THE NATIONAL GAZETIELKL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INDIANA 1988 u.s. peposiTorRy APR 2 6 1988 THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INDIANA 1988 The Wabash River is a central theme in Indiana's geography, Wa-ba-shi-ki or Wa-pa-shi-ki, which may mean bright white or Indians, too, play an essential role in the story of Indiana. The n by Europeans for Native Americans. ( Society.) history, and folklore. Its name stems from the Indian name for the stream gleaming white, referring to a limestone bed in the upper reaches of the river. ame of the State derives from a Latinized version of the name commonly used George Winter's "Indian Dinner Party on the Wabash"; photograph courtesy of the Indiana Historical » THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-- INDIANA 1988 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1200-IN Prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names U NITED STATES G O VERN ME NT P RIN TING OFFICE : 1988 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Donald Paul Hodel, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director UNITED STATES BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES Sandra Shaw, Chairman Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The National gazetteer of the United States of America-Indiana, 1988. (U.S. Geological Survey professional paper; 1200-IN) Bibliography: p. Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.16:1200-IN 1. Indiana-Gazetteers. I. Geological Survey (U.S.) professional paper; 1200-IN. F524.N37 1988 917.72'03'21 II. United States. Board on Geographic Names. III. Series: Geological Survey 87-600420 For sale by Books and Open-File Reports Section U.S. Geological Survey, Federal Center, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225 FOREWORD "The National Gazetteer of the United States of America" is a cooperative product of the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. The two organizations have a long history of cooperation in establishing uniform usage of geographic names on Federal maps, charts, and other publications. This cooperation, which has been a blending of technical talent and field-gathered information, has been mutually beneficial to the missions and programs of both organizations. The Board on Geographic Names is responsible for establishing official names for use throughout the Federal Government. The U.S. Geological Survey is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the series of base maps of the Nation's lands and waters and for the publication of reports detailing the results of investigations of the Nation's mineral, energy, land, and water resources. In addition to being a principal user of the official names determined by the Board, the U.S. Geological Survey with its extensive field operations has collected much of the information necessary for making the decisions establishing those names. The basis for the cooperation between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Board is the recognition that the use of standard geographic names is necessary for communication of geographical information. Geographic names are an essential part of our language and form a primary reference system that affects people every day of their lives. Geographic names have strong psychological significance because they are associated with the processes of thought that give people the ability to understand the world around them. They are used to identify cultural and administrative areas, define political boundaries, and determine property, mineral, and water rights. "The National Gazetteer of the United States of America" is the result of a long-term effort to provide a standard reference to the Nation's named places, features, and areas. As early as 1892, with the support of the newly organized Board on Geographic Names and as part of the National Mapping Program, the U.S. Geological Survey began cataloging geographic names and producing a series of State gazetteers "designed as an aid in finding any geographic feature upon the atlas sheets published by the U.S. Geological Survey." Compilation was initially done by Henry Gannett, chief Geographer, under the direction of John Wesley Powell, second Director of the Survey. Gannett was chairman of the Board on Geographic Names from 1894 until his death in 1914. Gazetteers for 12 States, Puerto Rico, Territory of Alaska, and Indian Territory (Oklahoma) were published between 1894 and 1906. However, large-scale topographic mapping, from which the name information for the gazetteers was derived, was a slow process, and inadequate map coverage led to the suspension of the program. The U.S. Geological Survey again began the systematic collection of geographic name information in 1976 when published large-scale topographic maps were available for more than 70 percent of the country. This information is a major part of the computerized National Geographic Names Data Base. This volume, the fourth of the USGS Professional Paper series "The National Gazetteer of the United States of America" is derived from the data base. M7744 Wflw Dallas L. Peck Sandra Shaw Director, Chairman, U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Board on Geographic Names Department of the Interior CONTENTS Page ...... .........1....... ollo een sds ie a i hhe ane dane I reunite direc egies dir ernie ees cele nii aot v Members of the U.S. Board on G@OGraPNiIC ...... vil ein ien rere Erbin vill Introduction, by Donald J. Orth ...... . . 1% U.S. Board on Geographic Names .. ix U.S. GB@OIOGIGAI SUFV@Y ix National Geographic Names Data Base...... x Guide to the US@ Of th@ GAZ@H@@F nnn n x U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic maps of Indiang ...... . xill INGIANA, DY JON C. ens fase :" Glossary, by Sam Stuiberg and ROG@r L. PAYN@ enne xxiv -...... L d enne elec Rih ta aid hoon onne s die pbo lige on sp on di huts poet e ete sheik aus Eres enne cdc ie resend IN1 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Frontispiece-George Winter's "Indian Dinner Party on the Wab@Sh" ...... ii Figure 1-6. Maps of: 1.1 INGIRNA COUNUBE :...... ...... iH .. reir in cie ind ber denk ont davidb nc oc nna! xii 2. Western PaMtS Of ViFGIMIA, nene xvil 3. North Western T@rritOrY, 1796 xviii 4. Ohio and NW Territory, 1810 2. XX 5. Upper Territories of the United States, 1814 ln xxi 6. "ORIC ARG INUIANA, rune nent coin ner xxii 7. Traveller's Pocket Map of Indiana, 1831 ...... xxiii vil UNITED STATES BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES Sandra Shaw, Chairman MEMBERS AS OF SEPTEMBER 1987 Department of State ___________________________________________________________________________________ ‘ _______________________ Sandra Shaw, member Daniel J. Dzurek, deputy Postal Service ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Eugene A. Columbo, member Jack Thompson, deputy Department of the Interior __________________________________________________________________________________ Rupert B. Southard, member Solomon M. Lang, deputy Tracy A. Fortmann, deputy David E. Meier, deputy Department of Agriculture ______________________________________________________________________________________ Sterling J. Wilcox, member Lewis G. Glover, deputy Harold L. Strickland, deputy Donald D. Loff, deputy Department of Commerce .............................................................................. Charles E. Harrington, member Richard L. Forstall, deputy Roy G. Saltman, deputy Government Printing Office __________________________________________________________________________________ Robert C. McArtor, member S. Jean McCormick, deputy Library of Congress ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ralph E. Ehrenberg, member David A. Smith, deputy Department of Defense ________________________________________________________________________________________ Maurice S. Stuckey, member Carl Nelius, deputy Lois A. Winneberger, deputy Staff assistance for domestic geographic names provided by the US. Geological Survey. Communications about domestic names should be addressed to: Donald J. Orth Executive Secretary Domestic Geographic Names Board on Geographic Names 523 National Center Reston, VA 22092 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The geographic names information in the Indiana volume of the National Gazetteer was compiled by the Geographic Names staff in the US. Geological Survey in Reston, Va. The National Gazetteer program is directed by Donald J. Orth and coordinated by Roger L. Payne, who researched and developed the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). Robin Worcester provided necessary coordination forthe final production of this volume of the gazetteer. Recognition is also given to Judy J. Stella and Louis A. Yost, lV, who developed specific procedures and software necessary to format the final copy. Special names research, compilation, and data entry contributions were made by Jon C. Campbell, Linda S. Davis, and Nancy Engel of the US. Geological Survey. viii THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES—INDIANA 1988 INTRODUCTION By Donald J. Orth This gazetteer lists about 23,000 geographic names in alphabetical orderfor places, features, and areas within the State of Indiana. It is part of a series of State, territory, and other special listings of geographic names published as U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1200 and collectively titled “The National Gazetteer of the United States of America.” This series is prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. Its purpose is to provide a national standard reference for research on geographic names and a base for other data systems. Separate volumes of the National Gazetteer are identified by principal geographic area or topic and year. Each volume will be revised periodically, with the year of compilation as part of the title. The information in the National Gazetteer may be kept up- to-date between revisions by noting appropriate changes and new name entries published in the reports of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. These reports may be found in libraries or can be ordered directly from the Executive Secretary, Domestic Geographic Names, Board on Geographic Names, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092.1 U.S. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES The United States Board on Geographic Names is a Federal body created in 1890 and established in its present form by Public Law in 1947. The purpose of the Board is to resolve name problems and to eliminate duplication of effort by Federal agencies responsible for the production of maps and other publications that use geographic names. Composed of representatives of Federal agencies, the Board is authorized to establish and maintain uniform geographic name usagethrough- outthe Federal Government. Sharing its responsibilities with the Secretary of the Interior, the Board has de- veloped principles, policies, and procedures governing the use of both domestic and foreign geographic names as well as names for underseas and extraterrestrial features. Although established to serve the Federal Government as a central authority to which all name 1Users are urged to report errors, omissions, and any other information that may improve the usefulness of this publication. problems, name inquiries, and new name proposals can be directed, the Board plays asimilar role forthe general public. With respect to names used by Americans for places, features, and areas in the United States and its territories, it is the policy of the Board to recognize present-day local usage or preferences where possible. To implement this policy, there is close cooperation with State geo- graphic boards, State and local governments, and the general public. Where there is confusing duplication of local names or where a local name may be derogatory to a particular person, race, or religion, the Board may disapprove such names and seek alternate local names for the features. In cases where local usage is conflicting or when a name is not used by many people, well- established documented names and names of historical significance are given additional consideration. The Board also has a policy of not approving new domestic geographic names that commemorate or may be con- strued to commemorate living persons. Any person or organization, public or private, may make inquiries or request thatthe Board on Geographic Names renderformal decisions on proposed new names, proposed name changes, or names that are in conflict. Communications concerning domestic geographic names should be addressed to the Executive Secretary, Domestic Geographic Names, Board on Geographic Names, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The U.S. Geological Survey, established in 1879 as a bureau of the Department of the Interior, is one of the Federal Government’s major earth-science and fact finding agencies. The Survey's broad and diversified research programs aid in the management of the mineral, energy, land, and water resources of the United States. These programs play a vital role in furthering the Nation‘s welfare by providing information on the character, magnitude, location, and distribution of minerals and ores, the sources and supplies of water, and the natural Earth processes that must be understood to maintain environmental quality. In support of the Survey’s mission, its National Mapping Division provides geographic and cartographic information, maps, and technical assistance and con— ducts related research in response to national needs. The Division provides staff support for the domestic geographic names activities ofthe Board on Geographic ix x INDIANA GAZETTEER Names, manages the National Geographic Names Data Base, provides a geographic names information service, and conducts research in support of national mapping and name standardization programs. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES DATA BASE This Gazetteer is derived from the National Geographic Names Data Base, which is part of a computerized Geographic Names Information System developed by the US. Geological Survey. The data base presently contains information for about two million names used throughout the United States, its territories, and outlying areas. Information within the system can be retrieved, manipulated, and arranged to meet the special needs of a wide variety of users in government, education, business, and industry, as well as those of private individuals. The system can furnish alphabetical and special listings in the form of bound reports, magnetic tapes, and microfiche. information about available services and costs ofthe Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) may be obtained by writing to the Chief, Branch of Geographic Names, US. Geological Survey, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. GUIDE TO THE USE OF THE GAZETTEER This gazetteer lists geographic names found on various maps, charts, and other published documents; the names of railroads, streets, and roads are not included. The names are listed in alphabetical order and each is followed by seven categories of information. Except for variant name listings, each category of information is in a separate column on the gazetteer pages; the columns contain the following information, in order from left to right: Name (1st column)—This column lists both the primary reference names and variant spellings as well as variant names, for the same features, in alphabetical order. Each variant spelling and name is listed in two places in the first column: under the principal name and in its proper alphabetical order in the gazetteer with a “see" reference to the primary name. The proper names of features, places, or areas generally are composed of two parts—a specific or substantive part and a generic part. The specific part normally precedes the generic in the majority of names in the United States. In these cases, the names are listed in alphabetical order according to the specific parts of the names, letter—by—letter, from beginning to end, ignoring spaces and printing marks. in the names of_physical features where the generic parts precede the Specific parts, the order is arbitrarily reversed in the gazetteer in order to make it easier to look up a name. In each case, the specific part is listed first, followed by a comma and the remaining part of the name: Adams, Mount Ann, Lake Saint Louis, Bay Woods, Lake of the Definite—form names are also listed with the specific parts of the names first: Crossing, The Mesa, La Racetrack, The Exceptions to the above occur when populated places, localities, civil divisions, or any other cultural features (city, village, county, township, crossroad, and railroad siding) are named for physical features. These are always listed in normal order even though the generic parts of the names may precede the specific parts. A village or locality called “Mount Calvary” is listed in that order, while a physical feature with the same name is listed in reverse order, “Calvary, Mount.” Radio andtelevision stations arelisted together atthe beginning ofeach alphabetletteraccordingtotheir call letters followed by the type of station (AM, FM, or TV) and by the names of the communities they serve. A few names listed in the gazetteer are followed by descriptive words in parentheses. These words or phrases give special information about name usage or about the specific place or feature. This information is generally self-explanatory, for example: (ruins), (sub— division), (shopping center), and (abandoned) refer to the present state of the place; and (old channel), (submerged), (foot bridge), and (siding) providefurther description. The descriptive word (historical) refers to a feature that no longer exists. The genitive apostrophe is not generally used within the body of a geographic name. Feature Class (2nd column) —The terms listed in this category identify the kinds of features or places to which the names apply. The meaning of the terms is very broad so that similar kinds of landscape features can be grouped into general classes. For example, the term “stream" includes all kinds of flowing water that locally may be called a creek, run, river, branch, bayou, or fork. See page xxiv for a list of these terms and their definitions. INTRODUCTION Status (3rd column)—Geographic names can be class- ified according to their use or official status as determined by the US Board on Geographic Names. This category of information gives the status of each name in the gazetteer as determined by the Board. The designators and their meanings shown in this column are as follows: BGN (date): This designator indicatesthatthe written form of the name and its application has been determined by the Board on Geographic Names (BGN) to be official for use throughout the Federal Government. If a year date follows the “BGN” designation, the name and its application were subject to special research and decision by the Board, and the decision was published during the year shown. US (date): A geographic name and its application listed with this designator were established by an Act of Congress, and the name is official by law. The date is the year the law was passed. ADMIN: The names of certain kinds of geographical entities, such as counties, parks, forests, and townships, logicallyfall within the administrative jurisdictions of Federal, State, and local govern- mental organizations. The authority for estab- lishing these names is based on recognized organic, inherent, or constitutional rights. The names listed with this designator are official for Federal usage. UNOFF: The Board on Geographic Names has not established these names as official. They are included in the gazetteerfor reference purposes. xi feature, or area lies in morethan one county, the county listed is the one in which the center ofthe feature is found; or, in the case of a stream, valley, or arroyo, the county listed is the one in which the feature’s mouth is located. Figure 1 outlines the counties of Indiana. Geographic Coordinates (5th column)—Latitudes and longitudes are given for the mouths of streams and valleys; centers of bays, islands, lakes, pop- ulated places, and other areal features; the ex- tremities of points of land; the summits of mountains and hills; and the dams of reservoirs. The first two numbers are degrees, followed by two numbers for minutes, and the last two for seconds N (north) latitude. This sequence is followed bythree, two, and two numbers respect- ively representing degrees, minutes, and seconds W (west) longitude. Example: 354835N1104413W reads 35 degrees, 48 minutes, 35 seconds north latitude and 110 degrees, 44 minutes, 13 seconds west longitude. Source (6th column)—The geographic coordinates are given for the source or heads of streams, valleys, and arroyos. Elevation (7th column)—The specific or average elevation is given in feet above the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (approximately sea level) for tops of peaks, mountains, ridges, and hills; the surfaces of lakes and reservoirs; the high points of passes and low points of basins; and the approximate centers of pop- ulated places. VARIANT: A name with this designator is a written Map (8th column)-—This column indicates the name variant for a place, feature, or area that has another name as its official name. A “see” refer- ence to the official name is given on the line below the entry along with information about the named entity. However, since this gazetteer is designed to be a reference tool, it does not always reflect the true relationship between the current and the historical name of a place. Historical places, such as forts, Indian villages, and small settlements, that once existed close to or within the current boundaries of a present- day populated place often are listed as separate places but are also listed as appropriate variants. County (4th column)—This is the name of the county in which the listed entity is located. If the place, of the map on which the named place or feature is located. Various cartographic limitations prevent all names from being shown on the topographic maps. Indiana is subdivided into 704 7.5-minutequadrangleareas,each ofwhich is covered by a 1:24,000—sca|e or 1225,000—scale topographic map published by the US. Geo- logical Survey. When ordering topographic maps from the US Geological Survey’s Dis- tribution Branch, refer to the map name that may be found on the “US Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic maps of Indiana” on page xiii. (Several names of US Geological Survey maps have been abbreviated because of limitations of space. Both the full name and its abbreviation appear in the quadrangle list.) xii 89° 0 INDIANA GAZETTEER 42" ILLINOIS rEme JASPER PULASKJ Kantiand MonticsIIO I M I C South fiend- - OEIman - - LaPorIe ' ST JOSEPH LA FORTE 6°?“ MGHANGE STEUGEN I HIGAN £39th Angya ELKHART Plymouth Knnx ' MARSHALL _‘ .Nnion DEKALB I NOBLE 1 'Auburn I War-saw KOSCIUSKU ' STAHKE Winamac FULTON when”. wulnEv . [2qu mm City Fon.Wavne ALLEN Himmlaer I Wabash O Loganspnn Peru l I BENTON CARROLL I WHITE L CASS MIAMI WABASH HUNTI NGTUN oHunTngmn Demur O Blqumn O WELLS ADAMS I .Fuwler .DeIphi Magic" HOWARD GRANT WAR . Covinglon FOUNTAIN Crawioyisville Leba‘non LaIav-atte 'Kokomo K‘ Harflord 'iy' 05> 0+ Portland . HEN TIPPECANOE CLINTON TIPT.ON ilIIanspan 'Frankfon fipxon MADISON Anderson 0 HAM ILTDN DELAWARE . Winchester Munde ' RANDOLPH : MONTGOMERY BOUNE Nouévin: VERMILLION —__ Sulfivan r ‘ HANCOCK NON (game ”may WAYNE Richmond. I Hocgviue DallviIls magme' , HENDRICKS MARION BMW“ PUTNAM O Greemanle SHELBY Shelbyvifle MOW" minim L—E—l RUSH Cunna‘sviv my“: 0 Nashville FAYETTE UNION BrookviIIe ’ o I "“4"” JOHNSON 0 Spencer margins cnlu.mbus MONROE BROWN 0 Bloominqtun ARTHOLDME BlomnIieId I GREENE Wm. Bedlam Blownslnwn O I lAWRENCE JACKSON M 8C0 n .L _ oSalem ' om“ WASHINGTON GHANGE English. FLOYD I PERRY ) Cam/T5, K\v’ ’1 K E OWEN DECATUR FRANKLIN Graer'sburg JENNINGS Veréma HIPLEY OHIO JEFFERSON SWITZERLAND” adisnn. V99} ‘ — / CLARK I / HAWFDHD New . 99m Coqdon / ‘ HARRISON NTUCKY pcfl—nv-fl JAY 'OHIO DEARBDHN . 3 I); \ 84° 42° 37°30' 37 °30' 89° 9 _ Capital . .. County Seat 0 ._ Other Principal Cities 0 25 50 75 100 m STATUTE MILES Figure 1.-—Map of Indiana counties. 84° INTRODUCTION State indexes to topographic maps are available from: Branch of Distribution U.S. Geological Survey Map Distribution Federal Center Box 25286 Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-7476 FTS 776-7476. Some names appear only on U.S. Forest Service maps. Even though the names are not labeled on U.S. Geo- logical Survey maps, they will be referenced to the 1:24,000-sca|e topographic map on which the named place or feature is located. The only U.S. Forest Service administrative area in Indiana is the Hoosier National Forest, and the map for this area may be obtained from: Department of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region 11177 West 8th Avenue PO. Box 25127 Lakewood, CO 80225. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 7.5-MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OF INDIANA ABERDEEN ASHLEY ACTON ATTICA ADAMS ATWOOD AKRON AUBURN ALAMO AUGUSTA ALBION AURORA ALEXANDRIA AZALIA ALFORDSVILLE ALLENS CREEK BARGERSVILLE BARTLETTSVILLE ALPINE BASS LAKE ALTON BATESVILLE AMBIA BEANBLOSSOM AMBOY BEAR BRANCH ANDERSON NORTH BECKS MILL ANDERSON SOUTH BEDFORD EAST ANDREWS BEDFORD WEST ANGOLA EAST BEECH GROVE ANGOLA WEST BEECHER EAST ANOKA BEECHWOOD ARCADIA BELLMORE ARCOLA BELMONT ARGOS BENNINGTON ARNEY BERNE BETHLEHEM mCKNELL mPPUS BIRDSEYE mSMARCK BLAINE BLOOHER BLOOMFIELD BLOOMmGTON BLUFFTON BOGGSTOWN BOONmeE BORDEN BOSWELL BOURBON BRANOHVRLE BRAZH_EAST BRAZIL WEST BREMEN BmDGEPORT BRwTOL BRSTOW BRONSONSOUTH BROOKSTON BROOKSTONNW BROOKSTONSW BROOKmeE BROWNSBURG BROWNSTOWN BROWNSVRLE BUCKTQWN BUFFALO BUNKERlflLL BURKET BURUNGTON BURNETTSVlLE BURROAK BURROWS BUTLEREAST BUTLER WEST BUTLERmeE CABORN OAUFORNm CALUMETcnw CAMBRIDGE CITY CAMDEN CAMPBELLSBURG CANAAN CANNELTON CARLISLE CARLOS CARMEL CARROLLTON CARTHAGE CATARACT xiii CATLIN CEDAR GROVE CEDARVILLE CENTER POINT CHARLESTOWN CHATTERTON CHESTERTON CHESTNUT RIDGE CHRISNEY CHURUBUSCO CLARKSBURG CLAY CITY CLAYTON CLEAR CREEK CLEAR LAKE CLERMONT CLEVELAND CLIFTY FALLS CLINTON CLINTON FALLS CLOVERDALE CLOVERPORT CLYMERS COAL CITY COATESVILLE COLFAX COLLEGE CORNER COLUMBIA CITY COLUMBUS CONNERSVILLE COPE CORUNNA CORYDON EAST CORYDON WEST COSMOS COVINGTON CRANDALL CRAWFORDSVILLE CROSS PLAINS CROTHERSVILLE CROWN POINT CULVER CUMBERLAND CUZCO CYNTHIANA DALE DANA DANVILLE DANVILLE NE DANVILLE SE DARLINGTON DARROW DAYLIGHT DE GONIA SPRINGS DECATUR xiv DECKER DEEDSVILLE DEER CREEK DEERFIELD DELPHI DEMOTTE DENHAM DENNISON DEPAUW DEPUTY DERBY DILLSBORO DIXON DOMESTIC DONALDSON DONOVAN DUBOIS DUGGER DUNE ACRES DUNREITH DYER EARL PARK EAST MOUNT CARMEL- EATON EDINBURGH EDON EGE ELBERFELD ELIZABETHTOWN ELKHART ELKINSVILLE ELWOOD EMINENCE EMMA ENGLISH ENGLISH LAKE ENOS EPSOM EVANSVILLE NORTH EVANSVILLE SOUTH EVERTON FAIR OAKS FAIRBANKS FAIRHAVEN FAIRMOUNT FALMOUTH FARMLAND FAYETTE FISHERS FLORA FLORENCE FOLSOMVILLE FORAKER FOREST HILL INDIANA GAZETTEER FORT KNOX FORT RECOVERY FORT WAYNE EAST FORT WAYNE WEST FOUNTAIN CITY FOUNTAINTOWN FOWLER FRANCESVILLE FRANCISCO FRANKFORT FRANKLIN FRANKTON FREDERICKSBURG FREEDOM FRENCH LICK FRITCHTON FULDA FULTON GALIEN GALVESTON GARRETT GARY GAS CITY GASTON GATCHEL GENEVA GEORGETOWN GEORGIA GIFFORD GILMAN GLENDALE GOODLAND GOSHEN GOSPORT GRABILL GRAMMER GRASS CREEK GRAYVILLE GREENBRIER GREENCASTLE GREENFIELD GREENS FORK GREENSBURG GREENTOWN GREENWOOD GUILFORD HAGERSTOWN HALL HAMILTON HAMLET HANNA HARDINSBURG HARRISON HARTFORD CITY EAST HARTFORD CITY WEST HARTSVILLE HAUBSTADT HAYDEN HAZELRIGG HEATHSVILLE HEBRON HENDERSON HENRYVILLE HICKSVILLE HIGHLAND HILLHAM HILLISBURG HILLSBORO HINDUSTAN HOAGLAND HOLLAND HOLTON HOOVEN HOPE HUMRICK HUNTERTOWN HUNTINGBURG HUNTINGTON HURON HUTSONVILLE HUTTON HYMERA IDAVILLE ILLIANA HEIGHTS INDIAN SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS EAST INDIANAPOLIS WEST INGALLS INWOOD IONA JACKSON PARK JACKSONBURG JASONVILLE JASPER JEFFERSONVILLE JONESVILLE KASSON KEENSBURG KEMPTON KENDALLVILLE KENT KENTLAND KEWANNA KINDERHOOK KINGMAN KINGSFORD HEIGHTS KIRKLIN KIRKPATRICK KNIGHTSTOWN KNOX EAST KNOX WEST KOKOMO EAST KOKOMO WEST KOLEEN KOSMOSDALE KOSSUTH KOUTS KURTZ LA CROSSE LA FONTAINE LA GRANGE LA PAZ LAPORTE EAST LAPORTE WEST 'LACONIA LADOGA LAFAYETTE EAST LAFAYETTE WEST LAGRANGE LAGRO LAKE CALUMET LAKE WAWASEE ‘ LAKEVILLE I LANESVILLE LAPEL LAUD LAWRENCEBURG LEAVENWORTH LEBANON LEESBURG LEESVILLE LEROY LEWIS LEWIS CREEK LEWISPORT . LEWISVILLE LIBERTY LIBERTY CENTER LIGONIER LINDEN LINN GROVE I LINTON LITTLE YORK LIVONIA LIZTON LOGANSPORT ‘ LOOGOOTEE I LORANE LOUISVILLE WEST LOWELL LUCERNE LYDICK ‘ LYNN LYNNVILLE LYONS MACY MADISON EAST MADISON WEST MAJENICA MANILLA MANSFIELD MAPLES MARIETTA MARION MARKLE MARTINSVILLE MATTINGLY MAUCKPORT MAUNIE MAXVILLE MAYS MAYWOOD MC CORDSVILLE MC COYSBURG MECCA MECHANICSBURG MEDARYVILLE MEDORA MELLOTT MENTONE MEROM MERRIAM METAMORA MIAMI MICHIGAN CITY EAST MICHIGAN CITY WEST MICHIGANTOWN MIDDLEBURY MIDDLETOWN MILAN MILFORD MILLERSBURG MILLHOUSEN MILLTOWN MILROY MITCHELL MODESTO MODOC MONGO MONON MONON NE MONROE CITY MONTEZUMA MONTGOMERY MONTICELLO NORTH MONTICELLO SOUTH INTRODUCTION MONTPELIER MOORESVILLE EAST MOORESVILLE WEST MORGANTOWN MOROCCO MORRISTOWN MOUNT AYR MOUNT CARMEL MOUNT ETNA MOUNT GILBOA MOUNT PLEASANT MOUNT VERNON MULBERRY MUNCIE EAST MUNCIE WEST NAPPANEE EAST NAPPANEE WEST NASHVILLE NEW ALBANY NEW AMSTERDAM NEW BELLSVILLE NEW BUFFALO WEST NEW CARLISLE NEW CASTLE EAST NEW CASTLE WEST NEW CORYDON NEW FAIRFIELD NEW GOSHEN NEW HARMONY NEW MARKET NEW PARIS NEW POINT NEW ROSS NEW SALEM NEW WASHINGTON NEWBURGH NEWPORT NILES WEST NINEVEH NOBLESVILLE NORMAN NORTH JUDSON NORTH JUDSON SE NORTH LIBERTY NORTH MANCHESTER NORTH (NORTH MANCHESTER N) NORTH MANCHESTER SOUTH (NORTH MANCHESTER S) NORTH SALEM NORTH VERNON NORTH WEBSTER OAKLAND CITY OAKTOWN ODON OGDEN DUNES OLIVER LAKE OMEGA ONWARD OOLITIC ORLAND ORMAS OSCEOLA OSGOOD OSSIAN OTISCO OTTERBEIN OTWELL OWEN OWENSBORO EAST OWENSBORO WEST OWENSBURG OWENSVILLE PALMER PALMYRA PAOLI PARAGON PARR PATOKA PATRICKSBURG PATRIOT PENDLETON PENNVILLE PEORIA PERRYSVILLE PERSHING PERU PETERSBURG PETROLEUM PIERCETON PIERCEVILLE PIMENTO PINE VILLAGE PLAINFIELD PLAINVILLE PLYMOUTH POE POINT ISABEL POLAND PORTAGE PORTLAND POSEYVILLE PREBLE PRINCETON PYRMONT XV QUINCY RAYS CROSSING REDKEY REED REELSVILLE REILY REMINGTON RENSSELAER REXVILLE RICHLAND CITY RICHMOND RICHVALLEY RIDGEVILLE RIPLEY RISING SUN RIVERWOOD ROACHDALE ROANN ROCHESTER ROCK HAVEN ROCKPORT ROCKVILLE ROLL ROME ROMNEY ROSEDALE ROSSTON ROSSVILLE ROUND GROVE RUSHVILLE RUSK RUSSELLVILLE RUSSELLVILLE (IL) RUSSIAVILLE RUTLAND SAINT ANTHONY SAINT BERNICE SAINT JOE SAINT MEINRAD SALEM SALINE CITY SAN JACINTO SAN PIERRE SANDBORN SANDFORD SANDY HOOK SANTA CLAUS SCHNEIDER SCOTLAND SCOTTLAND SCOTTSBURG SEE PORTAGE SEELYVILLE SERVIA xvi SEYMOUR SHANNONDALE SHELBURN SHELBY SHELBYVILLE SHELDON SHERIDAN SHIPSHEWANA SHIRLEY SHOALS SILVER LAKE SMEDLEY SMITH MILLS SOLITUDE SOLSBERRY SOMERSET SOUTH BEND EAST SOUTH BEND WEST SOUTH BOSTON SOUTH WHITLEY EAST SOUTH WHITLEY WEST SPADES SPARTANBURG SPEED SPENCER SPRINGVILLE ST FRANCISVILLE ST JOHN STANFORD STAR CITY STAUNTON STILLWELL STOCKLAND STOCKWELL STONE BLUFF STORY STROH STURGIS SULLIVAN SULPHUR SPRINGS SUNMAN SWEETSER SWITZ CITY TAB TAMPICO TASWELL TELL CITY TEMPLETON TEMPLETON NE TERRE HAUTE THORNTOWN TIPTON TOPEKA TRAFALGAR INDIANA GAZETTEER TUNNELTON TWELVE MILE UNION UNION CITY UNIONDALE UNIONTOWN UNIONVILLE VALEENE VALLONIA VALPARAISO VAN BUREN VEEDERSBURG VELPEN VERNON VERSAILLES VEVAY NORTH VEVAY SOUTH VINCENNES VOLGA WABASH WABASH ISLAND WADENA WADESVILLE WAKARUSA WALDRON WALKERTON WALLACE WANATAH WARREN WARSAW WASHINGTON WATERLOO WAYMANSVILLE WAYNETOWN WEST FRANKLIN WEST LEBANON WEST UNION WESTFIELD WESTPOINT WESTPORT WESTVILLE WHEATFIELD WHEATLAND WHEELING WHITCOMB WHITEHALL WHITEWATER WHITING WILLIAMS WILLIAMSPORT WILLSHIRE WILSON WINAMAC WINCHESTER WINDFALL WREN WINGATE WYATT WINSLOW YANKEETOWN WOLCOTT YEOMAN WOLCOTTVILLE YOUNG AMERICA WOODBURN NORTH ZANESVILLE WOODBURN SOUTH ZIONSVILLE INDIANA by Jon C. Campbell Organized from the Indiana Territory, the State of Indiana became the 19th member of the United States on December 11, 1816. The name “Indiana” had been first applied to this region in 1800 when Congress divided the territory northwest of the Ohio River, commonly known as the Northwest Territory, into two parts. The western part received the name Indiana Territory, a Latinized version of the term “Indian Territory,” while the more settled eastern part that eventually became the State of Ohio continued to be called the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio. The use of the name Indiana for the territory may have received some impetus from the prior existence of a land-development association called the Indiana Company. Before and after the American Revolution this group of speculators sold land acquired from the Indians along the Ohio River between the southern boundary of Pennsylvania and the Little Kanawha River, but the Commonwealth of Virginia refused to recognize the validity of the company’s land titles. A lengthy lawsuit between the Indiana Company and Virginia resulted in the adoption in 1798 of the Eleventh Amendmentto the Constitution; thus, the name Indiana was well known in 1800. Indiana has had three capitals: Indianapolis has served as the State capital since 1825; Corydon, the first State capital, was the capital from 1813 to 1825; and Vincennes was the capital of the Indiana Territory from 1800 to 1813. The Indiana legislature met in 1820 to choose a name for what was to be the capital of the newly admitted State. After discarding several sug- gestions, among them Tecumseh and Suwarrow, the legislators agreed on the name Indianapolis, which was formed from the name of the State and the Greek word for city, “polls.” William Henry Harrison, first governor of the Indiana Territory, later “Old Tippecanoe” and the ninth President, gave the name Corydon to the town laid out in 1808 by RM. Heth. Although the name Corydon originated with the Roman poet Virgil in his “Ecologues,” Harrison may have known it from a popular song of the time, “Pastoral Elegy.” The oldest town in Indiana, xvii .vm: mm 2m. mm 96.9.: 3 9 cocwi 3me :0 8m: EcoEEoo “moE 9::QO 9: :5 69:? Eat? 550 02; 5:5 53% 2 52m cm .0 wocmEEouma m5 9505 2;: 9:035:32, ,cmme :35 :29: ucm cocmi m5 288 c285 .vmu Sm 9: 26: m. 85 van. 9: “BEBE £595 .wzomnmso mm; 39: new; 0;... 33¢ CEO 9.: .o 59> ucm £5: new 9: 5 QB 50cm.“— F.m_c_m:> ho 28m 59me m5 6 gas. .cSmcEmflS mewO|N 9:9“. ~ . .iu‘ . ‘1‘; xi Kwangju £53.: ‘3. §\a\u§ .4 H .VH H a an H L? we .98. NS» .5 we fixSkE‘RR $33.“ _ . ., Ax ,_w ‘ Ex». AM ho ~i§§hw§v IJFIIHIIIHH: x 4 ENE §~,\R§N\ M k .. .._ x a :! x R M _ m w _ FPO-fl, ,_ m H _ fl _ . ..... Mr]! M a. xxx-w N M xigiifiu _ ,RQRK . _ .\\\\~A‘.vkx VQKAVL.‘ ~ _, . ‘ _. 3m ivfiluj4§iv , H _ f! ‘ ¢ . w M Eu ,: «‘3 . .3 m .hh‘uhvnlflu.‘ . \ :i» ,, Ai3414 » s I w\ .15} w an , $:&i¢§hiwl 1 13:; €ij . Qa5p€€>i§~t§ awe—Hanan. WEEK? a. N :A/RN _ A, w a. _ r.) N N: x ”J. ‘ «o _ \ n. H 0. X , _ _ d. W x» HHWNHNVw‘NMMNEQ I: up 3 v J N M “2.» ,. ; .. A, W Y w A .VS 0 M 1 ,H H . ‘ s m I M M / +5 WE me wk \f‘ . vfino :. INDIANA GAZETTEER xviii .vm: E mhwnEE. :26”. .0 22mm 9: E >om$n2coo 520:. E52 9: $328 0:; mc>m>> >co£c< 3550 20:0... 9:33 to“. wEm: 9t. .uoocmyfiw _m3cw>w SE :29: 8:395 >695 m5 .0 :oEmcm: «5835385 Ema. w 020305 ucm mbcfl .8.»ku 96369335268293 *0 vocumE a $53353 02m mocmEEO och gm>E 9:0 9: ho “mm; ucm 58: 53:2 9: E >6>Em 82,230 pm: .0 mocmEEO 9t. .8: :cCoztm... 52me 552 $530 $5. <: 6922 cmfiwnwnld 2:9“. 4, 3. by. .5. :¢\§< Esx w: 42$. u. «xx» . I III III :3; .i! , . x . ¢ sffi! . \. £5.._&.< . _ . . .. ‘ A, MN - k R .H 5m m. k 1 a, R :lluli’. WIIEjHHHHlUflJ r! j t :36 arr/r1. su§..>.....~. E (2:. $353. . 1V fuzsbb 1 r v \\ 5:25:43 V i 3:0 $4 A, , , éwwswss \_\, 2‘ n . \ W. {,xfifiw; s m vfiffia a 1 tififi$r _ ..m._\e ll .d tax, at... r r \ ' z:\érm‘.ws,%bx7 , \ _§r «kg V: aka. 3. \zx ». \zé w _, , 3Q . w. ‘ ; nflV/Mrw/ A91 _ N .533: o J . ,\: k._ I \J’d \ >£§§9§m @532 Ci 3%? ml 4 HAN: «w \( f “A Kukflit‘ , r I p _ €§§afi A , 3. ( x 133.3: .fim & _ l g .~o a. {Matt AV We . .& so? fr .‘ 2. K. tfinwé sixiw 9‘ W . . my x» \Dl . a» _ l. n .vwan‘xtt VCV uNQaNANR _ w ,- .. E S .:~\§~§ks§§§§sw hm fl m m . 44.54:»:S ‘8 e 2“. Ext: ‘5» QRS .1 \mik 54¢: 23%.». .ix ‘6 x35: :51):th n5 kn 9.5.19 xtxxé; »: :\\...:~\ £30135. .r also a; f‘ tug—4J5» INDIANA xix Vincennes took its name from Francois Marie Bissot, Sieur de Vincennes, who built a fortified trading post there about 1732 and who was captured and burned at the stake by Indians in 1736. In its early years the settlement was known by a variety of names, such as Au Poste, Post Vincennes, Poste Ouabache, Post Saint Francis Xavier, and Post Saint Ange. Indiana’s oldest place names come from native American sources and allude to the land's unwritten past. Hoosier streams and lakes are much more likely to carry names of Indian origin than the towns and counties named by settlers who often had anti-Indian sentiments. The name Wabash River stems from the Miami Indian name for the stream, Wa-ba-shi-ki or Wa-pa-shi-ki, which may mean bright white or gleaming white, referring to a limestone bed in the upper reaches of the stream. Early French explorers usually wrote the name of the river ”Ouabache.” Apparently, the name of the Kankakee River is a corruption of the Potawatomi Indian word Tian-kakeek, meaning low land or swamp country. The name appeared in French as Qui—que-que and Quin—qui-qui. Another explanation of the origin of the name holds that the earliest known form of Kankakee was Theakiki, meaning wolf-land because the area was the home of Mohicans whose name means wolf. The recorded history of Indiana begins with French Jesuits and trappers in the 17th century. Moving westward from the Saint Lawrence valley, the French hoped to establish a profitable fur trade and to convert the Indians to Christianity. Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, was the first European to explore the land that is now Indiana. He and his party reached the south bend of the Saint Joseph River (now the city of South Bend) in 1679 and portaged to the Kankakee River on their journey from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River. The Wabash-Maumee River route, which used a portage near the present location of Fort Wayne, was the shortest route between Lake Erie and the Mississippi River and became a primary artery for French influence and trade. To protect their trading interests against English competition and English settlers, the French built several forts along this route in the early 18th century: Fort Miami (now Fort Wayne), Fort Ouiatenon or Ouiatanon (near Lafayette), and Fort Vincennes (Vincennes). Fort Miami and Fort Ouiatenon took their names from the Indian tribes that lived in the vicinity of each site. Long the headquarters of the Miami Indians, the site of modern Fort Wayne was known at different times as Kekionga, Kiskakon, Omee Town, Twightee Village, Frenchtown, or Miami Town. The name Fort Wayne honors General Anthony Wayne who defeated the Miami Indian Confederacy at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794. The city of Lafayette was so named in 1824 by its founder, William Digby, for the Marquis de Lafayette. After losing the Seven Years War, known in North America as the French and Indian War, France ceded Canada and the eastern half of the Mississippi Valley to Great Britain in 1763. Under British rule the name Charlotiana was proposed for a future colony to be established between the Mississippi and the Ohio Rivers, but this plan was never realized. Great Britain governed the area as part of Quebec Province until George Rogers Clark won it for the American cause in 1779 during the Revolutionary War. After independence was secured, several States laid claim to the land west of the Appalachians and north of the Ohio River, but in 1784 these disputed lands became public domain. The adoption of the Ordinance of 1787 established the ' Northwest Territory, which initially included all lands northwest ofthe Ohio River. When Congress reorganized the Northwest Territory in 1800, the western part became the Indiana Territory and included what is now Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and part of Minnesota. The formation of the Michigan Territory in 1805 and the Illinois Territory in 1809 left the Indiana Territory with essentially the same boundaries as Indiana now has. BIBLIOGRAPHY Baker, R.L., and Carmony, Marvin, 1975, Indiana Place Names: Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press, 196 p. Escarey, Logan, 1918, A History of Indiana: Indianapolis, B.F. Bowen and Company, 2 vols. Federal Writers Project, 1941, Indiana: A Guide to the Hoosier State: New York, Oxford University Press, 548 p. Hodge, F.W., 1910, Handbook of American lndiansf Washington, DC, Government Printing Office, 2 vols. Levering, J.H., 1916, Historic Indiana: New York and London, G.P. Putnam's sons, 565 p. xx INDIANA GAZETTEER r t , . , , l/ /’ ”fl/HI» //‘r’lll lull/n4!!! ”1.) (I ' If , M m. _ , mm W___ “NH E .-_M W ,, km W > 3’271/4' I? ' . [/17411‘ ,;,: ,4: 1. L. .1 .1 "1.1..L . £¢iqza¢macl7i . ‘ 11 UR 0 N \ ‘ a? C _ . 4} L, 5'. ¥ ( lair VII-[17:17): ' (/x / ~ ,1: d _ 4/ / \ I". n 5/; ’-. "_ r / ¢\. .., i 1"‘U r 1‘: ) 01110 and ; ,.~ w;- , 0 1x ., L: ' 'v 4' , f l A”. It’. Tfi/i’lfIY'O/f )7 E / « 1'1 ‘ ~ ’ IN 1 Ln/{n III/mun /‘//1/m/” ii: i Figure 4.—Mathew Carey, Ohio and NW Territory, from “Carey’s Minor Atlas,” 1810. After Ohio became a State (1803) and the Michigan Territory was formed (1805), the remainder of the old Northwest Territory was known for atime as Indiana Territory. Vincennes was then the capital of the Indiana Territory. Theakiki is an earlier name of the Kankakee River. INDIANA xxi simmuxu nvm A My. a . ‘ ”.4 I / zmuxnm. _ , ., .6 >- ’,,._ 7'III'.' / 'I'I‘l'llx‘ / \ numamu ‘1 mm. \-. 'l' r: n n l 'r 0 R I r: s nl' Slur R5.“ 7“,)“. ; l‘x l'l‘l". I) STATES v if ‘ .lu/ xx ’FV/ F m « ‘ «abyummmw ‘ M L " 3' Figure 5.—From Mathew Carey’s ”General Atlas of the World and Quarters." 1814. in 1816. The capital was moved from Vincennes to Corydon in 1813. This map depicts Indiana shortly before it became a State xxii INDIANA GAZETTEER IAIYAVAI :- , / ) f 1" Figure 6.—Indiana portion of H.S. Tanner, “Ohio and Indiana," 1822. This map demonstrates how the settlement of Indiana proceeded from the south where the Ohio River provided easier access. The site for the State capital of Indianapolis, still in deep wilderness at this time, was selected solely for its central location. The name Indianapolis was formed from the name of the State and the G reek word for city. “polis.” INDIANA xxiii n m Lullrfludr WrKl 9 1mm Wanhmg‘lml 7 fie m. , m H mm - 4 M t t.‘ L ,4 A, K N l _ .w 34:». year“ 9&\ 4'. '“ ' .wlr'llu;.a,~j ‘ Lnnhvm.» «n I‘iilalmrr ‘ nut/mu :3 ”minor! 1. ” [mun/«w, .3 .'.7 5 I'rlq w y; IM/Im'tyhum w 1*, [IInrwlaNI/‘tl 5| I08 ‘ 'mr‘mmm ' u )3! E J'rwknflmnm/ 2| L63 2‘ A liwtnll’lnm‘ ml [1 I58 » , .an'ul ('3 ‘6‘ 4.4mm n .75 who. 9 m ; .IIm-i'H/I’ 7 I33 __ ‘: Lug‘xnkpul‘t —; mm”, m um g :8 Mama.» no as C away/n» u ur- < ‘1: Maw!“ u 3.,- __ I ‘numlmmn/ 3 3w :- t! lelmnllnpntr :9 3.9 , a ,3 Mfr/ll 3° 375 L , Imlmll‘ r'u ~ hnbmbmy W .136 C lunar.- n m .1 may m ‘9“ 3 7mm- 3 1M ‘ . v __: M10103! 3 so; / Mir-I: my 4 w“,- c : sum/h 7 at. , L La I ( v \ Ll'mumvn In 3:53 . 3 ~ , , w ““ w 31mm, Rum/e a 11mm :9 Mn \4- ,y " ' g 3 “ . -‘ mum 5? . u. ' N 2‘ I: s a ’ c n n o L L i. 9 ‘ f. t x p t m‘ «’ * g h finqrunqmr > t a . _ J \l I A ~. 9 _ t , it nu -. g 1 1 fi 2 s 5 < y x ‘ ' a- ‘ . v ' I A l I w T o w ‘. g. ._ l r ‘ ‘ I i g v i Afllmnll‘flnol u r K ‘ (wimp _; ~v . _ ; 1 , mum u ,rv a a 1.; , ‘ a: -j » ’“ Manama n9 , . ‘ V: .«K /Mumw 4” ‘fl‘hmwh E; = t: ‘ any..." tlu-vuckm‘l- m ‘\ r a- . U x ‘ 1 n - ’ g ‘ .-_ Emmi." 1 Thmrnmfin 1',“ A ..~ I \ § ~.~ 'MH‘WM 3‘ _ g‘ ‘ ‘ , ~ \J.,,. ; < 5mm x _ _ U S P‘ J x 3 r: 4“ Muss" hm m . - . it ; 7/ W ” [maul-MW t5 -- - . _ - 3;. W _ V V _ ‘ { > ~ : v; .Mm n I v . _ _y > e , J _ ’ . g .2 $3”:wa hwr u ‘ t" ‘ ‘ ‘ _ - - ‘ ' y ,1 »__- .1":an as i , mm In E; 1 min: u, ¢ S Anmumrkiwr m 5 Tom: I .3 Mil: I47 I ’. hum/haw 34 I ‘ 1 ‘ ; .Vaflr; 9, El I Mirna. : I'M .5!an 53 ‘l '; - 37M“ _ 3 M1»... I Mimi-n} 1 3‘ . I I J a“ " aims ‘sme of Fm . " 3“ A f‘ ’ TRAVELLERS runm'r MAP) J"‘ 0" A (agmaafia f_ ma n-s / R0105 J“ IDISTJJ’TIL‘S. h; ///4 ”/1 ’Zl/HIIV” 33 / , . { . 1.1%“ at Mars SE? 28 l332 guru h‘w .v. Kmfin Figure 7.—H.S. Tanner, “Traveller's Pocket Map of Indiana,” 1831. Two transportation improvements important to Indiana‘s history are shown on this map. The National Road, also known as the Cumberland Road for its beginning in Cumberland, Md., provided a relatively easy land route across Indiana to points west. The inset profiles the Wabash and Erie Canal. Completed in 1852, this canal realized the early French explorers’ desire for a water route between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River drainage; GLOSSARY By Sam Stulberg and Roger L. Payne Listed below are the common terms used to categorize each place, feature, or area identified by a geographic name. These terms appear in the second column of information on the gazetteer page. The terms and their definitions are applied broadly; they are not a dictionary of balanced, exclusive, or precise terminology for the identification and definition of cultural and natural features. Some examples of commonly used generic names are provided at the end of each definition to assist in understanding the range of meaning repre- sented by the feature term. A name generic in plural form is identified by a term in singular form; a name like “Relic Islands" is identified as “island.” The term “pop- ulated place” is abbreviated ”ppl.” airport: a manmade facility maintained for the use of aircraft (airfield, airstrip, landing field, landing strip). arch: a natural archlike opening in a rock mass (bridge, natural bridge, sea arch). area: any one of several areally extensive natural features not included in other categories (badlands, barren, delta, fan, garden). arroyo: a watercourse or channel through which water may occasionally flow (coulee, draw, gulley, wash). bar: a natural accumulation of sand, gravel, or alluvium, or ledge of rock or coral forming an underwater or exposed embankment (ledge, reef, sandbar, shoal, spit). basin: a natural depression or relatively low area en- closed by higher land (amphitheater, cirque, pit, sink). bay: an indentation of a coast or shoreline enclosing a part of a body of water; a body of water partly surrounded by land (arm, bight, cove, estuary, gulf, inlet, sound). beach: the sloping shore along a body of water that is periodically washed by waves or tides and is usually covered by sand or gravel (coast, shore, strand). bench: an area of relatively level land on the side of an elevation such as a hill, ridge, or mountain where the slope of the land rises on one side and descends on the opposite side (level). bend: a curve in the course of a stream and (or) the land within the curve; a curve in a linear body ofwater (loop, meander). bridge: a manmade structure carrying a trail, road, or other transportation system across a body of water or depression (causeway, overpass, trestle). building: a manmade structure having walls and a roof for protection of people and (or) materials; churches, INDIANA GAZETTEER hospitals, and schools are special types of buildings and are assigned individual categories. canal: a manmade waterway used by watercraft or for drainage, irrigation, mining, or water power (ditch, lateral). cape: a projection of land extending into a body of water (lae, neck, peninsula, point). cave: a natural underground passageway or chamber, or a hollowed out cavity in the side of a cliff (cavern, grotto). cemetery: a place or area for burying the dead (burial, burying ground, grave, memorial garden). channel: a linear deep part of a body of water through which the main volume of water flows and that is frequently used as a route for water craft (passage, reach, strait, thoroughfare, throughfare). church: a building used for religious worship (chapel, mosque, synagogue, tabernacle, temple). civil: designates a political division formed for admin- istrative purposes (borough, county, town, township). cliff: a very steep or vertical slope (bluff, crag, head, headland, nose, overhang, pali, palisade, precipice, promontory, rim, rimrock). crater: acirculardepressionatthesummitofavolcanic cone or one on the surface of the land caused by either volcanism, meteoritic impact, or underground subsidence; a manmade depression caused by an explosion (caldera, lua). crossing: a place where two or more routes of trans- portation form a junction or intersection (overpass, underpass). dam: a water barrier or embankment built across the course of a stream or into or within a body of water to control and (or) impound the flow of water (break— water, dike, jetty). falls: aperpendicularorverysteepdescentofwaterin the course of a stream (cascade, cataract, waterfall). flat: a relatively level area within a region of greater relief (clearing, glade, playa). forest: a bounded area of woods, forest, or grassland under the administration of a political agency (national forest, national grasslands, State forest); see ”woods.” gap: a low point or opening between hills or mountains or in a ridge or mountain range (col, notch, pass, saddle, water gap, wind gap). geyser: an eruptive spring from which hot water, steam, and (or) mud are periodically thrown. glacier: a body or stream of ice moving outward and downslope from an area of accumulation; an area of relatively permanentsnow orice on thetop ofor side of a mountain (ice field, ice patch, snow patch). gut: a relatively small coastal waterway connecting larger bodies of water or other waterways (creek, inlet, slough). GLOSSARY xxv harbor: a sheltered area of water where ships or other watercraft can anchor or dock (hono, port, road, roadstead). hospital: a building where the sick or injured may receive medical or surgical attention (infirmary). island: an area of dry or relatively dry land surrounded by water or low wetland (archipelago, atoll, cay, hammock, hummock, isla, isle, key, moku, rock). isthmus: a narrow projection of land in a body ofwater connecting two larger land areas. lake: a natural body of inland water (backwater, lac, lagoon, laguna, pond, pool, resaca, waterhole). lava: a formation or feature resulting from the con- solidation of molten rock on the surface of the Earth (kipuka, lava flow). levee: a natural or manmade embankment flanking a stream (bank, berm). locale: a place at which there is or was relatively minor human occupation or activity; does not include pop- ulated places (ppl), mines, and dams (battlefield, camp, farm, railroad siding, ranch, ruins, site, station, windmill). mine: a place or area from which commercial minerals are or were removed from the Earth; does not include oilfield (pit, quarry, shaft). oilfield: an area where petroleum is or was removed from the Earth. other: this category is for miscellaneous named man- made entities that cannot readily be placed in the other feature classes listed here. park: a place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under some form of governmental administration; does not includeaforest (national historical landmark, national park, State park, wilderness). pillar: a vertical-standing, often spire-shaped, natural rock formation (chimney, monument, pinnacle, pohaku, rock tower). plain: a region of general uniform slope, comparatively level and of considerable extent (grassland, highland, kula, plateau, upland). ppl: populated place: a place or area having clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human pop- ulation (city, settlement, town, village). range: a chain of hills or mountains; a somewhat linear mountainous or hilly area (cordillera, sierra). rapids: a fast-flowing section of a stream, often shallower than other sections and having exposed rocks or boulders (riffle, ripple). reserve: a tract of land set aside for a specific use; does not include forests, civil divisions, or parks. reservoir: an artificially impounded body of water (lake, tank). ridge: an elevation having a narrow, linear crest; may be part of a hill or mountain (crest, cuesta, escarp- ment, hogback, lae, rim, spur). school: a building or group of buildings used as an institution for study, teaching, and learning (academy, college, high school, university). sea: a large body of salt water (gulf, ocean). slope: a gently inclined part of the Earth’s surface (grade, pitch). spring: a place where underground water flows naturally to the surface of the Earth (seep). stream: a linear body of water flowing on the Earth’s surface (anabranch, awawa, bayou, branch, brook, creek, distributary, fork, kill, pup, rio, river, run, slough). summit: a prominent elevation rising above the sur- rounding level ofthe Earth’s surface; does not include ridges and ranges (ahu, bald, berg, butte, cerro, colina, cone, cumbre, dome, head, hill, horn, knob, knoll, mauna, mesa, meseta, mesita, mound, mount, mountain, peak, puu, rock, sugarloaf, table, volcano). swamp: poorly drained wetland, fresh or salt, wooded or grassy; possibly covered with open water (bog, cienaga, marais, marsh, pocosin). tower: a manmade structure, higher than its diameter, generally used for observation, storage, or electronic transmission. trail: a route for passage from one point to another; does not include roads or highways, categories not included in this gazetteer (jeep trail, path, ski trail). tunnel: a linear underground passageway open at both ends. valley: a linear depression in the Earth’s surface that generally slopes from one end to the other (barranca, canyon, chasm, cove, draw, glen, gorge, gulch, gulf, hollow, ravine). well: a manmade shaft or hole in the Earth’s surface used to obtain fluid or gaseous materials. woods: a small area covered with a dense growth of trees; does not include an area of trees under the administration of a political agency; see “forest.” THE GAZETTEER OF INDIANA FEATURE NAME A Aaron Abache See Wabash River Abbett School See Merle J Abbett Elementary School Abbey Dell See Abydel Abbey Run Abbot Cemetery Abe Martin Lodge Aber Creek See Abner Creek Aberdeen Bascom Aberger Ditch Abes Branch Abington Abner Creek Aber Creek Abner Creek Cemetery Aboit See Aboite Aboite Aboit Aboit Station Aboite Creek Aboite River Aboite River See Aboite Creek Aboit Station See Aboite Abraham Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln School Abraham Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln School Abraham Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln School Number 18 Abshire Cemetery Abshire Ditch A Bucher Ditch See Chippewanuck Creek A Bucher Ditch See Clarks Landing Abundant Life Memorial Church Abydel Abbey Dell Abyssinian Baptist Church Academie Ace Airpark Ackeret Church Ackerman Branch Ackerman Ditch Acme Acre Cemetery Acton Farmersville Acton Elementary School Acton Run Adam Cemetery Adam Church Adams Adams FEATURE CLASS ppl stream school ppl stream cemetery park stream ppl canal stream ppl stream cemetery ppl ppl stream stream ppl school school school cemetery canal stream locale church 91:1 church 991 airport church stream canal ppl cemetery ppl school stream cemetery church ppl ppl STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INOIANA 1988 COUNTY Switzerland Hells Allen Orange Spencer Clinton Brown Hendricks Ohio Miami Switzerland Wayne Hendricks Hendricks Allen Allen Huntington Huntington Allen Lake Lake Marion Wabash Henry Kosciusko Steuben Marion Orange Marion Allen Madison Jackson Dubois Hhite Jackson Martin Marion Marion Marion Porter Porter Decatur Morgan COORDINATES 385259N0850733H 374757N0880141H 410238N0850714N 383414N0863340H 381033N0864836H 401554N0864113H 391115N0861257H 394358N086253OH 385419N0845915N 405740N0860125H 384556N0850526H 394359N0845747H 394358N0862530H 394657N0862652N 410003N0851905N 410003N0851905N 405916N0852106H 405916N0852106U 410003N0851905H 413853N0872654H 413812N0873054H 394445N086083OH 405352N0855428H 400216N0852835H 410647N0861222H 413335N0845442H 394934N0860416H 383414N0863340H 394840N0860555H 411015N0850845H 400245N0854000H 390048N0854900H 382651NO865701H 405215N0853819W 385841N0860332U 383811N0864419H 393920N0855801N 393908N0855818H 393936N0855757H 4123S4N0870214N 412351N0870138H 392257N0853336H 392856N0862120H SOURCE COORDINATES 381021N0864952H 384723N0850716M 394829N0862716H 410335N0851748H 382534N0865623H 393944N0855843H ELEV FT 900 770 882 815 753 570 823 910 612 794 885 660 IN1 MAP NAME Cross Plains Saint Meinrad Mulberry Nashville Aberdeen Deedsville Vevay North Liberty Plainfield Brownsburg Arcola Zanesville Hhiting Lake Calumet Maywood Roann Sulphur Springs Indianapolis East French Lick Indianapolis East Huntertown Anderson South Azalia Jasper Idaville Brownstown Huron Acton Acton Acton Valparaiso Valparaiso Adams Cope INZ FEATURE NAME Adansboro Adams Cenetery Ada-s Ceoetery Celetery Celetery Central Elenentary School Central High School Central Niddle School Ada-s Church Adans County Ada-s County Hole Covered Bridge Ditch Ditch Ditch Elelentary School Elenentary School Hi I l Lake Ada-s Nill Manson Branch Ada-s Run Addlelan Ditch Ade Ade Hospital Adel Pleasant Valley Adel Celetery Ade McCray Ditch Adkins Celetery Adler Ditch Advance Osceola Adyeville Adyville Adyville See Myeville Aetna Aetna Elelentary School Africa Agnew Branch Agnew Ditch Agricultural Seed Airstrip Ahleleyer Branch Ahlgrin Ditch Aik-an Church Aiknan Creek Ailelans Creek All-ans Creek Beckett Branch Halters Ditch Ailelans Creek See Aiknan Creek Ainesworth See Ainsworth Ainsworth Ainesworth Answorth Airie, Nount Airpark Field Airport Aitken Lake Dan Aix A J Baker Court Drain See Sylons Creek Akers Cenetery Akers Ditch Akin Ditch Akin Park Akron Newark Akron Elelentary School Alain L Locke Elelentary School Locke. School FEATURE CLASS 991 celetery celetery celetery celetery school school school church civil locale bridge canal canal canal school school su-it lake ppl strea- strea- canal wl hospital ppl celetery canal celetery canal 991 ppl PP] wl school strea- canal airport strea- canal church strea- strea- pol pnl su-it airport da- ppl strea- celetery canal canal ppl school school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOF F UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF AININ UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF gaiaaaaa F 391 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADIIN WOFF VARIANT WF ADIIN 391 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL WETTEERuINDIANA 1988 MTV CODRDINATES Cass 404704N0861601N Clark 382334N0854041N Parke 393843N0871455N Ripley 39131811085104311 Nhitley 411317N0853417H Ada-s 40444511084585! Ada-s 404415N0845635H Ada-s 404445N084563511 Ripley 391312N0851121|1 ans 404442N084561311 Ada-s 404752N0845355U Parke 394652N0870844N Allen 410138N0850211H Kosciusko 410903N0855431Nl Hel ls 40380811085164811 Al len 410401N085055W Nani lton 400809NOBGIZSGN Harri son 382256N0861309H Lagrange 413316N0851946H Carrol l 402850N086303211 Lawrence 385000N0863311|1 Perry 375245N0863558N Nayne 395623N0845148H Newton 405206N0872641|1 Newton 405150N087192511 Owen 391131N0864745N Owen 391124N086474BH Newton 404928N087231911 Dubois 382222N086414711 Ada-s 404555N08500551 Boone 395945N0863712N Perry 381127N0864611Ni Perry 381127N0864611N1 Lake 413531N0871722|1 Lake 41352211087170811 Spencer 37502511087042211 Pulaski 41031311086401811 Pulaski 410235N086392611 l’i ppecanoe 101520N086531611 Clay 392606N086593611 Porter 4122541108701 1311 Daviess 383314N087074411 Daviess 38324LN08710301 Daviess 383241N0871031N1 Lake 412915N087153W Lake 412915N08715301 Orange 383425N0863811|1 Al len 41074011084565011 Parke 393912N087110W Jasper 410229NDB70905N Henry 394805N085093fi1 Ripley 385832N0850857|1 Putnal 41173211085223711 Posey 375638N087290811 Posey 375732N0873245|1 Fulton 410218N0850141|1 Fulton 410233N0860137N Lake 413448NOB7230211 SGJRCE COORDINATES 38512111086364” 375239N086370W 41055911086390“ 392523N0865642H 383657N0870001N ELEV FT 650 NS 595 870 544 934 475 615 740 859 NAPNME Logansport , Charlestown Catlin Pierceville Lorane Berne Berne Berne Pierceville Berne Decatur 1 Rockville Fort Hayne East Burket Liberty Center Fort Uayne East Sheridan Fredericksburg Nol cottvi l le Rossvi l le Bedford Nest Rene Hiitewater Kentland Goodland Freedo- ~ Freedo- Kentland Birdseye Preble Lizton Saint Neinrad 6m Gary Owenshoro East Ripley Ripley Honey Poland Valparaiso SandyHook SandyHook Crown Point Hillha kahi ll Catlin ‘ Parr Cross Plains Nerria Newhurgh Evansville South Akron Akron Highland FEATURE NAME Alamo Alaska Sheasville Albany Albany Elementary School Alberson Cemetery Albert Walsman Junior High School School Number 111 Albin Pond Albin Pond Dam Albion The Center Albion Albion Elementary School Albright Cemetery Albright Cemetery Albright Cemetery Albright Church Albright Ditch Alcinda See Indian Village Alden Cemetery Alderfer Ditch Aldersgate Church See Aldersgate Free Methodist Church Aldersgate Church Aldersgate Free Methodist Church Aldersgate Church Aldine Aldrich Bend Aldrich Ditch Aldrich Mound Alel Cemetery Alert Alexander See Cardonia Alexander Cemetery Alexander Cemetery Alexander Creek Alexander Ditch Alexander Ditch Alexander Hamilton Elementary School Hamilton School Alexander Run Alexandria Alexandria Airport Alexandria Cemetery Alexandria Creek Alexandria Elementary School Alexandria—Monroe High School Alexis Coquillard Elementary School Coquillard School Alex Warner Ditch Alfont Alford Alfords Alford Cemetery Alfords See Alford Alfordsville Alfordsville Cemetery Alfred Beckman Middle School Beckman Junior High School Algers Cemetery Algiers Algiers City Delectable Hill Delectible FEATURE CLASS ppl PP] pp] school cemetery school reservoir dam 991 ppl school cemetery cemetery cemetery church canal ppl cemetery canal church church church ppl bend canal summit cemetery ppl ppl cemetery cemetery stream canal canal school stream 991 airport cemetery stream school school school canal 991 ppl cemetery PP1 ppl cemetery school cemetery ppl STATUS BEN BEN VARIANT BEN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BEN UNOFF BEN VARIANT BEN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BEN VARIANT UNOFF BEN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BEN BEN BEN BEN UNOFF BEN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BEN BEN BEN UNOFF VARIANT BEN BEN ADMIN UNOFF BEN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BEN BEN BEN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BEN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BEN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL EAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Montgomery Owen Delaware Delaware Adams Marion Putnam Putnam Noble Scott Noble Gibson Howard Tipton Elkhart Marshall Putnam Ripley Marshall Marion Marion Marion Starke Posey St Joseph Posey Grant Decatur Clay Dubois Posey Posey Jay Johnson Lake Dubois Madison Madison Spencer Madison Madison Madison St Joseph Allen Madison Pike Hancock Pike Daviess Daviess Lake Wabash Pike COORDINATES 395855N0870326W 392813N0863829W 401803N0851431W 401801N0851445W AO3645N0850408W 394437N0860519W 393925N0865018W 393925N0865018W 412344N0852528W 384437N0854403W 412350N0852506W 381513N0872121W 402629N0860620U 401303N0860418W 414133N0855801W 411355N0861129W 412157N0853822W 391533N0850429W 412051N0861114W 394744N0860032W 394222N0861508W 394744N0860032W 411203N0864028W 380237N0880122W 413556N0862238W 380245N0880204W 402847N0854804W 390937N0854042W 393342N0870708W 382312N0865936W 380101NOB75759W 380003N0875719W 402741N0845911W 393258N0860807W 413354N0871559W 382259N0865923W 401546N0854033W 401400N0853815W 375131N0870833W 401527N0854041W 401548N0854038W 401458N0854037W 414127N0861812W 411429N0850143W 395705N0854853W 382929N0871434W 395053N0854728W 382929N0871434W 383338N0865654W 383407N0865641W 413440N0872116W 405609N0854922W 382914N0871030W SOURCE COORDINATES 380230N0875845W 382337N0865927W 401455N0853724W ELEV FT 811 788 954 963 630 705 372 765 900 850 510 520 523 1N3 MAP NAME Alamo Quincy Redkey Redkey Domestic Beech Grove Greencastle Greencastle Albion Blocher Albion Oakland City Kokomo East Arcadia Elkhart Argos Spades Inwood Bridgeport Indianapolis East Denham Maunie North Liberty Maunie Point