. nevadensis Dunn, p. 1300, 1971 Gnathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Lane and others, pl. 1, fig. 32. 1971 Idiognathoides nodulifems (Ellison and Graves). Lane and others, pl. 1, fig. 11. 1972 Idiognathoides noduliferus (Ellison and Graves) transitional to Streptognalhodus lateralis Higgins and Bouckaert. Austin, pl. 1, figs. 33, 40. 1972 Unnamed figured specimens. Austin, pl. 2, figs. 27, 28. 1974 Idiognathoides noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Lane and Straka, p. 85—87, figs. 35: 1—3, 5?, 6?, 10— 12, 13—15?. 1975 Idiognathoides noduliferus japom'cus (Igo and Koike). Higgins, p. 54, pl. 14, figs. 7—10. 1979 Declinognathodus nodulzferus (Ellison and Graves). Semichatova and others, pl. 22, figs. 12, 13. 1980 Idiognathoides noduliferus japonicus (Igo and Koike). Metcalfe, p. 306, pl. 38, figs. 14?, 17?. ?1984 Declinagnalhodus noduliferus japonicus (Igo and Koike). Orchard and Struik, pl. 2, fig. 9. 1984 Idiognathoides marginodosus Morphotype B, Gray— son, p. 50, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4, 9—11 (pl. 2, fig. 17: pl. 1, fig. 10),13, 14; pl. 3, fig. 19?; pl. 4, figs. 11, 12, 22. 1985 Declinognathodus nodulifems japonicus (Igo and Koike). van den Boogaard and Bless, p. 140, 141, fig. 9: 5. 1985a Declinagnalhoa’us noduliferus japonicus (Igo and Koike). Grayson and others, p. 163—165, pl. 1, figs. 13, 18. 1985b ldiognathoides marginodasus Grayson. Grayson and others, pl. 1, fig. 21. ?1985aDeclin0gnathoa’us noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Lane and others, figs. 7D—G [figs 7D, E, ?Decli- nognathodus noduliferus; figs. 7F, G, D. noduliferus japonicus?]. 1985 Declinognathoa'us noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Sada and others, pl. 1, fig. 3. 1987 Declinagnalhodus marginodosus (Grayson). Gray- son and others, pl. 8, figs. 8, 11. 1987 Declinagnathodus noduliferus japonicus (Igo and Koike). Nemirovskaya, pl. 1, figs. 12, 15, 19. 1988 Declinognathodus noduliferus japonicus (Igo and Koike). Dong and Ji, pl. 6, figs. 7, 8. 1989 Declinognathodus noduliferus japonicus (Igo and Koike). Wang and Higgins, p. 276, pl. 1, figs. 6—9. Declinognathodus marginodosus (Grayson). Gray— son, p. 90, 91, pl. 4, figs. 9, 10?, 11—13. 1990 “Declinagnalhodus” marginodosus Grayson and others, p. 365, pl. 1, fig. 28. 1990 “Declinognathodus” noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Grayson and others, p. 365, pl. 1, fig. 21. 19923 Declinognathoa'us noduliferus s.l. (Ellison and Graves). Nigmadganov and Nemirovskaya, pl. 3, figs. 6?, 7, 10. 1990 (Grayson). SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 37 1992 Declinognathodus marginodosus (Grayson). Suther- land and Grayson, pl. 2. fig. 11. Remarks—Most specimens are identical to the types of Declinognathodus noduliferus japonicus. Several speci— mens (pl. 3, fig. 22), however, have an undeflected carina, relatively even-noded margin and carina, and a single, prominent, round node that is cleanly separated from the carina near the anterior margin of the outer lobe. Such forms were included in D. marginodosus by Grayson (1990) and Sutherland and Grayson (1992). We include these in D. n. japonicus because some populations are intergradational between D. n. japonicus and D. marginoa'osus (Grayson). We regard D. marginodosus to be a possible shallower water ecophenotype of D. n. japonicus. Partial division of the anteriormost node produces an incipient third node in a few specimens (pl. 3, fig. 9). Distribution in the study section—56 to 250 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (lowest Morrowan to lower Atokan; noduliferus-primus Zone to ldiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range.—lowest Morrowan (base of noduliferus-primus Zone) to at least lower Desmoinesian(?). Material.—144 Pa elements. Declinognathodus noduliferus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves, 1941) Plate 3, figures 10—14, 32 1941 Cavusgnathus nodulifera Ellison and Graves, p. 4, 5, pl. 3, fig. 4 (only). 1960 Streptognathodus parallelus Clarke, p. 29, pl. 5, figs. 6—8, 14, 15. 1967 Gnathodus nodulifera (Ellison and Graves). Koike, p. 297, 298, pl. 3, figs. 10, 12? (only). ?1967 ldiognathoides aff. l. nodulzfem (Ellison and Graves). Lane, p. 938, pl. 123, figs. 9, 11, 17 (only). 1968 Gnathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Higgins and Bouckaert, p. 33~35, pl. 2, figs. 6, 12. 1968 Idiognathoides nodulifera (Ellison and Graves). Igo and Koike, p. 28, 29, pl. 3, figs. 7, 8, 9?, 10 (only). 1969 Streptognathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Webster, p. 48, 49, pl. 4, figs. 7, 8. 1970b Declinognathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Dunn, p. 330, pl. 62, fig. 2 (only). 1971 Gnathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Lane and others, pl. 1, fig. 32. ?1971 Idiognathoides noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Lane and others, pl. 1, fig. 11. 1972 Idiognathoides noduliferus (Ellison and Graves) transitional t0 Streptognathodus lateralis Higgins and Bouckaert. Austin, pl. 1, figs. 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16?, 17?, 18, 19, 27, 29—32, 34—36?, 38, 39, 41, 44, 45, 49, 50, 53?, 54. 1972 1972 1974 ?1974 1975 1975 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1984 1985a 1985 1985 1985 1985 ?1985 1985 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 Streptognathodus lateralis Higgins and Bouckaert. Austin, pl. 2, fig. 31. Unnamed figured specimen. Austin, pl. 2, fig. 33. Idiognathoides noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Lane and Straka, p. 85—87, pl. 35, figs. 11—13; pl. 41, figs. 15—17. Gnathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Mer— rill, pl. 1, figs. 28, 29. Idiognathoides noduliferus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Higgins, p. 54, pl. 14, figs. 15, 16. Idiognathoides noduliferus inaequalis Higgins. Hig- gins, pl. 12, figs. 3, 4. Declinognathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Aisenverg and others, p]. 6, figs. 17, 18. Streptognathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Einor and others, pl. 14, figs. 6, 7. ldiognathoides noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Bender, p. 12, pl. 1, figs. 3?, 8—15, 16?. Idiognathoides noduliferus inaequalis Higgins. Metcalfe, p. 306 (part), pl. 38, fig. 15. ldiognathoides noduliferus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Metcalfe, p. 306, pl. 38, figs. 16. 18. Idiognathoides marginodosus Morphotype A, Gray- son, p.50, pl. 1, fig. 7. Declinognathoa'us noduliferus japonicus (Igo and Koike). Grayson and others, p. 163—165, pl. 1, figs. 9, 15, 25. Declinagnathodus noduliferus inaequalis (Higgins). Higgins, pl. 6.2, figs. 11, 14; pl. 6.3, figs. 1, 4. Declinognathodus noduliferus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Higgins, p. 220, p]. 6.2, figs. 13, 15; pl. 6.3, fig. 7. Idiognathoides noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Plafker and others, figs. 48A, B. ldiognathoides noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Savage and Barkeley, p. 1466, 1467, figs. 9: 1—8. Declinognathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Skipp and others, pl. 8, fig. 8 [form transitional from Gnathodus girtyi to D. noduliferus]. Declinognathoa'us noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Wardlaw, p. 397, pl. 1, fig. 1. Declinognathodus marginodosus (Grayson). Gray— son and others, pl. 8, figs. 16?, 23, 28?. Declinognathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Nemirovskaya, pl. 1, figs. 7, 9, 11,20, 21. Declinognathodus inaequalis (Higgins). Riley and others, pl. 3, fig. 30?. Declinognathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Riley and others, pl. 3, figs. 41?, 42, 43, 44?, 46, 47. Declinognathoa'us noduliferus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Wang and others, p. 127, pl. 3, figs. 3— 5; pl. 7, fig. 1. Declinognathodus noduliferus inaequalis (Higgins). Dong and Ji, pl. 6, fig. 9. 38 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE 1988 Declinognathodus noduliferus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Dong and Ji, pl. 6, figs. 5, 6. 1989 Declinognathodus noduliferus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Wang and Higgins, p. 276, 277, pl. 2, figs. 5—9. Declinognathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Grayson, pl. 1, figs. 10, 13; pl. 3, fig. 29. Declinognathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Grayson and others, p. 362, 363, pl. 1, fig. 21. 1991 Declinognathodus noduliferus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Gibshman and Akhmetshina, pl. 5, figs. 7, 8. 1991 Declinognathodus noduliferus inaequalis Higgins. Nemirovskaya and others, pl. 4, figs. 3, 5?, 15. 1990 1990 1992 Declinognathodus noduliferus (Ellison and Graves). Morrow and Webster, pl. 1, fig. 5. 1993 Declinognathodus noduliferus inaequalis (Higgins). Duan, p. 206, pl. 3, figs. 7, 8?, 9. Remarks—Almost all specimens from the Wahoo Limestone assigned to Declinognathodus noduliferus nodu- liferus have nodose and (or) transversely ridged parapets, an outwardly deflected carina, and three or more accessory nodes on the anterior outer margin (pl. 3, fig. 12). The car- ina merges with the outer parapet within or slightly poste- rior to the anterior half of the platform (pl. 3, figs. 11, 12). According to Higgins (1975, 1985), specimens of D. nodu- liferus in which the carina merges with the outer parapet within the posterior half of the platform should be referred to D. n. inaequalis. None of our specimens are comparable to the holotype of D. n. inaequalis, which has a carina that extends well beyond the anterior half of the platform. Distribution in the study section—~59 to 250 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (lowest Morrowan to lower Atokan; base of noduliferus-primus Zone to Idiogna~ thodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range—lowest Morrowan (base of noduliferus-primus Zone) to lower Desmoinesian(?). Material—285 Pa elements. Declinognathodus noduliferus subspp. indet. Remarks—Included are chiefly broken, abraded, and juvenile Pa elements. Distribution in the study section.