university OF
UBRapy "
Pliocene Volcanic Rocks of the
Coso Range, Inyo County,
Dallas L. Peck, Director
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Novak, Steven W.
Pliocene volcanic rocks of the Coso Range, Inyo County, California.
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1383
Bibliography: p. 40-42
Supt. of Does. No.: I 19.16:1383
1. Geology, Stratigraphic-Pliocene. 2. Volcanic ash, tuff, ete.-California-Coso Range. 3. Geology-California-Coso
Range. I. Bacon, Charles R. II. Title. III. Series: Geological Survey Professional Paper 1383.
QE695. N67 1986 86-600084
For sale by the Books and Open-File Reports Section,
U.S. Geological Survey, Federal Center, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225
Page Page
ADSLFACE :.:... ... .l. ULC. . Le dr eee a onn len aaa eons nals 1 | Petrography-Continued
introduction .s D Udunua inta e peu ba anes on e ane eens 1 Rhyodacite-Continued
.. ccc. lll ccc sent balak 3 Accessory phases sci 19
Basalt .::. orl ee ca- ual e re 3 Rhyolite _. .- Lr cL LB reo -were 19
.%. .. 232 ono eee 6 { Compositional variation. 20
Chrome spinel.. __... cc.... icc enn aaa utiat s 6 Majorielements ... Jl.... Golc . 20
Plagio¢lase . aeons 7 Trace cla cc ln Llc 24
ClinopyrOxene | 2... .. cll oo edt ea ea teo aer n wie maas 11 Transition metals (Se; Cr Co. Zn) ......_...._...____ 24
no cee e ener cede an 13 Alkali metals and alkaline earths (Rb, Cs, Ba) _______ 20
Intermediate-composition rocks _________________________ 13 Rare noone s 25
OIIVINCE 22 0200 eeu ca ee an aud ao anale a on une 14 Highly charged cations (Zr, Hf, Ta, Th, U) ___________- 27
Plagi®tlase: :. 00. ...l ll 14] DHECUSSIOM - 2 12.2 22 Lx cee eee ne inne nene bain ne bek en 28
Pyroxenes 14 PetFOgenesils ._ col -c. cl esa awan alan n s as 29
Hornblenide .-- -L .o ece eate k uu 15 Basalh a: 2 Celene cence no 29
BIOLILE : ._ » --r caer col k= aus onal s ben sll eee wale ald 15 Intermediate-composition rocks ____________________- 31
Commingled basalt-dacite bomb _________________________ 16 RHYOURCILE =. . s. Alcee ine nen el ll Pee en ee ee ee be ae o 33
RhyOdatite il coo lesen s uud be 17 RByolite . 34
Plagioclase ._c2l.:.20 ec Ee r eod 2. s w md ak wiem an 17 Age and duration of volcanism L__..___.____._______.______ 35
AKA feldspar... ce elle e ene tius beals 18 Relation of volcanism to tectonic processes _______________ 36
AMphIDOG . = 221 =-- 21 . 22 202 ce ne on oa ne a is pale bl wis ail bein io in 1s} Conclusions -...... .... El.. cans 40
BIOLILE :. _ L Xl ole elli reena n arie cable ame 19] References cited ........_.L.L.___ic lll. 40
Fe Ti OXIdes See -l ol onl ne eben eel Cor aa s 19
FiGurE 1. Simplified geologic map of volcanic rocks and vents of the Coso volcanic field 2
2 ~ locality MAD.. .. : - _C cl el ena. 2 on nen oe ae eel en an to be oo ue e moe m he the i to s n he us he me in R m s be an mt in Sn a in t s a oB a i ann hn a ae m me ie a an n ae n 5
3. Photomicrographs of representative Pliocene volcanic rocks of the Coso Range 10
4 Nickel vs. forsterite content of Ollvirle ..... .. .... . .... . 220 .02 228 Puel coe o le ae ae a a an an o aie bes ail ole nl we m c 12 oo m a he hare a ie at me mla ae e ald me at mar at 11
5. Cr/iCr+ Al vs: Fe/Fe + My inchrome spiel - -__ :... . 22 002.0 200.000 OU Auden ee Blok on dus o roman wie mers able nies aaa b meee baa a 11
6. Anorthite, albite, and orthoclase contents of-plagioclase Ll.... .ll 12
7. Wollastonite, enstatite, and ferrosilite contents of pyroxene 13
8. Ca, Mg: and Fe contentsioGampihtbole --... - . - .. . .. o.. cels cube o on oe + Bee ole h ae abe mel he alte a oe fle t n ho a cen ine ie a ih ie a ae aln he a ie Ben mo al fe hn et m as m 15
9. Mo. AIY' + Ti; and Fe + Mnaicontents OF DLOLILE | - - - 2 -~ --- -+ - a s 22 o.. 2 2 oe e oma he n he mo ot te hn ae t oe h a ne hen Gac e m m c oe Wn mals mt on t ip m ie mee m oo 16
10. Photomicrographs of commingled basalt-dacite DOMb 17
11. Fe/Fe+ Mg in amphibole vs. anorthite content of coexisting plagioclase 19
12. CaO, Na;0+K;0, and FeQ*/FeQ*+ MgO vs. SiO» for Pliocene volcanic rocks ___________________________________________ 25
13. Major-element oxide variation diagrams for Pliocene volcanic rocks 26
14.'Mg0 ve. P30; for Plinceric volcanit FOCKS. L_ ___: _._ bence nese eee cb as ue ble be u kus t ons 27
15. AFM diagram for.Pliocene volcanic TOCKS, .. .L el e ener ecb e ch an be an 2b ee nes cube ne bas 28
16. Th, Co, Sc, Ba, and Cr vs. SiO; content for Pliocene volcanic FOCKkS 29
17. Chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element plots for Pliocene volcanic rocks 30
18. : Thiys. Cr content for Pliocene vOIcanit rOCk$ .. __.. .. 22 -l... len ene neer enn eerie eso bese ns cises en nants anu a 31
19. Maps showing development of Coso volcanic field -__... ... ...-... cul c dll ane am 38
TABLE 1. Phenocryst contents, K-Ar ages, and map units of analyzed Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks, arranged in order of hese
increasing ©1039" .).. 1 2. 2 222 su 222002 o uld acs us o a i ul a a i ain c on hll e hs i o i os a le ut a in e alc a n n hel a in wale at n n a it at a a o a in had aie e i n a an al an wie e aie ne 4
2. Microprobe analyses and structural formulas of olivine from Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks _______________________ 6
3. Microprobe analyses and structural formulas of chrome spinel from Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks __________________ 6
4. Microprobe analyses and structural formulas of pyroxene from Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks ______________________ 7
5. Microprobe analyses and structural formulas of amphibole from Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks _____________________ 8
6. Microprobe analyses and structural formulas of biotite from Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks _________________________ 9
7. Chemical analyses of Coso Range Pliocene vOICanIC TOCKS ._.. _ ___.. o. coh 21
8. Chemical analyses of some basalts and andesites from the western United States 24
TaBLE 9. Least squares solutions to magmatic differentiation and combined differentiation-assimilation models using pairs of
analyzed samples of Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks as assumed parent and derivative compositions ______________ 32
10. Sample localities for Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks ___.._...._._______LLL_L_TOLL L_ LLL _L 44
By SrEvEN W. NovaK and CHARLES R. Bacon
The Coso Range is east of the Sierra Nevada and immediately south
of Owens Valley, California. Major volcanic episodes occurred in the
Coso Range at about 6 m.y., 4-2.5 m.y., and later than 1 m.y. The
Pliocene episode (4-2.5 m.y. ago) was by far the most voluminous, and
during it more than 30 km of basalt to high-silica rhyolite magma was
erupted. Basalt originated from monogenetic vents in the eastern part
of the range, andesite and dacite generally from polygenetic centers
within the basalt field, and rhyodacite and high-silica rhyolite from a
large silicic center in the northwest.
Petrographic features, such as quartz xenocrysts in basalt, sieved
plagioclase phenocrysts, broad compositional ranges of phenocrysts
within single samples, and occurrence of commingled bombs and lava
flows, indicate that many of the intermediate-composition rocks
formed by mixing of basaltic magma with silicic material. Sieved
plagioclase, common in the intermediate silica rocks, reflects sudden
thermal and compositional changes of magma brought about by mix-
ing; in general, finely sieved crystals have been partially resorbed and
coarsely sieved crystals have experienced rapid growth. Major- and
trace-element contents of the intermediate-composition rocks also are
compatible with an origin involving mixing; mass-balance calcula-
tions show that fractionation of olivine + plagioclase + clinopyrox-
ene, combined with assimilation of silicic magma, accurately models
the composition of andesite and dacite. This mixed magma was gener-
ated in small volume, thermally and compositionally zoned magmatic
systems underlying polygenetic volcanoes.
A larger volume, highly silicic center near Haiwee Ridge evolved
3.1-2.5 m.y. ago. This system erupted high-silica rhyolite air-fall and
ash-flow tuff and in its later stages rhyodacite lava flows. The Haiwee
Ridge system probably consisted of well-mixed, convecting rhyodacite
capped by high-silica rhyolite during its early stages.
The evolution of the Coso volcanic field, from early basalt to poly-
genetic intermediate-composition volcanoes to a comparatively large-
volume silicic center, is thought to reflect systematic changes in the
least principal stress (S3) and the related tectonic extension rate.
Beginning about 4 m.y. ago, basalt was erupted onto a surface of little
relief, ponding in a shallow north-trending basin. Average residence
time of magma in the crust evidently was short and the eruption/
intrusion ratio was high. At this time the magnitude of S3 was greatest
and the extension rate probably the least.
Intermediate-composition magma was produced mainly between
3.5 and 3.3 m.y., at a time when S; may have decreased and the
extention rate increased. Residence time is inferred to have been low
to medium, and the eruption/intrusion ratio also medium. By the time
relatively voluminous rhyodacitic and rhyolitic magma was erupted
from the Haiwee Ridge center, a series of north-south-trending gra-
bens had developed, indicating that the extension rate probably was
high and S; had decreased to a minimum value. Absence of basalt or
intermediate-composition lava in these late stages suggests long resi-
dence time and a low eruption/intrusion ratio. Thus, Pliocene vol-
canism progressed through a sequence of compositions and eruptive
patterns that reflect the transition from tectonic stability to extension.
'Present address: Charles Evans and Associates, 301 Chesapeake Dr., Redwood City,
CA 94063.
The Coso volcanic field (Duffield and others, 1980;
Duffield and Bacon, 1981), located east of the Sierra
Nevada between Owens Valley and the Garlock fault, is
one of many Neogene volcanic centers in the Basin and
Range province. Three periods of volcanic activity
occurred within the Coso Range during the last 6 mil-
lion years. The oldest episode of mainly basaltic vol-
canism with subordinate intermediate-composition
lava, and minor high-silica rhyolite occurred on the
north flank of the range in the late Miocene, about 6 m.y.
ago (Bacon and others, 1982). Pleistocene high-silica
rhyolite and associated basaltic rocks occur in the south-
west part of the range (Bacon, 1982; Bacon and others,
1981, 1984; Bacon and Metz, 1984). The Pliocene volcanic
episode, the subject of this paper, was by far the most
voluminous of the three and its products were the most
varied. This episode was centered in the east and central
parts of the range and took place between about 4.0 and
2.5 m.y. ago (fig. 1). Pliocene volcanic rocks include
basalt in the north-central and eastern areas, andesite
and dacite at localized polygenetic centers generally
within the area of basalt, and rhyodacite and high-silica
rhyolite in a silicic eruptive center that makes up the
northwestern part of the Coso Range. Granitic rocks of
the Sierra Nevada batholith and associated meta-
morphic rocks form the basement of the volcanic field.
Normal faults cut all of the Pliocene rocks of the Coso
Range. Right-lateral strike-slip faulting within the field
is suggested by topography, the left-stepping sense of a
series of echelon grabens that cut Pliocene rocks, and
current seismicity (Walter and Weaver, 1980). The over-
all pattern of faulting indicates extension in a west-
northwest-east-southeast direction. Flow directions
and thickness variations of Pliocene lava flows indicate
that little fault offset occurred in the area before about 3
m.y. ago. Increased displacement of older lavas relative
to younger flows demonstrates that extension has con-
tinued throughout the history of the Coso volcanic field.
Thus, the Pliocene volcanic rocks were erupted while
the area was in transition from comparative stability to
rapid extension.
This paper describes the petrography and chemical
composition of the Pliocene volcanic rocks, discusses
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FiGurE 1.-Simplified geologic map of the Coso volcanic field (modified from Duffield and Bacon, 1981). Faults omitted for clarity.
their petrogenesis, and attempts to relate the composi-
tional evolution of the volcanic field to tectonic pro-
cesses. Electron-microprobe mineral analyses are
interpreted to show that many of the intermediate rocks
contain mixed populations of phenocrysts derived from
basaltic and silicic magmas. These analyses are also
used in conjunction with major-element whole-rock
chemical analyses to model the petrogenesis of the.
lavas. Models based on major-element data are tested
for compatibility with trace-element abundances deter-
mined by instrumental neutron activation analysis
(INAA). Finally, we relate the composition and volume of
volcanic rocks to the rate of tectonic extension through
the inferred relative magnitudes of regional principal
compressive stresses.
Rock names used in this paper are based on SiO,
weight percent expressed on an anhydrous basis with
the analysis recalculated to total 100 percent. Because
many samples have suffered posteruption oxidation,
analyses were recalculated with a uniform atomic Fe? +/
Fe2++FeS+ratio. A value of 0.86 was chosen for this ratio
on the basis of a plot of Fe2+ versus but we
recognize that this probably misrepresents the true
oxidation state of some samples. In this classification,
basalt has <53 percent SiO,, andesite 53-63 percent,
dacite 63-68 percent, rhyodacite 68-71 percent, and
rhyolite >71 percent. Breaks between basalt and
andesite and between andesite and dacite are arbitrary
because there is both mineralogical and chemical con-
tinuity among these rock types. Rhyodacite forms a
Basalt (0.04-0.4 m.y.)
Rhyolite (0.06-1.0 my.)
UB | Basalt (1.1 my)
. Basalt and andesite (1.8-2.1 my.)
' | Rhyodacite (2.5-3.0 my.)
Dacite (~3.3 m.y.)
Andesite (~ 3.3 my.)
_| Basalt (3.0->3.6 my)
LJ Dacite
A Andesite
Basalt and andesite
FigurE 1.-Continued
readily separable group confined to the Haiwee Ridge
eruptive center. The break between rhyodacite and
rhyolite is placed so as to minimize the terminology
necessary to describe the silicic rocks of the Haiwee
Ridge eruptive center. This classification is convenient
in that names assigned on the basis of phenocryst min-
eralogy and field criteria correspond well to names
based on anhydrous SiO, content. It differs slightly
from the scheme used by Duffield and others (1980), but
results in little change in relative volumes of rock types.
