.1 <. 61 FT OF ROBERT ‘\ BEISHER. . 4 : gun, m. If" HE UNGALQW QQK A SHORT SKETCH OF THE EVOLUTION OF THE BUNGALOW FROM ITS PRIMITIVE CRUDENESS TO ITS PRESENT STATE OF ARTISTIC BEAUTY AND COZY CONVENIENCE. ILLUSTRATED WITH DRAWINGS OF EXTERIORS, FLOOR PLANS, INTERIORS AND COZY CORNERS OF BUNGALOWS WHICH HAVE BEEN BUILT FROM ORIGINAL DESIGNS. 'l‘llI R I) I‘ll )l’l‘IL)N 'l ll()l{()l'(.‘"L\' IKEVISEI) [\NI) .\II'(.‘H I-ZNLAR(£ICI) l’l'IHJSllEI) BY HENRY L. \S'II.S().\' DESIGNER ()l“ ARTISTIC IIUSIES L( )s A N( ”cu-2s, CA 1.1 roux l A I’Rl( ‘E ONE ])()LL‘\ R r"? ‘3'}; R A ”1\ OF THE x UNIVERSITY . (\F ‘CfL‘F'rwa/j L”... rm PRESS OF BAUMGARDT PUBLISHING COMPANY LOS ANGELES. CAL. 3139 MN I“ ( b THIRD EDITION COPYRICSHT 1908 BY IlENIKY L. ‘VILSON LOS ANGELES CAL. "_ ‘ sigma ~1- 'Raaa YEfiE §§ECE printed with each plan in this book entitles you to a complete set of working drawings. foundation and floor plans, four elevations, interior details and specifications coveringr all the work of masons. carpenters. plumbers, gasfitters, electric wirers, painters, etc., and the land ‘L-lafidi quality of all materials to be used, as well as a copy of the Bungalow Book. If you already have a copy of the Bungalow liook, you may deduct the price of same when orderinO'. and remit by check. draft or money order to HENRY L. WILSON - 426, 427 and 428 Copp Building, 218 South Broadway. Los Angeles, California. ()rder Plans by number, and be sure to give your name with l’ost ()tlice and n‘arest lixpress ()fficc plainly written. Any plan in the book may be had reversed without extra charge. E‘EfiE §®N§Z§L®W The California Bungalow (perhaps so—called from its resemblance in its more primitive form to the low— thatched homes of the Bengalese in India) is a direct descendant of the original attempts at architecture in this part of the country. It surely can trace its simple artistic lines directly back to the old Missions of the Spanish l’adres, and its low overhanging eaves, large porches and general air of hospitality and coziness ‘ ’dobe shacks" of the early settlers to the charming home- like Bungalows of today may seem a long stretch, but it has come along as a steady process of evolution K to the adobe houses of the pioneers. From the and improvement until today the California Bungalow is known and talked about the world over, and not even the glorious climate and everlasting sunshine call forth from the tourist so many comments of admiration and pleasure as do these cozy homes. California has earthquakes now and then, although happily their severity seems to be moderating as the years roll on, but no doubt the early Spanish Padres had no desire to have tall buildings tumbling on their devoted heads, and for this reason built their houses low and rambling. without. however, sacrificing or abandoning the rather severely plain curves and lines of their old Spanish Mission style. The result was quaint and attractive, and better still, these Mission lilungalows furnished the text which modern architectural skill has amplified and improved, until today we have the perfect Bungalow, a “house beautiful" inside and out, the very embodiment of homelike coziness and convenience. inexpensive. but of refined elegance easily adaptable to almost any location, whether mountain, plain or 'alley, or on the city's narrow streets. or the broad, shaded village avenues. In the Bungalow, if properly designed, is com':ined grace, beauty and comfort at a minimum cost. In its arrangement as set forth in this book, the problem of easy housekeeping and homemaking is reduced almost to an exact science. California is the hOnie of the modern Bungalow. Its almost constant sunshine makes a house of this fashion a necessity, but there is hardly a town or city in all this broad land where the Bungalow would not prove more attractive than any other style of house. As the “farm house" of "back East," or the ranch “hacienda," the Bungalow style is ideal. In the Bungalow is the possibility of combining economy in cost with artistic beauty to an almost unlim- ited degree. Recognizing this fact long ago, I have for many years directed my best efforts to the perfecting of this style of building. and I take pride in exhibiting the results of my labor and study in the pages of the Bungalow Book, two large editions of which have been completely exhausted in a year and a half. A notable feature of all my plans is the close symmetrical relation between exteriors and interiors, thus combining graceful outlines with inside convenience and comfort. I find it is a big mistake to adopt a floor plan and then endeavor to fit an exterior to it. Many architects do this, I know, but the result is never satisfactory, and a house so designed is never pleasing to the eye, in fact, it usually attracts attention only by its ugliness. Concessions must be made, and both inside and outside details must be modified to gain that atmosphere of cozy elegance which is so much admired in all of my plans. and I do not feel that my years of study and labor have been all in vain when I receive the expressions of pleasure and commendation from the thousands who have built homes from my designs. The Bungalow is a radical departure from the older styles of cottage, not only in outward appearance, but in inside arrangement. The straight, cold entrance hall and the stiff, prim, usually darkened parlor have no place in it. Entrance is usually into a large living room—the room where the family gathers. and in _which the visitor feels at once the warm, homelike hospitality. Everything in this room should suggest com— fort and restfulness. The open fireplace and low. broad mantel. a cozy nook or corner, or a broad window- seat are all means to the desired end. Bookcases or shelves may be fitted into convenient spaces and ceiling beams add an air of homely quaintness which never grows tiresome. “here there is room, I suggest that by all means a den should find a place in your plan. This room need not be large. but its very name is suggestive of luxurious rest amid piles of cushions and surrounded by curios and mementos which accumulate in every family, each ren'iiniscent of good times gone by. Many one—story Bungalows may have in the attic a Den or Smoking or Billiard room. The dining room should be large and well—lighted, and as it will contain few articles of furniture, it may be finished somewhat elaborately, with paneled wainscoting. plate—rail, etc. Sleeping rooms should be light and well ventilated and decorated in rather bright, cheerful tints. Owing to the comparative smallness of the ordinary bath room, we must strive to arrange the various fixtures in the most economical manner. To dispense with chairs, we might build a seat in some convenient corner. Aside from a medicine cabinet and a linen closet for towels, etc., very little remains to complete this room. For an inexpensive wainscot hard wall plaster is a suitable alternative for the genuine tile. From the top of the wainscot, which is usually about four feet. a light tint for the walls and ceiling. together with white enameled woodwork is suggestive of purity and cleanliness. and is very pleasing. \Yhere one can afford decorations, a continuous design of a water scene with lilies and swan thrown in at intervals adds richness to the room. I am inclined to believe that every housewife who plans a house commences with the kitchen. and I am still more inclined to think she is right. It is a most important room, and should be made as cheerful and convenient as possible. Saving of steps m‘ans conservation of energy and health, and consequently promotes the general welfare of the family. \Vhere it is possible. the sink should be in the center of the long drain— board, so that the soiled dishes can be placed at one end and when washed laid on the other. The space underneath this drain—boanl may be utilized for kitchen utensils. In the modern kitchen much attention is given to the proper distribution of the various cupboards. flour bins, spice receptacles and the many {little contrivances which appeal to women. llere, too, the hard wall wainscot, well painted or, better, still, enameled. is valuable. from the standpoint of sanitation. as it washes easily and does not absorb dust. \\'hite enameled woodwork. although more expensive than the natural finish or paint. makes an ideal finish for the kitchen. 6 __r:~ L‘" FEAI‘K: ‘ or TH E \ ig-:-.=l‘v'ERSl"l'Y . "F “\iL’FOP“ F $UBL§§E§ER9§ NOTE I wish to call attention to the fact that I am not confined to the sale of the enclosed plans, nor do I limit myself to the sale of drawings now in my stock, inasmuch as I am fully prepared to incorporate your ideas in special work. If you wish to order special drawings I would request that you inform me as to the locality in which you purpose to build, at the same time sending in your data as to the number of rooms, their arrangement. and the amount of money you wish your home to cost. For special plans preliminary pencil sketches are always sent for criticism and alterations, and tracings are not completed until these sketches are approved. lior climates more rigid than California my plans and specifications are adapted with full knowledge and experience of the requirements. Owing to the wide divergence in the cost of building materials, labor, etc, in different localities, I am unable to give the exact cost of the buildings illustrated in this book. \Vhere prices are given they are those at which the houses have been actually completed in Southern California, and must be taken as approx— imate for other localities. Thus costs of buildings are based upon prices about as follows: Dimension lumber $20.00 per thousand feet: finish lumber, $40.00 per thousand; carpenter labor, $3.50, and bricklayers and plasterers. $5.00 per day. Other materials and labor at proportionate prices. L05 Angola’s, ("a/H ."illgltd‘f Ijllz, 1906’. L 0i WM NUMBER I 10. NL‘MIEICR 110 is a very attractive exterior. which admits of a great number of varied lloor plans. Three arrangements are shown on this and the next page. The construction may be of shingles and clinker brick if desired. instead of weatherboarding and smooth brick. as shown above. The house is 30 feet by 53 feet, including the wide front porch. and it can be built for about $2000.00. See other floor plans for this house. next page. again Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary inferior dc- iails, either as shown on this page 01' rc-z'crscd. will be furnished for $10.00. BED, 1200M § 66' 11x15 ‘ KITCHEN 9*6X12 coo; UNEH § § “\“\\\ \\\§ c\\ § BED’EO’OM DlHIHGROOM 15x12 15x12 (1) x at L_§_ CLOS CLOS Q 3 pgm, .. LIVlHG 200m. 10-bX1‘l‘b 18X14 / 0 pOECH Bo'x 7' I7100r Plan No. 110. VARIATIONS OF FLOOR PLANS FOR NUMBER 110. Nl'MllER Ilo—B. . NUMBER 110-C. See e1evat10n on page 8. SCREEH PQEcH CLO SCDEEH 6 x 5 BEDjaoom 12x12 “‘33?” KITCfilEfi 14-Xll 6 C UPBOA‘D , a , mm ,. , ’2—(‘ Emma DOOM Banpolom 13x12 n—sx12 DIHlNCi‘QIOOM BED—DOOM 14X11-6" 12X12 LIVING ROOM Livmgy "BOOM DEN , 25X14 16-6 x14 10x14 Floor Plan No. 110-13. . Floor Plan No. 110-C. Cost about $1700.00. Cost about $1800.00 It frequently happens that floor plans can be considerably varied for the same exterior. Any one floor plan may be selected when ordering. but purchasers will please state carefully what is wanted. The exterior plans are. of course, adapted to any apparent discrepancy in floor plans. 