SEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEQEEEEEEQEEEEE. :1 L. a ‘?i.........,a.eami?ii“""“"""""InuimunIn1mmImmminInm1mammammmmmummmu ' n. IIIMIIIIIIMIHWWIII mummmmnmmmxmmtmmmm!tmmmnmmmmmnmmmmzmmummmmmmnmmmmmmmuznunmanunannunrmuuanunmuumcmunmmmnmmnmnzm .EEEEEEEEE acmmulnmnm SEEEEEEEEEE§E_ES§5EE§=BEEEEEEEEEEEEQEEEEE Egg; E: :3 5. E as E E: E E E: a: E AWAY FR©M C NT Y CARE 8 i E a E: E E a .2 5 E a. E E E a: ma 2. Z ENV/ 0 @000725’ ‘IDBHN‘ BUllDMBS All designs, plans, photograph; and material; herein, are copyrighted. TOGAN-STILES Grand Rapids, - Michigan 1 9 2 1 T1 1 1‘: 1‘1 B R:\ RY k), I’lL' L'\1\11{\m01(mummyBtRMIH (v‘l/f Of (lam KIHWH'H lJ’HUH‘ 17mm! MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO ENJOY THE GREAT OUTDOORS OST everyone has wished for a cottage. A summer M home perhaps, where the family could live in the open; a place to go week-ends and Sundays to rest, play, have a good time. But, getting the cottage you want has been difficult; so many details, then the uncertainties of building, the delays, expense; and you haven’t known just how to go about it. To help you, is the purpose of this booklet; by giving you helpful suggestions, the benefit of ideas learned through eight years’ experience in designing and manu- facturing summer homes and cottages; by showing you how a Togan Summer Home or Cottage can be had complete, a finished product, quickly and economically. Page 4 Summer Homes and Cottages are finished products, completely built in our factory, ready for use. You have no building to do. In buying, simply select the plan you want; the cottage is ready. It will be delivered at once. I IERE’S one important point we want to emphasize —Togan And, Togan Cottages are standardized; produced in quantities. This means economy in buying- You save the cost of building that you’d have the ordinary way. At the same time, you get a superior product. Each detail of Togan construction, each operation, is done by an expert. Special machines cut and fit all parts with minute accuracy. Workmen specialize, day after day, on the same operation. In this way, you get finer workmanship and construction that is perfect in all details. In buying a Togan, you get all the advantages that a factory-built product makes possible. You see it complete — you prefer to buy that way. It’s the same when you buy other articles of merit; like furniture, clothes, automobiles. Finished articles are superior; they’re best in design and construction. The beauty of Togan Cottages is recognized; you get designing skill of the highest architectural merit; cottages that are distinctive. Togan Summer Homes in particular have all the refinements and charm of the finest town-houses. Not only in exterior expression and com- pleteness of details, but inside arrangement as well. You naturally want your summer home to be attractive; in keeping with the natural beauty that surrounds it. Look at the pictures; they will show you in a better way than we can tell you. In buying your Togan Cottage, you will want someone to deliver it from the car to the site; to erect it for you, to handle all details. You need this service; and that’s why Togan Cottages and Summer Homes are generally sold through your local lumber dealer. He knows. construction and building thoroughly; as a local man, he is the most competent to handle these details. Best of all, he is familiar with Togan Buildings and you can place your order direct through him. By distributing Togan Cottages and Summer Homes through the local lumber dealer, we are able to serve you in a better way; guarantee you satisfaction through men you know. If you prefer to order your cottage direct from us however, we will make shipment, and allow you ample time to inspect all materials. TOGAN - STILES GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN TOGAN COTTAGES SERIES “A” Discriminating people prefer Togan fineness of details. N Togan Cottages and Summer Homes, one exterior represents several floor plans. For that reason, all floor plans that are confined to a certain exterior design are grouped into a series and shown on the same page. This makes it easy for you to select the floor plan arrangement that suits your taste; you know, too, just what the exterior will be. Our eight years’ experience in manufacturing and designing summer cottages has proved that certain funda- mental types are wanted; that the average individual’s taste and requirements can be met in a given number of basic plans. These needs have been studied, and all floor plan arrangements designed to meet these needs have been standardized. You know that standardized articles are produced more economically; you save money in buying that way. The next two pages show the exterior design, with the floor plan of Series <‘A” cottage. (For details of construction see page 19) Page 5 ad”: a” " «n, Wm... «.