1.‘§"‘1 L‘ "1“ 11“{11“‘1311‘.““1'.“‘L1 ‘11‘ ‘1““‘ “"“““‘ ‘1‘ l.‘ “‘11“L... “ ‘.‘ a as. 1“““‘“‘“ll‘“l““|“““‘U“‘J“‘“|““““““““"l“““n““i‘.“““““||““|||“"ll““‘|‘“““: bungalow. 1"“‘“31"“"1".‘3E3"“11’“‘3"!“‘“““‘“‘l“‘“““““““““““““““ A. B. Maescher quuagcr PUBLISHERS OF : “THE DRAUGHTSMAN” “HOME-KRAFT-HOMES” ‘“‘"1"|"““|“““.“““‘““I““‘i““‘|“““‘1‘3“’15““"“““““‘|“““"“““““‘l"“‘1""‘!‘1"‘"““‘L"‘“3‘“““““““““““‘ “|"‘T|1""1l1““1‘1""1““‘|““‘1“““1'|.“‘ m '0 (D O m 0 I" O ('D : f’ H E I F. _. ,. F. _ : M Z a H 2. f l’ E H L. _. O ,J _. ('fl H o _. c H A H :4 :. F“ o ... c l‘ H _ FOURTH EDITION - - - REVISED PLAN KRAFT? 1.11 “1 ‘111l‘.1.- "1 “‘1 .1‘1‘.“1“L“ ‘1"I T R A D E M A R K ‘11‘111111‘11i1111 PYIQE OM; JDJLA? fl $3??? ‘ ORE Homes by the De Luxe Building Company for p10g1ess1ve people who wish to build homes that are different. fllntloclucing our latest and newest modified Swiss Chalet, Colonial and Japanese architecture, together with a newer creation of the Published and Copyrighted, 1922, by 521- 527 UNION LEAGUE BUILDING : : LOS ARGELES CALIFORNIA Phone: Pico 558 TWO STORY HOMES (r h, V. E. Maescher Secretary PUBLISHERS OF “PLAN-KRAFT” “KOZY-HOMES” “DE LUXE FLATS” l‘l"‘ll‘l"‘ll‘l"“l“"I‘I""|‘|""|‘|“"l‘l"“‘“l‘|"“l“"I‘l""I‘I"“I“"‘ll“"‘5""‘I“"“I“"“I""I“""|“"“I“"“l“"I“""|“"“l""|i‘“""‘|‘l""I“"“l""|||"“l""I“"“l""“l""“"‘“l‘“"1""ll""‘|“"‘|“““““‘i““‘||““‘||“"i""‘l‘“"|“"||“"‘ll"‘“I“"|||“||““||““|n..5 ‘l‘l““l‘l““l‘l"|‘|‘|“|||““|||““|‘|““|‘|“‘ l ...1“|‘|“‘ H. 2. (‘1‘ ,.J ... ,_. ,1. 3 ._. S f P, .. ._a C‘ r, C“ (D t-s FD ._. c» H O 2: :1 0 ('D Cl: 0 ... O O ._. U ._. ('D Q; 5‘ H. (—9 B‘ O C (‘0' 51' ... ,. ('9‘ (-9- ('0 :3 ,_.. o n H B .2 r r H A c 5 "fi ._. .2 .4 _; ,. .__ H (E .. \_z ,2 .. :7 I L ._, (1‘ ... /‘ §WE$E As the bungalow grows more and more in favor the demand is for larger and more costly homes of this character; and as about one—half of the homes We design are of the two—story type we are devoting this entire issue to the two—story homes. A very good idea can be obtained of the general effect of the exterior and of the floor arrangement from the engravings herein shown. The plans call for all the latest built-in features, such as fire places, buffets, book-cases, writing desks, seats, dressers, coolers, cupboards, linen closets, etc., etc. The houses are piped for furnace and have cement cellars in most every case. Pfians assé Specificasfions The working plans and specifications of any house shown in this book may be had for the price printed under each design- herein. The plans include the blue prints of four elevations, foundation plan, first floor plan, second floor plan where required, and not less than three sheets of details together with thirteen or more pages of closely typewritten specifications. Duplicate sets $3.00 per set if shipped with order, and if later under separate shipment we charge $5.00 per set. Pfiasss m Gmée? Should you desire an entirely different plan from any herein listed or as shown in any of our other books, we are fully prepared to draw anything to meet your requirements. hen we make special plans, we make preliminary pencil sketches of the floor plan and exterior and submit for criticism. After they have been returned, with corrections, if any, we finish them up and furnish three sets of blue prints and specifications complete. A deposit of about 35] 0.00 is required with order for special plans to cover cost of draughting labor of preliminary pencil sketches. For special plans of buildings costing over $6000.00 we will furnish you prices on submission of a rough sketch and other data you may have describing the character of the building. Buifidimg Deparsmesfi We have built most of the houses shown in this book and we have a large force of skilled workmen and buy our material at wholesale prices, and are in a position to build your home right, artistic and economically. flames Baits @ss §ercensage We build homes anywhere in Los Angeles or surrounding towns for less. Investigate our homes built on the percentage basis, where the owner gets the builders’ discounts and his house built for the net cost. Remissance In remitting. send postal or express money order or currency by registered mail. Address all communications to DE. LUXE BUILDING CO., 521-527 Union League Building, Cor. Second and Hill Streets, Los Angeles, California. PLAN NO. 400 ., . : A‘fi‘i‘fi' We offer this design as a house of merit. One of the most beautiful homes that can be devised. The layout of the rooms takes care of every