9 NL'MBER 112. ;\s here shown. Number 112 has 2111 artificial stone front. but cobbles or clinker brick. or hard red brick could be used with good effect. The house may be shiugled or weatherboarded, as desired. :\ tile roof would be in excellent taste. with cement stucco walls. but this of course would add to the cost. Si7e 40 by 47 feet. and its cost will be about $2000.00. 10 Complete Nails and speci- fications of this house with all necessary inferior dc- fails, either as shozwz 011 this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. f,__' T.:::::’ 2": Floor Plan No. 11.3. NUMBER 114. XL'MllliR 114. .\ simple. inexpensive home, with all the essentials of individuality. cmnfort and convenience, and no lack of artistic features. The outside may be eith *r re—sawed weather- boarding‘ 0r shingles. with panel \vainscoting and beam ceilings, in dining room and hardwuod floors in living and dining rooms. This house. which is 28 feet front by 44 feet deep. can be built for about $1500.00. \Vithout panel \vainscoting, hardwood floors and beam ceiling. $1350.00. II 44_.[,. Complete plans and speci- fications of this house ”Leif/z all necessary interior de- tails. either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $7.50. _________________ BED LIVINC‘ . 9.0054,, D.C>C>M u-ox 13-0 1210’} x416" I - (1::- fi’?’-‘”\ .. l 7-0 x 21-3 t 2111' -I"L.OOQ. PLAN H2114. front dormer with roomy gant in his or her expressions of satisfaction. NUMBER 115. V/ ‘ VX/I ' -1,’ "l 1”; nt'... ”if?” " 3,. ———- __ _ ‘6- / Q w /%///?S§} ‘ ‘ ”V”- /'/ i /' c " “ ‘— "—‘ua-V _ ’ Qttvha “ w " (I r' «ill/336113 ; ‘Vl if {@1‘ . 5 - ' «I, u» ' . . ‘\\\\»‘.‘n um ~ ‘1:le .. -r nu . I . .. A " >1 $21.1 ,Jé‘fiég. ‘ {VK , . . - (“ans/defy [7/0113 and speci— fications of this house tuft/z ai/ necessary 1'112‘01'1'01‘ dc- mi/s, either as shown on this [wage or repaired, will be furuIIv/Ica’ for $10.00. NUMBER 115 is a house which always pleases. Its massive front, with large brick columns. broad See floor plans on next page. 12 balcony, its solid exposed chimney and rear balcony give at once a conception of the comfort and Convenience to be found within. A careful study of the floor plans on next page will show that one's expectations will be fully r‘alized. This is one of my favorite homes, and every owner has been extrava— The sewing room 011 first floor will be appreciated by "madam my lady" quite as much as any other of the many good features. It has hardwood floors and panel wainsCot in hall. (lining room and living room: cove ceiling in dining room and beam ceilings in hall and living room. The size is 32 feet front by 47 feet deep, and it has been built for $3200.00 lot. l’lan may be had reversed without extra charge, (as may any plan in this book). or smooth. and house may be weatherboarded 0r shingled. A line design for a corner Brick may be clinker by"..-'o.n . Iii: 7‘ EU? ET .‘ii; SEWING ROOM 15; ex 9, LIVING ROOM 16,— 6"X14. Fiat ' Floor. 1 ' 1 NUMBER 115. Sec elevation on opposite page. ””v’x/lunm :alnml’s I’ll/llll/Il/x’l/ / 4 , V \\\\\\\\\ 3““: - . \\\\\\\ § \ \\\ ‘§\\\\ I ll/Il/l/[_7/A BALCON 15.X5, Second Floor. The saving room and maids room can if desired be made into one good mom, 131/; by 191/; feet. 13 Comp/vie Hans and sfvrf— fit‘m‘imzs of this Izmm‘t‘ 'ztz'f/I tI/l net‘txvsary inferior u’c- fai/s. ci'llzt‘r as short 11 011 this PU‘QU 01‘ I‘t‘f’t‘l'a‘t‘d. it'll/i] ZN” furnished for $10.00. NUMBER 118. ;\'L‘.\llll~:l\’ 118 is a line house in every respect. and shows many features that will prove attractive. lt will require a lot at least fifty feet front. lts size is 38 by 48 feet. lllCllltllllg' porte eoelu‘e. and can he built for $3500.00. 11 is a full two—stury house. with available attic if desired. See floor plans on next page. I4 FLOOR PLANS OF NUMBER 118. - See elevation on page 14. 1 .___.s__ __J By omitting the porte—cochere, this home will look well on a lot with 40 feet frontage. CUPBOAn-"U A KITCH'EH ,. iox1z-e DINlHG DQQM l6-6X12—6 fl F ll 9. l l Livmepoom tilt l 16X15 EECE‘PTIOH “5 l l I HALL 2 l _] e-s‘ms H 120ng T: / E? COCHFpt. :azzz , ::rr~2 ‘ w: H “3T? I l . ‘DOPCH ‘ ; , ZBXB ; »$—L ‘ I L~"—*' ‘ ‘“— ‘ — 1 BALCQHY l; ; _! ‘ l , 1in M L::,—': ' I : First Floor No. 118. bEDpoorq IZXlO BED/10034 g i4x12’-e g .\n i\111‘2lcti\'e Living Runm lullect. BED polom 12 5x13 NUMBER 122. Cal/[flew plans and speci— fications of this house Wit/I all necessary interior dc- tavi/s, vii/101‘ as S/IU‘ZUII on this page or rm'ersciz’, will lie furnix/n’u’ for $10.00.‘ . N _,.. {Lg 4:th "massage: Q‘O‘Bs‘c “a: M v NUMBER 122. .\lthough a two—story structure. the low Bunga- i low effect is obtained by sweeping the main roof down over the porch “wigy‘HEN and by artistically placing the two large front dormer windows. This W“ is not an expensive house it has been built for about $2803.00—but (1} “SET as a home it proves so attractive that after a few months' residence not one of the family would leave it for many times its cost. The ,, 1 floor plans give an excellent idea. of the interior, and the small sketch I“ Q E: shows the finish and decoration of the living room. B’am ceilings ,% LMNQ ROOM DWNG goon J” lend themselves peculiarly well to chain effects in lighting fixtures. S ‘E'O'W'Q ”‘0‘“‘0 and add much to the richness of the living room. F _ ‘ _ l Note the low arched fireplace and the arrangement of the two 30“ principal rooms, which may, when desired, be thrown into practically pom-m one large room. sci-L .. u. .: l‘ixterior: Clapboard with cobblestone chimney (exposed), and Mimi / FLOOD] cobblestone porch wall and buttresses. Size 31 feet front by 48 feet. \ ____--..__-__-__.-_____._. NO 1’22 ” SECOND FLOOQ NO-122. m NUMBER 123. This is one of my special plans and can be worked up to suit the individual. When desired. if a description cr photograph of the lot be sent I will furnish design for front yard, terraces, stone work, etc. x42 ‘ _ [I] (Q? V‘rr A XL'MHICR 124. (muffle/c plans and .vpt‘t‘i- fictitious 0/. this lzmme wit/l (1/! Heres‘s‘ari' inferior dc- z‘ai/s. eff/261' as slime/z 011 this [Wage 0r I’e-z'crsed, will be furnis/zed for $7.50. .\n attractive little home with good—sized “ell—arranged rooms. it has a fine large living room. in which a brick chimney and open fireplace could be built with mantel for about $75.00. This house is about 28 feet by 42 feet, and can be built for $1400.00. Complete. 19 i 77 Wt? A//J_“4§Cj.:.1—777l’t£i.fi'f; 11 SCREETX l I 7P0? (”‘1 , ‘ V1707“: 2 VI 4‘ bar) ,2 mom i 1 22-312 lZ/C‘il ' “$433454 ‘ 05mg; ”3 5‘7;sz -’ ‘ $276,, 4.4.“ acm/ L¢i,,_ . L {2 Kira-tan ,, :1 . (3 Dirizrig ROOM :1, ll BED‘DOQM 2‘1 143414— ; 127.12 ,2 {,3 V» :‘m'm 771344;? 31 ii ;i L.‘ a ’4 34va EQON F” 20x14 p a: p ,, x: i i liq 5 E AT m:41£ j ; [i i {i i l‘loor l’lan No. 124,. NUMBER 125. 3:11 :3 Comp/ere plans and speci- ; *‘ fictitious of thzs house tezth all necessary inferior dc- mz'ls, either as shown on this [urge 0r reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. This home should please the most fastidious. The large living room. \\'itlrtireplzu‘e nook and open stairway. and its r ‘ar door opening out under the pergola. is a fetching feature. It has allarge buffet kitchen, a Clever back—stair arrangement and plenty of well-arranged rooms and closets. Size 46 feet front by 28 feet deep, not including porches. and will cost al:out $2750.00. Especially adapted to a corner lot. 20 I I I . 3:: ":1 c::‘,|t_:1";:-_‘, I::‘_‘l [:14 ’ I II '1 I I, I: I' I DEN I II HffifiGdflLfill I: I 0‘2 I II | lI II II 'I I BEDRO‘OM | |I I: II .I ll ‘ I 12x12 " I I I 3 IL cue LIBRARY I LIVING 7200,?" on -. 20x18 BED Room 12X12 A H n y XDOECX'j zo'xv FirSt Floor I’lzu 1: UNIVERSITY \ n or 'wFOfifilh FLOOR PLANS OF NUMBER 125. SCQEEH Doped O 5 x5 CL PEDARD a f KlTCHEH 14x14; D Bur—gr E I ‘oImrIG gloom IZX16 SE AT ‘ '1. See elevation on pa” h 21 Second Floor Plan. \ S \ \ \ \ \ \ § \ \ \ § \ \ \ § § \ Nt'inztin 137. affli- )/ {Mi/JV w m w / / l I //,,l NL‘MlllCR 137 is one of the most popular designs ever issued from my studio, lt has been built many times in Southern California at a cost of about $4000.00. but it always looks as if it must have cost nearly double that amount. lt is a two-story lungalow of the Swiss Chalet type. It is 36 feet front (not including the porte—cochere‘) and 40 feet deep. exclusive of the garage at the rear and the tile-floored terrace in front. lixact dimensions are given on the floor plans. which illustrate many details and should be carefully studied to note the features which have been worked in. , Note also the outline sketch of the interior of living room, with a glimpse of the dining room and stair— way platform in the extreme distance. This sketch also gives an idea of the beam-ceiling effect when artistic— ally done. The specifications call for hardwood floors and beam ceilings in the living room and diningroom. Note the very convenient kitchen with separate servants' stairway. the den with gas fireplace and mantel with book shelves on either side, the broad window seat in dining room and buffet in same room, the large open fire— place with seats in living room. etc.. etc. See floor plans on next page. (pm/Wide Nails and speci— fications of this house with , (1H newswnv inferior dc- mf/s, vii/1N as shown on this page or re-z'm'seu’. will be furnished for $15.00. N lo FLOOR PLANS NUMBER 137. 7 / 7/- - -3-,////////Il///lll//llll(//Illlll//S/I{f . ;_.-.¢ F'" i .___4 / SCREEN PO'0 //A DINING ROOM 133x 15:6 " First Floor. Sec elevation on page 22. 23 BED ROOM \ 13>,X 12, BED ROOM 17, X 14, Second Floor. 16,)(16; NL‘M BER 148. ' NUMBER 149. NUMBER 148. The public in general. those of an artistic temperament as well as those with a lack of appreciation of the beautiful. seem to endorse this home with hearty approval because of its inviting exterior and its economical arrangement. lt is not an expeilisrve lliouse. ei'en though 1t1 LOIltlellS oak Hoolil‘s, belam ce11)l— A verv popular design. cozv. homelike and. adapted to .‘ , ‘ s ) x v "’ xx. v)- I \I a ' . LC ~ ' ‘ 111117“ ‘lfm tirepace: t 1“ 3“ “Gt ‘3 34 tut 0‘“ a ' ‘lm L‘m ‘ almost any locahtv or situation. 'lhe rooms are well ar— m‘lt n" a )ont N‘OO'OO' ‘ ranged and the interior is very attractive. This house is 40 feet square over all, and it can he built for about $1600.00. 