——-65 to 243 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (lower Morrowan to lower Atokan; noduliferus-primus Zone to Idiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range—lowest Morrowan (base of noduliferus—primus Zone) to lower Desmoinesian(?). Material.——18 Pa elements. Genus DIPLOGNATHODUS Kozur and Merrill, 1975 Type species.—Spathognath0dus coloradoensis Murray and Chronic, 1965 p. 606, 607, pl. 72, figs. 11—13 Remarks—von Bitter and Merrill (1990) recommend that only forms having a spatulate carina be included within the genus. They admit that species presently assigned to the genus are morphologically variable and probably polyphyl- etic. A single specimen is tentatively assigned to Diplogna- thodus? ellesmerensis, a species questionably included in Diplognathodus because its Pa element has a denticulate carina. Diplognathodus? ellesmerensis Bender, 1980? Plate 5, figures 18, 19 1980 Diplognathodus ellesmerensis Bender, p. 9, 10, pl. 4, figs. 5—7, 11, 15—21,23—25. 1981 Diplognathodus coloradoensis (Murray and Chronic). Landing and Wardlaw, p. 1257—1259, pl. 1, figs. 1, 6, 7, 9, 10. 1983 Diplognathodus ellesmerensis Bender. van den Boogaard, p. 23, 24, pl. 1, fig. a. 1985 Diplognathodus coloradoensis (Murray and Chronic). Savage and Barkeley, p. 1473, figs. 12: 9— 16. 1990 Diplognathodus? ellesmerensis Bender. von Bitter and Merrill, fig. 4: 16a—c. 1992 Diplognathodus sp. A. Sutherland and Grayson, pl. 2, fig. 9. ?1993 Diplognathodus? orphanus Merrill. Lemos, pl. 4, fig. 6. Description—One poorly preserved juvenile(?) Pa element has a free blade bearing eight partly fused denti- cles. The upper margin profile of the blade gradually increases in height from the anterior margin to midlength and then descends abruptly at the intersection of the blade and platform. A carina of eight mostly fused but distinct denticles gradually decreases in height toward the posterior tip of the platform. The platform margin is incomplete; the lobes appear to be unornamented, oval, and possibly sym— metrical. The basal cavity is gnathodontid. Remarks—The single specimen resembles Diplogna- thodus? ellesmerensis but has a few more denticles on the carina than specimens illustrated by Bender (1980). More- over, the upper margin profile of the posterior end of the carina decreases abruptly in height and is adenticulate in most of Bender’s specimens. We agree with Bender (1980) and von Bitter and Mer- rill (1990) that this species is closer to Diplognathodus? orphanus (Merrill) than to other diplognathodids. Distribution in the study section—203 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (upper Morrowan or lower Atokan; Idiognathodus Fauna). SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 39 Known stratigraphic range.—Diplognath0dus? elles— merensis is known from the Canadian Arctic islands, Yukon, southeast Alaska, Oklahoma, Michigan, and Spain and apparently ranges from upper Morrowan to Desmoine— sian (von Bitter and Merrill, 1990, fig. 4). Sutherland and Manger (1984a) recommended that the first appearance of Diplognathodus or the foraminifer Eoschubertella be used as a guide to the base of the Atokan. This recommendation preceded the recognition of diplognathodids in the Mor— rowan (von Bitter and Merrill, 1990). Diplognathodus? orphanus appears to be the only known species restricted to the Atokan. Material.—1 Pa element. Genus GNATHODUS Pander, 1856 Type species.—P0lygnathus bilineatus Roundy, 1926 p. 13, pl. 3, figs. IOa—c Remarks—Gnathodus bilineazus (Roundy) was desig— nated the type species of Gnathoa'us by Tubbs (1986) because the types of G. mosquensis, the oldest described species of the genus, were lost and its type locality was uncertain. Gnathodus bilineatus bilineatus (Roundy, 1926) Plate 2, figures 18, 19; plate 5, figure 23 Only a selected synonymy is given because this subspecies is widespread, commonly figured and cited in the literature, and relatively easily diagnosed. See Wang and others (1987) for additional selected synonymy through 1983. 1926 Polygnathus bilineatus Roundy, p. 13, pl. 3, figs. 10a—c. 1926 Polygnathus texanus Roundy, p. 14, pl. 3, figs. 13a, b. 1953 Gnarhodus bilineams (Roundy). Hass, p. 78—80, pl. 14, figs. 25—29. 1958 Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Stanley, p. 464, 465, pl. 68, fig. 7. 1961 Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Higgins, pl. 10, fig. 5. 71965 Gnathodus bilineams (Roundy). Dunn, p. 1148, pl. 140, figs. 7—9. 1967 Gnathodus bilineams (Roundy). Globensky, p. 440, pl. 58, figs. 9?, 13. 1967 Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Koike, p. 296, pl. 1, figs. 9—11. 1968 Gnathodus bilineatus bilinearus (Roundy). Higgins and Bouckaert, p. 29, pl. 3, fig. 9. 1971 Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Rhodes and Austin, pl. 2, fig. 1. 1974 Gnathodus bilineatus bilineatus (Roundy). Austin and others, pl. 1, figs. 4, 5, 15, 19, 23. 1974 Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Gromczakiewicz- Lomnicka, pl. 1, fig. 1. 1974 1974 1974 1975 1979 1979 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990a 1990b 1991 1992a Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Matthews and Thomas, pl. 50, fig. 19; pl. 51, figs. 12—15,21—24. Gnathodus sp. Matthews and Thomas, pl. 50, fig. 22. Gnarhoa’us bilineams (Roundy). Rice and Langen— heim, p. 27, pl. 1, fig. 11. Gnathodus bilinealus bilineatus (Roundy). Higgins, p. 28, 29, pl. 11, figs. 1—4, 6, 7. Gnathodus bilineams bilinealus (Roundy). Aisen- verg and others, pl. 6, fig. 12. Gnarhodus bilineatus Morphotype B. Chaplin, p. 276, 279, pl. 3, figs. 8—11; pl. 4, figs. 1, 2; pl. 5, fig. 2. Gnathodus bilinearus bilineatus (Roundy). Higgins, p. 218, pl. 61, figs. 1, 2. Gnathodus bilineams (Roundy). Varker and Sevas- topulo, p. 199, pl. 5.4, figs. 19,20. Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Wardlaw, pl. 1, fig. 10. Gnathodus bilinealus bilineams (Roundy). Ji, pl. 1, figs. 1—4, 6, 8—10. Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Li, pl. 1, figs. 1, 8. Gnathoa’us bilineatus (Roundy). Mapes and Rexroad, p. 117, pl. 2, figs. 22—31. Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Ruppel and Lemmer, p. 28, pl. 2, figs. 14, 15. Gnarhodus bilineams (Roundy). Grayson and oth— ers, pl. 3, figs. 11, 36; pl. 4, figs. 20—23. Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Merrill, p. 147— 151, pl. 11, figs. 1—6, 9-18. Gnathoa'us bilineatus bilineatus (Roundy). Riley and others, pl. 2, figs. 2, 4. Gnathodus bilineams bilineams (Roundy). Wang and others, p. 128, pl. 1, fig. 6. Gnathodus bilineams bilineams (Roundy). Dong and Ji, pl. 4, figs. 6—8, 10. Gnathoa'us bilineatus (Roundy). Ellison and Powell, pl. 2, figs. 1—6, 13—16. Gnathodus bilineatus bilineatus (Roundy). Wang and Higgins, p. 277, 278, pl. 6, figs. 7—11. Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Grayson, pl. 1, figs. 25, 267—31. Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Grayson and oth- ers, p. 361, 362, pl. 1, figs. 1, 3—6, 10—14, 18—20 [figs 2, 7—9 appear to include two different Pb morphotypes and have thus been excluded]. Gnathodus bilineams (Roundy). Ramovs, p. 91, 92, pl. 4, figs. 2, 4, 5, 9, l2. Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Ramovs, p. 109, pl. 1, figs. 1—3, 11. Gnathodus bilineatus bilineatus (Roundy). Higgins and others, pl. 3, fig. 19. Gnathodus bilineatus bilineatus (Roundy). Nigmad- ganov and Nemirovskaya, pl. 1, fig. 3. 40 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE 1992a Gnathoa'us bilineatus bollandensis Higgins and Bouckaert. Nigmadganov and Nemirovskaya, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2. Gnathoa'us bilineatus (Roundy). Kononova, pl. 29, figs. 8, 10. Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy). Kolar-Jurkovsek and Jurkovsek, p. 432, pl. 2, figs. 6—8. Distribution in the study section—0.4 to 53 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper muricatus Subzone) and 69 m above the base of the Wahoo (lower Morrowan—redeposited?) Known stratigraphic range—upper Meramecian into lowermost Morrowan. Wang and Higgins (1989) report Gnathodus bilineatus bilineatus from the lowermost upper Carboniferous in China, but all their figured specimens are from uppermost lower Carboniferous strata. Gnathodus bilineatus bilineatus and (or) G. b. bollandensis have been reported from lowermost upper Carboniferous strata (in samples containing Declinognathodus noduliferus or other late Carboniferous species) in many parts of the world (for example, Malaysia, Metcalfe, 1980; South China, Wang and Higgins, 1989; Texas, Grayson and others, 1990; Ukraine, Nemirovskaya and others, 1991; south Tienshan, Uzbeki- stan, Nigmadganov and Nemirovskaya, 1992a). We regard the specimen of G. b. bilineatus (pl. 5, fig. 23) that occurs 13 m above the lowest D. n. japonicus in the Wahoo Lime- stone to be redeposited. Material.—8 Pa elements. 