Published by EUGENE O. MURMANN Copyright [9 I 3 Typical California Bungalows A collection of the best and most artistic bungalows built in Los Angeles, Pasadena and the sUrrounding suburbs, with plans and interiors. Published by Eugene O. Murmann Designer Los Angeles, California Copyrighted 1913 by Eugene O. Murmann Edited by Eugene O. Murmann Photographs by Eugene O. Murmann Printed by NeWitt Adv. Co W \» ,) ’ ‘r l J \ Introduction .HE word “bungalow” is an Anglo-Indianpword derived from the Hindustani “Bangla,” which means ‘ “belonging to Bengal”—a name for a one-story house with a veranda and wide projecting roof, the typical dwelling for Europeans in India. The bungalow has reached its present high standard of artistic development in Southern Cali- fornia, where it has come under the influence of the Spanish Mission, the Swiss Chalet, and, in some instances, the Japanese type of architecture. The bungalow in its modern expression is not a temporary fad, but a practical type of architecture which has come to stay and which is meeting with ever-increasing popularity, not only here, but throughout this coun- try, Canada and Mexico. Its characteristic simple, horizontal lines, projecting roof, large verandas, simplicity in construction and detail, with the elimination of fancy mill work and gingerbread effects, —make it the most comfortable, livable and convenient type of home for any climate. The bungalow is essentially a home in which the labor of housework is minimized, and to this feature, to- gether with its artistic effects, is due its present—day extreme popularity. The materials largely used for the exterior are re—sawed rustics, split shakes, shingles, and for the roof, white roofing paper or shingles. The masonry is usually blue brick, cobble stones, clinker brick, cement, etc. It has been my purpose in compiling this book to give the public a collection of the most artistic and popular bungalows built in Southern California, fitting them with floor plans which combine utmost convenience and com- fort for any climate. I have tried to present plans to meet every individual taste. If you should find some features not satisfactory, changes may be made at slight expense. If my stock plans are ordered reversed, then of course, all the writing and figures would appear reversed. ‘ For $10 I will furnish one complete set of blue print plans, details and specifications of any bungalow shown in this book. If more than one set of plans are required, additional sets will be furnished for $2.50. 291300 One set of plans consists of foundation and cellar plan, floor plans, four elevations, and all necessary details. They are complete working drawings—drawn a quarter inch to a foot, showing size and location of every room, position of closets, electric lighting fixtures, plumbing fixtures, size of all doors and windows, etc. The details are drawn 1/2" to 3” to 1', showing elevations and cross sections, sinks, cupboards, wainscoting, beams, etc. The specifications in every plan are as complete as possible, covering everything, from excavating to the final finishings, including binding clauses to' contractors, etc. The cost estimates of the bungalows herein illustrated are approximate and are based on average costs of labor and materials. If estimates seem too low or too high, be sure and have a competent local builder verify the figures. In remitting, send postal or express money orders, or currency by registered mail. Address all communications to EUGENE O. MURMANN, 240 Central Avenue, GLENDALE, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Reference by permission: Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. W. C. Patterson, Vice-President First National Bank, Los Angeles, Cal. California Furniture Co., Los Angeles, Cal. . H i . I COOLLI / ~u—u.., KITCHEN scum BED ROOM, airxis' 170ch ‘ Inn" E V --------- V sovtcn ( Emmmf 1 :l‘ILI f b/ BUFFET *, CLOSET "”3 :"‘"""“~ I.._.: g’ .5 QUVEOARDS TERRAC ATI SHELF LlNEN _\ 91W giniNINc 1200M: ;§ (z‘m' ;' .Q I n J / ; l 3 A. i i LIVING {100M ‘I,;U I : :3 , is-c 1f: ) BED RoéM i . i n'ua' : ‘7; Q) Number 101. i t i P355” No. 101. A charming little home of five rooms and a model of bungalow I - ‘ l . . . . . l l l 4] architecture. The porch is the main feature, broad prOJectmg eaves, a clever i 5 Lu“; arrangement of rough timber in the gable together with the masonry of Floor Plan No 101 clinker brick of various colors, peppered with cobblestones and cement coping, ' ° all these result in an exterior which makes it at once attractive and artistic. Approximate cost, $1850. The colored picture of this bungalow on the cover shows what can be accom- plished with the proper setting of trees, shrubbery and flowers. The arrange— ment of the rooms is very convenient. Built-in features, such as bookcases, I‘CVCFSCd, $10- buffet, linen closets and kitchen utilities make it a model of convenience. The French windows in the dining room open onto a cement side porch. There is an artistic mantel in the living room. Paneled wainscoting and beam ceiling in dining room, a cornice in the living room and polished oak floors in both principal rooms. Plans and specifications as shown or Number .102. N0. 102. An artistic and comfortable six room bungalow with a low and wide spreading roof, giving it a very homelike and cozy appearance. Exterior walls shingled, porch piers and chimney are of brick covered with a rough dash cement plaster. The growth of vines and shrubbery show how such a California bungalow, properly treated, can produce a‘ most enhancing effect. The arrangement of the rooms around the central hall is excellent. The din- ing room has paneled wainscoting, beam ceiling and large buffet, with china closets on either side. The living room has a tile mantel and a wood cornice. Polished oak floors in both principal rooms. French doors open onto the front porch. All the bedrooms and breakfast room have good closets. The kitchen and bathroom have all the modern built—in conveniences.’ 