Isabel Erammer Jasper Solitude Solitude Portland Bargersville Gary Jasper Alexandria Anderson North Owensboro West Alexandria Alexandria Anderson North South Bend West Cedarville Ingalls Winslow Greenfield Alfordsville Alfordsville Gary North Manchester 5 Winslow INA FEATURE NAME Algiers City See Algiers Aliceville See Ragsdale Alida Alida Station Alida Station See Alida Alkire Cemetery Allbright Cemetery Alldredge Cemetery Allen Allen African Methodist Episcopal Chapel Allen Airport Allen-Bethel Church Allen Branch Allen Branch Creek Allen Branch Creek See Allen Branch Allen Cemetery Allen Cemetery Allen Cemetery Allen Chapel Allen Chapel Allen Chapel Church of Christ Jesus Allen County Allen Creek Allen Crossing Allendale Allentown Allendale Camp Allen Ditch Allen Elementary School Allen Lake Allen Mellot Ditch Allens Acres Allen School Allens Creek Allens Creek (historical P.0.) Allens Creek State Recreation Area Allensville Allensville See East Enterprise Allensville Cemetery Allentown See Allendale Allesee Park Alleyne Chapel All Friends Missionary Baptist Church Alliance Allison See Allisonville Allison Run Allison School Number 3 See James A Allison Elementary School Allisonville Allison Allisonville Christian Church Allisonville Church Allisonville Church See Allisonville Christian Church Allisonville Elementary School Allman Allman Ditch FEATURE CLASS ppl ppl ppl ppl cemetery Cemetery cemetery pp] church airport church stream stream cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church civil stream vol ppl park canal school lake canal acres school stream locale park ppl ppl cemetery ppl park church church ppl pal stream school ppl church church school ppl canal STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BEN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Pike Knox La Porte La Porte Sullivan Miami Posey Allen Marion Pulaski Madison Dearborn Dearborn Clark Clinton Posey Greene Noble Marion Allen Crawford Ripley Vigo Johnson Fulton Grant Kosciusko Hells Boone Nells Monroe Monroe Monroe Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Vigo La Porte Marion Marion Madison Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Morgan Blackford COORDINATES 382914N087103ON 384445N0871930N 413038N0865411N 413038N0865411N 390954N0872918N 405239N3853822N 375929N0875817N 411200N0851145N 394653N0860845N 405458N0864040N 400345N0853654N 390256N0845936N 390256N0845936N 382540N0854812N 401406N0862645N 381024N0875315N 390327N0865432N 412525N0851400N 394637N0860851N 410414N0850052N 382226N0863512N 390614N0851901N 392330N0872345N 392427N0860723N 410557N0861714N 403406N0853831N 412140N085403ON 405355N0851053N 395934N0861811N 404408N0851042N 390204N0862752N 390146N0862615N 390221N0862718N 385223N0850113N 385222N0845917N 385247N0850113N 392330N0872345N 413615N0864119N 394611N0860343N 394807N0860815N 400200N0853900N 395418N0860442N 395419N0860516N 394749N0861457N 395418N0860442N 395338N0860501N 395338N0860501N 395354N0860516N 393702N0862552N 402839N0851303N SOURCE COORDINATES 390606N0850448N 381919N0863545N 390127N0862420N 395418N0860439N ELEV FT 790 840 690 948 550 850 869 873 910 776 765 MAP NAME Nestville Shelburn Servia Mt Vernon Huntertown Indianapolis Nest Buffalo Middletown Aurora Speed Mechanicsburg New Harmony Bloomfield Corunna Indianapolis Nest Fort Nayne East Taswell Versailles Terre Haute Franklin Pershing Marion North Nebster Ossian Zionsville Bluffton Allens Creek Allens Creek Allens Creek Vevay North Bear Branch LaPorte East Indianapolis East Indianapolis Nest Anderson South Fishers Fishers Fishers Fishers Mooresville Nest Pennville FEATURE NAME Allmans Creek See Aikman Creek All Saints Cemetery All Saints Church All Saints Episcopal Church All Souls Church See All Souls Unitarian-Universalist All Souls Unitarian-Universalist Church All Souls Church Allstott Creek See Little Patoka River Allstott School Alma Creek Alma Lake Alma Lake Almond Ditch Alonzo McShirley Drain See Symonds Creek Alpha (historical P.0.) Alpha Cemetery Alpha Church Alphia Cemetery Al Pine See Alpine Alpine Al Pine Ashland Alquina Alquina Elementary School Als Hollow A L Spohn Elementary/Middle School Spohn Middle School Alta Altamont Switch Altar Creek Alten Ditch Alto Alton Alton Altona Alton Cemetery Altoner See Lucerne Alum Cave Hollow Alvarado Richland Center Alverna Creek Amazon Lake Amazon Lake Dam Ambia weaver City Ambler Amboy Ambridge Elementary School America America Cemetery American Bottoms American Park American Run Americus Americus Ames Ames Chapel Ames Field Amity Amity Branch Cemetery Amity Church Amity Church FEATURE CLASS stream cemetery church church church church stream school stream lake ppl canal stream locale cemetery church cemetery ppl 991 ppl school valley school ppl ppl stream canal ppl ppl ppl Pvl cemetery pvl valley ppl stream reservoir dam vol 99‘ ppl school pal cemetery bend park stream ppl cemetery ppl church park ppl stream church church STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF B VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BEN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Daviess 383241N0871030H Starke 411231N0865326H Daviess 384016N0865956H Marion 394717N0860855H Marion 395116N0860410H Marion 395116ND860410H Crawford 382330N0863608H Crawford 382137M0863336H Parke 393513M0870633H Parke 393634M0870634H Parke 393630N0870110H Hamilton 395841N0861047H Hayne 394951N0851014H Scott 384831N0854316H Adams 405258M0845031H Scott 384837N0854340H Adams 405233N0845509H Fayette 393314N0851033H Fayette 393314N0851033M Fayette 393646N0850317H Fayette 393645N0850320H Floyd 381523M0855514H Lake 413722M0873036H Vermillion 394620N0872312H Tippecanoe 402243N0865228H Dubois 382258N0870110H Henry 395737N0851757H Howard 402624N0860956H Crawford 380725N0862510H Crawford 380721N0862504H De Kalb 412105M0850918H De Kalb 411900M0845202H Cass 405159M0862412H Clark 382733N0855419H Steuben 413436M0845016H Marion 395431M0861024H Owen 392100N0864454H Owen 392100N0864454H Benton 402924N0873101H La Porte 414257N0864748H Miami 403605N0855544H Lake 413616N0872206H Habash 4107OOM0854207H Habash 404050N0854157H Greene 39013BMOB64811H Elkhart 414106N0855727H Martin 383750N0865004H Tippecanoe 403133N0864529H Tippecanoe 403110N0864523H Montgomery 400200N0865313H Orange 383426N0863337H La Porte 414205N0865348H Johnson 392534N0860004H Hancock 394736N0855625H Hancock 394752N0855454H Morgan 392947N0864114H SOURCE COORDINATES 393712N0870632H 381613N0855536H 382506N0870006H 382801N0855416H 395524N0861131M 383753N0864925H 394738N0855546N ELEV FT 760 760 1036 842 425 425 890 935 731 670 815 882 555 761 689 789 1N5 MAP NAME San Pierre Loogootee Indianapolis Hest Indianapolis East Taswell Brazil East Brazil East Brazil East Carmel Deputy Dixon Deputy Hoagland Alpine Everton Everton Georgetown Calumet City Dana Lafayette East Otwell New Castle East Kokomo Nest Alton Alton Garrett Hicksville Borden Edon Carmel Gosport Gosport Ambia Michigan City East Amboy Gary La Fontaine La Fontaine Solsberry Elkhart Shoals Brookston Brookston Crawfordsville French Lick Michigan City West Franklin Cumberland Cumberland Quincy 1N6 FEATURE NAME Amity Ditch Amo Morristown Amo Elementary School Amore Ditch Amos Ditch See Floyd Ditch Amos Ditch See Paris Ditch Amos Ditch Ams Run Amsterdam See New Amsterdam Amstutz Ditch Amsworth Amy Kelly Ditch Amy Lake Amy Lake Dam Anchor Creek Ancilla Domini College Anderson Andersonton Andersontown Anderson Branch Anderson Cemetery Anderson Cemetery Anderson Cemetery Anderson Cemetery Anderson-Chappell Church Anderson Church Anderson College Anderson Creek See Anderson River Anderson Ditch Anderson Ditch Anderson Ditch Anderson Ditch Anderson High School Anderson Lake Anderson Lake Anderson Memorial Park Anderson Municipal Airport Anderson Park Anderson River See Middle Fork Anderson River Anderson River Anderson Creek Andersons Creek Andersons Creek See Buck Creek Andersons Creek See Anderson River Andersons Ferry (historical) Andersons River See Crooked Creek Andersonton See Anderson Andersontown See Anderson Anderson Valley Church Andersonville Andersonville Ceylon Andin Ditch See Lake Arm Andin Ditch See Fleugel Ditch Andis Ditch Andrean High School FEATURE CLASS canal 991 school canal canal canal canal stream ppl canal ppl canal reservoir dam stream school ppl stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church school stream canal canal canal canal school lake reservoir cemetery airport park stream stream stream stream locale stream ppl ppl church ppl pp] canal canal canal school STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGM VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Johnson Hendricks Hendricks Pulaski Clinton Clinton Shelby Hamilton Harrison Allen Lake Starke Morgan Morgan Marion Marshall Madison Greene Lawrence Marion Martin Monroe Pike Allen Madison Spencer Adams Starke Starke Tippecanoe Madison Fulton Brown Madison Madison Floyd Perry Spencer Perry Spencer Spencer Spencer Madison Madison Dubois Delaware Franklin Kosciusko Kosciusko Hancock Lake COORDINATES 392745N0855942H 394117NO863649H 394132NO863652H 410434N0865015N 401733N0861452H 401841N0861501N 392457N0854534M 395727N0861019H 380608N086163OH 411057N0845617H 412916N0871531H 412440N0863347H 392936N0863314N 392936N0863314U 395457N0861742H 412016N0862648H 400619N0854049H 390351N0864620M 385817N0863309H 394652N0860327N 383411N0864320N 391757N0860546H 383128N0871405H 411130NOB51211M 400643N0853958H 375955N0864834W 403726N0850109H 411546N0864038H 411746N0862921H 401622N0864425H 400610N0854108N 41073ON0861821H 391023N0861018H 4OOZ44NOBS4314H 400632N0853657N 381722N0854955H 380143N0864615H 375955N0864834H 375522N0863511H 375955N0864834H 375810N0865255H 375929N0865024H 400619N0854049H 400619N0854049M 381540N0864152H 401307N0852552H 392951N0851720H 412035N0855817H 412054NDBSS723H 394353N0854536N 413037N0872003H SOURCE COORDINATES 395758N0861035M 395451N0861836M 390433N0864440H 381857N0863651H ELEV FT 822 663 813 887 919 390 940 1052 MAP NAME Marietta Clayton ’ Clayton North Judson SE Lewis Creek Carmel Grabill Crown Point Hamlet Paragon Paragon Zionville Donaldson Anderson South Solsberry Oolitic Indianapolis East . Hillham Nineveh Sandy Hook Huntertown Anderson South Domestic Knox Nest Donaldson Mulberry Anderson South Rutland Nashville Anderson South Middletown New Albany Tell City Lewisport Birdseye Muncie Hest Clarksburg Fountaintown Gary FEATURE NAME Andrews Andreusia Antioch Andrews Cemetery Andrews Elementary School Andrewsia See Andrews Andrews Run Andry Andy Run Angel Ditch Angeline Le-ert Ditch Angel Mounds State Memorial Angel-yer Loucke Ditch Angola Anita Anna Brochhausen Elementary School Brochhausen School Nu-ber 88 Annandale Estates Lake Annandale Estates Annandale Estates Lake Dan Annapolis Annapolis (historical P.0.) Anna Hilson Elementary School Hilson School Anne, Lake Anoka Herman City Ansberry Bird Ditch Hidow Creek Ansley Acres Anson Branch Anspaugh Bridge Anspaugh Ditch Anspaugh Flats Anstis Ditch Answorth See Ainsworth Anthony Anthony Creek Anthony Ditch Anthony Ditch Anthony Elementary School Anthonys Location See Radioville Anthony Mayne School Anthony Hayne Village Antioch Antioch Antioch See Andreas Antioch Antioch Antioch Cemetery Antioch Cemetery Antioch Cemetery Antioch Cemetery Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Church See Antioch Independent Christian Church FEATURE CLASS ppl cemetery school pp] strean up! stream canal canal park canal pal 991 school reservoir pp! dan ppl locale school lake PP] canal pol stream bridge canal flat canal ppl val strea- canal canal school ppl school ppl pol pol ppl ppl ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery celetery church church church church church church church church church church STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BEN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT as» BGN unorr BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BEN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Huntington Vernillion Huntington Huntington Gibson La Porte Madison Harrick Marshall Posey Elkhart Steuben Johnson Marion Brown Brown Brown Parke Parke Montgonery Steuben Cass Cass Allen Clark Steuben Allen Perry Pulaski Lake Delaware Hancock Pulaski St Joseph Delaware Pulaski Allen Allen Clinton Greene Huntington Jay Switzerland Allen Decatur Fulton Switzerland Ada-s Boone Daviess Delaware Floyd Gibson Grant Grant Greene Marion CDORDINATES 405145N0853606H 394435N0872803N 405134N0853540H 405145N0853606H 381747N0874015H 414304N0864529M 401107N0853948H 375237N0872433H 412323N0862707H 375633N0872733H 413236N0855935H 413805N0845958H 392533N0861129M 3947I7N0860407H 391310N0861548H 391304N0861558H 391310N0861548H 395109N0871502H 395019N0871824H 400227N0865329M 414424N0844917H 404319N0861657H 403834N0861926H 410442N0851244H 382606N0854624H 413422N0844942H 410614N0844903H 375628N0863559H 410702N0863028H 412915N0871530H 401640N0852610H 394743N0853650H 410813N0865343H 413122N0860823U 401252N0852438H 410935N0865328H 410333N0851250H 410222N0850620H 401341N0863021H 390555N0871415H 405145N0853606M 402204N0845632H 385134N0845302H 534756N0850027H 391602N0852754H 410007N0861523M 385155N0845324H 404903N0845942H 400559N0861533i 384219N0870515H 401406N0852853H 381222N0855544H 381356N0874331M 402740N0855038H 403451N0853315H 385838N0865412H 395309N0860202M SOURCE COORDINATES 381741N0874137H 401106N0854032H 382516N0854922H 395115N0853706U ELEV FT 737 665 950 810 770 650 710 820 910 813 540 975 874 IN7 MAP NAME Andrews Clinton Andrews Owensville Michigan City East Anderson North Daylight Halkerton Newburgh Foraker Angola East Trafalgar Indianapolis East Belmont Belnont Belmont Montezuma Montezuma Crawfordsville Clear Lake Anoka Anoka Fort Hayne Hest Speed Edon Hoodburn South Rone Hinamac Mheeling Knightstown San Pierre Hyatt Muncie Mest Fort Mayne Mest Fort Mayne East Thorntown Linton Deerfield Florence Poe Greensburg Pershing Florence Decatur Rosston Montgonery Muncie Hest Lanesville Cynthiana Point Isabel Van Buren Scotland IN8 FEATURE NAME Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Creek Antioch Grange Antioch Independent Christian Church Antioch Church Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Antiville Antiville Ditch Antiville Drain See Bockoven Ditch Antrim Ditch Antrim Ditch Apalona Apostolic Cemetery Applebutter Creek Apple Church Apple Ditch Apple Grove Church Appleman Lake Aqua Creek Aqua Run Arabia Arabia Cemetery Arba Arbuckle Acres Park Arbuckle Ditch Arcadia Arcadia See Coe Arcana Archer Cemetery Archer Cemetery Archibald Memorial Home Arcola Arcola See Vilas Arcola Elementary School Arctic See Artic Arctic Springs Arda Ardmore Area Career Center Technical High School Arens Field Airport Arens Lake Arens Lake Dam Aretz Airport Arganhight Hill Argos Sidney Argos Community Elementary School Argos Community Junior-Senior High School Ari Arlington Arlington Beech Grove Burlington Arlington Avenue Baptist Church Arlington Avenue Church Arlington Avenue Church See Arlington Avenue Baptist Church Arlington Avenue Church Arlington Elementary School FEATURE CLASS church church church stream ppl church church ppl canal canal canal canal ppl cemetery stream church canal church lake stream stream ppl cemetery ppl park canal ppl ppl ppl cemetery cemetery locale PP] ppl school ppl ppl ppl ppl school airport reservoir dam airport summit ppl school school ppl ppl ppl church cemetery church school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF sen BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-INDIANA 1988 COUNTV Owen Putnam Sullivan Daviess Jefferson Marion Marion Jay Jay Jay Pulaski Pulaski Perry White Henry Orange Rush Adams Lagrange Clay Henry Parke Parke Randolph Hendricks Rush Hamilton Pike Grant Clay Gibson White Allen Owen Allen De Kalb Clark Pike St Joseph Lake Pulaski Morgan Morgan Tippecanoe Owen Marshall Marshall Marshall Putnam Monroe Rush Ripley Ripley Marion Rush COORDINATES 391428N0865740H 393612N0865412H 390556N0871450W 384313N0870533N 384414N0852813N 395309N0860202W 394853N0860845N 402951N0845843N 402928N0845854W 402956N0845845H 410521N0865342N 410338N0865135N 380916N0863756H 404536N0870102H 394819N0852130H 382731N0862943N 392757N0853616H 403508N0845333N 413725N0851249N 393229N0871154H 395832N0852141H 394558N0871919N 394604N087l921H 400039N0845201N 395056N0862401H 393616N0853359N 401033N0860118N 381823N0871529N 403219N0853012N 393613N0871020N 382218N0873446N 403513N0865509H 410613N0851739H 391012N0865024N 410615N0851720H 412325N0844853N 381659N0854241N 3B3102N0871502N 414121N0861903N 413634N0873046N 410535N0863645H 393636N0861936H 393636N0861936H 402737N0865005N 392151N0863816H 414150N0861442H 411430N0861501N 411430N0861501H 411549N0851458H 391102N0863300H 393833N0853435N 385702N0851001N 385702N0851001H 394028N0860352N 393830N0853449H SOURCE COORDINATES 384116N0870453N 394936N0852051N 393102N0871119N 395830N0852225N ELEV FT 770 888 669 965 1190 863 879 730 844 430 520 750 711 614 620 828 880 864 922 MAP NAME Arney Reelsville Linton Montgomery Madison West Fishers Indianapolis Nest Portland Portland Medaryville North Judson SE Bristow Holcott Lewisville Valeene Adams Geneva Stroh Brazil West New Castle East Montezuma Montezuma Spartanburg Brownsburg Manilla Arcadia Van Buren Brazil Nest Princeton Brookston SH Arcola Arcola Jeffersonville Monroe City South Bend West Calumet City Hinamac Mooresville East Mooresville East Lafayette East Gosport Argos Rutland Rutland Garrett Bloomington Carthage Cross Plains Beech Grove Carthage FEATURE NAME Arlington Heights Baptist Church Arlington Heights Christian Church Arlington Heights Church Arlington Heights Church See Arlington Heights Christian Church Arlington Heights Elementary School Arlington Heights Elementary School Arlington High School Arlington Run Armentrout Dredge Ditch Armey Ditch Middle Fork Yellow River Armey Ditch See Middle Fork Yellow River Armiesburg Armiesburg Mills Stringtown Armiesburg Cemetery Armiesburg Hills See Armiesburg Arm Number Two Ditch Armory Park Armstrong Armstrong See Crossroads (historical) Armstrong Anderson Ditch Armstrong Cemetery Armstrong Cemetery Armstrong Cemetery Armstrong Chapel Armstrong Creek Ditch Ditch Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Lake Armstrong Lake Dam Armuth Ditch Armuth Ditch Armuth Ditch See Black Creek Army Aviation Support Facility Airport Army Branch Arnett Cemetery Arnett Cemetery Arney Middletown Arnold See Arnold Creek Arnold Cemetery Arnold Cemetery Arnold Cemetery Arnold Church Arnold Creek Arnold Arnold Creek Arnold Lake Arnold Lake Dam Aroma Arrowhead Fishing Site Arrowhead Lake Arrowhead Park Arrow Run Arsenal Technical High School Art Arthington Branch FEATURE CLASS church church church school school school stream canal canal stream ppl cemetery ppl canal park ppl ppl canal cemetery cemetery cemetery church stream canal canal reservoir dam canal canal stream airport stream cemetery cemetery Ppl stream cemetery cemetery cemetery church stream stream reservoir dam ppl park lake ppl stream school Dpl stream STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY CODRDINATES Marion 394721N0860414H Marion 39474ON0860358H Marion 394740N0860358N Marion 394835N0860416w Monroe 391117N0863232H Marion 39504ON0860350H Rush 393915N0853417H Ripley 400906N0865159H Marshall 412524N0860412w Marshall 4127I7N0861028N Parke 394548N0872104H Parke 394607N087ZIZON Parke 394548NOB72104U Kosciusko 411653N0860059H Dubois 382357N0865622H Vanderburgh 380633N0873850H Vanderburgh 330607NOB70845N Randolph 400509N0845217H Dubois 382402N0870026H Gibson 382718N0872914H Vigo 391902N0872017H Warren 402540NOB70644H Harren 402502N0870616H Jasper 410834N0865705H Tipton 402327N0855253H Morgan 393418N0862548N Morgan 393418N0862548H Bartholomew 390758N0855243H Greene 385505N0870840H Knox 384852N0871337N Shelby 393500N0854800M Hendricks 394349NO862201N Hamilton 395714N0855325H Hancock 394939N0855349H Owen 391307NO865554H Ohio 385506N0845246H Decatur 392635N0853636H Pike 383156N0871148H Spencer 375135N0871331H Pike 383115N0871156H Ohio 385506N0845246H Washington 384303N0862429H Morgan 393120N0862454H Morgan 393120N0862454H Hamilton 401158N0855227H Huntington 405OSON0852755N Floyd 381229N0855245H Kosciusko 411644N0854724H Floyd 382106N0855153N Marion 394636N08607SBN Clay 392410N0870919N Marion 394947N0860612H SOURCE COORDINATES 394002N0853426H 402751N0870630N 394417N0862209N 385526N0845833N 384204N0860157H 382110N0855102H 394932N086053ON ELEV FT 490 470 790 704 488 834 830 602 1N9 MAP NAME Indianapolis East Indianapolis East Indianapolis East Bloomington Indianapolis East Carthage Kirkpatrick Nappanee Nest Montezuma Montezuma Bourbon Jasper Kasson Spartanburg Otwell Union Lewis Otterbein Otterbein San Pierre Greentown Mooresville Mooresville Columbus Sandborn Shelbyville Bridgeport McCordsville Cumberland Arney Adams Sandy Hook Owensboro Hest Sandy Hook Aberdeen Little York Mooresville Nest Mooresville Frankton Majenica Lanesville Leesburg New Albany Indianapolis West Staunton Indianapolis East INlO FEATURE NAME Arthur Arthur Cemetery Arthur C Newby Elementary School Newby School Arthur Ditch Arthur Municipal Airport Arthur P Melton Elementary School Melton School Arthurs Island See Greathouse Island Arthur S Kingman Lake Arthur S Kingman Lake Dam Artic Arctic Artist Point Artman Ditch Ary—Hay Northwest Shopping Center Asbury Cemetery Asbury Cemetery Asbury Cemetery Asbury Cemetery Asbury Cemetery Asbury Chapel Asbury Chapel Asbury Chapel Asbury Church Asbury Church See Asbury United Methodist Church Asbury Church Asbury Church Asbury United Methodist Church Asbury Church Ascension See Farmersburg Ashboro Ashby Cemetery Ashby Church Ashby Yards Ashcraft Chapel Ashcraft Ditch Asher Branch Asher Cemetery Asher Cemetery Asherville Ash Grove Ash House Branch Ash Iron Springs Ashland See Alpine Ashland Ashton Ashland See La Fontaine Ashland School Ashley Ashley-Hudson Ashley Ditch Ashley Elementary School Ashley-Hudson See Ashley Ashley-Hudson Church Ash Run Ashton See Ashland Askren Ditch Asphaltum Aspy Ditch FEATURE CLASS ppl cemetery school canal airport school island reservoir dam ppl ppl canal locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church ppl ppl cemetery church locale church canal stream cemetery cemetery ppl ppl stream 991 ppl pol pol school 991 canal school ppl church stream ppl canal ppl canal STATUS BEN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BEN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BEN UNOFF BEN VARIANT BEN BEN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BEN UNOFF UNOFF BEN UNOFF BEN BEN UNOFF UNOFF BEN BEN BEN BEN VARIANT BEN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL EAZETTEER—-INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Pike Greene Marion Habash Clay Lake Posey Scott Scott De Kalb Crawford Boone Marion Carroll Franklin Shelby Tippecanoe Harrick Clark Knox Hells Bartholomew Marion Parke Habash Marion Sullivan Clay Harrick Pike Pike Greene Hancock Habash Knox Owen Clay Tippecanoe Perry Harrick Fayette Henry Habash Henry Steuben Jay De Kalb Steuben Steuben Clay Henry Tipton Jasper Adams COORDINATES 382026N0871445H 390811N0864740H 394732N0061525M 410249N0855236M 392836N0870600H 413207N0872058M 375517N0880246H 383854N0853636H 383854N0853636H 412825N0844853H 380939N0862214H 400241N0861838H 395252N0861220H 402929N0862657H 392529N0845042M 394057N0854212H 402517N0870336H 380120N0872520H 381944N0854411H 384449N0871933H 403454N0852220U 391333N0855422H 394959N0860038H 392949N0870627M 404724N0854519H 394959N0860038H 391455N0872255H 392356N0870621H 381041N0871109H 382029N0871311H 382828N0871705H 385745N0864656H 394357N0855134H 404534N0855745H 385255N0872712H 392449N0864002H 392829N0870344H 403252N0865052H 380436N0863249H 380207N0871112H 393314N0851033H 395534N0851816H 404026N08543I7H 395549N0851813H 413138N0850356M 402252N0845816H 413122N0850327H 413138N0850356N 413136N0850453H 393237N0870848H 395534N0851816H 401954N0855825H 410601N0865953H 403519N0845241H SOURCE COORDINATES 404301N0855345U 380409N0863513H 393215N0870834H ELEV FT 495 642 863 425 810 617 440 660 410 1097 1000 690 MAP NAME Augusta Freedom Clermont Silver Lake Center Point Gary Kent Kent Butler East Leavenworth Rosston Carmel Burlington Reily Norristoun Otterbein Daylight Jeffersonville Hheatland Montpelier Columbus Center Point Habash Indianapolis East Center Point Folsomville Augusta Petersburg Koleen Fountaintoun Richvalley Carlisle Quincy Center Point Brookston Derby 0e Gonia Springs New Castle East New Castle East Ashley Portland Ashley Ashley Brazil Hest Uindfall Nedaryville Geneva FEATURE NAME Assembly of God Church Atchepongquawe Creek See Butternut Creek Ater Cemetery Athens Hoover Station Atherton See Nest Atherton Atherton Athertons Island Athertons Island See Atherton Atkins Chapel Atkinson Atkinson Cemetery Atkinson Chapel Atkinson Creek Atkinsonville Atkins Run Atlanta Buena Vista Shielsville Atterbury Dam East Atterbury State Fish and Wildlife Area Attica Attucks High School See Crispus Attucks High School Attwood Lake See Atwood Lake Atwood Hood Atwood Elementary School Atwood Lake Attwood Lake Atwood Lake See Hestler Lake Auburn Auburn Branch Auburn Brook Auburn Dekalb Airport Auburn Junction Auer Ditch Augsburg Church Augusta Eck Augusta See New Augusta Augusta Augusta Branch Augusta Christian Church Augusta Lake Augusta Lake Dam Augustana Cemetery Augusta Plaza Augusta Station See New Augusta August Mentsel Ditch Ault Ditch Aultshire Au Poste See Vincennes Aurora City of Aurora Aurora Bend Aurora Elementary School Aurora Middle School Aurora School Austin Austin Air Ads Airport FEATURE CLASS church stream cemetery ppl ppl PM W church ppl cemetery church stream ppl stream pp] dam park or” school lake pal school lake lake pp! stream stream airport ppl canal church ppl ppl ppl stream church reservoir dam cemetery locale Ppl canal canal pal pal ppl bend school school school ppl airport STATUS UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN 1961 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Daviess Jay Vermillion Fulton Parke Vigo Vigo Floyd Benton Grant Pike Marion Owen Floyd Hamilton Johnson Johnson Fountain Marion Lagrange Kosciusko Kosciusko Lagrange Lagrange De Kalb Johnson Wayne De Kalb De Kalb Allen Porter Marion Marion Pike Marion Marion Pike Pike Oubois Marion Marion Marshall Tipton Delaware Knox Dearborn Vigo Dearborn Dearborn Pulaski Scott Sullivan COORDINATES 383154N0865739U 402418N0850032N 400347N0872907W 410313N0860731H 393632N0872215H 393629N0872143M 393629N0872143H 382311N0855043N 403346N0871448H 403002N0853006W 382452N0872335H 395145N0860414H 392240N0865224N 382159N0855103N 401255N0860135N 392312N0860054H 392315N0860400M 40l739N0871456H 394702N0861008W 413215N0852448H 411539N0855831W 411550N0655844N 413215N0852448M 413229N0852410H 412201N0850332H 393529N0861026H 394910N0851024H 411817NO850403M 412107N0850429N 410242N0845042H 413658N0870511N 395324N0861244H 395300N0861419M 381953N0871127H 395211N0861307M 395255N08613IOH 382042N0871054M 382042N0871054N 381422N0870301N 3953IIN0861235H 395300N0861419M 412444N0861143U 40214ON0855325H 401243N0852046M 384038N0873143M 390325N0845405H 391816N0873654H 390348N0845350M 390352N0845357M 410555N0863934H 384530N0854829M 391305N0872205H SOURCE COORDINATES 395226N0860416W 382302N0855048N 393522N0860901N 394923N0851124H 395316N0861401H ELEV FT 805 523 775 882 862 547 826 900 869 883 868 825 560 968 501 575 575 INII MAP NAME Alfordsville Perrysville Rochester Rosedale Speed Templeton Van Buren Union Indianapolis East Cataract Speed Arcadia Franklin Franklin Attica Atwood Atwood Oliver Lake Auburn Bargersville Cambridge City Auburn Auburn Hoodburn South Chesterton Carmel Augusta Indianapolis Nest Carmel Augusta Augusta Holland Carmel Bremen Windfall Muncie East Aurora Hutton Aurora Aurora Ripley Crothersville Hymera INIZ FEATURE NAME Austin Elementary School Austin High School Austin Middle School Austin Run Authen Ditch Autumn Lake Autumn Lake Dam Avalon Avalon Hills Avery Avery Cemetery Avery Cemetery Avilla Avilla Elementary and Middle School Avoca Avon Avon Station Hampton Smootsdell mitelink Avonburg Soapville Avon Creek Avon High School Avon Lower Elementary School Avon Middle School Avon Station See Avon Avon Upper Elementary School Awl Branch Awl Branch Cemetery Axel Lake Doughnut Lake Grannis Lake Axsom Branch Axsom Branch Pond Ayers Ditch Ayford Ditch Aylesworth Aylesworth Aylesworth School See Wallace Aylesworth Elementary School Ayres Ditch Ayrshire Ayrshire Ayr—Way East Shopping Center Ayr-Way Lafayette Shopping Center Ayr-Way Northeast Ayr—Way South Ayr-Way Washington West Ayr-Way West Shopping Center Azalia B B'nai-Israel Cemetery Babcock Babcock Branch Babcock Overmyer Ditch Babcocks Airport Babe Ruth Park Baby Creek Baby Mountain Baby Run FEATURE CLASS school school school stream canal reservoir dam ppl ppl ppl cemetery cemetery ppl school ppl wl ppl stream school school school ppl school stream cemetery lake stream lake canal canal ppl ppl school canal ppl PP] locale locale ppl ppl ppl locale ppl cemetery ppl stream canal airport park stream summit stream STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN 1961 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BEN 1964 UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Scott Scott Scott Delaware St Joseph Brown Brown Allen Marion Clinton Perry Warrick Noble Noble Lawrence Hendricks Switzerland Marion Hendricks Hendricks Hendricks Hendricks Hendricks Wayne Wayne Noble Monroe Brown Adams De Kalb Fountain Porter Porter Carroll Pike Pike Marion Tippecanoe Marion Marion Marion Allen Bartholomew Knox Porter Kosciusko Fulton Montgomery Henry Monroe Noble Scott COORDINATES 384427N0854809W 384427N0854809H 384427N0854809W 402156N0852615H 413605N0861648N 391911N0861618W 391911N0861618W 410058N0850928W 395241N0860321W 401832N0862626W 380517N0864516W 381008N0870521W 412157N0851420N 412153N0851425W 385443N0863252H 394546N0862359W 385311N0851020N 394451N0861850W 394538N0862330N 394543N0862345W 394538N0862340W 394546N0862359W 394543N0862345W 395613N0850904W 395617N0850806W 413OI7N0852008W 390306N0862022W 390322ND861952W 404801N0345350N 412619N0844839W 401211N0871435H 411906N0870648N 413436N0871111N 403149N0863159M 382239N0871439N 382219N0871427W 394614N086eeeee 402331N0865100N 394936N0860300W 394246N0860903N 394458N0861603N 410714N0850745W 390530NO855050U 383953N0873104W 413421N0870618M 411018N0854505N 410955N0861750N 401013N087035ON 395449N0852212H 391224N0862359W 412745N0851454N 383820N0855014W SOURCE COORDINATES 402213N0852518W 394625N0862145U 395651N0850729W 390214N0861928N 411022N0854350N 391400N0862121W 383755N0855035W ELEV FT 790 822 876 972 565 840 950 638 677 450 570 845 659 850 725 785 811 595 648 770 MAP NAME Scottsburg Scottsburg Scottsburg Wheeling Lakeville Morgantown Morgantown Fort Wayne West Fishers Michigantown Fulda Holland Garrett Garrett Oolitic Brownsburg Cross Plains Bridgeport Brownsburg Brownsburg Brownsburg Brownsburg Hagerstown Hagerstown Wolcottville Elkinsville Elkinsville Decatur Butler East Mellott Kouts Flora Winslow Augusta Indianapolis East Lafayette East Indianapolis East Haywood Bridgeport Fort Wayne West Azalia Vincennes Chesterton Warsaw Rutland Wingate New Castle East Unionville Corunna Scottsburg FEATURE NAME Bachanan Cemetery Bachelor Creek Bachelor Creek Church Bachelor Run Bachelor Run Church Bachelors Run Backbone Ridge Back Creek Back Creek Black Creek Back Creek Back Creek Church Back Creek Church Backwaters, The Bacon Bacon Cemetery Bacon Creek Bacon Creek See Patoka River Bacon Prairie Creek Bacon Ridge Bacon Swamp Badger See Badger Grove Badger Cemetery Badger Creek Badger Grove Badger Bad Hollow Baer Field See Fort Wayne Municipal Airport Bagwell Cemetery Bahr Park Baile Church Bailey Branch Bailey Cemetery Bailey Cemetery Bailey Cemetery Bailey Cemetery Bailey Chapel Bailey Creek Dry Creek Bailey Creek Brush Creek Bailey Creek Bailey Ditch Bailey Ditch Bailey Ditch Bailey Ditch Bailey Ditch Coff Ditch Bailey Ditch Arm Number Three Bailey Junior High School See Bailly Middle School Bailey School See Virgil I Bailey Elementary School Baileys Corner Baileys Ditch See Bosman Ditch Bailly Elementary School Bailly Middle School Bailey Junior High School Bainbridge Bainbridge Cemetery Bainbridge Elementary School Bainbridge Half Mile Airport Bains Branch Bainter Town Baird Ditch FEATURE CLASS cemetery stream church stream church stream ridge stream stream stream church church lake pp] cemetery stream stream stream ridge swamp ppl cemetery stream ppl valley airport cemetery park church stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church stream stream stream canal canal canal canal canal canal school school ppl canal school school 991 cemetery school airport stream 991 canal STATUS UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1964 VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Ripley Wabash Wabash Carroll Carroll Franklin Harrison Lawrence Madison Wabash Grant Grant Kosciusko Orange Clinton Orange Pike Tipton Jefferson Marion White Perry Wabash White Jackson Allen Jackson Marion Daviess Lawrence Dubois Floyd Lawrence Porter Madison Crawford Dubois Marion Fulton Jasper Jay Lake Starke Fulton Lake Lake Jasper Delaware Porter Lake Putnam Putnam Putnam Putnam Parke Elkhart Newton COORDINATES 385458N0851547W 405156N0855616W 405121N0855225W 403602NO863444W 403103N0862730W 392313N0851238W 381104N0855452W 384705N0862052W 402927N085373IW 404544N0853909W 402336N0854017W 402638N0853843W 411853N085395ZW 382438N0862600W 401921N0861537W 382518N0862604W 382402N0874501W 401433N0860020W 385037N0851906W 395117N0860738W 403501N0865749W 380211N0863410W 404013N0854408W 403501N0865749W 390245N0861611W 405841N0851128W 385706N0861052W 394617N0861229W 385013N0870209W 385548N0862917W 382533N0864527W 381255N0855253W 385543N0862647W 413758NOB70527W 400738N0854404W 381615N0861846W 382519N0864555W 395238N0860754W 410604N0862415W 410447N0870227W 402459N0845033W 411353N0872855W 412113N0863803W 410606N0862503W 413207N0871928W 413450N0871356W 410415N0865954W 402014N0851651W 413630N0870340W 413207N087I928W 394540N0864843W 394535N0864741W 394550N0864846W 394623N0864837W 394512N0870320W 413101N0854902W 405221N0873101W SOURCE COORDINATES 405140N0855023W 403055N0862250W 392236N0851103W 385652N0361633W 402151N0853915W 404546N0854138W 382304N0862446W 402123N0855646W 403955N0854042W 390330N0861532W 385512N0862722W 381739N0861826W 382435N0864342W 395251N0860510W 394514N0870101W ELEV FT 801 853 770 730 690 929 950 808 INI3 MAP NAME Rexville Richvalley Wabash Flora Deer Creek Metamora Lanesville Tunnelton Fairmount Lagro Fairmount Fairmount North Webster Valeene Hillisburg Valeene Arcadia Canaan Indianapolis West Derby La Fontaine Brookston SW Elkinsville Kurtz Indianapolis West Epsom Bartlettsville Dubois Lanesville Bartlettsville Dune Acres Anderson North Milltown Dubois Carmel Kewanna Gifford Fort Recovery Schneider Knox West Kevanna Medaryville Chesterton Gary Roachdale Roachdale Roachdale Roachdale Bellmore Goshen Sheldon IN14 FEATURE NAME Bair Ditch Bair Ditch See Deer Creek Baire Lake Bair Lateral See Deer Creek Baker Baker Arm Baker Branch Baker Branch Baker Cemetery Baker Cemetery Baker Cemetery Baker Cemetery Baker Chapel Baker Creek Willow Pond Ditch Baker Creek Cemetery Baker Ditch Baker Ditch Baker Ditch Baker Ditch Baker Ditch Baker Ditch Baker Hill Baker Hollow Baker Lake Baker Lake Dam Baker Park Bakers Camp Covered Bridge Baker School Baker School See 0 R Baker Elementary School Bakers Corner Bakers Corners Bakers Corners See Bakers Corner Bakerstown See Bakertown Bakertown Bakerstown Baker Township See Mitcheltree Township Bakesburg Cemetery Bakren Ditch Balbec Balbee Balbee See Balbec Bald Hill Bald Hill Bald Hill Ridge Bald Knob Bald Knob Bald Knob Creek Bald Knob Creek Bald Knobs Baldridge Baldwin Cemetery Baldwin Church Baldwin Heights Baldwin Heights Elementary School Baldy Creek Boiling Creek Bales Cemetery Bales Ditch Bales Hollow Ballard Creek Ball Cemetery FEATURE CLASS canal stream reservoir stream ppl canal stream stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church stream cemetery canal canal canal canal canal canal summit valley reservoir dam park bridge school school 991 ppl ppl ppl civil cemetery canal ppl ppl summit summit ridge summit summit stream stream summit ppl cemetery church ppl school stream cemetery canal valley stream cemetery STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1965 VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Marshall Marshall Putnam Marshall Sullivan Marshall Franklin Henry Clinton Fountain Tippecanoe Harrick Harrick Spencer Spencer Fulton Fulton Grant Hamilton Marshall Steuben Brown Harrison Brown Brown Henry Putnam Posey Randolph Hamilton Hamilton Noble Noble Martin Putnam Pike Jay Jay Gibson Putnam Morgan Floyd Monroe Floyd Perry Jackson Sullivan Jennings Elkhart Gibson Gibson Harrison Vermillion Jay Brown Jackson Rush COORDINATES 411706N0860947W 411349N0860934N 394359N0864523U 411349N0860934N 390750N0871845H 412542N0862719H 392541N0851119M 395428N0852302M 401714N0861632H 395829N0872047M 402200N0864359H 380135N0871900H 380314N0871038U 375453N0871603H 375301N0871219N 410020N0861740H 41034BN0862729M 403556N0853149M 400817N0860742M 411602N0860713M 413219N0845333M 391446N0861753H 381625N0861240H 391930N0861651N 391930N0861651H 395433N0852241H 3944S7N0864632M 375854N0873356W 400958N0845834H 400750N0860815H 400750N0860815N 412159N0852126M 412159N0852126W 385000N0864730H 394827N0865439H 382205N0871532H 403151N0850856N 403151N0850856H 382311N0873351M 393747N0865719H 392249N0862636H 382142N0854939M 391610N0862315H 382059N0854716H 380539N0863226H 390112N0861014H 391323N0872220M 385834N0853642H 414147N0855727M 382029N0873417M 382029N0873417M 382245N0861423M 394711N0872835M 402807N0850956M 390625N0861549H 385420N0860647H 394023N0853158H SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES FT 472 392419N0851043N 395413N0852201N 375348N0871136H 381713N0861220H 914 978 883 605 860 874 850 382150N0854956M 380628N0863046M 959 950 382244N0861228W 390801N0861642M 385527N0860842M MAP NAME Inwood Greencastle Hymera Nalkerton Metamora New Castle Nest Hillisburg Kingman Mulberry Boonville De Gonia Springs Yankeetown Richland City Pershing Kewanna Van Buren Sheridan Bourbon Hamilton Belmont Depauw Morgantown Morgantown New Castle Nest Greencastle Evansville South Sheridan Ege Russellville Oakland City Petroleum Patoka Clinton Falls Martinsville New Albany Hindustan New Albany Derby Story Hymera Vernon Elkhart Princeton Princeton Fredericksburg Dana Pennville Elkinsville Brownstown Carthage FEATURE NME Ball Knob Ball Lake Bells Lake Ball Memorial Hospital Ball Richard Ditch Ball Run Ball Run Ball Run Ball School See Ti-othy Ball Elementary School Ball School See Jane Horton Ball Elementary School Ball State University Ballstown Balsley Cemetery Baltimore Cemetery Bandelier Ditch Bandelier Ditch Number Two Bandmill Bandon Bane Hollow Bangle Cemetery Banks Lake Banks Lake Dam Bannamon Creek Banneker School See Benjamin Banneker Elementary School Banner Mills Banning Corner Banning Lake Banquo Priceville Banta Banta Creek Banta School Baptist Hill Church Barbara, Lake Bar-Barry Heights Barbee Barbee Lake See Big Barbee Lake Barber Cemetery Barbersville Barboursville New Bargersville Old Bargersville Barbour Cemetery Barboursville See Barbersville Barce Bardonner Lake Bardonner Lake Dam Barefoot Nation Hills Bargersville Bargersville Cemetery Barker Church Barker Ditch Barker Junior High School Barkey Ditch Barkley Church Barkman Cemetery Bark Morks Cemetery Barnard Fort Red Barnard Ditch See Hodge Ditch Barnard Mill FEATURE CLASS summit lake hospital canal stream stream stream school school school ppl cemetery cemetery canal canal PDT 991 valley cemetery reservoir dam stream school vol 991 lake ppl ppl stream school church reservoir ppl ppl lake cemetery pal cemetery pal ppl reservoir dam summit ppl cemetery church canal school canal church cemetery cemetery ppl canal summit STATUS BGN BGN 1961 VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BEN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Harrison Steuben Delaware Jackson Grant Randolph Rush Lake Lake Delaware Ripley Blackford Harren Allen Allen Knox Perry Hashington Perry Putnam Putnam Floyd Lake Parke Harren Kosciusko Huntington Morgan Morgan Porter Hashington Bartholomew Tippecanoe Kosciusko Kosciusko Marshall Jefferson Vigo Jefferson Benton Brown Brown Knox Johnson Johnson De Kalb Pulaski La Porte St Joseph Jasper Jennings Switzerland Putnam Jasper Morgan COORDINATES 382402N0861219H 411317N0845648H 401148N0852453H 385426N0860541H 402940N0853315H 400419N0845843M 394018N0853204H 412514N0872145H 412233N0872659H 401158N0852445H 391502N0851439H 403348N0852555H 400959N0872646H 410510N0845704H 410506N0845617H 383218N0873610H 380814N0863601H 384105N0861957H 380834N0863435H 294136N0864406U 394136N0864406H 382322N0855530H 41343SN0872135H 395558N0870604H 402159N0870945H 411804N0854422H 404147N0853711H 393126N0861501H 393155N0861610H 412825N0870312H 382719N0861653H 390506N0855512H 402722N0865457N 411727N0854244M 411705N0854215H 412638N0862516H 385421N0851651H 393416N0872703H 385421N0851651M 403715N0871636H 392012N0861606H 392012N0861606H 384625N0872155H 393115N0861004H 393109N0860914H 413047N0850036H 410809N0865047H 414109N086533SH 413503N0860435N 405934N0870406H 385536N0854739H 385118N0845524H 395055N0864202H 411430N0870747H 392940N0862427H SOURCE COORDINATES 402912N0853220H 400417N0850000H 394040N0853218H 384019N0860343H 382422N0855424H 393138N0861225H ELEV FT 850 895 911 402 720 716 865 780 710 840 810 596 819 903 826 IN15 MAP NAME Fredericksburg Hamilton Muncie Nest Brownstown Gas City Lynn Carthage Muncie Nest Batesville Roll Covington Maples Maples Decker Branchville Little York Branchville Coatesville Coatesville Borden Alamo Attica North Mebster Mt Etna Mooresville East Mooresville East Valparaiso Hardinsburg Jonesville Lafayette Nest North Hebster Halkerton Rexville New Goshen Fowler Morgantoun Morgantoun Bicknell Bargersville Bargersville Ashley North Judson Michigan City Nest Hakarusa McCoysburg Chestnut Ridge Florence North Salem Martinsville INIS FEATURE NAME Barn Creek See Barn Run Barne Creek See Barren Creek Barnes Branch Barnes Cemetery Barnes Cemetery Barnes Cemetery Barnes Cemetery Barnes Cemetery Barnes Creek Barnes Ditch Barnes Ditch Barnes Lake Barnes Lake Dam Barnes Park Barnes Swamp Barnes United Methodist Church Barnett Cemetery Barnett Cemetery Barnett Cemetery Barnett Cemetery Barnett Ditch Barnette Ditch Barnetts Chapel Barnhart Cemetery Barnhart Strip Airport Barnhart Town Barnheisel Hollow Barn Run Barn Creek Barr Creek Greenbrair Creek Barr Ditch Barr Ditch Barre Cemetery Barrel-and-a-Half Lake Barren Creek Barne Creek Barren Creek Maumee Creek Barren Creek Barren Creek See Barren Fork Barren Ditch Barren Fork Barren Creek Barrenfork Cemetery Barrenfork Church Barrett Kilroy Barrett Cemetery Barrett Ditch Barrett Ditch Barrick Corner Barringer Ditch Barrington Run Barr Lake Barr Lake Wolf Lake Barrydale Church Bartee Ditch Barten Ditch Bartholomew County Bartholomew County Hospital Airport Bartinger Ditch Bartle Bartle Knob Run Bartle Knobs FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery stream canal canal reservoir dam park swamp church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery canal canal church cemetery airport ppl valley stream stream canal canal cemetery lake stream stream stream stream canal stream cemetery church ppl cemetery canal canal ppl canal stream lake lake church canal canal civil airport canal ppl stream ridge STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN I965 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1961 VARIANT UNOFF ' VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Martin Gibson Daviess Clark Franklin Huntington Parke Pike Johnson Boone Narrick Owen Owen Grant Steuben Marion Allen Fulton Gibson Howard Vanderburgh Hendricks Harrick Miami Carroll Vigo Orange Martin Vanderburgh Adams Tipton Pike Kosciusko Gibson Gibson Grant Herrick Pike Harrick Harrick Harrick Posey Hancock Hancock Howard Clay La Porte Marion Fulton Noble Benton Starke Newton Bartholomew Bartholomew Marshall Washington Clark Clark COORDINATES 383401N0865149H 381601N0874722M 384524N0870207H 383616N0853520N 392355N0851324W 404928N0852440H 394835N0870739H 382334N0872315M 392207N0851351H 400916N0862624M 375935N0872513W 392512N0865348M 392512N0865348N 403320N0854013H 413958N0845152N 394840N0861030W 411020N0845727H 410012N0862656H 382844N0873341N 402832N0861542M 375421N0874001H 395104N0863043H 380951N0872200N 403443N0855908H 402820N0863905M 393014N0872608M 383235N0863344N 383401N0865149W 380859N0874301H 403448N0845350N 401934N0861059H 381654N0871024H 412107N0854022H 381601N0874722N 381656N0874450H 402329N0853734H 380319N0870908H 382241N0871539M 380319N0870908H 380949N0871221M 380945N0871132M 381202N0875210W 395110N0854418H 395334N0854542N 402539N0855849M 391522N0870424M 413420N0863020M 394456N0860729H 410540N0860600H 412947N0852129H 403559N0870549W 411137N0863535H 405029N0871906N 391205N0855517N 391306N0855342H 412120N0862701W 383337N0855315H 382946N0854913H 383018N0855140M SOURCE COORDINATES 384BO7N0865958W 392541N0861053H 383152N0863436M 383506N0865402H 380505N0873842M 381531N0874427H 381642N0874119H 402310N0853728N 381256N0871341H 394438N0860623M 383053N0855214H ELEV FT 695 483 392 583 802 632 782 MAP NAME Epsom New Washington Netamora ~ Majenica Rockville Union Beanblossom Mechanicsburg Daylight Poland Poland Marion Clear Lake Indianapolis Nest Grabill Kewanna Patoka Russiaville . Nest Franklin Danville Lynnville Amboy Pyrmont New Goshen French Lick Rusk ‘ Cynthiana Geneva Kempton Augusta North Webster Keensburg Owensville Fairmount Petersburg De Gonia Springs Folsomville Folsomville < Poseyville Cleveland Ingalls Greentown Clay City Stillwell Beech Grove Akron Kendallville Round Grove Bass Lake Goodland Columbus Columbus Donaldson South Boston Speed Henryville FEATURE NAME Bartlett See Bartlettsville Bartlett Airport Bartlett Cemetery Bartlett Chapel Bartlett Hollow Bartlettsville Bartlett Bartley Lake Bartley Ridge Bartmess Lake Bartmess Lake Dam Barton See Bartonia Barton Cemetery Barton Cemetery Bartondale Ditch Bartonia Barton Jacksonboro Bartonia Cemetery Bartonia Run Barton Lake Hog Lake Bartons Location Bartsville See Batesville Barwiler Ditch See Halls Creek Bascom See Aberdeen Bascom Corner Bashor Childrens Home Basin, The Basin Lake Bass Cemetery Bass Ditch Basset Cemetery Bassett Ditch Bassett Ditch See Prairie Branch Bass Fox Ditch Bass Hole Bass Lake Campbell Lake Bass Lake See North Chain Lake Bass Lake See Chain O'Lakes Bass Lake Cedar Lake Bass Lake Bass Lake Bass Lake Church Bass Lake State Beach Bass Lake Station See Bass Station Bass Station Bass Lake Station Bat Branch Bateman School Bates Hill Cemetery Bates Ridge Batesville Bartsville Bates Ville Middleton Bates Ville See Batesville Batey Ridge See Beatty Ridge FEATURE CLASS ppl airport cemetery church valley ppl lake ridge reservoir dam ppl cemetery cemetery canal ppl cemetery stream lake pol ppl stream ppl ppl school lake lake cemetery canal cemetery canal stream canal lake lake lake lake lake lake pol church beach 901 ppl stream school cemetery ridge ppl ppl ridge STATUS VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1967 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1983 COUNTY Lawrence White Warren Hendricks Monroe Lawrence Putnam Brown Franklin Franklin Randolph Greene Lagrange Benton Randolph Randolph Randolph Steuben Pike Ripley Hells Ohio Ohio Elkhart Lagrange Lagrange Lawrence Starke Ripley Shelby Shelby Shelby Lagrange Putnam St Joseph St Joseph Starke Steuben Starke Starke Starke Starke Starke Wayne Martin Harrick Ripley Ripley Ripley Switzerland COORDINATES 385813N0862631N 403540N0865005H 402306N0871901N 394546N0862659N 390916N0862204H 385813N0862631N 412112N0852659W 390742N0861938H 392230N0844912W 392230N0844912N 400655N0845104N 390943N0870136H 414407N0853130H 402922N0871000H 400655N0845104N 400701N0845128H 400708N0845120N 414459N0350345H 383145N0872022N 391800N0851320N 404545N0851131H 385419N0845915H 385432N0845807H 413538N0855403N 413234N0851256H 413407N0852444N 384553N0863002N 411223N0865537W 385710N0851310N 393406N0854659W 393842N0854307H 393527N0854619N 413358N0852426N 412049N0852635H 414151N0862216N 414125N0862219N 411330N0863530N 413813N0850540H 411226N0863607N 411440N0863402N 411315N0863448H 411107N0863608H 411107N0863608H 395438N0851132H 383356N0864743H 375529N0871845N 385630N0851712H 391800N0851320N 391800N0851320H 384807N0845735H SOURCE COORDINATES 391032N0862228N 400715N0845044N 395451N0851231H ELEV FT 670 569 88 1190 420 890 968 882 713 979 715 720 983 IN17 NAP NAME Brookston Pine Village Brownsburg Belmont Bartlettsville Merriam Belmont Reily Harrison Coal City Shipshewana Chatterton Spartanburg Spartanburg Spartanburg Angola West Monroe City Aberdeen Foraker Stroh Oliver Lake Bedford West San Pierre Cross Plains Shelbyville Shelbyville Oliver Lake Merriam Bass Lake Angola Nest Bass Lake Bass Lake Bass Lake Bass Lake Hagerstown Rusk Vankeetown Rexville Batesville IN18 FEATURE NME New Bath Bath See Old Bath Bath Creek Bat Run Batson Cemetery Batson Church Batson Drain Battell Elementary School Battell Park Battle Brook Battle Creek Battleday Ditch Battleground See Battle Ground Battle Ground Battleground Prophets Town Battle Ground Campground Battle Ground Cemetery Battle Ground Elementary School Battle Ground Junior High School Battle Point Batz Ditch See School Branch Batzka Ditch See Prochaska Ditch Baubaugo See Baugo Creek Bauer Creek Baugh City Baugher Lake Bougher Lake Baughman Hill Baugo Bay Baugo Creek Baubaugo Baum Hollow Baver Lake Baver Lake Dam Baxter Branch Baxter Cemetery Baxter Cemetery Bay See Lake Bruce Bayard Park Bayfield Bayless Celetery Bayliss Cemetery Bayou Creek Bayou Drain Fish Creek Beach Creek See Beech Creek Beach Grove Church Beacon Run Beadens Creek Beadles Cemetery Real Deal Branch Beall Chapel Beal Taylor Ditch Bealton Ditch Beaman Ditch Beamer Beamer Ditch Beanblossom Bean Blossom Georgetown FEATURE CLASS ppl wl strean stream cemetery church stream school park stream stream canal 091 ppl park cemetery school school sun-it stream canal stream stream 991 _ res QTVOT 1‘ summit bay stream valley reservoir dam stream cemetery cemetery pal park ppl cemetery cemetery stream stream stream church stream stream cemetery ppl stream church canal canal canal pvl canal pol NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1983 STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES BGN 1964 Franklin 393030N0845145H VARIANT VARIANT Franklin 393030N0845330M BGN Franklin 393203N08457ZON BGN Henry 395458N0851600M UNOFF Hells 403800N0852152H UNOFF Henry 395437N0851705H BGN Henry 395503N0851720N UNOFF St Joseph 414009N0861052H ADMIN St Joseph 413958N0861116H BGN Henry 39S914N0852210M BGN Clark 382122N0853830H BGN Newton 405457N0871953H VARIANT Tippecanoe 40303ON0865030H BGN I964 Tippecanoe 403030N0865030U VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN Tippecanoe 403018N0865043H UNOFF Tippecanoe 403057NOBG4917H UNOFF Tippecanoe 403045N0865002H UNOFF Tippecanoe 403045N0865002H BGN Franklin 392752N0845945M VARIANT Marion 394951N0861837N VARIANT Pulaski 411309N0865424H VARIANT St Joseph 414005N0860414H BGN Dubois 382551N0864749H BGN Marrick 380230N0872445H BGN Putnam 411853N0853631N VARIANT BGN Brown 391427N0861747H BGN St Joseph 414019N0860429H BGN St Joseph 414005N0860414H VARIANT BGN Dearborn 385637N0850531H BGN Martin 383054N0865530H UNOFF Martin 383054N086553OH BGN Monroe 390601N08627ZBH UNOFF Jefferson 384524N0852311N UNOFF Martin 384003N0864310H VARIANT Fulton 410413N0862752N ADMIN Posey 375756N0873257H BGN Kosciusko 411629N0854225H UNOFF Jefferson 384526N0852258H UNOFF Hhitley 410204N0852010H BGN Vanderburgh 375414N0874105H BGN 1960 Posey 374757N0875550N VARIANT VARIANT Owen 391051N0865936H UNOFF Putnam 394248N0870036H BGN Putnam 393258N0865952N BGN Pike 381912NOB7D721H UNOFF Pike 382402N0870819H BE! Knox 383436N087374fii BGN Putnam 411844N0853137H UNOFF Madison 400708N0854947H BGN Allen 410427N0851916i BGN Jay 402912N0850330H BGN Hendricks 395314N0862440H BGN 392200N0865615H BGN Habash 405208N0855411H BGN 1965 Monroe 391601N0861457H VARIANT VARIANT SOURCE COORDINATES 393030N0845947H 395521N0851501H 395458N0851502H 395947N0852143H 382224N0853936H 382335N0854528H 420620N0005725H 385741N0850611H 390744N0862642H 3756500873735! 374844N0875705H 393208N0873122H 381842N0871014H 411737N0853057H ELEV FT 1014 575 1010 410 879 947 840 410 620 MAP NAME College Corner New Fairfield New Castle East Liberty Center New Castle East New Castle East South Bend East South Bend East New Castle East Jeffersonville Mt Ayr Brookston Brookston Brookston Brookston Brookston Hhitcomb Dubois Daylight Ormas Belmont Osceola Osceola Bear Branch Alfordsville Alferdsville Unionville Clifty Falls Huron Evansville South North Hebster Clifty Falls Arcola Nest Franklin Uniontoun Mansfield Reelsville Velpen Hinslou St Francisville Ormas Lapel Arcola Blaine Fayette Patricksburg Richvalley Beanblossom FEATURE NAME Bean Blossom See Beanblossom Beanblossom Creek Bean Blossom Creek South Bean Blossom Creek South Fork South Fork Bean Blossom Creek Bean Blossom Creek See Beanblossom Creek Bean Blossom Creek North Fork See North Fork Beanblossom Creek Bean Blossom Dam Bean Blossom Lake See Beanblossom Lake Beanblossom Lake Bean Blossom Lake Bean Creek Bean Run Bear Branch Bear Branch Bear Creek Bear Branch Bear Branch Bears Branch Coles Corner Coles Corners Freedom Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Little Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek See Bear Branch Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Camp Bear Creek Cemeteries Bear Creek Cemetery Bear Creek Cemetery Bear Creek Cemetery Bear Creek Cemetery Bear Creek Church Bear Creek Church Bear Creek Church Bear Creek Church Beard Beard Cemetery Beard Cemetery Beard Ditch Beard Run Beard School See Spiceland Elementary School Beardsley Elementary School FEATURE CLASS ppl stream stream stream dam reservoir reservoir stream stream stream stream stream ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream park cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church 991 cemetery cemetery canal stream school school STATUS VARIANT BGN 1966 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1966 VARIANT BGN BGN BEN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Marion Grant Ripley Switzerland Union Ohio Brown Cass De Kalb Fayette Fountain Hamilton Jay Jennings Jennings Jennings Morgan Perry Perry Pike Randolph Steuben Switzerland Switzerland Tipton Washington Wayne Fayette Ohio De Kalb Jennings Randolph Switzerland Brown Jennings Randolph Ripley Clinton Perry Hayne Howard Wayne Henry Elkhart COORDINATES 391601N0861457H 391952N0863931H 391952N0863931W 391600N0861650H 391742N0862624H 391745N0862625W 391745N0862625H 394408N0860859H 402826N0853710H 390517N0852318H 385536N0850714H 394218N0845828H 385446N0850430H 391551N0862031W 404427N0861348H 411844N0845359W 393138N0851009H 401321N0872021H 400001N0861417W 403401N0845954N 385032N0853744H 390511N0853614W 390515N0854246H 392139N0861557W 375523N0863404H 380456N0862820H 383130N0870541H 401708N0850500H 413052N0844251N 385609N0850655N 385536N0850714H 400859N0855554H 382821N0860549W 395254N0850936H 393216N0850838H 385711N0850654H 411827N0845823H 390533N0853446N 401320N0850257N 385544N0850814H 391731N0862041H 390750N0854111N 401411N0850319H 385806N0850851H 402225N0862702W 381039N0864107H 394952N0850830H 402658N0855937H 395019N0850831H 395020N0852639H 414130N0855745W SOURCE COORDINATES 391927N0861138H 394547N0860317N 402843N0853645H 390456N0852040U 385239N0850512H 394227N0845634H 391909N0862206N 404319N0861517H 412031N0845518H 393337N0850542N 401115N0871819W 395944N0861322N 402728N0845420H 385438N0853106H 390756N0853042H 391401N0853625N 392000N0861528H 375720N0863450N 380446N0862714N 382816N0870727H 401250N0850352W 413420N0844839H 385600N0851154H 401426N0855447H 382540N0855958H 395547N0851300H 395254N0850839W ELEV FT 875 890 853 INIB MAP NAME Gosport Hindustan Hindustan Maywood Gas City Holton Bear Branch Liberty Bear Branch Morgantown Onward St Joe Alpine Stone Bluff Westfield Geneva Deputy Butlerville North Vernon Morgantown Rome Alton Glendale Ridgeville Edon Bear Branch Omega Palmyra Hagerstown Alpine Bear Branch St Joe Butlerville Maxville Cross Plains Morgantown Grammer Maxville Cross Plains Michigantown Bristow Cambridge City Greentown Cambridge City Elkhart INZO FEATURE NAME Beardstown Beards Town Voltz Beards Town See Beardstown Bear Grass Creek See Beargrass Creek Beargrass Creek Bear-Grass Creek Bear Grass Creek Long Ditch Bear—Grass Creek See Beargrass Creek Bear Hill Bear Hollow Bear Hollow Bear Lake Bear Lake Bear Lake Bear Lake Chapel Bear Lake Dam Bear Lodge Lake Bear Lodge Lake Dam Bear Run Bears Branch See Bear Branch Bear Slide Creek Bea Run Bear Wallow Bearwallow Hill Beasley Cemetery Beasley Cemetery Beason Ditch Beason Park Beasy Lateral Beatrice Beatty Cemetery Beatty Memorial Hospital Beatty Ridge Batey Ridge Beattys Corner Beattys Corner Cemetery Beatty Walker Ditch Lake Ditch Beaty Ditch Beatys Beach Beauty Creek Beaver Airstrip Beaver Center School Beaver City Beaver City Cemetery Beaver Creek See Bergren Ditch Beaver Creek See Platt Nibarger Ditch Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Gaff Ditch Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Furnace Creek Beaver Creek Lake Beaver Creek Reservoir Beaver Creek Lake Dam Beaver Creek Reservoir See Beaver Creek Lake Beaver Dam Beaverdam Creek Beaver Dam Lake Beaverdam Lake Beaver Ditch See Beaver Lake Ditch FEATURE CLASS ppl ppl stream stream stream summit valley valley lake reservoir reservoir church dam reservoir dam stream ppl stream stream basin summit cemetery cemetery canal park canal pp! cemetery hospital ridge pol cemetery canal canal pp] stream airport school ppl cemetery canal canal stream stream stream stream reservoir dam reservoir ppl stream lake lake canal STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY CDDRDINATES Pulaski 410817N0863609W Pulaski 410817N0863609W Wabash 40563BN0855338W Wabash 405638N0855338W Wabash 405638N0855338W Martin 384634N0864503W Greene 385651N0865816W Perry 381132N0863346W Wabash 410023N0855402W Brown 391842N0862112W Putnam 411920N0853106W Putnam 411940N0853108W Brown 391842N0862112W Brown 391736N0862000H Brown 391736N0862000W Sullivan 385940N0872404W Dhio 385446N0850430W Hamilton 400655N0860300W Rush 393928N0853636W Brown 391925N0862208W Monroe 391503N0861259W Spencer 380148N0870903W Spencer 380026N0870029W Jay 401931N0850424W Pulaski 410616N0863353W Newton 40594BN0872005W Porter 412537N0871122W Dearborn 390438N0850313W La Porte 413134N0865431W Switzerland 384807N0845735W La Porte 413720N086533BW La Porte 413652N0865334W Jackson 385716N0860104W Huntington 403948N0852053W Lagrange 414103N0853613W Porter 412815N0870514W Hamilton 395858N0860113W Pulaski 405724N0864526W Newton 405425N0872456W Newton 405509N0872443W Newton 410036N0872306W Randolph 401907N0850632W Dubois 382523N0865217W Iroquois (IL) 405813N0874850W Jay 403127N0851206W Orange 383925N0864507W Dubois 382409N0865035W Dubois 382409N0865035W Dubois 382409N0865035W Kosciusko 410510N0860048W Posey 375235N0875632W Kosciusko 410535N0855830W Steuben 414154N0851141W Newton 4104Z7N0872512W SOURCE COORDINATES 405504N0854217W 385552N0865849W 381156N0863244W 385739N0872124W 400904N0860325N 393937N0853545N 413044N0870502N 382252N0864945N 410149N0872232W 403147N0850706W 383954N0863623H 375405N0875925N ELEV FT 708 727 895 1033 770 735 870 812 683 894 869 MAP NAME Bass Lake Roann Indian Springs Scotland Branchville Silver Lake Morgantown Drmas Drmas Morgantown Morgantown Morgantown Carlisle Noblesville Carthage Morgantown Beanblossom De Gonia Springs . Chrisney Ridgeville Winamac Mt Ayr Palmer Dillsboro Westville Florence Westville Westville Brownstown Liberty Center Shipshewana Valparaiso Fishers Monon NE Morocco Morocco Dubois L'Erable (IL) Petroleum Shoals Dubois Dubois Akron Mt Vernon Silver Lake Orland FEATURE NAME Beaver Ditch Beaver Furnace Creek See Beaver Creek Beaver Lake Ditch Beaver Ditch Beaver Lake Prairie Chicken Refuge Beaver Meadow Creek Meadow Creek Bebles Brook See White Ditch Bebout Cemetery Bebout Creek Beck See Becks Grove Beck Cemetery Beck Cemetery Beck Ditch Beck Ditch Beckett Branch See Aikman Creek Becketts Run Beck Grove See Becks Grove Beck Lake Beck Lake Beck Lake Dam Beckler Ditch Beckman Junior High School See Alfred Beckman Middle School Beck Pond Becks Cemetery Becks Grove Becks Mill Beckville Beck Ward Ditch Bedel Cemetery Bedel Ditch Bedford Bedford Cemetery Bedford Christian Camp Bedford Church Bedford-North Lawrence High School Bedunnah Cemetery Beebe Cemetery Beebe Ditch Bee Branch Bee Camp Creek J Stansbury Ditch McKay Creek Stansbury Ditch Bee Camp Creek Beech Brook Beech Cemetery Beech Church Beech Creek Beech Creek Beech Creek Beech Creek Beach Creek Beech Creek Beecher Ditch Beecher Hollow Beech Grove Beech Grove Farm Beech Grove Beech Grove See Arlington FEATURE CLASS canal stream canal park stream canal cemetery stream ppl cemetery cemetery canal canal stream stream 991 lake reservoir dam canal school lake cemetery ppl ppl ppl canal cemetery canal ppl cemetery park church school cemetery cemetery canal stream stream stream pal cemetery church stream stream stream stream stream canal valley ppl pal ppl STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTV Pulaski Orange Newton Newton Rush Allen Rush Rush Brown Brown Pike Huntington La Porte Daviess Allen Brown Noble Hendricks Hendricks Wells Lake Jackson Washington Brown Washington Montgomery Carroll Jackson Jackson Lawrence White Lawrence White Lawrence Dearborn Ripley Starke Scott Hancock Jefferson Shelby Greene Owen Greene Marion Martin Owen Pike Cass Monroe Marion Morgan Rush COORDINATES 405959N0864727W 383925N0864507W 410427N0872512W 410444N0872515W 393715N0853633N 410022N0844914W 393538N0853029W 393545N0853107W 390445N0860700W 390444N0860641W 382512N0872207W 405656N0852737W 414334N0865058W 383241N0871030H 410856N0850557W 390445N0860700N 412814N0851808H 394318N0863106N 394318N0863106N 403502N0851150W 41344ON0872116W 390210N0860742W 383212N0860928W 390445N0860700W 383207N0860920W 400038N0864235W 404357N0864147W 385157N0855024W 385120N0855014W 38514ON0862914W 405051N0864833W 384856N0862916W 405051N08649OIW 385252N0862640N 390634N0850315W 385640N0851409N 411043N0864242W 383832N0854824W 395611N0855555W 384434N0851736W 393308N0854752W 390012N0864600W 391611N0870243H 390338N0865118N 394228N0860554W 384025N0865012W 391051N0865936N 383109N0870809W 405312N0861127W 391716N0862535W 394319N0860524H 393102N0862647N 393833N0853435W SOURCE COORDINATES 394304N0853320W 393511N0853000W 411047N0851053W 383749N0854912W 395543N0855243N 384601N0851804W 390548N0864107W 394321N0860341W 384259N0864720N 391446N0865642W 382841N0870842W 391808N0862531H ELEV FT 946 850 740 890 710 620 775 800 810 INZI MAP NAME Monon NE Enos Enos Manilla Manilla Manilla Waymansville Petersburg Huntington Michigan City East Cedarville Kendallville Clayton Clayton Petroleum Story Becks Mill Waymansville Becks Mill Shannondale Yeoman Crothersville Crothersville Bedford East Monticello North Bedford East Monticello North Bartlettsville Dillsboro Cross Plains Denham Scottsburg McCordsville Madison East Shelbyville Solsberry Clay City Solsberry Beech Grove Shoals Arney Sandy Hook Macy Hindustan Beech Grove Mooresville West INZZ FEATURE NAME Beech Grove Cemetery Beech Grove Cemetery Beech Grove Cemetery Beech Grove Cemetery Beech Grove Church Beech Grove Church Beech Grove Church Beech Grove Church Beech Grove Church Beech Grove Church Beech Grove Church Beech Grove Church Beech Grove Church Beech Grove Church of God Beech Grove Farm See Beech Grove Beech Grove High School See Beech Grove Senior High School Beech Grove Middle School Beech Grove Run Beech Grove Senior High School Beech Grove High School Beech Grove United Methodist Church Beech Grove Wesleyan Church Beech Hills Beechwood Beechwood Lake Beechwood Lake Dam Beechy Mire (historical P.0.) Bee Creek Bee Creek Bee Creek Beedell Cemetery Beedy Ditch Beedy Lake Beedy Lake Dam Beehunter Beehunter Ditch Beeler Ditch Beelers Station See Maywood Beem Cemetery Bee Ridge Bee Ridge School Beers Lake Bee Run Beeson See Beesons Beeson Covered Bridge Beesons Beeson Beetree Run Begeman Cemetery Behlmer Corner Lynnville Behner Brook Beibersteine Cemetery Beiger Elementary and Junior High School Beiger School Beiger School See Beiger Elementary and Junior High School Beigh Lake Belcher Ditch Belknap Belknap Station Belknap-Icarus Acres Airport FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church