contingency making for convenience and beauty. Plans, specifications for $18.50. De Luxe Building Co. Los Angeles, Cal. First Floor Plan 44 Ft. Wide PAGE THREE PLAN NO. 407 This plastered residence is a good example of this type. The design is Colonial in character and has proved to be most popular. The floor plan arrangement has been carefully studied and we believe we have produced a plan that will meet the requirements of those desiring a residence of distinction. Complete blue prints, specifictions and details $22.00. PAGE FOUR ‘ L®Olff H'G'X Ibis 3cm ‘ L IY‘HFCr'ILOOM' LJ'Cz'x JD' flow it - S'xii‘ [CllAMbLPJ‘bi‘ V [1‘6“xt7‘ ' C IMMMJL W l7'é‘xlb' Second Floor Plan De Luxe Building C0. Los Angeles, Cal. PLAN NO. 409 I i Am . fl‘c; |_ Ugly. C*£'l£:r' JG'KT’G' m —' Hill .KM'W. We are here picturing an eight-room house created along Dutch Colonial lines. Both elevation and plan are the embodiment of thorough designing, and we feel it will admirably meet the taste of those seeking a residence of this architectural character. Plans, details _ k ' _ mm _ and specifications $18.00. L CMLLL I I C" l ‘ H LUL. 1 ’LG' in A .MTH. . H? .i De Luxe Building Co. Los Angeles, Cal. PAGE FIVE tam Secondt Floor Plan '5é'x 5 PLAN NO. 414 ii" '1 is most pleasing. decided California influence. layout places this plan in a separate class. meet the demands of the most discrlminatmg. specifications may be had of us for $15.00. PAGE SIX THATCHED roof adds a certain quaintness to the lines of a house that The roof on this house has been covered with shingles with the thatched effect giving the whole design a decided distinction for The portico gives the house a touch of the Colonial with a The beautiful exterior with the convenient We submit this with the feeling that it will The complete blue print plans, details and De Luxo Building Co. Los Angeles, Cal. , *i— I I Oc’NvDoncr l' mLAKerrI Hermes __l_. C'G‘x o‘ ,QQQM. :f lo‘xo' )3 - I I I \aCuVLCJ'JJ~ l l J‘ 'CHAM'DUL' i}, § 456* 12‘ 'KlTCl‘lLN' ‘ T,_' r G I lz‘e'x 10‘ u.— j" 'Ll\’lNGrR@3M' 16‘ x If- ll x543 234591 EJW l W l First Floor Plan 39% Ft. Wide L ,1 1'3: c13— l ,l "PATH is anMrbm. ”r 1’ *3 I 422x 156 .\ I l l H14 Oc'Nvlcva : l M” lo'c‘x 11'- _ Closul Lime) ‘C llAM‘ble Own not ‘CfiAMDULv l4'b'x11‘ ‘DJGOM" l4‘b'x ll' 9' x ll" Second Floor Plan First Floor Plan 54 Ft. Wide Second Floor Plan De Luxe Building C0. Los Angeles, Cal. PLAN NO. 4144 We offer this plan as a distinct type of old Eng- lish architecture. Em- bodied in plan and eleva— tions are little character- istics which are necessary in this design. Con- structed of brick and stone, it makes a perma- nent structure. Plans and specifications $20. PAGE SEVEN PLAN NO. 416 A Tile Mantel Suggestion De Luxe Building C0. PAGE EIGHT Los Angeles. Cal. PLAN NO. 416 HIS beautiful story and a half house with its eight large rooms makes an ideal home for a medium—sized family. As usual, We have planned an abundance -' , ,. of built-in conveniences and an unusual p.117 .l layout. The plan is self-explanatory. All the masonry “5 I‘— work is of granite laid up in broken ashlar. The steep shingled roof with rough sided walls and plastered gables is a most pleasing feature. We will furnish these plans complete with specifications for $l2.00. ' '— l' {mism- 14‘ x 116‘ 4 9 Gummy 11'6“x12.‘6'~ Cloocl i All ”-73 ————‘ 7 K 9 3 :— a \l £1339 \ l - # L I I _ charms '. 6x136 Second Floor Plan ._. _,J——w__._m_ _.l First Floor Plan ,. 38 Ft. Wide A Bath Room Suggestion Showing Built-in Cabinets. De Luxe Building Co. Los Angeles, Cal. PAGE NINE "null S'Wr 'Il’l / “er/7‘” ,' 4,, “’1 PAGE TEN A (I [-- 1“an * , / " I l W" III/rm I III" M‘ $21M ‘ 3‘7? “Kl/l ”NV/M \ I n '4 '1? I; ~gl/i‘ll 1],, /,, ' ‘ In... Wu- ,\ /rrrf/Il «'3 ”4’,“ ~7 « .\‘ x ‘, « a 0/. ,, ’r F ’I r,, "- lat,“ ., 3“» ’ “\‘V‘ I“ Gm , ."c'. \. . . _ '~ )4 } ~ A - . ”7/22” ’ ,\ . m “n. Mdh—n I: ' ~ “VI”, 0, W - ' J «x .r r ’I- 0 "v r~ u.‘ ‘ I 'V ’ ‘1)» \ W )IJ/gv/‘é’fl-h/lnm/Pm 1/, u. 1/”, ‘ PLAN NO. 418 “km , Wifl ; ‘ fl ‘ V' I \Z\{‘ I. dk‘fiflm fiw ‘3 I. W" :3; /‘ ,m‘:§|{' ;: ......... \— (’ 1 2w; , . . , —/— age/ VAVW" :l v 7". h“"""4’7";I/f \N/c‘ I ‘ 1,, w\\\/// “,,”’r. ., n/ .l" ’ “WI/l, w 4%,, 14“ l ' ‘,,,”n r, ‘ [7,, ““‘\VI/!\< l /I///I”M 1: (A ‘V’ \ '1‘. . “ ‘ $‘I-‘ ‘I 1.4. ’1 ' \Ulu t.