- WW» ' MW 3 W...”- “Maggy-Hui";n93I!!! This is Series "A” Cottage Page 6 DORCH 1 5' ‘ ‘°' l i ‘ KITCHEN I r—} l q l q. lEyATH. l __I . LIVING‘PORCH _‘ " ‘ 6 ‘ 6r: -, lb‘ l BED Room q' t q" 'PLAN k5—IO‘ . I6' ; l HIS is Series "A” — a most l delightful cottage that comes g ,4 I Inn 11111 LIVING PORCH gt a I " G H l ”E ‘5' ‘ ' “5', i in five ideal floor plans. It’s the l BED Room I? [I style of cottage, the arrangement : j q ‘ q I 11 l 1' f of rooms you have probably had in mind; the big porch, kitchen, bed-room; just suited for week- ends, or for the family to spend the summer. The e x t e r i o r is unusually attractive , the hooded entrance, trellis, flower box ; the casement windows. And all these features are included, just as shown in the LIVING PORCH picture. PORCH £1.30 g '1?me 2T, You’ll notice that the plans come in five sizes, giving you a wide selection. At the same time, the general arrangement is adhered . LIVING to in all plans. The bed-rooms ROG/N and kitchen are the same; each plan has its side and rear porches with bath-room space; but most 'p /\-1~— 16 , 50' (For price: see bad: of boo/z) Page 7 important of all, is the front porch, a feature of special interest in this series of plans. In all Togan Cottages, the porches —- perhaps the most important part of the summer cottage — are specially planned. Because the porch is usually the most used “ room,” if built right. Togan porches are made extra large, roomy, open; you get the full sweep of any breeze. Moreover, they’re screened on all sides and the openings fitted with casement windows. In this way, the porch can be closed up; made into a sun-room in bad weather. Even the smallest Togan Cottages have a bath-room; semi-detached, directly off the bed-rooms, as the floor plans show. You may not want the complete bath-room equipment right away, but this extra space serves so many purposes. For a store-room, closet-space; best of all, a snug little room for the children to sleep or play in. (For details of construction see page 19) A Togdn Sun-porch, opening into Living-room The ceiling 1': Yellow Pine beaded material; it matches the side walls Page 8 DlNlNQ BATH ,r , 7 G ‘ 6' , LIVING DORCH‘ \z' x 24' ‘ @LA": '3-21‘2/1’ * 30' ' Series "B" Collage 'wit/z fi'e/dstone chimney SERIES “ B” CONSTRUCTION OU’LL like the roominess of this plan, the big porch, the arrangement of living and dining space wide open at each end. It’s a most delightful arrangement; you get the full sweep of every breeze. If you’ve ever spent any time at a cottage, you’ll appreciate the size of the bed-rooms and above all, that each room has windows on two ex- posures. The windows are full-sized casements, swmging out. (See back page for prices) Page 9 Page 10 NTCHEN B ROOM 61‘ x ' 2P . q. DlNlNO PORCH q lZ' . \5' BED ROOM BED ROOM q ‘ '7“ . , LIVING v PORCH q x q . _q * lZ' PORcH ‘ . ,1,” 6. 'PLAN 1151*" 24' * 30'? NTCHEN 9' K 61' bED ROOM q' - q' DlNlNG X" LNINO ROOM 12' ‘ 2.4' PORCH 4W x a' “PLAN 'b‘b'~« 24' * BO'V These plans have the same exterior as the one shown on the preceding page; only that the porches here are built under the same roof as the cottage itself. And right here we want to mention some of the advantages of Togan porches; building them under the main cottage roof makes them large and roomy; gives full over-head room; places the porch-floor on the same level as the main cottage floor, so that you’ll not have to “step up.’ the nine and twelve foot porch-widths if built on the outside in an exposed 7 You wouldn’t get fashion, because of roof- slope limitations. And Togan porches have all the openings screened; screens come furnished as regular equipment. Notice the picture on page 8; it shows how the porch screens and casements are arranged. (See page 19 for construction details) SERIES “ C ” CONSTRUCTION The quality of Togan construction is exceptional ANY families prefer a summer home completely appointed; one that has all the refinements of the town-house. A home located permanently at their favorite resort where summers are spent year after year. This is the type of home that should be designed along generous proportions; ample