L a 7-2BYIS I (fee,. , 4 Data of Geochemlstry Sixth Edition Chapter F. Chemical Compos tion of Sub- surface Waters e yi : SCirre GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 440-F f ... Meee White, Hom, and Waring-CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WAT BERKELEY £ ; , * " e : f s » s f . ge. <5$ marine ee a aoe _, sore Rm- § & S . © 53 > > # j wad => e ] Data of Geochemistry Sixth Edition MICHAEL FLEISCHER, Technical Editor Chapter F. Chemical Composition of Sub- surface Waters | By DONALD E. WHITE, JOHN D. HEM, and G. A. WARING CEOLOGLICAL SU RYEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 440-F Tabulation and discussion of chemical analyses. many previously unpublished, representing subsurface waters from many geologic environments, with descriptions of the sources of the waters UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1963 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C. — ~ DATA OF CEOCHEMISTRY, SIXTH EDITION Michael Fleischer, Technical Editor The first edition of the Data of Geochemistry, by F. W. Clarke, was published in 1908 as U.S. Geolog- ical Survey Bulletin $30. Later editions, also by Clarke, were published in 1911, 1916, 1920, and 1924 as Bulletins 491, 616, 695, and 770. This, the sixth edition, has been written by several scientists in the Geo- logical Survey and in other institutions in the United States and abroad, each preparing a chapter on his special field. The current edition is being published in individual chapters, titles of which are listed below. Chapters already published are indicated by boldface. CHAPTER A. The chemical elements Cosmochemistry . Internal structure and composition of the earth Composition of the earth's crust Chemistry of the atmosphere . Chemical composition of subsurface waters, by Donald E. White, J ohn D. Hem, and G. A. Waring . Chemical composition of rivers and lakes, by Daniel A. Livingstone Chemistry of the oceans , . Geochemistry of the biosphere . Chemistry of rock-forming minerals . Volcanic emanations, by Donald E. White and G. A. Waring . Phase equilibrium relations of the common rock-forming oxides except water . Phase equilibrium relations of the common rock-forming oxides with water and (or) carbon: dioxide Chemistry of igneous rocks . Chemistry of rock weathering and soils Chemistry of bauxites and laterites Chemistry of nickel silicate deposits Chemistry of manganese oxides Chemical composition of sandstones-excluding carbonate and volcanic sands, by F. J. Pettijohn Nondetrital siliceous sediments, by Earle R. Cressman . Chemical composition of shales and related rocks . Chemistry of carbonate rocks . Chemistry of iron-rich rocks . Chemistry of phosphorites 4 . Marine evaporites, by Frederick H. Stewart . Continental evaporites AA. Chemistry of coal BB. Chemistry of petroleum, natural gas, and miscellaneous carbonaceous substances CC. Chemistry of metamorphic rocks DD. Abundance and distribution of the chemical elements and their isotopes EE. Geochemistry of ore deposits FF. Physical chemistry of sulfide systems GG. The natural radioactive elements HH. Geochronology , II. Temperatures of geologic processes JJ. Composition of fluid inclusions u<«M44dnezerno? 18 00W TII CONTENTS Page Page F1 | Source and selection of tabulated data-Continued icle decree nato e" 1 Waters of low mineral content associated with com- A ut a aa e + mon rock types-Continued Genetic classification of subsurface waters. 1 Waters from metamorphic terranes-...-------- FS Other aspects c- _J cc.. n 2 Guartrite: } _.. .nd 8 Chemistry of individual constituents-_-.----------- 3 8 3 Slate, schist, and gneisg-____------------- 8 Iron:_____j_ "~~ 3 Waters from unconsolidated sand and gravel... 8 Calcium, bicarbonate, carbonate, and pH------ s" " ay tae hs may bE. n part, eommate. ___.... -:- 9 Mag“?81“m nacl l'". 4 Oil-field 9 Varieties of ioniG.4D8CIGE---_ . 4 Spring waters similar in composition to oil-field Source and selection of tabulated 4 o oo 0 Units and termmplogy- o { fand proper 5 Waters that may be, in part, magmatic__-.-------- 10 Waters of low mineral content associated with com- , , oh rock types .Z... l.. lcci 5 Waters that may be, in part, metamorphic.-------- 11 Waters from igneous terranes---------------- 5 Other special 11 Granite, rhyolite, and similar rock types--- 5 Thermal waters associated with epithermal Gabbro, basalt, and ultramafic rocks.-.---- 6 mineral depoSit§-L___----------=--=--=~~--~~ 11 Andesite, diorite, and syenite_____-------- 6 Nonthermal saline and acid mine waters....... 12 Waters from sedimentary terranes------------ 6 Other nonthermal acid mineral waters........- 12 Sandstone, arkose, and graywacke....---- 6 Springs with large spring deposits____--.------- 12 Siltstone, clay, and shale. __------------- 6 Thermal meteoric waters of deep circulation. .- 13 x Waters of salt deposits_.____._.__._-_----------- 13 7 | References 59 Miscellaneous sedimentary rocks......~.-- 9 I ~:. _E : oo" 65 TABLES TABLES 1-11. Chemical analyses of ground waters: Page 1. From granite, rhyolite, rock "aeon " 10s F14 2. From gabbro, basalt, and C Itraimafic rock ...l. noir of" "W l. 16 3. From andesite, diorite, and n c_. linens onan reer tonfa tt t tR 00) 17 4. From sandstone, arkose, and ereywapke. cal 2 cif ccs ncn an t Oy 18 5. From siltstone, clay, and hale. ..l. ._" 2 cecil - lana iene n aachen o taman onn [0 20 a. Prom t atic fallin tent a e t et e 22 7 .at la tial ct or n tico aod. 23 8. From miscellaneous sedimentary [__in YO la egen serra of Q a 24 3. trom qu-atite and marble l cel pe een tit got o tat SO 25 10. From slate, schist, gneiss, and miscellaneous metamorphic 26 11. From unconsolidated sand nd graye. Rell ec te nf n tos " oon 28 v e VI CONTENTS TaBurs 12-27. Chemical analyses of subsurface waters from specialized environments: Page 12. Oil-field and gas-field T oce iominsted by sodium shloride. ...-. 1... F30 13. Oil-field waters and other deep-well brines high in sodium and calcium 32 14. Waters high in sulfate and bicarbonate associated with oil soon l l lus 34 15. Spring waters similar in composition to oil-field brines of the sodium chloride type.....:_.___.___ ___ 36 16. Spring waters similar to oil-field brines of the sodium calcium chloride 38 17. Thermal waters from (lit environmentecs. .cn ine l_ {[ OOC": "- 40 ©18. Thermal sodium chloride bicarbonate waters from nongeyser areas associated with volcanism________ 42 19. Acid sulfate-chloride springs in volcanic environments and crater __ __ 44 20. Acid sulfate spring waters associated with volumes. sense lintel enn lll lanl c oo 46 ~21. Thermal bicarbonate sulfate in volespiegnvironments. Le. /..... ___ __. ° }}}} ~ 47 22. Spring waters high in sodium bicarbonate and pood erage » nose onc dade. 48 23. Thermal waters closely associated with epithermal mineral . O Ob. ___ 50 24. Nonthermal saline and acid waters from mines and from 52 25. Spring waters Co ot MINE cee nene Bel none caned ono no .. n 54 26. Thermal waters that are probably entirely meteoric in ONE - oue cer nene ann tn caer ceded nolL 55 27. Waters associated with salt deposits and miscellaneous waters of high salinity..:....__.___._______- 56 28. Chemical analyses of gases accompanying or related to waters of tables 12 to 37°... O3 58 29. Approximate median ratios and contents of analyses in tables 12 to 26, compared to ocean ___ 59 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY _n CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS By Doxarun E. Waits, Jorx D. Hsn, and G. A. Waring ABSTRACT Chemical analyses, including many previously unpublished, of about 300 subsurface waters from many different geological environments throughout the world are tabulated, and descrip- tions of the sources of the waters are given. Analyses of the dilute ground waters are arranged according to the types of rocks in which they occur; the composition of the waters is affected by many other factors, geological, climatic, chemical, and biological. Analyses of other types of waters, such as various types of thermal waters and brines, are grouped in a genetic classification. The compositions of the waters are dis- cussed, with special emphasis on median values of ratios of various constituents as a guide to the recognition of different genetic types of waters. INTRODUCTION This report is concerned with the chemical composi- tion of waters of different origin that occur below the land surface in different geologic environments. Ground water, as usually defined, is the part of the subsurface water that is in the zone of saturation. Some water occurs also in the zone of aeration between the earth's surface and the zone of saturation and is, in part, in transit to the ground-water body. Other water, commonly not considered as ground water, Occurs in disconnected fluid inclusions in rocks and within mineral grains, and is considered separately in another chapter. H,0 or OH ions occur also in the crystal lattices of hydrous minerals, and in solution in magma. Most of the data of this report are concerned with the common types ordinarily considered as ground waters. A few special types of waters formed at the surface, at least in part from subsurface emanations in volcanic and hot spring environments, are appropriately considered here with waters entirely of subsurface origin. OBJECTIVES Clarke (1924b, p. 181-217) was concerned primarily with mineral waters; this is a loose but useful term for all waters that differ appreciably in composition or concentration from the common potable types. His classification was primarily by chemical type, and he grouped together waters of obviously very different origins. This chapter deals with the characteristics of different types of subsurface water but does not attempt to consider all types of subsurface water. Many grada- - tions exist from very dilute waters, differing little from atmospheric precipitation, to mineral waters of many chemical types. In the first part of this paper, the relatively dilute waters in contact with different kinds of rocks are considered in the hope that tentative criteria can be developed for identification of some meteoric ground waters of the most simple histories. In the second part, many groups of mineral waters of different geologic environment, chemical type, and probable origin are considered. In table 29, median ratios of some important com- ponents are shown for 14 types of mineral waters, as well as the median content, in parts per million (ppM), of total reported constituents, SiO,, and total combined nitrogen (calculated as NH,). The choice of analyses was guided by principles other than those of rigid statistical treatment; many analyses differ greatly from the median values of the type. These differences may be caused by normal variations in a genetic type, by analytical errors, and by failure to recognize dif- ferences in genesis in waters included in a single table. The median values, however, are believed to constitute potential criteria for recognizing waters of different genetic types; they have been published previously with only slight differences by White (1960, p. 452). The specific numbers in table 29 are probably not significant, but the order of magnitude of each abun- dance ratio is believed to be significant for most waters . of each type. GENETIC CLASSIFICATION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS Ground waters can be classified by genesis, by type of associated rock, by physical and chemical charac- teristics, or by use. A genetic classification is for many purposes the most desirable, but specific and FI h F2 applicable criteria are essential and can be developed only slowly and with thorough testing. A tentative genetic classification is shown below, correlated with the tables that give probable examples. A genetic classification has many possibilities of error and incorrect interpretation, but each table contains analyses of waters from a specific geologic environment or of a chemical type that is significant even if the genetic correlation proves incorrect. Most of the suggested examples of nonmeteoric waters are probably slightly to greatly diluted with meteoric water: A. Juvenile waters (not previously involved with at- mospheric circulation ; no good criteria are known for distinguishing them from B-5 waters). 1. Magmatic water (some diluted waters given in tables 17 to 21). 2. Other juvenile waters? B. Recycled or resurgent waters (previously involved with atmospheric circulation). 1. Meteoric waters. a. Precipitation - and chapters E and G.) b. Soil water (few quantitative data; see text). c. Most near-surface ground water (tables 1 to 11, 26, and some analyses of table 27). surface - water. (See 2. Ocean water directly invading aquifers (no de- tailed analyses of proved examples). 3. Connate or fossil waters. a. Waters of marine origin (most analyses of, tables 12 to 16; analysis 7, and possibly analyses 8 and 11, of table 27). b. Nonmarine types (analyses 1 and 2 of table 27; possibly analysis 5 of table 15 and analysis 3 of table 16). § 4. Metamorphic waters. &. Water high in CO; and boron(?) (Some analyses of tables 22 and 237). b. Other types that may exist. 5. Magmatic waters (no good criteria are known for distinguishing them from A-1 waters; many diluted waters given in tables 17 to 21). The arrangement of analyses in tables 1 to 11 does not imply that chemical composition of the rocks is the only decisive factor in determining composition of the meteoric ground waters. Climate obviously affects rate of chemical weathering and degree of dilution of the soluble products. Micro-organisms and plants influence the composition of ground water, as do man's activities. Most of the analyses given in the first 11 tables represent unpolluted water from temperate climates, ranging from humid to arid. Some of the more highly mineralized waters given in these tables - cipal means. DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY probably contain small amounts of saline nonmeteoric waters. OTHER ASPECTS Many physical and chemical properties of water are reviewed by Hutchinson (1957, p. 195-220); isotopic data published through 1955 also are reviewed by Hutchinson, and recent isotopic data are planned for chapter DD of Data of Geochemistry. A major part of the water of underground reservoirs passes through the soil on its way to the water table. On the other hand, much meteoric water penetrates the ground directly from surface streams, particularly in desert areas where recharge from streams is the prin- Many of the processes involved in weath- ering of rocks and the formation of soil produce soluble mineral matter. The physical characteristics of soil water have been studied (Terzaghi and Baver, 1942, p. 331-384; Baver, 1956), but almost no quantitative data are available on compositions of moisture in the zone of weathering and soil formation. Plants synthe- size organic compounds from water and CO; obtained largely from the atmosphere and give off CO, during respiration. Decomposition of organic matter, in major part by micro-organisms, also provides much CO; in the soil zone. Boynton and Reuther (1938, p. 37-42) found that the CO; content of soil gases increased downward in the soil zone; as much as 15 percent of CO; was found in the total gases. According to Thorne and Peterson (1954. p. 22),.2 to 10 liters :of ~ CO; per square meter of surface per day is produced in soil where plants are growing vigorously. These amounts of CO,; if dissolved in water and available for reaction would account for 550 to 2,750 ppm of HCO; in water passing through the soil zone at a rate of 10 liters per square meter of surface per day and reacting with rocks to form soluble bicarbonates. -In contrast, meteoric water in equilibrium with the CO; pressure of the atmosphere can contain only 60 to 100 ppm of HCO; (Hutchinson, 1957, p. 654-670). Many, if not most, ground waters contain more than 100 ppm of HCO; much CO;, has apparently gone into solution in the soil zone, lowering the pH of soil solutions and increasing chemical activity. Zonn (1945, p. 197-199) has studied the relation of ground water quality to soil type, and Maksimovich (1949, p. 26-32; 1950, P. 75-85) has attempted to relate composition of ground water to composition of soil moisture in soils of different types. Similar investiga- tions seem not to have been made outside of the U.S.S8.R. The movement of water from the land surface to the main body of ground water is simple in concept but complicated in detail (see Meinzer, 1942, p. 397-412). f CHEMICAL COMPOSITION CHEMISTRY OF INDIVIDUAL CoNSTITUENTS The writers believe that a detailed discussion of the chemistry of individual constituents is not needed here. In any event, because research in the general field of water chemistry has been increasing in recent years, new knowledge of the field would soon make such a discussion obsolete. Some of the results of recent research relating to the chemistry of certain constituents are briefly outlined here. Additional information on these and other constituents can be found in discussions by Hutchinson (1957, p. 541-902) and Hem (19598, p. 35-149). SILICA In former years the silicon dissolved in natural water was generally considered to be "colloidal silica" and the practice of reporting the element in terms of SiO; in water analyses has persisted. Recent research on the state of silicon in solution and its chemical behavior has given a basis of understanding not formerly avail- able. Krauskopf (1956) suggested that silica in most natural water occurs as dispersed silicic-acid molecules and should be assigned the formula The solubility of amorphous silica was found by Alexander (1957) to increase as the particle size of the silica decreased. - He reported a minimum solubility of 91 ppm for silica in massive form as S10; at 25°C. - The value given by Greenberg and Price (1957) for solu- bility of amorphous silica is 108 ppm AX similar value is given by Okamoto, Okura, and Goto (1957); and White, Brannock, and Murata (1956) found an equilibrium value of about 110 ppm in high-silica hot-spring waters stored for sufficient time at 25°C. These investigators found that the solubility increased rapidly with increasing pH above about pH 9.0 because of the dissociation of the acid. The first dissociation constant for H,SiO, was given by Greenberg and Price (1957) as 10-7". - Silica also becomes more soluble at temperatures above 25°C. Van Lier, de Bruyn, and Overbeck (1960) reported that as much as about 11 ppm quartz was soluble in water at 25°C and that saturation was attained slowly. The rate of silica solution also was studied by O'Connor and Greenberg (1958) and reported to be proportional to the surface area of solid exposed. The silicic acid present in quantities above equilib- rium values in highly siliceous waters, such as those represented in table 17, was found by White, Brannock, and Murata (1956) to polymerize slowly to yield colloidal suspensions of silica. The rate of polymerization is influenced by pH, temperature, degree of supersatura- tion, and presence of previously formed colloidal or crystalline silica. 643863-62--2 M OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F3 IRON The form and amount of iron in solution in ground water at chemical equilibrivm is controlled by the nature of the iron minerals present, the pH and redox potential (Eh), and the activity of other ions in the solution. Graphical representation of these variables by means of Eh-pH, or stability-field, diagrams clearly shows the interrelationships. Such diagrams also are useful in studies of the chemistry of many other elements that may occur in solution. The stability- field diagram was extensively developed and utilized by Pourbaix (1949) in his studies of corrosion, and has been extensively applied in geochemistry by Garrels (1960). Many of the water analyses in tables 1 to 27 report iron concentrations of 1 ppm or more. In almost all these waters the iron must be present in the ferrous form. For an amount this great to be retained in solution, however, a pH well below 7.0 or a low redox , potential is required. The latter commonly occurs in ground-water bodies that are not in contact with air. When ground water containing ferrous iron is exposed to air, oxygen raises the Eh of the solution and the iron is oxidized to the ferric form and precipitated. The solubility of ferric iron exceeds 1.0 ppm only at a pH below 3.8 and at a high Eh. - The solubilities and rates of oxidation of iron are affected by complexing with organic and inorganic ions and by other factors. Studies by Hem (1959b; 196098; 1960b; 1961) discuss these factors in detail. The rate of oxidation of ferrous iron in aerated water has been studied by Stumm and Lee (1960; 1961). f CALCIUM, BICARBONATE, CARBONATE, AND pH Chemical equilibria involving solid carbonate min- erals, and dissolved calcium, hydrogen, and bicarbonate or carbonate ions are very important controls over the concentration of calcium in ground water. | The system involving calcite may be simply represented CaCO,-+ H+=HCO,*4+Ca+*. If a gas phase is present, the acitvities of H* and HCO,; may also be controlled by the partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Some of the carbon dioxide com- bines with water to form carbonic acid, which is partly dissociated in solution. - Hutchinson (1957, p. 653-690) has discussed carbon dioxide-bicarbonate equilibria in some detail. In most ground waters no gas phase is present. How- ever, some dissolved carbon dioxide and related species are present. The reactions among water, dissolved materials, and solid minerals control the hydrogen-ion activity. An important source of dissolved carbon F4 dioxide is the air in soil pores, which is often strongly enriched in carbon dioxide. In some ground waters, however, a volcanic or metamorphic source of carbon dioxide may be important (White, 1957b, p. 1670-1671, 1678); Orfanidi (1957) also has noted the possibility for metamorphic CO; in certain waters of the Caucasus. Carbon dioxide may also be produced at depth by biochemical reduction of sulfate. Hydrogen ions also are available in small quantities by dissociation of water itself. When pure water is equilibrated with calcite at 25°C, the pH of the solu- tion is raised to a value between 9.9 and 10 (Garrels, 1960, p. 50), and the calcium content is about 5 ppm. If water is first allowed to dissolve carbon dioxide by contact with air and then is equilibrated with calcite in the absence of a gas phase, Garrels (1960, p. 57) has calculated that the final calcium content in solution will be only about 5.6 ppm. Rainwater moving directly to the ground-water reservoir with no opportunity for further enrichment in dissolved carbon dioxide is thus only a little more effective as a solvent for calcite than is pure water. A graphical representation of calcium, bicarbonate, and pH relationships in solutions at equilibrium with calcite has been published by Hem (1960c). Weyl (1958) concluded that under normal conditions the solution of calcite occurs rapidly enough so that water in limestone below the water table' is always saturated with calcite. The reverse reaction, precipita- tion of calcite, is considerably slower. A condition of equilibrium should, however, exist in most ground - water. Field data that might be used to evaluate equilibria in ground water are difficult to obtain. Determinations of pH and perhaps of bicarbonate must be made in the field when samples are collected, if they are to represent accurately the conditions in the aquifer. Practically no data of this type are available. Analyses in table 6 represent the usual laboratory determinations made after the samples had been stored for several days or weeks. The hydrogen-ion activity of ground water is in- volved in many other chemical equilibria besides those of carbon dioxide and carbonates. In extreme examples, as those in tables 19 and 20, the water may become strongly acid by solution of gases such as SO; or HCI. MAGNESIUM The reactions involved in solution of magnesium from carbonate minerals are similar to those for solution of calcite. However, as Garrels, Thompson, and Siever (1960) have noted, the precipitation of magnesium carbonate or dolomite from solution is extremely slow and equilibrium conditions with respect to magnesite or dolomite probably are not to be expected at low DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY temperature and pressure. Some of the analyses in table 7 show the approximately equivalent amount of magnesium and calcium to be expected at saturation with dolomite. Some precipitation of calcium car- bonate from such solutions, however, appears to occur and leads to a considerable excess of magnesium over calcium in solution. ' VARIETIES OF TONIC SPECIES The actual forms in which some ions occur in ground water are still incompletely known. The importance of ion-pairs or complexes undoubtedly increases as the total content of dissolved material increases. The degree of dissociation of dissolved carbon dioxide and the resulting ionic species is well recognized to be a function of pH, but the relationship of other anions to pH is not always recognized. Below a pH of 2, for example, sulfuric acid is only partly dissociated and HSO,~' needs to be considered. The chemistry of major constituents of water is much better understood than is the chemistry of minor constituents. As a matter of fact, the literature con- tains almost no information on the minor-element content of the more dilute ground waters. Although the large number of water analyses in existence sug- gests that there is scientific and orderly precision in the study of chemistry of natural water, actually much research is needed before the field can be con- sidered as well explored. SOURCE AND SELECTION OF TABULATED DATA The analyses in this chapter were obtained from published reports and from unpublished data in the files of the U.S. Geological Survey. Effort has been made to achieve a wide geographic distribution of analyses, but because many more waters have been analyzed in some countries than in others, the distribution is necessarily uneven. Thou- sands of mineral waters and tens of thousands of "potable" ground waters have been analyzed; selection was made, in part, for geographic distribution, but in major part was based on geologic environment, the number of components that were determined, and the apparent accuracy of the entire analysis to the limited degree that quality can be judged. Com- ponents of special interest that commonly are not determined are K, Li, NH,, F, Br, I, NO; and B (White, 19576, p. 1661, 1666). Most of these com- ponents are not determined in dilute ground waters but are present in minor yet determinable quantities in many mineral waters. They are highly soluble in most chemical environments, and the quantity of each component that is present in a natural water is deter- mined by the history of the water and the available CHEMICAL COMPOSITION supply of the component. Many mineral waters have been analyzed for one or two of these components, but few have been analyzed for most or all of them: Components such as the alkaline-earth elements and the heavy metals are of considerable interest, but the quantities present are much more likely to be determined by solubility in the particular water rather than by available supply. Water samples obtained from wells may contain small amounts of metals, such as zinc, copper, or iron, dissolved from pump parts of plumbing. Analyses suspected of being affected by this type of contamination were rejected, but the effect may not be entirely absent from the tabulated data. . A large proportion of analyses are not accompanied by satisfactory data on geologic environment of the waters. - Many analyses of mineral waters are published in chemical or balneological journals without accom- panying geological data, but effort was made to deter- mine the geological environments of the samples whose analyses were selected. In tables 1 to 11, analyses of waters from each rock type are given numerically in order of increasing dissolved matter, because, in general, the dilute waters are less likely to be affected by contamination with - saline waters of nonmeteoric origin. In tables 12 to 27, analyses are arranged geographically. UNITS AND TERMINOLOGY Virtually all the analytical data are reported in the standard form of the U.S. Geological Survey. Con- centrations of components in the waters have been reported in various publications in a wide variety of forms and chemical combinations; in this chapter all are expressed as parts per million, which for waters of or near unit density are also equivalent to milligrams per liter. Constituents that are present largely or entirely in dissociated form are reported also as equivalents per million (epm, or milligram equivalents per kilogram) computed from parts per million and combining weights of the ions. Some elements, such as Si, B, As, P, and Al, have been reported in several different ionic and molecular species by different analysts. These are uniformly reported here as Si0;, B, As, PO,, and Al; equivalents per million are not calculated for these components or for Fe and some other metals, except in acid waters. Sulfide is reported as H,S, except for a very few analyses where both HS and HS were originally reported or where the water is very alkaline and sulfide ion is probably dominant. A minor element that has been determined in only a few analyses of a table is not shown in the tabulated data but is mentioned in the explanation of the table. Specific conductance is expressed as micromhos at OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F5 a standard temperature of 25° C. A mho is a unit of electrical conductance and is the reciprocal of ohm. "Specific' here implies the conductance of a 1l-cm: cube of the solution; the ability of a water to conduct electricity is increased as the concentration of dissociated fong. increases, but there is up. simple relationship between specific conductance and dissolved solids in parts per million. Uranium is reported in micrograms per liter (or parts per thousand million in waters of unit density) and radioactivity is reported in micromicro- curies per liter (curies X 10~" per 1. In some published analyses, as many aS six significant figures have been reported. These have been arbitrarily rounded in the following way: less than 1 ppm, 1 or 2 significant figures; 1 to 99 ppm, 2 significant figures; and over 100 ppm, 3 significant figures. All values for equivalents per million are reported to comparably sig- nificant figures but are not reported for more than two decimal places. Some published analyses show precise chemical balance of anions and cations; presumably one component (generally Na) has been calculated by dif- ference. The equivalents per million reported here as significant figures generally do not balance exactly. Rates of discharge of springs are stated in U.S. gallons per minute (gpm). One gpm equals 0.83311 Imp. gal- lons per minute, 3.7854 liters per minute, and 0.002228 cubic feet per second. Stratigraphic nomenclature used is that of the pub- lished and unpublished sources and does not necessarily conform to that of the U.S. Geological Survey. WATERS OF LOW MINERAL CONTENT ASSOCIATED WITH COMMON ROCK TYPES The analyses of tables 1 to 11 were selected from about 1,200 analyses. Most of the water samples would be considered potable, with dissolved matter of less than 1,000 ppm. These dilute waters were selected largely from environments in which the waters were most likely to be atmospheric precipitation that was then influ- enced primarily by reactions with the rocks in which they are found (including associated soil zones). Dilute waters are relatively scarce in some rocks, particularly in fineEgrained sedimentary rocks such as siltstones and shales. (See table 5.) Most sedimentary rocks were deposited in a saline environment; extensive flushing or displacement is necessary to remove the highly soluble majter retained from such an environ- ment. - However, post of- the rocks that are highly productive