DEW yORK 37¢100135011 2x commny 4“.“ m1“. ‘ «9m, - Luvs-m. «4-4.1... 2%.: Y S: t C e t .1. h C m N, O T T A T 3 L E D E w D L O S .T. O S e C mm 0 e h t .m m 0 0 r A 20E Book OF 01.6 e nevus}? desmsns 1 , . fix. ,,. ,. , 1 :- K .— TWENTYr SEVEN PLATES OF HISTORICAL ENGLISH ORNAMENT J'XXCOBSOH 87K commny 241 EAST 44th STREET, new 370% am COPYRIGHT, 1921 JACOBSON E9” COMPANY NEW YORK U. s. A. Prices are subject to a discount, to be determined when quantities are given PARGETING, FAST AND PRESENT ”A” "gifHIS book aims to make more familiar the vigorous a, :3) and peculiarly decorative Old English ornament i K‘2 * highly developed during the sixteenth century. The great houses in Derbyshire, Conway, Devon, Kent, Shrews. bury, Surrey and elsewhere still furnish noble evidence of its flourishing. The ornament included friezes, borders, over/mantels and ceilings plastered by hand and finished into a crude, uneven, yet charming surface. On these surfaces the parge ornaments, similar to those shown in the accompanying plates, were set. Finally the complete forms were introduced into the wall space between the wood panelling and the ceiling in a quaint spotted arrangement, connected at intervals by crossed, f11r leted bars. Ceilings as well as walls were parged with ornament which comprised lions, boars, winged lions and dragons, stag heads, stags, herons, swans, owls, masks, rosettes and fleurSIde/lis. The result was an enriched and softened effect not equalled by later methods, but which may be seen faithfully reproduced in the frontispiece. With the excep/ tion of tapestry, there is no form of wall covering that is so pleasing to the eye or so romantic in suggestion. The present way of pargeting is to attach surface sheets six feet square, cast from hand/modelling, to walls and ceilings in very much the same way as wallpaper or textiles. The ornaments are then applied individually according: to the scheme desired. Thus the original, primitive quality of design, with all its spirited strength and freedom and its varied tex’ ture, is actually recreated. Study and great care are given to every minute characteris’ tic of period and mannerism so that it is frequently difficult to judge between replica and original. We venture the hope that this book may be of inspirational as well as of practical value. JACOBSON E99 COMPANY, 241 East 44th Street, New York. JACOBSON 69’ CO. \\ \\ 5x?“- \ V w ANTiQUE if) UJ 3: U’) Z LL. Ci LL! y. LO < “J “x. EAN 17 M01? “LEE/7 JACOBSON 59° co. PLATE II , $24 .00 - per SCCthD Old English Frieze 102 , $36.00 per sectlon 100 101 36.00 per sectlon, foot, $8.00 g n 1 n n u f r e p ”was” ‘¢.cW\ fi \ xv §w K v «‘3 _ 3 \ a % §§§§5§F< JACOB ON 89’ CO 9 PLATE IV JACOBSON €93 CO. 103 - - - per foot, $6.00 104 - - - per foot, $500 105 - - - per foot, $2.00 106 - - - - per foot,$2.00 1400135011 699 00-. Puma v m 107 - - - - per foot, $4.00 110 - - - - - each, $5.00 112—116 - - - - each, $3.00 108 - — ' - - per foot, 200 111 - - - - - each, 3.00 117 - - - - - each, 8.00 109 - - - - per foot, 1.80 118 - - - - - each, 9'00 JACOBSON 69°: 00“. - - 1- foot $3 00 each, $8.00 per foot, $ .60 - per foot, $1.00 - - - 11:;- foot, 300 each, 5.00 per foot, .60 - per foot, 1.00 - each, 5.00 each, 5.00 per foot, .60 [J JACOBSON E9” CO. PLATE VII 1 — - - — per foot, $1.80 136 - — - - per foot, $1.80 137 - - - - per foot, .70 130 - - 4 - per foot, $3.00 133 131 - - — - per foot, 3.50 134 — — - - per {0012 2-00 132 - - - - per foot, 3.00 135 - — - - per foot, 2.00 138 - ‘ ' ' per {0013 '60 139 - — - - per foot, $1.80 143 - — - - per foot, $ .80 148 - - - - per foot, $1.20 140 — - — - per foot, ' 1.20 144 - ~ - - per foot, 1.20 149 - - - — per foot, 1.20 141 - - - - per foot, 1.20 146 - — 7 — per foot, 2.20 150 — - - .- per foot, 2.20 142 - - - - perfoot, 1.60 147 - - - — perfoot, 1.60 151 - - — - perfoot, 1.20 JACOBSON 699 co. per pair, 6 ch, per foot, per foot, 35 .80 per foot, .60 per foot, .40 per foot, .80 am an 1*”; M m\m"“‘~’:§.