(7) = = kd = - wv o a — a. - Qa GIFT P84 1918 £ a. HD 750 * tr ¢ C. 2 A 0) 17 Zc i / : eg Vs 17 ren] £ en : 8 bb 2 £a8.2 UIA x Lars Ra fae P 4 2- TENEMENT HOUSE ACT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA \ Approved June 13, 1913. In Effect August 10, 1913 rinted at the State Printing Office, Friend Wm. Richardson, Superintendent — gio Vik Fst 7d A oy v % vw} \ ” wr (HE ™ L uniYESRnY 13 : ’/ ’ ayn 7 > oi ) ! Ba ee ia sey Les Ly When ta > ) ® 5 8 Oe CHAPTER 356. An act to amend an act entitled, ‘‘ An act to regulate the build- ing and occupancy of tenement houses in incorporated towns, incorporated cities, and cities and counties, and to provide penalties for the violation thereof and repealing an act entitled, ‘An act to regulate the building and occupancy of tenement houses in incorporated towns, incorporated cities, and cities and counties, and to provide penalties for the violation thereof,” approved April 16, 1909, statutes of Cali- fornia of 1909, page 948,” and approved April 10, 1911, statutes of Califormia of 1911, page 860. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: SectioN 1. An act to regulate the building and occupancy of tenement houses in incorporated towns, incorporated cities, and cities and counties, and to provide penalties for the viola- tion thereof and repealing an act entitled ‘An act to regulate the building and occupancy of tenement houses in incorporated towns, incorporated cities, and cities and counties, and to pro- vide penalties for the violation thereof, approved April 16, 1909, statutes of California, of 1909, page 948,’” and approved April 10, 1911, statutes of California of 1911, page 860, is hereby amended to read as follows: Tenement house act. Section 1. This act shall be known as the tenement house act, and its provisions shall apply to all incorporated towns, incorporated cities, cities and counties in the State of Cali- fornia. It shall be the duty of the department of health of incorporated towns, incorporated cities and city and counties to enforce all the provisions of this act; provided, however, that incorporated towns, incorporated cities, cities and counties in the State of California shall have and are hereby given authority to designate and charge by ordinance, any other department than the department of health with the enforce- ment of this act or any portion thereof; provided, that the department of health of incorporated towns, incorporated cities and cities and counties shall always have supervision over and shall enforce the provisions of this act relating to sanitation, ventilation and health in all tenement buildings not in course of actual construction or alteration, and shall issue the permit hereinafter mentioned, entitled ‘‘Permit of occupancy upon completion of construction.”” In the event that an incorpo- rated town, incorporated city or city and county shall by 271479 4 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. municipal ordinance designate another and different depart- ment than the department of health to enforce the provisions of this act or any of them which by the provisions of this act may by such ordinance be transferred to the control of another department than the department of health all powers not so ~ transferred shall be and remain in the department of health. Definitions. A Sec. 2. For the purpose of this act certain words and phrases are defined as follows: A tenement house is any house or building, or portion thereof, of more than one story, which is designed, built, rented, leased, let or hired out, to be occupied or is occupied as the home or residence of four families or more living inde- pendently of each other, and doing their cooking upon the premises, or by three families so living and cooking, and hav- ing a common right in the halls, stairways, yards, water- closets, or some or any of them. Provided, that a building of not more than two stories in height, which is designed, built, rented, leased, let or hired out, to be occupied or is occupied as the home or residence of not more than four families living independently of each other, and so constructed that each section is arranged to be occupied as the home or residence of a separate family and each section having an entirely independent and separate entrance and stairway from the street or from an outside ves- tibule on the level of the first floor of said building and with no room, hall, bathroom, water-closet, kitchen or other con- venience used in common by two or more families occupying said building, shall not come within the definition of a tene- ment house contained in this act. An ‘‘apartment’ in a tenement house is a room or a suite of rooms which is occupied, or is intended or designed to be occupied as a family domicile. A ‘““yard’’ is an open, unoccupied space on the same lot with a tenement house, situated in the rear of said tenement house; provided, that in case of a corner lot the yard may he placed in the rear of either frontage. A ““‘court’’ is an open, unoccupied space, other than a yard, on the same lot with a tenement house. A court not extend- ing to the street or yard is an inner court. A court extending to the street or yard and bounded on three sides by a tenement house on the same lot is an outer court. If it extends to the street it is a street court. If it extends to the yard it is a yard court. If it extends from the street to the yard it is a street- to-yard court. A court bounded on one side and both ends by a tenement house and on the remaining side by a lot-line is a ‘‘lot-line’’ court. ~— TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 0 A ‘““court’’ bounded on one side and one end by a tenement house and on the remaining side by lot line and the remain- ing end open to the street or yard is a lot line outer court. A ‘‘shaft’’ includes exterior and interior shafts, whether for air, light, elevator, dumbwaiter, or any other purpose. A vent shat i is one used solely to ventile or light a water-closet compartment or bathroom. A ““public hall’’ is a hall, corridor or passageway not within an apartment. A “private hall’’ is a hall, passageway, corridor or vesti- bule within an apartment. A ‘stair hall”’ includes the stairs, stair landings and those portions of the public halls through which it is necessary to pass in going between the entrance hall and the roof. A ‘“‘basement’’ is a story partly below the level of the curb, the ceiling of which is not less than seven feet above the curb level. A ‘“cellar’’ is any story partly or wholly below the level of the curb, the ceiling of which is less than seven feet above the curb level. A fireproof tenement house is one the walls of which are constructed of brick, stone, iron or other incombustible mate- rial, and in which there are no wooden beams or lintels, and in which the floors, roofs, stair halls and public halls are built entirely of brick, stone, iron, or other hard incombustih material, and in which no woodwork or other inflammable material is used in any of the partitions, furrings or ceilings. But this definition shall not be construed as prohibiting else- where than in the stair halls or entrance halls, the use of wooden flooring on top of the fireproof floors or the use of wooden sleepers, nor as prohibiting wooden handrails, and hardwood treads. A ‘““wooden tenement’’ is a tenement of which the exterior walls or a portion thereof are of wood. Wooden buildings covered with metal, plaster, terra cotta, or veneered with masonry are wooden structures. For the purpose of this act the greatest horizontal linear dimension of any building shall be its length, and the next greatest horizontal linear dimension its width. The height of buildings shall be measured from the curb level at the center of the main front of the building to the top of the highest point of the roof beams in case of flat roofs, and for high-pitched roofs the avereage height of the gable shall be taken as the highest point of the building. ~ For a building erected upon a street corner, the measure- ments shall be taken from the curb level opposite Ye center of either front. 6 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. Measurement of height when ground above street level. ‘When the ground upon which the walls of a structure are built is above the street level, the average level for the ground adjoining the walls may be taken instead of the curb level for the height of such structure. Buildings converted to tenements. Sec. 3. A building not erected for use as a tenement house, if hereafter altered or converted to such use, shall thereupon become subject to all of the provisions of this act affecting tenement houses hereafter erected. Alteration. Existing tenement houses. SEc. 4. No tenement house shall at any time be altered so as to be in violation of any provision of this act. If any tene- ment house or any part thereof be erected, altered or occupied contrary to law, such tenement house shall be deemed an unlaw- ful structure, and the department of health, or the depart- ment charged with the enforcement of this act, may cause such building to be vacated, and such building shall not again be occupied until it or its occupation, as the case may be, has been made to conform with the law. Proportion of lot occupied. SEC. 5. No tenement house Beventier erected shall occupy more than ninety per cent of a corner lot or more than seventy- five per cent of any other lot, except as otherwise provided in this act; provided, that the space occupied by open iron fire escapes erected and constructed according to law shall not be deemed a part of the lot occupied, but that the space occupied by fireproof stairs, and by vent shafts thirty-two square feet or less in area, shall be considered as part of the lot occupied. For the purposes of this section the measurements may be taken at the level of the second tier of beams (the second floor level), except where rooms on the ground floor are to be used for sleeping apartments. Corner lot defined. SEC. 6. By corner lot is meant a lot situated at the junction of two streets, or of a street and public alley or other public thoroughfare or public park, not less than sixteen feet in width. Any portion of the width of such lot distant more than fifty feet from such junction shall not be regarded as part of a corner lot, but shall be subject to the provisions of this act respecting other than corner lots. Where, in any corner lot, the two frontages are of unequal length, either street frontage may be taken as the width of the lot. Street frontage alone and not alley frontage shall be considered in determining such lesser frontage. Height of tenement house. Sec. 7. The height of no tenement house hereafter erected shall by more than one half exceed the width of the widest street upon which it stands. TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 7 Yard. SEc. 8. Behind every tenement house hereafter erected, there shall be a yard extending across the entire width of the lot and at every point open from the ground to the sky, unob- structed, except that open iron fire escapes may project not over four feet from the rear line of the house. The depth of said yard, measured from the extreme rear wall of the house toward the rear line of the lot, shall be as provided in the following sections. Yard inside lot. Yard, two houses on one lot. Sec. 9. Except upon a corner lot, as provided in section ten, or upon a lot running through from street to street or street to public alley, or public park as provided in section eleven, the depth of the yard behind every tenement house hereafter erected sixty feet in height shall not be less than twelve feet in every part. Said yard shall be increased in depth two feet for every additional twelve feet in height of the building or frac- tion thereof, and may be decreased in depth one foot for every twelve feet in height of the building less than sixty feet; but it shall never be less than ten feet in depth in every part. In the event that two tenement houses or a tenement house and another structure of more than one story in height are constructed or erected upon the same lot, then and in that event the full yard space as set forth in this section shall be provided for each of such buildings. In no case shall two buildings of more than one story in height abut upon the yard of a width as herein provided for a single tenement house. To determine the depth of yard as described in this section, the measurement shall be taken of the rear wall of such tene- ment house abutting on said yard and from the top of such wall to the level of the floor of the yard at such rear wall. Yard for corner lot. Sec. 10. The depth of the yard behind every tenement house hereafter erected upon a corner lot shall be not less than ten feet in every part and at every point open and unobstructed from the level of the second tier of beams (the second floor level) ; provided, that where any such lot is less than one hun- dred feet in depth the depth of the yard be not less than ten per centum of the greatest depth of such lot, but shall never be less than