We believe that much of the compositional variation
among Pliocene volcanic rocks of the Coso field resulted
from mixing of basaltic and silicic magmas, or from
contamination of basaltic melts by crustal material.
This section describes textural and mineralogical fea-
tures of the volcanic rocks and presents petrographic
evidence in support of the mixing and contamination
hypotheses. A summary of K-Ar ages and estimated
modes for all samples examined is given in table 1, along
with their respective map units from Duffield and Bacon
(1981). Petrographic descriptions and mineral composi-
tions determined by microprobe are presented together
for a given rock type so the two can be easily related.
Minerals in thin sections of seven representative rocks
were analyzed by electron microprobe using techniques
described by Bacon and Duffield (1981) (see fig. 2 and
table 10 for sample localities). Photomicrographs of rep-
resentative rocks are shown in figure 3. Diagrams sum-
marizing the compositional variation of minerals are
shown in figures 4 to 9 and representative analyses are
given in tables 2 to 6. Listed mineral analyses are aver-
ages of at least five spot analyses, and core and rim
compositions were determined for most crystals.
Rocks classified as basalt (<53 weight percent SiO,)
are holocrystalline diktytaxitic lavas containing phe-
nocrysts of olivine and plagioclase, and in some cases
clinopyroxene, in a groundmass of finer plagioclase,
olivine, clinopyroxene, and Fe-Ti oxides. Phenocrysts
tend to form glomeroporphyritic clots. Two groups can
be distinguished within the basalts. Samples with <51
percent SiO, have euhedral phenocrysts and only rarely
contain quartz and sieved plagioclase xenocrysts; these
appear to be the least contaminated basalts. In basalts
with >51 percent SiO,, sieved plagioclase is common,
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FiaurE 2.-Sample localities for rocks described in this paper. Outlines of rock units from figure 1.
2.-Microprobe analyses and structural formulas of olivine phenocrysts from Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks
[SiO;* = whole-rock SiO; recalculated with analysis normalized to total 100 percent volatile free and with atomic Fe+#/Fe+2+Fe+3 = 0.86; oxides in weight percent; formulas based on 4
oxygens; total Fe reported as FeQ)
Sample - ~----- 65 84 92 107 99
$10, 50.0 50. 55.2 59.7 = 66.0
Core Kim Core Rim Core Rim Core Rim Core Rim
39.8 39.6 40.2 39.1 40.3 39.1 40.1 38.8 40. 1 39.3 40.5
15.9 17.7 14.6 21.3 14.2 20.3 11.9 21.4 14.7 20.4 7.48
43.7 44.6 38.3 45.3 39.8 47.7 39.8 44.8 39.1 50.5
31 ¥37 .28 146 .29 133 +34 «28 «27 +31 26
25 28 .24 41 20 727 ~Af «29 23 +37 +22
16 16 14 07 21 A15 «27 P «11 «13 n
100. 12 100.31 100. 00 99.61 100. 50 100. 00 100.47 100.85 100.21 99.64 99.33
1.004 1.004 .006 1.015 .003 1.007 991 .997 1.004 1.016 .993
.334 .376 .306 .463 .295 1438 1245 +460 308 441 153
1.641 1.595 .667 1.483 .682 1.529 1.756 1.527 1.670 1.509 1.843
.008 .010 .008 .013 .008 .009 009 .008 .007 009 .007
005 006 005 009 004 00 7 003 006 005 .008 005
003 003 .003 .001 .004 .003 005 .006 .002 .003 .007
Fo-(percent) 82.3 80.2 83.8 75.3 84.3 77.0 86.9 76.1 83.8 76.6 91.5
TaBL® 3.-Microprobe analyses and structural formulas of chrome
spinel from Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks
[SiQ;* = whole-rock SiO, recalculated with analysis normalized to total 100 percent volatile
free and with atomic Fe+/Fe+2+Fe+3 = 0.86; oxides in weight percent; formulas based
on 32 oxygens; total Fe reported as FeQ; calculated FeO and derived from charge
balance. a, euhedral inclusion in olivine; b, intergrown with plagioclase in inclusion in
Sample-----~- 65 45 84
Si02* ------- 50.0 50.8 55.2
a b a
48.2 30.0 26.4 35.4 38.6
14.6 28.3 27.1 27.5 23.2
18.3 12.6 13.3 12.9 15.0
03 18 17 13 07
Ti0Ope-<««ce 45 2.02 1.22 1.03 «15
Cr203 ——————— 14.2 24.2 30.5 21.0 19.5
Tots1---~- 95.73 97.34 98.64 98.08 97.01
FeQ----«--- 10.8 18.5 16.6 18.2 15.0
FeZO3 ——————— 4.27 10.9 11.7 10.3 9.07
Total=---- 96.21 98.39 99.86 98.99 98.03
12.64 8.61 7.56 9.87 10.57
.72 2.00 2.14 1.83 1.59
2.00 3.76 3.37 3.61 2.92
6.07 4.57 4.82 4.55 5.20
.01 «04 «04 .03 .01
.08 +37 122 18 i13
2.50 4.66 5.86 3.93 3.58
orthopyroxene rimmed by clinopyroxene may be pres-
ent, and quartz xenocrysts with granular clinopyroxene
armor are frequently encountered. Quartz xenocrysts
are present, however, even in the most mafic basalts.
Olivine occurs as euhedral 1-5 mm phenocrysts that
make up 5-10 percent of the basalts. Most crystals have a
thin orange brown rim of iddingsite, and many contain
small chrome spinel inclusions. Olivine phenocrysts are
commonly intergrown with plagioclase in glomero-
porphyritic clots. Compositions of olivine phenocrysts
from two basalts are given in table 2 and plotted in
figure 4. Cores of crystals with spinel inclusions are
forsterite-rich (Foge.g;) and show little variation in for-
sterite content, whereas cores without spinels show
greater variation in forsterite content (for example,
sample 45: Fo;, &,) The Fo content of olivine in the
basalt is not as high as in some other Pliocene Coso
Range volcanic rocks. Nearly all crystals are zoned to
more Fe-rich rims which have the same or lower Ni
content and higher Mn content than cores.
Many olivine phenocrysts in the basalts contain small
(<0.1 mm) inclusions of chrome spinel (fig. 3A).
TaBLE 4.-Microprobe analyses and structural formulas of pyroxene from Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks
[SiO* = whole-rock SiO; recalculated with analysis normalized to total 100 percent volatile free and with atomic Fe+2/Fe+2 + Fe+3 = 0.86; oxides in weight percent; formulas based on 6
oxygens; total Fe reported as FeQ]
Clinopyroxene Orthopyroxene
Sample------ 45 84 92 99 84 92
SiQj*-<--~--- 50.8 55412 59.7 66.0 55.2 59.7
Rim Core Rim Core Rim Core Core Core Rim Core
$10j------~-- 50.7 51.4 49.5 50.8 53.1 53.1 50.5 52.3 $4.5 54.6
A17z0;<«««---~ 5.06 4.46 6.11 3.89 261 1.91 257 26 2.03 2.58
FeQ--------- 4.83 4.73 5.23 6.87 4.91 7.01 4.91 25.0 10.2 7.96
MgG--------- 15.3 15.7 15.3 15.7 16.8 16.7 16.8 18.9 30.7 $2.6
CaQ--------- 22.7 22.8 20.4 20.9 20.5 19.4 20.5 2.47 1.61 1.43
NagO-------- +32 28 56 «37 43 .36 47 .07 +05 06
MnQ----~----- +11 +12 «12 17 13 +22 x13 I1 «20
Ti0Qj-«--.-«-«- . 84 «19 .86 95 40 +33 . 84 19 19 16
CrZO3 ——————— 145 27 +91 127 37 . 08 .30 02 14 . 58
Total----- 100.27 100. 58 98.92 99.86 99.28 99.17 97.04 99.86 99.65 100.11
1.851 1.871 1.828 1.869 1.949 1.964 1.894 1.988 1.920 1.896
A1 IV-------- 149 129 +172 «131 051 036 106 .012 . 080 104
2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000
A1VI-------- .069 063 094 037 .062 047 .008 000 .005 .002
Fe----«-«--- 148 145 161 212 151 «217 &154 796 +302 +232
831 851 843 .862 916 922 942 1.070 1.614 1.685
Mg---------- 003 004 004 005 004 007 004 023 006 004
023 022 024 026 011 009 024 005 005 . 004
013 008 027 008 .011 002 009 001 004 016
Ca- -~«-«««=-- & 890 . 889 806 +823 807 767 825 101 .061 053
Ng---------- 023 020 040 026 031 026 034 005 003 004
50CT------ 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 1.993 1.997 2.000 2.001 2,000 2,000
Although most of the spinel inclusions have similar | the basalt is dominated by minute plagioclase laths with
Fe/Fe+Mg and Cr/Cr+Al ratios, a range of composi- | intergranular olivine, pyroxene, and Fe-Ti oxides.
tions occurs in basalt sample 65 (fig. 5 and table 3). | - Basalts with 51-53 percent SiO, contain, in addition
Chrome spinel is present in two forms in this sample: as | to a small proportion of clear euhedral grains, large
euhedral octahedra, and as spinel-silicate symplectic | Sieved plagioclase phenocrysts. The sieve texture con-
intergrowths. The two appear identical in transmitted | Sists of fine-grained irregular inclusions in the cores or
light, and there is no systematic relationship between | outer zones of crystals. Most sieved phenocrysts have
spinel morphology and composition. The silicate phase | clear plagioclase overgrowths of varying thickness
in the symplectic intergrowths is rich in Ca and Al and | which commonly give the crystal a euhedral outline.
is probably anorthite-rich plagioclase. These phenocrysts appear blocky in contrast to the
lathlike habit of nonsieved crystals (fig. 3B), although
this may be an artifact of the orientation of crystals
relative to the thin section, since the number examined
Plagioclase in 3-7 mm phenocrysts forms 1-10 percent | is small. Inclusions are interconnected and are filled
of the basalt and commonly is intergrown with olivine in | with the same phases which make up the groundmass of
glomeroporphyritic clots (fig. 34). The groundmass of | the rock; they are inferred to represent trapped silicate
melt that later crystallized. Sieved plagioclase crystals
in andesites and dacites described later contain brown
glass inclusions which were obviously trapped melt.
Melt inclusions in phenocrysts can form either by
partial dissolution of a phenocryst during reaction with
surrounding liquid or by entrapment during rapid
growth of the host crystal. Partial dissolution requires
rapid diffusion of plagioclase components outward, and
magmatic liquid components into small channelways
within the sieved crystal. Sieve texture has been dupli-
cated experimentally in this manner (partial dissolu-
tion) by introducing plagioclase crystals that are more
sodic than equilibrium phenocryst compositions into
basaltic melts (Lofgren and Norris, 1981). Similar tex-
TaBu® 5.-Microprobe analyses and structural formulas of amphibole from Coso Range Pliocene volcanic
[SiO;* = whole rock SiO, recalculated with analysis normalized to total 100 percent volatile free and with atomic Fe+2/Fe+2+Fe+3 = 0.86;
oxides in weight percent; formulas based on 24 anions; total Fe reported as FeO)
Sample ------ 99 100
of. 66.0 67.5
Core Rim Core Rim Core Rim Core Rim
§1i0,-------- 40.8 42.1 A1. 41.6 «1.1 42.8 40.4 40.4
AljGg------- 11.5 $9.74" it.3 11:0 14.8 11.6 15:3 15.2
15.8 18.4 15.1 16.1 978 15.23 11.8 12.8
MgQ--------- 11.3 10.0 12.2 11.4 15.0 12.5 13.6 12.6
CaQ--------- 10.8 10.9 9.74 9.89 - 10.6 10.2 10.7 10.3
Na 30-------- 2.00 1.66 2.54 2.38 2.39 1.70 2.33 2.29
S0 ~- "a- .94 1.24 81 .92 +62 175 76 75
110,-------- 2.46 1.43 3.06 270 2.88 T1 3.17 3.04
MHAOQ-_«-««4~« 251 92 $34 .31 A4 .36 .16 A47
$-.-- 14 .16 +19 A17 "15 i417 14 47
.02 .05 02 +92 .01 .03 .01 .01
Less 0 = F, Cl .07 .08 .09 08 .06 .08 .06 .0 7
D6.20 " 96.12 d6.28 96.41 ~ 97.41. vorva - Ya.al ~ 97.00
6.236 . 6.513 . 6.236" 6.328 5.005) (6.406 5.906 5.961
= 1.746 1.487 1.1646 1.672; 2.005. 1.594, 2.094 . 3.039
8s:000 8.000 ° $.000 - 8.000 ° 8.000 8.000 ' 8.000 8.000
ALV L-------- .308 289 +257 300 539 452 542 604
Ti .283 .166 349 .309 316 192 .348 337
Mg---------- 2.575 2.306 2.760. 2.585) 3.262 2.780 2.004 2.771
Fe---------- ' 2.230 1.634. 1.806 1.567 1.146 ! t.288
MIL-M3------ 5.000... . 5.000 ° 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 - 5.000
Fe---------- .186 141 .282 1242 310 1335 .297 291
.066 .068 .040 .040 017 .046 .020 .021
Ca- --------- 1.748" 1.791 1.583. 1.612 I.6190° 1.675. 4.628
Na-~-------- - - .095 .106 .016 - .008 .060
M4------- 2000 . 2.000 . 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000. 2.000 . 2.000
Ca- .021 .016 as £ + .017 - -
Na---------- 593 .498 1652 596 .660 493 652 595
Kow__za-==__ 183 245 156 179 A115 143 142 A41
gA -------- 797 759 . 808 778 775 653 .794 .736
068 .078 .091 .082 .069 080 .065 .079
005 «013 .005 .005 .002 .007 .002 .003
tural effects have been observed in plagioclase that has | in many ocean floor basalts (Dungan and Rhodes, 1978)
been partly melted during laboratory experiments | and in andesitic rocks of the Medicine Lake volcano
(Tsuchiyama and Takahashi, 1984). Sigurdsson (1971) | (Gerlach and Grove, 1982) is believed to have formed by
suggested that sodic plagioclase in a hybrid rock from | partial dissolution.