1993 Alekseev and 1994 Gnathodus bilineatus subsp. indet. Remarks—A few small specimens can be identified only as G. bilineatus. Distribution in the study section—37 to 53 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper muricatus Subzone). Known stratigraphic range—upper Meramecian into lowermost Morrowan. Material.—3 Pa elements. Gnathodus defectus Dunn, 1966 Plate 2, figures 23,24, 31—33; plate 4, figure 26 1966 Gnathoa’us defectus Dunn, p. 1300, pl. 158, figs. 1, 5. 1969 Gnathodus defectus Dunn. Webster, p. 32, pl. 5, fig. 16. 1970a Gnathodus defectus Dunn. Dunn, text-fig. 4. 1970b Gnathodus defectus Dunn. Dunn, p. 331, pl. 62, figs. 15, 16; text—fig. 9C. 1980 Gnathodus defectus Dunn. Tynan, pl. 1, fig. 20. ?1985a Gnathodus defectus Dunn. Grayson and others, p. 166, pl. 1, fig. 21. Gnathodus sp. of G. defectus Dunn. Higgins and others, pl. 3, fig. 9. ?1991 1991 Gnathodus defectus Dunn. Morrow and Webster, pl. 3, figs. 6, 7. 1992 Gnathoa’us defectus Dunn. Morrow and Webster, pl. 1, fig. 2. 1993 Gnathoa'us defectus Dunn. Dumoulin and Harris, fig. SB. Remarks—Most specimens assigned to this species are considerably smaller than those illustrated from Nevada by Dunn (1966). Most, however, are like the specimen illus- trated by Dunn (1970b) on plate 62, figure 16 and text-figure 9C. Distribution in the study section—54.9? to 157 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone. Known stratigraphic range—From within the Cheste— rian (from at least below the muricatus Zone) to at least the lower Morrowan (lower minutus Fauna). Dunn (1966) indi- cated that Gnathodus defectus extended into the lowest Morrowan because it occurred in samples with Rhachistog- nathus primus. Wardlaw (1984) and Morrow and Webster (1992) considered G. defectus in Pennsylvanian samples indigenous; however, it is possible that the sporadic occurrence of G. defectus from 30 to 102 m above the Mississippian—Pennsylvanian boundary in the study section indicates redeposition. Some redeposited Mississippian conodonts occur in the Pennsylvanian part of the section (table 1). Gnathodus defectus occurs in four samples from the lower member of the Wahoo Limestone between 157.5 and 100.5 m below the Wahoo Limestone and Echooka For- mation contact at Pogopuk Creek (samples collected by S.K. Morgan, University of Alaska Fairbanks). The con— odont species association in the lowest collection indicates the noduliferus-primus Zone, and the remaining collections are indicative of the lower minutus Fauna (app. 1, loc. 5d). The data from Pogopuk Creek and the study section indi- cate that G. defectus extends well into the Morrowan (into the lower minutus Fauna) in the northeast Brooks Range. Material.——9 Pa elements. Gnathodus girtyi Hass, 1953 Remarks—We recognize two subspecies of Gnatho- dus girtyi in our collections, G. g. girtyi and G. g. simplex. Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass, 1953 Plate 2, figures 20—22 Gnathodus girtyi Hass, p. 80, pl. 14, figs. 22—24. Gnathodus girtyi Hass. Elias, p. 118, pl. 111, figs. 30, 31. Gnathoa'us girtyi Hass. Bischoff, p. 24, 25 (part), pl. 4. figs. 17, 22, 23. Gnathodus clavatus Clarke, p. 25, pl. 4, figs. 4—8. la'iognathoides nodulifera (Ellison and Graves). Igo and Koike, pl. 3, fig. 11 (only). 1953 1956 1957 1960 1968 1969 1969 1969 1969 1970a 1970b 1970 1972 1973 ?1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1975 1979 1980 1980 1980 1981 1985 1985 1985 71987 1987 71987 1988 1988 1990 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 41 Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Rhodes and others, p. 98, 99, pl. 17, figs. 9, 10. Gnathoa’us girtyi simplex Dunn. Rhodes and others, p. 100, 101, pl. 16, figs. 1—4. Gnathodus girtyi subsp. nov. A. Rhodes and others, p. 102, 103, pl. 17, figs. 1—3. Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Webster, p. 32, pl. 5, fig. 10. Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Dunn, text-fig. 4. Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Dunn, p. 331, text- fig. 9A. Gnathoa'us girtyi Hass. Reynolds, p. 10, pl. I, figs. 10—12. Gnalhodus girtyi Hass. Austin, pl. 2, figs. 11, 15. Gnathoa'us girtyi Hass. Austin and Aldridge, pl. 1, figs. 4 —6; pl. 2, figs. 2, 13?,14,15. Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Gromczakiewicz- Lomnicka, pl. 11, fig. 1. Gnathoa'us girtyi simplex Dunn. Gromczakiewicz— Lomnicka, pl. 1, fig. 4. Gnathodus girtyi Hass. Matthews and Thomas, pl. 51, figs. 16,17,28—31. Gnathodus sp. Matthews and Thomas, pl. 51, figs. 8, 9. Gnatlzoa’us girtyi girtyi Hass. Rice and Langenheim, pl. 1, figs. 15, 16. Gnathodus girlyi girtyi Hass. Higgins, p. 31, pl. 10, figs. 5, 6. Gnathodus girtyi collinsoni Rhodes and others. Aisenverg and others, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2. Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Metcalfe, p. 304, pl. 38, fig. 1. Gnat/iodus girtyi rhodesi Higgins. Metcalfe, p. 304, p]. 38, fig. 6. Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Tynan, p. 1302, pl. 1, figs. 16—18. Gnathoa’us girtyi Hass. Metcalfe, p. 23, 25, pl. 4, figs. 2, 4, 5, 7. Gnarhoa’us girtyi girtyi Hass. Higgins, p. 220, p1. 6.2, fig. 2. Gnathodus girtyi rhodesi Higgins. Higgins, p. 220, p1. 6.2, fig. 1. Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Wardlaw, pl. 1, fig. 12. Gnatliodus girtyi Hass. Armstrong and Purnell, pl. 2, figs. 12, 13. Gnathodus girtyi Hass. Grayson and others, pl. 7, fig. 29. Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Wang and others, p. 128, pl. 7, figs. 9, 10. Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Dong and Ji, pl. 5, fig. 14. Gnatlzodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Dong and Ji, pl. 6, fig. 4. (Ne0)Gnath0dus sp. aff. G. girtyi Hass. Grayson and others, p. 376, 377, pl. 3, figs. 2—13. 1991 Gnathoa’us girtyi collinsoni Rhodes and others. Hig- gins and others, pl. 3, fig. 2. 1991 Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Higgins and others, pl. 3, figs. 3—5. 1991 Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Morrow and Webster, pl. 3, fig. 9. 1992 Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Morrow and Webster, pl. 1, fig. 3. Remarks.——Gnath0dus girtyi girtyi has a well- developed transversely ridged anterior inner parapet that continues to or close to the posterior end of the platform where it is noded and merges with the carina. The anterior part of the inner parapet is as high as or higher than the car- ina. The outer parapet begins posterior to and terminates slightly to considerably anterior of the inner parapet and is lower than the carina. The carina is central, straight or slightly deflected, and continues to the posterior tip of the platform where it expands to form split nodes or transverse ridges in adult or gerontic specimens (pl. 2, fig. 20). We are unable to evaluate the taxonomic position of the specimens assigned to Gnathodus sp. cf. G. girtyi sub- spp. by Grayson and others (1985a) as well as many speci— mens assigned to G. girtyi by other workers without examining the actual specimens and the conodont faunule in which they occur. Distribution in the study section—0.4 to 54.9 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper muricatus Subzone) and 69 to 74 m (lower Mor- rowan—redeposited?). Known stratigraphic range—upper Meramecian to uppermost Chesterian (Upper muricams Subzone). Material—56 Pa elements. Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn, 1965 Plate 2, figures 25—27 1965 Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn, p. 1148, pl. 140, figs. 2, 3, 12. Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn, text—fig. 4. Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn, p. 331, 332, pl. 62, fig. 17; text—fig. 9B. 1970a 1970b 1971 Gnathodus girtyi collinsoni Rhodes and others. Rhodes and Austin, pl. 2, fig. 3. 71974 Gnatlzoa’us girtyi simplex Hass. Gromczakiewicz— Lomnicka, pl. 11, fig. 3. 1974 Gnatlzodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Rice and Langen- heim, pl. 1, figs. 17, 18. 1975 Gnathodus girtyi collinsoni Rhodes and others. Higgins, p. 30, 31, pl. 10, figs. 1, 2. 1975 Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Higgins, p. 33, pl. 9, figs. 6, 7, 11. 1980 Gnathodus girtyi collinsoni Rhodes and others. Tynan, p. 1301, pl. 1, figs. 10, 11. 1980 Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Tynan, p. 1303. pl. 1, figs. 5—7. 42 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE 1982 Gnathodus girtyi girtyi Hass. Higgins and Wagner— Gentis, p. 334, pl. 34, fig. 9. 1984 Gnathodus girtyi collinsoni Rhodes and others. Qiu, pl. 2, figs. 17—19. 1984 Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Qiu, pl. 2, figs. 15, 16. 1985a Gnathoa'us girtyi simplex. Lane and others, figs. 7A, B. 1985 Gnathodus girtyi rhodesi Higgins. Wardlaw, pl. 1, fig. 11. 1986 Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Ji, pl. 1, figs. 15— 17. 1988 Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Dong and Ji, pl. 5, figs. 1—3. 1991 Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Higgins and others, pl. 3, figs. 6, 12. 1991 Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Morrow and Webster, pl. 3, fig. 8. 1992 Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Morrow and Webster, pl. 1, fig. 4. 1993 Gnathodus girtyi simplex Dunn. Dumoulin and Harris, fig. 8C. Remarks.