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One of His Majesty's moft Honour- able Privy Council, Colonel of the Queen's own Royal Regiment of Horfe, General of the Foot, Malter General of the Ordnance, and Knight of the moft Noble Order of the Garter. My I.LORD, "HE early Encouragement I re- ceived from Your Grace, in my Profeflion, upon my Return from Italy, and the Honour of Your Protection ever - MB03757 DEDICATION ever {ince, give Your Name a juft Title to all my Productions in this kind. AS feveral of the Defigns here exhi- bited have had Your Graces Approba- tion; {o Your Patronage will be a {uffi- cient Recommendation to the whole Work. I'T is a particular Pleafure to me that this Publication gives me an Opportu- nity to declare the real Sentiments of’ Gratitude and Refpect with which I am, My LORD, Tour GRACE’s Moft Dutiful and moft Obliged humble Servant, James Gisss. (1) INTRODUCTION. HAT is here prefented to the Publick was un- dertaken at the inftance of feveral Perfons of Quality and others; and {ome Plates were added to what was at firft intended, by the particular direction of Per- fons of great Diftinction, for whofe Commands I have the higheft regard. ‘They were of opinion, that fuch a Work as this would be of ule to fuch Gentlemen as might be concerned in Building, efpecially in the remote parts of | the Country, where little or no afliftance for Defigns can be procured. Such may be here furnithed with Draughts of ufeful and convenient Buildings and proper Ornaments; which may be executed by any Workman who under- ftands Lines, either as here Defign’d, or with {ome Alte- ration, which may be ealily made by a Perfon of Judg- ment ; without which a Variation in Draughts, once well digefted, frequently proves a Detriment to the Building, as well as a Difparagement to the Perfon that gives them. I mention this to caution Gentlemen from fuffering any material Change to be made in their Defigns, by the For- wardnefs of unskilful Workmen, or the Caprice of ig- norant, afluming Pretenders. B So ME, (1) Some, for want of better Helps, have unfortunately put into the hands of common workmen, the manage- ment of Buildings of confiderable expence ; which, when finithed, they have had the mortification to find con- demned by perfons of Tafte, to that degree that fome- times they have been pulld down, at leaft alter'd at a greater charge than would have procurd better advice from an able Artift; or if they have ftood, they have remained lafting Monuments of the Ignorance or Parfi- monioufnefs of the Owners, or, it may be, of a wrong- judged Profufenefs. Wuar heaps of Stone, and even Marble, are daily {een in Monuments, Chimneys, and other Ornamental pieces of Architecture, without the leaft Symmetry or Order? When the {fame or fewer Materials, under the conduct of a skilful Surveyor, would, in lefs room and with much lefs charge, have been equally, if not more, ufeful, and by Juftnefs of Proportion have had a more grand Appearance, and confequently have better anfwer- ed the Intention of the Expence. For it is not the Bulk of a Fabrick, the Richnefs and Quantity of the Materials, the Multiplicity of Lines, nor the Gaudinefs of the Fi- nithing, that give the Grace or Beauty and Grandeur to a Building; but the Proportion of the Parts to one ano- ther and to the Whole, whether entirely plain, or enrich- ed with a few Ornaments properly difpofed. I~ order to prevent the Abufes and Abfurdities above hinted at, I have taken the utmoft care that thefe Defigns thould be done in the beft Tafte I could form upon the In- frructions of the greateft Mafters in Italy, as well as my own Ob- (iii ) Obfervations upon the ancient Buildings there, during ma- ny Years application to thefe Studies: For a curfory View of thofe Auguft Remains can no more quality the Speéta- tor, or Admirer, than the Air of the Country can infpire him with the knowledge of Architecture. I this Book prove ufeful in fome degree anfwerable to the Zeal of my Friends in encouraging and promoting the Publication of it, I fhall not think my time miffpent, nor my Pains ill-beftowed. I {hall now proceed to give a fhort Explanation of the Plates as they ftand in the Book. THE (iv) HE Church of St. Martin in the Fields, 77effminfter, being much - decayed and in danger of falling, the Parifhioners obtain’d an A& of Parliament for Rebuilding it at their own charges. The Commiffioners appointed therein were pleafed to make choice of me for Surveyor of that Work; and {feveral Plans of different Forms be- ing prepar’d and laid before them, they fix'd upon the following, as moft proper for that Site. There were two Defigns made for a Round Church, which were approved by the Commiffioners, but were laid afide upon account of the expenfivenefs of executing them; tho’ they were more capacious and convenient than what they pitch’d upon: I have inferted them likewife in this Book. The Commiflioners having {ign’d the Plan agreed on, gave me orders to begin the Work ; and every thing being ready for laying the Foundation, His Majefty was pleafed to dire the Right Reverend the Bifhop of Salisbury, then Lord Almoner, attended by Sir Thomas Hewyt, then Surveyor Gene- ral, to lay the firft "Stone of this Fabrick; upon which was fix’d the following Infcription: B.S. SERENISSIMUS REX GEORGIUS PER DEPUTATUM SUUM REVeé= ADMODUM IN Xt PATREM RICHARDUM EPISCOP. SARISBUR. SUMMUM SUUM ELEEMOSYNARIUM ADSISTENTE (REGIS JUSSU) D~ THO. HEWYT EQU. AUR. ZADIFICIORUM REGIORUM CURATORE PRINCIPALI PRIMUM HU]JUS ECCLESIA LAPIDEM POSUIT MARTII XIX° ANe D=* MDCCXXIL ANNOQUE REGNI SUI VII» This Ceremony being over, I proceeded with the Building, and f- nithed it in five Years; which, notwithftanding the great Oeconomy of the Commiffioners, coft the Parifh upwards of 32,000 Pounds. I have given here {even Plates of this Church. Pirate Lk A Perfpedtive View of it, taken from the South-Weft Corner, {hewing the South Side and Weft Front, with the Steeple: PLATE (¥) Prat 11. The Geometrical Plan of the Church and Portico, fhewing the Difpofition of the whole Fabrick. Pirate HL The Weft Front and Steeple. Prare IV. | The Eaft End, and the Section from South to North. Pratre'y, The Section from Eaft to Weft. PY AcE VL. The Cieling of the Church and Portico, That of the Church is Elliptical, which I find by Experience to be much better for the Voice than the Semicircular, tho’ not {o beautiful. It is divided into Pan- nels, enrich’d with Fretwork by Signori Artari and Bagutti, the beft Fret-workers that ever came nto England, Prate VIL The North Side of St. Martin's Church. PraTte VIIL The Plan of the firft Draught of a Round Church, being gs feet in Diameter. Piarte IX The Weft Front and Steeple. Prarae X. The North Side: Prare XL The Eaft End, and Section from South to North. Ko PLATE (vi) Prarie XII The Section of the Church and Steeple, from Eaft to Weft, Prare XN. The Plan of the other Round Draught, being of the Ionick Order. Prare XIV. The Weft Front and Steeple. PrLatTe XV. The South Side. The new Church in the Strand, called St. Mary le Strand, was the firlt publick Building I was employed in after my arrival from lraly; which being fituated in a very publick place, the Commiffioners for building the Fifty Churches (of which this is one) {par'd no coft to beautify it. It confifts of two Orders, in the upper of which the Lights are placed; the Wall of the lower, being folid to keep out Noifes from the Street, is adorned with Niches. I have given fix Plates of it. PrLate XVI The Plans of the Under and Upper Orders. PraTte XVIL The Weft Front, with the Steeple. bl Peare XVILL The Faft End. Pi ave XIX. The South Side: Piare XX. Part of the South Side upon a larger Scale, to fhew the Parts more diftinctly. | PLATE A Perfpective of the whole Building, fhewing the South and Weft Fronts with the Steeple. There was at firft no Steeple defigned for that