. ”35,!" x “.543“: ... .. .z, / COPYRIGHTED MATTER. \7‘ \ All render: of (bl. nrchlteclnrnl cnlnlocno " l / nu rcnpoctfully cnullonod not to inflict in. ‘ L portions of plum. :5 contained heroin. 01cc” ‘1‘ I by ouch! written nemloolon of the author. «7"46 < ,\’ “‘"fi.\'¢k K Elna-0d nccordlnu to net of Congronl In the ./ k yen: Nineteen Hundred nnd Ten. b: 5 HERBERT C. CHIVERS y ~\\_ ARCHITECT : ST. LOUIS 1/" a n\ I// [I ' § ;/ w ‘§ “’1" f "’x\ _\‘\ ”I ~<\wr,.r :47” FOREWORD “Knowledge is power.” It has been said that there are two kinds of knowledge, the one to lmow facts and the other to know ' where to find facts. The object of this publication is to enable the prospective home builder to find facts which are equiv- alent in this Case to knowing facts; to put in the hands of the intending builder the power of knowledge-knowledge of what constitutes good plans, design and con- struction, and a satisfactory whole in a lmodern home. The knowledge contained between the two covers of this book represents an out- lay of thousands upon thousands of dol- lars in time and money and embodies the best thoughts and ideas obtainable in the matter of modern home building. Books andpamphlets along this general line have been published from time to time by theorists, publishers and cheap- plan concerns but it has been the pleasure of the compiler of this work to place in the hands of the public for the first time a practical and understandable work con- taining the finished ideas of a practicing architect of high rank in his profession. ~2— THE BEST METHOD 0]" PROCEDURE. From this valuable compact poeket-size planrbook of nearly iifteen hundred plans, the ave 'age home—builder can certainly select a satisfactory and inexpensive stock plan. which with perhaps slight changes. will meet every require- ment. If you do not find such a plan, you can from some of the plans in this book, at least explain your desires by simply referring to portions of one plan and portions of another. or perhaps better, take the onion-skin paper \V‘tlll- per of this book and simply trace the plan wanted. with such changes desired and from this we can get your id -as and draw a preliminary plan, for a nominal charge of $5.00. and thus get a complete and satisfactory arrangement. Preliminary plans'enable you to secure reasonably close bids from local builders. With such suggestions as are con« tallied in these preliminary plans and such further pencil notations as you may make. we are enabled to make final or complete working plans. which give full information and superintending guidance to your builder. The ave ‘age home-builder of today is aware of the im- portance of regularly~drawn economically—detailed archi» lect’s plans, and it is impossible to dissuade them. The owner knows that two heads are better than one, especially the architect, who in fact is the owner's only unbiased counselIOr in the matter and whom it is reasonable to sup- pose is best calculated to understand the building in its entirety. What does 1% or $10 on every $1000 expended. amount to, for revised stock plans or 3%% at most for spc~ cially-drawn plans compared to a 20% to 30% loss in in~ effectiveness in design, cumbersome plan ar'angement or over-costly construction. Or what is $5 or $10 or $15 for one of our already tried-out stock plans to some experimental plan which may be offered you at nominal cost? There is economy in both time and money in selecting an architect of national reputation, or what we might term a long-distance architect. You thus avoid that oft-repeated everlasting sameness in design which naturally comes from purely local talent although every locality has some good ideas unknown to another locality. I have never planned a building for any one where some new idea did not come to me. That is where my services are of special value to you. Having done work in p 'actically every city and town in the United States and Canada I have naturally accumulated a vast store of plan-information which is at finger-ends and the best of which is embodied in every plan, where it is left up to me to produce results. IT IS RESULTS YOU WANT. 'l‘herefore, if you are going to build and are willing to send me a retainer of $5 for PRELIMINARY PLANS and will order special plans if they meet with your appro 'al and you decide to build from the ideas contained in same. you will in this way get the best possible architectural service and your home will certai 11y be a joy forever. Another quick \‘r to get results is to simply order a stock plan, explain changes desired to builder. then before signing contract; return them. with pencil notations to be red 'awn, which we can generally do for $2.75 for the floor plans and $2.50 for each exterior or $12.75 altold, changes to each sheet. ARTISTIC HOMES "hirer-II. cum. on bold Mu horn! la nah us: not. but “M: to tread." -J‘§clumn. Thilvolnmeh-worko- buildiq W mdiniucompflafiummmhmym uaifiudfiebemyolaebookmmthepnc- u’calnluzoitheideuhueincomined. Prom it youwiubelhlemodactmfliciemdmw‘ivefiio oifiundzfiniubuhonwhichmwori. Thine-n benbedonebyrdurhgwporfimolmian-m onmmuvmchoppulwymoruodmg dipping; Also-endaroughlbncholflootphnl. "Jul! 1: m. acre-(M of an, nub Minn to sup. undo! n1: tonne-1. rkb tuck:- uru non."-Jo-u Ewan. PROGRESIVE _XDEAS.—A deli: hr I home oi yowowniuonzollhebeuprooh oiyour pet- :quI unbition, you: inmost in your hmily. nod your minim mmhnmdhnppinus bah lot young" and to: thou met: you. A "Hm Am”i-thconlypenonvbo is udafiod to build a home Iii: his neighbon or bi- lriends. The who possesses invention, on'ginality. and ambition. bufldn-homewhichfiuhil was. [in bi. nt- roundingunndliu hi: you: not! which mm hll min individuality. BE UP-‘I‘O- DATE—l: bu no doubcoocunedm Vania viewing the ruideooe much at variou- acidamdmn-muhblehuMMDa- iwflyolmnmlmmmlym ol Inigo: lac-my mammal fine”. In thou bomwhaeyouhnvebembehindmemyoo unbundlhe-meoaadidonnmium definndfinilh. Thiuptovuoneolmthingu, eiMthmmuhhflm-fifld theardiitectemployed. Whenyoudomn-dl “who",imuiorudenaior.howkdoa “myowenlndpiauyoothncy. Wham M¢MImMyoumpmdn¢yow yourlnoney iaulome‘hingolwhiahyou'fllunylbem Munhichyouwiureednfiemm olyowhiaudomdnoidhbon. AIODERNHOIlfi—lnpumh‘ Imo- Ibouldhhndmcoluulhenodmidaqin- WMWMMa‘edi-v wmicuprovidu. thnoomliudmnyluol Imunhfilmyn‘ohmunm hebtheomdfioofiemlfiuolpbydofla- Mann. -5; POIN‘I‘I'I‘OIDOK AFTER-Tho planing o! .mmmum on! hbor I. Wmmbeldxh unfilled hath. Albumehdyolmm no Inv- considenblo w-nhhflowmemlupeddiy. she flmhhmdqymdnl‘h. Apoorly-phaupd hotel-um!” non expand" M I modern "Ania-1pm. PICTURE YOUR HOME—h is sometime: dil- Muhhymwmdinuyindividuflmgau munctdaegmwudam tom-phumnxlihminthelouwlng mu. Ongoldaneplmobehgubmdlwfll mills. reproductiooofithm color, maintain with pun-“method“ hudoomcly monmcd lubrmingnucouofmdolht. HOMEWVm—Thcmpmm de- Mmmmmmhmmm M-bomelouho true Home-Lover, lot a pen-Ion miommdinglbomlahme'nuhwhom itmodemloreonvaiume‘lahmdwbomit Minimum-Ilium 31-ngme mmwmmmmm‘mmem be.“Hoau-Lom." THE NECESSITY 0P PRELIMINARY PLANS. —l: is seldom that on: gets 1 suitable magnum the very first time. Melon it is may, to lint undlhepiamin sketch torn-i lo a an autism hmdylornppronLordiupprov-i 01min pun- ” you no: fix. The unhind- grm difliculty is in gelling hiI client’- lin: idea It you have any Whom-konwhinh you Wilh to adopt w- nin mental lean-region embody men in ywmigmmdmduvwmimmon my our (cation- ousted. PREUIIINARY PLAfla—Tha home buildu as Imlec‘uonlygivehhamhimamd may fimudidu-ubmhodzdmoembodiod In Iii-house. Patti-mailman!” "mhwymbolnldl and “W on NI- bdon-orkonfiemmuo bqun. A ho Muhammad lor_luch preliminary idea and mekdmamdubmkm upmoldunoulhcoodm in. m oomph“ pmhwmmfinckindmhno Iddednothh‘lommulaon. amm- umdlde-aewhmimmdaqe. note- oponniblepadudlumivingabmfldomdahr Imolmmmmwmh MImecwxm-hmhuinmy undesired. “Infill-a M! Ito- uxluut‘a plan non cm": A "An-blustery In m art which .ro'lhpm: and elem the eflfleu nlud he pouring: the {all of I60— ”, contribute to M: lulu' lal Ale-lib, never and plemn."— emu. WATER comes—A mm color picture 0! your proapeetive home accompanying the prelimin- aryplanaorevn preceding the plans in often de- eirahle an it given you a good idea at the external male-up olthe houae cabling you to make crin- cisme and change: heiore the neural plane are drawn. An extra charge of 05 la made {or ouch I water color complete and Iremed. "Make nor ductile: ranch! and attrac- Ilve, boll! all”. and without: the unch- thu of“: ban-eel our early day: be" a ”roll [all-nee on the [iron "fa." -’bflflp.l. WORKING DRAWINGS. — My drewinge are complete to the smallest deall: commehenaive and clear, and main of haaanent. attic. rod, and two llooeplenawithdimenaionaiiguredandmarkedec- euretely. nether with tour devotion- drawn to a quarter-inch eeale and detalle hr everything lnaide and out where neeeaeery; IIIO includes typewritten Ipecifleationaendeontrmhlanka no that on re- celpt oi plane and epecifleetiona you are ready to place your connect. The qua-lion ol'eeenomy ie not ovuloohed in the preparation oi plane and it ie ueually auto to figure a ten or twenty per cent eav- ing when building horn my plane. "Jule III architecture Ll Mot original)“.- ly which utohllabn I standard a] excel- lence la web ludiollul bundle; ad (the: I "In of ll‘lllllbh complete-ea." ' -—Anoa. SUPERINTENDBNCB-ne plane ahould he no drawn that any competent builder a}. lollow them to the emalleet detail and my plane are so comprehensive and clear that any builder who is reasonably competent will be able to (allow them without dlfliculty. It in very necessary that you have complete working drewinga and above all le- gally worded apeellications. It exeitel competition among the hulldera. and men ainee you know that all huildere are floating onthe some haaie. you can very readily one how the price 0! plan: And epecili- eetiona may he nved many times over. "The more n- onetlee IMOI ”a tacit. the more .vbollpoa kneel what to pros-11cc.“ ' —W. Jeatln. CONSULTATION—In large mercantile and linen- eial lnatimtione it hee become the custom tor thou who have charge ol venoua depernnente to eoneutt with their euperiora wholly on paper so thet e rec- ord will he had oi all ruling- and opinion.- For thin same moon the architect who ie not a resident architect will in meny auee give you better eervlce as youwilleonault withhimwholly on paper and youwinhaveloralltimethareeordeoieuh eon- m mofloollloflflcblowyouaa yowneueetmailhox. \ "Amt-lo Me I: I“ lull e] torn“ opinion.- lfie not o! 1: mole: the cpl-lea; a! meet mph 0] "Illa ulna.”—Jl-nuuu. UNPREIUDICED ADVICE-1n preparing to build, the main object in to have a auitahle arrange- mmt bl floor plan and thin ll where you will need the aaeiatance ol name one who in totally unpreiu- diced, regetdleea 0! any aeflleh Intercom which he may have in finally figuring on the contract to erect the houae. ___..____.——. "Guam I; but a mind a! [one "anal new" on“ laderemlnedlu a panic-- lor “union. —Johuoa. PLAN SATISFACTION.—Ily lntereeta lie elto‘ gether in having you well planet! and in putting up ahoueewhiehwillheeeomlorttnyouuwell asa eredit to this own. We owld not ellotd to give you anything but the moot moientioua advice on ellpoinea. llglven your work we ehall heel fully reaponeihle lot ite ultimate succee- aa to Faction- hility and delign. "I! cities were ball: by the need of tonic, then "an old/lee.- would appear to be cu- xlneled b. not". loll-I toner. and other: to have fiaeelforih to ll‘fitfnataulc am." —flnhllhorna. SUGGESTIONS TO YOUR NEIGHBORS.—ll communitiea. an a whole. could readily understand and appreciate an In architecture, each house would enhance the value 0! adjoining property. My cli- ent: olten make special ellom to secure [or me the planning 01 houaee tor their adjoining neighbors, so that the nunoundin‘ homes may he in true harmony . A great many architecta have not the least concepA tion 01 how a building will appear in perspective when erected. or in relative value to other building: , landecape, etc. I make a close study ol these con- ditinm. u comical, :killrd in . a: not re receive new in- "Ne man no; the conduct all‘ Ion-alien Ire- oge and expulenu,‘ ~fennu. CHANGES IN STOCK PLANS—1n case I have a etoch plan which will suit ‘yon exactly my fees would ulually be $5.00 to 810.00. necessary chang- ee would he made in then plane (or $2.75 addition- .1 providing the outside of the building is not - chmgefielnafioum be altered at 315' u“! making-malnouhraumhaideandomol 812.75. 'l‘hiadoea not include origin! Indy and special deaigna but men only nit-ceding whichcanrudilybemadewim Feliminnry which original «Indy and Ipecial plant can he had which is altogether I diflerem daaa nf work. "No meaty {abut-r ape-u rho- wliar L1 laid on! for domestic ”Mattias. A an is pleased Marl"; Ulla l: ironed na 5"" a: other people, and the W! l: pinned Mar :50 i: .m dressed. ”—Jnlmloa. SPECIAL DRAWINGS—Special plana will he lumished n the me of three and one-half per cent oi the actual cost 0! the huilding or lor a lee of not lessthan $25 including full detail: and (artfully worded specifications all ol which will receive my personal attention. Persona not rated mast maiden:- third of total fee with order or not leaa than tun dol‘ lars ls a deposit, the remainder to be paid on the com- plctmn and delivery of the plans aid specifications. ll individual checks are sent, add 15 came lor ex- change. When the lull price of plan- il lent with order, express chargea will be prepaid. otherwise plans will be sent C. O. D. with expma and return charges payable by purchaser. See order hlanka, sketching blanks and mhney order application'blanka in back of book. "It i: bum in "MI: than n be [cur-ad,- urnn‘at 5: me In" nun. a! "ll." dNieb-br. CAUTION.—All ideas, auggeotiona, drawing: Indaketchea submitted remainmy property until Mancini: nlmylec ia lully paid and perms no whomfieyueaentuweflulhoonbywhomthey ueaeenmunfinnednocwnuthemuranypart Mammy. Allplanaandapecificationa areaold-tobenaedONCE and if they are again uredwifiompamiuimthelegallcenlmrecand m—hallpereanonhecoatolnehbuildlngawifl heeollemd. 'l‘hiaolficecu-rieaanllllnolanenu Andi-privilegedmpnaicehnflmwhichre- Quite uchimmvegiueruwahllity. "Um: would cruu u-nMu. pa- nut bl Janet/lint. "—Gouhr. POOR COPIES—Buildera Iometimea try to im- 2 9'2"me dimmmeycan draw- «anwmlmmu yet evade the ' udaimcr'uightaatlaw. Nocopy in on good I! fitmmmfiruphcgandheaidea subject- ,hlmeircumstoa coat {or plain which in - My-timeahighuthnn what I! “‘8'“ 05'5“le ~ chug: it ordered direct. the man is a'very com- murplaeededgn. Ywnavenmeed Inf"aame- “”hhmmhniltlncutahloenlitied Why in it? Haveyonnotaomaminhwaewhichlooked likeagenlan-amongalbtolbig'giaf'h allde- "flo- Makn proble- 0/ any an I: to uni ”appearance (to lit-ab- o/ a Mglnr ":5 I'lll."—Goolbc. WHEN ADVICE IS 0? Vszcwm one mplaaeahnilding.ixiainthearlynag‘ea oi mentapdaelhanheatehltectlhouldbeaeleaed. TheadVioeandexwimceoiah’unwonhvardlh Rectahouldhembyallmeana. Dome:- pennanhitectmpmhiabenideaaonpaperlor yau, unleu youhaveapoain’ve undentanding with himthntheiatndolhewwk. Panic-whom- gle aloq themaelm with all the preliminary work andlamrmemployanardliteclannmaecurelufl aervieea. Themonnluahlepordonol‘aplan, and ofienkamonviulpoinuarerwdereddming it. emquicmmdwedomthenbegnxdgean Mienwmemloroflginalideaa. "tannin“ deal-val, and it bad and In . [or I! L: nIIon pnrchaaad a! an Infinity '- ."—JMt.rnean. THE BUILDER-ARCHITECI—Any builder who 1- akilled in hia line Ihould have acme good idea- in planning-ad meabilityaaadtahman but no builderwhoialkilledin hi- line will attempt to wepamamolarchimralplan-orroduigna building. The builder-architect is always a poor architect and usually a common-place builder. The goodapmheurydoeampruaihqand the pre- acripfiona oi the poor apothecary .e dangerous dope. You would not go to a veterinary surgeon 'loraeaaeolthe measehwouldyou? "Knowledge la the lmnn, but lady-nu I: M. Inca-n: old it." .nn."—'cnn. THE CHEAP BUILDER-,- A chap nflor or dreumahr one: ruin- good material and a cheap builder often ruin- a good m of plaza. He is nat- urally We no the «chime: whoa: plana de- mandthe beat in nnneriala and eon-auction. The good aidiitectalwayaaaveomnytimea hia lee by the use ol mamial-uving and time-Wing ideal. The muting oi complete plane prepared hy a drilled architectandthemahing of a wring contract of which the architect'a apedfiuxiona are neceaaarily a pan ollhecomna. is the only protection against the cheap builder. Building blunder. have coat the world many Ihouaand times more than has ever been spent for architecr’a plans and apecilican’ona. "II I: ridiculous/or up Ion to crllkln lb: mm aluurlnr Ill» be: an during-ball III-lad!” M: can perform-ecu." —Adluu. ~ - --l&y "no. real Meet sees-usual. esesetle “bed. llmde set beer nose- als UM mess es huflss.“—rna Tint m Autumn-0t all-the pm that everinieseedsconmuniqinelndingdsebnsy-body. thehnow-it-sll.thebntser-in. no one oi them has “hee”(?)liyonwiliglvehimthehnildingeontrsct oviiyouwlllhuyiromhimthetnaterisla used in orderfi'ar'hetnay arrange everything to his own advantage. "Wbsi cannot on and ind-airy perform. Utes science plans the progress of [Ito's "Bf—Innis. INQUIRIES KEPT PRIVATE. — Parties with snawerouradvatisememscsnwrite usireely with- ontthe annoyance oi having their names handed arotmdssvstronaoiotns.or sold to building-ma.- tensleoneerns ioretrculanon. Youwillnotlii annoyed with circulars iron: this source. as we give out no inlormstion whatever, and ottr employes.are specially cautioned not to discuss oifloe ms outside. tinder penalty oi dismissal. WHY OUR BUILDINGS LOOK WELL WHEN BUILT. lst. All heating is clearly shown; merelore no time is lost in iiguring out plans. had. We take advantage oi all tnodern methods ol construction. 3rd. Our work is .detailed so as to he stoutive and yet inexpensive. 4th. Plans are up-to-date in design and yet in- expensive in construction. 5th. Every dimension is given. including detail drawings oi construction. 6th. Plans are prepared by skilled designers and can be depended upon. 76:. Plans are accurately ligured and speciiied and save many discussions. 0th. ‘ Plans are so easily understood that builders. do not waste time pondering over them. 9th. Our buildings look well when completed and outlast the ordinary building. 10th. We preiu simple elsslic outlines to cheap or common ornamentation. llth. Plans are figured economically in the cut- ting oi lumber. nth. The buildings look right for the rsseon that we study minute details. « __ 8‘ 13th. Deildereestimsihgmn mess plans lniow thattheyarsilguringee the same basis as their competitors. “slew to the builder as .wellastheowner. QUESTIONS PROMPTLY ANSWERED.—Psr- tisswhoeonmplats ordering plans are at liberty to ask as many questions as they choose. To in- sure prompt answers to questions always write questions plainly. leaving snaee ior reply below eaehons. Alsoreierto plans by design and page number. always giving name oi house and name at book. It is desirable that you sand outline oi lot. points oi compass, etc. ii you contemplate ordering special plans. See order and sketching blanks in back pages oi book. Always use the return envel- ope sent. To see how designs appear reversed holdtoa mirror. See cut on last page. Should any stock plan exceed estimate. I will exchange themiorsnyotherplmoiless cost which we may have In stock it returned within ten days tram date oi shipment and in good condition. Always write questima on separate sheet with name and address. in sending separate pechges. photos or drawings. be certain to put your address on psehge. QUALITY OI." MATERIAL. All iratne houses in this book have 11-inch stone or 13-inch brick inundation walls with cellar under entire house where cellar stirs are shown with gen- eral good finish throughout. Plumbing is included where shown. Story heights are 10 ieet. Estimates are based on the lollowlng schedule oi prices: Eaeavsting.per cubic yard . S 15 to. 20 Ruhblestoneworhperperch. 150w 250 kickhidlnwleper 1.000 soon: woo bathing andphstsflng.psr yard zero 25 Dimension lumber.perl.000. u «to zoos Flooring....t....a 20-00wa Sheethingbosrda . . . . . “one 2000 Shingles......... 215m 350 Siding...... ...2000t02l00 Finishlumber . . . . . . . 3000b 5000 Tinwwhpusquare. . . . . I00to1000 Csrpentmpudsy . . . . . 175m 300 angperday . . . . . . 200th 100 Commonlsbor.per'dsy. . . tooto 150 _ All rooms are plastered and finished with yellow pine. or native wood, in natural finish. All mould- ings are detailed in stock patterns. and details oi porches. eornices, etc. are very simple in construc- tion. lt is important to have the entire construction ol the building clearly shown by large scale or lull- siae drawings. it assists the workmen on the build- ing. lor may do not then have to ponds over prob- lems oi construction. The plans are all neatly and accurately drawn. and above all, carelully figured, giving dimensions oi glass. location and size oi doors, windows. etc.. and all inlortitation necessary tor the succesaiul guidance oi the builder. ARTISTIC HOMES Caz—cola design 51—6“. slot hei his IO fl 6. Large spacious rooms, width over anv 55 a. Plans $55. I Iii—fix 7-' Dining Rm ecept ‘ ‘ E. H. . Eu“. Ehambet [Hal q x 14 ”8-6 {la-3.11:1}. b - . Chmbar Chamber | ‘Library 20 x l4 Q9 X 14 ’29 x 20-94 V ‘PREPflREDNESS‘HAS BEEN MY SUCCESS HERBERT c. CHIVERS —9_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS 4. ARTISTIC HOMES ’ , ’vrm Ii'nl umrv ..,.. 34'1"” mum mum“. m Em”, T u'l'i'i Elli“ I..II.I.I.-III; 5‘1““ "" , MI :1 g m - | WW 1 .i ‘ 4,1 .um imui'lillillli Mimi} :1! L "lunar": Inn-c "g," i "1 . ' , 11/4,,” ,- .N 7—-— am“ ,, I ‘ ...“ Him,” mafia/4mm,“ 4"” , ORDER BLANK. Please‘ fill out the enclosed order and qugstion blank in back of book as near as you can. and l wlll immediately proceed wlth Lhe prellmumry plum. These plan's may probably require changing several times. in order to null: you exactly. and 1 shall expect prompt repllcs. so that I can give the matter atten- tion whlle it is fresh in mind. You possibly have a view of A house which comes m-ar suiting you. or a partly executed plan, which you can send rough tracing at ‘ (hannah Design 510 . story heights '0 fl. Plans $1 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Sill! ll llfllll'l’fll’flll.- STYLE in architecture is that original beauty which anal» lishes a standard ol excellence in each individual building and gives a sense 0! indelinable com- pleteness. Style in architecture Is a pro- duct oi the lancy ol the architect which can be simple and eco- nomical and still beautiful. or common-place and yet quite ex- pensive. Style in architecture is some; thing about a building in the way ol improvement of outline or de‘ tail which makes it attractive and desirable to the casual observer. Style tn architecture is an in- novation ol the architect who has dared to be original and in- dividual and who can produce a building which will. at the same time. appeal to popular favor. HOME MAKING OME is the word ol broadest deepest and tendereat signifi- ‘ canoe in the English lan- , » guage. The home is the col. mination 0! domestic love and the training school for future generations. The young married couple has no more sacred duty than the building a home which shall reflect their thought and embody their lile together. There are lour important lsctnrs to be considered in the making ol a home. the bank account, the wile. the husband and the architect. These must bar monize or there will be a lailure where so much depends upon success. li there is only a few thousand dol- lars to be invested there must be no reaching out alter the unattainable. The lact must be squarely laced. it is by the preparation 0! designs and the making of accurate estimates on the sum named as the limi} that I make lriends ol my clients. An alliance ol this kind becomes something more than a mere business proposition, hence I enter sympameric- ally into the plans 0: the home-makers and when they take possession or the house it is with the happy conscious- ness at having what they wanted. Ire- quently at less outlay than they at lirst anticipated. The whims. laneies and idiosyncra- sies oi home-makers are innumerable. Where it is impossible or ill-advised to gratify them I rarely fail. by the em- ployment ol reason and the exercise of tact. to direct the thoughts ol my clients into more rational channels. I have never assumed the office at dictator prelet-ring to be looked upon as i help- er. an expert assistant. whose judgment carries the weight at practical exper- ience. I do not take the easiest means to please a client until I have first sub mitted my ideas and it is therefore sometimes necessary to antagonize lrsnltly and lairly the wishes ol aclicnt, and not inlrequently l have been amused at the trick ol memory by which the home maker assumes responsibility lor the leature to which he strenously objected in the very tom-ration ol the plans. Home-makers, as a rule are earnest. honest men and women who. il their confidence is gained will trust implicit- ly to the wisdom ol the architect they employ. l have never given a client cause to consider his trust in my abilry as misplaced. HERBERT C CHIVERS “ll" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS AéTISTIc HOMES // /, 9 : ~ 4,;- . = ; gr/ \. ‘ - f: \ - .— 3;; § 1,. .’ f f I \ 1—r—1—I—r—r-r' -- MAUSON C’OI‘I‘AGE.——Design 58M; cost. $3,590 10 $3,998;plal1s $30.5pec1alfeatures, Cement floor to ver~ anda aumuwe l1bxary with panelled ceiling and nook and very attractive exterior appearance. See paze 65 FIIEN D“- \ Kll’cnlll [EH |§Il|§ I-I i 1' nun-u “an I U ll 1‘! la nu / kIINARv an a x I: D u nun- 1. Ixzuo mm" H" " n 111.211! '4‘: “iillnll 7 _‘ HERBERT C. CH‘IVJERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Yakima dai 5l0l 3, story heights 9 ft 6, width 26 ft. width over I 40 fl. Plans $| 5. Porch] P. f Dantry I 6x9 Eutr c c Snug; -" —e x 11 Kitchen Chamber IBath Dini R "g " 3 1110.6 11 7: 13:3 7-6x 8 I6 x 13 . f d 4 EF “P Chamber c ' ‘ 16 15-: * Recen't up x up Hall d I In Parlor ibrary Chamber i 11 x 11 13 x 12 ‘ “”"e 12-6 7. 13 1 x 11 Veranda .-=—=o_u iEl Ll3— - HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS '63) 18x14- IBBXISB H i HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BMW M MIR unlonons lane I 16“ BATH 3. lo 0 clo . do- "le ' own 14!“ x 12!“: 12!” x 12ft. DE! 12mm“: 01 BALCONY ”IXMONT RESIDENCE—Design 2015-0; cost in frame. $1,280 to $1,395; In brick, $2,290 to $2.380; plans. $20. ~15- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Nonhbrae dui 50l6. width 2| ft. st [)1 h ht 9and8_ft. pm“ ° 8'8 s 9x14 9‘14 10x9-6 10x9- Roof l Balcony Roof arm lnunm poulbllifin In an etude thmoqmmd‘hcmudma an nu! . 1'”de labors" mull haw Ind Nut und [minn- mu-t mum on mill and an: an Inn com“ demanding In. Home Buntilul the mum: stand: ready shall no mm mducfln I so pupa. plum-nil puke: deligna which upon Immun- bulldln‘ thigh val be u once ma lay Ind odd. 0' m am: And the delight or flu onlookul. ‘lb" ARCHITECTS HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARTISTIC HOMES .ll.-. Dining Roo itchen Kitchen In 'erxz u h— — Est. Parlor Parlor 8x8 15x15 13x15 d13x12 {an Dining Room 21x13 “P Porch Chambar 13:13 1 Chamber 0 13x15-6 Double House design 50| 7, widdi 34-“ 6, width over all 51-h. Story heights 9-ft 6 and 8-H 4. Plans $15. odious dining room. Chamber 1713113 Chamber 13:15-6 Roof H E R B E R T C. C It! V'E R S C ().. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H'OMES f _ ‘1‘ —--‘——-':—J—’—',—————’ ‘ A .. § :2 M ‘ csfiflm' ‘ .s fl ‘(nfl‘ ../fl- fwMM‘JQ-Uhv-MF’ DeForeét design 50l8. width over all 25 ft. story heights 9-lt 6. Very compact. Plans $l 5 itchen 12x10-6 c an iningR Chanbe 12x14 10—6x 14 l--‘ I“: arlor u 14x12-filfl u Porc HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS n": u, w 1. A-RTISTIC HOMES \K K uuuzfiuimmfi‘; if I“ ~ . -, FELDON RESIDENCE—Hacker Design [00.060-M: size ~ ‘ 32x47; cost $1,998 to $2.149; plans, $15. FELDON RESIDENCE No. 2 Woodington Design.same as above; with n.6x12 {L paxlor; 13.6)”: ft. dining room and 12x9 kitchen. See page 65. figmmv wraith" W -: ; —l9— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 3..-”-- 38ft --------- ... P2 Kit. Kit. P. 9:12 R Dining R 13.6x12 _-..--—.'_ 13.6x12 Ch. Ch. 11. 6x12 |-|11. 6x12 Parlor .6x12 Parlor .6x12 Feldon Residence No. 2 deSIgn 5020-A. See pagel 9 for exterior. Story heights 9—ft. 3 and 9. Plans $1 5. Igu43ftV . ...-.. .........,E j d P P d I 2 Kit. .-.4 Kit. ; Ch- Ch- ; S13.4)111:115.4}:11 5 ; 13.4x11f‘ 3.4x11ft : c C /\ Dining R. Dining R. i 15.4113.4 15.4113.4 , \/ q r u ' P. H p H P. ‘x // Parlor Parlor Ch- 13.4x15. 13.4x13. 13.4113. 13.4115. 4in 4in -20— “M 4m Feldon Residence No. 3 design‘5020-B. See page 19 for exterior. Story heights 9-ft 3 and 9. Plans $1 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ‘ I; ‘lfllwlwzlulrrmnnum 1r ‘— m. mm”. It , fin San Andreas design 502l, with 29 ARTISTIC HOMES -ft, extreme width -2]- 36-h, story heights IO 9-ft . Plans $ 5. ., i Perch Porch E Kitchen :— 13x13 Kitchen 1 > 4. 13x13 ~ Pantry c 9-6x5 c Chamber Dining R d ”-6111 12-6114 ‘ Chamber . iniu R ,. 11-6xu 5‘ :10 close 12-6114 ' g '1 1 e a one Chamber BAT”: R 14—3xzo-6 cl' 8! n :3 Chamber 14-31(10-6 \ I Chamber Chamber ll-Cxll 16-4x13 chamber Chamber 154.513 '1 Ta—oJ - 1176111 D , c I _ Reception rnrlcx' | '1" Hall 12-6x12- _ Pane: u; 21-6x11-e '—1 Ch 1 ‘12-“1247 c“11:5,:7-9 Porch l Baluouy H‘ERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Mermon design 5022-3 in brick. 9-ft 6. Plans $8. II-4X16 3811 II-4XI P - Double House deSIgn 5022, width 39-h, story heights 9-ft 6. Plans $25....22- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ‘ARTISTIC HOMES n... _L.:.. Mum—- mm -D Ir’.‘ >< m 9.. *2 L72 ,_ n r. §TABLE DESIGN No. Io.——Cost in frame, $250;plans $5. _.2 3.. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES /fl|"llm : ’ :l -" :31" 111933-.- lC\llll} {ll 75:. .. 2. Par. 13—2: 16“: let Pox-c h Pore 1‘. Double House design 5024. §tory heights 9 and 8-ft 6. Plans $20. _.24_.. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES E @335 Double House daign 5025, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9 ft cut to 5 fl at side walls Plans\$|5 § ............. o 45ft""’ - EE 6% ~~ 162:“ 151mm a”: ‘10 (:11 \IP Living R Living x. 15.1mm c c “$0112 O ulor Parlor P. 14ftxl4 4ftx14 P. E A “'ORD 0!" CA UTION. Ila-am of (MI (-nuloguv of nrv-hnrrtural 11903:“: are maully wurned and Nqumml not (0 huxld 'rom dosugns or us»:- mrlmns of plans tho-n monam Any dupllmiy of [his kind when round out and reportvd hy our corn-spandex)“ or travelling repmuuuvn will he chug-pd Inf armrdmg m u": log-l feel 0' 3‘}; per rent an the cost or mud Impravomcutn. .25.. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ~..,—., “113% 31‘ “’I , - I 1 “MT“ , 7' \ L A II :5 , mi] mum _l {I Jul-A » ‘ .Il'y ‘.g_ “ ‘3‘ Sis/"MW" , . E" E :img_ - _ , ”lb-1111']: [/fl/ 4 «<- Tfl/ u ," ;__— 14. 3x léfgsin Bfirick Flat. ee pléns page 26 and 28. . Double House desxgn 5026. width 30 ft. sto 9 ft. Plans $20. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS VARTISTIC 'HOMES 175‘t2in I Double House daign 5027, heights l2 and H fl. Plans $25. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘— r 1/; ;,i d! I "' :J..n~awwuwwwflfifi%ggg% 47¢;/ III-.- 11rc x 11ft” arch]? SITTING ROOM 12f‘ X 12ft Double Brick House design 5028-A, story heights 9 f; 6. Plans $l0 KITCHEN CHA‘JBER PARLOR 15-6X11 -14'—sx12 13x12 ”J, DINIVG‘RO 43X10 C CL) ~28— Brick Flat design 502_8-B:. See page 26. “:30: -----------------»g 1,---------_-- HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES r ‘ Chamker 12-4112 I Parlor Chamber 14x14 li-éxlé Porch L Double Hoqse design 5029. story heights l0 and 9 n. Plans $20. . OFFICE 15ft x 18ft um uu-n---------—. OFFICE 15ft x 18!: Brick Office No. 5029-8. Plans $5. 5..--.-------.-..----.-----_- -29.. HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC I'IOMES r‘. '59, l W '35—: — mmumM|mfififififi h . Ill Santa Clara design 5030. width over all 28 ll. sto heights 9 ft, cut down at side walls on the secongl. Plans $l Kitchen 3-4x9-11 C ining R Living Poom 3—4x15—8 30-4xPZ-7 (“harher 17—lx13 Summer Dining Ron Music Room 24x13 12x15-6 TO THE CONTRACTOR The eonnluov who woxks to my plum hnd: that any vedound In his credu a: well as mine. Wis: tentacle" know what u mun: to have aunbuled to them - :uuclule nmacnve m desl‘n. complete m every de- ull 1nd perleclly adapled lo me use: Io! Much n Is lnlenfled. Thls us pnssmle only when the servmes ol .- movougbly compelem uchuecl ue secured. ll :5 as much to my uneven u m the conuauou. mu I should work m perlecl humony wnh him. I receive cxedu lot the dtslgn Ind be In! (h: QXECUHOH. II exther ls bully lhen both DI u: are blamed, and W: tall logemel, II both are good then we dn'lde honors. and When the ques. lions He asked, “‘ho planned lhat bulldlng’” and “who CDI‘IMI‘UCRG lhal bulldiny" we may well be pmud Io be named (ogelher _30.. HERBERT C.CH|VERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PRESCRIPTION S T O R E 2 22-4X40 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES my Kim mm) H“ H ‘ MW!“ 3‘ r_.__.r: mar—2 STORE AND FLAT—Design 178610; cost in brick. $5,. 590; pins,» $35. ' See opposite page. ‘M “k ‘ .fi ‘ “fl . Jill 1' 2w 5.5... Vii“ LI {M ‘m’f‘l ‘IERBER'I’ C‘.-CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Boulder Creek deSIgn 5033. story heights 8-“. Plans $5; --------- 28ft.------- u- .l I_ —-4 KITCHEN 15ft6 X IIft3 CHAMBER 11ft X 11-3 CHAMBER LIVING Row 11.1; x 11.3 15-3 x 11-3 __33_. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Sig. 2 ARTISTIC HOMES Story 9 ft. 6. ( El Capitan design 5034, width Plans $5.00 23 ft 6. When no plans are used. the con- tractor is olren obliged to do me work which he did not figure on. and the home builder often does not zeta much for his money as he expected, Kitchen 12nd: Ion. E. m“ c“ Fl simply because there was no hatis on wlfich to work and upon which to base the contract. No misunderstandings can ante when a set of our plans end specuficztions are hclore the contractor and the home buflder. showing the Living Roma. 1%“. I ran. [oft .X 12“ interior and exterior construction 0' the house Is agreed upon in the contract. BANK OF NEW LISBON .,, [mt/4&1», IM'JKI Jim /?f/« yf ih/X) (” (maul. d; 06“,, 77/. AM J-.- t, , "ffow if {fun 444, (4.44,, a- £u.v.r{’ 7M». ,9, Megan/afifM/u, JAIL“, ma: t Lu ,t— (guise/“ti 4, ;,c(.-_‘4, 0.4! «~44 gunfig. krg A... v2.6a; MW «Luau; «M... .W. ~11“. (" <1 -34- (j 7 Jay? ax,- A.“ 7 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES QLARKSDALE COTTAGE—Demgn x796M; m rmne, $.75 to$2oo;plans,$5. Ig\ I5'4"x I54" WWW sg'4"x I 5' 4" ~§EASXDE HOUSE—Ucmgn [00! M; in frame, $1,199 to $1,296; plans, $15; width overall; :5ft. 6 in.; story . heights. 9 ft. and 8 ft. in ‘the clear. Special _ 35 _ ' Good stained shingle efi'cct. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITEfiTS A\ I2 ‘I' I s; 'I' I <: :1 1(5 I\l [E s; .~ ------ ft - - - - ‘ . 1: Roof I @k ‘ Ch. xgififiBS 211113 {fa all D |‘ I -. ‘fi: Parlor . =~B1!l_"_l" 1 :6 I 14mm " .... Enecifiail 315—; 111361“ \ -How to Send‘Money - Remittances can be made lay-Post Oflicc Money Ogder‘ Express Money Order—Bank Draft- FAIRVIEW COTTAGE—Design ”31-0; m frame. $1.29: to $1.498; plans. $10; width over all. 34 ft. 4 in.; story heights. 9 fl. and 8 fl. ((qu story). Special features: Quaint exposed chimneys at sides; stained shingle design. -—36 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BUFFALO COTTAGE—Deugn I760—N; in Iran-Ac. 3550 to $698; plans, SS; width. 27 h. by 28 [L 8 in; sxory heighu. 8 IL; neal.clean-cu( mouldings and porch ornaments. [:1 "K m IS 8-X13+ '0 0x159 mm HE. iU-U- X 1:5"?- ~37.. HERBERT C. Cl‘IlVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES AMBRIDGE COTTAGE—Demgn l968-N; cost in (tame. $699 to $798: plans. S7; story heights. 10 It. Special features: Compact plan arrangemenx; alcove for bed. allowing Iron! chambet m be , used as parlor. will: curtain between; clean-cur exleriot. I! ‘f XIIS 15 + x12. ”38* t: HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\ I? 'I' l Si ’I' I (I I1 ‘()> RM [5 Si Orville No. 2 de5|gn 5039, story heights Iolarnd \ 13x18ft§12ft 9-h. Plans $ | 0. Porch 513x12r _ DINING a '12X10 I .m 15x 17-6 BED R BED R EED R HALL 13x15 HALL 15x26 _ 12ft f' I 1:, 15X19 I PARLOR ‘\ 15X15 ' 0 BED R C 8fr VERANDA 15x11 ffx_ -39.. ORRVILLE COTTAGE—Design 1939M! cost in frame $1.49; to $1.580. plans $10. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ART‘ISTIC HOMES Chamber 25-6x12-6 06mm; COTTAGE—Denim: 2136M; 81.298 to $1.499; puns. $10. See page 65. RANDOLPH RESIDENCE—~Deaign l 554 M; in fnrpd. —40—- $1 199 to $1399; plans, $10: width. 28 ft. 6 in. {.39 ft. 6111.; stor‘y heighu. 9 ft. in we clear. Special features—Van mm- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ,lummuumu ’0 “why“, . 9% “VI/oi, MW; - Temescal design 504'. glory heights '0 ft. Plans $|0. ;r,,/////, :<-<~---4en- Veranda 79:5 w/ // M / /////////: .K’x’WV/MZ’WIAIJ/W ,. “’9'! - . I . W I I Ch. 3 Kit. : 12x10 4x10ft : ' I 3 Pan. : ch. (in 2 v 1211‘ c c , Din. R. \ H. 14x18“ Cb. -:-.~: : :-. 12x14“ 141191“. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Huben C. Chlvfll. Annual, Den 5" m lono‘vm‘ puhzl mu build noon. and I m wading you mu nam- m an nmereu which I uh: m ICCID‘ outloulny Imp-0nd by um-cuv: and up-w-duz hundmu, um: mm m: assurance mu you run ”new on m“ cl "norm-non. Rzlpecdufly. le'r on» NAMES MI. _._. _ __ . . . Slut! Plobabk con _ MI. W.“ n ll Sun: ....-_——_._._..._. hob-bl: con-4 I— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $1 2‘ Laundry Porch ":36 Kitchen 19x10 :1ch Libraryng'3 9-6x8 Elmhurst desngn 5042, story helghts 94: 6 mi?“ # Chamb‘er taxis-6 ow or} PROMPT ANSWERS. 'l‘o Insure prompt answers to questions always give deelgn number. page number and name of book and put questions on a separate sheet contalnlng your (all address. date. em. and leaving ample space below each question w plainly write unaware. Always use our return envelopes when lens c ( Chamber HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES JOSLIN RESIDENCE—Design '909M: in frame; $1.199 to $1,308; plans $15; width 22 ft. 6 in.; story heights; 9 (t. and 8 (L. cut down by too! to 6 R. at "111'. Special features. Rustic chimney; bay Window 1nd sea! in hall; combination stairs. See page 65. e 5"“. uuul “but E MAVERLY RESIDENCE—Dang!) 1560—0; In frame. $1,198 to $1,389; plans. 515; width. 14 IL 8 m. by 32 in. story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in. Special Features; Phin neat exterior. See page 65 HERBERT C..CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ,. «thug Woodville deSIgn 5044. story helghts 10—h, w1dth 32-h. Plans $10. 0 § ”/7092” A50 X/Z" 7'” A5 :6 'X/Z‘ -w c- 40 HA1 4 S %* k: k (MM/JAQD O O z/r/xvc W7 (JCjD /7~‘a~x /5—. Q C bé'X/J- WMJIZ :QQQOE a”; O. Woonvnua RESIDENCE.~ The plans received from you ere perfect In every way. In he: I do not lee how you can sell them so cheap Shall call on you tor other: soon. Charles Wurt. South NOIWIIK. 00pm -44- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I! 1’ I 55 1'.l (: r: C) RI If 55 chILLIAMs RESIDENCE—Design 99320; in frame, $1,290 to $l‘,488; plans, $10; width, 31 ft. 4 in. by 34 ft.; story heights, 9 ft.; special features: Semi-circular porch; attractive dormer windows; unique reception hall. Modifica- tions: See index Baraboo plan. We have $10 plan with larger rooms and pier foundation. Modification No. 2, Whit- more design, with porch like this but stairs like Bamboo Cot- tage and central hall. Modification No. 3, Clark design with fire-place in hall; vestibule; bay in dining-room and exterior and front porch like Bamboo design. (See index). ["‘l , ' . v KITGH '= ii! 8- DIN R AN. RECEPT H PARLOR 20x12 l13X13 i PORCH -45.. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES McWilliams Resudence No.4 desxgn 5046 story heights. 9- ft 6 cut down sli htlyon second lloor. De- sign similar to page 45 ant? 49. Plans $l0. k- ------ 45mg"- “-r I Room - /13ftx17P clo PL Living Room 22ftx11ft10in / Veranda 6'Ff McWilliams Residence No.5 deSIgn 5046. story heights 9~ft and 9- ft cut to 6 at side walls. Exterior sxmilar toiPage 45. Plans $l0. ~46— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 'T'I Si 1' I (2 f1 () IUI [E 55 BARABOO DESIGN NO. 3.0— Southern constxuction— Design 192,840-0; in frame. $1,290 to $I.499; (pier found- ation); plans, $10; width, 38 h. 6 in by 31 ft. 4 in; nor; heights. n (1., cut down to 8 ft. by roof. forming cove around room. Special features: Large rooms; simple roof treatment. Modifications: See inde} {or other Bamboo cottages. See page 65. t: t: 1_! \/ J KITCHEN B LIV R p 1 2 X1 5 1% 5X1 5 p 4 c Down Up DIN.R / H PAPLOR 15x12 \l_/\ 15))(15 Yx * éft VERANDA ' kt:"?:="'* __h__ '1: HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HILBERTA COTTAGE—Dewy: oé-O; CA )5-4x7 I? 73.14;; " 3“" 1: >054" [56!)5'41 7(IWNI :0”pr Tffloift K it . 15.4x11d cSitting ‘. 6 Room 3. 4x15. 8 ’U Dm R. Hall Parlor lthle 7ft4 3..4x1?ft 101n ., Veranda iEE-Eg: mammal Baraboo design 5048. exteuor similar to page 47. Plans $10. K. luv V. 36%|!) I H $1645 -\ 5 PAR DML g yssll}6¥f;{13.bx|3_b PM“ 3'!‘ VEMNM 5““ ' ~48~ - BAMBOO No. Io. ——ln frame $1.192 to $1, 289;phns $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ARABOO COTTAGE. -Design 1639>N,' cost in lrame. $1,494 to . $1,688; plans. 510; width, 34 {L by 31 it. 4 in., story heights, 10 it. ‘ ‘ and 9 (x. 6 in. Side walls cut down by root to 8 1L; ccllar, 7 (I. » Special features: Economical second awry construction. Mod- ifications: Dining- room could be used lo: silung- room, with pantry where bath is. Can [urnish ihese plans in stock as shown, or re- versed, with the ‘ " ' at $10. D No. 3, Edwards design, full 10 and 8 fl.1 in. stories; dining- room, 12:15 it. 4 in , sining room, 15 it. 4 in. by 17 ll. A very fine plan. —49— 4 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES "“m Gh'm'm'"; Kit. 13111.5 Baraboo desi 5050-A. story heights 9-lt 6 and 9. Exterior simiar to McWilliams design page 45. Plans 5 l 0. r. - .......... 4dit H_V .un.": i Kit. 0 5 12x11 ° .3h_ 1 c ; 4.6x15 2 P P ' . . Par. Dmmg 3' “‘11 14ftx15 18.2x12 I: n Porch Baraboo design 5050-8, stow hts 9-lt and 9-ft cut to 4-ft 6 at side walls. Exterior similar to page 49. Plans $10. _50_ H EIIB EltT C. C H IV EIIS C 0. AllC HI'IE C TS ARTISTIC HOMES c BED R- uzxe J '3 L. a, Isrxm P Is'xls P NACO COTTAGE—Design 2169—0; in frame. $390 to $497; plans, $5; wigth. 29 ft. 10 in. by 24 (t. 2 in.; widthover . 31 ft. to in.; story heights, :0 ft. Can furnish this plan in stock with kitchen addition in rm of living room. Waco No. 2. Spangler design. same as Waco, with 15x13 parlor, I 3x14 living room. with rear stairs going up from living room, with space for iwo rooms above. Waco No. 3. Lolir design; same as Waco, with 10 ft. 6x10 one-story kitchen addition. See page 65. E Kitchen “1° “tr 12x14 k ”P F c C | q Living Room 16-5215-3 Parlor 15x15 Porch DO US A FAVOR By showing this catalogue to your neighbors contemplating building and when rhey order of us. we will send you a suitable and appropriate remembrance of your friendly efforts in our behall. _ ._ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Waco design 5052-A, lO-ft story. See opposite page. Plans $5.‘ Klt. I 10.6x10. - 5'n Ch. d 12ftx12 u . | \ Dining Room Ch. Ch. I 16ftx15.2 12.9x12 c c 10.5X12 Parlor I 14 10 15ft \\ ' X / Ch. Roof 12x9ft10 -—--62ft6-~- Kit. 5 I 1 12mm Ch. 12x13ft2 Living R. 14.5315ft d 1 " Living R. 13.11x12.1 Parlor letxlet Porch Waco design 5052-13 and 5052-C, storv heights lO-ft, cut to 8-ft 6 in story. Plans $5. _52_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Strung Design 9030-0; cost $1090; full Han-thorn Design 9082M; cost. in frame, story heights, 9 and 8 IL; plans 55. $692 to $8“); plans 815. - Insurance — Immediately upon receipt of information from you that your house has been destroyed by fire, either totally or par- tially. we will forward you. free of cost. a duplicate sefiof plans and specifications, - 28ft6 ----- i 5.--- Ch. .6114ft Kitchen 11.6x1 Chamber 5ft9inxl4ft Dining Room 15ft9x14t’t Farlor inxlé Chamber ZOfiSin x14ft _53.. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 1F I 55 1' I (2 r1 () hi [3 Si F ITCHEN 18X12 v." LtVING R 17x17 VERANDA 9f E "ORNSBORO COTTAGE—Design “HM; cost in frame $I.492 to $1,560; plans $15. See page 65. ‘ I consider 1 have the best arranged house in thla county. and it In so pro- nounced by every one that visit: me. I am more man pleased with the con- atrucUon of same. and your courteous and prompt method of doing huslness has met with my general approval. Your: with respect J. KESSLER. General Merchandise. _54_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTisruc HOMES “DERBY RESIDENCE—Design 1536M; in frame. $1252 to $1480: plans. $10; width, 24.6 x 41 (L; story heights. 9 ft, 6 in. (lull story). Special features: Pleasing side~gablc efl'ect; parlor well ventilated; reception hall, 19 x 15“., with fire place. See page 65. \ ’2’50/ fl/ mm! A! 0’)! /é =0 ' I i/ - In 0 r (P (#29be2 ' / 74 0 ‘X 346; l fi/Mp’d QM (HA/4547? /é-6 ' 2': /7- o /Z-'03(/é-‘(J' I III 14:52" $32!!! 1534010»? A5 "0 ‘X/4 —0" NENNARD COTTAGE. — Design 73M; cost In frame. $1,092 to $I.I8o; plans, $10: ._55-. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 1F I 55 1' I (2 f1 () IV! IE 55 \ ~..— v V V" ‘ ”LBEMARLE COTTAGE- Design 9067-0; in frame. $1 .200 f0 $x .499; plans, $5; story heights. 10 ft. See index for Ken- nard and Garber plans. See page 65 SR; ink K TCHEN PORCH KITCHEN {3—6X1 8X9 16X13 d C] _ HALL BATH BED R ENE-$4 d DINING R 14'6X14 10X15 E BED R I: “W = up' 15x11 3-- -----1 AT? VI G R H O LfBXT‘ aCLO I CLO-J LIVING R f‘ 0 15x15 RBDDPQ BED R BED R 11X15 14X12 . ' '1 1|":- " [ HALL PDRC“ PARLOR fgiigR 15x14 - DPore) -56- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Eur I UP . 7r. . | ,— 7: t~ n‘rcucn 3" an: R — vp “' H so’ns‘ ; 5’s“: m; 1H: . v LIVI ~. ' -' “17. noon acnvrvon ; DINING ‘ "th HALL noon Isuzu ‘ Ian: BED R T——-|——-—l\—/ - Is‘+’xI2 1 ' nmmsfi- <5“ Pom-’1 ' Is'43XIS' l. ‘ _.7 . fl==I BED n t " Is'XIa‘ ' PARLUR I5#xl1' A p ‘I lle LONDON COTTAGE—Design man; in frame. $5200 to SL493; plans, Sm; width. 34 ft. Io In. by 41 It. 6 in.; story heights, l0 and 9 ft., cut down at walls to 8 ft. See page 65. Special features: Broad attractive front. BED R BED 2, 9on5: TARRYTOWN COTTAGE. $850 to $950; plans. $Io; .m (t. and 8 ft. attic. Special features: 34 ft. long. See page 65. -57... O 0'19 6' KITCHEN ukuIl l“l|’ Aflcn mini 7.1.- a, ——j DINING R. I-— EED 2, ,t-yc 5g» 2. pawlf PARLOR .5 A l 5 -—Dcsign “45-0; in frame. width over all, 36 {t.; story heights. Large central space HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ' | Drums R \ stw Isn'xls _ ,e . a mum , 2- m m v r 0 “man » ‘C ‘ Ifia‘xn “um 'Ile _ 1 a- 7 . 1 . H l -x .;. mLBANY C0’l"l‘AGE.——Dcslgn 21770; in frame, $950 to $1,050; plans. $8; width. 25 ft. B‘in; width over all. 29 (L; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 (L. (cut down by too! to 5 it). Special features: Convenient vestibule entrance. wrth door- tn three rooms. See page 65 anMBEn u an IO KITCHEN lbtxd} DINVVD.R \ ' u: #'xx& I[u 1": ’El ‘IWI‘. suxfiVG RF 9 ”It; ‘. llll an“ n. (.3 ' ' a" " . . _ ‘ '1 3 ‘g 3 ___.. . PARLURA Lam. [éz-L: r l: 4 1-5 ix ‘7’”) 58 :3 \le ’ BALTIMORE COTTAGE—Rumble design “340; in frame. $750 to $850; plus, $5; width. 25 ft. 8 in. by 36 ft.’ 4 m.; story heights. 9 {L 6 in. Special features: HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS AJRTISTIC HOMES A special kunu ol my buildings i_~: m Minion" pun ll interest“ I- nc «union 1" - bulldiugJudxl-u 'n'v-l: of ”Elk unit“ oi this clliu III-l CIR' . "4 II no mauuulufl-u HANOVER COTTAGE—Design 7M; in frame, $400 to $498; plans. $7; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 h. Special features: Neat roof amngemem.‘ See page 65 aSIVIHI 32] p.21. I! um -o L- L 9m. and “ARTVILLE COTTAGE—Design sozg-o;‘in frame. 55» to $696; phns,$5; widxh oven". 24 (1.; story heights. 10 ft. Special features: Plain, neat exterior and large veranda. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES may have um: when you built. mukeit :Ilmllvc. “bust: Ihll ever- In>lvul same-us: in slyle. Consul! nnurchilcclollhil- ily.llr1c unclia. modem methods n-IJ idus. It is money well-spew! mmpelwl "chl- Iecl‘l urvkes nnd qr: coulcnl Illlb merely the sunk pm wllhuul "I: vllnlly- lmporlml emu Jr full up CADMUS COTTAGE—Design 2391M. cost in frame. SI,- 92 to $1.348; plans. $15. See page 65. lr/rmzw ‘”‘ """ 0/4/1512 ~ g IZ'C'X/Z l2”b"")(// 5.2;” 4‘ our «:‘03 (l/Mfil‘P § M’W/i (HA/mare 19v /.5 -60... HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $ l 0. \\/ ' y‘ ’3‘! -1 03-32;. .;.~. \ T €k -- -- . .. CARBONDALE ' E! uwsmsnca ,' a o x 15‘ ——J I3“ ‘ '2 7', l nail“ l9650' gaunt r-I ‘ «p.11 Ch | 1!; Nut Iii-M}. g mm; 1 Emma COTTAGE Design 49 ‘ U ' - K Ch Plans SM 5 -61- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BALcony (I'M HFN CHAMBER lu-Iu'xu' . . IBEX” PAVTRY- k cmN ~13; EY- BATH . C Bed EZELL COTTAGE—Sec page n7. Design 2414M; cost infnme Sumo to $1,198; phat Sin; See page 65 l—‘g ' A 1 1 I sxnkLDfi PAN. , KITCHEN T’ORCd TORCH 16“; G x 141‘: 'I n. XVING R H‘xlzis' 5 “do 'JRCH "IT: Basement. _ / K ITC HEN CHAMBER 010 CHAMBER DIIIIO KW 13!?- x 10“? um 16:: 2 1 un : 12—5X14 'S'l~5"— CHAMBER 3f! \' 10ft HALL ’ 6ft a tide PARLOn CHAMBER 15H x 15h. BED 16X13 CHAMBER 13ft x 15f‘ mm on I16. PARLDR 14X1375 YRAMP; FLATS—Design 9280M; cost in (unit. $2.500 lo $5,009; In buck. $3.500; plans. $12; plans. M5 in brick. .. 62 _ HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS l\ I? T'I Si'r I (I I1 () no E515 §POKANE COTTAGE—Design .0530. in (tame, $898 to $994; plans, $7; width overt“, 29ft .; story heights, ro it. See page 65. DOES II IIGIITEGT DIV? ”N architect’s plans are the greatest economy in a building operation, and the cheaper the building the great- er is the importance of plans. For instance take it on a $r.ooo basis. for cheap but convenient illus- tration. whatis$35 or 3% per cent for accurately-drawn plans. and details of construction and carefully-worded specifications. when in the first place the style and dignity which an archi- tact-planned house gives is 500 per cent greater than that of the common- place amateur‘planned house. —63- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES q NALCOTT RESIDENCE—Design 100.012M; cost $1935 to $21281 plans, $20; size 24.6x36; special features: nook in hall, large front room, side entrance. +53% [E I Elm S h I/fffif/Y (dim “ a (HAMJL‘Q Z3 -‘6‘x /.3"6 ' I /u (105‘ ”‘60” 15.40.: (0" I ’00! -64.. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MODERATE COST HOUSES. PLANS which refer-back to this page have 18-inch stone or 13-inch brick foundation walls, as desired. with cellar under: the main portion of house where cellar stairs are ,shown and flue for furnace where practical. with general. good finish throughout. Plumbing is included where; shown. Story heights average 10 feet. All rooms are plastered and finished with yellow pine. or native wood, in natural finish. All mouldings are detailed in stock patterns, and details of porches, cornices, etc., are very simple in construction. It is important to have the entire construction of a building clearly shown by large scale or full~ size drawings. .It assists the workmen on the building, for they do not then have to ponder over problems of construc- tion. The plans are all neatly and accurately drawn, and above all, carefully figured, giving dimensions of glass, location and size of doors. windows, etc.. and all information neces- sary for the successful guidance of the builder. It costs no more to put style into a house than it does to have it commonplace and as long as discretion is used in the conomionl and practical selection of mouldings, ornaments, etc., there is no danger of running~up the cost of construction. Carefully-drawn plans, details and specifications should be prepared for structures of all kinds. Where you have com- plete plans, you then know that all contractors are figuring on the same basis, and when you do get a reasonably low bid you are assured it is not for inferior work. The difference in estimates here given are supposed to cover the total costs in different localities, giving the lowest and highest probable costs, and we therefore give no absolute guarantees as to the actual cost. for prices are regulated more or less by the amount of competition there is among builders. All estimates are based on the schedule of prices in front pages If you have plans you can always get reasonably fair bids. At the prices given {or stock-plans, no changes or modifications are includ- ed, but we will furnish plans reversed, if desired. or will change any floor plan for $2.75 extra and any elevation or exterior view for $2.50. or will make special plans (or 2 per' cent. on cost of building, or $25.00 for houses of less than $1.2 5° in cost. - 6 5 _. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $25 l .l!‘ I‘m: ;.mtlsg-..§é£ ' _ T 4 ch ., I‘Mx I§ ll .:°:=::'::“ l Hall ch . «1 mm, ”all6 M .._._. THE COMPETITIVE IDEA. Many presume that an architect should be expected to enter into work in competition. This is wrong. An architect should no more be expected to "give samples of his work as you might so), than a lawyer. a physician. or any other professional man. This is unjust for the reason that important ideas are given in the we liminary plans. and no architect will care to give his best ideas or spend the time and study in competitive work as he will when he ltnous he will be paid for his sen ices. ii satisfactory. Further» more the competitive architect usually takes the easiest means to please. which does not alnays ntean the best thing for the client. [ would much rather take work at half price and have a posi- tiye order. than take any chance of losing an order; as an architect does when ht: enters into \l-Ol'k competitnely. I take all work on condition. that l gtt'c entire satisfauion in the preliminary or pencil plans. before making the completed \iork. or no pay. Where architectural work is done on this arrangement. it facilitates mar ters all around. The client saves time by concentrating his time uith one architeCt. and the architect. does likewise in return. .66.. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES RICHMOND COTTAGEPDen'gn 1766-0; in frame, $798 to $892; plans. $5; width, 24 ft 2 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. (cut down by roof to 4 ft. 3'. wells.) Special features: Eco- nomial flue connections, and 11 ft. venudu. .Seo pnge 65. KITCHEN LIVING ROOM 13X11 14X11 Jfi 3 BED R03“ BED ROOM 13X11-4 14X11-4 PARLOR 1 3X1 1-4 The plans received or you this summer, gave entire “venetian. 1 Ian no photo of house yet. but will mall you one later. ' H. STAKMEB. Ovation”. “Inn. _67_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0,. ARCHITECTS l\ I? 'r I 55 1' I (2 r1 () Rd IE 55 LXUREL COT'l 5(2E. —Design 1942 M; in frame. $569 to $650; plans. $10; width overall. :4 ft. 6 in.; story heights. IO fl. Specxal features Compacl plan good flue connec- uons. See page 65 S;AT —; ”" PORCH PORCH | LIVING R / 12X12 ’ HALU r 9x9 DINING Room 13—4 x 10 / PARLOR 13-4 x 15 o CLO :KITCHEE CHAMBER 9x11 Porqh/ UP I must say: you put convenience and style Into a plan CHARLES R. ROBB. Powmttnn Point. 310. -68; HERBERT C.’CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IEENNETH RESIDENCE—Design 100,613M; plans, $15; cost, $1556 to $x698; size, 24,6 x 36.6: special features; con- servatory back of dining-room, semi-circular balcony in from. See page 65. “My house. my house. rho mm m small, Thou at to me [ha Luurial." Q (LUV/#6 {HHHI 11+}; ur- 0 /3-z'>ITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BATMER COTTAGE—Design 100.390; in frame, $450 !to $550; plans, $7; width, 21 ft. 2 in by 42 ft. 8 inl: story Lheights, 10 ft. Style: Plain exterior; ordinary plaining-mill design. We have this with parlor 16x16 ft 6 in.; sitting-room 13x15 ft.; chamber 10x15 11.; dining-room 13x16 ft 2 in.;kitch- en i1xx3 ft; story heights, )0 ft. See page 65. BED R PARLOR ;3x9 13-6X1 5 ....... va- ....-.. DINING ROOM 14X11 LIVING RODM 13X11 VEST \i \I ; PORCH d inedfication The ‘ " The plans an s tumlshed'specially for my raddenee were laid to be very ‘ " ', Is now ‘ REV. in D. STEVENS. Sclo. Iowa. -73— CHIVERS C0. HERBERT C. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES lil‘l ‘l-‘l ,l Mfg/1.3 mum Illaniii £4 Mx HELIFFORD COTTA.GE _ Design 100 203M in frame over all 39 ft. 8 in; story heights, 10 ft Sale: Ordinary plaining mill design and ornamentation. Will make stylish exterior {Or $ro additional. $675 to $790; plans $7; width See page 6 5‘ KITCHEN \ 13 4X /( c f c DINING R 1e-7x13— \ B 17-4 IE2§EEE== RECEPT H Poac 16-7X8 E . BED ROOM . 16X16 _JLéJ -74- PORCl‘ PARLOR 16X15 HERBERT C. CHIVE RS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC flO-MES DIVI'IG'Q (KITCHEN! 13x14: / SEX'M: CHAMBER PARLUR I I4XI4 I 14X 14" ‘C‘ PENNVILLE COTTAGE. , Design Z-N; cost, , $570; p!ans,$5; width, 21 it. 2 in by 29 It. 6 in.; f—‘! storv he: hrs. 9 It. :1 ‘ *7 L<’<“—’ ,. SAN FRANCISCO COTTAGE. rDcsign 2240- N, :n frame. $550 to $780; pians, 55; width over 211.39“; staty heights. 10 1!. Have 55 stock plans With the lollowing changes, named San FranClSED No. 2: Built on brick piers. parlanls n. 2.:n. by 15 ll. 2 in; dining‘room, IS (I. 2 in by ’ 15 (L 2 in. San Francisco No. 3: With parlor, PORCH chamber and dinin -room enlat 2d to 15 ll. 2 in. square, with 17 IL ng12 klIChCnafild 5x6 ll.'closcts. pf R L U R With 12 h. stdry hctghls. San Francisco No. 4: ‘3 X '3 + Snudsuom deugn. same as No. l. with three rooms above, 15x13, ”:12. fix”, and tear stairs and bathroom in kitchen. DINtmG R CHAMBER ISSX la' IH’X IE -75— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES KITCHEN ll'4-"X I+’ WNG R IF4X|B F’CRCH CHAMBER :544XIa ; USKEGON COTTAGE—Design 2056-N; in frame, $450 :0 $550; plans. 85; width. 24 it. 2 in. by 29 it. 6 in.; story heights, 10 it. Special features: Neal exterior, the details ol this cottage are ' vcry complete and insure an attractive building. CHAMBER c Karma»; uklf IDxIBS c\ LIWNG‘R Makias” PORCH ROSSDALE COTTAGEr— Design 1982-N; in lrame. $480 to 5690; plans, 510. l iound much pleasure in looking over your "Artistic Homes." MRS. C. R. TIDINGS, Ocala, Fla. -76— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES - 28ft-- - , P ‘Pan. rch c . Din.R. Sit.R. (5,“; c Ch. “12- $erv.R 12x13f 14x13ft ' 14ftx13 ' 14x12ft 12mg . ( 9m .. d \ ' Lib. up (”1- p Vegt.R 14x14f 4ftx14 14ft: Par. 5; Ch- Fur.R 13mm: 12x12 . 