CONSTITUTION Organized, August 16th, 1859. I er ee re a ree REDWOOD CITY: PRINTED AT THE ‘‘ SAN MATEO COUNTY GAZETTE’’ OFFICE. -s . 0 1852. ) . > < ? Dh ye pm: ye 1m (ya mee Gimme mmm Je re em Dm Je emmy 630.6 OFFICERS FOR 1859-60. CONSTITUTION. President,..... ii : ARTICLE III. a SecTioN 1. Any person may become a member of this . M. M : : v : Committe of Finnce,..{ JORION Solely 0) furiuce only te GRR ten J. 8. COLGROVE. ’ p- Skc. 2. Each member of this Society, on payment of his initiation fee, shall receive from the Secretary a Certificate Committee of Publication, { 4. 3 SRITAX ’ of Membership, a printed copy of the Constitution and By- J. M. CURTIS. Laws, and all published transactions of the Society ; shall : be eligible to office, shall be entitled to vote, and shall en- joy the use of the Library. Sec. 3. Any person already a member of this Society may become a member for life, by paying twenty-five dollars additional to the Society. | | — - 4 ® CONSTITUTION. 8EC. 4. Any member of this Society, whose dues remain unpaid for the term of three months, shall not be entitled to the privileges of membership until such dues are paid. SEC. 5. Any member who shall be guilty of a breach of faith toward this Society, or of infraction of any of its Con- stitutional or By-Laws, may be expelled therefrom by a two-thirds vote of all the members present at any regular meeting of the Society. Provided, That no member shall be thus expelled unless a written notice of his alleged crime, signed by the Secretary, shall have been served on him at least ten days previous to his expulsion. ARTICLE IV. The Officers of this Society shall be a President, two Vice Presidents, a, Secretary, a Treasurer, and two Direc- tors, all of whom shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting, and shall hold their office for the term of one year, or until their successors enter upon their duties. ARTICLE V. SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society ; he shall have power, at the written request of five members, to call at any time special meetings of the Society ; he shall appoint all committees, unless otherwise ordered, and shall vote only at election of officers, and in case of a tie. In his absence, the First Vice President shall perform his duties. In the absence of both the President and First Vice President, the Second Vice President shall perform the duties above specified ; or, in the absence of the President and Vice Presidents, the Society may choose a Chairman, viva voce. SEC. 2. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Society, keeping in a book provided for that purpose CONSTITUTION. . copies of all letters written in the name or on behalf of the Society, and shall hold said book open and free to the in- spection of all members of the Society at any regular meet- ing. He shall also receive, read and file all letters ad- dressed to the Society, holding the same subject to the dis- posal of the Board of Managers. He shall attend all meet- ings of the Society and of the Board of Managers, and shall be ex-officio Secretary of the Board. He shall record full minutes of all said meetings, and shall publish copies of the same whenever demanded by the Committee of Publi- cation. He shall, in due season, prepare and publish noti- ces of all meetings of the Society ; he shall keep a roll of all standing committees, and call the same at each meeting, reporting the absences from the previous meeting. He shall record in a book kept for that especial purpose, the name of every member of this Society, and the date of his admission to membership ; and shall deliver to each mem- ber a certificate and badge of membership and a printed copy of the Constitution and By-Laws, and of all published transactions of the Society. He shall keep the seal and all plates or dies belonging to the Society, and shall cause to be struck therefrom such medals or impressions as may be re- quired. He shall be ex-officio Librarian. He shall present, at each annual meeting, a full report of all the transactions of the Society during the year, and deliver a copy of said report to the Committea of Publication, if demanded by said Committee. For all which services he shall receive such compensation as the Society may, from time to time, decide to pay. Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall collect all monies due or pay- able to the Society, and shall keep and disburse the same according to the established regulations. He shall hold in trust all certificates of stocks, bonds, notes, or other ev- rr eee ———— ——— 8 A A—-— te ee Ae he TT 6 CONSTITUTION. idences of debt, and shall transfer, invest or dispose of the same only by direction of the Society, or on the written or- der of the Committee of Finance ; and shall make a full re- port of his transactions at the annual meeting, or at any time, upon the order of the Board of Managers. For the faithful discharge of his duties, he shall, within fifteen days of his election, file with the Secretary a bond ap- proved by the Board in the sum of double the estimated revenue for the ensuing year, together with the funds on hand. For all which services he shall receive such com- pensation as the Society shall, from time to time, decide to pay. ARTICLE VI. SEctION 1. The Board of Managers shall meet statedly, on the third Wednesday of August, November, February and May, at such places as they may from time to time choose, and shall make by-laws for the government of their own proceedings, not contrary to the Constitution of the Soci- ety. SEC. 2. In the interim of annual meetings, the Board shall fill all vacancies in office. Skc. 3. It shall be the duty of the Board of Managers to wake all suitable arrangements for holding Fairs, to pro- vide and prepare suitable grounds and buildings for the same, and to form rules pertaining to the same, not con- trary to the Constitution of this Society. In the perform- ance of their duties, they shall have power to form any de- sirable number of sub-committees, and call to their aid such other assistance as may be necessary. ARTICLE VIL Section 1. All Standing committees shall be appointed at the annual meeting, CONSTITUTION. Sec. 2. The Committee of Finance shall consist of three whose duty it shall be to audit the Treasurer’s accounts, and present the same to the Society ; to examine and ap- prove all bills before they are paid; to give specific direc- tions to the Treasurer with reference to the disbursement or investment of the funds and property of the Society, and make a full report of their proceedings to the Society at the annual meeting, or when called upon by the Board so to do. 8kc. 3. The Committee on the Library shall consist of three, and shall have charge of all books, maps, drawings, engravings, specimens, &c., designed for the library ; shall from time to time procure such works as they may deem expedient, not exceeding the amount appropriated for the purpose. They shall have power to adopt and enforce rules and regulations for the library, the same having been ap- proved by the Board. They shall also from time to time present to the Society lists of such books and publications as they may think best to add to the library, and suggest means and measures for its augmentation and preservation, and shall make a full report of their proceedings at the an- nual meeting, Sec. 4. The Committee of Publication shall consist of three members, (one of whom shall be the Secretary of the Society,) who may at their discretion (with the approvalof the Board,) publish the transactions of the Society in such form as may be deemed advisable, and furnish each mem- ber of the Society with a copy ; and it shall be the duty of said Committee to advertise, in such manner as may seem best, the Register furnished by the Secretary, containing a list of articles entered for sale at the Fairs held by the Society. Sec. 5. All Standing committees shall furnish to the Secretary of the Society, copies of their reports at least one CONSTITUTION. month previous to the annual meeting, so that he may possess the necessary data for the annual report ot the Board of Managers. ARTICLE VIII. Section 1. All donations, bequests and legacies, designa- ted by the donors for any particular purpose embraced within the objects of the Society, shall be with strict fidelity 80 applied. The name of each donor, together with the amount and description of each donation, and the object for which it is designated, shall be registered in a book kept expressly for that purpose. ARTICLE IX. Section 1. The Society shall hold at least one Mar- ket Fair each year, for the sale and exchange of what- ever articles the members of the Society may exhibit for such purposes. In the interim of the Annual Fairs the So- ciety may hold Fairs at any time, on the petition of at least fifteen members of the Society to the Board of Managers, SEC. 2. None but members of the Society shall exibit any articles for sale or exchange on the Society’s Fair Ground. SEC. 3. The annual meeting of the Society for 1859, shall be held on the 16th day of August, and each year thereafter on the day of the Annual Fair. SEC. 4. All the Meetings and Fairs of the Society shall be held in San Mateo county. ARTICLE X. At a meeting of the Society, nine members shall consti- tute a quorum. At any meeting of the Board, four shall be a quorum. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE XI. Amendments to these laws must be presented in writing at a stated meeting, when, if a majority consent, they shall be spread upon the minutes, and lie over until the next stated meeting, when they shall then be read, and if after discussion two-thirds of all the members present vote for the amendments, they shall be adopted and become part of the laws of the Society.