guest-room accommodations; a home especially suited for entertaining. The next two pages show this kind of home, Series “ C.” A charming summer design of permanence, made to go with five floor plan variations. Before looking at the plans, we want you to see some of the details that make the exterior so attractive. The broad sheltering eaves, the hooded entrance with side-seats; the casement windows, flower-boxes, trellises. Note, too, how the double windows in the gables add to the appearance; they’re made to swing in; to insure perfect cross-ventilation. These are some of the features worked out by Togan designers; advantages that you might not get in the average summer home. ?age It End View Li'L'ing Porch—$57k; WC); ww— r PORCH , {5&6 OULDN T you be alga . . I Just a httle proud to BED Room BED ROOM :D mTcHEN 1 DINING PORCH entertain guests at a cottage q' ; q' q' x q' q‘ ‘ q' q' ‘ ‘2' ‘1“ I , , , I ' hke thls? The spac1ous porch 7:», " ‘ *fi ‘ ' en- Ema H HALL ; s‘q‘CLos. Ctltltely 0p , the outdoor ‘ b. ' (,- |L CH2. } chnmg-room at one Slde. A l‘ ‘ I 0 iii,“ ‘1‘"; ’7 _ prlvate hall-way glVCS each 3‘ ' T“ 5 ‘ wmo PORCH . . - - ‘1 BED Room 1 15:1) Room ‘ ’ \2; - 15‘ bed-room 1ts 1nd1v1clual en- » q' x q' \ q‘ x q' . ‘ L trance; the bath 15 at the x/ ,J/ ;L / 4 end. Note the convenient W / I ”filimmlfgi". ' . . . . "T pom fl kxtchen w1th 1ts lattlced porch; I ; u; x q- Lee‘m—w—‘m the roomy closet. ‘ pXAN '01:“ 24‘ . 56' v (See back page for P'im) Page :1 PORCH PORCH i 4'4; x 5' 4‘6 I 6' /, " NT'CHElTl KlTCHEN l qup 329” BED ROOM q ' q DiNiuo PORCH tho ‘Rog'm “I ‘ q. ”ZINC“ p012?” . . q ‘ l2: q “ l2. . . CLObET BATH LL 3m CLOb. EN“ 5. ‘ a (,- . 6. L, - I: L __ . E; UV‘NG pom“ DED ROOM LlVlNG DORCH 5 BE: pagan m: '2’ ’ 2" q" . q- 12: x \5‘ -‘_—‘ DORCH FORCH 4‘1; . Cr 41;! q' 7 PLAN '07: ~—~ 24': 56" 'PLAN 'C-A“m2.4'x ZA'V The big open porch is the feature Have you noticed how Togan here; just right for dinners, cards or entrance porches are located? Entry dancing. When extra guests stay is always made at the end of the over, the porch can be used for living porch, not the center. Valu- emergency sleeping quarters. able porch room is saved that way. BATH z; x (9‘ NTCHEN 6' I 91' KlTCHEN q' . q' l ‘ D} NINO PORCR DINING DORCH . . q. x 12. qrq \ "q'CLosfiT BED ROOM C!" * |2' LN‘ING PORCH bib Room ' ' \2‘ v 15' q-q PORCH 4‘4; - q‘ PORCH 4'1,” q' 'PLAN 'C—3w24'x21‘v vPLAN.‘c-5'~az4- 21"r All Togan porches come screened. An open fire-place gives added You’ll want this protection, especially charm and comfort. For cool even- at night when the screened porch is ings or rainy days. You’ll enjoy the ideal for sleeping. But all the open— cheery log-fire. Note how well a ings have casement windows as well; fire-place goes with each plan; we’ll these can be closed in bad weather. send directions showing you how to build it. (Page 19 give: construction details) Page 13’ OMEN will appreciate the arrangement of Togan kitchens; how conveniently they are located in relation to the rest of the cottage. And notice, in most every case that each kitchen has its porch, so necessary for ice-box, extra cup-board and for additional storage place to keep things handy. Odds and ends — the children’s playthings; all must be kept somewhere; the back porch is the place. Togan kitchens are roomy and well lighted; the windows and doors are correctly placed for perfect ventilation. At the same time, each kitchen has just enough solid wall space for the stove, cupboards and work-table. Notice how the arrangement of the kitchen equipment is indicated on each plan; you’ll see, too, how the work-table or drain- board is placed directly under the window; women know that plenty of light is needed here. Kitchen cupboards, with shelves and drawers and space below for pots and pans, are furnished wherever shown on the plan. You’ll see them indicated; they’re built in and fit exact on each side of the sink. A drop-leaf table is likewise furnished. You’ll find it a big convenience. It folds back flat against the wall when not in use. Obviously, the summer cottage kitchen must not be too large; that would mean work; but you’ll want just enough room to make cooking easier by having things conveniently arranged and not crowded. End V im, Bed Room Side—Series “C” Cottage Page 14 SERIES “ D ” CONSTRUCTION Skilled factory production insures greater accuracy; superior quality at lower cost OTORING through the country is great sport in itself. It gives M you the joys of out-doors, the air, the