church church ppl school school stream school church church range ppl . l‘ESEl‘VOlI" dam locale stream stream stream cemetery canal reservoir dam ppl canal canal ppl cemetery ppl school reservoir stream ppl bridge ppl stream cemetery ppl stream cemetery school school lake canal ppl airport STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ,UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Delaware 401121N0852412H Henry 400410N0852252H Lawrence 385131N0362945H Posey 380113N0875658w Allen 405743N0851912w Brown 392003N0861749N Delaware 401728N0853327H Johnson 392538N0861248H Madison 395929N0855037N Orange 383149N0862837H Rush 394540N0853445H Wabash 405726N0853037H Washington 383737N0863645H Marion 394250N0860606N Marion 394319N0860524U Marion 394242N0860434H Marion 394332N0860545H Posey 380048N0875622H Marion 394242N0860434H Marion 394309N0860531H Marion 394309N0860508H Knox 383242N0872023W Crawford 381224N0862528w Greene 390540N0865231H Greene 390540N0865231H Union 394155N0845015H Clay 393242N0871010H Jackson 385732N0861049H Marion 394232N0860513H Knox 3B3112N0873034W Allen 411519N0850408H Allen 411512N0850331H Allen 411512N0850331H Greene 385722N0870716H Greene 38593BN0870725H Hancock 395549N0854609H Marion 394334N0861257H Jackson 385117N0860904H Clay 393213N0871010N Clay 393202N0870952H Putnam 411907N0853415H Harren 402211N0870527H Wayne 394318N0850759H Parke 395136N0871150W Mayne 394318N0850759H Switzerland 384612N0850219M Knox 385256NOB71405U Ripley 391209N0851011H Marion 395526N0860329H Adams 403936N085004BH St Joseph 413945N0860908H St Joseph 413945N0860908H Kosciusko 410510N0855041H Gibson 381513N0874845W Vanderburgh 375900N0874117H Delaware 400800N0851350H SOURCE COORDINATES 380137N0875724H 393400N0870854U 385507N0861007W 394221N0860431H 402245N0870636H 384720N0850408N 395507N0860258N ELEV FT 670 603 486 626 901 870 970 897 455 1040 MAP NAME Muncie West Sulphur Springs Bedford East Solitude Zanesville Morgantown Gaston Trafalgar Ingalls Paoli Knightstown Bippus Little York Beech Grove Beech Grove Solitude Beech Grove Beech Grove Beech Grove Monroe City Beechwood Bloomfield Bloomfield Fairhaven Brazil Nest Kurtz Beech Grove Decker Auburn Auburn Auburn Lyons Lyons Ingalls Medora Brazil West Brazil Nest Ormas Hestpoint Parke Connersville Vevay North Sandborn Pierceville Fishers Linn Grove South Bend East North Manchester N Keensburg Nest Franklin Farmland FEATURE NANE Belknap Station See Belknap Bellamy School Number 102 See Francis Bellamy Elementary School Bell Band Park Bell Branch Bell Celetery Bell Cemetery Bell Cemetery Bell Cemetery Bell Center Bell Center Cemetery Bell Conservation Lake Bell Conservation Lake Dam Bell Creek Bell Creek Bell Creek Belle Creek Bell Ditch Bell Ditch See Big Creek Belle Arbor Belle Creek See Bell Creek Belle Fontaine Celetery Bellefountain See Bellfountain Bellefountaine See Bellfountain Belle Moore See Bell-ore Beller McCollum Ditch Belle Union Belle Union Branch Bell Union Branch Cotton Branch Belle Union Branch Cemetery Belle Union Elementary School Bellevieu Mud Lick Belleville Belville Belleville Gardens Playground Bellfountain Bellefountain Bellefountaine Hector Bell Lake Bell Lake Bell Lake Dam Bell Lake Ditch Bellmore Belle Noore North Hampton Northampton Bell Park Bell Peckham Ditch Bell Ridge Bell Bohr Park Bell Run Bell Run Bells Chapel See Bells Chapel Church of God Bells Chapel Church of God Bells Chapel Bell School Nulber 60 See Nilliam A Bell Elementary School FEATURE CLASS ppl school park stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery ppl cemetery reservoir dam stream stream strean canal stream up! stream cemetery pol npl ppl canal pal strean celetery school ppl ppl park 99‘ lake reservoir dam canal PP] park canal ridge stream strea- church church school STATUS VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BEN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BEN 1961 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN 1969 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN 1962 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1965 BEN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BEN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Vanderburgh Marion St Joseph Ohio Henry Madison Marion Rush Nhite Nhite Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Brown Grant Henry Nhite Nhite Marion Henry Posey Jay Jay Parke Nhite Putnam Putnam Daviess Putnam Jefferson Hendricks St Joseph Jay Steuben Johnson Johnson Steuben Parke Grant Allen Floyd Kosciusko Henry Rush Marion Marion Marion COORDINATES 375900N0874117N 394921N0860003N 414020N0861020N 385613N0850540N 395359N0851318N 401706N0854234N 394109N0861133N 394618N0853122N 405207N0863821N 405208N0863851N 380900N087Z930N 380900N0872930N 391636N0861735N 402915N0854025N 400925N0852725N 404023N0865823N 403817N0864559N 394313N0855915N 400925N0852725N 375732N0875338N 402600N0845149N 402600N0845149N 394533N0870619N 404607N0864922N 393423N0864222N 393352N0863912N 393352N0863912N 393419N0864231N 385121N0852241N 394038N0862918N 413936N0861852N 402600N0845149N 414254N0850503N 392230N0860636N 392230N0860636N 414318N0850625N 394533N0870619N 403120N0853958N 405651N0845345N 381557N0855540N 411954N0854652N 395352N0851304N 394616N0853135N 395002N0855928N 395002N085592W 394857N0860917N SOURCE COORDINATES 385458N0850542N 391837N0861859N 402715N0854416N 395917N0852557N 393601N0864249N 395421N0851351N 394640N0853053N ELEV FT 699 835 791 890 879 951 739 835 IN23 NAP NAME South Bend East Bear Branch Hagerstoun Alexandria Maynood Knightstoun Idaville Idaville Elberfeld Elberfeld Morgantown Fairmount Muncie Nest Brookston NN Acton Mt Vernon Monticello North Eminence Hall Sandy Hook Eminence Clifty Falls Plainfield South Bend Nest Fort Recovery Angola Nest Franklin Franklin Nineveh Angola Nest Bell-ore Marion Hoagland Georgetown Leesburg Hagerstoun Knightstoun Cumberland IN24 FEATURE NAME Bells Lake See Ball Lake Bells Run Bell Union Branch See Belle Union Branch Belmont Belmont Belmont Belmont Church Belmont Park Belshaw Belshaw Station Belshaw Station See Belshaw Belt Run Belville See Belleville Belzer Junior High School See Belzer Middle School Belzer Middle School Belzer Junior High School Bench Run Ben Davis Ben Davis Creek Ben Davis Creek Church Ben Davis High School Ben Davis Independent Christian Church Ben Davis Station Bend Cemetery Bender Cemetery Bender Ditch Bender Ditch Bender Hollow Bender Ridge Bender School Bendix Park Bendix Hoods Park Bend Run Benefiel Cemetery Benefiel Corner Ben F Geyer Middle School Beyer Junior High School Bengal Benham Benhams Station Benhams Store Lincolnville Benham Branch Benham Cemetery Benhams Station See Benham Benhams Store See Benham Ben Hur Cemetery Benjamin Banneker Elementary School Banneker School Benjamin Bosse High School Bosse High School Benjamin Franklin Elementary School Township School Number 1 Benjamin Franklin Elementary School Franklin School Benjamin Franklin Elementary School Franklin School FEATURE CLASS lake stream stream 991 ppl ppl church park ppl ppl stream ppl school school stream ppl stream church school church ppl cemetery cemetery canal canal valley ridge school park park stream cemetery ppl school pvl pol stream cemetery ppl ppl cemetery school school school school school STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Steuben 411317N0845648H Marion 395007N0855840N Putnam 393352N0863912N Brown 390907N0862050H Henry 395518N0852059N Marion 394508N0861142N Madison 400515N0854228H Marion 394703N0861136N Lake 411523N0872712H Lake 411523N0872712w Blackford 402309N0851315N Hendricks 394038N0862918W Marion 395114N0860210N Marion 395114N0860210H Henry 395229N0853225H Marion 394453N0861610H Rush 393800N0852500H Rush 393857N0852018N Marion 394705N0861726H Marion 394515N0861610H Marion 394420N0861605H Fountain 401040NDB72428H Spencer 380337N0870248H Allen 410226N0850207N Hells 404721N0851453H Monroe 390935N0862500H Monroe 390939N0862547H Dubois 382528N0864445N St Joseph 414056N0861721H St Joseph 414012N0862923N Posey 380522N0875721H Sullivan 385736N0872043H Sullivan 390742N0872432H Allen 410151N085074BN Shelby 392824N0855522H Ripley 385901N0851501H Ripley 385707N0851601H Carroll 403607N0864432N Ripley 385901N0851501H Ripley 385901N0851501H Ripley 400131N0865435H Lake 413435N0872135N Vanderburgh 375750N0873223N Knox 384015N0873002U Lake 414103N0873012H Lake 413319N0871944N SOURCE COORDINATES 395034N0860044H 402349N0851321N 395317N0853300H 393746N0851636H 390858N0862722N 380556N0875646H 385917N0851521H ELEV FT 574 1080 678 671 529 741 960 MAP NAME Cumberland Belmont New Castle East Indianapolis Nest Anderson South Indianapolis Nest Lowell Pennville Indianapolis East Knightstown Bridgeport Mays Falmouth Clermont Clermont Bridgeport Covington Chrisney Fort Wayne East Uniondale Unionville Unionville Cuzco South Bend Nest Lydick Solitude Bucktown Shelburn Fort Wayne Nest Marietta Rexville Rexville Delphi Crawfordsville Gary Evansville South Vincennes Lake Calumet Gary FEATURE NAME Benjamin Franklin Elementary School Franklin School Benjamin Franklin Middle School Franklin Junior High School Benjamin Harrison Elementary School Harrison School Benjamin Harrison Elementary School Harrison School Number 2 Benjamin Harrison Elementary School Benkie Ditch See Pleasant Township Ditch Benner Ditch Benner Field Airport Bennett See Bennetts Switch Bennett Cemetery Bennett Cemetery Bennett Cemetery Bennett Ditch Bennett Lake Bennetts See Bennetts Switch Bennetts Branch Bennett School Bennetts Switch Bennett Bennetts Bennett Strip Airport Bennettsville Benninghoff Ditch Bennington Slawson Bennington Lake Bennington Levee Bennington Levee Bens Creek Benson Cemetery Benson Chapel Benson Church Benson Hollow Benton Benton See Hudson Benton County Benton House Bentonville Bentonville Church Benville (historical P.0.) Benward Ditch Benwood Benwood Run Benz Hill Berea Church Berea Church Berea Church Berea Church Berg Brook Berger Ditch Berger Ditch Berger Ditch Bergren Ditch Beaver Creek Berkey Ditch See Deer Creek Berkshire Creek Berkshire Ditch Berlein See Berlien FEATURE CLASS school school school school school canal canal airport ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery canal reservoir ppl stream school ppl airport ppl canal ppl reservoir levee levee stream cemetery church church valley ppl ppl civil ppl ppl church locale canal ppl stream summit church church church church stream canal canal canal canal stream stream canal pvl STATUS UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Lake Delaware Lake Marion St Joseph Porter Cass Miami Miami Clinton Shelby Sullivan Hamilton Whitley Miami Jennings Grant Miami Starke Clark Starke Switzerland Greene Daviess Daviess Knox Gibson warren Sullivan Orange Elkhart Steuben Benton Marion Fayette Fayette Jennings Allen Clay Clay Crawford Bartholomew Clay Daviess Sullivan Mayne Jay Marshall Miami Newton Marshall Marion Cass Steuben COORDINATES 413811N0872631N 401025N0852115W 413BOZN0872854N 394638N0860900W 414013N0861741H 411750N0870236H 404212N086313IH 404753N0860258N 403506N0860646H 401948N0863659H 393408N0854031N 390257N0873002W 401047N0860625N 411702N0853355N 403506N0860646N 390519N0854312W 403426N0854010H 403506N0860646H 411030N0863250H 382532N0854831H 412247N0863437N 385132N0850826U 390904N0871002H 384609N087I415H 384317N0871509N 384127N0871639H 381418N0874137M 40083IN0872717H 390927N0872642H 334134N0863642H 413033N0854540H 413158N0850452H 403700N087I915H 394553N0860435H 394443N0851139W 394417N0861148M 385851N0852704H 411026N0851337H 393340N0870651H 393258N0870728U 381654N0861713H 391154N0855325H 393014N0870838H 384407N0870105N 390434N0872037H 395532N0845617N 402418N0845403N 411310N0861001H 405749N0855945U 410036N0872306H 411349N0860934H 395018N0860533H 405120N0863421H 413812N0845236H SOURCE COORDINATES 390739N0854200H 384406N0871800H 384027N0863618N 393310N0870659H 395601N0845703H 395000N0860411H ELEV FT 800 824 718 565 891 833 825 1055 716 855 INZS MAP NAME Whiting Muncie East Whiting Indianapolis West South Bend Nest Burrows Peru Frankfort Rays Crossing Merom Arcadia Ormas North Vernon Marion Miami Bass Lake Speed Hamlet Bennington Jasonville Plainville Wheatland Nheatland Cynthiana Covington Shelburn Georgia Goshen Fowler Indianapolis East Connersville Connersville San Jacinto Huntertown Brazil East Brazil East Milltown Columbus Brazil Nest Montgomery Dugger Fountain City Portland Argos Roann Enos Indianapolis East Burnettsville INZB FEATURE NAME Berlien Berlein Berlien Ditch Berlin Court Grand Ditch Berling Airport Bern See Berne Berne Bern Berne Eleaentary School Berne-French Township School Berne-French Township School See Berne Elelentary School Berning Drain Berry Branch Lake Berry Branch Lake Dan Berry Ditch Berry Fara Lake Berry Fara Lake Da- Berry Ridge Berry Run Berthaud Ditch Bessler Ditch Best Ditch Best Lock Airstrip Beswick Celetery Bethabara Church Bethal Lake Bethal Lake Dal Bethany South Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Cenetery Bethany Chapel Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church See Bethany united Presbyterian Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany High School Bethany Independent Christian Church Bethany School Bethany United Presbyterian Church Bethany Church Bethavan See Bethevan Bethaven See Bethevan Bethel Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Bethel Brook FEATURE CLASS ppl canal canal airport ppl ppl school school canal reservoir da- canal reservoir da- ridge 5 trea- canal canal canal airport cenetery church reservoir da- ppl ppl ppl celetery church church church church church church church church church church church V church church church church school church school church ppl ppl ppl ppl ppl church strea- STATUS VARIANT BEN BEN ADMIN VARIANT BEN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Steuben 413812M0845236H Steuben 413823M0845456H Elkhart 412648M0855831M Morgan 393613M0862630M Ada-s 403928M0845707H Ada-s 403928MOB45707M Ada-s 403930M0845725M Ada-s 403930MOB45725H Allen 405740M0845633H Jackson 390136M0861130M Jackson 390136N0861130H Mas 404516M0850031M Brown 391118M0861506M Broun 391118M0851506H Jackson 390236N0861204H Clark 383015M0855101H Allen 410202M0845152M La Porte 411940M0865111M Newton 410735M0872958M Marion 395317M0860358M Harrison 380146N0860434H Harrick 380714M0870857H Monroe 391312M086294BH Monroe 391312M0862948M Bartholoaew 391026M0860355M Morgan 393157M0862233M Parke 395115M0870850H Parke 395051M0871014H Benton 403952M0871241M Allen 410244M0851021H Clark 382420M0854034H Crawford 381707M0863455H Daviess 3B3921M0870527M Greene 385831M0865934H Jackson 384618M0855139H Jasper 405624MOB70859H Jefferson 384559M0854019M Madison 400857M0853759M Marion 395115M0860414M Oven 392327N086453BH Sullivan 385902MDB71847M Tippecanoe 402559N0865145H Harrick 375736M0871608M Elkhart 413243M0854939H Marion 394115N0860606H Elkhart 412659M0854928M Marion 395115M0860414H Grant 403130M0853800M Grant 403130N0853800H Delaware 401500N0853202H Mashington 383325M0861639M Mayne 395912M0844949H Marion 394608M0860953H Henry 400217N0852700H SOURCE COORDINATES 405535N0845623M 383031N0855208H 400217N0852525H ELEV FT 1033 861 815 897 648 740 1210 MAP NAME Angola East Angola East Mappanee East Mooresville Hest Berne Berne Hoagland Story Story Preble Bel-out Belnont Story Henryville Moodburn South English Lake Schneider Fishers Laconia De Gonia Springs Unionville Unionville New Bellsville Mooresville Hest Rockville Rockville Mt Gilboa Fort Hayne Hest Charlestoun Taswell Montgonery Scotland Crothersville Rensselaer Deputy Anderson North Cataract Bucktown Lafayette East Vankeetown Goshen Beech Grove Milford Indianapolis East Gillan Hhitewater Indianapolis Hest Sulphur Springs FEATURE NAME Bethe] Camp Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Cemetery Bethe] Center Church Bethe] Chape] Bethe] Chapel Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church See Bethe] United Methodist Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church FEATURE CLASS park cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church STATUS ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Warrick A]]en A]]en Boone Boone Cass Daviess Dubois Fountain Grant Greene Henry Jennings Lagrange Lagrange Lagrange Porter Ripley Scott Steuben Warren Washington Wayne Hhitley B]ackford Morgan Switzerland Fountain Adams A]]en Biackford Boone Cass C]ark C]ay Clinton Daviess Daviess Daviess Delaware E]khart Elkhart F]oyd Grant Greene Greene Hamilton Henry Howard Johnson Knox Lagrange Madison Marion Marion Marion Marshal] Monroe Monroe Morgan Morgan Orange Owen Perry Pike Pulaski Putnam Shelby Tippecanoe COORDINATES 381233N0870937H 132841N0850344H 411003N0851120H 400647N0862849W 400505N0861724H 404709N0861843N 383610N0871050N 382625N0870334N 395828N0871932H 402719N0853549W 390614N0871158N 400156N0852637W 38584ZN0852835H 413228N0851756W 414013N0852859H 414421N0853717H 413426N0871210H 390216N0851250H 384204N0853914N 413339N0844906H 402109N0871441N 383644N0853853H 395913N0844912H 411009N0853229H 402701N0852413N 393641N0861714H 384856N0845846N 401746N0871039H 403915N0844917W 411011N0844843H 402611N0851225N 400538N0862851H 404505N0862237N 383413N0852912W 393107N0870715H 401407N0862448H 384732N0865954H 383606N0871052H 384548N0870511N 401920N0851418H 413423N0855901H 412818N0855707H 382230N0855342U 402755N0854202H 385510N0871258H 385812N0864236H 400211N0855614N 394738N0853141H 403200N0861550H 392437N0860357H 385144N0871715H 413619N0851326H 400432N0854459H 394454N0860508N 394252N0861626H 395047N0861505H 411606N0861041H 391722N0861324H 391247N0863018H 393458N0862337M 393003N0861633N 383906N0863314H 391327N0864206H 381507N0863615H 381722N0871100M 410323N0864417H 393931N0864257H 392229N0853B42H 402519N0864233H SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV FT 500 IN27 MAP NAME Fo]somvi]]e Poe Huntertown Lebanon Rosston Logansport Sandy Hook Otweli Kingman Gas City Linton Sulphur Springs San Jacinto Holcottville Lagrange Shipshewana Portage Milan Blocher Edon Attica Otisco Whitewater Lorane Hartford City West Mooresvi]]e East Florence Attica Hillshire Hoodburn North Pennville Lebanon Lucerne Bethlehem Brazi] East Mechanicsburg Odon Sandy Hook Epsom Redkey Foraker Nappanee East Borden Fairmount Sandborn Owensburg Riverwood Knightstown Young America Franklin Bickneil Stroh Anderson South Beech Grove Bridgeport Inwood Beanblossom Bloomington Mooresvi]]e Nest Mooresvi]]e East Georgia Whitehal] Taswel] Augusta Ripley Coatesville Hartsvi]]e Pyrmont INZB FEATURE NAME Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] Church Bethe] College Bethe] Creek Bethe] Creek Bethe] Ditch Bethe] Faith Pentecostal Temple Bethe] Faith Temple Bethe] Faith Temple See Bethe] Faith Pentecostal Temple Bethe] Hill Cemetery Bethe] Home Place for Boys Bethel Lane Church Bethe] Park Bethe] Pentecostal Tabernacle Bethel Ridge Bethe] Run Bethe] Tabernacle Bethe] Temple See Congregation Beth-El Zedeck Bethe] Temple Bethe] United Methodist Church Bethel Church Bethe] Village Betheny Church Bethesda Baptist Church Bethesda Cemetery Bethesda Cemetery Bethesda Church Bethesda Church Bethesda Church Bethesda Church Bethesda Church Bethesdale Cemetery Bethevan Bethavan Bethaven Bethleham See Carmel Bethlehem Bethlehem Cemetery Bethlehem Cemetery Bethlehem Cemetery Bethlehem Cemetery Bethlehem Cemetery Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Lutheran Church Bethlehem Lutheran School Bethlehem School Bethlehem School See Bethlehem-Trinity Lutheran School Bethlehem School See Bethlehem Lutheran School FEATURE CLASS church church church church church school stream stream canal church church cemetery school church park church ridge stream church church church church pp] church church cemetery cemetery church church church church church cemetery pp] pp] pp] cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church church church church church school school school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Tipton Vanderburgh Wabash Wells Wells St Joseph Marion Wayne Daviess Marion Marion Boone Delaware Monroe Marion Marion Switzerland Delaware Warrick Marion St Joseph Marion Bartholomew Elkhart Marion Hendricks Morgan Harrison Hendricks Huntington Posey Vigo Rush Grant Hamilton Clark Franklin Harrison Morgan Pike Vanderburgh Cass Cass Fulton Hamilton Hamilton Johnson Posey Putnam Sullivan Vermillion Washington Marion Wells Allen Wells COORDINATES 402046N0861101H 380551N0873226H 405145N0854014W 404158N0850809N 405407N0851214M 414042N0861141W 394156N0855926N 395753N0844858H 384541N0870457H 394537N0861610H 394537N0861610H 400804N0863239M 401507N0853112H 391244N0862944M 394431N0860651M 394737N0860808H 384845N0845728M 401416NOBS3320H 381045N0870949W 395255N0861007H 413743N0861437W 395047N0861505M 390907N0855529M 414039N0860232N 394520N0861100M 395319N0862328H 393444N0862512W 380923N0855644W 395246N0862441M 405800N0853506N 380059N0875843H 392818N0872902W 392737N0852526M 403130N0853800U 395842N0860705H 383221N0852514U 393056N0845121N 381705N0860458M 392744N0863105N 382909N0872655M 380208N0873039M 405124N0861454H 405049N0861929M 410618N0860722H 395912N0855508H 400816N0855837M 392217N0861248U 380926N0874909W 411850N0851425W 385519N0872131M 393718N0872745H 382555N0860257M 395052N0860859M 405110N0850604M 410706N0851332M 405110N0850604W SOURCE COORDINATES 394154N0855956W 395934N0845044W 401440N0853301W ELEV FT 840 467 MAP NAME Kempton Evansville North Lagro Bluffton Ossian South Bend East Acton Whitewater Epsom Clermont Thorntown Gaston Unionville Beech Grove Indianapolis West Florence Gilman Folsomville South Bend East Clermont Columbus Osceola Indianapolis West Fayette Mooresville West Lanesville Fayette Bippus Solitude Terre Haute Milroy Marion Bethlehem College Corner Crandall Paragon Union Evansville North Twelve Mile Logansport Akron McCordsville Omega Beanblossom Poseyville Garrett Bucktown New Goshen Palmyra Indianapolis West Preble FEATURE NAME Bethlehem-Trinity Lutheran School Bethlehem School Bethsaida Cemetery Bethsaida Church Bethune School See Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School Bett Ditch Between-The-Lakes Park Betzner Branch Beulah Cemetery Beulah Church Beulah Park Beulah Run Beveridge Elementary School Beverly Hill Beverly Shores B F Dvermyer Ditch Bible Church Bible Pentecostal Church Bible View Church Bice Ditch Bickel Ditch Bicknell Bicknell Park Playground Biddle Cemetery Biddle Ditch Biddle Island Bierce Ditch Biery Ditch Big Barbee Lake Barbee Lake Big Bass Lake Big Bass Lake See Country Lake Big Bayou Big Bayou Creek Big Bayou Creek See Big Bayou Big Blue Creek See Big Blue River Big Blue Lake Big Blue River Big Blue Creek Blue River Big Blue River See Blue River Big Boss Lake Dam See Country Lake Camp Dam Big Bottom Big Branch Big Branch Big Branch Big Branch Creek East Fork Busseron Creek Big Branch Creek See Big Branch Big Buck Cree See Buck Creek Big Buck Creek See Middle Fork Buck Creek Big Camp Creek See Big Creek Big Cedar Church Big Cedar Cliffs Big Cedar Creek Big Chapman Lake Chapman Lake Big Clifty Creek Clifty Creek FEATURE CLASS school cemetery church school canal ppl stream cemetery church park stream school ppl ppl canal church church church canal canal ppl park cemetery canal island canal canal lake reservoir reservoir stream stream stream lake stream stream dam swamp stream stream stream stream stream stream stream church cliff stream reservoir stream STATUS UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN 1960 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Allen Tipton Posey Lake Boone Kosciusko Whitley Fountain Lagrange Madison Madison Lake Porter Porter Fulton La Porte Marion Sullivan Jasper Starke Knox Floyd Putnam Jasper Cass Kosciusko Clinton Kosciusko Clark Clark Posey Posey Shelby Huntington Shelby Washington Clark Dubois Clark Parke Sullivan Sullivan Harrison Harrison Ripley Franklin Jefferson Franklin Kosciusko Jefferson COORDINATES 410706N0851332W 401512N0860716W 381108N0875152W 413445NOB71828W 395753N0862751W 411929N0854412W 410929N0853448W 401440N0871255W 413315N0852911W 401522N0854012W 401500N0854019W 413525N0872145W 413256N0865908W 414133N0865839W 410802N0862212W 41294IN0864544W 394540N0860612W 390528N0872339W 405045N0870838W 411630N0863326W 384627N0871828W 381743N0854800W 394910N0864236W 404401N0870856W 404459N0862153W 411310N0855258W 402316N0862641W 411705N0854215W 383509N0854703W 383512N0854700W 381024N0875610W 381024N0875610W 392048N0855934W 405315N0852748W 392048N0855934W 381055N0861944W 383512N0854700W 382234N0870213W 382835N0853651W 395610N0870708W 390715N0871922W 390715N087I922W 380055N0861120H 3BOB4ON0860243W 384842N0853855W 392705N0845441W 384426N0851914W 392118N0845645W 411709N0854704W 384403N0852527W SOURCE COORDINATES 410820N0853408W 401514N0853918W 381626N0875119W 40024BN0851602W 383029N0853651W 39S609NOB70811W 39IIZINOB7I435W 392923N0845403W 384758N08523I4W ELEV FT 850 859 650 530 838 640 733 IN29 MAP NAME Fort Wayne West Tipton Poseyville Fayette North Webster Lorane Mellott Oliver Lake Alexandria Anderson North Gary Westville Michigan City West Rutland Hanna Indianapolis East Sullivan Remington Knox East Bicknell New Albany North Salem Mt Gilboa Anoka Burket Burlington North Webster Henryville New Harmony Huntington Edinburgh Otwell Owen Alamo Dugger Whitcomb Madison East Cedar Grove Leesburg Madison West IN30 Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Bi on Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big Big FEATURE NAME Creek Creek See Spray Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Big Camp Creek Creek See North Hogan Creek Creek See Big Shawnee Creek Creek Flat Creek Pond Creek Creek Big Creek Ditch McSwain Ditch Creek Creek Bell Ditch Big Creek Ditch Creek Cemetery Creek Ditch See Big Creek Creek Ditch See Big Creek Creek Slough Cub Lake See Cub Lake Ditney Hill Drain Duck Creek Eagle Creek See Eagle Creek Flat Creek See Flat Creek Flat Rock Church Flat Rock River See Golden Hill Park Flatrock River See Golden Hill Park Flat Rock River See Flatrock River Flatrock River See Flatrock River Four Bridge (abandoned) Four Yard Graham Creek See Graham Creek Hill Hog Creek See Hog Creek Hurricane Hill Indian Creek Island Island Kilbuck Creek See Killbuck Creek Killbuck Creek See Killbuck Creek Kill Buck Creek See Killbuck Creek Knoll Lake Tippacanoe Lake Lake Church Lick Creek Lick Creek Long Lake Long Lake FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery stream stream stream reservoir summit stream stream stream stream church park park stream stream bridge ppl stream ppl stream summit stream island island stream stream stream summit lake church stream lake STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN 1961 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Clay Jackson Orange Owen Pike Ripley Ripley Tippecanoe Vanderburgh Warrick Wells White Jefferson Warrick White Posey Putnam Warrick Clark Madison Marion Pike Rush Marion Marion Shelby Shelby Clark Hendricks Ripley Fulton Scott Morgan Whitley Fulton Noble Madison Madison Madison Vigo Putnam Whitley Grant Lagrange COORDINATES 391709N087091BU 385608N0860331M 383544N0864445M 392003N0864119M 382258N0872325M 384842N0853855N 390324N0845415M 401515NOB71758M 375930N0880104W 381153N0872539M 405418N0851826M 403817N0864559H 384517N08523IIM 381153N0872539H 403817N0864559M 375911N0880053M 411855N0853031M 380758N0872158M 382132N0854452M 4014S9N0855045M 394305N0861147W 382158N0870235W 393109N0853206M 394913N0861052W 394913N0861052M 391222N0855601N 391222N0855601M 381600N0854420M 394540N0862130M 384843N0853900M 410243N0861145M 384112N0854147M 392743N0863151H 410211N0851345M 410311N0861037W 412916N0852052H 400702N0854050U 400702N0854050W 400702N0854050M 391853N0873359M 411630N0852949M 411552N085293IM 402230N0852705U 413325N0851413M SOURCE COORDINATES 391215N0870752H 383921N0864052M 391711N0864125M 382548N0872349W 385920N0851934W 380825N0873754M 381247N0871607W 405131N0851234M 404121N0870327H 375750N0875911W 332217N0854539M 402113N0854358W 410314N0852552H 402322N0851043M ELEV FT 648 843 875 857 460 898 MAP NAME Jasonville Hillham Gosport Union Deputy Emma Elberfeld Zanesville Monticello South Clifty Falls Emma Lynnville Jeffersonville Elwood Manilla Jeffersonville Clermont Rochester Paragon Arcola Rochester Kendallville Hutton Merriam Merriam Wheeling Stroh FEATURE NANE Big Netamoning Creek See Big Nonon Creek Big Hetamonong Creek See Big Nonon Ditch Big Metamonong Creek See Big Nonon Creek Big Miami River See Great Miami River Big Nonon See Big Nonon Bay Big Nonon Arm of Lake Shafer See Big Nonon Bay Big Nonon Bay Big Nonon Big Monon Ara of Lake Shafer Big Nonon Creek Big Honon of Lake Shafer Lake Shafer Big Nonon Creek See Big Nonon Bay Big Monon Creek See Big Nonon Ditch Big Honon Creek Big Netaloning Creek Big Netamonong Creek Clayton ditch Miller Ditch Nonong River Hilson Ditch Big Manon Ditch Big Netamonong Creek Big Nonon Creek Burbank Ditch Harp Ditch Ketman Ditch Nonon Ditch Manon River Big Nonon of Lake Shafer See Big Nonon Bay Big Otter Lake Big Ox Creek Big Ox Fork Ore Fork Big Ox Fork See Big Ox Creek Big Pigeon Creek See Pigeon Creek Big Pine Creek Pine Creek Big Piney Pond Big Pipe Creek See Pipe Creek Big Poison Creek See Poison Creek Big Pond Creek See Rocky Run Big Raccoon Creek Pishewaw Creek Raccoon Creek Raccoon Ditch Racoon Creek Sherril Ditch Sherrill Ditch Bigrest See Harper Big Rock Creek See Rock Creek Big Run Big Run Big Run Big Run Big Run FEATURE CLASS stream canal stream stream bay bay bay bay canal stream canal bay lake stream stream stream stream lake stream stream stream stream vpl stream stream stream stream stream stream STATUS VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1969 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1968 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BEN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Hhite Hhite Hhite Dearborn Hhite Hhite White White Hhite Hhite Hhite Hhite Steuben Hashington Hashington Harrick Hhite Daviess Miami Perry Parke Vermillion Decatur Cass Clark De Kalb Harrison Knox Marion COORDINATES 405115N0864853H 405900N0865142H 405115N0864853H 390631N0844852H 404922N0864736H 404922N0864736H 404922N0864736H 404922N0864736H 405900N0865142H 405115N0864853H 405900N0865142H 404922N0864736H 414329N0850045H 384352N0855122H 384352N0855122H 375938NOB73421H 401753N0871509H 383256N0870112H 40‘444N0861315H 375804N0863l33H 394618N0871959H 394552N0872248H 390948N0853537H 404132N0863421H 382713N0855055H 41251ON0844655H 380004N0860448H 383643N0872411N 394156N0855804H SOURCE COORDINATES 405511N0864858H 383527N0855133H 403556N0870049H 400054N0863401H 382751N0855123H 412649N0845335H 380117NOB§O332H 383638N0872235H 394237N0860231H IN31 NAP NANE Monticello North Monticello North Nonon NE Angola Hest Scottsburg Hilliamsport Glendale Speed Butler East Laconia Iona Acton IN32 FEATURE NAME Bi Run Church «a Big Run Church Big Rusty Gut Big Saluda Creek Saluda Creek Big Sandy Creek See Sanes Creek Big Sandy Creek See Sandy Creek Big Shawnee Creek Big Creek Big Slough Big Slough Creek Big Slough Big Slough Corn Island Slough Slough Creek Big Slough See Slough Creek Big Slough Creek See Big Slough Big Slough Creek See Slough Creek Big Spring Big Spring Creek Little Creek Big Springs Big Springs Big Springs Church Big Springs Church Big Sugar Creek See Sugar Creek Big Swamp Big Swan Pond See Swan Pond Big Thunder Creek Big Tippecanoe Lake See Tippecanoe Lake Big Turkey Lake Turkey Lake Big Turtle Creek See Turtle Creek Big Vermilion River See Vermilion River Big Vermillion River See Vermilion River Big Walnut Church Big Walnut Creek Eel River North Fork Big Walnut Creek North Fork Eel River Walnut Creek Walnut Fork West Fork Big Walnut Creek Big Wea Creek See Wea Creek Big Yellow Creek See Yellow Creek Big Yellow Creek Bilger Ditch Biller Ditch Billie Creek Village Billings See Billingsville Billings Creek Billings Elementary School Billings VA Hospital Billingsville Billings FEATURE CLASS church church stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream spring stream springs ppl church church stream swamp lake stream lake lake stream stream stream church stream stream stream stream canal canal pol ppl stream school hospital ppl STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN 1960 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY De Kalb Marion Clark Jefferson Rush Spencer Tippecanoe Clay Shelby Spencer White Clay White Harrison Jefferson Jefferson Boone Sullivan Washington Shelby Steuben Knox Brown Kosciusko Steuben Sullivan Vermillion Vermillion Putnam Putnam Tippecanoe Fulton Marshall Putnam Kosciusko Parke Union Narion‘ Decatur Marion * Union COORDINATES 412545N0845000W 394026NO860108W 382711N0853431W 383647N0852622W 392920N0851130W 375551N0865846W 401515N0871758W 391906N0871359W 391535N0855521W 375609N0865713W 4OS4ZONOB71227W 391906N0871359W 405420N0871227W 380627N0861530W 384411N0853231W 384227NO853122W 400413N086153BW 390659N0873500W 382905N0860650W 392047N0855935W 414532N0844852W 383234N0873800W 391721N086153OW 411940N0854535W 413514N0851122W 390144N0873419W 395731N0872624W 395731N0872624W 393125N0865704W 392943N0865705W 402349N0865704W 411020N0860740W 411015N0860738W 411836N0851516W 412233N0855801W 394541N0871207W 393321N0845435W 395108N0855828W 392018N0852919W 395137N0855945W 393321N0845435W SOURCE COORDINATES 382751N0853438W 383930N0853036W 401312N0870220W 392356N0871220W 392144N0855451W 375846N0865148W 384014N0853139W 391938N0861623W 400035N0853027W 411002N0860116W 395116N0855920W ELEV FT HAP NAME Butler East Beech Grove Owen Bethlehem Williamsport Saline City Edinburgh Lewisport New Amsterdam Kent Kent 929 Rosston Nerom Palmyra Camden Norgantown 927 Stroh Reelsville Poland Argos Ege Nappanee East 600 Rockville Cumberland Greensburg Cumberland 1030 New Fairfield FEATURE NAME Billington Lake Bill Jack Ridge Billman Ditch Bills Branch Bills Cemetery Bills Creek Bills Lakes Bills Point Billtown Nilliamstown Hilliamtown Billtown Cemetery Billville Billy Creek Billy Creek See Williams Creek Billy Mann Ditch See Lamb Ditch Billy Sunday Tabernacle Binford Junior High School See Binford Middle School Binford Middle School Binford Junior High School Binford Park Bingen See Williams Bingham Cemetery Bingham Elementary School Bingham School Number 84 See Joseph J Bingham Elementary School Bingo Lake Binkley Hill Bippus Birch Bed Birch Creek Birch Creek Birchim Bird See Birdseye Bird Branch Bird Hollow Bird Hollow Creek Bird Run ' Bird Run Bird Run Birds Cemetery Birdsey See Birdseye Birds Eye See Birdseye Birdseye Bird Birds Eye Birdsey Birk Lake Birk Lake Dam Birmingham Birmingham Bischoff Reservoir Bischoff Reservoir Dam Bishop Chatard High School Chatard High School Bishop Ditch See Grassy Fork Bishop Dwenger High School Bishop Island Bishop Luers High School Bishop Roberts Park Bishop Run FEATURE CLASS lake ridge canal stream cemetery stream lake cliff Dpl cemetery ppl stream stream canal church school school park ppl cemetery school school lake summit ppl basin stream stream ppl ppl stream valley stream stream stream stream cemetery ppl ppl ppl reservoir dam ppl ppl ' reservoir dam school stream school island school park stream STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN 1961 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Porter Brown St Joseph Hancock Marion Hells Floyd Perry Clay Clay Clay Clay Parke Randolph Kosciusko Monroe Monroe Floyd Adams Greene St Joseph Marion Lake Harrison Huntington Greene Dubois Parke La Porte Dubois Marion Crawford Crawford Marion Scott Spencer Crawford Dubois Dubois Dubois Lagrange Dubois Miami Tippecanoe Ripley Ripley Marion Jackson Allen Noble Allen Lawrence Marion COORDINATES 413606N0870124N 391104N0862101N 413212N0860340N 395543N0855559H 395512N0855632N 403712N0850908N 382053N0854930U 375938N0863716N 393036N0871110N 393030N0871159H 393013N0870732N 393030N0870147N 394312N0871144H 400716N0850746H 411340N0854915H 390936N0863018H 390936N0863018N 381802N0854932H 405508N0845831H 390359N0864627H 413938N0861022N 395127N0860905N 412751N0872803N 380952N0860932H 405639N0853726H 385604N0870413H 383025N0870123H 391903N0871054N 414237N0863610N 381900N0864145H 395201N0861444H 382233N0862741H 381957N0862806N 395201N0861757N 384041N0854522N 381132N0865042H 380936N0862502N 381900N0864145W 381900N086414SH 381900N0864145H 382012N0865048H 382012N0865048H 405616N0860634H 402807N0865110H 391627N0851157U 391627N0851157H 395142N0860739H 384619N0855832H 410755N0850731H 412918N0852120N 410157N0850802H 384547N0862330H 395254N0860637H SOURCE COORDINATES 395523N0855509N 403430N0850859N 393207N0870530N 382650N0870025H 393049N0870754N 395230N0861549H 382317N0862812N 382317N0862734H 395208N0861746H 384022N0854638N 381233N0865036H 395238N0860609H ELEV FT 633 620 660 679 840 849 823 719 858 IN33 MAP NAME Chesterton Belmont Nakarusa McCordsville McCordsville Petroleum New Albany Rome Brazil Nest Brazil Nest Brazil Nest Brazil East Warsaw Bloomington New Albany Solsberry South Bend East St John Corydon Nest Bippus Lyons Glendale Saline City New Carlisle Indianapolis Nest Valeene English Clermont Scottsburg Saint Heinrad Beechwood Birdseye Saint Anthony Saint Anthony Deedsville Lafayette East Batesville Batesville Indianapolis West Huntertown Kendallville Fort Wayne Nest Bedford East Fishers IN34 FEATURE NAME Bison Branch Bit Run Bittersweet Bridge Bittersweet Bridge Bittersweet Lake Bittersweet Lake Dam Bittner Lake Bittner Lake Dam Bixler Lake Bixter Lake Bixler Lake Ditch Bixter Lake See Bixler Lake Blachly Cemetery Black Ankle Creek Black Armuth Ditch Black Branch Black Brook Blackburn Creek Blackburn Ditch See Little Indian Creek Black Cemetery Black Cemetery Black Cemetery Black Chapel Black Creek Stopher Ditch Black Creek Black Creek See Buck Creek Black Creek Black Creek Armuth Ditch Black Creek Ditch Goose Pond Ditch Hamilton Ditch Hamilton Ditch North Hamilton Ditch South Old Black Creek Black Creek See Back Creek Black Creek Black Creek Black Creek Black Creek Black Creek Black Creek Ditch Black Creek Ditch See Black Creek Black Ditch Black Ditch Blackfoot Church Blackfoot Nine Blackford County Blackford High School Blackhawk See Nount Auburn Blackhawk Black Hawk Black Hawk See Blackhawk Black Hawk Airport Blackhawk Beach Blackhawk Creek Stack Hawk Creek Black Hollow Blackiston Nill Blackiston Run Blackiston Village Black Kettle Lake See New-an Lake FEATURE CLASS stream stream bridge bridge reservoir dan reservoir dam lake canal lake cemetery stream canal stream stream stream stream cemetery cemetery cemetery church stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream canal stream canal canal church mine civil school pp] up! airport pol stream valley stream pal lake STATUS BEN BEN UNOFF UNOFF BEN UNOFF BEN UNOFF BEN VARIANT BEN VARIANT UNOFF BEN BEN BEN BEN BEN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BEN VARIANT BEN VARIANT BEN BEN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BEN BEN BEN BEN BEN BEN _ VARIANT BEN UNOFF UNOFF IUIIIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BEN NATIONAL EAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Dubois Jay St Joseph St Joseph Brown Brown Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Noble Noble Noble Porter Greene Knox Ripley Hayne Franklin Nhite Delaware Greene Posey Posey Allen Harrison Harrison Hendricks Knox Madison Putna- Ripley Steuben Switzerland Hells Greene Knox Henry Noble Pike Pike Blackford Blackford Shelby Vigo Vigo Hamilton Porter Spencer Orange Floyd Floyd Clark Noble COORDINATES 382612N0865544H 402359N0850802H 414025N0860635H 414022N0860635H 391915N0861031U 391915N0861031H 380502NOB73631N 380502NOB73631H 412616N0851456H 412620N0851554N 412616N0851456H 412816NOB70812H 385814NOBGSOOSU 385148NOB71201H 385427N0851409N 395559N084492W 391842NOB4544GI 405434N0863717H 401820N0851734H 394823N087OZOON 375545NOB75704N 375513N0875747H 410929N0845146N 381052N0855838N 38005500861120! 393914NOBGZO33H 384852N0871337N 402927NOBS3731H 411711NOBSOM8H 400227N0865736U 4133Z7N084543N 385548N0850743H 403953N0852453N 385910NOB70954H 384852N0871337H 395846N0851828N 412458N0852845H 381721N0871627H 381754NOB71107H 402704N0852212H 402725N0852208N 392333N0855337H 391832NOB7IOOIN 391832NOB71801H 401250NOB§1415H 413lm7022fl 381013N0964810N 384019NOBG3257H 382OOBN0854753H 381959N0854750H 381955N0854735H 413051N085193W SOURCE COORDINATES 382713N0865512H 402304N0850907N 385522N0864711H 385626N0851524H 395613N0845028H 391933N0845612H 411143N0845548l 381235N0855551H 393934N0862105H 390513N087IZOBU 411857N0851407N 400931N0865354H 413611N0845124H 385712N0851206U 403346N0852526N 381223N0865146H 384058NOEG3346H 382122N0854935N ELEV FT 964 582 NAP NAME Jasper Pennville Osceola Osceola Beanblossom Beanblossom Evansville North Evansville North Corunna Kendallville Pal-er Koleen Plainville Cross Plains Nhitewater Cedar Grove Eaton Switz City Mt Vernon Mt Vernon Hoodburn North Lanesville Bridgeport Plainville Garrett Crawfordsville Hamilton Cross Plains Narren Sandborn New Castle East Albion Oakland City Augusta Hartford City East Hartford City East Lewis Sheridan Chesterton Saint Neinrad Georgia New Albany New Albany New Albany FEATURE NAME Black Lake Black Lake Black Lake Blackman Lake Black Oak Black Oak Black Oak Elementary School Black Oak Pond Black Point Black River Montgomery Ditch Black River Church Black Rock Black Run Black Run Black Run Blacks See Rosedale Black School Blacksnake Hollow Black Water Branch Blackwell Church Blackwell Lake Blad Ditch Blaine Blane Blaine Run Blaine School Blair Airport Blair Cemetery Blair Cemetery Blair Ditch Blair Ditch Blair Ditch Blair Hollow Blairsville Blaize Cemetery Blake Cemetery Blake Cemetery Blakeman Hollow Blaker School Number 55 See Eliza A Blaker Elementary School Blakesburg Blanchard Ditch Blanche and Fuqua School See Blanche E Fuqua Elementary School Blanche Chapel Blanche E Fuqua Elementary School Blanche and Fuqua School Bland Cemetery Blane See Blaine Blanford Blankenship Cemetery Blankenship Cemetery Blau Ditch Bledsoe Branch Blessed Hope Independent Baptist Church Blessed Sacrament School Blice Point Blickenstaff Ditch Blind Horse Hollow Blinn Ditch Bliss Cemetery Bliss Extension Robbins Ditch See Robbins Ditch Blissville Church FEATURE CLASS lake lake lake lake ppl ppl school lake cape stream church ppl stream stream stream ppl school valley stream church reservoir canal ppl stream school airport cemetery cemetery canal canal canal valley ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery valley school ppl canal school church school cemetery ppl ppl cemetery cemetery canal stream church school cliff canal valley canal cemetery canal church STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Kosciusko Steuben Whitley Lagrange Daviess Lake Lake Brown Kosciusko Posey Posey Warren Parke Spencer Wayne Parke Posey Jefferson Wayne Monroe Monroe Marshall Jay Jay Delaware Lagrange Owen Ripley Adams Fulton Gibson Monroe Posey Pike Parke Porter Greene Marion Putnam White Vigo Wells Vigo Jefferson Jay Vermillion Jefferson Martin Jackson Putnam Marion Lake Washington Tippecanoe Jackson Clinton Harrison Starke Marshall COORDINATES 411922N0854GO7W 413614N0850458W 41114IN0853459W 413306N0851710W 383945N0870452W 413358N0872337W 413400N0872415W 390351N0860525W 412418N0854101W 381027N0875515W 381219N0874816W 4OZZO4N0870549W 393547N0871127W 381125N0865037N 394951N0850333H 393722N0871700W 375113N0880011W 384921N0851548W 394934N0850444W 390052N0862400W 390113N0862340W 412159N0862648W 402409N0850322W 402458N0850323W 40llOlN0852157W 414500N0851817W 391552N0864542N 390015N0851139W 404539N0845918W 410543N0861233W 382025N0874235W 390741N0864042W 380444N0874543W 382704N0872042W 394311N0870645W 413424N0871257W 390759N0864409W 395103N0860807W 394826N0864336W 405103N0865720W 392607N0872402W 403917N0851546W 392607N0872402H 385219N0852952W 402409N0850322W 393954N0873114W 384427N0853238W 385006N0864856W 384834N0855034W 394238N0864654W 394744N0861128W 413235NO872126W 382545N0861203W 401738N0864804W 385759N0861213W 401749N0863203W 380806N0861226W 412358N0863656W 412311N0862501W SOURCE COORDINATES 381427N0874143W 393643N0871115W 381116N0865201W 395035N0850209W 385007NO851640W 395147N0850208W 402405NO850326W 390725N0863942W 390818N0864326W 394452N0865035W 385926N0861041W ELEV FT 863 951 890 974 517 599 540 369 930 930 424 569 IN35 MAP NAME North Webster Ashley Lorane Wolcottville Montgomery Highland Highland Waymansville Lake Wawasee New Harmony Poseyville Westpoint Brazil West Saint Meinrad Jacksonburg Wabash Island Canaan Jacksonburg Allens Creek Allens Creek Donaldson Blaine Blaine Muncie East Burr Oak Spencer Milan Decatur Rochester Owensville Whitehall Wadesville Petersburg Mansfield Portage Whitehall Russellville Monon Liberty Center Terre Haute Clifty Falls St Bernice Kent Indian Springs Crothersville Greencastle Indianapolis West Gary Fredericksburg Stockwell Kurtz Frankfort Corydon West Walkerton IN36 FEATURE NAME Blocher Holman Holman Station Block Cemetery Block Creek Block Ditch Block Field Block Island Block Junior High School See Joseph L Black Junior High School Block Run Blood Ditch Bloods Hood Crossing Bloomer Bloomfield Bloomington Bloomfield Bloomfield See Bloomingdale Bloomfield Grass Yearbyville Bloomfield Elementary School Bloomfield Elementary School Bloomfield High School Bloomingdale Bloomfield Elevalis Elevatis Elevatus Ellevalas Java Bloomingdale Cemetery Bloomingdale Elementary School Blooming Grove Greensboro Bloomingport Bloomingsport Bloomingport Creek Bloomingsport See Bloomingport Bloomington See Bloomfield Bloomington Bloomington High School See Bloomington South High School Bloomington South High School Bloomington High School Blooms Eddy (historical) Blossom Hollow Blountsville Bloxsom Cemetery Bloxsom Ditch Blue Blue Babe Branch Blue Ball church Blue Bluff Blue Brook Bluecast Bluecast Spring Blue Creek Blue Creek Blue Creek Blue Creek Blue Creek See Klemmes Corner Blue Creek Amish School Blue Creek School Blue Creek School See Blue Creek Amish School Blue Ditch FEATURE CLASS ppl cemetery stream canal park island school stream canal ppl pp] ppl ppl W W school school school ppl cemetery school pol ppl stream ppl ppl ppl school school ppl valley pol cemetery canal ppl stream church cliff stream ppl. spring stream stream stream stream pvl school school canal STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1964 VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BEN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Scott 384305N0853924H Steuben 413626N0850823H Marion 395448N0361913H Porter 412647N0870451N Lake 413758N0872705H De Kalb 41304BN0850804H Lake 413805N0872624H Randolph 400456N0850521H Gibson 381513N0874907H Knox 383219N0873749H Madison 400502N0854605H Greene 390137N0865615H Jay 403042N0845826H Parke 395000N0871459H Spencer 380128N0870547N Greene 390130N0865645H Jay 403201N0845739H Greene 390130N0865645W Parke 395000N0871459w Parke 394859N0871506H Allen 410511N0850850W Franklin 393008N0850353H Randolph 400137N0845941H Randolph 400057NOB45801N Randolph 400137N0845941H Greene 390137N0865615H Monroe 390955N086313SN Monroe 390838N0863144H Monroe 39083BN0863144H Clark 381710N0854620H Johnson 392119N0861033H Henry 400336N0851425M Hells 403430N0851136H Hells 403603N0850857N Ohio 385530N0850017M Whitley 411020N0852802H Cass 403951N0861900H Morgan 392937N0862348H Vigo 393SOBN0871242H Allen 410915N0845210H Allen 410923N0845137H Franklin 392342N0850039H Marion 395150N0860318H Martin 383240N0864B37H Hells 404618N0844923H Franklin 392114N0850013H Adams 404029N0844915H Adams 404029N0844915H Elkhart 412709N0854153H SOURCE COORDINATES 395450N0861925H 40044BN0850342M 400130N0850047N 392042N0860958M 411439N0852947H 393612N0871230N 391553N0850312H 395315N0860256N 383146N0864319H 404434N0850438N ELEV FT 680 404 871 605 873 441 650 1016 1190 745 390 1096 870 745 NAP NAME Blocher Stroh Zionville Valparaiso Whiting Stroh Carlos Keensburg St Francisville Lapel Bloomfield Geneva Chrisney Bloomfield Geneva Bloomfield Rockville Montezuma Fort Wayne Nest Everton Lynn Lynn Bloomington Bloomington New Albany Beanblossom Modoc Petroleum Petroleum Bear Branch Columbia City Anoka Martinsville Brazil Nest Noodburn North Hoodburn North Brookville Indianapolis East Rusk Hren Hillshire Lake Hawasee FEATURE NAME Blue Ditch Bluegill Pond Bluegrass See Marshtown Blue Grass Cemetery Blue Grass Church Bluegrass Creek Blue Grass Creek Blue Grass Creek See Bluegrass Creek Blue Hole Blue Hole Blue Hole Pond Blue Lake Blue Lake Blue Lick Blue Lick Blue Lick Church Blue Lick Creek Blue Lick Creek Blue Pond (historical) Blue Pond Ditch Blue Ridge Cynthiana Cynthiann Blue Ridge (historical P.0.) Blue Ridge Cemetery Blue River See Indian Creek Blue River See Big Blue River Blue River Big Blue River Great Blue River Blue River Carter Creek Blue River Blue River Chapel Blue River Chapel Blue River Church Blue River Church Blue River Church Blue River Church Blue River Church Blue River Church Blue River Church Blue River Church Blue River Church Blue River Church Blue River German Church Blue River Mound Blue Sea Community Building Blue Spring Hollow Blue Water, Lake Blue Wells Hollow Blue Woods Creek Bluff Avenue School Bluff Creek Bluff Creek Bluffcreek See Bluff Creek Bluff Creek Bluffcreek Bluff Point Bluffs Bluffs, The Bluffs. The Bluffton Bluhm Ditch Blunk Cemetery Blunk Point FEATURE CLASS canal lake ppl cemetery church stream stream lake lake lake lake lake stream ppl church stream stream lake canal ppl locale cemetery stream stream stream stream ppl church church church church church church church church church church church church church summit building valley lake valley stream school stream stream Dual 991 Pal ppl cliff cliff ppl canal cemetery cliff STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Fulton Crawford Fulton Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Warrick Warrick Vigo Vigo Daviess Marion Whitley Franklin Clark Clark Clark Dearborn Posey Posey Shelby Shelby Benton Clark Shelby Washington Whitley Washington Harrison Shelby Harrison Rush Rush Shelby Washington Washington Washington Washington Whitley Whitley Whitley Washington Pulaski Harrison Blackford Perry Hamilton Marion Marion Morgan Johnson Johnson Jay Morgan Knox Morgan Wells Adams Crawford Harrison COORDINATES 410930N0860548W 382222N0862522W 405656N0862019W 380618N0872957W 380519N0872958W 375600N0872914W 375600N0872914W 392057N0873111W 392223N0871642W 383936N0871400H 394448N086123ZW 411422N0852144W 393048N0845754W 383030N0854BI7W 383043N0854829W 383003N0854529W 391013N0845055W 375426NOB74643H 375459N0874808W 393109N0853808W 392948N0854157W 404136N0873003W 380700N0861622W 392048N0855934W 381055N0861944W 410704N0852932W 38314BN0855622W 381340N0861520W 393639N0854215W 382144N086I407W 393706N0853649W 394226N0852744W 392532N0855333W 382502N0870803W 383751N0860333W 374845N0861030H 380052N0860701W 411509N0852309W 411226N0852538W 411553N0852601W 383704N0860351W 410925N0865006H 380634N0861537H 403332N0851545H 375414N0864215H 395624N0860416H 394226N0861012W 394238N0861936W 393340N0861553W 393327N0861315W 393327N0861315W 402045N0845838H 393408N0861504W 383036N0871726W 393422N0861505W 404419N0851018W 404707N0845805H 381838N0864014W 380821N0855507W SOURCE COORDINATES 381031N0872840W 393108N0845852W 383016N0854825W 391104N0845035W 382608N0882644W 411854N0852045W 380508N0861220W 3755375503N0864 395700N0860654W 394243N0862017W 393330N0861234W ELEV FT 850 530 911 810 790 700 793 1001 686 793 828 IN37 MAP NAME Mentone English Daylight Daylight Daylight Hutton Lewis Washington Maywood Churubusco New Fairfield Henryville Henryville Henryville Hooven Caborn Caborn Rays Crossing Waldron Darrow Leavenworth Laud South Boston Leavenworth Rays Crossing Depauw Manilla Mays Marietta Salem Kossuth Salem Salem Merriam Columbia City Merriam Salem North Judson New Amsterdam Montpelier Cannelton Fishers Haywood Bridgeport Mooresville East Bargersville Deerfield Mooresville East Monroe City Mooresville East Bluffton Decatur Birdseye Lanesville IN38 FEATURE NAME Blythe Chapel Board Park Boat Lake Bobay Ditch Bobb Branch Bob Creek Bobilya Park Bob Pate Hollow See Pate Hollow Bobs Creek Laughery Creek Bobtown Bock Arm Bockhorst Ridge Bockoven Ditch Antiville Drain Bodin Airport Bodley Branch Bodona, Lake Boehmer Church Boehne Hospital Boesche Ditch Bogan Cemetery Bogard Bottoms Bogard Cemetery Bogard Church Bogard Creek Bogard Creek Bogart Cemetery Boger Ditch Boggs Creek 50995 Creek Cemetery Boggs Creek Reservoir See Nest 80995 Lake Boggs Ditch Boggstown Boggstown Cemetery Bogle Corner Bogus Ditch See Passmore Ditch Bogus Ditch See Bogus Run Bogus Hollow Bogus Island Ditch Bogus Run Bogus Ditch Bohley Cemetery Bohn Ditch Bohnke Ditch Bohnke Flauch Drain Boiling Creek See Baldy Creek Bolen Ditch Boles Cemetery Bolin Cemetery Bolin Hollow Bolivar Bolley Ditch T E Bolley Ditch Boll Hill Church Bollinger Ditch Bon Air Elementary and Middle School Bon Air School Bon Air Park Bon Air School See Bon Air Elementary and Middle School Bond Cemetery Bonds Bonds Chapel FEATURE CLASS church ppl lake canal stream stream park valley stream ppl canal ridge canal airport stream reservoir church hospital canal cemetery bend cemetery church stream stream cemetery canal stream cemetery reservoir canal ppl cemetery pp] canal stream valley canal stream cemetery canal canal canal S t ream canal cemetery cemetery valley ppl canal church canal school park school cemetery ppl church STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Gibson Putnam Greene Allen Dearborn Rush Allen Monroe Ripley Jackson La Porte Dearborn Jay Porter Fountain Morgan Hells Vanderburgh Harrick Clinton Greene Greene Crawford Crawford Greene Vermillion Allen Martin Martin Martin Kosciusko Shelby Shelby Clay Pulaski Starke Ohio Newton Starke Greene Cass Allen Allen Harrison Starke Johnson Perry Perry Wabash Wabash Carroll Kosciusko Howard Howard Howard Miami Orange Orange COORDINATES 381411N0873909U 393534N0864012H 390745N0871009H 411017N0851228H 385835N0850347N 393IZ9N0853123N 405627N0845358H 390544N0862705N 391535N0851432N 390110N0855646H 414454N0864826H 390824N0845512N 402956N0845845H 413801N0870137H 401450N0871653H 393620N0862610N 4D4128N0852005H 375917N0873846N 375507N0872714H 401126N0862017H 385718N0865842H 385644N0870018N 381820N0862327U 381654N0862750H 385641N0865725H 394620N0872725N 411450N0845633N 384004N0865232H 384745N0865025H 384313N0865514N 411223N0855511N 393347N0855459H 393420N0855512H 391039N0871105N 410935N0863953N 411614N0864900H 385748N0845139H 410415N08727I7H 411614N0864900H 390941N0870651H 404017N0861707H 405757N0845319W 405742N0845509H 382245N0861423N 411628N0863427N 393107N0860911H 375518N0864219H 380050N0863917H 405751N0854715H 405831N0855736H 402304N0862842H 412947M0854248H 403050N0860729N 403041N0860726N 403050N0860729H 403821N0855559H 384052N0863746N 384023N0863716N SOURCE COORDINATES 390108N0850400N 393502N0852933N 391624N0850935N 401404N0871557H 382033N0862146N 385647N0865148W 385212N0865022N 385846N0845258H 410745N0863945H 380122N0864036N ELEV FT 772 575 675 838 756 608 793 750 MAP NAME Cynthiana Eminence Jasonville Huntertown Bear Branch Manilla Hoagland Batesville Jonesville Michigan City East Guilford Portland Dune Acres Stone Bluff Mooresville West Liberty Center West Franklin Daylight Kirklin Scotland Lyons English English Scotland Dana Grabill Loogootee Indian Springs Burket Boggstown Boggstown Jasonville Rising Sun Enos English Lake Switz City Anoka Hoagland Hoagland Knox East Bargersville Cannelton Gatchel North Manchester S Roann Burlington Lake Hawasee Miami Miami Peoria Huron Georgia FEATURE NAME Bone Bank Bonebrake Celetery Bone Creek Boner Lake Bone Run Bonhal Ditch Bonjour Ditch Bonnell Kennedy Donnell Nulber Two Ditch Bonneyville Ce-etery Bonneyville Nills Bono Bono Bono Celetery Bontrager Ceeetery Bontrager Ceaetery Bontrager Cenetery Bontrager Celetery Bontrager Ditch Erb Ditch Bontrager Ditch See Little Elkhart River Bon Hell Hill Boocher Ce-etery Booco Celetery Booker Celetery Book Run Boone Cave Boone Celetery Boone Celetery Boone Celetery Boone County Boone County Airport Boone Creek Boone Creek Boone Grove Boone Grove Elelentary School Boone Grove Junior-Senior High School Boone Hollow Boone-Hutcheson Cemetery Boones Landing (historical) Boonesville Church Booneville See Boonville Boonsboro See Boonville Boonsville See Boonville Boonville Bonneville Boonsboro Boonsville Boonville Airport Boonville High School Boonville Junior High School Booth Lake Booth—Setser School Booth Tarkington Elelentary School Booth Tarkington School lunber 92 Booth Tarkington Ele-entary School Tarkington School Booth Tarkington School Nulber 92 See Booth Tarkington Eleaentary School Boot Lake FEATURE CLASS levee celetery strea- lake strea- canal canal ppl canal celetery ppl ppl ppl celetery celetery celetery celetery celetery canal strea- sun-it celetery celetery celetery streal cave cenetery celetery celetery civil airport strea- strea- ppl school school valley celetery locale church ppl ppl pal ppl airport school school lake school school school school lake STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF unorr AuNIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT AMN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INOIANA 1988 COUNTY Posey Fountain Pike Kosciusko Henry Newton Allen Dearborn Pulaski Elkhart Elkhart Laurence Verlillion Verlillion Lagrange Lagrange Lagrange Lagrange Lagrange Lagrange Franklin Ripley Madison Sullivan Gibson Owen Lawrence Putnam Sullivan Boone Boone Boone Perry Porter Porter Porter Nartin Putna- Harrison Hhitley Narrick Harrick Harrick Harrick Harrick Harrick Harrick Steuben Barthololew Marion St Joseph Marion Elkhart COORDINATES 374955N0880126H 400500N0871433H 382454N0870644H 412547N0854320H 395529N0852806H 404631N0872959H 410319N0845815H 391006N0845827H 405526N0863557N 414255N0854524N 414305N0854555H 384353N0861916H 394537N0872938H 394058NOB73001H 41373ON085373OH 414033N0853752H 414435N0852119H 414500N0852117N 413713N0853410H 414329N0854854H 392624N0845923H 391328N0851947H 400303N0853918H 390042NOB71919H 381628N0873925N 391224N0864434H 385254N0864002H 393309N0865913H 390029NO872449N 4OOZS4N0862809H 400026N0862626H 39S754N0861518H 380651N0862937H 412117N0870746H 412119N0870745U 412119NOB70745H 385253N0864011H 393513N0865550H 380057N0860836H 410823N0854031H 380257N0871627H 380257N0871627H 380257N0871627N 380257N0871627H 380233N0871904H 380309NOB71640H 380306N0871617H 413813N085013OH 391204N0855826H 395002N0860325H 414206NOO61201N 395002N0860325H 414456N0860023H SOURCE COORDINATES 382245N0870717H 395538N0852843H 381633N0874057H 395828N0861352H 380838N0862803N 385345N0864219H ELEV FT 859 632 795 662 632 970 959 720 430 380 1063 775 IN39 NAP NANE Habash Island Hillsboro Otwell Lake Hawasee New Castle Hest Kentland Naples Guilford Star City Bristol Bristol Ca-pbellsburg Dana Scotland Niddlebury Niddlebury Hongo Burr Oak Topeka Hhitconb Osgood Anderson South Dugger Owensville Hhitehall Owensburg Reelsville Sullivan Lebanon Lebanon Zionsville Alton Hebron Hebron Hebron Owensburg Reelsville Hauckport Pierceton Boonville Boonville Boonville Boonville Angola Nest Columbus Indianapolis East South Bend East Osceola IN40 FEATURE NAME Boot Run Boot Run Boots Creek Boots Ditch Boots Ditch Boots Junior High School See Martin Boots Elementary School Borden New Providence Border Ditch Borkholder School Borntraeger Airstrip Boro Brook Borris Cemetery Bortsfield Cemetery Borum Run Bosler Ridge Bosma Ditch Bosman Ditch Baileys Ditch Bosse Field Bosse High School Bosse High School See Benjamin Bosse High School Bosserman Creek Bossung Ditch Bost Cemetery Bostetter Cemetery Boston See Eckerty Boston See New Boston Boston See South Boston Boston Boston Cemetery Boston Corner Boston Creek Boston Creek Boston Junior High School See Paul F Boston Junior High School Boston Store See Elmdale Bost Run Boswell Boswell Cemetery Boswell Elementary School Bottern Ditch Bottoff Cemetery Bottoms Brothers Airport Bougher Lake See Baugher Lake Boughey Ditch Boulder Run Boundary City Boundry Boundary Hill Boundary Line Church Boundary Mound Bound Cemetery Boundry See Boundary City Bourbon Bourne Williams Ditch Bours Points Bousley Ditch See Thompson Ditch Bouslog Branch FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream canal canal school ppl canal school airport stream cemetery cemetery stream ridge canal canal building school school stream canal cemetery cemetery ppl ppl ppl ppl cemetery ppl stream stream school ppl stream ppl cemetery school canal cemetery airport reservoir canal stream ppl summit church summit cemetery ppl ppl canal cliff canal stream STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INOIANA 1988 COUNTY Delaware Jay Grant Hancock Starke Grant Clark Marshall Marshall Jasper Wayne Jay Delaware Adams Lawrence JaSper Delaware Vanderburgh Posey Vanderburgh La Porte White Jay Carroll Crawford Harrison Washington Wayne Harrison Allen Sullivan Wayne La Porte Montgomery Jay Benton Benton Benton Allen Clark Hamilton Putnam Noble Henry Jay Franklin Wabash Washington Parke Jay Marshall Jay Harrison Pulaski Pulaski COORDINATES 402116N0852504W 402326N0850827W 403341N0353943W 394737N0854523W 412112N0863040W 403330N0854000W 382800N0855645W 412104N0860815W 412746N0860442W 405300N0870900W 395344N0845006W 403411N0845738W 401109N0851628W 404903N0845422W 384226N0863610W 410919N0871330W 402014N0851651W 375933N0873345W 375749N0873224W 375750N0873223W 414131N0864856W 404512N0865338W 402151N0850141W 403846N0863801W 3819I3N0863643W 375959N0860039W 383458N0855845W 394428N0845107W 382328N0861133W 405654N0845401W 391317N0871613W 394509N0845507W 413625N0864320W 400812N0870103W 402147N0850159W 403116N0872242W 403112N0872212W 403100N0872312W 410912N0845646W 382515N0854104W 381705N0872255W 411853N0853631W 412543N0852156W 395243N0852051W 402040N0845519W 392636N0850208W 404145N0854304W 380315N0860723W 393811N0872119W 402040N0845519W 411744N0860659W 403239N0850531W 380926N0855442W 410525N0864410W 410531N0864119W SOURCE COORDINATES 402200N0852408W 402230N0850850W 403231N0854138W 395446N0845052W 404712N0845733W 414050N0864703W 391343N0871435W 394429N0845107W 402030N0850151W 395303N0852216W 410604N0863959W ELEV FT 560 1136 805 760 545 1006 1000 784 850 MAP NAME Wheeling Pennville Marion Greenfield Knox East Borden Inwood Nappanee West Rensselaer Whitewater Geneva Muncie East Decatur Georgia Demotte Eaton Evansville South Evansville South Michigan City East Monon Ridgeville Yeoman Fairhaven Fredericksburg Hoagland Hymera Richmond Ridgeville Boswell Fowler Boswell Grabill Charlestown Elberfeld Kendallville New Castle East Deerfield Brookville La Fontaine Salem Mecca Bourbon Domestic Lanesville Ripley FEATURE NAME Bouslog Ditch See Thompson Ditch Bovard Cemetery Bovine See Wheeling Bowen Ditch Bowen Ditch Bowen Hollow Bowen Lake Bowen Lake Bowen Lake Dam Bowen Run Bower Cemetery Bower Creek See Bowers Creek Bower Ditch Bower Ditch Bower Lake Bowers Clousers Mills Bowers Branch See Bowers Creek Bowers Cemetery Bowers Cemetery Bowers Creek Bower Creek Bowers Branch Lye Creek Mclaughlin Ditch Potato Creek Bowers Knob Bowerstown Bowery Cemetery Bowery Creek Bowlen Branch Bowles Lake Bowles Lake Dam Bowlin Airport Bowlinggreen See Bowling Green Bowling Green Bowlinggreen Bowman Bowman Acres Bowman Cemetery Bowman Cemetery Bowman Cemetery Bowman Cemetery Bowman Cemetery Bowman Creek Bowman Ditch Bowman Lake Bow Run Bowsher Ford Bridge Bowton Ditch Bowyer Cemetery Box Ditch Box Ditch Boxley Boxleytown Boxleytown See Boxley Boyd Boyd Branch Boyds Branch Boyd Brook Boyd Cemetery Boyd Ditch Boyd Ditch Boyd Hill Boyd Lake FEATURE CLASS canal cemetery ppl canal canal valley lake reservoir dam stream cemetery stream canal canal lake ppl stream cemetery cemetery stream summit ppl cemetery stream stream reservoir dam airport ppl 91:1 991 ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery stream canal lake stream bridge canal cemetery canal canal ppl ppl ppl stream stream cemetery canal canal summit reservoir STATUS VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1962 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BEN UNOFF BEN BGN BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Pulaski Switzerland Gibson Randolph Tippecanoe Monroe Putnam Washington Scott Washington Jackson Tippecanoe Fulton Newton Steuben Montgomery Tippecanoe Allen Montgomery Tippecanoe Washington Huntington Clark Clark Lawrence Clay Clay Huntington Parke Parke Pike Hancock Franklin Fulton Miami Pulaski St Joseph St Joseph Shelby Noble Floyd Parke Newton Cass Tippecanoe White Hamilton Hamilton Rush Ripley Rush Spencer Hancock Noble Perry Brown COORDINATES 410525N0864410W 385316N0845917W 382447N0872719W 400203N0845050W 403331N0864402W 390205N0863552W 412021N0852230W 383427N0854959W 383427N0854959W 383430N0854944W 385729N0861242W 