“ H ””34! II I" ”luau“ m’”" \//, \h W H u ~ ~ . [“744 W/M\lr,/\’]I ' " \\\\/, «a ,. De Luxe Building C0. Los Angeles, Cal. _ , . m: x z I mm i:\ X SBDEAKFAS’E/ \KI-rcfififi ‘ \ DOOM io'xro' _Elwxm' 'wmm amenll; 1301201 l“ ll Lu . ELI‘T °‘I"UJ51C \ .a 177(14— g ‘ LIVING Doom W mxm Lé‘ , ' rename: 3ZX5 H W L_i La First Floor Plan 42 Ft. Wide De Luxe Building C0. Los Angeles, Cal. .L'JJJDG PLAN NO. 418 r53"; STUCCO house of eight rooms ' and large dressing room. The grand circular stairway in con- junction with the fire-places form the main feature of the The three large front rooms are just The breakfast plan. the thing for entertaining. room is handy to the kitchen and could be used as a Maid’s Room is so desired. The house is heated by a furnace and has all the modern built-in features. Plans and speci— fications $l 0.00. A Dining Room Idea P _.__-__--_--______.____.__-.‘ / CLOSET i 'DQQCI‘X i I Second Floor Plan PAGE ELEVEN PLAN NO. 420 - JD ' ‘WQa-o flfl‘lg- HE illustrations opposite are suggestions of interior fire~place and book cases IK J 1? of brick giving a very neat and comfortable appearance, and also a gar— ’ o n “1.51 den With pool, bridge, etc. QM» These add to the appearance of the finished c . _‘ home. De Luxo Building; Co. PAGE TWELVE Los Angeles, Cal. \1 First Floor Plan, 42 Ft. Wide De Luxe Building Co. Los Angoles, Cal. PLAN NO. 420 FINE type of the Swiss Chalet with conserva~ tory, and alcove break— fast nook opening into the conservatory off the Living Room, with Owner’s bedroom and bath on first floor and two bed— rooms on second floor, showing a com— plete and desirable home for two people. The house is heated by a Hot Air Furn- ace ancl has all the built—in features to make it complete and comfortable. It is finished in dark wood in living room, dining room and den. The balance of 1 house is finished in Old Ivory, making ‘ a cheerful and attractive interior. The plans and complete specifications for this Chalet can be had for $20.00. Q?" "I q ,, , .[ .um __ ______ in. First Floor Plan A Fire P & lace of Tile PAGE THIRTEEN PLAN NO. 422 :Mt _( v; 5” is of composition. Plans and specifications $12.00. PAGE FOURTEEN @ FINE type of the Mission Architecture. The house has hardwood floors in the main rooms, papered walls and all rooms are piped for furnace. The exterior walls are sheathed, covered with heavy building paper, then U stripped and covered with metal lath and cement plaster. T he roofing De Luxe Building Co. Los Angeles, Cal. :ptcrvnofl E: ‘- “ALL 4 . . 1! u‘xzr' .‘ .. -! L4. I DIN {1‘19 mean , 14AM men 42N2' % % % 1% 135126 OLA First Floor Plan 42 Ft. Wide CL°JET Second Floor Plan cuvarr \~ % First Floor Plan This pretty new English type house embodies all the characteristics of the old lines and the room arrangement is all one could Wish in completeness and beauty. De Luxe Building C0. Los Angeles, Cal. PLAN NO. 4222 Front View Right Side View ¥fi ,_., VV*—. 1‘ 3 Second Floor We show two views of this house to present the beauty of the side lines. Plans and specifications for $18.00. PAGE FIFTEEN PLAN NO. 424 D‘ 1-1 I B ‘ . n‘ - PAGE SIXTEEN LI 0::{311"1311;111:1100 z- .. w k ;. Alfie}; l-‘x4: Floor Plan No. 424 i’unr-H'iv ii \Mhu- s. LA fC' WI; Ill l‘s First Floor Plan 38% Ft. Wide . n - . JD 1 a: _’ N OFFERING here this type of Old Co- lonial, we present many admirable features. The breakfast room, so desirably located, saves many steps and adds great convenience to the Home. The large bedrooms with their many windows, dressing room and child’s room opening off of this room, forms a combination that is desirable. The bath is nicely placed, convenient to all bedrooms, with cabi- nets built in for dressing. The kitchen is also a full cabinet kitchen, with all the built-in features to make it convenient. We will furnish these blue print plans and specifications De Luxe Building CO. A TaSty Breakfast Room complete for $2000 Los Angeles. Cal. PAGE SEVENTEEN PLAN NO. 426 of blue brick cellar and attic room. Plans and specifications $10.00. PAGE EIGIITEEN E have built this home twice in Los Angeles. Each time it has proven a grand success. The large porch returning around the corner and the well arranged rooms have made this plan popular. It is a house that is adaptable to both hot and cold climates. The exterior walls are covered with shakes, the roof is of shingles, the chimney and porch columns are laid in black mortar, the porch floor is of cement. The plans call for Q mm M. L' . r ix” 7y . 