sources of ground water were deposited in nonmarine environments. wATERS FROM IGNEOUS TERRANES CRANITE, REYOLITE, AND SIMILAR ROCK TYPES Silicic igneous rocks generally yield only small sup- plies of water, except where extensively jointed or brec- F6 ciated. Nevertheless, these rocks are utilized in many areas where better sources are lacking. Ground waters from silicic igneous rocks (table 1) generally are relatively low in mineral content. The dominant ions are generally Na+ and HCO;~; SiO; is generally very high for cold dilute waters and fluoride is relatively high. Calcium, magnesium, and pH are generally relatively low (table 1). Such characteristics should be expected of meteoric waters in contact with silicic igneous rocks, which con- sist dominantly of chemically resistant quartz and sodium and potassium feldspars. The anomalously low indicated ratios of potassium to sodium relative to the ratios in other igneous rocks are surprising, because this group is normally high in potassium. The rocks of this group are also relatively high in lithium and boron, but these two elements have seldom been determined in dilute waters. In table 1, the sulfate of analysis 14, the chloride of analyses 11, 13, and 15, and probably the fluoride of analyses 13 and 14 are all high and require special expla- nations that are not made here. GABBRO, BASALT, AND ULTRAMAFIC ROCKS Although most igneous rocks do not yield large quan- tities of ground water, some favorably situated perme- able basalts yield enormous quantities. The source rocks of the waters of analyses in table 2 consist dominantly of ferromagnesian minerals, with or without calcic plagioclase. All these minerals are less stable and more subject to chemical attack than the minerals of silicie rocks. As expected, the waters of the group generally have high ratios of Ca/Na and Mg/Ca; the magnesium con- tent of peridotite and serpentine is particularly high, and the magnesium content of waters from gabbro and basalt is nearly always higher than in waters from silicie igneous rocks. Although mafic rocks contain little or no quartz and are lower in total silica than felsic rocks, the chemical instability of the minerals accounts for rela- tively high content of SiO; in associated waters. Most of the waters are low in fluoride; although no data are available, further study may show that these waters are generally low in lithium and perhaps in boron relative to waters of silicic igneous rocks. Table 2 shows that where pH and probably Eh (oxidation potential) are low, iron and manganese are relatively high (analyses 1 and 2). The high sulfate of analysis 2 suggests oxidation of sulfides or sulfate from some external source; much of the chloride of the waters of analyses 10, 15, and 16 may be from external sources. ANDESITE, DIORITE, AND SYENITE The waters given in table 3 are associated with rocks that are, in general, intermediate between granite and DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY basalt in composition. Many of the ratios and con- tents, however, are not between the medians for granite and basalt, probably because of the small number of samples and lack of rigid statistical control and perhaps also because minor analytical errors can influence the ratios strongly when the waters are very dilute. The high sulfate content of analysis 3 suggests sulfate from some external source. WATERS FROM SEDIMENTARY TERRANES SANDSTONE, ARKOSE, AND GRAYWACKE Sandstone beds are widespread and are important aquifers throughout the world. Rocks of this group range in chemical composition from almost pure silica to rocks that are very similar chemically to granite, andesite, and basalt. The lithologic characters and chemical compositions of the rocks associated with waters given in table 4 have not been described suffi- ciently to warrant further subdivision. The ratios of Ca/Na, K/Na, HCO;/CI, and $O,/CI are commonly a little higher than for most waters from igneous rocks, but the content of SiO; is generally less. Ground waters containing more than 1,000 ppm dissolved matter are relatively common in sandstone, especially at depths of more than several hundred feet. Many waters from sandstones contain dissolved matter clearly not derived from the clastic grains of the enclosing rocks, for example, the very high fluoride content (2 to 9 ppm) commonly reported in waters from the Dakota Sandstone (Cretaceous) of North Dakota and South Dakota. A few waters from sandstone contain notable amounts of iron and are probably low in Eh; some of these waters also contain appreciable manganese. SILTSTONE, CLAY, AND SHALE Siltstone, clay, and shale are fine grained and, except for the more brittle jointed varieties, are very low in permeability. They are poor sources of water, but most are in areas where more productive sources are not available. The bulk of the fine-grained sediments of the world were deposited in saline environments. Soluble com- ponents are likely to be retained as adsorbed ions on clay minerals or in interstitial saline water that was never completely removed by flushing because of low permeability of the rocks. One of the outstanding characteristics of this group (table 5) is the scarcity of waters with reported sums of less than 1,000 ppm. The less mineralized waters in table 5 are generally relatively low in the ratios of Ca/Na, HCO;/CI, and F/CI1; the ratio of Mg/Ca is relatively high. Many marine shales and muds are high in boron and iodine (White, 1957b, p. 1668, 1671; Degens and others, 1957); nonmarine shales appear to be low in boron and CHEMICAL COMPOSITION are probably also low in iodine; more attention should be given to these minor elements in waters of low mineral content, because these minor elements may reflect differences in the environments of deposition of the sedimentary rocks. Many of the more saline waters given in table 5 are high in chloride, which is probably residual from the depositional environment. The low sulfate content of analyses 13 to 15 is probably related to organic content and reducing environment in the rocks. - The relatively high bicarbonate content of these waters may be due to sulfate-reducing bacteria that have utilized the oxygen of sulfate to oxidize some of the organic carbon. Ex- perimental studies by Foster (1950) suggest, however, that the presence of sulfate is not a necessary condition; she suggests that the high sodium content may be due to ion exchange of calcium with sodium from clay material and that carbonaceous material is the source of CO,; for the waters of very high bicarbonate content. Other waters are relatively high in sulfate, some are acid and contain moderately high amounts of iron and aluminum (analyses 2 and 18); these characteristics are probably related to oxidation of pyrite in organic shales. Other waters are nearly neutral but contain notable quantities of iron and manganese (analyses 5, 11, and 16), probably because of moderately reducing environments. Although commonly ascribed to pollution, the high nitrate content of some waters from shale (analyses 3, 8, 9, and, especially, 10) may also result from oxidation of NH, in organic matter and in exchange positions in clay minerals in sediments rich in organic matter. LIMESTONE Most limestones are dense, hard rocks that carry water only in fractures; some limestones, however, con- tain large solution channels and are highly productive. Perhaps the most productive limestones, however, are porous reef structures or other accumulations of shells where original porosity has commonly been increased by solution. In addition to CaCO;, many limestones also contain silica, clay minerals, dolomite, anhydrite, or gypsum. All the analyses of table 6 demonstrate the influence of someother minerals in addition to calcite. Dolomite, per- haps as a minor component, has undoubtedly influenced the composition of the water of analysis 9, and, to a lesser extent, many of the others. The water of anal- ysis 14 seems to contain dissolved gypsum or anhydrite. The quantity of alkaline-earth carbonate minerals that can be dissolved by ground water is controlled by the abundance of CO; and by carbonate equilibria. See reports by Hutchinson (1957, p. 653-690) and Garrels (1960, p. 43-60) for recent discussions that can OF SUBSURFACE WATERS FTZ be applied to many ground-water problems. The amounts of calcium and bicarbonate and the pH values suggest that all waters given in table 6 had sources of CO; capable of supplying larger amounts than the atmosphere. The partial pressure of CO; in the atmosphere is 0.00033 (Hutchinson, 1957, p. 654-655). Other sources of CO;, for ground waters are organic activity in the soil zone and igneous Or metamorphic processes at depth (White, 19572; 1957 b). Many waters from limestone contain more nitrate than is characteristic of waters from igneous rocks. Although local pollution is a possible source of some of the nitrate, the oxidation of minerals or other sub- stances containing ammonia should also be considered. Another possibility is that NH, may have been a com- ponent of some of the waters when collected, but became oxidized and was determined as nitrate. DOLOMITE Dolomite is generally similar to limestone in its water-bearing properties. Some types of dolomite are highly permeable and are economically important sources of water. The weight ratio of magnesium to calcium in pure dolomite is 0.61 (ratio of equivalents, 1.0). Meteoric water that has been in contact only with pure dolomite should have these ratios if the dolomite dissolved nonselectively and if no calcite has been precipitated. The ratio of Mg/Ca in 3 of the 6 analyses in table 7 is very close to 0.61; the ratio of analysis 2 is low, and the ratios of analyses 3 and 5 are high. Some other high-magnesium mineral may be present, or some CaCO; may have been precipitated from the two waters having high ratios. The water from Fort Recovery, Ohio (analysis 6), contains very high sulfate and relatively high magne- sium. - The origin of the sulfate is not clear. MISCELLANEOUS SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Table 8 contains analyses of waters from some of the less common types of sedimentary rocks. In general, the major chemical components of each rock type have low solubility values and have not markedly affected the chemical composition of the associated water. The outstanding exception is the high content of CaSO, in water from gypsum in analysis . 5 (for analyses of other waters from associated Permian evaporites, see table 27). The very high sulfate con- tent in the water of analysis 4 may be a result of oxida- tion of pyrite in the associated lignite. The water of a well 200 feet deep, a short distance east of the city of Hot Springs, Ark. (analysis 2), is slightly thermal and has with little doubt been in con- tact with rocks other than chert. This water, as well FS as some others given in table 8, probably has a rela- tively low Eh, permitting significant iron and manga- nese to be in solution. WATERS FROM METAMORPHIC TERRANES QUARTZITE Although the permeability and porosity of quartzite are generally very low, this type of rock may be a productive source of water if sufficiently brecciated. It is chemically similar to silica-rich sandstone (see tables 4 and 9). - Many waters from quartzite are low in SiO; and total dissolved matter and have a high ratio of K/Na; pH is commonly low, probably because of the scarcity of unstable minerals to react with dissolved CO;. MARBLE Marble is the coarsely crystalline metamorphic equivalent of limestone. Two analyses of waters from marble (table 9) are very similar to those from limestone (table 6). Both waters are in equilibrium with CO, pressures that are considerably higher than the CO; pressure of the atmosphere (Hutchinson, 1957, p. 654- 671). As in most limestone waters, excess CO; probably has been supplied from the soil. SLATE, SCHIST, AND GNEISS In general, metamorphic rocks yield only small supplies of water, because their permeability is low. Analyses of waters from several examples of metamor- phosed shale and impure sandstone are included in table 10. In many respects the waters from these metamor- phosed rocks are similar to waters from shale and siltstone (table 5). Water from the metamorphic rocks, however, is commonly lower in mineral content and generally the ratio of Ca/Na is more than unity. The differences are best explained by extensive com- paction and decrease of porosity of the rocks before and during metamorphism; interstitial saline water of the original environment has largely been forced out, and clay minerals of high ion-exchange capacity have been reconstituted to micas and anhydrous minerals of very low exchange capacity. The very low content of dissolved matter of water from a metamorphosed iron-formation in Brazil (table . 10, analysis 14) is noteworthy. The water is from a humid region, and the rocks are highly resistant to chemical attack. For comparison, see analysis 1 of table 8 from unmetamorphosed iron-formation of Minnesota. - Waters of analyses 12, 13, and 15 of table 10 are relatively high in chloride, and 13 and 15 are also high in sulfate; both components probably came from sources other than the enclosing rocks. DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY WATERS FROM UNCONSOLIDATED SAND AND GRAVEL Unconsolidated sand and gravel are the most im- portant sources of ground-water supply. They include alluvium of normal streams; glaciofluvial deposits, which, of course, can be considered a type of alluvium; and extensive marine and littoral strata of the coastal plains. The water most readily recoverable from un- consolidated deposits generally occurs in beds of gravel and sand accumulated and sorted through the action of streams. The mineralogic composition of unconsolidated sand and gravel can be correlated in some places with the composition of the source rock. Especially in arid regions, the particles that make up these deposits are likely to be relatively unweathered fragments of the original rock. ; The ratios and contents of the analyses given in table 11 are in general similar to those of other types as might be expected. The eight waters from alluvium of dominantly igneous origin (table 11, analyses 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, and 18) are mostly similar to waters from igneous rocks, having relatively low total dissolved matter and relatively high silica content. Most of the other analyses are of waters from alluvium derived from sedimentary rocks of many types. Total dissolved matter is commonly high, which is, in part, due to the large surface area per unit volume that is available for chemical reactions. This factor is particularly apparent in analyses 8, 12, and 16, which are of waters from relatively unweathered glacial sands and gravels in the north-central United States. Ground waters from alluvium are hydrologically and chemically closely related to surface waters of the same drainage basin. A high content of dissolved matter can be present in such interrelated systems for any of the following reasons: (1) salts may be contributed from connate water or from salt beds in the basin (analyses 11, 19, and 20); (2) return flow from irrigation may in- troduce soluble matter leached from cultivated lands (analyses 11, 17, 19, and 20), possibly after several cycles of reuse; (3) in arid climates, evaporation and transpiration may concentrate soluble matter in the remaining water (analyses 14 and 15) and the ground water of alluviated valleys may have undergone several cyeles of exposure to evaporation and of return as underflow into sediments (analysis 14); (4) activities of man provide salts in industrial wastes and in other forms. The high nitrate content in the waters of anal- yses 3, 5, 9, 13, 16, 18, 19, and 20 of table 11 may indicate pollution or direct aerobic decomposition of nitrogenous material, but other sources of these com- ponents, such as oxidation of NH, to nitrate, should be considered. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION WATERS THAT MAY BE, IN PART, CcoNNATE OIL-FITELD WATERS The existence of connate Or "fossil" water has been questioned by Chebotarey (1955) and others, but most geologists assume that many saline brines probably contain some water that is not greatly different in age from the enclosing rocks (White, 19576, p. 1661-1678). Most connate waters probably consist of connate ocean water associated with marine sediments. Several waters that may be, in part, connate and are associated with marine and nonmarine evaporite deposits are included in table 27 (see in particular analyses 1, 2, and 7). Near-surface marine sedimentary rocks in deposi- tional basins and in coastal plains ordinarily have been flushed extensively by meteoric water. Most of the waters that have been collected from considerable depth in sedimentary basins, however, are saline and are prob- ably connate. Nearly all these saline waters that have been analyzed for minor and major components were obtained from oil fields, but analyses 7 and 8 of table 13 are exceptions. These waters have a wide range in the proportions of individual components of dissolved mat- ter. In most oil-field brines (see tables 12 and 13), the dominant anion is chloride (Chebotarev, 1955, p. 159) but in a few, bicarbonate or sulfate (table 14) exceeds chloride by weight. In the chloride waters, sodium is, with rare exception, the dominant cation, but calcium very commonly is present in larger proportions than in sea water. Chloride waters are here divided into two major subtypes. In one, sodium is greatly dominant over calcium; in the other, calcium is relatively abundant. In tables 12 and 13, the dividing line is arbitrarily considered to be Ca=0.1 Na (by weight). Some oil-field waters contain so little dissolved matter (Crawford, 1940; 1942; 1949, p. 210) that they are clearly almost entirely of meteoric origin. Other oil- field waters are very saline-commonly 5 to 10 times as saline as sea water-and their origin is a major problem that has long been debated (Mills and Wells, 1919; W. L. Russell, 1933; de Sitter, 1947; Chebotarev, 1955; White, 1957b). Most of these very saline waters are relatively high in calcium and several examples are in- cluded in table 13. A few high-calcium waters are lower in salinity than sea water (table 13, analyses 2 and 5) and probably result from dilution of high-density brines. In contrast, the brines that are low in calcium generally are similar in salinity to sea water or are lower in mineral content, but the waters of analyses 4, 5, 9, and 10 given in table 12 are exceptions. Analyses 7 and 8 of table 13 are of Michigan brines exploited by the Dow Chemical Co. for dissolved salts. These brines are similar to waters associated with small oil pools in the same formations in other parts — oF SUBSURFACE WATERS FQ of the Michigan basin. They are not known to be associated with crystalline-salt deposits, and their high ratios of Br/Cl are indeed very good evidence against influence of precipitated NaC]; Br is accepted only to a minor extent in the crystal lattice of NaCl and is concentrated in residual brines. (See chapter Y.) Most of the waters given in table 12 are from Ter- tiary rocks, but some are from rocks as old as Triassic; the water of analysis 10 may be from Permian rocks. In contrast, brines high in calcium are likely to be from Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks, but the waters of analyses 1, 2, 3, and 12 of table 13 are from lower Tertiary rocks. The oil-field brines high in sodium and chloride are commonly characterized by moderately high dis- solved matter and NH,, high ratio of I/CI, and low ratios of K/Na, Li/Na, and SQO,/CI1 (tables 12 and 29). The chloride brines high in calcium are generally high in total dissolved matter and moderately high in NH. (tables 18: and 29). The ratio of Br/Cl in this group is perhaps the highest of all natural waters, although remarkably slight variations of Br/Cl are indicated for the different types included in table 29. Ratios of Li/Na, HCO,;/Cl, SO,/C1, and F/C are very low in the brines high in calcium, and K/Na, I/CH, and B/Cl are moderately low. Barium is generally high where sulfate is low or absent; silica is near the minimum for all natural ground waters. The characteristics and minor-element contents of sulfate and bicarbonate waters of table 14 are not suf- ficiently well known to distinguish them clearly from other waters that are high in sulfate and bicarbonate. Their origin, interrelationships, and minor constituents need further study. Chebotarey (1955, p. 159) has shown statistically that the average depth of bicar- bonate waters in oil pools is about 2,300 feet and of sulfate waters, 1,700 feet. These waters doubtless grade upward into ground waters that are only moder- ately high in sulfate and bicarbonate. SPRING WATERS SIMILAR IN COMPOSITION TO OIL-FIELD WATERS A considerable number of cold to moderately thermal spring waters of relatively high salinity have com- positions that are similar to oil-field brines high in sodium and chloride. The chemical characteristics of these spring waters, other than high salinity re- lative to that of other spring waters of similar tem- | perature, include, in general, low sulfate and silica, moderately high combined nitrogen, low ratios of Li/Na and K/Na, and a high ratio of I/Cl (see tables 12, 15, and 29). The waters of table 15 generally are higher in bicarbonate, boron, and probably, sulfide than are those of table 12. Oil-field brines, however, seldom have been analyzed for sulfide and lithium and not ordinarily for boron and combined nitrogen. h F1Q Other spring waters are chemically very similar to oil-field brines high in calcium and chloride. (See tables 13, 16, and 29.) A major criterion for separating the waters of analyses given in tables 15 and 16 and in tables 12 and 13 is the weight ratio of Ca/Na; the separation is here made at 0.1. The high sulfate content in the waters of some analyses in table 16 suggests direct solution of CaSO, by water that may have been low in calcium. For several other waters given in table 16, waters high in sodium, chloride, and CO;, may have come in contact with limestone, dis- solving CaCO; and increasing the ratio of Ca/Na. All the spring waters given in table 15 and many of those in table 16 are from rocks whose geologic en- vironments seem from available data to be compatible with a connate origin for the water. The spring water from London, Oreg. (analysis 1), is, however, from nonmarine Eocene tuffs and basalts; that from Wiesbaden, Germany (analysis 6), is from pre-Tertiary mica gneiss; that from Thermopotamos, Greece (analysis 7), is from schist of Devonian age; that from Trompsberg, Union of South Africa (analysis *); is from norite of Precambrian age; that from Tiberias, Israel (analysis 10), appears to be from Tertiary(?) basalt; that from Neshkin, U.S.S.R. (analysis 13), is from Silurian crystalline schist ; and that from Arima, Japan (analysis 14), is from Tertiary rhyolite near granite. At least some of these waters are probably not connate, and others may have migrated from rocks of earlier association, as suggested by Kent (1951) for the Trompsberg water; extensive exchange of sodium for calcium from intermediate and basis igneous rocks is indicated. The waters of analyses 1 and 14 are moderately low in ratios of Br/Cl, and analyses 6. 7, 8, and 9 are notably low, suggesting that these waters may indeed not be connate. Further study is obviously needed. ‘ Many spring waters are similar to the bicarbonate and sulfate waters of table 14 that are associated with petroleum. - More study is needed on the origin of oil-field waters and more analytical work should be done on the minor components. WATERS THAT MAY BE, IN PART, MAGMATIC It is clear that magmatic waters cannot be sampled directly at their sources. Waters that are associated with especially high temperatures and heat flow and that are in areas of recent or active volcanism are of great interest, because they may contain at least some volcanic or magmatic water (White, 1957a). - All students of the problem agree that most of the water discharged at the surface in thermal areas is probably meteoric in origin but that a part may be magmatic. Possible origins of the greatly different types of water DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY that are found in volcanic environments have been discussed by Allen and Day (1935), Barth (1950), and others and have been reviewed recently by White (19572) and Ivanoy (1958a;1958b). There is still much disagreement in regard to the origin of the different types. Waters that are dominated by sodium, chloride, and bicarbonate are shown in tables 17 and 18. All theories of the origin of geysers require not only high tempera- tures at the surface but also high geothermal gradients from the surface to considerable depths: wherever wells have been drilled in geyser areas, temperatures con- siderably above the boiling points at the land surface have been found. The chloride in waters of geyser areas, therefore, is very likely to be of volcanic origin. How- ever, any ground water that is heated sufficiently in a favorable environment may eruptasageyser. The Sea- water Geyser" of Reykjanes, Iceland, for example (table 17, no. 8), has erupted as a true geyser (Barth, 1950, p. 23). Because this water is similar in com- position to many of the waters given in tables 13 and 16, it is probably heated connate water rather than direct inflow of ocean water, as suggested by Barth, or volcanic water. Most geyser waters (tables 17 and 29) are very high in silica and generally high in pH; the ratio of Li/Na is very high and B/Cl is moderately high. These waters are generally very low in combined nitrogen and, for mineral waters, are low also in total dissolved matter; the ratios of Ca/N a, Mg/Ca, and I/Cl are commonly near the minimum for natural waters, and Br/Cl may be significantly lower than in average crustal matter. Some of the waters of table 18 may be, in part, con- nate; in areas of lower heat flow than in geyser areas, hot volcanic emanations are not so necessary to explain the anomaly and, therefore, the possibility of chloride from nonvolcanic sources may be a little greater. Water from Kuan-T'su-Ling spring in northern Taiwan (table 18, no. 8), for example, has many of the chemical characteristics of water that may be connate or, possibly, metamorphic in origin (see tables t2. 13, 22, and 29); bicarbonate, boron, and the ratio of I/Cl are relatively high, and silica, sulfate, and the ratio of Li/Na are relatively low. The median mineral matter and ratios of the analyses of table 18 (see table 29) are, in part, similar to those of geyser waters (tables 17 and 29) and, in part, to possible connate waters (tables 12, 15, and 29). Many of the acid sulfate-chloride waters of table 19 - are very closely associated with active or recent vol- canism. All gradations exist between acid springs, large spring pools, and crater lakes; superheated fumaroles commonly are found in the vicinity. Possi- ble origins of these unusual waters have been reviewed CHEMICAL COMPOSITION by White (19572, p. 1647-1649). Their chemical characteristics (tables 19 and 29) are clearly derived, in part, from volcanic emanations and, at least in some places, by vigorous acid attack of associated rocks. The cation ratios are strongly influenced by associated rocks except, perhaps, the ratio of Li/Na, which may reflect a high content of lithium in certain volcanic emanations. - Other outstanding characteristics of most waters of this group are very high contents of silica and of total dissolved matter and possibly low ratios of Br/Cl and I/C. Acid sulfate waters (low in chloride) may also origi- nate in several different ways (see Allen and Day, 1935, p. 65, 100-125, 393-448; Barth, 1950, p. 43; White, 195724, p. 1651-1652). Most geologists agree, however, that one common origin involves partial con- densation of vapors containing HS and the reaction of sulfide, water, and atmospheric oxygen to form sul- furic acid.. The cation ratios of these acid waters are influenced greatly by the associated rocks (tables 20 and 29). Ammonium is very high in some waters, perhaps because of selective concentration of small amounts of NH; from the gases, due to low volatility in acid water. Sulfate is by far the dominant anion;; and fluoride and boron, according to meager data, are somewhat high relative to chloride; silica and the ratios of Mg/Ca and Wre commonly high. High-temperature waters high in bicarbonate and sulfate have been recognized in only a few volcanic areas, where they appear to be related to condensation of steam containing CO;, and H,;S in ground water, commonly below the surface (White, 19574, p. 1649). The ratios of HCO,/CHI, 80,/C1, F/C1, and B/Cl may be near the maximum for natural waters, but total dis- solved matter and combined nitrogen may be relatively low. WATERS THAT MAY BE, IN PART, METAMORPHIC Metamorphic water has been defined (White, 19576, p. 1662) as water that is or has been associated with rocks during their metamorphism and is probably derived largely from hydrous minerals during their reconstitution to anhydrous minerals. Many thermal springs and mineral waters have characteristics that do not clearly indicate any of the groups previously considered. One type that may warrant special attention is characterized by high - concentrations of sodium, bicarbonate, and boron and by relatively low chloride (see tables 22 and 29). Other similar waters associated with California quick- silver deposits are included in table 23 (analyses 1 to 3). White (1957b, p. 1678-1679) has suggested that these waters may be driven off from hydrous minerals of sedimentary rocks that are being progressively meta- 643863-62--3 —_——-—— OF SUBSURFACE WATERS FHL morphosed after interstitial connate water high in chloride has been largely driven off by compaction of the sediments. The group as a whole has, of course, high ratios of HCO,/CI and B/C, because these ratios were the criteria for selection. Other characteristics are relatively low temperatures; and, in most of the analyses, high ratios of I/C and low ratios of Li/Na and K/Na. These characteristics suggest a close relationship to possible connate waters (tables 12 and 15) and are not similar to those of waters most likely to contain a volcanic component (tables 17 and 19). OTHER SPECIAL GROUPS THERMAL - WATERS ASSOCIATED | WITH EPITHERMAL % MINERAL DEPOSITS Most mineral deposits were formed millions of years ago and probably were related to hydrothermal activity that has long since ceased. In contrast, some epi- thermal mineral deposits may have formed so recently that a study of associated waters may throw light on their origin and on the geochemistry of ore transport and deposition. The association of thermal springs with epithermal ore deposits has been reviewed recently by Schmitt (1950) and White (1955a). The evidence must always be examined with caution, because signifi- cant changes in nature of the discharging water may have occurred-since the ore minerals were deposited; it is usually difficult to prove conclusively that the ore minerals are still being deposited from existing waters. Table 23 includes six analyses of thermal waters occurring in or near quicksilver deposits. Other waters associated with notable quicksilver deposits are those from the thermal springs of the Elgin quicksilver mine, 3 miles northwest of Wilbur Springs, Calif. (table 15, analysis 2), which are very similar in composition to the waters given in table 23 (White, 19554, p. 130-131); the brine from the Cymric oil-field, Calif. (table 12, no. 2; see also Stockman, 1947); water from Skaggs Springs, Sonoma County, Calif. (Everhart, 1950, p. 385-394; White, 1955a, p. 125; 1957b, p. 1676-1679); and water from Steamboat Springs, Nev. (table 17, no. 3). Waters associated with quicksilver deposits (tables 23 and 29) tend to be relatively high in total combined nitrogen and in the ratios of Mg/Ca, HCO;/CI, B/Cl, and I/C1, but the ratios of Ca/Na, K/Na, and Li/Na are relatively low. The median pH of 