—Gnathodus girtyi simplex differs from G. g. girtyi by having an outer parapet consisting of one or two nodes that are restricted to the anterior half of the platform. Specimens from the Wahoo Limestone below the Mississippian—Pennsylvanian boundary are transitional to Declinognathodus noduliferusjaponicus (pl. 2, fig. 30) con- firming Dunn’s (1970b) concept of the phylogeny of D. noduliferus. Distribution in the study section—6 to 54.9 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper muricatus Subzone). Known stratigraphic range—Chesterian into noduliferus-primus Zone. Lane and others (1985a) and Baesemann and Lane (1985) reported Gnathodus girtyi sim— plex from about the basal 5 m of the Pennsylvanian in their Arrow Canyon section, Nevada. In the northeast Brooks Range, G. g. simplex occurs in two sections with or above Declinognathodus noduliferus, 1 km west of the study sec- tion (app. 1, locs. 1B 1e, g) and at Pogopuk Creek, about 220 m below the base of the Echooka Formation (app. 1, loc. 5b). Material—72 Pa elements. Gnathodus girtyi subspp. indet. Remarks—Included are chiefly broken, abraded, or juvenile Pa elements. Distribution in the study section—0.4 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper muricatus Subzone). Known stratigraphic range—upper Meramecian into lowermost Morrowan (into noduliferus—primus Zone). Material—54 Pa elements. Gnathodus girtyi subspp. Hass transitional to Declinognathodus spp. Plate 2, figures 29, 30 1985a Gnathodus girtyi simplex transitional to Declino- gnathodus noduliferus. Lane and others, fig. 7C. Remarks—An array of gnathodontid Pa element mor— photypes that range from Gnathodus girtyi subspp. to Decli- nognathodus spp. appear close to the Mississippian- Pennsylvanian boundary. These morphologic variations make taxonomic assignment uncertain. Pa elements transi- tional between G. g. simplex and D. n. japonicus (pl. 2. fig. 30) in the highest Mississippian samples (53 and 54.9 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone and 2 and 0.1 m below the base of the Pennsylvanian) support the sugges- tion of Dunn (1970b) and Lane and Manger (1985) that G. g. simplex is the ancestor to D. noduliferus. These speci- mens are closer to G. g. simplex because the trough separat— ing the inner parapet from the carina does not extend to the posterior tip of the platform, and the node(s) forming the outer parapet are not cleanly separated from the carina. These specimens do show, however, a slight depression between the inner parapet and carina near the posterior tip of the platform. A few specimens from 13 m above the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary are transitional between G. g. girtyi and D. inaequalis (Higgins) (pl. 2, fig. 29). Distribution in the study section—53 to 69 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian to lowermost Morrowan; Upper muricatus Subzone into noduliferus-primus Zone). Material—9 Pa elements. Gnathodus spp. indet. Plate 2, figure 28 Remarks—Included are broken, abraded, or juvenile Pa elements and one vicarious M element. Distribution in the study section—0.4 to 53 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper muricatus Subzone). Known stratigraphic range.—Mississippian to lower- most Pennsylvanian (upper Kinderhookian into lowermost Morrowan). Material—5 Pa and 1 M (pl. 2, fig. 28) elements. Genus HINDEODUS Rexroad and Furnish, 1964 Type species.—Spathognath0dus cristula Youngquist and Miller, 1949 p. 621, pl. 101, figs. 1—3 Remarks—See discussion of genus in Sweet (1977). SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 43 Hindeodus minutus (Ellison, 1941) Plate 1, figures 1—6 Only a selected synonymy, chiefly for Chesterian and Lower Pennsylvanian occurrences, is given for this long-ranging, widespread species. For occurrences to 1971, see Sweet (1973). 1941 Spathodus minutus Ellison, p. 120, pl. 20, figs. 50— 52. Spathognathoa’us echigoensis Igo and Koike, p. 187, pl. 28, figs. 24?, 25?. 1965 Spathognathodus minutus (Ellison). Dunn, p. 1149, pl. 140, figs. 15, 21, 24. Spathognathodus minutus (Ellison). Koike, p. 311, pl. 3, figs. 39—42. Spathognathoa’us minutus (Ellison). Palmieri, p. 9, 10, pl. 5, figs. 17, 18. 1973b Spathognathodus minutus (Ellison). Merrill, p. 305— 308, pl. 1, figs. 1—14; pl. 2, figs. 1—28. Anchignathodus minutus (Ellison). Sweet, p. 15—17, pl. 1, fig. 2. Spathognathodus minutus Straka, p. 101, figs. 44: 7, 12. 1974 Anchignathodns minutus (Ellison). Merrill, pl. 2, fig. 8. Hindeodus ex. pr. H. minutus (Ellison). Bender, p. 10, pl. 4, fig. 22. Anchignathodus minutus (Ellison). Tynan, p. 1300, pl. 2, figs. 8, 9. 1981 Hindeodus minutus (Ellison). Landing and Wardlaw, p. 1259, 1260, pl. 1, figs. 11, 12, 18, 23?. Hindeodus sp. Driese and others, pl. 1, fig. 4. Anchignathodus minutus (Ellison). Grayson, pl. 2, figs. 3, 26. 1985b Hindeoa’us minutus (Ellison). Grayson and others, pl. 1, figs. 47, 48. 1985 Hindeodus minutus (Ellison). Rexroad and Merrill, pl. 3, figs. 21, 22. Hindeodus sp. Sada and others, pl. 1, figs. 7—10. Hindeodus minutus (Ellison). Savage and Barkeley, p. 1472, figs. 12: 1—8. 1985 Hindeoa’us minutus (Ellison). Wardlaw, p. 400, pl. 3, 1964 1967 1969 1973 1974 (Ellison). Lane and 1980 1980 1984 1984 1985 1985 fig. 1. 1986 Hindeoa’us minutus (Ellison). Mapes and Rexroad, pl. 1, figs. 7—15. 1987 Hindeodus minutus (Ellison). Grayson and others, pl. 9, fig. 1. 1989 Hindeodus minutus (Ellison). Wang and Higgins, p. 279, pl. 13, figs. 6, 7. 1990 Hina’eodus minutus (Ellison). Grayson, pl. 2, figs. 6, 7, 8?. 1991 Hindeoa’us minutus (Ellison). Brown and others, figs. 7: 12—19. 1992 Hina’eodus minutus (Ellison). Sutherland and Gray- son, pl. 2, fig. 1. 1992 Hindeodus minutus (Ellison). Weibel and Norby, pl. 1, fig. 21. Hindeodus minutus (Ellison). Lemos, p. 87, 88, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2; pl. 5, figs. 1, 2?, 3, 4 (fig. 3, Sb ele— ment; fig. 4, Sc element). Hindeodus minutus (Ellison). Rexroad, figs. 3: 14— 17, 19. Remarks.—A11 specimens of the apparatus of Hindeo- dus minutus in the collections from the Wahoo Limestone conform to the multielement reconstruction shown in Mapes and Rexroad (1986) and Brown and others (1991). A Pa element figured by Rexroad and Horowitz (1990, pl. 1, fig. 42) as Hindeodus cristula (Youngquist and Miller) has the same anterior denticulation as H. minutus. We assume this morphotype is a rare component of the H. cris- tula population in the lower Chesterian and is appropriately assigned to H. cristula. Distribution in the study section—~27 to 237 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian to lower Atokan?; Upper mnricatus Subzone to Idiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range.—upper Chesterian (from within the Cavusgnathus monocerus Zone (= Adetognathus unicornis Zone)) through at least the Lower Permian. Material.—41 Pa, 10 Pb, 14 M, 3 Sa, 2 Sb, and 3 Sc elements. “ 1993 1993 Hindeodus spp. indet. Remarks.—Included are broken or abraded Pa elements. Distribution in the study section—37? to 253 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian to lower Atokan; Upper muricatus Subzone to Idiognathodns Fauna). Known stratigraphic range.—Mississippian to lower- most Triassic (middle Kinderhookian to Dienerian). Material.—14 Pa elements. Genus IDIOGNATHODUS Gunnell, 1931 Type species.—Idiognath0dus claviformis Gunnell, 1931 p. 249—250, pl. 29, figs. 21, 22 Idiognathodus incurvus Dunn, 1966? Plate 5, figure 21 For synonymy of the species through 1987, see Grayson and others (1990). 1989 Idiognathodus incarvus Dunn Complex. Grayson and others, p. 87, 88, pl. 1, figs. 21—25. Idiognathodus incurvus Dunn. Grayson, pl. 4, figs. 4—7, 8?. Idiognathodus incurvus Dunn. Whiteside and Gray- son, p. 159, pl. 1, figs. 15, 20—23, 34. Idiognathodas incnrvus Dunn. Sutherland and Gray— son, pl. 2, figs. 4, 12. 1990 1990 1992 44 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE Remarks—Grayson and others (1989) revised the diagnosis for ldiognathodus sinuosus, I. klapperi, and I. incurvus on the basis of the position of the adcarinal ridges and used this characteristic to establish a phylogeny. Idio— gnathodus sinuosus (originating in the middle Morrowan) has two adcarinal ridges, the inner of which extends slightly anterior of the platform and parallel to the free blade; I. klapperi (late Morrowan) has ridges that are restricted to the platform; and I. incurvus (Atokan) has ridges that extend anteriorly beyond the platform and intersect the free blade. The poor preservation and apparent low diversity of idio- gnathodids in the Wahoo Limestone do not allow us to test the evolutionary model proposed for the genus by Grayson and others (1989). Some specimens that Grayson and others (1990) and Sutherland and Grayson (1992, for example, pl. 2, fig. 21) include in l. klapperi appear to be representatives of the I. sinuosus complex (I. delicatus morphotype). We did not recognize any specimens that we could confidently assign to I. klapperi. Two specimens, 16 and 12 m below the top of the Wahoo Limestone, are questionably assigned to Idiognatho— dus incurvus. One is ajuvenile and the other is a large adult. Although the latter is abraded, the adcarinal ridges extend beyond the anterior platform margin to intersect the rem- nant of the free blade (pl. 5, fig. 21). Distribution in the study section—246 to 250 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (lower Atokan; Idiogna- thodus Fauna). Idiognathodus incurvus? is used to indicate a level no older than Atokan at the study section on the basis of its distribution in the Atoka Formation in Oklahoma. Known stratigraphic range—From within the Atokan (probably lower Atokan) to lower Desmoinesian. Material.