7— , 't‘rfilt‘c'llOQM- 1% \Hr' 'Ll v1 NdvlLCOMv 23‘ x14 Floor Plan 30 Ft. Wide De Luxe Building C0. Los Angeles, Cal. PLAN NO. 428 L HIS exquisite two—story bungalow with its broad, rambling lines, well- ‘ sheltered front and side porches and pleasing exterior is what we con- sider a gem. A bungalow containing a fair amount of convenience, art, and comfort is common, but one arranged with an abundance of these is to be had in this. We heartily ask you to study the plan and photo. The latter, however, could only give, at its best, a most vague idea of the real beauty embodied and the artistic lines of the house itself. Plans and specifications $l0.00. De Luxe Building.r (‘0. Los Angcles, Cal. PACE NINETEEN Second Floor Plan \ new ! . \ Cl \AMZBEQ “MM“ !ll 12 X11. WILEY, I , KITCHEN xi 10295 ' DREAKTbTi |— ME; Qoom\ : CLOSET g 9X5 ‘,! @Lm, L , - i- BATH LEI ’ QQI l ”’1. DINING goon I 15x14 XPQQCH. CHAMBER “940 12x13“ .l _ meo Room ;; 152(15‘ in DEN l ,1 i , 12x14 :i: First Floor Plan 36 Ft. Wide Over All ' PLAN NO. 430 ,0,» ... s ' H.015; LC‘CM' menu First Floor Plan 53% Ft. Wide wintry.- gag: . alga ' N THIS beautiful home there are many comfortable features that appeal "w'iiiwi' : to the home-lover. The spacious living room opening into the study, “J " which can be used as a breakfast room, is a good arrangement. The generous sleeping porches connected withl the bedrooms furnish splendid outdoor sleeping quarters. You will notice the simplicity of design from \ the floor plan to the smallest detail, showing as it does the very highest type of the Colonial. L;- We will furnish these blue print plans and specifications complete for $20.00. ( rump Second Floor Plan De Luxe Building Co. Los Angeles, Cal. PAGE TWENTY F—TJ ._LJ .I' I. , l._—.I "ng; First Floor 49 Ft. Wide Dc- Luxe Building (‘0. Los Angeles, Cal. PLAN NO. 4300 Beauty in simplicity are the character lines in this beautiful residence, of Spanish and Old Mission lines it stands as an example of architectural achievement. the needed seclusiveness. These two views give one an idea of interior and court dec- orations, both of which could be embodied in houses of this type. Plans and specifications, $18.50. The garden gives Second Floor Plan PAGE TVVENTY-ONE PLAN NO. 434 1 De Luxe Building Co. PAUL} T\VENTY-TWO Los Anu'eles, Cal. First Floor Plan 375/2 Ft. Wide De Luxe Building,r Co. Lug Angelos, Cal. PLAN NO. 434 .33“ HIS is another story and a half house of nine rooms with a m o s t unusual arrangement. The rooms are all planned with utility and convenience constantly in mind. The designer has incor- porated all the usual interior conveniences such as buffet, bookcase, seat, buffet kitchen and numerous others not usually planned in a home of this size. A large storage room is provided on the second floor which opens direct into the hall. The photo shows admirably the beau- tiful design of the exterior. The roof is cov— ered with cedar or redwood shingles. Arti- ficial stone has been used for the exterior ma- sonry, which with the rough siding on the walls lends a distinctive and most artistic atmosphere to the whole scheme. We can furnish the complete working drawings and specifications of this home for $l2.00. vlt‘é‘xb'é' Second Floor Plan PAGE T\VENTY-THREE First Floor Plan PLAN NO. 436 30 Ft. Wide DII‘III‘IG QOOI‘X ‘ ] LIVIN‘G BOOM ISXID 1 152113 a! c ‘l t w ('1 .1 Nxstmxmw ' I E; COCflEEE l7 5” . CHAMBEB L393” A CHMBEE rOXi2 2‘5 . 103.12“ _ CLOSET L1"? “E? E. offer something here in the way of a home on M15510n lines, which 15 unique, ‘l: W ‘ ' truly beautiful and most attractive to the family of moderate finances. The CHAMBER C if” .- f . . - . . CLOSET “AMBER 5“ 7'!_'—/' white walls of Stucco, the reel tile roof and homelike appearance has made 10x13 14x13 this type popular. The fine arrangement 18 too noticeable to require our mention, and the artistic features are likeW1se very pronounced. As usual 5W5“ ‘ in our houses, it contains the full compliment of built-in necessmes. Plans and specifications I _ _. $l 6.00. EALcONY 41x9 De Iiuxo Building Co. ‘_,j __1 r“ i-«i PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Lus AnguleS. cm. 1.4 l: ,‘l l: :l Second Floor Plan PLAN NO. 4366 This charming villa designed along Spanish and Italian lines comprises both beauty and comfort. The floor plan is arranged to suit the most particular, as will be noted. This plan contains all the up-to-clate built—in features. Plans and specifications $l 8.00. De Luxe Building Co. Los Angeles, Cal. Wilma/kc:- -D1mne- Q0021- \de \5 o' mm cram/alta- Second Floor Plan l First Floor Plan 46 Ft. Wide Its PAGE TVVENTY-FlVE PLAN NO. 437 Here is an eight-room chalet type house, the result