7 should be noted because of the generally held belief that mercury is transported in alkaline waters. The waters appear to be closely related to those given in tables 12, 15, and 22. Of the analyses given in table 23, those of waters from the Abbott, Sulphur Bank, and Valley mines could have been included in table 22. The water 'of Steamboat Springs, Nev., is the only one associated with a notable quicksilver deposit that is also convincingly related to volcanism. It should be mentioned that the spring h F12 waters at Sulphur Bank, Calif., and Ngawha, New Zealand (table 23, nos. 1 and 6) are closely associated with Quaternary volcanic rocks, but these thermal wat- ers are not clearly volcanic in origin. Table 23 also includes an analysis (No. 15) of water from an epithermal silver-gold deposit; one analysis (No. 14) is of water from a spring depositing a notable amount of barite, six (Nos. 7 to 12) are from manganese- depositing springs, and two (Nos. 12 and 13) are from springs that have deposited fluorite-bearing travertine. These waters are not convincingly similar to any of the types included in tables 12 to 22. i The water of Steamboat Springs, Nev. (table 17), mentioned previously, is depositing considerable stib- nite and arsenic and some gold and silver (Lindgren, 1906; Jones, 1912; Gianella, 1939; Brannock and others, 1948; p. 222-225; White, 1955, p. 110-113). The water of Crabtree Springs, Calif. (table 22, analysis 3) contains appreciable amounts of arsenic and emerges from serpentine replaced by opal containing veinlets of realgar and marcasite. The iron phosphate deposits of Tjiater Springs, Java (table 19, analysis 11), contain about 2 percent arsenic. In addition to the Peitou Spring, Taiwan, where deposition of lead sulfate has been reported (table 23, analysis 16), hokutolite, a lead-bearing barite, has also been identified at Shibukuro Springs, Honshu, Japan (Miura, 1938; 1939a; 1939b). A surprisingly high content of lead (8.3 ppm) has also been reported from Kuan-T'su-Ling Spring in northern Taiwan (table 18, analysis 8). This spring, although associated with Pleistocene volcanic rocks, has many of the chemical characteristics of waters included in tables 12, 15, and 22. f NONTHERMAL SALINE AND ACID MINE waATERS The composition of many nonthermal mine waters is of interest. Acid waters in pyritic deposits (table 24, analyses 4 to 8) are likely to be meteoric waters that have been acidified by oxidation of pyrite. Such acid waters commonly contain relatively large quantitites of heavy metals dissolved from adjacent rocks and ore deposits. Other mineral waters from deep mines are not acid and are otherwise very different in composition from acid or normal meteoric waters. Some are very saline and their compositions may have resulted from contact with the wallrocks. Another distinct possibility is that the ore-bearing solutions or other postore waters of high mineral content were trapped and have not yet been flushed completely by meteoric water. Analyses 2 and 3 of table 24 are similar in nearly all respects to those of the high-calcium brines of many oil fields (table 13). The analysis of water from the Calu- met and Hecla copper mine (No. 2) is very similar to DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY an earlier analysis from the nearby Quincy mine, re- ported to contain about 5 ppm of nickel and 14 ppm of copper (Lane, 1908, p. 110). Saline water similarly dominated greatly by calcium chloride has been identified in the Sturgeon River gold mines of Canada (Bruce, 1941, p. 25-29; the salinity is 15.5 percent and the ratio of Ca/Na is 4.1). A very saline sodium chloride water was found in the Morro Velho mine of Minas Gerais, Brazil (written communica- tion, D. W. J. Grey to Earl Ingerson). The water came from a vug lined with albite, calcite, ankerite, and quartz at a depth of 7,126 feet. A partial analysis showed Ca, 3,900 ppm; Mg, 1,200 ppm; Na, 46,400 ppm; Cl, $1,900 ppm; carbonates and sulfates, nil. Wallrocks are believed to be basic lava flows or spilites metamorphosed to carbonate schist. Analysis 1 of table 24 is of a mine water of low mineral content that is similar in many aspects to meteoric water but that is unusually high in bicarbonate. OTHER NONTHERMAL ACID MINERAL WATERS Waters of analyses 9 and 10 included in table 24 are examples of nonthermal acid waters that are probably associated with oxidation of pyrite or native sulfur. They are similar to those of analyses 4 to 8 but are less closely associated with mines. Other similar nonther- mal acid spring waters in Japan have been analyzed (Morimoto, 1954, p. 38, 93, 361, 367, 595-596, and 627- 628). ) SPRINGS WITH LARGE SPRING DEPOSITS Most springs discharge at the surface without de- positing significant amounts of mineral matter. How- ever, some spring waters are unstable at atmospheric pressure and ordinary air temperatures and may de- posit considerable amounts of solid material near their orifices. Opaline sinter is the characteristic deposit of most of the geyser waters given in table 17. However, the quantity is relatively minor at Morgan Springs, Calif. (analysis 5). Sinter probably is not deposited ordi- narily from waters that contain less than 200 ppm of silica (White, Brannock, and Murata, 1956). Sinter was deposited rapidly from about 1920 to 1950 at Roosevelt Springs, Utah (table 18, analysis 3), but in recent years the flow of water from the principal spring has become very small and deposition of sinter is negligible. Travertine deposits (CaCO;) of the Lysuholl Springs of Iceland (table 25, analysis 5) lie on earlier and more extensive deposits of sinter. Calcite or aragonite travertine is considerably more common as a spring deposit than is sinter. The de- posits of all the springs given in table 25, except at Lysuholl, Iceland (analysis 5), are very large as they are measurable in millions of tons. Urbain (1953) has CHEMICAL COMPOSITION estimated that 2 tons of travertine per day is deposited at Meskoutine Springs, Algeria (analysis 6). Analyses of waters from other springs associated with notable travertine deposits are at Doughty, Colo. (table 23, analysis 14); Abraham, Utah (table 23, analysis 8); Poncha, Colo. (table 23, analysis 12); Ojo Caliente, N. Mex. (table 23, analysis 13); Tolenas, Calif. (table 15, analysis 3); Ain Djebel, Tunisia (table 16, analysis 9); and Saratoga, N.Y. (table 16, analysis 4). A small part of the waters of some of the springs that deposit travertine may be of volcanic origin but diluted extensively with meteoric water (probably table 25, no. 3). The composition of such waters suggests contact with limestone and perhaps with gypsiferous sedimentary rocks, probably at relatively low tem- peratures (White, 19572, p. 1652-1653). Other springs that deposit travertine may be unrelated to volcanism and have a source of CO;, other than the atmosphere (see Introduction). All springs that deposit carbonate contain more CO; in solution at depth than can be re- tained at pressure and temperatures at the surface. As the pressure decreases, CO; is evolved and the pH increases, shifting the carbonate equilibria and causing precipitation of CaCO;. The two analyses of waters from Keene Wonder Springs in Death Valley, Calif. (table 25, analyses 1 and 2), illustrate the chemical changes that occur when carbonated water with ap- preciable calcium is discharged at the surface. Tjiater Springs in western Java (table 19, analysis 11) deposited hundreds of thousands of tons of jarosite (KFe,(SO,),(OH),) and iron phosphate high in arsenic. Many other spring waters deposit iron oxides at or near the surface. Ferrous iron is soluble in near-neutral waters with a moderately low oxidation potential but is oxidized near the surface to ferric iron, which precipi- tates because of the low solubility of ferric hydroxide (Hem, 1959b). THERMAL METEORIC WATERS OF DEEP CIRCULATION Some meteoric waters may circulate to depths of thousands of feet in areas where the permeability of the rocks is sufficiently high and differences in hydro- dynamic pressure exist. The energy necessary for such deep circulation may be provided by artesian pressure and by differences in density caused by dif- ferences in temperature and salinity. Most thermal spring waters have somewhat higher contents of dissolved matter than do associated me- teoric waters. It is especially difficult to determine the origin of some of the small to moderate quantities of dissolved salts. They could be leached entirely from rocks, because of the long flow path and increased solvent action brought about through increase in tem- perature; or they could represent the admixture of OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F13 small amounts of very saline water from connate or magmatic sources. The waters of table 26 are of moderate to high tem- peratures, are of relatively low mineral content, and are especially low in chloride when compared with most hot-spring waters given in tables 15 to 25. They probably have circulated to great depths and their compositions probably have been determined almost entirely by the original composition of the meteoric water and by reaction with rocks. According to Hutchinson (1957, p. 654-670), meteoric water in equilibrium with the CO; of the atmosphere could contain about 60 to perhaps 100 ppm of HCO;. Most of the waters given in table 26 are within this range. Some additional CO;, probably has been sup- plied by organisms in the soil; extensive reaction with silicate minerals and the resultant increase in pH in the waters of analyses 1, 4, and 6 given in table 26 have probably caused some subsurface precipitation of 03,003. WATERS OF SALT DEPOSITS Analyses of waters associated with evaporite deposits are shown in table 27. - Analyses 1 to 5 are of waters from nonmarine saline deposits, and analyses 6 to 10 are of waters from marine saline deposits. Anhydrite and gypsum deposits are commonly included with the saline deposits. An analysis of water from gypsum is included in table 8 (analysis 5). The relatively high concentration of minor elements in the brines of Searles Lake suggests that the brines are probably connate nonmarine waters that are similar in age to the enclosing salts; the highly soluble minor elements have been greatly concentrated by evaporation of water and by precipitation of the major dissolved components. The apparent absence of sub- surface drainage from the basin makes unlikely the possibility of displacement by meteoric water and selective dissolving of minor components. The water from the salt deposits of the Salado Formation (analysis 7) is particularly likely to be connate, although perhaps it is modified greatly in composition by diagenetic and metamorphic processes (see chapter Y). When the ratio of Br/CIl is notably greater than 0.003, the water is likely to be connate; in contrast, when the ratio of Br/Cl is notably less than 0.003 (as analyses 6 and 9), the water is likely to be meteoric in origin and salts are dissolved from erystal- line deposits. The sodium magnesium sulfate water, or "bitter" water, of Budapest, Hungary (table 27, analysis 12), is an example of other saline waters whose origin is highly uncertain. Vendl (1951, p. 188-196) suggests that pyrite has been oxidized extensively and carbonates have been dissolved, but other explanations appear equally or more attractive. F14 TaBu® 1.-Chemical analyses of ground waters from granite, rhyolite, DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY and similar rock types Analysis e. ... 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 Rock type and location.._________ Silicie volcanics, Rhyolite, Rhyolite tuff, Rhyolite, Rhyolite, Granite, Granite, Granodiorite, Grandview, W. of Los S. of Mebane, Burns, Oreg. Beatty, Nev. | West Warwick, |MeCormick Co.,| New Bedford, Idaho filarfios, N.C. R1. 8.C. Mass. IN. Cx. Date of collection...._____________ June 20, 1956 May 25, 1954 Mar. 23, 1955 Nov. 16, 1956 Feb. 22, 1956 May 26, 1955 Nov. 24, 1954 Oct. 31, 1955 ppm ppm epm ppm epm ppm ppm ppm 37 62) l ARE 52 20 $54. { S Merav l 3 12 .0 .0 x1 +2 af 19 . 00 F 19 +18 1. .04 |. . 01 .0 .0 £18 i- .00 |. . 00 .0 A 20 12 . 00 |. t (errata nel ann anar can san le ne n e enn nana . 07 M09. ...use. . 03 3.6 14 6.5 13 17 .8 5.8 2.6 4.3 7.3 3.9 20 5.9 8. 4 16 2.3 5.2 .8 3.5 +8 ________________ 28 $23 |...... este 21 80 1.31 | 112 1.84 | 131 2.15 38 0.62 72 1.18 51 0 0 00 le 0 sarees 0 4 Lovas On 1. A 2.6 id . 00 7-7 .16 22 .46 .9 .02 6.9 14 22 . 46 1.4 2.0 .06 4.0 1 16 .45 5.0 14 3.8 ty 15 42 3 73 . 01 18 02 .5 .03 «5 . 03 2 . O1 .0 . 00 1.9 .8 . O1 3.1 .05 6.7 41 1.5 .02 4 . 01 27 44 As vB ect wR $2 erent I0. de xB AA Me l | BB l-... .. $80 1. 2A8 |.. welt $20. 1....0... 0.83 $45 2.16 Total, as reported..._______ 10. cloe 148 _|. 264 io 802 $2 { 18 178 . Specific conductance, micromhos a st 255 0-.....__ $ 47 80 130 217 319 76 150 236 pH. s onn lial nL 6.6 6.9 7.6 7.9 7.6 7.0 6.2 PC :s f 9. 4 12.8 15 14.4 15.6 11.1 18.1 10.0 Beta-zgamma activity.._uuc per 1._ <5 <10 5.4 <8 17 15 7.5 10 R --uuc per 1._ 0.2 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 0. 4 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 1.3 0.3 5.0 1.4 0. 4 1.6 0.9 0. 4 1.8 0.7 0.1 11 1.5 11 12 .3 12 4 3 .4 .3 «4 .6 «4 . 09 .8 .03 +3 4 . 06 15 21 40 28 8.2 7.6 19 3. 4 1.9 v0 .05 1.9 1.4 2 1.8 1.5 . 07 .3 .05 . 08 . 03 8 . 05 0 cS Seen resale nel Prinses eos eaaich celoan 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rock type and Granite, Quartz Granite, Granite, Granite, Granite, Granite, Ellicott City, Monzonite, Stellenbosch, |Spokane, Wash. Transvaal, Chester, Va. | NE. Transvaal, Mad. W. of Clayton, | Union of South Union of South Union of South Idaho Africa _. Africa Africa Date ll cnn 21 AN Mar. 21, 1951 Sept. 8, 1954 Mar. 19, 1940 June 6, 1951 1944 Oct. 18, 1939 July 1941 Total anlons.. ._. .. icc. t.. Total as 0. epm Specific conductance.._______ micromhos at 25° C_. pH : E & CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS C15 EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 1 . Spring, southwest of Grandview, see. 9, T. 10 S., R. 1 W., Owyhee County, 8. Drilled well, 205 ft deep, New Bedford, Bristol County, Mass. In Dedham Idaho. Water from pool below spring.. Flows 25 gpm (estimated) from Ter- granodiorite of early Paleozoic age. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey tiary silicie volcanic rocks. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; files; analyst, D. E. Weaver. analyst, B. V, Salotto. 9. Drilled well, 28 ft deep, Ellicott City, Howard County, Md. In Ellicott City . Spring, at head of East Fork of Jemez River, Sandoval County, west of Los Granite of late Paleozoic(?) age (Dingman and Meyer, 1954). Alamos, N. Mex. . Flows 250 gpm (estimated) from rhyolite of Tertiary age. _ 10. Snyders Spring, west of Clayton, near U.8. Highway 93, T. 11 N., R. 16 E., Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analysts, J. D. Honerkamp and Custer County, Idaho. From quartz monzonite, probably late Mesozoic in J, D. Weeks, © age; contains 0.2 ppM boron (B). Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey . Drilled well, 106 ft deep, 1 mile south of Mebane, Alamance County, N.C. In files; analysts, J. D. Honerkamp, J. D. Weeks, and J. O. Johnson. rhyolite tuff of Paleozoic(?) age. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey - 11. Drilled well, at Edenville, 4.5 miles southwest of Stellenbosch, Cape Province, files; analysts, J. E. Whitney and J. A. Shaughnessy. : Union of South Africa (Bond, 1946). In Cape Granite of late Precambrian(?) . Well, 251 ft deep, sec. 12, T. 2 8., R. 30 E., Harney County, Oreg. In rhyolite ago; water deposits iron oxide on standing; analyst, G. W. Bond. of Danforth Formation of Tertiary (Pliocene) age. Unpublished data in U.S. 12. Du; a f 5 . g well, 45 ft deep, sec. 7, T. 26 N., R. 42 E., Spokane County, Wash. In Geol. Survey files; analyst, R. A. Wilson, granodiorite of pre-Tertiary age, surrounded by alluvium of Spokane River; . Spring, about 3 miles north of Beatty, Nye County, Nev. Flows 5 gpm from Patich of detrital material 1s basaltic (Wel A . A ¢ _ gle and Mundorff, 1952). rfltlyglftx?vti)1fsr§§fnary see. ants in U.8, Geol. Survey files; says 13. Warm spring, lat 24°34' S., long 27°36 E., Buffelshoek, Transvaal, Union of . Drilled well, 140 ft deep, West Warwick, Kent County, RL. In Cowesett Gran- South Africa. From Bushveld Granite of Precambrian age (Bond, 1946). ite of Mississippian(?) age. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; | !4 Drilled well, 386 ft deep, Chester, Chesterfield County, Va. (Cederstrom, 1945). analysts, J. E. Whitney and J,. A. Shaughnessy. In granite of Paleozoic age. 7. Drilled well, 252 ft deep, John de la Howe School, McCormick County, 8.C. 15. Drilled well, Malopena Camp, Kruger National Park, District of Letaba, north In granite of Carboniferous(?) age. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey eastern Transvaal, Union of South Africa. In Archean granite (Bond, 1946). files; analysts, J. E. Whitney and J. A. Shaughnessy. F16 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY TABLE 2.-Chemical analyses of ground waters from gabbro, basalt, and ultramafic rock types ARSIYBIS e meee nl cen een 1 2 3 fig, «11d ir 5 6 7 8 ® Gabbro ne veld ultty' fists Serpentine Serpentine Rock type and location......._.._ Gabbro, Gabbro, i 4 mafics, Pretoria Peridotite A A H Basalt, Camas, Waterio, Md. | Laurel Ma. | | BOE POE | _ Cerdotite... Take Roland, | Nottinghani, Wash., RCs of South Africa f As Date of collection..........._..._. Dec. 23, 1952 May 23, 1952 Feb. 22, 1955 -| _ Mar. 19, 1954 Dec. 17, 1940 Sept. 21, 1925 May 17, 1949 Total, as reported..._______ Specific conductance micromhos at 25° C__ PMe er ees Aera . Temperature..._..__ «« "C3 gem-gamma activity. _uue per 1... Mice ppm 50 ppm Rock type and location.. Date of collection......_._________ ~|Columbia River Basalt, Farmington, Oreg. May 15, 1951 Basalt, Oahu Island, Hawaii Mar. 6, 1928 11 Basalt, Moses Lake, Wash, May 1, 1950 Total anions......___._._.___ Total, as reported.......___ Specific conductance micromhos at 25° C.. PH Temperature......___._ Beta-gamma activity.. . --uuc per 1._ 12 Basalt, Shoshone, Idaho Oct. 30, 1956 13 Olivine Basalt tuff-breccia, Buell Park, Ariz. Sept. 29, 1948 14 Deccan Basalt, Purna, Hyderabad, India 15 Snake River Basalt, Eden, Idaho Nov. 29, 1956 16 Stormberg Basalt, Barberton, Union of South Africa Sept. 20, 1941 ---4g per 1... 1 Values considered dubious, possibly contaminated. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS ¥17 EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 2 Tasum 3.-Chemical analyses of ground waters from andesite 1. Drilled well, 75 ft deep, Waterloo, Howard County, Md. In gabbro (Dingman diorite, and syenite and Meyer, 1954). 2. Drilled well, 35 ft deep, Laurel, Howard County, Md. In gabbro (Dingman and A A 1 q Meyer, 1954). naly818....-~-------~ 4 In Camillus and U.S. Geol. Survey files; Cuyahoga County, Ohio. In U.S. Geol. Survey files. Wyo. F., Marengo Unpublished 60 W., Cavalier County, blished data in U.S. Geol. and J. O. Johnson. Cape Province, Union of Precambrian age (Bond, see. 30, T. 11 S., R. 6 W., Unpublished data in F22 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY TABLE 6.-Chemical analyses of ground waters from limestone Analysis ___________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Source (formation or age) and Miocene Warsaw Miocene Bangor Ocala Meagher Castle Hayne limestone, Limestone, limestone, Limestone, Limestone, Limestone, Limestone, Gainesville, Tuscumbis, Brooksville, Irondale, Ala. Lake City, Ennis, Mont. New Bern, Fla. la. Fla. Fla. N.C. Apr. 16, 1946 Apr. 10, 1956 July 5, 1946 Sept. 3, 1952 Mar. 16, 1957 | Sept. 10, 1956 Feb. 21, 1956 ppm 25 15 7.5 1.3 196 0 1.8 9.8 .5 %. ________ a Colab alec. .l «41 2M $03 ...i... 8:20 Potalyas :-. 118 - 199 -+ 1.9.00... 247 lols... 260 -= I.... 09; 2907 Specific conductance. ..._____ micromhos at 25° C_. 143 224 287 327 409 398 PHE rFe nene in acer ne nen ee cena abide 7.0 . s 8. 0 7.8 7A Temperature.. a- "CA 22.2 22.2 12.2 16.7 Beta-gamma activity.... -uuc per 1__ 14 0 (eo reer eee Ace arena atau R -uuc per 1... OB Oise dena ects el. sel . ll --ug per 1._ 0a | a err a ee ren on de 5.2 19 15 .4 .4 .02 +2 .6 4 20 85 30 +2 28 . 03 . 05 a . 03 s eee neer nace 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Source (formation or age) and location ____________ Edwards Laurel Bayport dolo- Pahasapa Lebanon Conasauga San Andres Limestone, Limestone, - |mitic Limestone, Limestone, Limestone, Limestone, Limestone, Uvalde, Tex. Bardstown, Grand Rapids, | Rapid City, Mt. Juliet, Birmingham, Roswell, Ky. Mich. 8. Dak. Tenn. Ala. N. Mex. Pate of collection........__.:..0: L..... ...) Nov. 2, 1945 Jan. 4, 1955 Jan. 21, 1953 Aug. 20, 1954 Nov. 17, 1954 Oct. 3, 1952 May 14, 1954 Total snions......._._._...__'.. Totals ng ...l Slfiecific conductance......___ micromhos at 25° C_. Temperature... * fie ta-gamma activity... __ CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F283 EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 6 Alachua County, Fla. Flows 9. Spring, southwest border of Bardstown, Nelson County, Ky. Flows 15 gpm 1. Glen Springs, 2 miles northwest of Gainesville, 150 gpm from limestone of Miocene age (Ferguson, Lingham, Love, and Vernon, from Laurel Limestone of Silurian age (dolomitic in some areas). _ Unpublished 1947). data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analysts, J. A. Shaughnessy and J. E. Whitney. 2, Artesian spring, Tuscumbia, NW14 see. 9, T. 4 S., R. 11 W., Colbert County, 10. Drilled well, 57 ft deep, northeast of Grand Rapids, SESE sec. 1, T. 8 N., Ala. From Warsaw Limestone of Mississippian age. Unpublished data in R. 12 W., Kent County, Mich. In Bayport Dolomitic Limestone of Mississip- U.S. Geol. Survey files; analyst, D. E. Weaver. pian age; water may be from sandstone lenses in this formation (Stramel, Wisler, 3. Weekiwachee spring, 12 miles southwest of Brooksville, Hernando County, Fla. and Laird, 1954). Flows 71,000 gpm from limestone of Miocene age (Ferguson, Lingham, Love, and 11, Well, 4,645 ft deep, Rapid City, NW 14 see. 18, T. 2 N., B. 9 E., Pennington Vernon, 1947). County, S. Dak. In Pabasapa Limestone of Mississippian age. Unpublished 4. Drilled well, 210 ft deep, Trondale, Jefferson County, Ala. In Bangor Limestone data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analysts, J. D. Honerkamp, J. D. Weeks, and of Mississippian age (Robinson, Ivey, and Billingsley, 1953). J. O. Johnson; also reported: B, 0.41 ppm. 5. Drilled well, 275 ft deep, 1792 Putnam St., Lake City, Columbia County, Fla. - 12. Drilled well, 69 ft deep, Mount Juliet, Wilson County, Tenn. In Lebanon In Ocala Limestone of Eocene age. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey Limestone of Ordovician age. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; files; analyst, D. E. Weaver. analysts, J. E. Whitney and J. A. Shaughnessy. 6. Spring, 9 miles south of Ennis, SW!4 see. 13, T. 7 S., R. 2 W., Madison County, 13. Drilled well, 310 ft deep, Birmingham, Jefferson County, Ala. In Conasauga Mont. Flows 15,000 gpm irom Meagher Limestone of Cambrian age. Un- Limestone of Cambrian age (Robinson, Ivey, and Billingsley, 1953). published data in U.9. Geol. Survey files; analyst, R. A. Wilson. 14. Flowing well, 843 ft deep, 10 miles southeast of Roswell, SW 14 see. 15, T. 118., 7. Drilled well, 126 ft deep. New Bern, Craven County, N.C. In Castle Hayne R. 25 E., Chaves County, N. Mex. - Flows 2,000 gpm from San Andres Lime- Limestone of Eocene age. Unpublished data in TU.3. Geol. Survey files; an- stone of Permian age. Unpublished data in "U.S. Geol. Survey files; analysts, alyst, S. H. Phillips. R. A. Wilson, J. D. Weeks, and J. O. Johnson. 8. Well, 350 ft deep Uvalde, Uvalde County, Tex. In Edwards Limestone of Cretaceous age (Petit and George, 1956). Tapur 7.-Chemical analyses of ground waters from dolomite Mild/f— 1 2 3 4 5 6 AMAIYEIE. c. .L Lene - Precambrian Formation 10C&tiON....... ._. Gasconade Copper Ridge Niagara Dolomite, dolomite near Peebles Dolomite, | Guelph Dolomite, Dolomite, Alley, Dolomite, Center West Allis, Wis. Irene, Pretoria, Bainbridge, Ohio Fort Recovery, Mo. Point, Ala. Transvaal, Union f Ohio of South Africa Date of COIIGCtON.. . . . _____------=--------~~~ June 19, 1925 Oct. 1, 1952 Oct. 29, 1954 Oct. 2, 1939 May 13, 1955 Mar. 20, 1955 "PObal Total, AS - (S890 _ #90 proto Specific conductance _. micrombhos at 25 Temperature °C.. Beta-gamma activity EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 7 1, Alley Spring, Alley Spring State Park, see. 25, T. 20, N., R. 5 W., Shannon County, 4. Drilled well, 100 ft deep, 1 mile south of Irene, on main road to J ohannesburg, Mo. Flows 16,600 gpm trom Gasconade Dolomite of Ordovician age (Beckman District of Pretoria, Transvaai, Union of South Africa. In dolomite of Pre- and Hinchey, 1944). o cambrain age (Bond, 1946); analyst, G. W. Bond. 2. Harvey Spring, 114 miles southeast of Center Point, Jefferson County, Ala, From 5. Drilled well, 95 it deep, 3.3 miles west of Bainbridge, Ross County, Ohio (on U.S. Cooper Ridge Dolomite of Cambrian age (Robinson, Ivey, and Billingsley, Highway 50). In Peebles Dolomite of Silurian age. Unpublished data in 1953). ¢ f U.S. Geol. Survey files; analysts, J. E. Whitney and J. A. Shaughnessy. 3. Drilled well, 500 ft deep, 2 miles west of West Allis, sec. 6, T. 6 N., R. 21 E., Mil- - 6. Drilled well, 208 ft deep, Fort Recovery, Mercer County, Ohio. In Guelph Dolo- waukee County, Wis. In Niagara Dolomite of Silurian age. Unpublished mite of Silurian age. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analysts data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analysts, J. E. Whitney and J. A. Shaughnessy. J. E. Whitney and J. A. Shaughnessy. F24 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY TaBuB 8. -Chemical analyses of ground waters from miscellaneous sedimentary rocks ere rey 1 in cus onn Rock $ype and location...... _ LLQ Date of 3 Phosphoria Phosphate, Garrison, Mont. Apr. 2, 1957 2 Big Fork Chert, Hot Springs, Ark. May 28, 1956 1 Biwabik Iron Forma- tion, Gfipd Rapids, i nn, Sept. 22, 1954 5 Gypsum, Castile Formation, W. of Red Bluff, N. Mex. Nov. 25, 1949 4 Lignite, Fort Union Formation Bilfield, . Dak, Mar. 9, 1957 lcs .ie .: Totaly as Specific conductance.... at 25° C.. pH Temperature.. . Ilien-gamma act 413 199 204 7.8 6.5 7.4 7.8 28.9 12.8 <14 <7 <8 2.6 0.8 2.1 0:2 essas 2.7 7.2 3.5 16 3.5 .07 4 8 4 .8 500 31 66 12 15 20 2 .05 4 1. Drilled well, 573 ft deep, Grand Rapids, Itasca County, Minn. In Biwabik Tron Formation of Precambrian age, consisting of ferruginous sediments, largely Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analysts, R. A. Wilson, J. D. Weeks, and J. O. Johnson. 2. Drilled well, 200 ft deep, east of city of Hot S 3 In Big Fork Chert of Ordovician age. data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analyst, B. P. Robinson. . 3. Drainage water from 1,000-ft level, Anderson phosphate mine, Garrison, see. 10, T. 10 N. R. 10 W.. Powell County, Mont. From Phosphoria Formation of unmetamorphosed in this area. Garland bounty, Ark. prings, SW H4 sec. 33, T. 2 S., R. 19 W. EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 8 Permian age. Johnson. Unpublished County, N. Mex. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. 4. Drilled well, 85 ft deep, Belfield, see. 4, T. 139 N., R. 99 W., Stark County, N. Dak. In lignitic coal of Fort Union Formation of Teriary age. U.S. Geol. Survey files; analyst, Darwin Golden. 5. Jumping Springs, see. 17, T. 26 S., R. 26 E., 15 miles west of Red Bluff, Eddy Flows 5 gpm from gypsum of Castile Formation of Permian age (Hendrickson and J. ones, 1952). from associated evaporite deposits. Survey files; analyst, J. O. Unpublished data in See table 27 for analyses of saline waters CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F25 Tasum 9.-Chemical analyses of ground waters from quartzite and marble 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rock typé ad Mutual Quart- | Pretoria Quart Quartzite, Quartzite, Cliffs Sioux Quartzite,| Sylacauga Mar-| Cockeysville zite, Kamas, |zite, Transvaal, | Bucks County, Shaft Mine, Sioux Falls, | ble, Sylacauga, Marble, Balti- a Uniog tog South Pa. Mich. S. Dak. Ala. more County, rica . Date Of Oct. 20, 1954 Nov. 27, 1940 Sept. 7, 1953 Jan. 28, 1952 Aug. 28, 1954 Apr. 27, 1955 May 5, 1953 ppm 17 'Total, aS Srgcific conductance.......-- micromhos at 25° C.. Temperature... 'C.. Beta-gamma activity. a per 1.. t- _upc per 1.. k ........... ug per L.. <0. 1 as Ratios by weight: Ca/N 2.6 0.6 5.6 3.8 8.5 14 19 .% 3.6 .4 5 .3 .3 A 1.8 nn .8 4 .4 as .6 10 1.8 10 18 115 43 40 4.8 2 1.6 4.9 43 +4 3. 4 ++ .0 .05 .02 0 .02 EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 9 1. Spring, Mirror Lake, SW!4 see. 26, T.18., R.9 E., Duchesne County, near Kamas 5. Well, 172 ft deep, Sioux Falls, see. 13, T. 101 N., R. 50 W., Minnehaha Utah, Flows 20 gpm from Mutual Quartzite of Precambrian age. U npubhsheni County, S. Dak. In Sioux Quartzite of Precambrian age. Un ublished data in data in U.S. Geol, Survey files; analysts, R. A. Wilson and J. D. Weeks. U.S. Gool. Survey files; analysts, J. D. Honerkamp, J. D. Weeks, and J. O. 2. Drilled well, 50 ft deep, on Onbekend 226, northeast of Benoni, Transvaal, Union Johnson. of South Africa, In quartzite in Pretoria Series of Precambrian age (Bond, 1946); _ 6. Drilled well, 179 ft deep, Sylacauga, NEW see. 32, T. 21 S., R. 4 E., Talledega - County, Ala. In Sylacauga Marble of Paleozoic or Precambrian age. _Un- analyst, G. W. Bond. f 3. Drilled $5151) 5504 it deep, Bucks County, Pa. In quartzite of Cambrian age (Green- ggblislfied data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analysts, J. E. Whitney and J. A. man - P f ; * fop Afain aughnessy. 4, Drip from roof of 6th-level raise, Cliffs Shaft iron ming, Marquette mining district, _ 7, Drilled well, 95 16 deep, Baltimore County, Md. In Cockeysville Marble of Pre- Mich. In quartzite of Precambrian age (Stuart, Brown, and Rhodehamel, cambrian age (Dingman, Ferguson, and Martin, 1956). 1954). See table 24, analyses 2 and 3 for analyses of saline waters found at depth in Michigan iron mines. F26 TaBur 10.-Chemical analyses of ground waters from slate, schist DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY , gneiss, and miscellaneous metamorphic rocks Analysis............l. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rock type and locati Siamo Slate, Wissahickon Mica Schist, Wissahickon | Brevard Schist, Quartzitic Schist and Baltimore Morris Mine, | Schist, Arcadia, Wilkesboro, Schist, Bucks Suwanee, Ga. Schist, Slate, Tonasket, Gneiss, Bucks Mich. Ma. N.C. County, Pa. Vafiialboro, Wash. County, Pa. aine Mar. 25, 1952 May 12, 1954 Mar. 17, 1955 Apr. 28, 1953 Jan. 8, 1957 Mar. 27, 1957 Oct. 25, 1954 Apr. 30, 1953 id 12 h § hse 9.1 21 4. 4 26 0 48 34 A 30 Total A2 _._... 0.44 0:00: Total, as reported..._______ M80 - 8 99 207 Specific conductance micromhos at 25°C... 574 41 92 237 344 481 PH.. -n .. . f . 8. 0 8. 0 7:7 Temperature.... 18.3 10. 6 117 Beta-gamma activity <10 <5 <1l4 R 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 <0.1 1.4 1.7 0.8 9.0 4 .8 (3 . 04 £4 .8 55 23 156 3.8 8.5 42 .2 v4 .07 Analysig...._.._______ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rock type and location Willimantic Grenville Port Deposit Hornblende | Gneiss complex,| Quartz-hema- Greenstone, Gneiss, Willi- | Gneiss, Bloom- Gneiss, Balti- gneiss, Paddys- | SE. of Nipton, tite, Itabira Yanceyville, mantic, Conn. | ingdale, N.Y. | more County, [land, Transvaal, Calif, District, Minas N.C. Mad. Union of South Oct. 25, 1054 June 7, 1954 Mar. 25, 1953 Africa 1941 Dec. 22, 1955 Gerais, Brazil ppm 13 ig f . 09 .00 . 00 . 06 19 5.1 4. 4 8.2 39 0 30 5.8 A7 15 .0 Potal ct: nect on noc vale ence nll ee ei is Total, as 135 Slfiecific conductance.....___. micromhos at 25° C_ _ o .... 000022002. nre. conan *C.. Beta-gamma activity. --uue per 1... --ume per 1 ..... ug per 1__ 1 Value considered dubious, possible contamination. 2 Includes components mentioned in explanation. 