. y K .’ ‘75. ~ . / l» i . « ‘-, b o I V"" '"fl " " w v‘ , v . - I I {1341 {Y ' . OF THE 3 \U "*“msxTY \O 4Lj$rw x It an- n" ¢ /// ~ //w///(/./://(1%(/ j/l; ////( ?(l/'(’ //// ////(I J; ‘= 13’ “3953 \ I ‘ I '3“ 5 "' 7““? m, / ‘1‘?""7‘._'wl‘ “f "Q N" “21*. ¢ ‘5 . 7w. ' x . 7., u I i“ _ \ E i\.' _ ’- \ E . .1 2M " ' \ I . g . I I I \ ‘ I L' , \ l ! -mnv." .. _... < u. «a -. 1‘" ' ~‘ . 2* a . LIBRARY ' THE LIBRARY _ OF ‘ ' ‘ , ‘ THE UNIVERSITY 1 ’ ‘ OF CALIFORNIA . . GIFT OF . Gwynn Officer f 1 : ARCH. \. , - . g r ‘ _: I . \ ‘ I , . _ ,r 1 . A. . I ‘ I A , . n / a A‘. . o 4 1 , / I I » \ . C J ‘ . _ . I i. 4', ‘ . “3" .. ~ ‘ \ .7 . ' I ‘ . ‘ . I .' - u- 'I I v \ . I - a . _ . . \ ‘ ‘— ‘ » k V ~ I t . w, .. - r .1 .. . I ' . / ‘. » . ‘ ' . ,. < I. t . \ .> ( 4 V , ‘ I Inna..- W \ 9 a ' I I I . 7 ‘ a . . l ‘ . ‘ ' . — I . . § . . . . . ' E . r ‘ l - I i 6 ‘ fi * ~ 1’ . g ' .. 2 r , . I ‘ ‘ . I ,, V i . A / . - ~ . 4 . , n ‘ \ I . ~ 3 . , ; ‘\ \ \ . , ‘ . V . . .. 9v \ ‘IL I I I l I . I | S . , . . . I .. TheCITYand COUNTRY BUILDERsand WORKMANS TREASURY ofDESIGNS Or the ART of DRAWING and WORK‘ING' The Ornamental P A R T S of ARCHITECTURE. Illuf’rrated by upwards of Four Hundred grand Defigns, neatly engraved on One Hundred and Ezgnty—fx COPPER- PLATES, for Piers, ' Pavements, Obe/ifgues, Gates, Frets, Pedeflals, for Doors, Guloebi ’s, Sun-Dials, Windows, Pulpits, Bu/to’s, and ' Niebes, 731])“, Stone Tao/es, Bzfits, fl/tar-Pieees, Book-Cafes, , Ci erns, fllonzements, Cielings, and Chimney-Pieces, Fonts, *' Iron PVorks.» Tabernacle Frames, Proportioned by A L I (LU 0 T P A R T S. .- "ii"? With an A P P E N D I X of Fourteen P L A T E S of flinfles for Girders and Beams, different Sorts of Rafters, and a Variety of R00f5, 86c. To which are prefix’d, The Five Orders of Columns, according to A N D R E A P A L L A D I o; whofe Members agj prop01 t1oned by AL IQ'UOT PA R T s, in a more eafy Manner than has yet been done. The W H O L E interfperfed With furc R ULES for working all the Varieties of Raking Member's 1n Pediments, Modi/lz'ons, 85c; The like, for the immed1ate Ul'e of WO R KM E N, never publifhed before, in any Language. By B. L/Vrjefl7 , LON D 0N, Printed for and Sold by S. HA3 1: I N c, on the Pavement in St. Martin’4-Lane. 1750; ,_;~ u... AAA. 1. .51; A e _\\'..' . ARCH. LIBRARY 1 NT R on u c: TI 0 N. ' "- H E great. Pleafure that Builders and Workmen of all Kinds have of late Years taken in '1 .» 'l the StLidy of Architecture; and the great, Advantages that have accrued to thofe, fOr whom they have been employed; by having their Works executed in a much neater and more magnificent Manner than was ever done in this Kingdom before; has been the real Motive that induced me to the compiling of this Work, for their further Improvement. Belides, as the Study of Architeéture is really delightful in all its Procefs; its Pradtice is evidently of the greatel’t Importance to Artificers in general; and its Rules fo eafy, as to be acquired at leifure Times, when the Bufinefs of Days is over, by Way of Diverlion: ’Tis a Matter of very great Sur- prize to me, how any Perfon dare prefume to difcourage others from the Study thereof, and thereby ‘ . we,» a,“ . render them very often lefs ferviceable to the Publick than fo many Brutes. But to prevent this lnfeétion from diffufing its poifonous Efliuvia’s any further; and in Confidera- tion, that among& all Sorts of People, there are fome, in whom Nature has implanted that noble Faculty of the Soul, called R E A s o N, whereéy we judge of Things : 'I have therefore, at a very great Expence, compiled this Work for the common Good of all Men of Reafon, whofe Bufinelfes require the Knowledge of this Art, and who defire to become Proficients therein. The Brit Work to be done in order thereto,‘ is perfeétly to underl’tand the Five Orders