0 Complete plans and speei— aspfioomd e " )0'07‘II‘G tieations of this house with is , 25F)? \JQAD’X u c. «‘7 0' all neeessam' interior de- tails, either as SllOZUll on this page or rei'ei‘sed, will he furnished for $10.00. Complete plansand specifications of this house with all n eeessa r_\' interior details. either as l9. rixjriq‘igoélbfii xilo‘ were“ -’I I Daze: 33:“ game - ‘ as“. h shotm on this page or reversed. will be furnished for-$7.50. ‘ i pct:.r.H t YMWAVi; «as, , +4 ' 1 LIL-r. as 71:3? flm :i ' i l t " Tr “ FLOODJ :51- AH NL’M BER 150. —}“ era _ $ BEA.) ROOM 11*0 Y 13“?» — g BLD, ROOM II‘G X1343. VI ('3. ,9 Xl'KlllliR 150 is 21 quiet, emix'entinnal style. VL‘I‘)’ CUllVL’llicllt inside 21ml handsome and well Cumftlctv [7111113 and sfcci— ])rupm‘ti0ne(l. It has six good rooms, bath, and fictitious 0f t/zz'x [101155 with ' ‘ ‘ BEDROOM ., - ,_ screen purcli. \\'ltl1 tine trout porch and Open n-ausd "H. ”4‘5”” llIfUlO) d“ _ ‘ . . tat/s. Cit/1N as 511mm 011 z‘lzzs lCII‘ZlLC. Aote the manv attraetlve features , ., . l 1. 1. 1 l . .' 1 l' 1 l' 1 wane-c» page 02’ I‘vi'm'svd, will be . x x r - r‘ . ‘ ~ . ~ , em )m in m tIL '])d11.‘lt IS tie 1tt e tlméb tlat ~ . _ ¢ 90120-1 flll'lIIS/IUd 70,. SI0.00. count in the making or a real home. "Hus home mama. . - . . i I. I. is almut 32 teet by 51 teet. and has been biult {Loog NO 150. PLAN 4 for $1800.00. NUMBER 151. Complete Nuns um/ sfcci— fictitious of [his [muse wit/1 ni/ Ilt‘t‘txs‘sar_\' inferior dc- mi/s, either as shown on this [urge or rcr't‘rst‘a’, tei/l Z’L’ ,flu'nis‘ln‘d for $10.00. 'l l z 2 KITC'H E n 10X 9' VIII, (II/l III/1' 1= ET _ This attractive little home aml the one on the next page will meet with much approval. PORCH, - . . . 15X14— lioth have tine large hrmg rooms. while the other rooms are not too small aml are excellently arranged. lCither of these houses is well adapted to the IIL‘L‘tlS of a physician or other professional man or woman who requires a den or office. This house is about 3.) feet front h_\' .10 feet deep. not inchnling porches. and can he hnilt for ahont $180000. lr‘loor l’lan No. 151. NL’MBER 152. Conzfi/eie plans and spat- iicaz‘ions of this house with all neeessuev inferior de- tails, either as shown 011 this page 01' reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. BEEAKFAbT BED "Bo/or. EQOM‘ 11 x 14- 9 X 14 I u E KlTCHE/I‘i :3 10x9 all _1r‘-._ mu Lwlrlcéffiosm “IE'T ' I! !: 'l II This picture was made just after the house was completed. One can E: l: . readily imagine what a beautiful little nest it will be when covered with Ei’PEIGGll-A I Vines and shrubbery. The arrangement is most convenient, and its den if ii and small breakfast room are not the least of its attractive features. Its C:fi]:-:,::lr,r_—::l—‘— size is 32 feet by 52 feet. nut including den and pergola, and it can be LI d U i‘l built in] about $2000.00. : Elimr l’lan No. 1-12. [0 \I NUMBER 1 7. NL'MIHCR 157. To arrange seems to he the demand of the six rooms conveniently general public, and this house is successfully meeting that demand. There is not much \vaste hall. and _vet any room may he entered with— out interfering with the occupants in the others. For a six—room bungalow this is inexpensive, convenient and att‘active. The size is 5.2 feet by altout 51 feet. and its cost is about $1800.00. 28 Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with lIt‘t't'SStl)‘_\' inferior a’c- z‘ai/s, either as S/IOZUII on this page 02' reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. 3 2.— c5 CELLAR. DOOR CL°~5 scams mam ' a? I ¢ i 33 OM 5\NK I KITSLHL'N_ 13‘0 7‘ 14-0' 0- cm: ‘8 3511) Room 43‘ + V 13201200171 ‘ 12'0 x 12—0 P094011 ¢ aw" 1310' Floor Plan No. 157. NUMBER 159. (Elevation only.) p-1 .‘3» This is not a regular stock plan, but an exterior of one of the larger houses for which we make special plans. This general style can be adapted to a house of almost any size, and the room arrangements made to suit individual tastes and requirements. 29 ll ll NUM BER 160. NUMBER 100 is a solid, substantial house, and very much liked. Many persons do not care to have the dining room as a sepa‘ate room, and so we simply make of it a sort of an alcove with columns and buttresses to denote the dividing line. lly so doing we connect these two rooms into one, making a desirable entertaining room. For an inexpensive home this is a gem worth study. The open court or patio is an attractive Y‘ature, and a charming and convenient place for a dinner al fresco. The house is 30 feet front by 44 feet. and will cost about $1800.00. 30 Complete plans and speci— fications of this house will; all necessary inferior dc- falls, either as shown 011 this page or n’t'crscd, will be furnished for $7.50. («an 12.00 V! 1: L; «Kc/Q I- :K.‘ ‘ ca ‘-»L1~lmr( , H- ‘ )+ ‘ , K b" x n30“ \f-y‘w‘,‘ A;— j I, i HE'W’ 'lfli‘tr’f‘4‘ 12" vs (:1 'C “r .3 ‘ I\ A ‘ i it i ‘ , - I '.:v:ri; swamp DOG/k1,, meflt' :xigc ri'dxxe‘b‘ ‘ ‘ *. ‘l I I l liloor l’lan No. 160. NL'MHER 167. M rm EAL OONY 8 o x 2-3 C \ egg/€11, r1 as w ~,. ...... “w-.. ‘1 d p» Camp/(1‘1 Nails and sfttz— fuufzmm of 11m lzousr alt/z all Iltrcsaary uzz‘mmr a’t- z‘az'ls. eff/IN as shown 011 this [wage or rc-z‘crsc’d, will be furnished for $10.00. ~"TICOND r‘l .0014 r 151417 NUMBER 167 is modeled somewhat on the Swiss Chalet style. lt is $3000.00. Note the the sun porch openinfr out of the dininw‘ 32 feet front by 45 feet deep. and can be built for about buffet kitchen with room the sewinO‘ room, the la aree front piazza the open brick tlreplace in livinjr the buffet floor has: four nice chambers and bath room, plenty of closets and a minimum back stairway room with seats on either side in dining room. etc. The second waste of space for hall: in fact. for economical utilizing of space I doubt whether the plan could be surpassed. The exterior of this house is very att ‘active. The foundation and buttresses of front porch are of clinker brick and cobblestones. and every line and every proportion of tl e entire structure are exactly right. Hardwood floors in hall. living and dining rooms. lleam ceiling in hall and living room. l’anel wainscotine‘ in living and dining rooms. NUMBER 172. See floor plans on next page. )KI l'C HE.” l0 0 ‘1!) O ”- V \ U Pic)» Dill») —- . " DHHHC. ~~: 900,4 I’VIEJD/ \TQY i" :7 r. 13540; 17 42.1171; «‘1 <2 '0‘ "1,171ny " , T¢,OOM L (1' ,17 9113‘ l“ll»1,S'l‘ 'F‘LOOIL qux\N N9 172. Xl'Al HER 172. This one and one—half story llung‘alow is very popular \yben plenty of room is wanted at a minimum cost. The exterior is very pleasing, the long sloping front roof being broken by a broad gable. The inside ar‘ang‘e— ment is excellent. and there are many attractive features which will be noted on the lloor plans. This house is 26x48 (includingr front porch). contains seyen rooms. bath room and two balls, and can be built for about 82500.00. See elevation on page 30. Complete Nam and speci— fications of 1/111‘ 11111150 tuft/1 all 115ccxsar_\' inferior dc- fui/s. vii/101‘ as shown 011 {1115 page 01' roz'mzs‘m’, will be 7'111'11119/11‘11' for 810.00. 33 N9 17 Z ASEC/OND FLANGE,» NUMBER 180. GREEN L 80mm w,c .T9HE3171 120x 320 CONSERV— “STORY. 30 xiZ—o P]: NTQY ao‘mzo INING» :5 fl‘ _ LIVING 'r‘ fifogid. Hegcgiafiom 3300M .. :K‘ ' IHAIg ‘:‘*:/‘-. ‘- , _ » '- : 12-O'X’izio'iw 120x16 i x i 37:6" ”DODIC'H FIRST T‘l .0019. N“ 150 . Comp/etc plans and spccz'~ ficaz‘ions of this house with ail necessary interior dc- mils, either as shown on this page or roz'crscd, will be furnished for $10.00. For solid comfort and ele— .g‘ance combined. it would be indeed difficult to improve on this Colonial design. The cut gives a fair idea of its exterior. with cobblestone exposed chim— neys and cobble foundation to the broad piazza. but the floor . . ‘ ., .. . . lemo Ro'rr i‘n'e'flnce. plans especlally Will repay D U ‘ i ‘ careful study. This is a house which grows on one. not only in exterior beauty. but especially in its roomy interior and convenient home—like arrangement. Features: \Vide. covered porch. square reception hall. from which open the dining. room on one side and the living room on the other through broad onening‘s: the easv stair— way, with wide lower steps. just right for seats for the little ones: the open fireplaces: the cozy den with seats and lockers; the handy kitchen with large butler's pantry: the conservatory onening out of the back hall: the sewing roo1n(larg‘e enough for an extra bed room if needed); the cozy nooks with seats in the bed rooms. etv, The house is 371,4; feet front by 54 feet deen. and its estimated cost. with hardwimd floors and beam ceilings in hall and principal rooms. is $4000.04), SECOND FLOORELAN -No.180 Looking~ through from Diningr Room. 34 NUMBER 184. This is one of my special plans and can be worked up to suit the individual. When desired, if a description or photograph of the let be sent 1 will furnish design for front yard, terraces, stone work, etc. 35 1...: NUMBER 185. A substantial roomy house, on pure Bungalow lines, and not expensive. The rooms are large, light and airy, and it will prove an ideal home for a small family. Size about 40 feet square, and cost about $1800.00. The buffet kitchen with sink and cupboards in the bay window is a taking feature. 37 Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this fage 0r eez'ersea’, will be furnished for $10.00. BEDEO‘OH ‘Krrgmgij 11x15 * 10X1’L—G \ 14va 201cm Dmmq EQOM 25x15 15x15 Floor Plan No. 185. ‘. ”yaw—A. “I, __ v_ fry—u «vs-”7"”. m, we» w r~~ ~~~~~:,« . V‘HVW' 7., V. w * NUMBER 187. Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with, all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. KlTCHEH 10x12 we? 12x12 Z DINIHG— )ZOIOM lG‘leZi m n l‘ E L: a < m k— .LIVlNG ~12001“ ' 16-6X12 2 1:02:11 '1st Y1 [4 V a r W4 Floor Plan No. 187. ,H 12x10 This exterior is so pleasing that I have made it with several different floor BEDEOIOM 12X12 plans, two of which are given on this page, and‘ either one may be had for the printed price. Size 32 by 46 feet, and can be built for about $1700.00. 13mm 3209” lZ‘éXl‘l— "INIG Room i4>t12 PQBCIHI. l3X5-6 .38 L Floor Plan No. 187—A. NUMBER 188. (Elevation Only). ', .D~ ." on“ 9 ‘71? 3;! ‘I/i This is not a regular stock plan, but is made up to order only, to suit the ideas and requirements of the owner. The porte—cochere may be omitted and the house made in any required size. It has been made with living room, hall, dining room, den, music room, sewing room, inaid's room. butler's pantry, etc., on first floor, with five or six chambers and bathroom on second floor, with plenty of closets. There is a large attic where bedrooms, or an attic den, smoking room or billiard room can be made. 39 NUMBER 190. ' Complete plans and speci- . g . fications of this house with ' all necessary interior de- _ ' tails, either as shown on this - ‘ page or reversed, will be‘ furnished for $10.00. \\\v Wm , \\\\\ fl, , a h\\\\\\\\\\\ a ‘\ )r ,4’ . rr‘v 47/}7 V r” / We” THING ROOM 16.