383427N08549S9W 405958N0860616W 404732N0872139W 413557N0850322W 400925N0864329W 383427N0854959W 410712N0850119W 401147N0864435W 383427N0854959W 38304BN0855623W 405319N0852633W 382948N0854710W 382916N0854956W 385752N0862512W 393422NOB70711W 393422N0870711W 405014N0852901W 392259N0870042W 392259N0870042W 382947N0872049W 394543N0854603W 392446N0851249W 405737N0862258W 404549N0860822W 410128N0865001W 413926N0861402W 413954N08614IOW 393702N0854914W 412233N0853008W 382047N0855201W 395546N0872105W 404547N0873038W 404341N0861310W 402935NOB7003BW 405138N0865529W 400958N0861032W 400958N0861032W 394307N0853304W 385904N0850458W 394410N0853420W 375301N0871037W 394936N0854851W 412832N0852656W 375746N0864101W 39154ZN0861018W SOURCE COORDINATES 390139N0863602W 383423N0855047W 401436N0864057W 383021N0855214W 390005N0872354W 413839N0861524W 382106N0855242W 390232N0850837W 394323N0853405W ELEV FT 732 949 817 850 747 810 664 440 876 921 970 610 IN41 MAP NAME Aberdeen Spartanburg Delphi Clear Creek Ege Henryville Henryville Henryville Kurtz Akron Goodland Ashley Colfax Fort Wayne East Colfax Kirkpatrick South Boston Huntington Speed Speed Bartlettsville Brazil East Brazil East Majenica Center Point Petersburg Greenfield Metamora Grass Creek Twelve Mile North Judson SE South Bend East South Bend East Shelbyville Ligonier New Albany Kingman Sheldon Onward Otterbein Monon Sheridan Carthage Bear Branch Carthage Richland City Greenfield Albion Cannelton Beanblossom IN‘Z FEATURE NAME Boyd Lake Dam Boyds Branch See Boyd Branch Boyer Ditch Boyer Ditch Boyle Ditch Moffitt Ditch Boyle Lake Boyles Ditch Boyleston Boylestown Boylestown See Boyleston Boyll Lake Dam Boys Club Camp Boy Scout Pond Bracht Ditch Bracken Claysville Brackenridge See Breckenridge Brackney Lake Bradbury Ditch Bradfield Corner Bradford Bradford Hills Church Bradford Park Bradford Hood Lake Dam Bradford Hoods State Reservation Bradley Ridge Bradshaw Cemetery Brady Creek See Dry Fork Bramble Branan Creek Branch Creek Branch Number Six Branch Run Branchville Dil Creek Brandes School Number 65 See Raymond F Brandes Elementary School Brand Hollow Brandon Cemetery Brandon Ditch Brandywine Church Brandywine Creek Brandywine Creek Pleasant Run Brandywine Elementary School Brandywine Township School Number 1 Brandywine Fork Mhiskey Run Brandywine Township School Mulber 1 See Brandywine Elementary School Brannaman Branch Branson Ditch Brant Ditch Brant Ditch Brashear Cemetery Brauns Airport Brave Creek Brave Hollow Brave Run Braxton See Braxtons Siding FEATURE CLASS dam stream canal canal canal reservoir canal pol ppl dam park lake canal PP] ppl lake canal up] ppl church park forest ridge cemetery stream Ppl stream stream canal stream ppl school valley cemetery canal church stream strea- school stream school stream canal canal canal cemetery airport stream valley stream wl STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BEN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF mun VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Brown Ripley Elkhart Hells Jasper Vigo Clinton Clinton Clinton Vigo Fayette Greene Adams Huntington Harrison Noble Jasper Parke Harrison Morgan Delaware Morgan Morgan Brown Ripley Shelby Martin Rush Grant Carroll Martin Perry Marion Brown Clinton Madison Shelby Shelby Union Hancock Crawford Hancock Lawrence Delaware Clinton Hancock Perry Spencer Marion Floyd Henry Orange COORDINATES 391542N0861018U 385904NO850458U 413624N0854546M 404104N0850834U 410559N0871122H 391854N0872424H 402119N0863145H 401711N0862341H 4017IIN0862341H 391854N0872424M 393250N0850958H 390356N0870905H 404651N0850228H 405912N0853726M 381304N0860159H 412045N0852455H 411115N0870947H 394356N0871756H 382204N0860343M 393142N0862509M 401100N085273OM 392955N0862600H 393137N0862554M 390854N0861857H 390552N0851505H 393438N0855438M 384644N0865434M 393238N0853250H 402726N0853251H 402645N0863045N 384251N0864811H 380949N0863447M 394223N086074OM 390749N0860848H 401946N0862539H 400456N0853407H 393546N0855019H 393058N0855134H 393143NOB44932M 394342N0854658H 382214N0862017H 394342N0854658M 385705N0861947H 4OISI4N0852947M 401653N08624SSH 395112N0854834M 375534N086345W 375435N0871058H 395039N0855831H 382007N0855155U 400407N0852136H 383333N0862917H SOURCE COORDINATES 393339N0853106M 402911N0853105H 384321N0864753M 390916N0860818H 394456N0854637H 393001N0845143H 382152N0862302H 385909N0861810M 395038N0855757H 382018N0855106H 400249N0852219H ELEV FT 906 790 884 656 837 585 434 400 MAP NAME Beanblossom Goshen Bluffton Parr Pimento Frankfort Michigantown Pimento Alpine Linton Preble Bippus Merriam Demotte Mecca Crandall Mooresville Nest Muncie Nest Milroy Mooresville Nest Belmont Versailles Oden Manilla Gas City Rossville Shoals Branchville Nashville Michigantown Middletown Shelbyville Shelbyville College Corner Fountaintown Milltown Norman Hheeling Michigantown Greenfield Rome Richland City Cumberland New Albany Mt Pleasant FEATURE NAME Braxtons See Braxtons Siding Braxtons Siding Braxton Braxtons Bray Ditch Bray Lake Braysville Braysville Braysville Cemetery Braytown Graig Brazil Brazil High School Brazil Junior High School Brazils Lake Brazils Lake Dam Break-O-Day Elementary School Breaks Cemetery Brebeuf Preparatory School Brebeuf School Brebeuf School See Brebeuf Preparatory School Breckenridge Brackenridge Breckenridge Ditch Breckenridge Ditch Breckenridge Park Breckinridge Cemetery Breece Ditch Breeding Ditch Breedlove Cemetery Breedlove Hollow Breeze Hill Church Breezy Point Breier Arm Breier Ditch Arm Brier Arm Brier Ditch Arm Breier Creek Breier Ditch Brier Creek Brier Ditch Breier Ditch See Breier Creek Breier Ditch Arm See Breier Arm Breiner Joint Ditch Breitfield Ditch Bremen New Bremen Bremen Elementary/Middle School Bremen Senior High School Brems Brendan Hood Brendonwood Brent Ditch Tayler Ditch Brenton Chapel Brenton Chapel Cemetery Brentwood Brentwood Elementary School Brentwood Elementary School Brent Hoods Bresee Church Brethren Run Bret Kimberlin Lake Bret Kimberlin Lake Dam Bretz See Bretzville FEATURE CLASS ppl ppl canal reservoir ppl ppl cemetery ppl pol school school reservoir dam school cemetery school school anal canal canal park cemetery canal canal cemetery valley church ppl canal stream stream canal canal canal PPI school school vol 991 pvl canal church cemetery up] school school ppl church stream reservoir dam ppl STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Orange 383333N0862917H Orange 383333N0862917N Randolph 401746N0845126w Morgan 393642N0862524H Dearborn 391717N0845211N Owen 391242N0864628H Dearborn 391706N0845210N Switzerland 384350N0850931H Clay 393125N0870730w Clay 393135N08707ZBU Clay 393138NOB70738H Floyd 381942N0855636H Floyd 381942N0855636w Johnson 393335N0860611w Ripley 400500N086573OH Marion 395438N0861237H Marion 395438N0861237H Harrison 381304N0860159H Pulaski 410309N0363131H St Joseph 413119N0863521H warrick 380249N0871653H Lawrence 385253N0862919H Miami 405943N0860742H Marshall 411755N0861809N Harrison 382146N0860928H Clark 382604N0855822N Lawrence 384450N0863919H Carroll 404131N0864511H Hancock 394557N0855534H Marion 394350N0855815H Marion 394350N0855815N Hancock 394557N0855534N Hells 404001N0850413H Jackson 384958N0855629H Marshall 412647N0860853H Marshall 412642N0860912H Marshall 412642N0860912H Starke 412021N0864151H Boone 400402N0862808H Marion 395128N0860350H Newton 411253N0871456w Pike 382730NOB71314H Allen 405933N0851332H Madison 400551N0854255H Allen 410552N0850532H Hendricks 394213N0862241H Shelby 393218N0854525H Elkhart 414015N0860051N Hayne 394802N0850507H Jackson 390124N0861712H Jackson 390124N0861712N Dubois 381758N0865223N SOURCE COORDINATES 382531N0855738N 394723N0855454H 394754N0850400H IN43 ELEV FT MAP NAME 560 Paoli Cosmos Mooresville Harrison Freedom Harrison 552 753 879 Carrollton 659 Brazil West Brazil East Brazil Nest Georgetown Edinburg Greenwood Crawfordsville Carmel 775 650 Corydon East Hinamac Stillwell Boonville Bartlettsville Macy Plymouth Depauw Borden Huron Monticello South Cumberland 660 Acton Linn Grove Tampico 854 Bremen Bremen Bremen 680 930 820 Knox Nest Lebanon Indianapolis East Demotte Winslow Ossian Anderson South Fort Hayne East Plainfield 833 790 Shelbyville Osceola Jacksonburg Elkinsville Elkinsville IN44 FEATURE NAME Bretzville Bretz Newton Newtown Bretzville Cemetery Brevoort Levee Brewer Branch Brewer Cemetery Brewer Ditch Brewer Ditch South Brewer Ditch Brewer Ditch South See Brewer Ditch Brewer Hill Brewersville Brewery Hill Brewster Ditch Breyfogel Ditch Brian Cemetery Briant See Bryant Briar Ridge Briarwood Briarwood Lake Dam Brice Brick Chapel Brick Church Cemetery Brick Creek Bricker Drain Brick House Pond Brick Memorial Park Cemetery Bridge Brook Bridge Cemetery Bridge Church Bridge Creek Bridge Creek Lost Creek Bridge Creek Bridge Creek Bridgeport Locust Point Bridgeport Bridgeport See Fredericksburg Bridgeport Baptist Church Bridgeport Nazarene Church Bridges Cemetery Bridges Cemetery Bridgeton Lockwood Mills Sodom Bridgeton Elementary and Junior High School Briedenbaugh Lake Briedenbaugh Lake Dam Brier Arm See Breier Arm Brier Cemetery Brier Creek Brier Creek See Breier Creek Brier Ditch See Breier Creek Brier Ditch Arm See Breier Arm Brierwood Hills Briggs Bright Bunkuin Brighton Lexington FEATURE CLASS ppl cemetery levee stream cemetery canal canal canal summit ppl cliff canal canal cemetery ppl ridge ppl dam pp] PD] cemetery stream stream lake cemetery stream cemetery church stream stream stream stream W W W church church cemetery cemetery vpl school reservoir dam canal cemetery stream stream stream canal ppl W W ppl STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Dubois Dubois Lake Lawrence Washington Greene Johnson Greene Greene Jennings Posey Adams Porter Morgan Jay Daviess Morgan Morgan Jay Putnam Wayne Hayne Hells Clark Randolph Nayne Lawrence Monroe Carroll Greene Hendricks Tippecanoe Harrison Marion Washington Marion Marion Martin Martin Parke Parke Dubois Dubois Hancock Warren Brown Marion Marion Hancock Allen Whitley Dearborn Lagrange COORDINATES 381758N0865223N 381736N0865127N 383122N0873859N 385709N0862732H 381017N0861645H 385807N0871114N 393155N0860534H 385807N0871114H 385444N0870209H 390504N0853642N 375920N0875903W 403503N0845254N 411835N0870724N 392829N0861646N 403200N0845750H 385316N0865503N 393303N0863024N 393306N0863018N 402505N0845347N 394242N0865209N 395413N0851056H 395429N0851057N 403510N0852553H 381717N0854259N 401330N0844821N 395319N0845325H 385326N0853901H 391455N0862522N 403518N0863836N 390122N0864827H 394347N0861923N 403256N0364331H 381034N0855423H 3943$6N0861902N 382559N0861123N 394520N0861904H 394355N0861905H 384911N0864626H 385233N0864332N 393842N0871039N 393836N0871045U 382306N0365248W 382306N0865248N 394557N0855534N 402138N0871949N 391554N0361932H 394350N0855815H 394350N0855815H 394557N0855534H 410319N0851403H 410508N0852813N 391306N0845122N 414320N0851840H SOURCE COORDINATES 385627N0862359H 395515N0851231N 403434N0852601N 395326N0845237H 403249N0863620H 390156N0864419N 394400N0862026N 403218N0864037N 391829N0861945H ELEV FT 564 560 700 790 922 824 450 760 560 800 843 931 942 MAP NAME St Anthony St Anthony St Francisville Bartlettsville Salem Sandborn Greenwood Lyons Butlerville Mt Vernon Geneva Kouts Cope Scotland Hall Hall Portland Greencastle Hagerstown Hagerstown Roll Jeffersonville Union City Fountain City Owensburg Unionville Delphi Solsberry Bridgeport Delphi Lanesville Bridgeport Clermont Bridgeport Indian Springs Owensburg Catlin Catlin Jasper Jasper Hilliamsport Morgantown Fort Hayne Nest Laud Hooven Mongo FEATURE NAME Brighton Elementary School Bright Run Brights Station Brightwood (historical) Briley Chapel Brimfield Brimstone Corners Brinckley See Shedville Brindle Ditch Brinegar Cemetery Bringhurst Plank U Know Brinkmeyer Ditch Brinnemans Headacres Airport Brisco Brisco Cemetery Bristleridge Cemetery Bristol Bristol Elementary School Bristol Lake See Rivir Lake Bristol Lake Bristow Britton‘Branch Britton Cemetery Britton Hill Broad Creek Broadie Lake Broadies Lake Brodie Lake Broadies Lake See Broadie Lake Broadmoor Broad Park Broad Pond Broad Ripple (subdivision) Broad Ripple Broad Ripple See Wellington Broad Ripple Baptist Church Broad Ripple Bridge Broad Ripple Camp Broad Ripple High School Broad Ripple Nazarene Church Broad Ripple Park Broad Ripple United Methodist Church Broad Run Broadview Broadway Baptist Church Broadway Cemetery Broadway Center Broadway Church Broadway Interchange Broadway United Methodist Church Broch Creek See Brock Creek Brochhausen School Number 88 See Anna Brochhausen Elementary School Brock Cemetery Brock Creek Broch Creek Brock Ditch Brock Ditch Brockman Cemetery Brock Ridge FEATURE CLASS school stream ppl pol church WI 991 ppl canal cemetery ppl canal airport ppl cemetery cemetery ppl school lake lake ppl stream cemetery summit stream lake lake ppl ppl swamp ppl ppl ppl church bridge park school church park church stream 091 church cemetery ppl church crossing church stream school cemetery stream canal canal cemetery ridge STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INOIANA 1988 COUNTY Lagrange Clark Jefferson Marion Clay Noble Hashington Randolph Allen Lawrence Carroll Narrick Hells Harren Narren Parke Elkhart Elkhart Noble Putnam Perry Hamilton Greene Harrison Tipton Knox Knox Marion Putnam Gibson Marion Marion Marion Marion Cass Shelby Marion Marion Marion Marion Switzerland Monroe Marion Putnam Lake Putnam Lake Marion Washington Marion Martin Hashington Boone Marshall Shelby Floyd COORDINATES 414317N0851826N 383127N0854457N 384933N0852705H 394813N0870635H 391554N0871238H 412715N0852353H 3B4414N0861552M 401556N0850744H 405732N0851255M 385724N08633Z7N 40313IN0863130H 375455N0872613H 403810NO851356H 402440N0872130M 402451N0872101H 395419N0571529H 414317N0854903H 414302N0854930H 411956N0852435U 411822N0852628N 380824N0864318H 395841N0860031H 394215N0870241H 382329N0861429H 402148N0860738H 385026N0873022H 385026NOB73022N 395055N0861251N 393509N0864010H 382057N0874612H 395200N0860830H 395200N0860750H 395218N0860837N 395235N0860837W 404604N0861724H 393558N0855524H 395206N0860815H 395105N0860735H 395220N0860748H 395206N0860833N 384659N0850228H 390823N0863218H 394937N0860204H 412105N0853550H 412825N0872014H 412119N0853545H 413404N0872012U 394830N0860847H 380643N0861725H 394717N0860407N 385124N0864722H 380643N0861725N 395950N0862235H 412128N0860643H 392449N0855629H 38133ZN0855457H SOURCE COORDINATES 383148N0854528N 395916N0855854H 401829N0861135N 384812N0850418H 383906N0860238H ELEV FT 951 721 855 676 772 904 416 863 775 772 725 747 735 695 670 590 IN45 MAP NAME Nongo Otisco Clifty Falls Indianapolis East Saline City Albion Campbellsburg Ossian Oolitic Flora Daylight Bluffton Pine Village Pine Village Kingman Bristol Bristol Merriam Bristow Fishers Switz City Fredericksburg Kempton Russellville Indianapolis Nest Eminence Keensburg Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis Nest Carmel Logansport Boggstown Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis Nest Vevay North Bloomington Indianapolis East Ormas Crown Point Ormas Gary Indianapolis West Indian Springs Salem Fayette Bourbon Marietta Lanesville IN46 FEATURE NAME Brockville See Fremont Brockway Cemetery Brodie Cemetery Brodie Lake See Broadie Lake Brokesha Lake Bromer Bronnenberg Cemetery Bronnenberg Ditch Bronson See Losantville Bronson Cave Brook See Corn Brook Brook Brook Cemetery Brook Creek Brook Ditch Brook Elementary School Brookfield Brookville Brookhaven Addition Lake Brookhaven Addition Lake Dam Brookhaven Brook Haven Brook Haven See Brookhaven Brook Hollow Brooklyn Brooklyn See Milan Brooklyn Cemetery Brooklyn Elementary School Brooklyn Heights Brooklyn Rest Park Brookmoor Brook Park Elementary School Brooks Brooks Bridge Brooksburg Brooks Cemetery Brooks Creek Brookside Cemetery Brookside Cemetery Brookside Church See Brookside Methodist Church Brookside Creek Brookside Elementary School Brookside School Number 54 Brookside Estates Brookside Methodist Church Brookside Church Brook Side Park Brookside Park Brookside School Number 54 See Brookside Elementary School Brookston Brookstown Brookstown See Brookston Brooksville See Brookville Brookville Brooksville Brookville See Brookfield Brookville Elementary School FEATURE CLASS ppl cemetery cemetery lake lake ppl cemetery canal ppl cave ppl DD] cemetery stream canal school ppl reservoir dam ppl ppl valley ppl ppl cemetery school ppl cemetery ppl school 991 bridge ppl cemetery stream cemetery cemetery church stream school ppl church park park school ppl ppl 991 ppl ppl school STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INOIANA 1988 COUNTY Steuben Parke Sullivan Knox Lagrange Orange Madison Madison Randolph Lawrence Bartholomew Newton Martin Huntington Hamilton Newton Shelby Grant Grant Grant Grant Jefferson Morgan Ripley Morgan Morgan Marion Morgan Morgan Marion Hamilton Martin Jefferson Hamilton Jay Madison Tipton Marion Marion Marion Allen Marion Jasper Marion Marion White White Franklin Franklin Shelby Franklin COORDINATES 414351N0845558N 395551N0872123H 390427N0872204H 385026N0873022H 414420N0853919H 383537N0862009N 400703N0853636H 400533N0853617N 400127N0851058N 384333N0582954H 391440N0855621N 405159N0872149H 383859N0865340N 404422NOBS3032N 395929N0860400H 405207N0872157N 393316N0855634N 403118N0853712H 403118N0853712N 403111N0853657H 403111N0853657W 384429N0851608H 393221N0862209N 390716N0850753N 393211N0862140H 393234N0862206N 394913N0861233N 393330N0862220N 393403N0862229N 395058N0860255W 395618N0855509H 383651N0865056H 384411N0851437H 395633N0855508H 402856N0850857W 400338N0855108N 402210N0855753W 394657N0860625N 394731N0860604H 394655N0860642H 410848N0850445N 394657N0860625H 405616N0870948H 394725N0860626H 394655N0860642H 403610N0865202H 403610N0865202H 392523N0850046N 392523N0850046H 393816N0855634H 392535N0850040H SOURCE COORDINATES 404353N0852534N 384501N0851601H 402019N0350104H 394807N0860407H ELEV FT 750 645 775 813 857 646 735 680 470 795 674 671 MAP NAME Kingman Dugger Middlebury Livonia Middletown Middletown Mitchell Goodland Loogootee Mt Etna Fishers Goodland Acton Van Buren Van Buren Van Buren Madison East Mooresville East Mooresville East Mooresville East Indianapolis West Mooresville East Mooresville East Indianapolis East McCordsville Rusk Carrollton McCordsville Pennville Lapel Windfall Indianapolis East Indianapolis East Cedarville Indianapolis East Rensselaer Indianapolis East Brookston Brookville Brookville FEATURE NAME Brookville Heights Brookville High School Brookville Junior High School Brookville Lake Brookville Reservoir Brookville Lake Dam Brookville Reservoir See Brookville Lake Broom Hill Broomsage Lake Broomsage Ranch Airport Broomsage Ranch Lake Dam Broshears Cemetery Broughton Lake Broughton Lake Dam Brouilets Creek See Brouilletts Creek Brouilletts Creek Brouletts Creek Brouilets Creek Browns Creek Bruellet Creek Bruellets Creek Bruelletts Creek Bruilletts Creek Brullet Creek Brouletts Creek See Brouilletts Creek Broudy Lake Drover Ditch Brown Arm Brown Branch Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Ceaetery Brown Cemetery Brown Chapel Cemetery Brown County Brown County Church Brown County High School Brown County State Park Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch See Brown Levee Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ditch Hilson Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Elementary School Brown Hill Brown Hollow Brown Hollow FEATURE CLASS phi school school reservoir dam reservoir ppl lake airport dam cemetery reservoir dam stream stream stream lake canal canal stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery civil church school park canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal school summit valley valley STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF BEN 1971 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BEN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1943 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ANT 5 EEEEE gee; EEEEE eazgag “3 NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INOIANA 1988 COUNTY Hancock Franklin Franklin Union Franklin Union Clark Jennings Jennings Jennings Harrick Ripley Ripley Vigo Vigo Vigo La Porte Niami Starke Franklin Adams Allen Boone Carroll Crawford Elkhart Fountain Harrison Howard Jackson Jasper Owen Vermillion Vigo Harrick Hendricks Huntington Knox Lake Lake Porter Putnam Tippecanoe Harren Hhite Hhitley Monroe COORDINATES 394328N0855424H 392601N0845955H 392601N0845955H 392625N0845959N 392625N0845959H 392625N0845959N 382656N0855239H 385518N0853219H 385500N0853100H 385518N0853219H 375931N0871325H 391242N0851130H 391242N085113ON 393615N0872307H 393615NOB7Z307H 393615N087Z307H 414043N0864832H 405031N0861015H 411414N0863252H 392241N085124OH 403610N0850229H 405634N0845248N 395707N0864123H 404013N0863332H 382111N0863144H 413100N0854156H 401228N0871800H 375938N0860159H 403302N0862130H 384840N0861523H 405932N0870139H 391017N0864341N 39583ON0873142H 391901N087ZO49H 375956N0871228H 391226N0861504H 391821N0860821H 391215N0861438H 390649N0861553H 405647N0845258H 403646N0862147N 405009N08624ZEH 403641N0854603H 394302N0854614H 394843N086204OH 405837N0853236H 381928N0873727H 411532N0871341H 411329N0872057H 414348N0864656H 411915N0852602H 403252N0865351H 403IO5N0871252N 405351N0865501H 411108N0853327H 391921N0862833H 391225N0861013H 390506N0861410H 390357N0861659H SOURCE COORDINATES 394624NOB74812H 392201N0851134H 390405N0851316H 390556N0861657H ELEV FT 825 748 514 812 870 IN47 NAP NAME Acton Hhitcomb Hhitcomb Hhitcomb Hhitcomb Borden Vernon Vernon Vernon Richland City Pierceville Pierceville New Goshen Michigan City East Twelve Mile Bass Lake Netamora Domestic Hoagland New Ross Burrows Taswell Nillersburg Stone Bluff Rock Haven Young America Tunnelton NcCoysburg Hhitehall Humrick Levis Richland City Belmont Beanblossom Nashville Elkinsville Hoagland Young America Lucerne Sweetser Fountaintoun Clermont Bippus Princeton Shelby Michigan City East Merriam Brookston SH Templeton Francesville Lorane Modesto Nashville Story Elkinsville IN48 FEATURE NAME Brown Hollow Browning Hill Browning School Number 73 Brown Island Brown Jug Corner Brown Lake Brown Lake Brown Lake Brown Landing Brown Levee Ditch Brown Ditch Brown Ridge Brown Run Brown Run Brown Run Brownsburg Brownsburgh Harrisburg Harrisburgh Brownsburg Airport Brownsburgh See Brownsburg Brownsburg High School Brownsburg Intermediate School Brownsburg Junior High School Brownsburg South Elementary School Browns Chapel Brown School Brown School Number 20 See Otis E Brown Elementary School Brown School Number 6 See Otis E Brown Elementary School Brown School Number 6 Browns Corner Toledo Browns Corner Church Browns Creek See Brouilletts Creek Browns Crossing Browns Point Brownstown Mount Prospect Brownstown Brownstown Creek Browns Valley Brownsville Brownsville See Browns Valley Brownsville Browns Wonder Church Browns Wonder Creek See Ross Ditch Browns Wonder Creek Heath Ditch Browntown Brown Wolf Ditch Broxon Cemetery Bruce Cemetery Bruce Ditch Bruce Lake Bruces Lake Bruce Lake See Bruce Lake Station Bruce Lake Cemetery Bruce Lake Ditch See Bruce Lake Outlet Bruce Lake Outlet Bruce Lake Ditch FEATURE CLASS valley summit school island pp] lake reservoir reservoir locale canal ridge stream stream stream ppl airport ppl school school school school church school school school school 991 church stream ppl cape pp] ppl stream ppl ppl ppl church canal stream ppl canal cemetery cemetery canal lake ppl cemetery canal canal STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Clark 382820N0855502W Brown 390350N0861543W Marion 394837N0860551W Steuben 414511N0850346W Vigo 391717N0871532H Wabash 410046N0855429W Johnson 392103N0860701W Whitley 411715N08534OSW Harrison 375932N0860152W Lake 411532N0871341W Monroe 391010N0862440W Henry 400121N0851903W Henry 395934N0852105W Scott 383947N0855116W Hendricks 395036N0862352W Hendricks 394930N0862335W Hendricks 395036N0862352W Hendricks 394947N0862317W Hendricks 395020N0862322W Hendricks 395015N0862322W Hendricks 394955N0862401W Hancock 394758N0854122W St Joseph 414200N0861540W Marion 394454N0860741W Marion 394454N0860741W Marion 394527N0860927W Huntington 404854N085244ZW Jennings 390327N0854653W Vigo 393615N0872307W Morgan 392423N0863020W Steuben 414522N0850041W Crawford 382253N0863014W Jackson 385244N0860231W Crawford 382027N0862811W Montgomery 395411N0865931W Montgomery 395411N0865931W Union 393952N0850017W Boone 400459N0862549W Hendricks 395447N0863012W Boone 40094ZN0862904W Crawford 382251N0863011W Wells 403940N0851612H Whitley 410205N0852120W Warrick 380848N0870526W Lake 411537N0872654W Pulaski 410436N0862750H ‘Fulton 410410N08624S3W Fulton 410343N0862648W Pulaski 410638N0863049W Pulaski 410638N0863049W SOURCE COORDINATES 382948N0855329W 400021N0851913W 395932N0852028H 383914N0855152W 382338N0863007W 400226N0862246W ELEV FT 930 592 918 884 874 817 597 637 627 810 790 637 MAP NAME Borden Elkinsville Indianapolis East Kinderhook Lewis Silver Lake Nineveh Ormas Rock Haven Hebron Unionville Mt Pleasant New Castle East Scottsburg Brownsburg Brownsburg Brownsburg Brownsburg Brownsburg Brownsburg Cleveland South Bend West Indianapolis West Majenica Azalia Paragon Kinderhook Greenbrier Brownstown English New Market Brownsville Lebanon Mechanicsburg Greenbrier Liberty Center Arcola Holland Lowell Kewanna Kewanna Winamac FEATURE NAME Bruce Lake Station Bruce Lake Bruces Lake See Bruce Lake Bruceville Bruellet Creek See Brouilletts Creek Bruellets Creek See Brouilletts Creek Bruelletts Creek See Brouilletts Creek Bruens Crossroads See Guion Bruilletts Creek See Brouilletts Creek Bruin Cemetery Bruins See Guion Bruins Crossroads See Guion Brullet Creek See Brouilletts Creek Brumbaugh Cemetery Brumm Ditch Brummett Creek Brummett Creek Church Brummitt Acres Brummitt Elementary School Bruner Cemetery Bruner Creek Bruner Ditch Davidson Ditch Brunerstown Clinton Falls Brunk Ditch Brunner Cemetery Brunner Hill Brunot Cemetery Brunswick Brunswick Brunswick Cemetery Brunswick Elementary School Brush Creek Bush Creek T Patram Ditch Brush Creek See Fishers Fork Brush Creek Brush Creek See Polson Creek Brush Creek See Bailey Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Fulk Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Crooked Creek Brush Creek Cemetery Brush Creek Church Brush Creek Reservoir Brush Creek State Fish and Hildlife Area Brush Fork See Brushy Fork Brush Heap Creek Brushwood Church Brushy Chapel Brushy Creek FEATURE CLASS ppl lake ppl stream stream stream ppl stream cemetery 99‘ ppl stream cemetery canal stream church 991 school cemetery stream canal ppl canal cemetery summit cemetery ppl ppl cemetery school stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery church reservoir park stream stream church church stream STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1968 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BEN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Fulton Pulaski Knox Vigo Vigo Vigo Parke Vigo Parke Parke Parke Vigo Kosciusko Benton Monroe Monroe Porter Porter Cass Spencer Jasper Putnam Howard Lawrence Harrison Parke Clay Lake Lake Lake Bartholomew Bartholomew Clinton Dubois Dubois Knox Owen Owen Ripley Vigo Boone Jennings Jennings Jennings Switzerland Harrison Jasper Lagrange Crawford COORDINATES 410410N0862453U 410436N0862750N 3B4534N0872456H 393615N0872307H 393615N0872307N 393615N0872307H 395034N0870641H 393615N0872307W 395025N0870619H 395034N0870641H 395034N0870641N 393615N0872307H 412546N0855421H 403314N0870743N 390927N0862351N 391032N0862348H 413708N0870101N 4137OON0870109N 403949N0861745N 381814N0865541N 410348N08709Z9H 393909N0865954N 402824N0855758W 384114N0863736W 382246N0860939W 393806N0871356N 391149N0870712N 412240N0873029W 412139N0873028H 413553N0872424H 390755N0855119N 390954N0855039N 400839N0863556H 382629N0864844W 382519N0864555N 383132N0871930N 392713N0864459W 391005N0865853H 390335N0853201H 392223N0870827H 401011N0863421H 390400N0853008H 390322N0853131H 390400N0852956H 384729N0851614H 381420N0860624H 410230N0870903N 413647N0851623N 381740N0862705N SOURCE COORDINATES 391418N0862303W 381206N0865628H 391233N0854738N 401351N0862823N 383340N0871849N 392720N0863911N 391248N0865607H 390733N0852313H 392546N0871148H 381512N0860245H 381909N0862513H ELEV FT 774 513 645 813 890 535 725 INAB HAP NAME Kewanna Oaktown Bellmore Nappanee East Templeton Unionville Unionville Chesterton Chesterton Anoka Huntingburg Parr Clinton Falls Greentown Huron Fredericksburg Catlin Coal City Dyer Beecher East Highland Elizabethtown Thorntown Monroe City Quincy Arney Butlerville Saline City Thorntown Butlerville Butlerville Holton Corydon East Parr Holcottville English INSO FEATURE NAME Brushy Creek See Brushy Fork Brushy Fork Brushy Fork Brushy Fork Brushy Fork Bushy Fork Brushy Fork Brush Fork Brushy Creek Brushy Fork Creek Brushy Fork Brushy Fork Church Brushy Fork Creek See Brushy Fork Brushy Hollow Brushy Prairie Brushy Run Bruster Branch Bruster Branch Cemetery Bryan See Bryant Bryan Park Bryant Briant Bryan Bryant Church Bryant Creek Bryants Creek Bryant Creek Bryants Creek Bryant Creek Bryant Creek Lake Bryant Creek Lake Dam Bryant Ditch Bryant Leininger Ditch Bryantsburg Bryants Corner See Hindustan Bryants Creek See Bryant Creek Bryants Creek See Bryant Creek Bryantsville Bryner Cemetery Bube Ditch Buchanan Buchanan See Judson Buchanan Cemetery Buchanan Corner Buchanans Springs See Judson Bucher Cemetery Bucher Ditch See Chippewanuck Creek Bucher Ditch See Clarks Landing Buck Branch Buck Cemetery Buck Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek See Little Indian Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Big Buck Cree Black Creek North Fork Buck Creek Buck Creek See Middle Fork Buck Creek FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream church stream valley pp! stream stream cemetery PPI park ppl church stream stream stream lake dam canal canal ppl PPl stream stream pol cemetery canal W W cemetery ppl pp] cemetery stream locale stream cemetery stream stream stream stream stream stream STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BEN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BEN 1950 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Switzerland 384729N0851614H Dearborn 391140N0645432H Fayette 393943N0861237H Jennings 385304N0854219H Perry 380009N0864616H Switzerland 384729N0851614H Harrick 380741N0870817H Switzerland 385216N0851207H Switzerland 384729N0851614M Perry 375953N0864431H Lagrange 413830N0851451H Grant 403551N0853255H Pike 382243N0871057H Pike 382327N0871056H Jay 403200N0845750N Monroe 390921N0863129H Jay 403200N0845750M Hayne 394739N0850131H Morgan 392223N0863350H Switzerland 384744N0845308N Mayne 394749N0850135H Monroe 391922N086284DM Monroe 391922N0862840N Lake 411747N0871831H Kosciusko 410508N0860522H Jefferson 385309N0852228N Monroe 391829N0862900M Morgan 392223N0863350H Switzerland 384744N0845308M Lawrence 384607N0863423H Jefferson 384617N0852420H Pulaski 410811N0863317H Floyd 381258N0855358H Parke 394847N0870804H Parke 394831N0870842H Clay 391133N0871212H Parke 394847N0870804H Greene 390531N0865620M Kosciusko 410647N0861222M Steuben 413335N0845442H Jackson 390051N0855837M Pulaski 405556N0863241M Clay 392736N0865851M De Kalb 412234N0844925H Floyd 382031N0855832M Greene 385949N0870725M Harrison JBOOSSNOBBIIZOM Harrison 380840N0850243H SOURCE COORDINATES 391524N0845524H 394316N0851548H 385423N0854118H 375839N0864329H 385205N0851215H 381023N087112W 380023N0864149H 403550N0853444U 382450N0871017H 391338N0862742H 385124N0845328H 394719N0850002H 390300u0860100u wmflmym 412306N0845045|i 390610N0871138H 381334N0855628H ELEV FT 941 875 879 MAP NAME Guilford Connersville Hayden Fulda Canaan Folsomville Bennington Cannelton Orland Van Buren Winslow Hinslow Bloomington Geneva Jacksonburg Modesto Florence Jacksonburg Hindustan Hindustan Leroy Akron Rexville Redford Nest Clifty Falls Bass Lake Lanesville Rockville Jasonville Bloomfield Jonesville Star City Poland Butler East Lyons Mauckport FEATURE NAHE Buck Creek See South Fork Buck Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek South Fork white Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Andersons Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Grass Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Transitville Buck Creek Chapel See Buck Creek Independent Christian Chapel Buck Creek Church Buck Creek Ditch Buck Creek Independent Christian Chapel Buck Creek Chapel Buck Creek Lodge Buck Creek Pond Buck Ditch Bucker Knob Buckeye Buckeye Church Buckeye Creek Buckeye Creek Buckey Ridge Buckhall Creek Buckhart Creek Buckheart Creek Buckheart Creek See Buckhart Creek Buckhorn Creek Buckhorn Creek Little Pigeon Creek Buck Knob Buck Knob Creek Buck Lake Buck Lake Buckles Cemetery Buckles Lake Buckles Run Buckley Branch Buckner Branch Buck Run Buck Run Buck Run Ditch Buck School Number 94 See George Buck Junior High School Buck Shoals Buckskin Buckskin Church Buckskin Pond Bucktown Bud Bud and Fisher Ditch See Budd Fisher Ditch Bud Davis Hollow Budd Fisher Ditch Bud and Fisher Ditch FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream ppl church church canal church park reservoir canal summit ppl church stream stream ridge stream stream stream stream stream summit stream lake lake cemetery reservoir stream stream stream stream stream canal school bar 991 church lake 991 ppl canal valley canal STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1965 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Harrison Henry Henry Jackson Lagrange Martin Morgan Morgan Perry Pike Shelby Sullivan Tippecanoe Tipton Vermillion Tippecanoe Marion Henry Tippecanoe Marion Harrison Jackson Shelby Brown Huntington Huntington Jay Jay Ohio Owen Johnson Johnson Knox Spencer Martin Martin Lagrange Steuben Delaware Putnam Delaware Marion Morgan Decatur Ohio Grant Marion Dubois Gibson Owen Jackson Sullivan Johnson Pulaski Monroe Pulaski COORDINATES 380715N0860444H 394824N0853103H 401027N0853004H 390256N0860312H 414230N0852903H 383441N0864416H 391501N0862948H 392647N0861754W 375522N0863511H 382236N0872320H 393655N0855608H 390232N0872350N 403001N0864854H 401615N0860302H 394735N0872436H 402916N0864541H 394306N0855829H 400333N0851708H 402921N0864135H 394306N0855829H 380715N0860519N 390150N0860612N 393706N0854844H 390734N0862017H 404128N0852114N 404522N0852117H 402331N0845740W 402224N0845529H 385448N0845500H 390904N0865430H 392555N0860152N 392555N0860152H 383129N0871925H 380626N0870409H 384403N0864950H 384421N0865042H 414148N0852955N 413832N0850237N 402242N0851404H 411936N0853506H 4OZ310N0851329N 394032N0860314N 392254N0862943N 392206N0853522H 385808N0844957H 403646N0853629N 394825N0860119H 382942N0865240H 331342N0872443H 392546N0865040H 390157N0860650H 385941N0871536H 392649N0861033H 410115NO864252H 392004N0862329H 410115N0864252H SOURCE COORDINATES 395133N0852343H 400300N0851635H 390119N0860539W 413842N0852914H 383207N0864322H 391814N0862845H 392518N0861702N 375548N0863616W 382034N0872103W 395449N0855130W 390308N0872537H 402926N0864514N 401814N0860835H 394924N0872852W 402318N0845805W 401950N0845714N 391118N086554ZN 392454N0860754H 383243N0871853U 380544N0865832W 384508N0864922H 402244N0851348H 394101N0860348H 392232N0862548N 392150N0853155H 385857N0845140H 391911N0862232H ELEV FT 663 519 870 860 730 890 435 597 827 IN51 MAP NAME Knightstown Gilman Haymansville Lagrange Hillham Hindustan Cope Rome Union Boggstown Sullivan Brookston Tipton Dana Lafayette East Mt Pleasant Pyrmont Acton Laconia Haymansville Shelbyville Belmont Liberty Center Markle Portland Deerfield Aberdeen Arney Franklin Monroe City Chrisney Shoals Shoals Lagrange Angola Nest Pennville Drmas Pennville Beech Grove Martinsville Forest Hill Rising Sun Van Buren Jasper Elberfeld Cataract Haymansville Bucktoun Trafalgar Hindustan Ripley INSZ FEATURE NAME Budd Fisher Ditch Buddha Flynns Cross Roads Budd Run Buell See Cass Buena Vista See Linn Grove Buena Vista Stipps Hill Stips Hill Buena Vista See Giro Buena Vista See Atlanta Buena Vista Buena Vista See Buenavista Buenavista Buena Vista Buena Vista Cerro Gordo Buenavista Church Buena Vista Church Buente Creek Buffalo See Geneva Buffalo Buffalo French Buffalo Buffalo Branch Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo Elementary School Buffalo Flat Buffalo Grounds See Buffaloville Buffalo Stream Buffaloville Buffalo Grounds Buffaloville Cemetery Buffington Buffington Harbor Buffington Harbor Breakwater Light Buffington Harbor Pierhead Light Buffington Harbor Range Front Light Buffington Harbor Range Rear Light Buffington Park Bufkin Bugh Ditch Bulhman Schoder Ditch Bullacktown Bullock Bullock Lock Bullard Creek Bull Cemetery Bull Creek Bull Creek Bull Creek See Franks Drain Bull Creek See West Prong Franks Drain Bull Creek See East Prong Franks Drain FEATURE CLASS canal pp! stream pol ppl ppl ppl pp! W W W ppl church church stream ppl ppl ppl ppl stream stream stream stream school flat ppl stream ppl cemetery ppl harbor locale locale locale locale park Ppl canal canal ppl stream cemetery stream stream stream stream stream STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Pulaski 405849N0864142W Lawrence 384731N0862424W Marion 395512N0860401W Sullivan 390513N0871643W Adams 403842N0850159W Franklin 392620N0851621W Gibson 383047N0872805W Hamilton 401255N0860135W Harrison 380332N0855848W Monroe 390159M0873920W Monroe 390159N0873920W Randolph 400714N0850423W Monroe 390151N0863924W Randolph 400712M0850453W Vanderburgh 380737N0873719W Adams 403531N0845726W Brown 390324N0860842W Ohio 390114N0845302W White 405257N0864443W Fountain 395718N0871150W Fountain 395734N0871147W Marion 393753N0861048W Washington 384614N0861303W White 405254N0864453W Dubois 382506N0865452W Spencer 380551N0365755W Dubois 382423N0865512W Spencer 380551N0865755W Spencer 380616N0865756W Lake 413814N0872533W Lake 413838N0872455W Lake 413846N0872438W Lake 413837N0872443W Lake 413828M0872503W Lake 413BZON0872516W Lake 413600N0872001W Posey 375916N0875045W Blackford 403158N0852107W Adams 405418N0845909W Warrick 375829N0871322W Hendricks 394910N0862112W Elkhart 413029N0855836W Clark 382719N0853230W Huntington 405425N0852404W Jay 403014N0845114W Jay 402854NOB45140W Jay 402854N0845140W SOURCE COORDINATES 395502N0860408W 3BO443N0873817W 395929N0871118W 400042N0871205W 393918N0860643W 384240N0860550W 382654N0865422W 395013N0862100W 383111N0853056W 405634N0852555W ELEV FT 705 1002 650 1122 491 672 452 585 490 384 MAP NAME Buffalo Bedford East Fishers Clarksburg Kosmosdale Stanford Carlos Stanford Carlos Haubstadt Story Aurora Buffalo Wallace Wallace Maywood Medora Buffalo Jasper Jasper Santa Claus Santa Claus Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Gary Caborn Montpelier Hoagland Richland City Clermont Foraker Owen Huntington FEATURE NAME Bull Creek See Bull Run Bull Ditch Bull Ditch See East Branch Trail Creek Bullerman Branch Bullerman Cemetery Bullerman Ditch Bullet Branch Bull Fork Bull Hollow Bull Hollow Bullivant Park Bull Lake Bullock See Bullacktown Bullock Ditch Bullock Lock See Bullacktown Bull Rapids Bull Rapids Bridge Bull Run Bull Run Bull Run See Franks Drain Bull Run Bull Creek West Creek Bulls-Eye Lake Bulls Point Bunch Ditch See East Branch Bunch Ditch Buncombe See Parkeville Bundle Ditch See Bunnell Branch Bundle Ditch See Lemon Creek Bunker Cemetery Bunker Creek Bunker Hill Bunker Hill Bunker Hill Bunker Hill Bunker Hill Bunker Hill Bunker Hill Cemetery Bunker Hill Church Bunker Hill Elementary School Bunker Hill Elementary School Bunkuin See Bright Bunnel Branch See Bunnel] Branch Bunnel Ditch See McKiIlip Ditch Bunnell Branch Bundle Ditch Bunnel Branch Lemon Creek Bunnell Cemetery Bunnel] Cemetery Buntin Cemetery Buntin Ditch Burbank Ditch Burbank Ditch See Big Monon Ditch Burcham Branch Burchard Davison Ditch Burchard Foreman Ditch Burch Cemetery FEATURE CLASS stream canal stream stream cemetery canal stream stream valley valley park reservoir ppl canal ppl rapids bridge stream stream stream stream lake cape canal ppl stream stream cemetery stream summit summit ppl 991 ppl ppl cemetery church school school 991 stream canal stream cemetery cemetery cemetery canal canal canal stream canal canal cemetery STATUS VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Lake La Porte La Porte Allen Greene Allen Putnam Rush Floyd Perry Warrick Wabash Warrick Greene Warrick Allen Allen Clark Dearborn Jay Lake Porter Perry St Joseph Parke Greene Greene Madison Marion Knox Pulaski Fayette Miami Morgan Washington Adams Washington Marion Miami Dearborn Greene White Greene Clinton White Clinton Boone Starke White Greene Howard Blackford Greene COORDINATES 412600N0872821W 414238N0864639W 414112N0865038W 410609N0850236W 391438N0870148W 410711N0850239W 393119N0870108W 392404N0851230W 382229N0855018W 380409N0863132W 380307N0871652W 405938N0855325W 375829N0871322W 390646N0865443W 375829N0871322W 410921N0845238W 410923N0845238W 383245N0854741W 391641N0845402W 403014N0845114W 412600N0872821W 413001N0870235W 380633N0862406W 412835N0861235W 394901N0870504W 390731N0870106W 390822N0865827W 395804NO854259W 394007N0860349W 383921N0873207W 410608N0863409W 393800N0851245W 403937N0860610W 393359N0862629W 383425N0855340W 403653N0845553W 383426N0855342W 394005N0860305W 40394ON0860623W 391306N0845122W 390731N0870106W 405006N0865635W 390731N0870106W 401806N0863229W 404416N0865138W 401221N0862853W 400659N0862857W 411126N0864725W 4059OON0865142W 385935N0865436W 402946N08617S7W 403231N0852223W 390401N0863916W SOURCE COORDINATES 410810N0850220W 393157N0870005W 392855N0852012W 382215N0854939W 380331N0863322W 383309N0854822W 391524N0845302W 412612N0873110W 394011N0860241W 390800N0870411W 385743N0865325W ELEV FT 750 941 810 808 855 IN53 MAP NAME Michigan City East Fort Wayne East Switz City Fort Wayne East Brazil East Metamora New Albany Derby Boonville Roann Bloomfield Grabill Grabill Henryville Cedar Grove St John Valparaiso Alton Pendleton Beech Grove Vincennes Winamac Connersville Bunker Hill Mooresville West South Boston Geneva South Boston Beech Grove Bunker Hill Coal City Frankfort Monticello South Mechanicsburg Lebanon North Judson Scotland Russiaville Montpelier Stanford IN54 FEATURE NAME Burch Cemetery Burch Ditch Burdette Park Burdick Burdick Lake Bureau Baptist Church Burger Cemetery Burgess Ditch See Salisbury Ditch Burgess-Salisbury Ditch See Salisbury Ditch Burgess-Salisbury Drain See Salisbury Ditch Burge Terrace Burge Terrace Church See Burge Terrace Independent Baptist Church Burge Terrace Independent Baptist Church Burge Terrace Church Burgett Ditch Burgoon Church Burkehart Station See Smythe Burket Burket Elementary School Burkett Cemetery Burkett Cemetery Burkey Ditch Burkhardt School Burkhardts Creek See Burkhart Creek Burkhart Creek Burkhardts Creek Burkhart School See William Henry Burkhart Elementary School Burkhart Station See Smythe Burks Chapel Cemetery Burlington Burlington See Arlington Burlington Beach Burlington Cemetery Burlington Church Burlington Lake Burlington Run Burnet Pond Burnett Pond Burnett Grant Station Otterville Burnett Cemetery Burnett Creek Burnetts Creek Burnett Hollow Burnett Pond See Burnet Pond Burnetts Creek See Lambs Creek Burnetts Creek See Burnett Creek Burnetts Creek Burnetts Creek See Burnettsville Burnettsville Burnetts Creek Farmington FEATURE CLASS cemetery canal park ppl lake church cemetery canal canal canal ppl church church canal cemetery 991 991 school cemetery cemetery canal school stream stream school ppl cemetery ppl ppl pal cemetery church lake stream lake ppl cemetery stream valley lake stream stream stream ppl ppl STATUS UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Greene Steuben Vanderburgh Porter De Kalb Narion Owen Newton Newton Newton Marion Marion Marion White Monroe Vanderburgh Kosciusko Kosciusko Elkhart Owen Jay Vanderburgh Morgan Morgan Marion Vanderburgh Decatur Carroll Rush Porter Carroll Delaware Delaware Delaware Gibson Vigo Sullivan Tippecanoe Orange Gibson Morgan Tippecanoe White White White COORDINATES 390323N0864342W 413511N0845234W 375637N0873813W 413604N0865822W 413151N0845025W 393810N0860810W 391810N0870028W 410029N0872715W 410029N0872715W 4IOOZ9N0872715W 394436NO855947W 394439N0860006W 394439N0860006H 404957N08637S7W 390316N0862407W 375929N0872933W 410919N0855807N 410927N08558OOW 413703N0855505W 391302N0864902W 402503N0845556W 375242N0872827W 392308N0863212W 392308N0863212W 394104N0860911W 375929N0872933W 391347N0853057W 402849N0862341W 393833N0853435W 413021N0870243W 402853N0862351W 400856N0852056W 400923N0851958W 400649N0851724W 382225N0874537W 393234N0871744U 390258N0872922W 402836N0865223W 384017N0863243W 382225N0874537W 392446N0862757N 402836N0865223W 404146N0863338H 40454ON0863537W 40454ON0863537W SOURCE COORDINATES 392911N0863337W 400625N0851836W 403250N0870112W 384127N0863220W 404636N0863712W ELEV FT 680 837 860 780 812 521 710 MAP NAME Stanford Hamilton West Franklin Westville Edon Haywood Patricksburg Acton Beech Grove Idaville Allens Creek Burket Burket Foraker Freedom Portland Daylight Paragon Westport Burlington Chesterton Burlington Nuncie East Nuncie East Mt Pleasant Keensburg Rosedale Sullivan Lafayette East Georgia Burrows Burnettsville FEATURE NAME Burney Burns City lecksville Burns Ditch See Burns Haterway Burns Ditch See Little Calu-et River Burns Ditch Rest Park Burns Harbor See Burns International Harbor Burns Harbor Burns Harbor Burns Harbor East Light Burns Harbor North Light 2 Burns Harbor South Light 3 Burns Haror Nest Light 4 Burns Hollow Burnside Pit Burns International Harbor Burns Harbor Burns Hateruay Harbor Port of Indiana Burnsville Burns Iateruay Burns Ditch Burns Hateruay Burns Hateruay See Burns waterway Burns Hatenuay East Jetty North Light Burns Hateruay East Jetty South Light Burns Materuay East Pier Light Burns Hateruay Harbor See Burns International Harbor Burns Matervay Hest Pier Inner Light Burns Hateruay Nest Pier Outer Light Burr Creek Burrell Celetery Burrier Ditch Burris Celetery Burris Ceaetery Burris Chapel Burris Ditch Burris Elelentary School Burris School Strouse Burr Oak Celetery Burr oak Celetery Burr Oak Church Burr Oak Church Burr Oak Church Burroughs Ceaetery Burrows Cornucopia Burson Celetery Burstroa Ceaetery Burton See Howard Burton Branch Burton Ce-etery Burton Celetery Burton Celetery Burton Ce-etery FEATURE CLASS wl ppl canal strea- park harbor pp] pol locale locale locale locale valley lake harbor ppl canal canal locale locale locale harbor locale locale stream celetery canal celetery celetery church canal school school ppl wl celetery celetery church church church ceaetery p91 ceaetery celetery up! strea- celetery celetery celetery celetery STATUS BEN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Decatur Martin Porter Porter Lake Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Clark Shelby Porter Bartholomew Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Habash Jackson Allen Hancock Sullivan Greene Hancock Laurence Delaware Marshall Putna- Jasper Marshall Jasper Jay Noble Pulaski Carroll Grant Porter Parke Dearborn Dubois Lawrence Laurence Owen COORDINATES 391902N0853825H 384921N0865313H 413723NOB71035H 413353N0871737H 413530NO871300H 413813N0870859H 413705N0870800H 413732N0870557H 413858N0870751U 413855N0870845H 413847N0870847H 413843N0870943H 382651N0855425H 393210N0854641H 413813NOB70859H 391022N0854425H 413723NO871035H 4137Z3N087IO35H 413759N0871037H 413758N087IO37H 413759N0871035H 413813N0870859H 413759N0871032U 413804N0871032H 404822N0854801H 385148N0860357H 411205N0844956H 394818N0855511H 39OB3IN087ISOZH 385914N0871348U 394838N08554Z4H 384422N0822632H 401149N0852445H 411523N0862455H 411923N0852559H 405810N0871602H 411556N0862606H 405904N0871601H 403043N0845636H 413057N0853807H 410317N0864340H 404036N0863027H 403311N0853439H 413749N0870602H 395458N0872232H 390726N0850011H 383021NO864229H 384234N0853442H 384252N0863007H 391132N0865019N SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES FT 824 700 600 620 382550N0855517H 748 700 404630N0854302H 775 916 695 39094ZN0850202H INSS NAP NAME Hartsville Odon Portage Portage Dune Acres Ogden Dunes Ogden Dunes Ogden Dunes Ogden Dunes Borden Shelbyville Portage Granmer Portage Ogden Dunes Ogden Dunes Ogden Dunes Ogden Dunes Ogden Dunes Wabash Vallonia Hoodburn North Cumberland Hynera Sandborn Cunberiand Mitchell Muncie Nest Donaldson Merriaa Mt Ayr Donaldson Nt Ayr Geneva Millersburg Ripley Burrows Van Buren Dune Acres Dillsboro Hillhan Georgia Georgia Freedom IN56 FEATURE NAME Burton Cemetery Burton Cemetery Burton Church Burton Hollow Burton Hollow Burton Ridge Burtons Christian Methodist Episcopal Temple Burtsfield School See Frank A Burtsfield Elementary School Busard Ditch Buscher Cemetery Buscher Ditch Busenburg Ditch Bush Cemetery Bush Creek See Brush Creek Bush Creek Bushong Lake Bushrod Bushs Run Bushy Fork See Brushy Fork Busick Ditch Busseron Busseron Creek See Old Busseron Creek Busseron Creek Busseron Dam Number B-2 Busseron Dam Number D-4 Powell Pond Dam Busseron Dam Number D-9 Busseron Dam Number F-Z Busseron Dam Number 6-10 Busseron Dam Number G-4 Busseron Dam Number 6-5 Busseron Dam Number I—Z Busseron Dam Number L-S Busseron Dam Number L-l Butcher Branch Butcher Cemetery Butcher Hollow Butler Jarvis Norristown Butler Branch Butler Bridge Butler Cemetery Butler Center Butler Creek Butler Ditch Butler Elementary School Butler Falls Butler Field Airport Butlers Creek Butlers Run Butler Switch See Grayford Butler University Butlerville Butlerville Cemetery Butterfield Cemetery Buttermilk Creek Buttermilk Point Butternut Creek Atchepongquawe Creek Snapping Turtle Eggs Creek Butternut Run Butternut Springs FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery church valley valley ridge church school canal cemetery canal canal cemetery stream stream lake ppl stream stream canal ppl stream stream dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam stream cemetery valley ppl stream bridge cemetery ppl stream canal school falls airport stream stream ppl school ppl cemetery cemetery stream cape stream stream spring STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Parke Sullivan Fulton Lawrence Morgan Lawrence Marion Tippecanoe Cass Hamilton Tipton Fulton Owen Bartholomew Randolph Putnam Greene Hendricks Perry Nabash Knox Sullivan Vigo Sullivan Greene Sullivan Sullivan Vigo Vigo Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Monroe Decatur Monroe De Kalb Morgan Martin Spencer De Kalb Owen Howard De Kalb Jefferson Parke Mayne Franklin Jennings Marion Jennings Jennings Morgan Sullivan Kosciusko Jay Ripley Porter COORDINATES 394600N0870523M 390539N0873245M 410503N0861758H 384321N0863728M 3923SIN0862554M 384432N0863412M 394755N0860915M 402642N0865448H 404748N0862736M 400943N0855350M 401337N0860131N 410913N0860603M 391215N0870137M 390755N0855119M 401639N0850834W 412223N0852332H 385808N0870632H 395244N0861810N 380009NO864616N 405055N0855544N 385008N0872657H 385016N0873133M 391547NOB72151M 390136N0872130H 390812N087123SM 390754N0871542M 391242N0871742M 391631N0871832N 391630N0871810H 391454N0871900M 391054N0872100H 390548N0872654M 390624N0872512M 390558N0862816H 392526N0852726H 390509N0862331H 412547N0845217H 392328NO863609W 383546N0864509H 380348N0864852H 41183ON0850812N 392124N0863640H 402539N0861303M 412555N0845207M 384212N0852825H 394420N0871310M 394259N0850557M 392534N0850105N 385746N0853427M 395020N0861021M 390204N0853046N 390228N0853136M 393047N0862157N 390302N0872317M 412238N0854027H 402413N0850032H 390839N0850522H 413142N0870606M SOURCE COORDINATES 384424N0863616M 392320NO862550N 401402N0850424M 395345N0861511M 391742N0872018H 390659N0862931U 390531NO862230H 392622N0863707M 392549N0863755H 394551N0850004U 392716N0850216M 390414N0871636H 402156N0845800H 390921N0850616M ELEV FT 910 480 510 876 860 687 814 MAP NAME Bellmore Merom Pershing Georgia Martinsville Georgia Indianapolis Nest Lucerne Omega Arcadia Mentone Coal City Redkey Merriam Lyons Zionsville Richvalley Oaktown Lewis Dugger Jasonville Hymera Hymera Lewis Lewis Hymera Hymera Sullivan Sullivan Allens Creek Milroy Allens Creek Butler East Paragon Rusk Fulda Garrett Modesto Kokomo Nest Butler East Madison Nest Catlin Brownsville Brookville Indianapolis Nest Butlerville Butlerville Mooresville East Sullivan Lake Nawasee Blaine Sunman Chesterton FEATURE NAME Buttontown Cemetery Butts Fork See South Fork Little Salt Creek Butts Lake Buzan Cemetery Buzzard Cave Buzzard Hill Buzzard Hollow Buzzard Hollow Buzzard Point Buzzard Pond Buzzard Roost See Rock Knob Buzzard Roost Hill Buzzard Roost Lookout Tower Buzzard Roost Overlook Buzzard Run Buzzards Glory See Lorane Buzz Gully Byers Cemetery Byers Cemetery Byler Ditch Byrd Branch Byrd Ridge Byrneville Byron Kankakee Byron Byron Sanatorium C Cabel See Hartwell Cabin Creek See Lamb Ditch Cabin Creek Cable Cemetery Cable Run West Lake Ditch Westlake Ditch Cable School Number 4 Caborn Caborn Station Caborn Summit Caborn Summit Station Caborn Station See Caborn Caborn Summit See Caborn Caborn Summit Station See Caborn Cabt Creek See Cart Creek Cacannen School Cadiz Cadiz Run Cady Marsh Ditch Caesar Creek Cagle Cemetery Cagle Hill Hoosier Highlands Cagles Mill Lake Lieber Reservoir Cagles Mill Lake Dam FEATURE CLASS cemetery stream lake cemetery cave summit valley valley ridge lake summit summit tower locale stream ppl valley cemetery cemetery canal stream ridge 1:91 991 ppl hospital 991 canal stream cemetery stream school ppl W W ppl stream school ppl stream canal stream cemetery pal reservoir dam STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN 1962 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN 1971 VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUMTV Floyd Rush Elkhart Greene Lawrence Elkhart Franklin Orange Morgan Sullivan Washington Harrison Perry Perry Martin Whitley Scott Kosciusko Lawrence Lagrange Putnam Harrison Harrison La Porte Parke Allen Pike Randolph Randolph Kosciusko Kosciusko Marion Posey Posey Posey Posey Wabash Vigo Henry Henry Lake Ripley Clay Putnam Putnam Putnam COORDINATES 382109N0855907W 392640N0851350W 413615N0854820W 390404N0870535W 384918N0863501W 412755N0854907W 391911N0845458W 383142N0863624W 392234N0862617W 385858N0873257W 383548N0854808N 381801N0861510W 380737N0862757W 380712N0862756H 384042N0865229W 411225N0853331W 384120N0854728H 412458N0853957H 385900N0864037W 413439N0853043N 394657N0870014W 382040N0861140W 381939N0860237W 413922N0863729W 395413N0870620H 411159N0851022N 381921N0871047W 400716N0850746W 401007N0850945W 412124N0854456W 412138NOBS4525W 394631N0861012N 375814N0874731W 375814N0874731W 375814N0874731H 375814N0874731W 403948N0854648W 392842N0872718H 395705N0852912W 395627N0852701W 413235N0872516W 385758N0850819H 392705N0865747W 3929I4N0865623N 392911N0865503W 392911N0865503W SOURCE COORDINATES 391941N0845514W 383038N0863316W 384208N0865035W 384043N0854755W 395029N0865745W 400349N0850406W 412107N0854311W 395731N0852800W 390430N0851053W ELEV FT 827 940 817 888 600 700 814 770 420 620 636 IN57 MAP NAME Georgetown Goshen Switz City Bedford West Milford Cedar Grove French Lick Martinsville Heathsville Milltown Beechwood Alton Shoals Scottsburg Lake Wawasee Owensburg Topeka Bellmore Depauw Crandall New Carlisle Alamo Huntertown Farmland North Webster North Webster Indianapolis West Caborn Terre Haute New Castle West New Castle West Highland Cross Plains Poland Poland Poland Poland INSB FEATURE NAME Cagles Mill State Forest See Owen—Putnam State Forest Cahill Shore Ditch Cain Cemetery Cain Ditch Cain Ditch Cain Ridge See Cane Ridge Cains Lake Cairo Cairo Cemetery Calamet River See Grand Calumet River Calcutta Calcutta Cemetery Calcutta Run Caldwell Cemetery Caldwell Hollow Caldwell Lake Caldwell School See Lee L Caldwell Elementary School Cale Kale School Caleb Mills Elementary School Mill School Cale Cemetery Caledonia Caledonia Church Caley Church Calf Branch Calf Creek Calf Creek Calf Run Calico Slash Ditch California Community Church California Elementary School Callahan Branch Callahan Cemetery Callahan Cemetery Callahan Ditch Callahan Ditch Callahan Hollow Callahan Park Callaway Park Callicotte Cemetery Callon Hollow Calumet See Chesterton Calumet Avenue Interchange Calumet Bar Calumet Harbor South Chicago Harbor Calumet Harbor Breakwater South End Light Calumet Harbor Entrance South Side Light Calumet Harbor Light Calumet Lake Calumet Lake Dam Calumet Park Cemetery Calumet Run Calvary Baptist Church Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery FEATURE CLASS forest canal cemetery canal canal ridge lake ppl cemetery stream PPI cemetery stream cemetery valley lake school ppl school cemetery ppl church church stream stream stream stream canal church school stream cemetery cemetery canal canal ravine park park cemetery valley pal crossing bar harbor locale locale locale reservoir dam cemetery stream church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery STATUS VARIANT BEN UNOFF BEN BEN VARIANT BEN BEN UNOFF VARIANT BEN UNOFF BEN UNOFF BEN BEN VARIANT BEN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BEN UNOFF UNOFF BEN UNOFF BEN UNOFF UNOFF BEN BEN BEN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BEN VARIANT UNOFF BEN BEN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BEN UNOFF UNOFF BEN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL EAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Putnam Hancock Brown Porter Mayne Knox Blackford Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Lake Clay Clay Parke Hancock Brown Kosciusko Lake Martin Montgomery Posey Sullivan Switzerland Hhite Dubois Scott Whitley Clark Knox Elkhart Starke Jackson Jackson Posey Fulton Jasper Monroe Lake Madison Jennings Monroe Porter Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Dubois Dubois Lake Dubois Marion De Kalb Marion Porter Ripley Rush Union Vigo COORDINATES 392830N086521W 395242N0854941H 390538N0860551H 412706N0865913N 395249N0845731N 383248N0873444H 402403N0852624H 403227N0865529H 403252N0865300H 413839N0873335H 393615NOB70410M 393608N0870622H 393611N0870628H 394714N0854302M 391004N0862038H 410731N0855406H 413454N0872717M 3B4745N0864505H 400229N0865440M 381233N0875003M 390556N0872006M 385002N0851208H 405207N0863528H 382615N0865519H 384041N0854923M 405910N0852110M 383325N0854759H 385547N0870945H 414144N0860216H 411254N0863823H 385956N0861421H 3BSB36N0861506N 380839NOB75134H 405917N0862139H 410207N0870145H 390018N0862000N 413843NOB72632M 401705N0855009N 385549N0853126H 392136N0861126H 413638N0870351H 413411N0873031N 414430N0873002H 414402N0873126M 414333N0872935H 414407N0873022H 414413N0873029H 382430N0865524N 382430N0865524M 412922N0872202H 382410N0865444H 394901N0855815H 412041N0850840M 394307N0850958H 413424N0871149H 400321N0865418H 393700N0852553H 393718N0845611H 392813N0872107H SOURCE CDORDINATES 393623N0870616H 391050N0862147H 382644N0865430H 383852N0854844H 410136N0852512H 383348N0854B37H 385812N0861628H 390025N0861830M 392006N0861118M 382425N0865526M ELEV FT 687 863 550 598 470 MAP NAME Ingalls Haymansville Hanatah Fountain City Hartford City Nest Brookston SH Brookston SH Brazil East Brazil East Brazil East Cleveland Belmont Burket Indian Springs Crawfordsville Poseyville Dugger Bennington Burnettsville Jasper Scottsburg Zanesville Henryville Sandborn Osceola Denham Kurtz Norman Poseyville Fulton Gifford Monroe Hhiting Elwood Vernon Beanblossom Calumet City Lake Calumet Lake Calumet Whiting Lake Calumet Lake Calumet Jasper Jasper Crown Point Jasper Cumberland Garrett Maywood Portage Crawfordsville Rushville New Fairfield Seelyville FEATURE NAME Calvary Church Calvary Church Calvary Church Calvary Church Calvary Church Calvary Church Calvary Church Calvary Church Calvary Evangelical Church Calvary Lutheran School Calvary School Calvary School See Calvary Lutheran School Calvary Temple Calvary Temple Calvary United Pentecostal Tabernacle Calvert Air Park Calverts Chapel Calvertville Calvertville Cemetery Calvin Cemetery Calvin Cemetery Calvin N Kendall Elementary School Kendall School Number 62 Cam-Air Airport Camblin Ditch Cam Branch Cambria Cambridge City Camby West Union Station Camby Creek Camden Camden Cemetery Cameron Springs See Kramer Cammack Cammie Thomas Ditch See 0x Ditch Cammie Thomas Ditch Commie Thomas Ditch Thomas Ditch Cammie Thomas Ditch See Honey Run Camp Alexander Mack Camp Area Number Five Camp Arthur Campbell African Methodist Episcopal Zion Chapel Campbell Branch Jersey Park Creek Campbell Bridge Campbell Cemetery Campbell Cemetery Campbell Cemetery Campbell Cemetery Campbell Cemetery Campbell Chapel Campbell Corner Campbell Creek Campbells Creek Campbell Ditch Campbell Ditch Campbell Ditch Campbell Ditch See Wolf Creek Campbell Lake See Bass Lake Campbellsburg FEATURE CLASS church church church church church church church church church school school church church church airport church ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery school airport canal stream Ppl ppl ppl stream ppl cemetery PM W canal canal stream park park park church stream bridge cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church ppl stream canal canal canal stream lake pal STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1970 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGM VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Adams 403904N0845207W Hendricks 395012N0862359W Jefferson 384637N0852310W Randolph 401218N0844847W Steuben 413902N0845934W Vigo 392807N0871755W Wayne 394917N0845416W Wells 404553N0850959W Adams 404939N0844920W Marion 394039N0860819W Marion 394039N0860819W Grant 403104N0853926W Marion 394721N0860402W Marion 394530N0860830W Pulaski 405930N0865225W Vanderburgh 380923N0874051W Greene 390659N0865414W Greene 390716N0865404W Monroe 392019N0861105W Posey 375725N0874746W Marion 394651N0860522W St Joseph 414338N0860403W Newton 405428N0872056W Marion 393954N0861925W Clinton 402157N0863333W Wayne 394845N0851018W Marion 393945N0861900W Marion 393956N0861951W Carroll 403631N0863224W Owen 391009N0864843W Warren 402019N0871715W Delaware 401235N0852933W Scott 384306N0855121W Washington 3B4305N0865057W Scott 384307N0854939W Kosciusko 412324N0854919W Newton 411746N0873101W Knox 384519N0872753W Marion 394808N0861020W Floyd 382324N0855739W De Kalb 413008N0845044W Clinton 402344N0862327W Fayette 394034N0861119W Greene 390852N0870351W Scott 384720N0854554W Shelby 393224N0854650W Fountain 400740N0871218W Sullivan 390834N0872432W Randolph 401559N0851705W Boone 400708N0861950W Johnson 393535N0855954W Tipton 401717N0860501W Jay 403317N0850103W Putnam 412049N0852635W Washington 383905N0861540W SOURCE COORDINATES 394006N0861854W 393943N0861856W 382514N0855541W 401200N0851044W ELEV FT 675 509 528 770 822 937 779 670 930 840 667 495 830 IN59 MAP NAME Willshire Brownsburg Clifty Falls Union City Angola East Seelyville Richmond Uniondale Wren Haywood Marion Indianapolis East Indianapolis West Monon NE Cynthiana Bloomfield Bloomfield Beanblossom Caborn Indianapolis East Osceola Mt Ayr Bridgeport Frankfort Cambridge City Bridgeport Bridgeport Flora Freedom Muncie West Little York Milford Donovan Oaktown Indianapolis West Borden Edon Burlington Connersville Coal City Crothersville Shelbyville Mellott Shelburn Eaton Rosston Boggstown Tipton Campbellsburg IN60 FEATURE NAME Campbells Creek See Campbells Run Campbells Creek See Campbell Creek Campbell Siding Hastings Station Campbells Run Campbells Creek Campbell Town See Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbell Town Camp Berean Camp Bradford Camp Brook Camp Brosend Camp Buffalo Camp Carnes Camp Carson Camp Chelan Camp Christina Camp Christina Lake Camp Christina Lake Dam Camp Clifty Camp Creek See Danner Ditch Camp Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek See Etna Green Camp Creek Church Camp Crosley Camp Dellwood Camp Dick Runyan Camp Duesner Ditch Camp Elm Camp Farr Campfire Creek Camp Flat Rock Mount Pleasant Camp Fork Creek Camp George Cullom Camp Ground Branch Campground Cemetery Camp Gulick Camp Honor Bright Camp Illana Camp Indi-Co—So Camp Indogan Camp Joy Camp Kikthawenund Camp Koch Camp Lake Wood Camp Lenmary Camp Livingston Camp Livingston Lake Camp Livingston Lake Dam Camp Louis Ernst Camp McMillan Camp Mallory Camp Maumee Camp Meeting Ground Camp Millhouse Camp Munsee Camp Na-Wa-Kwa Camp Newheart FEATURE CLASS stream stream ppl stream vol 991 park park stream ppl park park park park park reservoir dam park canal stream stream stream stream stream stream ppl church park park park canal park park stream PPI stream park stream cemetery park park park park park park park park park park park reservoir dam park park park park park park park park park STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1962 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Clinton Randolph Morgan Clinton Pike Pike Morgan Morgan Marion Warrick White Dubois Gibson