Church; only a {mall Campanile, or Turret for a Bell, was to have been over the Weft End of it: But at the diftance of 8o feet from the Weft Front there was a Column, 240 feet high, intended to be erected in Honour of Queen ANNE, on the top of which her Statue was to be placed. My Defign for the Column was approved by the Commiflioners, and a great quantity of Stone was brought to the place for laying the Foundation of it; but the thoughts of erecting that Monument being laid afide upon the Queen's Death, I was or- dered to erect a Steeple inftead of the Campanile firft propofed, The Building being then advanced 20 feet above ground, and therefore admitting of no alteration from Eaft to Weft, which was only 14 feet, I was obliged to fpread it from South to North, which makes the Plan oblong, which otherwife thould have been fquare. I have given two Plates of another Defign I made for this Church, more capacious than that now built: But as it exceeded the dimenfions of the Ground allowed by A¢ of Parliament for that Building, it was laid afide by the Commiflioners. PrLare XXIL The Under and Upper Plans of the Two different Orders of the fecond Defign, PrartTe XXIIL The Weft End. Marybone Chapel was built at the charges of the Right Honourable the Earl and Countefs of Oxford, for the Accommodation of the In- habitants of the new Buildings in Marybone Fields, It is a plain Brick Building, except the Portico, Coines, Door-Cafes, and the Venetian Window. The Cieling is handfomely adorned with Fret-work by Signori Artari and Bagutts. Pare XXIV. The North Side, with the Plan in {fmall. Prater ( vi ) Prarte XXV. The Weft Front, and the Section from South to North. The Church of Allballows in Derby is a very large Fabrick, joined to a fine Gothick Steeple. It is the more beautiful for having no Gal- leries, which, as well as Pews, clog up and {poil the Infide of Churches, and take away from that right Proportion which they otherwife would have, and are only juftifiable as they are neceffary. The plainnefs of this Building makes it lefs expenfive, and renders it more fuitable to the old Steeple. TI have given two Plates of it. PiarTe:XXVIL The South Side, and the Plan in {mall Pirate XXVIII The Eaft End and Section. Praxze XXVIII. The Steeple of St. Clement Danes, which is built upon an old Foun- dation, at the charges of the Parifhioners. That part which is thaded is the new Addition, and that in Lines is the Weft End of the Church, and the Veftry. The Plan of the Steeple is added on this Plate. Prate XXIX, XXX. Thefe two Plates contain Six of many more Draughts of Steeples made for St. Martin's Church, with their Plans. Praxre XXXL Five Draughts of Steeples made for St. Mary le Strand, with their Plans. Steeples are indeed of a Gothick Extraction; but they have their Beauties, when their Parts are well difpofed, and when the Plans of the feveral Degrees and Orders of which they are compos’d gradu- ally diminifh, and pafs from one Form to another without confufion, and when every Part has the appearance of a proper Bearing. PLATE (ix) King’s College at Cambridge is now building by order of the Reve- rend Dr. Snape, Provoft of that College, and of the Fellows thereof. The Provoft, then Vice-Chancellor, laid the firft Stone of this Fa- brick. It is built of Portland Stone, and is detach’d from the Chapel as being a different kind of Building, and alfo to prevent damage by any accident of Fire. The Court could not be larger than is exprefs'd in the Plan, becaufe I found, upon meafuring the Ground, that the South-Eaft Corner of the intended Faft Side of the Building came upon Trumpington-Street. This College, as defign'd, will confift of Four Sides, (viz.) The Chapel, a beautiful Building of the Gothick Tafte, but the fineft I ever {aw ; oppofite to which is propos’d the Hall, with a Portico. On one fide of the Hall is to be the Provoft’s Lodge, with proper Apartments: On the other fide are the Buttery, Kitchen, and Cellars, with Rooms over them for Servitors. In the Weft Side, fronting the River, now built, are 24 Apartments, each confifting of three Rooms and a vaulted Cellar. The Eaft Side is to contain the like number of Apartments. | p LaTE XXXIL The General Plan of the new Building, with the Chapel. Prate XXXII i The Welt Side fronting the River, and the Friis of the Hall. PLaTe XXXIV. The middle part of the Weft Side, upon a larger Scale; Piare XXXV. The Sections of the Hall, which is 40 feet wide, 80 feet long, and 4o feet high, to be finith’d in Stucco. PLare XXXVI The Publick Building at Cambridge, of which I have given but one Plate; the Front in Perfpective, and the Plan in fmall over it. It con- fifts of a Library, the Confiftory, Regifter-Office and Senate-Houfe. The latter is already built of Portland Stone, as the reft of the Build- ing 1s to be. It is of the Corinthian Order, having all its Members enrich’'d; the Cieling and Infide-Walls are beautified by Signori Arrars and Bagutti. D PLATE (x) PL avy XXXVI The Plan and the two Fronts of a Houfe defigned for a Perfon of Quality in Somer[et/bire It is 143 feet in Front, and 102 in the End- Fronts. You rife by ten Steps into a Hall of 30 feet by 40, and 20 feet high ; and right forward there is a Cube-Room of 30 feet, which has on each fide a handfome Apartment 18 feet high. On each fide the Hall there is a Parlour and a Paffage of Communication to a Stone Stair-cafe: The firft Landing of which gives accefs to Interfoles over the Clofets, and the fecond to the upper Rooms. The Parlour on the right leads to the Chapel, and that on the left to two other Rooms. The Fronts are to be of rough Stone finifh’d with Stucco, but the Or- naments of the Windows, Doors, Coines, Cornifhes and other Proje- ctions, of an excellent Stone dug near the place. The principal Front commands a fine Profpet of the Severne, and the Garden-Front a beautiful view of the Park. Prare XXXVI. A Draught made for }Zilliam Hanbury, Efq; for a Houfe now build- ing in Northampronfhire. You rife four Steps, and enter a Lobby of 13 by 18 feet, and thence pafs into a Room of 2¢ feet by 22, and 22 feet high, which has at each end a Room of 2 by 20 feet. On each fide the Lobby there is a Stair-cafe, and off of the Stairs a Room of 16 by 20 feet: Over this there are two Stories of Lodging Rooms, and under it convenient Offices all arch’d, and on each fide of the Court the Kitchen and Stables. The Front extends 84 feet by 46, and is to be built of Brick, and the Ornaments of Stone. Pratz. XXJI% The Plan and Upright of the Right Honourable the Earl of Litch- field's Houle at Ditchley in Oxfordfbire. Here are ten Rooms on a Floor, befides two great Stairs and four Back-Stairs. You afcend ten Steps, and enter a Hall of 31 feet 6 inches by 3¢ feet 2 inches, and 34 feet high, enrich’d with Fret-work and Painting. From the Hall you go into a Dining-Room towards the Garden of 23 feet by 31 feet 6 inches, which has a handfome Apartment upon the right hand, and on the left a Withdrawing-Room and a large Room of 36 feet by 21, with a Clofet and Back-Stairs. On each fide of the Hall there is a good A- partment, (xi) partment, as likewife great Stairs, that lead up to the Chamber-Floor, and over that an Attick Story, The Kitchen-Offices are on one fide of the Houfe, and the Stables on the other, join’d by circular cover'd Paffages to the Houfe. The Houfe and Offices are built with an ex- cellent Stone dug in that neighbourhood. Pirate. XI. A Villa built for his Grace the Duke of Argyll at Sudbroote near Richmond in Surrey, joining to New-Park. Here is a Cube-Room of 30 feet, handfomely adorn’d and lighted from two Portico’s. It has two Apartments off of it, and over them Lodging Rooms. There are Vaults and other Offices under-ground. This Houfe is built of Brick, except the Ornaments, which are of Portland Stone. PrarTe X11 The Plan and two Fronts of a large Houfe for a Gentleman