INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY of the HISTORY of LEGAL MEDICINE Jaroslav. Nemec, Jur.D. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20014 DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 73-535 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402—Price: $5.50 Stock Number 1752-00148 HA 1021 Arz NY RBC HEALTH LIBRA CONTENTS Preface ______________________ __________ iv Introduction _________________________ __________ vii Bibliography ____________ 1 Subject Index ___________________ 201 Citations marked * have not been examined by the author. 02731 111 PREFACE There has been much disagreement in the past concerning the philosophy, position, and importance of history in human life, and this disagreement continues. With no wish to enter the arena, we merely state our belief that qualified professionals, especially scholars in the sciences and arts, should have a knowledge of the history of their respective fields. This is equally true for medicine, even at this time when the primary emphasis is on the immediate application of the latest methods and techniques. Among the voices which support our view we may cite Professor E. H. Ackerknecht of Zurich in the foreword to his A Short History of Medicine (1968) : “The most usual reason for studying medical history is the desire to understand medicine itself and grasp its technics, its organization, and its underlying ideas.” Speaking of the complexity and specialization of present-day medicine, the same author states: “There is no better way than the study of medical history to bring some order and coherence into . . . the oppressive mass of details. . . of modern medicine.” The history of most medical specialties has been recorded, at least in part. Legal medicine is an exception. Pioneers of legal medicine in the 18th and early 19th centuries paid special attention to the history of their field, and their efforts were crowned by the first volume of L. J. Mende’s famous Ausfiihrliches Handbuch der gerichtlichen Medizin (1819), which covered the subject from antiquity to his time. In the same year, an extensive bibliog- raphy of legal medicine by Ch. F. L. Wildberg appeared, in his Bibliotheca medicinae publicae, containing 2,980 medicolegal references, superseding an earlier effort by C. F. Daniel (1784). These publications were for many years the sum of work in both the history and bibliography of legal medicine on a supranational basis. Briefer works continued to appear from time to time, but the original enthusiasm for history faded away during most of the 19th century. A general scepticism of the real importance of history was, however, not the only cause for the neglect. The field of legal medicine was not recognized in some countries as an independent specialty. If included at all, it was usually not a required course in the medical curriculum. This was the case, for example, in Germany until 1901, and its position in Great Britain, after a promising start in Edinburgh in 1807, was lower still. iv Even among those working in the field, there was no agreement on its scope. The medicine-law field originally consisted of medical reports on cases of questionable death, injuries, poisoning, determination of pregnancy and its duration, induced abortion, doubtful virginity, and the like, but the increased activity in the field quickly expanded its scope. It soon contained every application of medicine to the needs of the law, and later a similar application of other sciences allied to medicine. Legislation concerned with health and medicine, as well as decisions of the courts concerning such matters as medical practice and ethics, were added. The issue of scope was, however, clouded by the inclusion of phrenology, and later of criminal anthropology and criminology. Under the influence of new trends in both medicine and the law, new ideas were included, such as industrial medicine and social medicine (both of which later became independent). The all-embracing term, “forensic sciences,” tends at present to cover not only medicine, but any kind of science or technology applied to the needs of justice. All efforts of the past and present to define the scope or even agree upon the name of our subject have been in vain. Plato said, “He shall be as a god to me, who can rightly divide and define.” This is particularly fitting for our discipline. These are the basic reasons why there has been no effort to compile a comprehensive work on the world history of legal medicine. While there have been shorter publications with wide historical coverage,* they merely kept Mende’s heritage alive and brought it up to date, in part. A promise of change came in the early 1960s, with the work of Dr. Robert Peter Brittain of Glasgow. His intention was to write a world history of legal medicine, from its very inception to the present. To achieve this goal, he decided to prepare first a series of national medicolegal bibliographies listing chiefly monographs. He succeeded in publishing scholarly and remarkably comprehensive bibliographies of medicolegal works in English (1962), French (1970), and Italian (in press at the time of his death in 1972). Moreover, from 1963 on, he published articles on the history of legal medicine covering the period from antiquity to the 16th century. These articles were apparently destined to form the nucleus of his planned world history. Physician by profession, specialist in psychiatry, Dr. Brittain was basically a historian and bibliographer of legal medicine. He looked for history in bibliography and for bibliography in history, knowing well their affinity and interdependence. His splendid program required numerous coworkers and it was a project to encompass more than a lifetime. He had almost no help and very little time, yet his accomplishments are of great and enduring value. The author was in correspondence with Dr. Brittain from 1968 on and the possi- bility of collaborative publication was explored. The letter inquiring as to his willingness to serve as coauthor of this work arrived too late. Thus, this publication lacks his expert knowledge of the field, his bibliographic experience, and many items in his files which are unavailable for inclusion. As he stated in the preface to his Bibliography of Medico-Legal Works in English, he collected a mass of material in languages other than English. It is our hope that this material will not be lost and will one day serve in continuing Dr. Brittain’s great efforts. * Among them, M. Ortolan (1872), S. E. Chaillé (1876), O. A. Oesterlen (1877), V. Janovsky (1881), and S. Placzek (1905). * * * In the preparation of this work the author received much assistance from members of the staff of the National Library of Medicine. Mrs. Ann Lindsay provided editing and editorial guidance. Those who furnished the translations and/or annotations in certain languages were Mrs. Lois Chang (Chinese), Dr. Stephen Kim (Korean), Dr. Peter Krivatsy (Hungarian), and Mr. William A. Togashi (Japanese). I would also like to acknowledge with thanks the additional references provided by Professor Dr. Zoltan Ander, Chairman, Department of Legal Medicine, Medico- Pharmaceutical Institute, Tirgu-Mures, Rumania and Professor Dr. Heinrich Karplus, Director, Greenberg Institute of Legal Medicine, Jaffa, Abu Kabir, Israel. Despite the limitations and shortcomings of this bibliography, it is offered in the hope that it will enable scholars to write and publish original works on the history and development of legal medicine throughout the world, an area of study neglected since Mende’s time. vi INTRODUCTION This bibliography lists citations to published material on the history of legal medicine in the holdings of the National Library of Medicine and other reliable bibliographical sources. Definition For the purpose of this work, the terms “legal medicine,” “forensic medicine,” and “medical jurisprudence” (in its broad meaning) are used as equivalents. The most often accepted definition of these terms is “the application of medicine for the adminis- tration of justice.” Even this definition has been challenged as not being broad enough. Because our emphasis is on legal medicine, however, subordinate topics are not mentioned in the title. Scope The subject of the bibliography includes the history of legal medicine and toxicology, forensic psychiatry, forensic dentistry, medical ethics, the legal status of the medical profession, jurisprudence in medicine (malpractice, ete.), quackery, legislation related to the foregoing topics, war crimes of a medical nature, and international medical law. This bibliography makes no claim to being all-inclusive. For a variety of reasons, some subjects include more entries than others. Forensic dentistry, which to Amoedo’s time (1898) was rarely even mentioned in general medicolegal literature, has a very small number of publications devoted to its history. On the other hand, from the large body of literature concerning coroners and medical examiners, only the most important items of real historical content have been selected. The researcher can easily find refer- ences in Dr. Brittain’s work or in the indexes published by the National Library of Medicine under these subjects. A few items have been included which appear, from their titles, to be on the history of legal medicine, but actually contain almost nothing relevant. This is intended as a time-saving device for the researcher. With some exceptions, the following have been excluded: biographies, unless they concern outstanding figures in the field; bibliographies; medicolegal casuistry (except for very early periods or those of great importance) ; criminal trials (unless of unusual importance or involving a number of physicians as defendants) ; regicides or murders of famous persons; the death penalty; apparent death; premature burials; grave robbing and body snatching; and criminology. The terminus ad quem of this bibliography is 1972. vii Material and Its Organization This bibliography contains 1,615 entries. It cites monographs, chapters or parts of monographs, journal articles, and dissertations. About 80 percent of these were actually examined. Entries are in the following languages: Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish. Entries are arranged alphabetically by author or by the title (if anonymous). They are numbered in sequence and cross-references are furnished for coauthors. The name of the author, as well as the title, is given in the original language. There are a few excep- tions to that rule, e.g., the title is given in English if it was not located in the original language. The title of the annotated non-English entry is usually not translated, since the required information is found in the annotation. Titles in foreign languages which were not available for examination and annotation have been translated into English. Those titles not examined are marked by an asterisk. The material available in the National Library of Medicine was examined and briefly annotated to give the researcher explanatory notes regarding its content. Annota- tions were omitted in cases of self-explanatory English titles. Entries not examined were entered only if all required bibliographical data for them were known. There are a few exceptions in the case of important monographs for which no pagination was found. Pamphlets which are merely reprints of articles are included for the convenience of the reader, but their origin is always noted. Subject Index All important historical features contained in the annotation and/or the title of each entry are recorded in the Subject Index. Each entry in the Subject Index is followed by numbers referring to the pertinent citation numbers in the bibliography. Comments and corrections are welcome. Jaroslav Nemec, Jur.D. Reference Services Division, National Library of Medicine viii BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 A-s. Ueber den hiaufigen Beischlaf, in sofern er Veranlassung zur Ehescheidung ist. Neues Mag Gerichtl Arzneikd 1: 230-61, 1785. History of sexual activity, its connection with marital relations, and pertinent legal aspects. 2 Abbott, Samuel Warren. The coroner system in the United States at the close of the nineteenth century. Trans Mass Med Leg Soc 3(3) :1-5, 1901. 3 * Abreu, Henrique Tanner de. Medicina legal aplicada a arte dentaria. Rio de Janeiro, 1922. “Legal medicine applied to the art of dentistry.” One of the early South American works on the subject, 4 Achaval, Alfredo. Manual de medicina legal. Pratica forense. Buenos Aires, Abeledo- Perrot, 1963. 1036 p. Chapter 1 (pp. 9-18) : Definition and importance of legal medicine; its divisions; his- torical development with emphasis on Argentina; important works in legal medicine of the country; present situation. 5 Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz. Death in the history of medicine. Bull Hist Med 42: 19-23, Jan-Feb 1968. 9 refs. Description of various points of views concerning death (prediction, signs, time) and apparent death from 1707 to present, when problem is beginning to concern medical community to an even greater degree. 6 Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz. Early history of legal medicine. Ciba Symp 11(7) : 1286-89, Winter 1950/51. Development to time of Constitutio criminalis Carolina (1532). 7 Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz. Legal medicine becomes a modern science (19th century). Ciba Symp 11(7) : 1299-1304, Winter 1950/51. Development of field during 19th cent. 8 Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz. Legal medicine in transition (16th—18th centuries). Ciba Symp 11(7): 1290-98, Winter 1950/51. First medicolegal works and organizational efforts. 9 Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz. A short history of psychiatry. 2nd rev. ed. Transl. from German by Sula Wolff. New York and London, Hafner, 1968. 105 p. Illus. Index. From Greco-Roman times to the present. Important background material. 10 Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz. Translations of early reports by medical experts. Ciba Symp 11(7) : 1313-16, Winter 1950/51. Twenty-one representative Latin and French reports, 1289-1713, with English trans- lations. 11 Ackermann. Erlduterung der wichtigsten Gesetze welche auf die Medicinalverfassung Bezug haben, und vom ersten bis zum dreyzehnten Jahrhundert gegeben worden sind. Repert Oeff Gerichtl Arzneywiss 2: 167-227, 1791; 3: 3-27, 183-237, 1793. Numerous refs, and comments; some legal texts. Status of physicians and important legal provisions concerning practice of medicine, 1st-13th cent. 12 Adelon, Nicolas Philibert. Programme du cours de médecine légale de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris. Ann Hyg Publ Méd Lég, 2nd ser 10: 398-405, 1858. Syllabus of lectures of course in legal medicine conducted at Faculty of Medicine of University of Paris from 1856 on. 13 Adnan, Oztiirel. L’organisation de la médecine légale en Turquie. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 51-4, Jan-Jun 1962. History and description of organization of legal medicine in Turkey, 19th and 20th cent. 14 * Akinci, S. Autopsy and dissection in medicine in the Ottoman Empire. Tip Fak Med (Istanbul) 25: 97-115, 1962. (Turk) 15 Albarel, P. Trois rapports médico-légaux du XVIe siecle. Chron Méd 19: 549-57, 577 (1-89, 1912. 1 illus. Three expert opinions of midwives from 16th cent. France, concerning virginity. Reports followed by philological discussion concerning unknown or unclear expressions (re- ports are in Béarnais, French, and Languedoc from vicinity of Carcassonne). 16 Alberti, Michael. Commentatio in Constitutionem criminalem Carolinam medica, variis titulis et articulis ratione et experientia explicatis ac confirmatis comprehensa, observationibus selectis illustrata, multisque testimoniis juridicis et medicis probata. Halae, Sumptibus Orphanotrophei, 1739. 364 p. Subject index. Illus, 2 Detailed discussion of medical provisions of Constitutio criminalis Carolina (1532). Author’s comments and experience; opinions of several authorities; selected cases; many juridical and medical testimonies. Numerous references in text. 17 Alberti, Michael. Systema jurisprudentiae medicae . . . Cum praefatione Chr. Thomasii. Halae, imp. Orphanothropei, 1733-1747. 6 v. Many refs. in text. General index in v. 6. “System of medical jurisprudence . . .” Enormous work, rightly described as mixture of backwardness and progress. Designed for both physicians and lawyers; includes general treatment of various medicolegal topics, forensic and clinical cases, legal and medical defenses, opinions of medical faculties, judicial sentences, excerpts from publications of medical and legal authorities, observations of medicolegal interest, etc. Of historical importance. 18 Alberti, Michael. Tractatio medico-forensis de tortura subjectis aptis et ineptis, secundum morales et physicas causas ventilata . . . Halae Magdeburgicae, apud Joh. Christ. Hendelium, 1730. 90 p. “Medicoforensic’” treatise on torture; determination by physicians of subjects’ fitness to undergo trials. Various types of torture described. Author stresses need to avoid permanent impairment of health. Extensive citation of medical and legal literature. 19 * Aliev, M. N, Razvitie sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy v Tul’skol oblasti. In: Nauchnye raboty tul’skikh vrachei. Tula, 1962, pp. 163-66. “Development of medicolegal expertise in District of Tula,” USSR. 20 * Allen, Isaac J. Address introductory to the lectures on medical jurisprudence, before the medical class of the Willoughby University, January 1846. Willoughby, Ohio, 1846. 23 p. 2] # Altschuler, Grigorij. Etika v lékarstvi ve svych vztazich k osobé Hippokratové a k filosofii pozdéjsich véku. Praha, Spolek ceskych lékara, 1930. 19 p. “Medical ethics in their relation to Hippocrates and to the philosophy of later centuries.” 22 American Medical Association. Committee on Medicolegal Problems. Report; a suggested course in legal medicine for medical schools. JAMA 150(7) : 716, 18 Oct 1952. 23 Amerio, A. Alcune considerazione sulla liceita dell’aborto in uno scritto di Gentile da Foligno. Pagine Stor Med 10(2) : 87-95, Mar-Apr 1966. Bibl. (8 refs.). Some ideas of Gentile da Foligno (+1348) on the permissibility of induced abortion, from his printed treatise of 1520. 24 Ammann, Paul. Irenicum Numae Pompilii cum Hippocrate, quo veterum medicorum et philosophorum hypotheses in Corpus Juris Civilis pariter ac Canonici hactenus trans- sumtae, a praeconceptis opinionibus vindicantur. Francofurti et Lipsiae, Sumptibus authoris, 1689. 272 p. Discussion of medical and philosophical questions in civil (predominantly Roman) and canon law. Several questions of medicolegal interest. 25 Ammann, Paul. Medicina critica, sive decisoria: centuria casuum medicinalium in con- cilio Facult. med. Lips. antehac resolutorum, comprehensa. Erffurti, J. G. Hertzl, 1670. 490 p. Other eds.: 1677; 1693. Important to history of medical expertise. Contains opinions of Faculty of Medicine of University of Leipzig and other universities. 26 Amoédo, Oscar. L’art dentaire en médecine légale. Paris, Masson, 1898. 608 p. Illus. Bibl. (pp 563-97). Index. Classic work on forensic dentistry. No general history of discipline, but a chapter called “Observations” (52 cases of dental identification), pp. 449-560. 27 Amundsen, Darrel W, Visigothic medical legislation. Bull Hist Med 45: 553-69, 1971. 57 refs. Description of medical provisions of Leges Visigothorum, promulgated ca. 475 A.D. under King Euric. Titulus I. of Liber XI: De medicis et egrotis. 28 * Ander, Zoltan. Medicina legala. Bucuresti, Ed. Medicala, 1970. History of legal medicine, pp. 599-604. 29 Ander, Zoltan and Popovici, P. Mina Minovici, the founder of Rumanian legal medicine. Rev Med (Tg.-Mures) 4: 375-8, 1958. (Rum) 30 * Ander, Zoltan and Popovici, P. Sutar ani de la nasterea profesorului Mina Minovici. Rev Med (Tg.-Mures) 4(?): 3-4, 1958. “One hundred years since the birth of Professor Mina Minovici.” 31 Ander, Zoltan, Bilegan, I., and Molnar, V. Medicina legala, Bucuresti, Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, 1966. History of legal medicine, with emphasis on situation in Rumania, pp. 11-13. 32 Anderson, Edward William. The changing attitude of society to mental illness. Med Leg J 20(3) : 109-21, 1952. 26 refs. Treats subject through four periods of history: prescientific, theological, metaphysical, and medical (scientific). 33 Andreas, B. Sprawozdanie z czynno$ci Zakladu Medcyny Sadowej Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie obejmujace okres od 1945 do 1959 roku. Arch Med Sadow 12: 72-81, 1961. Reestablishment of Institute of Legal Medicine in Warsaw after World War II, its affiliation with Academy of Medicine, personnel, research, teaching, medicolegal service, and medical expertise, 1945-1959. 4 34 * Ansiaux, Nicolas Gabriel Antoine Joseph. Discours sur la médecine légale. Liege, 1828. “Address on legal medicine.” Extension of his Oratio de medicinae forensis historia, entry no. 35. 35 * Ansiaux, Nicolas Gabriel Antoine Joseph. Oratio de medicinae forensis historia eiusque dignitate, publice dicta die vii Octobris, 1822, Leodii, 1822. 21 p. “Speech on the history of forensic medicine and its dignity.” 36 Anzures, Pablo. Medicolegal offices in the Philippine Government. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 61-2, Jan-Jun 1962. Describes three separate agencies: Medicolegal Division of National Bureau of Investi- gation (under Department of Justice) ; Medico-Legal Section of Criminal Investiga- tion Division of Philippine Constabulary (organization of military police); and Medical Examiner’s Office in each city (controlled by police). 37 Aratjo, J. Aureliano Corréa de. O ensino da medicina legal e criminologia. Arq Med Leg Identif (Rio de J) 8: 280-7, 1934. Decree of April 11, 1931, concerning reorganization of medicine in Brazil, established chairs of criminology, courses in forensic psychopathology, and the combination of those courses with legal medicine. Author compares situation in other countries with that in Brazil. 38 Arnoux, H. The writ de ventre inspiciendo. (Inspection of the abdomen.) Pap Med-Leg Soc. (NY) 2nd ser., 334-353, 1882. History of the writ, De ventre inspiciendo, in England. 39 Artelt, Walter. Die édltesten Nachrichten tiber die Sektion menschlicher Leichen im mittel- alterichen Abendland. Abh Gesch Med Naturwiss 34: 3-25, 1940. 43 refs. Brief treatment of history of dissection in ancient times, followed by description of first known pathoanatomical section of human body by Salimbene de Parma in 1286. 40 Asada, Hajime. Hoigaku kogi. Tokyo, Kokuseido, 1941. 262 p. “Lectures in legal medicine.” Pp. 3-5: Brief description of legal medicine, tracing its origin to European sources. Bibl. notes, Includes information on establishment of university courses in legal medicine in Japan. 41 Ascanelli, Pietro. Spunti medico-legali sulle decretali di Gregorio IX. Pagine Stor Med 10(4) : 52-70, Jul-Aug 1966. 1 illus. Selection of provisions of medicolegal interest from text of Decretals of Gregory IX, promulgated by the Pope in 1234. 42 Ascarelli, T. Bartolo e la medicine legale. Zacchia 5: 29-38, 1926. Bartolus de Saxoferrato (1313-1357), Italian jurist, leading post-commentator who com- bined Roman law, work of commentators, and canon law to establish a body of legal principles for practical use, Author shows sections of medicolegal interest in his works, to point out first traces of legal medicine in Italy. 43 El-Assal, G. La suicide en Egypte. In: Congres international de langue francaise, 27e, Strasbourg, 27-29 Mai 1954. Travaux. Strasbourg, 1954, pp. 85-96. Status of suicide in Egypt, with some references to history. 44 Aubry. Notes sur 'exercice illégal de la médecine et les charlatans en Bretagne avant la révolution. Arch Anthropol Crim 15: 40-63, 1900. 2 refs. Some interesting cases of illegal medical practice and quackery from archives of Cotes-du- Nord, Brittany, France, 17th cent. to French Revolution. Auby, Jean Marie, see entry no. 367. 45 Audibert, A. De la condition des fous et des prodigues en droit romain et de 'influence que la science médicale a exercée en ces matieres sur I’évolution du droit. Arch Anthropol Crim Sci Pén 7: 593-608, 1892. 6 refs. Status of insane and retarded persons in Roman law from time of the Law of Twelve Tables to Justinian Code. Changes in law under influence of philosophy and medicine, 46 * Auras, Karl. Arzt und Kurpfuscher. Eine geschichtliche Studie iiber das 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Diisseldorf, 1937. 56 p. Dissertation (Diisseldorf). “Physician and quack. A historical study from the 18th and 19th centuries.” 47 * Auschra, Ruth. Albrecht von Haller und seine Bedeutung fiir die Gerichtsmedizin. Gottin- gen, 1950. 43 typewritten pages. Dissertation (Gottingen). “Albrecht von Haller and his importance to legal medicine.” 48 * Autenreid, Gottlieb. De judicio medici forensis saepe dubio. Dissertatio inauguralis medi- cinae forensis. Vitebergae, lit. Tzschiederichii, 1798. 24 p. “Frequent doubts about the judgment of the forensic physician. Inaugural dissertation in forensic medicine.” 49 * Avakian, N. M. Tridtsat’ let kafedry sudebnol meditsiny Erevanskogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta i sudebnomeditsinskol sluzhby v Armenii. Sb Tr Biur Gl Sud Med Erevan Med Inst 2: 11-26, 1957. “Thirty years of the Chair of Legal Medicine, Erevan Medical Institute, and of medicolegal service in Armenian SSR.” 50 * Avakian, N. M. and Makarian, E. A. K istorii organizatsii kafedry sudebnol meditsiny Erevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Sb Tr Biur Gl Sud Med Erevan Med Inst 1: 63 ff, 1956. “Contribution to history of organization of Chair of Legal Medicine, Erevan Medical Institute,” Armenian SSR. 51 Avdeev, Mikhail Ivanovich. Das gerichtsmedizinische Gutachten und die gerichtliche Medi- zin in der UdSSR. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 37-42, Jan-Jun 1962. General status of medicolegal expertise and legal medicine in USSR. Relation of expert to defendant. Organization of medicolegal service and academic legal medicine. Leading body is Scientific Research Institute of Legal Medicine in Moscow. [Author’s name misspelled “Adweew.”’] 52 Avdeev, Mikhail Ivanovich. Kurs sudebnoi meditsiny. Moskva, Gos izd-vo iuridicheskoil literatury, 1959. 711 p. Bibl. Chapter 1: History of national legal medicine (pp. 11-25) ; chairs of legal medicine at Russian universities (pp. 25-43) ; literature of legal medicine (pp. 43-8) ; develop- ment of legal medicine and medicolegal expertise after the Revolution (pp. 48-56) ; history of legal medicine in foreign countries (pp. 57-63). Bibl., pp. 64-17. 53 Avdeev, Mikhail Ivanovich. Die Organisation der gerichtsmedizinischen Begutachtung in der UdSSR. In: Aktuelle Fragen der Gerichtlichen Medizin. Wiss Z Martin-Luther- Univ., Halle-Wittenberg, 1965. Sonderheft, pp. 13-21. Basically an extension of author’s article of 1962 (see above), with more organizational details. 54 Avdeev, Mikhail Ivanovich. Sudebnaia meditsina. Izd. 5. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo iuridicheskoi literatury, 1960. 539 p. Brief history of development of legal medicine in Russia and USSR; “reactionary” theo- ries in legal medicine of capitalistic countries (pp. 7-14). 55 * Avendaiio, Leonidas. La medicina legal en el Pera. Lima, Sammarti, 1919. “Legal medicine in Peru.” A lecture at the inauguration of the Institute of Legal Medicine of Lima. 56 Avendafnio Hubner, Jorge. Pasado y presente de la medicine legal en el Pert. An Fac Med Lima 43(2) : 392-408, 1960. For annotation, see entry no. 57. 57 Avendanio Hubner, Jorge. Pasado y presente de la medicina legal en el Peri. Rev Med Leg Colomb 15: 85-6, 89-104, 1960. Development of legal medicine in Peru from 1544 (exhumation of a cadaver) through presentation of courses at University of Lima from 1809 on; establishment of Chair of Legal Medicine, 1855; succession of teachers to time of publication; teaching, re- search, and current status of discipline in Peru. 58 Azevedo Neves, Jodo Alberto Pereira de. Das Institut fiir gerichtliche Medizin in Lissabon. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medi- cine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 141-169. From 1899, teaching of legal medicine in Portugal as related to medicolegal practice. Description and floor plans of Institute in Lisbon; development of legal medicine to 1918; its teaching at faculties of medicine and law; publications; personnel and budget. 59 Azevedo Neves, Jodo Alberto Pereira de. Médecine légale et police criminelle. (France, Belgique, Allemagne, Autriche et Italie.) Lisbonne, Imprimerie Nationale, 1931. 374 p. Numerous refs. ; extensive bibl. 41 illus. Detailed study of legal medicine and criminal police in France, Belgium, Germany, Aus- tria, and Italy. Organization, facilities, teaching, services, medicolegal expertise, etc. 60 Azevedo Neves, Jodo Alberto Pereira de. O ensino de medicina legal. Arch Inst Med Leg Lish, Ser. A 1(5) : 225-58, Jun 1914. Illus. Establishment of Institute of Legal Medicine at University of Lisbon, internal organiza- tion and equipment, teaching of legal medicine, autopsies, research museum and archives, legislation related to legal medicine in Portugal, etc. 61 * Azevedo Neves, Jodo Alberto Pereira de. Os servicos medicoforenses em Portugal. Arch Med Leg (Lisb) 1(1/2): 194-247, 1922. “Medicolegal services in Portugal.” 62 Azevedo Neves, Jodo Alberto Pereira de. Os servicos periciales do Instituto de Medicina Legal de Lisboa. Arch Inst Med Leg Lisb, Ser A. 1(5) : 259-80, 1914, First reform of medicolegal service in Portugal in 1899, when new morgues were opened in Lisbon, Porto, and Coimbra, Institute of Legal Medicine was established in Lisbon, and Medico-Legal Council organized. Description of medicolegal services conducted by the Institute. 63 Azevedo Neves, Jodo Alberto Pereira de. Os servicos periciales do Instituto de Medicina Legal de Lisboa. Lisboa, Comp. e Imp. de Annuario Comm., 1914. 21 p. For annotation, see entry no. 62. 64 Baas, Hermann J. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung des drztlichen Standes und der medi- zinischen Wissenschaft. Berlin, F. Wreden, 1896. 480 p. Extensive bibl. Subj. index. Historical development of medical profession and medical sciences from prehistory and antiquity to date of publication. 65 Badikov, P. F. O sovremennol russkol vrachebnoi ekspertize. In: Trudy vtorago s’ezda russkikh vrachei v Moskve. Tom II. Moskva, S. P. Iakovlev, 1887, pp. 7-14. Development of Russian medical expertise during past 20 years and its position at time of publication. Complaints about its low status in the courts and recommendations for change and improvement of expert knowledge. 66 * Baumer, Alfred. Die Aerztegesetzgebung Kaiser Friedrichs II und ihre geschichtlichen Grundlagen. Leipzig, 1911. Dissertation (Leipzig). “Legislation concerning physicians promulgated by Emperor Friedrich II, and its histori- cal basis.” 67 Bafico, J. B. Morgue judicial de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Rev Psiquiatr Criminol (B Aires) 7(36) : 43-68, Apr 1942. 24 illus. The Morgue of Buenos Aires was established by law in 1896 and opened in 1908. Descrip- tion of building, internal organization, laboratories, dissection hall, museum, and collections. 68 * Baier, Johann Jacob. Introductio in medicinam forensem, et responsa ejusdem argu- menti . . . Francofurti et Lipsiae, B. W. M. Endteri cons. et viduae Engelbrechtii, 1748. 196 p. “Introduction to forensic medicine and answer to its arguments. . . .” 69 Balfour, Andrew. Medico-legal experience in the Sudan. Trans Med Leg Soc (Lond) 12: 13-24, 1915. Pathologist describes medicolegal experience in Sudan (pellagra, poisoning by plant seeds, use of hashish, arrow poisons, poisonous snake bites, homicides, ascertaining of blood and seminal stains, ete.). 70 Balthazard, Victor. L’évolution de la médecine légale depuis 50 ans. In: Festschrift H. Zangger. Ziirich, Rascher, 1935, pp. 14-6. Around 1890, legal medicine was concerned with pathoanatomical findings and clinical observation. Many changes thereafter: professional toxicology, fingerprinting, recog- nition of blood stains, origin of bullets identified, numerous new laboratory methods, ete. 71 Balthazard, Victor. L’Institut médico-légal de 1'Université de Paris. Ann Méd Lég 3: 321(!)-45, 1923. 1 ref. 18 illus. Construction of Institute of Legal Medicine at University of Paris started in 1912, was interrupted by World War I, and resumed in 1920. Detailed plan of building, adminis- trative services, technical services, teaching, and research. 9 72 Balthazard, Victor. Les morgues parisiennes et I'Institut Médico-Légal de I’Université de Paris. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 367-79. Illus. History of ancient morgues; Medico-Legal Institute of University of Paris (building and floor plans, services and techniques, teaching, research laboratories). 73 Balthazard, Victor. Les morgues parisiennes et le nouvel Institut Médico-Légal. Ann Méd Lég 3: 1-16, 1923. 18 illus. Detailed history of morgues in Paris from 14th cent., new construction in 19th cent., related teaching of legal medicine, establishment of Institute of Legal Medicine, and status of morgues and their activities to 1921. 74 Balthazard, Victor and Dérobert, Léon. Histoire de la médecine légale. In: Laignel- Lavastine, Maxime. Histoire générale de la médecine. Paris, Albin Michel, 1949, t. 3., pp. 451-74. 15 illus. Brief but concise history of legal medicine from antiquity (Hammurabi) to beginning of 20th cent. 75 * Baranowski. Procesy czarownic w Polsce w XVII i XVIII wieku. £.6dz, 1952. 185 p. “Witcheraft trials in Poland during the 17th and 18th centuries.” 76 Barbieri, Pedro. Lecciones de medicina legal profesadas en la Facultad de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, N. Marana, 1907. 4177 p. Definition and brief history of legal medicine from antiquity to about 1900 (pp. 5-19). 77 Bargagna, Marino. Alcuni aspetti della attivita medico-legale in Londra. G Med Leg Infort Tossicol, Suppl No. 4: 1-6, 1968. Author’s impressions of visit to London: Laboratory of Forensic Sciences, Departments of Forensic Medicine at London Hospital, Guy’s Hospital, and St. George's Hospital. Lectures, practical instruction, and research at the departments and comparison with situation in Italy. British societies of forensic sciences, forensic pathology, forensic laboratories throughout the country, ete. 78 Barnard, William George. The medico-legal institute. Med Leg Criminol Rev 5: 38-53, 1937. Discussion. From 1925 on, Medico-Legal Society recommended establishment of Institute of Legal Medicine in London. In 1936, Advisory Committee on Scientific Investigation pre- pared similar plan. Author outlines his own plan, from pathologist's point of view. 10 79 Barns, J. W. The Hippocratic oath; an early text. Brit Med J 5408: 567, 29 Aug 1964. 2 refs. One of earliest known texts of Hippocratic oath, found in Egypt during 1896 and 1907 excavations. Dated to 3rd cent., A.D, its text differs a little from later versions. Some parts of text are discussed, but full text is not given. 80 * Baron, Paul. Mécanisme de la mort dans la pendaison (étude historique et expérimentale). Paris, H. Jouve, 1893. 106 p. Thesis (Paris). “Mechanism of death by hanging (historical and experimental study).” Barreras y Fernandez, Antonio, see entry no. 254. 81 Baruk, Henri. La psychiatrie francaise de Pinel & nos jours. Paris, Presse universitaire de France, 1967. 152 p. General bibl. (25 entries), pp. 34-5. Several refs. Development of French psychiatry from Pinel to time of publication. Mostly on changes of attitude in treatment; important background material for forensic psychiatry. 82 Baruk, Henri and Cohn, Z. La législation relative aux coups et blessures et aux dommages dans le droit hébraique (Biblique et Talmudique). Ann Méd Lég 34: 42-6, Jan-Feb 1954. 1 ref. Description of ancient Hebrew legislation, as revealed in Bible and Talmud, concerning damages for fractures and wounds. Consideration of material damage, moral damage (humiliation), pain, cost of treatment, and disability. Basiliade, C., see entry no. 938. 83 * Baslez, Louis. Les poisons dans 'antiquité égyptienne. Paris, E. Le Francois, 1933. 58 p. Bibl. Thesis (Paris). “Poisons in Egyptian antiquity.” 34 Bass, Giovanni. Die Gerichtsmedizin als Spezialfach in Paris von 1800 bis 1850. Ziirich, Juris-Verlag, 1964. 78 p. Bibl. (95 entries). History of legal medicine in pre-Revolutionary France; developments from 1800 to 1850 in forensic pathological anatomy, toxicology, and forensic psychiatry; leading per- sonalities of period; analysis of most important works; application of legal medicine in famous cases; continuing development in 2nd half of 19th cent. 85 Bastero Lerga, J. El médico en las cuestiones de derecho. Madrid. 1906. 63 p. Lecture delivered before Real Academia de Medicina, Jan. 27, 1906 (?) in Madrid. His- torical development of legal medicine in general and situation in Spain. 86 * Bausset, Eugene. De I'avortement criminel, étude historique et sociale. Paris, A. Michalon, 1907. 55 p. Thesis (Paris). “Historical and social study on criminal abortion.” 11 87 Bayard, Henri Louis. De la nécessité des études pratiques en médecine légale, et réflexions sur les proces criminels de Peytel et de Madame Lafarge. Paris, Bailliere, 1840. 30 p. Two famous criminal trials in France proved weakness of legal medicine. Author describes low status of legal medicine, obstacles to its practical study, and its negligible level of practice throughout the country. 88 Bazala, Vladimir. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Idee iiber die Operation “Kaiserschnitt.” In: International Congress of the History of Medicine, 19th, Basel, 1964. Aktuelle Prob- leme. Basel, S. Karger, 1966, pp. 288-94. Comments on various contributions to history of Caesarean section from antiquity to 20th cent., as performed on the dead, the living, autosectio caesarea, ete. 89 * Beaujeu, Maurice. Une étude de médecine légale dans I'histoire; psychologie des premiers Césars. Lyon, A. Storck, 1893. 54 p. Thesis (Lyon). “Study of legal medicine in history: the psychology of the first Emperors.” 90 Beck, Theodric Romeyn. Elements of medical jurisprudence. Albany, Webster and Skin- ner, 1823. 2 v. Bibl. pp. xiii-xxi. Many refs. First authoritative book on the subject in the U.S. and one of the best in English language. Republished several times and translated into German and Swedish. No history, but references to it in some chapters. Of historical importance in itself. Becker, Tracy C., see entry no. 1580. 91 Bégin, E. La médecine 1égale devant l'histoire; 1571-1572. Prélude de la Saint-Barthélemy. France Méd 21: 218-20, 8 Apr 1874. Sudden death of Queen Jeanne of France in 1571 and attempted murder of Admiral Coligny, both apparently instigated by Catherine de Medici. 92 * Belbey, José C. Conferencia inaugural de la catedra de Medicina Legal de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Buenos Aires. Prensa Med Argent 44 (26) : 2032-39, 28 Jun 1957, “Inaugural conference for the Chair of Legal Medicine of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Buenos Aires.” 93 Belbey, José C. Creacién del curso de medico legista en la Facultad de Medicina de La Plata. Arch Med Leg (B Aires) 13: 34-39, Mar-Apr 1943. Projected course for forensic physicians at Chair of Legal Medicine and Deontology of University of La Plata. Outline of scope. 94 Beling, Benjamin Erdmann. Geist der preussischen Gesetzgebung im Gebiete der gericht- lichen Medizin nebst einer Darstellung wie demselben entsprochen werden kann, fir Aerzte, Wundirzte und Rechtsgelehrte. Breslau und Leipzig, W. G. Korn, 1819. 546 p. Prussian legislation in legal medicine at time of publication; practical application from both medical and legal points of view. One of first such works in 19th cent, important for comparison with status of topic in other countries. 12 95 Bell, Clark. Inaugural address of Clark Bell, Esq., as President of the Medico-Legal Society, Jan. 17, 1900. Med Leg J (NY) 17: 418-25, 1899/1900. Brief speech referring mostly to development of legal medicine in U.S. and activities of Medico-Legal Society of New York. 96 Bell, Clark. Legal medicine or forensic medicine. Med Leg J (NY) 24: 270-300, 1906/7. Definitions of “medical jurisprudence”, “legal medicine” and “forensic medicine” by lead- ing authorities in field, with emphasis on opinions of T. R. Beck. History of discipline from ancient times to 1815. Includes list of books referred to by T. R. Beck in his work. 97 Bell, Clark. Medical jurisprudence in America in the nineteenth century. Sanit 45: 438-46, 517-21, 1900. Starting with Constitutio criminalis Carolina (1532), describes development (with some errors in names and dates) in Germany, France, Scotland, England, and U.S. from beginning of 19th cent. Names of eminent physicians and judges, teaching, publica- tions, rise of toxicology, establishment of Medico-Legal Society of New York. 98 Bell, Clark. Medical jurisprudence in America in the nineteenth century. Med Leg J (NY) 18: 181-92, 325-40, 1900/1. Same article as entry no. 97 with some additions concerning medicolegal societies in U.S. 99 Bell, Clark. Progress of medico-legal surgery. Columbus Med J 21: 283-9, 321-7, 1898. Organization of military, naval, and railway surgery. Very little on medicolegal aspects. 100 Bell, John. An address introductory to a course of lectures on the institutes of medicine and medical jurisprudence. Philadelphia, J. Kay Jun., 1829. 24 p. Mostly on “institutes of medicine,” with very few historical references to medicine-law problems. 101 * Bell, John. Syllabus of a course of lectures on the institutes of medicine and medical juris- prudence in the Philadelphia Medical Institute. Philadelphia, 1829? 18 p. 102 Belloc, Jean Jacques. Cours de médecine légale théoretique et pratique. Ouvrage utile, non seulement aux médecins et aux chirurgiens, mais encore aux juges et aux jurisconsults. 2e éd. Paris, Méquignon I’ainé, 1811. 368 p. Brief history of legal medicine from antiquity to time of publication (pp. 5-11). 103 Belov, A. P. Organizatsiia sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy v GDR. Sud Med Ekspert 6: 37-40, Oct-Dec 1963. 3 refs. 1 illus. Organization of medicolegal expertise in German Democratic Republic. Historical develop- ment of Institute of Legal Medicine in Berlin and description of its activities. One of very few sources of information on the subject in that country. ) 13 104 Below, Karl Heinz. Der Arzt im romischen Recht. Miinchen, C. H. Beck, 1953. 136 p. 561 refs. Brief bibl. Social position of physician in Rome (slaves, freemen, natives, foreigners) ; social evalua- tion of physician's services in relation to “operae liberales”; legal position of physicians. 105 Beltran, Juan Ramén. La ensefianza de la medicina legal. In: Conferencia Latino- Americana de Neurologia, Psychiatria e Medicina Legal, 2da, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo. Actas. Sao Paulo, Hospital de Juquery, 1931, pp. 19-28. Discussion of need to teach legal medicine in South America. Opinions of leaders in the field and universities where discipline is taught. 106 * Beltran, Juan Ramén. La especializacién médicolegal. Buenos Aires, Circulo de Medicos Legistas, 1932. 77 p. “Specialization in legal medicine.” 107 Beltran, Juan Ramoén. O ensino da medicine legal. Arq Inst Med Leg Gab Identif (Rio de J) 4: 149-57, 1932. Abridged address on need for new orientation of legal medicine at schools of medicine, as well as of law, especially as recommended and discussed at 2nd Latin-American Con- ference on Neurology, Psychiatry and Legal Medicine, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, 1930. 108 Beltran, Juan Ramon. Organizacién del protomedicato y origenes de la lucha contra el curanderismo en Buenos Aires. Sem Med (B Aires) 44: 237-57, 28 Jan 1937. 4 illus. of documents. Establishment of old Spanish institute of “Protomedicato” in Buenos Aires in 1777, with preceding and subsequent legislation. Some account of native medicine and quackery. 109 Beltran, Juan Ramén. Las primeras actuaciones médico-legales en Buenos Aires. Sem Med (B Aires) 44 (8) : 5563-67, 1937. 5 illus. of documents. Records first medicolegal actions by “Protomedicus” in Buenos Aires from 1783 to 1804 and all other activities of medicolegal importance of his office. 110 Bencze, Jozsef. Miihibaperek levéltari adataibél. Commun Bibl Hist Med Hung 35: 315-21, 1965. Archival records of two 18th cent. lawsuits in Hungary concerning mistakes in medical treatment. 111 Beothy, Konrad. A torvényszéki orvostan oktatdsa. Orvosképzés, Kiilonfiizet (Suppl.) 25(1) : 228-39, 1935. Description of inadequacies and needs in teaching of medical jurisprudence in Hungary. Proposals for the future. 14 112 * Beothy, Konrad. Der Unterricht in der gerichtlichen Medizin. Orvosképzés, Kiilonfiizet (Suppl.) 25(1) : 240-52, 1935. Translation from Hungarian of author’s article on insufficiencies and needs in teaching of medical jurisprudence in Hungary. (Probably a translation of article above.) 113 * Beran, Jiri. O sovétské soudné lékarské expertise. Lék Zpr VLA JEP 2(4) : 82-4, Apr 1957. “Soviet medicolegal expertise.” 114 * Beran, Jiri. Soudné lékarska sluzba v SSSR a v nékterych lidovych demokraciich. Soud Lék 3 (11) : 161-7, 1958. “Medicolegal service in USSR and in some other East European Communist countries.” 115 Beran, Jiri, et al. Soudni lékarstvi. Praha, Statni pedagog. nakladatelstvi, 1954. 376 p. History of legal medicine (pp. 4-10). Emphasis on Russian and Soviet development and achievements. 116 Berends, Carl August Wilhelm. Etwas gelegenliches iiber die Aqua Tufana, oder Tofana. Mag Gerichtl Arzneikd 2: 473-7, 1784. Brief history of probable composition of Aqua Tofana, with lengthy editorial comments by J. T. Pyl (pp. 477-513). Beresford, S., see entry no. 1111. 117 Berg, N. Medico-statistischer Bericht iiber die gerichtlich-medicinische Thitigkeit im Gouvernement Archangel fiir das Decennium 1853 bis 1863 . . . Vierteljahrsschr Gerichtl Oeff Med, n. F. 2: 79-108, 1865. Report by District Medical Director of medicolegal activities in District of Archangelsk, Russia. 118 Berg, N. Ueber den Kaiserschnitt in gerichtlich-medicinischer Beziehung. Viertel- jahrsschr Gerichtl Oeff Med 24:219-26, 1863. Description of development of Cesarean section in Russia under influence of Roman law; legal provisions from 1857 and ensuing medical practice. 119 Bergemann, H. Altchinesische Rechtspflege. Quintes Zahnaerztl Lit 18(9) : 117-9, Sep 1967. See entry no. 120. 120 Bergemann, H. Altchinesische Rechtspflege. Zahnirztl Prax 7:88, 1967. Since 13th cent., Chinese examiners of corpses considered condition of oral cavity, position and condition of teeth, their coloring, etc. These are first known traces of forensic dentistry. 15 121 Berka, Frantisek. Institute of Legal Medicine, Masaryk University in Brno, Czechoslo- vakia. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div, of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 41-7. Illus. Institute started to function at end of 1923. Its structure (with floor plans) and facilities; activities; planning for the future. 122 * Berka, Frantisek. Lécebna c¢innost a zakon (v pribéhu déjin). Vést Ces Lék 49: 53-56, 1937. “Medical treatment and the law (throughout history).” 123 * Berka, Frantisek. Poc¢atky ustavu pro soudni lékarstvi Masarykovy university v Brné. Soud Lék 2(5): 75-8, 1957. “Founding of Institute of Legal Medicine of Masaryk University in Brno.” 124 Bernt, Joseph. Ausziige aus ilteren medicinisch-gerichtlichen Schriften. Mich. Bernh. Valentini Pandectae medico-legales. Beytr Gerichtl Arzneykd (Wien) 1: 133-92, 1818; 2: 113-86, 1819. Abstracts of interesting parts of M.B. Valentini’'s Pandectae medico-legales (1701) on legal medicine (opinions of universities, medical legislation, and medical police). 125 Bernt, Joseph. Nachrichten iiber die, bey den ehemahligen Hexen-Prozessen gebrauch- liche, Wasserprobe. Beytr Gerichtl Arzneykd 6: 152-66, 1823. History of water ordeal cases in investigation of witchcraft; participation of physicians. Text of Austrian Provincial Ordinance of 1766 which halted further witch trials in that country. Berryer, Georges, see entry no. 779. 126 Bertelsen, A. and Capener, N. Fingers, compensation and King Canute. J Bone Joint Surg 42B: 390-2, May 1960. 9 refs. Authors compare compensation for amputation of digits in Canute’s time (King of England, 1016-1035) with those currently paid by British Ministry of Pensions. 127 * Bertherand, Emile Louis. La médecine légale en Algérie. Bull Soc Sc [sic] d’Alger 5: 11-18, 1868. “Legal medicine in Algeria.” 128 * Bertherand, Emile Louis. La médecine légale en Algérie. Alger, V. Aillaud, 1868-73. 3 vols. “Legal medicine in Algeria.” 16 129 Bertherand, Emile Louis. La médecine légale en Algérie; études. Gaz Méd Algér 13: 63-4, 1868. Author worked as medical expert for Court of Algiers, 1847-1854. General discussion of legal medicine and duties of “medical legiste”; major crimes in Algiers which require further study. Of little importance. 130 Bhooshan Rao, I. The organisation of legal medicine in India. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 57-60, Jan-Jun 1962. 4 refs. One of relatively few sources of information on legal medicine in India. 131 * Bianchini, G. La medicina legale nel presente e nell’avenire. Siena, S. Bernardino, 1927. “Legal medicine at present and in the future.” 132 Bigelow, N. “. . .I ’ates yer one an’ hall.” Psychiatr Q 38: 544-53, 1964. 11 refs. On assassination throughout history; murderers and victims, psychiatric views. Bilegan, I., see entry no. 31. 133 Billiod, M. The quack in the Middle Ages. JAMA 96: 1430-31, 25 Apr 1933. Linguistic study of the term “quack” and brief history of quackery. 134 * Binet, Charles. Histoires de I'examen médico-judiciaire des cadavres en France. Lyon, A. Storck, 1892. 116 p. “History of medicolegal examination of cadavers in France.” 135 Biondi, Cesare. Institute of Legal Medicine, Royal University of Sienna. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div, of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 97-104. Illus. History from 1822; description of building, with floor plans; demonstration material; teaching; research; budget. 136 Bird, A. U. Epilepsy and the law in South Africa. S Afr Med J 44: 1093-6, 26 Sep 1970. 11 refs. Legal history; legal responsibility of the epileptic; driving and the epileptic patient. Recommends change in present legislation, which treats epileptic as person with mental disorder. 137 * Bitsch, Wendelius. De Hippocrate Justinianeo, seu Mutuo medicinam inter et juris- prudentiam nexu. Argentorati, typ. viduae M. Storckii, 1727. 21 p. “Justinian on Hippocrates, or on the mutual relationship between medicine and juris- prudence.” 17 138 Blanco Herrera, J. Honrando el pasado y el presente de la medicina legal cubana. Vida Nueva 51: 46-49, Feb 1943. Creation of Chair of Legal Medicine, Toxicology, Public Hygiene, Medical Police, Medical History, Biography, and Medical Bibliography at University of Havana in 1842. Detailed description of changes achieved by Professor of Legal Medicine, Raimundo Castro y Bachiller, during 25-year tenure. 139 Blégny, Nicolas de. La doctrine des rapports de chirurgie, fondé sur les maximes d’usage et sur la disposition des nouvelles ordonnances . . . Lyon, T. Amaulry, 1684. 272 p. Describes obligation of surgeons to follow Paré’s tradition; teaches them how to prepare expert opinion for presentation before the court. 140 Blench, T. H. Medico-legal institutes. Med Leg Criminol Rev 6: 29-44, 1938. Discussion. Institutes of Legal Medicine in Paris and Lille described to substantiate request for establishment of similar institutions in England. Brief mention of history of legal medicine, problems of compensations for injuries, and criminological side of legal medicine. 141 Bloch, I. Ueber einen griechischen Papyrus forensich-medicinischen Inhalts. Allg Med Centralztg 68: 555-6, 568-9, 1899. 14 refs. Medicolegal testimony before the court of physician of Greek village, 130 A.D., Menicius Valerianus, who testified that he treated a man’s injured temple and found pieces of stone in the wound. Greek original and German translation. Author’s comments. 142 Bloemertz, Carl Bruno, Die Schmerzengeldbegutachtung. Medizinischer Leitfaden fur Arzte, Juristen und Versicherungsfachleute. Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 1964. 152 p. Bibl, pp. 142-7. Subj. index. Expertise in compensation for pain. History (pp. 8-14); modern times (pp. 14-7); problems and related expertise in 32 countries (pp. 78-141). 143 Blomquist, Clarence. Lékarregler; kort historik. Sven Laekartidn 60: 713-20, 7 Mar 1963. 8 refs. Brief history of medical ethics (Hippocrates, Maimonides, Percival, Declaration of Geneva, Swedish Code of Medical Ethics). 144 Blosfeld, G. J. Kurze Rechenschaftsablegung liber Einhundert Legalsectionen, die in der praktischen Unterrichtsanstalt fiir gerichtliche Medicin an der Russ. Kaiserl. Universitit zu Kasan, vom 15. September 1839 bis zum 15. April 1845, gemacht worden sind. A. Henke’s Z Staatsarzneikd 50 (4) : 245-87, 1845. Historical development of Teaching Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Kazan, pp. 248-79. 18 145 Blosfeld, G. J. Ueber den Unterricht in der gerichtlichen Medicin auf der Universitat zu Kasan. Centralarch Gesammt Staatsarzneikd (Ansbach) 2: 430-1, 1845. Development of teaching of legal medicine at University of Kazan from 1835 on, Abstract of article which appeared in Med Z Russl 39, 1844. 146 Blumenstok, Leo. Medycyna sadowa w wiekach Srednich. Przegl Lek 22: 579-81, 592-94, 616-18, 629-30, 1883. Brief, but detailed, description of development of legal medicine, with special emphasis on Leges barbarorum, Sachsenspiegel, Graugans; situation in France; origins in Poland. 147 Blumenstok, Leo. Pawel Ammann. Studyjum historyczno-sadowolekarskie. Przegl Lek 23: 28-9, 5 Jan 1884. Medicolegal work of Paul Ammann (1634-1691) ; his position in legal medicine; review of his Medicina critica sive decisoria (1670). [Error in Ammann’s birth date] 148 Blumenstok, Leo. Prawo o broczeniu krwi. Przyczynek do historyi medycyny sadowej. Przegl Lek 20: 13-5, 25-7, 1881. Historical description of tus cruentationis (Bahrrecht). 149 Blumenstok, Leo. W dwodchsetna rocznice proby ptucnej. (Urywek z pracy wiekszéj). Przegl Lek 22: 10-13, 21-4, 33-6, 70-3, 1883. Several refs. In 1681 Dr. Johann Shreyer, physician in Zeitz, Saxony, examined a dead child, applied hydrostatic lung test, and testified before the court in 1863. Opinion based mostly on publication of Karl Rayger, physician of Posen (Pressburg-Bratislava). His opinion was not accepted by the court and he defended it in a pamphlet, published in 1691. 150 Blumenstok, Leo. Zum 200jahrigen Jubildum der Lungenprobe. Vierteljahrsschr Gerichtl Med, n. F. 38: 252-69, 1883; 39: 1-11, 1883. Several refs. Bicentennial anniversary of hydrostatic test of lungs. See entry no 149. 151 Bobon, Jean. De I'expertise psychiatrique en matiere répressive. (Les malades mentaux traduits en Conseil de guerre). Arch Belg Méd Soc Hyg Méd Trav Méd Lég 5: 29-60, 1947. Numerous refs. Some historical events of medicolegal importance, or importance to history of forensic psychiatry. Also describes current status. 152 * Bohmer, Johannes Sigismundus Franciscus von. Meditationes in Constitutionem crimi- nalem Carolinam. Halae, 1774. “Thoughts on the Constitutio criminalis Carolina.” Considered one of the best com- mentaries on that code from medicolegal point of view. 19 153 Boerner, Friedrich. Institutiones medicinae legalis in usum auditorum suorum adornatae. Vitembergae, in officina Ahlfeldiana, 1756. 294 p. Bibl. Subj. index. Refs. to most paragraphs. Brief historical development of legal medicine from antiquity to time of publication (pp. 9-21). 154 * Bohn, Johann. De officio medici duplici, clinici nimirum ac forensis . . . Lipsiae, J. F. Gledisch, 1704. 686 p. “On the dual duties of physician, clinical and forensic . . .” Outlines physician’s duties and proper behavior toward patients and before the court. 155 Bohn, Johann. De renunciatione vulnerum, seu vulnerum lethalium examen . . . Lipsiae, Sumtibus J. F. Gledisch, typis Ch. Fleischeri, 1689. 400 p. Best work to date of publication on fatal injuries, with frequent references of medicolegal importance. Several editions. 156 Bohne, G. Die gerichtliche Medizin im italienischen Statutarrecht des 13.—-16. Jahrhun- derts. (Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medizin im Mittelalter.) Vierteljahrsschr Gerichtl Med, 3rd ser. 61: 66-86, 238-52, 1921. Numerous refs. and notes. After extensive study of statutes of various Italian cities, 13th-16th cent., and on basis of rich medicolegal material, author concludes that true legal medicine began in Italy during that period. 157 Bokarius, Vitalii Nikolaevich. Nekotorye voprosy prepodavaniia sudebnol meditsiny na iuridicheskikh fakul’tetakh. In: Porksheian, O. Kh. and Ogarkov, I. F., eds. Aktual’nye voprosy sudebnol meditsiny i kriminalistiki. Vyp. 49. Leningrad, GIDUYV, 1966, p. 9. At Faculties of Law in USSR, only theoretical part of legal medicine is taught. Author recommends practical training also. 158 * Bokarius, Vitalil Nikolaevich. Sudebnomeditsinskie voprosy na Pirogovskikh s”ezdakh. Tezisy konferentsii voenno-meditsinskogo muzeia, Leningrad, 1952. “Medicolegal topics at Pirogov’s congresses.” 159 Boldrini, Boldrino. Per la storia della medicina legale italiana: Francesco Emanuello Cangiamila e la sua Embriologia sacra. Riv Stor Sci Med 18(9/10): 237-44, 1927. 9 refs. Article on Francesco Emanuello Cangiamila (1702-1763), priest, doctor of theology and law, author of several (mostly theological) works. Published in a Sicilian dialect in 1745, his Embriologia sacra was then considered pastoral medicine, but he also expressed several ideas of medicolegal importance concerning the foetus. 160 Bolotovskii, I. S. Pervye sudebnopsikhiatricheskie ekspertizy v Kazani. Prakt Sud Psykhiatr Ekspert 11: 108-11, 1966. Origins of forensic psychiatry in Kazan. 20 161 Bombarda, Miguel. As reformas da organisacio medicojudiciaria em Portugal. Med Contemp (Lisb), 1: 47-50, 1883. Text of two bills submitted to Parliament of Portugal in 1880 and 1882 concerning medicolegal service, status of forensic physicians, and creation of chairs of legal medicine. Author’s comments in support. 162 Bonnafoux, Henri. La méthode d’identification par le schéma dentaire. Paris, Maloine, 1960. 126 p. History of identification by teeth (pp. 11-13). Developments from 1890 on. 1 ref. 163 Bonnet, E. La médecine légale au XVIIIe siecle. Une cause médicale celébre. Procés de Guilbert de Préval, médecin-spécialiste des maladies venériennes, avec la Faculté de médecine de Paris (1772-1777). Rev Méd Lég 11: 90-5, 1904. Refs. Account of well-known case of Préval, member of Faculty of Medicine of Paris, who dispensed medicines not approved by the Faculty and lost his suit against them. 164 Bonnet, Emilio Federico Pablo. Medicina legal. Buenos Aires, Lopez Libreros, 1967. 861+18 p. History of legal medicine in Argentina (pp. 6-12) ; in foreign countries from antiquity to 20th cent. (pp. 13-8). 6 refs. 165 Bonnet, Emilio Federico Pablo. Origenes y evolucion historica de la medicina legal en la Republica Argentina. Arch Fac Med (Madr) 14: 141-64, 1968. 5 refs. Bibliogr. Evolution of legal medicine in Argentina before establishment of office of “Protomedicato,” to present. Teaching of legal medicine in Buenos Aires from 1813 on, establishment of Chair, names and succession of professors to present. Some information also on chairs in other cities. 166 Bonsdorff, Evert Julius. Forsok att med ledning af de svenska Landskaps-Lagarne utreda den forensiska Medicinens historiska utweckling och forhallande till 1734 ars Lag. Fin Lékaresillsk Handl 4: 33-60, 1849/50. 24 refs. Historical development of forensic medicine in Finland based upon Swedish provincial laws, to 1734. 167 Bopp. Beitriage zur Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medicin. Jahrb Gesamt Staatsarzneikd 5: 271-84, 1839; 6: 54-75, 1840. Comments and additions to 1st vol. of Mende’'s Ausfiihrliches Handbuch. On witcheraft, torture, sentences, dissections, opinions of medical faculties, etc., 17th and 18th cent. 168 Bopp. Blicke in die Geschichte von Hessen in Bezug auf Medicinal-Polizei. Beitrag zur Geschichte dieses Zweiges der Staats-Arzneikunde. Jahrb Gesamt Staatsarzneikd 4(5): 557-66, 1838. Ordinances of medical interest of “Landgrafen” of Hessen, mostly from 16th cent. 21 169 Bopp. Ein Blick in die Criminal-Processordnung aus der ersten Héilfte des 18. Jahr- hunderts. Zur Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medicin. Jahrb Gesamt Staatsarzneikd 4(4) : 477-82, 1838. Description of “Peinliche Gerichts-Ordnung” (Criminal Court Procedure) of Land- grafschaft Hessen of 1726, with comments on provisions of medicolegal interest. 170 Bopp. Die herrschende Gesetzgebung des Grossherzogthums Hessen iiber die gerichtliche Medicin; mit einer historischen Einleitung. Jahrb Gesamt Staatsarzneikd. 5: 306-40, 362-78, 1839. Several notes with refs. Legislation concerning legal medicine from 1535, when new criminal law (Phillipina), promulgated for Great Duchy of Hessen, marked beginning of legal medicine in that country. Later legislation to 1838. 171 Bossu, L. Médecins experts et médecine légale au XIVe siecle. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 4th ser. 10: 501-36, 1908. 8 refs. Legal medicine and medical expertise in 14th cent. France. Selected cases of medicolegal importance from criminal registers of that period. Published also as pamphlet. 172 Bossu, L.. Médecins experts et médecine légale au XIVe siecle. Paris, Maloine, 1908. 39 p. Reprint of entry no. 171. 173 Bouquet, H. Le monde médical parisien il y a cent ans. Prog Méd 70: 403-8, 10 Oct 1942. 2 refs, Selected cases of physicians of Paris as medical experts or defendants in law suits from 1841 to 1843. 174 Bozzoni, Roberto. I medici ed il diritto Romano. Napoli, Pierro, 1904. 239 p. Numerous refs. Origins of medicine in Rome; categories of physicians (slaves, freemen, natives, for- eigners) ; military physicians; physicians to emperors; public physicians; relation of physicians to the law; responsibilities. Last two chapters of special interest. 175 * Braceland, Francis J. Historical perspectives of the ethical practice of psychiatry. Am J Psychiatr 126: 230-7, Aug 1969. 176 Brachwitz, R. 75 Jahre Leichenschauhaus Berlin. Muench Med Wochenschr 103 (42) : 2041-2, 1961. Brief description of development of inquest in Berlin, to establishment of modern morgue in 1886. Of interest because of its close relation to teaching of legal medicine in Berlin. 197% Brakell, Doorwerth Marie Guillaume van. Ambroise Paré, médecin légiste. Paris, O. Henry, 1912. 45 p. Thesis (Paris). “Ambroise Paré, forensic physician.” 22 178 Brantley, W. H. An Alabama medical review. Ala J Med Sci 4: 184-207, Apr 1967. 115 refs. Development of medicine, medical profession, and teaching of medicine from Law of 1823 “To Regulate the Licensing of Physicians to Practice” to present. Legal view- points, legislation, and medical jurisprudence. 179 Braun. Zu J. B. Friedreich's Schrift: Uber die jiidische Beschneidung in historischer, operativer und sanitéitspolizeilicher Beziehung. A. Henke’s Z Staatsarzneikd 56 (3) : 236-40, 1848. Author’s comments on and corrections of J. B. Friedreich’s work on Hebrew circumcision in historical, operative, and sanitary contexts. 180 Breitenecker, Leopold. Ein Hundert und sechzig Jahre—Lehrkanzel fiir gerichtliche Medizin in Wien. Beitr Gerichtl Med 23: 21-43, 1965. 27 refs. 15 illus. History of Chair of Legal Medicine at University of Vienna from establishment in 1804 to 1959. Names and succession of professors, facilities, and equipment of department; teaching, research, and various achievements. 181 Breitenecker, Leopold. Von der Staatsarzneykunde zur gerichtlichen Medizin. Wien Klin Wochenschr 71: 525-9, 1959. Influence of J. P. Frank and his System einer vollstindigen medizinischen Polizey on development of “Staatsarzneykunde” (Medical Police and Legal Medicine) in Austria; establishment of Chair of “Staatsarzneykunde’” in Vienna in 1804, succession of professors, change to Chair of Legal Medicine, situation in Germany at time of publication. 182 * Breitenstein, Heinrich. Die gerichtliche Medicin bei den Chinesen. Wien Med Wochnschr 48: 215-18, 1898. “Legal medicine of the Chinese.” 183 Breitenstein, Heinrich, ed. Gerichtliche Medizin der Chinesen von Wang-in-Hoai. Nach der hollindischen Ubersetzung des Herrn C. F. M. de Grys. Leipzig, Th. Grieben, 1908. 174 p. German version of C. F. M. de Grys’ Dutch translation of oldest Chinese medicolegal textbook, Hsi yiian lu (mid-13th cent. A.D.). 184 * Bretelle, René C. Etude historique et médico-légale du masochisme. Paris, O. Henry, 1913. 76 p. Thesis (Paris). “Historical and medicolegal study of masochism.” 185 * Bretschneider, Hubert. Der Streit um die Vivisektion im 19. Jahrhundert. Verlauf— Argumente—Ergebnisse. Stuttgart, G. Fischer, 1962. 158 p. Bibl, pp. 144-52. “Dispute about vivisection in the 19th century. Development—arguments—results.” 23 186 Briau, René. L’archiatrie romaine ou la médecine officielle dans I’'Empire Romain. Suite de I'histoire de la profession médicale. Paris, G. Masson, 1877. 