Clark Brown Brown Brown Decatur Kosciusko Daviess Gibson Greene Jennings Marion Morgan Kosciusko Kosciusko Kosciusko Marion Kosciusko Vanderburgh Marion Porter Ripley Shelby Crawford Clinton Dearborn Vanderburgh Parke Clark Vigo Lawrence Steuben Shelby Madison Perry Lagrange Franklin Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Jefferson llen Morgan Vigo Jefferson St Joseph Delaware Clay Shelby COORDINATES 402510N0863938W 401559N0851705W 392838ND862531W 402510N0863938W 382517N0871424W 382517N0871424W 393028N0863246W 393212N0862642W 395327N0860525W 375752N0872345W 405322N0864341W 382401N0865224W 382133N0873133W 382314N0854440W 390901N0860547W 390906N0860548W 390906N0860548W 392047N0853746W 411900N0860218W 383200N0870556W 383345N0853001W 390520N0864955W 385318N0853115W 395229N0860055W 392126N0862206W 411630N0860250W 412023N0860217W 411904N0854320W 394748N0861704W 411925N0854329W 375346N0873905M 395305N0855840W 413447N0870007W 390050N0852128W 392349N0854450W 382005N0862729W 401852N0863752W 391048N0845214W 380213N0873400W 395452N0870820W 382231N0854542W 392803N0873019W 385755N0863441W 413732N08504OZM 393335N0855624W 401017N0854911W 375437N0864140W 413246N0851232W 3919OON0845420W 385100N0850646W 385042N0850654W 385042N0850654W 385207N0853117W 4114Z7N0850630M 393244N0862512W 392125N0872032W 385419N0852205W 413610N0862151W 400824N0851818W 392556N0865749W 393300N085564DW SOURCE COORDINATES 402226N0862653W 395311N0860452W 383352N0870509W 383600N0852905W 390708N0864827W 385511N0852720H 395211N0860001W 392410N0862008W 390059N0851912W 382203N0862324W 391256N0845118W ELEV FT 559 866 831 680 590 500 459 698 850 775 850 800 715 740 810 630 530 710 970 730 396 999 615 840 750 855 810 891 745 1000 722 MAP NAME Martinsville Pyrmont Winslow Hall Mooresville West Fishers Newburgh Buffalo Dubois Princeton Charlestown New Bellsville New Bellsville New Beltsville Hartsville Glendale New Washington Solsberry Vernon Indianapolis East Morgantown Bourbon North Webster Clermont North Webster West Franklin McCordsville Chesterton Versailles Waldron English Mulberry Hooven Evansville North Wallace Speed Dennison Oolitic Angola West Boggstown Frankton Cannelton Stroh Cedar Grove Vevay North Vevay North Vevay North Volga Cedarville Mooresville West Lewis Rexville Lakeville Muncie East Poland Boggstown FEATURE NAME Camp Dkalona Camp Olden Camp Otto Lake Camp Otto Lake Dam Camp Pahoka Camp Paxton Camp Pyoca Camp Rancho Framasa Camp Red Hill Lake Dam Round Lake Dam Camp Redwing Camp Reveal Camp Riley Camp Roberts Camp Romona Camp Rotary Camp Run Camp Run Camp Saint Joseph Camp Shor Camp Tecumseh Camp Tippecanoe Camp To-Pe-Ne-Bee Camp To-Wa-Ki Camp Victor Camp Wakinda Camp Walter S Fowler Camp Wapehani Camp Wapi Kamigi Camp Weeapahko Camp Whitley Cana (historical P.O.) Canaan Canaan Branch Canaan Church Canaan Church Canaan Elementary School Canaan Run Cana Church Cana Creek Canada Hollow Canada Lake Canal See Millersburg Canal Lakes Canary Ditch Franklin Creek Canarys Airport C and C Beach Candleglo Village Candy Brook Candy Creek See Whipple Ditch Cane Branch Cane Creek Kane Creek Cane Creek Church Cane Creek School Cane Fork See Caney Fork Cane Green Bottom Cane Hollow Cane Ridge Cain Ridge Kane Ridge Cane Run Cane Run See Mill Creek Cane Run Caney Branch Caney Branch FEATURE CLASS park park reservoir dam park park park park dam park park park [:91 park park stream stream park ppl park park park park park park park park park park park locale ppl stream church church school stream church stream valley lake ppl _ T‘ES erv01 r canal airport ppl ppl stream canal stream stream church school stream basin valley ridge stream stream stream stream stream STATUS ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN AUNIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN 1962 VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1962 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Lagrange Dearborn Owen Owen Posey Pulaski Jackson Brown La Porte Delaware Vanderburgh Morgan Brown Owen Ripley Clark Wells Dearborn Ohio Carroll Kosciusko La Porte Morgan Morgan St Joseph Clinton Monroe Wayne Parke Whitley Jennings Jefferson Jefferson Putnam Putnam Jefferson Putnam Jennings Scott Morgan Porter Warrick Franklin Johnson Johnson Carroll Shelby Henry Posey Orange Orange Orange Orange Clark Knox Dearborn Knox Clark Clark Grant Perry Perry COORDINATES 413204N0852403W 391645N0845333W 392806N0864842W 392806N0864842W 380306N0875852W 410001N0863725W 385154N0860130W 391344N0861152W 413612N0865248W 400852N0851922W 380542N0873234W 393010N0862600W 39I042N0861137W 3919OSN0864347W 400048N0865808W 382316N0854445W 403259N0850347W 391531N0844954W 385953N0845057W 403603N0864529W 411933N0854335W 413644N0865224W 393031N0862601W 393150N0862503W 413543N0861706W 401914N0863309W 390834N0863412W 395341N085093SW 395202N0871632W 411426N0853428W 385027N0854534W 385200N0851745W 385316N0851650W 393320N0870747W 394236N0864222W 385155N0851753W 393301N0865953W 385039N0854626W 384848N0854743W 392254N0862709W 413143N0870245W 380610N0872334W 392902N0851441W 393024N0860337W 393050N0860305W 404212N0864523W 393327N0854731W 400215N0853121W 375755N0875848W 382512N0863156W 382832N0864253W 382901N0864OOIW 382853N0864005W 383053N0854540H 385400N0871346W 390030N0850604W 383248N0873444W 331650N0854558W 381717N0854648W 402651N0853132W 375920N0863350W 375555N0854118W SOURCE COORDINATES 382340N0854703W 403340N0850840W 385209N0851743W 393256N0870750W 385117N0854445W 392240N0862548W 400223N0853025W 382440N0862939W 382833N0863720W 390049N0850659W 381649N0854452W 402707N0852952W 375825N0863523W 375653N0864357W ELEV FT 920 612 521 690 670 705 960 520 621 629 558 750 540 460 570 870 750 730 830 845 800 795 990 920 950 798 760 650 780 681 IN61 MAP NAME Oliver Lake Cedar Grove Cataract Cataract Solitude Winamac Vallonia Nashville Westville Muncie East Evansville North Mooresville West Nashville Gosport Crawfordsville Charlestown Domestic Harrison Rising Sun Brookston North Webster LaPorte West Nooresville West Mooresville West Lakeville Frankfort Bloomington Hagerstown Montezuma Lorane Crothersville Canaan Rexville Brazil East Coatesville Canaan Reelsville Crothersville Crothersville Martinsville Chesterton Metamora Greenwood Greenwood Monticello South Shelbyville Middletown Greenbrier Cuzco Cuzco Cuzco Sandborn Dillsboro Decker New Albany Gas City Rome Cannelton IN62 FEATURE NAME Caney Creek Caney Creek Caney Creek Caney Fork Cane Fork Cannelburg Clarks Station Cannelsburg See Cannelton Cannelton Cannelsburg Cannelton Heights Cannelton Heights See Cannelton Cannelton Locks and Dam Cannon Ditch Cannon-Goyer Ditch Cantaloupe Canton Eggharbor Greensburg Capehart Cape Sandy Capitol Hill Cemetery Capp Cemetery Capperas Banks (historical) Cap Run Capuchin Seminary Carbaugh Cemetery Carbon Carbondale Clarks Cross Roads Carbon Stream Cardonia Alexander Cardonia Run Card Run Carefree Caren Creek See Corner Creek Carey Cemetery Carl G Fisher Elementary School Fisher School Number 1 Carl Gjemre Ditch Carlin Branch Carlisle Carlisle Elementary and Junior High School Carlisle Run Carl J Polk Elementary School Polk School Carlos Carlos City Carlos City See Carlos Carlos Drain Carlson Ditch Carlson Ditch Carlson Ditch Carlson Farm Airport Carlson Pond Carlton See Carrollton Carlton Cemetery Carlton Cemetery Carl Wilde Elementary School Wilde School Number 79 Carmack Cemetery Carmans Creek See Turman Creek FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream ppl pp] ppl ppl dam canal canal ppl ppl ppl PP1 cemetery cemetery ppl stream school cemetery ppl ppl stream ppl stream stream ppl stream cemetery school canal stream ppl school stream school ppl ppl stream canal canal canal airport lake ppl cemetery cemetery school cemetery stream STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Posey Spencer Warrick Clark Daviess Perry Perry Perry Perry Starke Howard Knox Washington Daviess Crawford Wayne Madison Clark Rush Lake Dearborn Clay Warren Parke Clay Clay Randolph Crawford Montgomery Hamilton Marion Starke Wabash Sullivan Sullivan Scott Lake Randolph Randolph Randolph Marshall Newton White Porter Porter Hancock Elkhart Lawrence Marion Vermillion Vigo COORDINATES 380727N0874419W 374823N0870811W 375754N0871348W 383053N0854540W 384011N0865954W 375441N0864440W 375441N0864440W 375441N0864440W 375359N0854222W 411719N0863632W 402809N0860518W 383153N0873110W 383726N0360205W 384444N0871139W 380903N0862215W 394835N0850925W 400120N0853615W 381845N0854740W 393957N0853329W 412803N0872416W 390330N0850012W 393552N0870707W 402136N0872052W 393702N0870747W 393342N0870708W 393420N0870707W 400325N0845408W 381506N0862105W 395812N0870029W 400759N0855549W 394704N0861449W 412011N0862806W 404553N0855433W 385806N0872420W 3BS746N0872405W 384120N0855141W 4134Z3N0871347W 400135N0850204W 400135N0850204W 400150N0850348W 412301N0862730W 410922N0873025W 405340N0864910W 413123N0870950W 413213N0870119W 394220N0854915W 414419N0860104W 384746N0862546W 394903N0861442W 395109N0872646W 390611N0873649H SOURCE COORDINATES 380634N0874601W 374956N0870359W 380133N0871520W 383200N0854628W 394031N0853338W 393634N0870701W 393350N0870701W 400242N0845326W 404909N0855609W 384051N0855202W 400145N0850127W ELEV FT 524 426 440 870 450 732 430 687 710 701 504 1220 690 772 MAP NAME Kasson Owensboro West Richland City Henryville Loogootee Cannelton Cannelton Knox East Kokomo East Decker Salem Washington Leavenworth Cambridge City Middletown New Albany Carthage St John Dillsboro Brazil East Williamsport Brazil West Brazil East Brazil East Lynn Milltown Omega Indianapolis West Donaldson Richvalley Carlisle Carlisle Scottsburg Portage Carlos Carlos Walkerton Donovan Honon NE Portage Chesterton Osceola Bedford East Indianapolis West Dana FEATURE NAME Carmel Bethlehal Carmel Cemetery Carmel Cemetery Carlel Cemetery Carael Chapel Carmel Creek Carmel Junior High School Carmel Ridge Carmel Ridge Carmen Cemetery Carlichael Cemetery Carmichael Ditch Collarbone Creek Carmichael Lake Carmichael Lake Dam Carnahan Ditch Number Two Carne Lake Carner Creek See Corner Creek Carnes Creek See Corner Creek Carnes New Clark Ditch Carol Creek See Correll Creek Carolina Church Carolina Park Carolyn Lake Carothers Ditch Carp Carpenter Creek Carpenter Ridge See Ennis Ridge Carpenter School Carpentersville Carpenterville Town Carpenterville Town See Carpentersville Carpentier Creek Hagnon Creek Hagan Creek Carper Ditch Carr Cemetery Carr Cemetery Carr Cemetery Carr Cemetery Carr Cemetery Carr Field Carr Hollow Carriage Estates Carrie Gosch Elementary School Gosch School Carr Lake Carrs Lake Carrol Creek See Correll Creek Carrol Creek Carroll Consolidated School See Carroll Junior-Senior High School Carroll County Carroll Ditch Carroll Ditch Carroll Junior-Senior High School Carroll Consolidated School Carrollton Darwin Carrollton See Delphi FEATURE CLASS ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery church stream school ridge ridge cemetery cemetery canal reservoir dam canal lake stream stream canal stream church park reservoir canal ppl stream ridge school 991 ppl stream canal cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery park valley ppl school lake stream stream school civil canal canal school ppl STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BEN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BEN BGN BGN BGN 1965 VARIANT UNOFF BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF IUflIIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Hamilton Jefferson Jefferson Putnam La Porte Marion Hamilton Brown Ohio Johnson Greene Delaware Dubois Dubois Hhite Noble Montgomery Montgomery lls Noble Owen Lake Johnson Marshall Owen Jasper Dearborn Posey Putnam Putnam Vanderburgh De Kalb Harrison Madison Martin Perry Hhite De Kalb Jackson Hancock Lake Kosciusko Noble Putnam Carroll Carroll Boone Huntington Carroll Carroll Carroll COORDINATES 395842N0860705H 384208N0853028H 384651N0854043H 393906N086453OH 413559N0864919H 395628N0860644H 395830N0860832H 391739N0861844H 385410N0845718H 392942N0861220H 390134N0864108H 400856N0851523H 3BI9ZZN0864302H 381922N0864302H 405150N0864223H 411637N0852858U 395812NOB70029H 395812N0870029H 403806N0851835H 411940N0852732H 392307N086474OH 413521N0871941H 392109N0860559H 412204N0861552H 392306N0864539H 405404N0871221N 391502N0845745H 375830N0873436H 394820N0864820H 394820N0864820H 375656N087373OH 412048NOB45846H 381615N0860607H 4OIS37N0855119H 385028N0864909H 375908N0863422H 403831N0865154H 412129N0850312H 384806N0861255H 394415N0855338U 413737N0872804H 410925N0855147H 411940N0852732N 411909N0853044H 403246N0862850H 403250N0863128H 400823N0862127H 405822N0853631H 403246N0862850H 403IO4NOBGZ331H 403515N086403OH SOURCE COORDINATES 395804N0860845H 404253N0871602H 380052N0873828H 384935N0861312H 41194ON0852732H ELEV FT 829 880 825 848 732 IN63 MAP NANE Fishers Kent Deputy Greencastle LaPorte Nest Fishers Carmel Norgantown Aberdeen Trafalgar Stanford Muncie East Birdseye Birdseye Idaville Merriam Liberty Center Poland Gary Nineveh Plymouth Cataract Rensselaer Evansville South Roachdale Nest Franklin St Joe Crandall Elwood Indian Springs Rome Monticello South Auburn Medora Acton Hhiting Warsaw Ormas Flora Kirklin Bippus Deer Creek Deer Creek IN64 FEATURE NAME Carrollton Carlton Carrolton Finley Finly Kinder Reedville Tailholt Carrollton Location See Wheeling Carrolton See Carrollton Carr Peyton Branch Carrs Lake See Carr Lake Carson Creek Carson Ditch Carson Ditch Carson Square Shopping Center Cart Creek Cabt Creek Carter Cemeteries Carter Cemetery Carter Cemetery Carter Cemetery Carter Creek See Blue River Carter Ditch Carter Ditch Carter Memorial Baptist Church Cartersburg Carters Creek Carters Creek Church Carters Hole Carters Landing Bar Carters Run Carter Traylor Ditch Carthage Carthage Cemetery Carthage Creek Carthage Elementary School Cartwright Ditch Carver Cemetery Carver Ditch Carver Run Carver School See George Washington Carver Elementary School Carver School Number 87 See George W Carver Elementary School Carwood Muddy Fork Cary Cary Camp Cary Home for Children Casad Industrial Park Airport Cascade Cascade Heights Cascade Heights See Cascade Cascade Park Cascade School Case Cemetery Case Lake Case Lake Casey Cemetery Caseyville See Diamond Cashatt Cemetery Casper Arm FEATURE CLASS ppl ppl ppl stream lake stream canal canal locale stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery stream canal canal church pp] stream church basin bar stream canal ppl cemetery stream school canal cemetery canal stream school school ppl ppl park school airport W W park school cemetery lake reservoir cemetery ppl cemetery canal STATUS BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Hancock Carroll Hancock Clark Kosciusko Marion Fulton Tipton Marion Wabash Bartholomew Clay Porter Steuben Whitley Tipton White Marion Hendricks Washington Orange Clark Perry Floyd Warrick Rush Rush Rush Henry Jay Madison Porter Madison Lake Marion Clark Putnam Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Allen Monroe Monroe Monroe Hendricks Pike Lagrange Parke Warrick Parke Parke Starke COORDINATES 394220NO854915W 403358N0862330W 394220N0854915W 382738N0854258W 410925N0855147W 394143N0860610W 405934N0861605W 401510N0860641W 394135N0860637W 403948N0854648W 391438N0855631W 393413N0871147W 413203N0865904W 413327N0845809W 410704N0852932W 402200N0861244W 404548N0864721W 394816N086103OH 394155N0862749W 383814N0862159W 383921NOB61915N 382055N0854544W 375200N0863600W 382055N0854603W 380327N0871823W 394418N0853419W 394514N0853330W 394414N0853433W 394419N0853356W 402531N0850431W 401831N0854303W 413837N0865632W 401835N0854303W 413421N0871946W 394804N0861003W 382654N0855150N 394225N0864923W 402515N0864658W 402400N086524OW 410445N0845634W 391126N0863220W 391126N0863220W 391151N0863216W 393957N0863331W 33303ZN0870729W 413419N0851752W 393912N0871100N 375724N0872255W 393641N0870958W 395435N0871255W 411159N0863049W SOURCE COORDINATES 382838N0854014W 394132N0860504W 403551N0854319W 383907N0861620W 382136N0854627W 394420N0853206W 401940N0854242W ELEV FT 835 775 760 886 501 780 650 766 726 968 MAP NAME Fountaintown Charlestown Beech Grove Fulton Tipton Beech Grove Somerset Columbus Brazil West Westville Hamilton Kempton Monticello North Indianapolis West Plainfield Campbellsburg Campbellsburg New Albany Mattingly New Albany Boonville Carthage Knightstown Carthage Carthage Blaine Alexandria Michigan City West Alexandria Speed Greencastle Lafayette East Lafayette West Maples Bloomington Bloomington Clayton Glendale Wolcottville Catlin Newburgh Wallace Bass Lake FEATURE NAME Casper Ditch Cass Buell Lyontown Cass County Cassell Ditch Cass High School See Lewis Cass Junior-Senior High School Cass Lake Lake Victoria Cass Station Bridge Cass Union School Cassville Cassville See Leroy Cassville Cemetery Castators Creek Casterline Forkner Ditch Smith Ditch Castleberry Creek Castlebury Creek Castlebury Creek See Castleberry Creek Castle Creek Castle Garden Castle High School Castle Hill Cemetery Castle Lake Castle Lake Dam See Hills West Dam Castleman Ditch Castle Run Castle School See John H Castle Elementary School Castleton Castleton Plaza Castleton Square Shopping Center Castleview Independent Baptist Church Caston Elementary School Caston Junior—Senior High School Cataract Cat Creek Cates Cates Cemetery Catfish Lake Catfish Lake Cathcart Cemetery Cathedral High School Catherine Creek Catlin Cato Catt Cemetery Causey Cemetery Causey Lake Cavanaugh Ditch Cave Hollow Cavender Cemetery Cavender Run Cavendish Ditch Cave Run Cave Spring Cave Springs Cemetery Cave Station Cave Town Church FEATURE CLASS canal ppl civil canal school lake bridge school ppl ppl cemetery stream canal stream stream stream ppl school cemetery reservoir dam canal stream school ppl locale locale church school school ppl stream ppl cemetery lake lake cemetery school stream ppl ppl cemetery cemetery lake canal valley cemetery stream canal stream spring cemetery ppl church STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Starke Sullivan Cass Jay Cass Lagrange Cass Ohio Howard Lake Miami Ripley Blackford Posey Posey Marion Warrick Warrick Greene Henry Henry Starke Henry Warrick Marion Marion Marion Marion Fulton Fulton Owen Parke Fountain Fountain St Joseph Whitley Elkhart Marion Bartholomew Parke Pike Pike Parke Lagrange Starke Floyd Dubois Dubois Jasper Clark Washington Jennings Morgan Washington COORDINATES 411131N0863039W 390513N0871643W 404516N0862124W 402705N0850338W 403946NO861505W 414135N0853824W 404528N0861539W 385709N0845830W 403336N0860722W 412136N0871619W 403349N0860737W 390849N0851454W 403030N0852356W 375407N0874542W 375407N0874542H 395446N0860314W 380139N0872357W 375937N0872239W 390035N0865936W 395100N0853018W 395100N0853018W 411258N0863405W 395603N0852255W 375924N0872302W 395425N0860308W 395425N0860330W 395432N0860350W 395500N0860155W 405652N0861533W 405652N0861533W 392539N0864859W 394925N0871648W 395948N0872016W 395941N0872318W 413536N0861740W 411503N0852751H 414322N0854912W 394711N0860928W 391320N0855818U 394137N0871407W 382612N0871108W 382919N0872353H 395144N0872005W 414242N0852112W 411730N0863807H 381526N0855525H 382708N0865455N 382742N0865503M 410246N0870134W 383536N0854439M 382544N0861548W 390636N0853913W 392417N0864004W 384234N0861622W SOURCE COORDINATES 390810N0851115W 375721N0874454W 395452N0860342W 395615N0852229W 395135N0871516W 391416N0860409W 381559N0855600W 382731N0865455W 383505N0854510W ELEV FT 570 844 810 400 820 800 800 724 640 547 489 IN65 MAP NAME Bass Lake Dugger Logansport Blaine Middlebury Logansport Aberdeen Miami Galveston Pierceville Roll Caborn Fishers Daylight Newburgh Bloomfield Knightstown Bass Lake New Castle West Fishers Fishers Fishers Fishers Fulton Fulton Cataract Montezuma Kingman Newport Lakeville Merriam Bristol Indianapolis West Columbus Catlin Winslow Union Montezuma Mongo Knox West Georgetown Jasper Jasper Gifford Otisco Hardinsburg North Vernon Quincy Campbellsburg IN66 FEATURE NAME Cayles Mill State Forest See Owen—Putnam State Forest Caylo Cemetery Cayuga Eugene Station Cayuga Eleaentary School Caze Elelentary and Junior High School Caze School Caze School See Caze Elelentary and Junior High School Cecil Metcalf Ditch Cecil M Harden Lake Mansfield Lake Mansfield Reservoir Raccoon Lake Racoon Lake Cecil M Harden Lake Dal Cedar Cedar Creek Station Cedar Bluff Cedar Brook Cedar Brook Calp Cedar Canyons Cedar Chapel Cedar Church Cedar Cliffs Cedar Cliffs Park Cedar Corner Ditch Cedar Creek Cedar Creek See Grassy Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Ditch Cedar Creek Cedar Creek See Cedar Lake Branch Cedar Creek Church Cedar Creek Ditch See Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Station See Cedar Cedar Crest Lake Cedar Ditch See Cedar Lake Branch Cedar Fare Landing Cedar Grove Rochester Cedar Grove Celetery Cedar Grove Church Cedar Hall Elelentary and Junior High School Cedar Hall School Cedar Hedge Celetery Cedar Hill Cenetery Cedar Hollow Cedar Lake Cedar Lake Cedar Lake The Lake of the Red Cedars Cedar Lake Cedar Lake See Bass Lake Cedar Lake See Troy Cedar Lake Cedar Lake Cedar Lake Cedar Lake FEATURE CLASS forest cemetery ppl school school school canal reservoir dam pp] cliff strea- park Pp] church church cliff park canal strea- strea- strea- strea- strea- church SU‘EH pp! reservoir strea- locale ppl celetery church school school celetery celetery valley lake lake lake lake lake lake sue-p STATUS VARIANT UNOFF BEN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BEN I975 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF 86M VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT not manna UNOFF BEN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Putna- Randolph Vernillion Verlillion Vanderburgh Vanderburgh De Kalb Putna- Parke De Kalb Martin Martin Harrison Allen De Kalb Randolph Monroe Jefferson Tipton De Kalb Kosciusko Lake Ripley Hhitley Ripley Lake De Kalb Spencer Hhitley Harrison Franklin St Joseph Daviess Vanderburgh Posey Ohio Harrison Tippecanoe De Kalb Lagrange Lake Lake Starke Hhitley Hhitley Hhitley Steuben COORDINATES 392830N0865210H 401740N0850839H 395655N0872735H 395703NOB72806H 375655N0872937H 375655N0872937H 41214ON0850136H 394300N0870415H 394300N0870415H 411846N0850922N 384134N0864742H 384I3IN0864726H 381548N0855948M 411358N0850521H 411647N0850733H 400949N0850916H 390214NOB63347H 384412N0852045H 401630N0855431H 411135N0850156H 411904N0854441H 4I1311N0872514H 390451N0851503H 411400N0853815H 390545N0851604H 411311N0872514H 411846N0850922H 380024N0865345H 411400N0853815H 375823N0860344H 392125NOB45616H 414140N0861426H 384321N0865812H 375954N0873453H 375952N0873453H 385659N0845144H 381259N0860714H 402753N08653IBH 412746N0850428H 414416N0852205U 412231N0872552M 412200NOB72559H 411330N0863530H 411422N0853441H 411459N0852651H 411511N0852702H 4144ZBNOB4533SH SOURCE COORDINATES 384159N0864BI7U 412733N0850425H 412158N0872537H 390705N0851702H 402726N0865408H ELEV FT 511 661 870 880 870 456 875 693 902 1048 MAP NAME Redkey Newport Newport Meuburgh Auburn Mansfield Mansfield Garrett Shoals Shoals Georgetown Cedarville Garrett Far-land Clear Creek Madison East Hindfall Cedarville Schneider Versailles Versailles Santa Claus Rock Haven Cedar Grove South Bend East Loogootee Evansville South Evansville South Rising Sun Corydon East Lafayette Rest Uaterloo Mango St John Lowell Colulbia City Merria- Angola East FEATURE FEATURE NAME CLASS Cedar Lake ppl Cedar Lake ppl Cedar Lake Branch stream Cedar Creek Cedar Ditch Cedar Lake Branch of Elder Ditch Cedar Lake Brook Cedar Lake Creek Cedar Lake Ditch Deland Ditch Elder Ditch Cedar Lake Branch of Elder Ditch See Cedar Lake Branch stream Cedar Lake Brook See Cedar Lake Branch stream Cedar Lake Cemetery cemetery Cedar Lake Church church Cedar Lake Church church Cedar Lake Creek See Cedar Lake Branch stream Cedar Lake Ditch canal Cedar Lake Ditch See Cedar Lake Branch stream Cedar Point cape Cedar Point cliff Cedar Point ppl Cedar Shores ppl Cedarville ppl Cedarville Reservoir reservoir Celestine ppl Celestine Community Club Lake reservoir Celestine Community Club Lake dam Dam Celestine Elementary School school Saint Celestine School Celina ppl Celina, Lake reservoir Cementville ppl Cemetery Creek stream Cemetery Island island Cemetery Lake cemetery Cemetery Run stream Cenetenary Church church Centenary ppl Centenary Church church Centenary Church church Centennial ppl Centennial Cemetery cemetery Centennial Church church Centennial Park park Centennial School school Center ppl Center ppl Center ppl Centeral Run stream Center Cemetery cemetery Center Cemetery cemetery Center Cemetery cemetery Center Cemetery cemetery Center Chapel church Center Chapel church Center Chapel church Center Chapel church Center Chapel church Center Church church Center Church church Center Church church Center Church church Center Church church STATUS BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Lake Lake Whitley Whitley Whitley De Kalb De Kalb De Kalb Whitley Starke Whitley Kosciusko Starke White Allen Allen Allen Dubois Dubois Dubois Dubois Perry Perry Clark Boone Monroe Steuben Henry Morgan Vermillion Vanderburgh Whitley Fountain Fountain Morgan Marshall Posey Howard Jay Warrick Wayne Blackford Boone Pulaski Shelby Delaware Grant Henry Miami Noble Cass Cass Grant Hendricks Kosciusko COORDINATES 412243N0872516W 412153N0872628W 411400N0853815W 411400N0853815W 411400N0853815W 412713N0850412W 412523N0850707W 412834N0850353W 411400N0853815W 411248N0863841W 411400N0853815W 412352N0854031W 411319N0863535W 404232N0864537W 411339N0850420W 411213N0850119W 411156N0850107W 382305N0864645W 382306N0864524W 382306N0864524W 382259N0864640W 381117N0863646W 381050N0863738W 382059N0854446W 395626N0861550W 391557N0862500W 414240N0845555W 400429N0851850U 393241N0861847W 393930N0872824W 380630N0873257W 410101N0853507W 400041N0871436W 400041N0871435W 392703N0862101W 412109N0861833W 375845N0873558W 402604N0860338W 402642N0850437W 380255N0872035W 394530N0850359H 403149N0852322W 400225N0862509W 410738N0863828W 393216N0855047W 401547N0852347W 403123N0853028W 39S740N0853146W 405015N0855743W 412803N0852014W 403604N0862046W 404802N0863142W 402521N0854342W 394150N0862002W 410539N0855330W SOURCE COORDINATES 411346N0853414W 395617N0861434W 400453N0851804W 394629N0850002W ELEV FT 702 725 620 847 795 779 596 630 466 1016 610 849 888 IN67 MAP NAME St John Lowell Pierceton Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo Denham Lake Wawasee Bass Lake Monticello South Cedarville Cedarville Cedarville Dubois Dubois Dubois Dubois Branchville Bristow Jeffersonville Zionsville Hindustan Angola East Mt Pleasant Mooresville East Clinton Evansville North South Whitley East Hillsboro Hillsboro Cope Plymouth Evansville South Kokomo East Blaine Boonville Jacksonburg Roll Lebanon Denham Shelbyville Wheeling Van Buren Shirley Richvalley Kendallville Young America Burnettsville Fairmount Bridgeport Silver Lake IN68 FEATURE NAME Center Church Center Church Center Church Center Church Center Creek Center Creek Center Creek Center Elementary School Center Elementary School Center Grove Cemetery Center Grove Cemetery Center Grove Church Center Grove High School Center Hill Church Center Lake Center Lake Center Point Centerpoint Centre Point Centerpoint See Center Point Center Ridge Cemetery Center Run Center School Center School Center Square Centre Square Centerton Centerton Elementary School Center Township See Centre Township Center Valley Center Valley Centerville Centreville Oakland Centerville See Lewis Centerville Centreville Centerville Community Church Central Central Central Avenue School Central Avenue United Methodist Church Central Baptist Church Central Barren Central Barren Cemetery Central Bridgeport Baptist Church Central Bridgeport Southern Baptist Church Central Bridgeport Southern Baptist Church See Central Bridgeport Baptist Church Central Career Center Central High School Central Cemetery Central Creek Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Franklin School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School FEATURE CLASS church church church church stream stream stream school school cemetery cemetery church school church lake lake PPl ppl cemetery stream school school ppl ppl school civil ppl ppl ppl ppl ppl church ppl ppl school church church ppl cemetery church church school cemetery stream school school school school school school school school school school school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Marshall Montgomery Rush Vermillion Hamilton Johnson Marion Grant Lake Decatur Habash Howard Johnson Vigo Kosciusko Steuben Clay Clay Sullivan Hayne Delaware Madison Switzerland Morgan Morgan St Joseph Hendricks Morgan Spencer Vigo Hayne Jennings Harrison Jefferson Madison Marion Marion Harrison Harrison Marion Marion St Joseph Dubois Henry Boone Hendricks La Porte Miami Morgan Noble Porter Porter Sullivan Vermillion Hayne COORDINATES 412656N0862150N 401002N0870104N 394444N0852722H 394235N0872738H 395720N0861106H 393454N0861128N 394140N0861948W 403101N0853943H 411816N0871639H 391701N0853848H 404612N0853933N 402514N0855522N 393430N0861145N 391907N0873201H 411449N0855124N 413904N0850038U 392501N0870438H 392501N0870438H 390533N0872521H 394810N0850133H 400620N0851617H 395916N0855034H 385011N0850153N 393054N0862342H 393053N0862334H 413731N0861501N 393749N0862848H 393049N0862432H 375939N0870348H 391536N0871527H 394904N0845947H 385626N0853827H 380559N0860931W 384625N0852000H 400542N0854034H 394700N0860855H 395200N0860429H 382151N0860547H 382045N0860608N 394351N0861915N 394351N0861915H 414034N0861517H 381559N0870026H 394941N0853253H 400300N0852748N 394213N0862354H 414251N0865346H 404518N0860427N 392532N0862526N 412625N0851534H 412816N0870336H 413412N0871120H 390553N0872428H 393930NO872426H 394848N0851005H SOURCE COORDINATES 395727N0861158H 393429N0861200H 394157N0861809H 394831N0845954N 395121N0853100N ELEV FT 804 1021 671 889 630 620 450 1002 697 905 801 MAP NAME La Paz Ningate Mays Clinton Carmel Bargersville Bridgeport Marion Leroy Hartsville Lagro Greentown Bargersville Hutton Warsaw Angola West Center Point Sullivan Jacksonburg Mt Pleasant Ingalls Vevay North Mooresville West Mooresville Nest Plainfield Mooresville Nest Rockport Richmond Hayden Mauckport Canaan Anderson South Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis Nest Crandall Crandall Bridgeport South Bend Nest Velpen Knightstown Lebanon Plainfield Michigan City West Peru Martinsville Kendallville Valparaiso Portage Sullivan Clinton Cambridge City FEATURE NAME Central High School Central High School Central High School See Rensselaer Central High School Central High School Central High School Central High School Central High School See Central Career Center Central Junior High School Central Junior High School Central Nazarene Church Central Noble High School Central Noble Middle School Central School Central School Central School Central School Central School Central School Central State Hospital Central Technical School Centre Point See Center Point Centre Square See Center Square Centre Township Center Township Centreville See Centerville Centreville See Centerville Centrum Run Century Mall Century School Cerro Gordo See Buena Vista Cessna Ditch Ceylon Florence Ceylon See Andersonville Cezaro Creek See Cicero Creek Chadwick Ditch Chafin Memorial Church Chain Lake See South Chain Lake Chain Mill Creek Chain Mill Falls Chain O'Lakes Bass Lake Chain O'Lakes State Park Chain-O-Lakes Chain-O-Lakes Airport Chain—O-Lakes Ditch Chair Factory Lake Chalmers Mudges Station Chalmers Cemetery Chalybeate Springs Chamberlain Cemetery Chamberlain Elementary School Chamberlain Lake Chambersburg Chambers Cemetery Chambers Cemetery Chambers Ditch Chambers Lake See Syl-van. Lake FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school school school school church school school school school school school school school hospital school W W civil W 991 stream locale school ppl canal W W stream canal church lake stream falls lake park ppl airport canal lake ppl cemetery spring cemetery school lake ppl cemetery cemetery canal lake STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BEN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Allen Delaware Jasper Knox Marion Posey St Joseph Bartholomew Monroe Marion Noble Noble Boone Hendricks Henry Howard Jefferson Hells Marion Johnson Clay Switzerland St Joseph Spencer Wayne Hayne Lake Habash Randolph Fulton Adams Franklin Tipton Madison Monroe St Joseph Jefferson Jefferson St Joseph Putnam St Joseph St Joseph St Joseph Steuben Hhite Hhite Martin Vigo Elkhart St Joseph Orange Knox Monroe Bartholomew Steuben COORDINATES 410430N0850811N 401130N0852319H 405619N0870918H 38404ON0873203H 395123N0860226N 375831N0873412H 414D34N0861517N 391219N0855501H 390938N0863202H 394600N0860753H 412353N0852508H 412352N0852508H 395738N0862357H 395238N0851529M 394942N0853233H 402910N086074OH 384626N0851959H 404418N0851038H 394614N0861244H 393522N0860559N 392501N0870438H 385011N0850153H 413731N0861501N 375939N0870348M 394904N0845947H 394719N0850209N 412806N0872020N 404832NO854858H 400714N0850423H 410343N0861737H 403624N0845712H 392951N0851720H 400127N0860125H 395851N0853613M 391536N0863857H 4I4IO8N0862211H 384135N0852726H 38414ON0852819H 414125N0862219H 411959N0852250H 41423ON0862248H 413945N0862115H 414047N0862325H 414303N0850716H 403947N0865210H 403853NO865206H 384233N0865105H 3929Z3N0871820H 413533N0854958H 413914N0862155H 3B3105N0862332N 384953N0372026N 390124N0863157N 391848N0854730H 414239N0850615H SOURCE COORDINATES 394654N0850001H 384119N0852849U ELEV FT 849 765 743 705 703 649 IN69 MAP NAME Fort Wayne Hest Muncie Hest Vincennes Indianapolis East Evansville South Columbus Bloomington Indianapolis Hest Albion Albion Fayette Zionsville Knightstown Kokomo Nest Canaan Bluffton Indianapolis Hest Greenwood South Bend Nest Jacksonburg Crown Point Habash Pershing Geneva Shirley Gosport Madison Nest Madison West South Bend Hest Merriam Lydick South Bend Hest Lydick Angola Nest Monticello South Monticello South Shoals Seelyville Goshen South Bend Hest Paoli Bicknell Clear Creek Hope IN70 FEATURE NAME Chambersville Cemetery Champion Acre Lake Champion Acre Lake Dam Champion Run Champlin Meadows Chance Branch Chandler Chandler Chandler Cemetery Chandler Cemetery Chandler Elementary School Chandler Elementary School Chaney Ditch Chapel Branch Chapel Cemetery Chapel Church Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Chapelhill Chapelhill See Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Church Chapel Hill Church See Chapel Hill United Methodist Church Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens Chapel Hill School Chapel Hill United Methodist Church Chapel Hill Church Chapel Lawn Memorial Gardens Cemetery Chapel Manor Chapelo Ridge See Chappelow Ridge Chapel Ridge Chapel Rock Christian Church Chapel Run Chapel School Chapelwood Elementary School Chapelwood School Number 7 Chapelwood School Number 7 See Chapelwood Elementary School Chapelwood Southern Baptist Church Chapine Reserve Chapman Arm Chapman Arm Chapman Branch Chapman Creek Chapman Ditch See Marsh Ditch- Chapman Ditch Chapman Lake See Big Chapman Lake Chapman Lake See Little Chapman Lake Chapmanville See Colburn Chappell Cemetery Chappelow Ridge Chapelo Ridge Charity Dye Elementary School Dye School Number 27 ‘ Charles, Lake Charles Cave Charles Collins Lake Charles Collins Lake Dam Charles Ditch FEATURE CLASS cemetery reservoir dam stream ppl stream ppl ppl cemetery cemetery school school canal stream cemetery church ppl DPI PDI church church cemetery school church cemetery ppl ridge ridge church stream school school school church reserve canal canal stream stream canal canal reservoir reservoir ppl cemetery ridge school lake cave reservoir dam canal STATUS UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGM VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ,UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN 1975 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGM NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Owen Franklin Franklin Delaware Morgan Dearborn Pike Warrick Howard Martin Elkhart Warrick Blackford Floyd Pike Franklin Marion Monroe Monroe Floyd Marion St Joseph Monroe Marion Lake Lake Dearborn Switzerland Marion Marion Franklin Marion Marion Marion Whitley La Porte Starke Starke Lawrence La Porte Starke Kosciusko Kosciusko Tippecanoe Hancock Dearborn Marion Steuben Washington Jackson Jackson Tipton COORDINATES 391658N0864110W 39303GN0851448W 393036N0851448W 401917N0852505W 392427N0862612W 390237N0850321W 382517N0872108W 380230N0872205W 402555N0855942N 385059N0864447W 413452N0854942W 380221N0872215W 403204N0851232W 382122N0854721W 382759N0870529W 392803N0851533W 394630N0861655W 385954N0862657W 385954N0862657W 382349N0855615W 394640N0861720W 414044N0860445W 390011N0862629W 394640NO861720W 412830N0872600W 412834N0871954W 391747N0845446W 385320N0850647H 394645N0861717W 394301N0855803W 392620N0851508W 394655N0861717W 394655N0861717W 394605N0861721W 411000N0852235W 412808N0863331W 411400N0863238W 411258N0863014W 384657N0864018W 411954N0865312W 411053N0862811W 411709N0854704W 411620N0854724W 403107N0864247W 39S311N0854805W 391747N0845446W 394726N0860850W 414200N0850018W 382918N0860803H 385330N0860942W 385330N0860942H 401516N0855358W SOURCE COORDINATES 401828N0852611W 390153N0850429W 382219N0854724W 394306N0855839W 411341N0862953W 384535N0863815W ELEV FT 600 499 421 512 780 783 670 MAP NAME Gosport Alpine Alpine Wheeling Martinsville Dillsboro Petersburg Boonville Greentown Williams Goshen Boonville Petroleum New Albany Otwell Clarksburg Clermont Bartlettsville Borden Osceola Allens Creek Clermont St John Crown Point Bear Branch Clermont Acton Clarksburg Clermont Clermont Columbia City Hamlet Bass Lake Bass Lake Williams Culver Ingalls Cedar Grove Indianapolis West Angola West Fredericksburg Kurtz Kurtz Windfall FEATURE NAME Charles Elementary School Charles Ludlou Ditch Charlesmac Run Charles-ac Village Charles Major Education Center Major School Charles May Ditch Charles R Drew Elelentary School Drew School Charles Templeton Ditch Charlestoun Charlestoun Landing Charlestoun Senior High School Charle Su-ac Estates Charles W Fairbanks Elelentary School Fairbanks School Number 105 Charley Cemetery Charley Creek Charlottes Brook Charlottesville Charlottesville Charlottesville Creek Charter Oak Church Chartrand High School Chase Chase Lake Chase Ripple Chase School See William Merritt Chase Elementary School Chatard High School See Bishop Chatard High School Chatterton Chattin Cemetery Cheeney Creek Cheeseboro Lake Chesboro Lake Cheever Airport Chelsea Chenoueth Celetery Cherry Grove Cherry Grove Cemetery Cherry Grove Celetery Cherry Grove Tabernacle Cherry Hill Cherry Hill Airport Cherry Lake Cherry Lake Dam Cherry Run Cherryvale Cherubusco See Churubusco Chesapeake Creek Chesboro Lake See Cheeseboro Lake Chester Chester Branch Sandy Hook Ditch Chester Celetery Chester Center School Chester Creek Chester Elementary School Chesterfield West Union Chesterfield Branch Chesterton FEATURE CLASS school canal strea- ppl school canal school canal Ppl locale school pp] school cemetery stream stream Ppl pal stream church school ppl reservoir rapids school school 991 cenetery stream lake airport 01:1 cemetery pp‘ cemetery cemetery church summit airport. reservoir dam stream pp] 991 stream lake p91 stream cemetery school stream school pp] stream 991 STATUS UNOFF BEN BEN BEN UNOFF VARIANT BEN UNOFF VARIANT BEN BEN UNOFF UNOFF BEN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BEN BEN BEN BEN BEN UNOFF UNOFF BEN BEN BEN VARIANT VARIANT BEN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BEN ADMIN BEN UNOFF BEN BEN VARIANT VARIANT BEN BEN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BEN UNOFF VARIANT BEN NATIONAL EAZETTEER-—INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Wayne Montgomery Marion Marion Shelby Jasper Lake Howard Clark Clark Clark Marion Marion Knox Wabash Rush Hancock Union Union Putnam Marion Benton Warrick Lawrence Lake Marion Warren Dubois Hamilton Steuben Jasper Jefferson Vermillion Montgomery Randolph Randolph Randolph Brown Brown Monroe Monroe Randolph Vigo Whitley Warren Steuben Wayne Porter Hamilton Wells Wayne Wabash Madison Madison Hamilton COORDINATES 394931N0845207W 401120N0870327H 394125N0855747W 394103N0855845H 393131N0854627W 404542N0870732W 413452M0871903M 403239N0861028H 382711N0854013W 382433N0853743H 382717N0854001W 394043N0855828M 394951M0860059M 384949M0872439W 404730N0855032M 394616N0853650H 394725N0853646M 393210N0845111W 393144M0844929M 411647N0852156W 394127N0860628M 403110N0872031H 375725N0872136W 384636N0864006W 413553N0872230H 395142M0860739W 402413N0871423M 382857M0865546H 395652N0860046M 413903N0850455H 411000M0871200M 383902N0853130H 400232M0872616W 400808N0865416H 400210N0845810M 401639N0850844W 400110N0845844W 390427N0860916W 390427M0860915U 391923N0862525W 391924M086253OH 400143N0845804W 392748MO87142ZW 411350N085191W 401434N0872427W 413903MOBSO455H 395317N0845316W 412209N087033OH 400418N0860743M 403635N0851645M 395334N0845319M 405950N0854543M 400645N0853549W 400709N0853535H 395544N0860715H SOURCE COORDINATES 394121NO855838M 405049N0854653H 394734N0853523H 393230N0845057W 395706N0860120M 400216N0845959H 401504N0872637W 412319M0870322M 395347N0845231U 400540N0853536W ELEV FT 820 590 799 942 737 709 983 690 788 795 740 785 596 1043 764 IN71 MAP NAME New Paris Wingate Acton Acton Shelbyville Relington Gary Galveston Charlestoun Charlestoun Charlestoun Acton Indianapolis East Oaktown Wabash Knightstoun Knightstown College Corner College Corner Ege Beech Grove Fowler Yankeetown Williams Chatterton Jasper Fishers Angola West Delotte Kent Perrysville Linden Lynn Redkey Lynn Story Story Hindustan Hindustan Lynn Staunton Covington Fountain City Kouts Westfield Montpelier Fountain City North Manchester 5 Middletoun Middletoun Fishers IN72 FEATURE NAME Chesterton Calumet Coffee Creek Chesterton Cemetery Chesterton Senior High School Chesterville Chesterville Ridge Chestnut Bayou Chestnut Fork Chestnut Grove Church Chestnut Hill Chestnut Hill (historical P.0.) Chestnut Hill Cemetery Chestnut Lakes Wallins Wallow Chestnut Ridge Chestnut Ridge Cemetery Chestnut School Chetwynd Chew Lake Chew Lake Dam Chew Pond Chicago Boys Club Camp Chicago Corner Church Chicken Coop Island Chicken Creek Chicken Run Chick Run Chief Run Chile See Chili Chili Chile New Market Chilton Ditch Chilton Hill Chime Run Chimney Hills See Chimney Pier Hills Chimney Pier Hills Chimney Hills Chimney Pier Hills Cemetery China Indiana Kentucky Chinn Cemetery Chippekokee Park Chippewanuck Creek A Bucher Ditch Bucher Ditch Chippewanuck Ditch Chippewanuck Ditch See Chippewanuck Creek Chippewanuck Ditch See Clarks Landing Chippewa School Chitick Cemetery Chizum Ditch Chowning Cemetery Chowning Creek Chridtoffel Ditch Chrisney Spring Station Springs Station Chrisney Ditch John B Chrisney Ditch Chrisney Elementary School Chrisney Lake Chrisney Lake Dam Chris Salrin Lateral Christ Church Christ Church FEATURE CLASS ppl cemetery school ppl ridge lake stream church ppl locale cemetery lake pp! cemetery school ppl _ reserv01r dam lake park church island stream stream stream stream ppl ppl canal summit stream range range cemetery ppl cemetery park stream stream locale school cemetery canal cemetery stream canal ppl canal school reservoir dam canal church church STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1963 VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1962 VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN 1962 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGM VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Porter Porter Porter Dearborn Dearborn Vigo Perry Perry Clark Washington Washington Porter Jackson Jackson Posey Morgan Vermillion Vermillion Pike Kosciusko Henry Noble Bartholomew Jefferson Madison Henry ‘Miami Miami White Perry Marion Knox Knox Knox Jefferson Warrick Knox Kosciusko Kosciusko Steuben Wabash Miami Newton Sullivan Vigo De Kalb Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Jasper Madison Wayne COORDINATES 41363BN0870351W 413619N0870253W 413630N0870340W 390404N08503OBW 390316N0850104W 392226N0873036W 380705N0863332W 375650N0864328W 382833N0855558W 383439N0855414W 383446N0855433W 413515NOB70248W 385319N0855137W 385304N0855308W 375819N0873350N 39263SN0861610W 395530N0872930W 395530N0872930H 383128N0870957W 411259N0854858N 395501N0851328W 412845N0852029H 391658N085494OW 384528N0853220W 395712N0853656H 400350N0852103W 405136N0860135W 405136N0860135W 403556N0865318W 375852N0864116H 395011N0855920W 3B3351N0873337W 383351N0873337H 383326N0873343W 384933N0852018W 381010N0870211W 384145N0873034W 410647N0861222H 410647N0861222H 413335N0845442W 404940N0855058W 403528N0860524W 405329N0872541W 391137N0872824W 391508N0871824W 412312N0844841W 380053N0870211N 380229N0870335N 380101N0870205H 380048N0870130W 380048N0870130H 410650N0865917W 400846N0854008H 332026N0853904W SOURCE COORDINATES 381015N0863031H 391626N0854719W 384702N0852657W 395654N0853505N 400242N0852125U 395033N0855928W 410248N0855854W 391703N0871646W ELEV FT 640 878 551 820 707 640 574 441 MAP NAME Chesterton Chesterton Chesterton Dillsboro Dillsboro Hutton Derby Cannelton Borden South Boston South Boston Chesterton Chestnut Ridge Seymour Evansville South Cope Newport Newport Sandy Hook Warsaw Hagerstown Kendallville Hope Volga Shirley Mt Pleasant Peru Brookston SW Cannelton Cumberland Decker Decker Canaan Holland Vincennes Rochester Wabash Miami Morocco Shelburn Lewis Butler East Chrisney Chrisney Chrisney Chrisney Chrisney Medaryville Anderson North Richmond FEATURE NAME Christiana Creek Christian Creek Christiann Creek Christian Cemetery Christian Chapel Christian Chapel Christian Creek See Christiana Creek Christian Mission Church Christiann Creek See Christiana Creek Christian Park Christian Park Elementary School Christian Park School Number 62 Christian Park Kingdom Hall Christian Park School Number 82 See Christian Park Elementary School Christiansburg Christian School Christian Seminary Christian Tabernacle Christian Tabernacle Christian Union Church Christ Irvington Lutheran Church Christmas Lake Christmas Lake Dam Christ Memorial Temple Christ of King Church Christophel Ditch Christ the King School Christ the Savior Orthodox Church Christus Victor Church Christy Ditch Church Brook Church by the Side of the Road Church Creek Church Creek Church Creek Churchill Cemetery Churchman Creek Churchman Ditch Church of God in Christ Church of God in Christ Church of God in Christ Church of God in Christ House of Prayer Church of God of Prophecy Church of Our Lord Church of Scientology Mission of Indianapolis Church Of The Little Flower Church of the Living God Church of the Master Church of the Nativity See Episcopal Church of the Nativity Church Run Churubusco Cherubusco Franklin Union Churubusco Branch Chute. The Cicero Cicero Cemetery FEATURE CLASS stream cemetery church church stream church stream park school church school ppl school school church church church church reservoir dam church church canal school church church canal stream church stream stream stream cemetery stream canal church church church church church church church church church church church stream ppl stream stream ppl cemetery STATUS BGN 1968 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Elkhart 414134N0855805N Lawrence 385542N0863704N Clinton 401109N0861907H Johnson 392645N0861354N Elkhart 414134N0855805H Adams 404018N0845831H Elkhart 414134N0855805N Marion 394541N0860546N Marion 394538N0860520H Marion 394630N0860535N Marion 394538N0860520N Brown 390519N0860922N Lake 413311N087Z7IBH Marion 394959N086104IH Marion 394907N0860910H Marion 394946N0860607W Montgomery 400335N0870134H Marion 394630N0860316N Spencer 380622N0865500H Spencer 380622N0865500N Tippecanoe 402527N0865018W Orange 383254N0862658H Elkhart 413733N1454637H Marion 39SI39N0860743N Marion 395111N0860845N Vigo 393403N0872217N Tipton 401349N0861246H Martin 384137N0864910H Marion 394456N0861930N Putnam 392925N0870005H Union 394048N0844853H Nhite 404915N0864350N Dearborn 390615N0850246H Marion 394252N0860443H Marion 393923N0861106H Marion 394655N0860900H Marion 394822N0860815H Marion 394738N0860814N Marion 394925N0860717N Marion 394524N0860540H Hendricks 395441N0863206H Marion 394935N0860916H Kosciusko 412437N0854152H Marion 394821N0861044N Marion 394715N0861722H Marion 395310N0860054N Floyd 382125N0855142H Nhitley 411350N0851910H Allen 411250N0851724H Posey 380124N0880051N Hamilton 400726N0860048H Hamilton 400754N0860142H SOURCE COORDINATES 415815N08553OSH 384202N0865019W 393108N0870015H 394152N0844929H 404855N086394SH 394230N0860315W 382156N0855214H 411358N0851834H 380152N0880642H ELEV FT 600 838 IN73 MAP NAME Elkhart Oolitic Kirklin Trafalgar Berne East East Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis East Story Highland Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Waynetown West West East Indianapolis East Santa Claus Santa Claus Lafayette East Paoli Hakarusa Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis west Rosedale Sheridan Shoals Bridgeport Center Point Fairhaven Idaville Dillsboro Beech Grove Haywood Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis East Indianapolis East Lizton Indianapolis West Lake Nawasee Indianapolis Nest Clermont New Albany Churubusco Churubusco Maunie Noblesville Arcadia IN74 FEATURE NAME Cicero Creek Cezaro Creek Cicott. Lake Cider Fork Cincinnati Cincinnati Circle Ceoetery Circle Celetery Circle Ditch Circle Hill Cemetery Circle Park Circle Park Circle Park Circle Run Circleville See Scircleville Circleville Citizens Celetery City Brook City Ditch Vincennes City Ditch City Drain City Lake City Lake See Huntingburg Lake City Lake Hulber One City Lake Hulber Two City of Aurora See Aurora City Run City Run City Servant Kingdon Hall Civil Run Clago Creek Claiborne Church Clair Brook Clair Lake Clanricarde Clapboard Corner See East Enterprise Clare Clare Lake Clarence Baker Ditch Clarence Kopp Lake Clarence Kopp Lake Dan Clarence L Farrington Junior High School Farrington School Mulber 61 Clark See Hillisville Clark Airport Clark Ceeetery Clark Cemetery Clark Cemetery Clark Celetery Clark Ce-etery Clark Celetery Clark Chapel Ceeetery Clark—Chaplan Ditch Clark County Clark County State Forest See Clark State Forest Clark Creek Clark Ditch Clark Ditch Clark Ditch Clarke See Clarke Junction Clarke Celetery FEATURE CLASS SITE“ lake stream ppl wl celetery celetery canal cemetery park park ppl stream ppl ppl cemetery stream canal strean lake reservoir lake lake ppl stream stream church stream strea- church stream lake ppl ppl pol lake canal reservoir da- school wl airport celetery celetery cemetery celetery celetery celetery celetery canal civil forest stream canal canal canal wl celetery STATUS BEN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BEN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT DEM DEM BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BEN ADMIN VARIANT BEN BEN BGN VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Tipton Cass Orange Greene Parke Kosciusko Steuben Pulaski Steuben Lake Madison Steuben Rush Clinton Rush Fulton Union Knox Randolph Knox Dubois Marrick Harrick Dearborn Grant Mayne Marion Mayne Vigo Sullivan Boone Huntington Porter Switzerland Hamilton La Porte Marshall Knox Knox_ Marion Pike Clinton Brown Fountain Gibson Tippecanoe Marrick Hhite Ada-s Allen Clark Mashington Greene Newton Porter Hells Lake Martin COORDINATES 400127N0860125M 404600N0863201N 382148N0861924H 390112N0864344H 395125N0871334H 410720N0854255H 413218N0850540H 410001N0864911N 413749N0845917H 413255N0872909H 400442N0854100H 413259N0845436H 394307N0853544M 401715N0861800H 393601N0852621H 410350N0861330H 393315N0844903H 383815N0873421H 401225N0844921H 384552N0871840H 381750N0865857H 380228N0871621H 380151N0871554H 390325N0845405M 402956N0853617H 394655N0850857H 394959N0860350N 395531N0850900U 393049N0871441H 390749N0871733H 395941N0861729H 405337N0852808M 411718N0865658H 385222N0845917H 400655N0855740H 414425N0865056H 411440N0860611H 384318N0873012H 384318N0873012H 394B39N0861402H 382703N0871744M 401140N0863123H 391130N0861032H 401911N0871038H 381508N0873944H 401515N0864313M 380701N0870457H 405420N0864255M 405356N0844925H 411503N0851612H 382900N0854541N 383251N0855600M 390726N0865638H 405342N0872630M 412716N0870709H 404224N0851912H 413748N0872459H 384410N0864301M SOURCE COORDINATES 401512N0860752H 382455N0862031H 394242N0853442M 393355N0844955H 401218N0844904H 402931N0853629H 394632N0851033H 395551N0850749H 393114N0871352N 395922N0861310H 390958N0865615M ELEV FT 698 825 917 980 406 737 675 780 737 MAP NAME Noblesville Burnettsville Milltoun Stanford Rockville South Hhitley Nest Ashley North Judson SE Angola East Highland Anderson South Hamilton Carthage Rushville Rochester College Corner Vincennes Union City Bicknell Boonville Boonville Gas City Calbridge City Indianapolis East Hagerstoun Brazil Hest Hymera Zionsville Huntington La Crosse Riverwood Michigan City East Mentone Vincennes Vincennes Indianapolis Nest Thorntown Nashville Attica Owensville Mulberry Chrisney Buffalo Dixon Ege Speed Bloc-field Morocco Valparaiso Liberty Center Huron FEATURE NAME Clarke Junction Clarke Clarke School Clark Field Clark Hill Clarkhill See Clarks Hill Clark Junior High School See George Rogers Clark Junior High School Clark Pleasant Junior High School Clark Run Clark Run Clarks See Nillisville Clarks Clarksburg See Odon Clarksburg Clarksburgh Clarksburgh See Clarksburg Clark School See George Rogers Clark Elementary School Clark School See George Rogers Clark Middle/High School Clark School Clarks Creek Clarks Cross Roads See Carbondale Clarksdale Clarks Grant Park Clarks Hill See Clarks Hill Clarks Hill Clarkhill Clarks Hill Clarksville Clarks Hill Elementary School Clark Siding Clarks Landing A Bucher Ditch Bucher Ditch Chippewanuck Ditch Clarkson Ditch Clarks Station See Cannelburg Clarks Station See Florida Clark State Forest Clark County State Forest Clarkstoun Cemetery Clarksville Clarkville Clarksville Clarksville See Clarks Hill Clarksville Middle School Clarksville Plaza Clarksville Senior High School Clarkville See Clarksville Clary Ditch Clashman Cemetery Claude May Ditch Claw Creek Clawson Ditch Clay City Markland FEATURE CLASS ppl school park summit pvl school school stream stream WI at” W ppl ppl school school school stream vol 991 park ppl pp! school ppl locale canal ppl pol forest cemetery Dual 991 91:1 school locale school 991 canal cemetery canal stream canal ppl STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Lake Narrick La Porte Morgan Tippecanoe Knox Johnson Gibson Scott Pike Pulaski Daviess Decatur Decatur Clark Lake St Joseph Hendricks Warren Brown Scott Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Clark Steuben Montgomery Daviess Madison Washington Boone Clark Hamilton Tippecanoe Clark Jefferson Clark Clark Fulton Jefferson Jasper Howard Harren Clay COORDINATES 413748N0872459N 380308N0871618W 413544N0864302W 392847N0862431H 401449N0864330N 384041N0873135H 393316N0860510N 381543N0874001N 383803N0855046H 382703N0871744H 410800N0865325N 385034N0865929H 3926OON0852052H 392600N0852052N 381708N0854553N 414043N0873022N 413833N08614I4N 393923N0862302N 402136N0872052H 391200N0860734N 383818N0854136H 401449N0864330H 401449N086433ON 401456N0864320H 382822N0853949H 413335N084S442H 400658N0870105H 384011N0365954H 400937N0854237N 383251N0855600H 395810N0861503N 381748N0854536N 400156N0855445H 401449N0864330H 381802N0854605H 381858N0863500H 381755N08546OOH 381748N0854536N 405525N0862046H 384939N0853157H 404847N0871242N 402627N0861123H 402208N0871052H 391636N0870646H SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES FT 591 850 381601N0874OS7H 383820N0855141H 705 1065 394514N0862142H 671 826 600 920 455 830 468 402505N0861056N 587 IN75 MAP NAME Whiting Boonville LaPorte East Martinsville Greenwood Owensville Scottsburg San Pierre Clarksburg South Bend East Plainfield Nashville Blocher Colfax Colfax Charlestown Hamilton Haynetown South Boston Zionsville New Albany Riverwood New Albany New Albany New Albany East Fulton Volga Remington Kokomo Nest Attica Clay City IN76 FEATURE NAME Clay City Claycomb Cemetery Clay County Clay Creek Clay Creek Clay High School Clay Hill Hollow Clay-Huff Elementary School Clay Junior High School See Clay Middle School Clay Lick Creek Clay Middle School Clay Junior High School Claypole Hills See Orrville Hills Claypole Pond Claypool Pond Claypool Claypool Elementary School Claypool Elementary School Claypool Pond See Claypole Pond Clay Prairie Clay Prairie Church Clay Run Claysville See Clayton Claysville See Bracken Claysville Middletown Clayton Claysville Clayton Brownlee Elementary School Clayton Cemeteries Clayton Cemetery Clayton Cemetery Clayton Cemetery Clayton ditch See Big Monon Creek Clear Branch Clear Branch Clear Branch Clear Brook Clear Creek See Monachals Fork Clear Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek See Miller Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek Lick Creek Clear Creek See Lick Creek Clear Creek East Fork East Fork Clear Creek Clear Creek Ulrey Ditch Clear Creek Clear Creek Cemetery Clear Creek Church Clear Creek Church Clear Creek Church Clear Creek Park Clear Fork FEATURE CLASS STATUS ppl BGN cemetery UNOFF civil ADMIN stream BGN stream BGN school UNOFF valley BGN school UNOFF VARIANT school stream BGN school UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT range lake BGN 1961 VARIANT ppl BGN school UNOFF school UNOFF VARIANT lake flat BGN church UNOFF stream BGN VARIANT ppl VARIANT ppl ppl BGN VARIANT ppl BGN VARIANT school UNOFF cemetery UNOFF cemetery UNOFF cemetery UNOFF cemetery UNOFF VARIANT stream stream BGN stream BGN stream BGN stream BGN VARIANT stream stream BGN stream BGN stream BGN I967 VARIANT stream stream BGN stream BGN stream BGN stream BGN stream BGN 1962 VARIANT VARIANT stream stream BGN VARIANT VARIANT stream BGN VARIANT ppl BGN cemetery UNOFF church UNOFF church UNOFF church UNOFF park AWIN stream BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Spencer Jay Clay Hamilton Union St Joseph Washington Spencer St Joseph Brown St Joseph Knox Knox Kosciusko Delaware Kosciusko Knox Clay Clay Wayne Hendricks Huntington Washington Hendricks Grant Sullivan Greene Hendricks Miami White Clay Warren Warrick Morgan Hendricks Monroe Morgan Putnam Putnam Randolph Vigo Wabash Warrick Wayne Wayne Whitley Whitley Monroe Putnam Huntington Huntington Randolph Wayne Floyd COORDINATES 380457N0865706H 402443N0850750W 392501N0870438W 395712N0861030W 394128N0845915W 414344N0861343W 384325N0860253W 380247N0865345W 414330N0861443W 391207N0861318W 414330N0861443W 382720N0874120H 382745N0874030W 410745N0855250M 401154N0852031W 410752N0855231W 382745M087403OW 392409NOB71216W 392649N0870840N 395459N0844922W 394121N0863121W 405912NO853726W 383721N0861722W 394121N0863121W 403257N0853934W 390303N0871834W 390321N0871005W 394029N0863122W 404337N0855718W 405115N0864853W 391911N0871224W 401450N0871948W 380748N0872357W 393424N0862720W 394301N0864345W 385942N0863047W 392935N0862315H 394144N0864723W 394220N0864520W 401654N0845804W 392423N0872852W 405948N0854838W 375415N0871613W 394829N084554OW 394657N0845610H 405241N0853320N 410539NO853720W 390633N0863224W 394403N0864227W 405648N0852815W 405620N0853147W 401413N0845837W 394957N0845511W 381516N0855137W SOURCE COORDINATES 395759NO861144W 394302N0850128W 384252N0860003W 391442N0861117W 395513N0845036W 392344N0871158W 401651N0872039W 380838N0872202W 393556N0862709W 390934N0863202W 392827N0862158W 394614N0863946W 401155N0845429W 393514N0874118W 410338N0855029W 375155N0871200W 395305N0845510W 410037N0853000W 410909N0853848W 381527N0855259W ELEV FT 442 385 900 714 872 655 MAP NAME Santa Claus Pennville Center Point Carmel Liberty South Bend East Kossuth Santa Claus Nashville South Bend East East Mount Carmel Burket Muncie East Burket Staunton Staunton Whitewater Livonia Clayton Marion Dugger Linton Clayton Peoria Saline City Stone Bluff Elberfeld Mooresville West Oolitic Martinsville Greencastle Deerfield Terre Haute North Manchester S Yankeetown Richmond Bippus South Whitley East Clear Creek Coatesville Huntington Bippus Winchester Richmond New Albany FEATURE NAME Clear Fork Clear Fork Church Clear Fork Ditch See Pigeon Creek Clear Lake Clear Lake Clear Lake Clear Lake See South Clear Lake Clear Lake Clear Lake Clear Lake Church Clear Lick Hollow Clear Pond Clear Pond Ditch See Patrick Ditch Clear Pond Ditch Clear Run Clear Run Cemetery Clear Spring Clear Spring Mooney Clear Spring Church Clear Spring Creek Guthrie Creek Clearview Cemetery Clear Water Park Clegg Creek North Fork Prestons Fork Clegg School Clemans Smith Ditch Clem Cemetery Clemmers-Fishers Cemetery Cleona See Gatesville Clermont Mechanicsburg Clermont Airport Clermont Creek Clermont Heights Clermont School Number 4 Cleveland Portland Cleveland Cemetery Cleveland Church Cleveland Park Cleveland Pond Cleveland Pond Dam Cliff Cemetery Clifford Clifford Creek Clifford Park Cliffs of the Seven Double Pillars Clift Ditch Clifton Clifton Clifton Creek Clifton Ditch Clifty See Milford Clifty Branch Clifty Branch Clifty Chapel Clifty Creek Clifty Creek See Big Clifty Creek Clifty Creek Clifty Creek Elementary School Clifty School Clifty Creek Park FEATURE CLASS stream church stream lake lake lake lake lake ppl church valley lake canal canal stream cemetery stream pol church stream cemetery park stream school canal cemetery cemetery ppl Ppl airport stream ppl school ppl cemetery church park reservoir dam cemetery ppl stream 91:1 cliff canal 991 vol stream canal ppl stream stream church stream stream stream school park STATUS BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 1962 VARIANT UNOFF BGN I970 VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNDFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Ripley 392257N0850753W Floyd 381518N0855148W Warrick 375938N0873421W La Porte 413811N0863237W La Porte 413715N0864319W Porter 413307N0865550W St Joseph 414530N0862235W Steuben 414410N0845027W Steuben 414415N0845000W Steuben 414447N0844908W Perry 375542N0863443W Knox 3B3732N0871617W Knox 383701N0871549W Sullivan 390437N0873443W Parke 393B33N0871107W Parke 393829N0871051W Henry 395506N0852730W Jackson 385530N0861236W Henry 395503N0852722W Jackson 385216N0861302W Clay 393051N0871024W Grant 402801N0854556W Clark 383310N0854355W Clark 383349N0854215W Miami 405750N0860937W Madison 400319N0853637W Kosciusko 410610N0854552W Monroe 391542N0860847W Marion 394835N0861921W Marion 394800N0861918W Marion 394853N0861821W Hendricks 394936N0862039W Marion 394851N0861921W Hancock 394725N0853841W Whitley 410416N0853607W Elkhart 414419N0860107W La Porte 414237N0865300W Knox 384631N0872345W Knox 384630N0872348W Perry 375445N0864411W Bartholomew 391656N0855209W Pike 381643N0871139W Marion 394720N0870517W Miami 404334N0855933W Henry 400327N0851908W Marion 394858N0861059M Union 394125N0845721W Union 394123N0845907W Marshall 411451N0862113W Decatur 392101N0853705W Greene 385848N0865040W Monroe 3BS946N0863117W Greene 385837N0864540W Decatur 390856N0855349W Jefferson 384403N0852527W Washington 384349N0861754W Bartholomew 391230N0855206W Bartholomew 39114SN0855258W SOURCE COORDINATES 391746N0851035M 375633N0863441M 393744N0870904M 395549N0852742M 385500N0861059M 383433N0853906M 394912N0861938M 381756N0871055H 394059N0845738H 390044N0864470N 385819N0863238M 392524N0852831M 384104N0861413W ELEV FT 773 1037 1050 890 833 800 860 974 662 690 750 1013 IN77 MAP NAME Metamora New Albany New Carlisle LaPorte East Westville Clear Lake Clear Lake Clear Lake Rome Wheatland Merom Catlin Catlin New Castle West Kurtz New Castle West Medora Brazil West Point Isabel Otisco Otisco Macy Middletown North Manchester N Clermont Clermont Clermont Clermont Clermont Cleveland South Whitley East Osceola Michigan City West Oaktown Oaktown Cannelton Hope Augusta Indianapolis East Peoria Mt Pleasant Indianapolis West Liberty Liberty Rutland Koleen Dolitic Koleen Columbus Campbellsburg Elizabethtown Columbus IN78 FEATURE NAME Clifty Falls Clifty Falls State Park Clifty School See Clifty Creek Elementary School Climer Cemetery Cline Avenue Interchange Cline Brook Cline Cemetery Cline Creek Henry Creek Cline Ditch Cline Lake Clinton Clinton Clinton Airport Clinton Brick Church Clinton Central Elementary School Clinton Central High School Clinton Chapel Cemetery Clinton Christian Day School Clinton Church Clinton Community School Clinton County Clinton Falls Quincy Clinton Falls See Brunerstown Clinton Frame Church Clinton Locks See Hudnut Clinton Locks See Lyford Clinton Prairie Junior-Senior High School Clinton Union Cemetery Clinton Young Elementary School Young School Clock Creek Clodfelter Cemetery Clouds, Lake of the Clouser Cemetery