13901:) BED ROOM '1"! [E ' I 5C RE EN PORCH 1'! H' \ HALL 0 r o M m -a I'llhl? I1INS . P. in _:. 91‘19135115 1. Floor Plan No. 102. Cost about $2100. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. nu I. Number 102A for this charming bungalow. bed under it, so that it could large and available as dress— separate the dining room and No. 102A. An alternate plan with 7 rooms The den has a built—in desk with a disappearing be used as an extra bedrooin. The closets are ing rooms. Buttresses with built-in book cases living room. The dining room opens out onto a pergola covered terrace, through French doors. ENIN‘KQ X nu: : HALL N'mn JWINS f) r O (/1 f1 .1 Kl TCH EN I0'-£'I [5‘ (A \ B BUFFET l i 'L \. i' 1 ..‘§" liummc Room: ii 'U I" E i . LIVINQ ROOM ' IS'I IT—s‘ . I BED ROOM If! I'I' icjm‘fl _ 31D VNBER DEN u BED ROOM now ,-/I DRISSINQ ROOM L .LVES . Floor Plan No. 102A. This bungalow can be built for $2500. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 103. No. 103. Here is another pretty bungalow, the plan of which is most conveniently arranged. Above the cement base the walls are covered with shakes. The living room is large and forms practically one room with the adjoining den, from which it is separated by buttresses with built—in book cases. The breakfast room, dining room and den are grouped around a pergola covered cement terrace onto which they open through French doors. There are oak floors in the principal rooms, a beam ceiling in the dining room and a cornice in the living room. The bed rooms are large and have large closets. The bath room is a model of comfort. It has a full length mirror resting on a seat with drawers on either side. Bil “ ‘ ppppppp ....... ‘ a 0 ’ () B E D ROOM 3 un‘. w' Kl TC H E N u no) n' u... [1 iém ' .‘ mg 9.00ng "‘1': «1‘ ; . LIVINQ Room I)‘; 1123‘ Floor Plan No. 103. Cost, about $2300. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 104. No. 104 An exceptionally artistic bungalow. It is only 26 feet wide and adapted to a narrow lot. The exterior walls are covered with shakes put on in irregular courses. The porch piers are quaintly yet artistically built of rough timber and clinker brick, giving that rustic effect which is often seen in Southern California. There are two bedrooms, each provided with a closet, and a kitchen that is planned in a manner to save the steps of the housewife. Cost, about $1780. Plans and specifications as as shown or reversed, $10. N c ‘n 11 I"! _l BED ROOM ll'—"x I‘ll-6' KITc HE N Io'-(.‘i< n.‘ 'lTblNING R00 . It'x l‘1' __,_-.._-_-.' .___, 1.”ch Room Il'tl'a' Floor Plan No. 104. Number 105. No. 105. This is one of the prettiest little 6-room bungalows. The exterior is covered with shakes, the chimney, porch walls, and piers are of brick, The porch plan is particularly attractive. Between living room and den are book cases. The den contains a mantel with seats on either side. The dining room has a large sideboard with china closets. The kitchen and bath room have all the latest built—in conveniences. 10 B E D R 00 M "‘4': n“ If! 15'-)' QXVOSEOI? LIVING. RObM ' I3‘xl8' I l _ J TL I Floor Plan No. 105. Cost, about $2100. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 106. No. 106. This is truly an ideal bungalow. The exterior walls are cov- ered with shakes. The porch piers and chimney are constructed of light brick. The roof is nearly flat and covered with white roofing paper. The interior is most cozy and inviting. The large living room extends across the entire front. It has a wood cornice, an ornamental mantel and book cases. The dining room opens onto a pergola covered terrace, has a large buffet, beam ceiling and paneled wainscoting. Oak floors in both principal rooms. The kitchen has all the modern built-in conveniences. 11 BED ROOM Iz‘xm' CLOSET LINCNI I BED ROOM iu'x m' 1 'v I I : I :inmma R OM ;: H w‘w :P . . . E LIVING ROOM i l3'x1‘o Floor Plan No. 106. This bungalow could be built for $1900. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 107. No. 107. Another specimen of an attractive modern California bungalow. The porch extends across the front and one side. The piers of the porch and chimney are built of brick, covered with rough dash cement plaster. The den and living room across the front make very pleasant rooms. The dining room is large and opens onto the side porch. All the principal rooms have a wood cornice and polished oak floors. The dining room and den have panelel wainscoting. The kitchen is equipped with cooler, cupboards, drawers and flour bins. The bathroom is conveniently located and can be reached from every room without passing through bedrooms. This bun—. galow is very suitable for a corner lot. 12 B I: B ROOM "is" \3‘ b\\fi-h _ V I CLOSET p {croszr . --- -L\\ BED ROOM If: w-s‘ DEN WHH' HAL Kl TC HEN II‘II‘!‘ L mm BUFFET L DI NINQ ROOM n'ns' [FE Floor Plan No. 107. Cost, about $2100. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. N BREAK FAST ROOM 0'! H' 12901:) 2:13 Room u'nt‘ K I TC H I: N "tans—c BUFFET LIVINq Room turd—5‘ Number 108. No. 108. Here is an elegant little bungalow of six rooms. The exterior walls are covered with shakes laid on in alternate wide and narrow courses. The low flat roof is covered with roofing paper and the roof of the porch is supported by heavy wrought iron chains. The porch, the porch piers and the piers of the porte cochere are built of clinker brick, capped with cement. The interior is as attractive as the exterior. The living room and dining room Floor Plan No. 108. thrown into one by means of a cased opening and each has polished oak floors. There is a. large fire place in the living room with built-in book cases This bungalow COUId be built on either side. The dining room has built—in buffet, a beam ceiling and for $2100- paneled wainscoting. The kitchen is provided with all the built—in modern Plans and specifications as shown or conveniences. The cozy breakfast room opens from the kitchen. reversed, $10. 