Iceland formed a sieve zone by partial fusion following Skeletal growth of plagioclase crystals has been pro-
mixing of silicic and mafic magmas. Sieved plagioclase | duced experimentally by undercooling the melt from
TaBuE 6.-Microprobe analyses and structural formulas of biotite
[SiQ;* = whole-rock SiO, recalculated with analysis normalized to total 100 percent volatile free and with atomic Fe+2/Fe+2+Fe+3 = 0.86; total Fe reported
as FeO]
Sample---«~- 99 100
Si02* ——————— 66.0 67.5
core rim core rim core rim core rim
$10j-:---««« 36.9 36%5 36.0 3918 37.4 37.2 37.8 37.9
14.2 13.7 14.0 14.2 14.5 14.4 14.1 14.2
2112 19.5 21.1 20.0 46.9 16.6 20.5 18.8
10.7 11.3 10.6 10.8 13.2 13.4 11.3 12.4
CaQ--------- 03 - 11 06 .09 .06 .05 . 04 . 03
+33 . 63 +32 +39 . 88 . 92 37 «70
RpU0_=«:-=«-~- 9.10 9.00 9.10 8.90 8.40 8.43 9.03 9.08
4.10 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.65 4.60 4.14 3.99
MnQ--------- 132 26 31 29 .16 +21 .28 122
22 22 +29 . 38 29 +37 +30
UL . 04 . 04 04 «05 . 04 . 04 . 04 . 03
Less 0 = F,Cl &10 16 £12 A7 13 #47 £12 14
Total----- 97.14 953.27 95.95 94.92 96.22 95.89 97.62 97.38
Siiv ———————— 2.849 2.865 2.820 2.823 2.848 2.841 2.884 2.883
AY ' -------- 1.151 1.135 1.180 1.177 1.152 1.159 1.116 1.117
$Tét-«+--~=- 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
AV 141 +132 +112 143 149 137 A151 156
Ti---------- .238 . 248 .247 249 266 264 .238 228
1.231 1.32? 1.238 1.270 1.498 1,523 1.285 1.406
1.369 1.280 1.382 1.319 1.076 1.060 1.308 1.196
Ma---------- O21 017 021 019 010 014 018 014
3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
Ca- -----~~~=~ 002 009 005 008 005 004 .003 002
Na---------- 079 096 079 084 &130 136 055 103
896 901 909 895 .816 .821 879 . 881
977 1.006 993 987 951 961 +937 986
054 «087 062 095 070 .089 . 060 072
005 005 005 007 005 005 005 004
which they were crystallizing (Lofgren, 1974), forming
coarse sieve texture. Undercooling might be caused by
mixing of cooler differentiated magma with basaltic
magma. Several natural examples of sieve texture have
been attributed to rapid crystal growth following a mix-
ing or contamination event that undercooled the host
magma (Hibbard, 1981; Kuo and Kirkpatrick, 1982). Dis-
equilibrium textures of sieved phenocrysts are therefore
thought to have formed during mixing of magmas of
different composition, either by dissolution or by rapid
growth. The interconnected, irregular shape of melt
inclusions, the common coincidence of polysynthetic
twin planes with inclusion boundaries, and the rounded
or amoeboid cores of crystals suggest that sieved pla-
" w : NI ut av“ h SEF Y.
0.010 MgCr204 FeCrzO4
4 Stor ar ccr soars.
kd L. e e _| 7 ig
2 \- A -I 0.4 |- --
3 je ..." "ors f
0.005|- & = | £ E
c g (-
o [- © = ~1|9
z ma --I
e s a 2 0.2
= xV ve = [_ 4
c. | | | f | < pl st afs s faf _ p a a l.
o 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
65 10 A, so 85 go 95 | MgAl,Q Fe/FetMg FeAlyOy
lua Dacite 99
A Andesite 92
Hosie Andesite 84
(peso ava + Basalt 45
an @ Basalt 65
¥ Basalt portion of 107
FIGURE 4.-Nickel vs. forsterite content of olivine. Symbols show core
composition; lines extend to rim composition.
FiGurE 3.-Photomicrographs of representative Pliocene volcanic
rocks of the Coso Range. A, Basalt (sample 66) showing
glomeroporphyritic clot of olivine (O1) and plagioclase (Pl) phe-
nocrysts. The olivine contains a spinel (Sp) inclusion. Crossed
nicols; width of field 18 mm. B, Basalt (sample 75) showing phe-
nocrysts of euhedral olivine (O1) and sieved plagioclase (P1).
Quartz (Q) xenocryst with clinopyroxene rim at lower left. Plane-
polarized light; width of field 18 mm. C, Andesite (sample 87)
showing differing types of sieved plagioclase phenocrysts.
Resorbed oval phenocryst on far left (Pl) contains coarse,
devitrified melt inclusions. Most inclusions are parallel to or
bounded by polysynthetic twin planes. Euhedral grain at upper
center (Pz) has a zone of fine interconnected devitrified melt
inclusions around a clear core. A thin continuous overgrowth of
clear plagioclase surrounds the entire grain. Textures of both
these grains are interpreted as resulting from incomplete resorp-
tion. Crossed nicols; width of field 9 mm. D, Andesite (sample 84)
showing a zoned and partially resorbed plagioclase phenocryst.
Numbers on figure indicate anorthite content of the grain as
determined by microprobe analyses. Crossed nicols; width of view
7 mm. E, Rhyodacite (sample 100) showing phenocrysts of
hornblende (Hb), biotite (Bt), and coarsely sieved plagioclase (P1)
in glassy groundmass. Plane-polarized light; width of view 18 mm.
F, Detail of coarsely sieved plagioclase phenocryst in rhyodacite
(sample 100). Angular blebs are inclusions of highly silicic glass
(G). One inclusion near the center of the figure contains a biotite
(Bt) crystal. A small plagioclase (P1) is also present. This texture
apparently resulted from rapid growth of plagioclase. Plane-
polarized light; width of view 2.6 mm.
Fraur® 5.-Cr/Cr + Al vs. Fe/Fe + Mg (atomic basis) in chrome spinel.
Fields enclosing compositions of crystals from individual samples
indicated by sample numbers.
gioclase phenocrysts in the Pliocene basalts of the Coso
volcanic field developed sieve texture during partial dis-
solution and reaction with liquid, rather than by rapid
growth. The dissolution origin also is suggested by the
composition of plagioclase phenocrysts.
Compositions of plagioclase phenocrysts and micro-
phenocrysts in basalt are plotted in figure 6. Plagioclase
phenocrysts in basalt that lacks sieved plagioclase are
very calcic (Angq;p) Most phenocrysts are zoned to
more sodic rims, but the compositional range is not
large. Rim compositions match those of groundmass
feldspars, suggesting the rims formed during the last
stages of crystallization of the basalt. In basalt with
sieved plagioclase, cores of phenocrysts are more sodic
and show a greater range of anorthite content. The
sieved phenocrysts are either normally or reversely
zoned; rim compositions match those of micro-
phenocrysts. Plagioclase compositions within sieve
zones are highly variable. Sieve zones are clearly more
sodic than cores of nonsieved crystals or than phe-
nocryst rims. These findings are consistent with the
dissolution hypothesis in which sieve zones form when
relatively sodic plagioclase is introduced into basaltic
magma during a mixing event, later to be overgrown
with clear rims of a composition in equilibrium with the
hybrid liquid.
Euhedral phenocrysts of clinopyroxene compose up to
3 percent of a few basalt samples, and interstitial
clinopyroxene grains are a common groundmass con-
stituent of all the mafic lavas. In a few generally dik-
tytaxitic basalts, clinopyroxene also forms larger ophitic
crystals in the groundmass. Clinopyroxene phenocrysts
in some higher silica, contaminated basalts have fine | mined in sample 45, one of a few basalts with euhedral
sieve texture similar to that of plagioclase. We consider | clinopyroxene phenocrysts. The compositions cluster
this to reflect partial dissolution of clinopyroxene phe- | tightly on the pyroxene quadrilateral and appear to be
nocrysts, which had grown in more silicic magma, as a | appropriate for equilibrium with basaltic magma. This
result of magma mixing. sample is representative of the basalt of Coso Peak, the
Clinopyroxene compositions (fig. 7) have been deter- | only known basaltic unit in the Coso Range that con-
Si0,"=50.84 Si0,"=50.0,
i Or
An An An An An
Andesite Andesite Basel!-
(84) (92) dacite
Si0,"=59.7 bomb
@ In basalt
Ab 6
FiGaurE 6.-Anorthite, albite, and orthoclase contents (mole percent) of plagioclase (sample number given in parentheses). Each plot shows
crystal compositions for a single sample, solid circles are core composition; lines extend to rim composition. Plots for samples 99 and 100 also
shown enlarged for clarity.
tains euhedral olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts.
Most of the Coso Peak flows also lack plagioclase phe-
Several of the higher silica basalt samples contain
xenocrysts that provide evidence of contamination.
Sieved plagioclase and clinopyroxene evidently are
xenocrystic, having been derived from admixed more
silicic magma. In addition, resorbed quartz rimmed by
fine-grained clinopyroxene occurs in three analyzed
samples and many other specimens. One sample con-
tains a large aggregate of oxide grains that appears to be
a completely reacted amphibole crystal. Another has a
small metamorphic xenolith that consists of fine-
grained polygonal plagioclase enclosing oval aggregates
of green spinel.
The presence of xenocrysts suggests that the more
silicic basalt has been contaminated with crustal mate-
rial or with more silicic magma. Even the most primitive
basalt may contain minor quartz xenocrysts. The basalt
of Rose Valley is notable among the Pliocene basalts for
containing the largest amount of xenocrystic material.
This is among the most silicic of all the basaltic lavas,
and many samples fall in the andesite compositional
range. Large resorbed clinopyroxene crystals and gab-
broic and metamorphic microxenoliths are common in
some of these rocks, in addition to more familiar
xenocrystic plagioclase and quartz. Apatite needles are
common in xenocrysts and zircon has been noted. The
most silicic (sample 81) of the three analyzed samples
from the basalt of Rose Valley (Duffield and Bacon, 1981)
contains only euhedral olivine, clinopyroxene, and pla-
gioclase phenocrysts, suggesting that all xenocrysts had
been completely dissolved.
Andesite and dacite are considered together here
because the intermediate-composition volcanic rocks
form a continuum ranging from highly contaminated
basalt to dacite. Most of these rocks are coarsely por-
phyritic, but nearly aphyric silicic andesite also is pres-
ent. Rock compositions within specific map units may be
highly variable. For instance, the andesite northwest of
Petroglyph Canyon (Duffield and Bacon, 1981) probably
varies from highly contaminated basalt at the margins
of the flow to low-silica dacite near the vent. Similar
compositional variation exists in other units. Some
rocks called dacite on the basis of field characteristics
may actually fall in the andesite range according to their
anhydrous SiO; content.
Evidence for mixing or contamination in these rocks
is widespread. Phenocryst assemblages are mixed, con-
taining crystals of both basaltic and silicic origins. Pla-
gioclase phenocrysts are euhedral to rounded and
almost always sieved or resorbed. Resorbed olivine phe-
nocrysts may be present, although less commonly than
in basalt. Both orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene are
Wo T
Di 4 R
T *~*
"s "\
Basalt Andesite Andesite
(45) (92) (84)
o &
3. 10 10 10 30
Fraur® 7.-Wollastonite, enstatite, and ferrosilite contents (mole percent) of pyroxene. Sample numbers in parentheses. Solid circles are
core composition; lines extend to rim composition.
found in many samples. Resorbed quartz xenocrysts are
ubiquitous and commonly are rimmed by fine-grained
clinopyroxene. Pseudomorphs after amphibole occur
rarely in the andesite, but resorbed amphibole and bio-
tite rimmed or replaced by fine-grained oxides charac-
terize the dacite. The following sections describe the
petrographic and compositional characteristics of phe-
nocryst minerals throughout the broad range of rock
compositions present.
Olivine phenocrysts <3 mm make up less than 3
percent of the andesite and are common only in rocks
with less than 60 percent SiO,. The phenocrysts typ-
ically are slightly resorbed and rimmed by iddingsite,
and they may contain chrome spinel inclusions. As in
the basalt, olivine cores with spinel inclusions vary little
in Fo content (fig. 4). All crystals are zoned to rims richer
in Fe and Mn; the Ni content of rims can be higher or
lower than the cores (table 2). Resorbed micro-
phenocrysts (<1 mm) of strongly iddingsitized olivine
make up about 1 percent of the analyzed dacite (sample
99). These crystals have the highest forsterite content
(Fog, ;) of any analyzed olivine, yet occur in the most
silicic rock that contains olivine. The presence of for-
sterite-rich olivine, particularly when it is intergrown
with anorthite-rich plagioclase, as described below, is
further evidence for contamination of silicic magma by
basaltic material to form the dacite.
Plagioclase phenocrysts dominate the appearance of
the andesites. Euhedral blocky 1-5 mm phenocrysts
make up 5-20 percent of the rocks and commonly are
sieved. The sieve zones are usually much finer textured
than those of plagioclase in the basalt. They may occur
as oval zones around a clear core and are commonly
overgrown by clear euhedral rims (fig. 3C). These fea-
tures, plus the fact that in at least one crystal the sieve
zone cuts across compositional zoning in the core, sug-
gest that sieving of plagioclase in intermediate-composi-
tion rocks was formed by preferential melting of the
outer zones of crystals.
A particularly instructive example of sieved pla-
gioclase in an andesite (sample 84) is illustrated in
figure 3D. This crystal consists of an oscillatory-zoned
clear core surrounded by a finely sieved zone that cuts
across the compositional zoning. The sieved zone is in
turn overgrown by a euhedral clear rim. Microprobe
analyses show that the clear core is normally zoned
from Ans» to Ang,, compositions that are substantially
more sodic than expected equilibrium phenocrysts in
this rock. The outer euhedral rim, however, is Anz, (fig.
6). We infer that the core of this crystal grew in relatively
sodic silicic magma and that the sieve zone represents
resorption of the most sodic zones of the crystal when it
was incorporated into hotter, more mafic magma. A
euhedral rim of more calcic plagioclase later grew over
the sieved zone. The crystal was apparently broken after
the overgrowth formed, and nonsieved sodic plagioclase
in the core is now in direct contact with the groundmass
along part of the break.
Plagioclase in the dacites commonly is subhedral and
has rounded outlines with a finely sieved zone near the
rim. A clear rim may occur around the sieved zone as in
the andesites. The cores of these crystals are clear or
have coarse silicic melt inclusions, and many show
oscillatory zoning.
Plagioclase composition can vary widely within a
given rock. In the andesite (sample 84) containing the
sieved crystal described earlier, core compositions range
from Ange to Anss. Most of these crystals have euhedral
rims of Ang, to Ang,, and one euhedral microphenocryst
has a composition of An,, (fig. 6). Euhedral rims have
compositions similar to groundmass plagioclase crys-
tals and probably crystallized at the same time. In the
other analyzed andesite (sample 92), plagioclase cores
vary from Ans, to Ang; and show both normal and
reverse zoning to rims of Anz; ,,. In this sample, two
crystals of Ans;.,, are intergrown with a completely
oxidized amphibole pseudomorph, suggesting they orig-
inally crystallized in a more silicic and more hydrous
melt. Also present in this sample is plagioclase of Angy
intergrown with olivine. Both andesites thus contain a
wide range of plagioclase core compositions, suggesting
that some phenocrysts originated from basaltic magma
while others originated from rhyodacitic or even
rhyolitic magma.
