» .gM§RY BUILDERsT A S S I S T A N T ._c o N T A 1 N I N G— A Connztf'rtonor NEW DESIGNS 1m» .C/IRPENTRT AND ARCHITECTURE Which will-be iiarticnlarly nfeful, to Country ‘Workmen in general. ILLUSTRATED wm; N E W m vs E F U*L D E s J G NS or?“ 'eFrontifpieces, Chimney Pieces, &c. Tni’csn, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthi Orders, with their Bafes, Capitals, and Entablatures . Architraves for Doors, Windows, and Chimneys : Cornice-3, Bale, and Surhafe Mouldings fori Rooms . Doors, and Saihes, with their Mouldings . The confitufiion of Stairs, with their Ramp and Twill Rails . Plan, *Elcvation, and one Sefiion of a Meetinghoufe, with the Pulpit at large . Plans and Elevations of Routes“: " The belt Method of finding the length, and backing of Hip Rafters: Aifo, CORRECTLY ENGRAVED 'oN. Trim-TY COPPE‘R PLATES ;’ Was A PRINTED EXPLANATION 'rormcu. oyASHER BENJAMIN -q 'p' THOMAS DICKM’AN ,._. .utw-_»-.__. ”M,DCC,XCVII. BY «(1' \ ‘ ~ ‘ 1'1“ safx , \ . ‘ . ..‘Lc~.,_:.v.o,,fi é an 13-3: ;_lto draw the curve line - thg 51:31- to ,3”: andidfi D and.: ' , [fianfidr F2838 £31an .Fillct, and (11:96 to i ‘ f . fl ‘ 3 Fxb. D. Qu-E Ogcc;div1de lt§ .Bréadflx" mto Ave phfi; "gm; iwo of thofe , v12. gu My} Ifito fix eqqglrw Fm. F. "-fifCimare ' " V, , ". WM 0, f, WhChma‘ .53 five of thofe 93m. u of the curve» a ' ‘Fxo. G. Qirk, Ovalo :nd Afins de. H. Caveteo J. w -. @anht ping,- We epiv'saetam ,. , f . K @13\ctr11.{1v¥..,zza.io.ll. . Lt: 12.1.1: , , If I . ‘ ,I. 5210.: r 5.3.; 40.1.. r: _ i .u'. . . . . ,. i . r. 4.. . ..:. x .. .. . . 3.: . cirrr. .L .w 334‘.‘..1l.3..:43. .::..r i . , . . p ...‘. . I ., w. e ‘ ,. :.:f4. 3.. . A ~ 4.. » ,:t£...ilf....§.“!.ilarl,i, . . . s . a. . . , . V . . . 3 ,v . ... I. 3. . .. rd _ . M t .. m. ‘ z. t. . . . . txx‘if‘lhlre‘; 33.13:, .Q‘I..»\Ir....l¢.l 533.01 \ a .m , ‘1’} {Iv 505. l Vlili v-11 A. ‘1‘ ‘. » . . av,- \.lt‘ . u I! I it», 3 . V. 3 kw s « ... . .1. l C .l . v a .x I A v .- y .. 3 . , . v y . $3..“ war .4 p 2;me “It? “X...fl,.,rn«,... h»; mix Sig . \ , ,3 ' ,»., :92 , Jv" g V": 3- , w ' 4% a.» tilt 3394-» ‘ 3 r ' ~ -‘ ’ U v, :v , _ , a? e 43‘: “a?“ 2% s: . 313%. ,A r ‘ \ ‘ .' i t V} ‘ ' - , . ' ,_ V ... ‘ t, , . = 5-4! a , , ~ .. - ‘ = ~ P"“"L“* Air-‘1' E r 11* ‘3 ”fear: ’ 1 3 32+: ‘ F . r f ’ t." R '9 . @- .m W" Toggztiggtgtfie We}: Qrdegééfl'aujgx .3 £317 3bite ' x ' SU P P O Sé the rod :2, 5', to be ‘33:: height givenrydiggde unit? ,1 iii; parts 5 one is the Meter of the icoluig‘ggat haggard; give one to the ,Suh-plinth, . and mfi‘afie Entifiblature, or one diain‘eter and ‘ 5 5 minutes. If 1' zifPedellal is required, divide the given height into 4.9 parts, four of which will be‘ithe diam— etero‘f the Coluhin, give'nir3e to thé'?eclellal, and eight tothe Entablatus . My}? :6! 3.31.33; ‘3’ ,3 ,3. w m, .; :- To proportionthe Doric order, on a'Sub-plintb, to any given‘ height,“ divide the rod c, «1, int}; i2 equal parts; one is the diameter of the column at bottom ; give one to die Sléérpllntllé and two to the Entablature ; the column, including : Bafe and .Cafiitaiéis nine diameters. If a Pedefial is required, diéiiide, the given 3 height into 27 parts ; two is the diameter of the column ;: give five to the Fe: ~ 3 .defial, and four tothe Emblatulreih 3 s , 2‘: : To proportionjlie Ionic'order'td‘any,’ given height, on :i Sub-plinth, fuppofi : thc l'Od 6: flattfiie the height'given éjitlzivideit