1. Di? from roof of drift on 8th level, Morris Min ich. In Siamo slate of Precambrian age. and 2.9 ppm B, which are 1954). 2. Drilled well, 223 ft deep, Arcadia, Schist (albite facies) of Precambr 1956). 3. Drilled well, 700 ft deep, Wilkesboro, Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey 4. Well, 450 ft deep, Bucks County, Pa. In age (Greenman, 1955). CHEMIC AL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 10 Wilkes County, N.C. In mica schist. analysts, J. A. Shaughnessy and W. F. White. files; analyst, S. A. Phillips. 11. Drilled well, 167 ft deep, Baltimore County, Md. _ In Por Wissahickon Schist of Precambrian of Precambrian age (Dingman, Ferguson, and Martin, 1956). 12. Warm spring, Paddysland, Transvaal, Union of South Africa. 5. Drilled well, 600 ft deep, Suwanee, Gwinnett Countsg Ga. In Brevard Schist of gneiss of Precambrian age (Kent, 1949). Cambrian age. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Weaver. 6. Drilled well, 250 ft deep, Vassalboro, quartzitic schist of Precambrian(?) age. Survey files; analyst, D. E. Weaver. urvey files; analyst, D. E. 13. Wheaton Springs, 12 miles southeast of Nipton, San Ber Flows 5 gpm from sillimanite-biotite-garnet gneiss comp Kennebec County, Maine. In fine-grained 1954). Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. 14. Spring, in Sant' Anna area, Ttabira district, Minas Ger birite, a quartz hematite-mica rock, of Precambrian a 7. Spring, Tonasket, N W14 see. 20, T. 38 N., R. 26 E., Okanogan County, Wash. Paiva of Brazil Dept. Nacl, Produgéo Mineral. 643863-62--5 Flows 4.5 gpm from schist and slate of Paleozoic age. Geol. Survey files; analyst, J. D. Honerkamp. Unpublished data in U.S. J. V. N. Dorr, 2d, and A. L. Miranda Barbosa). 15. Drilled w'ell, 485 ft deep, Yanceyville, Caswell County, Paleozoic age (LeGrand, 1958). F27 e, Marquette fron mining district, 8. Drilled well, 80 it deep, Bucks County, Pa. In Baltimore Gneiss of Precambrian Contains 2 ppm and 0.05 epm Sr age (Greenman, 1955). included in totals (Stuart, Brown, and Rhodehamel, 9. Drilled well, 180 ft deep, Willimantic, Windham County, Conn. Gneiss of Gregory, probably of Carboniferous age or younger. Baltimore County, Md. In Wissahickon data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analysts, J. E. Whitney and J. A ian age (Dingman, Ferguson, and Martin, 10. Drilled well, 304 ft deep, Bloomingdale, Essex County, N Gneiss of Precambrian age. Unpublished data in U.S. In Willimantic Unpublished . Shaughnessy. .Y. In Grenville Geol. Survey files; t Deposit granitic gneiss From hornblende nardino County, Calif. lex (Olson and others, From ita- V. M. Campos itten communication, N.C. In greenstone of F28 DATA OF GEOCHKEMISTRY TaBuLr 11.-Chemical analyses of waters from unconsolidated sand and gravel Analysis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Source gnd C: Alluvium, Alluvium, Alluvium, Alluvium, Alluvium, Alluvium, Alluvmm, lake Plymouth Cave J unction Vancouver, Clear Spring, Clinton, Iowa | Pigeon Spnng beds, Bruneau, N.H, Ore; ash, d. W. of Lida, Nev. aho Date of 20.1 .J. lav: Oct. 19,1955 | Dec. 19, 1956 May 17 1949 Feb, 21, 1957 June 8, 1954 Feb, 23, 1956 Nov. 23, 1953 Ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm S102. 18+ 1... 20 IE.... T7° * Al. o tou .0 Fe. «04 |. .05 .0 Mn +00 .00 fs Ca 44 2.20 | 45 2.25 3.6 0.18 Mg 18 1.48 | 20 1.65 .5 .04 Na.... 6.0 26 | 16 70 | 100 4.35 -K 2.5 . 06 2.6 .07 3.1 . 08 Total cations.... -| 4.00 4.67 HCO;... 144 2.36 | 207 3. 39 CO;... 0 0 53 1.10 | 85 «78 Cl. 5.0 A14 | 17 . 48 F A . O1 A1 . 01 NO;. 28 51 $.6 .06 Rte emmm _ f Lalit] (bean op sal "g Lau 0 (% .0 B «[- .3 " i onn eset col BEL to onl Tlc Tap]... ol fea not 4.00 |-2oucll. C07 Isc 4.75 Total; de reported 67 .= d.Accsl. 16 165- 170° 319 s --] 81 -| 402 72 6.1 9. 4 <5 <0.1 U ............. ug per 1._ 0.1 Ratios by weigh Ca/Na 2.6 Mg/Oa H K/Na, .3 HCO;/Cl 3. 4 O4/C1 1.8 /C1 .02 Analysis 8 10 11 13 14 Source and .** Glacial outwash, Alluvium Alluyium, Alluvium, - [Glacial outwash Alluvium, Alluvium, Eden Valley Enid, Okla. Te érollla $1 ew | Mesa, Ariz. Colgfibus, Gaylord, Kans Douglas, Ariz. calan. DSL Of C-- m= Nov. 2, 1955 May 28,1062 Sept. 19, 1951 May 28, 1952 May 3, 1950 Dec. 13, 1955 ppm | epm | ppm | epm | ppm com | ppm | epm | ppm | epm ppm | epm | ppm | epm B10; 24 21 R 63 =| 26 20 28 Al. A1 - 1.6 Fe. ae . 00 00 1.0 Mn POB |a sees coe enn Ca. -| 86 4.29 | 49 2. 45 96 4.79 | 58 Mg asl 2.22 | 13 1.07 87 3.04 | 22 T-: 6.1 22 | 105 4.57 20 87 {146 K 8.0 08 8.0 .08 d 4.0 LH Sut ens 6. 81 8.17 8.70 HCO;... 337 5.52 | 384 6.29 | 477 7.82 | 184 C€O;3...... 0 £ X...... 0% Aecldlcl. 0 ~ 0 cloP e 60 1.25 | 27 .56 6.0 «10 | 39 Cl.. 6.0 «17 | 34 + 20 .56 | 255 I oy nob +0 00 .8 102 P NOs.. % .0 . 00 7.8 AQ 2.9 PO. - e % oreo e an Total anions, ax 6. 94 «[ 7.96 8. 48 Total, as reported 548 644 72l 787 Specific conductance......... micromhos at 25° C.. 623 109. 8 e 1180 885 943 1260 rege 7.5 Tr E , FiT 7.6 8. 4 9.0 A rere renner seuncners conn con cove £C 7.8 18.3 13.3 13.3 20.0 Beta-gamma a <17 s es <84 Ra 0.3 <0.1 0.7 a ge 3.8 17 0.5 4.8 0. 4 9.7 2.5 0. 01 .3 .8 .4 4 .8 £ .8 .6 108. .03 .2 i1 . 009 56 11 24 +7 65 9. 4 +7 10 .8 J > 4 17 5.8 .6 < .0 +009 ese .0 09 009 . 01 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F29 11.-Chemical analyses of waters from unconsolidated sand and gravel—Continued ler 15 16 17 18 19 20 Source and location.......~---- Alluvium, Fresno Glacial deposits, Alluvium, Fort Alluvium, St. Alluvium, Gila Alluvium, NW. County, Calif. N. of Malcolm, Morgan, Colo. Croix Island, Bend, Ariz. of Pecos, Tex. Iowa Virgin Islands f Date Of .. ._____.._____----««--==-- Sept. 18, 1951 Nov. 17, 1955 July 28, 1948 April 15, 1940 Mar. 1948 Mar. 28, 1950 ppm epm ppm epm B7 | 49 - 307 15. 32 So | ~~ 82 6.74 190 15. 63 } 1100 47.85 738 32.10 __________ 69.91 90. 44 327 5.36 152 2. 49 mom t iar |. lol |. - 39.77 1820 51.32 1510 42, 58 2.5 19 82 1.32 408 7.55 """ nees 1.6 |... lll. .......... TOMO 92. 39 Total, as reported._.......------- __.] 1030 4940 - |.._:.._--- $810 {-s..-.--u« Specific conductance. _micromhos at 25° C.. 1340 8.5 Temperature. . . .8 Beta-gamma activity . Ratios by weight: Ca/N: EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 11 1. Well, 48 ft deep, Plymouth, Grafton County, N.H. _ In Quaternary alluvium 9. Well 71 ft deep, Enid, NW see. 7, T. 23 N., R. 7 W., Garfield County, Okla derived from igneous and metamorphic rocks. Unpublished data in U.S. In Quaternary alluvium from sedimentary rocks. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analyst, B. V. Salotto. - Also reported are Cu, 0.00 ppm; Zn, Geol. Survey files; analyst, J. M. Myers. 0.00 ppm. 10. Cold Spring C, Te Aroha, 'Aroha subdivision, Hauraki, North Island, New Zea- 2. Drilled well, 40 ft deep, southeast of Cave Junction, SEL see. 28, T. 39 S., R. 8 w. land. From Quaternary alluvium derived from late Tertiary lavas and tuffs Josephine County, Oreg. In Quaternary alluvium derived from igneous and (Henderson and Bartrum, 1913). See table 22, analysis 10, for Te Aroha ther- metamorphic rocks. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analyst, R. mal water high in Na, HCOs3, and B. A. Wilson. 11. Drilled well, 500 ft deep, Mesa, Maricopa County, Ariz. In alluvial valley fill of 3. Spring, near Vancouver, M4 see. 33, T. 2 N., R. 2 FE., Clark County, Quaternary age (Lohr and Love, 1954b). Wash. From Quaternary allvium derived from igenous rocks (Griffin, Wat- - 12. Well, 117 ft deep, Nelson Road Waterworks, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. kins, and Swenson, 1956). In Pleistocene glacial outwash gravel. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey 4, Spring, Clear Spring, Washington County, Md. Flows 100 gpm from Quater- files; analyst, R. W. Leonard. ? nary alluvium derived from sedimentary rocks. Unpublished data in V.S. 13. Well, 50 ft deep, Gaylord, sec. 11, T. 5 g., R. 14 W., Smith County, Kans. In Geol. Survey files; analyst, D. E. Weaver. Alsoreported are Cu, 0.00 ppm; Zn, Quaternary alluvium derived from sedimentary rocks (Leonard, 1952). 0.00 ppm. 14. Drilled well, 340 ft deep, Douglas, see. 10, T. 24 S., R. 27 E., 5. Drilled well, 160 ft deep, Clinton, SE see. 22, T. 81 N., R. 6 E., Clinton County, Cochise County, Ariz. In Quaternary alluvial valley fill. Unpublished data Towa. In Quaternary alluvium of the Mississippi River. Unpublished data in _ in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analyst, R. A. Wilson. U.S. Geol. Survey files; analysts, R. A. Wilson, J. D. Weeks, and J. O. Johnson. _ 15. Drilled well, 1,529 ft deep, sec. 36, T. 19 S., R. 17 F., Fresno County, Calif. In 6. Pigeon Spring, about 15 miles west of Lida, T. 6 S., R. 39 E., Esmeralda County, Quaternary alluvium (Krieger, Hatchett, and Poole, 1957) Nev. Flows 5 gpm from Quaternary alluvium derived from igneous and meta- - 16. Drilled well, 407 ft deep, 10 miles north of Malcom, NWKNEM sec. 11, T. 81 N. morphic rocks. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analyst, R. A. R. 15 W., Poweshiek County, Towa. In Pleistocene subglacial sand and Wilson. gravel. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. Survey files; analyst, R. A. Wilson. 7. Flowing well, 976 ft deep, in SEMSE1 sec. 24, T. 6 S., R. 5 E., near Bruncau 17. Well, 90 ft deep, Fort Morgan, sec. 26, T. 4 N., R. 56 W., Morgan County, Colo. Village, Owyhee County, Idaho. In tuffaceous sand of Idaho Formation of In Quaternary alluvium (Krieger, Hatchett, and Poole, 1957). probable Pliocene age, consisting of lake beds and terrestrial deposits under- 18. Dug well, 11 ft deep, Annas Hope, St. Croix Island, Virgin Islands. In alluvium lying basaltic volcanic rocks. Flows 25 gpm. Unpublished data in U.S. Geol. derived from the Mt. Eagle Volcanics and perhaps, in part, from the Kingshill Survey files; analyst, J. F. Santos. Marl (Cederstrom, 1950). 8. Well, 80 ft deep, Eden Valley, NEMSEUMSEM sec. 1, T. 121 N., R. 31 W., Meeker 19. Well, 135 ft deep, near Gila Bend, see. 8, T. 5 S., R. 4 W., Maricopa County, Ariz. County, Minn. In Pleistocene glacial outwash. Unpublished data in U.S. In Quaternary alluvium (Krieger, Hatchett, and Poole, 1957). Geol. Survey files; analyst, E. Zitnik, 20. Well 225 ft deep, 2 miles northwest of Pecos, Reeves County, Tex. In Quaternary alluvium (Winslow and Kister, 1956). F30 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY 12.- Chemical analyses of oil-field and gas-field waters dominated by sodium chloride > 2 -c 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of field and location . _______._._.______ Seaboard, Fresno Cymric, Ken Maine Prairie, Timbalier Bay, Katarzyna near Przedgorza County, Calif. County, Calif. Solano County, Lafourche Paris y Pomiarkach, Karxis’xt Galicia, Calif. a. Poland oland Daté of collection. ...;... April 20, 1954 Tune 14, 1955 May 11, 1955 1998. |_ 11" as» recs ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm \ notre Bh Pec . 82! 25. 2 14 l.i...... Bee £ f g.. R B Mn. ho r } 8 14 Ag. $ 1 | 00 z 2s Ca 543 27.1 373 18. 6 211 10. 53 2, 600 129.7 908 45.3 1, 080 54.0 NF-» 126 10. 4 115 9. 45 66 5. 4 1, 060 87.2 935 76. 9 441 36.3 Na 6, 750 298.5 5, 820 258. 2 5, 880 255.7 51, 400 2, 236 89,900 | 3, 911 } 111,800 { 512 K. 99 2.53 132 3. 38 168 4.30 193 4. 04 3, 090 78. 9 Mero Li 4.3 .62 2.0 0. 29 5.5 79 |. NHI - edes - eee ress 52 2.9 51 2.8 24 1.4 147 8.15 Total cations 88 U 278 2, 470 £110 602 535 8.77 565 9.26 147 2. 41 258 4.24 115 1.89 0 00 0. 0 00 a 1.6 .03 12 0. 2 05 9, 230 192. 2 104 2.17 9, 840 277.5 9, 230 260.3 89, 700 2, 530 139,000 | 3, 920 21,000 | 596 8. 4 H 1. 0. 06 1.4 . 06 R 0m ni nw 30 .38 32 «40 86 1.08 105 1.32 91 1.14 23 18 23 18 19 15 1199 1.57 122 . 96 $ : " 00 ...................................... 3 05 0.7 0. 01 7.9 13 PO; F s .00 B nne B7. eel 140 - 25 lee 20 SHOE: ore orer ss inne e nen $92. - {cele o cle ae 270 Fotals as reported.. -=: £19,000 "/...... 17,100 . Tc.... 16,800 |L_......__ SpHecific conductance micromhos at 25° C... 31, 500 25, 800 § 25, 500 p 7. Temperature F ol. den cn ia Density Ab 20" Cec 1.0133 1.009 1.0106 Ratios by weight: a/Na 0. 080 0. 064 0. 036 .23 . 31 + 015 .023 00074 . 016 . 054 0000 0002 . 00003 . 0003 + +0050 0030 . 0035 0020 . 0023 00 . 0049 .014 Analysis Fis (yue ene 7 8 9 10 11 Natneiof field and Hajduszoboszlo, Tiszakiirt, SEB. of Moinesti near North Makat, South Kwanto, SW. of Debrecen, | Budapest, Hungary | Moinesti, Rumania Kazakh district, Chiba Prefecture, Hungary USSR Japan Date of collection.._._.__.____ 1943(?) cs yo r rater aet aarp Alcon - Fo.... s Mn... Sews is As. sae is bene sles noose oo Ca. nes ars Mg ¥. Na.. Li. NHL rang scenne5088 ne «9888 bug we seu ins ann on cer new caane an Total cations soe as HCO;.. ss a -| 1 1, 360 COs-.-:: ie 804... he 1. y EL--- aas a 1, 950 T, 490 211. go 78, 800 2, 222 120, 000 3, 380 16, 200 457 a cannes 9. v F as Br. AP «Est 24 .20 22 . 28 127 1. 59 127 1. 58 81 1.02 I..: «ew 8. 4 .07 2.1 .02 111 .09 1.4 .0 132 1.04 Nh e eae eeepc te o a t too prop i++ #I. = [1998888888 000, « NO;...... a tels os P dnk e Sha & FO.... a Tr is mele R asks we .............. «=% br ect decals $0. [coons rone LLCT 14. /... 2.0... Total anions TTB - 29 2,220 (Nell .. 0,080 - 473 Totals Se Peported .. ".s. nene. c.. .ll. 8480) 14,200 129,000 J.___...... 296,000 |.......... 27,800 - Specific conductance.........._...______ micromhos at 25° C._|. a= is is as pH as CEE ve 7.8 Temperature. ...... ne 'C.. 73 al- * 20 Density at 20° is a 1.160 11.02 Ratios by weight: Ca/Na 0. 0080 0.035 0.042 0.045 0.017 Mg/Ca. ... s 15 13 42 . 58 1.9 K/Na... * 014 .018 0036 20089 1. coon onne ede ban NB r neon r nome onn 0002 09h . den eee cenees san poem inoo eon arene HCOy/Cl ® eee ess & 70 15 00058 . 00062 . O51 O,/CL. 0008 0032 100090 cdans oo 000 (C1... aust A 1044. nei sesecee Br/Cl... = .012 . 0029 0016 0010 . 0050 I/C1.. sx . 0043 00028 00014 . 00001 . 0081 B/Ci.....; 4 0028 ln do wired 00029 00087 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. 2 Includes CO; as HCO;. 1. Seaboard Oil County, C Thronson analyzed b ppm (0.17 ¢ 2. Honolulu Oil T. 20 8 + \ this well ( age; bott by C. E. of evapora evaporated , 0.2; analysis 1, 3. Amerada PG - P. B Na 5,630 ft in communi¢ Resources previously 4. Gulf Oil Cor Lafourche perature } streaks on ft. Colle is not dir municatio determing evaporate evaporate Or, 0.6; L alif. Producing from Eo and W. B. Mitchell, Jr., Califo D. Watson, U.S. ). Analysis not previously publi Co. well 22-166, 4,952 ft deep, Cymric oil field, NWMSEL sec. 22, rocks (Chajec, 1949, p. 367; Emmons, 1931, 21 E., Kern County, Calif. Stockman, 1947). n-hole temperature 8 lysis by U.S. Bureau of Mines. Peters gas well 1, Maine Prairie gas field, sec. 10, about 7,500 ft from Triassic limestone (Telegd R. 2 E., Solano County, Calif. Producing from depths of 5,590 to p. 40—423. Ti and As are surprisingly high and n of Eocene age (C. R. McClure, written and Sr reported. Analyzed by J. Bodnar, Dec. the Moinesti field of northeast Naphthenic acids In 15 other analyses, kh district, U.S.S.R., near northeast p. 410-411). Anal- iter converted to ppm. so Peninsula, Chiba Pre- the Meganos Formatio CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 12 Co. well S.T.U. 35-13, 6,300 ft deep, see. 13, T. 15 S., R. 17 E., Fresno 5. Katarzyna oil field near Pomiarkach, Poland, from a depth of 3 E. Saliferes Formation of Miocene age (Katz, 1928, p. 13-15, cene sandstone. Collected by R. rnia Division of Water Resources; converted from mg per 1; this water has the highest iodine con Geol. Survey.. Included in totals is Ba, 12 Schoeller (1956, p. 100-113) in oil-field. brines. shed. 6. Well 29, 1,550 ft deep, Przedgorza, Galicia, Po Some mercury has been recovered from mg per 1. Alkalies determined by difference 0 Producing from Oceanic Sandstone of Oligocene 7. Artesian test well for gas, 3,600 ft deep, Hajduszoboslo 1°C, discharge temperature 4914°C. Analyzed of Debrecen, Hungary. . Discharges 450 gpm water oberson, U.S. Geol. Survey; HS not found; spectrographic analysis ably from Cretaceous limestone (Szalai, 1951, p. 181). ed residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: reported equivalent CO;; Al, Mn, and Li from analysis 0 residue at 180°C, 18,000; Al, 0.2; Fe, 0.2; Mn, 0.2; Cu, 0.04; Li, 2.6; from well 2, 6,665 ft deep, probably from Tri 7.1. Analysis not previously published. See table 28, Szalai, 1951, p. 181). Abundant gas (table 28, 4 8. Tiszakiirt, about 60 miles southeast of Budapest, R. McClure, California Division of Water 9. Well 24, 2,050 ft deep, of Soc. Steaua Romana i analyzed by R. O. Hansen, U.S. Geol. Survey. Analysis not Rumania. Produces from Oligocene rocks. d. Sr reported present (Petrescu, 1938, p. 26-28). 11 PP 19, 7,790 ft deep, Timbalier Bay oil field, T. 23 S., R. 21 E., as 167 ppm and NHL as much as 372 ppm. Producing from depths of 5,904 to 5,910 ft where tem- 10. Well 43, 1,750 ft deep, North Makat, Kaza was 70° °C in Pliocene shallow-shelf and shoreline sands with shale shore of Caspian Sea. In Permo-Triassic rocks (Sulin, 1948, north flank of Timbalier Bay salt dome, with salt at depth of 7,782 ysis expressed in mg per liter and equivalents per 1: ted with cooperation of Dr. Marcus Hanna, who believes that brine 11. Well A-226, 1,800 ft deep, South Kwanto gas fields, Bo: ctly influenced by contact with the salt of the dome (written com- fecture, Japan, 2.5 km northeast of Otaki. C. Whitehead of U.S. Geological Survey; also solved gases (30.7 ce per 1; see table 28, analysis 3) from san d Cu, 0.02 ppm; Zn and Pb, 0.00 ppm; spectrographic analysis of Upper Pliocene Otadai and Kiwada Formations. d residue by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: yses reported in g per 1, converted to ppm by assuming a d residue at 180° C, 152,900; Al, 1.5; Fe, 0.8; Mn, 1.1; Cu, 0.3; Ni, 1.5; of total Fe reported as ferrous iron; Na and K not reported, i, 2.3; Sr, 11; Ba, 150. Analysis not previously published. difference. f anions and cations. gas field 6 miles southwest (Emszt, 1928, p. 146) prob- Temperature 20° density of 1.02; 4.3 ppm here calculated by F31 00 ft in the Argiles Analysis tent reported by land, probably in lower Tertiary © Analysis converted from HCO; converted from f very similar water assic strata (Papp, 1951, p. 155; analysis 2) accompanies water. Hungary. Production from p. 81; Vajk, 1953, should be checked; trace of Cu and trace of I is as much duced for iodine and dis- dstone and shale of C; anal- F32 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY TaBun 13.-Chemical analyses of oil-field waters and other deep-well brines high in sodium and calcium chlorides 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of field and locati Raisin City, South Moun- | West Bay, Plague- | Barnhill, Wayne Paintsville, Lee, Calhoun Michigan Basin Fresno County, | tain, Ventura mines Parish, La, County, IIL. Johnson County, County, W. Va. | (Dundee Limestone) Calif. County, Calif. Ky. Mich. Apr: 20, 1954 1.0 L/L. __.". June 17, 1958 1987 -_. |e ooc enc ppm cpm ppm epm ppm opm ppm cpm ppm cpm ppm cpm 80 Coe rns nen feo e nee cu #40 ~ 16 B0 " dies _____________________________ sess 3. 1s ise 7 R * as s 110 _c lec IL LO ( A4 T IS. HML £80. 0 a 6.0 9, 210 459. 6 7,130 66. 9 8,450 | 421.7 | 32,800 1, 637 1,070 88.0 2, 400 30.3 2, 040 168 6, 440 530 1180 } 1 49, 000 Total, as reported.... Specific conductance micromhos at 25°C... DH oo reo e eon on. Temperature,°C.__._ Density at LL:] Ratios by weight: f Ca/Na Analysis.. ..... . .. o ules n n a ail. 220... 8 9 10 11 12 13 Name of field and location. ..._..._____._ ___ Michigan Basin Playa Huincul, Hollviken, Gevelsberg, Boryslaw area, Polasna-Krasno- (Sylvania Sand- |Neuquen Territory,| - Scania district, district, Poland kamsk, NW. of stone) Mich, Argentina Sweden West Germany Molgfgg lglity, Date of collection.. # ADP: 18, 1044 . .A 1996 - Hoorn tled... ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm S101. <20 $> 7 Al-; <5 Fe.. 22 19 a 18. lev 100 {2.082 . Mn... 2. 19 s 20 Ca. 74, 800 3, 724 12, 700 634 6, 890 343.8 17, 300 863. 3 16, 000 798 MS- oie l oen one enn on neden c 9, 9 819 1, 100 90. 5 571 47.0 1, 880 155 , 750 308 Sr 2, 650 60. 5 9 3 235 5.36 Ba nil .0 13 .19 Na 22, 500 979 28, 100 1, 222 20, 500 982 75,000 | 3,260 61,000 | 2, 654 K. 19, 120 233. 3 919 . 5 | 13,950 101. 0 31 7 1, 080 27. TA 70 10.1 5.5 «79 0. 03 NH4+ a n+ ae coon os- 506 28.1 28 1. 55 716 807 cll eakare 156 8.65 Total cations 5, 850 1, 970 1490 ~ 4,200 | [c. 3, 800 lgg O; & 876 14. 36 187 3.06 51 0. 84 3 OH-. : need eoees ones ee occce 40 q 10 0 340 7. 0 474 9. I‘Ql .......................................... 208, 0<02 5, 870 54, 100 1, 526 69, 402 1, 957 21 48, 900 1,379 152,000 | 4,290 134,000 | 3,780 Pos: eons bui d 2, 910 36. 4 30 . 38 358 4: 48 2.8 .04 297 8.72 614 7. 68 {To 40 .82 2 .02 3 .02 0.3 . 00 15 1.12 17 .13 3-. No..... 7 16 27 > PO; SA. 0.1 E. 380 SI 0.8 HiS POE 0 1140 FObAL core ee nen ece ne. $,910 1/6080. .' 1,060 1,890 . |...... ... 4,300 3, 800 Total, as reported............_.__.._._._ 691,000 : 1.......... $7,200 '|.:.....l.. 118,000 |._......... £2,800 . 247, 000 217, 000 See footnotes at end of table. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS ; F33 TaBL® 13.-Chemical analyses of oil-field waters and other deep-well brines high in sodium and calcium chlorides-Continued sik 8 9 10 11 12 13 Name of field and location.._........-------- Michigan Basin Playa Huincul, Hollviken, Gevelsberg, Boryslaw area, Polasna-Krasno- (Sylvania Sand- |Neuquen 'Territory,| - Scania district, Rubr district, Poland kamsk, NW. of stone) Mich. Argentina Sweden West Germany Molggég £11535 Date of collection. .. ApF. 18, 1044 = 1920 \_ Specific conductance.. .micromhos at 25°C... pH a 6. 4 Temperature, °C. B5 | N 27 Were Density &b 1.202 = 1.088 | 1.193 1.172 Ratios by weight: Ca/N: 3.3 0. 46 0. 45 0. 34 0. 23 0. 26 .13 . 091 . 086 . 082 {31 .23 . 41 0015 . 033 .19 . 0041 . 018 003 00018 . 0002 00001 (M .... . to Lr oor . 018 .0012 . 00038 | 0019 - . 00014 . 00000 .0022 . 0035 <.00002 . 00006 . 014 . 00055 . 0052 . 000057 . 0020 . 0046 . 00019 . 00004 . 00004 . 00006 . 000099 . 00013 0018 . 00002 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. 2 Estimated. Includes COs as HCO. EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 13 1. Seaboard Oil Co. well S.T.U. 305-13, Raisin City, see. 13, T. 15 S., R. 17 E., 7. Location not specified© analysis reported by Dow Chemical Co. to be typical of Fresno County, Calif. Waterfrom depth of 4,700 {t; well produces from Miocene commercial-brine analyses from vuggy Dundee Limestone of Middle Devonian Tar Formation (same analysis as in White, 19576, p. 1664, but locality incor- age, Michigan basin, Michigan, from depths of 1,500 to 4,200 ft. - Most compo- rectly called Seaboard Field). Collected by R. E. Thronson and W. B. Mit- nents are recalculated from hypothetical chemical combinations but some were chell, Jr., of California Division of Water Resources analyzed by D. D. Watson, given as ions. U.9. Geol. Survey; gas analysis of table 28, analysis 4 (Anderson and Hinson, 8. Location not specified; sample reported by Dow Chemical Co. to be a typical 1951, p. 50-51) from nearby well from depth of 4,975 ft. brine from Sylvania Sandstone of Early Devonian age, Michigan basin, Michi- 2. Well H. No. 6, South Mountain, Ventura County, Calif.; water from depth of gan, from depths of 2,000 to 5,500 ft. Most components are recalculated from 3,285 {t in sandstone of the Sespe Formation of upper Eocene or Oligocene age hypothetical chemical combinations but some are given as ions; also reported (Hudson and Taliaferro, 1925, p. 1076). Recalculated from analysis showing are Cu, <1 ppm; Pb, <5 ppm; and Ni, <5 ppm. K content is notably high. hypothetical combinations, in gra ins per gallon. lad See table 4, analysis 15 for shallow water of low salinity from Sylvania. 3. Guif Oil Corp. well 28-E, 9,500 ft deep, West Bay oil field, Buras Levee district, 9. Test well 23, on border of Playa Huincul oil field, Neuquen Territory, Argentina; sec. 35, T. 22 S., R. 30 E., Plaquemines Parish, La. Producing from 8,366 to producing thermal water from depth of 2,640 to 2,850 ft from Upper Jurassic 8,374 {t; bottom-hole temperature $714° C, temperature of sample when collected sandstone associated with shale (Sussini and others, 1938, p. 157; Emmons, 5° C.. Producing from silty Miocene sandstone, probably of deep-water 1931, p. 611). Analysis reported with metals given as oxides, converted to ions. deposition, about 200 ft from salt near crest of West Bay salt dome, believed 10. Hollviken 1 brine well, Scania district, southernmost Sweden, producing from by Dr. Marcus Hanna to be a deep-seated dome generally lacking in an anhy- depth of 4,050 to 4,140 ft from sandstone of Early Cretaceous (Cenomanian) -drite cap and little affected by solution of salt (written communication). age (Brotzen and Assarsson, 1951, p. 222-223; Schoeller, 1956, p. 182-183). Brines Hanna believes that the water sample has not been in contact with the salt at deeper levels in Cenomanian and underlying Triassic rocks are similar in dome. Collected June 17, 1958, with cooperation of Hanna; analyzed by H. C. composition but generally increase in salinity downward. Analysis converted Whitehead of U.S. Geol. Survey. Also reported, in ppm: Cu, 0.00; Pb, 0.60, from mg per 1; Cs, 5 ppm. Zn, 5, As, 0.00. Spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. 11. Brine well, near Gevelsberg in Ruhr area, West Germany, producing from depth Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: evaporated residue at 180° C, of 3,275 ft (Komlev, 1933, p. 208). Rocks at surface are probably of Cretaceous 214,200, Al, 4.3; Fe, 51; Mn, 30; Cu, 0.4; Ni, 2.1; Li, 9.8; Sr, 180; Ba, 17. Anal- age; brine probably is from Triassic rocks. K content is surprisingly high; ysis not previously published. Ra, 1.80 uue per 1; As, 0.06 ppm. . 4. Well about 2 miles north of Barnhill, see. 31, T. 2 S., R. 8 E., Wayne County, 12. Ullman well, in the Boryslaw area, Poland, producing from a depth of 3,100 ft TIL. Water from depth of 3,374 to 3,385 ft in Ste. Genevieve Limestone of Mis- from rocks of Couches de Polanica of upper Oligocene age (Katz, 1928, p. 18, sissippian age (Meents, Bell, Rees, and Tilbury, 1952, p. 33). Highest Cl 20). Analysis recalculated from mg per 1; I content is intermediate in range content reported in about 500. analyses; Na-K determined by difference; reported by Katz. total Fe, unfiltered, 0.6 ppm. 13. Krasnokamsk well 62, in the Kama River region, about 25 miles northwest of 6. Brine from Pennsylvanian sandstone, Paintsville, Johnson County, Ky.; depth Molotov City, U.S.S.R., producing from depth of 3,240 to 3,250 ft from Car- not stated. Apparently from an artesian well, producing 2 gpm of brine boniferous limestone containing some CaSO and NaCl; overlain by nearly (Hauser, 1953, p. 67). 400 ft of impermeable anhydrite (Kuznetsov and Novikov, 1943, p. 62; Kuz- 6. Tom Campbell farm well 2, 144 miles south of Creston, Calhoun County, w. netsov, 1943, p. 151-154; see also Schoeller, 1956, p. 186). All waters of field are Va.; water from depth of 1,402 ft near top of Salt Sand of Pottsville Series of high in HS and contain as much as 900 ppm. Early Pennsylvanian age (Price, Hare, McCue, and Hoskins, 1937, p. 36, 67, 98). Highest Sr content of about 180 analyses). Analyzed by J. B. McCue, West Virginia Geol. Survey. F34 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY 14.-Chemical analyses of waters high in sulfate and bicarbonate associated with oil fields ADHIYENS Ece Err er e incense. ss 1 2 3 4 5 Name of field and location........._________... Midway Sunset, Kern Coalinga, Fresno Pilot Butte, Fremont South Casper Creek, Coalinga, Fresno County, Calif. County, Calif. County, Wyo. Natrona County, Wyo. County, Calif, Date of June 22, 1954 Oct. 25, 1955 June 18, 1959 Sept. 15, 1958 Jan. 8, 1952 ppm epm ppm 16. 61 (Fer re care dck o . BoB s cove ceed e enn oen oe cece tik Total anions Total. ns SpHecific conductance.... micromhos at 25° C... p. Temperature.... Ratlgs by weight omoi ite ©0030 } .o19 044 ©0012 .021 Analysis 6 7 8 9 Name of field and Tocation. ...-... .... East of Salt Creek, Ellis Pool, Alberta, Bukkszek, Hungary Mezokovesd, Hungary Natrona County, Wyo. Canada . Date of collection _ June 16, 1958 Jan. 8, 1958 Total anions Total, as reported......__... e 5070 __ 1 Lenee oe ovens 5,000 -- 194,200. es 1 3, 360 Specific conductance.. -.. at 25° C.. 5, 802 P .0 p ; °C.. Ratios by weight: Ca/Na Mg/Ca 147 K/Na 1 Includes CO; as equivalent HCO;. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F35 EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 14 1. Irrigation well, 250 ft deep, on border of Midway-Sunset oil field, sec. 34, T. 31 S., "Temblor Formation of Miocene age, from stratigraphic traps on east flank of R. 24 E., Kern County, Calif, Sulfate water used for irrigation. Collected by Coalinga anticline. Collected by 'California Division of Water Resources; J. M. Morris, Jr., California Division of Water Resources; analyzed by D. D. analyzed by U.S. Geol. Survey; analysis not previously published. Watson, U.S. Geol. Survey; analysis not previously published. 6. Sinclair Oil and Gas Co, Well 2, 6,014 tt deeyglnortheast of Edgerton, in SWH 2. Sulfate well water, 70 ft deep, west border of Coalinga oil field, NEL see. 10, T. 20 sec. 10, T. 40 N., R. 78 W., Natrona County, Wyo. Producing at depths of 4,566 S., R. 14 E., 6 miles northwest of Coalinga, Fresno County, Calif. In probable to 4,604 ft from Frontier Formation of Upper Cretaceous age. Collected by marine sandstone of Etchegoin or the J acalitos Formation, Pliocene age. Sample K. P. Moore; analyzed by H. C. Whitehead of the U.S. Geol. Survey, who collected by California Division of Water Resources, analyzed by U.S. Geol. reported 0.00 ppm.Pb and Cu, Quantitative spectrographic analysis by Nola Survey; analysis not previously published. - B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: Cu, 0.06; Ni, 0.04; Fe, 0.1; Or, 3. British American Oil Producing Co. well 1-E. T., Pilot Butte oil field north 0.003; Al, 0.1; Sr, 0.7; Ba, 1.3; Li, 0.3. Ag, Mo, W, Ge, Sn, Pb, Zn, Cd, Sb, Mn, west of Riverton, NW 14 sec. 22, T. 3 N. R. 1 W., Fremont County, Wyo. Dril- Co, V, Ga, La, fi‘l, Zr, Be, Rb, Cs are below detection limits in solids. - Analysis Ted In 1942 to 6,395 feet; producing from depths of 5,804 to 5,839 ft and 6,036 to 6,258 not previously published, ft from Embar Formation of Permian and Triassic age. Collected by K. P. 7. Conrad Province Well 57-33b, see. 33, T. 5, R. 15, west 4th meridian, Alberta, Moore, analyzed by H. C. Whitehead of the U.S. Geol. Survey, who also reported Canada. Drilled in 1946 to 3,026 ft; producing from a depth of 3,016 to 3,026 ft 0.00 ppm Cu, Pb, and Zn; density is 1.007. Quantitative spectrographic analysis from Ellis Sandstone of Jurassic age. Collected by Brian Hitchon of the Research by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: Cu, 0.08; Ag, 0.003; Fe, Council of Alberta; analyzed by H. C. Whitehead of the U.S. Geol. Survey, 0.2; Cr, 0.01; Al, 0.2; Ti, 0.03; Sr, 9.6; Ba, 0.3; Li, 3.7; Rb, 0.1. Mo, W, Ge, Sn, who also reported 0.00 ppm Cu, and Pb; 0.03 8pm Zn. Quantitative spectro- Pb, Zn, Cd, Sb, Mn, Co, Ni, VI, Ga, La, Zr, Be, and Cs are below detection graphic analysis, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: Cu, ' Himits in solids. Anaiysis not greviously published. 0.03; gig, 0.04; Sn, 0.2; Ni, 0.04; Fe, 0.04; Al, 0.09; Zr, 0.01; Sr, 0.9; Ba, 2.2; Ti, 1.1. 