in the County of Zork, 230 feet in Front and 130 feet in the End-Fronts. You rife 10 feet by an eafy afcent to the principal Floor, and enter a Hall 36 feet {quare, having an Apartment on each hand, and a Paflzge 8 feet wide, that gives a Communication between the Great Stairs and Back-Stairs. Kight forward from the Hall there is a Salon of 36 feet by Go, and 36 feet high, lighted from Courts 36 feet fquare, and beyond the Salon a Gallery 102 feet in length and 2 in breadth, with an Apartment at each end. In the middle of each End-Front there is a large Room, one for a Chapel, and the other for a Library. This Story is 20 feet high, and underneath are convenient Offices 10 feet high, and over the grand Apartments good Lodging Rooms 1s feet high, cov'd;, with a convenient Paflage of Communication to render all the Rooms private. This Building is of the Corinthian Order, rais’d on a Ruftick Bafement. Peat: XIN The Plan and Upright of a Houfe 100 feet in Front, and 70 fect deep. Here is a Hall of 30 feet by 32, and 1 feet high; and on each hand of it is a Room of 20 feet by 22, off of which there is a Clofer, and a Paffage that gives a Communication to the Offices. Straight forward from the Hall is a Dining-Room of the fame dimenfions with it, having on one fide a Withdrawing-Room, and a Bedchamber on ( xu) on the other. There are two Stair-Cafes leading up to two Rooms of the fame dimenfions with the Hall and Salon, but double the height, cov’d and adorn’d with Fret-work, On each fide of thefe Rooms are alcov’d Bedchambers, and over them four other Apartments. Prare XIIHL A Draught of a Houfe made for a Gentleman in 1720. The Front is 71 feet by 4 in depth. Here is an Octagon Hall, on the right hand of which there is a Parlour, and on the left the great Stairs. Right forward from the Hall there is a Dining-Room of 28 feet by 25, ha- ving a Withdrawing-Room and Back-Stairs on one fide, and a Library on the other. This Story is 14 feet high, and the Rooms over them are 18 feet, and cov’d. The Fronts are uncommon, but have a good eflect. Prater XLY1V. ‘The Plan, Front and Se&ion of a Houfe made for a Gentleman in the fame Year, being g1 feet {quare. You afcend to a Portico of the Corinthian Order by 12 Steps, and enter a Hall of 22 feet by 33 and 20 feet high, and right forward an O&agon Salon of 23 feet and 40 feet high, lighted by Semicircular Windows as exprefs'd in the Section. Beyond the Salon is a Withdrawing-Room of the fame dimenfions with the Hall. At each end of the Hall and With-drawing-Room there are Rooms 22 feet fquare, with Clofets 10 feet 6 inches by 15 feet, and Interfoles over them. The Octagon Room may be private or publick at pleafure, becaufe of the Paffages of Communication betwixt the Hall and Withdrawing-Room. The Bedchambers over this Floor are alfo render’d very convenient by Paflages, which are lighted by round Openings in the Freeze of the great Room. Prave XLV. The Plan, Front and Section of a Houfe defign’d for a Gentleman in the Country. The Front is 36 by 9 feet deep. You rife by 12 Steps to a Portico, and then enter a Hall of 30 feet by 22, and go ftraight forward into a Salon of ¢¢ feet by 33 and 4o feet high, lighted from above by 16 Windows; the Sides of the Salon are adorn’d with Pila- fters, Niches, Figures and other Ornaments. From it you pals into a ( xiii ) a Withdrawing-Room towards the Garden, of the fame dimenfions with the Hall. ‘There are four noble Apartments on this Floor, each con- fitting of an Antichamber, Bedchamber and Clofet, and Interfoles over the Clofets. All the Rooms on this Floor (except the Salon and Clofets) are 20 feet high. There are two Stone Stair-cafes that lead to the upper Apartments, which are 11 feet high; and are render’d private by Paflages of Communication between the Stair-cafes (exprefs'd by the prick’d Lines upon the Plan) which are lighted from the Freeze of the Salon. Pirate XLVI A Houfe intended to have been built at Greenwich in 1720, on a beautiful Situation. It is 130 feet in front by go feet deep, rais'd § feet above the level of a Court of 150 by 186 feet. You afcend io Steps to a Portico, and then enter a Salon of 3¢ by 30 feet, and 30 feet high; on each Side of which there is a very handfome Apart ment. From the Salon you pafs forward to a Gallery of 24 by 76 feet, at each end of which there is an Apartment. There are great Stairs on each fide of the Salon, and a large Room of 22 by 2g feet in the middle of the End-Fronts: The Rooms on the principal Floor are 18 feet high, and the Lodging Rooms over them 13 feet. This Houfc was propos'd to have been built with Portland Stone, and finith'd in 2 very expenfive manner. Prare XILVIL The two Fronts of the foregoing Plan, of the Ionick Order, Prater XLVI The Plan of a Houfe made for the Right Honourable Farl Fi-- williams to be built at Milton near Peterborough. It is 144 feet in fron: by 10g feet in depth, and confifts of 12 Rooms on a Floor, befides four Clofets, two Great Stair-cafes and four Back Stair-cafes: Here is a large Salon in Front, a Dining-Room towards the Garden, and four noble Apartments, befides a Chapel and a large Billiard-Room. You either enter the Houfe upon the Level of the Court, or afcend from the Court to the principal Floor by Outfide-Stairs ; and f om the Gar- den in the fame manner. I have given two Plans of the Houfe on this Plate ; the principal Floor, which is 15 feet high, and that of the Of fices underneath. E PrLATy ( xiv ) Prats XLIX. The Garden-Front of the foregoing Defign, and the Section of it from the Fore-Front to the Back-Front; fhewing the finifhing of the Salon, and of the reft of the Rooms within the line of this Section. Pi Sve 1) Another Draught which I made for the fame noble Lord, without the projecting Clofets and Stairs. It is 168 feet in front by 7¢ feet in depth, and has the fame number of Rooms and Conveniencies as the other, only varied in form and order. Pirate 1I&, The Front of the laft Plan towards the Court, being of the Ionick Order, raifed on a Ruftick Bafement 1 feet high. PetaTe 131 A Draught made for Edward Rolt, F{q; for a Houfe intended to have been built in Seacomb-Park in Hertfordfbire ; but the Execution of it was prevented by his Death. It is 136 feet in front, and 72 feet deep. You afcend by 14 Steps to a Hall of 21 by 31 feet, and from thence enter a double Cube 30 feet wide, 30 feet high, and 6o feet long. It has four good Apartments, and publick Rooms in the mid- dle of each End Front. The upper Plan fhews the Lodging Rooms one pair of Stairs, which are all made private by a common Paffage between the Stairs. Prvarte LHL The Front of the foregoing Plan, of the Ionick Order, rais’d on a Ruftick Bafement, with a regular Entablature round the whole Build- ing. The Ornaments of the Quter Doors and Windows, the Columns, Entablature, Coines and Bafement, were propos’d to be of Portland Stone, and the reft of Brick. Pare LIV. The Plan and Front of a Defign made for a Perfon of Quality in 1720. From the Hall you enter between a double Stair-cafe into a Dining-Room richly adorn’d, having a handfome Apartment on each hand. The Stairs are lighted from above. PrLaTE (x) PrLatTe LV. A Draught made for Matthew Prior, E{fq; to have been built at Down-Hall in Effex. It is 63: feet in front by 43+ feet in depth. From a Court of go feet by 78 you afcend three Steps, and enter through an arch’d Portico into a Hall 2 feet {quare, which leads into a Parlour and Withdrawing-Room on one hand, and a Library on the other, with Great and Back-Stairs. The Room over the Hall is a Cube of 2 feet, and has a Bedchamber and Clofet on one fide, and two Rooms, each 16 feet {quare, on the other, as mark’d by prick’d Lines. The Cube-Room is lighted on two fides from two Portico’s of the Dorick Order. The Offices are on each fide of the Court, having a cover d Communication from the Houfe by an Arcade. Mr. Prior's