—2 Pa elements. Idiognathodus sinuosus Ellison and Graves, 1941 Plate 3, figures 15—18, 23~25 For synonymy through 1987, see Grayson and others (1990). 1990 Idiognathodus sinuosus Ellison and Graves. Gray— son, pl. 4, figs. 36—39. 1992 Idiognathodus sinuosus Ellison and Graves. Suther- land and Grayson, pl. 2, figs. 28, 29. Remarks—See remarks under Idiognathodus incurv- us? for Grayson and others’ (1989) concept of I. sinuosus. In addition, Grayson and others (1990) synonymize I. deli- catus Gunnell and I. sinuosus; we follow their concept here. Many subadult and adult specimens included in Idiognatho- dus sinuosus have nodes on only one side of the platform but, uncharacteristic of I. sinuosus, have a relatively straight platform. One subadult specimen (pl. 3, fig. 23) has rostral ridges of equal length that extend slightly beyond the anterior end of the platform. This specimen is included in I. sinuosus and not in I. incurvus because similar size speci- mens 0f the latter exhibit rostral ridges characteristic of that species. Grayson (1990, pl. 4, figs. 37—39) includes similar forms in I. sinuosus. Distribution in the study section—187 to 243 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (upper Morrowan and (or) lower Atokan; ldiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range.—upper Morrowan (sinuo- sus Zone) to at least Upper Pennsylvanian. Material.~—100 Pa elements. Idiognathodus spp. indet. Remarks—Included are broken, abraded, or juvenile Pa elements. Distribution in the study section—177 to 257.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (upper Morrowan to lower Atokan; Idiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range—upper Morrowan (1. sin- uosus Zone) to Lower Permian. Material.—52 Pa elements. Genus IDIOGNATHOIDES Harris and Hollingsworth, 1933 Type species.—Idiognathoides sinuata Harris and Hollingsworth, 1933 p. 201—202, pl. 1, fig. 14 Idiognathoides sinuatus Harris and Hollingsworth, “I. ouachitensis” morphotype Plate 5, figure 22 For synonymy of Ia'iognathoides sinuatus to 1987, see Grayson and others (1990). 1992 Idiognathoides sinuatus Harris and Hollingsworth. Lemos, pl. 3, figs. 3, 8. 1992a Idiognathoia'es corrugatus (Harris and Hollings— worth). Nigmadganov and Nemirovskaya, pl. 5, figs. 6—11. 1992a ldiognathoides sinuatus Harris and Hollingsworth. Nigmadganov and Nemirovskaya, pl. 5, figs. 4, 5. Remarks—Grayson ( 1984) indicated that the length of the trough of the dextral Pa element of Idiognathoides oua— chitensis was diagnostic of this late Morrowan species. Moreover, he inferred a phylogenetic succession, on the basis of increasing trough length, from I. corrugatus to I. ouachitensis. Subsequently, Grayson (1990) and Grayson and others (1990) synonymized these species with the long- ranging I. sinuatus and speculated that the character of the trough was environmentally controlled. Wang and others (1987) synonymized l. ouachitensis in l. corrugatus but continued to recognize I. sinuatus as a separate species. We follow the multielement concept implemented by Grayson and others (1990) by including all three within 1. sinuatus. Only three specimens of the genus were recovered from the study section. All are from one sample and appear to have troughs characteristic of the “I. ouachitensis” mor- SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 45 photype. Because of their rarity, we cannot evaluate the environmental preference of these forms. Likewise, we can- not evaluate their biostratigraphic utility. Distribution in the study section—217.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (upper Morrowan or lower Atokan; Idiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic distribution—lower Morrowan (sinuatus-minutus Zone) through at least Atokan. Material.—3 Pa elements. Genus IDIOPRIONIODUS Gunnell, 1933 Type species.—Idi0prioniodus typus Gunnell, 1933 p. 265, pl. 31, fig. 47 Remarks—For discussion of the genus see Stone (1991). Idioprioniodus conjunctus (Gunnell, 1931)? Plate 5, figures 11, 14—17 For synonymy to 1975, see Higgins (1975) and Higgins and Wagner—Gentis (1982). 1982 Idioprioniodus conjunctus (Gunnell). Higgins and Wagner—Genus, p. 332, 333, pl. 34, figs. 18, 21, 23, 27—29. ?1985 Idioprioniodus cf. 1. conjunctus (Gunnell). Rexroad and Merrill, pl. 3, figs. 15?, 16—20; pl. 4, figs. 17— 19. Idioprioniodus conjunctus (Gunnell). Savage and Barkeley, p. 1459, figs. 5: 1—14. 1987 Idioprioniodus conjunctus (Gunnell). Grayson and others, pl. 2, figs. 1—6. 1987 Idioprionioa’us cf. conjunctus. Grayson and others, pl. 5, 7—9; pl. 6, figs. 13—20. Idioprioniodus conjunctus pl. 2, figs. 15—24. 1991 Idioprionioa’us conjunctus (Gunnell). Brown and others, pl. 7, figs. 23—25, 26?, 27—29. ldioprioniodus conjunctus (Gunnell). Rexroad, figs. 4: 1?, 2—12, 13?, 14?. Remarks.———Idiopri0niodid elements are relatively rare in the Wahoo Limestone; all are incomplete. Elements approximate the better preserved material illustrated by Savage and Barkeley (1985, fig. 5). We have referred virtu- ally all representatives of ldioprioniodus in the collections from the Wahoo Limestone to I. conjunctus?. Distribution in the study section—53 to 257.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Ches- terian to lower Atokan; Upper muricatus Subzone to Idio- gnathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range—Within the Upper Mis- sissippian to at least Desmoinesian. Material.—6 Pb, 7 M, 5 Sa, 10 Sb, and 7 Sc elements. 1985 1990 (Gunnell). Grayson, 1993 Idioprioniodus cf. 1. healdi (Roundy, 1926)? Plate 5, figure 13 For synonymy to 1987, see Stone (1991). Remarks—Stone (1991) assigned many Mississippian representatives of Idioprioniodus to 1. cf. 1. healdi, includ- ing 1. paraclaviger (Rexroad). One Pb? element from the Wahoo Limestone conforms to the Sb] element illustrated by Stone for 1. cf. 1. healdi (1991, pl. 5, fig. 5). This ele— ment, unlike similar elements of I. conjunctus, has a denti— cle immediately anterior to the cusp that is fused to it, at least near its base. Pb or Sb elements of forms we assign to I. conjunctus? do not have an anterior denticle fused to or impinging on the cusp. Distribution in the study section—207 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (Morrowan or lower Atokan; Idiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range—upper Osagean to at least Chesterian. The specimen from the Wahoo Limestone is from Pennsylvanian strata. Material.—1 Pb? element. Idioprioniodus spp. indet. Plate 5, figure 12 Remarks—Broken and abraded robust digyrate ele— ments, some of which are indeterminate to morphotype. Distribution in the study section—0.4 to 241 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian to lower Atokan?; Upper muricatus Subzone to Idiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range—Lower Mississippian (upper Osagean) to at least Desmoinesian. Material.——1 Pa, 3 Pb, 8 M, 6 Sa, and 7 Sb elements and 9 elements indeterminate to morphotype. Genus KLADOGNATH US Rexroad, 1958 Type species.—Cladognathus prima Rexroad, 1957 p. 28, 29, pl. 1, figs. 8—10 Kladognathus spp. Plate 5, figures [—10 For synonymies of several species of Kladognathus, see Rexroad (1981) and Rexroad and Horowitz (1990). Remarks—Element notation for Kladognathus spp. follows that of Purnell (1993). Purnell’s reconstruction is based on a well-preserved bedding-plane assemblage in the gut of a conodont predator. Except for some M elements, all kladognathid specimens from the Wahoo Limestone are incomplete. Thus, we could not distinguish Pa from Pb ele— ments, and we have not attempted to identify the four mor— photypes of the Sb-Sc transition series documented by Purnell (1993). The end members of the Sb-Sc transition series are illustrated (pl. 5, figs. 9, 10). 46 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE The lowest collection from the Wahoo Limestone con— tains the greatest number of kladognathids (table 1, USGS colln. 30745—PC). Most elements appear to be Kladog— nathus tenuis (Branson and Mehl) as reconstructed by Rexroad and Horowitz (1990). Distribution in the study section—0.4 to 54.9 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper muricatus Subzone). Specimens from 59 to 107 m above the base of the formation are considered redeposited. Known stratigraphic range.—upper Osagean to upper- most Chesterian. Material.—68 P, 52 M, 6 Sa, and 115 Sb-Sc elements. Genus LOCHRIEA Scott, 1942 Type species.—Spathognathodus commutatus Branson and Mehl, 1941b p. 98, pl. 19, figs. 1—4 Lochriea commutata (Branson and Mehl, 1941b) Plate 3, figures 26, 27 For synonymy to 1987, see Rexroad and Horowitz (1990). Additions and exceptions are noted below. 1941a Spathognathodus commutatus Branson and Mehl, p. 172, p1. V, figs. 19—22. 1941b Spathognathodus commutatus Branson and Mehl, p.98, pl. 19, figs. 1—4. 1969 Gnathodus commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Thompson and Goebel, p. 23, 24, pl. 4, figs. 4, 6, 7. 1979 Gnathodus commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Aisen— verg and others, pl. 6, figs. 3, 4. 1979 Gnathodus commutatus commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Einor and others, pl. 14, figs. 2, 3. 1986 Paragnathodus commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Ji, pl. 2, figs. 1—4, 5?, 6. 1987 Lochriea commutata (Branson and Mehl). Arm- strong and Purnell, pl. 3, fig. 1. 1987 Paragnathodus commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Riley and others, pl. 2, figs. 1, 3. 1987 Paragnathodus commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Wang and others, p. 130, 131, pl. 2, fig. 12. 