_ 0./GK‘-«"."‘ 3/ University of California College of Agriculture Agricultural Experiment Station "" Berkelenyalifor-nia Mfis (Lawn ('1 e 00$ Compiled in the Library Giannini Foundation of ' Agricultural Economics ”up. mwut noun -000- L1 ' ' May 1943 H D / 00 (L ;2'7 /?45 .J’£,, . wi'fi 9.. few Zer’/{/« \ . » &’ gage REFERENCE AIDS FOR VIORK IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ............;.......;;.. Table of Contents 1 I. GENEML IIIDEES CD...I....I..I.....0...C...0...‘...I............ l ’ II. BIBLIOGRAPHIES: GERIERAL D...ICCOICUOOOCOIOCCIOOCCO......OIOOOCO. 4 ‘IIu BIBLIOGRAPHIES: SPECIAL SUBJECTS ooo‘oonooococeooooooooooooooono 5 II. BIBLIOGRAPHIES: PUBLICATIONS LISTS OF AGENCIES OF THE U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE .I...’.............l....ICCOOOIOC... 16 III. DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS ucoonno...ooooooooooooooooooooooo ‘18 IV. DIRECTORIES 0.000.000...OOOOOOOIOOOOOOIOIOOOOOOOODIOOOOOOOIOOOO. 20 v. HIXNDBOOKS: GEIIEmL 00......OCO0......CCCO....‘...'.........C.‘CO. 25 V. HANDBOOKS: HARVESTING, PACKING AND SHIPPING SEASONS coco-coco... 27 V. HANDBOOKS: TARIFFOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-oooooooboooooooo 28 V. HANDBOOKS: VARIETIES, TYPES, CLASSES AND GRADES AND STANDARDS... 39 V0 MNDBOOKS: WEIGHTS; MEASURES, ILND CONVERSION FACTORS ooooooooooo 31 VII LEGISLALTIVE COBKPIULTIONS ........O.D....Q..‘OICOI........'I..... 35 VII. CURRENT WAR MEASURES AND REGULATIONS ooocoooooococo-00.0.0400... 59 VIII. ATLASES C...’.......0.0..D.IO..O...I'.I...I...0.0.l.....OI...3.. 41 IX. HISTORY OF CALIFORNM IXGRICULTIJRE U...U..0...............0.0.C. 42 IMPORTANT JOURNALS FOR WORK IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ......§£..........J. 45 PERIODICAL AIDS pgqjgooooooooooooooooo-cnoooooaooooooooooouoeoooooo. 43 LIST OF JOIIR}U¥I§S..CI.J..'.OOO.DI.'0'....’.......’...0................ 44 IMPORTANT STATISTICAL SOURCES FOR WORK IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS one-0.0.. 47 General Guides to Statistical Sources ooonoo.ooooooooooooooooooooooo 47 STATE DEPARTMENTS OF AGRIOUETURE (CALIFORNIA) ...................... 49 GHIdOS to Statistical Sources on...onnonococoooooooooooooooo-ooo 49 California; Dept. Of Agriculture loo-too.oooooooooooonooooooooo 50 Cooperative Crop and Livestock Reporting Service ........... 50 DiVlSion Of Animal Industry no00.0000.oooooooooooooooooooooo 51: Federal-State Market News SerVIOe eonooooooo-ooooooooooboooo 51 County Agricultural Commissioners 00000601000000.0000.oooooo '51 FEDERAL GOVERM'IEIH..I..C...........’O.‘.0...................OOCP...‘ 52 Guides to Statistical Sources OI00000.0000IUIIOOOOOOOOOOODJOOOI 52 UQS’ Dept. Of Agriculture notoovooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooo-o 53 Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Food Distribution Administration and Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations oooooooooooooooooooooo-ooo-ocoooooooooooooo-ooo 53 Farm Credit Administration oo-ooooooooooocooooooooooooooooo 56 Weather Bureau ooootootone...oooooooooo-ooooooooooooooooooo 56 U. So Dept. Of commerce coo-cooooooooooooooo-ooo-ooooooo.ocean-o 57 Bureau Of the Census oooooonooooooooooootoo00-00000-0500000} 57 Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce ........-.....o.... 61 U03. Dept. Of Labor on.ooonoooooooooooooooooooon...ovoooooooooo 62 Bureau Of, Labor Statistics 0.600....noo oooooooooooooooooooo- 62 U. S: Treasury Department 04000000.oooocoo-oooooooooooooo-oooogo 65 Bureau Of Internal Revenue oooonooooooooooocoooooooo¢oooooo 63 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System .............. 64 U0 So'War ManPOWer 00mmlSSlon ooooooooooooouooooooooooo-oooooo6. 65 Employment Service a...oooo-o.oooooooo9.0000000000000000... 65 ,. V .. '|.rn'r‘ '2nn t.- - o“~a ha-IIU’IA . ....- -.\\v ..x 9 I.4 r- {IU‘IJ 'r“ x ',u '.1-[ -, r'va‘. a: “Iv-1.4., 1-" tall.‘J)':l.\’l'rfi I-raa:l.§/Jtsp4itd 444J)r&1v--4rwva.t '00011115 , lilclooo-LdabllalqrolO-dtole‘. ‘tt‘A-yl‘utcxv .. . 61..«H‘l¢t»c..u . 0.0’Atv’u’dboll.rl 5-,..3Lourqn 3"" "A- .1lvnuiuvantanu two-Invaru‘iutI-Oi hil‘dltk‘ilhucllli icolo\4¢;&t|ho09-v Uil-ivlnltb‘lolllp .OlllnooiICov~O(1u I ll 392.1.” :r" 'l'. - . .. ' ' l U l a I ‘ - » , - ~ ’ 0 \ fi-g‘r -..‘ . ‘.‘.. ., . f 4 i ' - l i J A ‘ i U I I ' F'lpra=u§I vol 10”. tr»-r-~‘.~'bu91v.01niqtoo-¢§ I ' O u ; -a‘. is. . 1:1 LA --'-r '. ),1.«¢I.v ' .J I ‘ I w Bylaulo nvI1¢v¢<'.nmv.v~..naJ\'\'ac..o-- .auauz:a-‘¢ " . i . . ‘-;¥ :1. _ . 4a 24’ ~_ —_ - . ‘ .’ ‘, 8/0010‘00aavhli'10i¢Uc§Illd0dOO-osiitlbaocltovv-vcbvtvva ‘ l‘bluoct-U‘d‘cacldiari-.dd.¢.:r4.tu§;’,c.uI—oacq-r1y¢m. ., .‘ _ ., ‘ ‘1 > .' ' 13,453 . - L .. 1n; ‘p-;:-yr.# J~_! ( s" ‘0. L .3 .. ,_L, 4 ‘OJ‘ 1' " . v13. . . 5% “LL -anouoa£r&sbao.¢ i.‘L—i3’l‘ . . ovablt.rr.0~ “"hv_fif.‘§3,.‘- aIfl. .. '; .. » .t «2; r .Lu' .. .. . .. - y 4-. - *4; Ln '4' ’ , ,. bo‘vlavlol'pin' .1..v . .« m3- . . L . . Ol'vI-ls F’w‘E’L w. 3. ‘L. .23 :~ L-.- —- ‘ . .' 2. . 30.11... .Z‘:i~’ '. L'Jifm .-.A. 3 — c“ ‘ _, . ltt'o.tclbquliotiluu..vcvpsun1.1‘: m h f l v» GOIU¢I.OQOOIU1C '.‘-L'_*'.‘.-_.«'" 'L. ; . .:: . ‘. '. lititil'bdlllbttisu‘ 'g'ufi. 1.5..' J... ' .M' Ms" “4 a ~n: ” ” .* .A/w . 4- ‘r . .. n. .. ') ,' ‘ ,,':‘f.‘;.'.’::w5 viflnbuavcdlevblg» utitvu'tioisvn'unai lltbuv.1unri~uoulA w.6.¢c¢u’oaunniood 4uuvlv~I~I-.u.ulv .b'lu'lsiivoacuv.a. in.135"¢v'-ov-~v.. ....viu§§\nvta;zu \'-'&nlwtu-30§|~llow ‘I'lr-'-\‘6v.‘y'l95's '.\\.\\.v'\'v"ai "L ‘.'I2‘15‘V\U‘ "' ‘ '|"'t:~. ‘ ,,.. . . L ., tuIvC1-vlldt'Ct &‘-Dun§utbd¢~yu 1$Ufh0i«aolti’vtvu¢l h‘I‘ibUMIOI-V‘cdntnifi :uVAtaya-Jibbtathuv n fit-‘3'] 34%. r“: .v. V 1:2 .‘ ‘onvd.o\u\~vOo-u..sv.to-‘o ;$v¢§.¢-v.‘g\~- ivuvflhJEblalflc ~‘I‘¢a tflwa oil.v;§g\¢ \ .u. \- ‘. .. a,, ‘ ‘»w", - I . . OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS AND OF CERTAIN INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES .o...........o.00....o......o.o...o........ Guides to Statistical Sources International Institute Of Agriculture oeoooono.....o..oo..00... League Of Nations ....o.oo...........o......o.oo-...o.o..o..o... International Labour Office 4.0ono-.0............o..o....ooo..o. LAND-GRANT COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS, FOUNDATIONS AND INSTITUTES CONNECTED WITH COLLEGES A AND UNIVERSITIES coo...0.9...1avooooou...o...lo.........00.0.00... Food Research Institute, Stanford University "noun”...u... Cornell University. New York State College of Agrioulture. ' Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management .......... California. University.a 0011656 Of Agriculture .o.......o..... PRIVATE AGENCIES COMPILING IMPORTANT STATISTICS AND INDICES RELATING TO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 0......Ooav...o....ov.._......p.o.o Guides to Statistical Sources ....o.....................}...oo.o Federal Reserve Bank Of New York .o...~vo..........o..00.90....0 National Industrial conference Board coon.......o.e. National Bureau Of Economic Research ac...-00.09....00000000000. Commercial and Financial Chronicle oo..§.oo..o.....o.00....0.... Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. .0.no....oo.....o.oo..oooo.......0.o.... Standard Statistics CO., Inc. o..9...o....o.o.ooooo.0......o... California State Chamber Of Commerce ‘OOO....c.....o..o..oo.o..o TRADE JOURNALS AND STATISTICAL HANDBOOKS, HOUSE ORGANS AND ANNUAL REPORTS OF COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS oo..o..o.o..oo.oo..o..0 66 66 67 68 69 7O 7O ' 7O 7O 72 72 72 72 ‘75 73 74 74 74 75 «I- .§ . ¥.3Ai lu..vra. a‘iUOCh i‘>.‘.v x I Vi' $.a ..:. c. REFERENCE AIDS FOR WORK IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS I. GENERAL INDEXES Mudge, Isadore Gilbert Guide to Reference Books, 6th Ed. Chicago, American Library Association, 1956. _ Reference Books of 1935-1937. Supplement to Guide to Reference Books, 6th Ed. Chicago, American Library Association, 1939. Reference Books of 1958-1940; Second Informal Supplement to Guide to Reference Books, 6th Ed. Chicago, American Library Association, 1941. A manual listing and describing outstanding handbooks, indexes,,encyclo- pedias, and dictionaries in general literature and the subject fields of philoso- phy, social sciences, religion, science, applied arts, fine arts, and literature. Agricultural Index. New York,-H. W. Wilson co., 1919- A monthly subject index to a selected list of agricultural periodicals and bulletins, chiefly in the English language, for the years 1916 to date. Cumula- tive. Cumulative Book Index. New York, H. W. Wilson co., 1898- Aims to include all books published in the United States as well as many pub- lished in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, South Africa, and the British domin- ions and colonies generally. Some pamphlet material also listed. For each entry gives: author, title, edition, publisher, price, date, and paging. Arranged by author, subject, and title. Monthly, cumulative. Industrial Arts Index. New York, H. W} Wilson co., 1915- A monthly subject list to a selected list of engineering, trade and business periodicals, books and pamphlets issued from 1913 to date. Cumulative. International Index to Periodicals. New York, H. W} Wilson co., 1916- A cumulative author and subject index to a selected list of the periodicals of the world from 1907 to date. New York Times Index. New York, New York Times, 1913- A carefully made index, with entries under small subjects, exact references to date, page, and column, and plentiful cross references to names and related topics. Brief synopses of articles. New monthly with an annual cumulation. Useful as a general newspaper reference. . . .. n» . .-... .. .. ’. x,.-. '3'" wo‘... . 2. Po ulation Index. Princeton, School of Public Affairs, Princeton University. and the Population Association of America, Inc., 1935— A quarterly list of selected periodical articles, books, and pamphlets, now arranged under broad subject headings, with indexes by author and by country. Also contains statistical .tables and items of current interest to students of population. Annual index. Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin. [PAIE‘ New York, Public affairs information service, 1915- Issued weekly, with bimonthly and annual cumulations. A combination of a subject index to the current literature in its field -- backs, documents, pamphlets, articles in periodicals, processed material -- and a digest of recent events anddevelopments in the field of sociology, political science, and economics, particularly to the practical side of those subjects. Includes, among its reports of events, records of new legislation, notices of approaching conferences, meetings, etc., establishment of new offices, libraries, etc. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. New York, H. W. Wilson co., 1905- A monthly index, author and subject, of articles in important periodicals. Cumulative. - Social Science Abstracts; a Comprehensive Abstracting and Indexing Journal of the World's Periodical Literature in the Social Sciences. New York, Social Science Abstracts Inc., Columbia University, 1929-52. 5v. An abstracts bibliography based upon the examination by specialists of more than 4,000 periodicals in 24 languages, from.all parts of the world. Strictly selective, as only about 5 per cent of the articles examined are finally included, and yet very extensive, containing a total of 70,463 abstracts. Each annual volume has an author index and very detailed subject index. Index volume to 4 volumes of abstracts published in 1933. Discontinued. ' U. 8. Dept. of A riculture. Library Bibliography 0 Agriculture. Section A. Agricultural Economics and Rural, Sociology, Vol. 1- July 1942- washington, D.C., 1942- Processed. ' ‘ Bibliography of Agriculture. Section F. Food Processing and Distribution, Vol. 2- Jan. 1943- ”Washington, D.C., 1943- Processed. .Volume 1 not published. Preceded by U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Agricultural Economics Literature, 1927-June 1942. Monthly publications listing and annotating all new important literature of interest in the indicated fields./ Detailed annual index. U.S. Office of Experiment Stations Experiment’Station Record. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1889- A record and digest of current agricultural literature in English and the principal foreign languages. Annual author and subject index. General indices covering a period of several years issued from time to time. 28::me 22m 2222 3/ ‘, - \ ¢ .. "1' v -, ,3 22-" ..‘ -~‘ 0, 3:52;: 13:2th :2? £2 gamwam” 2:22:22 WVQM“ - (Wammw 53.53936: Q1}?! M: 'V . 2mm»; '33.;- 2.2.222? ' 2:2an hwy-WWW “2-2:. .“2Wu. 22%;: 2222222222222 , _;,~,,‘I§:,g,g:~.2: ,W 222‘ ’ 2 - -.- . - ‘- > = ’ ‘ .~ '.5. ‘33:- : ' \QE‘M «RK‘T$:§*¥A¥L3.%%%‘~ ‘ 5313’: W W: WM“ . l%§ WWW f ' 222222 1w; .222: 232.2: :1“: ch ‘30?" 312”“: ‘K ' afififi,“"‘m‘ag3 22:22:22; 22:22:22 :22 Mgflws ‘22: : WMW 22:: 22:36:12: . . 'utuuyww :mu 222: Q; 3222221222? 2222:: 2:22“ '21:: waif‘muacf. «“2222:er ' ’ . . 7 22:32.23 2" ”223:. ‘ 31222 : ,,.s::m2x:ri 0E: 12:22.3 12:22.: 222‘: m 22“”: "‘- .' . 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I aaasn11¥§g§§ li‘f wfi‘fifiiz 2mm .2:st "2h “‘Wa'gasiirisa ##5‘3 3&152 ’9»‘i~‘$x c.9013. ¢J§3W22ufi . yijkfi. . : *" . p' fi- ii§§ -.-,>0' .. ,, , .r.~ .2; .~ M2: 5232:: m it: We: ' 5." .muu (L: f ' 3". ~. ‘ .- ' " .1 : 22:2wa igxwmuxg “mamas“: 2.2122221319212212: ’12 “22:22:83.. 1:35. 36412; W . . 3232222221: 2222.: 3252:2322. axfinmifiam 22:22:22: ,Qéivfi,’ W2M‘F..§1 .2112?»er “2221:2222: “5:52:22. 1- if: #53:: than 93222:" m fifl’mfia" 2:? $2 "Viv-AM W‘W "I. .!>“.'rl": .,,' .., ‘ .‘.231_-H':- t-fx'lfv n: .3} 52"“ g1§fl3“""- (2‘ :24? 2.8:: :‘322..& 22.:- ngmuf 12:12.22 {mag :2: WWW» 15%“? ' 2212:}: 22:22:22. mama: Qagkma 52": 1:: 22:22:: M22322; ugv'fiiiafis . ... “21$: 22:: M .mfi 3:35:63: Igmw Wm ‘v‘fizzi‘éfi ; .‘,.:.'_." Q 1223.}; ,: 3“,, ;: ‘l. . . ' ’ '. ~'..'.: 9 - -:...? .. V , ‘ 123:1". . -: 2“ 1:55 ;"-‘.'i L‘f‘i' ~‘. f3. 1': . :.‘._ .‘x.’ 1-7;“. ‘- ‘12. " ‘,.:.‘I’..e." .1, ’15» ff: '1‘ ‘ " “ ‘ > L ' \ . 5! U.S. Library of Congress. Division of Documents on y 60 - let 0 State Publications. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1910- Lists official publications which are received in the Library of Congress from the states, territories, and insular possessions of the United States. Annual index.* U.S. superintendent of Documents United States Government Publications; Monthly Catalogue. Washington, Govt.’ Print. Off., 1895- ' A current list of all documents issued by all branches of the government dur- ing the month; arranged by departments with indications for each entry of full title. date, paging and price. Annual detailed author and subject index for each volume. The contents of these monthly lists cumulate in the biennial Catalogue of the-Public Documents of Congress and of All Departments of the Government of the United States, generally referred to as the Document Catalogue, which is arranged by author and by subject. ‘40 II. BIBLIOGRAPHIES : GENERAL \ The Bibliographic Index. New York, H. W} Wilson co., 1938— ‘ A cumulative bibliography of bibliographies. References conveniently arranged under standard subject headings. Complete bibliographical entries point the way to many otherwise unindexed lists in books and periodicals, select lists available through inter-library loan, longer, more comprehensive lists published separately and new editions, supplements, reprints of general subject, universal, . national and trade bibliographies. 3 quarterly numbers and a cumulative volume to be published each year; also a five-year cumulation. Bibliographie der Staats-undJWirtschaftswissenschaften. Monatshefte der Buch-und Zeitschriftenliteratur des in+und Auslandes fiber Gesellschaft, Politik, Wirt— schaft, Finanzen, Statistik. Berlin, Reimar Hobbing, 1906- From 1906 to 1936 has title: Bibliographic der Sozialwissenschaften. A classified subject list with alphabetical indexes listing both the book and periodical fiterature of the various subdivisions of the social and political sciences. A comprehensive current bibliography of the subject, containing a large amount of valuable material, but difficult to use quickly because of lack of cumulations. Grandin, A. Bibliographie Generals des Sciences Juridiques, Politiques, Economiques et Sociales de 1800a 1925- 26. Paris, Recueil Sirey, 1926. A classified bibliography with an author, subject and title index. Annual supplements. International Institute of A riculture. BibliographieLlnternationa e d'Eoonomie Rurale. Rome, 1938- Continues Internationale Bibliographic des Agrarbkoncmischen Schrifttums.' See note below. Internationale Bibliographic des Agrarbkonomischen Schrifttums. Berlin, Paul Parey, 1933-39. 7v. Separate from Berichte fiber Landwirtschaft. Indexes books, pamphlets, bulletins and periodical articles dealing with the economic and social aspects of agriculture in the widest sense of the words. All languages receive equal treatment, the less known languages being provided with a translation in one of the recognized world languages. Excludes very short periodical articles and those of ephemeral interest only. Subject arrangement. No cumulations nor indices. Kaplan, Louis. Research Materials in the Social Sciences; an Annotated Guide to Bibliographies, Newspapers and Periodicals, Government Documents, Manuscripts and Other Source Materials, Dissertations, Book Reviews, Statistics and General Reference Works, with Instructions for Obtaining Materials through Inter-Library Loans, Madison, Wis., University of'Wisconsin Press: 1939. x m M MM a?“ MM wfiw. *3 ,. -, . m M an!!!“ M ‘ Wtwmmm‘ wwtmmgm, W3 m m _ am: am Wfik mm: ‘mxm m mm Ewan. mfim mm was - WE ‘ ,1: W mam & m 5. A London Bibliograph¥ of the Social Sciences. London, London Schbol of Economics, 1931-54. (London éfibol ofE Economics. Studies: Bibliographies no. 8) The most extensive subject bibliography in its field. Records material in nine London libraries and special collections. In four volumes, v. 1-3 subjects, v. 4 author index. Two supplements, the first covering from 1929 to 1931, the second from 1931 to 1936. II. BIBLIOGRAPHIES r SPECIAL SUBJECTS U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Library Agricultural Economics Bibliographies No. 1. Agricultural Economics; a Selected List of References. Compiled by Mary G. Lacy. Revised. washington, D.C., 1958. Processed. - No. 2. Flour Milling and Bread Making; a Selected list of References, Compiled by 0. Louise Phillips and J. H. Shollenberger. Revised. washington, D.C., 1927. Processed. No. 2. Flour Milling and Bread Making; a Selected List of References, Compiled Supp. b by C. Louise Phillips. flashington, D. C., 1951. Processed. No. 5. A Beginning of a Bibliography of the Literature of Rural Life, Compiled by Mary G. Lacy. 'Washington, D. 0., 1925. Processed. No. 4. Price Spreads; a Selected List of References Relating to Analyses of the\ Portion of the Consumer's Price Accruing to Various Agencies, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. ‘Washington, D.C., 1925. Processed. No. 5. Long-Time Agricultural Programs in the United States - National, Regional, and State, Compiled by Mary G. Lacy. washington, D.C., 1925. Processed. No. 6. Aids to writers and Editors; a Selected List of Books on the Preparation of Manuscripts and the Mechanics of Writing; for Use in the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Compiled by Emily L. Day. washington, D.C., 1925. Processed. No. 7. Livestock Financing; a Selected List of References Relating to the Financing of the Livestock Industry in the United States, Compiled by Katharine Jacobs. washington, D.C., 1925. Processed. Superseded by No. 62. No. 8. The Peach Industry in the United States; a Selected List of References on the Economic Aspects of the Industry Including Some References Relating to Canada, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. washington, D.C., 1925. Processed. No. 9. Selected List of References on Grain Sorghums, Grass Sorghums, and Broom Corn, Compiled by C. Louise Phillips. ‘Washington, D.C., 1925. Processed. No. 10. Research in Rural Economics and Rural Sociology in the Southern States Since 1920; a List of the Published, Unpublished, and Current Studies. Washington, D.C., 1925. Processed. 111111111111 11 1111 M11 '1 1511111 m 111' 1111111116: 111111111 1111111111111 11 11 1115 11111111 0 ‘1‘ ’ 11111111 1111111111111 1111 W 1 ”1111111111 '11} 1111111 in“ 13 w , J- \ 11111111111 11%;; 31<§i§ awm “Mum 1111111 i5 V! i“: 11111111111111 111.111,:an wi ‘ aim-11,1111 11111 1W muyflaiur g . , . _ 1 , .,. 13 11111111 111181151 mm 11 rr“ W .. W 11112 111.1 1% male“ ';.,« 1111131111111111 rm mmwafifim "111111111- wmfimMuWumsmani-imu'w'w "j wmwaww 1W1: WWI-Em 1 *1 w 131:! “1111111! 1111* 11: $111 111 11111111 111W _. , I , .“z '. . «nzmww —' _ - W13 1 11111111 1111111 1111111 11 'C“ ~ ‘- ' ' 7;" {11111111111111 111mm 111$ mmmimkwww 11mm 3 ,W 1191'11311M1m WfiWfiinWM MMWWMaM 1.111111111111111 1111M 111“" M W #1111111 7. W 1111‘ Wm \ 111111 1111111 w 11 111111111 11mm 111mm ' < , " 7111 ‘1» '11 1 , " 1m}: 1152”? "I I N0. NO. NO. N0. NO. NO. NO 0 No.0 No Q No. N09 N00 N00 N00 11'. 1,2- 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 190 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 .p 6. Economic Periodicals of Foreign Countries Published in the English Language; a Selected List, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. Revised by Mamie I. Herb. Washington, D.C., 1930. Processed. Government Control of Export and Import in Foreign Countries, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay. Washington, D.C., 1926. Processed. Cooperative Marketing of Tobacco; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Katharine F. Williams. Washington, D.C., 1926. Processed. Factors Affecting Prices; a Selected Bibliography, Including Some Refer- ences on the Theory and Practice of Price Analysis, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. Washington, D.C., 1926. Processed. Alabama; an Index to the State Official Sources of Agricultural Statis- tics, Compiled by Margaret T. Olcott. Washington, D.C., 1926. Processed. Periodicals Relating to Dairying in the U.S., Received in the U.S. Depart— ment of Agriculture, Compiled by Muriel F. wright. ‘Washington, D.C., 1926. Processed. Farm Youth; a Selected List of References to Literature Issued Since January 1930. Compiled by Margaret T. Olcott and Louise 0. Bercaw. washington, D.C., 1926. Processed. Supplemented by No. 65. Price Fixing by Government 424 'B.C. - 1926 A.D.; a Selected Bibliography, Including Some References on the Principles of Price Fixing, and on Price Fixing by Private Organizations, Compiled by Mary G. Lacy, Annie M. Hannay and Emily L. Day. ‘Washington, D.C., 1926. Processed. The Apple Industry in the United States; a Selected List of References on the Economic Aspects of the Industry Together with Some References on Varieties, Compiled by Louise 0. Beroaw. 'Washington, D.C., 1927. Processed. A Bounties on Agricultural Products; a Selected Bibliography, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay. Washington, D.C., 1927. Processed. Oklahoma; an Index to the State Official Sources of Agricultural Statise tics ... Including a List of the Unofficial Sources of Oklahoma Agricul- tural Statistics, Compiled by Icelle E. wright and Margaret Walters. thhington, D.C.,1927. Processed. A List of International Organizations Interested in Agriculture, Com- piled by Katharine Jacobs. 'Washington, D.C., 1927. Processed. Control of Production of Agricultural Products by Governments; a Selected Bibliography, Compiled by Annie M..Hannay. ‘Washington, D.C.,'1927. Processed. The Poultry Industry; a Selected List of References on the Economic As- pects of the Industry, 1920-1927, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. wash- ington, D.C., 1928. Processed. ~,.~ NO. NO 0 N00 N00 N0. N0. [NO 0 NO. NO. N00 N00 NO. NO. NO. 25. 26. 27. 2,8. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 55. 36. 37. 58. 7. Taxation and the Farmer; a Selected and Annotated Bibliography, Compiled by\Margaret T. 01cctt. ‘Washington, D.C., 1928. Processed. Labor Requirements of Farm Products in the United States; a List of References to Material Published Since 1922, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. Washington, D.C., 1929. Processed. Agricultural Relief; a Selected and Annotated Bibliography, Compiled by Esther M. Colvin. 