Death prevented the building of this Houfe. Prats LVL A Draught made for a Gentleman in Wiltfbire. It contains {ix Rooms on a Floor, befides four Clofets and two Stair-cafes. The Of fices are on each fide of the Court, which is of an Octagonal form. The Fronts are of Brick. The Coines, Ornaments of the Windows, Fafcia’s and Cornifth are of Stone. Prare LVIL A Houfe Defign'd for a Gentleman in the Country, extending rot feet in front by 64 in depth. You rife 8 Steps from a Court 160 flet {quare, and enter a Hall of 25 feet by 35, and pafs forward into a Gallery 70 feet long and 22 feer wide, having Clofets at each end. The Gallery may be divided into three Rooms upon occafion. On each fide of the Hall there are Rooms of 20 by 22 feet, and Clofets, with Paffages to the Offices, and two Stair-cafes that lead up to fix Rooms and eight Clofets one pair of Stairs, and to the fame number of Rooms over them. The principal Floor is 16 feet high, the fecond 14, and the upper 8. Prate LVIL A Defign made for a Gentleman in Dorferfbire. It is 77 feet in front and 44 feet deep, having fix Rooms on a Floor, with Clofets and two Stair-cafes. The Offices are on each fide of an Octagonal Court. PrLaTE (avi) Prarte LIX A Defign made for the Right Honourable the Farl of Zlay for his Villa at Whitton near Hampton-Conrt. It is 82 feet in front by $6 in depth. From a Portico of 30 feet by 10 you enter a Room of 30 feet by 40, and 30 feet high; on each fide of which there is an Apart- ment. This Building is of the Ionick Order. The Portico, Windows, Fafcia’s, Entablature, and all the projecting parts were proposd to be of Stone, and the reft of Brick finifh’d over with Stucco. PraTte LX The Plan of the fecond Floor, and a Section of the foregoing De- fign. ‘There are four Bedchambers, two Clofets and two Stair-cafes on this Plan. The great Room goes two Stories high, as is exprefs’d by the Section; by which the height of the other Rooms are likewife {hown. Pyare LXL Two Plans and a Front of a little Houfe propos’d to my Lord Zay for the fame place. Out of a Porch you enter a Room of 20 feet by 40 and 20 feet high ; beyond which dicic wie two Roums of 14 feet by 18: and 9: feet in height, with a Stair-cafe between them that leads to Rooms over them of the fame dimenfions. Upon the 2 pair of Stairs Floor and over the large Room are 4 Rooms 10 feet high. The lower Plan thews the under-ground Story. The Kitchen is in a Court at one end of the Houfe, and the Servants Hall at the other, with a Paffage of Communication through the Houfe. The Chimneys of the Kitchen and Servants Hall are carried into the Wall of the Houfe, and the Roof of them is skreen’d by a Wall 10 feet high: Befides three Vaults under the great Room, there are Rooms below for the Houfe-keeper and other Conveniencies. The Fronts are propos'd to be of Brick, plaifter'd over, and all the projecting parts to be of Stone. Praxe 1LXIL Another Defign for /7bitton, 72 feet in front by 43. I have given two Plans and a Front of it upon this Plate. You afcend five Steps into a Portico, and thence go into an arch'd Salon of 20 feet by 4o, and 2 feet high, lighted from the Fore and Back-Fronts, by Semi- circular ( xvi ) circular Lights, and two Windows, one on each fide of the Door. There are four Rooms with Clofets off of the Salon, and four more over them, with two Stair-cafes. The Offices under-ground are ma- naged as in the foregoing Draught; as alfo the Kitchen and Servants Hall, which are in Courts without-doors. Prats LXIIL A Houfe of $8 by 44 feet, containing fix Rooms on a Floor, with two Stair-cafes: The Kitchen is on one fide of the Court, and the Stables on the other, with Rooms over them, and are join’d to the Houfe by circular Arcades. The Rooms on the principal Floor are 12 feet high. The Front is plain, with Architraves round the Win- dows. The Defign was made for a Gentleman in Zork/bire. Prare LXIV. "A Draught done for a Gentleman in Effex. 1 have given on this Plate the general Plan of it, and two Fronts. From a Court of 115 feet by 93, the Angles {weeping off, you afcend by five Steps into a Hall of 28 feet by 22, and pafs forward to a Dining-Room of 18 feet by 28 towards the Garden having on the right a Withdrawing-Room, a Bedchamber and Drefling-Room, and on the left a Waiting-Room and a Library of 30 feet by 18. The Body of the Houfe is only 73 feet by 47, the Bedchamber and Clofet on one fide, and the Library on the other, going only one Story high. The Rooms on the prin- cipal Floor are 16 feet high, and the Chamber Story over them is 12 feet high. On each fide of the Hall, there is a Stair-cafe, and alfo a Room out of which you go through a Dorick Colonnade to the O% fices on each fide of the Court. | Pra+e ILXV. The Plan and Front of a Houfe of fix Rooms on 2a Floor with two Stair-cafes, made for a Gentleman in Oxfordfbire. The principal Rooms are 16 feet high, and the Chamber Story 11. Pisre 1LXVI A Defign of a Houfe for a fingle Gentleman, 61 feet in front and 33 feet deep. The Hall is 14 feet 6 inches by 24 feet, in which is the Stair-cafe. Beyond that is a Dining-Room of 24 feet by 18, having F two ( xvi ) two Rooms at each end. On the next Floor there are {even {mall Lodging Rooms, all private. The Ornaments of the Fronts are of Stone, and the reft of Brick. Pirate LXVIL The Plan, Upright and Section of a Building of the Dorick Order in form of a Temple, made for a Perfon of Quality, and propos'd to have been placed in the Center of four Walks; fo that a Portico might front each Walk. Here is a large Octagonal Room of 22 feet and 26 feet high, adorn’d with Niches and crown’d with a Cupola. All the Ornaments of the Infide are to be of Plaifter, and the Qutfide of Stone. PrLaTtTe LXVIIL A Defign of a Building for the Right Honourable the Earl of Ox- ford’s Bowling-Green at Down-Hall in Effex. 1 have here given two Plans, a Front and Section of it; that on the right hand is the Ground-Plan; the Middle part to be open, for fhelter in cafe of Rain, having a Clofet on one fide, and a Stair-cafe on the other. Over this Plan is the Front: The Ruftick Arcade, Coines, Niches, Venetian Win- dows, and Modillion-Cornifh to be of Stone. "The Plan upon the left Thews the Story one pair of Stairs, wherein there is a Room of 25 feet by 20, and 2¢ feet high, having a Clofet, or little Withdrawing- Room, within it of 10 by 20 feet. There are two Venetian Windows to the great Room, and one at each end of the Building which light the Clofet and the Stair-cafe. Pave LXIX. Two other Pavillions propos'd for the fame place; the one is an Octagon Room of 30 feet, with a Clofet on one fide, and on the other a Stair-cafe, which leads to the Waiting Rooms underneath. The other is a Cube of 2¢ feet, having a Waiting Room on one fide, and a Clo- {fet on the other. The Fronts of both were to be plain Brick-work, the Cornifh, Window-cafes and Door-cafes to be of Stone. Prare 1LXX. A Pavillion defign’d for Sir john Curzon for his Seat near Derby. It is a Cube of 20 feet, adorn’d with three Venetian Windows, ' cir- cular ( xix ) cular Niches for Bufto’s, and an Entablature fupported by Ruftick Coines. There were two of them to have been built oppofite to one another, on each fide of a Vifta propofed to be cut through a Wood, and to be terminated with an Obelifque upon a Hill fronting the Houfe; the execution of which was prevented by Sir fobz’s Death. Pare EXXI The Plan, Upright and Section of a Room built by the Honoura- ble 7ames Johnflon E{q; at Twickenham, being 30 feet over, and 34 feet high, richly adorn’d by Artari and Bagutti with Fretwork, and the proper Ornaments gilt. It is built with Brick and Stone. PiaTe 1L.XXIIL A circular Building in form of a Temple, 20 feet in Diameter, ha- ving a Periftylium round it of the Dorick Order, and adorn’d with a Cupola; erected in his Grace the Duke of Bolton's Garden at Hack- wood, upon the upper