five feet in every part, nor less than the minimum width of an outer court on the lot line as prescribed by this act. If rooms on the ground floor are used as sleeping apartments the yard shall be taken from the ground up. When a corner lot is more than fifty feet in width, the yard for that portion in excess of fifty feet shall conform to the provisions of section nine of this act. 8 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. Yard for street-to-street lot. Lot surrounded by streets, etc. SEC. 11. Whenever a tenement house is hereafter erccted upon a lot which runs through from one street to another street or public alley or public park and said lot is not more than one hundred and fifty feet in depth one half of the width of the street or alley upon which the yard abuts may be included in the depth of the yard required by sections nine and ten, but said one half not to exceed in width the depth of the yard for such lot provided in sections nine and ten ; provided, that on such lot no tenement house hereafter erected shall occupy more than ninety per centum of a corner lot, or more than seventy-five per centum of any other lot. One half the width of the rear street or public alley or public park, immediately behind said lot, may be included in the por- tion of lot that is left uncovered in computing the percentage; provided, that whenever said one half the width of said rear street, or public alley or public park equals or exceeds the depth of yard required in section ten, if the lot be a corner lot, or in section nine, if the lot be not a corner lot, only such por- tion of such street, or public alley or public park may be included in computing the percentage to be left uncovered as will equal the depth of yard required for said lot. ‘When one half the width of such rear street, or public alley or public park is less than the depth of the yard required for such lot by the provisions of sections nine and ten it may be included in computing the percentage of the lot to remain uncovered. If a lot is surrounded upon its four sides by streets or streets and public alleys twenty feet or more wide or public parks over twenty-four feet wide, the provisions relating to yards in see- tions eight, nine, ten and eleven need not be complied with; provided, that the tenement house to be constructed on such lot does not occupy more than seventy-five per centum of the lot and contains an outer court at least eighty feet deep and of a width twice as great as the depth prescribed for yards in sec- tion nine and open to one of the surrounding streets, public alleys, or public parks; provided, that said outer court shall not be required to be of a depth which shall leave less than fifty feet between the rear line of said court and the ne of said lot immediately behind said court. Court and vent shaft open to sky. Sec. 12. No court or vent shaft of a tenement house here- after erected shall be covered by a roof or skylight, but every such vent shaft or court shall be at every point open from at least two feet above the floor of the lowest apartment abutting upon such vent shaft or court to the sky, unobstructed, except that open iron fire escapes, as required by law, or by ordi- TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 9 ~ nances or regulations of incorporated towns, incorporated cities or cities and counties, may project into the court, but not more than four feet from the wall of the house. All courts in tene- ment houses hereafter erected shall conform to the require- ments of the following sections. When recesses on street or yard or court not counted. Except that recesses may be built on the street or vard or a court, provided the depth of same Is no greater than the width and that thefr area be not counted In computing the area of the court. Outer courts. Lot line outer courts. Street-to-yard courts, size of. Sec. 13. The outer courts of all tenement houses hereafter erected shall have not less than the following minimum widths nor more than the following maximum lengths : Building. Least width. Maximum length. Dstories. 4 feet 16 feet 3 stories... ———- 4 feet 6 inches 25 feet a 5 feet 6 inches 30 feet 5 stories... ..-. 6 feet 35 feet Gstories. . i. 8 feet 35 feet 7 stories. Zo... io 10 feet : 40 feet 8 stories or more__ 12 feet 40 feet The length of outer courts shall not be more than the maxi- mum lengths given in the above table unless six inches be added to the minimum widths for each additional five feet or fraction thereof in length. The lot line outer courts and street to yard courts shall have the same minimum width as outer courts but are not governed by the provision in this section regarding maximum lengths. Inner courts, size of. Sec. 14. The inner courts of all tenement houses hereafter erected shall have areas and minimum widths in all parts,»not less than the widths and areas as foMows: Building. Area in square feet. Least width. 2 stories... Li Ae 5 6 feet Bstovley o_o lau 120 7 feet dstories.. oo. onl oo 160 8 feet Distorles. ol... Sa 250 12 feet Gistories. i. Cal ld tn 400 16 feet Zostories. . .. oho iia 625 20 feet S stories or more... ..... + 840 24 feet Provided, that when only the windows of kitchens contain- ing not more than seventy-five square feet of floor area or of bath rooms or toilets open or are designed to open upon an inner court and said court is entirely open and free from obstruction from the bottom hereof to the sky, said court shall 10 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. have areas and minimum widths in all parts not less than the areas and widths specified in the following table: Building. Area in square feet. Least width. stories ao 75 6 feet 0 inches Storie a 84 7 feet 0 inches 4d slories. oo 8 112 8 feet 0 inches bostorieg o-oo 144 12 feet 0 inches Gsloriee:.-O 240 16 feet 0 inches T glories. oa 360 20 feet 0 inches 8 stories or more_____ 400 20 feet 0 inches Lot line courts, size of. Sec. 15. Lot line courts in tenement houses hereafter erected shall have areas and minimum widths in all parts not less than those specified in the following table: Building. Area in square feet. Least width. SD stordes. co ny 50 4 feet 0 inches Dostories. oi. i 72 6 feet 0 inches dgtories. ~on. oo 105 7 feet 0 inches Dstories ac rn 130 9 feet 0 inches 6 stores oo co 300 12 feet 0 inches Tslories. i 490 14 feet 0 inches 8 stories or more_____ 595 17 feet 0 inches Provided, that when only the windows of kitchens contain- ing not more than seventy-five square’ feet of floor area or of bath rooms or toilets open or are designed to open upon a lot- line court and said court is entirely open and free from obstruction from the bottom thereof to the sky, said court shall have areas and minimum widths in all parts not less than the areas and widths specified in the following table: Building. Area in square feet. Least width. Qstories. = no 50 4 feet 0 inches Somlopiess os nl 50 4 feet 0 inches distopies. oo 60 6 feet 0 inches Sostoplomii nose 108 9 feet 0 inches Gigtories. oo cone 144 12 feet O inches Zostories. coo ol 168 14 feet 0.inches 8 stories or more .... 295 15 feet 0 inches Inner court and lot line court air intakes. Sec. 16. Every inner court, including lot line courts, shall be provided with one or more horizontal air intakes at the bot- tom. Such intakes shall always communicate directly with the street or yard, and shall consist of an unobstructed passage- way, not less than three feet wide and six feet six inches high, which shall be left open, or if not open, there shall always be provided in said passageway open grilles or transoms one at each end of a size not less than ten square feet each, and such TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 11 open grilles or transoms shall never be covered with glass or in any other way. In case the court does not go down below the second floor level, the intake shall consist of unobstructed open ducts having an open interior area of not less than six- teen square feet at any point, and covered at each end with a wire screen of not less than one-inch mesh. Such duct shall be so arranged as to be easily cleaned out. These ducts or intakes must in any case be either of fireproof construction or lined with No. 26 galvanized iron on inside. Minimum distance between buildings. Rear tenements. Sec. 17. No existing tenement house shall (unless the rear of the lot upon which it stands abuts upon a public alley at least ten feet wide) hereafter be enlarged or its lot be dimin- ished so that there will not be a yard immediately behind said tenement house building of the size required by this act for tenement house buildings hereafter constructed. Where a tenement house, now or hereafter erected, stands upon a lot, other than a corner lot, no other building shall hereafter be placed upon the front or rear of that lot, unless the minimum distance between such buildings shall be at least ten feet, if neither building exceeds the height of one story ; or twelve feet if either building exceeds the height of one story, but not the height of two stories, and so on, two additional feet to be added to such minimum distance of ten feet for every story more than one in the height of the highest building on such lot. Every rear tenement hereafter erected, or every tene- ment that hereafter becomes a rear tenement by the erection of a building or buildings on the front of the same lot, shall have direct access to a street, or to a public alley at least sixteen feet wide, by a passagevny not less than five feet wide by seven feet high. Windows. Sec. 18. In every tenement house hereafter erected every room, except water-closet compartments and bath rooms. shall have a window or windows of the area required by section 19 of this act, opening directly upon the street or upon a yard or a court of the dimensions specified in sections eight to sixteen of this act, and such windows shall be located so as to properly light all portions of such rooms. Window area. Sec. 19. In every tenement house hereafter erected, the total window area of each room within each apartment, except water-closet compartments and bath rooms, shall be at least one eighth of the superficial area of the room, except in the cellar or basement, where it shall be one sixth, and the upper half of all windows shall be made so as to open the full width. The total window area of any such room shall never be less than twelve square feet, measured to outside of sash. 12 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. Rooms, size of and height of ceiling. Kitchens, size of. Height of ceiling of closets, water-closets and bath rooms. Sec. 20. In every tenement house hereafter erected all rooms, except water-closet compartments and bath rooms, shall be of the following dimensions: In each apartment there shall be at least one room containing not less than one hundred and twenty square feet of floor area, and each other room shall contain at least ninety square feet of floor area. Each room shall be in every part not less than nine feet from the finish floor to the finished ceiling ; provided, that an attic room need be but nine feet high in but half its area. Except that small closets, and water-closet compartments, and bath rooms may be not less than seven feet six inches in height and except that kitchens or pantries may be less than ninety square feet of area; provided, that same are not occupied or intended or designed to be occupied as bed rooms. Alcoves. Size of closet and small alcove.” Cooking in closets or alcoves forbidden. SEC. 21. In every tenement house hereafter erected an alcove in any room shall be separately lighted and ventilated and must conform to all the requirements of other rooms, and shall not be less than ninety square feet in area. No part of any room in a tenement house hereafter erected shall be enclosed or subdivided at any time, wholly or in part, by a curtain or portiere, fixed or movable partition, or other con- trivance or device, unless such part of the room so enclosed or subdivided shall contain a separate window as herein required, and shall have a floor area of not less than ninety square feet; provided, however, that closets or alcoves of not more than twenty-five square feet floor area do not come within the pro- visions of this section ; provided, further, that it shall be unlaw- ful to do any cooking or prepare any food in closets or alcoves unless they conform to all the provisions of sections eighteen and nineteen of this act relative to windows. Windows in hall. Stair well. Skylight, size of. Sec. 22. In every tenement house which is hereafter erected, which is occupied or arranged to be occupied by more than two families on any floor, or which exceeds four stories and cellar in height, every public hall or stair hall shall have at least one window at each floor opening directly upon the street or upon a yard or court, except as otherwise provided in this section. Any part of a hall divided off from any other part of said hall by a door or doors shall be deemed a separate hall within the meaning of this section ; and if no window from