‘C”X 12.. NUMBER" 190. For a six—room house, perhaps this is the plan which I most frequently suggest, and never has it failed to bear out my recommendation. ' _ Ln§§§2§x121€0M Its exterior is massive, solid and artistic. The broad span of the front. the ' ' heavy cobblestone pillars. foundation walls and exposed chimney. in connection with the overhanging eaves and shed—roof dormer, all add artistic beauty. \Vith vines covering the stone work and arches, and shrubbery about the foundation walls, it would be difficult to conceive of a more beautiful home. The interior is quite as attractive, and convenient to the last degree. The living room has broad open fireplace, with cobblestone mantel, beam ceiling, hardwood floor and panel wainscot. Dining room has floors, ceiling. etc., to match living room. Size of house, 30 feet front by 47 feet deep, and can be built for about $2350.00. See next page for other floor plans, which can be built with this exterior. NUMBER 190. \ 4o “5w.“ " VARIATIONS OF FLOOR PLANS FOR ELEVATION, NUMBER 190 ON PAGE 40. NUMBER 190—.-\. SCPEEH PQPCfi 8):6 BED 1209M 10X15 :DIHIHQ “Room. 18x12 yuan”... ”III/Illa ’1 a ‘ i 0 '8 . LIVIHGl—EO/OH 22 X1?) 30 by 53 feet; cost about $2500.00. 4.4.2” NUMBER Igo—B. I-Illl- / . '/A ’I/// —'I’/I/l_'/I”/IIIIIIIIIII” a 5 CREE H g ? PQPQH , 5 fi r 9X5 g 3 BED “Bo/om g III/”111A ”1/7/14 1 ix 1 1 5 0 a a El; ~< 5 KITCHEN ; g 12 X1 01 ’fl rm VII/‘1” 7 g I cL osET 5 ¢ gill/IIIII/A'i-L" ’ a 5 I . f' :, :2 um I I 7 ., 4 fil/Il/I/III/I/l / CL 0551‘ g i :dmwz awn? F DIHIH‘G-‘E'OOM I 1 4- X I (3 9. BED 12 00M I 12 x 1 z 3, VIII] LIVIHGy PC; em 12x25 \\\\V-§-s—k\\\\\\\\\\\\V—s—\\\‘ Boon: \§IIIIQ [IA—m 130ch 26X'7' Ag) 3 m-v—v-w 1 T: 26 by 56 feet; cost about $2100.00. 41 NUMBER Igo-C. REVERSED. SCREEN poem—1 CLO 5’X5L6' ZT “ ‘ CLO a 51119 Room KITQHEfi 11—6x12 10x10 K RAHTRY em [I I Econ 7 EE‘D qum . LIVING popm 11—ex13 16x1216 Booms "PORCH, BOXB 30 by 44 feet; cost about $2200.00. SEAT NUMBER 195. Nothing is more offensive to good taste in architecture than too much “gingerbread" trimming, but the artistic introduction of heavy roof brackets, llower boxes and overhanging shed—roofs greatly enhance the attractiveness of this beautiful and very popular home. A pleasing effect is produced by the irregular boulders in the exposed brick chimney. Note the convenient, roomy interior, the abundance of closets, the open fireplace, with book shelves on each side, etc. lnstead of a conventional bullet, the dining room has a china closet each side of window ledge. This house is 24 feet front by 41 feet deep, and with hardwood lloors and beam ceilings in hall, dining and living rooms, has been built for $2500.00. J : Complete plahs and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. I | l J3.) N J Né EOOHI izio'x iér'e" I l 6 4‘JLOu_..———hl _. magi-.20) :53!) Room .. boom :20 x 1410 liie'x 1410“ was ROOM _ Iz~'exIe-e‘ ‘ luCJOle.) '1‘ i .0019, HQ. 1%)!) Camp/arc plans and spaci— NUMBER 196. fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or ret'm'scd, will be furnished for $10.00. SCIZEEH Poizmj 6X10 BEDJZQOM IZXIZ KITCHEN 12x11 LlVlIfiCj- ‘EQOM ie-e x14 Dunno Room 12/14 A charming little home for a 50-foot. or wider, lot. The outside construction is rough finish with shakes on the walls. Shingles or weatherboarding can be used if preferred. The piano alcove could be used for a den or office. This house is 38 feet front, including nook, and about 50 feet deep, including Floor Plan No. 196. front porch, and will cost about $1800.00. 43 NUMBER 197. Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. This mission style Bungalow is of stucco construction over wood, with tile roof. The patio or court is a feature which is very popular in 'California. W'ith its fountain, flowers, easy chairs, couches. etc., it makes a charming lounging or smoking room. Sometimes this patio is glass covered and enclosed on four sides, but more frequently it is open overhead and at one end. This home is 46 by 54 feet, and has been built for $4000. In the second floor is one room only, which could be utilized as a den, smoking or billiard room. See floor plans and interiors on next page. ‘ 44 NUMBER 197. See elevation on page 44. SCREEN pORgH e'X4—e” BED 3209px 10 X 14- ngzguanl 15-6X9 BED ,Eopm DINING Room 1516'X16' 14X1e EECEPTXO‘H HAL , . LIVKHCfr RPOM 1°X1° BED ROOM 3-. 13 x1 to - 16 er' Floor Plan No. 197. Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or eeversed, will be furnished for $10.00. Living [(00111 0f N0. 197. 45 r; 2‘, :1 !:‘I':'-:"_‘_i a: ; i~ ELSAIIEOLA :l 'l " II $41.; HAHORH ,5 C RELN 995305.. 6:0 1~ 16"0 ‘ . B‘L‘D RQOM. l'L'OYsI'B‘O n KITCHEN. U o . IO—(aNS-O __ .1 u .l. .. ' A’BJ. N Vd .- I‘ I 1" wirmsmph’ii :fnmws RM ti “IL-0x174) ,1. -||]~\JI6XI4‘I1). % _i: . . » - - Ei‘-::;l'——'«‘-li'-’- 9 ii mam. ,;-;;,;==“ 8-0)‘ \7-6 Il~‘b‘¥5"6' L” I] NO - 206 TI’QJT 111.0032, pLAHl 1 Ogrvh NUMBER 206. ‘ - BLD Room I’3~¢~I~I4‘—G m I a I a; o I o BED a QC] 'Q’POM HALL ll-éXlG-O ”WV“ . “TL MIN 1' r l LL05 | I ,.J . H l I ~ 5 .i E517 l " u i‘ ELI) 29.00181 DZ J 4' 16-0 wao-o I 4‘ ,0 l 0.0.5 ‘1 l J .. _. - NO~ 206 5ECON’D FLOOR pLAN .-»' «3:; i: 1,“ ’-‘wrl,-h,__ ’ 3 » '» - n "mwv Cough/etc plans and speci— fications of this house with all ‘JZCCCSSUI’j' inferior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. ,_ I % I,.. E; ‘ a ,f/ 1 - “”/ 7+ «Wham NUMBER 206 is a charming Bungalow of the Swiss Chalet style. and is especially effective on a c01‘ner lot. The house proper is 30 feet front by 40 feet deep, with gable end to the front, and it can be built for $3200.00. Allowance is made for hardwood floors and beam ceilings in the two principal rooms, and the entire arrange- ment. inside and out. is artistic. cozy and beautiful. The small sketch gives an idea of the nook with wide mullion windows and seats in the front of dining room. It also gives a hint of a simple but effective beam ceiling scheme. with electric light drop fixtures, of which there are four in this room. 46 NUMBER 207. /‘ x”\ ‘1 /\ f («a \— //‘/ // o L ‘— _fi1T\*\—\ ‘ fl: ‘P‘z/ r L— m ‘33“ — «g / v KA_\ \ K %/ JAM _ L/J NUMBER 207. The demand for simple but artistic bungalows is so great that investors find great profit in building such a style as this to put on the market, and find no difficulty in selling. Note the pleasing effect of the brackets supporting the overhang of the eaves, the broad front porch, simplearrangement of rooms, etc. The house is 28 feet front by 45 feet deep over all, and with beam ceilings in living room and dining room as shown, it can be built for about $1600.00. At slight additional expense hardwood floors and paneled wainscoting could be put in the living and dining rooms, and these, with the open fireplace and buffet as seen through the buttressed “opening, would produce a charming effect. Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all 'Izeeessary interior (le- taz'ls, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $I0.00. Klfj‘OHnN lZ'OK xe-‘o" BEL-D Ix-o 3< 15 'o" a“ .9“ 9 “WY ~. NUMBER 208 01—— Mi?) EarBT'Jzt no ivy/5517"» " 7 c (sis—Fl 3 C— m *1 «SN». / —’” .1 cf fizz—quK—rhm M ,V’ F‘f V NUMBER 208. Coziness is the keynote to this charming home with many of the advantages of a more stately mansion. Expensive features are supplanted by economical necessities. The arrangement is fine, and in every way conducive to saving of steps. Size 33 feet front by 38 feet deep, and cost about $1500.00. The exterior may be either shingles 0r weatherboarding. The large exposed chimney may "be of plain dark burnt brick or clinker brick, with equally good effect. Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary inferior de- tails, either as shown on this page 07' reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. 48 ~39 KITCHF [I 10 6X” C) I BED Roomy LIVING AND pA'DLODI mxruur 12,001.45 ‘40’41‘301-§d""x156 I 1!. . Tonfi' D99CH MYFDQAOEL .: e- -o X95?» I. 63‘ ‘0’ l‘ “I. J; FLOOD. ELAN H9 208 NUMBER 209. DEC: _._‘.—; IN”: “m“ 12.1% aflfii‘i/ MW 7112,5'1‘ 37'me 33L. ‘ " ”-"rrcf~u r-“ Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with MLOONY ' — all necessary mterror de- 9:3??? 353:4 tails, either as shown on this li'é‘xldd- O ’ I r F l :3 ; . ©1123) $3.9qu lz'ouz'o 01406 Eil ' page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. LlNEN r}. 1.. 0,: J 1:1‘ w (n95 b!’.b B100 M ' . 01405;:1' za’o'xle' o " . , GPZC/OMQD ‘f‘flLOOTQ.’ Fig 209 NUMBER 209 is one of the handsomest homes we have built at anything near its cost (about $4500.00). It has two full stories, and yet its exterior is a true Bungalow. Size 46 feet front (including porte—cochere) by 52 feet deep. Clapboard siding with shingled gables. Front porch and steps of cement, with brick piers and columns. The porch is covered by the overhanging house-roof, but the porte—cochere has pergola beams. Living room, dining room and front porch have beam ceilings. Hardwood floors in two main rooms. Note the cozy corner in living room, large fireplace, window seats and broad stairway and landing. Note also the buffet kitchen with back stairs, maid’s room on first floor, buffet and circle window in dining room, the fine large front chamber on second floor, with wide circle window and cozy seats, the abundance of closets bath room easily accessible from every bed room, the balcony at rear, etc, etc. 49 N UMBER 21 I. ‘ NUMBER 2 12. / SCREEN ' 10013011 Complete. plans and spect— DED 6501x106 tications of this house with —u——O—t DOOM _ jolo x1236 all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be - a , . .1 . ' k4 - ll 1‘ ) v c ‘ tarnished for $500. 3L MbltR 212. Plus type of the famous Bungalow b111lt for KITOI‘IEN __TL 100x” 0- D bATl'il “0‘8 O 5W“: . two," makes an ideal little home for the young couple just starting ‘ WAL LC 0 . ‘ y . . 0‘ . Eu) :“LI 1. wqu AND 'C on then wedded career. Its econonncal plannmb does not diet1act 333$“ ‘7 from its artistic features. It 15 28 feet by 40 feet. and can be bullt for p213; Misuse)" $1000.00 with weatherboarded or shingled exterior. If built as de— ‘ZLOMFO’ scribed under N0. 211, it will cost about $800.00. Floor plan is the IL same as No. 211, 011 this page. , DOQCH ‘ — 28 C FLOOD. PL-.~XN N92“ Complete plans and speci- NL’MBER 211. Zeing‘ constructed of plain boards and battens, tieations of this house with with burlap inside, this makes a suitable abode for the summer resort all Necessary interior ale-- along the lakes or seashore. ln sunny California this style of building tails, either as shown on’ this makes a comfortable home f01 the entiie yea1 Size 28 by 40 feet; cost page or reversed, will be about $800.00 furnished for $5.00, O ' so “F; . ML Complete plans and speci- fication/s of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. c.1— @- ,. c xz—e uvnfifippom 20mg TEDBAQfi 2‘3 X’7 _l Fl [7 'NUMBER 215. A snug little home, with plenty of terrace, suggestive of outdoor comfort. Room arrangement is excellent, and the buffet kitchen with cabinet pantry is an attractive feature. about $1800.00. Size of main house is about 30 by 42 feet, and it will cost J NUMBER 301. <6 LK/ K; r A Milli P; ’____,.. ._ \I Lois'r'v'l‘ brtn pecan r ! a , .i- —~ .‘ \ ”.7» . - 9.00M g p lauém ‘ ‘ I In-o x14 0 JL 1643'}: 14 .0” o J -- . l“! L ' L , :1 0L0,S’F.