into i 3 equal parts, one will be 3 the diameter of the column, nttbettom, two for the height of the Entablature; 5 {'0 that the column, inclu‘dingethe Bafe'and Capital, is 10 diameters high. ffa 3 Pedefial is required, divide the give‘nheight into 5‘; equal parts ; four is the’ivdi— 7 ,3 ameter of the column ;~ give 11 to the Redefial, and eight to the Entabliiture. M 3 To proportion‘the Corinthian order to any given height, on a Subeglixeglhfiw" '3 pofc the rod g, b, to be the height given ; d :ide it into 14 equal pix/it? ; one is?i ; the diameter of the column ; give one to the Subéplinth, and more the Eril'ablzr- i ture ; fo'that the column, including Bafe and Capital, is x r diameters, Bafe’ 3? minutes, Capital 70 minutes, If a Pedefial is required, divide” the given “381113333 into 16 parts ; give three to the Pedei’tal, and two to the ‘Entablatnre; '3 '= 3? r4," " a v r .’ SF; 11‘ P L A 'r “E 111‘ The Tafiafiafi, Céfital, 1m! Enidblatxre, with 135,15; Mug/Sara, fgnrrd from 112:1 Scale 3, b. 1 3% .1 . . 11%“ V '1 1‘1} i ‘ HE Scale 4, 6, is one diameter of the colhugn‘at bottom ; divide the Scale 4, 5, into 112 parts, and one'of them into five parts ; then“ the Scale 4, 6. ii dieided intomy parts? andthofe'fiuts are to be difiofed to the Mouldings. as 1 figured, in height and projeéhon, the projeélion fet from 111 plumb line, dropped 1 fromfie extreme of tlih' Mouldings; a Shh-plinth one daineteg; 6, Bafe to col— J i " 1:11:11, 130 minutes; c, Capitfil to Column; 36- minutes , Esfirchmave 34- min-1-? A» 111:1: 1 c, Friez; 39 or 4.4. minutes; f; We: 4.2 minutes; the Scale g, to find ' 1 the diameter of the Tufcan Columh, to any. given height, on its owtr Sub-plinth, 31¢ line 5, f is divided into 10 feet, and one foot mto 1; parts, which are 1 mches. Admit the given height to be eight feet, Open your gompalies from :1: to a, 4 ,. raghin‘fi «311: feet on the Scalq- , then apply your compafl'esgo the Scale of inches, .‘ftom, three to flour feet on §1e Scale, y‘0u will find the diafiter to be about nine 11 1 inches and % , 101151115 thehe1ght on the line 111,}; and 111351!!! the height, open . 1 your 'compafl’es from the line 11, to the hue a, 1 then 1111317 the compafl‘es t1 the Scale of- inches, which' 13 the d1am§etsfonght for. If it is reqmred to find the diameter of.the column alone, open your “1111,1111: from the line 1:, to the doe 111d line}. " ~ ‘. W I 3'. p‘Kfi- " - e . . 1:;- f“: “ Noni. Theft: ducfi1i ‘M We: for the {Gales laid down ihl‘the Doric, \ V‘x‘l domfind Corinthian ordets 31:5? on - _ - _ --_--_! 43% f [J ”/0 57/? 7 I I I 3:0, \‘k .x _. 14th 1,. - » 53“ :35?“ r v fl: Dom: Bnfi, Capz'ml, ’95 - . t Frieze, 45 mma‘fies ,Comice, 4.5 mm” 1‘11 height The width of the Trig~ lyph m Irieze, 30 Qinntes, - the diEhcc $931 We to «1413,; 75 minutes; thc 1 thicknefs of the Triglyph, is 3% minutes, 2 , _, 3 , .ter and on: to the borrom.‘ - ‘ 1 tawug - 11 3;“ u-....--.u-u.;.~...- ....\ i ‘ , . ., .- ”1% 1-3;? I N Intercolumniations, for Porncoes, C nades, Arcades, &c. g h "?’“"“".:$ .mufi: be had to the number of Triglyphs afiMntgks betwedizhe central ‘ , _‘ Columns 1n the Doric Order, 3 diameters 45 1111113125;ka 3 Tnglyphs 541i; ': -— ~u».~ ameters take 4 Triglyphs , 6 diameter: 1 15~1ni11ute$ take 5 W ~ 7mm.— damn:- f I“?! 