4. Pure Oil Co. well No. F-11, Sout Casper Creek, west of Casper, Natrona County, Mo, Ge, Pb, Zn, Cd, Sb, Mn, Co, Cr, V, Ga, La, Ti, Be, Rb, and Cs are Wyo., producing from Tensleep Sandstone of Pennsylvanian age from depths below detection limits in solids. Analysis not previously published. of 2,585 to 2,630 (t. Collected by K. P. Moore; analyzed by H. C. Whitehead of _ 8. Bicarbonate water, from well located at Bukkszek, about 60 miles northeast of the U.S. Geol. Survey, who reported Pb, 0.01 ppm; Cu,0.00 ppm. Quantitative Budapest, Hungary; water from depth of 450 ft from beds of probable Cretaceous spectrogragl/Izic analysis, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: age (Telegdi-Roth, 1950, p. 80, 83). Analyzed by K. Ernst, May 1937. Cu, 0.005; Mn, 0.01; Nf, 0.04; Fe, 0.03; Cr, 0.005; A1, 0.03; Ti, 0.008; Sr, 5.7; Ba, 9. Bicarbonate water, from well located at Mezokovesd, about 70 miles east-northeast 0.12. Ag, Mo, W, Ge, Sn, Pb, Zn, Cd, Sb, Co, V, Ga, La, Zr, Be are below ___ of Budapest, Hungary. Water from a depth of 2,870 ft, probably from Cretaceous detection limits in solids. Analysis not previously published, or Triassic limestone (Telegdi-Roth, 1950, p. 80, 83). Analyzed by J. Karpat, &. Carbonate waste water, rom East Side area of Coalinga oil field, SW 14 see. 35, T. May 1939. Also reported are 0 ppm, TH (511, As, and H8; COS, 20 ppm. 19 S., R. 15 E., Freson County, Calif, Most oil production of this area is from F36 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY Tapur 15.-Chemical analyses of spring waters similar in composition to oil- field brines of the sodium chloride type ABAIYSIS . ..... 22.02 22.0, APL ce one. 1 2 8 4 5 6 Name of springs and location......._.......... Tuscan, Tehama Wilbur, Colusa Tolenas, Solano Mercey, Fresno Stinking, Springs | Bad Hamm, West County, Calif. County, Calif. County, Calif. County, Calif. Box Elder County, Westphalia, Utah Germany Date of Dec. 14, 1955 Aug. 3, 1949 Oct. 3, 1956 June 13, 1955 April 6, 1058 .. 10 I.... ppm epm ppm 10 ~ 75 1 0.2 IP (ense ee een. 454 22. 65 43 239 19.7 nil 12 27 9 ALB (.et ie 6, 100 265. 4 830 181 4. 63 7. 9.0 1.30 0. 0. 2 .01 5 ......... 314 6, 340 103. 9 13 __________ 31 .3 . 01 5 7, 510 211. 8 1, 300 2 A11 F 20 .25 | None (?) g 10 20 365°. |" -~ ~ "*- 38" 800 122.0000. 10 0 > otal SHIONSL L2 ees 2. et sole $50. 2. 819 ~ Total: asreported........_._..:.._.:__._ 214,000. . 20,100) 1.......... 21,500 l.c.l.llel. 2, 350 Specific conductance micromhos at 25° C.... 32, 500 33, 600 24, 600 2, 160 58,000 2) 90 Tena nerves PHF2+e: re el 8. 4 7.2 6.7 8. 6 MT _- deco cans Temperature... . 2814 67 20.0 46 48 33 Density at 20° C. 1. 009 1.016 BOR H etic enc 12095 . Ses cel Ratios by weight: 0. 0024 0. 00015 0.074 0. O51 0. 075 0. 058 z . 89 41 . 53 <.02 . 31 15 - . 0074 . 050 . 029 . 0086 . 045 . 012 A . 00025 . 0015 . 0015 . 0001 . 00055 . 00037 £ 12 . 66 . 85 . 058 . 015 . 032 ®. & 0000 . 0021 . 00004 . 004 . 0051 . 030 < . 00036 00009 0003 . 0003 0000SS |. ces a . 00045 . 0014 . 0026 <. 001 (?) 00069 . 00036 . 00011 . 0015 . 0017 . 015 . 000060 000004 ....................... 017 . 036 . 048 . 0076 $0007! |= once nne ee cn ANBIYENEe cL ece 2002 bub? 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name of springs and location . . ___._____.._. Bad Hall, SW. of | Smrdaky, ESE. of Chokrak, Crimea, Toyotomi, Isobe, Gumma Hanmer, South Linz, Austria Breclay, Czechoslo- USSR Hokkaido Prefec- | Prefecture, J: apan [Island, New Zealand vakia ture, Japan DL OFCOHOCHON. ---.. o Oct. 1, 1937 aise hese By. epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm 20 Mus 208 20. §§) T| o «0.1 0:8 1:0 3.0 0.5 6 12. 18 81 4.04 495 24. 7 76 3. 79 220 10. 98 10 _ 0. 50 12.8 53 4. 4 441 36.3 32 2.6 47 3.9 .8 02 281.0 925 40. 24 | 1 9, 640 419.3 | 4,200 182.7 | 10, 400 452 379 16. 48 .26 38 . 97 441 11.28 38: 8.19 200 vA 4. .10 2.9 4.2 0.23 | ~~ 150 sga | ee etc"" tk | ~> L1. 3.0 EF Total cations. 810°. [|....._..c. «9.9 500. : 197 175 null acl. 17.3 £1803 ....................................... 425 6. 97 410 6.72 | 1,010 16.5 1, 690 97.7 7, 510 123.1 196 8. 21 3. BO ks 0 11 .23 1.1 .02 <0.5 . 00 21 . 44 19 39 #8.. 78 2. 36 139 4. 20 4.7 14 SI 10, 700 302 1, 390 39.2 | 16, 900 477 6, 230 175.7 | 12,700 358 483 13. 61 a 78 +98 | Present [..-_....__. 133 1.66 1-|~ " T | ~ 20 op Ineo nees 1... 39 & 2. 0. 02 45 0. 36 24 19 47 197 NO: . 08 . 00 NOs: 0 PO. Present 1 9 B. 2° Present: [._._..;._.. 18 148 128 49 . Lesli... COz 26 11 3094 1, 160 HS 279 SOA BMHIONS~ .- | (BIO -. " SBB 600 + cll. 204.... 482 17. 4 Total, as reported....__........_.._... 60,100 ! 1......_... 12, 800 82,000 |.......... 1190 See footnotes at end of table. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F37 Tasur 15.-Chemical analyses of spring waters similar in composition to oil-field brines of the sodium chloride type-Continued _. ... 7 j 8 9 10 11 12 Name of springs and location. ..........-~-- Bad Hall, SW. of | Smrdaky, ESE. of | Chokrak, Crimea, Toyotomi, Isobe, Gumma Hanmer, South Linz, Austria Breclay, Czechoslo- USSR Hokkaido Prefec- | Prefecture, Japan |Island, New Zealand vakia Date of collection...... seee ture, Japan Oct. 1, 1937 saas res Specific conductance micromhos at 25 v pH.. 4 acorsousbaneeenis 7.2 7.9 *C: Cold (?) 12 Cold 42 Density at 20° Cex. 3 1092 ¢ Jie Ratios by weight: 0. 038 0. 084 0. 051 0. 018 Mg/Ca. . 63 . 65 . 89 42 K/Na.. . 0015 . 041 . 046 . 076 Li/Na...- 00035 |.... bere nee HCO;/C1*. . 040 .29 . 060 +21 gflhlm .................................. . 0000 . 0079 . 000065 . 0000 10078 |... ..o . 0078 . 0027 . 0036 . 0016 . 0027 . 0038 20080. . 0011 . 024 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. 2 Includes CO; as HCOs. EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 15 1. Spring, rising in large concrete-lined pool in southern part of Tuscan area, NEX sec. 32, T. N., R. 2 W., Tehama County, Calif, Probably from rocks of Cretaceous Chico Formation overlain unconformably by volcanic agglomerate of Pliocene Tuscan Formation. Flows about 10 gpm; total flow of springs from area about 30 or 40 gpm; no spring deposits, but travertine veins are in bedrock. Analyzed spring has little associated gas but combustible gas is present in nearby "Natural Gas" Spring (Waring, 1915, p. 290). _ Collected by R. C. Scott, U.S. Geol, Survey; analyzed by B. V. Salotto, who also found 5.2 uue per 1 Ra and 6 ag per 1 U,. He also reported Cu, 0.00 ppm; Zn, 0.00 ppm. Li, NH, Sr, Br, I, and B determined by H. Kramer, C. E. Roberson, and P. W. Scott of U.S. Geol. Survey in sample collected June 9, 1954, having same Cl content. - Analysis not previously published, 2, Main spring, spring 22, Wilbur, N WI4 see, 28, T. 14 N., R. 5 W., Colusa County, Calif. Discharge of spring is 15 gpm and discharge of group is about 40 gpm (White, 1957h, p. 1674-1677; Waring, 1915, p. 99-103), From rocks of Knoxville Formation of Late Jurassic age, near serpentine intrusions (W,. B. Meyers, U.S. Geol. Survey, written communication). No spring deposits, but water is associated with quicksilver and gold deposits. Analyzed by W.W. Brannock of U.S. Geol. Survey, who also reported 0.0 ppm Sb and 0.0 ppm As, Com- ponents determined on later samples of similar chloride content: Determina- tions of Br and I by Brannock; 0.2 ppm Hg by J. D. Pera of Buckman Labo- ratories Inc.; Fe; Al; Mn; Cu, 0.00 ppm; Zn, 0.00 ppm; 3 uuc per 1 Ra and 0.8 ug per 1 U reported by B. V. Salotto; Sr and Ba determined by spectrographic analysis; spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in the original water: evaporated residue at 180° C, 23,500; Fe, 0.1; Cu, 0.05; Ag, 0.02; Pb, 1.4; Cr, 0.07; W, 9.4; Li, 12; Rb, 1.2; Cs, 0.7; Sr, 1.4; Ba, 1.9. . See table 23, analysis 2, for water analysis from Abbott quick- silver mine, 2 miles to southwest, 3. Spring, near crest of ridge at Tolenas, 4 miles north of Fairfield, see. 1, T. 5 N., R, 2 W, Solano County, Calif, About 14 gpm of water and at least as much gas discharging near crest of travertine ridge, about 200 ft long, on interbedded shale and sandstone of Cretaceous Chico Formation (Waring, 1915, p. 162-163; Weaver, 1949, p. 106-107). Gas is not combustible and probably is largely CO2; total discharge of water from area is only a few gpm. Analyzed by C. E. Roberson, U.S. Geol. Survey; As, 0.00 ppm also reported; spectrographic analy- sis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: evaporated residue at 180° C, 17,700; Al, 0,2; Fe, 0.1; Cu, 0.02; Sr, 0.7; Ba, 1.3. Analysis not previously published. { 4. Main spring, Mercey, SEM sec. 15, T. 14 S., R. 10 E. Fresno County, Calif. Flows 7 to 10 gpm from gravels overlying fractured greenstone associated with Franciscan Sandstone of Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous age. The water may rise along a fault zone close to the contact of Franciscan and Cretaceous Chico Formations (Anderson and Pack, 1915, p. 212-213). Spring is 3 miles southeast of Mercey quicksilver mine (Yates and Hilpert, 1945). Analyzed byb¥.hA(11mond and S. Berman, U.S. Geol, Survey. Analysis not previously published, 5. Stinking Springs, also known as Lampo or Connors Springs, NWI4 sec. 30, T. 10 N., R. 3 W., 6.8 miles northwest of Corinne and immediately north of Great Salt Lake, Box Elder County, Utah. Sampled spring discharges about 30 pm and is easternmost and largest spring of a group that has total discharge of about 75 gpm from near contact of Quaternary sediments and Lower Carbon- iferous limestone (Emmons, 1893, p. 386). Collected by J. H. Feth, analyzed by J. P. Schuch of U.8. Geol, Survey; also determined are SOs, 0 ppm; As, 0,00 ppm. Spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: evaporated residue at 180°C, 37,300; Al, 0.8; Fe, 0.2; Mn, 0.1; Cu, 0.04; Sr, 31; Ba, 4.1. Analysis not previously published, . Well, 2,130 ft deep, near Bad Hamm, Ruhr district, West Germany, in Kreide Formation of Late Cretaceous age (Himstedt, 1907, p. 163). Analyzed by C. R. Fresenius, 1882; methane present,. Upper Gunther well, Bad Hall, north-central Austria, 25 miles southwest of Linz (Schmolzer, 1955, p. 197); drilled in area of springs known and used since eighth century, 'Well is 820 ft deep in Molasse of Tertiary age, overlying Oligo- cene and Miocene sedimentary rocks, | Also reported is a trace of Cu, Analysis of gas from one well is given in table 28, analysis 5 (Grill, 1952, p. 89). , Well 6, in spring area at Smrdaky, about 20 miles east-southeast of Breclay, in southwest Czechoslovakia; producing from depth of 990 ft from Burdigalian- Helvetian rocks of early and middle Miocene age (Jan&éek and 1956, p. 72374 I26). Water also contains naphtha, and associated gases include 15133 an 4. . Resort with drilled wells, about 160 ft deep, in former cold-spring area on east border of Chokrak marsh, 1 mile from south shore of Sea of Azov and about 12 miles north of Kerch, Crimea, U.S.S.R. Water is from shale, limestone, and dolomite of Karagan and Chokrak Formations of Tertiary age (Fomichév, 1948, p. 221-232). Analyzed by I. S. Krasnikova and M. S. Svemina. Na reported as 642 ppm, but reported equivalents and strong unbalance of cations and anions clearly indicate that this figure is a misprint for 9,462 ppm. Analysis is Fomichév's type 2; for his type 1, see table 22, analysis 6. 10. Toyotomi, near northwestern tip of Hokkaido, Japan, Spring discharges from Pliocene sandstone and mudstone, probably marine (Muto, 1954, p. 408-409). Nearest Quaternary volcanic rocks are those of Pleistocene Rishiri volcano, an island 25 miles to the west, . Isobe, Gumma Prefecture, in central part of Honshu, Japan. Spring discharges 2 gpm from middle or late Miocene sandstone, shale, and conglomerate (Muto, 1954, p. 408-409). Nearest Quaternary volcano is Haruna, 10 miles to the north- northeast (H. Kuno, written communication). Analyzed by Muto (1954, p. 409) except for NH, and PO,, which are analyzed by Tokyo Hygienic Labora- tory, 1930 (Morimoto, 1954, p. 246-247). F 12. Springs and well, 300-ft deep, at Hanmer, near south base of Seaward Kaikoura Range, South Island, New Zealand. Discharge is from thick alluvial gravel overlying graywacke of Mesozoic age (J. Healy, written communication). For gas analysis (Farr and Rogers, 1929, p. 300-308) see table 28, analysis 6. o s go © 1 ad F38 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY 16.-Chemical analyses of spring waters similar to oil-field brines of the sodium calcium chloride type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name and location.......... London, Lane | Willow Creek, Utah, Weber Saratoga, Sara- | Tolsona, Cop- | Wiesbaden, N. Thermopotamos,| Trompsberg, County, Oreg. | Shasta County, | County, Utah toga County, per River of Mainz, Euboea Island, | Orange Free Calif. s Basin, Alaska Germany Greece State, Union of South Africa Date of collection...... Sept. 3, 1957 Nov. 30, 1956 Apr. 5, 1958 Aug. 7, 1938 Sept. 21, 1956 ppm epm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm | ppm | epm Total anions........_.. Total, as reported.... 3, 10,000 --1....... .. . [-s: §0;100. . 14,800. .]... 18,730 33, 200 8, 480 Specific conductance micromhos at 25° C.. 6, 270 14, 300 64,8001. 5 . 23, 600 DH. 7. 9.0 7.3 2 71 6. 81 6. 65 8. 95 Temperature.. .° C..] Slightly warm 17 57 Cold Cold 65.3 78.2 37 DORMHIY Bb 20" 2X2 ce nr e + seee cin 1.004 1.01% .~ | ev 1008 | {eo eee concise 1.025; ~ Ratios by weight: Ca/Na..... 0. 59 0. 42 0.16 0. 31 0.17 0.13 0.18 0.17 . 061 .82 .14 14 .19 . 042 .13 19 . 013 . 036 044 0059 . 0014 0037 0001 . 0013 00005 0022 . 014 .8 . 016 .13 032 .029 .014 . 000 00000 .014 . O61 .22 00024 {« _- (90008 12 contas sine et +o one le crse diana bs 00084 00062 0032 0019 00054 0034 . 0000 00002 00034 00042 00000 +00000 {ounces snes chole i oun enue reece 0039 00021 .001 Analysis-. co. .L. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Name and location...._......._.. Ain Djebel, Tiberias, Near Geyser Suyu, Staraia Matsesta, | Neshkin, Siberia, | Arima, Hyogo Pre- Naganuma, SSW. of Tunis, | Sea of Tiberias, Anatolia, Turkey | Abkhaz, USSR USSR fecture, Japan Yamagata Pre- Tunisia Isracl fecture, Japan Date of collection ppm epm 2D 1. neve 18 _1.- fecture, Japan onsoranimess t ont. ra ie ri ace ef cern eg rare a_ ___ Specific conductance micromhos at 25° C.. pH Temperature.... Density at 20° ......._.......-..« Raticos by weight: 1 Components mentioned in description. 2 Includes CO; as HCOz. EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 16 1. Main spring, London, NW! see. 40, T. 22 S., R. 3 W., Lane County, Oreg., is one of the new and hotter springs formed at time of major earthquake under discharges about 10 gpm from nonmarine tuffs and basalt flows of Calapooga Gulf of Euboea, April 27, 1894 (Dambergris, 1896, p. 385-393). - Analysis reported Formation of Eocene age. Collected by Linn Hoover; analyzed by J. P. as hypothetical chemical combinations (Pertessis, 1937, p. 93-94), converted Schuch of U.S. Geol. Survey; spectrograghic analysis of evaporated residue, to ppm. by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in the original water: evaporated residue 8. T. G. 1 well, 4,700 ft. deep, near Trompsberg, south of Odendaalsrus, Orange Free at 180°C, 4,360; Al, 0.2; Fo, 0.4; Ti, 0.03; Cu, 0.004; Sr, 7.9; Ba, 5.7. Analysis State, Union of South Africa; lat 30°03 S., long 25°44" E. Artesian discharge not previously published. of 500 gpm (Kent, 1949, table 3, p. 243, 248, 253) from norite, probably. of Bush- 2. Main spring of small group on Willow Creek, half a mile above junction with veld Complex of Precambrian age, overlain by Dwyka Series; water is highest Crystal Creek, lat 40°40' N., long 122°38' W., Shasta County, Calif. Discharge in salinity of South African thermal waters. Kent suggests NaCl may be of spring estimated at 1 gpm, and total discharge of group is 5 gpm; from derived from leaching of Dwyka tillite, ground waters of which are shown by fractured quartz prophyry dike cutting pillow lavas of Copely Greenstone Bond (1946, p. 106-122) to be relatively high in NaCl. Analyzed by W. Sunkel of Paleozoic age. Collected by J. Albers, analyzed by H. C. Whitehead of and P. Kok, 1948. Mn, Al, Ba, Li, and B are spectrographic determinations U.S. Geol. Survey; also reported and included in totals, OH, 3.6 ppm (0.21 by B. Wasserstein. epm); spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, 9. Spring, Ain Djebel, located 20 miles south-southwest of Tunis, Tunisia; dis- converted to ppm in the original water: evaporated residue at 180°C, 10,700; charges 214 gpm from large travertine deposit on Lower Cretaceous and Upper Al, 0.3; Fe, 0.05; Cu, 0.05; Ag, 0.01; Sr, 6.6; Ba, 0.2. _ For analysis of gases, see Jurassic sedimentary rocks near crest of faulted anticline (Berthon, 1927, p. 23, table 28, analysis 7; collected by U.S. Bureau of Reclamation June 8, 1956. 94-110). - Analysis in mg per 1; sp gr not stated; reported quantities probably Analysis not previously published. should be decreased by about 1 percent. 3. Spring, Weber County, Utah: northernmost of four springs near boundary 10. "Open'' spring of Old Bath, west side of Sea of Tiberias, Israel, discharging from between Weber and Box Elder Counties and 8 miles north of Ogden. Dis- basalt of probable Tertiary age (A. Friedmann, 1913, p. 1493-1494; Luke and charges about 25 gpm from alluvium overlying Pleistocene Lake Bonneville Keith-Roach, 1934, p. 401-402). sediments near frontal fault of Wasatch Range. Collected by J. H. Feth; 11. Geyser Suyu, in Kizilea Tuzlasi group of saline springs 3 miles southwest of analyzed by J. P. Schuch, U.S. Geol. Survey; spectrographic analysis of evapo- Ayvacik, near Tuzla, in northwest Anatolia, Turkey (Caglar, 1948, p. 250, 253; rated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in the original water: Prof. E. Goksu, written communication). Geyser Suyu is not a true geyser evaporated residue at 180° C, 23,200; Al, 0.7; Fe, 0.1; Ti, 0.1; Cu, 0.1; Sr, 28; but surges regularly to height of a few feet. Springs emerge along a fault at the Ba, 1.1, Analysis not previously published. base of a mountain chain of Tertiary andesite with marine Mio-Pliocene sedi- 4. Coesa spring, Saratoga, Saratoga County, N.Y.; one spring of group emerging mentary rocks to the east; no Quaternary volcanic rocks nearby. along fault in Canajoharie Shale of Middle Ordovician age overlying Little 12. Staraia Matsesta well 8, in spring area 2 miles northwest of shore of Black Sea Falls Dolomite (Strock, 1941, p. 857); water also tapped by drilling to dolomite. and 6 miles from Sochi, Abkhaz area, U.S.S.R. (Vinogradov, 1948, p. 26-27; Spring deposits consist of travertine. Analyzed by S. Drexler. Mn deter- 'Tsebricoff, 1928). Spring emerges from caves near a major fault on a large mined by L. W. Strock (average of Hayes and Orenda springs, very similar anticline in Upper Cretaceous marl overlain by Tertiary shale. Discharge of in Cl content to Coesa spring); also determined spectrographically, in ppm: springs in area at least 140 gpm (Martel, 1904, p. 999-1001; Renngarten, 1927). Zt, 0.4; Sn, 0.03; Ti and V, each <0.0016; Co, <0.0005; Ni, 0.0003; Be, 0.001 Analysis is of well water and includes S102, $;0; (1 ppm), COz, and HS (in- (Strock, 1941, p. 860). cluding 100 ppm reported as HS) from a very similar analysis reported by 5. Southwestern spring, on crest of mud cone 1.5 miles west of V.A.B.M. Shepard Ovehinnikov (1947, p. 138) from Matsesta well 4. and 0.3 mile north of Glenn Highway, Gulkana A-4 quadrangle, Copper River 13. Neshkin spring, about 20 miles south of Neshkin village on Chukehee Peninsula, Basin, Alaska. _ Discharges 1 to 2 gpm of muddy water accompanied by little Siberia, U.S.S.R. Discharge of two vents is about 80 gpm (Rabkin, 1937, p. gas, including HS.. Area is underlain by glacial deposits which 2 miles to the 93-101) from crystalline schist of Silurian age; slight odor of HS. Analysis south are at least 500 ft thick. Possibly a few hundred feet of Eocene sand given in g per 1; sp gr not given, but analysis converted to ppm by assuming sp and gravel and probably a few thousand feet of marine siltstone and shale of gr of 1.02. Matanuska Formation of Late Cretaceous age beneath the till (A. Grantz, 14. Tenmangu-no-yu spring of Arima group, 9 miles northeast of Kobe, Honshu, written communication).. Sample collected by F. Robinson and F. Rucker; Japan (Ikeda, 1949, 19552, 1955b; Kimura, 1953); spring discharges from lower analyzed by G. Gaston; Sr and Li analyzed by C. E. Roberson, U. S. Geol. or middle Miocene rhyolite near a fault separating rhyolite from granite to the Survey. For gas analysis see table 28, analysis 8; collected by A. Grantz, south (H. Kuno, written communication). Nearest Quaternary volcano is a Sept. 7, 1957, analyzed by U.S. Bureau of Mines. - Analysis not previously small cone of olivine basalt at Yakuno, 41 miles to the northeast, _ Water ana- published. 7 lyzed by Ikeda (19552, 1955b). Stated in g per 1; sp gr not given but assumed 6. Kochbrunnen spring, eastern most of the four principal springs at Wiesbaden, __ to be 1.05; additional components, in ppm: Rb, 3.3 (0.04 epm); Cs, 2.4 (0.02 north of Mainz, west-central Germany. Discharges 350 gpm from fault in epm); V, 5.7; Cr, 0.09; Mo, 0.06; Ti, 2.5; Sb, 0; Be, 0.01; Ge, 0; Ga, 0; Ag, 0; Ni, mica gneiss (Michels, 1954, p. 113-117). Analysis by Fresenius and Fresenius 0.001; Co, 0.001; Bi, 0; Cd, 0; In, 0; Sn, 0.0005; Ra, 212 10-12; Th, 250%10-17; (1936, p. 28-35), with NO: and NO; from a later very similar analysis (Michels Rn, 510X10-12 in curies per 1. ; 1954, p. 115). Also reported and included in totals: Rb, 0.4 ppm (0.00 epm); 15. Naganuma, Yamagata Prefecture, northern Honshu, Japan. Springs discharge Cs, 0.3 ppm (0.00 epm). For gas analysis see table 28, analysis 9 (Fresenius 35 gpm from alluvium overlying Miocene or Pliocene sediments. Nearest and Fresenius, 1936, p. 32). Quaternary volcanoes are Chokai, 20 miles to north-northeast, and Gassan, 20 7. Thermopotamos spring, near northwest end of Euboea Island, Greece. Spring miles to south-southeast (H. Kuno, written communication). Analyzed by apparently discharges from fault in Devonian schist overlain by Carboniferous Yamagata Hygienic Laboratory, 1949 (Morimoto, 1954, p. 150-151). limestone east of major anticline (Pertessis, 1937, p. 93-94; Deprat, 1903). This FA4Q DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY 17.-Chemical analyses of thermal waters from geyser areas in volcanic environments Anslysig............. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name and location.... Upper Basin, Norris Basin, Steamboat Beowawe Gey- | Morgan, Tehama Geyser Bight, Haukadalur, Yellowstone Yellowstone Springs, Washoe sers, Eurcka County, Calif. Umnak Island, ENE. of Park, Wyo. Park, Wyo. County, Nev. County, Nev. Alaska Reykjavik, Oct. 16, 1957 Aug. 3, 1951 Aug. 9, 1949 Sept. 1, 1957 July 29, 1949 Aug. 17, 1946 Iceland Aug. 31, 1958 Total ppm Total, as reported.............. Specific conductance micromhos at 25°C... 1, 790 2, 490 3, 210 1, 050 6, 920 1,150 PH .ie renner se obese be sh wed 9.6 7.5 7.9 9.5 # 9.7 Pemperaburo.-...._..........2. °C.. 94 84.5 89. 2 96 95. 4 100 Ratios by weight: i :L ecs abs 0. 002 0.013 0.0077 0.003 0.002 Mg/Ca E .0 .03 .2 ; .0 1.3 K/Na.. s . 068 AT Al 070 047 Li/Na.... s .015 019 .012 . 0057 . 0004 HCOs/CI 2. 4 .35 . 036 .35 4 2.1 $04/CL s . 057 . O51 12 3.0 .81 F/CL . 062 . 0066 . 0021 . 50 &10 Br/Cl 0037 . 0001 . 0002 013 0016 I/C1.. 3 . 0007 . 0000 0001 00 . 000 B/C... A_ LL AL con . O11 . 015 . 057 . 067 . 0096 AMSIYEIS, EZY «cc she 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Name and location................... Reykjanes, SW. Hveravellir, Shumhaya, Geizernye, Pauzhetsk, Tokaanu, _ Wairakei, of Reykjavik, West-central, Kamchatka, Kamchatka, Kamchatka, North Island, North Island, Iceland Iceland USSR USSR USSR New Zealand New Zealand Date of collection.................... Sept. 4, 1958 AUg. $1, 1088 ; Sept. 27, 1951 Oof:18F1050 . | 22-0002 00 200. en be cee odin oe own ppm ppm 256 1190 : .0 A tts 11. 27 64 3.7 10 597 1, 010 60 88 T0 | 81 37 38 9.0 114 83 859 1, 680 a """ 1.3) 3.2 .0 .0 a 131 Total anions........ 129.2 Total, as reported.........._... 40,700, - i 1,100 - |...... 11,80 - 2,000 3, 210 See footnotes at end of table. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS FAl TaBum 17.-Chemical analyses of thermal waters from geyser areas in volcanic enviroments-Continued 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Name and location.........---------- Reykjanes, SW. Hveravellit, Shumhaya, Geizernye, Pauzhetsk, Tokaanu, Wairakei, of Reykjavik, West-central, Kamchatka, Kamchatka, Kamchatka, North Island, North Island, Iceland Iceland USSR USSR USSR New Zealand New Zealand Date of collection..........---------- Sept. 4, 1958 Aug. 31, 1958 = -->> Sept. 27, 1951 Oct. 18, 1950 = Specific conductance micromhos at 25°C... 63, 800 §43 | 6.7 8.7 8. 4 8.7 8. 4 7.4 % Temperature... 100 90. 5 98 98. 9 100. 6 Boiling Boiling Ratios by weight: ars 0.16 0. 013 0.033 0.045 0.063 0.020 0.023 Mg/Ca . 020 .3 x 14 .16 .009 .00 K/Na. .14 k . 0001 HCO3/C1: . 0002 g0,/C1...... . 0047 F/CL... . 00003 Br/Cl. . 0036 T/C... . 00002 BICl .. 00047 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. 2 Includes CO; as HCOs. j EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 17 1. Spring, 50 feet south of Upper Basin drill hole described by Fenner (1936, p. 228- (included in totals). Quantitative spectrographic analysis, by Nola B. Sheffey, 281; White, 1955a, p. 103-105); located northwest of Old Faithful Inn and 650 converted to ppm in original water: Cu, 0.003; Ag, 0.0008; Ge, 0.03; Pb, 0.02; feet south of Three Sisters springs in Upper Basin of Yellowstone National Ni, 0.006; Fe, 0.12; Cr, 0.002; V, 0.003; Al, 0.64; Ga, 0.004; Ti, 0.02; Sr, 0.02; Ba, Park, Wyo. Discharges 10 to 15 gpm from hydrothermally altered dacite 0.02; Li, 0.1; Rb, 0.06. Mo, W, Sn, Zn, Cd, Sh, Mn, Co, La, Zr, Be, Cs below obsidian of probable late Pliocene age overlain by 213 ft of Pleistocene sediments detection limits in solids. | Analysis not previously published. For analysis and 7 ft of siliceous sinter. A maximum temperature of 180° C was measured of gas see table 28, analysis 13; sample from small boiling spring, 150 ft northwest at a depth of 406 ft, the bottom of the hole. Analyst, H. C. Whitehead, U.S, of Geysir (Thorkelsson, 1940, p. 13, 28). Geol. Survey; also determined are Zn, Pb, NO;, Ti, and Cu, each 0.00 ppm; 8. An erupting well about 100 ft north of Gunna and 1,000 ft northeast of "Sea water OH, 26 ppm (1.53 epm, included in total);spectrographic analysis on evaporated geyser," Reykjanes, southwest of Reykjavik, Iceland (Barth, 1950, p. 115, and residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: evaporated G. Bodvarsson, written communication, 1958). The well is 532 ft deep and is residue at 180° C, 1,320, Al, 0.9; Fe, 0.04; Ga, 0.03; Ti, 0.004; Cu, 0.003; Mo, 0.06; in an area of Recent basalt flows, overlying Pleistocene basalt tuff and breccia w, 0.1; Cr, 0.001; de, 0.05; Li, 11; Rb, 0.2; Cs, 0.3; Sr, 0.004; Ba, 0.1. _ For analy- of the Moberg Formation. Sample collected by Gunnar Bodvarsson, State sis of gas from drill hole see table 28, analysis 10 (Allen and Day, 1935, p. 86). Electricity Authority; analyzed by C. E. Roberson of the U.S. Geol. Survey, Analysis not previously published. who also reported Cu, Pb, Zn, each 0.00 ppm; NOz, 0.06 ppm; additional S102 2. Unnamed spring with small periodic discharge, Norris Basin, Yellowstone that may have precipitated after collection, but not included in totals, 446 ppm; National Park, Wyo. Spring is depositing much silica 200 f6 southwest of density, 1.031. Quantitative spectrographic analysis, by Nola B. Sheffey, Pearl geyser (White, 19572, p. 1640-1641; 'Allen and Day, 1935, p. 482-483) and converted to ppm in original water: Cu, 0.05; Mn, 2.5; Al, 0.5; Sr, 15; Ba, 11; about 700 ft northwest of spring given in table 19, analysis 1. | Bedrock is welded Li, 6.6; Rb, 3.8. Ag, Mo, W, Ge, Sn, Pb, Zn, Cd, Sb, Co, Ni, Fe, Or, V, Ga, La, rhyolite tuff overlain by alluvium and sinter. In drill bole, 3,000 ft to north Ti, Zr, Be, and Cs are below detection limits in solids. Analysis not previously temperature of 205° C was measured at a depth of 246 ft (Fenner, 1936, p. 280- published. For gas analyses see table 28, analysis 14 (Thorkelsson, 1928). 292; White, 1955a, p. 103-110). Analysts, P. Scott, W. W. Brannock; Sr de- 9. Blahver (Blue Spring) in the southern part of the thermal area, Hveravellir, termined by C. E. Roberson, U.S. Geol. Survey. Also reported is Hg 0.0 west-central Iceland (No. 493 of Barth, 1950, p. 145-146). The area contains ppm. For gas analysis see table 28, analysis 11; sample from similar sliglhtly siliceous sinter and many geysers and is underlain by postglacial basalt flows. alkaline spring in northeastern part of Notris Basin (Allen and Day, 1935, Collected by G. Bodvarsson State Electricity Authoritg; analyzed by C. E. p. 86, 468-469). Roberson of the U.S. Geol. Survey, who also reported Cu, Pb, Zn, each 0.00 3. Spring 8, near east edge of Main Terrace, Steamboat Springs, 10 miles south- ppm; N 03, 0.03 ppm. Quantitative spectrographic analysis, By Nola B. Sheffey, southeast of Reno, NE see. 33, T. 18 N., R. 20 E., Washoe County, Nev. converted to ppm in original water: Cu, 0.007; Ag, 0.0006; Mo, 0.03; Ge, 0.05; Discharge is 0.25 gpm; total for whole spring system is about 700 gpm. GS-5 Ni, 0.006; Fe, 0.1; Or, 0.001; V, 0.008; Al, 0.1; Ga, 0.02; La, 0.05; Sr, 0.003; Ba, drillhole, 250 ft to northwest of the s ring, penetrated 84 ft of sinter, 71 ft of 0.01; Li, 0.3; Rb, 0.02. W, Sn, Pb, Zn, Cd, Sb, Mn, Co, Ti, Zr, Be, and Cs are altered alluvium and, finally, altere granodiorite. Maximum temperature below detection limits in solids. 'For gas analysis from same arca see table 28, of 172° C was found at a depth of 379 ft (White, 1955a, p. 103-104, 110-113; 19572, analysis 15; analyzed by B. Lindal of State Electricity Authority. _ p. 1639-1647). | Analyst, W. W. Brannock, U.S. Geol. Survey. Fe, Al, Mn, 10. Sugar-bowl Geyser (Ustinova, 1949, p. 152, 155), Shumhaya, Kamchatka, Sr, and Ba (0.05 ppm) by spectrographic analysis. For gas analysis see table U.9.9. R., discharging from late Tertiary (?) lava near semiactive Semiachinskie 28, analysis 12; sample from spring of lower temperature (73° C) 130 ft to north- Volcano (Piip, 1937, p. 154-156). Mn, Sr, and Sb determined by spectrographic west. * analysis which also included Ga, 0.1 ppm; Ti, 0.001 ppm; Be, 0.05 ppm. 4. Large spring at base of terrace, Beowawe Geysers, Eureka County, Nev., de- 11. Velikan (Giant) Geyser, Kamchatka, TU.8.9. R.; one of a vigorous group of geysers; scribed by Nolan and Anderson (1934, p. 224-226); periodic discharge ranges average discharge of geyser about 25 gpm: total discharge of group more than 400 from 0 to 75 gpm. Bedrock of terrace is basaltic andesite, overlain by opaline gpm. In alluvium on Quaternary volcanic rocks of southeast Kamchatka sinter (Nolan and Anderson, 1934, p. 216-218). Analyst, H. C. Whitehead, (Ivanov, 19582, p. 202-207; 1958b, p. 482).. Believed by Ivanoy to be underlain U.S. Geol. Survey, who also determined Cu, Pb, Zm, Ti, NOz, each 0.00 ppm. by Tertiary marine strata. Is near active volcanoes Kikhpin'ch, Uzon, and Analysis not previously published, ) B. Semyachik. Analyst, S. S. Krapivina, who also reported Ti, looked for 5. Growler spring, Morgan, NE14 see. 11, 'T. 29 N., R. 4 E., Tehama County, Calif., but not found. on east fork of Mill Creek, about 5 miles soutl’] of active Mount Lassen volcano 12. Paryashchii 1, Pauzhetsk, Kamchatka, U.8.S.R.; a spring discharging 17 gpm (White, 19572, p. 1640). Discharges 7 to 10 gpm from Brokeoff Andesite (Wil- in a group of springs and geysers discharging more than 400 gpm from alluvium liams, 1932, map), overlain by alluvium and a little sinter. Analyst, W. w. in Quaternary volcanic rocks of southeast Kamchatka (Ivanov, 1958a, p. 202- Brannock, U.S. Ceol. Survey; also determined on other samples from same 207). Near active volcanoes Koshelevaand Kambal'no. Analyst, E. F. Prokof'- spring are Hg (0.0 ppm), Br, and I by Brannock; Sr by H. Almond; U (0.5 eva, except SiO; and B determined by E. P. Ryabichkina from 1955 sample. 1 ppb), Cr (0.01 ppm) (spectrographic), and Fe (0.2 ppm) by others of U.S. For gas analysis, by I. S. Krasnikova, of nearby Pauzhetsk (New Geyser) eological Survey. see table 28, analysis 16. 6. Geyser H-1, 414 miles southeast of Geyser Bight, Umnak Island, Alaska (Byers 13. Taumatapuhipuhi Geyser, Tokaanu, North Island, New Zealand (Grange, and Brannock, 1949, p. 720, 726-730). Discharges 175 gpm from monzonite and 1937, p. 100-101, 105). Springs emerge near south shore of Lake Taupo from Plio-Pleistocene basalt flows of Mount Recheschnoi, overlain by alluvium. Kakaramea Andesite of Plio-Pleistocene age, overlain by alluvium and siliceous 'Area is 20 miles southwest of active basalt volcano, Okmok. Analyst, W. w. sinter (Grange, 1937, map of Puketi and Omoho districts; Healy, 1942), Brannock. Also reported is Mo, 0.005 ppm; Fe, Mn, and Sr determined _ 14. Drillhole 4, 1,245 ft deep, about 3,000 ft southeast of Geyser Valley (Grange, spectrographically. 