such hall opens directly upon a street or upon a yard or court, there shall be a skylight over each such public hall with’ louvers and at least twenty square feet of glass area over buildings two stories in height. The area of glass in such skylight shall be increased at a ratio of six square feet for each additional story in height TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 13 of the building, and a stair well be provided. The clear open area of such stair well at each floor to be equal to one third of the area of the glass in such skylight, and all doors leading from such public halls shall be provided with translucent glass panel of an area of not less than five square feet for each door and also with fixed transome of translucent glass over each ‘door; provided, that in a stair hall that does not have a win- dow opening directly upon a street or upon a yard or court in lieu of such window a skylight with louvres and at least twenty square feet of glass area shall be constructed in the roof over such stairway. ; Public hall. Window, size of. Sec. 23. In every tenement house hereafter erected, one at least of the windows provided to light each public hall or part thereof shall have an area of at least twelve square feet measured to outside of sash. Window in stair hall, size of. Sash door. Sec. 24. In every tenement house hereafter erected, the windows required by law on each floor to light or ventilate stair halls, shall be at least fifteen square feet of area measured to outside of sash. Sash doors in entrance halls and public halls shall be deemed the equivalent of a window for lighting purposes; provided, that such doors contain the amount of glazed surface prescribed for windows. Vent shaft. Air intake. Pipes in vent shaft. Sec. 25. Every vent shaft hereafter constructed in a tene- ment house shall be at least sixteen square feet in area, and the least dimension of such vent shaft shall be at least four feet; and, if such vent shaft is above fifty feet in height meas- ured from the bottom to the top of said shaft, such vent shaft shall throughout its entire height be increased in area three square feet for each addition of twelve feet or fraction thereof above fifty feet. Every such vent shaft shall be constructed of fireproof materials or shall be covered on the outside (weatherside) with metal and on the inside (room side) with metal lath and plaster, excepting that portion of such vent shaft extending from the ceiling of the topmost story of the building may be covered with metal on both sides in lieu of metal lath and plaster. : Every such vent shaft shall be provided with an air intake or duct at the bottom, communicating with the street or yard, or a court; such air intake shall be three square feet in total area ; such air intake may be divided into not more than three separate ducts running between the joists or otherwise. and shall in all cases be placed as nearly horizontal as possible. Such ducts shall be constructed of fireproof material and shall 14 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. enter the shaft at or near the bottom thereof, and shall be pro- vided with a wire screen of not more than one inch mesh at each end. Plumbing, gas, steam or other similar pipes may be placed in a vent shaft. Access to water-closet in apartment of more than three rooms. Sec. 26. In every apartment of four or more rooms in a tenement house hereafter erected, access to every living rcom and bed room and to at least one water-closet compartment shall be had without passing through any bed room. Rooms in basement. Two thirds above building grade. Ceiling 7 feet above grade and ground level. Sec. 27. In no tenement house hereafter erected. shall any room in the cellar be constructed, altered, converted or occupied for living purposes; and no room in the basement of a tenement house shall be constructed, altered, converted, or occupied for living purposes, unless all of the following conditions of this act be complied with, and at least two thirds of the basement shall be above grade for building; provided, in each case of each such room the ceiling shall be at least seven feet above the adjoining street grades and actual ground levels. (1) Such rooms shall be at least nine feet in every part from the floor to the ceiling. (2) There shall be appurtenant to such room or apartment a water-closet conforming to the regulations and ordinances relating to water-closets, of the incorporated town, incorpo- rated city or city and county in which the tenement house is or is to be built. Walls below ground dampproofed. Sec. 28. If the basement of any tenement house hereafter erected is used or designed to be used for living purposes it shall have all walls below the ground level and all cellar or lower floors dampproofed and waterproofed. When necessary to make such floors and walls dampproof and waterproof, the dampproofing and waterproofing shall run through the walls as high as the ground level and continue throughout the floor. All cellars and basements in such tenement houses shall be properly lighted and ventilated to the satisfaction of the department charged with the enforcement of this act. - Drainage of shafts, courts, areas and yards. Sec. 29. In every tenement house hereafter erected the bottom of all shafts, courts, areas, and yards which extend to the basement for light or ventilation of living rooms, shall not be more than two feet above the floor of the lowest apartment abutting on such court, shaft, area or yard. In every tene- ment house all shafts, courts, areas and yards shall be properly graded and drained and connected with the street or sewer TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 15 so that all water may pass freely through into it, and when required by the department charged with the enforcement of this act, shall be properly concreted. Sink with running water in every apartment. Sec. 30. In every tenement house hereafter erected, there shall be in each apartment a proper sink with running water. Water-closets and baths. Window area. Construction. Sec. 31. In every tenement house hereafter erected there shall be a separate water-closet in a separate compartment within each apartment, and one shower bath or bath tub in a separate compartment, shall be provided on each floor for every ten rooms or fraction thereof and arranged so that one bath tub or shower is accessible to each apartment, provided that where there are apartments consisting of but one or two rooms there may be one water-closet compartment for every two such apartments accessible from each such apartment through the public hall, and not more than twenty feet distant from an entrance of each such apartment. + Each compartment shall not be less than two feet four inches wide and shall be enclosed with plastered partitions which shall extend to the ceiling. Every such water-closet compartment shall have a window or windows of at least six square feet total area opening directly upon a vent shaft, court, street or yard. However, a bath tub or shower may be placed in a separate water-closet compartment where neither bath tub or shower, or water-closet are to be used by more than one apartment. Every water-closet compartment shall be provided with proper means for lighting same by night. The floor of every such water-closet compartment shall be made waterproof with asphalt, tile, cement or some other non- absorbent waterproof material, which shall be satisfactory to the department charged with the enforcement of this act. Wooden tenement, size. Sec. 32. No wooden tenement house shall hereafter be - erected which shall contain more than one hundred and fifty rooms exclusive of bath rooms. Wooden tenement, height. Three stories living apartments. Amuse- ment rooms. Basement is a story. Step up or down, but not exceed, provided herein. Sec. 33. No wooden tenement house exceeding three stories in height, exclusive of cellar, shall hereafter be erected. However, the building may step up or down to follow the grade; provided, no part of the said building is over three stories in height; provided, however, that a wooden tenement containing a basement or a full first story the floor of which is not below the level of the curb may, where such basement or story is not used or designed to be used for living purposes, 16 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. be constructed with not more than three stories of living ‘apartments above such basement or such first story; and pro- vided, further, that when three stories of living apartments are constructed or designed to be constructed or occupied above such first story or basement of a wooden tenement such first story or basement shall not be of such height as to have more ‘than fourteen feet or less than nine feet between the finished floor and finished ceiling. ‘Where such wooden tenement contains three stories designed for living purposes no stores shall be placed therein. ~ Whenever in a wooden tenement three stories of apartments designed for living purposes are constructed above such last mentioned basement or story, such basement or story may ‘contain reception or amusement rooms, not to exceed five in ‘number, which shall be for the use of the tenants of the huild- ing and are not to be used for commercial purposes, and shall not contain apartments used or designed to be used for living purposes. ~ Every tenement house may contain not to exceed five such reception or amusement rooms for the use of the tenants of the building and not to be used for commercial purposes. Every reception or amusement room shall have a minimum floor area of not less than one hundred and fifty square feet and a minimum width of not less than ten feet and shall have a window or windows therein, opening upon a street or public alley, or other public thoroughfare or public park, or court or yard, as follows: When such room contains not more than one hundred and eighty square feet of floor area the window area, if said room is not a basement room, shall be not less than one eighth the superficial area of said room, and if located in a basement shall be not less than one sixth the superficial area of such room, and the upper half of the windows shall be made so as to open the full width. No reception or amusement room containing more than one hundred and eighty square feet of floor area shall have a lesser window area than that provided for such rooms containing one hundred and eighty square feet of floor area. No such reception or amusement room shall be used for lodg- ings, sleeping apartments or family domicile. ‘Whenever such reception or amusement rooms are placed in a wooden tenement building or in a tenement which is not a wooden tenement, the story or basement in which such roems are located shall have a minimum height between the finished floor and finished ceiling of not less than nine feet. No wooden tenement shall contain more than three stories used or designed to be used for living purposes and a base- ment containing living apartments shall be counted as a story TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 17 in determining the number of stories of a tenement house. Such tenement house may step up or down to follow the grade. Non-fireproof tenement. Step up or down, but not to exceed number of stories provided herein. Sec. 34. A non-fireproof tenement house may be built four stories in height; provided, the exterior walls are all of brick or stone or concrete and all other municipal requirements for this class of buildings are complied with. If in addition to above requirements all joists, girders, studding, furring and the soffits of stairs be lathed with metal lath and plastered, such tenement houses may be built not to exceed six stories; provided, the height limits imposed by municipal ordinance for all buildings of this particular class be not exceeded. A cellar is not a story within the meaning of this section. How- ever, the building may step up or down to follow the grade, provided that no part of said building exceeds the number of stories provided for in this section. Fireproof tenement. Sec. 35. Every tenement house hereafter erected exceeding six stories or parts of stories in height (above the curb) shall be a fireproof tenement house. A cellar is not a story within the meaning of this section. Standpipes. Fire escapes. Sec. 36. Every tenement house shall be provided and equipped with standpipes and with metallic fire escapes, com- bined with suitable metallic balconies, platforms and railings, as provided for, or which shall be provided for by the ordi- nances of the incorporated town, incorporated city or city and county in which the tenement house is situated. No incumbrance of any kind shall at any time be placed before, upon or against any stairway, steps or landings or fire escapes in or upon any tenement house. All fire escapes upon tene- ment houses shall be kept in good order and repair, and every exposed part thereof shall at all times be protected against rust by durable paint. Stairway to roof. Penthouse in every tenement over two