Plagioclase phenocrysts in the analyzed dacite (sam-
ple 99) show a much narrower range of composition.
This sample is somewhat atypical of the dacite in that it
is the most silicic, it contains little basaltic material,
and the plagioclase phenocrysts do not exhibit the siev-
ing that is common in the other intermediate rocks.
Phenocryst cores range from Anss to Angg and are both
reversely and normally zoned to rims of Ang; to ANngyg
(fig. 6). An Ans, plagioclase inclusion in forsteritic
olivine provides evidence of the basaltic component in
this rock.
Clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene phenocrysts of 2 to
7 mm make up from 1 to 5 percent of many andesite -
samples (table 1). Relative proportions vary, but
clinopyroxene is usually more common than
orthopyroxene. Some clinopyroxene phenocrysts are
sieved. Both pyroxenes may occur as euhedral to sub-
hedral crystals in the groundmass. In dacite,
orthopyroxene is present as small laths that have V-
shaped or swallowtail terminations and skeletal growth
forms. In another dacite, clinopyroxene forms rims on
resorbed orthopyroxene cores.
Compositions of analyzed pyroxenes are plotted in
figure 7 and representative analyses are given in table
4. Clinopyroxene in andesite has lower Ca than that in
basalt but is otherwise similar. Most crystals are zoned
to more Fe-rich rims, but some orthopyroxene is rever-
sely zoned. The pyroxene projection of Lindsley (1983)
shows that many of the Coso Range pyroxene phe-
nocrysts contain more than 10 percent "other" compo-
nents and thus are not suitable for geothermometry.
Tieline orientation shows that the pyroxene in sample
92 represents equilibrium conditions; two pairs yield
temperatures near 1,030 °C. The single, comparatively
Fe-rich, Cr-poor orthopyroxene in sample 84 definitely
was not in equilibrium with Mg- and Cr-rich clinopyrox-
ene in the same rock. This orthopyroxene occurs within
a sieved plagioclase phenocryst and apparently was
derived from magma more silicic than that from which
the clinopyroxene crystallized.
Hornblende crystals as large as 5 mm characterize
the dacite and elongate or lathlike aggregates of very
fine-grained oxides, which are apparently
pseudomorphs after amphibole, are present in some
andesite. Amphibole crystals in dacite generally are
ovoid and have rims of fine-grained oxides. Sample 99 is
an exception and was chosen for microprobe study
because its amphibole and biotite phenocrysts are not
highly altered. The amphibole is magnesian hastingsite
and magnesio-hastingsitic hornblende according to the
classification of Leake (1978). All crystals are slightly
zoned to rims with higher Fe/Fe + Mg ratios and higher
fluorine contents. Representative analyses are pre-
sented in table 5; figure 8 compares the composition of
Coso amphibole with that of amphibole from some other
calc-alkalic volcanic suites.
Biotite phenocrysts are common constituents of the
dacite, forming up to 5 percent of the rock. Biotite occurs
as books up to 1 mm thick that commonly contain min-
ute apatite needles. In the single dacite studied with the
microprobe (sample 99), the biotite is quite similar to
that of the high-silica rhyolitic Bishop Tuff (Hildreth,
1979), although containing slightly more Al and Ti (fig.
9, table 6). Biotite in the dacite is richer in Fe than that
in Haiwee Ridge rhyodacite, despite the former's occur-
rence in a less silicic rock. The Fe/Fe + Mg ratio in biotite
is strongly affected by the temperature and oxygen
fugacity of the magma from which it crystallized; these
biotite compositions suggest either a lower temperature
or more reducing conditions for the dacite than for the
rhyodacite. Alternatively, the slightly rounded biotite
Caso Maso
(100) (99)
Mg x
Crater Lake Rio Grande Rift
FigurE 8.-Fields of Ca, Mg, and Fe proportions (atomic basis) of amphibole from samples 99 and 100. Plotted for comparison are
compositions of amphibole from Crater Lake rhyodacites (Ritchey, 1979), Lassen dacites (Carmichael, 1967), and Rio Grande Rift
andesites (Zimmerman and Kudo, 1979).
phenocryéts may have been derived from a rhyolitic end
member of the demonstrably mixed dacite and have
been out of equilibrium with the hybrid liquid.
A bomb composed of commingled basalt and dacite
(sample 107) is described separately because it contains
discrete areas of differing bulk composition and illus-
trates the process of magma mixing (fig. 10). This spec-
imen is from a polygenetic center located 2 km south of
Petroglyph Canyon and 4 km west of Volcano Butte (fig.
1). The 10-ecm bomb consists of light-brown dacite and
dark olivine basalt interfingered on a scale of cen-
timeters. The groundmass of the basaltic part is com-
posed of randomly oriented plagioclase laths, finely
granular pyroxenes and Fe-Ti oxides, and very small
patches of brown interstitial glass. Phenocrysts consist
of about 5 percent subhedral to euhedral plagioclase,
some crystals of which are finely sieved, and about 2
percent microphenocrysts of olivine. Most olivine is in
small bipyramidal crystals with square or elongate cen-
tral voids that represent sections of hopper-shaped crys-
tals. Some larger olivine crystals with dendritic
terminations are also present.
The dacitic part of sample 107 consists dominantly of
greenish-brown glass containing about 15 percent pla-
gioclase phenocrysts. Plagioclase phenocrysts are both
larger and more abundant in the dacite than in the
basalt. A few crystals have finely sieved zones around
their margins, but most are clear. Approximately 5 per-
cent of the dacite consists of aggregates of fine-grained
oxides in lathlike or oval patches set in plagioclase(?).
The oxides are arranged in linear arrays parallel to the
long axes of the patches. These aggregates are probably
pseudomorphs after amphibole, although no relict
amphibole remains in them. Vesicles in the glass are
associated with the pseudomorphs, but are rare
elsewhere in the rock. Fine-grained granular
clinopyroxene forms less than 1 percent of the dacite,
and a single resorbed quartz crystal was observed.
The contact between the two rock types is sharp but
crenulate, the basalt convex toward the dacite. This
form of contact is typical of mafic inclusions in silicic
volcanic rocks (see Bacon and Metz, 1984), including
many Pliocene dacites of the Coso volcanic field, and
probably results from differences in surface tension and
viscosity of the two magmas. The basalt of the bomb
could be an erupted mafic inclusion. Mafic inclusions
are believed usually to crystallize at depth after incor-
poration into cooler silicic magma, and their
groundmass textures generally reflect crystallization at
substantial undercooling. Because such textures are
lacking in the bomb, we believe it represents concurrent
venting of basaltic and dacitic magmas.
Between the two rock types in the bomb is a zone
about 0.25 ecm wide that appears to be a zone of reaction
or diffusive mixing. This zone consists of an interlocking
mass of minute plagioclase laths with scattered
clinopyroxene crystals and rare olivine. It appears tex-
Granite biotite
V V. yx
8 50
v 4
Fraur® 9.-Mg, AIV' + Ti, and Fe + Mn proportions (atomic basis) in biotite of dacite (sample 99) and rhyodacite (sample 100). Solid points are
core composition; lines extend to rim composition. Plotted for comparison are compositions of biotite in Lassen dacites (Carmichael, 1967),
the Bishop Tuff (Hildreth, 1977), and granitic biotite (Foster, 1960).
turally similar to the basalt groundmass, but is lighter
colored and lacks fine-grained oxides.
Rounded phenocrysts from the dacite occur in the
basalt singly or in clusters or trains linked with dacitic
glass. One elongate group of quartz and plagioclase
phenocrysts is surrounded by a lighter colored aureole
similar to the reaction or mixing zone separating the
rock types; small patches of clear dacitic glass remain
between the crystals. Rounded and embayed quartz
phenocrysts with fine-grained clinopyroxene rims are
common in the basalt.
Figure 10.-Photomicrographs of commingled basalt-dacite bomb. A,
Commingled sample 107 showing two rock types in contact. Light
area on left is dacite containing phenocrysts of plagioclase and
opaque aggregates, which probably are pseudomorphs after
amphibole. Note vesicle (clear) between two largest aggregates.
Dark area on right is basalt containing phenocrysts of plagioclase.
Olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts also are present in basalt,
but are not visible here. Plane-polarized light; width of view 7
mm. B, Detail of reaction zone between two rock types in figure
10A. Dacite on left, basalt on right. Phenocrysts in dacite are
plagioclase and small granular olivine. Phenocrysts in basalt are
olivine and plagioclase. Note central void in bipyramidal olivine
at extreme right. Plane-polarized light; width of view 2.6 mm.
A few crystals in the dacite have been derived from the
basalt. The dacite contains a plagioclase phenocryst
that has inclusions of deep-red-brown glass similar to
that of the basalt. In addition, this crystal has patches of
dark glass on its margin that appear to be basaltic
groundmass trapped in embayments of the crystal rim.
Near this crystal several small olivine grains with
clinopyroxene rims form a trail back to the basaltic part
of the sample.
Interchange of phenocrysts is also shown by mineral
compositions (figs. 4 and 6). Cores of plagioclase crystals
within the sample range from Ang; to Angs. The many
crystals near Ans, are mainly in the dacite, but some
are in the basalt. The most calcic plagioclase analyzed is
a microphenocryst intergrown with olivine that occurs
in the dacite. Most of the sodic plagioclase phenocrysts
incorporated in the basalt are not sieved.
This bomb speciman documents the textures formed
by commingling of differing magmas erupted at the
same time. It shows that crystals from different mag-
mas may be intermixed without complete homogeniza-
tion of the two liquids. The texture of the bomb probably
illustrates syneruptive magma mixing, but similar pro-
cesses may have operated within magma reservoirs and
conduits during the formation of many of the intermedi-
ate-composition magmas erupted in the Coso volcanic
Rocks classified as rhyodacite occur in a large complex
of flows and domes near Haiwee Ridge and as scattered
deposits of air-fall pumice throughout the Coso area
(Duffield and others, 1980). The lavas are highly por-
phyritic, some containing more than 20 percent phe-
nocrysts (figure 36 and table 1). Unlike the less silicic
rocks, the rhyodacite consistently has a glassy
groundmass. Plagioclase phenocrysts are very abun-
dant and generally coarsely sieved, the sieve pockets
containing silicic glass. Rounded quartz phenocrysts
are present in the more silicic samples of rhyodacite.
Mafic phenocrysts consist of euhedral hornblende and
biotite, which may contain oxide, zircon, or apatite
inclusions. The glassy groundmass is generally crowded
with microlites of most of the above minerals.
Plagioclase phenocrysts of 1 to 5 mm make up 10 to 20
percent of the rhyodacites. Most plagioclase phe-
nocrysts are euhedral and coarsely sieved. A few rela-
tively small phenocrysts lack sieve texture and are
The composition of plagioclase phenocrysts in the
rhyodacite studied with the microprobe (sample 100)
varies widely, cores ranging from Angs to Ang, (fig. 6).
Both normally and reversely zoned crystals are present.
The most calcic and the most sodic crystals are normally
zoned, but zoning of intermediate-composition phe-
nocrysts can be either normal or reverse. Some of the
phenocrysts show oscillatory zoning. Many of the inter-
mediate-composition crystals have rim compositions
from Anse to An,,, while others, along with the most
calcic crystals, have rim compositions from An», to Ange.
A sharply euhedral microphenocryst is Angy. The inter-
mediate-composition phenocrysts are generally
euhedral and sieved. Sodic phenocrysts with rims near
Ans, and crystals with cores more calcic than about
Ans, are nonsieved and tend to be rounded as though
partially resorbed. Hornblende is intergrown with or
included in crystals spanning the entire compositional
range, and more magnesian hornblende is associated
with more calcic plagioclase.
The texture of the coarsely sieved plagioclase phe-
nocrysts is unique to the rhyodacite. Most of the sieve
pockets, which can be as large as 0.5 mm, are filled with
glass, commonly appearing similar to the light
brownish glass of the groundmass (fig. 3F). Some of the
larger plagioclase phenocrysts have biotite, hornblende,
Fe-Ti oxide, apatite, or zircon microphenocrysts trapped
within large glass inclusions. Boundaries of the inclu-
sions may be straight and show sides that parallel faces
of the host crystal. A few biotite inclusions have step like
outlines that mimic the shape of nearby glass inclu-
sions; some groups of such biotite inclusions are in
optical continuity, indicating they form part of a single
crystal intimately intergrown with the surrounding pla-
gioclase. Some coarsely sieved phenocrysts are com-
posed of a few adhering skeletal plagioclase crystals
with an overall euhedral shape. These may enclose
euhedral earlier-formed plagioclase or glass inclusions
containing ferromagnesian phases. Some of these pla-
gioclase phenocrysts have a crude hopper shape, and
appropriate sections show a core of glass surrounded by
inward-projecting euhedrally terminated tablets within
a rectangular euhedral ring of plagioclase. These tex-
tural features suggest that the glass inclusions in coar-
sely sieved plagioclase are primary and thus represent a
growth feature (Hibbard, 1981; Kuo and Kirkpatrick,
1982) rather than resorption. Similar textures in gra-
nitic rocks Hibbard (1981) attributed to skeletal growth
following mixing of magmas.
Partial microprobe analyses indicate that glass inclu-
sions within large coarsely sieved plagioclase phe-
nocrysts have compositions that are nearly identical to
those of groundmass glass immediately adjacent to the
phenocrysts. They are severely depleted in CaO and are
richer in K,0 and SiO; than would be expected of glass
produced by partial melting of the plagioclase or influx
of reacting liquid. The highly silicic glass in the sieve
pockets probably formed, in the same manner as that in
the groundmass, from local domains of residual liquid
that was depleted in plagioclase components, par-
ticularly anorthite, owing to comparatively slow diffu-
sion of Al in the melt during rapid phenocryst growth.
The wide range of plagioclase phenocryst core com-
positions in the rhyodacite argues for contamination or
mixing of different magmas. Crystals that were in equi-
librium with a given melt should be zoned to a similar
rim composition, and the large number of rims of Any; to
An,, suggests that these rims crystallized at the same
time from the same melt (fig. 6). Note that both normally
and reversely zoned crystals are included. A number of
crystals also have compositions that converge to a more
sodic rim composition near Any,. There may have been
two (or more) mixing episodes causing rims to crys-
tallize toward different compositions at different times.