130 p. Numerous refs. History of origin and development of position of “archiater” (chief physician) and its various categories in Rome. Many parts of medicolegal interest (especially medical legislation). 187 * Brighetti, Antonio. Documenti inediti sulla controversia fra il Collegio del Medici di Bologna e di Roma circa l'esercizio della professione. Ras Clin Ter 64 (Suppl): 67-73, 1965, “Unpublished documents on the controversy between the Colleges of Physicians of Bologna and Rome concerning the practice of medicine.” 188 Brisard, C. En marge d’un proces du début du Second Empire. Ann Méd Lég 33: 207-9, Aug-Sep 1953. In 1852, Célestine Doudet cared for the five children of an English physician, Dr. Mursden, in her ‘“pensionnat” in Paris. One child died and others were maltreated. Mlle. Doudet was sentenced by jury on basis of testimony of her physician, who did not invoke his right to professional secrecy. 189 Brittain, Robert Peter. Cruentation in legal medicine and in literature. Med Hist 9: 82-88, 1965. 25 refs. History and bibliography of ius cruentationis, with special attention to its practice in Scotland; mention of other countries also. 190 Brittain, Robert Peter. Historic autopsies. I. The postmortem examination of Daniel McNaughton. Med Sci Law 3: 100-4, 1963. 2 refs. Postmortem record of 1865 of Daniel McNaughton, with author’s comments. [Famous McNaughton rule of 1843—‘“not guilty on the ground of insanity.”] 191 Brittain, Robert Peter. The history of legal medicine: The Assizes of Jerusalem. Med Leg J 34(2): 72-3, 1966. 4 refs. Medicolegal provisions of importance in the Assizes of Jerusalem, code of laws framed for Kingdom of Jerusalem at instance of Godfrey de Bouillon, 1100. 192 Brittain, Robert Peter. The history of legal medicine: Charlemagne. Med Leg J 34 (3) : 122-3, 1966. 6 refs. Provisions of medicolegal interest in the Capitularia of Charlemagne, promulgated at beginning of 9th cent. 193 Brittain, Robert Peter. The hydrostatic and similar tests of live birth: a historical review. Med Leg J 31: 189-94, 1963. 41 refs. 24 194 Brittain, Robert Peter. Origins of legal medicine: Constitutio criminalis Carolina. Med Leg J 33 (3): 124-7, 1965. 18 refs. Constitutio criminalis Carolina (1532) ; discussion of medicolegal importance. 195 Brittain, Robert Peter. Origins of legal medicine: Leges barbarorum. Med Leg J 34 (1) : 21-3, 1966. 7 refs. Origins of Leges barbarorum (e.g., Lex Salica, Lex Alamanorum, Langobardorum, Baiuvariorum, Visigothorum) and their provisions of medicolegal importance. 196 Brittain, Robert Peter. Origins of legal medicine: The origin of legal medicine in France. Med Leg J 34(4) : 168-74, 1966. 32 refs. Author traces development of legal medicine in France, 12th—16th cent., and describes most interesting cases. 197 Brittain, Robert Peter. Origins of legal medicine: The origin of legal medicine in France: Henri IV and Louis XIV. Med Leg J 35: 25-8, 1967. 9 refs. and 4 notes. 198 Brittain, Robert Peter. Origins of legal medicine: The origin of legal medicine in Italy. Med Leg J 33(4) : 168-73, 1965. 21 refs. Development from 12th to mid-16th cent. (regulation of practice of medicine; early medicolegal reports; Church legislation related to legal medicine, ete.). 199 Brittain, Robert Peter. Origins of legal medicine. Roman law: Lex duodecim tabularum. Med Leg J 35(2): 71-2, 1967. Description of preparation and promulgation of Leges duodecim tabularum in Rome (449 B.C.) and discussion of provisions of medicolegal interest. 200 Brittain, Robert Peter. The “proof of congress” in alleged impotence. Med Leg J 32(3) : 125-7, 1964. 12 refs. Discussion of establishment of impotentia coeundi in presence of witnesses during attempted coitus. - 201 * Brocas, Roger. Le droit d’autopsie: étude historique et juridique. L’autopsie judiciaire, I'autopsie privée, l'autopsie dans les hopitaux et hospices. Paris, Maloine, 1938. 140 p. Thesis (Paris, Faculty of Law). “The right to autopsy: historical and legal study. Court-ordered autopsy, private autopsy, autopsy in hospitals and hospices.” 202 Broecke, Jacobus Cornelius van den and Broecke, Ph. van den. De uitoefening der geregtelijke geneeskunde in Nederland, hare gebreken-middelen tot herstel derzelve. Utrecht, C. Van Der Post, Jr., 1845. 336 p. Repr. from: Prov. Utrechtsch. Genootsch. van Kunsten en Wetensch. Numerous refs. ) 25 Definition and scope of legal medicine, history from antiquity, development in Holland, reforms. In supplement: Legal medicine of Romans, pp. 295-306. Broecke, Ph. van den, see entry no. 202. 203 Bronnikova, Mariia Aleksandrovna and Garkavi, A, S. Razvitie sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy veshchestvennykh dokazatel’stv v SSSR. Sud Med Ekspert 10 (4) : 3-1, Oct-Dec 1967. Organization and activities of medicolegal laboratories in USSR from 1924 on. 204 Brouardel, Paul Camille Hippolyte. L’avortment. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1901. 376 p. History of abortion (pp. 7-39) : abortion in antiquity; abortion before 19th cent.; con- temporary situation in foreign countries. 67 refs. 205 Brouardel, Paul Camille Hippolyte. De l'organisation et de la pratique de la médecine légale en France. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 3rd sér. 11: 157-88, 1884. Detailed report on organization and teaching of legal medicine in France, submitted on the occasion of a proposition to build a new morgue in Paris. Recommendations for improvements. 206 * Brouardel, Paul Camille Hippolyte. De l'organisation et de la pratique de médecine légale en France. Bull Soc Méd Lég France 8: 209-40, 1885. Probably a reprint of entry no. 205. 207 Brouardel, Paul Camille Hippolyte. L’enseignement pratique de la médecine légale en France et I'ancienne Faculté de Strasbourg. Gaz Hebd Med 25: 257-8, 1878. On practical teaching of legal medicine in France at time of publication and role played at University of Strasbourg from 1840, when practical courses were introduced by Prof. Tourdes. 208 Brouardel, Paul Camille Hippolyte. La résponsabilité médicale. Secret médical, déclara- tions de naissance.—Inhumations, expertise médico-légale. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1898. 456 p. History of legal responsibility (pp. 2-8) from antiquity to about 1830. Emphasis on development in France. Description of conditions in France at time of publication. 6 refs. 209 * Browe, Peter S.J. Zur Geschichte der Entmannung. Religions- und rechtsgeschichtliche Studie. Breslau, Miiller & Seiffert, 1936. 125 p. “History of castration: Religious and historico-legal study.” 210 * Browne, John Cave. Indian infanticide; its origin, progress, and suppression. London, W. H. Allen, 1857. 234 p. 26 211 Buchheim, L. Roger II. und die sizilische Arztegesetzgebung. Z Aerztl Fortbild (Berl) 48: 535-7, Aug 1954. 3 refs. In 1140, Roger II, King of Apulia and Sicily, proclaimed his laws at Diet of Ariano. Article 44, entitled “De probabili experientia medicorum,’ required examination of medical knowledge of anyone who wished to practice medicine in the kingdom. 212 Buchner, Ernst. Lehrbuch der gerichtlichen Medicin fiir Aerzte und Juristen. Rev. ed. Miinchen, J.A. Finsterlin, 1867. 454 p. Index. History of legal medicine from Roman times to mid-19th cent. (pp. 7-13). Several refs. Bibl., pp. 13-17. 213 Buchner, Ernst. Die Pyromanie. Historische Skizze. Friedr Bl Gerichtl Med 14: 141-9, 1863. 20 refs. Historical notes on pyromania from 18th cent. on; efforts to define it; related legislation. 214 Buchner, Ernst. Der Unterricht in der gerichtlichen Medizin. Friedr Bl Gerichtl Anthropol 16(1) : 1-17, Jan-Feb 1865. 3 refs. Status of teaching of legal medicine in Germany. Arguments in favor of study of discipline by both physicians and lawyers. 215 — Bucknill, John Charles. Unsoundness of mind in relation to criminal acts. 2nd. ed. London, Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, 1857. 148 p. Frequent references to history, opinions of medical authorities, casuistry, legislation, ete. (1st ed., Phila., 1856.) 216 Budvari, Robert. Situation actuelle de la médecine légale en Hongrie. Bull Méd Lég Toxicol Méd 8: 109-12, Mar 1965. Historic development and current status of legal medicine in Hungary, especially its teaching. 217 Buess, Heinrich. Arztliche Ethik in geschichtlicher Sicht. Praxis 48: 1029-32, 5 Nov 1959. 1 ref, Bibl. (23 entries). Development of medical ethics in three important periods: Hippocrates (4th cent., B. C.), Paracelsus (1493-1541) and his testament; and medical legislation of Grand Duchy of Hessen (1767). 218 Bullock, Fred. The law relating to medical, dental and veterinary practice. London, Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1929. 317 p. Bibl. Comprehensive work on English legislation from 14th cent. Chronological tables of statutes, charters, and ordinances. Historical development of all related disciplines to date of publication. Cases cited. 27 219 Buneev, Aleksei Nikolaevich et al., eds. Sudebnaia psikhiatriia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo iuridicheskoi lit., 1954. 373 p. Index. Brief description of development of forensic psychiatry in Russia and Soviet Union from 1669 to about 1950 (pp. 8-13). Illus. 220 Burns, Chester Ray. Malpractice suits in American medicine before the Civil War. Bull Hist Med 43: 41-56, Jan-Feb 1969. 42 refs. Appendix (27 citations of cases). Analysis of 27 malpractice suits before various State Supreme Courts, 1794-1861. 221 * Burrows, George Man. Introductory lecture to a course of forensic medicine, delivered in the Anatomical Theatre of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, November 1831. London, J. Vallett, 1831. 32 p. 222 Burrows, R. Medical legal evidence under the Ancien Régime. Med Leg Criminol Rev 12: 61-69, 1944. Discussion. Three selected cases of medicolegal interest from French trials: 1766, expert opinion in suspected infanticide; 1775, punishment of a surgeon for professional incompetence: 1771, surgeons’ suit against a bonesetter. 223 Bus, I. M. The right of the insane. Canad Psychiatr Assoc J 14: 413-14, Aug 1969. Development of concept of insanity. 224 Busscher, Jacques de. Sorcellerie et droit pénal. Scalpel 111: 10-21, 4 Jan 1958. 6 refs. Brief history of prosecution of witches, especially in France and England; very little of medicolegal interest. 225 Cabanes, Augustin. Le cabinet secret de I'histoire. Paris, A. Maloine, 1900. 320 p. Medical histories of famous persons. Some of medicolegal interest. 226 Cabanes, Augustin. Les mortes mystérieuses de l'histoire. Paris, Maloine, 1901. 530 p. Accounts of kings and princes of France, from Charlemagne to Louis XVII, who died under mysterious circumstances. 227 Caffaratto, Tirsi Mario. Storia dell’ermafroditismo. Minerva Ginecol 15: 684-94, 744— 51, 796-804, 1963. 136 refs. History of hermaphroditism from antiquity to present. Of great importance to students of legal medicine (casuistics, bibliography), especially “Giurisprudenza e Medicina Legale” (pp. 796-804), which gives historical development of legal and medicolegal views. 228 Cameron, James Malcolm. The Bible and legal medicine. Med Sci Law 10: 7-13, Jan 1970. 4 refs. 28 229 Campbell, W. A. Some landmarks in the history of arsenic testing. Chem Brit 1: 198- 202, May 1965. 27 refs. Nineteenth-century development of arsenic testing, especially Marsh’s test (1836) and its modifications, and Reinsch’s test (1841). 230 Campo Jesus, Luis del. Aportaciones de la medicina legal a la historia de Navarra, Sancho cognominado el Cesén. An Clin Med Forensis 2: 389-97, 1953. 11 notes and refs. Notes on legal medicine in history of Navarre. Account of Caesarean reportedly per- formed on Queen Urraca (early 12th cent.?), wife of King Sancho el Céson. 231 Camps, Francis Edward. The organisation of legal medicine in England. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 33-6, Jan-Jun 1962. 232 Camps, Francis Edward, ed. Gradwohl's legal medicine. Bristol, J. Wright, 1968. 740 p. Chapter 1. The history of legal medicine from antiquity to the present, pp. 1-14. 20 refs. 233 * Canolle, Léon. De l'avortement criminal 4 Karikal (Inde francaise). Paris, A. Parent, 1881. 40 p. Thesis (Paris). “On criminal abortion in Karikal (French India).” Capener, N., see entry no. 126. 234 Caratala, R. Homenaje a los profesores brasilefios, Afranio Peixoto y Leonidio Ribeiro. Rev Med Leg Jurispr Med (Rosario) 2(3) : 408-19, Jul-Sep 1936. Tribute to two Brazilian professors of legal medicine, Afranio Peixoto and Leonidio Ribeiro, and résumé of their work. 235 * Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan. What medicine can do for the law. New York, Harper & Bros., 1930. 3+52 p. 236 Caride, J. J. Fundacién y organizacién del Cuerpo Médico de los Tribunales. Arch Med Leg (B Aires) 1: 63-78, Mar—Apr 1931. Position of medical expert for the courts established in 1886, but Cuerpo Médico de los Tribunales [Medical Corps of the Courts of Justice] not organized in Argentina until 1895. Contents: Succession of physicians with Cuerpo; organization of office and its work ; statistics of autopsies, 1908-1923; examination of injuries; civil cases and criminal responsibility. 237 * Carl, Justinus. Ueberblick iiber die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gerichtsmedizin in Deutschland. Miinster i. W., 1942. 24 p. Thesis (Miinster i.W.). “Survey of the historical development of legal medicine in Germany.” 29 238 Carling, E. R. Current problems of medical defence organizations. Med Leg J 28(2) : 60-74, 1960. Discussion. 239 Carmo, J.M. do. Evolucio da deontologia medica. Hosp (Rio de J) 76 (4) : 1307-16, 1969. Evolution of medical ethics (especially concerning transplantation) from Greek antiquity to modern times. 240 Carrara, Mario. Il concetto medico legale dell’infirmita di mente. In: Festschr. Heinrich Zangger. Ziirich, Rascher, 1935, Th. 1, pp. 439-56. 1 ref. Discussion of part concerning mental health from Zangger’'s Medizin und Recht (1920) ; analysis of Swiss and Italian legislation concerning responsibility of mentally ill. 241 Carrara, Mario. Institute of Legal Medicine and Criminal Anthropology, Royal Univer- sity of Turin. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 105-15. Illus. Historical notes on Institute; floor plans and description of building; publications; rela- tions with judiciary authorities; staff. 242 Carrara, Mario. La medicina legale e I'antropologia criminale in Egitto. Arch Antropol Criminol Psichiatr Med Leg 49 (2) : 215-51, 1929. Status of legal medicine in Egypt (organization, teaching, medicolegal museum). Re- mainder on criminology, criminal statistics, prisons and correction houses, criminal anthropology. 243 Carrara, Mario. I periti medici e lo studio de la medicina legale all’estero. Riforma Med 23: 7-12, 1897. 2 refs. Problems of errors of medical experts in various countries (mostly Germany, France, and Italy). 244 * Carvalho, Joao Maximino Villaca de. Do exercicio da medicina legal em Portugal. Lisboa, 1916. Thesis (Lisbon). “The practice of legal medicine in Portugal.” 245 Castellanos, Israel. El Museo de Medicina Legal. Vida Nueva 51: 55-8, Feb 1943. Description of Medicolegal Museum at University of Havana, and briefly, similar insti- tutions in Vienna, Cracow, Lvov, Prague, Bucharest, Edinburgh, Lund, Cairo, Turin, Rome, Siena, and Lyon. 246 Castiglioni, Arturo. A history of medicine. Transl. from the Italian by E. B. Krumbhaar. 2nd ed. New York, A. F. Knopf, 1958. 1192 p. Bibl. by chapters, pp. 1147-82. General bibl, pp. 1183-92. Illus. Subject and name indexes. History of legal medicine, pp. 40, 83, 557-8, 636, 742-3, 889-91, 1052-5. Very little on antiquity. 30 247 Castiglioni, Arturo. The origin and development of the anatomic theater to the end of the Renaissance. Ciba Symp 3: 826-44, 1941/42. 248 Castro, Rodrigo de. Medicus politicus; sive, De officiis medico-politicis tractatus, quatuor distinctus libris. . . . Hamburgi, Ex Bibliopolio Frobeniano, 1614. 277 p. Many refs. in text. Of historical importance in itself. Devoted mostly to medical ethics and other problems concerning medical profession. Also contains several chapters on forensic medicine. 249 Castro y Bachiller, Raimundo de. Centenario de la Catedra de medicina legal y toxicologia. Vida Nueva 51: 66-80, Feb 1943. Illus. History of Chair of Legal Medicine at University of Havana from foundation after reform of medical teaching in 1842, to present. 250 * Castro y Bachiller, Raimundo de. Concepto actual de la medicina legal y como entendemos que debe desenvolverse su ensefianza. Leccion inaugural. Habana, “El Siglo XX,” 1924. 19 p. “Current concept of legal medicine and what we intend in the development of its teaching.” 251 * Castro y Bachiller, Raimundo de. Ensenanza de la medicina legal y toxicologia a los alunnos de la Escuela de Medicina en e Curso de sus estudios medicos. Rev-Med Leg Cuba 7(5) : 203 ff., 1928. “Teaching of legal medicine and toxicology to the students of the School of Medicine during their medical studies.” 252 Castro y Bachiller, Raimundo de. Informe sobre la organizacién de la ensefianza de la medicina legal en los principales centros docentes de Europa. Siglo Méd 78: 408-10, 433-5, 460-2, 489-91, 1926. Study tour of principal centers of teaching of legal medicine in Europe: Edinburgh, London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Turin, and Geneva. Organ- ization of medicolegal instruction in each city. 253 Castro y Bachiller, Raimundo de. Mi visita al departmento de medicina legal de la Universidad de Harvard, Boston, Mass. Ann Acad Cienc Med (Havana) 82(2) : 65-70, 1943-44. Impressions of author’s 1937 visit of Department of Legal Medicine, Harvard University. 254 Castro y Bachiller, Raimundo de and Barreras y Fernandez, Antonio. University of Havana-proposed plans for the Department of Legal Medicine and Toxicology and for the Morgue. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 27-39. Illus. Detailed plans for future Department and Morgue at University; organization and administration of justice in Cuba and its relation to doctors of legal medicine in Havana. 31 255 Castro y Bachiller, Raimundo de, et al. El Instituto medico-legal de Cuba. Rev Med Leg Cuba 7(6) : 208-24, Jun 1928. Detailed program of Institute of Legal Medicine, planned at new School of Medicine of University of Havana. 256 Castroverde, Jorge Alfredo de. Importance de 'odontologie médico-légale dans l'identi- fication. Actual Odontostomatol No. 21: 113-5, 1953. Résumé of author’s lecture at session of Société de Stomatologie de France, 1952, con- cerning importance of medicolegal odontology in identification. Some parts of im- portance to history of forensic dentistry. 257 Cattabeni, Caio Mario. La medicina legale nell’Egitto greco-romano. Castalia 1(3) : 148-50, Dec 1945. 5 refs. On basis of Egyptian documents from period between 1st and 5th cent. A.D., author decides that medicolegal expertise was practiced in Egypt at that time. 258 * Cattabeni, Caio Mario. I problemi dell’insegnamento e della preparazione professionale medicolegale in Italia, Riv Med Leg 5: 1-3, 1963. “Problems of teaching and professional medicolegal preparation in Italy.” 259 Catton, Joseph. Institutes of legal and sociological medicine; a suggested program for American medical schools. Am J Surg 26: 207-15, 1934. Recommends creation of institutes connected with medical schools which would relate medicine to sociology and law. Draft of detailed plan. 260 Cazzaniga, Antonio. Instituto de Medicina Legal de Mildo. Arq Med Leg Identific (Rio de J) 5(12) : 170-6, Oct 1935. Illus. Enumeration of goals and duties of Institute of Legal Medicine of University of Milan and detailed description of its building and organization. 261 Ceremonia de colocacién de la primera piedra para el edifico del Instituto de medicina legal de Bogota. Rev Med Leg Colomb 6(31/32) :3-13, Jun—Sep 1943. Ceremony at laying of cornerstone for new building of Institute of Legal Medicine of Bogota and addresses by Profs. G. Uribe Cualla (Colombia) and R. Bosch (Argen- tina), with some remarks of historical interest. 262 Cevidalli, Attilio. Tendenze e conquiste dell’ odierna medicina legale italiana. Gazz Int Med 15: 1201-5, 1912. Trends and achievements in Italian legal medicine of that period, as represented especi- ally by works of Tamassia, Pellacani, Ottolenghi, Carrara, Magnanimi, Ferrai, Biondi, Filomusi-Guelfi, et al. 32 263 Chaillé, Stanford Emerson. Origin and progress of medical jurisprudence, 1776-1876. A centennial address. Reprint from the Transactions of the International Medical Congress, Philadelphia, 1876. J Crim Law Criminol 40: 397-44, Nov-Dec 1949. 137 refs. Bibl. Appendix, pp. 431-44. One of the most important works on history of medical jurisprudence, First published in U.S., 1876. Starts with description of situation at end of 16th cent. in Europe, traces development, especially in England and U.S., and is rich in biobibliographic infor- mation. 264 Chakravorty, Ranes. The duties and training of physicians in Ancient India as described in the Sushruta Samhita. Surg Gynecol Obstet 120: 1067-70, May 1965. 6 refs. Rules for training and ethical conduct of physicians in India, developed at least 1,800 years ago. 265 * Charnyi, V. I. K sorokaletiiu sovetskol sudebnoi gematologii. Sb Tr Kaf Sud Med 1-go Leningr Med Inst 2: 19-22, 1958. “Fortieth anniversary of Soviet forensic hematology.’ 266 * Charnyi, V. I. O nekotorykh voprosakh programmy kursa sudebnol meditsiny. Tr Voen- Med Akad (Leningr) 53: 292 ff, 1952. “Some problems in the program of the course in legal medicine.” 267 Charpentier, René. Les empoisonneuses: étude psychologique et médico-légale. Paris, Steinheil, 1906. 227 p. Bibl, pp. 219-27. Illus. Three parts, the first predominantly on history of poisoning (ancient Orient and Rome to 20th cent.). Refs. Charpentier, René, see entry no. 396. 268 Chartier, Henri. La médecine légale au tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris pendant Terreur. Arch Anthropol Crim 15: 121-43, 1900. 1 ref. Legal medicine at the Revolutionary Tribunal during the Terror [French Revolution]. 269 Chaudre. “Coroner” et “Medical Examiner” aux Etats-Unis. Ann Méd Lég 32: 235-42, 1952. Description and comparison of offices of coroner and medical examiner in U.S. 270 * Chaumeton, Francois Pierre. Esquisse historique de la médecine légale. Paris, 1806. Probably identical with entry no. 271. - 33 271 Chaumeton, Francois Pierre. Esquisse historique de la médecine légale en France, Jahrb Staatsarznkd 2: 269-94, 1809. 6 refs. Historical development of legal medicine in France from time of Ambroise Paré; biobibl. information on leading French authorities to 1805. 272 Chaumont, Jean André. La médecine légale a Strasbourg. Sem Méd Prof 39: 267-9, 10-20 Jul 1963. History of teaching of legal medicine in Strasbourg. 273 Ch’en, Lii-kao and Hsii, Ying-han. Fa i ping li chieh p’ou hsiieh. Shanghai, Shang-hai wei sheng ch’u pan she, 1956. 256 p. “Pathological anatomy in medical jurisprudence.” Chapter 1, pp. 1-3: A brief history of pathological anatomy in China from Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine to modern times. Development in other countries also mentioned, from Ptolemy to 20th cent. 274 * Chervakov, Vasilii Fedorovich. Istoriia sudebnoi meditsiny i sudebno-meditsinskoi ekspertizy. Moskva, 1956. 22p. “History of legal medicine and medicolegal expertise [in Russia].” 275 Chervakov, Vasilil Fedorovich. Pervye otechestvennye dissertatsii po sudebnol meditsine. Sb Nauchn Rab Sud Med Pogran Obl 2:8-14, 1955, Earliest Russian medicolegal dissertations (from first quarter to second half of 19th cent.). Contents of some described and discussed. 276 Chervakov, Vasilii Fedorovich. Sudebnaia meditsina v Chekhoslovakii. Sud Med Ekspert 1(3) : 37-40, 1958. Brief account of development of legal medicine in Czechoslovakia, based (apparently) on material supplied by Prof. F. Hajek. A few small errors. 277 Chervakov, Vasilii Fedorovich. Sudebnomeditsinskaia ekspertiza v SShA. Sud Med Ekspert 1(2) : 37-41, 1958. 15 refs. Chiefly concerns coroner-medical examiner controversy in U.S. Some remarks on autopsies, recent research, and inadequacy of teaching of legal medicine at American medical schools. 278 * Chervakov, Vasilil Fedorovich. Voprosy sudebno-meditsinskoi ekspertizy v trudakh Am- broza Pare. Tr Kaf Sud Med Erevan Med Inst 1:36ff, 1956. “Questions of medicolegal expertise in the works of Ambroise Paré.” 34 279 * Chervakov, Vasilii Fedorovich and Kasatkin, B.S. Sudebnaia meditsina v stranakh narodnoi demokratsii. In: Referaty 9-i rasshirennoi nauchnoi konferentsii Lenin- gradskogo otdeleniia Vsesoiuznogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov. Leningrad, 1955, p. 10 ff. “Legal medicine in the countries of national democracy [Communist countries].” 280 * Chervakov, Vasilii Fedorovich and Makarov, Iu.T. O perspektivnom plane izucheniia istorii sudebnoi meditsiny SSSR. Sb Nauch Rab Sud Med Pogran Obl 2:4-7, 1955. “On the ‘perspective’ plan for teaching the history of legal medicine of the USSR.” Chervakov, Vasilil Fedorovich, see entry no, 1369. 281 Chevalier, A. Notice sur Orfila. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég 50: 450-8, 1853. Biography of recently deceased Prof. M. J. B. Orfila (1787-1853). 282 * Chiavarelli, S., and Toffler F. Svilupo storico ed aspetti attuali della chimica tossicologica. Ann Ist Sup Sanit 4:445-58, 1968. “Historical development and contemporary aspects of toxicological chemistry.” 283 * Chini, Spiro. O sostoianii sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy v Narodnol Respublike Albanii. In: Sbornik trudov po sudebnoi meditsine i sudebnoi khimii. Perm’, 1961, pp. 41-5. “Status of medicolegal expertise in the National Republic of Albania.” 284 Chiodi, Vittorio. Ricordi di antica ematologia forense: metodi centenari per la diagnosi specifica delle macchie di sangue. Riv Stor Sci Med 44: 207-12, May—Dec 1953. 5 refs. Start of research on blood stains in Italy between 1835 and 1846. 285 Chiodi, Vittorio. Saluto ai maestri. Arch Vecchi Anat Patol 17: 1-14, Jul 1951. Development of teaching of legal medicine in Florence from 1819 to time of publication. 286 * Christison, Sir Robert, Bart. Short view of the extent and importance of medical juris- prudence . . . as a branch of education. Edinburgh, 1821. Published anonymously. 287 * Christison, Sir Robert, Bart. Syllabus of the university course of lectures on medical jurisprudence, November 1826. Edinburgh, A. Balfour, 1826. 46 p. 288 Christison, Sir Robert, Bart. A treatise on poisons in relation to medical jurisprudence, physiology, and the practice of physics. 1st Am., from 4th Edinb., ed. Philadelphia, E. Barrington and G. D. Haswell, 1845. 756 p. Numerous refs. ; subj. index. Best textbook of its time on toxicology; of great importance to medical jurisprudence. Contains no history of subject. 35 289 Chroscielewski, Edmund. Medycyna sadowa w Federacyjnej Ludowej Republice Jugo- stawii. Arch Med Sad 16: 137-9, 1964. Impressions of visits to Yugoslavia, Description of Institutes of Legal Medicine in Bel- grade, Skoplja, Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Zagreb. 290 Cieslak, M. and Spett, K. Krétki zarys rozwoju ekspertyzy psychiatrycznej w procesie karnym. Neurol Neurochir Psychiatr Pol 15: 577-83, 1965. 20 refs. History of forensic psychiatry from antiquity to present, 291 Clark, Henry G. Medical jurisprudence. Med Commun Mass Med Soc 11: 49-73, 1874. Includes brief history of legal medicine. 292 * Clark, Henry G. Medical jurisprudence. The annual address before the Massachusetts Medical Society, June 3, 1868. Boston, D. Clapp, 1868. 27 p. 293 * Clausade, Amédé. Essai sur la médecine légale considerée comme science, précédé d’un apercu sur les connections des sciences cosmologiques et nodlogiques. Montpellier, J. Martel, 1838. 137 p. “Essay on legal medicine, considered as a science, preceded by a sketch on the connections of cosmologic and noélogic sciences.” Cleymaet, G., see entry no. 1445. 294 Clutter, R. O. The history of medical jurisprudence in the State of Indiana during the nineteenth century, J. Indiana State Med Assoc 42: 138-42, 1949. 27 refs. 295 Codronchi, Giovanni Battista. De vitiis vocis, libri duo . . . cui accedit . . . Methodus testificandi . . . Francofurti, Apud haeredes Andreae Wecheli, etc., 1597. 232 p. Methodus testificandi, pp. 151-232. Guide to physicians in preparation and presentation of medical expert opinion. After Ambroise Paré’s Traicté des rapports (1575), one of earliest works of its kind. Cohn, Z., see entry no. 82. 296 Coimbra, Francisco Nunes Guimaries. Da utilidade e consequente necessidade da in- strucdo médico-legal dos juristas e dos peritos médicos. Gaz Méd Port 6 (3) : 541-52, 1953. 4 refs, Address on value of legal medicine, need for both physicians and lawyers to be trained therein, and opinions of recognized authorities supporting author’s view. 297 Cola Proto, Francesco de. I’aborto e 'infanticido nella dottrina e nella giurisprudenza. Messina, Tipografia del Foro, 1886. 288 p. History of criminal abortion and related legislation from antiquity to Constitutio crimi- nalis Carolina (pp. 11-40). Extensive bibl., pp. 41-4. 36 298 * Collin, André. Le droit a I'autopsie. Etude historique, médico-légale et administrative. Paris, A. LeGrand, 1927. 106 p. Historical, medicolegal, and administrative study on the right to perform autopsies. 299 Collins, Sir William Job. Early days of the Medico-Legal Society. Med Leg Criminol Rev (Lond) 13: 201-2, 1945. 300 Collins, Sir William Job. Inaugural address. Med Leg J (NY) 23: 349-62, 1905/6. Chiefly concerns history of forensic medicine in England, from publication of Samuel Farr’s Elements of medical jurisprudence in 1737. 301 Colombia. Oficina Central de Medicina Legal. Organizacion del Servicio de Medicina Legal en Colombia. Bogota, Impr. Nacional, 1944. 80 p. History of medicolegal service (est. 1914) in Colombia; organization and work of Oficina Central de Medicina Legal in Bogota. Related legislation. 302 * Combes, Hyppolyte, Cours d’hygiene et de médecine légale. Discours d’introduction. Toulouse, A. Manavit, 1841. 62 p. “Course of hygiene and legal medicine. Introductory lecture.” 303 * Combes, Hippolyte. De I'importance de la médicine légale. Toulouse, Montaubin, 1842. “Importance of legal medicine.” 304 Connors, Donald R. and Mescolotto, Lee D. “A compilation of the laws of the fifty States on organ transplant procedures” (Uniform Anatomical Gift Act also included). Scalpel Quill 3(2) Part 1: 1-29, May 1969; 3(3) Part 2: 30-47, Aug 1969. U.S. legislation and discussion of some of the medical, legal, moral, and ethical problems. 305 Conradi, Johann Wilhelm Heinrich. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Manie ohne Delirium. Gottingen, Dietrich, 1835. 76 p. Several refs. Definition of mania; historical development of concepts of insanity from ancient times to Pinel; opinion at time of publication about mania without delirium. 306 Contreras, J. R. R. Bosquejo histérico y progresos de la medicina forense en Espana. Forenses 1(12) : 1-3, 20 Jul 1935. Brief history of medicolegal relations; development of legal medicine in Spain from 13th cent. to 1935. 307 Cooper, Thomas. Tracts on medical jurisprudence; including Farr’s Elements of medical jurisprudence, Dease’s Remarks on medical jurisprudence, Male’s Epitome of juridieal or forensic medicine, and Haslam’s Treatise on insanity. With a preface, notes, and 37 digest of the law relating to insanity and nuisance. Philadelphia, J. Webster, 1819. 8, 456 p. The first work which made accessible to American researchers in one volume previous English works on the subject. Was heavily used. 308 Corbella Corbella, Jacinto. Historia de la medicina legal en Espafia. Resumen de la tesis presentada para aspirar al grado de doctor en medicina. Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, 1967. 11 p. Resumé of thesis (Barcelona). History of legal medicine in Spain from time of Arabic and Hebrew contributions to mid-19th cent, 309 Corbella Corbella, Jacinto. La medicina legal espariola en el siglo XVIII. In: Congreso Espanol de Historia de la Medicina, 2d, Salamanca, 1965. Actas (Salamanca) 2: 133-43, 1966. 32 refs. Description of works on medicolegal topics in 18th cent. Spain (from search for poisonous antimony to start of forensic surgery). 310 Cordiglia, G. J. Il “Levitico,” primo codice di legislazione sanitaria. G Batt Virol Immunol 53: 197-204, Mar-Apr 1960. Description of legal provisions concerning public health in “Leviticus,” which author calls “the first code of sanitary legislation.” Some provisions of medicolegal im- portance. 311 Corin, Gabriel Julien. De la pratique et de I'enseignement de la médecine légale en Bel- gique. Scalpel (Liege) 51: 150-1, 1898. Brief history of teaching of legal medicine at universities in Belgium. Corin, Gabriel Julien, see entry no. 1250. 312 Corlieu, Auguste. Les chaires de médecine légale et d'histoire de la médecine a la Faculté de Paris. France Méd 26: 337-40, 353-5 passim, 1879. History of Chairs of Legal Medicine and of History of Medicine in Paris from 1794 to 1879, with biobibliographies of their professors. 313 Corlieu, Auguste. Les chaires de médecine légale et d'histoire de la médecine a la Faculté de Paris. Paris, V. A. Delahaye, 1879. 9 p. Abridged version of article above. 314 Coroleu, Wifredo. La medicina legal del pasado. Demonios y brujas. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 2: 243-50, 282-8, 304-16, 1947. History of witchcraft and legal medicine. Witchcraft and its prosecution by the law from antiquity to mid-18th cent. in Spain, France, England, and Germany. Casuistry and biobibliographic information. 38 315 Costa, A., and Weber, G. L’inizio dell’anatomia patological nel Quatrocento fiorentino, sui testi di Antonio Benivieni, Bernardo Torni, Leonardo da Vinci. Arch Vecchi Anat Patol 39(2) : 429-878, 1963. Extensive bibl. Origins of pathological anatomy in 15th cent. Italy as they appear in works of Antonio Benivieni, Bernardo Torni, and Leonardo da Vinci. Deep scholarly study of old texts. Several parts of medicolegal interest. 316 Costa, G. F. Instituto de medicina legal al servicio del estado. Sem Méd (B Aires) 46: 105-6, 1939. General description of present status of and relations between “judicial” hospital, insti- tute of legal medicine, and morgue in Argentina. Cotutiu, C., see entry no. 939. 317 Coulon, Pierre Marie Daniel. L’expertise médicolégal en Allemagne Féderale. Strasbourg, Faculté de Médecine de Strasbourg, 1960. 67 p. 23 refs. Dissertation (Strasbourg). Description of medicolegal expertise in Federal Republic of Germany; some information on institutes of legal medicine and teaching; comparison with situation in France. 318 * Courses in medical jurisprudence. Amer J Med Jurispr 1: 129, Oct 1938. 319 * Cousin, André. Essai sur les origines de la médecine légale. Paris, H. Jouve, 1905. 71 p. Thesis (Paris). “Essay on the origins of legal medicine.” 320 Coutagne, Jean Paul Henry. L’exercice de la médecine judiciaire en France. Ses conditions actuelles et les réformes nécessaires a son fonctionnement. Arch Anthropol Crim Sci Pénales 1: 25-58, 1886. 3 refs. Status of legal medicine in France; its organization, teaching, position of teachers, medical expertise, and recommended reforms. 321 Coutagne, Jean Paul Henry. La folie au point de vue judiciaire et administratif. Lyon, A. Storck, 1888. 157 p. History of mental illness from legal and administrative point of view, from antiquity to second half of 19th cent. (pp. 21-73). 322 Crespin, Joseph. L’exercice de la médecine légale en Algérie. Ann Hyg Publ Méd Lég, 4th ser. 16: 275-8, 1911. The practice of legal medicine in Algeria since 1897. 323 * Criner Garcia, Carlos A. Historia de la odontologia Cubana. La Habana, 1946. “History of Cuban odontology.” 39 324 * Criner Garcia, Carlos A. El odontélogo como perito. . . . Habana, 1941. 7 p. Bibl. “The dentist as expert. . . .” 325 Cuello Calén, Eugenio. Tres temas penales: El aborto criminal; el problema penal de la eutanasia; el aspecto penal de la fecundacién artificial. Barcelona, Bosch, 1955. 196 p. Many refs, Discussion of criminal aspects of abortion, euthanasia, and artificial insemination, History of criminal abortion (pp. 9-20). 326 Cule, J. The court mediciner and medicine in the laws of Wales. J Hist Med 21: 213-36, Jul 1966. 65 footnotes and 24 refs. Description of contents of medical and medicolegal interest in 10th cent. laws of King Hywel Dda. Position of court physician, his private practice, fees, gifts, compensation for bodily injuries caused by treatment, etc. 327 Cummin, William. Practice of forensic medicine, as conducted in this and other countries. Lond Med Gaz 13: 951-2, 1834. Criticism of forensic medicine in England (especially coroners’ courts) based on compari- son with France and Germany (especially Prussia). 328 Cumston, Charles Greene. Historic notes on laws governing civil malpractice in ancient times and Middle Ages. Am Med 6: 409-11, 5 Sept 1903. From antiquity to end of 16th cent. 329 Cumston, Charles Greene. The medico-legal aspect and criminal procedure in the poison cases of the XVI century. Med Leg J 23: 172-83, 1905/6. 330 Cumston, Charles Greene. A note on the history of forensic medicine of the Middle Ages. J Am Inst Criminol (Chic) 3: 855-65, 1912/13. History from time of Leges barbarorum, through Capitularia of Charlemagne, ordalia, cruentation, provisions of Canon law, and medicolegal casuistics, mostly from France, 331 Cumston, Charles Greene. Remarks on the history of forensic medicine from the Renais- sance to the XIX century. New York, W. Wood, 1910. 15 p. Repr. from Med Rec (N Y), Oct. 22, 1910. 332 Curran, William J. Background of forensic medicine. Med World News 12: 12, 16 Apr 1971. Letter to editor. Correction of some errors in a previously published article concerning establishment of first department of legal medicine in United States. 40 333 Curran, William J, The Boston University Law-Medicine Research Institute: doctor and lawyer get together. Boston Med Q 9(4) : 117-9, Dec 1958. 334 Curran, William J. Law-Medicine Institute at Boston University: an experiment in interdisciplinary cooperation. Public Health Rep 79: 743-6, Aug 1964. Institute was founded in 1958 as autonomous unit of the university. 335 Curran, William J. Medicine and law at the Harvard Law School. Harvard Law School Bull 17: 9-11, Jan 1966. Historical development and activities to 1966. 336 Curran, William J. A nation-wide survey : medico-legal instruction in law schools, Amer Bar Assoc J 45: 815-8, 874-6, 1959. 5 refs. Report on results of comprehensive survey of teaching of medicolegal subjects in American law schools. 337 Curran, William J. and Hamlin, R. H. The Medicolegal Problems Seminar at Harvard Law School. J Leg Educ 8: 499-502, 19586. Teaching of medicolegal material (program, objectives, problems, and value of instrue- tion), 338 Curran, William J. and Russell, D. H. The Boston University Law-Medicine Institute after ten years. Boston Univ Law Rev 49 (1): 1-13, Winter 1969. 11 refs. Activities of Institute and its personnel, 339 Dabout, Eugéne. Les morgues a Paris et en Angleterre. Etude médico-légale comparée. Rev Méd Lég (Paris) 14: 37-47, Feb 1907. Comparative study of morgues of Paris and England. 340 * Dal’, M. A. K istorii organizatsij i deiatel'nosti sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy Lenin- grada. In: Sbornik rabot po teorii i praktike sudebnol meditsiny. Leningrad, 1962, pp. 7-15. “History of the organization and activity in medicolegal expertise in Leningrad.” 341 * Damasio, Virgilio. Ensino e exercicio da medicina, especialmente da medicina legal, em alguns paizes da Europa. Baia, 1886. } “Teaching and practice of medicine, especially legal medicine, in some countries of Europe.” 41 342 Dambhouder, J. de. Notes pour servir a histoire de la médecine légale en Belgique. Gaz Méd Belg 1: 55, 87, 1843. Description of mediocolegal provisions contained in Joost Damhouder, Pratycke in eriminele saecken (Rotterdam, 1628), first published as Enchiridion rerum crimi- nalium (Lovanii, 1554). 343 Damhouder, Joost. Enchiridion rerum criminalium, elegantibus aliquot figuris illustratum .. . Lovanii, ex officina typographica Stephani Gualteri et Toannis Bathenii Typogr. Turat., 1554. 524 p. First known legal work on criminal law in Holland, with traces of legal medicine. Chapter, De invasione, describes form of medical and surgical reporting in cases of murder and injury. Translated into French, German, and Flemish and of historical importance in itself. 344 * Dauber, Johann Heinrich. Oratio de toto inspiciendi cadaveris instituto a Hebraeis per manus Graecorum ad Romanos translato. . . . Bredae, 1646. “Oration on the complete inspection of a cadaver [as] established by the Hebrews [and] transmitted through the Greeks to the Romans. . . 2 345 Davies, John. An exposition of the laws, which relate to the medical profession in England; containing a brief account of the various ordinances, charters and Acts of Parliament, under which the practice of medicine in England has been governed from the earliest period of its history, down to the present time. With an Appendix containing an ample analysis of Sir James Graham’s bill for the better regulation of medical practice throughout the United Kingdom. London, 1844. 84 p. Davis, Anthony, see entry no. 1308. 346 * Davis, Nathan Smith. The importance of the study of medical jurisprudence by stu- dents of law, and the extent to which it should be taught in schools or colleges for the education of such students. Detroit, 1895. 9 p. Reprinted from Transactions of the American Bar Association. 347 Davison, M. H. Medicine, murder and man. Presidential address. Med Leg J 32: 28-39, 1964. Historical development from early times of provision of medical evidence in murder cases. 348 Deadman, W. J. Forensic medicine; an aid to criminal investigation. Can Med Assoc J 92: 666-70, 1965. 5 refs. Brief historical outline followed by discussion of contemporary medicolegal system in Province of Ontario and role of legal medicine in criminal investigation. 42 349 Deadman, W. J. The Ontario medico-legal system, Can Med Assoc J 89: 214-6, 1963. 5 refs. 350 Dease, William. Remarks on medical jurisprudence; intended for general information of juries and young surgeons. Dublin, 1793. 32 p. One of earliest works in English on medical jurisprudence. General advice on how to conduct medicolegal investigations before juries, explanation of importance of systematic proceedings, some illustrative cases, etc. 351 Debierre, Charles. L’hermaphrodite devant le Code civil. L’hermaphroditisme, sa nature, son origine, ses conséquences sociales. Arch Anthropol Crim Sci Pénales 1: 305-42, 1886. Numerous refs. Illus. Material on hermaphroditism of importance to history of legal medicine. 352 De Caprariis, E, Considerazioni critiche su di un documento medicolegale: le perizie sulla pazzia de T. Campanella. Minerva Med 62: 3200-9, 12 Sep 1971. 30 refs. Sum- mary in English. Psychiatric inquiry conducted by two physicians on Fra Tomasso Campanella in 1601. They decided that Campanella was simulating madness, but they did not completely exclude the possible presence of true mental disease. Author’s comments, and brief account of development of medicolegal inquiries in early medicine. 353 Decurtins, Florin. Ueber 107 Jahre gerichtsirztliche Tétigkeit in einem schweizerischen Landbezirk. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 59: 932-5, 1929. Abstract of medical dissertation. Statistical records of medicolegal interest, 1806-55 and 1869-1928, from a small district in Swiss Province of Thurgau. 354 * Decurtins, Florin. Ueber 107 Jahre gerichtsirztlichen Titigkeit in einem schweizerischen Landbezirk; Anhang: CO-Vergiftung durch Kirchenheizung. Ziirich, Gebr. Lee- mann, 1929. 56 p. Dissertation (Zurich?) For annotation see entry no. 353. 355 Delasiauve, Louis Jean Francois. Traité de I’épilepsie; histoire, traitement, médecine légale. Paris, V. Masson, 1854. 559 p. History of epilepsy, its treatment, and related legal questions. 356 Delassus. I’enseignement et la pratique de la médecine légale en France. J Sci Med Lille 2: 108-13, 226-33, 342-7, 1891. 6 refs, Appeal for practical teaching of legal medicine, participation of students in medical expertise, upgrading status of medical experts, better financial reward for their work, recommendation of other reforms. 43 357 Delaunay, Paul. Une affaire médico-légale au XVIIIe siecle. Bull Soc Fr Hist Med 26: 139-45, 1932. Report on an autopsy of 1741 on body of woman who—apparently after a blow on her stomach—delivered a dead child and then died. Medical and legal arguments. 358 Delaunay, Paul. Une expertise médico-légale en 1735; histoire de deux chirurgiens et d’une perruche assassinée. France Méd 61: 127-8, 1914. Two physicians were summoned by the court in 1735 to testify about cause of death in an assassination. Description of mortal wounds. 359 Del Torto, S. L’organizzazione della medicina legale in Romania. G Med Leg Infort Tossicol, Suppl No. 4: 83-91, 1968. Organization of legal medicine in Rumania. One of few available articles on the subject. 360 Dérobert, Léon. La catedra de medicina legal de la Facultad de Medicina de Paris. Bol Inform Asoc Nac Med Forenses 31/33: 587-90, Jul-Sept 1962. Pioneers of legal medicine in France; origins of its teaching; foundation of Chair of Legal Medicine at Paris; succession and brief biographies of professors until 1962 (Prof. R. Piédelievre). 361 Dérobert, Léon. Historique de la Société de Médecine Légale et de Criminologie de France. Méd Lég Dommage Corpor 1: 410-3, 9 Dec 1968. History of the Society of Legal Medicine and Criminology of France, its development, work, and publications through one hundred years. 362 Dérobert, Léon. Organisation des instituts de médecine légale. Ann Méd Lég 39: 372-1, Jul-Aug 1959. Recommendations and discussion in response to an article of Prof. Mosinger’s concerning some reforms in the organization of institutes of legal medicine. 363 Dérobert, Léon. Petite historique de la médecine légale en France et a Paris. Paris Méd 31 (44/45) : i-viii, 10 Nov 1941. 5 refs. Brief and condensed history of legal medicine in France from time of Leges barbarorum and Charlemagne’s Capitularia to foundation of Chair of Legal Medicine in Paris. 364 Dérobert, Léon. Plaidoyer pour la médecine légale universitaire francaise. Presse Méd 72: 1097-9, 11 Apr 1964. French legislation of 1960 combined teaching of medicine at universities and hospitals. Author is against integration of legal medicine into teaching hospitals. Dérobert, Léon, see entry no. 74. 44 365 Dervillée, Pierre. Nullité de mariage et jurisprudence canonique. Prog Méd 70: 403-9, 10 Oct 1942. 2 refs. Annulment of marriage under canon law. Procedures; medicolegal expertise; some his- torical background. 366 Dervillée, Pierre. L’organisation de la médecine légale dans les différents pays. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 15-28, Jan-Jun 1962. An effort to describe status of legal medicine in various countries. 367 Dervillée, Pierre and Auby, Jean Marie. L’enseignement du droit médical international a la Faculté Mixte de Médecine et de Pharmacie de 'Université de Bordeaux. Acta Med Leg Soc 1: 79-83, Jan—Jun 1957. Explanation of term “international medical law.” Teaching of the subject at University of Bordeaux. Syllabus of lectures. 368 Desmaze, Charles. Etude sur les législations anciennes et modernes relatives aux aliénés. Gaz Méd Paris, 4. sér. 2: 85-8, 97-102, 137-43, 161-5, 177-82, 193-7, 209-15, 1873. History of legislation concerning the insane from ancient to modern times. 369 Desmaze, Charles. Histoire de la médecine légale en France d’apres les lois, régistres et arréts criminels. Paris, G. Charpentier, 1880. 340 p. Bibl. Brief introduction to history of legal medicine from antiquity (pp. ix-xvii) and develop- ment in France to start of 19th cent. 370 Devaux, Jean, L’art de faire des raports en chirurgie, ou l'on enseigne la pratique, les formules et le stile le plus en usage parmi les chirurgiens commis aux rapports; avec un extrait des arrests, statuts et réglements faits en conséquence. Nouvelle éd. Paris, la veuve d’Houry, 1730. 659 p. “The art of preparing reports in surgery.” Detailed instructions to surgeons on prepara- tion of reports to authorities in cases of injury or death. Very brief historical intro- duction on reporting in France from time of Ambroise Paré (pp. ii-vi). 371 Diamond, B. L. Isaac Ray and the trial of Daniel M’Naghten. Am J Psychiatr 112(8) : 651-56, Feb 1956. 17 refs. Isaac Ray’s A Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity (1838) was successfully used as the strongest tool by defense counsel in famous M’Naghten trial in England. 372 The diploma in medical jurisprudence. Med Leg J 29(4) : 175-9, 1961. Diploma in medical jurisprudence (D.M.J.) was introduced in England by Society of Apothecaries (London), and first examination planned for spring of 1962. Gives requirements for courses and syllabus of lectures. 45 373 Distel, T. Arztlicher Befund eines Erstochenen, 1584. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 28: 691, Sep 1902. Brief notice about visum repertum from 1584. Position, depth, and brightness of several wounds on dead body are described and two of them designated as mortal. 374 Distel, T. Gebet eines jiidischen Arztes im 12. Jahrhundert. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 28: 580, 7 Aug 1902. German translation of prayer of a Hebrew physician of 12th cent. Interesting especially from point of view of medical ethics. 375 Dobisek, Karel. Poc¢atky soudni psychiatrie v Cechéach. Cesk Psychiatr 60: 269-72, Aug 1964. 17 refs. Description of legal position of the mentally ill in Kingdom of Bohemia from 11th cent. to 1768, when Codex Theresianus made application of medical expertise obligatory. Interesting casuistics. 376 Domenici, Folco. Cenni sulle origini della medicina legale. Minerva Med 37: 8, 10, 12; 22, 24, 26; 34, 36, 38; 50, 52, 54 passim (Parte varia) Jan 1946. History of legal medicine from antiquity, with emphasis on old Roman and Hebrew contributions, Important biobibliographic data on development in Italy, Germany, Austria, and France. Very important article. 377 Domenici, Folco. Dieci anni di attivita, 1947-1957. G Med Leg Infort Tossicol 4: 1-17, Jan-Mar 1958. Achievements of Institute of Legal and Insurance Medicine of University of Pisa. 378 Domenici, Foleo. Lezioni di medicina legale, per oli studenti di giurisprudenza. Nuova ed. Pisa, G. Pellegrini, 1971. 330 p. History of legal medicine from antiquity to present (pp. 1-18). Special emphasis on developments in Italy. 379 Dotzauer, Giinther and Tamaska, L. Wiirdigung der Constitutio criminalis Theresiana aus gerichtsmedizinischen Sicht. In: Medicinae et artibus; Festschrift fiir Professor Dr. phil. Dr. Med. Wilhelm Katner zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. Diisseldorf, Triltsch, 1968, pp. 1-10. Evaluation of Constitutio eriminalis Theresiana (1768) from medicolegal point of view; its relevance to development of legal medicine in Austria. Description of situation before and after its promulgation. 380 Douglas, R. K. Coroners’ science in China. Nature (Lond) 27: 612-14, 1882/83. A brief review of Hsi yiian lu. Translated into French in Rev Sci (Paris) 32: 408-10, 1833. 46 381 Douriez, P. Domaine, organisation et fonctionnement de la médecine légale. Concours Méd 84:4153-6, 7 Jul 1962. Opinions of Prof. L. Roche of Lyon and his colleagues on scope, organization, and proper functioning of legal medicine. 382 Dowdell, C. The history of forensic medicine. Chic Med Times 34: 556-58, 1901. Brief; some information inexact or incorrect. 383 Draper, Frank Winthrop. Recent progress in forensic medicine. Boston Med Surg J 102: 102-5, 1880. 5 refs. Report on status of some medicolegal problems: subepicranial ecchymosis and cephalo- haematoma; rapid postmortem emphysema; cremation; recovery after severe brain injury; court decisions of interest. 384 Draper, Frank Winthrop. Recent progress in legal medicine. Boston Med Surg J 116: 112-3, 127-9, 1887. 6 refs. Report on status of some medicolegal problems: wounds of genital organs in criminal abortion; water in stomach as sign of submersion during life; death by hanging; footprints; haematoma of sternomastoid in newborn children. 385 Dreher, R.H. Origin, development and present status of insanity as a defense to criminal responsibility in the common law. J Hist Behav Sci 3: 47-57, Jan 1967. 55 refs. History of law in England from Norman Conquest, development of common law and its inclusion of defense on basis of insanity, famous case of Rex v. Arnold (1724), M’Naughten Case (1843), and its application in the U.S., further development of Durham case, and status of the problem at time of publication. 386 Duarte-Santos, Luis Augusto. L’organisation de la médecine légale au Portugal. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 47-50, Jan-Jun 1962. Organization of legal medicine in Portugal. 387 Duarte-Santos, Luis Augusto. A organizacio medico-legal do Pais e a Universidade. Port Med 40(4) : 255-60, 1956. 3 refs. Organization of legal medicine in Portugal; status and functions of Institutes of Legal Medicine in Coimbra, Lisbon, and Oporto. 388 Dubrac, Ferdinand. Traité de jurisprudence médicale et pharmaceutique. Paris, J.B. Bailliere, 1893. 770 p. Index. Includes history of legislation concerning physicians, surgeons, and pharmacists from antiquity to ca 1840. 8 refs. 389 * Dudgeon, John. Inquests in China. Notes and Queries on China and Japan 3 1127-8, 1869. 47 390 Dulov, A. V. Sudebnaia meditsina i Peterburgskaia Akademiia nauk. Sud Med Ekspert 5: 42-45, Apr-Jun 1962. Description of interest in legal medicine at St. Petersburg Academy of Science from 1726 on. 391 * Dumas, Francois Marie Pascal Isidore. Exposition historique et appréciation des secours empruntés par la médecine légale a I’anatomie et & la physiologie. Strasbourg, Silber- mann, 1838. 66 p. “Historical aspects and recognition of the help provided by legal medicine to anatomy and physiology.” Submitted as a thesis in the “concours” for the Chair of Legal Medicine at the University of Strasbourg. 392 * Dumas, Francois Marie Pascal Isidore. Rapports de la médecine légale avec la législation. These de concours . . . Strasbourg, 1840. 112 p. “Relation of legal medicine to legislation.” Contains history from antiquity. 393 Duncan, Andrew, Sr. Memorial on medical jurisprudence. Dublin Med Phys Essays 1:238-43, 1807. Text of memorial on need to teach medical jurisprudence, presented to Patrons of Univer- sity of Edinburgh in 1798 and called to attention of his Majesty’s Ministers in 1806 by Lord Advocate for Scotland. 394 Duncan, Andrew, Sr. A short view of the extent and importance of medical jurisprudence, considered as a branch of education. Dublin Med Phys Essays 1:243-49, 1807. Discusses German “State medicine” (medical police and juridical medicine). Development of medical jurisprudence from Carolina (1532) to date of publication, and its applica- tion at the courts. Second part devoted to definition and explanation of scope of medical police. 395 * Dunglison, Robley. Syllabus of the lectures on medical jurisprudence, and on the treatment of poisoning and suspended animation, delivered in the University of Virginia. University of Virginia, C.P. M’Kennie, 1827. 142 p. 396 Dupré, Ernest and Charpentier, René. Les empoisonneurs : étude historique, psychologique et médico-légale. Arch Anthropol Crim 24: 5-55, 1909. Several refs. Bibl. (36 entries). History of poisoning and its psychological and medicolegal aspects. Cases from antiquity to end of last cent. 397 Dupré, Ernest et Charpentier, René. Les empoisonneurs ; étude historique, psychologique et médico-légale. Lyon, Rey, 1909. 55 p. Reprint of article above. 48 398 Dutra, Frank Robert. Progress in medico-legal investigation of gunshot injuries. J Criminol (Chic) 39 (4) : 524-31, Nov-Dec 1948. 3 refs. Methods (then new) in medicolegal investigation of gunshot wounds (e.g., infrared photography, X-ray, chemical tests). 399 Dvatsatipiatiletie Nauchno-issledovatel’skogo instituta sudebnoi meditsiny Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia SSSR. Sud Med Ekspert 1: 61-2, 1958. History and description of activities of Scientific Research Institute of Legal Medicine, Ministry of Health of USSR, Moscow, on occasion of its 25th anniversary. 400 Dzulynski, Witold. Historia Zakladu Medycyna Sadowej Akademii Medycznej v Lublinie. Arch Med Sadow 2: 117-8, 1951. Brief history of Institute of Legal Medicine in Lublin, established in 1944, 401 Ebstein, Wilhelm. Die Medizin in alten Testament, Stuttgart, Enke, 1901. 184 p. Bibl, pp. 178-R0. General description of medicine in Old Testament. Description of sexual life and problems, treatment of disease, status of health personnel, anatomy, embalming, etc. Good background source. 402 Eckert, William G. The Canadian scene in forensic sciences. INFORM Lett No. 6:1-3, Jul 1968. 3 refs. Current status of forensic sciences in Canada. Centers, institutes, societies, services, and teaching. 403 Eckert, William G. Forensic medicine in Scandinavia. INFORM Lett No. 5:1-4, Apr 1968. 3 refs. Brief historical remarks; present status (organization, teaching, services) in Scan- dinavian countries. 404 Eckert, William G. The forensic sciences in Japan. INFORM Lett No. 7:1-4, Oct 1968. Organization of National Research Institute of Police of J apan; national societies (medi- colegal and criminological) ; activities; special problems. 405 Eckert, William G. The forensic sciences in the Scandinavian countries. INFORM Lett 3(3) :2-7, passim, Jul 1971. 4 refs. Brief history and present status in Scandinavian countries. Names and addressés of leaders in the field. 49 406 Eckert, William G. The forensic sciences in the United Kingdom and Eire, INFORM Lett 4(4) :3-8, Oct 1972. Brief survey of current situation: England and Wales; Scotland; Northern Ireland; Republic of Ireland. Reflections on forensic sciences in the British Isles; historical milestones in forensic sciences in the United Kingdom (chronology of events, 1194— 1971) ; organizations, periodicals, etc. 407 Eckert, William G. The forensic sciences in the United States of America. INFORM Lett 2(3) :3-6, Jul 1970. Current status of medicolegal systems, forensic pathology, forensic psychiatry, forensic toxicology, forensic criminalistics, societies, literature, medicolegal investigative centers and addresses of forensic interest. 408 Eckert, William G. National societies of forensic medicine and sciences. INFORM Lett No. 4:1-6, Jan 1968. International, American, African, Asian, and European societies existing at time of publication. Some historical notes and list of societies’ names and addresses. / 409 Eckert, William G. The role of dentistry in forensic sciences. INFORM Lett 5(2) : 3-6, Apr 1973. 11 refs. On recent efforts and present application. The same issue contains information on organi- zations, periodicals, and scientific workers in the field. 410 Eckert, William G. and Noguchi, Thomas T. Forensic medicine in America. INFORM Lett No. 2:1-5, Jul 1967. Contemporary situation in U.S. (coroner and medical examiner systems) ; list of medi- colegal institutions by state (including name of director, office, and address). 411 Eckert, William G. and Noguchi, Thomas T. A report of progress on current status. INFORM Lett No, 1:1-2, Jan 1967. Report on establishment of International Reference Organization in Forensic Medicine (INFORM), Wichita, Kan., its current status and planned activities. 412 Ehrhart, Gottlieb von. Entwurf eines physikalisch-medizinischen Polizei-Gesetzbuches und eines gerichtlichen Medizinal-Codex. Augsburg und Leipzig, Jenisch und Stage, [18217] 4 v. Vol, 1: History of “Staatsarzneikunde” (comprising legal medicine) from antiquity to beginning of 19th cent. Many refs. in text. Other parts (especially legislation) also of interest. 413 Ehrmann, Johannes Franciscus. De veneficio doloso. Dissertation. Reisseisen (?), typis J. H. Heizii, 1781. 56 p. Lists penal provisions for poisoning among Hebrews, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Germans, and French, and contemporary penal legislation. 50 414 * Ehrmann, Johannes Franciscus. Dissertatio de veneficio culposo. Argentorati, typ. Loren- zii, 1782. 60 p. 415 Eimer. Uber die heutigen Aufgaben unserer Staatsarzneikunde, der gerichtlichen Medicin und der medicinischen Polizei. Dtsch Zeitschr Staatsarzneikd, N. F. 19(2) : 177-204, 1862. 6 refs. Contemporary problems of “Staatsarzneikunde,” legal medicine, and “medical police,” especially in Baden. 416 Eller, M. F. The medical jurisprudence of the Romans. Sanit 6: 400-6, 1878. Traces of legal medicine in Justinian’s codification, with a few refs. to later Roman legislation. ~ 417 Eller, M. F. The medical jurisprudence of the Romans. Bull Med Leg Soc (NY) 1(8): 226-37, 1879. Reprint of article above. 418 * Ellinger, M. “Malleus maleficarum.”—The witch’s hammer. Pap Med Leg Soc, 2nd ser 469-81, 1882. 419 Elvert, Emanuel Gottlieb. Einige Fille aus der gerichtlichen Arzneikunde. Tiibingen, J. F. Heerbrandt, 1792. 164 p. Six interesting medicolegal cases described and discussed. Refs. in text. One of earliest works of its kind. 420 Emara, Mohamed and Soliman, Mohamed Ahmad. Forensic medicine and toxicology. 5th ed. Cairo, Dar El-Kitab El-Arabi, 1961. 545 p. Illus. Subj. index. Medicolegal practice in Egypt (pp. 2-10) includes history and present status (organiza- tion, teaching, research, etc.) ; medical jurisprudence (pp. 10-29) covers legal and ethical provisions concerning practice of medicine. 421 * Emery, G. T. Dentistry in forensic archaeology. J Indianap Dent Soc 22: 26-9, Nov 1967. 422 Ergol’skii, V. N. O sudebno-psikhiatricheskol ekspertize v sektantskikh delakh. Vestn Obshchestv Gig Sud Prakt Med 30 (III) : 1-42, 1896. 9 refs. History of application of forensic psychiatry in sectarian affairs in Russia. Origin of various religious sects, their activities. Case reports, criminal procedure, literature, ete. 51 423 Erikson, E. V. Dushevno i nervno-bolnye pered pol’skim sudom v istoricheskom proshlom. Vestn Obshchestv Gig Sud Prakt Med 44:1057-63, 1908. 13 refs. Position of the insane and those with nervous disorders before Polish courts of law from time of Statuta vislica (1377) to 17 cent. 424 * Ernst, Walter. Die Entwicklung des Institutes fiir gerichtliche Medizin und Kriminalistik der Universitit Berlin, Das Leichenschauhaus in Berlin. Berlin, 1941. 45 p. Disserta- tion (Berlin). “The development of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Criminalistics of the University of Berlin. The morgue in Berlin.” 425 Espinosa Saldaiia, O. La ensenanza de la medicina legal en la universidad de Barcelona. Protoc Med For 7: 89-91, 1906. Description of courses in legal medicine and toxicology offered at University of Barcelona by Prof. Ignacio Valenti y Vivo. 426 Estlander, J. S. Den medikolegala indelningen af kroppsskador, med sirskildt afseende a det i svenska och finska lagen férekommande uttrycket “lifsfarlig” sjukdom. Fin Laekaresaellsk Handl 15: 1-29, 1873. Jurisprudence concerning bodily injuries in Sweden and Finland, 1849-1871. 427 Eulenburg, Albert. Der Marquis de Sade. Dresden, H. R. Dorn, 1901. 29 p. Description of de Sade’s life, work, mental status, and application of psychological expertise to his case. 428 Eulner, Hans Heinz. Die Entwicklung der medizinischen Spezialficher an den Univer- sitiiten des deutschen Sprachgebietes. Stuttgart, Enke, 1970. 721 p. “Gerichtliche Medizin,” pp. 159-79. Development of legal medicine as a specialty at universities in German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and the German University of Prague. Lectures, professors, publications, research, and status of field to beginning of World War II. 32 refs. 429 * Ewens, G.F.W. Insanity in India. With reference to the relation of crime and insanity. Calcutta, Thacker and Spink, 1908. 347 p. 430 Fabre de Morlhon, J. Médecins-conseillers a la Cour des Aides de Montpellier. Monspel Hippocr 8 (29) : 13-27, Fall 1965. 14 refs, 16 illus. Physicians of Montpellier were serving, by 17th cent., as advisers to local courts, especi- ally the “Court des Aides.” 52 431 Fabrice, Heinrich von. Die Lehre von der Kindsabtreibung und vom Kindsmord. Gerichtsaerztliche Studien. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1868. 423 p. Index. Many refs. Introduction (pp. 1-8) : History of abortion and infanticide from antiquity to time of publication. Its status in various countries. 21 refs. 432 Faculdade de direito da Universidade do Rio de Janeiro; programa do curso equiparado de medicina legal do dr. Leonidio Ribeiro. Arq Med Leg Identif (Rio de J) No. 7: 178-9, 1933. Syllabus of lectures in legal medicine offered by “docent” Leonidio Ribeiro at Faculty of Law of University of Rio de Janeiro. 433 : Fairfield, Josephine Letitia Denny. The problem of confessions. Med Leg J 25(4) : 142-8, 1957. 3 refs. Historical development. 434 Fairfield, Josephine Letitia Denny. “The supernatural in the law courts with special refer- ence to the Witchcraft Act, 1735.” Med Leg Criminol Rev (Lond) 14: 27-38, 1946. 18 refs. Discussion. 435 Falcone, P. L’infanticidio in Cina. Arch Antropol Crim 48: 665-78, 1928. 34 refs. Infanticide in China in 2nd half of 19th cent. Some information of historic and medicolegal importance. 