stories. Sec. 37. Every tenement house hereafter erected, more than two stories in height, shall have a stairway not less than three feet in width leading to an opening onto the roof and provided with a penthouse over such a stairway (such pent- house to be constructed on the inside and ceiling, of the same materials as required in this section for the walls enclosing stairway, and provided with a door). Such stairway shall be provided with proper handrail and be enclosed with walls of fireproof materials or wood studs lathed on the stair side with metal lath and plaster, or such wood studs may be covered with metal in lieu of metal lath and plaster. Any door open- ing from such stairway to the roof space shall be covered on 2—TH. 18 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. the stair side with metal. The soffits of all such stairs shall be covered with metal or metal lath plastered. Stairway. Additional stairs non-fireproof tenement with less than 50 : rooms. Sec. 38. Every tenement house hereafter erected, more than two stories in height, shall have at least one flight of stairs, extending from the entrance floor to the roof and the stairs and public halls therein shall be at least three feet wide in the clear and every non-fireproof tenement house containing not more than fifty rooms shall have a secondary flight of stairs running from the top floor down to the second floor and not less than two feet six inches wide. A fire escape may take the place of this second stairway, provided said fire escape connects directly with a public hallway or is accessible to each apartment. Stairway in non-fireproof house. Sec. 39. Every non-fireproof tenement house hereafter erected containing over fifty rooms, exclusive of bath rooms, above the entrance story, shall also have an additional flight of stairs for every additional eighty rooms or fraction thereof; if said house contains not more than one hundred rooms above the entrance story, in lieu of an additional stairway, the stairs, stair halls and entrance halls throughout the entire building shall be at least one half wider than is specified in sections thirty-eight and forty-two of this act. However, where an additional flight of stairs is added in accordance with the pro- visions of this section, the secondary stairway required in seec- tion thirty-eight may be omitted. Stairway in fireproof house. Sec. 40. Every fireproof tenement house hereafter erected containing over one hundred and twenty rooms above the entrance story, exclusive of bath rooms, shall have an addi- tional flight of stairs for every additional one hundred and twenty rooms or fraction thereof, but if said house contains not more than one hundred and eighty rooms above the entrance story, exclusive of bath rooms, in lieu of an addi- tional stairway the stairs, stair halls and entrance halls throughout the entire building may each be at least one half wider than is specified in sections thirty-eight and forty-two of this act, and if such house contains not more than three hundred rooms above entrance story, exclusive of bath rooms, in lieu of four stairways there may be but three stairways; provided, that one of such stairways and the stair halls and entrance halls connected therewith are at least one half wider than is specified in sections thirty-eight and forty-two of this act. TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 19 Stair entrance and construction. Height of riser. Width of tread. Sec. 41. Each flight of stairs mentioned in the last two sections shall have an entrance on the entrance floor from the street or street court, or from an inner court which connects directly with the street. All stairs shall be constructed with a rise of not more than eight inches, and with treads not less than nine inches wide, exclusive of nosings. Where winders are used all treads at a point eighteen inches from the strings on the wall side shall be at least ten inches wide. Entrance hall, size. Access from yard to street direct. Sec. 42. Every entrance hall in a tenement house hereafter erected shall be at least three feet six inches in the clear from the entrance up to and including the stair enclosure, and beyond this point three feet wide in the clear. In every tene- ment house hereafter erected, access shall be had from the street to the yard, either in a direct line or through a court. Closets under stairs forbidden. Sec. 43. In non-fireproof tenement houses hereafter erected no closet of any kind shall be constructed under any stairway leading from the first story exclusive of the cellar, to the upper stories, but such space shall be left entirely open and kept clear and free from incumbrance. Entrance to cellar or basement from outside. SEC. 44. In every tenement house hereafter erected there shall be an entrance to the cellar or other lowest story from the outside of said building. Diminishing lot area forbidden. SEC. 45. No tenement house shall be increased in height or its lot decreased so that its yard shall be diminished to less than is required by sections eight to eleven inclusive of this act, or so that a greater percentage of the lot shall be occupied by buildings or structures than provided for in section five of this act. For the purpose of this section, the measurements for computing the percentage of lot to be occupied may be taken at the level of the second tier of beams, the second floor level, except in tenement houses where rooms on the ground floor are to be occupied as sleeping apartments; provided, that the space occupied by open iron fire escapes and by chim- neys or flues Ibcated in yards and attached to the house, which do not exceed five square feet in area and do not obstruct the light or ventilation, shall not be deemed part of the lot occupied. Maximum height. Sec. 46. No tenement house shall be increased in height so that said building shall exceed in height by more than one half the width of the widest street on which it stands. 20 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. Shaft or court in existing tenement. Sec. 47. Any shaft or court used or intended to be used to light or ventilate rooms intended to be used for living pur- poses, and which may hereafter be placed in tenement houses erected prior to the passage of this act, shall not be less in area than twenty-five square feet, or less than four feet in width in any part, and such shaft shall under no circumstances be roofed or covered over at the top with a roof or skylight. Added room or hall. Sec. 48. Any additional room or hall that is hereafter con- structed or created in a tenement house shall comply in all respects with the provisions of this act applicable to tenement houses to be erected hereafter, except that such rooms may be the same height as the other rooms of the same story of the house. Alteration. Light not to be diminished. Sec. 49. No tenement house shall be so altered that any room or public hall or stairs shall have its light or ventilation diminished in any way not approved by the health department or other department designated by municipal ordinance for that purpose. Room not to be divided. Closet or alcove 25 square feet area. Sec. 50. No part of any room in any tenement house shall hereafter be enclosed or subdivided wholly or in part, by a curtain, portiere, fixed or movable partition, or other contriv- ance or device, unless such part of the room so enclosed or sub- divided, shall contain a window as required by section eighteen of this act, and have a floor area of not less than ninety square feet; provided, however, that closets or alcoves of not more than twenty-five square feet in area do not come within the provisions of this section. New water-closets. Sec. 51. Every new water-closet hereafter placed in a tene- ment house, except one provided to replace a defective or anti- | quated fixture in the same location, shall comply with the provisions of section thirty-one of this act relative to water- closets in tenement houses hereafter erected. Limit size wooden tenement. Sec. 52. No existing wooden tenement house shall here- after be increased in size so as to contain more than one hun- dred and fifty rooms exclusive of bath rooms. Limit of height, wooden tenement. Step up or down to follow grade. Sec. 53. No wooden tenement house shall be increased in height so as to exceed three stories, exclusive of the cellar. However, the building may step up or down to follow the grade; provided no part of said building is over three stories in height. TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 21 Altering height. May step up or down, but not to exceed number of stories provided. Sec. 54. A non-fireproof tenement house may hercafter be altered to be four stories in height; provided, the exterior walls are all of brick or stone or concrete and all other municipal requirements for this class of buildings are complied with. If in addition to the above requirements all joists, girders, stud- ding, furring and the soffits of stairs be lathed with metal lath and plastered, such tenement houses may he built not to exceed six stories; provided, the height limits imposed by municipal ordinances for all buildings of this particular class be not exceeded. A cellar is not a story within the meaning of this section. However, the building may step up or down to follow the grade; provided no part of the said building exceeds the number of stories provided for in this section. Altering height. Fireproof house. Sec. 55. No tenement house shall hereafter be altered to exceed six stories or parts of stories in height unless it is a fireproof tenement house. A cellar is not a story within the meaning of this section. Stairs to roof not to be removed. Sec. 56. No stairs leading to the roof in any tenement house shall be removed or replaced with a ladder, unless a new stairway is built in conformity with requirements of section thirty-seven. Reducing stair width forbidden. Sec. 57. No public hall or stairs in a tenement house shall be reduced in width so as to be less than the minimum width prescribed in sections thirty-eight and forty-two of this aect. Lighting halls. Sunrise to sunset. ‘Sec. 58. In every tenement house containing fifteen rooms or more, where the public halls and stairs are not, in the opinion of the health department or other department desig- nated by municipal ordinance for that purpose, sufficiently lighted, the owner of such house shall keep a proper light burning in the hallway near the stairs upon each floor from sunrise to sunset. Lighting halls. Sunset to sunrise. Sec. 59. In every tenement house containing fifteen rooms or more, a proper light shall be kept burning by the owner in the public hallways, near the stairs, upon the entrance floor, and upon the second floor above the entrance floer of said house, every night from sunset to sunrise throughout the year, and upon all other floors of the said house from sunset until ten o’clock in the evening. ' 22 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. Water-closets in cellars. Must obtain permit. Sec. 60. No water-closets shall be maintained in the cellar of any tenement house without a special permit in writing from the health department, or other department designated by municipal ordinance for that purpose which shall have power to make rules and regulations governing the mainte- nance of such closets. Number of water-closets required in existing tenements. Sec. 61. In every tenement house existing prior to the passage of this act, at least one water-closet shall be provided for every two families; provided, however, that the health department or other department designated by municipal ordi- nance for that purpose may exempt any tenement house existing prior to the passage of this act from the provision in this section above contained, whenever, in the judgment of said department, it would not be detrimental to the health of the occupants of said tenement house and the written permit be signed by an officer of said department authorized so to do and filed in said department as a part of its records; provided, further, that the above exemption shall not apply to extensions of or additions to tenement houses existing prior to the passage of this act. Basement room, definition of. Basement two thirds above building grade. Ceiling seven feet above street grade and actual ground level. SEC. 62. In no now existing tenement house shall any room in the cellar be constructed, altered, converted or occupied for living purposes; and no room in the basement of a tenement house shall be constructed, altered, or converted to be occupied - for living purposes, unless all of the following conditions of this act be complied with, and at least two thirds of the base- ment shall be above grade for building ; provided, in each case it shall be at least seven feet above the street grade and actual ground level. Such rooms shall be at least eight feet six inches high in all now existing tenement houses in every part, from the floor to the ceiling. There shall be appurtenant to such room or apartment a water-closet conforming to