'Washington, D.C., 1929. Processed. Superseded by No. 50. The Strawberry Industry in the United States; a Selected List of Refer- ences on the Economic Aspects of the Industry, Compiled by Esther M. Calvin. Washington, D.C., 1929. Processed. Valuation of Real Estate, with Special Reference to Farm Real Estate, Compiled by Emily L. Day. Washington, D.C., 1929. Processed. Superseded by No. 60. Large Scale and Corporation Farming; a Selected List of References, Com- piled by Margaret T. Olcott. 'Washington, D.C., 1929. Processed. Supplemented by No. 69. California; an Index to the State Sources“ of Agricultural Statistics, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw and M.J. Abbott. washington, D.C., 1950-1931. Processed. Part I. Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts. - Part II. Crops Other Than Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts. - Part III. Livestock and Livestock Products. - Part IV. Land, Farm Property,Irrigation,.and Miscellaneous Items. - Part V. An Index to Some Unofficial Sources. Rural Standards of Living; a Selected Bibliography, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. ‘Washington, D.C., 1950. Processed. Superseded by Miscellaneous Publication 116. Wheat; Cost of Production, 1923»1930. References Relating tp the United States and Some Foreign Countries, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. VVash- ington, D.C., 1931. Processed. Business and Banking Periodicals Reviewing the Business Situation, Com- piled by Mamie I. Herb. washington, D.C., 1931. Processed. Switzerland; a Guide to Official Statistics on Agriculture, Population, and Food Supply, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay, John D. Black, and Fritz Bachman. Washington, D.C., 1952. The Grape Industry; a Selected List of References on the Economic Aspects of the Industry in the United States, 1920-1931, Compiled by Vajen E. Hitz. Washington, D.C., 1952. Processed. Advantages and Disadvantages of Country Life, Compiled by Louise 0. Ber- caw. washington, D.C., 1952. Processed. List of State Official Serial Publications Containing Material on Agri- cultural Economics, Compiled by Esther M. Colvin. 'Washington, D.C., 1932. Processed. .\.. | .41 \ ‘~ . (m U .. .. NO- No. NO. N00. N0. N0.‘ N0. N0.’ N0. N0. NO. N0. N0 0 NO. NOQ NO. 39. 40.’ .41.‘ 42. 43. 44c 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.. 55. 54. 8. Greece; a Guide to Official Statistics of Agriculture, Population, and ' Food Supply, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay, John D. Black and Constantin Ladas.» Washington, D.C., 1932. Processed. Barter and Scrip in the United States. Washington, D. C., 1933. Processed. The Domestic Allotment Plans for the Relief of Agriculture, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. Washington, D.C., 1933. Processed. Measures Taken by Foreign Countries to Relieve Agricultural Indebtedness, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay, May Coult and Lillian Crane. washington, D.C., 1933. Processed. Part-Time Farming; a Brief List of Recent References, Compiled by Esther M. Calvin. Washington, D.C., 1933. Processed. Uses for Cotton; Selected References in the English Language, Compiled by Mildred C. Benton. ‘Washington, D. C., 1932. Processed. State Measures for the Relief of Agricultural Indebtedness in the United States, 1932 and 1933, Compiled by Louise 0. Beroaw, Margaret T. Olcott and Mary F. Carpenter. Washington, D.C., 1933.. Processed. Group and Chain Farming in the United States, January 1930 - March 1933; with some References to Group Farming in Foreign Countries, Compiled by Esther M..Colvin. ‘Washington, D.C., 1933. Processed. Superseded by No. 69. , v Farm Mortgages in the United States; Selected References ... January 1928 - April 1933, Compiled by Katharine Jacobs. ‘Washington, D.C., 1933'. Processed. Price Analysis; Selected References on Supply and Demand Curves and Re— lated Subjects, January 1928 — June 1933, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. Washington, D.C., 1933. Processed. Rumania; a Guide to Official Statistics of Agriculture, Population and Food Supply, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay, John D. Black and Constantin Ladas. VWashington, D.C., 1933. Processed. Agricultural Relief; a Selected and Annotated Bibliography. VVashington. D.C., 1933. Processed. Business and Agriculture, 1920-1933; a Partial Bibliography of Material . on the Interdependence of Business and Agriculture, Compiled by Vajen E. Hitz. Washington, D.C.. 1933. Processed. The American Farm Problem. Washington, D.C., 1934. Processed. State Measures for the Relief of Agricultural Indebtedness in the United States, 1933 and 1934, Compiled by Margaret T. Olcott and Louise 0. Bercaw. washington, D.C., 1934. Precessed. . Measures of Major Importance Enacted by the 73d Congress, March 9 to June 16, 1933 and January 3 to June 18, 1934, Compiled by vajen E. Hitz. washington, D.C., 1934. Processed. . N00 N00 N00 NO. NO. N00 NO. NO. N00 N00 N00 N00 N09 555 56. 57. 58. 59. 65. 64. 65. 66. 67. 9. List of Periodicals Containing Prices and Other Statistical and Economic Information on Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts, Compiled by Esther M. Colvin. Washington, D. C., 1935. Processed. Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables in the United States; an Index to Some Sources of Statistics, Compiled by Mamie I. Herb. washington, D.C., 1935. Processed. ‘ Economic Development of the Cotton-Textile Industry in the United States, 1910-1935, Compiled by Emily L. Day and Rachel P. Lane. Washington, D.C., 1935. Processed. Price Studies of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, showing Demand-Price, Supply-Price, and Price-Production Relationships, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. Washington, D.C., 1935. Processed. Farm Tenancy in the United States, 1925-1935; a Beginning of a Biblioge raphy, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw and Helen E. Hennefrund. washington, D.C., 1935. Processed. Superseded by No. 70. Valuation of Real Estate, with Special Reference to\Farm Real Estate, Compiled by Margaret T. Olcott and Helen E. Hennefrund. ‘Vashington, D.C., 1935. Processed. Supersedes No. 29. ‘ Financing American Cotton Production and Marketing in the United States, Compiled by Mildred C. Benton. ‘Washington, D. 0., 1935. Processed. Livestock Financing in the United States; selected References to Material Published 1915-1935, Compiled by Katharine Jacobs. Washington, D.C., 1935. Processed. ‘ ' 'f Supersedes No. 7. ' ' . _ ' I Government/Control of Cotton Production in the United States, 1933-1935; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Emily L. Day. Washington, D.C., 1936. Processed. Agricultural Labor in the United States, 1915-1935; a Selected List of References,‘ Compiled by Esther M. Colvin and Josiah C. Folsom. VVashing- ton, D.C., 1935. Processed. Supplemented by No. 72. Farm Youth in the United States; a Selected List of References to Literag ture Issued Since October 1926, Compiled by Esther M. Colvin. Washington, D. 0., 1936. Processed. Supplements No. 17. Measures of Major Importance Enacted by the 74th Congress, January 3 to August 26, 1935 and January 3 to June 20, 1936, Compiled by Vajen H.» Fischer. Washington, D.C., 1936. Processed. Crop and Livestock Insurance; a Selected List of References to Literature Issued Since 1898, Compiled by Esther M. Colvin and Margaret T. Olcott. Washington, D.C., 1936. Processed.. u»; Tfifiv NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. N0. N00 NO. NO. N00 NO. NO. NO. 68. 69. 70. 71,’ 72. 75. 74. 75. 76. 77, 78. 79. 80. 81. 10. Incidence of the Processing Taxes under the Agricultural Adjustment Act; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. Washington, D.C., 1937. Processed. Large Scale and Corporation Farming; a Selected List of References, Com- piled by Esther 1. Calvin. ‘Washington, D.C., 1937. Processed. Supplements No. 30; supersedes No. 46. Farm Tenancy in the United States, 1918-1936; a Selected List of Refer- ences, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. mashington, D.C., 1937. Processed. Supersedes No. 59. List of Periodicals Containing Prices and Other Statistical and Economic Information on Dairy Products, Compiled by Esther M. Colvin. Washington, D. Go. 1937. Processed. Agricultural Labor in the United States; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Esther M. Calvin and Josiah C. Folsom. 'Washington, D.C., 1938. Processed. Supplements No. 64. Income; Selected References on the Concept of Income and Methods of Ob- taining Income Statistics, Compiled by Margaret T. Olcott. 'Washington, DICO’ 1938. Processed. » The Soybean Industry; a Selected List of References on the Economic As- pects of the Industry in the United States, 1900-1938, Compiled by Helen E. Hennefrund and Esther M. Cclvin. Washington, D.C., 1938. Processed. The Tobacco Industry; a Selected List of References on the Economic As- pects of the Industry, 1932 - Date, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. Wash- ington, D.C., 1938. Processed. Agricultural Relief Measures Relating to the Raising of Farm Prices - 75th Congress, January 5, 1937 to June 16, 1938, Compiled by Marion E. Wheeler and Mamie I. Herb. Washington, D.C., 1939. Processed. Part-Time Farming in the United States; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Helen E. Hennefrund. Washington, D.C., 1939. Processed. Rural Psychology; a Partial List of References, Compiled by Margaret T. Olcott. IWashington, D.C., 1939. Processed.. , Price Fixing by Government in the United States, 1926-1939; a Selected List of References on Direct Price Fixing of Agricultural Products by the Federal and State Governments, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. wash-1 ington, D.C., 1939. Processed. The Peanut Industry; a Selected List of References en the Economic As- pects of the Industry, 1920—1939, Compiled by Helen E. Hennefrund. Washington, D.C., 1939. Processed. Transportation of Agricultural Products in the United States, 1920- June 1939; a Selected List of References Relating to the Various Phases of Railway, Motor, and Water Carrier Transportation, Compiled by Esther M. Colvin. Washington, D.C., 1939. Processed, N00: N00 N00‘ NO. NO. NOo_ NO 0' NO. NO. NOoV NO. ’rNOQ NO. NO. NO. 82 .V 85. 84c 85. 86. 87. 88. 890' 90. 91. 92. 95. 94. 95.4 96. 11. The World Food Supply;_a Partial List of References, 1925-1939, Compiled by Margaret T. Olcott.; washington, D.C., 1959. Processed. Land Classification; a Selected Bibliography, Compiled by Orval E. Good- sell.’ washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. Agricultural Relief Measures Relating to the Raising of Farm Prices - 74th Congress, January 5, 1955 to June 20, 1936, Compiled by Marion E. ' Wheeler. 'Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. Farm Tenancy in the United States, 1937-1939; a Selected List of Refer- ences, Compiled by John M. McNeill. Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. Price Fixing by Governments in Foreign Countries, 1926-1939; a Selected List of References on Direct Price Fixing of Agricultural Products by Foreign Governments, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay. Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. ' Corn in the Development of the Civilization of the Americas; a Selected and Annotated Bibliography, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw, Annie M. Hannay, and Nellie G. Larson. washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. Cotton Linters; Selected References in English, 1900~Ju1y 1940, Compiled by Emily L. Day. ‘Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. Anthropology and Agriculture; Selected References on Agriculture in Primitive Cultures, Compiled by Kenneth MacLeish and Helen E. Hennefrund. Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. The Sampling Method in Social and Economic Research; a Partial List of References,‘Compiled by Nellie G. Larsen. Washington, D.C., 1941. Processed. Uses for Cotton; Selected References in the English Language, 1933 - July 1940, Compiled by Dorothy M. Ellis. Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. Agricultural Relief Measures Relating to the Raising of Farm Prices 73d Congress, March 9, 1935 to June 18, 1934, Compiled by Marion E. Wheeler and Mamie 1. Herb.‘ Washington, D.C., 1941. 80p. Processed. War and Agriculture in the United States, 1914—1941; Selected References, Compiled by waiter T. Borg._ Washington, D.C., 1942. 45p. Processed.. Tax Delinquency on Rural Real Estate, 1928—1941; Selected References, Compiled by Helen E. Hennefrund. Washington, D.C., 1942. 314p. Processed. ' Agricultural Labor in the'United States, 1958-June 1941; a Selected List of References, Compiled by John M. McNeill and Josiah C. Folsom. washington, D.C., 1942. 268p. Processed. ' Supplements Nos. 64 and 72.. Distribution of Farm Income by Size; a Selected Bibliography, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw and Helen E. Hennefrund. Washington, D.C., 1942. 105p. Processed. \ . I ,‘> ~l' ‘ I . ‘ l ‘ 1 . Q \ ‘. . a . M. v . ‘ K I h ,. , t " v 9:. q -. I I , . I ' . . , i .. _ . . . ' ~ .. 4 ‘ . g - g l . " ‘ , I‘ I ‘ P D - fi ‘ ‘ - n ,-, ‘ q c Q ' ‘ “ z. 1 u ‘ .4 r ’ ' ‘ .-. v . . . , , . . _ , .. ‘ a \ g . l‘ ‘ ’V ‘ L ' x. ‘. ‘ ~ | J , , . *. ' . I ‘ ‘ ' ‘ - a!“ 1. J — ‘ Tim '3... ”I 4 » . :c', “,2. ’ : ‘ ‘- um.“ . ~. .r N: ~~ o. _ M .4‘.” 1- C ‘1' -\-‘, _:; «tn-\nk'.» t-‘u .5“ I. -, r! t”, ..: .. . ‘.__. . ‘kv, \ .‘ or; Ir;~;‘”‘.—,._-’; ,, NO. NO. No. N00 NO. NO. No. No. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. 97. ., l. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ‘13. 14. 15. 12. The Dairy Industry in the United States, 1940-1941; Selected References on The Economic Aspects of the Industry, Compiled by Nellie C. Larson. Washington, D.C., 1942. 135p. Processed. Supplements Economic Library List 11. Economic Library Lists State Trade Barriers; Selected References, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. Revised. ‘Washington, D.C., 1940. Precessed. The Frozen Food Industry; Selected References, January 1937 to March 1939, Compiled by Helen E. Hennefrund. Washington, D.C., 1939. . Processed. High Drafting in Cotton Spinning; Selected References, Compiled by 0. M. Shipley. Washington, D.C., 1939. Processed. Egg Auctions; Selected References, Compiled by Helen Brown. 'Washington, D.C., 1939. Processed. Acts Administered by Agricultural Marketing Service, Compiled by Marion , E. Wheeler. Washington, D.C., 1939., Processed. Periodicals Relating to Shipping, Compiled by Esther M. Calvin and Nellie G. Larson.- Washington, D.C., 1959. Processed. , 0 Electrical Properties of Cotton; Some References to the Literature, 1931 - Date, Compiled by Emily L. Day. Washington, D.C., 1959. Processed. Sea Island Cotton; Selected References, Compiled by Emily L. Day. . Washington, D.C., 1939. Processed. Cotton Picking Machinery; a Short List of References, Compiled by Emily L. Day. 'Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. The Tomato Industry in Puerto Rico and Cuba; a Short List of References, Compiled by Helen E. Hennefrund. ‘Washington, D.C., 1940. VProcessed. The Dairy Industry in the United States; Selected References on the Economic Aspects of the Industry, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. Planning for the Farmer; a Short Reading List of Free and Inexpensive Material. Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. Indirect Flood Damages; a List of References, Compiledfluylmuise 0. Bercaw. vvashington, D.C., 1940. Processed. . Relocation of Farm Families; Selected References on Settler Relocation, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. ‘Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed.' Homestead_Tax Exemption in the United States; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Margaret T. Olcott. ‘Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. \ NO q NO. NO'. NO. NO. NO‘. NO. N0. ‘N0. NO. NO 0 NO. NO. 16. 17. 18'. 19'. '20. 21. 22'. 25. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28‘. \ 130 Mate; a List of References, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay. Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. ' Exhibits, a Selected List of References, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay. washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. _ Food and Cotton Stamp Plans; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Mamie I. Herb. Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. The Banana Industry in Tropical America with Special Reference to the Caribbean Area, 1930-1940; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay. Washington, D.C., 1941. Processed. 'The Sunflower, Its Cultivation and Uses; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay. Washington, D.C., 1941. Processed. Delta County, Colorado; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Howard B. Turner. Washington, D .C., 1941. Processed. Relation of Environmental Factors to Cotton Fiber Length; Selected References in English, 1915-1939, Compiled by Oliver M. Shipley. Washington, D .C., 1941. Processed. Almonds, Selected References on the Industry, 1929-1940, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. Washington, D. 0., 1941. Processed. Crop and Livestock Insurance, 1957-1940; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Mamie I. Herb. Washington, D. C., 1941. Processed. Imperial County, California; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Howard B. Turner. washington, D. C., 1941. Processed. Economic Aspects of Farm Tractor Operation; Selected References, 1935- March 1941, Compiled by Nellie G. Larson. Washington, D.C., 1941. Processed. Leake and Union Counties, Mississippi; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Howard B. Turner. Washington, D.C., 1941. Processed. Okfuskee county, Oklahoma; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Howard B. Turner. 'Washingtcn, D.C., 1941. Processed. Bibliographies in U5 S. Department of Agriculture Series Miscellaneous Circular: No. 35. Bibliography on the Marketing of Agricultural Products, Compiled by Emily L. Day, Katharine Jacobs, and Margaret T. Olcott. Washington, GOVtO Print. Off., 1925. Miscellaneous Publication: ‘No. 116. Rural Standards of Living; a Selected Bibliography, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw. ‘Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1931. . . i. .n__ n . x .- , \ . { . l‘ V. .. . ‘0“.‘1 ’ F’- - . ~.. ‘ 0‘ a 4 ~' I. .- .4 ‘-‘-. ,. ,. .- . ‘, 'I . "wk . _ . ', : i 6 s . .. ‘ .1 . V' .v ': 73" . c ~ . -' ‘ , ,. I .' 9 .A A . . . . ‘ ‘, ,‘ . A ‘ , ', . ., I g .~ . - r . _ . A, ‘ . f ‘ .1" ‘ ~ . 5;” ,1 v |' '. .' {*‘Z. a .‘:“:: o ,..,. ,7; ' ¢.3 ' . 1' , .~,, ,. 4.“: ‘, .v »-...~..¢ .. -~‘ a---. . '5'- l4. ’ \ . No. 118. The Influence of Weather on Crops: 1900-1950; a Selected and Annotated Bibliography, Compiled by A. M. Hannay. ‘Washington, Govt. Print. fo., 1951. ‘ ' ' No. 150. Bibliography on the Marketing of Agricultural Products (Supplementary to Miscellaneous Circular No. 55) Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw and Esther M. Calvin. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1952. No. 172. Bibliography on Land Settlement with Particular Reference to Small Holdings and Subsistence Homesteads, Compiled by Louise 0. Beroaw,, A. M. Hannay, and Esther 1. Colvin. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1954. No. 205. Cotton and Cottonseed; a List of the Publications of the United States Department of Agriculture on These Subjects, Including Early Reports of the United States Patent Office. Compiled by Rachel P. Lane ... under the Direction of Emily L. Day. 'Washington, Govt. Print. Off.. 1954. . Joint contribution from the Bureau of Plant Industry and Bureau of Agricultural Economics. No. 28%. Bibliography on Land Utilization, 1918—56, Compiled by Louise 0. Bercaw and Annie M. Hannay. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1958. Issued in cooperation with the Land Utilization Division, Resettle- ment Administration. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Library * Bibliographical Contributions No. 27. (Edition 2) A List of American Economic Histories, by Everett E. Edwards. washington, D.C., 1959. Processed. No. 54. References on Agriculture in the Life of the Nation, by Everett E. Edwards. washington, D.C., 1959. Processed. No. 24. (Edition 2) Selected References on the History of English Agriculture, by Everett E. Edwards. washington, D.C., 1959. Processed. No. 26. (Edition 2) Selected References on the History of Agriculture in the United States, by Everett E. Edwards. Washington, D.C., 1959. Processed. , Library Lists No. 1. Selected List of American Agricultural Books. washington, D.C., 1942: Processed. , No. 2. Farm Tenancy in the United States, 1940-1941; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Louise_0. Beroaw. ‘Washington, D.C., 1942. Processed. --—-—------------_-—- ------------- _ —~———-.--—-—————-——————u——n-—-—-——-——~—--g— ------- a- * The remaining bibliographies. in this section are certain important examples from many which have been issued by various agencies. c-uu-uun-unwuuuuc'-—~----~-—-.--q----'- -- x, _.‘_ _. --—-— d- L _ --- . . , . 4 ' v r . ‘ . . , .. . , . ' \ ~ 1' . u . .. . - ‘ . , . ‘ . . . . I ‘ ‘t . 1‘. .. . . . Q '1 ..- . o . - .4 ‘ . o “' .. . n - h ’1‘ - '. .: L‘. L., n t. .. ‘ ”M'. . A . g - a . .. . . u ‘. I- .. . .. ‘ ‘ ' ' ’I : _.’_ 0.1 ‘ ‘:,' . .._. ‘ '. ' .' ', n .. " . \ . .: , . , . ‘ t . ;‘-. .> ‘ ' . -. L ‘ ," ”Mfg .,. - -"' :- ‘ I ‘ (L _ .. v ~ '. : ‘ r ' ‘ A .. I- _. .. T . , . 2. ; '. - ~ ~ U . . . . . H 'n ’ a . ' ' MN ., ' I .U : ' it. o x ..4 I. I , ' . . ‘ . . ’ . - , . ‘ ,, .' . , . ‘. .h ,--. . ‘ '3. . . ~ '1 U. K , I 1.: ". :4 w ..1 .‘ n. ‘ .' 2"» . .» d ,L . ‘ . " - ' ' . ‘ 4 , .' _ $.- -. \ ' ' ..'.' .. W. A ‘ .‘- 1.1.4 . . . a V ’. " ' . ‘ - ' 't, : “ " g' "‘ .‘ .. ‘ ‘. C u ~ A o I u. ' ' . .. , . ‘ u . u .. l .. n. I , 1 - .. . , u .. _ . . . K , . 2- , . . _ ‘ " ~ L.‘: ' ~ ' 3 '_ - z . V l . .‘ t * . . . \ y . a ‘ .....-.. .V ..... “.rz ‘ L. . . ink. . .. ., .vu ._-. um--. .. _...~..--..‘.. g . . , : . .. -'. . ‘2‘.” ." -. '. - M'- . . ‘ 1- n‘ I . v ' , r o r-- u "' . I - o N .. ‘ ‘. . .2 . . . V g. . . 1 ‘ ‘ .. : ,. . ‘ o - . a ' 4 o n, 0, ,~- . - Q m ¢ . .- . ' 2 it“. .n . , . .«y . .. .f', .-. .A. A u o - t" i.‘; 4';. .‘ ‘...u .Ev Q‘ 1% . ”1.. .. ‘ :" ‘ . 1 _ ~.$ . . -. ~ .. (.4 , . . . . . ‘ '.‘.. .. ‘ . ‘ v ' \ .. ~ ¢ \ ‘6“: x 56' ‘ . c.- x Z.‘ ‘. .. '. "3 ‘. Ci; ‘ v . . . ....h- ' , I ' ,. ‘ . - \n-~. ‘ V ‘ o~ 1. .l .‘ . ‘ ... v. 3'52 s.‘ .1. '.,_ ,. . .. , H - , ‘ . - .. ‘ , . ‘ ‘ . , n1.- .5"... ...(-,...V.. . "...-luv «Fur-...»...a-Ie.....u......~....,.‘... -...,_.._,.., _ “... ___,. 15. No. 3. Rationing; a Selected List of References, Compiled by Annie M. Hannay.' Washington, D.C., 1942. Processed. . Supplement_No. l. 1945. Processed. No. 4. Agricultural Labor in the United Statesq July 194l-February 1943; a List ’ of References, Compiled by Ruby'W. floats and John M. McNeill. Iwashington,' D.C., 1945. Processed. ’ U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Publ1cations Dealing with Farm Management: lSOS-June 50, 1940 (Bulletins, Processed Reports, and Articles Carried in Official Publications, Prepared by Federal Farm-Management'Workers Alone or in Cooperation with State and Other Agencies, and Published in washington or the States). Compiled by M. A. Crosby, M. R. Cooper, and Della E. Merrick. washington, D.C., 1940.. Processed. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Bibliography ofrthe History of Agriculture in the United States, by Everett E. Edwards. Washington, Govt. Print. or£., 1950. (Misc. Pub. 84) U.S. Farm Credit Administration -_Cboperation in Agriculture; a Selected and Annotated Bibliography with Special Reference to Marketing,-Purchasing and Credit, Compiled by Chastina Gardner. 'Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1954. ,(Bul. 4) 7 Marketing Fruits, Vegetables, and Nuts; a Selected and Annotated Bibliography, Compiled by Florence C. Bell. washington, D.C., 1941. Processed. (Miscell. Report 46) ' ’ U.S. Tariff Commission The Tariff; a Bibliography. A Select List of References. Washington, Govt. Hint. Offo, 1954:. Classified and annotated list with author, subject and title index. Reciprocal Trade. A Current Bibliography. Selected List of References} 3d ed. washington, D. C., 1937. Processed. Reciprocal Trade’; a Current Bibliography; a Supplement to the Third Edition issued in 1957. thhington, D.C., 1940. Processed. n1 . ,\ ..: . 