1988 Gnathoa’us commutatus commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Dong and Ji, pl. 5, figs. 1—3. 1989 Paragnathodus commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Wang and Higgins, p. 285, pl. 8, figs. 4, 5. 1990 Lochriea commutata (Branson and Mehl). Grayson, pl. 1, figs. 14—24. 1990a Lochriea commutata (Branson and Mehl). Ramovs, p. 94, 95, pl. 4, figs. 6, 7,10,11. 1990b Lochriea commutata (Branson and Mehl). Ramovs, p. 110, pl. 1, figs. 6, 7, 9, 12—14. 1990 Lochriea commutata (Branson and Mehl). Rexroad and Horowitz, p. 508—510, pl. 2, figs. 10—24. 1990 Lochriea commutata. Whiteside and Grayson, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2. 1991 Paragnathodus commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Nemirovskaya and others, pl. 3, fig. 4. 1991 Paragnathodus commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Varker and others, pl. 1, figs. 13—15. ?1992aParagnathodus aff. commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Nigmadganov and Nemirovskaya, pl. 1, fig. 5. Lochriea commutata (Branson and Mehl). Weibel and Norby, pl. 2, figs. 35?, 36. Paragnathodus commutatus (Branson and Mehl). Alekseev and Kononova, pl. 29, fig. 11. 1992 1993 1994 Lochriea commutata (Branson and Mehl). Kolar- Jurkovsek and Jurkovsek, 432—433, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4. 1994 Lochriea commutata (Branson and Mehl). Nemirovskaya and others, pl. 2, fig. 1. Lochriea commutata (Branson and Mehl). von Bit- ter and Norby, p. 861—869, figs. 2—7. Remarks—A11 Pa and M elements conform to those listed in the above synonymy. Distribution in the study section—0.4 to 54.9 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper muricatus Subzone). Known stratigraphic range.——lower Meramecian (lower Arundian in England according to Metcalfe, 1981) into the lowermost Morrowan (noduliferus Zone or earliest Bashkirian in the Donets basin, Ukraine (Nemirovskaya and others, 1991), and South Tienshan, Uzbekistan (Nigmadga- nov and Nemirovskaya, 1992a). Material.——8 Pa and 2 M elements. 1994 Genus NEOGNATHODUS Dunn, 1970b Type species.—Polygnathus bassleri Harris and Hollingsworth, 1933 p. 198, 199, pl. 1, figs. 13a—e Neognathodus? sp. indet. Remarks—A single posterior Pa element fragment is assigned to Neognathodus? sp. indet. Distribution in the study section—257.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (lower Atokan; Idiognatho- dus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range.—Morrowan (N. symmet— ricus Zone) to Desmoinesian. Material.—1 Pa element fragment. Genus RHACHIS T OGNAT H US Dunn, 1966 Type species.—Rhachistognathus prima Dunn, 1966 p. 1301, 1302, pl. 157, figs. 1, 2 Rhachistognathus minutus (Higgins and Bouckaert, 1968) Remarks.———Baesemann and Lane (1985) recognized three subspecies of Rhachistognathus minutus—R. m. declinatus, R. m. havlenai, and R. m. minutus—on the basis of the position of the blade attachment and the degree of SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 47 curvature of the anterior part of the left platform margin. They reported (p. 107) that “All specimens in our collec- tions are comparatively small.” In contrast, adult to gerontic specimens from the Wahoo Limestone are quite large (some incomplete specimens are at least 1 mm long; pl. 4, figs. 5— 8). Many specimens exhibit transitional subspecies charac— teristics so that subspecific assignment of such forms was arbitrary. In addition, some specimens of R. m. minutus are similar to R. muricatus (pl. 4, fig. 15; Higgins, 1985, pl. 6.2, fig. 9). Regularly nodose specimens were cosmopolitan (R. m. minutus) and probably lived in relatively uniform, normal-marine shallow—water environments, whereas increasingly asymmetrical forms (R. muricatus to R. pri- mus) occupied more variable shallow—water environments and were chiefly North American Cordilleran and southern Midcontinent inhabitants. We are unable to evaluate the biostratigraphic utility, if any, of the subspecies of R. minutus from the Wahoo Lime- stone. All subspecies appear between 84 and 85 m above the base of the section and continue to near the top. We sup- pose that any paleoecologic partitioning of these subspecies was obliterated by hydraulic mixing across the Wahoo car- bonate platform. The distribution of R. minutus subspp. in the Arrow Canyon section, Nevada (Baesemann and Lane, 1985), is quite different from that of our section. At Arrow Canyon, R. m. minutus and R. m. havlenai make their appearance about 105 m below that of R. m. declinatus, co-occur for about 90 m, and disappear about 15 m below the first R. m. declinatus. R. m. declinatus continues as the only rhachistognathid in the succeeding 75 m. Unfortu— nately, Baesemann and Lane (1985) do not explain the stratigraphic succession of these subspecies nor the pale- oenvironmental implications. Varker and others (1991) report all three subspecies together in several samples. Rhachistognathus minutus declinatus Baesemann and Lane, 1985 Plate 4, figures 1—9 For synonymy through 1975, see Baesemann and Lane (1985). 1985 Rhachistognathus minutus declinatus Baesemann and Lane, p. 108, 109, pl. 1, figs. 1—10. 1987 Rhachistognathus minutus declinatus Baesemann and Lane. Nemirovskaya, pl. 1, figs. 1, 4. 1987 Rhachistognathus minutus declinatus Baesemann and Lane. Riley and others, pl. 3, figs. 10?, 11. 1991 ?Rhachist0gnathus minutus declinatus Baesemann and Lane. Nemirovskaya and others, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2. 1991 Rhachistognathus minutus declinatus Baesemann and Lane. Varker and others, pl. 1, figs. 30, 31. Remarks.—Rhachist0gnathus minutus declinatus is the most abundant rhachistognathid in the Wahoo Limestone. One sample from the upper member yielded 276 Pa elements of R. m. declinatus; some specimens are transi— tional to R. m. havlenai (table 1, USGS colln. 30786—PC). The free blade joins the platform subcentrally and, with few exceptions, the anterior end of the left parapet is deflected to the left. A few gerontic specimens have the anterior end of the right parapet deflected to the right (pl. 4, fig. 6). The inner platform margin of some gerontic Pa elements have one or two nodes (pl. 4, figs. 7, 8); a transverse ridge may extend from the node(s) to the parapet (pl. 4, fig. 7). A form geometrically similar to R. m. declinatus was described from Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian rocks in southeast Alaska by Savage and Barkeley (1985). The plat- form margin of their species, “Taphrognathus alaskensis,” however, is ornamented by closely spaced, delicate trans— verse ridges, whereas R. m. declinatus has noded or trans- versely ridged and noded parapets. The new species may represent a part of the R. minutus plexus that occupied quiet, open—marine environments. Distribution in the study section—85 to 261.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (lower Morrowan to lower Atokan; lower minutus Fauna to ldiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range.—lower Morrowan (base of sinuatus-minutus Zone in North America, but below the mid-Carboniferous boundary and within the lowermost Chokierian in England; Varker and others, 1991) to lower Atokan. Material.—5 18 Pa elements. Rhachistognathus minutus havlenai Baesemann and Lane, 1985 Plate 4, figures 10—12 For synonymy through 1975, see Baesemann and Lane (1985). Additions and exceptions are noted below. 1969 Streptognathodus lanceolatus Webster, p. 47, 48, pl. 6, fig. 14 (only). Rhachistognathus minutus havlenai Baesemann and Lane, p. 109—111, pl. 2, figs. 1—6, 8, 9. Rhachistognathus minutus havlenai Baesemann and Lane. Riley and others, pl. 3, figs. 8, 9. I991 Rhachistognathus minutus havlenai Baesemann and Lane. Varker and others, pl. 1, figs. 26—29. Remarks—According to Baesemann and Lane (1985), the offset of the free blade from the left parapet distin- guishes Rhachistognathus minutus havlenai from R. m. minutus and R. muricatus. The anterior margin of the left parapet in R. m. havlenai is straight as opposed to R. m. dec- linatus in which it curves strongly outward (compare pl. 4, figs. 1, 10). Distribution in the study section—85 to 261.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (lower Morrowan to lower Atokan; lower minutus Fauna to Idiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range.—lower Morrowan (base of sinuatus-minutus Zone in North America, but below the 1985 1987 48 CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND BIOFACIES OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE mid-Carboniferous boundary and within the lowermost Chokierian in England; Varker and others, 1991) to lower Atokan. Material.—-228 Pa elements. Rhachistognathus minutus minutus (Higgins and Bouckaert, 1968) Plate 4, figures 13—15 For synonymy through 1975, see Baesemann and Lane (1985). Additions and exceptions are noted below. 1969 Streptognathodus lanceolatus Webster, p. 47, 48, pl. 6, fig. 15 (only). Rhachistognathus minutus minutus (Higgins and Bouckaert). Baesemann and Lane, p. 111, 112, pl. 2, figs. 7, 10, 11; pl. 3, figs. 1—12. Rhachistognathus minutus (Higgins and Bouckaert). Higgins, p. 220, pl. 6.2, figs. 3—9. ?1985 Rhachistognathus minutus n. subsp. C. Skipp and others, pl. 8, fig. 5. Rhachistognathus minutus minutus (Higgins and Bouckaert). Riley and others, pl. 3, figs. 1—7. 