436 Falk, Ze’ev W. Forensic medicine in Jewish law. In: Wecht, Cyril H. and Karplus, Hein- rich, eds. Proceedings of the Fifth International Medical-Legal Seminar, Israel, March 15-25, 1969. Pittsburgh, Pa., Jerusalem, 1969 (?), pp. 2-8. 3 refs. Medicolegal relations throughout Jewish history, especially as discussed by Maimonides and as they appear in decisions of Rabbinical Courts. 437 Farr, Samuel. Elements of medical jurisprudence; or, A succinct and compendious de- scription of such tokens in the human body as are requisite to determine the judgment of a coroner and courts of law, in cases of divorce, rape, murder, etc., to which are added directions for preserving the public health. London, T. Becket, 1788. 144 p. The first book in English on forensic medicine. Abridged translation of J.F. Faselius’ Elemente medicinae forenmsis, Jena, 1767. 438 Fauré, Raymond. Exposition historique et appréciation des secours empruntés par la médecine légale a la médecine proprement dite. Strasbourg, 1848. “Historical aspects and recognition of the help offered by legal medicine to general medicine.” Thesis submitted in the “concours” for the Chair of Legal Medicine of the University of Strasbourg. . 53 439 Favero, Flaminio. A cadeira de medicina legal dal Faculdade de medicina de S. Paulo. Arq Med Leg Identif (Rio de J) No. 8: 206-15, 1934. Establishment of Chair of Legal Medicine in Sao Paulo, 1918, its organization, personnel, and activities. 440 Favero, Flaminio. Evolucio scientifica da medicina legal no Brasil. Arch Soc Med Leg Criminol (Sao Paulo) 1(3/4) : 138-56, Dec 1922. Brief history of scientific development of legal medicine in Brazil. Important biobilio- graphic information, description of teaching, research, and services. 441 Favero, Flaminio. Medicina legal. 4a ed. 1. vol. Sao Paulo, Livraria Martins, 1951. 452 p. Illus. History of legal medicine from antiquity ; legal medicine in Portugal, and development in Brazil to time of publication (teaching and medical expertise), pp. 14-50. 442 * Favero, Flaminio. O ensino da medicina legal em S. Paulo. Rev Soc Educ (Sao Paulo) 9:206ff, 10 Oct 1924. “Teaching of legal medicine in Sao Paulo.” 443 Favero, Flaminio. Programa da cadeira de medicina legal para 1932 da Faculdade de medicina de S. Paulo. Arq Med Leg Identif (Rio de J) No. 4: 107-12, 1932. Clear account of instruction in legal medicine at Chair of Legal Medicine of Faculty of Medicine, University of Sido Paulo, One hundred and eleven lectures and 35 practical instructions. 444 Favero, Flaminio. Vigesimo quinto aniversario do Instituto Oscar Freire. Neuronio 4(2) : 3-4, 14 Apr 1943. Development of Institute in Sdo Paulo from its founding in 1918 by Prof. Oscar Freire, its organization and activities. Photo of building. 445 Fedele, Fortunato. De relationibus medicorum libri quatuor. In quibus omnia, quae forensibus ac publicis causis referre solent, plenissime traduntur . . . Panormi, Apud Joannem Antonium de Franciscis, 1602. 352 p. “Four books on the relationships of physicians.” One of the cornerstones of forensic medicine. First relatively comprehensive and well-organized treatment of legal medi- cine and physicians’ activities in field of public hygiene. Date of first printing still disputed (1598, 1600, 16027). 446 Feinberg, Tsetsiliia Mironova. Sudebno-psikhiatricheskaia ekspertiza i opyt raboty Instituta sudebnoi psikhiatrii im. prof. Serbskogo za XXV let. Moskva, Tsentr. nauchno-issled. inst. sud. psikhiatr. im. prof, Serbskogo, 1947. 99 p. Illus. Graphs. Historical development of Serbskii Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry in Moscow (est. 1921) and its activities for 25 years. List of publications; articles published by staff in different journals. 54 447 * Feinberg, Tsetsiliia Mironova. Sudebnopsikhiatricheskaia ekspertiza v SSSR i v kapital- isticheskikh stranakh. Moskva, Sovetskoe zakonodatel’stvo, 1936. “Forensic expertise in psychiatry in the USSR and capitalist countries.” 448 Feis, O. Bericht aus dem Jahre 1411 iiber eine Hebamme, die angeblich sieben Kaiser- schnitte mit gutem Erforlg fiir Mutter und Kind ausfiihrte. Sudhoff Arch Gesch Med 26: 340-3, 1933. } Contents of a letter of 1411, now in archives of Frankfurt a.M., asking for release of a midwife from prison because of her expertise, especially in Caesarean section. 449 Feldman, William Moses. Medico-legal aspects of Jewish life. J State Med (Lond) 36: 264-75, 386-98, 1928. 101 refs. i: = History of forensic medicine of ancient Hebrews, with rich documentation. 450 Ferrand, A. Revue de médecine légale. Union Méd 12: 921-6, 1871. Activities of Society of Legal Medicine of Paris (founded in 1868) and some brief refer- ences to status of legal medicine in England and Germany. 451 Ferrari, A. La medicina legale a Bologna nel secolo XIV. Minerva Medicoleg 76: 169, Jul-Aug 1956. Review, notes, and supplements to L. Munster’s La medicina legale in Bologna . . . alla fine del secolo XIV (1955). 452 Ferrer Zanchi, A. G. Comentario a una pericia realizada por el Dr. Francisco Javier Muiiiz en el afio 1833, Arch Med Leg (B Aires) 13: 166-73, Mar—-May 1943. Medicolegal expertise of 1833 by Dr. Francisco Javier Muniz, first Professor of Legal Medicine at Faculty of Medical Sciences in Buenos Aires, concerning mortal wounds on a cadaver. 453 Ferrer Zanchi, A. G. Historia de la Catedra de medicina legal. Arch Med Leg (B Aires) 13: 107-53, Mar-May 1943. 21 refs. Detailed history of Chair of Legal Medicine at Faculty of Medical Sciences of Buenos Aires from 1826 on. Names, activities, and publications of professors. Organization of Chairs of Legal Medicine at Faculties of Medicine of La Plata, Cordoba, and Rosario. 454 Fessler, A. The management of lunacy in seventeenth century England. An investigation of Quarter-session records. Proc Roy Soc Med 49:901-7, Nov 1956. 13 refs. Medical treatment of lunacy. Some aspects of interest for history of forensic psychiatry. 55 455 Feuer. Ein amtsirztliches Obductionsprotokoll aus dem Jahre 1757. Med Welt 7: 723, 20 May 1933. Report on medicolegal obduction conducted in 1757 in Eberspach, Germany, by physician and surgeon in presence of three witnesses. Death resulted from gunshot wound. 456 Fiala, Boris. Identikace osob podle chrupu (forensni stomatologie). Praha, Statni zdrav. nakladatelstvi, 1968. 205 p. Bibl. Illus. Brief historical survey of identification of individuals by teeth (pp. 1-18), from first known case (1477) to present. 457 Ficarra, Bernard J. The role of Italy in the founding of forensic medicine. J Int Coll Surg 18(3) : 372, Sept 1952. From decision of Pope Innocent III of 1209 to Fortunato Fedele. 458 Filippi, Angiolo. Esegesi medico-legale sul Methodus testificandi di Giovanni Battista Codronchi. Firenze, 1883. 66 p. Bibl. of Codronchi’s works (11 entries). Medicolegal interpretation of Methodus testificandi by Giovanni Battista Codronchi (Frankfurt, 1597). Discussion of its eighteen chapters (on malingering, poisoning, puberty, virginity, pregnancy, delivery and abortion, question of pregnancy of 10 months, adultery, testimony of physician and pertinent forms, ete.). 459 * Finck, Joannes Baptista Dominicus. De officio medici circa torturam. Erfordiae, typ. Heringianis, 1760. 38 p. “Duties of the physician during torture.” 460 Firth, J. B. Forensic science laboratories. Med Leg Criminol Rev 13: 120-33, Jul-Sep 1945. Discussion. Historical notes on establishment of Home Office Forensic Laboratories in England, their present distribution, and activities. 461 Fodéré, Francois Emmanuel, Les lois éclairées par les sciences physiques, ou Traité de médecine légale et d’hygiéne publique. Paris, Croullebois, 1799. 3 v. Cornerstone of French legal medicine, marking a new era in this discipline in France, and eventually making author world-famous. Historical material (mostly French). 462 Foldes, Vilmos. A magyar igazsagligyi orvostan torténete. In: Somogyi, Endre, ed. Igazsagiigyi orvostan. Budapest, Medicina, 1964, pp. 15-19, History of Hungarian medical jurisprudence. 463 Foldvary, Elek. Torvényszéki orvosszakértoi eljaras. Budapest, Hunyadi Matyas nyomda, 1889. 260 p. Medicolegal proceedings, including short history of medical jurisprudence (pp. 1-18) with bibliography. 56 464 Fortsch, W. Gebiihrenordnung fiir Aerzte und irztliche Haftpflicht nach dem Hammura- piegesetz. Muench Med Wochenschr 58: 1019-20, 1911. Text of paragraphs 215-25 of Hammurabi Code concerning medical fees and responsi- bility of physicians in treatment of patients. 465 Fog, J. Indtryk fra de Retsmedicinske Instituter i Wien og Paris. Ugeskr Laeg 89: 1-7, 6 Jan 1927. 4 refs. 5 illus. Impressions of a visit to Institute of Legal Medicine in Vienna in 1925 and Paris in 1926. 466 Fog, J. Retsmedicinsk Institut gennem 15 aar. En Oversigt over Virksomheden 1910— 1925. Ugeskr Laeg 87: 1012-18, 1925, History, organization, services, teaching, and research of Institute of Legal Medicine in Copenhagen, 1910-1925. 467 Forbes, R. Medical ethics in Great Britain. World Med J 1: 297-9, Sept 1954. 5 refs. Begins with foundation of College of Physicians of London in 1518. 468 Forbes, Robert. Sixty years of Medical Defence. London, The Medical Defence Union, Ltd., 1952. 91 p. History of Medical Defence Union, founded in London in 1888 “to mitigate the hardships of the law as it then pertained to medical practice.” 469 Forensic medicine. Can Med Assoc J 100: 967-8, 1969. 4 refs. Brief notes on development of forensic laboratories in Canada, on first teacher of forensic medicine (“Tiger” Dunlop, 1826), and present status of field. 470 The Forensic Science Committee of Swedish Research Councils and the National Police Board. Report of a study on research in forensic science and technology. Stockholm, The Swedish Natural Science Research Council, NFR, 1972. 66 p. Development from 1936 and present organization of research and education in Sweden (pp. 19-25) ; present status abroad (U.S., Canada, England, Poland, France, Holland), pp. 25-37. 471 Forensic Science Society, London. World list of forensic science laboratories. London, 1963. 30 p. Forty-two forensic science laboratories throughout the world. No history, but important tool. 472 Forensic Science Society, London. World list of forensic science laboratories. London, Forensic Science Society, 1971. 96 p. - Eight hundred laboratories in 83 countries, listed alphabetically by country. Fields of investigation for each. No history, but important tool. 57 473 Forget, Léon Cyrille Richard. La médecine légale judiciaire, sociale et professionelle en Angleterre. Strasbourg, 1962. 92 p. Bibl. Thesis (Strasbourg). Legal medicine, social medicine, and medical profession in England. History of law and legal medicine, medicolegal practice, organization, etc, 474 * Formaggio, Tiziano G. Die Gerichtsmedizin in der Kriminaluntersuchung. Kriminalist (Heidelb) 6 (23/24) :283-4, 1952. “Legal medicine in criminal investigation.” 475 Fra Salimbene da Parma. The first postmortem examination of the morbid anatomy, performed in 1286. Panminerva Med 4: 235-7, 1962. 6 refs. Biography of Fra Salimbene da Parma. Description from his diary of postmortem examination he performed. 476 Franchini, Aldo. Médecine légale cadavérique et médecine légale humaine. Acta Med Leg Soc 15:85-88, Jan—June 1962. Author stresses that legal medicine is no longer limited to examination of cadavers; now predominantly concerns that of living bodies (e.g., industrial accidents, traffic acci- dents, social and life insurance, disability evaluation). It is, therefore, “human legal medicine,” and not that of cadavers. 477 Frank, Johann Peter. System einer vollstindigen medicinischen Polizey. Mannheim, etc., 1778-1816. 6 vols. Cornerstone of “medical police,” which author defines as a ‘‘science of prevention” and which stemmed from the enlightened absolutism which considered it the duty of government to care for health of its citizens. Of special interest: v. 4 (hygiene and forensic medicine) and v. 6 (importance of medicine to the state). The work had great impact on development of medicine (including legislation and legal medicine) until mid-19th cent., but its concepts underwent several changes. 478 Friedman, G. A. Law for doctors. Med Times 83 (7) : 709-15, Jul 1955. 12 refs. 3 illus. Very brief history of legal provisions for practice of medicine from Hammurabi to present. Erroneous assumption dating beginning of medical liability to Lex Aquila (sic). 479 Friedreich, Johann Baptista. Bemerkungen zu einigen Stellen des romischen Rechtes. Bl Gerichtl Anthropol 1(3): 1-64, 1850. 54 refs. A scholarly study of provisions of medicolegal contents and interest in Roman law. Accurate citations of legal sources. 480 Friedreich, Johann Baptista. Geschichtliches iiber den Ursprung der Lungenschwimm- probe. Centralarch Gesamt Staatsarzneikd 1: 337-45, 1844. Numerous refs. within text. Historical development, from Galen’s time to end of 17th cent., of test of submersion of lungs of the newborn to determine whether child was born alive. 58 481 Friedreich, Johann Baptista. Materialien zur Geschichte der gerichtlichen Anthropologie aus den alten romischen Gesetzbiichern. Bl Gerichtl] Anthropol 13(3): 188-218, 1862. 16 refs. Based on little-known dissertation, Beitrige zur Geschichte der gerichlichen Medizin aus den Justinianeischen Rechtssamlungen (1838), by G. A. von der Pfordten, concerning legal medicine in Roman law. Friedreich’s additions and comments. See no. 1093a. 482 Friedreich, Johann Baptista. System der gerichtlichen Psychologie fiir Gerichtsiirzte, Richter und Vertheidiger. 3. Aufl. Regensburg, G. J. Manz, 1852, 520 p. Many refs. Chapter 1. Scientific development of forensic psychology (pp. 1-10) : Brief and very general description from 16th cent. to time of publication. 21 refs. Several refs. of historical importance also in other chapters. 483 Friedreich, Johann Baptista. Zur Erlauterung der Lex regia. Bl Gerichtl Anthropol 3(1) : 65-72, 1852. Citation of Lex regia concerning Caesarean section and description of contemporary application of this surgical procedure. 484 Furneaux, Rupert. The medical murderer. London, Elek Books, 1957. 159 p. Illus. Popular treatment of famous cases of physician-murderers in 19th and 20th cent. (England, U.S., France, Russia). 485 Furuhata, Tanemoto. Hoigaku. Tokyo, Nauzande, 1948. 446 p. “Legal medicine.” Pp. 5-7: History of legal medicine in Europe (with bibliographic notes) and history of discipline in Japan, with names of scholars who contributed to its establishment there. 486 Furuhata, Tanemoto. Kanmei hoigaku. 7th ed. Tokyo, Nippon Isho Shuppan, 1948. 206 p. “Abridged legal medicine.” Pp. 1-3: History of legal medicine traced to European sources. Legal medicine in Japan, with names of scholars who contributed to its establishment there. 487 Furuhata, Tanemoto. Kanmei hoigaku. Tokyo, Kanehara, 1957. 203 p. “Abridged legal medicine.” Historical development of legal medicine in China and Japan (p. 1). Bibl. notes. 488 Gallego, J. F. Medicos forenses. Siglo Med 3: 402, 1856. Arguments in support of a project to establish an organization of ‘“medicos forenses” in Spain. 489 * Galliot, H. F. Léon. Recherches historiques, ethnographiques et médico-légales sur I'avortement criminel., Lyon, Imprimerie Nouvelle, 1884. 133 p. Thesis (Lyon). “Historical, ethnographic and medicolegal research on criminal abortion.” 59 490 Galvao, Januario Peres Furtado. Tratado elementar de medicina legal. Porto, S.J. Pereira, 1855. 480 p. History of legal medicine (pp. 7-33) from antiquity to time of publication; emphasis on development in Portugal. References in text. 491 * Gamburg, Agnessa Mikhailovna. K istorii sudebnol meditsiny na Ukraine. In: Tezisy 3-go Ukrainskogo soveshchaniia sudebnomeditsinskikh ekspertov i kriminalistov. Odessa (?), 1953, pp. 10-11. “History of legal medicine in the Ukraine.” 492 * Gamburg, Agnessa Mikhailovna. Kafedra sudebnol meditsiny Kievskogo gosudarstven- nogo instituta usovershenstvovaniia vrachei. In: Materialy 3-1 rasshirennol nauchnoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi pamiati zasluzhennogo deiatelia nauki, prof. M. I. Raiskogo. Kiev, 1958, pp. 129-32. “Chair of Legal Medicine of Kiev National Institute for Postgraduate Education of Physicians.” 493 * Gamburg, Agnessa Mikhailovna. O prioritete otechestvennykh uchenykh v nekotorykh sudebno-meditsinskikh voprosakh. In: Tezisy 3-go Ukrainskogo soveshchaniia sudeb- nomeditsinskikh ekspertov i kriminalistov. Odessa (?), 1953, p. 12fF. “The priorities of national [i.e., Soviet] scientists in some medicolegal questions.” 494 Gamburg, Agnessa Mikhailovna. Razvitie sudebnomeditsinskol nauki i ekspertizy. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1962. 152 p. Bibl. (pp. 124-51). History of Russian medicolegal congresses and conferences and development of legal medicine and medical expertise from 1917 on. 495 * Gamburg, Agnessa Mikhailovna. Znachenie s”ezdov i soveshchanii v organizatsii sudeb- nomeditsinskogo dela na Ukraine. In: Trudy sudebnomeditsinskikh ekspertov Ukrainy. Kiev (?), 1958, pp. 13-19. “On the importance of congresses and conferences in the organization of medicolegal work in the Ukraine.” 496 Gandolfi, Giovanni. Cenni su I'origine, su’l progresso e su’l perfezionamento della medicina legale. Gazz Med Ital Lomb 2: 45-9, 10 Feb 1851. History, progress, and improvement of legal medicine from ancient times to mid-19th cent. 497 Gans, Salomon Philipp. Von dem Verbrechen des Kindermordes. Versuch eines juridisch- physiologisch-psychologischen Commentars zu den Art, XXXV. und CXXXI. der peinlichen Gerichts-Ordnung Kaisers Carl V., den Art. 157 u. 158 des Strafgesetz- buches fiir das Konigreich Baiern und den Par. 381 und 385 des Criminal-Codex fiir das Russische Reich. Hannover, Helwing, 1824, 452 p. Many refs. Commentary on Art. 35 and 131 of Constitutio Criminalis Carolina, Art. 157 and 158 of Penal Code for Bayern, and Par. 381 and 385 of Russian Criminal Code. Infanticide from legal, physiological, and psychological points of view in those codes. 60 498 Garibaldi, Gian Andrea Giambattista. Manuale di medicina legale con note sui termini technici ad uso degli studenti di legge. Milano, F. Vallardi, 1882. 745 p. Legal medicine and its history (pp. 5-15), from Roman times to ca 1880. Italian con- tribution stressed. 499 Garkavi, A. S. Razvitie v SSSR sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy volos. (Istoricheskii ocherk). Sud Med Ekspert 9: 33-5, Apr-Jun 1966. Development of medicolegal expertise concerning hair in USSR, 1926-1965. Mostly enu- merations (occasionally brief abstracts) of published works in field. Garkavi, A. S., see entry no. 203. 500 Garosi, A. Perizie e periti medico legali in alcuni capitoli di legislazione statutaria medioe- vale. Riv Stor Sci Med Nat 29: 157-67, 1938. 38 refs. Expertise and medicolegal experts in medieval statutary legislation. Provisions from time of Leges barbarorum to 14th cent. Deals chiefly with Italian cities. 501 * Gaupp, Ernst Theodor. De professoribus et medicis eorumque privilegiis in iure romano dissertatio. Vratislaviae, Max, 1827, 88 p. Dissertation (Breslau). “Dissertation on professors and physicians and their privileges under Roman law.” 502 Geerts, Achille. A propos de deux anciens barémes des prestations médicales. Rev Méd Brux 22: 57-60, Feb 1966. Comparison of medical fee schedules—Hammurabi Code, Chinese custom, and Plenck’s general recommendation of 1781. 503 Geerts, Achille. L’indemnisation des 1ésions corporelles a travers les siecles. Paris, Librai- ries techniques, 1962. 104 p. “Indemnity for bodily injuries throughout the centuries.” Chapts.: Primitive people; ancient people of Near East; Greece; Rome; Arabs; Indo- Iranians; China; ancient Germans; common law from Middle Ages to present. 504 Der gegenwirtige Stand der gerichtlicher Medizin und Gesundheitspflege in Oesterreich. Wien Med Wochenschr 17: 429-30, 443-5, 1867. Complaints about low contemporary status of both legal medicine and public hygiene in Austria. Recommendations for reforms. 505 Gehring, Walter. Die drztliche Aufklarungspflicht im franzosischen Recht. Bielefeld, E. & W. Gieseking, 1964. 167 p. Many refs. Bibl. Contemporary French law requiring physician to inform patient about his condition be- fore treatment. Historical review of problem from antiquity to first French legislation in 19th cent. (pp. 49-55). 21 refs. 61 506 Geill, Christian. Om et retsmedicinsk Institut. Ugeskr Laeg 5 R. 2: 577-84, 1895. Description of Institutes of Legal Medicine in Berlin and Vienna, their organization, teach- ing, and services, to underline need for similar institution in Copenhagen, 507 Gelmetti, Pietro. Una poco nota opera di medicine legale: il “Filo d’Arianna” di Antonio Filippo Ciucci. Riv Stor Med 11: 49-77, 1967. 6 refs. Brief history of legal medicine to 17th cent.; review of Ciucci’s “Filo d’Arianna,” 1703, first medicolegal text in Italian language. 508 * Gendri (d’Angers), René. Sur les moyens de bien rapporter a justice les indispositions et changements qui arrivent a la santé des hommes. Angers, April 3, 1650. “How to report effectively to the courts on indispositions and changes in human health.” Genil-Perrin, G., see entry no. 1502. 509 Geofrey, R. J. Forensic dentistry. J Ont Dent Assoc 44 :13—-4, May 1967. 4 refs. Brief remarks on historical development of forensic dentistry from about 1880, and its present importance. 510 Georganta, A. Origenes de la medicina legal. Rev Med Cir Pract 7: 200-8, 251-8, 1880. Author tries to prove that legal medicine began under influence of ancient Greek philoso- phy and social conditions. 511 * Georgiev, S. G. Quelques notions sur l'histoire de la médecine légale en Russie. Genéve, 1890. Dissertation (Geneva). “Some ideas concerning the history of legal medicine in Russia.” 512 Gerber, Samuel R. Significance of membership in the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. J Forensic Sci 7: 265-73, Jul 1962. Organization planned from October 1948, but first formal meeting of the Academy not held until January 1950. In his presidential address author describes goals of Aca- demy, activities (including publications), discusses by-laws, and outlines future activities. 513 Gerektelijke geneeskunde, uit he Chineesch vertaald door C.F.M. de Grijs. Emoi, 1863. 2d ed. 118 p. “Legal medicine, translated from the Chinese by C.F.M. de Grijs.” Author translated into Dutch and published (1796) Chinese Hsi yiian lu (“Washing away of grievances’), oldest known medicolegal text, dated by him 1241-1253 A.D. Comprises instruction to coroners on various medicolegal topics. 514 Gerichtsirztliche Erfahrungen in Italien. Friedreich’s Bl Gerichtl Med 31: 58-67, 1800. “Medicolegal experience in Italy.” Description of conditions of legal medicine in Italy, with some historical refs. and comparison with conditions in Germany and Austria. 62 515 * Gerike, Petrus. Programma quo inspectionem cadaveris in homicidio apud Romans olim in usu fuisse ostendit simulque publicas sectiones et demonstrationes cadaveris faemi- nini. Helmstadii, typ. P. D. Schmorrii, 1739. 13 p. “Lecture showing that Romans inspected cadavers in cases of homicide, and also on public dissections and demonstrations of female cadaver.” The second part of the title, on the “public dissections and demonstrations of female cadaver,” apparently refers to author’s own time. 516 Gerin, Cesare. La medicina legale nei suoi momenti storici e nel suo sistema. Zacchia, 2nd ser. 12: 1-17, 1949. Summary in Italian, French, German, and English. Traces legal medicine in Statutes of Bologna (2nd half of 13th cent.) and continues to works of Ingrassia, Fedele, and Zacchia, Discusses modern Italian contributions, espe- cially those of his teacher, Prof. G. Moriani. 517 Gerin, Cesare. Uber die Organisation des Instituts fiir gerichtliche Medizin der Universi- tit Rom. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 77-81, Jan-Jun 1962. Description of organization and activities of Institute of Legal Medicine at University of Rome. 518 Gertler, H. Arztliche Kuriositdten im Rom der spiten Kaiserzeit. Muench Med Wochenschr 110: 743-5, 22 Mar 1968. 9 refs. From texts of Plinius II (Medicina), Marcellus Empiricus, and Pseudoapuleius, author shows that medical quackery, esp. in drug prescription, was generally practiced dur- ing period of late Caesars. 519 Gettler, Alexander O. The historical development of toxicology. J. Forensic Sci 1: 3-25, Jan 1956. 520 Ghahreman, Mohammed Vali. Le médecin-légiste en Iran. Ann Méd Lég 47: 699-700, Nov 1967. Legal medicine in Iran from late 19th cent. 521 Gianelli, Giuseppe Luigi. La giurisprudenza della medicina in Prussia. Memoria. Ann Univ Med (Milan) 149: 5-45, Jul 1854. 35 refs. Describes medical legislation and state of medical profession in Prussia, as author saw it during a visit. 522 Gianelli, Giuseppe Luigi. La giurisprudenza della medicina in Prussia. Memoria. Milano, 1854. 44 p. 35 refs. Reprint of entry no. 521. 63 523 Giedroy¢, Franciszek. Ekspertyza lekarska w dawnych sadach polskich (do konica XVIII stulecia). Kron Lek 17:311-26, 366-82, 424-40, 482-98, 540-56, 595-606, 1896. Bibl. (37 entries). Brief history of legal medicine from antiquity to end of 17th cent. Development of legal medicine and medical expertise in Poland from Statuta Wislica (code of laws of 1347) to end of 18th cent. Casuistry, extracts from related literature, ete. 6 refs. 524 * Giedroy¢, Franciszek. Ekspertyza lekarska w dawnych sadach polskich do korica XVIII wieku. Warszawa, Nakl. Redakeyi Kroniki Lekarskiej, 1896. “Medical expertise in old Polish courts to the end of the 17th century.” Reprint of entry no. 523. 525 * Giedroy¢, Franciszek. Wiekowe spory o blone dziewicza. Studium historyczno-lekarskie. Warszawa, 1934. “Centuries of dispute concerning the hymen. Historico-medical study.” 526 * Giese, Ernst. Gerichtliche Medizin in Forschung und Unterricht. Korespbl Allg Aerztl Ver Thiir 55: 26-34, 1926. “Legal medicine in research and teaching.” 527 Giese, Ernst and Hagen, Benno von. Geschichte der medizinischen Fakultit der Friedrich Schiller Universitit Jena. Jena, 1958. 670 p. History of Medical Faculty of Friedrich Schiller University, Jena. Describes teaching of legal medicine there. 528 Gilbert, Nicolas Pierre. Quelques réflexions sur la médecine légale et sur son état actuel en France. Recl Périod Soc Méd Paris 10: 129-43, 1801. Reflections on inadequacy of three chairs of legal medicine to produce all public health officers needed in France. Recommendations for reforms. 529 Giles, Herbert Allen. The “Hsi Yiian Lu” or “Instructions to Coroners.” Translated from the Chinese. Proc R Soc Med (Sect Hist Med) 17: 59-107; 20 Feb 1924. Translation of Hsi yiian lu (orig. published in 1247) from the Chinese, as “refined” in 1843 by T’ung Lien, a Sub-Prefect of the Salt Gabelle, in 4 books. 530 Giolla, Piero. Medicina legale Sovietica. Arch Antropol Crim (Milan) 66 (3/4): 214-8, 1946. Review of N. V. Popov’s Sudebnaia meditsina (1944). Historical development and present status of legal medicine in Soviet Union. 64 531 Gisbert Calabuig, Juan Antonio. El Instituto de Medicina Legal de Napoles. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 11(120-121) : 81-92, Mar—Apr 1956. History, facilities, personnel, and functions of Institute of Legal Medicine in Naples. Gisbert Calabuig, Juan Antonio, see entry no. 818. 532 Glaister, John, Sr. The evolution, development, and application of modern medico-legal methods. Glasg Med J 109: 417-37, 1928. 18 refs. Index of important authors, 1800-1900. Description of progress of legal medicine during 19th cent. especially in Great Britain and U.S. Biobibliographic information and some account of teaching of legal medicine. 533 Glaister, John, Sr. Forensic Medicine Department, University of Glasgow. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 201-11. Illus. History of Department from 1839 on; floor plan and description; equipment; plan of teaching; research. 534 Glaister, John, Sr. The history of medical jurisprudence and criminal procedure in primitive and medieval times. Med Times Hosp Gaz 25: 286-8, 302-4, 317-9, 1897. Chiefly concerns developments in Scotland and England (ordeals, cruentation, coroners, witchcraft trials, ete.), with brief mention of development in France and Germany. Concludes with situation in England at end of 18th cent. 535 Glaister, John, Sr. The teaching of forensic medicine. Brit Med J 2: 448-51, 10 Sep 1927. Discussion. Status at time of publication. 536 Glueck, Sheldon S. Mental disorder and the criminal law. A study in medico-sociological jurisprudence, with an appendix of state legislation and interpretive decisions. Boston, Little, Brown, 1925. 693 p. Many refs. Bibl., pp. 645-61. Chapt. 5 (pp. 123-60) : History of legal tests of the criminal irresponsibility of the insane, to 1843. Chiefly early English and American history. 537 Gomes, Hélio. Medicina legal. 4.a ed. Vol I. Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Freitas Bastos, 1957. 494 p. Illus. History of legal medicine from antiquity to present, with special emphasis on development in Portugal (pp. 37-44); history in Brazil from 1877 to time of publication (pp. 44-54). 65 [a 538 © Gonzales, Thomas Arthur. The medical examiners system: its relation to law, medicine and the public. In: Papers delivered before the Society of Medical Jurisprudence, New York, 1942-1950. Chicago, 1954, pp. 42-17. Description of current status and problems in U.S. Gonzalez-Figuerola, R., see entry no. 1358. 539 Gordon, Benjamin Lee. Ancient medical jurisprudence with special reference to the eye. Arch Ophthalmol 28: 860-81, Nov 1942. 52 refs. Medical practice (esp. of ophthalmology), incomes of physicians, legislation and juris- prudence in Egypt, Babylonia, Judea, Greece, Rome, China, India, and (very little) on Middle Ages. 540 Gordon, D. A. The unborn plaintiff. J Forensic Med 12: 111-36, 152-79, 1965; 13: 23-37, 1966. 428 refs. and notes. Foetus and its injuries sustained while in utero, its diseases and legal consequences thereof according to laws of various countries (mostly U.S. and Gt. Britain). Chapters on ancient law (pp. 113-4) and Roman law provisions (pp. 132-5) of special interest. 541 Gormsen, Harald. Forensic medicine in Denmark; the academical and practical aspects of the subject. A historical review. Acta Med Leg Soc 9 (Spec. No.) : 77-81, 1956. History of academical and practical forensic medicine from first lecture in 1740 by Prof. Detharding to time of publication. 542 Gormsen, Harald. Der gerichtsmedizinische Dienst in Dédnemark. In: Aktuelle Fragen der gerichtlichen Medizen. Wiss Z Martin-Luther Univ. (Halle-Wittenberg), Sonder- heft 9-12, 1965. Description of present status of medicolegal service in Denmark. 543 Gormsen, Harald. The medico-legal system of Denmark. Med Leg J 22: 46-56, 1954. 544 Gormsen, Harald. On retsmedicinens historie og nuvaerende stilling; med saerligt henblik pa Danmark. Ugeskr Laeg 120: 1449-54, 30 Oct 1958. Brief history of legal medicine from antiquity. Description of its development and current status in Denmark, where lectures on legal medicine started in 1740. 545 Gormsen, Harald. Some aspects of forensic medicine in Scandinavia. Med Sci Law 2: 274-83, 1962. Organization and teaching of forensic medicine in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden described in general terms. 546 Gorsky, Jacob Arthur. The history of forensic medicine. Charing Cross Hosp Gaz 58:31-6, Feb. 1960. Brief history from antiquity to second half of 19th cent. 66 547 Goshen, Charles E., ed. Documentary history of psychiatry; a source book on historical principles. New York, Philosophical Library, 1967. 904 p. Chapter V. The law and psychiatry (pp. 580-683) : From the M’Naughten rule (1843) in England to situation in 20th cent. (commitment laws in U.S.). 548 Gossen, A. H. The physician in ancient Rome. Ciba Symp 1(2) : 9-18, May 1939. 11 illus. 549 Gotoh, Shimpei. Entwicklung und gegenwirtige Ausdehnung der Medicinalgesetzgebung Japans. Friedr Bl Gerichtl Med 43: 81-92, 208-18, 1892. Historical development of medicine in Japan, its organization, health legislation, and present status of legal medicine. 550 Goulard, R. Un essai de diagnostic rétrospectif (1678-1913). France Méd 60: 165-6, 1913. Describes an autopsy ordered in 1678 and conducted by two surgeons in presence of a doctor of medicine. Author’s diagnosis differs from recorded one. 551 Graff, L. Forensische Medizin im Sachsenspiegel. Sudhoffs Arch 29: 84-103, 1936. 8 refs. Describes traces of legal medicine in Sachsenspiegel, a collection of customary law of Saxony, compiled by Eicke von Repkow around 1230. Basis of the study is a printed copy of Sachsenspiegel from 1595, with glosses. 552 Granfield, David. The abortion decision. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1969. 240 p. Historical developments (pp. 15-82). 553 Gray, T. The medico-legal expert in France. Lancet 2: 22-24, 1929. Discussion. 554 Greene, L. B. Frontiers of medical jurisprudence; historical background. Conn Med 26: 1-6, Jan 1962. 22 refs. Very brief, simple history of medical jurisprudence from Egyptian times to the promul- gation of Constitutio eriminalis Carolina, followed by description of situation in U.S. after World War II, 555 Grella, A. Lo stato della medicina occidentale nell’ alto medioevo dedotto dai provvedimenti governativi. Minerva Med 56 (21) :903-07, 14 Mar 1965. 16 refs. Status of West European medicine in early Middle Ages according to governmental intervention (medical legislation from 5th to 13th cent.). 556 * Grigor’ev, Aleksei Vasil’evich. Ob istorii razvitiia sudebnol meditsiny. Russ Vrach 19 (2) :29-53, 1898. “History of development of legal medicine.” 67 557 Grigor’eva, P. V. and Smusin, Ia.S. Osnovnye etapy razvitiia sudebnol meditsiny v Peter- burge-Leningrade. Sb Tr Kaf Sud Med Leningr Med Inst 1: 166-75, 1955. Basic stages in development of legal medicine in St. Petersburg-Leningrad, from Military Statute of Peter I in 1714 to 1948. Teaching of legal medicine, leading personalities, their work, medicolegal expertise, reorganizations, etc. 558 * Grishchenko, O. A. Sostoianie sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy na Ukraine za 40 let. In: Materialy 3-1 rasshirennol nauchnol konferentsii, posviashchennoi pamiati zasluzhen- nogo deiatela nauki, prof. M. I. Raiskogo. Kiev, 1958, pp. 22-5. “Status of medicolegal expertise in the Ukraine after 40 years [of Soviet rule].” 559 Grmek, Mirko Drazen. Prilog poznavanju nastave iz sudske medicine u Zagrebu prije sto godina. Lije¢n Vjesn 88: 831-4, Aug 1966. 8 refs. Summary in French. 1866 letter from Dr. Mavro Sachs (1819-1888), teacher of legal medicine to law students in Zagreb, which shows the high level of his course (including toxicology and regular autopsies in local hospital). Author’s comments. 560 Grmek, Mirko Drazen. Le secret médical du serment d’Hippocrate au code pénal de Napoléon. In: International Congress of the History of Medicine, 19th, Basel, 1964. Aktuelle Probleme. Basel, S. Karger, 1966, pp. 604-11. History of medical confidentiality from time of Hippocrates (5th cent. B.C.) to promulgation of Napoleon’s Penal Code in 1810. 561 Gromov, Aleksander Petrovich. Kurs lektsii po sudebnol meditsine. Moskva, Meditsina, 1970. 311 p. History of legal medicine (politically colored), pp. 12-17. 562 Gromov, Leonid Innokent’evich and Mitiaeva, Nina Antonovna. Posobie po sudebnomedit- sinskol gistologii. Moskva, Medgiz, 1958. Bibl., pp. 189-205. History of development of forensic histology in Russia from about 1870 (microscopic anatomy) to time of publication (pp. 9-33). 563 * Gross, Charles. Select cases from Coroners’ Rolls, A.D. 1265-1413, with a brief account of the history of the office of coroner. London, B. Quaritch, 1896. 159 p. Latin text and English translation on opposite pages. 564 Grosz, Louis de. L’organisation du service médico-légal en Hongrie. .. . In: Comptes rendus sténographiques du Congres International de Médecine Légale, Tuileries, 12-14 Aout 1878. Paris, Impr. Nationale, 1879, pp. 32-3. Brief report that study of legal medicine is obligatory for medical students in Hungary and optional for law students. For 26 years each tribunal has had its own forensic physi- cian, appointed by Ministry of Justice. Expert opinions are reviewed by either Supe- rior Council of Hygiene, or faculties of Medicine. 68 565 Gruji¢, V. Prvi medicinski udzbenik na pravnom fakultetu Velike §kole u Beogradu. Srp Arh Celok Lek 98: 815-20, May 1970. 10 refs. First book on legal medicine for students of University of Beograd was Aéim Medovié’s translation of K. Bergmann’s Lehrbuch der Medicina forensis fiir Juristen, litho- graphed in 1865. In 1868 Milan Jovanovié-Morski published his Manual sudskog lekarstva. 566 Gruner, Christ’anus Godofredus. Programma agitur de proprietate mortis. Ienae, typis Prageri et soc., 1810-1815. 5 dissertations (Jena) with biographies of candidates. “Dissertation concerning peculiarities of death.” Contains also historical development of opinions concerning priority of death and its medico-legal consequences. 567 Grunner, Gottfried C. Pandectae medicae sive succinta explicatio rerum medicarum in Institutionibus, Digestis, Novellis obviarum. Jenae, vidua Fiedleri, 1800. 55 p. Brief discussion of medical provisions of Justinian Code. Part of medicolegal interest. 568 Grzywo-Dabrowski, Wiktor. L’Institut de médecine légale de Varsovie. Ann Méd Lég 7: 357-62, 1927. After creation of independent Poland in 1918, former Institute of Legal Medicine at Russian University of Warsaw was abolished. New Institute of Legal Medicine at Uni- versity of Warsaw was established in 1920. The building (not fully completed but already then in use) is described in detail. Some statistical data about work of Insti- tute from 1920 to 1926. 569 Grzywo-Dabrowski, Wiktor. L’Institut de Médecine Légale de Varsovie. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 133-9. Illus. Establishment of Institute of Legal Medicine of Warsaw in 1921; description, floor plan, equipment, activities. 570 Grzywo-Dabrowski, Wiktor. Kronika Zakladu Medycyny Sadowej Uniwersytetu Warszaw- skiego za okres od 1. IX. 1939 r. do maja 1945. Arch Hist Filoz Med (Poznan) 19: 225-37, 1948. Account of establishment (1929) and subsequent development of Institute of Legal Medi- cine at University of Warsaw to its burning by the Germans in 1944. 571 Grzywo-Dabrowski, Wiktor. Podrecznik medycyny sadowej dla studentéw medycyny i lekarzy. Wyd. 2. Warzawa, Panstw. Zakl. Wydawn. Lek., 1958. 707 p. Illus. Name and subj. index History of legal medicine from antiquity to start of 20th cent. (pp 9-14) ; developments in Poland from 16th cent. to World War II (pp. 14-19). . 69 572 Grzywo-Dabrowski, Wiktor. Rzeczoznawstwo sadowolekarskie w Polsce. Arch Med Sad 1: 128-35, 1951. Organization of medical expertise in Soviet Union and deficiencies of present Polish sys- tem. Presents his own plan for reforms in Poland. 573 Guermonprez, Francois Jules Octave. Une erreur de sexe avec ses conséquences. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 3rd ser. 28: 242-75, 296-306, 1892. Operation on a hermaphrodite to achieve monosexuality. Numerous footnotes citing his- torical examples of medicolegal importance. 574 Guermonprez, Francois Jules Octave. Recherches sur les vicissitudes de la liberté en médecine depuis Louis XV jusqu’a nos jours. Paris, Legrand, 1928. 312 p. Numerous refs. and notes. History of changes in freedom of medical practice from founding of Royal Academy of Surgery in 1731 to time of publication. Important for knowledge of status of physi- cians in France. Legislation and several other references of interest to legal medicine. Situation in France before 1731. 575 Guggenbiihl, Dietegen. Gerichtliche Medizin in Basel von den Anfingen bis zur Helvetik. Basel und Stuttgart, B. Schwabe, 1963. 111 p. Dissertation (Basel). 93 refs. Illus. Bibl. Development of legal medicine in City of Basel from promulgation of Wundschauvordnung of 1449 to 1798. Obduction by physicians, participation of midwives, tests by pharma- cists, opinions of Collegium medicum of Faculty of Medicine, etc. 576 Gustavson, Kh. A. Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza v Talline v XVI i XVII vekakh. Sud Med Ekspert 12: 21-3, Apr-Jun 1969. Description of 16th and 17th cent. cases of medicolegal expertise, found in old records and newspapers of City of Tallin, Estonian SSR. 577 Gutekunst, W. Pénétration de médecine légale dans la criminalistic moderne. In: Kongres sudske medicine Jugoslavije, 1st, Beograd, 1962. Zbornik. Slobodne teme. Beograd, 1962, pp. 14-17. Brief historical survey of parallel development of legal medicine and criminalistics; pres- ent role of legal medicine in criminal investigation. 578 Guttmacher, Manfred Schanfarber, Critique of views of Thomas Szasz on legal psychiatry. Arch Gen Psychiat (Chic) 10: 238-45, Mar 1964. 13 refs. Refutation of Dr. Szasz’s statements from 1956 to 1961 (e.g., that there is no such thing as mental illness, that all criminals should be treated as responsible regardless of their state of mind, that enforced hospitalization is rarely necessary, etc.) 70 579 Guttmacher, Manfred Schanfarber. The role of psychiatry in law. Springfield, Ill., Thomas, 1968. 170 p. Refs. to each chapt. Index. Mostly on current status of forensic psychiatry. Of special interest: psychiatrist and lawyer; determination of criminal responsibility (some historical background) ; Dur- ham rule; future of legal psychiatry. 580 Guzman, Alfonso Acosta. Medicina legal. San José, Imprenta Espanola, 1946. 423 p. Bibl. Textbook for law students. Brief history of legal medicine (pp. 9-17) from Carolina to end of 19th cent. Position of legal medicine in current laws of Costa Rica. 581 * Gvozdev, Ivan Mikhailovich. Kratkil ocherk tridtsiatiletnel sudebnomeditsinskol i pro- fessorskoi deiatel’'nosti v Kazani. Kazan’, 1895. “Brief sketch of thirty years of medicolegal and pedagogical work in Kazan.” 582 Gvozdev, Ivan Mikhailovich. Neskol’ko slov o sostoianii sudebnoi meditsiny v nastoia- shchee vremia. In: Trudy chetvertago s”’ezda russkikh vrachel v pamiat’ N. I. Pirogova v Moskve. Moskva, S. P. Iakovlev, 1892, pp. 1029-34. Discussion (p. 1042). Description of status of legal medicine in Russia. Complaints about inadequacy of teach- ing, low level of medical expertise, etc. 583 Haberda, Albin. Einleitung. Beitr Gerichtl Med 5: 1-3, 1922. 5 refs. Brief history of development of Chair of Legal Medicine in Vienna from 1804 on, and its various locations and facilities under different professors. 584 Haberda, Albin. Geschichte der Wiener Lehrkanzel fiir gerichtliche Medizin. Beitr Gerichtl Med 1: 1-16, 1911. 7 refs. History of Chair of Legal Medicine at University of Vienna from its foundation until 1910. Rich biobibliographic information concerning professors, reorganizations, teaching, activities, etc. 585 Haberda, Albin. Das Institut fiir gerichtliche Medizin an der Universitit in Wien. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 9-21. Illus, History of Chair of Legal Medicine and Institute of Legal Medicine at University of Vienna from 1804; present building of Institute; available material and activities; personnel. 586 * Haberda, Albin. Zur Eroffnung der neuen Riume des Institutes fiir gerichtliche Medizin in Wien am 12.XII. 1922. Wien Klin Wschr 35: 978-9, 1922. “Opening of new space for the Institute of Legal Medicine in Vienna on December 12, 1922.” 71 587 Haberling, E. Aus der Friihgeschichte des Kaiserschnittes. Med Welt 10: 1860-3, 19 Dec 1936. 26 refs. Detailed history of Caesarean section from ancient times to 18th cent., with many case reports (especially from Germany). 588 Héhnel, R. Der kiinstliche Abortus im Altertum. Sudhoffs Arch Gesch Med Naturwiss 29: 224-55, Nov 1936. 95 refs. Bibl. (84 entries). All aspects of induced abortion in antiquity (India, Babylon, Egypt, Israel, Greece, Rome, post-Roman culture to 7th cent. A.D.) 589 Haestier, Richard E. Dead men tell tales: a survey of exhumations, from earliest antiquity to the present day. London, 1934. 288 p. 18 illus. Popular, but interesting, treatment of various exhumations (archeological, identifica- tional, criminal, etc.) Hagen, Benno von, see entry no. 527. 590 Hajek, Frantisek. Dukazy katynské. Praha, Spolek cesk. 1ék., 1946, 22 p. 29 illus. Author (Director of Institute of Legal Medicine in Prague) was ordered in 1943 by Ger- man “Reichs-Protektor” of Bohemia and Moravia to join commission of professors of legal medicine from various countries in investigation of mass murder of Polish offi- cers in Katyn. Under pressure he signed protocol that this murder was committed by Soviets. Here he contrasts German and Soviet views, his experience in Katyn in 1943, and concludes that the mass murder was committed by German soldiers. 591 * Hajek, Frantisek. Pozustatky Jana Nepomuckého. Soud Lék 2(8) : 120-3, 1957. “The remnants of Joannes Nepomucenus” [canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1729]. 592 Hajek, Frantisek. Le probleme Katyn. Acta Med Leg Soc 3 (3/4) : 193-206, 1950. Contents identical with entry no. 590. 593 Hajek, Frantisek. Soudni 1ékarstvi. Praha, J. Tozicka, 1937. 2 v. Development of legal medicine in Bohemia from 14th cent. to 1933. Teaching of subject from 1786 at University of Prague (pp. 10-5). 594 Hajek, Frantisek. Vyvoj a stav soudniho lékarstvi v Ceskoslovensku. Kriminalistika 3: 146-50, 1948. 7 illus. Brief account of development of legal medicine from beginning of Czech history to time of publication. Organization, research work, teaching, and services. 595 * Hajek, Frantisek. Vyvoj soudniho lékarstvi na Karlové université. Soud Lék 3: 3-10, 1958. “Development of legal medicine at Charles University of Prague.” 72 596 Halleck, Seymour L. American psychiatry and the criminal. A historical review. Int J Psychiatr 6: 185-208, Sep 1968. 65 refs. Development and trends of theory and practice from 1812 to time of publication. List of “one hundred significant events in the history of American psychiatry and the crimi- nal” in chronological order (1812-1958). 597 Hallema, A. Archiefsprokkels. Ned Tidschr Geneeskd 98: 1382-7, 15 May 1954. Cases of medicolegal interest collected from Dutch archives, 15th—19th cent., in cities of Leyden, Groningen, and Tiel. 598 Hallema, A. De benoeming van Frederik Ruijsch tot gerechtelijk geneeskundige van de stad Amsterdam. Bijdr Gesch Geneeskd 31: 22-25, 1951. 11 refs. Contributions of Frederik Ruijsch, professor of anatomy, to legal medicine in Amsterdam in 2nd half of 17th cent. Also in: Ned Tidschr Geneeskd 95: 1380-3, 1951. 599 Hallema, A. Ontwikkelingsgang van de lijkschouwingsrapporten te Amsterdam, voorna- melijk in de tweede helft van de 16e eeuw. Nederl Tijdschr Geneesk 107: 1922-30, 19 Oct 1963. 4 refs. Development of autopsy reports in Amsterdam, chiefly in 2nd half of 16th cent. Archival material. 600 Hallema, A. Twee vonnissen wegens het onbevoegd uitoefenen der geneeskunst, gewezen te Amsterdam in het jaar 1548. Ned Tidschr Geneeskd 96: 825-7, 5 Apr 1952. Case of quackery in Amsterdam, 1548. 601 Hallermann, Wilhelm. Bericht iiber die weitere Entwicklung der gerichtlichen Medizin in Kiel. Beitr Gerichtl Med 25: 9-13, 1969. Development of legal medicine at University of Kiel under Profs. J. Bockendahl (1867— 1902), Ernst Ziemke (1906-1935), Ferdinand Wiethold (1935-1941) and W. Haller- mann (1941- }. 602 Hallermann, Wilhelm. Kongress der Gerichtsmediziner in Kiel. 100 Jahre gerichtliche Medizin an der Christian-Alberts-Universitiit, Kiel. Schleswig-Holst Aerztebl 20: 389-93, 1967. Brief history of Chair of Legal Medicine at University of Kiel (est. 1867). Summary of proceedings of 46th Congress of Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Gerichtliche und Soziale Medizin (Kiel, 1967). 603 Hallermann, Wilhelm. Zur Geschichte des Instituts fiir gerichtliche Medizin an der Uni- versitat Kiel. Dtsch Z Gesamt Gerichtl Med 45: 247-51, 1956. 8 refs. After account of history of legal medicine in Germany from 13th cent. on, author treats history of Institute of Legal Medicine at Univeristy of Kiel. Hamlin, R. H., see entry no. 337. 73 604 Hamont. Lettre addressée a M. Leuret, sur I’état de la médecine 1égale en Egypte. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég 10: 202-6, 1833. Description of abortions, infanticides, and poisonings in Egypt, and relevant legal provi- sions. 605 Handerson, Henry Ebenezer. The medical code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon. Cleve MJ 7(2) : 72-5, Feb 1908. 606 Harbitz, Francis. Laerebok i rettsmedisin. 6te utgave. Oslo, A. W, Brgggers, 1950. 499 p. Illus. Index. Brief history of legal medicine with emphasis on development in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland (pp. 1-4). 5 refs. 607 Harper, Robert Francis. The Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, about 2250 B.C. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, Callaghan & Co., London, Luzac, 1904. 192 p. 102 plates. Subj. index; glossary. Full text of Code in transliteration, English translation, and original. Provisions concern- ing physicians and surgeons in paragraphs 215-21 and 222-5. 608 Hartmann, H. Organization and function of forensic medicine in Ziirich. Postgrad Med 34: A66—-AT0, Sep 1963. 609 * Hartwell, Edward Mussey. The study of anatomy historically and legally considered. A paper read at the meeting of the American Social Science Association, September 9, 1880. Baltimore, Tolman and White, 1881. 37 p. 610 Harvey, W. Identity by teeth and the marking of dentures. Brit Dent J 121: 334-40, 1966. 40 refs. 2 illus. Selected case histories from first known case in 1477 to modern methods of dental identifi- cation. 611 Havermans, Franciscus Marinus. Furiosus, demens, mente captus. Folia Psychiatr Neerl 54: 124-9, 1951. 9 refs. Author discusses meaning of terms “furiosus,” “demens,” and “mente captus” as used in Justinian codification. 612 * Hechel, Frederyk Bogumir. Historyczno-krytyczne badania poczatku i wzrostu medycyny sadowéj. Roczn Wydz Lek Krak 2: 83-258, 1839. “Historico-critical research on the origin and growth of legal medicine.” 74 613 : Heddy, W. R. H. Some historic inquests. Med Leg J 20: 122-32, 1952. Author states that county coroners were first appointed in 1194, but only for investigation of felonies. First known inquest was ordered by coroner on accidental death in 1265. Description of some interesting inquests. 614 Heffner, Ludwig. Aelteste Medicinalordnung des F. Bisthums Wiirzburg vom Jahre 1502. Dtsch Z Staatsarzneikd, N. F. 2: 187-210, 1853. Regulation of practice of medicine and pharmacy and historical comments of interest. 615 * Heierle, Jacob. Die Geschichte des Vaterschaftprozesses nach dem ziircherischen Recht. Ziirich, 1949. 99 p. Dissertation (Ziirich, Law School) “The history of paternity trials according to the law of Ziirich.” 616 * Helbing, Franz. Die Tortur. Geschichte der Folter im Kriminalverfahren aller Zeiten und Vélker. Vollig neubearb. und erg. von Max Bauer. Berlin, Langenscheidt, 1926. 430 p. “Torture. History of torture in criminal proceedings in all times and nations.” 617 Held, Johann Nicolaus. Medizinische Gedanken iiber den 147. und 149. Artikel der Rom. Kayser]. und des heil. Romischen Reichs Peinlichen Halsgerichts-Ordnung, die gerichtliche Besichtigung und Eroffnung mit Gewalt ums Leben gebrachter Menschen, betreffend. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1761. 80 p- : Medical expertise in cases of injury and “sectio vulnerum” of dead bodies, according to art. 147 and 149 of Constitutio eriminalis Carolina. Discussion, with citation of refs. 618 mv Helpern, Milton. Legal medicine in the United States of America. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 29-32, Jan-Jun 1962. Includes account of organization and activities of Office of Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York. 619 Henke, Adolph Christian Heinrich. Priifende Uebersicht des jetzigen Zustandes der gerichtlichen Medicin und der neuesten Berichtigungen in den wichtigsten Lehren derselben. Arch Med Erfahr 1: 21-72, 1817; 2: 367-91, 1817; 1: 118-51, 1818; 3: 193-217, 1818; 1: 1-21, Jan 1820. Several refs. Description of status of legal medicine in Germany, its practice and teaching. 620 Herrera Blanco, J. Honrando el pasado y el presente de la medicina legal Cubana. Vida Nueva 51: 46-9, Feb 1943. Past and present of legal medicine in Cuba from establishment (1842) of Chair of Legal Medicine, Toxicology, Public Hygiene, Medical Police, Medical History, Biography and Bibliography [sic] at University of Havana. Author stresses differences between American countries and that in Europe. 75 621 Herrlinger, Robert. Hundert Jahre Lehrstuhl fiir Gerichtliche Medizin an der Universitit Kiel. Beitr Gerichtl Med 25: 1-8, 1969. 14 refs. Separation of “gerichtliche Medizin” from former “Staatsarzneikunde” in Austria and Germany, establishment of Chair of Legal Medicine (1867) in Kiel, and extensive biobibliography of its first teacher, J. Bockendahl. 622 Herzog, E. Zwei alte Physikat-Bestallungen aus den Jahren 1523 und 1546. Ver Dtsch Z Staatsarzneikd, N. F. 3: 195-200, 1848. Contracts of 16th-cent. physicians with the Town Council of Zwickaw; enumeration of rights and duties of both parties. 623 * Hillairet, Jean Baptiste. Notice historique sur I’empoisonnement par larsénic, sur I'emploi de 'appareil de Marsh et des autres moyens de doser ce toxique. Paris, A. Bailly, 1847. 96 p. “Historical notes on arsenic poisoning, on the use of Marsh's apparatus, and on other means of estimating the dosage of that poison.” 624 Hilton, O. The Academy’s role in the future of forensic sciences. J. Forensix Sci B{3): 281-6, July 1960. Brief history of American Academy of Forensic Sciences, its interest in ethics and educa- tion of forensic scientists, publication, and search for new objectives. 625 Hine, Maynard Kiplinger. History of the modern Ethical Dental Society. Bull Hist Dent 14:1-9, Jan—Jul 1966. 16 refs. Includes information on dental ethics in force in U.S. at time of publication. 626 Hirschfeld, E. Deontologische Texte des frithen Mittelalters. Arch Gesch Med (Leipz) 20:353-71, 1 Oct 1928. Deontological texts of the early Middle Ages preserved from various codices, assembled in three groups for comparison and tracing of origins. 627 * Historia de la legislacion médica. Protoc Med For 7:81-7, 101-2, 1906. “History of medical legislation.” 628 * Historia y generalidades de la medicina legal : medicina legal judiciaria, privada, admin- istrativa, criminal, civil. Bogota, Nicolas Gomez, 1845. 164 p. “History and general aspects of legal medicine: judiciary, private, administrative, criminal, and civil.” First such textbook for university students in Colombia, with historical introduction. 76 629 History of professional liability. Doct Law 1: 4-20, 1948. Very much popularized history of medical liability (laws of Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, England and U.S.). Sections on dentistry in U.S., specialization in general, and causes and growth of litigation. 630 Ho Ping-yii and Needham, J. Elixir poisoning in medieval China. Janus 48 (4) :221-51, 1959. 38 refs. “Elixir of life,” supposed to produce immortality, was prepared by alchemists and phar- macists in China as early as 480 B.C. Its use often led to death of recipient. Several detailed cases. 631 * Hohne, Theodor B. Chr. Der Kiinstliche Abort, seine Geschichte und seine Indikationen. Leipzig, Engelhardt, 1873. Dissertation (Leipzig). “Induced abortion, its history and indications.” 632 Hoigaku. Tokyo, Kanehara, 1958. 440 p. “Legal medicine.” Contributors: Harumitsu Hojo et al. Pp. 4-5: Brief description of history of legal medicine in Europe; development in Japan. Bibl. notes. 633 Holzer, Franz Josef. Der gegenwiirtige Stand der Blutgruppenserologie und deren foren- sische Bedeutung. Dtsch Z Gerichtl Med 42 (4/5) : 416-37, 1953. 146 refs. Status of serological research into blood groups and their medicolegal importance. Results of fifty years of work. 634 Holzer, Franz Josef. Geschichte des Institutes fiir gerichtliche Medizin der Universitit Innsbruck. Beitr Gerichtl Med 26: xi—xii, 1969. History of Institute of Legal Medicine of University of Innsbruck, from founding of university (1669) and creation of Chair of Legal Medicine (1869) to present. 635 Horoszkiewicz, Stefan. Kronika Zaktadu medycyny sadowej Uniw. Jagiell. od roku 1895 1905, Przegl Lek 44: 138-40, 153-54, 169-70, 184-84, 1905. Establishment (1895) of Institute of Legal Medicine of University of Cracow, its per- sonnel, budget, collections, library, and equipment. 636 Horty, John F. Activities of the Health Law Center, University of Pittsburgh. Public Health Rep 79:739-42, Aug 1964. Center established in 1958 at University’s Graduate School of Public Health. Conducts research into legal aspects of public health, medicine, nursing, hospitals, medical care, mental health, and allied fields; provides community services. 637 * - - Horvath, S. Din istoria medicinei legale la romani. Cluj, 1934. Thesis (Cluj). “The history of legal medicine in Rumania.” 77 638 Horwill, L.. Medicine and the law in India. Proc Med Leg Soc Victoria 7: 62-82, 1957. Discussion. Article by former Judge of Supreme Court of Madras. 639 * Hotchkiss, Charles. Criminalité et médecine judiciaire dans I'Inde anglaise. Lyon, A Storck, 1893. 186 p. Thesis (Lyon, 1892). “Criminality and legal medicine in English India.” 640 Hs, Ying-han. Fa i tu wu hsiieh. Hangchow, Hsin i shu chi, 1955. 225 p. Bibl., pp. 222-5. “Toxicology in medical jurisprudence.” Chapt. 1, pp. 1-2: History of toxicology in China, dating as far back as Shen Nung, the legendary “Divine Husbandman,” who reigned 2838-2698 B.C. (sic!). Hsii, Ying-han, see entry no. 273. 641 Hua-nan i hsiieh yiian, Canton, China. Fa i hsiieh k’o. Fa i hsiieh. Canton, 1954. 103 p. “Medical jurisprudence.” Chapter 1, pp. 2-3: A brief history of medical jurisprudence in China from 1247 A.D. to time of publication. Brief outline of Hsi yiian lu. 642 Huard, Pierre Alphonse. Castration judiciaire en 1726 a Tripoli (de Syrie). Clio Méd 2:363-9, Nov 1967. 1 ref. Castration was ordered by a judge in Tripoli and carried out. Records of treatment of the patient by a French physician. 643 Huber, Johann Christian. Zur Geschichte des Versehens der Schwangern. Friedr BI Gerichtl Med 73: 321-4, 1886. 15 refs. Historical comments on pregnancy. 644 Hiibner, Ernst August Ludwig. Die Kindestodtung in gerichtsidrztlicher Beziehung. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1846. 137 p. Many refs. Introduction (pp. 1-21) : History of legislation on infanticide from Constitutio criminalis Carolina (1532) to time of publication. Emphasis on German, English, and French legislation. 14 refs. 645 Hiimmert, J. Die gerichtliche Leichenausgrabung. Bl Gerichtl Anthropol 10(5) : 3-46, Sep-Oct 1859. 48 refs. Forensic exhumation : history from 17th cent., review of literature, casuistics, and related legislation. 646 Hulst, J. P. L. De geschiedenis van de longproef en van hare beteekenis voor de gerechtelijke geneeskunde, en de rechtspraak. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 66 (1) : 57-74, 1922. 65 refs. Historical development of hydrostatic test of lungs, 1663-1800, and its application in jurisprudence (criminal law). 78 647 Hund, G. Die Médicos forenses (irztlichen Sachverstindigen) in Spanien. Aerztl Sachverstaend Z 42: 47-8, 1936. Development (1862-1935) of state-controlled society of “forensic physicians’ in Spain, with detailed account of its organizational and other reforms by decrees of 1933 and 1935. 648 Hunter, Richard and Macalpine, Ida. Three hundred years of psychiatry, 1535-1860. A history presented in selected English texts. London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1963. 1107 p. Illus. Name index. Extracts from selected works concerning psychiatry, starting with treatise of Bartholo- maeus Anglicus of 1535 and ending with Thomas Laycock in 1860. Indispensable for research in the field. Several texts concern legal medicine, many partly on forensic psychiatry. 649 Huser, Roger John. The crime of abortion in canon law; an historical synopsis and com- mentary. A dissertation. Washington, D.C., Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1942. 187 p. Bibl, pp. 157-69. Canon law studies, 187 refs. Index. Abortion in ancient law (Oriental, Greek, Jewish, Roman). “Patristic” writings (from about 80-100 A.D.), canonical collections to 12th cent., Gratian, Pope Gregory IX, Council of Trent, and development from Pope Sixtus V (1588) to Code of Canon Law. Author’s “canonical commentary,” p. 79 ff. 650 Hutchin, Peter. History of blood transfusion: a tercentennial look. Surgery 64: 685-700, Sep 1968. 103 refs. Historical development from 17th cent. to present. Important background material. 651 * Tagubov, S. N. Nekotorye printsipal’nye voprosy prepodavaniia sudebnoi meditsiny v meditsinskikh vuzakh. In: Sbornik trudov 4-1 Vsesoiuznoi konferentsii sudebnikh medikov. Riga, 1962, p. 51-4. “Some of the most important problems of teaching legal medicine in medical institutes.” 652 Ingrassia, Joannes Phillipus. Methodus dandi relationes pro mutilatis torquendis, aut a tortura excusandis . . . Prefazione di G. G. Perrando. Catania, Romeo Prampolini, 1938. 509 p. “Method of submitting reports on persons mutilated by torture, or for being excused from torture. . .” Published in Venice, 1578, but no copy survives. Text derived from a manuscript preserved in Palermo. Concerns medical problems lawyers and judges face, namely: torture; deformities; poisoning; elephantiasis; length of pregnancy; frigidity and impotence; multiple birth. Largest work of its time. 653 Inquest in private. Lancet 1: 728, 15 Apr 1950. Account of a coroner’s exclusion of the press from an inquest in 1950. Practice deemed unusual, though legally justified. 79 654 Institutes of Legal Medicine. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928. 386 p. Illus. Index. Twenty-eight contributions by various authors concerning institutes of legal medicine and/or condition of legal medicine in different countries. Each contribution has been annotated separately under name of author. 655 * Instituto de medicina legal de Bogota. Rev Med Leg Colomb 10(55/6) :1-34, Jun-Dec 1948. “Institute of Legal Medicine of Bogota.” 656 Instruction in forensic medicine. J Forensic Med (Johannesb) 2:129-31, 1955. Generally on status of teaching of forensic medical practice; legal implications of clinical medicine. 657 * Instruktsiia o proizvodstve sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy v SSSR. Moskva, 1957. 19 p. “Instructions on medicolegal expertise procedures in the USSR.” 658 * Introduction. Containing history of formation of the Medico-Legal Society of New York. Papers Med Leg Soc (New York), 1st ser. v—xv., 1874. 659 * Introna, Francesco and Stefanutti, Ugo. Su alcuni precedenti medico-legali nella storia di Venezia. Med Leg Assicuraz 18:25-35, 1970. “Some medicolegal precedents in the history of Venice.” 660 Ippolitov, S. N. Kratkii ocherk deiatel'nosti Meditsinskogo soveta po sudebnomeditsinskol chasti za 1804-1904 gg. Vestn Obshchestv Gig Sud Prakt Med 43 (4) : 548-71, 1907. Description of activities of “Meditsinskii sovet” (Medical Council) in Russia in field of legal medicine between 1804 and 1904. 661 L’istituto di medicina legale e delle assicurazioni della universita di Genova. Genova, Universita di Genova, 1963. 17 p. History of teaching of legal medicine at University of Genoa from 1810, succession of professors, organization of Institute, detailed description of its work under Prof. Aldo Franchini. 662 Ivy, Andrew Conway. Nazi war crimes of medical nature. JAMA 139(3) : 131-4, 15 Jan 1949. 663 Ivy, Andrew Conway. Report on war crimes of a medical nature committed in Germany and elsewhere on German nationals and nationals of occupied countries by the Nazi regime during World War II. [n.p., 19457] 22 L 80 664 Jablonowski, W. Kazuistyka lekarska v Turcyi. Praktyka sadowo-lekarska. Przegl Lek 22: 491-3, 522-4, 547-9, 563-4, 1883. Description of low status of legal medicine in Turkey, followed by casuistry of importance. 665 Jacoby, George W. The unsound mind and the law; presentation of forensic psychiatry. New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls, 1918. 424 p. Bibl.,, pp. 407-11. Index. Chap. 1 (pp. 19-52) : Historical retrospect (from antiquity to beginning of 20th cent.). General relationship of jurisprudence and psychiatry. 666 Jacquey, J. Les médecines devant les lois babyloniennes au XXe siécle avant Jésus-Christ. Rev Méd Lég 10: 318-21, 1903. Provisions of Hammurabi’s Code concerning physicians. 667 Jakobovits, Immanuel. The dissection of the dead in Jewish law; a historical study. Heb Med J 33(1) :222-210, 1960; 33(2) :221-212, 1960. 136 refs. From Talmudic times to the 20th cent. 668 Jakobovits, Immanuel. Jewish medical ethics. A comparative and historical study of the Jewish religious attitude to medicine and its practice. New York, Philosophical Library, 1959. 381 p. Bibl, pp. 362-81. Many notes. 669 Jakobovits, Immanuel. The physician in Jewish law and religious literature; his license to practice and legal responsibilities. Heb Med J 29(1) : 180-71, 1956. 63 refs. 670 Janovsky, Viktor. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der gerichtlichen Medicin. In: Maschka, Josef, ed. Handbuch der gerichtlichen Medicin. Tiibingen, 1881, Bd. 1 pp. 1-32. Extensive bibl. History of legal medicine from antiquity to time of publication. One of best works of that period. Transl. into Russian and publ. in Vestn Sud Med Obshchestv Gig 1(3) : 1-24, 1882. 671 Janusz, P. Sprawy medyczne w Zamojskich ksiegach miejskich. Medycyna sadowa. Arch Hist Med (Warsz) 26: 25-60, 1963. 