5.: ' LV‘ " ‘ . («'- .‘ u mus. ; a ........'....‘_,.... ‘16-. /, Il. BIBLIOGRAPHIES:‘ PUBLICATIONS LISTS 0F AGENCIES OF THE L U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE U.S. Superintendent of Documents List of Publications 3? the Agricultural Departnent, 1862-1902, with Analytical Index. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1904. (Bibliography of the United States Public Documents. Dept. List no. 1) U.S. Dept. of Agriculture List by Titles o£_Publioations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture from 1840 to June 1901, Inclusive. «Compiled and Compared with the Originals by R. B. Handy and Minnie A. Cannon. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1902. (Division of Publications Bul. 6), Index to Authors with Titles of Their Publications Appearing in the Documents of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1841 to 1897, by George F. Thompson. Wash- ington, Govt. Print. Off., 1898. (Division of Publications Bul. 4) Publications from January 1901 to December 1940, inclusive,'are listed in the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publications 9, 155, 252, and 445. Index to Publications of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1901-1925 ... Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1932. , Index to Publications of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1926-1950 I poo Washington, GOVto Print. Offs, 1935. Index to Publications of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1931-1935 ... Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1937. ' Subject indices to the printed publications of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Office of Farm Management and Farm Economics. Publications of the United States Department of;Agricu1ture, UPPioe o?'Farm Management and Farm Economics, January 1902 - July 1, 1922. ‘Washington, D. C., 1922? Processed. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. TPublications issued by the United States Department ofFAgricuTture [bureau of Markets, prior to July 1, 1921, and those issued by the Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates from July 1, 1921 to July 1, 1922]'Washington, D .C., 1922. Processed. U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Printed Publications’lssued by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Washington, D. C., 1943. Processed. . Includes all printed bulletins of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics issued from July 1922 to date. n... , , .n’i‘l . -: ,n. x »-r.~ » :' .. J.’ .n,. .MJ ~. .. I.\ .m «- J. ‘ n.‘ : ... .-.¢.¢..~q.—... rsi" ) m‘~—.a .u....L.—..-....-— -nus-g— _ . J..- .. y -. .. - "'rt‘ .4--:~-...-.- . . ,y I ,2!" » 1 .......~...~ . o.‘_-.M—. . .. . . ,. \ 17. / Agricultural Economic Reports and Publications.‘ Washington, D.C., 1945. Processed. Available printed and processed publications arranged by broad subjects. Available Printed and Processed Publications Issued by the Bureau of Agricul- tural Economics from July 1, 1940, to February 28, 1941. Washington, D.C.. 1941. Processed. ‘ Check List of Printed and Processed Publications Issued During March and April 1941- washington, D.C., 194l— . Processed. A monthly publication supplementing the list above. U.S. Agricultural Marketing Administration I Printed Publications Issued by the Agricultural Marketing Administration. Washington, D.C., 1942. Processed. U.S. Office of Experiment Stations Bulletins of the Agricultural Experiment Stations of the United States from their establishment to the end of 1940 are listed in U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Dept. Bulletin 1199 and supplements l to 5 and in Miscellaneous Publications 65, 128, 181, 252, 294, 362, and 459. Each bulletin except the first has an author and subject index. List of Station Publications. 'Washington, D.C. Processed. A monthly list of the printed publications of the Agricultural Experiment Stations. Supplements the bulletins listed above. 18. III. DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS Bailey, Liberty Hyde » . ‘Cyc ope 1a of American Agriculture; a Popular Survey of Agricultural Conditions, Practices, and Ideals in the United States and Canada. New York, Macmillan, 1908-09. _ ‘ Bezemer, T.J. Dictionary of Terms Relating to Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Cattle Breeding, Dairy Industry, and Apiculture in English, French, German and Dutch. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins Co., 1955. Bower, Frank Dictionary of Economic Terms, London, Routledge, 1956. Leading terms likely to be encountered by the student or general reader in works on economic subjects or in writings on particular aspects of economic problems which are to the fore at the present time. Dictionary of Wine Terms. (In'Wines and Vines. Yearbook of the'Wine Industry, 42 45, p. 93- Enoyclopaedia Britannica. 14th Ed. New York, Encyclopaedia Britannica Co., 1929. The most famous encyclopedia in English and for many purposes the best. Popularized and partially Americanized edition. Vol. 24 contains a complete atlas of the world, and a very detailed index to the preceding 25 volumes as well as to the maps of the atlas section. Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences. New York, Macmillan, 1930~35. Aims to cover all important topics in the fields of political science, eco- nomics, law, anthropology, sociology, penology, and social work, and the social aspects of ethics, education, philosophy, psychology,biology, geography, medi- cine, art, etc. Is international in scope and treatment, but fuller for the English-speaking world and western Europe than for other regions or interests. Articles are by specialists. Bibliographies in the main are adequate. About 50 per cent of the articles are biographical. Kurtz, Albert K., and Harold A. Edgerton yd Statistical’Dictionary of Terms and Symbols. New York, John Wiley & sons, inc., 1959. Mawson, Christa her 0.8. Roget's Thesaurus of the English Language in Dictionary Form ... with an Appen- dix of Foreign'Words and Expressions. New York, Garden City Publishing Co., Inc., 1937? Earlier editions arranged according to classes of ideas as space, matter, volition, intellect,-eto. Mm \' IL! ’5 \ .‘g'.',,f ~- m: swamfi M wmum M figures mafiflwmm W m w in: W? Rwy hip waif} v _ " ‘ flu. 8-.51" ,J ,' I’l‘k'fi" . .n -' .2}, r‘ ‘n i W» W a! wixgm wag-‘2' W‘s: A. ‘ . _ . 3n a . x . -_ .0‘:-~’.I. ”Cong! ”ow- ‘- .r, -‘ '34:." ’ - Si'filq . . ~ 4-.- wwmw an» M fism w makfi-WWWVW' 19. Palgiave, Sir'Robert Harry Inglis Palgrave's fiictionary of Po itical Economy. New fork, Macmillan, 1923-26. The standard English work, including some general and foreign aspects of the subject, but largely limited to developments of economic study in the English- speaking world. Signed articles by specialists. bibliographies. Useful and authoritative. but unfortunately not revised throughout, and so not up-to-date, especially in the bibliographies. Webster, Noah flew international Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition, Un- abridged. Springfield, Merriam Co., 1934; Contains in addition to the main dictionary section: (1)‘Lower alphabet giving forei n language quotations, proverbs and longer phrases, (2) Pronounoing gazeteer, (5 Pronounoing biographical dictionary, and (4) Full list of abbrev- iations. \ Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms; Springfield, Mass.; G. & C. Merriam 00., Publishers, 1942. / 20. IV. DIRECTORIES American Economic Association \ The 1942 Directory of the American Economic Association as of July 31, 1942 (In American Economic Review, v. 52, no. 3, pt. 2, supp., Sept. 1942) Supplementary List of Members (August 1, 1942 to January.16, 1945) (In Amer- ican Economic Review, v. 55, no. 1, pt. 2, Mar. 1943, p. 1-15 [at end of issue]) American Farm Economic Association Handbook of the American Farm‘EEonomic Association, 1959. (In Journal of Farm Economics, v. 21, no. 3, pt. 2, August 1959) American Marketing AssociatiOn National Roster of the American Marketing Association; Membership Directory as of February, 1942, Including Constitution and By-Laws, List of Officers and Members, Committees, Local Chapters, and Related Information. Philadelphia, The walther Printing House, 1942. Ameriéan Society of Farm llanagers and Rural Appraisers Members offthe American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. (In Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, v. 7, no. 1, Apr. 1943, p. 56-64) American Statistical Association , _ Centenary hemberShip Directory, Charter, Constitution and By-Laws, 1940. (In Journal of the American Statistical Association, v. 55, no. 210, pt.3, June 1940) Bailey, L.H. Rus, A Biographical Register of Rural Leadership in the United States and Canada. Ithaca, New York, 1930. California. Dept. of Agriculture Official List of Commission Merchants, Dealers, Brokers, Processors, and Agents. Sacramento, Calif-. State Print. Off., 1940. (Spec. Pub. 171) Official List of Distributors of Fluid Milk and Fluid Cream. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Offo, 19400 (Spec. Pub. 1.77) Statistical Report of California Dairy Products (annual) Pt. II gives a list of creameries, cheese factories, cottage cheese factories, ice cream mix and ice milk mix manufacturers, ice cream and ice milk manufacturers, market milk and sweet cream distributors, certified dairies, condensaries, dried and powdered milk products plants, casein plants, albumen, curds, condensed butter-' milk, semisolid buttermilk plants, dealers processing dairy products, milk bottle exchanges in California. California. Legislature List of Members, Officers, Committees and Rules of the Two Houses, Together with - a List of the Members of Congress, Supreme Court, State Officers, Boards, Com~ missions, Classification of Counties, Etc. Fifty-Fifth Session, 1943. First Part, January 4 to 31, Which Preceded Constitutional Recess. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1948. W 33333 £13." {£33 - I A [5.32:1 {Wk “it: WM am? 3% 3m: fiW 3% 3353: 331:3? fi if 33% _ '114\..~'¢-' ‘5' ‘,:'I. , \ . . , c“ —v -. ., » V. 3 ; .‘ .: {‘1' h .33 ‘ .' .173." 9. ‘1', . ' N 3, W3 3333333333; mama Wm‘ ~ 33 ‘14.; :5333» WW wmmwm ” ._ __ ”M? 3333mm 33.333335333333333 :. 1.3.175 . -.. :- :jfi 33339: 3.33355 ' “4--‘;‘|"* .‘u.’ ‘ 1 I: 3;? 33! fiwfikmfi #W W ; .. [K "; %I.I|-::‘ ' 3. .3, 3:32; 3:25:33 33333.33 333 33333333433333 W ‘ ‘ ‘ ~' 3333: 33-3 ”333 3.3: 33* 333393333333 333333333333 W «0:33 333333331: 3M3mm m - . "’ .., 3 , .fe 5333333333 33333333 Mn: 33 3333:: 33333333333 3333333333 33 3333-33333 33"3333333333 a3. 3333 W W 3333 3343333 309333359 3mm #31“ wwwm3$mwp332 .333? ' ‘ 77 ,- , 3!! K Q3 mm #3." ._ . . 3 .3 1 3 " W33 3%?! WWWW fiw' .. 35 1'" 33311.5 33,333 .3333; 3334: U (I y n» . y. . yr- .3 1“,: / 21. California. Secretary of State ‘ 1942 Roster; State, County, and Township Officials of the State of California, also Federal Officials for California. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1942. r . I. California. University. College of Agriculture. Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Cooperative Organizations in California. Berkeley, 1933. Processed. (Contributions from the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. Mimeo- graphed Report 64) List of Mutual water Companies in California. Berkeley, 1958. Processed. (Contribution from the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. Mimeo- graphed Report 65) California Blue Book, 1942. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1942. Contains a long descriptive section on the departments of state government and their subdivisions, listing chief personnel. Cattell, Jagues, Ed. irectory of American Scholars; a Biographical Directory. Lancaster, Pa., The Science Press, 1942. Chamber of Commerce of the United States Directory of war Agencies.‘ Washington, D.C., 1943. (war Service Bul. 77) Current Biography; Who’s News and'Why. New York, the H. W.‘Wilscn Company, 1940- The December issue is an annual cumulation of the monthly issues of the year. Directory of American Brands EWinél (In'Wine Review, v. 9, no. 8, Aug. 1941, P0 7" J D a 0 Directory of American'Wineries. (In Wines and Vines. Yearbook of the Wine Industry, 194274?) p. 29-72) Directory of Trade Associations and Control Groups, Government Agencies. (In western Canner and Packer. Ybarboofi and Statistical Number, 1942, p. 78—79) Econometric Society » List of Members of the Econometric Society as of October 1, 1942. (In Economet- rica, v. 10,nos. 5-4, July-Oct. 1942, p. 321-340) Food Industries ’ $942 Edition, Frozen Foods Directory. (In Food Industries, v. 14, no. 5, May 1942, p. 51a52, 54-66, 68) 1. Food Products Directory ... A Directory of Canners, Packers, and Manufacturers of Food Products; Dehydrated Vegetables; Frozen and Cold Packed Foods; Packers and Shippers of Dried Fruits; Food Brokers and Distributors; Wholesale Grocers; Bonded Wineries; Dealers in Nuts, Beans, Popcorn and Rice; for the United States and its Territories, 1942~1945. San Francisco, W. J. McCammon, Publisher, 1942. 'Mmm fimum :3: Was-gag" wmm '5: MM 2 ,. in? Mm maniac!) m MWW} {an ms W; a“? 3.3mm #WMWWM Mflmémwwmmwfiwgfim M hm figu‘: swam“; saw my: .3: {W QM MM» «33 '3 are; wk» M of” My? $13 $3? WYW A, ._ . . Wfihmi 3::me figmfim human :3 ”13¢in ,' / in“ WM WM 3:3 MW Wm M - M 23%} “my; «me 333 an M Manama-Mm ; " {W8 «3; wMg 316% WM 4.3: Ax“ w @WMEI a? WM ms; 3333 WWW WWW W *fiméw wwwmwmmmxw ,~_ ,_ \ 22. Gt. Brit. Im erial Agricultural Bureaux. Executive Council fist of Research Workers. Agriculture andflForestry, in the British Empire, 1939. London, H.M. Stat. Off., 1940. International Commissions, Committees, Board, Etc., Concerned with the War on Which There is United States Representation. (In National Planning Association. Public Pol1cy Digest, no. 26, June 1942, p. 3~5) International Institute of Agriculture L'Einseignament Agricole Dans le Monde. Agricultural Education in the World. Rome, 1955-1938. , Vol. 1. Europe - 1st Part — Vol. 2. Europe - 2nd Part.- Vol. 3. North America. ' Les Institutions d'Experimentation Agricola Dans les Pays Chauds. International Directory of Agricultural Experiment Institutions in Hot Countries. Rome, 1934. Les Institutions d'Experimentation Agricole dans 1es Pays Temperes. Rome, 1953. International Directory of Agricultural Libraries. Rome, 1959. Los Angeles County Chamber of Commercg: Agricultural Dept. Directory of Governmental Agencies Serving Agriculture in Southern California. Los Angeles, 1942. Processed. National Canners Association' Canners Directory, 1942. washington, D.C., 1942. Public Administration Organizations, a Directory, 1941. Chicago, Ill., Public Administration Clearing House, 1941., A directory of voluntary organizations in the field arranged in the follow- ing groups: National organizations, state organizations, regional organizations and Canadian organizations. / Royal Economic Society ’Royal Economic Society, Corrected to August 1939. London, 1959. Rural Sociological Society as of October 2, 1942. (In Rural Sociology, v. 7, no. 6, Dec. 194:2, p. 475-484) San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Directory of Federal Offices in San Francisco and the Bay area. San Francisco, 1943. Processed. Social Science Research Council Fellows of the Social Science Research Council, 1925-1959. .New York, 1939. U. 8. Agricultural llarketing Administration State Agricultural Departments and Marketing Agencies with Names of Officials. ' Washington, D.C., 1942. Processed. U. S. Agricultural liarketing Service Field OPPice Directory of the Agricultural Marketing Service. Washington, D.C., 1941. Processed. 230‘ U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Personnel in Rural Sociology; Teachers, Research Workers, Extension‘Wcrkers.- washington, D.C., 1941. Processed.. ' Supplement to the Directory of Personnel in Rural Sociology. -Washington, D.C., 1942. Processed.r U.S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce List of State and Local Trade Associations in California. Washington, D.C., 1957.- Processed. ~ Trade and Professional Associations of the United States. washington, D.C., 1942. (Industrial Series 3) U.S. Buneau of the Budget. .Division of Statistical Standards Directory of Federal Statistical Agencies. 6th Ed. washington, D.C., 1942. Processed. . U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Directory of Organization and Field Activities of the Department of Agriculture: 1941. .Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1941. (Miscellaneous Pub. 451) Directory of the State Land-Use Planning Committees. Washington, 9.0., 1940. Processed. . Workers in Subjects Pertaining to Agriculture in Land-Grant Colleges and Exper- iment Stations, 1941-42. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1942. (Miscellaneous. Pub. 480) U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. California USDA War Board Names and Address ofPState and County USDA War Board Members. [Nov. 6, 1942 Ed; Berkeley, Calif., 1942. Processed. . U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. ,Extension Service ‘ List of Extension workers. lfibshington, D.C., 1940. Processed. U.S. Congress ' ' Official Congressional Directory ...,78th Congress, 1st Session. 1st Ed. Corrected to December 21, 1942. flashington, Govt. Print. Off., 1942. Contains biographical sketches of members of Congress, personnel of House and Senate committees and’commissions, lists of principal officials in the executive departments and in dependent offices and establishments,.foreign diplomatic repre-' , sentatives and consular officers to the United States, foreign service of the United States, official duties of executive departments and subdivisions and other miscel- laneous information difficult to locate elsewhere.‘ ' ' U.S. Farm Security Administration Address of District Offices, Permanent Migratory Labor Camps, and Mobile Units. [Region Ifl San Francisco, 1942. Processed. (Regional Instruction 000.24A)‘; Addresses of District Offices and Grant Offices [Region'lgfl San.Francisco, 1942. Processed. (Regional Instruction OOO.5*B)~ ~ Area, District, and County Office Addresses and Territories [Region Ila San Francisco, 1942. Processed. (Regional Instruction 000.1-A) ' 27a mm: was an «aaamaaaaaa ammav aaa‘uaasss ~ {a waaa aaasamsaass am: " 1 a mm mar-saw W east as . .:... ,- ' __ Mama . m Wm am an museum as Miami; aaaaaaaa as mama am: aaaass amfi mama aamaaa amass??? maa §§ ,fi ,.\ ’_ , WM: Ma W mm ,_ . _ . "rampafimmmwsaaw W 7 ' *aaaéfig MW W #3“ ”wai’f‘im figsfiw £33 m$mtaaa " » . am ”56%ng ma ¥Ww Mia mat ”is; amssaa aaaaafm ywéafi": _’ , awass‘smia éamasi a; armrfiaa ysammsw assaw£ , um bvt -- 1;... ..., , I " ‘ “« "is ' wwwa " _; . ” ' . , gmm‘ .aaaz: WMW M iii: flaw? ' ‘ assigns; was: was mama-m Mam as W ‘ {@fiw gas-amass! ianassi'gam Wfifi ' r _, ~ ' . wmwwaaamaaa amass ,- aim mam'asaafif famigafw r aMfisac 2‘3 awa .aaamw " \ 24. U. S. Food Distribution Administration List of Active Vegetable Dehydrators and Proposed Dehydration Plants. ‘Washington, D. 0., 1945. Processed. U.S. National Resources Planning Board Directory of State, Territorial and Regional Planning Agencies, and State Defense Agencies. Revised to Dec. 1, 1940. Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. (Circ. II, Rev.) * ‘ U. S. Office for Emergency Management " Directory, Nationallfiar Agencies, Pacific Coast Region. San Francisco, 1942. Processed. ' .’/U' S. Office of Experiment Stations Agricultural Research Institutions and Library Centers in Foreign Countries. Washington, D.C.,_1954. Processed.‘ U.S. Office of Government Reports . California Directory of Federal and State Agencies. [Pevised to January 1, 194%] San Francisco, Calif., 1942. Prooessed.- / United States Government Manual, Oct. 1939- Washington, Govt.'Print. Off., 1939- An outline of the functions and organizations of the federal government agencies, both permanent and of emergency character. Issued 3 times a year, each issue constituting a completely revised edition. Chief officials are listed. Who's Who, 1943. London, Adam and Charles Black; New York, The Macmillan Company, 43. Principally English, although a-few prominent names of other nationalities are included. Who's Who in America. Vol.'22,'1942-43.- Chicago, the A. N. Marquis Co., 1942.. Who's Who Monthly Supplement; Current Biographical Reference Service. Series I- Chicago, A. N. Marquis Co., 1940- Who‘s Who in California; a Biographical Reference Work of Notable Living Men and thmn of California. Vol. I. .TWo Years.-1942—1943. Los Angeles, Who's Who Publications Company. 1941. - * l 25. V. HANDBOOKS: GENERAL California. University Bibliography and Footnotes; a Style Manual for College and University Students, by Peyton Hurt. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1956. (Syllabus Series 258) ' California Blue Book, 1942. _Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1942. This edition contains a long descriptive section on the departments of state government and their subdivisions. Material varies in the annual editions, but usually includes descriptions of the California counties. California State Chamber of Commerce Handbook of Sources of Economic Data Pertaining to California. San Francisco, 1941. ProcesSed. This reference manual gives a brief description of the principal fact-find- ‘ ing agencies that compile and/er publish economic Data Pertaining to California and contains a comprehensive index of the information available from these agencies.- Primary and secondary sources are included in the agency section of the Handbook, covering the various federal, state, county and municipal departments,_bureaus and divisions; universities, colleges, foundations, etc.; and commercial organi- zations such as trade associations and chambers of commerce, independent companies, banks, advertising agencies, publishers, independent research and statistical organizations, etc. Hurt, Elsey California State Government; an Outline of its Administrative Organization from 1850 to 1936. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1957. California State Government, an Outline of its Administrative Organization. V. 2. The Independent Agencies, 1850 to 1959. Sacramento, Calif. State Fri-fit. Offo, 1939. . ’ International Institute of A riculture The Agricultural Situation ... Economic Commentary on the International Year- book of Agricultural Statistics ... l929/t0- Rome, 1931- 'World agriculture; conditions and trends; markets and prices. Agricultural policies and conditions in the different countries. \ Schmeokebier, L. F. - / , Government Publications and Their Use. 2d Ed. ‘Washington, D.C., The Brookings Institution, 1959. ” Describes catalogs, indices and bibliographies of United States government publications, the congnssional publications, compilations of federal and state laws, presidential papers, administrative regulations and departmental rulings, publications relating to foreign affairs, maps, technical and other departmental publications, etc. - . .. ‘L c. , . 9.: g u .9...“ n ’ I .r' 4" v 0. k 26. Schwarz, Sanford ~ Research in International Economics by Federal Agencies. New York, Columbia University Press. 1941. Describes the work and lists many of the publications connected with research by the United States government agencies in the field of international economics, “and in domestic economics. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture ‘Yearbook of Agriculture, 1942. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1942. Formerly consisted of Report of the Secretary to the President, description of new develoPments in agriculture during the year, and a large section devoted to statistics. Since 1936 the statistics have been issued in a separate publication, “Agricultural Statistics," and the yearbook proper has taken the form of a compre- hensive treatise on a particular subject such as genetics or soils. The title of the 1942 Yearbook is: Keeping Livestock Healthy. U. 3. Government Printing Office Style manual. ‘Rev. Ed .4fiWashington, Govt. Print. Off., 1939. A valuable aid in writing. Gives the procedure followed by the Government Printing Office in capitalization, compound words, abbreviations, symbols, punc- tuation, italics, etc. U.S. Office of Government Reports, United States Government Manual, Oct. 1959- ‘Washington, Govt. Print. orr. . 