12x12 . 11 . 6x ‘ Porch 6m I Roof 12ft5 . . ~lamestown Cottage No. 2, design 5077. See de a? page 78, width 28, story heights 9 and 9-ft. P ans $10; Plans 5'5. LLMmA COTTAGE—Design '1 558-0; in frame, $1276 to $1479; width 29ft. 4 in.; story heights. 9 {L 6 in. (lull second story). Special fealures: den or conseljvatory to dmmg-man. Pane—cache“; side enumcc; in cxpenswe tower. See page 05; House came out all right as per plan: furnished by you. Am le surprised, wlth genera nppenrnnce.—D. M. Spleen Tunny, Wu. 1) ”may _77_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HERBERT c cmvaasx AAKCHl’l'ECF—ST Louis! 73": J AMESTOWN COTTAGE.~ Design 9076-N; cost in lramc. $1.121 / ‘. to $1,298; plans. $10; width. 26 fl. 2 in.; story heights, 9 It. 6 in. I" (3 1 Special tenures: Attractive stained shingle effect; plain simple and easy to construct. A good comer-lot design. u$aDERV C. CNIVEHS - ARCNITECY it‘ll} F “M PORCH pm poacn flKITCHEN DINING R LO BBED R I 3 12x13 13x13 x 13x13 1 C E Down1 Dov}; { “PPR LIVING R ; 13x15 ! BARLOR I PARLOR .1 \ 12x13 :7; \ I: I |I ‘rfl -78- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES II cull u not: I. cubed) slylc. Ku- ue-imu III mun 'uny fa 'III Ir- nun-um. III a n gour "(linen and =- pend on rtsullq VERAVDA 2 LIVING E o _ a . FE? ” F39“ HALL ggt a : szxz 12X18 10. x PARLOR 16x16 LIBRAR 42X16 PINO COTTAGE—Design 2402M; cést in frame $1,291 to $1.380; plans $10. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS 4! ARTISTIC HOMES hlll nun-.5: er Iln mislutlon [- ph- urn-mu! . . (g BED R 1a PORCH 9x9 W KITCHEN 10x10 1 H O 45 0L9 \ . — BED R30! PKRLOR 12X“ 13X15 \ Bay MARCO COTTAGE—Design 2349M; $1.098; plus, $10; specizl features: cost, $998 to Convenient bathroom urmgement; pleasant ouz~look {ton main rooms. See plge 65. -80— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 'T'I Si 1" I (2 f1 () IVI IE 55 . .mgmmu um: Inrm mm mumrmuumlmumuuuuu u. j"! u ill”! 1:“ '47ffl BED P ' ’ ' 15x12 DINING R [HRH U” P' 15x19-6 PARLOR , 15x11 ‘V BED R 1sx12-6 KITCHEN 15x11 ySink “ERSHAW COTTAGE— Deuign 1401-0; cost in [tune $1,491 to $1. 560; plans $10. See page 65. I mm In pom-31m: of one or your book. to-wn: “Artistic Homes." and a: well pieued with the boob—P. )1. Beam. Pomu. Ark. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS A'R'TISTIC HOMES ENFIELD COTTAGE—Design 100,035-N; cost. $1,592 to $1.642; ‘ width, 12 IL; slory heights. 15!. 10 11.; cellar. 7 ft. under rear of ' house. Special leatutes: Large rooms and bath; pleasant out~ ,- look to from chamber; plenty of closets; large attractive porch. E O— - — 0 D §:] 0: 3 t3 3: n: § 'Q\ - §|‘2‘ g X W X N \ Qt Q 2 §S~z Q 3 [1351) $ *3 o 0/E :::£ 3‘ 3 bfl D E - 0‘ ullilll § $3; R; I :3 It ‘-' 5 H * §§ “W” Q \3‘ Eli‘s I fix E; §OO I; ME E'IIEIO‘S 3g §E I 3‘3 ; 00 l \ 3 . n I R 0—— ' ! ¥c1 I» nggb o x i O t _—/ ' - _\_ __ y = l =;* x~ Plans $I5. —82‘ __ \/_/ flERBER‘T C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC I'IO'MES story ._83.._ ARCHITECTS 3 design 5083-3. Plans $15. CHIVERS CO. - v. .......... 23cm? . --- L 2 1L . l “ . . m t a as ¢U§h°> QHKQoNH n 51 wawlnH My HOP u A \ .8."an “ MM . .3:an . 0:]; /. $3-2 . 82.6.2 fill“. . 5w 2 323 9:33 503:: " mp m ounzséu 3.2 . l .3 an 33 :8 N MP. n so 0%“.me \ So . 2 . /. .m 58 x, _ 4 \ 3 _ 0.8 0 233353 tfixfifl A “no . 5“wa “354:0 . . e W . em 33 m :8 mu m. .. /.. CmHmwuoH u .. .5958 ad ” «38-2 Ho . :62 Wang.“ m 52ch souom K fix m . 5%“: Cum :ouom , L . m I .EdrH Cf W 0 0 m T a u :1». tww l0 ft. see design page 84. Corapohs Cottage No. HERBERT C. ARTISTIC HOMES PARLDR 1 6X13 «la-0t Coupons COTTAGE—Design 2248M; cost in frame. $x.292 to $1,380; plans. $15. See page 65. " ” ‘ the ‘ ‘ ‘ In the city. and the locsl papers have commented on it favorably. The house shows up even better than the original perspective View which you sent. BAUER. l‘L Madison. Iowa We are very much pleased wlth the house and wish to thank you for the interest taken by you while we were building same. Your plans and specifi- cations were Fperfeetiy Iatlstac 30f!- RANK A. LEAVENB. (Paper Makers' Supplies). Nemh. Wis. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I! l 4¥A/\y (ELINTON COTTAGE—Design 1767-0; in frame. $993“, $1.098: plans, $10; width over all, 3! ft. 4 in.; story heights, :1 in Special features: Convenient bath-room. See page 65. LIVING R 121L13-4 BED P PAFLOE 9le-4 DINING R 3 13x11m 13111—4 4/ Sid" o i ”r ‘ KITCH o bATH 12111;; Clo After having plans furnished by you for my home I feel it due you nil your Work to make some statement relative to same. i found pinn- gnd Men- lions absolutely correct in every respect. I could have paid twice win! I did for plans and then found then: a great saving of time. material and money. it isn‘t worth while. though. for me to state that I am well pleased with your work. for you will and enclosed check nnd order to! n second flan which will demonstrate the fact. REV. F. H. QUINN. Fnyette. lo. #85. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES FF—‘H! . J u " BLYVILLE ('O'l"l‘:\(‘.F..#Desxgn loo,o54~0; size 34x51: cost. $1,000 to $1.200; story heights. [0 ft. Special features: Pleasant outlook to chambers, and spacious porch; space for one large room above. See page 65. D / 02[ o O 0 c1 0 O 0 /4FTX/6Fr OM26 /4Fr)(/4r7 o o o o E met/”ya" "O F‘ 6200M PANTBY ‘9 Orv/H: LE3] . fi' If/IZ’HZN r-——| MET/V Cl cam/yam _ g1; Em flu 0/ . {i 0 /ol / Q CHAMfiZQ /6 ”X A3 ’7 (.7729 /5 ”X /6'57 V /l: -86_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS IX I? 1' I 55 1' I (2 f1 () Rd If 55 SC :VMWflfiW/M/Zf/IMZM/fiififlflflfig PACOLET COTTAGE—Design 2427M; cost in frame $1,190 to $1,285; plans $10. See page 65. Chamber Ch b r 1233a 15x18ft 10—ft Veranda é / Chamber 10-ft 15x10 “811 x ,H itchen Dining Rm. Parlor 15x15ft ‘-‘< 15x18ft 15V15ft Pmcl 27“. I an. 7—87— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES GAYLORD COTTAGE.——Design sum; in frame. $1.798 to $1.809; plans. $15; width, so ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. end 8 ft. 6 in. (full story at tower one room above). Special features: Simple but attractive exterior. Tower would look well of stained. shingles. with comer windows and white trimmings. It has a swell appearance. tion hall looks well. See page 65. The seat in recep- an - DINING HALL 16X15 181(14 -88.... 'HERBERT c. CHIVERS co. ARCHITECTS [A Rf1‘l S>T’l(: fll) Rd E S{ ,wpm, ~ “In/”,7,” 1/, .,// W. ”" "704,,” ,V gm“ “Wm: r. mwuanmwmvwmwmmmwz/AML- , Mumnuw INSTON COTTAGE—Design 2398-N; cost in kamc, $1,390 to 51382; plans, 510. Special lemurcs: Large rooms; aluaclive ‘ dormer windows on yool; side cmrance lo dining-room; neat ‘ square vestibule; large rear porch‘ 'Bh ! l mu T l J 44551'!‘|!"'II::::l-- w tF I 52 ‘5‘ 2 2 : ‘ 5 ox 3 ° x 5 d a: "‘ = a " 2 :2: = ‘a g“ ‘ 0 o a u a. S ‘ —¢ .4 ; ° 7' E " \l-\o 2.221fil BATH BOON don l“? HALL 61‘! via. VESTD. CHAIR!!! 12H. x 10f% VERANDI‘ CH AMBER CHAMBER 10H. x lof‘ YE -89w HERBERT C. CH‘IVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H‘OMES MM/(M/ml/m ~ ‘ " "‘ "’l/H/HI/NNW [CV/WWW 'lulnu ulnuunl ununllu RUTHERFORD COTTAGE—Design 2406M; cost in "am“ $:,180 to $|.292; plans $10. See page 65. L—E—4 I Pan DINING F. PARL3R ) 3::1 2 §\ mare? {:th R) M ED ROOM LI‘.’ R ‘ 14x14 m 14-6X17 1.le BA; ~ Noo& r A. -90 _. H EliBliR T C. C H IV EIIS C 0. Altc H IT ECITS \ ARTISTIC HOMES .. 1—.“ V-..a_’._...._.s.-.~ ‘5. . ad... —— . .— ,. “a, a... -- ____r. u... .._....-v....__.u_.._.. ,-.,‘. .. w— gw-v-‘Lw .._ — — . — _.__.__—’—._ .p—r—«f—k/‘/ #M ~ Iflflu .z”.//JXFH Illlw EDVSON COTTAGE—Design 2413M; cost in frame 3:,st h, $1,240; plans $15. See page 65. ‘f‘ft’i ‘3 g: no N \ t‘ A ‘x‘ 6")(13" mew-r 0' mar _9I_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES lI-vin; a unit! cost houscs it is anon-bl: Io pm. sum: lhn you an secure helm Ind quicker serving”: Ibisnmcelbanun '. k Ind elsewhere L 1 @fl‘ D II J “m 5"... , — a!” o—v—f'rf V. - ‘ '-\-‘ _ . ..- _.__---_._.-__‘. Q H X é?‘ .5 03* O Gnu a $4 L. 9 ¢ r! H n 13H: X 10 DIHING ROOF. SlTTING R00: 14“. x 14 14“. x 12 RAYWOOD COTTAGE—Design 2104-N; cost in flame. 31.080 to $1.210; plans. Slo; nut. clean-cu! exterior. ~92 _ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES §ARATOGA COTTAGE—Design 199w; in frame. 399° to $1,000; plans, 58; width, 33 ft. 8 in. by 28 IL; story heights. 9 (t. 6 in. and 8 ft. Special features: Bay in pador. See index fox Santos: plan reviled. See page 65. FORETHOUGHT IN BUILDING BE}: IL 11x15» NI at; LS king of all out-doors, fields and [um-(u, and stores... mm” has her realm indie, 1%)”: she reigns un‘tb dainty pride. fiuila' of marble, brick or wood, fiat build woman’s biqfia'an; food. 30! her Tfogal flifikqe“ chm“ ‘ Mich of Ghioers’ plans to us. flan: tbcm cbangod to wit her taste, goers/thing necessary, yet qotbinf waste Trial your wife as if you am $11eg Consort unto her. Marylou-chomthephupmmudmmhu w ,very nicely. Every one who nee. my home think: It they were ever in. I thunk you (or you kind. I!- mummwm actual-cum: Pailtenm 0. (Second unsolicited museum.) __93__ E (I a HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES M {Mg 1m u IIL I: ROGERVILLE COTTAGE.e—Design 7441-0; in frame, $1,098m$1.x89;plans, $5; width. 41 ft. by 57 (1.; story heighis. 11 ft; brick pier foundation. Special features: Wide central hall. large rear porch. See page 65. SHED KITCH DORCH 10x9 15x14 15X18 [3? Ba ' \l: ll you inland In build Inls lullmer plue ynur order "0'. II I: non-elm A lithe i4 DINING :I'lhzr‘cmm.“ 1 5 X1 4 band Home“: - BED R PARLOR Hallfi‘“? 15X18 9ft VFTRAND fl I am satisfied with my house. I had It bum according to plans and I be lleve that l have the nicest. but arranged and most convenient home In our city. W. M. STIGALL. Stewart-villus. no. 'HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES fioxwm COTTAGE—Design 100,032-0; size- 29x56; cost $1,099 to $x,296; story heights, xst IO ft., cellar 6 ft. 6 in. Special Matures: Well-ventilatee parlor, pleasant outiook. convenient bath-room, large closets. See page 6;. 75%;? \vAn Mm mm [P i CLost-r DIN! HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES DELVEY COTTAGE.—Design 1789‘N; cost in frame, 51.392 to $1.140; plans. 810. HUNGERFORD RESIDENCE. — Design 1790-N; cost in lrnme. $1,992 to $2.180; plans. 310. VEFASIA ’Ifl vASO HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS EXTERIOR IS smILAa T3 THAT 0? PHILADELPHIA us. P'm‘ [ans 5 story IOh. San Leandro deSIgn 5097- B, w1d!h 28 fl mer a“ 32 ft. Plans 5'2. find-nu fi!‘ =I.~ . Ea]. Plans 5'0. 13— 6:41 1 ' E -97~ $1.19: to $1.180 VE ARTISTIC HOMES Kitchen 15112 thamber 15.x: 5 Chamber 15x10 Parlor 15x17 Bncevillé: Cottage No.2 deSIgn 5097-AA OHA!BEZ ISXlé BED R CHAZBE? 12X15 mazes 14X17 Brucx-NILLB COTTAGE -—Design 239551-090! in am See me HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS 81g 4 ART~is1I-C”'H'OM“ES . MIT!" «J— m, / ,’ v /‘//r ./ ///,/’/ WT; .' M,,.5¢L"‘-~ durum M _ —- K9 9 O . “H mm s a" N. O 0 °= 3:: g: a _ .c E 0:: 0:; 0 < e H U a: ,. a: I , I a" Fl 0 2., ° 0 k 1) r1 SI‘H’llG ROOM 1“" x lsnn DXIIIG ROOM 151'. x 12 Plans $ I 0. . ELLSBORO COTTAGE. 7 Design 1785~N; cost in ulme. $1,090 3 to $1.260; plans, 310; story heights, 10 (l. 6 in. Special leatures: V, Large bay-shaped parlor; chambers convenient to sitting-room. "T 33111400111 could be shortened and linen closet placed in end. -96... HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC I10,M7EMS ' of. convenience 1nd style Into a plan. I mm “y' yo“ p CHARLES R. ROBB. Powhatan Point. om... huh-an « ins-p... Ink wmum,-uum -~ Wynn-ha. N, , unymnuuuuumu. o_____ (.151 I!‘ _Pians.$i0. [EM 1 1 .—.———5-_ CANTON COTTAGE—Design ”68-0; in frame, $498 to $697; plans; $10 width, 30 ft. 6 in. by 39 ft. 4 in.; story heights. IO fl. Special features: Compact combination of rooms; large puior. The working plans are very neat and attnctive in design. See page 65. BED FODM 12-43(13 \_1 KITCFE‘J 12 X 1": u_/ LIVING F 12-4X1€ VEST POFCH 8X8 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 'r I 55 1' I (2 f1 () IVI If E; Fflans $l() ESE; z DUNBAR COTTAGE—Design mambo; in frame. $550 to $680;plans. $lowidth. 28 ft. 2 in; story heights. xo ft. See page 65. m-S‘I‘.WUIB BED ROOxi PARLOR 15-4X13 l3-4X13-4 LO KITCHEN 13~4x12 _ c n xx\DINING Row 13—4 x 13 —100-- Plans were all right and am well pleased. HARRY A BROOKS. Oto. Ia. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $5. It. by 52 it. Very nmnctive deuign; plans, 85. Special lulurn: Attractive. octagonal porch; bay-shaped parlor and chamber. l5 '0 ‘X /a -' ”NI/Y6 WM (bx/VAL? 12: >05 ‘ (WA/”db? /J‘0'X/d' 1/“ M” \ 'TPA/YM ~101— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC *HOM-ES" 5' DeSoto Cotta e No.2 daign SIOZ-A. See ' I0]. Story ieights I0 ft Plans $5. Page ’C\ m” ‘Efl Kit.“p Ch- L ! 13ft115 3-4‘15“ L): _ ,2)“: 5‘31 N ’A" “‘ an! D' 2_ v 85113 l?n3 E r*o¥_k C>E s: uh Rec. Hall 3 Parlor 14x12ft8 \ 15x18ft91n 9 n Chamber F 12-6X14 é 5'02-8. bee page c c DeSoto Cottage No 3 p fining Room lOl Plans $5 “1” 18X13-3 19x15—2 as c 0 Ch ‘ a v . ILAB$ necep't h 131,4. fl ~. 15X12‘4 Living R ch. 1!. , m: D 15x16 ‘ ’5 Veranda 'Ei ’H ' r [2“? -l02- H EIIB Ell? C. C H IV EllS C 0. A R(:N [1‘5 C TS mm ARTISTIC HOMES I APINSVILLE COTTAGE.~—Design 7142-N; in lrame, $1,492 to $1785; plans. 515; width, 27 It. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 (t. 6 in. Special features: Attractive design. Plan No. 2, same as above. but reversed, with sitting-room 13.4xl3 1L; pallet 13 (t. 6x15 It. 6 in.; bath-room connects also with kitchen, with 4x6 h. kitchen cloaet back at bath-room and stairs to attic Irom dining- roomiand stairs to basement. Plans $| 5. hi i Q EE s: t‘ §Q _ '1 ‘1": $9 : EH 2? 3 {‘2 w % <15 :25 i 3:2 \1‘ \, '0 ~103- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -... 39ft _-—. ....-... Roof /d \ Ch- ' ' c Ch. 0 5 6x13ft2 ' ' 0.5'24 Din.R. k Ch‘ 16ft5x24ft 17ft6x13ft Parlor 5.6x15.8 P' Sit.R. , Roof 5.4x13ft L________ V Papinsville Cottage No. 2 design 5104, story heights l0 and 8 ft cut to 5 ft 6 side walls above. Plans $l 5. r——1 F f Plans $l5. $5 T P-K a}, I31XI+ 139x13 In: :EEEj-—-E] P a CH 15-4va IEIUXIS xsq'xm‘s‘ «FA-l c z. luxus' _____’____‘___ \ , 4047 RICHVILLE RESIDENCE—Design 9149 M; in frame, $1490 to $1596; plans. $15; width, 28 It. 2 in. x 29 ft. mdth HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\ I! 1r l 55 1" I (I I1 () hfl If 55 ROCHESTER COTTAGEF—Dfigni74r0flnfiamm$8m so $998; plans $Io; width, 34 ft. 6 in. by 39 ft.; width over all, 46 (L; two rooms,15 ft. 8 in. by 18 ft. and 15 ft. 8 in. by 12 fL. above.; story heights, 9 ft. 4 in.; 9 (t. in the clear. Special features; Stone work in from comes up to window sill. all is corbelled-out for Oriel window, giving a substantial effect. See page 65. F a KITCHEN {B #2‘ BED R 13—4x12 J 13-4x12 Plans $20 /'H'— DIWIVG R BED R 15~4X14 s—4xs ram PARLOR vnPANDA J~°1 13-414 15X8 x14 IE::—_‘K'~ El ‘3‘ —I05— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES UNFIELD COTTAGE.—Desngn 1780~N; cost in frame, $1,392 to $1,480; plans. 510. Special features: Large anrauive sitting- ‘ room,’wirh book-case on the Side. Attractive, yer inexpensive . exterior. Good clean cut archnecrural design. a Plans $ I 0 — — mums ROOM ,/ 13'5- un 5 x 15m poacu LIVIVG ROOM 151‘: x 20ft HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\ I? 'T'l ES 1' I (2 f1 () IVI If 55 mmfinmmmmz‘ uwnmmi ‘A -_¥,____~_‘.W__ __ —v-.-..% HIRKVILLE COTTAGE—Design 9490-0; in frame, $898 to $1,099; plans, $10; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Side entrance makes it serviceable as a physician’s residence. See page 65. Plans 5 I 0‘ CHAMBF LIVING R PARLOR 13x13-z SI? 13x12— 6 HERBERT CVCHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $ I 0. W / ..... , xiv mt." * , we; vv—kL/‘Vl‘w h " figléi 11W ‘ ‘. .. CASSVILLE COTTAGE Design 9712 N; in frame. $650 to $799; plans, $10. Special tenures: Compact plan; attractive and novel exxerior. ((1.01 ff/ rant/v [J'O'A a 4' .5/ VIVA/6 6w 1 u-G‘A 1““ WE: CARR COTTAGE—Design IZOI-N; in frame, $750 10 S789; plans. $5; story height. 10 k. HERBERT C..CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES f / / ,1 Fairfax design 5'09, width over a" 39 fl 6, Story heights II and I0 ft 6. Plans $l5. important to me, lh'fillingbookuplanaden.ixknyeamendainthu II] should feel , dlhough I endeavot to give me. lmehutbomyouu once. This is —-|09_. gbuincuby uni]. I In [hut they ug getting their money': Ionh But thould you not feel fully utisficd‘ k k Iiflbe appredxlcd. for in (loin always open to flit cn'lidun. My mans does no! dzpend on one-um: orders, I In! th: work “you: friends 1nd neizhbon. Chamber Balcony HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC‘VHOMES Pinole design 5] IO width over all 30 ft story heights 9 and 8 ft Plans $1 3. Very compact plan Chamber 13—51(12 — .10 J Chamber 15x13 TEENECBSI'I‘Y 0? PRELIMINARY PLAN: H II uldom mu um- m asnlluble “flux-mam 1k wry In: unit. I“ (on It is news-3r, lo In! and lbw plan: In new: (om: so u to me (km land; [or IppN'IIW HIGH-pom M «rt-l- puu u you use In our putt-t duh ally in In {clung l clkot' a In: Ideas KM 1M: Ll watchmen more Demon. than linking the pun We hue Ion-r yd ruled to plan. Any one um they hau- uuml us In) due madden “a. Ilmuuuypd-ud mmwhkhyoummflmmom- Ian-null mm-eu‘neuhodylhnhywdnkumdemeuumwuh um“ on nu lune-lulu clued. l I 0 _ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H'OMES A Plans 5' 5. l .\ H, l I . I mm": IIIIIIn .mu n." "Hull” Illlllllllllll Avisadero design 5| I I, width over a" 5| ft, story heights 9 and 8 ft. Suitable for southern climate. Plans $1 5. A “‘hRI‘ (H‘ {'AI'TION Road": or lhls (Italoguo m (”TIN-’4'"). l fluxgns rrv rwrwrtfufly warned and renowned no: to build from d: gm ur uw pomuns 91 plan: shown martin. Any dupllrny a! fin; kind whm Iound um :.nd rrporlvd by our mmspondcnu u: (rave-Hing represonmuvex wxl' be than“! for «(wording to [he lest] tea 0! 3'; nor can! on the cost of said Ampmtumwls. -Hl— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Lumber Bill We do not furnish a lumbcr'bill. We «axe this here par- , _ ticularly, as some people have an idea that a lumber bill should _/ ,\ ,\ accompany each set - lam and specifications. ‘ ’ ' Redding design 5‘ I2, width oi/er all 48 it, story heights \ 9 it, cut down slightly above by roof. Plans $1 5. | Roof Porch i Gir1§ ‘1 C ,b Ch Li’chen Room ham er Chamber amber V _ 10x10 23X13_6 13x15 ll-Gxia antry BE . _ Berth R. "D Chamber Chamber ‘ i . ' : > - Tide ,, rung Room Lqu¢~b 1:)“qu 18—5x13 P Chamber =3 _ 15:13-6 Recep' Library Veranda E W. m mummy responsible and do an thug we advertise And mu a; dam In do mom. Ind therefore cannot nflord to answer lama or duo“ tine vlth mama-ibis or Idle Inquire". Wu have hundred: of letter- 0! 1”!on Iron: names [Mm '_e have wuaflud, I law 0! which In [In —||2- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Tehama design 5| l3.width 25 ft story heights 10 and 8 ft. Plans $l 2. Same exterior as below ' wythoul tower. Chamber Kitchen 11—6x12 lel5 Chamber Veranda 1+xla' Us A VERY zoubfl SKEW“ LIKE . THIS 5:: cavemen 7. AULsaono.-Des;gn n-N;¢on. suao Io 31.4w; yum. no; navy bughu. 9 n. o m and a n. e m; 8112,30 n. by. as R, Paul:- i ”.6le 'L, \mlh stairs taming down direct, with side (mum: II lam cl suits; wub three looms above, and no and I It. nary h¢ighls; with Side wall: above cul down In 6 fl. 6 in. H E R B E R T C. C H IV’E R S C O. A R.C H IT E C T 5 Plans $IO. -l l3~ ARTISTIC HOMES Kit. 11x15 u ining R. 14.6x15ft Ch. 14.6x12.4 Parlor 5ftx15ft Paulsboro Cottage No. 2 design 5| l4-A. ston' heights l0 and8 ft cut to 6 fl side walls. Plans $IO. . Forch ; r- -~-—----4lf‘t6in ------ a I \ » I Kit. { 11.6x 1 11ft 01“ D‘ R Sitting H Ch 1n.. . -- r :lMt‘4fi. . 14ftx10f‘t '- x‘ 8' “9 12. 9x16 *, a u Parlor I eon. 4”“ c Ch. ~x8f‘t Torch 14ftxl4 p. 10.5x 12ft5 —I I4 - Paulsboro No. 3 design 5] l l-B. story heights 9-fl 6 and 8-ft 6 cut to 6-ft 6 side walls. Plans $l0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ELKOA—Design 44'): rost. $1000 BELTO.\'.——Page design 5-0; cost. n2 5! 1m): 5116. 5° fl 0 in by 4: ft. 4 51.199 to SL398; story heights, 9 ft. m: 31m} heights. 9 1L 6 m. and 8 ft. 6 in. and S ft. 0 in: plans. $5. Pims, 55' See (Jobmdo Springs 901- , r u z A H ‘—:fl CHAMBER KITCHEN Plans $5 [Sui—>05 ”VI-X”: [3 — PANT RY nmmG RDDM l8 x15 3 CHAMBER ”'4 xua’s PARLUR I5'+X|S I::: Colorado Springs design 5| I5, story P‘am $'0- -. [5- heights IO h. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTic HOMES :g Popch U NOTE ‘ M» bah ‘" SEE . CONNEAVT on6 RES \\ ms‘séfl '~’ onuneg II+XH;J lZ?%r&+ N \\ \x l Fflans $l 5 WENARD RESIDENCE—Desi”; 2262M: . Paulsboro No 4 in stone ?‘ heights l0 h and 8 n "‘ ‘ Plans $l0 cut to 4 ft 6 sidq walls. . Kitchen 15. 4x13ft bining Room lethletG Parlor 15ft4x15ft H E R B E R T C. C H IV E R S C O. A R C H IT E C T S ARTISTIC HOMES Contra Cm daign 5| I7 width 27 ft 6 story heights 9 and 9 a. Plans 315. E .—1 4 P. PAN. DEN 1.100? CHAMBER '1 16'x14' KITCHE INING R V ' lZ'le lz'xlel BATH 'xE' CH. llO'xB' C l— I D C c P 1 ' C W rITTING mq,1 "' ; CHAMBER j CHAMBER 14'x12' ‘ 12' 6x1 2 12'112' 14'x16' fl _ .a ‘ PAELOE H CHAMBER 12.x”. ’ xe'xu' i believe that with this pubhution, most anyone can want: an idea or um. n lean, sufficient to ex- plain their needs in plan arungemenlJnd (arm a nucleus or buis on which we can succeulully de- a vclope and work-out : nxisnctory p131 ’ Flam $20 = Mopxmsvum RFSIDENCE—hcuizn .aom: —-||7- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS A R T ' S T I C H 0 M E S MaXWPll design 5| 18. story heights [0 and 9 ft. l Chamber Hall 3 5—6x11- Gin l§::]; Chamber Chambe 15-6x1§ 27ft129ft chamb°r if 1: 3 é a a S .9 J: g .2 5 e . ‘5 .E 3 U v: E c: o 0 6m ; EL E E --- é: Roof g E 5 1: E t 3 a Den 5 E 3 15-6110— 3 2 g 6in ‘ § u :1 .2 = 9 Receptzon 3311' . . u f 3‘ . Dlmng 3 o ‘> Parlor 27ft X 28ft61n Room 3‘ En 15ft: :3 2 17ft61n g j t: u .8 C HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS I ARTISTIC HOMES /\ Tamarack design 5| l9, width over all 45 ft, story' heights IOand 8- {(6. Plans $l0. ECO? ll [! 5:2 rm; Roou DIN: us Room CHAMBER HALL 1 19x15 20x15 1 \ 1 ’ Ch “5‘ I ‘ CHAHSER FARbOR .acaPrro. | 16x15 ”LL LSXIZ VERANDA -|l9~ HERBERT C. CHIVER'S CO. ARCHITECTS A,RTISTIC HOMES i ‘_.~7 i IIHM'F'W'FFH {0W ”/5; I “ 4113/ I A]. ”W’V/mWfl’u/m ' p '_'/ x 1 ww Ml,w//r/mc’i///WMWZ472VW/i’ ,;;mxrwwwmm5wyam/7W ' Riovista daign 5120. story heights I0 and 8 ft Plans $10. ~----~4m10.-..-.-.- ”n4 1U 14ftx13 P. .-_.-....-....‘-- Dining R. 74x14fi. 15-6112-6 Moj‘j: H Sit. R. . 11:14 4x15rt5 l “Wham ..,._...._-.....-- _.. mmuW-mumvummnm mnaflpleuedvmh mmummtyumwm new-tom. ~l20— E E 5:» HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS A‘Rfl’lSTlC HOMJES Dunsmuir design 5 l 2 I . story heights 9 ft 6 and 8, width F 3| fl. Plans$lO. Merging Balcony - Dining F 14—5x13 Ill Chamber Chamber Parlor 4-6x24-6 Hill 13-3x16- 14115 Teragda Roof Fccf PROSPECTIVE CLH-LNTS, Prospective clients a! a dis‘ace should be wry emphuic ii [hey man business. I get so many idle inquiries. [O which. I an pay no mention wd it will pay you m be [rank in your dealings wixh this office. as Ila-l5: pen! “nets! in apprecinive clicms. who hav: ambition enough lo hive my Plans carried out right Ulla: they gel. mm, as it was satisfactio'n all :10de and. leads to other work. "I 2 l _, Chamber iii-6:14 c HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Bonita design SIZZ, story heights IO ft, full story height. Plans $10. tower bed room 4&2 CIInIberI,rIId St. P0!‘!JE\IL.\LHH€ .\lv Hubert C Chung, SI Louu, Mo Denr SIr - V The cottage, built from the Bamboo Cottage lplan. “\IIch we purchased from you Is [Ump‘NEKL and “r are nnu‘ occupy-"g II I IS IImsI tom venIenI and In every nay a charmmg cmuge \Ve felt that an (\prf~>10n of our apprdclalmn of the correctnos of the workmg plan.» and >pecrfi- "canons was due you. Aha, tweryrhmg In; all ISXZOfl anot- I‘XI‘n \ I9XI4’6 'right and “e are perfectly samfied and much I pleaeed \Iilh it In n-cry respect If “e are ewr III used 0" [\IJHS, you may be sure lllJl \\\‘ ml] and [0 you Vormdt \‘cry mu, Imus. - JOHN C PRESTON. HEJ There is no compnriuon between the mullet“ work turned out at thn afine and the work of the wpentefinrchitect. or the “Int-jun: and catch-em" ntchhect. who oflen free sketch", or publishing and phiningmill companies. Architecture is adisu‘nct profession. and in than an at this. It is my distinct oecup'ation to prepare plus. in the. est pouible manner. and at the lent pos- sible cost. and in doing n luv! bushes; thnn my [our concerns .combined in the country. it is quite reasonable to presume that “pumice nukes perfect," or flatly an. ' ' ' -| 22 - HERBERT c‘. CHIVERS co. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOM,ES Dining Far" l;-6!1C-€ Donna Anna design 5|23. width 29 over all 39 ft. story heights 8 ft 6. Large living room Plans $10. HERBERT C.CH|VERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC ‘I'IOMES / I -‘ “m, M m , . ’ I 4 l I 1'ri—' f M ’ , W7?” / ’7// ///// yx/ ///¢é/ZZ7 1W” m //C/., H / , I //. M ////// Mt. Ellsworth design 5'24; heights 9—ft 6 and 9. Plans $1 0. e No. 2 design 5|24—A. Ch Chamber 96: J9” J13-3x8 ‘— X .___¢ Ch p 10x8 Dining Parlor Ch ’ ERoom “Ila-3‘13 11-6: Chamber u “8 13—3x8 ‘ 11x1 9 :24__ - l3 OTC II / story heights 9' Egg and 8 ft. Plans $IO. HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Fairiawn design 5125, story I lit, width 42. Plans $10. butler's Pantry 1 l A l 15am ,__ Dining Root: Kit' 9* . _ _ 0 . . g V Chamber 8 15-6x17 13x11f’t10 ,. ”mm“ 1 3-6117 leléft'l 2:; ./ Jack arc; 31D ? Parlor P - 1 5-1011 7 Sic.R. “an “’1" 6 . 12”,“ 12.1x12.11 11m in v9.1 Veranda It is impossmle for any one to estimate the (as! of a build- ing and have (he figures hold good in all sections of the country. We do not claim to be able to do it. Bamboo No, '2 design 5125-3. See page 45 —lZS— for exterior. Story heights 9 and 9. Plans $IO. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO.‘ ARCHITECTS ARTIST!___C HOMES f A Beechmont desi n 5126, story height IO ft. tower effect. P ans $10. Chamber Chanbe r 11-6X16-6 10x1i—6 C Hallclo Chamber Dining Room ghgmbe; Chamber of 17-le4 16x14 ‘ ‘ *9" 13x21—9 ’ Hm - ”1:! Chamber 13:21-9 We: Voranda - We received your letter and will Sly we are very much pleued with your plans. Will and picture of house Is IOOD as finished. They 1!: now planer ing and the cupcmen m working on porch, Our builder in .150 pkued with plans—HENRY M. CHRISLER. Schenecl-dy. N. Y; ~426“ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES v-zene u, Porch /11 fi\ 3— . ._ [itch v V. _ 13112-9 ‘ E. “' m; \ / «may, 3 Chamber 11x13 H Chamber “ I7ftx13rt T" 7' Parlor 15-!214 W Chamber vrtxurt h- Parlor 134x14 4| '\“\ u' Ia ‘ Manteue daign “27—15;, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Plans $1 5. git)5 Blanca daign 5127-8. story heights 9-ft 6. Plans Ch. ~ - 9.6x Dmxng R. 4ftx12ft, 12ft 4ftx12f't \ B . Ch. Ch :1 15ft112ft 1” “1th l Parlor :ar] or f'txletS 15ftx12.6 T h 1/) ore . L fl 1 ~127— J‘lERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS. A.R‘TISTIC HOMES L Wu” 1/! 4 Ill/l Int/”m” Mt. Vernon design 5128. story heights 12 ft 1 | 1 Hans $l0 [E Perth Kitchen [1— 16ftx14ft 3.11 Hall 'd c P. Chamber .~-.‘ up" 19ftx16i‘t. {2 Dining R. a Eglvrtsnsr: Ic '. Chamber Hall 9ft6 Parlor ”fawn L lather: b .. ~-~----q-- -53ft -~- ‘»—--— ------- Veranda 5ft§n§fl6 5" Nemo Cottage No. daign 5'28. story heigh'ts_ l 1 ft Pl an: $15 -I 28 _ HERBERT C.CH|VERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Ve randa ,Port Angela daign 5l29, story heights lO-ft,lwidth 37 ft. Plans $5 :flfl/umfim [awn—u I‘ll-“"4. diet-«’1: Wf¢|W./3M4W (flaw .14 41/2434 %& Mi“ [(5% f“ Mei—1% 7::U r.“ "Llfffi €27?le £41 59:: fig“ ‘JL/ 7mm. '129- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 5 ARTISTIC HOMES . . 114‘“ 1.1 .-~.««mm - _..._ .,.,—— ("/« n r. / ' (Ia/.7 Fayman dmign 5 l 30, story heights 10 ft, Very compact plan. Plans $l . 10-618 lfl-éxl 1 . 'd .. wt ‘th 33-h 8. Bath ' 5311 Pantr mporia. Kansas, .\l:ty :4. 19‘- Chamber Dining R Mr ”trberl C Elm-us. 13‘_5X11 15-ex13-3 Dear Sir —- Ptnnil m: to > - a word concerning our 5117 la“ islaclxon uttlt ll“: pituu “blfh you haw: prepared c ..\..,- of our Chut;h and the apprcnatton of your arch methods oi tic-mg bzi>ine< g :X T T E ‘Nj Q“ ‘9 g" ‘3 6 ‘X G” ‘V E .9;-1 -|50— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Dulzura design 5m, story heights l0 h. width 34-h. Plans $5. Chamber , , Dinxng R 13-6x11 '— 13-6x15 | Chamber - I 13-6111 IBQIL Parlor 13-6215 Verandu I .‘ 2-K r'u“ I nun. L . _ P 3 home Inexpensive colugu. Plans, 510 cam. nun. ~l5l‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES _‘ ,4 (‘PW 9 . - ' .11, ‘ a, . , » 1 ‘ 1 East Cgines design 5l52. slory l0 fl. width 34 ft. Plans $3. Mfr- twain ,/ Porch IF?“ ~ 3x5 V _ AI 1 Kitchen Chamber I 12—?x11E 14x11 3- l +1“le ‘ ‘3 ‘- Ap L: Dining Room | 15-3x16-9 Chamber 1&-9x11 Alcove Parlor 7x7-9 13‘5x13-9 Veranda “INGSI’ON COTTAGE—Design I [50”; in Mme. $750 ‘0 3| I00; Plums“; nary hei‘hug and 8 fl. (5 IL side walls) HERBERT C.CHlVERS C0. ARCHITECTS) ARTISTIC HOMES . an . c- Kit. Ch. L11. 6x12 B 1.4x12fT - d u _\ c/. Ch. . 14ftx12ft D1n.R. Dining R' \n 11 . 4x14 16ftx14ft C I Ch. 13. 4x12ft Parlor 11.4x14 MOBILE COTTAGE—Design 1743-0; in frame, $390 to $1,098; plans. $5: widxh. 3; ft. 2 in. by 39 ft. 8 in; story heights,9{1. 6in. Special reatures: Neat, compact plan, convenient bath-room, good fire-place arrangement. See page 65. 453— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H~OMES I bunt Dr. Green's house for which you prepared plans, and know the value of working plans and have worked after some good architects. You certalnly have no'Vel Ideas. JOHN DOYLE. Bullder, Wilmington. O. Plans $ I 0. WARRISBURG- COTTAGE—Design mm; in frame, $940 to $029; plans. $ width, 30 ft. by so {t.; width over all, 35 ft.; slory heights, l0 ft. The working plans show bay window to bed room as indicated on plan. We have $8 plm with dining-room and bed-room connected, leaving out cen- tral hall, and firtplace in parlor. See page 65. :9 BED R. KITCHEN u‘nn.‘ “(In OATH ‘ ‘ P- C .550 2.. DINING R... A5 “13' I l "V“: HARRISBURG COTTAGE No. 2.—- FAY‘HLY 2.. PARLOR Washbum design 13-0; plans. $101 C0“ "If”, $1,198 to $1,298. .3 mm. Po tun-I 454; HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES VINTON COTTAGE—Design 4528 Plans $25 M; in frame, $1399 to $1369; plans $5; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in: A SUBURBAN See page 65' HOUSE. Plans $5. flI‘U PL'E COTTAGE-Deny u. 029M; cost $1390 to $1492; size. 46 x 29; extreme width. 56 ft; special ‘feat- ures; plain. practical roof. homelike ex- P lans $l 5 terior. P}ans,$15. See page 65 57M! (K4MNP 594M454? {ray/75' /l“JMO' I 541 (an , ~|55 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $ l 0 PANDORA COTTAGE—Design 1207M; size, 49x44 fl. 6 in.; story height, [0 ft. Special features: Bath-room close to bed rooms; compact plan. Cost. $r,o45 to $1,199; plans $ro. Sce page 65. SE k3 m §§ We moved into our new home in' Oct. We are well pleated. A great many people admire our home and think it artistic and beautiful. JOHN S. MORRIS. Westport. 1nd. “156‘ HERBERT‘C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Sfl‘tiuq R PAHLOI 'SXl34 Iéxvgh‘ ”C C ( "5"” {amasn nr‘rmm» ushxu‘ M'xu‘ o C e l nmmc 51 DE!) n- "WJV $3056. impact? H IRXIE’ LIVlle R- 6)! I5 amen 4 A n'q'x le‘ Nor SITTING-fi- Iquls‘ flomoxmcx COTTAGE—Design 2208-0; in frame. $898 to $990; width. 29 ft. 6 in. by 45 ft. 4 in.; width over all. 39 ft.; story heights, [0 and 8 ft. attic. Special features: Plain. simple roof treatment; large rooms; side . porch to dining-room. Have $8 stock plans vith the follow- ing changes, named (Edmonds plan), with bay [3X13 ft. 4 in. to bed room, making this room I 7 ft. long; rear chamber. 1 r h. 6' in. by 12 IL, with bath-room between the two;~ with fire- place in large bed room and parlor. See page 65. - l 5 7 - HARTFORD COTTAGE—Design 21360; in frame. s..- 099 to $r,l98; plans. $ width, 2'9 ft. 8 in. by 47 : ft. 2 in.; story heights. lo and 8 ft. attic. 'Special features: Large sitting-mom; space tor one 15x35 ft. room on second 'floor. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Kitchen 1°1° Ch lthleu ° c n_\ I Pan. elf [I]: Dining R0011: 16ftx13ft4 <1 Parlor Sitting 16ftxl3ft4 ' 11121115 anh fipnifim- timm mail» at amt out at mxr nflin‘ are mm- plrtr auh armratt in rung mug J- a J flbflflflm Rm WWW m’x H314 ELDER COTTAGE.— -Design 36M; "1 58" 5l58. See 8“ suitable for southern ,“2 déi ‘ Y lDecoefn. Plans $10. ‘58. es tory heights l Adarondack Cottage No. design pa e climate. g I 3”.) ~It: 1K W“ 15~4x14 - E / . W' .5" s'xd-E' HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES UP SIN R KITCH 12112 14X1? \ c :x: LTV F "I ISKIS 153(15 A GAFFNEY RESIDENCE—Design 2417M; ”RC“ . oost$2,286_to $2,940; plans 330- See page 6 . THE HOUSE YOU PLANNED FOR ‘US WAS SATISFACTORY IN EVERY WAY ——- MRS, W.F‘.LL3YD,I“RSHAL,MO. YREDONIA COTTAGE—Damn 2416M; cost in m: $1,080 to $1,190; plans $154 See [Inge 6<. ARTISTIC HOM ES“ 0 I N many gases our plans will produce houses of better con- struction, more convenient arrangement, more complete as to details, more artistic in appearance, and yet. owing to our superior designs, at actually lower cost than a house less skillfully planned. -l59~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Elklawn dmign 5‘60, width over a“ 38 ft. Large dining room, commodious . veranda. Story heights 9-ft Plans $IS. E O‘Vn Kitchen ‘ P 13x12 Chamber Dining Room 11x12 I 21xlé—6 IReception Parlcr Hall 12x19 14-3x15 The house plans came to bind promptly and appear to be 11! fight. at least my builder pronounced them so. PARK F. YENGLING. Salem. 0. "l60‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $l0. ST. CHARLES COTTAGE—Design 1769 M; in ,l'rame, $988 to $Ic92; plans, 3m; width, 34 ft. 8 in. by 31 It: stpry heights, 9 ft. (second story; walls cut down to 5 ft, by roof). See page 65. (Kenn, C‘ ‘— CL. ”I“ H . l];)64 Ely-W ( ‘°Kfi' L‘ 1 _ In behalf of the Board of Education of the City of Bloomfield. I will say that we are more than well pleased with your work on plans and specificatlona for our new high school. ley are a credit to any architect. RALPH WAMMOCK, (Pres.‘Board of Education). Bloomfield. Mo. —|6|- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHIT'ECTS Sig. 6 PORT 0mm“: RESIDENCE—Design 2 327-0; cosl‘,$x490 to $1.567; plans, $ro; space ‘for four good-size rooms above; special features: Large,'wide verandas. See-page 65. 1940/7 mafia/9v xz 0 n: m - A: ’d X/Jv" p_,. P”. l‘f/TCHl/Y la-o x/d‘é” up #24 M‘EAWfié 7—‘0' WM: (QM/v.55? / ‘6"x /z;a‘ (flaw/age aw; /4‘a' Oxonia. 1nd, Jan. 29. m 7. ML ll. C. Chivcrs. ‘5‘. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir:— In regard to plans for my house, would say we are well pleased in every respect. A remark made by one of my friends covers all I could say: “Could not add or take anything away to add to its beauty." Yours truly. (Merchant) ’l62“ CLARENCE DENNIS HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES CHAMPAIGN RESIDENCE—Design 901-0; in frame. $1,292 to $1,414; pians, $0.0; width, 28 (L; storyheightl. 9 ft. 6 in. Modifiéations: Can furnish this with octagon porch. See oige65. Plans $| 5. BUSHFIELD RESIDENCE—Design 15270; in frame, $1,298 to $1,498, plans $15; width over all, 23 ft. 6 in. story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Seepagc 65. 463-— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $20. PERRYVILLE RESIDENCE—Design 7101-0; in frame, $2,280 to $2,399; cost of plans, No. I or No. 2, $20, width of plan, No. 1, 41 ft. to in. by so ft. 2 in.; of plan No. 2, 42 ft. by so ft. 2 in.; story heights, plan No. I. 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in.; plan No. 2, 10 ft. and 9 ft.; special features: Balcony first floor; bath; isolated kitchen. See page 65. RESIDENCES Iy success In rune flouses Is In readily seelng my cllenls‘ desmsmroducmzlov them a boner home than was expected rm a given sum. Prepar- zaness Is really the stud of my success HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES [HIELWEGSDALE COTTAGE. —Desi n 9077M in frame, 3 $1,199 to $1,380; plans $10, mdth over all, 31 ft 6 in.; story heights, 9ft. 6in. See page 65. \ 95!“ m ‘ "' mm M R. “maul lfi'D I IE 59 X ‘2 I! '5 x12 a 9-D IE fl 1 w 1"" " Mk m 3 :20 x 15-6 W“. '3‘5 ' '*‘ [‘13- a‘j‘ IS'D l I‘ 465‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Kn. ! «1: t1" 15.,“ =- _ ‘ R lownLL COTTAGE—Design 1523-0; in frame, $1298 to $1490; plans, $10; width, 25 ft. 8 in. x 34 ft. 4 in.; story heights, [0 ft. and 9 ft. (full story’). Special features—Simple and attractive roof. See page 65. n.0WELL Plan No. 2. Staubber residence. with n x 12 Reception Hall, 14 x 16 Parlor. 14 x 12 Dining-room, with 7 x 7 rear porch, I 2 x 9 Kitchen and :0 x 7 Storage-room or Servants room opening into kitchen with three good size chambers above: 9 it. story heights: cut down to 6 it. front end rear. 5 a J70PAJI PO/R’H PM”, eve/,9 K/ffflf/VI ' 6‘6‘X/2—' : /Y//Y6;?00M Plans $ I 0. E pm, ”7 “”411 H Ply-‘3’ "7 (”fl/”Div? . “”4 ”WM? Mix/4: fiCf/Dfflfllll: /.4-0‘X/6‘ flaw/2- ;: ' r Every man should be proficient VZPA/ypx) in his profession or trade. An ar- /o-0'W/p: chitect who is practical and efficient in design has all he can attend to without attaching “ Builder " to his name; and the same rule applies to "l 66- practical builders. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS “IONA COTTAGE—«Design 1135M; in frame,- $r298 to $r449; plans, $20; width, 36 ft. by 3x ft: story heights, 9 ft. 6 in, and8 ft. 6 in. (full story). Special features: Large re- ception hall. combination Iuirs, simpie roof treatment; slain do not cut up from rooms. Modifications: The working plane show a. very attractive exterior. KITCHEN- I‘I;X|5 ‘DINING'R‘ Is'xn‘ 3 -RECFT~ H' BD‘XIE'S‘ FARLDR lel'I See page 65. {IHAHDER BWX‘E 'CHAHBER WXI7 ‘ *I67“ -c HAHBER‘ 13'5' xfl' ~CHAHBER Ia‘XIa's Plans $20. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITE'CTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $l0. mERICO COTTAGE—Design 1533M; in frame, $1,398 to $r498; plans. $10; width. 24 ft. 6 in. x 42; width over all, 26 ft. 6 in.; story heighrs, 9ft. 6 in. and 9 ft, See page 65. "I 4"” I Plans $15. ILEBos COTTAGE—Design 1533M;‘ in frame, $1490 to $1598: plans, $15; ,width, 24; widrh over an. 26 ft. in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft.; All chambers full story. Front design in working plans very neat and amactive. See page 65., ~168— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES EMMETSBURG COT'I‘AGE.—Design 1974-0; in frame, $55010 $656; plans, $5; width, 26 fl. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. Special features: Compact chimney arrangement; economical roof to build. See'page 65. Plans $5 ’ I U :1 Ckzrn&fr[ f‘w “Elm M4, ”X“ c? E M RM '5‘" [only 13.3 . x IF: W ah 11—7 n-a‘x :are ”MKS-K ‘ [3.“ I2: V‘m-M" man WK. ' ll-D'X 17- ‘5.+.X ll.+. l in; L. “pup: n u'x ‘1'.“ I34 xii-4— l Yvnb —l 69— Wt?» HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS AVRTISTIC HOMES Plans $ I 0. BENZONIA RESIDENCE. -—-Uesign 9044-0; in frame, $1 - 39010 $2 180; planl, $10; (with two room: above); width 63 ft 4 in by 38 ft. ,story heights, 10 It. and 9 {t Special fea~ tures: Heavy shingle- post porch with built-up bent beams of natural oak; with rough skone treatment below. See page 65. Orr-ct IE ”('5 5 SIWIDID unn Tap. , 13st annafi owL’H‘I‘rLWi W- a h F < u My Your work Is Indeed beautiful. and 1 shall recommend you to my friends. J. W. BUTLIR. (Banker). Clinton. Tex. The house plans ar‘rlved 0. K. " and I thank you for your promptnesa. It Is a pleasure to deal with you. CHAS. BROWNING. Sacramento. Cal ~| 70‘- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $5 WASHVILLE COTTAGE—Design 2223-0; «Son in (mm, 5850 to $998; plans. $5; width over :11, 41 ft; story heights, to ft. See page 65. NOTICE. As our clients are located In nearly every State and 'Ienltqry we can likely give. as special references, the names 0’ those m your community who have used our plans. We like our house very much u again will certainly favor you wi planned by you. and should we ever build 0: another order. MR8. FRANK LANE. Boise. xéaho. I 7 l HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES l ‘ xr/rarz/r “as: Plans $20. 5 4-!gi Ki tc'nen le—éxlo P “ m _. _ _ 9.?“1 pan c Porch .r." .. .. ”" (”a/759% P 0% Dining R Chamber 16—6X16 I’:: “ 16X15 coo /3-’ 30,04? —_—_—-—' , 1:! 010 GW/PZd? Chamber Hall Ch b 12k96 am er mew 7 20x16 16x15 . may/3” O’ "61 o .3 I “F'— Luring R Recept Fjarlor 1°X14 Hall 13-5X17—L ____——— do" —|72 "-r . _ 7 m HONDA COTTAGE—Design 2 405 M; cost in frame ,5 1,89'2' to $1.980; plans $20. A good Southern coktage. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS I ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ are 5.3 1- -, . ' a . v ‘3 '7“ CL d1 - ‘. . _ FWWWQE; "”ij 1211+ |2xH~ , - dujlhgfigfim; r, g Harm _1_“ " -- --‘=_:E' ' (In cl. .. 7— ct 17.6}(11 JILLENTOWN COTTAGE- —Design 1865M; Plans $20 fiALINA RESIDENCE.- -Design 1874M; In. SIR. «:7 on}, V? 6m- Plans $20. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES p r—fiUSTON RESIDENCE.— Desngn L844 DR J—«VK [64m K fax]; Trig toxlgl HALL III| I‘M WATTS RESIDENCE—Design .553 Mz-l 74- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITICTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $l5. , i} MW m W x/, Foucsvuu-z COTTAGE—Design 3222.0; m mm. $59o to $698; plans. $15; story heights. [0 {1. Special fea- tures: Large living-room. comer porch, a good comet-lot House. See page 65. CHAHBER LIVING IDIH ‘ u ‘ ”0x139 IO u-xna-v [L t q 1 d» 3 . < ‘ 1‘: p ‘1 b R I L. ‘1 ‘ "1 I l‘ '- ‘ n, .9 ‘1; B P Plans $IQ. :1 —\_ - Am -I 75- mADlSON COTTAGE—Design 1970-0;in (rune. pun HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MONTAN -\ COTTAGE. —De:sign 5-0- m frame, $450 to $550; plans, $5; width 21 ft. "6 in. by 33 ft. 2 in . story heights. 9 ft. 6m. Special features:- Compact arrangement could be used as £wo~fnmily house , good flue connections; economical porch construction. See page 65. Plans $5 1u-nxm-s p II II L "-0 x 43- I?“ ‘ “3-0 X '0-6 _..%_ E -l76* HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES TUXEDO COTTAGE—.Design 22410, $625; plans, $5; width, 30 ft. 2 in. by 29 IS4-Xl5 heights, :0 ft.; attic. 3 ft. cut down to 5 ft. nage 65. “P KITCHEN Ias'xm' ~15 513‘ R Isa-'XIB LIVING R 145lU-XIS' 'PARLUR' lS‘FX'S' ~| 77- E Plans $5. 1 7 , c' PARLUR ”A“ 15+an 77‘ t"l-uv , ‘ 1‘- PORCH CHAMBER Ib4- X ll [HAMEER 43 4 x I5 I: VALENTINE RESIDENCE.- -Desxgn 1133-N; HERBEIT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H'OMES Plans $5. «Human fix: a to € LIVING R na‘xus‘+ 320 R I’e'XIs‘Q PQRLOR stm‘ln DETROIT COTTAGE... Haynes design not. -|78‘ HARPSWELL COTTAGE. —Design I 7 7 2-0: :SU-XHJr Sim Km u-n-xn.+ __ l'j- 4~X 13- ‘r Plans $5, HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ,_ YNAAK COTTAGE—DeSIgn 2343-N; cost In name, $1,199 to ‘, $1.299; plans, 510‘ Special icaturcs: Auraclive dcsxgn; pleasant _ outlook to parlor; neat exterior; attractive octagon porch; con- ' veniem bath-loom. Design strictly colonial in detail. h $3 3 s §§§O $003 \l‘w' 3 M39? § § § 0 /3~’.’)< /5 074210,? 0 PO?(# p lans$|0 —l79—- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES fli/H/ //"‘~ 1,‘_. MEN—WWW , "“‘Iilflullli‘l ”W “mum" “mg I film/14.. WW/ 0’” “ m, 4‘70" | ¢ 5, ° *- l0 EH O _. . 3. - I an o :o 53 0&— 0—1 Art at o A a 4 a E ‘ d < H o a ‘ H :4) Q t-l a > otnk - 1| 5.- 13116 I 12fl10 13116 x 12f€6 DINING R00)! KITCHEN SITTING noon 15ft 21n x 14ft 6 31.390; plans. 310. Special features: Quaint doxmer window on tool; combination inside and outside cellar stairs; large rooms; 1 large attractive vestibule; a very attractive cottage. PI 10. “535 —l80-— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES‘ OCONOMOWOC COTTAGE—Design “549.0; in frame, $550 to $700; plans, $5; width, 21 fl. 4 3n. by 23 ft; width over' ail, 35 ft; story heights. 9 ft. 4 in. and '8 ft. Special features: Attractive stained shingle seashore home. Modi- fimtions: An extra room could be placed where porch now is. See page 33. mlu'cn m 9‘"! (- . 4: I. a... c. __ 4: .— F ”12%,. —— ll _ . I , 7 . “me— _lfi@ In . "Ir—173‘; _ ~ .1. \ I. \ A ' "wa-fi’" “3 w . \}\ w— ,’— _ , / bull/vi: . .g '- 'Iu. . u . \ $1.390; plans. 310; story heig s, 9 ft. and 8 h. 6 in.; floored mic " with space for two good sized rooms. Special features: Prac— (ical Ind amactive design; well-vemilatcd rooms. ‘5-4 ’06 fl KIVCNZN PAILUN I5 +x156 CHAMBER 1% S K II} Plans $ l 0. -l82— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS AIIT'IS'TICI N‘DNAEES gs <5. Pm LOVERDALE COTTAGE—Design 7040~N; in lame. $1,098 to $1.298; glans. $10; story height, 10 IL; I large stove in living- ,, room would beat the other rooms; attractive and simple gable design; inexpensive construction. LIVING-R _______ IWEXW BED PORCH 183 Lij—J Plans $l0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ ...... Winger-w}; 'Plans $l 5 7 l 831. n Kit.‘\Din.R. ,12- 6“ 15x13 64‘ Parlor 16ftxl4 RADNOR‘ RESIDENCE.» _ iKILF ‘ Design ‘57 ’M‘ I ‘ ;%_ "$17.5: -I 84 '3’” 7 MW _( my” _ A K j HERBERT c. CHIVERs co. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES @i’NTHIANA COTTAGE—Design 8i-O; cost $692 to $749; plans. $10. Also modified plan No 2. Banker design. with 9x9 ft kitchen back of rear chamber, with pantry, with fire-place to front chamber only, with present back chamber used as 13x14 ft dining~room, with present parlor and dining- room used as chambers. with extra 9x10 ft. chamber back of this, with large closets in two back chambers; plans, $10. Also modified plan No. 3, Boucher design, same as No. 2. except it has rear stairs and bath in place of rear chamber, with 9x12 ft. kitchen; also (Rabeu) Cynthiana No. 4, with 7x12 bath in place of pantry, nth fire-place omitted in rear chamber and dining-room, with door and stoop to dining- room. See page 65. Plans $ l 0. I LVN/N6 MOM U "'0 'X /6 ‘4 ' , l ”/76/94‘78’ l ; #‘6X/7‘6 m l ./ WATER (”A/1755? /2’3'X/6" ll NI/V HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS 'ARTISTIC HOMES 13ft4x12.4 Dining K. = 13ftx14ft Chamber 15ft4x13.8 'Porch yn Story heights IO ft. Porch Kitchen 8- BXI 1-6 Dining Room 3.4" ft Chamber 134x124 'k---27ftle' Bath Rm. Cynthiana No. 3 desi t Iafia No. 2 designl a O / _n Dining Foam 15—4x1i Zhamber 13x16 Parlor - ‘10 C 16—4x1: Chamber 5|B6?A. See page l85. ns$l0. 33 2; :3 a a C n. n n H H Chamber 13—43(13-8 Porch 5l86-B. See page l85. Story heights I0 ft. lans $l0. —186— H EllB El§T C. C H [V Elts C 0. A.R(IH l1‘E(:TS ARTISTIC HOMES , Albany. Mar Mr, Herbert G. Ghlverl. 8L Louis. Mo. Dear Sir: I have neglemd to write u’mil now. but wlll say that my house ,9‘ “WE’RE” gives me entire'sadsfacflou. It ls Just 15+“ 1' what I wanted. It Is, roomy. well lighted and ventilated. It Is “mired by exw-ybody for the Inside comfort. Your plans weue a sums and were r L~l10\\'(’d in every particular. Yours truly‘l uva-n- G. F. PERRY. w‘xls‘ PARLDB Is'fiuc Plans $5. flLBERT LEA COTTAGE—Design :2 x 3-0; in frame. $380 to $450; plans, $5; width. 21 ft. 6 in. by 44 IL; story heights, [0 ft. Special features: Large living room, pantry and closets; convenient stairs; very economical lc‘ build- Vrrand: ”f ’3‘“ lbx“ I. r— ' //i' ”llmfi. ' In!” I anaa. . ‘ iyil VlnnnA .331 “m“ Per -——l new mu, 5 R > '""'°'_E (Ex-MM [U REAP COTTAGES—Pl h. Q3 ans $5 cac Plans $5 -I 8 7- I| . human um HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES @LAREMONT COTTAGE—Demgm 1971; m name, $575 to $680; plans. $5.; width, 31 ft. x 22 ft. 6 in.; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in.. Special features; ‘large living (00m. See page 65. Plans $5. POE Lu k. u'z-é’xno- .Luv. RH CK H~ xIs-so IE-oxls-Io H‘ 0105-10 bin 12. li-Oill' The plans which you drew for‘my house have not yet been used, owing to Nine“ of season. but builders state that plans are finely executed. L. GALLAGHER. Allegheny, Pa. My summer house will costn mm: more than I expected to put Into .It. but I am so well pleased with the arrangement. that I have decided to make no changes. A. LOEB, Phllndelphlh. Pa. "l 88‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES E 4% —‘ .f — ‘ j. -:EEEEEEEEEEEE. _;:::::::::= # ——:::::; ,;::::::::= _____—-——- /\ ‘ '1 ”W ,I , 2g ‘5 :I ' 7;: | A. "A \ \\ ' ‘ 3.- #: “IL"!!! InmIIIIII IuIIIII IIIIILIIILIDIlmmIII IIIIII,,,,,1, _ .ggh ‘ I 1"? I” IIIIII I I? “ I I III" ii... _ ..... \\\\~\\\\\‘: . lx/II/I/I/IIJI/llll/I/l/S/MWT'IIl/fiWEI IIIIIII III/III)! IIIIIIIIII NAPLES COTTAGE—Design l782-N; cost in (time, $1,592 to $1,780; plnns, $10. Plain, neat exterior; large parlor; compacl arrangement. Géf‘ x xzrl m TORCH KITCHFI DINING ROOM 15ft l 12!! SITTING ROOM 17ft x 12ft Gin NH :— ? .RLOR 17ft I 12“. Gin CHAHBER 13ft x 12” (An :10 I '\ CHAMBER 12f“ x 12116 ‘189" Plans $ l 0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 7" flaw/Jr”! i; - ’fl ”1?“- —.——,._ .VJZAi—rzzyzs-> _. V___,..———: fi g /\.————-___ 0“ (WWW‘EWWIW H 1% . ‘ ‘ 5‘ 5H :L. ( 51 [0.11“ “-‘l- I V; :_ C :11 :, ll I n o a ‘ ..-;.-_-.-_—-—— " ._._—~—— [LAVADA COTTAGE-«Design 82M; cost, $590 to $698; Plans. $10. See page 65. story heights, 9 ft and 8 ft. fad, /r/ m'my /5 ‘0 'X /.5 ‘6 (HA/V05? ,0 /Z"0'/\’/4 L6” M” 1 ° : : amt!“ :5 19/105 W0” (flflMflfP ATV/V746” fl/N/NJ FPO/’7 24/210? . '/Z"0"X/¥"6' /1’"6‘X/a-0' VIPA/Yfl/Q (buy/P: \ 490- Plans $l0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES EACXXE COTTAGE—Design 1764-0; in frame, $789 to $998; plans. $10; width over all. 26 ft. 2 in.; story heights, 10 {xi Special features: Compact plan, attractive 'tower- like bay. bath-room ventilated through slat window to attic stairs and lighted by ceiling panel of ground glass. See page 65. POPC W ._ .W O ‘ bury: 3 Q mmmc R Y, LIVING R 19x19 cc 14x15-4 ;§14x13-4 \ v A, The plans you sem were correct in every respect and the work on them some- ing to be admired. IRA LAU'B. Wenons. Ill. -I9l- Plans $I0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES a Mimi. . .. u “Him 3 l hill " "5‘910 i 41 ,i ADKIN COTTAGE—Design 2399-N; cost in brick wirh 9vinch ?‘ wall, $2,580 to $3,000; plans, 3 15 . Special leatures: Attractive 1‘ porch; large sitting~room; well»vcmilared kitchen; large bath~ ’55? room; very suitable as a corner-lot design; circular portion of ’H ‘ porch works-up attractively in design. ' \BED R 13~6x16 13-6X PAFLOR H A L L 4-6" —\T—\-‘ HALL DINING R LIVING R 15X15 18X19 KITCHLf 15x15 Plans $| 5. -|92- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES J *Design 2255-0; cost in fram: IIASCA RESIDENCE. $1,492 to $1.58o;plans'$|o. See page 65. ‘ mm IF'Z'W . < 0.0317 '4'lezvv4m \uo . HI... W ~ 5’ c cumbuz ”‘“ cumbtz \ / { A m.“ ,4 " ny'z-x H" mm CWRQ mum “51°? D'WWF’U" HALL D"; “"5" 4 J.'. PORCH R (#4755? I0 1021/: m, ' -I93- ITASCA RESIDENCE No. 2. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Sig. 7 ARTISTIC H.0MES I\\! A\ I \m‘. . flLGONA RESIDENCE—Design 100,040-0; w1dth. 47 ft.; cost,in brick, $2,340 to $2,498; p1ans,_$x5; story helghts, Is! 10 it. 6 in, 2d 9 ft. cut down to 5 ft. See page 65. F 'M ROOM Lo, 0 ‘3“ cu» HALL CHAMBER “ CHANDTR HHGNX H" I3“x wre- CHAMbtR HW"X!2"‘§““ 'kx‘ ‘I’LGDWEQIVO 007 2.1 1 9 ‘HERBERT C. CHIVERS. 1250.. ST. LOUIS. MO. DEAR 5m:- - PLANS MADE BY You HAVE mom smsmcrom. or m: mass 18 um IN mmcx AND cosy. I m mf’lsmiiin’)“ mas TRULY, - -I 94- (imam/law HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Shiny nme-n- ’E‘LN‘W" mix“; Itsxun‘.‘ 5°‘3'n t: C‘A”EER ’~: I ~2 r EARLDH SII’I'ING “- Ifisxll.‘ Ib-EAXIl-‘h DWIGHT RESIDENCE. —I)ealgn 9742 0; $537; plans. $7. 50; width over all, 16 11.; story heights. 9 it cut down to 5 ft. walls. Special features: Stained shingle $422 to . f' / /j/ 7/;(/‘ ”W ”/5, 1/”,0/ lO/lB/ E. C. Chlvcrs. 5L. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir:- Tne plans mi spefifications fumivhe: an :9 you pbmt A year ago Here satisfactory in even: respe: t x“ l Lye plensun in :utlrg to you "met I am well pleased 7:: '5. the ‘03:: in every dual}. Your: raspezt?‘ l‘ y, 495-“ (5 /W' HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES fiHATTANOOGA RESIDENCE—Design [869 M; in frame, $960 to $1090; plans, $xo; width, 36 ft. 2 in. by 29 ft. 6 in.; width ovei all. 40 (L; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. K Banq— I F .._/ . P Wu infl. nan} ISVW— ' u, \._/ / Ion P .EBUAHD ow. v1. unlit. Ann-my um Cum-4w u Lat- Iao louanuocx In). cmcmo. In. June 27» 1’ Beth". c. chm". ll‘.‘ Sh Louis. lo. be“ S":- Iu haun bunt no. your plan- “ thy envy uni minno- the vholc 1111.51 :34 Manned—granny w tho and“ of an of urchin“. Rupeuhnly. —|96- MJMW HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES DAYTON COTTAGE—i? "“""_’ / ' 5:0 9 «I701: N nmmc n DCSIgn I 638‘0; ‘ .. ; .s . U‘II‘ r Ill I)" CATTINQ D .x n: JAS E Mr FARLANDJ‘IanduM w,s.M<.GunNEOLE,c.-smcr I‘M“ ' /- :\\// ‘\‘, ' , gt ‘ _/ _ No.8“ \‘ M9; Mar. 24,19 Mr. Herbert C. Chivars, St. Louis. Mo. Dear Sir:- z ~A; The house iur which you prapared plans. suits me exactly. I could not be better pleased. I consider distance no barrier when dealing with an architect of your ability, as you seem to know intuitively what pleases one. Yours very truly, HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHIfECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 1 found much pleasure in looking over your “Artistic Homes." MRS. C. R. TIDINGS. Ocala, Fla. jAMAlCA RESIDENCE—Design 15990; in frame, $1, 285 to$i490; plans, $10; width, 27 x 39 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft.; special features; bath room on fint floor. See page 65. QEALLATIN» RESIDENCE.-,-Design r 5300; in frame, 51. 190 to $1260; in 9 in. brick, $1399 to $1430; plans. $10 in frame or brick; width over all, 20 ft. 6 in; story heights, 9.6 andg ft.; special features; large living-room, with fire-place: chamber convenient to living-room; a very picturesque house when built; modifications; Can furnish plans, with cellar en- trance at grade, connecting with the regular cellar stairs by a swinging door See page 65, -l98- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC I‘IOMES'W has 7 Furl? Plans 3 I 5 fl} my“ COTTAGE—Design 4620 M; — I99 — Max Planssl5. C4,,flOLA RESIDENCE—Design 303051; Plans $2 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS 'ARTISTIC HOMES ~UVIHG-R Islvans‘ see Dessyn av.» PAINESVILLE COTTAGE. —— De sign 9050. in frame. 552:: (0 S400; lOWELL COTTAGE—Design 16500; in frame. 358: m plans. 5;: width :1 {L .3 in by :9 {L .5 $691: pool foundation; plans. $5; width 30 h. by :5 R. In in.'. inn-id”: ovex all. :5 ft: story heights, story heights. lo 3. and 9 ft. 6 in; (cm down lo 5 ft. 6 in at 9 fl. 6 in. and S {L (with 6 {1. side confers of roof.) SpeciAl fumes: Plain, nest exterior walls). Special fume: A very ml Modifications: cxxerlor. Have 53 skock plans "llh ' the following changes (Hannibal Gardener pun): WiLh close! to living» room. with bay m kitchen. making it I 2 (I. by Is fl. 4 in. with two moms above 1nd su'us going up £10m kitchen. See page 65. — all pislan 32‘. am - Lowell No. 2 design 5200. story heights IO-lt and 9 fl 6-in cut to 5 ft. Plans $5. Ch. 3.10x1 51‘ Sitting R. 4.10:13ft 10in Dining R. 13. Plans $5. Ch. SftxletZin Parlor 4ft4xl4.2 —YAINSVILLE A:;;:=_ 3:: v»~n ? . 5? .Iiv: FIR;'T ' QTORY JeCmD 0mm! Lowell No. I design 5200. -300. HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHlTECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 2 l m f/ITC/IIN ,(3 am- //;IO'K I! "0‘ A,” a” :1 QM/MW é/t‘ I‘ll/J 1% IZ‘O'KM A 07/3 -8' 2421.62 //-'/0 7/74 a“ ll — — §HELLMOUND RESIDENCE. _ Hutton design :90; cost. $940 to $1.090: story heights, 9 [t Plans, $10. See page 65 Shellmound No. 2, Shervell design. same as above; with 1 2x: 2 ft. kitchen; with three rooms above and large attractive bath-room and with light attractive gables and porch. Shellmound No. 3, Welen design. same as Shellmoultd, with bay and kitchen porch on opposite side of house; with bath omitted and door out ‘onto porch in its place; With stairs to basement on-opposite side and extra kitchen closet. Lindsborg, Kansas, June 28; 19 Herbert C. Chivers, Architect. St. Louis, Mo. My Dear Sir:— The plans for my house are all in the con- tractor's hands. \‘Vere very much pleased with them, and will send you snap shot picture of the structure as soon as completed “'12 are trying to follow your suggestions as closely as pos- sible, and will certainly be glad to speak a good word for you to othexs who are contemplating to build houses in the near future, Truly yours. SAMUEL THORSTENBURG - 20! - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MANISTEE COTTAGE. No. 8.—Cosl. $1.4m plans. $10; story heights, 9 II. and 8 It. 6 in.; full smry to large chamber. 52:: WIS-Rf __ k KITCHEN 12ftx12ft I f 5A9 SITTING ROOM DINING ROOM CHAMBER 15ft x 14Jt6 6ft 41h x 12ft 15ft x 9ft I P ' CHAMBER _/ HALLw: clo ‘ 3131‘: x 15“ anfiHHl CHAE :3 13ft X lift tame” L__ ' k ROOF PARLOR 17ft 4th x 11ft HALL up VERANDA (H - 202 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Dining 3. 14ftxl6ft 10 L‘ E?" .Pa :10:- . ‘ ‘ 3 cu. 11.6:108 : letglnlef‘t ' 12. lelft 3"”?— H \ Manistec No. '3 design 5203-A. story hei hts 9 and 9 ft cut to 6 ft. See page; 20l-2-4- .6 and 208. Plans $l0. “‘\ a Manistec No. '4 daign 5203-8, story heights 9 ft 6. See paga 20l-2-4-5'6 and 208. Plans $l0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS KITC HS}! 12X12 91"}1‘43 LIVING R 15.\'1 9-6 13X14 -4 —\ 3ARLJR 12X1'I “are“ YORKVILLE RESIDENCE'ZTulpin Design um. “m. $950 to SI .9913; size, 27 ft. 4 in‘ by 29 fl. 8 ln.; story heights 9 ft. and 8 ft‘ 6 in‘; plans. page 2c: Vorkvi“: No. a. Southard design. in bncx vil‘h 9 in. walls; with no bay to sittingAmom; with fire-place to dining-room; with bath connecting with kitchen. when marked putty; with pamry in place of pOI'Ch. md light gable ends. See MINGSLOW RESIDENCE._Hundhanson design 170‘ \— cost. $840 to $990: plans. $8; 512:, :5 ft. 8 in. by :6 ft. 4‘ ‘ FW~fi CHAMBER H E‘s}: '. ’ J See Muistee Cottage on 11Xl7—4. mastery hsights. 9 ft. Sc: desmn on page :02 - 2o; [“53 55’ fl/IZHz/v 0mm Exam 11X). 3- w 11-4 X14 ~r a —a. :(9 (25¢ka 11—4X13- CHAM : 25 (1.: story heights. 