109 footnotes and refs. Author describes variety of laws in force in Poland until 18th cent. ; rich medical casuistry from records of Polish City of Zamoscz from 17th and 18th cent. Several cases of medicolegal interest. 672 Jaumes, Alphonse. Les exigences de la médecine légale. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 2nd ser. 46: 499-510, 1876. 6 refs. Introductory lecture to first course of legal medicine at University of Montpellier. Rela- tionship of medicine to law; need for training in legal medicine. 81 673 * Jervis, Sir John. A practical treatise on the office and duties of coroners. With an appendix of forms and precedents. London, 1829. Standard British work which reached several editions (9th in 1957). Later editions with small change of title. Includes legislation. 674 * Jochum, W. Die Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin an der Universitit Gottingen von 1800-1860. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1920. 29 p. “History of legal medicine at the University of Gottingen from 1800 to 1860.” 675 * Johnstone, John. Medical jurisprudence. On madness. Birmingham, 1800. One of earliest works on this subject in English. 676 Jones, Bassett A. and Llewellyn, Llewellyn J. Malingering, or the simulation of disease. London, W. Heinmann, 1917. 708 p. Index. History of malingering; research on the subject from antiquity to end of 19th cent. (pp. 3-11). 677 Jones, J. G. P. Medicine in the tenth century; facts from Welsh medieval law. Med Illus 5(2): 84-6, Feb 1951. 11 refs. Description of Law of Hywel Dda (1st half of 10th cent.) as it concerns status and functions of physicians. 678 Josat, A. De la mort et des ses caractéres. Nécessité d'une révision de la législation des déces pour prévenir les inhumations et les délaissements anticipés. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1854. 380 p. 7 pl. Introduction: Funerals in different nations, from point of view of uncertainty of death (pp. 1-45). History of funerals from antiquity to time of publication. Important background material for legal medicine. 9 refs. 679 * Josat, A. Recherches historiques sur I'épilepsie. Paris, G. Bailliére, 1856. 35 p. “Historical research on epilepsy.” 680 Juzwa, J. Ekspertyza sadowo-lekarska v ziemi bytomskiej w XVI, XVII i poczatku XVIII wieku. Wiad Lek 20: 821-4, 1967. 11 refs. Account of obductions and other medicolegal evaluations conducted in District of Bytom (not then part of Poland) from 16th to start of 18th cent. Some case descriptions. 681 * K istorii kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Gor’kovskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. S.M. Kirova i o sostoianiia sudebnomenditsinskogo dela v g. Gor’kom i oblasti. In: Voprosy sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy i kriminalistiki. Gor’kii, 1959, pp. 7-15. “History of the Chair of Legal Medicine of the S.M. Kirov Gorkii Medical Institute and the status of medicolegal work in the City of Gorkil and its District.” 82 682 Kadison, H. First in forensic medicine. Med World News 12: 12, 29 Jan 1971. Claim that Medical School of New York University established first department of legal medicine in U.S. in 1933. 683 * Kahn, Ignaz, Ueber den medicinisch-polizeilichen Sinn der Mosaischen Gesetze. Inau- guralabhandlung. Augsburg, J. M. Hillenbrand 1825. 56 p. [2nd ed. 1833.] “On the medico-police significance of Mosaic laws.” 684 Kaiser, Wolfram und Krosch, Karl Heinz. Anfinge einer medizinischen Jurisprudenz an der Universitit Halle. Med Monatsschr 22: 498-505, 1968. 37 refs. Soon after foundation of University of Halle in 1694, there appeared some small publi- cations on medicolegal topics. The authors, however, concentrate on medicolegal activity of Michael Alberti (1682-1757) and Friedrich Christian Daniel (Senior and Junior), their work and publications. 685 Kalashnik, Ia. M. Sudebnaia psikhiatriia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo iuridicheskoi lit., 1961. 383 p. Brief sketch of Russian and Soviet forensic psychiatry, pp. 5-11. 2 refs. 2 illus. 686 Kalashnik, Ta. M. V. P.- Serbskii i voprosy organizatsii sudebnopsikhiatricheskoi ekspertizy. Sud Med Ekspert 2(1) : 42-7, Jan/Mar 1959. Biobibliography of Vladimir Petrovich Serbskii (1858-1917), pioneer of forensic psychiatry in Russia and professor at University of Moscow. Kalashnik, Ia. M., see entry no. 948. 687 Kaltschmied, Carolus Fridericus. De distinctione inter foetum animatum et inanimatum ex medicina forensi eliminanda, contra eruditorum dubia defendet. Jenae, lit. Schilli- anis, 1747. 24 p. Development of theories concerning time of animation of foetus and unimportance of this question to legal medicine. 688 * Kanter, E. I. O spetsializatsii i usovershenstvovanii sudebnomeditsinskikh ekspertov. In: Sbornik trudov 4-1 Vsesoiuznoi konferentsii sudebnykh medikov. Riga, 1962, pp. 59-66. “Specialization and postgraduate education of medicolegal experts [in the USSR].” 689 Karplus, Heinrich. Present-day forensic medicine services in Israel: their development and legal background. In: Wecht, Cyril H. and Karplus, Heinrich, eds. Proceedings of the Fifth International Medical-Legal Seminar, Israel, March 15-25, 1969. Pittsburgh, Pa., Jerusalem, 1969(?), pp. 17-22. Development since 1953, history of Greenberg Institute of Forensic Medicine, teaching activities and research, Kasatkin, B. S., see entry no. 279. 83 690 * Kelz, H. M. Zur Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin in Erlangen mit Personalbiblio- graphien der Lehrer des Faches von 1903-1968. Erlangen-Niirnberg, 1968. 138 p. Dissertation (Erlangen). “On the history of legal medicine in Erlangen, with personal bibliographies of the teachers of this discipline from 1903 to 1968.” 691 Kenyeres, Balazs. A torvényszéki orvostan haladasa. Gyoégyaszat 36: 38-39, 66-67, 1896. Progress of legal medicine. Cross-cultural review of problems of forensic medicine at end of 19th cent. in Hungary. 692 Kenyeres, Balazs. Die gerichtliche Medizin und die gerichtlich-medizinischen Institute in Ungarn. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.), Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 63-68. Illus. History of legal medicine and medical expertise in Hungary; medicolegal practice and criminal procedure; legal medicine at universities; material for teaching and research; Institutes of Legal Medicine in Budapest, Debrecen, Pecs, and Szeged. 693 Kenyeres, Balazs. Die Kriminalistik in Ungarn und die Kriminalistische Sammlung des Institutes fiir gerichtliche Medizin in Budapest. Zacchia, Ser 2a, 2: 1-48, Jan-Mar 1938. Several footnotes (incl. refs.). Description of development of criminology in Hungary under influence of Lombroso and H. Gross, introduction of “bertillonage,” foundation of Museum of the Police in Budapest, and organization (1932) of Criminological Collection at Institute of Legal Medicine of University of Budapest. 694 Kergaradec. Question d’embryologie médicale et théologique. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég 35: 445-60, 1846. Abridgement of article in Rev Armorique Ouest, 5 Feb 1846. Description of a Caesarean section with interesting comments on history of related legisla- tion, time of gestation, and medical, legal, and theological points of view. 695 Kernbach, Mihail. Evolutia, conceptia si domeniul actual al medicinei legale. Cluj Med 15: 113-23, 1 Mar 1934. Inaugural lecture. Brief history of legal medicine from antiquity; developments in Rumania. Definition, scope, organization in Rumania, and requirements. 696 Kernbach, Mihail. Medicina judiciara. Bucuresti, Ed. Medicala, 1958. 884 p. Illus. Bibl. Of special interest: General history of legal medicine (pp. 11-18); legal medicine in Russia and Soviet Union (pp. 18-24); origins and development of legal medicine in Rumania (pp. 24-33). 697 Kerschensteiner, Josef von. Paul Zacchias. Friedr Bl Gerichtl Med 35: 401-10, 1884. Biobibliographic sketch. Portrait. 84 698 * Khaled Hamdy, M. A. La réglementation juridique et administrative de I'expertise médico-légale et de la situation du médecin légiste dans la législation égyptienne. Lyon, Bose, 1936. 153 p. “Legal and administrative regulation of medicolegal expertise and the position of the forensic physician in Egyptian legislation.” 699 Kiel, F. W. Forensic science in China—traditional and contemporary aspects. J Forensic Sci 15: 201-34, Apr 1970. 113 refs. Description of oldest medicolegal texts in China (Hsi yiian lu and Tang yin pi-shih), their influence through the centuries, imitation of Western pattern in 20th cent., and current forensic medicine in People’s Republic of China. 700 * Kien, Cornelius Janus. Disputatio juridica. De jure medicorum. Traj. ad Rhenum, J. Broedelet, 1757. 18 p. “Legal disputation. Laws for physicians.” 701 Kim, Tu-jong. Hanguk uihaksa. Seoul, T’amgu-dang, 1966. 584 p. “History of Korean medicine.” Pp. 226-34 and 349-52: historical development of forensic medicine in Korea. Includes brief description of two outstanding books on the discipline, Sinchung mwwonrok (publ. 1438) and Chungsu muwonrok (edited by T’aek-kyu in 1748 by order of King Yongjo). 702 * Kimmich, D. J. Sur importance de la médecine dans un état policé, ou Sur la médecine légale. Strasbourg, Levrault, 1803. 26 p. “The importance of medicine under government control, or Legal medicine.” 703 Kind, Stuart and Overman, Michael. Science against crime. London, Aldus Books, 1972. 156 p. Illus. “Suggested readings.” Popular treatment of role of forensic sciences in detection of crime. Of special interest: “The future of forensic science” (chapt. 8). 704 Kinkaid, R. J. Medical jurisprudence. Lancet, 1:325-7, March 8, 1879. Introductory address to course of lectures on medical jurisprudence delivered in 1878 and 1879 in Queen’s College, Galway. No history, some definitions, and contemporary cases. Attitude of lecturer (professor of obstetrics) to the discipline is not very favorable. 705 Kirsch, P. E. Some aspects of law and medicine in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. In: Wecht, Cyril H. and Karplus, Heinrich, eds. Proceedings of the Fifth International Medical-Legal Seminar, Israel, March 15-25, 1969. Pittsburgh, Pa., Jerusalem, 1969 (?), pp. 9-16. Medicolegal relations in Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (est. 1099), contained in code of laws, Assizes of Jerusalem. 85 706 * Kleinknecht, Manfred. Die historische Entwicklung des Faches der gerichtlichen Medizin an der Universitit Ingolstadt, Landshut und Minchen. Miinchen, 1940. Thesis (Munich). “Historical development of the discipline of legal medicine at the universities of Ingolstadt, Landshut and Munich.” 707 Knapp, Ludwig. Der Scheintod der Neugeborenen. Seine Geschichte, klinische und gerichtsidrztliche Bedeutung. I. Geschichtlicher Theil. Wien und Leipzig, W. Brau- miiller, 1898. 163 p. Bibl., pp. 151-63. History of apparent death of newborn from antiquity to 19th cent. Several parts of importance for history of legal medicine. Knight, B., see entry no. 789. 708 Knight, B. H. Die Britische Akademie fiir forensische Wissenschaften. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 87: 2042-3, 5 Oct 1962. British Academy of Forensic Sciences was founded in 1959; held first congress in 1960. Has three sections: medical, technico-scientific, and legal; publishes journal, Medicine, Science and the Law. Kobiela, Jan, see entry no. 1117. 709 * Kocher, Adolphe. De la criminalité chez les Arabes au point de vue de la pratique médico- judiciaire en Algérie. Lyon, Pitrat ainé, 1883. 239 p. Thesis. “Criminality among the Arabs from the point of view of medicolegal practice in Algeria.” 710 Kockel, Richard. Alte und neue Wege in der gerichtlichen Medizin. Dtsch Z Gesamt Gerichtl Med 11: 1-13, 1928. Comparison of status of legal medicine at German universities in 1889 (famous article of Emil Ungar) and situation after 40 years. Conclusions not very encouraging. 711 Kockel, Richard. Das erweiterte Institut fiir gerichtliche Medizin der Universitit Leipzig. Arch Kriminol (Leipz) 83: 206-7, 1928. Expansion of building of Institute of Legal Medicine of University of Leipzig, with plans. 712 Kockel, Richard. Das Institut fiir gerichtliche Medizin der Universitit Leipzig, nebst Mitteilungen aus seinem Arbeitsgebiete. Festschrift zur Eroffnung des neuen Instituts am 1. Oktober 1905. Leipzig, J. M. Gebhardt, 1905. 98 p. 10 tables. Historical development of teaching of legal medicine at University of Leipzig, 1828-1905 (succession of teachers). Description of new building of Institute of Legal Medicine, with floor plans, internal organization and equipment (pp. 3- 12). 86 713 Koelbing, Huldrych Martin. Aerztliche Deontologie im Wandel der Zeit. Praxis (Bern) 59: 1147-53, 1970. Bibl. (21 entries). History of medical deontology and its changes from Hippocrates to present. Special at- tention to attitude of physician toward patient. The term “medical deontology” was introduced by French physician Max Simon in 1845. 714 Kolaja, Jiri. Historical development of medical ethics in the United States. World Med J 1: 155-7, May 1954. 7 refs. First efforts to prepare a code of medical ethics patterned after Percival’s code, (1821), analysis of AMA Code of 1847, its revision of 1903 (The Principles of Ethics of the AMA), and discussion of its revision of 1952. I"ominar. Mataichiro. Jitsuyo hoigaku. 7th rev. ed. Tokyo, Nankodo, 1944. 936 p. “Fractica’ medical jurisprudence.” Pp. 3-6: Brief description of development of legal medicine in Europe and events leading to its introduction and present status in Japan. 716 Kominami, Mataichiro. Shika hoigaku kogi. Kyoto, Kyoto Inshokan, 1946. 148 p. “Dental jurisprudence.” Pp. 1-2: Brief notes on historical development of legal medicine and forensic dentistry in Europe, China, and Japan. Includes bibliographic material. 717 Konold, Donald E. A history of American medical ethics, 1847-1912. Madison, Wis., The State Hist. Soc. of Wis. for the Dept. of Hist., Univ. of Wis., 1962. 119 p. Refs. to each chapt. Bibl notes. Subj. and name index. 718 * Kontsevich, I. A. K istorii kafedry sudebnol meditsiny Kievskogo meditsinskogo instituta. In: Materialy 4-1 rasshirennol nauchnoi konferentsii Kievskogo otdeleniia Ukrains- kogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov. Kiev, 1959, pp. 240-4. “History of the Chair of Legal Medicine of the Kiev Medical Institute.” 719 Kopp, Johann Heinrich. Skizze einer Geschichte der gerichtlichen Arzneikunde, Jahrb Staatsarzneikd 1: 176-208, 1808. Numerous refs. ; chronological table of writers and important events in the field. “Outline of a history of legal medicine.” 720 * Koranyi, K. Czary i gusta przed sadami kosScielnymi w Polsce w XV i w pierwszej polowie XVI wieku. Lwéw, Lud, 1928. “Witchcraft and sorcery at ecclesiastical courts in Poland in the 15th and first half of the 16th century.” 721% Kornfeld, Hermann. Verbrechen und Geistesstorung im Lichte der altbiblischen Tradi- tion. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1904. “Crime and mental disorders in the light of old Biblical tradition.” 87 722 Kornprobst, Louis. La chirurgie esthétique en justice. Presse Méd 72: 297-300, Jan 1964. French “esthetic” (plastic) surgery from end of 19th cent. Received great impetus from World War I needs. Position of the law and some malpractice cases, 1913-1955. 723 Kornprobst, Louis. Responsabilités du médecin devant la loi et la jurisprudence francaise. Paris, Flammarion, 1957. 1066 p. Index. Chapters of interest: Responsibility of physicians in antiquity (pp. 27-30) ; Roman law (pp. 31-7) ; ancient French law (pp. 39-53). Many refs. 724 Korzhevskaia, V. F. Nekotorye voprosy istorii kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny leningradskogo GIDUVa. In: Porksheian, O. Kh. and Ogarkov, I. F., eds. Aktual’'nye voprosy sudebnol meditsiny i kriminalistiki. Vyp. 49. Leningrad, GIDUYV, 1966, pp. 4-5. Highlights of history of Chair of Legal Medicine at Leningrad Institute for Postgraduate Education of Physicians (est. 1924) to 1965. 725 Kosorotov, Dmitri Piotrovich. Novaia nauka. Vestn Obshchestv Gig Sud Prakt Med 52(9) : 1037-51, Sept. 1916. Arguments against criminology as independent discipline and against its application in Russia. Support of legal medicine. 726 Kozelka, F. L. Legal medicine in the United States. Ciba Symp 11 (7) : 1305-12, Winter 1950/51. Biobibl. data. Best work on its historical development. 727 Kozminska, A. Trucizny i truciciele w historii. Arch Med Sad 7: 113-23, 1955. Summary in Russian and English. History of poisons and profiles of some poisoners from antiquity to beginning of 20th cent. Discussion of principles to be observed by physicians. 728 * Kraepelin, Emil. Hundert Jahre Psychiatrie. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte menschlicher Gesittung. Berlin, J. Springer, 1918. 115 p. illus. “One hundred years of psychiatry. A contribution to the history of human culture.” 729 Krafft-Ebing, Richard von. Médecine légale des aliénés. Ed. francaise par A. Rémond. Paris, Doin, 1900. 544 p. Introduction and history (pp. 9-23) : History of mental illness and its position in law from antiquity to second half of 19th cent. 9 refs. 730 * Krasnushkin, Evgenii Konstantinovich. Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza na Niurnberg- skom protsesse. Vrach Delo 9: 631-40, 1946. “Medicolegal expertise at the Niirnberg Trial.” 88 731 Kratter, Julius. Die Aufgaben der gerichtlichen Medicin in Lehre und Forschung. Wien Klin Wochenschr 5: 664-7, 677-9, 1892. The goals of legal medicine in teaching and research, in historical perspective. 732 * Kress, Johann Paul. Kurze iuristische Betrachtung von dem Recht der Taub und Stumm gebohren. Helmstadt, 1765. 103 p. Analysis of the legal status of those born as deaf-mutes; extent of legal protection because of their physical incapacity. Presents precedents, case histories, and verdicts. Interesting aspect of forensic medicine. Krosch, Karl Heinz, see entry no. 684. 733 * Krylov, I. F. Uchastie vydaiushchikhsia russkikh uchenykh XIX veka v razvitie nauchno- sudebnoi ekspertizy v Rossii. In: Voprosy kriminalistiky i sudebnoi ekspertizy. Dushanbe, 1962, pp. 38-42. “Participation of leading Russian scientists of the 19th century in the development of scientific medicolegal expertise in Russia.” 734 Kudlien, F. The legal aspect of the doctrine of the seven uterine cells. Bull Hist Med 40: 544-46, Nov-Dec 1966. 6 refs. Traces theory of seven uterine cells (subdivisions of uterine cavity). Theory was dis- carded in medicine after publication of Vesalius’ work, but its legal application con- tinued until appearance of Paolo Zacchia’s Quaestiones medicolegales. 735 Kiihn, Johann Gottlieb. Ist die Wasser-Lungen-Probe richtig? Breslau, J. F. Korn, 1786. 44 p. Essay on reliability of hydrostatic test of lungs of newborn. Author concludes that results of the test offer mere probability, not certainty. 736 Kiihner, August. Ein franzosisches Urtheil iiber das Studium der gerichtlichen Medizin in Deutschland. Vrtljschr Gerichtl Med, N.F. 51: 94-101, 1889. Review of Paul Loye’s article (Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, Jan 1889) concerning teach- ing of legal medicine in Germany and Austro-Hungary. Kiihner reviews only the parts concerning Germany. 737 Kiihner, August. Die Kunstfehler der Aerzte vor dem Forum der Juristen. Fiir Aerzte und Juristen gemeinverstindlich dargestellt. Frankfurt a.M., Knauer, 1886. 155 p. Legislation on malpractice from antiquity to time of publication. 738 Kulsdom, Marinus Evert. Van geneeskunde en recht in de achttiende eeuw. Ned Tidschr Geneeskd 96: 1537-42, 21 Jun 1952. 11 refs. Application of medicine in the law of 18th cent. Holland. 89 739 Kunze, Carl Ferdinand. Der Kindesmord. Historisch und kritisch dargestellt. Leipzig, Veit, 1860. 288 p. Historical development of infanticide, medicolegal points of interest, legislation (es- pecially in Prussia). 740 * Kurdiumov, Adrian P. K 40-letiu sovetskol sudebnoi meditsiny. In: Tezisy dokladov 4-1 Respublikanskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii patologoanatomov i sudeb- nomeditsinskikh ekspertov Karel’skoi ASSR. Petrozavodsk, 1958, pp. 7-8. “The fortieth anniversary of Soviet legal medicine.” 741 * Kurdiumov, Adrian P. Uspekhi v organizatsii sudebnoi meditsiny za 40 let Sovetskoi vlasti. Sb Trud Kaf Sud Med 1-go Leningr Med Inst 2: 15-9, 1958. “Achievements in the organization of legal medicine during the forty years of Soviet rule.” 742 Kusiak, M. Dzieje Katedry Medycyny Sadowej w Krakowie. Pol Tyg Lek 19: 683-4, 27 Apr 1964. History of Chair of Legal Medicine in Cracow (supplement to author’s previous article on 150th anniversary of Chair). 743 Kusiak, M. Sto pieédziesiat lat istnenia krakowskiej Katedry medycyny sadowej. In: Pamietnik Pierwszego Zjazdu Medykéw Sadowych. Warszawa, Panstwowy Zaktad Wydawn. Lekarskich, 1956, pp. 230-2. Russian and English summary. One hundred and fifty years of the existence of the Chair of Legal Medicine at the Uni- versity of Cracow. Abstract of a larger work. 744 Kusiak, M. Sto pieédziesiat lat istnenia krakowskiej Katedry medycyny sadowej. (Szkic historyczny). Arch Hist Med (Warsz) 20(1/2) : 127-46, 1957. 26 refs. History of Chair of Legal Medicine at Jagellon University of Cracow from its establish- ment in 1805 through 150 years. Names and biobibliographic data of professors (some portraits), description of facilities, work performed. 745 Kuwashima, Naoki. Legal medicine in Japan. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 43-6, Jan-Jun 1962. First Institute of Legal Medicine in Japan was founded in 1888. In 1962 there were 46 medical schools in the country, each with department of legal medicine. 746 Laboratorios de medicine legal. Protoc Med For (Teruel) 9: 163-6, 1908. Laboratories of forensic medicine in Spain, their development and status at time of publication. 90 747 Lacassagne, Jean Alexandre Eugene. Des transformations du droit pénal et les progres de la médecine légale de 1810 a 1912. Arch Anthropol Crim 28: 321-64, 1913. Numerous refs. Changes in laws and progress of legal medicine during 3 periods: “fictive” (Hammurabi Code to Roman times) ; ‘“abstraite” (beginnings of Roman law, Leges barbarorum to Colbert's Ordonnance criminelle, 1692) ; “positive” (early 18th cent. to Napoleon's Code). 748 Lacassagne, Jean Alexandre Eugéne. Précis de médecine légale. 2d éd. Paris, Masson, 1909. 865 p. Index. History of legal medicine from antiquity to end of 19th cent. (pp. 1-15). 4 refs. 749 Lacassagne, Jean Alexandre Eugene. Rapport sur I'enseignement de la médecine légale a la Faculté de Médecine de Lyon. Arch Anthropol Crim 15: 363-72, 1900. Report to Ministry of Public Education on status of teaching of legal medicine and on available facilities at University of Lyon. Recommendations for improvement. 750 Lacassagne, Jean Alexandre Eugéne. Sur le fonctionnement de la médecine légale en Turquie. Arch Anthropol Crim 4: 187-93, 1889. One of relatively few sources of information on “the function of legal medicine in Turkey.” Includes a case report of strangulation. 751 Lacassagne, Jean Alexandre Eugéne and Martin, Etienne. An introduction to legal medicine. From the Précis de Médecine Légale by Lacassagne et Martin, Lyons 1921. Transl. by K. S. Kennard. Med Leg J (NY) 39: 70-8, 1922. Brief history of legal medicine from Hammurabi Code until end of 19th cent. French influence is stressed. 752 Lacorte, J. G. Imhotep e la medicina Egipcia; ligeiras notas e impressoes de viagem. Rev Bras Med 10: 221-3, 1953. 4 illus. Photograph of Imhotep’s statue, brief description of his functions under Pharaoh Zoser, and worship of him as god of medicine. 758 * Yaguna, Stanistaw. Opis Zakladu Medycyny Sadowej Uniwersytetu Poznanskiego. Czas Sad Lek 12(2) : 94-109, 1939. “Description of Institute of Legal Medicine at University of Poznan.” 754 * F.aguna, Stanistaw. Stan kryminalistyki i medycyny sadowej. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwésci, 1951. 78 p. “Status of criminalistics and legal medicine in Poland.” 91 755 * Laignel-Lavastine, Maxime, Histoire de l'avortement provoqué des origines a 1810. Paris, Société francaise d’histoire de la médecine, 1941. “History of induced (criminal) abortion from ancient times to 1810.” 756 Laignel-Lavastine, Maxime. L’histoire de 'avortement provoqué des origines a 1810. Mem Soc Franc Hist Méd 1: 1-15, 1945. 26 refs. History of induced (criminal) abortion in ancient civilizations, Greco-Roman world, and during Christian era until 1810, when Code of Napoleon was promulgated. Revision of author’s earlier lecture (and publication). 757 Lancis, F. El Laboratorio de la Catedra de Medicina Legal. Vida Nueva (Havana) 51: 59-61, Feb 1943. Development of Laboratory of Legal Medicine at Chair of Legal Medicine of University of Havana, and contributions of Prof. Raimundo de Castro y Bachiller. 758 Landau, Richard. Der Gerichtsarzt von 300 Jahren. Janus (Amst) 1: 67-75, 1896. 14 refs. Biography of Rodericus a Castro (1541-1627), a pioneer of legal medicine, and evaluation of his works. 759 Landé, Kurt E. Forensic medicine in Europe—legal medicine in America. New Eng J Med 215: 826-34, Oct 1936. 3 refs. Description of common elements in European system of legal medicine and some details which diverge from American administration of justice. Situation in U.S. 760 * Lang, Arnold. Medizinische Gerichtsbarkeit im alten Ziirich, 1714-1738. “Medical jurisdiction in old Ziirich, 1714-1738.” 761 Langfeldt, Gabriel. Some outlines of forensic psychiatry in Norway. Am J Psychiatr 110: 599-603, Feb 1954. 762 Lastres, Juan Balthazar. Epilepsia y delito; estudio histérico y médico-legal. An Fac Med Lima 37 (4): 706-35, 1954. 70 refs. History of epilepsy in Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome, ancient Peru, medieval Europe, and elsewhere to end of 19th cent. Legal position of epileptics in various periods and countries. 763 Latour, A. Création de ’enseignement pratique de la médecine légale. Union Méd, 3rd ser. 24: 81-2, 17 Jul 18717. Establishment of practical teaching of legal medicine in France (1832-1877). 92 764 Lattes, Leone. Impressioni medico-legali Nord Americane. Arch Antropol Crim Psich Med Leg 50(1) : 43-56, 1930. Illus. “Medicolegal impressions” of Boston (Harvard University), New York (Columbia Uni- versity and Bellevue Hospital), and Quebec (Laval University); impression of lack of interest in legal medicine in both North American countries, despite favorable conditions for its development. 765 Lattes, Leone, Individuality of the blood, in biology and in clinical and forensic medicine. Transl. by L. W. Bertie . . . from the French ed. of 1929, thoroughly rev. and brought up to date by the author. London, H. Milford, 1932. 413 p. 71 illus. Bibl. and index to authors, pp. 313-404. Subject index. Most important work of its time. Historical development in chapters three to five (inheritability, individuality of blood as an ethno-anthropological fact, individuality in clinical application). 766 Laval, V. L’expertise médico-légale chez les anciens Israélites. Rev Lit Méd 3: 365-170, 402-6, 445-8, 474-7, 497-8, 608-10, 1878. 12 refs. Ancient Hebrew medicolegal expertise as revealed in the Talmud, especially Mishna and Gemara. Very good study for its time. [In last installment continuation was announced; this, however, could not be located.] 767 Laval, V. La médecine légale & l'histoire. Rev Lit Méd 3: 258-61, 15 May 1878. 1 ref. Medicolegal relations, their value, and need for study of history of legal medicine. 768 Law and medicine. MD (NY) 6:113-19, Sep 1962. 12 illus. History of law-medicine relations from antiquity to modern times. Emphasis on develop- ment in England and U.S., forensic psychiatry, and modern criminology. 769 Leary, Timothy, Early American experience under coroner laws. New Eng J Med 200: 759-66, 11 Apr 1929. 770 Leary, Timothy. The Massachusetts Medicolegal Society. Trans Mass Med Leg Soc 6: 52-64, 1929. 2 refs. Society was established in 1877. Its by-laws, activities, and publications described. 771 Leary, Timothy. The Massachusetts medicolegal system, with proposals and plans for a Boston Pathological Institute. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 297-328. 30 refs. Illus. Historical development in England; early American experience under coroner laws; early records of postmortems; Massachusetts situation; medical examiner system and its outcome after 50 years; proposals for Boston Pathological Institute, ete. 93 772 Leclerq, Jules Augustine Joseph Reneld. Instituto de Medicina Legal e de Medicina Social de Lille. Arq Med Leg Identific (Rio de J) 5(12): 163-9, Oct 1935. Detailed description of new building of Institute of Legal and Social Medicine in Lille, started in 1933 and opened in 1934. 773 Lee, John G. Hand-book for coroners; containing a digest of all the laws in the thirty- eight States of the Union, together with a historical résumé, from the earliest period to the present time. A guide to the physicians in post-mortem examinations, and valuable miscellaneous matter never before collated. Philadelphia, W. Brotherhead, 1881. 288 p. 774 Le Foyer, J. La responsabilité pénale et la responsabilité civile du médecin selon les Assises du royaume de Jérusalem. Ann Méd Lég 18: 157-72, Feb 1938. Refs. in footnotes. Penal and civil responsibility of physicians according to law of Kingdom of Jerusalem, which was collected 1173-1180 (Livre des Assises de la Cour de Bourgeois). Relevant chapts.: 236, 238. 775 Lega, Carlo. Diritto e deontologia medica. Roma, Istituto italiano di medicina sociale, 1968. 540 p. Medical deontology from antiquity to our times (pp. 75-87). 776 Legal medicine and forensic science—an exercise in interdisciplinary understanding. New Eng J Med 268: 327-8, 7 Feb 1963. First Interamerican Conference on Legal Medicine and Forensic Science, Puerto Rico, 1962, represented attempt by a legal group to explore law-medicine-science problems. Showed how medicine and science can help legislator, judge, and lawyer achieve true justice. One of the first attempts of its kind. 777 Legoyt, Alfred. Le suicide ancien et moderne. Etude historique, philosophique, morale et statistique. Paris, A. Drouin, 1881. 468 p. Bibl. (by country). History of remarkable cases of suicide from antiquity to present (pp. 1-47) ; opinions throughout history about its legitimacy (pp. 48-99) ; historical development of rele- vant legislation (pp. 100-111). 778 Legrand du Saulle, Henri. Etude médico-légale sur interdiction des aliénés et sur le conseil judiciaire, suivie de recherches sur la situation juridique des fous et des incapables a I’époque romaine. Paris, A. Delahaye & E. Lecrosnier, 1881. 503 p. Appendix: Research on legal position of insane and incapacitated in Roman era (pp. 447-495) . Historical development in both penal and civil Roman law. Numerous refs. 94 7 779 Legrand du Saulle, Henri; Berryer, Georges; and Pouchet, Gabriel. Traité de médecine légale, de jurisprudence médicale et de toxicologie. 2e éd. Paris, A. Delahaye & E. Lecrosnier, 1886. 1680 p. Historical development of legal medicine from Roman times to second half of 19th cent. (pp. 3-21). 780 Legué, Gabriel. Les grandes empoisonneuses. Rev Méd Lég 10:152-55, 1903. Very brief essay on women-poisoners throughout history (from antiquity to 18th cent.) ; efforts to determine cause of death in cases of poisoning. 781 Legué, Gabriel. Médecins et empoisonneurs au XVlIle siecle. Paris, Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1895. 280 p. Many refs. Famous cases of poisoning in 17th cent. France, and participation of physicians and pharmacists in proceedings. 782 Le Gueut, Jean. La médecine légale judiciaire. Bull Méd Lég Toxicol Méd (Lyon) 9: 235-50, Jul 1966. Very brief history of legal medicine from time of Rome; description of techniques of legal medicine, past and present. 783 Le Gueut, Jean. La médecine légale judiciaire. Lyon, Cour d’Appel de Chambery, 1966. 21 p. Lecture delivered September 16, 1964 at Court of Appeals of Chambery. History of legal medicine, predominantly in France. 784 * Lelievre, Marcel. De l’exercice illégal de la médecine en Bretagne. Les guérisseurs, dormeuses et rebouteurs du pays breton. Paris, Bonvalot-Joune, 1907. 72 p. Thesis (Paris). “Illegal practice of medicine in Brittany. Quacks, sleep healers and bone setters in Brittany.” 785 Leonpacher. Zum Kaiserschnitte an der Leiche. Friedr Bl Gerichtl Med 47: 187-91, 1896. Brief history of Caesarean section on bodies of dead women, based on A. F. Hohl's Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe (1855). 786 Leont’ev, A. G. Osnovnye etapy raboty Obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov v Leningrade za 40 let. In: Porksheian, O. Kh. and Ogarkov, L.F., eds. Aktual’nye voprosy sudebnoi meditsiny i kriminalistiki. Vyp. 49. Leningrad, GIDUV, 1966, pp. 3-4. Highlights of activities of Society of Forensic Physicians and Criminalists of Leningrad (est. 1925) during 40 years. 95 787 Leppmann, Arthur Silvius, Die Zukunft der gerichtlichen Medizin in Preussen. Aerztl Sachverstaend Z 6: 425-8, 1 Nov 1900. Polemics against Puppe’s article in Dtsch Med Wochenschr 26 (31) : 493-6, 1900, about the future of legal medicine in Germany. 788 Lerman, Salvador. Historia de la odontologia y su ejercicio legal. 2a ed. Buenos Aires, Mundi, 1964. 457 p. 146 illus. Bibl., pp. 453-7. Brief history of dentistry from antiquity to mid-20th cent., with legal and partly medicolegal aspects. Covers most countries. 789 Levchenkov, B. and Knight, B. Forensic medicine in the Soviet Union. Med Sci Law 6: 94-6, Apr 1966. Forensic medicine is divided into 2 categories: practice (medicolegal service) and teaching (academic forensic medicine). The Chief Medicolegal Expert of the Ministry of Health is in charge. 790 Levchenkov, B. D. Sudebnaia meditsina revoliutsionnoi Kuby. Sud Med Ekspert 7: 31-2, Jul-Sep 1964. Article (based on information from Prof. Genaro Suarez of Havana, who visited Moscow) concerning the “legal medicine revolution” in Cuba, 791 Levey, Martin. Medical deontology in 9th century Islam. J Hist Med 21: 358-73, Oct 1966. 54 refs. Discussion of work of Ishaq ibn ’Ali al-Ruhawil and his deontological treatise, Adab altabib (Practical ethics of the physician). Oldest known text of its kind in Arabic, based largely on Hippocrates and Galen. 792 * Levey, Martin. Medical ethics of medieval Islam with special reference to al-Ruhawl’s “Practical ethics of the physician.” Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1967. 100 p. 793 Levinson, Samuel Azor. Presidential address: Education in legal medicine as an imple- ment for public safety and criminal justice. Proc Amer Acad Forensic Sci 2: 2-12, 1952. 11 refs. Development of legal medicine and its teaching in U.S. 794 Levinson, Samuel Azor and Muehlberger, C. W. The facilities for teaching legal medicine to students in Chicago. Ill M J., 66: 228-31, 1934. Facilities available to students at Cook County Coroner’s Office. 96 795 Levinson, Samuel Azor and Muehlberger, C. W. An introductory course in legal medicine for medical students. J Assoc Am Med Coll 9: 293-301, 1934. 4 refs. Brief report on teaching an elementary course in legal medicine at College of Medicine, University of Illinois, for three years. Definitions (author’s and those of various dictionaries) ; description of situation at that university and others in U.S. ; distinction between legal medicine and medical jurisprudence. 796 Lewinstein, S. R. The historical development of insanity as a defense in criminal actions. J Forensic Sci 14: 275-93, 469-500, 1969. 212 refs. Historical treatise by a lawyer about knowledge of insanity and its position in Anglo- Saxon law from 13th cent. England. Considers application of M’Naughten rule (1843) in Gt. Brit. and U.S. 797 Libavius, Andreas. Tractatus duo physici; prior de impostoria vulnerum per unguentum armarium sanatione Paracelsicis usitata commendataque. Posterior de cruentatione cadaverum in iusta caede factorum presente, qui occidisse creditur. Francofurti, impensis Petri Kopfii, 1594. 407 p. Discusses Cruentatio cadaverum (Bahrrecht or ius cruentationis) (pp. 140-392), an old custom of Germanic nations, as reliable proof of guilt or innocence in murder cases. 798 Lima, Joaquim Alberto Pires de. A medicina forense em Portugal. “Porto Medico,” 1906. 88 p. Several refs. History of legal medicine from antiquity to end of 18th cent. Development in Portugal from first traces in 1174 to introduction of subject at universities in 2d half of 19th cent. Recommendations for improvement in services and teaching. 799 Liman, Christian Leopold Karl. Historische Notiz iiber die practische Unterrichtsanstalt fiir die Staatsarzneikunde an der Berliner Universitit. Vierteljahrsschr Gerichtl Oeff Med, N.F. 3: 168-73, 1865. Brief history of “Unterrichtsanstalt” (Teaching Institute for State Medicine) at Uni- versity of Berlin from 1833. 800 Liman, Christian Leopold Karl. Die Pariser Morgue mit vergleichender Hinblicken auf das hiesige Institut gleichen Namens. Vierteljahrsschr Gerichtl Oeff Med, N.F. 8: 309-29, 1868. Comparison of Paris and Berlin morgues, their administration and work. Some informa- tion of medicolegal interest. 801 * Liman, Christian Leopold Karl. Ueber die Nothwendigkeit des forensischen Studiums fiir Juristen. Holtzendorft’s Z Strafrechtspflege 5(11) : 585 ff, 1865. “The need for lawyers to study legal medicine.” 97 802 Lindman, Frank T. and McIntyre, Donald M., Jr., eds. The mentally disabled and the law. The report of the American Bar Foundation on the Rights of the Mentally Ill. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1961. 445 p. Index. Chapt. 1 (pp. 6-14) : Historical trends (from antiquity to about 1860). 40 refs. Bibl. R03 Lion, Adolf, Sr. Der Unterricht der gerichtlichen Medizin bei der medizinischen Facultit in Strassburg von Prof. Tourdes, nebst einleitenden Betrachtungen iiber das Studium der Staatsarzneikunde und der gerichtlichen Medizin insbesondere. Dtsch Z Staats- arzneikd 22 (2) : 297-347, 1864. Discusses Tourde’s article of 1862 on teaching of legal medicine at University of Stras- bourg, and Lion’s ideas on organization of teaching and practice of legal medicine in Germany. 804 Lisle, Pierre Egiste. Du suicide. Statisque, médecine, histoire et législation. Paris, Bailliére, 1856. 487 p. History of suicide from antiquity (India, Tibet, Hebrews, Persians, Arabs, Greeks, Romans) to 18th cent. (pp. 312-437) ; value of laws against suicide (pp. 437-53). 805 Littlejohn, Henry Harvey. Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Edinburgh. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 187-99. Illus. History of legal medicine at University from 1791 on; description and floor plan of department; teaching; mortuary; courses for law students; staff and research; differences between English and Scottish criminal procedures. 806 Littlejohn, Henry Harvey. The teaching of forensic medicine. Trans Med Leg Soc (Lond) 12: 1-12, 1915. Brief history of teaching of legal medicine in England from 1806 (when Chair of Legal Medicine was established at University of Edinburgh) to present. Complaints about low status of discipline and insufficient interest in lectures. Remedies suggested. 807 Litvak, Aleksandr Smilovich. Razvitie sudebno-meditsinskoi ekspertizy v SSSR v interesakh obespecheniia sotsialisticheskol zakonnosti. Sud Med Ekspert 13: 12-4, Jan-Mar 1970. 2 refs. Development of medicolegal expertise in USSR from 1926 on, from point of view of so-called “Socialist conformance to the law.” Litvak, Aleksandr Smilovich, see entry no. 1141. Llewellyn, Llewellyn J., see entry no. 676. 808 Locard, Edmond. Le XVIIe siécle médico-judiciare. Lyon, Paris, Storck, 1902. 479 p. Some refs. 5 illus. Eighteen chapts. on development of legal medicine in France during 17th cent. [Extension of author’s thesis of same (?) year] 98 809 Locard, Edmond. La mort de Judas Iscariote. Etude critique d’exégeése et de médecine légale sur un cas de pendaison célébre. Arch Anthropol Crim 19: 421-54, 1904. Numerous refs. Important material on history of suicide. 810 Lochte, Theodor E. H. Uber die gerichtliche und soziale Medizin als Unterrichts- und Priifungsfach an den preussischen Universititen. Aerztl Sachverstaend Z 29: 49-52, 1923. 2 refs. In 1901 legal medicine became compulsory subject in curriculum of all Prussian univer- sities. Ordinance of 1922, however, stated that legal and social medicine was no longer part of state examination of physicians. Author urges reinstatement of discipline to its former position, or to one even stronger. 811 Lodge, F. T. A half-century’s progress in medical jurisprudence. Physician & Surg (Detroit & Ann Arbor) 23: 49-59, 1901. Describes developments from about 1850 to 1900 in Gt. Brit. and U.S. on restriction of right to practice medicine; emotional insanity as defense to criminal charges; rise and decline of the expert witness. 812 * Loffler, Josef. Die Storungen des geschlechtlichen Vermoégens in der Literatur der autoritativen Theologie des Mittelalters. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Impotenz und des medizinischen Sachverstindigenbeweises im kanonischen Impotenzprozess. Mainz, Akademie d. Wiss. u. d. Literatur, 1958, 88 p. “Defects of sexual potency in the literature of authoritative theology of the Middle Ages. A contribution to the history of impotence and to medical expertise in canon law suits concerning impotence.” 813 Low von Erlsfeld, Joannes Franciscus. Theatrum medico-juridicum, continens varias easque maxime notabiles tam ad tribunalia ecclesiastico-civilia, quam ad medicinam forensem, pertinentes materias. Ex diversis optimorum authorum, Pauli Zacchiae, Sanchez, Carpzovii et aliorum voluminibus excerptum propriisque quaestionibus et annotationibus adornatum. Norimbergae, 1725. 889 p. Well-organized, scholarly work on legal medicine, based on medical, legal, theological, and philosophical literature. Surpassed everything that had yet been written in Central Europe on the subject. Numerous references in text. Indispensable for that time. Of historical value in itself. 814 Long, Dorothy. Legal difficulties of early North Carolina physicians. N C Med J 13: 150, Mar 1952. 3 refs. Three lawsuits against physicians for smallpox inoculations. 99 815 * Lopatenok, A. A. K voprosu ob uzakonenii sudebnomeditsinskikh vskrytii v Rossii. In: Referaty 9-1 rasshirennol nauchnoi konferentsii Leningradskogo otdeleniia Vsesoiuznogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov. Leningrad, 1955, pp. 6-7? “The question of legalization of medicolegal autopsies in Russia.” 816 Lopez de Leén, A. Apuntes para la historia de la odontologia legal. In: Primer Congreso Panamericano de Medicina Legal, Odontologia Legal y Criminologia, Habaiia, Sept. 2-8, 1946. La Habana, Cuba, 1946, pp. 235-17. Some notes on the history of forensic dentistry. 817 Lopez Gomez, Leopoldo José. Estudio médico-legal del embarazo prolongado. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 2(12) : 101-105, Mar 1947. Historical survey of opinions concerning prolonged pregnancy (ancient India, Greece, Rome, etc., to recent times). Contemporary Spanish legislation. 818 Lopez Gomez, Leopoldo José and Gisbert Calabuig, Juan Antonio. Tratado de medicina legal. Tomo I. 2 a ed. Valencia, Saber, 1967. 843 p. History of legal medicine from antiquity to present (pp. 10-19) ; organization of legal medicine in Spain (pp. 19-29). 819 Loret, Gabriel. Contribution a l'histoire de '’enseignement de la médecine légale a Paris. Paris, A.G.E.M.P., 1969. 55 p. Bibl. (28 entries). Subj. index. Thesis (Paris). Brief history of legal medicine from antiquity. History of morgues in Paris and of Institute of Legal Medicine. History of teaching of legal medicine from establishment of Chair of Legal Medicine to 1968. 320 Lorion, Louis. Criminalité et médecine judiciaire en Cochinchine. Lyon, A. Storck, 1887. 140 p. Thesis (Lyon). Chapt. 2: Section on legal medicine in ancient and present Annamite legislation (pp. 15-20). Medical expertise recognized and requested. No influence of Chinese Hsi yiian lu discovered. (Cochinchina, or Indochina, was at that time under French rule.) 821 Lotova, E. I. K stoletiiu vykhoda zhurnala ‘“Arkhiv sudebnol meditsiny i obshchestvennoi gigieny”. Gig Sanit 30: 43-47, Dec 1965. 5 refs. Centennnial of first Russian medicolegal journal, Arkhiv sudebnol meditsiny i ob- shchestvennol gigieny. Its trends, influence on medical and medicolegal community, personalities of editors. 822 Lowes, Peter D. The genesis of international narcotics control. Généve, Librarie Droz, 1966. 213 p. Several refs. Bibl. Historical developments which led to international narcotics control (report of British Royal Commission of 1893-4; Shanghai Opium Commission of 1909; Opium Con- vention at The Hague in 1912, etc.) At present, United Nations, World Health Organization, and INTERPOL cooperate in narcotics control. 100 823 Loye, Paul. L’enseignement de la médicine légale en Allemagne et en Autriche-Hongrie. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 3rd ser. 21: 45-71, 296-327, 1889. Impressions of visit to universities of Berlin, Bonn, Erlangen, Giessen, Halle, Heidelberg, Jena, Leipzig, Marburg, Munich, Wiirzburg, Budapest, Graz, Prague (Czech and German), and Vienna. Teaching of legal medicine at these institutions, personnel, facilities, etc., described at length. 824 Loye, Paul L’enseignement de la médecine légale en Allemagne et en Autriche-Hongrie. Paris, Bailliere, 1889. 60 p. Reprinted from Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég 21: 45-71, 1889. For annotation, see entry no. 823. 825 Ludwig, Hannelore. Personalbibliographien von Professoren und Dozenten des Institutes fiir Gerichtliche Medizin der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitit Miinchen im unge- fahren Zeitraum von 1890-1971. Mit biographischen Angaben und Uberblicken iiber wichtige bearbeitete Sachgebiete sowie einem kurzen geschichtlichen Ueberblick. Diss. Erlangen-Niirnberg, 1972. 164 p. Biobibliographies of professors and “docents” of the Institute of Legal Medicine, Ludwig- Maxmilian University of Munich, 1890-1971. Brief historical development of Institute. 826 Lukaci, Jozef. O stidnom lekarstve v Pol’sku. Lék Obz 5(1) : 38-44, Jan 1956. Impressions of 1954 visit to Institutes of Legal Medicine in Warsaw, Cracow, Poznan, Gdansk, Wroclaw (Breslau), and Lodz. Their organization, personnel, facilities, teaching, research, and functions. 827 * Lukaci, Jozef. Pétnast’roéné uspechy rozvoja stdného lekarstva v SSSR. Soud Lék 5(8) : 124-6, 1960. “Achievements of legal medicine in Czechoslovakia, 1945-60.” 828 Luke, J. L. The Oklahoma state medical examiner system: semi-urban, semi-rural legal medicine in a university setting. J Forensic Sci 14: 147-56, Apr 1969. 829 Lukié, Mihailo. Sudska medicina. Priruénik za studente prava. Beograd, Naucna knjiga, 1969. 187 p. illus. “Legal medicine. A textbook for law students.” Definition and objectives of legal medicine; brief survey of history of legal medicine; development and organization of medicolegal service in Yugoslavia (pp. xi-xv). 830 Lundevall, Jon. The Institute of Forensic Medicine, 1938-1967. J Oslo City Hosp 19: 134-6, Jul-Aug 1969. Brief history of teaching of legal medicine at University of Oslo (formerly Kristiania), 1814 to present. Data on professors. 101 831 Lyczywek, R. Ekspertyza toksykologiczna z r. 1785. Arch Med Sad 17(2): 209-10, 1965. 1 ref. In 1785 two Polish physicians examined a white powder which they concluded was poison intended for Duke Czartoryski. The court to which they submitted their evidence ignored their opinion and called for no further testimony. 832 Lyskowski, M. Kartki z dziejow polskiego prawodawstwa psychiatrycznego. Neurol Neurochir Psychiatr Pol 11: 713-5, 1961. 2 refs. Historical notes on Polish legislation concerning mental patients and psychiatric exami- nation. Macalpine, Ida, see entry no. 648. 833 * MacBrane, John. An introductory lecture on medical jurisprudence. London, 1832. 834 Mcllroy, A. L. The use of scientific research in medico-legal practice. Med Leg J 17: 134-9, 1949. 2 refs. McIntyre, Donald M., Jr., see entry no. 802. 835 Maclagan, D. Forensic medicine from a Scotch point of view. Brit Med J 2: 233-9, 17 Aug 1878. 836 * McLaughlin, E. F. The guilds and medicine; historical background. Ann Med Hist, 3rd ser. 3: 384-94, 1941. 837 MacLeod, R. M. Medico-legal issues in Victorian medical care. Med Hist 10: 44-49, 1966. 15 refs. Emergence of conscientious objectors (mostly on religious basis) to medical treatment and preventive medicine, in Gt. Brit, and U.S. Faith-healing; prosecution of healers for unlawful practice of medicine; parental responsibility, ete. 838 MacMahon, J. G. Medical jurisprudence historically considered. Med Times (N Y) 49: 180-85, 1921. Interesting cases selected from Roman and Greek times, brief mention of development during Middle Ages, situation in England, personal experience of writer (a judge) at the bench, ete. 839 M., J. P. Legal medicine in France. J Psychol Med, n.s. 7: 242-64, 1831. Medicolegal casuistry in cases of insanity. 102 840 M., L. C. How many “first” Caesareans? Ciba Symp 3(7): 1024 Oct 1941. Author records several “first” Caesarean sections ascribed by various writers to different periods. 841 . Maas, A. Critisch-historische nasporingen omtrent de eerste beginselen der gerektelijke geneeskunde. Arch Geneeskd 1: 501-26, 1841. Historico-critical research on origins of legal medicine. 842 Madia, Ernesto. Compendio di medicina legale ad uso degli studenti, dei medici pratici e del legali. 8a ed. Napoli, Detken & Rochol, 1914. 660 p. Index. i Concept and historical development of legal medicine from antiquity to beginning of 20th cent. (pp. 1-12). Italian contribution stressed. 843 * Maggiorani, Carlo. Rettificazione di un errore di storia intorno i primordi della medicina legale, Roma, tip. delle Belle Arti, 1863. 13 p. “Correction of an error concerning the history of primitive legal medicine.” 844 Mabhier, Pierre Emile. Les questions médico-légales de Paul Zacchias, médecin romain; études bibliographiques. Paris, J. B. Bailliére, 1872. 101 p. “The medicolegal questions of Paul Zacchias, Roman physician; bibliographic studies.” Very good evaluation of Zacchias’ work, pp. 83-94. 845 Maillard, Firmin, Recherches historiques et critiques sur la morgue. Paris, A Delahays, 1860. 156 p. Several refs. Historical development of “la morgue” in Paris; description; administration; statistics, ete. 846 le Maire, Louis. The functions of the Danish Medico-Legal Council. Acta Med Leg Soc 9 (Spec. No.) : 215-20, 1956. The activities of that body (established 1909) to present. 847 Mairet. La médecine légale en Chine. Chron Méd Par 7: 537-41, 1900. Critical remarks about E. Martin's article on Hsi yiian lu (Rev Extréme-Orient, 1882). Martin found no mention of insanity in old text and, therefore, concluded that insanity in China was rare. Mairet says that reason for omission was that insane in China are considered fully responsible for criminal acts. Also includes some casuistry. 848 Maisch, Herbert. Incest. Translated by Colin Bearne. New York, Stein and Day, 1972. 252 p. Glossary of terms (pp. 229-32). Bibl. (pp. 233-44). Index. Chapter 1. Incest from the point of view of cultural history (pp. 11-41). History from antiquity to modern times. 103 849 * Makarian, E. A. K voprosu ob istorii sudebnol meditsiny v Armenii (s drevnikh vremen do nashikh dneil). Erevan, 1959. Doctoral dissertation. Abstract (28 p.) “The question of the history of legal medicine in the Armenian SSR (from antiquity to the present time).” 850 * Makarian, E. A. Materialy k istorii sudebnol meditsiny v Armenii. In: Referaty 2-go rasshirennogo soveshchania sudebnomeditsinskikh ekspertov Armenii. Erevan, 1955, pp. 22ff. “Materials on the history of legal medicine in the Armenian SSR.” 851 * Makarian, E. A. Sostoianie sudebno-meditsinskoi ekspertizy vo vtorol polovine XIX veka v Armenii. In: Sbornik trudov Biuro glavnol sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy i kafedry sudebnol meditsiny Erevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Erevan, 1958, vyp. 2, pp. 69-78. “Status of medicolegal expertise in second half of 19th cent. in Armenia.” 852 Makarian, E. A. Sudebnomeditsinskie poniatie v knige Grigora Tatevatsi.—Kniga voproshenii.—O nekotorykh trudakh medikov-Armian XIX veka. In: Avakian, N. M,, ed. Sbornik trudov Biuro glavnol sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy i Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Erevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Erevan 1964. Three articles on history of legal medicine in Armenian SSR. Makarian, E. A. see entry no. 50. Makarov, Tu. T., see entry no. 280. 853 * Malle, Pierre Nicolas Francois, Exposition historique et appréciation des secours em- pruntés par la médecine légale a la physique et a la chimie. Strasbourg, G. Silbermann, 1838. 108 p. “Concours” for the Chair of Legal Medicine in Strasbourg. “Historical aspects and recognition of the help furnished by legal medicine to physics and chemistry.” 854 * Malle, Pierre Nicolas Francois. Histoire médico-légale de I’aliénation mentale. Strasbourg, 1835. 104 p. “Medicolegal history of mental illness.” 855 * Malle, Pierre Nicolas Francois. Histoire médico-légale des cicatrices. Strasbourg, G. Silbermann, 1840. 40 p. “Medicolegal history of scars.” 856 * Malygaev, I. I. K istorii sudebno-meditsinskol ekspertizy v Iaroslavskoi gubernii. Sb Nauchn Rab Iaroslav Med Instit 19: 257-69, 1959. “History of medicolegal expertise in the district (gubernia) of Yaroslavl [RSFSR].” 104 857 Manczarski, Stanistaw. Medycyna sadowa v zarysie. Podrecznik dla studentéw. Wyd. 4. Warszawa, Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1966. 367 p. Development of legal medicine; historical essay (pp. 9-16). Emphasis on its history in Poland. 17 refs. 858 Mant, Keith A. Official medico-legal investigation under the coroner’s system in London, England. Med Leg Bull (Richmond) 223: 1-8, Nov 1971. Historical development of coroner’s office (first mentioned 1194), its changes through the centuries, and present functioning in London. 859 Marc, Charles Chrétien Henri. Introduction. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég 1: ix—xxxix, 1829. Introduction to first issue of journal, with brief historical essay on development of public hygiene and legal medicine. 860 Mare, Charles Chrétien Henri. Matériaux pour l'histoire des aliénations mentales. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég 2: 353-4, 1829. Difficulty in distinguishing between real and simulated mental illness. Brief account of three cases. 861 * Marchant, Gérard. Esquisse historique sur la médecine légale. Toulouse, A. Chauvin, 1856. 20 p. “Historical sketch on legal medicine.” 862 Marcus, J. H. Sin and its ancient interpretations. Med Leg J (N Y) 35: 24-6, 1918. Jewish theocratical interpretation of sin. Medicolegal problems of virginity, rape, incest, punishment for sexual crimes, and views of Maimonides. 863 Marcy, H. O. The coroner system in the United States. JAMA 17: 277-83, 1891. 864 . Maresch, Wolfgang. Die Entwicklung der gerichtlichen Medizin and der Medizinischen Fakultiat in Graz. Wien Klin Wochenschr 75: 437-9, 31 May 1963. History of legal medicine at Faculty of Medicine of University of Graz from its establish- ment in 1863 to present. Biobibliographies of teachers; research projects. 865 Mariotti, Ettore. La perizia medica nella storia, nel diritto e nella pratica infortunistica. Osp Psichiatr (Naples) 22(3): 266-99, Jul-Sep 1954; 24(2): 179-98, Apr-Jun 1956; 28(2) : 105-40, Apr-Jun 1960. 5 refs. ’ Divided into 18 sections. Note especially: Definition and scope “of medical expertise; history from antiquity to beginning of 18th cent.; medical expertise in criminal law of various Italian states; modern criminal procedures related to medical expertise in Italy and foreign countries; accident insurance; medical expertise in civil law. 105 866 * Mariotti, Ettore. La perizia medica nella storia, nel diritto, e nella pratica infortunistica. Napoli, Ospedale Psichiatrico, 1964. 120 p. “Medical expertise in history, in the law and the practice of industrial medicine.” 867 Mariotti, Ettore. Sul funzionamento dell’Istituto della perizia medica nel diritto pénale. Riforma Med 42: 208-10, 1926. 6 refs. Italian Code of Criminal Procedure of February 27, 1913, which regulated medical expertise in the courts. 868 Markov, Marko Antonov. Sudebna meditsina. Sofiia, Meditsina i fizkultura, 1962. 425 p. Chapt. on history of legal medicine, pp. 8-13. 869 Markov, Marko Antonov. Zadachi, organizatsiia i metodika na sudebnomeditsinskata ekspertiza. In: Natsionalna konferentsiia na sudebnite meditsi i kriminalisti v Bul- gariia, 1st, Sofiia, 16-19 Sep 1965. Sofiia, Meditsina i fizkultura, 1965, pp. 5-11. Objectives, organization, and methods of medicolegal expertise in Bulgaria. Description from 1952, when Bulgarian legal medicine followed Soviet pattern. Status at time of publication. 870 Marshall, Thomas Kenneth. Premature burial. Med Leg J 35: 14-24, 1967. 13 refs. Discussion. Historical notes and thoughts on premature burial due to suspended animation (which can appear in drowning, electrocution, exposure to cold, ete.). 871 Martin, Ernest. Etude médico-légale sur I'infanticide et ’avortement dans ’empire chinois. Paris, Masson, 1872. 15 p. Discussion of those parts of Hsi yiian lu which concern abortion and infanticide in China. 872 Martin, Ernest. La médecin légale en Chine; exposé de principaux passages contenus dans Si-yen-luh. J Connais Méd Prat 50: 22-24, 37-9, 71-2, 102-3, 117-8, 134-5, 157-9, 1882. Detailed description of contents of 13th cent. Chinese medicolegal work, which consists of five books. 873 Martin, Etienne. L’Institut de médecine légale de la Faculté de médecine de Lyon. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 359-65. Illus. Description and floor plans of Institute of Legal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine in Lyon; facilities; teaching and medicolegal service. 874 Martin, Etienne. I’Institut de médecine 1égal de Lyon. Arch Anthropol Crim 29: 6-24, 1914. Development of Institute of Legal Medicine in Lyon from Chair of Legal Medicine, (established in 1880 by Prof. Lacasagne) and from his Laboratory. 106 875 Martin, Etienne, L’Institut de médecine légale et "Institut de médecine du travail de la Faculté de médecine de Lyon. J Méd Lyon 12: 665-70, 20 Nov 1931. Institute of Legal Medicine was combined (1930?) with Institute of Industrial Medicine. Description of both units, their facilities and work. Photographs. Martin, Etienne, see entry no. 751. 876 Martins, Aridio. Peritos e pericias médicolegais. Guia pratico de medicina legal. Curitiba, Guaira, 1939. 228 p. Some parts of interest, e.g. Leges duodecim tabularum ; a page from a 12th cent. deontol- ogy; history of medical expertise. 877 Martland, Harrison S. Recent progress in the medicolegal field in the United States. Proc Inst Med Chic 9: 261-78, 15 Mar 1933. 12 refs. Author states that forensic medicine, medical jurisprudence, and scientific detection of crime are at lowest possible ebb of efficiency in U.S. Criticizes institution of coroner; describes advantages of continental system; praises medical examiner's system in N.Y. City, Essex County, N.J., examines New Jersey Medical Examiner’ S Act; points to inadequacies in teaching of forensic medicine. 878 * Martland, Harrison S. The teaching of forensic medicine. N Y State J Med 36:1193-209, 1936. 879 Marty, D. Recherches sur 'archéologie criminelle dans I’Yonne. Arch Anthropol Crim 10: 381-416, 1895. 134 refs., mostly legal. Search in departmental archives of Yonne (13th-18th cent.). Description of different legal systems in France. Abstracts from records, mostly in canon law (cases of injuries, murder, adultery, bigamy, incest, bestiality, and ordeals). 880 Marx, O, M. J. C. A. Heinroth (1773-1843) on psychiatry and law. J Hist Behav Sci 4: 163-79, 1968. 69 refs, 881 Maschek, J. Das Gebdaude der Wiener Universitiatsinstitutes fiir gerichtliche Medizin. Beitr Gerichtl Med 5: 4-11, 1922. 5 illus. Detailed description of new building of University’s Institute of Legal Medicine in Vienna. Plans, picture, internal organization, equipment. 882 Masius, Georg Heinrich. Handbuch der gerichtlichen Arzneiwissenschaft. 1. Band. Stendal, bey Franzen und Grosse, 1821. 393 p. History of legal medicine from antiquity to time of publication, pp. 11-24. Several refs. 107 883 Masson. De l'origine du sang en médecine légale. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 3rd ser., 13: 385-402, 530-49, 1885. 17 refs. Description of efforts, from time of Orfila (1848), to identify blood for criminal investiga- tion purposes. 884 Masson, Agnes. La sorcellerie et la science des poisons au XVIe siecle. Paris, Hachette, 1904. 342 p. Historical treatment of witchcraft and knowledge of poisons in 17th cent. France. Opinions of physicians, judges, and other contemporary intellectuals. Medical “dossiers” of Richelieu, Marie de Medicis, Louis XII, ete. 885 * Masson, Charles. Essai sur I'historique et le développement de la médecine légale. Lyon, Chanoine, 1884. 98 p. Thesis (Lyon). “Essay on the history and development of legal medicine.” 886 Materialien zur Geschichte der gerichtlichen Anthropologie aus den alten romischen Gesetzbiichern. Bl Gerichtl Anthropol 13: 188-218, 1962. Historical material of medicolegal interest from time of Roman Empire. 887 Mater’ialy dlia istorii meditsiny v Rossii. Aptekarskili Prikaz. S. Peterburg, M. M. Stasiulevich, 1881-1885. 4 pts. xxiii + 1300 p. Complete text of records of ‘“Aptekarskil Prikaz’—a Russian agency in charge of all matters concerning pharmacists and physicians, 1629-1702. 388 Mater’ialy dlia istorii meditsiny v Rossii. (Aptekarskil Prikaz s 1629 po 1645 g.) Sb Sochin Sud Med 1(3) : le prilozh i—xxiv, 1-127, 1881. Activities of ‘“Aptekarskil Prikaz” in Russia, 1629-1645. This office was in charge of all matters concerning pharmacists and physicians, including their expertise. 889 Matignon, Jean Jacques. I auto-crémation des prétres bouddhistes en Chine. Arch Anthropol Crim 13: 34-42, 1898. Supplement to author’s article (no. 892) on suicide in China. Self-cremation of Buddhist priests for religious reasons. 890 Matignon, Jean Jacques. Note complementaire sur infanticide en Chine. Arch Anthropol Crim 13: 262-9, 1898. 4 refs. Illus. Material supplementing author’s 1896 article (no. 891) on infanticide in China. 891 Matignon, Jean Jacques. Note sur linfanticide en Chine. Arch Anthropol Crim 11: 133-45, 1896. Illus. History and present status of infanticide in China. 108 892 Matignon, Jean Jacques. Le suicide en Chine. Arch Anthropol Crim 12: 365-417, 1897. 22 refs. and comments in footnotes. Illus. Suicide in China is frequent. Author describes contemporary causes and methods, but also refers to the past and to early literature. Bibl. of author’s works on China (11). 893 Matova, E. E. Nauchnye issledovaniia instituta sudebnoi meditsiny Khelsinskogo univer- siteta. Sud Med Ekspert 1(4) : 43-4, 1958. Institute of Legal Medicine at University of Helsinki directed for over 30 years by Prof. Ernest Ehrnroot. In 1950 Prof. Unto Uotila took over. Author describes work at Institute, its publications, research, and staff publications. 894 * Matova, E. E. Sudebnaia meditsina v Moskovskom Universitete (k 200-letiu Moskovskogo Gos. universiteta). In: Referaty 9-1 rasshirennoi nauchnoi konferentsii Leningrad- skogo otdeleniia Vsesoiuznogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i krimina- listov. Leningrad, 1955, pp. 8-9. “Legal medicine at the University of Moscow (on the two-hundredth anniversary of the Moscow National University).” 895 Matova, E. E. Vydaiushchiesia deiateli sovetskoi sudebnomeditsinskoi nauki. Vopr Sud Med Ekspert 2:5-12, 1955. Biobibliographies of leading personalities in legal medicine in Russia and the Soviet Union from about 1890 to 1949. 896 * Matova, E. E. et al. Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina medi- tsinskogo instituta im. I. M. Sechenova. Nauchno-issledovatel’skaia deiatel’nost’, 1917— 1957 gg. Moskva, 1958. “Chair of Legal Medicine, 1st Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Institute of I. A. Sechenov. Scientific research activities, 1917-1957.” 897 Mazzoni, Giovanni Battista. Sulla origine, e progressi della medicina legale; discorso academico pronunciato nella Scuola dell’Imp. e Reale Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova. Firenze, Stamperia Granducale, 1828. 39 p. “Origins and progress of legal medicine.” General treatment from antiquity to time of publication. 898 Meares, A. Truth drugs. Proc Med Leg Soc Victoria 7:137-51, 1957. Discussion. Early history (wine, opium). Scientific investigation from 1916 on. Author expresses skepticism. 899 . . Meckel, Albrecht. Lehrbuch der gerichtlichen Medicin. Halle, C. F. Schimmelpfennig, 1821. 542 p. Origins of legal medicine (pp. 21-34) : Brief treatment from antiquity to time of publi- cation, with several refs. in text. Bibl., pp. 34-6. 109 900 La médecine légale au XVlIe siecle. La terminologie médicale au seiziéme siecle. Les rapports de virginité. Revue Méd Lég 9: 18-9, 1902. Two medicolegal reports from 16th cent. France, issued by midwives, on examination for virginity. Author’s interest in medical terminology used in reports. 901 La médecine légale en Chine. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 3rd ser. 13: 166-71, 1885. 1 ref. Very brief history of legal medicine in China (Hsi yiian lu and its application) and some comments on practice and situation ca 1880. 