1939— ' \ . An outline of the functions and organizations of the federal government 'agencies, both permanent and of emergency character. 'Issued 5 times a year, each issue constituting a completely revised edition. Chief_officials are listed. The World Almanac and Book of Facts for 1942. New York, New York'World—Telegram, 1942. The most comprehensive and most frequently useful of the American almanacs of miscellaneous information. Alphabetical index at front of volume. #8 flaw Mm" 7., W“ fiwmm W W * ~ ‘ 2:. ‘ “imm fwmfi «3 “$3433 $3 Waugh “Ea; 27. V. HANDBOOKS; HARVESTING, PACKING AND SHIPPING SEASONS J Approximate Dates oflPlanting and Picking of the Respective Cotton Crops in Each Country. (In U.S. Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Cotton Handbook with Related Data. ‘Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1959, p. 55—56. (Stat. Pub. 2)) Approximate Duration of Canning and Packing Seasons. (In Food Products Directory, 194251943, p. 1) ' Bank of America Californ1a Major Harvesting Periods of Truck, Fruit & Nut Crops. San Francisco, 1938? chart. Processed. California. University. College of Agriculture. Agricultural Extension Service. Usual Harvesting and Shipping Seasons for California Crops,’by G. Alvin Carpenter. Berkeley, 1959. Processed. Canning Seasons in Different States. (In Canning Trade. Almanac, 1941, p. 1755175) Shipping Seasons of California Vegetables. (In California. Cooperative Crop Reporting Service. Vegetable Crops in California; Cmmnercial Acreage by Counties, 1937-1942. Sacramento, 1945, p. 53) U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics ' 'Cdrlot Shipments, Fruits and Vegetables, California (Monthly by Counties and Billing Points) Sacramento, Calif. Processed. (annual) Production and Marketing Calendar of American Fruits 031th Particular Reference to Export Fruit) Comp. by A. C. Edwards, Jr. Washington, D.C., 1932. Processed. (Report F.S. 55) ‘ ' " ' U. S. Agricultural Marketing Administration Garlct Shipments offlFruits and Vegetables by Commodities, States and Months. Washington. D.C. Processed. (annual) Carlot Shipments of Fruits and Vegetables from Stations in the United States, Calendar Year. ‘Washington, D.C. Processed. '(annual) Discontinued with the issue for 1940. U. 8. Agricultural Marketing Service commercial Truck Cropswfor Market, Planting, Harvesting and Marketing Dates, Important Areas of ProdUction, and Average Acreage, Yield and Production. Vashington, D.C., 1940. Processed. U.S. _Dept. of Agriculture A Fruit and Vegetable Buying Guide for Consumers, by R.G. Hill. Vnashington, Govt. Print. Off., 1940. (Miscell. Pub. 167, Slightly Rev.) Approximate shipping season of fresh fruits and melons, by states of origin, PI 5‘6. " Approximate shipping season of fresh vegetables, by‘states of origin, p, 6-8. i 1 1‘ r «y “4.“... -‘ ,n . ‘. v. : ,, -‘ . I o - v ‘ u ‘ ' w -‘ .n. «.. n -‘-v‘-- wvnv-m. . . , .,, up”... .o.....‘. .. .. . 28. western Canned Food Season Charts. (In Western Canner and Packer.. Yearbook and Statistical Number, 1941,1p..53) Western Dried Fruit Packing Seasons. (In Western Ghana: and Packer. Yearbook and Statistical Number, 1942,. p.» 9‘97“ Western Frozen Food Packing Seasonsr (In Western Gunner and Packer. Yearbook and Statistical Nufiber, 1942, p. 855 V9. HANDBOOKS: TARIFF; U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Tariff Rates on Principal Agricultural Products.- Revs-'Washington,:D.C.u;194lo Processed. / U.S. Tariff Commission _ Changes in Import Duties since 1950. Rev. 'Washington, Govt. Print.-Off., 1943. ,Dictionary of Tariff Information. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1924. Includes articles on tariff systems, methods, practices, history, biographical articles on men connected with American tariff history, and descriptive and statistical articles on all commodities mentioned in the Tar-iff Act of 1922.. 29. V. ‘HANDBOOKS: VARIETIES, TYPES, CLASSES AND GRADES AND STANDARDS California. 'Dépt. or Agriculture Black Juice Grape Varieties in California, by Joseph Perelli-Minetti. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off..‘1929. - Descriptive Catalog of California Grapes, “Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1922. (Spec. Pub. 25) California Deciduous Tree Fruit and Grape Varieties, (In Blue Anchor, v. 3, no. 4, Apr. 1931, p. 16- J0) ' Fraser, Samuel American Fruits, Their Propagation, Cultivation, Harvesting and Distribution. New York, Orange Judd Publishing Co., Inc., 1951. U. S. Agricultural Marketing Administration Check List of Standards for Farm Products Formulated by the Agricultural Market- ing Administration. "Washington, D. 0., 1942. Processed. All standards, mandatory, permissive and tentative which have been drawn up or are in effect as of this date.- U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Apple Varieties and 15—brtant Producing Sections of the United States, by J.R. Magness. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1941. (Farmers' Bul.1885) Descriptions of Types of Principal American Varieties of Cabbage. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1954. (Miscell. Pub. 169) . Descriptions of Types of Principal American Varieties of Garden Peas, by D.N. Shoemaker and E. J. Delwiche. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1934. (Miscell. Pub. 170) ' ' . \ Descriptions of Types of Principal American Varieties of Onions, by R. Magruder et a1. Washington, Govt. Print. orr.. 1941. (Miscell. Pub. 435) Descriptions of Types of Principal American Varieties of Orange-Flashed Carrots, by Roy Magruder, et al. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1940. (Miscell. Pub, 361) . Descriptions of Types of Principal American Varieties of Red Garden Beets, by Roy Magruder, et a1. Washington, Govt. Print, Off., 1940. (Miscell. Pub. 374) Descriptions of Types of Principal American Varieties of Spinach, by Roy Magruder, et a1. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1938. (Miscell. Pub. 516) / Descriptions of Types of Principal American Varieties of Tomatoes. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1953. (Miscell. Pub. 160) a Distribution of the Varieties and Classes of Wheat in the United States in 1959, by J. Allen Clark and KAN. Quisenberry. washington, Govt. Print. Off.,'1942. (Ciro. 634) m..." I. 30. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture . Grape Districts and Varieties in the United States, by George C. Husman. » washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1952. (Farmers' Bul. 1689) Peach Varieties and. Their Classification .by H.P.‘ Gould. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1918.: (Farmers' bul. 918$ Varieties of Cling Peaches Revised Januar¥ 28, 1945. (In Canning Peach Advisory 1.; Board. The-Receiving and Grading o a orn a ling Peaches for Canning. San Francisco, 1943, p. 30) » Vaughan, Henry‘W. / , Types and MarEet Classes of Livestock. 4th Rev. Columbus, Ohio, College Book Company, 1941. Wickson, Edward James The California firuite and How to Grow Them; A Manual of Methods Which Have Yielded Greatest Success, with Lists of Varieties Best Adapted to the Different Districts of the States. 10th Ed., Rev. San Francisco, Pacifier Rural Press, 1926. . The California Vegetables in Garden and Field; a Manual of Practice with and without Irrigation for Semi-Tropical Countries. 5th Ed., Rev, San Francisco, Pacific Rural Press, 1925. ‘ Wine Type Manual. (In Wines and Vines. Yearbook of the‘Wine Industry, 1941/42, .p. 8 "8 , - 51. V¢~ HANDBOOKS: WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND CONVERSION FACTORS Approximate Shipping Weights [Canned Foo:] (In Canning Trade. Almanac, 1942, p. 200) _ V Average Shipping Wei hts of Dried Fruits. (In Western Canner and Packer. Stat- istical Number, 198 ,p. 118) ' Average Weights of Contents of Commonly Used Containers. (In Western Canner and Packer. Yearbook and Statistical Review Number, 1929, p. 106-110) Boxes for Canned Foods. (In Canning Trade. Almanac, 1942, p. 226-233) California. COOperative Crop Reporting Service Vegetable Crops in California. Commercial Acreage by Counties.’ Sacramento. Processed. (annual) Weights of units, by commodities, aregiven in the statistical tables. California. University. College of Agriculture. A ricultural Extension Service some Agricultural‘Weights, Measures, and Conversion actors, Comp. Under the Direction of Dallas Smythe, by Pearl Adolphson. Berkeley, 1957. Processed. California Standard Packages for Cherries, Apricots, Peaches and Plums. (In Blue Anchor, v. 10, no. 5, May 1933, p. 7-11) ' . California Standard Packages for Pears and Apples. (In Blue Anchor, v. 10, no. 6, June 1933} p. 4-5) Capned Food Net Weight List. ((In Canning Trade.‘ Almanac, 1942, p. 220)= Canned Fruit Cocktail and Fruit Salad. (In Western Canner and Packer. Yearbook and Statistical ReView Number,’l9§§, p. 119-120) Canners League of California " Specifications for California Canned Fruits. 8th Ed. San Francisco, 1938. 57p. Estimated Weights on Deciduous Fruits. (In Blue Anchor, v. 10, no. 8, Aug. 1933, p. 8-9) ‘ I ‘ ‘ ' Field, Frederick V., Ed. ' " - ‘ ‘-4 =, " Economic Handbook of‘the Pacific Area. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran “and Company, Inc., 1934. ' Weights and measures, p. 598-610. Freight Rates and Agreed Wine'Wei hts. (In Wines and Vines, Yearbook of the "Wine Industry, 1941/42, p. 76-7 ) . International InStitute .of Agriculture. Bureau of Statistics Recueil de Coefficients et d'Equivalences: Coef?icients pour la Conversion dans 16 Systems Métrique Decimal des Poids, Mesures et Monnaies; Tableaux d'Equival- ences des Unites de Mesure du Sys.teme. Metrique Decimal, en Unite’s de Mesures Anglo-Saconnes. Rome, 1937. "I p -..r . . v u .< ~J ‘ ‘ ' - ' A - v _ . , . - . . '. ' ‘ ; , r ‘ ' . ' I ' - ' ' ' . . . . . v , \ . _. .u. -. ~ ~ . . . . a ‘ ‘ ”M, m. ..- . ~- ,- r t 1 ‘ . ; , . .‘ _ . t ‘ . . ' . , I” .. .- _‘ . , v ~ . ' ‘ . I' I ‘ ' \ 1. . . . ‘ - ~ . v ' l‘ ' o ‘ . . —. — .‘_. " ”‘ . I ' ‘ ' o - ~ " . ‘u . - -‘ . I - ' u 4.. V . « ‘ . ‘ . . ~ ‘ .‘ . » 3 U .r ‘. _ ' ‘ '\‘~'*’ . ,_ . A: - ,.... .-- ‘ '-‘ ‘ " . . , .~ .. Ir ~ . _ . ~ g . l . . ‘ . . _ . . ~ :. ..‘ u..".- .. ' \ ' 0 v . " ‘ i .. . . ; v ‘ , .‘ u “l~ . . ' . . . . . ‘_ _‘., .. . .-. u: «- r ’ ‘ . . . ‘ . \ \~ ., . V . _ . ' . . ‘ . . . ~ . . . . . p . ..., Q _ v- " ' . _. ___ ‘4..»._... - . ‘ ’ ' ‘ I q .u» ..,.. v -~~-~ - . ' f . . ~ . '. ‘ > _ . m . . - . . ‘- . . . ' ‘ ‘~‘ ‘ ‘ ' . I -— - I 3 ' 0' .- ~ ' ‘ .vu. . .. .. ‘ ~« .. .. - . . - . . .,. v-s ’ " ‘ A - ‘ * . . . " ‘7\" , . - - ~ » . . "yr. - ‘ _ . .' ni‘ ' \ ‘ ' ‘ / . :, , . ." .‘ ‘ .', x -" .. . ~ -« . _ 1 . . \1‘. . n ' ’ ,. - . ' - _ .: \. n .. o - ”l". . .at‘u‘ ~ ‘ . ‘ 1‘ § .u 0 1 ' . ... w < . . - a . e , v A 0‘ m, ,4 . -- . ,» , ' «. - - ', o ‘ . . .. ‘.. Q ‘ . - . ‘. .c 3 _ ' uh ~ . ‘:.=' ‘ ‘. r t‘ . ,~ . ._.. ' "i. . _ .- - . . Cu .' 1 x“ .4 . . . . I . ‘ l * .. I ‘ ' . . u " 2. u - ‘ - n ‘ g- ‘ ; .A .- » ... ‘ r . ‘ . .‘ - . 32. Label Weights and Can Sizes. (In Canning Trade. Almanac, 1942, p. 136-156) Naft, Stephen \ Conversion Equivalents in International Trade; Weights, Measures, Gauges, Currencies, Technical and Special Units in Commerce and Industry. Philadelphia, Pa., The Commercial Museum, 1941. National Canners Association Canned Food Pack Statistics. (annual) Each issue contains capacity and conversion factors of cans most commonly used in canning fruits and vegetables. Label Weights for Canned Foods. Rev. washington, 9.0., 1941. Standard Can Sizes are Adopted. (In‘Western Banner and Packer. Yearbook and Statistical Review Number, 1941, p. 41) Standard Containers for California Deciduous-Fruits. (In Blue Anchor, v. 7, no. 7, July 1930, p. 6-7) U.S. Agricultural Ad ustment Administration The Computation o Acreage Under Production-Control Contracts. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1934. (W—43) The Measurement of Fields Under Production-Control Contracts. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1934., (W—42) Selected Tables Based on a Study of Weights and Measures Administration. Washington, D.C., 1939. Processed. U.S. Agricultural Marketing Service Information on Carloading, Containers, Varieties, and Grades of Fruits and Vegetables (From Shipping-Point Carlot Inspection Certificates, for specified Periods, 1936-39) Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Packages per Carload for Use in Reaucing Boat, Express and Truck Receipts to Carload Equivalents, Los Angeles and San Francisco Markets. San Francisco, 1935. Processed. Revised List of Approximate or Average weights of Various Commodities. Washing- ton, D.C., 1956. Processed. Table of Net Weights of the Principal Fruit and Vegetable Containers Sold on the Los Angeles Wholesale Market.. Los Angeles,,1956. Processed. Table of Number of Packages per Carload.-'Washington, D.C.,.l937. Processed. U.S. Bureau of Standards- Table of Unit Displacements of Commodities. ‘Washington, Govt.- Print. Off., 1919. (Ciro. 77) Units of Weight and Measure (United. States Customary and Metric) Definitions and Tables of Equivalents. Washington, Govt.. Print. Off., 1956. (Miscell. Pub 0.121) u ‘ " _, .u . v' h \V 0 5'1.- ‘. v... ‘. ‘...-A' . l a. .._ A - . ~ u ‘ ~ ’ . v I c I ‘ . v .- e-..~““‘ . 1.. . .Iu -' c J a, 3‘ .n " ‘ ‘ .. ‘ ‘ I t. v x “ ., '- ,v-:L ‘ _ .—~.’ '- .‘;~-, .A “ "”5 . _..u ' " . ' .n- . .1 .. .....-- A» 33. U.s. Bureau of the Census -_§ixteenth Decennial Census of the United States. Instructions to Enumerators. Population and Agriculture 1940. flashington, Govt. Print. Off., 1940. Conversion Tables, p. 128-134. ' Similar tables are in comparable publications for previous censuses. Uth Dept; of Agriculture Containers for Fruits and Vegetables, by L.C. Carey. washington, Govt. Print. orr., 1959. (Farmers' Bul. 1821) weights, Measures, and Conversion Factors Used in the Department of Agriculture. (In its Agricultural Statistics, 1942, p. 6.8) U.S._Food Distribution Administration Summary 0? Federal and State Laws Concerning the Marketing of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables as it Relates to Standards for Containers, Their Re-Use, Marking Requirements, Methods of Sale and Allied Subjects, by Beulah L. Robertson, flashington, D.C., 1943. Processed. U.S. National Bureau of Standards Legal Weights per fiushel for various Commodities. 'Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1940. (Giro. 425) U.S. Office of Defense Transportation Carload Freight Trafiic. i§EEcial Direction ODT 18. (In U.S. National Archives. Federal Register, v. 7, no. 205, Oct. 15, 1942, p. 8337-8359; v. 7, no. 216, Nov. 5, 1942, p. 8904-8905; v. 7, no. 225, Nov. 13, 1942, p. 9348; v. 8, no. 2, Jan. 5, 1943, p. 186—188; v. 8, no. 75, Apr. 16, 1945, p. 4935-4936; v. 8, no. 86, May 1, 1945, p. 5682) Consult future numbers of the Federal Register and its Indexes for revisions. U.S. Surplus Marketing Administration Conversion Factors and Conversion Tables for Milk and Dairy Products. Washing- ton, D.C., 1941. Processed. U.S. Tariff Commission 'Commod1ty Packaging Data; a Guide to Current Practices in the Packaging of Typical Commodities That Move in Domestic and International Trade. ‘Washington, D.G., 1937. Processed. ‘ U.S.'War Production Board Cans. Conservatibn Order M~81, as Amended Apr. 27, 1945. (In U.S. National Archives. Federal Register, v. 8, no. 85, Apr. 28, 1945, p. 5520-5527) Closures for Glass Containers. Conservation Order M-104, as Amended Apr. 10, 1943' (In U.S. National Archives. ZFederal Register, v. 8, no. 72, Apr.‘15, 1945,rp. 475754765) ‘ ' ‘ Fluid Milk Shipping Containers. Conservation.order M—ZOO, as Amendenga . 15, 1943. (In U.S. National Archives. Federal Register, v. 8, no. 11, Jan. 16, 1943, p. 601-602) ’ ‘ ’ ~ . ., 1' “' 1 Z I‘ . . . . Q . r . . 2 I I I .. v . <. / I . I 4 ~ _. . . . . -- On A»- . - ‘ ’ A D ‘ , I, .-' . . ‘ f " 2 ’ k ‘ :z x Q U" '5 ' l 1 I‘ 1 t ‘ .' ! I . .n , ~- ~ I ,. . ,u .., Q ~¢~-..¢- n. -.. ‘ u ro“, / 1U .4 (1 34; U.S. war Production Board . __Folding and'§etSfip Baxes. Limitation Order L3239; as Amended May 85.1943.l (In U.S. National Archivesg Federal Register, v. 8. no. 96. May 153 1943. p. 6345-6547) . Glass Container and Closure Simplioation. Limitation order L-lOS} as Amended Apr. 5; 1943. (In U.S. National Archives. v. 8, no. 67; Apr. 6. 19435 p. 4298- 4315; v9 8. no. 73, Apr. 14. 19435 p.4835) ‘Strapping for Shipping Containers. Conservation Order Mb2613 as Amended Feb. 4, 1943. (In U.S. National Archives; Federal Register. v. 8, no. 25. Feb. 5! 1945, P0 1620) Textile Bags and Paper Shipping Sacks; Conservation Order M-221, as Amended Mar._50, 1943. (In U.S. National Archivesa» Federal Register; v. 8, no. 63, Mar. 51, 1943, p. 5935-3937) / tWooden and Fibre Shipping Containers. Preference Rating order P-140.‘ (In U.S. National Archives. Federal Register.-v.'8,'no.59; Feb. 25. 1945. p. 2378-2380) Wooden Shipping Containers for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.‘ Limitation Order L-232, as Amended Apr. 23, 1943. (In U.S. National Archives.” Federal Register v. 8, no. 81,.Apr..24, 1943,.p. 5382-5383) Consult future numbers of the Federal Register and its indexes for revisions of the above orders of the War Production Board. \ 1 55. v1.. LEGISLATIVE COMPILATIONS California. Board of E ualization lCaIifornia Alcoholic Beverage Control Act and Related Constitutional-Provisions as in Effect September 15,.194l.. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1941. Revenue Laws of California (Annotated) 1941.. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1942. \California. Constitution Constitution of the State of California, Constitution of the United States and Act for Admission of California into Union, Declaration of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitutional History of California, and the California Legislature, 1941. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. ff., 1941. California. Dept. of Agriculture Agricultural Code, 1941. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1941. California. _Dept. of Public Works. Division of Water Resources California Irrigation District Laws, 1941 Revision. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off.. 1942. (Bul. 18-6) water Commission Act. Appropriation of Water, Investigation of Water Rights and Resources, Determination of Water Rights, State Supervision over Dis- ‘ tribution of Water, 1941. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1941. California. Laws, Statutes, Etc. The Civil Code of the State of’California, Approved March 21, 1872, Amendments to and including the Fifty-Fourth Session of the California Legislature, 1941, Including Legislative History - Annotations - Citations, Appendix .Covering Certain Civil Statutes Not Incorporated in Civil Code. Lake Edition. San Francisco,\The Recorder Printing and Publishing Company, 1941. Compilation of Fair Trade Act and Unfair Practices Act Extracted from Business and Professions Code of the State of California in Effect September 13, 1941. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1941. Compilation of Laws Relating to Subdivisions and State and Local Planning, State of California. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1937. Deeripg's Politial Code of the State of California, Adopted March 12, 1872, with Amendments up to and Including Those of the Fifty-Second Session of the Legislature, 1937. San Francisco, BancroftJWhitney Company,1937. ' A 1939 supplement and a 1941 supplement have been i3sued. Insurance Code, State of California, 1939, Sacramento, Calif. State Print. orr., 1940.4 . ' ' Labor Code, 1941. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off.,'1941. '. 1.. 36. N California. Laws, Statutes, Etc. Public Utilities Act of the State of California and Related Constitutional and Statutory Provisions Applying to Public Utilities (with 1941 Amendments) Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1941. Revenue and Taxation Code, Division One, 1941. Sacramento, Calif. State Print. Off., 1941. International Institute of Agriculture Annuaire International de’Legislation Agricola, 1911- Rome 1912- Yearly resume of the important legislation affecting agriculture given ( by country. /U.S. Agricultural Adjustment Administration omp atlon o 301 onservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as Amended, Agri- cultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as Amended, Federal Crop Insurance Act, as Amended, Sugar Act of 1937, as Amended, Laws and Executive Orders Concerning \ the Commodity Credit Corporation, Related Appropriation Items, and Miscellaneous Laws as of the Close of the First Session of the Seventy-Seventh Congress January 2, 1942. washington, Govt. Print. Off.. 1942. /U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Laws Applicable to the United States Department of Agriculture, 1935, Embracing Acts and Provisions of a Permanent Character in Force September 6, 1955. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1936. 1941 Supplement to Laws Applicable to the United States Department of Agric- / ulture (1935 Ed.) Embracing Statutes of a Permanent Character, Reorganization Plans, and Executive Orders Affecting the Department of Agriculture Which were Not Included in the 1935 Edition or Which HaVe Been Enacted or Issued Between September 6, 1935, and January 15, 1941, Arranged, Indexed, and Ed. by James K. Knudsen. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1941. , U.S. Farm Credit Administration Laws Administered by the Farm Credit Administration.. Washington, Govt. Print. Offog 1958. (Giro. 20’ Rev.) \ U.S. Laws, Statutes, Etc. \ g Bankruptcy Haws of'the United States, Compiled by Elmer A. Lewis. Washington, Govt. Print. Offe; 194:0. ‘ Cotton and Grain Futures Acts, Commodity Exchange and Warehouse Acts and Other LaWs Relating Thereto, Compiled by Elmer A. Lewis.” Washington, Govt. Print. / Offea 19410 . . ’/ Farm Relief and Agricultural Adjustment Acts, Compiled by Elmer A. Lewis. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1941. “ Federal Farm Loan Act with Amendments and Farm Mortgage and Farm Credit Acts, Compiled by Elmer A. Lewis. Washington, Govt. Print. Off.,‘l94l. Federal Reserve Act of 1913 with Amendments and Laws Relating to Banking, Compiled by Elmer A. Lewis. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1941. ‘ ') ‘ '2 'ur! ' . fl"~vinu n Nan_ ., ., a , 37., U.S..Laws, Statutes, Etc. Laws Relating to Agriculture. Compiled by Elmer A. Lewis. washington, Govt. Print. Off!) 1941. Laws Relating to Forestry, Game Conservation, Flood Control and Related Subjects, Compiled by Elmer A, Lewis. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1958. Laws Relating to Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Compiled by Elmer A. Lewis. Washington, Govt. Print. Off... 1940. Liquor Laws, Compiled by Elmer A. Lewis. 'Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1938. Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act with Amendments, Compiled by Elmer A. Lewis. 'Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1942. U .8. Library of Congress. Legislative Reference Service Digest‘Bf Outstanding State Legislation on Agriculture, 1935-1939. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1940. (State Law Digest Report No. 4) Digest of Public General Bills with Index Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1956- Mimeographed digests of public general bills introduced are issued at frequent intervals. Printed cumulations are published from time to time, reg placing the mimeographed issues and containing, in addition, a section showing the status of all bills acted upon,.-and another listing the public laws and .resolutions enacted. Summary of Major Legislation, and of Federal Court Decisions on its Constitu- tionality, 73d-76th Congress- Summary of major Legislation, 1953-1940, with the Various Amendments to Each Basic Act, and Decisions of the Federal Courts as to the Constitutionality of the Basic and Amending Acts, Revising and Supplementing Senate Document No. 187, 76th Congress. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1941. (77th Congress, 1st Session. Senate. Doc. 49) Summary of Major Legislation and of Federal Court Decisions on its Constitu- tionality During the First Session of the Seventy-Seventh Congress. Supple- . mental to Senate Document 49, 77th Congress, First Session. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1942. (77th Congress, 2d Session. Senate. Doc. 203) U.S. National Archives CO e of e era egu ations of the United States of America Having General Applicability aand Legal Effect in Force June 1, 1958. AWashingtcn, Govt. Print. Offc, 1939 0 Partial contents: v. 1, title 6. Agricultural credit.- v. 2, title 7. Agriculture.- v. 4, title‘l7.. Commodity and Securities Exchange.- v. 10, title 36.‘ Parks and forests.- v. 11, title 43. Public lands.— v. 15. Index., 1938 Supplement to the Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1940.» 1939 Supplement to the Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America.> washington,-Govt. Print. Off.,.1940. 1940 Supplement to the Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America. 'Washington,_Govt. Print. Off., 1941. 38. U.S. National Archives . r 1941 Supplement to the Code of Federal Regulations of the united States of ‘ America. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1942. _ The Code embraces all documents (Presidential-proclamation or executive order, and any order, regulation, rules, certificate, code of fair competition, license, notice, or similar instrument issued, prescribed, or promulgated by a~ Federal agency) of the various administrative agencies which have general appli- cability and legal effect on June 1, 1938. Annual supplements to the Code will~ replace the bound volumes of the Federal Register which have heretofore appeared, and will contain, under their respective titles, chapters, and numbers, regulatory material which appeared in the daily issues of the Federal Register. The Code will be further supplemented by the daily issues of the Federal Register, and documents appearing therein will follow the Code arrangement. Federal Register, v. 1— Mar. 14, 1936- Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1956- \ p y, 39. VII. CURRENT WAR MEASURES AND REGULATIONS Official Sources: of Information Relating to Government Action Affecting Agriculture in the War PrOgram U.S, National Archives Federal Register (daily) All promulgations of such agencies as Office of Price Administration, war Food Administration, War Production Board, Board of Economic Warfare, Office of Defense Transportation, Selective Service System, War Manpowar Commission, and Executive Orders of the President of the United States are printed in full in the Federal Register as soon as-possible after they are issued. The Register has a monthly index which cumulates quarterly, semiannually and annually. U.S..Office of War Information . ress releaséj— (irregular, but as frequently as news is available for release) Victory (weekly) Both of the above publications digest, discuss and interpret programs, announcements and official action of all agencies, and bring together any news affecting the war program.‘ U.S. War Production Board - WPB [press releasg (irregular,_but as frequently as news is available for release) News of action planned or under way, and of official orders and regulations. Priorities (monthly) Each issue is a complete tabulation of all valid orders and regulations, with an abstract of the principal provisions of each. (All regulations and order,’ ‘ whether obsolete or not, were indexed in the January 1943 issue) Orders which become obsolete during the previous month are listed separately in each issue. Sub- sequent actions during the month are indexed weekly in Victory of the Office of War Information, so that it constitutes a weekly supplement to Priorities. U.S. Office of Price Administration OPA [press releasfi (irregular, but as frequently as news is available for release) News of action planned, under way, and of official orders and regulations. U,s. Office of Defensg Transportation ODT [@ress releasg' (irregular, but as frequently as news is available for release) - News of action planned, under way,and of official orders and regulations. 40¢ U53. Dept. of Agriculture AG 75ress réleasg?’ (irregular, but as frequently as news is available for rélease) Each releasa is a complete news announcement on a particular matter U.S.D.A. Summary (irregular. but as frequently as news is available for release). ‘ A summarization of all AG press releases and other releases of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. ‘ ' I war Letter for Agriculture A digest of the programs and actions affecting agriculture of all agencies. California USDA War Board War’Eetter (irregular, but as frequently as information is available for release) Discussion and interpretation of all official action as it affects California‘ agriculture. \ California. University. College of Agriculture. Agricultural Extension Service mWargrams’Iapproximately weekly) Brief digest of all official action which is of interest to California farmers. ‘ 41'. VIII. ATLASES Philip, George Putnam's Economic Atlas; a Systematic Survey of the WOrld‘s Trade, Economic Resources, and Communications. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1928. Rand, MoNally & Co. _ Rand MoNaIly Commercial Atlas and Marketing Guide. 74th ed. New York, 1945. Primarily an atlas of America as more than three fourths of the maps included are of that region, but does include also world maps and maps of most of the foreign countries. Gives many statistics and contains, in cover pocket, a "Road Atlas of the United States, Canada and Mexico“ and a “Handy Railroad Map of the United States." U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - Atlas of’American Agriculture. Physical Basis Including Land Relief, Climate, Soils, and Natural Vegetation of the United States. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1936. Contents: Land Relief, by F.J. Marschner .3. 1936.-Climate ... Temperature, Sunshine, and Wind, by Joseph B. Kincer ... 1928.-Climate ... Frost and the Growing Season, by William Gardner Reed.- Climate ... Precipitation and Humidity, by J.B. Kincer. 1922.-Soils of the United States, by C.F. Marbut ... 1955.- The Physical Basis of Agriculture. Natural Vegetation. Grassland and Desert Shrub, by H. L. Shantz ... Forests, by Raphael Zon ... 1924. Atlas of Climatic Types in the United States, 1900—1939, by CJW. Thornthwaite. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1941. (Miscellaneous Pub. 421) ' A Graphic Summary of Farm Crops (Based Largely on the Census of 1940) washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1945. 42.. IX. HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE Bancroft, H.H. History of California. San Francisco, The History Company, 1884-90. 7V', Chafinan, Charles 4 History of California; the Spanish Period.' New York, Macmillan 60., 1921. Cleland, R.G., and Osgood Hardy March’3?:Industry. Los Angeles, Powell Publishing 00., 1929. Fuller, Varden The Supply of Agricultural Labor as a Factor in the Evolution of Farm Organiza- tion in California. (In U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Education and Labor. Violations of Free Speech and Rights of Labor. Hearings Before a Subcommittee ... 76th Congress. 5d Session Pursuant to S. Res. 266 (74th Congress) ... Part 54. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1940. ‘p. 19777-19898) Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of California, 1939. Hittell , John '3. The Resources of California. San Francisco, A. Roman & Co., 1875. Chap. VIII. Agriculture, p. 208-295. . Hunt, R.D., and N. Sanchez A Short History of California. New York, Thomas Crowell, 1929. McWilliams, Carey Factories in the Field; the Story of Migratory Farm Labor in California. Boston, Little, Brown and Company. 1939. 354p. Taylor, Paul S. and Tom Vasey Contemporary Background of_5alifornia Farm Labor. (In Rural Sociology, v. 1, .no. 4, Dec. 1936, Po 401-419) Taylor, Paul S. . . ' Historical Background of California Farm Labor. (In Rural Sociology, v. 1, no. 3, Sept. 1956, p. 281-295) Wickson, Edward J. Rural California. New York, Macmillan Co., 1923. ...» =1 «1: n'.| \- - I ow', ‘ v n» - | . .‘H .5. -— 43o IMPORTANT JOURNALS FOR WORK INLAGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS PERIODICAL AIDS (Note: A union list of periodicals is a catalog, usually in alphabetical title arrangement, of the periodicals to be found in the libraries of a special region, with indications of the libraries containing any given title. Invaluable for inter-library loan purposes.) American NeWSpapers, 1821-1936. A Union List of Files Available in the United States and Canada. New York, HAN. Wilson 00., 1937. Arranged alphabetically by states and Canadian provinces. California Library Association. Southern District , Union List of Serials in Libraries of Southern California. Los Angeles, 1939. (Publication no. 3) International Congresses and Conferences, 1840-1937. A Union List of their Pub- liOations Available in the Libraries of the United States and Canada. New York, HJN.‘Wilson Co. 1938. List of ;%e Serial Publications of Foreign Governments, 1815-1931. H. W. Wilson COO, 1520 A union list of government serials arranged alphabetically by country name, except that Russia is listed separately at the end, with sub-arrangement by government departments, bureaux, etc. Special Libraries Association. San Francisco Bay Region Chapter Union List of Serials of the San Francisco Bay Region. StanfErd University, Stanford University Press, 1939. Union List of Serials of the San Francisco Bay Region. Supplement, 1937-1941. San Francisco, 1942. Processed. Union List of Serials in Libraries of the United States and Canada. New York, H.W. Wilson COO, 1927. Supplements: Jan. 1925-June 1931, July l931-December 1932. The most important and comprehensive union list, giving catalog description of some 70,000 periodicals, statement of What constitutes a complete set, and indication of holdings of these in more than 200 American and Canadian'libraries. U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Periodicals Received Currently in the Library of the U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Econcmics, Compiled by Vajen Eu Hitzw Washington, U.S., 1932. PrOcessedol Periodicals Received Currently in the Library of the U. 8. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. A Supplement to a List Dated December 1932, Compiled by Vajen E. Hitz. 'Washington, D.C., 1934. Processed. ... .‘:. L‘ ‘ ".' I, '31 1- '. . » \ . . «\ , . . . . . . ‘ . , . . . , . . L . , ., ‘, . . . . . . ‘ . . . ‘ ~ ‘ -, ,_ . 4 . . ‘ . , . , > ‘ ., - v K A ' .2 ’~ I w u v u ‘ ,- _) , .. . . . 1 .. l ‘ ' I . 9 ' ."1 “ 5 ‘ ‘ . . ., . . h 1 u " ~ . 1 ' . \ . s , ‘ ~ . ‘_ M . ‘ . , . , , , . ~ I . '- ‘ ‘I . . . : . 5 . . , .. Z.‘ ,\ u." , . z . '- ~ ' . .l ,, _ ¢v . . . . . . ,, . I a A ‘ . . I». . . . ‘ 'L1 34.... .. -'\ -. A u. - ."' .-.... , .uh“.._‘9»-Muw~uh nun”. .. .v-"w , .- . » .v ' ' n . n . ‘. . " . . . . , -~, r '3. m . . _ , _ . . . . . _ H .. . ,. ...-.-:.- . . . ........ ... ”nun..." .. . . ; .. g... .. ¢ ¢ . ’ . o. . .H ' . .' . '. : .1 , u ,. . . . . . V - -,n -‘ ‘ ‘ ~ _ , . . . >_ u. a . . . - ‘ r. .. .,. , . , ‘ x - a - . . . t' .. \.‘.. 5b.“ -" -\ ‘ .. . . , ..,., '; ‘X’, . ,‘ ..‘ , . ’k 3. v . § . .. . .L.., . .. ~ L-. H- ‘. ”x. -.: N .‘ . I... ~ \u-"m‘;~--~-Mu>~..lnlnun-«no-haunb‘pt‘houl‘Iw-fi .huw-mumw." - '~ ‘ I .T' u ' . ‘ -.I}- .. .OJ‘ .;.4...:.L : . ‘ f ' -‘ ‘- i . .,." “. ~ . -- ~ - ' ' .“... .. ' (."-""' ."u ’v‘.r{..,‘.. .1” 2 . .- . .' ,u . . ‘- . ‘ ‘ . .~_u. Z. ‘l .i 3 . -- ’ 4 . x n2 1 ' . 1 I ‘ - - -' ‘ . - . . .' ,.' ; . . . - _ . 3 1 . ‘ . g " ' | . " ; .‘w a ' u 1 " u - . ‘.., .~.‘ .. - 2 ..' ‘ “ . ' y v- ‘ ' ~. .,. ‘ , ' . (.. ' "‘ ~' I . ‘ ‘ ‘ . ., ' ,' H w L I» .‘ .. ' ‘ 3 > v ,- w‘ ' . .J ,- g A H . ', ,. .. -‘ . ' ,1 - ...* ~ ‘ ‘ 0 '9. -v':'% -.- ~ '. V ‘ G . 44.’ These lists exclude periodic publications of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. ‘U. S. Dept. of Agriculture List of the Agricultural Periodicals of the United States and Canada Published During the Century July 1810 to July 1910, Camp. by Stephen Conrad Stuntz. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1941. (Miscellaneous Pub. 398) List of Periodicals Currently Received in the Library of the United States De— partment of Agriculture. washington, Govt.‘Print. Off., 1936. (Miscellaneous Pub. 245) -‘ ' U.S. Farm Credit Administration ‘ Periodicals Issued by FarmerS' Marketing and Purchasing Associations. washing— ton, D.C.. 1941. Processed. (Miscellaneous Report 5, Rev.) LIST or JOURNALS L'Activite Economique, Bulletin Trimestriel.' Paris, Librairie du Reoueil Sirey, April 1935- Sponsored by Institut de Statistique de l'Universite de Paris at Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales Agricultural History. washington, D.C., Agricultural History Society, Jan. 1927- , Quarterly. “American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia. Annals. Philadelphia, July 1890- Bimonthly. American Economic Review. Menasha, Wis., American Economic Association, March 1911- Quarterly. * Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science. Torcnto,University of Toronto Press, Feb. 1955- Quarterly. . Sponsored by the Canadian Political Science Association. Econometrica. Colorado Springs, 0016., Econometric_Society, Jan. 1933- Quarterly. ‘ Economic Geography. ‘Worcester, Mass., Clark University, March 1925- Quarterly. ’ Economic History; a Supplement of the Economic Journal. London, Macmillan,‘ Jan. 1926- Annual Sponsored by the Royal Economic Society.' Economic History Review.. London, A. & C. Black, Ltd., Jan. 1927- Quarterly.’ Sponsored by the Economic History Society. Economic Journal. ‘London, Macmillan, March 1891— Quarterly. Sponsored by the Royal'Economic Society. General index to every 10 volumes.“ 1‘1 . '4.' ., ‘ -': ... - . -:‘ ._ ~ . u : . .._ . , ‘. . ‘ A ' . . - . .' . ‘ . L‘?‘ V? . . ' ' . s . . - . . u. M .. . . . . -. .r - \v . . ~ , ‘ .. . = _ L ‘ Cl“) .. "I . , -' . ‘ . - q '. ' . ; ~‘LJ‘ K .‘ -' ... ' — . 3‘ - . . ~ I‘ I ' . f.~.'.r;.-: .1 u 4. .I~-- " A ' - . . ‘_ .' ', .aA -...¢-- .._.... .. . - . g...{ ’ . ' -\ s ‘ ' ,‘ ‘ . - . ‘.~ . ;« v ~ _ . v: ”R .' 10‘ ' l .‘ w '3 s , a . ¢ - ‘ I “‘ V.» . O . u E» ‘ . . _ ' » ., ' _ v . .' _. ” ,,‘ . ‘. ., , f ' ; . . ' h u 9:. r' . -- . § 3 » -'. . ‘ . .... .. ~ “ . ,‘.. ~' J1, ... .. ,. u . a“ u 5 O - .’, ,. . '. _ ‘ _ . I. I ‘ . u c u. . . . V‘. ..,, '. .,.. ., C ("J'- .v - .~. .4. ‘n . a ’ , ‘ ..:' .. “ -"’w'~‘ .. . ‘1. .. v o . ' , ‘ . ‘ ' ’ .. .. n.' -, . - , , V .. ' ‘K. 7H-’,- v.5..d .- . _ .‘ . .3 ;‘ r " x 5 V . ' , o v. . I ‘ . . .: .. , ‘ . . -r‘. ” 0., ‘ ‘h ' r ‘ ’. . . \ . Q . ’ ' - ‘. ‘ (f .; . _.. u ‘ .' ,r.’ ’ ‘O’ !' f- ”'4‘ .1 3 . 1'. ‘ . -' ‘ Q a. "'1' I ‘..‘- V ' ". ‘. ' ,w 45. Economic Record. 4Victoria,.Autralia, Melbourne University Press, Nov. 1925- Semi-annually. . ' ' ' Sponsored by the Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand. Economica; a Journal of the Social Sciences.\ London, London School of Economics ' and Political Science, Jan. l921- “ Quarterly. Germany. Reichs-und Preussisches Ministerium fur Ernfihrung und Landwirtschaft. Berichte fiber Landwirtschaft. ‘Neue Folge. Heft. Berlin, Paul Parey, 1923- Monthly. _ ‘ " ’ Sonderheft. Berlin,.Pau1 Parey,.1924- Irregular. Giornale Degli Economisti e Annali di Economia. Milano, Universita Commercials Luigi Bocconi, Jan. 1939- . ' Monthly. ' Formed from merging of Annali di Economia and Giornale Degli Economisti e Rivista di Statisticao, International Bulletin of Agricultural Law. Rome, International Institute of Agriculture, Year 1, no. l- 1940- Irregular. International Review of Agriculture. Rome, International Institute of Agriculture, Jan. 1910-, Monthly ' - Contains Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and Sociology. Jahrbficher fur Nationalbkonomie und Statistik. Jena, G. Fisher, 1863- MOIIthly . . ' . - . Journal of Economic History. New York, New York University Press, May 1941-, ‘ Semi-annually. Sponsored by the Economic History Association. Journal of Farm Economics. Menasha, Wis., American Farm Economic Association, June 1919-. Quarterly. Cumulative general index in v. 10 covering volumes 1 to 10, 1919-l928,' v. 20 covering volumes 11 to 20, 1929-1958. . ‘ Journal of Forestry. Washington, D. 0., Society of American Foresters, Oct. 1902- Monthly 0 Two cumulative indexes covering volumes 1 to 27, 1902-1929, and volumes 28 to 37, 1950-1959. Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics. Chicago, Northwestern University, Jan. 1925- ' Quarterly. ‘ Journal of Marketing. New York, American Marketing Association, July 1936- Quarterly. Succeeds the National Marketing Review and the American Marketing Journal. Journal of Political Economy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press,.December' 1892- Bimonthly. ‘ ‘ Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. Menasha,y Wis., American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, April 1957- Semi-Annual. I "N .: 4‘ .. . ‘ ., ..‘ , . t ,‘ I l K'. . .~. 9 u . 4. . 3“ ‘- '. ’ ‘ .. h ., :\ . , -. . , ‘ ’ _ . I . ‘ ‘ a. u . \ ‘ - . u . .. .. .- ,_ . "w. an”. 4 _-'_ . 4 ' w”. . ‘ . . s . . r: .'~ ' . ‘ . z . , . 5 . . . ' a ' ' ". . . :3 — - 4 x- ,. w r . M _ ', ,_ A v. ' ‘ _ . ~ , .. : l . W by. A. :3") .- ‘ '1' ,...,. ' A u . g. w.’ K' I.’ . - a... ‘ l I, ‘ ‘v . . 1. .,. .' 460 Journalf of the American Statistical Association., washington, D.C., American Statistical Association, 1888/1889, Quarterly. Cumulative index covering volumes 1 to 54, 188811939} Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. London, Royal Statistical Society, May 1838- Quarterly. General indexes to vols. 1-5, 16925, 26-35, 36-50, 51-71, 72-87, and a subject index to vols. 28-57. ‘ Mirovoe Khoziaistvo i Mirovaia golitika. Moscow, Akademiia Nauk S.S.S.R. Institut Mirovozo Khoziaistva i Mirovci Politiki, 1926-' monthly. ------------- - Koniunkturnyi Biulletin Moscow, Akademiia Nauk S.S.S.R. Institut Mirovozo Khoziaistva i Mirovoi Politiki, 1956. monthly. A supplement to the journal listed above. Oxford Economic Papers. Oxford, Institute of Statistics, Oxford University, Oct. 1938- Irregular. Planovoe Khoziaittvo. Moscow, Gosplan SSSR, 19242 - monthly. Problemy Rkonomiki. Moscow, Akademiia Nauk S.S.S.R. Institut Rkonomiki, 1929- monthly Quarterly Journal of Economics. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, Oct. 1886- " ' Cumulative index, 1886-1956. Review of Economic Statistics. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Economic Society, Jan. 1919- Quarterly. Review of Economic Studies. London, London School of Economics and Political Science, Oct. 19539 3 issues a year. Revue Roonomique Internationale. Bruxelles, Belgium, March 1904- Monthly. Rivista Italiana di Scienze Economische. Bologna, N. Zaniohelli, Jan. 1929- Bimonthly. ' ' Rural Sociology, Devoted to Scientific Study of Rural Life. Raleigh, North Carolina, State College of Agriculture and the University of North Carolina, March 1936’ Quarterly. ‘ Official organ of the Rural Sociological Society. South African Journal of Economics, Johannesburg, Economic Society of South Africa, March 1953- Quarterly. ‘ Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. London, Royal Statistical Society, 1934- Semi-annual. Weltwirtsohaftliohes Archiv. Jena, G. Fischer, Jan’sApril 1913- Quarterly. Sponsored by Institut ffir‘Weltwirtschaft an der Universitat Kiel. ~’ Zeitschrift ffir NationalBkonomie. Wien, J. Pringer, May 19299 Irregular. Supersedes Zeitschrift fur Volkswirtsohaft und Sozialpolitikp ' ‘2 ..‘.. «‘c ..> 47o IMPORTANT STATISTICAL SOURCES FOR WORK IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS The following list is an attempt to make known in as simple an outline as possible important primary and secondary sources of statistics particularly use- ful to workers in the field of agricultural economics.fi It is not a presentation of statistical method, or instruction in how to use the data.* It does not even give a full description of the data, their comparative value, the history of a series, discrepancies and changes in it,. or revisions of it, except briefly in very important instances. There is no attempt made to state everything which the publications mentioned contain, only an indication of certain statistics of es- pecial importance to us. It is not a complete list of all the publications of the agency, and it is certainly not a complete list of all the important statistical publications or sources. Particularly in the Department of Agriculture the number of publications is very extensive, and the publication of statistics very involved.” In listing the very important primary and secondary sources it is hoped that it will acquaint the student with the logical places to look first for wanted statistics, and that these sources in turn will serve as leads to others or to more detailed compilations, especially when“supplemented by the use of card catalogs, indexes to periodicals, statistics, etc., and bibliographies-9 It can be stated here that it is well for the student to bear in mind the fact that, in view of useful compilations and important revisions, also often cumulative, it is advisable, in collecting a series of statistics, to start with the latest issue of a publication containing the wanted figures and work back-' wards. rather than to start with the earliest date wanted, only to find upon reaching a much later date a cumulation which Would not have necessitated handling so many publications, or a cumulated revision which will necessitate the recompila-" tion of the data already transcribed.‘ General Guides to Statistical Sources U. S. Dept. of Commerce. Library Price Sources; Index of Commercial and Economic Publications Currently Received in the Libraries of the Department of Commerce thich Contain Current Market and Commodity Prices. washington,'Govt.‘Print.‘Off.,'1951. A list of the periodicals indexed is at the end of the volume." Indexed under commodities, giving the journals in which price data appear, frequency of issue, and markets covered. U.S.'Bureau of Agricultural Economics List of Periodicals Containing Prices and Other Statistical and Economic Infora‘ mation on Dairy Products..'Washington,.D.C.."1957. Processed.’ (Agricultural Economics Bibliography 71) Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables in the United States; an Index to Some Sources of Statistics.. Washington, D.C., 1935. Processed. (Agricultural Economics Bibliography 56) ' figWfiMfififiMéwmfi . d V wmzmwmfiwefigifmww ' " , msmwgm; = Mme& wmamm wmwamm mmmammamwm; ( _ gs: “n.2,;mmmafimm uuj 4: ,j ifiqmmfigmaflsfiw$qm4W§£fimw M , ‘ V 4 WMfimmfl 48. U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics \ List of Periodicals Containing Prices and Other Statistical and Economic Informa- tion on Fruits, vegetables, and Nuts. Washington, D.C., 1955. Processed. (Agricultural Economics Bibliography 55) The three indexes listed above are arranged by journals, with a detailed descriptive note concerning pertinent data. well indexed by commodities. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.‘ Library _ Bibliography of Agriculture. Section A. Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. Vol. 1- ~ July 1942- Washington, D.C., 1942- ,, Processed. Bibliography of Agriculture. Section F. Food Processing and Distribution, Vol. 2- ‘ Jan. 1943- ‘Washington, D.C., 1943- Processed. Volume 1 not published. Preceded by U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.‘ Agricultural Economics Literature. 1927-June 1942. Monthly publications listing and annotating all new important literature of interest in the indicated fields. The annual indexes are so detailed as to serve as a valuable index to statistical or chiefly statistical publications issued by all agencies. Verwey, Gerlof, and D.C. Rennoij The Economist's Handbook; a Manual of Statistical Sources. Amsterdam; 1954. The Economist's Handbook; a Manual of Statistical Sources. Supplement. Amster- dam; HOJ. Paris, 1957. A handbook classifying the existing sources of economics statistics of the principal countries and indicating Where one may find statistical data on any given economic subject and information about the contents. name, ordering address, price and merits of a given statistical publication. It consists of two parts; the first a subject list arranged alphabetically under which is an indication of sources of statistical information and the second part in which the sources are classified by country. ‘Well indexed. 