‘I' . . I I5 . . if ] ' _ . ’ MLJC‘ONY ‘ SELCOND. F‘IJ 001:2. pLAN Complete plans'mzd speci— fications of this house with all rizecessary interior de— tails, either as shown on, this . page or reversed, will be NUMBER 301. A modified story and half Swiss style with flll’lllfllf’d f07’ $10-00. balconies and terraces, low rambling roof lines, and an interior arrangement well adapted to any locality. The principal rooms are treated with beam ceilings, panel wainscots and hardwood floors. The 916x14 3c lOlill'o fi“'*°“”t ”“N ll _, buffet in the dining room and mantel in the living room are note— worthy features. Note also the fine hall and stairway effect, and large den, which might be connected with the hall by a passage instead of the closet, and form an admirable office for a physician or other professional man. This house can be built for about $2700.00. It is about 40 feet square, not including the side terrace. at pill-1N I309»). Sonlac 0 x N I9 0‘ so? '1’} D D.AC Y: 8' o, xE—so'-o l . I - , pincxiv-rlo». H.\‘l.l. _ "91cn)x»‘o g.— fIz.(_>ou\ ' 13‘0 X IS'O~ F‘IQST T‘LOOLL DLAN 52 SCREEN FDR {H 4‘bx4 KITeHen 10x9 .‘DlHll‘lC-‘r, 12 ’0 ON 16X12 l" 4 111 d) LIVING. pom X12 Reception. HALL. 1 6 12X 10 Floor Plan No. 310. Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all neeessar v interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be fut’tllslled for $10.00. NUMBER 310. Clinker brick, shingled or re-sawed “catherboarding and shingle roof is the construction of this beautiful Bungalow. The kitchen is small, but has a fine bufi’et pantry; size 30 by 51 feet, and will cost about $1800.00. C amplete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. R\\\ : ‘ ' ' XDINING ROOM] 15.x 1‘7,- 6“- BED ROOM 14. X 12.. LIVING ROOM 23 X 4: NUMBER 320 is an exceptionally pretty design and lends itself peculiarly well to vines and flowers. The square part of front porch has been used as a lovely outdoor sitting room in each instance when the house has been built. L 1931:3852» The features are many; the reception hall with seat, the three open fireplaces, the cozy den, with book shelves, the large living room with corner seats, etc. Back stairs go up from the screen porch to the large storage room. Hardwood floors, beam ceilings and panel wainscot are planned for the living and dining rooms, reception hall and den; and the house, which is 38 by 48 feet, can be built for about $2300.00. This house is also arranged with two floors; see next page. 54 DIHlHG 12001-1 ' 14x16 ‘POECH’ 9X Zl‘é ~No. 320-A, First Floor}. 6, w". . , The general outside appearance of this house is like No. 320 on pre? ceding page. All changes, such as locatiQn of ch1111ney,.buffet etc., are ' duly shown, No. 320- -A being a complete and separate plan This house is 38 feet by about 42 feet, and will cost about $2809. 00 For a small family an excellent arrangement would be to make abreakfast room; NUMBER 340—A. , This quaint and attractive house, with its cobblestone porch wall and chimney, is 36 feet front by 52 feet deep over all, and will cost about $2000.00. Three floor plans are given. showing five and six rooms, respect— ively. The rooms are large and well arranged, and the broad cobblestone fireplace in the living room, and the handsome buffet and nook across the end of the dining room are most attractive features. Bookcases are built in the buttresses on either side of the wide opening between the living and dining rooms. Hardwood floors and beam ceilings are contemplated for the two principal rooms, and a very complete buffet kitchen. Attention is invited to the terrace-porch, with its pergola beams, and the broad bay¥window in the front bed chamber. If a covered front porch is preferred to the pergola, the plan is furnished thus altered without extra charge. See other floor plans on next page. 56 ' Complete plans and speci- fications‘of‘ this house with all necessary interior de— tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. KITCHEN 12X 10:6" ' ”- i ,i [I]? cc-paoa s WI/flfllllllflll DINING ROOM lé.-6"X 127 b" LIVING ROOM is; e"X1‘lr. BED ROOM 19-004. NUMBER 340-]3. : W‘ I SCREEN [#MQW‘ ,w_ 1 I J ’ ’ :/ sioffi“ , 2; - «£ch g.‘ v J ’ KITCHI“N __ QEI‘ n+1\“2’1"k-Y~» [I 14-,XIO.‘6 71‘5”“! fitg; ’\ fl! \ ‘ N‘Hafi k W; ,1” BED ROOM 12. X 14. DINING ROOM 1 67 6"X127 6” BED Room 12.x14. Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. Floor Plan No. 340-13. See exterior 0n preceding page. Cost about $1800.00. 57 NUMBER 340—0 II"? 7—c—9 z-z—VVLE’III ' l I SCREEN ?ORC a g 12 ’ X5: 6 W CI / 7/][Il/Il/I/I//7 [I 5rcx5/ chOHS‘ET , 'I/I/l/I/I/I/Ig. _; | / 54. x 2.. I r///A_II{//4_%////m V/IIIIIII’ I e -- a 3 BATH , 5 8x é g 4 ,, KITCHEN % BED Room I 12.XIO.~6" _ 12 x12 / I ’I/I/I/I/I/I‘ ' 4 '7 PASAGE %. . em; 81X 4. é—zaz . , //////II/I//////I//I//I/Il/I/I/II’I/IIII/I é f I ; 'l/llll/ll/l/ll/I/l/llll/Il/é ? I I 4 Me . . 1‘ F iii ’ : ,, W 0' I DINING ROOM // “- ° ‘ . 16: cxxzreu BED ROOM 2: z ' 7 12.x 12. It; ' i Z } Vai/[I I 1 g / I I . I I I I I I I / h—r- """"""""" w/ 6 “I ‘ ' [fl ‘ ' """""" ‘ ‘ fl Ill/Ill/ Ill/[Illlllll/g /; I I 01.08 / 7 ( f g 5.936: (.- g I \ I ’ kllllllllllllll/I/I/l/I 7/// I A z ' I ‘. LIV INC: R o o M I I 1 67 6" X 1 4- ; 4 I . 2 BED ROOM f 5 5 21.x 14—, g I I t I l 5 I l I I - . ~ ~ 5 / é/II—zs 2—7/ I g " " potter-I ' 3" "é ' I ' I I I l I l ’I I I I I: \*0_6—Il’ Floor Plan No. 340-C. See exterior on preceding page. Cost about $2000.00. NUMBER 343. This is an excellent example of multum in par-v0 -in architecture—much house and much convenience for little money. This house has been built several times for $1600.00, including plumbing, electric light fixtures, etc. The exterior is plain but attractive, while the interior is a model of conven— ience. Attention is called to the easy accessibility of the bath room from any part of the house, a feature which will be noted in all of my plans. For the sake of convenience the straight entrance hall is used, but its lines are broken by the wide entrance to the living room. The spacious front and screen porches will be appreciated. The size of the house is 31 by 40 feet, not including porches. 58 .9. . .‘i . w W “figure . ,._ ' ‘ _ . -.... -s. . x r wig—w ; M»-a.¢_—~ ax: Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary interior de— tails, either as shown on this page or frezr'ersed, will be furnished for $7.50. SdRE‘EN y/I/t/I/I/lfl/I/ It, I F 0A R D,’// I m- e A- . e KITCHEN BED ROOM 1 13.x 1 4-» HALL 5.x 19‘ 12,X1‘2-. Floor Plan No. 343. NUMBER 344. Construction: .W’eatliei‘boarcled, with shingled roof. ample porch room. Q0014 7, , . . i_ o u ouzo .1 ijNG o ‘— ' HALI EEO oo ' n o"xxz—o‘ 01.sz V“ I ““3 \BVL: _ OIHLN" :rnm ; ‘ iso'xis o" D’OCLVT x539” x M -o" Note the Size about 44 feet square, and cost about $2000. Vl“.D../\: {11A (17.0912 DLAFg I Ifiy,i"g.uim_ H"... _ W-M Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $7. 50. 59 -4»... .i\u|,»..v...;m’..v.«i.vs.i z“ .. s . arrangement. NUMBER 345, Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary inferior de— tails, eiflzer as shown on this page 0157’6’716’7’56’d, will be furnished for $7.50. LJVIHG ROOM i4-o"x19-'o" ‘ 'T‘guuAc/ra- 8'—o' x 2610" i I l DIHIHC, moor»: 1410 M430” Ii 46'0" ;\11 excellent low priced house with a particularly good floor Size about 30 by 46 feet, and cost about $1000.00. NUMBER 347. NL'MBER 347. A very attractive design. with gable front and peculiarly adapted to a narrow lot. This house is 28 by 56 feet over all, and has clinker brick porch piers and chimney gracefully proportioned. Heavy chains between the porch piers give an old—fashioned quaintness. As shown in the cut. the ample front porch has a smooth cement floor, for which a wood floor might be substituted in a colder climate. Note the large living-room with pressed brick fireplace, on one side of which is a broad seat with capacious locker underneath, and on the other a low bookcase: the wide buffet in the dining room. the two good sized bed rooms with ample closets, and the convenient arrangement of the bath room. The two principal rooms have hardwood floors, and the house has a very handy buffet kitchen. This very popular home can be built for about $1800.00. 60 Complete plans and speci— \ ' ficafz'ons of this house with all 'Izecessary inferior de— tails. either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. 0 SCREEN PORCH 7. X 7. 7. X 7.‘ (2“ 8 C: E 5 BED ROOM CUpB 11: ex 15. OAR KITCHEN 1] X 12‘6” CLOS‘ CLOS HALL 3’6"” BUFFET O BED ROOM 11-6"X1 4: DINING ROOM l5, X14» LIVING ROOM 27. X14”, Floor Plan. “firm 3* r,-~._ , "3 ’ft? "a“. . . as, NUMBER 350. Complete plans artd speci- . flcatlorls of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. KiTgHEfi IZXB HALL, 6x5 BUFFET DIHIH Room BED 729°” 1G4'x12‘ 12 xn A solid, compact little bungalow, the beauty of which is its almost severely plain lines but well balanced proportions. It looks like a home in every exterior aspect, and the cozy interior strengthens this impression. Size 28 by 46 feet, and will cost about $1500.00. The. buffet kitchen and pantry are attractive features. Livms’ qum 27X12 Floor Plan. 61 NUMBER 352. NUMBER 352 is a good example of a large roomy house at moderate cost. Every room is large, light and airy, and there is not an inch of waste space. The house is 30 feet front by 61 feet deep, and with beam ceilings and hard— wood floors in living and dining rooms can be built for about $2300.00. The exterior, with its cobblestone chimney and well proportioned lines, is very attract- ive, and the floor plans will repay careful examination. Note the broad brick fireplace and mantel with book shelves on either side, the window seat in the (lining room; the butler's pantry between dining room and kitchen, and the small dressing room opening from the rear bed room. A most satisfactory house in every respect. See other floor plans for this elevation, on next page. 4—,. 4 —, I 62 Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary interior de— tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. SCREEN POR 12.x 5» El KITCHEN _ maxiz, BED ROOM . 16,.x12 (1L OSET a MHTRY 1i,x 6. , BATH . 1V0,xs. (LLOSET 7, X 5. BED ROOM DINING ROOM 16:6.)(14. ! LIVING R COM 29, X 1 4-. . _. Piaget}. ALTERNATE FLOOR PLANS FOR ELEVATION NUMBER 352. See elevation on Page 62. NUMBER 352-A. . ‘ NUMBER 352—11 SCREEN “5°“: SCREEN DEESSH‘I DAn'nzY PQRCfi 8x15 5X6 200m 8X6 Lo CK ER CUPBOARD BED ,‘P. 0.0M 12x15, ‘ BED popm KITCHEN , 15X12 3x12’ BED ,‘QOIOM . 12x” ~ DIHIHG'E‘OQM l DINING ROOM 13x cye mas . BEDROOM _C0m[>lcle plans and sped— fications of this lzouse'fiiiz‘h. . all necessary llll01‘1.0l’"dCf_ , _ ' 7 fails, either as shown onfjflzvis ‘ ‘ 7 ‘ LIVIH'GH'RQOM BED—ROG??? I ' L' fag? '0V '7V’C‘3'CV55’CZ}*%CYW be 9 '- 17', " mv‘me 200m 18'67‘1‘“ 1231*, . fz‘l‘ifujslz‘ca’-f02',.$1 " ’ l ‘ = _ . 2959(14. ’ 4‘3“ 150201, 52 x 7 . L—s — Floor Plan No. 352-A. Floor Plan N0. 