13 Number 109. No. 109. A very pretty and convenient five room bungalow. The exter— ior walls are covered with resawed siding on the base and with shakes above the base. Its special feature is the large living room which extends across the entire front. On one end there is an attractive mantel and on the oppo- site end a window seat with book cases on either side. The dining room has a beam ceiling and a large buffet with French doors on either side opening onto the pergola covered terrace. Both rooms have polished hard— wood floors. 14 . . INC ROTOIM n'nstq' : : . LlVlNC‘ ROOM Floor Plan No. 109. Approximate cost, $1500. Plans and specifications as shown reversed, $10.1 01‘ Number 110. No. 110. A comfortable and popular style of a five room bungalow. The walls are covered with shingles and the flat roof with white roofing paper. The chimney, porch piers and walls are of brick, covered with rough dash plaster. Porch and pergola covered terrace are of cement. The five rooms surround a convenient hallway. Living and dining rooms have oak floors and a wood cornice; in the former there is a pretty brick mantel and in the latter a large buffet. Between the two rooms are buttresses with built-in book cases. The bath room is very convenient and hasa seat with drawers on either side, above the seat is a medicine cabinet with. a mirror door. The kitchen has all the modern built-in conveniences. 7‘" 15 unvo-4n: BED ROOM 1016': IH' Ill I I: CLOSET 1 \l B E D ROOM min 15' Floor Plan NO. 110. Cost, about $1800. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. SCREEN ‘ PORCH ("F 6-9'— 4» I [j BED ROOM It‘xm KITCHEN ‘5‘ in”; x I — CLOSET Inauql ‘ IX} ‘ c . "I j "1 1'1! 1,—1 ....1 / / j ' a . P” -mf. .- 2. ’ :1 ‘I 1.! BED ROOM ITEM} «3 :dwmc. R00 1 11.x“. CLOSET I J11U§ dfiaus ‘. LIV’NQ ROOM ; ‘3'»15‘4 DEN 0. BED ROOM Number 111. me x I3 No. 111. A cozy little bungalow containing six rooms of comfortable size. Both living room and dining room open out upon a comfortable porch. The step buttresses, the porch piers and porch walls are of brick, 'the steps and porch floor of cement and the exterior walls are covered with shingles. The , living room and dining rooms are separated by an arched and buttressed opening. Both rooms have oak floors. There is a brick mantel with built—in bookcases and a large buffet. The dining room has paneled wainscoting and Floor Plan NO' 111- a beam ceiling, the living room a wood cornice. The den has a closet and - can be used as an extra bedroom. The kitchen has the usual cupboards, sink, drawers and bins. There is a cellar with an entrance from the screen Plans and specifications as shown or porch. - reversed, $10. 115' n 1115 Approximate cost, $2300. 16 Number 112. No. 112. Another convenient five room modern bungalow. The exterior walls are shingled. The porch and porch piers are of cement and the flat roof is covered with white roofing paper. The arrangement of rooms is very convenient. Wood cornice and oak floors are in the principal rooms. The living room has an artistic mantel with built—in bookcases and the dining room a handsome buffet. The kitchen bathroom and bedrooms have all the necessary modern conveniences. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 17 BE!) R'ooM ioivxif KITCHEN H'x ll'-‘)' 8 ED ROOM lO'—6'Kl3' LIVING ROOM Is'xao' Floor Plan No. 112. Approximate cost, $1750. Number 113. No. 113. This shows a cozy and inexpensive modern bungalow. It has a plastered base, cement porch piers, covered with rough dash plaster. The exterior walls above the base are covered with shakes laid on in wide irreg— ular courses and the flat roof is covered with white roofing paper. It has five fair sized rooms with brick mantel, a pretty buffet and the kitchen has all the necessary modern accomodations. Both principal rooms have oak floors and a wood cornice. Dining room and living room are separated by an arched and buttressed opening with built—in bookcases. 18 SCREEN PORCH 5x1w' KITCHEN w‘w B E D ROOM II'»s'x I3' LHHNQ ROOM BED ROOM 13' x III-9' . INC! I3' Floor Plan No. 113. Cost, about $1475. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 114. No. 114. This is one of the prettiest modern seven room bungalows. The exterior walls are covered with shakes and the comfortable roomy porch has a cement floor, piers built of cobblestones and walls of heavy timber. The living room is large and has an artistic mantel with built—in bookcases on either side. There is a large buffet and a comfortable window seat in the dining room. Both main rooms have wood cornices and polished oak floors. The den could be used as a music room. There are three bedrooms, one of which could be used as a breakfast room. The kitchen and bathroom are equipped with all necessary modern built-in conveniences. The entrance to the cellar or furnace room is from the screen porch. 19 BREAKFAST on. BID ROOM fi'nlt‘ BED ROOM I1‘KI'(' SCREEN PORCH K! T c H E N 115“I~‘-6' BED ROOM It'x W—‘I‘ mmNc‘ ROOM : H.“ Ih’xu' LIVINQ ROOM Ia'xn‘ Floor Plan No. 114. Cost, about $2450. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 115. No. 115. This is an unusually attractive bungalow of seven rooms. The main feature of this bungalow is the porch, which is enclosed with artisti— cally shaped heavy pillars and walls, built of cement and covered with rough dash cement plaster. The rooms are large and conveniently arranged. The dining room has a large buffet, paneled wainscoting and beam ceiling, and the living room a wood cornice. The den could be used as an extra bedroom. Polished oak floors in the principal rooms. The bed— rooms are large and one of them opens onto the cement terrace through French doors. The kitchen and bathroom have all the modern built—in conveniences. The cozy breakfast room opens from the kitchen. 20 L . , 3:15 ROOM -; WNW-5‘ TERRACE ‘ s-nu‘ ,. CLObET ICLOSET :3 ED :2 o om WHY-5‘ I : l‘ fimqu RooMif :; n’uE-s' ' DEN ' LIVING ROOM “HIS—5' . H' » n'-b' .LQJJHZ A Floor Plan No. 115. Cost, about $2700. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. my_flfi-flw ”.7 A? . 7 ,7 ,7, ,,, .............. BED ROOM " n'vs‘ua‘ nnnnnn L‘VINQ ROOM n‘ni'l' '0 Number 116. _ N0. 