the regu- lations and ordinances relating to water-closets, of the incor- porated town, incorporated city, or city and county in which the tenement house is or is to be built. All walls shall be dampproofed, and there shall be an open area way extending to bottom of basement floor and running clear across outside of at least one room in each apartment. Sinks and water-closets to be in good order. Sec. 63. In all tenement houses the floor and wall surfaces beneath and around all water-closets and sinks shall be main- tained in good order and repair, and if of wood shall be kept well painted with light colored paint. TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 23 Owner must repair roof. Owner to keep house in good order. Sec. 64. The owner of every tenement house shall see that such house and all parts thereof shall be kept in good order and the roof shall be kept so as not to leak, and all rain water shall be so drained and conveyed therefrom as to prevent its dripping on the ground or causing dampness in the walls, ceilings, yards, or areas. Owner must remove dirt and garbage from yards, etc. Keep house ciean. Sec. 65. The owner cf every tenement house shall see that such house and every part thereof shall be kept clean and free from any accumulation of dirt, filth or garbage or other matter in or on the same, or in the yards, courts, passages, areas or alleys connected or belonging to the same. Owner paint courts, etc., a light color. Sec. 66. The walls of all yard courts, inner courts and shafts, unless built of light colored brick or stone, shall be thoroughly whitewashed hyg#he owner, lessee or tenant, or shall be painted a light color®and so maintained. Kalsomining white, etc. Sec. 67. In all tenement houses, the health department or other department designated by municipal ordinance for that purpose may require the walls and ceilings of every room that does not open directly on the street to be kalsomined white or painted with white paint when necessary to improve the light- ing of such rooms, and may require this to be renewed as often as may be necessary. Wall paper first removed. Sec. 68. No wall paper shall be placed upon a wall or ceiling of any tenement house unless all wall paper shall be first removed therefrom and said wall and ceiling thoroughly cleaned. Owner must provide ash-cans. Sec. 69. The owner of every tenement house shall provide for said building proper and suitable conveniences or recep- tacles for ashes, rubbish, garbage, refuse and other matter. Animals forbidden on premises. Tenement not to be used for lodging house. Rags not to be stored. Sec. 70. No horse, cow, calf, swine, goat, rabbit, or sheep, chickens or poultry shall be kept in a tenement house, or within twenty feet thereof on the same lot, and no tenement house or the lot or premises thereof, shall be used for a lodging house or stable, or for the storage or handling of rags. Janitor. SEC. 71. Whenever there shall be more than eight families living in any tenement house, in which the owner does not reside, there shall be a janitor, housekeeper, or some respon- 24 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. sible person who shall reside in said house and have charge of same, as the department charged with the enforcement of this act shall so require. Air per person. Sec. 72. No room in any tenement house shall be so over- crowded that there shall be afforded less than four hundred cubic feet of air to each person occupying such room. Articles forbidden storage. Sec. 73. No tenement house or any part thereof, nor of the lot upon which it is situated, shall be used as a place of storage, keeping or handling of any combustible article except under such conditions as may be prescribed by the department of any incorporated town, incorporated city, or city and county to which this act applies, which are now charged with the enforcement of laws, ordinances, or regulations, relating to the erection of buildings, the protection of public health, and police and fire protection. No tenement house nor any part thereof, nor of the lot upon which it is situated, shall be used as a place of storage, keeping or handling of any article dangerous or detrimental to life or health, nor for the storage, keeping or handling of feed, hay, straw, excelsior, cotton, paper stock, feathers or rags. Bakery or place where fat is boiled. Fireproofing. Sec. 74. No bakery, and no place of business in which fat is boiled shall be maintained in any tenement house which is not fireproof throughout, unless the ceilings and side walls of said bakery or place where fat boiling is done are made safe by fireproof materials around the same, and there shall be no openings either by door or window, dumb waiter shafts or otherwise, between said bakery or said place where fat is boiled in any tenement house and the other parts of said building. Fireproofing where paint, oil, spirituous liquors or drugs are stored. Sec. 75. All transoms and windows opening into halls from any portion of a tenement house where paint, oil, spir- ituous liquors or drugs are stored for the purpose of sale or otherwise, shall be glazed with wire glass or they shall be removed and closed up as solidly as the rest of the wall. And all doors leading into such hall from such portion shall be made fireproof. Scuttles and penthouse doors not to be locked. Sec. 76. All scuttles and penthouses and all stairs or ladders leading thereto shall be easily accessible to all tenants of the building, and kept free from incumbrance, and ready for use at all times. No scuttle and no penthouse door shall at any time be locked with a key, but either may be fastened on the inside by movable bolts or hooks. TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 25 Sleeping rooms in existing tenements. Sec. 77. No room in a tenement house erected prior to the passage of this act shall hereafter be occupied for sleeping purposes, unless it shall have a window opening directly upon the street, or upon a yard not less than ten feet deep, or above the roof of an adjoining building, or upon a court of not less than twenty square feet in area, open to the sky without roof or skylight, unless such room is located on the top floor and is adequately lighted and ventilated by a skylight opening directly to the outer air, or is on the top floor and has a win- dow opening upon a court not less than ten square feet in area and not more than three feet below the top of the walls of said court. Every room in such tenement house, regardless of the use thereof, shall comply with the above provisions; or, if the room be not used for sleeping purposes, shall be provided with a sash window, opening into an adjoining room in the same apartment, which latter room either opens directly on the street or on a yard of the above dimensions. Said sash window shall be a vertically sliding pulley, hung sash not less than three feet by five feet between stop beads; both halves shall be made so as to readily open, and shall be glazed with translucent glass, and so far as possible it shall be in line with windows in outer rooms opening on the street or yard as to afford a maximum of light and ventilation. Extra light in halls. Sec. 78. In all now existing tonne houses whenever a public hall on any floor is not light enough in the day time to permit a person to read in every part thereof without the aid of artificial light, the wooden panels in the doors located at the ends of the public halls and opening into rooms shall be removed, and ground glass or other translucent glass or wire glass panels of an aggregate area of not less than four square feet for each door shall be substituted ; or said public hall may be lighted by a window at the end thereof with the plane of the window at right angles to the axis of the said hall, said window opening upon the street or upon a yard or court. Existing water-closets. Woodwork removed. Sec. 79. In all now existing tenement houses, the wood- work enclosing all water-closets shall be removed from the front of said closets and the space underneath the seat shall be left open. The floor and other surface beneath and around the closet shall be maintained in good order and repair and if of wood shall be kept well painted with light colored paint. Woodwork removed in sinks and lavatories. Sec. 80. In all now existing tenement houses the woodwork enclosing sinks or lavatories, located in rooms, located in publie halls or stairs shall be removed, and the space underneath sink 26 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. or lavatory, shall be left open. The floors and wall surfaces beneath and around the sink or lavatory shall be maintained in good order and repair, and if of wood shall be well painted. Door or window at bottom of shaft or court. Sec. 81. In all now existing tenement houses there shall be at the bottom of every shaft or inner court, a door or window giving sufficient access to each shaft or court to enable it to be properly cleaned out. Plumbing in existing tenements. School sinks and privy vaults to be removed. Sec. 82. In all tenement houses erected prior to the passage of this act, where a connection with a sewer is possible, all scheol sinks, privy vaults or other similar receptacles used to receive fecal matter, urine or sewage, shall be completely removed and the place where they are located properly disin- fected under the direction of the health department or other department designated by municipal ordinance for that pur- pose. Such appliances shall be replaced by individual water- closets of durable non-absorbent material, properly sewer-con- nected, and with individual traps, and properly connected flush tanks providing an ample flush of water to thoroughly cleanse the bowl. Each water-closet shall be located in a compart- ment ccmpletely separated from every other water-closet, and such compartment shall contain a window of not less than three square feet in area opening directly to the street, or yard, or on a court of the minimum size prescribed in section twenty-five of this act. The floors of the water-closet compart- ments shall be waterproof as provided in section thirty-one of this act. Where water-closets are placed in the yard to replace school sinks or privy vaults, the structure containing the water-closets shall not exceed ten feet in height ; such structure shall be provided with a ventilating skylight in the roof, of adequate size, and each water-closet shall be located in a com- partment separated completely from every other water-closet. Proper and adequate means for lighting the structure at night shall be provided. There shall be provided at least one water- closet for every two families in every tenement house existing on the day this act takes effect subject to the provisions of section sixty-one of this act. Except as in this section other- wise provided such water-closets and all plumbing in con- nection therewith shall be in accordance with the ordinances and regulations in relation to plumbing and drainage. Penthouses and scuttles in existing tenements. Sec. 83. Every tenement house of more than two stories in height erected prior to the passage of this act, shall have in the roof a penthouse or a scuttle which shall not be less than twenty-one by twenty-eight inches, and located in the ceiling TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 27: of a public hall. All scuttles shall be covered on the outside with metal and shall be provided with stairs or stationary ladders leading thereto and easily accessible to all tenants of the building. No scuttle and no bulkhead door shall at any time be locked with a key; but either may be fastened on the inside by movable bolts or locks. All key locks on scuttles and on penthouse doors shall be removed. Application by owner, his agent or architect for permit to build to be on blank forms furnished by department. Plans and specifica- tions and lot plan to be filed with application. Also, duplicate copy of plans for use on work. Agent of owner must file affidavit that he is authorized to act for owner and sign statement. Appli- cation for permit to be verified by affidavit of person making application. Changes in plans and specifications must be ap- proved. Certificate that “tenement house act has been complied with.” Permit for nominal alterations and repairs. Permit ex- pires if work is not commenced or is suspended for 90 days. Sec. 84. Before the construction or alteration of a tene- ment house or the alteration or conversion of a building for ‘the use of a tenement house is commenced, and before the con- struction or alteration of any building or structure on the same lot with a tenement house, the owner or his agent or architect shall submit to the health department or other department designated for that purpose by ordinance of the municipality in which said work is contemplated, a detailed statement in writing, verified by the affidavit of the person making the same, of the construction of such tenement house or building or of such alterations proposed to be made to the said tenement house or