352—71". Size 32 by 54 feet; cost about $2200.00. . Size 28 by 59 feet: Cost about 82100.00. NUMBER 356. NUMBER 356 has been universally voted a little gem. Its artistic exterior, set off by cobblestone chimney and porch pillars, is as attractive as? its cozy interior is comfortable and convenient. It is 30 by 52 feet, with seven rooms. It can be built for about $2000.00, with hardwood floors, beam ceilings and panel wainscoting in living and dining rooms and den. The plan merits close study, and the rooms throughout lend themselves to dainty decorations and inviting furniture—not necessarily expensive. The den, with its roomy book shelves and seat; the living room with broad open fireplace and cozy corners; the arrangement for separate toilet and bath room and the dining room with buffet and window seat‘ are all features which attract. This plan can be had without extra charge with roof carried down over the front porch instead of with pergola, as shown above. See other floor plans for this elevation on next page. ‘ 64 Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessm’y interior de— tails, either as shown on this page 01' >rez'ersed, will be furnished for $10.00. s—m ‘\\\\“\\‘\‘ CLOSET \Q 5‘“ _-“—~\§\ . \V_k\\\‘\§\‘ s\\\_.\\\\\\\\\; I S <£ ‘ S § .\ § D \ \ I s is *' s \ scREEN § *1 § § § l ‘7, x 5/. 5 § 8%? $530” I §~ x}?! W Q . S VJ ‘ § i \ ' $5“ \ ‘ .\\\\\\\\\\\ § ; KITCHEN \\ l HALL § ' S s I \ $31. \ BED Room S \ f 3’ \\\\ \\\\\ \ ‘ \ §\\\\”((<\‘§‘M 1%. X12, I & V S \ ~ w DINING ROOM CLOS s 16,- 6“X1a, . 7 § \\\\ \\ \‘ s i “ BED R 00M § I :3 13,— 6"X 12. \ § to § S ,, \ I /) \i— \v m §\\\\\\V--\‘ ,7 __ ‘ | LIVING ROOM 16.‘ 6"X 12, Floor Plan No. 356. ALTERNATE FLOOR PLANS FOR [ELEVATION NUMBER 356. NUMBER 356-A. BEDfIaolom 9X11 / x c 991.. a? D ITC'HEI‘I 10x 10 CUF- .DJHIHG “Room 17 XIz' 3 BED 120 QM ‘1 15X 12 I 09K: LIVING, ROOM 1 5 x 14' \ ’— < I! .4 III l' i .I i, II 7 II ' I. iPQfRCHI. l II II 1&P'i7' '1 5 I l I / I [I I I l / l’ I I: I: I I i {I l: f [ FLOWER Boxlfi II I . L1 .1 LJ L_I LI Floor Plan No. 356-A. See elevation 011 page 64. Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on, this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. NUMBER 356—B. l\\\ \\\\\\§§l ,,,, '2 \I § § \ “\\“\\\\\ :1: t r. r m DINING ROOM . DEAD [ROOM 18X12 IBXIZ' -.,.,,,, .,,,,,,l . , / / musxlclpogm 1 LIVING, qum 4 2X 4 16X1 Floor Plan No. 356—1)). m: mil}. Wfiwnwsg :n’w ‘9‘, NUMBERV357; ' NUMBER 357 has a pleasing exterior and a very attractive interior. It is 32 feet front by 48 feet deep (not including back porch), and can be built for about $2000.00, with hardwood floors and beam ceilings in the living and dining rooms. It has two open fireplaces, buffet kitchen and large screen porch. The connection between kitchen, dining room and hall is very cleverly arranged. the dining room is a lrautitul octagonal apartment, and lends itself to tasteful ‘he buffet in the dining room is unusual in design, furnishing and decm'ating. and has a stained glass window back in dull, well—blended colors, much enhancing tl e attractiveness of the array of dishes, glass and silverware. In every way I can recommend this house. to every lover of a snug, artistic home. 66 all necessary mte'rsor de- tails either as shown on this [m 0e or reversed will be furnished for $I0.00., ' SELREEN an O PORCH :BED ROOM m-cxiz, 14:6"X12. BED ROOM 1.470% 12.. LIVING ROOM § DINING ROOM 18, x 12. :- 12,)(16. Floor Plan. III/é ; 4 f semen P912921; a . . 1X4‘ 5 7 .2 Z? ll/I-Z_'o///I/I’ BED ,ROQN I _ I . ._ | g 12X1 1 . ¢ / Kl’FCfiElg'l‘” ? g p, . 313 X5,5 ‘ \. 4 f ' ' ~ [/1 V/l/IIII/I/A" > / 7- ' ‘ I ‘ v / l . l/Il/I/Il/I/I/fi 5 BATH fig 4 9/ wk _ 2,» mm; HALL 7 ' exe> I ,' ‘ ' v I I ‘ . / 717/? Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary interior de— tails, either as shown OIL this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. l/I/I/I/I/I/I »\ ' / III/IIIIIII/IA 7114 ex. c u I L 9 e’xzte 5 g’xz—e‘ r/Illlllllllll i \ I \\\\'~§\\\\\V \ § \\\\\ maggot-m 14x20! ‘- ‘ .\\\\\\\\\ x g I I I I a r I 5. 7 g 4 z ¢ / N —z—a—7////A 5\\\\\\\\\V III] NUMBER 358. The picture of this classy little Bungalow was made before it was quite It is a charming little nest, and the room arrangement will repay This house is peculiarly adapted to the requirements of a physician or other professional man. completed. a close inspection. Size 38 by 57 feet, and will cost about $2400.00. NUMBER 359. NUMBER 359 is a very pretty and convenient five—room Bungalow, 26 feet front by 44 feet deep, and can be built for about $1500.00. lts special features are the fine large front porch, the bath room between and connecting with the two bed rooms, the buffet kitchen, the open fireplace, and buffet in dining room, and good—sized screen porch with wash tray. The plan calls for a disappearing bed which is concealed by a panel under the buffet, and runs back under the closet and the seat in the bath room when not in use. In case of emergency, when an extra bed is’wanted, it pulls out into the dining room, and so easily are these beds adjusted that a child can pull them out with one finger. Perfect ventilation is ingeniously arranged for when the bed is pushed back into its enclosure, and the plan is as wholesome and hygienic as it is convenient. See other floor plans for this elevation on page 69. 68 Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page 01' rez'ersed, will be furnished for $10.00. \\\s\m\\‘— Sit! 11',>< 14:6" DININGROOM 13.-G'><12. BED ROOF): LIVING ROOM 11,x 12, . ispeix 12, Floor Plan No. 359. _.U ALTERNATE FLOOR PLANS FOR NUMBER 359. See elevation on page 68. Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary inferior de- tails, either as slzozmz 011 this page or reversed, will be furnished far $10.00. ‘ KITQHE, 11'6X9 PORCH. KlTCHE 46X;.. 5- ~X , ‘ BEDBQOM 11X14 . ”4.1,, N ...,...,.,1’, -.,,, -, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘\ m1 \ \ \\ 51313 Room llX‘lZ l’lom‘ l’lan No. 359—A. Reversed and Floor Plan No. 359—1}. \\'ith Recep- without disappearing bed. Size 28 by 44 tion Hall and front .. door at one side. feet. (‘ost about 81500.03. This 11011;: Size 24 by 46 feet. Lost about 81400.00. is made either 24. 21") or 23 feet wide. . This house can be made either 24. 26 or 28 feet wide. 60 NUMBER 360. Number 360 has shingled and cobble stone exterior with shingle roof. For floor plans and cost of [his beau— tiful home see next page. I! is carried in stock in three sizes and three arrangements. 70 ‘ ALTERNATE FLOOR PLANS FOR HOUSE NUMBER 360. EXTERIOR ON PAGE 70. Omnivlcz‘c plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary inferior dc- lails, either as shown on this page or rei'crsed, will be furnished for $10.00. CLO. l, 3x44, BEDJQQOM 12X12 BEDEQOM IZXIZ CLO 0 4X12 [— BAfrH, HALL 4 8 x7 93‘ CLO BED 1200M 12X]? SEA-r , ll :1 I I LIVING ~P.00T‘1 DE“ . I: 23%")(141’ 76X14- I. II 'I l I ! (SEAT [ I SEAT ‘PQ‘EC/H tax 8 I’lum‘ Plan No. 360. Size 32 by 50 feet; cost $2100.00. < L‘NEN _ ._. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ \ KITCHEN D 1 6EAT Boon-s BATH TOILET BEDpoom 0330 M IZXIO'G CLO CLO HALL. saga siaajs‘ Kn—gngn 14 X12 BED, DOOM IZXIZ' BED 12qu [416x12 § W § ........\\\\\ CL‘O , COATS R 3‘ 6x5 N ODK$ l LIWHGI'gOOF‘I '6 DEN 16 X17 5X14 SEAT 130ch iBXB Floor Plan No. 360-A. Size 30 by 58% feet; cost $2400.00. 71 § \ g g 5-] \ § ' EEDppom § BREAKFAST SCREEN I 10-bX10 \ 1200M popch = § § 12x10 .. 7x10 § % . $ A \ \ \ § % § \\\\\\\\\\\V \\\ x\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ 1“» 3 BED, 1300qu KXTCHEH 14-exx2 nxaz K fl-Wl / / /A_7////////I/// leov 5bx3- 7 IM- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘—_§—§-x\\\\\\\‘£- -& . wmmm \ - § : AT BED 32 00m 1 4, 6 x 1 a k\\\\\\\\\\\§\V \\\\\\\\\\\\\§\\\\\ V‘. \‘ ooKs 3; I . 4.47. ‘ ; PAHTBYTE 11X b'b D DIHIHG’ E'OOM 17X 12. II \ § c OATS / y leme Room -“ 16X17-s i DEN. . axvsr I , l s: :1 I s: D. ll ' ‘ .. § SEA-r § j \\‘-=’_:-s\\ V \\\\\\\\\\\\~ /‘~”“" \ v nopcn lexa’ 'i ! mg? [I I } Floor Plan No. 360-13. Size 32 by 61 feet; cost $2500.00. A good substantial home. with every requisite for comfort. This plan is well adapted to the seashore. but quite as suitable for any location. The music room opens out of the living room and has two high windows over the space for piano. 0f course. if so desired. this room could he used for a den, or. with slight: alteration. as an extra bed room. The features are well shown on the floor plan. and hardwood floors and paneled wainscot are provided for in the music. living and (lining rooms. The house is 28 feet front by 54 feet, and it can he built for about $1300.00. The picture was made from a newly finished house. and the imagination must supply flowers. trees. shrul.)hery. vines. etc. In fact. this remark applies to many of the exteriors illustrated in this hook. \I N Comp/etc plans and speci— fic‘az‘ions of this house with all necessary interior dc- taz'is, either as shown on this page or ret'crscd, will be furnished for $10.00. BED ROOM 11,—a"x 1 4-, MUSIC-ROOM} 10,)«14», . 16.x14, L'\'ING ROOM Floor Plan. NUMBER 373. \‘M w ‘ Q. .\ .gmgm, 2‘% /éx WW til/mt ;. \ife, fiT'LLj:_:_ \ Q" / [W/ :2; ‘3'.“ laifiy 7” “ft. va’ls‘ybnyfix‘x, .0..— \ .fil tall/twitlllltttt/j/II/t agum “2 P ,,,_......,.m».._,utmmflypggbvemmwv T I _____l "" ‘V—t "w ’1‘ IW‘ ' f; "l k- ’- WW9 v“ .IIH’WML '5; :7? 7___ l __ _...$ 1‘ ‘ FIT.7_'-———.—==(. . —\ 1 ;‘ ". | ____ :‘ v ;. 1W ‘ ' H' ll" ‘gfimflfingl§lhll ('(\" 9" rwWZ/i €5.93 ' \ 1‘ =—-—-—— C” E m ’;>‘:" ”‘22? flaw; ”<42”? ‘qéhgifg MWWX < - _ ,7; \ l— ___________________ _l _ '| I ;\ charming house tor I . . . any locality, but espec1ally ////// ,/ ,/ y/FZ } m adapted tolthe hot midday / sun of Arizona and adja- W" GLOBE—1" é / 1/ //1/// //// E 5 / cent states. If any house / x \ , . a STORAGE. /, / / A V1 / / ean be cool untler an} con- 4 Vl / (litions, this, With its broad / . . g ‘ tile roof and hollow tile ‘(l/x/I/z. e BEDS???” walls will surelv be so. \\\\\\\\\~, . Egg-$35 g 1 X1 a The floor plans are espe- e cially good. and I recom- HALL 7 mend this house in all con- 7§<8 ? ~ - - [flu/,7 7 , , ///////////// // ///// hdenee for any Climate. /: 5 Size without porch ex- , / . _ h”, , , new" A 2222; : tenSion. 34 by 40 feet. and f ' : BED DOOM can be built tor about BED EQOIM ? 15’X12’ $4000.00. This house can 17KB 3 also be built or brick 0r ; concrete, but hollow tiles flLOEL a] ?¢L are alwavs (.lrv. cool in o ' ' . . /A % W/ V summer. warm in winter. | BA (1 HY I like? : and sanitary and healthful l——__ __ -__ _____ ____J at all times. Second Floor Plan. Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page 01' re-zr'ersed, will be furnished for $10.00. T? V / 6C12EEH El 5-7:? Po‘gCH, 10x5 / E / /1 / , _ A’ bow-=51— P /< , KITQHEI‘} ' ' *BOOKS Q 1ox15 / x53 ‘ Jags-H , / 2 8X16 U Dmn-se—lpoom 12X16 P noon ( 7 .1 , m ___‘_‘_‘”’i“f_ 1D . k z z / / ail Z / 5 P LIWHG—IROgDM . 24X16 ZEECEPTioH / HIALL / 8x16 pO‘E/CH 29 X9’ k J l’ii'st liloor Plan. NUM BER 374. NUM BER 375- See floor plans 011 next page. NUMBER 374. BED ROOM 1 2, X12, 1 l RECEPTION ' l Lrsmo ROOM . l j HALL : g 18.x 12:. 