ground of an Amphitheatre, back’d with high Trees that render the Profpet of the Building very agreeable. PiLare XXII Two Uprights of another Pavillion built at Haclwood, The Ruftick Front looks upon a fine piece of Water, and the other on a beautiful Parterre. | Prartg LXXIV, The Plan and Section of the foregoing Pavillion. PrLate LXXV, The Plan, Upright and Seion of a Pavillion for the Right Ho- nourable the Lord Vifcount Cobham in his Garden at Stow in Bucking- ham/bire. Pi are LXXVI Another Defign for two Pavillions at Stow ; both built of Stone in the fame form without; but within the one is an Octagon Room of 24 feet; the other is divided into Rooms, and made a Dwelling -houfe for a Gentleman. PLATE (xx) Prartes LXXVII, LXXVIIL Eight {quare Pavillions for my Lord Cobham and others; Pia LXXIX Four Summer-houfes in form of Temples, Defign’d for {everal per- {ons. Prats 1L.XXX. LXXX1 Fight more of an Octagon form. Prarte LXXXIL Two Seats for the ends of Walks. Prate LXXXIIIL Two other Seats for the fame purpofe. PraTe LXXXIV. Two Draughts of a Building for the Menagery at Hackwood. The Portico of the one is with Arches, and the other with Columns; ha- ving a Room at each end, and two Rooms behind for the perfon that looks after the Pheafants. That with the Columns is built. Prarze ILXXXV,. Three Draughts of Obelifques. The Antients have left us in the dark as to the Proportion of thefe Ornaments with refpect to their Height. Thofe at Rome being all different, there can be no Rule ta- ken from them. I have in thefe Draughts fhewn three different Pro- portions for them; wiz. 8, 7, and 6 times the bignefs at the Bottom to the Height. The firft (tho’ neareft to that before St. Perer’s) appear- ing too high, and the laft too low, I {hould recommend the other, as a Medium between the two Extremes; as likewife the following Rules to be obferved in forming them; wiz. The Obelifque to diminifh one Third, the Diamond Point to form a Rectangle, the Bafe to be in height half the thicknefs of the Bottom of the Obelifque, and the Bafe, Pedeftal and Plinth to be three times that Thicknefs. PLATE (xxi ) Pi AaTe ALXXXVI Three Draughts of Obelifques, more ornamental than the former: They keep the fame Proportion with them; ‘only that upon the left hand has four times the thicknefs of the Obelifque at bottom to the height of its Pedeftal, becaufe of the Ornaments upon it. The top- part may be made in the manner here drawn, or with other Ornaments at difcretion. The Antients never placed their Obelifques upon moulded Bafes; but Dominico Fontana and others have placed them upon Bafes, which, in my opinion, is a great addition to their beauty ; however, that may be done or not at pleafure. Praze LXXXVI Three Defigns for Columns, proper for publick Places or private Gardens; wiz. a plain Dorick Column upon its Pedeftal with a Vafe atop, a fluted Column properly adorn’d, and a Ruftick frofted Co- lumn, with a Figure a-top, as I have made them for {everal Gentle- men. The Proportions of them are mark’d upon an upright Line, di- vided into fo many Diameters of the Column for the Height Prare LXXXVHL Six Draughts of Peers for Gates, and three Defigns of Iron-work betwixt them. | Prare LXXXIX. Two other Defigns of Peers, with Iron-work. Pa. aTE XC. Two Defigns for Peers and Iron-work for large Courts. Pare. XCIL Three Draughts of Chimney-pieces, with Ornaments over them for Pictures, done for feveral Gentlemen. PiatTe XCIL Three Defigns of Chimneys done for Mefl. Clark and Young at Row- hampton, G PLATE ( xxi ) Prarzes XC, XCLV,; XCV, XCV], XCVIL "Thirty eight Defigns of Chimney-pieces, done for feveral places. Praiages XVI, XCIX, The Proportions of Gates and Doors, fquare or arch’d, according to the five Orders of Architecture. Prares. CC, CH CHLCIV. CV. CVI]. CVI Twenty four Draughts of Door-Cafes made for feveral places; fome to the proportion of twice the width to the height, and others to twice the width and a fixth Part. Piraze CVI Nine Defigns for Windows; fome made to the proportion of twice the width to the height, and others to twice the width and a fixth. Piate CIX Nine Draughts of Niches differently drefs’d: Their Proportion is 2 + the width to the height. Prarz CX Two round Windows made for the Pediments of St. Martin's Church ; the lower one is executed. Prare CXL The Monument of his Grace john Duke of Newcaftle, in I eftmin- [fter- Abbey. The Defign is very grand, and executed at a great expence ; the Marbles are rich, and the Figures well perform’d. This Draught was pitched upon amongft many others made for this Monument, and was executed by Mr. Francis Bird, the Sculptor. Piatra LX The Monument of Matthew Prior, E{q; in Weftminfter- Abby. The Marbles are very good, and the Mafonry is well perform’d. The Figures, reprefenting the Mufe Clio on one fide, and Hiftory on the other, with the Boys a-top, are very well perform’d by Mr. Rystrack, an ( xxii ) an excellent Sculptor. Mr. Prior's Bufto was done at Paris by M. Coiziivanx, Sculptor to the King of France. Prazze CX. A Monument now making to the Memory of Edward Colflon, Eq; to be erected at Briffol. The Figures are by Mr. Rysbrack. Prare CX1V, A Monument erected at Bolfover in Derbyfbire, by the Right Ho- nourable the Farl and Countefs of Oxford, to the Memory of Henry Duke of Newcaftle, and others of the Cavendifbe Family buried there. P vor ICXYV. A Monument for Mrs. Catharina Bovey, placed in Weftminfler-Abby. The Figures are very well handled by Mr. Rysbract. PrLarze CXVI A Defign for a Monument for His Grace the late Duke of Buck- ingham: | Pate CXVIL A Monument for a Gentleman in the Country. Biad-2 CXVYUHL A Monument for a Noble Lord and Lady, executed with fome va- ration. | Brazeg CXIX. A Defign of a Monument for a Perfon of Quality. Prare CXX A Monument erected in /7effminfter- Abby for the Right Honourable the Marchionefs of Annandale, uP Ara LOXX]. A Monument fet up by Montagne-Gerrard Drake, E{q; in the Church of Agmonde/bam, for his Father and Mother. PLATE ( xxiv ) Praze CXXI1 Three Monuments. The middlemoft is Mr. Smith's in Weftminfer- Abby ; the Figure and Medal done by Mr. Rysbrack. The two others are done in the Country; the one for a Lady, the other for a Gen- tleman. Prase CXXIH. Three Monuments: The middle one is Sir John Bridgman’s {et up at Afton in Warwick/bire, and the others for two Ladies. Pare CXXIV Three Monuments: The middle one is Ben. Johnfon’s, erected at the charge of the Right Honourable the Earl of Oxford, in Weftmin- Jter-Abby 5 that upon the right was defign’d for another Poet, and the other for Mr. /7anley, his Lordthip’s Librarian. Prare CXXY. Three Monuments made for the Country. PrLate OXXYNDE Three Monuments Defign’d for feveral places. PratTe CXXVI. Three Monuments with Pyramids: The middle one is fet up for Robert Stuart, E{q; in St. Margaret's Church, Weftminfier. PrLates CXXVII, CXXIX. Six Compartments for Monumental Infcriptions, upon black Mar- ble grounds. PrLaTes CXXX, CXXXI, Cxxx1. Nine large Compartments for Infcriptions, or Coats of Arms. PraTEs CXXXIN, CXXX1IV, CxXXyy. Eighteen {mall Compartments for Monumental Inf{criptions. Pears { x3v ) PLaTes CXXXVI CXXXVIL Sixteen Defigns for Sarcophagus’s, or Monumental Urns, in the Antique Tafte. Prater CXIXXVI Three Defigns for Vales, done for the Right Honourable the Farl of Oxford. There are two Vafes well executed in Portland Stone ac- cording to the middle Draught, which are {et upon two large Peers on each fide of the principal Walk in the Garden at Wimpole in Cambridge- Shire. Prartes CXXXIX, CX1,, CX1L, CX1LII, CX1LIII, CX11Y. Fifty four Draughts of Vafes, & in the Antique manner, made for {feveral perfons at different times. Many of them have been exe- cuted both in Marble and Metal. | Prarsg CYIY, Eight Draughts of Marble Cifterns for Buffets. Prats CX1.V1 Six other Cifterns rais'd upon Pedeftals, which may alfo ferve for Fonts, PrLare CXIVIL Eight Defigns for Marble or Stone Tables, for. Gardens or Summer- Houfes. Praras CXLVHIL CXLIX, Eighteen Defigns for Pedeftals of Dials. In my Opinion it is much better for Gentlemen to have Pedeftals of this fort, than to have their Dials fupported by Figures, unlefs they be very well exe- cuted: Thefe may be done by a common Workman, and are equally ufeful and lefs expenfive. Prats CL. Fifteen Pedeftals for Bufto’s. FIL NI & H i Gye! pes i ca a ET ~~ SES && Sanlonsiannd i i IS # Jacobo Gibbs Urechitecto ger @ 6 N_ @ © © © © © : ; - : 7 ; : 70 =e 7° 70 Go 5 0 Zhe Plan of the Church of SL EMartin H-Hulfbergh Seupp ; hE i ai AR eR RE CR p.’3 Z / / CE — fo Fe 9 7 Tacobo Gibbs Architects. The Nef front of SE Martine Church . - I ulfbergh Jews: oR Hood fork South a The laf End Jacobo Gibbs Qreleitecto A > r FH; wlfbergh Seredp rial a = ie lpr Bn cs . Lhe Section [rom Caft to Wes of LEMartine Church . Jacobo yubby Arechitecto . H.