0 ft. 6 l s: 298 to si 299-. plans. Slo; CRUTHERSVILLE COTTAGE-Design 9673 M; in frame. K! width. 2: it. 4 in.; width over all » ‘n. and 9 ft. cut down to 6 h. sidewalls. era .... i DURLEV C0'I"l‘.~\GE._ 7 See )[aniste‘ \jr’ . "gfl; HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Parlor 17fi4111ft1 Porch Shellmound No. 3‘Jé‘ign SZOS-A. See Manistee Cottages. Story heights 9 and 9 ft. Plans $10. Kit. lthle Dining R. 12.4112ft 13ftx13. :: Parlor E 17ft4xllft10 11 .‘Jl’ifllfimfl~ 0. design 5205-3. See Manistee 2 Cottaga. Skory heights 9 ft and 8-ft 6. Plans *9 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES H I ll KITCHEN mu I HEW. ta-exw daéfid! / ‘v":LIv1\'GRoau Cm: ES: 13x14 1:..— 5‘0 9“" ‘ g .&5 ha: cc; :0“ '6:— E =35: 18'; Hour ~’.E a; MANISTEE COTTAGE No. 9A—Cost $I.4oo; pllns 5": See index for other Manistee conzges See page 65. :~ ------- 27"...._.....,; at my HI 1'] be 6me : . . 3 . Bnck Manlstec dwgn 5206. Plans 3'0. See Manistec 208. Kitche 1-] I-éXII-9 used Dining Rn. IS-GXIOft Chamber anus—5 Chamber 11-6“th cn. V n-exen? Chm"? IS—éxllft Hm sign that has been used once', 'either the or Persons using a design once huye had-value rec fun «wrx tum tln \ '5 ml: bank 01 nflalgns vs Ir int. nmperty and it in: held by tlw higlwstmourln ”I NOTICE "I. : = E E 3 :3 s éég SE PLANNOJI. 5g; 5 ;'_§ mANISTEE DESIGN REVISED—confining $31,580 3 = ‘ a; « plus $10 «on. See page 65. 8 2 -.. s & HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ”.-.... ARTISTIC HOMES 012mm BLANK'FOR STOCK fir. Herb-rt cciaims. A’V" s‘ I findosod please find S... wnlch aeud stock N325 of I. an N -r House ... .. ..... . fl SUBURBAN HOME—Dcslg‘n 10310;in frame. $2.500 . (o $2.800; in brick. $3.000 lo $4.0m); plant. 335 brick or . ‘ frame; wilh changes, $35; :pecizl features: Attractive com- DATE ...... bination stairs Residences. Schools. Churches. Business Blocks. Elmonle chSIgn 5207. width over all 40 ll. story —MANl5TEE‘ . If!" a. on page No ..... Name of .\'.\.‘YE........ . . .. ... .. STATE ..... Continued {mm page 10a, heights 9 and 8—ll 6 m. Plans $l2. 17-:113-13" t Thamber 14-51(14 ' L.-r:‘y2.‘¢;§ r1 or I ' A ‘Lil " 2 J. “" 1 E: a: .—: E‘: >- g: 6 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES \ Kit. 4 I} ' a; Pan set/’1 Dining R. Sit.R. 17.11x15.4 Parlor 7f14114ft ‘ ANISTEE COTTAGE.— Design Ch SI.190;pIInS, 35; width, 25 II. B In. . 9 IL. sccand smrv cm down m 5ft . 19.42111‘124 0 Ch . , 12.4x12 t h ha, a a R KITCHEN ‘0" 9% 9 an 9 11ft x 11ft Ch. 17ft4x14ft BEATRICE RESIDENCE: ‘ DINING ROOM CHAMBER CHAMBER x 12ft6 8ftx9ft6 fiAL down SIITIIG ROOM 16ft6 K 12ft51n CHAMBER HALL 12ft6 x 9ft VERANDA ~208— goo:- Manistee daign 5208. story heights 9 ft. Plans $8. HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES CHAMBER - |S+Xl3-E- PURE.“ EHAMB ER CHAMB’E'R Is.+.x l3»6- ,I7-+.X 15‘8- WEMO RE51I)F.NCE. —- Design 49-(); cost, $1,089 to $1,:98;size,53 ft. 8 in. by 46 ft; story heights, II it. suitable {qr the so‘uth, design similar to Lowell Cottage on liitge 399 . Sec Winchester_des. on page 335. See page 65. Ncmo Res. No. 2. Smith design. (reversed) with I3 in. brick wills to first story, with kitchen. porch oh dining-room sidr; with kitchen" stairs to basement. Ncmo No: 3, Brand des., same as above, with exterior lilu- Winchester des', wi:h sliding door at dining-room inpléce t-i fer'leCE, With porch back'of sitting-room and extra [2x9 Humbct above. See page 65. Cm'nnui. RESII)ENCE.?—Design 888M; in frame. $3,590 to $4.980; plans. $40. See page 65. “209- HERBEIT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\ I? T'I Ei'r I (I I1 () NI E355 3% -------- Asft - -— ---—-—------------r Plans . 5 I O. leZlftI} 11.4x . ' ‘ 15ft1 [17. 4xllf‘t9 Veranda . (- L=~ r—J BlJoéungtaTdeEgfizIo-A, :1 story heights 9 and 3-ft 6. See design page ZIZ. 80': can.“ ' i J lom COTTAGE—Design 42-0; cost, $990 to sum. Same design as No. 4! (above); plans, $10. See design on page :12“ See page 65. -‘-- ls-éx 11ft Din.R REc.H. 1-2X 17ftx12 15ft EORCH ‘OftZin 1""TUT€ 1J92--- Bloomington daign 52 I 0-8. Plans $ I 0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OK ~ LrKIS u w “0 __L i ,,,,, _.< / ”VILLA COT’I'AGB—Sparey design 4I~O; cost, $896 to $995; size. 29 ft. 8 in‘ by 29 (L; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in‘ in the clear. See general design on page 21 but porch has posts, and veranda is extremely wide; plans, .$I" See 'page 65. 2? 9;“ h i‘ M/ 7107:” D 2"” , ("5'7 ,94‘ \ Ix: : m f , \m \647~ bl n7 1 " \ ' \_ (HR/W512 9mm." fro '1 A» r In 1. III" [7257/45 A??? '7 1’ ‘ ,, : J ,— . , I A/lftpf/O/r’fi/fitz. CAM/m: .1) 4.0-4 /7» OVA/wapz /2 a" «z 4' 970'): 14 «4 ' m \ KC _ L_.___.______e. E mURRAY COTTAGE—Design 40-0; cost, $699 w, $889; story heights. 9 ft. and 8 ft. in the clear; plans. $7. Also have modified 'plan No. 4, (Rupe design) with kitchen and dining—room; with 5x5 sewing pantry where sink is; and with 15.04 kitchen extension at right hand side. Modification No. 5, Coryell‘ design; the only change being comcrfise-place‘ in reception rcbm in ‘nlace of wide angle-nook fire-place: Plans wen- very complete and It will mike a fine bulldlng when to l t Boscobel. wu W e a , McWilllIma. *‘ZI l— \ HER BERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES . LOOMINGTON.- Design 1627‘N; in frame. $1,199 (a $1,298; plans. 310; width. 29 h. 8 in. by 27 (L; story heighis, 9 it. and 8 it. 6 in.; cut down by root in from and rear to 6 it. 9 in. Special features: Large living room; unique porch arrangement. I have this plan with several oiher modifications. Mn [1"... D ff/ro/nv IILO‘UV l5 ‘4' S A — 9w g (.m IDA” a, f “”17 '/ film— Wm M; vow 1:" “.2? \ ' WIN/M5214 DININGRMN IZ'plX/I‘J (14:1 1:. (wavy; ' ‘ ”a" "" (”23.”sz ' 9‘O'A 154‘ YMM I l 1/ 7 ' qui mmmm &MW/ flu AM "ZIZ- HERBERT a CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Bath cu. ”1'10? 10. 10: Living Room ‘ lertxlsrt. 251336115 16ft6in Ch. 15.2110ft10 Bloomington daign 5213-A. st hen ts 9 and9- ft 3. See similar design page 207. Ighlans$ 15ftfl0ft9. °./ Roof Bloominglondai 52l3-.Bstoryhcights9and9 h3. Seepagegnz. Plans$ ~2l3" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES t: . $10 ans Hagerstown-Bloomington daign 52'4-A. See dc si pa c ZIZ. Story heights 9 ft and 8 ft 6. Pflns f0. glzmmpfiton design 5214-8, story heights 9 and 8- Porch Kitchen B 15—4x11 “E Reception H 17x12 Veranda '2l4- Chamber 16-4x9 I {Chamber 12-4x12 LBalcony - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Din.H. 14.8x11ft 15 . 4x14ft 3' 4‘1““ / m d7\ Sit. a. Parlor Ch. Ch- 13 . 4x14 13. 4x14ft 10x14. 4 . 4x14ft Veranda fiALVESTON COTTAGE—Design 1 747-0, in frame, $590 to $548; plans. $10; width 26 It. 6 in. by 19 ft; smry heights, 9 R. fin. and 8 It. 6 in. (full story in large chamber). Special features: Compact plan; wide from; a large appear- ing building for the money; 6 ft. porch across from. See page 65. .‘Y,\ Man: an- “e” :.-' Zivcruhinu is :1}; laid out And liq» {Seller in HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES RED OAK COTTAGE—Design 899M; in frame, $695 to $789; plans, $10; width, 26 ft. [0 in. by 25 ft. 3 in.; story heights, 9 ft. cut down by toof to 5 ft. 6 in. inside Walls. See page 65. KITQHEN _\ F‘ CHwBER nuxmm «54x13 - am n ‘\ [EX 5' FARLDR D H \ 18 XM‘ c Q -——-l > gLuxinsgcrla- . CH'AMEER CHAMBER I5‘4xns‘ IS‘FXIS‘ Ia'XIE‘ ~2l6- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES, ENGLISH COTTAGE—Design 1620-0; in frame, $42: to .$528; plans, $7; width over all, 23 ft.; story heights. 9 it. and 8 ft., (cut down by roof to 5 ft.). English gable; large dining-room. could go up from living-room; bath-room could be placed in second-story hall. ge1: nage 65. Edge 1 like your plans better than any other: I have lean. MISS R. KATE GARDINEB. Amsterdam. No.2. DINING Q a "-13 4‘ Special features: Quint Modifications: Stun; mm 0.. October 10. 1890. 959.3 baa-n Old HALL C ‘ Faun an) 12 '1'“! t ',A___ -2 l 7- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES_ Small Books of plans have been published hereto- fore by so-ca.lled plan associations, and publishing- companies. but nothing has yet been produced by a. regular practicing architect on this stupendious scale. and devoted entirely to moderatecost houses. BUCKINGHAM COTTAGE—Design 1954M; in frame. $69o to $799; plans, $io; width, 37 ft. by 24 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. and 9ft. cut down by roof to'7 ft. Special features: Attractive window at stairs. See page 65. 1.”: EA K \ UKS LL mi 6 IS-i- X '5' i $ CH B D'K H-E Klan H ~vfi ‘3 P - Ilgxxsii muxsn ‘ :1 The plans and specifications you furnished for my cottage at; Webster Groves were very satisfnétory. I fee: well assured that I have the best planned house in St. Louis County. W. A. WILSON. (Pacific Express 00.), St. Louis. —2l8— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C9. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ plans. 510; width over all, 37 it. 6 in; story heigh‘s, 9 It. 6 in. and Special features: Open terrace in lrom; unique ‘_: 9 IL in the clear. stained shingle_exterior; good Skylines; simple to construct. EEQ'R new; ‘ \ ._._1 ' agony r meme-pr“ ‘ mm- L,‘ 77‘ (7..., have», t... h ‘: l. BEvL g"; waxw- worn! 5' ”Ml! comm: my I wam l0 congratulate you on your plans, a: the he p‘ratpecuve builder... m-sirablc features which commend themselves to t J. N. P. Colwell, Stapleton. S. I. —-2|9- CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS HERBERT C. ARTISTIC HOMES 1"“ij ’ 'Mlllllll a} ‘l LENDALE COTTAGE—Design 1626‘N: in lrarne. $764 to $890, ‘ plans. 55; width, 27 it. 4 in. by 20 It. 4 in.; story heights,9 It. 6 in. and 9 h. in the clear. Special leatures: Plain. simple, stained shingle exterior; large sitting-room; compact urangemem. HALL BEER KITCHEN ‘bEDR E q... fin I ma SITTmGR _ c . narmb‘ I ' E I ummc‘n E‘. BqE‘Dfi VALCL loo-II . » ll 34 IEEE! VORCH -2 20 - I havl’ithought frequently that I would write and let you ~know how well pleased fie were with our home. which Was built from your‘plnns. The house In as pretty. convenient and comfortable as I could wlsh. \I am Indeed, well pleased with your services. and would not think or building égaln wlthout first seeing you} MRS. DAVID HAY. Fulton. Ky. ‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHlTECTS ARTISTIC HOMES LD ORCHARD COTTAGE-Design 1635-N; in flame, $665 to $800; plans, 85; width. 25 it. by 28 It. 4 in.; story heights, 9 h. 6 in.; suitable for a sloping loL Modilicntions: Fumnce can be put in stateroom. A good hill-side design. $55 74¢:5 3-22- FIQdT éTOQY -22 I... V 65COHD' OTORY I have jun! completed a house lrom one of your: plans. The house in question is net! and any and at very utiuhctory delign. FRANK C. PATTEN. (Mmulaeturer), SycamoreJll. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES *“ "‘___25ft1‘0 “““ 1‘ Ch. 13ft4x13ft Ch. 11ft4x13ft Dining R. H V 12ft3x17ft7 10. 3x10. 5 ' Old Orchard Cottage No. 2 design 5222- A See design$5page 22'. Story heights 9 and 8 ft ans . Céllar 22ft101nx11ftllin Parlor 13.4x18ft8 Porch Old Orchard Cottage No. 3 design 5222- B, story heights 9 and 8 ft. See design page 22L Plans $5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS A R'Tl S'TI C fl()lM E S AUKESHAW COTTAGE—Dhign l624-N; coal in flame, $650 _ 105750 plans, $5. See modified 55 plan: in Conkey's Home , Journal (Chicago, 1°C..) (or December, Special features: Very compact plan; combinuion inside and outside cellar stairs. a KUTCHEH u g DINING Q n inst p élTTJ‘IC 9 415-15 noun b' PORCfi -223- ;HERB£RT c. CHIVERS cap ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ENEVA LAKE COTTAGE—Design 1631~N; in fume. $775 to . $966; plans, 55; width. 18 h. by 26 it. 4 in.; story heights, 8 it. 6 in. and 8 it. Special ieaturea: Ornamental gable and porch de- sign. Modifications: Dining-room can be enlarged by building one-story kitchen behind. Gene“ Lake No. 2. Smith design. with “.6on It. dining-room; 14.6:9 it. 6 in. kitchen; with three room: above. sizes. 14x16 ft.. 10.6x9 in. ad H.6x9 it. 4 in.. with closet: to each room; story heights. 9 it. cut down to 6 it. at four corners of building. ~22» HERBERT C. CRIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES , MAHA COTTAGE—Design 1626—N; in frame. $8l5 to 3900; ' plans, 38; width. 24 it. 6 in. by 28 1t. 10 in.; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 It. Special tenures: Front tooms unobstructed by V; stairs. Have 810 stock plans with the lollowing changes named: Wonhen plan. with comer fire place to parlor, with sitting-room 13.4111 IL, with sliding doors betwecn main rooms, with HIM it. 6 in. kitchen, with bath-room above and 11.4:11 it. room over kitchen. with closet. also closet in lull. -225- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS I”: ’1? (I) ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ “.E\U\ILLE COTTAGE ——Desion goo \[- in ‘fmne and stone $900 to $1.:ooo plans $10: stor} heignjs, 9ft. and 3ft (cut d0\\n to 5 ft. at Imus.) Special features; Attractive -ombimzion ofstained shingles and stone: :1 plan neat design. tree from mecessar) ornamentation See page 65. PARLDR II‘FXISS- Hm;- UHAMSER “I"; swam uxls H flaixxa —‘ CHAMBER IISXE SECOND STORY (From a bullder).—Your books came to hand Sunday. Would say in reply It was not for myself but for a neighbor. I was telling him it would have ”paid him better to have procured plans of you showing all details or construe (ion and givlng a better Idea of how things went together. I am A carpenter myself and know whereof I speak —Geo Bennett Fesms. M0. #226- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES “ V AKWOOD *Dcsign 2350-N; cost in frame, $550 to $650; plans, $10, Special features: Attractive parlor; combination inside . and outside cellar entrance; wide veranda. A good lake or sea- . .-.'~" side cottage in stained shingles ....____-_-_-_---.-_, I Zf/J’fl/f/V ROY/N62 7”X // 7”6 x // 694/755? /6’é .48’4 ..__ _--_—__1 : : (‘flf / — ' : IN7IA~{I[4‘!? I {I H z 05 : 5 4—— .' PAPAOE ; —“ ”A“ “05 : /3”)(/5 , " 2 l I a H L ’ (fix/maze - '. m": X/o : VEEAH/zw '1 5 7 ”’1” p t : BALCONY 5 L.-- _ ._ . J HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES EWARK COTTAGE—Design 1636-N; in lrarne. $568 to $670; plnns. 85; width, 25 It. 8 in by 23 ll. 8 in.; story heights, 9 lr. and 8 it. 6 in.. (Iide walls. 6 ii. 6 in. high). Simple shingle exterior; Iimple derail work; eesy to construct; very little mill work. KITCHEN Gun: 4' DJflIUG'R OlTTlHG'42 Ir-c-u‘ n-c-Ib PORCHr / We not only have a handsome house.bul I very convenient and practical lloor pun. You uved me the price 0! plans runny times over in the novel arrangement ol lloor plum alone. LUTHER ARMSTRONG, Champaign, Ill. -228- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES "’14) 6 in. Special features: Unique porch and gabie ends; economi- Int—:— —’——:,’. “—1“ ‘ INCINNATI COTTAGE—Design 1620-N; in frame,$644 m 3790; plnns. $5; width. 25 ft. Bin. by 28 in; story heights, 9 it. and 8 fl. cal Hue connections. Modifications: Inside stairs to cellar can go down below rear stairs. , SWIM Q no“: 5‘ BED'P DEB 9 II It} 5' The "an 9/ Mn Rtally and the Power 9/ An lit: in If): In" that it i: [In culmination and Jun-mint up 0/ Mt 970(03):: of oblcrbclion, rtptriuu'c. and feeling: it 1‘: III: dupou'l of HID-lever (1 rich”! and mu! cudurin; in the life 9/ a Man or a Ract.--Mabi¢ '229- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I2 'T'I 55 1F l (2 r1 () IVI IE 55 S U] Kit. 10 11.3114 Porch va+ u |\\ Oh. Dining Room 15ft112ft l— Rec.Room 14.8x15ft k\ 11.6x12ft Parlor r4ft81n115ft clol I \\ , Ch. ’1’ 11. 51:33.4 \ Chamber letxletZ Ch. lsmxSft4in I F A‘Lcw: Porch , . . . . Cmcmnatl No. 2 de51gn 5230A. See desxgn page 229. Story heights 9 and 8 ft. Pians $5. E‘""“"“'~28ft8in““ »- -——- down In P- w» * A m a I, ‘ — Chamber Kitchen d llft4x15ft l3ft10110- I Chamber Chamber . 115m: 10ft4x ‘ _ 23ft6in /C c l4ft€in 1tting R. Dznlng Room I l 11ft4x14ft 13ft4x9ft10 “230‘ \Cincinnati No. 3 desig'n 5230. 229, slory heights 9 and 8 ft. Sec de§gn page Plans $ 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITEETS ARTISTIC HOMES .’ J , . ”1‘ 7 w.» m gm». 3;». F‘Efi—fifiw‘w‘w‘ ”h“ uk¢vaw ,M. W / NANKAKEE COTTAGE.—D851gn 2361-“; nlans $10; cost $650. See page 65. (fiAVDfE’ 71/7/7522 0‘?) ”10'0"? " 7 ”0"“ 7" HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES See design on page 23'. [Pore hamber hamber Dining itchen 8-9x7—sc s-sxll 10x11 8‘6“; 3-51 16 d Pam H 11 :1 Q] a Parlor . ERecep t Chamber Chambe 10x11 u Hall H H v-3 ~ ~ ~ 9x9 u‘ XI 5X.‘O C Veranda 8.10:“ 1 I ‘ E Kankakee No. 3 desi 5232-3. story heights 9 ft and 8 ft 6. Plans $? See design page 23 I. ning t3231f}: itche 'Ble 1 Room‘ 8x10' ParIorRecept axzo‘ :Ha'll ( u Veranda “232‘ Kankakee No. 2 design 5232. story heights 9 ft. 6 and 8 ft 6. Plans $5. HEI!BEIR1' C. CPIIVElks C(J. ALRC HI1'EC TS AR'TISTIC HOMES a: ' IDin a: 1.sz! |L21x151 Kite. n Plans $50 : Emma!” cum“- I, ox n C I: n x w gums nan mfcwzu 1) . x ‘0 :5 ¢ x10 NEST POINT RESIDENCE— -Des:gn 1861M, V V ’ PERU RESIDENCE—Design nossu; 5K1'tc'n- ’233' Plans 5'0 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES __ 1,.._J.l_\r- ' ELLENDALE COTTAGE—Design 5091M; in frame, $550 to $650; phns, $5; width, 34 ft. by 2: ft. See page 65. CH Ffi Ch p 1‘: mm .s l_38x\<\ “II—5?" _234Iw,j:i EDEN COTTAGE.—Desxgn 4200M; in frame, $350 to $450; plains. $5;width, 27 ft. 4 in. by 23 ft. 8 in.; story heighu.‘9 ft. 8 in. and 8 (2., (side walls cut down to 6 ft.) See page 65. ‘I’ " u:__, fiERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Form DU LAC COTTAGE—Design 1637-0; m frame, $640 to $770; plans, $5. Modifications: Bath-room could be placed in rear of sitting-room. using dining—room as 1 bed rbomi'ith kitchen as dining-room and with one.story kitchen. See page 65. r W ‘ ‘3 WEI. L14 ’235“ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES AKE GEORGE COTTAGE—Design 1630-N; in frame. $499 to $546; plans. 35; width, 25 it. 1 in. by 20 It. 6 in.; width over all. 28 in; story heighu. 9 it. 6 in. and 8 in; side walls cut down to 5 ll. Special leatutes: Neat exterior, amactive window to ball. KITCHEN :1 BEDR , HALLH .7-u-s. 7-6 BED P _ ¥ fl 70-!3- Dmmq- I? am R 1* M‘Qlll IIQuIZ' it ( 'hf’*‘ “ A" la on" of It: two "(on of human nrouau. 8' word: man inure-ban": though".- by the form of an M (Moreno-(u [nut-u: and this with all uni. no! only of the pron-n “no but alto 9/ (In you and of flu IIIIIIO.--T°'l'°’ W ~ - ~236- l HERBERT 0.. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OSHKOSH COTTAGE ——Design I625- -;0 in frame, $375 to $475; plans, $5; width 17 ft. 6 In. by 22 ft. 6 in... story heights. 9!! 6m. and 9 ft. Special features. Comput plan Have $5 stock- plans with the following changes. nan ed (Oshkosh No 2 ) wiIh gable ends. full story and 18 ft. 4 in by 24 ft. In size A verv attractive- exterior. See page 65 §E+¢ KIT(HEM- lOXIB- 5n TIM; :2 Irma-4 POUCH BED P (@234 BED re :5on BED '12 H ~6xl3 "I Lé._\ 237- HERBERJ‘ C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES fiREEN PARK COTTAGE—Design 1035-0; 1n frame. $744 to $899; plans. $8; Width 22 ft. by 34 (1.; width over all, 30 ft.; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. Special features: Wide open veranda on three sides of house. balcony in front. Modifications: Stain could go up from kitchen or dining- room; the rear porch space used as pantry; the hall space en- larged by bay. See page 65. KITCHEN n-ur .238- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ROBROY COTTAGE.——Design1966 M; in frame. $561 to $690; plans. $|o; width 25 {1.6 in. x 34 ft. IO in; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. andg ft. (cut down to 4 ft. at sides.) Special featutes. Water dose! and basin on fiirst floor. See page 65. Ch. lelC‘ftQir. Kitchen . . a. 12ftx10ft6 nlnlng 2ftx14 ft I c - Ch. - Parlor 12 18ft?) “all 12.8x19ft8 x ~-239- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ' ‘ A careful comparison of the fifty plans herein with a like number in any other book will convince you that for origi- nality, completeness, convenience, practicability, beauty of out- line and general merit. these are not only uncxceled but un- by_anv other collection Dining R. 10. 2x10ft2 Kit. 7 . 2x1 Zin c1 iving Room 14ft21nx11ft10 "lllllllll IIIIIIIIIII Ill‘ um ans 717' LVN/N6 poo/v $552233 II'JHZ‘ /a'I.K/0‘l‘ _ ”All 3 n W: m» maze 2/7) x M-Z' It/v’xkl _'—‘"—- l.— OSHKOSH COTTAGE—Design 2-0; cost, $650 to $7 so; plans, $5. A very compact house. See. page 65. AN p a-sz —240- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ya ----- Waupaca No 2 design 5241. story heights . P. 8 ft. Plans $5. 9 and Kitchen Dining R. Chamber 10.4X14.10 llf‘txllf‘t clo “LEM! [F5— clo H3 1 Living Room 'Chamber A 1 f . 12ftx9ftli 15.4): o t8m Porch __]| See page 242. N I A ILAEK P ....... nurse-mu» turn 1 l Inusl «xv-um... x/ ------ \ cgg ggggg/p /'/,;/ fimM. fl/gré 6%gm 0/9417” yfiW/‘Jlrll @fl, 1 Mia/l M417 7/ WM cyMWJ/A/ / a 40/ by éMr/a 127W //u/ amt/ flu} flaffi: (4%;{0 _24|_ 4/ WW HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES NAUPACA COTTAGE— KIYQHEH ammo}: ,m mu- 111—” n _ 1‘ meg. R m .0. .4 __ :5“ C - tamo --—:;'~ .4 —- ‘ For Waupaca design No. 2 see page 241. 3772 Wflw/fi/w/m/ Jam 23 J c mom on Dagmar" ,r: 7} elfiff°W°L g/Z (Cu/[f c a EASY, Ass! ugh-n- June 30th 1 9. Herbert C. Chivers. Esq. . St. Louis. Mo. Dear Sir: Your poatal to hand some days since. The plms I. received from you were all right and satisfactory and makes a very neat and pretty house. The house was built on my farm acme ways in the country. When I think of it. will take Kodak with me and take some pictures. of the house. It presents a very pretty exterior. Yours etc.. £42“ 245 flax/MM HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BURTVILLE CO’I'I‘AGE.——Dcsign 9292 M; in frame; $793 to.$8.o49; plans. $10; width over all, 20 ft. Io in.; story heights. 9 ft. and 8 ft. full story. Special features; Compact roof arrangement, covering front and rear porch. See page 65 f,“ c" " / ’3 JKITcuzga g,gmxm \ P VEPA'H‘A I, ,__.1_, V. l ,., The plans which you prepared for my house are In every way satlstactory. Indeed. it gives me great pleasure to recommend you to any one who desire. I first-class architect as well as honest and prompt treatment. MRS. s. W. SPITLER. Wellington. Kan. — 2 43 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES TAMPA COTTAGE.—— ——Design x746M; in frame. $ 5° to $498; plans $7. 50; width 16 ft. (Sin. 1)) 28 ft. 2 in: stow heights 9 ft. ands ft. in the clear. Specialfentures: Simple étained shingle gables on side. Clean neat detail “Ork practical out of the way stairs F“ page 33. WWW WV 3va 5-3 $ t», q «Elmer IS 5 x I2 S Mill RM 1:2' -244— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS My R. IS'E‘X lS‘lU' ARTISTIC HOMES / ENERO.— Design 2351-N: coal in frame, $550 to $650; plans, 510. Specia! (natures: Combination inside and outside cellar entrance; 14% A 7;: ' fl/7CHf/V w 64/9/7559 I /5rv( /2Fr ' m. /0’Z’”x 5.40.517 UV/Ni (AV/M75132 W /5 "X AZ” /Z”X /2F7 ~245~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Janero No. 2 design 5246. story heights 9 ft and 8-H 6. Plans $10. See page 245. Kitchen 15ftx13ft Pan . Dining Roam lit: c-c 15x14ft7in / » cl clo Ch. 18. 6x12? Living Room 1.5f‘tx12i‘t SP 5 HADDONHELD RESIDENCE Design 9°62M; in frame. $1498 to $1699; plans. $20 story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. (full heights). See page 65. MM ‘5 l 5 “5.21:1 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHlTECTS 5 AW“: Anny. II: M 3115317 I'.‘ vamvue: AMLTMENT ‘ ‘Fn—ANa ‘ WATERBORO RESIDENCE ‘ H —.ponh " page? ._ C.CHFVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Yo}: may like the interior arrangement of one house and the exrenor treatment of another and we can generally combine the two deSIgns Into a clan to suit. \_ it; 10ft. u 2 a:-: = >< a a 3x ca an» 0 5» N n n. ma < xx A Q 1 0° h‘ 3“: a ‘ r-a an. E E~§ a" ’ m2»: "‘ 2.3.“. 1 ._ ow r r— tax o». ._ z r: . H ?< r :s- an ! 0 02 HH on ~ n:>< < a z o -m H.- mnu an. 9* x... 1/7 ‘ ERGER COTTAGE—Design 2100-N; cos! in name, $l,180 tc $1.390; plans. 310; story height. 10 ll. Space (or {our rooms , above. Special tenures: Attractive bay-shaped moms; con. 7 j venient bath-room; attractive porch; planing-mill omamemaxion. —248— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS I plans. $5; width. 29 {L by 51 ft: story heights. to [L and attic. Special features: Good flue connections. bay to te- caption mam. Modifications: Rear stain could be left out to make good servant’s room. See index (at Walla Walla Cottage ten'scd. Also have reversed plan No. 2. lanes design. with sums where balh now is. and bath in place of present Sllll's with {Ire—place to parlor omitted. with pantry when: closet Is. with closet where porch Is and with .1on rear pouch and closet to patlor Reverse plan No. 3. '1er Id Sec index for Wall: “all: No. 3. Walla Walla No! 4 Hull fiesign, same as above with bath-room In place of teat stairs andyamry where bath now is. with 13x15 dining—mom with stain In Same, with door lrom dining-mom to tea porch with kitchen door at rear. with fire-place to patio: In opposite to:- net Walla Walla No. 5. Cox desIgn same as above; 'llll no bay to paxlot.vilh sliding door, with wash-room in place of tear slatts. See page (ISA ~ BEL” a... C1 12 LIV PM {It 13X 13 15x11 0 Porch WILLA WALLA.—Design .7520 in frame, $699 In 3799‘" s it. NW6 1?” (”A/vale ’ #7? I4 '—_7' fl7XA52r \- 242102 95797”. /Z'7')l/"/0' // J “H prfi NDA we no: VNoflll _ QTHEET k. —l . 1 l . . ‘41- law I; z .u. l . | ._ an- _. STREET ‘ Mull \\ hr" mu 5 I.“ mud . . 'Ihui mo. L m. (we: and phr- W... When I me you (or the cottage dulm, poaa lbly you Inlatooi me for (hole II— 4nd acme one expecting ta bulld I am a bullder. not oneo builder-a4 aim that! ulpeal at. but Jun n vlaln nbevery—day ull.der I do Iota of handing Ihmng‘izl the country where l have” to draw vlanl. but not It] Inymeana. lhavemedtoexpla the lam Elana experienced architect many than.“ but many’ of them cannot see the create In tm- country a builds la scum-any expected!» tonne plan- and de- Ialla and look after the work In general. and Iota of patron do not aeem lo elr line and to which they an act mud. l have atudled over your dealt-Ia and mannaymlvlteyan vgoodcotugeplanauleveruw.—arry Kramer. (Bonded Milt-Illa. 0. ~249- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITE CTS ARTISTIC HOMES Walla Walla Cottage No.4 design 5250-A. See Hull design and description page 249. Story heights 9 ft 8 and 8. Plans $5. ._ _.‘ ........ Ch. 1123x15ft 3.3x15ft4 Q‘ :5 g . o n , ,c: H E ax O K O O ’5 u d‘ o '4 ‘ C ..—i . "4 a: S :< 1 x m N o N k i c H x 4 m ‘ 'H N m E b o o q 9 ‘ -r-1 CH C H ‘ 3 H m m 3 m ' H m 4r) J -H CH (0 if) Walla Walla Cottage No. 2 design 5250-8, See Lones description and exterior page 249. Story eight: l0 ft. Plans $5. “250- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS A\ I? "T I 55 1— I (I f1 () NA IE 55 KITCHEN BOB-l DINING 2. Isfno' EVANmN COTTAGE. R‘ECP T. fiv PARLOIZ .1 3‘. n: .3 in! Design 2 242~U H.A.COREY Dry Goods. Notions, Shoes Lehi¢h, Iowa, June 33. 19 ‘ . Heriert C. Chivers, St. Louis, :m. Dear Sir - The plans we got from you proved about as good an investment as we ever made and the building far exceeds my expectations. Hundreds have told no that we have the beat arranged residence in Fort Dodge. It is a grand looking building and looks to coat considerably more nonay than it really did, and is different from anything ever built there. We have never had one person find fault with it, simply, because there is no chance to do 30. Got plans from a ood ; architect, save money. ana 59E sometning to { suit van. is nv advise to anyone building. in nkirg you or your prompt and pleasing ways of doing business, I ' . HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ~451't— I ‘ P013. Kit. Roof F: 11-5X ' 13ft ,, OJ (1/ ”l t Pan u- “? llll H. tlh. J H‘ Ch Evanston Cottage No. 3 design 5252-A. story heights l0 and 9 ft. width 45 ft. Plans $l0. ‘la VA —‘-—""—’“—'—r ~4— Evanston Cottage design 5252-3. story heights l I ft and 8 ft cut down to 5 ft side walls. Plans $l0. 1-2X Hall 16X14ft | 'L‘ l. C h. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. KRCHIT'ECTS /\ I? 'I'l E5 1r 1 (I I1 () IVI [5 Si ..d:o»«n¢..-z 2:3»: / A, story . story heights '0 wImHNuInH «863“ 93:: .oom NIEHMHInN «Goa $553 «HKnInH uonfiano czumfifl SE 95.3 , "In Hum-6H uhnqain .E 9559 :8 (2 a «8348+ 559.3% :6 Alleghany Cottage No. 3 des: 5253- heights In See page 254. Pins $IO. ARCHITECTS n 5253-3 6 cut to 4 ft 6. Plans $l0. g ~253— CHIVERS C0. Alleghany Cottage desi heights '0 ft and 8 ft HERBERT C. ARTISTIC HOMES $2.200; plans, $10; width over all, 44 ft. 10 in.; story height, 10 ft. and 8 ft. attic. Special features: Well-ventilated rooms; large pantry; unique reception-room; wide porch. Modified plan No. 2; plans. $10; same exterior with rear stairs and bath located where pantry now is, size 13x15 in; also modified plan No. 3; price. $10; McIntyre plan No. 3, with fire-place in reception—room and living-room _only. with rear chamber enlarge to 13x14 ft. extending to kitchen.with large closet, with 15x12 ft. kitchen extending into present pantry space with an extra chamber where bath-room now is, with bath and rear stairs between chamber and kitchen. estimated to cost $3,500. For modified plan No. 4. see Thurman design. BED R 1+X13 BED R 15X8 PARLOR 15X13 .R 4ft HALL O KITCHEN 14X13 PORC 8-f RECEPT 15X12 LIVING 13X18 PAN 5X1 8ft VERANDA PANTR 6ft PORC —Z54— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. "ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES [I'lHHq' SJ MW! 1“ n I? ' .‘nanpnnnuu Ch. 16.9x15.9 5.9x18.6 Parlor 15.9xl4. Eltoro design 5255. story heights 9-H 6 and 8. Fflans $| 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES M I L ‘ a: - I- 2 . 3H3; “yylll'l' 3% "'1" | A, rt ‘ t .' L: t I t“ ‘1”, 7 “ I ’ , ~ * I _ A M w 7,..muu‘xx7tzcgwfm j“ - “MBA PARLOR 80" I 27ft J“: DIIIIO ROOM 23ft x 151’!- min CHAMBER 2ft 1 lbflo W 16ft I lift cum 162'- ! 12!‘ UGGVILLE COTTAGE—Design l781-N;cosx. $1,292 to $1,342; planleO. Special features: Large dining~room; bay-shaped rooms give good ventilation; servants‘ room convenient; large :\" s-toot veranda: attractive gambtil tool gable. -256- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $1 0. Chamber 15x15 1— Chamber Reccp't Parlor J‘MB 6 I Han 14x13 6 I 8—6x1 Veranda .==.. 00:. Clifton Springs Cottage desngn 5257. See opposite page 258. Story heights I 1 ft The Onbam cum Bank, nun. Ila-m ::I.:~ tc'vklv. my." we .f’cofiferatm' Oct. am 9. Herbert C. Chivers. Architect. St. Louis. No; Dear Sir:- Replying to your letter of recon. can. would say that the Plans which you made for the tin business blocks and one residence, taro entirely satisfactory. 1 an especially pleased with the exteriors, gidtcansider than the most attractive huildlngs in this part of the l 0‘ Should J do any bulIding ha the future, I vii! certainly cansult with you in regard to the latter. Yours truly, ~25 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Sig. 9 ARTISTIC HOMES I like yéur' plan: very much. L. L. MORSE. Dlgby. N. J \ \ \ LlF’l‘ON spRiiiGs COTTAG ‘p‘a‘t $1,652; very complete plans. SE). story height, 11 it. riDesign 89-N; cost. $1,592 to Suitable for a Southern house; Also Clifton Springs Not 2. Warrenton de- sign, in stone. p!ans, $10; with porch on leversed side. with rear A} ball, with bath opening onto rear hall. Also Cliltun Springs No. 3, Atkinson design. plans. $10; same as above, reversed, with larger rooms; parlor wherelront chamber is. size, 1-1.6le it; with chambers 15x16 it. and 15x15 ft. in size. with doors from each opening onto a side porch. with rear stairs going up from attic. Pier foundation; general dimensions. 40x55 it. 34910.0 /5"0'X/§ 6' VirGOA’flfl (kW/VIM? l4 '6 "A74 V0 (HA/V56? /4"{')(/4 '70" HERBBR-T C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 1r I Si 1F I (3 r1 C) no If 55 "tuuunuwlwnnunan i3 - H W E gfiwu‘mrflmlmr‘“ ‘ ,(1 ~ ‘ "‘“ M ‘ \, [ flfiiiilg‘flmi"l{mvag - :7 s, W ._3 ¥ ".125; , '.—n‘ Dining Pm. : ‘ 15—7 17-~ - Kitchen | -=-3 "x O “‘13'%;.: .E w .: mu 593 6% Jan:— ”mmmw 9 03% .oEuc E "Econoo. :ESQI.MC<:OU Z>>OF>¢0} ‘2 z a >0 - ~o H. *_ m 2:: at: ».,l w an - H ,‘z u: z» , >‘N 5H E; v.9 E" H (TL-4 no El .4- II 12" N :K <; r‘ 00 2:0 . o. "‘ r1 " —I ILEWISBURG COTTAGE—Design 2396M; cost in frame $1,892 to $2.290; plans $10. See page 65. -263- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES $1,800; plans. 310. Special Ieatures: Large veranda; large rooms; convenient bath-room; amactive exterior: economical ‘ porch roof. A good Soulhern cottage. >—_ .— k cums unu- "°“" 12m: x mm 15". a un ”R" DIIIIO RON “mu“ an x 12h 13ft x lM’I ”(‘12 l 11h. 61h “1'3““ 9mm _, 10-! l loft 13ft x leK v { — 264 4? HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS l\ I? 1‘ I 55 1' I (2 r1 () ha If Si KITCHEN 5A1 DINING R “ PARLOR iS-EXll- IS—PXIS 15-2X14 Emu“ [H a l \ :ZFCH t ké CHAMBEP CHAHBER § lVXlS 13x12 PWRClIm O 6 fi SAGOLA COTTAGE—Design 2256M; cost in frame $1.- 293 to $1.398: plans $10. See plge 65.’ PARLOR 15x13-6 :'13ch H 11ft VERANDA -265- mARINET’I‘E RESIDENCEE-Design 2257.0; cost in frame $1,692 to $1.780; plans $10. See Allegheny Connge. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES '- :1" L U.” H I ‘11 "III-mm «Inn-min! Inlnnmn If" I! . Kitchen 2'5 “"425 20x18ft “' ‘* ”Ex—3:“ I "3‘ éfiwo ‘ Chamber - 35* 3;; Ea; ; 15ftx10 /— F :5: 0:“(‘5 , . 5 A 5'33m . K1 Chen : E E fags Z — 14- lei‘t E 3 m 0.. . B. 7 .4 1,5». m - - _ ._m¢q I u A .1 .:E ”'00-; ’ d I :— , ' . ‘ P ;_§2§V’§ ; Chamber : a g; gggg ; 20ftxlf> 3 3 -9._., . Wu"'-‘ . . ' 2 gag-5:;3 szng Room 1 3 - :1 LV- ‘ ': oggggg Zlfixle‘t f ;: Ea... “°§ f, «:5 QQP‘?‘ E i§5§25 ‘.—‘ 3“I§T€.S"‘ 5 =88>§5 “ROLE. Z «Ce-INS ;- '2 g ”E g 3 E “- qleLft .3 cacti“: ‘- i0 gh's‘gcce .. 4V0 NU! '1" 'U-—-U ‘0 :1 ozEzuo : Samoa- ._ vamau ~ ~ ~E9~3 3‘ 3a.! a : g~t§$ as £53353 Hesemsckygi5266.aow‘hdgms 9h 6. A sout em cottage. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTIsrTIc HOMES / Q (I: E1 (85 Porch '0‘ l , D: \ <11 : N Jitchen Chamber Chamber 3 3-5: 12;": 12ft?” 3ftX12 m t: % «g—opposite page 268. Story heigfls '0 l, :Pafi; K F In I L.z'/{ m “ Dining 39- Reception Sittingm , Hall I2X25—4 , IY 15ftXI4ft Parlor 13—6x14ft Kernersville Cottage No. 2 desi $l5. L’\ F E 3.?” 6 o fi3_c ’? E? ; S 2'17 ‘ 0 . Dining Room Hall Sitting R 35% 13”” 12x25-4 137-14 6N U o - 33° —_‘—' 2:. '5' E 2 3'$ g 8:“ ~267' :4 8‘4) ARCHITECTS HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. rp - ‘ ARTISTIC HOMES , ERNERSVILLE COTTAGE. 7 Design 9298-N; in frame, $1,095 to $1,280; plans. $15; story height. 10 ft. Special learures: Large central hall; attractive cut-shingle exterior. Kernersville No. 2. Violet design. parlor and library 13.6xi4 in; kitchen and bhamber 13.6x12 (L; sliding door between reception hall, sitting-room and dining-room; lire-place (or rear chamber; porch across rear; pier foundation. Kernersville Plan No. 3. Waerner design, stone house. 13x28 It. central hall; library and parlor,12.6x151t.; dining~room and chamber, 15x14 fr; three rear rooms, 12x12 lt.; no lire~places in parlor and library; 11 it. 6 in. story heights. ?‘AR L01 The COTTAGE BED R BED R 1 '3 x11 14x1 5 [lave yaufigured 'aut tho blessings 1" *8 I‘Ch Ofa home t/mt‘s all your 0105, BED R RECEPTION Of a cozy little cottage 12X]. 3 HALL Thatbelonga to you alom‘? \F“ ' ' ' Don't you feel a trifle shzflleas an (I TCHPfi DI N H At the rent days go and came, 1 2 XI 1 "j '14 X15 *, . u a”- I That your littla ones—your loved ones I Haw no really. truly home? -Sa.1'ton '268- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS' A\ I? 'I' I 55 'l' I (Z I‘I 1:) l\4 If 55 . ‘ ,. . 9-. HOW u I v.6 x 6112 \\ ‘ _ 1: 5 hi H KITCHKI ’ m E— 9“. x 111': 3% _L E . {"44 :3 aMrL: 34; 2:: - a r =-— . if f DIIING R0031 GNAMBSR 151‘: x 151‘: lift I Jun. 10 'I' IANK \ p $10 1,, CHAVJZR 2ft2 x 11ft6 WOOS’I‘ER RESIDENCE.— ' l . $1,892 to $1.920, p ans $1 5 “mm 17“ x 12ft. L FORD. MERRILL 8‘ CO. Herbert C. Chivers', qu. . St. Louis. Mo. Salena.Kan.. Sept. 22, 1 9. Dear Sir:- . I have just cmpleted my residence, constructed mder yum plans Ho. 1810. We are proud to own the hmusomut and most. complet home of its size in Kansas and cheerfully atLest to your geniou‘s as n Architect. It pays to have a compezen‘. architect. Yours truly, w J” .269- (9/! .JA QJ'Nso HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS lit F? 'l’ I 55 'I' I (: I‘I (I) l\4 [3 Si @EREsco RESIDENCE. —Design 1848M stone and tram: $2 980 to $3 240; plans 5‘ ,f I L ‘ 1a poncn Ju- I l . .‘L n o l“ City of Kalamazoo, c H. GLEASON. Michigan. Cm Clerk. 8. C. (Shivers, Esq.. 6/33/95. St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir:- Your letter is just at hand. Have not built from the plans secured of you yet. I know of no reason why thay should no! work all right. I would noL mum of building “than having plans to wars 1““er I have no fault to find with your plans, or methods of doing business: Ihlch arc honost. prompt one busxnesa-like. ' Respectfully, -270-©. Jb.©iba~ \9 Q9 fix “é cRE\'l.—Design 52-0; cost. $1.290 to $1,380; size, 35 It. 6 in by 5: ft ; story heights. 9 ft. 2 in. Plans, $ro. Design similar to New Orleans Cottage on page 168. See page 65. Crevi No. 2, Latham design, same arrangement as above, except roxr; rear chamber is used {or bath, _ 784 , _ Continued on page 283 “ _ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES \ 1E \ “ ‘s I [p i , L» L “/7 , \. MY Font .. ,- ’9‘, 7- , E l -. 31’]; / g . 1.21 . ~ .n. .It 1] _7;. 7—— —- . 19/ 5 ' HM" . HIM-hr” HM ‘|.| ‘ ,z,‘ Cumberland design 5285, slory heights '0 and 9 ft. This design has Marleboro design roof. See pages 333 and 334. Plans $10. I: Am m4! New“! “-13: Mum Lough: o! you—W 1. Edwards, Union City. nu. ‘1': —285- HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Penrhyn design 5286 (See Norman Cottaoe) story Plans $l0 '» Dining, .\. 131‘le145’. " u I lec '1‘311 ‘ -1;~-gx15 ur. - 14.1x15. in 331] 3x18 estb RNA-12L“ n15 xlS- -6 , Q DFVON' RESXDENCE —Dcsign 106.1,“; ) ‘ - i =;::~ ‘ . , _ —... L50 H to $2.898; plans, $251widzh. 38 {1. H m. J— HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HA... T’ ‘ #%Vu§ Inn: 7 ‘ VF) me IV *\ _ A ¢fiATEAV - Ciarendon desxgn 3287 MIN) 30 ft. Wide, invmng from, story heights 8 ft. Plans $5 Siiver Lake Cottage No. 4 design 5287-A, 9 ft story. See 332. '287‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES J Pan-I, '7 [82 x I? I J. E 2.3% 24 ¢JRKI§'5 Chamber lZXIB-IO Chamber Chamber c 12x11-1 11-5x11c Design 2039M; See page 65‘ [LAKEVIICW CO’I"I‘:\GI~‘..—l)esign 1040-0; Cosx in "awe. $7.34 to $880; plans, $5; width. 40 11.; story lucighls. () ft. with side walls cut down by roof to 5 fl. 6 in‘ See page 05. I I: Roof :l front. Plans $5. Lakeview Cottage No. 2, design 5288, wide. clean-but L Plans 55. nox '2 c . lu/v’l M1 H lEEQILK I ~ «m a. . .Ii'xlB-Q- )Zxxs PORCH Parlor . E l 12x18—10 :cffu‘m Sitting " a Room Porch 12x15 "288- HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS H O M E S Plans$Zi , Il— 14x1 ' [12215-5 “101125: BOUBLE HOUSE... Design um; 'Fli WOUAN'S HIGAXINE lull-DYNF. HERBERT c. cmvefls " 289 “ ~ARcmTec1’ - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Sig.10 ARTISTIC HOMES KITCHEN . 11x15 ' PANTRY / ‘\q DINING ROOM I 20x14 Buff: LIVING ROOM 16x24 PORCH -290— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 0.851.125?! 2ft )4 121‘: ——~_._T__—___ nw2:‘_l I V mm _______~_ __%§vmm ,3 :CRAH COTTAGEr Design 2m-o; cost in lrame, 8692 lo $740; plans.$5. Spemnumes: Neat. elm-m ammw: mum; larg: pajxt). .‘Jcnce it: s:r..;.1:c.xyoi us: design and ye: ah Hacuvcskvkney Zorah Qottage No. I design 529 l —A. story height 9-fl 6. lans $3. i Chanber 12XI3 1; Closet Yorch F: [ 1H! m IE? Kitchen 9 X 8-6 H 1-1-6 V 'u-G Bnck Forch :le \ ”2’. \ Zcrah Cottage No. 2 design 5291—3. S’ory height 9~ft 6, width 29 ft. Large, well-lighted bay shaped parlor. Plans $5. — 29! — HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ Austin design 5294, story 9-ft 6, w Neat, attractive stained shingle efiec't. Plans $10. E 15-6x13-6 Parl‘é r 15x16-4 L - -—PUBUC BUILDINGS- In»: :3.“ sun-e}. «Imam nun-g. mam. mm“ L=- anda :52...4.3mm::1:::::.~.:::;:‘ ' " Ean IS-lel I dun. Chamber m 10 cl 0 13-51(11—3 Dining Room I idth over all 42 ft. = :1 thumb” Chwrtbcv 12-9“: HERBERT C.CHIV£RS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES __—. ‘_\ ____I_. l Il‘l' run" a n. __ “L fill lfl | r j." "mull“ INN! ""Wlll "F3117 '\ Union, Mo. July 20. [9 Herbert C Chiversr Architect. LOUIS. Mo Dear S".— Rrplyxng to your favor of the 12th ms: ask- lng how I am azlisficd with plans, etc.. will state [Lat I (ould nor be Induced to build wilhout- spcclal plans prepared by you. Your advice alone durlng the preparation of (he preliminaly vlans has ben- xlnallzablt to me; and sum: the crtfllon of my rendcnct, I now am assured that you hurt durected me in a most thorough manner, ln all mautrs pertaining to the economi- 7 (2| arrangrmen: of plan, lmproved methods ol ‘7 Dining Room construct-on, moderrl deslgn. etc. 4 _ d “2‘1 My bulldlng l5 and lo show up In sue. work- ‘ manahup and damn better than some which have cost almost double the amount. and it is 1 18-5114 1 112 {- Pa rlcr h_J—=—-=J I. generally admired and favorably tommented up- .3— Pan q \ I on by all. I would nol bulld again without we. clally prepared plans for n“ llmca lhclr rosl. 15214-3 Veran‘a Yours sincerely. (Clrcul! Clerk) JOHN C WEIMER \:Jl Prescott design 5293. width over porte-cochere and all 64 ft, story heights l l-ft 6 and 9-ft 6. Plans $l 2. Ll :2 Chamber office 16xl4'6 10x20—10 cgamber — Balcony Chamber 10-6210 .4" P 15x194 Balcony _____J A l HERBERT C. CHI'VERS C0. ARCHITECTS - NO FREE SKETCHES- SPECXNLLY 4!“ ur infirm I‘w .-, lecis uhn pm E m z: - v» u . ~ variabty I what you rcu‘lu‘, or t c ‘ and must mcn‘lizrge vi‘wr cx lhcrcfor Living Room 17xlE-6 AV‘L Veranda Tulon design 5294, width 43 ft. story heights 9 and. 8 it. Large commodious living room. with hide fire- place. Large front chamber. Combination front and rear stairs. Large porch. Plans 3'0. ’94 HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES on snnplc manna“, m ralhcr than much ‘ z , as [he lack cl (he \c [Gill'd the appearance :3 27 g.— . _ R Ch. Dxn1ng 00m 9x15ft 20ft10inx13fc, a — :-'--’-I jREC . fl Parlor 23'5“,” 16£tx13£t "' l/ “P - 41ft - Vomnda I Thc dining-room should br lavgv and \ L n [:1 Chemuckla design 5295,5t0ry l0 fl. Large dining room. Two chambers and bath on first floor. neat. ‘- . IO. altractne front Plans $ __ 295_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS x-muplvtw} ln lhr Bungalow Is rho pms [why of (omlunmg economy In ms! with PORCH KITCHEN DEN I a 'H q » q ‘ X 1‘ l“ 3 ~ CHAMBER . PANTRY C‘ "‘ r: 10 x 5-6 “0' c _ ‘ ' " E3- 2 3’ f. 5.17: _ = DINING Room ;. 21mm 300;: S no L9 3 12 x 14' 3‘. 11’ X1?” ‘3 I O J. E Spat 4: 5 U " C O E I _- g SHAMBER g VERANI‘A 24 x 7' 12 x 13~E' ; 1 l Art Bungalow daign 5296. story height l0 ft. At- tractive sleeping balcony. Plans $ l 0. -— 2%- HERBERT C.CHIVE_RS CO. ARCHITECTS - ARTISTIC HOMES 6. Plans Chambe ll-Gzl clcs L? d ".759 wlw see: only l/Ie first outlay 7511/ live to have more bills to pay." Rccf 23x9 Storage Room ETBSct Ch ,12x17 1 .297— Sunmerlnd daign 5297, width over all 48 ft. Two chambers agd‘ 88th on first floor, story heights IO and 9-fl HERBERT-C. CHIVERS co. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ,1 Dining Room F 19.2 x 12ft u = ~ 4; m _Plans $ I 0. cm” ( r5?! 15tthls Chamber *‘1 (-7 _ x , 15mm ' == gT: , 2: __v Hall '\ E Parlor éhamber 15mm; ans; 15ftx12 \ 12 5* - ~ 46ft6 ~ » - Porch “298“ Carbon plan. See exterior page 3 I 3. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HO'MES long 331:. No.3 d5; n 5299-A, story heights 9 h 6, km , Q P! [:00 PATH P CHAMPEF h 13 x15' u CHAMBER 15 x11 R00? p 1m ‘01? sueld '915 982d euol 59$ '91; l 01 5°01 39 uMOP \ Plans $ l 0. L9 1 Kitchen ‘ 13f16x10f: Sec Elsdon page 3| 7. Elsdon Res. No. 3 design 5299-8. story heights 9 ft 6 ,I and 9 ft. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES a ] C] ‘ a K '11!!! (/7 n4»- ” D‘N‘NGK E] n 0%?) ”u" nmxus. lail- P a HRMMDA . . .- 17“”! g ' . - . COTTAGE... Design Ins-0; size 26x 25 h. 6in.: nary heights. 9 Mad 8 R; _ Ipecinl kulutu; chn- H " X 'D W pact plan; lull uory lover room; phnl 510: SE: b:)>a~ // P BEA—ow 041sz [C1 0: mNrEv "7"?” All/5’61“” 1242402 /2"/0"x/( ” mix/037 #444 BUFFALO x mmuwm RFSIDENCE Plans 525- BUFFALO RESIDENCE—Designs: 31M. — _‘=‘ “o (IVA/v6“) (ll/M1652 ”Ur-x 9";- /J "f”x l4 " up 0 tb— Mu 4’” "O ‘0 2 IS "4 ~ 7 , (HA/VJ]? r 694/766? l3”4”’x/6” 45"xowxa" Armand: Cottage. See Bud H": A b ‘ “ [fag/D924 g ‘5’ 1W2.“ m w ~300- _ ‘ i _ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS I,“ REMPSDALE RESIDENCE—Design Sc620. cost in (rams. $800 to $11398; size 26 ,\ 35 ft. A very 300d house for Sf‘CuhKiOn. Pians $10 wzlh water close! on eaCh floor and ‘arger pantry. See page 65. rT—I .JL 2 303+ 14114 Living 90:] Kitchen - 3 :10 l 12x14 Pantry Chamber Mitzi: Chamber 12x14 14214 ChlnEer 14114 12210 I -30l- Lem sdalc Cottage No. 2, design 530i, story heights P 9-ft 6 each. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES EVIPORT COTTAGE. Design 1042+} » pians. 55; width. 29 IL 4 m. b} '23 h. 1 Special immrcs: Vlcll-venn‘swd Fwy-shaped looms; large cen- tral rooms; umque dcsxgn; amacnve‘ archcd porch; very unique. Dining R ’ 12-6x15 Recepuon H 13-93(13-9 Newport No.2 daign 5302, story 8-ft 6 and 8 ft. Plans $5 _302 _ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BELLEVILLF, RESIDENCE,— _-Dr:uzn 960-0; Plans SI 5. _ — igfiélm Slxl IISXQ Plans 5 I I0. EVGLIZLWOOD aRESHWNCE—Uesign 871M; cost in I Plans $IS, Chamber 7303‘ CAMPBELL RESIDENCE—Design boqpli HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES The plans made by you were all right In deslgn. ete.-—W. 8. Human. Jop~ 1m. Mo. //¢| . '-"" "25 11"6\éi-n' but“!!! * —» QOUNTRY HOME. Design loos—O; in frame. $3,390 to $3.760; plans. $25; story height 19 ft. Special features: Large reception hall. semi—circulaji parlor. 13 ft. 4 in. by 16 fl.; hall, 13 ft. by 20 k; library, 13 ft. 4 in. by 16 ft; dining- room, 15 ft. 4 in. by 14 IL; kitchen, 13 ft. 4 in. by 16 (L; chambers all. 13 ft. 4 in. by 16 IL. with the emepnon of small chamber, 9 ft. by [0 ft. See page 65. Plans $25. F..........‘,..I“....58f.h6 ............. .,3 V4 _ _ _ : .. — —* = mmn 5‘ : ""Hl“d Pan , I E I 1i! . Ch. 5 upxit Dm-R- 5 Ch. - I3.6x I § 14.8xE15x19 I 3 14x16 W; 5ft : E ~ 5 : ‘ '=‘ c Ic . ~ ' I ' . k .- - ; v 1 a x . ; —9- - : iv 1-. 1°, \{ Ch. u Ch. «‘ Library ' Recfial fig 13 i>|15x13J C d 16.6x15 I 19.6x15 20x18.6_ / __ 9.61“ _ / “ _ ' ‘ 1 in“. '- Balcony -304‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC 'I‘IOMES I‘? 4 \ \ \. ,7 5 5 . my I“ , fl .¢’V:—’I'Zl./I :5" :j x J? ’ \ 5: ~ :5: 55 55; 5: NINIII ALL R1: 51m NCE —Design 100.;014M cost $2095: to $2 499 plans, $20; size 29\37; Special features large bay on Side. combmation stairs. attractiw exterior. good comer See page 65. lot design. 2000/ 000 505 .000 0 PAPAOQ 0 43¢ x .’6 1 0 -305- :n\ J \ 5‘” ‘ IVI' _ .5; fl: . I. \ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ELKHORN CO'l"l‘AGli.—Design 100.023.“; plans. $20; 0051162151 to $2306; size 28.6y37. width over all 34 fl; spec. in] features: attactrve exterior. large reception hall. side en- trance. ' O (HA/V55? /2'6‘X/5" #PZKZ‘W/O/Y/K .. /3-‘6"X/a' ezo§ 2:420, ”96% O JIA r ~306~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS : ARTISTIC HE EMPLOYED AN ARCHITECT E made a fortune buying lots, Converting them to pretty spots. And building pleasant homes to sell— For Roycroft always builded well, Substantial, healthy, handy homes; With arches. gables, peaks and domes. Piazzas. oriels and handsome towers, Hall hidden in the trees and flowers. Each house was varied from the rest— Like pretty women, nicely dressed. He scarce could hold a house till done. For at least two buyers sought each one. OW Roycrofl: did it, none could learn; He was so very taciturn. When dying, Roycroft told his spouse- The secret' “When you want a house. Secure an architect at once." (He who hires himself, adunce employee.) The architect may make one door Serve where you might put in four or more. He, knowing laws of heat and light, Devices rooms so all are bright. Cuts windows just the size and where. They yield the utmost light and air. pROVIDES for all things ample s ace, Keeping everything in proper p ace; Learns what you want before he starts. Saves adding costly little parts. Remember. it is not the size— Arrangement makes the home we prize. Outside he moulds the charm of “style" From basement to the topmost tile. He requires material enough, Describes the proper sort of stuff. Everything is clearly specified. 80 it is fair to either side. WHAT is experiment with you, He knows precisely how to do. What can be done, with what effect; What not to do, how to select. Saves steps for housewives’ weary feet. Supplies control of cold and heat, No house designed with reckless haste But with distinctiveness and taste. No tearing-down and building twice. With "changes" at a fancy price. Your house will rarely cost you more Than you have calculated on before. THE first house I built, I recollect. I had an smatuer architect. And many often asked me what Had happened to that vacant lot. Was it an air-ship that had lit 0r simpl an architectural mis-fit? l patche that house and there it stood Reflecting on the neighborhood, Till Providence, in righteous ire. Redeemed its ugliness with fire. My buildings. subsequent, were wrought On paper first, with thorough thought. HERBERT C. CHIVERS HOM-E-S HE architect is a prophet who fullilll his own pre- ’ - dictions. He foretells the 3‘— cxact iormation oi a palace or a cottage, a church orasky~scrap~ er where there is only vacant ground. He conceives to the minutes! detail a structure while yet the stone is in the quarry. the bricks are but clay and the lumber is in the tree. Be- lore a dollar has been expended in segregating these materials he has counted the cost and announced the day on which the building will be ready for occupancy. His client, beholding that the ar- chitects iormer predictions have come to pass, trust him implicitly and provides the means by which the conception oi the design shall come into being. James Russell Lowell says in the Bigelow Papers: “Don't ever prophesy unless you know,"and here is where it is important to select an archi:ect who knows. Guess work in building does not pay. Guessing at cost guessing at time, guessing at appearance and solidity are expensive weaknesses in an architcct, that is for the man who pays the bills. My success is due to my ability to submit a design which embodies the ideas oi my client wrought into a plan beyond his conception. My accumulated information, corrected to date, may be relied upon by every client when a positive order is given in advance, thereby justifying my personal at- tention on matters of exact cost. design, plan arrangement, etc. it is to this accumulated inlorma- rion and my stat! of thoroughly- trained assistants that I owe the posrtion which I occupy in the pro- lession. Each man assistant in my employ being a specialist, thoro- ughly competent and reliable in the performance oi the task assigned to him. _30 7 '- ARCHITECTS C0. ARTISTIC HOMES I—c TROY RESIDENCE—Mgr: ting—M; In name ;i .300 to K” $2,000; in brick $2,600 m $3.500; plans $25. See plan on up ’ posit: page. lg] DIN/HCP/V If“??? Plans $25. ’1 O 0 mm” ['5 u D ’L'CWX//" . 044 D '\ g ‘3' 9 D a 913pr y O U /Z"K/7" any; ”Manx/2" - (M4455? - Pam/”(fl a QB O o , .1 H Vamp/5! '7 flaw- D /Z”,'(/ ” Plans $25. arm/52:" asp /Z”X I4 "' ‘L 1 CF Design 1003M: HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS AR‘TISTIC HOMES a PlansSZO. b5 Hon gaunt. I _ I 2 CHAMELR 5? In x13 CMFEER n4'x 13 vaCr-‘CN 15 a'xs ma‘xur H EHAMSEQ 2 12 EX ‘3 .: CHAMBER \ CLUSEY .‘ ‘1 . I5 ICW-BER ‘ EHAMEE"? .34'xxz' [up-3K- .sa um . M :5 _,A. PARLCR 15+)“: WECP H Plans $1 5 SEED ND'STDRY ETNA RESIDENCE.7—__I)csign 3765:; in 0mm: cxove REIDENCE.—Design ms nu; Phgng AB3VE' ~309— o HERBERT C. VCHIVERS CO. ARCHITE ARTISTIC HOMES Ch Plans $|O 11x”. ' “xv“ flflIEMENsmLE COTTAGE.—Desig1 9070M Stun»: “((lexmvu. I‘m- dun A. SL'CK. Vim-Pm: u \\ [“2leer I li M-Iiltu. \i» l \ LN" JQW 1%” “:2” “L 762%,],ch Mg qr“ ‘ My CHIVERS CO. HERBERT C. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES The plans you sent were correct in every respect and the work on item some. thing ‘0 be admired. IRA LAUT. Wenona. Ill. R00!| nk PITCHZI 12.”. x 11:J DIIIIG noun rift 61- x I!!! CH 16ft: x l‘fC i E —/ and g g 1 HALL k: PARLQ: ' “no x 16!: 9 nu : 12" an: 1 "5mm , ———3 ' :1 EVRUNSWICK RESIDENCE.— Design lQOS-N; cosl, $1,180 to ‘ .5; $1,390;plans, 510. Special features: Convenient bath-room; "" large dining-room; neat exterior; attractive chimneys Ind dormer A windows; large bath-room. 53H" ! HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES W .41 .. leleLL_ _ ”5v Law“ “-‘5 QAKLEY COTTAGE—.Design 1213M; size. 23 n. c. in. by 31 ft. 6in.; story heights, loft. and 9 ft.; special features: Nook. Side entrance. large reception hall, attractive exterior; cost, $1,269 to $1,398; plans $10. See page 65. The special plans. specifications and full site details were we! worth the in- vestment and I would not build without plan: tox- ten time. their coat 0. E RUOKER. Ohecouh l. T. D Q 0 taken? COO I’ZAPA/YPA I‘d ' MI! -3|2- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS L_ ARTISTIC HOMES ‘V‘m ' I Plans §5 ' a U Bed 2 ' 11—4: Rm 12ft ._.A 'Eaa. Plans $IO. See plan page 293: 5: // ’313’ Pnsmzwup COTTAGE—Delign 19130; HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS OMES , \f/ Plans $25 m [111an [E1 Y... 7?: 'eETLL L7 Chaim-er MV , ,. ELYRIA.——Design 8255M; HERBERT C,CHIVERS CO. ARCHI'TECTS ARTIS‘TIC HOMES ,é REMCNT COTTAGE.*Deszgn 1959AN;in1rame, 5998 to $1,240; plans, 55, math, 23 IL 10 in. by 28 II. 2 in.; story heights, 9 n. 6 'n. and 9 (I. cut down by too! at walls to 5 f2. 6 in. Special lea- lures: Largc spacious Lung-zoom; neat simple exterior. firm ll-T-‘K i3 + /.,_::_/_ I7 E- x (5+ ~315— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. AR’CHITECTS ARTISTIC’HOMES We moved into our new home In .Ogt. We are well pleased. A great many people admire our home and think it artistic and beautiful. JOHN S. MORRIS. Westport Ind. '\ iiiLilLllllil 17X16 u; 14X16 BED R ED R :i 17X13 14X14 I? _<1 VERANDA .. R o 3 ‘F‘ EDON RESIDENCE—Design 1927-N; cost in frame. $1,492 to $1.590; plans, 310. Specie] features: Amlclive landing it suits; wide veranda; bay to parlor; good closel space; combina— tion stairs ~316- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HERE is one way. and one way only, to dcmrmincexactly T what a home “1" cos! a! a particular time in a gn'en_lo« calily. and that IS In get the actual bids lrom responSIble builders based on complete plans and specifications. [ \ xncnn 15m x anon mmo ”a L / : do cum lane 1: m6 . g 15!“ x was . I: . 1]] “WW . Mu. _J”—’ mznxu may. um x 15w ' lane I 16!! ”‘0‘ " \ m . 1° \ 1 uno : umm E —3l7_. a; LSDON COTTAGE, Design l784-N; cost in lramc, 3 1,040 to :3 $1.289; plans. 510; story heights, 9 n. 6 in. and 9 (L; full story; no cut-o" o! ceiling by root. Special tenures: Bath-room close to kitchen; large lull-story rooms on second floor HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ ONA RESIDENCE: ~Design 1532-N; cost in frame, $1,459 to A $1,789; plans. $15; width. 30 k. 4 in.; width over all, 36 in; story .3 hcights, 9 It. 6 in., cut down at root to 7 it. 6 in. Special features: V 54:») Large reception hall. m: 3/ H I FflRCN PAN A: P ‘ 7 E v? K|TCkE\' '— I5+ we . cunuyz 1mm: R23" “‘“9‘” Iasxa E ‘ Ianna Iéfllhs ‘ I. J: HALL lstxzse , /’ puma fl cyAnggn ‘::‘ I5 5 I IS —— ‘~—z_$l A HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC. HOMES Lego P)3N Ch. H. . l 751mm 15-0x14 E BATH act-ULIBE;§P li-flxlzft u 41mm :1 leLxle Dining R. 13 ftx14f1; _12x13.o necu +_|Porch 5 n up ,, 1'2 67‘0 L wuzfi k---------uwuos------->. ‘ 1 ”nun Rama-1 J sxvvmo In: nlsv nu- m05COW.—Plan No. 3; cost, $1,300 to $1,600; plans, $25. See pages 596 and 65. —3l9~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Moscow COTTAGE—Design 1553-0; in'frame, plan No. I. $1.298 to $x.499; plans. $10; width cver ell, 45 ft. 6 ;‘ in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in.; full story in tower. Special features: Plain. well-proportioned exterior; easy to build;free E from “gingerbread” and excessive ornamentation. 5 Moscow No. 4, Gage design. same as above, with rear : stair where marked “C" next to pantry; with closet to rear ) chamber; with rear stairs landing in store room. See page: anon-r:- Plans $l0. ‘5 K 1"“? 0.2. , lfllu - ct, ‘ I3 nz- E 3»X KS 6- CHAMBER wsx ISlsV CHAMBER mu Ia-n- “322* HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS '0‘”! T-Luq .——‘ A 7 Plans 5”) BED P. tun-4 - 1 L .5? 91mm; R. ! F AIRFIELD corner: Des.gn 7151s; CREOLA COTTAGE,.Du¢nuqu, 24 (I. ’r m. bv u {L b in. story heights 9 ‘9 Iowa Q 000 ‘ as ‘ R \5 ' _=$G-D.¥ so; x S COO t \ 3 S-lx Q HOV H k \ E? x & M3 3% ‘ 3 1' z k a ~‘ , S ‘) E :3 § o[:l\ M "323‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS AR'TISTIC HOMES 11a! .33 KIMBAL’I‘EN COTTAGE—Design 233831; . cost, $1.098 to $1.199; plans. $8; special features: Large diningmmm. See page 65. //""X//”' -324‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTSE" I ARTISTIC HOMES 0 Mar K oszKr-uvgsz D\ EORDONVILLE COTTAGE—Design 2422M; cost in frame $1,390 to $r,480 plans $10. See page 65. (AQRracf lib“: 19: {I “325‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS AR-TISTIC HOMES 'j, ARMS—Design 2333-N; cos‘ in frame, 91.400 to $1.590; plans, ' $10; story heights. 9 it. 6 in. and 9 1t. Specie! flames: Wide vemndas; large parlor; (tom rooms lull s‘ory; (ton! of house IS 7 no‘ cut up by the customary recep‘ion hall. m“ I: O‘L. D {Lag} / I-‘bx 00 WND 3-63)‘ l 13 (DO~ / Eli \- -.326" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES "EW CASTLE COTTAGE. ._ Design 890-0; in frame. $l,195', plans, $15. New Castle No. 2, Cramer design, same as shown with stairs from kitchen to attic. with 13 ft. 6x10 ft. 6 in. kitchen, with 8 ft. 6x8 servants room. with fire-plac'e in dining-room, opposite bay and not in parlor; See index {or Wagoner design. See nage 65. 