sunshine. But, merely " going” grows monotonous; roads and scenery become less interesting and the novelty of riding soon comes to an end. What most of us want is some place to drive to; to have a definite objective. To anticipate, to plan the good times that are in store makes driving all the more enjoyable. A summer home or cottage is the thing; a place out in the open for you and your family. It means more pleasure for them, a greater return in health and well-being. In Series "D” on the next two pages, you’ll find the ideal summer home for the family — a charming English cottage design. We’ve made it in five distinct floor plans. You’ll like the general arrangement, and there’s a size that will meet the requirements of your family. Page :5 View showing Living Room and Kitchen Side—Series “D ” HIS delightful summer -—:. T - — home comes in five plans MM that we’ve designed especially " :02: for the family with children growing up. When school closes, you’ll be planning some way for them to spend the ng'l‘l‘“; “:21“ 3 :-_-l. summer; and you know this i ]‘ ill, J; immr N 1;; Nu mm , q , M : is often a problem that’s 1 ‘1‘ - I23 , l g l; , \ 1 I hard to dec1de. ~ ' poéeliJl-r ‘”"" ' Give them a Togan Cot- l. MW J tage like this; where they can mum '.L>'-l"~“2>1"?ufv live in the open all summer long. (See back page for prices) Page 16 DWMNG PORCH Togan Summer Homes embody all town-house conveniences. Many people prefer these comforts; they make the joys of outdoor life more complete. 5: L._J Jl F NTCHEN , .p q' ‘ "l' ' PORCH ‘ , 4‘4‘ w i J,—.J' . “PL/KN tD-5 V“ 24' 4‘ 2.1' V Notice the windows in the photo- graph; how the lights are set in — small panes, eight to each casement. They’re made this way primarily for design; but there’s also the economy of replacement when a pane is broken. L.-. -13 VDLAN ”13‘4““th 4‘ 2.7" The porch openings are equipped with windows. When closed against a sweeping rain your porch is abso- lutely weather-tight; you’ll not have the trouble of moving the furniture inside. JJ __ DWHNQ PORCH q ‘12 44:: J mar er—gl meo Room1 M ‘ ‘NTCHEN '_“z ‘ ‘5' — q . 10%: Since the windows swing out, screens are placed on the inside. But windows may be completely closed or adjusted to any angle without remov- ing screens. Window adjusters work from inside, through the screen frames. Page 1 7 HETHER you prefer the simple, smaller cottage, or the summer home completely appointed, remember that Togan design and quality of materials go equally into each building. Because Togan construction is standardized; all walls, windows, floors and roofs —- all parts are produced in quantities. They are uni- form; the same careful workmanship goes into each. Workmen specialize day after day in turning out certain units; and all work is rigidly inspected. Togan Summer Homes and Cottages, like the finest all year Togan Homes, are built of the best materials; this is necessary, especially so in a cottage or home used only a portion of the year. You know how a building unoccupied, depreciates far more quickly than one in every day use. V ie'w showing Li'ving Porch Side—Series D Cottage Page 18 Details of Construction for Series A, B, C and D FOUNDATIONS -— Foundation posts are furnished with all cottages. These posts are cedar, 6 inches in diameter. They are placed at intervals of 6 feet, under supporting girders that run the full length of the build- ing. The girders are 6” x 6”. Each cottage has three girders, one on each side and one through the center. Griders are cut net length; they fit exactly. If concrete or brick foundation is wanted, plans for wall or full basement will be furnished, giving all measure- ments and details necessary for the mason to do the work. In case’of concrete foundation, credit will be given for post. FLOOR CONSTRUCTION —All joists are 2x8, 17%” on centers and are closed on the ends by 2x8 box- ing joists. There are doubled joists on the ends. All joists of over 9 foot span are bridged with 2x2 bridging. All joists, boxing joists and bridging are cut to exact lengths. A water-tight drip cap and water table is fur- nished to go around the building. This gives a finished exterior. The flooring is made up in complete sections, single thickness 3 feet wide and multiples of 3 feet long as the size of the building may require. Where the sections join, there is a special rabbet that makes the joint perfect. WALLS—The walls are made up in panels 3’ by 8’ 10” assembled complete with studding and siding. Where panels join, the studding