of careful designing and planning. The exterior is censervative and well proportioned, while the plan is replete with all that can be desired in a home of this size. We will furnish you complete blue print working drawings, specifications and details covering built-in features, also full size trim details for $16.00. De Luxe Building Co. PAGE TWENTY-SIX Los Angelcs, Cal. PLAN NO. 437 'C [12(th i;6';:'6_ v~ :' /’ Lutiv , I, 1 ’szfi "V : . /// / ' ‘ . "m y , ”wmmmm W First Floor Plan 40V2 Ft. Wide Second Floor- Plan - ,. ““ mm , 11mm" llll W1: MHIIIIIIIII De Luxe Building C0. Los Angeles. Cal. PAGE TVVENTY-SEVEN ' ‘:::‘jjee Tu ' ' ‘ ‘ l MALDS 1200M 1010» 10-0 l 15- 0 x5- 6 151001? BREARE131 ROOM 5 12:6 19:0- . jlronvi‘b broad l l ——‘\ / 1111mm 150126 F - DINING ROOM 1001. -1 15'-6'~15'—O' 1 1 J " Lb 4L 1"? I 1 L1v111o ROOM 181-616 O ‘ _ RECEPTHALL TERRACE \ Cupbd ~F1R51 FLOOR PLAN ~' 30 FEETWIDE: PLAN NO. 437 7 '3 , .3 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Front Elevation 4377A C111116ER 1310' x 10'60‘ E CHAMBER i- 1 126x140 CHAMBER 1 IZLO'XIzlo #6010 HALL l 7, _ OWNER‘S CHAMbER. 19=ou 1520* . 1TJill “SECOND FLOOR PLAN~ Designed along Old English lines and with a good floor plan. T his makes a fine combi— nation. The floor plan is de— signed to be used with either. De Luxo Building Co. Los Angeles, Cal. PLAN NO. 4388 -}/iTcA:n- , - .00 “a -Livmc,-Qoom~ \4 t. x In 2! First Floor Plan 38 Ft. Wide This pleasing combination of Mission architecture furnishes one of the most beau- tiful studies in modern building. comprising all the new built-in effects. The floor plan is complete in every respect De Luxe Building Co. Los Angeles, Cal. PAGE T\VENTY—NINE PLAN NO. 439 : First Floor Plan fi--- 37 feet wide. l 55:93-33" i‘ i? " 'fi/ - /, \ - \e‘Kj/il‘ f: l'CLC/‘LT-\ . . . \_ F HIS beautiful example of Spanish architecture I CAME“: L3 gaggle vflwq. is the result of hours of study. Complete “m” _ ““N )- living quarters on the first floor with four : V - spacious bed chambers on the second floor with connecting baths. Nothing has been eliminated in this plan to make it one of the most up-to-date arrangements. Plans and specifications may be had for $l8.50. 'CJ-V‘xf'l E'bER- 7 . LK-‘xf‘i 33:12- no “fie. \te"l+c' I l 1 De Luxe Building~ C0. 1 I Los Angeles, Cal. PAGE THIRTY Second Floor Plan PLAN NO. 440 require any mention on our part. The design has a distinctive Japanese air about it that renders it most artistic and unique. The construction, as usual in our houses, is of the best. A cement foundation of proper dimensions to carry all the weight under any circumstances, massive timbers and mechanical workmanship are all covered thoroughly in the specifications. Wye can furnish these plans and specifications for $10.00. De Luxe Building (‘0. Los Angeles, Cal. PAGE THIRTY-ONE sch-peers ltxaié \ (21194435912, / 116x116 I gr canals voLz. G-BQQI‘X 116x 6 vyw) T {Sammie-12.9% ‘ r' -". ‘la 142KL4- l...‘ y \ {l . cast-17‘, l l / “l i ‘ l\ , fig 1 LLVIN'Q‘DQQ 2* l ‘l .\ 22x13 ‘ 2 ll E ‘ : 'f'\ Al _ Al r-x L/ poECI‘K 2.0219 —~7< 4"! - I l W Ll l First Floor Plan 30 Ft. Wide PLAN NO. 44] F v A ‘ . LlelT/‘El’l lz‘xn‘ vflimrmu liWit‘ ERE is another plaster De Luxe house designed especially for a surburban site with a most convenient seven-room arrangement. The plans and photo show very plainly the great advantages in this home over others of a similar type. The plans call for a large cellar and all built—in conveniences. We have constantly considered the family’s comfort in the designing of this home. The complete plans and specifications of this house will be furnished by us for $l2.00. a First Floor Plan 48 Ft. Wide Do. Luxo Building Co. PAGE THIRTY-TWO Los Angoles, Cal. PLAN NO. 443 HOME of six unusually large and comfortable rooms. All rooms are but a few short steps from the bath room. Large closets, linen closets, and soiled linen closet are provided. Note the outside sleeping porch. The Living and Dining Rooms have hardwood floors, wainscoting, etc. The exterior walls are covered with siding, the roof is of shingles, the porch and chimney are built of blue brick with a cement porch floor. Plans and specifications $l 0.00. Dc Luxe Building (“:i, Lns Angel‘s, C211. \ ! , 3:92am; -_ ' 142:1; (, 1i scznzrr can lf 10'6'217’ 6 6216 @— ‘\ _. wfmTcria‘r Ki \ iaxtr' ‘ é H Floor Plan. 32 Ft. Wide PACE THIRTY-THREE J . ,. fiafi scrjg’mi-t‘ PLAN NO. 448 One of Our Kitchen Interiors HIS home is one that at once appeals to those seeking