building, upon blanks or forms to be furnished by such department. Also a full and complete copy of the plans and specifications of the tenement house or building proposed to be erected or altered, as the case may be, together with a plan of the lot on which such building is proposed to be erected or altered or such portion of the lot as will be set aside exclu- sively for and under the control of the said tenement house building. Such statement shall give in full the name and residence by street and number of the owner or owners of such tenement house or building. Also the name and business address by street and number of the architect and the con- tractor. Said affidavit shall allege that said plans, specifica- tions and lot plan are true and contain a correct deseription of such tenement house, building lot, structure and proposed work. The statements and affidavits herein provided for may be made by the owner or his agent or architect. No person, however, shall be recognized as the agent of the owner unless he shall file with said department an affidavit alleging that he is authorized by the said owner te act for him and to sign the required affidavit. Any false swearing in a material point in such affidavit shall be deemed perjury. Such plans, specifica- tions and statements shall be filed in said department and shall be deemed public records. Said department charged with 28 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. the enforcement of this act shall cause all such plans and specifications to be examined and if such plans and specifica- tions conform to the provisions of this act shall issue a written certificate to that effect to the person submitting the same. Such certificate shall state that ‘‘ Tenement house act has been complied with.”” Said department may from time to time approve changes in any plans or specifications previously approved by it; provided, plans and specifications when so changed shall be in conformity with the provisions of this act. Said department shall have power to revoke or cancel any permit or approval that has been previously issued in case of any failure or neglect to comply with any of the provisions of this act or in case any false statement or misrepresentation is made in any of the said plans, specifications or statements sub- mitted or filed for such permit or approval. The construction, alteration or conversion of such tenement house, building or structure or any part thereof, shall not be commenced until the filing of such specifications, plans and statements, and the approval thereof, as above provided. The construction, altera- tion or conversion of such house, building or structure, shall be in accordance with such approved specifications and plans. When the original plans are filed a copy shall be presented to the department with which the plans are filed and when the permit to construct or alter is issued said copy shall be certified thereon by said department as a true copy of said plans and delivered to the person applying for said permit and shall be kept upon the premises upon which the tenement house or building is to be constructed or altered from the commence- ment of the work thereon to the final completion of the con- struction or alteration and be subject to inspection at all times by all proper authorities. A copy of all changes or alterations in the original plans duly authorized shall also be kept upon the premises or said changes or alterations shall be noted upon the original copy so issued and certified by the department with which the orig- inal plans were filed. The department charged with the enforcement of this act may, at its discretion, issue a permit in case of nominal alterations and repairs, when application is made therefor in writing by the owner, his agent or archi- tect, when the making of said nominal alterations and repairs do not affect any structural feature, light or sanitation of a tenement house building, without requiring the filing of plans, specifications or lot plan. ‘Any permit or approval which may be issued by said department but under which no work has been done within ninety days from the date of issuance of such permit or approval or where work has been suspended for a period of ninety days shall expire by limitation, and a new permit shall be obtained before the work may be prosecuted. TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 29 Certificate of final completion. Permit of occupancy, how obtained. SEC. 85. Upon the completion of the construction or alter- ation of a tenement house or alteration of a building into a tenement house and the making of a written application there- for by the owner, his agent, architect or contractor to the health department or other department designated by munici- pal ordinance to enforce the provisions of this act regarding actual construction or alteration of a tenement house or build- ing, said department, if said building at the date of such application is entitled thereto, shall, within ten days from the date of application, issue a certificate that the tenement house or building or alteration thereof is completed in conformity with the Tenement House Act, which certificate shall be entitled ‘‘ Certificate of final completion,’’ and upon presentation of said certificate to the department of health of the incorporated town, incorporated city, or city and county in which the building is located and filing the same with such department the department of health shall issue a permit to occupy such tenement house, which last mentioned permit shall be entitled ‘‘Permit of occupancy upon completion of construction.’’ Said certificate and said permit shall each be made in dupli- cate and one copy of each shall remain on file in the department issuing it. ~ No tenement house. shall be occupied in whole or in part for human habitation until the issuance of the said ‘‘ Certificate of final completion’’ and of said ‘‘ Permit of occupancy upon com- pletion of construction.’’ Unlawful occupancy. ; Sec. 86. If any building hereafter constructed as or altered into a tenement house, be occupied in whole or in part for human habitation in violation of the last section, during such unlawful occupancy said premises shall be deemed unfit for human habitation and the department of health or other depart- ment charged with the enforcement of this act may cause them to be vacated accordingly. Enforcement. Definition of “Department of Health.” SEc. 87. Except as herein otherwise provided, the pro- visions of this act shall be enforced by the departments of any incorporated town, incorporated city, or city and county to which this act applies, which are charged with the enforcement of laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to the protection of public health and the erection of buildings. By the term ‘‘department of health’’ used in this act is meant any department, portion or part of the government of any incorporated town, incorporated city or city and county to which this act applies which is charged with the enforcement of laws, ordinances and regulations relating to the protection of public health. 30 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. Inspection. Sec. 88. The department of health or other department charged with the enforcement of this act in any incorporated town, incorporated city or city and county to which this act applies and the officers and agents of such departments shall have the right and it shall be its and their duty to enter into tenement houses and buildings within the said municipal cor- poration for the purpose of inspecting such houses and huild- ings to secure compliance with the provisions of this act, and to prevent violations thereof. Tenement house act is minimum requirement. Sec. 89. Nothing in this act shall be construed to abrogate or impair the powers of the department of health, the depart- ment of public works or of the courts, to enforce any provisions of the charter or building ordinances and regulations of any incorporated town, incorporated city, or city and county, not inconsistent with this act, or to prevent or punish violations thereof. The provisions of this act shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the protection, health and safety of the community. Nothing in this act contained shall be con- strued as prohibiting the legal legislative body of any incor- porated town, incorporated city or city and county, from enacting from time to time supplementary ordinances imposing further restrictions. But no ordinance, regulation or ruling of any municipal authority shall repeal, amend, modify or dispense with any provision of this act. Penalty for violation. Sec. 90. Every person who shall violate or assist in viola- tion of any provision of this act shall be guilty of a misde- meanor punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding six months or by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or by both, and in addition to the penalty therefor, shall be liable for all costs, expense and disbursements paid or incurred by the department, by any of the officers thereof. or by any agent, employee or contractor of the same, in the prose- cution of such violation. Procedure for enforcement. Sec. 91. Except as herein otherwise specified the procedure for the prevention of violations of this act, or for the vacation of premises unlawfully occupied, or for other abatement of nuisance in connection with a tenement house, shall be as set forth in charter and ordinances of the municipality in which the procedure is taken. In case any tenement house, building or structure or any part thereof is constructed, altered, con- verted or maintained in violation of any provision of this act or of any order or notice of the departments charged with its TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 31 enforcement, or in case a nuisance exists in any such tenement house, building or structure or upon the lot on which it is situated, said departments may institute any appropriate action or proceeding to prevent such unlawful construction, alteration, conversion or maintenance, to restrain, correct or abate such violation or nuisance, to prevent the occupation of said tene- ment house, building or structure, or to prevent any illegal act, conduct or business in or about such tenement house or lot. In any such action or proceeding said departments may, by affidavit setting forth the facts, apply to the superior court, or to any judge thereof, for an order granting the relief for which said action or proceeding is brought, or for an order enjoining all persons from doing or permitting to be done any work in or about such tenement house, building, structure or lot, or from occupying or using the same for any purpose, until the entry of final judgment or order. In case any notice or order issued by said departments is not complied with, said departments may apply to the superior court, or to any judge thereof, for an order authorizing said departments to execute and carry out the provisions of said notice or order, to remove any violation specified in said order or notice, or to abate any nuisance in or about such tenement house, building or sirue- ture, or the lot upon which it is situated. The court, or any judge thereof, is hereby authorized to make any order specified in this section. In no case shall the said departments or any officer thereof or the municipal corporation be liable for costs in any action or proceeding that may be commenced in pur- suance of this act. Fine a lien on tenement house. Sec. 92. Every fine imposed by judgment under section ninety of this act upon a tenement house owner shall be a lien upon the house in relation to which the fine is imposed from the time of the filing of a certified copy of said judgment in the office of the recorder of the county in which said tenement house is situated, subject only to taxes and assessments and water rates, and to such mortgage and mechanics’ liens as may exist thereon prior to such filing; and it shall be the duty of the department of health or other department by municipal ordinance designated for that purpose, upon the entry of such judgment, to forthwith file the copy as aforesaid, and such copy upon filing shall be forthwith indexed by the recorder in the index of mechanics’ liens. Notice of pendency. Sec. 93. In any action or proceeding instituted by the departments charged with the enforcement of this act, the paintiff or petitioner may file in the county recorder’s office of the county where the property affected by such action or 32 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. proceeding is situated, a notice of the pendency of such action or proceeding. Said notice may be filed at the time of the commencement of the action or proceeding, or at any time afterwards before final judgment or order, or at any time after the service of any notice or order issued by said department. Such notice shall have the same force and effect as the notice of pendency of action provided for in the Code of Civil Pro- cedure. Each county recorder with