1991 Rhachistognathus minutus minutus (Higgins and Bouckaert). Varker and others, pl. 1, figs. 16?, 17?, 20—22, 25. Remarks—Specimens from the Wahoo Limestone assigned to this subspecies conform to the diagnosis and description given in Baesemann and Lane (1985). Also see remarks above for Rhachistognathus minutus. Distribution in the study section—84 to 260.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (lower Morrowan to lower Atokan; lower minutus Fauna to Idiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range.—lower Morrowan (base of sinuatus-minutus Zone in North America, but below the mid-Carboniferous boundary and within the lowermost Chokierian in England; Varker and others, 1991) to lower Atokan. Material.—300 Pa elements. 1985 1985 1987 Rhachistognathus minutus subspp. indet. Remarks—Included are broken, abraded, or juvenile Pa elements. Distribution in the study section—107 to 261.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (Morrowan to lower Atokan; lower minutus Fauna to Idiognathodus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range—lower Morrowan (base of sinuatus—minutus Zone in North America, but below the mid-Carboniferous boundary and within the lowermost Chokierian in England; Varker and others, 1991) to lower Atokan. Material.—33 Pa elements. Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn, 1965) Plate 4, figures 27—30 For synonymy through 1980, see Baesemann and Lane (1985). Additions and exceptions are noted below. ?1966 Cavusgnathus transitoria Dunn, p. 1299, pl. 157, fig. 9. 1985 Rhachistognathus minutus minutus (Higgins and Bouckaert). Baesemann and Lane, pl. 2, figs. 7, 10 (only). 1985 Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn). Skipp and oth- ers, pl. 8, fig. 9. 1985 Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn). Wardlaw, pl. 1, fig. 9. 1987 Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn). Grayson and others, pl. 4, figs. 23, 30?, 32, 38. ?1987 Rhachistognathus aff. muricatus (Dunn). Wang and others, p. 131, 132, pl. 7, figs. 5, 6. 1991 Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn). Higgins and others, pl. 3, figs. 8, 13. 1991 Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn). Morrow and Webster, pl. 4, figs. 1—5. 1992 Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn). Morrow and Webster, pl. 1, fig. 6. 1993 Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn). Lemos, p. 88, 90, pl. 4, figs. 3, 4, 5?. Remarks—This species is the most morphologically variable rhachistognathid and is intermediate between Rhachistognathus minutus and R. primus. Many specimens in the collections from the Wahoo Limestone conform to the species diagnosis, whereas others are transitional to R. minutus, R. primus, or R. websteri. Transition forms are discussed below. Distribution in the study section—6 to 133.5 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian to Morrowan; Upper muricatus Subzone to lower minutus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range—uppermost Chesterian (base of muricatus Zone) to lower Atokan. Material.—336 Pa elements. Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn) transitional to R. primus Dunn Plate 4, figure 25 1974 Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn). Lane and Straka, p. 97, 98, figs. 35: 16, 17. 1985 Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn) transitional to R. primus Dunn. Baesemann and Lane, p. 115, pl. 4, figs. 8, 9. 1987 Rhachistognathus minutus (Higgins and Bouckaert). Grayson and others, pl. 4, fig. 31. 1991 Rhachistognathus minutus havlenai Baesemann and Lane. Higgins and others, pl. 3, figs. 7, 11. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 49 Remarks.—-The absence of a narrow, medial trough distinguishes R. primus from R. muricatus. Specimens con- sidered transitional between R. muricatus and R. primus have a moderate trough on the anterior half of the platform and a shallow trough containing a row of low nodes on the posterior half. Distribution in the study section—85 to 95 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (Morrowan; lower minu- tus Fauna). Material.—4 Pa elements. Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn) transitional to R. websteri Baesemann and Lane Plate 4, figure 16 Remarks.——Rhachist0gnathus websteri is distin- guished from other rhachistognathids by a prominent mar- ginal node that is distinctly offset from the posterior part of the outer parapet. This node is only slightly offset in the fig- ured specimen. Distribution in the study section—6 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian; Upper muricatus Subzone). Material.—1 Pa element. Rhachistognathus prolixus Baesemann and Lane, 1985? Remarks—Two posterior platform fragments resem- ble Rhachistognathus prolixus but are too incomplete for positive identification. Distribution in the study section—6 to 157 m above the base of the Wahoo Limestone (uppermost Chesterian to Morrowan; Upper muricatus Subzone to lower minutus Fauna). Known stratigraphic range.~—lower Chesterian to middle Morrowan. Material.—3 Pa element fragments. Rhachistognathus websteri Baesemann and Lane, 1985 Plate 4, figures 17—21 For synonymy through 1980, see Baesemann and Lane (1985). 1983 Rhachistognathus primus Dunn. Metcalfe, pl. 2, fig. 18. 1985 Rhachistognathus websteri Baesemann and Lane, p. 117—119, pl. 5, figs. 1,2, 8—12. 1985 Rhachistognathus muricatus (Dunn)-Rhachisto- gnathus primus Dunn plexus. Plafl5... Eng—.3 :m.:a>.>m::on. .Euc. dm 35:593.! :5». :ao.n.:m.uuo. .:m.::.mm_mm_§ 9.. 2.0%.. 2:: «m3? EwEgm 2:28.522 F 9.52:8 223.3 8252.8 $9.... .33 9m; 93m :282. >35 80.. E853 9.35:. 9:83.... 3:28... «n. N :8 >9. 26.2. Am: .8. .N .9: 8.63. ..:m:.:o..>:o 3:05.83: mwaEmm 9.2.3:: :::n. $3.5m 3:... 3:05:20 w.:wEo.m an. N E N :5. .wnEwE .némov: >37. .0 .33 Ex _. 5me w m:..mE..mE.o: 62030.: 5 Emma 3:... SEN it... 2.3555 $5..ng an. 9 .mso. .0 mmmn >mo.mmomo Aon..mNNNm. 52.6 E 5.88 8532.: En. 285:5 9.. E9. .0 55.; 32:. 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(Conodont-based) Sample No- CAVUSGNATHID BIOFACIES (NEAR RESTRICTED TO OPEN PLATFORM ) 13.2 Grainstone Y AOQ ”Q6 well A moderate open marine or open platform, 59 8 9 1o cavusgnathid open platform AK22M16.2 high energy 22 Grainstone, Yfl A NA<9>OQO 0% moderate M moderate open marine or open platform, 1 69 1 cavusgnathid open platform, near AK22M25 packstone moderate to high energy restricted(?) 32 Grainstone Y #7 A 00 NAcQJZQ moderate C moderate open marine or open platform, 53 6 9 cavusgnathid open platform AK22M35 moderate energy 42 Grainstone Y 177 A Mcfiflfi 0 moderate 0 strong open marine or open platform, 21 cavusgnathid open platform, near AK22M45 moderate to high energy restricted(?) 47 Grainstone Yr? A N03®0 A665 moderate C moderate open marine or open platform. 1 63 14 cavusgnathid open platform AK22M50 moderate to high energy 50.5 Grainstone Yr? A WQAOIQ (sax moderate C moderate open marine, near restricted 4 16 cavusgnathid open platform, near AK22M53.5 61)}. platform restricted(?) CAVUSGNATHlD-KLADOGNATHID BIOFACIES (OPEN PLATFORM TO OPEN MARINE) 0.4 Packstone Y #7 We AX ® 7 Q poor 0 moderate open marine to open platform, 108 67 97 cavusgnathid- open platform to open AK22M3.4 moderate energy kladognathid manne 6 Grainstone, Yr? A @2an A880 moderate M moderate open piatfonn, near restricted 81 18 30 14 cavusgnathid- open piatforrn to open AK22M9 packstone platform kladognathid marine 7 Grainstone, Y #7 A NQAébO @680 well C moderate open marine near restricted 88 15 46 15 cavusgnathid- open piatfonn near AK22M10 packstone platform kladognathid open manne 27 Grainstone Y #7 NQAOA X. moderate C moderate open marine or open platform, 3 7 5 1o cavusgnathid- open platform to open AK22M30 moderate energy kladognathid marine 37 Grainstone, A Y 0 Mr?) moderate M moderate open marine or open platform, 8 6 7 cavusgnathid- open marine, near open AK22M40 mUddL___ moderate energy kladognathid platform GNATHODlD-HINDEODID BIOFACIES (LOW ENERGY, OPEN MARINE) 53 Packstone Y \UQA Q wA&)R_flf poor C weak open marine, low energy 67 32 5 gnathodid- open marine, low AK22M56 hindeodid energy Meters Carbonate Abun- Common Minor Rare Sorting Micrit- Abrasion Depositional Environment Conodont Genera (abw)1 Texture dant (10-50%) (140%) (<1%) ization (Microlithofacies) (Includes only genera (>50%) having more than 5 Conodont Depositional Univ. Alaska spec‘mens in each sample) Biofacies Environment Museum PENNElYLVANIAN PART OF THE LOWER MEMBER OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE Ad. C.? De. Hi. Rh. (Conodont—based) Sample N0- ADETOGNATHID-RELATED BIOFACIES (NEAR RESTRICTED PLATFORM TO LOW ENERGY, OPEN MARINE) 56 Packstone- 0 Y A NQAfl/fl aaafi'to moderate C weak open to restricted platform 1 15 19 1o declinognathodid- mixed: near restricted to AK22M59 wa9keSt°”°' @ ® 3 V 7Q adetognathid open platform near gramstone shoal 59 Grainstone. Y 047' A NQAvm moderate C moderate open marine, moderate energy 61 37 58 14 adetognathid- open marine to open AK22M62 packstone declinoqnathodid platform 69 Packstone Y A O \0/ ($3 7(5)?) poor strong open marine, low energy 11 8 18 10 hindeodid- open marine AK22M72 (dolomitic) adetognathid Meters Carbonate Abun- Common Minor Rare Sorting Micrit- Abrasion Depositional Environment Conodont Genera (abw)‘ Texture dant (10-50%) (140%) (<1%) ization (Microlithofacies) (Includes only genera having (>50%) more than 5 specimens in each Conodont Depositional Univ. Alaska sample) Biofacies Environment Museum PENNSYLVANIAN Ad. De. Hi. Idg. Idp. Rh. (Conodont-based) Sample No. UPPER MEMBER OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE ADETOGNATHID-RHACHISTOGNATHID BIOFACIES(?) (RESTRICTED