“ *"’“~‘"“‘“*m““w._ lbl per foot, $ .60 per foot, .60 per foot, .40 I; PLATE X JACOBSON 89°00. 162 - - - - per root, $1.80 165 — - - - per foot, $1.00 168 - — - - per foot, $ .80 163 — - - per foot, 1.50 166 — - — — per foot, 1.50 169 - - - - per foot, 1 00 164 - - - - per foot, 1.00 167 - - - - per foot, 1.50 170 - - - - per fOOt, 1-00 each, $8.00 each» 8'00 swamfieg \r\ < ,y/A pyd 12.00 Ich» ( m. 2 I $ ha C a e e \ \%& \ . e L x kaK) K: $80.00 60.00 each, JACOBSON E9” CO' PLATE XII JACOBSON 89’ CO. 177 A—F each ornament, $2.00 179 — each, $2.50 - each, $2.50 I78 G~L each ornament, 2.00 180 - - - - - - each, 2.50 - each, 2-50 181 M—-N, ornament - each, 2.50 JACOBSON 699 CO. PLATE XIII 18 thing ‘ 184 A—M - - per sheet, $20.00 186 J—L - - - per sheet, $12.00 188 - - - - - each, $2.50 I85 A—H - - per sheet, 8.00 187 A—P — - per sheet, 14.00 189 - - - - - each, 3-00 19 PLATE XIV JACOBSON 69’ CO. 190 - - - - per sheet, $24.00 192 A—B - - - each, $5.00 194 ‘ - - - - each, 35400 191 - - - - per sheet, 14.00 193 A—F - - per sheet, 3-00 I93 ‘ ' ‘ ' ' each, 1-50 193 G - - - - each, 5.00 JACOBSON 89’ CO. PLATE XV 20 196 - - - - each, $4.00 199 - - - - each, $6.00 202 - - - - each, $3.00 204 A—E - - per sheet, $11.00 197 - - - — each, 4.00 200 - - - - each, 1.50 203 - - - - each, 6.00 205 - - — - - each, 8.00 198 - - - - each, 2.00 201 - - - - each, 1.00 206 - - - - - each, 800 21 PLATE XVI » JACOBSON 89’ CO. JACOBSON 59’ CO. PLATE XVII 29, 211 - - - - - each, $24.00 214 - — - - - each, $6.00 218 - - - - — each, $600 219. - - - - - each, 1.50 215 — - - - - each, 5.00 219 - - - - - each 4.00 213 - - - - - each, 5.00 216 - - - - - each, 3.00 220 - - - - - each, 3.00 217 - — - - - each, 6.00 23 PLATE XVIII JACOBSON 59’ CO. - - - - - each, $36.00 223 - - - - - each, $12.00 224— each,$ 8.00 - - - - - each, 36.00 225 - each, 36.00 alternate to 222 JACOBSON 89’ CO. PLATE XIX 24 23,2~ - - — - - each, $6.00 233 - — - - — each, 12.00 226 - - - - - each, $24.00 229 - - - - - each, $300 227 - — - - - each, 1.50 230 - - - - - each, 3-00 228 - - - — - each, 3.00 231 - - - - - each, 6.00 234 - - - — - each, 36-00 9,5 PLATE XX JACOBSON 59’ CO. 235 Q - '- - - each, $2.50 ‘ 39 - - - - - each, $3.00 245 - - '- - - each, $3.00 250 4 ' ' ‘ ' Gad)» $150 236- - ‘- - - each, 2.50 3 240 - - - - - each, 2.00 246 - - ’- - - each, 2.00 251 -. - - - - each, 1.50 237- ¥ ‘- - - each, 2.50 241 - - — - - each, 2.00 247 — - - - - each, 2.50 I 252 -_‘ - - - - each, 1.50 238 - 1- - - — each, 2.50" ' 242 - — - - - each, 2.00 248 - - "- - - each. 2.00 ‘ b 253 4 - - 7- - each, 200 243- — - - -each, 2.00 249- - - - -each, 2.50 JACOBSON as; 00. 254 -- 255 -- 257 -- each, $5.00 each, 5.00 each, 5.00 each, 5.00 25 9 260 261 PLATE XXI each, $5.00 each, 4.00 each, 200 each, 5.00 266—268 26 each, $8.00 each, 4.00 each, 4.00 each, 4.00 27 269 270 271 272 each, $6.00 each, 6.00 each, 6.00 each, 6.00 each, each, each, each, PLATE XXII $5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 each, $4 00 each, 4.00 each, 4.00 each, 4 00 k.) (.20 H E) 19 [a "K J / t ) 4. [J 11-! JACOBSON E9” CO. each, $4.00 each, 4.00 each, 1.50 each, 2.00 JACOBSON ea 00. 286 -- 288 -- per sheet, $ 9.00 per sheet, each, each, 12.00 5.00 15.00 289 290 291 292 PLATE XXIII each, $1.80 each, 1.80 each, 1.50 each, 1.20 ‘ ma .. Z86ATOH - each, $1.80 - each, 1.50 - each, 1.50 - each, 1.20 297 298 7~99 300 301 28 each, $1.20 each, 1.50 each, .24 each, .24 each, 5.00 29 PLATE XXIV JACOBSON 89’ CO. ,a.‘ (mu/wv m WWW» » U E :3 M U ‘2 1 Price on application 30 PLATE XXV JACOBSON 59’ CO. mirrmd‘u muZZfU 1cat10n Price on app] JACOBSON 59’ CO. PLATE XXVI 31 umormwnuzg Price on application .3>mmu mm , a» J « xx \ “w 3¥§§ .13 ézééxésv » \§§§§§§§§¥§i u§§w¢§§§s ‘ \\ $§m§ \ . H §§§1 1cat10n 1 p p a n 0 e .m r P §i§§wfi my? 142%? 3» 4 ‘ \ § V \swx»§§$§§§§§§<§ki JACOBSON e; co. Illllli'lmllfilTli‘TlfilTITIflHfl'lilfifflfiilifilll mi C Cl ‘1 6 =1 3 5 ”173