of Columns, which here I have placed precedent to the Defigns for that Purpofe; and which I peremptorily admonilh, be well underflood, before any Proceeding be made to attempt the Art of Defrgning. The Five Orders of Columns have their Members f0 eafily adjulted, that the Reader, after having once read their Explanations, need never read them a fecond Time. Nor will their general Proportions efcape his Memory, after having praétifed them about half a Dozen Times. The Deligns contained herein, and the Orders preceding them, are in general adjufled by Aliquot Parts -, fo that when the Height of any Work to be made, is known, (which in all L‘afcs mull firft be given) and divided into fome certain Number of equal Parts", as affixed to every Defign; the Heights and Projections ofits Members are thereby determined. And, that young Students may not be at a Lofs herein, I have, for their further lnllrué‘tion fliewn their particular Members, with their Meafures at large; which the Deligns of Inigo yams, and all other Mallets to this Time, are defeftive in, and confequently are of no‘more Ufe to VVorkmen, than f0 many Pictures to gaze at ; not fo many Rules, or Examples to work by, or after ; unlefs to fuch, who underl‘tand the Architecture thereof, as well as their Authors, who defigned them. i I lhall now proceed to explain the Orders in the molt familiar Manner -, which will render the Under- fianding of all the following Defigns confpicuous to every Capacity. BLANGLET. C o N T E N T 8 Of the Fourteen Plates of R O O F S, 636'. which are added to the IVork. PlateI. The fplicing or lengthening of Beams explained; 3 Beam Camber, \xith an Inch and Qiatter Spring. to 25 Feet extent ; different Trulfes for Girders and Beams, different Scarf- ings for Wall-plates, Railings, {3%. Plate II. Requilites for {quire Roofs CXPlAlnt’d. Pl rte [IL A fecond Method for fplicing and lengthening ofBenms. The. Lengths and Angles of the Backs of Hip-Rafters in irregular Roofs explained. The Lengths with an Open Gutter, and double hipp‘d at the other End) in Ledgement. Plate VII. A'hipp‘d Roof in Ledgement having one End fquare, and the Other End bevel with a camber‘tl Flat for :1 Balcony on its Top. Plate IX. An irregular double Roof in Ledgement. Plate X. Two Varietit‘: of framing irregular fingle Roofs which are hipp'd at one lind, and gabltd at the other. Plate XI. 'l‘wo Examples of irreg~l1r Roofs in and Angles of the Ihcks of Hip—Rafters in polygonal Roofs Ledgement. PlateXIl. Eight Examples of Ttui‘l‘es for prin- cxplamed. I‘lztte IV. Circular, Elliptical, Cir. [lip-Rafters to cipal Rafters true pitch. Plate XIII. Ten Examples for traf- oftangular and ipheroidicnl Roofs explained. Plate V. To lay fed Roofs. Plate XIV. SetIions of trufl‘ed Roofs, with the out a fquare Roof in Ledgement. Plate VI. A {Zinc-re double Roofs of the Churches of St. Pay/'5, Cum: Garden, and Grin:- Roof(commonly called :in M Rog/y in Ledgement. Plate VII. midi, with Remarks. An oblong double Roof (returned with fingle Hips at one End, 7». ARCH. V2273 LIBRARY 1‘ of; , , . y!’ g ‘3'!" ART of DESIGNING and WORKING THE ORNAMENTAL 'PAR'TS of BUILDINGS. QHAP. 1. Of the Manner of Proportioning the Five Orders of Columns in Architeéture by Aliquot Parts“ I. Of the TUSCAN ORDER. P R O B. I. To proportion the Height: of the prin- cz'pol Parts of the Tufcan Order, Fig. 1. Plate I. 5 RACTICE. Divide £20 a given . Height into 5 equal Parts, the low— er 1 Part h o is the Height of the Pedef’tal. Divide a h the remain- ' 3 ing 4 Parts into 5 equal Parts, the upper I Part a d, is the Height of the Entablature, and d It, the lower 4, of the Column. 