14m 36/1, Cafital, and Euta5lature,‘%tb all 'tbn'r Malling” fiat-:2 V» for Imam, m lm'glyt 411d prqu‘hn. \ < , 0’“ " f . -). h T H E height of the Bafe go minutes; thfie height of the Capital 30 minutes , tbhegelght at the Archittave, Frieze and Cornice, 2 diameters; Archi- \ wave 35 minutes, Frieze ’40 minutes, Cornice 45 minutes. AMef mo- .11 ah? & wthecxirve or plancere of the modillion, divide the plancere of the n... s. w 1.1, modillien into 6 equal patts , then place one foot of your compafi‘es at 2, on the ' dotted line, extend the other foot to 1, on the {ante line: then draw the quarter '4 of aeitcle, 113451.115; then i‘etfdown one'pett anti a'h‘alf, as at a, and place one foot of youi' compafl‘eeete, and extend the 011161310 1, and draw? arch line 1. 'to the line a 6; then {ct yot'n' ”compafl'es at 6, and thaw the atiihfine to 5, which compleats the curve of the modillioh. F1011: Centréi to centre of the modillions 31 minutes, the {gidth in front IO minutes, the interyel 21 minutes. Intercolutnv niations in the Ionic Order, 4 diameters 8 minutes }tom centre to centre of the columns. take 8 modillions , 5 diameters to minutes, take to modillions_; 6 di- ameters 12 minutes,t take 12 modillions. Ifdentiistere ufed infiegigf modilli‘cxns, ’ the fpece from centre to centre of the dentils, is 7}. minutes, and the interval be 5 tween 2 minutes end a half, the dentil 111 front 5 minutes. _ , . I I B, Befe of Column ; C,» Capital; D, Archittave ; E, Frieze 5'1", Cornice, em},- .- u‘ gun «. #1‘ M‘-.. ..J..g......-. }.u\ x ‘ ‘ '““'o. L 1 ‘_ ‘ , u— ‘ ‘ .,i:"~* 2F .. .‘,.<.m,«. wan-9 -- . A _ "- J.“ .. 3 ~ .-..v..... - "W‘A' -r 1’“ WW W . . _ .x.....-._._..‘....-‘.- i ,V -m. . ;.- E ~ . - 1 . ' R H \ ~ " ‘ l a ‘ . 5 [y ‘ ,. ' 1 ‘ < ~ : ,- 1 ' é ' 7 u . x - . - . \\ ‘ ‘. ‘ r i u . . ~ ‘ \\ \ . , y . \ .K: \I » ‘ , i 3 ~ \_a ‘ ’1 \ (\x - ‘ . ~ . . N _ x . . c \ ‘» M ‘ , .1 g ‘~ ‘ . a A, f ‘, ,‘\ ' . ' . e. . . L :\ ‘ , \ A . 2 . I ‘ .. ”v" . _ _ _ -"'~"“'-“1‘~-M-; ‘ r ' .ff“-_ ’4 v-.. é \ : \> . \ r ‘ . \ ~§ I v .; . 4 ‘. l . 0“; 1 _ . 4 ~ Om ‘ , ‘ 9’ ‘ . ~ .V» l : \ _ ~. m. ....N........ "m. .. ..‘.<....\._....-_..-..... .' "V ...,‘.v-x‘g'yv‘hx‘” N," » 1“. - . a 7 u ‘ ~ ‘ ~ ‘ . I u c “ 'H‘L kx-%*ijk4~u - Wk 11-. N f x,- :_-_...., “flu: » 9 '4’- ‘/ \ ,—~:-='- ' - sew g» t 'W‘V-Qm“ 532% may: :35 - » * 1‘1": ESE the Vblutc,__ L > > | , Ai'u'fqaamf Q: cye, an A extemf'gfifmex fillit of the Abahqs, and turn I , 1‘ 1 7 I . , wmm fet, - then {ct yoyd’éompafi‘es on the other £3505 “WW“ the compafi'es on $18 othenfide. where fed! compa at 3, nrchlinc A w y; ., archl°v a :. :5 3* W43 In 73 ‘ 91m, ' 553‘» «art a.- mwmurk .‘ a for flafliu. . _ .. ‘BA‘ SE Mouldings to Column, B, Amhitravc, c, Frieze, D, conic... Tbeponnthun Modillion xxlxminntes in front, and 3; from cc‘ntré to {e Mouldings 32: minute“ hall: of Capital 70 minutes gArchiu'avc ‘ ~ e 48 minutes; gunners 4.0 minutes , fig centre to ~ take 8Modiniom; 6 dmnctc. as Magic 11 Mo- . , ....., Xx A , '11....” {um shtigwé it III}! xxusllsi it!!! ill x ~ ,m - a A .m ., .m 1 C. m m - x G. v .47.... .. A... .~ Fm. 1C», i ‘ 71G U RE 3 thaws the dimin‘ifhing of the {haft of a column ; divide the- . length of the {haft' into 3 equal parts; then divide the two upper third' :33 info 3 parts, I, 2". a; thch make the halfcirclc at 6 " and divide the line ' 75, into 12 parts, each pan equal to 5 minutes, then take to parts in yourcom~ (faiths! pticbdown at a, it being the rep of the column, and likewife on .0 angle a: c ; then divide the curvaine. into 3 parts, as i, z, 3- , then take the 1, m ygnr compafl'es, ea'nd prick on the column at 2‘ , then take the line 2 in ’ nmpafl‘es and prick on the coiumn at I‘ , then prick in nails at 6, t, 2, 4; Sid 31}th flipk t: we to the firfi third pert of the column, 6, a’; then bend it 14,.