-H wlfbergh he cudpe og yx] Jacobo Gibbs Arihitecto . The Ceding of the Nerv Church of LE MMaran... H Hulfbergh Sewlp: » The Thorth -Hade of fr Marines Church . Jacobo Gibbs Arehitecto LL Hell ergh Teal 4 pd te . i whe #5 Fad Ei R.5 Ja: Gibbs rch. del =} zo I 20 70 50 Eo Weft End . J oo wor zoo LL effberats Sleidpp > a a EL 3 5 y, : : | 4 a os : ! * + oi y » : : ; : : # i J ~ ES : i J, 5 i x A» $: om * - . . x 2 : : : s oe : : : : . \ : # y > } - 4 gn = ¢ > i > ; ; : . * : | : : ’ t ¥ . : : » i fo10 | — 1 ee L - I 1 1 zo zo z0 No So go 700 zz0 220 : 70 éo 77 Ja: Gibbs Aroh: del The Vor Fede IL HHulbergh Siu v Jatreller Apoh-ael- “ ICI ICICI] RRR REE P /1 SHarrey R224 Ld Posie te = pl en ok v . wv Ty - * . 5 : li . oie ‘ 3 ites An Cy NSRETNY SKERRY Re vn a deem BA DE ih wpa 1 12 rg [HA | Ihr fl [if = as % i : | i i: hh | { 1 i a i i (He | i | TTT | f os = = =1 | Ee rm . = | | Fh EC | i aasses J SEEEEEEER EE Crt , os A : hoe Sectors frome carl roHerl Ja: Guts Arch. deter. 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A Lirkal seadp AINE WAY ave Wi A A i oe re fer LL gan A ge Li a : » « few AS iS gay S Ti 3 mii gs «hl 2 to He er pe Ye grt ec 3 ix “ 8 {ie 1 - wr ~ » a 2 ve i 7 : 2 3 if vd Je Sin poly a . - . 3 3 iw . - Lie 3 # Pk 3 oP ; \ = 4 i» 5 3 : : ww ie ; J 3 z “ y Foe a 2 : i * amt . % bh = erlang hn Lyofpectiii Temple At CWaria Y. 0724720 10 veo / Zz 7 rn > va. Gibbs rhe SVR. oF aol : WAY i arelo the Sra A (rchietectura Joacol Gills. Jo Harris fort le i ip a i & “ i AG A 0 gpm ab fi Avs hae EW nnd \ P22, \ \ NAN ere RE N\ NN =F Sacotur Gebts dreh: conven’ del! 7 my foc J 4 fr P 253 PELLET = be ‘ 2G dl Arch. dol: JS Harre soup - v en -~ + ~~ . ’ 5 Zz ¥ Hs Per, WL Wien ta - Blin <0 iy ye wo no ng t ais ¥ E30 3 § ” { Lehn Nim ‘ Tea fuga ep BE “ E2% HH ulfbergh Seug Porth Sede The Ja Gibbs Qroh: del. Pas UL Zo 70 ; ze 3 : 7) : 7 a fre Section rom South lo Vor” ‘ IL HH rulffbergh Seoul. : Ja 3 Gibbs (Xroh: del a aig dali cS — By pS d.C Sia Se SA oh pe sei Rn a 3 phon Shimane . Py roo ‘ & 7. 26 - Austral Lalor 5 roles Or7272010272 Ze ArRclor ne , apud Derbrenfe , LOX ab 2dr tras lanier ander ; una cu Sepulchrali Jl or2ter7267200 2ngo : Relrguice Lr reoliles Deroree Lrorapre corrcdeeriloer : Slanle adbuc Tu rre magnifica, Qu ad 178 poedles capil subleme @llollel je Mirdrler & Pro, cftarne gpusdem Coclestar Puce Devornternd, 2iro non mins trlegras moribus. quam polendid ir / alalilyr Weartre, fumilime dedecant. Delinearr Sa: Gibbs : Sel HA wifberqgt i il = » . -* A 2 Fa ” wr : “ x jut ~ v - 1 5 = tr ik : \ ; 2 / : : » is fo : EL - a Re a r . ne ” * : © ln 3 5a % T 3 J : oa ~~ an ; a: x EGE de = ee coe oi Lt > 3 Benim Scie Sienna < E RL 5 x foe 3 3 bi f Sinner ius “3 5 5] x i 2. + ah 5 BRE : FR : : : rsa va ciao galas Sop A Di v 2. 29. TTT FTE L a I Leb LLL LLL TEE L TIT TTI TTI TIT IT PILI I (EERE EERE | PER | EEF 05 Tm hae] Jacobo Cebts Architects . ion " Basa i hie 5 “ : i % a } “ hag a v i > i - o bi ik x of % Phe i 3 ; Vay a wid WB SE ee = 5 . TE oS ica a ed sg rasa’ > : Nw sind ll Ror Na x % 5 y Ca Ce nA i Sl Hoi opus & Lincs = Er Sisal a ee 5 8 XT ac 6 his $Y A lf ol of ee OE Jl ot i ww Tr Jacoto Gibts Archutecto . -~ x = : % 2 N x $ ‘ , i : / o! * * oh : . * 1 2 il oe ® ’ ¥ 2 5 : . : 3 w : : = - ~ pe bo : ® a : : § i : 5 ; . ’ ry : X : : : 3 : : J 3 > \ ok ‘ J : : ; : . 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The Ball arid Offeces. of low of _. % z Yio Prdilivk J 2 vil Zc go Go wor do. go roeiiee 1%e ize igo 15g tle 20 Clare Hall Hi wlfbergs Seeedpo 1 - Gibbs drchitecto, Jacobo 4 aly Tin Sealy Wt Hs 3 The 115? Side fronting the Rirrer . Jacobo 4 bb (Architecto . {. EEE I I I I a 5 z0 20 Zo go re bo zo So go. 200 Jeet Fhe upright of the South Side of Kings College fronting the Chapel . LL utfbergh Sewip Ta Ade fom WE : 8 Fes middle parte of the Wet Side upon a la rger Seale Jacobo Gibbs Architects 2-Hulfbergl Seuso: a Boh Be EWE AT P.55, The Section Jor the end of the all. hoe hale of the Section of the Hall of Kings College longr/e Jacob : rete acobe Gibbs rehitecto. | HH. wlfbergh Sowa: ® Nip ! Le Em a apa gl SA ha Sg Pa el ne + Ny Bde ARMAS SRE 3 i 2 > i : on a Wye hme es at Fe > 4: oF Gt ae 4 RL PE al a 5 ys Vinge SET ap a 4 Sr Ah wi 2 a Re SERN ¥ xm ar t ju 5 EE we be! r : A Ta py Jacottn Gels _Hrihelect The Sulteck (Buelitsray 2 Carn ly re 277 Ser pectrre A Tle Royal Lilrary B Zhe topfarlory & Reogler jie C Tle Senate Lozef2 : Z Kirkall Sows Sa wa § he Prince al Front orwards the lourt oe Larder fr FY : Nl oa : g rere { . ld Wl TIT = a 7 7 7 ; y n i Titi Le DO iE pe SES mini ey ve oi re ey ' ' a I~ = sh = ; ; - REE ERE EEE EEE EERE in ns 4 terry _ LRikatt Seas. SLazods Ltd refrlecto 7% cash VA zz kall seul &£ = Kir? AMM SS 8 79 E nn 7 SOON SSO V 7 wr me; N Tb 2,0 d 10 12 ! ay WZ 2 7 SSS lo > Ils EY T= +49 SS rN He s k do 0 SX RRR FAA FX XR IRE Se aR RRR A ol / ; / i / Mm § ] A 9 7 ; 0 7 7 ’ / 7 7 3 SQ 1 3 ——— 3 \ < ; 1 20 : 7 hy) 1 | 3 : & IR \ ITAA EAL Q 4 i i 1 PTR Pidgin _y ; TB { 7 SV SN = Si : \ 21 N Aus \ EES oo Np NH — TR << \ \ » | 13 N Zo, SN od \ N > \ 1 \ 1 4 3 4 4 ' L 4 : \ L | | ] ead 9 NE \ \ pe 5 90% 7 xz, 22 30 #0 50 67 70 80 20 20 a0 £20 130 \ y \ N \ \ \ 7 \ = v w | \ = S| 23, \ = | Lp, ry LE 50, ZZ end . Tacoto Gibbs Avctlecto. . z BZ Rirke x p40. eat 0 I er re HT LT | 30 /t Cube, Ia. Gibb Architects, ERukall f° I a 1 I } } fs } + } + 1 2g $ v 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 Te 3 * v Hii: En Ss 2 a - v “le mm SJE mse — A Da Te : z : [fie [7 fle FT H wa a wi le Hei ST LCT TT | [ ® © © eo =r iio J Jl pm fo = TF ; : 0 ~ 0 : 50 40 50 Jacoto Cilbs, Archelecto . 50 70 80 = 40 100 0 ? EKukall, Sealp. SRR Eh da tkda Rh! a t} ph oul 1 1 1 J 1 Tr 7 \ I 1 1 pr } ~ 2%: 51 20 20 30 40 50 bo feet Jacobo Gibbs rchilecto LZ S/T (lero Sewdp Fn ma ps CH me SRR RE Rn Cd 743 WRDERRry emt Fe aa i SR Te HE Re eRe (ur 1) (TERN _F Tee — ETT ih: HI TTT TE TL ef BE I | | TERS . | RTE V2 Jacobo Fils Aretrctecto. rr om == er 1 I —— 3 2 Kirkall sculyp. 20 5 20 20 30 40 \ 50 60 J 4 See I CRY TRO 0 or wl § RO i FH (Eh | we / him | _.__ ; d= 1 4 " + } eS | ZL 20 20 30 40 50 6o V4 So 90 100 Jacoly Glbbs Architects . Z.Kikall scalp . / P45 Ee ES MES h, | ¥ \ N NN NN NN ANN NN N Jacoto Gots Archie. 90 So 7° o 50 40 30 20 70 CS A dhs Sy ind dm GE Sani i ¥ X NAS mm \ ress N N | \ \ 3 | \ \ 8 \ 1 1) $ \ N \B \ \ N R22] 3 EY } Ass N x \ \ N \ D ug 8 | \ | + N NW SEIN N \ \ \ 12 \ \ A | \ gly, \ \ | \ NAN y N= EE } = BE EE EFTETTFFFFTTF IIT EE zzz; 4 777777772777 777 20 [feet 1s 8 } N 5 IE = : N= ] Fr : q : : : \ 9 Tes N : = J | , \ ds 1 Oe N : ] ~ N x 2 i a] 3 | N S | | i Is § AN I i = 2 I Q lS i ) : . i | N - | N IER : 8 \ N + N N ; ; \ fs \ | : 4 N : : RY N \ Q \ | \ | % N 3 N 2 N 2% \] ——) 3 / HS N= : ji —\% | ¥ 2 J A 22 W £ . 1 op] LEN 4 ) ->N 0% So $ lo N \ : : N \ v : \ ; \ : N \ : \ Sy ; \ ) ~ | \ Se NN 24 N : NN ET - NY i’ = i % . » . 