5: 5; {E g! P (:x (:X .J 1.0 11+ v. -' u'E u 0&1 2-. <( u: 1 a! _ EX .10 I 5 i ‘13 4: s a u :1» :3 i u . ‘x t r u: I u ‘ Ir a n DINING RUDM IE4"x l5'+ PARLUR IIQ'XI54 ~327~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES f """ ' anew ~> E [:1 ; .Pan U ‘ 6 E533 - 2 P . ‘ c i“ >‘:. -3‘ : . - Enema 9 "‘53 :26 § 16ft6x14ft R 1‘ 3%? 5 § . \ ~ 0 ‘ l‘ 1'} 22 cm 5.53 . 7 u o (“a : /’ / r 83:3 5? : CI . 1‘ :3 w.:_' E g: ggg . _ ‘ N 35 23 S Dunnglhom - ‘2 36:33:95 ' 3—: > u“ ‘1 a, r v: 18ft2inx14ft ./.._.., ‘ ca. :33? rsgziés r: a: Hall Ch. ‘ 55‘» S—‘E’EE lsxloft ”~55? N i 0: 8ft 63 3 = '5 Parlor /T 0.51 ‘g‘ E 15ftx15ft Ch. i :5 —: ,13ftx15ft E 5 i < Veranda . . Newcastle No. 2 design 5328-3, page 327. Plans $15. lO-ft stony. clo. Dining R. letxlet Chamber 2-6x12ft Newcastle No. 3 design Story heights 10 ft. §arlor 2—6x15ft Hall 9€t6in ber 2—6x13ft 5328-A. See page 327. -328- HERB‘ERT C. CHIVERS C,O ARCHITECTS ARTI_STIC HOMES fiEDAR COTTAGE—Design 2344M; cost. $1,098 \. $1.190. Plans, $10. Seepage 65. :_ C may /f(//2W ”QM/WM? [n.4, 7péWX/lz, 2n /Z”X//”" IAN ‘ .l—In. r ”xv/#52” (/M/fljfe /”Z"S< /0 Z {2”4’”x//”6 fifll L (A? 6 ”mp: \ 34,9202 [HA/7.52 /.5 ”1/2 /.‘I ”X /Z CUERO.—Design 21-0; cyst, $3,798 to $1,499; size, 32x50 ft. 6 in., width over all, 35 (L; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 (1.; plans, ‘ I$10. See page_65, 1).. (HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 1:— .— I . 75%: elm ,m,..,,m/m.,,..m. SPOTTSVILLE COTTAGE—Design l788-N; cost in frame, $1.192 m_ $1.240; plans, 810: 10 (I. and 9 h. stories. Space (or five rooms above. Style in architecmte is that indescribable something which adds to the anislic appearance of a building. down I KITCHEN 15?! x 15ft roacu A, E ' 3X CW. WW 1:. xsris x 152‘s lgf‘é x 16ft ex BIKING ECCM E _._.‘.. .... 1' 15m. x 1511 / u HALL :1: I : HANBER C 9!: x 10: um. x 15:: l J mama! lef‘ x 18ft -330- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 1‘ I 55 1' I (2 r1 () Rd IE 55 5--_—- -40ft------— -; I I Ch. 14.4x13f p, 4 . DKit. \ Roof 11 15 Ch. x 14.4le P Dining R. Sitting R. 15ftx13ft Ch. 14.6x21 Ell lg? Ch. I 1.6x21 Yiall 19ftX12fth h n::::::a VEB- , \ c , . Store IRoof L\\ Parlor Room letXlS Porch 3x18ft A,/ Silver Lake Cottage No. 2 design 533l-A, stair 9~ft 6 and 8-ft 6, cut down to 4-ft 6 Side wal. See opposxte page 332. Plans $10. &——...____ _ _ - - ........ ' u , 7 m a ,. N ... 82““ 1 I \\ ”~dn ' c ant 8 %$ Kitchen Ch 13 a 1 f ' «a 9' *O-Uflz'a 10.6x12.8 - 2 3- - 2 2°? 9° : 1:2“: \ est m» ‘ “12x 4-t $5 0 m:- g z o .... 0(1) U 30‘ oxd “‘ .2 m~z —Jc$ é’fio 6313 ‘33I- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ”Jr": 6W5 l‘lll’fliyrllfi I" 7.0“, \III‘ ‘ MA”? \\ . $1,496;p14ns. $10; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. aid 8 (t. 6 in. Spec- ial icaturcs: Large porch and vestibule. Silverlake No. 2. Liv- " ingston design, with no iire- place in parlor; with an additional ' 14 it. 4x13 it 4 in. chamber at rear, with bath connection. House 36x54 ft. in size. Luzon design No.3, same as above, but reversed. with porch across iront. with 7x11 it. alcove at side of parlor and no fire-place, bath-room or rear stairs. Silver Lake design 53 3 2. Plans $1 0. mums Run» 1510 xlhlr SIHING noun 18-0;le fl PARLDR is ~ rub-0- fk chk HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Style in architeciute is the ac- ;epted opinion oi a select few as to appropriate shape, color and construction of a building. l4.6x13.6 4.6x13.6 Library 15.9x14ft Norman Cottage No, 2 design 5333—3, st h ' ht 10-h a and 9 ft. Plans 55,10. my fig 5 (use mirror, see page l023). Plans $l0. ll Dining Room 15 21ft8x15ft / 1‘ 'FK/ —333- Enon residence No. 2 design 5333-A, story hei ht: IO and 9 it. See reversed design on page 5g HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES bers above. T"? ORMAN COTTAGE.- >Design 2092-N; cost. $1,329 to $1,698; plans. $10; story heights. 10 it. and 9 It. Special features: Ab traclive exterior; economical lire-place arrangements; {our cham- The plan can be had with less ornamental exterior. \. :53 (HA/ware ’3 6‘1 /4 - Moi/MMJEIQJ A5012 8467/3702}: I5-4'X/9‘6" fl/fCHlN //-‘4 "x 0 - cfi/rr/NC gov/v /.5-'4”)( /é " y Q/V/xvc QOOM x: =o~x /a ; 6' /Z'0‘X/Zl Bee; 02 /4 '6 'X /6 HERBERT C. CHIVERS‘CO. ARCH! TECT'S i ARTISTIC HOMES a «44+»... ¢mmr»v. v V. V. , ;LLL L Sitting R. Dining R. 18ft6x13 21fo15fLe Ch. Earl" Rec 'H2 20. 8x13. 6 13.5x1s ”‘13-” L._/ W ~ 35—. Norman Cottage No. 3 design 5335. story heights l0 ft and 8 ft 6,cut to 5 ft side-walls. Plans $IO, HERBERT C..CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECT S ARTISTIC HOME‘S EA—‘W'l - x , 3“ ‘9 C a: Q) l v—~ ,c. '3 .2 I": o E - ) 2 E v—4 (v: >\ $1 «I K O .E H o to .1: C‘ H C v—‘ r—. H I [IL L‘ H 0 h K m u’) 9: EL H m, L\ , E c H c H ‘K ,2 ~— 0 to +3 \D p a: l +3 v-v a" v 1-1 a.) .C 05 H m 3 o I: N $4 ~r-4 CD 0 S: v-‘ Q- C.) B '1 HI Besson design 5336, story heights lO-ft 4, widtl‘ over all 35 ft. Plans $5. “336‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS A ‘ ._-_‘..m_- mum ARTISTIC HOMES [5171‘ DINING Z. 1752:13‘ IJ HA'LL ban 1. .5 nns PAzLoz live- is Q! I5 ZEARING. —— Fouls design 8-0; $PRINGI)ALE (IO'l‘TAUE —Design $14800; III frame, $1,699 to $1.889;plans. $i°;Wldlh, 4i [1. ID in. by 36 ft. 4 in; width over all, 44 ft. 9 in.; story heights. 10 it. and 9 ft. 6 in. We have (his plan for $10 with bath-room on first floor. located back of chamber and with pantry between kitchen and rear porch. Aléo a plan wiih bay in dining-room, a laundry and fuel room back of bath-room. with bomb on No sides of kitchen and {our chambers above. See index for Springdale cottage (revised). See Woodfield, Roland and anring plan on opposite page. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES l I I ' Porch I I . , . . . \O . Kn. ‘7 S c: i 13. 431.: 20 Z 3.; l EC 3'3 g : Pan. 1 _ o O ’ ' Cn. '0 _ — . l6ft4x14ft —: c: . :2 . . R up ‘go‘r _g Dlnmg oom F- 2 2 l7i‘t4inx15f’c E. 5 >‘ (I) u 5 Hall Chamber *5; ,‘ 813.6 15ft4xl4ft x arlor 15ft4x14. 6 Veranda Plans 5 I 0'. Springdale Cottage No.6 heights I0 and 9 oft cut to 5 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTI'C HOMES Springdale Cottage No. 5 heights I0 and 9-ft 6 cut down to 5 ff. 1 Plans $IO. C J Ch. rJ16—3x14 t. R. \ 17-2x155’t _ ‘/ Springdale Cottage No. 6 design 5339-3, '33?- heights '0 and 9 fl cut to 5 ft side walls. Plans $l0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. story ARCHITECTS AK [2 ‘I‘ I 55 'I' I (I I1 ‘() IV! IE 55 r‘ ......... 47ft "nu—gun“: \ ROLAND—Design 7-0; Roof 5340-A. / Ch. '\16.5x15 A Dining R. 18ftx13 Ha11 15.4x14. Springdale Cottage No. ‘0 heights l0 ft and 9-ft 6 cut to 5ft. k---- 43rts---« R 6 ‘ é;::l:bh 18ftx13ft Hall 5:!“ Ch. Ch_ 'N°°K§16.6x;4. 15.4x15 41” Plans $10. d] Ch. .6x13 . __l° d Ch. I I . 21.6xlet . 5130 Hall . Dining R. p ___, 1é1<1 : 17.4x13fil 8;er‘\ ' c o _ ‘ “h {all Parlor n. V - Sit.R. 5,4;15 15.4x 25ftX15ft ~ Gin --‘\=J’ Veranda Roof ‘340:;__L______f*——-4 Springdale Cottage No. 3 design 5340-3, story heights I0 and 9-ft 6 cut to 5 ft. Plans $IO. ,HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOME'S Q- IGHTWOODCOTTAGE.—Design2366-N;cosL$1,29O to $1,392; plans, 515. Special features: A ncnt clean‘cut design; iron! chamber full story height; living-room large and well-ventilated; f“wry suitable plan (or a narrow lot. P aux T P/N/NGE/V lf/ 73/1277 l.) “"X 15 r ”DI-P 9 ll/"é /0”6'S(//’{ v7 LIV/Ni my»: 22 x /o _‘s.c~/_ n ”E”. X- \ .‘ '...- Alléfl P421512 /4 X /4 awn/Are /4 x14 EU :34}- HERBERT C.'§HIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES S‘NIONVILLE COTTAGE. Design 9066 N; cost in frame, $1, 255 ‘ to $1340; plans. $10 width 22 h. 1 in by 39 it. 2 in.; story 3 1: heights 9 it. 6 in. and 9 (I. in the clear Special features: A!- F\— T(ITCHEN BED R 9X12 lle? ::3 ‘*F---\\- r “ PAN ' \§"'JQ IfIC \\ ATH r ‘ | n DINING ROOM 1 BED R 1.4le I ‘3own 10x13 ' ESE HALL fir‘u f I , ° p pARbgR CK\BED Roam 14x13 ~ ~ -342- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES auq annuEl '"“ 13""! RENO COTTAGE. _Design 4230M in frame $45 to $598. plans $7; width 21 ft. 6 in. by 27 it. 2 in; story heights. 9ft Gin. and 9 ft. Modifications—See page 65. House came out all right as per plans furnished by you Am pleasantly surprised, “1th general appearance. -D. \I. Spicer, Tiffany, Win EwAHEEI inx:Hi HLTOONA RESIDENCE—Design 1570 M; Yin fume, $1164 to $1599;plans, $15; width over all. 31 {1.3 story :ncightl. 9 ft. 6 in. See page 65 I am very much pleased with the plans sent and will send you a photo of house a! an early date. # HARRY SAYLEB. Monte Vista. Colo. ~343— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES FOWLER RESIDENCE—Design 15 38-0; in frame. $1264 to $1500; plans, $10; width. 24 ft. 19 in. x 40 it; width over all, 29 ft.: story heights. xo ft. and 9 ft. 6 in. Modifications; See index for Fowler plan revised. Can furnish $10 plans with brick first story and frame second story. (Erkermeyet Design). See page 6 5. We are more than pleased with our home. It Is complete in every detail. In fact we would wlsh for no Improvement We feel that we have the most convenient and modern home In Northern Missouri. 8- L. BROOK. (Dry Goods). Macon. Mo REMING. -— Design :50; cost same as Fowler in brick and frame, $x69: to $2149; size L} 29 ft. 7 in. x 51 ft. 9 in.; width J over all. 36 ft.. heights. 9 ft. and l 8 ft. 6 in. Plans, $15. See ., paseés. 11m. 18MB ~344— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES YPSUM RESIDENCE.— Design 1834 THE designs hcre shown are intended for use principally in J the North and \VcAE RH PORCH “354‘ ID‘XID'E' c. HALL C. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. AIKCliII‘EC TS fl ARTISTIC HOMES HAJXORIA coTrAGE._.De_ign .5570; in frame,-$998 to $1198; plans, Sro; width over all 29 ft. 10 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6in.; Special features: Compact plan; a good chance to build a fireplace in hall at little expense See page 65, [LUXORIA plan, Mo. 2. Allen design, plans, $10: with rear stairs; lo 3: :4 kitchen; with extra closet and bath room over same and large linen and storage closetover rear porch. C c iKitchen H _ 15-6x15ft Ch Dining R. Ch. , 15ftx15ft 1-2x15 15f “13-4 am Hall Parlor F‘d Ch. 14'10115'6 m1 1'5ftxlet ' l Balcony ‘3 5 5' HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 'r I 55 1' I (2 r1 () Nd If 55 E Porch ---- 34ft6 -------- H 7K P.\ I ‘1 ' Dining R. 9.8x ‘ I 14.8 15ftx15ft a * u) E; c l U°_.\.. Rec.H. Parlor 3 r up is filo l ftx15.2 Hall 15ftx15.2 Porch Balcony .Luxofia Cottage No. 2 design 5356-A. story hei hts IO and '0 ft. See design opposite page g Plans $10. 35. _ an “lt- Dining R. 912§t9 ‘ letxlet aumun- ,_ :El Re°°H Parlor 5 15.10x15.2 closet ‘ I closet — Ch. H. letlelt " l Luxona Cottage No. 2 d_esngn 5356-8, story heights IO and IO ft. See ‘desxgn on opposite page 355. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘? HERRYVILLE COTTAGEercsign 1958-N; in frame, $1,396 $0 $1,498; plans, 510; width over all, 34 (1.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 1L 6 in.; full story in from chambcr. Special features: Simple and practical porch; neat detail work; clean-cu! exterior. -357— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I. I "'“H'w ! ‘lll ullllllfllmlllllll KITCHEN 15113 x LENA} DIIIIG ROM 19!!» I 17”. mum, noon Jam 1 mm. on mm 9“. x I!!!» mum uh: I let: Mom RESIDENCE—Design 2018-0; cost in frame“ $1,492 to $x,580; cost in brick, $2,190 to $2,390; plans $20. I like the ‘plans very much and they have been tanked by all to whom I have shown them—H. S. Scaddlng. Kelowana, B. 0., Canada. ”The plans were satisfactory. No trouble whatever in putting house to-v zethor.——Mrs. '1‘. S. Osborne, Youngstown, Okla. “358‘ HERBERT C. C‘HIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTlstc HOMES oll'u‘o. go on! nl' war]: of my Hg wry plain and (-1: Hy untlm‘ntmul J " Baracla design 5359, §tory heights 9 fl ‘and 9. Full two»story house. See Amity desxgn opposite page 360. Plans $l0. 511 m 39ft61n-—- - - 1 1 Kit. ’ El 1 Bno!‘ 5 lax-5x g P ' up 3 _ 1‘ 15-9 1 4 Ch “Mining R ' jfl'L' 15-8x19-6 ”'5‘ ,. Ball 19-5 '3 , Parlor Ch. .1 18-1111sz 18—4xISf‘tS Chamber :3 Ch. '1 a—ans—G ° 20-3x15ft6 Balcony Amity design 5359—3, cut to H: 6 side walls. Plans $l0. story heights 9' and 9 ft 2. See opposite page 360‘ - 359 ‘ HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 'F'l Si 1' I (2 f1 () IVI If 55 ll Kit. IT 3.9x 12ft5in ¢-‘ '1 | Ch. ‘EEP Dinin- Room 17.0x12ft9 d4$JHHHH 8 I 17ft3x13 u ‘ Living 3. Ch Ch- :3’10” 15.6x15.s , 17Lt3x15 18.5x16fto . l- . 2 Vfi Porch c : SEAr IOKé Amity design 5360, story heights IO and 9 ft cut to 6 ft side-walls. Plans $l0. See opposite page- — 360 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IfiWhu-W" Am / Piera desngn 536| ,story heights 9—ft 6 and 9 ft.E.xtreme width 52 ft. Lar e attractive living room. with fire" place. finale—nook an conservatory. Plans M 0. , (bend you herewith small “Kodak" pmxure or house. I had no nun to find 2 wltb your plans, whawvor. Your sum-ass evidemly comm In thoroughly under- standing your busineis. CHAS, BI YEATON. Baum. Illu. ~36!— HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS F ARTISTIC HOMES R31. I HEN 13-4X12 _/ CL: CL) 7 I h 03“sz . '15 LIVING noon 12—6X15 12-6X1 25x15—4 RZWF‘ D G 6 plans $ I 0 ININ A HA1 15X16 |0X12 I HA LL L1: PARLDR SALEM COTTAGE—Design 1 7; 331, ah” I " §PENC£R.—Deflgn 3066-0? ~362 _. Lowmrown RESIDENCE—Design :ch-O; HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS a‘ mm ARTISTIC HOMES FULTO}: RESIDENCE—Design 60050; in frame, $1,790 to $1.898; pians. $13; width over all, 27 ft. 4in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Modified plan No. 2, Benninger design.with large rear porch; with 4x7 pantry back of kitchen; \with first story chamber and room above lengthened 2 feet; with 6x13 ft. bath-room. See pages 364mm 65. Porch 13 KITCHEY‘l 14X10 LIVING POOM 12X1 7' DINING FOOM 13-4 1:: 14 '5 =1 PAFLOR 13-4 X 14 HALL Cham. 12X10 "363“ CHAMBEP 1 3 -4 X1 3 l CHAMBER 12—6 X 17ft IIHH CHAMBER 12-6 X 8ft. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 'r I 55 1' I (2 l1 () IV! IE 55 ;""37ft6 .. . .. Rushsylvania No. 2 design 5364. See Fulton Res. 363. story heights 12 and 9 ft. Dining R. 15.4x15.8 1; Fax-102‘ 14x21ft4 (Use mirror as on page l023.) Plans $20. ‘ E“ lr/ffl/I/V , ‘ $5 'xxz-a ' '7‘ a rmvmwv 7‘ \-E ”WW/{70' w/ \ a E st; @730. \‘J 9!? 29/1 1 .‘5‘0 X.6' RUSHSYLVAMA RESIDENCE. _ Des‘ign 75-0; cast. $2.200 to $2.398; size. so ft. 6 in. by .48 n. 6 In; siory heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 fix, extreme mdth. 37 (ts. plans. 33o, Design similar to Fulton rcsidence on page 363 See page 05. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Rupaki design 5365, story heights I0 and 9 ‘ft, width 43-h 6. Cambination stone and shingle daign. Plans LE] mm... “as". 0-1 [mi AC ”'90 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS A‘RTISTIC HOMES Sambar desn'gn 5366. width 40—h 4. extreme Width 44 ft. Story heights (HI 6 and 8—“ 6. Plans $10. Porch ice box uh.- Kitchen 14-6x9—5 Pantry Living R 13x23-6 Chamber Chamber Dinxng Room ~ t - . 5- 60°? 17x14 1/ 8x14 14K1 9 Hall I7—4x14l Balcony Porch The plans 0! the house.'l had made by you~ «me very promptly. an! I wa- verv much pleased. A. L. NAIL. (Mex-chum). Uhlckuht. I. T. «366- .HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS v ARTISTIC HOMES BLUE HOUSE—Design No. 2370-“; cost $3.ooo;plans, $45. See page 65. mrm fill/P PM!“ 'r mwzmm - \ ”Pl/756' ‘ .— LGC/oE £007 3/41/1329 {SUM 2.3% it’ll-K ' ZIJPHIPV [If-'5 3'22- 35x4¢6 d ”fl 17M (/Z‘Pi/mfl HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES $1,580; plans, $15; story height,9 it. Special (natures: Very at- ‘ native exterior; nook is suitably arranged for a library with book- ’ cases and bench seats; very large and attractive living-room. /f/7(N:~ ”3“” “I Jagger ""v'V‘ \, y/J‘O'K/‘d‘é' h C x , ‘ ‘< x I / I Q.\\‘. a“ I: —'"'L~. \ [nix/v: .Qo, v; /a‘ v 1 :0 d‘ \d/J 1"“) ' 4368- HERBERT C. CHlVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTIS TIC HOMES IINGO RESIDENCE—Design lozoM; in frame, $1,098 to $1,198; plans, Sxo;width over all, 50 (L; story heights, 9 ft. in the clear. Special features: Wide imposing frontage; plain simple outlines. See page, 65. l C" 5= rExii _= I l‘ . _ r- 3 I : fl ' ll Cm Cu :3 . —\— . -' ; :oxe ’79 ”ions 5“ . i ‘i 5". « ' IDXSS 4’1 l nun just about to more 1 suites us in en v way and we lmvu no trouble in building after your plans. We wish you sui-i-ess in your (Hurts In plum; before the people “natty" and attractive houses Our St Louis building which you designed pleases us very much THE ST JOE LEAD COMPANY. New York City. nm the house built atu-r your plans. The house L. D. PEACOCK. Dixon, Ill. ~369- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES :% )E-(l SUNNYSIDE COTTAGE.— Design 1225M; size 39 ft. 6 in, x'38',ft. 6 in.; Cost $1299 to $1498. Plans $13 See pageGs. rN/n a .1 a s 9 m ILPA/lfxy L L.) D I D Q Q o o ”KHZ/Y Fwy/v.91: 2 ”My; ‘ , _ tr 5, ‘ .' . 0 “hr”? D #6 .04 9‘6 x/Ji B O . U a c7 \1 . Rwy/”c m J ' = o 1 » m , 392142 1/51" lglfllg‘ E9 7’ O ”warm-'6‘ o » 0 O ( AM-ln /2o‘wz‘s‘D VzeA/YRA .990» 7:0 Una: L I E ~370- WALLACE RESIDENCE—Design 1000M; in frame, $1, 300 to $1499; plans, $20; See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Linden Cottage — 0/2 - PEA? cam/w [07PM O '3. 6544/7557? /6 *a "1/5 b 'D O O //—‘a 'x/516 ' Wired/7&9 8 fr. KINDEN COTTAGE—Design 1212M, plans, $15; size. 28 ft. 6 in. ’x 3!; cost, $1 195 to $1295; specialfeatnrc is com~ bination cellar entrance, Seejesjgn on page Seepage 65. ARTISTIC CHURCHES A Booklet of '00 designs /, i I N sent postpaid, 4/, Jim . H H 1' .- 50 cents. i; _ mm Alvedz Cottage. See opposxte page. , 11 Q“! J,” u ibihziu-J‘ mimn" r1_ . 1".an " 3 7 I ‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES GRANVILLE RESIDENCE—Design 15250; in frame, $1,398 to $1.598; plans. $to; width, 24 ft. 6 in.; special fea- tures: Water-closet and basin back of stairs; fireplace in sitting-room; large vestibule; simple rooftreatment. See page( CANADIAN AND FOREIGN ORDERS. (‘anadian and Foreign plan orders will. upon request. and where feasible. he sent on extra thin tough blueprint paper. by registered mail. in the form of a letter. Specifications van be sent likewise. in senarate envelope. Speeial attention is given to Foreign orders ‘ for the reason that with our unique and distinct style of design and construction every Foreign order seems to luring a great many others. ”(id/Y }’ E ~372- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS |_| Plans $30. FMSYLVANIA ‘mmsxcs7 Design 0240M Plans $|5 V l ‘373’ An élTlnn‘fi HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES EENORA RESIDENCE.- —Design {033M1 ‘5'”13‘ \leb 1P) - , L ' I79 to $2100; wlans. $15; wxdlh. 44 ft. 5 "L x 2 TL; stow $ . S _ I ~ . 9 _ , a m helghts. 9 ft. 6 In. and 9 fl. 6 m. Specml features; Colonial effemgquaim stained shingle gabla See plge 65, ‘x ‘ m. - A I Plans $15 1h I54— xi;- 19545.1). M i am very much pleased with special plans. I think you have some fine ideas. Your designs are certainly very artistic. MISS AMELIA HAPPELE. Chicago. - 376 — HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES in. by 28 h. Cost, $899 to $959. Special features: Good corner- lol design; lull-story rooms above; economical construction; ax- ; [naive corner porch. fl/Tff/i/Y ’0 X/J‘ Poor 3 (fi/M/DIP \. L:Z‘0 X/J'é' “‘10 if! CJIY kr— /Z‘0'X Pa 6/ 3 MAM/ALP a,” Q1 xz-a 'X/fi'é‘ $412102; flAAZ. /Z-0‘X/J' ‘ {MM-é“ 0“ 9v 4? ‘377- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC.HOMES \ W .Si KITCHEN 11X13 GLOVER COTTAGE.~—Design 9082-N; in frame, $1,192 to $1,289; plans; 310; width, 18 it. by 47 it. 10y}; width over all, 18 (L; story height, 9 it. //‘ 16X10 CHAMBER _. 10X10—6 Alcov C flIHl—{U DINING R LIVING R 9X9 15—4X12 14X13—6 PORCH 9X9 378 ===_____ H EIIB EIIT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTIS'T'INC HOMES' > - DEW ROCHEALE RESIDENCE.— LDesign l 880Mf‘, ‘EOLUMBUS RES —Design 1867-0; ‘ '1'!!! firm In,” ,1 (":5 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS r‘ ARTISTIC HOMES L V ~a . :1) ‘ 193$ ma: /- \T» 1 ‘ET'=fifi.-§11<“§Hzn '- ‘. P1 *0. _"? d ‘J -. x;‘|H /’=W—>~ #3: .U‘; V Plans$l5. : T14; N '0 J3 3J1gfixa»..ajffi,.!» , 1‘ L‘ 1 (LOVINGTON RESIDENCE. Design I862M; Plans $ I 0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ j to $2.290; plans, $15; width. 3! ft. by 40 ft. 6 in.; story height. 9 It. Special tenures: An all shingle design; very attractive when appropriately colored; and simple to erect. «EPIEfif c. (mvzns - ARLMIYECY gym/z.“ 1g,” 1..“ ‘ Dana: a «1/! ( Atlantic City Residence No. 2 design 5385. See plan page 534. Story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -. v \ [BROCPON RESIDENCE Design ‘00- fioosn cost $1488 to $x63 6; pians $20; size 28 ft Gin, \ 33 1‘! special features nook m parlor. large dining room; one chnmney stack for en- tire house, furnace m basememcnt. 20 OF N G fl/Y/A’C D 3 D wry/1m 00 OD 7/4/25; ‘ « 2 c « (fl/Q/Vfllzé // 6 M5 ” C) O //-6'X/Z" 3326C] X/Z- O o O /5.'é~X/5J6‘ D ’ #444 1:05 547” ? 220:: 33“” I __ 0 (7/4/7552 2; E [Iraq] _4/’7¢5/ 322 . E] 2 ”34/va a :0 M ”/9: £00)- 2382 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Ft ARTISTIC HOMES ,__]H (HA/WEI //‘4 X A? '6 ' I /l/7'CH£/‘1’ 126 )M He Is he draws up .I mung of cxpvnsc nzwmw ‘yxa on! “Ml \m D)kesvillc Cottagr \0. 65-0. design 3583. heights 9 ft and 3 11. Plans 2510. Similar Parkdale pages 383 and 384. nmn of hm L's» “IIUM‘ duly |.~‘ In sec lhul Ins rlicnl guts ‘» 3m” ll'xlw and xmlurve [hum In a tangible form, , r7707! 7 /5 a7 #44" "\n hilvrx vh II he I~ |l~h~ ‘ 'I In- Bo ding Green C01! 1 w No. 66— 0 design 5333. Story hig' 5115 10 and 9 it. Plans $IO. Sec) Palhkxille page 7b ). (Use mine; L~ >hown abmc on page |023 to get re waged effect.) ' ~38} ~ HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Tavan design 3384. Rory heights _10 and 9. similar to Parkdale design 3870. Plans 35' D. \ Dining R. lGi‘txMi‘t , \cml} nu) man .md «u.:'\ run} “mm" aunt: .md (3-.- plcum H u rilizc moxc hull-(”Hm II n. yufl >0 mm}: mom \\ . ~384 -'-‘ HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ' \aholc Linn!) low 11, ARTISTIC HOMES PARKDALE COTTAGE—Design 1634-0, cost in frame. $840 to $1,080; plans, $8; with changes. $15; width, 23 ft. 8 in. by 42 ft. 5 in.; story heights, 91!..6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in.; side walls cut down by roof to 6 IL; cellar, 7 ft; special fea- (mes: Adapted for a comer lot; large veranda. ‘ Modifica- tions: Porch treatment could be simplified. Can furnish these plans in stock as shown, or reverse. with the following changes, at $5. Continued ~385-‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Wit ma» 6%“ - /\ I? 'r I 55 1' I (I r! () IVI If 55 Ch \ d 14ftx12ft “an 10 / / 011' Darling R ““118 5| 14ftx17.9 Sitting R' 16ftxl4ft Ch. 2ftx14 Parkdale Cottage No.12, design 1634-0; plans, $8; extreme width. 34 ft.; same/as “Pukdale” wuh octagon bay-shape; 13.4x26 fl. parlor. bay-shaped; 23.4x16 ft. sitting-room; x 2.4x16 ft. 6 in. dining-room. See page 65. Tag—72"“ Parkdale No. I0 design 5386—8 Kitchen P°Y°h story heights 9-ft 6 and 8-ft 6 17ft x 10ft. Plans $8. ~ 0 3 s ‘ Pan. | ervants wt 43‘: | Room Dining Room Chamber ' Chamber 17ftxl4ft 16ft J. 14ft 12ft6x14 \ fives. Parlor ’ 14ftx12-6 Porch Chamber 14ftx12-6 _—————— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l ARTISTIC HOMES fl/Tffit/V — ”:4 272- a Rama/l ”PA/VIM ,_/ MAPPING COTTAGE—Design 680;, cost, $1,499 to $I,599; size, 28 ft. by 42 ft.; story heights, 9ft. and 8 ft. 6 in. in the clear; plans, $Io. Similar in design to Parkdale cot- tage on page g85. Wapping plan No 2 Difani design, with parlor r4XI6 ft; chamber 16x14; 17x” living room; serving pantry back at this 9x6; kitchen l7XlO; 4x10 closet to chamber; and extra closet to kitchen, and six rooms above; and 10 and 9 ft. story heights. cut down to 5 ft. side walls above MAPPING RESIDENCE NO. 3 — Sapp design 2329 u, in frame, $2,100; plans, $10; story I. eights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 4 in. in the clear. WAPPING Plan No 4, Stafford design same as plan No. I. with the following changes: Parlor I4x16; living mom 14x18, with square w indow seat bay and fite‘place; kitchen 14x12, connected with living room; with kitchen porch ex- tending to chamber; with door into chamber; with chamber enlarged'to 16XI4; with window-seat bay; with {our room above 14x12. 14X18, 14x12, I2x14. See page 65. \Vapping Cottage, No. 5-, Scott design, same as Wapping No. I, with r4xr5 ft. 9 in. parlor; with I4XI7 ft. dining-room with 16x14 it. sitting-room; with I4xI 2 ft. kitchen; with 14x12 ft. bed room over kitchen. //"4 ‘X/j‘O" (”A/451‘ " ' (l/A/VMP //-'4'20 0 #Alé [UH/{l 3 931me /3"6'X/3"6 " O \— -/ D 00., m m 2142 D 0 war OJ/ff/IYJ £12731" {:1 O _. ; - 61/10/7513? 0 5434;,ng ”5"” ‘0 G/x—ww' ' - 403 -‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES , ' lCKLlFFE RESIDENCE—Design lBZS-N; cost, $3,500 to $4,500; ’ plans, $50. Special features: A very good country home design; 3: would look splendid in stained shingles. A house of this plan can V u? now . O I «Au. HALL 9 Ann» v 1 R R0“ :CNAMSER / an E) .1 "'5"‘E”“ annncn — u ml: 6» ’jl‘l mums“ onus n DAL IIU A u»: I? S PDRE“ ] FAN b ‘ xucnsn I “man Lima-n u .l.‘ “I; Will": IB-EIISIl IS‘XE‘D lrcEwr-uu n. DINING-n pnn't Is-s x m u» . Ias-xlivu/ cucuut c- IABSAGE .404 — IVE-I |E ll~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Dining Econ: 15111-6 ’Ve rand: Fusaro design 5403. ~~tory height 8-ft 6, width 78 ft. Plans $25. Very suitable for a country home or sea— side cottage. _405 _ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 1 nm- WMIIWZ I. , ., \‘\ 10' {afflumg‘tfi‘ 61;!” 4.!" Kill” «(£1fl—1// \\ #WQ Q) .// \ _ =4f Suitable for a southern m"... n‘—o': -I‘- a“ ragga \ 1 arm desxgn 5406 10 ft story. earn lantalion home. Plans $45. CHAN all! 2939'; file" IL . mu. i c ommq nae-n C” x V cunnazn w-o‘ ‘ who“ cwnma-n ‘I' o II‘~°' I w'uf MU- n‘-o"‘ 1519‘ 8 R a g n 0 . BACIPTION Luau. akin-rho" Sufi-rm: neon v u‘-c‘ x m'—o" HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ART.ISTIC HOMES Tmu COTTAGE—Dam xoo,c36-O: cost in brick. $1.885 to $2.000; plans, $15. See page 65 (fiA/‘ifitp IK-é'l @- 4' (#47512 n , hAZL r \ . "7 ”‘ ' (/mprazp m5] 51.7w 97% .2577 Q -—q 74‘110’0‘ " kfll NOV/50' ' , (#4!!le 945102 32% 1 ,3,” ”""‘”"” M, /.'v' x /;-o’ - f“ ”pg/45,1 I ’ d'C'W/J.‘ I 1 E /‘ ("J Poop /i”A’/2 ” P421 02 IZ”X/Z” YZPA/Yflfl 6”]179: W517“! ~407> ' BRAMHALL COTTAGE—Design 2335M; cost, $698 to $799; plans, $5; special features: Large veranda. , ’ / “m 7'2‘1-1 mzwmmmm . w... ..—~...um-u-~.-w...u .. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ORUNNA COTTAGE—Design l932-N; cost in frame. $1,892 to $1, 940; plans, 315; siory heights, 9 in 6 in. Speck] tenures: Full story to tower roof; good exterior; Inge zooms; neat design; imposing homage. [Ill—ll: ml h _ Jill \ u- 408 ‘- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans arrived all right and the cottage is being built according to the details. Everythinng very satisfactory and no changes are necessary from the original Five Dellar plan, which we purchued from you—Mrs. 1-. 0. Preston. Portland. Maine. am DXIIIG RON ”MEIR )IflG l l.’. 19ft 313 l XIII ‘15?! ‘III I l‘fI CORONOCA COTTAGE—Design 2410-0; :05: inflame $|,492 to $1,560; plans $10. See page 65. o _— 409— - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOM-Es T _""‘ — no OWASSA COTTAGE—Design 1931M; cost in frame $1,- 892 ‘to $1.920; plans $15. See page 65. I an more than pleased with my residence Just completed. The contract price did not exceed the original estimate. and there has not been a single extra. L. L. DRESSER. (Bank of Commerce). St Louis; I». d HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS I -4IO~‘ i i i ARTISTIC HOMES ma<>a E F €250 2.55:“: .25. 25> .69. 2: tom .9; man‘s—a EB 35—: 25 can :0 EEuEECo :osE 0m £ 329.33 3.. :0: 29:. 2:. 5:55 25 :5? 2i. m_ 32:25 0.0;? 2: 3. £299.32... .583 a 3. 295:9 2.5 0. 25¢ can. =o> 5.5 2/ bucoadm \ Haum «Suntan tmfitom Itable Plans gh stofia su hi gn page 4| 2. i gn 54H Seedes Loafing no e530 "K 2: 5 com .38: 2: 5:2. :T‘ 95 .35: 5;: can 9:315 of co vommaa :33 9:2 555:: .53 >52 dummy—a 5::— PF. 52:? «:53 we: 355500 of van 2965 u; :2: .52: :25. m. zen—Eu 2:. 2.53 «:03 can it: we :2 Emma—e ca 2::— vcm :83? 2: 9500.. Be: PE 35 .l:...m Eon .02 650; am .muoizU .U Cor—.8: .2 «E354. 653.23 Story heights IO and 9 ft. for Southern climate. Thornton No. 2 desi $20. . avcduo> A miafiFmSwN 36:3 Hut uoaadu _ .6 H “1....” O a _ «REES SmidoN .Lo .50 _ I I \ maxn.wfl_.m maxn.n~ ARCHITECTS CHIVERS C0. HERBEIT C. ARTISTIC HOMES 5 'i ‘g " “mi-55;” "Q [Aw ‘1 - ' ro’oa famiwwfip 411W?“ ‘1; . {I Ag N) _ .‘\\§\\\\ my 3 4““ $2223 "“ \ Q r ‘ {F.- 947 M, (ix 6‘5“ 9/“ Q5}? F ‘ HORNTON COTTAG§.—Design 2358-N; cos‘, 82,69010 $2.896; plans, $20. Plan No. 2, same as above, with porch around boih sides; with bath-room where dining-mom now is and £8 ft. by 24 EL; bay-shape dining-room where bath-room now is. leaving “ ' the same number ol moms but making this side 0! house one room decper. E 5 3‘3 :3? z 51 Chamber 2 Ch. " 16XIF RacH. 16X20-6 127.18 L Porch -I2 — ant—e; Veranda arms Ch. I 5x12 Parlor —4I2-1 .V--- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\ I? 1' I 55 1' I (2 f! C) Rd If 55 / " ,1! " Wm’I/’ld'Y/[IMl/fl/M/fl/fflmfl/lfl/M//,I’//////////////////fl/ ' ‘l ' l ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ ” "W/l/lflfl/l/fl/l/fl/fl/l/fl/ pun—unnum- -uluun"-~ ‘UIunul u-w mum: «um- ‘llnlutvnlh'uu PINDOR COTTAGE—Design .2420; cost in frame $1.. 392 to $1.590; plans $10. See page 65. HA 223;. ‘ Porch 13 X11 9x25 1 ' FBCEPTION H 1 ‘ 20 Y 10€t E o1° BIKING PAELOR . V1705. 3 ROOM 20 x 15' 3 12x12 a1? x 19. 5 E ALcovE 6K7 ~‘4l3‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MANETTA COTTAGE—Anderson design 2341-0; cost, $1,895 to $1,980; plans. $15; 12 ft. story. A good South- ern cottage. See page 65. 395’” ”/7645” /6”X (HA/752.? PAPZOE / 7 ”6’7 /2" (lo: 0 (l/AMEZQ I6”)! lo " -4|4— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ Bal. 3m Ch. Ch. 16x15.6 15xl7ft Mn‘a: d Ch. 16x16.6 H811 Roof 1 “WW“! aim minis; Lambsville Residence No.3 design 54”, stoxy heights 12 and I I it. Suitable for Southern home. See Lambsviile design on page 4|6-4l7-418 Plans $20. - 4| 5" ‘ ., r i' , 1 ‘ , ' J | Hum-1313‘ mmmmg 3] :7 _ 45555557 H . 1W” HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\ I? ‘f'l ES 1r I (2 f1 () IUI [5 Si * -5orz-- ' ' Roof Ch. Ch. t8ftx16ft 15-6¥}5- :1!) d Ch. i5 15x16ft5 Hall De Roof \\ l» $ F. l‘_l Lambsville Residence No. 2 design 54l6-A, story design opposite page, also .._., pages 4l7 and 4l8. heights ll ft each. See “ ""'f"'"'47ft ""-'" Dining R. 16-4XI2 Parlor * TH ”3%: am. H'tC'Ch. IBXIZ all 13X15-9 up ll Veranda 9ft Lambsville Residence No. 4 design 54l6-B, story Plans $20. 1‘ \ Ch. 16—4X12—4 9'“ 1 Ch. 12112 D Ch. 13x15-9 ‘a11 Roof heights l0 and 8 ft. Plans $20. -4”); Den HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS c ,_ a, ARTISTIC HOMES ..... Hm. _ P.- -l.46ft6-- . j. V 339;! I c ht. :. Roof 15ft113 u B Ch. H111 5x14rt9 d = c c an Rec.H811 Parlor Ch. lthxl'Ift 5 18ft6 16.4:14ft5 1 x , snafu; ° Roof § 1 Lambsville Residence No. 5 design 54l7-A,sto heights II and 9—ft 6. See design page 4] —E——55ft 7w ------4 Kit. - I???“ P I P. ‘1 p B'Cl c U Din.R. Ch- 18x14.9 ‘ 18x14.9 P l itec.H. ° er or 16x16 14. 9x1 up ~ Veranda Roof "' 4| 7 - Lgmbsville Residence No. 6 design 54l7-B. story heights lO-ft 6 and IO ft. Plans $20. Plans $20. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Lambsville desi 5418 story heights H and '0 See modil ed plans on pages 4|5 4|6, 4|7 fPlans $2 2.0 Plans $1 0. ZO’OY/é” /f./ Tart/y H’OY/4" P442402 )fPfi/YDA 6” X 25” Q to 7: PW/NéW/c’ 20”X /6" ’41 /. 6")7/5: i“ )0 U 2 d rr _,Hfl££ 7” ”/91 ‘—/1F\ \— 35:61! 5.40. 47 '4/4 I. ,, a (AW/5:2 /J”G’”X/d” 7. 64/4/1525? 5’3”“)(24’7 Q 0 4 a W X11 9 ”UN 082/! ‘E ——4l8- "s (fix/‘75:? stely heights 10 ft ‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ~ LKTON RESIDENCEiDesign 2246-N; cos! in frame,32,692 ‘0 $2,784; plans, 325. Speci-l features: Wide veranda; large pan- try; library appears amaclively from from hall; amactive wide frontage and balcony. mad mm LII-m nun . x: ' ’l -4l9— HERBERT C. CHIVERgs CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES :flm __~3 : ,__<§ .gE E,~ 2:2- ,1»; PXT'TSBURG RESIDENCE. ——Design 1022-N; in frame and stone. $2,800 to $3,000; plans, 535 wc ~ — 1/ En - J SIUXIE‘ 5“ vp — RH F EH ‘ . :34“: a ma I3+xns - I I I43'x¢55‘ P - EAL ~420- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ! n. r ‘H W nwmmwsmw 151:1;i ' l V/ “‘x W AS A SPECIALXST. ‘ I an alter Ingleaflm which come only M uiqiénd my lift)“; ex- perience, The lVel'I‘Q client is no: fully “rue of novuub of phat mm by an ”damn-(uni expert. mm IV In those nude hv I builder. w a. W In archive! or ordinary ability Ind iimiigd client-lg Poof Dining Fccm 19-9115 1-!— + Chnmber Bonn a H 1 Living a 16"” I ‘ 16x17 Chamber 16114 W m Ravello design 542l, width 44 ft, width over a” 47 fl story hei his H and 8-“ 6. Suitable for a southern home. [ans $10. ‘*4Zl“ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTIST_IC HOMES Tofino design 5422. general width 27-h 3. width over a” 46 ft. Story heighfi 9-ft 6 and 9. Attractive den at stairs. Large library. Plans $l5. —422- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H.0MES SUMMER COTTAGES. As a number of our cheaper cottages are planned suitable for summer cot- tages, we have them classified as shown on the succeeding thirty-two pages. These houses are figured for regular construction. except where described as summer construction, and basements are included where cellar stairs are shown. We have a special cheap method of summerhouse construction. using beaded partition lumber to inside partitions, running perpindicular around the entire room. and having the room free from the customary exposed posts to outer walls. This method will save :5 to 20 per-cent in cost. and we can prepare special plans of any cheap house for $25. See Index for other summer cottages. [LONG ISLAND COTTAGE—Design 1763M; in frame, $789 to $1,098; plans, $10; width. 35 ft. 6 in. by 25 ft. 2 in.: story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in. (cut down at walls by 'oof to 5 ft. 6 in.) ' <5 ch ng ' 121.11,; .5 22-0 XEU-S tEcxu-tL 23-Dtl3-O Manna b::i *423- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS A,RTISTIC HOMES ll 'lyufllli ' lMl M M "“ M Manresa design/(5424. width ovel all 4! -ft 6 ston _ heights 9- ft 6 and 9 second story side- walls slightly cut dim. Plans $|0 Dining R . 13-6x15 Chamber 16—6x15 Living Room 25x15 Chamber 21-3x15 CONSULTATION AT A DISTANCE. , mkutvmyoum-nby consulun‘ummundllumvmhlb. ‘mhhhdhhunndinuuamumnw wmtuxnnyuntnahwaakun HIRUIRT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES f.......-...-.3oft .-_-_.......,: E s 3 . Kitchen §__._ 14ftx10.6 r Porch P 331.; Roof % Ch Din.R. 1.81 12x15ft4 13ft c 9- Ch. Ch. 11.8:14 ~ 2ft113-4 "'Ei:l \. E. Liv R c' 14ftx14 Porch 6. Ch. 14x14 V Oakland Ra. No. 2 daign ‘5425. Sac 0:;ng glans oplpgsite page 426. Story heights 9 and 9 ft. ans$. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES WNW I2.n-XI3-*' Habit _/ «as. ”>1 EMM- IE’ D'X” - AKLAND COTTAGE—‘Design 1744-N; in frame, $1,050 to $1.280, plans, 35; width. 27 (I. 6 in. by 28 it. 6 1n.; story heights. i 9 ft. and 9 h. (full smry). Special (catures: Ornamental gable >‘\In \n Win». “ ZION‘COTI‘AGE.——Desi n~xol4 M; in frame, $10 9 to S 9 $1289; plans, $10; width. 42 ft 8 in.; story heights. q ft. c " (second story walls cut doym Kg 5’ ft. 6 in.) KITDNEN ||"}K\Z pm I ”a ' - DINING R CHAMBER R @J law‘xua' '3."an- VKIANDA HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITE‘CTS ARTISTIC I'IO.MES “7 Plans 5' 5. I 2X7 I3x)5 I. Hubert c Chners, Arcgmecr, QUINCY RESIDENCE—hm“ xsysu; chhacl, It Jan, u. lg !. .ouxs, .\ 0 Dear S" The p!:n {or our parsonage was receivcd in duc lune h is nxcrly arranged for a parochnal hmsc and x» in muh an elegant and atumve gum of w: Yours truly, V T J. CONNOLLY, RE Ruler Sr .‘Uichacls (hurd' ~427- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES - % V ‘ R7 «7 C . l 2 v.1 n 3' a ”‘5' E o c u v a ° ‘3 5: i fix a" e 2" I '01 50 DO E, O J a .. .4 ‘6 a ge .. ..:".. :2 ..... 0 0 e X g . e. M h .4 'n GGERSON COTTAGE—Design 23$3-N; cost in frame, $1,349 10 31.562; plans. $10; sxory heights, 9 ft. with second story walls cut down to 5 It. 6 in. except in lower. Special features: A very amacfive 1mm. A good farm house plan. . u , 0 ., .2312” .- ‘3 . EH SH 1-. 0‘4 .. 9. ~-“ M 5w: OH “I .l .. 2: K: ;" 3x 0 23.- fi. 5: “‘1 F N W H ran“! on: 10 ~428— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES The dalgn- glven h orein will probably serve us (bu-ls on which to en'- presa your desires In regard to plus. By referring to a. portion or one. And g portlon of another. you can give us a clear enough outllne com whlch to wolk, In this manner we em generally arrlve very promptly at about mm In wand. '- SHEVILLE COTTAGE—Design 9826-N; in fame. $1,662 to $1,283, plans. 510; widlh over all, 38 ft. 10 in.; story heighu, 9 h. 6 in. Special features: Simple but attractive tool treatment. stained shingle columns, attractive lower. CHAHBCR nmmfi‘aflan IS-Ifl-x11.2- .549)“sz —429_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES B ‘A'j' LVA COTTAGE—Design lOll-N; in flame. $1.430 m $1.598; ‘- [\3' plans, 35; from chamber in” story.olhers cut down at walls to 5 ‘ fl. 6 in.; ball 01 panny could be uscd as bathroom. whh diren entrance be‘ween dining-room and kitchen. PANT RY KlTEHBNI. l I‘x a DNNB RM ‘ H4312 55.7 CH I H‘4M2‘ ' up TV SITTINQR 1143(11‘4“ {3.1a 5x7 VERAN DA —430~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HARLEM COTTAGE —Design l751-0' inflame $589 10 $699, plans $7;widlh, 24 ft: ,story heights. 10 {t Special features: Large porch; suitable {oracomerlot Secpage 65. 9-: ‘fi I w a «g >'< 5‘ )<% ‘ “i 1] ‘51 a.) .: +§ 4’, X .fi a § X 54' :3 _§- «59 x2: f Ia?a Union City. Tenn. Oct 23. £900 Herbert. G. Chivcrs, St. Louis. Mo. Dear Sir:- Rep} ylng to yours 16th. Beg to advise that I built according to your p13. 5 and am Vighly pleased with the results. Regret. to say that I have no photo of the house. Yours truly, Va"? '43l— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Mmfimmv EZUYABOGA FAH': CO’ITAGE—l)esign 234:» cost $899 to $990 plar $8 A very practical plan See page 65. ' ff/7CI-lfh’ll _ ‘ l2"X/4” 'xaéwe zwwmvp Arwm/'7‘”¢%2P /0"X//” IZKII — ' ' ac l'-r c‘”£’ - 24910;? /5 Ir INX ’4'} (”##5- [fl’Or/fl'é“ VlPA/VPA 6 " ’ 1W?! @— V mi Bax c K. was s w —432- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ' ’7‘ OS ANGELES COTTAGE—Design 1921-N; in lrame, $659 to A $799; plans, 35; width, 26 it. by 44 it. 6 in.; width over all, 28 it; ‘ story heights, 10 it. Special ieatures: Very neat exterior, Mod- a ilications: Bath-room could be placed between two back cham- ' ‘ bers. Modification No. 2. Hedden design with bed-room enlarged to I! it. 3 in. by H in 8 in., with 7x7 it. bath-room adjoining, opening into kitchen, with 4x7 it. pantry back oi both, with kitchen door in rear. 1 CL Z c; a. :4 II; n. u; - EU] 2m _J EH a} I!‘ u, gig try ;X e m 7 “to t— .—:— S; u: not FROM A CONTRACTOR. Herbert C. Chivere, St. Louis. Mo.: We very much like our new house, erected [torn your plane and spec- ilicatibns. It is a thing 0! beauty lor those who look upon it, and a joy [or us. One who invest: in your judgment, plans and specifications, belore building will avoid the many disappointment: and discouragement: usually met in an ellort to build a house. Were we to build to-rnorrow, you would be selected as our architect. Respectlully, B. A. DONALDSON. Contractor and Builder, Edgerton. O. —433- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES - - , , AA, ‘\ “I...“ ..mumm—uumnumuulruummlmuumm » . I w ‘ , . jummlmf . $1,949; plans, 815; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. Special fea- tures: Large balcony and large veranda. oos‘ PORCH doun ‘0 V .- ~-- ~ - - 5g." R nucnsx : : :1 m“; nxlon P 2 mm .— "\ uh ' ' ‘ ‘ " mo? HALL :10 CHM down can 12:; x 15“. see a cmwsn Dunno aoou _‘ 15m 5 x u 15:: s x 12m. E Hmaia 152:. a x 18 I c ' mama :‘ 12ft. 1 an :3 / HALL LIBRARY pimps}: 1&8! x 15ft » lam. o x 15 snnp —434— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I O \«k mu HWY. MORRIS COTTAGE—1952 M; in frame; $793 to $988, in two~story house; plans. $10; story heights, 9 ft‘ 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in. . Modifications; In two story plan them are dormer windows in from and tower is extende-V' up. See page 65. ‘435~ HERBERT‘C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES lWlELVILLE COTTAGE—Design 1951-0; in frame, $699 to $797; plans, $5; width. 36 ft. by 27 ft, 6 in.; story heights 9 ft. Special features:- Attractive stone chimney; well ven- tilated rooms. See page 33. WWW ll-‘thlE. Karim _. ll.4r. x Jaw N Wm Ill. ll.+.XH-. PW' Il‘ +-XIU ‘436‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ OUNGSTOWN COTTAGE—Design l967-N; in frame. 3699 to 8798; plans, 55; width, 16 h. 4 in. by 28 ft. 6 in.; story heights, 8 it. 8 in. and 8 it. Special kalul’el: Combination inside and out- side cellar entrance. ' r :1 1 L v V c ’21 WW Wet IS +X15-0 lS-4—-XI25‘U- '\ n gfimgfi, 86X7E| 'd : (’5 4 x11: 0 % mm IS~+ x (as “437- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. AR’CHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES - ASHINGTON COTTAGE—Design 1754-N; cost in frame. $689 * ‘ to $799; plans, $5; widm, 36 R. by 26 it. 2 in.; story height, 10 it. 9 Special {camtest Double porch arrangement would admit ol 4 house being used {or double-house. anus! c. CNIVERS - ARCHIYECY . _F:l /' / Rmdwm @fimmbw ||»U-Xl|.+. IE~U~XI|»+ EWMQR. EDD-X131 ‘1- -438- ~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES WORNLAKE COTTAGE.-—Desfgn 100.930; in frame, $650 to $750; plans, $5; width, zz’ftr r inl by 42 1t. 10 in.; Story heights. 10ft. Working plans show a more attractive exterior. See page 65. l have enclosed to you by mail under separate CONT two photographs of my new house erected from youryplnns. 1 mm: my that my wife and I are hxghly pleased with it. and find it: wry convenient and easy. and thank you for your skill in giving us such a good plan. It is the only house of the klnd in the country. The photos I send are not good. but will show the general appearance. C. F. MCCOY. West Union, Ohior -—439~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTI_C HOMES .5 A, I ’m if”! .z‘ w,r'mal "Wm - RICH. COTTAGE—m sign 1766-0; in frame. $598 to $679; plans, $5; width. 28 ft. 2 in‘ by 24 ft; width over all. 50 ft.; story heights. 10 ft. Specixl features: Large veranda; quaint roof effect; simple fire-placc and chimney arrangement. Modifications: A pleasant room, 20x20, éould be placed in atuc. See page 33. CHAMBER UBKITCHEN 11_4 x 'D 11—1ox 1Q_6 10—5 C CHAMBEF LIVING PM. 11—4X1U 15-4X12 11ft VERANDA -440— HERéERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 'T I S; 1” I (2 f1 () IUI If 55 ummn‘ _ H CHAM. CHAM. 13x16 1 13x16 c :EFANDA ROOF k: ‘ BIGHMONB COTTAGE. SEE opposns PAGE. KITCHE: CEAMFEF 12 x 11—6 10 X 8?? D _ LIVING ROOM HALL 20 X l3f‘t X E a, 63 'w r?_"‘__‘ j? 1 \\ F00? /// l \\ 7 ' I \ > ‘ T \ 1 Lr— I Y i BEE R. 9 T‘ .l 13x1 \1‘... ; .[ _ ' 1 l H ': BED P. 8 -’ 4 15—4x12- I I C. l . Poo7 I Q \l PRINCETON COTTAGE. m ones": PAIE. ‘ 44 l _ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ~ARTISTIC HOMES [RICHMOND COTTAGE. —Design 1766~U; in frame, $498 to $590; plans $5; Special features: Economical flue con nection and eleven foot veranda. See page 3 3 See plans on opposne page. NTLAN'l A cor PAGE —Uesign 1770-0, in frame $418 to $599; plans, :7. Mbdifications: Stairs could go up from kitchen In space devoted to hall with connecting doors mrough 9x10 It. bed room. See page 33. See plans on opp05ite page. [PRINCEFON CO’ITAGE.— —Design 19600 1n frame $478 to $589; plans, $7.50 See page 33. See plans on opp. page. ~442- u HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES We like our house very much as planned by you and should we ever build again will certainly favor you with another order. MRS FRANK LANE, Boise. Idaho. r RlE COTTAGE Design 1962- N; in frame. $999 to $1 289; plans. L3' 57; width. 26 it 2 in. by 10 in; width over all, 34 in; story heights. 10 it. Special ‘ Large ‘ , r of . rooms to ' room; ‘ stone " “ side Modifications: An extra room could be added back ol back chamber; size, II 11.4 in by 10 it. at $75 additional. ll 4X” K mm mm. II l X H» ifilXH IZJ'lXH/J Q filo» ‘ MEL-1‘31 —443— I HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC- HOMES WWIIKIJW “ (2“ I . _ AMHURST COTTAGE—Design 100,033-N; size. 24.6x32; cost. in summer construcdon. $650 to 700; plans. 35. E53 \ / “M75232 ff/TCHEN CHAMDtQ /0"f/A5(/2fl4 fifty/2’14 /2/-'rx /2"4"’ £00, / / — (”k/N61: NOO/r irhr—‘ZALLI A”, EM 5’? ________ fl"6'~x IO” - 21259;! ' ' \ :QZ'Q‘WCJ/V/VAAL 20015 C‘ H A M 513? 25Ffalflx/2Ir /2F7)( /2Fr \ V WECH e'm 2+" QOOM —444r HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BRITISH COILMBIA COTTAGE. —Design 92860; in fr:me,$ 250 (0 $350: plans. $5; h. 2: It Girl by :4 (I. 4 In; ston hug ths 8 {I 4 In. SpecIal features: Dcsig ned and detailed for cold dimatc Combinanon side entrance and inside cellar entrance. See page 33 OUR VEIGHBORS dIly undzmmnd and appmclnte them each ham ImLI-d'e as I: should be would ruhuee the value of Idlolnlug property My cllems often make «pedal mom to secure for me the planning of houses for Ihrlr ndlo III ZIK neighbors so (but thewrroundlug boulel any be la (rue harmon Inlay nrchltecu have not the lag: mnmpllon of how a bundlng wlll up pear In par-pea! ve when erected or I: szuIIon with other building; undue-De. axe. I make a close nudy of Ihcse con-ll‘xom. m Brilis'n Columbia Cottage No. 2 design 5445-3. — story heights 9 and 8—“ 6. Plans $5. —7 " :5 fiber: 21-6x13-4 "hamber L—fi L9:31 -445- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES §P0KANE COTTAGE—Design 196331; in frame‘ $335 to $499; plans. $10; width over all, 25 ft. 6 ins, story heights, 9 ft. Suitable for a summer cottage. rustic stone chimney. See page 33. FT-l _ \ [1mm ( mm [8-0 XI}? lE-UX15'4 —— \\- wwllim e U» [1 x15 + 1PM EI-D-X E~B l::l - 446— CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS HERBERT C. ARTISTIC HOMES IVERSIDE COTTAGE—Design 1758 N; in frame. $559 to 3698; plans, 35; width. 39 It. 6 in. by 16 h. 4 in.; width over all, 52 (L; story heights, 9 It. and 8 h in the clear. Stairs go up from sitting- room. Special features: Tree-trunk pens, with lurked brackets; large brick tire-place in sitting-room; two room: above can be same size as rooms below. A good summer-house design. qu / Amy: in. E' [Jr 0 X15?- —447- - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Log hut design 5448, story 9-ft 6. Plans $5. I \ \ p | I , _ I I L1v1ng Room Bed Roo Bed I 20x16 10x16 Room 10x16 Veranda Roof :1 Bryan, Tex, June 22‘ 19‘ Mr Herbert C. Chi\ers St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir: — I am much impressed “ith the care which you exe'rcise in having a chem well pleased — _. Yours \rnly, 448 L. L. McINNIS, Ass't Cashier, First National Bank HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC I'IO g! P [IEIi‘ji-a‘a —.~v 1' mISA COTTAGE—DeSIgn 154i M; in name, $1,000 to $2.000; plans, $15; width. 24 ft. 6 in. by 33 ft.;- story heights. 9 ft. and 8 ft. (full story). Special features; Plain. neat ex- terior; stained shingle gables with white trimmings, very effect- ive. See page 65. MECCA RESIDENCE——Design 861 M; in frame. $1498 to $1596; plans, $20: width; 20 ft. 6 in. by 43 ft.; width over Ill 24 ft. 5 in.; story heights, 9 {ti 6 in. and 9 ft.; sizes of room Parlor. 13 (L1. in. by 15 ft.; dining room, 18 ft. by 13 ft. 4in : kitchen, 14 ft. 6 in. by [3 ft. 4 in; front chamber. 13 ft. 6 in by 15ft 6 in.; alcow: 6x 8; with closet; middle chamber, 14 ft. 8 in. x i3 ft.‘4 in.; back chamber. 13ft. 4 in. x 13 ft. 4 in.: bath, 6 13-. See Base 65. ~449— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS :Sig. 15 ARTISTIC HOMES DIM ImAfi' sum nun“ PHILADELPHIA COTTAGE—Deluge: 6028K; page 267; in frame. 31.198 to $1.399: plans. $5: width. 24 n. 4 In. by 48 IL; story heights. )0 (t, and 8 fl. 6 ln.; attic. 8 ft. Spa-1.11 lentfires: Wlde fireplace In from. room; large ve- randa; sultuble (or seashore. Plans show poet foundation. See page 113. e K [1 cl, lsnu xIa-n' , "a nn “.7: m " D.K D0) C—h. laws“: In ”Haul u, Isa-nu Ill. *— 4 -__- r' . E LJL I ah E a: S n u} s ' r—4 bun-es . T I ...j Milwaukee. Wis..~}une u. [904. Mr Herbert C. Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir:— We to-day received the photograph of the co- lomal residence and we cannot begin to express our admiration of it. It is truly a thing of beauty. and should be a continuous joy to you. "450 "‘ its creator. Yours truly, PATTON PAINT CO. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 7-— n—m. n-mu . \ ’ Lafi‘imw. IIn mutmlrflmmuflf 54.4“ '— I .__I I? Mirecourt design 54“ story heights 9 and 8-ft 6. \ Suitable for counlrv home Log posts. Log walls, uidth over all 52 fl. Plans $l2. Kiy h 10): O P Bach P Pan c1 7’10 Office 10x12 Ch hunbe . _ 0x10 12x11 f mng P. fitting “‘11 Ron P h 15x22 Room I 15x22 Roof Chamber Chamber . V 0 13x11 c_ 14-4“! . ! Veranda Poof wfi-b — 451 — mAYNARD CO’I'I’AGEp—Dcugn 2425M; cost In tum: $136: 1.0 S! .450; plan Sm. See page 452. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES c. ' ”l :l ‘HAY'tOFT I CARRIAGE ROOM u n STALL ; 19‘6 fiéiil ,~ 10 x4—6 ' 11‘: as -‘T:ZIIHIES | C. ‘énp\z fl ’ l 'I 16 x8 1 I: ' V ' — q Smbk defign 5452.\vkhh ova'aH 3lfL 8-“ 6 story. V \LE45\ / k / I: IDAvsARD COTTAGE- [/‘csfi. Authon Residence 5452-3. story heights . l0 ft. Suitable for country club or country home. Plans $1 5. d Ch Hal] ‘léxla 33x15 cn Ch 0h xsxxs 16:23 1512 Veranda 1 0 'wide 0 H E R B E R T C. C H I\VE R S C O . A.R C H l1'E C T S ARTISTIC HOMES @OLLURN COTTAGE. _ Design I222M;sizc, 37x28 ft.; cost, $1,199 m $2 294. See page 65. m (/ Ravi! may! 7(l/I/Y Wino/”Ice iii! 0 ("-3 0 war 0 342102 // c 304' //“6C X M U 353 [353,4 , B Pi/[Zf //' 5 W19! Q' / S'X/I' /“ ”444! z 0 one 01% Q Vlupflflflfi a - o - n05! MARILLA RES $2,190 to $2,285; Design 2032M; 2 DlIlIG noon )3!!! I 16 LXIW mm 1!“. Mn I )6“ 13ft: 1 16 7”“ mm . u“ l u ‘ land 1 larva -453- plans $25. fl HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H‘OMES H ‘ _ \ , .I ma . 93 M5 .1 . .‘ - - 3352“}; w:- I ._ -. ‘4 It? > “ 77 In]: 72m::’mj 5. ‘\ L2 ;!%flh :K:;E%?‘ S arms-2 \‘\\ ‘¢.fl ‘ " 31¢}! 3WWW“ ‘ ’ y ‘m @flQflfléggl :1 _—__. ' i” C;4 5 4 1 FOLSOM RESIDENCE.—— Design 15641“: HERBERT C. CHlVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES \ v" “1‘ ‘ 4‘2“]..."F ‘ -'fi- 5 -—— E {ms t' 5 I; :l TEXAS COTTAGE—Design 1013M; in frame. smoo to $1.498; plans, $10; width, 26 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in. (cut down to 5 ft. 1: from gm! rear walls). Spédal fauna: Wide from, attractive hall, with wide fire-place for logs. See page 65. cum tro‘x Ia Cm” II’GXIU VERIANDA . I I I FIRST noun _ 455_ scccmn sranv THE TRULY APPRECIATIVE. " Tbs rim 0! clients we dune are the “truly ”reactive. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES VERMONT COTTAGE—Design 1211-0; size, 25 ft. 8 in. by 50 ft, 6 in.; story heights. 8 ft. in the clear. Summer con- struction. $1.200 to $1.400. Special features: Attractive fire-place, tw0vstory effect to living room, stained shingle exterior; very economical construction. Plans $10. See page 3 3. TWO STORY ROOM CHAMBER 17X1 /' CHAMBER ~ 15x13 L—n‘c—d VERANDA HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IV STVLE 0F DESIGN [lg/{unlch desngn 5 4 5 7 {figme-L 3:“: ans . , ‘ u y.- mu lo I- vmmyntonmmly II null-lug us. fly linden m to m than-II mummkal. Living Room | 41ft 1 an A unique log house. “457‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ——s:.—A1-A . .A ARTISTIC HOMES DODQESON COTTAGE—Design 3000—0; summmer co.. strucuon m frame. $982 to $1.192: suitable for a sea-shore Columbus, Olno. june 8, 1904 Herbert C Chivers. Esq . St. LOuis. Mo. Dear Sir:— I take grea! pleasuram saying that the plans worked out perfectly. and we have an exceed- Ingly attractive and convenient home The plans KITCH cost me less than one~fifth of what a local ar- ‘ chilecr would haw charged for them. besxdes Il-oX p glxing us a place With more style and character. n 12' ' Thanking ypu for the interest which you took In same while we were bulldxng. I beg 10 re- main. Yours very truly. 5’ CHARLES F. BUTTER\\'ORTH., DINING RM. 21X14-6 'RECEPTICN H 19-6 x14- CHAMBER 14—3X1 0 ’ VERANDA 7ft. ~453- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC I'IOMTES Granite City Cottage No. 2 design 5459A; story heights 8 and 8 (1. Plans $5 Library Kitchen I fill-5 13-619-5 Hall I down I Sewing Fcom l0xf-E clo Chamber n 12113-3 Poof 'DIE“ EIAHIEI) K "(Ntl I»! l u u $X|E LIVING fllIfl ? x 3 CuAnltr {5119 .,\l v: IAulA E31 E ‘I-IIIIIII' "-459— {J Cramteity Cottage No. l daign 5459. story height 459- 9-ft 6. Summer House construction. lans $5 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS m1.- *- .. ‘m-w:rm- A. maxnsmwr . R . 133.16 S L ntxm P IL? XIE EUREKA COTTAGE—Design 1745-Oginfume. 3699 no \ S198; plans. Sm; width. Lift. 2 in‘ by 30 its, nory height, (h 9 {L ad 8 [L (cm down at In)! m 5 IL). Kodificution: ‘ Clonlun beputinbetveen lrom and‘ back bed-moms on '5 3 x5 5 second lloor. See page 6:. . HAL; | : Glenude, m. Aug -, Io t C" : Mr Hubm c Chwers. , = . St. Louj). Mo. l X Dear Sir -— 3 3 a 5 I beg m Acknowledge recowx of plms and sprcificanons (odd). and “uh to (\press my I hurm>l :pproul of them When fimshed Iv-ll ! be a Minimum heme \ __..L #_._5 , REsl‘filiull) )oun, . I . lAME§ HARVAY Veranda Chamber E Chambe r 13-10x11- 13x12-2 Si? ‘ ing R303: 23-10x14 Veranda Burgess design 5460. 84! 6 story. Quite unique for a summer home. Plans . ‘460' HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ST. JOSEPH CO'l"l‘AGE.—hes $15; width. 18ft. .1 in. by 44 ft: ign i7 IE~D-xnbi+ —46l~ 71.“; in frame, $499 to $539; plans, width’ over all, 22 ft. 6 in.; story heights. 9 {L and ‘8 ft. (two rooms above). St. Joseph plan No. 2, Andrews design; size. 19. 10x24 ft. with sitting-room 19x12 ft.. pantry 6x8 ft , with double flue at kitchen. with single flue to living room, with three rooms above, sizes iixn3ft., 8. 12x11 ft. and nxxo ft. with middle room having ventilation on two sides; second-story wall cut down to 5 ft. A very attractive ‘ design. See page 65. Asummer home; plans. $|o; kitchen under dining-room. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES :4.-. I . E ---- 29ft. ---- * :::: ' c Kitchen )' 1mm P. 13x12ft6 F Par g 3h. 13x12ft6 I Ch. Dining R. Oh. oh. 11.9x10 14ftx13ft 11ftx13 9 6x13 H I/ d“: He. 1 up _ [Hm ‘ Parlor Ch. P. 16x12ft6'1n 16ftx12f‘t6 w St: Joseph‘ Cottage No.2 design 5462-A, story heights 9-ft 6 and 8-ft 6. See design on opposite page 46'. Plans 53”). ; 0 5‘ . St. Joseph No. 3 desngn 5462-3, story heights 8-ft Sitting R. 6 and 8. 18ft10x12ft . Plans $IO. Porch 12213 “462 * HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES f--E-24ft---m[__l {___ C 0 Dining R. B Ch. 8 m \13x10rt6 6x 12.81114 : ' “‘6 E 9.6x11f \-— II Q ~ ‘ Sitting 11 Hall ‘ d 15mm d \d- H. : -. : : :— f c "—“P Parlor ‘I Ch. ; ' 14.611311? Porch 13ftx10. 6 I L_l \— Lorea design 5463, story heights 9 and 8 It, cut to 6 ft side-walls. Plans $10. -463... Very compact. HERBERT L CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS “w-m- .. ‘8'.” A1.” ARTISTIC HOMES DINLNG ROOM KITCth 15ft. X 12ft 121W. x 14ft PARLOR ii 151’! x 151W RECETTlON 111‘“) wide CHAMBER 14ft x 10ft. . CRALLBEP. - “-0 91“. x 10 :lo ROOF DIMONDALE RESlDENCE.—~Design 1977M; cost in frame $1.592 to $1.790; plans $10. See page 65. POINTS TO LOOK AFTER. The planning of ‘n 'honae. Where e‘xpenslve materials and labor are considered. should not be left no unskilled hands. Allow the lady of the house to have con- aldorable|aay~so In the floor arrangement especially. They have to llve In the house day and nlght and a poorly planned house Is generally more expensive than A modern practlcal plan. 464 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES V: VI; M: "in ‘ . l MW? ‘T’Ii 7*” @E‘W ‘ umln Ion- nnllq noun ”1"" WI ‘ ‘: l‘f‘ll l: llrl I ’1" .II __) a» bum I‘ft I I“! 0!- am nn 1 In no mALTBY RESID‘. NCE '465‘ 192554; MY TERMS. I agree to make your plans for a stated sum, and therefore would not be In- terested in making your building unnecessarily expensive In order to tum-ease my commisslon. as Is often done. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES a «1‘. ..._____ SENECA COTTAGEF—Dfign86r0finfimnm ;;;:\\\\\\\\\ $1398: plans, $10; in brick or frame; widtI} 29 ft. by 26 ft. 6 in.; story heighis, 9 {Land 8ft. 6in.Spec111fcatures—C|ean~ cut‘ substantial looking Colonial design. See page 65. ”reap: . Ifi X H DINING-R PAflLufi Is‘4'x H' . Is'4x 19‘ Seneca No. 2 design 5466 Plans $ I 0. Din.R. 12 10 Ch H 11 Ch. - 12.10! Par. ° x ' a 15.41 i c 2 i150 4110 : : ‘. mun 15 m 15 | Porch I i l | " 466 " 9. story heights 9-ft 6 and HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BLOOFIELD RESIDENCE—Deny 6022-0; in frame. szoo to $1387; plans, $10; width, 27 ft. 8 in. by 31ft. 4 in; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft‘ Sec index for Danville residenée: See page 65. ' 31 Y RESPONSIBILITY. ‘- My ‘prolesblonal responsibility and preppredness has been my success 1nd to evidenced by the fact that clients who build your after year mvmu come. back to me for plans. . Ila“: um I anti": “ ‘ . II _ 1 I F a mu m 93 mt 2’3} on M. «Inn-t won’t .I—Hns-o *1. EA The plans whlch you prepared (or me were In every respect nudist-cur, u to deelgn..convenience. etc. B‘ W. WITT. Mossy Greek. Tenn. -467- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ART’ISTIC HOMES .49 .- j - 14‘ a (second story side walls cut down to 5 ft. 6 in.) DIXON RESIDENCE—Design mo M; Plans $| 5 Moi-V ”4/7 MW ”Vi/2'- 0 346481? 0 47“ '1/6" fie Plans 35 I 0 -466- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Al‘zTISTIc HOMES . ‘\ _- # m o I " F‘ ~ I ’ ,.. \\ 7/”? ”"4”” — “x “x. §KLAMANCA RESIDENCE—Design 2376M; cost in frame, $2,190 ”$2, 298; plans $15. See pagc 65 L0\ I2';a"§' Quanta LIVING nun ‘3 "' 3 cm umo nan an I- x n M}! "U n mnmu. Suva-"Al; uALL WW ._‘ HALL . —‘ FAHLI R L ' PAN OR 3." 15.3 :19 —-" 1ch \n :l grunts: Lu 0“ \L I FORE-i BALCONY HERBERT C. ~469- CHIVERS C9. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES :4 "nun- A , l‘h.