“ ‘e—v’ l...,..>~h~.v0' / Dam 1-' I_I‘|I_l.._ « i r. . w .. ‘ v Q , V . ,. l/Iw. “V \\ M\ 1m l . 5. m, x . 0,! I...” f ,3; law- . L C _ . \ . L: M. .. ‘ , ;./L M Wu.” 2, . a] w H ,u r rzll » c -. , (x, . “It! . I. f. ‘8‘ . ‘ HAG! a lilo/.1 h , ,1. $ . fr. ‘ "H a 2 \ ll ., e. ‘ a w. s .1 I . I . . . 1 .x \ w. A I. .. WW. .\ c 7 (I ') F .. \ V ...; __ ._ arr _. . . . a .. . H‘ K W4“ , f , K (n _ a A . {II .II 1. ll . , .1 : f A .l m. \ m . \mu¢ai\ H . l.r-,.1|L I «a Sf @MQ: ,, . \III\.I ‘ r. .r,w 11,". V5. ._, FY“? ‘1 "3:2 a-APLA'PErX. U S C A N Front, drawn one ~quartet of an inch to] a foot, the clear pafi'age 3 feet 10 inches, the height 6 feet 1 1 inches, the height of column 7 fear! 1 inch, to be divided into 9.4111111455115511: 11f which parts will be the dimmer of the column at bottm,,give one of thentparts to the Sub-111111111, the difiance from centre to centre of- the column 15 6 diameters and 45 minutes. , To find the pitch of the Pediment, fet the compafl'es at a, i11 the T ympan of the P6din1e11t ' 11’, e, la, and draw the arch line 5, 134‘ ;then {ct the compafl'es at t, and claw 1 .1 ' {31: . . 1V . 1 :, A Q1?" '..;1mk_’_1&§WSU-\Mh" :1 r ~'" .’ 3“ :4 .1 .1"; < :. :vrt ’ "'12; the arch line I, e, 6, which ~gives the height of the Pediment at c. This method ~ _ gives the pitch to any Pediment. Dome Front, the clearphflitge 3 feet 19 inches, door 7 feet high divide the height of the column into 10 parts, one of which is the diameter! of the «311113113; ‘give one diameter to the Sub-plinth, and two to the Entabhtute iii! diftance from centre to centre of the columns, '3 7 diameters and 30. minutes, which Will take 6 Triglyphs. V > « rim'hian‘ Frghts, magnum mm inch td a. root. wish ' r . 'figuged-for prafii‘gc, thichjisglaihnto infpeflion.‘ ‘ i mun-3‘- , [fl ‘1 ~*- —8 Z—Er' ‘6“ mm .x 114'“ .J_ .. r... my”. , :— l w o g _ ‘(z fi111#1 : 4Pax‘rw (A304 I I 14 w. “My,“ .mmu: Mlimnvr' I I l 914]” WCZ. Z 4/4 I. ()Ile 713 «25 m 1:, mxfilfi V. ‘ - z I .f_ .. H .3. ‘ . \, .‘ K ‘ ‘ /' . ‘ , A X if .. £9!sz PLVA TE XII. N this plate is a four and fix pannel Door, with all the meafures exafily' figured. Divide the width of the Door into 9 parts, one of which is the Width of the margin of the Pdle; i, 5, g,f, are mouldings for Doors, full the for praftice. ‘w .-.. F: 9%“? a»: '. ‘ m4». V.“ \ “M -\- . we ...-.... \ an? m4 .. nwm:hi\ .I.._.,..,~~.-~v§ Fm. B, D9. Amiga]. a 11.1“ 4‘5 Mrigal and Hanoi”. {. 3‘ ’ LA: . .4, ~w . m.“ -.,‘... . nend v‘icw of a Stile W F" i l fizc for pnéhce. ’wv'v I\ Nu 'FLG.E, 8%: the profile of the Stiles to till: top thtom 5 *2 *iéd part hows the Dow: tail for the Mming Rails, which 3 WW "T . 1 . \ i .It. .i: I. . .r... ._ . ‘ I _.a.:.rtvt:aL :r 3.. 55.: I._ n): .. ~ V V . a , q . M. n a , . . .. . {cl-III: Oil ...,, ,. , » ..l.al‘9|. .. I...?0w;!l.ll .ihtfxiex.: k . nunnnucfiww: riel¢§A|IL 1:! v.‘..l|t ......a. .IL¢..¢.\ 1“ \.vAA ii ll"!¢. ‘II. ‘vI‘L' 1,. . I lu“.. kw...“ , 5 1 g“ l kw futvwnw‘ "as I l ,4 . w _ . ‘ .V I :54 m __ . _ . : _ . . . ‘ '6‘ 1 M . w . .u., W... Z’IW-AWW r' . *9“ " tbailgqm intent, 24;. «:26 parts; m4 (Eb: divided into the out My of, v‘ 1 4 x P + L A T E XV‘.’ . I ' 5 ‘ . w, 011‘ :6}: Plate 1': 1‘11: \Tufian, Doh'c, and Ian}: Pale/Yul Moala’x’itgt, wiyitb may 5: ~ ,. ‘Jravwrz from (5: fame/(alt, tfiatjau draw :6: order: from. V V ->,_. O‘fimporggn Bafe and Surbafe Mouldings, to the Pcdefial pam'Iof fidoms, the inches and orié bakfi the _ , ' cinch and three quarters, the Plinth 45; or 5 m ches. f DWIiB -the one ninth, or “the 3; incby ‘V\.‘d‘8‘|‘ the Surbafe you mite ufg of} and difpofe thq L "Jfihonpas figurgd on tbc Plate; and 11k ' VOY A .T- V A OX 0 V AOL Y .sv II?! .2 A V . , .\% Kr . NR. E “II % u n \ . nur/aflv¥ I/lMuI‘d .-.,....lll/L .1. , 51.-....ills ll cl--. 3.: ”Ads.“ : i .8 a. .l.| .Ibl‘nli .{l‘n _'_ P‘ L A" T, ‘E' xvn: ROM Plate :7 to Plate 20, are'defigné for Chimney Pieces, drawn one half an inch to a foot. Plate 11., is; plain C himncjr Piece, with its Cornice,“ Archiuavc, Bare. and Sur‘oafé, drawn half-fizc for praéiice- , divide the wid h, or Openin-«b I of the Chimney, into eight or nine partS' , give one eighth, 0: one ninth to thebrcadth of the Architxave. awn x , (736146 I i - 3? Jiluflwwk ' ”WE,” “meqmméé aw,“ a. ,.,, mwhimMagic, , . H4!!1HHWI _ ‘ x , 4 I4 .4 .lJlJe. 4144:4441... wflg ,‘ g,«.--- '-—-‘7- —' ' w; '. .Vs -x $-17 a» l T ' TL"; n s, ‘- ‘ _,..,-.. 99 .~' '3‘- };fffféq V“ r ‘1 s n I. , N,._..-.....—.. _M“, > '> V a». ....u. ~-a~-m. -\ V ‘ " , , ,4 M.--" not. shut?! .V i I I'll!” |H..|I._.x U EC: , HHI‘III lid . 77—15335; ‘ ‘4' ‘5 r we .6; g _‘ "u, ugh-”4. fl ‘ . I | 1 1‘ g , , I’ J i " « ,‘i xi l ;. {_ F f A , L» zrqruw amt . nu. {iv p3,“- “a“ ,. -r'pl..> «... ".2 a. We“ Q5”. --“A~r u j 6...“. ..a ,-_ 1&5»??? = v .‘r . . _- x; ’ ‘ 4’ ,7 1’“ 7m _.‘ M W§h¢~.~- Wu... 5.‘ I’-‘ JIL" ,, K‘ r r ,. 5 n“ . .— .Iliféfjg'l-lwfz V c [Q . m“, . ,-~,M7fi+1!&:many-aw ,, L a .» vi: 4:! draw which, proceed 1n this manner: Firlt, Dcfcribe a circle, whofe diame- _ter {hall be eqrial to the breadth of twpfifigs, 0,6 ; then divide the circle ruto 8 ' ‘ arts and draw lines from the centre to each divifion; then draw the Cherd line; Wit-v1. , v ,. _./: is, and defcribe a circle round the centre of the eye, whofe diameter will be 5 inches; in the next ace let one foot of the compafl’es on c, and extend the 1which arch 1: to be divided rum 8 parts, and a line drawn from the centre c§nrough each of‘ thofe divifions, and continued to the line 1, 6, éiiill be the ‘ :thenthe 3’39ce from the centxe, to 3 on the fcale, and turn it over to 3, on the third eighth part; then the diliance from the centre, to 4. on the fcale, ‘ ~ and turn it round to 4, on the fourth eighth part of the circle, and this method fills-7? to he obferved with refpeéi to all- the other divilions, until you come to {Elie $311, which will fall on the {cale at fix. iii $24; $105 nd the centres for drawing each eighth part, take the diliauce from the ,3 : germ-e of the eye, to 6, at the top of the kale, and with that Radius, {etting Die 1' t of your compafl'es at a, on the fide of the Rail where the twitt begins. and ribe a {mall arch, and with the fame Radius, fet the foot at 1, on the fide of the Rail,‘75hnd1nterfe€t the former arch, at 1', which' 15 the centre for the £19: eighth gart, from a to 1; then {ct one foot of the compail'es in the centre of the eye, and extend the other to 1, on the (sale, and with that ._ iiiauce, ,- ferting one foot of your compaffes at 1', on the edge of the Rail} defcribe a {mall arch, with the fame Radius, placing- the foot »- of MW“ at 2, on the edge of the Rail. .hterfeft the former itroke 011 3, 1 FIGURE 1, :s :1».