116. This typical California bungalow has five rooms. The exterior 5 P335“ .. ' is covered with shakes and resawed redwood siding. Cobblestones together with clinker brick are used in the porch pillars and porte cochere. The low # will—J and w1de spreading roof 1s covered w1th wh1te roofing paper. The roof at the porch is supported by chains from the beams above. The interior ,1 Floor P1311 NO- 116- arrangement is excellent and all modern devices have been incorporated. ' Cost, about $2000. There is a large buffet with china closets in the dining room and a pretty mantel with bookcases in the large living room. Oak floors in both princi- pal rooms. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 21 Number 117. No. 117. This modern six room bungalow has many good features. The exterior is covered with shakes laid on irregularly in alternate wide and narrow courses. The porch floors are low and of cement. Porch piers are of cement covered with rough dash cement plaster. There is a cozy inglenook in the living room and built—in bookcases in the buttressed opening. The dining room has a good buffet with china closets, the kitchen and bath— room all the modern built—in conveniences. 22 BED ROOM "3': lY-t' K1 TC H I: N w't IT-b' z II/l CLOSEr CLOSET .1 B E D R O O M In: x ut-s' BREAKFAST I :1: Io’ / liuvnuq KOOM 1 Iii-5'» 13' 3 H t Io' . ; . DINING ROOM 2 It'll't' Floor Plan No. 117. Approximate cost, $1950. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 118. No. 118. A glance at the plan of this bungalow will show the convenient arrangement of the interior and the photograph speaks for the exterior. The base is covered with rough cement plaster, the porch piers and flower boxes are built of cobblestones and cement plaster. The mantel in the cozy inglenook is covered with tile. The buffet and the built—in bookcases are very attractive. The kitchen is provided with sink, cooler, cupboards and drawers. 23 m . SCREEN BREAKFAST _ 70ch ROOM E BED ROOM nib'x l1.‘ /"/ KITCHEN [FTAH' E 2 ‘ 7K AZ’QrsoA—s -BUFFET V I B f. D ROOM n’ut'vs' blNqu KOOM I‘L'Xl‘l' n I'. i. ,. [Ii-Z" i i ,i D l I u \M ' ii ;I :. {Pout cq‘cn: ,‘E :5 ,. l: ,i i w .. : it. i :X...”w ' VJ n.3, j. :. i»? Floor Plan No. 118. Cost. about $2250. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. - > H SCREEN :KKEAKFAST u ' BED ROOM 1'~t'xn' BE I) KOOM Hui—5' DININQ ROOM ll'tl'v' : . 300K: 300K; Number 119. “V'NJfiEWM No. 119. Here is a handsome six room bungalow that attracts the eye at once. The front porch is very comfortable. The porch piers and chimney are built of cobblestones interspersed with brown clinker brick and the porch walls are of heavy timber. The'exterior walls are covered with shakes. In the large living room there is a pretty mantel and built—in bookcases in the buttresses. The buffet in the dining room is artistic and convenient. Both Floor Plan No 119 principal rooms have oak floors and wood cornices. The kitchen and bath— ' ' room are equipped with all modern built—in devices. The breakfast, room can be used as an extra bedroom or child’s room. Plans and specifications as shoWn or reversed, $10. Approximate cost, $2400. 24 Number 120. N0. 120. An imposing bungalow of exceptional merit. The porch piers and porch walls are of blue brick. The exterior walls are covered with resawed rustic and the gables with shingles. The admirable arrangement of rooms requires no particular comment. A few bungalows will show a more convenient plan. There are built-in bookcases and an artistic mantel in the large living room and a pretty buffet in the dining room. The break- fast room has an entrance from the kitchen and from the dining room, which is very convenient. A little side porch with a porte cochere is accessible from the dining room and breakfast room through French doors. The kitchen is a model of comfort, which will be appreciated by every housewife. There are cupboards, cooler, bins, drawers, hinged table and built—in ironing board. The bathroom has a seat with drawers on either side and a medicine cabinet with a mirror door. There is a stairway leading upstairs to a sleeping porch and storage rooms. 25 BED RooM Il'ilb'w' KITCHEN l0" ‘6‘ 01)le £5”!an Roonlfi utrxm' :: .. .. i LIVING ROOM u‘in'-1' D g N i [H‘ x li"b' Floor Plan No. 120. Cost, about $2700. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. SCKCCN PORCH s" n‘ B r: o ROOM WAN-s BUFFET \q amine ROOM "SAW-5' LIVI NC. ROOM IH'A I'v'-t' Number 121. No. 121. Here is a cozy little bungalow in its charming natural setting. The exterior is covered with resawed rustic and shakes. The porch floor and steps are of cement. The porch piers and piers of the porte cochere are Floor Plan No. 121. of cement covered w1th rough plaster. The arrangement of the rooms IS Cost, about $1800. excellent and an. examination of the plan shows all the modern conveniences. The living room has an artistic mantel with built—in book cases and the dining room paneled with wainscoting and a large buffet. Both rooms have oak floors. The kitchen has cupboards, bins, drawers, built-in ironing board, cooler and sink. The central hall has two linen closets and stairways, one leading to the cellar or furnace room and the other to the attic. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 26 . Eiféllofi‘flT'fi T- ill=l “KEEN ZED ROOM \ 70R c 1125' ‘ m' ‘ ' FE I r- — ‘I ix! '1: DINIZ'SWF'OOM : , 8E5 Eff-OM i ”M ' % "E / Fl “I fldll Number 122. [Etta:::.:.‘.'.'