49. STATE DEPARTMENTS OF AGRICULTURE Example: State of California Guides to Statistical Sources U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics . California; anifndex to the State Sourceseof Agricultural Statistics. Washing- ton, D.C., 1930-1951. Processed. (Its Agricultural Economics Bibliography 51) Contents: Pt. 1. Fruits, Vegetables, and Nuts; an Index to Official Sources.- Pt. 2. Crops Other Than Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts; an Index to the Official Sources.- Pt. 3. Livestock and Livestock Products; an Index to the Official Scurces.- Pt. 4. Land, Farm Property, Irrigation and Miscellaneous Items; an Index to the Official Sources.- Pt. 5. An Index to Some Unofficial Sourcesq _ In front of each section is a list of the publications indexed, giving same historical information about each. This is a very valuable and detailed index to statistics on production, acreage, value, shipments, receipts, numbers, exports and imports, etc., by commodities and by years. A similar index was issued for Alabama and OklahOma. California. Federal-State Market News Service ’Mimeographed Reports of the Market News Service in California. Sacramento, 1939. Processed. ' Lists all the market news reports issued by the Federal-State Market News Service in California. Gives place issued, frequency, and brief information about the kind of information contained in each report. U.S. Bureau of ricultural Economics ' Agricultural concmic Reports and Publications. flashington, D.C.. 1945. Processed. , U.S. Agricultural Marketing Administration 1942 Reports. flashington, D.5., 1942. ’Processed. A complete list of all crop and market reports and other statistical period— ical publications of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics and the Agricultural Marketing Service, issued at‘Washington, D.C., and at the field offices. An adequate description is given of each publication and report, including place issued and frequency of appearance. Many reports and publications issued at washington give state information as well as those issued at the field offices.. The reports issued at the field offices in California are also listed in the above guide, thimeographed reports of the Market News Service in California.“ Issued annually. f xnfiaumm anfim MW ‘ . 3". I ' . c. '4. n'~ ' .. v ‘mw m 1/..‘pufio f t'QF‘ W 7 “ "‘~ . -... ... 33% $3}? Mes'isgifl' 1‘ #3333323: " "sat ' ” mag: W M MW w an M 506 California. Dept. of Agriculture. Sacramento Cooperative Crop and Livestock Reporting Service Issues mimeographed releases, some irregularly, but most of them approximate- ly monthly, in season, giving cendition, production, acreage, yield and value of crops, and numbers and value of livestock. The most important monthly releases are listed below. Each has a mimeographed annual summary. Through 1928 such annual summaries were given in some detail in the annual printed "California Crop Report," issued in the numbered Special Publication Series of the State Department of Agriculture. A few special printed or tmportant compilations have been issued since 1928 giving cumulated figures for a period of years, namely: Acreage Estimates, California Fruit and Nut Crops, 1927 to 1932. Sacramento, 1932. (Calif. Dept. of Agriculture. Special Publication 117) Acreage Estimates, California Fruit and Nut crops as of 1937. Sacramento, 1 38. Acreage Estimates, California Fruit and Nut Crops as ofxl938. Sacramento, ‘ 3 . Acreage Estimates, California Fruit and Nut Crops as of 1939. Sacramento, 1940. ‘ Acreage Estimates, California Fruit and Nut Crops as of 1940. Sacramento, 1941. Acreage Estimates, California Fruit and Nut Crops as of 1941. Sacramento, 1942. ' California Citrus Crop Production and Utilization Estimates, 1909-10 to 1935-39. Sacramento, 1939. Processed. California Fruit and Nut Acreage Survey, 1936. Washington, D.C., 1938. (Issued by the U.S. Agricultural Adjustment Administration) ' California Production, Average Per’Ton Returns to Grower, and Value of Produc- tion for Avocados, Dates, Persimmons, and Pomegranates. Sacramento, 1941. Processed. California Production, Average Per Ton to Growers and Bearing Acreage_for Avocados, Dates, Persimmons, and Pomegranates. Sacramento, 1942. Processed. . _\ V California Olive Production and Utilization Estimates - 1909 to 1938, and Growers' Price Estimates - 1919 to 1938. Sacramento, 1940. ProceSsed. California Olive Estimates 1919 to 1941. Sacramento, 1942. Processed." California Peaches - Production, Utilization, and Price Estimates, Crops of o . acramento, 1940. Processed. California‘Walnut Estimates 1919 to 1941. Sacramento, 1942. Processed. California Walnut Estimates, Crops of 1931 to 1942. Sacramento, 1943. ” Processed, ' ‘ _ . . -. h ’ ‘ . - . ‘ ~',' 2 ~ ‘ - .. \ . . '. . ' ‘ w , - . .. : .A V. .. ‘, . . , a .~.' A - ‘ ' . ..- 9‘ ‘ ‘ ,‘ x ‘. , ., - ,. _ , . ‘ -..A. , -.. .. ‘7 -. | ~ ‘-- , » i "' - r .' .‘ 71': . ‘ .. 0 1r . , _‘ .1.- -' ..' r \ - ' I m-.-...‘~_.-..V...4 . . . \-. ‘ 1 ,,.. m .- .A , .~ A ' ' . ' v . N ' y .- _ -_ . . ' ‘ .-.-,........ . . . . .. . .. . ,. . ‘ . J- , ‘1. , _ . I. t - . , .,..-..... .4 .... .... . . . ‘ ‘ . ‘ . 4. . . , . H ‘ , , ”.111 ‘. ., ,_ .. ._ ‘ . . . . ... ..4..,_....‘.w-,.... .. .... .. .. . ‘ .......4u.......---- . . \ ‘ V ' ., . r‘ L' ' ' I’ ' ‘ \ ‘ . . . .. . . .. - ... . - . . . - . \ . ~ . _ , , v ._‘ , u. \x- - ‘ . J . x .,.. . ‘ . ,. . ... ......y....-‘. .... . -..». ..,, .-u—u .......... .... .... . ... .. . a . ,. ,., , , I ‘, H‘ {r .:m_ . '. . . «_ N . .5 3 .. . . -u- a ‘1»... ...“ .... “...... .. ‘ ‘ .~ H.‘ . ,Uw . d “ . ‘ l \ . ; . . . . . . . . ‘ .. ,..,. . , .. , ~. 4 . 4 . - > ‘ 1"» ~ g. - '..:.. -. . .. ‘ .. .x. .2.",- . ‘ 4 ... ‘ _ ' . .... ..... . .-.“-..wu.‘ , 7‘ - t >. ., 4 , . _ ‘ ‘: , . .. . ' - _‘v ~.~‘ . “ - 1. -. L " l' I .. . ‘3 ‘_ - - " A Q .U’ I . 3" ’f:|lv‘.'v\, , . o ..,.?..-..m..... “...—.0. . . . «mam» .. . . -, » ... . , , .. ...,. .‘. «, «'i'. .. 4.-....«....... ..., . v«.~-‘ ...”. . ,. .. . . .~ .... ‘ _ ' 4 ~ ’ . ' ‘ _ . . . . , ;." ,. , .. . _ . ;. . ~ .Lx . I x ..‘L a . ‘.. “Pup; .il'ki _ . . .... "'"f - ...\’...v.-.:--n«...‘ .. -7-.. .... -..-...... ....p ._--...-.. ”...... 4...,,.‘.......,.... ~ - - - _ . . ...: . , . . ., M .. t A. ‘ r . , ,,.,_ v ,. \.I,._.: ‘ . - ..a" > ‘ ~ .-- ~' . t 1 ‘ J 4.“ u .. , Q ' ~ . ., . ‘ “..., ..‘gn..-,luol.vv-~"1q .. .... ..n ..‘n. ~...‘.-. ~ 1" , . ‘ . .4. . ‘ n , . , w _' _ . , . , _ . 1 ,3 : ‘1. . ;. _... , . . .. .x. -$.‘~‘. ...-...y- ,I, ., . .L‘ . - ~ ...._...:._.,.nu...--...».. ......«.....,... ... .. . ...-......—........u. . - .. . . ”...-U. ...-... ... ~. ~ .- ‘ - ., - .a . . , N - ,,-. ,, .4 , "« .4: .. ’ .m..-.v-. .'.- a. vu- \w “v.1” " ~-.. . ; ».w.--.».~.. .«u.:..,-..-.. .. .. ...‘.. ‘ #1. ...,~’~ "... «"" ,., K ‘ .. '4 u w. . o. - . :1. ..ivu .[ ”3.". 1. 3.1.2; :.,,}.;‘ .zJ. .,,'"} ...-~ *-r—~—-~~—»Mba..-.~4-\..~-,.-.u:a»v -.— up,“ ...... ......-~,-..A—..~.., . / ‘ v . . . ’ . . . , , q‘ ,, 4, “.1...“ . V, .. . . ‘ . 4., <. ~-‘ ‘1 ,.,.,‘.,VM‘I . W . “-.."...m... “......” ..-_........,...-.... I w- .... .F'r’ ‘~~,.u~‘.... . .... a r '!"yr§.~.l.q‘- . ( , .... u_;~ J . . 1 -1 f-‘D “w u_ 0 V . .. 'L‘ '“H .3: - . A‘ -;-l Afl‘ ... - ‘ ' - . -.. a-. ‘x. h .. :~,, 3.... . ... . .. 0 ,Q n -_ . ..x,‘r_ ‘H ~ ' -, .;L A " « ..,'~. .3 _..,_.,, ., ,. ‘ . .. n H... ...». . “......M... .......... .4 --.u‘-. ~. - . ... ’v n. . . . . California Cotton: Estimated Acreage, Yield, (and Production, 1928-1937, 'él} by Counties and Valleys. .Sacramentc, 1935} Processed. California Livestock an Poultr' A- tatistioal sum": 2. 18679-1948. Sacramento, 0 of gr cu turc. Spec a ‘ b cation‘ 92' Following are the more important monthly releases, in season, with annual summaries: California Fruit and Nut Crops Field Crop Report Cotton Report Truck Crop Notes California Livestock and Range Condition Report western Livestock and Range Report Division of Animal Industry Statistical Report of California Dairy Products (Annual, appearing in numbered Special Publication series of'the State Department of Agriculture) Statistics on production, manufacture, consumption, receipts and prices. Federal-State Market News Service The Federal Department of Agriculture operates in cooperation with the’State Department of Agriculture in providing this marketing and price service, as it does in providing the Cooperative Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. For a complete list of the reports of the field stations, commodities and data covered, see the second item under Guides to Statistical Sources at the beginning of this section, "Mimeographed Reports of the Market News Service in California." In addition to the price, shipment, unload, etc., information for commodities produced in California, there are important releases relating to production and marketing of certain specialty crops produced abroad of interest to California producers because they compete with domestic crops, for example, almonds, raisins, prunes, walnuts, etc. ,These, for the most part, are of course suspended for the duration. County Agricultural Commissioners , Most of the county agricultural commissioners, in compliance with See. 65.5 of the Agricultural Code of California, have, since 1940, compiled and published annual estimates on crop-acreage and production and on livestock production for their respective counties. Some of the commissioners have published such a report for many years. ..r .3" IuQ—uu-anw ..‘ » 1 '. 'll-‘_ . “-4 .- ,0...- '.a.. up _. z. . . . .. .. . 1’ . . . x , : " " ' ' ' " . , , I . f . . s I I \ I. .. , ““1.“ :7 ’ .‘.-u.~‘-nn.1. -. a. \ r - . _' ‘ _ I _ .. ,. ‘ ' ‘ 4 , . ..:z ' ' . ‘ - ‘ I ' . ~ , V .v I» ‘ . . . ' .1 --.-....._,..._,M_.......-.......;~.. . . u. . : ',~< " I I .:‘ ‘2' ' ‘ -- x- , - a ;, - < ‘. 'C\"" ‘ 52., FEDERAL GOVERNMENT . ,. Guides to Statistical Sources Schmeckebier, L.F.- The Statistical Work of the National Government. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1925. What the Federal government has done and is doing in the way of collecting and publishing information of a statistical character. A guide to determine what statistical information is available in the publications of the national govern- ment and the particular documents in which such information may be found. Although issued in 1925, it still holds for many series continuing to date. But there have been many new series, many changes and amplifications or discontinuance of Old ones. Very valuable for the years back of 1925 for the historical treatment and description of the data, and as a clue to most of the more important series-still extant, if somewhat changed. well indexed. Inter American Statistical Institute. Temporary Or anizin Committee' Statistical Activities of the American Nations, 1 40, a ompendium of the Statistical Services and Activities in 22 Nations of the western Hemisphere, Together with Information Concerning Statistical Personnel in These Nations, ed. by Elizabeth Phelps.. washington, D.C., 1941. Partial contents: Statistical Activities of the United States, p. «89-616. (This section has been reprinted as a pamphlet with the same title by the U.S. Bureau of the Budget, Division of Statistical Standards) Davenport, D. H. and F. V. Scott An Index to Business Indioes. Chicago, Business Publications, Inc.‘ 1957. Part I is a finding index to index numbers of wholesale and retail commodity prices, building costs, cost of living, purchasing power, security prices and yields, general business conditions, finance, labor, production and distribution. Part II is a description of the indexes giving the title, compiler, frequency and place of publication and period covered. The publications of both government and private agencies containing such information are listed. U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economic Reports and Publications. ‘Washington, D.C., 1943. ' Processed. U.S. Agricultural fiMarketing Administration 1942 Reports.fi washington, D.C., 1942. Processed. A complete list of all crop and market reports and other statistical periodi- cal publications of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics and the Agricultural Marketing Service issued at‘Washington, D.C.. and at the field offices. An ade- quate description is given of each publication and report, including place issued and frequently of appearance. Issued annually. flm as“; *wwe W ‘ aw 35$ gum: am my; amv,_ ,i flmw m WW m ”fix-Mm. , v fiésm fisma}; WW5 Q; Emu” 53. E:§. Dept. of Agriculture ‘ Index to Publications of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1901-1925. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1932. Index to Publications of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1926-1930. washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1935. Index to Publications of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1931-1935. Washlngton, Govt. Hint. Offs, 1957. These indexes are so detailed in analyzing publications and in the sub- divisions of the headings of the index itself that they constitute an excellent index to statistics published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, particularly to those appearing in special reports and bulletins. U.S.I Bureau of Agricultural Economics BAE Handbook} a Description of the Functions, Organization, and Operation of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Issued for the Use of the Staff. Washington, D.C.,' 1939. Processed. U S. Dept. of Agriculture The Crop and Livestock Reporting Service of the United States. Washington, 7 Govt. Print. Off., 1933. (Its Miscellaneous Publication 171) U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural Marketing Service, Organization and Functions. Washington, D.C., 1940. Processed. The above three publications, while not indexes, are excellent and compre— hensive descriptive publications relating to the work in agricultural economics, crop reporting and market news dissemination of the Department of Agriculture, and consequently of great interest to workers in agricultural economics interested in the history and methods of this work, the statistical results of which are of such paramount importance to them. The work formerly done in the Agricultural Marketing Service was recently divided between the Bureau of Agricultural Economics and the Food Distribution Administration, but no later publications descriptive of that work are at present available. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. washington, D. C. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Food Distribution Administration Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations Agricultural Statistics (annual) Through 1936 this compilation was contained in the Yearbook of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Much of the data appears originally in this publication, and the balance summarizes or presents the identical material appearing in the Bureau’s more frequent publications and some of the publications of other govern- ment departments. Our most valuable single handbook, covering statistics on Mimmamwamvwm ' n m’mn an m WWW: W ‘m m an“ _ 4- ‘ WW? inn an“! Wiméfigndi may: i: ‘. i . . _ W W ‘ “a I N at fin HM fin Rainw- Wfiwa w fiam sum fin W ‘ f Wimégnmtfl mxgnmtmwfi moi pl fin W? m a} mnxmm _j_ 1 , 7 w ~ , fling new «In: Wan . . mm mm m am \ e .n, ,»- V f ",F \“ \p S .{, ‘1” * 54. grains, cotton, sugar, tobacco, fruits and vegetables, miscellaneous crops, live- stock, dairy and poultry products, foreign«trade in agricultural products, farm business and related statistics. Figures on acreage, yield, production, prices, market supplies, imports and exports, receipts, shipments, the farm real estate situation and taxes, farm mortgage loans, agricultural loans of commercial banks, farm mortgage debt and bankruptcy, rural population, farm wage rates, farm income, etc. Although this is the source to consult first, these statistics are broken down to the finest detail which we have in the publications of the Bureau appear- ing at more frequent and timely intervals. The latest edition of "Agricultural Economic Reports and Publications," and "Reperts issued by Agricultural Marketing Service" deScribe most adequately all of these publications appearing daily, weekly, monthly, and annually, presenting the statistical information on crop pro— duction, the marketing situation and farm business. Certain of these publications should be emphasized and listed here as well: / Crops and Markets (monthly; quarterly for the duration of the war) The monthly supplement to "Agricultural Statistics" for certain of the tabu- lar material as the data become available. Data often given in greater detail than in "Agricultural Statistics." Certain of the statistics also appear in’a number of advance preliminary mimeographed releases at various intervals, often in still more detail. General Crop Report (monthly) . Detailed tables on acreage, yield and production, actual and indicated, con- dition of crops, and related information. Most of these data have been reprinted in Crops and Markets, this report serving as a preliminary release. With Crops and Markets reduced to a quarterly basis, the Crop Report is valuable not only for its timeliness but for its completeness. A monthly Cotton Report is also issued in season. ' Foreign Crops and Markets (weekly; monthly for the duration of the war) The primary outlet for current crop and market information gathered abroad by Department representatives. Agricultural Situation (monthly) Especially valuable for its summarized tableby months and years on the soon? omic trends affecting agriculture, comprised of wholesale prices of all commodities, industrial production income of industrial workers, cost of living, farm wages, taxes, prices paid by farmers, and the index of prices received by farmers for certain commodity groups. From time to time appear summary tables on taxes, real estate values, rural population, agricultural income, etc., which, like a score of other tabulations of the Bureau have often previously appeared in more detailed mimeographed form, and will appear still later in a more detailed printed bulletin or monographic form. Agricultural Prices (monthly) Prices received by farmers for principal crops and livestock products, index numbers of prices received by farmers, indexes of prices paid by farmers for com- modities bought, and parity priceOb. From time to time contains valuable compila- tions, revisions, and special tables. ' ’ ‘ . '66 m3. 63.666663666363336 Mae: . ‘ " _ ,- W_m 66366615636 Wflm 36663363363366: m u ,. . -§ v 1. V «.- m 333.3636 633%.6W Wfififi “36:25:61: 336‘ WW $515.; at? _ .. gm‘wa . f“*36 flaw :63 36W 6336' MM 23 ., ,i 2 ‘ ' .6 5“ 363 136363633316 $33 $53" 666:; _ .m36693‘53366 :33! 13:66:36 - 36%” W fififlifi’w-fl .. _. 2% 32336632666663 md’m‘am 636666614 ’36: 66:66 ‘63:: 6.6 666666 66:. 36666 666666633666 666.6 666: 4 ‘ 3 33’3 ”3663269136343 3665:5236 $333636“ <63 “66666661666316 :3 . mu gag; 6.666.666.6666: 633’ ‘ 3 1:1 3666’“ 6666.66 666666611666; 66235 1.6 £33“) ~ « .6 _. fl Mo M ;‘ wafim fig ”awggyi “figfik‘fiflfiflfifi W : , . gigfifiififfit’ _ . ’ 6 66662. 66666666 gmmwsmg 36.6 W: ffififim 666 366W MWQg‘.‘ - 66666 6666 6.6.6666 63:66: '66 66-66 . Wm‘kfifi 366 .66 mg 366‘. ,,. 6 2' . . . . ":1; m3 m6 66 " . " 3366 36621666666366.6666 ’3: 36662666666 twif: ‘ , 6666636“ 666'” 63* 63 6666366 ‘66 6666666 6:33 26666 ' Mmami 6?; 36636636 666363333 3666;663:6663: Wf’ ‘ , 55. Farm Labor Report (monthly) Family labor and hired labor on farms and wage rates. \ Farm Income Situation (monthly) Contains estimates of cash farm income from marketings and government pay- ments, with separate estimates of income for the principal groups of commodities, estimates of income by states from sales of crops, sales of livestock and livestock products. Demand and Price Situation (monthly) Review of the factors affecting the demand for farm products, and of general trends in the prices of farm products, wholesale prices of other products, and farm income. Provides more detailed and technical analyses than the Agricultural Situation. National Food Situation (irregular) , Contains statistical tables showing the index numbers of retail food prices and nonagricultural income payments, the distribution of food supplies and the per capita consumption of major foods by income levels. Marketing and Transportation Situation (monthly) Summary of the price spreads between the farmer and the consumer and related information of marketing charges, consumer expenditures for food products and the share of the consumer's dollar received by farmers. It also reviews latest developments in the field of marketing and transportation of food products. Individual commodity situation reports.are also issued periodically on fats and oils, dairy products, livestock and wool, poultry and eggs, feed, cotton, wheat, fruit, tobacco, vegetables, sugar and rice. Statistical Bulletins This numbered series consists of monographic compilations such as No. 22, "Vegetable Statistics, Year Ended December 31, 1926, with Comparable Data for Earlier Years," No. 55, "Corn Futures, Volume of Trading, Open Commitments and Prices from January 3,-1935 to December 31, 1935," and No. 59, “Fats, Oils and Oleaginous Raw Materials — Production, Prices, Trade Disappearance in the United States, 1912-55, and Available Data for Earlier Years," compilations which gather together in considerable detail the available statistics on the subject. Also in recent years, due to certain research occurring as a result of the present mammoth farm program, acreage, production, etc., figures on a given commodity have been revised in all their detail from the beginning of the_series, and for the most part have been published in mimeographed form, for example, "Revised Estimates of Wheat Acreage, Yield and Production, 1866—1954," and "Peaches, Revised Estimates of Production, 1909-1940." Occasionally a similar mimeograph will be published con- taining such compiled figures not necessarily revisions. All such compilations serve the useful purpose of bringing all the more important official figures on a commodity or subject together in one publication, without entailing a search through scores of Yearbooks, etc. Catalogs, indexes and bibliographies reveal such publications. -. , , , >. 2‘ ,, “a ‘ x a - . . u. - . .V . ‘. . ‘ t , w , - ,. .. . ‘ I. uuh'...‘ ' , ' ' . - ‘ ' V . ' ~ ' ' v ’- , a . ~ . ',_ .‘ . ,. i. .‘ . - ‘ I. . 1. .. i _ ‘ .V - ‘ I My.) . . .. . ~§ . _ -.. ' « ‘ . . ‘ . . . .x . . . 9 . A . , - . . - ‘ 1 w - n‘ .. - H _, , ~ ‘ . , - , ' . . h<| *‘ ' I'i- . , -,.‘ J ‘ - - . .-‘ ' ' .. : , ' - ' . .. . ‘ Ah, m .. .‘ .1» .~ _ .- » .1 ...v :.:| . - ‘ , . , D ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ,_ _ - 1- ', 7 ¢ i‘ . 1 . . . . s ‘ ‘ ‘ . , ‘ . ‘ . , 'L .”.-... :'.' ~ . . 7‘ .. . ‘..’.. ‘ . o 4~-‘ I ‘ . ‘ . ‘ x ‘x .' ‘,-- ». ' . ‘ I_.. _ .. ‘ . In~nl ~u‘.'. ll...‘1" - 1—4.- ' JV.‘-ar-u- ~ 1 (- ‘-;‘ .. | u.‘ .7 N .‘: ' 1 _ 3'. .,.\ , , ‘ , ,- . 5' . - ' ' , p _' . ._' u‘ ‘ , n' . wI . .5' —V . -4 ‘ ‘ , ' . ’ . . . .n , ' . . . ‘.. 3! l- "‘1‘" . . . u ' . 4 I ‘ * y . ....‘.3 'x t r. ..; .. ‘.'