‘ -' (71;. ,'.,,~_' W ~mrvMi’M/l 'MI'RLWWWW W FINCASTLE RESIDENCE—Design 4001 M; in frame $792 to $886: plans $xc. story heughts 9 It. 6 In. and 8ft 6in cut by roof to 5 ft. 6 in. walls A neat Colonial design. See page 65. =1 a... c... Run am” My l\ n... /] \ ” iwze ’ 75”?” 9mm Pm (”mate "" u < KM 05‘. 7 . #9er (HA/vat! M Air-4‘ ’34-‘44. M ‘W 7' n—-. d ‘ \ . HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 7&1'\\1‘uammmm.m ‘__—x__,'n\.|n\ H V \lequ 1 I |:q\l 1‘. |_ Caciz Assign 547 I . story heights 9—fl 6 and 8—f! 6. width 26 ft. Plans $IO. Chtmber 13x10-6 "' EEg Veranda ~471- Tha plaumlmemnudutory:aflnlylo lwmuchnleudwllh hobo use. I: ls. l tnlnk. by far the llellflt udmon amt-clot"! Armand buudm‘ nut. I ever uw. ASA BUTLER. Cub Orchard. Tun. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES xl‘.’)\'/2"4 ' _ ;Q; E%I.~a-D~:f ) ¥ - CHE STEKVILLE Dnign H.94§M; con. SI.299 to $1.484; size. :6 (L by 42‘ IL; special fealuyes: Compact anangemcnt; bath-room on first floor; study back of dining-rogm. Elms $1 2; See pageés‘ (”may (xx/v7.4? ”9‘7”“ gvxrh‘ 0/4455? 644/125}? #4312? I327'X/2‘2' VAN. Ntss . k :0 km I) I KEHDENCE 23 L ‘2 Z DINKEYVILLE COTTAGE—Design 1645-0 sci: c: ,2 : $400 to $450; plans. $5;_slory heights. lo ft. 5—1 o --4 Plans $10. ‘_D._On. S T T ;. Plans $5. '0 2 S 5 .~< s 2:) 1'. .“c' (.7 D a ‘l ‘2 3 2: g - $:_ ‘ é" 5‘? ET 5 HERBERT C.CHIVERS_C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES §AGINAW COTTAGE—Design I202M‘, Size 36 ft 6 in by 31 ft. Cost $2595 to $I998; plans, $lo. 1.1- 6311' — A ((1%? Won 0 o o m a/nuvz 960% > ' — O fi/fi/Qtafl G 17sz D (1'. a1" It?“ 9' 1;» / (1 a ‘6’ vii/917019 do wrol 0!” A00, O D n .o . 3 Q G (IVA/VI! ‘ O ”Amaza nu u. . a 4 4’- U Q zwu 1 ‘ G (NA/V51}? 3 a 0.1 l I (IVA/1’! , u 9- 2-. 1900/ A groan-r portion of my Wt“. comes new clients who m:- arrangement of plan wanted themselvez C roughiy arrive at and the" stud their work to um to be put mto pmcu’cal shape HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES \ NALMORE RESIDENCE.- $1.790to $1,892; plans $10. 7|)esngn :04531; r" See page 65. lean I I “K a“: . . I a I a m A" . Ian I 1 un nu u- I Ila-nob I uuesn , ‘ A wt" ”In; - ‘ - , m in Inuit-tn! a . L .cA-o 3'...“ I" vol: gfi‘fi‘ -‘ '3“ :ow-mb " ‘I n " m 'I 1-: ’ _ M al .' g. - : > “J -' K. (fig/éécflgggmrm. 19¢ Ir. Rafbm 6. China. [airtight Bldg" st. Louls. Bur alt:- Replying to our favor will any plans cane satisfactorily. 1» color effects spec fled produced a fine effect. Your: respeotmlly. ~174- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES “pracuce make: perfect“ this alone would be an incentive for you to In" yoursefl or my services. I ~Ic~n~ Kan-ma flou- "I,“ )m run I I M \In - une \_ \ I u .- l'f‘ III A I". CNAHBKP u"- m lune-I ‘UD . S 3 n 5 A c i v .- l I Ju—u.....".-L== .- I." cOLOMA RESIDENCE—Design 1917M; cos: in frame $1.49: to $1.580; plans 510. See page'65. We are more than pleased with the plus prepared by you. JOHN P. KEISER. Osceola. Mk. - 4 7 5 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS -C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES . ' ~ --. “LEW“ " : ~-‘~-‘~‘ ‘mflfl'flj‘j‘ \\\\\\\'\\ ‘— 1@LH -'r LiV.? Din.”m. 15x15 Jfixtu. Parlor tI __ 19x15 -' g ‘ “’ ornh DORSEY RESIDENCE. ——Design :914M can in mm. $1 692 to $1 892; plans $10. See page 65. ‘4/0‘ H E R B E R T C. C H IV E R S C O. A R C H IT'E C TS ARTIVSTICZ'HOMES‘ Thames design 5477 heights 9 an \ ,, 8ft_ v// Kitchen ll—EXIS-E Chamber 13x13-6 qu Fecepi H111 Parlor leli—é Chamber 13x1.—6 Circular Seat Veranda —477— , \Special f' tuteé: inexpenswe round platform porch, with squaréxés/ roof and circular seat. Side entrance. Full-story cei ings. Plans 5 I 0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTI'ST_IC HOMES Q '93. .‘ Eff-Bu;- _:IE~I‘_I§ Currmc RESIDENCE _[kdgn6033Ck Porch Pan all _ 0x9 ' Dining Room 18x14 up Chamber Kitchen 16-8x11 14-10:“ 1 ¢ 1:” 1 h \ “pl-Mr , d H Plrloy Receftion ‘12x11-4 16x40 ’Ngai Chamber '5 “Bit 13:11-6 Chamber Vernndn 11x22 Cutting Raidence No.2 design 5473, story high—ts 9 and 9 ft. See design above. Plans $15 I! [It es mt plenum to cute; plug which you made for on: house nave gh-eu enlln ullahcllon. “9 cannot mini 0! any Nun-men amulet Interior arnngemem or “tenor design. The rooms: n All well manhunt weu lighted ud amnz -- 476 ~— ed convenient for lumllure. etc I: mummy pus to msun an :nbnzctunl expert and not trust to musmou place talent ms 0633. New l'lm. Mick H E R B E R T C. C Ell V E R S C C). A.R C Ill T E C T S ARTISTIC HOMES \illlfll I“ .1 1‘.an I SQEH :‘&__JA%:; _ :45 :1— _ ' \; “7! NC" ESTER RESIDENCE. See description on page 50': ALSO 2 o q Q ”If; 10v 0 «154 ‘Z [baav ‘ ‘7‘" W :4 ’ I: 'P 1/4”“ HA“ C AMA! M’Vé’gn" o‘VI/IAZQJI , ’1 ., P 5"“59 ISQ'xns'u' 1.507190va nssma ,G'EXILS' l/AM . (MMMQ (me/#5:; 6 4x56 :sa'xlz. 479- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. KRCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES r/\\\\\\\\\ Wm. u 1/. ”arm-mum \\\\\\ u u own, ”I ‘ \\\\\\\\\ ,IIIII 1 llll/I/flllll .7///' 11'0an COTTAGE—Demgn :330—0; cost in frame, $1.- 392 to $1,480. plans, $10. Full story heights. See page 35. v k may p/xv/Nc 200m lf/ff/e’f/V E (HAMBIE (HA/17552 lS'Z"X/5” l mam/5" ”gm/yew xyzww” lzczmoxvé M“ E 942102 54.44 (“x/Amaze E 1 b‘."6"'X/7" ’3 M” f /5’$"'/V7’3W .5702sz ¥ ‘ ,M «480- HERBERT C- SHIVERS co. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HITCH]! 15ft l 131% stores. SIHIIO ROG! DXIIIO R0“ let: l 14!: 61a 17!: x 10!& 61h \L/ PM 151‘ 1 lat‘ 7: l ORSET RESIDENCE—Design woo-N; cost in hunt, $2,140 to > 82,392; pluna, ”0. See Chesterton renidence. Special features: Auncdve parlor Ind sitting-room; with platen! oudook Ind large verandl; (rout room is well ventilated. 48 l HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Sig. 16 ARTISTIC HOMES 1. >— -=:_——:j— "‘1‘- -~ 7 ' m ’“c' Plans $| 5. I m inc-In “no 1 uh. uh I “n I 01° 0 up do I \ l o m 13 =1 An! R t 51mm: ‘ III"!!! I“ ““50 “00" | MN 1 uh I w‘ I ml 15‘“ K "fl- 5‘“ "ALL - «mm mm 1 un c a I w I nv.v I VIST "I” cums! ‘ '“"" un Mn 1 un mum’s Roar CHESTOMA RESIDENCE—Design .91 2M; cost in tum $1.89: to $1330; pl_ans $I5. Done“ RESIDENCE—Design [00.054-0; size. 39 m 6 In. by 38 IL; cost in brick; $3,982 “314,268; plant. $35: flory heigltm. Isl 10%.. 2d 9 ft. 6 in. cut down on sidel; cc} ‘ In 7 ll. 6 In.; specinl textures: / I‘l ...£=‘.§.‘ «9% «Tim ll. 1‘ T] 1M“? Mw' _ . 'l‘l'l . HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS \ ARTISTHIC HOMES F‘ Kitchen 15n5x11rt =10 Cl." 11ftx15 u 1 I p c o \ Reception H. Dining Room 15.4x13ft6 Ila- I =r'- V Vealflook Purl" / 21ftx17ft4in 15ftx18ft 151‘Lxl4fl Tiiden Residence No. 2 daign. 5482-A. story heights 9-ft 6 and 8-ft 6. See deSIgn opposite page 484. Hang-$15. , I Kitchen 15ft5113fl. Tilden'Raidence No. 3 d ' . 5482-8, sto h 5 Its 9-ft 6 and 8—ft 6. RoufiagnColonial columrKs.egS;e Similar design wikh shingle column on opposite page 484. Plans $l 5. HERBERT C.‘CHIVER5 C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ ‘ ILDEN RESIDENCE.——Design 3Gl~N; in Irame, $1,698 to $1.780; plms. $15; width over I". 31 in; story heights, 9 1L 6 in. and 8 h. _ 6 in.; full story. Specid features: Octagon parlor and shingle ' porch: well-ventilued secondatoty from rooms. Roof DiningR LivingR Chambe c ‘ hambe: 13-6X16 13—6X16 13-6X1 13-6X 14ft. 1v]; Parlor 15X15—4 6-ft. P. —484- HERIBIT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Z I t? ' k Uri-.1 I ~ 3. E {at I — '1‘3‘ . / {>1 I/ K ;; LA Ind 21.31 I.. 6 x" crllzr. T H LL'.‘ . house. 1/‘/ / ”AZ/TV? U " \ l5 " Dining Room 12ft112ft i- Parlor 1213'thth mam -, 9 n. c ..1; Plant :10. ., pmn, um. den-cu: citation,‘ L ‘ [DENC —Des|gn 100 (355 N, cotL 3’ 290 Kb $1,492, ~ 5::0113 l f: 6 2n.; Specal (alums: be: "‘ fl/7’CHZN /4 "/1 /5" In?” D P 41%;! ‘ DIN/N6 2250/1 Ellapr/Myfiazz- 45.005" 5’5”“ P:)?:H PApgcp ”my. , '1- 1' u __ Angola No. 2 design 5485 story heights‘, design above _||‘? r.. mlllll fl '0 E Score 200:: Ch. 12ft112ft6 d Plans 5'0 I“! HERBERT C.CHIV£RS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 'Haya design 5486. story heights " ““5 $5' 19k 6 and 9. ’ :7“:ka l ‘ “Hunk Ch: 3- \ To 2no.2 :3 Ch- 3 [Axum ' —— 12x15fi. “5-1“, 6' 9 Ch. 61- 4 h :1" 1H " h a L dsruxls :1 1 3001‘ ‘ .. “"‘3’Ii't2in"" AKDALE COTTAGE—MIX": 907%"; In lune. QIMN'IM h plugSlo;'id|h,2lh.Bin.hy(1klmwidlhovel‘In."k. IOXG O in; new heights. 9 ll. 6 in. und I It 6 in; lull Rory. Spccm hum: Widc lin-phce in hull; wellwemilucd mom. Shed \ 10:19: ”ordh 1“ SIB E E»- 1 T c o “h it 13114 ch. 4 in _ «_ 12x16fi E. a M) j P . filiVing'Roc-n Pulsar ‘mm P '1 leuxletrJ 17ft4x16f‘t b, zSnusn fi'l”! I. If/R’h’f «, MAMafE M ' vf/ E 0 yen/0' ; ,z f“ D/fl/ WW ("f/ANN]? If I xxc-‘r W ‘ mark/746‘ Plans $IO. (#AMJIK . /a-rxx5’ ~486 - onwusrown co AGE—Design 16-0; cosl. 5x993 .n 51,399; plus. $10: the. 371‘. b in. by 36 (1.; stqry begins to «Ludo; IL Daigu‘ similar m Odds]: come. HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES E-H ‘3XlLHTkS LW Ulnwsoa COTTAGE—Design 90680; in (time, $1.99 '0 $1498. plus. $20; vidlh. 33 (r x 26 fl. 4 in: vidxh ovn' H - ' 4 ' ' 4 3, (t 61n,.story heights, 9 (x. 6 m, and 8 h. 6 In. Spec- “i features; Octagon psrlor, and wide suit amngemml. Pk“: $20 Modifications; lechen could be used for dining room with "null porch back of mean: dining-room See page 654 Windsor Cottage No. 2 """‘5°”‘5 heights 9-fl 6 and 8—“ 6. p. Porch design 5487. 3 ‘ '_ E. T _ 5 Din.R. 1;“;- ; . x E 14.5x13 1‘6“ . Fax-1% H or up 16“le 14:11:16 Veranda Plans $15. ”487- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ART ISTIC HOMES - Dining R. 9x11 LM‘txllft K T c Parlor lZf‘LxM :. up "Wins 1 ftsfi ‘ 2g Porch 1 . {37:5 ADI! R om pruem kitchen; with 1mm chamber mug 1:; next chunbev 3.6m m ‘ ILMORE COTTAGEVDeIign OOH-N; in (nine. 5962 to 31.096; plans. 516; width over .11. 22 n. 4 in.: story bomb“. 9 IL and 9 u. cut down by root to 5 IL 6 in. WIHL Spatial lellwetz Compact _ plm and null umior. Also plan No‘ 2, sunbuxy delign.s-me as above wuh 12 IL by H k. parlor; with 11x14 1!. hill; with “X” k. dmmgnmm when kitchen now is; with 10:12 it. ant-Kory kilchen;wuh 5x10 n. woud‘shed; with 6x8 ll. balh abave; a ll. clone! to room with ha [1. hi“; closzl buck bl mu. ood antr. Shed 6x5-5 Porch — I = Kitchen I a ' 11x9~6 Di‘ning Room Chamber Chamber Ch xan Ham ”‘1’" 9-6x11 [SKIS-3 F- III- clo “ Purl" Recep't. {‘316 Hall Chamber 0-6x16 up “488— 16-3x12 Veranda _ ~ Fllmore Cottage No. 2 deSIgn 5488, 44... (See opposnte page.) Plans $l 0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IFERNVILLE RESIDENCE. — De- sign 100,019-0; 'cost, $r,638 to $1.8- 92; plans, $15; size. 26.6x42 It; spec- ial features: Compact plan; bay to library, large hath-room. combination cellar enugnte at- rear. 7_ P l ” Q I: H— 200/“ . . _ TWA] 4 \ msmr- : It‘ 0 I I .0. C -' l/fi/PAPV /—//— Ham-v ,, /5—‘6'X/5- ./ - ‘05 (‘05. (7 3419109 0 42-02751! 0/qu (AM/m: [:1 O 60*“ 2~’6'.X/7~' ' ”1ch *' OL'JEE’R ‘ inn-hr; 13!:GIJZII . no lo 1 , 2 CH; "“«0‘ I > F cmuzesn Jrunuuc . - ; Hf£hrlzfl l! '77:?”- F, rfih “ Ii“ ‘— K -489- AL<°£0 ’bssoou HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. LEWIS 250$ "119?, -‘ ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Fernville Cottage No. 2 design 5490-A, story heights 8—H 6 aid 8 ft. 14o 6X12 Dining R. mflifixu all :1" ? Parlor Ve\‘1 l5ft6112ft Porch Fernville Cottage No. 3 'de' heights 9-ft 6fland 8 ft. Plans $15. See opposite page 489. en 7x7 5.6x12.6 Balcony L 5490A, story e opposxte page. Plans $10. Roof : ‘1 “ 17ftx15ft9 Ch. Hall 1.6x15 Ch. 15x12ft6 .HERBERT m CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES WASHINGTON RESIDENCE.——Design 60:40; in frame. $1,190 to $1,398; plans, $10; width, :7 ft. 8 in. by 29 ft. 6 in.; width over all, 33 (ts, story heights. 9 ft. 6 in} and 9 {t.; side walls to second story cut down to 8 ft; special (canines; Bay to libraty. Modifications: See St. Louis Cottage on page Modification 2, Galbreth design, same as Wny ington Residence, except bay is on side of patlor instead of at library, with combination side entrance md no pantry; full 9 it story heights. Modification No. 3, Smith design; same as Washington Res. except kitchen flue is at oqter comet and stain to basement go dovm direct from kitchen. See page 65. a Plans $IO, l—— I I m- m“? IE: 1‘" 11m G $3.33. 4 DIN- A “a? a “I’m—E“ ' m am am '3'— .m. M W "MUG-b o)». :19" m MM m sauna -49|- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS r-fi LNI Id'l’) ARTISTIC HOMES ' 1 E‘.....,,._: _..... 33ft6 “My; Kitchen ; Ch- DB ’ Ch. 13.3x11rcz Dining 3. g 1.111 13.3x11ft - 11ft /-.15-3x an. D? Hall 15fit6in ‘,d i c c L "'\ d P I] \ /' Ch Cffic Parlor 0“" 12 10;:14f‘t B 7.10;; h' ”fawn?” 13.8x10ft6 10.6 Porch Roof \Vashington Residence No. 2 design 5492. Full story heights. . Dining Room l_6ft9x12f‘t See opposite page 49L Plans $ I 0. Unionville Residence No. 4 design 5492—3. Similar extenor to ‘ D' page '54.: for plan reversed. 15.6xlO.9 31/ Ch. 13ft6213 Story heights 94: 6 and, 9 n. E- "492- Plans $10. usuasafir c. CHIVE RS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES EDMORE RESIDENCE. - ”'- ~ Design 19:555. ‘ ‘ Plans $25. L; Charmer lEXI E Poof i fairfielb lumber Company, Lumbar, th. Shingkn.5nh. Doors, Lime. Gaunt and Building Material Generally. &fi%¥// g/X 191511K3__qn ' Hubert C. chive”, Esq.. st. LouLs. no. Bur 5ft:- The plans or my ruidmce prepared by you, 3130 than of our bank building were very satisfactory in all aspects. 1 ‘ you {at the ”mutant take: in W vork. and HI: any useful mgganimo offend. Your: very truly, Wgwao 493“ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS < -- r u u m mmm (m « mu“):(Inglnlmulmimlr ‘I “Writ f M‘Elfll‘ttlmhulmmuuu rm W4" f x. A i; "’ m ll- -4-1m—- ..,' ‘— Kit. Porch 3 :- 3 :3 _ 7-10x19-6 pm Q on. 6 gig :3 s 11-10: 2 :3 Ch- when ‘ Efi‘a‘: é 16xl4tt. :3 gig: u,- am i ==EaE a Dim“- I a o 223.??? 1mm. . _ "a :5. If.—'“”‘ c e H-11 . gso. =52§Z§i . .2 K 2 “0 SILK. 5E “‘11 on $52. $553” : ~10 a , ~ »= so“: Parlor 95319-6. Ch ‘xletZ ”E .335 :5 ,3 14x14-6-. 13-“ = ., 235‘ ~ ' 15m Emsfi“; 6 _ . _ =" $35,532. = Veranda . _, :ffvgfigz art Undo Balcony 2 5 $5353: 4| Sardinia design 5506, story heights IO ft and 9-ft 6. Plain, clea‘mcut exterior. Can be used as residence or flat. Plans $10. ~506- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS / ARTISTIC fibfiM'ES over a|l36ft Plans $IO. Porch I) Reggio design 5507, story heights 9— ft 6 and 9, width- Large dining room and front chamber. Balcony I Pan tr I a c 1%» sin Kitchen Dining Room Chamber _ :cmjfthUJlo Chamber H-les 14-6x13-6 11-61(14 ‘ 10x13-6 clo / Reception Parlor “a” 13116 . p16x1$ Veranda Hall l Itfiiupm c1 down Chamber 17x14 WINCHESTER RESIDENCE—Denim 8099-0311 (rune. $L¢99 to $59!; phnI. SIo‘. width. u (I. by ‘6 k; may heights; II fr In the clear. See page 41‘ Nmo design on pngc 2.3 1 Winn-helmet plan No. I. Band du parlor. I5 “HR 6in- , dining—room. I5 an R. 6 III. 'ilh gliding door: into pallar, with fireplace Ia Iilting- room orfly. See page 65. design on page 4 q ~507— T HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES A n m «Mn. !_1 "F‘s:=' — h . - I :d, Wan»... ,,,,,....,... .. u ...., ‘r.-.'mf.‘lvl/.'«v4/.'/.-,:W»‘nv/«llwn~n~A.. Allépo design 5508. width 36-h 6, width over a“ 39 ft. Compact. square. economical plan. Story heights 9-ft 6 Plans $20. and 9- Ch- 8 Ch. 13d6x1§ R ' o 1-6x16 ‘1]. want ME I Chamber 15‘1"6 Ohnnbor 14inlo a”: / \ “508‘ ORIGINAL DESIGNI. F When you build. I! II IUDDOIM Hut you want melhlng origin“ Ind dlleh out to the commonmhn bulldlnn you an "my day: My Itudy In not manual to on. locally. I do work In every sun In the "man ml many toroi'n coun- (flu Ind I [mt an! of n. monum- my Idcu m nu! ma HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTI'C HOMES d FANTRY PORCH 1 ITCHEN CHAMBER GMAHBER Emma noun ussxm- ls.u.xna. 5'“ mama- IS u-x I7 c D / l I c n r c ‘ fl J 4 mn C — 1,: ‘ _—:: -..-- 3 uv ’4 Tl FARLDR CHAMBER "AMBER IIS-U-XlEl-v‘ : I5 u.x‘s,7, ~I-X l3-+- PECEPTION- ~- I5-lrx ls. / T abuses mason—inuun ION-N; cont $1,190 to 82.235: plan-.820; mry minus «.6 in. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITICTS ART'STIC HOMES 1‘umuumngnnnnmun‘nmmlu wailiiiiw' uiu . ighummliiurminim . ‘ Mal mum l l _” "ll Ill" 51 mi Ill 1 "T "m IV I? III ili‘i’i , . ~ W-“ BEAUFORD RESIDENCE—Design 100,046-0; plans, $20; sue. 36X48; cost in frame. $1.800 lo $1,980. Specill features: Large vestibule; combination wood-shed; patch and “met-closet; comb. cellar mirs; kitchen entrance. WC m mgpyrflrrp W ’ ”’2 ’4'— I u- Ir/rc/rcxv E Q \ 19mm" D D . mm “a ‘ .0 law» ’W (mm: a A U’VXfigD 'P ”Iv/”cg” WAR. HAL. &nwy '31 ’ E5 o M45502“ $12"le .. CLO; c109 ‘ ” " ~ one/vase .. / X/J 6 Asbznxizpro 0 / “SIO— STA'LE LEGISLATION AGAINST "BUILDER-ARCIIITECTS." The State of Illinois has ri-(‘onlly pnssvil a law compelling architects to un- dergo a rigid examination before they um [)l‘RCllL‘e‘. Tin-y define what an achi- tect la. and selflstyled nrchltecis. wiihont' a license are subject to prosecution and I fine of $500 for each and every offense. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BLACK HILLS RESIDENCE $1 190 to $1,480; in brick $1 600 special features: “airs. See page 65. KITCH‘N MXE DINING u ill? I PABLQR REC Tom 12“? ZULA COT iAGE. Design xoo 033 0 cost $980 to $1.087 widtn 3| ft Snecial features Large rooms. con- Venient bathroom, flue connections {or all rooms. See page 65. —Design 960M; in frame. to $2, 000; plans $25; Nook and fire-place in connection with CHAMBER lexa4 CHAMBERI ml? CHAMBEW 1061111; A 75" ~511- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES f‘ ‘33ft6““ 3 Porch R°°f 1 . Bal 4l5\ Ch. Kitchen 12x7ft4 .8x13 Dining R. Ch. 18ftx15f‘t Parlor I 15ftxl4ft Rec- 13x14.8 Porch 315mm»: RESIDENCE—Design 1903-0, cost in tram: 31.892 to $1.920; plans 515. See page 523. See page 65. L mum“ on “"I'L - mm «pk cam cm x 1v 1 ' \ am one x lo ‘ v "n , H o‘tmune unexurm mm 1:21:33: _/ zone: an; 1 “° mm. 3.13: swam . nnuo noc- ° ' mm mm: R30! ' - 15:: s a un ~ ; 13m x 11:» I 4'“ I “HG tune x 15m fl '2' 4 I H m Emma .. 1m 1 un 13m 1 nm, K m ”N’ME” x u“ 10 ten 1 14m vow-en 5): . I ‘5 I 2 '- ’S‘DELNY RESIDENCE—Desxgn 1909.0; cost in frame $2.- 299 to $2,385; plans $15. Seepage 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC} HOMES 5‘ i f - ; ——* {f __,__ g _._I J \ l , .4433. rm.“ F n6“; I!“ ' N «V. “ NW; |[ d ) 7-11 :4. lv~nl r fi_:I 300D SHED I 9ft6 x 9116 PORCH/ "TRY \ {11cm 1! 10113!“ DIIIHG ROW -' 16“ x 12ft. 21:: g u. I L: m1. _ ~— YARM up CHAMBER 13ft. x 13“. 13“. at 131141 mum —— -Zf‘°: ' L AVENA RESIDENCE-‘Des‘ ZOIi-N; , - 825; height. 9 n. I‘ll con 82.692 to $2.780, plan, HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES T “rem léflbln 1 HM pong. no. I Pl” v R! ; no I no .‘ /‘ 5‘ 1 an: a. bill" I“ m go“ I “n ‘ lot‘ I un eln 1° H‘ tun FARLGI cum llfl l I!" I?“ I Iflfl . mn- 1¢$ I 0“ UL! ‘ A 55' —5|4— ANASTOTA RESIDENCE—Denim: 1867-N; co“ in (tune, 82,190 to $2,239; plum, 820; nary heixhu. )0 It. Ind 10 it. Spec- lul lawn: Attractive. large bay-shape parlor and» chamber Ibove; neat. autumn modem exmiu data. HERBERT C. CHIVIRS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES H10 RESIDENCE—Duign “DZ-N; in bane, $1,798 to $1.99!; plant, SIS: width ova all. 37 n. 6 in; "0:7 hei‘hu, 9 fl. 6 in. Ind B n. a in. lull story It tower. Special unmet: A good corner lot design; lug: dining-room. Jaw”, I '~ I/I'tllt/Y V M‘O'l/N' fl/y/M Ea” a ‘6 "Xfi‘o‘ l 3 (mo/vote I: 1‘ 'A /6 4' — ourk 9317/ (/1me . I: v“ I!“ -5|5- CHIVERS CO. HERBERT C. ARCHITECTS AR-TISTI»C .HOMES manhunt-«nut lfl-IDKIIn-i «a c...- usnenmunuoo» “naming. Nov. 3. 19‘ 3. Ir. not-bar! C. Chivas. ou Is. no. b.5331”; Thorium. spoolnuunna and data": hmxlahed to a mm film: "to m ml: anusnotory. ram-a. vory truly. —5|6— . , HERBERT C.-CHIVE'R'S C0. ARCHITECTS l\ I? 1'I Si 1" (3 t1 () NA IE 55 “DEXTER PLAN.—Design 196w; in frame, $1290 to$l386; plans, $Io; width over all, 27 fl. In in.: story heights. 9ft. 6 in. Special Feature; A very compact plan; easy to construct; bay in from. See page 65. Plan No. I.-—See plan No. 2. opposite page. Chambe Chant 13-6X15 12—6X 13' Parlo 13-4X 19' ~5l7- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES k... I . Root Kitchen . 15-9x12 " ' V Chamber Chamber _ 14-102113 13-6x12 1; _ _ Help Chamber 1 fins-5:13 ‘loot Dexter Plan No.2 deSIgn 55 I 8-A, story heights I0 and 9-ft 6. See design opposite page 5] 7. Large living room. Plans $10. Plans $ [0. Dexter Plan No.3 design 55'8- B. sto heights l0 and 9 ft See design opposite page 7. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES um , ‘L ” mu1-bmmpldl’l, -zmgfll-J' Scdrmm “51015ch -Design 19sz cost in me, 3‘; fin to $1,940; plans. $15. geu‘l Roof ‘ I Bed RI "Eed Rm * 18x15 GRAND FOLKS Plans No. 3 Morgan Design reversed, flue holes In place of fire place and large closets between two main chambers with 10 ft. 6 m. and 9 It 6 In story heights. 599”“ 5°°- ?LAN No l. "519* HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC ~HOMES 4/ "(OUTS RESIDENCE—Design 2379M; cost in frame. $2.350 to $2.493; plans. $20. See page 65. ,, , "/- ”A aux-2 Q»: ‘I.O);Q/<. . V ”"6 .1 H" C1 , \Q q 115-3“sz ‘- ‘f"? L\\ ‘0 (j (AI/Lute U o _, ,w- x5" /5”5 '1 [:R” '3llllllll HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS IAI21'ISWTI12 f1()h@EES 1 1 0 K . PARLDF. 1 3X1 1 14)“; i .— Up H P. R SUBURBAN HOME.——Design sew; in [mm :ndsmn: 3 mp, , 5x13 11 XS 33.000 [0 $3,500; plans, $30: Ilory heights. If: (tr, special leaxuln: Cambium of stone and stained shingles. Begu‘ tilul llmpk ‘olor effect: an be obtained; combination nun w POCA carnat— ')e1ign 88 2M: _ ‘E “a | ll“' -’ m : _~_ Honour: RESIDENCE. — Design ":40. in fume, 52.890 16 ”poo; phns' $25; story heights. [0 fl. Special features; Attractive second landing to thin. See pnge 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES “IIIIG Rom .713.- ' II“ uh a is!“ ' ,r IIIHO I llf'do Br- I . \ 20" y. um um u, elm .. lu‘ III I I“! «WM "Wm-:12; ”V‘J‘W‘Mml Till-mm Flu H L!!! “m a.“ «3‘1 . EILIFF CAVE COT'I‘AGE.~ -Design 907901 to x 0‘ new u'usw _ _~—522~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Dining Rm. sum"; “Hm—H 171-"- ‘° 17 x 13 300' ”at” Root ‘ ...l D - —& . 0h. Parlor “.11. V “‘1‘ - I6 0115 up Veranda 1 11d. “0°: Ealing daign 5523, story heights [0 and 9 ft. Width 32 ft, width over all 55 ft. Good, plain, practical design Plans $10. ‘ “523 " HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Prelimina design. The Edwin Swift Residence, Lake Geneva, is. . ’ ‘ i 2“ Chamber ‘ 14xi4f4 Beckenham design 5524-3, in brick, width 42 ft. story heights I0 and 9 ft. Plain, neat exterior. Plans $l 5. HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ‘ ARTISTIC HOMES = Aroma Ruidencc No. 2.- Iml/ ulrg‘. c ‘3 \‘v. Chamber 157.12 Parlor léxlé Aroma Residence No. 3 14. 5x131“: 14f1214 W/I 6"; a: HROMA RESIDENCE _ Delign 100.04! 0-. plan. $20; 00!! m brick, Sz‘uo w $2,680; story heights. I 5: l0 (1., 2d 9 (I. 6 ms, mm 7 5L, special tenures: bay-shape room. Ilmcdve shin. novel porch. See page 65. w525— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTIS’TIC HOMES Barking design 5526. width 29-h 6,width over all 45 ft. story heights I0 and 9-ft 6. Plans $l 0. Dining Room 19x13 Chamber 1 5x13 Living Room Recep' I I7-6x14» Hall Varanda Manislee. Mich, Oct. 20, u) Herbert C. Chiyeuk‘Archiieel. 0‘ LOUIS Dear Sir:— The plans and specifications purchased 0! you have liven pvlecl satisfaction. and they have uved many limes their cost. For (he lacs: up- to~dite designs, embracing all (ha: is modern and desirable, with minimum cost a van or the eon-iderauon. you cerlainly excel ilh an assurance of my most grateful apv predation. i am. Very truly yours. (Real Estate) 5 C. THOMPSON. HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ' .. luvntofy (or a phylicim. KlYENEN LNING-R- IE'S'XB 0' .nxq 9 ~ Otrvcc I2 0 KIE-O- , AKEMAN RESIDENCE. -De|ign 1835- N; cat: in fume, 82,390 ‘ to $2.198; pins, 320 Special leIKunI: Io :. '.. House Ippeut well on wide lot. Plenum out-look [tom A good .houu :fc CHAMBER cuAnlsa JE'D'XIIS- ‘ZUXII E _/ NALL \— C C c CNAMEER CHAHSER «a-u-xuuo 'EDM‘IBD MALL -527~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES --21ft.~-------«g 5 Ch. ’12. 6x11. 6 Ch. Sitting R 12ft6x10ft H. Parlor 12ft6x13ft Two dFamiiy Cotta e design 5528-A, story hei hts 9.6 See esign 526. Plans $5. g 5- - ~22tt6- - -- v: Kit. 1018. 6 D' . R. llxllftS aloe “P Porch Parlor. 13611321». Two Family Cottage design 5528- B, sto height 9 and 8 6 6. See dCSIgn 523 Plaiis s? s HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES LA FON’I‘AIN RESIDENCE... Design 2364~M; design Jn page 529 cost in brick, $6,000 to $6,500. Plans, 565. E fl/fi/NJP/V /Z ”X 8’7“ 4/4/7522 mac 7”” 5/003” /5”X//”6" 1‘10 (10 — an: 40: —~ :I/ I fl , 22,4er ,5,“ ,2” aux/5:2 AWN/"6‘” 09/4/1752? /ZI7')< 7/7 - 52 9 - NARKLEMTH COTTAGE—Design 2363M. See de sign page 530 See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES LA FONTAIN RESIDENCE—Sec plans on }, L. in; See page 65. UV” IHI mARKLEVlLLE COTTAGE.— SE 5 5? 1 -Design 2365M; HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HO'MES ¢ u’dllirhf‘ml ‘H mvm‘nfc Moduto, Cal, June In, 1902 Ham 3'5. Mr, H C Chive“. ‘ D 55!. Lows. Mo. ear u.— ... “um. _ _ _ _ H: We received puns in good dupe. and me I . church has been buill an we are all pleased I ' Herzlofulc we have had cxpcnente in church I “1. plans with Eafltrn lrchitetls, wlurh 3! fun made ' ' us skeptical m 1M: cue, For a chunk guaran- : 13-8111,.1'1 reed to can a rennin amount. the lawn: bid . . was just double lhc original estimale, I C an We feel that you have (vealed In in a strictly ' I. pvolcsslonal and eonulennous manner. ' 'I ’ 3‘ Respectlnlly. . ROBERT S BOYNS, : 6h. Porch I. Pastor, M E Church, South .: a .4 Din 11. Ch- t: ' xsnms “n: 15:17-9/ up Roe. E. Parlor 16115”. 1511'”: Veranda L. ~531- Chiselhurst design 553'. story heights '0 and 9—fi 6. We“ ventilated kitchen. Suitable for southern home. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS J » , ‘ lz‘pfi‘r‘i‘ :‘v \WI'I'.‘ , L313, 2g ‘ W‘JWIJ “a WW ; M x‘zk// 7’ , 71/1/15 I 4."////f///l./% {l }k«/¢;,,(, A”. ”WM" ,’ fl/éww , V, ‘ N J Mg, ,m. 4 flu/Ma, 3,"-.- - --29“5--— - a Pantry Porch . Kit. 5 Dining R. - - n. 1'. 5x159: 15mm ”-1: Von? . Parlor Ch. “ H “mum 16m 5x121‘t 3; Amberly design 5532, story heights ll and 10.11. Feature. front portion of house not cut—up by stars. Large closets. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES . Plans $1 5. ,l ‘:,."-‘/ .mhw" ‘1‘ ““ maul “311111“1 ‘ ‘ ~533" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS . /\ I? ‘r I 55 1' I (3 r1 () INI IE 55 (- AIIK‘ fl "WE I39" I! I I I) i In to!" BAwou RESIDENCE—Design 924m; in frame. $1490 to $198; plans, Sloimdth, 36 ft. 3 in. x 49 ft; story heights. 9 ft. _9 “End 9 ft. 6 111. Special feat'urcs: A .large veranda, Modifications; See index fox Parkdlle Gouge. See page 65 P ll“ . l 5333 IPANTRY p KITCHEN 10-6x7 - 0P1 5x14 DINING noon ‘ wN 16x16 1 ECEPT. .:== CHAMBER IL DE“ 3 1 .. ' 5-5 HALL PARLOR» 1 x 4 6 1f 10x14 15-6x17-6 CHAMBER l 15-6x17-6 PORCH RUOF‘ Atlantic City Resicience No. 2 desi heights 9-ft 6 and 9 Plans $15. ’534 See page 8| for design. 5534. story HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ 41,” ‘r . l ‘ V fifl’fl/ , z,- 9‘ » 5 ;. _. .V ”(I/6.2. amp/’11:“ 7m Mir—#147114”; 0/ mm.“ V..-r ,‘W,’ A' '1‘?“ ”mu/punmmnw,.n - — A J — , ‘/ /-77:n,77._./,\\‘ IL e _ Pan. Chamber XSfixlOttv [new Lyndhurst daign 5535, story heights 9—fl 6 and 9. Width 29ft. Plans$|5. -535- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES width over 77; ' all 46 ft. \\ ’ ‘ . :- Lib—“IQ ‘Channouth daign 5 536-A. Plans l5 $ - 9 and 3h 6. *Pantry Porch 5 d I an ‘ d Ch 3 I “ Rush inmg R clo Ch 34qu ‘n 1.3le " [0-4111 15X15 _-LH311 LIP :_:f up D, h . . [—- Sttxdy '- Linng Roo- 13x15—5 c Tchamber 17-4x13 ““4" R“: 1 J 12:14 7! l-‘z—be} Bal Verlndl I i "536 —*_ Plans $l5, Charmouth daign 5536-3. See daign abofi'e. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘- R Plans$|0. Penzance dasign9 5537. width 40 ft 9, over all 46 ft. Story heights9 and 8 ft. Plain, clean—cut design. BguI R Dining Room ‘ ' Cflamber 1219 19—3)!” [W13 19-3117 d' p Reception H Chgmber L1 14x1 6 Chub: 12- 6x12 CHARACTER IN ARCHITECTURE. AN,¢m£'xlnd slowly :11“:qu Ihe unJIoII-I ha me u a cave-dweller ml in tonne cl link to demand In "shut“. H: II Iutd ol thatched Ind waded but! and weary ol l|1¢ In ten“. He rnlk‘ crude elloru II buIldIrI‘ III uh wood. Huh .1 one and VIII! buck. The W- mru u: unnghlly In type-(Inc: and nncomlofllhl: to occupy but man do“ not M II. He II pioud at an homz. II II the be“ to In In the thmy 0! In: coda. Prue-Ill] some OH‘IIIII “mus erecu a hou wpIn-m Io behold ma Io convenI’enI In lawman an: N- wh- borl dfll'und lhal he lly Ill the Isle: and build lo! Ihem m manta bu arrived. He um. It In: ally be“ III Imam EgypI m4 Gleece Ind .II mum Europe. Emerson once nod: “m Egyp- IIIe Ind ontu I‘m ImmomIII y Them In. chuuur, you “2,111 each ma Iva“ you nm in under: nan-gm... I. chaum Ind IndIvauIII, mu me only pocnble Imn - man who hu’ morou‘h undy cl in pan and has Idea 0! III. own thch be can Adaptta £0th phat you have lam: lot your buildmg and the nmounu you are prep-led lo upend— Herbert C awn; ~537— HERBERT c. CHIVERS co. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES iI Dining Roan Sitting R 19837 18—4x15 4 u Cham:ercE 10x15 I ”.puo 17:14-6 15:“) “II Purlor "‘11 Shillin design 5538 story hams 12 and n a wich over 50ft. Neat. clean-cut exterior. Large rooms. Good southern house. Plans $15. . -538- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OODBINE RESIDENCE—Design 1059-N; in tune. $2,298 lo 82,500; plans. 820; width. 29 it. [in by 19 ll. 4 in; my heat". 9 n. 6 in. and 9 It. in (he clear. Special lumen: Compact floor ‘ mm‘emcm. Tbi- plan can be had with seven! modifications. 15‘19 mn- Ixna’ ll|||I r -DI x v n 4 pmm; I cur-1m cum UMBER Iso': . s .55: v s can: fi'xvs‘ ‘ \. (a “uni mix I. \. “539— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 55121------31ft8 ------ ,2 d Kit. 14.6x1 13.4x19. 8 Roof Woodbine No. 5 design 5540-A, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Sec design opposite page 539. Plans $20. —4— , 5 O \ —"‘ ' Plans s20. Woodbine No. 6 design 5540-3. story heights 9-ft 6 and 9-ft 6.‘ See duign opposite page 539. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H,OMES_ see page 5—4 5. THREE goon ELATS— _ nuiyov. ‘ ilnt' ._. POMU LUS COT I‘AGE -—Design [2001\15ize 29 by 45. Cost $x64ow$2|99; plans $20; Special features. economical roof construction, attractive reception hall See page 65. For Romulus design No. idiot 1:1 fl/fK/r’f/I’ D (Ar/”4‘ /20;(/3 '6 7 PAN q E .0/ //YJQPM ‘ OZ®EQD J. WOO o 0 22/2/70»? ' gum” (Zia , HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 9a.. K M 70“” Po" CAM/val! 3 $3 9-o‘x/r-o' J) ' only. (4. HI,“ .- xii, fl j/ Damian/v (nay/v5.5? 6‘“ ”’5’" cmwrazp~ nw'x/5-U‘ u-ruco "”105“. /.3~4~x/6-0‘ fl”; _. ) =£ , dud ffi‘ffi Wm 7 CI' /J-"K ’92“ &C DENTONVILLE RESLDENCE.——Destgn :70; cost. $l,~ 99: “I $2.42§; plans. $20; size. 30 ft.- by 53 ft. 4 in.; story heights. 9 it; 6 in. and 9 ft. Woodbine Residence No.-2. Miller design, arranged for a physician. with bath~room'back of dining-room. with present bath-roomspace used as 5 ft. rear hall. extending toa dining- room door. with side entrance. and 8x1 l office where rear porch now is. with closet. kitchen. pantry and porch in rear and 11x17 ft. thamber in place of 91:12 ft. chamber in rear. “542- ART ; RT and Architecture go hand-in-hand. The leading architects do not care lor ‘ moderate-cost residence wotlt, but to meet this demand I have established a special department lor the planning 01 Cozy Homes. and as I do more work in this one department alone. than any three architects. this great practice, ex- tending as it does. to all parts at the United States and Foreign Countries. naturally gives me a knowledge of the best ideas Irom all parts at the country. and these ideas. for a nominal ptice. can be incorporated in your plans; and where your neighbor has a cheap carpentervplanned or cheap stochplan house. that you ttnd duplicated and staring you in the lace wherever you go. you. tor a tew dollars more. can have a house that is stylish. economical. homealike and out 01 the ordinary.—Herbett C. Chivers. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS AR_TISTIC_HOMES VCTAN —Dqun z:- —0, to“ $1,900 to $2. ‘59 storyhclghu 9 IL 6 In And 9 (t In the deli. phns. $10 Woodbuze W115“ page 65. Yutan (See design page 539). HAL; 7- IT’JHE. Mmosm usmmcx. _c« in hm: 51.1” no 3... do; plush; Sec Woodbine Infidel“. Seem“ nun-5 titan c-AMBER XSExIS9 .9+MS : ¥AR-DR DQ‘XA' chmpoo RESIDENCE—Design ago- :06! 5.3951 to old H‘ERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. chkal $2 295: plans. 310 Sgugluign Woodblx‘nc Residcnae . animate v hshed he v., , omm's (See dulgn 539.) Home mgmgpdnfidd. 6n tSceZAKelsas” A R C H I T E C T S ARTISTIC HOMES MACKINAW COTTAGE— Design 29 -;0 cost, $1,798 to $1 859; size, 30 ft. 2 in. by 43 ft 8 rn.; plans $r5 See page 65 MACKINAW plan No.2, Hamilton No. 2, has bath opening direct into sitting-room; with 1 1x14 ft. kitchen; with sxrz sewing pantry and 6x8 porch In place of bath; withuot owel’ but dormer In its place. MACKINAW plan No. 3. Hamilton No. 3. same as Mack- inaw No. 2, but with pantry omitted. MACKINAW No. 4, Scherymger design. same as Mack- inaw No. 2, cellar stairs on opposite side of kitchen and serv- ing pantry in place of closet. using sitting room as dining~ room. Same exterior as Woodbine residence. Mackinaw Cottage Not 5. Adams design same as Mack inaw, with dining-room where sitting-room is, with -5xr r pan- try; r4xr r kitchen, and cellar stairs under porch. The ex- tterior has root window in place of tower. Mackinaw Cottage No. 6, McMahon design, Hamilton plan No. 6. same as Mackinaw Cottage, with rear porch on sittin‘groom side. with door onto same; with r4xr7 kitchen; with bath and large pantry in place of present kitchen porch; with one extra 14x17 chamber above kitchen; with exterior same as Woodbine residence, .with dormer window in place Of tower. See page 65. £200» ”£731”? ., Romy g 5 70945 19M 5709: PM " I _-_ j/ff/NGQM p/M’WXQW’?’ ‘ (#44755? ”WK/5“, M-za “5—4 g/ffi/Zafe I“) .( '5 4 ”9 .«xur HA4). ,— - /— _ 1349406 HM" __ ”WV“. a”. OVA/”51$? m i J ('34; )4/36 U— ”544‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS l\ I! 1'I Si 1'l (2 f1 () ha If 55 See desrgn page 54 l , Romulus design No. 2 (reversed) '5" F9!c}‘““' 9'h , 6 and 9-ft story heights. : (Use mirror. See page l023.) | Kitchen .— 12.6x13.6 °‘| Ch. F. _\_ 10x12ft \ clo clo / design 5545, Plans $20. 3h. 14ft6x11ft Philadelphia Resxdence No. 2 design 5545, width ~29~ft 6, over a" 3] ft. See reversed design pége 723. c o | Ch ‘3- H -16x 11ft I C c up (1 17ftx15ft , I Ch . / ~10x Rec.Hall i Ch. 11ft6 l4ft6x14 l4-6x14-4 Parlor 13-4x15f ‘ on F. "'=-‘-0 13-8x11ft C fix ,, HERBEIT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS AR‘TISTIC HOMES l fi fi/ , g{ I]! 6A Ilnuuuqumumlnu nmmr I'm‘ \ u '” ‘94! Iliumwm ling" I‘m '1'" /[r rlll'llmllll'l [vii 4 a MONKTON —Des. loo ,;052~O cost $3 49810 $2 892; plans $20; story heights, 1st 9ft 6 In” 2d 9 ft; cellar 7 ft. See Woodbine residence Suitable for a physician’ 5 office. See page 65. IPY ’0 ( lllllll 0‘ l your” *34 ”:21! ‘ ' HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES '4“an I ”‘- ‘A 1‘ ’ ‘ H I - yI' 1m ,dgllm\ 11"“.v’ ,___ . ' wuumm“ \ 3 “on“ war not slnno nou- nxlm loan | m: In l :m tut o 1 mt *T :1 s j nu. um um x “no cum-1A anon mu 6 - nu ’ nn . )2“ . A F. u: mum NAWAKA RESIDENCE—Design 1902M; cost in frame $2,292 to 52,394; plus $20. See pngc 65. —547- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTI'C HOMES 7 ‘ |(! NM {IUH‘fdafl ROOF p. noon sun 1am. , 161'. n. ‘ 7 cg) elk will 1 1 . ‘ emu 115::6 1 «an: amine noon g manor: “0 causes dynamo ‘. nus x 1.3th * X " ‘3'":H nup‘ ‘ I LO A "K can-3m ' CHAMBER 15115 X 151" i 16:: I: one 1‘, ‘1 co; IDLEWILD RESIDENCE—Desi 2032-0; cost in frame gu $1,880 to $1.942; plans $15. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC’ HOMES L yaw “mm '5! If mum: H » _. ¥;; ;_447 _, 7:: ‘ I A» r~.,:,.,fl,%,l viz-7:7— , ”427%? :1/ ,, , / .’r’//;£//x ,, , / Ch 12-9: 14ft Chambar c lfi-lesft 13.85: > Office 0h =¢ 4x16“ ‘ c u 121nm: a .__ . Chamber léxlift u Roof : : Cuantham design 5549, story heights l0 ft and 9-ft 6. Suitable for Physician's office, width over porte—cochefe and all 56 ft. Plans $l0. —549~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ” Root 1 c 10 ch Ch. 0 d fix] Eggrgnce 12 2 lZMZfl. d B R _ p . . 15: ' Parlor 5‘11“ “run-ms Ch. do Ch. 15. 6311!: 12223.11. 6 on . 10/ Vol-Ind: = _,,50- [Hearst design 5550, story hei hts 9 and 9 h. Similar to St. Louis plan. page 787. §Dlans $l0. a"- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES a no! v TU‘CK L7 — .——— _ as . . . _ _ ' Vi KITCHEN . I Nil 1 l‘fl ”E ‘ T ’09:" mm, .m nac- roar floor ‘—<—- c u , :ime . pulse iota. P. cums! Ian I n: W“ ' ““5 (n ma . um . mm. = n It ug'm ”no: gamut 1‘31! I lift. In“: I b>.’l A, nzcvnu n t “up I left. I )/"‘ I :IlZln VIRAIIA RONDONT RESIDENCE—Design 2261-0; coat in frame, $131210 $2.198; plans, $15. See Buren Res. for exterior. BUREA RESIDENCE—Design .oo.oss-o;:oqsx. $1.662 to $1.992;.plans. $15; story heights. 9 ft.; cellar. 7 (1.; width. 34 it; spectal features: Down stairs chamber. .Burea plan No. 2. Doncastle design, same as “Burea”. With 12x18 tt.dining-room extending out to present side porch space; with 14:14 ft. kitchen; with 4x6 ft. closet where marked “porch" on Side; with extra 14xr4 t't. chamber over kitchen; with 4x6 ft. closet; with 4x9 ft. lavatory where marked “deck"; with 9 ft. stOry heights. Burea plan No. 3, Park design, same plan with 14xr6 ft. parlor and dining-room; with chamber 14x14 (L; with fire—place and bay; with chamber of same size above; rear vestibule at foot of rear stairs; with door into bath-room. Burea plan No. 4, Sprigg design. same as Burch plan No 2. with four chambers above; with 14x23 ft. dining-room; with 6xn ft. serving pantry. See page 65. ‘55]- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BUREA RESIDENCE—Design 100.058-N; cost. $1,662 N 31992; plms. 315; “my height. 9 1L; cello, 7 IL; width. 34 k. Special features: Down- Inirs chamber. This plm cm be had with 12:18 ft. dining-room. E MECH lftfl.’ 8° - f’ Z’d’k l4” W ”m :2: N" n :I (”may 0 Q lawn/r9! G I D _ o o O ./ ; [:1 p/hcwo m\[ 0 E tam/02 PKZ’D'ANAL " ”fix/5”,“. URN/2'7; I9 ram/mm HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES a Burea Residence No. 2 design 5553-A .1 -Porch— ~39ft--Sa¥me design as page 552' \ see page '55 I. Kit. 0 Ch. Bath R. 14x14ft ! 14ftxl4 Cb "' _ Ch. ‘ [- Dmlng R00u10-6x Ch; . E 18ft6x12ft. 15ft3 Parlor Rec.H 12x12ft6 14ft “p wide Plans $| 5. heights 9 ft and 8-ft 4. Veranda E Burea Residence No. 5 design 5553-3, porch as on pa e 552. Also see page 55] lgheights l0 and 9 ft. Plans $| 5. / 4553- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES My Ll 22‘ PORCH PANTRY , Jr. .— -—,L n" KITCHEN CHM“ 121‘! l‘ldl‘l DINING ROOM loft x 12!!» CI! 16 h. um I l SIHIIG ROW \ nn x Ian. was“ let: x um. on “P HALL In?“ 1 L10“ cum I." I luv. fiATASAUQUA RESIDENCE —Design 186¢M,cost in frame $1 69210 $1 898; plans 510. See page 65 ~554— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OPKINSVILLE RESIDENCE—Deana lOiZ-N; cost in frame, $2,298 :0 $2,669, plans. 820; awry heights, 9 It. 6 in. Special {umrclz Fire-place in reception hull; well-ventilated dining- room; vestibule; nmaclive V-ahape window in (mm. x 1 l J” .A-‘u I H3 r.— r, _ U H u P C?! 5" .nxna‘ .. n 3 Ohms cn 16x15 IS’XIE' . t ‘— i s 1 ti: . . H o I P ‘ {n .3010 anM‘s' R n , v Ln w _ ‘_ I‘Xll p ~555— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS \ ARTISTIC HOMES MW e _= I .r wmuvx/yy ' «minim-.1}- - IHIHHM/ (V/AIHIHH‘ ESGARDEN RESIDENCE—Design 2244b]; cost in frame,$2.180 to $2,390: plans, Sis. Special features: A neat exterior; large library; attractive rower; well~venlilaied rooms; attractive angular window in dining-room. “(In I H!“ ”MIDI! N!“ I 13!“ PM mun I XSF‘E HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS \ ARTISTIC HOMES §WINGLEY RESIDENCE—Design 4090-0; in frame, $1, 499 to $1580; plans, $10; size 35 fl. 4 in. square; story heights, 9 ft. 4 in. and 9 (L; Special features; combination cel- lar and side entrance at one step above grade. See page 65. S\\'lNGLF.Y Plan No. 2, Orr Design: size 35 ft. square; i0 and 9 fr, story heights. side entrance omined, and bath be‘ tween corner chambers. See page 65. _ SWINGLEY Plan No. 3, Hiles Design, same as above. but in brick, with bath on second floor. kg ------- 35ft4in ""f B , Kitchen; Pa“ 2 C See page 65. -557- 15.4x11f+ 1 DimR. Oin cl c fill-'ISfiAX f 10' afuoin g = “all 8 t m Parlor Han Sitting R 0"" °1° ‘ Ch. 13.43: 9&4 3ft4x 3-” “g 13.4: 15rtein 15ft6in 15351" ‘11:; 5ft6'm , V ‘ Porch 0"; 5! f-fD‘ ’ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES n?“- Im I xzn emu: 21ft n 23fl MIL“ XII I :0“ : Mun-u lifl I l“. nun 1m CHESTERTON. RESIDENCE. — Design 1mm, cost in frame $1, 892 Sec pug; 65; *558" HERBERT.C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ELARENDONIA RESIDENCE—Design 1862M; cost It. frame $2,250 to $2,390; plans $20. See ‘uge 65. a I PORCH PAITRY ' u :4. <.. J ,1 a: 3 mm onxcs 7ru7rv. amen —‘— v the x 11ft orunn. 17h. Mn I 111‘: n 3 _ HALL 5ft wide :I .f '0 exam; aco- CHM-mu 5 cums}: cumm 13m x um. Let: x mm 511 l 15qu x was 15:: x 15h ,2. HALL IARLGR leLI x 14ft HALL a? x-l4ft3 mum -559— _.EE. 3: HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTIST'IC HO'MES HEN you are building ahome it will cost you no more, but will be a thousand times more satisfactory, ii ; you will build on the past exper- ' * i ience and most modern ideas oi an architect oi national reputation. and build ior the future. It is a iact and a lamentable one. that a hundred times more money has been wasted in mistakes and blunders in building than has ever been paid to architects. You undoubtedly 'have some pretty well- deiined ideas oi the sort oi a house you want and there are some things which you have always wanted in your house and ‘now you intended having them. That's right. but don't build a barn, in your haste. and then stick on a lot oi warts here and there and expect to get artistic and tasty design. it will be better ior your iamily, pocket- book, peace-oi-mind and temper ii you will simply slap all these ideas into a roughly drawn Dencil sketch, oi the sort oi a house you want. and send the same to me with in- structions to prepare sketches ior you and later to complete the plans. My large ex- patience and iniormation acquired in the sat- isiaction oi thousands oi clients is yogrs ior a nominal sum. it's your house that you are going to build and it's your money that is going to pay ior it, but a thing that is worth doing. is worth doing right, and it will not take very much in wasted material to absorb the $15.00 or so y u would‘be trying to save in being your an architect, laying aside the important matter oi convenient plan. style and design that an architect oi experience can give. WE Al! F"! IISSOUII AND IUSY IE snows [Emméuul “I“ “1"”th LIE)“ "“"""'mm In“. I can show you how to make the money you have appropriated ior your new house go iarthet toward meeting your every res quirement than you can do ior yourseli. l have studied these matters in so many phases. and overcome so many obstacles that i am certain I can be oi service to you. ll you attempt to go it alone you are bound to go it blind. Do not struggle with perplexing preliminary troubles which are the business oi your architect. The operation 0! planning. designing and build- ing a house are too complicated to be successiully undertaken without an architect, even with the eta-operation oi the best of builders. The proiessional or expert is needed not only to se- cure the successful completion oi the project but to save money ior the client. Do not hesitate about writing to me ior iear oi the extra cost. You will iind it the truest econ- omy to have my assistance, turthermore. it lacilitates my work to start you right in the iirst place. it is my business and my pleasure to make every dollar oi my client's money count ior his benefit, to prevent extravagance and waste and an able him to enter at the appoint- ed time a building with which he will be pleased to the end oi his days and which will have cost him even less than be ex‘ pected. Do not tail to write to me, my oiiice is just as close to you as your nearest mail-box. Besides you have the satisfaction oi get. ting my advice in black and white._ _560" utaatave.cmveas AlchEcY » aamr tows OF FA<45THILE TE STIMONIALS HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTICi'HOMES ' - :fiff‘éfgwm--~‘-«.~-~.......... M. .. ....._.. DL'XBL'RY RNDENCE _—Des:zn 879M; Hubm c, Chums, Alchnccl. ' 0 R D E R B L A N K- L Louis, Mo. Plus: prepue pvehmmuy plans In! my reudence. to; which lmd encloud :5 m paymznl ol um. I! hung unamxood um n l huuld hon the Men (untamed more”: lhlll vull ovdex apecual phat. ol yen and mu mu sum ol 1! u to be allowed by you I; a aedu an Ike can cl Ixml phnl. unlu- an enmely dmevenl pun u adapted. Putnam-1y pllnl comam me very (“mu 0! an udmccl': ider. In! any pamculu bulldmg and are otdinuily want: 1 pet cent ul *‘ . can oI bunamg .flSIDENCEP—{kugn loo.o49-0 Nam: -56I- Hwy“ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOM‘ES r. .. _ «xv . .. : 21HHHlll'lhl‘iN‘l-I‘ 3%: m ‘ “‘5‘ ONEYHILL COTTAGE—Design 2420-0; cut in km. 31.!” to 31,289; plans. 310, story height; 9 fl. Ind I fit; hm my to min room. Special futures: Luge vemda; attractive unit Inkling; lug. dining-room; well ptoponioned exterior. NIIIEI‘I c. cunts-o - AICNIYECY NIX” IOU CIAIIII - l!‘ (in 1 Kurt lift ‘ xotr __ «715-- IARLOI “P latllo 1 )ct: IICIPTIOI [ALL ‘ )At&o l l 'x 16!: x 11ft ’562" HERIEI‘I‘ C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Chicago Ill. Jan 5, I9 MI Herbcn C Chiv ers Wainwright Building. Ins. Ma. Dear Sir:— Both Mrs Hobbs and myself had some ibril- lianI ideas which we «is ed la The trouble with our hrillIanl ideas- was Ihen Iried 1o sell me something I did not want Havmg heard a [real deal of you and your work during Ihe year I sp_enl in St. 1.0 ouis. l sem you my slexchgs. expecIiI-Ig Io receivr a letter sup in; max Ihty were wquhless my ideas are noI embodied in Ihcse plans, Ihe plans are so complele and well dzveloped, thal I do not miss Ihem \ ‘hi le wishing you success, ix occurs Io me Io menlmn IhaI Ihuc ma many more in Chi- cago In my redieamem. and will canainly reler :Ilaayn prospective builder Io SI. Louis {or his an architect Sincerely yours. FRANKLYN Hons, ‘gfaington design 5563, heights 9-ft 4 and 8 Porch Pan Ki tchzn q - Chamber h b 11-6113 Dinxng Room C an er “'5‘” 17—4114-6 l7-4xlé l-'-I ‘ Chamber 13x12-6 up Parlor 13:16 Chamber -6xxD-9 61° Reception H 13110-9 Roof Verand- Auburn Neb. AprIl I7 Ions Mr H C. Chners SI LnuIs, Mo expectation and III: Interior arIangemenI fIIs our needs Inst abouI IIghI and makes us a very mt Dav SIrz— Pluse pardon my dday In noI wrinng sooner EXDNfllfl‘ my apprecIanon of the made {or the “modeling of my residence. The que ry is “How dId you areomplish sucl' a trans- lormalion?‘ The enrriov Is lar ahead 0' our comioflable The money I paid you for plans was well in- vesIed. i0! Ihey worked out pevleclly. saved us money. and a whole 0IIM oiw worry as truly, (Drugngl E H DORT ~563~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES COWELLVILLE RESIDENCE—Design 8380-. in frame. $149910 $1898; plus, $15; width, 21.8 x 32 {L 6 ins. sLory heighu. 9.6 and 9 IL in the clear. room sizes. parlor, 13.4 I I4 IL; dining room. 13.4 x [1 0.; kitchen. 13.4' x 12 IL; chunber. 13.4 x 14 IL 3 in; front chamber. :92 x :3 (i. 8 in. mull chamber. 7 x 8 It. Front md back chambers connecu. with fire-place and bath room over kitchen‘ Have $10 Stork phm. with l x I x :2 IL kitchen behind. wilh tear stairs to servant'l rooni. See big: 65. ’ Kit. 0.101 159?. Pore Dining Room _ ' 16fi6x12ft8 1‘1““8 “Wm lSflAxl'lft P. Cowellville No. 2 design 5 564. Similar design to the above, but more ornate. Plans $l 5. Kitchsn . ~ 4x122: 1‘1““ a. 4117f t Ch. 13.4x14 J_._/ Ch. 19ft2x13ft8in d 13 . 4x12 10in arlor th W Many ~564— HER’BERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES spam DEC. subgz; A MODERN HOUSE. wmnm Mr. and Ha. -I!. FWIIEWJ "one Wu Plan-sq for (haw-Inca Mn 6! 1 31mm . ~ -.-~ xn 'ch cm is that of Mr and \irs H. l. Iner just completed [mm the phns of Herbcn C. Chivers. l‘uc renownedb‘! louisarchikrr. \mouc‘ ‘ “.2 archirccrum' bcnuiy and «mum- quc.i2 joy [0 n5 ouners and a mmumunl of the skill of Its a'ch- Kim! hugh a building shouLl b: .m Ina-mix (or )0! owners to procure :\l -»rr 1 nr when preparing to \ near . armed attracriv . 'n as (he Ht! 5 reflects {avoraf h ‘ on r n. good taslc of 115 owners 1h; ”Jest: at the house— warming were du- _...y. ;, 0:» Birkdale daign 5565, sto heights I0 and 9 ft, width Plans Large parlor, suita Ie for a parsonage. 31ft. 0 LI :‘crcr Porch F995 I I I . _ :10 1:10 Iatcnen F“ Dining Eoom ‘rx1s—e 5‘10 13x20 Chamber Chamner E‘ 9-5::5-4 10-6115 cla f I Bath Poor. o-n d‘3‘% ' Chamber Study Race t Hall a, H 1; Parlor 94!“) 10-6110 ‘1- 16—6x19 ‘ Chuber‘ ~ 10—6xl04 Veranda Root ~565' HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES \ .{ OUGLAS RESIDENCE—Design IMO-N; in lame, $2,500 in 82.350; plms, $35; width. 51 it 8 in. by 33 it. to hull; width ovex I". 62_h.; story heights, 10 it. and 9 it. in the den. Special fel- mes: Wide. imposing frontage; the tough-sun: chimney and Itch lends In uppeannce of solidity; the balcony above works in we". The combimtion oi sione md stained shingles is very lmlctive. : DOVE-(- .axu I p [II F "" u-uv S - "In: I Dun-n lulu IAILoI ISIIIH.‘ ns-nusu tun-III C—AIIEI ea 1 he a s i ‘(CDID PLflfll IIIBI‘ TL“! ‘566— HERBERT C. CHlVEIS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ ONNEAUT RESIDENCE—Design lOSO-N; in klme, $2,280 to 32,460; plus, 32°; width over all, 46 IL; story beighu, 10 II. and 9 (t. 6 in; attic. s It. Special [emu-ea: Good-size moan; a- crudve outline. to patch and town: IE I Pain! ‘1'” I: n KITCHEN CNAMBEH C gnacl 11x13 Max-a CHAHEER :74- x I: 4- _ _ _ nun-run um I70- x 13¢ MALL r PANLUR up IS1'X IS caAMBER ['7 S X I5 (See Conneaut No. 2 page 733) ~‘567-- ‘ . HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES RICHARDSON RESIDENCE—Design “9M. $2,240 to $2.569; plans, $15. MAGNOLIA RESIDENCE—Design 904 M; in frame. $1180 to $2290; plans, $15.- story heights, 10 R. Special features, plain neat exterior; paxlor, :3 x 18; libru-y. u x 15: dining room. 16 ft. x n it. 6 in.; kitchen 13x13. See page 65. FRONT MRS? = swoon OLIVERVILLE RESIDENCE—Desigmzm; in fume, $2199 to $2386; plans. $15; width, 25 ft. 10 in.; width over all. 32 fl; story heights. 9 R. 6 in. ad 8 ft 6 in. (full story) Special features. Tower and cimuln porch. See page 65. -568— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES l I PORCH ’0. H ITO EN leLxlzf‘l. ROOM lift J CHAMEEA CHM'I‘ER 131.25 x lzrl‘ 1'4": X lifl‘ l ”V ‘ N” '4 ”Ila-n ”H 5.3. p“. HALL clolclo‘l \ 45016 m\°0 mama SIT‘HIG a [nu x 14m 12m. x unc Hmbm CHAMBER C 11ftc 111316 11‘)“. x 10!”) FORT JERVIS RESIDENCE—Design 2001“; cost in fume $2,092 to $2,190; plans $20. See page 65. H569" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .l- I’- 15,114 null. l n .. c g mum, c c ! numuu . uuuuquu mu » W KO}: '3 m x u 4 ‘r . F . AN w _'-r|1"“.__T.] J_____,\ |‘ PEHCK ' PIALSCHIE RESIDENCE— Design 856M; ”,';"'f,:“°" $1,398 to $1,590; plans. $15; width over all 38 Emma m" story heights. 9 ft. 6 m. in me clear. (5 Q X l‘ “A“ Dq-crmlsn _ "— I3 I! n s #5 9M 3 _ D an Man.“ U’ u 4 x I: n FDIC" CRAHBER u-ths H] J: CHAMBER '~‘ .. [DB X "S E CHAMBER [59X IE a MAERENGO RESIDENCE. — Design 10690; $1,800 to $2,298; plms, $15; width. 28 ft. 8in.: 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. Gin. (full story): HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ART'ISTIC HOMES m ILL 'K PSI.” .s'im'l' OFF“:- u'a': : .‘ Adana-6 Pym V m {IATAWLA RESIDENCE.— $ I 998 JERSEY CITY RESIDENCE.— Design 1050M; Plans $| 5, “u- HERBER‘I’ C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS NOTE: By the use i of a HandAMirror as 3 Above Shown you can i ’ See How any House will Appear on your lot when Beversed. . , SEE PAoE 1°23 ROBINSON RESIDENCE—DICKINSON Design 2960M; in frame, $1998 to $2345; plans, $20; width, 47 ft.; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in.; Special features: Wide imposing frontage. Modifications; The modified plan. with porch on side would cost. See page 65. Robinson Res. No. 3, La Plaute Design same as Robinson res- idence with 14 x 17 ft. parlor; rear s‘tairs. dumb-usher, cor- ner china case in dining-room, with space above dining-room used as r»: x 15 ft. screned-in balcony. or summer sleeping compartment, size of building ,4! x 32 It; story heights, 10 ft. 1 mums Ruin ‘tnxfil r 1. SIUING RUM! IE PI FARkDR n a x15 0 ”guru" woxns u. :HA'IER [2 fl X‘S I! ) MALL 2 ua\tc / -EnAnB€I e cnknagn «a ii‘xusn “mm \J 5 < 5; ” l I IDNEN % GIL. ‘572" I do not believe that I could be better suited with an architect's plan than I was with yours. W. F. BROWN. (Secret-r: Tucknhoe Mineral Springs 00.). North Cumberland. PL 'HERBERT C.» CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS TlflE CIW BEMI'I'IWI. sr HERBERT c. culverts. DEVISER OF CIVIC IMPROVEMENTS. T is not uncommon to hen the present age condemned as utilitarian and the Arn- erican people denounced as more money getters. These sweeping charges are iar item being justified by the iacts. Proles- sor Emil Reich, in his I work “Success Among Nations," declares that we are the most‘ liberal spenders on earth and'sre doing more lot the cause oi art than Is being done in any other country. II' I: true that in every cI ”ty. town. village and hamlet In the land there is a constantly. increasing number oi business men who are beginrun ap~ preciate the truth oi the saying that Civic beauty is a positive asset. that the surest way to increase population and induce the investment oi capital is to make the city attractive. Private enterprise is doing much in this direction by the erection oi bus- iness buildings and residences which it is a pleas- me to behold. Municipal authorities. hitherto neg- ligent or indiiierent In these high matters, are awak- ening to an appreciation oi the value oi the beauti- iul. in many large cities plans involving the ex- penditure oi many millions have been adopted and are being rapidly executed to produce a purely ar- tistic ciiect. There are to be erected during the present year a large number oi schools. court houses. churches, city balls. theatres. libraries and other public build- ings. There are parks. squares and drive ways to be laid out. Streets are to be widened and unsight— ly buildings purchased and torn down There is a stirring in the direction at aesthetic endeavor such as this country has never belore known. in the latter days ol the Second Empire in France when Baron Hausman proposed the remodeling oi Paris the ultra»conservaties pronounced his plans extravagant, impracticable and even impossible. ‘ Every Relorm says Emerson “Was once a .priv- ate opinion and when it shall become private opin- ion again it will solve the problem oi the age.’ The beautilying oi Paris was. first, the private opin- ion ol a German naturalized in France. It came to he the private opinion oi Napoleon lllfli the mem- bers oi the Corps Legislativ. ol the mayor and his council and oi thé leading zitizcns, and the result is, that Paris to-day la the moat beautilul city in th world, and its beauty ha! proved to be a municipal asset oi Incalculable value. The same is true in a degree ol Washington and several other places that are being translormed and reecuuated by the sub stitution ol beauty ior ugliness. When they wake up to Ihe importance oi the movement thousands oi towns will lollow these good examples. We are told that “Nothing great was ever achiev- ed without enthusiasm," and to secure adequate civic improvements the newspapers ol the place mustbe sympathetically active in giving publicity to the movement. Boards oi Trade and Commer- (Ia! Exchanges must take an active interest. Busi- tnust aid' In the propaganda by the distribution oi iniormative literature and the holding oi public mass meetings. Employers oi labor shoud be supplied with reading matter lor distribution among the men until the dream oi an artist becomes the tall: oi the streets, the resolution oi the conleI-enco must bear in mind the vastly increased value oibI I property both lot rental or sale by the beautiiyipg oi the «:in where it is located. _ 573 For years I have been eminently successlul as a Deviaer at Civic Improvements whether undertaken by the midpalitymy bycorporsalons or by private individuals. lthe am prepared to examine and pro- mote uponthe 'ty of sites and aubnn plans lor administration buildings, schools, hos- pitals. public baths. parka and play-grounds and lot the wideningand 'on oi Ihorvughlares. Having erected monumental structures in most oi the principal cities oi the United States and In num- erous smaller places l am able' to demonstrate my ability to design. construct and decorate in the most satisiactory manner, without I demand lor an or travagant outlay, such ediiices as railway stations, hotels, churches, theatres, concert halls, exposition buildings. libraries. banks, oiiice buildings and lac- tories. each with due regard to position, use and the accommodation demand larn ready to consult with the projectors ol any or all oi these enterprises and to prove to them coriclusively that my engagement will be to their interest in the adaptability oi the designs to their requirements, in the artistic eiiects which will be produ need and m the economy and the ptompmesa . with which they will be carried into ellect. We are living in a period oi unprecedented proa- perity. The harvests throughout the land during the year last past were exceptionally bountilul. The promise oi increase in all branches 0! manulacture and trade is most encouraging. There was never a better .I e than the oresent to arouse the public to 'a ruiizing sense oi the importance oi the improve- ments being made at once. There was never a bet ter time lot the carrying out oi private plans let the construction oi important buildings. The modern city- -dweller, unless he is lortunate enough to reside in one oi the places where the beauttlul has iound acceptance as a necessity. pos— itively suliers lrom the monotony oi his environ- ment. He may not be conscious oi this until he visits a more lavored community but it is wise. nevertheless. The Ancient Athenians and lhe Ro- mans ol the later republic and the early empire un- derstood this. The Florentines in the middle ages provided lot the general love oi the beautiiul and as we have stated, modern Paris is a noble example oi what can he done in this direction. There is an ever growing demand ior open spaces, ilowcr gard- ens, iountains and worthy statues. The public Is rap- idly becoming more and more appreciative oi nobie architecture with dignified ornamentation and to de« mand adequate approaches to monumental edifices. Civic and other authorities arc responding to this desire and there is a lair prospect that beiore the present generation passes irom the scene it WIll be privileged to behold grandeur where there is now naught but the commonplace, and to least the eyes on beauty where there is at this time only ugliness. There are diliIcultics in the way. The obstacles in many instances will not be readily overcome, but to quote gun the Sage ol Concord. “it is as easy to twist iron anchors and braid cannon as it is to braid straw, to boil granite as it is to boil water ii you take all the steps In order. Where there is isilure there is some giddjness. some lest. some superstition about luck. some step omitted." The iirst step to be taken in this instance is to communicate with me by letter or personal inter- vtew. Authorize me to make the necessary inves- tIgations and submit preliminary water- color views. plans, designs and estimates. The other steps will be taken In their natural course. Should I be given the contract lor the work. it will be completed at the specified time without increase or excess, provided the original outlines remain unchanged. The results will be. according to the magnitude oi the scheme. ‘l‘htranae tranaiormation oi your city. which. becoming "A ting oi beauty," will be, in the cited quoted words oi Keats. “A lay Forever." n NERIERT C. CNIVERS. ARTISTIC HOMES onua R lflf‘flln l “N. ‘ - “L , ' »m‘;'f,' It“; ' - ‘Iflul n '. HUD" - SITTING Nf‘ 7 1 lift mmIImm-mmn- I . A ‘. emu-n nzczrnml ml ; um x Mn Mn. 7 1: un. ~: ‘ "non I cum no . nun um x "n 5" _ L no! STEUBENVILLE RESIDENCE ——Deslgn mom; cost in {nine $2,192 to $2.140; plans $29. See Rage 65. ~574— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ART “miommengmaugromminp to ship: and o! rude commons. rich en- closures make” —- James Howell. §ABINA RESIDENCE~ Design 1227-0; size 3: It. 6 in. by 35 ft. 6in. Cost, $1,680 to $2.000; plans, $15. Speéial features: Well-ventilated par- lor and chamber above, attractive vestibule entrance. See page 65. arm“ ‘ 5 PA” 0- GD 090 am” . ”AV/VIC 370” B or Miami I ny ” kt!” gm 0 Q Ma mmzm 4m, W ’1')! G ' x/“a‘ ””62 O 0 5/10/11 , VIPA/YIA ”10‘ "9” X 30 MARLOW.