1955, map), Wairakei, North Island, New Zealand. In highly altered sediments 7. Sisjodandi spring, which occasionally erupts as a small geyser, about 1,500 ft of Pliocene(?) Huka formation, overlain by P1eistoeene(?% Wairakei pumiceous south of Geysir, near the south end of the thermal area east-northeast of Reyk- breccia and alluvium (Steiner, 1953, 1955). Maximum temperature of 228° C javik, Iceland (Barth, 1950, p. 95-100). Discharges from siliceous sinter and was measured at a depth of 970 ft (fBanwell, 1955, p. 55; Banwell and others, alluvium, probably underlain by late Cenozoic sodic rhyolite and surrounded 1957, table 2). Analyst, S. H. Wilson (1955, p. 37); also reported and included by basaltic lava flows and breccias. Collected by Gunnar Bodvarsson, State in totals is free COz, 11 ppm. For gas analysis from well 4/1, about 100 ft south- Electricity Authority; analyzed by C. E. Roberson of U.S. Geological Survey, east of well 4, see table 28 analysis 17 (Wilson, 1955, p. 29) who also reported Cu, Pb, Zn, NOs, each 0.00 ppm; OH, 30 ppm and 0.18 epm F42 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY TaBug 18. -Chemical analyses of thermal sodium chloride bicarbonate waters from nongeyser areas associated with volcanism Analysis. Name and location 1 Hot Creek, Mono County, Calif. May 17, 1957 2 Niland, Imperial County, Calif, Feb. 3, 1954 3 Roosevelt, Beaver County, Utah Sept. 11, 1957 4 Jemez, Sandoval County, New Mexico Aug. 31, 1949 5 Cerro Prieto, Baja Cali- fornia, Mexico Feb. 4, 1954 6 7 Agnano, WSW Nalachevskie, of Naples, Kamchatka, Italy USSR 8 Kuan-Tsu-Ling N. of Taipei, Taiwan About 1933 Totalanions.../...... _;. Total, as reported.....___ ppm ppm Specific conductance micromhos at 25° C_ ____ 2.0.2 Temperature Density at 20° Ratios by weight: Ca/N: 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. 2 Includes CO; as HCO;. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS FA43 EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 18 1. "Geyser" spring, NEl4 see. 25, T. 3 S., R. 28 E., Mono County, Calif.; on east bank of group of springs about 200 gpm) from fault in red beds of Permian age (Stearns of Hot Creek, 3 miles northeast of U.S. Highway 395 and 15 miles southeast and others, 1937, p. 167), overlain by late Cenozoic rhyolite, tuff, and basalt of Mono Craters, which consist of late Pleistocene and Recent obsidian and (Kelly and Anspach, 1913). Collected by J. D. Hem, analyzed by J. L. Hatchett pumiceous rhyolite (Putnam, 1949); surrounded by Pleistocene rhyolite, in of U.3. Geol, Survey, - Analysis not previously published. part, hydrothermally altered. The spring boils vigorously, discharging 5 to 10 _ 5, Springs, Cerro Prieto, Baja California, Mexico, 25 miles south of Mexicali; a spring gpm and depositing some travertine near. center of active zone, 1,500 feet long, in a small sulfur-covered pool discharges about 1 gpm from northwest edge of on Hot Creek. Analyzed by H. C. Whitehead, U.S. Geol. Survey, who also saline flat, which also contains other small springs, mud volcanoes, and sulfur reported, Cu 0.00 ppm, Zn 0.01 ppm, Ti 0.00 ppm. Analysis not previously deposits, ' Springs discharge from fine clastic Quaternary sediments near south- ublished. f f f cast base of Cerro Prieto, a Pleistocene volcano of hypersthene andesite flows 2. Well, at abandoned dry-ice plant 4 miles west-southwest of Niland, Imperial and flow breccias (White, 1955b, p. 1123). Analysed by H. Kramer, U.S. Geol. County, Calif., and 114 miles east of the Salton Sea and Mullet Island, which Survey. - Analysis not previously published, is one of a group of late Quaternary pumiceous rhyolite domes (Kelley and Soske, _ g, Sprudel spring, Agnano, in central part of Phiegracan Plain about 10 miles west- 1936; Waring, 1915, p. 41; White, 1955b, p. 121-1123). Artesian discharge of southwest of Naples and 20 miles west of Mount Vesuvius, Italy (Zambonini 20 to 30 gpm from well reported 511 ft deep and entirely in Cenozoic alluvium. of and others, 1925, p. 434-474; Ventriglia, 1951, p. 282-205), 'Spring flows from basin of Salton Sea. Analyzed by H. Kramer, U.S. Geol. Survey. Water trachytic tuffs near Quaternary cinder cones that probably are underlain by qualitatively similar to that of thermal well on Mullet thyolite dome drilled thick trachytic tuffs and lavas (Falini, 1951, p. 211). . Wells, as much as 300 ft through rhyolite and more than 1,000 ft into underlying sediments, where steam deep, in Agnano area have water of lower temperature than that of spring (Penta, was found (Kelley and Soske, 1936, p. 502; White, 1955b, p. 1123). For analysis 1949, p. 346). Also reported are Ti, 0.001 ppm; Ba, 0.6 ppm; dissolved CO;, of gas see table 28, analysis 18; sample from. well 400 ft deep, in alluvium 4 miles 103 ppm, which are included in totals. Gases, 72.9 ce per 1 of water, included north OilMuugfis {flgnd (Anderson and Hinson, 1951, p. 50-51). Analysis not in table is, analysis 19. previously published, ¢ A . Spring 1, or "Kettle" spring, of Nalachevskie group, near head of Nalacheva River 3. Springs, 15 miles northeast of Milford, Beaver County, Utah, in fault zone is -' lin siu’theast Kamchgtkag,’U.S.S.R., aboutggo Igi’les from east coast, in area of rocks overlain to east by Quaternary(?) obsidian (Les, 1908, p. 20-21), active Quaternary andesite and basalt volcanoes (Piip, 1937, P. 130, 247-250; About 1908 the largest spring Was discharging 10 gpm at & temperature of 88°C Ivanov, 1958a, p. 199-201). Analyzed by B. E. Kuteinikov, 1933; reported Mn and was “pofimg,j’ with steam escaping from crevices; abundant silica was being may include in; Rb and Os, each reported as 0 ppm; Sb, 0.6 ppm; S205, 0 ppm. deposited in gelatinous and spongy masses (Lee, 1908, D. 20). . When visited by T, free COs, and pH from very similar analysis (Ivanov, 1958a, p. 199-201) except H'a £. Thomas it 1950 (oral communication), temperature of main spring Was that I was looked for but not found. For gas analysis see table 28, analysis 20; 85°C; discharge was a few gpm; and hard porous opal, as much as 4 in. thick, analyzed by I. S. Krasnikova from sample collected by Ivanov in 1951, had preciplgated_ on walls of wooden trough. In. September 1957 temperature 8. Spring in Kuan.Tsu-Ling, north of Taipei, northern part of Taiwan, Discharges was only 55°C, discharge was less than 0.05 gpm, and discharge of all springs and *- from andesite flows and agglomerates of Pleistocene Tatun Formation, overlying seeps was not more than 2 gpm. Analyzed by H. C. Whitehead, U.S. Ceol. Mio-Pliocene marine strata (Juan, 1956, pl. 2). Spring water is milky from Survey; also reported are CH, Zn, and T4, each 0.00 ppm; spectrographic analysis suspended matter that consists largely of 8102, Al1Os, CaCO;, FeO, and TiOz. of evaporated residue, by Nola oB ; Sheffey, converted to PDM, 10 the original Analysis reported in millimoles per 1, converted to PPM, with no correction for water; evaporated residue at 180°C, 7,860; Al, 0.02; Fe, 0.06; Cu, 0.02; Ge, 0.08; specific gravity (Pan, 1952). Also reported are T4, 0.2 ppm; Z1, 0.2 ppm; Zr, Li, 20; Rb, 9.4; Cs, 0.7; Sr, 1.8; Ba 0.01. Analysis not previously published. 4. Spring, in pool Dehind bathhouse, 12 miles north of Jemez, se¢, 22(?), T. 18 N., trace, and Cu, 0.6 ppm. R. 2 E., Sandoval County, N. Mex. Discharges about 10 gpm (total discharge F44 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY TABI/JE 19.-Chemical analyses of acid sulfate-chloride springs in volcanic environments and crater lakes AMAIY MISL, AX UTL. code cues. 2 3 4 5 6 9 Name and location................ Norris Basin, |Copahue Volcano, Ebeco Volcano, Lower Mendeleev] Kusatsu Shirane, |Yakeyama, Nii- Noboribetsu, Yellowstone Neuquen Terri- | Paramushir Island, | Kunashir Island, | Gumma Prefec- gata Prefecture, | Tburi Prefecture, Park, Wyo. tory, Argentina USSR USSR turej Honshu, | Honshu, Japan Hokkaido, Japan : apan ; Date of collecHor....:.02...2ec.... AUG: 27, 1054 ils once e eniewin n s Aug. 30, 1955 Oth: 30 1004.! ) [el rele rer eer eee choo Feb. 1, 1938 ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm 669 100. sfc 80 : LL 270 iA laa 44 leela 2. MD $80: feel cel. 1.5 0.17 162 18.0 62 6.9 93 10. 4 13 1.5 340 | 37.8 13 1.45 219 Tofel cations....l___._... .. a HSO. Tobal 37.1 Total, as reported........___. 1,070 Alec 116,900 [-_2....\ 60; 800 - §160): |suesolct $590 85,800! {iccuuce. £2; $10 access DH 2s +o oo cane as eid A AT. 1 Strongly acid "C.. 87 20 100 Density at 20° C. es a Ratios by weight: sis 0.027 a 1.1 0. 85 Mg/Ca.. .00 «47 . 35 / 25 .00 .85 t «022 000 x 1.1 4.8 .016 £ 0011 ete 00070 000006 92 .017 % £088 Mecer eee ee Pecans, . 0057 037 - 1 neer 8 9 10 11 12 13 Name and location................... Yang Ming Shan, Taal Volcano, Kawah Idien Tjlater, Java, Frying Pan Lake, | White Island, Bay North of Taipai, | Luzon, Philippine Volcano, Java, Indonesia Tarawera region, of Plenty, New Taiwan Islands Indonesia New Zealand Zealand Date of collection... % March 1907 1941(?) Pung 24, 1909 .. (Bele clon oe te. ppm ppm 84 .......... 102,000 |...._..... 74,000 1, 480 " Ay B80 * 198,800. PH..:o or- 1.6 Strongly acid Strongly acid Strongly acid Temperature. .. 100 X {eres cree inne daves ! Hot. Density at 20° R U0 (nester on 11.08 Ratios by weight Ca/Na * Components mentioned in explanation of table. Includes HSO. 2. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F45 EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 19 Green Dragon spring, southern part of Norris Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Partial analyses by Usumasa and Morozumi (1955) are reported to be of water Wyo.; discharges about 40 gpm (White, 1955a, p. 107; 19572, p. 1640, 1648) from from main spring but are neutral and very different in composition. hydrothermally altered alluvium overlying late Cenozoic welded rhyolite tuff. 8. Yang Ming Shan spring, near extreme north end of Taiwan, discharges from 'About 700 ft southeast of spring given in table 17, analysis 2. Analyzed by hydrothermally altered Pleistocene basalt overlying Mio-Pliocene marine sedi- H. Kramer, U.S. Geol. Survey; H calculated by difference. ments (Pan, Lin, Hseu, Sun, and Chan, 1955, p. 27-30; Yen, 1955; Juan, 1956). Crater lake of Copahue, a Quaternary trachyte volcano, Neuquen Territory, 9. Crater lake of active andesitic Taal volcano, Luzon, Philippine Islands. Sample Argentina. Lake is a third of a mile in diameter and heated by volcanic gases collected by Bacon (1907, p. 118), March 1907 (prior to 1911 eruption); H cal- (Corti and Camps, 1930, p. 380; Sussini and others, 1938). Area also has sulfur culated by difference. Other pre-eruption analyses reported as much as 332 deposits. Analyzed by H. Corti, reported as hypothetical chemical combina- ppm P Os;, 401 ppm S10», and 303 ppm Mn (Neumann van Padang, 1953, p. 36). tions, converted to ionic form; H calculated by difference; also reported is 10. Crater lake of active Kawah Idjen, a basaltic andesite volcano on shoulder of S203, 326 ppm (5.82 epm), included in totals. Merapi, Besuki Residency, eastern Java, Indonesia (Neumann van Padang, . Lake, in central funnel of upper (southern) crater of Ebeco volcano, near north 1951, p. 157-158; Bemmelen, 1949b, p. 105-106). Volcano had violent eruption end of Paramushir Island, Kurile Islands, U.S.S.R. (Ivanov, 1957, p. 70). in crater lake in 1817 and minor eruptions in 1796, 1917, and 1936. Crater lake Rocks consist largely of andesite flows and tufis. Sample analyzed by S. S. contains 114 10° cubic ft of strongly acid water with more than 100,000 tons Krapivina, who also reported, in ppm, Co, 0.3; Ni, 0.1; Cu, 0.03; Ti, 0.2; Sr, 0.8; dissolved aluminum sulfate. Analyzed 1941, cations reported as grams of As, 0.6. H and most of C1 reported as free HCI; pH reported -1.7, requiring oxide per liter, converted to ppm by assuming density of 1.05; H+ calculated 50 molar HCl solution; pH of about -0.25 seems more probable. For gas by difference. analysis see table 28, analysis 21. 11. Tjipanas spring 1, in Krawang Residency, western Java, Indonesia, Discharges Main spring, Lower Mendeleev group, Kunashir Island in northern Kurile 1,300 gpm from hot spring deposits of jarosite (KFes(SO,4)»(OH)s and iron Islands, U.8.9.R.; discharge is 115 gpm (Ivanov, 1958b, p. 480). Collected by phosphate high in As (Bemmelen, 19498, v. 1A, p. 215; v. 2, p. 232-239). These Ivanov; analyzed by S. S. Krapivina, who also determined Ti, 0.2 ppm; deposits contain hundreds of thousands of tons and lie on andesite and basalt Cu, 0.09 ppm; As, 0.9 ppm. flows of Tangkuban, an active volcano about 3 miles southwest. 'The iron . Main spring of a group near active Kusatsu Shirane volcano, Gumma Prefecture, phosphate deposits contain about 2 percent of arsenic. Analyzed by Labora- Honshu, Japan (Yamagata, 1951, p. 159). _ Springs discharge from pyroxene tory for Mineral Research, Mining Department, Java; inorganic Fe, 18 ppm; andesite flows and pyroclastic rocks of volcano; many active solfataras (H. total Fe, 20 ppm; reported NHs converted to NHL. Kuno, written communication). H calculated by difference; Li, Rb (0.3 ppm), 12. Frying Pan Lake, Tarawera region, New Zealand, at site of volcanic eruptions and Cs (0.1 ppm) determined spectrographically. A less complete analysis in 1886 and 1917 (Grange, 1937, p. 93, 103, 105; White, 1957a, p. 1640, 1642, 1648). of water from the strongly acid crater lake of this volcano was published by Discharge is more than 1,000 gpm. Bedrock is rhyolitic tuft and breccia of the Minami and others (1952, p. 4). Waitahanui Series of Plio-Pleistocene age, overlying Pliocene rhyolite and At southern base of active Yakeyama volcano, Niigata Prefecture, Honshu, overlain by more than 10 feet of basaltic ash from the 1886 Tarawera eruption Japan (Muto, 1954, p. 408-409). Spring discharges from hornblende, pyroxené (Grange, 1937, map of Tarawera district). H calculated by difference; analysis andesite lavas and pyroclastic deposits of the volcano overlying Miocene or of gases from small hot spring on edge of lake given in table 28, analysis 22 Pliocene sedimentary rocks. H calculated by difference. (Grange, 1937, p. 110-111), . Main spring of group, Noboribetsu, Iburi Prefecture, southwestern Hokkaido, 13. Hot spring pool in crater of White Island, an active andesitic volcano in Bay of Japan. Total discharge of springs is about 1,000 gpm from Miocene sedimen- Plenty off northeast coast of North Island, New Zealand. Some fumaroles tary rocks at west base of Pleistocene volcano Kuttara. This volcano consists have temperatures as much as 500°C. Sample collected and analyzed by S. of pyroxene andesite and has a summit caldera lake (Okuno and others, 1938, p. H. Wilson, New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 853, 857-858; Ishizu, 1915; H. Kuno, written communication). - HzS, including (1959, p. 37). Reported in g per 1, converted to ppm assuming density of 1.08. 3.9 ppm reported as HS, from sample of Sept. 26, 1937; determined by dithizone Also reported and included in totals: 810572 (tetrathionate), 157 ppm (1.4 epm); and included in totals: Cu, 0.16 ppm; Zn, 0.36 ppm; and Pb 0.34 ppm; free CO3, S;04-2 (pentathionate), 9.3 ppm (0.1 epm); As, 5.7 ppm; Sr, 9.3 ppm (0.2 epm). 41 ppm. Traces of Cd, Ti, Ni, and Ba determined spectrographically. Other For analysis of gas, same locality but different pool, see table 28, analysis 283. T springs in the area are acid sulfate type given in table 20 (Okuno, 1939, p. 689). * «t F4G DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY TaBur 20.-Chemical analyses of acid sulfate spring waters associated with volcanism AMMIYEISL rX conn on ec Name and location......:.......____L_ LII Daté of 1 2 3 4 "'The Geysers", Bumpass Hell, Norris Basin, Mud Volcano Sonoma County, Shasta County, Yellowstone Park, Group, Yellow- Calif. Calif, Wyo. stone Park, Wyo. .................... 1953 Aug. 25, 1954 cows 'Potabinnlons. c. Total, 000. 5 Sandoval N. Mex, Aug. 31, 1949 Sulphur Sgrings, ounty, 6 Uzon Volcano, Kamchatka, USS R Aug. 26, 1950 ppm SpHecific conductance (micromhos at 25 °C)... E e be s Sk bek be ad nemperature cen ARU Ratios by weight: Ca/Na AMAYEIE .; 12. sok 2 con Pe 2 on cece ae be a pen oe Name and Date Of collection...... 20. 7 Koshelevsk, Kamchatka, USSR Aug. 15, 1951 8 North Mendeleev, Kunashir Island, USSR 8 Oct. 1, 1954 Yunohanazawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Honshu, Japan 10 Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan 11. Ketetahi, Tongariro Volcano, New Zealand Totslanions Total, as reported. ..... Sgciflc conductance (micromhos at 25 °C)... DH -.: es nowe. Temperature = Ratios by weight: Ca/N: 2 Includes 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. J 1. Devils Kitchen spring, east of Cloverdale, Sonoma County, C: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 20 alif. "The Geysers," (Allen and Day, 1927, p. 33), 11 miles Seeping discharge from pool on landslide material underlain by Franciscan graywacke, greenstone," and ser- pentine of Mesozoic age (Bailey, 1946, is 3 miles west of Cobb Mountain, a Pl Gas analysis from well 1, 460 fee 1953, p. 35, 37). (Allen and Day, 1927, p. 60, 76; White, 19. 24, Analyzed by E.T. Allen, who also ppm; Ni, trace; Cr, 2 ppm (0.23 epm). reported and include C1 and pH determined by H. Kramer, 57a, p. 1648), p. 211-215, pl. 29); no true geysers. - Area eistocene(?) rhyolite volcano (Brice, t north-northeast of spring given in table 28, analysis d in totals: §203,0 U.8. Geol. Survey, on sample collected March 24, 1954, which also contained 5,070 pp, of SO: and 2.7 ppm of B. 2, Spring in thermal area, north-northeast of junction Bumpass Hell, Shasta County, Lassen Peak, a dacite volcano last active from 1912 to 1919. Spring, of principal streams draining thermal area, is in Calif., 2 miles south of 250 1% hydrothermally altered Brokeoff Andesite of upper Pliocene or Pleistocene age (Williams, 1932, p. 374-375, map). Sample collected and analyzed by P. S. Bennett of U.S. National Park Service. Analysis not previously published. For gas analysis, apparently from same and Allen, 1925, p. 95, 133). 3. Locomotive Spring, Norris Basin, east of Congress Pool and 200 ft west-sou mer, 1936, p. 282-310; White, 19552, p. 10 acid-leached welded rhyolite tuff of Pliocene(?) age. U.S. Geol. Survey; also reported is Li, 0.0 ppm. Analysis not previously published. spring, 3-107). H see table 28 analysis 25 (Day Yellowstone National Park, Wyo., 80 ft south- thwest of Norris Basin drillhole (Fen- Seeping discharge; bedrock is Analyzed by H. Kramer, calculated by difference. For gas analysis from Locomotive Spring or a nearby spring, see table 28, analysis 26 (Allen and Day, 1935, p. 86). 4. Big Sulphur Pool, 0.2 mile north of Wyo. (Allen and Day, 1935, p. 422, 427); little or no discharge, Mud Volcano, Yellowstone National Park, Pool is in glacial material overlying rhyolite of Pliocene(?) age (Hague and others, 1899, Canyon sheet of geologic folio). For gas analysis see tabl Day, 1935, p. 86, 418). e 28, analysis 27 (Allen and 5. One of about eight springs in see. 3, T. 19 N., R. 3 E., Sulphur Springs, Sandoval County, N. Mex., Small discharge, about 500 gpm Geol. Survey; H+ computed (Stearns and others, 1937, p. 167) in Pleistocene rhyolite overlying Paleozoic sediments, Spring given in table 28, analysis 28 (Renick, 1931, p. 89). from pH,. Analysis not previously published. but total for the group (same type?) is area of late Pliocene or Gas analysis of Alum Analyzed by U.S. 6. Boiling mud pot in west field of crater volcano in southeastern Kamchatka, pots and mud volcanoes (Ivanoy, 1958 Sample collected by B. I. Piip; HCO;, Br, I, and B were not detected. Na not 10. 11. . Lower spring U.S. . Yoemon-Yu spring of Y Prefecture, Honshu, Japan (Kuroda, 1941b, Yumato spring, Ketetahi, one of group 0 on north flank of Tongariro, a la Taupo, North Island, New communication). Analyzed by S. and millimoles per liter; S50 inc 267). ppm is included in total; As, analyzed by determined by Suetina; reported value is from 1933 171-172), probably less than amount actually present. For gas analysis from nearby vent see table 28, analysis 29, . Mud pot on upper slopes or in crater 0 eastern Kamchatka, U.S.98.R. (Ivanov, 1958a, Gonsovsk; analyzed by E. F. Prokofeva; As, of nearby boiling lake see table 28, analysis misprint, in totals: Sr, trace; Ba, g, Northern Mendeleev group, . Discharge is about 30 gpm (Ivano V. V. Ivanov; analyzed by S. S. Krapivina, Kunashir p. 69-74). pyroxene andesite on east flank of postcaldera late volcano (H. Kuno, written communication). also reported Cu, 0.045 ppm. slope of Nasudake, 1955, p. 201). 0.01; Cs, 0.01; As, 1.9; Sr, 0,00X; Ba, 0.2; Ge, 0.0000X; Be, 0.0000X; Ga, 0.0000 X; Cu, 0,03; Sh, 0.0001; Sn, 0.0002; Co, 'Au, 0.00000; Zr, 0.000X; N S306, 0; S506, 0. Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, an active andesite volcano (Kimura, Yokoyama, Also reported, in ppm, and included in totals: Li, 0.00X; V, 0.5; Cr, 0.004; Mo, 0.000 PD, 0.07; Zn, 0.14; Bi, 0.0001; 0.000X; Ni, 0.000 X; Cd, 0.0001; Ag, 0.001; In, 0.0001; O;, 0.000; HP Os, 6.1; COz, 66; f springs and fumaroles in hydrothermally altered area rge active andesitic volcano south of Lake v, 1958b, p. 479). who also reported and included 0.0 ppm, As, 0.7 ppm; Cu 0.03 ppm; Ti, 0.4 ppm. unohanazawa group in Hakone caldera, Kanagawa FA4ZT of Uzon, a semiactive basaltic andesite U.S.9.R. Crater contains many mud a, p. 195-196; Piip, 1937, p. 171, 172, 248, M. S. Suetina. Ti, 5.4 analysis (Piip, 1937, p. f semiactive Kosheleyvsk volcano of south- p.195-196). Collected by G. A. not found. For gas anlysis 30; poor summation suggests Island, Kurile Islands, Collected by Springs discharge from Pleistocene Kami-yama Analyzed by K. Kuroda, who Japan; "gushing out" of southeast and Ikeda, 0.01; Rb, 9; Ti, 0.6; S205, 0.3; Zealand (Wilson, 1953, p. 453, 456; J. Healy, written Tasi® 21. -Chemical analyses of thermal bicarbonate sulfate waters in volcanic environments H. Wilson; converted from milliequivalents luded by Wilson with $106. .X ELN reamer nece es t Name and Date of "The Geysers," Sonoma County, Calif. 2 Steamboat well GS-7, Washoe County, Nev. May 22, 1952 8 Sulphur Springs, St. Lucia Island, British West Indies July 1951 4 Yonono, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan 1953 5 Wairakei well 5, North Island, New Zealand 20.000. cece Total, AS FGDOTb@U...____________________--=-~ 1, 330 Potal cll cence Specific conductance... pH _micromhos at 25° C... 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. s 1.'"'The Geysers," Sonoma County, 11 miles east of Clover Cauldron spring on bank of Geyser Creek about 125 ft sou: 1 and 2 and 400 ft north of Devils Kitchen spring (table 20, 1927, p. 33, fig. 1) and in same geologic setting; no true geysers in the area. Day, dale, Calif.; Witches thwest of steam wells analysis 1; Allen and 'Analyzed by E. T. Allen, who also reported and included in totals: Al, Ni, and See gas analysis 24, table 28, for well 1. Cr, each 0 ppm; Mn, 0.6 ppm; Fe, trace. 2. Drill hole GS-7, in Silica Pit, western par p. 103, Washoe County, Nev. (White, 19552, hole penetrated acid-leached granodiori found. Relations indicate high-temperature steam, CO2, near bottom of hole, at depth of 402 ft, and condensing in that is dominantly of meteoric water. Samp t of Steamboat Springs thermal area, 111; 1957a, p. 1649-1650). Drill te for 112 fect, where acid water was and other gases rising a perched water table le collected near bottom of steam- filled hole under pressure; analysis by H. Kramer, U.S. Geol. Survey. Analysis not previously published. For gasBaqglsilsiweettfitliq 28, , Britis es ies; 3. Sulphur Springs, St. Lucia Islan eastern part of thermal area, 114 miles sou Bodvarsson, to 900 ft; little or no discharge (G. analysis 31. boiling spring in south- theast of Soufricre at altitude of 800 written communication). In Tertiary sandstone and conglomerate overlain by basaltic lava near contact 4. Yonono hot spring, Japan; hot spring is in area 150 by 500 16 ture. In pyroxene andesite volcano group. 'Test boring Analyzed p. 585; H. Kuno, written communication). 5. Drillhole 5, western part of thermal area, Nearly 2}4 miles nor EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 21 with siliceous porphyritic plug situated a few miles volcano that erupted in 1766 (Perret Bodvarsson; analyzed by U.S. Geol. 6 Analysis not previously published. in Kirishima volcano group, Kagoshima Prefecture, with many fumaroles of high tempera- than 1 ppm." more than 125° C. (Wilson, 1955, p. 37). 14), in analyzed by S. H. Wilson. which has water similar to that of well 5 1955, p. 29). similar bedrock (Steiner, characterized by albite rather than by potassi 1939, fig. 1). from Qualibu, an active Sample collected by G. urvey; boron reported "slightly greater Kyushu, lava on southern flank of one of Recent cones of the Wairakei, Gas analysis, table to 280 ft depth found water at a temperature of 1953 (Subterranean Heat Research Group, 1955, Also reported is Fe, trace. North Island, New Zealand thwest of well 4 (see table 17, analysis 1955, fig. 5, fig. 10) but hydrothermal alteration jum-bearing minerals. 28, analysis 32, is from well 6, but is 1,000 ft to the east (Wilson, Sample F48 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY TaBur 22.-Chemical analyses of spring waters high in sodium bicarbonate and boron Analysis........... 1 2 3 4 5 Name and location.. E. of Altoona mine, Mud Springs, Mendo- Crabtree, Lake Gilroy, Santa Clara | Arkos area, Haromszek Trinity County, Calif. cino County, Calif. County, Calif. County, Calif. County, Rumania Oct. 16, 1956 Oct. 7, 1956 Oct. 6, 1956 June 16, 1955 Mar. 3, 1943 ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm ppm epm S2 38 200 409 - 20.41 48 7.2 . 59 169 8.7 . 08 3.7 3, 520 153.1 5, 400 306 7.83 170 10 1.4 2.7 s .0 ............ 189.4 -|... cessuceee 8, 370 137.2 14, 500 «ss , | ~' 10.06 26 1, 350 38. 1 610 2. 1.5 o §20 - Neu 530 ece sesso cocoon en ne nono "Ipa ange Total anions 186.4 |.... aki Totals RS cll cis lc 14,700 " 21, 500 Specific conductance micromhos at 25°C. 13, 600 PH. ill 6.8 Temperature. ....___. 13.5 Dou§ity S6 20°C. . ...... c LL ce. 1.007 Ratios by weigh Ca/N 0.12 . 018 . 087 . 0028 6.2 . 36 f . 089 St? s cx f 6 7 8 9 10 Name and location.. .C. Chokrak, Kerch, Essentuki, Caucasus, | Malkinsk, Kamchatka, Futamata, Hokkaido, Te Aroha, North Crimea, USSR USSR USSR Japan Island, New Zealand Date of collection Sept. 28, 1950 1980 .:... 0 ce ppm epm ppm epm ppm S102 & Mle cenenee serous 1 204 1 7 g .0 Feo. R 120 Mn .0 As ig 4 1.4 74 3. 69 157 7.83 301 ISVIE 82 6.7 84 6.9 61 £.. Na.. 1,770 77.0 3, 440 149. 6 728 K.. 81 2.07 10 26 25 Li a+ 1 1 ACS: can sos coond 23 1:27 {«« cuses 0 . 1 coc. cons: r ent 90:7 ssc c 104. 7) 3803 ........................................ 1, 990 32.6 5, 990 98. 2 2, 040 §-.5.- + S01 227 CTO |e nwo er Ir SI“ 1, 620 45.7 2, 350 66.3 691 6 Br 16 20 5 06 + 1... 12 .09 1.1 O1 0 NO: NO;... SECC FIQ - TiD 59 COz 171 |. - 685 MSSV- -- co oo beeen en ones uden cl 1 360 * 20:2. 0.000 01 200, . .cone +809 104.0. B60 $77.0, | 140.3 Total, as reported., 6; A80} cu 19,100 " $080 :. 19,700 :: {=i 11,900! |seuseeess eee See footnotes at end of table. —7—fi Tasus 22.-Chemical analyses of spring CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F4Q waters high in sodium bicarbonate and boron-Continued 10 Te Aroha, North Island, New Zealand ccc 6 T 8 9 Name and 1OCatiOM.................--------~~ Chokrak, Kerch, Essentuki, Caucasus, | Markinsk, Kamchatka, | Futamata, Hokkaido, Crimea, USSR USSR USSR Japan Date of collection...... . a+ e= Sept. 28, 1950 1936 Specific conductance.... micromhos at 25°C..\.......- 52% M a PH.... -. 718 . (Ml. ot Temperature. - a Cl Cold 14.0 Density At 1,00. ..} Ratios by weight: 0. 042 0. 046 11 . 54 . 046 . 0029 £ - . 0003 1.2 2.5 bes . 0099 . 0021 . 0074 . 00046 . 027 . 0051 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. 2 Includes CO; as HCOs. 1. Springs, in NW14 sec. 19, T. 38 N., R. 5 W., Trinity County, Calif., about 6 miles east of Altoona quicksilver mine. Discharge about 2 gpm from landslide material on fine-grained diorite of pre-Tertiary age. Collected by E. H. Bailey; analyzed by C. E. Roberson, U.S. Geol and deposited a little travertine. - Analys 2. Mud Springs, Mendocino County, Calif.; northeasternmost of a group of springs and small mud volcanoes near crest of ridge, 6 miles west of Laytonville (War- ing, 1915, p. 176-177; Bailey and White, 1957, p. 1818). Spring is 6 ftin diameter; discharge is about 0.05 gpm muddy water, from grawacke and shale similar to Mesozoic Yager Formation and is accompained probably largely COz. Analyzed by C. E. Roberson, U.S. Geol. Survey; analysis not previously published. 3. Southeasternmost spring of two warm springs in CrgPtree area, northeast bank of Rice Fork of Eel River, in NEM sec. Calif. - Discharges about 20 gpm from serpentine adjacent to shale of Mesozoic Franciscan Group. - Serpentine at creek level is altered to opal and carbonate and contains veinlets of marcasite and realgar. Analyzed by C. E. Roberson, U.S. Geol. Survey; when combined nitrogen was determined nearly 4 months EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 22 . Survey. Springs evolved some gas is not previously published. y abundant gas that is 117). 36, T. 17 N., R. 9 W., Lake County, in HS. 7. Well 17 at Essentuki resort, Caucasus, water", from marl and clay of carly Tertiary a oron determination from Shinkarenko Cu, 0.3 ppm; Ba, 2.8 ppm. For gas analysi 8. Lower cold CO: spring with small discharge of Kamchatka, U.S.S.R., in Malkinsk area of strongly metamorphosed pre- Tertiary sedimentary, voicanic, and granitic rocks Collected by V. V. Ivanov; analyzed by E. looked for but not found; also reporte acid 63.6 ppm, which values are consi recalculated to SiO: and As. - Gas analysis given 6. Resort with drilled wells in cold-spring area, east border of Chokrak Marsh 1 mile from Sea of Azov and 12 miles north of Kerch, Crimea, U.S.S.R. Water from Karagan and Chokrak Formations of Tertia limestone, and dolomite (Fomichév, 1948, p. 227). for type 2, see table 15, analysis 9. _ Ana yzed b Suemina, 1937, who also reported HS, 247 ppm ry age, consisting of shale, This is type 1 of Fomichév; I. S. Krasnikova and M. S. (7.48 epm); HS here included U.S.S.R. Water, called "hydrocarbon | after analysis was begun, all of it was nitrite but it probably was NH when 9. Futamata or Ninomata springs, Tojima area, sample was collected; pH, and HCO; were determined immediately after bottle was opened and are considered reliable, residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to residue at 180° C, 6,140; Al, 0.1; Fe, 0.1; Mn, 0.04; Cu, 0.01; Ge, 0.3; Sr, 0.4; Ba, 1.5. Analysis not previously published. 4, Main spring, E}4 sec. 36, T. 9 S., R. 4 E., northeast of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, Calif. Discharges about 10 gpm from Franciscan graywacke near serpentine. Analyzed by H. Almond and S. Berman, U.S. Geol, Survey; analysis not previously published. 5. Benko cold spring, Arkos area, in southeastern Carpathian Mountains, Harom- szek County, central Rumania (Straub, 1950, p. 46, 104-105). Discharges from %uatemary alluvium in basin nearly surrounded by Cretaceous limestone and s Spectrographic analysis of evaporated ppm in the original water: evaporated. Laboratory. 200 feet above Coyote Creek, 13 miles tion). A ale that overlie schist. Highest in Li of 51 springs reported by Straub, who also reported traces of Cu, Ba, and Ag; pH reported as 8.99, which is too high for reported HCO; and COz, with CO; absent. 