2 » » = > - > v y \ 4 . : ‘ v » 2h egal Slory. Plan of the prinepal. pp : Yo T ; = . gomde ; #9 20 T 20 : Lk “ Vv 2: 5 r Slory. Petit Seep: rah HLT ugbe holt (Detar bo gi Jaco /7 52 wf 70 20 30 40 20 60 7° : ; | 7 Kokall scalp Jacobo Gibbs Architects : lp oN RE ; ; 52 owen sony 1 1 1 7 She ore oan of Slr LIB N NN % NN 7 7 ms + DN a, a = | — PN SR 20. 20. Jo. 40. 50. 2 as 0. 30. 90. oo. a. : Jacobo Gibbs Aoki. The Tround SH lar. Z-Kirkall sed. : kr /2- 53 Jacobo Gubb drchitecto LS wlflergh Serle PEE o / . 27 — a AN / Zo Ge Le. L2rihiticts. | @ Y ! \\\ . Le | oe 2 2% %. Zs — an, N — - of NN \\ - A NN \ DN Ll ) 0 \ Ji 3 } + t + + o oO [ 7 ares Sel or hy bed J ow 4 yr rl 7 i, J Lhd : 2) pu 7 oT pre a “ 24. 24. Xs wh adenhe de sxsTrtretoes ETTorTrrrerretsy yy 2y Ly, 7 iz Wy "wW | “= me \o = } | 1 DON 1 1 J F2, 40. 7 =a hin — 0) a. J, jai, Yi yu a i _ = tr, lumi, “ : \s 19-6. S AN fe creccstuans S N NA = ° © fs ° © 60°00 0 ©» 0000 0 7. b/g 8900p 06066005000 900° 00430.0 $ ~ LLIN 0 id V7 0 ii i HE a DMN 49- DOIN i DO 70 So 50 go 10 40 20 20 on i THT UR, SS BC, SO J 20 Slr /e vel pr Sl TIES (rihetects . . Loo > ols &/ 56 ~ 2, / $$ ST oR Li woo Zo so 2 o 20 Lo So 99 70 Birth Jeep: Jacobo g blr rchitecto 7257 \ 7 Qz7r7rzz 7777777 7, 7 HH EE SN MANNE NN “ FERRY SEE iN LLL L202 7 LL LL 27 72 Le : ge 200 feet go 7° za fo 20. 1 gid A Helfbergh Jewlp 7 o He acobo in ¢ bbs rchitocto 2 — % 1 : ; i 5 : ) . IIe ail : 1 z z L a : 3 i i 1 wz rT 20 Re Za 40 5a bo va Ne Jeet HHA wlflergh Seuly : Jacobo Geb Urethutecto - 5 r 5 PE 5 « Anolis oe 4 SE : a i . = < - * < - bg =) » - & 5 w » ? wo / . 4 v ¥ “ - . a w ¥ Woes ogy ee : . 5 i : 2 : 5 4 - \ : * ne 1 { : if £0 « v i g . Phy Jacobo yibbs Architecto 1 Ee ae zo 5 | a v BY X74 bo feet HH ATufbergh Sel: Neda ak Si 3 Lad = : % 3 : * 2 & Bd Ba EE A a OE rn mR a od es dp ay i P60 ws The Plan of the Second floor. Jacobo Yq bbs Arethitecto LTH uffbergl Seudp at p. 61, A NN IE TTT 7 _ 24 2 | | _ 3 _ 2 ; _ TREE Li El J a TL ae poz Cr rr rrr 7 TN EI rr 7 7 74 7 7 7 7 - EY — Tr 7 y 2 . Z ; 7 Zi 7] % V 7 wood V ’ > 7 tn wm 7 Re 1 wz a ~ 0 : = TH 2, 7 V som et E > Y777 7 7 : % Z V | HH 7 FE — 14: : 6 _ W, 28 | 21 1:6 7 - | | rE nl ly IL Jinja vi i p22) 2222 Jacobo Gils Architects : = a 70 20 30 20 50 ZL Kirfall scep 22 2222242227 722% Z Zz 7 ZZ & r§ A i a \ N N \ \ \ \ N \ \ \ N \ N \ \: \ \ \ \ \ $ \ \ NS \ = ; % zzz, V7 7 RD ~ DITITTIEEEEEhhhES EEE. ree H-Hulbergh Sew Bo [eet 20 60 4 0 70 g 200 Jacobo gibt Urchitects PRN ini Cnt 2 P.6.F IW EEE eee ee TT TTT TT [1 \ NN NN DN D \ \ \ N N NN \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Ng [rr bir \ Le ort ina ANN v: an = Lo ours | \ < 28 N I rr dr 7 YY N \ LTT N \ | \ \L. N\ 1 \ 12 \ | \ \ o = 25 . SS A \ Ww \ | | \ : N N N NN \ \ \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ 3 \ \ \ \ \ 49 N 72.6. \ \ R > N LLL LL i I = I 1 I I en 1 J 22 = y 70 240 30 40 40 60 70 80 90 700 Jacobs . {il hs A etitrets ZH ares. fap : Z., Kurkall. £ EEE TET \ or 1 L X oy 1 al |. * a 2% 18, Ee ———— i} Jacobo Gubs Arcteleds TE EEE BR . Frere rrr Toe ss ran SNE ST TTT FT EE Nes 7 A mei ae 2 het 20 10 70 Jacobo Gibts Architects. z0 z vy zo 20 20 feel Jacobo gd. br (rchetecto : 27 egfbery ss Jeudp A; Ey | mmm LL ET EE 1H Ia a Ti} Tg a gl TES rp 0) lee | il | ene _ | ais a NN \ \ I \ | : \ \ \ ) ANN \ | IN A | \ : | | | NN EEE £ Bukall seep i TJacolo (rells Arehetects . bo Gibbs (Lrchitects = (iad Zz > : 20 eet : J | LL lfberah Sewds Jacobo g bbs Architect - 0 20 Jeet HH, wlfbery 2 Seudp ; FW oF [TI TT ) TERT I = ITT HITT J TEI Ze, Geb britlvctontocss, 2 ; EK a WW 7 72 Co z= 3 Ng Jacobo Gibbs Architecty iia 7-73 Taiobo Gibbs rehitecto I Hulfbergh Jeulp Jacobo 4g bbs Architects . Sf > 8 = 5 i a Fi d — / \ [1 I { | | Tact ills Architects. s BARR ee 2% Sa RA ag vi 20 foe ZH Ho erg a JL | Srl oii Tercolo ybb rchidecto. \ LL LH eulfbergh crdy \ \ \ —— 72 ze 1 oe yf 20 5 y zo 20 ze Zo Jacobo Gibb Lrchitecto ; IL wulflergth Tozelon.: ER ~~ ~ il, g < > ¥ I i ke po Jacobo Gibbs Urchitecto . | ILL utflerg ts Seti a 7. oo 17: HHulfbergte Sew FO zo0 Facobo (ebb a I : rr How Jo. 1% HLT vlfborgh Seu. Jacobo libs Ad rehitecto X Wun uid RS IDR Sag Sh 0 LL Spe AB a wi Lr gle rr fin alg Pe al yy eo We (es wi) Z WF THI . Jacobo Gib @rclretects . Tr Al Fi M1 2 Krkall scalp . » Vv na 5 2 . So HH 3 5 fe. s i x any ; x * \ Ey \ ie . ; 3 3 5 ” ’ 5 ThE ry v 5k : % a5 2 2 oF oe tt; 5 - a Sap pe Ww Fr pa — 22's, | I I | | | | JI 1 | HI 2, Kurkall July ; | eee OR Ram Jacoleo (10d (lchetecto ’ 2 E+. I I I I I I I L L ~ 70 5 yY 70 20 je Jeet Jacobo Gebbs Qrchitecto I Hrudfbergh Sew ee { = mr ee) Sen mn oe sre pe | Lg Totdin Bilin Areliocts a Z.Koihall wad. tl nee go nd Pay, ® : LZ Llirtall scalp « Jacoto Grbds Architects iii | Hi ML Jacoto Gitdr Crchetects ; ZX Kutall Seudp : se = Y I x 3 * + t | i! Ee RO Might Ses a Sn ¥ 7 Sd A LA ER Lb 4 TTT TT TTT SFR bd bb TER Ld 4401 BER 4144400044 | REEQSE EI 11 AEEERE EY 0] 3 BE Mit [YI1Y i " CEL it as IC od s ) *l > 4444 | . k | | | | I i IH lati ] A ii il | Ie Ls ed i a do at si ty E i 77 ; 20 30 40 50 Jacoto Gbts drchilecto. Z Kerhall scelp 7 29 | 1 § 4 3 o = a s fer 4A AJ g CTT PE 444 = Q = L i ” Rb LL de A LEE - - a AHH MALL Rake a HE \ NARANARTARAD ddd a- Ga bal hp 3434) > dal AEs) es 1 PP = Es ee 0) pi) i a a) YP h, EL, Tacobo Lille Archieets Dials: 7 Kirkall seedy - Ls as LE a eat 2 22, Z Kokall scalp , Architect, - acolo Gils ¥ — id Fh iO) Jacoto Gills Arefhelocty iis il I jasunssns = R\ TTR 1 1 I Z Kukad soup od Ju Geb lr Archetedto, 7A ke {| NA IM ERrkadl feu [m= iar Jacoto Gbls Architects . ’ Ai re 1 lL Lien oh oh . Rerfallsculp br iS 51 HH LA HH oy ~ ho = J | EE | I AAA aly Hild = ) il TIT TI : — Hl JPRSERRATEISGARNALI ANNAN ARNREACURUEAA LLLTIIIIT TO ————— Tid Bhd trade tils. en CTT TT TTO TO TET TT TTT ig TT TT TT TT Tr = § = 7 1 im [TS SN shi eS il Zl it io i 1] TTTIT [LTTE EY | ill I Ti LALA Jacoto llr (lr: Wr ceelec lL : : Zz. A, f¢ wip. rr === a 2. 38, Jacobo Gibbs (Lrchitecto Z : Jacobo Gibbs Architects es HL elfberghSeudp: gh i x : eo a, ZZ ZOD, . lacobo libby Urchitecto . . . HH: Hulfbergh Seaudp. NT BE a 2. 20L . Jacobo [2 bb (Architecto . HH wf ergh Sev : prog, Jacobo 4g bbs Dnclidtiine ‘ HL ulfbergt Seep 7 7193 Jacobo Gibbs A rchitecto . HH wlfbergh Sead - 2. 7 Oo Jacobo 4 bby (Lrchitecto . LL vilfler 7/2 Sew ; . + > * = A ~ r > : Pog \ 1 COI el 2 _ 3 ¥ . x a : ¥ : - ar “nmin i : a a Eig a Jy 3 * = L 4} ; : . ¥ z . i ¥ x . y i . 1 < 2 2 a ~ > 7 : % ¥ ¢ ae x ‘ K x , 3 ¥ & iia ‘ “ % t er * 3 N x ' be ’ i . fe f i ¥ . : Lo : . 1 . - % ” = : * . 3 y 1 # > % Ls A 4 % : , * a 3 pie i 3 Leh learn ge * “ 7. 105, Jacobo u bbs Architecto. ; : HA wlfbergh I cad ’ Jacobo 4 bbs Architects. 2106 HH ulfbergh Jeu lp ; P2207 MIE ET iil CECT 1 ASRS EAR | LTT = = 0 TS NN WTR Qh 1 ey TTT A al E A 7.7 wulfbergt Tewlp F Jacobo yibby rehitecto. ES 3 2 NA Das RA ee SW aan ps A ee + aE i fF. 108 | LA 1] TTT JH OEE TPE TPT TTP TPL ITTTT ITT EC HOTT ETT IFERERRAGVRERENTNIE a I TL TO LET TTT TIT | HIRE HHH il il ERA ee rm Jaq bbs Arehetecto y | ¥ ir ; ER kell sce, TH LH 1 TS i Jacobs Libls Ardsthecls. ATT. Il dl oy TIO , IINEINNENANRRRRER ARRAN A SARACEN RS 1 Saini Flirhall seat L110, | Y li il ) Jl yn) / | Il 0 nh 1 : | o i = he ~\ (== 0) Zz 0 | 7 A ? / Vi 20 4) (—— Z J N\ = iy ITT ey = = Jacobo Gebbs Architecte ae : as I Mynde Seu A Re now, He 5 Bs NR mir 5 Aa a, aT hy grr eer SRR ia i RR ova AR a hp == E eA 1177] | I || | i 141! HEH A i [1 i i rH FH tH 1 ([ | fH | 7 ~3. ; : ; J Li = | , i © Geo Vertuevenly 2725 To the Dish Hon? He ely Hvar CAVENDLISIE TOLLES l on nle Sr FF (27 ORD § Conmta dr: MORTIMER // lS “Pe r{J7 Lee ny orate 2) ele cu l ccd Ly your adi y Speceal g ), PECLLOIE. Ur 72072 pnlly DI Ce rented 2 Hot 1 Codon Hh oor Incrl Ply full LC cilrerel TT orearnt™ 5 is 5H Ly NGL; ~ 9/1 { Totty adn Sot A ESE vi ? Side ® FE Towowd codes tn Ce he 5 & % HZ. .8.Z. 2 Zam Re Sled Marie “% py Maar “agi toms 1690 Lelelrats, Deine Ma agne ritannice legaiis Zum 25, 2ui anno 169 7 Pacem BystviAL. confecerunt, ts, annus proxany Legatiomnen otiern Zodem etiam anno 1697 nm Regno Hilernice Secretar; Necnonun wiry morte conss 7 Gs ode arn (ers redus St All ps UA ALL udpvrcam XIV Ce s Ann, 1712, Fl JS z / MAT HALTS PRIOR Armiger. Zoo omnes, puis lh art Tilney Ziunarnintis Zgens. Ladin Zande Lud enim nascents or ere Hur peers schol tote Juvenent in Lodegeo, I! ¥ Ganinbrigia OpLIInLI Si 22 Vern. Desig, ky ec, vires hats consietiado Natres Ita i A Salim avelle rerum condere! ome COT Mores Nermnen leler als rwllo rem Jed ome ie e forte nS ereptes Ani convictee coned Juctendior, To th é (25 72 te o oveard Car Zz of lL Deford & ore 7 7 ordre, rt Ja 7 : 2 Baron Seulp tts Plate or fumtbly Dedicated by fied Lor others most Obedient Sort Ja. (Feb Jacoto Gills Zretscteces, WIE { | LH arre. fog ; Jacots Gibbs richly. Wa % oN is 3 ARE a NN NR \ A \ NN \ nm NN NN . \ AAT © NY \ N A \ NN \ NN NWR NNW NAM nn nr;uiin;nmw NR NNR \ \ 5 Gob: Arehutecto, 5 NN Elerfald sce. Pp 1g Jacobo Gibbs Architects E.