1’ R0 B. II. To proportion the Heights of the Primi- pol Ports of the Tufcan Pedcflol, Fig. II. Divide o w, a given Height into 4. Parts, the lower 1, is the Height of the Plinth, {of the next 1, of the Mouldings on the Plinth, and half the upper I of the Cornice. ' PR 0 B. III. To proportion the Heights of the Mom- her: 011 the Plinth ; and of the Cornice of the Tufcan Pods/tot. If the Mouldings on the Plinth be an Inverted Cima reéia between two Fillets, divide the Height in 6, give I to each Fillet, and 4 to the Cima; but if the Mouldings are a Caveto on a Fillet, give 4 to the Caveto and 2 to the Fillet. Di- vide the Height of the Cornice in 6, give the upper 1 to the Regula E, the next 3 to the Faf- cia F, and the remaining 2 to a Cima reverfa, or a Caveto with its-Fillet, whofe Height is half one Part. ' B P R O B. WW88291 2 0f the TUsCA‘N ORDER. P R O B. IV. To determine the Projettz'on: of the Dodo, Bofi: and Cornice of the Tufcan Pede/t‘ul. Fig. 11. Plate 1.. ( I.) Divide QN, equal to the Height of the Bafe in 5 Parts, and the upper I in 7 Parts; Make z O_the Ptgjeétion of the Dado, equal to 4 Parts and 75-. (2. ) The Projection of the Plinth (q p) is equal to (r q) the Height of the Mouldings on the. Plinth, as alfo is the Projeétion of the Cornice, from the Upright of the Dado, in every Order. Draw x y at l’leafure, at any Part againft the Dado, which divide in 6 Parts, and terminate the Members in the Bafe and Cor- nice, as is exprelTed by the dotted Lines proceed- ing upward and downward from them. Fig.‘ G. exhibits the Manner of defcribing a Cima reverfa at large, whofe Projeétion is g of its Height. P R O B. V. To proportion the Heights of the prin- cipal Part: of the Tufcan Column, Fig. I. Pl. II. (1.) Divide the given Height in 7 equal Parts, and take I for the Diameter of ‘the Column at its Bafe; therefore note, that the Height of the Co- lumn is 7 Diameters. (2.) The Height of the Bafe, and of the Capital, are each half a Dia- meter. P R O B. VI. To proportion the Heights of the Mmhers of the Bee/e of the Tufcan Column. Divide I t the Height of the Bafe in 2 Parts, as the Bafe on the Pedefial, Fig. II. Plate 1. the low— er I is the Height of the Plinth D, and the upper 1 of its Torus C, with the Cinfture B, which is a fourth Part thereof. P R O B. VII. T o proportion the Heights of the Memher: of the Tufcan Capital. Divide, the Height of the Capital M R, into 3 Parts, as in Fig. II. Plate II. give the upper I to its Abacus M N, the Middle I to the Ovolo O with its Fillet I’, which is a fixth Part, and the lower I to che Neck of the Capital. The Height of the Aftragal R S, is equal to Half the Height of the Neck, which divide in 3: Give 2 t0 the Aftragal R, and I to the Fillet S. Note," The Afiragal in every Order is a Part of the Shaft, not of the Capital. PROB. VIII. ‘ To dimintyh theShu/t of the Tufcan, or any other Column, Fig. 1. Plate II. (1.) ‘Divide the given Height of the Shaft be~ tween the Cinéture B, and the Al’tragal A, into 3 equal Parts, and draw the Linenxy, through the firl’t Part, parallel to the Cincture 4, 5 -, make B 4, B 5, and x n, xy, each equal to Half 21 Diameter, and draw the Lines 4 n, 5y; make A h, and A e, each equal to i or f ofnx, ac— cording to what anntity you have a Mind to di- minifh the Shaft; fome making the Diminution fior %, as in this Example. (2.) On .x defcribe the Semicirclen r, I y, and draw the Lines h r, and e I, from the Points h e, parallel to the cen- tral Line A B. Divide the Arches n r and I], each into any Number of like equal Parts, fup- pofe four, as at o p q, and 2, 3, z, and draw the Ordinates q 2, p 3, and o z. (3.) Divide A :-.' into the fame Number of equal Parts, as in n r, or I y, as at l h d, and draw the Lines, efequal to q 2 -, g 1' equal to p 3, and h in equal to o z. (4.) From 72, through the Points kg e, draw the curved Linen kg eh, and from y, through the Points m if, the curved Line y m if, which com- pletes the Diminution of the Shaft as required. P R O B. IX. To