.:;:_ ’ E No. 122. This plan shows a true bungalow, having six rooms in an 735$ excellent arrangementp Both living room and dining room open onto a com- _ fortable, roomy porch. The chimney, porch pillars, step buttresses and porch :1 = I . masonry are built of cobblestones interspersed with clinker brick. The L; , » J exterior walls are shingled and the gable covered with rough plaster. The ‘ Floor Plan No. 122. llving. room has a cozy inglenook, Wthh 1s separated from it by buttress wrth Cost, about $2100. built-1n bookcases. The dlning room has a buffet and the cabinet kitchen P _ . and bathroom have all the modern built-in features that could be devised by lans and spec1fications as shown or the model housekeeper. reversed, $10 27 Number 123.. No. 123. In this bungalow are many features which make it a comfort— able and desirable home. The roomy front porch has the entrance from the side. The porch pillars, the porch masonry and the chimney are built of cobblestones. The exterior walls are of shakes, laid on in alternate wide and narrow courses. The living room is large and has a cozy inglenook with brick mantel. There is a large buffet in the dining room with china closets on either side. Paneled wainscoting and beam ceiling in the dining room. Oak floors in principal rooms. The modern cabinet kitchen has a full equip- ment of all built—in features. There are stairways to the cellar and attic, the latter has enough space to build an additional room and a sleeping porch. 28 5:13 ROOM "'4,”fo l/I CLoscr cLostr I — an: ROOM ”‘4‘fo _" cur-oAxa Eqmmc ROOM 5‘ It'us‘s' 1: K ". lE‘lTF-F‘E’r“: . (”1‘ Lnqu KooM w—s‘x Ir-«r Floor Plan No. 123. Cost, about $2000. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 124. No. 124. Here is an artistic seven room bungalow, a model of excellence in plan. The porch extends across the entire front. There is a pergola covered terrace, which communicates with the dining room and breakfast room. The exterior walls are of resawed siding and the gables are covered with shingles laid on in irregular courses. The porch piers, porch flower boxes, pergola piers and chimney are built of cobblestones. The dining room has buffet, paneled wainscoting and beam ceiling. The living room has an attractive mantel and built—in bookcases. The den is available as an extra bedroom. The cabinet kitchen and bathroom are models of convenience. 29 SCREEN PORCH .x . .59 BED ROOM lo‘ulfl BED Room lonnai' l'JSO’I') \— grunvfik Box Floor Plan No. 124. Cost, about $2300. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 125. No. 125. A good substantial six room bungalow with a roomy, com— fortable porch. Cobblestones are used to build the porch masonry and piers. The porch floor, steps and caps are of cement. The exterior walls are shingled. The dining room has paneled wainscoting, beam ceiling and an artistic buffet. French doors open out onto a terrace. The living room has as usual built—in bookcases and a cozy inglenook with a pretty mantel. The den could be used as a bedroom. Omitting the closet in the den, there could be built a stairway to the attic and utilized the space upstairs for another room or for a sleeping porch. The cabinet kitchen has all the modern built—in features. 30 BED ROOM ”WWW CLOSET KITCHEN 9 wnwr i l nALL ‘ ch-DAAD BED ROOM 10'» 1525' ESININQ KooM} ‘ It'xllr' 3; 5. "Hum: 'H'HFV I — CLOSET — $£AT I 1 DEN .. are ROOM 5 LIVINQ ROOM glyquuoon u'ns' I_ u‘xls' : ; s‘uo‘ i : E . SEAT PORCH a'us‘ Floor Plan No. 125. ' Approximate cost, $2300. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 1 1 CLOSET [Vt-151 DEN u BED ROOM llillh r: u \x o n. d z. k u h .4 VD 51 éKAcL‘ '5' g x ‘= 0:; z 3; 5 K3 lL : a; w 2 2-; Q Number 126. K '4 V ‘ 2 r ‘ = i ‘ J 5 ‘ . . . . . . ” 3 I —-i-| 3 No. 126. Here IS an artistic elght room 1% story bungalow, which w1th . : L . o - ° ' .2 I” ------ its v1ne covered porch and pergola g1ve a most del1ghtful and charmmg n: U 5. J u: .0... appearance. The porch masonry, porch p1llars and chimney are bu1lt of a :5 ‘ E; 3 :x': blue brick. The exterior walls are covered w1th resawed redwood sidlng. g §E D: [E] ----- f; --------- The living room has a tile mantel and built—in bookcases. The dining room ' I: ------- mm __= has a beam ceilIng, paneled wamscotmg and handsome buffet: Both main Floor Plan No. 126. rooms have oak floors. The second story contains three rooms including the sleeping porch. There are two disappearing beds. Cost, $2500- Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 31 TNIFILK BOILER K lTCfi E H 1'! I0'-6' /' nksssmq ROOM '1' ‘ l'-)' / :mz BUI'VEY IDESK‘\ BED Uubzk DINING ROOM LIVING ROOM mic: H‘ It" 1551' P O K C H 6165 I5"(:' Number 127. Floor Plan No. 127. No. 127. This plan shows a pretty little four room bungalow, with all Approximate cost, $1000. the conveniences of a five room house. Resawed rustic is used for the exterior walls and blue brick in the porch pillars and porch masonry. The Plans and specifications as shown 01. living room has a built—in desk with a disappearing bed underneath, thus reversed, $10. making this room available as a second bedroom. The dressing room is a convenient feature. The dining room has two neat'little buffets. 32 Number 128. No. 128. Here is a gem that will appeal to every lover of an artistic home. The porch piers and chimney are built of blue brick in combination with clinker brick. The exterior walls, including the porch walls, are covered with resawed siding. The arrangement of rooms is excellent. The cozy inglenook off the living room is an attractive feature. The large. buffet in the dining room has china closets on either side. 30th rooms have oak floors. The kitchen is arranged with all usual conveniences. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. BED I200 M to" If—1' LINEN DIN qu Room Irwin; m LEHOOK , iiLivmq ROOM m' -; a; n'xntq' 3 It ,i . Floor Plan No. 128. Approximate cost, $1750. 1‘— (x :t E 61 d: 4,. Q" m +l BED ROOM li'ili' o ,_ 0 0‘ HI —4 LINEN KITCH E N I|‘-(:'t II‘-6' BUFFET __ DININQ ROD/‘1 w'in' ihfl {E LIVING. ROOM ii Number 129. No. 129. This six room bungalow is very attractive and suitable for ............ ________ a corner lot. The porch buttresses and chimney are built of cobblestones. ‘ i ‘ Living room, dining room and den have oak floors. The dining room has paneled wainscoting and a good buffet. The den has a mantel and built—in bookcases. A stairway from the screen porch leads to the cellar. ,0 R c H 113': uib' Floor Plan No. 129. Cost, about $2100. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 34 " Number 130. No. 130. A very pretty and convenient five room bungalow with a roomy porch. The masonry of the porch is cobblestones and the porch floor, steps and caps are of cement. The exterior walls are shingled. Within the rooms are arranged admirably and not an inch of space is wasted. The living room and dining room are separated by sliding doors. There is an artistic mantel in the living room. Note the good kitchen and a pantry with plenty of cupboard, bins and cooler. ‘ 36 BE D KOCH WHY-6’ 616'» Io SCKEEN POK LINEN KlTCfiEN 9 BED KOO“ I!’ll5"6‘ cv'loAllb can!“ ~ ,1 PAH TRY s'-s'xuo' : E ii :i LIVIHQ ROOM I : DINING. ROQM n" my ' E 5 i Iww ‘ ; BUFFET FLOWER Box Floor Plan No. 130. Cost, about $2100. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 131. No. 131. A beautiful little home of six rooms. Its special feature is the large living room, with the attractive mantel.~ A good (lining room with panel wainscoting, beam ceiling and a pretty buffet. A breakfast room off the kitchen. The kitchen and bathroom have all the modern conveniences. A stairway from the hall makes it possible to utilize the second story as storage, sleeping porch or a couple of bedrooms. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 36 if BREAKFAST ROOM 8 E D ROOM ioiq'» 13'-b' m4 (u / SCREEN PORCH nnnnnn LIVING ROOM H'X‘lb' PORCH .giw! 7’ V "W /‘ Floor Plan No. 131. Cost, about $2150. Number 132. No. 132. A typical California bungalow, suitable for any climate. The exterior is shingled and the porch piers and buttresses are of brick. The rooms are conveniently arranged. Living room has brick mantel and book~ cases. The dining room has a beautiful buffet and paneled wainscoting. Both rooms have hardwood floors. 37 um .- SCREEN uyvofiln-z "l’lVH LlVlN c; ROOM 'Ii'tl'l’ P 0 R C H f—C I 1653’ Floor Plan No. 1 BED ROOM WNW V E CLOSET 1 hair-win 7 an [I BATH ; Tfl' ,* O 1 i CD 3 E E g : CLOSET 2 1 BED ROOM wruvr 32. Approximate cost, $1700. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. If“ -- ” SCREEN PORCH .. s‘xn' KITCH E N 1'1””; 5414 //z//% BED R OOH H'x 1156' Dmmq Koom li'x JH' l VIN a Room 1215': IH' BED ROOM H'xn' Number 133. No. 133. An exceptionally pretty, inexpensive five room bungalow. Re— sawed siding is used for the exterior walls and shingles in the gables. The interior is well arranged. Living room has a plate rail with battens under— neath, forming panels. The kitchen has cupboards, cooler, drawers and bins. Floor Plan No. 133. Cost, about $1400. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 38 ‘ 7." Hl l I SINK KITCHEN f-Liill' “ SCREEN PORCH sanity BED ROOM H‘AII' LIVING ROOM BED KOO/1 “31H" H'mih‘ ;» P'O RC. H 1'3 11' ~ .2 an my: L_ . ‘ Floor Plan No. 134. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 5c KEEN ' PORCH " s‘xs'b' DRESSING ROOM 53‘1—6 (((((( NQ/ DIN IHQ ROOM I‘L‘fili'd' azn ultbFK 1‘84 DKESSINQ KOO Blb UNDER LIVING ROOM Is'xil' Number 134. N0. 134. A pretty little bungalow with well arranged rooms, suitable for a narrow lot. The width is only 22 feet. It has buttresses with book— cases between living room and dining room. There is a brick mantel, a nice buffet and a cabinet kitchen. No.134A. An alternate plan for this little bungalow. The main feature is the large living room. There is a built—in desk with a bed underneath and a window seat with a bookcase on either side. pretty buffet with another disappearing bed. Cost, about $1100. The (liniiror room has a 39 Floor Plan No. 134A. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 135. No. 135. This plan shows a seven room bungalow, attractive in exterior and interior. The porch is thirty-one feet long by nine feet wide and has a cement floor. The porch pillars and buttresses are of cobblestones. Note the large living room and the window seat in the dining room. The main rooms have oak floors. The kitchen offers all the usual conveniences. The breakfast room off the kitchen has a nice little buffet. 40 BREAKFAST 0A 5E0 ROOM JQJJHB “23299 BED ROOM ”'1 13‘1' DEN u EEDROUM : LIVING ROOM , H'x ls" l mum-y . Floor Plan No. 135. Cost, about $2700. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. SCREEN PORCH C'lb"1' Btu Room ' :i‘gn' L" KITCNEH 3 10'0": ' x ----- H‘ I/ “no.” [I] ‘ ’5 i dimnc Roe/ii 1 ‘ :: uS-n'nw " : BREAKFAST ROOM : r ,IQ"|0'>8' ' LIVING. Room : BED Roor I'I'I 16-6' 3 MW Number 136. g‘: ‘gi l? ' :5 :9 ’E ‘23-'13 :: E . : “- 32 I ' is g i a N0. 136. A well arranged plan for a typlcal California bungalow, w1th a: E: 3 ii 3 i a cement porch extending across the entire front. The heavy porch pillars I; t5 Lfi'J—__——:L_J— ;_ E are of cement and covered with rough cement plaster. The living room is , . . . Floor Plan No. 136. very spac1ous and has a handsome mantel. The d1n1ng room IS centrally located and has beam ceiling, panel wainscoting and a pretty buffet. The! Approximate cost, $2500. patio or court back of the dining room is a feature which is very popular in Plans and specifications as shown or California. With flowers, ferns, easy chairs it makes a charming lounging room. If screened it could be used as a sleeping porch. There is a breakfast room and cabinet kitchen with many built-in features. reversed, $10. 41 J .92L'fi-j “3804 N332?) BED ROOM wins; I Lil COOLER O SOILER KITCHEN Ir-u' a CVVIOARD I CLOSET J‘IINi — i l l I ‘HVfl—l CLOSET .fll/ naus- NJHI‘I BU FF ET -<-.I . . r------1 I-'-------------‘ r-----" . . a u l n BED Room . MN mo. Roar} nun‘ : g i :1 sh | Number 137. $53 L'V'n‘icfi-fiw" No. 137. This plan offers a comfortable bungalow with all modern con— veniences in its siX rooms. The massive porch pillars, porch walls and chim— ney are built of blue brick. The walls are shingled. The mantel of pressed pom” brick with a heavy wood shelf occupies one end of the living room. The den 7'xzo' is separated from the living room by buttresseswith built—in book cases. W The dining room has a good buffet, panel wainscoting and beam ceiling. Floor Plan No. 137. Cost, about $1800. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 42 éLoscr KITCHEN BREAKFAST ROOM ‘“V”T muw BE D fiOOM It"! ”'4' BUFFET ............... 