The absence of relict plutonic microxenoliths and lack of
evidence for deformation in crystals argues against a
wallrock xenocrystic origin for any of the plagioclase.
Most likely the more calcic plagioclase phenocrysts orig-
inated in relatively mafic (dacitic?) magma that under-
lay the more silicic magma. Convective mixing could
have introduced these comparatively refractory crystals
into the silicic melt, causing them to partially dissolve
and resulting in the observed rounded forms.
A single large crystal of alkali feldspar was found in
sample 102. Resorbed and optically slightly zoned, the
crystal shows exsolution lamellae that might suggest a
wallrock xenocrystic origin. We infer that this xenocryst
was derived from rhyolitic magma that mixed with the
rhyodacitic magma.
Large green-brown pleochroic, euhedral 1 to 3 mm
phenocrysts of amphibole form up to 3 percent of the
rhyodacite. Smaller crystals are present throughout the
glassy groundmass and commonly are included in pla-
gioclase phenocrysts. Representative amphibole ana-
lyses are given in table 5. Amphiboles in the Coso
rhyodacite is classified as magnesian hastingsite in the
scheme of Leake (1978). Figure 8 compares the Coso
amphibole to those of Lassen dacites (Carmichael, 1967)
and of andesites of Mount Mazama (Ritchey, 1979) and
the Rio Grande Rift (Zimmerman and Kudo, 1979). Coso
amphibole is notably lower in Ca than those from the
other localities. The Fe/Fe+ Mg ratio for amphibole in
the rhyodacite (sample 100) is highly variable but gener-
ally lower than amphibole in the dacite (sample 99).
This is opposite to the Fe/Fe + Mg relations of the rocks
and is consistent with the inference that the amphibole
in the dacite originated in more silicic magma.
A relationship exists between the compositions of
amphibole and coexisting plagioclase in the dacite and
rhyodacite studied. Figure 11 shows compositions of
pairs of crystals in contact with each other. The plot
indicates that Mg-rich amphibole coexists with calcic
plagioclase and Fe-rich amphibole with sodic pla-
gioclase. Note that crystals in the rhyodacite (sample
100) span a wide compositional range. This suggests a
protracted crystallization history for this phenocryst-
rich lava, with the various mineral pairs forming at
different times as the magma evolved to a more silicic
composition. Alternatively, the different mineral pairs
could have formed in different parts of a compositionally
zoned magma reservoir and subsequently been brought
together by convective mixing. The relationship
between amphibole and plagioclase compositions also
suggests that the spread in phenocryst composition is
not due to contamination by wallrock materials. The fact
that plagioclase phenocrysts of different compositions
are separate entities, not joined together or overgrown
in compositional sequence, argues against their origin
in a protracted crystallization history and favors the
convective mixing hypothesis.
Biotite phenocrysts occur as euhedral brown books up
to 1 mm thick that make up 1 to 5 percent of the rock.
Most are strongly pleochroic from chocolate brown to a
lighter reddish brown, and some are sieved, showing a
texture similar to the clinopyroxene in the intermediate
rocks. Many biotite phenocrysts contain minute crys-
tals of zircon and apatite. Biotite commonly is present
to | w | l
® - Phenocrysts in rhyodacite (100) e
A ® - Phenocrysts in dacite (99)
o 0.8 - hel
c e
6 o
I }
L 07 - -4
3 0.6 |- >
Z 9 a
is |I | | |
20 30 40 50 60 70
FiGur® 11.-Mg/Mg+Fe in amphibole (atomic basis) vs. anorthite
content of coexisting plagioclase in dacite and rhyodacite.
also as small inclusions in plagioclase and as microlites
scattered throughout the glassy groundmass of the
rhyodacite. Compositions of biotite from the rhyodacite
are given in table 6 and plotted in figure 7, where they
are compared to those of the Coso dacites and to biotite
in some other volcanic suites. Biotite in the rhyodacite is
quite similar to that in the dacite, having only slightly
higher TiO; and Na,0 contents. The crystals are
slightly zoned to rims that are lower in total Fe and
higher in F. The Coso biotite is lower in F and Cl than
biotite from'the Bishop Tuff (Hildreth, 1977) and has a
more restricted compositional range.
Both ilmenite and magnetite are present in the
rhyodacite but make up less than 1 percent of the rock.
They occur as minute (less than 0.01 mm) euhedral
titanomagnetite and subhedral ilmenite micro-
phenocrysts scattered throughout the groundmass and
as inclusions in other phenocryst phases. Microprobe
analyses of these crystals yielded low oxide totals and
are not presented here. The low totals may be due to
submicroscopic hematite intergrowths, formed during
oxidation of the oxide grains, although the rock is
unaltered apart from hydration of the glass. Oxide com-
position is much less varied than in the dacite, suggest-
ing that the crystals may have been in equilibrium at
one time and variations are now mainly due to dif-
ferences in alteration. Minor elements vary somewhat
both in ilmenite and in titanomagnetite.
The rhyodacite contains tiny needles of apatite as
inclusions in most, if not all, phenocryst phases. Zircon
is a less abundant companion that also can be found in
the groundmass. Very rare allanite has been identified
intergrown with hornblende in sample 106, the most
differentiated rhyodacite.
Rocks classified as rhyolite occur locally as ash-flow
and air-fall tuffs on Haiwee Ridge (Duffield and others,
1980). White cellular pumice in these rocks contains
about 5 percent euhedral phenocrysts of quartz, pla-
gioclase, and sanidine and less than 1 percent each of
biotite, titanomagnetite, and ilmenite. Compositions of
plagioclase (An;gs Ab;g4, Or;,) and sanidine (Ang
Abse 5 Or;> 9) have been determined by Bacon and oth-
ers (1982). Microprobe analyses of ilmenite and
titanomagnetite crystals in a mineral concentrate from
the pumice yielded low oxide totals similar to those of
Fe-Ti oxides in the previously described rhyodacite sam-
ples. The sole analyzed ilmenite crystal has much more
MnO and less MgO and Al;O; than ilmenites in the
rhyodacite. Titanomagnetite also has relatively high
MnO and low MgO, Al;,O;, and TiO; contents. These
compositional differences are consistent with the oxide
minerals in the rhyolite having crystallized in a rela-
tively low-temperature, differentiated rhyolitic melt.
A broad spectrum of magmas ranging from basaltic to
rhyolitic was erupted during the Pliocene volcanic epi-
.sode in the Coso Range. In the following sections we
describe the compositional variations of the Coso suite
as a whole, but it should be kept in mind that these rocks
represent magmas erupted over a long time interval and
across a broad area. Major- and trace-element analyses
are given in table 7 (see fig. 2 and table 10 for sample
localities). Compositionally similar volcanic rocks have
been described from several other areas in the western
United States. Analyses of some of those rocks are pre-
sented in table 8 for comparison. Particularly pertinent
to the present discussion is the study of Doe and others
(1969) on basalt of the southern Rocky Mountains.
These authors document contamination of basalt by
crustal material and show that this type of con-
tamination can produce quartz-bearing intermediate-
composition lavas quite similar to those of the Coso
volcanic field. Chemical analyses of volcanic rocks from
areas near the Coso Range appear in papers by Ross
(1970) and Moore and Dodge (1980).
A plot of total alkalis and CaO against SiO, (fig. 12)
shows that the Pliocene Coso volcanic suite is calc-
alkalic, with an alkali-lime index (Peacock, 1931) of 60.
This plot also demonstrates that according to the
alkalic-subalkalic division of Miyashiro (1978), the Coso
basalts are alkalic to transitional. Most of the basalt is
hypersthene normative, but some of the most mafic
samples contain small amounts of normative nepheline
(<2 percent). All Coso rocks with more than 54 percent
S10, are quartz normative. Small amounts of corundum
(<2 percent) appear in the rhyodacite and rhyolite
norms, probably because alkalis were selectively
depleted during hydration of these glassy rocks, leaving
excess Al;, O;.
Oxide variation diagrams for the Coso suite (fig. 13)
show roughly linear trends with much scatter in basalt
and andesite. This is partially due to the fact that SiO;
makes up an increasing percentage of the silicic rocks,
allowing less scatter in the other oxides. However, we
suggest that much of the scatter is due to mixing of
variably fractionated basaltic magma with silicic
magma. Several diagrams (CaO, Na,0, P;0,;) have
slight inflections below about 53 percent SiO,, suggest-
ing that crystal fractionation produced chemical varia-
tion in the basalt. Both MgO and Al;,O; are extremely
variable in the basalt and andesite; variation in MgO,
particularly in andesite may be attributed to the com-
bined effects of olivine fractionation in a basaltic end
member and addition of an MgO-poor silicic con-
taminant. Na,0 varies about a subhorizontal line but
decreases, probably because of Na loss during hydration
of glass, in rhyodacite and rhyolite.
Crystal fractionation from a single parent composi-
tion should produce well-defined curved paths on varia-
tion diagrams because the oxides are removed at
different rates at different stages depending on which
phases are crystallizing. On the other hand, mixing of
two different magma compositions should produce lin-
ear trends, the position of a point depending on the
proportions of the end members. The well-defined linear
trends on most of the plots of Coso data (for example,
K,0, CaO) strongly suggest mixing was important in
producing compositional variations. Curvature and
scatter in other diagrams (for example, MgO, Al;,O;)
suggest that multiple end members, variable amounts
of contamination by crustal melts, and some degree of
crystal fractionation all contributed to the overall varia-
tions in the Coso suite.
The plot of P;0,; against MgO (fig. 14) is useful for
demonstrating mixing versus fractionation processes.
Varying degrees of partial melting or fractional crys-
tallization should produce a systematic increase of P;,0;
with decreasing MgO, followed by decreasing P;,0,; in
fractionated magmas once melts become saturated with
apatite; mixing of silicic and basaltic magmas would
tend to produce a covariance. The wide range of P;,0;
contents in Coso rocks with more than 5 percent MgO
argues that neither crystal fractionation nor varying
degrees of partial melting was the only process responsi-
ble for variation in the basalt and mafic andesite. The
low-P;0;, intermediate-MgO rocks probably formed by
addition of silicic material, and the high-P;0; basalts
can be explained by partial melting or crystal fractiona-
tion. The very high-P;0;, intermediate-MgO rocks
(basalt of Rose Valley (Duffield and Bacon,
1981) = andesites with >1.2 percent P40) probably
cannot be explained by extreme fractionation, but may
call for either unusual parent magmas or contamination
with unusual materials. The decrease in P,;0; with
decreasing MgO in rhyodacite reflects crystal fractiona-
tion of apatite, which is common as inclusions in phe-
nocryst phases (table 1).
An important feature of the variation diagrams (figs.
13 and 14) is the compositional gap between the
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#0 ° $T" $1 ST* 91° €0° §1. 0z* $1' 61° 0¢* OT IC" SC° 12" 12° I§* _ ___ ' _ <=-<==-<-- Noflfi
#4° 56° 8¢* 12° L* 98 65" $1" TT = 5C: 'A a {I' rAd os® $V! -__ .. iese==-=~ _o°n
RIF I'? 9°T A4 C'C 0*z *f 8°I 0*T #*I 1'1 TL" £9* 1'1 16° €5* I'l +0Nm
T* 8°C 9p 5*+€ »*°C #*°€ g aks T°6 N4 t'? 9°C 9°C 8°C €* 6:1 0%y
TH §'f 0° 6 b*°C 8°C ak 6:6 9°C {*t 0* 9 &C 0** {*t L*'§ ___ __ R ®
4 MgO
Figur® 15.-Ternary AFM diagram for Pliocene volcanic rocks. The field labeled Volcano Butte shows variation within a single polygenetic
Coso Range volcano. Field for Basin and Range basalts from Leeman and Rogers (1970); field for Pliocene andesite of the Lava Mountains,
Calif., from Smith (1964); Cascade Range trend from Smith and Carmichael (1968).
Quantitative mass-balance calculations referred to in
this section (table 9) were performed using the program
of Stormer and Nicholls (1978). Input for the calcula-
tions consisted of major-element analyses of the lavas
and microprobe analyses of phenocrysts. In an attempt
to provide additional constraints, most of the modelling
was done on lavas erupted from the Volcano Butte center
(fig. 1), all of which appear to be nearly contempo-
Few basaltic lavas of the Coso volcanic field have
chemical characteristics that would be considered prim-
itive (for example, high MgO and Cr, low incompatible-
element contents). Those that do generally form exten-
sive, thin diktytaxitic flows that erupted from mono-
15 I T T | _®
10 - mow
* eof
5 - w
& o
& Pad ®
ao 5 2g. 0 " '»
3. )f *
o 1 | 1 | 1
l * I f I f
40 |- ® to -
< e
3 "as
3 e
= t* _" l s 6
[ra &
a o %
@ 20 |- * -I
c *" 's
e ® e
* !8 so. s
o | 1 | 1 | 1 _o
( $ I I T I I 2
30 .. Sc
e ® &
20 - % =
* l
o o
10 |- * c, -
t tog ,
o | 1 | 1 | [ *
50 60 70
genetic vents. These rocks are the closest to unmodified
partial melts of the mantle, but even they may have
undergone some fractionation prior to eruption. The
samples of primitive basalt have gently sloping LREE-
enriched chondrite-normalized REE patterns that sug-
gest derivation from a garnet-bearing mantle source.
Compositional variation among these samples may be
ascribed to small heterogeneities in source composition
and to differing degrees of partial melting, with super-
imposed fractionation of olivine+chrome spinel. All
other basaltic lavas are believed to have been signifi-
cantly affected by fractional crystallization, commonly
accompanied by assimilation of crustal material.