determine the Prejee'tt'om of the Memhers in the Bufe of the Tufcan Cuban, Fig. I. Plate I. ' (1.) Divide the Semidiameter in 3 Parts, and turn I Part out for the Projection of the Plinth, which, in every Order, flands exaftly over the Dado of the l’edeftal. (2..) The Pi'oieri‘tion of the Torus is always the fame as of the l’iiittii. (3.) Divide the Projetftion of the l’hnth before the Upright of the Shaft into 4 Parts, and the third Part into 4, then the firlt I Part terminates the Projection of the Cinéture B. P R O B. X. To determine the Prejeftiem of the Iliemher: in the Tufcan Capital, Fig. ll. Pl. I 1. Divide the Semidiameter of the Shaft continued to the Abacus into 2 Parts, as at f, and make the Projection of the Abacus, equal to I of thofe l’arts, when the Abacus is tinilhed with a Fillet, and to g of I Part, when without a Fillet. _ The I’rojeétion of the Fillet under the Altragal is equal to twice its own Height, and the Fillet under the Ovolo, to its Height. PROB. I 0f ooo' DORICK ORDER. P R O B. XI. 7‘ o proportion t/oe Hengt: of tioe prin- cipal Part: of the Tufcan Entooloture, Fig. “II. Plate II. . . Divide A M the given" Height, into 7 equal Parts; give 2 to the Architrave, 2 to the Freeze, and 3 to the Cornice. P R O B. XII. To proportion the Heights of tlae Wiemlzers of the Tufcan Aro/oz'tro‘ve. If the Architrave is to confif’t but of I Fafcia, divide its Height in 7 Parts, and give 1 and § to the Height of the Tenia I, and the Remainder to the F afcia K ; but if of two Fafcia’s, give the low- er 2 to the fmall Fafcia, the next 4 to the great F afcia, and the upper x to the T enia. P R o B. XIII. To ‘ proportion t/oe Height: of do Members of fine T ufcan Cornice. The Height of the Cornice confil’ting of 3 Parts, divide the upper I Part in 4, and when this En— tablature is finifhed with a Cima reéta, give the up— per I to its Fillet; but when with an Ovolo, give the lower 1 to its Al’tragal. The middle I Part of the Cornice being divided in 6 Parts, give the upper I to the Fillet C, and the other 5 to the Co- rona D. The lower 1 Part of the Cornice, di- vided in 2 Parts, give the upper I to the Ovolo E, and the other 1 to its Caveto G, and Fillet E, which is i Part thereof. P R O B. XIV. To determine the Prry'eo‘tures of- tie fidemoers irz tloe-Tufcan flro/oz'trorvo and Cornice, Fig. II. Plate ll. ‘ (1.) The Projeétion of the lower Fafcia of the Architrave, and of the Freeze, in every Order, is always the fame from the central Line of the Co- lumn as the Upright of the Column, at its Attra- gal; and therefore are all direé‘tly over each 0- ther. It is from the upright Line of the Face of the Freeze, that the Projeétions of all the Mem— bers inevery Architrave and Cornice of each Or- der, is accounted. (2.) The Projeétion of the Tenia I is equal to its Height, and the upper Fafcia when the Architrave has two, projeé‘ts g thereof. (3.) The Projeétion of the Cornice, is (as ’tis in all the other Orders, the Doric/t only ex- cepted) equal to its own Height. Draw o o, e- qual to the whole Projeétion, which divide in 3 is equal Parts; then -;- the firl’c Part, terminates the ' Fillet F, of the Caveto G. The firfl: Part termi- nates the Ovolo E, the fecond Part the Corona D, and the firft fixth Part of the lad Part, the Fillet. C. And thus this Order is compleated, and which be- ing practiced about half a dozen Times, will render the underltanding of this and the folloWing Order, eafy and delightful. II. Oft/ae DORICK ORDER. P R O B. I. To proportion the Heights of time pried-J pol Ports of the Dorick Order, Fig. I. Pl. III. P R A c T I c E. Divide oz It a given Height, in- to 5 Parts, (as before in the thfoom) the lower 1 Part it, is the Height of the Pedel’tal. Divide a 2' the remaining 4 Parts in 5 Parts, the upper 1 Part a f is the Entablature, and f z', the lower 4 Parts, of the Column. Here you fee that the Manner of proportioning the principal Parts of the Tot/con and Doriok Orders, is the fame. PR OB. II. To proportion ozoo Heights ofooo promo; pol Parts of the Dorick Pedeflozl, Fig. II. Pl. III.