'inmc. Roe/«ES It‘x m’h' IU-AIII' UVING ROOM ? l\\\ Number 138. No. 138. A winning bungalow of seven rooms with a most convenient floor plan. Walls and roof are shingled. Cobblestones is the material used for the porch and chimney. French windows from dining room opening onto cement terrace. Mantel and hearth of tile, bookcases in arch. Handy ’ Floor Plan NO- 138' cabinet kitchen. Wood cornice in living room, beam ceiling, panel wains- Cost, about $2250 ' " ' ' . kf r om vailabl s n extra bedroom. . . cotlng 1n d1n1ng room Brea ast O a e a a Plans and spec1ficatlons as shown or reversed, $10. 43 CLOS. STOKACE u' 5'- u' ,L'mn'v, SED KOO/‘1 "2 1a 2'. BED KOOM ngscr \ STORAGE l no-txl. no. I) LN u‘iu BED Room u'nwr nn’cnzn Numb-er 139. No. 139. Here is a splendid 1% story bungalow of eight rooms, which is exceptionally well adapted for a corner lot. Siding is resawed redwood and roof shingled. Chimney and porch piers and porch masonry are of blue brick. The living room and dining room have a wood cornice and panel wainscoting. Hardwood floors in two main rooms. Note the handy cabinet I! I. ll LIVING noon GREMFAST Rogn 1‘4" I" BUFFET DINING ROOM "Inf-U kitchen, breakfast room and the convenient arrangement of the bathroom. Floor plans No 139 On the second floor are two extra bedrooms. If necessary one bedroom 2-;1-~ - .__.v_fi__._.v, . no.” " could be converted into a sleeping porch. Cost, about $2900. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 44 SCKEEN VOKCH Io’uwle' {INEQKE T a L‘ KtlT'C H E P Number 140. No.140. This is a very artistic and well arranged seven room bungalow. Exterior walls are covered with shingles laid on in irregular courses. Chim- ney porch piers and masonry of cobblestones. Side terrace of cement with separate entrance into dining room and handsome buffet in dining room. Bookcases in archway. Hardwood floors and wood cornice in both main rooms. Note the exceptionally handy cabinet kitchen with all the modern built in conveniences. Suitable for a corner lot. 45 Jl‘fi‘ M I‘EFKPKACLE BED ROOM HVI¥€ I CLOSET sntLF III-II SHELF IS'fi IV If lemc ROOM CLO:::J DENoKBED ROOM. Wfin' Floor Plan No. 140. Cost, about $2100. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. .——vw~1 3402104 NZJXDS BED ROOI'V ll'x IS' MTCHEN wrur CLbSET I 5 . , 5¢nnnq Rood; . BED ROOM 5 : u'« 1311' ; . 3 If-s‘xw'»? CLOSET CLOSET Number 141. ““33“?“ BEN an BED ROOM '0' 6" ”“6. No. 141. The exterior of this seven room bungalow always attracts attention. The porch extends across the entire front and looks very inviting. The living rooms and dining rooms are spacious, being separated only by an archway with built—in bookcases in the buttresses. Den can be used as an extra bedroom. There are beams and panel wainscoting in the dining room ‘ and a wood cornice in the living room. The mantel is very attractive. I I Bathroom and kitchen are a model of convenience. Floor Plan No. 141. Approximate cost, $2000. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 46 . Number 142. No. 142. This five room bungalow has very pleasing exterior, and very attractive interior. It has a roomy porch and terrace with pillars and masonry built of cobblestones. The walls are covered with resawed siding and the gables and roof are shingled. The living room is divided from the dining room by an open archway with built—in book cases. Dining room has paneled wainscoting and an artistic buffet. The kitchen has the usual cupboards, cooler, flour bin, moulding board and the bathroom has medicine closets and seat with drawers on either side. 47 JET , SCREEN PORCH V! H‘C BED ROOM II" I‘!' K ITCH EN H'ua'e' BUFFET DININC ROOM u‘rnx'u' HALL BED ROOM LIVING. ROOM ‘0‘: u’ u'» I¢.‘-s’ \ PORCH 1'..." l l’ I Floor Plan No. 142. Cost, about $1800. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 143. No. 143. This five room bungalow has the low, broad effect, which is quite popular. The main feature of the exterior is the large porch with its massive -cobblestone pillars and buttresses. The living room takes up the entire front of the house and is divided from the dining room by an arched opening. There is a handsome buffet in the dining room and an artistic mantel with built-in bookcases in the living room. Beam ceiling and panel wainscoting in dining room and a wood cornice in living room. The kitchen has plenty of cupboards, bins, cooler, etc. Cost, about $1750. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 48 KITCHEN CVPIOARD ._.-..,._ ..........._.V, ,. _______ 01:8“th RddM :3 I‘l'i 1511' E; BED ROOM Ilib't [2' Hit? It BED ROOM u'ua' UVING ROOM GMT PORCH Txu' Floor Plan No. 143. Number 144. No. 144. An artistic and well arranged five room bungalow with a large living room across the front. There is a pretty mantel and a window seat in the living room and a handsome buffet in the dining room The kitchen has plenty of cupboard room, cooler, etc. 49 SCREEN PORCH BED ROOM li'tliLS' K ITCH EN :o'uoie' CLOS CLOS COOLER cu'BUARD DI N I N C. ROOM ll'-‘1"IV'~6' .LJJJDE LIVING. ROOM n’xn Floor Plan No. 144. Cost, about $1650. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 145. No. 145. An inexpensive five room bungalow with a very pleasing exterior. The living and dining rooms are separated by an arched and buttressed opening. There is a brick mantel and a pretty buffet. The fire— place and kitchen flue are built in one stack. The kitchen is provided with sink, cupboard, drawers, etc. 50 QIVOQAA) BED ROOM Il'Xl‘i' H3204 NQQBDS BOILLI DINING ROOM I'L’xlsie' L|_VI N C. Room n’-q'»< Isis” Floor Plan No. 145. Cost, about $1230. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. ‘U Number 146. No. 146. This is a very artistic and well arranged seven room bunga— low. The most attractive feature is the porch. Cobblestones are used in the chimney, porch piers and base in a very artistic manner. The porch floor and steps are of cement. There is a side porch with separate entrance into the dining room. The den can be used as an extra bedroom. The. mantel is of massive design. The buffet is very handsome and conveniently arranged. Oak floors in principal rooms. The kitchen and the bathroom are equipped with all the up-to-date conveniences. 