1 . 10x12. . . r 2 l RFloor Plan No. 374. Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. XUMBERS 374 and 375 are pretty little homes with well arranged interiors. They have pressed brick fireplaces and mantels. and many features for comfort and convenience which are shown in the plans. Number 374 is 30 by 53 feet over all, and can be built for about $1650.00. Number 375 is 30 by 45 feet over all, and will cost about $1550.00. Both are finished with panel wainscot in the principal rooms. ‘ A front View of No. 375 may be seen on another page in this book, where with different floor plan it is given as house No. 343. NUMBER 375. W/l/l/ll/l//t’/fl/I//// u as cut as s DINING ROOM 1 6. X 12. LIVING Room 16. x 14—, Floor Plan No. 375. NUMBER 382. (“O/II‘b/cz‘e Nails and speci- ficaiimzs of this house tiff/z all Izi’c‘ixxxs‘ar_\' inferior de- tails. vii/1m“ as shown on l/zis page or reversed. ref/Y be fIH'III'x/Icu’ for $10.00, SCREEN poRcH t ----------- a , m. g: F BEDROOM as L, 11.x12, E432 S ‘ <9 5‘ KITCHEN a” 95 11,x12. Qfiv' ,7 HALL 5; ,- CLOS 7,X5, z: A 3 'r This is one of my favorite plans. and has pleased its owners every time it has been built. It is a typical Bungalow. with low roof. broken by long shed dormer. wide overhanO'ino‘ eaves and (Tables. battered side walls to the belt LIVING 1300M h m h 29,X13 It is 30 feet by 52 feet course. exposed chimney and fine large front porch. over all. and can be built for about $1900.00. The interior may well be considered a model plan. Note the fireplace. with seats. and the broad window seat. with book shelves in the living“ room: wide buffet. bay~window and ledge . in dining room: convenient arrangement of rear rooms with separate toilet and l ‘ bath; screen porch with wash trays: large buffet kitchen. etc. .\lternate floor l’l plans for this exterior are shown on next page. 70 ALTERNA'I‘E FLOOR PLANS FOR EXTERIOR No. 382, ON PRECEDING PAGE. [ . JI BED—BOOM 12 X12 all necessary BED DOOM DINING 1? COM 14X12 LEVING "ROOM 16x15 BEDPQOM Floor Plan No. 382—.—\. Cost about $1900.00 77 Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, - furnished for $10.00. V Vill/I/I/I/I/I/I/ Z CLO Z r e i-- I?- - -2- -////n ////¢ Will; ; / 1» / r 4 l t t ISCPEEH/BDEAKFAST 3 BED ROOM 4 POQC g 120 con i 12"X11 H .; mdxn‘ é I 56X13’, ¢ 2 i l t , e é / ’//l. Vg/y/I/I/IJ/Ii -—‘-/; ‘ BATH t 6/11/11] 1/1/14 HAL-L 4 / y Jill/9 I y [/Lo. ? I KITCHEN a” “3”” ”””’””—’ ”I; '. I; ” 12 X 15' 2 \ ' 7/, g BED 200m g ‘.\,,,,,,,..1 14 Xiz :‘—§ —l\\\\\“\w\\\ ‘W ”11),”;‘4 »\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\V \ § DININGDOOM LXVKHHGPOOM 12X17 16X1’b Floor Plan No. 382-B. Cost about $2000.00. 7/ \ 7 ’I/I/I’l/‘l/I/I/I/I/I/I/Illl/z E! NUMBER 386. This houseis somewhat after the Spanish style of home building in its interior arrangement. The elevation is very attractive and inviting, with its large front porch. wide windows and low overhanging roof, but the interior is still more so. The spacious living room runs through and opens with lirench windows to the open court or "patio." Dining room and living room are practically one large room. with hardwood floors. beam ceilings and panel wainscoting. There is a large open fireplace in the dining room. Bath room is conveniently located. with good economy of hall space. Kitchen has good cupboards, cooling closet, etc.. and stairs leading up to second floor, where there is abundant storage room and where a servant's room can he huilt if desired. Stationary wash trays on screen porch are provided; in fact these are included in nearly all of my plans. This commodious home is 38’ feet front by 44 feet deep, and can he built for about $2150.00 DINING R 12, 00M - Comp/ate plans and spcci— ficaz‘ions of this house with all necessary interior dc- fails. either as shown 011 this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. VIZ; % A F1 “a. as V {(3 so (:0 AOQI‘I (A ‘ 12, x ii é‘ e <3 v {211" ‘l ’ ' / 13 X16. l i ’ Pl . ESESSTR S .1 LIVING ROOM 12.,X18. 7.7..%] liloor l’lan No. 386. v31? r117; OF THE R UNIVERSITY OF NUMBER 387. CA..LLFQ,F3-,W‘- This is an inexpensive house in the best meaning of the term. It has very pretty exterior lines, broken artistically by large brackets, window boxes, etc.; a good roomy porch with brick foundation and pillars. Clinker brick may be used if desired. The floor plan is self—explanatory. Note the open fireplace with book shelves under the high windows on either side; the large buffet in dining room; the handy kitchen and screen porch; convenient bath room, etc. This plan shows a parlor. but this could readily be arranged for a bed room or den if desired. The house is 30 feet by 44 feet, and can be built for about $1675.00. 79 Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. SCREEN PORCH 12:6" X '6, DINING ROOM 16ré" X 1%. 7/2 LIVING ROOM 1e.— La" X 12, NUMBER 3" . L . NUMBER 389. A beautiful little Bungalow, which is peculiarly adapted to vines, flowers and shrubbery. lts solid exterior with massive brick chimney. terrace porch and broad bay window opening from living room are very attrac— tive features. The arrangement of the rooms is excellent. Note the cozy seats in hall and two main rooms. the large buffet in dining room. the very handy buffet kitchen. the position of the bath room between the bed rooms. with separate toilet. etc. This house is 28 feet by 50 feet, and can be built for about $1000.00. 00 O 'IZIZW/KZZY/ ’177ZFTZ 1 ? Col/[New plans and speci— fications of this house with a]! Huc‘cssary inferior de— tails. either as shown on this [urge or reversed, will he fwvulvhm’ for $10.00. S E O SCREEN counts ,x5. W at t i 5E0 12 00M CWBOAW 14.x UL KITCHEN 1+,x 11mg" \W mmst 5, E l: L f H BED ROOM DXNING RTOOM + $1 2+, x 1;; A 6.x13rc IL: l i : z ‘1 | 1w . Ii ' m T..— i l: I l§ | l . i {wont I LIVING ROOM ’ ' taro-x L3 l , 7 ,7A,__._ 1 liloor Plan, .\'D 389. NUMBER 390. WING 1290M BED 3290M ioxn 12X12 HALL BATH 8X 7 ' CLO, LIVING 72091?! ‘ zoXIe—G PORCH 20x7 Floor Plan No. 390. This is a charming little home as snug as the traditional bug. The prospect ‘ . ,. . )‘ ) ‘. . , ‘ ‘ ‘ . of a home 11GC this ought to hasten matiimomal arrangements for the slowest Complete plans and spea- swain or the shyest maul. lhe floor plan 15 a model or convenience and the fications of this house with house which is 33 feet square can he built for about $1200.00. \ all necessary interior dc— . fails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. 81 NUMBER 392. A beautiful little home, the ver_v embodiment of grace and Small entrance hall. fine front porch, two fireplaces, cozy NUMBER 392. comfort. Features: seats in dining room and living room, bullet in dining room. good kitchen with large pantry connecting, plenty of closets. two direct independent connections a great convenience), large screen prirch with lt can he built for from front to rear (sometimes This is not an expensive house for its size. lt will look well either on an elevation or on wash trays, etc. $1800.00, and is 30 feet by 52 feet. a level lot. See other floor plans next page. Complete, plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary inferior de— tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. ‘1 F550}; OOIVI 13,X1 l. PORCH Floor Plan No. 392. LIVING ROOM 15.x 1‘2. \ \\\\\\{w M\V~ . , r (0] ,, 7 III/”(l/l’l \ ALTERNATE FLOOR PLANS FOR NUMBER 392. 0 ATM scEEEH (3X8 v ‘PIO'PCH, O 6- 6X 5 bED POQM 11x15 g % V/l/lq " I KKTCHEIH H LL on10 J 35' . 0170, C'Lo, 4X3 4X5 w .15 Ste ”8 3 if“? LIVING- jaqom 15x12 3 a 5 fi / (v OEAT 90 L ‘V‘ I’loor Plan N0. 3920‘. Size 30 by 46 feet. Cost about $1600. Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary interior de— tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. See exterior 011 page 82. '1//// // / A Y €23. OCREEH 3E0 290m BREAKFAsT ng‘ig. 11-6X10 12c; om 8X10 C‘L 0 2X47; ‘ H ALL 10X6 'z; KITCHEFI 9.! IOX12 BED Room 1 exxz' .‘DIHXHG, “goon 14X12 LNIHG 7200qu 14X1Z \\ \\\\\\ ‘ ’7 s EEAT Floor Plan No. 392-13. Size 30 by 54 feet. Cost about $2000. SEAT This is a substantial home‘ commodious and with almost an air of Dutch solidity. The construction is all of wood. and its lines are very graceful. lt is 36 feet front by .12 feet deep over all. and can he built for ahout $2700.00. with hardwood floors and beam ceilings and panel wainscot in the reception hall. 1iv1ng‘ and dining rooms. lt has two good rooms with large closets on second floor, and front balcony. The tloor plans show the many attractive features throughout the house. See floor plans on next page. W 4.; Complete Nails and speci- fications of this house with~ all necessary inferior de— tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. [\n attractive livinxby room scheme. See extenor on page 84. / y’l-lI/I V/fl/ll/l/llll/IIA WI/I/I/I/._V//I/////////////_/_/Ill;; -_7 ‘ " —’Q g g g Q g s CREE.“ I ¢ ? 4 4 IDsORC/H 1. ¢ ,” BATH V“: ' x 6' I g in 9, x a. 7 / / - L / ' . > / 3E1? gaom g ///¢III olll-I{I;I/ Ill/ll ; l - ‘ - ’ é L? y f I _; é ‘ =¢ KITCHEH Z —% 12.x 19'" " z 7 m. ==¢~~ é/l//////////z WI/l/é 9, X 83-6 ' - . 4' é % ; VIII] 2 7 Er 1.1. X 2 r a" / ///://///x§\\\\\\\ I\\\§E/¥gg{//m Z -_ 1 -_- . .BVFF‘ET §—\\\\\\\\V=_ $ \\ ,. . | i . I LIVIHGROOM :} RECEPTION DININGROOM ,, , 12.x 14 , I HALL 124 x 16. _ - I .. 8’,x16. -~..; - 3 v ’/ l/lI//.-Z—Z-!V//////l-Z ?-=’//////A-’t—’/-’///% 56,X‘7, a—m PORCH ‘ E _.E First Floor Plan. NUMBER 393. —————— “I I ; I 4 I ‘ . 5 I 9‘- ’— a: 9 5 A ‘ STORMGE BED ROOM 1‘1»,X 16. Second Floor Plan. N UM BER 394. lior a large lot. either level or elevated. where a broad rich effect is desired, without sacrificing the com- fortable homelike appearance, 1 warmly recommend this plan. It is a one—and-one—half—story Bungalow, 4() feet by 30 feet. and can be built with hardwood floors, beam ceilings and paneled wainscot in living room, dining room and den for about $2800.00 The outside construction is all of wood, and the lines are so proportioned as to give a solid.‘ substantial effect, as well as reality. The special feature is the main stairway at the end of the spacious living room. This leads up by graceful turns. crossing over above the broad mantel and clinker brick fireplace. :\ drop beam crosses in front of the. fireplace, making a charming nook effect. and beside the chimney is the coziest kind of a corner. The handy cabinet kitchen. buffet in dining room and ample closet room on second tloor will appeal to every housekeeper, while the denwith its corner seat will prove an attractive spot to every member of the family. See floor plans on next page. ‘ 86 LIXIING- ROOM ngZL- BEORCOM QIHIHG ROOM 14’x Lé, First Floor Plan. Stairs go up behind chimney. NUMBER 394. See exterior on page 86. 87 Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. gié . [1/4—71/Ifl\>/;///I//////I//{I 97/ I I ,___ ¢ fr —— (”III/IA V II f” BED‘ROOT'I 12,X 14-. 12, X 12: Second Floor Plan. Two floor plans of this fine bungalow are given on the next page, but almost any arrangement can be worked out to suit individual requirements. 