.. A 56. Agricultural Finance Review (semi—annual; annual for the duration of the war) A semi-annual review of current developments and research in the field of farm credit, farm insurance, and farm taxation.g In addition to articles and studies, often accompanied by statistical tables, each issue contains a statistical appendix of current and cumulative tables relating to these subjects, and to re- lated subjects such as farm real estate values, bankruptcies, farm debt adjustment activities, index numbers of demand deposits of country banks, and bond yields and interest rates. Index Numbers of United States Agricultural Exports, 1866-1935. (In Foreign Crops andx Markets, AugJFZS, 5 , p. Although rather special to mention in this list, this reference is given here because it presents a cumulation of a series quite often wanted, and the published cumulative form might be difficult to locate. This series is kept up to date in "Foreign Crops and Markets," and "Agricultural Statistics." Farm Credit Administration Annual Report Financial statements and statistical information in connection with Federal Land Banks, National Farm Loan Associations, Production Credit Corporations, Pro- duction Credit Associations, Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, Banks for Co- operatives, Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, Land Bank Commissioner loans, . Emergency Crop and Feed Loan offices, Regional Agricultural Credit Corporations,. Agricultural Marketing Act revolving fund, Joint Stock Land Banks, Joint Stock Land Banks in receivership, Federal Credit Unions. Farm Credit Quarterly (Discontinued for the duration of the war) Statements of condition, profit and loss and other statistical data for the Federal Land Banks, Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, Banks for Cooperatives, and the Production Credit system. Joint Stock Land Banks (quarterly; Discontinued for the duration of the war) Progress in liquidation, including statements of condition. Quarterly Report on Loans and Discounts. (Semi-annual for the duration of the ”warj Weathechureau Climatological Data. California Section. (monthly, with an annual supplement) Temperature and precipitation, daily, by stations. Also frost and snow- fall data. Issued as well for the various other sections of the United States. Condensation of these data for all sections and states appears in: Monthly Weather Review Climatic Summary of the United States. Section 16. Northeastern California Section 17. Central California Section 15, Northwestern California Section 18. Southern California and Owens Valley .5 W 3 WWW mmmme * wsmw ~ miss; mm 8w fiwxism$~mfimmmfl_ W . fifiMfimfiémwmsahafitham W *8 .8 49:33 W mm 4' g PM? aka SWMMW mmmWflWW wmmmwmgwmm .3 I I! ’8; «ifiégfi fiWfiWfiWflM .‘ > ’ {WM WNW 82849883858 - 0W? 8 ‘ " _ . . sfiwaé’mt‘taa Wabm‘fi ismlummggg gww ,. m M m . - WM _ $383383 828m gmma 8m! $888.5 m M_ 3;; " mwm Emmm ' :_ .x , ~ W .W “W a! W W 53'! 4W was. g» mar-mm gar 83.8% mm) ‘3 I W W 88888 $8888me 88888888:8 W #88 m armatum W 3' mmw __ _, M,“ 8m &W£££fiafié% m Wfinwwfig I K ’ ' ‘ \ mt may: am; 8488 W #3 m m m 57. Climatic data from the establishment of each station to 1930, inclusive. ‘ These four sections summarize, for California, through 1930, all the data appear- ing in Climatological Data, California Section. Similar summaries have been issued for other sections of the United States. ' U.S. Dept. of Commerce. washington, D. 0. Bureau of the Census Since the taking of a census of population in 1790, a census of the United States has been taken each decennial period, gradually including other data besides population,_ sometimes issued at more frequent intervals than every ten years, and also: gradually enlarging the scope of the data previously given. The compiled statistics are in great detail with minute subdivisions, and, with the statistics of the Department of Agriculture and official state statistics. constitute our most valuable, complete, accurate and official source, particularly for agriculture. The history of the census is well recorded and the publications listed and described through the 1920 census by L.F. Schmeckebier in his "Statistical Work of the National Government." Since that date the census has consisted of the followh ing volumes of particular interest to our field- 1925: \ Agriculture.. 5 vols. This census has been issued every five years since 1920.» Manufactures.. 1 vol.A Issued biennially since 1919.- 1927: Manufactures.“ 1 vol. ‘ - 1950: Unemployment.~ 2 vols.- Population.. 6 vols.‘ These volumes include the data on occupations. ‘ Manufactures (1929) 3 vols.“ Agriculture.. 4 vols.. Special Reports: Chickens and Chicken Eggs and Turkeys,-Ducks, and Geese Raised on Farms. Statistics for the United States, States, and Counties, 1950 and 1929.” o _ 58. Agriculture (continued) The Farm Horse , Farm Real-Estate Values in the New England States, 1850 to 1930. Horticulture. Statistics for the United States and for States, 1929 and 1930. - Large Scale Farming in the United States, 1929. The Negro Farmer in the United States. Taxes on Farm Property in the United States. Types of Farming in the United States. Drainage of Agricultural Lands. 1 vol. Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. 1 vol. Distribution. 2 vols. 1930 is the first census of business. Special Reports: Agricultural Commodity Series. 1931: Manufactures. 1 vol. 1933: Manufactures. 1 vol. Census of American Business. (several series of numbered volumes, and special reports) 1935: Agriculture. 5 vols. Special Reports: Chickens and Chicken Eggs by‘Size of Flock for the United States, Divisions and States, 1955 and 1930. Farm Mortgage Indebtedness in the United States (Detailed Summary) Part-Time Farming in the United States. California. Statistics by Counties and Minor Civil Divisions. This detail for each state was released for the first time in limited photostatio editions. 59. 1935: Manufactures. 1 vol. Census of Business (several series of numbered volumes, and special reports) 1937: Manufactures. 2 vols. .Census Survey of Business. 1957-58. ‘(a volume each on wholesale and retail trade. aand special reports) 1940: Area of the United States. 1940. 1 vol. Housing. 4 vols. 1940 is the first housing census. Population. 4 vols. These volumes include the data on occupations, employment, and income. Manufactures (1939). 5 vols. Agriculture. 5 vols. Special Reports: Cows Milked and Dairy Products Cross-line Acreage Special Cotton Report Special Poultry Report Territories and Possessions Drainage of Agricultural Lands. ,1 vol. Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. 1 vol., Census of Business. 5 vols. With most of the censuses special reports (some of which are listed above) are issued presenting certain data which did not fit into the regular classifica- tion of population, agriculture, manufactures, etc., and also cumulating or-pre- senting in another way data published in that and previous censuses. with data sometimes included that were taken at the census but not published in the regular reports.. It is also usual to issue an abstract volume of the more important statistics of general interest in the census, and possibly a compendium for each state giving all the figures on that state appearing in the census.‘ Certain other important statistical publications of the Bureau of the Census follow: ' ’ . '.“-‘ I . ~1- I... '- . ‘- . ,. ‘ ~ . H4 . . ' ' \. ' . . ‘ . . ,u. ~ 6. , . .. .. .. v -. ..,, ,5 ., .. g u\- .h. . ,- .1. _, , ,. m... “WA-n. .... .- m. . u... .. . .. ,. .. ' V» ' . .. .‘ ¢ . , " u . ‘ \ V‘ J u' ‘..L’... . “Mm. .. .. ._" A. . 7 , . "'I-vv4‘0'u.‘: O ‘- \.'l . . . - , . . .. . .I k . ..\'. ' Hum-noun») -- v an - I. . '. 3 ,‘, *\ .7. V... p....‘......... 'x“‘- , .' z‘;,- , ,n. 60. Statistical Abstract of the United States (annual) A compilation of data collected by the various statistical agencies of the Federal government, by several state agencies, and by a considerable number of nongovernmental organizations. The statistics do not appear in any such detail as they do where originally published, but constitute a valuable handbook when great detail is not wanted, and there is brought together in one volume figures on a great variety of.subjects. Of particular interest to the people in the field of economics are the statistics on area and population, public lands, banking and finance, price, wages, hours of labor and employment, foreign commerce, commerce of noncontigucus territories, irrigation and drainage, farms — general statistics, farm production and related statistics, farm animals and animal products, farm * crops and foodstuffs, forests and forest products, and manufactures. ‘Well indexed. Note especially that in this compilation appears the original publication by the ' Bureau of the Census of its annual midyear estimates of the population of the United States, by states. Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils (monthly, and annual) Production, consumption, imports, exports and stocks. Cotton Production and Distribution (annual) / Production, cotton ginned, consumption and stocks, imports and exports, and world production and consumption. Similar data for cottonseed and cottonseed products. . Cotton Production in the United States (annual) _ Preliminary to the above report. Gives statistics on production and cotton ginned. There are various monthly, in season, preliminary releases in mimeo- graphed and postal card form giving some of the data in these two reports as such becomes available. Manufacture and Sale of Farm Equipment (annual) Number and value by type. Financial Statistics of State and Local Governments (Wealth, Public Debt and Taxation) (decennial) Revenue receipts, governmentalncost payments, public debt, assassed valua- tions and tax levies. By states, counties and cities. Financial Statistics by States (annual) u M. i . .I..11 ...-..-.’. ... .u. _. .v '. ~ 40.0.1. .. ‘ 4 .. l .. . ~._, 1 n—-«. , ' . ‘ . v ‘ ‘ munch.”- .. m ..—... .ur-....“. .q.« u . .L‘ m . m-.§ ’1 , \. . . V g l . _”: ' . - Q. . .. . - .;. " . v . ... .. . . .~ . .-., ‘4’ ....',............u - .w.‘ ’ ‘2“ "xi .' . K' - _ . ' '- p. ,>-\ .» <-u. ~.. \ a .' J . I \~V . u .x _ . sin. - v . ,. ‘ . w. ’r th~uina~ .u‘m... -- 61o Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States (annual; discontinued for the duration of the war)’ ' By countries-of origin and dostinatiou. By customs~districtse Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the United States (Discontinued for duration ofvthe war) Since this does not give ocuntries of origin and destination it is supple- mented by a considerable number of monthly mimeographed releases, each covering a certain commodity group, giving, in addition to this information, a greater break- down within the commodity group than appears in the Monthly Summary. These also give Shipments to and from noncontiguous territories (which otherwise are given only in the December issue of the Monthly Summaryfbr the calendar year), and exports from and imports to Canada. Examples of these statements, which, however, have been temporarily suspended because of the war, are: Imports of Distilled Liquors,‘Wines, Cordials, and Malt Liquors (Statement 3563) Imports of Edible Nuts (Statement 5054) Imports 2f Fruits, Fruit Preparatigns, and Specified Vegetables; Exports of ‘Dried Peas and Beans (Statement 3052) ‘ Index Numbers of United States Agricultural Exports (See U.S. Department of Agriculture) Foreign Commerce Yearbook Its purpose is "to provide in a single volume all the important basic statistical material essential for a comprehension of current economic develop- ment in foreign countries.‘ It supplements and is supplemented by another annual publication of the Bureau, the World Economic Review, which is confined largely to an interpretation of the economic events of the year." Pt. I of the latter, since 1957 is being issued in the Annual Review Number of the Survey of Current Business. 'Pt. II (as Pt. I formerly was) is issued in a numbered bulletin series of the Bureau, the last being Economic Series 9, "Economic Review of Foreign Countries, 1959 and-Early 1940." To date the last Yearbook issued was for 1959. National Income 1929-32 National Income in the United States 1929-55 National Income, 1929-36, by Robert R. Nathan Income in the United States 1929;57 State Income Payments 1929;1957, by Robert R. Nathan and John L. Martin Monthly Income Payments in the United States, 1929-40, by Frederick M. Cone (Economic Series 6) , “u , '. . .. ,9‘ - ' .I " \ .. b|v~ - . \\ . I , “ 1‘ . ' . u‘-¢|'\.\uu‘-ID\r-.\p“r-I‘I.d'4 «m .L- . '- I-H Av” " x ‘ 1. ‘1 , i \A‘ ’- 1 K ‘ - . n ' :13“: ”r“... ._ ‘3‘“; ’33,” .1 q , .- ‘ A...) . .- .' - ‘ ‘ ' . . ,1 r 4 - a. . ‘ .. l' . I - ' ”Q , 1” h. > v- .. 13-30; “A .1“ 4. . "w .wm “vibnuuku‘v w «annguwuuw-Ma‘n .- . .H. .- u.‘ 1.. .. 1: | it?“ ~ ,-) ”‘4‘”: . ‘j u . _ . I, _ ._. .A . v _ k x. :A‘ v‘ \ ‘1 I u; I ‘ ‘ h. ‘ .. w n h ‘ . , > ; ~ '1 . . :4 . "P .' h '2‘ «‘ " . u (1 f 5 "J. ‘ u . ' 'tfz‘ ' .u.‘ ‘. .:”‘..-:¢ " ..3'! :~'- " '-"" ';" " 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ .u. . . ‘ . ‘ \m’ a ‘ v . ‘ v a .u . .» ‘ bub»; l.‘ - -a-n 4‘ A.-an-:\u|wutamw' ~w1~ \dAN-‘uluh-R-vb'nlnm'n'm\ nu»... 'i \. ' ‘ ' I v . .1 \ ‘ . m a ‘ > . I " ‘ . . ~ . ,l n. ‘ . ,a . * ‘ 2"“ I» :w‘w V..." 5» "4 . ~ AA~\‘A.~'.* Ny. urn-«m. ¢..ux-.»'.ul‘| W * ' ‘- ' .‘ nf‘.‘ ‘.‘-.. -’"."~‘ ’- .' :4.“ ...V _ '|~L h. .‘ ,n" 7‘ . I. .; ’ an. V| ' ' “ h u. ‘2“! e ‘ .A:.»'."53."» .wa‘l'I HM» ' huh-“w. Ifi|.h‘.fl\ «wind “Hymn-.8... .‘ IMga-vuau w' . ~'- " I rd In V ' - I.. I ' — . . .,... . .... 3 .e ‘. . " - ‘ - ....‘ k ‘13. .K..7- -. p . . r“ u I} "a. 353."; .' {Li}: I . -« w . 1 . V I. . y .- . . ‘ t a _ . nu ‘ ‘ , . Q or : ¢'£.«:.:~‘. ,, f...‘ . , ‘ . ‘ "- , , ‘ . . ' mm!“ -~‘v.:.1‘74. \. ~‘ I . ‘ 1 ' “~, . ,1 ' ‘ . .K "a . w' . < ~ , irh'LfJ‘ n‘- ‘T '..' 75' ‘~ - w “,4 . . . , , ' - -m-s).~:' Q“ "l ‘ :.¢~ 'M. . -. m J . ‘lV-fi'.‘ ‘. J 1. :1 ' . ~41‘.vl ~ ”- - ‘ 2 I‘, .‘ 1., . . ,.IL- 'u .‘.j..' v . .u ". r. '4 ‘ ‘ "‘iu‘llllnwfiru‘yu a» fi.’ - :- ., .u A ml «10% - . u u... 1uhw‘-‘(b“'“” I.“ 1" .‘ ..'. . u.) “unnum- Inna- H‘ ‘- ..:I .n: ‘4‘.» '-J ”HA. . If “! , 62. Originally started with the first issue of this group, which was a special survey authorized by Congress. At least a part of the data is kept up to date by an annual statement appearing in the Survey of Current Business, the last of which is for 1942 in the Mar. 1943 issue. Research workers of the National Industrial Conference Board and the National Bureau of Economic Research cooperate with the Bureau in this work. These two agencies publish similar data, which will be listed later in this outline. c Survey of Current Business (monthly, with a weekly and an annual supplement) Detailed business indices and statistics covering commodity prices, domestic trade, employment conditions and wages, finance, foreign trade, construction and real estate, transportation and communications, income payments, industrial produc- tion, marketings and world stocks. The figures are originally compiled by the Bureau or are from other government departments or private agencies compiling original important data. The weekly supplement briefly indicates some of the more important indices and figures. The annual supplement cumulates long series. U08. Dept. Of Labor. Washington, D. C. Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment and Pay Rolls (monthly) Changes in Cost of Living (quarterly, with a preliminary mimeographed release issued monthly since'September 1940) Indices of cost of goods - food, clothing, rent, fuel and light, house- furnishing goods - by cities. "Cost of living in the United States," the Bureau's Bulletin 357 issued in 1924 is the result of a special survey. Since Sept. 1941 only the mimeographed release "The Cost of Living" has been issued, and will be for the duration of the war. Bulletin 710, "Cost-of Living in 1941," summarizes the 1941 data. ' Retail Prices (monthly, with a preliminary mimeographed release) By groups. Since Dec. 1941 only the mimeographed release "Retail Costs of Food" has been issued and will be for the duration of the war. Bulletin 707, "Retail Prices of Food and Coal, 1941," summarizes the 1941 data. Retail Food Prices by Cities (monthly) A mimeographed release by selected commodities and for selected cities. Should cumulate quarterly in the above-mentioned "Retail Prices," but has not done so since June 1935. Should dumulate annually in one of the Bureau's numbered Bulletin series, but the last was for 1928. However, a revised series has been recently issued as Bulletin 635, "Retail Prices of Food, 1925—36." M~M1§fl3fimmm WW ‘ ‘ 'mm in!!!” am WWW gm“! M W - . L mwmgm 2m WWW o. ' ¢ n“. .‘z wt .. ~. ' a" .. 3i. . -..\ xi. *3 ’ .ev §{,..: nan-«v- u- v-oo- cnmqu mun- «man-nu “1”“ sq... / ' 'A v“ Y ‘..'z 9 - .. 50-! - n I - ‘ .“ngkfi‘. 92:1' out -. o. 9.. ". 2”...“ .‘~,. ‘MH .9 m ..I R 7:; am am wqufiémui W :o. ;g‘#."‘ .gwm gflfikafi’ka'mbsfimmf *vammuwm Q'iié . gm mum mmm “gm ‘w,’,hw wssw W Wis ma: m; w «e v m ‘ drawn": W‘ , , _ mmmmmmm wmfimwwm WW memawgwmsmumw k 63.2 Wholesale Prices (monthly, semi-annual for duration) By groups. January-June 1942 issued as Bul. 718. Average Wholesale Prices and Index Numbers for Individual Commodities (monthly) A mimeographed release which cumulates semi-annually in the above-mentioned “Wholesale Prices." Should cumulate annually in one of the Bureau‘ s numbered Bulletin series, but the last was for 1931. Wholesale Prices for week By groups. Daily Basic Commodity Prices (weekly) Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices in the United States and Foreign Countries, 1921. (Bul. 284) A valuable compilation with descriptive and historical data. Wholesale prices in foreign countries are brought up to date in the Handbook of Labor Statistics, the 1951 and 1936 editions, and appear once a year in‘Wholesale Prices. Monthly Labor Review . Cumulates monthly the data given in the publications listed above, but usually in less detail. Handbook of Labor Statistics Appears in the Bureau's numbered Bulletin series, and there have been five issues, one for 1927, 1929, 1951, 1936,-and 1941. It cumulates the data given in the publications listed above for a long series of years, but often in less detail. U.S. Treasury Departnent. 'Washington, D. 0. Bureau of Internal Revenue Annual Report Contains statistical tables relating to income taxes, and a large amount of statistical material concerning tobacco, cigars and cigarettes, oleomargarine, renovated butter, mixed flour, alcohol, distilled spirits, beer, wines, etc., since excise taxes are unposed on these products by the government. Still more detailed information on each group appears in certain mimecgraphed releases. A few of particular interest in the field of agricultural economics follow: A 1 ; ‘ . O . 0 w _ ,-‘ . . . ‘ . . . . . . , w”... u u , w ‘ I. v ,‘,.\ - -y. Y L..r , h u " m “. ~4- - .uu' r“ .Iunuh 41.“. nun. Mu. an... may“. w». y .- » - \ ‘ » r .n . .4 . . H 5 ., g: M . ‘ .. ‘ .. v . 1..“ \ h J ‘. .-.‘.A V” . -:~ :‘&A , .'~ _'L M. . -' h . l . A , . A A ‘l , .41 .~ I'. ..‘ 4 u. 4 .. :- r, u ..« - . ,. n .. ‘I‘ V _ ‘4: a ,, "- .'., a." n. ‘v ... ¢ ‘ ' . ‘ . - - 4. ‘ ‘ .‘ x u - ‘ A . \., I . ‘ a. - QL , ~ ”A u . Jn- . 1 I in nu‘. mm. r ‘1 . um...,l..u-..4-»..a~.u-..u4v: . aq.‘ .. ‘M 1‘ I I l \ . A . . . ,.. .. .1 A I H, x 1 r A. . m .y . ‘ ‘5 . ‘1 x ,. x I 1 .Mv-n“ u 1 ¢ L In! , ‘ ‘ . . ' ,, . . ', .. , - .,. . n ‘-..'-‘.. 5; NA» . , M“ . , - ~ . -,- ~. -* ‘ ,4 . A. L. .. mu. .l-u a: ..~.‘. a 4... n. H 2‘... .. ‘ ._ -‘V '. .1. ‘ . , . .Wnun‘nl. ‘ ,, hl‘l‘lnfim tau—u“. w... 4.-..4n.y.-t.. lads I “nu-wu- nun. m I A \ 10"; ...u..\.u O pH|€ . ,.I, . Jam-«9.; In! . .. v. | NA. -~ .. . n ‘- < in f D - 1 . . u « n, . ~ , , . 4 u. 1 V, ,.. '1 . 3 ..- . ,. w . . '- ..- ‘- - , . . . 34‘ I - ‘ . ; . ‘ .. ,. “AU . ‘ . ‘ . . . . .4 . _~ , \ . H .. . . .. ‘ . . p ‘ V. ”J , 1. ‘, ._. i . . . ...r . . ’ H u ...‘ ‘ . ‘ .h w t i' ‘ . .w‘. r‘ . . . i: J. A .um d4... lrv:\-\.. - I . . . 1.. ‘1. g n A ‘ I ‘ . t... ,. A .z . . . ._ . .l u ‘ . ~ .. . .~ . 4' . A. .' 1 ' I .n r. . ‘ ~ » ... f ' ‘ V . . n. a“ u‘ r . !. - ~ x> .' u, n~u4 «in .I l #| I «~54: I U!‘ ‘ .flAiyll“! :' 4‘ M . a ‘ - ‘ ‘. ' Q“ N .. . \ « -- H n 4 ‘ ... . A - ‘ . -— I 4‘ u .. . ~ ‘~ ' a.“ . .41. J. I.» h .. - . A ' , V. . l p .‘ . . , . ,. . , . w \ t-..\ I\ \ u!" . ., z u '. A I . I 1" ,.*. . In f ,, _ . a .. .! ‘ \~ I I, ' I I ' n l 1 .,x ... n' .F‘ .4. ‘. z ‘ ., . . . ‘ ~ w ‘-4 V.‘ > .1 l\|- K \ . V .« . .,., .~ . ,1 m; ‘ a '. , ‘( , t s V ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ‘3 a ' v n ' A . . . , wu ~ , ., . . n _ » ,‘~‘. _.p.,......‘., h. .. 0v 0‘! [ 4:;-I',,tn n3. ~ .«0 ~ \. .\. . u . '11 a‘ ‘ My “a! .4» “MmhlJ-u unntbuk “kw. -n.n.u:n.uu~i .4 A.» n . nunuh-NW-odu \ . 1 . I ., . . . n. .. 1 - I‘. . -a .. . .. ' vAlHM|§~lnAI|hMN~ «rah.- ‘Iulh‘vdl‘l 64. Comparative Statistics on Rectifiifld Distilled Spirits and Wines (monthly and annual; discontinued for the duration of the war) Production and materials dumped for rectification, by states. Comparative Statistics on Domestic Distilled Spirits (monthly and annual) Production, tax-paid withdrawals, stocks, by states. Comparative Statistics on Domestic Still and Sparklinngine and Vermouth ‘(monthly and annual) ' ‘ . Production, stocks, tax-paid withdrawals, by states. Comparative Statistics on Domestic Fermented Malt Liquors (monthly and annual) Production, stocks, tax-paid withdrawals, by states. Comparative Statistics on Domestic Alcohol (monthly and annual) Production, tax-paid withdrawals, withdrawn for denaturation, stocks, by states. Statistics of Income (annual, preceded by a more brief preliminary report) Pt. I. Compiled from individual income tax returns, estate tax returns, and gift tax returns. Pt. II. Compiled from corporation income and excess— profits tax returns and personal holding company returns. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (formerly U.S. Federal Reserve BBard) washington, D.C. Federal Reserve Bulletin (monthly) Besides a wealth of statistics on money and banking, this is one of the most valuable sources for statistics and indices relating to business and economic con- ditions, ranking with the Survey of Current Business and the Monthly Labor Review in this respect. Of particular note are the series relating to factory pay rolls, factory employment, industrial production, freight-car loadings, department store sales, construction contracts awarded, commercial failures by district, wholesale prices in the United States and certain foreign countries, foreign exchange rates, Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans and investments, Farm Credit Administration loans and discounts outstanding, etc. Series are compiled by the Board or are from other government departments or private agencies compiling original important data... Of the Federal agencies listed above, the Department of Agriculture, the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics issue bulletins and reports on particular subjects and phases of them, cumulating a‘great array of statistical material from all available and authoritative sources. Likewise, other government agencies, such as the Federal Trade Commission, the Tariff Com- mission, and the National Resources Planning Board, while they do not issue current statistical data, compile similar reports in monograph form. All of these must be reached through card catalogs, indexes and bibliographies, and gradual acquaint- ance with the material itself. ’u'n rim figs: gm: «2:, f :- $.WNW“ :II ‘ . , i5? Mfig'fihvmfifw RWWJ-w WW 3:: .3.“ - .w-m. "r; . ‘- 1 ' L l 1 Mflfi Wang gm: ., _ >1 ' —- w may; 3;me mm 4? a“ «mm: m ”swim “a ‘ W W . " " 7 m; *i W W afifi-zwfiw Wm mi . ’1.“ i' ' . fixmfi 3W WM M! m W _ w me 3W? wima -Wm$a Wfiwm afi'fin‘gfla ' 5 mg m 25mm! layman: 5mm «mam 5W - - '- - mamas“ mark?” dflfim " f 0 65. U.S.‘War Manpower Commission. nwashington, D.C. Emplo ent Service, Sacramento, Calif.. Caligornia1Weekly Agricultural Labor Market Report. Issued by the California branch of the U.S. Employment Service at Sacramento.‘ Tabular information on employment, demand and wages, by crops, by counties, by activity. ’ 66. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS AND OF CERTAIN INTERHATIONAL AGENCIES Guides to Statistical Sources Gregory, Winifred, ed. List of’the Serial Publications of Foreign Governments 1815-1931. New York, H.W. Wilson Company, 1952. A union list of the holdings of the principal libraries of the United States. The publications are arranged under country and governmental departments. Many of these publications are of a statistical nature, and many issued by official bureaus of statistics. Inter American Statistical Institute. Temporary Organizin Committee Statistical Activities of the American Nations, 1940; a Compendium of the Stat- istical Services and Activities in 22 Nations cf the Western Hemisphere, To- gether with Information Concerning Statistical Personnel in These Nations, ed.