whom such notice is filed shall record it, and shall index it in the name of each person specified in a direction subscribed by an officer of the depart- ment instituting such action or proceeding. Any such notice may be vacated upon the order of a judge of the court in which such action or proceeding was instituted or is pending. The recorder of the county where such notice is filed is hereby directed to mark such notice and any record or docket thereof as canceled of record, upon the presentation and filing a certified copy of such order. Owner and lessee to file address, etc., with department of health. Sec. 94. Every owner of a tenement house and every lessee of the whole house, or other person having control of a tene- ment house, shall file in the department of health a notice containing his name and address, and also a description of the property, by street and number, and otherwise, as the case may be, in such manner as will enable the departments charged with the enforcement of this act to easily find the same; and also the number of apartments in each house, the number of rooms in each apartment, and the number of families occupy- ing the apartments. In case of a transfer of any tenement house, it shall be the duty of the grantee of said tenement house to file in the department of health a notice of such trans- fer, stating the name of the new owner, within thirty days after such transfer. In case of the devolution of the said property by will, it shall be the duty of the executor and the devisee, if more than twenty-one years of age, and in the case of devolution of such property by inheritance without a will, it shall be the duties of the heirs, or in case all the heirs are under age, it shall be the duty of the administrator ‘of the deceased owner of said property to file in said department a notice, stating the death of said owner and the names of those who have succeeded to his interests, within thirty days after the death of the decedent, in case he died intestate. and within thirty days after the probate of his will, if he died testate. Agent's address for service of process filed with department of health. Sec. 95. Every owner, agent or lessee of a tenement house shall file in the department of health a notice containing the name and address of such agent of such house, for the purpose of receiving service of process, and also a description of the TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 33 property, by street and number or otherwise, as the case may be, in such manner as will enable the department charged with the enforcement of this act to easily find the same. The name of the owner or lessee may be filed as agent for this purpose. Names and addresses indexed by Department of Health. * Sec. 96. The names and addresses filed in accordance with sections ninety-four and ninety-five shall be indexed by the department of health in such a manner that all of those filed in relation to each tenement house shall be together and readily ascertainable. © The department of health shall provide the necessary books and clerical assistance for that purpose, and the expense thereof shall be paid by the municipality. Said indexes shall be public records, open to public inspection dur- ing business hours. Notice or order, when served. Sec. 97. Every notice or order in relation to a tenement house shall be served five days before the time for doing the thing in relation to twhich it shall have been issued. Summons, how and when served. Sec. 98. In any action brought by any department charged with the enforcement of this act in relation to a tenement house for injunction, vacation of the premises, or other abate- ment of nuisance, or to establish a lien thereon, it shall be sufficient service of summons to serve the same as notices and orders are served under the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure. Penalty for forbidden use. Sec. 99. A tenement house shall be subject to a penalty of one thousand dollars, if it or any part of it shall be used for the purposes of a house of prostitution or assignation of any description, with the permission of the owner thereof, or his agent, and said penalty shall be a lien upon the house and the lot upon which the house is situated. Owner liable for unlawful use. Sec. 100. A tenement house shall be deemed to have been used for the purposes specified in the last section with the permission of the owner or lessee thereof, if summary pro- ceedings for the removal of the tenants of said tenement house, or so much thereof as is unlawfully used, shall not have been commenced within five days after notice of such unlawful use, served by a department charged with the enforcement of this act in the manner prescribed by law for the service of notices and orders in relation to tenement houses. Reputation of house. Sec.- 101. In a prosecution against an owner or agent of a tenement house under section three hundred and sixteen of the 3—TH 34. TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. Penal Code, or in an action to establish a lien under section ninety-nine of this act, the general reputation of the premises in the neighborhood shall be competent evidence, but shall not be sufficient to support a judgment without corroborative evidence, and it shall be presumed that their use was with the permission of the owner or lessee; provided, that such pre- sumption may be rebutted by evidence. Action against the tenement house. Sec. 102. Said action shall be brought against the tene- ment house as defendant. Said house may be designated in the title of the action by its street and number or in any other method sufficiently precise to secure identification. The property shall be described in the complaint. The plaintiff, except as hereinafter provided, shall be any department charged with the enforcement of this act. Action, where brought. Complaint filed. Sec. 103. Said action shall be brought in the superior court in the county or city and county in which the property 1s situated. At, or before the commencement of the action, the complaint shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the county or city and county. together with a notice of the pendency of the action, containing the names of the parties, the object of the action. and a brief description of the prop- erty affected thereby. Lien of judgment. Sec. 104. The judgment in such action, if in favor of the plaintiff, shall establish the penalty sued for as a lien upon said premises, subject only to taxes, assessments, and to such mortgages and mechanics’ liens as may exist thereon prior to the filing of the notice of pendency of the action. Ali cities must comply with law. Laws and ordinances making further restrictions not repealed. Sec. 105. All statutes of the state and ordinances of incor- porated towns, incorporated cities and cities and counties, as far as inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed ; provided, that nothing in this act contained shall be construed as repealing or abrogating any present law or ordi- nance in any incorporated town, incorporated city or city and county of the state, further restricting the percentage of the lot to be covered by a tenement house, the number of stories or the height of such house, the number of apartments therein, the occupation thereof, the materials to be used in its con- struction, or increasing the size of yards or courts, the air space to each individual occupying a room, the requirements as to sanitation, ventilation, light, protection against fire. TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. 35 Further restrictions by cities. Sec. 106. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed as abrogating, diminishing, minimizing or denying the power of any incorporated town, incorporated city or city and county by ordinance to further restrict the percentage of the lot to be covered by a tenement house within said municipality, the number of stories or the height of such house, the number of apartments therein, the occupation thereof, the materials to be used in its construction or increasing the size of yards or courts, the air space to each individual occupying a room, the requirements as to sanitation, ventilation, light, protection against fire. This law absolute. Sec. 107. Except as herein otherwise provided, every tene- ment house shall be constructed and maintained in conformity with the existing law, but no ordinance, regulation or ruling of any municipal authority shall repeal, modify or dispense with any provisions of this act. Time limit to comply. Sec. 108. All improvements specifically required by this act upon tenement houses erected prior to its date of passage, shall be made within one year from said date, or at such earlier period as may be fixed by the boards of health charged with the enforcement of this act. : Heating furnaces, steam boilers, water-heating apparatus enclosed in masonry room. No gravity flow of oil. Sec. 109. All steam boilers, heating furnaces, or water- heating apparatus, using any fuel other than coal-gas or natural gas, installed in the basement or cellar of any tene- ment building, shall be enclosed in a room with walls of masonry, reinforced concrete, terra cotta or tile from the basement or cellar floor to the bottom of the first floor joists, and the ceiling of same construction or of not less than three fourths (#4) inch plaster on metal lath. All windows shall be of wire glass not less than one quarter of an inch thick in metal frames and sashes. All doors lead- ing from said room shall be fire doors and either run on tracks or arranged to swing out and to close automatically. ~All fire doors shall overlap the wall at least three inches at side and top. Sills shall be of metal at least one quarter of an inch thick on masonry, or of masonry, and have horizontal faces extending under fire doors and outer edges flush with outer surface of fire doors. Top of sliding door shall conform to incline on the track, which shall be three quarters inch to the foot. No door shall be hung on wooden frames or in contact with any woodwork. Doors shall be made of three (3) thicknesses of seven 36 TENEMENT HOUSE ACT. eighths inch by six (6) inch tongued and grooved redwood boards, surfaced both sides, the outer thickness to be placed vertical or diagonal and the inner thickness to be horizontal, nailed with clinched nails. Doors shall be entirely covered with good tin plate (‘‘IC’’ charcoal, 109 lbs. to the box), not over fourteen (14) inches by twenty (20) inches in size, laid with locked joints covering nail heads, and all vertical seams shall be double-locked. No solder shall be used. All doors shall have hinges, hangers, latches and chafing strips of wrought iron bolten to the doors, and shall have steel tracks, (when sliding doors) and wrought iron stops and binders bolted through the wall. Swinging doors shall have wall eyes of wrought iron built into or bolted through the wall. ‘Where oil is burned, every doorway shall have a masonry sill rising not less than six (6) inches from the floor. ‘Where oil is burned the oil shall not be fed to the furnace by a gravity flow. Fire escapes. Two on interior house. One on each frontage on corner house. All tenement houses hereafter constructed of more than two stories in height shall have at least two standard fire escapes, one of which shall be on the front of said tenement house. Tenement houses over two stories in height hereafter con- structed located on corner lots shall have at least one standard fire escape, constructed as hereinafter described. placed upon each front of the building upon each frontage upon each street. The fire escape balconies of said standard fire escapes shall commence at the level of the second floor and one such fire escape balcony shall be placed at the level of each floor above such second floor and from the topmost balcony shall extend an iron gooseneck ladder over the firewall to the roof. Permit to construct or alter. Annual license. Sec. 110. Every person desiring to construct or alter a tenement house shall obtain a permit from the department charged with the enforcement of this act. Every owner or lessee of a tenement house shall obtain at the beginning of each year a license from the health department of the incor- porated town, incorporated city, or city and county in which said tenement house is situated. Reference is to sections. Act, by whom enforced. oo. 10... olin oes i 1,87 not to be modified by city ordinance. o_o 89 Air, 400 cubic feet____ 72 Agent of owner, whom to be considered em ee 84 Alcove, size of, separately lighted... oo. con 00 ibn 21 twenty-five square feet in area i! Laan 50 when not more than 25 square feet area... __ = __ 21 Alterations nominal, when permitted without specifications________ 84 of existing tenements made in one year... _____ 108 Amusement rooms, number of, size, window plan________________ 33 Apartment, definition of______ End LS 2 Architect may apply for permit... ol ioruiih rl a 84 Areas, bottom of, graded, drained__ Ey hs 29 Assjenation, house, fine for nse as... 0. oniepo Gn 99 Assienation house, general reputation... aoe 101 Bakery, or place where fat ds boiled... io. oor in poenn 4 Basement, area of windows in... ..