Clousers Mills See Bowers Clover Dale See Cloverdale Cloverdale Clover Dale Cloverdale Church Cloverdale Church Cloverdale Elementary School Cloverdale Junior/Senior High School Clover Hill Cemetery Cloverland Clover Leaf Church Clover Lick Creek Clover Valley Clover Village Cloyd Cemetery Club Run Clunette North Galveston Clunette Cemetery Clutter Stone Cemetery Clymers Clymers Cemetery C Moore Lake Coahran Ditch Coal Bluff FEATURE CLASS falls park school cemetery crossing stream cemetery stream canal lake ppl ppl airport church school school cemetery school church school civil ppl ppl church ppl 991 school cemetery school stream cemetery reservoir cemetery ppl ppl W Church church school school cemetery ppl church stream valley ppl cemetery stream ppl cemetery cemetery ppl cemetery lake canal ppl STATUS BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN 1960 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTV COORDINATES Jefferson 384559N0852611N Jefferson 384534N0852507N Bartholomew 391230N0855206N Miami 403629N0860309N Lake 413414N0872559N Dubois 382424N0865429H Cass 405111N0862838N Putnam 395155N0825132N Newton 405402N0872156N Lagrange 413900N0851847N Ripley 391238N0850755N Vermillion 393925N0872353N Vermillion 394245N0872405N Elkhart 413523N0854145N Clinton 401944N0862328N Clinton 401754N0862328N La Porte 413106N0865157N Elkhart 413600N0854407N Elkhart 413505N0854109N Elkhart 413459N0854303N Clinton 401646N0853039N Putnam 394309N0865750N Putnam 393909N0865954w Elkhart 413416N0854400H Parke 393934N0872237N Parke 3939oonoa72215w Clinton 401505N0863529H Elkhart 413410N0854421N Marion 394100N0860654N Noble 412854N0852418N Parke 394957N0870055w Brown 391139N0861447N Montgomery 400845N0864317N Montgomery 400925N0864329N Putnam 393053N0864738H Putnam 393053N0864738N Howard 402620N0861941H Madison 400750N0854338N Putnam 393043N0864727N Putnam 393043N0864727N Monroe 390057N0863250N Clay 393005N0871353H Clinton 401543N0864031N Perry 380329N0863048N Harrison 381615N0861023N Shelby 393627N0855133H Owen 392143N0864853N Grant 403006N0853141N Kosciusko 411911N0855522N Kosciusko 411938N0855541N Narrick 380406N0871625N Cass 404227N0862656N Cass 404225N0862737N Montgomery 395213N0870512H Madison 402146N0854240N Vigo 393458N0871312N SOURCE COORDINATES 382329N0865334N 395019N0864505W 412740N0852031N 380313N0863300H 381838N0861214N 402928N0853122H ELEV FT 595 990 498 526 750 779 612 788 857 723 560 NAP NAME Clifty Falls Clifty Falls Miami Highland Jasper Lucerne Roachdale Mt Ayr Mongo Pierceville Clinton Clinton Millersburg Michigantown Nichigantown LaPorte Nest Millersburg Millersburg Millersburg Frankfort Clinton Falls Millersburg Frankfort Millersburg Beech Grove Albion Bellmore Nashville Colfax Cloverdale Russiaville Anderson North Cloverdale Cloverdale Clear Creek Brazil Nest Mulberry Derby Depauw Shelbyville Spencer Van Buren Atwood Atwood Boonville Clymers Clymers Bellmore Alexandria Brazil West FEATURE NAME Coal Branch Coal Branch Church Coalbush Church Coal City Coal Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek Headleys Hills Snoopys Hills Coal Creek Central School Coal Hollow Coal Hollow Coal Knobs Coal Mine Ridge Coal-ant Coalpit Hollow Coal Run Coals Creek See Coles Creek Coatesville Coatsville Coats Spring Coatsville See Coatesville Cobb Cobb Creek Cobbs Creek Cobb Ditch Cobb Ditch Cobbs Ditch District Snoke Ditch Sandy Hook Ditch Shults Ditch Sloke Ditch State Ditch Nest Branch Sandy Hook Ditch Holfe Creek Cobb Hill Kobb Hill Cobbs Corner Cobbs Creek See Cobb Creek Cobbs Ditch See Cobb Ditch Cobbs Fork Cobbs Fork Sand Creek Little Sand Creek Cobbs Fork Sand Creek See Cobbs Fork Cobbs Hill Coburg Coburn Corners Church Coburn School Cobus Creek Cochoit Ditch Cochran Coe Arcadia Coees Creek See Coles Creek Coesse Coesse Church Coesse Corners Coff Ditch See Bailey Ditch Coff Ditch See Neutson Ditch Coffee (historical P.0.) Coffee Bayou FEATURE CLASS stream church church Ppl stream strea- stream 91:1 school valley valley sunnit ridge ppl valley stream stream ppl pol ppl ppl strean canal canal sun-it ppl stream canal strean stream sun-it ppl church school stream canal ppl [:91 strea- ppl church ppl canal canal locale gut STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Vernillion Verlillion St Joseph Owen Parke Vernillion Vigo Fountain Hontgonery Hartin Harren Spencer Dubois Clay Franklin Clay Harrick Hendricks Pike Hendricks Vigo Porter Boone Porter Dearborn Porter Porter Porter Decatur Decatur Franklin Porter De Kalb Marion Elkhart Allen Dearborn Pike Harrick Hhitley Hhitley Hhitley Starke Starke Clay Gibson COORDINATES 395944N0873018N 400255N0873054H 413719N0861037H 391349N0870245U 395632N0872525H 393829N0873006H 393226N0872501H 400211N0872250H 401217N0870237N 383717N0864539H 401125N0872530H 375637N0870415H 383128N0864347H 391136N0871352H 392806N0851209H 393245N0870853H 380420N0870534H 394116N0864013H 382615N0872326H 394116N0864013N 393452N0871324H 411620N0871051H 400333N0861929H 412316N0870431H 390411N0845359H 412605N0870636H 411620N0871051H 412316N0870431H 391327N0853137H 391327N0853137H 392243N0845403H 413108N0865558H 411756N0845202H 394932N0860849H 414109N0860237H 410326H085005W 390308N0845514H 381823N0871529H 380l20N0870534H 410740N0852343H 410757N0852343H 410824N0852345i 412113N0863803N 411954N0863955H 391344N087114fi 382036N0874423H SOURCE COORDINATES 400632N0873141H 401157N0871337H 393946N0873613H 393534N0873517H 383705N0864626H 401306N0872631H 392738N0851303H 393227N0870824H 412045N0871158H 392135N0852254H 414628N0860309H ELEV FT 655 640 637 631 873 522 550 690 750 980 782 455 860 867 IN79 HAP NANE Hunrick Danville SE Hyatt Coal City Newport St Bernice New Goshen Perrysville Hingate Rusk Covington Rockport Hillhan Jasonville Hetanora Brazil Nest Coatesville Union Brazil Hest Hebron RoSston Valparaiso Aurora Valparaiso Hestport Hhitcolb Hestville Hicksville Indianapolis Nest Osceola Fort Hayne East Aurora Oakland City Coluabia City Colulbia City Colu-bia City Jasonville Owensville IN80 FEATURE NAME Coffee Bayou Coffee Creek Coffee Creek Coffee Creek See Chesterton Coffee Creek Church Coffee Island Coffey Cemetery Coffin Cemetery Coffing Brothers Dam Coffing Brothers Lake Coffins Station See Dunreith Coffman Cemetery Coffman Cemetery Cofield Corner Coke Oven Hollow Foundry Colbert Cemetery Colbert Ditch Colbertson Ditch Colburn Colburn Acres Colburn Chapmanville Colburn Acres See Colburn Colby Cemetery Cold Friday Hollow Cold Run Cold Run Cold Spring See Cold Springs Cold Spring Camp Cold Springs Cold Spring Cold Spring Station Jones Station Cold Springs Cold Springs Cemetery Cold Spring Station See Cold Springs Cole Cole Branch Cole Cemetery Cole Ditch Cole Ditch Coleman Cemetery Coles Corner See Bear Branch Coles Corners See Bear Branch Coles Creek Coals Creek Coees Creek Cooks Creek Colfax Midway Colfax School Colgan School Number 10 Colgate Park Colgate School Collamer Milersburg Millersburg Collarbone Creek See Carmichael Ditch College Avenue Baptist Church College Corner College Corner College Corner FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream pal church island cemetery cemetery dam reservoir ppl cemetery cemetery ppl ppl cemetery canal canal ppl ppl ppl cemetery valley stream stream up] park ppl ppl cemetery ppl ppl stream cemetery canal canal cemetery ppl ppl stream ppl school school park school ppl canal church ppl wl ppl STATUS BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1965 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Gibson Jennings Porter Porter Jennings Gibson Monroe Parke Fountain Fountain Henry Putnam Sullivan Ohio Parke Daviess Daviess Marion St Joseph Tippecanoe St Joseph Perry Harrison Scott Wayne Dearborn Montgomery Dearborn Steuben Fountain Dearborn Grant Greene Clay Tippecanoe Whitley Pike Ohio Ohio Warrick Clinton St Joseph Marion Clark Clark Whitley Delaware Marion Jay Madison Wabash COORDINATES 382054N0874850W 384859N0854144W 413714N0870313W 413638N0870351W 385023N0854005W 382058N0874853W 391254N0864022W 395046N0871429N 400030N0872354W 400030N0872354W 394812N0852519W 394725N0864604W 390607N0872328W 385710N084573IW 395111NOB71731W 383811N0871131W 383831N0871156W 395227N0860739W 413256N0861606W 403107N0864247W 413256N0861606W 381102N0863337W 380926N0861659W 384440N0854652W 394838N0850133W 390417N0850423W 395742N0870159W 390417N0850423W 413321N0845432W 400805N0871437W 390417N0850423W 402847N0854714W 385457N0864133W 391916N0870421W 402929N0865606W 411231N0852806W 381757N0871651W 335446N0850430W 385446N0850430W 380420N0870534W 401142N0864002W 414051N0861547W 394702N0860836W 381646N0854525W 381642N0854526W 410433N0853953W 400856N0851523N 394724N0860839W 402439N0845838W 401821N0855031W 404155N0855308W SOURCE COORDINATES 382020N0874555W 385505N0853904W 413055N0865953W 381059N0861408W 384454N0854542W 394940N0850207W 385449N0864436W 381415N0870820W ELEV FT 885 856 662 600 790 930 867 845 799 922 869 797 MAP NAME Keensburg Deputy Chesterton Deputy Keensburg Whitehall Rockville Perrysville Perrysville Roachdale Sullivan Aberdeen Montezuma Washington Washington Indianapolis West Lakeville Delphi Branchville Leavenworth Scottsburg Jacksonburg Alamo Dillsboro Hamilton Mellott Point Isabel Owensburg Clay City Lafayette West Columbia City Oakland City Chrisney Colfax South Bend West Indianapolis West New Albany New Albany South Whitley West Indianapolis West Portland Elwood Peoria FEATURE NAME College Corner College Corner Branch College Corner Cemetery College Corner Elementary School College Corner Station See West College Corner College Crest College Hill College Hill Cemetery College Hill Church College Mall Shopping Center College Meadows College Park Church Collegeville College Wood Elementary School Collett Collett Cemetery Collett Orphanage Collett Park Collett Pond Collett School Collier Cemetery Collier Cemetery Collier Ditch Collier Ditch Collier Ridge Colliers Island Collins Collins Cemetery Collins Chapel Collins Covered Bridge Collins Ditch Collins Ditch Collins Ditch Collins Ditch Collins Ditch Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Lake Collins Run Collor Creek Colman Ditch Coloma Rocky Run Ditch Arm Ditch Arm Number Four Ditch Arm Number Three Ditch Arm Number Two Colonial Manor Shopping Center Colonial Pond Colonial Reality Dam Colonial Village Colony Creek Coltrin Cemetery Columbia Columbia See Corwin Columbia See Columbia City Columbia Cemetery Columbia Church Columbia City Columbia Columbia City Joint High School Columbia Elementary School Columbia Elementary School Columbia Middle School Columbian Elementary School Columbian Elementary School Columbian Park Columbia Park Columbia School FEATURE CLASS ppl stream cemetery school W W summit cemetery church locale ppl church ppl school ppl cemetery school park lake school cemetery cemetery canal canal ridge island ppl cemetery church bridge canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal reservoir stream stream canal ppl locale lake dam ppl stream cemetery ppl ppl ppl cemetery church ppl school school school school school school park park school STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Wayne 395018N0850414W Wayne 395004N0850453W Union 393342N0844858W Madison 400954N0853903W Union 393403N0844858W Marion 395530N0860902W Dearborn 390735N0845143W Jefferson 384953N0853050W Washington 381441N0861317W Monroe 390944N0862945W Hamilton 395607N0860825W Huntington 405343N0852946W Jasper 405442N0870919W Hamilton 395825N0860841W Jay 402231N0850003W Washington 384433N0860633W Vermillion 395536N0872625W Vigo 392938N0872422W Vermillion 400016N0872631W Vigo 392927N0872413W Madison 395758N0853534W Monroe 391755N0863213W Madison 395754N0853546W Tipton 402145N0861250W Dearborn 390932N0845706W Tippecanoe 402231N0870512W Whitley 411151N0852312W Adams 403612N0845706W Spencer 380007N0865326W Putnam 394338N0865833W Delaware 402026N0853148W Fulton 410431N0862149W Fulton 410857N0862322W Fulton 405927N0861537W La Porte 413853N0863928W Fulton 410334N0862315W Fulton 410343N0862207W Fulton 410318N0862156W Fulton 410250N0862139W Warrick 375456N0871829W Clark 3BZ714N0853751W Wayne 395531N0850114W Starke 411329N0863648W Parke 394718N0871731W Floyd 381845N0854831W Fulton 410336N0861124W Brown 391624N0861030W Hancock 395615N0855006W Henry 395746N0852019W Vigo 392912N0872046W Fayette 393435N0851226W Tippecanoe 401506N0865454W Whitley 410926N0852918W Decatur 391604N0853431W Gibson 382034N0873638W Whitley 410926N0852918W Whitley 410947N0852902W Fulton 410326N0861243W Lake 413657N0872956H Cass 404545N0862214W Howard 402952N0860812W Wells 404421N0851111W Tippecanoe 402448N0865214W Marion 394333N0860856W Madison 400628N0854133W SOURCE COORDINATES 395136N0850257W 382742N0853910W 395533N0845923W 395958N0851807N ELEV FT 980 807 710 832 660 960 870 616 478 1050 994 861 IN81 MAP NAME Jacksonburg Jacksonburg College Corner Anderson North Carmel Hooven Volga Salem Unionville Carmel Huntington Rensselaer Carmel Blaine Kossuth Newport Terre Haute Perrysville Terre Haute Shirley Modesto Shirley Kempton Guilford Otterbein Columbia City Geneva Santa Claus Clinton Falls Gaston Pershing Culver Fulton Springville Kewanna Pershing Pershing Pershing Yankeetown Charlestown Greens Fork Bass Lake Montezuma New Albany Rochester Beanblossom Ingalls New Castle East Seelyville Alpine Forest Hill Princeton Columbia City Columbia City Rochester Highland Logansport Kokomo West Bluffton Lafayette East Maywood Anderson South INBZ FEATURE NAME Columbia School Columbia School Columbia Township School Columbus Tiptonia Columbus Bakalar Municipal Airport Columbus Elementary School Columbus North High School Columbus School Columbus Shopping Center Colvin Cemetery Colvin Ditch Combes Cemetery Comb Run Ditch Combs Branch Combs Creek Combs School Comet See Correct Commie Thomas Ditch See Cammie Thomas Ditch Colliskey Common Run Co—unity Baptist Church Co-unity Church Community Church Community Church Community Hospital Community Hospital Airport omo Como Run Compro-Hittmer Ditch Compton Branch Compton Ditch Compton Ditch Compton Hollow Compton Lake Constock Cemetery Conarroe Cemetery Conaway Cemetery Conboy Arm Concord Concord Concord Cemetery Concord Cemetery Concord Cemetery Concord Cemetery Concord Cemetery Concord Cemetery Concord Cemetery Concord Cemetery Concord Cemetery Concord Central School Concord Church Concord Church Concord Church Concord Church Concord Church Concord Church Concord Church Concord Church Concordia Cemetery Concordia Cemetery Concordia Gardens Concordia Gardens Cemetery Concordia Lutheran High School Concordia School Concordia Lutheran School Concordia School FEATURE CLASS school school school pvl airport school school school locale cemetery canal cemetery canal stream stream school ppl canal ppl stream church church church church hospital airport ppl stream canal stream canal canal valley lake cemetery cemetery cemetery canal pol ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school church church church church church church church church cemetery cemetery pal cemetery school school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT AIIIIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Porter Posey Hhitley Bartholomew Bartholomew Lake Bartholomew Lake Allen Harrison Randolph Owen Hendricks Jackson Jackson Greene Ripley Hashington Jennings Hayne Marion Jay Lake Putnam Marion Madison Jay Jay Adams Montgomery Shelby Hhitley Orange Inuitley Perry Tippecanoe Dearborn Starke De Kalb Tippecanoe Daviess De Kalb Dearborn Miami Rush Shelby Switzerland Tippecanoe Hhitley Elkhart Boone Cass Johnson Kosciusko Orange Ripley Sullivan Switzerland Lake Marion Allen Allen Allen Allen CUORDINATES 412800N0870317U 375907N0873422H 410759N0852924M 391205N0855517H 391544N0855344H 41382908727491! 391329N0855440U 413354N0871645H 391315N0855305H 3802171408555!” 400620N0845539U 392624N0864246H 394631N0862057H 390229N0861640H 39015501086161“ 390251N0864732H 390031N0851711H 384305N0865057U 385134N0853844U 394545N0850311U 394816N0861105U 402118N0850911H 41222010872815! 393702N0865254H 394717N0860437H 400751N0854145H 402307N0850513U 402331N0850625U 404554N0850207H 395853N0870112H 392120N0855210U 410806M0853725U 383155N0863253H 41090114085395“ 38122314086400“ 401815N0865039H 385858N0850017H 412409N0664016H 41 1934140845643! 401736N0865015H 38473ZN0870222U 411932M0845749H 390314N0850250H 405914N0853940U 393759N0852903U 394007N0854619U 384728N084SOZGH 401715N0865013H 41111010852112“ 41381014085553“ 395708N0662822H 405013N0662438H 393713N0860729H 412323m54706H 382850N0862519U 385701N085145fl 3910490872721! 384738N0845023U 413539N0873025H 394339N0860926H 410844N0650624U 410521N0850413H 410526N0850508U 410421N0850648H COORDINATES 390148N0861857U 3903Z7N0861300H 394558N0850004U 402230N0850622H 395920I0870140H 383046N0863256H ELEV FT 640 656 941 850 732 785 MAP NAME Valparaiso Evansville South Columbia City Columbus Edinburg Hhiting Columbus Gary Columbus Kosmosdale Lynn Quincy Clermont Elkinsville Elkinsville Solsberry Deputy Jacksonburg Indianaplis Best Redkey Lowell Reelsville Indianapolis East Anderson North Blaine Blaine Preble Alamo Hope Lorane French Lick Pierceton Bristow Stockwell Bear Branch Kingsford Heights St Joe Stockuell Epsom St Joe Dillsboro Servia Mays Fountaintoun Patriot Stockwell Churubusco Elkhart Fayette Lucerne Greenwood Milford Valeene Cross Plains Shelburn Patriot Call-ct City Haywood Cedarville Fort Hayne East Fort Mayne East Fort Hayne East FEATURE NAME Concordia School See Concordia Lutheran School Concordia School See Concordia Lutheran High School Concordia Senior College Concord South Side Elementary School Coney Island Conger Creek Congregation B'nai Torah Congregation Beth-El Zedeck Bethel Temple Congress Green Conklin Bay Conklin Cemetery Conleys Ford Covered Bridge Conlon Arm Conn Cemetery Conn Ditch Conneley Ditch Connelly Ditch Connell Cemetery Connelly Cave Connelly Ditch See Conneley Ditch Conner Cemetery Conner Cemetery Conner Elementary School Conner Prairie Museum Connersville Connersville Area Vocational School Connersville Junior High North Connersville Senior High School Conn Fred Ditch Conningham Ditch Connor Cemetery Conns Creek Conns Creek See Mud Creek Conns Creek Coon Creek Mud Creek Conns Creek See Haldron Conologue Conologue Post Office Conologue Church Conologue Post Office See Conologue Conover Cemetery Conoway Church Conrad Conrad Branch Conrad Cemetery Conrad Cemetery Conrad Ditch Conrad Ditch Conroe Church Consolidated School Consolidated School Continental Camp Contreras Convent of the Immaculate Conception Converse Converse Xenia Converse Airport FEATURE CLASS school school school school island stream church church swamp bay cemetery bridge canal cemetery canal canal cemetery basin canal cemetery cemetery school building ppl school school school canal canal cemetery stream stream stream ppl ppl church ppl cemetery church ppl stream cemetery cemetery canal canal church school school park 991 school 1:91 1:311 airport STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN 1961 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Allen 410421N0850648H Allen 410526N0850508H Allen 410822N0850632H Elkhart 413757N0855513M Fulton 410324N0861131H Knox 383100N0672654H Marion 395228N0861030w Marion 395255N0861007N Posey 374859N0875702H Kosciusko 412417M0854419H Randolph 401200N0845144H Parke 393933N0870759H La Porte 412848N0865009N Franklin 392521N0844904H Fulton 405550N0861833H Clay 391742N0870842H Ripley 385906N0850942H Lawrence 384346N0863834H Clay 391742N0870842w Perry 380014N0863246H Ripley 385450N0851604N Hamilton 400248N0860010H Hamilton 395905N0860147N Fayette 393828N0850828H Fayette 393812N0850935H Fayette 393920N0850800H Fayette 393812N0850935w Fulton 405605N0861653H Delaware 400706N0851447H Perry 375615N0863041H Rush 393933N0852959H Rush 393334N0853422H Shelby 392508N0854042H Shelby 392713N0854001H Jackson 385832N0854757H Jackson 385903N0854823H Jackson 385832N0854757w Shelby 392412N08554S4H Washington 383444N0855701H Newton 410618N0872636H Monroe 391059N0862342H Harrison 381223N0861401H Harrison 381553N0860628H Adams 404828N0850337w Steuben 413202N0850531H Tippecanoe 401739N0865016N Allen 405657N0845856H Hamilton 400310N0855435H Posey 381302N0875644N Union 393121M0844329H Dubois 381331N0865118N Blackford 402322N0851421M Miami 403439N0855224H Miami 403415N0855330W SOURCE COORDINATES 382741N0871812H 394110N0852535N 393334N0853422N 391156N0862205N ELEV FT 796 828 674 400 974 931 832 840 IN83 MAP NAME Cedarville Elkhart Rochester Iona Indianapolis West Carmel Uniontown Lake Hawasee Union City Catlin Hanna Reily Fulton Saline City Cross Plains Huron Derby Rexville Noblesville Fishers Connersville Connersville Connersville Connersville Fulton Modoc Rome Mays Haldron Chestnut Ridge Chestnut Ridge Marietta South Boston Enos Unionville Corydon Nest Crandall Preble Ashley Stockwell Hoagland Riverwood New Harmony College Corner Saint Meinrad Pennville Sweetser Amboy INB4 FEATURE NAME Converse Elementary School Converset Ditch Conway Ditch Conwells Mills See Laurel Cook Cook Cemetery Cook Cemetery Cook Cemetery Cook Ditch Cook Ditch Dahl Ditch Keller Ditch Cook Ditch Cook Ditch Cook Island Cook Lake Cook Lougheed Wildlife Pond Cook Lougheed Wildlife Pond Dam Cooks Cemetery Cooks Chapel Cooks Chapel Cooks Corner Elementary School Cooks Creek Cooks Creek See Coles Creek Cooksey Hill Cooks Hill Cool Brook Cool Creek Cox Creek Cool Creek See Little Cool Creek Cooley Creek Cooley Creek See White Creek Coolspring Elementary School Coolwood Acres Coon Branch Coon Creek See Nation Ditch Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek See Coonie Creek Coon Creek See Conns Creek Coon Creek Coon Hollow Coon Hollow Coon Hollow Coonie Creek Coon Creek Coon Run Coon Run Coons Cemetery Coon Seitz Bridge Coontail Ridge Cooper Airport Cooper Branch Cooper Cemetery Cooper Cemetery Cooper Cemetery Cooper Cemetery Cooper Cemetery Cooper Chapel Cooper Corner Cooper Ditch Cooper Run FEATURE CLASS school canal canal ppl ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery canal canal canal canal island lake reservoir dam cemetery church church school stream stream summit summit stream stream stream stream stream school ppl stream canal stream stream stream stream stream stream stream valley valley valley stream stream stream cemetery bridge ridge airport stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church ppl canal stream STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTV Miami Allen Tipton Franklin Lake Hancock Hancock Tipton Boone Jasper Porter Whitley Noble Marshall Allen Allen Perry Kosciusko Orange Porter Bartholomew Warrick Owen Brown Wayne Hamilton Hamilton Jackson Jackson La Porte Porter Pulaski Henry Benton Benton Gibson Owen Scott Shelby Wayne Martin Monroe Ripley Scott Dubois Marion Montgomery Dubois Perry Hendricks Perry Dubois Greene Hancock Ohio Vigo Fountain Hancock Henry Dearborn COORDINATES 40344ON0855208W 4IOZO9N0845833W 4OZ320N0855404W 393003N0851111W 412238N0872811W 39S431N0854343W 395611N0854954W 401520N0855344W 395903N0863529W 411536N0870848W 411623N0865600W 410157N0853945W 412907N0852134W 411801N0862203W 410112N0851736W 410112N0851736W 375928N0863711W 4113OAN0855551W 38263ON0862723W 413001N0870356W 390838N0854954W 380420N0870534W 392156N0865102W 391948N0861852W 394912N0850055W 395707N0860407W 395917N0860727W 390012N0860000W 385340N0860346W 413907N0865236W 412733N0870514W 380852N0864213W 395300N0851506W 404340N0874303W 403847N0872803W 382106N0874439W 392505N0865723W 384159N0854939W 392508N0854042W 395156N0851219W 383203N0865101W 390754N0864043W 390217N0852008H 384159N0854939W 382511N0865243W 394428N0855902W 395906N0865715W 382517N0865220N 375529N0864123N 393831N0863015W 380019N0864545W 382849N0865609W 385756N0864830W 395217N0854543H 385435N0850555W 392533N0871642W 400303N0872017W 395218N0854612W 4000SIN0853254W 391612N0844911W SOURCE COORDINATES 390939N0854522W 394937N0850140W 400325N0860834W 390236N0860158W 381021N0864339W 404046N0873033W 404101N0872346W 382306N0874453W 392634N0865216W 395308N0851405W 383156N0865214W 390846N0863914W 390233N0851825H 3B3825N0855143W 382610N0865333W 394402N0855955N 380106N0864305W 391752N08449Z3W ELEV FT 765 763 870 970 710 860 907 MAP NAME Sweetser Maples Greentown St John Pendleton Ingalls Windfall Lizton Hebron La Crosse South Whitley West Kendallville Plymouth Arcola Arcola Rome Burket Valeene Chesterton Elizabethtown Spencer Morgantown Jacksonburg Fishers Waymansville Michigan City West Valparaiso Bristow Milford (IL) Earl Park Owensville Poland Cambridge City Rusk Whitehall Versailles Scottsburg Jasper Acton New Market Dubois Cannelton Clayton Fulda Jasper Koleen Greenfield Bear Branch Seelyville Veedersburg Greenfield Hiddletown Harrison FEATURE NAME Cooper Run Coo Run Coots Creek See Koots Fork Cope Cope Hollow Copeland See Rockport Copeland Cemetery Copeland Hill Copeland Ridge Copelin Cemetery Copper Creek Copper Ditch Coppes Ditch Coppess Ditch Coppess Corner Coppess Ditch See Coppes Ditch Coppin African Methodist Episcopal Chapel Copy Run Coquillard Park Coquillard School See Alexis Coquillard Elementary School Corbin Creek Corbin Hill Cord Run Cordry Lake Corey Cemetery Corey Run Corinth Church Corinth Church Corinth Church Corinth Church Corinth Church Corinthian Baptist Church Corinth Run Corkwell Corn Brook Brook Corn Cemetery Corn Creek Cornel Cemetery Cornelius Cottonwood Cornell Cemetery Cornell Cemetery Cornell Cemetery Cornell Ditch Cornell Ditch Corner Creek Caren Creek Carner Creek Carnes Creek Cornes Creek Cunner Creek Curnes Creek Grassy Creek Karnes Creek Kern Creek Corner Run Cornes Creek See Corner Creek Cornett Cemetery Cornettsville Cornettsville Cemetery Corning Corn Island Corn Island Slough See Big Slough FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream ppl valley ppl cemetery summit ridge cemetery stream canal canal ppl canal church stream park school stream summit stream reservoir cemetery stream church church church church church church stream ppl ppl cemetery stream cemetery pp! cemetery cemetery cemetery canal canal stream stream stream cemetery ppl cemetery ppl island stream STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Dubois Henry Morgan Morgan Monroe Parke Shelby Harren Jefferson Orange Miami Howard Kosciusko Adams Kosciusko Marion Randolph St Joseph St Joseph Greene Owen Posey Brown Henry Wayne Cass Delaware Delaware Hendricks Morgan Marion Delaware Jay Bartholomew Pike Harrison Martin Brown Elkhart Jennings Porter Carroll Porter Montgomery Union Montgomery Jackson Daviess Daviess Daviess Spencer Spencer COORDINATES 382840N0865544U 395235N0851513H 392533N0861522H 392701N0861908U 390012N0862229H 395251N0871644N 392152N0853825H 402034N0871917H 385157N0852023H 383101N0862040H 403612N0860051H 402945N0860330N 412308N0855158H 404442N0845725H 412308N0855158H 394921N0860940H 400243N0845520H 414109N0861352H 414127N0861812H 390827N0865800H 391911N0865304H 380637N0875350H 391807N0860627W 395740N0851219H 395735N0851121H 405025N0861219H 401545N0852854H 400806N0852526H 395434N0862434H 392951N0863613H 394629N0860837W 401603N0852903N 402802N085033IH 391440N0855621H 382053N0870901H 381912N0860247H 383318N0864423H 391759N0861753H 413751N085462IH 390916N0852922H 411913N0870750H 403846N0862213H 412114N0870935H 395812N0870029H 393335N0844855H 395812N0870029H 385907N0861408H 384524N0870636H 384535NOB70702H 383458N0870103N 375653N0865422N 375609N0865713H SOURCE COORDINATES 382823N0865505H 395303N0851545H 390127N0862135N 4033SIN0860039H 400204N084S407H 390959N0865654H 380656N0875501H 395750N0851215H 401537N0852816H 382418N0860057W 403910N0862224H 395620N0865602H 393405N0844946H ELEV FT 751 670 821 750 892 625 712 492 510 IN85 MAP NAME Jasper New Castle East Cope Elkinsville Hartsville Nilliamsport Canaan Livonia Miami Kokomo East Milford Berne Indianapolis Nest Lynn South Bend East Arney Patricksburg Solitude Nineveh Hagerstown Hagerstown Twelve Mile Wheeling Muncie Hest Fayette Paragon Indianapolis West Wheeling Blaine Columbus Augusta Crandall Hillham Morgantown Bristol Millhousen Hebron Anoka Hebron Alamo College Corner Kurtz Epsom Epsom Glendale Lewisport IN86 Corn Corn Cornstalk (historical) Corn Corn Corp Corp Corr Corr Corr Cort Cort Cortland Elementary School Coru Coru Corw Corw Corw Cory Cory Cory Cory Cory Cory Cory Corydon Nater Norks Dam Nu Corydon Nater Norks Dam Nu Cory Cory Cory Cory Cosn Cosn Cosp Cosp Cost Cott Cott Cott Cott Cott Cott Cott Cott Cott Cott Cott Cott Cott Cottons Little Pine Lake Cottons Little Pine Lake Dam Cott FEATURE NAME Run 5 Ridge stalk Creek ucopia See Burrows us Christi School us Christi School ect Comet ell Creek Carol Creek Carrol Creek ode Run land land Cemetery nna nna Cemetery in in Columbia in Ditch Cemetery den Run don don Junction See New Salisbury don Junction New Salisbury don Pike School mber 1 mber Z Dam Number 3 ell Cemetery Lake 5 Creek See Croys Creek ville See Curryville er Branch Cosners Branch ers Branch See Cosner Branch er Cemetery erville Springfield ello Ditch age Grove age Grove Creek age Hill age Hill Cemetery age Run ingham Ditch on Branch on Branch on Branch See Belle Union Branch on Creek on Lake on Lake Ditch on Run onwood See Cornelius Cottonwood Church Cottonwood Ditch FEATURE CLASS stream ridge ppl stream ppl school school ppl stream stream 991 cemetery school ppl cemetery ppl ppl canal ppl cemetery stream ppl ppl ppl school dam dam cemetery lake stream ppl stream stream cemetery ppl canal ppl stream ppl cemetery stream canal stream stream stream stream lake canal stream reservoir dam ppl church canal STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN 1968 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF B VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Henry Owen Parke Putnam Carroll St Joseph Vanderburgh Ripley Noble Jay Jackson Jackson Jackson De Kalb De Kalb Henry Tippecanoe Jay Clay Grant Floyd Harrison Harrison Harrison Floyd Harrison Harrison Jennings Newton Putnam Nells Hendricks Hendricks De Kalb Noble Fulton Union Union Clay Clay Clay Tipton Knox Putnam Putnam Hendricks Lagrange Lagrange Shelby Owen Owen Brown Brown Starke COORDINATES 395510N0853514N 392404N0865015N 395338N0870934N 395144N0865207N 404036N0863027N 414251N0861713N 375859N0873834N 390031NO851711N 411940N0852732N 402401N0850932N 385823N0855751N 385821N0855823N 385830N0855750N 412614N0850850N 412510N0850850N 395318N0851757N 401506N0865454N 402639N0850744N 392256N0871221N 403756N0852824N 381645N0855101N 381243N0560719N 381849N0860542N 381812N0360601N 381640N0855049N 381319N0860711N 381415N0860635N 38504ON0854749N 405641N0872955N 392832N0865839N 404711N0850419N 394200N08627Z7N 394200NOB62727N 412147N0845834N 412851N0852827N 405604N0862148N 393547NOB45142N 393422N0845122N 393101N0870857N 393107N0870906N 393118NOB70905N 402235N0855916N 384743N0872623N 393420N0863932N 393352NO863912N 395502N0861644N 413944N0853542N 413913N0853456N 393604N0853756N 391518N0865112N 391518N0865112N 391759N0861753N 391756N0861755N 411618N0863913N SOURCE COORDINATES 395454N0853413N 395802N0864809N 411910N0353045N 402304N0850959N 381722N0855058N 394531N0862839N 393624N0845138N 393029NO870909N 38503ON0872528N 393649N0864316N 395526N0861527N 393805N0853826N ELEV FT 888 970 565 980 730 621 549 718 900 1045 650 MAP NAME Shirley Cataract Nallace Roachdale South Bend Nest Nest Franklin Versailles Ormas Pennville Seymour Seymour Seymour Corunna Corunna New Castle East Romney Pennville Staunton Narren New Albany Corydon East Crandall New Albany Corydon East Corydon East Crothersville Morocco Plainfield St Joe Albion Fulton College Corner College Corner Brazil Nest Brazil Nest Brazil Nest Greentown Oaktown Eminence Zionsville Shipshewana Shipshewana Rays Crossing Spencer Spencer Norgantown Knox Nest FEATlIlE NME Cottonwood Ditch See Kline Ar- Coucher Ditch Coulston Eleeentary School Coulters Corner See Old Bath Coulters Hollow Country Club Gardens Country Club Heights Country Club Meadows Country Fare Celetery Country Lake Big Bass Lake Country Lake Calp Dal Big Boss Lake Da- Country Run Country Squire Lake Country Squire Lake Dal County Brook County Ditch County Ditch See Lu) Ditch County Farl Cenetery County Far- Ditch County Farl Ditch County FarI Ditch See Dowell Ditch County General Hospital County Line Branch County Line Ceeetery County Line Church County Line Church County Line Ditch County Line Lake County Nelorial Hospital County Melorial Hospital County Run Courter Courter Ceeetery Courtney Corner Covenant Baptist Church Covenant Celetery Covenant Church Covenant Church Covenant Church See Covenant Church Covenanter Celetery Covenant Presbyterian Church Covert and Lodge Shopping Center Covert and Vann Shopping Center Covey Ce-etery Covey Celetery Coveyville Goat Run Covington Covington Dells Covington Lake Covington Lake Dal Covington Meeorial Gardens (cenetery) Cowan Cowen Cowan Ditch Cowboy Run Cow Creek Cowen See Cowan Cowing Park Cow Run Cox Branch celetery reservoir strea- reservoir strea- canal canal celetery canal canal canal hospital strea- celetery church church canal reservoir hospital hospital strea- ppl celetery ppl church celetery church church celetery ppl locale locale ceeetery ceeetery ppl celetery ppl canal strea- strea- ppl park strea- strea- UNOFF BEN VARIANT VARIANT BEN BEN UNOFF BEN BEN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BEN BEN UNOFF UNOFF BEN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BEN VARIANT BEN BEN BEN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADNIN NATIGIAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Starke Mia-i Shelby Franklin Orange Allen Madison Vanderburgh Ripley Clark Clark Randolph Jennings Clark Madison Dubois Randolph Rush Hiitley Hhitley imitley Marion Orange Steuben De Kalb St Joseph La Porte Greene Floyd Mhite Floyd Mia-i Miani Steuben Marion Steuben Marion Marion Hashington Grant Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Lawrence Perry Laurence Fountain Allen Allen Allen Allen Delaware Marshall Jay Huntington Delaware Delaware Clark Hhitley CDORDINATES 411715N0864515H 403615N0860618H 393200N0854536U 393030N0845330H 383136N0862148H 410259N0851321H 4DD7ZZN0854114H 380123N0873423H 38593GN0851902H 383512N085470W 383512N085470W 400308N0850314H 390147N0854137H 390147N0854137H 400436N0853449H 382257N0870216U 400716N0850746H 393642N0852458N 410719N0853021H 410854N0853033H 410746N0853216H 394646N0861039H 382345N0863723H 413138N0850636H 411557N0850257N 412839N0861805H 413640N0862912N 390300N0871416H 381805N0855005H 404530N0864523N 381845N0854905H 405013N0860347H 405050N0860329H 413746N0845019M 394832N0861356H 414512N084Sl40u 394801N0860317N 394801N0850317N 384152N0860852H 403127N0853420H 375719N0873222H 375721N0873040N 385901N0862712H 380100N0863903H 385824N0862821H “M7234“ 410410N085135W 410329085164“ 410325N085164N 410348N0851511N 400621N0852319H 411015N0862049‘ 402423N085081N 405738N0852156H 400621N0852319H 401251N0852345H 383152N0854659H 410334N0853215i SOURCE COORDINATES 383107N0861905H 400252N0850147N 400351N0853352H 382334N0863918H 381912N0854940H 402229N0850736N 405910N0852452H 383220N0854803N 410330N0853034H ELEV FT 979 376 685 560 803 991 IN87 NAP NAME Mia-i Shelbyville Livonia Fort Mayne Hest Anderson South Evansville North Rexville Henryville Henryville Carlos North Vernon North Vernon Middletown thell Rushville South Mhitley East Lorane Indianapolis Nest Greenbrier Ashley Auburn La Paz North Liberty Linton New Albany Monticello North New Albany Peru Peru Clear Lake Indianapolis Mest Camden Indianapolis East Seedley Van Buren Evansville South Evansville South Bartlettsville Gatchel Bartlettsville Covington Fort Mayne Nest Arcola Arcola Arcola Sulphur Springs Rutland Pennville Zanesville Muncie Nest Henryville South Mhitley East IN88 FEATURE NAME Cox Cemetery Cox Cemetery Cox Cemetery Cox Creek Cox Creek See Cool Creek Cox Creek Cox Ditch Cox Ditch Cox Ditch Cox Ditch Cox Ditch Cox Ford Covered Bridge Cox Hill Cox Lake Cox Lake Dam Cox Number One Ditch Cress Run Cox Number Two Ditch James Cox Ditch Cox School Coxs Ferry (historical) Coxton Coxville Roseville Crabb Ditch Crackaway See Dover Cracky Ridge Cradick Corner Cradnick Corner Cradnick Corner See Cradick Corner Craig Craig Cemetery Craig Ditch Craigmile Ditch Smith Ditch Craig Park Craigville Crain Lake Crain Lake Dam Crampton Ditch Cranberry Marsh Cranberry Point Crandall Crandall Station Crandall Branch Crandall Creek See Raccoon Branch Crandall Station See Crandall Crane Crane See North Crane Crane Cemetery Crane Lake Crane Pond Crane Run Cranes Run Crauder Ditch Craven Cemetery Craven Ditch Cravens Cemetery Crawford Crawford Brandeis Ditch Licking Creek Crawford Cemetery Crawford Cemetery Crawford Church Crawford County Crawford Creek FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery cemetery stream stream stream canal canal canal canal canal bridge summit reservoir dam canal canal school locale ppl ppl canal ppl ridge ppl ppl ppl cemetery canal canal park ppl _ reserv01 r dam canal swamp cliff ppl stream stream ppl Ppl ppl cemetery lake lake stream stream canal cemetery canal cemetery ppl canal cemetery cemetery church civil stream STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Boone Boone Dubois Boone Hamilton Posey Marion Pulaski Starke Tipton Tipton Parke Perry Morgan Morgan Vigo Vigo Jackson Hashington Lawrence Parke Starke Boone Morgan Putnam Putnam Decatur Scott Miami Starke Johnson Hells Brown Brown Jay Warren Starke Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Martin Tippecanoe Jackson La Porte Grant Dearborn Franklin Marshall Ripley Hells Scott Lawrence Vanderburgh Adams Lawrence Crawford Crawford Grant COORDINATES 395901N0861535N 400518N0863818H 381726N0864516H 395808N0861554H 395707NO860407W 381226N0875255H 394628N0861946H 410317N0863858H 412021N0863823N 401501N0860812H 401408N0860929N 395307N0871326W 375617N0864347W 303218N0862248H 393218N0862248N 393622N0871616H 393508N0871710H 385226N0855329H 384538N0861656H 384946N0863340H 393907N0871740H 411803N0863056H 400316N0863712H 392122N0862650H 393238N0864821N 393238N0864821U 391956N0853110H 384205N0854730W 405931N0855937H 411313N0864010N 393630N0860611N 404642N0850527H 391642N0861018H 391642N0861018H 403106N0850222N 402738NO870736N 411352N0863428W 381715N08603S9W 381717N0860454H 381624N0860601H 381715N0860359N 385328N0865414N 402019N0864837H 385618N0855552H 413704N0864549H 403310N0854316H 391614NOB45207H 391904N0845054H 411339N0860726N 390621N0850751H 404225N0850935N 383856N0854520U 385045N0862350H 375322N0872856H 403905N0845411H 385047N0862357H 381218N0862234N 382004N0862751H 402426N0853010W SOURCE COORDINATES 395929N0861526H 380818N0875014H 381622N0855941H 391505N0845321H 392008N0845247H 402338N0853207N ELEV FT 620 515 516 770 915 850 659 545 804 MAP NAME Zionsville Shannondale St Anthony Zionsville New Harmony Clermont Ripley Knox Nest Kempton Sheridan Hallace Cannelton Mooresville Mooresville Rosedale Rosedale Tampico Tunnelton Bedford Nest Mecca Knox East Hindustan Cloverdale Forest Hill Scottsburg Roann Denham Greenwood Preble Beanblossom Beanblossom Domestic Chatterton Bass Lake Crandall Crandall Scotland Seymour LaPorte Nest Marion Harrison Harrison Mentone Milan Bluffton Scottsburg Bedford East Daylight Berne Bedford East Beechwood English Gas City FEATURE NAME Crawford Creek Crawford Ditch Crawfords Cemetery Crawfordsville Crawfordsville Municipal Airport Crawfordsville Senior High School Crawleyville Crowley Crowleyville Crazy Creek Crazy Creek Creamer Hollow Cream Run Cream Run Creek Hollow Creeks Creek See Quick Creek Creekwood Cree Lake Cresco Cress Cemetery Cress Run See Cox Number One Ditch Cresswood Lake Dam Crest Branch Crest Haven Cemetery Crestlawn Crest Manor Addition Crestmoor Creston Creston Crestview Crestview Christian Church Crestview Church Crestview Church See Crestview Christian Church Crestview Elementary School Crestview Heights Crestview Junior High School Crestview Lake Crestview Lake Dam Crestview School Crestwood Creswell See Smyrna Cretcher Ditch Crete Crete Drain Crews Ditch Cricket Hill Southern Baptist Church Crider Cemetery Crietz Creek Criotz Park Cripe Cemetery Cripe Run Cripe Sandlin Ditch Crisman Crisman Elementary School Crisps Crossroads (historical) Crispus Attucks High School Attucks High School Critchfield Crittenden Creek Nest Fork Mill Creek FEATURE CLASS stream canal cemetery ppl airport school ppl stream stream valley stream stream valley stream ppl lake ppl cemetery canal dam stream cemetery Ppl Dpl ppl ppl pp1 991 church church school ppl school reservoir dam school ppl ppl canal ppl stream canal church cemetery stream park cemetery stream canal ppl school locale school ppl stream STATUS UNOFF BGN I961 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN I960 VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Lawrence Elkhart Union Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Gibson Boone Kosciusko Brown Randolph Mayne Floyd Scott Marion Noble Hhitley Vigo Vigo Decatur Marion Lawrence Madison St Joseph Shelby Delaware Lake Porter Marion Marion Dubois Morgan Huntington Monroe Brown Marion Allen Jefferson Kosciusko Randolph Randolph Marshall Marion Miami Wayne Mayne Elkhart Clinton Clinton Porter Porter Harrison Marion Johnson Hendricks COORDINATES 384838N0862342H 414OIBN0860155H 393153N0844934N 400228N0865228H 395836N0865507N 400215N0865400N 3817OON0875000H 395604N0861608N 410351N0854212H 390455N0851324H 400307N0845808N 39444IN0845417H 382127N0855133H 384814N0354709W 395238N0860708N 413024N0851626N 411409N085293OH 393559N0871429H 393622N0871616N 391918N0852348H 395221N0861336H 384826N0863033H 400429N0854049N 413659N0861400N 393050N0854550H 401240N0852227N 412016N0872553H 412707N0870329H 395449N0861106H 395449N0861106H 381744N0865654H 393506NO861859H 405311N0852944N 391833N0861336H 39183ON0861336N 3953OAN0860213N 410824NO850723H 384655N0852851H 4113I9N0855709N 400236N0845142H 4OOIS9N0845147H 411956N0861337N 395000N0860010H 404133N086013ON 394851N0851005N 394854N0851020H 413456N0854715H 402507N0863834H 401746N0862101H 413513N0871026H 413SISN0871027N 380651N0860834N 3947OZN0861008N 393601N0860948H 393918N0863748H SOURCE COORDINATES 385034N0862021H 395553N0861514H 410535N0854408H 390422N0861256H 40034ON0850016H 394406N0845115H 382118N0855052H 395245NO861950H 400221N0845302N 39494ON0851337N 402152N0863221U 394537N0863758H ELEV FT 769 804 390 728 947 923 891 850 795 959 713 730 784 800 1182 651 770 IN89 MAP NAME Bedford East Osceola College Corner Darlington New Market Crawfordsville Keensburg Zionville South Whitley Mest Story Lynn Liberty New Albany Fishers Holcottville Columbia City Brazil Nest Greeneburg Clermont Bedford Nest Anderson South Hyatt Shelbyville Muncie East Lowell Valparaiso Carmel Huntingburg Mooresville East Huntington Beanblossom Beanblossom Fishers Cedarville Burket Spartanburg Spartanburg Inwood Indianapolis East Bunker Hill Cambridge City Cambridge City Goshen Pyrmont Hillisburg Portage Portage Mauckport Indianapolis Nest Bargersville Coatesville INSO FEATURE NANE Crocker Croker Lilla!!! Crockett Cenetery Crockett Cenetery Crockett lake Croft Ditch Croker See Crocker Croley Ditch Crolley Cenetery Cro-ley Ditch 00th Hi I l Croluell Cro-ell Ditch Cronell Elelentary School leI Hill Cronin Ditch Crook Branch Crooked Branch Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek and Sheets Ditch Crooked Creek and Sheets Main Creek Sheets Ditch Sheets Main Ditch Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Hutton Ditch Koselk Ditch Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Andersons River Crooked Creek Faun River Little Fain River Crooked Creek See Faun River Crooked Creek See Brush Creek Crooked Creek crooked Creek Crooked Creek See Taylor Hollow Crooked Creek and Sheets Ditch See Crooked Creek Crooked Creek and Sheets Main creek See Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Baptist Church Crooked Creek Celetery Crooked Creek Church Crooked Creek Church Crooked Creek Elenentary School Crooked Creek Lake Crooked Creek Lake Dal Crooked Lake Crooked Lake Crooked Lake Crooked Run Crooks Covered Bridge FEAR]! CLASS celetery celetery lake canal ppl canal celetery canal ppl ppl canal school sue-it canal strea- strea- strea- strea strea- strea- strea- strea strea- strea- strea strea- strea- strea- strea- strea- strea- strea strea- strea- strea- valley strea- strea- church celetery church school reservoir lake lake lake StI‘EH bridge STATUS VARIANT VARIANT E E .a VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Porter Jasper Steuben Steuben Noble Porter Cass Marshall Cass Verlillion Noble Noble Noble Clay Cass Johnson Putna- Brown Cass Dubois Jay Jefferson Jennings Jennings Marion Martin Morgan Morgan Porter Porter Spencer Steuben Steuben Vigo COORDINATES 413517N0870720H 405426N0870453H 413815N0850147H 413812N0850210N 412307N0852437H 413517N0870720H 404328N0861433M 411046N0862634H 404350N0861505H 393921N0872509H 412402N0853657H 412516N0853821H 412414N0853655H 392528N0865916U 404203N0862749H 393226N0861400H 394111N0870223H 390538N0861939H 404316N0863052H 382238N0870028H 402718N0850951H 384414N0852442H 384953N0854432H 385858N0853425H 394906N0861129H 383159N0865018H 393122N0861838M 392152N0861728H 411614N0870348H 384751N0863307H 375929N0865024N 414417N0850936N 415045N0844002H 392223N0870827H 392138N0870827M 392234N0873149H 390704N0861340N 404316N0863052V 404316N0863052H 395108N0861144H 404956N0862629M 390627N0861850H 404843N0863026H 395125N0861152H 390725N0861758H 390725N0861758H 414017N0850259M 414047N0850212H 411544N0852846H 382022N0855205H 394328N0871123H SOURCE COORDINATES 393152N0861254H 394144N0870023H 390804N0861729H 405037N0861936H 3824Z9N0865637H 402611N0851030H 384708N0852233H 385130N0854327H 385940N0852915H 395620N0861351H 383156N0865214N 393249N0861100U 392503N0861813H 413221N0865614W 385018N0863715H 381020N0865245V 414329N0850455N 392624NOB71120H 392929N0874049H 382109N0855042H ELEV FT 635 600 953 660 988 1006 906 HAP NAME Chesterton McCoysburg Angola Nest Angola Vest Albion Onward Culver Anoka Clinton Ligonier Lake Hawasee Ligonier Poland Clyners Bargersville Mansfield Elkinsville Burrows Otwell Pennville Madison Nest Deputy Vernon Indianapolis Nest Rusk Mooresville East Morgantown Kouts Williams Tell City Orland Saline City Dennison Indianapolis Vest Lucerne Elkinsville Burnettsville Indianapolis Nest Elkinsville Elkinsville Angola Nest Angola Nest Merriam New Albany Catlin FEATURE NAME Crooks Hollow Creek Crooks Thom Cemetery Cropsey School Number 22 Crosbie Ditch Crosby Creek See Dillard Creek Crosby Ditch Crosby Marsh Crosie Cemetery Crosier House of Studies Crosley Cemetery Crosley Fish and Wildlife Area See Crosley State Fish and Wildlife Area Crosley Lake Crosley Lake Dam Crosley State Fish and Wildlife Area Crosley Fish and Wildlife Area Crosley State Game Preserve Crosley State Game Preserve See Crosley State Fish and Wildlife Area Cross and Crown Church See Cross and Crown Lutheran Church and Crown Lutheran Church Cross and Crown Church Cross Branch Cross Branch Cross Branch Brook Cross Cross Cross Cemetery Cross Cliff Elementary School Cross Creek See Croys Creek Cross Ditch Cross Drain Cross Plains Crossroad Cemetery Crossroad Church Crossroad Plaza Cross Roads Cross Roads See Guion Cross Roads Spanglerville Crossroads (historical) Armstrong Crossroads Church Crossroads Church Cross Roads Church Crossroads Church Crossroads Independent Baptist Church Crossroad Temple Crossroad Temple Crossroad Temple See Crossroads Independent Baptist Church Cross Union Church Crothers Ditch Crothersville Haysville Crothersville Cemetery Crouch Cemetery Crouch Ditch Crouch Elementary School Crouch Hollow Crouse Cemetery FEATURE CLASS stream cemetery school canal stream canal swamp cemetery school cemetery park reservoir dam park park church church stream stream stream stream cemetery school stream canal stream ppl cemetery church locale ppl ppl ppl ppl church church church church church church church church canal ppl cemetery cemetery canal school valley cemetery STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BEN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-INOIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Perry 38084OM0864716W Perry 3BO956N0864649W Marion 394458N0850938W Wells 404231N0851021W Orange 382624N0862903W Wells 403730N0851537W La Porte 414527N0864419W Harrison 380022N0860445W Allen 410946N0850645W Madison 395826N0854648W Jennings 385733N0853612W Jennings 385718N0853536W Jennings 385718N0853526W Jennings 385733NOBS3612W Jennings 385733N0853612W Marion 395350N0860452W Marion 395350N0860452W Boone 395727N0861525W Floyd 382128N0855145W Jackson 390158N0861007W Floyd 382128N0855145W La Porte 414008N0865018W Bartholomew 391655N0855152W Putnam 392832N0865839W Montgomery 400636N0864346W Dubois 381437N0865233W Ripley 385638N0851217W Warrick 380624NOB72128W Spencer 375734N0870436W Lake 413030M0871959W Delaware 400530N0852959W Parke 395034M0870641W Ripley 391646M085143OW Vanderburgh 3BOGD7NOB70845W Monroe 390955N0863641W Orange 382526M0862148W Perry 380444M0862735W Washington 384150N0860330W Marion 394515N0860400W Marion 394509N08604OOW Marion 394515N0860400W Morgan 392327N0862251W Noble 412350N0851759W Jackson 384BOZN0855030W Jackson 384801N0855115W Brown 391128M0861053W Tipton 402003N0855723W Tippecanoe 402527N0865112W Brown 391007M0861155W Owen 392035M0865814W SOURCE COORDINATES 381004N0864444W 395740N0861713W 382211N0855159W 390350N0860941W 382211N0855159W 381348N0865154W 390955N0861240W ELEV FT 963 630 977 956 565 IN91 HAP NAME Saint Meinrad Saint Meinrad Indianapolis West Bluffton Liberty Center Springville Laconia Cedarville Ingalls Vernon Vernon Vernon Fishers Zionville New Albany Story New Albany Michigan City East Hope Shannondale Dale Cross Plains Boonville Rockport Gary Sulphur Springs Batesville Kasson Bloomington Hardinsburg Alton Kossuth Indianapolis East Indianapolis East Martinsville Kendallville Crothersville Crothersville Nashville Windfall Lafayette East Nashville Patricksburg IN92 FEATURE NAME Crouse Lake Crouse Lake Dam Crow Bridge Crow Cemetery Crowe Falls Crowley See Crawleyville Crowleyville See Crawleyville Crown Center Mount Tabor Crown Center Cemetery Crown Creek Paddys Run Crown Hill Cemetery Crown Hill Cemetery Crown Hill Cemetery Crown Hill Cemetery Crown Hill Cemetery Crown Hill Cemetery Crown Hill Cemetery Crown Hill Cemetery Crown Hill Cemetery Crownland Cemetery Crown Point Robinsons Prairie Crown Point Cemetery Crown Point Cemetery Crown Point High School Crows Nest Crowville (historical P.0.) Croys Creek Corys Creek Cross Creek Groves Creek Troys Creek Croys Creek See Otter Creek Croys Creek Church Crumb Corner Crum Ditch Crumpacker Arm Crum Point Crums Point See Crumstown Crumstown Crums Point Crunk Ditch Crusade School Crystal Crystal Lake Crystal Lake Crystal Lake Crystal Station Bridge C Smith Ditch See Smith Ditch Cuba Cuba Cuba Sante Fe Cub Branch Cubby House Hill Cub Lake Big Cub Lake Culbertson Ditch Cullen Cemetery Cullen Creek See Hilliams Ditch Cullen Creek See Timmons Ditch Culletts Ferry (historical) FEATURE CLASS reservoir dam bridge cemetery falls ppl ppl ppl cemetery stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery ppl cemetery cemetery school ppl locale stream stream church ppl canal canal cliff ppl ppl canal school ppl lake lake reservoir bridge canal ppl ppl npl stream summit reservoir canal cemetery canal canal locale STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN 1943 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Morgan Morgan Putnam Pike Jefferson Gibson Gibson Morgan Morgan Wayne Clark Hamilton Lake Marion Pulaski Starke Washington Wayne Hayne Hamilton Lake Hendricks Howard Lake Marion Harrick Putnam Vigo Putnam Tippecanoe Tipton La Porte Monroe St Joseph St Joseph Posey Harrison Dubois Bartholomew Kosciusko Vigo Dubois Hhitley Allen Bartholomew Owen Washington Clark Putnam Marion Delaware Hhite Hhite Jackson COORDINATES 393342N0862006H 393342N0862006H 394034N0864953H 382334N0871730H 38424DN0852751N 3817DDN0875000N 381700N0875000H 393446N0863523N 393435N0863540N 394902N0850055H 383333N0853220N 400838N0861349N 413307N0871544N 394913N0861019N 410256N0863640N 411747N0863625N 380712N0861800N 394923N0845957H 394920N0850002H 400309N0860005N 412501N0872155H 395316N0861829H 402913N0860659H 412500N0872208N 395129N0861007N 380843N0871328H 392832N0865839H 393359N0872407N 393024N0870046N 402714N0865540H 401633N0861149H 413232N0865433N 390219N0863554H 413727N0862429H 413727ND862429N 3754D4N0874740H 382443N0860641N 382931N0864514H 391046N0855751H 411405N0855904N 393047NDB72351N. 382819N0864632H 411509N0853656H 411108N0845619H 392045N0355809N 392241N0864753N 383748ND854837M 382747N0855433H 411855N0853031N 395223N0860756M 401512N0851952H 404951N0864530H 404958N0864051N 384624N0861003N SOURCE COORDINATES 394919NDB45820N 393729N0870632N 383715N0854940H ELEV FT 788 735 750 705 705 501 790 781 660 850 890 MAP NAME Mooresville East Mooresville East Greencastle Petersburg Madison Nest Hall Hall Jacksonburg New Washington Sheridan Gary Indianapolis Nest Hinamac Knox East Salem Richmond Jacksonburg Noblesville Crown Point Zionsville Kokomo East Crown Point Indianapolis Nest Folsomville Poland Brazil East Lafayette West Kempton Hestville Clear Creek North Liberty Caborn Palmyra Dubois Columbus Burket New Goshen Dubois Grabill Edinburgh Cataract Scottsburg Borden Ormas Indianapolis Nest Eaton Medora FEATURE NAME Cull Lake Cull Lake Dam Culpepper Brook Culver Marmount Union Town Culver Branch Culver Community Junior-Senior High School Culver Elementary School Culver Military Academy See Culver Military and Girls Academy Culver Military and Girls Academy Culver Military Academy Culver School Culver School See John M Culver Elementary and Junior High School Cumback Cumberland Cumberland Branch See Cumberland Creek Cumberland Creek Cumberland Creek Cumberland Branch Cumberland First Baptist Church Cumberland Pike Church Cummingham Cemetery Cummings Cemetery Cunner Creek See Corner Creek Cunningham Cemetery Cunningham Cemetery Cunningham Ditch Cunningham Ditch Cunningham Elementary School Cunot Meedmore Cup Creek Cup Creek Church Cupp Church Curby Curnes Creek See Corner Creek Curry Chapel Curry Prairie Curry Prairie Creek Currysville See Curryville Curryville Currysville Curryville Coryville Curtis Creek Kent Creek Curtis Ditch Curtiss Ditch Curtiss Ditch Curtisville Cusher Arm Custard Drain Cutler Cutler Cemetery Cut-Off See Ribeyre Island Cutsinger Ditch FEATURE CLASS reservoir dam stream ppl stream school school school school school school 991 ppl stream stream stream church church cemetery cemetery stream cemetery cemetery canal canal school ppl stream church church ppl stream church flat stream W W 991 stream canal canal canal pal bay stream 991 cemetery island canal STATUS BEN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN 1971 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BEN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Brown Brown Martin Marshall Marion Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Posey Vanderburgh Daviess Marion Parke Marion Parke Marion Hamilton Shelby Jackson Montgomery Crawford Tippecanoe Boone Delaware Madison Owen Pike Pike Franklin Crawford Montgomery Hancock Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Hells Newton Fulton Marshall Marshall Tipton Starke Hells Carroll White Posey Johnson COORDINATES 392015N0861930N 392015N0861930H 385301N0865231H 411308N0862523H 395139N0861133H 411325N0862531H 41134ON0862530H 411329N0862410H 411329N0862410U 375732N0873343H 375731N0873342H 383331NOB70851H 394634N0855726H 394644N0870841H 394620N08557D7H 394644N0870841H 394625N0855730H 395819N0855940H 394151N0855345U 385808N0861150H 395812N0870029H 381847N0862622H 403200N0864453H 395907N0863049H 400727N0851542M 401540N0853758H 392723N0865117U 381952N0870728H 381840N0870758H 392547N0850951H 381715N0862238H 395812N0870029N 395011N0854358M 391112N0872513H 391215N0872727H 391113N0872333N 391113N0872333H 404711N0850419H 405353N0871407H 410222N0860326H 411144N0862255N 411127N0862219H 401906N0855355N 412318N0864318H 403721N0852138N 402835N0853127H 404714N0864334H 380623N0875807H 393313N0855925H SOURCE COORDINATES 385402N0865337H 395145N0861139N 394715N0855720H 394403N0870629H 381502N0870533H 390949N0871929H 41034SN0871716H 403625N0852309H ELEV FT 530 856 802 765 540 845 875 740 IN93 NAP NAME Morgantown Morgantown Scotland Culver Indianapolis Nest Culver Culver Culver Evansville South Sandy Hook Cumberland Cumberland Rockville Cumberland McCordsville Acton Kurtz English Delphi Lizton Mt Pleasant Alexandria Cataract Velpen Augusta Metamora English Cleveland Shelburn Hymera Shelburn Preble Rensselaer Akron Culver Rutland Windfall Kingsford Heights Montpelier Rossville Idaville Boggstown IN94 FEATURE NAME Cuzco Union Valley Cyclone Cyclone Branch Cyntheanne Church Cynthia Heights Elementary and Junior High School Cynthia Heights School Cynthia Heights School See Cynthia Heights Elementary and Junior High School Cynthiana Cynthiana See Blue Ridge Cynthiana Church Cynthiann See Blue Ridge Cypress Dogtown Cypress Creek See Cypress Slough Cypress Creek Cypress Dale Ditch Cypress Ditch Cypress Pond See Cypress Swamps Cypress Slough Cypress Slough Cypress Creek Cypress Swamps Cypress Pond D Dabney Poston Daggett Dahl Ditch See Cook Ditch Dailey Cemetery Dailey Lake Daily Chapel Daily Ditch Daisy Hill Daisy Hill Daisy Hill Church Dake Cemetery Dale Dale Elizabeth Dalecarlia, Lake Dale Cemetery Dale Cemetery Dale Powell Ditch Dale Reservoir Dalesville See Daleville Daleville Dalesville Daleville Elementary School Daleville High School‘ Dallas Lake Third Lake Dalton Palmyra Dalton Airport FEATURE CLASS ppl ppl stream church school school ppl ppl church ppl ppl stream stream canal canal swamp gut stream swamp ppl ppl canal cemetery lake . church canal summit ppl church cemetery ppl ppl reservoir cemetery cemetery canal reservoir am PDT school school lake ppl airport STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Dubois Clinton Perry Hamilton Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Posey Shelby Boone Shelby Vanderburgh Posey Narrick Vanderburgh Posey Grant Posey Posey Grant Ripley Owen Jasper Clark Johnson Parke Jay Clark Washington Clark Shelby Boone Spencer Lake Fayette Spencer Miami Spencer Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Lagrange Hayne Harren COORDINATES 382830N0864322H 401342N0862557H 381249N0864634N 395852N0855252H 380245N0873814H 380245N0873814H 381115N0874237N 393109NO853808H 395734N0862551H 393109N0853808H 375451N0873747H 375525N0875207H 375558N0872219N 375425N0873913N 375509N0874418H 382615N0874248H 374919N0880021H 375525N0875207U 382615N0874248N 390524N0852049H 391256N0870220H 411536N0870848N 382257N0853844H 392146N0855744H 394054N0872048H 402700N0851243H 382947N0855616H 383022N0855622H 382952N0855607N 393752N0855537H 400100N0862400H 381008N0865924H 411936N0872417H 393838N0852657N 380955N0865834N 403419N0855257N 381044N0865733U 4007I6N0853329H 400716N0853329H 400715N0853328N 400706N0853317N 413257N0852504N 395900N0851053H 402557N0872330N SOURCE COORDINATES 381524N0864807H 380646N0871739H 375414N0874504H ELEV FT 530 929 440 372 960 640 920 960 470 685 912 897 1069 747 MAP NAME Cuzco Mechanicsburg Saint Neinrad NcCordsville Kasson Cynthiana Fayette Hest Franklin Yankeetown west Franklin Nest Franklin Habash Island Caborn East Mount Carmel Versailles Coal City Charlestown Edinburgh Mecca Pennville Borden South Boston Borden Acton Lebanon Dale Lowell Connersville Dale Amboy Dale Hiddletown Middletown Niddletown Oliver Lake Hagerstown Tab FEATURE NAME Dalton Cemetery Dalton Drain Dalton Lake Dalton Lake Dam Daly School See Mary L Daly Elementary School Dalzall Ditch Dal Brook Dam Number Thirty-Nine See Markland Dan Dan Nulber 3 See Corydon Hater Horks Dam Number 2 Dan Number 49 Damon Run Dana D and R Airport Dandy Creek Danes Daniel Cemetery Daniel Creek Daniel D Bray Lake Daniel D Bray Lake Dam Daniel Hale Hilliams Elementary School Hilliams School Daniel Huegel Ditch Daniels Ditch Daniels Lake See Durham Lake Danielson Ditch Daniel Hebster Elementary School Hebster School Daniel Hebster Elementary School Hebster School Daniel Hebster Elementary School Hebster School Number 46 Daniel Hertz Elementary School Hertz School Danner Ditch Camp Creek Danners Cemetery Danny Burr Hollow Dante See Hibbard Danville Danville Danville See Fayetteville Danville Con-unity High School Danville Conservation Club Lake Danville Conservation Club Lake Dam Darby Ditch Darden Elelentary School Dark Hollow Dark Hollow Dark Run Darkuood Ditch Darlington Darlington Elementary and Junior High School Darlington Hoods Darlstadt Darnstadt Darnstadt See Darmstadt FEATURE CLASS cemetery canal reservoir dam school canal stream dam dam dam stream ppl airport stream ppl cemetery stream reservoir dam school canal canal lake canal school school school school canal cemetery valley pm pm ppl ppl school reservoir dam canal school valley pal stream canal ppl school pill 991 vol STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BEN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGM VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BEN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Lake Hayne Morgan Morgan Elkhart Cass Clay Switzerland Harrison Posey Porter Vermillion Rush Marion Cass Miani Miami Switzerland Switzerland Lake Harrick Marshall Kosciusko Starke Cass Lake Marion Vanderburgh Kosciusko Orange Monroe Marshall Clay Hendricks Lawrence Hendricks Hendricks Hendricks Benton St Joseph Perry Lawrence Henry Elkhart Montgouery Nontgonery Montgomery Vanderburgh Vanderburgh COORDINATES 412931N0872507H 395849085105“ 392748ND86253W 392748N0862530H 414109N0860005H 405241N0861716H 393258N0870728H 384644N0845751M 381415N0860635M 374709N0875839H 413318N0870658M 394828N0872942M 393535N0852706H 395056N0861840H 404540N0861540H 405544N0854159M 404527N0860007U 385242N08504lfli asszazuossomu 413505N0871915H 380344ND87102W 412117N0861419H 411704N0853922M 412217N0863547H 404526N0862017H 413301N0872105H 394455M0861045M 375738N087365W 411900N0860218H 382923N0862242M 391426N0852942M 411512N0862313H 391552N0870528H 394538N0863135H 385139N0863543M 394542N0863113H 394548M0863024H 394548N0853024H 403212N0870815H 414347N0861443M 380603N0862848H 385320N0863222M 395335N0852417H uzsssuoassmu 400636N0864619H 400629N0860850M Ioommmsu 380557N0873444H 380557N0873444H QINKI COORDINATES 395926NWSIOIW 393229087070!” 41312900870409“ 395106M0861938M 404823M0855926H 391419m2701u 380713N0862832H 385342M0863403H 395335N0852318H ELEV FT 637 650 490 765 INBS MAP W.