Some basalt samples (45 and 74) have high MgO and
Cr contents and also high contents of K,0, P;0,;, Ba,
and LREE. The primitive characteristics of these rocks
contrast with their high contents of many elements that
are believed to behave as incompatible elements in
1500 |- Ba 'I
® L
a o o
& ®.. * ® o
1000 & » » * -
® ee ® &
[} &
500 |- e ** -
0 I 1 I | I I.
If I I I l T
300 |- = Cs. __|
bet &
200 |- $ -
100 |- s t rame
o. ® ¥
I 1 I l. ime I. » ___|
50 60 70
FiGurE 16.-Th, Co, Sc, Ba, and Cr vs. SiO; content for Pliocene Coso Range volcanic rocks.
basaltic magmas. They have SiO, contents 1 to 2 percent
higher than other "primitive" lavas erupted at approx-
imately the same time (Duffield and Bacon, 1981). Van
Kooten (1980) described ultrapotassic mafic lavas from
the Sierra Nevada which show extreme development of
many of these chemical characteristics. The Sierran
lavas, however, have relatively low SiO, contents and
much higher trace-element abundances. Van Kooten
Sm Eu Gd - Dy
Tm Yb Lu
00 | I [1.3] | T3 106 I | F | 09103
100 |- ie C" a
o "Primitive" basalts a [- Basalts I
® <51 percent SiO; 7 - >51. percent SiO; -
50 - = 50 |- =
"Primitive" basalts" ~~~
10 - "1 4g ~ al
| | | {A41 | {s 1 | | | | il }{ | {;] |
La Ce Nd - SmEuGd - Dy Tm Yb Lu La Ce Nd - SmEuGd _ Dy Tm Yb Lu
I I m | 1913
100 |- 100 |- ~
50 |- 50 |- -
to -I
t - |-
€ | l
g "Primitive" basalts>‘\\ "Primitive" basalts"~~~
A L L a
10 [- 10. [- #
5 [- 5 E-
La Ce Nd _ SmEuGd Dy Tm Yb Lu
I P errs? het
[ Rhyodacites 7
so __ 3 and rhyolite snl
\\\jPrimitive” basalts
10 - s
5 - +
§ | fee |
Figur® 17.-Chondrite-normalized rare earth element plots for Pliocene Coso Range volcanic rocks. Analyses are normalized to values for
the Leedey Chondrite (Masuda and others, 1973) divided by 1.2 and plotted as a function of ionic radius (Whittaker and Muntus, 1970).
(1980) appealed to a phlogopite-bearing mantle source
to explain the composition of the Sierran lavas, whereas
Dodge and Moore (1981) called upon a source containing
amphibole. Some Pleistocene lavas of the Coso volcanic
field are comparable to the LREE-rich Pliocene rocks,
and Bacon and Metz (1984) suggested that con-
tamination with deep crustal material caused at least
some trace-element enrichment in those Pleistocene
rocks. Watson (1982) showed experimentally that cer-
tain elements, notably K, are preferentially incorpo-
rated into basaltic magma interacting with partially
melted crustal rocks. Selective contamination provides
an attractive mechanism for increasing some incompati-
ble-element concentrations in basaltic magma erupted
through continental crust. Some crystallization would
be expected to accompany assimilation of crustal mate-
rial because of the loss of heat necessary to partially fuse
country rocks. MgO and Cr contents of the LREE-rich
Coso basalts are high, however, implying that extensive
crystal fractionation could not have occurred. Hetero-
geneity of the mantle source remains a possible expla-
nation for the chemical characteristics of these basalt
Basalts with MgO contents below 7 percent are
believed to have undergone some fractional crystalliza-
¥ - Rhyolite
e » n 6
@ Ss
X parent
Py magmas
~ €
Fractional crystallization
| |
0 100 200
FigurE 18.-Th vs. Cr content for Pliocene Coso Range volcanic rocks.
Open circles represent hypothetical parent magmas for the calcu-
lated fractionation curves shown. Dashed lines show possible
compositions formed by mixing variably fractionated basaltic
magma with rhyodacitic magma. Arrow indicates that rhyolite
sample is off scale at a Th content of 14.9 ppm.
tion and will be referred to as differentiated. Mass-
balance calculations employing microprobe analyses of
representative phenocrysts suggest that separation of
reasonable amounts of olivine + plagioclase +
clinopyroxene will account for most of the major-ele-
ment variation in differentiated basalt (table 9, model 1).
Residuals for K,0 typically are greater than for other
oxides and suggest that additional processes, such as
selective contamination (Watson, 1982), must have been
operative. The assimilation of some crustal material
seems inevitable for mantle-derived magmas intruded
into, and perhaps stored in, the deeper part of the crust.
The most sensitive indicator of crustal interaction
would be expected to be K. Indeed, Doe and others (1969)
cited elevated K content as one of the criteria for recog-
nizing contamination in basaltic lavas from the Rocky
Mountain region which showed isotopic evidence of a
crustal component. Pleistocene differentiated and con-
taminated basaltic lavas of the Coso volcanic field have
relatively radiogenic Pb and Sr isotopic compositions
consistent with the addition of crustal material (Bacon
and others, 1984). Simple two-component mixing of
primitive basaltic magma and small amounts of silicic
magma would have recognizable effects on the major-
element composition, and perhaps phenocryst miner-
alogy, of the basalt and cannot readily produce the com-
position of the differentiated basalt. Least-squares
fractionation calculations, however, show that separa-
tion of olivine + plagioclase + clinopyroxene com-
bined with assimilation of small amounts of crustal
material (table 9, model 4) can account for that composi-
A significant difference between Pliocene and
Pleistocene basalt of the Coso volcanic field is the com-
monly high TiO; content of the younger rocks (Bacon
and Metz, 1984). None of the Pleistocene lavas has such
low K,0, P;0;, or TiO,; content as some of the Pliocene
basalt. This may be because prolonged igneous activity
affects the extent to which basaltic magma differenti-
ates and interacts with crustal rocks. In the later history
of the volcanic field, cumulative advection of heat to the
deep crust may have promoted partial melting and
caused increased modification of basaltic magma on its
trip from the mantle to the surface.
Andesite and most dacite samples contain mixed pop-
ulations of phenocrysts and have textures that reflect
sudden thermal disturbances brought about by mixing
of magmas of contrasting composition and temperature
(see Hibbard, 1981; Lofgren and Norris, 1981). Many
previously noted geochemical features also suggest the
derivation of intermediate-composition rocks by mixing
of magmas. Mass-balance calculations indicate that the
Coso andesites cannot be derived from primitive basalt
by crystal fractionation unless unrealistic amounts of
hornblende are removed (table 9, model 2). Because
hornblende is not present as a stable phase in rocks less
silicic than dacite, its participation in the genesis of
andesite is considered unlikely. Acceptable mass-bal-
ance solutions were obtained on the assumption that the
andesite was generated from basalt by crystal fractiona-
tion combined with assimilation of silicic material (table
9, model 5; DePaolo, 1981). Because the calculations
indicate a very large fraction of silicic material must be
added, mixing with silicic magma is favored over assim-
ilation of crustal rocks to avoid excessive cooling. Since
the very common xenocrysts in the intermediate rocks
neither appear deformed nor show subsolidus re-
equilibration effects, it is more likely that they origi-
nated as phenocrysts in silicic magma than as
disaggregated plutonic or metamorphic rocks.
Fractional crystallization may have produced some
variation within the intermediate rocks, for example
from andesite to dacite, if small amounts of hornblende
were present in the fractionating assemblage (table 9,
model 3). In addition, the more silicic intermediate mag-
mas could be derived from less silicic magmas by sepa-
ration of plagioclase + clinopyroxene combined with
assimilation of silicic magma (table 9, model 6). As in the
previous assimilation-fractionation model, the amount
of assimilated material is much greater than the
amount of crystals removed.
Trace-element plots and ratio-ratio plots also can be
used to quantify mixing relationships (Langmuir and
others, 1978). The Th versus Cr plot (fig. 18) already has
been discussed in this connection. A number of ratio-
ratio plots were constructed in an attempt to further
quantify the amount of mixing needed to derive the Coso
intermediate-composition rocks. Some plots show reg-
ular relationships, but none meet the criteria for
rigorously demonstrating two-end member mixing.
This probably is a result of our inadequate knowledge of
specific end members, since the Coso suite represents
rocks of many ages erupted from widely distributed
Trace-element contents of intermediate-composition
rocks are most readily explained by mixing of variably
differentiated and (or) contaminated basaltic magma
with silicic magma. Chondrite-normalized REE pat-
terns for most andesite samples fall between those of
basalt and silicic rocks. Absence of marked Eu anoma-
lies virtually rules out significant plagioclase fractiona-
tion. The rotation of patterns about a point between Nd
and Sm, such that LREE become enriched and HREE
depleted, is inconsistent with fractionation of observed
TaBLE 9.-Least squares solutions to magmatic differentiation models
[Each model used pairs of analyzed Coso Range Pliocene rocks and the listed phenocrysts or rock compositions. Granodiorite BP-2 is from
Bateman and others (1984). Si0;°* = SiO, in weight percent recalculated with analysis normalized to total 100 percent volatile free and
with atomic Fe+2/Fe+2+Fe+3 = 0.86]
Model------~-------_-_--- 1 2 3 4 5 6
Parent: (sample)-------- 66 66 92 66 66 88
S107 Ko- saves m mises in e 50.1 50.1 59.7 50.1 50.1 56.9
Derivative: (sample)---- 56 83 95 56 89 92
Si02* --------------- 51.0 55.1 62.1 51.0 57.2 59.7
Mineral Phases:
(wt. percent)
Dacite (99)----------
Olivine-------------- 1-=6.1 1-4.4 15,3 133.9 s
Plagioclase---------- $-4.2 +-18.9 *-4.8 *-2.0 1-149.
Clinopyroxene-------- w S- = S-4.5 *-1«6
Hornblendey=--------- = ?-20.8 '=2.9 = = -
I1menite------------- *-.6 *-. 7 *-. 21 - - -
Whole Rock analyses:
(wt. percent)
Dacite (99)---------- - - = = +68. 4 +39.0
Granodiorite (BP-2)-- int - ~ +3.1 - -
fresidt-----------_-_-__-_-~ 34 17 02 38 11 133
Compositions of mineral phases used in fract
ionation calculations are given in tables
Mineral phases used in the calculations are phenocrysts that occur in the parent
or derivative, or are in compositionally similar rocks.
' olivine in sample 65
* olivine in sample 45
' plagioclase in sample 65
* plagioclase in sample 99
5 plagioclase in sample 92
® clinopyroxene in sample 45
? hornblende in sample 99
° ilmenite in sample 65
phenocryst minerals, a process which should not
deplete differentiates in HREE. Mafic andesite (sample
81), which has elevated REE but rather low compatible-
element abundances, could have been derived by frac-
tionation of LREE-rich basaltic magma, although its
high Al;,O; content and lack of a Eu anomaly suggests
plagioclase was not involved. Abundant mineralogic evi-
dence for contamination in this lava is not consistent
with simple crystallization differentiation.
Continental interior andesite compositionally similar
to andesite of the Coso Range has been described from
the San Juan volcanic field in southwestern Colorado.
The San Juan andesite has REE patterns nearly identi-
cal to those of the Coso rocks (Zielinski and Lipman,
1976; Lipman, unpub. data 1982). Zielinski and Lipman
(1976) surmised that the REE patterns of the San Juan
rocks suggest they were ultimately formed as mafic
melts from a garnet-bearing source; however, isotopic
evidence indicates extensive contamination with lower
crustal material (Lipman, unpub. data, 1982). Such an
origin is consistent with that inferred for the Coso
andesites, in which the lower crustal component is
thought to have been silicic magma derived by partial
fusion of garnet-bearing rocks.
The first intermediate-composition magmas were
erupted several hundred thousand years after the
inception of basaltic volcanism in the Coso Range. Most
of the andesite and dacite was erupted about 3.6 to 3.3
m.y. ago from polygenetic centers where volcanism was
focused for relatively long periods; intermediate-com-
position lavas from monogenetic vents were only
erupted later in the history of the field. Clear evidence
for the coexistence of more than one magma composition
in specific centers is present in the form of commingled
bombs and of lava flows with magmatic inclusions. Sepa-
ration of liquids from crystals, by whatever process, was
accompanied by episodes of mixing. Magma mixing is
easily imagined to take place in igneous systems, par-
ticularly those of comparatively small volume, which
are zoned from relatively differentiated magma down-
ward into basaltic roots. Such a model will be more fully
developed later, after the silicic rocks have been treated.
Major-element compositions of rhyodacite and silicic
dacite may be consistent with derivation of these lavas
by fractional crystallization of less-differentiated inter-
mediate-composition magmas. Mass-balance calcula-
tions suggest that this is a feasible origin for the less
evolved silicic rocks if hornblende is a fractionating
phase (table 9, model 3). Trace-element abundances in
the rhyodacite, however, do not appear to be consistent
with such an origin. Rather, partial melting of deep
crustal rocks is suggested. The LREE-enriched, HREE-
depleted patterns imply the presence of garnet in the
residual assemblage. Fractionation of hornblende may
indeed have played a role in the genesis of the
rhyodacite, but this probably took place after generation
of a silicic melt. In any fractionation or partial melting
scheme, the abundance of plagioclase in both Coso lavas
and prospective lower crustal rocks suggests that it
would have to be an important participant. This is
inconsistent with REE data which do not show the
expected negative Eu anomalies. Partition coefficients
for Eu between many crystalline phases, especially apa-
tite, and silicic melts are very small relative to those for
other REE (Arth, 1976; Watson and Green, 1981; Mahood
and Hildreth, 1983). Perhaps absence of Eu anomalies in
the silicic rocks was brought about by a tendency for the
effects of other phases to balance those of feldspar in a
fractionating or residual assemblage.
Although trends in elemental abundances indicate
that the silicic rocks have experienced some fractional
crystallization, the high Ba content of the rhyodacite
and silicic dacite is best explained by the parental silicic
liquids originating through partial melting of deep
crustal rocks, during which all K-feldspar and biotite
are consumed. Wyllie (1979) summarized a large
amount of experimental data on fusion of typical crustal
rocks, including several from the Sierra Nevada. These
studies show that quartz and alkali feldspar are the first
phases to melt during partial fusion of granodioritic to
tonalitic rocks under H,O-saturated conditions.
Because the majority of the Ba in such rocks resides in
alkali feldspar, liquids created by small to moderate
degrees of melting, in which alkali feldspar is con-
sumed, will be enriched in Ba. More extensive melting
increasingly involves other phases and would be
expected to cause the Ba content of liquids to decrease
toward that of the parent material. A similar process
may contribute to Ba enrichment of basaltic magmas
during interaction with crustal material.
Mafic inclusions in dacite, commingled bombs, and
basaltic xenocrysts in andesite and dacite indicate that
the dacite of the 3.6- to 3.0-m.y.-old part of the volcanic
field evolved in compositionally zoned igneous systems.
The most silicic magmas in these relatively small reser-
voirs may have been derived in part by fractionation of
more mafic intermediate-composition magmas and in
part by partial melting of country rocks, probably deep
in the system. Signatures of these processes are blurred
by the effects of magma mixing. The most differentiated
erupted dacite (sample 99) itself contains forsteritic
olivine xenocrysts derived from mixing, so the true sil-
icic end member has not been sampled. This end mem-
ber very likely would be similar in composition to the
rhyodacite of Haiwee Ridge.