‘ Divide the Height in 4 Parts, give I and 3“ to the Bafe; ,—; the upper 1 to the Cornice, and the Remains to the Dado. ‘ P RO B. III. To proportion the Heights of the Members on the Flirt/o, and of t/oe Corrzz'oe of tbe Dorick Pedcy’tol, Fig. II. Plate 111. (1.) Divide o o the Height of the Mouldings on the Plinth, in '8 Parts, give the lower 1 Part to the Fillet K, the next 4 to the Cima I, and the upper 3, to an Afiragal H, and Fillet G; or to a Fillet and Caveto. (2.) Divide the Height of the Cornice in 2 Parts, i of the upper I, is the Height of the Regula A, and the Remainder, of the Fafcia B. The upper Half of the lower I, is the Height of the Ovolo C, and the lower Half divided in 3, give the upper 1 to the Fillet D, and lower 2 to a Cima Inverfa, or Caveto E. PR 0 B. IV. To determine the Projeftz'om of the Dodo, Bro/e, mzd Corm'oe of 2/26 Dorick Pedeflol, Fig. Il. Plate Ill, - Make or w the Projec ion of the Dado, equal to pry, which is the i‘lfight of the Plinth divided ‘ in "‘4 , in 5’Pa'r‘ts, fandi- of"’the upp‘er’Part divided in '3, “tit'tti‘éd tip. The Projeétion of the Plinth and Cer- hice before the "Upright of the Dado, is (as be- {Ore obferv'edin the Tit/Eon Order) always equal to f't‘he Height of the Mouldings on the Plinth, which There at in n, being divided in 4 Parts, the Pro- Kje'é‘tions of the Members in the Cornice and Bafe are determined, as exhibited by the perpendicular dotted Lines. P R O B. V. T o proportion the Heights of the prin- tipal Part: of the Dorick Column, Fig. I. Pl. III. ,(t.) Divide fi the Height of the Column into '8 Parts, and take I Part for the Diameter of the “Column at its Bafe: Therefore note, that the Height of the Doric/e Column is 8 Diameters. ( 2.) The Height of the Doric/e Bafe and Capital are each Half a Diameter, as thofe of the Tit/con. 'P R O B. VI. To proportion the Heights of the Bet/é of the Derick Column. Divide fh, Fig. II. Plate III. in 3 Parts, the lower '1 Part is the Height of the Plinth T, and i of the Middle 1, of the lower 'l‘orus S. Half the upper I Part, is the Height of the upper To- rus O, and the Remains between the two Torus’s being divided in 6 Parts, give the upper and lower, to the two Fillets P and R, and the Middle 4 t0 ‘the‘Scotia Q The Height of the Cin€ttire Nis half of the Height of the upper Torus. P R O B. VII. To proportion the Heights of the Dorick Capitol. Divide n h the Height of the Capital, Fig. II. Plate III. into 3 Parts, and .1: the upper 1, into 3 ; give the upper 1 to the Fillet A, the other 2 to the Cima reverlli B, and the other i Part to the Abacus C. Divide the Middle Part in 3, give the upper 2 to the Ovolo D, and the other ~I to an Aftragal and Fillet, or Fillet and Caveto, or Cima TCVCl‘ffl, or to three Annulets, at l’leafure. The Height of the Hypotrachelium G, or Neck of the Capital, is the lower 1 Part, and the Height of the Afiragal 7',- thereof, as' before in the Tufenn. The Shaft of this Column is diminilhed i“ at its Afiragal in Manner aforefaid. P R O B. VIII. To determine the Projct't‘ion: of the Menzher: of the ane of the Dorick Column. 