- Plan and Seroleof the thr Rail for a Staircafe, to . '7’; r, 1:, which will be a fourth part at the circle, then take 2: inches 1n your com-' pay: to touch the ou do of the circle lafi drawn, at 1', and draw the arch line, uh: ch is the centre for the fecond eighth part; lwith the difiance from the e, to: on the (Gale, {at the loot of your compafl'es at 2, on the 1 » 3 , defcribe a {mall arch, and tetft’bx 11% your ccr‘npalies to 3, on ‘thc edge of the Rail, interfec't this arch at a, which will be the centre for the 1‘ third eighth part; then take the difiance from the centre to 3, on the kale, and ~tantra of the 1. CL. .gt 0? me 'fetti..tr the foot of your compa1 tes at 3, on the edge of the Rail, deferibe \an arch at ;, 1t111Cl1interfe€tfromthe point 4, willbe the centre for the {earth :11hp art, a11d {0 on, for all the red. The out fid’e gt” the tail may be drawn . from the tame centre of the infide. _ T To make the Raking Mcu' d 101‘ digitum of the twif’tcd pact of the Hand Rail, F1 . 2, full draw the plan of the Rail, Fig. I, lay down the Pitch Board, parallel D - with the plan of the Rail, FiO‘ 1g. 1 ; divide the line a,g1 r. in the centre of the Set-ole into 9 parts, and draw the dotted lines acrofa the {111111 of the Rail, to-Athe Raking; line of the Pitch Board ; then let thofe lines be drawn fquare- front the . Raking line of the Pitch Board; in the next place, from the plan a. take the di? ”fiance. 1, r, and fer it on the Raking Mould 6, ' then take from 12,2, 2, aad let it on the Raking Mould 6; then take trom a, 3, 3, and fet it on the Raking Mould 6- ; then take from a, 4,4,, .and fet it on the Raking Mould 6'; and lo on for all the reli. The infide of the Raking Mould mull be taken from the line ‘ a, r, to the infide of the Rail, ontheplan a. 1710.3, ls a Mould for the falling of the twifled part of the Hand Rail, fidtn r1, where the tw1libeg1ns, to 3, on the edge of tle flail, where it ends, the re main: ng part of the Scrole being level. To make the Falling Moh‘lfl; take the Bafe' tine of )our Pitch Board, from the centre of the eye, to- 2, on the edge" of the rill, on the line a, 6, Fig. 1 ; let the Raking line to the Pitch Board run. 21 1 1e la. me Angles, as the Pitch Board in Mg. 2 , then trace from a, rOu'nd on 1' .e code of the Rail’to 3; thie’twified part of the Rail, and run thofe parts on he Raking line of the Pitch Board, until you get to the level line : ; then am on the level line until you have got the length of the twifi pin of the Rail, 4, 38 then‘divide the Raking line of the Pitch Board into 9 parts, ‘and the level line into 9 parts, and by drawing right lines between thofe divifions, you will have the curve to the falling of the twift. ‘ 7. ‘ , r 1.... 