-Kirkall sc = #no esr 7 2 3 7 5 Ahm 5 rar = TTL 4% 1a Lo rad be LB yd ( ¢ 0 ( l l l { ? Fh oN ae x a pg hie es Br ER wie Wei ie 4 ew - Sg . * wth mA mee TR EP Med cur ow EB + - PE oni’ 3 a, win rh wr bes ia hE 3; a Re a v7 ee ee re em Kalloculp Rr VJ 4 LOCCLL Ly /1./ Us (17 (77 ils Jacobo ee ie aoe iv Li Fn TT a Lm x ss vo ¥ x > 2 z 5 4 a 3 PRR ME TET OO th Selina i on RR RS 5 % : be Bes Toe ie Mew : Pl Tahal At wa WAR a SR 3 ; eg Ha ey og; " a The oe a Ba Zh am Lime ZL orkal veulp. 7 , Z/ chro c TKecodin ill 179, Jacobo Getty (lrchulecto. ZA seul . — oe = i | & ts Mormemen was erected m the South Isle of Worn . Abbey bythe 7 | ~ Most Hon IAMES Li Marquis of ANNANDALE, to the Memory of | = 0 Leetisfime Matronz D. SOPHIA FATRHOLM ANNAND | Marchionifse, SCOTIA ort; Cj In genii morumqft = 3 =| clegantia cum eximia corporis forma cert abat; Matris Uxorss Jaudibug inclyta; tam diligentis autem Manis familias, wt | oblatam rerum domeghicarum molem animovirili et negohig EE | = pari sustimrerit; Tot denique virtitibug ornate ut vitam summa = ommimm cum admirabione morte ‘onmibug deploraa Fimiverit; = _Momunentirm hoc, qualeconq pictalis gratiqtanimi = indict, merens posuit TAC:10: filma. max, ANNANDLA, : £ == Marchio2Obiit 1. Dec. Anno Dai.a7s6. on | = Aratis 49. : E Hie etiam Jussu ejusdem MARC HIONTS reconditze sunt === diye D.GULIELMI IOHNSTONE fualris sui chariggimi mate gecimdi dicta Marchiomfse, Qu obiit 24. = Dec: V1, Anno Etats 26. La Gibbs Arch: Tat SOPHIA Marchionels of ANNANDALE ns Mother, and i ILLIAM IOHN STONE lig yomger Braids Di. =F 0 > pm = P1212 : I 1 £2 3 £2 Lh IN 5 Seep : 7 Lr arr Jacobo 3 bills (lretitecto Thi i 1 Biel Jacobo Erbbs Architects 2.222, Z Kor-bkall eulp: AR | | | ZF Kirkall/ vezely Tit picby CGrbbs Architects / v 2. I 5% « IOHNSON — Toute Gebls Archilecto . : — fhe : : : it gr1 Z Kukall scalp . - | P1235 r Wii il If i Wl Af CN Tacoto Gibts Arclitects. : v wry 3 waa wiley i aR HA ll Bru £ 3 t 2 * & Z og 5 Sn Venn Jacoto Gils Arclictects. OUI I SR NT et 1 1 ¥o 9 <¢ 3 Fan ~ —A ~~ —AA AAA ’ \ yn cS P1209, Z LKurkall scalp. i L 4 * yw en = wre Z 27. Zz TIT [NR INET] ee TITTII TI FE -Rirkall scufp 7 THT ig oi hi Hi miss \ 7) ; 2, } i fi mn /) cto. x » Tr Gibbs « Frrhete Wha i 5: ph 2B 2. Keokall seutp Jalotlo Gettls rchetecto . gp \ =) Te 25 omen A / | I) my [Im pas [TIL bi. 1 Ne ag = == 7 See 265s Zrofszzect : YO x 7 Sac 2. 130, RE 2 l “ | od ; : : . XxX W Fa "2 : ; \ \ | 4 3 7 fc) Hil ee \ 4 a Sous \J N A ® \ Ral AAT ION AIRE \ AIAN \N 2 A \ \ \ J 0 2M i 7 7 LAUR TON 7 A | XU N A 7 \y { r y fy hh = 44 4 O) IN ? { ) Rl SAM Ab ES JR SRE p gor 78 EIR 7 4 REO ts) 2) |] — — - od \ \\ = ; \ \ d IW: Y a WO CNS 3 SH J Bh ogni ah REED i NNN EON Ugg! mt ) ii 5 Wi) HEE Ti AVN i | I ) : oD - — z= 1, NER 7 pl Rk Am yr ¥ . a “hk wi = ~ 35 ini Ye TZ li q) Unig pI [TIT [ I y Mg, Ry, 77. = ’ TR | I = i { 7/08 Ah | at = N\ “7K I'm = N ANI { lt = { = AH 0 ~\l = (.J EN \ = \ (1% ~~ = = ~~ = = ig Ss — —] EE = — SY / N S—— Ss PE po ~~ y 0 NN NY SNS= NN > = Fo Zsa NN ia — 2 c= = 2 N= = 2 Kirkallscuyp . ~~, 2 1312, NN & $ aN TE EEE ETRE THRE ST 3 SS NS SS Sree RY 7 L2r7/777747, Z 0 nN 2) ~= -’ Lo 7A Wy, NW ZX, DD), Z % 5 ND TK %:: 7, A %, RZ t) ent) 274 [11] G £077 A 5% L777 # ng lester [iP 4 ar v / EN \ ” 2 v ; hoa wy jis EEE AH : ) 77 K ATTN AN Sony TR \ % Hp N WN Ny Rh C7 2 Cre TTS A ‘Zan \ A 1 ! 2 73 2 7 2 NN NN) £ = = A QE Fr A \ = 3 | He , EN NN Vi J % NL =z" a wil a / My i 4 / — P 7 7) Ro ; a ~ — = = : ZN fp 2) % Sp 7 = Z rE 5 | #2 7 7 Fr 2) AL ~ =2 3 5 Oo Lp RE Ss = EN . Ny : — 1/4 : [LH / NN = . N72 N J) ; 5 Jacoby Gibbs Qretielect 7. 13% ~ A ps at \ NG - 7 hy v ili, ¥ 7) 17 =, ) . J 7) i: a, KN Wy) A (4 SY 2, “mp WT I K) ° Gg ) Nm 0 (0 it Ws, . Ret) RD sl, = & pr er - = 4G — 3 \ \ A hi I ein Jil} D B = = {i {0 Hi SS iy AL 5 [7 LZ LCA 7h i Zz = 7 z Wis 7 Z - Y7/ 4 22 so - PZ 4 Z 7 fos s on” Z _ = rr ge $ I [TTT NRE WANE HIER = \ ANN AN = RX JN \ ) = ~ \ = \ YH \ = & AN =\ S AN 2 NV = 3 = NRE = i — WA fS 0) ) RN ALANS \ \ \ INT sR ===". Nn ASTRRUTRURED SN MY NN Hh WARY Mn. p15 7 zm (Im 0 a 2 ql Ss 4 LP 4 BN ji Ti rs ili % All == 77 ou \ rN gf Bs py pu JU \ : ad a my A i > 0 Nl % 7 % Wl A — Tr 7 == S ( A ] WNW J #7 A ~~, J RN - 4) 7 in nam <)\ am \ a ¥ 7 1p hh = === = \} LR WL | Ay RN SAN ANN] WN 0 NNW CR N \ \ \ 1/ AN é Si 4A \ > } gg PT CLL) : La 2 Fo Uy \N IR I Jacoby Gills ychetecto en—— a QUIT x > — 7 Kartal seep - / jf / / nl = aN Pan / J) i J [1] ///// // | / // Wii Ae NE = 3 NN A IW mh {TTT 2 uy gu p> — J) J | i) Wi | \ Wl i { \ \\ AM \ np Wy NS p IS \ BE) 8 B\ Tad ca lf od FY i i IF TA f | [A I (ER ya al kn || its : 2) \ A N x. ¥ il se) N= —_— 7) _— Ee = a § <7 = = Y ~~ ee Ry ; A \\ \ & IN \N\ S E IPA 9 Pil3z, } \\ A \ a ANI = hh) == iN — A= 7 (—— —— Re == ee — — — (A - Br —=. — Ga IN WG ) =F S52 | : S N\A = ; / : = oe Ag = 5 \ ? \ JANZEN NN Ned : =. NS NTR Res 2 J = = : Z J \ \ N QI \ AN Q NN \ 2 N TA on | 7 J Vi | : 1 » /4 ee & Zo % : us # Ig” Ul sl % li Wi” J N NN NE fl) \ f \ / # = OC ge itll AS Ti, i (py XN i nn? _ Ne 3 A ow 7) Ly) 7 iL, Sf NK C777 DI Sim SS A) SS ZAANNN BON PN 7 = Sf a yy 7 - ¥ \ \\ AN 50 : Y/ Z e | fa. 2 AL A = AT HES } d Nf Zr i my ih pa / ANE a SIN = / NB DS] \ IIH : = 4 \V No my | | 3 11); v WIAA ) ' in i | J ly i hss EN iE : : i | 4 mS = A, Wo EN 2.5 ~1 fo { ll / 4 | % ~S NN { ( RIN = (HI = § Ni 1 Ua 4) mig = = AV) S\N = > > Sb —\ = EEN % NY li) \ > IN ITH ——} =, N Ei Gy yl 7 NR = EE —— ll iim Lacobo Gibbs Architecto ZL Mynde Seal. WN : niu Vig 6. ry i Te a oo ne P37, JT \ EN \ E , = A \ N — 4 / \ 4 N\ Z 21) N = = Z A = > 7 AS = 222 = a 9s “2 =X EN aN a ——— . = /) =—3— = ss SI = ~ 7 2 s-———— a = —ee Ee = = _—_— ia we TY HI 3 ~ . . TI III [TTT TTT | id= ¢ 77 7 PER \ \Z : LLL DITA LL = 3 A A Ha 4 vii : : Shas) m— EE Fe (TTT es tet 23m [NE Ee J « BL i es ig Fr 138 Jacobo Gibbs Architects. | I. Kikall scutp . pl rng 4 < Te : . Cyn TRY TT TTT TTT I [1 x j ? 5 4 [TH Z ESE ETE ai \ = k = ™ a —— HE = LL TO TE TO ELT TTT Tw 2 I 2 A = 3 3 7 E f i =" = = R [FS SS 5, lS (eta JU THITUO TITTITO —— nTT ITT I SIT — @— a 2) nr TTT TEE IEE ! ll hig I ee [TT TIT To Tom sss sam a) (TT Fe ———— \ [ATTIRE TTT HA i | __ FARRAR: LZ Bokall seedy z oN 3 x rrr Lo , [] TT TT TL 3X A IH —_—___ xf FT J —— iii MII [Hm IIT] PTI On LL) I TL . : Er HEEL [TO OTT CITI Jacobo Gibbs rehitects]] | 5 = N SER NTS ——_ mT mT LE lil 4; i 7 i tx oy [1 COOOL 0 k p 141, TE Te ; AA 7 TUN Ally I OTTO > : 0 ARAB ] 1° TTT TTI shpthllll — ZZ CALA UN NNN A NEI oy TTT TTT TT | ITT] [TTI SPEER Y A Pes = 7% on i i TOT TRIBE ENERO [mm CIT CT CCC TT CO COO SEA ON 11 Mmm FZ Aarhall scudp : ik oi Cg a i = \ eX II) CTT CTT —— Tl 1 7 Ti 7 7 | I 1 [iid AM) > — WT | ATA I II EERE SW RRA 111111111 Hl iti iH / COLO TTI ee [LLC LIT Nii FMR bY QR Vi J) / (IRM. ees = TL TT TTT rr | Err CCE IA) E TET So er rim Jacoto Fibs Arclictleclo . | ji . 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