something distinctive. The house as al whole suggests ”Plan—Kraft" individuality and yet so modest it pleases the most conservative. To the family wanting a home on massive lines, distinctive and inexpensive, We can heartily recommend this. The large massive buttresses, the ready access to the cellar from outside or inside, the handy stairs leading to the second floor and the general arrangement are just enough different to merit your deep consideration. It is planned for convenience, not only to one member of the family, but all. Shakes and siding comprise the exterior covering for the walls. The roof is covered with composition rooting. The massive columns are in perfect accord with the sturdy effect of the whole design. Plans and spec1ficat10ns $18H00 De Luxe Building (‘0. PAGE THIRTY-FOUR Los Angoles, Cal. A Distinctive Mantel PLAN NO. 448 r3455 lawn ' l ll SCREEN. - Room 1‘ 15Xlt x’i enbjizom 12x14 \ ‘ KiTanH x 14ml on _ \ \‘P ~ ix fiinEWM a 142(44- L:mno«12°¢m " '/ 162(12' 3 ml“ lcmow \‘7 3‘1’ \ \h J7 a l ' J HALL. ”lei“ l, i lb: i‘ | 'H: - l l A / l i ll 1 I ll \ — : 5/ _ Lrvmo 126cm :imnzwsm i 20x43 1: 92.1.; bED“E¢?M 005 ,: 14.7117 \- 'i ‘4‘: — BEDjEQQf’K I ‘ \ ' b 22:13 7‘“ \_ H \ w C155. \ crurpbpfm ;, 96x12 “ / »’ ’ ‘ \ ‘ , z 1 u ' x? , ~ i Second Floor Plan First Floor Plan 30 Ft. Wide; 42 Ft. Over All De Luxe Building Co. Los Angeles. Cal. A Fireplace Suggestion These views give an idea of some of the interior details as incorporated into the plans of these houses. Each plan has its individual details which conform to the character of the house. PAGE THIRTY-FIVE PLAN NO. 449 First Floor Plan l l; ‘1 37I/2 Ft. Wide . ’ 1':'_ Here is another eight-room ”De Luxe" home with an exterior of most charming design. The interior arrangement is shown very clearly in the miniature plans shown on this page. A little study on the plans shown will give you a general idea of the superiority of this place over similar ones. The price of the specifications with the complete working draw- ings and all necessary details for a clear understanding of the work, may be had of us for $15.00. 1% lnixv Building (‘0. PAGE ’l‘Jllll’l‘Y-SIX lms Angeles. Cull PLAN NO. 4499 A, ‘C.‘KA.‘1Y“ELZ‘ i it a. . o Second Floor Plan First Floor Plan 44 Feet Wide A beautiful idea along English lines which gives this house a stately and individual appearance. Note the high pitched roof which makes it adaptable to all climates. The floor plan is an arrangement which is hard to improve upon. Plans and speci— . Do Luxe Iglliltling‘ 1‘“. ficathnS can be had for $19-00 Los Angolvs. C211. PAGE THIRTY-SEVEN PLAN NO. 450 \\\\\\\ ‘mewwxw WW \ ~~¢ De Luxe Building C0. Los Angeles, Cal. PAGE THIRTY-EIGHT PLAN NO. 450 fiaLL’ Second Floor Plan First Floor- Plan 41 Ft. Wide A Pleasing Pressed Brick Mantel EW houses finished with plaster on the exterior possess the artistic design of this. Its broad, massive and original lines has made this plan as popular as it is. The general appearance of this home from the outside requires no mention as the picture shows it to a fair degree. The first floor plan is layed out with convenience always in mind and in its design we have incor- porated every possible feature. The second floor plan has not been neglected. Note how the maid’s room is located in relation to the sleeping rooms. This places the servant in close proximity to the front door as well as to the mistress’ chamber. A most important feature. No point has been over- looked, and We can heartily recommend this plan to anyone seeking one of the type shown. Complete blue print plans, details and specifications may be had of us for $l 5.00. Dc Luxc Building C0. L05 Angeles, Cal. PAGE THIRTY—NINE PLAN NO. 451 vxENch‘nv o'xs‘e' » rD 91cm VIO'K‘QIG 'DEL'AKFAOTV Wart?" . . v12. 00 MI 996%? 10-m- I ll \"—°°7. Ckma ICnAMbLm 12th- 'DININo'ttooM' Closet Zo‘é‘x 12' l xLiViNOvloow ll ZO'K 14‘ l l \“ » \ch > «.c. <, l :l] First Floor Plan 44 Ft. Wide E— l 1 he Clea Tor lcf [C mums. {HUME N THIS beautiful home many comfortable and most practical features have I xfiAYFTLV i 1 vC *\\\r=r 'n \1*‘ ‘ been designed. You will notice the distinctive design of this place from the 1' i floor plan to the smallest detail of the exterior. It is needless to explain that I ,,.,- "L we have not omitted any feature of comfort. We will leave this for your Second Floor Plan approval. The complete blue print plans, details and specifications may be procured from us for $18.00. De Luxo Buildingr C0. PAGE FORTY Los Angeles, Cal. PLAN NO. 4344 YPICAL mission architecture is employed in this design. The straight low lines, the "Le-ecu, 7 li " _:_ arched porch and shed roof break the sym— " metry and add to the attractiveness of the First Floor Plan y design. Plans and specifications $18.00. Below We show a suggestion for a garden fountain. The stepping stones continuing the mission design. Second Floor Plan 49 Ft. Wide De Liixo luilding (HI. . . ., . ,7 Los .