“ St John Hagerstoun Martinsville Martinsville Fulton Brazil East llniontoun Chesterton Dana Rushville Clerlont Logansport Servia Peru Bear Branch Bear Branch Gary De Sonia Springs Inuood Knox East Logansport Gary Maylood Evansville South Bourbon Valeene lhionville Clay City Danville Danville Danville Danville Templeton South Bend East Alton Oolitic Darlington Evansville North IN96 FEATURE NAME Darroch Ditch Darrough Chapel Darsyville See Rosedale Darwin See Carrollton Darwin Ferry Daubenheyer Cemetery Daugherty Cemetery Daugherty Cemetery Daulton Hollow Daus Addition Lake Daus Addition Lake Dam Dausman Ditch Dave Hollow David Branch David Cemetery David Ditch David Drain David Garriott Lake David Garriott Lake Dam Davidhizer Ditch David 0 Duncan Elementary School Duncan School David Run Davidson Davidson Ditch See Bruner Ditch Davidson Ditch Davidson Ditch See Davidson Drain Davidson Drain Davidson Ditch Davidson Lake Davis Lake David Turnham Educational Center Daviess County Daviess County Airport Davis Davis Branch Davis Branch Davis Branch Davis Bridge Davis Cemetery Davis Cemetery Davis Cemetery Davis Cemetery Davis Cemetery Davis Cemetery Davis Cemetery Davis Church Davis Creek Davis Creek Davis Ditch Davis Ditch Davis Ditch Davis Ditch Davis Ditch Davis Ditch Davis Ditch Davisson Ditch Dexter Ditch Rockwell Ditch Davis Ditch Davis Ditch See Jungles Ditch Davis Ditch Davis Ditch See Rock Creek FEATURE CLASS canal W W W locale cemetery cemetery cemetery valley reservoir dam canal valley stream cemetery canal stream reservoir dam canal school stream ppl canal canal canal canal lake school civil airport ppl stream stream stream bridge cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church stream stream canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canal stream STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1970 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Newton Howard Parke Carroll Vigo Ripley Adams Bartholomew Jackson Allen Allen Marshall Brown Brown Brown Newton Wells Scott Scott Elkhart Lake Gibson Harrison Jasper Jay La Porte La Porte La Porte Spencer Daviess Daviess La Porte Brown Jennings Montgomery Montgomery Cass Clinton Crawford Perry Pike Shelby Warren Starke Marion Orange Boone Clinton Clinton Clinton De Kalb Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Steuben Cass COORDINATES 404923N0872128W 402843N0860544W 393722N0871700W 403104N0862331W 391700N0873636W 385919N0851751W 403415N0845237W 390516N0855430W 384808N0861445W 411020N0851036W 411020N0851036N 412848N0855347W 390530N0861429W 391127N0861142W 391105N0861145W 410557N0872143W 403743N0852431W 3B3948N0854824W 383948N0854824W 413027N0855939W 4134SIN0872102W 381743N0874008W 375803N0860250M 410348N0870929W 403240N0845420W 412034N0864524W 412034N0864524W 414500N0863155W 381014N0865914W 38394SN0870246W 384157N0870755W 414253N0864934W 390849N0862052W 384910N0853759W 395749N0870103W 395801N0870043W 4D4555N0863427W 401310NDB64014W 381826NO863942W 380356N0864419N 382000N0871652W 394035N0854150W 402420N0870723W 412323N0864224W 394249N0861521W 382833N0864710W 400341N0861710W 402023N0862046W 401332N0862322W 401202N0862505W 411704N0845907W 410752N0871013W 410554N0870731W 402211NDB70448W 410441N0870808W 413533NOB45327W 404132N0863421W SOURCE COORDINATES 384927N0861407W 390620N0861434W 391026N0860910W 403506N0852643W 381803N0873929W 390733N0862010H 385037N0853512W 395658N0870007W 394314N0861601W 383124N0864000N ELEV FT 820 455 473 640 MAP NAME Goodland Kokomo East Hutton Rexville Geneva Columbus Medora Huntertown Huntertown Nappanee East Story Nashville Nashville Fair Oaks Warren Scottsburg Scottsburg Foraker Gary Owensville Rock Haven Geneva English Lake New Carlisle Dale Montgomery Washington Michigan City East Belmont Deputy Alamo Alamo Burnettsville Colfax Birdseye Gatchel Oakland City Morristown Otterbein Kingsford Heights Bridgeport Dubois Rosston Hillisburg Mechanicsburg Mechanicsburg St Joe Demotte Parr Wheatfield Hamilton FEATURE NAME Davis Enlow Ditch Davis Hill Davis Lake See Davidson Lake Davis Lake Davison Ditch Grant Ditch Davison Ditch See Davisson Ditch Davis Park Elementary School Davis Parks School Davis Parks School See Davis Park Elementary School Davis Pond Davis Rich Ditch Davisson Ditch See Davis Ditch Davisson Ditch See Lateral Number Seventy-seven Davisson Ditch Davison Ditch Davy Dawnbury Dawn Lake Dam Dawson Ditch Dawson Lake Day Cemetery Dayhoff Ditch Daylight Days Creek Dayton Fairfield Dayton Elementary School Dayville Deacon Deaconess Hospital Airport Dead Horse Branch Deadman Falls Deadnan Hollow Dead Mans Crossing Deadmans Hollow Dead Run Dean Lake Dean Lake State Recreation Area Deans Branch Dearborn County Deardurff Ditch Deardurff Ditch Dearinger Ditch Dear-in Lake De Armand Ditch DeBatty Prong DeBaun Cemetery DeBaun Cemetery De Camp Gardens Decatur Decatur Central High School Decatur County Decatur Hi-Nay Airport Decatur Road Shopping Center Decatur School See Stephen Decatur Elelentary School Decatur Township Junior High School Deckard Cemetery Deckard Church Deckard Ridge FEATURE CLASS canal summit lake lake canal canal school school lake canal canal canal canal ppl ppl dam canal reservoir cemetery canal ppl stream ppl school 901 ppl airport stream falls valley ppl valley stream reservoir park stream civil canal canal canal reservoir canal stream cemetery cemetery PM W school civil airport locale school school cemetery church ridge STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF GN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BEN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Narrick Nashington La Porte Noble Jasper Kosciusko Vigo Vigo Warren Henry Jasper Jasper Kosciusko Vanderburgh Marion Hayne Marion Brown Jennings Greene Vanderburgh Randolph Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Narrick Cass Vanderburgh Greene Jefferson Morgan Posey Vermillion Hendricks Clark Clark Jefferson Dearborn Newton Newton Howard Johnson Randolph Blackford Parke Sullivan Elkhart Adams Marion Decatur Adams Allen Marion Marion Sullivan Brown Brown COORDINATES 380759N0870036N 383027N0861605H 414500N0863155H 412537N0853534H 410042N0871055N 412503N0855248H 392750N0872320H 392750N0872320N 402226N0871152N 394939N0851413N 410554N0870731H 410531N0870426N 412503N0855248N 385200N0873550H 395211N0860715H 395818N0851200M 395153N0860716N 391148N0861221N 390711N0853454H 390515N0865842N 380333N0672926H 401722N0850358H 402227N0864608H 402237N0864605N 375715N0871920N 403802N0861902N 375905N0873420N 390728N0865503H 384323N0852733W 392100N0862731N 375730N0875430W 395759N0873030N 394358N0861927N 382750N0855128W 382810N0855135N 3B4536N0852553N 391005N0845443H 405731N0872615N 410005N0872140H 402839N0861719N 392052N0860748N 401744N0850704N 402723N0851615N 395211N0871756H 391314N0873012H 413943N0855509H 404950N0845545N 394115N0861632N 392014N0852901N 405015N0845145H 410055N0850650N 394246N0861342N 394122N0861614N 390337N08719D3N 390501N0862011N 390522N0862135N SOURCE COORDINATES 401829N0845948N 390822N0865240N 392040N0862521H 395813N0873155N 394443N0862029H 384649N0852327N 402536N0851743N ELEV FT 870 877 515 740 397 673 392 753 390 425 535 745 794 842 780 IN97 MAP NAME Holland Livonia Ligonier Parr Terre Haute Attica Cambridge City Nappanee East Evansville North Indianapolis East Hagerstown Indianapolis East Nashville Butlerville Bloomfield Daylight Ridgeville Stockwell Lafayette East Yankeetown Anoka Evansville South Bloomfield Madison Nest Hindustan Mt Vernon Humrick Bridgeport Speed Speed Clifty Falls Guilford Morocco Fair Oaks Russiaville Beanblossom Ridgeville Hartford City East Montezuma Fairbanks Elkhart Decatur Bridgeport Greensbury Hillshire Fort Wayne East Bridgeport Dugger Elkinsville Elkinsville IN98 FEATURE NAME Decker Deckers Decker Town Deckertown Decker Branch Decker Chapel Decker Chapel Decker Chapel Cemetery Decker Chapel School See Decker Elementary School Decker Elementary School Decker Chapel School Deckers See Decker Decker Town See Decker Deckertoun See Decker Deck Run Deeds Creek Deedsville Deelsville Church Deener Ditch Deep Cave Deep Creek Deep Creek See Deer Creek Deep Creek See Outlet Creek Deep Cut Lake Deep Gap Deep Lake Deep Lake Deep Lake Deep River Deep River Deer Branch Deer Cemetery Deer Corner Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Bair Ditch Bair Lateral Berkey Ditch Deep Creek Noah Berkey Ditch Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Nest Sonora Deer Creek Deer Creek Cemetery Deer Creek Church Deer Creek Church Deerfield Mississinewa Randolph Deerfield Elementary School Deer Island Deer Lake FEATURE CLASS pol stream church ppl cemetery school school ppl ppl ppl stream stream ppl church canal cave stream stream stream reservoir 96F lake lake lake stream ppl stream cemetery valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream ppl cemetery church church ppl school island lake STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT 11 VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Knox Gibson Gibson Knox Gibson Knox Knox Knox Knox Knox Randolph Hhitley Miami Monroe Huntington Laurence Marshall Marshall Marshall Martin Hashington Porter Putnam Steuben Porter Lake Union Johnson Floyd Boone Carroll Franklin Grant Hamilton Henry Jay Jennings Lake Marshall Perry Putnam Rush Shelby Carroll Lake Miami Perry Putnam Randolph Randolph Steuben Putnam COORDINATES 383108N0873123H 382949N0872933H 382500N0873208H 382922N0873213U 38244GN0873212H 382922N0873626H 382922N0873626H 38310830087312}! 38310810087312?” 38310000873123“ 400212N0850612H 411529N0855051N 405437N0860604H 390347N0863230H 405900N0853429H 384635N0853435H 411451N0861121H 411349N086093W 411211N0860804U 384038N0864306U 384241N0860227H 413151N0870303U 411953N0852847H 414059N0851126U 413416N0871732H 412832N0871324H 394229N0845820H 392916N0861141H 381237N0855333H 400635N0863416U 403421N086411W 392418N0850715H 403035N0853755H 400859N0855554H 400130N0853327H 403115N0845901H 390124l085355fl 412652N087162W 411349N0860934U 375456N0864020H 393002N0865614U 393334N0853420U 392600N0854022H 403651N0062328H 412514N087152W 403618N0860921H 380048N0864102l 393427N086481N 401643N0045835U 4017150850131H 414327uoesozuu 412229N085232W fiINKI COORDINATES 382907N0872828H 400152N0850513N 411018m54047fl 411645Nm61311H 412525N08719M 394334N0845629H 381230N0855352U 400309086311” 403026N0855743H 392342N0850512H 402213N0254054H 401013N0855632H 395750N0852907H 402900N0850053U 390013N0853455H uzmuosnm msumuoau 380304N0063021N 394116N0064203H 393205N0053145H 393109N0853444U ELEV FT MAP NAME 450 Decker Union Patoka 405 Patoka Patoka 405 Patoka Carlos Leesburg 834 Deedsville Clear Creek Bippus Dedford Hest A7906 Huron Little York 799 Chesterton 886 Merriam 934 Orland Gary 640 Palmer Liberty Trafalgar 450 Lanesville Hazelrigg Delphi Brookville Marion Omega Middletoun Geneva Butlerville Crown Point Argos Cannelton Reelsville Manilla Maldron 710 Deer Creek 692 Croun Point Galveston Gatchel Cloverdale 992 Deerfield Ridgeville Angola Hest Orlas FEATURE NAME Deer Lake Deer Lake Deer Pond Deer Mill Deer Park Deer Pond See Deer Lake Deerskin Lake Deerskin Lake Dam Deerwood Lake Deerwood Lake Dam Defore Cemetery Defries Ditch Defries Landing Degenhart School Degonia Springs See De Gonia Springs De Gonia Springs Degonia Springs Dehaan Ditch De Haven Ditch De Heur Ditch Dehner Cemetery Deiter Ditch DeJarnett Cemetery Dekalb See Saint Johns De Kalb County Dekalb High School Dekalb Junior High School Dekalb Memorial Hospital Deland Ditch See Cedar Lake Branch Delaney Church Delaney Creek De Laneys Creek Delaney Creek Structure Number 1 De Laneys Creek See Delaney Creek De Laneys Creek (historical P.D.) Delaney Valley See Lick Skillet Hollow Delany Creek Structure Number 2 Delaware Delaware Station Rei Delaware See Melissaville (historical) Delaware Camp Delaware Cemetery Delaware Chapel Delaware County Delaware County-Johnson Field Airport Delaware Creek Delaware Elementary and Junior High School Delaware School Delaware School See Delaware Elementary and Junior High School Delaware Station See Delaware Delaware Trails Delaware Trail School Delay Cemetery Del Creek FEATURE CLASS lake reservoir 991 Del reservoir reservoir dam reservoir dam cemetery canal ppl school ppl ppl canal canal canal cemetery canal cemetery ppl civil school school hospital stream church stream dam stream locale valley dam ppl PD1 park cemetery church civil airport stream school school ppl ppl school cemetery stream STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1963 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY St Joseph Perry Montgomery Jasper Perry Brown Brown Dubois Dubois Owen Newton Kosciusko Decatur Warrick Warrick Jasper Cass Shelby Benton Clinton Pike De Kalb De Kalb De Kalb De Kalb De Kalb Whitley Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Ripley Ripley Fayette Ripley Delaware Delaware Delaware Marion Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Ripley Marion Marion Knox Delaware COORDINATES 414505N0862355W 375622N0863636W 395651N0870320W 410932N0871157W 375622N0863636W 391912N0860812W 291912N0860812W 382728N0865432W 382728N0865432W 391305N0865228W 411038N0871738N 412157N0854605W 391312N0852755W 380320N0871108W 380320N0871108W 411209N0871526W 403445N0861705W 393539N0854939W 404319N0872148W 402553N0863851W 382541N0871944W 411831N0850649W 412201N0850332W 412423N0850228W 412423N0850228W 412208N0850207W 411400N0853815W 384450N0860436W 384606N0860228W 384118N0860424W 384606N0860228W 384524N0860205W 384450N0860425W 384100N0860306W 390852N0851226H 391126N0851302W 393515N0851451W 390901N0351314W 401730N0851841W 401136N0852311W 401426N0852343W 395427N0861232W 375905N0873326W 375905N0873326W 390852N0851226W 395248N0861053W 395321N0861021W 385356N0871218W 401250N0853355W SOURCE COORDINATES 384053N0860000W 395617N0861204W 401219N0853312W ELEV FT 593 687 500 870 423 950 970 937 794 IN99 MAP NAME Galien Rome Alamo Demotte Jasper Jasper Freedom Shelby Leesburg Millhousen De Gonia Springs Shelby Young America Shelbyville Wadena Pyrmont Petersburg Auburn Waterloo Waterloo Auburn Kossuth Vallonia Kossuth Vallonia Kossuth Pierceville Alpine Pierceville Eaton Muncie West Muncie West Carmel Evansville South Carmel Carmel Sandborn Gilman INIOO FEATURE NAME Delectable Hill See Algiers Delectible See Algiers Delehanty Ditch Delight Creek Dell Hood Branch Dell Wood Brook DeLong See Delong De Long See Delong Delong De Long DeLong DeLong Creek Delong Ditch Delp Delphi Carrollton Delphi Cemetery Delphi Municipal Airport Delta See Nest Union Demeree Creek Deming Deming Elementary School Deming Park Deming Hoods Demont Arm De Hotte See Demotte Demotte De Motte De Motte Airport Demotte Elementary School Denbo Cemetery Denham Gundrum Denios Creek Denois Creek Denman Cemetery Denmark Dennis Airport Dennis David North Junior High School Dennis School Dennis Ditch Dennis Klippel Ditch Dennis Murphy Hollow Tanyard Branch Dennison Ridge Dennis School See Dennis David North Junior High School Dennis Wagner Ditch Denny Cemetery Denny Corner Denny Field Denois Creek See Denios Creek Dens Ford Ditch Denton Ditch Denton Ditch See Slough Creek Denver Urbana Depauw Depaw De Pauw Church FEATURE CLASS ppl ppl canal stream canal stream ppl ppl ppl stream canal ppl ppl cemetery airport ppl stream ppl school park ppl canal ppl ppl airport school cemetery ppl stream cemetery ppl airport school canal canal valley ridge school canal cemetery ppl park stream canal canal stream ppl ppl church STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN 1959 VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Pike Pike Jasper Hamilton Howard Marion Fulton Fulton Fulton Marion Hells Tippecanoe Carroll Carroll Carroll Parke Montgomery Hamilton Vigo Vigo Vigo Starke Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Crawford Pulaski Bartholomew Parke Owen Allen Wayne Allen Harrick Monroe Lawrence Hayne Harrick Vigo Hancock Madison Bartholomew Jackson Randolph White Miami Harrison Harrison COORDINATES 382914N0871030N 382914N0871030N 403518N0870805H 395728N0860326N 403050N086113ON 394823N0861647H 410818N0862459H 410818N0862459H 410818N0862459N 395118N0861833H 4D4256N0851019N 402922N0864833N 403515N0864030N 403530N0863825H 403230N0864142H 395037N0872012H 395225N0870505U 400655N0860555N 392909N0872325H 392758N0872116H 392736N0872128N 411208N0862931N 411142N0871155H 411142N0871155H 411225N087124SN 411138N0871158H 381952N0862821H 410907N0864249H 390805N0855339H 393702N0871243N 391611N0870133N 410008N0851747H 394955N0845442N 410138N0845925H 380153N0872754H 385943N0862050H 384926N0862004U 394955N084544ZH 380009N0872743H 393233N0872228H 395308N0854920N 400506N0854055N 390805N0855339N 384616N0855101N 401247N0850322H 405420N0871227N 405158N0860439N 382006N086I303N 380530N085554SN SOURCE COORDINATES 395702N0860247N 394904N0861654H 395141N0862015H 395507NO870303N 391123N0860223N 390130N0862058H ELEV FT 742 624 580 670 896 514 668 655 710 557 750 872 709 652 MAP NAME Hheatfield Fishers Galveston Clermont Culver Clermont Bluffton Lafayette East Delphi Delphi Delphi Bellmore Noblesville Terre Haute Seelyville Seelyville Culver Demotte Demotte Demotte English Denham Columbus Brazil West Clay City Churubusco Richmond Maples Daylight Norman Tunnelton Daylight Rosedale Ingalls Anderson South Crothersville Maxville Peru Depauw Kosmosdale FEATURE NAME De Pauw University See DePauw University DePauw University De Pauw University Depaw See Depauw Depew Lake Depot Hill De Prez Ditch Deptmer Ditch Deputy Deputy Elementary School Derby Derby Cemetery Derby Pond Derbyshire Creek Derbyshire Falls Derringer Cemetery Deschee River See Deshee, River Deshee. River Deschee River Deshee River Drrs Ditch River Deshee Ditch Viecke Ditch Deshee River See Upper River Deshee Deshee River See Deshee, River Desmond Able Lake Desmond Able Lake Dam Desoto dlawn Desoto Park Detamore Ditch Detamore Drain Gorbs Branch Linsey Howard Drain Detamore Drain See Detamore Ditch Deuchara See Deuchars Deuchars Deuchara Deuchers Deuchers See Deuchars Devault Run De Vault School Devil Lake Devil Lake See Devils Lake Devil Lake Devils Backbone Devils Backbone Devils Backbone Devils Backbone Devils Backbone Devils Backbone Devils Backbone Devils Backbone Devils Backbone Devils Backbone Devils Backbone Devils Elbow Devils Elbow Devils Hollow Devils Lake Devil Lake Little Lake FEATURE CLASS school school pvl lake summit canal canal ppl school ppl cemetery lake stream falls cemetery stream stream stream stream reservoir dam ppl park canal canal W 991 ppl stream school lake lake lake ridge ridge ridge ridge ridge ridge ridge ridge ridge ridge ridge bend bend valley lake STATUS VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1972 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Putnam Putnam Harrison De Kalb Monroe Shelby Allen Jefferson Jefferson Perry Perry Perry Marion Franklin Ripley Knox Knox Knox Knox Warren Harren Delaware De Kalb Huntington Huntington Crawford Crawford Crawford Shelby Lake Pulaski Hhitley Whitley Clark Dearborn Dubois Harrison Jefferson Jefferson Lawrence Monroe Montgomery Putnam Vermillion Harrison Martin Crawford Hhitley COORDINATES 393823N0865142U 393823N0865142U 382006N0861303H 412249N0851043H 39OD4ZN0863135H 393227N0854856N 405549N0850922H 384739N0853912H 384750N0853914U 380149N0863138H 380214N086313ZH 380138NO863332H 394001N0860723H 392818N0851315U 385909N0851628H 383107N0873858H 383107N0873858H 383500N0873125H 383107N0873858H 401706N0871935H 401706N0871935N 401449N0851737U 412200N0850244H 404056N0852932H 404056N0852932W 381020N0862654H 381020N0862654H 381020N0862654H 393820N0855617H 413423N0872537H 410430N0863149H 411438N0852230H 411438N0852229H 382553N0853654H 391022N0845748H 382118N0865949H 380854N0861352H 384338N0852625H 385253N0851345N 384634N0861910H 390906N0862414H 395641N0870253H 393629N08646A1N 395804N0873038H 381526N0861418H 384325N0864353H 381858N0861729N 411438N0852230H SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES FT 720 620 409 394026N0860641N 383338N0873150H 668 957 665 393851N0855644H 713 3BI756N0861822H INIOI MAP NAME Greencastle Corunna Clear Creek Shelbyville Dssian Deputy Deputy Derby Derby Derby Beech Grove Metamora Rexville St Francisville Hilliamsport Hilliamsport Muncie East Auburn Harren Beechwood Acton Highland Hinamac Churubusco Owen Guilford Huntingburg Corydon West Madison Nest Cross Plains Tunnelton Unionville Alamo Cloverdale Humrick Depauw Huron Milltown Columbia City IN102 FEATURE NAME Devils Lake See Little Lake Devington Church Devington Shopping Center Devol Field Devon Creek Devonshire Devore Mill Grove Dewar Ridge Dewart Lake Dewberry Dew Cemetery Deweese Branch Deweese Ditch Dewey Dewey Ditch Dewitt Cemetery DeWitt Creek Dewitt S Morgan Elementary School Morgan School Number 86 Dexter Dexter Ditch Rockwell Ditch Dexter Ditch See Davis Ditch Dexter Elementary and Junior High School Dexter School Dexter School Dexter School See Dexter Elementary and Junior High School Dexter Well (historical) Diamond Caseyville Diamond Creek Diamond Hill Diamond Lake Diamond Lake Dibbling Ditch Dibling Ditch Dibling Ditch See Dibbling Ditch Dick Cemetery Dick Creek Dick Drain Dick Drosts Naked City Airport Dickerson Cemetery Dickey Creek Dickey Ditch Dickeyville Dickinson Park Dick Run Dicksburg Hills Dicksons Mills See Mansfield Dick Thomas Pond Dick Thomas Pond Dam Diehl Cemetery Diehl Ditch Harter Ditch Diehl Hollow Dielman Ditch Diener Ditch Dieter Ditch Dietz Lake Dike Ditch Dildine School Dillard Creek Crosby Creek Dilldear, Lake FEATURE CLASS lake church locale park stream ppl ppl ridge lake ppl cemetery stream canal ppl canal cemetery stream school DPT canal canal school school school oilfield ppl stream summit lake lake canal canal cemetery stream stream airport cemetery stream canal ppl park stream range ppl reservoir dam cemetery canal valley canal canal canal lake canal school stream reservoir STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN 1970 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—INDIANA 1988 COUNTV Whitley Marion Marion Whitley Marion Marion Owen Brown Kosciusko Ripley Clinton Putnam Fulton Vigo Tippecanoe Shelby Lawrence Marion Perry Jasper Jasper Vanderburgh Posey Vanderburgh Crawford Parke Parke Noble Kosciusko Noble De Kalb De Kalb Knox Dubois Wells Newton Boone White Boone Warrick Lawrence Clay Knox Parke Wabash Wabash Allen De Kalb Lawrence Miami White White Parke Lake Blackford Orange Dearborn COORDINATES 411455N0852416W 395028N0860400W 395031N0860345W 410922N0852957W 395032N0860618W 395250N0860332W 392547N0864510W 390622N0862038W 412211N0854625W 385704N0850906W 401409N0862357W 393300N0865521W 405603N0861924W 393034N0872233W 401250N0865653W 393424N0854011W 384853N0862445W 395034N0860949W 380333N0862843W 410429N0871031W 410554N0870731W 375750N0873052W 375751N0873052H 375750N0873052H 381518N0863323W 393641N0870958W 393537N0871134W 412643N0853121W 410612N0855600W 412621N0853125W 412808N0850236W 412808N0850236W 383136N0873340H 382145N0865936W 403446N0851850W 410831N0871950H 395528N0862340W 405710N0864111W 395941N0863346W 380922N0871311W 385310N0863008H 393251N0870849W 383024N0873407W 394035N0870608W 404745N0854120H 404745N0854120H 411020N0844818W 412255N0850746W 385419N0863212W 405935N0860320H 404546N0865110W 404323N0865333W 39223BN0870503H 411027N0872558W 402701N0851850H 382624N0862903W 390224N0850619W SOURCE COORDINATES 395116N0860352W 393625N0865240W 385225N0862015W 393722N0870946W 382305N0865745W 403416N0851949W 405604N0863358W 393324N0870841W 385525N0863212W 382341N0862930H ELEV FT 840 810 760 910 490 425 638 1050 861 875 678 455 MAP NAME Indianapolis East Indianapolis East Columbia City Indianapolis East Fishers Cataract Elkinsville Leesburg Cross Plains Mechanicsburg Reelsville Fulton New Goshen Linden Rays Crossing Bedford East Indianapolis West Alton Parr Evansville South Evansville South Taswell Brazil West Brazil West Ligonier Silver Lake Ligonier Waterloo Decker Huntingburg Montpelier Shelby Fayette Buffalo Lizton Folsomville Oolitic Brazil West Decker Lagro Lagro Woodburn North Corunna Oolitic Deedsville Monticello North Brookston NW Center Point Schneider Hartford City East Valeene Dillsboro FEATURE NANE Dill Ditch Dilley Ditch Dillin Celetery Dill-an Dill-an, Lake Dillnan Church Dillon Creek Dillon Creek Dillon Hill Dillsboro Dillsborough Dillsboro Ele-entary School Dillsboro Station Dillsborough Station Dillsborough See Dillsboro Dillsborough Station See Dillsboro Station Dilly Creek Dilts Anstis Ditch Dine Lake Dingler Lake Dingler Lake Dal Dinken Creek Dins-ore Celetery Dinuiddie Dipper Lake Dish-an Cenetery Disko Mew Harrisburg Dislal Creek Dislal Creek District Sloke Ditch See Cobb Ditch Ditch See Lateral Mulber Seventy-seven Ditch Branch Ditch Creek Ditch Mulber 137 See Turkey Creek Ditney Hill (historical P.0.) Ditney Ridge Dive Branch Dive School Divine Heart Selinary Dixie Dixon Dixon and Lewis Ditch Dixon Branch Dixon Celetery Dixon Chapel Dixon Creek Dixon Creek Dixon Ditch Dixon Ditch See Four-ile Ditch Dixon Ditch Dixon Ditch Dixon Lake Dixon Pond Dixons Mills See Mansfield Dixon Best Place Ditch Place Ditch Doan Celetery Doan Ridge Doans Snake Hollow Doans Creek Dobbins Celetery FEAfllE CLASS canal canal celetery ppl reservoir church strea- strea- sun-it ppl school ppl ppl ppl strea- canal lake reservoir strea ceoetery lake celetery ppl strea strea canal celetery ridge ppl strea- celetery STATUS UNOFF BEN BEN UNOFF BEN BEN BEN BEN VARIANT UNOFF BEN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BEN BEN BEN UNOFF UNOFF BEN BEN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BEN BEN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BEN BEN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL EAZETTEER--INOIANA 1988 COUNTY Rush De Kalb Dubois Hells Morgan Crawford Moble Drange Duen Dearborn Dearborn Dearborn Dearborn Dearborn Hancock Pulaski La Porte La Porte La Porte Daviess Verlillion Lake St Joseph Greene Habash Randolph Tippecanoe Porter Jasper Dubois Rush Tipton Dubois Laurence Vigo Laurence Marshall Harrison Greene Posey Boone Greene Laurence Boone Tipton Greene Greene La Porte Posey Marshall Brown Parke St Joseph Crawford Crawford Greene Greene Hhite COORDINATES 393920N0853215H 411749N0845455U 382246N0865851H 403637N0852544H 393056N0861526H 381700N0862253H 412355N0853958H 382734N086l456fl 391234N0865804H 390104N0850332H 390103N0850349H 39OISON0850219H 390104N0850332N 390150N0850219H 394435N0853821M 410623N0863751H 4L3412N0862733H 414102N0864946H 414102N0864946H 384315N0870407H 394746M0872423H 411722N0871804H 41304ON0861616H 385813N0864239H 4IOOOBN0855640H 400918N0844458M 402015N0864831H 412316N0870431H 410531N0870426H 382239N0865610H 393506N0853618H 402408N0855725U 382218N0864315H 384748N0861848H 39324ON087I432H 385321N0862938H 412122N0862620H 380936N0861244H 390415N0870200N 375534N0874829H 400611N0861606H 390549N0865908H 384806N0861637H 400727N0863856U 401505N0860506H 385705NOB70404H 390456NOO70326H #13646N0862337M 375506N0874634M 411937N0862043H 390554N0861001H 394035NOB70608H 413719N0862215H 381239N0863058H 381239N0863106H 385509N0865058N 385654N0865931l 404935N0870333H SOURCE COORDINATES 412334N0853711H 383021N0863846H 394B38N0853919H 384144N0865931H 400556N0845259H 401919N0864612H 38234ON0865649H 393603N0853618H 393334N0871347M 400725N0861707H 40053ON0863902H 401717N0861016H 385447N0864949H ELEV FT 1040 852 730 868 615 624 665 839 532 768 621 IN103 NAP NAME Carthage St Joe Jasper Roll Mooresville East English Lake Hawasee Cuzco Arney Dillsboro Dillsboro Dillsboro Morristown Ripley North Liberty Michigan City East Michigan City East Montgomery Dana Leroy Lakeville Owensburg Silver Lake Union City Stockwell Jasper Manilla Birdseye Tunnelton Brazil Hest Bartlettsville Donaldson Corydon Hest Switz City Caborn Rosston Bloomfield Tunnelton Shannondale Tipton Lyons North Liberty Caborn Plymouth Story Lakeville Branchville Branchville Koleen Scotland Holcott 1N104 FEATURE NAME Dobbins Ditch See McKillip Ditch Dobbs Cemetery Dobel Cemetery Docker Lake See Hickman Lake Dock Lake Duck Lake Dock Lake Docs Lake Doctor Ditch Dodd Dodd Cemetery Doddridge Chapel Dodds Bridge Doddsville Doddsville See Dodds Bridge Dodge Creek Dodrill Creek Dodson Branch Dodson Cemetery Dodson Hollow Doe Creek Rodewald Ditch Doe Creek Doe Creek Cemetery Doering Ditch Doe Run Doe Run Gas Storage Field Dog Creek Dog Lake Dog Ridge Dog Run Dog Run Dogtown See Cypress Dogtown Ferry Public Fishing Site Dogtrot Dogwood Dogwood Cemetery Lake Dogwood Lake Dam See Glendale Reservoir Dam Dogwood Springs Lake Dogwood Springs Lake Dam Doke Ditch Dolan Dolan Ridge Mission Dolby Ditch Dolick Ditch See Hoagland Ditch Dollar Hide Creek Dollar Lake Dollar Lake Dollar Lake Lost Lake Nud Lake Dollar Lake Elser Lake Dollar Lake Dollens Elementary School Dollings Cemetery Domestic Ringville Donahue Cemetery Donahue Lake Donahue Lake Dam Donald E Gavit Middle/High School Gavit School FEATURE CLASS canal cemetery cemetery lake lake lake lake canal ppl cemetery church ppl ppl stream stream stream cemetery valley stream stream cemetery canal stream oilfield stream lake ridge stream stream pol park cemetery pal reservoir dam reservoir dam canal ppl church canal canal stream lake lake lake lake reservoir school cemetery ppl cemetery reservoir dam school STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN 1961 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES White 405006N0865635W Brown 391210N0860526W Shelby 393902N0855512W Putnam 411708N0852239W Elkhart 414115N0854701W Putnam 412008N0852227W Jackson 390112N0890256W Allen 410147N0850412W Perry 375444N0863907W Lawrence 384645N0862008W Wayne 394503N0850322W Crawford 390926N0873126W Crawford 390926N0873126W Delaware 402059N0852522W Marion 394141N0860703W Franklin 392505N0851220W Perry 380146N0864442W Clark 383135N0852803W Marion 394248N0855743W Putnam 392743N0865044W Putnam 393002N0865027W Elkhart 413050N0855852W Switzerland 384445N0851408W Harrison 380035N0860457W Crawford 382103N0862757W Porter 411900N0871258W Dearborn 391518N0845842W Jefferson 384710N0851701W Scott 384047N0854957W Vanderburgh 375451N0873747W Posey 375850N0880042W Martin 385326N0864413W Harrison 380619N0860504W Daviess 383217N0870334W Daviess 383217N0870334W Putnam 393242N0865218W Putnam 393242N0865218W Whitley 411315N0853922W Monroe 391425N0862957W Monroe 391459N0862758W Huntington 404715N0853002W White 404908N0865612W Marion 394024N0861420W Grant 402730N0852745W La Porte 413403N0862739W Lagrange 413211N0852408W Putnam 412150N0852905W Whitley 411704N0853253W Lawrence 385334N0863117W Johnson 392656N0860925W Wells 403642N0850519W Madison 401325N0853952W Hendricks 394706N0862754W Hendricks 394706N08627S4W Lake 413437N0872913W SOURCE COORDINATES 402143N0852341W 394114N0860700W 392601N0851500W 383156N0852741W 394637N0855341W 393041N0864538W 384558N0851105W 382238N0862448W 384605N0851720W 383951N0855052W 394221N0861618W ELEV FT 840 895 530 677 664 470 602 689 892 899 853 NAP NAME New Bellsville Acton Bristol Ege Waymansville Fort Wayne East Cannelton Tunnelton Jacksonburg Fairbanks Wheeling Beech Grove Metamora Gatchel Bethlehem Acton Cataract Cloverdale Foraker Carrollton Laconia English Hebron Cedar Grove Canaan Scottsburg Emma Owensburg Laconia Glendale Cloverdale Cloverdale Pierceton Unionville Hindustan Andrews Haywood Hartford City West North Liberty Oliver Lake Merriam Drmas Oolitic Trafalgar Domestic Anderson North Brownsburg Brownsburg Highland FEATURE NAME Donald Kunkle Ditch Donald Lake Donalds Knoll Donaldson Donelson Donaldson Cave Donaldson Cemetery Donaldson Cemetery Donaldson Lake Donaldsonville Donelson See Donaldson Dongola Dong Run Donham Cemetery Donica Memorial Church Don Juan (historical P.0.) Donnell Ditch Donner Park Donners Landing (historical) Donnors Landing See Rosewood (historical Donohue Creek Don Reid Lake Don Reid Lake Dam Dooley Cemetery Dooley Station (historical) Doolittle Hollow Doolittle Mills Door Village Door Village Elementary School Dooville Dora Christian Church Doranew Holland State Recreation Area Dorflingers Airport Dority Ditch Dorne Cemetery Dorner Park Dorsey Ditch Dorsey Ditch Dosch Ditch Doty Cemetery Doty Run Doty Run Lake Dam Dotyville See Rosedale Doublelick Run Lick Run Mud Lick Creek Mud Lick Run Doughnut Lake See Axel Lake Douglas Maxams Douglas A MacArthur Elementary School MacArthur School Douglas Chapel Cemetery Douglas Park Douglas School See Frederick Douglass Elementary School Douglass School Number 19 See Frederick Douglass Elementary School Dove Chapel Dove Creek Dover Crackaway FEATURE CLASS canal lake summit ppl cave cemetery cemetery lake DPl ppl ppl stream cemetery church locale canal park locale locale stream reservoir dam cemetery ppl valley ppl ppl school ppl church park airport canal cemetery park canal canal canal cemetery stream dam ppl stream lake ppl school cemetery park school school church stream ppl STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN I943 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1961 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Steuben Johnson Johnson Marshall Lawrence Bartholomew Marshall Lagrange Clay Marshall Gibson Madison Vigo Lawrence Perry De Kalb Bartholomew Harrison Harrison Gibson Scott Scott Sullivan Parke Clark Perry La Porte La Porte Grant Wabash Nabash Benton Jay Newton Clinton Kosciusko Nhite De Kalb Madison Johnson Johnson Parke Dearborn Noble Gibson Marion Sullivan Lake Lake Marion Vanderburgh Lagrange Boone COORDINATES 41363IN0845252N 392054N0860710N 393016N0860632H 412140N0862639W 384348N0592353W 390855N0854726H 412145N0862551H 414305N0852123H 393145N0870556H 412140N0862639H 382219N0872025N 401700N0854256N 391911N0871524H 385731N0862839H 380250N0864211H 412618N0845436N 391302N0855501N 380245N0855508N 380245N0855512W 381407N0872240H 384054N0855148N 384054N0855148U 385827N0872355H 395137N0870539N 3833Z9N0852604W 381503N0863611H 413429N0864608H 413430N0864610H 4D3312N0853336M 404736N0854117H 404756N0854039H 403425N0860613M 402716N0850455W 404910N0872930H 401625N0863024N 411334N0860029H 403937N0865517H 411847N0850406H 39S700N0855103W 393421N0861111N 393418N0861124H 393722N0871700H 390704N0844943M 413017N0852008N 381950N0873006N 393909N0860901H 391142N0872652W 413344N0873109N 413409N0872038H 394446N0860756H 375632N0873752N 413432N0852452H 400316N0863712H SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES FT 850 784 690 460 401728N0854232N 420 381702N0872309N 383416N0852625N 604 810 865 747 393356N0861147H 391125N0845040H 460 413535N0852543H 902 IN105 MAP NAME Hamilton Nineveh Greenwood Donaldson Mitchell Elizabethtown Donaldson Mongo Brazil East Oakland City Alexandria Lewis Bartlettsville Gatchel Butler Nest Columbus Kosmosdale Elberfeld Scottsburg Scottsburg Carlisle Bellmore Bethlehem Taswell LaPorte Nest LaPorte Nest Van Buren Lagro Lagro Miami Blaine Kentland Frankfort Mentone Brookston NH Auburn Ingalls Bargersville Bargersville Lawrenceburg Princeton Maywood Shelburn Lake Calumet Nest Franklin Oliver Lake Hazelrigg INIOG FEATURE NANE Dover Kelso McKenzie Cross Roads Dover Ce-etery Deverhill See Dover Hill Dover Hill Doverhill Hillshorough Dover Run Dover Run Deversberger Ditch Dewden Branch Dewden Cenetery Deuden Ce-etery Dewell Ditch County Farl Ditch Dewell Hill Dewling Creek Dewling Hollow Deunen Celetery Dewney Cenetery Downey Corner Downey Hill Downeyville Down Hill See Eckerty Downing Ar- Dewning Ditch Down Run Dew Ridge Dewty Ditch Dew Hhite Lake Dow Hhite Lake Da- Doyle Doyle Ce-etery Doyle Ditch Doyle Ferguson Drake Hill Drakes Ridge Drea- Lake Drea- Lake Dal Dreawold Heights Dresser See laylorville Dresser Me-orial Park Dressler Ditch Drew Drew See Morningside See Charles R Drew Elelentary School Drexel Gardens Drexel Run Driftwood Celetery Driftueed Church Drift Heed Fork See Driftwood River Driftwood Fork See East Fork “lite River Driftwood Fork “lite River See East Fork “lite River Driftwood Hills Driftlood River Drift Hood Fork FEAR]! CLASS pp! celetery ppl ppl strea- strea- canal strea- cemetery celetery canal sun-it strea- valley celetery celetery ppl sun-it ppl pol canal canal stream ridge canal reservoir dal wl celetery canal up] sun-it ridge reservoir pp] PP1 park canal pp! ppl wl church npl school stream celetery church strea- strea- S trea- S trea- STATUS BEN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BEN 1960 VARIANT VARIANT BEN BEN BEN BEN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BEN UNOFF UNOFF BEN BEN BEN VARIANT UNOFF BEN UNOFF BEN BEN BEN BEN UNOFF BEN VARIANT ADMIN BEN BEN VARIANT BEN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BEN BEN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BEN BEN VARIANT NATIONAL EAZETTEER—-INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Dearborn Wayne Martin Martin Martin Mayne Tipton Greene Boone Greene Hhitley Bartholomew St Joseph Washington Posey Ohio Ohio Brown Decatur Crawford La Perte Jay Henry Jefferson Hells Scott Scott Miani Grant Grant Grant Clay Switzerland Clark Clark St Joseph Vigo Vigo Pulaski Delaware Delaware Franklin Franklin Franklin Lake Marion Marion Jackson Jackson Johnson Mashington Washington Marion Johnson COORDINATES 391429N0845652H 395414N0845653H 384330NO864810H 38433ON0864810H 384342N0864753H 395423N0845704H 401352N0860251H 385450N0865256H 400l37N0862354H 385548N0865326H 410746N0853216H 391132N0860215H 414949N0863256H 383925N0862204H 380207N0874821H 385626N0850111H 385619N0850037H 391032N0860850H 392539N0853316H 381913N0863643H 413938N0864031H 403155N0850152H 39554ON0852707N 384905N0851307N 40483ONO851138H 384048N0853712H 384048N0853712H 404829N0860427H 403537N0852852H 403425N0852931H 403443N0852844H 392431N0865935H 385032N0850603H 382742N0855148H 382742N0855148H 414510N0861515H 392745N0872525H 392801N087253DH 410643N0864436H 4013OBN0852313H 401326N0852159H 392025N0845014H 392124N0845013H 392025N0845014H 413452N0871903H 394426N0861447H 394417N0861421H 385556N0855036H 384809N0860609H 391222N0855601H 383243N087143OH 383243N0871430H 395501N0860720H 391222N0855601H SOURCE COORDINATES 3B4323N0864851H 395437N0845554H 385620N086524OH 414422N0863018H 383837N0861150H 395520N0852634H 394410N0861606H 392048N0855936H ELEV FT 935 690 965 863 880 840 790 850 640 720 933 730 751 MAP NAME Euilford Fountain City Shoals Shoals Fountain City Arcadia Scotland Lebanon Scotland Lorane New Bellsville Galien Little York Hadesville Bear Branch Bear Branch Nashville Adans Springville tic New Castle Hest Bennington Uniendale Kent Kent Peru Roll Roll Roll Poland Vevay North Speed Speed Niles Hest Terre Haute Ripley Muncie Hest Harrison Harrison Mayweod Mayveod Chestnut Ridge Vallenia Fishers Columbus FEATURE NAME Driger Ditch Drinkwater Hill Driver Ditch Droege Creek Drook Cemetery Druely Lake See Duely Lake Druley Lake See Duely Lake Drusilla (historical) Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch NcCords Creek Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch See Sigler Creek Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Brook Dry Creek See Dry Run Dry Creek See Bailey Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Fork See Dry Fork Ditch Dry Fork Dry Fork See Dry Run Dry Fork Dry Fork Dry Fork Dry Fork Brady Creek Dry Fork Creek Dry Fork Dry Fork Creek See Dry Fork Dry Fork Ditch Dry Fork Dry Fork Ditch Dry Hollow Dry Lake Dry Run Dry Creek Dry Fork Dry Run Dry Run Dry Run Dry Run Dry Run Dry Run Dry Run Dry Run Honey Creek FEATURE CLASS canal summit canal stream cemetery lake lake ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream canal stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream canal canal valley lake stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN 1964 VARIANT XARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Starke Perry Allen Ripley Union Putnam Putnam Jackson Brown Clark Delaware Fayette Franklin Greene Greene Jefferson Lawrence Marion Ohio Orange Perry Perry Putnam Ripley Vermillion Warren Warren Warren Wayne Ohio Crawford Crawford Jackson Lawrence Grant Clark Crawford Henry Jefferson Morgan Shelby Switzerland Shelby Grant Grant Orange Posey Crawford Narion Narion Montgomery Noble Noble Perry Tippecanoe Washington COORDINATES 411458N0864844W 375249N0863738H 411238N0845024W 385915N0850509W 393750N0845500H 412128N0853755H 412128N0853755N 384553N08607S4W 390921N0861831W 382936N0853803W 401338N0853344W 393245N0851252W 392948N0851228W 385808N0864808H 390543N0864735N 384610N0853835W 385554N0863748W 395355N0855752H 385556N0850155W 383747N0863329W 381414N0864112W 381320N0864214W 394039N0864922W 400239N0865553W 395703N0872516H 401233N0872156W 402030N0870753W 401442N0871902H 394753N0850848W 385656N0845221W 381123N08519OOW 381615N0861846H 384919N0861633W 385413N0861710H 403001N0854002W 382731N0855540W 381123N0861900H 395449N0852736W 384853N0851922W 393327N0862632W 393438N085543BW 384533N085143OH 393438N0855438N 403001N0854002H 402918N0854238H 383333N0863717W 374859N087564OW 3811Z3N08619OOH 394648NO861350H 395242N0860758H 400710N0871523W 412914N0852502H 412927N0854539W 380750N0863403N 402743N0865115W 382539N0861518H SOURCE COORDINATES 385941N0850741H 390759N0861654W 383222N0853957H 401437NO853411W 393137N0851416W 393125N0851310W 385526N0864620W 390547N0864440H 384538N0853502W 385505N0863629W 395401N0855301N 385535N0845944W 384012N0863348H 381504N0864113W 394439N0865001W 400157N0865225N 395605N0873015W 401604N0872345W 402242N0870858H 401643N0872016W 395415N0850407W 385903N0845207H 385131N0861208W 385623N0861502W 383011N0855233H 395725N0852840W 385128N0851742W 393455N0862527W 393950N0855309W 3B4823N0851019W 402800NOBS4455W 383414N0863804W 381814NO862058W 395025N0861649W 395427N0860259H 400754N0870416N 412516N0852248H 412825N0853838W 380658N0863607H 402857N0864750W 382617N0861458H ELEV FT 752 INIO7 NAP NAME North Judson Cannelton Woodburn North Bear Branch Liberty Medora Belmont Charlestown Gilman Alpine Netamora Koleen Solsberry Deputy Owensburg McCordsville Bear Branch Georgia Bristow Greencastle Crawfordsville Newport Stone Bluff Attica Stone Bluff Cambridge City Rising Sun Tunnelton Norman Borden New Castle West Canaan Nooresville West Boggstown Bennington Marion Fairmount French Lick Uniontown Leavenworth Indianapolis West Fishers Veedersburg Albion Milford Branchville Lafayette East Hardinsburg IN108 FEATURE NAME Dry Run Church Dry Run Ditch Dry Run Ditch Dry Run Diverson Ditch Duane Yards Dublin See Mansfield Dublin Dublin Elementary School Dubois Knoxville Dubois Community Club Lake Dubois Community Club Lake Dam Dubois County Dubois Creek Dubois Crossroads Dubois Ditch Dubois Ridge Duchemin Lake See Hudson Lake Duck Branch Duck Creek Duck Creek See Little Duck Creek Duck Creek Duck Creek Duck Creek Duck Creek Duck Creek Duck Creek See Elwood Duck Creek Stone Chapel Duck Hollow Duck Lake See Dock Lake Duck Lake Duck Pond Duck Pond Bottom Duckworth Ditch Dudleytown Duely Lake Druely Lake Druley Lake Duley Lake Duer Ditch Duff Duff See Millersport Duff Lake Dugan Hollow Dugan Lake Dugan Lake Dam Dugger Dugger Cemetery Dugger Elementary School Dug Hill Dug Hill Duglay Ditch Duke Cemetery Duke Cemetery Duke Hill Dukes Bridge Dukes Memorial Hospital Duley Lake See Duely Lake Dulles School Dumplin Branch Dunbar Covered Bridge Dunbar-Pulaski Middle School Pulaski School Dunbar School FEATURE CLASS church canal canal canal W W W school ppl reservoir dam civil stream ppl canal ridge lake stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream ppl church valley lake lake lake bend canal ppl lake canal ppl pnl lake valley reservoir dam ppl cemetery school summit summit canal cemetery cemetery summit bridge hospital lake school stream bridge school school STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1962 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Crawford Cass Elkhart Marion Vigo Parke Wayne Wayne Dubois Dubois Warrick Dubois Union Dubois Fulton Brown La Porte Jennings Franklin Franklin Hamilton Henry Orange Porter Shelby Madison Franklin Floyd Elkhart Noble Lagrange Dubois Shelby Jackson Putnam Adams Dubois Dubois Lagrange Jefferson Owen Owen Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Bartholomew Brown Allen Greene Rush Harrison Noble Miami Putnam Lake Orange Putnam Lake Lake COORDINATES 381449N0861901W 404045N0861341W 413002N0854445W 394817N0861421W 392942N0872319W 394035N0870608W 394844N0851232W 394840N0851217W 382643N0864816W 382722N0864744W 382722N0864744W 382047N0865323W 393316N0845845W 382852N0864843W 405921N0861103H 391229N0861926W 414234N0863310H 385719N0854055W 392635N08507Z7W 392749N0850838W 400811N0855724W 395134N0852742H 382836N0861841W 413207N0871523W 391435N0854551W 401637N0855031W 393016N0850605W 382223N0855022W 414115N0854701W 412818N0851634W 413227N0851142W 381932N0865830W 393856N0855134W 385059N08553S9W 412128N0853755W 404317N0845250H 331938N0870135W 382035N0870314W 414333N0852151H 384441N0852217W 391906N0864548H 391906N0864548W 390412N0871541W 390340N0871531H 390427N0871612H 390237N0860348W 391352N0861524W 411408N0851720H 385851N0364549H 393315N0852846W 381643N0861619W 412932N0852647W 404523N0860459W 412128N0853755H 413440N0872426W 382425N0863320H 393931N0865301H 413SO4N0871933H 413507N0871933W SOURCE COORDINATES 393438N0845332W 385529N0853801W 393236N0850305W 401459NO855045H 395918N0852413W 382836N0862003W 413010N0871006W 392441N0853623W 382202N0854952W 384522N0852108H 382251N0863126W ELEV FT 500 500 513 963 615 477 684 750 920 730 MAP NAME Leavenworth Onward Millersburg Indianapolis West Terre Haute Cambridge City Cambridge City Dubois Dubois Valeene Huntingburg New Fairfield Dubois Macy Belmont Hayden Brookville Omega Dunreith Hardinsburg Gary Elizabethtown Everton New Albany Kendallville Stroh Huntingburg Fountaintown Tampico North Webster Berne Velpen Mongo Madison East Spencer Spencer Dugger Dugger Dugger Waymansville Belmont Churubusco Koleen Rushville Milltown Albion Peru Highland Greenbrier Clinton Falls Gary Gary FEATURE NAME Duncan Duncan Branch Duncan Cemetery Duncan Cemetery Duncan Church Duncan Ditch Duncan School See David 0 Duncan Elementary School Dundee Mudsock Dune Acres Dune Acres Station Duneland Beach Dunes Creek Dunes Plaza Dunes Plaza One Dunfee Dungan Cemetery Dunham Hill Dunkard Cemetery Dunkard Cemetery Dunkard Church Dunk Creek Dunker Ditch Dunkirk Dunkirk Quincy Dunkirk Church Dunkirk Drain Dunlap Dunlaps Dunlaps See Dunlap Dunlapsville Dunn Dunnaway Creek Dunn Cemetery Dunn Cemetery Dunn Ditch Dunn Ditch Dunnihoes Cave Dunnington Dunn Memorial Hospital Dunn Mill Dunns Bridge Dunreith Coffins Station Dunton Lake Dunwoody Ditch Duo Run Dupont Dupont Elementary School Dupouy Airport Durbin Durbin Elementary School Durgan School See George R Durgan Elementary School Durham Durham Durham Cemetery Durham Cemetery Durham Drive Lake Durham Drive Lake Dam Durham Lake Daniels Lake Durkee Cemetery Durland Cemetery Durnell Ditch Dutch Bethel Church FEATURE CLASS ppl stream cemetery cemetery church canal school ppl ppl W W stream locale locale ppl cemetery summit cemetery cemetery church stream canal ppl ppl church stream 991 up] ppl ppl stream cemetery cemetery canal canal cave ppl hospital Ppl Del 91:1 lake canal stream in“ school airport pol school school NH 991 cemetery cemetery reservoir dam lake cemetery cemetery canal church STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN 1962 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Floyd Washington Clay Monroe Brown Howard Lake Madison Porter Porter La Porte Porter La Porte Lake Whitley Dubois Kosciusko Harrison Jasper Howard Clinton Pulaski Cass Jay Randolph Jay Elkhart Elkhart Union Benton Brown Hamilton Posey Clinton Hancock Lawrence Benton Lawrence Allen Jasper Henry De Kalb Madison Posey Jefferson Jefferson Grant Hamilton Hamilton Tippecanoe Gibson La Porte Gibson Vigo Morgan Morgan Kosciusko Tippecanoe Jackson Allen Owen COORDINATES 381717N0855530W 384549N0860318W 391220N0870518W 392006N0860914W 390955N0861909H 402756N0855703H 413451N0872102H 401620N0854522H 413858N0870509W 413814N0870505W 414522N0865000W 413947N0870342H 414050N0865319W 413550N087I4I6W 410512N0852014H 381828N0864642H 411622N0854241N 380538N0860337W 410257N0870806H 403212N0855835N 402439N0864059W 410406N0865004H 404523N0862337H 402231N0851234W 400926N0850317H 402307N0851311W 413816N0855518H 413816N0855518W 393527N0845937W 403350N0872750N 391616N0861651W 400928N0860704W 375825N0875633W 401658N0862101N 394950N0855547W 385016N0863020N 403351N0872927N 385109N0862938H 410944N0851409W 411332N0865826H 394812N0852619H 411614N0850350W 395604N0854223W 380217N0875316W 385324N0853051H 385322N0853112H 402509N0855122N 400323N0855439H 400309N0855434W 402352N0865241W 381535N0873452H 413532N0865015H 381536N0873509U 392432N0872656H 392854N0862348H 392854N0862348H 411704N0853922H 402118N0865759W 385425N0855922H 410445N0851359W 391358N0865548H SOURCE COORDINATES 384336N0860552W 413838N0870508W 402228N0863900N 402235N0851143W 391855N086l638H 380315N0875325H ELEV FT 770 870 621 615 600 645 610 856 960 606 954 777 787 796 769 849 667 1036 828 783 860 822 450 849 769 860 INIO9 MAP NAME Georgetown Vallonia Coal City Beanblossom Belmont Greentown Elwood Dune Acres Dune Acres New Buffalo West Dune Acres Michigan City West Portage Arcola St Anthony North Webster Laconia Parr Amboy Pyrmont North Judson SE Lucerne Pennville Maxville Pennville Elkhart New Fairfield Boswell Morgantown Arcadia Mt Vernon Hillisburg Cumberland Bedford West Boswell Bedford East Huntertown San Pierre Dunreith Auburn Pendleton Solitude Vernon Vernon Point Isabel Riverwood Riverwood Princeton LaPorte West Princeton Terre Haute Martinsville Martinsville North Webster Romney Seymour Fort Hayne West Arney INIIO FEATURE NAME Dutch Creek Dutch Ridge Dutch Ridge Dutch Ridge Lake Dutch Ridge Pond Dutch Ridge Lookout Tower Dutch Ridge Pond See Dutch Ridge Lake Dutro Ditch Dutton Ditch Duvall Ridge Dwenger Field Dye (historical P.0.) Dye Cemetery Dyer Dyer Creek Dyer Ditch Dyer Junior High School See Dyer Middle School Dyer Lake Dyer Lake Dam Dyer Middle School Dyer Junior High School Dyers Creek Dye School Number 27 See Charity Dye Elementary School Dygert Cemetery Dykeman Park Dyson Knob E Eads Ditch Eads Hollow Eads School See James B Eads Elementary School Eagan Ditch Swamp Ditch Eagle See Eagle Village Eagle Branch Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Big Eagle Creek Stahl Ditch Thistlewaite Ditch _Eagle Creek See Little Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Airpark Eagle Creek Church Eagle Creek Dam Eagle Creek Park Eagle Creek Park Eagle Creek Reservoir Eagle Crest Creek Eagledale Independent Baptist Church Eagledale Nazarene Church Eagledale Plaza Eagle Ditch See Frick Ditch FEATURE CLASS stream ridge ridge lake tower lake canal canal ridge PPI locale cemetery ppl stream canal school reservoir dam school stream school cemetery park summit canal valley school canal DP1 stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream airport church dam park park reservoir stream church church locale canal STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BEN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Washington Monroe Ohio Monroe Monroe Monroe Blackford Pulaski Brown Allen Martin Hancock Lake Putnam Lake Monroe Greene Greene Monroe Madison Marion Steuben Cass Narrick Hendricks Monroe Lake Daviess Boone Delaware Hamilton Kosciusko Lake Marion Marion Posey Starke Marion Starke Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Knox COORDINATES 382807N0860420H 390138N0862423H 385605N0845330H 385842N0862326W 390043N0862408N 385842N0862326H 4D3055N0852057N 410109N0864407N 390959N0861854M 410446N0850623N 384754N0865037H 394640N0855132H 412939N0873118H 393854N0864540H 412922N0872924W 391039N0863239H 390841N0865718H 390841N0865718H 391039N0863239H 400738N0855414W 394726N0860850M 414112N0845226H 404559N0862258H 381252N0871703H 395018N0863218U 390212N0862623H 413406N0873055W 384142N0870653H 395738N0861444M 401434N0852749H 395544N0861629M 411354N0855209H 411614NO871630H 394305N0861147W 394542N0861248N 375712N0873430M 411808N0863541H 394947N0861741H 411826N0863346W 394921N0861816M 395246N0861835H 395206N0861802H 394921N0861816H 395219N0861825H 394901N0861438H 394910N0861437N 394818N0861310N 383534N0871636H SOURCE COORDINATES 382648N0860048M 394045N0864428M 400648N0855000U 390219N0862448H 401402N0852625M 400747N0861341H 411332N0855045M 411924N0371425U 400747N0861341H 375616N0872816M 411848N0862850H 395237N0862026M ELEV FT 740 630 650 820 790 740 MAP NAME Palmyra Allens Creek Aberdeen Bartlettsville Allens Creek Montpelier Ripley Belmont Fort Wayne East Indian Springs Greenfield Dyer Greencastle St John Arney Arney Bloomington Omega Clear Lake Lucerne Lynnville Danville Allens Creek Montgomery Muncie West Zionsville Warsaw Leroy Haywood Evansville South Knox East Clermont Knox East Clermont Zionsville Clermont Clermont Clermont Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis Nest FEATURE NME Eagle Hollow Eagle Hol-low Creek See Eagle Hollow Creek Eagle Hollow Creek Eagle Hol-low Creek Eagle Island Eagle Island Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Dam Eagle Point Eagle Point Eagle Run Eagles Picnic Grounds Eagle Springs Grange Hall Eagletown Eagle Village Eagle Eaglewood Estates Eaheart Cemetery Eames Earl See Earle Earle School See George Earle Elementary School Earlham Cemetery Earlhal College Earlham Lake Earlham Lake Dan Earl Park Earl Park Cemetery Early Station Earth Dam Nest East Arn East Arm Payne Ditch East Auburn Elementary School East Branch Big Hea Creek See East Branch Hea Creek East Branch Bunch Ditch Bunch Ditch East Branch Owl Creek East Branch Stony Run East Branch Stony Run Ditch East Branch Stony Run Ditch See East Branch Stony Run East Branch Sweetwater Creek East Branch Trail Creek Bull Ditch Trail Creek Hillow Creek East Branch Twelve Mile Creek Mills Ditch Twelve Mile Creek East Branch Haterford Creek See Half Run East Branch Hea Creek East Branch Big Hea Creek East Brightwood (historical) East Brook Eastbrook Elementary School Eastbrook Plaza East Buck Creek Ditch East Calumick River See Little Calumet River East Cemetery East Central High School FEATURE CLASS valley stream stream island island lake lake reservoir dam cape cape stream park building P91 91:1 ppl cemetery 991 ppl ppl school cemetery school reservoir dan pp] cemetery ppl dam canal canal school stream canal stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream wl stream school locale canal stream cemetery school STATUS BEN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1965 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1965 VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BEN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Noble Steuben Noble Starke Boone Boone Kosciusko St Joseph Randolph Posey Jefferson Hamilton Boone Boone La Porte Narrick Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Lake Mayne Wayne Johnson Johnson Benton Benton Vernillion Johnson Jackson Starke De Kalb Tippecanoe St Joseph Brown Porter Porter Monroe La Porte Miami La Porte Tippecanoe Marion Clay Marion Bartholomew Lagrange Porter Nayne Dearborn COORDINATES 384410N0852019H 384409N0852019H 384409N0852019H 412946N0852545H 414305N0850233H 412538N0853231H 411853N0862846H 395946N0861446H 395946N0861446H 411939N0854040H 414026N0860441H 400356N0845715H 375639N0872810H 384546N0851840H 400232N0861137H 395738N0861444H 395705N0861847H 413321N0865221H 380445N0870754H 380508N0873048U 380508N0873048H 413238N0871643H 394927N0845508H 394924N0845449H 392106N0861100H 392106N0861100H 404058N0872442H 404032N0872521H 394548N0872307H 392242N0860418H 384948N0855112M 411351N0865053H 412218N0850235H 401726N0865100H 412835N0861235H 391334N0861527H 411929N0871533H 411929N0871533H 391641N0860810H 414112N0865038H 404950N0861349H 414027N0865045H 401726N0865100H 394751N0860401U 393136N0870421U 395346N0861406H 391325N085534W 414151N0852949H 413353N0871737H 394840N0851153U 391647N0845826H SOURCE COORDINATES 3849600085184“! 3846290085201“ 400351N0845546H 391456N0861530H 412443M0871244H 391946N0860824U 414019N0864435H 405315N0860930H 401350N0864626U 393220N0870619H 413639NW5272H ELEV FT 876 713 850 385 885 925 393 449 780 637 IN111 MAP NAME Madison East Madison East Albion Angola lest Ligonier Donaldson Carmel Carmel North Hebster Osceola Lynn Mewburgh Canaan Hestfield Carmel lionsville LaPorte Iest De Gonia Springs Evansville North Richmond Richmond Beanblossom Beanblossom Earl Park Earl Park Dana Franklin Crothersville North Judson Auburn Belmont Leroy Beanblossom Michigan City East Twelve Mile Stockwell Indianapolis East Brazil East Carmel Columbus Oliver Lake Cambridge City Cedar Grove INIIZ FEATURE NAME East Chicago East Columbus East Columbus Church East Creek East Deer Creek East Deer Pond East Elementary School East Enterprise Allensville Clapboard Corner Easterday Ditch Eastern Cemetery Eastern Hancock Elementary School Eastern Hancock Junior-Senior High School Eastern Heights Eastern Heights Eastern Hights Chapel Eastern Jackson School Eastern Junior and Senior High School Eastern School Eastern Pulaski Elementary School Eastern School See Eastern Junior and Senior High School Eastern Star Baptist Church Eastes Ditch East Fly Creek East Fork See Clear Creek East Fork Beanblossom Creek East Fork Big Cedar Creek East Fork Big Walnut Creek East Fork Eel River Walnut Creek East Fork Birch Creek East Fork Blue Creek East Fork Busseron Creek East Fork Busseron Creek See Big Branch East Fork Clear Creek East Fork Clear Creek See Clear Creek East Fork Coal Creek East Fork Eel River See East Fork Big Walnut Creek East Fork Fish Creek East Fork Fourteenmile Creek East Fork Honey Creek East Fork Indian Creek See Indian Creek East Fork Keg Creek East Fork Little Pigeon Creek East Fork Little Wildcat Creek Little Wildcat Creek East Fork Mill Creek East Fork Mill Creek East Fork Muscatatuck River See Muscatatuck River East Fork of White River See East Fork White River East Fork Prairie Creek See South Fork Prairie Creek East Fork Rush Creek East Fork Salt Creek East Fork Slash Creek FEATURE CLASS ppl pol church stream stream lake school ppl canal cemetery school school pal ppl church school school school school church canal stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN 1962 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1962 VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Lake 413821N0872717W Bartholomew 391206N0855406W Bartholomew 391153N0855354W Blackford 403329N0851633W Perry 375636N0863857W Perry 3757Z3N0863620W Grant 402912N0853628W Switzerland 385222N0845917W Kosciusko 411744N0855933W Clark 381700N0854345W Hancock 394736N0853630W Hancock 394736N0853630W Madison 400632N0853926W Monroe 391029N0862849W Clark 382002N0854234W Howard 403119N0855353W Howard 402832N0855803W Pulaski 410238N0863547W Howard 402832N0855803W Marion 394715N0860810W Hancock 394650N0855146W Lagrange 414052N0852349W Whitley 405241N0853320W Monroe 391520N0860821W Franklin 392514N0845422W Hendricks 395010N0864017W Parke 392649N0870631W Franklin 392124N0850207W Sullivan 391159N0871832W Sullivan 390715NOB71922W Morgan 392827N0862159W Whitley 405241N0853320W Ripley 400603N0871547W Hendricks 395010N0864017W Owen 391648N0865206W Clark 383419N0853455W Monroe 391759N0862340W Clark 380700N0861622W Gibson 382044N0872410W Spencer 380255N0870558W Howard 402616N0860959W Dubois 382719N0865659W Hendricks 393837N0863755W Washington 384626N0860958W Washington 383243N0871430W Daviess 384323N0870839W Parke 395407N0871852W Monroe 391518N0860822W Shelby 392501N0355052W SOURCE COORDINATES 403212N0851630W 375644N0863457W 413726N0851957W 391453N0851130W 392809N0845302W 395322N0863307N 393058N0870613W 391849N0845738W 391320N0871509H 392500N0861833W 400710N0865856W 392257N0865125W 391831N0862230W 381658N087193BW 380123N0870133W 402347N0860623W 382846N0865235W 394554N0863300W 395644N0871621W 391251N0860514W 392940N0854801W ELEV FT 592 629 885 893 817 MAP NAME Whiting Columbus Columbus Montpelier Cannelton Rome Gas City Florence Atwood Jeffersonville Knightstown Knightstown Anderson South Unionville Jeffersonville Amboy Greentown Winamac Indianapolis West Greenfield Mongo Beanblossom Whitcomb Danville Center Point Spades Hymera Cope Veedersburg Spencer New Washington Hindustan Francisco Chrisney Kokomo West Jasper Coatesville Kingman Beanblossom Lewis Creek FEATURE NAME East Fork Sly Run East Fork Stone Church Tanners Creek East Fork Sugar Creek East Fork Tanners Creek East Fork White Creek East Fork White Creek See East Fork White Lick Creek East Fork White Lick Creek East Fork White Creek East Fork White River See White River East Fork White River Driftwood Fork Driftwood Fork White River East Fork of White River East Fork Whitewater River East Gary See Lake Station East Gate See Eastgate Eastgate Christian Church Eastgate Shopping Center Eastgate Shopping Center East Germantown Georgetown Germantown Pershing East Glen See East Glenn East Glenn East Glen East Grassy Creek East Harbor Arm East Haven East Hill Cemetery East Hill Cemetery East Hopewell Church East Lake East Lake See Princes East Lake East Lake Ditch East Lake Estates Eastland Gardens Eastlawn Church See Eastlawn Wesleyan Church Eastlawn Elementary School Eastlawn Elementary School Eastlawn Wesleyan Church Eastlawn Church East Liberty East Liberty Church East Lick Creek See White Lick Creek East Little Sugar Creek Little Sugar Creek East Little Sugar Creek See Little Sugar Creek East Longfellow School See Longfellow Elementary School Eastminster Church See Eastlinster United Presbyterian Church Eastminster United Presbyterian Church Eastminster Church East Monticello FEATURE CLASS stream church stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream 991 ppl Ppl church locale locale ppl ppl ppl stream harbor ppl cemetery cemetery church lake reservoir canal W W church school school church 99‘ church stream stream stream school church church ppl STATUS BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1965 VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1961 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1966 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Hamilton Dearborn Daviess Dearborn Jackson Morgan Morgan Randolph Washington Wayne Lake Hancock Hancock Marion Jefferson Marion Wayne Vigo Vigo Johnson Porter Wayne Rush Rush Tipton Lagrange Johnson Elkhart Elkhart Allen Marion Clark White Marion Allen Fountain Morgan Vigo Vigo Delaware Marion Marion White COORDINATES 400247N0860202W 391122N0845419W 383446N0865730W 391007N0845433W 390059N0855825W 393529N0862159W 393529N0862159W 382500N0874420W 383243N087143OW 392441N0850047W 413430N0871420W 395551N0854947W 395551N0854947W 394725N0860125W 381723N0854348W 394632N0860235W 394845N0850815W 392909N0871744W 392909N0871744W 393253N0860640W 413822N0870900W 395021N0845551W 393822N0853358W 393619N0852558W 402236N0360209W 414300N0853930W 392051N0860603W 414154N0853938W 414152N0855547W 410111N0850601W 394908N0860039W 381721N0854320W 404535N0863S35W 394908N0860039W 405608N0845142W 395829N0872121W 392935N086Z320W 392743N0872743W 392742N0872743W 401234N0852154W 394653N0860229W 3946S3N0860229W 404446N0864512W SOURCE COORDINATES 400416N0860545W 383626N0870000W 391520N0850301W 391020NO860317W 394910N0862111W 391222N0855601W 395707N0844141W 393600N0860403W 393249N0872815W ELEV FT 870 472 850 1050 572 1002 855 760 800 810 650 1N113 MAP NAME Noblesville Guilford Alfordsville Guilford Jonesville Mooresville East Sandy Hook Brookville Ingalls Indianapolis East Jeffersonville Indianpolis East Cambridge City Seelyville Greenwood Ogden Dunes Richmond Carthage Rushville Kokomo East Middlebury Middlebury Elkhart Fort Wayne East Jeffersonville Burnettsville Indianapolis East Dixon Kingman Terre Haute Indianapolis East Monticello South INll4 East East East East East Park United Methodist Chu FEATURE NAME Mount Carmel Fetters Noble High School Oolitic Spien Kopj Park rch Eastpoint Terminal Eastport Elementary School East East East Prong Franks Drain Bull Creek Prong Green Creek Sand Ridge Cemetery East School East Shelburn East Side Church East Side Consolidated School East Side Elementary School East Side Elementary School Eastside Junior-Senior High School East Side Nazarene Church East Side New Hope Baptist Church East Side Park East Side Park East Side School Eastside Seventh Day Adventist Church East Simons Creek See Symonds Creek East Sixteeenth Street Christian Church East Springfield Church East Spring Street School East Tenth Streeet Church of God East Tenth United Methodist Church East Tipp High School See East Tipp Junior High School East Tipp Junior High School East Tipp High School East Toops Ditch See Nest Fork Pigeon Creek East Union East Union Cemetery Eastview Baptist Church Eastview Cemetery Eastview Elementary School East View School East Hard School See Narsaw Freshman High School Eastwitch Eastwood Elementary School Eastwood Junior High School East 25th Street Baptist Church East 38th Street Christian Church Easy Run Easytown Eatinger Ditch Eaton Eaton Busenburg Ditch Eaton Ditch Eaton Elementary School Eaton Lake FEATURE CLASS ppl school DD] ppl church ppl school stream stream cemetery school pol church school school school school church church park park school church stream church church school church church school school stream ppl cemetery church cemetery school school school ppl school school church church stream Ppl canal pp] canal canal school lake STATUS BGN 1961 VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN I962 VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF EEEEEE C x O 1 1 NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Gibson Noble Lawrence Clinton Marion Steuben La Porte Jay Parke Cass Morgan Crawford Madison Elkhart Clay Hells De Kalb Marion Marion Daviess Posey Elkhart Marion Hayne Marion Lagrange Floyd Marion Marion Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Gibson Tipton Daviess Marion Switzerland Fayette Fayette Kosciusko Tippecanoe Wabash Marion Marion Marion Delaware Vermillion Steuben Delaware Fulton Kosciusko Delaware Steuben COORDINATES 382336N0874441H 412607N0851525H 385356N0863043H 401704N0862932H 394620N0860707H 413955N0845111H 414242N0865301H 402854N084514OH 395453N0871423H 404813N0862304H 392527N0862445H 391028N0872247H 400642N0853839H 413943N0855458H 393137N0870716H 404339N0850927H 412555N0845155H 394720N0860547H 394722N0860756U 383938N0870856H 375830N0873155H 412643N0855936H 394854N0860608H 394951N0851014H 394720N0860546H 413830N0851328H 381734N0854830H 394658N0860137H 394652N0860720H 4OZ737N0864539H 402737N0854539H 381412N0873106H 401302N0860742H 383327N0870618H 395948N0855944H 385040N0844922H 393810N085093SH 393810NOB§0747H 4114Z3N0855033H 402537N0865100H 404812N0854857H 395205N0850533H 394944N0850938H 394935N0860355H 4013I5N0853121H 393638N0873001H 414000N0845353H 402025N0852103H 410736N0860737H 410504N0855857H 402035N0852055H 414303N084570W SOURCE COORDINATES 402631N0845009H 395701N0871411H 401337N0853108H ELEV FT 520 852 1000 514 920 914 1004 HAP NAME East Mount Carmel Kendallville Oolitic Michigantown Indianapolis East Clear Lake Michigan City Hest Fort Recovery Hallace Lucerne Martinsville Shelhurn Anderson South Elkhart Brazil East Bluffton Butler