902 Medical jurisprudence. In: Wong, K. Chimin and Lien-Teh, Wu. History of Chinese medicine. Tientsin, The Tientsin Press, 1932, pp. 113-5. Origin and development of Hsi yiian lu. 903 Medicolegal systems (for investigating deaths in unusual circumstances). Med Leg J 27: 166-82, 1959. Procedures in the U. S., Scotland, and England. 904 * Mehta, Homi Shapurji. Medical law and ethics in India. Bombay, Samarchar Private Ltd., 1963, 517 p. 905 Mehta, J. N. Medical services in India. Indian Med J 59: 165-74, 1965. Historical development of medicine in India from antiquity (2nd millennium B.C., with surgeon Susruta and physician Charaka) ; emergence of Ayurveda (with some traces of legal medicine) ; decline under Brahmans, Buddhists, and Muslims; introduction of Western medicine in 1825 and development to time of publication. Interesting background material. 906 Meixner, Karl. Umfang und Aufgaben der gerichtlichen Medizin, Wien Klin Wochenschr 41(2) : 41-5, 12 Jan 1928. Inaugural lecture on scope and tasks of legal medicine. Some historical references to teaching and work in legal medicine in Austria. 907 Mende, Ludwig Julius Caspar. Ausfiihrliches Handbuch der gerichtlichen Medizin fir Gesetzgeber, Rechtsgelehrte, Arzte und Wundirzte. Erster Theil. Kurze Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin und ihres formellen Theils erster Abschnitt. Leipzig, Dyksch Buchhandlung, 1819. 560 p. Historical development of legal medicine from antiquity to time of writing. Biobibl. information, numerous refs. Best work of its time, and most widely used reference book on the subject through 19th cent. 110 908 Merkel, Hermann. Die Entwicklung der gerichtlichen Medizin in den letzten fiinfund- zwanzig Jahren. Muench Med Wochenschr 76: 1453-7, 30 Aug 1929. Development of legal medicine during past 25 years in Germany : new institutes of legal medicine; expansion of teaching; foundation of Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Gerichtliche Medizin (German Society for Legal Medicine) ; growth of research; interest in social medicine. 909 * Merkel, Hermann. Das gerichtlich-medizinische Institute. In: Die wissenschaftlichen Anstalten der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitdt zu Miinchen. Hsg. v. K. A. von Miiller. Miinchen, 1926, pp. 112-4. “Medicolegal institutes.” 910 Merkel, Hermann. Gerichtliche Medizin und Kriminalistik. Klin Wochenschr 13 (51) ; 1809-15, 22 Dec 1934. Importance of criminalistic views and technics in legal medicine as they primarily concern offenses and crimes against the person. Need for forensic physician to cooperate in investigations with experts in other allied sciences. 911 Merkel, Hermann. Zur Einfiihrung. Dtsch Z Gesamt Gerichtl Med 15: 187-90, 1930. Institute of Legal Medicine in Munich. Description of new building (photograph; floor plan; internal organization). Mescolotto, Lee D., see entry no. 304. Metzquer, Edmond, see entry no. 1461. 912 * Meyer-Steineg, Theodor. Geschichte des romischen Aerztestandes. Kiel, 1907. Habilita- tionsschrift, med. Fakultidt, Jena. “History of the Roman medical profession.” 913 Micca, Giorgio. Il veneficio e alcuni casi de medici criminali. Minerva Med 59: 5015-9, 21 Nov 1968. 5 refs. Historical notes on poisons and poisoning. Three famous cases of physician-poisoners (1800, England; 1909, U.S.; 1941, France). 914 Mickel, J. Der Arzt in der mittelalterlichen Rechtspflege. Oeff Gesundheitsdienst 27: 217-24, 1965. 17 refs. Legal position of physicians and their medicolegal activities from 6th cent. (Lex Alamanorum) to Constitutio criminalis Carolina of 1532. Contents of Carolina are discussed in detail. Mielke, Fred, see entry no. 928, 111 915 Mijovié, P. Expertises juridico-médicales dans la république de Dubrovnik. Med Pregl 13: 176-79, 1938. “Medicolegal expertise in the Republic of Dubrovnik.” Free City of Dubrovnik had its own City Physician by 13th cent. Its Statuta of 1272 contained provisions concerning injuries caused by armed assault, and punishment therefore; from 1312, medical expertise before courts of law often mentioned. 916 Miki, Sakae. Chosen igakushi oyobi shitsubyoshi. Sakai City, 1955. 740, 329, 67, 37 p. “History of Korean medicine and of diseases in Korea.” Pp. 317-24, concise history of Oriental, especially Korean, forensic medicine. Also describes Uiokjip, book on forensic medicine of 1059 A.D. 917 * Milcinski, Janez. Nasa iskustva u organizaciji sudsko-medicinske sluzbe u NR Sloveniji. Narod Zdrav 7/8:1 ff, 1949. “Our experience in the organization of medicolegal service in the National Republic of Slovenia (Yugoslavia).” 918 Mildner, T. Die forensische Medizin im Alten Testament der Bibel. Dtsch Med J 15: 61-3, Jan 1964. Examination of medical legislation in Old Testament (Book of Moses). More of interest for public health legislation than for forensic medicine. 919 Millant, Richard. L’exercice et I’enseignement de la médecine légale en Roumanie. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 4th sér. 17: 330-9, 1912. Practice and teaching of legal medicine in Rumania. Founding (1892) of Institute of Legal Medicine in Bucharest by Prof. Mina Minovici. 920 Milt, Bernhard. Ein gerichtsmedicinisches toxikologisches Gutachten des Ziircher Stadt- sarztes Dr. Johann Scheuchzer aus dem Jahr 1737. Gesnerus (Aarau) 10(1/2): 79-86, 1953. Medicolegal expertise, 1737, of Dr. Johann Scheuchzer, physician of Ziirich, in a case of suspected poisoning. 921 * Minor, John C. Relation of the law to medical education. New York, W. R. Jenkins, 1882. 19 p. 922 * Minovici, Mina. Medicina legala aplicata in arta dentara. Bucuresti, Ed. Socec, 1930. “Application of legal medicine in dental art.” 112 923 Minovici, Mina. Teaching and practice of legal medicine in Roumania. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 171-9. Illus. Organization of Institute of Legal Medicine in Bucharest; description, service, teaching, activities, personnel, moral responsibility of doctors of legal medicine, 924 Minovici, Mina. Tratat complect de medicina legala cu legislatia si jurisprudenta Romaneasca si streina. Vol. I. Bucuresti, SOCEC, 1928, 952 p. Index. Origins of legal medicine (pp. 1-7) ; definitions (pp. 7-9) ; evolution (pp. 9-15) ; history of legal medicine in Rumania (pp. 15-20) ; literature (pp. 20-4) ; exercise of legal medicine in Rumania and planning (pp. 30-4). 925 Minovici, Nicolae. Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Cluj, Roumania. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 181-5. Illus. Description of organization and facilities, teaching, personnel. 926 * Minoviei, Nicolae. La médecine légale et les autres sciences médicales devant la justice. Rev Med Leg (Buchar) 1:3-4, 1936. “Legal medicine and other medical sciences before justice.” 927 * Minovici, Nicolae. Progresele actuale ale medicinei legale. Rom Med 10: 299-301, 1932. “Recent progress of legal medicine.” . Mitiaeva, Nina Antonovna, see entry no. 562. 928 Mitscherlich, Aleksander and Mielke, Fred. The death doctors. Transl. from German by James Cleugh. London, Elek Books, 1962. 367 p. Condensed description of trial of physicians at Nuremberg. 929 Mittenzweig. Zur Entwicklung der gerichtlichen Medizin in Preussen. Z Med Beamte (Berl) 13: 645-50, 1900. Development of legal medicine in Prussia (Casper, Liman, Skrzeczka, Lesser), present status, and hopes for reform and improvement. 930 Modrzewski, T. Kary i nagrody lekarzy. Wiad Lek 21: 2179-84, 1 Dec 1968. 26 refs. History of various kinds of remuneration for physicians, as well as penalties from the time of Avicenna to the beginning of 19th cent. Special emphasis on situation in Poland. 931 : = Moissidés. Contribution a ’étude de ’avortement dans 'antiquité grécque. Janus (Leiden) 26:59-85, 129-34, 1922. Many refs. Scholarly study of abortion in Greek antiquity. History of its develSpment, attitudes, practice, abortifacients, ete. Rich source of information. 113 932 Moll, Anthon. Leerboek der gerektelijke geneeskunde; voor genees- en rechtskundigen. Ite Bd. The Arnhem, D. K. Muller, 1825. 487 p. Many refs. Very brief history of legal medicine from antiquity to beginning of 19th cent., pp. 5-10. Bibl., pp. 11-23. Molnar, V., see entry no. 31. 933 * Monpin, Raymond André. I’avortement provoqué dans I’Antiquité. Paris, Vigot, 1918. 138 p. Thesis (Paris). “Induced abortion in antiquity.” 934 Moor, Edward. Hindu infanticide. An account of the measures adopted for suppressing the practice of the systematic murder by their parents of female infants; incidental remarks on other customs peculiar to the natives of India. London, J. Johnson, 1811. 306 p. Important background material for history of infanticide. 935 * Morache, Georges Auguste. La médecine légale, son exercice et son enseignement. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1880. 30 p. “Legal medicine, its practice and teaching.” 936 * Morales, José Fernandes Pinho. A medicina forense em Portugal. Lisboa, 1916. Thesis (Lisbon). “Legal medicine in Portugal.” 937 Morales Coello, Julio. Medicina legal y nociones de psiquiatria forense. (Para alumnos de derecho). 3. ed. Habana, Facultad de Derecho, Univ. de la Habana, 1951. 190 p. Historical periods of legal medicine (pp. 7-11); evolution of legal medicine in Spain (pp. 11-12) ; brief history of forensic psychiatry (pp. 134-5). 938 * Moraru, Ion and Basiliade, C. Medicina legala. Bucuresti, Ed. Medicala, 1967. History of legal medicine, pp. 34-51. 939 * Moraru, Ion; Quai, I.; and Cotutiu, C. Organizares expertizei medico-judiciare in R.P.R. Bul Doc Med Judic 3: 3-13, 1961. “Organization of medicolegal expertise in the People’s Republic of Rumania.” 940 Morgagni, Joannes Baptista. Responsum medicolegale tertium an post septem a con- ceptione menses infans nasci possit vitalis, et perfectus? Arch Forensic Sci 1 (3) : 358-60, Sep 1972. 13 refs. in text. Reprint from Morgagni’s Opuscula miscellanea (Naples, 1763). English translation, pp. 384-7, same issue. Opinion as to whether an infant can be born alive and perfect seven months after con- ception. Answer was that “neither reason nor experience prevent us from declaring that it can.” 114 941 Morgagni, Joannes Baptista. Super seminis emittendi impotentia, Responsum medico- legale alterum. Arch Forensic Sci 1(3) : 355-8, Sep 1972. 14 refs. in the text. Reprint from Morgagni’s Opuscula miscellanea (Naples, 1763). English translation, pp. 379-83, same issue. Expert opinion in one case of impotence of seminal emission. Morgagni says this is case of permanent and incurable impotence. 942 Morgagni, Joannes Baptista et al. Responsum medico-legale circa obstetricum judicium de mulieris virginitate. Arch Forensic Sci 1(3) : 343-54, Sep 1972. 84 refs in text. Reprint from his Opuscula miscellanee (Naples, 1763). English translation, pp. 361-78, same issue. Opinion of Morgagni and his colleagues on expertise of midwives concerning virginity. Conclusion is that such “expertises” are “most uncertain”. 943 Moriani, G. Orizonti vecchi e nuovi della medicina legale. Arch Antropol Crim (Tor) 56: Suppl. 7-25, Jun 1936. Essay on old and new trends in and horizons of legal medicine. Concerned mostly with the situation in Italy from 17th cent. on. 944 * Moritz, Alan Richards. Legal medicine in Europe. Am J Med Jurispr 2: 73-75, 1939. 945 Morley, J. Medical ethics and medical etiquette. Med Leg J 17: 16-26, 1949. Discussion. Development of medical ethics from Babylonian and Egyptian times to start of 19th cent.; influence of Thomas Percival; present-day problems. 946 Morozov, Georgii Vasil’evich. Perspektivy razvitiia sudebnol psikhiatrii. In: Vsesoiuznyi s”ezd nevropatologov i psikhiatrov. Tom VIII. Voprosy sudebnoi psikhiatrii. Moskva, 1965, pp. 5-14. Devoted mostly to development of forensic psychiatry in USSR, 1945-1963. Some older historical material on origins of the discipline, its pioneers and growth; stresses especially role of V.P. Serbskil Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry in Moscow (established 1921). Present status, growth of teaching, achievements, goals, ete. 947 Morozov, Georgii Vasil’evich. Sudebnaia psikhiatriia. Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr 67 (11) : 1683-5, 1967. Brief account of development, achievements, and workers in the field of forensic psychiatry during Soviet rule to time of publication. 948 Morozov, Georgii Vasil’evich and Kalashnik, Ia. M., eds. Sudebnaia psikhiatriia. Moskva, Izd-vo Iuridicheskol literatury, 1967. 430 p. Subject and tasks of forensic psychiatry (pp. 3-21). Historical development in Russia and Soviet Union; present status. 6 refs. 2 photos. 115 949 Mosinger, M. L’organisation des instituts de médecine légale et de la recherche scientifique appliquée a la médecine légale et a la criminologie. Ann Méd Lég 39: 332-6, Jul-Aug 1959. Recommendations for reforms of study; institutes, and scientific research in legal medicine and criminology. 950 Moskov, Ivan. Sudebna meditsina. Chast 1. Sofiia, Nauka i izkustvo, 1952. 289 p. Brief history of legal medicine in Bulgaria, p. 7. 951 * Mottard, A. Notice historique sur la vie et les trauvaux du professeur Fodéré. Chambery, Puthod, 1843. 31 p. “Historical notes on the life and works of Professor Fodéré.” 952 * Moureau, Alf. La responsabilité médicale. Bruxelles, E. Bruylant, 1891. History of physician’s responsibility and its status in England, France, and Belgium. 953 Moureau, Paul M. History of the International Academy of Legal Medicine and Social Medicine. J Forensic Sci 4: 238-41, 1959. Founded in 1938 in Bonn to unite already-existing national organizations with same goals, suspended activities with World War II, revived in 1946. Organizes inter- national congresses of legal and social medicine. Names of founders, officers, and member nations. Muehlberger, C. W., see entries no. 794 and 795. 954 * Mueller, Berthold. Der gegenwiirtige Stand der Forschung auf dem Gebiet der gericht- lichen Medizin. Nova Acta Leopoldina, N. F. 30: 399-416, 1965. “Present position of research in the field of legal medicine.” 955 * Miiller, Berthold. Geschichte des Institutes fiir gerichtliche Medizin der Albertus- Universitit zu Konigsberg. Goett Arbeitskreis 2: 261-6, 1952. “History of the Institute of Legal Medicine at Albertus University of Konigsberg.” 956 Mueller, Berthold, Impresiones de un viaje cientifice al Japon. Bol Inform Asoc Nac Med Forenses (Madr) No. 37/39: 52-58, 1963. Author's visit to Japan: Institutes of Legal Medicine of Nagoya, Nara, Gifu, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Fukuoka, and Kagoshima. Their functions, facilities, personnel, and research compared with situation in Germany. 957 Mueller, Berthold. Zur Geschichte des Institutes fiir gerichtliche Medizin an der Universitit Heidelberg. Dtsch Z Gesamt Gerichtl Med 47: 69-70, 1958. History of teaching of legal medicine at Faculty of Medicine of University of Heidelberg from 1772 (Hubert von Harrer), foundation of Institute of Legal Medicine by Prof. W. Schwarzacher, and development to about 1950. 116 958 Miiller, Carl, Zur Geschichte des artifiziellen Aborts. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 26: 223-31, Feb 1966. 6 refs. Brief historical survey of induced abortion from classical times to 19th cent. Philosophical, theological, legal, and ethical opinions. 959 * Miiller, Gisela. Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin, insbesondere in Heidelberg. Medi- zinische Dissertation. Heidelberg, 1951. 64 p. “History of legal medicine, especially in Heidelberg.” 960 Miiller, Peter. Detektive mit dem Skalpell; beriihmte Fille der Wiener Gerichtsmedizin. Graz, Stocker, 1967. 343 p. Illus. Thirty-six selected famous criminal cases to the solution of which forensic physicians of Vienna contributed decisively. 961 Miller, R. F. G. Altindisches Ermittlungsverfahren bei plétzlichen Todesfallen. Med Monatsschr 6: 116-8, 1952. 28 refs and notes. Article on Arthaschastra, written by Kautilya, Chancellor to Indian Prince Tschan- dragupta (ca 300 A.D.?). Describes provisions of medicolegal importance concerning obductions of human bodies in cases of sudden death. 962 Miinster, Ladislao. In tema di deontologia medica. “De cautelis medicorum’ di Gabriele Zerbi. Riv Stor Sci Med 47: 60-83, 1956. 34 refs. Origins and contents of G. Zerbi’s De cautelis medicorum, publ, in 1495 in Venice. First work of importance on medical ethics. Author of article also mentions older works and describes situation in Zerbi’s time. 963 Miinster, Ladislao. La medicine legale in Bologna dai suoi albori fino alla fine del secolo XIV. Boll Accad Med Pistoiese Filippo Pacini 26: 257-71, 1955. 4 refs. Medicolegal expertise in Bologna was practiced by beginning of 13th cent. From 1228 on, there was a corps of medicolegal specialists. Several cases of medicolegal expertise from 13th and 14th cents. are described. 964 . Miinster, Ladislao. Un referto medico-legale de 1404 in volgare bolognese. Castalia 10(2) : 77-83, 1954. 1 illus. Medical expertise, 1404, of “maestro Francesco di Bonfio,” concerning an injury and its prognosis. It was delivered to the criminal court of Bologna and written in the vulgar tongue then current in Bologna. 965 Mukhin, N. G. K istorii razvitiia pogranichnykh kriminalisticheskikh i sudebno-medi- tsinskikh issledovanii v teorii i praktike sudebnoi ekspertizy. In: Porksheian, O. Kh. and Ogarkov, I. F., eds. Aktual’'nye voprosy sudebnoi meditsiny i kriminalistiki. Le- ningrad, GIDUV, 1966, pp. 5—. Historical development of borderline research between criminelogy and legal-medicine and its application in theory and pratice of medicolegal expertise in Russia and Soviet Union from 1864 to about 1960. 117 966 Mulford, I. S. Forensic medicine in New Jersey. N J Med Report (Burlington) 4: 107-32, 1851. Misleading title. Actually is description of legal provisions concerning injuries, rape, criminal abortion, concealment of pregnancy, homicide, murder, mental disorders, etc., for information of physicians. Mentions only a few cases with medical partici- pation. 967 Muller, G. H. Over den verachterden toestand der gerektelijke geneeskunde in Nederland. Boerhaave Tijdschr (Amst) 3: 225-36, 257-65, 289-94, 321-30, 353-64, 1841. 68 refs. Neglect of legal medicine in Holland. Continued in v. 4? 968 Muller, Maurice Henri. La médecine légale au temps d’Ambroise Paré. Echo Méd Nord 23: 420-48, Nov 1952. Inaugural lecture at University of Lille. Detailed biography of Ambroise Paré, especially his role as “medical legist” (opinions on signs of death, gunshot wounds, various injuries, autopsies, ete.). 969 Muller, P. L’Institut de Médecine Légale de Kiel. Ann Méd Leg 34 (6) : 286-88, Dec 1954. Visit to Institute of Legal Medicine at University of Kiel; building, equipment, personnel, and activities (medicolegal practice, research, and teaching). 970 Muller, W. A. The colonial police and their forensic problems. Med Leg J 22(3) : 82-93, 1954. 2 refs. Discussion. Experience of a police officer in English colonies (especially Africa and Ceylon) and description of difficulties under which medical expertise could be had, if at all. 971 * Muiioz Garrido, Rafael. Ejercicio legal de la medicina en Espana. Salamanca, Seminario de Historia de la Medicina Espafiola. 1967. 158 p. “Legal practice of medicine in Spain.” Muntner, Suessman, see entry no. 1237. 972 Mutel. Lecon inaugurale de la chaire de médecine légale. Rev méd Nancy 66: 1027-45, 1938. Inaugural lecture at University of Nancy. Mostly on professional ethics (with emphasis on medical secrecy) and medical expertise, with occasional excursions into history of French legal medicine. 973 Myronov, A. I. Sudebnaia meditsina drevnego Kitaia. Sud Med Expert 4(3): 44-8, 1961. 1 illus. Describes and discusses oldest Chinese medicolegal publication, Hsi yiian lu (1248), and mentions its predecessors, Nei su lu (Notes on Pardons) and Pin yiian lu (Ascer- tainment of Innocence). Author's views differ a little from those generally accepted. 118 974 Nakata, Tokuro. Shin hoigaku. Tokyo, Nanzando, 1941. 460 p. “Modern legal medicine.” Pp. 2-5: Early medicolegal works in China and Europe; es- tablishment of first Chair of Legal Medicine in Japan. 975 Nasitowski, W. Uwagi o medycynie sadowej w Austrii. Arch Med Sadow 13: 81-6, 1961. Brief history of legal medicine in Austria under influence of J. P. Frank, its development at University of Vienna to World War I, and detailed description of organization, activities, and achievements of Institute of Legal Medicine in Vienna, especially 1959-61. 976 * Nass, Lucien. Les empoisonnements sous Louis XIV, d’aprés les documents inédits de I'affaire des poisons (1679-1682). Paris, Carré et Naud, 1898. 204 p. Thesis (Paris). “Poisoning under Louis XIV, according to unpublished documents on poisons (1679-82) .” 977 * Nauck, Ernst Theodor. Uber gerichtsmedizinische Unterricht in Freiburg i. Br. Ber Naturforsch Ges Freiburg i. Br. 50 (1) : 5-56, 1960. “On medicolegal teaching in Freiburg i. Br. [Germany].” 978 Naville, F. Le domaine de la médecine légale. J Méd Lyon 6: 647-54, 20 Nov 1925. Discussion of four missions of legal medicine. Program of study and teaching, especially at University of Lyon. 979 Naville, Francois and Rosselet, Ed. Institute of Legal Medicine at Geneva. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 233-41. Illus. Institute opened in 1920; description of building and floor plans, work, teaching, budget. 980 Nedeljkovié, N. Sudsko i medicinsko ispitavanje povodom jedne sumnjive smrti na podrucju Dubrovacke republike, 1733, godine. Acta Hist Med Pharm Vet (Belgr) 2(1): 127-32, 1962. 2 refs. Interesting medicolegal investigation of a sudden death in 1733 in City of Dubrovnik. 981 The need of a medico-legal institute. Lancet 1: 639, 1937. Editorial stressing need to establish an Institute of Legal Medicine in London as recom- mended in 1936 by Advisory Committee on the Scientific Investigation of Crime. Needham, J., see entry no. 630. 119 982 Nemec, Jaroslav. Forensic medicine at the Medical School of the University of Prague. In: Rechcigl, M., Jr., ed. Czechoslovakia Past and Present. Vol. 2. Essays on the arts and sciences. The Hague, Mouton, 1968, pp. 1609-31. 58 refs. Teaching of legal medicine at University of Prague. Origins at end of 17th cent., regular lectures from 1786, official establishment of Chair of Legal Medicine in 1807, estab- lishment of two chairs after division of University in 1882, and further development until 1939. Succession and works of teachers, ete. 983 Nemec, Jaroslav. Highlights of medicolegal relations, Bethesda, Md., National Library of Medicine, 1968. 39 p. Chronological list of important events in medicolegal field from 30th cent. B. C. to 1968. Also in: Internat Microf J Leg Med 5(3), Card 1, C-1, Jul-Sep 1970. 984 Nemec, Jaroslav. International bibliography of medicolegal serials, 1736-1967. Bethesda, Md., National Library of Medicine, 1969. 110 p. Historical introduction, pp. 2-9. Contains title, editor, publisher and sponsor, subject, geographic, and chronological indexes. Also in: Internat Microf J Leg Med 5(3). Card 2, A-1, Jul-Sep 1970. 985 * Nettmann, Joannes Fridericus. Specimen sistens sectionis Caesareae historiam. Hallae, in off. Betheana, 1805. 45 p. “Example of the history of Caesarean section.” 986 Neureiter, Ferdinand von. Anfénge gerichtlicher Medizin nach dem Stadtrechten des deutschen Mittelalters. Dtsch Z Gesamt Gerichtl Med 24: 1-7, 1934/35. 32 refs. Author says that legal medicine did not originate in Italian cities between 13th and 16th cent., but existed long before Carolina (1532) in laws of German cities from 13th cent. on. Cites examples from legislation of Magdeburg, Hamburg, Reval, ete. 987 Neureiter, Ferdinand von. Aufforderung zur Beihilfe an einer “Geschichte der deutschen gerichtlichen Medizin als Forschungs- und Unterrichtsgegenstand.” Dtsch Z Gerichtl Med 28: 60-64, 1937. 17 refs. Complaint that little is known about history of German legal medicine as research and teaching subject; recommendations to correct this situation. 988 Neureiter, Ferdinand von. Aufgaben und Ziele gerichtlicher Medizin. Wien Med Wochenschr 73 (21) : 957-64, May 1923. Inaugural address on current problems and future goals of legal medicine (reforms in education, more practical training, better medical expertise, etc.). 989 Neureiter, Ferdinand von. Beispiele gerichtlichmedizinischer Befundberichte aus Altertum und Mittelalter. Wien Med Wochenschr 87: 61-2, 16 Jan 1937. 11 refs. Earliest known examples of medical expertise from ancient Greece and Rome. 120 990 New York Academy of Medicine. Committee on Public Health. The Office of the Medical Examiner of the City of New York. Bull NY Acad Med 43 (3) : 241-9, Mar 1967. Committee on Public Health studied system in New York from 1912 to present. Discusses development of office, changes in its rights and functions, and recommends five im- portant changes in present status. 991 * New York Academy of Medicine. Standing Committee on Public Health and Legal Medi- cine. Report. New York, G.A.C. Van Burren, 1852. 15 p. 992 Nickolls, Lewis C. The development of forensic science. Med Leg J 27 (1) : 22-25, 1959. Contains some interesting points and information (both historical and contemporary). The term “forensic science’ is not defined. 993 Nicola, Constantin I. Istoricul si activitatea Institutului Medico-Legal “Prof. Mina Mino- vici”, de la infiintare pana la 1933. Bucuresti, “Romania noua,” 1934. 40 p. Graphs. Bibl. (15 entries). Thesis (Bucharest). History of legal medicine in Rumania, 1860-1892. Establishment of Chair of Legal Medi- cine by Prof. Mina Minovici in Bucharest, its development and activities to 1933. 994 Niemann. Die Lex regia mit Bezug auf die Preussische Gesetzgebung beurtheilt.:Viertel- jahrsschr Gerichtl Oeff Med 12: 210-27, 1857. History of Cesarean section from time of Duodecim tabularum to ca. 1850; medical and legal aspects. 995 Nieto Nieto, Gregorio. La prensa medico legal. El portavoz del Cuerpo Médico Forense. Forenses (Madr) 4(88) : 263-4, 15 Dec 1947. Medicolegal serials published in Spain, 1850-1947. 996 Nippe, Martin. Gerichtliche und soziale Medizin in Konigsberg i. Pr. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2: 1527-28, 1930. History of teaching of legal medicine in Konigsberg from end of 18th cent.; J. D. Metzger and successors; founding of Institute of Legal and Social Medicine by Prof. Puppe, 1905; its organization, teaching, and research to the time of publication, 997 Nippe, Martin. Die gerichtsérztliche Instituten und die kriminalistischtechnische Tétig- keit an ihnen. Dtsch Z Gesamt Gerichtl Med 14: 411-27, 1929. From examples of work of Institute of Legal Medicine in Kénigsberg, author shows that medicolegal institutes can also handle cases with techniques of criminology (e.g., identification of cartridges, explosions caused by benzin or benzol). 121 998 Nitto, A. Un aspetto ancora sconosciuto della medicina peritale bolognese ai suoi inizi (con documenti inediti). Gazz Internat Med Chir 67: 1475-86, 15 Jul 1962. 18 refs. Previously unknown documents from 13th and 14th cent. Bologna, showing practice of medical expertise and describing work of city physicians. Noguchi, Thomas T., see entries no. 410 and 411. 998a Noonan, John T. Jr. ed. The morality of abortion; legal and historical perspectives. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1970. 276 p. Index. Table of statutes. Table of cases (U.S.). Numerous refs. in footnotes. One of the best scholarly works on the subject, covering historical and legal aspects of abortion from antiquity to the present. Contemporary legislative regulations and situation in various countries; emphasis on Great Britain and United States. 999 Norris, Charles. Responsibility of the Chief Medical Examiner of New York City in relation to medical progress, education and research. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, p. 329-48. Illus. Establishment of Office of Chief Medical Examiner, functions, teaching, and research. 1000 Norris, D. C. War crimes. Med Leg J 18(1) : 14-6, 1950. Brief historical note on cruel attitude to prisoners mentioned in Old Testament, change through Christian teaching, sporadic punishment of war crimes, decision of Allies in 1943 to prosecute war atrocities, organization of trial of war criminals, legal and moral problems, etc. 1001 Noticia resumida da vida e das obras de alguns dos mestres brasileiros de medicina legal. Arg Med Leg Indentific (Rio de J) 3(7) : 87-103, Aug 1933. Biobibliographies of 13 leading personalities (past and present) in field of legal medicine in Brazil. 1002 Novombergskii, N. Ia. Vrachebnaia ekspertiza v Moskovskol Rusi. Voen Med Zh 215: 1-11, 1906. 38 refs, Brief introduction on application of ordalic in Russia. Description of traces of legal medicine in codes of laws, starting with Ustav Viadimira (10th-11th cent.) and end- ing with codes of 17th cent. Numerous cases of medical expertise from 1537 to 1679. 1003 Nudelman, Santiago I. El delito de lesiones; estudio penal y medico-legal. Buenos Aires, “El Ateneo,” 1953. 252 p. Criminal bodily injuries from antiquity to end of 18th cent., from legal and medicolegal points of view (pp. 15-29) ; historical and legislative antecedents of definition of criminal injuries in Argentina, 1820-1942 (pp. 37-67). Criminal aspects stressed. 35 refs. 122 1004 O ensino de medicina legal nas Faculdades de Direito. Arq Inst Med Leg Gab Identific (Rio de J) 4: 103-6, April 1932. Teaching of legal medicine at Faculties of Law in Brazil and related legislation (1891, 1893, 1925). 1005 * Oancea, N. Primele dispozitiuni de organizare in practica medico-legala. Rev Med Leg (Buchar) 1(3/4) : 543, 1936. “Basic arrangements in the organization of medicolegal practice.” 1006 Obersteg, J. I. Die gerichtliche Medizin in den U.S.A. Beitr Gerichtl Med 18: 62-8, 1949. 9 refs. Impressions from study tour of U.S. History and current status of coroner’s system; description of system of medical examiners, 1007 Obolonskii, Nikolai Aleksandrovich. K voprosu o sovremennom polozhenii sudebnikh vrachei v Rossii. In: Trudy chetvertago s”’ezda russkikh vrachei v pamiat’ N. I. Pirogova v Moskve. Moskva, S. P. Iakovlev, 1892, pp. 1035-42. 8 refs. Discussion. Description of status of forensic physicians in Russia and recommendation for some reforms, 1008 * Obrecia, A. Profesorul Mina Minovici si strinsa colaborare a medicinei legale cu psihiatria. Rev Med Leg (Buchar) 1(1): 7, 1936. “Professor Mina Minovici and the collaboration of legal medicine with psychiatry.” 1009 O'Dea, James J. Medico-legal science: A sketch of its progress, especially in the United States. Sanit (N Y) 4: 449-57; 493-503, 1876. 7 refs. History of legal medicine from antiquity, Constitutio criminalis Carolina, to recognition of discipline in England and evolution in U. S. Three “special medico-legal subjects” — insanity, malpractice, and medical evidence, described at considerable length, 1010 Oehme, P. Beitrag zur geschichtlichen Toxikologie. I. Giftmorde. Z Aerztl Fortbild (Jena) 59: 278-82, 1 Mar 1965. 11 refs. 2 illus. History of death by poisoning from antiquity to 20th cent. 1011 Oertel, Horst. The academic position of legal medicine in Canadian universities. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 23-5. No Canadian university had independent institute or laboratory at date of publication. 1012 Oesterlen, Otto August. Ueber die fritheste Entwicklung der gerichtlichen Medicin. Schmidt's In Auslind Med 176: 166-76, 1877. Development of legal medicine from antiquity to time of publication. 123 1013 * Ogarkov, Ivan Fedorovich. O nauchnykh dostizhenniiakh v oblasti sudebnoi meditsiny k 40-letnemu iubileiu Velikoi Oktiabr’skoi sotsialisticheskoi revoliutsii. Sb Trud Kaf Sud Med 1-go Leningr Med Inst 2: 5-14, 1958. “Scientific achievements in the field of legal medicine [on the occasion of] the 40th anni- versary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.” 1014 Olbrycht, Jan Stanistaw. Forensic medicine as a separate discipline. J Forensic Sci 5(2) : 133-40, Apr 1960. According to author, forensic medicine is bridge between natural sciences and jurispru- dence. Concludes that his arguments justify the specificity and distinction of forensic medicine from other branches of medical science. 1015 Olbrycht, Jan Stanistaw. Medicine and criminalistics. J Forensic Sci 8: 383-91, Jul 1963. Author states that forensic medicine developed only during Renaissance, when factual evidence was generally introduced into legal proceedings. Some historical introduction ; description of relations between medicine and criminology and present status. 1016 Olbrycht, Jan Stanistaw. Przezycia medyka sadowego w czasie okupacji hitlerowskiej oraz po wyzwoleniu w sprawach z nia zwiazanych. Przegl Lek 24 (1) : 82-91, 1968. 5 illus. Memoirs of Prof. J. Olbrycht, Director of Institute of Legal Medicine of University of Cracow, from World War II (German take-over, author sent to concentration camp, his experiences there, and, after the war, his work in examination of bodies from mass-murder graves). 1017 Olbrycht, Jan Stanistaw. Uber den gegenwirtigen Stand der gerichtlichen Medizin in Polen, Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 55, Jan-Jun 1962. One-page account of separation (1950) of medical faculties from universities in Poland, to become Medical Academies; each has an Institute of Legal Medicine. 1018 Oliveira, José de Alcantara Machado d’. O ensino da medicina legal nas escolas de direito. Rev Crim Med Leg (Sao Paulo) 2: 3-16, Sep-Oct 1928. 14 refs. History of teaching of legal medicine at schools of law in general and more detailed history of teaching in Brazil. 1019 Oliveira, José de Alcantara Machado d’. O ensino da medicina legal nas facultades de direito. Arq Inst Med Leg Gab Identific (Rio de J) 4: 103-6, Apr 1932. General information on teaching of legal medicine at Faculties of Law in Brazil. Legisla- tive background; ideas for improvement. 1020 Oliveira, José de Alcantara Machado d’. O exame pericial no direito romano. Rev Crim Med Leg (Sao Paulo) 1: 5-12, Jul 1929. 17 refs. Traces status of physicians in ancient Rome; concludes that expert testimony was ad- mitted in the courts. 124 1021 Onciu, Iosif I. Comisiunea medico-legala (Istoricul si activitatea ei). Bucuresti, Liber- tatea, 1935. 48 p. Graphs. Statistics. Bibl. (7 entries). Thesis (Bucharest). Developments leading to establishment of Medicolegal Commission in 1910 in Rumania and its activities to time of publication. 1022 Oppenheimer, Heinrich. Liability for malapraxis in ancient law, Trans Med Leg Soc (Lond) 7: 98-107, 1910. 18 refs. History of liability of physicians for malpractice in ancient Egypt, China, Persia (Vendi- dad), Babylon (Hammurabi’s Code), India (Code of Manu), Greece, and Rome. Valuable contribution. 1023 * Ordronaux, John. History and philosophy of medical jurisprudence. New York, 1868. 40 p. 1024 Orfila, Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure. Traité des poisons tirés des régnes minéral, végétal et animal, ou Toxicologie générale, considérée sous les rapports de la physiologie, de la pathologie et de la médecine légale. 2e éd. Paris, Crochard, 1818. 2 v. Subject index. Cornerstone of scientific toxicology (1st ed., 1815). No history, but of historical value in itself. 1025 Orsés. Ferenc. Als Gastprofessor in Deutschland. (Erfahrungen an deutschen Hoch- schulen). Dtsch Med Wochenschr 66 (1) : 157-9, 9 Feb 1940. Impressions of visiting Hungarian professor who lectured at Chairs or Institutes of Legal Medicine at Universities of Bonn, Heidelberg, Halle, Breslau, and, Munich. 1026 Ortolan, M. Débuts de la médecine légale en Europe. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 2nd ser., 38: 358-84, 1872. Numerous refs. and notes. Beginning of legal medicine in France and Italy, Constitutio criminalis Carolina, Paré, Italian authors, and expansion of field to start of 18th cent. [In footnote: “Extrait de la Revue de Législation francaise et étrangére, 1872] 1027 * Ortolan, M. Débuts de la médecine légale en Europe comme institution pratique et comme science. Paris, E. Thorin, 1872. 35 p. Reprint of entry no. 1026. 1028 Osiander, Friedrich Benjamin. Ueber den Selbstmord, seine Ursachen, Arten, medi- cinisch-gerichtliche Untersuchung und die Mittel gegen denselben. Hannover, Brii- dern Hahn, 1813. 438 p. Many refs. General work on suicide. Chapt. 4 describes history of suicide and current status in various nations (pp. 196-321). Special emphasis on England. 1029 Oswald, Walter. Funktionen des Stadt- und Bezirkarztes von Ziirich im ersten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts. Bern, Hallweg, 1947. 28 p. - - Medicolegal expertise in Ziirich, 1800-1830. Statistical arrangement, with Tm on medicolegal activities of city and district physicians. 125 1030 Oswald, Walter. Funktionen des Stadt- und Bezirksarztes von Ziirich im ersten Drittel des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Praxis (Bern) 36: 641-5, 18 Sep 1947. Abbreviated version of entry no. 1029. 1031 Ottolenghi, Salvatore. Institute of Legal Medicine, Royal University of Rome. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 89-96. Illus. Description of building (opened 1923) and floor plans; teaching, research, judicial administration. Society of Legal Medicine of Rome (est. 1907). 1032 Ottolenghi, Salvatore. La medicina legale e la Scuola medico-legale di Roma. Zacchia 1(1): 1-8, May-June 1921. 4 refs. Extension of legal medicine to preventive medicine; application of anthropo-psychology and clinical anthropology; school of legal medicine in judiciary system; teaching at school of legal medicine; foundation of Society of Legal Medicine in 1907 and its activities. 1033 Ottolenghi, Salvatore. Medicina legale a polizia scientifica. Zacchia 6:1-9, Jan-Jun 1927. 5 refs. “Legal medicine and the scientific police.” Definition of scientific police (as developed in Italy under Lombroso’s influence) ; relations between legal medicine and scientific police; legal medicine of police (identification and crime prevention). 1034 Ottolenghi, Salvatore. Il nuovo Istituto di Medicina legale della R. Universita di Roma. II. Discorso inaugurale. Zacchia 3: 3-67, Jan—Apr 1924. Inaugural address, on the Institute of Legal Medicine of the University of Rome. 1035 Overholser, Winfred. An historical sketch of psychiatry. In: Allen, Richard C.; Ferster, Elyce Zenoff ; and Rubin, Jesse G. Readings in law and psychiatry. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1968, pp. 3-12. 8 refs. Brief history from antiquity to about 1930. Important background material for history of forensic psychiatry. Repr. from J Clin Psychopath 10 (2), April 1949. 1036 * Overholser, Winfred. The place of psychiatry in criminal law. Boston Univ Law Rev 10: 322, 329, 343, 1936. Overman, Michael, see entry no. 703. 1037 Packard, Francis R. History of medicine in the United States. Vol. I. New York and London, Hafner, 1963. 656 p. 103 illus. Chapter 3: Early medical legislation (pp. 163-77) ; covers period from 1639 to 1792. 10 refs. 126 1038 Pagel, Julius Leopold. Zum Capitel “Simulation.” Dtsch Med Wochenschr 14: 989-90, 29 Nov 1888. Author gives free translation into German of Galen’s treatise on malingering (Quomodo morbum simulantes sint deprehendi) as it appeared in Blumenstock article in Eulen- berg’s Realencyklopdidie (Bd. XII, p. 528). 1039 Pagella, P. Hand injury and medieval law. Panminerva Med 7: 455-6, 1965. 7 refs. Translation of entry no. 1040. 1040 Pagella, P. Infortunistica della mano in una legge del Medioevo. Minerva Medicoleg 84: 17-9, Jan—Apr 1964. 7 refs. Compensation for hand injuries according to laws of King Canute (1016-1035). Com- parison with contemporary British and Italian practice. 1041 * Palancar, José. Nota para la historia de la medicina legal en Espana. Madrid, Escuela de Medicina Legal, 1942. “Notes on the history of legal medicine in Spain.” 1042 Palmieri, Vincenzo Mario. Del metodo medico-forense. Zacchia, 2nd ser. 6: 1-22, 1942. Stresses importance of methodology in every science; examines three aspects of medico- legal methods: historical, doctrinal, and technical. Describes historical development, doctrinal approaches, and application of technology (esp. in the laboratory). 1043 Palmieri, Vincenzo Mario. Medicina forense. Nuova ed. Vol. I. Napoli, Morano, 1959. 478 p. History of legal medicine from antiquity to modern times (pp. 1-13). Emphasis on devel- opments in Italy. 2 refs. 1044 Palmieri, Vincenzo Mario. Medicina legale canonistica. 2da ed. Napoli, A. Morano, 1955. 391 p. Textbook on medicolegal provisions of Codex juris canonici of 1917 (ecclesiastical law now in force). Historical development of medicolegal problems of interest to the Church from ancient times to 1917 (pp. 1-9). 1st. ed., 1946. 1045 Palmieri, Vincenzo Mario. La prima perizia giudiziaria in Italia sull’ “individualita” di tracce di sperma. Rend Accad Sci Med Chir 96: 115-29, 1942, 20 refs. History of research on identification of sperm; first medicolegal expertise on subject in Italy. 1046 Palmieri, Vincenzo Mario. La prima perizia giudiziaria in Italia sull’ individualita di tracce di sperma. Rass Clin Sci 23: 16-22, Jan 1947. Shortened version of article in entry no. 1045. 127 1047 Palmieri, Vincenzo Mario. La simulazione della virginitd nei tempi andati ed ai nostri giorni. Gazz Sanit 21: 309-12, Aug—Sep 1950. Historical notes on simulation of virginity; present status. 1048 Palmieri, Vincenzo Mario. Tra i precursori della moderna medicina forense. Paolo Zacchia ed il Tribunale della Sacra Rota. Morgagni 76: 281-3, 1934. Origin of Sacra Rota Romana; its relevance to Paolo Zacchia and his Quaestiones medico- legales. 1049 Palmieri, Vincenzo Mario. Uno storico tentativo di dissimulazione di omicidio nel sec. XVI. (L’uccisione di Francesco Cenci). Riforma Med 59: 387-91 passim, 3 Apr 1943. History of unsuccessful 16th cent. attempt to hide murder of Francesco Cenci. 1050 Panaccio, L. M’Naghten vs Durham. Can Psychiatr Assoc J 9: 227-31, Jun 1964. 5 refs. Comparison of M’Naghten Rules with Durham Rules. Discussion of their influence on contemporary forensic psychiatrists. 1051 Panfilenko, O. A. O deiatel’nosti Vsesoiuznogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov za gody Sovetskol vlasti. Sud Med Ekspert 10: 3-10, Apr-Jun 1967. Development and activity of All-Union Scientific Society of Forensic Physicians during Soviet régime. Its role in forensic science, medicolegal service, and organization of medicolegal congresses in USSR. 1052 Panfilenko, O. A. Sostoianie sovetskol sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy i nekotorye mero- priiatiia neobkhodimye dlia ee dal’neishego uspeshnogo razvitiia. Sud Med Ekspert 13(2) : 3-7, Apr-Jun 1970. Theory and practice of legal medicine during Soviet rule. Need to improve technical equip- ment and unify scientific planning. Panfilenko, O. A., see entry no. 1142, 1053 Pardo. Sur l'état de la médecine légale en Turquie. Union Méd, 3rd sér. 22: 249-53, 288-91, 326-8, 349-51, 1876. General description of medicolegal conditions in Turkey (much crime, abortions, infanti- cide, no laws against quackery, no legal medicine taught or practiced.) Of little value. 1054 Paré, Ambroise. Traicté des rapports, et du moyen d’embaumer les corps morts. In: Les oeuvres de M. Ambroise Paré, conseiller, et premier chirurgien du Roy. Livre XXVI. Paris, G. Buon, 1575, pp. 931-44. Instructions to young surgeons on how to prepare reports to the court if called to testify in cases of impotence, disability, or death after injury. Devoted chiefly to poisoning. Ends with description of embalming. One of the earliest treatises of medicolegal im- portance in Europe. 128 1055 Parry, Leonard Arthur. Criminal abortion. London, J. Bale & Danielsson, 1932. 203 p. Index. Chapter XI. Law of abortion—historical (pp. 91-100) : development of legislation from Mosaic law to second half of 18th cent.; special emphasis on situation in England. Chapter XII. Law of criminal abortion in modern times (pp. 101-15) : English legisla- tion from 1803 to time of publication. 1056 Parry, Leonard Arthur. An early work on medical jurisprudence. Brit Med J 2: 170, 17 Jul 1948. An abstract of Samuel Farr’s Elements of medical jurisprudence, 1815 ed. 1057 * Parry, Leonard Arthur. The history of torture in England. London, S. Low, Marston & Co., 1934. 244 p. 1058 Parry, Leonard Arthur. Some medical trials. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1928. 326 p. Thirty-two criminal trial cases involving physicians (mostly as defendants). 1059 * Patenko, F. A. O sostoianii sudebnol meditsiny v Parizhi. (Letnii semestr 1884 g.) Vest Sud Med Obshchestv Gig 2(2) : 1-10, 1885. “Status of legal medicine in Paris (summer semester of 1884).” . 1060 Paton, G. A. The development of forensic medicine. Proc Med Leg Soc Victoria 4: 241-65, 1941. 38 refs. History of forensic toxicology and trials of poisoners. 1061 Patschek, Marta. Die Entwicklung der Leichenschau in Deutschland. Kassel, Thiele und Schwarz, 1938. 23 p. Bibl. Dissertation. Development of obduction of cadavers in Germany from 18th to 20th cent. Legislation in various states and cities. 1062 Paz Otero, Gerardo. “Deontologia médica general.” Popayan, Editorial Universidad del Cauca, 1955. 326 p. Bibl. Chapt. 1 (pp. 27-33) : Brief history of medical deontology (from antiquity to present). 1063 Paz Otero, Gerardo. La medicina legal en Alemania. Rev Med Leg Colomb 20(95/96) : 67-85, Jan—Dec 1965. : Official study tour through Western Germany to learn recent status of legal medicine there. Brief historical introduction; rise of legal medicine; legal medicine and German legislation; organization of medicolegal service; institutes-of legal medicine; German Society of Legal Medicine; political sequelae; legal medicine in Colombia (for com- parison). Conclusion: German system not applicable in Colombia. 129 1064 Pazzini, Adalberto. Paolo Zacchia e I'opera sua massima. Zacchia, 2nd ser. 23: 527-33, 1960. Life and work of Paolo Zacchia, his superb knowledge of medicine, critical attitude, progressiveness, ete. 1065 * Pech, Zdenék. Hydrostaticka zkouska plic. Soud Lék 2(11) : 172-4, 1957. “Hydrostatic test of lungs.” 1066 Pech, Zdenék. Soudni 1ékarstvi pro posluchace détského lékarstvi. Praha, Statni pedago- gické nakladatelstvi, 1955. 173 p. Historical survey of legal medicine (pp. 5-10) from antiquity to present. Section on his- torical development in Bohemia. 1067 Peixoto, Afranio. Anfiteatro de medicina legal; sua inauguracio no Instituto medico-legal. Arq Inst Med Leg (Rio de J) No. 5: 81-9, 1932. Opening of “Dissection Hall” at Institute of Legal Medicine of Rio de Janeiro. Some his- torical notes and comments. 1068 * Peixoto, Afranio. Atualidade e futuro da medicina legal. Arq Polic Civ (Sao Paulo) 3(1) : 263ff. 1942. Evolution of legal medicine, present status, future goals, and possibilities. 1069 Pelikan, Evgenii Ventseslavovich. Gerichtlich-medizinische Untersuchungen liber das Skopzenthum in Russland, nebst historischen Notizen. Aus dem Russischen ins Deutsche iibersetzt von Dr. N. Iwanoff. Giessen, J. Ricker, 1876. 210+26 p. Refs. Illus. Study of a religous sect in Russia, called “‘skoptsi,” which practiced castration of both men and women. History (pp. 5-15) ; legal, medical, and medicolegal consequences of the practice. Covers the period from about 1805 on. 1070 Pelikan, Evgenii Ventseslavovich. Vstupitel’'naia lektsiia iz sudebnol meditsiny. Voen Med Zh 62 (2) ch. 4: 23-66, 1853. 15 refs, Introductory lecture at Chair of Legal Medicine, Medical Police, and Hygiene of Military- Surgical Academy, St. Petersburg. Definition and scope of legal medicine, general history to 1853; developments in Russia, 1537-1845; Russian and foreign literature of the field; its present scope and application. 1071 Pellegrini, Rinaldo. Appunti per la storia della medicina legale (una pagina di storia medica scaligera). Boll Ist Stor Ital Arte Sanit 14: 78-82, Mar-Apr 1934. 16 refs. Notes on historical events in legal medicine of different times, especially as related to physician’s duty to report. 130 1072 Pellegrini, Rinaldo. Del metodo di studio in medicina legale. Zacchia, 2nd ser. 1: 102-16, 1937. Inaugural lecture outlining author’s views on methods of teaching of legal medicine. Abstracts in Italian, French, German, and English. 1073 Pellereau. La médecine légale a I'ile Maurice. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 3rd ser. 9: 222-38, 1883. Experience of a police physician in Port-Louis, Mauritius; of more criminological than medicolegal interest. 1074 Penalver, Julio. Odontologia legal y deontologia odontologica. Caracas, “Continente,” 1955. 356 p. Bibl. Antecedents and historical evolution of forensic dentistry (pp. 1-6). - 1075 Penna, O. O ensino da medicina legal e o Instituto medico-legal. Bol Acad Nac Med (Rio de J) 98: 407-17, 1926. Recommendations for reforms of legal medicine in Brazil, namely, unification of Institute of Legal Medicine with Chair of Legal Medicine at University of Rio de Janeiro and more training in pathological anatomy. Examples of similar organizations in France, Italy, Germany, and Austria. 1076 . Percival, Thomas B. Medical jurisprudence; or A code of ethics and institutes, adapted to the profession of physics and surgery. Manchester, 1794. 96 p. First edition, printed only for private circulation. Several editions with change of title (Medical ethics; or A code . . .). Cornerstone of medical ethics in England; achieved world-wide fame and became the basis for many other codes of medical ethics. 1077 Pereira Martinez, A. Importancia histérica de la esterilidad. Problemas que plantea la mujer estéril. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 6 (66/67) : 321-46, Sept-Oct 1951. 30 refs. History of legislation concerning sterility. 1078 Pérez de Petinto y Bertomeu, Manuel. Comienzo y actualidad de la trayectoria corporativa Médico-forense. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 6 (68/69) : 424-96, Nov-Dec 1951. History of “Cuerpo Medico-forense” (Association of Forensic Physicians) in Spain. 1079 Pérez de Petinto y Bertomeu, Manuel. La medicina forense Hispanoamericana. Rev Med Leg Colomb 12 (63/4) : 99-103, Jan—Jul 1951. Address broadcast from Madrid in 1951, with brief description of status of legal medicine in Spain, Portugal, and Latin American countries, and announcing congress program planned for 1952 in Madrid. 131 1080 Pérez de Petinto y Bertomeu, Manuel. Medicos forenses ilustres. Apunte para la historia de la medicina legal en Espana. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 1: 12-21, Apr 1946. Biography of pioneer of legal medicine in Spain, Manuel Alvarez Chamorro; start of teaching of legal medicine; medicolegal works and first journal (1853), Repertorio de Higiene publica y Medicina legal. 1081 Pérez de Petinto y Bertomeu, Manuel. Muerte e investigacion judicial hasta la creacién del Cuerpo Médico-forense. Bosquejo historico. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 2: 142-58, Apr 1947. History of postmortem examination in Spain from time of Visigoths to establishment of “Cuerpo Medico-forense” (Association of Forensic Physicians) in 1863. Description of legislation and techniques. 1082 Pérez de Petinto y Bertomeu, Manuel. Salutacién y gratitud: Cajal y Orfila. An Clin Med Forense (Madr) 2: 5-36, 1953. Ill. General biobibliographic information concerning leading personalities in legal medicine; commemorates Orfila (1787-1853) ; describes life and activities of Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1852-1934), especially as related to legal medicine. 1083 Pérez de Petinto y Bertomeu, Manuel. Valor juridico de la identificacion de requias. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 7(72/73) : 122-58, March—-Apr 1952. (Lecture at Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislacion.) Identification of relicts (mostly of saints and noblemen) in Spain. 1084 Pernet, G. Remarks on the teaching of medical jurisprudence in Paris and London. Trans Med Leg Soc (Lond) 4: 113-24, 1907. 8 refs. Impressions of visit to Paris, especially of morgue, where practical medicolegal demonstra- tions started in 1879, and Laboratory of Toxicology. Activity, teaching of legal medi- cine, diplomas granted, etc. Comparison with situation in England. 1085 Peska, B. Dvé zdani 1ékarska z r. 1616. Cas Lék Ces 10: 232, 1871. Two medical expert opinions from Bohemia of 1616. 1086 Peska, B. Rozsudek proti lékaFi vyneseny léta 1570 za nezhojeni oka. Cas Lék Ces 5: 104, 1866. Council of Prague decided in 1570 that Rehot, a physician who promised to heal a woman’s eye and failed, was obliged to return his advance payment. 1087 Peska, B. Zdani 1ékarské v 16. stoleti v Feci ceské. Cas Lék Ces 4: 21-2, 1865. Written statement in Czech issued in 1570 by medical experts about status of wound of one Ji¥i Slivka, innkeeper of Prague. 132 1088 Pessoa, Alberto. La novelle organization médico-légale portugaise. Zacchia 2: 104-6, Jan— Feb 1923. Organization of Institutes of Legal Medicine in Lisbon, Coimbra, and Porto, and their activities; postgraduate education (superior course of legal medicine); forensic physicians and their functions; Medico-Legal Council and its supervisory powers. 1089 Petit. Un cas de médecine légale au XVIIe siecle. Chron Méd 19: 197-200, 1912. 1 ref. 1664 highway robbery which ended in death of several people in gun fight; embalment of one of the dead bandits for later identification; fees of participating physicians. 1090 Petrov, B. D. Deontologiia v istorii otechestvennoi meditsiny. Klin Med 47 (7): 8-14, 1969. Historical development of medical ethics in Russia from beginning of 19th cent. to es- tablishment of Soviet rule. Role of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov (1810-1881) stressed. 1091 Petrov, B. Deontologiia v istorii otechestvennoi meditsiny. Sov Zdravookhr 28 (9) : 14-20, 1969. History of medical ethics in Russia and Soviet Union from beginning of 19th cent. to status in 1969. Similar to author’s article no. 1090, with some additions concerning developments during the Soviet regime. 1092 Pfaff, Emil Richard. Die Abortivmittel der Araber in ihrer forensischen Bedeutung. Aus den alten arabischen Originalen zusammengestellt. Dtsch Z Staatsarzneikd, N. F. 26(1) : 125-37, 1868. Description of abortifacients of Arabs. Medical and legal consequences of their use. 1093 Pfeiffer, J. Medycyna sadowa w Danii. Arch Med Sad 17 (1) : 105-8, 1965. Description of Institute of Legal Medicine at University of Copenhagen and its work: organization of medicolegal service in Denmark; brief history of discipline there. 1093a Pfordten, Gustav Adolph von der. Beitrage zur Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin aus den Justinianeischen Rechtssamlungen. Inaugural Abhandlung. Wiirzburg, F. E. Thein, 1838. 56 p. Study of medicolegal subjects in Justinian’s codification. Of special interest: abortifa- cients; abortion; Caesarean section; castration; circumcision; deaf-mutes; dentists: epilepsy; medical expertise; foetus; hermaphrodites; homicide; impotence; infanti- cide; malpractice; marriage; mental illness (as criminal defense) ; midwives; pater- nity; physicians (various classes) ; poisoning; postmortems; pregnancy; sex; suicide; witchcraft. Numerous references in footnotes. For comments and additions, see no. 481. 1094 Piédelievre, René Valentin Paul. En qué consiste la medicina legal? Rev Med Colomb 15 (81/82) : 5-14, Jan-Jun 1958. “ ’ . Spanish abstract of inaugural lecture by Professor R. Piedeliévre at Chair of Legal Medicine, University of Paris, 1947. Definition and scope of legal medicine. 133 1095 Piédelievre, René Valentin Paul. Souvenirs d'un médecin légiste. Paris, Flammarion, 1966. 218 p. Memoirs of emeritus professor of legal medicine of University of Paris, concerning various important cases and interesting experiences of his career. 1096 Piédelievre, René Valentin Paul. Souvenirs d'un médecin légiste. Presse Méd 74: 2439-40, 1966. Abstract of entry no. 1095. 1097 Pietrusky, Friedrich. Griindung der Internationaler Akademie fiir gerichtliche und soziale Medizin. In: Internationaler Kongress fiir gerichtliche und soziale Medizin, 1st, Bonn a.Rh. 22-4 Sep. 1938. Bonn, Scheur, 1938, pp. 628-30. Announcement of foundation of International Academy of Legal and Social Medicine; draft of its by-laws; first officers elected. 1098 Piga Pascual, Antonio. Datos para el estudio historico de la prueba del envenenamiento criminal. Forenses (Madr) 3(58): 1-7, 15 Sep 1946. Continued in Rev Med Leg (Madr) 1(6) : 5-16, Sep 1946. 1 ref. History of investigation of criminal poisoning from antiquity to ca 1940. 1099 Piga Pascual, Antonio. Ensayo historico sobre el veneno de los Borjas. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 14: 154-66, Mar—Apr 1959. “Historical treatise on poisonings by Borgias.” Discussion of accusations against Alex- ander VI, Lucrezia Borgia, and Cesare Borgia; psychological profiles of the three. 1100 Pillement. Une affaire médico-légale au XVIIIe siecle en Lorraine. Rev Méd Nancy 75: 310-24, 1950. 2 refs. Case of medicolegal interest from archives of Département Meurthe-et-Moselle. Nicolas Collot, surgeon, declared in 1775 that a Benedictine monk had drowned accidentally. Exhumation was ordered; three surgeons conducted autopsy and concluded that he was strangled. After long, fruitless criminal investigation, Collot was punished for negligence in his obduction. Twenty-four hours later, he himself was murdered. 1101 Pilling, H. H. Social change and the coronership. Med Sci Law 10: 238-43, Oct 1970. 4 refs. Development of coronership in England from 12th cent., social changes which influenced its rights and functions, and present status. 1102 Pineau, Séverin. De integritatis et corruptionis virginum notis: De graviditate et partu naturali mulierum. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Franciscos Hegerum et Hackium, 1639. 183 p. The section on virginity became a textbook and was still cited as an authoritative source in the 19th cent. Contains several historical references. 134 1103 Pinel, Philippe. Traité médico-philosophique sur I'aliénation mentale, ou La manie. Paris, Richard Caille et Ravier, an IX (1801). 318 p. A cornerstone of French psychiatry. Historical development of the field and previous litera- ture related to mental disorders described in introduction (pp. v-lvi). Republished several times and translated into many languages. 1104 Pirogov, Nikolai Ivanovich. Sobranie sochinenii. T. 8. Trudy po profilakticheskoi medi- tsine. Sudebnomeditsinskie zakliucheniia. Avtobiograficheskie proizvedeniia (1869- 1881). Moskva, 1962. 435 p. Chapter: Sudebnomeditsinskie zakliucheniia (Medicolegal conclusions), pp. 31-49. Au- thor’s opinion in cases of Iakubinskii (1850) and Nagivina (1875). Illus. 1105 * Pirogova, K. E. 2 Kistorii razvitiia sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy trudosposobnosti. In: Sbornik nauchnykh rabot kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. Rostov-na-Donu, 1959, pp. 238-44. “History of development of medicolegal expertise in cases of disability evaluation.” 1106 Placzek, Siegfried. Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin. In: Neuburger, Max and Pagel, Julius, eds. Handbuch der Geschichte der Medizin. 3. Band. Jena, G. Fischer, 1905, pp. 729-82. History of legal medicine from antiquity to ca 1900. History of teaching of discipline and succession of teachers at universities of Germany, Austro-Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France (only 1 university listed!), Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Gt. Britain, and U.S. 1107 Platkin, M. M. A decade of Durham. Med Ann DC 32: 317-9, Aug 1963. 9 refs. Review of “Durham rule” after ten years and its contribution toward expansion of the legal test for mental illness. 1108 * Ploss, Hermann Heinrich. Zur Geschichte, Verbreitung, Methode der Fruchtabtreibung. Culturgeschichtlich-medicinische Skizze. Leipzig, Veit, 1883. 47 p. “The history, spread, and methods of abortion. Cultural, historical, and medical sketch.” 1109 Poisson. Apercu historique sur la simulation. Rev Méd Lég (Par) 13: 137-43, 1906. Brief historical survey of malingering, illustrated mostly by French cases. 1110 Pollock, H. M. and Wiley, E. D. A contribution to the history of psychiatric expert testi- mony. Am J Psychiatr 100: 119-33, Apr 1944. 12 refs. Brief description of development of defense in cases of insanity in England from 14th cent. Trial cases with participation of medical experts from 1724 on, in England and, later, in U.S. to 1941. Details of testimonies and court decisions. 135 1111 Polsky, Samuel and Beresford, S. Some probative aspects of early Germanic codes, Caro- lina and Bambergensis. Ann Int Med 18: 841-45, May 1943. 4 refs. Origin of Constitutio bambergensis (1507), its adoption in Brandenburg (1516), and promulgation of Constitutio eriminalis Carolina (1532). Comparative analysis of codes from medicolegal point of view. 1112 * Popescu, Emil. Activitatea Institutului Medico-legal. Bucuresti, 1949. Thesis (Bucharest). “Activities of the Institute of Legal Medicine.” 1113 Popielski, Bolestaw. La médecine légale en Pologne. Zacchia, 3rd ser. 4: 17-30, 1968. Development of legal medicine in Poland from 15th cent. to organization of Chair of Legal Medicine in Cracow, 1804. Present status of teaching; organization of medicolegal expertise; development by Prof. L. Teichmann in mid-19th cent. 1114 Popielski, Boleslaw. Rys historyczny Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Sadowej i Krymi- nologii. Pol Tyg Lek 21: 857-61, 1966. Bibl. (20 entries). History of Polish Society of Legal Medicine and Criminology, founded in 1937. General information on legal medicine in Poland. 1115 Popielski, Bolestaw. Zagadnienia naukowe wspoélczesnej serohematologii sadowej. In: Pamietnik I Zjazdu medykéw sadowych, 15 i 16 grudnia 1955 r, Warszawa, Pan- stwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1956, pp. 176-83. Résumé in Russian and English. Description of research work and most recent achievements in ‘“serohaematology” (in- vestigation of blood stains, problems of paternity, other medicolegal questions). 1116 Popielski, Bolestaw. Zaklad Medycyny Sadowej Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego podczas okupacji hitlerowskiej. Przegl Lek 24 (1) : 92-8, 1968. 5 refs. History of Institute of Legal Medicine of Jagellon University of Cracow during German occupation. 1117 Popielski, Bolestaw and Kobiela, Jan, eds. Medycyna sadowa. Warszawa, Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1972. 848 p. Illus. Chapt. 2 (pp. 5-11) : Historical essay on legal medicine (from antiquity to present). Emphasis on development in Poland. Many refs. 1118 Popov, Nikolai Vladimirovich. Uchebnik sudebnol meditsiny dlia studentov meditsinskikh institutov. Moskva, Leningrad, Medgiz, 1940. 432 p. 211 illus. Subj. index. Chapt. 2 (pp. 8-14): Historical essay on development of legal medicine (in foreign countries, Russia, USSR). 136 1119 * Popovici, Elena. O pagina din istoria medicinei legale. Bucuresti, 1940. Thesis (Bucharest). “A page from the history of legal medicine.” Popovici, P., see entries no. 29 and 30. 1120 * Portal, Felix. Un procés en responsabilité médicale a Marseille, en 1390. Marseille, Ruat, 1902. “A lawsuit on medical responsibility in Marseille, 1390.” 1121 * Porubsky, V. [Fifty years of medicolegal expertise in the USSR] €sl Patol 3:33-5, 1967. (Slovak) 1122 * Porubsky, V. Organizacia sidno-lekarskej expertizy na Slovensku. Soud Lék 2 (3) : 44-7, 1957. “Organization of medicolegal expertise in Slovakia.” Pouchet, Gabriel, see entry no. 779. 1123 Prado, C. Morte aparente e morte real. Arq Soc Med Leg Crim (Sdo Paulo) 13: 43-78, 1942. 22 refs. Interesting cases and notes on apparent and actual death in various periods of history. 1124 A preliminary survey of education and research in the forensic sciences in the United Kingdom. J Forens Sci Soc 2: 2-7, Sept 1961. Three parts: 1) Education (police and detective training courses; courses for medical and law students; sporadic lectures for various groups); 2) Present position of research (brief contribution) ; 3) Future of research (suggested problems meriting immediate and intensive investigation). 1125 Premeru, Anton et al. The international crime against the peoples of Yougoslavia [sic] from 1941-1945. In: International Academy of Forensic and Social Medicine. 2nd International Congress, Brussels and Liege, 1947, pp. 277-339. 33 illus. Atrocities committed by Germans in Yugoslavia during World War II, from material assembled by forensic physicians. 1126 * Premeru, Eugen. [The working methods of the French school in the field of legal medi- cine] Lijeén Vjesn 59: 16-8, 1937. (Serb) French summary, p. 30. Methods used in the Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Paris. 1127 Premier congres international de jurisdiction professionnelle médicale, de morale médi- cale et de droit médical comparé. Sem Méd Prof 31(15) : 513-15, 22 Apr 1955. Announcement of 1st International Congress of Professional Medical Jurisdiction, Medi- cal Ethics and Comparative Medical Law to be held in Paris in 1955. Organization, outline of program. 137 1128 Prieto, R. La ensefanza de la medicina legal. Vida Nueva 51: 62-5, Feb 1943. Teaching of legal medicine at Chair of Legal Medicine of University of Havana. 1129 Probert, W. R. Edmond Locard’s Medico-Legal Museum. Med Leg J 25 (4) : 149-51, 1957. 