~\ng.:l«-.’<, (“21]. PAGE FORTY-ONE PLAN NO. 455 _ II n x v p “ “9*“ "I § . De Luxe Building C0. PAGE FOR'I‘Y-TVVO Los Angeles, Cal. 1/“~‘|1ru:, “n.1,“ Ag c t > L517fi: "I I’ff ILA", 1 \\~« J Second Floor Plan A Typical De Luxe Colonial Interior PLAN NO. 455 Lns Angelos, Cal. De Luxe Building C0. N OFFERING you this plan for selection, in Colonials, we have combined simplicity, convenience and attractiveness. You will find the interior conveniently arranged for a moderate—sized family, with servants, quar- ters nicely located, embodying a pleasant arrangement for the family. Plans and specifications will be furnished complete for $18. 00. First Floor Plan 38 Ft. Wide PAGE FOHTY-THREE r I We EM 0' First Floor- Plan 50 Ft. Wide We offer this design as one of the best examples of modern home architecture. The tile roof adds to the general outline and with the travartine stone entry to living room, presents a pleasing picture. The ceil— ing of the living room is domed. Plans and specifica- tions $l8.50. PAGE FORTY-FOUR PLAN NO. 455 I ‘— , l I I , 7* W '7 I it mm" , v : i .01 Ba 3 Rm' : WWBER v OWE? l H'o'xm'o l 53:33; w-c'rlsk‘r IILS'XISLO' J“ in . k . “a“ ‘5, ‘* $3 K V 3.3 RAT ' m )V ea- - ,_ ,#m __ " 13:; Bar i Second Floor Plan Above We show another sug— gestion of a patio with its arches and pleasing atmos« phere. De Luxe Building C0. Los Angeles, Cal. PLAN NO. 456 This house plan is designed along Colonial lines and with its plain surfaces presents a conservative idea that makes The plan too, is different than ordinary and is compact and comfortable. it distinctive. $19.00. De Luxe Building C0 Los Angeles, Cal. Plans and specifications q I‘— .‘w l l _ (titre/JEN" 5060 . FEES? . ": : HO ”roam ' iS-C‘x té-O' First Floor Plan 51 Ft. Wide vc‘uj‘vfifil v .Z'i‘x "-C‘ Second Floor Pla n PAGE FORTY-FIVJC PLAN NO. 464 De Luxe Building Co. PAGE FORTY-SIX Lns Angeles, Cal. "‘ i”.AID5»EC¢P1 I n ma — \J sc'fiamcm ‘ tinO' [37.i'7 'l Z~ :i DINING~E**1_i"'—‘ {J Floor Plan. 28 Ft. Wide De Luxe Building C0. Los Angeles, Cal. PLAN NO. 4866 Floor Plan. 43 Ft. Wide ERE we offer a plan which is unique yet practical in every sense. The plan has been designed keeping the idea in mind for economy yet making for the conven- iences necessary. The exterior staircase to roof is an . added feature which tends to aztec architecture. Plans A Mantel SuggeStlon and specifications $16.00. De Luxe Building Coi Los Angeles, Cal. PAGE FIFTY-NINE PLAN NO. 8477 fl] EFO’X 100' Q) ; v n ‘ v L DA‘T‘H ‘Rvmmf i iaio’x I510? ’ bm'RmA' i‘ I’A GE SIXTY id 25-e’xlzie,’ Second Floor Plan A Nook Suggestion E SUBMIT this design with the feeling that it covers a demand for this particular arrangement. T he plan needs little comment as it' is complete in all respects. The exterior is a combination of Egyptian and Italian archi- tecture, which has been carried out in fine detail. Plans and specifications $20.00. “l v' , - h - v mm; Htll'll hi i‘ ‘i‘h’t W L/ M l r'_ 1 . 40 Ft. Wide l .: Flr‘St FIOOI‘ Plan De Luxe Building Co. Los Angeles, Cal. PLAN NO. 488 N OFFERING this plan we feel that We have submitted the best of the .29 late architectural features. The plan covers every conceivable necessity :1. but clinging to the practical and economical idea. The garden wall gives a secluded appearance to the grounds. Plans and specifications $22.00. De Luxe Building Co. Los Angeles. Cal. PAGE SIXTY-ONE - A "; 1 I, ‘L’v Second Floor Plan keeping with the massive brick mantel. and specifications for this bungalow for $12.00. PAGE SIXTY-TVVO a most desirable one. PLAN NO. 49] TUCCO exteriors for houses are very popular, and many poor designs of this beautiful type have been put on the market. this page is most distinctive, having numerous features of beauty. graceful exterior lines with its handsome proportions has made this bungalow The arrangement is most unusual and exceptionally convenient. A study of the plan will reveal its numerous points of advantage. feature of this plan is the high ceiling in the living room with its rustic detail in perfect We will furnish complete blue print plans, details The one shown on Floor Plan. .. [:;i\-::lan 1 vbzxm‘ctlmu' '3‘ ? M" \—\",:‘\r‘ re; \i)‘ tc‘ xe‘o‘ Lani-130w :Q‘\14‘u' 41y2 Ft. Wide De Luxe Building C0. Los Angeles, Cal. ifllllllllll UH llm HIM ”ll lllllllllllllll lmmim llllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1HIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllHillllllllllllllllllHllllllilllllllllllliillllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllll!!!llllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllilllllllllll1llllllllllllllllllllllllll!llll[Ellllllllllllllllllllll?!