East Indianapolis East Indianapolis Hest Hashington Evansville South Nappanee East Indianapolis East Indianapolis East Orland New Albany Indianapolis Eastr Indianapolis East Lafayette East Sheridan Glendale Patriot Connersville Connersville Lafayette East Mabash Indianapolis East Indianapolis Best Indianapolis East Gilman Sandford Angola East Eaton Argos Silver Lake Eaton Angola East FEATURE NAME Ebenezer Baptist Church Ebenezer Cemetery Ebenezer Cemetery Ebenezer Cemetery Ebenezer Cemetery Ebenezer Cemetery Ebenezer Cemetery Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer County Line Church Ebenezer Creek Ebenezer Creek Ebenezer Creek See Ebenezer Creek Ebenezer Ridge Eberhard Church Eberhart Cemetery Eberly Ditch Ebert Ditch Eby Eby (historical P.0.) Echo Crest Echo Lake Echo Lake Echo Lake Echo Lake See Echo Valley Lake Echo Lake Dam Echo Lake Dam Echo Valley Lake Echo Lake Echo Valley Lake Dam Eck See Augusta Eckert Ditch Eckert Ditch Eckerty Boston Down Hill Eckerty Cemetery Economy Economy Cemetery Economy Run Ed Clark Ditch Eddleman Cemetery Eddy Eddy Cemetery Eddy Creek Eddy Creek Ditch Eddy Lake Eden Lewisburg Eden Baptist Church Eden Cemetery Eden Cemetery Eden Cemetery Eden Church Eden Mills See Emma Edgar H Evans Elementary School Evans School Number 11 Edgar L Miller Elementary School Miller School FEATURE CLASS church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church church church church stream stream ridge church cemetery canal canal pp] locale ppl reservoir reservoir reservoir reservoir dam dam reservoir dam ppl canal canal Dpl cemetery ppl cemetery stream canal cemetery pp] cemetery stream canal lake ppl church cemetery cemetery cemetery church 091 school school STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES Marion 394737N0861115w Daviess 383303NOB70633N Franklin 392808N0850247w Henry 395045N0852154N Jennings 385909N0853325N Sullivan 391251N0872301N Harrick 381119N0871045w Clay 393457N0870626N Dearborn 390630N0845604H Elkhart 413213N0855630N Miami 405531N0860434U Rush 394713N0851841N Spencer 375558N0871216N Sullivan 391233N0872230w Switzerland 384755N0850942N Narrick 380224N0871237N Warrick 381133N0871056N Marshall 412442N0860332N Parke 393652N0870710N Parke 393652N0870710N Dearborn 390534NOB45515N Whitley 410527N0853209w Shelby 392546N0855116N St Joseph 413639N0861732N Lake 411622N0871936W Narrick 380831N0871541N Narrick 380836NOB71543N Hamilton 395702N0860746N Bartholomew 390500N0860324N Brown 391501N0861714H Morgan 393654N0862643N Perry 375614N0864318H Bartholomew 390510N0860324N Morgan 393654N0862530N Perry 375614N0864318N Perry 375614N0864318N Marion 395324N0861244H La Porte 412207N0865252H Pulaski 410852N0865142N Crawford 381913N0863643N Crawford 381933N086364IH Nayne 395841N0850517N Nayne 395900N0850539N Hayne 395705N0850624N Shelby 393307N0854958H Decatur 390924N0853555N Lagrange 413211N0852618H De Kalb 413128N0845108N Marshall 410659N0862119H Marshall 411124N0861740H Marshall 411109N0861837N Hancock 395422N0854612N Marion 394638N0861220N Dearborn 390348N0850620M Gibson 361327N0872021N Lagrange 413222N0853400H Delaware 401728N0852208N Lagrange 413640N0853228N Marion 395003N0860639N Lake 413037N0872229N SOURCE COORDINATES 393610N0870614H 395810N0850444H 411105N0861836N ELEV FT 389 470 809 731 1146 920 772 880 IN115 MAP NAME Indianapolis West Glendale Brookville Lewisville Vernon Shelburn Folsomville Brazil East Aurora Foraker Deedsville Lewisville Richland City Shelburn Bennington De Gonia Springs Folsomville Nappanee Nest Brazil East Aurora South Whitley East Lewis Creek Lakeville Leroy Lynnville Lynnville Carmel Haymansville Morgantown Mooresville Nest Naymansville Mooresville Cannelton Cannelton La Crosse North Judson Taswell Taswell Greens Fork Greens Fork Greens Fork Shelbyville Nestport Oliver Lake Edon Pershing Rutland Rutland Ingalls Indianapolis West Dillsboro Lynnville Topeka Eaton Indianapolis East Highland IN116 FEATURE NAME Edgelea Elementary School Edgerton Edgerton-Carson Ditch Edgewater Edgewater Lake Edgewater Lake Dam Edgewater Park Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood, Lake Edgewood Elementary School Edgewood Elementary School Edgewood Elementary School Edgewood Lake Edgewood Lake Edgewood Lake Dam Edgewood School Edgewood Village Edinburg See Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburg Edison Park Edison Park Edison School See Thomas A Edison Elementary School Edison School See Thomas A Edison Junior High School Edison School See Thomas A Edison Junior High School Edison School See Thomas A Edison Middle School Edison School Number 47 See Thomas A Edison Junior High School Edison Senior High School See Thomas A Edison Senior High School Edlin Ditch See Main Edlin Ditch Edlin Ditch Edlin Ditch Edmond Ditch Edna Mills Edward, Lake Edward Cemetery Edward Ditch Edward Eggleston Elementary School Eggleston School Edward Lewis Lake Dam Edwards Cemetery Edwards Ditch Edwards Ditch Edwards Ditch Edwardsport Edwardsville Edwin Pray Lake Edwin Pray Lake Dam Eel Creek Eel River Eel River See Mill Creek Eel River See Big Walnut Creek FEATURE CLASS school ppl canal ppl reservoir dam park ppl ppl reservoir school school school reservoir ppl dam school ppl ppl ppl park park school school school school school school canal canal canal canal ppl ' reservoir cemetery canal school dam cemetery canal canal canal ppl ppl ' reservoir dam stream stream stream stream STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN 1978 VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 1960 VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Tippecanoe Allen Allen Porter Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Madison Madison Marion Morgan La Porte Madison Madison Putnam Putnam Putnam Marion Madison Johnson Johnson Lake St Joseph Lake Lake Marion St Joseph Marion Lake Boone Boone Boone Vanderburgh Clinton Pike Orange Tippecanoe St Joseph Brown Greene Howard Randolph Harrick Knox Floyd Switzerland Switzerland Brown Putnam Putnam Putnam COORDINATES 402313N0865237H 410436N0844822N 410505N0845012N 413058N0870248H 380518N0873912H 380518N0873912N 400623N0854016H 400612NO854403M 394105N0860803N 392654N0862654H 414130N0865311H 400606N0854347N 401708N0855016H 393812N0864742H 393822N0864757H 393812N0864742H 394115N0860811H 400605N0854511H 392115N0855800W 392115N0855800N 413527N0873046N 414125N0861232N 413509N0873037H 413612N0372417N 394520N0861052H 414121N0861236N 394520N0861052H 413438N087144DH 395907N0862927N 395957N0862742W 39S717N0863211H 375458N0873939N 402503N0864004N 381654N0870448H 383727N0862130N 402821N0870356N 414507N0861423M 391705N0861800N 390531N0864204N 402912N0861115H 400402N0850223N 375934N0872528H 384843N0871508H 381703N0855434H 385042N0850536H 385042N0850536N 390441N0862056H 390704N0865743H 392943N0865704H 392943N086S705H SOURCE COORDINATES 390643N0862202H 392943N0855705H ELEV FT 800 876 762 810 875 670 654 512 905 MAP NAME Lafayette West Noodburn South Hoodburn South Chesterton Kasson Kasson Anderson South Anderson South Haywood Martinsville Michigan City West Anderson South Elwood Greencastle Greencastle Greencastle Haywood Lapel Edinburgh Calumet City South Bend East Fayette Lizton Nest Franklin Pyrmont Velpen Livonia Dtterbein South Bend East Morgantown Stanford Kokomo Nest Carlos Newburgh Bicknell Georgetown Vevay North Vevay North Elkinsville Bloomfield FEATURE NAME Eel River Kenapocomoco River L'Anguille River Eel River Eel River Cemetery Eel River Chapel Cemetery Eel River Church Eel River Church Eel River Church Eel River Prairie Effner Egans Point Ege Egenolf Lake Egenolf Lake Dam Egg Harbor Eggharbor See Canton Eggleston School See Edward Eggleston Elementary School Egg Run Egley Ditch Egypt Egypt Bottom Ehrmandale Elsie Eichoof Ditch Eighteenth Street Bridge Eightmile Creek Eightmile Creek Eight Mile Creek Eight Mile Creek See Eightmile Creek Eightmile Number Four Ditch Eightmile Number Three Ditch Eightmile Number Two Ditch Eight Square Cemetery Eiseman Hollow Eke Drainage System Ditch Ekin Elberfeld Elberfeld Mine Elder Cemetery Elder Ditch Elder Ditch See Grassy Creek Elder Ditch See Cedar Lake Branch Elder School Elder H Diggs School Eldon Ready Elementary School Ready School El Dorado Eldorado School Eldridge Cemetery Eleanor Skillen Elementary School Skillen School Number 34 Elekenberry Ditch See Elkenberry Ditch Elevalis See Bloomingdale Elevatis See Bloomingdale Elevatus See Bloomingdale El Honan Cemetery Eli Creek Elijah Ditch Eliza, Lake FEATURE CLASS stream Dpl cemetery cemetery church church church flat ppl ppl ppl _ reserv01r dam ppl ppl school stream canal ppl flat ppl canal bridge stream stream stream canal canal canal cemetery valley canal ppl ppl mine cemetery canal stream stream school school school in” school cemetery school canal ppl ppl ppl cemetery stream canal lake STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Whitley Clay Allen Miami Allen Kosciusko Kosciusko Clay Newton Putnam Putnam Monroe Monroe Gibson Washington St Joseph Henry Adams Jasper Switzerland Vigo Marion Cass Randolph Hells Hells Hells Wells Hells Porter Floyd Knox Tipton Harrick Harrick Parke Whitley Kosciusko Whitley Perry Marion Lake Johnson Madison Elkhart Marion Huntington Parke Parke Parke Hells Marion Newton Porter COORDINATES 404501N0862223W 391924N0870725H 411128N0851710N 404829N0860909H 411122N0851714H 410731N0854220H 410421N0854719N 391217N0870944W 404614NOB73131N 412009N0852138N 411734N0851716N 391636N0862406N 391636N0862406H 381343N0874726H 383726N0860205N 414507N0861423N 395415N0852756H 403652N0850213H 405133N0871214H 3847Z3N0844929H 393206N0871420H 394227N0860355H 404434N0862047H 401050N0850516H 405722N0852207N 405722N0852207N 405142N0850723H 405146N0850630H 405205N0850718H 413606N0865558H 381313NO855409H 383713N0873238H 4013OIN0860942H 380935N0872654N 380733N0872640H 394929NO871257N 411412N0853837N 411904N0854441H 411400N0853815H 380613N0863018H 394803N0861512H 413249N0872535N 393528N0860945H 400620N0854113H 413726N0853938H 394407N0860807H 404656N08524OOH 395000N0871459H 395000N0871459H 395000N0871459N 741319N0850633H 395133N0861840H 410019N0871851H 412546N0871038N SOURCE COORDINATES 411207N0851211N 395437N0852823H 400828N0850143H 404552N0850525N 381418N0855540W 395141N0861937N ELEV FT 551 680 920 919 662 595 900 445 780 737 IN117 MAP NAME Logansport Clay City Churubusco Twelve Mile Churubusco Pierceton North Manchester N Jasonville Sheldon Ege Ege Hindustan Hindustan Poseyville New Castle Nest Domestic Remington Patriot Brazil West Beech Grove Anoka Maxville Zanesville Preble Preble Preble Hestville Lanesville Decker Sheridan Elberfeld Elberfeld Rockville Pierceton Derby Clermont Highland Bargersville Anderson South Millersburg Maywood Poe Clermont Fair Oaks Palmer IN118 FEATURE NAME Eliza A Blaker Elementary School Blaker School Number 55 Elizabeth Elizabeth See Dale Elizabeth Church Elizabeth Church Elizabeth City See Maple Valley Elizabeth Elementary School Elizabeth Lake Elizabethtown Elizabethtown See Hagerstown Elizabethtown Cemetery Eliza Hendricks Junior—Senior High School Eliza Hendricks School Indiana Girls School Elizaville Elk Elkart River See Saint Joseph River Elk Branch See Elk Run Elk Creek Elk Creek Elk Creek Fish and Game Area See Elk Creek Public Fishing Area Elk Creek Fish and Game Area Elk Creek Public Fishing Area Elk Creek Fish and Game Area Elk Creek Structure Number 3 Elk Creek Structure Number 7 Elk Creek Structure Number 8 Elkenberry Ditch Elekenberry Ditch Elkhart Elkhart County Elkhart Hydro Dam Elkhart Municipal Airport Elkhart Prairie Cemetery Elkhart River Elkhart River See North Branch Elkhart River Elkhart River See South Branch Elkhart River Elkhart Valley Church Elkheim Ditch Elkhorn Creek Elkhorn Creek Elkhorn Creek Elkhorn Falls Elkhorn Hill Elkhorn Lakes Elkinsville Elkinsville Cemetery Elk Run Elk Branch Elk Run Ella Brown Ditch Ell Creek Ellenberger Park Ellendale Park Eller Bridge Eller Ditch FEATURE CLASS school ppl ppl church church pp] school lake ppl ppl cemetery school school ppl ppl stream stream stream stream park park park dam dam dam canal 991 civil dam airport cemetery stream stream stream church canal stream stream stream falls summit lake ppl cemetery stream stream canal stream park park bridge canal STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN 1964 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN I961 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Marion Harrison Spencer Gibson Harrison Henry Harrison St Joseph Bartholomew Wayne Delaware Marion Marion Boone Morgan Berrien (MI) Dearborn Switzerland Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Huntington Elkhart Elkhart Elkhart Elkhart Elkhart Noble Noble Noble Elkhart Starke Franklin Randolph Wayne Wayne Franklin Wayne Brown Brown Dearborn Floyd Benton Dubois Marion Lake Hamilton St Joseph COORDINATES 395103N0860807W 380716N0855827W 381008N0865924W 383536N0852809W 380612N0855837W 395201N0853513W 380732N0855830W 413134N0862408W 390806N0854848W 395440N0850942W 402236N0852704W 394806N0861726W 394806N0861726H 400736N0862233W 392645N0862545W 420651N0862918W 390528N0845757W 385321N0850200W 384451N0855623W 383845N08557OOW 383900N0855650W 383845N0855700W 383947N085564BW 383918N0855512M 383930N0855418W 404656N0852400W 414055NO855836W 413456N0855004W 41413ON0855800W 414312N0855959W 413305N0854825W 414130N0855820W 412942N0852559W 412738N0853149W 413749N0855643W 411440N0865436W 391935N0845350W 401520N0850834W 394550N0845613W 394643N0845153W 392116N0845315W 394501N0845725W 390434N0861553M 390519N0861544W 390528N08457S7W 382457N0854525W 403107N0871142W 382023N0865947W 394637N0860438W 413227N0872657W 395722N0860354H 413853N0860726W SOURCE COORDINATES 385156N0850211W 383747N0855636W 412737NO853151W 392106N0845319W 401202N0850935W 394859N0844519W 390810N0845823W 382305N0854914W 381716N0870236M ELEV FT 750 740 644 931 610 750 755 1010 579 MAP NAME Indianapolis West Kosmosdale Bethlehem Kosmosdale Lanesville North Liberty Elizabethtown Hartford City West Clermont Clermont Mechanicsburg Martinsville Bear Branch Little York Little York Little York Little York Little York Little York Majenica Elkhart Goshen Elkhart Elkhart Goshen Elkhart Elkhart San Pierre Cedar Grove Redkey Richmond New Paris Cedar Grove Richmond Elkinsville Elkinsville Aurora Speed Templeton Huntingburg Indianapolis East Highland Fishers Osceola FEATURE NAME Eller Ditch Eller Run Ellettsville Ellettville Elliotville Ellettville See Ellettsville Ellevalas See Bloolingdale Elliot Creek Nest Branch Nillials Creek Elliott Elliott Celetery Elliott Celetery Elliott Celetery Elliott Celetery Run Elliott Ditch Elliott Run Elliott School See Ernest R Elliott Elelentary School Elliotville See Ellettsville Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Celetery Ellis Celetery Ellis Church Ellis Creek See Ellys Creek Ellis Ditch Ellis Fly—In Ellis Lake Dal Ellison Ellison Airport Ellison Ditch Ellison Nest Ditch Ellis-Saeathere Ferry Elliston Elliston Creek Ellisville Ellsworth Ellys Creek Ellis Creek Ell Branch Ell Brook Ell Creek Ell Creek Elldale Boston Store Eller C Sn-it Lake Dan Eller Kane Ditch Eller Kane Lateral Eller Martens Lake Eluer Martens Lake Dal El-er Seltenright Ditch Ell Grove Ce-etery Ell Grove Church Ela Grove Church Ell Grove Church Ell Heights School Ellhurst Ellhurst Church El-hurst High School El-ira Elnora See Elnora Ellore Pond Ell Ridge Neuorial Park FEATURE CLASS canal strea- wl v91 pp] strea- Ppl celetery celetery celetery strea- canal strean school pol ppl pal ppl cenetery celetery church stream canal airport da- pp] airport canal canal locale ppl stream up] ppl strea- strean strea- strea- strea- vol dam canal canal reservoir dan canal celetery church church church school pp] church school pvl ppl swamp celetery STATUS VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BEN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BEN UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY St Joseph Hamilton Monroe Monroe Parke Haailton Vanderburgh Henry Martin Monroe Henry Tippecanoe Henry Lake Monroe Clinton Greene Steuben Shelby Narrick Greene Union Huntington Vigo Owen Allen Tipton Allen Narrick Spencer Greene Owen Allen Dubois Union Scott Jay Martin Hells Montgonery Johnson St Joseph St Joseph Putnam Putna- Marshall Hells Franklin Jay Madison Monroe Madison Allen Allen Lagrange Daviess Daviess Delaware COORDINATES 413826N086063ON 395559N0860302N 391402N0863730N 391402N0863730N 395000N0871459N 395755N0861011N 380707N0872826N 395424N0852313N 384020N0864128M 391752N0853552N 395423N0852407N 402240N0865150N 395425N0852406N 413319N087293ON 391402N086373ON 402220N0863037N 390349N0871322N 413757N084S455N 393746N0855038N 380144NOB72036N 390404N0871318N 393346N0850107N 404617N0852539N 391658N0871813N 392624N0863824N 410140N0851521N 40174ON0855633N 410009N0845519N 380809N087I404N 374820N08704OON 39OI4ON0865815N 391642N0864511N 410105N0851703N 382540N0864306N 393346N0850107N 384OOAN0854547N 402418N0850032N 383718NO865033N 403944N0851343N 400812N0870103N 393306N0861236N 412954N0862507N 413048N0862519N 394448N0864142N 394448N0864142N 41243ON0861748N 404431N0850910N 392509N0850724N 4OZ3ZON0850220N 400855N0854342N 390941N0863118N 400552N0854317N 410205N0851035N 410150N0851125N 413531N0351216N 385242N0870509N 385304N0870549N 401055N0852625N SOURCE COORDINATES 395609N0860330H 395900N0861150H 395339N0852256N 395345N0852153N 391640N0864325H 393403N0850426N 383955N0854630N 402232N0850151N 383924N0865000N 403745N0851507N 403745N0851507N ELEV FT 722 423 840 554 1016 800 875 506 800 516 829 870 939 IN119 NAP NAME Osceola Fishers Bloonington Carmel Daylight New Castle Nest Huron Modesto New Castle Nest Lafayette East New Castle Nest Frankfort Linton Angola East Fountaintown Boonville Linton Najenica Lewis Quincy Arcola Nindfall Maples Folsonville Owensboro East Bloomfield Spencer Arcola Cuzco Everton Scottsburg Blaine Rusk Bluffton Ningate Bargersville Nalkerton North Liberty Coateville Coateville La Paz Bluffton Brookville Blaine Anderson North Bloomington Anderson South Fort Nayne Nest Fort Nayne Nest Stroh Lyons Nuncie Nest IN120 FEATURE NAME Elm Road Elementary School Elm Run Elm Tree Crossroads Elmwood Elmwood Cemetery Elmwood Cemetery Elmwood Church Elmwood Elementary School Elnora Elmora Elnora Elementary School Elon Maynard Ditch Elrod Elrod Gulf Elrod Lake Elrod Lake Dam Elser Lake See Dollar Lake Elsie See Ehrmandale Elsie Rogers Elementary School Rogers School Elsie Wadsworth Elementary School Wadsworth School Elson Ditch Elston Elston High School See Isaac C Elston High School Elsworth Station Elwood Duck Creek Quincy Elwood Airport Elwood Cemetery Elwood Haynes Elementary School Haynes School Elwood Junior High School Wilkie High School Elwren Ely Bridge Ely Run Emanuel Lutheran School Emanuel School Emanuel School Emanuel School See Emanuel Lutheran School Embrey Cemetery Embury Church Embury Church Emerald Lake Emerick Branch Emerick Ditch Schoenauer Ditch Sheldon Ditch Wade Ditch Emerson Avenue Baptist Church Emerson Avenue Church of Christ Emerson Ditch Emerson Elementary School Emerson School Emerson School Emerson School Emerson School Number 58 See Ralph Waldo Emerson Elementary School Emery Cemetery Emery Clark Open Drain See Finley Creek FEATURE CLASS school stream 991 ppl cemetery cemetery church school ppl school canal ppl valley reservoir dam lake ppl school school canal ppl school pal ppl airport cemetery school school ppl bridge stream school school school cemetery church church lake stream canal church church canal school school school school school cemetery stream STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY COORDINATES St Joseph 413753N0860815W Madison 400829N0854545W Adams 404718N0845722W Boone 400404N0862743W Lake 413522N0872941W Tippecanoe 401534N0865436W Noble 412602N0851532W Miami 404557N0860341W Daviess 385242NDB70509W Daviess 385215N0870511W Whitley 411139N0853609W Ripley 390317N0850950W Orange 3B3726N0863121W Boone 395936N0861736W Boone 395936N0861736W Putnam 412150N08529DSW Vigo 393206N0871420W St Joseph 414040N0860746W Lake 413155N0872512W Randolph 400637N0844848W Tippecanoe 402335N0865435W La Porte 414237N0865338W Vigo 393145N0872144W Madison 401637N0855031W Madison 401510N0855000W Madison 401617N0855053W Howard 402840N0860639W Madison 401639N0855021W Monroe 390631N0864011W Allen 411007N0850425W Allen 411118N0850312W Tipton 401641N0860243W Jackson 385056N0855401W Tipton 401641N0860243W De Kalb 412010N0851045W Floyd 381252N0855257W Greene 390725N0871319W Delaware 401608N0853014W Whitley 410646N0852017W Whitley 411314N0852224W Marion 394621N0860705W Marion 394946N0860500W Gibson 381858N0874237W Jackson 385740N0855353W Delaware 401157N0852346W Grant 403223N0853934W Lake 413557N0871940W Marion 394622N0860533W Marion 395342N0855920W Tippecanoe 400119N0861656W SOURCE COORDINATES 400831N0854421W 383719N0863118W 411257N0850649W 410543N0852121W ELEV FT 815 939 476 972 645 865 866 827 MAP NAME South Bend East Frankton Decatur Lebanon Highland Romney Kendallville Peru Lyons Epsom Lorane Milan French Lick Zionsville Zionsville South Bend East Highland Spartanburg Lafayette West Rosedale Elwood Elwood Elwood Kokomo East Elwood Stanford Cedarville Cedarville Tipton Tampico Garrett Lanesville Linton Gaston Arcola Churubusco Indianapolis East Indianapolis East Dwensville Seymour Muncie West Marion Gary McCordsville FEATURE NAME Emery 0 Muncie Elementary School Muncie School Emery School See Lillian Emery Elementary School Emge Ditch Emily Flynn Home Eminence Eminence Consolidated School Emison Emma Eden Mills Emma Creek Little Elkhart River Emma Lake Emma Mishler Ditch Emmanuel Baptist Church Emmanuel Cemetery Emmanuel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Lutheran Church Emmanuel-Saint Michael Lutheran School Emmanuel School Emmanuel School See Emmanuel-Saint Michael Lutheran School Emmanuel School Emmaus Lutheran School Emmaus School Emmaus School See Emmaus Lutheran School Emmaus School Emmerich High School See Emmerich Manual High School Emmerich Manual High School Emmerich High School Emmetsville Church Emmett Ditch Emmins Hill Emmons Elementary and Junior High School Emmons School Emmons Ridge Emmons Ridge Cemetery Emmons School See Emmons Elementary and Junior High School Emporia Empson Cemetery Enchanted Hills Ender Ditch Endicott Ditch Enfield Bridge Engle Cemetery Engle Ditch Engleheim Cemetery Engle Lake Engleman Creek Englewood FEATURE CLASS school school canal building 991 school ppl Ppl stream lake canal church cemetery church church church church church church church church church church church school school school school school school school school church canal summit school ridge cemetery school ppl cemetery ppl canal canal bridge cemetery canal cemetery lake stream 99‘ STATUS UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF GN UNOFF BGN BGM VARIANT BGN 1961 VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Jefferson Floyd White Grant Morgan Morgan Knox Lagrange Lagrange Lagrange Marshall Marion Allen Marion Cass Cass Clark Hamilton Miami Miami Scott Washington Wells Marion Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Marion Marion Marion Randolph Pulaski Owen St Joseph Martin Martin St Joseph Madison Jackson Kosciusko Pulaski Tipton Steuben Sullivan Adams Posey Noble Wabash Lawrence COORDINATES 384549N0852413M 381741N0854943N 403829N0864834H 403257N0854000H 393117N0863829H 393128N0863833M 384818N0872729N 413640N0853228H 413705N0853631H 413608N0853231H 412344N0862222M 394810N0860510H 410443N0845913H 394740N0861100M 404545N0861912N 404330N0862046H 383428N0853924H 400114N0855940H 403926N086034OM 405910N0855904H 384241N0854048H 382638N0855944M 404622N0851903H 395026N0860322H 495649N0850216H 495649N0850216W 410426N0850903H 410352N0850910N 410352N0850910H 394500N0860809H 394403N0860910H 394403N08609IOW 401738N0850623H 410732N0864544H 391627N0865052M 413859N0861047H 383202N0864223H 383223N0864205M 413859N0861047H 400016N0853802H 384626N0860816H 412407N0854000N 410543N0864901H 401311N086094OU 413347N0845012M 385853N0872437H 403552N0845434H 380521NO874421H 412606N0853436M 404622NO855602N 38504ON0862953H SOURCE COORDINATES 413501N0852749M 404903N0855617H ELEV FT 837 782 965 894 1010 800 920 880 879 630 IN121 MAP NAME Clifty Falls Monticello South Marion Eminence Eminence Oaktown Topeka Topeka Topeka La Paz Indianapolis East Maples Indianapolis Nest Logansport Anoka Otisco Riverwood Bunker Hill Roann Blocher Borden Markle Indianapolis East Poe Fort Kayne West Fort Wayne Nest Indianapolis Nest Maywood Ridgeville North Judson Spencer South Bend East Hillham Hillham Anderson South Medora Lake Hawasee North Judson SE Sheridan Edon Carlisle Geneva Kasson Ligonier Richvalley Bedford East INIZZ FEATURE NAME Englewood Christian Church English Hartford English Hill English Lake English Prairie Church English Reservoir English School Englishton Park Home English Hater Supply Dam Enlow Cemetery Ennis Creek Ennis Ridge Carpenter Ridge Enoch Lee Ditch Enochsburg Enon Church Enon Church Enon Church Enos Enos Corner Enosville (Concise Gazetteer) Enos Lake Dam Enos Mine Enosville (Concise Gazetteer) See Enos Corner Enterprise Enterprise See Hamilton Enterprise Cemetery Enyeart Creek Ephlin Cemetery Episcopal Church of the Nativity Church of the Nativity Epsom Epsom Lateral Epsom Ridge Epworth Church Epworth Church Epworth Forest Erb Ditch Erb Ditch See Bontrager Ditch Erie Erie Erin See Lamb Ernest R Elliott Elementary School Elliott School Ernest Rightley Ditch Ernie Pyle Elementary School Pyle School Ernie Pyle Elementary School Pyle School Number 90 Ernie Pyle Island Ernie Pyle Rest Park Ernie Pyle School Eros Lake Erskine Station Erskine Station Ervin Cemetery Ervin Elementary School Erwin Erwin Cemetery Erwin Ditch Esquire Plaza Estay Creek See Rees Ditch FEATURE CLASS church ppl summit ppl church reservoir school building reservoir cemetery stream ridge canal pp] church church church pp! ppl dam mine pol W W cemetery stream cemetery church ppl canal ridge church church ppl canal canal ppl Dpl ppl school canal school school island park school reservoir W W cemetery school ppl cemetery canal locale canal STATUS UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BEN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Marion Crawford Franklin Starke Lagrange Crawford Crawford Scott Crawford Perry Dearborn Dearborn Grant Franklin Bartholomew Gibson Washington Newton Pike Pike Pike Pike Spencer Steuben Miami Habash Parke Marion Daviess Daviess Monroe Madison Harrick Kosciusko Lagrange Lagrange Lawrence Miami Switzerland Lake Marshall Lake Marion Owen Vermillion Vermillion Pike Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Hamilton Howard Posey Lawrence Marshall Marion Delaware COORDINATES 394610N0860658H 382004N0862751H 392147N0845510H 411557N0864925H 414219N0851824H 381906N0862513N 382015N0862722H 383927N0853753H 381906NO862512H 381402N0863903H 391401N0845749H 391502N0845745H 403553N0852806H 39ZOO3N0851751H 391422NO8S4708H 381816NOB73404H 384143N0861007H 410050N0872657H 381721N087154ON 381642N0871342H 381711N0871521H 381721N087154OH 375033N0871055H 413201N0845446H 405634N0855911H 404924N0854537H 395453N0872146H 395310N0860054H 384707N0870347H 384817N0870356H 390809N0862522N 401703N0853548H 384800N0870350H 411959N0854110H 413713N0853410H 413713N0853410H 385257N0862253H 404804N0855929H 384131N0851117H 413319N0872930H 412217N0861925H 413456N0872211H 394723N0861253H 392655N0865145H 394750N0872711H 394330N0872750N 381638N0871341H 380225N0873228H 380227N0873228H 400006N0855610H 403106N0861753H 375848N0875509H 384623N0862739H 411736N0860505H 395014N0860116H 402214N0851704H SOURCE COORDINATES 391631N0845752H 405217N0854454H ELEV FT 512 1019 675 630 930 665 442 375 523 701 792 468 381 384 870 HAP NAME Indianapolis East English Cedar Grove English Lake Mongo English English Blocher English Bristow Guilford Cedar Grove Roll New Point Elizabethtown Princeton Smedley Enos Oakland City Augusta Oakland City Owensboro Hest Roann Habash Kingman Fishers Epsom Epsom Unionville Gaston Newburgh North Hebster Topeka Bartlettsville Richvalley Highland Plymouth Gary Indianapolis Nest Cataract Dana Clinton Augusta Evansville North Evansville North Riverwood Young America Mt Vernon Bedford East Bourbon Indianapolis East FEATURE NAME Ester Ridge Estey Creek See Rees Ditch Esther Landing Pad Airport Estil Cemetery Estil Run Ethel Ethel R Jones Elementary School Jones School Ethel Run Etna Hecla Etna Green Camp Creek Etna Green Etna-Troy School Etter Ditch Etz Chaim Sephardic Congregation Eugene Eugene Cemetery Eugene Field Elementary School Field School Eugene Station See Cayuga Euler Branch Eureka Eureka French Island French Island City Eutzler Cemetery Evangelic Church Evans Brook Evans Cemetery Evans Cemetery Evans Creek Evans Elementary and Junior High School Evans Landing See Evans Landing Evans Landing Evans Landing Flannagans Landing Evans Memorial Park Evans School Evans School See Henry S Evans Elementary School Evans School Number 11 See Edgar H Evans Elementary School Evanston Evansville Evansville Dress Regional Airport Evansville State Hospital Evansville University See University of Evansville Eve Lake Evens School Everett, Lake Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen Church Evergreen Memorial Park Evergreen Park Everitt Cemetery Ever Rest Memorial Gardens Everroad Lake Everroad Park Everroad Park West FEATURE CLASS ridge canal airport cemetery stream 991 school stream ppl ppl ppl school canal church ppl cemetery school ppl stream Mai 991 cemetery church stream cemetery cemetery stream school ppl ppl cemetery school school school ppl [:91 airport hospital school lake school lake cemetery church cemetery park cemetery cemetery reservoir ppl STATUS BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN 1931 ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Dearborn Delaware St Joseph Scott Scott Orange Porter Grant Whitley Kosciusko Kosciusko Whitley Hendricks Marion Vermillion Vermillion Lake Vermillion Warrick Lawrence Spencer St Joseph Sullivan Dubois Dubois Vigo Wayne Vanderburgh Harrison Harrison Daviess Grant Lake Marion Spencer Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Posey Posey Lagrange Marion Allen De Kalb Whitley Lake Lake Scott Cass Bartholomew Bartholomew COORDINATES 391038N0845933W 402214N0851704W 414036N0851320W 383949N0854417N 384024N0854515W 382413N0863128N 413501N0870841W 402809N0853621N 411625N0853425W 411630N0860250H 411644N0860246W 411402N0853547W 395610N0862214N 395221N0861025W 395759N0872822W 395738N0872814W 413859N0872629W 395655NOB72735W 380014N0872747W 38521SN0863346N 375250N0871254W 413801N0860835W 390629N0872845W 382317N0865844N 382322N0865757W 393352N0872055W 395323N0845019W 580021N0873300W 380015N0855905W 380015N0855905H 384813N0865729H 403127N0853811W 413314N0871804N 395003N0860639N 380222N0865030N 375829N0873321W 380216N0873150H 375826N0873014H 375818N0873154W 413336N0851913W 394333N0860922W 410918N0851851W 412038N0845023H 410336N0852617W 413237N0871818W 411720N0872420W 383803N0854706W 404534N0861325H 390605N0860250H 391342N0855317W SOURCE COORDINATES 383956N0854443N 402727N08537OZH 380443N0872637W 382332N0865735N 395238N0844900N ELEV FT 740 565 936 820 506 635 391 423 413 388 418 953 835 632 IN123 MAP NAME Guilford South Bend East Blocher Scottsburg Greenbrier Portage Gas City Drmas Bourbon Bourbon Lorane Zionsville Indianapolis West Newport Newport Whiting Daylight Bedford West Richland City South Bend East Sullivan Jasper Jasper Rosedale New Paris Evansville North Kosmosdale Ddon Marion Fulda Evansville South Evansville North Evansville South Wolcottville Haywood Churubusco Hicksville Laud Gary Lowell Scottsburg Twelve Mile Waymansville Columbus IN124 FEATURE NAME Everroad Park Nest See Everroad Park Evers Ditch Eversole Creek Everton Lawsburg Lawstown West Union Everton Cemetery E V Robbins Ditch Ewing Ewing Cemetery Ewing Cemetery Ewing Creek Ewing Ditch Ewing Lane Elementary School Ewington Exchange Executive Inn Airport Exner Airport Extension Heights E-Z Acres Airport F Fagley Junior High School See Nilliam Fegely Middle School Fahl Ditch Failing Lake Fair Acres Fairbank See Fairbanks Fairbanks Fairbank Fairbanks Elementary School Fairbanks Elementary School Fairbanks Mound Fairbanks School Number 105 See Charles N Fairbanks Elementary School Fair Brook Fair Brook Fair Cemetery Fair Creek Fairdale Fairdale Cemetery Fairfax Fairfax Fairfax Fairfax Church Fairfax State Recreation Area Fairfield Fairfield See New Fairfield Fairfield See Dakford Fairfield See Dayton Fairfield Cemetery Fairfield Center Fairfield Church Fairfield Ditch Fairfield Junior High School Fairfield Junior-Senior High School FEATURE CLASS ppl canal stream ppl cemetery canal ppl cemetery cemetery stream canal school ppl ppl airport airport ppl airport school canal lake ppl ppl ppl school school summit school stream stream cemetery stream ppl cemetery ppl ppl ppl church park 991 991 ppl ppl cemetery ppl church canal school school STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Bartholomew Jasper Harrison Fayette Crawford Miami Jackson Dubois Perry Perry Steuben Clark Decatur Morgan Vanderburgh Allen Madison Union Porter Huntington Steuben Washington Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Vigo Sullivan Marion Henry Johnson St Joseph Marion Harrison Harrison Allen Madison Monroe Madison Monroe Franklin Franklin Howard Tippecanoe Hayne De Kalb Hendricks Allen Allen Elkhart COORDINATES 391342N0855317W 411140N0871226H 380437N0855445W 393346N0850523W 381407N0862133H 405455N0860552H 385305N0860319H 3826S4N0864826H 381012N0863308H 380958N0863403H 413920N0845628N 381720N0854240H 391935N0853405H 393006N0861920H 375815N0873405N 411300N0850500H 400617N0853937H 393847N0845050N 413359N0871224H 405247N0852724u 414219N0845957w aasslsuossoszsv 391310N0873120N 391310N0873120H 391307N0873135H 392653N0872434H 391431N0873236N 394951N0860059H 4DO3I7N0853144H 393656N0860949N 412915N0861958H 393947N0862002H 381934N0861016H 381937N0861113H 410231N0850518N 400615N0853900H 390029N0862850N 400521N0853903H 390116N0862926H 393107NOB45944H 393025N0845821H 402509N0860615H 402227N0864608H 395413N0850204H 412857N0850741H 393939N0862011N 410143N0851028H 410333N0850840H 413452N0854924H SOURCE COORDINATES 380528N0855605H 381209N0863232N 400251N0853034N 393633N0860919H 393929N0861859H ELEV FT 1061 555 880 679 388 850 890 1080 760 548 535 716 775 895 970 MAP NAME Demotte Kosmosdale Everton Leavenworth Deedsville Brownstown Dubois Branchville Branchville Angola East Jeffersonville Forest Hill Mooresville East Evansville South Cedarville Anderson South Liberty Huntington Angola East Salem Fairbanks Fairbanks Terre Haute Fairbanks Middletown Bargersville La Paz Bridgeport Depauw Depauw Fort Wayne East Anderson South Allens Creek Anderson South Allens Creek New Fairfield Greens Fork Corunna Bridgeport Fort Hayne Nest Fort Wayne Nest Goshen FEATURE NAME Fair Fight See Hatfield Fairhaven Church Fair Haven Church Fair Haven Church Fairhaven Mission Fairland Fairlawn Cemetery Fairlawn Center Fairlawn Elementary and Junior High School Fairlawn School Fairlawn School Fairlawn School See Fairlawn Elementary and Junior High School Fairmont See Fairmount Fairmont Elementary School Fairmont School Fairmont School See Fairmont Elementary School Fairmount Fairmont Fairmount Cemetery Fairmount Cemetery Fairmount Cemetery Fairmount Middle School Fair Oaks Fair Play (historical P.0.) Fairplay Mound Fairview Fairview Grove Fairview Sugar Branch Fairview Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fair View Cemetery Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church FEATURE CLASS ppl church church church church ppl cemetery ppl school school school pal school school ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery school ppl locale summit ppl ppl ppl ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church church church church church church STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Spencer Clinton Elkhart Johnson Allen Shelby Newton Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Posey Vanderburgh Grant Floyd Floyd Grant Dubois Jefferson Marshall Grant Jasper Vanderburgh Greene Randolph Rush Switzerland Washington Allen Clay Daviess Daviess Delaware Floyd Grant Greene Hendricks Knox Kosciusko Miami Orange Randolph Rush Shelby St Joseph Tippecanoe Tipton Hells Allen Blackford Boone Clay Crawford Gibson Harrison Jay Knox Lawrence Lawrence Marshall Martin COORDINATES 375409N0871327H 402200N0863955M 413613N0854326H 392553N0860931H 410403N0851048H 393509N0855149N 404508N087Z637N 375651N0873150H 37S700N0873135M 375658N0873134M 37S700N0873135M 402455N0853902M 381839N0854834M 381839N0854834M 402455N0853902N 381643N0865745M 384527N0852304H 412438N0861848H 402452N0853847N 410430N0871527N 374945N0873749M 390337N0868608M 401753N0851143M 394108N0851804N 385224N0850451N 384417N0861603N 411407N0851130N 392208N0870029H 385233N0870358N 385227N0870353H 400619N0852054H 381734N0854914H 403700N0853711M 390354N0870938N 395128N0863814M 384002N0873208N 410629N0855641M 405817N0854429H 383950NO713240H 401754N0851134M 394110N085183SH 393914N0854953H 414029N0861059M 401732N0864636M 401637N0860254M 404437N0850950M 405551N0851227H 403029N0852212H 400434N0862230M 393422N0870837M 382334N0863516H 382214N0872858U 380928N0860930M 402440N0845521M 385346N0872443M 384509N0863900H 385215N0861858M 412141N0860700H 383701N0864508N SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV FT 778 380 870 696 520 953 1062 892 675 820 IN125 MAP NAME Mulberry Millersburg Trafalgar Fort Wayne Nest Shelbyville Kentland Evansville South Evansville South Evansville South New Albany Fairmount Huntingburg Clifty Falls La Paz Fairmount Fair Oaks Hilson Bloomfield Redkey Falmouth Vevay North Campbellsburg Huntertown Clay City Lyons Epsom Mt Pleasant New Albany Van Buren Linton North Salem Vincennes Silver Lake Servia Mitchell Redkey Falmouth Fountaintown South Bend East Stockwell Tipton Bluffton Ossian Montpelier Rosston Brazil Nest Greenbrier Francisco Corydon Hest Portland Carlisle Williams Tunnelton Bourbon Rusk IN126 FEATURE NAME Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Church Fairview Creek Fairview Elementary School Fairview Elementary School Fairview Park Fairview Park Fairview Park Fairview Park School Fairview Presbyterian Church Fairview Ridge Fairview School Fairview School Fairview Station Fairwood Drain Fairwood Hills Faith Apostolic Mission Faith Apostolic Pentecostal Church Faith Assembly of God Church Faith Baptist Church Faith Church Faith Church Faith Church See Faith United Methodist Church Faith Church See Faith Presbyterian Church Faith Church See Faith United Methodist Church Faith Church Faith Church of God in Christ Faith Lutheran Church Faith Missionary Baptist Church Faith Presbyterian Church Faith Church Faith United Methodist Church Faith Church Faith United Methodist Church Faith Church Falcon Creek Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Branch Branch Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek See Germantown Fall Creek Baptist Church Fall Creek Cemetery Fall Creek Elementary School Fall Creek Heights School Fall Creek Highland Fall Creek Highlands Fall Creek Highlands See Fall Creek Highland Fall Creek Meetinghouse Fallen Rock Hollow Fall Fork Fall Fork Clifty Creek Fall Fork Clifty Creek See Fall Fork FEATURE CLASS church church church church church church stream school school park park ppl school church ridge school school PD] stream ppl church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream ppl church cemetery school school ppl ppl building valley stream stream STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTV COORDINATES Parke 395351N0871914W Shelby 393918N0854921W Spencer 375848N0870004W Tippecanoe 402650N0864338W Washington 383658N0854847W Whitley 410314N0853620W Johnson 393714N0861013W Monroe 391009N0863225W Wayne 382046N0853908W Cass 404425N0862225W Madison 400521N0854120W Vermillion 394049N0872503W Cass 404425N0862235W Marion 395023N0860939W Perry 381155N0863449W Pulaski 410212N0863102W Vermillion 394051N0872428W Marion 394513N0861337W Clay 393431N0870951W Marion 395300N0860148W Marion 394724N0860800W Marion 394745N0860829W Marion 394332N0860636W Marion 394752N0860840W Clark 381856N0854218W Dearborn 391650N0845507W Marion 395206N0861241W Marion 395416N0860203W Marion 394719N0860028W Monroe 390829N0863033W Marion 394716N0860914W Marion 394519N0861607W Marion 394906N0860400W Marion 395416N0860203W Marion 395206N0861241W Marion 394719N0860028W Marion 394807N0861336W Decatur 391431N0852947W Warren 401701N0871636W Fayette 393529N0850924W Marion 394650N0861117W Morgan 392220N0863506W Owen 391838N0864418W Putnam 392932N0865647W Warren 402023N0871849W Marion 395533N0855636W Marion 394629N0861202W Marion 394955N0860704W Marion 395135N0860519W Madison 400111N0853759W Marion 395348N0855928W Marion 395348N0855928W Madison 395935N0854224W Perry 380602N0863149W Decatur 391509N0854252W Decatur 391509N0854252W SOURCE COORDINATES 393648N0860854W 393428N0870838W 395123N0861618W 391550N0852848W‘ 401829N0872053W 393728N0851439W 400101N0852803W 392742N0863430N 391945N0864707W 393058N0865132W 402119N0872303W 380539N0863021W 392004N0853155W ELEV FT 572 705 841 825 890 MAP NAME Kingman Fountaintown Rockport Pyrmont Henryville South Whitley East Bargersville Bloomington Richmond Anoka Anderson South Clinton Clymers Indianapolis West Branchville Winamac Clinton Indianapolis West Brazil West Fishers Indianapolis West Indianapolis West Beech Grove Indianapolis West Jeffersonville Cedar Grove Bloomington Indianapolis West Clermont Indianapolis East Fishers Indianapolis West Indianapolis East Indianapolis West Millhousen Williamsport Alpine Indianapolis West Modesto Gosport Poland Williamsport Indianapolis West Indianapolis East Indianapolis East Anderson South McCordsville Pendleton Derby Hartsville FEATURE NANE Falling Run See Fall Run Falling Run Falling Run Park Falling Timber Branch Falling Ti-ber Creek Fall Run See Polk Run Fall Run Falling Run Falls Branch Falls Park Falmouth Old Baker Settlement Faneher Lake Fankboner Lake Fankboner Lake Dam Fanny Creek Farabee Farrabee Farabees Station Farabees Station See Farabee Fargo Fargo Pittsburgh Farlen McFarlen Farley Celetery Farley Creek Farley Creek Farley Ditch Farleys Addition Farlings Ditch See Halls Creek Farlou Ditch Far-er Ditch Farmer Lake Farmers Farlers Station Farmers Farlersburg Ascension Farmersburg Elementary School Farmers Chapel Farmers Chapel Farmers Ferry Farmers Institute Cemetery Farmers Institute Church Farmers Lake Dam East Farmers Retreat Farmers Station See Farmers Farmers Stream North Fork Little Blue River Farmersville See Acton Farmersville The Corners Yankee Settlement Vankeetoun Farmington Marcellus Farmington See Burnettsville Farlington Cenetery Farmland Farmland Elementary School Farm Pond Farm Pond Dal FEATURE CLASS stream stream park stream stream stream stream stream park ppl lake reservoir dam stream ppl pp] ppl ppl ppl cemetery stream stream canal pp! stream canal canal reservoir ppl ppl ppl school church church locale cemetery church dam ppl pp] stream pp] pp] p91 pvl cemetery p91 school reservoir dam STATUS VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BEN BEN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGH BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF GN UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER—-INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Floyd Floyd Floyd Ripley Ripley Clark Floyd Putnam Madison Rush Lake Morgan Morgan Perry Washington Hashington Benton Orange Daviess Hamilton Jefferson Marion Grant Marion Hells Adams Henry Vigo Owen Rush Sullivan Sullivan Posey Vigo Greene Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Vigo Dearborn Owen Rush Marion Posey Rush Hhite Jackson Randolph Randolph Owen Owen COORDINATES 381619NO854957U 381757N0854909H 381713N0854942H 390243N0852703H 390452N0851356H 383147N0853635H 381619N0854957H 394048N0865514H 400024N085443OH 394203N0851804H 412402N0872220H 393102N0861530H 393102N086153OH 375525N0863447H 383325N0860057H 383325N0860057H 403108N0871646U 382400N0862900H 385102N0865522H 395627N0860644H 383933N0852626H 394712N0861602N 403105NOB54440H 394700N0861644H 404545N0851131H 403950N0845255H 395906N0853312H 3934OON0872536H 391031N0865330H 394156N0853214H 391455N0872255U 391515N08723OIH 374908NOB75852H 392118N0872607H 390959N0865334H 401925N0865834H 401918N0865931H 3934OOH0872536H 385835N0850608H 391031N0865330H 393955N0853241H 393920N0855801H 375849N0875346H 393705N0852132H 404540N0863537H 385549N0855205H 401116NOBSO739H 401128N0850729H 391612N0864318H 391612N0864318H SOURCE COORDINATES 382034N0855059H 390321N0852348H 390334N0851131N 381951N0854949M 394424N0865031H 375605N08633IOH 383948N0852659H 394625N0861727H 394144N0853226H ELEV FT 1046 780 775 650 622 750 590 970 559 375 520 709 878 419 1045 1039 IN127 NAP NAME New Albany New Albany Holton Milan New Albany Clinton Falls Anderson South Falmouth Crown Point Mooresville East Mooresville East Rome Salem Fowler Valeene Odon Fishers Madison Hest Clermont Marion Clermont Berne Shirley New Goshen Arney Carthage Shelburn Pimento Uniontown Pimento Arney Romney Romney New Goshen Bear Branch Carthage Mt Vernon New Salem Chestnut Ridge Far-land Maxville Gosport Gosport IN128 FEATURE NAME Farnsworth Farquiner Ditch Farrabee See Farabee Farrell Ditch Farrington School Number 61 See Clarence L Farrington Junior High School Farris Lake Farr Ridge Far Run Farrville Farrville Cemetery Farver Ditch Fatch Chapel Fattic Cemetery Faucett Cemetery Faulk Lake Dam Fausset Cemetery Fawcetts See Furnace Fawn River See Crooked Creek Fawn River Crooked Creek Little Fawn River Fawn Run Fayette Fayette Central Elementary School Fayette County Fayetteville See Orange Fayetteville Danville Fayetteville Fayne Siding Fay School Number 21 See Florence Fay Elementary School Fearnow Lake Fearnow Lake Dam Featherbed Hill Feather Creek Feather Fork Feather Run Federal Hill Feederdam Bridge Fee Lake Feeney Ditch Fegley Cemetery Fehd Ditch Feighner Cemetery Felger Ditch Felknor Hollow Fell Arm Fell Ditch Fell Ditch See Fell Arm Fell Ditch See Jensen Ditch Fell Ditch Feller Reservoir Fellow Brook Fellowship Baptist Church Fellowship Church Fellowship Church Felstein Lake Dam Felton Cemetery Felton Creek Fence Run FEATURE CLASS 991 canal ppl canal school lake ridge stream ppl cemetery canal church cemetery cemetery dam cemetery ppl stream stream stream Ppl school civil ppl ppl ppl ppl school reservoir dam summit stream stream stream ppl bridge lake canal cemetery canal cemetery canal valley canal canal canal canal reservoir stream church church church dam cemetery stream stream STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1965 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Sullivan Randolph Washington Benton Marion Harrison Monroe Nayne Grant Grant Lagrange Clay Lawrence Orange Greene Madison Greene Steuben Steuben Marion Boone Fayette Fayette Fayette Lawrence Washington Henry Marion Wabash Wabash Perry Vermillion Henry Marion Hamilton Clay Steuben Hendricks Miami Narrick Huntington Allen Orange La Porte La Porte La Porte Stark Ripley Nayne Marion Decatur Kosciusko Vigo Delaware Delaware Jay COORDINATES 390557N0871925H 400702N0850428N 383325N0860057N 402951N0872437W 394839N0861402H 380706N0855815H 391826N0862751N 395124N0850006H 403452N0852759H 403454N0852849W 413821N0853344U 392217N0870420H 400120N0853243H 383727N0863720H 390436N0865554N 395708N0855117N 390051N0855447H 414417N0850936N 415045N0844002W 394046N0860840H 395552N0862350H 394108N0853706H 393825N0851544H 393503N0851757N 385139N0863543H 382706N0861546N 395833N0852318N 394533N0860657N 404924N0853900N 404924N0853900H 375910N0863422N 394036N0872327N 395258N0852807N 393948N0860327N 400246N0860126W 392011N0870648H 413222N0845531H 394644N0862201H 404020N0855916N 375620N0872610H 405321N0852355H 410655N0851716H 383825N0863811H 412715N0863454H 412715N0863454H 412650N0863645H 411059N0863724H 391700N0851308N 395727N0845458H 394530N0860802H 392105N0852902H 411408N0855852H 392418N0872018H 400541N0851812H 400620N0851737H 402847N0850559N SOURCE COORDINATES 395139N0850125H 414419N0851001H 394053N0860800H 394157N0872708N 395344N0852902N 393925N0860257H 384009N0863655N 395741N0845537H 400509N0851749H 402931N0850428H ELEV FT 500 850 930 610 701 1070 540 780 MAP NAME Dugger Carlos Tab Kosmosdale Hindustan Jacksonburg Roll Roll Shipshewana Clay City Norman French Lick Bloomfield Ingalls Sturgis Haywood Fayette Connersville Connersville Bedford Nest Hardinsburg New Castle Nest Lagro Lagro Rome Clinton New Castle Nest Beech Grove Noblesville Clay City Hamilton Clermont Peoria Daylight Huntington Arcola Huron Hamlet Bass Lake Batesville Fountain City Indianapolis Nest Greensburg Burket Seelyville Mt Pleasant Mt Pleasant Blaine 44' FEATURE NAME Fender Cemetery Fendley Creek See Finley Creek Fenley Creek See Finley Creek Fennell Lake Fenn Haven Fenn Haven Lake Fenns (historical P.0.) Fenns Fenters Ditch Ferdinand Ferdinand Consolidated School Ferdinand Forest Dam Ferdinand Old Lake Ferdinand Old Lake Dam Ferdinand Run Ferdinand State Forest Ferdinand State Forest Lake Ferdinand Station See Johnsburg Ferdinand Water Supply Reservoir Ferdinand Water Supply Reservoir Dam Ferguson Branch Ferguson Cemetery Ferguson Cemetery Ferguson Ditch Ferguson Ditch Ferguson Hill Fern Cliff Ferndale Fern Oak Cemetery Ferris Ditch Ferris Ridge Ferrisville Cemetery Ferry Ditch Fertig Cemetery Fessler Cemetery Fetch Ditch Fetid Creek Fetters See East Mount Carmel Fetters Martin Ditch Feutz Ridge Fewell Rhoades FFA Youth Center Dam Number 1 FFA Youth Lake Fiat Fiatt Hinona Hoinona Fiatt See Fiat Ficher Ditch Fickle Fiddler Ditch Fidelity See White Sulphur Springs Field Cemetery Field Creek Fields Field School Field School See Eugene Field Elementary School Fields Station Fieler School See Henry P Fieler Elementary School FEATURE CLASS cemetery stream stream lake ppl . reserv01r locale ppl canal ppl school dam reservoir dam stream forest reservoir ppl reservoir dam stream cemetery cemetery canal canal ppl cliff ppl cemetery canal ridge cemetery canal cemetery cemetery canal stream ppl canal ridge pol dam reservoir ppl ppl canal ppl canal ppl cemetery stream ppl school school ppl school STATUS UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INOIANA 1988 COUNTY Owen Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Lagrange Perry Perry Shelby Shelby Miami Dubois Dubois Dubois Dubois Dubois Spencer Perry Dubois Dubois Dubois Dubois Putnam Daviess Lawrence Grant Hells Vigo Putnam Parke Lake Shelby Monroe St Joseph Benton Owen Crawford Lagrange Randolph Gibson Elkhart Greene Morgan Johnson Johnson Jay Jay Marion Clinton Blackford Pike Gibson Marion Morgan Delaware Lake Gibson Lake COORDINATES 391827N0865003M 400119N0861656N 400119N0861656H 414501N0851640H 375553NO864524W 375530N0864509H 393413N0855401H 392727N0854752N 405645N0860913H 381326N0865144U 381325N0865138H 381512N0864615N 381336N0865042N 381336N086504ZN 381128N086474SH 381323N0864511H 381512N0864615N 381304N0865720H 381254N0365000H 381254N0865000H 393859N0871041N 385355N0865833W 385256N0863856H 403404N0852843N 712942N0850452N 392854N0872723H 393635N0865743W 394226N0870401H 413150N0872424N 394006N0855614H 390800N0862147N 413630N0861041U 404128N0870959H 392754N0865644N 381400N0863010W 414332N0853722W 401701N0850140H 382336N0874441H 413443N0855714H 385828N0865245H 392517N0862358H 392242N0860712H 392242N0860712H 403312N0850900U 403312N0850900H 394326N0860030H 401540N0864030H 402320N0852404H 382308N0870531N 382633N0873339H 395003N0855945H 393246N0862000H 401007N0852444H 413859N0872629N 382648N0873328H 413025N0872031M SOURCE COORDINATES 381315N0865035H 393208N0864815W 401449N0850051N 394953N0860001H ELEV FT 455 751 541 485 550 630 650 904 833 721 IN129 MAP NAME Spencer Burr Oak Tell City Tell City Boggstown Lewis Creek Macy Saint Meinrad Saint Meinrad Saint Anthony Saint_Meinrad Saint Meinrad Saint Meinrad Saint Meinrad Saint Anthony Saint Meinrad Saint Meinrad Cataract Scotland Owensburg Roll Poe Terre Haute Reelsville Mansfield Highland Acton Belmont Hyatt Mt Gilboa Poland Branchville Shipshewana Ridgeville Foraker Scotland Martinsville Franklin Franklin Petroleum Beech Grove Mulberry Hartford City West Patoka Cumberland Mooresville East Muncie Nest Patoka IN13O FEATURE NAME Fifty—four Cemetery Fillmore Micholsville Nicholsonville Fillmore Cemetery Fillmore Elementary School Fincastle Finch Branch Findley Creek See Finley Creek Findley Lateral Findley Mill See Maumee Fineburg Lake Fineburg Lake Dam Finger Lake Finigan Ditch Fink Cemetery Finke Church Saint Peters Finley See Carrollton Finley Cemetery Finley Cemetery Finley Chapel Cemetery Finley Creek Emery Clark Open Drain Fendley Creek Fenley Creek Findley Creek Finley School Finleys Cross Roads See Leota Finly See Carrollton Finn Ditch Finster Lakes Fire Run Firlick Creek South Fork First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Tabernacle First Tabernacle First Basin First Bible Church First Christian Church First Christian Missionary Baptist Church First Church of Christ Scientist First Creek See Flat Creek First Creek Furse Creek Purse Creek. Slinkards Creek First Creek First Free Methodist Church First Free Mill Baptist Church First Latvian Lutheran Church Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church First Lutheran Church First Mennonite Church First Meridian Heights Presbyterian Church First Missionary Church FEATURE CLASS cemetery ppl cemetery school ppl stream stream canal pp] _ reservoir dam lake canal cemetery church ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery stream school ppl ppl canal lake stream stream church church church church church lake church church church church stream stream stream church church church church church church church STATUS UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGM VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1965 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF NATIONAL GAZETTEER-—INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Clark Putnam Putnam Putnam Putnam Ripley Tippecanoe Daviess Jackson Brown Brown La Porte Benton Tippecanoe Ripley Hancock Decatur Miami Montgomery Tippecanoe Hayne Scott Hancock Howard Putnam Scott Vanderburgh Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Steuben Marion Marion Marion Marion Daviess Martin Martin Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Adams COORDINATES 382502N0853823H 394003N0864512M 394OZ7N0864528H 394005N0864507M 394829N086534ZH 390605N0852906H 400119N0861656H 385011N0870520M 390116N086154ZH 391930N0861818U 391930N08618lai 414000N0863219M 403513N0872827H 402227N086523SH 391034N0851704H 394220N0854915H 391303N0853541H 405423N0855712M 395801N0865249H 400119N0861656M 394932N0845347H 383854N0855101H 394220N0854915M 402441N0860159M 412017N0852203i 384431N0854655M 380254NO872855H 395459N0860851H 394553N0861031H 394310N0860524H 394357N0861919M 394620N0861301H 4I403ON0850227H 394758N0860430M 394352N0860536M 394717N0860915H 394934N086062W 384Dl9N0870l33M 385544NO870323H 385200N0865353M 394653N0860735M 394804N0851058M 394629N0860523H 394637N0860922H 395144N0860721H 395027N0860855U 403856N0845723H SOURCE COORDINATES 390707N0852609M 4OOGSZN086121W 384443N085¢546H 380532N0873158M 385506N0854517H 385051N0864558U ELEV FT 847 798 906 MAP NAME Charlestomn Greencastle Greencastle Greencastle Russellville Holton Epsom Morgantomn Morgantoun New Carlisle Boswell Romney Osgood Hestport Roann New Market Rosston Richmond Kokomo East Ege Scottsburg Daylight Carmel Indianapolis Hest Beech Grove Bridgeport Indianapolis lest Angola Hest Indianapolis East Beech Grove Indianapolis Nest Indianapolis East Lyons Odon Indianapolis lest Indianapolis lest Indianapolis East Indianapolis Best Indianapolis East Indianapolis Best Berne FEATURE NAME First of Speedway Assembly of God Church See First of Speedway Church First of Speedway Church First of Speedway Assembly of God Church First Salem Church First Society of Friends Church First Southern Baptist Church First Tabernacle See First Baptist Tabernacle First-Third School See Jefferson Elementary School First Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Fiscus Cemetery Fishback Creek Fishbeck Lake Dam See Pins Nay Lake Dam Fish Cemetery Fish Creek Fish Creek Fish Creek Fish Creek See Bayou Drain Fish Creek Fish Creek Fish Creek Cemetery Fisher Branch Fisher Brook Fisher Ditch Fisher Ditch Fisher Ditch Fisher Ditch Fisher Ditch See Hoagland Ditch Fisher Farm Airport Fisher—Gordon Ditch Lost Creek Fisher Knobs Fisher Pond Fishers Fishers Fishers Station Fishers Switch Fishersburg Fisher School Number 1 See Carl C Fisher Elementary School Fishers Creek See Fishers Fork Fishers Creek Fishers Creek See Simpson Creek Fishers Elementary School Fishers Fork Brush Creek Fishers Creek Fishers Station See Fishers Fishers Switch See Fishers Fisherville Fish Hatchery Lake Fish Hatchery Lake Dam Grassyfork Farm Number Three Dam Fishing Creek FEATURE CLASS church church church church church church school church cemetery stream dam cemetery stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery stream stream canal canal canal canal canal airport canal summit lake ppl pp] ppl school stream stream stream school stream ppl pp] 991 . FESEPVOlr dam stream STATUS VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BEN 1968 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTV Marion Marion Howard Marion Marion Marion Tipton Marion Owen Hendricks Hendricks Hancock Jennings La Porte Owen Posey Steuben Steuben Jennings Marion Marion Allen Howard Jasper Shelby white Huntington Elkhart Spencer Lake Hamilton Hamilton Madison Marion Bartholomew Fayette Union Hamilton Bartholomew Hamilton Hamilton Warrick Morgan Morgan Orange COORDINATES 394615N0861501H 394615N0861501N 402424N0855724H 395145N0860650H 394933N0860429H 394620N0861301H 401653N0860246H 394956N0860445H 391335N0870004H 395259N0861821H 395324N0862012H 394704N0855646H 390435N0853813H 413426N086323ZN 391008N0865338N 374757N0875550H 413104N0845214H 412742N0844437H 390414N0853825H 394532N0860228H 394213N0860116H 411516N0845502W 403112N0855706N 411053N0870019H 392745N0855629H 404908N0865612N 405645N0852212N 412911N0860123N 375944N0870524H 411904N0871331H 3957Z7N0860052H 395720N0860050U 400419N0855134H 394704N0861449H 390954N0855039N 393707N0850626H 394006N0850017H 395715N0860047N 390954N0855039H 395720N0860050N 395720N0860050H 380507N0872559W 392904N0862312H 392904N0862312N 384511N0862301H SOURCE COORDINATES 395912N0862512H 390452N0853416H 413651N0863235H 391648N0865206H 413341N0845924N 414110N0844828H 394357N0860154H 394237N0860138N 393831N0850346N 391214N0854452N 384030N0861936H ELEV FT 750 643 820 824 850 440 IN131 MAP NAME Clermont Greentown Indianapolis East Indianapolis East Indianapolis East Coal City Zionsville Cumberland North Vernon Stillwell Arney Edon Butler East North Vernon Indianapolis East Beech Grove St Joe Amboy San Pierre Marietta Zanesville Nappanee Nest Rockport Hebron Fishers Fishers Lapel Everton Fishers Elizabethtown Daylight Martinsville Martinsville Bedford East IN132 FEATURE NAME Fishing Creek Chapel Fishing Run Fish Lake Fish Lake Fish Lake Fish Lake Fish Lake See Pitcher Lake Fish Lake Fish Lake Fish Run Fish Slough Pirogue Lake Fishtown Fishtrap Lake Fisk Creek Fiskville Fites Lake Fitz Lake Fitzers Ditch Fitzgerrell Cemetery Fitz Lake See Fites Lake Five Branch Five Corners Cemetery Five Points Five Points Five Points Five Points Five Points Five Points Five Points Five Points Five Points Five Points Five Points Five Points Corner Flackville Flackville School Number 100 Flag Run Flake Cemetery Flannagans Landing See Evans Landing Fiat Branch Flat Creek First Creek Flat Creek Flat Creek Flat Creek Big Flat Creek Flat Creek Flat Creek Fiat Creek See Big Creek Flat Creek Flat Creek Cemetery Flat Creek Memorial Church Flater Cemetery Flatfork Creek Fiat Fork Creek Fiat Fork Creek See Flatfork Creek Fiat Iron Fiat Lake Fiat Lake Fiat Rock Fiat Rock Cemetery Flatrock Creek See Golden Hill Park Flat Rock Creek See Golden Hill Park FEATURE CLASS church stream lake lake lake lake lake lake ppl stream lake ppl lake stream ppl lake canal cemetery lake stream cemetery summit ppl ppl 991 ppl ppl ppl ppl pal Dal pnl ppl ppl school stream cemetery ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery church cemetery stream stream 991 lake lake pp! cemetery park park STATUS BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGM BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INOIANA 1988 COUNTY Lawrence Clark Elkhart Kosciusko Lagrange Lagrange Posey Steuben La Porte Dubois Posey Harrison La Porte Switzerland Ripley St Joseph Cass Posey St Joseph Scott Miami Brown Allen Jefferson Knox Marion Morgan Switzerland Union Warren Wells Whitley Porter Marion Marion Clark Morgan Harrison Marion Daviess Dubois Knox Pike Pike Scott Vanderburgh Wells Pike Pike Greene Hancock Hancock Vermillion Marshall Wabash Shelby Bartholomew Marion Marion COORDINATES 384235N0852115W 382659N0855343W 413453N0853954W 410953N0855006H 414530N0853841W 413720N0851950W 375645N0880039W 414501N0845537W 413400N0863307W 382341N0865831W 374845N0875535W 380410N0855503W 413755N0864347W 384931NOB44952W 400255N0865341W 413054N0851612W 404403N0862920H 381159N0874805W 413054N0851612W 384353N0855137W 405644N0860934W 390924N0861126W 410724N0845625W 385046N0853033W 383637N0872053W 394329N0860242W 393453N0861901W 384448N085103OH 394243N0845107W 401900N0871912H 403454N0851912M 411134N0852930W 411958N0870209W 394835N0861315W 394829N0861311W 3B3215N0853528W 392821N0861754W 380015N0855905W 393433N0855849W 384019N0870133W 382121N0865324W 384239N0872027W 382158N0870235H 382254N0871900H 384325N0854727W 37593ON0880104W 405502N0852321W 382452N0871023H 382436N0870846W 390104N0865235W 395658N0855305W 395658N0855305W 400312N08729Z4W 411945N0862614W 410157N0855610H 392151N0854954W 391653N0855416W 394913N0861052W 394913N0861052W SOURCE COORDINATES 382806N0855320H 382343N0865747W 384955N0845119W 384458N0855220H 383215N0853138W 393944N0860137W 383923N0865823W 381814N0864349W 384533N0872256W 382652N0871522W 382651N0872204W 384309N0854230W 405102N0851321W 395639N0854855W ELEV FT 845 936 1038 695 445 794 750 748 752 510 855 779 876 1134 732 874 870 738 618 734 692 MAP NAME Campbellsburg Borden Millersburg Warsaw Middlebury Wolcottville California Stillwell Jasper Uniontown Kosmosdale Springville Patriot Crawfordsville Lakeviile Clymers Poseyville Scottsburg Macy Nashville Maples Volga Monroe City Beech Grove Mooresville East Carrollton Fairhaven Williamsport Montpelier Columbia City Kouts Indianapolis West Indianapolis West New Washington Cope Boggstown Montgomery Huntingburg Wheatland Velpen Petersburg Scottsburg Huntington Winslow Winslow Bloomfield McCordsville Perrysville Donaldson Silver Lake Hope Edinburgh FEATURE NAME Flatrock Creek Flatrock Creek Flatrock Creek See Flatrock River Flat Rock Creek See Flatrock River Flat Rock Park Flat Rock Park North Flat Rock Park North See Flat Rock Park Flat Rock River See Golden Hill Park Flat Rock River See Flatrock River Flatrock River Big Flat Rock River Big Flatrock River Flat Rock Creek Flat Rock River Flatrock Creek Flat Run Flat Run Flatwoods Cemetery Flaugh Ditch Flax Fleener Fleenersburgh Fleene Ridge Fleener Ridge Fleenersburgh See Fleener Fleet Field Fleetwood Branch Fleisch Run Fleming Fleming Cemetery Fleming Cemetery Fleming Creek Fleming Garden School Fleming Lake Fleming Lake Dam Flemming Ditch Flesher Cemetery Fletcher Fletcher Lake Fletcher Cemetery Fletcher Cemetery Fletcher Chapel Fletcher Chapel Fletcher Church Fletcher Lake Fletchers Lake Fletcher Lake See Fletcher Fletcher School Number 8 Fletchers Lake See Fletcher Lake Fleugel Ditch Andin Ditch Flick School Flight Run Flint Flint Cemetery Flint Creek Flint Creek Flint Hill Flint Lake Flint Lake Elementary School Flint Run Flock Cemetery Flood Run Flora FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream 991 ppl park stream stream stream stream cemetery canal ppl ppl ridge ridge ppl airport stream stream ppl cemetery cemetery stream school reservoir dam canal cemetery Ppl cemetery cemetery church church church lake ppl school lake canal school stream ppl cemetery stream stream summit lake school stream cemetery stream ppl STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1959 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN NATIONAL GAZETTEER--INDIANA 1988 COUNTY Allen Ripley Shelby Shelby Bartholomew Bartholomew Marion Shelby Shelby Delaware Floyd Putnam Allen Carroll Monroe Washington Washington Monroe Marshall Jackson Union Jackson Benton Porter Orange Marion Brown Brown Wells Jay Fulton Bartholomew Starke Vigo Warrick Grant Fulton Fulton Marion Fulton Kosciusko Orange Wayne