TO NEAR OPEN PLATFORM) 246 Grainstone 0 Q 0®66€A7§ 3 0 very poor A strong restricted to open platform 26 7 23 adetognathid- open platform, near AK22M249 rhachistognathid shoal 261.5 Packstone, N © 7% O YchV A AxO/Q very poor 0 restricted to open platform 15 18 adetognathid- restricted to open AK22M264.56 mudstone rhachistognathid platform ADETOGNATHID-RHACHISTOGNATHID BIOFACIES (OPEN PLATFORM TO NEAR SHOAL AND SHOAL TO TIDAL C -|AN NEL 84 Grainstone Y 47 A@&3A \O/ZGOQ moderate C moderate open platform, moderate 27 31 adetognathid- open platform, near AK22M87 energy rhachistognathid shoal 113 Grainstone Yc9>€ MQOAO 0 very well A strong open platform to open marine, 66 7 142 adetognathid- shoal to tidal channel AK22M116 Q high energy, tidal channel(?) rhachistognathid 118 Grainstone A NYE 66309 QAW poor C moderate open platform, near shoal 11 11 adetognathid- open platform, near AK22M121 ° rhachistognathid shoal 157 Grainstone Ge. NOY #7 fl 3 ® moderate A strong shoal, near platform 29 34 adetognathid open platform, near AK22M160 :9) © 7 0 X rhachistognathid shoal 203 Grainstone A0 iO® V well A strong open platform 12 18 adetognathid- open platform, near AK22M206 rhachistognathid shoal 241 Grainstone, MiG/Y @AX an moderate ‘ C moderate open platform 13 5 11 adetognathid- open platform, near AK22M244 packstone 127 © rhachistognathid shoal RHACHISTOGNATHID BIOFACIES (NEAR SHOAL TO OPEN PLATFORM 95 Grainstone QOY V N777 (EBA © 7 (3 well C strong open platform, near shoal or 17 41 rhachistognathid open platform, near AK22M98 0 e o XQ tidal channel shoal 107 Grainstone, C 09 MQ0Y&>© W well strong open platform, near shoal, 36 147 rhachistognathid open platform, near AK22M110 packstone 7 AXQ. high energy shoal 257.5 Grainstone, Y #7 A 03 © 7X6 MMOQ poor C moderate open platform, moderate 7 26 rhachistognathid open platform AK22M260.5 ac 5 one energy RHACHISTOGNAT HID BIOFACIES (SHOAL OR TIDAL CHANNEL) 85 Grainstone Yflc$A WOO/00 very well A strong opehn platform or tidal channel, 26 118 rhachistognathid shoal or tidal channel AK22M88 hig energy 91 Grainstone ($0 Nil/Y AQQ very well A strong open marine, near shoal, or 26 245 rhachistognathid shoal AK22M94 (d°'°m'"z°d) tidal channel, high energy 97 Grainstone AG) figchgg 3 75 ® well C strong shoal and (or) tidal channel 7 19 rhachistognathid shoal or tidal channel AK22M100 o 102 Grainstone NQO/A O Y<9>®e 0 Q very well C strong tidal channel or open marine, 30 130 rhachistognathid shoal AK22M105 near shoal, high energy 122 Grainstone NQO Y&>A To well A strong open platform, near shoal or 34 8 180 rhachistognathid shoal or tidal channel AK22M125 Q 0 tidal channel, high energy RHACHISTOGNAT HID BIOFACIES (OPEN MARINE, NEAR SHOAL) 133.5 Grainstone Y A 6400/17? @ AO moderate C moderate open marine to open platform, 36 24 192 rhachistognathid open marine, near shoal AK22M136.5 <52>© 7 A X e ‘ near shoal, moderate energy 00 187 Grainstone, Yfl 649) 00/663 7 A 890 moderate C weak . open platform or open marine, 10 33 19 276 rhachistognathid open marine, near shoal AK22M190 packstone A 0 moderate energy 232 Grainstone Y #7 A WQOOflaé AEOQ well C strong - open marine to open platform, 8 7 16 37 rhachistognathid open marine, near shoal AK22M235 © moderate energy Meters Carbonate Abun- Common Minor Rare Sorting Micrit- Abrasion Depositional Environment Conodont Genera (abw)' Texture dant (10-50%) ( 1-10%) (<1%) ization (Microlithofacies) (Includes only genera having more than Conodont Depositional Univ. Alaska (>50%) 5 sm time is in t ach sample Biofacies Environment Museum PENNS YLVANIAN Ad. De. Hi. Idg. Idp. Idid. Rh. (Conodont-based) Sample No. UPPER MEMBER OF THE WAHOO LIMESTONE DECLINOGNATHODID-RELATED BIOFACIES (OPEN MARINE, NEAR SHOAL) 177 Grainstone NQOO Am A MO poor A moderate ' open platform, near shoal, or 23 20 declinognathodid- open marine, shoal AK22M180 Y 1% )3 G e tidal channel(?) rhachistognathid apron 197.5 Grainstone, Y A 00 age moderate C moderate open marine, near shoal 23 8 declinognathodid open marine, near shoal AK22M200.5 packstone 207 Grainstone, Y #7 @A 00 A3 580 moderate C moderate open marine, near shoal 30 15 8 declinognathodid- open marine AK22M210 packstone to oor idiognathodid DECLINOGNATHODID-RELATED BIOFACIES (LOW ENERGY, OPEN PLATFORM AND (OR, OPEN MARINE) 142 Packstone Y 047 A0 NW poor 0 moderate open marine to open platform, 21 15 33 rhachistognathid- open platform or open AK22M145 (d°'°mi‘ized) =low energy adetognathid marine 152 Mudstone A not 0 not open marine, low energy 34 declinognathodid open marine AK22M155 ld°'°"‘"i15d) a Iicable a Iicable 162 Packstone, YA ()0. V X80 poor C strong ‘ open marine to open platform, 44 41 6 61 rhachistognathid- open platform or open AK22M165 wackestone low energy adetognathid- marine (d°'°'“m25d) declinognathodid 178 Packstone Y A iOX O A&><§m poor C moderate 1 open marine, low energy 21 declinognathodid open marine AK22M181 217.5 Packstone \O/Y A NW 38 poor C moderate open marine, low energy 34 75 12 3 declinognathodid- open marine AK22M220.5 (dolomitized) idiognathodid 237 Packstone YA \0/ 6M poor 0 moderate open platform to open marine 17 8 declinognathodid- open marine AK22M240 idiognathodid 250 Wackestone, Yfll?’ A not 0 not , open marine, low energy 17 declinognathodid open marine Ak22M253 mudstone applicable applicable (dolomltlzed) CONODONT SAMPLES NOT QUALIFYING FOR BIOFACIES ANALYSIS Meters Carbonate Abun- Common Minor Rare Sorting Micrit- Abrasion Depositional Environment Conodont Genera Univ. Alaska (abw)1 Texture dant (1 O-50%) (1 -10%) (<1%) ization (Microtithofacies) Museum (>50%) Sample No. RESTRICTED PLATFORM Ad. 0.? Cav De. Gn, Hi. Idg. Idp. Idid Kld. Flh. V0. 76.8 Mudstone 0 intertidal to restricted; 1 AK22M79.8 (“minim“) conodonts confirm 80.8 Packstone Y to (9:8 56 well A strong restricted platform; conodonts 9 AK22M83.8 suggest open platform near , 571033 253 Grainstone, 0 K @669 80 , very‘weII A strong restrided piatfonn; conodonts 1 4 AK22M256 mudstone suggest open platform near shoal 260.5 Grainstone O 7Q very‘well A strong restricted platform; conodonts 8 9 AK22M263.5 . suggest near shoal, open platform OPEN TO RESTRICTED PLATFORM 55.5 Packstone, 7t 0 Y #7 r 0A0 poor 0 weak restricted to open platform; 3 2 AK22M58.5 bafflestone conodonts confirm 65 Grainstone, Y fl 7% 0 GAO 66/51? 0 [poor to A moderate open to restricted platform; 4 2 1 AK22M68 packstone weak to weak conodonts confirm 74 Wackestone, YA. 0 #7 @0X HA7 poor Ft weak to restricted to open platform, low '1 AK22M77 mudstone, moderate energy; rarity of cone-dents packstone suggest restricted to open . platform 76.5 packstone Y o #7 Q M@&)€Z 0 moderate A moderate restricted to open platform; 1 1 1 AK22M79.5 e to well to strong conodonts confirm 212 Grainstone, 0 Y6?” AX Q® AO very well I A strong restricted to open platform; 7 AK22|y1215 mudstone , conodonts suggest restricted to near shoal OPEN PLATFORM 88 Packstone, @ #7 A. NW8 poor M weak open platform; 14 AK22M91 wackestone Q conodonts suggest open (dolomitized) platform near shoal 137 Grainstone Y #7 A 0? A 33 0 moderate R weak opefn platform; conodonts 3 9 2 7 AK22M140 con lrm 167 Grainstone, MQOY i@&>3 7)} 760 poor to C weak to open platform; conodonts 1 1? 1 7 AK22M169.9 packstone 417 Q *6 0 moderate moderate confirm 191.5 Grainstone, WQI© 0Y3 AW poor A moderate open platform; conodonts 12 5 AK22M194.5 bafflestone G) confirm 222 Grainstone 0 O O YWAX 0 well C strong open platform, behind shoal; 3 AK22M225 indet. conodont fragments 243 Grainstone, Y 0177 A @ N- O ’5‘ poor A weak open platform to open marine 3 5 3 1o AK22M246 packstone OPEN PLATFORM OR OPEN MARINE TO SHOAL 62 Grainstone, 777 Y @Ae NWO Q16?) 5 Q poor to A moderate open platform near shoal; 5 2 2 12 AK22M65 packstone 0 moderate to weak conodonts confirm 169 Grainstone NQG 00Yfl ® a C m very well A strong open marine to shoal; 4 7 a AK22M172 (9,? *3 O o to well conodonts suggest open marine to shoal 171 Grainstone G) © 0 HQ 777 3® well to A strong shoal to Open platform; 4 1 AK22M174 9 very well conodonts confirm 174 Grainstone N©XO Qifl/Yfl fi® to moderate 0 moderate open platform to shoal; 1 1 2 AK22M177 <9) 3 *® 9 o to poor conodonts suggest open marine to shoal 181 Grainstone iN 6 Q C (BAG 0W®XO very well A moderate open platform to shoal; 2 AK22M184 to well conodont data inadequate 132 Grainstone im e 559 0 very well A moderate open platform to shoal; 2 AK22M185 to well conodont data inadequate 227 Grainstone <9>© 00 MY Q) A 57 moderate C strong open platform behind shoal or 6 1 AK22M230 tidal channel; conodonts confirm SHOAL 173 Grainstone 0 Ni Y&>Z{ QAO ©® well A moderate shoal; conodonts confirm 3 1 5 AK22M176 e o 179 Grainstone 0 © 0 \O/A very well A strong shoal; conodont data 1 AK22M182 inadequate 180 Grainstone O NQ®G i C @YW A well A strong shoal; conodonts confirm 2 16 AK22M183 A X 0 OPEN MARINE TO OPEN PLATFORM, LOW ENERGY 17.1 Packstone A Y MAO/[77 $6): poor to C moderate open marine to open platform, 9 AK22M20.1 @0 very poor low energy; conodonts suggest open platform 1abw, above base of Wahoo Limestone. EXPLANATION GRAINS MICRITIZATION SKELETAL NONSKELETAL Algae ® Calcisphere ® Grapestone 0 None 6M Undifferentiated é?) Foraminifer )3 Intraclast M Minor (140%) Q Archaeolithophy/lum sp. 8 Gastropod O Ooid C Common (10-50%) A Aspha/tina sp. © Oncoid e Superficial ooid A Abundant (>50%) i Donezella sp. ¢ Ostracode o Peloid C Bioclast, A Pelmatozoan Q Quartz undifferentiated O Bivalve 7Q Sponge spicule \0/ Brachiopod 6) Trilobite Bryozoans Y Undifferentiated #7 Fenestrate @ Ramose