1 w ‘4' .7 u , _ 1 (J -u 1 , ‘ " P L') A‘ T E XXII; HE Elevation of a {ingle Flight of Stairs, with all its parts figured, . drawn by the fcale below, of one inch to a foot, by which all the parts ,. may be exaétly meafured. The next thing is to find the height of Hand Rails and Newels, with their Ramps and'Knees ; draw ailine to touch the Nofe of the Steps ; then draw two other fies, at right angles with that, as l», l, 2:, m ; then I. . [ct on 2 feet 1 inch on each h as figured, which gives the height to the top of: i, the Hand Rail; then fet on th ' .th' theRail, l, f, m, a, and draw tlw line ‘ to meet the tide of the Newelffif and to meet the fide of the firfl; Newel at .1 ,, iv; next divide the {taps-{0131: Bankers, and find the place for the Banifler on ‘ thi finfi fiep, and draw a eent'fzi line 9, to meet the under fide of the Rail at t ; " '.' fromlihe point of that meeting, draw the line 7, or the under part of the Knee, then fetting the depth of the Rail, as r, .9, and drawing the line .9, to meet the taking part of the Rail, at :, draw the line 1, ~ it will give the Mitre of. ifhe ”Knee, and the line r gives the height of the Newel. To 63%: centre for \ F drawing thg; Ramp, fet one foot of the compalies at the angle e ; _ extend the. 3 i. ' other fdoti‘“ to f; and draw the arch line f, g, where the arch cuts the upper part {£1 at the Rail as at b, there is the place to held the fqnare, which will cut the level i; - , line, at i, the centre for drawing the Ramp. The length of the Newels are all, \ . equal, as figured, which may be proved by the fcale. By this method, when. 'f.‘ the meafares of any placegmiken, any Staigeat’e may be dram by‘this 1 inch :iv to a foot, by which will be form} the length 0E String Boards, Newei’e; Baniliera i:_ i ' and Hand Rails, near enough for prad'tice, in any cafe required. iii” ' 1p .‘ .1 \ if; ' 41‘ 1%" — _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ . . . _ Q SAS’ .. . - m; .. a» .,. M . w . F LLLfiauLauLaaaLmLa. "93H ,6 2 , .. \ L I .. ., L 3 1 . . . L ,l 4 . LC ‘13:» .a.ll a .L " U... Aw III IIIII I, I II . _ _ . yfl. ... _. T a.“ . a. . ., . ,_ u m a» . , m w. _ r... L. a; . NM. fl. 1 ~ .H ‘ “A— .. n w u L H ,. _ _ a h.“ . . . .L H n. H «my, a . wk L, .‘ , u «x .. _ . _ 3 . v _ .. . _ . h . _ n , .a mud) _ * _ ~ 0 ,mr. ,L a . . L . _ _ , , _ _. _ . XXIV: @i 0f Raénicr’Carmci fir Sediments. ‘ ‘3 \ i in,» . ‘ "‘I GURE $5qu a given Cornice, whieh the raking _ . from... Divide t‘igiggei or an en Cornice uth 8 partsjanci :tran‘sferxéhem to die Rakingflormce fimas i, 2, from the Cgtnice a to 1,. 2: to the C‘omiée‘ _ ‘ B and C, and {0 on, 3, 4, firim v1, to 3, 4.. on 5: anti,“ grid {5) on, 5-, 6, to 5-, 5, -~: '17,5‘8,to5_.7,_'8; 9, 10, to 9, io , riyxz. to I a," 12, the projcéiicns to be an .alike. ' $3? 5" 5 -' i i; ‘54: . [55' ,Ly ' ., 5- 5 2L .- 1—, m"? r » - ' a “313‘ ‘ 1‘ , ’ ‘- ‘ FIG. I 2, Is ihe end of 3 R21: 113 .viadiilwn, in it Pediment tii‘at contam§flfi§e Idizrerent VIQLihis 5512121: of a, is t iven Mould, which-the other'ffio are ' traced from, as 15 z, to 1., 2 , 3. giQ g, 4:, prejeéting all alike. ~r ‘ 5.5 \.~ ,5' I g {:1 ‘5‘ 1:5 ~~ _ ,'_ *5 (1,11 - WV“. $30. 53.5 q, 6, if, a, £54116?!“ of ardogn w The arched, e 'is a» haif cireie,‘ or the given arch, which f and g are taken from 1: ; divide the front Bracket e, in- :0 8 equal parts, or more, the more parts the bette'r, ~ divide f into the fame {in :nber of parts , then take. 1—~2, 3-4., 5—6, 7—8, from e, and {at them on itaf; 1—2, 3—4, 5—6; 7—8; then rack in nails at 1. 3, 5, 7, &c. and bend ‘a thin" flip of a beard round thofe‘ nails, and mirk round by It, and thiseBi-acket will exaé'fly mitre with the Bracket e. ‘g, balk. Ano‘Té Bracket - draw the Bafe liizi’e, and divide it into the fame number, ofmfighngmn Bracket e , then take 1—..2, 3—5.4, 5——6, 5 fgom e, and transfer them to 1—-z, 3-way 5—6, 57~-8, On the Angie Brack’ I: ,. 