UC BERKELEY MASTER NEGATIVE STORAGE NUMBER 03-67.26 (National version of master negative storage number: CU SN03067.26) MICROFILMED 2003 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE REPRODUCTION AVAILABLE THROUGH INTERLIBRARY LOAN OFFICE MAIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720-6000 COPYRIGHT ~The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) | governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials including foreign works under certain conditions. In addition, the United States extends protection to foreign works by means of various international conventions, bilateral agreements, and proclamations. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to fumish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be | liable for copyright infringement. University of California at Berkeley reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law. TS — | | Gould, William D. Geology of Spellacy Hill, Taft, California | ¥ BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD TARGET University of California at Berkeley Library Master negative storage number: 03-67.26 (national version of the master negative storage number: CU SN03067.26) GLADIS NUMBER: 184788167B FORMAT : BK AD:991012/FZB LEVEL:b BLT:am DCF:a CSC:d MOD: EL: 7 UD:030604/MAP CP: cau L:eng INT: GPC: BIO: FIC: CON: ARCV: PC:S PD:1925/ REP: CPI: FSI: ILC: II:1 040 CUScCU 090 SbDISS.GOULD.GEOL 1925 100 1 Gould, William D. 245 10 Geology of Spellacy Hill, Taft, California. 260 $cl1925. 300 [iv], 34 p. :Sbcol. ill., col. maps ;$c29 cm. 500 Includes index. 502 Thesis (B.A. in Geology)-- University of California, Berkeley, November, 1925. 610 20 University of California, Berkeley.S$bDept. of Geology and Geophysics$xDissertations. 690 0 Dissertations, Academic$xUCB$xGeology$y1921-1930 Microfilmed by University of California Library Photographic Service, Berkeley, CA FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, 94720 DATE: 07/03 REDUCTION: 10 X PM-1 3%2"x4"” PHOTOGRAPHIC MICROCOPY TARGET NBS 1010a ANSI/ISO #2 EQUIVALENT 10 BRE I | oI 22 _ 1s ks em | EAN = 2 fl2 eo. ig Jl== =" jz LZ lis pe COOPER PE EOE OER ERE COE (TREE PEO EF mE Ie] Is] la 's| 's 17] 8] Ig "lo"1l1 Him fy 2'13"1l4"15 er » ly A latent, hy LT William D. Gould Geology of Spellacy Hill, Taft, California 1925 This report is for the fulfilment of the thesis for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the Geological Department of the College of Letters and Science of the University Of California. Instructor in charge: Professor George D. Louderback. William D. Gould, November 25, 1925. & A: . § IND EX, Purpose of the report -----------=-------== Age of Midway-Sunset fields --------------== Recent 0il discoveries ~e---=s=ec € Mati . a . . . . . “— — S—— “— a . . . * iy .* . . ly , ho - ’ . . gh Woy ify fe ya M > — " a, ———. bons " . . *. ‘ . . - . + . - pm . . » Sew ‘oa. fo . El “ol “ar —— ta. . . 4 . . ’ . . . . le bn on . Pic ’ oo. ar ‘ro. ' . el . ¥ . - ‘ . ¥ - . y rr ‘em “ri, . Mean % ’ a . ‘ — cs . was SN . “ny " > Ph # tro. a i «Ia ; ‘ . 2" 1 Ye. . . . 20h » ’ - . . Ye ee — . or *wiiw . . . ia ’ a re 2 . Linge ’ oe hy Rese + - Pend. - ) ten vs \ . : Vondyson é - br en wt raf e — yr X Poa * =a . bi Fro 227 ty Dy Ee. : \ ir lL LV HE: N36 Ur i LT Fri, ra sr * - SA ers. Ae Bow FC Kove 47, : @ TF 9 / rH sey Fz, e/Sow : Poor “I? =F 220727 fy Vs 7 alo is Sur - es A - 7 ee Pi &~ 17 3... #4 3 “ro pb? Sve. ¥o ‘ 5 # 2? . (2 Zor eac Cm JYre cd Di ” Hoge 7 e Seve 7s res, 2s ar re ee. Oro rere /2 oF J “wa 7e ih wii Sater beer OF er = 729 irrosne Yor OrR? Cox Self yAerar 77a Parr? Sorex . 3 SADIE rr @ Fos Jez. sore oe Pra 2 A re oO —- Coo ie Yrs: o i» SFE, c be dd on, "oe iad A om. bi - > Sor7 lopa OF Pocus rr Provens — kh" Abick TF: B Iwo ora/ia2ed S@rats ome —mphire , 0/mors, Fuarrs Swrad ~20 Ore, PHRF A. Wel) FOUNAET ¥ SorTed groves Gareeriace OX upping Ser otodssiey 162 LXer £196 A Si A Ads A SA AR BN i a am i So IR 2 7 { { A Anh © ——— —S— | rlate: 8 A. Al ovee rr depos ~. £ Ceorve Sg o Fore Cf QI, >" EO Corglormerorte : Crorrirte Oov/aers vo Po O67 jm Srerrrrre; Gororrr %/c COorae Qouasrrz> Sore’ : CC. Coorse ord opro Koz" in ove IH IS perely Qoeor Fz ,srormved coiih ror Ox/Te « No @FLer srrirrerals or Cg ery DO. Cormrglemero”e ceo Fo Vo” 17 size Frarri Fe Coorg /Ormerare, Cos? Jo rar ep Or rodeos oX Sve cology pode’ 4 A Coorg rovero*e

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