—Design 2-0; cost. $1, 700 to $1,989rsize. 29 ft. 6 in. by 43 h. 8 in.;width ovel all. 33 (L; story heights, loft. and 9 ft. 6 in. See Coffcyvifle residence above. See ”‘0‘ “5' ~575~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ‘ARTISTIC HOMES um:- un r- ; um vmuu '“flE 'f :23; 11]] IIIIIG loan \ ton - nn um» I.“ I?“ I uh am cm u: I uh mum SNODON RESIDENCE—Design 2041M; cos. in me 32.390 to $3.480; plsns $15. See page 65. —370—- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MILLBERRY RESIDENCE.~—Design lB32-N; cost in fume, ‘ $2,490 to $2,982; pl-nl,$25; story heights. 1] ft. And 10 ft. Spec- ial (natures: Luge rooms and wide centnl ball with lire-place; balcony and door to second-nary (tom hull. Good Southern house. HERBERT C. CHIVEIS C0. ARCHITICTS ' Sig. 19 ARTISTIC HOMES "”//5"// ”w? 142%? , -r/7 0.5”". t WW SHAWVILLE RESIDENCE -—Design 1831- N; cosi in kame. $2. 462 to Special ieatures: 1m: 82. 680; plans. $20; sloty. heights. 9 It. and 8 it 8 in. posing comer- lox 'design: 9 {1.6 in veranda. _:‘ ,_._ .r "I man "‘5' amunn . I r .n. -; CZJA I D-K. 10“ I 1.! “n ' C GIN-385 I :13fI6 \I 61'“!!! HOOP ‘578- CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS HERBERT C. ARTISTIC HOMES URI-El ”I! X 16!! In mm doin- SIT‘HIG ROG! léft x lif‘ M Mn 1 Mn -1 u ‘4 mica 17x 10-6 E23 \ LEXIS RESIDENCE.ADcsign 1979-N; cost, $2,190 to 32,298; , plans, $20. Special features: Laxgc rooms; cenuallull; wnde ' homage; main stairs located in such a way that tear stairs is hardly necessary; wash-basin in rear hall; Inge (mm porch. —579- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ., 41:1!»in ‘ mOFFEYYILLE RESIDENCE—Design 60290; in frame. $1,698 to $1.790; plans, $10; width, 37 ft. 67in. by 40‘ ft. 6 in.; width over all. 41 ft. 1 in.; story heights. 10 and 8 it; special features: A very compact plan. See index for Cof~ feyville residence revised. We have it with octagon tower. Parlor, n.4x15 ft. 6 inc. reception room, an10 ft.. library, i3x9 ft. 6 in.; living room. 16.6mm (1.; kitchen, inn 2 ft. Coffeyville Res. No. 3. White design, with parlor 133er ft. 8 in., with stairs to cellar and second floor between parlor and kitchen; with ux13 kitchen; with 12x1 2 (3.6131; library; ‘with 16x” dining-room. with bay; with 7x10 pantry ‘back of kitchen and rear porch to kitchen. The tower chamber, _§_z_.6x16 ft.; story heights. 10 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in. H m 1 If; rffll‘h (or/rx IZW‘ 1/394 9y» [car-“b6 (#AMBIR a 7-. m - 6‘ BEBE—Design r-O; cost, $1,290 to $1,900; size, 31 {Lb}: 3x11; width over all. 39 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 it. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Bale any Coffeyville No. 2 design 5581-A, exterior similar to 584, but reversed. (Use mirror on page 1023.) Plans $IO. ”3171‘! 913135 F2003! £1161")?! 15ft I lift lfileIJLfIB cla lllexllft6 xulcul '\ CR '8 \ XGXK x XIII. _J‘.g|‘.— LIBRAP'.’ 2m" x 10!:2 r) a“ "an .- q- PARLOR ISfE x 11ft! urcn EAL}. 9155”!“ E Hr»; — 58l - TAMAROA RESIDENCE—Design 2254M; cost in frame $1,292 to $1.399; plans $10. See index for Coffcyville Residence. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 1- ----- '- -42ft6in-- - - - ~ 91 a’ _' ‘\ 5 J///§;:;r\\\ Ch. 11.4x15 12.10x17 \“P/ Cofi'eyville Res. No. 4, Frank design. cost. $49: to $1, 598; plans. 10; stOry heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft.; same design asNoirphn ~ P. c, pan. Porch Dining Rm. I6~6xIIft. Kitchen I511! ‘ ChaMber ' 12-62I5 2 Coffeyville Residence No. 7 design 5582-3, story heights lO-ft 6 and 9-ft 6. See pages 580-58l- 582-584. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS 12-6211 Chamber _ I3x15-8 Parlor 13ftx15-8 Veranda o o ARTISTIC HOMES T 431% ME" 0’ c “1%th P. Roof D Dining R. Kitchen El Ch. B. Ch. 15ftx15f’t 14-8*15ft6 113*” 2x13ft6 \ 210 10 :1 Library ‘—'§s“ ‘ 12.4x10.2 “IE: I: up K Ch. c157 10x15.6 ch- l3.4x11.8 Coffeyville No. 8 design 5583-A, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See pages 530-I-2-4. :‘........39ft—-.. ...._....E . P. Roof Din.R. Ch Ch. B Ch- 16ftx11ft ‘ _11x11.6 ' 12x11.6 V eranda 3.6x15 up Parlor 13x11 . 8 / c Icl Hall \ u ' Roof ~583— Cofleyville No. 9 design 5583-3, story heights 9—ft 6 and 9. See pages 580-1-2-4 and 9. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ~ARTISTIC HOMES 1 l” :4 . oz: WEE? Q 6 511,3“, ’QSZMTMIMwwaH—wwm m .0 an _, «es my . » NON RESIDENCE—Design 2242-N; cost in (tame, $2,140 to $2,292; plans. 320. Specia'fleatures: A neat. nttactive exterior; inexpensive tower; well-lighted library; two good-size moms in from. The house hlB a large, open appearance upon emetingdu 3-53. fl HOOP KITCHEN um x 13m . lef LIBRARY 11]“ 0 x "I“ O DINING ROOM v CHAASBR ”ft 6 x un £ .R. 101163639! Gown \—\ mm. ‘ cums :1 12“ 1 un mm gin)“ x lon ' ~584 - é __ __ "HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS CHAMBER 12!! x lif‘ c n — I icloso‘ mum t-Rncsvnou ‘ mu cm a un ;: um. mar Illllll " ARTISTIC HOMES $2,490 to $2.684. Special leaturcs: Bah-room on first-floor; . large “ ‘ b and ‘_, tower and ‘ ‘ ’ Plans. 320. Attractive comer tower; large reception hall. I A2009 :1 7\ ”xv/m 00000 1m m-an/a MMQM s. ”W31 4517206 “-410 0 GOOD §ZM ”fire” L m :44 2460 " . 3’" h’ ‘PANQA 'r‘ E Vs ~13 I’IPA/YFA ~585- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IIIIIIIIIIIIIflIIIIIIIII'I!"l I‘ 'IIIIIIII ————————'" ‘ IIIIIIIIII IllllllnlllllIIIIII . IIIIIIIIIIHIIIII" I lluu‘nuu uI IIIIIJ‘IMIIIIWI'M MIMI—H ‘ ' I” II III IIIIIIIIII ml?“ ||H“I ‘IIllmmlIIl‘ '—= Dodman residence design 5586, width 44- ft, over a” = 52 It, story heights 9 and8 8-ft 6. Combination haII. dining room and kitchen staits. Neat. clean-cut extenor. Plans $I 5. Verandg Roof Hal ivingR Chgnbez- Dining up 16118 13x37 Is-xla Room RecH .= . M ° —-— 11.11 M. 10x37 chamber Chamber, weep 16x16 16x16 15x16 “‘11 Veranda - Balcony I .__. l mu very much pleased with plan- whlch you tum-hon mr. and m l aimed Man on of your “ME“ contribution. to ma Womn'l Home com- (II. BRBERT BUTLER. New mlnnol. O .586- HERBERT.C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES WOKIMO RESIDENCE—Design 100,002M; cost $2965 to $3261; Plans, $30; size 35x45. extreme width so ft. Special features: Attractive bay; side entrance; vestibule in from; large chamber in front; general outlines of design very good; would make an attractive stained shingle gable. See page 65. nun‘r C cmvnl. 1mm. . l m I ”an? aw: ' ‘ _ D {10.9. HALL (KAI/45:2 afar/f HERBERT C..CHIVEIS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES VANCE RESIDENCE—Design 1007M; in frame, $2190 to $2540; plans. $25; width over all. 41 ft; story heights 10 ft. Special features: Open porch at sides, fixeplace arrangement, semi—circular boys at side. See page 65. m,- " ‘ 1W CMflEEB ,ax-as' ( ) may” SSIG‘C '= c R llITE-IKN usne uo' a CRAHBIE CuAHE\fl h. ( 3‘“ guy-t3 53-0 0‘ a“ p. ' Lam-uh c-Aul‘l ‘ "ea .. .110 stir-no noun DINING noon nu'czu: 5' . 51': 3' ._/ ~ALL 5.3,», natal! new. ”‘2' —588- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES fucnvmu: ‘OO’I‘I‘AGL- Design "70.10! M \\ __ .h E ;. ll“. mFyTfia—‘r mm M . do? ah. , m N "ha-w- Torrington design 5589. width 33— it 6 width over all 36 it. Storv heights l0 and 9 if Plans $l 5. JerscyHl‘c, Ill, Aug. l0, :9 Herbert C, Chiv‘ers, Archxrect, Dzar Sir:— ln ihc August number of "Woman's Home Companion" of Springfield, Ohio, I notice a full- page illustrated article of your authorship des- cribing our new horn: I assure you we think we are pardonable In again expressing the Dalil- ‘lacnon lhit our new borne gives u . The {act that we are owner and poucssor in! the huildm rim have somzrhin Sewing R 11X6 ' Rear'Hall c.- to :ath E Pantry Hall A Chamber Dining Room Chamber Chamber . 17x13 13—6x16 14113-6 A li—eziE 10 Chamber Library 13—6x18 16-3118 ‘our keling. but prejudiud or not. we think it the handmmes: sir ucture 0! its co“ in the city. Ve randa Sincertly yours. CUTTING. A31, Hartlord Fire InsuranceM Co “589- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES and 9 ft. Plans . E Girl'e-R BF‘h . Room 9-6114 .— Chamber __J°] 18:21-6 Chamber 1, 1° 13-6x14 do _ Hall E55 ale ;::1 4-_.-... Chamber Chamber IS-les zaxxz-s W Balcony / Guernsey design 5?90. width 38—h 6, story heights IU Kitchen Porch 14x15 Living Room 19x14 Perle: 15x15 -590- Dining Room 18x22-G Stair Hal ".i‘fifillIf Reception Hall 18x22 H E R.B E R T C. C H IV’E R S C O. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES to $2.462; plans. $20; story heights, 9 u. 6 in. and 9 h. Spatial v tenures: Neal, colonial cxteriov; large libruy; large pal-my. U PorcATm ” I itchfi Laun P. ‘ Ch. 9x 1 C. ..- 1 u fin '/ leq ? " Dining Library a Chem. "cygmi 4 20x15 18x20 ;§;;g * 8 (flim— Chambe C hambe - 18x14 C 13x18 831 poor 12x11 g HERBEIT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES porch 11m Plans $720. ‘4 Kit. \Laun Ch.- F 13.1x c P 0x15 °1 l7f‘tll, H ' n u 3 1 ch. 15.4x11 Dining R. ‘ 20ftx15ft Library _ 18ftx20ft ( Hall % a c up Parlor Ch. R°°~Hall 20ftx15£t 17ftx12 Roof Bal. '55ft6in' fl w Shenango No. 2 desxgn 5592. story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See similar design on opposite page. 59! l x n. -: «“11 a . JxMaus uww mm mm. .3;- 3,3}ng mum-w um [mu-m,” J4 A _.- n ,N-w \ tr >,- . Kill arm-mt c. Chlvqn, 3",, llhonflowm July 17/ *u Dou- Sir:- Replylng to your recent )et‘tarlwill state. I an, and w 1711. also. exceedingly pleased with plans fumlshod. Very respectful ly, ~592— Wflw/ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Camo design 5593, story heights l0 and 9 ft, width over steps and all 50 ft. Well—lighted scenic parlor and chamber above. Plans $15. Pantry P P hing F 14 13 Kitchen iii-mze: ‘ 15x13 H l ' ‘3 ath hamber P. 6e“: H EEL , 11-611 I 925:1?“ u ' Chamker C p Chamber 2'116 18x11 'cq Chamber F ._n_ lu—ma *1 1 I: Parlor I .hamber , 1 3 Axis / 14;“; I /’\ \ Veranda ' L A. Denna-trauma, In: nu ma 77m mu. Ian-e — m .2“ gala/d, 5r 3/, mu mun a I" v— emu u) 1...... Ir. ficrburt C. Cthers, 5!. Lou”. no. but Mr:- tl luv} mnplatod tn LNIOS‘IM tho nun] an a! flu- flush I ha! ynu prawn. and win): to upnn I, nil-noun VIUI ya! "calla-n. :INICBS. ~ , Yours truly. \ -593.— .. adv-Um!“ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS l - ARTISTIC HOMES E . ' mutulfllt“t;;'.‘.."ull||HllUWu. ‘ H H ‘ ” I - \l~ .___-—-- 4 I‘ \'\ TESAGE RESIDENCE—Design 2242M; cost in."frame. $2,299 to $2,385; plans. $20. See page 65. co “ L ' I roacu Arm R00? [11 \ \Lcon ' 12! t6 1 Tf‘G , "SIM n. um IL;z an x 7m: . 51mm lflt I I"! “if! x Nf‘ an aim Dllllo ROW 123'. x 11!! 17ft l 18“ mama- " PAN-0k H" I It!“ I?" I la“ +_ ._yrp:_ ~ —A; * -=->L=_ VIM! DA HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES WWW/y // / I \‘ m \Iérwmfllrfigflfikw i1 3".” ' W u t. ":muTun ‘Imfi $me “Emmi W :21: /'.L‘i;i\ . (1-..1-1. , MW£¢ I’ll/r 0/ // r . J fEi i l M _ _5___._. M'Z/ll/ll/(IJW/ //’/,’/////'/"”’/ f7?“ WW W /0 ”:w%% 4ZW’9/gdgi/ ,,, 4 I 71/147," 1W),&,/ Wan/f: 0;.” -?,7/,, 423;; [i4/,/M/fl/ 1/7”"? // 7///////// ///{///// Dulas design 5595, story heights 9 ft 6 and 9. Large library, with attractive combination fire-place and book cases on one side. Plans $1 5. ‘595 - ARCHITECTS- HERBERT C. C-HIVERS C0. I ‘- 4...... j‘ r, I‘M/r N‘r m§y%i ¢ -\ a ’ / 5§§§§§§333333:s‘ " g~ z/:~§\\ g a \ 2". - yaw // , . " .. I4 541%“ mm “W H 1%] “WWWLM/ /, /’""// — d! flaw/v 79/7 ” ,, mam/2m ,; 1/; ,fl , ,,,,,/WW/ ‘ f (/7 ,, - , ~ WM Z Lazy/Mm «737/3472? Cheriton design 5596, story heights lOIIf’t and-9 ft 6. {21' This exterior can be had with a plain, neat dormer win- dow in roof in place of a gambril roof. Plans $l 5. r V - Qiftain - 9 Ch. 15ftx14 12.8:10 léelcony Dining 8. Han lsnxla 11!” wide I Porch ‘Efi "596- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES - pananvnpnnmn‘nnnnfl ,, / ; Compton design 5597, story heights 9 and 9 ft. width ' 1 30—h 6. A particularly clean-cut, well-balanced exterior ( and a roomy Elfin - c "“ ‘f. Back chamber on first floor, with separate toilet. very convenient for the aged. Plans $20 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Cbartley. Design I 5-0: cost $139210 $1560: size a 29 x 48 ft 2 in.:e.\1reme 4 width 34 ft.: story heights 9.6 arid 6 11.. plans, $xo: e See Cowell plan for design. : See page 7 4— Z Caywood Res. Design : 1226-0; Size 30 x 44 ft.. Cost $2640 to $2999: ; plans. $25: special features: =. 0 . -'ma pm: pm”. D Q , I lavatory on first floor, sep : EFL...“ ”"N‘ \ 0%., drug._ {arate water closet tor selr tr 0 0”". ’1‘“ ‘ “(I wants at side entrance.) “w combination cellar V en. l 4'46”” trance. See page 65. ‘5“ «{‘S i ? HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Hm RESIDENCE—Design .2010M; colt $2.600; plans $20. Seepagc 65. ”Inga? : ’ _ . ,, r‘III'I‘IHX' V . II ' ‘ V I IIJI'IIIIIIIlIll III IIIflIlII'. IIIlIIIILI'L’fi . xxflrfi’? 2/[2/ W’m} PORCH :10 mm HOOP L1! 1: soul um 14m x 1m. 61h 13m x 14m :10 dovn HALL C 0 1o bum-II a. cam 51mm; noon arm ,1 uuln mu I: luv. 13m 4 was W. . :10 [ I \ : , E; alumna awn bftd 1 un Mn up «:5 x Imam I nu. :7 cl DEI f‘x7ft9 f” m P 9'." [ —J$'v-— . W- F:°:f_.__‘q / . GHAIBII 15ft sin I lift PARLOR din x 112$ ma! 1er lixfl "599 ‘LCOIY —- 1 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES lewony \ Avington design 5600. story heights IO t1~ and 9. width 43 ft. total width 63 ft. The bay-hke con- :‘ servatory is a specially attractive feature. Plans $25. Seaulg \Vush. Jan 3.10 Hubert C Chixcr:_ Architect .oms‘. Mo Dmr Sir A is“ dJ): ago I sent you ucxcnl v‘cws of the house deslguvd by you ll Is one of the sirablc locationx oi (lu- cuy. and Is greatly ad~ nun-d by all who we It \Vill and you some lll‘ trriorx |f you dl‘slrfl'lll‘lnv Yours very trul " (ch‘r Fume) ALBERT M. ROBINSON Roof Chamber [4x13 Chamber Chamber 1 . l4xl3 3x7 Conscrvato HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES \.§ 25 deco—528 do} . vaunflx«ahov Sc: _ L Son .5161 £35 20 :«oHath xn¢g4~ Eoom vnawfinwn HERBERT C. ARCHITECTS CHIVERS CO. \N..: a as 2 £20; ARCHITECTS .39 23E CHIVERS CO. >:ooHcm .. “3:72 @12wa Sa: $2on _ w 2%: 2220 .8258 $13.2: $32 a ufioiw H hangar—o I AR'TISTIC HOMES T25: . ”-3on x 2255 .NOOm :wfiuv 518m HERBERT C. ARTISTIC "O‘MEs L\ 7"-7-7 V \ ' ik ‘ ”I "U": «nu/"7 \ I ,x/ r fr. 1“I ,N ‘ ' .g’im * 7W , /~/////7///W’77* / / 77/0” //// /¢///7/ ; Leafield design 5603. story heights I0 ft and 9 ft 6. Attrachve balcony In front. Bath on both floors. Plans $I ). 9. Kit. m 15:14:: P- . "00’ 5 u :1 :gining R. H 23:, ] B. c 45:15-5 a.” 11ft - - Library Ch ‘31" ZO-nxlz 2 an. c , ' 15—8x19— Lens—9 0 94112-2 Sin ‘- c d Ch. H311 :: lahxlé- p‘ Den ., s-exe-s: 3- 40 _ -' Roo " ft 5 -603- A I, “#44 HERBERT C. CHiVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES First story brick and frame above. 14-6x14- Ch. 17—6xl4-1‘t3 Ch. 14-6x13fi. ‘ '/l I Underwood design 5604. story heights 9 ft 6 and 9h. Plans $15. HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ., .._.;"_,, \- Famboro design 5605, width 48 ft. story heights I0 and 8 ft 6. Wide, pretentious front. Art glass window between hall and dining room, with glass-door closets at side. Plans $25. cle Charter Guest's 12x13-8C105 chamber lcl:L1_D:x17-2 Family ’t ovrn Hall Chzm‘ner ‘13x2‘7- n Study Dznzng .1 1319 5—37.14 ' \‘utm-v/ .3” c f”. a ‘1‘“, Sitting \‘tt.x~;a, Iowa, Dec 10. x9 Mr, H C Churn, St Loxust Mo c? pitaxed wet: the plans and I are (L: hrs: and most can-.- t.. .e m tins part of the country, You: truly, BEN BAKER. -345, an s: that plus that no HERBERT C- CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES We like our house very much and would not alter it in any detail. MRS. GEO. G. BAILEY -swich. Mass. T u 1“"? PORCH ‘cumaxn Dunno new . 0mm ““5 X 1‘“ ° I“! x mm um," um x 15:: 6' un 6 x nnxo cio :19 0'“ :: u nu. szfiuo Rom -. ’ 04»;an un 1 non I'_/_ um x 14!: "m” “mam un ' 1‘“ an. 141‘: x um sxn VRRMDA “ ‘ A / R00! E3 -~v=-‘ TAPPAN RESIDENCE—Design 2043M; cost in frame $2,190 to $2.280; plans $10. See page 65. 606 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Wemfi“:’f’3‘“wr ”2 45:; -,- :. MASSILION RESIDENCE—Design 10490; in frame, $2,200 to $2,500; plans, $20; width, 47 ft. 4 in. by 26 R. 6 in.; width over all, 47 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft in the clean Special features: Wide imposing frontage. wé hive plans with projecting Colonial porch, with 4 it. open porch uound to side porch, called (Hill plan). See page 65. ch ck aaxs 9*I3.4 HALL Q-IU vnlfl ch CNAHBEH aux»? CMAHBEu EMS [bxlfi KITCHEN IE S “3-9 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES cunt El-TTl 3—CJJ d 3’ Kitchen . 15ft6x13ft4 1° lerary F l7ftx13ft21n Pan C . c ' up :Dinino E1, up Rec .Hall Parlor 11.4x11.4 18ftx15ft4in 15ft4115ft4 Veranda AH Ch. 0*“ B‘ ‘ 1.2:9ft6 10ftx12ft a u c1 Ch b Chamber “‘ ” 1.1ox11.4 “Mb” 18ft6x15ft4in 15ft4x15ft4 Balqomr Massillion Residence No. 2 design 5608. story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See similar design opposite page, 607 but higher cornice. different porch and colonial columns at covered portion of porch. Plans $20. _ 603 — HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC. HOMES EBENEZER COTTAGE—Desi n 22 1M;cost in fame S 5 $1,692 to $1.840; plans $10. See page 65. VIICNEN ””‘Wr' anon won: 0 vs 1 1.: o LFAI “In N 6 II? 9 1 CHAMBER m 0 n2 0 “ICEFUOI. NALL l r--n|nn .5 y ..-a , l 4 l 1 L 4 “609' HERBERT C. CHIVVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Sig. 20 ARTISTIC HOMES A film nvsj__ Chamber 12-5x13 clo clo — Chamber ewin; 13x12 Room Balcony O-I—i Loxwood desxgn 56l 0, width 25-h 6, width over all 3| ft. story heights 9 and B-lt 6. Plans $| 5. HEBBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS. ARTISTIC HOMES P PETERSON RESIDENCE—Design t836M; cost in frame $2,094 to $2,340; plans$t5. See page 65. THE HARMONIZER. 0 know something at everything and everything oi something connected with the construction at a building is the business ol the uchitect. The man who pays for the work seldom knows anything about my part 0! it. What he wants is a harmonized combination. ll he is wise he pays a man who is ca- pable of securing this. When a client accepts a design of mine with order- to superintcnd the work trot-n start to linish he may be assured thlt from foundation to root everything will be well done. The stone-mason, the brick-layer, the tiler, the car- penter, the glazier, the plumber and the decorator will have fulfilled to the letter the con- tracts under which they work. I am the harmonizer. I see the whole where other. see but the parts. What to my clients is a posibility is to me I certainty.—Herbert C. Chive". —6ll“ HERBERT.C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC I'I‘OMES / Coconut design 5612, width over all, / . , 85 h. Width 60 h. Ch fl llvx‘fi * ‘. '4 dumber ,i c f7x22 L 3 I u d 3 1 fl Linen C Hall a 13x9 —-1 r H ’— 5 11M“. ““51” -_ :2". r '- ‘y l«\1n-‘ha:w\hcx 7 I 24xla-3 Veranda / 2x _ 3’ ‘ (.13 s'mu-rs (flflflfl/g/NVB/éw/n a»... flaw-4’3? 4%, ems/m H. C. Chivers, St. Louis bur Sir:- We like our new brick reaidmce very man. 1?. is considered the most artistic house in this part of the country. _The art. glass window which you per— sonally designed for us, is indeed a work of art. Yours truly, 9 v ~6IZ— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Kitchen 0‘ ; q I Ch 12125-6 1“”5 ‘ 11x9-6 a-Bth a 14x13-6 * =fi d Chamber Parlor 12 10 ” 15x13-6 fiAlcove "9-4sz Balcony No on design 56' 3, width 39 ft, story heights 9 ft 6 an 9. A good roomy, square, compact raidence ap- geéaging flat, with first floor chamber and bath. —6|3-' [ans HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES i3'+)<|6 ammo more "All 4- 15+ ma. OZONE RESIDENCE—Design 1054M; in frame, $2,340 to $2,450, (with stone first story, $950 extra); plans, $20; width, 40 ft. 8 in. by 36 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. in the clear. Special features:. Attractive stone (Dutch) gable and chimney effect. Modifications: A front porch could be erected across entrance and front of library, with the ruin roof extending down over same to good effect. See page 65. f] mrcnsn DIIHNG noun E ”AXIS-V 1 CHAMBER C \‘rxim III a I 3 703 q 13+ l vtsw ‘ “24' HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Lamdry 25X21-6 . __ .,_\ CITY HOUSE—Samoa on mg: 638 “ Er Plans $40. - WK \ . Pi; Q: 7E" 7 3 j 9 x, " AW' 5 ‘7"; I; ,. . M-g—a v' 5.: 1 \uum 3‘ 1\ A! 4‘ E >)‘ Lu; ,. , I _ ~ . 7 W L .\ 1‘ ‘ Buaxows RESIDENCE—Design 10430; in fume, $1.498 [0 $1,580; plans,.$xq; undlh over all, 33 IL: swry heights, 9 fl. 6 in‘éwallsxul down at caves to 5 fl. 6 in.). 'ipccialfcalures: Bath-room. MOdmCIKiOBS For 'ca deeper and gables more ornamcnzzL «nuts I.) 1; x I4» I: DMWG EDIE .- CNAV‘EER nix v: 9 «E :1 I5 + . l SNAP-BE! mi 0 - anus ‘5’ O HALL I g E 5 Parlor Parlor PAwLuI: CMANSEI Fcncu 'h‘x” 6'5 '30“ n'u‘. unm — -v HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES (HNXONDALE RESIDENCE. Design loo.ooSM; $3332 to $3565; size. 43.6 x 3:; special features; wide, imposing homage; bay window in from. wide central hall. 15.6 Plans, $40. See page 65. MANHATTAN RESIDENCE. Desigh 100.017M; $3982 to $4280. size. 46 x 47.6; special features; wide from, large reception hall. attractive design. A good Southern house. Plans, $60. See page 65 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ,lllRYDEN RESIDENCE—Design 103654; in frame, $2.19- 'to $2.34o‘;plans, $20; width, 40 ft. by 33 ft. 4 in.; width ovet ‘all; 43 ft; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9‘ ft. Special features: Side entrance, with diregt way to cellar, stairs serve as {tom ‘and rear stairs, a 'good feature in cold climates, giving a warm reception hall. See page 65. bum! T . PAII uncut» In mums Roan la xi: to ma 9 El =- n HALL 511mm R luxua 'Isox-n Mama I I: 1 xi + ° L ~6l7- tum-«BER vEXIQ L—l u! ENAMEEN 4 X139 cum: la 5 MM CHANBER l5 XIS E E CHAMIEE ll Sxm 5 Bi 013x! Fm HALL IBXE _.’_.l HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS !' 4 ' / figs;- ' / =,-'—:== “I”? I :nwmsl rsu‘lii'iwi.‘ // 32,40, DININL K\ ‘ 553(51 H“ ‘13 6 -,?¢<1L+Hf , ‘53)“; IRUITPORT RESIDENCE—Design 2253M: cost in hunt 51,792 to $I.890; pugs $15. :m' , m. < 3;; .fl.‘ 3. '—- N1 ,9 _ j LUELLA RESIDENCE.- ' -Delign ngM, in HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES “Dining Econ 17x16 Library I 17-5x12-6 Chamber li-éxlE-S i Veranda Hoof Torota desi 5619, story heights '0 and 9 ft 6, width over all 45 El“ Large veranda. Well-balanced exterior. Large rooms. Plans$l5. -6|9— Chatber 12’15'5 shame: 18x12-5 HERBERT C. CI‘LIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 'F~ ‘ K... Ah»... 74“.? _ #3..“ [0 ft.; special features: Mm 7%va m, IZ’OY/é" - 6 Med 0 ,(Lml O \_l , 25:55:97/71424 I . z wurw 0 / rum / 5m: ”OVEN O O lQoOl nmngwofiv O Q 0/ 0 >00 ck 00 0 0 mac»? . [6"X /6”' VEPANM For/p: _ w w ”TL ‘ M "X 15’" L: O ”fix/6F? ‘ ."—~:' cHILTON’ RESIDENCE—Design xoo‘.059M; size, 37x50; cost in frame. $2,775 .to $3.000: story heights, [st 11 ft.‘ 2d Bed-room on first floor. See page 65. (EM/K519 A? ’ ’X «'e; ‘7 L:\ 5.: 0917 “”H'axm; / .?OC’r‘ _, ,. /-}’”)(/J“" _=_ K o \3 rz'cwr/ I C! Q (xiii/475:2 D Ark/6’81] HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTICVH—‘OMES ,---—— -—-31f‘t -- "v, ‘ ‘ P- \ Kit. 3- Ch. V./15f‘tx10 15ftx10ft . d P HH~d B'U . “up <. c Sit-”H Dining Room “n' n 11.4:(14 W 18.5x13ft l15.le131t - I I . (w Hall Ruhr-=5! .- ,_._\.. 6‘" Parlor "H' "h 13.4le 1117- :3 “‘ ' ”an 11. 6x10 ~ -::11. 6x10 torch ‘ u o E Joel ReSIdence No. 2 deSIgn 562], I0 ft and 9-ft 6. Plans $l5. CVAHBER . |5x'D mm _ , _ I‘V D'NDMGH CHAHECR [(ECMAt‘EEH Iséxls' mama Isms ~ E,___ v . u 1.] - CngHEER Aso‘ms’ FEZFT LIERAHV kA-L Q} 3011 RESIDENCE—Design 1005-0; in frame. $2,790 to $3,000; plans, $25; width over ail, 36 ft_. 8 in:' story heights, m ft. and 9 ft. 6 in. Berietor design, same as above, with 3x6 octogon bay to dining‘xoom. ~ 62 l - HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Balcony 13x16 Sitting R Dining Room 18x16 23x15 Chamber 15x15—6 Veranda Latimer Residence No.2 design 5622, see exter!or on page 953, story hei hts l0 and 9-ft 6 width 43 ft. Plans $20. See 2-ula Residence No. 2 page 625 and 624. Elf Wilma... PI’I'rSFIELD RESIDENCE. —Design 1523 Q. in frame $1,198 to $1. 389; plans. $10; width. 28 ft. [0 in; by 34 IL; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft; special features: Inexpen- sive tower. compact plan; plain. simple design. Modifications: House would look well with tower eliminated. See ptge 65. 62 2 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ‘FORETHOUGHT IN BUILDING UlLD on the past exper- ience and new ideas oi an architect oi national repu- , tstion. You are not building tor the present alone but ior the future. Secure the best de- signs and plan you can tor your money. More money has been wasted in mistakes and blunders in building than was ever pdd to architects. You , ', have " " " ‘ ideas oi the sort oi house you want. There are leatures you now intend to insist upon and which you have heretolore missed in the houses you have occupied. Have your own way; but do not, in your haste, mild shame in which you will re- pent at leisure that it is not diilerent. This need not occur it you let me work your ideas into a practical plan and produce a design which will meet your approval and your purse. Many who are about to build, being inexperienced, do not realize the importance of securing from a thoroughly qualified architect regu- larly drawn plans. They content themselves with crude outlines pre- pared by one to whom architecture is not a tine art. but merely a trade. The results are coarse, common- place and unaatisiactory. The money paid to him would command the services oi an architectural ex- pert possessed oi a thorough knowl- edge oi what has been done and with originality enough to produce something new. it is a mistake to suppose that practical and artistic plans drawn by a competent architect are neces- sarily more expensive than are fool- ish plans, smatuerish plans, incor- rect plans, inartistie plans drawn by some incompetent architect. The one would be certain in architectur- al ellect, the other common-place. experimental and dubious. The essence oi good design is as much in the details of construction. as the actual plans. and this is where the inexperienced are disappointed. The plain floor plans, exterior views and specifications do not constitute ' plans. They are simply preliminary to the important detail- ed iniormation which I give as the work progresses. By all means employ an architect who works lor art's sake and who is under ohliga~ tion to no local interests except your interests. The special instructions in the specifications is a ieature the value of which is too often overlooked. Only an expert architect is capable oi preparing these and the detailed drawings. l cannot give to your plans the study and considerations they should have without reasonable as- surance oi payment when 1 please you. To send well-studied designs and exterior views without this as- surance is a speculative chance which i am unwilling to assume. My time is given to clients who place their orders subject to the above understanding. l then pre- pare sketches until they are satisfied. You place your order with me and i will prepare drawings which shall enable you to determine what kind at a house you can build tor a given sum. l am an expert at this work and my services will cost you no more than those ci a novice or a hlunderer. 623 ARTISTIC I'IO.MES A.” Frat“??? \ a: F, 3 [pm F {“4- \...__. p--\3‘f ..... aim" Hall “ttka‘: Chamber Dinins Room Sitting Room 15114-3 18-3x14-3 14-5114-3 Rlpcopt Parlor I‘ W Hall 14-6x16 "V Chamber Chamber 13‘16-5 I uuz-e mac—s so; u " VI rand: / | .,/ Roof - ;j ‘ /‘ I, / {E -'-—4__ Caeta daign 5.624 width over steps and all 45 ft, story gelighks 9 ft and 8 ft. See Tula residence 625. Plans —624‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES E Tula Raidence No. 2. design 5625-A. ”VIE Pa" See similar design on page 626. .._.' Kitc‘en ‘ " 16x12 ‘ Lfliuing (Room “7.12 Chamber » = ,\ - nnmmnmi , ”3.. H 7* ’ I u: I Peter: H Parlor I lfxl‘ Chamber 12211—5 lO'wids f$ggn I ! V—l fl LE; Story heights i0 and 9 ft. Chamber 15-92144 if Library -\ zznx24-1 ‘ ‘\ -, 2 _, Parlo. I —2x 8 6 15-!!12 Wauson No. 2 daign 5625, story heights I0 ft and 9 he). Plans$30. 4,25— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES clo Porch Lib'r ‘ 10x12 ‘_lurcxsn go i e t, ISII l 12!! ‘§ Chamber 16X14 Down H. 9x11 Ilenot sin :19 Chamber 15-6x 12—6 Chamber 15x12§ * ULA RESIDENCE.——Design 2041-N; cost in frame. $1,692 to $1,780; plans. 310‘ Special features: Luge, circular porch; parlor in front; combination stairs; large rooms; plain,neat design; large toner-room on firs! floor conveniem to library- —626‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\ I? 'r l 55 1' I (3 t1 () IVI IE 55 EC!) R Bed ‘3 11X14 u.11X14 H. r K D a" J Eed P BEAR léXl‘; 10361‘ 4 Klfiove .Jia l [GRANGER COTTAGE—Design mm; con in fume. $2,399 to 32,489; plus. 515. THE. PUBLIC VERDICT ' ,3 CU build [or yoursell a sky-scraper, a theatre, a hotel. a bank. I lactory. a Cl” store or a home the passer-by take: possession 01 it with his eye and claims 3: it as his to behold. It is to him the city as he sees it. You become known 5—5 Is the owner ol the building and it is to your credit or the reverse. 1 have never erected a building [or I client which did not redound to his honor I; a beau- tilier of his city. The public verdict on my work is evety time: "This building looks good to ue."—Hexben C. Chivers. ~627" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES i4" IIIi “will I :I/ , ' ‘ (WWII. \ \ :'I:ai \ _\ r I WWI/mm“; M * (Fri/i- W4 “It! [{IIITIII’II “W W/ ‘7 II / I, [I ill"! i III" e I w I ‘ Ii; 4‘ {Hr .I .:‘—~‘1_. _ _ ”I am I4. J7 yum/”m ,Iv ‘ M” 7/44 4312/ 2/2”, (flu/77; f/I 5, [Wu qu/ l’dfill' mr III/mmf/I/I fl/I/{V [flip/1'6“! [In Maia” ”Wflfy/M/fl/I, CRQBRiDGE RESIDENCE. —-Sei! bpposite page, 318. Design 1907M; cost in [mm $I 892 to $1. 920; plans $15 umu 5". I “It BK! H“. l ‘HIB \dI/— -' sxmnc noon ii DINENG Rom Ian x )2“ uh, x izn on ad JJ MALL 'ARLOB ROIK l )5“ 5w N 0 " MAHDA ”am u: 1 ion now (:m' HALL ' bios :19: Ian (film 15ft l XRPI 3 I CNAKHZ" zur‘ 1 iurn Gin / clolot i1007 "628'L Be as specific. when you build as you would in a written contract. torn “building muddle" is deplorable. The pl: ins (ion are necessarily a part of your contract. specification and details of construct HERBERT c. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES EEORGIA RESIDENCE—Design [999-O;in frame,$2,04o to $2,380; plans, $20; width, 37 ft. 6 in. by 29 ft. 8 in.; story heights. 10 ft. and 9 ft. See page 65. HaI — 1 " Eianber 15217 own/ Parlor Cha n‘ber 1/.le Hail 15x15 )D L Porch ‘1‘ Ball, n F THE “ARCHITECT-BUILDER." It 13 right and proper that all builders should be able to draw more 0! lens. but it is absolutely impossible for a man w‘ be an upquate builaet Ind It the same time study architectural plans and design as they should be studied. The fact that “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" could hardly be more dun-l: exemplified than with he, who with a smattering of architectural knowledge. selflstyles himself "Architect and Builder." He may be able to make a poor copy or some good dedgn beretolote built. but no copy is as good as an original in the first place, and aside from this. while the copyest in copying. the original man is surging on ahead on something now and better. Did you ever realize this? ~ 629 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES { ROOF . ’ lo; A ' 3%“ ”Loom c CHAMBER } rch 13-61(9-6 ’ KITCHEN ; INING ROOM 12-63(1). CHAMBER Ifi _' - 15x12 10x12 0 BAN . . ‘1 D ‘1 .II'_ C H¥iH 1 H 1 PARLOR , ALL UF ‘ 14x15 12“ “318:3: £- ‘ X .. RECEPTION :H‘MBER HALL 1- 1—.5111 "gov-i C "' BALCONY VERANDA ROOF Tulare design 5630. width 27 ft 6. Width‘ over all 5 ft 6. Story heights I0 ft 6 and 9. Nea shingle effect. Plans MO. _630, ‘- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC’HOMES $l0. "1.55:3; Parlor Eecepticn 12-2116 Hall léxZO-G Bremen design 563'. width In bnck. 33 ft 6, story heights)"; ft 8 and 8 ft 8. Plain, neat exterior. Plans Reef 5 Ch _ u Chamber “”1" 14x16 1 d . C 0391 1 hall 5 J C Chamber 14115 1 Chamber l4-2x12—5 Roof \ -63l- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ’xr" Fantrv 10x3 \‘ry Rec Dining Rec” ‘ he: ?hamber v‘ ~-: Chamber 14x19-6 -‘ .x.. ~ 1~V1:-4 ' A. : Kw cm e rir- d lug l 0 “~ ‘1 Feception H u ‘ 1~—d . . L Sail“, R Ka‘l lelO-Q “5‘1 . . A (3 do: ‘.’a :‘o S Girl's R ' Parlor 12-5x6 Q ”‘15 Chamber i ole léxlé—é , Porch OI Stettin design 5632 In brick, Width 34 ft, story heights '0 and 9 ft. Plans $15. -632- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 1111.111.11.V 1:114 111.1 1. 1.1V uV'V V 1, 1M5! 1V1. , 1 V 11111111111111.1111 1111111111!!qu Ilnnnmnnnnm: 1 :11“ ' § Vii ' fl “( . V ‘. ’ - if!!! V ERNRUHPFF'FHfln HflnnnrfltfiEPVHHAn Bill ‘_ |l1 1 1.1. . WI 1%.? a 11.1» 11. V -\ \ Annotta design 5633, story heights 9 ft 6 a|nd 9. Plans $l l Living Ron: Il 17-3 ' 11117118 A 1 1411511499. Sin 15-9110!“ y,anms Mass, Jan. 2:, 1905 Herbert C. (Sh-yer: yEsq SI Loni ms, Mo. Dear Slr. In rzply— no your Inter o! the nth ms! would say that plans prepared by yo u {or Catholic Church were complfle and very arlurically drawn Smcerely you“, I ~633- REV. D. E, DORAN, V, Paaror, Sr. Francrs Xavier Recxory. PHERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOrMES II I ' ' V A‘ Is, / 4%ng L. . humap,ézl» _ (iéfi/I'w' ~-~——~ .. l/Mh -. Jacmt-tl-Hesign‘[5613-45513]heiéms' an'db h. we can furnish this with different tower eflecl if desu'ed. This is a very compact plan. Plans $10. Roof Chamber 14.6x14fp Dining R. up Parlor 14x18.6 Han 14mm Veranda Georgetown, 8. C, [\ag 17, W . Mr. Herbert C. Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir.— The building you planntd Is all “0. K" I compleked same and movtd imo It the carly vat! of December Iasl and find [he me a» cud-ugly convcmem and cmufurlalfle Every one who has been through the house adm-rcs Yours very truly. '634" H l. SMITH. HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS OW ”"L H ARTISTIC HOMES IIIf unu- L L u :t'M/ll WiLT—anmu-MW J, W287 * ~ 2/ 45 fflfl Mz’fi’M/MW" "wt-"u- JJ uw MUN-21 h “influx I 1/27/22,”- "’ 7" 5W’7“Z’WWM»M mL/MW ~ //r///// ”W{///% !/////n///// W//// 3:?— ‘- Navxdad design 5635 story hei hts II and 9 h width 'Inryzztvrm “ //,,//// Wig" may/7% i/{Za/fl over all 50 ft. Plans $l5. or $28 we will change to sun. Porch Roof Kit. Dininc ~ 3-6115. C" ah, 2°: v m 3:: " 3.5. X 17am 3 $2? .I . ”10. ~ , c, fin: 1910‘ F In“?! 14-10: I Ch 15ft2 5m: 15“ 145:2 lugs- Iornndn 8m Amen. no“ ? ”"635“ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ~ ARTI‘S‘TIC HOMES dim" CHAMBER x IOX‘LB CH ALBER 1 cam lZf‘G x lthfi :Lnxno Roan mum; now. 15“ ‘ ‘2" “1" mt: x 12:: em CHAMBER 1‘!“ 1 “non FARM)! 13!! l llf‘ LPINA RESIDENCE—Design I936~N; cos‘ in frame. $1,892 to $1,998; plans. 315; story heights, 10 It. and 9 ft. Special tenures: Neat, clean-cut exterior: simple. amacu‘ve glble; large dining~ room. A pnctical and inexpensive house. —636— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS \ ARTISTIC HOMJES ‘\\\ll\ll5\\l:' \—\\\l\\W\\l\\\\hW mm \\\\\l Riflul “‘9' I 1“ W ' u'o- -' “-9 [out I .elo I an: '1 um mule xoou n - u'a- . “-1-- u'a' : u'e' nu, RLCEPHGII HALL m “'0' 15'5' le'e- x :2'0- ll / —11 b . no "Fl-GR canon not “'0' - “'0‘ tour I u' OAKBEACH RESIDE.'CE.—Design 2034M; cost In frame $1,492 to $1,592; plans $10. See page 65. We have found the house very convenient for a small hunlly and the out- slde appoarnnt‘e has been very generally admired by those that have seen ll. -H. w. Damon. Prlce. Utah. Plans were very complete and lt will make a fine buildlng when complete. ~11. C. Mchlllams. Boscobel, W13. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMVES I V ' ' . IIIIIII IIItIlI I, I I l I I Jill‘nl'luukrmm II I 4 .1 ‘ n In w II ‘/ I, 41/” x I ,’, .l/l 1/00/- lI {here Ire lny churchu. schools. sloles. Ilbrnins, theatres, coun houses or mher public buildmgs in your :in m ~cnlemplllion do nm nil (0 pm me in communicanan with the puliu. Should I secutc in) work a! this kmd I will cnuuvol lo xempmmu. If” 13-6x15ft [I : E u C B \ Oh. Oh. 1:-sx12n. 611 13115ft I “Panda I an. Hide‘ J Autlan design 5638, story heights 9-h 6 and 9. Com- pact plan, suitable for physician's home. with waiting «mnlatddm Phns$l4. *638- HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Sitti Di ’ Room” 30:.“ Chamber hamm- 18ftxl1 18 . 6x14“ 1891414 13.6x17 / , Veranda m! / \M r Forsythe design 5639. story heights '0 and 9- ft 6. width 57 ft. Plans $l5 ~639— HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HALLTOWN RESIDENCE; _ De sign 91 12-0; in frame, $1.798 to $2.- 290; plans. $50; width, 33 ft. 6 in. by 44 (1.; width over all. 37 ft. 6 in.; story heights, [0 ft. 6 in. :nd lo ft. in the clear. See page 65. Halltown No. 2 deSIgn 5640. See design above, Dining R. 20ftx17. 3 18fth HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IIECLA RESIDENCE—Design 8298M; in frame, $2,390 to $2,549; plans. $25; story heightsflio ft.-, with stone arch and tower$200 extra; plans. $25; width, 57 ft. 4 in. ’by_ 29 ft. Width over all, 67 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. in the clear. Special features: Toilet room on first floor,‘ large. convenient rooms, a striking design {or a country estate. See page 65. J I an; (ow/y :1 OVA/575:2 1 (aware E 15v; 0-“ am”; we»; /5-0'X/5‘6' E (”ANBZP VJWX/i-‘c' F= ’5‘4'X/9‘5' , mu — " == flame/v :fth‘ 5' (lid/V514? x meme ’“ ”5 (mm? /5-‘4‘x /8-‘6' (1-4 ‘x Id‘d' (‘6‘ W/fie ~64l~ SUNNYSXDE RESIDENCE.—Whelden Design 74-0; (tée Hallmwn design [or exterior.); cost. $2,090 to $2.340; size. 42 ft. by 51 ft; story heights, [0 ft; plans, $20; spednl (cit: urea: .Large reception hall. with main stairs '50 located as to be avulable for rear stairs, with portiers at arch. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS :3 Sig. 21 ARTISTIC HOMES Elberta No. 2 desx n 5642-A. Width 37 t. ,/ % “ll/M any/pf)?“ la :0; 477.6~ I M; 'L i :5; fréfl J C’*’”"‘” 1'1: 0‘1!!- ;. bath room on first floor. Plans $ 1 5 0 —643- U Elberla desxgn 5642, story heights '0 ft and 8-ft 6 Basement 7-ft. Large sitting room and chamber HERBERT C. CHIVVERS CO.. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC I'I‘OMES ll‘flfllfiflflfli Ml! , W” M ”f 7 W M Farce design 5643. in brick slory heights IO and9 ft. Plans $15. ~643- Belfield, V2. Dec 9. II; .\1r H C Chivas, Archnlecl, 5 Lou. De: r Sn —« I am alloguher 91:35:31 “am your work, an d \ I” ‘ay lhal )onr spcnficnlmns and d 1::ch arming; have proyeq Ltry pucuczl a rhmg \.hlch (unnm be "id of utry archuec 1 I realize [hill nuy )lyllsh house imprmes lhings grncl‘nny, un have «lone (unudenblc ulkmg [0 lb]! dim. lrymg I0 Ks! modern ‘nd slyhsh housts pm up Ynufs Ir .ly, ROBERT SEAY. Mgr [{mrrprnr mg Co HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Cha nber 16—67(14 Cixanknr 15X17—6 a1 Chamber 151(15 BOYALTON RESIDENCE—Demgn 1910M; cost infmme‘ $1.89: to $1,940; plans $15. See page 65. cant-an! 13.3 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES : to $1,898; plans, $10; 1qu story heights. Special (calures: A very compact house. This plan can be had in many modifi~ cations. Stairs can go up direct from reception hall withoux rear V hall, and plans can be had with less expensive root. ~645- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Hampton design No. 14. design 5646—3. story heights '0 and 9 ft, width 32$ 6. over a" 35 ft. Plans $IO. (Other Hampton 'Resxdences pages 645 and nine fol— lowing pages.) "()I(I)ELIK ILI.!&3JP£:' Purlor Chamber lit-Ex“: 14x15-6 Herbert C. Chivas. ArthlleCL c 1 0 SL Louis. K; t 32".!" Enclosed :5 S ‘ ............ for uhich send slack plins Nu: , Pan 12-6X12 mm: Mboul: _.. Nun: Fear Hall ._m c: U x: u I 1?] Bath R c :0 U. x'/ -.> Dining Room Chamber l 15x14 Chamber l3-5x!§ ‘ 14—3x11-6 Chamber 14-5xu-1c Sewing 5 7’75! -646— HERBS RT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTIST! C HOMES Hampton-Earlsboro No. I3 design 5647—A, story heights 10' and 9-ft 6, cu. 10:8ft2 8 Ch, — 13. 2x14.8 in the clear. See Hampton design pa e 646. : Roof [glans $IO. Kitchen 13.6x11ft8 Parlor 13x15ft2 / Ham ton No. 2 design ban 9. Ch. \ 13. 6x8ft2 cu. —/ 15.2x15f 5647—8, story heights 9-“ See Hampton design page 646. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES H Kitchen Dining R 13-6x11-e 13x15 1- own ‘ up Reception Paris: Ha11 10x12 13x15 Ham ton (reversed) design 5648—A, width over all 3l fit), story heights 9-fl 6 and 9. See design page 646 and following pages. Plans $IO. (Use mirror to get reversed effect. See page '023.) “a .41“ . Porch Pan . Po rah [Balcony c , s. Chamber Chamber Kitchen Dining m. I 14-6x8-4 13-6x15 5~6xI2 IG-lesrt “P C Parlor an. al 15xI5ft4ln 11:! t1: Verand Hampton (Brick) design 5648-8, story heights 10 and 9-ft 6 See design page 646 and following pages. Plans $10. —648- ARCHITECTS HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARTISTIC HOMES ? ”‘ 43ft6in --é CC WPan 12.5x 15ft6 13ftx16 16.3x16ft ll Hampton No. 12 design 5649-A, story heights I I and IO ft. Plans $IO. IS-IXISft lllllHlHiP Chamber. Chamber 9-IIXIZ lo 9-IIX12 Parlor Rec . H811 IZ-IIXISft 9-IIX12 acny Plans $10. ~649-\/ Hampton No. 4 design 5649-3, story heights 9-ft b and 9. See design page 646 and following pages. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 353 31ft5 '1 Porch Pan. n19. Roof 5 r—\ . . on ”c K112. ' 15ft6 13ft115ft llesftG Parlor R“ ' H ' mh - 15ft115ft 10312 10' 10f u 8ft81n Veranda Ham ton No. '0 design 5650-A, story heights 9 ft and -ft 6. See design page 646 and following pages. Plans $l0. Lib. p clo clos. c Ch. 7:53.59 c Kitchef‘ \ 15.6x7ft6 """' 14£tx15rt 0 Di . R 3_ Ch. B a 1 2:":3f; 65() p3.6x16fc {/' 5 x - .. Jd H; :55? 1 Parlor Rec.Ha11 15ftx16ft 51 12ftx1 Veranda Plans $ l 0. Hampton No.|9 design 5650-3, story heights 9 ft ‘9. and 8 ft. See design page 664 and following [ HEfiBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 13ftx15 {g'gx Hampton No. 9 desxgn 565l-A, story heights 9- 6 and 9 ft. First story, stone, cement blocks or brick and frame above. 1:.— Pfans $10. P. ‘ D' _ Kitchen 1nln8 3- 14ftx12ft 15ft8x15 Office 10x15 Rec.Hall 11x12.8 arl°r 13x15ft4 C lthZin Porch —65]- Plans $IO. Hampton No. 8 design 565l-B, story heights [0 and 9 ft. Suitable for 2 Physicians office. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 'T'I Si 1’ I (2 f1 () IVI EE ES '{mi ‘Jiwe ; h d r Dining R. 13.2x15ft Ch. 13.2x15ft Living Room 23ft10x15ft2in Hampton No. 7 design 5652-A, story heights 9 fl each. See page 646 and following pages. Plans $1 0‘ Porch I R f C::) v Pan 0 00 8x6 a R D‘ ‘ R Chamher inlng Kitchen ° O-éxl4 }5—4XI4_C Chanmer Hall 12—2x14 ' Downaw w; Chambe Recept H Parlor 10x13 clo Cham6er 14~10x15-4 IZXID_4 C Veranda -— 652— :-Ham on No. 6 desi n 5652-3, story heights 9-ft 6 an 9 ft’ I-glampton reversed page 646. IIEI!BIER'T C. ClllVlERS C(). AltClil1'EC'TS ARTISTIC HOMES . 5x14ft8 in! heft 1 wlde Veranda// Ham ton No. 5 design 5653-A, story heights I0 and -ft 6. Large parlor. See design page 646 7'Plans $10. Roof - Hampton No. I5 daign 5653-8, story hei hts 94! 553- 6 and 9. See daign page 646' and ollowmg HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MM Roar/v 9’“ ‘3' Annoy I: i ' 01015:}? M. 'U’OWG‘I' lf/fC‘IIN ”Vamp.“ [by/MW C‘I‘W’é‘fi‘? f , . - ,‘Jz'xH-r I F 54.1. flrzpmvfi 10-0 A I: » .z QMMA-g Gflr‘fdfé’ . 4-,: ”~15. /l‘-‘"I/5'4' 1 ; .~ \ EARLSBORO COTTAGE—Design 5w; cost. $1,600 to $1.700; story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in. in the clear; plans $1 o. See Hampton design on page 218. Earlshoro No. 2, Dexheimer design. with arch at recep- tion hall in, place of door’to parlor, with dining-room used as library. connecting by sliding door with I5.6x12 ft. dining- room in place of kitchen;-with 14x10 kitchen in rear; with pantry and rear stairs; plans $10. Continued 0 HA n a E R / ii P nrlf PDEENH I5~4»X Ia-SA KIYCHEN ISAEXlE-E- EATHRQ CHAMBER '5.+.Xl+ ex ° W DRUG-Fl~ —-.--..t_[{"iiiiim ELIJ/pia. m :/ pr_ UFFICE PARLDR :Iifxm/JuU-K” CHAMBER FCHAHBER DINING RDUH l5AnXH~lL I5-le5-E-, ys.+.,\15.g. ISA-'x (LU- VEST — PDRBN —654- PHYSICIANS HOME—Design 43.0; cost$r.800 to $2. 200; plans. $20; size 38x33 ft. 10 in.: story heights. 9 and8 ft. 6 in. Same design as Pekin residence. See index for other physician‘s houses. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES “”5"" mt. II-I X'fl. Ems. F _ _ 3W; l Festina design 5655 story heights 9— ft 6 and 9. Sec design page 646 and following pages Plans $l0 i ,7 y I curl" 9“ i u =‘ 1) mm wun " 5 5 mm: I " , .5 4 ; I: " lb-‘Xli 1:3": "All. PARLUR ’ nix-5 S‘Clxl‘ . :, mu»: LE3? jflj L- , J Maga daign 5653-3 story heights 9 and 9. See page 646. Plans $l 5. —655— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS AR\TISTIC HOMES flnuuumn MM 'llhllh'lT 'lli'u'li nu, ' , H _=_ _ uldl V: 77L" —\ Linda Vista deSIgn 5656 WtClll't over all 44 ll story heigl‘ ts l0 and 9-ft 6. Large southern like rooms Conservatory at rear. First story brick stone or concrete blocks. Frame above. Plans $|5. E77, _ 2,“: D] 7,, | Tl ‘- I {MM-P PM “(IA/W (AI/flier g Aim v: ‘r 4‘ . .4 - .1 l r , (.y 21-51 a" /o ’8 a ' I" ’0 20-1: zeta HLfa «5.9 flxlzj iffl‘” fiHJl“ lll )gfq/arj ,. [D raft—.2156” {KN/Jam 95’“, [ ~656' I consider your deals-nu prettier than mon othm.-Alben 0. Parker, HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES > > Lindley design 5657. width over a“ 40 ft. Clean-cu . plain exterior. Story heights IO and 9 ft. Two splen- did chambers in front. Plans $| 0. / , Zining Room Chamber Parlor up Chamber Reception Boom 13-6x15-6 15x18 17-6x16-6 ll Veranda 8'wide ‘.!___“—T .k‘ ____l "657- [Munmumnammmmmm and photo tad-yi—A. I. W” mac. WI. I HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -——‘,-" will», lmmwwsruu manta "M ; W ‘ ___ ' iL'.-- J19 v.13;t mm. x w "mun“ i”: 1 gm Em-mmin I A Q Root Kitchen P B I ”L Mung chamber on Chub" 124x12 lo 134x19 124x12 xs-uu9 I) up (E. Fitter Chamber runs 15-4315- 7‘. Porch 10ft IRE \J ‘ Root E Linlha design 5658 story 9 ft each. Suitable for brick or concrete blocks Plans $10. _ 658— HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHiTECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Chamber ifixfi-E .. Roof iclogclo Hall ‘31ning R Rece:tion F " Chamber c hamber V . .311 ‘: 1 Chamber _ .5x13 b '1 1.x1. 15X12'5 2 6x13 C I ‘4 Veranda ! : : : ‘ Hoof Brewster design 5659, extreme width 47 ft, IO-ft ver- anda, story heights 9 and 8 ft 6. Wide, imposing frontage. Plans $| 5. .- -659- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ / P H” | Kitchen; Chamber 12x12 8 0 12M: Chamberl : Chamber R _ 15x14 an 2—3x14 Isa ° C U Dining R cl Charmer R 't 1 6x20 H 11 16x2 J Parlor ”3;? Chamber 3 18x18 2" '3 ”“5 Veranda Roof E Lenoxdale design 5660. width over all 48- ft star) heights l0 and 9- ft 6 Fuie clean cut exterior. 5‘ 0 4360" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES mo- Boa- ? 8-319 3.81:911 300“ __ Hm. snnng Rm. 1: l 20.5xn4un “”L/ an‘n-y Boat House damn 566| Plans $5. .1. - Platform: 5 a» l V flqu-OIV chamber main; Room ‘étc’m‘ 13x15- -6 "1° 6 ”x“ 13- gun-5 —I—.:6!9 Email 5 “P I ___F Hall eg uh e E? I Parlor EEK-caption H Chamber camber 13x15 gl 1$=6fl7 lsfli" 13-6x11 Veranda. Roof Lemoync daign 566i, width 28-h6. story heights IO and 8—ft 6. Combination front and rat stairs. Plain practical plananddwgn. Plans $IZ. ‘66!— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES L—~ fi . EULA RESIDENCE—~Design (00,0420; cost $139: to $i498; story heights, 9 ft. 6 ins, size. 30x31; special features. large bay to dining-room. See page 225. Plans, 5x0. 3. very compact house, suitable for a parsonage. _ .. . _ my PORN zoo»- 9’ \ mm CHAfi/BEP (HA/mate ’0’?" m awwcm c /J"X/5"/0"’ /Z")(/Z” E lé’b‘lZ" 3247 m MIL, ’ lllllJ—v—‘DHALZ 54% or ’ was”? I‘l I's / my mm. fi-wifyr (fin/v55? m (#AbeP awx/lfi ’ /2’5(//'r /2"X//"9m “-5.: VIMNDA A WA 27» «6 6 2 _. HERBERT. C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES L's- Ifl l lMl. I am IG room 1 15m : mu Ikocanx IAILU IALL I. léfl ‘Hll I lOlt lift l Elf! I‘- John. I“. m A ll 12f¢71u HM -663- ”APOLEON RESIDENCE. —Dcsign 2000- -0; cost $2 690 to $2, 770; plans 525. See page 65 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES mi "IF I ~ 2 "L I.. I pIQUA RESIDENCE ~Design 80801“; in fume. $1898 to $1996 plans, $15; story height: 9 IL 6 m. Specinlfeanua: Noni combination suits wkh lea! md bay: well-ventilated 1- room See page 65. Pi ua No. 2 deSIgn 5664. t h' ts 9-fl 6. See deggn above. Plans $l0. sory elgh c . CIPoI-ch “1 Roof Pan ' itchen clo :10 2mm. 5 Ch- ‘ l, ‘ o 11. 6:15fi d ‘ Sin Dining Room IVMMF‘I: “P I Reo.H. Pulm- llxl'IftS Harrisburg. \rk \Say II 19I Mr Herbert C ChIm St Louis Mo Dear SIr— Thc school house has been complucd and is satishclory In exu) resp The cost of Ihe buIldIn; was just 35900 below your esIImaI e '1 I: members of the school board send you {heir lIezIrl thanks for (\Irnishlng us with such a good bqu’dIng for [he moncy Yours respecxfully ‘664 — L DIFREEMAN HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTJC HOMES onszy RESIDENCE—Design 1mm can in lame. 8.1.490 m “mph-mammary hem 911.6 mm Ila. Speculu- uneu: 14:1: pulor. combination unit-5 two good thumbs-n in heat: hook or up.“ {or wry but 0! Wm 5 '- ‘E 5 : J ET. 53 2' '= s g; 5: g 52 §§ § ‘ 2?: i " e 5 E Ioox W I I «won I nn larva a“ : 2‘ I: :3 3' :: Is; a“ - u, H.,Sb§:'v2r'cie§cr-W~“=W“ Dong No. 2 design 5665-8, lans $25. Dear sir; The plans have arrived and 1 am very mueh pleased and: theme 50 u everyone else than has seen them. I am now figunng with contractofl ‘ story heights 94‘ 6 I!!! 8- and expect to have the house buill by August. Your; Very truly. , PET‘HNGELL. (County (led: and Recorder) -b65 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .zi'iflfnfiu mum noun 11mm cumun a a. at a uh I uh un x un. Mn x uh. E “n l "n W ‘. = in. u sums non mu. (on x t PM” “mm L ‘ ‘ um. un x nu 1 n u an Inn um. I ' " ‘ ‘ uh 1 Mn r —Jiia.'. _ TIN” «our E! [LENNON RESIDENCE—Design 1935M; cost in frame $1.09: to $1.260: plans $10. av: so ovnh-v CHAMBER “We. w qunncu I| VIIJ'G' b“ low HERBERT C. See page 6 5. ROWELL RESIDENCE. _ Brock design 12-0; cost. $2,100 to $2,450: story heights.9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft.. plans,.$2o. See design on page 502. #666— CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS “WNW!“ um; V ,T—_—’M 1a . [PINE GROVE RESIDENCE—Design GonM; $1,999 to $2,298; plans, $20. See page 65. “g” m w ' ‘ ’ .- a I M: g. M. u /; mm may m E I5 turns a ma "‘u “3‘” m IE” 53 lb-i-X lfl-B- ' , I E73.“ 8-8- I as. M 5‘ m MR» .32 “541- In 0 le‘fl Is-a-x Ib-a- ' m M m u I56 X IO” :1“ ' Reel - - fil ~667— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\ I! 1' I 55 1' I (2 f1 () Rd [5 Si Pine Grove No; 2 desi and 9 ft. See reverse Plans $20. [Imp-E Porch oot VD Chamber H H >4 H 0! l H .1 ID ‘\ na1 FZ:1\\ Chamber I3-6X13 Chamber __ Ia-ZXIO : 5668-A, story heights ‘0 design opposite page 667 Roof c' O 33ft-. \. EL] Dining R. _ 1t. 12‘6X16ft 13.10x16ft Ch. 11x16. H. {Auk}, Rec . H. 13x12.9 13.2x1 d Ch. x12ft9 |K\Ch. 13.8110ft Roof Pine Grove No. .3 design 5668-3, story heights 9 ft and 9. See design page 667. Plans $20. H E R B Ell1' C. C H IV’E R S C O. A R C H l1'E C'TS /\ I? ‘r I 55 1‘ I (I I1 () IUI [5 Si Hg?" "ll 5 "fig , I ”ll“ ' : El El "..~.‘.377-”00;n v. 111/” “f,"nufiwflflgfl'MIWIé’yu lull u“ , ”ll/n, - /’I(/m”/’///I/,,, [/0 4h”. “IV/4,, T Chamber Chamber ’LflY-l“ ,16x18 .17 x18 2 — ‘ l a l “ Poe u Parlor 3 ‘Chamber 6 1' 1a Chamber \J.» o .x165 14x12816x16 c1 13 ,‘ ’ ’F Porcn ”m " .oof E {ENNVILLE RESIDENCE—Design 1919.0;costiufmme $1.!92 to $1.285. plans $10. We have this without from gable; with neat dormer window in front. See page 65. We are now contemplating building again at no distant due and when we do will build a two-story house,'and at that time I shall write you. as I think “Cl-liven" is the-r: with the good: when It comes 'to anistic and practical homes. Mn. McC. hicks likewise. . GEORGE T. MCCANDLESS, Ponce City, Okla. 669 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES / @‘I aim lit fili- 1‘4—1 L]- '\ AUPIN RESIDENCE.— —Design 834 N; in irame and stone.$2. 500; ,‘ to $2, 899; plans. $20; width over all 27 (L; story heights, 10 it. M‘ and 9 It. 6 in. Speciii features: Neat. attractive exterior; built of a combination of rough stone and shingles. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES AKDALE RESIDENCE—Design 1014-N; in fume, 32.198 in ' 32,498; plans. 515; width, 33 l1. 6 in. by 39 in; width over all, 38 n. 4 in.; story height, )0 E Special features: Corner bay; cen- * Ital reception hall; large pantry. 6x13 it. Modifications: Nook space could be used an an additional dumber; linen close! would be large enough (or girl's room. \\‘ ‘DfHIHGR ‘I ._ '.'CHI'J‘15£R : m. :7'XI3‘ 95"”5 139055 SIZES “- 7 - mummy» ' "'9 'HALL SILETSCIREQLQRH CHAflBfiR' CHMBFE‘ ISXHS ISSXIS ISXAS‘r -67l- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS E3 i. l ARTISTIC HOMES M7“ _7 --'-_ ‘1 _fl_ _/ Rathbum design 5672, story heights l0 and 9-“. 6. Colonial design. Pretentious reception hall and stairs. side entrance and conservatory. Plans $25. ~ \ . Roof .u.” 7",, o Qv‘ . . d H Rec . Hall Zlnxllfts Hun. ammonium and detail: of residence an Inn. 1 think the) m I On; All: well mama-o. we Bum». Chlppel'l Lake, om D HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARQHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 511:1 -:’ :3 ' £52315 = _m"nnm 3,] -_ - - \ g1“; o ' Rama daxgn 5673. width 33-ft.. width over steps and all 25—h" story heights '0 and 9-ft. Plans $| 5. Ki tch‘en Chamber 18114-3 E 1 Chamber :1 13—6x12 l Veranda 1 0 'wide . Roof Paragon“. Art. Anvil 15. wt Mr Herbert CV Chivcm St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir '— You will sec from It unload-m. Ill! 1 built III: houu according to plan: I: III nuhed by you, II :1 jun as :0!!!sz u I lull how could be, I am mu V r r 7 V r r ‘ _ ~“\ Mma, to $2,498: plans, 320. Special features: Large parlor; combi- nation from and tea: stairs; amactive comer window, large pan- try; balcony in rear. PORCH PAST '< smut: Rom man x 14m. . ’ g £10501. 9 _r‘.A;.L R \ deln I _KITCH£I lif‘ 10 1 un. x ECEPYIOH H. 21“ I16: R 1 -677- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Meadville, Pat, March 24, lg- Mr. Herbert C. Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir:——- The house for which you prepared plans suits me exactly I could not be better pleased consider distance no barrier when dealing with an architect of your ability. as you seem to know intuitively what pleases one. Very truly yours. . w s. McGUNxEGLE. Porch Cashier, Merchants Nat Bank of Meadville ‘1 llli‘xlllll Thomaston No. 2 design 6578-A, story heights 1 l and 9-ft 6. See opposite page 67 7. Also Cutting Residence page 473. Plans $20. Dining R. l7f‘tx15 Thomaston No. 3 desi 5678-3, story heights l2 and 9-ft. Similar to homaston reversed but much wider. Plans $20. See pages 677 and 478. HERBERT C. CHIVERS COI. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Quila daign 5679. width 36-h. 6. story heights 9—ft. 6 and 9. Plans $l0. ~679— Chamber 14xl4‘6 Cha'mer H—éx'I-S Conneam. Ohm. In H. Aq Mr Herbert C Chwevs 5: Lou», Mo Dear SIX — Your: a hand. pbclosraphed‘ and published by Amenun‘" or Nev- very nicelyv lb: “Semantic York Cny. and shaved up Yours uuly. (Rea! Esau) E M. COHSTOCK. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Tiny? Batfi Ronm 1: Kitchen 14!? Chastber 15x16 117(16 Dining Room 17x14 . l4-bx12 Reception Hall ”I Parlor Chamber 14x14 14x12 Balcony Veranda guiRaque design 5680. width 30-ft. 6. width over all -ft 6 sto eight: 9- ft. 6 and 9. Suitable for brick orconcretelfixks. P|.ans$|0 -680" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 'T'l Si 1' I (I '14};: Rd If 55 . Chamber dining Ream Kitchen Chamber 12x9 11xl4-6 ““3 0 Bath R 1 1 “5653 olhd O c c d iEHT. {KI} Chamber 3: 1': ( hamber 3-6X13—EZE j.< 12x94 Poynor design 568], in brick, width 24-h, storf' heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Combination stairs. w [- Lighted dining room and chamber above. HERBERT C.¢CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Dining Rn. 13—6 x 15 fl! Raecp%ion X. 13-6 x 15 Chamber ‘ Its—“16-6 Chamber 13—st5-6 Balcony Prim design 5682. story heights 10 and 94!. ~682— Auractive wenllighled rxegfion hall: Tower-like bay wintb design. Plans IS. W HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES at W , '1‘}; . 'l/l/ ” ”I W/fi/WWQZ/m HERBERT c. cmvsns PROPMICIOD ARC H l TECT 81. Louis. Mo. g Pm“ pupal: preliminary phna (or my midnu. lot which .=. 1 mm :nclostd 35 m paymcm ol nme,“ bcin‘ undemood on u l I“ build from me ndeu contained Ibeuin um I will :1ng Ipecial pun. 0' you and ma: mu sum 01 35 i; m be allowed by you Is A credit w- on me ms: at hm] plans, unless u: eminly diflexem pun in Mama. Name Fan Dining P. L 15-61(13 Plano daign 5683, width 30-ft., width over all 33-h" story heights9 and 8-ft. 6. Neat bay-like effect at Re- ception Ha“, Plans $| 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES \ \ \‘ »\_ ALTON RESIDENCE No. :.~Design 42 29M: in frame. $2398 to $22198; plans. $20; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in.; width. 31 fl. 6 in. Special features; Large central hall, with den ad‘ joining. See page 65. FJOI Kitchen Dining R I‘luanber Chainbe: 13x10 16x15 13x9 16x15 _0Pr P 5‘ l liq F"— ' M53 1 {If " Chamber Recent Hall Chamber 1-}x15 ~684 -— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ‘ ARTISTIC HOMES .3: ‘ Nan-Imwm: . ..._ _ _ . ___ HARTWOOD RESIDENCE—Design 2030-0; cost in frame, $2.09o to $2,280; plans $20. See page 65. -685* HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I‘ $1,456; plans, $10; full story heights. Special features: lnex~ , pensive yet attractive tower-like corner; neat, clean-cut exterior. mm new [MI I at: film Rant um cw um tan: 1 “no at. 3 16" “no 3 “no I/ up ‘ ll / W 01° mu -\ . In an : MOI! “I“ 1 ton “(I x I”! __.___J -686~ CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS HERBERT C. ARTISTIC HOMES .‘_.4v<-~_ . .3 / OY RESIDENCE—Dcsign 1560-14; in frame. $1,500 to $1.800; ’ plans. 310; width, 27 ft. 10 in. by 45 (L; width over all, 27 It. to £11.; ‘ story heights, 9 it. 6 in and 9 it; no anic. Special features: A neat, clean-cut colonial exierior; easy to erect; Imacdve town. K c c: '3‘!” D R. I“. QKIG W“ -687- HERBE‘T C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ F? 1" Si 1" (Z '1 () NI E555 heights 9_& 6 and A good comer-lot house. e-h 6. " V " ' ‘ \-\ Thomburg design S688—A. See plans on page 689. f ........... 41ft6 P. ___, Pan Kit. up Dining R. 20—11x13-1 =' x Parlor up Ch Ch 14X15ft l i;2§_1 l4ft61n 14ft2 llJIl Bal. "688‘ , \o' Thomburg No. 2 desi n 5688-3. Recessed slam: gives wide spacious ha L Story hexghts 9-ft 6 and HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Veranda Rt LIBRARY ‘ DINING ROOM 20x15 PARLOR 15x14-6 CHAMBER awash 1 5x1: 1321 5 Thornburg No. 3 desngn 4689—A. sto heights I0 and 9-“. 6. See desxgn page 688. W. th 31-h. 6.width over all 44. Plans $25. ‘ \ . ll 2 ! ?KITCHEN PORCH woor 3A» P00? r: v- - 10x10 0 C CHAMBER H 11x10—6 DINING noon : ,. F c; x 14 HALL "- \ RECEPTIOH 12am! # HALL ‘, PAFLOR '14-6x18 vsuun s ' use [1 ~689 - Thornburg No. 4 design 4689—8. story heights I0 and 9-h.—6. See deflgn page 688. Plans $25. HERBERT C.CH1VERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 'g ..... r-re-J u: on. [GP 12ftx10 clo d B. h C: 15. 4x15ft4 H. \uloming a. I Ch. 5.4x12ft6 ggd £§2xl3~2 O Sew. Ch. 191% 6x18ft4in L___ . . Plans $15. nion No. 2 de§ign 5690-A. story heiglhts I0 and 9-ft 6. See design page 69'. also see p ans on page H c 3 Root 692. 1. . 12-6: ' 14ft p. H” torage d \ S R 0' iving a 022* Chamber 16ftx16ft 1643‘“ Dini R hamber ls-sxl ft . 15:14ft6 a Hall I C c. Hall Parlor Chamber u ‘690 " 15ft115ft 15x13ft6 _ I Porch Plans $| 5. fr-~—~37ft-- --——- nun-ha: Story heights 10 and 9-h 6 6‘10- Union No. 3 design 5690-3, see design page 69]. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES wNION RESIDENCE—“Design 6013-0; in frame, $1309 to $2480; plans, $25; wxdth over all. 32 ft. 2 in. x 52 fl. 2 in.; story heights. 10 ft. dence—Sce Frogmbre Residence page (Mi 2 I _./ and 9 fL; Attic 8 ft. See Mineol: Resi- Chamber IBftXIS—4 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\ I? 'r'l SS 1r l (3 f1 () INI [5 Si ‘PBOXIS SIS! M 9'» ' FRAGMORE RESIDENCE. _ Boyd Design 38M; cost $2480 to $2970: story heights. 10 ft. and 9 It; pians, $25 see Union Residence page ‘1 l ‘ mrcu CHAMBER c mint :1? [1- x ID‘ 3- ,c n . o , o 'BAFH-R‘ LIBRARY CHAMBER c E I7~a- xus-:5~ 'I+.s.xns.5. DINING RUUM ”43121154- lE-lUerE-O- Gimmes R I5-1nx I5..s. \ CHAMBER —n :HAHBER m-a~xa-a- PARLUR g Mdmqum nAtL ”692’ RESIDENCE.-~Design ~240; cost, $2399 to $2499; 36 ft. 6 in. x 52 ft. 2 in.;story heights, 10 and 9 ft. c in. Design similar to-Union Residence on page 6‘“ but more attractive. Plans, $25. HERBEFT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCfllTECTS ARTISTIC HOMES fiALVA COTTAGE—Design 23'93M' cost in frame, $3.- sob 10$4'goo; plans, $45. Special fealtures: Well lighted. cheerful chamber next to dining-room and library; this could be used as an oflice. See page 65. ”A“. K Add :0 § 0 many; 0 c an, aware . . “M”! ”"mr' 0,1”. 0 can 111] .2, [I w 693 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0.' ARCHITECTS / ARTISTIC I'IOMVES / . , - 7 75-..— ‘ 2' ‘mwmmp _ ._-_—_ ‘fl'llfi‘ ‘ 4,“ . I '4 "1‘ WI mnmnn wuunz___; iLT Poindexter design 5694. width over all 33-h. Neat clean—cut extenor. story hei his 9-ft 6 and 9. Shingled p013: posts. Plans M 5. “694 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES v; Perduc daign 5695. width 38 ft. sto henghts 94! 6 and 8-“ 6. Fla-In clean-cut extenor. glans $ ———4 h—fj r————————'- P If Poo: R , Sittxng R Ch'mbe' qu ' 14x14 - 4‘ Kitchen 14:19 ___JII_ “‘ R Chamber Chlmier "Ming 0 ' u “’1" 1.4214 5" F 14x14 1‘*14 l H.11 I 14x14 8x5 Verlndn D'Iide Egg -b95- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Kitch en Chamber 12114-6 ntry Balcon llil’orch 1x10 I: I c c c Hall own ' 4.....— / down Hull Dining Room p 20x15 7:7 Hal}. Chamber \‘ up 20x15 urch . an H. . I c aoeption parlor ' 'Hall 3 10x15 fi 15x19-4 Chamber t 10:10-5 Veranda “696‘- Tandtaro daign 5696. width 26-h 6, extremflidth 39 ft. Story hei hts I0 and‘9 It. Laxge rooms. suit- able fox southern cfimatc. Plans $10. HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ._2,—’—' V ‘2? i \ . 3 _x muniuum\ I l J 4 I , “r , ‘ 3‘ £3”; :2- pl. _ ‘ ‘ u . I. L:E__\} Kitchen —” ,/ 15x15 FéFSQZK‘y desxg-n 5697-A, [me—k: . d u I heights 9% 6 each. Plans $5. m ‘9' Living Room 15115 I c :10 n‘ Living R ISXIO-é Parlor 15x14 Porch ~697— -—width 23 ft,— Gun-barreldesign 5697-8. story 9 ft. Plans $5. AHE,RBERT C. CHIVERS C0: ARCHITECTSV ARTISTIC HOMES ’5? . :- ‘ I 77”, if? 7%wa/mh, 7 * ELMTON RESIDENCE—Design 1787M; in frame. $x,~ 892 to $1.925; plans, $10. In brick. $2.980 to $3.590;‘ P18n5,$45- NRC“ “I I“- KITCHEN l 12"- Min MIIIG R00“ 11!: l "I" RECIP'HOI 12" I 12“ arm-mu :mlul mum muon ‘ ion 1 Ian rm an. x uh uh. n at no . VERAIDA 30f| l 80". —698— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES # ‘\.. Pinelawn No. 2 design 5699, wide dignified from. See page 32'. Plans $25 The house I built last year from your plans is much Admired. 699 B. F. SHEETS. Oregon, Ill. We believe our house is exactly rigllt in plan And design.. We have no fault to find whatever. It looks pretty and cozy. _ MRS. WILLIAM PETERS, Wenewoc. Wls. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES E Porch E Porch 2 Pantry \ / Kitchen 3. 4x10ft 10in Dining R 13.4x14 Parlor Rec.Hall 13ft4x13ft 12.10x11f Veranda 5 -------- E - 51ft6 ----- —story heights 9 ft - SECUND'FLDDR. design. See page 65. 700* Pekin No. 2 dai «i S7Q0-A. 5 ms r rLuun [ PEKIN RESIDENCE—Design'ioos-O; in frame, $1450 to $1598: plans; $10; width, 27.xo x 28 ft. 2 in.; width over all. 32 ft}; story heights, 9 and 8 ft 6 in.- , Special features: com- ptct plu; attractive exterior. can furnish floor plans for either HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IZI LEI mOBERLY RESIDENCE. —-Design 4369M; in frame, $1,500 to $1, 800; plans $15; story heights, 10 ft.; special features: Large, well-ventilated dining-room \{oberly Res. No. 2 Russell design, same plfm is above, with porch extending around across front of sitting-room; with r3-in. brick walls on first story and frame above; a very at- ' tractive design; with front rooms enlarged to 13x15 ft.; with w. c. separate from bath- -;room with extra closet to from chamber; with two chambers In attic. See pgae 65. Isa-IO .V. I34? I: III II I11 u Is-IG x Ib-fl lb-Iu x I51 ' —70l- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS / ARTISTIC HOMES —————— l ( , w I w ;'j"“u} 4 7 4‘ 5K {192‘ 3 ! w :W z 1 4/3 < ‘ I” u I!!! fllfll‘quqnm mm” . m i: I I ..l ‘ El " ”I ' ‘ Jaw/évrgflf/r ’95:? «‘77%%fl/,¢. I, 1);,- .27: v/x/////t’/“ Exceedingly compact, story See Moberly design opposite page 70L Plans $| 5. / Philema desngn 5702. heights [0 and 9-ft b. ~702 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 15.6x14ft “E 15ft8 ~i u h‘llllfl Parlor 15"” 19ft6x13ft Wabash No. 2 daxgn 5703. age. story heights 9-ft 6 and 9-ft 6 Back chambers. Plans $l). *See design opposite -— \ Dining R. / gitisf Ch 1 tx . 15ft 15ft , x Ch. letxlet d 15ft118f‘t Rec.Ha11 ‘% 19.6:7ft -— c up : clo Parlor Ch. Porch 15ftx15ft 13ftx15ft Roof 703 E] Slrang design 5703-3, story heights 9-ft and 8-ft cut to 6-ft side walls Plans $5 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS 1'. i ‘ ~‘ ,, . 'flifill. --.;.-.; w: Jim t A A ”11‘- /1 ‘ immlg NABASH RESIDENCE—Design 1876-O;infra.me,$t,6(>o to $1,976; plans, $15; with octagon bay, which is mOre prac- tical to construct; width. 29 ft. 9 in. by‘ 27 ft.; width over all, 38 It; story heights, 8 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft.; special features: Pleasing outlines; designed for a stained shingle effect; fire proof closet in kitchen; quaint. window efi'ect in reception room. Wabash No. 2. Tyler des., with central fireplaces .eft out; with rear stairs up from kitchen; with built-in china closet in dining-room; with front porch extending around to stair side of house; with fire00 awn/.5" mm; . - « A? f ’ k 0 ”szpfi n m I Mill 0/5 5 my DL/‘fl O o 20/ 7:: x ,4 rr ~705— ”AFTER RESIDENCE. —Design 100.0480; sue 3426131. cos: $103010 5: 590-. story heights 1st 9 {L6 In. and special tenures plasma outlook in (roux. lug: pantry.9ne1l ' plans. gm Sec pug: 365. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 23 ARTISTIC HOMES if???” fi-fifl-E _._-.a ERGUSON RESIDENCE—Design 4229-N; in frame. 31.298 to ' $l,399; plans. 310; width over all, 40 it. Special features: Good A outlines to real. Modifications: Small chamber below. can be a put oi reception hall, with arch in line with front door. Fer- guson Residence No. 2; in frame. $2.390 to $2.480; plans. 320; story heights, 10 it. and 9 it. in the clear. Special features: Striking de- sign; well-ventilated parlor. Have $10 stock plans with the following changes: Kitchen back of parlor as dining-room; also with kitchen wing eliminated. Ferguson, No. 3, Gladson design, similar to this with den back of a circular-shaped parlor. and bath back of this. KITCHEN Iain-1‘6 nmma R ISID’XIS‘ PARLDR "+er IER‘XIB' unmask cums»: :L‘ ......... lax l .'¢ II £30 I! IE‘BXI I‘E 706 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .. Ferguson No. 4 desi Porch 5707-A, 9-“ 6 and 9-fl 6, width over 3! 40 ft. “Ache" See pages 707-708. Plans no 15x13 See reversed design below. I Pan I I D' . ; Chamber, 5 ”mg ‘ Parlor 10-4x9 F. d Chamber "2’15'4 10 “an “ 12:15—4 up C nun—— . C q Receptzcn Chamber Hall Ch be: E ' Veranda 11x11 am f" 11x13-3 019 I Ki te‘ten _ 14-5x15 P DINING POOH 17113 W on "karber ~ 17711 elo IChamter Chamber 20?: “' 6,10 11-2x14 12-6x11 X!- Ferguson No. 5 des:gn 5707-3, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9-ft 6. Extreme width 40 ft. See design above. See pages 706—708. Plans 5'0. _707_ HERBERT c. CHIVERS co A R C H l1'E C T S ARTI STIC HOMES Portland No. 2 design 5703. see exterior page 709. story heightsn9Tft 6 and 9. Plans $|5. C p_ Pan. c Porch Roof ['I‘Kitchen , le‘txlOf‘tZ Ch. glgxlo. ' s 1-;x13ft3 3m ...- ‘d ‘ Parlor a, Ch. 1a.4x14f‘tb 13.4mm. Hall 11 Ch 8 up clo d Porch Roof a 1% Ferguson No. 2 design 5708, story heights IO-ft and 9-ft in, the clear. See pages 706-707. Plans$20 : EH 154x20" H~ CH- I39-Xl3' HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ”A .mw. « ARTISTIC HOMES ORTLAND RESIDENCE.-Deslgn 6012-N; in frame, 31.598 to ' $1,879; plans, 515; width, 23.6x35 (L 7 in.; story heights. 9.6 and 9 ft; attic, 8 ll. Portland Residence No. 2. Stephenson design. side )K' porch left 01!, covered porch across from; porch in place of den; kitchen. 15x11 1!. 2 in. projecu’ng on side; stairs to attic in place cl hall closet. .. , VMfl r‘ “fixfi‘f’n u uxma E ‘93).9 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOME-S ,"7 LMWOOD RESIDENCE—Design 9060-N; in frame. $1.500 to $1,989; plans, $15; story heights, 9 h. 6 in. and 9 it; full story ex- cam 18 inch” cut of! to cute: comer of Iron! chmbex. Elm~ -;~ wood reversed; width, 28 in 8 in. by 33 h. 9 in; width over all 36 h. Special features: From rooms are not cut oil by stairs. I: cuuomuy. m \ m ' 5“”: W :511-35 {KW ¢ / mm Mm 15 B XIG 5 13 1 X IE -— “/1; uq- I: .AM f” a u“-— ‘ ‘ M P .3,“ I6 mm. 13 1-.)(1? E E HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS lit [2 ’I' I 55 "I" I (Z I‘l (I) IN! IE SS DW/M PM UV '1 /£ v F 392102 011/9 d/fF/NIBV IJ-rx -{ ‘ fIIIPfla/Y «' ”A! L ELMWOOD CmTAGE NO. 2 —-Des§gn 27.0;cost, $1,350 to Sx .450; plans. $19; story heights. 9 {L 6 m. 1nd 9 in, full slants. shag ‘3 -" X7\ all; .1 = I, 13.4x16 1‘ --------- 35ft6in ' ......... v: I! I ‘ P. Pant 134111‘ \ ELMWOQD RESIDENCE No‘ 6.—Cosl In $1.1“;‘phmhflo. See Elm-nod Resi PfiKfi Ly?! . Cb- 7\L%=¢- '45 Hfilot in frame 51 .69;— dance. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ArRTISTIC HOMES 1 Dining Room t3-4x16—6 P Fermi-y e P story .hclghts T ‘Kit )1 9-“ 6 c en and 9. 13-10x14 ‘J Hall Parlor r: a 15- 4x16 Reception Room ‘ 13- -4x12 Pantry Dining R00 1 16- -4x17 Parlor R? 13-4117 Hus Plans $l 0. story heights 9-h H Kitchen 3- -10x12u 4210 n 8923224“ ic Room 13-4x14 Veranda Elmwood No.7 design 57 I 2- B 6 and 9_ Chamber lS—4x15 L *4 up “" Chamber chamber‘ 12—6x14-6 11x17 l Elmwood No. 5 ldesign 57IZ- A. I $| 0 Plans Bath c100 up Chamber I 10- -2x12 Chamber ' . 13-4x1276 d_,_ i d-«w‘ \, Chamber 13-4x14-B Chamber a 13-10::5-4 'HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHI'FECTS ARTISTIC HOMES haNrRY ‘ (M. (by p/M/xc 1200M lulu: O O O DOUG \ O 0 —, _‘ ‘V ‘24» A / "6'7. [1 P: I!) J D K b 0/;- F—" Plans 5“), BENTON HARBOR corner:— Design 2362M. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BUCXEIELD RESIDENCE. _. Design 1008-;0 in frame, $1499 to $1686; plans, $lo;width 26 ft 4 in by 24 ft. 8m. width over all 30 ft. to in , story heightk 9 ft. and 9 ft 6 in. in the clear. See page 65. See index for Buckfield, plan No. 2. 9 _. . . smog _ . ‘3— ER 0 . A cnmazn ;»,'—'—_,\ ia'xu"+ I. E‘i CHAMBER [$315 ‘ n ' _ G) P. _. FAN- " K'TCHEN DINJNBR '3'X ||'+' iB‘x In: IE'XIS' ~7I4— ”g i VARDVILLE COTTAGE —Design 520; cost $2780 m $3500; plans, $25; Design similar to Manslon Residence HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOM'ES 1m; 7 /// 674W??? , . ‘ f" 7/? {WK CH AL'BER fthlJfIG CHAMBER left I IZISGID Cl ) dfi;l- v Gamma - 1° DIHNG noon 33f“: SSYIO left I 12“ 61a 4"- Pmofl gamut!“ HALL 13m a un‘ fjune x mm cums: ‘2’“ ‘ 1““ nnauons C BELvaN RESIDENCE—Design 1193M; cost in frame, -$r,891 to $1,990; plans. $10. See page 65. ~7|5~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Warrensburg, Ma, Feb. 10, l9( Mr. Herbert C. Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Sir:——- The house‘,‘ for which you furnished plans. has surpassed our expectations in almost every re~ spect. and stands a notable demonstration of the value of an architect’s services. Yours truly, F. M. \VALTERS floor ‘ IA”! ROW 0 12" x a: CHAMBER ’ “ml M’IMO. so an Mn 1 uh. CHAIR-BR / DIIXIO ROM 16“ I 1321 ‘ lflfs I 13" ' 49':- 0101 lulu-J / I“ E)— “. Y“ CHAMBER left. I “II I”! CHAMBER mm!“ RON 10ft: x 10". 01h I 11!! '\.‘ 7‘7, STEMO RESIDENCE~Design 18§7-N; cost in frame, $2,290 to $2;480;'-plans. $25 Special features: Attractive chimney and . . . C - tower; neat. clean-cut exterior; well-lighted reception room. ~7l_6_— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HO.MES I take plea§ure in sgying the plans you made f6r me were ertarely satlsfaotory 1n every respect. CHARLES SHINKLE (Southern Ice & Coal Co) NASHVILLE‘ (2nd testimpnial) ‘8 1 ,1 x 1cm “I 1 x : . do. do . c c 0 12m 1 men a . _ ' _ .. ,gif'i‘fi,“ ' I nu. .‘ 2 . :7 :10“: do! W 531: Row R R 12.x x 2m. mm. 1.1 amen 12!: x 13:: cum ‘ arts 1 7rn5 ‘ J . n A 1. I‘ K nuns: rcaca Trish-cs \ . A R007 _‘ 4 ONSTANTINE RESIDENCE—Design 1981-N; cost in (tame, $1,192 to $1,598; plans, 910‘ Special (catuxes: Large living- } room; good sensible and home-like arr-ngemcn! on firsk {Icon ~7|7~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS 'ARTISTIC HOMES "M J Hm I?!“ I lift \ can 7- CHAMBIR 1grzs x 12:: lllllo I XL". 1 l6f cm "6x7!“ aIAluln xors. 1 lat; 1°C. I00! MODEM nmnsuca —Ded‘n 1933!; Plans $20 WEST END mXDENCE—Duign sung — 718 ‘ ll E.l( I! IS It 1' (3 . (I P! l \' E It 5 (I () . [k I! (2 El l‘f IE (I‘T S ARTISTIC HOMES ALO RESIDENCE—Design 903M; in frame. $3.550 to P r. Spcdal S ‘ o. ‘ans,$3o; story heighu._ w x 5311?ngth colonial patch; the szus of rooms are: feature: Pulor. 17x23 (L; library, 17x14 (L: dining-roam. 17123 (1.; kitchen, 13x15 fl; hall, 15130 (I. See page 65. :hamter léxu-é' lining 20cm léXXE-E' gl- Veranda mmpma§§ m REPME§. N can; busmzss by mail I m: on: I can my: you more promptly than lo- cal ulem, as I man A: a you“ Io be very piompl m replies, upccxally ntm (canon-1y m conarnuon which I praclice is 01 consxduanlc Impouznce, bcsxdes you won'l lee pogxlne ma: malmchunl m oblamzd. The l mu r-evlammg "nmenus" m my delngna. Cragmont design 57 19. story heights I0 and 9-ft. Large rooms. Plans $ I 0. Neat clean-cut exterior. -719- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\l?'rl S T l(: rl()IW E S ILLINOIS STATE‘ LICENSE D ARCHITECT a”-.mff.wm.:r _.._ L.__. 1 clTY RESIDENCE—Design 1025-0: plans. $75 with any changes; cost $7,500 to $8.500. 1 h . I : I HALL Pam: u mums I CHAMBER' mu , iauowwu’ - c c 1.59m.) PAR'.DR RECEPY " , “AME“, - .‘ .7 was 4' uexnn’ unmmv ‘ ‘ ITVXIS V cynafi CHAMBER a «:22 n‘ u ax!“ l7 4‘xI20‘ I ; - _ . _ ‘- . m ‘720“ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS W W W BUILDINGS OF A MONUMENTAL AND ORNAMENTAL CHARACTER FINELY EXECUTED IN DESIGN AND DETAIL W W W ‘Hfl' HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans 5' 5. F . *r -' , A \1 _ f ‘ X1. L, ‘ h ab—f DIE-F»; " fie? ’ J!“- V“ .al' man—o: é um ' "Mb, Wlollv'e _ v/ r‘ —;d Cm REIDENCE—Dsign mun; own»: I I m. .a I 4 u 1 Jun EUCLID RESIDENCE—Design 3450; HERBERT C.CHlVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MILLSBORO RESIDENCE—Design 4221M; in frame, $2,690 to $3.500; plans. $30, with changes; width over all, 49 {t.; story heights, 10 ft.; special features; Attractive and striking outlines, yet modest in detail. See page 65. (NW5 k I'YCHK N “"5" ‘ mus gm :3 Mn “722 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ ll 1' I 55 1' I (2 f1 () Rd If 55 7 7? HILADELPHIA RESIDENCE."D€SI’§D 866‘0; in name, $1,998 3 3 }‘ to 52.498; in brick veneer, $2,200 to $3,500; plans, .520. Philadel- / phia Residence Na. 2. Westling design. with 11 it. 8 in. by 13 it. dining-room; with 8x9 (1. den where pantry is; with 5x8 (L sctv- ing panuy where kitcbcn closet is; with additional 10:12 (I. cham- ber over dining-room; with 4 (1. Stairs; with entire plan reversed. For Philadelphia Residence No. 2 see page 723. 3 \ ‘ 3 * £31K K!TCHEN m’5x»5 DINING-R I4xxs' = A REC’PT'H. CHAMBER 14x14 14x14: PARLUR , . - _ FHAMBER 5005 r I4xu‘s' V 1 o\g, c ? BURCH FIRST FLOUR ~723- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES O I no.“ lalonr. Film PORCH 3%?“ R031; “(ha I 7f‘ DL‘IIG ROW KIW rm 1: ran ~um: n ur- ucurrol ‘ nu. ; lounaru ' ‘ GNEW RESIDENCE—Design 1792-N; cost in frame.VSl,692 to $1.780; plans. 810. Special leamres: Large rooms: simple. neat tower effect: large veranda. A good corner-lot house. 724 ; HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO: ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES You an very many realize-mat an architect at a distance would be likely to design something novel and different to the common-place. he would be dis- lnterated as to who was contractor. and would probnbly save you the coat of plan- many time. over. ’44.— me 15ft x 13!! ”"8 x 12ft! emu m 13f$6 1 NH}. cawm 15ft x 11!“: ‘IALL mm 13“. l IPflZ L ENCORCES RESIDENCE.__Design 1978M; cost in frame $1.890 to $1.998; plans $15. See page 65. -725~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. AR.CHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES my “”105 '6' V 21mm 450 //”6"‘7(/5 6/6’19 I: I." (AVA/755? n'sr /J”X/J"6' O -726- BRYSON RESIDENCE. —Design 2007M; cost In frame $2,- 290 to $2,382; plans $25 See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Mlllllmlfl‘llflhll‘dll'l Wannnu \ M' l W “7—4;“ . \ Thephnavaeemithlnhb‘hq \\\K\\\‘\\w\ - DI. F. E. HINCHVSM. Genevivc. Mo‘ \ Porch [1817 ‘ antrv Kitchen ' Chamber |—-— Roon‘ 1e—Ex14 15-h“: ‘ Han 5"” fl. — - d Chamber £6-6x14 up Chamber Dining Poem 19114 Pa lo:- er H '6 6x14 Hall 2 x14 Lam a“, . - I ‘ ' Roof Veranda Reef “727 — Paskenta dmign 5727, story/Beights '0 ft. width 26 h. Extreme width 42 ft. Plans HERBERT C. CHIV‘ERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES mmuwmnmmeMs-ugmm lmudnozul tormthsngbem Thebemehudmkrdbyeveryonem thee- iLmdmy-eu ‘ 5‘. “. DA‘JP Wu“: Gnu. Hum. \ R0 5‘ ' E a “ atore . DINING R Bflb CHAMBER HALL Room V - 16x14 15:13-5 _.| " SITTING R 03455312 " ‘x 6 H a 0 16x15 PARLOR 1327 I CHAMBER I no ‘ ‘ 16x14 PORCH R00. Patina dwgn 5728, story heights l0 and 9 ft. Ex- treme width 46 ft. Plans $10. ‘728' HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ....; "“".’i‘1'1‘-‘"i-1 , . . i Pamlico design 5729, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. State] dignified stone house. Adaptable to many lens. This esign could be built to good effect in concrete [1 ocks, brick or even shingles. Plans $35. x... fl/hZIL‘IJ Z 97 z I" 2 aim/945:2 . U], 3; 5/74/7512 /3 7’1/0” ,3,“ ,0" ,_ a ”my": \ #414 «a i D 6947le ”A" 5 ' ., 1,61th m ' ~729 ‘ "aw PARIS COTTAGE—See plans on page ”as D:- sign 136:“; plans $190051 in fume, SI I99 to Si 290; new heights. 9 It. Ind 8 R. 6 iniia the den; Iell ventihwd dih— ingmm. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HARILEY.—Design 3-;0 cost. $1, 290 $1 460', size, 33x38 fL; width 7 ”PM" ovér all 40 {t See Cairo cottage on 7" ;1_" OLEON COT‘I‘A.—GE Design 90-06 I P0 an H cost, $1,490 to $1, 680; size, 28 ft. - story heights 10 fL; see Cairo cottage KITCHEN CHAMBER \b-f—Xlnvlfl- I+-5- x 10-5- HF. Olathe destgn 5730. nmm e Ru 0 M . See followmg 5.5-x 3-5- pages. CHAMBER La-n-xns-a ©1,.-\'rI-n;.— 430 _. I HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES heights 9-ft and Cairo No. 2 desxgn 573 l-A, sto 8—ft 6. See design page 730. rElam $10 ' - ----- 46ft Kit. 0 Ch. 13-5xu almgxlo E3 101%: _c Dining R. 17.3x12.7 Ch. 7ftx13f‘t. — Parlor Ch. 21ftx12ft 13x15.5 Porch 'E Cairo No. 3 design 573 l-B atory heights 9- ft. See dwgn page 730. Plans $|O HERBERT c. CHIVERS co. ‘ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES NAKATOTAOMILA COTTAGE—Barnett design, cost $1.190 to $1.298. Plant. $15. a L iv mg Room r“ 20.7x13f‘t21n v“. 12ftx13i‘t L. # . '(Hall Parlor Cairo No. 5 8ft 15.4x12f‘t $|0 Ch. ' 12x14f't10 desxgn 5732-C. Veranda ‘ story lO-ft. ..._ 44ft61n‘ -.. . . . .,; Sitting R. c 0 cl? 21.10xl4ft V eranda' Cairo No. 4 design 5732-3. E] HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS W- w v Away... ._- ‘m ARTIS.TIC HOMES Kit. Porch 14.4x Eaivc up llftll E Ch. 7.4x13ft4 Parlor H up 5.4x14. 11 all .11in Ves Porch Porch a -------- 43ch am..." See page 567 (reversed. Plans $10. CHALBER 91‘: x 11ft DIIXIG ROOM 12f!‘ x 15118 sign. $ I 0 plans. Cairo No. 6 design 5753-3 in stone. SITTIRG X00“ 13“! I» 165% Fairbanks de- ~ 7 3 3 ‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H,OMES - AIRO COTTAGE.—Design1557—N; in frame, $1,300 to $1,590; plans, 810; story heights, 9 It. 6 in. and 8 (t. 6 in. attic. Special (eamxes: Semi-octagon porch; novel design; easy to consuuct. We have plan No. 1, called O'Brien design. with 20~incb stone walls; with stairs in from hall and lire~place in dining-mom and sitting-room; with rear porch 6x36 It. lg Cairo Cottage No. 7 design 57 34.. m , “E'X'E‘ Plans $l0. PC. ‘\ Ialxpsia m’uxuz'e @0- ' mm; mm W w‘W‘ Sllmfi K20?! (HHS - » c was; lax IE Fl 3 —_ 7 m .— DANE-R . . 141.3 IE XI4 mum / E 3—734— :5 n HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l..- A\ I! 1'I Si 1'I (2 f1 () NI EEE5 Cairo No. 8 Dining Rm. 15115 ----.---‘-.. Chamter IS-EXIZ Parlor 19—3X15ft Chamber ISXIS-ICIE Veranda 7ft 3. Porch See daign page 734. p Story heights I0 and Chamber- 0 Kitchen 8-ft 6. Plans $10. 15—4x13f1; 12X12ft6 clo Cairo No. 9 design 5735—8. (Use mirror, see page 1023). Dining R. 17ft6 x 15ft 15—6X12ft Veranda HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\. I! '1' I 55 'l' i (3 t1 ‘(1 IN! IE 55 ' '49?” Cairo No. ‘0 design 5736A. Plans $IO' heights IO-h. Dining Room] 21ft6x15ft Parlor 2 ft ft 13x17ft 1 :15 . Dining R. 2ftX13-6 ' 14.10x13.6 u Sitting R. Ch. lizft4x13ft lthle C \ Ch. lthle Cairo No. II design 5736-3, story heights lO-ft. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES EE ”I!“ 'II [I WEE |_l__mflfll'fllfll Imnmnnl IHIMMMMNH mm m r 1. u “I W 2‘ WU w 1 . . E E HQ: ‘1 w“ J: V“ g . V I ' mmvrrn “mama: mm F l Kit Cairo Cottage No. l2 daign 5737, full sto hei hts I n 6 and ID See pages 730 to 738 P1315 sfs 0\ ~- -—.-- sort Roof Ch. Ch. ‘ 16m“; 16x14“ “6’9 d 16x10. (1} / i ' Ch. ‘ ch. éxizne' Pox-oh 16:12.6 “737— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Sig. 24 ARTISTIC HOMES Roof Dining Room 15—6x14 Storage 12-6x16 - --——-II Roof Chamber L 16x13-6 Chamber 15-6x11 Cairo Cottage No. 13 design 5738A, story helghts 10 and 8 ft. In stone. See pages 730 to 738. Plans $10. ' Cairo No. 15 design ~46ft --5738-C. "j Living R. Dining R. 7-3x12-6 17-2x13ft Parlor 20-3xllft10 / Cairo Cottage No. '4 design 5738-3. Plans $10. In stone. H E R B E R T C . C H lV’E R.S C 0.- A R C H IT E C'TS 'ARTISTIC HOMES . ,. MT?“ 333 %C%Wfl You ahvays get especiaIEy harmonious rcsufts when the architect, owner and tur’ldcr work together Any builder who knows me will lcll you “There's a vast difference bexween plans of Chrvers omce and vhose somalled plans turned out by publishing concerns." WILLOW PAMT RESIDENCE, —Design 2324M; Cos! ién stone and shingles. $2947 to $2499; plans, $45. See page 5 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITVECTS ARTISTIC HOMES " $2395; plans. $35. Special innuei: Large rooms; attractive vetandn; good ilue connections to all rooms. nu . u. ”I "Ii i :z—I Cbambe 1 Chambe ha.nb:1 n R m 18x13 8x16 ‘ . - /18x1 Parlo W51 Liv 18X18 Hall 18x13 9ft, Porch INFERIOR DESIGNS ARE MONUBIENTAL Hui-80838. A modern and progressive up-to-date individual would not think or wearing a garment unless taken from some authoritive plate of fashion. and at that. a new garment is usually in use less than a year‘s duration. Yet many will allow l novice to draft plan: of their building. which will be an eyrsore for genera thing. when for less money. at the outset they can secure ideas and drawings 01' an architectural expert whose aim. for reputations sake alone. will be to produce the best possible eitecu for the least sum of money. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS rfihgmw MW... Ah I? ‘1' I 55 1r I (I I1 () NA E5 55 \\ PHfiSHELD REMDENCEr—Dmgn y&0;in fimw. SL268 Z0 SL489; plans. $10: width, 28 {L [O in. by 34 ft.; stoxy heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. Special features: Inex- pensu'c tower, compact plan, plajn‘ simple design. Modifi- cations: Hues: would look well with lower eliminated. See page 65. P‘ Pantry Kit. {$313.6 Ch lthle Lining Room Chamber le‘tGinleft lethlth Rec.H. '1 up 510.2x hamber Chamber 11-4115°4 "11ft10 ves- 12.4x14.4 .exlzft Iarlor Eorch #741— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 1r I 55 1' I (2 r1 () RM If Si V GREGON RESIDENCE—Design S39M; in frame, $1,490 to $1,598; plans. $15; width; 35 ft. 10 in. by 30 ft. lo in; width over 111‘ 39 ft. Story heights, 9 ft. Special features: Pltin, simple roof treatment and a well-balanced. easy to construct design. ‘r------~ ssrtA-u-Euu‘ :9 O O H) Dining R. 16. 10x13 . 6 Ch. 136123“ B. 0 3.5xll.6 .01 ‘1 I\ d S "c/ 'u c Ch. 13. 6316 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES NELLS RESIDENCE.———Design 4371M; in frame, $1,498 to $1,600; plans. $15; width over all, 31 ft. 8 in,; story heights, 9 (tr Special features: Large reception hall; a door can be put in direet to dining-room. Modifications: The plans Show a more gttractive exterior. See page 65. a Krrcnzn CHAMBER ‘ an Dumas $10!")me ”Amman. Mime-0 5.2.x I54:- 5 c / PARLDn 15.2.x16.n CHAHBER v2: 2x12 :1 ‘743’ THESTONIA RESIDENCE—Design mun; cosL m lrame. $1,492 to $1,580; plans, $10. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS. ARTISTIC HOMES , 1"“;[7 1m— idWMfl. mARSELLES RESIDENCE ——Design xoo 02]“; cost $2203 to$2 406; plans $25; size 34x36 Special features: widereception hall with fire place, attractive combination {mm and rear stairs. (HAMMQD AH ' X/é' (I’M/\ffifé 20- a ',> Ch 88th R. R°° 12-3xi2 "ma “Juan I Sitting an. Dining R.‘ 18 114-8 " I4-BxI4-B Par-1o:- .2; Hal zonalsn ,: 1 M-ny client. clnno! make a proper dislincnon buween’me wold “Architecx” and "Runner: Both ue Iopuuo occupuions. A glut many l believe um any crud: oufline o! 1 floor plan and exlzn'or vacw conuilules plan-. This is a my uh. pun: 0| this had an in fact only Ihe pre- h’minuy “up That's why you 3:: as many - 7 50 - commowplue houses. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTICVHOMES //%SJ:E l ’ rt»u//I(I((fl///II/ / 7 l“; , /I////1///I7///////////% y/W/flflmmmzmw“. McDonald. Pa, Dec 5, I9: 2. .._. Mr Herbert C Chivers, Archilecl, .4 St Louis, Mo. _ ‘ ' Dear Sir— ' . I moved into my new home last month and P" 50ft- ~ ' - ‘1 am very much pleased With every detail of ‘he 4 work I lhmk l have as fine and complete a ' home as Is m our vicmixy, _ Kit. I I cannot ipeak we highly ol the architectural * work as u was eomplue in every detail and We 15:12“ P. ' hzd no trouble as a consequence, ‘ ery respeuiully, ./ 5 r‘ M. scorn p“ Pantryb 1 Supt Somh Penn on Co, N f [e cu. Dining x 0h- c cu. 1211211 16-6xl4ft 12-5‘12 34:14“. \ r] :9?“ II; , ml 1; “11% v====a ll U'llll/ll ' fizflZZZ/K/ué/fl/V%V€VJ 7/ , ”’Z'XXZé/WW/fiw x” EA —751— ' Osso daign 5751, story heights 9 and 8-ft. 6, suitable lor pastor's home. Chamber on first floor. Plans $l5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PhysiciagsSOffice design 5752. story heights lO-ft. 6. Plans PARTIES interested in the erection of public buildings mJy sequre unprejudiCed advice through this'ofijce on matteis pertaining to design. selection of pteliminuy drawings. letting ol contracts. best methods at construction, etc. Price per consultation bv mail. 35.00 to $10.00. Price (or mnsulta- tion and inspection “-0.00 per day and expenses. ' ~ raw—FIR HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES «:1, 4'; 9;, \. 4"“ DUVALL RESIDENCE—Design 4999-0; in mm“— to $1398; plans, $15; width, 20 x 31; story heights, 9 ft. (sin. and 8 ft. 6 in. Special features; Compact plan, attractive and well ventillted dining-mom. convenient servant's room. Duvall Residence No.1. Moore Shower design, same de- stgn as above, but gable is not out off, with [2 x 13 parlorfl 13 x 15 sitting-room with bay; 13 x 15 dining-room with bay, to x 10 pantry, 12 x :2 kitchen, rear stairs to basement, large rooms to second story, with bay over dining-room, and water— closet seperatc from bath-room. See page 65. __4 _4 - A 0 Jaws”, 5- fl’"””" (HAW/5:9 4”: ‘ /2 am 7-:‘ 941/1“ ‘“"’ ”My Ill—2. flaw/cram” I JIrr/ar ’, yravuz-a- h an?" Alt/v 4 ‘ C mam/.512 // a 1 /5 0' (AM/vane M911. 9’0’1/2“ _, Pause Mm; Ia a-ua “ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I / —50ft— /’ Parlor ._ ' ‘ Ch Ch E 12ftx13 9—6:: 9ft. C Roof .Duval No. 3 design 5754-A, sto 9-ft 6 and 9. See desngnppposite page 753. P ans $ I 5. fi' Duval No. 2 desxgn 5754-3. Porch Ch. 13 . 6x10. 10 15ftx15f‘t "13.515131 : clo See desxgn page 734. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Oseuma design 5755, story heights 10 and 9-ft. 6. '— Large pretentious looking home. Plans $ Library Dining R, ; 15x13?“ 16. 5x15“ / a + H. ' Par. 1-- 15mm; "755— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Orosi design 5756, story heights 9—ft. f) and 8 ft.-6. Plain neat exterior. Plans $IO. 'r‘ ----- 34:16--- ---. C17 E lhnh : Pan. ' \ Kitchen letle‘tG Dining Room :1 lsnxlgrt lannsrt Parlor 15:: 151». Ch ‘ 15.6:121‘t6 -756~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC I‘I'OMES / The pluu received of you: were nu.- No trouble what": In wt- ung ham together. Baum: compliments you Influx—Mn. F. 5. 01001116. Young-mm], 01:10. (Recent! nun-uni unwound) tutor], m. \ 11.4x8.9 Dining Rog. u 15ft4x17ft Den - 13. 9:1. 6 Hall Parlor [1.42 1 4 5 13ft 5ft :1 ft. 011. 2.3xlfl‘t llIIIU Pm“ Plans $1 5. ‘—j —757— Oronfino Siesign 5757, story heights 9 and 9—ft. Suitablc for Past‘ors home. The den and bay-shaped ha" above are particularly unique features for such a compacl plan. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .=' L 1"" .122a,"‘!2‘.u.r. J/F . L- Oneta design .5758. storly heights 9-ft. 6 and 9 Square compact plan. Plans $l c Sorv.R. Chamber ZXBft B. liftxlet H. E? 8.}:8 :10 C10 c c "\ Parlor u" ” Gumbo: mums R lbw-u Mftxlet Hall QC- ~758" Plans for residence drawn rby you gave eutlre “(Junction :- to nyla. wmence and :modern Ippu are. l Im we" ploued.— 31,114) d. F-ul Mo 150cm“: puuollcurd testimonlllJ HERBERT C.>CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS. ARTISTIC HOMES 2.33 ("In ‘W 'l 1 Hum“ 9mm“ ill. Goodl d d ~ 57 59. width over an 46-ft, sfiory heights / 9-ft. é: yAagESicularly unique English half—amber gable design. EFT. F Kitchen ' Chamber Chamber 16 6X11-6 up d ‘ 15-6X11-6 _ 15‘6111-5 an I 1 Living Pm *9 1 ixZS-é Dining Fm —| Vestb LEXIS-6 816 I Porch , - \ h Epon a promintm come! an‘a has allrzclcd' : “SW ‘5‘)” M01 Jp‘ "' '9 ca: deal 0! auenuon and favorable comments M" ”“5“" C ,(‘h“"”" mm peopie oi [hrs and surroundzng town: D < ' LOU” M" Thank-mg you for your asstslzncc and recon:- QZF .Jr A mcndmg you and your muth to any can. I desire to say that l 2m \efy we” pleas“:l mnpzanng buildmg, I beg to remam wzrh pian- IIH’YIL‘hEd by you and wuh Ihg re- You“ truly. sul: attuned and could not be bent: szusfied E. LOEHR. than we are \ntl. our new home I: IS stunted ~-759-— AgtSEandSF.R.R. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Anchiota desi n 5760. story heights 9-ft. 6. width 28-“. 6. We Jighted Reception Hall. Plans $15. Porch H / 'E I- ‘ l : ”an Port: h Kitchk‘; Chamber 0 ath G Dining R 3-_6x " 1 3-6“. 5 own D Recepégif, Parlor 13-5x15 ‘13)(13 13-sx15 PORCH Lanark. 11]., Feb. Is. to. Mr. Herbert C. Cl)i\ers, St. Loni). Mo. Dear Sir — Hax’ing completed my house after lh: plan bought from you desxre to say we are more than plu‘hed nnh n in awry way. and recewe many congratulanuns as to (he appearamc a! same. Can conscientiously (ccommcnd any who msh to build to call on you (or design: and nuns Resprulull’. J. .\1 GLOTFELTY “760‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS r f ARTISTIC HOMES k— ~ 35ft6‘ ----- 1 - 7 o - Kit. 3- 11x12 cn. W 10.21 an. 12ft & E Storagg ] CC ; Din.R. Sitting R. 12.8x13 18ft4x13ft es ' Parlor 3ftxll. Porch Cl'fiwood N . 2 desngn 576I-A, story heights 9-h 6 21nd 8. Sic design page 764. Plans $l0. ’ ' ‘ 41m ’“ ' ' ‘ ’5 Story heights 9-ft and a 8- it cut to 6-ft ‘, Plans $10. E’J Roof g. ' Tk Chalk?!” Chamber 1 16- 5x10 5.42110 ' 3U- cu. [1x1 317 I Dining Rm. Sitting Rm ““3!” 16ftx15— 2 Cliffwood No. 4 design 576l-B. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS xx It 1" s; 1'! <: I1 () n1 Esss fu. 8- " Cliffwood Cotta e No. 5 lO-féx ““5 ° heights 9-ft 6 afid 3. 10* t Plans $IO. LL P cg . _N ll-UX1 design 5762'A, ,. ‘ PA] C See pages 76l-763-764 D.R. S.R. 18x15—q 18-6x15-4 15x15 P V U?” #L p | Chamber 53E Kitchen -vn~+:' --. _ a :: +< -------- éh. u 1n. m 6x1~ E 11_6x16 c P MW — I E Pantry ~88ch :; °1° 6x11—6 d Chamber Dining Room 18x15 15x;q desngn 5 7’62-3, Cliffwood Cotta e N55 6 , heights 9-ft 6 an 8-ft. Plans $16." M tuxss New “M“ eu-m. x n. Ir. m" “I": m l3 LXIE. l} M '1 up — Web 3*! X5 0 . m mm Em m1 W Ihvfix IM~ W- ll-D~Xll-+~ * V ill We? I341Xl2~§~ "glmn—(- ROG? I am thoroughlyplcased and regard your plans a work of art. Your speci- flcatlons are also full and completely protect the owner from a legal standpolnt. H. W. POGUE. Attorney at Law. Jerseyville. Ill. ~774- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHIT ECTS ARTIST IC HOMES (my? fi/wr/cm 0' ' ' rift/60 Dmnwoon COTTAGE. “sale $1,150; plus. $8; a); width, 3: ft; width over all, above). (space {or two rooms treatment; a very practicel I "Who secs only the first outlay will live to have more bills to pay."—Anon. —Hill Design 1810-0; in frame. see index for Dendwood plan No: 39 ft; story heights, IO ft; Special futures: Simple :00! plan. See page 65. ( CHAHBEH I| XlS Mfr-m CHAMBER LIVING P. I? x Is'q’ I'Vs‘x I34 -' r - HALL SIITING R mix :54' vsxnlo . L l p ' ~ 775— :E‘21 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ‘ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES a Deadwood No. 4 design 5776-A. P h ‘ Plans $8. ore ‘ / J .. u clout-.— Dhunber zzxxo- ‘Ph 3 LE“ _d-‘l12106 I u Chamber 10- Ixu 18-10115 1 Hull' mi: d4 Chambe :- 20x15-3 6 open Vertn‘da stor.y heights IO-hfanci 9-“. 6. Gypsum No. 2 design 5776C, Plans $20. See reversed exterior 34 5, LABORATORY ] 1*:13 OPERATING ROOM “:16 I C .. C O- IAI‘I‘ING 'ROOI r 14x13 Ch- Dining Room 12-5X15-9 ] 17.4113tt101n 0011501.?"qu ROOM Retail. 5 t R. 14x16 “must: 1 u“ story heights no and 9h. _ 7‘76- PlansB. Deadwood No. 5 design 5776-3; story heights lO-ft. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES DYERSBURG COTTAGE NO.2.—-Design 6030- r Ha!" ,.. u.) ; in {rune $1260 to $1398; plans, $5; width over all, 30 fr. 7 1a.: story heights. 10 (I. and 9 ft. Special features; well ventilared rooms. Sec Dyersburz No. 1 on 11:13:77? See page 65. Porch ZPan Kitchen For h15x13 mpaaré Cardmgron. Ohio. June [4, 19 Mr. Herbert C. Chive-rs. St Louis. Mo, Dear Sir:— I am sending you rhxs day under separate cover a photo of house taken soon after it was complcled. \Ve think a great deal of our home, and should I ever build again it would cerrainly be from plans prepared by Herbert Cr Chivcrs. Yours respectfully, FRANK S. JONES. Dining Rm Chamber 19X15 14x15 r10 ' Chamber Chamber mm: 15x12 16x15 Rec d H Parlor 14x16 ‘ Chmg 14x16 Veranda _777_ (Dry Goods) HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES [Dyersburg N10 4 design 5778-A Plans $5. See 777. story heights II and 9-ft. Ch. Dining Room 14:153.; 18.10x15.4 (Ejgl ‘fii’l" Parlor W 13. 4x16ft 13.4x16 lans $5. See 777 story heights 9 and °°' 8- ft 6 I , I HERBERT C. CHIVERS C>O. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC'I‘IOMES DYERSBURG COTTAGE—Design mi 0; in frame, $699 to $799; plans $5; width 27 ft. by 39 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. cut down by root at walls to 5 ft. Modifications See index for Dyersburg plan No. 2. See page 65. llDYERSBURG Modification plan, No. i. Pool Design, with :3 ft. 5 in. x 15 ft. parlor, 12 {L x 14 ft. 6 in. bed room; 1 it. by 14 ft. 6 in. dining room; 6 ft. by 8 ft. bath room in pface of closet at rear hall, with fire place in parlor and in extra bed room direct above parlor. Foam Kl'YCH’EN g uni-'0 2 omc- R OED-R 124145 "*1 '3 Beau-I FIRJT ubTORY MYERSBURG MODIFIED No. 2. HOUGH plan, Parlor 16 ft. x r3 ft. Vestabule entrance on opposite side of house to 18 ft. x 15ft. dining room with stairs. with 14 ft. x r5ft. bed room in place of present dining room, with door to front porch, with triple triangulor fire place at in- tersection of parlor. dining room and bed room, with 5 ft. x 10ft. bath room at rear hall, 13 ft. x 14 ft. and three rooms above. with balcony roof to porch. "779— W SECOND 'JTOPY HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Ito ‘4 It I: .17 _ . , . 02‘ ‘. l/0X//‘ '0 IJ‘l'x/é‘ 0 ‘3 [:1 (”’4”sz /2"0 3" lf'é ' a:- (Ma/v5.49 D Ira 3: a 1 - (AM/V51? /Z-'0 'x/J -‘ ‘ Ila f [PAYNE COTTAGE—Design 1209M; size. 24 a. 6 in. x 30.; shory heights, 10 ft. 9 in.; special features; small conspicu- oust parlor. large sitting room, well-ventilated chambers, com. binatipn stairs, den on second floor. Cos $2098 to, $2290; plans. $20. See design opposite page for design. lf/fiflffl /: 1‘ aw ' CD ngé'WM‘o' SLANDISH COTTAGE.- //'o 276 MW D 0E0 Z /1’//7/l fl ,0 [:1 ”WW5“ I (xv/Ammo L9] III‘G‘RIJ‘G' -780 ~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES (11.me RESIDENCE—Design 60190; in frame. $1293 to 5:499: plans, $5; width. 25 ft. 6 in. by 35“.; Modi- fications. See index Birdsville Cottage. See page 65. a E :15»? w m E m u KH— i / Chi M W W IS‘IOX l3 . [ IS‘IOX 33 : "‘1ma If m I. E m R. «ms : HRH-7 u: may —781— ‘I WW i HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS See page 65. mm [W lflfil 11! mm [PW 111mm [Km #mmx KM» [3.1—4 11+. (fl; « WK. fl M I7.+.x Isa. ) H'u-xm-e PM ‘* .ml'uuum ’5 ARTISTIC HOMES‘ We»: _ Wflmm “782‘ 1 WP @ARONDELET COTTAGE—Design 6016-0; in brick and fume, $1298 to $1464; plans.‘$lo; width, 30 ft. 8 in: by-27 ft. 8 in.; full story heights, 9 ft. ii: the clear. Special features— Luge living room; full story the upper rooms: 9 in. walls. ESRBERT C 031“” ARCHITECT-3P LOUIS I5+xha WW ‘ IS-f-X ID- ll- WWW HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES hmrmw COTTAGE—Design 1357 o in fume, $676 to $799; plans, $10; width, 28 ft. 2 in. x 2'9 3.; story heights, 9 ft. and 9 ft. (full story.) Special features—43mm like gable efl‘ect in from; economical porch roofing. See plge 65. 1 7ux7n MK “I D: fill‘fl b lD.E-ll§.i. M! 0m Ibvxvfio, lbtx|5+ ' MI- m m 45;”!34 3'3ch H mm .., 5“ House Is Just completed. I: is the talk of the town. As It ls dlflerent Io Anything yet bull: here. we have received many favorable comments on same. The house ll up-todake in every respect. _ J. A. ADAMS. North Yakima. Wan. The plans which you prepared for our new bank and office bullding’ have worked out all right. We are well pleased with the bulldlng. ASHER R. COX. (Vice-President Orchard Clty Bank) Xenia, [11. Your plane of County Jall Building are complete 111 every mpect'nnd we are well pleased wlth them. J. W. SHIELDS. (Real Estate), Pluevllle, Mo. ~783— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES REDLANDS COTTAGE—Design 9061M; in frame. $989 to $1.096; plans. $l0; width,. 30 ft. by 30 ft. 6 \in.; story heights. 9 ft. and 9 ft. (front chamber full story.) Special A plain, practical house. See page 65. features: _ F: . N ‘ iz'alffiu 3 [chm mg 15.1».X‘13 ~. 15.+.x15 (Ed WW mm “W" IS + X'IE . us.+.x Is. (Z W flux :3 [PM '3‘+"‘ ‘5 us‘u~x 7‘ ' W *784- ARCHITECTS CHIVERS CO. HERBERT C. ARTISTIC HOMES §TONEBURY RESIDENCE—Duign 153.0; in frame, $989 to $x,185; plans. $10; width, 21 ft; story heights, 9 It. and 8 ft. 6 in. Special features: Large pantry and closets; combination inside and outside cellar entrance. Modifica- tions: Hall can connect with kitchen by laying out closet. See page 65. mo “-3 mi '11 fimvsaoxo COTTAGE—Design 4:08-0;in frame, $375 to $475; ph‘ms, $5; width, 22 ft. by 28 ft; story heights, 9 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in, (front and rear walls 6 ft. high.) Special fea- tures: First story weatherboards, second story shingles. See page 65. - 785~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Algu Cottage; Design 1204M; size :6 x 26; cost $1090 (o$1299; plans. $20 3W g'l‘fi—fli ' ‘ .le Jig—Lg Magu Cottage Design, 1205\1; size. |_|Imlm1flfl|.dfll EEG“ 4o \ 29 cost, $19-: :0 $2249; plans, $‘-5 HERBERT C. CHlVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ' v-rw-r-n'w'w- a “~mwf- <">-r‘v~‘ m ARTISTIC HOMES ST. LOUIS COTTAGE -—Desigu r64:-O;‘Ln frame, 3180 to $899; plus, 5;; width. 25 h. 4 in. by 30 fr. 6 in; story heighrs, 9 ft. 6 in. mdg (L. side "ll! of second story cut down to 6 fr. Speck] futures: Compact plan; attractive from. Rublished in the July. x899, Woman’s Home Com— panion, Springfield, Ohio. W: 3150 have this plan with full story heights. Have $10 stock plzns. wirh the following changes. named Crurhenvillc residence. Gentral size. 27 fr. 8 Lu. and 29 (t. 6 in. with bathroom, with parlor. 13.4xr3 I'L; lihrlry. nxro ft. 6 in.; dining-room. r34“; ft; story heighn. ro ft. and 9 ft. in the dur. See page: 19: md :98. See page 65. -.,._....,....... I E h— v‘ ‘ ,0. 1-. I‘d ~ ' M r-d l in "7.5 : ,0, "mu" u - . b . 5:7 A 5.“; . =- g .. f rE-n n r. --.-.-.- o 3 .-¢ 1-. v: o l ‘7 E35 fie: > 113. .. 5” R g; 3 E: I g :3 ZXIl—‘gfl. : _V. \ I \ : I a. Wdu. Design 9-0; in brick. 9 in. Iull; cosL $1.90 to $1998: plus. 710 Manual; REDUCE—W um; «min hm. Sec 5.1» Can 51.1.; to $1,820, plan. $10. See SI. “uncut-ac. ‘ ms ‘5‘? 0“ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ‘ ARTISTIC HOMES -311‘1’. Sin.— ._/~ Pantry Porch fl Roof I wt: l . , Kitchen } Dunne Roan .4 15-4115ft 15 In“ I a i L— “p is. Parlor \ 13-4x13ft 1* Library 15-4114ft6 Ch- 1 l1 -1ox10-6 13—4x14rt6 \ / H Pom a Plans $5.‘/R°°f\ St. Louis Cottage No. 5 deSIgn “5788-A, story heights 9 and 8—ft 6. See opposue page 787 r .......... m... 31ft"“""”§ - . \TP.\ l3 clo\ ht. J Bath 0 - 9min Dining R. L 9x1l‘ E1° 15ftx14f‘t 13ft4x15ft D r—d Hall >- — Ch. 3ft4xl4ft6 Library Parlor Ch . 11.¢x1o.6 1". 12ft10x13ft 13.8x10ft6 4) ll Porch ll ”788— : Roof : } St. Louis No. 6 desngn 5788-3, story helghts 9 and and 8-ft 6. See opposnte page 787. Plans $5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .J I w Inqflmtw ”mum ' mm . 1.7/1“. R00! )cla 9:“ Chamber "l menus-4 a. d p ° ° .Q lemflall ,; PHI-Of Chlabor CW? “mun-4 -' 15-5313“ “run—4 ”WM-4 \ vflund. u my one "10" you - plln am you know, or may say. you can erect - human; bum m - «nun mourn. amen nearly plea-u you. and m: the pamcuhn. can And In" clearly mm to you there you an an n In“ It: cool ol my Ice. and I null “mutant: look that an d:- Iigu-nd impetus: constructive dams. “id. .1 him out. mic. lb: bed relulll. giving —789 — you. buildmz - dinimiw cleuhcul Ippclunce. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 0020/ [wai- / \— Ir/ra/z/v" 63’3”ng . . .1. ' " ' owe/t7 ‘ /0'/0X/3'4 g/y/nggw. IZ¥WA17 /5-¥2X/Jt- ”ML ‘ ’ (£05 £405 \5» 5-; A2; | . MIME 392on 4/4””? , ”KW/7’44 EE/z-M'X/J: (HA/V65? 04”" ; ld-6X/610 .- mane-70‘ 200/" “DARBY COTTAGE—Design 59-0; cost, $998 to $1,193; size. 28 ft. 2 in. by 30 ft,; story heights, 6 ft., and 8 ft., full story; plans, $8. See design of St. Louis cottage on page 78% A special feature of this plan is attractive stairs and com ination side entrance and cellar entrance. DARBY NO 2. Likins design, same as above, with 4 ft. pantry between _dining~room and kitchen; with 6x7 bathroom on first floor; with general dimensions 32x30 ft.; with no bay to second story chamber; with full stories and-dormer on roof; similar to Washington Residence. 4 ‘1 I. — film 5 “L 7&7: 'Darby plan No. 3, reversed Finley design, same as above. with sliding doors to parlor; with arch and large brick fire- place to library; with 5 ft. central hall; with ”.4 x17 ft. library where reception hall now shows; with bay omitted to front chamber above; with pantry and pot-closet between kitchen ‘ and dining-room; with 3x8 bay to dining~room; with bath- room between two rear chambers; with porch across front; , with open porch extending to dining-room bay. :WK F1 ch. I i |3>3 ; ‘C 5 as} 3;; 3 d ”all Ch. . 2:73;: 5: 11—2312 F- Q 355 5 Ch _9-2: :14-8 Roof ~848 — HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS .- m, mommy-Elf van-a ARTISTIC HOMES I/A / / /// [DEVON RESIDENCE—Design 1064M; in frarye, $2,690 to $2,898; plans. $25; width, 38 ft, n in. by 32 ft. 6 in; story heights, 9 ft. 6in. Special features: All rooms open into a. large central hall; large fireplace in sitfing~room. See page 65. 81“” Chamber H031 16X14 — 16 K mun-v- x, 71 ’ Charn tunic IF 1 E19214 610' 12X11 a Hoom Hal] 12(18 W 17X11 g N . u a If 1.2.8. Parlor Chan . (‘ ‘ _ . V J) ; 1:,de 12X14 Chamber 12%?4 15X10 ~849— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES NREN RESIDENCE—Design 1047M; in frame, $1800 m $2200; plans,$2o; width. 30 ft. 8 in.; story heights, 9 it. Special features; Attractive reception hall; vestibule coat and cloak closet; bay in front and side; See page 65. u! I: KITCNEN .W awn-raga Iasxum 1": unsung. n H. /~ 1: l1 CIEDAE SIV'III‘ anon CHAMBER .5 x IQ, s mun-G Rnfll‘l I5 8x15 CHAMBER ‘ |§BIII Hqugq. ‘ _ F' 1 4H \ ' ' 'l C 11.: PARLUR % _ CHAMBER L1: [allej HALL ;: nbexlb : F- "5" c C o— ‘850‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES - THORNHILL COTTAGE —Design 100 906M; cost$2379 to $2758; plans, $25; size 28.6x48. Special features: attnc‘live side tower, large pantry, combination rear stairs. H ”an“ ‘C 7 “m m, _ I/fffi’t/Y 5-;ny as nun I'D'AW ' /;-0 aw: i: p V124/YM 6 ‘0' ”III -l'551~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES VIRGINIA RESIDENCE—Design 856M; in frame, $3.490 to $3,960; plans, $25; width. 56 ft. 4 in. by 35 ft; width over all, 70 ft.; story heights, 11* ft. Special features: Ponc- cochere in rear. stairs do not crowd back of hall. parlor, 20 ft. by 17 Rs, library. 20x17 ft.; dining-room, 20x14 ft.;kiitchen x4xx3 ft. See page .65. a o o I 0T-‘en Porch 0‘ ... Ml. Library!~ Hall Kite ChaM ,% autumn 20x19 13 . 14 17x17 Hall I? u . _ :le7 Di"! Rm Chan Chan . ' _ 17x17: 14x20 UPorchU I a ‘852‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARC-HITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES TEAJEER c‘uuasn :1" fl M? . r- 5; -—~~—.-- 5‘2“ 13X1u-6 lOXlO-S I fi‘hf— d ['U'F‘Eb 61—4 ‘_= . '\ éfi‘fi ‘l v «1:: ‘4 | Czw—L V 'l I ,t' a_. ,HALL . y w:- ii LI :5‘ 9X1; "' '7 ,‘,I’- p r: I'l, L /-" 3/ — l . ! CH :52: canvas? % . t T I] . My: _ Laue—5 mun-e 3'11,” N ' Plans $30. {2 10—5): 14 1 Dawn \J mama in? H cram; mom \I uni-4 4 17x12 1 K CHAMBER l r-sxxa “. Puma "P H 13-ex14 “ HIBERNIA RmBNm—Dflb 1419-": Plans 320. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES "Bed R H BedR I ‘.5x17 15x14... 44 * fl'rLAN'rA RESIDENCE. . Design 7 29 a M'~ 4\ em I” J‘O'x'lf ' § \ 0 (2140.150? AH w/r-r , § PIKZP’I/‘i‘h’. “a Mix/'4‘ £ ‘ D = [BA LVIA RESIDENCE.- -DEsign 1223M: -854- HERBERT C. CH’IVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES man 11!“! I um SITHIG BM. cum IS“ I lfif‘ I‘ll l lafl mum: ROG m l9fl a 12“ I“: I u." ‘13 11mm 7‘ nun 52ml. Ian/.1 cumu- um I xsn Ian x 1n el- mu I mu ml RIMERTON RESIDENCE—Design 2004M cost $2,295 to $2,385; plans $20. (Ste page 65. T '855" IHERBERT C. CHlVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 1 am very well satisfied. A E ”WK/71" Calera. Aim. June 30, 1896. Mr. Herbert G. Culver-s, Architect. St. Louis 1110.: Dear Sin—In regard to plans and specification: drawn by you for my dwell- ing now nearing completion. will any. that same have fully come up to my ex- pectations. and I consider it a very good Investment for any one desiring to build. to have plans. The house is considered convenient and substantial. and Yours truiy. L/D/GG/Py 7’6'X /7‘0' mfPT/O/Y HAAA Wfrl (aw/(I: (HA/VOA? /2"7'A If ‘5' FAUSTON RESIDENCE—Design 64 on page 696; cost $3.250 to $3,999 in brick: size 33 it. 5 in. by 38 IL; story heights :0 ft. Special features: Very complete plans $15 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ I! 1' I 55 1’ I (2 f1 () Nd If 55 cERESCO RESIDENCE—Design 1923M;1 cost in frame $2,022 to $2,180; plans $15. See page 65. Kitchen : J“ lO-GX ‘ 14ft Chamoel 14X10-t ‘857- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ngrfififitpriiii-nn-I-n-un “VIEW ILL} ‘ 7- ‘ ——.: 7‘. 7 LP-auumuuuefi RUDYARD RESIDENCE—Design 2384M; cost in frame. $2,782 to $2.930; plans, 325. See page 65. Porch Kitchen Dining Chanbe 8X11 19X14ft 13-4X In”: MAUI! p HalI R Parlo Recep Chambe Chambe Library OF‘F‘ICE 13‘” . ”14 13-4 17-6X15 6 3"} Parlor Chambe 13—4X19 Hal 13—4X 15 ‘0—6 hamoer " ' 12X14 ~858 IIIIIIER'T C. CliIVIERS Ct). AerlilTE(:TS ARTISTIC HOMES AUGHTON RESIDENCE—Design 2374-N; cost in brick venec: and fume. $3,500; plans, 330. Special leatures: Consuvntory " ‘ ' akitchen; ' bay to , ’ hall; r water- closet in connection with bath-room. C/iAflD’P ., ,r m__ amp/5:2 D X” = may/4” IE ‘\ #44; (1.0517 / .. E i / aarprxowmzz 33"” /l\ /5"6"X/6”6” " n A” '- 4 ”2"“ 5 ‘ Gunfire “:5 644/756? /5‘V9!_rx/4r7 ;! m/fl —859-— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MALKASKA COTTAGE—Design :183M; I $1,292 to $|.348; plans, $15. ~ARTISTIC HOMES - thmrs ol Ibis book will require no _ fiber as It‘unlaln the I‘m: 3! I25. H you appreciate the (Jun-cut nu que- ness 0‘ my work. then a: no! be misled by chew under-wk“ publishers'nluns ' HERBERT C. CHIVERS .' ARCHITECT ' mm: fix-Ilium 4 Ch. 18ftx14 Ch. Parlor ’ 18ftxl4 16ftx18 ‘ L\| Veranda not w «an Mn»- r a mun v .,..... III-w! I onus cu- m V‘ _ -‘ - ‘ _ . Mr. Herb . . . . "‘55. {333%. FmrflcldJlls. 10«24‘ m Dear Sir:- . Plans of our new bank are very finely “canted. No are pleasnd with the general design and arrmgenent. fours sincerely. -860" WizWKJ/amm. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES : I// // Escondido design 586' .widlh 44 fl. sac: porch 6 ft, story Heights IO and 9 ft. Plans $l 5. ~ I 531 c on y I, PERISTYLE APARTMENTS‘ s'r. LOUXB‘ -86] A HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS _._._u;u;«4 A ”v ARTISTIC HOMES 77ft Porch E ° ,2 Kitchen PorCh . 17.10x12. "‘ ‘ 7c ” 4in Library ' ’ KP fl . an. 17ft4x15ft / 3 1m Parlor Rec.H; Dining R. 19ft4x17.4 14ftx19 22.4x17ft4 ! Veranda Balcony Ch. 17.10x13.4 [a Hall \f' Ch. 17.10x17.9 Ch- 12. x Pinckneyville No. 4 design 5862, story heights l0- ft each. Width 58-h. See daign page 863. Ch. 7.10x17.9 H E I B E l T C. C H I‘VE R S C On A R C H II‘E C T S ARTISTIC. HOMES 43! M 2 .n .92 van « .oz 53 05> 0. . .3565» 2 5:35.36 5. #393 37.25 .3 owns uom N .55; So.— owua— £553 092 .262 mammomEméoS can an. A82 omaq "my—33.. 16on .2 0. £222. E215» ”to. .d .m .=a 5>o 52.5 ”onwfinfianogéwbu 03.3655: .muu =_“0é:v uyaautwuzmaamm m€=>>mzxoz:¢ a.m«~ e m #f _ ._ 523% xn.~ _ lm imp . . an. xoa .5” .n - I mwm 8V go ., 4 fl 2% .n o o u \\1 mm afl¢QMnH . r x w gag - .30 _ Acooaam avcauo> rl a: a . . u .51..qu $35: wwmba 1M ,8 Leah”: Had: .méwa $7.. 8 6 . 58 23.S_ lam .m. w. 3.3.33 .E. 5 a y u . YCNH d D. . NOH .bH “w 0&0 A m 5a.: 5 S -863— ARCHITECTS CHIVERS C0. HERBERT C. /\ [2 1r I 55 1” I (3 r1 () IVI [3 Si c Ch. Bal. Roof 14ftx1 ‘?*” c Alcove 3- Ifll4x9rt6 p d d Laura—i Ch — Ch' ' ° 17.10x15 14X14 Ch. 3x17 Roof m ‘ t ' "“ up Kit c‘ l4ftx12 / E \ . Pantry. 43:! u “ Dining R Rec.H. 17 Parlor -4114 14x13 7.4x14 u/nl P i?” ll —‘ ic neyvi e No. 3 deSIgn 5864-A, stor h In 10-h. Plans $25. y mg 5 THE USE OF PLANS. Plans are to be used but once. and parties purchasing plans of this omce are priviledged to build only one building from them. This is a universal custom among architects. and for plans used a second time we are entitled to 3% per cent on the total cost of each building erected from them. Some are of the opinion that these plans may be used.provided changes are made. but where it can be shown that a prospective client purchased books con- tuning certain ideas embodied in such plans as may be built from, without payment to the originator it is sufficient evidence on which to prosecute. This notice is simply to protect those who might endeavor to use “ignorance of the law" as an excuse for duplicating plans. It Is admitted. even by many architects. that the facilities of this 08106 to prgluce practical plans and artistic designs is superior to that of any other in the United States. If any of our stock plans should exceed estimate 1 will exchange them with- in 10 days after shipping {01- any other plans of less cost which 1 may have in stock, it returned in good shape, (or 52 additional. “864 . HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MALEVA RESIDENCE—Damp moo-“M; cost $3026 to $3331; plans. $35; size 33x51 width over all, 36 ft. special features: bay in front and side. compact plans. large kitchen closet. See page 65. ”77“!” /I-'6 'X/ 7" EH- r flAzL [Hop ”17/" 11-3705“? 6 —865- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Sig. ‘28 /\ [2 'r I Si 1' I (I r1 (3 IV! [3 Si c K on. Bal. Roof 14mg m“ 0 Alcove 3‘ :114x9ft6 :a_;.2_’ d d .JL":5;..— Ch — Ch. - c 17.10x15 \\\\\\ 14x14 Ch. 5x17 Roof ms; “ “‘8' 1‘ up Kit c 14ft112 / 3 E x i Pantry‘ aEZZZ ginini R Rec.H. Parlor - I 4 14x13 7.4x14 Ji / nl p 1’ l "' ic neyvile No. 3 de51gn 5864-A, story I] hi 104:. Plans $25. fig 8 THE USE OF PLANS. Plans are to be used but once. and parties purchasing plans of this office are priviledged to build only one building from them This is a universal custom among architects. and for plans used a second time we are entitled to 31,42 per cent on the total cost of each building erected from them. Some are of the opinion that these plans may be used.provided changes are made. but where it can be shown that a prospective client purchased hooks con- taining certain ideas embodied in such plans as may he built from. without‘ payment to the originator it. is suflicient evidence on which to prosecute. This notice is simply to protect those who might endeavor to use “ignorance of the iaw" as an excuse for duplicating plans. It is admitted. even by many architects. that the facilities of this oflice to produce practical plans and artistic designs is superior to that of any other in the United Itates. If any of our stock plans should exceedcstimate i will exchange them with‘ in 10 days after shipping for nny other plans of less cost which I may have in stock, it returned in good shnpe, {or 32 additional. -864 . HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MALEVA RESIDENCE—Dewy xooonM; cost $3026 to $3331; plans, $35; size 33x51 width over all, 36 ft. special femureS: bay in from and side. compact plans, large kitchen closet. See page 65. E; II 2 '- -! fi—J 0770/!” /Z-’6 ‘X/ 7" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Sig. 28 ARTISTIC HOMES "mxm. u ~ ' at I/ymummw/nrmnx "llllljluhzwllfltflluuu a. 1mm I‘luuu I’lrmumn uuul - ~- lomm RESIDENCE.