is tongued and grooved, the tongue consisting of a specially designed lock-strip that fits into a corresponding groove in the adjoining panel. The bottom of the panel is also grooved to receive the the water-table drip. This automatically lines up the panels. The panels are fastened with lag screws to the sills. All holes are bored at the factory by specially de- signed machinery which insures accurate spacing and fitting. The studs are 2x4 of selected No. 1 Yellow Pine patterned to receive the lock-strip and siding The siding is tongued and grooved, special designed, Togan Novelty Siding, é” thick at the top and 2” at the butt, 33;” face. Togan siding insures an absolutely weather- proof joint. WINDOWS AND DOORS—The windows of all Togan cottages are specially designed out-swinging case- ment windows. Each opening has a pair of casement sash rabbetted together and rabbetted over the sill. These sash are hung on 3”x3” butts and are fumished with a casement lock at top and bottom, and one on the meet- ing stile. Each sash has a casement adjuster so that the sash may be held open at the desired angle. Each win- dow has a pair of screens, hinged to swing in and rab- betted together. The doors of all Togan Cottages are either in French design, or panelled with a door-light as called for on plans and specifications. All doors are hung on 3 butts with a standard key lock set, and a rim cylinder lock for use when closing the cottage for any length of time. Each door has a screened door hung and furnished with a complete screen door set. GABLES — The gables are made up in complete sec- tions of material similar to the side-walls. ROOF FRAMING—All cottage rafters are 3x6, well trussed with a tie beam and ridge—tie and have a large over-hang for the cornice. These rafters are notched over the wall plate insuring a perfect lining and a stong structual joint at the plate. The ridge pole is notched automatically spacing the trusses. The closures are dadoed into the rafters sides insuring a tight weather and light proof joint. The verge boards are extra heavy giving the necessary strength at this point; they also give a massive roof appearance. ROOF SHEATHING —All cottage root sheathing is tongued and grooved built up in complete panels of an average size of 3/-3” by 6/. For the cornices, both rake and level, beaded ceiling is used giving the finished appearance necessary at these pomts. INTERIORS—The interiors of summer cottages are unlined as the inside finish of the walls themselves is smooth clear Yellow Pine. The inside may be lined with wallboard and interior trim which covers all joints. For winter use however, we recommend lining the rooms in the following waysz—(a) with backing pan- els made of clear yellow pine beaded ceiling. g” thick; a(b) with backing panels made of dressed and matched Hemlock, g” thick, which are in turn covered with wall board and interior trim. When interiors are lined with beaded ceiling panels, or with Hemlock pan- els and wall-board, the inside of the outside siding is first covered with saturated asphalt building paper. Lining the inside with panels makes a double wall con- struction; the two walls with air space between, and the building paper lining, makes the warmest kind of build- ing. Inside lining panels and wall-board are carried in stock; prices on request. The interior partitions on all cottages are made up of beaded ceiling material and dressed studs, built up in complete anels about 3’x8/10” in size. These partitions run to t e plate line, giving the necessary amount of privacy, yet allowing over-head ventilation so desirable in cottages. All in- terior doors are hung and fitted in section at the factory. CEILING —No ceiling is furnished with any cottage unless specially called for. BUILT-IN FURNITURE—With each cottage, kit- chen cupboards are furnished as called for on the plan. These are built u complete ready to set in place. A drop-leaf wall table for kitchen is also always furnished as shown on plan. When a bed-room does not have a closet opening off the room, a corner closet shelf is fur- nished as shown on the plan. PORCHES—are furnished as called for and shown on plans Enclosed porches are equipped with casement windows that swing out, all porch widow openings have screens placed on the inside (See under windows and doors) Rear proches are provided with lattice except on series D. FLOWER BOXES, PORCH SEATS, AND TRELLISES—Flower boxes and trellises also porch seats are fumished as shown on photographs. ROOFING — The roofing on all cottages is the best grade of asphalt felt roll roofing with slate surface in either gray-green or dull red. The asphalt joint-sealer and roofing nails are packed with the roofing. Properly laid, this roof is good for 15 years. Shingles in place of roll roofing will be furnished if preferred; prices for shingles extra. HARDWARE Hardware consists of all the necessary hard- ware for erecting the building, together with allfinished hardware listed under doors and windows. Coat and hat hooks are furn- ished with all closets. PAINT All models are primed one coat white at-the factory and a sufficient amount of best grade white paint is furnished for the second coat. ERECTION PLANS Complete erection plans are furnished for each model showing foundation plans, floor plans, roof plan, and all elevations. Inaddition, full instructions cover all details necessary to erect the building without difficulty. The schedules gives a complete list of all parts showing stencil numbers which appear on each part, and these are shown clearly on erection plans. ‘Page 19 SPECIAL COTTAGE MODEL NO 208 All Togan buildings are factory-built, complete, finished products 20 ft. wide by 28 f}. long 13mm I 7611 —(‘otmgz‘ No. 208 Page 20 bED ROOM KITCHEN 5X\2.' 5*5' LIVlNQ ROOM )2; * 2.0' vipLAJ‘l. #205920 * 28" You Can Erect It YOURSELF Simple instructions with drawings show clearly every step in the erection of this cottage. All parts fit accurate- ly. You have no sawing whatever to do, and very little nailing. Wall, window and door sections All windows and doors come fitted in place. are interchangeable. You can’t go wrong. All hardware, roofing, paint included. You have no "extras” to buy. Everything is complete. OR real ecomomy, you couldn’t find a more attractive little cottage than this one. It comes in two popular floor plans; they’re just right for the small family of three or four. Like all Togan Cottages, it’s made complete, just as you see it—with the screened porch, full-sized windows, flower boxes and trellises all included. And you can erect it yourself. This tells you how these Cottages are made FOUNDATIONS — Foundation posts are furnished with all cottages. Enough eight foot cedar pOSts are allowed for a support every 8 foot interval. Average length of each supporting post is two feet eight inches. These osts support 6x6 girders running the full length of the building. All cottages have three girders, one on each side and one through the center. cut net and fit exactly. Girders are FLOOR CONSTRUCTION —All joists are 2x6, 16 inches on centers and are closed on the ends by boxing joists; there are doubled joists on the ends. All joists, and boxing joists, are cut to exact size. A water-tight drip and water table is furnished giving a finished exter- ior. The flooring is No. 1 4” dressed and matched and comes in bundles. WALLS—The walls are made up in panels 4/ by 8/ assembled complete with studding. Where the panels join, the joint is made with a small batten that fits flush with the siding. The studs are 2x4 and are‘left full lumber sizes dressed four sides. The panels are spiked together at the sides and are likewise spiked to the sills. The studs are 2’ on centers making three studs to the panel. The siding is g” thick at the top and it” at the butt. It is the same pattern as used on Series A, B, C, D. WINDOWS AND DOORS— The windows of model 208 cottages are doubled hung sliding sash, each sash 28” by 20” high, bottom sash plain, top sash cut up, 4 lights wide by 2 lights high. The porch openings on model No. 208 Cottages are open, but may fitted with screans or windows (See price list for extra cost of screens or windows, or screen doors). The doors on model 208 cottage are hung no three 3§x3§N butts and are fitted with standard lock Page 2 I Page 22 set only. Every outside door may be fitted with a screen door, hung with screen door hinges and with a complete screen set. SCREENS—Full sized screens for porch openings; half stationary screen for windows and screen doors will be furnished extra. (See price list for screen quotations). GABLES ——The gables are made up in complete sec- tions of material similar to the side-walls. ROOF FRAMING—All model No. 208 cottages have trusses every 2’ made of two rafters, and a tie beam. ROOF SHEATHING—The roof sheathing is Yel- low Pine dressed material made up in complete anels 2’ 3” wide and of the length necessary to cover the building. The cornice is finished with ceiling material which is