0/ the Do’RIeK ORDER. (1.) Divide the Semidiameter z‘ 3, in 3‘Parts, "and turn wit '1 'Part from ito‘k, for the Pro_]e&ion of the Plinth, before the Upright of the Coldmn. (2.) Divide the Projeétion k i, in 4 Parts, the firfi one and a half, terminates the Projeé‘tion of the Fillet R ; and 2 Parts and half, the Centre of the upper Torus O, and Cinéture M. P R O B. IX. To deferihe the Seotin Q at large, ‘ a: at g, ‘Plate III. Divide its Height in 3 Parts, and fet one Part, from the fecond Part towards the Right Hand; then the Points * l" are the Centers on which the Scotia may be defcribed as required. PROB. X. To determine the Projettion: of the Alem- her: of the Dorick Capital, Fig. II. Plate III. Divide the Semidiameter of the Column at its Afiragal on its Abacus, into 2 Parts, and turn out I Part for the Projeétion of the Abacus; which divide in 4 Parts, and terminate the Projec— tions of the Members, as exhibited by the dotted perpendicular Lines. The Pi‘ojeftion of the Afira- gal H I, is determined the fame, as that of the ‘fufmn Order. P R O B. XI. To proportion the Heights of the principal Part: of the Dorick lg'iztzzh/ntztre, Plate IV. Divide n I), the given Height into 8 equal Parts, give 2 to the Arcliitrzzvc M N O I’, 3 to the Freeze L, and 3 to the Cornice. P R O B. XII. To proportion the Heights of the Memhers of the Dorick Architmt'e. Divide the upper I Part of the Architrave in 3, the upper 1 is the Height of the Tenia M, and the lower 2 Parts, divided in 3 Parts, the upper I Part is’ the Height of the Fillet N, and the next 3 Parts of the Gutta’s or Drops 0: P R O B. XIII. To proportion the Heights of the Member: of the Dorick Cornice. , Divide the two upper Parts of the Height of the Cornice into 3 Parts, and the upper i, in 4 Parts; give the upper 1 to the Regula A, and the other 3 to the Caveto or Cima rec a B. Di- ‘ vide 0f the DORICK ORDER. ; vide the next Part in 3, give half the upper 1 to the Fillet C, and the Remains to the Corona D. Divide the third Part in 3, and the upper 1 thereof, in 3 ; of which, give the upper I to the Fillet E, the other 2 to the Cima reverfa F 5 and the Re- fidue of this Part to G, the Fafcia of the Mutule E F G. Divide the lower third Part of the Height of the whole Cornice into 3 Parts, and give the lower 1 to K, the Capping of the Triglyphs; di- vide the next 2, each into 3 -, give the lower I to the Fillet I, and the next 4 to the Ovolo H, or to the Cvolo, with its Afi'ragal on the Fillet I. The Height of the Freeze being in 3, divide the up- . per in 3, and the fecond will terminate the Heights of the Channels in the Triglyphs ; as half the middle I, doth that of the Coffer or hollow Pannel, in the Metope Q P R O B. XIV. To determine the Prty'et'tnres of the Member: in the Dorick Entohlature, Plate IV. , (r.) As the Projeétion of the Cornice is equal to half the Height of the whole Entablature, therefore draw a Line from any Part of the Freeze, as t 4', equal thereto, which divide in 4 Parts, and the firlt, third and laft, each into 3 Parts, from whence determine the Projeélion of every Mem- ber as exprefiEd by the perpendicular dotted Lines which pafs through them from the Profile to the Plan. PROB. XV. To proportion a Triglyph, and M’tope. The Breadth of each Triglyph is always equal to half the Diameter of the Column at its Bafe; and the Metope or Difiance between them, {hould al— ways be equal to the Height of the Freeze. The Breadth of each Triglyph being divided into 12 Parts, and Lines drawn, as the dotted Lines 1, 2, 3, {9%. will form the Limits of the Channellings, and fix Gutta’s, or Drops, under them. As by the Mutule S, ’tis evident, that the Projeétion is very confiderable, I have therefore added the Plan of the Planceer of the Cornice, wherein VVV reprefents the under Surface of the Maitules, as they are generaly enriched with their 36 Drops, commonly called Bells, and XX are hollow Pan- nels, or Golfers, enriched with Rofes. By the perpendicular dotted Lines, ’tis evident, that the Dil’tances of the Members in the Plan, are equal to their refpeétive Projeétions in the Profile. ~~ warm-um; -; ~ '- '«V-un. Hg. W exhibits two Methods for fluting the Shafts of. Doric/t Columns; that on the Right hand has no Fillets, as was anciently praéticeti, and which contain 20 in