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! r» M Hllllllll MORE BUNGALOW BOOKS We have three other books, each displaying types of residences shown in any other market. “THE DRAUGHTSMAN” contains designs of bungalows ranging in price from $800 to $10,000. “KOZY HOMES" is a unique book illustrating artistic little bungalows ranging in price from $800-00 t0 $6,000.00 "HOME~KRAFT~HOMES” portrays many fine residences designed especially for Eastern trade. The prices range from $l 150 to $7500. Each of these books are new and different. Price one dollar per copy. Send either coin or stamps. ”DE LUXE FLATS” is a new booklet on Flats, Duplex houses, etc. Price one dollar per copy postpaid. OUR DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION It stands to reason that after having studied on and worked out a set of plans for a client, We are more familiar with his ideas than a firm who never saw the plans before. It is also evident we can carry out those ideals more readily and with less expense and annoyance to the Owner than those not so familiar with his wishes. Confinement to Design only causes one to become narrow and impractical in the line of construction itself. Those who confine their efforts to building are liable to neglect their artistic instincts. We have put forth every effort to avoid either of these conditions and have worked with an end in view to combine the greatest possible art and desrgn consistent with true economy and good construction. Our designer and draughtsmen and our foremen of the jobs co-operate, thus producing an interest in the job that would otherwise be impossible. No matter how small your building is it will receive the greatest of interest and attention from the foreman as well as the super— intendents sent from the Office. “All our clients are our friends——We solicit investigation." Yours for a better home, DE. LUXE. BUILDING CO. lh Hill” l UT llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllHllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllllllllll IWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW II: WW SPECIAL PLAN DEPARTMENT Having had years of experience in the field of general architectural We employ no boys or inexperienced men, so naturally our work is E are equipped to furnish you special plans for any building. :4“); practice we feel we can give you the maximum satisfaction. superior. In the preface we dealt lightly on our “plans to order" but wish to add here that should you desire plans for any building we will give you the very best at our command. We will gladly furnish an estimate for the plans and specifications of any building contem~ plated upon receipt of all data regarding same. This book, while confined to two-story houses, portrays to a small degree the beautiful lines we incorporate into all our work. Each of our buildings possess the very finest points of design consistent, of course, with the amount of capital invested. By using a “De Luxe” plan you not only have superior ideas from which to work but also a decidedly different and better building on completion. Our plans always save the contractor unnecessary labor and the owner untold annoyance, WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWE WW I M We do only the better I I I We are Designers and I Builders of Fine Residences, Apartments, ‘ Plans Furnished to I Contractors and Others. ‘ Flats, Store Buildings, etc. A. BCMAESCHER, MANAGER 511-527 UNION LEAGUE BUILDING LOS ANGELES, CAL. Phone: Pico 558 V. E MAESCHER, SECY. class of work, build homes on commission and make liberal building loans. Estimates Furnished to Prospective Builders. IWWWWWWW IW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWIWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWE % McBride Printing 00., 316 W. Second St.. Los Angelo: ‘h-L '3' f