10. Periodically erupting well, 2290 ft Island, New Zealand (Henderson, base of Te Aroha Mountain, a sa graben. Well penetrated Quaternar ago cut bfi veins of quartz, calcite, undant gas evolved; ana tA table 11, analysis 10, for analysis of a col moto, 1954, p. 33). _ Discharge 240 gpm fro: altered rhyolite tuff interbedded with sandston written communication). Nearest volcanoes are Recent Yokei, 25 miles to northeast, and active Usu, 25 miles to southeast. s see e (Ovchinnikov, 1947, p. 116- 1948), as well as Zn, 0.08 ppm; table 28, analysis 33. from southern part of Middle Range (Ivanov, 1958a, p. 199-201). F. Prokofeva; Ti and NH4 were d are silicic acid, 2,651 ppm, and arsenic dered to be misprints of decimal points, in table 28, analysis 34. hwest Hokkaido, Japan (Mori- m middle Miocene andesite and e and mudstone (H. Kuno, Analysis by Tokyo Hygienic deep, in hot-spring area, Teo Aroha, North 1938, p. 727, 728). ient on fault scrap of east margin of Hauraki alluvium on andesite of Tertiary(?) d pyrite (J. Healy, written communica- lysis given in table 28, analysis 35. See 1d spring at Te Aroha. Springs emerge at western f— F50 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY 23.-Chemical analyses of thermal waters closely associated with epithermal mineral deposits Anayas ~" ~'_. ~. ""~." 7 2. . 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name and Sulphur Bank | Abbott Mine, Valley Mine, Amedee Boiling Ngawha Rose Creek Abraham mine, Lake | Colusa County, | N apa County, Springs, Springs, Springs, Spring, Persh- | Springs, Juab County, Calif. Calif. Calif. Lassen County, | Valley County,| North Island, ing County, | County, Utah Calif. Idaho New Zealand Nev. Associated metal or mineral. .. _______ Hg, Sb Hg Hg Hg Hg Hg, Sb Mn, W Mn Date ef 200.0000} C" Mar. 26, 1957 Mar. 27, 1957 Oct. 18, 1957 Oct 22, 1957 Aig. 5, 19581-22200 0000 colt May 22, 1957 Sept. 12, 1957 ppm Totalanions .._... .._ ney Total; ag reported........__._._ 1 Specific conductance micromhos ab 95° C.._..._......._.... 7, 430 8, 960 2, 740 1, 270 ale So eRe ai 2, 690 5, 640 PH:. TA 6. 8. 9.1 6.2 6. 6. Temperature... 126 32 92 88 83 22 82 fft oats eo seal oust el ast t tot o oc et up aet. 0. 043 0. 040 0. 071 0. 029 0. 027 0. 11 0. 46 6.9 4.7 . 00 0.0 . 056 .44 14 . 026 017 030 026 . 082 . 033 . 070 . 0012 . 000 . 000 . 0003 . 007 . 0028 . 0000 1.4 6.5 . 29 9.6 . 61 5.5 . 096 125 . 07 1.8 .85 .36 . 43 . 48 . 0005 . 0057 . 028 (Aleriscer cn .023 . 0030 . 0020 . 0044 NOEs ie: cee esa . 000 . 0009 . 0012 . 0033 . 0035 200080 1s eer ccs cues . 000 . 000 . 0001 . 030 . 29 . 026 . 006 +42 . O41 . 0006 cael c Ba 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name and location..._........_..._.___ Ouray Springs, | Warmwater- | Akan Mine, Poncha Ojo Caliente Doughty Mizpah mine, | Peitou Springs, Ouray County, | berg Springs, | Hokkaido, Springs, Springs, Springs, Tonopah, _| North of Taipei, Colo. Cape Japan Chaffee Taos County, | Delta County, | Nye County, Taiwan Province, County, N. Mex. Colo. - Nev. Union of Colo. South Africa Mn Fluorite Fluorite Barite Associated metal or mineral.. _.________ Mn (Mn, W) Mn, W Date of collection...... Sept. 3, 1958 Aug. 29, 1958 ppm 84 :. Total, as reported. ...... :...}... See footnotes at end of table. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F51 TaBur 23.-Chemical analyses of thermal waters closely associated with epithermal mineral deposits-Continued 12 13 14 15 16 f Poncha Ojo Caliente Doughty Mizpah mine, | Peitou Springs, Springs, Springs, Springs, Tonopah, _| North of Taipei, Chaflee Taos County, | Delta County, | Nye County, Taiwan County, N. Mex. Colo. Nev. Colo. Fluorite (Mn, W) Fluorite Barite Ag, Au Pb Ate: 20; 1988 |C... Oct.... B2. ea -s [Romo ABAIYSIS.. .. 9 10 11. Name and 1OCatiON......--------------- Ouray Springs, | Warmwater- | Akan Mine, Ouray County, | berg Springs, Hokkaido, Colo. Cape Japan Province. } Union of South Africa Associated metal or mineral. ....-.----- Mn, W Mn Mn Date of collection...... ......------------ Spt. 8, 1958 | Specific conduétance micromhos at 25° C. 2, 022 3 162 & 3. 4 2.8 3: gr 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. 2 Not reported. 3 Includes COs; as HC Os. EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 23 Spring in Sulphur Bank mine, one of the most productive quicksilver mines in the United States (Becker, 1888, p. 251-269; Everhart, 1946, p. 125-153; White, 1955a, p. 117-120), in SWI sec. 5, T. 13 N., R. W., on shore of Clear Lake, Lake County, Calif. Variable discharge, ranging from about 1 to 15 gpm from north wall of Herman Pit, about 120 ft below original surface, from hydro- thermally altered graywacke and shale of Mesozoic Franciscan Formation, overlain by Pleistocene lake beds and pyroxene andesite flow. Analyzed by C. E. Roberson, U.S. Geol. Survey; spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in the original water: evapo- rated residue at 180°C, 5,220; Al, 0.2; Fe, 0.1; Mn, 0.2; Cu, 0.01; Ge, 0.2; Li, 8.6; Sr, 0.6; Ba, 0.3. Analysis not previously ublished. Tritium content of sample was 1.1 + 0.2%10-#, determined by F. Begemann, University of Chi- cago. - For gas analysis of sample from Herman Shaft, see table 28, analysis 36 (Becker, 1883, p. 258). Thermal water from Abbott mine, located in NEX see. 31, T. 14 N., R.b w. Colusa County, Calif. near crest of ridge 2 miles southwest of Wilbur Springs (see table 15, analysis 2). Drainage from Reardon Tunnel, 200-foot level, pumped from bottom of main shaft at 300-ft level. - Average discharge is about 25 gpm; temperature of 26°C measured at portal of tunnel; temperature at source probably about 33°C (White, 19552, p. 131). | Ore and thermal water, accompanied by some combustible gas, are controlled by fractures and breccia zones in serpentine and Upper J urassic Knoxville sandstone and shale. Water sample analyzed by C. E. Roberson, U.S. Geol. Survey; spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in the original water: evaporated residue at 180°C, 5,930; A1, 0.06; Fe, 0.04; Cu, 0.006; Li, 2.1; Rb, 0.06; Sr, 0.5; Ba, 0.2. Analysis not previously published. . Water from Valley quicksilver mine, Aetna Springs Resort, Napa County, Calif., SWI see. 1, T. 9 N., R. 6 W. (White, 19552, p. 130; Yates and Hilpert, 1946, p. 260; Waring, 1915, p. 156-150). Water pumped trom shaft of old mine in opalized silica-carbonate rock (altered serpentine) near contact with Knox- ville shale and sandstone. Analyzed by H. C. Whitehead, U.S. Geol. Survey; spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in the original water; evaporated residue at 180°C, 1,870; Al, 0.08; Fe, 2.1; Mn, 0.06; Cu, 0.2; Ni, 0.02; Ge, 0.07; Li, 0.08; Rb, 0.02; Sr, 0.3; Ba, 0.3. Analysis not previously published, . F. W. Dickson spring A-1, 1,000 ft south-southwest of old Amedee railroad station, east side of Honey Lake, Lassen County, Calif. (Dickson and others, 1957). Cinnabar, metacinnabar, and minor travertine deposited in vent. Total dis- charge of group is about 1,000 gpm from thick alluvium of Honey Lake basin. Collected by J. Feth and S. M. Rogers; analyzed by J. P. Schuch, U.S. Geol. Survey, who also determined Ti, 0.02 ppm; Cu, Pb, Zn each 0.00 ppm; H;§ 0.2 ppm (sample of May 22, 1957). Spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in the original water: evaporated residue at 180°C, 850; Al, 0.04; Fe, 0.02; Mn, 0.003; Ti, 0.005; Cu, 0.01; Pb, 0.009; Mo, 0.06; W, 0.2; Cr, 0.002; Ge, 0.02; Ni, 0.02; Sr, 0.06; Ba, 0.05. Analysis not previously published. . Largest spring, near north end of spring terrace, Boiling Springs, NW14 see. 22, T. 12 N., R. 5 E., on west bank of Middle Fork of Payette River in Valley County, Idaho. Discharges about 30 gpm; total discharge of group is about 125 gpm. Springs emerge from shear zone in granodiorite of Idaho batholith, associated with carbonate-cemented terrace gravel, and have deposited small, amount of calcite, cinnabar, metacinnabar, and manganese oxide (White 19552, p. 124-125). Analyzed by H. Kramer, U.S. Geol, Survey, who also reported Sb 0.1 ppm;. Hg, 0.0 ppm; spectrographic analysis, in ppm, indicate Fe, 0.4; Al, 0.1; Mn, 0.004; Cu, 0.01, Ag, 0.005; Sr, 0.2; Cr, 0.003; Li, 0.02; and B, 0.3. Analysis not previously published. . Ngawha Springs, North Island, New Zealand; "J ubilee" Bath of area G of Flem- ing (1945, p. 255-276) near Pawhakino Lake. Discharge is apparently slight; temperature at surface is 43°C; at sandy bottom, 83°C. Springs are in late Quaternary lake sediments overlying claystone of Kaeo Series of Late Creta- ceous to early Tertiary age. . Miocene and late Quaternary basalts are within a few miles of the area. Springs have deposited cinnabar and a little stibnite (Henderson, 1944, p. 60; White, 19558, p. 123-124). _ Water analyzed by L. R. L. Dunn, I. C. McDowall, S. H. Wilson, and M. Fieldes of the New Zealand Dominion Laboratory. Li determined by spectrographic analysis; also re- ported are Rb, 0.5 ppm, and Ca, 0.1 ppm. For analysis of gas from Velvet Bath, about 50 feet to south, see table 28, analysis 37. . Travertine-spring terrace near north end of East Range, about 2 miles southwest of Rose Creek and 12 miles southwest of Winnemucca, see. 28, T. 35 N., R. 36 10. Warmwaterberg Springs, 13. Soda Spring, 12 miles northwest of Barranca, Taos County, E. Pershing County, Nev. (White, 1955a, p. 134). Discharges about 1 gpm from travertine and Quaternary sand and gravel containing as much as 9 per- cent Mn and 0.3 percent WO. Water sample analyzed by J. P. Schuch, U.S. Geol. Survey, who also reported 0.03 ppm Ti; spectrographic analysis of evapo- rated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: evapo- rated residue at 180°C, 1,700; Al 0.02; Fe, 0.02; Mn, 0.09; Be, 0.002; Cu, 0.002; Sr, 0.2; Ba, 0.2. Analysis not previously published. 8. Abraham Springs, Juab County, Utah; orifice in east fork of north ditch, about 200 ft north of crest of travertine cone; same as spring 2 of Callaghan and Thomas (1939, p. 908-912; White, 1955a, p. 133-134), 19 miles north-northwest of Delta. Discharge of spring about 25 gpm; total discharge of springs in area about 1,200 gpm. Springs discharge through Pleistocene Lake Bonneville sediments over- lain by travertine-spring deposits containing manganiferous zone about 1 it below surface. Pleistocene basalt flow issued about 4 miles northwest of spring, with flow front only 1,500 ft to west. Water sample analyzed by J. P. Schucfl, U.S. Geol. Survey; spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: evaporated residue at 180°C, 3,740; Fe, 0.02; Mn, 0.3; Cu, 0.004; Li, 1.1; Rb, 0.2; Sr, 8.2; Ba, 0.2. Anal- ysis not previously published. 9. Spring at southwest edge of Ouray, Ouray County, Colo., and about 40 ft above valley floor, issuing from terrace of travertine; Mn and Fe oxides lie on Pleisto- cene gravels and Mississippian Leadville Limestone. Discharges about 15 gpm; temperature is 59°C at surface of wood-framed vent; 62°C at 6-ft depth; no gas. Flocculent deposit from present spring water contains 15 percent Mn, 7 percent Fe, and 0.2 percent W; a high-grade Mn oxide veinlet from the western part of the terrace contains, in percent: Mn, 50; Fe, 0.1; W, >1; Pb, 1; Cu, 0.05; Zn, 0.3; V, 0.015; Mo, 0.003; Be, 0.03; Ba, 0.7; Sr, 0.5; Sb, 0.5; and La, 0.01. Water sample analyzed by H. C. Whitehead, U.S. Geol. Survey; spectrographic anal- ysis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: evaporated residue at 180°C, 1,760; Al, 0.05; Fe, 0.03; Mn, 0.9; Ti, 0.02; (13_ufi (2102; Ag, 0.002; Mo, 0.02; Sr, 1.7; Ba, 0.05. Analysis not previously pub- ished. Cape Province, Union of South Africa. Springs discharge from Table Mountain Series of Devonian age. Deposits estimated. to contain 600,000 tons, containing (in weight percent): FeaQq, 5714; MnO, 0.55; MnO», 8.55; BaO, 1.45; and P205, 1.18 (Kent, 1949, p. 240, 243, 245, 247). Age of deposit estimated to be 850,000 years, if all Fe and Mn in present water are deposited at constant rate. Analyzed by W. Sunkel and P. Kok, 1947; Mo, 1 ppm; Ba, 7 ppm; Sr, 8 ppm; Li, 0.2 ppm, determined by spectrograph. 11. Akan mine, Hokkaido, Japan; hotspring deposit is mined for manganese on south slope of Mea-kan-dake, a pyroxene andesite volcano. Spring is hottest of 4 manganese-bearing springs; the deposit is more than 6 ft thick, the ore aver- ages about 25 percent manganese, and one sample analyzed for Co contained 0.2 percent. - Analysis from Kimura and Shima, 1954. 12. Largest of several hot springs about a quarter of a mile southeast of Poncha Springs fluorite deposit and 5 miles southwest of Salida, Chaffee County, Colo. (R. T. Russell, 1947; 1948). Total discharge of hot springs reported to be 500 gpm and maximum temperature 7514°C (Stearns and others, 1937, p. 133), but pros nt discharge of this spring is estimated as 30 gpm and total of the group is perhaps 50 gpm. Springs emerge from fault in Precambrian gneiss overlain by traver- tine deposit of calcite, minor opal, chalcedony, tungsten-bearing manganese oxide, and fluorite; Poncha Springs fluorite deposit controlled by same fault; late Tertiary rhyolite and andesite are within a few miles of springs. Water sample analyzed by H. C. Whitehead, U.S. Geol. Survey, who also reported Cu and Pb, each 0.00 ppm, and Zn, 0.07 ppm; spectrographic analysis of evapo- rated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: evapo- rated residue at 180°C, 1,250; A1, 0.2; Fe, 0.04; Mn, 0.02; Ti, 0.01; Cu, 0.08; Mo, 0.08; Cr, 0.003; Ge, 0.01; Sr, 0.4; Ba, 0.1. Analysis not previously published. N. Mex.; total dis- charge of Ojo Caliente springs is about 350 gpm (Stearns and others, 1937, p. 167). Springs issue from travertine near fluroite-barite vein containing minor amounts of gold and silver; an inactive travertine terrace lies about 500 ft above present springs (Lindgren, 1910); bedrock is fine-grained gneiss overlain by andesite tuffs. Analyzed by W. F. Hillebrand, 1893 (Clarke, 19248, p. 192-193), with HCO; calculated from reported carbonate. Temperature, F, NOs, and pH from similar sample of same spring collected October 6, 1949, and analyzed by L. S. Hughes, U. S. Geol. Survey. 14. Drinking Spring, 3 miles southwest of Hotchkiss, Doughty Springs, On North Fork of the Gunnison River, Delta County, Colo. Discharges 5 to 6 gpm F52 : DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 23-Continued (Headden, 1905, p. 1-8, 15-16; George and others 1920, p. 213, 313). Springs largely in hydrothermally altered. intermediate volcanic rocks of Tertiary age emerge near base of cliff of Dakota(?) Sandstone of Late Cretaceous(?) age and (Nolan, 1935, p. 1-49; White, 1955a, p. 138-139). Trace of Zn also reported. have formed a travertine-barite deposit 400 ft long, 115 ft wide, and about 20 ft 16, One of springs of Peitou group, north of Taipei and near north end of Taiwan; thick, Deposit near Drinking Spring and several other springs is nearly pure group formerly known as Hokuto Springs; one of the springs deposited hokuto- BaSO. Sample collected and analyzed by W. P. Headden (1905, p. 15-16); lite, a lead-bearing variety of barite (Okamoto, 1911, p. 21). May be Peitou total CO2, 3,080 ppm, of which 1,070 ppm is here assigned by difference of anions Valley hot spring 1 of Yen (1955, p. 136, 139), which has present temperature of and cations to HCO; and 2,010 ppm considered as free CO;, Phosphate analy- 68°C and discharge of 260 gpm. 'Wa sis by George; trace of Zn reported by Headden. i 15. Water from drill hole, 2,316-ft deep, which was started at 1,500-ft level of shaft of sis converted from hypothetical compounds, H+ 54 ppm (54 epm) probably Mizpah mine, Tonopah district, Nye County, Nev., and penetrates to a point calculated by difference and is included in totals; trace of Pb reported., 816 feet below that level (Bastin and Laney, 1918, p. 26-30). Silver-gold ores TaBu® 24.-Chemical analyses of nonthermal, saline and acid waters from mines and from acid-forming areas H]. teen cries ode en 1 2 3 4 5 amg and 21. scl oll... LL. Homestake mine, Centennial mine, Greenwood mine, Comstock Lode, Tonopah district, Lawrence County, Houghton County, Marquette County, Storey County, Nev. Nye County, Nev. | S. Dak. Mich, Mich, Date of Dec. 20, 1957 Aug. 22, 1956 Mar. 25, 1952 Temperature. Density at 20 Ratios by weight: Ca/Na...__ See footnotes at end of table. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F53 24. -Chemical analyses of nonthermal, saline and acid waters from mines and from acid-forming areas-Continued 6 7 8 9 10 Name and 1OCatiON.......__.....__.__....~~----- Butte district, Silver | Red Mountain district, | Cananea mine, Sonora, "Poison" spring, Kinkei spring, Tochigi Bow County, Mont. |San Juan County, Colo. Mexico Washoe County, Nev. Prefecture, Japan D&G Of COIGCHOM... ..... es Dec. 1933 sevie A S102 Al. Total anion Total, as reported..........._...-.«-~-- 1 4,200 Specific conductance.... micromhos at 25° C.. pH 1 Acid Acid Acid 2. 45 2. 4 Temperature £10.. Cold 9 Density at 20° 1.0011 . 1.003 Ratios by weight: Ca/N 3.3 3.8 3.8 4. 4 15 h + 14 val .01 .0 00 . 00 520 120 iB i ces 108. redes 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. Includes HSO+. EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 24 1, Water from cavity penetrated by drill hole started at 5,600-ft level, at the then- 5. Water from West End mine, 500 ft level, Tonopah district:i Nye County, Nev. existing bottom of Homestake gold mine, Lawrence County, S. Dak. (see (Bastin and Laney, 1918, p. 29); water is acid owing to oxidation of sulfides, and Noble, 1950, p. 234, 235). Collected by A. Slaughter of Homestake Mining Co. apparently cold, in contrast to deep thermal Tonopah waters (see table 23, and analyzed by H. C. Whitehead and J. P. Schuch, U.S. Geol. Survey, who analyis 15). , An epithermal silver-gold deposit in hydrothermally altered Ter- also determined Cu, Pb, As, Ti, each 0.00 ppm; Zn, 0.04 ppm. Spectrographic tiary volcanic rocks (Nolan, 1935; White, 19552, p. 138-139). Also reported is a analysis of evaporated residue By Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in the trace of As. original water: evaporated residue at 180°C, 911, Al 0.03; Fe, 0.01; Cu, 0.0009; 6. Water from crosscut on 1,200-ft level, St. Lawrence mine, Butte district, Silver Cr, 0.003; Sr, 0.2; Ba, 0.06. Analysis not previously published. Similar to Bow County, Mont. (Lmdgren, 1933, p. 62), in oxidizing sulfides of copper- analysis of Noble (1950, p. 234, 235) except that all forms of sulfur are lower. bearing hydrothermally altered quartz monzonite of Boulder batholith. - Also 2. Water from 7,075 ft south on 48 level of Centennial No. 2 shaft of Calumet and reported and included in totals: Sn, 17 ppm (0.57 epm) Cd, 41 ppm (0.73 Hecla copper mine, Houghton County, Mich., and about 3,000 ft vertically epm). _ Co included with Ni; and Sn may have been introduced from sample below surface. Rate of flow about 1 drop per second from back of drift in container. Kearsarge amygdaloid; water was clear when collected by A. Schillinger, of 7. Water from Genessee-Vanderbilt mine near West Magnolia ore body north of Calumet and Hecla, Inc. Analyzed by C. E. Roberson, U.S. Geol. Survey. Silverton, Red Mountain district, San Juan County, Colo., from altered ande- Spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue by Nola B. Sheffey, converted site with disseminated pyrite (Burbank, 1950, p. 293, and unpublished analysis). to ppm in the original water; evaporated residue at 180° C, 225,000; Al, 4.5; Sample collected by W. S. Burbank, analyzed by E. T. Erickson, U.S. Geol. Fe, 3.2; Mn, 0.7; Cu, 0.7; Li, 1.1; Cs, 9.1; Sr, 320; Ba, 4.1. Analysis not pre- Survey; analysis not previously published. viously published. STA 8. Water from Cananea mine, 900-ft level, Sonora, Mexico; in copper-bearing granitic 3. Water flowing from drill hole 162 on 5th level of Greenwood iron mine, Marquette rocks and porphyry intrusive into Paleozoic limestone (Lindgren, 1933, p. 63, County, Mich., 183 feet below sea level (Stuart and others, 1954, p. 10-11, 722-723); affected by oxidation of disseminated sulfides. 86-87); highest in salinity of analyses reported by Stuart. In bedrock of this 9. Poison" spring on west slope of Virginia Range, NEVsec. 35, T. 18 N., R. 20 E., area, mineral content of water increases with depth, with C1, in general, increas- 3 miles east of Steamboat Springs, Washoe County, Nev. Water issues from ing very rapidly; at first, Na increases in proportion to C1, but at greater de ths short prospect adit in pyritized andesite of Kate Peak Formation of Miocene Ca increases more rapidly than Na (Stuart and others, 1954, p. 86). 'ater or Pliocene age (Thompson, 1956, p. 62-63, pl. 3) that is bleached near surface by from Goodrich Quartzite of Upper Huronian age, immedlately above the iron- acid from oxidation of pyrite. Discharges about 2 gpm; sample analyzed by formation. Sample analyzed by U.S. Geol. Survey; also reported and included H. Kramer, U.S. Geol. Survey. R20;, 715 ppm, determined by spectrographic in totals are Sr, 6 ppm (0.14 epm); Ba, <0.5 ppm. See table 9, analysis 4, for analysis to be about 10 percent Fe and 90 percent Al, approximately equal to a water of low salinity in the Cliffs Shaft iron mine of Michigan. 400 ppm of metallic ions and 42 epm; Mn, Ni, Cu, and Ag (0.3 ppm) also deter- 4. Water from Central tunnel of Comstock Lode, Storey County, Nev.; an acid mined spectrographically. Analysis not previously published. mine water (Reid, 1905, p. 192) from hydrothermally altered andesite and other - 10. Kinkei Spring, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan; a cold spring at top of Keichyo Moun- rocks containing pyrite (Coats, 1940; Thompson, 1956; White, 19552, p. 139-140). tain, a Quaternary andesite(?) volcano. Analyst, K. Kuroda (1941a, p. 234- Analysis reported as hypothetical oxides in mg per 1, converted to ppm by 237); also determined, in ppm: T4, 0.1; As, 1 (0.04 epm); Cr, 0.07; V, 0.05; Mo, assuming a density of 1.07. Also reported are Ag, 0.2 ppm; and Au, 0.004 ppm. 0.002; Ga, 0.001; Bi present and possibly traces of Li, Hg, and B. F54 2 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY 5.-Chemical analyses of spring waters depositing travertine -See 0 uc uo, ool oat Name and /___ LOL Bate of collection...}. 22.2. At.... 1 Keene Wonder, Inyo County, Calif. Nov. 7, 1954 i Keene Wonder, Inyo County, Calif. Nov. 7, 1954 4 Big Horn, Hot Springs County, yo. Sept. 1957 5 Lysuholl, - Snaefellsnes Penin- sula, Iceland Sept. 30, 1958 3 Mammoth, Yellow- stone Park, Wyo. Sept. 5, 1957 6 Meskoutine, Con- stantine Province, Algeria Pobal anions. _/ lef. Total, asreported....2es:l.... .._ ppm 171 0.00 2.6 1. Specific conductance . _micromhos at 25° C_. pH.... . cl peces o noen en l, Temperabur@ ..... 0.0 .~ 'C. Ratios by weight: Ca/Na ... 2, 220 3,030 2, 370 6.6 6.2 6. 4 72 57 41.6 ' Components mentioned in explanation of table. * Includes CO; as HCO;. 1, Keene Wonder Spring, west front of Funeral Range, 15 S., R. 46 E., Inyo County, Calif. which is the largest discharge of group, near northwest Vent temperature, 34° C; water sample was collected 150 feet downstream from vent, where first significant amount of carbonate was deposited. Springs discharge through travertine, alluvium, and ertine terrace. Paleozoic rocks, including carbonate rocks. EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 25 1906, p. 194-200; Burk, 1952, p. 93-95); the thermal water may rise from Tensleep Death Valley, S%4 sec. 1, T. Sampled spring discharges about 30 gpm, end of a }6-mile-long trav- probably Tertiary and Collected by F. M. Byers, by H. Kramer, U.S. Geol. Survey; analysis not previously published. 2. Same spring and date of collection as that for analysis 1, but about 1,000 ft. down- percent of water has been lost by Most of the Ca, some Sr ated. Analysis not pre- stream from vent, where approximately 11 evaporation, judging from contents of Na, C1, and B Mg, and minor amounts silica have been precipit and viously published. 3. Mammoth Spring, at north end of travertine rid Yellowstone National Park, Wyo. Discharges charge of group about 750 gpm (Alien and Day, 1935, p. 59-60). through very extensive deposits of travertine overlying pre-Tertia rocks, including abundant limestone and dolomite; also assoc Tertiary rhyolite tuffs and basalt (Hague and others, Analysis by J. P. Schuch, U.S. Geol. Survey, who als included in totals: Ba, 0; Ti, 0.03; Br, 0.7; 1, 0.1; NOz, 0; PO10.8. Spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, water: evaporated residue at 180°C, 1,610; Al, 0.03 Cu, 0.003; Li, 1.1; Rb, 0.2; Cs, 0.2; Sr, 0.4; Day, 1935, p. 86, 377). 4. Big Horn Spring, Hot Springs County, Wyo.; main spring discharges about 12,600 gpm and is one of largest hot springs in world. Extensive travertine deposit overlies Triassic red beds of Chugwater Formation near axis of anticline (Darton, ge, west edge of Main Terrace, about 4 gpm; average total dis- Springs emerge ry sedimentary lated with late 1899, sheets 10 and 19). o reported, in ppm and converted to ppm in original ; Fe, 0.04; Mn, 0.03; Ba, 0.1. Analysis not previously pub- lished. | Gas analysis from Main Terrace given in table 28, analysis 38 (Allen and analyzed Ti, 0.02; Sandstone of Pennsylvanian age. Analysis by H. C. Whitehead, U.S. Geol. Survey; spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, con- verted to ppm in original water: evaporated residue at 180°C, 2,820; Fe, 0.01; Mn, 0.04; Cu, 0.002; Sr, 0.7; Ba, 0.09; Also reported: NO;, 0.0 ppm; analysis not previously published. 5. Drilled well in Lysuholl warm spring area, Snaefellsnes Peninsula, Iceland, 16 miles cast of Snaefelisjokull, a late Quaternary glacier-bearing volcano of rhyloite and basalt (Barth, 1950, p. 122). Discharges about 40 gpm in area of recent travertine in larger area of siliceous sinter deposited by former springs on hydrothermally altered granophyre. posit as well as CaCO;. Springs evolve much gas (table 28, analysis 39), and de- Collected by G. Bodvarsson, State Electricity Authority, Analysis, not previously published, by C. E. Roberson, U.S. Geol. Survey, who also reported, in ppm: Cu, Pb, Zn, NO: each, 0.00; Br, 0.2; I, 0.0; POs«, 0.06. 6. Springs at Meskoutine, 6 miles west of Guelma, Constantine Province, north- eastern Algeria. Estimates of total discharge are 1,500 gpm by Braun (1872), 4,000 spm by Urbain (1953), and 8,000 gpm by Pouget and Chouchak (1925)1 Regardless of exact amount, the Meskoutine group is remarkable for magni- tude of discharge and high temperature. The springs issue from very extensive travertine deposits, about 4 square kilometers in area, with a thickness of perhaps 120 feet, and precipitate about 2 tons per day of CaCO; from a total of about 9 tons of CaCO; in solution (Urbain, 1953). The springs rise along faults in upper Miocene conglomerate, shale, and sandstone, underlain by Lower Cretaceous limestone (Joleaud, 1914). The sample, prob ably from the main spring (Grande Cascade), was collected and analyzed by Guigue and Eggr (1951); 183 ppm CO; was reported but is here converted to equivalent 3 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS F55 TaBrts 26.-Chemical analyses of thermal waters that are probably entirely meteoric in origin 1 Name and 10C@tiOA__..__......__------------- Bowers, Washoe County, Nev. Date of COlIGCtiOM...._.___....__._L----«----- 2 Hot Springs, Gar- land County, Ark. March 8/1954 - 3 4 5 6 Warm Springs, | Kristenes, Akureyri Plombiers, France |Yuzawa Fukushima Meriwether area, Iceland Prefecture, Honshu, County, Ga. Japan June 13, 1935 Aug., 1949 Aug. 25, 1952 1951 ppm 44 TOtAL AMMODS. . Total, as repOrted._..........---------- 198 Specific conductance__micromhos, at 25° C... 242 9.3 "C.. 47 Ratios by weight: . 0. 057 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. 2 Includes COs; as HCOs. 1. Main Spring, Bowers NW 14 see. 3, T. 16 N., R. 19 E., 10 mile; of Steamboat Springs Washoe County, side of Washoe Valley. Accompanying gas deposits are absent. Analyzed by published. 2. Big Iron Spring, Garland County, Ark., springs (Haywood and Weed, 1902). Hot Springs Sandstone, which overlies Paleozic shale and cherts (Bryan, 1922, p. 426-430). much as 8 feet thick, in places, and contains some mangan Hewett, oral communication 1957). 1953 (prior to explosion of (Von Buttlar and Libby, 'This proves that the water is largely, a short subsurface travel time. tion of 19.5 em per 1 of water, Weed, 1902). Also reported, in ppm; Mn, 0.3; Sr, Ba, Br, and I, and absence of As. 3. Warm Springs, (Hewett and Crickmay, 1937, p. 7, Discharges 15 gpm fr if not entirely, meteoric 17, 21). overlain by Manchester Schist and underlain by Woodland cambrian in age. No spring deposits. Sample analyzed by W. L. U (0.5 ppb) and pH determined by U.S. Geol. Survey U.S. Geol. Survey. s south-southwest Nev. (table 17, analysis 3). Discharges 40 to 50 gpm from fractures in granodiorite in tootwall of basin-range fault, west is minor in amount and spring W. W. Brannock, U.S. Geol. Survey ; Li determination by H. Kramer, sample of March 8, 1954; analysis not previously largest and hottest of the group of hot om Mississippian Devonian Arkansas Novaculite and older Travertine deposit is as ese oxides (D. F. Tritium (H3) content of the water in March first thermonuclear bomb) was 2.5+1.4 T/HX10® 1955, p. 83), which is almost that of surface water. in origin and had Analysis of associated gases, evolved in propor- is given in table 28, analysis 40 (Haywood and NH,, 0.04; NOz, 0.002; traces of Meriwether County, Ga., east source; discharges about 620 gpm Water issues from Hollis Quartzite, Gneiss, all Pre- Lamar, EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 26 from sample collected in 1950. Minor amount of gas accompanies water (see table 28, analysis 41). 4. Flowing well at Reykhusalaug, about 6 miles south of Akureyri in northern Ice- land; discharges about 25 gpm. Temperatures of small springs are about 45°C (Barth, 1950, p. 127), but higher temperatures are obtained irom wells with greater discharge. Hot water rises along contacts of basic dikes cutting nearly horizontal early Tertiaryflfiflateau basalts (G. Bodvarsson, written communi- cation). Analyzed by S. Hermannson, Iceland State Electricity Authority. Gas analysis given in table 28, analysis 42, is from same type of water from Sydri- Reykir, north of Hvita River in southern Iceland with temperature of 100°C; analyzed by B. Lindal, State Electricity Authority. 5. Romain Spring, Plombiers, Vosges Mountains, France. Apophyllite, chabazite, opal, chalcedony, tridymite, fluorite, and calcite are reported from pore spaces of brick and cement of Roman baths built 2,000 years ago; crusts formed in places on masonry surfaces. Glaciated granite bedrock is unaltered (Daubrée, 1879; Lovering, 1950, p. 243). _ Collected by T. S. Lovering, analyzed by W. W. Bran- nock, L. Shapiro, and P. W. Scott, U.S. Geol. Survey, who also reported and included in total 10 ppm of free COz. _ For analysis of gas of Capuchin Spring, Plombiers, see table 28, analysis 43 (Moureu, 1906). Nearly 0.3 percent of total gases is He (Moureu and Biquard, 1908). ? 6. Yuzawa, Fukushima Prefecture, Honshu, Japan; discharges 60 gpm from Cre- taceous(?) granodiroite (Morimoto, 1954, p. 193; H. Kuno, written communica- tion). Analyzed by Fukushima Hygienic Laboratory, 1951, which also reported and included in totals: specific gravity, 1.0001; OH, 0.9 ppm (0.05 epm). F 56 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY TaBu® 27.-Chemical analyses of waters associated with salt deposits and miscellaneous waters of high salinity Analysis.c............. 1 2 8 4 5 6 Name and Searles Lake brine, | Searles Lake brine, | Bristol Dry Lake, Great Salt Lake Trona deposit, Glenwood Springs, Inyo County, Calif. | Inyo County, Calif. | San Bernardino Desert, Tooele Sweetwater Garfield County, County, Calif. County, Utah County, Wyo. Feb. 1958 Colo, Sept. 9, 1957 TOb@LAHIOHS- L- 22... 0 een Lo ces ©:000 ! ss 18,4004 1.2 $7880 ~ [e 2620 +- (soc 6,180: ecu cC, 327 Total. as reported........_....__._.... +880,000 |_......... +885,000 |-.:........ 279,000 148,000 -:)....._..._ 209,000 :<-1.._....... 119,000 := SpHecific conductance. _micromhos at 25° C_.|__.__ _______________ 103, Ogg 27, 800 PH+ e . 6. Temperature.. 23 52 Density at 20° C. 1. 204 1.011 Ratios by weight Ca/Na. 0. 000044 079 Mg/Ca. 1.2 15 K/Na . 0019 .024 Li/Na.. . 