3 . ~ 15161;}? mi15v3t 25; 5:34. 6‘“&‘3ndw a flip . a» 1 _\§w .aa—4.._g~ -«MV a .n I I E {.0 I , . Eafitgflfi??? . 9:653 «%$ _ ,.4 J4 is. W!» nmwwmfm‘m-«v s. gas-z.» (_.. var 1' WKWWqu-rauw'ywu ,, - .y - , 'Wflawwz‘gc IIITIL rtwrtgww . , ‘ HIE! f .. nI-r; £1. w. A A! . u M, mew s‘- “ 1 Say ”3% “I" V ‘ ‘. I , ex rllt .l.T|m-Lm|... . Ill. .9 I Ill; 7! ..L?l--i_ _ . TIT! __ 1.1-35 rim \ _ v.0! 3:; l... ivw. .Z , mfll 4|..\ My! all}?! A. w hL. m! 1w. v .A c» «p. . 7 ‘- 21d 14.? .x) x . 1.. 'nrw‘ » Awfgximynnkhhfii tuaffrllfl Finsniw “Fuhrer? , . .m 1, ”mm W, m’“wvwwvww ~55"? ‘ “" i - ‘ ' 1 i “ 9 .. J A » _ -- _ . . P‘ L A T E? XXV-111; T6: Plan of a Roqf m Leigmeig? fiofwmg 1'6: metlmi to if)!!! 16: leugib 9f [62' Hip, Sguare er Bevel, and 16:17 6at6£ng 1:0. aryi pin/5 required. 1. , 7.1.1», 1 1 "‘ '1‘. ET 0, 6, c, d, be the angles, or cormrsf of the Building, to find the length; of the Hips, and their backing, £111}, Lay down the plan o£ the Roof 4, 6, 2, d, to a fcale or one inch to a fool, mas the {cale a, 6 ; then i ' draw the~principal Rafters on the plan 6, 6, e, andidifpofe of the beam at proper diflances, as room will admit, which Beams, lumber 1 and 2, will hand " to re ive the tog: pf the Hups- , than d‘f‘aw the 1!) 3line of the Hips, 41-9—15: ’34:, at the fquai'e end, and at- the iiewel encl 0-2—11, al-a-e ; then take the pupa:- dicular height- ofiithe principal M 6:99, w, 6, and feeéitx perpendicular, from the ,- bafe line of theafliips, 4'61‘ 6-c; and 6—1» a" I) 5: c, f, and e, f; then 4 draw eh: lines a ,1; 63631111179 4,79; chef; knee: i-e length 014931, 11., ‘ rcfpeéhvely- , then to find ghe backing of the Hips, . a line fquare Wit]? the $2,.» ~ .é ' bafeline of the Hips, as 3, 1, 4;, 111111 7, 1‘ ‘ €0mpali'cs at 1", and extend them to toue‘h the Hip at o, and d' 1.", ’ finmd circle; 55‘ there" ,i‘ "gigts the bal'e line, drawi thefe lines 2—3, 3—4., which are 1112' backmge 3' “31¢ Hips; proceed in the {a ne manner at 6, c, and a’, as will appear plain to{ every pxaffitioner, on $11- 1 fpeéiion. 31% 1 s . a 12‘ ‘ '. 21‘? i ‘ defcribed; then froin the POint 2, Whe _.,1' If“ V ‘ ‘31:”: 1 _ B, A, and C, are ends and lid: in Ledgments, F R ‘1‘: ’ 5‘*;;‘.,..«..‘ «1.; «LN; - a~,V’.«n4,.-.‘....... f" .5, . 7' , y ~ . 2? ,y';#:-? 93-" ‘ '21“? ‘IK‘R‘TNYKW3 i' WW'ier‘aWT ~' .3 I , naysayg.” ’w'rWHMf ;.:‘-:zx:< _ ‘ _m.; my. gm-rfl’Wen“ \q ' 'W -.— 1,, r_~v.3:)~' «en- a» "zafl‘lmw‘f . r.- A» it '1«‘ I :5“; fr 1r . ”7 mag? r) ,: P L A T' E XXX: I G U RE A, the plan of a cireul‘ar Wall, wherein a circular door or win- >3 dow 15 to be fixed. To make a foffit to fit or Rand on the plan as Fig.; B, draw the bafe line of- the arch or foflit, to touch the-bow of the wall ; dxude the arch line into ten parts, and drop them down to the. plan écrof's‘ it ;.thcn firetch out the arch, as 1, to, and draw mthe divifions at right angles {tom it; then take them from the bafe 11m: to the wall; as 1—2, 3—4, 5—6, &c._ and k“ transfa the m on the parts of the line firetehed: out at B, 1—2, 3—4., 5—6, &c. that will give you the edge of the {offit B. I V ‘ F10. C, j: a circular foflit in a fitaight wall, on fining jams ; draw the lining ‘a' of the jams until the lines interfeé’c as at e, that will be the centre for dining the edge of the {ofllté which ig-plain tn infpef’tlon,