Number; the Flutings on the Left, are after the modern Manner, and contain 24 in Number. PR 0 B. XVI. To divide the Flute: of the Dorick Shaft, after the nnoient Manner. Divide the Circumference of the Column into 20 equal Parts, and draw the Chord Line of each , Part, on every of which, complete an equilateral Triangle; then on the Out-Angle of ever Tri~ angle, with the Radius of one Side, defcrr'ce the Curve of each Flute. P R O B. XVII. To divide the Flute: and Ellets of the Dorick Shaft, after the modern Manner. (1.) Divide the Circumference of the Column into 20, but by fome ’tis divided into 24 Parts. (2.) Divide any one Part into 6 Parts, and with a Radius ofg of thofe Parts, on every of the 20, or 24 Points defcribe the Flutes, which will leave between them the Fillets required. III. Ofthe IONICK ORDER. P R O B. I. To proportion the Heights of the prints? pol Ports of the lonick Order, Fig. I. Plate V. PRACTICE. (L) Divide a l, a given Height, into 5 Parts, and give the lower 1 to the Pedeital, ‘ as in the preceding Orders. (2.) Divide a g the Remainder, into 6 Parts, the upper I Part a d is the Height of the Entablature, and dg the lower 5 Parts, of the Column. P R O B. II. T o proportion the Heights of the prin- cipal Port: of the Ionick Prado/fol, Fig. I l. Pl. V. . Divide the given Height in 4. equal Parts, give the lower 1 to the Plinth N 3 one third of the next to the Mouldings on the Plinth, including the I-lollow on the Afiragal, when ufed inflead of a Caveto, (as is fometimes done) 5 half the upper 1 to the Cornice y o, and the Remains to the Dado a h. ‘ C PROB. 6 . 5 Of the IONICK ORDER. P R O B. I II. . h--———--——-- -- -——-__--- I--~~--‘----~ E‘Q H + ‘____- --_--__ fl .- . . IIIIIIIIIIIIII1|..IIIIII I I -----------J.------.---- .--.--- ---..---.-..- I ------------- J ‘72/ ' g&fl‘dfl all/(I/éI/l/W (”7(2/ {by-WM. ”an! 1736', (I . I I I . I I I . I I I I I . I I 2! . . . . , . . . - .A I . . . I - . - . I I - . - I I +' r.---_-.-- M, I ,w I I - I . I I - . . I - - I I . . . I - ,I . - . 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Vim... .1..an \Rxxvvwan . 1.1K 1 1.: d _ | I I t \ 4 ‘ l x A. [I :3»an ‘T‘l'f‘t‘l' ' 0 V 5 W? @OI’Z — _ 4 . . _ ................................ fl. . I‘\\ 14/ r . , .\\\c\my . VEKQQ \V\ c\: \XEMN \3.\>$.>\K \VR L fl. [mm/2” Vary/1‘7 »7 b3 ’ ’r I ‘ ’14”? 5 x, . - ‘ 1.1 " . l l . ahwufifiajg afiyw' -. 4-.-:--x--:--- E.» ..---:---l- ......... . - .17 .I I I: I‘llnklopllluv-I.Ill v’ I 1......, ......... . .......... «.0 IlllillllflnllflflIlilllllllllllllllllllllllll" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ‘- - ---I-' I l I l a l n l I ‘ I I I f ~ I q u I 3 1’7" 2 1-: w-Nsxme-NQE-J “A i- 3y N i" E ‘ a :: 3* 9;“ I I l J u n I I l I a x I . a . n . u l 1 WIIIIMIIIMHIHIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIII 63 3:4 r i 21 2 I lllllllllIlllllfllllflflllflluflll v, .u; v Q ®$ Q 4, ( L r mug-6. - 4 4 . “mu-z _ q lllllll II’III|'IIIIII|V \I u. N -115.-.--.----.----...-.--- I "IlIlI"Il!!!lllll|llmllllllIIIHIIHIIIIII llill ll" .......................... t¥—'-—-§-—-——~ —_.---4: 4-0:”: 1 Ir l K”_ ‘0 in Ft: ‘3: 11¢ . ¥ [W/ 04'” ,5; fa 74%: '5" 1 fiat? Zamy@/ flaw/n: J74}. . ,_ ,,..,9.V . ,, . . ‘ _ \ "in ». , "gamma . € - . L'iwr _ 3v H1 } yvu$ 3 w. ':i~%¥f}f» “453% ‘3'4’,‘ u7n~5~ A. v: A w“ *. 'nna it - vr my... 1’, filer-V 1‘3“: V V ‘.‘...¢A- [.5. ' lb.» 3 . a l ”f'flf,’ « i 4’5"? .. (kg (S uxuxg .............. .32- . _ .3. g 3/ (c I win} (If/12:}! -.-----.\§<\.~§b k§fiz . . 1 N .K.. .V a... 3.3225». -_-.L----..A Y .713 A '« H X): \ JN ,0 .r ., L. 503’ land/:1; fle/fn. .g/m/ . r '1 (( '4', (a. K 023' .Q 3 3 13) 3— . 9131. ((-ID). d- “M"; “‘3 a, i/e/fa/ (It /arqe. ——_-.— Fm .. 3 3.- 33...I 3L 3 l i I -..---—-.A , 3 4. u M E m W _ Imam. 3.___.3..+..H,.-.H3W.3.3I+H....33...... «M. N N u. N N m” m m. M x .3. _. . 