MICROFILMED 1985 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. THE PRINTING MASTER FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE IS HELD BY THE MAIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCTION REQUEST MASTER NEGATIVE NUMBER 45-259 AUTHOR: Taylor, John, (308-1887. =: Revelation given thvoug h TH asidant John Tay lor. . PLACE: Salt Lake Cty 2] DATE :[ ($82 2 1 VOLUME 3S . CALL £3 MASTER ¥3 NO. % NEG. NO. 859 Taylor, John, 1808-1887. Revelation given through President John Taylo:-, at Salt lake City, Utah territory, October 13th, 1882. «Salt Lake City? 18827a 2 pe 2lem. With his Succession in the priest- hood «.. «Salk Lake City? 18817» 1. Mormons and Mormonism. I. Title. ~~ FILMED AND PROCESSED BY ~ LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 JOB NO. 1 |0 6 | — Po am rr iy bate 1] 8/5. LN 1 1 REDUCTION RATIO 4 I> DOCUMENT | ThE BANCROFT LIBRARY 10 lz Jz —_— se [32 = i lz TE 22 Ks 125 [lls ie MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A LLY LLL} INCHES LLL GULL 4 . MSI HTH METRIC 1 La Ly. yy 2 ¢ 9 ye Nh NS i Herm rt TTT TTT Rh Ten So i ER NA Bn EAS Revelation gwen through President John Taylor, at Salt Lake City, Ulah Territory, October 13th, 1882. Thus saith the Lord to the Twelve, and to the priest- hood and people of my church: Let my servants George Teasdale and Heber J. Grant be appointed to fill the vacancies in the Twelve, that you may be fully organ- ized and prepared for the labors devolving upon you, for you have a great work to perform; and then proceed to fill up the presiding quorum of Seventies, and assist in organizing that body of my priesthood who are your co-laborers in the ministry. You may appoint Seymour B. Young to fill up the vacancy in the presiding quorum of Seventies, if he will conform to my law; for it is not meet that men who will not abide my law shall preside over my priesthood; "and then proceed forthwith and call to your aid any assistance that you may require from among the Seventies to assist you in your labors in introducing and maintaining the gospel among the Lamanites throughout the land. And then let High Priests be selected, under the direction of the First Presidency, to preside over the various organizations that shall exist among this people; that those who receive the gospel may be taught in the doctrines of my church and in the ordinances and laws thereof, and also in the things pertaining to my Zion and my kingdom, saith the Lord, that they may be one with you in my church and my kingdom. Let the Presidency of my church be one in all things; and let the Twelve also be one in all things; and let them all be one with me as I am one with the Father. SA 1 = SRE oe Salo VE Fo TS BE ie AF RIG SEIS Bocce 2 And let the High Priests organize themselves, and purify themselves, and prepare themselves for this labor, and for all other labors that they may be called upon to fulfil. ~ And let the Presidents of Stakes also purify them- selves, and the priesthood and people of the Stakes over which they preside, and organize the priesthood in their various Stakes according to my law, in all the various departments thereof, in the High Councils, in the Ilders’ quorums, and in the Bishops and their councils, and in the quorums of Priests, Teachers and Deacons, that every quorum may be fully organized according to the order of my church; and, then, let them inquire into the standing and fellowship of all that hold my holy priesthood in their several Stakes; and if they find those that are unwortqy let them remove them, except they repent; for my priesthood, whom I have called and whom I have sus- tained and honored, shall honor me and obey my laws, and the laws of my holy priesthood, or they shall not be considered worthy to held my priesthood, saith the Lord. And let my priesthood humble themselves before me, and seek not their own will but my will; for if my priesthood, whom I have chosen, and called, and endowed with the spirit and gifts of their several callings, and with the powers thereof, do not acknowledge me I will not acknowledge them, saith the Lord; for I will be honored and obeyed by my priesthood. And, then, I call upon my priesthood, and upon all of my people, to repent of all their sins and shortcomings, of their covetousness and pride and selfwill, and of all their iniquities wherein they sin against me; and to seek with all humility to fulfil my law, as my priesthood, my saints and my people; and I call upon the heads of families to put their houses in order according to the law of God, and attend to the various duties and responsibilities associated therewith, and to purify themselves before me, ©) ©) and to purge out iniquity from their households. And 1 will bless and be with you, saith the Lord, and ye shall cather together in your holy places wherein ye assemble to call upon me, and ye shall ask for such things as are right, and I will hear your prayers, and my Spirit and power shall be with you, and my blessing shall rest upon you, upon vour families, your dwellings and vour households, upon your flocks and herds and fields, your orchards and vineyards, and upon all that pertains to you; and you shall be my people and I will be your (od; and your enemies shall not have dominion over vou, for I will preserve vou and confound them, saith the Lord, and they shall not have power nor dominion over you; for my word shall go forth, and my work shall be accomplished, and my Zion shall be established, and my rule and my power and my dominion shall prevail among my people, and all nations shall yet acknowledge me. liven so, Amen. Sa EE TI ey TS Rai A i mm le mR AE AS Kia -— I . rrr