00001 . 00014 HCO;s/Cl 9.6 073 . 0078 dl . 00084 00016 Br/Cl.c.... . 0010 . 00023 Oi mol iar . 00040 . 00003 BJO se ere ee eee bed eevee econ decl. 0062 . 00009 - +: n eate ee e one sh e 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name and location.. Salado brine, Lea | Salado brine, Eddy Seep from Salado, | Lyons well, Wayne Aqua de Ney Budapest well, County, N. Mex. County, N. Mex. Eddy County, County, N.Y. Spring, Siskiyou Hungary . Mex. County, Calif. h Date Sept. 1957 Feb. 7, 1939 July 17, 1958 May 3, 1956 1932 Oct. 25, 1957 Total cc.. Total ge ppm 9. B. 1: ppm 269,000 See footnotes at end of table. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION oF SUBSURFACE WATERS F57T Taser 27.-Chemical analyses of waters associated with salt deposits and miscellaneous waters of high salinity-Continued (AN@ly8I8. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name and 10CAtION........._<------<---=--~~ Salado brine, Lea | Salado bring, Eddy | Seep from Salado, Lyons well, Wayne Aqua de Ney Budapest well, County, N. Mex. | County, N. Mex. Eddy County, County, N.Y. Spring, Siskiyou Hungary N. Mex. ounty, Calif. Date of COIIGCtON... . Sept. 1957 Feb. 7, 1939 July 17, 1958 May 3, 1956 Oct. 25, 1957 1932 Specific conductance . _micromhos at 25° C.. 83, 600 178, 008 § 54,002 & 29, H8 § Temperature . . .. 37 10.5 Cold Density at 20° C........------ 1. 209 1.027 1.018 Ratios by weight: 0. 0045 0.18 0.00029 Mg/Ca..- 6, 4.9 . 24 .36 K/Na.. . 033 . 008 .013 . 000029 .00017 . 00074 6 $0,/CL... . 068 20 F/CL... . 000020 00034 Br/Cl.. -. 00022 .0015 I/C... 000003 . 00091 00013 .034 1 Components mentioned in explanation of table. 2 Includes CO; as HCOs. EXPLANATION FOR TABLE 27 1. Composite brine from interstices of "Upper salt" body, 90 feet thick, at Searles Formation and 920 feet below top of Upper Permian evaporates (C. L. Jones, Lake, Inyo County, Calif. Probably representative 'only of brine from lower U.S. Geol. Survey, written communication). Discharge of about 1/40 gpm half of stratified salt layer (G. I. Smith, written communication, 1957) Exact eventually ceased. Collected by C. L. Jones; analyzed by C. E. Roberson, location of sampled wells not known. Analysis by American Potash and U.S. Geol. Survey; spectrographic analysis of evaporated. residue, by Nola B. Chemical Corp., with major constituents reported as hypothetical combina- Sheffey, converted to pDpM in original water; evaporated residue at 180°C, tions; also reported, in ppM, and included in totals: W 54; Sb 5; Rb, 1; Mo 0.7; 422,000; Al, 35; Fe, 350; Mn, 26; Ga, 0.005; Ti, 1.9; Zr, 0.06; Be, 0.002; Cu, 0.5; Ge 0.3. All carbonate reported as CO3, although some may be HCO;. Analysis, Pb, 0.04; Co, 0.007; Ni, 0.04; Or, 0.1; V, 0.08; Li, 3.3; Rb, 33; Cs, 13; Sr, 0.004(?); not previously published. Ba, 3.4. Analysis not previously published, The brine was accompanied by a 2. Composite brine from "Lower salt'' body, 40 ft thick, at Searles Lake, Inyo small amount of odorless gas, probably similar to gas given in table 28, analysis County, Calif. Exact location of sampled wells not known. Analysis by 44, and collected elsewhere in the Salado Formation by Jones. American Potash and Chemical Corp., with major constituents reported as 8. Test well Yates 1, 195 ft deep, SE14S W 14 see. 24, T. 25 S., R. 20 E., Eddy County, hypothetical combinations; all carbonate reported as CO3. Also reported is N. Mex. Sulfate water found at 142 and 145 ft; after standing, water flowed over W, 31 ppm. Analysis not previously published. casing from 142-ft zone. - Water from evaporite deposits of Permian age, perhaps 3. West-central part of Bristol Dry Lake, 6 miles south of Amboy and 1 mile north of gypsum and anhydrite of Castile Formation ("lower Salt Series"). Sample celesite saline deposits, San Bernardino County, Calif. Sample from drain- collected by W. B. Lang, analyzed by W. W. Brannock, U.S. Geol. Survey; age canal in salt body of National Chloride Co. (Durrell, 1953, p. 13). Analyst, Na determined by difference. Analysis not previously published. W. W. Brannock, U.S. Geol. Survey. 9. Brine seep in sandbar, half a foot above level of Pecos River, near Malaga, NEM 4. Composite of 126 brine samples from auger holes few feet deep in Great Salt Lake sec. 20, T. 24 8., R. 29 E., Eddy County, N. Mex. Discharges about 0.1 gpm; Desert, Tooele County, Utah. Most of the brines were interstitial in salt Probably meteoric water that has come in contact with saline deposits of Salado deposits and were analyzed principally for K and Mg (Nolan, 1927, p. 30). Formation of Permian age (C. L. Jones, written communication). Collected 5. Seep from shale immediately above main 10-ft trona bed of Intermountain Chem- by C. L. Jones; analyzed by H. C. Whitehead, of U.S. Geol. Survey, who also ical Co. in Bridger subbasin of Green River Basin, Sweetwater County, Wyo., determined Cu, Pb, and NOz, each 0.00 ppm. Spectrographic analysis of 10 miles west and 7 miles north of Green River. Collecting point is about 1,500 evaporated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: feet below the surface; the trona bed is interbedded with shale, oil shale, sand- evaporated residue at 180° C, 276,500; Fe, 1.4; Mn, 0.8; Cu, 0.6; Li, 1.4; Sr, 40; stone, limestone, and evaporites of the 900-ft thick Laney Shale Member of Ba, 2.5. . Analysis not previously published. the Green River Formation and is about 100 ft above the base of the member 10. Well, 393 ft deep, town of Lyons, Wayne County, N.Y.; penetrated the Salina (Bender Hash, Intermountain Chemical Co., written communication); dis- Formation of Silurian age from depths of 130 to 371 ft; Salina generally consists charge at the site was nil at first but then increased, leading Hash to believe of shale, marly sandstone, and impure limestone, all impregnated in places with this water is not connate water from the trona deposits but is meteoric water salts. Collected by R. Heath; analysis by G. F. Scarbro of U.S. Geol. Survey, from the Tower Sandstone Member of the upper part of the Green River who reported total Fe and Mn, Zn, each 0.2 ppm; Cu, 0.00 ppm; Ra, 11 uut Formation. Collected by Bender Hash and analyzed by H. C. Whitehead, per 1; U, 5.9 ppb. Analysis not previously published. U.S. Geol. Survey; spectrographic analysis of evaporated residue, by Nola 11. Aqua de Ney Spring, Siskiyou County, Calif.; main spring is 5 miles southwest B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in original water: evaporated residue at 180°C, of Mount Shasta, on the north bank of Ney Springs Creek of the Weed quad- 205,700; Fe, 1.4; Ti, 0.4; Li, 1.1; Sr, 0.6; Ba, 3.1. Analysis not previously pub- rangle. _ Discharges from serpentine in schistose rock (Waring, 1915, p. 264- lished. R 265). Collected by J. Feth and S. Rogers; analyzed by J. P. Schuch, U.S. Geol. 6. Main spring of Glenwood Hot Spring Lodge, Garfield County, Colo. Discharges Survey (Feth, Rogers, and Roberson, 1961). Water is remarkable for its very approximately 1,500 gpm from alluvium overlying Cretaceous sedimentary high pH and Si0# , which may be highest on record); analysis verified 5 times at rocks. The Paradox Formation of Lower Pennsylvanian ago, consisting of 2 laboratories. In other respects, the water strongly resembles probable connate salt deposits, gypsum, and other interbedded sediments, is believed to occur waters given in table 15. Also determined and included in totals: 80; 439 ppm at depth. Analyzed by H. C. Whitehead and C. E. Roberson, U.S. Geol. (10.89 epm); NO», 0.00 ppmj Cu, 0.30 ppm; Pb, 0.00 ppm; Zn, 0.20 ppm; re- Survey, who also reported Cu and Pb, each 0.00 ppm; Zn, 0.08 ppm; NOz, ported Mn and As from 1958 sample. John D. Hem determined Eh, -0.11; 0.13 ppm. Spectrographic analysis of evaporated. residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, total CO», 2,500 ppm; and S10;, 3,400 ppm. Spectrographic analysis of evapo- converted to ppm in original water; evaporated residue at 180° C, 19,500; A1, 1.2; rated residue, by Nola B. Sheffey, converted to ppm in the original water: Fe Si, (gin, 0.02; Li, 1.8; Rb, 0.8; Sr, 13; Ba, 0.4. Analysis not previously gvagogaged {elsidue at 180° C, 30,400; Al, 3.3; Zr, 0.3; Cu, 0.03; Mo, 0.09; Ii, 4 published. r, 0.2; Ba, 1.1. 7. National Potash Co. mine, sec. 18, T. 20 S., R. 32 E., in Carlsbad area, Lea County, 12. Ferencz Joseph "bitter" mineral water from shallow well in southern or south- . N. Mex. Brine seeping at 1,700-ft depth into new workings from clay on bot- western suburb of Budapest, Hungary. According to Vend] (1951, p. 188-196), tom and lower sides of postore epigenetic halite that has replaced part of the the water comes from middle Oligocene Kiscell Clay. Analyzed by J. Jendras- rock salt in middle "barren" part of Tenth Ore Zone, 650 ft below top of Salado sik, who also reported Ti, 0.01 ppm; free CO: 15 ppm. F58 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY TABLE 28.-Chemical analyses of gases accompanying or related to waters of tables 12 to 27, in volume or mole percent Related H0 water Tem- C:Hs (mole analysis pera- and per- No. and locality of sample £5364; CO: | Co | cm lifts-d H; HiS SO; O2 N: A He |H;BO;| Total cerfat € o Table |Anal- gases total ysis gas) 1. Cymric field, Kern Co., 12 2 50]. 2.10 |...... 79.63 100.00 (j...... 2. Hajduszoboszlo, Hungary 7 T8sel - 8.0 |___... 85.6 $0000 |...... 3. South Kwanto - fields, Chiba Prefecture, Japan..|.____. 11 20 2) 99 9: {-ne rer|neren fre ner ones 7 ADA {recon ele 100.00 (1.1... 4. Raisin City field, Fresno County, Calif.: 13 L9 (es... 95.2 |1.5 eO 0:0. 100-00 -- 1-..e.. 5. Bad Hall, Austria. 15 7 | Cold 0.2 | 0.0 | 99.8 .0 .0 100.0 > 6. Hanmer, S. Island, New 15 12 50+ 16. 96. 5 100.02 : Acc.... 7. Willow - Creek, - Shasta County, 16 2 17 .0 0 | 81.6 100.0 -i 8. Tolsona Spring, Copper 5 | Cold vB 66. 9 99.0 e..... River Basin, Alaska.. 9. Wiesbaden, Germany...__|______ 6 65+) 84.24 |______ .49 99.9959 |_.._2_ 10. Upper Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyo.... 17 1 95:4] 95.10 |...... 10 100.00 . {._.... 11. Norris Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyo. _..|._____ 2 904) 89.20 | .00 (68 L 2.90 1. ~... [._ 2. ccd 1.40 10.50 ll cl. teal Act 100.00. .[ 12. Steamboat Springs, Washoe County, Nev...|.____. 8 804) 97.7 13. Haukadalur, Iceland...___ 7 95+) 80. 14. Reykjanes, Iceland._______ 8 95+ 15. Hveravellir, Iceland_______ 9 95+ 16. Pauzhetsk, Kamchatka, . 2:3 ca neon ene eer cle 12 T Rh foo] AV or ule | ute eac s (c l. 1 w tages ...... 17. Well 4/1, Wairakei, New Zealand cls cl .ll... 14 97+ 99. 96 18. Niland, Imperial County, ; ell cli 18 2 fhe #2 o et | t es eagle ee h e fee. Ding Till.. 19. Agnano, JL. _.2C. 6 Nep Jaks orp t en alten (s 20. Nalachevskie, Kamchatka, ; USSR -.: cn v Et pele ailes tet - ain ._ ene e len. henge (.. .. 21. Ebeco _ Volcano, Kurile Islands, USSR.......... 19 3 1 por ewe 1 00 1 ceo hoge | esen | aar | olo e tha ran ah eae OL.. ._ 22. Frying Pan Lake, New CRIA eer. 22:2. 12 a tct peel ol to lnt L [L. _. 23. White Island, New Ze i ands. 0. 2. eL c cz 13 Tel A pos oP peslve | ao atea al a oren (b n 24. "The Geysers", Sonoma County, Calf........ ..; 20 1 1504] 63.50 |___... 15.20 -1...... 14.67 RASA £0.59 I-.... (.144)] 100.10 98. 06 25. Bumpass Hell, Tehama County, 2 79+] 93.05 00 +201... cece 45 £05, lene 25 6.88 10.7. 99. 95 26. Norris Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyo...._|._____ 3 904] 97.40 |...__. 220. .00 (TP { seuss £1.00 |.... _": 100.00 27. Mud Volcano group, Yel- lowstone National Park, L1 coven ramses 4 654) 98.90 |___... +40 J....s} . 00 10 $00.4: 28. Sulphur Springs, Sandoval County, N. Mex.. 5 65:1 77.0 |...... 70 0 20.1 100.0 _.... 29. Uzonskic, Kamchatka, ci seee 6 96.0] 85.8 |._____ 7.0 +00 4 100.95 1_.__._ 30. Koshelevsk, Kamchatka, USSR.. As.. eco c: 7 97. 8|266. 02 |______ 24.38 | .46 |..____ (2) 91.00(7))...... 31. Steamboat Springs, Washoe County, Nev. 21 2 101. | 98.8. |.... «1 | Present 100.0. 32. Well 6, Wairakei, New . ell ll 5 1754] 98.06 |._____ 32 | 05 | .18 . 63 99.997 | 99.49 83. Essentuki, Caucasus, URSR... rel ce 22 7 14:41 80.1. 1._:c.. TO .3 $0.7 llc.... 34. Malkinsk, Kamchatka, DSS lsc cel iil 8 5.61 08:6 I...... YO . |e [eee ace -[ 31240 1. one. cs 1000 :I... 35. Te Aroha, New Zealand___ 10 B54] 98.80 |......[....... 02 iD up 1100 CECT: 199.023. I...... 36. Sulphur - Bank, - Lake County, Calif......____ 23 T 75+) 89.34 |______ Lo cel i Present AG Lool. Lec ALL ery. 100.00 _ |___... 37. Ngawha, New Zealand___|______ 6 834) 90.6 |.____. 6:6 1.2.2: 1.0 £02 |-. seal ne sere SAB | oes. clon ele 100.02 1_._.._ 38. Mammoth, Yellowstone National Park, Wyo.... 25 3 TOA) 97.90 |___... 200. .00 200 1.2. ee]. noe 45 14.65]. lll Artie $00.00 ; 1._..... 39. Lysuholl, Snacfellsnes, Un. 5 site] 98.0 |.... .c]. ..f 108 (*s hees acl ons neben olen AO eden cscs 100.0 ' (_...... 40. Hot Springs, Garland County, Ark..._....._. 26 2 64) 36.4 |..._._ .0 19.5 100.0. |...... 41. Warm Springs, - Meri- wether County, Ga____|._____ 8 i] erie ty ap fee sso. heal ll sl... "Tina cl. ._. 42. Sydri-Reykir, Iceland. 4 100 99. 85 43. Plombiers, 5 "el (0 cls] lito Rieke |a [... nld ("5 44. Salado Fm., Lea County, N. Mex. L .. 27 prs tcf}; ¢ aoleassles (hoes aetna |. _. Includes inert gases not reported. 2 Includes H2S as well as CO2. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUBSURFACE WATERS E59 TaBus 29. -Approzimate median ratios and contents, by weight, of analyses in tables 12 to 26, compared to ocean water Num- Total Total 'Table] ber of | Ca/Na | Mg/Ca| K/Na Li/Na | HCO;/C1 | $04/Cl F/Cl | Br/Cl| ICI B/Cl re- SiO |reported| pH analy- ported |(ppm)| N as ses ppm NH OCCA 0. 038 3.2 | 0.036 (0.00001 0.0074 | 0.14 (0.00007 (0.0034 0.000003 {0.00024 | 34, 500 7 0.05 | 8 Oil-field brines: NaCItyDE......_...... eel (A2 11 . 04 4 .015 | .0003 .02 0005 | .0002 | .003 | .002 .003 30,000 30 40 7.0 Na-Ca-Cl type. __.._..-~.-.------- 13 13 .3 .15 | .02 | .0002 . 001 'ooo8 | 00002 | .005s | .00008 | .0002 (120, 000 10 | 200 6.7 Springs that may contain connate water: * NaCl type. ._..._._._._.__._._......- 15 12 .05 5 .03 | .0003 C2 .o02 | .0903 | .0015 | .002 . 015 20, 000 30 40 7.8 Na-Ca-Cl type@...___-..-.---.-- 16 | 15 .2 i .05 | .0005 . 03 .oos | .00005 | .002 | .0001 .0005 | 20,000 25 T 7.1 Sprintgs that may contain volcanic water: © Geyser waters. ..__.._.---------- 17 14 .03 .06 | .10 | .006 A 1 . 002 .0015 | .0000 02 2, 000 300 1+ | 84 Non-geyser NaCl type . 18 8 .06 i1 .13 | .002 .8 . 06 . 001 . 003 0006 D 10,000 110 1+ | 7.2 Acid SO4-C1 type.... 19 13 8 1 2 . OL . 00 A7. .O .0006 | . 0000 . O1 9,000 300 6 2.2 Acid SO, type.....-- 20 11 | 1.5 4 4 . 00 .00 ) [400. > .03 .004 | .000 .8 2,000 200 30 1.9 Acid HCO;-SO« type.......---- 21 §; 4 2 4 .005 50. 10. 0 c l 500 70 1+ | 7.0 Springs that may contain metamor- ; phic water, NaHCO-boron type.! - 22 10 .05 .6 02 | .002 5. .05 . 001 .002 | .002 o 12,000 80 5 6.8 Miscellaneous waters: __Springs associated with mer- ° cury deposits........--------- 23 6 . 04 5 .03 | . 001 2. 4 006 .002 | .003 i1 3,000 90 20 7.0 Springs associated with manga- nese and tungsten deposits ._.] - 23 6 .5 3 .07 | .001 .8 .5 .02 .001 | .000 .002 2,000 60 14 | 6.8 Springs depositing travertine... 25 61-1. 3 16 | .001 .2 1.4 .01 .003 | .000 .02 2,000 60 1 6.5 Heated meteoric waters.... ...- 26 6 .2 2 A3 dn 15. 4. 100 . <4 200 60 9.2 i Includes COs as equivalent HCOs. REFERENCES CITED Allen, E. T., and Day, A. T., 1927, Steamwells and other thermal activity at "The Geysers", California: Carnegie Inst. 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A Page Acid-forming areas and mines, analyses of nonthermal, saline and acid waters F12, 52 Alabama, analyses of subsurface water from: 22 Center Point * 23 22 Linden 20 Sylac@uga.-...........-..-------- = 25 Tuscumbig..................~----- = 22 Alaska, analyses of subsurface water from: Copper River Basin................------ 38 Umnak Island..............~~..---------- 40 Algeria, analyses of subsurface water from Meskoutine Springs, Constantine PFOVINCG. .... 13, 54 Alluvium, analyses of subsurface water from.. 8,28 Argentina, analyses of subsurface water from Neuquen Territory..........-- 32-33, 44 Arikaree Sandstone, analyses of ground water 18 Arizona, analyses of subsurface water from: Bull 16 Douglas...................- 28 Gila Bend..__..._..__._.____......._~«.--- 29 Mesa 28 Mexican 18 Arkansas, analyses of subsurface water from: Garland County..................-.------ 55 Hot 7, 24 Melbourne... 18 20 Austria, analyses of subsurface water from LiMNF. ... un iene vea 36 B Baltimore Gneiss, analyses of ground water (POD: .e 26 Bangor Limestone, analyses of ground water i TO.. 22 Bayport dolomitic Limestone, analyses of 2 ground water from....._.........~ 22 Benton Shale, analyses of ground water from.... 20 Bicarbonate ions, general discussion...... 3-4 Big Fork Chert, analyses of ground water ..... 24 Biwabik Iron Formation, analyses of ground water fFOM-........._....«.. 24 Brazil, analyses of subsurface water from Itabira District, Minas Gerals.. 8, 12, 26 Brevard Schist, analyses of ground water from.. 26 Brings, ANAlySeS Of.....__....__.-------«----«-- 32-33 British West Indies, analyses of subsurface water from St. Lucia Island.... __ 47 Brule Siltstone, analyses of ground water from. 20 Brunswick Shale, analyses of ground water 20 Bushveld Sandstone, analyses of ground water FOI.. 21. 18 Bushveld ultramafics, analyses of ground water 16 INDEX C Page Calcium in solution, general discussion...... F3-4 California, analyses of subsurface water from: Abbott Mine, Colusa County..........-- 50 Crabtree Springs, Lake County. . 12,48 Cymric oil field, Kern County.... . 11,30 Fresno County..............-- 29, 30, 32, 34, 36 42 Imperial COUNty......_._....._...--«---~ Keene Wonder Springs, Inyo County.... 13, 54 Lassen COUNty......._.____.__..-_---~---- 50 Mendocino County................~-.---- 48 Midway Sunset oil field, Kern County... 34 Mono 42 Morgan Springs, Tehama County. 12, 40 Napa County............... 50 Niptofn-............._- 26 San Bernardino County.... 56 Santa Clara County......~.- 48 Searles Lake, Inyo County.. 13, 56 Shasta County........=.... 38, 46 Siskiyou County...... 56-57 Solano County... 30, 36 Sonoma County.........----- . 11, 46, 47 Sulfur Bank mine, Lake County .... 12,50 Trinity 48 Tuscan Springs, Tehama 36 Ventura COUDty.....____.....__.....-««-- 32 Wilber Springs, Colusa County...... 11,36 Camillus Shale, analyses of ground water from.. 20 Canada, analyses of subsurface water from 34 Carbonate ions, general discussion..........-- 3-4 Caseyville Sandstone, analyses of ground water fFOM....__...._______-_««--- 18 Castile Formation, analyses of ground water from EYDSUM.....__._......----- 24 Castle Hayne Limestone, analyses of ground water frOM1......___...._........~ 22 Catahoula Sandstone, analyses of ground water 18 Chicopee Shale, analyses of ground water 20 Classification of subsurface waters..........-- 1-2 Cockeysville Marble, analyses of ground water frOM.._____________-.---- 25 Colorado, analyses of subsurface water from: Doughty Springs, Delta County...... . 13, 50-51 Fort 20 Garfield County.....___..............---- 56 Monument.... 18 Ouray COUNty.......__..._._.«-.--««---~ 50-51 Poncha Springs, Chaffee County...... 13, 50-51 San Juan 58 Columbia River Basalt, analyses of ground water 16 Conasauga Limestone, analyses of ground water 22 CONMAte 2, 9-10 Connecticut, analyses of subsurface water from: MANCh@Ster......__..._-<-----------~ oo.. "H8 Willimantic. 26 Copper Ridge Dolomite, analyses of ground WAtOr 23 Page Crater lakes. - See Springs. Czechoslovakia, analyses of subsurface water from Breclay......_......---~---- F36 D Dakota Sandstone, fluoride content of water 6 Dawson Arkose, analyses of ground water 18 Deccan Basait, analyses of ground water from. 16 Deep-well brines. - See Oil and gas fields. E Ecca Shale, analyses of ground water from.. 20 Edwards Limestone, analyses of ground water L.... 22 Epithermal mineral deposits, analyses of thermal waters associated with..... 11-12, 50-51 Eutaw Clay, analyses of ground water from.... 20 F Florida, analyses of subsurface water from: 22 Gainesville... 22 Lake City..._....- 22 Fort Union Formation, analyses of ground water from lignite....._.........~ 24 Fossil water....._..._.....- 9 France, analyses of subsurface water from 55 Franconia Sandstone, analyses of ground WAtOr FOM... 18 G Gasconade Dolomite, analyses of ground water frOM....._____....._..~---- 23 Gases accompanying or related to subsurface waters, analyses Of..............-- 58-59 Gas fields. - See Oil and gas fields. Georgia, analyses of subsurface water from: Meriwether County......._....~---- 55 SUWAIOG. . 26 Glacial outwash, analyses of subsurface water 8, 28 Gravel, unconsolidated, analyses of subsurface water fOM.....__.________-.--«--- 8, 28 Greece, analyses of subsurface water from 'Thermopotamos, Euboca Island.. 10, 38 Grenville Gneiss, analyses of ground water 26 Guelph Dolomite, analyses of ground water 22 H Hattiesburg Clay, analyses of ground water 20 Hawaii, analyses of subsurface water from Oahu Island...........~...-------- 16 F65 F66 Page Homewood Sandstone, analyses of ground WaberIdrOM. F18 Hungary, analyses of subsurface water from: 13, 30, 56-57 DUKKSIEEHL oe or on 2 34 Debrecen... OI a= (00 2 nees. oo . 34 I Iceland, analyses of subsurface water from: ARHTOYTL SFCR- 2 chee seen ease ne ene e 55 Lysuboll Springs, Snaefellsnes Peninsula. 12, 54 Reykjanes, Reykjavik......___________ 10, 40-41 LR. 40-41 Idaho, analyses of subsurface water from: 17 28 14 16 14 16 Volley cli 00 50 Igneous rocks, analyses of ground water from. 5-6, 14-17 Illinois, analyses of subsurface water from Wayne County...... 32 India, analyses of subsurface water from Furia, Hyderabad_.°...____:____ 16 Indonesia, analyses of subsurface water from JavA s. LEV AOL 12,13, 44 Tons in ground water, general discussion...... 4 Towa, analyses of subsurface water from: Clinton. _ I2 000 I OOO ___ Pree 28 2. he 29 Tron in solution, general discussion.. ____..____ 3 Israel, analyses of subsurface water from near Sea of 10, 38-39 - Italy, analyses of subsurface water from Naples: ssl resco, [ A20 42 J Jackson Shale, analyses of ground water from. 20 Japan, analyses of subsurface water from: Arima, Hyogo Prefecture............_.__. 10, 38 Chiba 30 Fukushima Prefecture.. zs 55 Gumms 36, 44 Hokkaido Prefecture. ...... 36, 48-49, 50-51 Abufl 220. cols. 220. . 44 Kanagawa Prefecture................_.... 46 Kogoshima Prefecture.. 47 Niigata Prefecture..._...___________ 44 Toghlgl 46, 53 Yamagata PréfectUr®...................._ 38-39 K Kansas, analyses of subsurface water from: Gaylord .... lol 12.0 ae 28 Lyon County .- :e..... 0.000. 93. 0. 20 Kentucky, analyses of subsurface water from: Bardstown. 22 Dawson Springs._.______ R 18 Johnson 32 Park Lakes uct Cel LCC el 20 L Lakebeds, analyses of subsurface water from.... 28 Laurel Limestone, analyses of ground water from__.__________-_.‘-_.____-.‘____ 22 Lebanon Limestone, analyses of ground water cent econ ers cresubh cones 22 Louisiana, analyses of subsurface water from: Lafourche .z 30 Plaquemines Parish...........__.__L.___ 32 M Magmatic 2, 10-11 Magnesium in solution, general discussion.... 4 INDEX Page Maine, analyses of subsurface water from F2 Marble, analyses of ground waters from.. _____ 25 Maryland, analyses of subsurface water from: .n. 26 Baltimore County.. Clear Spring.....____ Ellicott City...._._. 14 16 2% 16 ee olen oue: 16 Massachusetts, analyses of subsurface water from: renege senecs ; 20 NeW oe 14 Meagher Limestone, analyses of ground water 22 Metamorphic rocks, analyses of ground water eep ceo 8, 25-27 Melathorphic l...... 2,11 Mexico, analyses of subsurface water from: B§fa CalHortiia cs cor- se. 42 SOUHOTAL- cori cns 53 Michigan, analyses of subsurface water from: :s Sex 18 Cliffs Shaft Mine.._..______ a 25 Grand 22 Houghton County 52 Marquette County. as is 52 Michigan .. 9, 32-33 MOFIS e-. renee) oo eee news 26 Mines and acid-forming areas, analyses of non- thermal, saline and acid waters S-- o oo moles ws 12, 52 Minnesota, analyses of subsurface water from: Eden Valley. 28 Grand Rapids. buue 24 MOURG: rire eee ve. - oe c 18 Mississippi, analyses of subsurface water from: CdHIHIS- - L oue 18 ne cH ene e eee so 20 Missouri, analyses of subsurface water from MIGY--oo reset ces 23 Montana, analyses of subsurface water from: Bow County. die.. 53 cre onne .. $1 22 -s 4% . cee ont veen enon 24 Mutual Quartzite, analyses of ground water eX node eee e deca neon 25 N Navajo Sandstone, analyses of ground water TOH: einen reece bre 18 Nebraska, analyses of subsurface water from: 21... col n donno 18 HATTISDHIS. :: seee ols e eee ee ugh. 20 Nevada, analyses of subsurface water from: . ono l Ee ULi U2 # 14 Bowers, Washoe County.... E 55 Bureks County. . 40 bye ... ou 50-51, 52 Pershing _. wee 50 Pigeon Spring, west of Lida... s 28 Poison" spring, Washoe County.. ike 53 Steamboat Springs, Washoe County... 11, 12, 40 Steamboat well GS-7, Washoe County... 47 Shorey --= coccal dlll ... 52 New Hampshire, analyses of subsurface water from _. 28 New Jersey, analyses of subsurface water from .R... 0s. 20 New Mexico, analyses of subsurface water from: Rddy . dl. coll ails 56-57 Les County...... -- 56-57 Los as 14 Ojo Caliente Springs, Taos County.... 13, 50-51 Bed Bluff:-.....___.______...___.. 0}. 24 BOSWELL 22. 1 ce relo e ie re dene de bac el 22 Rendoval 42, 46 Page New York, analyses of subsurface water from: F26 Lake Pleasant as 17 Sand Lake.....__._...__.. we 18 Saratoga County.._________ s 38 Syracuse....___ 20 Wayne Couuty.-..........___.____...}. 56-57 New Zealand, analyses of subsurface water from: ATONA -our ceci 28 Pay of 00.00 44 Ngawha Springs, North Island.._________. 12, 50 40-41, 47, 48-49 South cial. .cn... 36 nece nouns ee cence 44 Tongariro 46 Niagara Dolomite, analyses of ground water sour e enemee ase bene 23 North Carolina, analyses of subsurface water from: \{ . 17 China Grove. 17 Harrisburg. 16 14 22 20 16 ucc aenr sone o 26 Yangeyville.1 dnl 22. 26 North Dakota, analyses of subsurface water from: polficld .... lc .N... 24 -- suc onle eon 20 0 Oakville Sandstone, analyses of ground water 18 Ocala Limestone, analyses of ground water TOM AY PHE e release becca cn won ad 22 Ohio, analyses of subsurface water from: cases s 23 Columbus............ 28 Cuyahoga County.... 20 Fork Recovery. dict. coool. :.. 7,28 Ohio Shale, analyses of ground water from.... 20 Oil and gas fields, analyses of subsurface water from: General discussion....._______ ; 9 Sodium chloride dominated.. _.._______._. 30-31 Sodium and calcium chlorides, high in.... 32-33 Sulfate and bicarbonate, high in._________ 34-35 Oklahoma, analyses of subsurface water from 000 28 Oregon, analyses of subsurface water from: Burns... 14 Cave Junction. 28 Farmington 16 London, Lane County.. -. 10, 38 00 (20; 20 g Pahasapa Limestone, analyses of ground water TOTL .o ror . 22 Peebles Dolomite, analyses of ground water EOM S. clan cel dane ci 23 Pennsylvania, analyses of subsurface water from: Pucks County. 25, 26 Jamestown......___ £5 18 s 16 Worthinston.=......... ...... % 18 pH, general discussion...__.____________ 10 3-4 Phosphoria Phosphate, analyses of ground water 24 Pierre Shale, analyses of ground water from ._ 20 Philippine Islands, analyses of subsurface water from Luzon..._____ 44 Page Pocono Sandstone, analyses of ground water o F18 Poland, analyses of subsurface water from: BOTYSIAW 32-33 Galicia. 30 30 Port Deposit Gneiss, analyses of ground water 26 Pretoria Quartzite, analyses of ground water a. 26 Q Quartzite, analyses of ground waters from.... 25 R Rensselaer Graywacke, analyses of ground water fFOM.._____________.------ 18 Rhode Island, analyses of subsurface water from West Warwick..........---- 14 Rumania, analyses of subsurface water from: Haromszek County. 48 MOINStiL.. 30 8 St. Peter Sandstone, analyses of ground water 18 Salado Formation, analyses of water from salt GepOSitS 13, 56 Salt deposits: Analyses of subsurface water associated WITH... s 13, 56-57 WAbOrS 13 San Andres Limestone, analyses of ground water frOM....._.______.____._.-- 22 Sand, unconsolidated, analyses of subsurface water frOM.......______._.___---- 8, 28 Sedimentary rocks, analyses of ground water 6-8, 18-24 Siamo Slate, analyses of ground water from... _ 26 Silica in solution, general discussion...... 3 Sioux Quartzite, analyses of ground water 25 Snake River Basalt, analyses of ground water 16 Soil, chemical character of ground water af- South Carolina, analyses of subsurface water from: 20 MeCormick 14 South Dakota, analyses of subsurface water from: Lawrence County..._........- wesw.) 108 Rapid City..... 22 Sioux Falls. 25 INDEX Page Springs, analyses of water from: Acid sulfate associated with volcanism .. F11, 46-47 Acid sulfate-chloride in volcanic environ- ments and crater lakes.... .. 10-11, 44-45 Composition similar to oil-field water, general discussion........-------- 9-10 Sodium, bicarbonate and boron, high IM. nen 11, 48-49 Sodium calcium chloride type.. s Sodium chloride typ@..........----------- 36-37 Travertine depositing............~----- 12-13, 54 See also Thermal waters. Stormberg Basalt, analyses of ground water 16 Sweden, analyses of subsurface water from Scania district..__.___......------ 32-33 Sylacauga Marble, analyses of ground water M ee s 25 Sylvania Sandstone, analyses of ground water cl ooo 18 P 'Tabulated data, source and selection.......... 4-5 Taiwan, analyses of subsurface water from 10, 12, 42, 44, 50-51 Tennessee, analyses of subsurface water from Mt. 22 Terminology and units, discussion.... 5 Texas, analyses of subsurface water from: 18 Pecos....__.____..~~--- 29 22 Thermal waters, analyses of: Associated with epithermal mineral de-. DOSES. .-.. 11-12 Associated with quicksilver deposits.... 11 Bicarbonate sulfate in volcanic environ- .... 11, 47 Epithermal mineral deposits...._...~.---- 50-51 Geyser areas associated with volcanism. 10, 40-41 MEtEOTIG. .. 13, 55 Sodium chloride bicarbonate type associ- ated with volcanism...._.....~ 10, 42-43 See also Springs. Tunisia, analyses of subsurface water from Ain Djebel, Tunis......._........-- 13, 38-39 Turkey, analyses of subsurface water from AHSEOHALL._. .... 38-39 U Union of South Africa, analyses of subsurface water from: 16 Cape Provinte.........._.._._...-«---- 20, 50-51 Irene, Pretoria, Transvaal...._.........-- 23 Monzi, Zululand.........---------- 18 Paddysland, 26 PretOri@ GiStrICb.._______....____.--------- 16, 18 Stellenbosch T 14 14, 18, 20, 25 'Trompsberg, Orange Free State......---- 10, 38 G FOT Page TU.9.9.R., analyses of subsurface water from: ADKBAZL .. F38-30 CAUCASUS. 48-49 36, 48-49: Kamchatka... 40-41, 42, 46, 48-49 Kazakh district.. 30 Kunashir Island........---------- __ 44, 46 Molotov City.....--- __ 32-33 Neshkin, Siberig...__...------------- 10, 38 Paramushir Island ._.._...-~-.----------~ 44 Units and terminology, 5 Utah, analyses of subsurface water from: Abraham Springs, Juab County.. 13, 50 Box Elder 36 Kamus 25 Roosevelt Springs, Beaver County. ._ 12, 42 Tooele County.......----------- 56 Weber 38 ¥ Vernon Shale, analyses of ground water from.. 20 Virginia, analyses of subsurface water from CheSt@r...._______._.._.---~----««- 14 Virgin Islands, analyses of subsurface water from St. Croix Island.__.........-- 20 Volcanism, analyses of waters associated with. See Springs and Thermal waters. ® w Warsaw Limestone, analyses of ground water 22 Washington, analyses of subsurface water from: CAMAS... 16 Moses Lake.....~.- 16 Spokane.........~~- 14 Tonasket... 2 +90 28 West Germany, analyses of subsurface water from: RUbT 32-33 36 Wiesbaden, 10, 38 West Virginia, analyses of subsurface water from Calhoun County........-~.- 32 Willard Shale, analyses of ground water from.... 20 Willimantic Gneiss, analyses of ground water ffOIH... ... on 26 Wisconsin, analyses of subsurface water from: Kaukauna 18 18 West | 23 Wissahickon Schist, analyses of ground water were 26 Wyoming, analyses of subsurface water from: Fremont COUNty..._._._...._.__.__.~...~- 34 Hot Springs County. 54 Ls Frele........_-.-.. nest 20 Natrona County.... 34 Sweetwater 56 Yellowstone National Park...... 40, 44, 46, 54 «&