——Desigb 2382M; cost m name, $3,690 to $2.782; plans, $25. See hag; 65- \ 11/76!!!” (”WP tnuvu‘ PORCH "Van-r *~' ”I“ Jun- o/Awyc .2200” \ mama GO‘rAI3‘n‘ fl'l'lfl‘1' (WED CW flvau‘t' I’u'l ww- { (1.06 (1.00 C’QD ~ -.... or I'°.I-"S. WM” 4‘ —866 ~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS A . “mm - ARTISTIC HOMES Shenango No 4defl 5867-A. slot heights 94! 6.1.149. Pimszt?" Seepage59 59Ly Ch . , ki tchen 3 9x15 5* xsxls _ had. 111] cm Dini ng Econ Library Chamber 15-4x12 20x15 18x20 — ‘ p 1 _> 10 Chamber I D ”1; a? M V chamber 15x18 .xec tion H - ‘ n 3120 18155 V _~ ,5. hams—4 10 | ,: — - V '_ .5 IVesI J; #1 — Veranda : :59 «xx. . - V 1 Eu;— a nun" ,n. Story '0 1 . ’, and 94: C I “1 l a! ‘ A n '. -- Eifl 5' \ u Hall Dining 9.. Chamber 5-”xx3-1o' 1.1x14—4' . 4 Chamber | -» x3-4X13 c _‘ Hull Hecp't Hal D Parlor . a » -, 14—sx14-1 ' ““6. ihfmJ’H [Slumber 0.3.; “up :-cX13-c 15-ZX9 u , \l \‘\ - \\- Verqnda 867- Shcmngo No. 5 design 5867- BI. 6. Plans $20. See page 591 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC I-IxoMES n :51: ‘ ” ' mu fl Whfllg ififflm Wfimhflwm m Wu Ill ..... Civil/W ”I!“ i‘9" :: 5" Gustonia No.6 design 5868, width 30 ft 6, width over all 38 it, story heights ‘0 and 8 it 6. See pages 869- 870- 87]. Plane $1 5 Kitchen Sitting Room Dining Room 17‘6xX4-6 14-5x15 up I 1 Charmb e x‘ C‘iambe r F . 14x12—1 j | llx;5 Parlor sea Chnmher 15-5x14 eception H .1 _ ' 15x14 1 “ "1°41 éf‘- Vernnda // / 9°07 /// ‘868- : HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -==-=='I Gustonia No. 5 design 5869-A. see paga 368 to 87L D Yo not I Kit. 5x11ft8 Dining R. a, : 17-6x12ft 1’ 94.0 T ~92: :/ D H D m l-\i-Jh31‘ Parlor 11.22.53; ‘ Ch t ' X ' z . 1-5 '1 I J Veranda Library 7. 3114 (1 \ Custonia No. 4 design 5869-3. story heights 94! 6 each. See pages 868 to 871. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTAIC HOMES width overall 39 fl Plans $IS. Si tting R Chamber 16-6x15 _“ ”“1 u I :10 clo Clo L c eception P rlor Chamber up Hall 13x14 Chamber 14x14_5 ‘ K16~6x14 I km-axm Venn“ 1 story heights 9 ft 6 and 9 o—O——v , ; , Gustonia No. 3 design 5870—A. See pagers 868 to 87‘. Kitchen Sitting R 'Dining Room 14-7x14-6 18x15 Plr1or Chamber 4. Chamber XG-GX14 14X11 3 15 6 0 - x1 J1 / Veranda / ’//, Custonia No. 7 design 5870-3, story heights 9 ft 6 and 9, width over all 39 ft. See pages 868 to 87 l. H E R B E R T C. C ill V'E R S C C). AKR C Ill T E C T S m«m-._muk -._.. ARTISTIC HOMES )1“; \ l USTONIA RESIDENCE—Design ms-N; can m Inna. :1 702 ~35 :0 $1,968,121”): :15, Ivory height—L Io IL um I 9L 6 m Gumm- Des- gr No. 2 mu: parlor 13:1. n, mu, u n. s in by 16 as in; was 15112 n. hlchgn In place 0‘ mm; mom. and 10:11 If. m mom above wuh (cu luu ”uh P Chamber _ Chamber Unlixl". ) 14.7117223' MIE "Y .i “r1, A "' h ., pnnmbcr Chnmber M ‘3 x .. . ‘ Pa.“ “”6““ 18-33(14' I 1.3“ I 4“ Chamber Chamker [14-11X3‘“ °°k 14-11K14' Roof "87I‘ Plain Brick house No. 587 I . story heights '0 and 9 ft. Plans $IO. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES (“ V v‘ ’\ ,. \ ' r , H Wuul‘m‘mir; {121 J / Emu-WI “ I '1 ‘ -leiso design 5872, width 33 ft. width over all 40 h. story heights 9 ft 6 and 9. Large, spacious ha“. neat stairs, large front room. Plans $ I 0. Pantry P h m "c 10x6-10 O Alcove Sath Dressing: F kitchen 12—6x7-6 Chamber Eco 12X7‘5 19X14 "— ‘h — hula d if - Dining Room — - Chamber 'IHJI‘. ‘ 16~6x14 €13“ “Md 12x14 2 (I “ ““down up ‘3' .Hall cc] c 1 Reception H Purlor Chamber 14x12-6 _ Ch9159r “X19 ”mu“; léxiS-fi Veranda R f 00 l I I: “872‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -‘“""'24ft""" VCoronado dCSIgn ’L; ' 5873-A, ‘ f" R Minds *— Ch- Bin. 3. 13-4114 14mm; A ROW OF CHEAP FLATS. 1:: an. "r.“ --(‘-li.v:—(- who. may “Ian: lawnh .. _Il_ . ‘jéllwl I)”. 13.6114f‘t can" u... (Aw- man 1211! 12:15] Itxu )zxn — .—..— fir— -1 Im- malt-A1,.- “"1 1005 tax) “3&1“ Slam RESIDENCE—Denise 990114; in (nine. sung to $1 920; plans. Sis; width. :8 ft. by 4‘: IL; nary heighn; 9 (I. 6 m. and 8 {L in the dun special feamns': Ball: on first floor, novel, but convenient back hall arrangement; Lug: fire-Dian: in sitting-100m. ch. Ch. 13x14. 131(14]! \A—E“—J ' 3 Hum): RESIDENC -_Daigu "5m; v .. - $1.99: to $2.096;phm 5:5‘ Secfiage 65‘ 5 m. “"1 i112'):ng L Plans $25. -813“ R“? HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES \ The plans received or you this summer. gave entire satisfaction. I have no photo of house yet. but will mail you one later H. s'T‘AKMER. Owattonnn. Minn. -.: :3 M IIIHIIIII "I“: l .Uqfw "Zng13" .»,, 4- ~ \ fi§$§q , *1, W J ‘, (A a‘ ’3; 4:”. n ZitcH \ 1". #335- "' I4X14 P. ‘ a¢§z m 1.. « a F \ Hal“ Din.Rm| Bed R. 16X15 16X16 a Bed Rm. ' -= 16X16 _ Parlor so 16X16 Hall I / I Bed Rm U ' Porch - 16X16 ew. ‘ . Rm 1 a . , IXOM RESIDENCE—Design {8&3-N; cost in frame. $2,990 m ~ . $3,198; plans,$25. Luge, wellwentihted rooms. Spacious ver- j undo; unple iite-pllcel. ~374— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Anoka No. 2 design 5% I‘- .7_ .4? m: m fiNom RESIDENCE—Design 200831;” I - Use mirror as on page rr/rovth' ‘V'X’V‘ E '023 to get reversed effect. f‘": HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I“ Iilnfijl—lgllmfl T _ 2: f, . i—-' is“ ', l ".91, mi? ' . Jug” “Iii: ; "cruel I X3!“ I 10“. I 1:!“ l I III! [MK «In HALL "AMI N" l NI! 7" “I!” I“ Mn I "N Na mun 10"..“ an Ill: um I.“ I lfl‘ PAITRY KITCH- DKIIIG RU». i’lz I INK. l M" 0 ’AIM X)!‘ I II". m 101‘ I I IN! .x, nu. 0!“ m ' "876* fiRAYDON' RESIDENCE.-Desigm924 M; con $2.682 :q $2.890; pians $2 5. Double house. See page 65, HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MT. CARROLL RESIDENCE—Design 6025-0. in {rank $2.490 &0‘$2,68o; plans. $20: width, 30 ft. [0 in.; width over all. 40 ft; story heights, xo (tn, special fwures: Good for annaloL Mt. Carroll Residence No. 2. Schaeffler design. same as above,with 9 ft. ’ocugon tower; with 3 ft. bay to dining-room; ivith wide porch extending to bath—room. with door at res hall; with 9 fl. 6 in. and 8 ft. 8 in. story heights. See page 65. . Porch up '< a tch IIE RIIE R T C. C H IV EIIS C O. A R C H II'E C'TS ARTISTIC HOMES EINCINNATI RESIDENCE—Design 9:98M; in brick, $3.200 to $3 500; in frame. $2,000 to $2.200; plans. $35 in brick. $25 in frame; width. 29 ft. 4 in by 37 fl. 6 in.; width over all 32 it; story heights. 10“. Special features: At- tractivedibrary back of reception room; similar room above. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ---1. story heights IO and 9 ft, Pléns $20. ' Ch. 14. 6x15 b7ftfl5 Alledonia No. —-2 design 5879. {.1 See following {evised plans A\ . a. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘45fi ~{Estella plan No. 4. Clarkdesign a i: page 65. See plans on page ‘ Pan Ves. c \ Ch . " 5.10x12 0' 1 R sxitiz 1"- “E 0 . X . a 17.10x17 6 7ft4x14ft B9— 4in = Rec-H c Illlllllhp d “ u — —-1 Ch Parlor / ' “ Ch 15. 4x17. ' ' 115.4le 6 I 1°'4"13°8 13.4mm V \ 8in ’ Veranda < Estella No. 3 design 5880-A, see exterior page 887, story heights l0 and 9-ft 4. Plans $20. Ser. Ch. Room IOXI4 12-8X14 D 32.5 \ Sitting Rm Dining Rm IVAXI734 IGXIEft/ Chamber H Ch. I4_ex15 IIZ-SKIZ I II _. 2 Bee. , Hall Parlor ‘ Chamber - Ch _ 5 IBftx14f’c ' 15 4X1 ’ : 3-4X16 “880‘ Balco v' "m“ Estella No. 3 design 5880-8, page 887. story height l0 ft. Plans $20. ARCHITECTS HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARTISTIC HOM,ES agar/mu: c 6"! / I ’I‘ I” ‘.L 13;- . n1 . _-3 Alledonia design 588'. see design page 879. See following similar plans. Story heights '0 and 9 fl. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES % j “ ‘ Pan Porch , Kit. I Dining Room 15.4x9f‘t 17ft10x13.4 ,. Parlor 11d ' r 5.4x19ft6 ““3 1-5 “1- 4 Ch' . _ . o.‘ 13 431%“ 13.4x12f‘t I S Veranda Estella No. 2 design 5882-A. story hexghts IO fl and 9-(1 6. See design page 887. See pages 879 - to 887. Plans $20 I K J VIBO/YM 60‘ M’IE Emma No} 3 dalgn 5882-3, see design page 879 to 837. Stow heights 10 and 9-ft 4. Plans $20 HERBERT C._CH|VERS CO. ARCHITECTS ‘A‘fl-wxb l\ I? ‘r I Si 1' I (2 fl C) RI If 55 --------"'45f‘ ' Edgcfield No. 6 design 5883-A- P. See pa 5 879 to 887 Pfans $20- Kit. 45.4x13ft IOin Story heights '0 and 9'ft 4- an. lg, Dining R. Ch. Sitting R.16ftx11.9 15.6x14. 15x16ft9 c d/ ‘;= Rec.H c c 13.2 Parlor x up _— Ch. 15ft113 18ft I15.6x13.5 Veranda Edgefield No. 5 desi 5883-3, see extenor, pafié 887. See pagas 8% to 887, story heights I0 . Parlor I5-4XI5 Plans $2 , ‘883‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES fi Ed I ' - L P. Kitchen 9 gcfied No. 7. desxgn 5884 A. 15Xl$ft10 9'“ 4- - tr: ‘1 Pan. d \B.R c d u ,. l. p 7 I) . . Ch . . Dmm R. ° Slttlng R. g 12x12i‘t7 17ftx17f‘t2 15.10x12f‘t r. d "' q Rec. E a. u 1‘ é Parl°r 13ft ICF Ch. 15ft113ft Ee/s 1| 14.8x13f‘t8 12ft” , L Porch \ / 34mg See pages 879 to 887. E B.R d runs (1 I E K. fl 11:. up 12.6113 9 E 4', K 33+ ‘ELJ: 8: Ch. In 11.9x12 Ch~ ’g _ .9x15 .E? =| Sittzng R. c c 30‘ V-' afixnfit5\ 'Ufi \1 d‘fi’) 00.99 Ch ;2_g 11.9x15 Ch 2; '5 o 7.81 '5 .5 U: 15? o no Veranda a ~884 " HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES E E Ille/[h' /J'~I')(/7-¥' ’ Fr ¢ r (HA/75!? (fiAfi/NP /J'Z’X/3‘6' /J‘Z'X/J" AIM/yam arm/cm” tau/I VIPA/YM L 1 ,, NOTE—Partial not rated must lurnish : good bank ufucncc VOLGA RESIDENCE—Design 69—9; “ 0 R D E R B L A N K" cost. $2,390; plans $20; similar CXICI'IOI’ to Edgdiield residence qn’page HERBERT C. CHIVERS, Awhile“, St. Louis, Mo. Date 7 7 7 ...... Plus: malt: puliminuy clawing: l {or approval) complclz waking drawings, dduls and legally wordd specifications, for which I agree lo pay you 3... — -upon delivuy. Ra‘xctfufly, Stud _ Name City 4.; AIL. I.‘;A:.\ '; OHARA RESIDENCE. —— Design LANCELL RESIDENCE -- De- 36- -;0 cost $2,700 to $2,900; size 29 sign 37 0; cost $2 344 to $2 598; size (I. 8m. by 34 ft. 5 in.- ., story heightst 29ft. sin. by '52 IL; story hclghts, IO LO ft. and 9 ft. 4 in. Special features: fl. and 9 ft 4 in; plans $2o. See .de- Portecochcm lauwry under stairs and sign of Edgeficld Cottage on page side entrance. Plans $20. Secdesign See page 65. on page See page 65. ‘885" HERIEIT C.’ CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES :0 I yrf/MW/ . 1w X/‘wa 1 (MA/AC? (W55? > - a: ‘ . . . ll" 2’0 ”mu/50 "“ - —I ;- HAIL (W’Wdfé’ u-‘w‘v 54 we li'o‘x/ji‘ /J‘0')(/J‘4‘ MFA/V01) o-o- mp: [El 'ESWICK RESIDENCE. -—Clark design 31- -;0 cost $2 500 to $2,700; size, 32 ft. by 55 {1.6 11).; story heights, 9 ft 6 in. and 9 ft; plans $10. See Edgefield design on page 605. See page 65. ‘ See plans on page 607 L. _,- = Vflftn’fl/[PZ ELHAMBRA RESIDENCE. ——Design 2252-0; cost In frame $2,590 to $2, 682; plans $25. See Edgefield Res. for exte'mr HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS r.- ARTISTIC HOMES EDGEFIELD COTTAGE—.Design 1904990; in frame, $2,690 to $2.899; plans, $20; width. 30 ft. 4 in.; width over all. 45 ft.: story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. 4' in.; special features: Wide veranda; combination insidevand-outside cellar stairs, Jug: bah-room and pantry; brick fire—place in reception hall. Sec index {or Edgeficld plans revised. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l\ I? 1F I 55 1F I (2 r1 () Nd IE 55 Itephmspnmnulhrmowutunhndmm I ulinlwon swan butlmmmltd '27.,tiiiilj‘4'{rg§fi Dining Gh mbet Chambe . Ohaub. 18X14 14§14 12—6X 14X14 14—6 D ==" 9 péi;rfir1# Parlo 16X16r Chamber c ChfiTber 16-10X J 9ft \\ l OVANA RESIDENCE— Design 1842- -N; cost in frame 32, 390 to $2 498; plus, $20; story heighu. 9 fl. 6 in. and B it. 6 in. Special features: Large rooms; neat, amactive design; good corner lot design; inactive upper sash to second story windows. “888- :- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HO>MES MONTEREY RESIDENCE~Design [00.009M; cost. $2,806 to $3,886; size. -43 x 36 ft. Special features: Large brigk fire-place in hall; large pantry; well-ventilated from I cannot allord to have my clients in any way dissauslied. I want your luture busl— ness and that of your lriends. I am interested in bettering your locality architecturally and when you hear 0! anyone who has intentions to build. please do nor lail ro men- rion my name and at the same time drop me a line. HERBERT C. CHIVERS: *889‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES - SKETCHING BLANK— .. 0,“, "m _ IF youintend to order phuoxwish no send a rough outline ol the plan umm c. “M“ mud. send for specul sketching blank. See page. “5, : s..u.s..n.. WIIL [[Sculhry cln -« 5m: Mm lu-lqu-Iulylnl . R“ . we :u l:x20—:‘~ _ .____ Kitchen ""‘W ’ 15xm nous: __h_ “'22: Dining Room 1 5x13 Parlor Reap't Sitting Roar! T. Chamber Hall 1-3-6le 15x15 -7- 14-5xH (SH ‘u'eraz‘n‘a Los Gates dmign 5890. width 39 It. Porch 8 ft extra. Plain. neat southern home. Plans $l). Story heights IO and 9 ft 6. —a90— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Illllllflllllillulll IllllIlllllllllllllw‘ TII IIIIIIIII'IIIII‘I VI III-II! 'I_‘lI __ “‘IIIIIIIIII“ _ .——-—-—:~ 7:- WI I I I I‘J I I I Wmsww PARK cornea 4e: opposite pug: I}: sign 2469-M; cost in brick, $7,000 to $7 500. P121". ‘55 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Kitchen 17ftx12 Sitting R. )3. IT/fCHE/V If” X ll" 6'" v'i / 61.0 a @5015fo 459'?” (ZazfiaQEEm o /a"x/zev man/vac 90" J‘ I? 42ft--f“' HA4 1 ,y,‘,~,(,;a. Ca;|os No. 2 design 5892-A. See page 891. Plans $|5 010 Ch. l7ftxl6ft Ch./)7 3X13.6 d 12.6x 9 4 story l0 and 9-ft. Carlos design 5892-3, Plans $15. story I I and 9 ft. See page 89]. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS /\ [2 1r I Ei'I'I (2 f1 1C! «4 If 55. E Couvznss RESIDENCE [Design [839"; ccstin (Sm: $3,290 to ”.582; pins $20} 'Balcony in from o! den 611:. ‘ See page 65. \'I:- rate: Chan?er 13213-6 C Chamber Den 929 137.14 5312021" ‘ 7 ‘k— CONVERSE RESIDENCE. 2nd Plans $20. ika mm ' ‘ 5% ~ :..:,.rg:@» 7 ' f ) “firms. ”II: V», ' '2, ’ K Am./\ D.?. m Plans 5| 5 'PALATINE RES —893:w__l HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I 1; ; ———g—-———g'y,: _.......,--..‘......u_ ___ 1 ‘ ____ “A... . ‘M. ‘ _ . -.A-...— ._ .—-. mun» .. I H...- w »...—— s... .Lu-gu..u.:g 4 ___.__.——-—— .__-._————— ERDA RESIDENECE.—Design 100,045-0; size, 34.6x33 ft. 6 in.;cost, $1,588 to $1,792; plans, $15; story heights. 15! 9 ft. 6 in.. 2d 9 (L, cellar 7 ft. A plain. practical house. SN: page 65. 69‘4””? (HA/“*7”? I IVMX/Z” ”I707” /7”X//” Ch’AMDQQ /.5”Z"X/6” /3’73"Xl6” 4 nicks (HA/”DZ P a” //"4~'xzo”9“ Wt £1171”de 9 ’7 d X 9" D WANDIP 5'”wa /5’7MX/6”/0" (HA/4&5? L5”? “(6'70" //"'4""}(/0"'9~ V w W - __ 4460/1 y d’Ix ~53" 8 9 4 f - CHIVERS c'o. HERBERT C. ARCHITECTS ARTISTI/CII‘IOM‘ES [ROBERTS RESIDENCE—Design 92390, in frame, $2,190 to $2.389; plans, $25; width, 34 ft. by 44 ft.; story heights. 9 ft. 4 in’. and 9 ft. (full story); special features: Large re- ception hall, with bay; octagon parlor, well ventilared; con- veniently arranged stairs; four rooms with Iron: view. Modi- fications: By eliminating closet to down-stairs chamber, a grade eutranc: to cellar can be had. See page 65. (warp gm mung. maxi“ ' 014an I” ‘5 X :9 ° _895_ w 0.7.6 HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES VICKSBURG RESIDENCE—Design 1870M; in frame. $1589 to $17983 plans, $25; story heights, 9 It. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in.; full story. ‘Special. features: Designed for stained shingle efieu. See page 65. _ mr New. ‘3‘. mi— nvxnu E; AIMAISU M] ._ _ ' ‘41“ fl 5:1 ml" 56—3167“ nunlu ”unscr- st mun: l v a GNU! 3 ’ - , 'Jflwlflfi a "' If: txnu The plans which you furnished me for my house were all rlght In every way and were entirely satlstactory. I can heartily recommend the plans drawn by you to any person intending to bulld.—Wm. H. Gllmartln, Bloom- lngton. Ill. V . “896'— 3HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS A R'Tl S'TI C rl()lM E S lll'ILDEN RESIDENCE—Design 1558M; in frame, $2.500 to $2,890; plans. $25; width over all. 43 (L 6 in; story heights 10ft. Special features: Large, wide veranda; large rooms. See page 65. Bouton, Mass. June 30. 194 Mr Herbert C Chn'crs, St. Louis, Mol Dear Sir:— The plans and specifications received from you are very complete and you have carried Ont my ideas very clearly I think it is going to make just the house I want I am really getting more for my money, than I thought I would. The plans have been favorably commented on by our local architects. They say that you understand how to carry out the details of col- onial work‘correctly. f H Yours respect u y. .. _ (Jeweler) HENRY F. GUILD. 897 HE agent a CHIVERS co. ARCHITECTS Sig. 29 ARTISTIC HOMES “NITA RESIDENCE. —Design 100038-0; plans. $25. width 50. 6 . story heights, 1st 1: ft. to $2 ,699 See ptge 65. 9 HI 0130 r::‘A~.2a 9’5"; :3»- If! fry: v u ”A; I5 " ml '5'? 0 0 ~ 26:86?!) Do Q) I'll." C'JVfl /i‘ '\J" :d 11 11.; cost‘$2 ,498 6‘4ng 0 19"114" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES mONTEER RESIDENCE.—_Dcsign xoo,037-O; cost $2.- 298 to $2,497; pians, $10; story heights, 15! 9 ft. 2d 8 ft. cellar 7 ft; width 42 h. Special features: Large rooms; pu- lor is r4.xox19.6. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Mariposa desi n 5900. large rooms, imposmg comet- lot house, we] lighted front rooms. Story helg-hts I . . , on Plans$25 ~900— HERBERT C. CH_IVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTIST! C HOMES RESIDENCES It success In Fme Houses Is «I readily Scelfll my chenis' desyms. produunafm them : Deng! home (n21 was expected (at "‘ 1.3;. 1‘ cmunou’"3' >5? Vfifcléfiebvmt. 10m. mo Herbert C. Shivers, Architect; 1. Louis. . Dear Mr:- 1 received pm: in good dupe. my thanks for yaur pro-pt ntmtim. ~90!“ Vu-y truly, ”5/ —— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Veranda story heights ‘0 and 9 fl. “‘1 Fresno deSIgn 5902. Plans $20. 18.§113 \ - Rn. 1X8- Chamber 18.4mm: Ch. 15~9X12 "Huber/l Chamber 15-:xz: 14XI‘ HERBERT cfcmvans co. A R C ill T E C T S ARTISTIC HOMES 'w‘ i Berendo desngn 5901mm heights 9 no and 9. Suit- able for lot with double front. or overlooking body of water. Plans $50. Living H Dining F. Chamber Poor: 1521; Hall 15x11 15x11 c Sen ' WV. Hall :Cxxc Hall I —903 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ; ....... 34mg}: a. Chamber 12-6X15 17-1011171'1 15715“ Sitting Parlor 15ftn5 Rec .1! B—GXIS Porch 351”“ QBOODLAND RESEIDENCE. — Design 9686 0 in frame $1. 280 1051. 360; plans $10; s1ory heights 9 1‘1. 6 in and S in 6 1n.(cu1 down by 1001' to log {1.) Sec Due 61; \uganoxe 0211,15 0,191' Herbert SC. Chm-1.x. 1551;” L01115,.\10. Dear Sir: —- Lnder separ11e (0161‘ I 11.11 1'011 pholograph of I11_\ house and 111” 3:1) 1‘.11 l b11111 5111.: 1C- cordmg 1o plans 11111115111111 by 1011 : pie'1sed 1 1111111»; I 111111- the bes1'1r :1- 111031 anisnc-lookmg house :11 01' 1' 101111 ’904' \er) respeczf ' [1 $3. 11.11115“. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHlTSCTS ARTISTIC HOMES L - ‘ - 43ft - aa— - ~ Honeyhill No. 2 design 5905, : story heights 9 ft cut. lown slightly at side walls. ' See also page 562. 2 L ' (Use mirror as shown on page I023.) [NEXT RESIDENCE.'._ Design 889M;;in (rune. $1,959 to $2,400 plusfgxs; width 35 ft; (-tory heights, 9 (I. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in. (full story). Special features. Plain. néa: exterior; combination slain. “Page 65- —9os — HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECT. ARTISTIC HOMES §ALEM RESIDENCE.~—Design 1878M; in frame, $1599 to $1898; plans. $20; width, 28 ft, 2 in. x 31 ft,; width over all, 36 ft.; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. Special features: Simple tower effect; combination inside-and-outside cellar en~ trance. with door at grade; compact plan; the working plans lhOW a more attractive design than the sketch given, with ornamental gable end. See page 65. W mm: H E x11+ D. W was. IS-f-X I'L B- l3-+.X l1-.U- £39. M3 W MM 15-+-x Is-n- 3x3 IEM-x HS / RM ”“900 — HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES SELMA DESIGN 5907 HEIGHTS 9—6 & 9' up Dining R ?1x15 Living M 11113 Chamber 9—0x12 Parlor 9-Cx15 5-625 1 Shamber {3-0le Chan.bcr _907— no“ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES II ‘IIWII' ”WWII,” / "III 'I II/II/: ”yr/‘2 {III II I’m-Tu? I I EI '- . A “W” I :4] WWI“? Wm ill/kowyzp ,7 // - ”Mia/w "7 ”7 ///// 0" "n - u ”///7/////;///1,///////”” / NILMOT RESIDENCE.—De§ign '1935M; cost in frame, $2,590 to $2.780; plans $25; cost in brick $4.580 to$5.690: plus $65. cmmn um I xsrnzxn ' 7: cNmaza uru a an: imam: noun 1‘"! ll nu 'Iln .5 snoxm II l9r\| I {Aftflln W It‘flt m .. —(}08 _. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS A'RTI STIC HOMES , at . i ‘ q .3 ' .1 LENARVEE COTTAGE—Design 2351-N; cost in frame, $1,292 to $1,399; plans, $15. Economical stair arrangement. / . fr'.’ x1 "1.14"?“ ,, 1 5:51:15,» " ~ 10”/6‘ :43 (IVA/'15:? IC/ 70’"): .12 ’ " (fl/1775!? IMW'X/f'é‘ ' C~>€/-/3f i H "x /o” I I \ : I L rim/v0; i . ma.- -909— — HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS” ARTISTIC HOMES _ , 1"— Millillllrllrlle A55 LIII'EMI ‘1 “I”! . """ ‘ I III: IIII.__I_;I”_I*_II MENSICO RESIDENCE. —Design 2060M, cost in name $1 680 to $I 792; plans $15 See page 65. RECEfIlDI HALL 15' l 8' I? 4 "‘0‘ I )e‘ / ~9l0" HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 7‘ ULIETTA RESIDENCE—Design 2387-N; cost in frame. $2,592 to $2.780;pluns, 325. Special leatures: Down stairs chamber 1 and Dada; large veranda, door lrom dining-room om onto side porch; combina‘ion cellax enuance. ‘ 0 Lu- g lr/7K/7’M " we, Q xr'xmwn g . 7 O. 56’ 0 mg; I #522 D I D ”195,170 D /2’5"X/€ G 9 do /0"6"x/.7’ " |_ o 0 Mn; ,, (”X/5” OPAonefiO fil (fin/15:2 O 363”” /5”6"’X/2‘"1U J ., .. 2/522 ’5 ”/0 “emu/5'7 ~ ‘3 D 9'47”" 3 I: \. § VtPA/YDA IE4 EOOF -9|l- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES . Hall 9 :5... ............. yore“ ... 51ft6 ..........‘* HIM MwllIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIWIIIM twmw OLANDUS COTTAGE.— —Design 235” N; cost $2. 450 to $2 700; plans. 315; 5: my heigms 10 k. and 9 fl. 6 in Special features: Luge veunda; pleasant outlook from from rooms; from of house \ Is not cut up by stairs. A wide. Imposing from. Secure man Architect who can Mmke ddlgnity in a] \ DESIGN wlfinnniubgity mm, MSII' ac 2ftxl ‘ 15ftx17 Kit. Pan c Ch- 12x12 up _ \Din R 14x12ffi 15ftx20 5. 6x17 V Roof / all “P Libra Hang; ‘Parlor 14x14;{ 10ft letxZO l°f+ Veranda *9l2‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Tn?" ©5600!) RESIDENCEHDesIgp | “ 100.025“; sue. 45 x 48.6: specml features; large rooms. Southern plan‘ \xide vamnda. good ventilation ’lans. $60. See page 65. (my: -9|3~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ISTIC HOMES MILLSDALE mas. —'Design 2270M; cost in fi’ame $I,691 to $1,- 789; plalis, $25. See page 65. bull-z noon nn A 1 1:" In unn- lfll I “(I H!- IAI-L PM“ mu - nu MAE-:71. L . MINOOKA RESIDENCE—Design 2273M; cost in frame, $3.500 to $4,690; plans: 575- See Page 65‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Los Banos design 59”. story heights 9 ft 6‘ and 9. Plain, neat exterior. Plans $1 5. -........~.)... 1.37.3. 1311532. 50::th St Joseph, Jun: 6, I904 H C Chiscrs, bq. Dear Str - pered (or two houses for m: and will send you 1 am pleas. 2‘2“ h ‘ -. . uawmnau Veranda. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS I. ARTISTIC HOMES pENSYVANIA RESIDENCE—Design 874M; in frame and stone, $4,509 to $5,500: plans. $65; story heights, IO ft. Spec- ial features; Large varanda: attractive entrance. See page 65. 1': {p4 9AM Danna-RN E“ " 3‘ . aus'x-sa‘ Emma .suuua =2 ugu :76 E c 1‘ L— — . _ >1 . Llawv " I< £13 ‘0 l I nAu. lumen . [Sex 15¢ mu'xiio —947-— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES m. .vv::f:;;:~:_ ;;—.= ”—r-wfi' , _._ w [LAKESIDE RESIDENCE—Design 2993 M; in frame. $2,090 to $2.198; plans, $25; story heights, 9 ft, 6 in. and 8ft. 6 in. (full story). Special features: Wide imposing frontage; good for seashore. See page 65. .3 Q , 0m Mane 7-‘0 "Al‘ ' JIM/vale ”vow: ' k N I? w fie k9 é/rr/Nc PM /5‘4'X/_5' //f4'}(/5 ' fizz/.02 —948- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HO‘MES NEW IDEAS. This is not all there is to be considered. You want a house with all modern lmprovemenrs. There are constantly coming out new methods of construction. new building materlals. new plumbing and other fixtures. and as a leader In my profession these new features are brought to my early attentlmy 'Ivu’rrnam-ribmmui.mr lag :4- , so . , , L“ P . 0 "’ Cl ”fey fl/ff/é’f/Y D (“a /J’Z”5v/Z”d 3. M ””60 "' 00 g @vr/f'gb l 41 fig 9 {Op ii ,‘7’700'X/ (W no #9242102? A! O VIM/Vii /z~x 5/” (:1 MAI/£132 a, away/700 AKELEE RESIDENCE.~ Design 1928-N; cost in irame, $2,380 _‘ to 32,490; plans, 525. Central stair arrangement; bay-shaped par- - lor Ind library; deep veranda; simple. clean-cut dignified de- 3 v’ sign. ~949— HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES QGDEN RESIDENCE.——Design 865M; in frame, $2290 to $2598; plans $20 width, 30 ft. 4 in.; width over all 33 ft Specral features Large reception hall, 15 ft. 6 in. x 13 ft: nook m hall; bays in from; vestibule entrance, plain, simple roof treatment. See page 65. nmmenoun. IS‘XIS' RECR n, ARC" NOUK. DONG": FERST—FLDDR ‘ M" ' V“ -5- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES homo»: RESIDENCE—Design 100,093-0; cost $: to $2,190; story heights. 10 It. and 9 ft. 6 in, cut down to 1 ft. walls abovc;plans $15. See page 65. .998 4E .r: than. K nu PW! “52m I3-3xno-i. °- ‘- lla- ‘1 I7 (I x l: f‘ 850! ~95 l .. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS l. C. when. Seq” Mural Decoration f MONG savage nations, so the Ethnologists tell us. decoration precedes dress. Primitive peo- ple paint their bodies beiore they think of clothing them. There seems to be among all races an instinctive Vlove oi color and iorm. In dress. among the most highly civilized human beings. this display is principally con- iined to the women. The con- ventional male costume being -iimited to dull shades and not being especially graceful in out- line. But the man who creates a home has an opportunity to exhibit his taste in decoration. No matter how critical his judg- ment or how delicate his apprec- iation oi values he is almost cer- tain to disappoint himseli and all beholders unless he consults his architect and obtains proies- clonal advice on this important subject. The painting oi the ex- terior oia wooden house irom porch to roof. coloring is not a matter to be lightly considered. The color scheme must be har- mum... monious and iew indeed are they who, not having given the sub- ject serious and proiound con- sideration. are capable oi pro- ducing the proper eiiects. The interior requires still sub- tler thought. The shape ot the room.tue size oi the room, the lighting oi the room, the purpos- es ior which the room is to be used must all receive the most careful attention. In consulting with my clients on this subject lendeavor to em- body their ideas. when they are not too incongruous, and to con- vince them that certain modifi- cations will greatly improve the result. This 1 seldom have dii- iiculty in doipg as my experience in interior and exterior house decoration in stone, brick, tiling. wood—carving and color has been so extensive and so eiiective that I am able to please the most iastidious and especially to grat- iiy the ever increasing number oi house and church builders who desire something original, something diiicrent irom any- thing they have ever seen. @fljfiiwnfiiiflfiifiwii St. Louis. lo. Deu- Sir:- . why/(Wye A; u/n/u he puns or bank and until: mt). Iera antler-duty to In. The building ll practical in all respect». Thanh“ you. 1 remain. we shall not build the hotel, for Ihiah you prep-no plans untn Spring. Very truly. —952"' r‘i‘flm W- / HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IIRL'S ROW > 51??th R001! DIHZIG ROOM I ‘31". x 13h. 15fta x 13ft! A —« ~15"b‘.— HOOP _ ATIMER RESIDENCE.7Dcsign 1869-N; cost, $2,190 to $2,298; ‘ plans. $20; story heights, 10 1!. and 911.; widm over all. 33 It. ‘ Special icatures: Chamber on first floor. with convenient bath- room; bath-room can easily be reached from upper chambers. 4953“ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES, See page 953. Yitchen Pore P333” 91:12 I 6:115 Roam Chamber Q43,” 13-10x13 IE: Chanber Chamber 15—5x13 c 13—10x13 I c lclo H311 dEfi-W Rec I E Hall Parlor Hall » 16114-4 UP ' Chamber 13x11-4 . _T,,_ ) I veranda timer No. 2 ‘ design 5954-A. L—T'Jp ‘//Width over all 30-h 6, story heights 3 a Plans $|8.l 9-ft 6 and 8 ft 6. i , .up . ath I “bamber Chamber ' 9x1‘ ” 11-9x10 1 c Dining Room Chamber Chamber 20x15 2-511543 ‘5115 c1 H 11 3 Chamber Parlor “W" p 16~6xt4—G c 16-63114 “P I . fin, Roof Veranda L / ~954— Latimer Noi 2 design 5954-3. See age 953. Width over a“ 3l-ft 6, story heights IO ft. [ans $20. HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS g» ARTISTIC HOMES an. I I“! um ;I an x um i .', mane: nu. .ixuuo x mu E “355* OWENDALE RESIDENCE—Design l795-N: cosh 32.082 to $2,190; plms, $15; story heights, 10 and 9 ft. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES A14; [Ell ' .Ii'co',' \ I ("313071661135 in: MI I'll Fly... I ‘ fillglllm V ..—— / / // mochN RESIDENCE—Design 891-0; in fume. $5,500; in brick. $6,000; plans, $55; width over 111. 42 IL; story heightl. 10 ft. Special features: Dignlfied colonial design; large pantry and grocery closet; looks well in bnfl' brick and light green slate. Morgan Plan No. 2. James design. sun: 3: shove. with 12.6xn R. z in. office back of main stain; with stoop at side; suiuble {or a physician. Chamber 15115-4 C 5‘ p.) H U U I 6XI4—2 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES / Buenos Ayres daign 5957, width 35ft, width over a" 50 ft. Story heights 10 and 9 ft. Plans $ I 8. 19x14 / Balcony Coch e ' I .- Ha - 1‘ l .» Library‘IGXZ4 7 10x10 Veranda Al (I: ll plan I- concerned I am vary wen pleucd with I! and also the wise-um And (hlnl may mu be we“ worth the annex—W. B. Bunch. Donna; Cu. -957-- HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES / //\ Peacove No. 2 design 5958 in brick. story heights l0 and 9 ft. width 4| ft. width over all 52 ft. See pages 959-960. Plans $40. (See Peacove daign No. 2. page 958.) I l D Dining R Pan Kitchen Chamber b B Chamber 15x17-6 16:17—6 15x17—6 ER 16x17-6 . .I I c c _' ..;2.; T u ' ' be" 1"“11 ME. 0 Chnmber Chamber '1 5x16 Roe 16x1 6 I I Roof Balcony The dnwlnn which you tent were in every way taunt-eta"; WILSON L KENNEDY (70.. (Lumber). Townson, Md; 'QSE‘ HEllBEllT C. ClilVEltS C0. AR(IH|TE(ZTS AA I? T'I Si‘r I (I '1 () NI E 55 ._ ‘ ._--:==’ v‘—_— ”M” flux/u"- ..-..._ ”Mag. /_// u, //{x///;,. A BARDOLPH RESIDENCE—Desxgn 2386M; cost in tune. $2,498 to $2,792; plans, $25. Special features: Large at- tractive reception hall 19x19 ft. suitable for a physician;with plate glass window at conservatory. See page 65. Roof x Jar Librar 15216 I H 1 15x16 Porch "959‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PEACOVE RESIDENCE—Design 2022.0; cost in frame. 52.78010 $2,990; plans, $40. Cost in brick, $4,500 to $5,000; pians, 3 x-z per cent. on cost. --&lftfiin-uu.u _ ..... 2 Porch ,._.....yq . . 3PM ,‘ Dining R 5.4x17.5 Kit. Rec.Hall 18.6X18.6U :nw- Library Parlor Eves- 15.5x15.5 15.4x15. ~960 -- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES “II-j] ,~ __ . ; w M, ngfgififififigllflmwflmEfllJ -—A.._.. w..,_._.__..... ~15 OSBORN RESIDENCE—Design 32—0; plans $20; cost $2,140 to $2,390; size 31 ft. by 53 ft; story heighls 0 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. See page 6:. Dinihg n\ 2C.6x13.4 ‘ c / HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 31 ARTISTIC HOMES .Forch Roof Kitchen Chamber 16113 16x13 B Rear Hal H sfl I e1 '51; 17xl1‘6 Clo cl clo c P c . . Chamber D1n1ng Room cept ’1-*xl+ 20x14 Hall ' ew R U 17X14 : xs 0 Parlor Chamber 15x14 Library 12x20 Veranda Osborn No. 2 design 5962-A. See page 964. also opposite page and page 963, story heights I Hi 6 and 10-“ 6. Plans $20. ‘ Kiiohen 15X13'4 l Dining Room Recept _ Hall 20X13 4 up c . 16x13 Lihrar Parlor 12'x1-8-2 ’- 5*” Veranda. Osborn No. 3 desngn 5962—3. ' See/page 964, also op- posile age and page 963, story heights 9-ft 6 and 8—“ 6. Prams $20. H E R B E R T C. C Ell V E R S C O . A R C H [T E C T S ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ CHALIEBP 157.17 Longview No. 3 design 5963—A. See opporile page. also general effect in design on page 96! . See plans on page 962-963. Story heights 9—“ 6 and 9. Plans ?‘ $30. Balcony Number Chamber . lelé-S 12:14-9 Plans 510. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HIIHIIIH IIHII ____.__.__—__g=.— :v,,_-—-:_::—'—. - E m..%_. \rT”-“‘ . ;-.,.__¢..-,. -...n...»¢~..~.‘ A...- man- .."—- ~. ONGVIEW RESIDENCE.—— Design 6-N; cost. $3. 000 to $3.890; * size. 33 it. 6 in by 54 It 6 in.; story heights. 11 it. and 9 it. 6 in: ., n plans, $30. Special features: Front of house not cut up by suits: ’. large munckive balconv A very attractive design. KWENEI IS-fl-Kll-O» 'fllnu CflAfiaER an‘n II: a ‘ anon . 1" : ENAnat ‘2 n ””3" ENAMSER D MID "on I- 0-! |: ~ ullAlv' [Hit ’An on I so- u~u l:\ VERANDA ~964— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS hxl ARTISTIC HOMES ,, i l 1 \ \ v‘ g ‘ “ r~\‘*~\ __H____,,_,_._—— ##W TXPPECANOE RESIDENCE—Design 1829-N; cost in me, 32,980 to 33.590; plans, 325. Spepial lemmas: Large rooms. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECT§ ARTISTIC HOMES cflfl. PORCH PANTRY Dunn: noon 'F—I urn. x 12m ‘ KITCHEN l'tfl .x 10ft ":— C] HALL LIBRARY let: x on CHAMBER . . . . 121‘: x 12ft “ ‘ -' P -I-nxcsmon KLLL '1 um 1 un FARLOR lbf‘ x 15h VIRAIDA ROCKTOWN RESIDENCE... Design 2263M; cost in frame, $1,892 to $1,990; plans, $10. See page 65. mmml MB //"m/4" .- E215 _ warm 1 /2"X/2" RIFTON RESIDENCE—Design 2264M; cost in frame. $1.692 to $1,780; plans, $10. ~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES VALLEY FALLS RESI- DENCE—Design 980M; in frame, $2,190 to $2,2- 60; plans, $20. See page 6 5. Valley Falls No. 2, Turner design. same as above, with more attract- ive appearance, with 15x: 5 parlor; with 15x15 sitting- room; with 8x: I chamber; with closet in place of bath; with combination cellar entrance; with triple fire- place Where flues are shown; with bath-room over present location and rear room omitted. See page 65. l ‘1 . é} - l 0 ’” 5 err/a I [:I/ I V 0 awn/5x2 fl “ /£”X/Z” C] 0 0 “/4755? D /J '90:” D wig/f xi “ii .5415ko ii *fl‘mgfiee Baraboo design page 49.) HOWELL RESIDENCE—Design ”5234; cost in frame $r,rgz to $r,24o; plans $10; story heights re and 9 ft. 6 in. See Brandon Residence {or exterior. See page 65. “'967" HERBERT C. CHIVERS (‘0. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 'r I ES 1' I (2 f1 C) Nd IE 55 r ----- 46ftGin -~--~ "-a Pan } Kit. 14.8x15 dSE Dining R. 15ftx15ft g Sit.R. l-r’ ' 15ftx15 Hall c ==4u Par-1 or l1:11 15ftx15 ‘ a #fien x9f Porch Valley Falls No. 2 design 5968—A. See opposite Page 967. Story heights 9-ft 6and 9. Plans $20. Valley Falls No. 3 design 5968-3. page 967. Story heights '0 and 9. See 0 osile _ pp yum l/ Plans $20. -._.-_.--_.----_- .--._.‘ 16ftx15 l Parlor 15ftx15 ~4968‘- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS HERBERT C. All? T'l Sl1'l (I f|() Rd E S Many send plans to my office of a building and I often Vahow them where w to 20 per cent can readily be saved. and at the some time secure a more at- tractlve house than at first contemplated. Thls‘ ls where competent advise la 0! practical value. HERBERT C. CHIVERS, ARCHITECT Slul and Rolnlnrcud ‘ - 5 1". L 0 UK 8 - l Concrelo Construction FA A Ian-4 “om: CALL BL 06. SAN iRANClSCO CAUFOHNH STAIE Porch LICENSED ARCHIYECT F. Grade K§itch Ent 0X E E. Co 1» . C a 7x1 1/ Library Dining 17x14 18x14 I :z-‘_ I. In Farlor : 5 16x20 ‘3H V Tor. r Porch fiUION RESIDENCE—Design 2012M; cost in frame $2 890 to $2,990; plans $25. See pnge 65. HIGH-CLASS ARCHITECTURAL WORK "“969” CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IMPORTANT ll you are going Io build and won! lo [9! good mulls. sueliue. tony and annoy-nee. send $5. Inelhtr with rough outline «I the nosilion it moon. or sluply IIII: number 0! rooms. nod I ‘in nuke I person-I shady ol the plum. nnazwr c. (mums . -=:-..y::, liREENTOWN RESIDENCE—Design 1833M; cost in frame $2,780 to $2.940; plans $25. Good large rooms; plenty of closets. See page 65. T0 BUlLfl SATISFACTOBILY In all of my work. I have made it a policy to build as economically and with as little - annoyance to the owner a‘ possible. 50 ‘ 7: 5 1 p. Kit. 12.91: ‘ ‘ P20.s on. L' 1b. V IE 16.6x14 16x14f‘t : :p. ; 0:2:2722Ifim” : 1-4 - - . I Ti: 1 H Dmmg Ix. : -\ Par or | ' 20ftxl4f‘t : 16x22ft”.:_.ul 5;" Ch. 3 ec_H, up 16.6Xlo — d ~ . 20x1 Ch 11.10 . x1 Veranda Roof ‘970— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES —ARTISTIC HOMES— I‘l' CONTAINS NO ADVERTISEMENTS Pantry 12x7-E Chamber 15-63(14 T d mean pm Chamber I Chamber Chamb er 13-6115 12x13 ls— 6x13 m mean)! Dining R 13-6115 Library Varanda If” r“. Hutchinson No.2 design 597l-A See design Igage 972 Width 4| ft, story heights ‘0 and 9. ans $30. F 'r.z:m :Irrhlci bx Inal.: 555:— “fig; A c5 wv‘: »- a. ”9 o \r" r-‘au z: a 2% mommuzk RNDENCE—Daign No. :. thw; plus $25; coll‘in hmfips'o. See page _641.A CONFUSING THE CLIENT. ~ HERE is in every ptolession. Ill And Hide certain terms more or less clearly undeeslood by the prmclitionet, but lrequently contusing to the clientt Architects are nut entirely tree Item the [ailing oi trying to Impress their patrons by employing technvcal expressrona melntng» less to the Average person Iboul to build They tattle on glthly about “Early Normln." "Mid- dle Engli:h,""Tudot Gothic." “Elinbeth-n" and "Georgian." They Introduce the French md lralun Renaissance and medieval German, In I way which makes the listener's head swim They discourse ll length upon the line pornta ol drlierence between "New England, New York and Vllglnli Colonial.“ II I church is under consideration the commiw is bewrldered by the rapid consideration al Greciln. Roman. Byzantine and the venous styles 0! Gothic architecture, Now all "MS is reprehensible nonsense conlusmg A client wilh such ntchiteclunl technic. l have made it a rule to be cute that my client will understand the mennrng or the terms I employ In ulkrng to them. I Illustrate every exlntplc cited and when they place the arder tor the desrgn they know which to expect. except or course, where the matter I: lelt entirely in my hands and then it is unnecessary to bolhev their heads iboul Ihll which does not interest [henL It I: results that they want not Wadi—Herbert C. Chtvers Hutchinson No. 7 design 5976-A. See design page 972. Width over all 49 ft. Story heights '0 ft 4 and '0. See pages 9“ to 975. Plans $30. ng my order, g you for promptly Tlxnnkln 1 am, Very truly. ["1533 ALFRED D (Atmrucy) Kitchen orch Ch 17x15 S-éxi do an Forte hf / Hall Parlor l- x13 V°°h° I21. ining Recent “arlor tcl Room i 61:16 hamber -2 13x20 Hall 13X14 I 7117 14 (lg SKI? alcon ' alcon V d “eran a . Rpof Roof K - ‘976- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS AiII'T liS T'I CI I1 () NI E S» Castorville design 5978-A. Plans $25. THE NECESSITY OF PLANS. It is very necessary that you have complete working drawings. and above all. legally worded specifications. It excites competition among the builders. and then since you know that all builders are figuring on the same basis, you can very readily see how the price of plans and specifications may be saved many times over. . ‘977“ Story heights l0 ft and 9ft 6, HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES GAS'ronvxLu: RESIDENCE—Design “.0. cos: n g :2 3; ‘c‘ brick $5.oooto $5. 500;:ize 4] a. bin bySIh.; storyheighu : n g 3 ,; Iofi mdgfi. Gin; plans $55. Very nealcolonial design. SEE ‘1‘“; 2 E; 2 +2 1_» .= e 3 5 “ 5 c4— : u 9.5 “ 3—3 3 § 5 5 5 ’: N .5 "2 E E us design and ammgemenL wv an: ready to muduiy In am! itchen {ENS—r? Porch u. , . . Pan V Chamber 1mm: R sitting R e—eus 19—6x16— 21x16—6 _‘_ _ H8 1 “P d la 1 {3% lex- Race 1 all 1. m 6x18- Chamber .ha...berl 19x17 15X19 Veranda / L Roof , . .___ Castorville No. 3 design 5978- B. See design page 977. Sto hei hts ll ft and 9 ft, width .over steps and all 60?. [glans $25. “978‘ HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MALAMAZOO RESIDENCE—~Design 6031M; in frame, $2390 to $2899; plans, $10; width, 33 ft. 4 in.. width over all; 36 fl. 4 in.; story heights, 20 ft. and 9 ft. Special features: Large parlor, toilet room, on first floor, side entrance. large Dantw; Swiss design. See page 5; 16x14 m Hall Champs 12x15) ‘FERRYSBURG COTTAGE—Design 1934M; costin fume $1,892 to 5x920; plans $20. See page 65. 9‘9 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES as [PENFIELD COTTAGE—Design 1051-0; in frame, $2,480' to $2,650; plans; $25;width over all, 38 ft. min; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Stairs reversed, with at- tractive nook'at second landing; grade entrance to cellar; working plans shown porte—cochere adjoining side porch. See page 65. . 1:, ’ um CHAMBER n"+‘xIe‘ KITCHEN n'4‘x12' ‘ CHAMBER 15‘4xIS c SAL CHAMBER c d C236 ‘9\ B-R LIBRARY DININGR» H4’xlu' '3‘ '3‘?" I. CNAMBER u'xu‘ Is‘4'xra‘ g\ <—\ : » HALL REEF 'F’ARLDR : v EHANEER HALL :s-fxns‘s‘ _. “ “ .34“; ‘980" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ' l~ lfl Vflllfllllflhl H‘ ' mmur-uu , MIMIllllml'llllllfll‘llllfllllmlllflIi‘J‘H I. * -// / A ”/2 . IiI'Z'l " H__lllnull|IH—-| . :m I/l/I/VA’Il/l/W/vy/ 7” I ' m/f " din/M/ //7 =\ aux/"VI” 1‘“ VI" 00 IV [:3 ”wfib (”AA/5:2 v oven/7’7 [:1 00914” 2/3; D l /4 ”)(/2” 264/ QW' fifl’x/z " ‘3 HALL - D00 HAHN?" ”"10"?! " C/yA/Iy ‘WJ //”""X//"6 mg: ”ac/rm D mum h. 0 £50, ~981~¥ wwgflfi, - /Ill/ See pagc'65. EDMORE RESIDENCE—Design 1922M; com in frame $2,180 to $2.24o;p11m $15. HERBERT C. ClleVERS C0. ARCHIIECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 4am... Islllj "| I =_ ”W I T , ' ! l I Him“. ., _ M'- VANLOON RESIDENCE —Design I828M; cost in frame 52.980 to $3 240; plans $25. Special features: Large cen- tnl reception hall. See page 65. T— "‘6‘" l m- un - "ft. nIIIIa am CM uh a nu ququa J. nunrmlr nu, l3“ Ha. "mm I‘ll x lar‘ I a. “982- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS A\ I! 1" I 55 1' I (Z f1 () N4 If 55 ' um..." M ‘1 nrnlrlllm "I” ll —Lr—-——-§ Wickenbufg design 5983. story heights 9-H. 6. We have this In either frame or brick. Plans $l 5. 7r 42ft4in ’ fox-ch I . . Chamber | |14x17-6 i 16-6x14ftl I cl Librarj . . Chamber I 12—6x Slttlng R. 3-6: I 15ft5 21ftx16ft letSin T d Ba]. Parlor leans | 16:16ft6 Hall #983 "‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .I 1 r a l ”a ”.431; .L‘ 3 ~ Q7/7124: // ~— pENNINGTON RESIDENCE—Design 1935-0; cost in l {nine $3,292 to $3.580; plans $40. See revised design page :94. See pnge 65. A'FTER‘PLANS ARE MADE. After order ls placed and plans are made and during construction you may ask as many .questions as you choose, and so long as they are put ln rotation on separate sheet (\vlm space to write answer) they will be promptly answered. and If you wlll send photos of house during its consuuction. we can tell you at a glance l! the general design and proportions are being cuxrled out properly. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ,' r Eafiw‘mm mELVIN RESIDENCE—Design 2010M; cost in frame $2,790 10 $2,850; plans $35. See page 65. ‘ c» ' m MQQLH OPEN 7 1-: ”W Fm am: [Sf-4 ‘7,.:alnzu4l [1’07 I P l have not as .yet decided to build. owever I ought to be satisfied with your wink—Dwight Nutter. Bichfield, um. Am pleased with resulta.—Fred Enfield. Lyons. Ne'b. “985" HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .. ___.__—_:__.»_...\. Hm hu-mw—u-.. llql‘-\A_ ..— PALEROMA RESIDENCE—Design 100.047-0; width. 42ft.; cost. $3.598 to $3.989; plans. $40; story heights. 15! [0 ft.; 2d 9 ft. 6 in.; cellar. See page 65. Cl one/swag / “PM” Malawi—J FE!” D 0' '0“- H’? '\" H D Q “ amaze “maze D 5 Ia'ou’ra- qé, 14"“‘x/("5 o c . I max. - (NA/van? 'R“ ' (W155? ~ Ir'x ”'27" 0'76“»? 0 O HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘ £FFNER RESIDENCE—Design 2009M: cost in frame $2.892 Io $2.940; plans $35. See page 6%. ~,»'.’A//l /, W»- Oln'er Springs, Tenn, Ju!y 16, I9(-,. \lr Herbert C Chivers. St Louis, Mo Dtuf Sir -— We are well pleased with our home, the pJans of which were furnished by.ypu, and every one who calls has only the highest praise for it It is situated on the railroad and every one pass— ing remarks about is beauty. It IS a thing of beauty and we think we 'lnavg the prettiest cot- (ch In our and of the stare. Respoctlully, D. C. RICHARDS, Sccrcmry, Oliver Coal Co flapunu-uuad - um Ba. ' rv —Jl~¢'— -987- HEIIEIJ C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS AA FI'T I15 1'I (I I1 () Rd E 55 fiLOUS'rER RESIDENCE—Design 100.0390; puns. $15: width 43 ft; cost $2.499 to $2.987; s‘toxy heights, xst 10 it, ad to R. Seattle. Wash. Jan. 3, {9‘ Herbert C. Chivers, Architect, St. Louis. Mo. Dear Sir:— A few days ago I sent you several views of the house designed by you‘ It is one of the representative residences in one of the most de~ sirable locations of the city. and is greatly ad< mired by all who see it. \Vill send you some in- teriors if you desire them. 'ours very truly. (Real Estate) ALBERT M, ROBINSON O O D Q gnaw-v , m Pnac'mfi my mag" ( LEI-l- 812102 lt'X/fi" ODOl-\l " I new HA1 L 9""2 GAR/5245' IE ”X I 7" x (7 DLD 5, D lmr’ \ 0 “$0 rE; 11m / [:lo ”PM“ ”£45” ‘988" E HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IIIII' Porch 6'wide Sitting R 21-4114 r ll‘fl _ Porte— Cochere Parlor Parlor Reception , 5-5x15-5 Pall 15-5x15—6 '15-6x15-6I Terrace Terrace Jolon design 5969, width 49 ft 6, width over all 75 ft story heights l l and '0 ft The building Edition of the Scientific American of October l904 contains a full—page pflgraph and plan of this residence as planned by this Hal] Chamber Charber I 16116 “ 3 16x16 Dre: sing I -~"°" ' Jolon residence on ge 990 Is similar. except this design has about twice tli: width byI reason of porch and porte—cochere at side. Plans 3| -2 per cent on actual cost. 498‘)- HERBERT C.CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ‘J .OLON RESIDENCE. Design 100, 053- N; plans, 3 l 2 per cenl ‘11 a on actual cosl; size, 49x48; story heighls, 15!, II in, sccond 10 it. (p ,I 3 Special features: Commodious an .angemenl; pure colonial de- ‘. “1‘ sign. We have \his in a more compact arrangement and (we " " ' less rooms. —1:pc v Kg} LJS‘Xle .. r - a \ / -L.;‘_JS...:, r I CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Oeubax 10. 19: W Ferber‘. c.cr1ur=. 211., SL. flu: l Den Sir:- :a 311-: ”11:1 .111; a, ne re .5: uhlch re n 9:. . Ya- r .m :- Eur-ad v5” ..Z'1's::5'a1y:zh.-a ! . nundnd houses . a 1d espla,’ yau m : 1e pun.x “a {game-:1". 012:. y exverienc: .1, yau Man 2 advice 11v” :r tic-l b11114: er - :1: 1 1 “11:.an :y an: he 1. . gonna-1i r:11.§1é°.;;n1uct' ‘n u y”: 91-11 “1 539:1 .1111“ “a .111 be "a 111-111;“ o.’ 1. 1.” “a . v“! is um an 9. 13,1 1:11,. d 10 11-": on Nov 5.19m Kitchen (3...... M 12-51:” 1 Mo . ~ :0”. .- m nu '.’ .1 .. .1 g i 1.111;" Rom: 15-5119 “k u1n1n; Rec: ’9 20x15 *wzzwn’rsm 1'11"}. . "63:” 1-11 Tu, 1.1.. 1.131 rcc‘ m .112 m: A -7” .. (4 a." 111... .11 1 m um.“ I». m mum. Wow" It!) "My 1017 71.11.".1 J H BERGER. Pllph Paladoaa design 5l0|7. not-y hash: I0 ‘1. width 4611 101.1 with met up. andal I60 11. PL... NEH $35 49‘- ARTISTIC HOMES muuumnmnummflImllmmull “Mimi—ml IIuIIIuIInIqumIIIIIIIIIIIIIIumuflum III-nil In“ "I III IIIII I IIIIIIII III III I IWU'IIIH‘HHILHII IlIlIll" ‘ 'HUIII EL..__‘ I r !“ Mun-Mll- I...“ 4;...- Ika ENDELL RESIDENCI ——Design mo ,o4;4M size. 35 x 45; cost $3 315; story heights 15!. I0 ft, 2d Ioft. Plans, $30. .\ good Soutli'ern house of plain neat exterior See page 65. amaze W O Away/5” MD D” 206’ ~992- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTSI ARTISTIC HOMES [IRA COTTAGE—Daggn 1037M; cost in frame, $3,490 to $3,999, (with stone_ arch and tower $200 extra). Plans. $40: width. 57.4 x 29. Width over all, 67 ft., story heights, 9.4 and 9 ft. in the clear. Special features Bath room on first floor, large convenient rooms; a striking design for a country estate. See page 65. L. j . fi‘ _ p ppfl ' wrung" i sn'nn: w " “I. ..f. . n “:5 i IEXIE :v C. H Pf x1“: mu ll p m u. i “T . ' REC“:Y " .- FAHLER _. -_ primal: i :u revs ‘ l7!” I75Xi4 WHEN ADVICE IS OI“ VALUE. When one contomplmns building. it is in the t-urly stages of the enterprise that the architect should be selected. The advice and experience of a trust- worthy architect should he scurvd by all mums. Do not expect an architect to put his best ideas on paper for you. unless you have a positive understanding with him that he is to do tht‘ work. Parties who struggio along tiwmselvee with all the preliminary work and inter nu. i-uiploy the architect do not secure full services. The most valuable portion of a plan, and often its most vital points are rendered during.r its t-min'yotic period. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS Sig. 32 ARTISTIC HOMES DOUTY.——Design 50M; English country home; cost. $4.590 to $5.680, Plans; $100. with any changes. HERBEET C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS LARTISTIC HOMES 111W [KW ll +leU-‘f- EQ-‘ifiXHJl ’ 3mm Ki. fluxm + Z- l — {9’39 EN: (WWW Ill 0 ‘3‘ y Y s“, “9" O U-Xlfl-E IE-fl-X lD-S. WW II]- B-X 130' IU- fl-X l5-E~ DETROIT RESIDENCE—Design 82580; in framefil, 5‘ cm“ ‘995‘ .tJAlli u . “I s mILTENBERGER—Design 9066-0; in brick, cost $3,200 to $3,450. Plans $25. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS r ARTISTIC HOMES «x m Plans$|5. ; 27“ Pantry 9' _ . Kitchen Dxnxng Room 9ftx11ft 12ftxllft, Sitting Room 16ftx12ft E; gfiook Parlor ‘ up 12ftx14fc flflLk C‘u lthéxllftS Sft°x 11ft6in M . rnETROH‘REflDENCE_ No. :. French design. “996‘ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 12% Eli iuLmL" M ID 1' n—.———— / ‘ —5— —997~ ~6— Bricktown design 5998 in brick. width ‘6 it. story I0 ft. Basement 3 fl. We can furnish either one of {he six exteriors as shown, design No. I, design No. 2. design No. 3. design No. 4. design No. 5. design No. 6. Plans $5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Ki tchend‘“ ’LL 12x15-4 Dining Room - Chamber 12x15 17—6113 1 g HLHHEolw 1 up R Hal G11 Parlor H '12‘15_6 Chamber clo Mynzano design 5998-A in brick, width I9 ft. ston heights 9 h 6. Composition or tin roof. Plans $l0. Elrilo design 5998-3. Plain brick tower—like house. ‘ Story heights I I and 9 ft. Plans $IO. fi‘Ib- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS OMES ARTISTIC H A ”ELMAR RLJ )EM F: ~Iiaxgn .o- 00 plans 915 (m p' an) on page 668) ; width 23 n slon' D Almosa flat design] 5999 In brick 3 heights 9 ft 6. ns $10. _999_ _.!l‘_- )am iBKI '— I; I: uoxs . (L, “an 6% .4‘ x we mg' ‘0‘ ‘H‘HL 2‘\ I ck r Fwd P-émj HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS /\ I? 'r I 55 'T I (2 f1 () IVI If 55 Dining Pm - Chamber nun—n IGXIZ-4 tun- Recepti n H. Amen. V L1brary Parlor ISXI'I-B 19-ex13rt '9-6- Veranda 3 annasn ISJIXE‘$ DINING RDDH. I7.n. x 11.“. ; c wAnacn .IS~II~X Il-l» PARLDR ‘- lsAj-x Ia-II- \2 n x|7 5-. TALLULAH RESIDENCE—Design 47.0; cost in um $4.500 ‘0 $5,000; plan: $40. TALLULAH RESIDENCE No. 2.—Anthony design with octlgon tgwer with five windows; with fire-place in parlor. with entire plan reversed. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS A R'T I S'Tl C fl()|M E S Tkxafine demgn 5|00| w Plans $1 0. E 3 Afiglléfln d ‘ ‘ 2 a 2 ‘L .E g 5.2 I: -. 7. u a w, §3§”§.e§ u., Eggfizgsfi’gé §23°%£E' A a .5 J: 3‘ 5 "' 2 iégiuag = z ééfiiiaé roasfi“: 2 a z 2 s :1 5 g b g_ o .5 Ecgmgzz "‘ ‘- C o 1’ ~5 éggazgg €555??? §§§Eaéfi E E ‘21 E é E Dining R. Kitchen Chamber l3-4x15ft 13-4.!10-6 Chamber 13-4x1Cft 13ff4xl4ft 3a: rflflao - g 0 ° 1 “PET ' 1H$'d up Rem-hall d __ Hall d 13—4x13— I/b 6in W “P Parlor _ _ _ . . Chamber Chamber - - - - IZfiICXJA' 15ftx12ft6 at Hall ' 12-10x12—6 15 61't P' ~1001 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC .HOMES A WORD 0F CAUTION. Readers of this catalogue of architectural designs are rwpchully warned nnd requested not to build from designs or use portions of plans shown therein. A ny duplicity of this kind when found out and reported by our correspondents or travelling representatives le be charged for according to the legal fees of 39-2 per cent on the cost of said improvements. " 3. .. oh :2— .. u x... .. :2 -s. an a Z". l ZHHO "no I 11!!)0 Ilfla l 11 ”fl! x Hfua STORE AND FLAT NO. l5.—Cost in brick. $3,250 10 $4,000; plans. $50. *1002 ~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES my; ”LW/{; 7 u, L» 6m (WW 6: .W m,” .u cums/luv San Luis design 5|003 story heights IO-h. 6 each Good Neat bnck extcnor. very practical plan. $| 5. angu_lar View from rear rooms. Plans IV SENDING MONEY The “(on manner in “"LL'IJ to rerun I: by P, 0. order. [or ln thus can If the order \s loal. [my wul runnsn a duph- ale (§IIn 53% Bushficld . . Budcr Rcs 330 Engine . J” Cadix . 47‘ Cadmus . . 60 Cairo 2-3 . 731 -auford R . Cairo 4-5.. .. 712 Butkcnham . . $24 Cairo No.61... 733 Cain No. 7 ..... 734 Ermin- C. ' Iauuqua 37‘ Can-"ah R Cay-wood .. - )cI-on Res Cliilou Sm .. 260 UimoI-I 85 Clifton Cm CrmhtrsI-ille . Cucr CIthcrlrIIId CI-nIIIIAna C... 185 :mthinna 2- . 1% .Dalncr Res. Jami: No. )u'on 1?... Dexter Plan. . HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS . ARTISTIC HOMES )ykrsrilk- firm C“! arlsbum I . 65‘ an Gui-Its . L m Sik- Cot... 6t!) INDEX—- Gourdill Cm. GIIan'iII CI\I. Cmnn Rn GrnIIiIv: Cin 2. Grand Folks R.. 5453 Grnnlham ... . Grmuillc R. . . Gnu c L'Ikc . GIIvnN-I' IIHI IIild Res. . (‘IIIII-II Res... .. (1)9 (‘IIIIIJnrrcl ..... 6°? (1“an RI‘S . . GIII G_\|l|l~inqxon R. \\ aslIingmII 2, . . uluro Re: I Res kiulnw C [mm Col. . \\:IIIp._1I.1 \o. 2.. - l \\ :ulpl‘l RQI ..... 67“ \\ (““0" C. . l.’ \\ :IIIwII .\ \\'.1IIrlI RC . “3.5mm R.. .97 l N‘s ... , . R7 Wolllnsiun R. . B46 \\'I~lls . . . . . , ._ 743 III , \\Iil\lIUl \0 2 3x3 “illow PuIIIl . . \VilII‘lII‘x’lcr R .. 5‘7 . N \nlmcr \‘o. 2. .319 \' :Inlullc C ...... 7N 'I‘rgc . . ”48 Yorkrillc R Youngstown C. .. 437 ’n-ka . Yuma Res \‘unn . chrm .. 337 Zimi oz. 425 . 8&7 _ mu . .. Zorah Cot l- ZulII Res HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOM,ES To see, to understand, to remember. is to knu.--Rubeu } nun-rue IollLl Al'rllflc lone. I lull-r ‘ (.nu. . L____;.i » HM T0 SEE FIJI!" l8 HEY APPEAR RElE —DIREC Iona-— LAYBOOKFLATO LE PLACEHAN MISAOMON EDGE IN CREfiSE or upon RAISE LEI-‘1‘ HAND 5mg. or mmxsucflfi YAy yn%ne PLANSASTHEY +5? navaksnnxfigfinnoa .-c'rjn' nLocx Hills A LAIGI SHEI‘I’ Of LOOKXN IGLAS$ IS STILL IETTII THAN A flAND-llllon ”gs-ww- T. LOUIS MO. ( H FLOQR CALL ELC‘S. ’ *7 96mm fitmccfig©® ‘7 y address, as given below, the plans 01 Conage ......................... Design No ................ on page ............ of your book entitled ......................................................... for winch I send you herewith s ............ payment. Name .............................................................. . .. . Sueel Town ............................... Sate ................. -1023— HERBERT C. CHIVERS C0. AkCHITECTS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the prolesaional practice of Herbert C. Chivers‘. has grown to such enormous proportions and encroached so much upon his individ- ual time that it is only possible for him to give the positive orders on hand his personal attention. and WHEREAS, the public is constantly solicited by numerous cheap-plan concerns who style themselves as architects. who employ cheap help and oller free sketches. merely drawing out the‘ client's ideas without advancing any valuable new ideas of their own and also by carpenter-architects and architects of limited experience, novices, etc.. and WHEREAS, the said Herbert C. Chivers wishing to meet the needs 01 those, and those only. who are most appreciative of his artistic skill and store 01 plan information and to give the work at hand 'his undivided indi- vidual attention. and ‘ WHEREAS, an architect‘s ideas are his stock-in-trade. his plans, sketch- es. etc.. conveying valuable ideas. and as good ideas represent matured study and time. it is unreasonable and inconsistent to expect of him to gratuitously discuss plan arrangements or submit sketches an approval. and WHEREAS. such ideas when sent out upon approval are often unwit- tingly used by even the'most reliable people. without considering their ac- tual source of originality. or with any intention of paying (or same. and as the said Herbert C..Chivers' regular unsolicited practice or orders which come through his vmrlrs occupy his entire time. THEREFORE. the said Herbert C. Chivers does herewith positively bind himsell to give his individual attention to all bona lide orders [or plans when accompanied by a cash deposit and to not hereafter consume any portion of his time in the soliciting of new business. which personal time he leels rightiully belongs to his clients THEREFORE, be it lurther stated. that as heretolore. work which he has on hand or underway shall in no instance he laid aside for prospective business. All inquiries. however. shall receive careful. prompt and court- eous attention from his corps 0! very able assistants. who tor years past he has been training to the work. BE 11‘ UNDERSTOOD. that this statement is not issued with a view to discouraging business but the sole purpose is to convince and thoroughly satisfy his clients of to-day and those who shall become his clients in future that their work. and their work only. shall receive his personal attention. AND BE IT FURTHER UNDERSTOOD. that in issuing this procla- mation he does not wish to discourage any inquirer from seeking informa- tion regarding probable cost 0! building, etc.. but on the other hand. to make a irank open statement to the etlect that sketches or letters which are not accompanied by a remittance or some very substantial evidence of good faith and marked "personal" will not receive his personal attention. Given this day under his hand and seal and signed M SEAL K’W Man 5. 5.3:... .33 :z. . a.:..u¢.? .w...l.\.n_.~wm.o,.9flwr9 “Mm... til...) . .&7a&.-} .éVfi