The Haiwee Ridge silicic center, which produced
rhyodacite 3.0 to 2.5 m.y. ago, has no associated basaltic
or intermediate-composition lavas (Duffield and Bacon,
1981). The rhyodacite is nearly uniform in composition
and crystal content, is relatively volumious, and was
erupted from vents spread over a comparatively large
area. This magma probably came from a reservoir sub-
stantially larger than those of the earlier, polygenetic
centers to the east. The wide range of plagioclase com-
position in individual samples and resorption and
rapid-growth textures of the phenocrysts in the
rhyodacite suggest that the fairly uniform composition
of this rock may be related to convection and mixing of
silicic magma that previously had been zoned. Explosive
eruption of highly differentiated rhyolite at 3.1 m.y.,
followed at 3.0 m.y. by explosive eruption of rhyodacite,
and final emplacement of thick lava flows as late as 2.5
m.y. ago (Duffield and others, 1980) suggests degassing
and gradual death of a compositionally zoned system.
High-silica rhyolitic magma erupted from the upper
part of the system, which subsequently extruded less-
differentiated, higher-temperature magmas; the ear-
liest rhyodacite originally may have underlain this
rhyolitic cap. The longevity of the Haiwee Ridge center
necessitates a basaltic heat source, unless the uniform
rhyodacites represent independent igneous events. A
magma reservoir of several cubic kilometers or more is
indicated by the erupted volume and the 0.6-m.y.-long
eruptive history. The greater extent of differentiation
and far larger volume of silicic eruptives than found at
earlier Coso volcanoes is consistent with this hypoth-
Depletion of Ba in the most differentiated rhyodacite
suggests fractionation of either biotite or alkali feldspar.
Gradual increase in Rb and Cs throughout the
rhyodacite series suggests that biotite was not a major
fractionating phase because it has partition coefficients
for these elements of the same order as that for Ba,
whereas alkali feldspar concentrates Ba relative to Rb
and Cs. Alkali feldspar has not been recognized in the
rhyodacite, but K-rich sanidine is present in the
rhyolite. If the rhyodacite contains a component derived
from high-silica (Ba-poor) rhyolitic liquid that was
mixed with less-silicic differentiated magma, the
decreased Ba in the most evolved rhyodacite (sample
106) might be reconciled with the lack of evidence for
saturation with alkali feldspar. In fact, textural evi-
dence for mixing supports this suggestion.
The rhyolite is a special case because of its highly
differentiated composition. Extreme depletion and
enrichment of trace elements in high-silica rhyolite
have been attributed to various processes, notably frac-
tionation of accessory minerals (for example, Miller and
Mittlefehldt, 1982) and liquid-state differentiation
(Hildreth, 1979, 1981). Because rhyolite is spatially and
temporally associated with the rhyodacite and because
many trace-element abundances seem to fall on projec-
tions of trends defined by the rhyodacite, the two rock
types are probably genetically related. Mahood and
Hildreth (1983) showed that partition coefficients for
most trace elements between phenocrysts and high-
silica rhyolitic liquids are substantially larger than for
less silicic magmas because it is difficult for highly poly-
merized melts to accept trace constituents. For this rea-
son, we believe that the trace-element abundances in
the rhyolite largely reflect extreme fractional crys-
tallization of silicic magma.
Fractionation of feldspars and quartz tends to enrich
differentiates in most trace elements and deplete them
in Ba, Sr, and Eu. Conversely, fractionation of mafic
silicates, Fe-Ti oxides, and accessory minerals depletes
high-silica liquids in most trace elements except
alkaline earths (apart from micas) and alkali metals.
Accessory phases, such as sphene, allanite, zircon, and
apatite have characteristic patterns of partition coeffi-
cients, as shown well by the REE. The concave REE
pattern for the rhyolite may be attributed to combined
fractionation of apatite, which has an affinity for the
middle REE (Watson and Green, 1981), and of allanite,
which has very large partition coefficients for LREE
(Mahood and Hildreth, 1983). Apatite inclusions are
ubiquituous in phenocrysts of the rhyodacite and a sin-
gle crystal of allanite intergrown with hornblende has
been found in the most differentiated rhyodacite (sam-
ple 106). Alternatively, sphene might be the phase
responsible for depleting the differentiated rhyolite liq-
uid in the middle REE because of high partition coeffi-
cents for these relative to other REE (Simmons and
Hedge, 1978). The Eu anomaly is presumably caused by
feldspar fractionation. The REE pattern is not similar to
that of high-silica rhyolite postulated to have been
affected by thermogravitational diffusion (Hildreth,
1981), although diffusion-controlled processes may have
been important. Recent experimental studies (Harrison
and Watson, 1983) suggest that the common occurrence
of apatite inclusions in phenocrysts in silicic volcanic
rocks (see Bacon and Duffield, 1981) is brought about by
very slow diffusion of P in the liquid, causing local sat-
uration in apatite near growing crystals of other phases.
Apatite, and possibly other accessory minerals,
included in unexpectedly great amounts in larger phe-
nocrysts by such a process could produce enhanced frac-
tionation effects. In addition the Soret effect, in which
species migrate under the influence of a thermal gra-
dient, may produce enhanced mobility of many ele-
ments toward cooling surfaces (Lesher and Walker,
1983). Equilibrium fractionation thus may not be such a
common process as fractionation enhanced by diffusion
and thermal gradient effects.
Various studies, particularly the exhaustive analysis
of the Bishop Tuff by Hildreth (1979), have shown that
crystal settling is not a viable mechanism for differen-
tiation of silicic magmas. More likely, crystallization
causes bouyant rise of low-density differentiated liquid
near the margins of a magma reservoir (McBirney,
1980); this liquid may be mixed into a convecting cham-
ber or lodge near its roof. Steep thermal gradients and
liquid-state diffusion processes may enhance the ability
of such boundary-layer differentiation to strongly
deplete liquids in some components and enrich them in
others. The magmatic system is kept active by repeated
intrusion of basaltic magma below the silicic volume,
and thermal gradients are maintained by conduction of
heat into country rocks, generally greatly aided by
hydrothermal convection. The Haiwee Ridge volcanic
center must have been fed by such a system, whose
highly differentiated portion was eventually mixed into
the main volume. Silicic magmas at other Pliocene cen-
ters in the Coso volcanic field may have experienced the
same processes, but the igneous systems beneath these
centers were smaller in volume and shorter-lived. As a
result, magma erupted from them was universally con-
taminated with more mafic magma from deeper in the
Volcanism in the Coso Range was episodic, consisting
of discrete eruptive episodes separated by relatively
lengthy periods of inactivity. The earliest episode, which
produced basalt, high-silica rhyolite, and minor
amounts of intermediate-composition lava occurred
between about 6.0 and 5.3 m.y. ago in the northeastern
Coso Range (Bacon and others, 1982). These late
Miocene rocks are not discussed in this paper because
they are geographically separated from the main
Pliocene volcanic field. Extensive K-Ar dating (Duffield
and others, 1980) has shown that a second volcanic epi-
sode took place in the eastern part of the Coso Range
around 4.0 to 3.0 m.y. ago. Basalt was erupted from
monogenetic vents throughout this period, a time when
basaltic volcanism was commonplace near the present
western margin of the Basin and Range province and
within the adjacent Sierra Nevada. Most of the poly-
genetic centers that produced dacitic lava in the eastern
part of the Coso Range were active approximately 3.5 to
3.3 m.y. ago; local dacitic flows were erupted as late as
about 3.0 m.y. The volume of volcanic products
increased to a maximum during the period of activity at
polygenetic centers; at the same time, the proportion of
intermediate-composition products was greatest
(Duffield and others, 1980). This pattern probably
reflects about one million years of continuity in the flux
of mantle-derived basaltic magma intruded into and, in
many cases, flowing through the crust beneath this
region. Approximately 0.5 m.y. after the onset of basaltic
volcanism, the local crust had become sufficiently
heated and tectonic conditions (discussed in the next
section) were appropriate to allow differentiation and
assimilation processes to generate evolved magmas.
These silicic magmas mixed to varying degrees with
basaltic magma beneath them to form the intermediate-
composition volcanics erupted from the comparatively
long-lived polygenetic centers.
Before the main stage of volcanism in the eastern
Coso Range had ended, silicic eruptions began approx-
imately 10 km to the west, near Haiwee Ridge. High-
silica rhyolitic explosive eruptions took place at 3.1 m.y.,
followed about 0.1 m.y. later by more voluminous
explosive eruption of rhyodacite (Duffield and others,
1980). Rhyodacitic lava was erupted from several wide-
spread vents at least as late as 2.5 m.y. ago. More than 9
km} of silicic magma erupted from the Haiwee Ridge
center, a volume at least twice as great as that of dacite
from the eastern center. Moreover, no basaltic or inter-
mediate-composition rocks have been recognized that
could have erupted from within the area of silicic vents.
The closest intermediate to mafic eruption was that of
the andesite of Cactus Flat (Duffield and Bacon, 1981)
from a small polygenetic center about 5 km northeast of
the nearest rhyodacite vent, probably before the end of
rhyodacitic volcanism at Haiwee Ridge. These observa-
tions, coupled with the compositional homogeneity of
the rhyodacite and other petrologic information pre-
sented earlier, argue for a relatively large crustal
magma reservoir that may have been active for at least
0.6 m.y. This reservoir presumably was created and
sustained by intrusion of subjacent basaltic magma.
Tectonic conditions in this part of the volcanic field
evidently allowed this chamber to develop such that it
prevented any basaltic or intermediate magma from
reaching the surface.
Other than the rhyodacite of Haiwee Ridge, no vol-
canic rocks are known in the Coso Range that have ages
between about 3.0 and 2.1 m.y. A few basaltic to
andesitic monogenetic vents were active in Rose Valley
2.1 m.y. ago, and several were active east of Volcano
Butte, one of which has been dated at 1.8 m.y. (Duffield
and others, 1980). Both sets of vents are considered as
one eruptive episode here because they are separated by
0.7 m.y. of inactivity from the next younger volcanic
episode (Duffield and others, 1980; Bacon and Metz,
1984). The duration of activity at these clusters of mono-
genetic cones is unknown, but is thought to have been
comparatively brief. The highly porphyritic basalt of
Rose Valley (samples 79, 80, and 81) (Duffield and
Bacon, 1981) is compositionally unusual in having ele-
vated K,0, P;0;, Rb, and Th contents (table 7). It is
similar in this respect to younger lavas erupted nearby
along the Sierra Nevada fault zone (for example, the
basalt of Red Hill and basalt southeast of Little Lake;
Duffield and Bacon, 1981; Bacon and Metz, 1984). Less is
known about the composition of rocks east of Volcano
Butte, but they appear to be typical basaltic (sample 70)
and andesitic lavas, compositionally and texturally sim-
ilar to those of the main Pliocene volcanic field nearby.
Neogene extension of the western Basin and Range
province, including the Coso area, is well established
(see Stewart, 1978). Volcanism has been associated with
this tectonic activity in many places, some of which have
developed into volcanic fields with longevities of several
million years (Smith and Luedke, 1984). The Coso vol-
canic field is no exception: Evidence abounds for faulting
during the lifetime of the field. Results of our petrologic
study suggest that the variation in composition of
erupted products is tied to the extent of interaction of
mantle-derived magma and crustal rocks, or, in other
words, to the crustal residence time of magma. In the
Coso Range there is sufficient control on the timing of
volcanism and tectonism to formulate some general
relations between residence time and long-term mea-
sures of deformation.
There are intriguing correlations between times and
styles of volcanism in entire provinces that suggest that
these qualities are functions of regional tectonic pro-
cesses. In the Sierra Nevada 40 km northwest of the
Coso volcanic field, three rhyolite domes were emplaced
2.4 m.y. ago, and a high-silica rhyolite dome 0.2 m.y. ago
(Bacon and Duffield, 1981). Monogenetic basaltic vents
3.6 m.y. old (Dalrymple, 1963) and a small field of
Quaternary basaltic vents, one of which is approx-
imately 0.2 m.y. old, (Moore and Lanphere, 1983) are
present about 20 km southwest and 10 km northwest,
respectively, of the rhyolite domes. Approximate syn-
chroneity, for both basaltic and silicic lavas, of volcanism
in the Sierra Nevada and the Coso Range thus suggests
tectonic influence on the timing and nature of igneous
activity (Bacon and Duffield, 1981).
Because the tectonic-magmatic pattern alluded to
above is regional, some tectonic factor that affects large
areas and that ultimately can be quantified is needed to
relate activity in one area to that in another and to relate
tectonic processes to igneous products. A useful concept
is that of the regional stress regime, defined in terms of
magnitude and orientation of principal compressive
stresses; these stresses are believed to be virtually con-
stant within large provinces (Zoback and Zoback, 1980)
which have narrow transistion zones between them
(McGarr, 1982). At present, there are few areas in which
magnitudes of stresses are known, but it is possible to
express tectonic styles in terms of the orientations and
relative magnitudes of the principal stresses (see
Nakamura and Uyeda, 1980) We have deduced
qualitatively the principal stresses that existed within
the Coso Range at various times during the last 4 m.y.
The results allows us to speculate on the relation
between the stress field and the composition and erup-
tive style of igneous products. We confine our analysis to
the area south of 36°15'N.; this is the approximate
northern limit of Pliocene volcanic rocks, and the transi-
tion to the tectonically different Owens Valley deforma-
tional province lies north of this latitude.
Some assumptions and principles upon which our
analysis is based are: (1) orientations of principal stress
axes (S8,,8,, and S;) and relative magnitudes of tectonic
stresses can be inferred from geologic observations; (2)
magma typically migrates in tabular conduits oriented
perpendicular to the least principal stress, S4; (3) driv-
ing pressure of magma is proportional to - S3
such that a decrease in S, may cause intrusion by exten-
sional failure; (4) for large crustal domains, the magni-
tude of S; is inversely related to the externally induced
extension rate; and (5) the residence time of magma in
the crust at any particular depth depends upon the
magnitude of S; at that depth. From these it follows that
the volume ratio of eruption to intrusion depends upon
the magnitude of S;. Decreasing S,, which might be
brought about by an increase in extension rate, would
lead to increasing residence time and decreasing erup-
tion/intrusion ratio, allowing greater differentiation
and interaction with crustal rocks.
Application of this model to the Pliocene history of the
Coso Range involves some speculation. Although the
volcanic history is well documented, long-term rates of
extension can only be inferred from limited information
on the timing of basin formation and normal faulting.
Thus, the relative magnitudes of principal stresses can
only be estimated,; orientations of stress axes, however,
can be specified with some confidence. For example,
Bacon and others (1980) synthesized data on azimuths
of faults and alignments of volcanic vents with earth-
quake focal mechanisms (Weaver and Hill, 1978/79; Wal-
ter and Weaver, 1980) to define the orientation of stress
axes for the Coso Range during the Quaternary: S; is
west-northwest, S;, is vertical, and S, is north-north-
east; because both strike-slip and normal faulting take
place from time to time, S;, and S;, are thought to be
similar in magnitude such that locally, during periods of
strike-slip faulting, S, may be oriented north-northeast
and S, vertically. Pliocene vent alignments and fault
traces are consistent with these orientations of stresses,
but the geologic history suggests their magnitudes were
slightly different as the region underwent the change
from relative stability to extension.