furnished in panels 1’ 1” wide by 4’ long. INTERIOR PARTITIONS—The interior partitions on all model No 208 cottages are made up in complete panels 4’ by 8’ in size. These partitions run to the plate line only, giving the necessary amount of privacy, yet allowing perfect ventilation through the cottage. All interior 0 enings are cased openings only, but doors will be furnished, hung and fitted, if desired; these will be furnished at a nominal charge, No ceiling is furn- ished unless specially called for. BUILT-IN FURNITURE—With model X series cottages a corner closet shelf is furnished. Built-in furniture such as kitchen cupboards, and drop leaf wall tables will be furnished at a nominal charge. Side and Rear ”(View — “208” Cottage PORCHES—The porches are designed to give the maximum amount of open space around the walls. Porches are open without windows or screens. If wind- ows or screens are desired for porch openings, they will be furnished extra at nominal costs; see price list for quotations. FLOWER BOXES AND TRELLISES— Flower boxes and trellises are furnished as shown on photo- graphs. ROOFING—The roofing on all model 208 cottages is the best grade of asphalt felt roll roofing with a slate surface in either gray-green or dull red. The asphalt joint-sealer and roofing nails are packed with the 'roofing. Properly laid, this roofing is guaranteed for 15 years. HARDWARE — Hardware consists of all the neces- sary material for erecting the building, together with all hardware listed under doors and windows. Coat and and hat hooks are furnished for closet shelves. PAINT — All model 208 cottages are furnished with sufficient white aim for two coats. These models are not primed at t e factory. ERECTION PLANS — Complete erection plans are furnished for each model. These plans show the details of the foundation, sill, floor arrangement, plate, roof framing, roof, and all elevations. In addition, full in- structions cover all details necessary to erect the building without difficulty. The schedules give the complete list of all parts showing stencil numbers which appear on each part as shown clearly on the erection plans. TOGAN GARAGES Togan Garages, Built Like grand Rapids Furniture TOGAN Garages, like Togan Summer Homes and Cottages, come com- pletely built, ready for use. They’re made in a variety of designs to harmonize with the architecture of your home or surrounding buildings; in sizes for smaller cars up to larger sizes accommodating five to six cars. Togan Garages come fully equipped with all hardware and paint; every detail is correct, even to cement floor specifications. The architectural details of Togan Garages merit your careful attention. Notice the full-sized windows; how they’re made in casement or sliding sash styles to correspond with the windows in your home or cottage. If desired, a side-entry door will be substituted for one of the windows at no extra charge, on either side or in the back, wherever most convenient for you. Note the wide over- hanging roof, the trellises; they’re furnished as regular equipment wherever shown. Togan Garage No. 104 Page 2 3 Page 24 TWO CAR GARAGE—No. 108 Size 18x18. To house two big cars: 68% of all carpenter work, even painting, is done at the factory before the garage is shipped. TWO MEN WILL PUT IT UP IN TWO DAYS. Comes in sections 9 feet high, already painted, ready to bolt together. Equipped complete just as picture shows. Glazed garage doors 8x8, side entry door, with three full sized windows. Furnished complete with paint for second coat, all hardware, including cylinder locks, patented door holders, and shingles. Will be shipped at once. TWO MEN BUILD THIS GARAGE A complete Garage, including Hardware, Paint, Shingles FOR YOU IN EIGHT HOURS for the Price that the lumber alone will cost. One car garage, No. 128, 12 feet wide by18 feet long. A roomy garage for the largest cars. Good looking, comes in built -up sections, just as picture shows, with one window each side; furnished with best hardware, paint and individual shingles. All parts spike together; two men will put up the garage in 8 hours. Not “ready cut,” but all walls, roof, gables made up in completed sections. No sawing or fitting to do; simply spike sections together. Built up in completed parts per the following specifications; these are the same that a good carpenter would use: Studding 2x4, 2’ on centers; rafters 2x4, 2’ on centers, all No. 1 Yellow Pine; siding, 4” tongued and grooved; roof panels and cornice, all No. 1 Yellow