51 SCREEN PORCH I) um”; Kl TC H E N lo't Isle; utnceb I IS AT H 1'6‘: NH; B E D R 00M H'rl‘t' . r crosEi ; : cLosEr x . n « UVIHQ ROOM :3' » l5" )' DEN "a BED ROOM I1" 5‘ I H -l.‘ VORCN FIONEK flax Floor Plan No. 146. Cost, about $2000. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. “Iva Number 147. No. 147. This pretty little bungalow of five rooms has an exceptionally well arranged floor plan. It has a vestibule, a hall with seat and coat closet. Living room has pressed brick mantel and built-in book cases. Dining room a good buffet. Kitchen with all conveniences. No. 147A. An alternate plan with four rooms and with a disappearing bed, making the plan equal to five rooms. 52 DIN 1 HQ Room l‘l'i n‘ PORCH CLOS ET SCREEN EED Room 104:: 1119' BED Room 1110 Hf KOILCK KITCHEN H‘tla' DRESSIHQ ROOM DININQ ROOM \1'-H'-(; BUFFET '5” ”"9" BED ROOM ION." l‘l'-6' LIVI NG ROOM Ib'lis' LIVING ROOM PORCH H"I8' C—s't W-s' Floor Plan No. 147A. Cost, about $1225. Plans and specifications as shown or VESTI BULE Floor Plan No. 147. reversed, $10 COSt, about 1450. Plans and Specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 53 V.._:. :; V-..Ai _:L;;:;_‘. Jaw W M... “a BED ROOM “‘5'! 11'1” KITCHEN I‘LW'AH' BE [3 ROOM ”14': l‘i' VI I I 5i DINING ROOM ~ n‘e'u n' p. m I; u. :, KI Number 148. No. 148. The exterior of this bungalow is one that always attracts atten- LIVING Room I 0 BEN tion. Within the arrangement of rooms is admirable. The living room ”WW is separated from the den by sliding doors and from the dining room by an arched and buttressed opening. The dining room is very large, has beam ceiling, panel wainscoting and a very attractive buffet. The den has a built- in desk with a disappearing bed, which makes it available as an extra bed— room. There is a‘handsome mantel, a seat and bookcases in the living room. The handy kitchen has all the necessary modern built—in conveniences. Floor Plan No. 148. Approximate cost, $2000. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 54 Number 149. No. 149. A six room bungalow, in which the large front porch has been made an attractive feature. The porch is built of cobblestones, with cement floor and caps, the exterior of siding, the gables and roof are of shingles. The space in the attic could be used for a sleeping porch or extra bedrooms. Buffet, beam ceiling and panel wainscoting in the dining room, mantel and bookcases in living room. Oak floors in both main rooms. Kitchen with cupboards, cooler, drawers, bins, ironing board and hinged table. Bathroom with medicine cabinet, seat and drawers. 55 \ écREEN PORCH BED ROOM "WW-1' KITCHEN BE 1) ROOM HT‘WLT LOSET CLOSET L I VI N G ROOM “ff ”‘4' BEN 0! BED ROOM ' I016? ”‘6' Floor Plan No. 149. Approximate cost, $2500. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Number 150. No. 150. This is a very attractive and pleasing bungalow. The seven rooms have all the conveniences one might wish for. The rooms are all of good size. The den could be provided with a disappearing bed, which makes an extra bedroom when needed. The closets are large and have drawers, hat boxes and shelves. Buffet, beam ceiling and panel wainscoting in dining room. Mantel bookcases and cornice in living room. Oak floors in principal rooms. Kitchen with cupboards, bins, drawers, cooler, ironing board, etc. Bathroom with medicine cabinet,. seat and drawers. Entrance to basement from screen porch. . ’ No. 150A. An alternate plan for this splendid bungalow. The porch is built of cement covered with rough plaster, the exterior is resawed siding, the gables and roof are shingled. Buffet, panel wainscoting and beam ceiling in dining room. Cornice and bookcases in living room. A disappearing bed could be used in the front bedroom. Note the large closets with drawers and hat boxes. Kitchen and bathroom with all modern built-in features. 56 'BREAKFAST Room rnr SCREEN PORiCH QXVOBAHO “‘3'! |H'-3' K ITCH E N lo'Hwis' / y/xl/m' \)%hlfi _ BUFFET /% §Q¥V094n9 Wm TAILE ‘ ‘l BUFFET DINING Roofii HWHW' " BE D ROOM I‘Z'HH' BED ROOM It'xlll‘ g : mIHING Roong ' mu." : - iQSOWD - sxanvxc saanvuq .LQQO'ID LIVING ROOM 1351* 1813“ .LQgO'l Z) LIVING. ROOM, H‘XMLS‘ DEN ox BED ROOM l‘i'HH' F1 P1c No. 150A. oor ,m Floor Plan No. 150. Cost, $2200-$2400. Cost, $2600-$2800. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. Plans and specifications as shown or reversed, $10. 57 Buffet on exterior wall with plate glass window in center. nu- u"n u ’., u o . H . ' x1 ’2 N0. 1105. Dining room with a bay Window. xi .. z 'a “ i» r. a . ,l 00.- ... nvvx ' a» on. " u...- n- a t. u .- ” a “II“ n n No. 1125. Dining room in Delft style. N0. 1030. Den with an effective beam ceiling: No. 1060. Living room, showing the tile mantel with Window seats on either side. No. 1035. A convenient bathroom arrangement. No. 1240. Living room with a beautiful tile mantel. ‘ No. 1230. Buffet on ekterior wall. don mumpwomammww wfigogm @6me .33 .02 Moo: 29: %N00 a 5:3 EOE warriH .0: H oz ,4 v,-——.. 7,“ v V.../~—_. ”~94 tam/«Av fifiwé’a A $3 HEN you come to Los Angeles, we suggest that you ml make a visit to the California Furniture Company—for, R “w to our mind, the “California" is the nearest approach to the ideal home furnishing institution we have ever seen. The “California" is not only unique in Los Angeles, but is one of the very few institutions in America where the furnishing of the home is treated from the viewpoint of the home lover and the artist rather than from the. commercial point of view. The ”California" is regarded as one of the showplaces of Los Angeles, and we feel that you will enjoy a leisure hour or more studying the masterpieces of furniture, the beautiful carpets and rugs, the rare wall coverings and exquisite draperies there assembled. —-THE PUBLISHERS 3; A .. 49... l “1%-. .WJ. m...» .;~ .. 3: $5 u.c. BERKELEY LIBRARIES M , lilllllllllN|||l|lllllllll‘lllllllllhllllfllll|l||||||l|||| Ma‘ CD‘HDS'EIEE {a ‘i x :3 “1" {