Prior to about 4 m.y. ago the Coso Range evidently did
not exist and the landscape was one of subdued topogra-
phy developed on intrusive rocks of the Sierra Nevada
batholith. Remnants of this erosion surface are visible
where volcanic cover is sparse. To the north, clastic
sediments were accumulating and volcanoes were active
at least as early as 6 m.y. ago in the basin that became
Owens Valley (Bacon and others, 1982). Accumulation of
basalt flows in a shallow basin was the first indication of
tectonism within the present Coso Range (south of
37°15'N.) (fig. 19A). These flows erupted from mono-
genetic vents, begining around 4 m.y. ago, and flowed
southwest or west-southwest into a generally north-
trending elongate depression. Normal faults with detec-
table offset of this age are unknown, yet the presence of
a shallow basin suggests that extensional deformation
had begun. This activity continued for 0.5 m.y., during
which time at least 5 km® of fluid basalt were erupted.
The abundance of K-Ar ages of about 3.6 m.y. for these
diktytaxitic basalt flows (Duffield and others, 1980)
implies that this was a time of particularly intense
tectonic activity. In any case, the long-term eruption
rate was high, and the composition reflects rapid trans-
port of mantle-derived magma to the surface. This
would have been a period of high eruption/intrusion
ratio, one in which the magnitude of S;, perhaps was the
largest for any time during evolution of the volcanic
By about 3.5 m.y. ago intermediate-composition mag-
mas had begun to be erupted in substantial volumes
from polygenetic centers within the basalt field (fig.
19B). This type of activity reached a maximum between
3.5 and 3.3 m.y. ago, and declined thereafter until only
local, monogenetic centers erupted dacite as late as 3.0
m.y. ago. At the close of this period, lavas were still
flowing toward the center of the same shallow elongate,
north-south basin, as evidenced by intermediate-com-
position flows erupted near both east and west margins
of the field (Duffield and Bacon, 1981). Basalt continued
to be erupted from monogenetic vents throughout this
interval. The overall eruption rate was probably com-
parable to the earlier rate but the eruption/intrusion
ratio was smaller (mean residence time was greater). If
the inferred high extension rate of the late Quaternary
was achieved by an approximately monotonic increase,
then the rate was somewhat higher 3.5-3.0 m.y. ago than
it was 4.0-3.5 m.y. ago. We can assume that S, remained
constant, since it reflected the weight of overburden,
and S, would have had no particular reason to change,
being perpendicular to the direction of extension. By
inference, therefore, S; had decreased below its value in
the previous 0.5 m.y.
The calc-alkaline trend shown by the Pliocene Coso
lavas may reflect the same kind of tectonic environment
in which are volcanism occurs. In arcs, the volcanic front
probably forms in the zone where S4, changes from ver-
tical to horizontal as one moves onland from the trench.
The magnitude of S, would be relatively large there,
allowing only short to medium residence time for
magma in the crust and opportunity for mixing. Early
in the history of extension in the Coso Range, the rela-
tive magnitudes of principal stresses may have been
similar to those in the typical are case. Only when
extension was well underway would S; have decreased
to a level such that magmas could have long crustal
residence times and large volumes of silicic magma
could form as a result.
Eruption of high-silica rhyolitic pumice from the
Haiwee Ridge silicic center took place 3.1 m.y. ago,
before the last intermediate-composition lava had
erupted in the eastern part of the volcanic field. Volu-
minous explosive eruptions of rhyodacitic pumice
occurred approximately 0.1 m.y. later from the same
general part of the field. Air-fall deposits of the
rhyodacitic pumice are interbedded with coarse alluvial
fan deposits that overlie the intermediate-composition
lavas to the east (fig. 19C). The fans developed as normal
faulting began and granitic debris was shed into a
north-south-trending left-stepping series of echelon
grabens that bisects the Coso Range. We surmise from
this that extension was then proceeding at an increased
rate in comparison to the previous 1 m.y. and that S; had
decreased further. The surface manifestation of this
extension was normal faulting along the western margin
of the earlier basin. The absence of volcanic products
less silicic than rhyodacite in the Haiwee Ridge area and
the moderate long-term eruption rate of silicic magma
indicate a decreased eruption/intrusion ratio. This epi-
sode evidently lasted until at least 2.5 m.y. ago, by which
time several thick rhyodacitic lava flows had been
emplaced, some of which flowed down canyons cut into
earlier pyroclastic and lacustrine deposits (Duffield and
others, 1980).
Extension continued from 2.5 to 0.6 m.y. ago, as evi-
denced by larger offsets on normal faults that cut older
rocks than those which cut younger rocks, and was
punctuated by brief local eruptions of monogenetic
basaltic cones (fig. 19D). A single high-silica rhyolite
dome was extruded 1.04 m.y. ago, a few tens of thousands
of years after several basaltic lava flows. Most of this
period of nearly 2 m.y., however, left little record of
volcanism. We have no evidence of how the extension
rate may have varied during this period between the
B. 3.0-3.6 m.y. ago
A. 3. .y.
36°|_ 3.6 m.y. ago
Basaltic vents
is 15
117° 30
“g“ s Lava flows into
e> A f ¢
\—p p deepening basin
{é \%
36° M2 S3 FS JR
w/ "5 707 00'
é, X
“2:3 1; andesite- dacite
z ¢ ¢( volcano
x :\
o 0
$ s \n Nn
3 I2 2 92 I
r m
r - @aq - Ba
| |
118°00' 17°30 _ 118°00'
C. 2.5-3.0 m.y. ago |_ D. 0.6-2.5 m.y. ago
36° |_ La 36 |_ CH
15 Lake 19 & Low
basin m relief
volcanic center
{2 Elevateg
8° 00
0-0.6 m.y. ago
Basalt (0.04-0.4 m.y.)
Rhyolite (0.06-1.0 m.y.) Pleistocene QUATERNARY
Basalt (1.1 my.)
; s Pleistocene QUATERNARY
Basalt and andesite (1.8-2.1 m.y.) arid Pliocene AND TERTIARY
Rhyodacite (2.5-3.0 m.y.)
Dacite (~3.3 m.y.)
Andesite (~3.3 my.)
Basalt (3.0->3.6 my.)
& Rhyodacite
n Dacite
A Andesite
@ Basalt and andesite
FAULT - Bar and ball on
downthrown side
Pliocene tectonic regime, which was characterized by
the inception and gradual increase of extension and the
onset of normal faulting, and the Quaternary, in which
extension may have reached a steady state and both
normal and strike-slip faulting acted concurrently.
Extrusion of numerous high-silica rhyolite domes and
eruption of peripheral basaltic lava flows in the south-
west part of the Coso volcanic field appear to have taken
place at approximately constant long-term rates (Bacon,
1982) for about the past 0.3 m.y. (fig. 196). These rates
are low compared to those of the Pliocene volcanic epi-
sode. One high-silica rhyolite dome was emplaced 0.6
m.y. ago in the center of the area of later rhyolitic extru-
sions. The highly differentiated composition of the
rhyolite implies a very low eruption/intrusion ratio, and
anomalously high heat flow in the central part of the
rhyolite field (Combs, 1980) is consistent with the con-
tinuance of the underlying magmatic system. Holocene
fault scarps immediately east of the rhyolite field and
historical seismicity show that extension is continuing.
Focal mechanisms demonstrate that strike-slip faulting
alternates with normal faulting, indicating that S;, and
S; are similar in magnitude. We suggest that during the
last 0.3, or even 0.6 m.y. S; has been less than at any
other time in the history of the volcanic field and that it
may have reached a steady-state minimum value.
19.-Maps showing development of Coso volcanic field (modi-
fied from Duffield and Bacon, 1981). Areas of rock units not
restored to pre-extension configuration. Most faults dominantly
normal but some, particularly those that trend northwest, have a
strike-slip component of motion. Vents indicated only where loca-
tion is certain. A, Approximate minimum area of volcanic rocks
3.6 m.y. ago. Basement surface beneath volcanic rocks was charac-
terized by low relief. Inferred north-northwest-trending shallow
basin may have resulted from incipient west-northwest-east-
southeast extension. Age of two patches of basaltic rocks near east
margin of map inferred. B, Approximate minimum area of vol-
canic rocks 3.6-3.0 m.y. ago. Flow of lava towards axis of shallow
basin suggests continuing basin subsidence. Differentiated
magma evolved at polygenetic volcanoes within the area of earlier
basaltic volcanism. C, Approximate minimum area of volcanic
rocks 3.0-2.5 m.y. ago. Rhyodacitic volcanic center, from which
minor rhyolite was first erupted, developed at northwest corner of
volcanic field. Onset of faulting and deposition of coarse alluvial
fan deposits from western source about 3.0 m.y. ago. D, Approxi-
mate minimum area of volcanic rocks 2.5-0.6 m.y. ago. Basalt and
andesite (contaminated basalt) erupted in southern part of vol-
canic field; high-silica rhyolite dome emplaced 1.04 m.y. ago near
center of field. Faulting continued. E, Minimum area of volcanic
rocks 0.6 m.y. ago to present. Continued basaltic volcanism near
southwestern corner of volcanic field. High-silica rhyolite formed
extensive field of domes and short thick flows near west-central
part of field (vents not shown). Faulting continued.
Pliocene volcanism in the Coso Range progressed
through a sequence of compositions and eruptive pat-
terns at the same time as the area was making the
tectonic transition from stability to extension. Early
lavas were of comparatively primitive basalt, erupted
from monogenetic vents during a period of shallow basin
formation 4.0 to 3.5 m.y. ago. Subsequent eruptions in
this area consisted of concurrent intermediate-composi-
tion magmas from polygenetic centers and basaltic
magmas from outlying monogenetic vents. Together
with the onset of normal faulting and alluvial fan forma-
tion about 3 m.y. ago, major silicic eruptions began in
the northwest part of the field near Haiwee Ridge. The
silicic activity ceased about 2.5 m.y. ago. The rest of the
Pliocene and the early Pleistocene were characterized
by local eruptions from short-lived monogenetic, gener-
ally basaltic centers.
The compositional variety of eruption products can be
related to the upward movement of basaltic magma,
ultimately derived from the mantle, into and through
the crust. Differentiation of basaltic magma took place
by separation of phenocrysts, a process commonly
accompanied by assimilation of crustal material. With
time, crystallization of basalt in the deep crust locally
produced sufficient heating to cause partial melting of
the crust and formation of relatively silicic magma.
Small-volume zoned magmatic systems developed, in
which silicic magma derived from the crust overlay
basaltic magma. Eruptions from these systems formed
polygenetic volcanic centers. Because of the relatively
small volume of silicic magma in these short-lived reser-
voirs, there was abundant opportunity for the basaltic
and silicic material to mix and hybridize, producing the
nearly continuous spectrum of intermediate rocks found
in the Coso Range. Toward the end of the Pliocene mag-
matic episode, when volcanism had shifted to the
Haiwee Ridge center, the volume of silicic magma was
sufficient that intermediate magma never erupted. Mix-
ing in the Haiwee Ridge chamber probably took place
between a dominant volume of rhyodacitic magma and
more differentiated high-silica rhyolitic magma.
Sparse data on fault displacements and on the defor-
mational history of the Coso Range suggest a gradual
change during the late Cenozoic from stability to
tectonic extension. Extension may have reached a
steady state by the late Pleistocene. The development of
the volcanic field seems to reflect this change in tectonic
environment. We have attempted to relate this change
to decrease in the least principal compressive stress, S;.
By encouraging longer residence of magma in the crust,
decrease in S, may lead to increased differentiation and
the tendency to form large volumes of silicic magma. We
conclude that in the evolution of the calc-alkaline Coso
volcanic field, magma mixing was an important
petrogenetic process that occurred during a time when
S;, was intermediate between a value characteristic of
tectonic stability and one typical of rapid extension.
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sCl ences
TaBLE 10.-Sample localities for Coso Range Pliocene volcanic rocks
Locality $o. Latitude N. Longitude W.
#Q-----~~ 8-195-2 117°45.61'
9-85-2 36°59 117°41.78"
4 5------- 13-108-1 36°11.88" 117°44.30'
5G------- I-~103-3 35°59.80' 117°42.52"
I-88-2 35°56.63' 117°36.00'
8-191-1 36°14.01' 117°45.20'
G4-~--+-- 9-1 2-3 36°13.54° 117°48.65'
13-114-2 36°01.71' 117°40.46"
I-103-1 36°00.03" 117°42.44"
8-128-4 36°02.47" 117°39.97'
8-194-8 36°09.41" 117°44.75
8-128-5 36°02.47' 117°39.97"'
1-87-3 35°56.11'
9-7-2 36°02.18' 117°46.91'
8-193-1 36°10.61' 117°45.86'
8-195-1 36°08.60' 117°44.68"
8-194-6 35°09.35' 117°47.26'
9-10-3 36°09.89' 117°49.18'
8-196-5 36°05.86' 117°45.06'
I-89-1 35°53.02' 117°35.30'
8-128-3 36°03.40" 117*38.24"
I-106-6 117°53.01"
I-106-7 36°00.04" 117°52.74"
I-106-3 36°00.26' 117*54.23"
I-103-2 36°00. 37' 117°41.74'
13-114-3 36°00.42" 117°41.24"
8-194-4 36°09.33" 117°47.16'
13-111-2 36°06.93' 117°42.91'
13-111-7 36°07.87' 117°43.02"
13-113-21 36°02-73' 117°42/42'
I-101-12 36°00. 19' 117*36.75'
I-103-4 36°00.09" 117°42.08"
13-47-3 36°12.63' 117°50.95'
9-87-2 36°13.92' 117°54.82'
I-101-1 35°57.94' 117°38.586'
I-101-13 36°00.24' 117°38.69'
13.111-4 36°07.89" 117°43.29'
I-101-10 35°59.19 117*386.4 7"
I-101-4 35°59.03" 117°38.84'
97---«--« 13-113-8 36°03.85 117°44.66"
98------- 13-113-19 36°03.12' 117°43.94"'
99---«-«-«- I-103-7 35°58.93" 117°41.52"
100------- 13-45-1 36°08. 17' 117"52.37"
13-42-4 36°03.93"'
13-43-4 36°06.75¢ 117*53:14"'
13-42-5 36°03.93" 117°50.33'
13-43-13 36°06.48" 117°53.53"
13-45-35 36°07.73' 117*53.36"
9-86-4 36°11.14' 117*53.63'
I-103-5 35°59.29" 117°%41.78"