4 refs. Impressions of visits to Museum of Criminology in Lyon and Medico-Legal Museum at Faculty of Medicine, University of Lyon. 1130 Programa do curso de medicina legal da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Chile. Arq Med Leg Identif (Rio de J) 9(17) : 188-93, 1939. Syllabus of lectures on legal medicine at Faculty of Law, University of Chile, 1939. 1131 Prokop, Otto. Forensische Medizin. 2. Aufl. Berlin, Veb Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, 1966. 746 p. Bibl. (pp. 674-717). 635 illus. Subj. index. Brief history of legal medicine from antiquity to present (pp. 1-5) 5 illus. 1132 * Prozorovskii, Viktor II’ich. Dvadtsat’ piat’ let nauchnoi i organizatsionno-prakticheskoi deiatel'nosti nauchno-issledovatel’skogo instituta sudebnoi meditsiny. In: Voprosy sudebnoi meditsiny. Moskva, 1959, pp. 5-16. “Twenty-five years of scientific and ‘practical-organizational’ activities of the Scientific Research Institute of Legal Medicine [ Moscow].” 1133 * Prozorovskii, Viktor Illich. Kratkil analiz dissertatsionnykh rabot po sudebnoi meditsine za 21 god (1934-1955 gg). In: Referaty 2-go rasshirennego soveshchaniia sudebno- meditsinskikh ekspertov Armenii. Erevan, 1955, p. 3 fT. “A brief analysis of medicolegal dissertations submitted during the 21-year period (1934— 1955) .” 1134 Prozorovskii, Viktor II'ich. Neuvostoliiton oikeuslidiketieteesti. Suom Lidk 19: 1639-48, 1 Aug 1964. Diagrams. Lecture on development of legal medicine in USSR during past four decades (organiza- tion, medicolegal service, teaching and research). 1135 Prozorovskii, Viktor Ilich. Razvitie sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy v SSSR. Sud Med Ekspert 1: 4-10, Jan-Mar 1958. 2 refs. Development of medicolegal expertise in USSR since 1917. 1136 * Prozorovskii, Viktor Il'ich. Sorok let sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy v SSSR. In: Materily 3-1 rasshirennol nauchnol konferentsii, posviashchennoi pamiati zaslu- zhennogo deiatelia nauki, prof. M. I. Raiskogo. Kiev, 1958, pp. 16-21. “Forty years of medicolegal expertise in the USSR.” 138 1137 Prozorovskii, Viktor Il'ich, ed. Sudebnaia meditsina. Moskva, Nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi meditsiny, 1968. 365 p. Legal medicine in pre-Revolutionary Russia; development in USSR; legal medicine in foreign countries (pp. 5-12). 1 ref. 1138 Prozorovskii, Viktor Il’ich. Sudebnaia meditsina v Finliandii. Sud Med Ekspert 7: 37-40, Apr-Jun 1964. 1 ref. Status of legal medicine in Finland (organization, Institute of Legal Medicine in Helsinki, Chair of Legal Medicine in Turku, teaching and research, services). 1139 Prozorovskii, Viktor II'ich. Sudebnaia meditsina v narodnol respublike Bolgarii. Sud Med Ekspert 2(1) : 32-7, Jan-Mar 1959. 2 refs. Legal medicine in Bulgaria since reorganization to Soviet pattern (1952). 1140 Prozorovskii, Viktor Illich. Sudebnomeditsinskie s”ezdy, rasshirennye soveshchaniia i konferentsii za 40 let v SSSR. In: Sbornik trudov sotrudnikov Biuro Glavnol sudeb- nomeditsinskoil ekspertisy Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia Kazakhskoi SSR i Kafedry sudebnol meditsiny Alma-Atinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Alma-Ata, 1958, vyp. 2, pp. 3-9. Medicolegal congresses, extended meetings, and conferences in USSR through 40 years. 1141 Prozorovskii, Viktor Illich and Litvak, Aleksandr Smilovich. Vnedrenie dostizhenii sudebno-meditsinskol nauki v praktiku ekspertizy. Sud Med Ekspert 11: 3-10, Jan-— Mar 1968. Application of medicolegal science in medicolegal practice in USSR during last (ten?) years. Names of research institutions, their workers, results of research, its applica- tion, ete. 1142 Prozorovskii, Viktor Illich and Panfilenko, O. A. Razvitie sudebno-meditsinskol nauki i ekspertizy za gody sovetskol vlasti. Sud Med Ekspert 10: 3-10, Jul-Sep 1967. Development of medicolegal science and expertise in USSR since legislation of July 1918. 1143 * Prunelle, Clément Victor Francois Gabriel. De la médecine politique en général et de son objet; de la médecine légale en particulier, de son origine et de ses progres, et des secours qu'elle fournit au magistrat dans I'exercice de ses fonctions. Montpellier, J. Martel ainé, 1814. 56 p. “On political medicine in general and its objectives, particularly legal medicine, its origin and progress and the help it furnishes to the administration in exercising its func- tions.” 139 1144 Puccini, Clemente. La Scuola medica e I'insegnamento della medicina legale in Macerata. Riv Stor Med 13: 141-63, Jul-Dec 1969. History of medical school in Macerata from 1540; teaching of legal medicine at Uni- versity of Macerata, starting with Francesco Puccinotti in 1825 and ending with Benigno Baroni in 1961. Brief biographies of professors; some bibliographic infor- mation. 1145 Puchowski, Bronistaw. DwadzieScia lat medycyny sadowej w Polskiej Rzecypospolitej Ludowej. Arch Med Sad 16(1) : 1-3, 1964. Development of legal medicine in People’s Republic of Poland during last 20 years (1944— 1964). Reorganization of teaching and service; establishment of new chairs in the discipline. 1146 Puchowski, Bronistaw. Medycyna sadowa w Niemieckej Republice Demokratycznej. Arch Med Sad 17(2) : 219-22, 1965. Impressions of visit to German Democratic Republic. Detailed description of Institutes of Legal Medicine of Universities of Halle and Berlin and their activities; organiza- tion of medicolegal service in the country. 1147 Pulgar Morillo, Marcelino. Medicina legal. 1a ed. Zulia, Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Medicina, 1968. 693 p. Bibl. Brief historical review of legal medicine from the Roman times to present (pp. 13-20). Emphasis on development in Venezuela and other Latin American countries. 2 illus. 1148 Puppe, Georg. Riickblicke und Ausblicke auf die Entwicklung der gerichtlichen und sozialen Medizin. Aerztl Sachverstaend Ztg 17: 1-4, 1 Jan 1911. Author, an ardent worker for unification of teaching of legal and social medicine in Ger- many, describes status of both disciplines and pleads for necessary unity. 1149 Puppe, Georg. Das Verhiltnis der gerichtlichen und sozialen Medicin zur pathologischen Anatomie. Klin Wochenschr 2: 234-6, 29 Jan 1923. Relation of legal and social medicine to pathological anatomy; need to raise standards of medical education in Germany in these subjects. 1150 Puppe, Georg. Die Zukunft der gerichtlichen Medizin in Preussen. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 26: 493-6, 2 Aug 1900. 5 refs. The practice of legal medicine in Prussia, and its future development. 1151 Puppe, Georg. Zur Eroffnung des Instituts fiir gerichtliche Medizin der Konigl. Albertus- Universitiat zu Konigsberg i. Pr. Vierteljahrsschr Gerichtl Med, 3.F. 31 Bd. Suppl.- Heft 1-11, 1906. 22 refs. Development of legal medicine in Konigsberg (Prussia) from 1723. Biobibliographic data for teachers of and writers on legal medicine in the city. Description of Institute of Legal Medicine. 140 1152 Purrington, William Archer. Christian science; an exposition of Mrs. Eddy’s wonderful discovery, including its legal aspects. A plea for children and other helpless sick. New York, E. B. Treat & Co., 1900. 194 p. Articles reprinted from North American Review, Medical Record, and the New York Sun. 1153 Purrington, William Archer. Manslaughter, Christian science, and the law. Med Rec 54: 757-61, 26 Nov 1898. Historical notes on various kinds of quackery in the U.S. Treatment by Christian scien- tists and legal position of these healers in the U.S. 1154 * Purrington, William Archer. A review of recent legal decisions affecting physicians, den- tists, druggists and the public health, together with a brief for the prosecution of unlicensed practitioners of medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy, with a paper upon manslaughter, Christian science and the law and other matters. New York, E. B. Treat & Co., 1899 [c1907] 105 p. The “paper” included is probably a reprint of entry no. 1153. 1155 Pyl, Johann Theodor. Zusatze des Herausgebers zu vorstehenden, und zugleich etwas iiber die arsenikalischen Fiebertropfen. Mag Gerichtl Arzneikd 2: 477-513, 1784. Comments on and additions to C. A. W. Berends’ article [see entry no. 116] on Aqua Tofana; some historical data on arsenic poisoning; casuistics. Quai, I., see entry no. 939. : 1156 Quinan, John Russel. Illustrations of medicine in Maryland in “ye olden time”’—inquests and autopsies. Md Med J 10: 51-2, 180-1, 210-1, 275-6, 324-6, 1883. Historical notes on inquests in Maryland (earliest, 1642, 1657) ; juries of matrons in cases of suspected infanticide; establishment of a “club” by two doctors in 1745; medical fees. 1157 Rabbinowicz, Israel Michel. La médecine du Thalmud, ou tous les passages concernant la médecine. Extraits des 21 traités du Thalmud de Babylone. Paris, chez 'auteur, 1830. 176 p. Extracts from 21 treatises of the Talmud of Babylon which concern medicine. Of medico- legal interest: dissection of human cadavers, pregnancy, delivery, abortion, circum- sision, impotence. 1158 * Rabbinowicz, J. M. Etudes historiques de 1'empoisonnement. Paris, 1865. 70 p. Thesis (Paris). “Historical studies on poisoning.” 1159 * Radian. [Institute of Legal Medicine of Rome] Rev Med Leg (Bucur) 2(2): 188ff., 1937. (Rum) 141 1160 * Raiskil, Mikhail Ivanovich. K istorii sudebnoi meditsiny v Rossii. In: Tezisy dokladov rasshirennoi konferentsii sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov v Odesse, 1953 g. Odessa, 1953, p. 9 fT. “History of legal medicine in Russia.” 1161 Raiskii, Mikhail Ivanovich. Nauchnye i prakticheskoe dostizheniia sudebnoi meditsiny za poslednie 10 let. Sud Med Ekspert 9: 13-15, 1928. Description of scientific and practical achievements of legal medicine during past ten years in USSR and elsewhere. 1162 Raiskii, Mikhail Ivanovich. Sudebnaia meditsina dlia studentov i vrachel. Moskva, Medgiz, 1953. 467 p. Illus. General history of legal medicine (pp. 6-9) ; legal medicine in pre-Revolutionary Russia (pp. 9-19) ; legal medicine in USSR (pp. 19-24). 26 refs. 1163 Not used. 1164 * Rajikoff, M. Beitrag zur Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin in Erlangen von 1743 bis 1805. Erlangen, 1958. Dissertation (Erlangen). “Contribution to the history of legal medicine in Erlangen from 1743 to 1805.” 1165 Ramos, A. Afranio Peixoto e a Escola de Nina Rodrigues. Rev Med Bahia 4: 246-61, Dec 1936. 29 refs. Establishment in Brazil of scientific school of legal medicine by Nina Rodrigues; its further development by Afranio Peixoto. Reforms in Medicolegal Service of Federal District, ete. 1166 Rao, Bhooshana I. The organization of legal medicine in India. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 57-60, Jan-Jun 1962. 4 refs. Description of police inquest (Code of Criminal Procedure of 1898) and coroner’s inquest (Coroner’s Act of 1871). 1167 * Raoul, Florentin. Le parricide au point de vue médico-légal. Lyon, Storck, 1901. 60 p. Thesis (Lyon). “Parricide from the medicolegal point of view.” (Historical introduction included.) 1168 Raposo, Pedro Antonio Bettencourt. Ensino pratico da medicina legal na morgue projec- tada de Lisboa. Med Contemp 2: 187-8, 195-7, 1884. Opinion delivered to Council of Medico-Surgical School of Lisbon concerning need for practical training in legal medicine at the morgue planned in Lisbon. Contemporary situation in Germany, Austria, and France. 142 1169 Raszeja, Stefan. Medycyna sadowa w Wegierskiej republice ludowej. Arch Med Sad 13: 73-80, 1961. Visit to institutes of legal medicine in Hungary (Budapest, Szeged, Debrecen, and Pecz) ; organization, activities, and personnel, 1170 * Ravaglia, Giuseppe. Della condizione dei periti medici in Italia. Bologna, 1831. 24 p. “The status of medical experts in Italy.” 1171 Ravary, Charles. Les expertises médico-légales; leur histoire, leur réforme. Paris, J. Rousset, 1901. 115 p. Bibl. History of medicolegal expertise from antiquity to 1810 (pp. 9-43). Development in France emphasized. 21 refs. 1172 Ray, Isaac. A treatise on the medical jurisprudence of insanity. Edited by Winfred Over- holser. Cambridge, Mass., The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1962. 376 p. Index. First ed. published in 1838. Was best work of that time in English, and is still recognized authority in courts of law today. Appeared in several editions. In 1962 ed., references to historical development appear in Preface (pp. 5-9); more extensive remarks in “Preliminary Views” (pp. 11-56), with judicial opinions on the subject, especially from England. 1173 Reddy, D. V. Subba. Medical ethics in ancient India. J. Indian Med Assoc 37: 287-8, 16 Sept 1961. 2 refs. Contents of Kasyapa Sanmhitd concerning advice on behavior for new medical graduates; part of Kalyana Karaka containing code of conduct for physicians. 1174 Reddy, D. V. Subba. Sidelights on the medicolegal problems of the Mouryan era (based on Arthashastra of Kautilya). Indian Med Rec 64: 97-101, Apr 1944. English translation of parts of Arthashastra (“Indian Wisdom of Practical Life,” proba- bly 4th or 3rd cent. B.C.) of medicolegal interest: marriage, divorce, remarriage; sexual life; abortion; infanticide; inheritance and disease; rape; sexual intercourse with prepubescent girl; unnatural intercourse; prostitution. 1175 Regan, Louis J. Forensic medicine as a specialty. Ann West Med Surg 4: 444-7, Sept 1950. Low status of legal medicine in most U.S. states is an anomaly which requires early correction. Essential that each Department of Legal Medicine in any medical school have direct relationship with source material in medical examiner’s or coroner’s office. 1176 Régis, Emmanuel. Les régicides dans l'histoire et dans le présent; étude médico-psycholo- gique. Arch Anthropol Crim Sci Pénales 5: 5-34, 1890. 16 illus. Selected cases of murders of kings and presidents, 16th—19th cent. (mostly France, Italy, England, U.S.), from medico-psychological point of view. 143 1177 * Régis, Emmanuel. Les régicides dans histoire et dans le présent. Etude meédico-psycholo- gique. Lyon & Paris, A. Storck, G. Masson, Bibliotheque de criminologie, 1890. 97 p. For annotation, see entry no. 1176. 1178 Rehfuss, William F. A treatise on dental jurisprudence for dentists and lawyers . . . Philadelphia, The Wilmington Dental Mfg. Co., 1892. 468 p.+xlI p. First book of its kind in U. S. Definition, expert testimony, malpractice, ethics, etc. No history. Appendix: Dental legislation in all U.S. states and some foreign countries (pp. 205-456) and supplement (pp. i-x1) on more legislative provisions. 1179 Reich, Eduard. Geschichte und Gefahren der Frucht-Abtreibung. Culturgeschichtlich- medicinische Studie. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, H. Barsdorf, 1893. 92 p. 68 refs. History of abortion, in general, and legislative provisions in historical perspective (pp. 11-56). Medicolegal problems. 1180 * Reichel, J. Ueber die Entwicklung der gerichts-medizinischen Vorlesungen an der Univer- sitidt Erlangen von 1800 bis zur Gegenwart. Erlangen, 1958. Dissertation (Erlangen). “The development of lectures on legal medicine at the University of Erlangen from 1800 to the present.” 1181 * Reichenbach, Edouard. Etude historique et critique de "expert médicolégal en France, en Allemagne Prusse et en Suisse (Canton de Berne et Vaud). Lausanne, L. Vincent, 1875. 64 p. “Historical and critical study of the medicolegal expert in France, Prussia and Switzer- land (Cantons of Bern and Vaud).” 1182 Reid, Robert. On the application of dental science in the detection of crime. Br Dent Assoc J 5(9) : 556-65, 15 Sep 1884. American and British cases of application of dentistry to identification of a body and/or detection of crime, from first-known U.S. case (1775) to mid-19th cent. 1183 Reimann, W. Zur Geschichte der Gerichtsmedizinischen Institutes der Humboldt-Univer- sitit zu Berlin. Z Aerztl Fortbild (Jena) 54: 550-4, 1 May 1960. History of Institute of Legal Medicine of Humboldt University, Berlin. 1184 Reiner, E. Medicine in ancient Mesopotamia. J Int Coll Surg 41: 544-50, May 1964. Position of “ashipu” (exorcist) and “asu” (medical practitioner), in treatment of disease in Babylonia, and problems which must be solved to understand circumstances of that period. 1185 * Reinhardt, L. F. Der Kaiserschnitt an Todten. Eine gekronte Preis-Abhandlung nebst seiner Vorrede von L. S. Riecke. Tiibingen, Reif, 1829. 116 p. “Caesarean section on cadavers.” Contains historical data. 144 1186 Rentsch, G. Gold als Gift bei Gabir Ibn Hayyan. Med Welt 1: 66-8, 5 Jan 1963. 17 refs. On “gold as poison,” according to Gabir Ibn Hayyan (fl. 8th cent. A.D.), outstanding Arabic physician in Kuffa and expert in Greek medical literature. 1187 Retlinger, A. R. Issledovaniia po istorii meditsiny XVII veka v Rossii. Vestn Obshchestv Gig Sud Prakt Med 42: 829-60, 1046-69, 1226-76, 1906. 41 refs. Notes from records of Aptekarskii prikaz (beginning of 17th cent.). Office was in charge of all matters concerning physicians and pharmacists, including medicolegal expertise. 1188 * Reuber, Kurt. Die Ethik des heilenden Standes in Ordnungen des hessischen Medizinal- wesens von 1564-1830. Gottingen, 1940. Dissertation (Gottingen). “The ethics of the health profession in ordinances for medical practice in Hessen from 1564 to 1830.” 1189 Reubold, W. Geschichtliche Bemerkungen iiber Giftmord. Friedreich Bl Gerichtl Med 43: 27-35, 1892. 3 refs. Very general history of poisoning from antiquity. 1190 Reubold, W. Zur Geschichte der gerichtlichen Sektion. Friedreich Bl Gerichtl Med 45: 1-31, 101-42, 1894. 42 footnotes with extensive historical comments. Historical development of medicolegal autopsies from antiquity to 18th cent. Much bib- liographic and biographic data. 1191 Reuter, Fritz. Alte und neue Wege in der gerichtlichen Medizin. Dtsch Z Gesammt Gerichtl Med 11: 14-35, 1928. 12 refs. Historical development of legal medicine in Austria (and partly in Germany) from start of 19th cent. to ca. 1925. Current status and trends; biographical material. 1192 Reuter, Fritz. Die Bedeutung des poliklinischen Unterrichtes in der gerichtlichen Medizin. Dtsch Z Gerichtl Med 8: 685-96, 1926. 1 ref. Importance of practical teaching of legal medicine at polyeclinics; necessary facilities; author’s experience and recommendations, ete. 1193 * Reuter, Fritz. Eduard von Hofmanns Erbe (1898-1938). Nova Acta Leopold 9: 563-632, 1940. “The heirs of Eduard von Hofmann (1898-1938) .” 1194 * Reuter, Fritz. Geschichte der Wiener Lehrkanzel fiir gerichtliche Medizin von 1804-1954. Beitr Gerichtl Med 19 (Suppl) : 1-78, 1954. “History of the Chair of Legal Medicine in Vienna from 1804 to 1954.” 145 1195 Reuter, Fritz. Geschichte der Wiener Lehrkanzel fiir gerichtliche Medizin von 1804 bis 1954. Wien Klin Wochenschr 66: 457-8, 2 Jul 1954. History of Chair of Legal Medicine in Vienna, 1804-1954. Organization, activities, names and achievements of teachers. 1196 Reuter, Fritz. Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Graz. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rocke- feller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 1-8. Illus. Plans and description, activities, teaching and research, history and development of Chair of Legal Medicine in Graz. 1197 Reuter, Fritz. Inwieweit soll der Gerichtsarzt auch Kriminalist sein? Wien Med Wochen- schr 87: 579-83, 22 May 1937. “To what extent should the forensic physician be involved with problems of criminology ?” Cites opinions of several authorities. Concludes that medicolegal expert should help court reach decision only on basis of his expert knowledge of legal medicine. Other problems should be solved by lawyers. 1198 Reuter, Fritz. Lisst sich der Standpunkt, den Eduard von Hofmann beziiglich des Um- fanges der gerichtlichen Medizin eingenommen hat, auch im sozialen Staat der Zu- kunft noch aufrecht erhalten? In: Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag Max Neuburgers. Wien, W. Maudrich, 1948, pp. 396-400. Brief history of Chair of Legal Medicine in Vienna; influence of E. von Hofmann on further development of discipline, and his so-called encyclopedic approach to it. Under present conditions, when field is expanded to include new specialties, a certain separation is needed (e.g., independent social medicine, forensic psychiatry, etc.). All these activities, however, should be supervised by Boards of Legal Medicine at larger universities. 1199 * Reuter, Fritz. Was hat Julius Kratter fiir die Lehrkanzel und das Institut fiir gerichtliche Medizin in Graz geleistet? Wien Klin Wsehr 39: 966-9, 1926. “What has Julius Kratter accomplished for the Chair and Institute of Legal Medicine in Graz?” 1200 Reuter, Fritz. Welche Aufgaben hat die gerichtliche Medizin in modernen Staate zu erfiillen und wie kann sie diesen gerecht werden? Wien Klin Wochenschr 2: 1343-49, 1935. Brief history of development of legal medicine in Vienna from E. von Hofmann’s time. Problems of legal medicine in a modern state and how to solve them. Some recom- mendations. 1201 * Rheindorf, Horst Joachim. Die Geschichte der Fruchtabtreibung in Deutschland seit der Einfithrung des Reichsstrafgesetzbuches 1872. Marburg /Lahn, 1950. 122 typewritten pages. Thesis (Marburg a. Lahn). “History of abortion in Germany from the introduction of the Reich’s Penal Code of 1872.” 146 1202 * Ribeiro, Fernando Duarte Silva de Almeida. O Instituto de Medicina Legal de Coimbra. Coimbra, Movimento Médico, 1913. Inaugural lecture. “Institute of Legal Medicine of Coimbra [Portugal].” 1203 Ribeiro, Leonidio. Aula inaugural de medicina legal. Arq Med Leg Identif (Rio de J) 3(7) : 203-13, Aug 1933. Inaugural lecture at Faculty of Medicine, University of Rio de Janeiro. Brief general history of legal medicine and its development in Brazil from 1832 (establishment of chairs of legal medicine). Training of medical experts and application of medical knowledge in medicolegal practice. 1204 Ribeiro, Leonidio. Licdo de medicina legal. Arq Inst Med Leg Gab Identif (Rio de J) 4: 117-23, Apr 1932. Teaching of legal medicine in Brazil. History, names of teachers, Institutes of Legal Medi- cine, specialization, present leaders, ete. 1205 Ribeiro, Leonidio. Um seculo de ensino de Medicina Legal no Brasil. Arq Med Leg Identif (Rio de J) 3(7) : 63-81, Aug 1933. 14 refs. Centennial anniversary of chairs of legal medicine in Brazil (1832). Description and development (Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, and Sao Paulo), succession of pro- fessors, rise of institutes of legal medicine, teaching and special training, medicolegal expertise in the country, etc. 1206 Richter, Gottfried. Das anatomische Theater. Berlin, Dr. Emil Ebering, 1936. 156 p. 170 refs. Bibl., pp. 151-6. 53 illus. Origins of anatomy ; development of universities and assignment of their right to dissect; establishment of theatrum anatomicum in 16th and 17th cent.; further development from 18th to end of 19th cent. Important background information for history of legal medicine. Riesgo del Campo, C., see entry no. 1207. 1207 Riesgo del Campo, G. and Riesgo del Campo, C. Genesis historica del delito de aborto. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 2(20) : 338-44, Nov 1947. History of legislation on abortion in various countries from antiquity to French legislation of 1556. Spanish legislation from 1870 to reform of criminal law in 1932. 1208 Riley, R. H. Medico-legal papers. Med Leg J (N Y) 24: 209-14, Sept 1906. Brief historical notes on medicine in general, with specific emphasis on legal medicine from Roman times to present. Of little value because of inaccuracies and errors. 1209 Rique, C. Etudes sur la médecine légale chez les Arabes. Gaz Méd Par, 3rd ser. 18: 156-62, 1863, Experience of French physician in Algiers with local problems of medicolegal interest. Laws of Koran, injuries, sexual attacks, abortion. 147 1210 Ristich de Groote, Michele. La folie & travers les siécles. Paris, Laffont, 1967. 369 p. History of insanity from antiquity to time of publication. Predominantly on medical aspects, but also mentions some important legislation concerning the insane. 1211 Ritter, Bernhard. Die offentliche Fiirsorge fiir Verstorbene bei verschiedenen Vélkern des Alterthums. Dtsch Z Staatsarzneikd, N. F. 26 (2) : 280-325, 1868. Description of funeral practices, very often of importance to history of legal medicine. 1212 Ritter, Bernhard. Der Selbstmord und das Todtengericht. Dtsch Z Staatsarzneikd, N. F. 29 (2) : 189-207, 1871. Several refs. in text. History of suicide, casuistics, motivation. 1213 Ritter, Bernhard. Zur Geschichte der gerichtsirztlichen Ausmittelung der Blutflecken. A. Henkes 7 Staatsarzneikd 80: 31-100, 1860. Numerous refs. in text, History of efforts (17th cent. to 1859) to differentiate between blood and other stains, and to distinguish between human and animal blood. Author states no method known in 1859 could achieve the latter. 1214 Ritter, Bernhard. Zur Geschichte der gerichtsiirztlichen Ermittelung der Nothzucht, Leichenschindung, Piderastie und Sodomie. Dtsch Z Staatsarzneikd, N. F. 21: 326-88, 1863. Numerous refs. in text. Historical development of legislation and medical expertise in cases of rape, necrophilia, pederasty, and sodomy. 1215 Rizzatti, Ennio. Frammenti di antica medicina giudiziaria (da Hammurabi a Giustiniano). Modena e Milano, Bérben, 1946. 198 p. Illus. Bibl. Fragments of legal medicine of antiquity (from Hammurabi to Justinian’s code). Rich source of important medicolegal information. 1216 * Robert, A. Ambroise Paré, médecin légiste. Paris, Jouve, 1929. 180 p. “Ambroise Paré, forensic physician.” 1217 Robert, A. La médecine légale avant Ambroise Paré. Aesculape, n. sér. 20: 7-21, 1930. 15 illus. Highlights of medicolegal relations in ancient times. Development during Middle Ages to time of Ambroise Paré. 1218 * Robert, Marc. Les empoisonnements criminels au XVIe siecle. Lyon, Storck, 1913. Thesis (Lyon). “Criminal poisoning in the 16th century.” 148 1219 Roberts, G. Universitets Retsmedicinske Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark. Med Leg Bull (Richmond) 20(213) : 1-16, Jan 1971. Description of Institute of Legal Medicine at University of Copenhagen (functions, teach- ing, training in pathology, medicolegal museum, autopsy facilities, departments of histology, toxicology, research). 1220 Rocha Brito, Antonio Paulo da. As primeiras disseccées humanas no Universidade de Coimbra. O primeiro teatro anatémico. Folia Anat Univ Coimbra 17 (4) : 1-16, 1942. lus. First known dissection of human body at University of Coimbra (1546) ; anatomical theater opened in 1560. Description of development to mid-17th cent. 1221 * Roche, André. Du vitriolage au point de vue historique et médico-légal. Lyon, A. Storck, 1893. 90 p. Thesis (Lyon). “Vitriol-throwing from the historical and medicolegal point of view.” 1222 Roche, Louis. Centre médico-légal régional: I’expérience lyonnaise. Sem Hop 45: 2100-3, 26 Jun 1969. Experience in Lyon with new approach to problems of legal medicine in changing social order; some recommendations. Sections: 1. Expert is a technician; 2. Organization of legal medicine in Lyon; 3. Effective improvement of expertise in penal cases; 4. Regional medical centers. 1223 Roche, Patrick. The present status of legal medicine in Nigeria. Acta Med Leg Soc 10: 111-14, 1957. Opening (1953) of first (and only) Forensic Science Laboratory in Nigeria, near Lagos. Organization, personnel, and work. 1224 Rodenwaldt, Ernst. Die Gesundheitsgesetzgebung des Magistrato della sanita Venedigs 1486-1550. Heidelberg, Springer, 1956. 122 p. Office of Sanitation in Venice, 1486-1550, had full authority in all questions of public health. Its staff of three also supervised medical and surgical professions and issued pertinent ordinances. 1225 Rodriguez Martin, L. Simulacién y disimulacién en medicina legal. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 12(134/135) : 281-95, Jul-Aug 1957. Historical development of opinions on malingering from antiquity to time of publication. 1226 Rodriguez y Méndez, Rafael. El ingreso en los manicomios desde el punto de vista médico- legal. Protoc Méd Forense 9: 57-62, 76-9, 89-95, 109-11, 122-4, 140-3, 155-8, 169-72, 185-8, 1908; 10: 11-5, 29-31, 44-7, 58-61, 90-2, 110, 1909. General history of asylums in Spain, their development and present status. Some parts of interest to history of legal medicine (forensic psychiatry). 149 1227 Rosch. Aerztliche Untersuchungen und Gutachten in einem Hexenprozesse des 17. Jahr- hunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der gerichtlichen Arzneikunde. Wiirttemb Korresp Bl 23: 269-74, Aug 29, 1853. Witcheraft trial of 1626 in Germany (case of poisoning?) with dissection of corpse and expert opinion of three physicians. Defendant was sentenced to death and burned at the stake. 1228 * Rottzscher, K. Die Entwicklung der forensischen Stomatologie. Leipzig, 1968. Dissertation (Leipzig?). “Development of forensic stomatology.” 1229 Rottzscher, K. Die forensische Stomatologie—eine forensische Wissenschaft. I. Zur Ent- wicklung der forensischen Stomatologie. Dtsch Stomatol 20: 637-41, 1970. Many refs. Development of forensic dentistry in various countries from about 1920 to time of publica- tion. Literature, present situation in German Democratic Republic, especially at Uni- versity of Leipzig. 1230 Rojas, Nério. Conferencia inaugural de la Catedra de Medicina Legal. Rev Crim Psiqiatr Med Leg (B Aires) 11: 443-55, 1924. History of Chair of Legal Medicine at University of Buenos Aires. Names of teachers: study of legal medicine. 1231 Rojas, Nério. Medicina legal. 6a ed. Buenos Aires, “El Ateneo,” 1956. 603 p. Bibl. Brief “historical synthesis” (pp. 30-33), with special emphasis on developments in Argen- tina and other countries of Latin America. 1 ref. 1232 Rojas, Nério. La medicina legal en la Argentina. Arch Med Leg (B Aires) 1: 52-62, Mar— Apr 1931. Brief history of legal medicine in Argentina. 1233 Rojas, Nério. Morgue judicial y ensefianza de la medicina legal. Arch Med Leg (B Aires) 15: 105-14, May-Jun 1945. Description of relation of chairs of legal medicine (in practical instruction of students) with morgues in Argentina, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Belgium, U.S., Brazil, Peru, Chile, and Colombia. Comments and conclusions. 1234 Roland, René. Les médecins et la loi du 19 Ventose an XI. Etude historique et juridique sur organization de la profession médicale et sur ses conditions d’exercice. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1883. 95 p. Several refs. Organization and status of medical profession in France according to Law of 1802. 150 1235 Rosen, Fred and Muntner, Suessman. The oath of Osaph. Ann Intern Med 63: 317-20, Aug 1965. 10 refs. The oldest Hebrew medical manuscript, ascribed to Asaph Judaeus (or Asaph ben Besachiach), who lived between 3rd and Tth cent. A.D.; includes the deontologic sermon that he delivered to his pupils. Similar to that of Hippocrates. 1236 Rosen, George. The fate of the concept of medical police: 1780-1890. Centaurus 5 (2): 97- 113, 1957. 41 refs. Johann Peter Frank’s ideas, expressed in his System einer vollstindigen medicinischen Polizey (published 1778-1816 in 6 successive volumes), influenced health legislation in most European countries, and also influenced leading figures in legal medicine (e.g., Uden & Pyl in Germany, Bernt in Austria, Oberkamp in Heidelberg, A. Duncan in Edinburgh). Rosen’s article is important background reading for students of the history of legal medicine. 1237 Rosenberg, A. The Sara murder case; an early example of the doctor as an expert witness. J Hist Med 12(1) : 61-70, Jan 1957. 21 refs. Autopsy conducted in England in 1699, six weeks after vietim’s burial, with differing views of experts. Rosselet, Ed., see entry no. 979. 1238 Rosu, N. l'Institut Médico-Légal “Prof. Dr Mina Minovici.” Rev Med Leg (Bucur) 2(1): 162, 1937. Establishment and development of Institute of Legal Medicine “Prof. Dr. Mina Minovici” in Bucharest; its achievements to date of publication. 1239 Royo-Villanova y Morales, Ricardo. Defensa de la medicina legal. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 7: 239-56, Jul-Aug 1952. Defense of legal medicine as independent discipline. Description of its low status in Spain; arguments in its support, including opinions of authorities (both Spanish and foreign) ; its possibilities and importance. 1240 Royo-Villanova y Morales, Ricardo. La ensefianza de la medicina legal en las Facultades de Derecho. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 1: 9-11, Apr 1946. Reasons why legal medicine should be a required subject in law schools’ curriculum. 1241 Royo-Villanova y Morales, Ricardo. Sobre la definicién de la medicina legal. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 9: 81-93, Mar-Apr 1954. Discussion of past efforts to define scope of legal medicine, and author’s own views. 1242 * Rozhanovskii, V. A. Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza v dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii i v SSSR. Moskva, Gos. med. izd-vo, 1927. “Medicolegal expertise in pre-Revolutionary Russia and the USSR.” 151 1243 Rubino, Oscar B. Introduccién a la medicina forense. Rosario, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 1946. 328 p. History of legal medicine from antiquity to date of publication, with special emphasis on Argentina (pp. 24-30) ; evolution of teaching of legal medicine (pp. 30-36). 1244 Rush, Benjamin. Sixteen introductory lectures to courses of lectures upon the Institutes and Practice of Medicine, with a syllabus of the latter. To which are added two lec- tures upon the pleasures of the senses and of the mind, with an inquiry into their proximate cause. Delivered in the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Bradford and Innskeep, 1811. 455 p. 16th lecture is “On the study of medical jurisprudence,” delivered on November 5, 1810. Based mostly on Fodéré’s work; except for brief general introduction, devoted to “status of the mind” and legal consequences of mental disorders. First work on legal medicine published in U.S. 1245 Russell, D. H. Dimensions of forensic psychiatry. Int J Psychiatr 6: 219-21, Sep 1968. 8 refs. Author supplements S. Halleck’s article (see entry no. 596) in same issue with some historical data. Describes many promising positions American psychiatrists took regarding welfare of criminals and concludes that any new legislation concerning mentally ill should avoid any violation of human rights and should organize realistic mental health services. Russell, D. H., see entry no. 338. 1246 Ryan, Michael. A manual of medical jurisprudence and state medicine, compiled from the latest legal and medical works of Beck, Paris, Christison, Fodéré, Orfila, ete. 2d ed. London, Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper, 1836. 554 p. Index. Introduction (pp. xiii-x1) : History of subjects from antiquity to time of publication. Medical ethics (pp. 3-118) : Medical ethics of Hippocrates, Middle Ages, Percival, and American authors. 1st ed. 1831. 1247 * Ryan, William Burke. Infanticide; its law, prevalence, prevention, and history. London, J. Churchill, 1862. 266 p. 1248 Ryckére, Raymond de. A propos de ’enseignement de la médicine légale et de la psychiatrie. Ann Soc Méd Lég Belg 15(2) : 94-7, 1903. Teaching of legal medicine and psychiatry in Belgium (Liege, Brussels, Ghent, Louvaine). 1249 Ryckére, Raymond de. L’enseignement de la médecine légale et de la psychiatrie a la Faculté de Médecine de Paris. Ann Soc Méd Lég Belg 15(1) : 33-9, 1903. Teaching of legal medicine and psychiatry at Faculty of Medicine in Paris. 152 1250 Ryckere, Raymond de and Corin, Gabriel Julien. A quel moment est-il permis au médecin- légiste de pratiquer 'autopsie? Ann Soc Med Leg Belg 12 (2) : 126-47, 1900. Many refs. “At what moment may the medicolegal practitioner [pathologist] perform an autopsy?” 1251 Ryckmans, Xavier. Les droits et les obligations des médecins ainsi que des dentists, accoucheuses, infirmieres et gardes-malades. Bruxelles, F. Larcier, 1954. 687 p. Bibl. “The rights and obligations of physicians, as well as of dentists, midwives, nurses, and [other] health-care personnel.” Chapt. 3: History (pp. 20-27). Antiquity, Middle Ages, modern times; French period; Dutch period; Belgian legislation. 15 refs. 1252 Sa, Fernando M. Oliveira de. L’Institut de médecine légale de Coimbra et I’enseignement de la médecine légale a la Faculté de médecine de Coimbra. Ann Méd Lég 44: 322-6, July—Aug 1964. Description of Institute of Legal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra (Portugal). Organizational data and information on teaching of legal medicine to students of both medicine and law. 1253 * Sacco Ferraro, L.. Historical study of old medicolegal case; first Cesarean section performed in Uruguay, apparently by a priest. Arch Clin Obstet Ginecol “Eliseo Canton’ 1: 862— 82, Sept 1942. 1254 Saforcada Adema, Manuel D. Perfeccionamiento de los servicios médicoforenses en Espana. Bol Inform Asoc Nac Méd Forenses 29/30: 363-72, May-Jun 1962. Evolution of criminal law in Spain from punitive to defensive and, finally, to defensive- correctional stance. Resultant improvement of medicolegal service. 1255 Sal’kov, A. A. Nauchnye dostizheniia v sudebnol ekspertize za poslednie desiat’ let. Sud Med Ekspert 9: 15-25, 1928. Scientific results achieved in forensic expertise in USSR and elsewhere during previous ten years. Mostly on techniques of criminological interest. 1256 * Samarian, P. Cele dintii acte medico-legale, expertize, analize si autopsii cu caracter medico-legal. Rev Med Leg (Bucur) 2(3/4) : 79 ff., 1938. History of legal medicine in Rumania (first medicolegal legislation, expertises, analysis and autopsies of purely medicolegal character). 1257 Samoggia, L. Martino degli Erri, lettore dello Studio priore del Collegio dei Medici e suo contributo alla medicina legale in Bologna. Bull Sci Med Bologna 135: 348-59, Oct— Dec 1963. 27 refs. _ - “Magister” Martino degli Erri o de Loro was a lecturer af “Studio” in Bologna, physician of the city, and medical expert before its criminal court. His expert opinions (1357— 74) and important role in legal medicine of 14th cent. are discussed. 153 1258 San Martin, Horacio A. M. Comentarios médico-legales sobre dos necropsias judiciales realizadas a fines del Protomedicato (Buenos Aires, 1813). Arch Iberoam Hist Med 2: 241-9, 1950. Comments on medicolegal autopsies conducted in Buenos Aires during existence of “Proto- medicato” (1778-1813). Information on status of legal medicine, its teaching, etc., in that period. 1259 Sanchez Juan, J. Conceptos deontologicos y médico-legales en las obras del P. Feijéo y de Juan Fragoso, el Toledano. Rev Med Led (Madr) 6: 30-76, 101-38, 1951. 145 refs. Deontological and medicolegal concepts in works of Juan Fragoso (d. 1597) and Benito Geronimo Feijoo y Montenegro (1701-1764). Beginning of medicolegal thinking in Spain. 1260 Sand, Knud Aage Buchtrup. Das Gerichtsmedizinische Universititsinstitut Kopenhagen und seine Organisation. In: Internationaler Kongress fiir gerichtliche und soziale Medizin, 1st, Bonn a. Rh., 22-24 Sep. 1938. Verhandlungsbericht. Bonn, Scheuer, 1938, pp. 25-39. 1 ref. 18 illus. Description of Institute of Legal Medicine of University of Copenhagen and its activities. Supplements report of 1928 (see entry no. 1264). 1261 * Sand, Knud Aage Buchtrup. The Institute of Legal Medicine at the University of Copen- hagen and its organization. Am J Med Jurispr 2: 84-87, 1939. 1262 Sand, Knud Aage Buchtrup. The Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Copenhagen. Med Leg Crim Rev (Camb) 8: 267-9, Oct 1940. Brief description of Institute of Legal Medicine in Copenhagen, founded 1910; activities (teaching and service to the State), administrative control, facilities, and personnel. 1263 Sand, Knud Aage Buchtrup. Om retsmedicinen, dens udspring, dens udvikling og dens moderne stilling med saerligt henblik paa Danmark. Ugeskr Laeg 88: 235-40, 11 Mar 1926. History of legal medicine from antiquity to time of publication, with special references to development in Denmark from 1819 on. 1264 Sand, Knud Aage Buchtrup. Origin, development and status of legal medicine in modern times, status of legal medicine in Denmark, and description of Institute of Legal Medicine, Copenhagen. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Eduec., 1928, pp. 348-58. Illus. 154 1265 Sand, René. L’histoire de la profession médicale. Arch Belg Méd Soc Hyg Méd Trav Méd Lég 5: 291-324, 355-78, 1947. Numerous footnotes with important comments and some refs. Sections: Medicine, magic and empiric; medicine of priests; of laymen; in the service of royal courts; public and private; charitable; contractual; public in 19th & 20th cent. ; national health service; medicine of rich and poor; deficiencies of medicine; speciali- zation; fees; morals; regulation of the profession; varying effectiveness of medicine; medical prestige; medical crises. 1266 Sand, René. L’histoire de I’hygiene publique. Arch Belg Méd Soc Hyg Méd Trav Méd Lég 6: 123-64, 1948. Several important comments and refs. in footnotes. History of public health with much of interest on medical legislation. 1267 Sandor, A. A. The history of professional liability suits in the United States. JAMA 163 (6) : 459-66, 9 Feb 1957. 42 refs. Early English and American cases; analysis of appeal cases in U.S. (statistics by states from first reported case, 1794, to 1955) ; incidental observations; liability based on acts other than malpractice. 1268 * Sansores, Arturo. [Medical jurisprudence in Havana]. Rev Méd Soc San Benefic Munic 1: 54-70, July—Sep 1941. (Span) 1269 * Sapozhnikov, Turii Sergeevich. Istoriia kafedry sudebnol meditsiny. In: Sto let Kievskogo meditsinskogo instituta, 1841-1941. Kiev, 1947. “History of the Chair of Legal Medicine [in Kiev].” 1270 * Sapozhnikov, Iurii Sergeevich. Nauchno-issledovatel’skaia deiatel’'nost kafedry sudebnol meditsiny Kievskogo meditsinskogo instituta posle Velikol Oktiabr’skol revoliutsii (s 1917 po 1957 g.). In: Materialy 3-1 rasshirennol nauchnol konferentsii, posviash- chennol pamiati zasluzhennogo deiatela nauki, prof. M. I. Raiskogo. Kiev, 1958, pp. 127-9. “Research activities of the Chair of Legal Medicine of Kiev Medical Institute from the Revolution in 1917 to 1957.” 1271 * Sarda, Gaston. Lecon d’ouverture du Course de médecine légale. Montpellier, C. Boehm, 1898. 35 p. “Opening lecture in the course of legal medicine [at the University of Montpellier].” 1272 Sato, Bunichi. Hoigaku hattatsu shi; sono aramashi. Tokyo Ika Daigaku Zasshi 28: 95— 104, 1970. “History of legal medicine; outlines.” Reviews historical development of medicolegal studies in Europe and Japan. 155 1273 Saussure, Raymond de. The influence of the concept of monomania on French medico- legal psychiatry (from 1825 to 1840). J Hist Med 1: 365-97, Jul 1946. 66 refs.; bibliogr. (25 entries). 1274 Sauver, Jules. Histoire de la législation médical belge. Bruxelles, A. Decq, 1862. 355 p. Brief history of medical legislation in Belgium from mid-16th to end of 18th cent. Further development and status to 1858. Very little on legal medicine. 1275 Sava, V. Institutul Medico-Legal “Prof. dr. Mina Minovici.” Rom Med 7: 189-92, 1-15 Jul 1930. Illus. Description of Institute of Legal Medicine “Prof. Mina Minovici,” Bucharest, teaching and research activities, biobibliographic data on pioneer of legal medicine in Rumania, after whom Institute was named. 1276 Schichter, M. Medico-legal methods in Hungary. Brit M J 2: 407, 16 Aug 1913. Abstract of author’s lecture on organization of medical expertise in Hungary in highly technical cases (Royal Medico-Legal Senate). 1277 Schlegel. 1898-1928. Arch Krim (Leipz) 83: 203-5, 1928. Prepared on the occasion of extension of Institute of Legal Medicine of University of Leipzig. Reminiscence on start of Chair of Legal Medicine in Leipzig, establishment of Institute, 1905, and expansion, 1928. Praise of recent Director, Prof. R. Kockel. 1278 Schlegel, Julius Heinrich Gottlieb. Altes und neues aus dem Gebiete der gerichtlichen Arzneikunde, aus ungedruckten Akten. Ann Staatsarzneikd 4 (3) : 118-50, 1839. Medicolegal casuistics from unpublished records, 1735-1835 (infanticides; university opinions on impotence; malpractice by midwife). 1279 Schleyer, Franz Lothar. Historia de la catedra y del Instituto de Médicina Legal de la Universidad de Bonn. Bol Inf Asoc Nac Méd Forens (Madr) No. 34-6: 852-5, Oct- Dec 1962. Development of teaching of legal medicine at University of Bonn, establishment of Chair, organization of Institute of Legal Medicine and its work to time of publication. Suc- cession of teachers. 1280 Schmidt, Georg. Gerichtliche Medizin in Tiibingen. Med Welt 51: 2886-93, 18 Dec 1965. 23 refs. Illus. Brief account of development of legal medicine in Germany. Its teaching at University of Tiibingen from 1751 on. Biobibliographies of some teachers, portraits, etc. 156 1281 Schmidt, Otto. Gerichtliche Medizin in den ersten geschriebenen Rechten germanischer Stamme. Dtsch Z Gerichtl Med 42 (2) : 121-32, 1953. 69 refs. Calls attention of researchers to medicolegal provisions of Leges Barbarorum (Lex Visi- gothorum, Burgundorum, Lex Salica, Leges Ripuariorum, Langobardorum, Alamano- rum, Baiuvariorum, Saxonum, Thuringorum, Chamavorum, Frisionum). Concludes that these formed the basis of legal medicine in Germany (before introduction of statutes of Italian cities, before rise of German Town Laws, and long before promul- gation of Constitutio Bambergensis). 1282 Schmidt, Otto. Sektionsberichte aus Danziger Physikatsakten der Jahre 1691-1769; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin. Dtsch Z Gerichtl Med 37: 203-17, 1 Jun 1943. In 1661, City Council of Gdansk (formerly Danzig) ordered city physicians to perform autopsies. Extant Latin records contain about 200 reports from 1691 to 1769, some ordered by the court. Autopsies were performed by two physicians in presence of three representatives of judiciary. Some interesting cases reported. 1283 Schonberg, Salomon. Das Gerichtsirztliche Institut der Universitit Basel. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Eduec., 1928, pp. 227-31. Illus. Description and floor plan of Institute in Basel, facilities, teaching, and other activities. 1284 Schrammen, F. Gerichtsidrztliche kritische und experimentelle Studien liber Baunscheid- tismus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Kurpfuschertums. Vierteljahrsschr Gerichtl Med Oeff Sanitaetswes 3.F. 46: 63-103, 325-39, 1913. 34 refs. “Critical medicolegal and experimental studies of ‘Baunscheidtism’; contribution to history of quackery.” In Germany, a kind of acupuncture was introduced in 1809 by Carl Baunscheid, who invented special instruments for it; therefore, was called “Baun- scheidtism.” Still practiced around 1900. 1285 Schranz, Dionys. Uber den Stand der gerichtlichen Stomatologie in Ungarn und in den einzelnen Lindern. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 89-91, Jan-Jun 1962. Brief history of forensic dentistry from Amoedo’s work in 1898; development and present status in Hungary, with outline of knowledge required to pass the “state examination.” 1286 Schreyer, Johann. Erorterung und Erlduterung der Frage: Ob es ein gewiss Zeichen, wenn eines todten Kindes Lunge im Wasser untersincket, dass solches in Mutter-Leibe gestorben sey? Zeitz, J. H. Ammersbach, 1690. 35 p. Author brought hydrostatic test of infant's lungs to attention of court in 1882 (first such case known), but was refuted. Defends his opinion “zu Rettung seine Ehre” (before the public). 157 1287 Schroeder, Oliver C., Jr. Forensic medicine; yesterday, today and tomorrow. Postgrad Med 28: A60-A70, Nov 1960. 12 refs, General article describing terminological problems, brief chronological history, and then- current status of discipline. 1288 Schroeder, Oliver C., Jr. The law-medicine center: an experience of working together. Minn Med 42: 1636-7, 1959. Law-Medicine Center at University of Cleveland was opened in 1954. Is a service institu- tion with goal of improving level of medical expertise and giving lawyers and other interested laymen opportunity to become acquainted with application of medicine to needs of the law. 1289 * Schultz, Oscar T. Possibilities and need for development of legal medicine in the United States, with a supplement on university departments in the field of criminology. Bull U S Natl Res Counc 87: 1-135, 1932. 1290 Schulz, Georg. Zur Entwicklung des Arztrechts. Med Klin 61: 1947-8, 2 Dec 1966. Brief and very general history of legal position of physicians from Hippocratic times, with special emphasis on developments from end of last cent. 1291 * Schvob, Alexandre. Essai sur la médecine légale chez les Hébreux. Strasbourg, A. Chris- tophe, 1861. 81 p. Thesis (Strasbourg). “Essay on legal medicine among the Hebrews.” 1292 * Schwannenfliigel, Siegfried von. Die Korperverletzungen in den ersten geschriebenen Rechten der Germanen. Gottingen, 1950. 103 typewritten p. Dissertation (Gottingen). “Personal injuries in the first written laws of the Germans.” 1293 Schwarz, Fritz. Tiatigkeit und Entwicklung des gerichtlich-medizinischen Institutes. In: Ziircher Spitalgeschichte. Ziirich, Regierungsrat des Kantons Ziirich, 1951. Bd. 2, pp. 613-21. History of teaching of legal medicine at University of Zurich from foundation, 1833; opening of building of Institute of Legal Medicine, 1912, and its activities under Prof, H. Zangger; work to the present. 1294 Schwarzacher, Walther. Aufgaben und Arbeitsweise der gerichtlichen Medizin. Wien Klin Wochenschr 41: 1073-7, 26 Jul 1928. History of legal medicine from Roman times, development of its literature, and expansion to end of 19th cent. Description and discussion of problems facing legal medicine in teaching, research, and practical application of medical knowledge as expertise. 158 1295 Schwarzacher, Walther. Eduard Ritter von Hofmann. Von der Staatsarzneikunde zur gerichtlichen Medizin. In: Knoll, Fritz. Osterreichische Naturforscher, Arzte und Techniker. Wien, Gesellschaft fiir Natur und Technik, 1957, pp. 146-8. Brief description of origin and development of Chair of ‘“Staatsarzneikunde” (state medicine )at University of Vienna and changes introduced by Hofmann. 1296 * Schwarzacher, Walther. Gegenwartsprobleme der gerichtlichen Medizin. Wien Klin Wschr 66 (26) : 458-9, 2 Jul 1954. “Present-day problems which legal medicine faces” and which concern its survival. 1297 Seckendorff, von. Geschichtliche Nachrichten tiber den bezirks- und gerichts-drztlichen Verein fiir Staatsarzneikunde im Konigreiche Sachsen. Mag Staatsarzneikd 1; ix—xx, 1842. History of foundation of Association of State Medicine; its by-laws and membership. 1298 * Securis, John. A detection and querimonie of the daily enormities and abuses committed in physick . . . Londini, in aedibus Thomae Marshi, 1566. 103 p. ) 1299 * Segal, A. [Medico-legal trials in Moscow State during the 15th-17th century]. Vrach Delo 2: 1651-2, 1928. (Rus) 1300 Sein, Andres S., et al. La ensenanza de los problemas medico-legales en la escuela de policia de la Capital Federal. Arch Med Leg (B Aires) 8: 147-58, May-Jun 1938. Four professors and two assistants from Institute of Legal Medicine of University of Buenos Aires lecture at Police School for Federal District, applying legal medicine to solution of criminal cases, especially in police techniques, criminal anthropology, and criminology. 1301 * Semelaigne, René. Etudes historiques sur l'aliénation mentale dans Pantiquité. Paris, P. Asselin, 1869. 1 v. “Historical studies of insanity in antiquity.” 1302 * Semelaigne, René. Les pionniers de la psychologie francaise avant et aprés Pinel. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1930-32. 2 v. “Pioneers of French psychology before and after Pinel.” 1303 * Semelaigne, René. Philippe Pinel et son oeuvre au point de vue de la médecine mentale. Paris, 1888, 169 p. “Philippe Pinel and his work from the point of view of mental [sic] medicine.” 159 1304 Serdiukov, Mstislav Georgievich. Sudebnaia ginekologiia i sudebnoe akusherstvo. Moskva, Medgiz, 1957. 396 p. Bibl., pp. 387-93. Brief essay on sources of national [i.e. Russian and Soviet] forensic gynecology and obstetrics (pp. 5-16). Developments from 16th cent. to time of publication. 3 parts. 1305 * Sérieux and Trenel. L’internement des aliénés par voie judiciaire (sentence d’interdiction) sous "Ancien Régime. Rev Hist Droit Fr 450-86, Oct 1931. “Commitment of the insane by judicial decision (verdict of interdiction) during the Ancien Régime.” 1306 * Setti, Augusto. Una perizia medico-legale del 1665. Roma, 1891. “A case of medicolegal expertise of 1665.” 1307 Seyfarth. Ueber Hinrichtungen und andere gerichtsirztliche Erfahrungen in Siidostbul- garien. Muench Med Wochenschr 66: 1098, 1919. Brief communication on death by hanging in Bulgaria. Of little importance for legal medicine. 1308 Shapiro, Donald E. and Davis, Anthony. Law and pathology through the ages. The coroner and his descendants—Ilegitimate and illegitimate. N Y State J Med 72: 805-9, 1 Apr 1972. 25 refs. Development of office of coroner in England (first mentioned in 1194) through the cen- turies and its changes to time of modern forensic pathologist. 1309 Shapiro, Hillel Abbe. Forensic medicine in medical education. J Forensic Med 12: 68-75, Apr-Jun 1965. 11 refs. Position of forensic medicine in undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum and desired reforms. 1310 Shastid, Thomas Hall. Legal relations of ophthalmology. In: Wood, Casey Albert, ed. The American encyclopedia and dictionary of ophthalmology. Chicago, Cleveland Press, 1916, v. 9, pp. 7042-7188. Lengthy description of legal and medicolegal procedures, federal and state legislation, status in England, Germany, France, and Italy. 1311 Shastid, Thomas Hall. A history of medical jurisprudence in America. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1912. 11 p. Reprint of entry no. 1312. 1312 Shastid, Thomas Hall. Medical jurisprudence. In: Kelly, Howard A., ed. A cyclopedia of American medical biography. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1912, pp. Ixxv-Ixxxv. Biographies and bibliographies of leading U.S. forensic scientists from time of Benjamin Rush. 160 1313 Shelley, H. Observation on some medico-legal experience in Nyasaland, British East Africa. Med Leg Criminol Rev 3: 21-44, 1935. Discussion. General description of the country and its population; medical observations; judicial and legal system; crimes and offenses. Some experiences in pathology. No medicolegal service in true sense. 1314 * Shershavkin, Sergei Vladimirovich, Fizikaty i ikh sudebno-meditsinskaia deiatel’nost’. In: Sb Tr Biuro Gl Sudebnomed Ekspert Kaf Sud Med Stalinab Med Inst Im Avit- senny 4: 151(?) ff., 1955. “Fizikaty (District Physicians’ Offices) and their medicolegal activities.” 1315 Shershavkin, Sergei Vladimirovich. Istoriia otechestvennoi sudebno-meditsinskoi sluzhby. Moskva, Izd-vo “Meditsina,” 1968. 182 p. Many refs. Illus. Bibl, pp. 179-82. Detailed history of Russian and Soviet legal medicine (medicolegal service) from start of Christianity in Russia to present. One of the best works of this kind. 1316 * Shershavkin, Sergei Vladimirovich. Istoriia russkoi sudebnomeditsinskoi sluzhby (XVII- XIX veka). Doktorskaia dissertatsiia. Moskva, 1956. Doctoral dissertation (Moscow). “History of Russian medicolegal service (XVII-XIXth centuries).” 1317 * Shershavkin, Sergei Vladimirovich. K istorii protsessual’no-pravovogo polozheniia sudeb- nomeditsinskol ekspertizy. Sb Rab Kaf Sud Med Stalinab Med Inst Biuro Glav Sudeb- nomed Ekspert 7: 3-17, 1958. . “History of the position of medicolegal expertise in the judiciary process [in Russia and USSR]. 1318 * Shershavkin, Sergei Vladimirovich. Materialy k istorii kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Mos- kovskogo universiteta. Kandidatskaia dissertatsiia. Moskva, 1948. Dissertation [for the position of Candidate of Medical Sciences]. “Materials on the history of the Chair of Legal Medicine of the University of Moscow.” 1319 * Shershavkin, Sergei Vladimirovich. Znachenie kafedr sudebnoi meditsiny russkikh uni- versitetov v razvitil sudebnomeditsinskoi sluzhby. Tr Stalinab Gos Med Inst 28: 137— 47, 1958. “Significance of the chairs of legal medicine at Russian universities in the development of medicolegal service.” 1320 Shtol’ts, Vladimir Ivanovich. Rukovodstvo k izucheniiu sudelmei meditsiny dlia iuristov. S. Petersburg, A. S. Semenov, 1890. 456 p. Illus. History of legal medicine (pp. 5-10) ; history of legal medicine in Russia from time of Russkaia pravdae (ca 1050) to time of publication (pp. 10-14) - - 161 1321 Shvaikova, Mariia Dmitrievna. O vozniknovenii i razvitie otechestvennol sudebnoi khimii. Sb Nauchn Rab Med Pogran Obl 2: 15-9, 1955. Origin and development of forensic chemistry in Russia and Soviet Union from 1716 to about 1950. 1322 Shvaikova, Mariia Dmitrievna. Sudebnaia khimiia. Moskva, Medgiz, 1959. 410 p. Subj. index. Illus. Starts with brief historical essay on origin and development of forensic chemistry in Russia and Soviet Union from 17th cent. to about 1950. 10 refs. 2 photos. 1323 Shvaikova, Mariia Dmitrievna. Sudebnaia khimiia. In: Bol’shaia meditsinskaia entsiklo- pediia. Moskva, 1963, v. 31, pp. 698-701. Definition and history of forensic chemistry, with emphasis on development in Russia and Soviet Union from 1797 to ca 1960. Some refs. 1324 * Sidorov, Semen Mikhailovich. Kafedra sudebnol meditsiny (1935-1956 gg.) Nauchn Izv Kaz Gos Med Inst 13: 90-3, 1958. “Chair of Legal Medicine (1935-1956) [of the Kazakh National Medical Institute, Alma Atal.” 1325 Siebenhaar, Friedrich Julius, ed. Enzyklopiddisches Handbuch der gerichtlichen Arznei- kunde fiir Aerzte und Rechtsgelehrte. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1838-40. 2 v. Encyclopedia of legal medicine. Vol. 1: brief survey of history of legal medicine (pp. xiii— xxiv) from antiquity to time of publication. Bibl. (pp. xxv-xxxviii). Long entries alphabetically arranged, each with related extensive bibliography. 1326 Sieradzki, Wlodzimierz. IL’Institut Médico-Légal de 1'Université de Lwow (Leopol, Pologne). In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 125-31. Illus. Historical introduction ; description of Institute of University of Lvov (Poland) and floor plan; research material; relations with authorities of justice and police; teaching methods; personnel, etc. 1327 Sigerist, Henry Ernest. History of medical licensure. JAMA 104: 1057-60, 30 Mar 1935. 10 refs. Brief history of medical licensure: pertinent provisions of Zoroastrian Vendidad (between 3rd and 7th cent. A.D.), attempts at licensure in Arabia, Middle Ages, Prussia, Aus- tria, and U.S. 1328 Silva, Antonio Carlos Pacheco e. Psiquiatria clinica e forense. Sao Paulo, Editora Nacional, 1940. 584 p. Author’s bibl. (113 entries). Illus. Includes historical development of clinical and forensic psychiatry from antiquity to end of 19th cent. 162 1329 Simari, R. Una polemica di medicina legale tra medici dell’Universita Aquilana e medici dell’Universita Torinese. Pagine Stor Med 9(2) : 60-64, 1965. Dispute in 1864 between physicians of Universities of Aquileia and Turin concerning medical expertise. Question was whether one Giuseppe Spavento had died by poison or because of epileptic seizure. 1330 * Simili, Alessandro. Le caratteristiche “inquisizioni” a Bologna nel secolo XIV. Episteme 3: 115-36, 1969. References. “Characteristic trials by inquisition in 14th century Bologna.” 1331 Simili, Alessandro. Considerazioni su una perizia medicolegale inedita del’300. G Clin Med 22: 1395-1403 passim, 10 Dec 1941. 4 refs. Written report of obduction performed in 1320. Author’s comments. 1332 Simili, Alessandro. Riflessi anatomo-patologici e tossicologici di una perizia medico-legale inedita del 1333, nei primi tempi antichi e moderni. Atti Mem Accad Stor Arte Sanit, 2nd ser. 17(1) : 27-42, Jan-Mar 1951. 72 refs. Reflections on patho-anatomic and toxicologic aspects of unpublished medicolegal expertise of 1333 from Bologna. Rich material on related developments from antiquity and modern times. 1333 Simili, Alessandro. Sulle origini della medicina legale e peritale. Riforma Med 75: 753-6, 1 Jul 1961. 36 refs. in text (incomplete citations). History of legal medicine from antiquity to time of Paolo Zacchia; development of medi- colegal expertise (first document on medical expertise, 130 A.D.). Evolution in Italy from 13th cent. 1334 Simili, Alessandro. Un referto medico-legale inedito e autografo di Bartolomeo da Varignana. Policlin, Sez Prat 58: 150-5, 29 Jan 1951. 18 refs. Expert opinion of Bartolomeo da Varignana, 1302, on pregnancy, with his autograph. Photograph of this record (not yet then published) and author’s comments. 1335 Simon, Isidore. Les Hébreux, précurseurs de I’expertise judiciaire et médico-légale. Rev Hist Méd Héb 10: 31-46, Oct 1951. 10 refs. Using Greek, Roman, Biblical, and Talmudic sources (medical texts), author claims that Hebrews were first nation to establish medical expertise on regular basis. (Started in Europe only in 13th cent.) 1336 Simon, Isidore. Les Hébreux, précurseurs de I'expertise judiciaire et médico-légale. Paris, Impr. Abécé, 1954. 16 p. Reprint of entry no. 1335. 163 1337 Simon, Isidore. La législation hébraique dans I’antiquité et au début du moyen age (périodes biblique et talmudique) en rapport avec des problemes neuropsychiatriques et médico-légaux chez les prétres juifs: les Cohanim, Leviim et les Rabbins. In: Raynier, J. and Beaudouin, H., eds. L’assistance psychiatrique francaise. 3e ed. Paris, Impr. Administrative de Melun, 1951, t. 3, pp. 801-17. 13 refs. According to Mosaic law, rabbis underwent physical and psychological examination, which eventually led to elimination of the sick from rabbinate. 1338 Simon, Isidore. La médecine légale dans la Bible et le Talmud. Rev Hist Méd Héb 2: 46- 61, Sept-Dec 1948; 3: 33-62, May 1949. 13 refs. Bibl. (36 entries). Study of the Bible and Talmud convinced author that ancient Hebrews were first among nations to use medical expertise. Discusses cases to which expertise was applied. 1339 Simon, Isidore. La médecine légale dans la Bible et le Talmud. Paris, Revue d’histoire et de la médecine hébraique, 1954. 44 p. Reprint of entry no. 1338. 1340 Simon, Isidore. Qui a pratiqué les premieres césariennes sur femmes vivantes? Est-ce les talmudistes ? In: International Congress of the History of Medicine, 19th, Basel, 1964. Aktuelle Probleme. Basel, S. Karger, 1966, p. 276-84. 18 refs. Author believes that the first Caesarean sections on living women were mentioned and probably performed by Talmudists at end of antiquity and beginning of the Middle Ages. 1341 Simon, M. Recherches sur l'opération césarienne. Mém Acad R Chir (Par) 1: 623-49, 1743. 22 refs. Historical survey of Caesarean section from time of Pliny to date of publication. Very profound study for that period. 1342 Simpson, Cedric Keith. The development of forensic medicine. Guy’s Hosp Gaz 78: 384- 90, 22 Aug 1964. Development of forensic medicine from antiquity, with emphasis on origins of scientific methods in crime investigation. Similar to author’s article of 1961 (entry no. 1343). 1343 Simpson, Cedric Keith. The development of scientific methods in crime investigation. J Forensic Med 8(4) : 148-56, 1961. 1 ref. Era of empiricism; first scientific era; early criminal detection procedure; 19th cent. technical advances; modern times and methods. 1344 Simpson, Cedric Keith. Forensic medicine in Egypt. Guy’s Hosp Gaz 64: 332-5, 12 Aug 1950. Impressions of visit to Cairo (criminality, drugs, teaching of forensic medicine and the government’s Medico-Legal Institute.) 164 1345 Simpson, Cedric Keith. Some impressions of American legal medicine on a visit in 1952. Med Leg J 21(1) : 10-7, 1953. University teaching in legal medicine; medical examiner system; pathologist and FBI officer; narcotics problem. 1346 Sinkulova, Ludmila. Z historie 1ékarskych posudkt. Cesk Zdrav 15: 413-18, Aug 1967. 2 refs. History of medical expertise in judging slaves’ degree of disability ; medical expertise in cases of leprosy. 1347 Sinkulova, Ludmila. Z historie posudkové ¢innosti lékaii. Gas Lék Cesk 106: 217-21, 273-1, 369-73, 430-4, 1016-9, 1967. Several important comments and refs. in footnotes. Five articles on history of medical expertise concerning beauty of human body, human age, expertise in penal law, mental health, and simulation. Some material from terri- tory of Czechoslovakia. 1348 Sinkulova, Ludmila. Z historie zakladnich zdravotnickych zakonu rakousko-uherskych. Cesk Zdrav 18: 425-32, 489-95, 1970. 24 refs. Basic health legislation in Austro-Hungarian monarchy—Law of April 30, 1870, No. 68, “On the Organization of Public Health Service.” Was in force in Czechoslovakia from 1918 to 1951. 1349 * . Sjovall, Einar. The Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Lund, Sweden. Am J Med Jurisp 1: 237-41, Dec 1938. 1350 Sjévall, Einar. The Institute of Pathology and Forensic Medicine at Lund, Sweden. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 213-25. Illus. Organization of forensic medicine in Sweden; connection between pathology and forensic medicine; pathological material; teaching of pathology, forensic medicine; building (with floor plans) and plan of work; staff; budget. 1351 Sjovall, Einar. La médecine légale: un apercu rétrospectif. Acta Med Leg Soc 9 (Spec. No.) : 3-10, 1956. 2 illus. Brief biography of Prof. Knud Sand on his 70th birthday ; his importance to Danish legal medicine; historical development of discipline in Sweden (as compared with Den- mark). 