Pine. Window for each side 28x20x20; garage doors 8x8 full sized, each glazed six lights. Best quality paint and hardware included. Window panels are interchangeable; can be placed where desired. MADE IN SIZES 12x16,12x18, 12x20, 20x16, 20x18, 20x20. Time and Labor-Saving Machinery Cut Home Building Costs in Half TOGAN HOMES AND BUNGALOWS Togan Bungalow—Deng” No. 521 Home Building at a Saving. Manufacturing this Bungalow in quantities, at Wholesale Material Prices, means a saving. Not only on materials, but on labor, as 68% of the carpenter work is don-ein—the factory before building is shipped. Four Men Erect this Bun- galow in Two Weeks. : ’AS SAG F, ,/ LWWG QM. KlTC HEN ll ‘ 124' ‘/ 12“ IVT‘LY‘H “ALDEN .521 A'o'u q' Full description Wit/7 plan; and speci- Bunaglo’ul No. 521—572: 24x36. Living 6? Dining ‘Room Combined, cation; will be sent on 73 “at. Two Bed 6Room, Kitchen and ‘Bqlh. fl q Page 25 Our Methods Cut Building Costs in Half iAfWQ @«wcm: Cl» Togan Bungalow No. 602 - Size 24’ X 30’ Made in the four standard floor plans shown on these two pages. Shipped in sections that bolt together. Complete from sill line to roof, cellar sash included; painted one coat, hardware applied, shingles, built-in kitchen furniture. All materials are completely furnished. You Save Money on LIVING W a Togan Home Because 68 5-6;"; of the building 15 done in the PAssAm-g, factory. Special Machinery cuts. joins and nails all parts in a better, more economi- DESlGfl 602 cal way than hand labor makes possible. DEB QM BED 12M 01" '2" DEV I2: We manufacture these standard houses in Four Men will erect any one of these quantities at one run. houses complete in two weeks. Two thirds of the carpenter work, even paint- The savmg m time and labor goes to you. ing, is done in the factory before building is For prices, see enclosed list. shipped, Detailed specifications and blue print; for each plan will be sent on request Page 26 Togan Homes Are Easily Heated Double Wall Construction The outside siding 1 used in Togan walls is tongued and grooved, weather proof, special q‘ Togan design. The inside of the siding is lined with saturated building paper. The inside sheathing for the walls is made up of solid panels that fit into grooves on the in- side of the wall panels. This sheathing makes a solid surface. There are no cracks or spaces between sheathing boards. The Sheath- ing is tongued and grooved. ‘CUP' D. PORG‘L KWCHEI‘X DWG 203M 13' ‘ II \2' ‘I- \Z' PAS 5aAGE‘. EEDRCDI'K TH I2; 1 17." 6"61‘ C) ‘2' ‘ ‘75 BED QM. VEST DlNU‘lG QM. @OQCH q‘x IZ‘ l2." :2; 5x 12; / , . EAT. 6‘6" PAééAGE: Livmo 12M. f ! KXTCHEN. 5:3 QM. DESIGN 525 121: no' i q‘v I2; Bungalow IVo. 528—5ize 24 x 36. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Two Bed Rooms, Bath. Qrade Entrance and Kitchen are at the Side. COMPLETE Togan Homes Are Complete in Both Interior and Exterior. DlfllJ‘le QM. There are no "extras” to buy in order to complete the building. Everything is furn- ished from sill line, including cellar-sash, to the last detail 3E3 QFX l of trim and built-in kitchen .E) . ) QM ‘ fumiture. ; : IZ'X ‘5‘ Four Men Will Build q" C" q" w Any One of These Houses in 2 Weeks Grade Entrance are at Rear. LNIHG ECDM .- EBB 2.03M LlVlNG 12M I PORCH ' o'nz; ‘Bungalo'w No. (fro—Size 24 x 36. Living Room, Dining Room. ‘Two Bed Rooms, Bath Solid Sheathing Panels line the in- side walls. The inside sheathing is in turn covered with plaster board and interior trim. There is a dead air insulation space between the outside and in- side walls. For this reason T o g a n Houses are more easily heated than ordinary frame buildings. Floors likewise are d o u b l e thickness with heavy building paper between layers g l l l I 1 1 DE SIGN 52.9 Bungalow No. 529—Size 24x36. Same arrangement a; No. 528, except Kitchen and Remember the Completeness of Togan Houses When Making Comparisons Full Description and Plan: Sent On ‘Request; Price List Enclosed. TOGAN -STI LES, Grand Rapids, Michigan ' DESIGN 610 ' ‘ iwill@fimmfiglumflfiljfiliiulr mmmmunmmmumnmmmmummmnnmunmmmummmmnmwwmmwnmnmnmmwmmmnmmmumnnmwmmmmmummumwmnmmnmmnnnmmmm Iqmmmmmwmmmwmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwm L gmflmmmmmmmmamwmmmm Q *mmxmmmmummmmmmwmm mm mnzmnmnmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmnmmmmmnnmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnn mmmmammmmmwmwuamnnmmzmnmmmu 52mm H ammmmmlnDummmlutllllllllullflllllmmmmumunnnmnmunmllllnnIlnninnnnnuuummmmmmnmmmmmmmmnmmnnmlmmmfi EIIIIE 5-5151 1-800-295-5510