‘ by Elizabeth Phelps. Washington, D.C., 1941. Brown, Frederick A TaBuIar Huide to the Foreign Trade Statistics of Twenty—One Principal Countries. Compiled for the London and Cambridge Economic Service. London, Students' Bookshops Ltd., 1925. Lists under countries the titles of the official publications which contain these statistics with a description of the contents. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations. Foreign Trade Statistics; Official Sources for Specified Countries, Compiled by Caroline G. Gries. 'Washington, D.C., 1939. Processed. Foreign governments issue statistical publications corresponding in many ways to those issued by the government of the United States. Following is a list suggesting certain general possibilitie§,,§exemplified by the actual publications of such a nature published by Canada and France. The war has caused the temporary suspension of a number of these. Naturally there are many, many more, some giving great detail. Those published serially can be located through the "List of the Serial Publications of Foreign Governments, 1815-1951" listed above. Also, of course, foreign nations compile censuses and issue special studies which oumulate statistics, as the departments of our government do. The latter must be located through indexes and bibliographies. The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce and the Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations of the Department of Agriculture maintain attaches in foreign countries who furnish statistical information on the countries and regions in which they are stationed, collecting statistics from reliable sources. These, for the most part, are published in Agricultural Statis- tics and Foreign Crops and Markets of the Department of Agriculture and in the Foreign Commerce Yearbook and Foreign Commerce Weekly of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Both of these government agencies issue special publica- tions and reports in bulletin and mimeographed form embodying and oumulating such foreign statistics. These, again, are secured through reference to indexes and bibliographies. M W amw jag} 5 ' «WM gwm mm 44%}? was: fismm: “maufiam Hui mé‘ssa swim W W » waWWwwmm 'mfimiwwwwm Wm» fiwmmm my; mw$§fimfi as " fiflawxu ” if , '"Wfiwmmwm 4 -. guvv .. 3W 3m Mrfit% m fiflfim WW . ‘ " WWWSKSMM 3&5? M”& “W 4.33M: fiwfimé 67¢ Some other statistical publications on a worlddwide and comparable basis which are of interest to us are listed following the examples of those of foreign governments. Statistical annual Statistical monthly Annual foreign trade Monthly foreign trade Statistical agricultural annual Statistical agricultural monthly Canada The Canada Yearbook Trade of Canada, Fis- cal Year ended March 31. Trade of Canada, Calendar Year Monthly Report of the Trade of Canada Live Stock and Animal Products Statistics Report on the Grain Trade Statistics of Dairy Factories Report on the Fruit and Vegetable In- dustry, etc. Quarterly Bulletin of Agricultural Statis- tics International Institute of Agriculture. France Annuaire Statistique Tableau General du Commerce et de la Navigation Statistique Mensuelle du Commerce Exter- ieur de la France‘ Statistique Agricole Annualle Rome International Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics Broad divisional groups include area and population, apportionment of areas, agricultural production and numbers of livestock in various countries, area, pro- duction and yield per hectare of the principal crops - sericulture and egg production, numbers of the principal species of liveStock and poultry, inter- national trade, stocks of cereals, prices, fertilizers and chemical products useful in agriculture. International Review of Agriculture (monthly) Section S - Agricultural Statistics . from time to time brings‘certain of the figures and tables appearing in the Yearbook up to date as the information becomes available in advance of publication of the Yearbook. 68. World Agricultural Census of 1930 Issued in a bulletin series, one for each country. The census was carried out by the various countries according to a standard form of schedule prepared by the International Institute of Agriculture. Detailed figures on areas and holdings, crops and livestock, agricultural labor and tenure. Also includes forestry and fishery statistics. This institute also issues special reports, those of a statistical nature containing a wealth of cumulative material. A series of studies being issued at the present time is cited as an example of this type of work: Studies of the Principal Agricultural Products on thel World Market. No. 1. World Cotton Production and Trade. 1§§b. 'Studies of the Principal Agricultural Products on the World Market. No. 2} International Trade in Meat. 1938. League of Nations. Geneva Statistical Year-Book of the League of Nations Its object is "to give an international synopsis of available statistics re- lating to the most important demographic, economic, financial and social phenomena. As many countries as possible are included in each table and the figures are rendered as comparable as the phenomena which they measure or the methods by which they have been compiled permit." Broad headings cover terri- tory and population, unemployment, employment and wages, production and consump- tion of livestock, fisheries and agricultural products (by commodity), mineral and industrial products, transport, commerce, balances of payments, currency statistics, prices, and public finance. There is a good table of conversion co~ efficients for weights, measures and currencies. Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Brings up to date certain of the tables in the Yearbook on production, trade and transport, finance, employment and unemployment. International Trade in Certain Raw Materials and Foodstuffs by Countries of Origin and Consumption (annuaI) \ Tables of exports of commodities by country of origin to countries of destin- ation. "Confined to a special list of commodities /3bout 4Q7 drawn up by the Committee of Statistical Exports of the League of Nations."— An attempt to give a comparable set of figures-. The last issue was for 1938. Review of World Trade (annual) O -....-... ‘5. .- n. .,......._ ‘ x‘ r . ,1- . . w ‘H _ ~ ~. -~.. ...... ..... a... 1...”- .,. _ “nu. ,, -"E ;‘.T ~w- u..- A.- .,,._ ‘ . 69.. World Economic Survey (annual) J World Production and Prices (annual) International Trade Statistics (annual) The four items above are well described by their titles. All of these League of Nations publications are necessarily limited as to number of commodities, etc., and the breakdown of each, since they do not run to great length and are covering so many countries. Last issued for 1957, 194l/fi2, 1957/38, and 1958 respectively. Many of the League publications have been suspended because of the war, or are unable to enter this country. Those we are able to receive currently are being published in the U. S. The League also issues certain valuable monographs such as "Europe's Trade" (1941), and "The Network of World Trade“ (1942). International Labour Office. Geneva Year-Book of Labour Statistics For the various countries tables on population, employment and unemployment, wages, cost of living and prices. International Labour Review (monthly) Statistical tables appear quarterly in this publication bringing up to date certain of the data appearing in the Yearbook. Annuario Estadistico Interamericano; Interamerican Statistical Yearbook; AnnuariO/ Estatistico Interamericano; Annuaire Statistique Intéraméricain (annual) I Published under the auspices of the Argentine Commission of High International Studies. Includes tables on population, livestock and crop production, transport and communication, investments, banks and currency, public health, public finance, public education, armed forces, international cooperation, industry, and a large section on imports and exports. Covers the United States, Mexico, Central and South American countries, and Canada, with some comparative figures for countries on other continents. n ' ' .‘4, ,... I: 1.. I. " :, ‘ “.4. . ‘u.’ -. A ‘,.:-_,.,. H: - 9‘9“" " ,. n , .- ., .- ., , 'hr'p ’ . ,, , “q u. ......_... .......~ . . .ou...~...g.. a... “\n . ; n a.-. p 1., ' v a...“ ., ‘a. . a 1' , ‘ '4' . ‘. .'-.' 1 ‘ ‘, .1 a -I u- . up» ”Ha... net- .‘ "1. ". , u - -. .«n ..,... .‘ ..... . -,...... . ' ” \-'-'. _; ‘ l ’_ ' .91 J. . . ., . .. .. .. _ .1.‘.,‘., _ .. \ liv‘x , '1 . -_ . '.--. . \, ~ . u 70. LAND-GRANT COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS FOUNDATIONS AND INSTITUTES CONNECTED WITH COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES These agencies, as do federal and state governments, issue bulletins and reports, monographs which, on their particular subjects and phases, cumulate a Wealth of statistical material from all available authoritative sources. These must be located through the regular channels of card catalogs, indexes and bib- liographies, and gradual acquaintance with the material itself. Of agencies of this type, some of the most important publishing current statistical series are the following: Feed Research Institute. Stanford University. Wheat Studies. (8 numbers per year; 6 numbers for the duration of the war) Many of these are special studies relating to the commodity, cumulating statistical material on a certain aspect. But review and survey numbers are issued as well, which keep certain statistical data up to date, namely: World Wheat Situation; a Review of the Crop Year World Wheat Survey and Outlook The latter is issued from time to time during the year giving supplies, consumption, trade, prices, carryovers, etc. Cornell University. New York State College of Agriculture. Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management. Ithaca. Farm Economics (irregular) Particularly valuable for its compilations of index numbers of wholesale prices, farm prices (relative and actual) and United States food prices (farm, retail, and cost of distribution) from such sources as the Bureau of Agricultural Economics and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. ’ California. UniverSity. College of Agriculture. Agricultural Experiment Station. Ueciduous Fruit Statistics, comp. by S. W3 Shear. (annual) This compendium makes readily available in one place selected historical series of statistical data on supply, demand and prices of fruits, evaluated and briefly described and conveniently arranged to throw light on the direction or tendencies of the most important economic changes in the California deciduous fruit industries. Some data on citrus and dates are also included. The data given are mostly for the past 15 or 20 crop years and deal largely with acreage, production, yields, utilization, consumption, shipments, exports, imports,and prices, with special reference to California and the United States. Issued as a numbered mimeo- graphed report of the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. 4 ’75:; um Must-mu um 7;: M am mm W~m mm WW as“ W» ham E aim, i «lungs ‘55 fl ~ ”gm Wm msmmnwflwumufiammwfl’ ‘ WWWWM M*M¢mmmmme wkws mugs: same- WM «wmmgMumw , mzmwmwmapnmzwamam , ‘ , \ -, mmmwafiam ' 7 3€iéfiétfii¥ gums-1w; WWW my use m m: at w m: . __ - \ W “mm film W imeMmumwwuwmmmmm . MWumzwwmmamsmmmmm _ , mm WMEW gfiW' {M immwflfiw m Mi mwm mmwwmm WW . .. M ,aumfl ‘ ' ' r' 7'10 California. University._ College of Agriculture. Agricultural Extension Service Enterprise Efficiency Studies \\ Cost of production studies, each of which is issued annually for the dura- tion of the particular study, based upOn detailed data collected from a large number of enterprises in representative California counties, such as avocados in San Diego County, citrus fruit in Orange County, dairying in Stanislaus County, poultry in Sacramento County, olives in Tehama County,,etc. A very valuable, and the only, source of current cost of production information on California crops. California. University. College of Agriculture Farm Management Crop Manual, by R.L. Adams. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University 0? California Press, I5 I. 'Farm Management Livestock Manual (Including Poultry and Bees), by R. L. Adams. Berkeley, University oficalifornia, College of Agriculture, 1941. Processed. \ Invaluable and up-to~date detailed data on the cost of producing selected \ 'California crops and livestock. Although these are not periodical publications, they are so important to the field of farm management in California that it is imperative that they be called to the attention of workers in that field. 72. PRIVATE AGENCIES COMPILING IMPORTANT STATISTICS AND INDICES RELATING TO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Examples These agencies compile statistics similar to those appearing in the govern- ment Survey of Current Business, Federal Reserve Bulletin, and the Monthly Labor Review. Some of their data are taken from these sources, some from other private agencies, and some they collect and compile themselves. Those doing the latter frequently have at least summaries of their own series appearing in the above- mentioned government publications. Guides to'atatistical Sources Davenport, D.H. and F.V. Scott An Index to Business Indices. Chicago, Business Publications, Inc., 1937. Part I is a finding index to index numbers of wholesale and retail commodity prices, building costs, cost of living, purchasing power, security prices and yields, general business conditions, finance, labor, production and distribution. Part II is a description of the indexes giving the title, compiler, frequency, and place of publication and period covered. The publications of both government and private agencies containing such information are listed. \ Federal Reserve Bank of New York. New York Monthly Review of Credit and Business Conditions. / Important for its index of business activity — industrial production, employ- ment, construction, primary distribution, distribution to consumer, velocity of deposits, prices and wages, and particularly - the general price level. Formerly compiled by Carl Snyder, this is sometimes known as the Snyder Index. For a compilation of the series for early years see his book: Business Cycles and Business Measurements, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1927. National Industrial Conference Board. New York National Income in the United States, 1799-1958, by Robert F. Martin. ’ Income Received in the Various States, 1929-1935, by John A. Slaughter. Income in Agriculture, by Robert F. Martin. (published in 1936) Wages, Hours, and Employment in the United States, 1914-1936, by Ada Beney. ' \ mmaw mmmmfim 1 _ “ wwmmmmmmmmwarfi Min“ mmmwkm Wmmmmw ‘ Wswngflwwmmw amwum, flat; wit $232314th Wm Wafi 44444444 44444134425344 wwww 4444;; 4444444 4 4* 74 444 sum, mm 7 gamma 4m: «4433mm gmfi W minim; W m , twang :www wwzs m #3:; MMafl _ WW3 ms fix. mmwwflfiw M MW Mink gm“ m mmmmgm W: m «mm -. W wag-m www *4 *1”st W 43.— m #1.: m ‘ W mmfi wfiwfit‘ V Eamwr;: m x nflw 4“ ”W ,MMggm'g’ gag-5442342536 @443 14mg 'ng “ \ 75. Cost of Living; in the United States, 1914-1936, by Ada Beney. X The above are the latest editions of detailed volumes prepared at intervals. Figures in these series are brought up to date from time to time in the Conference Board Economic Record, and summaries are published in the Survey of Current Business, etc. This organization and the National Bureau of Economic Research also‘ cooperate with the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in the national income works National Bureau of Economic Research. New York Income in the United States, its Amount and Distribution, 1909-1919. Distribution of Income by States in 1919, by Oswald'W. Knaugho Income in the Various States, its Sources and Distribution, 1919,1920 and 1921, ’by Maurice Levon. The National Income and its Purchasing Power, by'W. I. King. (published in 1950) National Income and Capital Formation, by Simon Kuznets. (published in 1937) The Income Structure of the United States, by Maurice Levon and KoRo Wright. (published in 1938) I , Commodity Flow and Capital Formation. Volume I, by Simon Kuznets. (published in 1938) ‘ Capital Consumption and Adjustment, by Solomon Fabricantc (published in 1958) National Income and its Composition, 1919-1958, by Simon Kuznetsd ‘(publiShed in 1941) Outlay and Income in the United States, 1921—1938, by Harold Berger. (published in 1942) American Agriculture, 1899-1959, by Harold Berger and Hans H. Landsberg. Income Size Distributions in the United States.~ Part I. (published in 1943) Studies such as these are supplemented from time to time by the National Bureau's Occasional Papers which present short monographs on certain aspects of the subject currently under study." Commercial and Financial Chroniclgé~ New York, (weekly) fiblished by Win. B. Dana Co.‘ .ggfig iizfifig’} yMfiWfi Qmsrflfi fi'fié £4; 53%;;43. l'fi'fffim’fi wt 5 wwwsa «w gt «:25 wan! Ema” m}: fifi, WM 74. Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. New York Dun's Statistical Review, (monthly) , Dun's Review, appearing monthly, publishes a summary of the indices appear- ing in the Statistical Review. Dunts and Bradstreet's indices of wholesale prices also appear in the Survey of Current Business. Standard Statisticsto., Inc. New York Current Statistics (monthly supplement) A compiled condensation of the series appearing in its various frequent services on banking and finance, security indexes, daily security indexes, commodity prices, industrial activity, employment and pay rolls, retail trade, _ foreign trade, bank debits indexes, railroads, public utilities, building, metals, automotive fuels, textiles, crops and foods, hide and leather, chemicals, paper, basic statistics of other oeuntries, etc. There are also occasional »cumulations of those more frequent services giving monthly data. California State Chamber of Commerce “ Economic Survey Series (irregular) Numberedrreports issued irregularly throughout the year, each report usually devoted to a single subject, presenting recently available statistical information, or bringing together a series of statistical data from a Wide variety of sources pertaining to the state of California. Tables on cash and gross farm income, farm labor in California, acreages of privately and publicly owned land, and acreage and production of california crops are examples of tables of interest to agri~ cultural economists. Some data represent original work of the Research Department of the California State Chamber of Commerce. ." l in,» .- , 15. TRADE JOURNALS AND STATISTICAL HANDBOOKS HOUSE ORGANS AND ANNUAL REPORTS OF COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS Examples Canning Trade. Baltimore The Canning Grade Almanac (annual) Statistics, prices, size- of cans, canning seasons, grades and standards, etc., for canned foods. Chicago. Board of Trade. Chicago Annual Report of the Trade and Commerce of Chicago Prices, receipts, shipments and stocks, especially of grain and livestock and products. The bulk of the data is for the Chicago market but that for certain. other markets is included as well. Minneapolis. Chamber of Commerce. Minneapolis Annual Report W Comprised of statistical information relating to the Minneapolis markets and certain other markets. Prices, receipts, shipments, stocks, etc., of chiefly grain. George Broomhall's Corn Trade News. Liverpool, England. (daily) Very detailed statistical information on the international grain trade. Broomhall's Cornglrade Year Book. Liverpool, England (annual; discontinued for the duration of the war) '“ A compilation of international grain statistics containing records of the world's chief cereal-crops, imports and exports, shipments, stocks, etc. Northwestern Miller and American Baker. Minneapolis (weekly, with a statisticsl annual) ' ' ' Flour milling capacity and output of flour, flour quotations, grain futures,‘ market prices of wheat and other cereals, supplies and stocks of grain and grain products, foreign trade, acreage and yield of foreign agricultural crops, movement of grain, flour and feeding stuffs, production, acreage of grain crops in the United States, etc. Feedstuffs. Minneapolis (weekly) Market prices of feeds broken down in the greatest detail. 76. Drovers Journal Year Book of Figures. Chicago (annual) Published by the Chicago Daily Drovers Journal Compilations on livestock receipts and shipments, slaughter and packing, prices, and some tables on grains, provisions and produce which are of interest to the livestock industry. Devoted primarily to the Chicago market. A record of marketings. As indicated by the publisher, there is also a daily record, the Chicago Daily Drovers Journal. California Wool Grower. San Francisco (weekly) Published by the California‘Wool Growers'Assooiation. Wool and sheep statistics. Sales, prices, shipments, receipts, etc. ‘ Dairy Produce Yearbook. Chicago (annual) Published by Dairy Produce Compilations on butter, cheese, eggs, live and dressed poultry, milk and cream. Figures cover cold storage holdings, production, foreign trade, movement, consumption, market and futures prices, and other figures relating to and of inter— est to the industry. American Butter Review. New York (monthly) Published by the Urner-Barry Co. ,American Egg and Poultry Review. New York (monthly) Published by the Urner-Barry GO. American Milk Review. New York (monthly) Published by the Urner-Barry Co. Production, market and futures prices, storage, stocks, receipts, shipments, etc., of milk, butter, cheese, eggs, live and dressed poultry. Pacific Dairy Review. San Francisco (monthly) Fluid milk prices - wholesale and retail milk prices in cities. san Francisco market prices and receipts on butter, cheese and eggs. Western'Canner and Packer. San Francisco (monthly, with an annual statistical review number) Statistics cover values, acreage, stocks and shipments, exports, prices, utilization, pack of western (and by states) and United States canned (by size), dried, frozen, glassed, preserved and miscellaneous foods. By commodities. Also important foreign figures. Data from the U.S. Census, National Canners Associa- tion, Canners League of California, Dried Fruit Association of California, North- west Canners Association, Utah Canners Association, and various other canners' associations, the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, the U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Bureau oleoreign and Domestic Commerce, California Cooperative Crop Reporting Service, and other important trade and industry control organizations. / National Canners Association. washington, D.C. Canned Food Pack Statistics (annual) Part 1. Vegetables. Part 2. Fruit. The association's own figures and also ‘those from other sources. " ' 1: r' ,,., . € I I" .a,.4 . . ...“ . 1 7.4. . 'r ., 1. ‘r 4‘, . x“ ”,1 \ r \ . . n ._-. .. ' ., . , g -.M., . ....Muwa nfiwvr- - .- .,. :I .H, '.': '::.I .r. 6; - .:~‘ )- 1‘ - I' ’4 -'| . .x - . , . ..~.- ......“ ., ,.‘, . ,, . n . . 4 I,’ .‘. M . . ‘.....,..4..n-..-y- .. 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California Fruit News, San Francisco (Weekly, with an annual statistical number) Market conditions and quotations, fresh, canned and dried fruit, foreign trade, etc, New York Daily Fruit Reporter, New York, Published by S, Leitzer, Covers all auction sales held in New York. Also telegraphic reports of Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago and Detroit sales, Great detail, AustralianDried Fruit News, Mildura, Australia, (bimonthly) Published by Australian Dried Fruits Associatibn, "* Prices, production, acreage, packs, per cent of crop estimates, overseas sales, etc,, on currants, raisins, apricots, prunes, peaches, nectarines, pears, etc, Der Frfichtehandel, Dusseldorf, Germany, (weekly) , | Prices of domestic and foreign fruits and vegetables on various European /markets by countries of origin, Journal of Commerce, New York, (daily) Many economic statistics, Particularly valuable for commodity market prices on the New York market with considerable breakdown, Grocer and Oil Trade Review, London, (weekly) Current prices on commodities, domestic and foreign, with indication of duty, Commercial Bulletin, Los Angeles, (weekly) Wholesale price list on fresh meats and provisions, “a” .fi 3‘ U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES #5...- L guavggaml.