1352 Skelton, C. W. Why a medico-legal society? N Engl J Med 201(16) : 771-3, 17 Oct 1929. Arguments in favor of establishing medicolegal societies, patterned after that in Massa- chusetts, throughout U.S. Reasons: medicolegal service to states: expert opinions; new ideas concerning organization of legal medicine, etc. 165 1353 Skinsnes, O. K. Postmortem examination and inquest in Old China. AMA Arch Pathol 74: 304-12, Oct 1962. 5 refs. 1 illus. Description and interpretation of Hsi yiian lu (compiled, according to author, between 1241 and 1253), with special emphasis on parts devoted to postmortem examination and inquest. 1354 * Skopin, Ivan Vsevolodovich and Trynkina, I. A. K istorii kafedry sudebnol meditsiny Saratovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Sb Nauchn Rab Sarat Otd Vses Nauchn O-va Sud Med Kriminol 3: 9-18, 1961. “History of the Chair of Legal Medicine of Saratov Medical Institute.” 1355 Skrzeczka, Karl Friedrich Christian. Gerichtliche Medizin. In: Lexis, Wilhelm H. R. A. Die deutsche Universititen. Berlin, A. Asher, 1893, v. 2, p. 372-6. Brief development of legal medicine in Germany; most important figures and their publications; low status of discipline at universities. 1356 Skvortsov, I. P. Obosnovanie sanitarnago prava kak otdel’noi iuridicheskol distsipliny. Vestn Obshchestv Gig Sud Prakt Med 335-51, Mar 1902. Development of health legislation from antiquity to ca. 1902; emphasis on situation in Germany and England, and more detailed description of conditions in Russia. Author recommends better and more exact health legislation and claims it deserves inde- pendent position as legal discipline. 1357 Slavik, Vladimir. O cilech a problémech soudniho lékaFstvi. Zahajovaci prednaska dne 23.7ijna 1908. Gas Lék Ces 47 (44) : 1255-60, 31 Oct 1908. Introductory lecture on the goals and problems of legal medicine. Contains information of importance to history of field. 1358 Slocker Castro, C. and Gonzalez-Figuerola, R. Contribucion al estudio medico-legal de la castraciéon. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 6(58/59) : 83-100, Jan-Feb 1951. 31 refs. History of legislation on castration. 1359 Slovenko, Ralph. A history of criminal procedures as related to mental disorders. Psy- choanal Rev 55: 223-47, 1968. 17 refs. Changes of theory about criminal responsibility in mental disorders. Emphasis on de- velopment from early 19th cent. to date of publication (Hadfield trial, 1800; M’Nagh- ten rule, 1843; Durham rule, 1954, etc.). Changes in criminal procedure. 1360 Smith, Hubert Winston. Legal responsibility for medical malpractice. JAMA 116: 942-7, 2149-59, 2491-4, 2670-9, 2755-68, 1941; 117: 23-33, 5 Jul 1941. Lawyer's article on history and then-current status of malpractice. Legal materials on medical malpractice (ancient law and comparative law) ; anatomy of the law (common law provisions) ; forgotten ancestors of American law of medical malpractice (history 166 and old cases) ; malpractice claims in U.S. and proposed formula for testing their legal sufficiency; information about duty and dereliction, and about direct causation and damages. 1361 * Smith, John Gordon. The claims of forensic medicine; being the introductory lecture delivered in the University of London, on Monday, May 11, 1829. London, J. Taylor, 1829. 28 p. 1362 Smith, Sir Sydney Alfred. The development of forensic medicine and law-science rela- tions, J Public Law 3(2) : 304-18, Fall 1954. Pre-Christian era; Roman era; lag after fall of Rome; 16th and 17th cent.; renaissance in forensic medicine; history of toxicology; modern law-science progress; medical jurisprudence in America. 1363 Smith, Sir Sydney Alfred. The history and development of forensic medicine. Brit Med J 4707: 599-607, 24 Mar 1951. 1 ref. Egypt, Sumeria, Babylonia, India, Greece, Rome, China, Germanic Codes, Paré, Fedele, Zacchia and further developments to date of publication. 1364 Smith, Sir Sydney Alfred. The history and development of legal medicine. In: Gradwohl, R. B. H., ed. Legal medicine. St. Louis, Mosby, 1954, pp. 1-19. History of legal medicine from antiquity to time of publication. Special section on de- velopment in Great Britain and medical jurisprudence in America. 1365 Smith, Sir Sydney Alfred. The importance of training in forensic medicine. J State Med (Lond) 36: 447-61, 1928. History of Chair of Legal Medicine at University of Edinburgh (succession of professors, their teaching) ; history from ancient Egypt to date of publication; development of medical expertise. Stresses need for education of physicians and lawyers in forensic medicine. 1366 Smith, Sir Sydney Alfred. Medicolegal Institute, Ministry of Justice of the Egyptian Government. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 49-54. Illus. Plans of Institute at Court of Appeals, Cairo; identification of bodies and body parts; divorce, plurality of wives, and child murder; kinds of violence; poisoning; teaching. 1367 Smith, Sir Sydney Alfred. Poisons and poisoners through the ages. Med Leg J 20: 153-67, 1952. 9 refs. Brief history of poisons and poisoners from antiquity to date of publication. 167 1368 * Smithe, J. A. Breve estudio médico juridico sobre el aborto. Criminalia 11: 609-20, Oct 1945. “Brief medicolegal study of abortion.” 1369 Smol’ianinov, V. M.; Tatiev, K. I.; and Chervakov, V. F. Sudebnaia meditsina. Izd. 3e. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo med. lit., 1963. 458 p. Chapt. 1 (pp. 10-34) : Historical essay on development of legal medicine and medicolegal expertise (foreign countries; pre-Revolutionary Russia; USSR). 12 illus. Smusin, Ia. S., see entry no. 557. 1370 Snell, Otto. Hexenprozesse und Geistesstorung. Psychiatrische Untersuchungen. Miinchen, Lehman, 1891. 126 p. 262 refs. Index. History of witch hunting; description and evaluation from medical (psychiatric) point of view. 1371 Snyder, L. Medicine and the law-retrospect and prospect. JAMA 171: 644-8, 10 Oct 1959. Notes on development of legal medicine; description of growth of science and legal medi- cine; relations between psychiatry and law; thoughts on future of “medical juris- prudence.” 1372 Société de Médecine Légale de Belgique. Belgisch Genootschap voor Gerechtelijke Genees- kunde. In: Le mouvement scientifique en Belgique. Bruxelles, R. Louis, 1966, v. 1, pp. 61-3. Medicolegal Society of Belgium established in 1889 for promotion of legal medicine. Publications and various activities to 1965 are described. 1373 Sognnaes, Reidar F. Some old and new adventures in dental research. Harv Dent Alumni Bull 32(2) : 52-9, Aug 1972. 15 refs. Illus. Three case histories (George Washington, Dr. Parkman, and Hitler) which show evolu- tion of dentistry and development in methods of identification. Soliman, Mohamed Ahmad, see entry no. 420. 1374 Solis, Pedro P. Legal medicine. Manila, Beltran Educational Supply, 1960. 453 + xvii p. History of legal medicine in the Philippines (pp. 10-11). Chronological arrangement of important events, 1858-1947. 1375 Somerville, H. M. Progress of medical science, and modern reforms in law. Retrospect of a century in its influence on forensic medicine. Med Leg J (NY) 9: 335-44, March 1892. Brief account of legal medicine in antiquity; relations of legal medicine to British and American law from end of 19th cent. to date of publication. 168 1376 * Somogyi, Endre. Az iatrogen-artalom torténeti vonatkozéasai az igazsagiigyi orvostanban. Orvoskepzes 40: 434-6, Dec 1965. “Historical connections of iatrogenic injury in medical jurisprudence.” 1377 Sonnenkalb. Wann und wo wurde die erste gerichtliche Lungenprobe vorgenommen? Dtsch Z Staatsarzneikd, N. F. 18 (1) : 45-52, 1861. Several refs. in text. Question of when and where first hydrostatic test of lungs was conducted for forensic purposes. Concludes that it was in 1681 at court of Pegau, in Saxony. 1378 Sonnenkalb. Zur Geschichte des drztlichen Sachverstindigenbeweisses. Dtsch Z Staats- arzneikd 14 (2) : 27-89, 1859, 1 ref. Historical development of medical expertise from antiquity to date of publication. Very general. Emphasis on situation in Germany. 1379 Sonolet, Jacqueline. Le médecin face au crime. Médecine légale et médecins légistes. Paris, Expansion Scientifique Francaise, 1965. 70 p. Catalog of 247 annotated entries from Exhibit on History of Legal Medicine in Paris. Classified, each subject with brief historical introduction. 1380 Sonolet, Jacqueline. “Tout homme est une histoire sacrée.” Sem Hop 41: 3139-43, 20 Dec 1965. 1 ref. 9 illus. : Prints and paintings of medicolegal interest from French collections; brief historical text stressing French contributions to field of medical expertise, especially from Prof. A. A. Tardieu (1818-1879). 1381 * Sorok piat’ let Rostovskoi sudebnomeditsinskol shkoly. In: Sbornik nauchnykh rabot kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. Rostov-na-Donu, 1959, pp. 7-8. “Forty-five years of the Rostov Medicolegal School.” 1382 Spector, Benjamin. The growth of medicine and the letter of the law. Bull Hist Med 26: 499-525, Nov-Dec 1952. 68 refs. Appendix. Evolution of medicine from antiquity and its relations to law at each stage (Babylonian lex talionis, Justinian Code, canon law, English common law, and modern positive law). 1383 * Speranza, Carlo. Sulla dignita della medicina legale. Parma, G. Donati, 1833. 50 p. “The dignity of legal medicine.” Spett, K., see entry no. 290. 169 1384 Spott, J. Dobrozdani lékafska sebrani ze starych spisti. Cas Lék Cesk 26: 215-6; 247-8, 263-4; 279-80, 1887. Various medical expert opinions issued in Kingdom of Bohemia from 14th to beginning of 18th cent. 1385 Spott, J. Prispévky k déjepisu pitvy v Cechiach (Bohemica anatomica). Cas Lék Ces 21: 339-43, 1882, “Contributions to the history of autopsy in Bohemia.” Some parts of medicolegal interest. 1386 Spott, J. Prispévky k déjepisu ranlékarstvi v Cechach. Cas Lék Cesk 24: 655-6, 671-2, 703-4, 720, 735-6, 751-2, 767-8, 783-4, 799-800, 815-6, 824, 1885. Notes and comments on practice of surgery from 13th to 18th cent.; much information on medicolegal relations in Kingdom of Bohemia; frequent biobibl. notes. Pages 799— 800 of special interest. 1387 Sprengel, Kurt Polykarp Joachim. Erlduterung der 147 sten Paragraphs der peinlichen Halsgerichtsordnung Kaysers Karl des fiinften. Neues Mag Gerichtl Arzneikd 2 (4) : 137-56, 1788. Several refs. Explanation of meaning of par. 147 of Constitutio eriminalis Carolina (1532). [Translated from Sprengel’s Latin work]. See entry no. 1389. 1388 Sprengel, Kurt Polykarp Joachim. Kurze Uebersicht der Geschichte des Kaiserschnitts und chronologische kurze Anzeige der liber diese Operation bis zu Anfange 1790 herausgekommen Schriften. Repert Oeff Gerichtl Arzneywiss 2: 115-36, 228-41, 1791. History of Caesarean section; extensive bibliography from end of 15th cent. to 1789. 1389 Sprengel, Kurt Polykarp Joachim. Quaedam articulum CXLVII, Constitutionis criminalis Carolinae illustrantia profert, simul indicit praelectiones suas per semestre hyemale in alma Fridericiana habendas. Halae, Stanno Hendeliano, 1787. 12 p. 51 refs. Discussion of text of Art. 147 of Constitutio eriminalis Carolina which permits physicians (“Wund Arzt”) to serve as expert witnesses in cases of death resulting from injury. 1390 * Statistica de activitate a Institutului Mina Minovici. Rev Med Leg (Bucur) 1: 104, 1936. “Statistics on the activities of the Institute Mina Minovici [Bucharest].” 1391 * Stefanutti, Ugo. La medicina legale in un processo criminale del 500. Giust e Soc No. 2: 8, 1965. “Legal medicine in a criminal trial of 1500.” Stefanutti, Ugo, see entry no. 659. Stépan, Jan, see entry no. 1392. 170 1392 * Stépan, Jaromir and Stépan, Jan. Pravni odpovédnost ve zdravotnictvi. Praha, Statni zdra- votnické nakladatelstvi, 1960. 349 p. Subject index, Summary in Russian and English. “Legal responsibility in health services.” Chapt. 1: Historical development of physician’s legal responsibility. 1393 Stepanov, A. V. Sudebnaia khimiia (khimiko-toksikologicheskii analiz) i opredelenie professional’nykh iadov. Izd. 4e. Moskva, Medgiz, 1951. 343 p. Brief historical review of development of forensic chemistry in Russia and Soviet Union (pp. 9-20). Several refs. 1394 * Steudel, Johannes. Venezianische Elemente in der deutschen, besonders niirnbergischen Apotheken- und Medizinalgesetzgebung. Arch Zschr 63: 11-45, 1967. “Venetian elements in German pharmaceutical and medical legislation, especially [that of] Niirnberg.” 1395 Stone, Margaret N. Autocheiria. A sixteenth century lawyer on suicide. Bull Hist Med 14: 173-80, Jul 1943. “Plaidoyer” by King’s Advocate General before French Parliament at Tours in 1592 concerning a case of suicide (preceded by impotence, murder of wife, and madness). References to Scripture, other philosophical and theological literature, and opinion of authorities. Good picture of attitude at that time to suicide. 1396 * Storer, David Humphreys. An address on medical jurisprudence; its claims to greater regard from the student and the physician. Boston, J. Wilson, 1851. 48 p. 1397 Strahan, Samuel Alexander Kenny. Suicide and insanity; a physiological and sociological study. London, Swan Sonnenschein, 1893. 228 p. Index. Chapter I. Suicide in early times (pp. 1-25) : Brahmins, Buddhists, Jews, Greeks and Romans, Early Christians, Norsemen and Goths, Egyptians, and Mongolians. 17 refs. 1398 Strassmann, Fritz. Bukarest und sein gerichtlich-medicinisches Institut. Berl Klin Wochenschr 35: 610-11, 4 Jul 1898. Visit to Prof. Babes’ Institute of Pathology and Microbiology in Bucharest and to build- ing which housed Morgue and Institute of Legal Medicine. Describes Institute, its activities, and work of Prof. M. Minovici. 1399 Strassmann, Fritz. Die Entwicklung des Unterrichts in der gerichtlichen Medizin an der Berliner Universitit. Berl Klin Wochenschr 47: 1901-2, 10 Oct 1910. Development of teaching of legal medicine at University of Berlin from first lectures of Prof. W. Wagner in 1820, to beginning of 20th cent. Succession and biographies of teachers. Photos of Casper, Liman, and F. Strassmann. 171 1400 Strassmann, Fritz. Das Institut fiir gerichtliche Medizin an der Universitit Berlin. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 55-62. Illus. Development of legal medicine in Berlin from 1832 on; establishment and description of Institute and its facilities; teaching and available material, etc. 1401 Strassmann, Fritz. Lehrbuch der gerichtlichen Medicin. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1895. 680 p. Illus. Index. Chapter I. Historical development. Teaching (pp. 1-16). History of legal medicine from antiquity to second half of 19th cent. and status of teaching. Many refs. 1402 * Strigler, L. Gerichtlich-medizinische Probleme in der Constitutio Criminalis Carolina: Hals-oder Peinliche Gerichtsordnung Kaiser Karls V. Heidelberg, Grossenhain, 1937. 17 p. “Medicolegal problems in the Constitutio criminalis Carolina” (1532). 1403 * Stryjenski, W. Uwagi sadowo-psychiatryczne na marginesie historii. Zamach Michala Piekarskiego na kréla Zygmunta II1. Przegl Lek 5(10) : 13 ff, 1949. “A footnote to history: Forensic-psychiatric observation on the attack by Michal Piekarski on King Sigismund III.” 1404 Stubenrath, Franz C. Vergangenheit und Zukunft der gerichtlichen Medizin in Deutsch- land. Z Med Beamte 14: 751-63, 783-92, 1901. 16 refs. Development of criminal courts and punishment in Germany; influence of canon law; Constitutio Bambergensis; medicolegal provisions of Constitutio criminalis Carolina (text and comments) ; legis- lation which followed in Prussia and Austria; Fedele and Zacchia in Italy; German authors in legal medicine to date of publication; status of legal medicine; and appeal for its study at universities. 1405 Gli studi di medicina legale in Russia. Arch Antrop Crim 55: 442-3, 1935. Organization of Scientific Institute of Legal Medicine in Moscow (1933) and its activities under Prof. N. V. Popov. Foundation of new medico-legal journal, Sudebnaia medi- tsina © pogranichnye oblast: (1934). 1406 * Stiirzbecher, Manfred. Aus Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin in Berlin. Dtsch Med J 20: 665-72, 5 Nov 1969. “History of legal medicine in Berlin.” 1407 Stiirzbecher, Manfred. Betrachtungen zur Historiographie der Medizinalordnungen. Oeff Gesundheitsdienst 25: 282-8, May-Jun 1963, Historiography of medical ordinances (legislation) from Middle Ages (Statute of Arles, Medical Statutes of Friedrich II) to beginning of 19th cent. 172 1408 Stiirzbecher, Manfred. Einige Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der Medizinalgestzgebung im deutschen Sprachgebiet. Veroeff Int Gesell Gesch Pharm 24: 123-32, 1964. Bibl. (38 entries). Development of medical legislation in Germany and German-speaking countries from 14th to 18th cent. 1409 Stiirzbecher, Manfred. Zur Geschichte des gerichtsmedizinischen Unterrichts in Berlin. Med Mitt 20: 137-41, Nov 1959. Historical development of teaching of legal medicine in Berlin from start at Collegium medico-chirurgicum in 1724 to 1930, when Prof. V. Miiller-Hess became Director of Unterrichtsanstalt fiir gerichtliche Medizin. Biographical data and succession of teachers, six portraits, and photograph and floor plan of morgue. 1410 * Stiirzbecher, Manfred. Zur Geschichte des gerichtsmedizinischen Unterrichts in Berlin bis zur Griindung der Unterrichtsanstalt fiir Staatsarzneikunde im Jahre 1833. Wiss Zschr Humbold-Univ Berl. Beih.zum Jubildiumslehrgang (IX) 1959/60. Berlin, 1961, 147 p. “History of medicolegal teaching in Berlin to the establishment of the Teaching Institute for State Medicine in 1833.” 1411 Styles, R. A. A Biblical study in homosexuality. Med Sci Law 12: 71-3, Jan 1972. 2 refs. References to homosexuality in the Bible and parallels with homosexuality today. 1412 Sudebnaia meditsina. In: Bol’shaia meditsinskaia entsiklopediia. Moskva, 1935, v. 32, pp. 27-32. History of legal medicine in “foreign” countries from antiquity to beginning of 20th cent. ; developments in Russia and Soviet Union from 1716 to ca 1930. Several refs. 1413 Sudebnaia meditsina. In: Bol’shaia meditsinskaia entsiklopediia. Moskva, 1963, v. 31, pp. 687-698. Numerous refs. History of legal medicine in foreign countries (pp. 688-91) ; in Russia and Soviet Union (pp. 691-698). 1414 Sudska medicina. In: Sercer, Ante. Medicinska enciklopedija. Zagreb, Leksikografski zavod F. N. R, J., 1964, v. 9, pp. 385-6. Brief history of legal medicine in Yugoslavia and present status. 8 refs. 1415 Sue, Pierre. Apercu général, appuyé de quelque faits, sur l'origine et le sujet de la méde- cine légale. Recl Périod Soc Méd Paris 8: 3-35, 1800. 10 refs. - History of legal medicine from antiquity to 18th cent., with special emphasis on develop- ment in France. 173 1416 * Sue, Pierre. Apercu général, appuyé de quelques faits sur 'origine de la médecine légale. Paris, Impr. de la Société de Médecine, An VIII (1800). 35 p. Apparently reprint of entry no. 1415. 1417 * Suevus, Bernhardus. Tractatus de inspectione vulnerum letalium atque insanabilium. Marpurgi, sumt. et typ. C. Chemlini, 1629. 136 p. One of earliest German treatises of medicolegal importance on fatal wounds. 1418 Sung, Tzu, comp. Hsi yiian chi lu. Peking, Fa li ¢ch’u pan she, 1958. 84 p. “Instructions to coroners.” (Literal translation: “Washing away of grievances.”) A 5-chlian codex on medical jurisprudence, dated 1241-1253 A.D., later Sung dynasty. Said to be the oldest book preserved on medical jurisprudence. 1419 * Suzuki, K. [Current forensic dentistry, from early times to today] J Jap Dent Assoc 22: 485-95, Aug 1969. (Jap) 1420 Suzutani, Toru. Hoi shindangaku. Tokyo, Nankodo, 1972. 592 p. “Diagnostic legal medicine.” Pp. 9-12: Sections on history of legal medicine in Orient, Europe, and then specifically in Japan. Brief bibliographic material on China and Europe, and detailed description of development of legal medicine in Japan to time of publication. 1421 Svagr, Emil. Retrospektivni fragmenty z toxikologie a soudniho lékarstvi. Cas Lék Cesk 90: 1473-5, 1951. Brief interesting history of toxicology and its relation to legal medicine from antiquity to 19th cent. 1422 Swanson, H. A. Forensic dentistry. J Am Coll Dent 34: 174-80, Jul 1967. 5 refs. Definition, distinction between dentistry in jurisprudence and forensic odontology, brief historical development of forensic practice, and teaching; activities, and status as of 1966. 1423 Sweden. Medicinalstyrelsen. Riattsmedicinska nimnden. Betinkande med forslag angéende omorganisation av riattsmedicinalvisendet i riket. Stockholm, K. L. Beckman, 1943. 182 p. Chapt. 1: History (pp. 9-16) : Organization of legal medicine in Sweden from 1768 to the present. Legal provisions. 1424 Tagereau, Vincent. Discours de I'impuissance de "homme et de la femme. Paris, A. du Brueil, 1611. 191 p. Questions of propriety and validity of “proof of congress” (established in 1234 by De- cretales Gregorit IX and not abolished in France until 1677). 174 1425 * Talvik, Siegfried. [Notes on the activity of the Dorpat Chair of Legal Medicine in the course of 85 years, and a look into the future] Eesti Arst 7: 240-50, 1928; 8: 281-90, 1928. (Eston) 1426 * Talvik, Siegfried. [On the beginnings of legal medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Tartu] Eesti Arst 7: 205-9, 1928. (Eston) Tamaska, L., see entry no. 379. 1427 Tammenoms Bakker, S. P. De praktijk van de forensische psychiatrie. In: Psychiatrisch- Juridisch Gezelschap. Gedenkboek, 1907-1957. Amsterdam, F. Van Rossen, 1957, pp. 157-83. Development of practice of forensic psychiatry in Holland from mid-19th cent. to ca 1940. Tatiev, K. I., see entry no. 1369. 1428 Taylor, Alfred Swaine. A manual of medical jurisprudence. London, J. Churchill, 1844. 679 p. Subj. index. One of cornerstones of English legal medicine of the 19th cent.; achieved 12 editions. No history, but of historical importance in itself. 1429 Taylor, Alfred Swain. Medico-legal surgery. Med Leg Stud (N Y) 5: 183-94, 1898. [A chapter from 12th Am. ed. of Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence, ed. by Clark Bell.] Organization of military, naval, and railroad surgery in U. S. Section of Medico-Legal Surgery (of the Medico-Legal Society) and its organization. American Academy of Railway Surgeons. State Associations of Railway Surgery. Damage cases and disa- bility evaluation. Not important to history of legal medicine. 1430 The teaching of forensic medicine; a symposium. J Forensic Med (Johannesburg) 2: 132-40, Apr-Jun 1955. Four speakers at a symposium, with following topics: Undergraduate teaching of legal medicine; Postgraduate teaching of legal medicine; Legal medicine; State Medico- Legal Institute. Last speaker from Iraq, others from England. 1431 Teichmeyer, Hermann Friedrich. Institutiones medicinae legalis vel forensis. Jenae, sumt. J. F. Bielckii, 1740. 256 p. Author and subj. indexes. Textbook of legal (or forensic) medicine. Historical references in each chapter. 1st ed, 1723, republished several times. Standard textbook for many years. 1432 Not used. 1433 * Temming, Julius. Die Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin an der Universitit Gottingen im 18. Jahrhundert. Miinster, Bredt, 1919. 46 p. Inaugural dissertation. “History of legal medicine at the University of Gottingen in the 18th century.” 175 1434 Tesar, Jaromir. Gerichtliche Medizin in der Tschechoslowakischen Sozialistischen Re- publik. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 83-4, Jan-Jun 1962. Brief description of status of legal medicine in Czechoslovakia before World War II; reforms begun under Soviet influence, especially after 1960. 1435 Tesar, Jaromir. Soudni lékarstvi. Praha, Statni zdravotnické nakladatelstvi, 1968. 522 p. Illus. Index. History of legal medicine in Czechoslovakia (pp. 11-13) from 14th cent. to the present. 4 refs. 1436 Tesar, Jaromir. Soudni lékarstvi pro pravniky. Praha, Pravnicky ustav ministerstva spravedlnosti, 1958. 562 p. Chapter I. (pp. 7-12): Brief description of development of legal medicine in Czecho- slovakia from earliest times to date of publication. Based mostly on Hajek’s work. 1437 Thiele, H. Gerichtsirztliche Problematik im Wandel der Zeit. Z Gesamte Inn Med 5(19/ 20) : 640, Oct 1950. Abstract of lecture. Development of legal medicine from 16th cent. to status after World War II. Some errors. 1438 Thiele, H. Gerichtsérztliche Problematik im Wandel der Zeiten. Dtsch Gesundheitswes 5: 97-101, 26 Jan 1950. History of legal medicine from antiquity through the Middle Ages to Carolina and work of Paolo Zacchia (Zacharias!). Development from beginning of 19th cent. to new discoveries and recent problems. 1439 Thoinot, Léon Henri. I’autopsie médico-légale. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 4th ser. 12: 273-310, 431-458, 1909; 13: 26-62, 1910. 9 refs. First and second installments on history of autopsy; third on techniques in author’s time. Several items of interest to history of legal medicine. 1440 Thoinot, Léon Henri. L’enseignement de la médecine légale. La création et I'organisation d’un institut médico-1égal. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 4th ser. 20: 365-72, 1913. Why legal medicine should be taught, how teaching should be conducted, and how an insti- tute of legal medicine should be organized. 1441 Thoinot, Léon Henri. Histoire de la Chaire de Médecine Légale de la Faculté de Paris (1795-1906). Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 4th ser. 6: 481-519, 1906. 14 refs. History of Chair of Legal Medicine at Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris. Succes- sions and biobibliographies of teachers, teaching and its reforms, famous medicolegal cases in which teachers participated, etc. 176 1442 * Thoinot, Léon Henri. Histoire de la Chaire de Médecine Légale de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris (1795-1906). Paris, J. B. Bailliére, 1906. 39 p. For annotation, see entry no. 1441. 1443 Thoinot, Léon Henri. Un voyage médico-légal en Allemagne, Autriche, Danemark. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég, 4th ser. 17: 161-213, 1912. 10 refs. Medicolegal study tour through Germany, Austria, and Denmark. Description of teach- ing, organization of service in each country, detailed description of Institutes of Legal Medicine in Copenhagen, Berlin, Breslau, Leipzig, Prague, Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck, and Munich. 1444 Thomas, Fréderic Charles. Milestones in forensic medicine: the Belgian contribution. Med Sci Law 4: 155-70, 1964. 53 refs. 19 illus. After establishment of Belgium's independence in 1830, legal medicine was influenced by Napoleonic Code. Departments of Legal Medicine were successively established. De- scription of outstanding men in the field, research, ete. 1445 Thomas, Fréderic Charles and Cleymaet, G. Introduction a l'histoire de la médecine légale, plus spécialement envisagée du point de vue belge. Rev Droit Pénal Crim 27(6) : 406-30, Feb 1947. 22 refs. History of legal medicine from antiquity to beginning of 20th cent.; detailed develop- ment of discipline in Belgium to date of publication. 1446 Thompson, Anthony Todd. Lecture, introductory to the course of medical jurisprudence, delivered at the University of London, on Friday, January 7, 1831. London, J. Taylor, 1831. 31 p. 4 refs. Brief history of legal medicine from antiquity to time of publication; arguments for the discipline, some casuistry, and remarks about planned instruction. 1447 Thorwald, Jiirgen. Das Jahrhundert der Detektive. Weg und Abenteuer der Kriminalistik. Ziirich, Droemer, 1965. 572 p. Index of sources and literature. Illus. Wealth of information on famous criminal cases during past 100 years. Chapters: Identification; milestones of forensic medicine; forensic toxicology ; forensic ballistics. 1448 Thét, L. Tratados de medicina legal en la antigua China. Rev Criminol Psiquiatr Med Leg (B Aires) 11: 245-8, 1924. 4 refs. Description of old Chinese juridical and medico-legal literature, especially Hsi yiian lu (publ. between 1241 and 1250). 1449 . Thurston, Gavin Leonard Bourdas. A queer sort of thing. Med Leg J 37: 165-71, 1969. Biography of Thomas Wakley (1795-1862), founder of Lancet, coroner, and member of Parliament, with some remarks on status of coroners in the England of his day. Toffler, F., see entry no. 282. 177 1450 * Tokareva, O. G. Materialy k istorii sudebnomeditsinskoi sluzhby v Zapadnol Sibiri v doreformennyi period. Kand. diss. Tomsk, Tomskil meditsingkii institut, 1961. Dissertation (Tomsk). “Material on the history of medicolegal service in Western Siberia before the reform.” 1451 Tomellini, Leopoldo. Delle malattie piu frequentemente simulate o provocate dagli in- scritti. Roma, C. Voghera, 1875. 429 p. History of malingering from antiquity to 2nd half of 19th cent. (pp. 9-19). 25 refs. 1452 Tomilin, V. V. Dvadtsat’ piat’ let Tsentral’noi sudebnomeditsinskoi laboratorii MO SSR. Voennomed Zh 6: 93-4, Jun 1968. Central Medico-Legal Laboratory, Ministry of Defense, USSR, established 1943. Or- ganization, personnel, activities, and present trends in work. 1453 * Torres Torija, J. Consideraciones acerca de la medicina legal en México. Criminalia 30(1) : 14-24, 1964. “Considerations of legal medicine in Mexico.” 1454 Torres Torija, José. Consideraciones acerca de la medicina legal en México. Gac Méd Méx 68: 427-41, 1938. Development of legal medicine in Mexico: establishment of Chair of Legal Medicine at University of Mexico in 1833; teachers; introduction of forensic psychiatry and social medicine after 1930; application of legal medicine (medicolegal organization and service). 1455 Torres Torija, José. Curioso alegato médico-legal hecho an el afio de 1722 a propoésito de lesiones mortales. Gac Méd Méx 80: 273-8, 1950. Pamphlet published by the defense in 1722 in Mexico, in a case of mortal injury; cites opinions of medical and medicolegal classics. Author comments on its contents. Three pictures from pamphlet. 1456 Tortosa, Giuseppe. Istituzioni di medicina forense. Ed. 2a. Vol. I. Vicenza, Tommaso Parise, 1809. 248 p. Preface (pp i-xxiv) : History of legal medicine in general from antiquity to beginning of 19th cent. Emphasis on Italian and German contributions. 20 refs. Occasional ref- erences to history and old literature in other parts of this volume. 1457 Tott, Carolus Augustus. De docimasiae pulmonum vi in foro probante dubia. Sedini, typ. Struckianis, 1820. 15 p. Dissertation (Greifswald). “Doubts about the reliability of hydrostatic test of lungs in the court.” 178 1458 Tott, Carolus Augustus. Ueber medicinische Pfuscherei. Jahrb Gesamte Arzneikd 6: 137-58, 1840. On quackery in Germany (especially Prussia), wih several hist. and bibl. refs. 1459 Tourdes, Gabriel. De 'enseignement de la médecine légale a la Faculté de Médecine de Strasbourg. Strasbourg, Treuttel et Wurtz, 1862. 33 p. “Extrait” from Gazz Méd Strasb, v. 22, 1862. Program of author’s lectures at University. Teaching was both theoretical and practical. 1460 * Tourdes, Gabriel. Exposition historique et appréciation des secours empruntés par la médecine légale a l'obstétricie. Strasbourg, 1838. 94 p. Thesis submitted in the “Concours pour la Chaire de Médecine Légale de Strasbourg.” “Historical aspects and recognition of the help offered by legal medicine to obstetrics.” 1461 Tourdes, Gabriel and Metzquer, Edmond. Traité de médecine légale théoretique et pratique. Paris, Asselin et Houzeau, 1896. 956 p. History of legal medicine from antiquity to second half of 19th century (pp. 13-27). Bibl. 1462 * Townsend, John F. Relations between the professions of law and medicine. Albany, N. Y., J. Munsel, 1854. 20 p. 1463 * Traill, Thomas Stewart. Outline of a course of lectures on medical jurisprudence. Edin- burgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1836. 94 p. Other editions: 1840, 1841, 1857. According to Brittain, “Printed almost verbatim from the author’s dissertation on Medical Jurisprudence in the 7th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica.” 1464 Trélat, Ulysse. Recherches historiques sur la folie. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1839. 136 p. Numerous events of importance to legal medicine and even more so to forensic psychiatry. Trenel, see entry no. 1305. 1465 * Trinquir, F. Victor. Exposition historique et appréciation des secours empruntés par la médecine légale a la chirurgie. Strasbourg, 1838. 88 p. 2 tables. “Concours pour la Chaire de Médecine Légale de Strasbourg.” “Historical aspects and recognition of the help offered by legal medicine to surgery.” 1466 * Trinquier, F. Victor. Plan raisonné d’un cours de médecine légale. Strasbourg, 1840. 146 p. “Outline of a course in legal medicine.” 179 1467 Triib, C. L. P. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der gerichtlichen Medizin und des Gutachtenwesens. In: Daniels, J. et al., eds. Das offentliche Gesundheitswesen. Bd. 5: Gutachtenwesen. Teil A: Grundlagen. Stuttgart, Thieme, 1968, pp. 1-48. Bibl. Brief historical introduction from 1690 on; legal medicine and medicolegal expertise from end of 18th through 19th cent.; detailed description of varying goals through 19th cent.; development of social insurance; medicolegal expertise and legal medi- cine in 20th cent. 1468 * Triib, C. L. P. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung des #rztlichen Standeswesens in Deutsch- land. Ein Riickblick vom Jahre 1832 bis zum Jahre 1932. Med Monatsschr 15(5) : 332-41, 1961. “Historical development of status of physicians in Germany,” 1832-1932. 1469 * Truupyl’d, A. Tu. Sudebnomeditsinskaia ekspertiza v russkom voenno-morskom flote vo vtoroi polovine XIX veka. Sb Rab Voen-Morsk Fak 1-m Leningr Med Inst 3: 18-22, 1958. “Medicolegal expertise in the Russian military-naval forces in the second half of the 19th century.” Trynkina, I. A., see entry no. 1354. 1470 Tsekov, G. Dr. Ivan Mikhailov—purviat prepodavatel u nas po sudebna meditsina. In: Sbornik na dokladite i nauchnite suobscheniia na purvata natsionalna konferentsiia na sudebnite meditsi i kriminalisti v Bulgariia. Sofiia, 16-19 septembri 1965 g. Sofiia, Meditsina i fizkultura, 1965, p. 124. Abstract of lecture at 1st Congress of Forensic Physicians and Criminalists in Bulgaria, 1965. Biography of Dr. Ivan Mikhailov, first teacher of legal medicine in Bulgaria, 1894-1896, at Faculty of Law in Sofia. Two of his publications are reviewed. 1471 * Tumanov, Aleksei Konstantinovich. Sudebnaia meditsina i kriminalistika v Germanskol demokraticheskoi respublike. In: Materialy 4-1 rasshirennoi nauchnoi konferentsii Kievskogo otdeleniia Ukrainskogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov. Kiev, 1959, pp. 45-6. “Legal medicine and criminalistics in the German Democratic Republic.” 1472 Tumanov, Aleksei Konstantinovich. Sudebnaia meditsina v Germanskoi demokraticheskoi respublike. Sud Med Ekspert 3 (4) : 31-4, Oct-Dec 1960. 3 illus. Author’s impression of 1959 visit to Institutes of Legal Medicine in German Democratic Republic (Humboldt University in East Berlin and University of Leipzig). Organiza- tion; morgues and autopsies; laboratories of histology, serology, chemistry, and biological material. 180 1473 Tuteur, W. and Ventzlaff, U. Forensic psychiatry in the United States and West Germany. J Forensic Sci 14: 68-78, Jan 1968. 7 refs. Similarities and differences in practice of forensic psychiatry in West Germany and U.S. (particularly Illinois). Special attention to legal competence of patients and its determination, variations in commitment procedures, significance of alcoholic in- toxication, ete. 1474 Tweedy, J. The mutual relation and influence of law and medicine. Trans Med Leg Soc (Lond) 7: 1-10, 1910. History of correlation of medicine and law from antiquity to beginning of 16th cent. Devoted mostly to position of law in that period. 1475 Uden, Konrad Friedrich. Ueber die Glaubwiirdigkeit der Medizinalberichte in peinlichen Rechtshiindeln. Berlin, Haude und Spener, 1780. 172 p. Discussion of credibility of medical experts’ testimony to the courts; the need for obduction by physicians and importance of dissection. Two cases as reported in court; legislation then in force; recommended changes. 1476 Ueber das Verfahren, welches in Russland bei Legalsectionen zu beobachten ist. Central- arch Gesamte Staatsarzneikd 4 (4) : 375-80, 1847. Organization of forensic dissection and methods applied in Russia (with special em- phasis on University and City of Kazan). [Part of G. J. Blosfeld’s article on different subject in A. Henke’s Z Staatsarzneikd, Heft 2, 1847] 1477 Ueber die Prioritit des Gebornen. Bl Gerichtl Anthropol 7(5) : 10-16, 1856. Historical development of assignment of legal priority to the newborn. 1478 Ueno, Shokichi. Hoigaku kenkyu kaiso—Todai Taishoku ni atatte. Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi 22: 91-112, 1968. 6 refs. Bibl. (334 entries). “Thirty-five years as a researcher in legal medicine. Retirement address from the Uni- versity of Tokyo.” Review of Ueno’s research studies in fields of conglutination, hemoglobin, blood groups, twins, etc. Chronologically arranged bibliography of his works. 1479 Ueno, Shokichi. Shin hoigaku. 2nd ed. Tokyo, Nanzando, 1962. 343 p. “New legal medicine.” Chapter 2 (pp. 5-7) : Development of legal medicine in Europe, China, and Japan. Description of establishment of first chair of Legal Medicine in Japan. Bibl. with brief annotations. 1480 Ueno, Tasuku. Hoigaku gaisetsu. Tokyo, Ishiyaku Shuppan, 1964. 107 p. “Outline of legal medicine.” Pp. 1-2: The classics of legal medicine in China and Japan, and establishment of the first Chair of Legal Medicine in Japan. 181 1481 Uhlenhut, Paul Theodor. Uber die Entwicklung des biologischen Eiweissdifferen- zierungsverfahrens im Dienste der gerichtlichen Medizin unter besonderer Bertick- sichtigung eigener Forschungsergebnisse (Personliche Erinnerungen). Dtsch Z Gerichtl Med 39 (3/4) : 309-48, Jan 1949. 48 refs. Personal recollections on development of biological differentiation of albumins in the service of legal medicine. 1482 Ulloa, José Casimiro. La medicina legal en el Pert. Monit Méd (Lima) 3: 17-20, 33-6, 97-9, 1887; 4: 49-54, 65-8, 129-31, 1888. First three parts: Status of legal medicine in France, discussion of 1884 draft of French legislation concerning medical expertise, efforts of Prof. Brouardel, ete. Last three, in contrast, show low level of medical expertise in Peru, record the letter of Professor of Legal Medicine of University of Lima, M. C. Barrios (1887), his criticism of the situation, and official reaction by the government. 1483 Umfreville, Edward. Lex coronatoria, or The office and duty of coroners; in three parts, wherein the theory of the office is distinctly laid down and the practice illustrated by a full collection of precedents, formed upon the theory. To which is prefixed an introduction, giving some account of the antient state and dignity of the office. London, R. Griffiths, 1761. 2 v. 1484 Ungar, Emil. Die Bedeutung der gerichtlichen Medizin und deren Stellen auf deutschen Hochschulen. Vierteljahrsschr Gerichtl Med 50: 48-69, Jan 1889. Famous speech of Prof. E. Ungar of Bonn, delivered on September 21, 1888, at session of Section fiir gerichtliche Medicin der Naturforscher-Versammlung in Cologne. Pointed out low status of legal medicine and its teaching in Germany. (Its contents were later used by all who sought higher status for the discipline in Germany). 1485 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. Celebracién de un aniversario. Rev Med Leg Colomb 1: 5-10, Aug 1935. Twentieth anniversary of Oficina Central de Medicina Legal in Bogota, its history, and homage to pioneers of legal medicine in Colombia, Profs. J. M. Lombana Bareneche and Ricardo Fajardo Vega. 1486 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. Como colabora el Instituto de Medicina Legal de Bogota (Seccién del Ministerio de Justicia) en les problemas de criminologia y de orden penal, In: Bogota. Instituto de Medicina Legal. Disposiciones y organizacion del servicio de medicina legal en Colombia. Bogota, Imprenta Nacional, 1951, pp. 3-41. 17 illus. Oficina Central de Medicina Legal (established 1914) became Instituto de Medicina Legal and in 1947 a section of Ministry of Justice. Organization, cooperation in criminology, teaching, publications. 182 1487 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. Ensefianza de la medicina legal en Colombia. Rev Med Leg Colomb 21 (97/8) : 231-5, Jan—Dec 1966. History of teaching of legal medicine in Bogota from 1913 on and in other medical schools of Colombia. Names of professors; various reorganizations. 1488 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. Importancia de las catedras de medicina legal en las facultades de medicina y derecho. Rev Med Leg Colomb 21 (97/8) : 23-65, Jan—Dec 1966. History and importance of teaching of legal medicine. Concerned mostly with situation in Colombia and some other countries in South America. 1489 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. La medicina legal en Colombia. Rev Med Leg Colomb 14 (71/72) : 129-46, Jan-Jun 1954. Incomplete history of development of legal medicine from founding of University in Bogota in 1827, establishment of chair in 1833, to date of publication. Period between 1833 and 1890 not covered, Biobibliographic information, organization, publications, work of Institute of Legal Medicine, medical expertise, ete. 1490 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. La medicina legal espafiola Vv sus proyecciones en Hispanoamerica. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 12: 189-225, May-Jun 1957. Influence and application of Spanish legal medicine in Latin America: works of Orfila, Santiago Ramén Cajal, Pedro Mata, A. Lecha Marzo. Status of legal medicine in Madrid at time of publication. Most distinguished professors: Manuel Pérez de Petinto y Bertomeu, Bonifacio Piga Sanchez Morate, ete. 1491 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. La medicina legal espafiola y sus proyecciones en Hispano- america. Rev Med Leg Colomb 15: 127-58, Jan-Jun 1957. Same as entry no 1490. 1492 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. Medicina legal y ciencias forenses en la America del Sul. Rev Med Leg Colomb 17 (89/90) : 37-105, Jan—Dec 1962. History and present status of legal medicine in Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Cuba, and Venezuela. 1493 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. Medicina legal y psiquiatria forense. 7a ed. Madrid, Bogota, Ediciones Guadarrama, 1957. 763 p. Index. History of legal medicine and forensic psychiatry from antiquity to time of publication in Europe, Asia, and North America (pp. 17-21); developments in South America (pp. 22-29). 1494 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. Observaciones en los institutos de medicina legal y de crimino- logia, y en la penitenciaria de Santiago (Chile). Rev Med Leg Colomb 4 (19-20) : 25-37, Oct 1940—Apr 1941. Impressions of visit to Chile’s Institute of Legal Medicine, National Institute of Classifica- tion and Criminology, and Central Prison in Santiago. 183 1495 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. Die Organisierung des gerichtsmedizinischen Dienstes in Kolum- bien. Acta Med Leg Soc 15: 63-76, Jan-Jun 1962. Brief description of development of legal medicine in Colombia from 1894 on, its scien- tic organization ca. 1914, establishment of Institute of Legal Medicine in Bogota in 1939. Detailed description of Institute, its scientific workers, research, teaching, and services. 1496 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. Progresos de la medicina legal en Colombia. Rev Med Leg Colomb 9(51/2) : 21-51, Aug-Dec 1947. 14 illus. Progress of legal medicine in Colombia from 1914 on. 1497 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo. Vigesimoquinto aniversario de la fundacién de la Oficina Central de Medicina Legal. Rev Med Leg Colomb 3 (13/14) : 3-6 Nov-Dec 1939. Brief history of Oficina Central de Medicina Legal through its 25 years. 1498 Usdin, Gene Leonard et al. Symposium: the law and psychiatry. J La Med Soc 109 (5) : 141-58, May 1957. Symposium at Department of Psychiatry, Tulane University School of Medicine 1957, with participation of physicians and lawyers. Discussion of problems confronting two professions in cases of mental disorder. 1499 Vacher, Jean. L’évolution de la médicine légale. Sem Méd 38: 135-9, 20 Feb 1962. Inaugural lecture. Brief history of legal medicine from antiquity; works of Paré and Zacchia ; events from 1794 to present. Mostly on current situation of medical expertise, deontology, industrial medicine, social medicine, and related legislation. 1500 Vacher, Jean. La médicine légale aux U.S. A. Ann Méd Lég 41: 299-301, May-Jun 1961. Description of legal medicine in U.S. Stresses low level (few chairs of legal medicine). Concludes that situation can’t be compared with that in France. Some ideas about possible improvement. 1501 Valentini, Michael Bernhard. Corpus juris medico-legale. Francofurti a.M., sumpt. Johannis Adami Jungii, 1722. 528 +570 p. Consists of his Pandectae medico-legales, Novellae medico-legales, and Authentica jatro- forensia. Mostly medicolegal casuistry (opinions of medical faculties and authorities) on variety of subjects from different periods. Numerous references. 1502 * Vallon, Charles and Genil-Perrin, G. La psychiatrie médico-légale dans loeuvre de Zacchias (1594-1659). Paris, Dorn, 1912. 64 p. “Medicolegal psychiatry in the work of Zacchia.” 184 1503 Véamosi, Milan. Der gerichtsmedizinische Dienst in der CSSR. In: Aktuelle Fragen der gerichtlichen Medizin. Wiss Z Martin-Luther Univ (Halle-Wittenberg) Sonderh 25-8, 1965. Reorganization of medicolegal service in Czechoslovakia after Communist take-over in 1948. 1504 * Vamosi, Milan. [Legal medicine in Scandinavian countries] Soudni Lék 5: 28-31, 1960. (Slovak) 1505 Véamosi, Milan. Michael Albertis Beitrag zur Entwicklung der gerichtlichen Medizin. Wiss 7 Univ Halle 16 (3) : 321-7, 1967. 6 refs. 3 illus. Contribution of Michael Alberti (1682-1755), professor of medicime at University of Halle, to development of legal medicine, especially with publication of his Systema jurisprudentiae medicae (Halae, 1725-36). Lists twenty of his most important medicolegal publications. 1506 * Vasiliu, Th. I. Citeva aspecte actuale ale practicei medico-legale in Romania. Rev Med Leg (Bucur) 2(2) : 87, 1937. “Some current aspects of medicolegal practice in Rumania.” 1507 Vaultier, R. La médecine légale en 1846. Presse Méd 65 (25) : 591, 27 Mar 1957. Contents of pamphlet (1847) by Profs. Isnard and Dieu (Military Hospital, Metz) on autopsies conducted previous year, Author states that their observations offer exact picture of level of legal medicine of that time; discusses some of their conclusions in light of present knowledge. 1508 Velasco Escassi, J. Condicionalidad historica del suicidio. Rev Med Leg (Madr) 5(52/53) : 252-99, Jul-Aug 1950. 17 refs. Interesting material on history of suicide. 1509 * Velikovskaia, G. S. O sostoianii sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy vo vtorol polovine XIX veka v g. Riazani i v Riazanskol gubernii. In: Voprosy sudebnol meditsiny. Riazan, Riazanskil meditsinskil institut, 1958, pp. 14-6. “The status of medicolegal expertise in the second half of the 19th century in the City of Riazan and in Riazan Province.” Ventzlaff, U., see entry no. 1473. 1510 * Vera, J. La medicina legal en Espana. Noved Cient (Madr) 2: 184, 209, 234, 1881. “Legal medicine in Spain.” 185 1511 Verdier, Jean. Essai sur la jurisprudence de la médecine en France, ou Abrége historique et juridique. . . . Alencon, Malassis le Jeune, 1963. 381 p. Condensation of partly published manuscript in entry no. 1512. Includes qualifications for medical profession; medical fees; study of medicine; medical faculties and their privi- leges ; medical degrees; duties of physicians and surgeons; midwives; hospitals. Mostly information on organization, ethics, and legal matters. 1512 Verdier, Jean, La jurisprudence de la médecine en France, ou Traité historique et juris- dique des établissements, réglements, police, devoirs, fonctions, honneurs, droits et privileges des trois corps de médecine; avec les devoirs, fonctions et autorité des juges a leur égard. Alencon, Malassis le Jeune, 1762-63. 2 v. Unfinished work (planned in 6 v.) on medical responsibility. Outstanding source. Of in- terest in published volumes: requirements for practice of medicine, data on medical ethics and malpractice, and information on organization of medicine in France. 1513 Verdier, Jean. La jurisprudence particuliére de la chirurgie en France, ou Traité historique et juridique des établissements . . . . Paris, d’Houry, 1764. 2 v. Organization of surgery in France at that time; jurisdiction of “First Surgeon” over nation’s surgeons and surgical practice; delivery of cadavers to morgues; relationship of surgeons to physicians, midwives, etc. Contemporary picture of professional status. 1514 Verger, Henri. Le droit et la médecine légale. Lecon d’ouverture du cours de médecine légale. Arch Anthropol Crim 29: 401-19, 1914. Introductory lecture to course in legal medicine. General theoretical treatment of law- medicine relations, especially in France. Author planned to add to lectures a substan- tial amount of technical and practical training. 1515 * Verger, Henri. I.’évolution des idées médicales sur la responsabilité des délinquants. Paris, Flammarion, 1923. 246 p. “Evolution of medical thought on the responsibility of criminals.” 1516 Versiani, O. O ensino pratico da medicina legal na Universidade de Minas Gerais. Arq Inst Med Leg Gab Identif (Rio de J) 3: 43-5, Dec. 1931. Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, founded in 1927. In 1928, regulation issued concerning ‘“Medicolegal Service” in the state. Professor Oscar Negrao de Lima became Director of Service as well as professor of Legal Medicine at University, Teaching and practice of legal medicine briefly described. 1517 * Vinar, Josef. J. F. Low z Erlsfeldu; jeho vyznam v soudnim lékarstvi. Zpr. Lék 7 (5/6) : 138-40, 1937. “J. F. Low of Erlsfeld; his importance in legal medicine.” 1518 * Visscher, Charles de. I’enseignement de la médecine légale et le Projet de loi sur I’ensigne- ment supérieur, Ann Soc Med Gand 67: 11-25, 1888. “Teaching of legal medicine and the draft of the law concerning superior education.” 186 1519 * Vitani, Christiane. Législation de la mort. Paris, Masson, 1962. 151 p. “Legislation concerning death” 1520 * Vitolo, Antonio Esposito. Cenni storici sull’insegnamento della medicina legale in Pisa. Minerva Med 41: 848-51, 1950. “Historical account of the teaching of legal medicine in Pisa.” 1521 * Vitolo, Antonio Esposito. II contributo di Gioacchino Taddei alla medicina legale. Minerva Med 40: 196-99, 1949. “Contribution of Gioacchino Taddei ( -1860) to legal medicine.” 1522 Vitolo, Antonio Esposito. L’insegnamento della medicina legale in Pisa. G Med Leg Infort Tossicol, Suppl No. 4: 384-96, 1968. 22 refs. History of teaching of legal medicine at University of Pisa from 1823 and 1825 to present. Biobibliographic data; succession of teachers. 1523 * Vitolo, Antonio Esposito. I’insegnamento medico-legale di Alessandro Corticelli. Pisa, Pacini e Mariotti, 1961. “Medicolegal teaching of Alessandro Corticelli.” 1524 Vojtovd, M. [The views of J. F. Low of Erlsfeld concerning disability evaluation and medico-legal problems as presented in his Theatrum medico-iuridicum, which appeared in 1725] Cs Patol 1(4) : 59-64, 1965. (Czech) 1525 Voncken, Jules, Essai de codification d’un droit international médical. Monaco, Croix Rouge monégasque, 1949. 105 p. “Essay on codification of international medical law.” Historical development, pp. 11-32. 1526 Vorkastner, Willy. Die Stellung und Aufgaben der gerichtlichen Medizin. Dtsch Z Gesamte Gericht]l Med 5: 89-102, 1925. Present status and problems of legal medicine (mostly in Germany, Austria, and Switzer- land). Names and achievements of leaders, relation to allied fields, research methods, teaching, problems of malpractice, ete. 1527 Vorkastner, Willy. Ueber Werden und Wesen der gerichtlichen Medizin. Klin Wochenschr 10: 748-53, 18 Apr 1931. 21 refs. Brief survey of development of legal medicine; its meaning, importance, and status. Most important workers and publications in the field, relation to hygiene, pathological anatomy, and other biomedical sciences. 187 1528 Wachholz, Leon Jan. Ein Zwitter vor Gericht im Jahre 1561. Beitrag zur Geschichte des Zwittertums. Vierteljahrsschr Gerichtl Med Oeff Sanitaetswes 3.F 41: 316-23, 1911. 7 refs. Translation of article in entry no. 1531. 1529 Wachholz, Leon Jan. Gerichtlich-medizinische Probleme bei Shakespeare. Beitr Gerichtl Med 8: 33-38, 1928. 3 refs. Medicolegal problems in Shakespeare’s plays (description of signs of death, apparent death, fatal wounds, suffocation, drowning, suicide, poisoning, mental health, criminal responsibility, ete.). 1530 Wachholz, Leon Jan. Institute of Legal Medicine, Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland. In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medi- cine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 117-23. Illus. History from establishment of Chair of Legal Medicine in 1804 and Institute in 1834: description and floor plan of building; facilities, teaching, research; staff; budget. 1531 Wachholz, Leon Jan, Obojnak przed sadem v Kazimierzu R. P. 1561. Przyczynek do dziejéw obojnactwa. Przegl Lek 50: 139-42, 11 Mar 1911. 11 refs. Case of hermaphroditism tried in 1561 in Polish city of Kazimierz. Author thinks it was a case of pseudohermaphrodia externa masculina. 1532 Wachholz, Leon Jan. Poczet grona nauczycielskiego Wydzialu Lekarskiego Uniw. Jagiel- loriskiego od r. 1780-1918. Arch Hist Filoz Med (Poznan) 14(1/2): 1-29, 1934. Biographies of professors of Faculty of Medicine, Jagellon University, Cracow, Poland, 1780-1918. Several of interest to history of legal medicine. 1533 Wachholz, Leon Jan. Podrecznik medycyny sadowej z uwzglednieniem ustawodawstwa austryackiego, niemieckiego i rosyjskiego dla uzytku uczniow, lekarzy i prawnikow. Krakow, Wydawn. Dziet Lekarskich Polskich, 1899. 648 p. 46 illus. Index. Scope of legal medicine, its history (from antiquity to second half of 19th cent.), litera- ture, importance, and methods of teaching (pp. 3-27). 63 refs. 1534 Wachholz, Leon Jan. Sto lat istnienia katedry medycyny sadowej w Uniwersytecie Jagiellonskim, Zarys dziejowy. Przegl Lek 44: 9-11, 22-4, 37-9, 50-2, 66-8, 82-4, 1905. 16 refs. Centennial of Chair of Legal Medicine at Jagellon University of Cracow, Poland. Develop- ment, 1804-1904; biobibliographic information; succession of teachers, methods of teaching, publications, research. 1535 Wachholz, Leon Jan. Sto lat istnenia katedry medycyny sadowej w Uniwersytecie Jagiel- lonskim. Krakéw, 1905. 16 refs. Reprint of article in entry no. 1534. 188 1536 Wachholz, Leon Jan. Wyklad wstepny docenta dra Leona Wachholza. Przegl Lek 34: 689-93, 7 Dec 1895. Inaugural lecture. Outline of meaning of legal medicine; its history from antiquity to Paolo Zacchia. Brief mention of famous personalities in field during 19th cent.; some thoughts on recent position of discipline, its teaching, and application. 1537 Wachholz, Leon Jan. Z historyi trucizn i otrué. Przegl Lek 42:192-4, 207-8, 221-3, 236-9, 1903. 63 refs. History of poisons and poisoning from antiquity to 19th cent. 1538 Waegner, H. Menetekel. Auslindische und deutsche Gerichtsmediziner an der Mord- stidtte in Winniza. Dtsch Aerztbl 73 (15) : 207-9, 1 Sep 1943. At request of German government, several commissions of medicolegal experts (both German and non-German) examined mass murder graves in Winnitza, then occupied by German Army. Dead bodies of 1,206 civilians buried there were examined, and it was determined finally that 9,432 had been murdered. Soviet authorities were blamed for the crime. 1539 Wagenmann, C. A. Ist die gerichtliche Medicin als eine selbstindige Doktrin mit eigen- thiimlichen Principe anzusehen? Dtsch Z Staatsarzneikd, N. F. 5(1) : 57-79, 1855. 29 refs. Author asks whether or not legal medicine is a sound and independent discipline. After much consideration, he reaches an affirmative conclusion. 1540 * Wagner, Carl Wilhelm Ulrich, De medicorum juribus atque officiis tractatus. Pars prima, sistens disquisitionem historicam de medicorum apud diversos gentes statu atque conditione. Berolini, in taberna Vossiana, 1819. 21 p. “Discussion on the rights and duties of physicians. First part, devoted to historical in- quiry into the status and conditions of physicians of various nations.” 1541 Wagner, Hans Joachim. Der Giftmord und sein Nachweis in der Zeit vom letzten Drittel des 18. bis zum ersten Hélfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Mainz, 1951. 43 typewritten pages. Thesis (Mainz). “Murder by poisoning, and its detection, in the period from the last third of the 18th to the first half of the 19th century.” 1542 Wagner, Hans Joachim. Die Konsolidierung des Lehrfaches fiir gerichtliche Medizin an den Universitidten im ehemaligen und jetzigen deutschen Sprachraum. In: Gerchow, Joachim, ed. An den Grenzen von Medizin und Recht. Stuttgart, Enke, 1966, p. 219-29. 29 refs. Successive consolidation of teaching of legal medicine at universities in Germany and Austria from start of 19th cent. to date of publication. Chronological list of date of foundation of chairs or institutes at the universities (p. 226). 189 1543 Wagner, Peter Paul Vincenz. Anleitung zur gerichtlichen Arzneikunde fiir Gerichtsaerzte und Rechtsgelehrte des Militair- und Civilstandes und zum Leitfaden bei academischen Vorlesungen. 1.Bd. Wien, L. Grund, 1833. 332 p. Historical traces of legal medicine (pp. 1-12) : antiquity to time of publication; special emphasis on development in Austria. Older medicolegal instructions (pp. 12-24): “Hof-Rescript” of 1733 in Austria. Several refs. 1544 Walcher, Kurt. Gerichtliche Medizin. Miinch Med Wochenschr 104: 295-6, 9 Feb 1962. Brief report on lectures delivered at 39th Congress of German Society for Legal and Social Medicine (Oct, 12-15, 1960, Graz). 1545 Walcher, Kurt. Ueber den Unterricht der Studierenden der Zahnmedizin in gerichtlicher un sozialer Medizin. Dtsch Z Gesamte Ger Med 29: 190-2, 1937/38. First legislation concerning qualification of dentists in Germany promulgated in 1685. From beginning of 18th cent. they could also become “promoted physicians.” Ordi- nances for their examinations from 1869, 1871, and (the latest) 1909. At University of Halle, lectures and examinations of dentists in legal medicine and social medicine started in 1933. Similar lectures and work conducted in Breslau, Miinster, Miinchen, Gottingen, Jena, and Hamburg. 1546 Walther, J. A. Ueber die Nichtexistenz der gerichtlichen Arznei- und medizinischen Polizei-Wissenschaft, als besonderer Doctrinen. Allg Med Ann 1122-30, 1811. Author discusses position of legal medicine and medical police and concludes that there is no need for their existence. 1547 Watermann, R. Ueber den altdgyptischen Arztestand. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medizinalordnungen. Oeff Gesundheitsdienst 20: 173-84, Aug 1958. 52 refs. 6 illus. Status of physicians in ancient Egypt. Methods of payment, various grades, specializa- tion, etc. 1548 Weatherly, L. The pioneers in the more humane treatment of the insane. I. Medical pioneers. Med Leg Criminol Rev 7: 39-42, 1939. Philippe Pinel (France), Charlesworth, Gardiner Hill, and Connolly (England). Weber, G., see entry no. 315. 1549 * Webster, J. An essay on medical jurisprudence. Philadelphia, 1824. 52 p. 1550 Weihofen, Henry. Insanity as defense in criminal law. New York, The Commonwealth Fund, London, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1933. 524 p. Bibl., pp. 445-63. Table of cases. Table of statutes. Index. Historical development of the “right and wrong test” from 1843 (M’Naghten Case) in England and U.S., and its status in U.S. at time of publication (pp. 17-44). 70 refs. 190 1551 * Weikert, Theodor. Abortus historia, literatura, pathologia. Berlin, 1856. Dissertation (Berlin). “History, literature, and pathology of abortion.” 1552 * Weil, Elie. Essai sur médecine légale du Talmud. Strasbourg, 1922. 82 p. Thesis (Stras- bourg). “Essay on legal medicine in the Talmud.” 1553 Weil, G. Denis. De I'exercise illégal de la médecine et de la pharmacie. Législation pénale et jurisprudence. Paris, Marchal et Billard, 1886. 338 p. Chapter 1. (pp. 1-9) : History of legislation concerning practice of medicine and phar- macy in France from 1331 to time of publication. Very brief. 1554 Weitenweber, W. R. Ueber den beriihmten Prager Arzt J. F. Low v. Erlsfeld. Viertel- jahrschr Prakt Heilkd (Prag) 74(2): 1-16, 1862. Biobibliography of famous physician of Prague, Johann Franz Low von Erlsfeld (1648- 1725), pioneer of legal medicine and author of Theatrum medico-juridicum (Nirn- berg, 1725), a leading works of its time, Detailed description of work; 37 other works listed. 1555 Wellington, Richard Henslowe. Presidential address. Trans Med Leg Soc (Lond) 14: 6-11, 1921. History of medical jurisprudence. Brief description of development to beginning of 20th cent. Author’s experience as lecturer in forensic medicine and medical expertise. ’ 1556 Werber. Staatsarzneikunde, Medicinalorganisation, gerichtliche Medicin und Medicinal- polizei. Centralarch Gesamte Gerichtl Poliz Medicinalwesen 5 (6) : 635-55, 1848. Discusses “state medicine,” medicine “politico-forensis,” legal medicine, medical police, and public hygiene. Some history of legal medicine is included. Interesting for author’s definitions and terminology. 1557 Werkgartner, Anton, Zur Geschichte der Lehrkanzel fiir gerichtliche Medizin der Uni- versitit Graz. Dtsch Z Gesamte Gerichtl Med 51: 329-32, 1961. History of Chair of Legal Medicine at University of Graz, starting from appointment of Adolf Schauenstein in 1863 to author’s appointment in 1939. Names and succession of professors, organization, teaching, research. 1558 Wernert, Ph. J. Staatsirztliche Zustidnde in Frankreich. Ann Staats-Arzneikd (Freib) 7(3): 407-40, (4) : 607-33, 1842. Medical education in France; teaching of legal medicine. 191 1559 Wernert, Ph. J. Ueber die Stellung der Medicin zur Justiz und Administration in Staaten mit Oeffentlichkeit und Miindlichkeit mit besonderer Bezugnahme auf Frankreich. Ann Staats-Arzneikd (Freib) 8(2): 211-37, 1843. Historical development and present status of legal medicine, especially in England, France, and Germany. 1560 Westcott, William Wynn. A note upon deodands. Trans Med Leg Soc (Lond) 7: 1-10, 1910. “Deodand” (from Deo-dandum), an old institution, probably from time of King Alfred (871-896) ; defined as a “thing which, because it had been the immediate cause of a person’s death, was given to God (i.e., forfeited to the Crown), to be applied to pious uses.” Abolished in 1846. Its abolition paved way for enactment of laws on compen- sation for injuries or death. 1561 Weyrich, Giinther. Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin in Freiburg. Dtsch Z Gesamte Gerichtl Med 62: 52-4, 1968. Development of teaching of legal medicine at University of Freiburg. Establishment of Chair and Institute of Legal Medicine, names and succession of professors, teaching. 1562 Whitlock, Francis Anthony. Medical evidence and criminal responsibility; an historical review of a medicolegal problem. Med Leg J 32 (4) : 176-85, 1964. 43 refs. Review from antiquity to time of publication. Special emphasis on development in England. 1563 Wickersheimer, Ernest. Organisation et législation sanitaires au Rouyaume francaise de Jérusalem (1099-1291). Arch Int Hist Sci 4: 689-705, Jul 1951. 69 refs. Health organization and legislation in French Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-1291. Note provisions of Le Livre des Assises de la Cour de Bourgeois, which mention conditions for medical practice and responsibility of physicians. 1564 * Widmark, Erik Matteo Prochet. Die theoretische Grundlagen und die praktische Ver- wendbarkeit der gerichtlich-medizinischen Alkoholbestimmung. Berlin, Wien, Urban und Schwarzenberg, 1932. 140 p. Illus. Bibl, pp. 138-40. “Theoretical basis and practical application of medicolegal detection of alcohol.” 1565 Wiener, Alexander, S. History of blood group nomenclature, with a questionnaire on Rh-Hr nomenclature. J Forensic Med (Johannesb) 14: 3-12, Jan—Mar 1967. 23 refs. Append. From Landsteiner’s discovery to 1967; comments on persisting confusion in nomenclature. 1566 Wier, Johann. De praestigiis daemonum et incantationibus ac veneficiis libri quinque. Basileae, J. Oporinus, 1563. 479 p. A pioneering book which tried to change general belief concerning sorcerers and under- took to prove that so-called magicians and demons are subject to hysteria and hypo- 192 chondriasis. Author admitted existence of witches and believed in sorcery, but con- sidered it rare. Book was listed in the Church’s Index librorum prohibitorum. Several historical references. 1567 Wiethold, Ferdinand. Ueberblick liber die Entwicklung der gerichtlichen und sozialen Medizin in Frankfurt a. M. Dtsch Z Gesamte Gerichtl Med 49: 579-82, 1959/60. Chair of Legal Medicine and Institute of Legal Medicine established in Frankfurt a.M. in 1926; started functioning in 1927 with Willi Vorkastner in charge. Names, succession, and work of professors. 1568 Wilbrand, Franz Joseph Julius. Ueber Leben, Gliedmiissigkeit und Lebensfihigkeit der menschlichen Frucht. Ver Dtsch Z Staats-Arneikd (Freib) N. F. 3: 92-146, 291-320, 1848. Important material on history of pregnancy, delivery, abortion, infanticide, in various periods and countries. Many bibliographic citations. 