__. ... iv wid 19, 33 dampproofed and waterproofed, lighted and ventilated________ 28 definjtion of. _:-o 7 SE 2 room constructed or altered for living purposes en A 62 room in, to be two thirds above building grade, and ceiling seven feet above. “iio ion ln 27, 62 used for living purposes a story... .._ o_o 33 water-elosets In. oo oe rn onl LD ee 27 when living rooms may be In: ooo 00 0 Da i Ee 2.62 Bath-reom, height of ceiling... 7. 0 oa nnn 20 one foreach ten Looms, ebe.c oui o_o ie ci ni to 31 Building altered or converted to tenement... [1 3 on lot with tenement house... co 0 cent 17 Celling, height of 0 oi o.oo ation Dh i ea 20 Cellar, ‘definition: of... oor nti nna 0 ee 2 must: have outside entrance. =... o.oo oii LoL 4 not to be used for living purposes... o.oo 0 62 not to have living rooms... oo. oo Lwin nll on 27 not to have water-closet ‘In... 70 0 0 asi 60 Certificate of final completion, how obtained _____________________ 85 Chickens, not to be kept in house or within 20 feet on same lot____ 70 City may make further restrictions... =... 0 =. 107 may not modify aet oo nl an 89, 107 Closet, area not to exceed 25 square feet... i. 21,50 heightief eelling ci iii scams oy 20 not tobe under stairway... Loo. Lo no iii 43 Combustible articles, not to be stored, kept or handled____________ 73 Complaint, where filed... 0 on. haat ge island Gag 103 Construction, application for permit to be verified. _____________ 84 who may apply for permit: © >. i one 84 Cooking, in closets or alcoves, forbidden... ___ 21 Cornero dot, definition of... Loo en Sinn ag al 6 vo sive of yard, measurement of. oli Las La 10 Costs, city not Hable for... i. Goo oo eae cn lin 91 Cotton, not to be kept or handled on premises _._________________ 73 Court, bottom of, graded, drained, connected with sewer__________ 29 definition: of 7. 0 oi pi lil innganin ae ge a al 2 Inner, mmst have intake... 0 a oe 16 jnner, size of... il a ThA) = 14 lob lnesgize of. ror cal poten mien! Bull soiind 15 lot line outer: size of o.oo oo nll a rls not to he covered hy roof ov:skylight. or 0 il. lw 12 38 INDEX. Reference is to sections. Court, outer, must have intake. 0 = = woe TE outer, size of To street-to-yard, size of ._____.______ ee walls to be light colored Cow, not to be kept in tenement ~ Definition, apartment _ basement = 2 basement room __ department of health cellar court corner lot fireproof tenement inner court lot-line outer court____ outer court private hall public hall shaft . stair hall _ street court street-to-yard court ___ tenement house 0 MN 13 = RELZB orp wpweeenonwween ZR uved2B55 vent shaft: lo orien pi rs yes wooden tenement Epis Sur aia ip Nn a ee yard: Sa Lia yard court... La eT Department of health, agents, etc., may enter tenements. _______ definition == =o 0 a permit tooccopy building. =. nn 0 on mE Doors, from public halls, glass dn... =o a into halls, when panels replaced by glass____________________ 78 sash, in entrance and public halls 24 Denes 0... (5) Excelsior, noi io be stored or handled- 2... oid 73 Feathers, not to be kept or handled on premises_________________ 73 Feed, not to be kept or handled on premises__________________- 73 Fine, Hien onsproperty.. 0 0 ooo on a en ony 92 Fireleseapey ii of Good iorans i ge a 36, 109 Pireproof: tenement house, definition of... 0 2 heighvr of io Jo el Soni ita gente ao 55 Furnaces, Installation of ooo 0 cy Sana 109 Garbage, owner to keep house clean _ 4 Sl 65 owner. to: provide veeeptacles for. 0 oon cua 69 Goats, not to he kept on'premises.. co. a0 cL Lae 70 Hall ‘entrance, width of cio ono oii we nb Gh psi oe 42 not to have light or ventilation diminished__________________ 49 private, defimition ofa as oy ons nag a i aE a 2 public, definition of gis 2 public, not to be reduced in width___.__.. __.____ Lea 57 public, size of window______ en 23 public, width of ._.__ Lael i en Se a 38, 39, 40 public, window in when 22 public, when door panel replaced by glass___________________ 78 Hall, skylight over when 22 stair, definition of 2 stair, window in when__ 22 when deemed separate 22 INDEX. 39 Reference is to sections. Hay, not to be kept or handled on premises... =.= = 73 Health, department of, definition... =. 0 oo ivolie an 87 Height of tenement, corner lot, measurement of __________________ 2 ground above street level, measurement of. __________________ 2 measurement of ____ Li le oe 2 4 width of street Sl SN Sal 7 Horse, not to-be kept in tenement... 0 0 Gow den 70 House of prostitution, general reputation... _ | 101 Inner court, door or window to give access to______. 81 definition of iil lil win no i i sas a fe 2 Slee of on le a a 14 Intake, inner court.and lot line court. oo. oo 0 on = 00 16 to vent shaft, size, construction___ 25 Judement, Hew of = 0. cil nen nanan en a 104 Kitchen, size of... o_o ong 14, 15, 2 Lessee and owner to file address with department of health ______ 94 License, annual, from health department... =. ~~ =. 110 Light in hall, sunset to sunrise. o.oo Gan oun 59 In hallway, sunrise So. sumsetos ooo oh fla an 0 gi 58 Lodgings, tenement not tobe used for... o.oo 0 so i 00 Lot line court, definition of... 0 areas oa 2 Sige of noe o en Re a 15 Yot:line otter.court, definition of _.. oo iipe rane 2 Sivecof Loc Ln or ea 13 Tot, not to be decreased in sige. ooo ona ani 17 plan of, filed with specifications. =. 0 cong ll gy ei 84 street to street, computing percentage uncovered_____________ 11 surrounded on four sides by streets, ete... oi. hooey 11 Youvres, in skylight... ooo agr gio oul ae a 22 Misdemeanor, violation of aet a. oie nn i 90 Municipality may make greater restrictions___._________._________ 89 Names and addresses to'be indexed... .. o0 Go 96 Notice, how served. ola 0 iy eT 93, 97 Nuisance, abatement of... oon oi po nonin gna 91 Occupancy, permitiof, how obtained... 0 0a 85 OIL ar a oe a 75, 109 Ordinances In conflict repealed... oc 0 0 ooo lon 105 Order; to be served five days before... = oo. 97 Outer court, definition of. 0 oo. 0c uid og 2 Size of... Lona mtd LE pe 13 Owner and lessee to file address with department of health _______ 94 to.-keep roof in repair... ._ Si 64 to keep house clean and free from garbage .._._._____._________ 65 to provide receptacles for garbage, ashes, ete.__________._____ 69 Pant oo a LL a ea 5 Paper stock, not to be kept or handled on premises_______________ 73 Papering, old paper to be removed: ol JC. ila 68 Partition, fixed or movable, not to subdivide room..__._.._._______ 21 i Penthouse, door not to.be’locked. J. 0. =... lo. 76 in‘houses erected. prior to act... oo ol oil S83 provided with door... aii ol Sa 37 tenements hereafter constructed over two stories must have___ 37 Permit of occupancy on completion of construction ______________ 85 to build, by whom applied for and how... _... _____.. 84 to construct or alter to becobtained Co no. 110 to construct, when expires. i... oo 0 a. 0 ol ahr 84 Plaintiff, whomv te bes io lo vn fo i i a 102 Plans, certified copy kept on premises... i. Lo. oo 84 with whom filed, and by whom... o.oo 20 84 Plumbing, may be in vent shaft... __ _. _ - _____-_..___"_ 25 Private hall, definition: of... cnc lo ona ay 2 40 INDEX. Reference is to sections. D3 Privy vaults, toobecvemoved.. 02. oy Ln 82 Prostitution, penalty = i Se 99 Public hall, definition of 2 Rooms, addition to house erected prior to act. ________ 48 amusement and reception, size, number, size of windows______ 33 attic, height of... __.. 20 ‘bath, height of ceiling 20 for living purposes, not to -beidineellar..._._..-o _.. _______._ 27 in basement, altered, constructed or converted for ving PULDOSEs: io. oon ol aa 7,62 in basement, ceiling to be seven feet above street grade, ete.___ Y 62 in basement to be nine feet high... ___... 27 kitehen, size of... C0. oo 20 not to be divided by fixed or movable partition ______________ 21, 50 ‘not to have light diminished______ 49 size of, height of ceiling_ 20 sleeping, in house erected prior to act_ a 17 to be white when not opening on street... ___ 67 wall paper removed before repapering.....__.____.__ __. ____ 68 Scuttle, free from incumbrance and not locked __________________ 76 on; houses erected prior fo act... oi ori oo gil 83 Shaft, bottom of drained, ete... oo or at 29 definition lof oo Cont toon Lol ann pe i 2 door or window giving ACCESS TOL ol at a 81 house erected prior to net oc oe on 47 not to be covered by roof or shylight. SUE NER fe CU NR 12 Sink, running water.in eachiapartment. oo. Coolio oa. 30 woodwork: enclosing removed. =... oo Sir lel loo. 80 Skylicht overthall area of ooo oc la 22 Specifications, filed, what'toecontain so... ooiod oo. ____ 84 Spiritnous Hauors oe 5 Stable, not fo be on premises. =... Cl ii aa 70 Stajr hall, definition of... a 2 size of windows__.___ oa Lik 24 Stair-well; size of. Lb Sn 22 Stairs; entrance to, height of riser oo oo 41 light or ventilation not to be diminished — ——-__.-____ 49 not to be reduced in width... ie ror oo 57 mamber of os a ee i Ce 37, 38, 39, 40 to roof, not to be removed________ So 56 widthiof, Jeading to rool ol or wo Ll a Ln 37,38 Stairway, no closet under_______ 43 Store, not to be in three-story wooden tenement when ___________ 33 Story, lowest story must have outside entrance ___________——______ 44 Street-court definition of. oo ee 2 Streei-tosstreet lot, yard. = __.__ 11 Street-to-yard court, definition of ________.. ___________________ 2 Size ol oe ee ea Le Se i 13 Summons, how and when served _____._________________________ 98 Swine, not to be kept on premises _____ 70 Tenement house, address of agent filed ooo 95 altered ‘or converted in violation of act ——— eee 4 certificate of final completion, how obtained _________________ 85 definffion Of ne a en 2 rear, distance between buildings, access to street, yards_______ 17 extreme height _____ 7 fireproof, definition of _____ 2 fireprof, number of stories 35 limit of increase of height _____ 46 INDEX, 20 hy hi EL, Reference is to sections. Tenement house, nine families, to have person in charge on premises 71 non-fireproof, height of. 1. = i nev 0 oti Bina ih 54 non-fireproof, numberof stories... 0 0 34 ‘not to occupy more than 90 per cent corner lot, 75 per cent other lot Diol. woo mi bn an a Balas 5 occupied in vielation of ae... oo. oc ean 4, 86 permit to construct, how applied for... ' oc woo on oa 84 permit to Gceupy:-" i nln re Re ee Le DENT 85 used: for prostitution... oo vo onda ne gaa don 99 when deemed ‘assignation house»... ~ =. Coo 100 wooden, definition of... 0 Tia Lai ine ne at 2 Wooden, not toexceed 150 rooms... on 0 in 32,52 wooden, not to exceed three stories in height_ ________ 5 wooden, three stories occupied, no stores therein_______ 33 Transfer of house, notice of 0c 0 coc tins pn iene 94 Went shaft, definition of... ww 7 «oc nn nh Dae Shed 2 not to be covered by roof or skylight... > oo 12 size of, construction of, ajr intake pipes in... ius wa 25 Violation of act, a misdemeanor... 0 aco Sages ne 90 proceedings om inn ool non nan oe Ca 91 Walls of courts to be light eoloreds i i 0 aig ole os 66 ‘Water, sink with running water. coun 0 00 Tas iat sik 30 Water-closet, access to in apartment of 4 rooms, etc. __ 26 apartments of one or two rooms... xc cio oo ha so 31 helghtrofieailing to. on lairaoine es nog cn S20 in houses bulli priortoiget cic oar oo no dg 61 lighting by night; floor to be of asphalt, tile, cement, éte._____ 31 notte be in eallar... 00 oo aeons Cre den a 60 size of window_______ LT a a i 31 torhe in good repair. oo CooL tina oni 63 to replace defective one... Lo. on ch naga San 51 within each apartment of more than two rooms______________ 31 woodwork removed from around bowl___________ _____ __. ___ 79 Window; area of -._ioo Clon aendod ea rn iil ana 19, 33 every room to have window on street, court ov yard__________ ~18 EL eee SR is a SR al 21 in basement, aver of... Loonn dnac or a ee 19, 33 inpublie hall, when... oii nor 0 ened 22 Instaje hall, when... 5 Th Se 22 in water-closet, size of. = 0 Toi So LT any 31 size ofidn public ball. cob wee chan can CE 23 sire ol In stafr boll. ooo ine ann nea 24 Wooden: tenement, definition of... oto nb aaa pl 2 limited to 150- rooms. 0. ie ol al oo nn a ae 32,52 not to exceed three stories... 0 oo CooL She ag 33,53 three stories occupied, no stores thevein_________ __ _________ 33 Yard definition of... ie na a 9 corner. lot more than fifty feet wide... “co 0p 10 corner lot, size ‘of, measurement of Lo un ily 10 graded, drained, connected with sewer ________._________ 29 interior dot oo ooo no nena ae Se 9 locationiand measarement of. uo all og a 8 lot surrounded on: four sides by streets: .. co wry cng 13 measavement. of Co nolo Jal ancl nL rm i a 9 not to he diminished. oo lal ole poor be re 45 passageway to: street in ‘direct lime. 0 oot Cools rho 42 street-to-street lot oo. 2... ooo ne Le 11 two houses on one lot... 10 0 oa nde Jl aor ar an 9 Yard-court, definition of... = fn ali nS 2 4—1H UC. 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