33H.” ”IF wH U _ _ ”M. _ L. _W. _ _ H Lem 3:3.3W3. .Ftllwlu3n3mjlllwllllw. 2 H3.Al3_ .l.3...ll..3 Md. I _ . .14.?ng 17 ’ é?- . 333i— 3/. "/6 [ap/m/ Bar/e and]? r___ 736 .7004. Belg 1077/ 3 T--...V§\_ Q“? .3-“ 3:391:31£3.33.33333933333333.3o.133.33.-..3333.3-33-333333Iuv .. 333333333333333333333333333333333 n . m a. 5H3 c N 1... e. ...-.-.3~.\3£§V . ............. .3... ............ \CQQ I A. a, In 1. 1 .Ay -, («$3 VANS“. \~\\ \u mkfik\§.\~§.>®\ x~\\ X.» Exfixfirfifk. QR . L——. I .q“-‘ - , ; ,~ , 423W , waW _ .1 ,L‘ 9? 3. ii a . '- - 3,“. ..,,' V‘. ._ .‘w, a. .k" . V); ;1 W , . f . "my 7-w§'i“ A M‘ rfiflzfia‘" Mu 94141;; ‘ . I . ‘ ' 1, . :¢.§{$¥§%§#~452¢' 54,. ~- -< .. 3 ‘ " . “r“, .ufi _ :; (“Q-ifiwkw‘n’yfif’ - ; \.) - . ll l'vl Nazitk ............ 1. 2w ...... u. .......... /mye . ‘:-__-_..--.---_ '~, I fl/alm‘e (mz/ P/ameer of fie [0772127 Illililluatr IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .J . M/[myézx Deéh. CK» /(1142. fu/h 3 d 7 Z 1 7. f. E n M ”v a y I. a, n. 5 In 4 ”p 1 g Iawl .. I 4 5 J u w. . _ V n u w 2 _ a t» «m S 1 7a. _ _ _ _ _ r H _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ H llalllll.Hl-l W/ _ «E S» 6% C G «a. «w «m «N 5 BM , w“ 4“- W‘ m. 0. ~44 f, ’In a. 5 93‘ a ’9? in»; «n1 5h:\.'v 7.: no. w‘fi» ’7 1;-.ng 9-?- wairk'fituafi‘ : '- ' f ' I - r :35. ’7'?" 1‘" i'fin‘R-{I f‘fi.‘ 5-, ‘-- .- ,_ '.v _ ‘ a yawn.» mi- mw ‘%« » .\ 1%“ ”4‘35 ~_~..u'.e .1. n .“ --e 'L’M ~09 “ j I (. 93.....“gph ‘ ,3); f‘ 4.... v . I \'» , h ' “ ( w-Q-Q‘wfl-V-«A " - -- ' ‘ 'MWLI‘“ ‘ r 5‘: ----- ‘ x' ,, ”MW *4. . , _ u «*hfi‘JMth 1"? 'wfipmmwmmwu«gov-Mun“ tag“ ‘ .. ‘;.;" ‘ . .. “r_ 5: f ' ..k .‘ . . ‘ 1-A~~'~-_u--.~ua.M 3,11,8th .gv- . ._ . , . '~ " >. “1.. Mathew.” FNA ~ ...... ‘ u m» ". 'I"\l . .1 {z __.. x Lr1qc féxg VII; 7%» jonabé v/Zéaa/J zmz/ i/o/wte at [22ng u‘ I \ 4 n \ \ « \ £740: 7%0‘.’ Zane [e Ema [any/Ea invent 1735. (yk s. fin, , . w 6.. u .r.? nw~n ).,..\_... «1,. %‘V :4 . a},- ~,--.Ja. .n. .‘.g ‘ t 9 . .1111. . . w a . . . . . H. \ .\ m... W.... , . N...:......r . WWN§W /» mm in... . . W\\\X\x\\\\.\\\\wm M ...x. . - ----- I. e 7. a .0. 311m. r f :-.-w/u. . .. -H....-...........-..1 1. “Khyflkrww. a... ......._.._i ‘ C. PM... 2...... 1...... -- 2...... m. .wt«wv.w . 5 4.... ,. a v m .n. . Hm ....____ ._.. _ .M/ /. .. .. m p .............. .-.........._..__ ._m_ : = ___ _ m ....H..-..__.____ _ _____:__ : ___. ._ _._ .. . _ _. __ . -....-..____ my. a... ’1100-.. . 7%? ionic/é [é/m‘tal ”Ii/76 [f/ fuzzy/(w invent, 1731). l 762 Pflm of (me yzmrrrofa [szz‘fa/ kn a [aémm Bally m ,.. .3... 1 . fiMQ ‘w' ." my - .aéfl ; g \ . at?! I"! ,, L.a{h..rd 3” 1.35411 it. ‘ J an“; fa, r .,,., I u ,M M.“ w ~ .9 5.1 o. . . v) 4 a . . . . A , , 1,2| . 1%.!!!lloV .r 22.1%. , ,i. {if}. .t , (ye. (M1 7 [077' p Bale and PWM/ at [a d Jig—bk _ , ‘5' \w. ‘fi N? \ Fr-% “3 fl . “run. \AVtéul ..H n H _ A _ iii}--------.--:---m.~§ (8 QNQQ ............... 4 F9; Mot/[W794 fled/'22. & fazéh x§$§w . «Hull end—ll.-.“ 1 (ten 1‘ 173.57, “'5 up“ N H a 1—\ 4%." “ Any... .\§.V\V\NKHW‘JH ........ .q. 5/ [7/ ‘ J- -- .H, \——.—’—---- \ . . . \ . u l 1 \l _\‘ \ 1-1-131!!!l.;.---.$1...,{1:31.‘..,....-I.------I---....i gmxuafi Kfixwfikisk \Vx wk. \NSWN \QRCXQK ka \b \tb.tk§.\§\«\ ERN 1 I My [LI/{Q/t’ '71 fl 2 fi'u [1 r.‘ : . trnrfl m/M. ifr ( ryvr 14 . by}? . I $51.1.» ...... 11.1. View; (I , a, , In. M“: ”i“ ~ ‘ _ r, ». Vi. ’vo‘} .‘ah 9v» ~ 3 110. 01:51:. . Int... l...).. . "4“ .‘!~ ' .'_\-. v 1 arm}. \ . . ..h 9 u ”M ... y” . .I ¥ ,. n w rm ‘5. i4xk~¢1~w iii a“ \r ..\;-_ ‘ 5x ‘ ‘3 .-'\ J M ?. ~~ 3 Mn WW i nevw ...”; w ‘2‘ '4'? ..‘wu, — .a .r. ('m.‘ .1 I I -.‘.I-- -,’..---- _. -_1-.- . I / Iq ...... 1 llllllllllllllllll LIIIIHILIIIIIIO . _ I.II!IIIIII ,II4IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIII.‘_ ¢ ,III...III. 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