1569 Wildberg, Christian Friedrich Ludwig. Ueber die Nothwendigkeit einer genaueren Bestimmung des Gesetzes liber das, was bei Todesfillen schwangerer Personen zur Lebensrettung des Kindes geschehen soll. Jahrb Gesamte Staatsarzneikd (Leipz) 4: 1-14, 1838, Historical development of Caesarean section and related legislation. Wiley, E. D., see entry no. 1110, 1570 Williams, J. Assassination. Med Leg J 33: 93-104, 1965. Discussion. Historical material, mostly from 19th and 20th cent., on assassination, usual motives and means, mental state of assassins, ete, 1571 Wing, H. Legal medicine: ancient and future. Mo Med 54 (10) : 966-67, 990, Oct 1957. 4 refs. A very brief treatment from antiquity to promulgation of Justinian’s Code (550 A.D.). Author’s ideal about future status of legal medicine. 1572 Winter. Der Begriff der Zurechnungsfihigkeit im deutschen Strafrecht bis zur Carolina. Med Welt 16: 1254-7, 26 Dec 1942. 18 refs. Description of criminal responsibility in old German laws before promulgation of Con- stitutio eriminalis Carolina (1532). Position of offenders who were considered less responsible or irresponsible because of being young, deaf and dumb, women, old, alcoholics, emotionally disturbed, or mentally deranged. Comparison of German pro- visions with those of Roman law and, in some cases, Canon law. 1573 Winter. Ueber gerichtliche Leichenoéffnungen in dlterer Zeit. Aertztl Sachverstaend Ztg 49: 37-40, 1943. Medicolegal autopsies in 17th and 18th cent. 193 1574 Winter, R. Die Lehre vom Kindesmord in der deutschen Gerichtsmedizin des 18. Jahrhun- derts., Aerztl Fortbild (Jena) 57: 1127-31, 15 Oct 1963. 53 refs. Views of Constitutio criminalis Carolina (1532) on infanticide, and subsequent changes to end of 17th cent. Special attention to invention and application of hydrostatic test of lungs of newborn. Detailed description of legal and medical doctrines in Germany concerning infanticide in 18th cent., very well documented. 1575 * Winter, Zikmund. Staroprazsky znalecky protokol. Sb Klin 2: 221-3, 1901. “An expert [medical] report from old Prague.” 1576 * Wippermann, Otto Magnus. Dissertatio jurisdica de nexu jurisprudentiae et medicinae. Rintelii, J. G. Enax, 1720. 48 p. “Legal dissertation on the relation of jurisprudence to medicine.” Wistrand, Alfred Hilarion, see entry no. 1577. 1577 Wistrand, August Timoleon, and Wistrand, Alfred Hilarion. Handbok rattsmedicinen, med sirskild hidnsyn till Sveriges lagstiftning, till ledning for likare och jurister. Ista Héaftet. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt, 1852. 435 p. Introduction (pp. 1-18) : Definition and scope of legal medicine; brief history from antiquity to time of publication. Brief description of situation in Scandinavia. Bibl. of Swedish medical literature. 1578 Witlacil, A. Das Verhiiltniss der gerichtlichen Medizin zur Jurisprudenz. Z Gerichtl Med Oeff Gesundheitspflege 3:13-4, 35-6, 48-9, 1867. Discussion of relation of legal medicine in Austria to jurisprudence (in both civil and criminal law) at time of publication. Critical review. 1579 * Witt, H. J. Die Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medizin in Schleswig-Holstein und an der Universitit Kiel. 1950. 54 typewritten pages. Dissertation (Kiel?) “History of legal medicine in Schleswig-Holstein and at the University of Kiel.” 1580 Witthaus, Rudolph August, and Becker, Tracy C. Medical jurisprudence, forensic medi- cine and toxicology. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. New York, William Wood, 1911. 996 p. Index. Introduction (pp. v-xxix) : History of legal medicine and toxicology from antiquity to the time of publication. Many refs. 1581 * Wolkart, Norbert. Was versteht man unter Gerichtsmedizin in den USA? Kriminalistik 8:130-32, 1954. “What is the meaning of legal medicine in the U.S.A.?” 194 1582 Wolkart, Norbert. Zum 300. Todesjahr von Paulus Zacchia. Wien Med Wochenschr 109: 1040-41, 1959. 14 refs. 1 illus. Biography of Paolo Zacchia (1584-1659) ; description and evaluation of his Quaestiones medico-legales. 1583 Wolff, G. Leichen-Besichtigung und -Untersuchung bis zur Carolina als Vorstufe gericht- licher Sektion. Janus 42: 255-86, Nov-Dec 1938. 263 refs. History of postmortem examination from antiquity to promulgation of Constitutio crim- tnalis Carolina (1532) as prelude to court-ordered dissections. 1584 Wollen, W. Forensic psychiatry in Poland. Med Sci Law 5: 87-9, Apr 1965. 7 refs. Brief history from first legal provision concerning the mentally ill in Statuta Vislica (1347) to date of publication, when subject was taught at ten medical academies but —according to author—still inadequately. 1585 Woltersdorff. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der gerichtlichen Medicin. Vierteljahrsschr Gerichtl Med, N.F., 26: 388-93, 1877. Starting with Constitutio Bambergensis (1507) and Constitutio criminalis Carolina (1530 —sice!) author traces development of opinion about mortal wounds, especially in German literature, discusses its indications, mentions old custom of Baar-Recht (cruentatio cadaverum), early obductions, ete. 1586 Wolzendorff. Die Legal-Section vor 100 Jahren. Vierteljahrsschr Gerichtl Med Oeff Sani- taetswes N.F, 28: 178-83, 1878. Historical development of dissection from original sectio vulnerum to sectio cadaverum in 18th cent. 1587 Womack, N. A. The evolution of the National Board of Medical Examiners. JAMA 192: 817-23, 1965. 21 refs. Regulation of medical practice in ancient times; early licensure in Europe; licensure in Colonial North America; early State Boards; founding of National Board and its development to present status. 1588 : Wondrak, Eduard. Lékarsky pokus na ¢lovéku v 16. stoleti v Cechéach. Cas Lék Cesk 96: 1179, 13 Sept 1957. In 1565, in Bohemia, a man sentenced to death for murder agreed to be subject of a med- ical experiment: to take poison and then an antidote. He survived and received amnesty. 1589 * Wunderbar, R. J. Biblisch-Talmudische Medizin oder Pragmatische Darstellung der Arz- neikunde der alten Israeliten, sowohl in theoretischer als practischer Hinsicht. Von Abraham bis zum Abschlusse des Babylonischer Talmud, d.i. von 2000 v. Chr. bis 195 500 n. Chr. Riga und Leipzig, Verfasser, 1850-53. 4 v. “Biblico-Talmudic medicine, or Pragmatic presentation of medicine of the ancient Israel- ites in both theoretical and practical respects. From Abraham until the completion of the Babylonian Talmud, i.e., from 2000 B.C. to 500 A.D.” 1590 * Wunderbar, R. J. Biblisch-talmudische Medicin. Staatsarzneikunde, gerichtliche Medicin und medicinische Polizei der alten Israeliten. Separat Aufgabe. Nach den Quellen in gedringter Kiirze bearbeitet, 50, 5-48, 5-41, 5-39. Riga und Leipzig, 1865. “Biblical-Talmudic medicine. State medicine, legal medicine, and medical police of the ancient Israelites.” 1591 Wynne, James. Importance of the study of legal medicine; a lecture introductory to the course on medical jurisprudence at the New York Medical College. New York, London. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1859. 16 p. 19 refs, Lecture stressing importance of discipline, supporting views of authorities, some historical references, and relevant casuistry from various countries, with emphasis on England and U.S. 1592 * Yamai, K. Nippen hoigaku no jojiku. Hoi Gakkai Zasshi 83: 6-10, 1893. “Organization of Japanese medical jurisprudence.” 1593 Young, R. C. Development of legal psychiatry in Louisiana. New Orleans Med Surg J 94: 311-8, Jan 1942. Discussion. Law on lunacy existed in Louisiana from 1804 (Napoleonic Code). Acts of 1918, 1926, and 1932, as well as Civil Code, authorize treatment of drunkards and drug addicts at public expense. For criminally insane, judge appoints medical experts to advise the court about criminal responsibility of defendant and need for commitment. 1594 Zacchia, Paolo. Quaestiones medico-legales. In quibus eae materiae medicae, quae ad legales facultates videntur pertinere, proponuntur, pertractantur, resolvuntur. Ed. tertia. Amstelaedami, ex typogr. Joannis Blaev, 1651, 731 p. Subject index. Cornerstone of legal medicine. Eight books on medicolegal and public health topics of his time (including torture, witchcraft, miracles), ninth on advice and expert opinions. Books 10 and 11 (not in this edition) contain decisions of Sacra Rota Romana. Cites most related literature from Hippocrates on. First systematic com- pilation of medical expert opinions. Publication started in 1621. Several editions. 1595 Zangger, Heinrich, Hundert Jahre gerichtliche Medizin in Ziirich. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 63: 910-21, 1933. Legal medicine taught at University of Ziirich from its foundation in 1833; Chair founded in 1905 and Institute of Legal Medicine started functioning in 1912. Names and succession of teachers, legislation, current status of legal medicine in the country, research conducted at Institute of Legal Medicine, recent problems. 196 1596 Zangger, Heinrich. L’instruction en médecine légale. Ann Hyg Publique Méd Lég 4th ser. 25: 27-48, 1916. 3 refs. Medicine-law cooperation at time of publication; obligation to teach legal medicine; means of instruction and experience already gained; expected evolution. 1597 Zangger, Heinrich. Medizin und Recht. Die Beziehungen der Medizin zum Recht, die Kausalitit in Medizin und Recht und die Aufgaben des gerichtlich-medizinischen Unterrichtes. Eine Orientierung fiir Studierende, Juristen, Aerzte, Techniker, Experten und speziell Behorden. Ziirich, Art. Institut Orell Fiissli, 1920. 701 p. Subj. index. Chapters: I. Purpose of the books. II. Problems in teaching of legal medicine. III. Practical problems of medicolegal teaching. IV. Causality in medicine and law. V. Problem of liability. VI. Conclusion. No history, but important contemporary philosophical and medicolegal opinions and views on teaching of discipline. 1598 Zangger, Heinrich. Medizin und Recht, In: Methods and problems of medical education (9th ser.). Institutes of Legal Medicine. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, Div. of Med. Educ., 1928, pp. 243-96, Illus. Generally on medicine-law relations; teaching; legal medicine in Switzerland, especially Ziirich (organization, teaching, ete.) ; scientific work; services for the country; history of legal medicine there; new methods in the field; description and floor plans of Institute. 1599 Zangger, Heinrich. Die moderne Stellung der gerichtlichen Medizin, die Beziehungen zwischen Medizin und Recht. Ziirich, Art, Institut Orell Fiissli, 1912. (Beitrige zur Schweizerischen Verwaltungskunde, Heft 9.) “Modern position of legal medicine, the relations between medicine and the law.” [Forensic problems of past and present, and social meaning of forensic medicine] 1600 Zapletal, Vladimir. Z historie posudkového lékarstvi. Vnitr Lék 4: 738-42, 1958. 10 refs. Casuistics of medical expertise, mostly from antiquity; a few cases from Kingdom of Bohemia, 1601 * Zbrozhek, I. Kratkil istoricheskil ocherk sudebnol meditsiny. Odessa, 1867. “A brief historical essay on legal medicine.” 1602 * Zeller, Joannes Godofredus. Dissertatio quod pulmonum infantis in aqua subsidentia infanticidas non absolvat nec a tortura liberet, nec respirationem in utero tollat. Halae Magdeb., typ. et imp. J. C. Hendelii, 1725. 39 p- - “Dissertation [claiming] that the immersion of the lungs of a child in water neither absolves [the accused] of infanticide nor frees [them] from torture, and also does not prove respiration in the uterus.” 197 1603 Zembrzuski, Ludwik. Karta z dziejéw sadownictwa i medycyny sadowej w Polsce XVII wieku. Pol Tyg Lek 6(5/6) : 188-89, Feb 1951. Discussion of some provisions of medicolegal importance from Statute of Grand Duchy of Lithuania (printed in 1693 in Vilno). 1604 Zembrzuski, Ludwik. Karta z dziejéw sadownictwa polskiego i medycyny sadowej w XVII wieku. Arch Med Sad 1: 120-7, 1951. Contents of Statute of Great Duchy of Lithuania of medicolegal interest. No medical expertise mentioned. See also article no. 1603. 1605 Zembrzuski, Ludwik. Krakowsczy pionierzy medycyny sadowej. Arch Med Sad 7: 124-33, 1955. 15 refs, Brief summary in Russian and English. Pioneers of legal medicine in Cracow from 1786 (Prof. Jan Szaster) to 1942 (L. J. Wachholz) . Their succession, teaching, works, and some biographic data. 1606 Zembrzuski, Ludwik. Prof. Dr Med. Andrzej Janikowski (1799-1864). Arch Med Sad 5: 68-70, 1953. 6 refs. Information on origins of teaching of legal medicine in Poland, and Janikowski’s biobibliographic data. 1607 Zietz, W. Ein ershiitterndes Dokument. Das Protokol fiihrender europiischer Gerichts- mediziner liber den Massenmord im Walde von Katyn. Dtsch Aerztebl 73 (12) : 138— 40, 1 Jun 1943. Protocol prepared and signed by a commission, composed (at request of Nazi govern- ment) of leading European forensic physicians, on findings concerning mass murder of Polish officers in forest of Katyn. Author’s comments. 1608 Ziino, Giuseppe. Compendio di medicina legale e giurisprudenza medica. V. I. 4a ed. Milano, Societa Editrice Libraria, 1906. 646 p. Many refs. Illus. History of legal medicine from antiquity to 2nd part of 19th cent. and development of teaching of discipline (pp. 8-21). Extensive bibl. 1609 * Ziino, Giuseppe. Sul riordinamento dello studio della medicina legale in Italia. Messina, 1878. “On the reorganization of the study of legal medicine in Italy.” 1610 Zilboorg, Gregory. The medical man and the witch during the Renaissance. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1935. 215 p. Several refs. Illus. Index. History from appearance of Malleus maleficarum (1487-1489) to Johann Wier’s (Weyer) De praestigits daemonum, et tncantationibus, ac veneficits libri quinque (1563). Author considers Weyer’s work the foundation of modern psychiatry. Henry Sigerist states in introduction that “witcheraft is central problem in develop- ment of Western psychiatry.” 198 1611 Zimmermann, F. Ueber gerichtliche und soziale Medizin. Aerztl Sachverstaend Ztg 30: 51-7, 15 Mar 1924. 1 ref. Relation of legal medicine to social medicine; the need to teach them together. 1612 Zoubek, F. Jak se lékarim mnohdy plativalo. Cas Lék Cesk 3: 192, 18 Jun 1864. Notes from 16th century archives of Bohemia concerning physicians’ fees for treatment and difficulties often met in obtaining them. 1613 * Zuccarelli, Angelo. L’evoluzione odierna nella medicina legale e I'antropologia criminale. Napoli, N. Jovene, 1887. 22 p. “Contemporary evolution of legal medicine and criminal anthropology.” 1614 * Zur Organisation und Arbeitweise gerichtsmedizinischer Einrichtungen in der UdSSR und in der DDR. Forum Kriminalistik Nr. 5: 41-2, 45, 1965. “Organization and working methods of medicolegal institutions in USSR and German Democratic Republic.” 1615 Zustand der Staatsarzneikunde in Frankreich. Arch Staatsarznkd 1(1): 66-99, 1803. 3 refs. _ General status of “state medicine” (Staatsarzneikunde) in France, with emphasis on public health. Legal medicine mentioned very briefly (a few publications cited). Some remarks of historical importance. 199 SUBJECT INDEX Subjects and cross-references are listed in alphabetical order. The numbers which follow the entries in the index refer to the citation numbers of the entries in the bibliography. Material in the index has been organized chronologically and geographically. All sub- jects are arranged chronologically, except those with very few entries or those for which such an arrangement was not feasible. The geographic arrangement is alpha- betized by country. Entries of more general importance are listed in the first subheading, termed “General.” There, too, are listed the citation numbers for those entries whose time span and/or geographic coverage could not be determined. Entries concerning Russia are usually listed under USSR, unless they treat only of the pre-USSR period. Provinces are listed only under their respective countries. A Abortifacients Antiquity Greece 931 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) Arabs 1092 Abortion General 325, 489, 552, 631, 1108, 1179, 1368, 1551, 1568 Antiquity 755, 933 Babylon 588 China 649 Egypt 588 Greece 588,649, 756, 931 Hebrews 588, 649 India 588,1174 Rome 588, 649, 756 1093a 201 Antiquity—Constitutio criminalis Carolina 297 —16the. —18th ec. —19th ec. 204, 431, 489, 755, 756, 958 —20thc. 86,998a 1st-5th century A. D. 1st—7thc. 588 1st-12th c. (Patristic writings, etc.) 649 2nd-6th c. (Talmud) Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 13th ce. (China) 871 13th—20th c. (Canon Law) 14th ec. (Italy) 23 18th century— 86, 204, 325, 431, 489, 552, 649, 755, 756, 958, 998a, 1055 Algiers 1209 France 86 Germany 1201 Gt. Britain 998a, 1055 1207 1055 1157 1093a 649 Karikal (French India) 233 Spain 1207 Turkey 1053 United States 998a Alcohol 16th century Constitutio criminalis Carolina 1572 18th century— 1564 Denmark 1564 Germany 1473 United States 1473 Anatomy, Pathological General 391, 609, 1149, 1527 Antiquity—20th c¢. (China) 273 1st—5th century A. D. 2nd-20th ce. 273 Middle Ages 15th c. (Italy) 315 (Anatomy, Pathological, cont.) 18th century— 273 China 273 France 84 Anthropology, Medicolegal see: Legal Medi- cine Archeology, Forensic see: Identification Arsenic see: Poisons and Poisoners Assassination see: Homicide Authors of Historical Importance Alberti, Michael 17, 684 Ammann, Paul 25 Amoédo, Oscar 26 Beck, Theodor Romeyn 90 Bohn, Johann 155 Castro, Rodrigo de 248 Christison, Sir Robert, Bart 288 Codronchi, Giovanni Battista 295, 458 Cooper, Thomas 307 Damhouder, Joost 342, 343 Daniel, Friedrich Christian 684 Dease, William 350 Farr, Samuel 437, 1056 Fedele, Fortunato 445 Fodéré, Francois Emmanuel 461, 951 Frank, Johann Peter 477 Ingrassia, Giovanni Filippo 652 Johnstone, John 675 Libavius, Andreas 797 Low von Erlsfeld, Johann Franz 1524, 1554 Mende, Ludwig Julius Caspar 907 Orfila, Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure 1024 Paré, Ambroise 1054 Percival, Thomas B. 1076 Pineau, Séverin 1102 Pinel, Philippe 1103 Ray, Isaac 371, 1172 Rush, Benjamin 1244, 1312 Taylor, Alfred Swaine 1428 Teichmeyer, Hermann Friedrich 1431 Tzu Sung 182, 183, 380, 487, 513, 529, 641, 716, 847, 871, 872, 901, 902, 973, 974, 1353, 1418 Valentini, Michael Bernhard Wier, Johann 1566, 1610 Zacchia, Paolo 844, 1048, 1064, 1582, 1594 Zerbi, Gabriele 813, 124, 1501 962 202 Autopsy (1700- ) See also: Chairs and Institutes; Morgues; Postmortem Examination 18th century-— 167, 201, 298, 1250, 1439, 1573, 1586 Argentina 109, 236, 1258 Bohemia (Czechoslovakia) 1385 France 134, 357, 1100, 1439, 1507 Germany 455, 515, 1061, 1282, 1475 Gt. Britain 190 Israel 667 Rumania 1256 Russia 144, 815, 1476 Spain 1081 Turkey 14 United States 771, 773 Yugoslavia 559 B Baunscheidtism see: Quackery Biobibliographies See also: Authors of Historical Impor- tance; Teachers of Legal Medicine General 825,1312, 1355 Alberti, Michael 684, 1505 Ammann, Paul 147 Castro, Rodrigo de 758 Cayal, Santiago Ramony 1082 Chamoro, Manuel Alvarez 1080 Daniel, Friedrich Christian, Sr. Daniel Friedrich Christian, Jr. Fodéré, Francois Emmanuel Haller, Albrecht von 47 Heinroth, Johann Christian August Hoffman, Eduard 1193, 1295 Janikowski, Andrzej 1606 Low von Erlsfeld, Johann Franz 1554 Mikhailov, Ivan 1470 Minovici, Mina 29, 30, 1275 Orfila, Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure 1082 Paré, Ambroise Peixoto, Afranio Piédelievre, René 1096 Ribeiro, Leonidio 234 Sand, Knud Aache Buchtrup 1351 Serbskii, Vladimir Petrovich 686 684 684 951 880 1517, 281, 177, 968, 1216 234 Valentin Paul 1095, Ueno, Shokichi Zacchia, Paolo Blood See also: Hematology, Forensic Albumin, Differentiation of 1481 Alcohol 1564 Hemoglobin 1478 Human and animal 70, 883, 1213, 1481 Stains, Differentiation of 1213 Stains, Human 1115 Blood groups 765, 1478 Conglutination 1478 Nomenclature 1565 Serology 633 Blood Transfusion 17th—20th c. 650 Burials See also: Death General 870 Antiquity 1211 Antiquity-19th c. 1478 697, 844, 1064, 1582 633, 1115 678 C Caesarean Section General 88, 694, 840, 1185, 1388, 1540, 1569 Antiquity Lex regia of Numa Pompilius Antiquity—18th c. 587, 1341 —19th ec. 785,985,994 —20thec. 88 1st-5th century A. D. 2nd-6th ¢. (Talmud) Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 24, 483 1340 1093a 12th c. (Spain) 230 15th c. (Germany) 448 15th—18th c. 1388 18th century— 88, 587, 785, 985, 994, 1341 Germany 483, 587, 994 Russia 118 Uruguay 1253 Castration General 209, 1358 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 1093a 18th century— Russia 1069 Syria (Tripoli) 642 203 Chair and Institutes See also: Study and Teaching; Teachers of Legal Medicine 18th century— 654, 909, 949, 1106, 1440 Argentina Buenos Aires 92, 165, 453, 1230 Cordoba 165, 453 La Plata 93, 165, 453 Rosario 165, 453 Austria 1075 Agram 1106 Graz 823, 824, 864, 1106, 1199, 1443, 1542, 1557 Innsbruck 634,1143, 1542 Vienna 180, 181, 465, 506, 583, 584, 585, 586, 823, 824, 881, 975, 1193, 1194, 1195, 1198, 1200, 1295, 1443, 1542 Belgium Brussels 252,1248, 1444 Ghent 311, 1106, 1248, 1444 Liege 1106, 1248, 1444 Louvain 1248, 1444 Brazil 37,107,1018, 1019, 1075, 1204 Bahia 105,1205 Belo Horizonte 1516 Rio de Janeiro 105, 1004, 1067, 1075, 1203, 1205 Sao Paulo 105, 439, 442, 443, 444, 1004, 1205 Bulgaria Sofia 1106, 1470 Canada 1011 Quebec 764 Chile Santiago Colombia Bogota 261, 655, 1486, 1487, 1495 Cuba Havana 138, 249, 250, 251, 254, 255, 620, 757, 1128 Czechoslovakia Brno 121,123 Prague 593, 594, 595, 823, 824, 982, 1106, 1357, 1443, 1542 Denmark Copenhagen 466, 506, 541, 1093, 1106, 1219, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1264, 1443 Egypt Cairo 420, 1344, 1366 1130, 1494 France Germany (East and West) (Chairs and Institutes, cont.) Estonia (1918-1940) Tartu 1425, 1426, 1542 Finland Helsinki 893, 1106, 1138 Turku 1138 362, 949, 1075 Bordeaux 1514 Lille 140,772 Lyon 749,873, 874, 875, 978 Montpellier 528, 672, 1271 Nancy 972 Paris 12, 71, 72, 73, 140, 252, 312, 313, 360, 363, 465, 528, 819, 1050, 1084, 1126, 1249, 1441, 1442 Strasbourg 207, 272, 528, 803, 1459, 1466 Toulouse 302, 1106 710, 908, 909, 1063, 1075 Berlin 252, 424, 506, 799, 823, 824, 1106, 1399, 1400, 1406, 1409, 1443, 1542 Berlin, East (DDR) 1472 Bonn 823, 824, 1025, 1279, 1542 Breslau (from 1945 see Wroclaw, Poland) 1025, 1106, 1443, 1542 Diisseldorf 1542 Erlangen 690, 823, 824, 1106, 1164, 1180, 1542 Frankfurt a. M. 1542, 1567 Freiburgi. Br. 997, 1106, 1542, 1561 Giessen 823,824, 1542 Gottingen 674, 1433, 1542 Greifswald (DDR) 1106, 1542 Halle a. S. (DDR) 823, 824, 1025, 1106, 1146, 1542 Hamburg 1542 Heidelberg 823, 824, 957, 959, 1025, 1106, 1542 Ingolstadt 706 Jena (DDR) 1542 Kiel 601, 603, 621, 969, 1542, 1579 Koln 1542 Konigsberg i. Pr. (until 1945) 955, 996, 997, 1151, 1542 Landshut 706 103, 1146, 1183, 527, 823, 824, 1106, 204 Leipzig (DDR) 711, 712, 823, 824, 1277, 1443, 1472, 1542 Mainz 1542 Marburg a.d. Lahn 823, 824, 1542 Munich 706, 823, 824, 825, 911, 1025, 1106, 1443, 1542 Miinster i. W. 1542 Rostock (DDR) 1106, 1542 Strasbourg (during German occupa- tion) 1106 Tibingen 1106, 1280, 1542 Wiirzburg 823, 824, 1106, 1542 Gt. Britain Edinburgh 252, 287, 805, 806, 1365, 1463 Glasgow 533 London 77, 78,252, 981, 1361, 1446 Manchester 1106 Holland Groningen 1106 Leyden 1106 Hungary Budapest 692, 693, 823, 824, 1106, 1169, Debrecen 692, 1169 Koloszvar 1106 Pécz 692,1169 Szeged 692, 1169 Israel Jaffa 689 Italy 1075 Camerino 1106 Catania 1106 Ferrara 1106 Florence 285,1523 Genova 661 Macerata 1144 Messina 1106 Milano 260 Modena 1106 Naples 531 Pisa 377, 1520, 1522, 1523 Rome 252,517,1031, 1034, 1159 Siena 135 Turin 241, 252 Japan 40 Fukuoka 956 Gifu 956 Kagoshima 956 Kyoto 956 Nagoya 956 Nara 956 Osaka 956 Tokyo 40,745, 956, 1478, 1479, 1480 Mexico Mexico City Norway Oslo (formerly Kristiania) 830, 1106 Peru Lima 55, 56, 57 Poland 1117,1145 Gdansk (before 1918, Danzig, Ger- many) 826 Cracow 635, 742, 743, 744, 826, 1016, 1106, 1113, 1116, 1530, 1534, 1535, 1542, 1605 Lodz 826 Lublin 400 Lwow (to 1939) 1106, 1326 Poznan (from 1945) 753, 826 Warsaw 33, 568, 569, 570, 826, 1106 Wroclaw (before 1945, Breslau, Ger- many) 826 Portugal 58,161 Coimbra 387,1088, 1202, 1252 Lisbon 58, 60, 62, 63, 387, 1088 Porto 387, 1088 Rumania Bucharest 919, 923, 993, 1106, 1112, 1238, 1275, 1390, 1398 1454 Cluj 925 Jassy 1106 Spain Barcelona 252,425 Madrid 252,1106 Sweden Lund 1106, 1349, 1350 Uppsala 1106 Switzerland Basel 1106, 1283, 1542 Bern 1106, 1542 Geneva 252, 979,1106 Lausanne 1106 Zurich 608, 1106, 1293, 1542, 1595, 1598 Turkey Istanbul 13 United States Boston, Mass. 253, 764, 1396 Chicago, Ill. 1106 New York, N.Y. Philadelphia, Pa. 259 682, 764, 1591 101, 1106 205 Richmond, Va. 395 Willoughby, Ohio 20 USSR (and Russia) 52, 157, 1319 Alma Ata, Kazakh. SSR 1324 Erevan, Armiansk. SSR 49, 50 Gorkil, RSFSR 681 Kazan, Tatar, ASSR 144, 145, 581 Kiev, USSR 492, 718, 1106, 1269, 1270 Leningrad, RSFSR 724 Moscow, RSFSR 399, 894, 896, 1106, 1132, 1318, 1405 Rostov na Donu, USSR Saratov, RSFSR 1354 Yugoslavia Belgrade 289, 565 Ljubljana 289 Sarajevo 289 Skoplja 289 Zagreb 289, 559 Chemistry, Forensic See also: Chairs and Institutes; Laborato- ries of Forensic Sciences; Labora- tories of Legal Medicine; Research 18th century— USSR (and Russia) 1393 Christian Science United States Circumcision Antiquity Hebrews 179 1st-5th century 2nd-6th c. (Talmud) 1157 Middle Ages : 6th c. (Justinian codification) Codes of Laws Ca 1700 B.C. Code of Hammurabi 464, 478, 502, 605, 607, 629, 666, 747, 1022, 1184, 1215, 1363, 1382 900-600 B.C. Code of Manu or Dahrma- Shastra 1022 715-673 B.C. Lex regia of Numa Pompilius 24, 483 449 B.C. Leges duodecim tabularum 199, 747, 876, 994 81 B.C. Lex Cornelia de siccayiis et vene- ficiis 1093a ond—6th c¢. A.D. Talmud (Mishna and Ge- mara) 436, 1589, 1590 1381 1321, 1322, 1323, 1152, 1153, 1154 1093a (Codes of Laws, cont.) 529-534 A.D. Justinian codification 24, 137, 416, 417, 479, 481, 501, 567, 747, 778, 886, 1093a, 1215, 1362, 1382, 1571 5th-9th c. Leges barbarorum/Lex Salica, Leges Visigothorum, Burgundiorum, Langobardorum, Alamanorum, Baiu- variorum, Saxonum, Thuringorum, Frisionum, Ripuariorum, Euna Cha- mavorum,/ 27, 146, 195, 330, 363, 500, 747, 914, 1281, 1292, 1363 Early 9th c. Capitularia of Charlemagne 192, 330, 363 Ca 900-950 Code of King Hywel Dda, Wales 326, 677 Ca 1100 Assizes et bon usages du royaume de Jérusalem 191, 705, 774, 1563 12th c. Decretum Gratianum 649 1117 Gragas Code (Graugans), Iceland 146, 290 1140 Laws of Roger 11, King of Apulia and Sicily 211 1231 Constitutiones 1407 Ca 1230 Sachsenspiegel 146, 551 1234 Decretales Gregorii IX 24, 41, 649 1382, 1404 13th c.— Statutary laws of Italian cities 156, 451, 500, 516, 963, 998, 1071 13th c. German Town Laws 986 14th c. Statuta Wislica, Poland 146 regni Siciliae 66, 1449 Wundschauordnung, Switzerland 575 1507 Constitutio Bambergensis 1111, 1404, 1585 1532 Constitutio criminalis Carolina 16, 152, 194, 497, 580, 617, 914, 1009, 1111, 1387, 1389, 1402, 1404, 1438, 1572, 1574, 1583, 1585 1535 Constitutio criminalis Hessen 170 17th c. Statute of Grand Duchy of Lithu- ania 1603, 1604 1692 Ordonance criminelle, France 747 1726 Peinliche Gerichtsordnung der Land- grafschaft Hessen 169 1733 Hof-Rescript, Austria 1543 1766 Austrian Provincial Ordinance 125 1768 Constitutio criminalis Theresiana 375, 379 1810 Napoleonic Code Phillipina, 747, 1444 1870 Austro-Hungarian’ Law on the Or- ganization of Public Health Service 1348 1913 Italian Code of Criminal Procedure 867 1917 Codex juris canonici Coroners Gt. Britain (12th-20th c.) 1101, 1308 (13th—15th c.) (15th-19th c.) (18th ec.) 1483 (19th ec.) 673, 1449 India (19th-20th c.) United States (17the.) 769,771 (18th-20th c.) 2, 269, 277, 407, 410, 773, 863, 877, 1006 Criminology see: Legal Medicine, Criminol- ogy, and Criminal Anthropology Cruentation see : Ordeals 649, 1044 613, 771, 858, 563 563 1166 D Deaf-mutes Middle Ages Justinian codification 16th century Constitutio criminalis Carolina 18th century-— Germany 732 Death See also: Burials; Poisons and Poisoners General 5, 566,1123, 1519 Antiquity-19th ec. 707 1st-5th century A.D. ca. 300 (India) 961 Middle Ages 9th-18th c. (France) 16th century France 91 18th century-— France 226, 1519 Gt. Britain 903 United States 903 Yugoslavia 980 Dentistry and the Law General 421, 816 Antiquity—20th ec. Middle Ages , 6th c. (Justinian codification) 1093a 1572 226 788 1093a 206 13th c. (China) 119,120 14th—20th ¢. (England) 15th—20th ¢. 456, 610 17th century Germany 1545 18th century— 162, 256, 456, 509, 716, 788, 816, 1074, 1178, 1228, 1229, 1419, 1422, 1545 Brazil 3 Canada 509 China 716 Cuba 256,323, 324 Czechoslovakia 456 France 26, 162,256, 1285 Germany 1373, 1545 Germany, East 1229, 1545 Gt. Britain 218, 1182 Hungary 1285 Japan 716, 1419 Rumania 922 United States 1422 Deodands 9th—-19th c. (England) 1560 Disability Evaluation see: Wounds, Injuries, and Compensation Dissection see: Autopsy (1700- mortem Examination Dissertations, Medicolegal see: Study and Teaching Duties and Responsibilities of Medical Men See also: Ethics; Legislation, Medical; Malpractice General 98Ra, 1071, 1392, 1540 Antiquity Babylonia 464 Hebrews 669, 1589, 1590 Rome 174 Antiquity—-19th c. —20the. 1251 1st-5th century A.D. 218 629, 1178, 1182, 1373, ) ; Post- 208, 505 ca2ndec. (India) 264 Middle Ages 10th c. (Wales) 326, 677 ca 1100 (Assizes of Jerusalem) 191, 705,774, 1563 14th c. (France) 14th c. (Italy) 16th century England 1298 France 1054 1120 1071 207 Germany 622 Italy 295 17th century France 139, 508 18th century— 208, 505, 1251 Belgium 952 Czechoslovakia 1392 France 188, 208, 370, 505, 952, 1511, 1512 Germany 154 Gt. Britain 952 Italy 187 E Embalming 1054, 1089 Epilepsy and the Law General 136 Antiquity-19th ec. 355, 679 —20th ec. 762 Middle Ages 762 Peru 762 18th century-— 355, 679, 762 Peru 762 — South Africa 136 Ethics See also: Duties and Responsibilities of Medical Men; Malpractice; Medicine as a Profession General 175, 998a, 1127 Antiquity Greece (Hippocratic Oath) 217, 1246 Hebrews 668, 1589, 1590 India 1173 Antiquity—18th c. —19th c. 560, 945, 1246 —20th c. 21, 143, 239, 713, 775, 1062 1st-5th century A.D. ca 2nd ec. (India) 264 3rd-7th c. (Osaph Oath) Middle Ages 626 9th c. (Islam) 791, 792 12th c. 374, 876 12th c¢. (Maimonides) 15th c. (Italy) 962 16th century England 1298 Hessen (16th—19th c.) Spain 1259 21,79, 143, 217 1237 143, 668 1184 (Ethics, cont.) 17th century Spain 1259 18th century— 21, 143, 217, 239, 560, 713, 775, 945, 1062, 1264 Egypt 420 France 188,972,1499, 1511, 1512 Germany 217, 1184 Gt. Britain 143, 467, 945, 1076, 1246 India 904 Italy 187 Spain 1259 Sweden 143 United States 625, 714, 717, 1246 USSR (and Russia) 1090, 1091 Euthanasia Criminal aspects Exhibits, Medicolegal Bibliographies 1379 Catalogs 1379 Chronological list of events Objets d’art 1380 Exhumation See also: Identification Antiquity—20th c. 589 16th century Peru 57 17th century England 1236 17th-19th c. 645 18th century— 589, 645 France 1100 Expertise, Medicolegal General 48, 866, 876, 970, 1369, 1475 Antiquity Greece 989 Hebrews 766, 1335, 1336, 1338, 1339 Rome 989, 1020 Antiquity-18th ec. 865 -19th ec. 1171, 1214, 1378 —20th c. 1562, 1600 1st-5th century A. D. 1st-5th ec. (Egypt) 257 2nd c. (Greece) 141, 1333 5th—14th c. (Italy) 500 Middle Ages 812 6th c. (Justinian codification) 6th—-16th c. 914. 13th-15th c. (Italy) 500, 865, 964, 998, 1257, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334 13th—18th c. (France) 10 325 983 1093a 208 14th c. (France) 171,172 14th c. (Yugoslavia) 915 14th-18th c. (Poland) 523, 524 15th-17th c. (Russia) 1299 15th-19th c. (Holland) 597 16th—-17th century Bohemia 1085, 1087, 1575 England 1236 Estonia 576 France 15,278, 430, 550 Germany 25, 167, 373, 617, 1387, 1389 Italy 1306 Poland 671, 680 Russia 1002 18th century— 142, 865, 1170, 1214, 1378, 1562, 1600 Albania 283 Algiers 129 Argentina 93, 106, 236, 452 Belgium 59 Brazil 441, 876, 1203 Bulgaria 114, 869 Colombia 1486, 1489, 1496 Cuba 790 Czechoslovakia 594, 1122, 1434, 1503 Denmark 542,543, 1262 Egypt 420, 698 France 171, 172, 173, 188, 208, 222, 243, 320, 356, 357, 358, 553, 972, 1118, 1171, 1222, 1499 Germany 17, 124, 154, 167, 243, 317 419, 619, 1181, 1278, 1378, 1501 Germany, East 103 Gt. Britain 811 Holland 597 Hungary 114, 1276 India 130 Indochina (Cochinchina) Iran 520 Italy 243, 865, 867, 940, 941, 942, 1170, 1329, 1467 Poland 114, 572, 671, 1113 Portugal 63, 161, 441 Rumania 114, 939, 1005, 1256 Spain 488, 647, 1078, 1254 Sweden 403 Switzerland 353, 354, 575, 1029, 1030, 1181, 1598 United States 277, 811, 1178 USSR (and Russia) 19, 51, 53, 65, 113, 114, 160, 274, 340, 494, 499, 557, 558, ’ 820 572, 657, 688, 807, 856, 871, 965, 1007, 1052, 1104, 1121, 1135, 1136, 1142, 1317, 1369, 1469, 1509 Yugoslavia 918, 980 F Fetus in Utero See also: Abortion; Caesarean Section; Hydrostatic Test of Lungs General 687 Antiquity Rome 540 Antiquity-20th ce. 540 Middle Ages Church opinions 687 6th c. (Justinian codification) 540, 1093a 18th century- Germany 687 Gt. Britain 540 Italy 159 United States 540 Forensic Sciences 776 Development 992 In detection of crime 703 Legal medicine in 776 Societies Gt. Britain 708 540, 687 G Governing Bodies in Legal Medicine Denmark 846 Hungary 1276 Portugal 62, 1088 Rumania 1021 Turkey 13 USSR 51, 399, 789, 1132 Gunshot Wounds see: Wounds, Injuries, and Compensation Gynecology, Forensic see: Gynecology, Forensic Obstetrics and H Hair USSR (1925-1965) 499 Hanging See also: Strangulation ; Suicide General 80 18th century— Bulgaria 1307 France 80 Hematology, Forensic See also: Blood 18th century-— Italy 284 Japan 1478 Poland 1115 USSR 265 Hermaphroditism General 351, 573 Antiquity-20th ce. 227 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 16th century Poland 1528, 1531 18th century- 227 France 351, 573 Histology, Forensic USSR (and Russia) 562 Homicide See also: Crimes Antiquity—20th ¢. 182 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 13th-18th c. (France) 879 16th century Italy 1049 16th—19th c¢. (England) —regicides 1176, 1177 16th—19th c. (France) —regicides 1176, 1177 16th—19th ec. 1177 17th century Poland—regicides 18th century— 132 France 358, 484 Gt. Britain 484 Russia 484 United States 484 United States—Presidents Homosexuality Antiquity Hebrews 1411 India 1174 Antiquity—19th ec. 1093a Infanticide; Parricide; War 1093a (Italy) —regicides 1176, 1403 1176, 1177 1214 (Homosexuality cont.) Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 18th century— 1214, 1411 Hydrostatic Test of Lungs See also: Infanticide General 193, 735, 1065, 1457 1st-5th century A.D. 2nd-17th ce. 480 16th—20th century 193 17th century 149, 150, 646, 1286, 1377 18th century— 193, 646 Czechoslovakia 1065 Germany 1574, 1602 Gt. Britain 193 1093a 1 Identification See also: Exhumation General 1447 Anthropometric method (bertillonage) 693 Forensic dentistry 162, 256, 421, 610 Of relicts Czechoslovakia 591 Spain 1083 Impotence See also: Marriage; Sex and Sexual Of- fenses General 1 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) Theological opinions 365, 812 Proof of congress 200, 1424 16th century Italy 652 17th century France 1424 18th century— 365 Germany 1278 Italy 941 Incest Antiquity Hebrews 862 India 1174 Antiquity—20th c. 848 1st-5th century A. D. 1093a ond-6th c. (Talmud) 862 Middle Ages 12th c¢. (Maimonides) 862 210 13th-18th c. (France) 18th century- 848 Infant, Newborn 1477 Infanticide General 1247, 1568 Antiquity—-19th ec. 431,739 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 13th c. (China) 871,891 16th century Constitutio criminalis Carolina-18th c. 1574 Constitutio eriminalis Carolina-19th c. 497, 644 18th century— 431, 497, 644, 739, 1574 China 435, 890, 891 Egypt 1366 France 644 Germany 497, 644, 739, 1278, 1574 Gt. Britain 644, 1247 India 210, 934 Russia 497 United States Inquest See also: Coroners Middle Ages 13th-20th (England) 18th century-— China 389 Germany 176 Gt. Britain 613, 653 India 1166 United States 1156 Insanity see: Mental Illness Insemination, Artificial 325 International Medical Law See also: Ethics General 1127 Codification 1525 Teaching 367 879 1093a 1156 613 J Jurisprudence, Medical (Decisions of the Courts) see: Malpractice L Laboratories of Forensic Sciences 20th century 471,472 Canada 469,471,472 Gt. Britain 77, 460, 471, 472 Laboratories of Legal Medicine 18th century— 70, 471, 472, 1042 Cuba 757 France 874, 1084 Gt. Britain 77 Nigeria 1223 Spain 746 USSR 203, 1452 Law-Medicine Relations General 235, 926, 1462, 1576, 1598 Antiquity—-16th c. 1474 -19the. 747 —20the. 1382 18th century- 747, 1371, 1375, 1382, 1576 France 1514, 1559 Germany 1559 Gt. Britain 1559 India 638 Switzerland 1596, 1598 Law-Medicine Research Institutes France Lyon 1222 United States 407 Boston, Mass. 333, 334, 335, 338 Cleveland, Ohio 1288 Legal Medicine Definitions and scope 54 18th century 68 19th century 202, 394, 628, 1070, 1361, 1536, 1577 20th century 4, 76, 96, 250, 381, 476, 695, 829, 842, 865, 906, 924, 1014, 1094, 1241, 1527, 1581 Goals and trends 731, 943, 978, 1023, 1357, 1571, 1599 18th century— 131, 906, 943, 978, 988, 1198, 1200, 1357, 1371, 1571 Austria 1191 Brazil 1068 Estonia 1425 Germany 787, 988, 1150, 1191 Gt. Britain 1124, 1361 Hungary 111,112 Italy 131, 262, 943, 1072 Switzerland 1596 Importance 4, 303, 672, 702, 1440, 1527, 1591 —for physicians and lawyers 346, 801, 1240, 1365 Argentina 4 214, 296, 211 Brazil 105 France 87, 303, 672, 702, 1440 Gt. Britain 286, 393, 394, 1446 Hungary 111, 112 Portugal 296 United States 346, 1396 As independent discipline 34, 35, 293, 621, 1014, 1175, 1239, 1383, 1539, 1546 Methods. 1042 Past and present 781, 1342, 1343 19the. 532 20the. 70,1126 Problems 100, 988, 1200, 1294, 1296, 1357, 1526, 1599 Terminology 133, 1163, 1287 Legal Medicine—Chronology General 4, 34, 35, 52, 85, 841, 843, 861, 885, 937, 1231, 1272, 1371, 1420, 1479, 1493 Antiquity 1375 Babylonia 74, 464, 605, 607, 666, 747, 1184, 1215, 1363, 1382 China 649, 1363 Egypt 752, 1363, 1479 Greece 510, 649, 989, 1363 Hebrews 228, 376, 401, 436, 449, 649, 918, 1291, 133%, 1338, 1339, 1589, 1590 India 905, 1174, 1363 Rome 24, 174, 199, 202, 376, 479, 483, 649, 747, 876, 912, 989, 1363 Sumeria 1363 Antiquity—6th c¢. A.D. (Justinian codifica- tion) 1215, 1571 —16thec. 6,554, 1217 —-17the. 507, 1333, 1536 —18th c¢. 153, 719, 798, 865, 1415, 1416 -19th c. 34, 35, 96, 102, 202, 212, 291, 292, 369, 382, 112, 490, 496, 498, 546, 612, 670, 747, 748, 751, 779, 859, 882, 897, 899, 907, 932, 1009, 1012, 1023, 1246, 1320, 1325, 1401, 1446, 1456, 1461, 1533, 1543, 1577, 1608 —-20th c. 31, 52, 74, 76, 85, 115, 140, 164, 232, 319, 376, 378, 441, 537, 544, 561, 571, 695, 696, 768, 781, 818, 819, 838, 842, 857, 868, 924, 938, 983, 1041, 1066, 1117, 1118, 1131, 1147, 1162, 1208, 1243, 1263, 1287, 1294, 1342, 1362, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1382, 1412, 1413, 1438, 1445, 1493, 1499, 1555, 1580 (Legal Medicine—Chronology, cont.) 1st-5th century A. D. 1st-5th c. (Egypt) 257 ond c. (Greece) 141,1333 ond-6th c¢. (Talmud) 8&2, 436, 766, 1157, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1552, 1589, 1590 5th-9th c. (Leges barbarorum) 27, 146, 195, 330, 363, 500, 747, 914, 1281, 1292, 1363 Middle Ages 146, 246, 330, 849 3rd-19th c. (Church provisions) 1044 6th c¢. (Justinian codification) 24, 137, 416, 417, 479, 481, 501, 567, 747, T78, 886, 1093a, 1215, 1362, 1382, 1571 9th c. (Capitularia of Charlemagne) 192, 330, 363 10th c¢. (Wales—Code of Hywel Dda) 326, 677 10th—17th c. (Russia) 1002 11th ce. (Korea) 916 11th—19th c. (Russia) 1320 11th-20th c¢. (Russia) 1315 Ca 1100 (Assizes of Jerusalem) 191, 705, 774, 1563 12th c. (Iceland-Gragas Code) 146, 290 12th c. (Maimonides) 436, 862 12th—18th c. (England) 534 12th—20th c. (England) 406, 1382 12th—16th c. (France) 196 12th—16th c. (Italy) 198 12th—19th c. (Portugal) 798 Ca 1230 Sachsenspiegel (Germany) 146, 551 1234 Decretales Gregorii IX 41, 649, 1382, 1404 1247 Hsi yiian lu (China) 182, 183, 380, 487, 513, 529, 641, 699, 716, 847, 871, 872, 901, 902, 973, 974, 1418, 1448, 1480 13th c. (Italy—Bartolus de Saxofer- rato) 42 13th c. (German city laws) 986 13th c. (Italy, Statutory Laws of cities) 156, 451, 500, 516, 963, 998, 1071 13th—-17th c. (Italy) 457,1333 13th—18th ¢. (France) 879, 1026, 1027 13th—18th c. (Italy) 1026, 1027 13th-19th c. (China) 901 13th—-20th c. (China) 699 13th—-20th c. (Germany) 603 14th—18th c. (Bohemia) 1384 14th—-20th ¢. (Bohemia and Czechoslo- vakia) 593, 594, 1435, 1436 14th c. (France) 171,172 14th c¢. (Poland—Statuta Wislica) 146 Renaissance-19th ec. 331 15th—18th c. (Korea) 701 15th—19th c¢. (Poland) 1113 15th—=17th c¢. (Russia) 1299 15th—18th c. (Switzerland) 575 16th century 8, 263, 1362 France 270, 271, 370, 968, 1054, 1102, 1363, 1499 Italy 295, 458, 516, 652, 1391 1507 (Constitutio bambergensis) 111, 1404, 1585 1532 (Constitutio criminalis Carolina) 16, 152, 194, 497, 580, 617, 914, 1009, 1111, 1387, 1389, 1402, 1404, 1438, 1572, 1574, 1585 16th—17th c¢. (Russia) 1002 16th-18thc. 8 16th—19th c. 97, 98, 580 16th—19th c¢. (Russia) 1070 16th—-20th c. 1437 16th—20th c. (Peru) 56,57 16th—20th c. (Poland) 571 17th century 8,263, 1362 17th-20th ec. 1467 France 197,270,271, 430, 808 Holland 598 Italy (F. Fedele) 445, 516, 1363, 1404 Italy (P. Zacchia) 516, 697, 1048, 1363, 1404, 1438, 1499 Lithuania (Poland) 1603, 1604 Russia 887, 888, 1187 Spain 1259 18th century-— 7, 8, 31, 34, 35, 52, 53, 70, 74, 76, 85, 96, 97, 102, 115, 131, 140, 153, 164, 202, 212, 232, 291, 292, 319, 366, 369, 376, 378, 382, 441, 490, 496, 498, 537, 544, 546, 561, 571, 612, 670, 695, 696, 719, 747, 748, 751, 768, 779, 787, 798, 818, 819, 838, 842, 857, 859, 865, 868, 882, 897, 899, 907, 924, 932, 938, 943, 954, 970, 983, 1009, 1023, 1041, 1044, 1066, 1079, 1117, 1118, 1131, 1147, 1162, 1202, 1231, 1243, 1246, 1263, 1272, 1287, 1294, 1320, 1325, 1342, 1362, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1368, 1382, 1401, 1412, 1413, 1415, 1416, 1437, 1438, 1445, 1446, 1456, 1461, 1467, 1490, 1491, 1493, 1499, 1527, 1533, 1536, 1543, 1555, 1577, 1580, 1608, 1613 Albania 283 Algiers 127, 128, 129, 322, 709, 1209 Argentina 4, 108, 109, 164, 165, 316, 1231, 1232, 1243, 1300, 1492 Australia 1060 Austria 59, 181, 376, 379, 504, 514, 906, 975, 1191, 1198, 1526, 1543, 1578, 1579 Belgium 59, 1444, 1445 Bohemia see: Czechoslovakia Brazil 440, 441, 537, 1001, 1068, 1203, 1204, 1492 Bulgaria 114, 279, 869, 950, 1139 Canada 348, 349, 402 Ceylon 970 Chile 1492 China 487, 641, 699, 901, 1479 Colombia 628, 1063, 1485, 1486, 1489, 1492, 1495, 1496, 1497 Costa Rica 580 Cuba 620, 790, 1268, 1492 Czechoslovakia 276, 279, 593, 594, 827, 1066, 1384, 1386, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1503 Denmark 403, 405, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 606, 1093, 1263, 1264, 1351, 1577 Egypt 242, 420, 604, 698 Estonia 1425, 1426, 1542 Finland 166, 403, 405, 606, 1138 France 84, 97, 98, 139, 146, 163, 205, 268, 270, 271, 319, 320, 327, 357, 363, 369, 370, 376, 722, 751, 782, 839, 935, 972, 1095, 1096, 1415, 1416, 1482, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1559, 1615 Germany 16, 97, 98, 181, 237, 327, 376, 415, 419, 450, 514, 619, 710, 803, 908, 929, 959, 1050, 1063, 1148, 1191, 1355, 1404, 1406, 1456, 1526, 1559, 1579 Germany, East 279, 1146, 1471, 1472 Gt. Britain 77, 97, 98, 263, 300, 327, 393, 394, 406, 450, 473, 532, 768, 811, 835, 837, 838, 1009, 1056, 1124, 1364, 1375, 1428, 1559, 1591 Holland 202, 738, 967 Hungary 110, 111, 112, 216, 279, 462, 463, 691, 692 Iceland 403, 405 India 130, 638, 639 Indochina (Cochinchina) 820 Iran 520 Ireland 406 Israel 689 Italy 159, 376, 378, 514, 659, 1043, 1456, 1521 Japan 40, 404, 485, 486, 487, 549, 632, 715, 974, 1272, 1420, 1479, 1592 Korea 916 Mexico 1453, 1454, 1455 Nigeria 1223 Nyasaland (British East Africa) 1313 Norway 403, 405, 606, 1577 Peru 55, 56,57, 1482, 1492 Philippines 36, 1374 Poland 114, 146, 279, 571, 572, 826, 857,1113, 1117, 1145, 1606 Portugal 244, 386, 387, 441, 490, 537, 798, 936, 1079 Rumania 28, 29, 31, 114, 279, 637, 695, 696, 924, 938, 993, 1119, 1256, 1506 South Africa 136 Spain 85, 306, 308, 309, 937, 1041, 1079, 1239, 1259, 1490, 1491, 1510 Sudan 69 Sweden 403, 405, 470, 606, 1351, 1423, 1577 Switzerland 353, 354, 1526, 1595, 1598 Turkey 13, 14, 664, 750, 1053 Uruguay 1253 United States 20, 95, 97, 98, 99, 263, 277, 294, 307, 383, 384, 407, 410, 532, 554, 618, 726, 768, 793, 794, 795, 811, 877,991, 1006, 1009, 1244, 1289, 1311, 1312, 1362, 1364, 1375, 1396, 1429, 1500, 1549, 1581, 1591 USSR (and Russia) 19, 51, 52, 53, 54, 65, 113, 114, 115, 117, 144, 145, 274, 390, 491, 493, 494, 495, 511, 530, 556, 557, 581, 582, 660 681, 696, 733, 740, 741, 789, 849, 850, 851, 852, 895, 1070, 1118, 1137, 1142, 1160, 1162, 1242, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1317, 1319, 1369, 1405, 1412, 1413 Venezuela 1147, 1492 Yugoslavia 289, 559, 829, 917, 1414 Legal Medicine—Legislation See also: Codes of Laws Antiquity Hebrews 82 (Legal Medicine—Legislation, cont.) Antiquity—19th c¢. 392, 1214 20th ec. 347 1st—5th century A. D. 2nd—6th c. (Talmud) 82 18th century— 347, 392, 1214 Austria 1533, 1543 Costa Rica 580 France 364, 1482 Germany 94, 169, 1533 Gt. Britain 672, 1375 Portugal 60 Rumania 924, 1256 Russia 1533 Sweden 1423 United States 1375 Legal Medicine and Related Disciplines General 438, 1527 Anthropo-psychology 1032 Anthropology, Clinical 1032 Chemistry 853 Hygiene 1527 Pathology 1308 Physics 853 Social medicine 1148, 1149, 1499, 1611 Germany 908, 996, 1148, 1149, 1567, 1611 Gt. Britain 473 Surgery 1465 Legal Medicine and Scientific Police see: Legal Medicine, Criminal Anthropology Criminology, and Legal Medicine, Criminology, and Criminal Anthropology 18th century— 1033, 1197, 1342, 1343, 1613 Argentina 1300 Austria 59 Belgium 59 Colombia 1486 Egypt 242 France 59,949 Germany 59, 997 Gt. Britain 140 Hungary 693 Italy 59,1033 Poland 754 United States 1289 USSR (and Russia) Legislation, Medical See also: Medicine as a Profession 725, 965 474, 577, 703, 910, 1015, 214 General Antiquity Babylonia 666 Hebrews 310,918, 1337 Rome 186 Antiquity—19th c. 388, 505, 737 —20th ec. 122,478, 1265, 1266, 1356 1st—5th century A. D. 1st-13the. 11 627, 700 2nd-6th c. (Talmud) 1589, 1590 4th—-19th c¢. 1407 5th-9th c¢. (Leges barbarorum) 27, 146, 195, 330, 363, 500, 747, 914, 1281, 1292, 1363 5th—13th c. (Europe) 555 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 24, 137, 416, 417, 479, 481, 501, 567, 747, 778, 886, 1093a, 1215, 1362, 1382, 1571 11th-19th ec. 1407 Ca 1100 (Assizes of Jerusalem) 705, 774, 1563 1140 (Law of Roger II, King of Apulia and Sicily) 211 1231 (Constitutiones 66, 1407 14th—18th c. (Austria) 1408 14th-19th c. (England) 345 14th—-20th c. (England) 218 14th—19th c. (France) 1553 14th-18th c¢. (Germany) 1408 14th-18th c. (Switzerland) 1408 15th-16th c. (Italy) 1224 16th century 16th—19th c. (Belgium) 16th—19th ¢. (Germany) 17th century Germany 124 United States 1037 18th century-— 122, 213, 388, 505, 737, 1265, 1266, 1356, 1407 Argentina 108 Austria 1348, 1404, 1408 Belgium 1251, 1274 Czechoslovakia 1392 Egypt 420 France 1251, 1499, 1553 Germany 168, 170, 217, 521, 522, 1356, 1404, 1408 Gt. Britain 218, 345, 1356 Holland 1251 191, regni Siciliae) 1274 168, 170 India 904 Japan 549 Russia 1356 Spain 627, 971 Switzerland 1408 United States 178, 636, 966, 1037, 1178 Liability see: Malpractice M Malingering Antiquity-19th ce. 676, 1109, 1451 —20the. 1225 1st-5th century A. D. 2nd c. (Galen’s treatise) 1038 18th century— 676, 1109, 1225, 1451 France 860 Malpractice See also: Duties and Responsibilities of Medical Men ; Ethics General 243, 1127, 1360 Antiquity 1723, 1360 Babylonia 464, 478, 502, 605, 607, 629, 666, 747, 1022, 1184, 1215, 1363, 1382 Egypt 629, 1022 Greece 629, 1022 Hebrews 669, 1589, 1590 India 1022 Rome 478, 629, 723, 1022 Antiquity—-16th c. 328 —19the. 208, 737 -20the. 122,478 1st-5th'century A. D. 3rd-Tth c. (Persia) Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 24, 137, 416, 417, 479, 481, 501, 567, 747, 778, 886, 1093a, 1215, 1362, 1382, 1571 1022, 1327 7th ce. (Koran) 1209 11-19the. 930 14th c. (France) 1128 16th century Bohemia 1086 England 1298 18th century— Argentina 236 Austria 1526 Czechoslovakia 1392 France 163, 173, 208, 243, 722, 723, 1100 Germany 243, 1526 122, 208, 478, 737 215 Gt. Britain 238, 629, 1009, 1360 Hungary 110 Italy 243 Rumania 924 Switzerland 760, 1526, 1587 United States 220, 629, 814, 1178, 1267, 1360 Marriage See also: Impotence; Sex and Sexual Of- fenses General 1 Antiquity Hebrews 1589, 1590 India 1174 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) Theology 1,812 Canon law provisions 18th century— Canon law provisions 365 Masochism 184 Medical Defense Organizations See also: Malpractice Gt. Britain 238, 468 Medical Examiners See also: Coroners Philippines 36 United States 269, 407, 410, 538, 618, 771,1006, 1345 Massachusetts 771 New Jersey 877 New York 618, 877, 990, 999 Oklahoma 828 Medical Police and State Medicine 1009, 1093a 200, 365, 1424 General 702, 1546 Antiquity Hebrews 683, 1590 Antiquity-19th ec. 412 1st—5th century A. D. 2nd-6th c. (Talmud) 683, 1590 18th-19th century 181, 412, 477, 1235, 1546 Austria 181, 621, 975, 1235 France 1615 Germany 181, 415, 621, 1235, 1297, 1556 Scotland 1235 Medicine as a Profession See also: Legislation, Medical General 1462 (Medicine as a Profession, cont.) Antiquity Babylonia 74, 464, 478, 502, 605, 607, 666, 1184, 1215, 1363, 1382 Egypt 1547 Hebrews 310, 669, 918, 1589, 1590 India 905 Rome 104, 174, 186, 478, 501, 548, 912, 1020 Antiquity-19th c. 64 — 20th ec. 478,1265,1290 1st—5th century A. D. 1st-13the. 11 ond-6th ¢. (Talmud) 1589, 1590 5th-9th c. (Leges barbarorum) 27, 146, 195, 330, 363, 500, 747, 914, 1281, 1292, 1363 5th—13th c¢. (Europe) Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 1093a 6th—16th c. 914 10th c. (Wales, Code of Hywel Dda) 326, 677 11th ¢.—19th ec. 930 12th ¢. (Maimonides) 1231 (Constitutiones 66, 1407 13th c. (England) 836 13th—18th c. (Bohemia) 14th-19th c. (France) 16th century Bohemia 1612 Germany 614, 622,914 18th century— 64, 478, 930, 1265, 1290 Austria 502 France 574, 1234, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1553 Germany 521, 522,700, 1468 Gt. Britain 811 India 638,905 Japan 549 United States 178, 811 Medicolegal Congresses International 953, 1097 National Germany 602, 1544 Russia 158 USSR 494, 495, 1051, 1140 555 24, 501, 436 regni Siciliae) 1386 1553 Mental Illness See also: Psychiatry and the Law; Witch- craft General 1548 Antiquity 1301 Hebrews 721, 1589, 1590 Rome 45,778 Antiquity—19th ¢.305, 321, 729, 802 215, 223, 240, 854, 1464, 1515, —20th ec. 32,665,1210, 1562 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 45, 611, 778,1093a 11th—18th c. (Bohemia) 375 11th—-20th c¢. (England) 385 13th c. (China) 847 13th-20th c¢. (England) 796 14th-20th c¢. (England) 1110 14th—17th c. (Poland) 423 14th-20th c. (Poland) 1584 15th—20th c. (Spain) 1226 16th century 1532 Constitutio criminalis Carolina 16, 497, 1572 17th century England 454, 536 18th century-— 32, 305, 321, 665, 729, 802, 1210, 1565 France 305, 839, 854, 860, 1103, 1305, 1515 Gt. Britain 371, 385, 536, 675, 796, 811, 1110, 1172, 1359, 1550 India 429 Italy 420 Poland 1584 Spain 1226 Switzerland 240 United States 385, 536, 579, 796, 811, 1009, 1107, 1172, 1245, 1359, 1498, 1550, 1593 Midwives Antiquity—20th c. Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 15th c¢. (Germany) 448 15th—18th c. (Switzerland) 16th century France 15,900 17th century United States 1251 1093a 575 1156 216 18th century— Belgium 1251 France 1251 Germany 1278 Holland 1251 Italy 942 Switzerland 575 Morgues Argentina Buenos Aires Austria Vienna 1233 Belgium 1233 Brazil 1233 Chile 1233 Colombia 1233 Cuba Havana 254 France Paris 1233 Germany Berlin 176, 424, 800, 1233 Gt. Britain London 339 Hungary 1233 Italy 1233 Peru 1233 Portugal Coimbra 62 Lisbon 62, 1168 Porto 62 Rumania Bucharest 1398 United States 1233 Museums (18th c.— Austria Vienna 245 Cuba Havana 245 Czechoslovakia Prague 245 Denmark Copenhagen 1219 Egypt Cairo France Lyon 245,1129 Gt. Britain Edinburgh 245 1251 67,1233 72, 73, 339, 800, 819, 845, 1084, ) 245 217 Italy Rome 245 Siena 245 Turin 245 Poland Cracow 245 Lwow 245 Portugal Lisbon 60 Rumania Bucharest 245 Sweden Lund 245 N Narcotics Early history 898 International control 822 Opium 898 “Truth drugs” 898 United States 898, 1345 Necrophilia 1214 0 Obduction see: Autopsy (1700— ) ; Post- mortem Examination Obstetrics and Gynecology, Forensic France 1460 Russia and USSR 1304 Ophthalmology and the Law Antiquity 539 Middle Ages 539 6th c. (Justinian codification) 1093a 18th century— France 1310 Germany 1310 Gt. Britain 1310 Italy 1310 United States Ordeals See also: Torture; Witchcraft Antiquity—18th ec. 125 Middle Ages Cruentation England 189, 534 France 534 Germany 189, 534, 1585 Poland 148 Scotland 189, 534 1310 Organization and Systems Parricide (Ordeals, cont.) Other France 879 Russia 1002 16th—17th century Russia 1002 18th century 125 Austria 125 France 879 Germany 189 (18th— ) General 366, 381, 759, 949 Austria 59 Belgium 59 Canada 348, 349 Colombia 1485, 1495, 1497 Czechoslovakia 594 Denmark 403, 543, 545 Egypt 420 Finland 403 France 59,205,206, 320, 362, 1222 Germany 59, 1063 Germany, East 1146, 1614 Gt. Britain 231,473, 903 Hungary 216,279 Iceland 403 India 130,1116 Italy 59 Japan 1592 Mexico 1454 Norway 403 Poland 1145 Philippines 36 Portugal 161, 386, 387, 1088 Rumania 359, 695 Spain 818 Sweden 403, 1350, 1423 Switzerland 608 Turkey 13 United States 2, 269, 277, 407, 410, 759 USSR 51, 53, 741, 789, 1134, 1614 Yugoslavia 829 1167 Paternity See also: Blood Groups 6th c. (Justinian codification) 1093a 218 Trials in Switzerland 615 20th c¢. (Poland) 1115 Pederasty see: Homosexuality Pharmacy and Pharmacists Antiquity—10th ec. 388 Middle Ages 14th—-19th c. (France) 1553 15th-18th c. (Switzerland) 16th century Germany 614, 1394 17th century France 1783 Russia 887, 888 18th century— 388 France 1553 Switzerland 575 Physicians—Licensing Antiquity Hebrews 669 Rome 669, 1093a Antiquity—20th c. 1587 1st-5th century A. D. 3rd-7th c. (Persia) Middle Ages 1327 Arabs 669, 1327 Church 669 Hebrews 669 1140 (Laws of Roger II., King of Apulia and Sicily) 211 1231 (Constitutiones 66, 1407 18th century— Austria 1327 France 44,784 Germany 1327 Gt. Britain 811, 837 United States 178, 811, 921, 1154, 1327, 1587 Poisons and Poisoners (including Toxicol- ogy) General Antiquity China 630, 640 Egypt 83 Greece 413,414 Hebrews 413,414 Persia 413,414 Rome 413,414 Antiquity-18th c¢. 413, 414, 780 —19th ec. 396, 397, 1189, 1421, 1537 575 1022, 1327 regni Siciliae) 1587 97, 98, 288, 623, 1060, 1158, 1362 —20th c. 1580 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 8th c. (Arabs) 1186 15th-16th c. (Italy) 116, 1099, 1155 16th century 329, 1218, 1541 Bohemia 1588 France 91 Italy 116, 652, 1099, 1155 17th century France 783, 884, 976 18th century— 229, 267, 282, 396, 397, 413, 414, 519, 623, 727, 780, 1010, 1060, 1098, 1189, 1367, 1421, 1447, 1537, 1541, 1580 Australia 1060 Cuba 249 Egypt 420, 1366 France 70, 84, 413, 414, 913, 1024 Germany 413,414, 1447, 1541 Gt. Britain 913 Italy 282 Poland 831 Spain 309 Switzerland 920 United States 97, 98, 395, 407, 519, 913 Postmortem Examination See also: Autopsy (1700- 267, 519, 727, 1010, 1098, 1367, 1093a ) General 201, 298 Antiquity Greece 344 Hebrews 344 Rome 344, 515 Antiquity—13the. 39 —16th c. (Constitutio criminalis Caro- lina) 1583 —18th ec. 1190, 1439, 1586 1st-5th century A. D. 2nd-6th c. (Talmud) 2nd-20th c. (Talmud) Ca 300 (India) 961 5th-19th c. (Spain) Middle Ages 39 6th c. (Justinian 1093a 13th c. (China) 13th c. (Italy) 39,475 14th c. (Italy) 1331, 1332 15th-18th c. (Switzerland) 1157- 667 1081 codification) 515, 1353 575 219 16th century Bohemia 1385 Germany (Constitutio criminalis Caro- lina) 16, 194, 617, 1387, 1389, 1404 Holland 599 Portugal 1220 17th century 167, 667, 1190, 1439, 1573, 1586 England 1236 France 550 Germany 1282 Portugal 1220 Spain 1081 Switzerland 575 Pregnancy See also: Abortion; Infanticide General 687, 694, 734, 1568 Antiquity Greece 817,931 India 817 Rome 817 Antiquity—19th c. —20th ec. 817 1st-5th century A. D. 2nd-6th c. (Talmud) Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) England 38 16th century Italy 652 18th century— Spain 817 Professional Secrecy see: Ethics Psychiatry and the Law See also: Mental Illness 643 1157 1093a 643, 817 General 132,175, 1036, 1370, 1371 Antiquity Hebrews 1337 Antiquity-19th ec. 129, 396, 397, 1328 —20th c. 9, 267, 290, 665, 1035, 1328, 1493 1st-5th century A. D. Rome 89 2nd-6th c¢. (Talmud) 1337 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 1093a 14th-20th c. (Poland) 1584 16th century 16th—19th ec. 482 16th-19th c. (England) 648 (Psychiatry and the Law, cont.) 17th century England 454, 648 Italy 352,1502 18th century 9, 129, 267, 290, 396, 397, 447, 482, 578, 579, 728, 1035, 1328, 1493, 1498 Belgium 151, 1248 France 81, 84, 427, 1103, 1249, 1273, 1302, 1303 Germany 482, 880, 1473 Gt. Britain 547, 648 M’Naughten Rule 1050, 1359 Holland 1427 Mexico 1454 Norway 761 Poland 832, 1584 Rumania 1008 Spain 937 United States 407, 547, 596, 1244, 1245, 1473, 1498, 1593 Durham Rule 1359 M’Naughten Rule 385, 1498 USSR (and Russia) 160, 219, 422, 446, 447, 685, 686, 946, 947, 948, 1069 213 190, 371, 385, 547, 385, 579, 1050, 1107, Pyromania Q Quackery 1st-5th century A. D. Rome 518 Middle Ages 16th century Holland 600 18th century— Argentina 108 France 44,784 Germany 46, 1458 Baunscheidtism 1284 Gt. Britain 837 United States 1153 133 46 R Rape see: Sex and Sexual Offenses Religious Texts 1300-400 B. C. Bible 82, 228, 310, 401, 918, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1589, 1590 220 2nd-6th c¢. A.D. Talmud—Mishnah and Gemara 82, 436, 766, 1157, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1552, 1589, 1590 3rd-7th c¢. A. D. Vendidad, Persia 1022, 1327 Ca 650 A. D. Koran 1209 Research See also Chairs and Institutes; Governing Bodies; Law-Medicine Research In- stitutes 18th century- 1255, 1294 Austria 180, 428, 864, 1526 Belgium 1444 Brazil 440 Canada 470 Czechoslovakia 428, 594 Denmark 466, 1219 Finland 893,1138 France 72,470,949 Germany 428, 526, 908, 969, 987, 1526 Gt. Britain 77, 470, 805, 1124 Holland 470 Israel 689 Italy 77,135 Japan 956, 1478 Peru 56,57 Poland 470, 1113, 1530, 1534 Rumania 1275 Sweden 470 Switzerland 428, 1526, 1595, 1598 United States 277,470, 999 USSR 399, 493, 896, 1013, 1134, 1141, 1161, 1255, 1270 Responsa medicolegalia Medicolegal 526, 731, 834, 954, 987, see: Expertise, S Self-cremation see : Suicide Serials, Medicolegal 18th century— France 859 Gt. Britain 406 Russia 821 Spain 995, 1080 USSR 1405 Services, Medicolegal 18th century-— Argentina 316, 1300 Austria 59, 1443 984 Shakespeare and Legal Medicine Simulation of Disease see: Malingering Societies, Medicolegal—Official Belgium 59 Brazil 440, 1165 Bulgaria 114 Colombia 301, 1487 Czechoslovakia 594, 1503 Denmark 403, 542, 1093, 1443 Finland 403, 1138, 1504 France 59 Germany 59, 1443 Gt. Britain 77 Hungary 114, 564 Iceland 403 Israel 689 Italy 59 Mexico 1454 Norway 403, 1504 Poland 114, 1145 Portugal 61, 62, 63, 161, 244, 1088 Rumania 114, 1005 Spain 1254 Sweden 403, 1504 Switzerland 608, 1598 USSR 19, 49, 51, 114, 1134, 1315, 1316, 1319, 1450 Yugoslavia 829, 917 Sex and Sexual Offenses See also: Impotence; Marriage General 1 Antiquity Hebrews 862 India 1174 Antiquity-19th c. Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 13th—18th c. (France) 879 18th century— 1214 Algiers 1209 France 879 Germany 1 1214 1093a 1529 Argentina 106, 236 Spain 488, 647, 1078 Societies, Medicolegal—Voluntary International 408, 953, 1097 National 408 Belgium 1372 France 361 Paris 450 Germany 908, 1063 221 Gt. Britain 77,299, 708 London 77,78 Italy 1032 Rome 1031 Japan 403 Poland 1114 United States 407, 512, 624, 1352, 1429 Boston 98, 770 New York 95, 97, 98, 658 USSR 786, 1051 Sodomy see: Sex and Sexual Offenses Spermatozoa 1045, 1046 Sterility 1077 See also: Marriage Strangulation 750 See also: Hanging; Suicide Study and Teaching See also: Chairs and Institutes; Labora- tories of Forensic Sciences; Labora- tories of Legal Medicine; Law-Medi- cine Research Institutes; Morgues; Research 18th century— 341, 526, 535, 656, 731, 767, 1072, 1192, 1243, 1294, 1309, 1404, 1430, 1488, 1608 Argentina 76, 92, 165, 1300 Australia 1309 Austria 59, 428, 823, 824, 906, 1168, 1193, 1443, 1526, 1533, 1542 Belgium 59, 311, 1248, 1518 Brazil 105, 107, 432, 440, 441, 442, 1001, 1018, 1019, 1165, 1208, 1204 Canada 470 Chile 1130 Colombia 1487, 1488 Cuba 250, 251 Czechoslovakia 428, 982 Denmark 403, 541, 545, 1443 Egypt 420, 1344 Estonia 1425, 1426, 1542 Finland 403, 545, 1138 France 59, 205, 206, 207, 272, 317, 320, 356, 360, 364, 470, 763, 935, 1084, 1168, 1249, 1271, 1459, 1466, 1514, 1558 Germany 59, 214, 317, 428, 526, 619, 684, 710, 736, 803, 810, 987, 1168, 1355, 1401, 1409, 1443, 1484, 1526, 1533, 1542 Gt. Britain 221, 287, 372, 393, 394, 470, 532, 704, 833, 1084, 1124, 1446, 1463 (Study and Teaching, cont.) Holland 202, 470 Hungary 111, 112,216, 564 Iceland 403, 545 India 130 Israel 689 Italy 59, 258, 285, 1072, 1523, 1608, 1609 Japan 40, 745 Mauritius 1073 Norway 403, 545 Peru 57 Philippines Poland 470 Portugal 58, 60, 441, 1168 Rumania 919, 923 South Africa 656 Spain 425 Sweden 403, 470, 545 Switzerland 428, 1526, 1596, 1597 United States 20, 22, 100, 101, 259, 277, 318, 332, 336, 337, 346, 395, 470, 532, 793, 794, 795, 877, 878, 999, 1289, 1345 USSR (and Russia) 157, 266, 275, 280, 557, 651, 688, 1133, 1134, 1533 1374 Venezuela 1147 Yugoslavia 289, 559, 565 Suicide Antiquity 1397 Antiquity—-18th c. 804 —19the. 777, 1028,1212 1st-5th century A. D. 1st c¢. (Judas Iscariot) Early Christians 1397 Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) Norsemen and Goths 1397 16th century France 1395 18th century— 777, 804, 1028, 1212 China 889, 892 Egypt 43 Gt. Britain 1028 Surgery, Medicolegal see: Legal Medicine— Chronology 809 1093a T Teachers of Legal Medicine See also: Chairs and Institutes; Study and Teaching 222 18th century— Argentina Buenos Aires Austria Agram 1106 Graz 864,1106, 1196, 1557 Vienna 180, 181, 584, 1195 Belgium Ghent 1106 Liege 1106 Brazil Bahia 1204, 1205 Rio de Janeiro 1204, 1205 Sao Paulo 1204, 1205 Bulgaria Sofia 1106 Colombia Bogota 1487 Czechoslovakia Prague 428,982, 1106 Denmark Copenhagen Finland Helsinki France Paris 312, 313, 360, 819, 1441, 1442 Toulouse 1106 Germany Berlin 1106, 1399, 1409, 1410 Bonn 1279 Breslau 1106 Erlangen 690, 1106 Frankfurt a. M. 1567 Freiburg i. Br. 1106, 1561 Greifswald 1106 Hallea. S. 1106 Heidelberg 1106 Jena 1106 Konigsberg 1151 Leipzig 712 Munich 825, 1106 Rostock 1106 Strasbourg (during German Occupa- tion, 1871-1918) 1106 Tibingen 1106 Wiirzburg 1106 Gt. Britain Manchester Holland Groningen 1106 Leiden 1106 165, 453, 1230 1106 1106 1106 Hungary Budapest 1106 Koloszvar 1106 Italy Camerino 1106 Catania 1106 Ferrara 1106 Florence 285 Genova 661 Macerata 1144 Messina 1106 Modena 1106 Pisa 1520, 1522 Siena 135 Turin 241 Mexico Mexico City 1454 Norway Oslo 1106 Peru Lima 56, 57 Poland Cracow 744, 1106, 1532, 1534, 1605 Lwow (now USSR) 1106 Warsaw 1106 Rumania Bucharest 1106 Jassy 1106 Russia Kiev 1106 Moscow 1106 Spain Madrid 1106 Sweden Lund 1106 Uppsala 1106 Switzerland Basel 1106 Bern 1106 Geneva 1106 Lausanne 1106 Zurich 1106, 1595 United States Chicago 1106 Philadelphia 1106 Theaters, Anatomic 247, 1067, 1206, 1220 Torture Antiquity-18th c. Middle Ages—18th c. 18th century Austria 125 (formerly Kristiania) 830, 125, 167, 616 459 223 Germany 18, 459 Gt. Britain 1050, 1057 Italy 652 Toxicology see: Poisons and Poisoners Transplantation of Organs 304 Trials, Criminal See also: Malpractice; Mental Illness; Psychiatry and the Law Middle Ages 14th c. (Italy) 1330 15th—17th ¢. (Moscow State) 1299 16th century 16th—-19th c. (England) 1058 18th century— Austria 960, 1447 France 268 Gt. Britain 1050, 1058 United States 1050 Vv Virginity General 525 Antiquity Hebrews 862 Antiquity-20th ec. 1047 Middle Ages 12th ¢. (Maimonides) 862 16th—17th century France 15,900,1102 18th century— 1047 Italy 942, 1047 185 Vivisection Ww War Crimes See also: Ethics; International Medical Law Antiquity—20th c. 1000 World War II Mass Murders—Katyn 590, 592, 1607 —Vinnitsa 1538 —Yugoslavia 1125 Nazi War Crimes 662, 663, 1016 Nuremberg Trials of War Criminals 730, 928 Witcheraft - See also: Mental Illnes; Psychiatry and the Law General 167,433, 1370 Antiquity—18th ec. 125, 314 (Witchcraft, cont.) Middle Ages 6th c. (Justinian codification) 1093a 1484 (Pope Innocent VIII Bull, “Sum- mis desiderantes”) 418 1487 (Malleus maleficarum) 15th—16th c¢. (Witch hunting) 15th-16th c. (Poland) 720 16th century France 884 Germany (J. Wier) Poland 720 17th century Germany 1227 Poland 75 18th century 125, 314 Austria 125 France 224,314, 534 Germany 314, 534 Gt. Britain 224, 314, 433, 434, 534 Poland 75 Spain 314 418, 1610 1610 1566, 1610 Wounds, Injuries, and Compensation General Antiquity China 503 Greece 503 Hebrews 82 Rome 503 855, 1221, 1376 224 Antiquity-Middle Ages —18the. 1003 —20th ec. 142,503 1st—5th century A. D. 2nd-6th c. (Talmud) 1346 82 5th—9th c. (Leges barbarorum) 1292 Middle Ages 503, 1292, 1346 6th c. (Justinian codification) 1093a 10th c. (Wales) 11th c. (England) 326, 677 126, 1039, 1040 15th—18th c. (Switzerland) 575 16th century 16th—-19th c. (Germany) 1585 17th century Germany 155, 1417 18th century— 142, 398, 503, 866, 1003, 1524, 1585 Algiers 1209 Argentina 1003 Austria 1524 Finland 426 France 1221 Germany 1585 Gt. Britain 126, 140, 503, 1039, 1040 Italy 866, 1039, 1040 Mexico 1455 Sweden 426 Switzerland 575 United States 398, 1429 USSR 1105 <7 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1974 O—506-692 C029405554