88 \ FLOOR PLANS FOR NUMBERS 3941/: AND 394}é—A; I SCREEN PORCH I 6X13, 14X 12 ID KlTCI'jEI’jl 14-6961 LLVXNG; Room asxxe r/rll/uIIIII/WI V I 3 7/1/11 BOFFET 7>¢ BED pogam Floor Plan No. 394%. See exterior on page 88. \ 3'9 ' DXHIHG '12on g _ 19x15 0 I l V / ‘\ Wm-m—w—p _ v; * 89 BEDDQOM 14X 1 z [:3 4m % 25X]5»6 cLe: 9x2 W Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown 01.1 this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.09. KITCHEN DIVING DOOM 14 X 11—6 , 0 5 N \\\ k\\\\\\\ lexrjo 290m Floor Plan No. 394%-A. NUMBER 395. ( . h _ A‘ ‘ “A’<>:‘(41A V’il‘_f‘,3x‘r *6? floor plans 011 next pzlg'L. 90 FLOOR PLANS FOR NUMBER 395. See, exterior on page 90. S GREEN ORG-I 1 6: OX 6: 0" Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with ;;::_—_—:;_:-_:_-:_-_-_-:_-; ———— all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this ::_-_-_»_-_ page or rat'ersed, will be furnished for $10.00. LIVING ROOM ’ DIHIHG ROOM 14-, X Z 1. 14, X 1. i ‘ HTORTE cocaine}; 3 ,r l“ ; I H.:i::::i::.::::% First Floor. BED ROOM 141 X117 6" CLO SET 4: 6’ X5: BOUDOIR 14.x 6; Second Floor. A very handsome residence for almost any situation. Built in'the Spanish Mission style, with balcony over the front porch and porte c0chere.. The construction may be stucco or pebble—dash with tile roof. The floor plans show the large open court or patio, reached through French windows from the reception hall. There is also a balcony over a part of this court. notable for both beauty and convenience. The floor plans show the many features of this house There are three brick fireplaces, with mantels. hardwood floors, beam ceilings and panel wainscot in hall, living and dining rooms and den. The house is 44 by 51 feet over all, and has been built for $5600.00 9I NUMBER 397. « .5 ‘1’... ... . , W. X My” @ww-g ’«~ ‘ am.....;§:M-M-€r°" MW ‘ 30M" ”33% ratify: V 2:; “M fi.w ~ ' gm ‘— «w W.“ * ”fa-Mm; W “L.- W .wm SW Soc floor plzms m1 next pm“ 50. FLOOR PLANS FOR NUMBER 397. See exterior on page 92. ClOIIIf’lClC plans and speci- fications of this [muse with all necessary interior de— tails, aft/201' as slzo‘zwion this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. SGREEN BUFFET KITCHEN 12.X12 ININGROOM 151x 1 a. BED pogm ioXlE—b LIVING ROOM 151X14. ECEPTION H et BED—:2 gem 16X14- First Floor Number 397. 5000114 15100? 397- This two—story Bungalow is admirable in many ways. The cut gives a very good id‘a of its handsome exterior. The rooms are large and well arranged, and the house has proved a great favorite, having been built many times in Southern California. The floor plans are self—explanatory. and the many attractive features are worthy of careful study. Hardwood floors, beam ceilings and panel wainseoting are provided for in the reception hall, livingr and dining rooms. The house is 32 feet square. and it can be built for about $3500.00. 93 \T UM BER 400. Sec floor plans on next page. 94 ‘ FLOOR PLANS FOR NUMBER 400. See exterior on page 94. BED I2. QOM 12,><12, DEN r; 10.x1o. 04y; PX . ‘ 5 50 4 a: r ‘3 . ~- ,i ”5/" KITCHEN ‘ 1 1 l, , . I g 10,~é"><1 C 01111102? p (111's am spcrz— / g ficatzons of this house It'll/i 4 " all necessary inferior dc- I. DIflfiEQE“ , fails, Uz‘fhcr as shown on this / é 3 page 01' rcr'crsc’a’, will be 31,5533? 2 Z furnished for $10.03. , ' ' VII/I/III/I/m/ x\\\\ BED ROOM BEDROOM 1:2,,Xll5. 14-,X13, LIVING ROOM 16:0" X 13, Second Floor No. 400. This is a typical Bungalow with all the low broad effect, and yet is practically a two-story house. The double gable front is very effective, and this house is a great favorite in Southern California, having been built a score of times in Los Angeles alone. The size is 28 by 47 feet. and it has been built complete with hardwood floors, panel \vainscoting and beam ceilings in l’irst Floor No. 400. thefiliving‘ and dining rooms. hall and den, for $3,500.00. Kitchen has a fine buh’et pantry. The exterior of this cozy home is very attractive. and the floor plans could hardly be improved from the standpoint of comfort and convenience. 95 NUMBER 406. See floor plans on next page. 96 FLOOR PLANS FOR NUMBER 406. See exterior on page 96. - Comp/Ufa Nails and speci— fications of this house, with all chrcssar_\' inferior de- tails, either as shore/z 011 this page 01' reversed, will be furnished for 810.03. LIVING "ROOM 16,X26r6" .. HALL DINING ROOM ;; ‘8,—(3“X"2.5, 14, x 17, BED ROOM W 550120011 1&.><1~2, 411/ III/11111," 1 4,)(12, CLL OSET PORCH 8, X9. 6, First floor No. 406. Second floor No. 406. NFMBER 406 is one of the handsomest houses in my list. The exterior is fairly well shown in the illustration, a pleasing effect being given by the large dormer which breaks the main roof. Front porch has cement floor and steps, with brick balustrade and columns. The special features are the wide entrance, hall and stairway, the large living room with broad seat in bay window. and massive fireplace and mantel. with book shelves either side, the open fireplace in dining room, the easily accessible bath room. sunny sewing room with its outside flower box, etc. The size is 41 by 34 feet. and with hardwood floors and beam ceiling in hall, living and dining rooms, this house can be built for about $3500.00. . NUMBER 407. The double ,gabled dormer window adds greatly to this charming home, and the balcony is always liked. Note the clinker brick chimney and front porch columns and foundations, the broad front unbroken by pil— lars. etc. The arrangement and features of Number 407 are shown in the floor plan. and have given much satisfaction. Number 407—A shows a different first floor plan. with den instead of music room. Note the cabinet pantry opening between kitchen and dining room. Size 28 feet front by 40 feet deep, and approxi— mate c<>st. including beam ’ceiling‘ as indicated, hardwoml floors and panel wainscot in living room and dining room. is $3150.00. See floor plans on next page. 98 ruxim PLANS FOR NUMBERS 407 AND 4o7-A. v,/y‘ / 4 \6 I I l l l l l ! l l 1 l I | l l l I | l «(((«K/ LEVIN Q ( ‘ 1'7. >< 15. A V erl. g; I ‘--j --------- 1r-*~fir‘-‘——’l F‘“’1 2 T L ' First Floor No. 407. bee exterlor on page 98. Complete plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. 'PQ‘RCH 11X'7' r~ DIHLHG‘EQOM < 16X14 I’irst Floor Plan N0. 407-.\. BALCONY BED DOOM 12.6%)(15, CL, C) 5‘ ET \. ‘\\\\X\\xm\m Second Floor Nos. 407 and 407A. Alternate first floor for exterior N0. 407. with same second floor. 99 NUN BER 412. This is a ease. in whieh the picture gives an inadequate idea of the beauty of the house. It is a very pretty little home. and will surely give satisfaction. lt has a story and a haltc with two large bed rooms, hath room and large elosets on seeond tloor. .\ disappearing bed is plaeed in the front bed room. and will no doubt prove a great eonvenienee at times when an extra bed is needed. The interior ar‘ang‘ement is excellent and handy. and the plans show the lireplaee, bullet, eozy seats and eorners in the several rooms. Stationary wash trays and toilets are on the sereen poreh. This house is 28 feet by 40 feet, and can be built for about $2400.00. See lloor plans on next page. 100 FLOOR PLANS FOR NUMBER 412. See exterior 011 page 100. Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary inferior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. ! 717- - ,m I WWI/WIM/A I. I/I/I/I/I/x/Illl/Ilil) Cut shows only one wash tray on screen porch, but there is room for two. The buffet pantry be— tween kitchen and dining room is ““141 a very taking feature in this plan. Linen closet can be built in sec— ond story hall. \ L IVING ROOM DINING ROOM 12. X 157 6 " ‘ .8er ET \\\\\\\\\\\ First Floor No. 412. Second Floor No. 412. 101 NL'MliliR 414. ‘ ‘ ', \ . 4, .' a 3.): . 7) - ._ [1115 1> d (Ullmldl U‘ttdgk \\ ”1-101” HR ““91101 1Mingalow 'tcatin'cs. lt has proved most satistactoi‘y “WV." “”10 ‘1 hi” “CC” hinlt, and “‘1' a lill‘gfi ConVt‘mcnt. hainlsonic home. 1 i‘cconnncml it strongly. lt is 34 l9” {1'01“ ll)’ 54 {“01 «lccp. 11‘“ 11515 N0“ lllllll {”1‘ Sgaoooo. ll has hardwood floors in living room and «lining room. with panclctl \\'ainscoting'. 'l‘hc living “mm has hcain ceiling. prcsscil ln‘ick mantel and fi1~c_ placc. “llh ”Wk Slll‘lVCS' “1“ Th“ balcony in front 01" sccoinl storv is large cnongh for slct‘lnng‘ and is a “CH “le {“1111”- 1‘5 i5 111*“ 111“ ”Will's room (“WNW UYCI‘ thc kitchcn. with hack stairs. which also communi— CZW‘ Will] “‘9 mill“ 500”“1‘31”1’.\' hall. Llll‘x‘k‘li llillltl‘ics. hnfi‘cl and cnphoanl are all shown on thc plan. which shonhl 1’9 “mum “kl-“MN Th“ 13134“ front PlWCll i5 llinplc for a camping ground for all the fainilv and half Ihc ncig'hhoi's. Sc: llooi‘ plans on next page. ' ~ 102 FLOOR PLANS FOR NUMBER 414. See exterior on page 102. I I I ‘ Age/[IIII/IIIIIII—III/IIII/I/I/ Ill 21 LLO \ \§\\\\\\ § t \ \ V I ( §\\\\\\\A\\\ V I Z I 5 , MAIDS Room 2 ? 12‘x12. I . l , Complete plans and speez- 5= 3 , . . , _ ‘- III. II, 5 fieahons of fins house ’ZC'lf/l 97 g g . . ‘ gar I a]! neeessarv mferzor de- i fig; 5 . . — . VII f1 v // /I/ / 1 71"”,IWI/I/I/II/I/II/I/I/I/I/I/III falls, ezz‘lzer as shown, on t/zzs ,QLOS <1 5‘ T g . < 4 m LO page or reversed, an]! be ,4” 6 7 , E g f 1 ll‘ } 11' S [I 6 d f0? $10.00. ? 1 / // Z/IllllllllllllllllllllII/é 5 g Q I 7 ‘ 3212111300“ i l I LIVING ROOM 7 851?;13101“ g , \ 13’,— G'X 22. DINING ROOM g 4 g—flll/IIIWIIIIIIé 4;, X 15’ a fi ’ CLOS ; g ? é/Jlllllllllll/Illl. Ill/IA ssfl‘é / fly/[11111111 .II III/[y ’. 3v . 7 Z 4 HALL g g 5 BEDROOM 5 I 12x 18’. 6 BED Room . f ., 19.,X15:e" 9 g I ,, I I -' I I 7 I -/ I 5 4 5 I l I I I l I I I I I I I a 9 , s/lllI. 7/1]; a ? ZII 551" H I / LO I ”2,92%” g g g “a i I’ll/Illlll/4 f / {I’lllIlIl/I/xf ; , a . a (III—VIA I’ll—[1’14 First Floor plan of N0. 414. SGCOIMI Floor plan of N0. 414. 103 NUMBER 415. istfiifi ~,«1 9..‘ Decirledly an example of “something <1¢, mama, g§ i ’L §\ ' :1 “$~<\ : 5 W i 3 i f g , . [III/IA—VI/l/lfl' j I. 'l/I/1-2__"/IZ X . g P o R CH I aixg 3m ___Jz lg n a a a 1% h I ._1 l’irst Floor No. 418. 3} PA] gillji RX 0F TH E uNIVERS\TY ' 0F See exterior on page 108. This is a roomy, well arranged home at moderate cost. ‘It is 30 feet 10 inches by 44 feet over all, and can be built for about The exterior lines are graceful, and the interior is 'con- venient, with many features which help to make a real home. This house is well adapted either to an elevation or a level lot, and would look well on a corner. The plan should be carefully studied to appre- $2500.00. ciate its many advantages. Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary interior de- tails, either as s/zozw‘z 011 this page 01‘ reversed, will be furnished for $10.00. 109 .rnDKkA, BALCO éLOSET 7,X.5. 8X2,% 0 [3 0 BED ROOM lf‘figj. 14-,- c"x\12. * - 92M 17/ I HALL 1 m r“ l I . 52 ‘3 BED ROOM BED Room m m 13,—G'X16, 16.x1e. m m C/LOSET é OLOS 6, x3, f 6. x5 ///e 1 A . a _ - _ - -_ I a- _ _ _ ' BALQONY I 17.x5. | I I I Second [floor No. 418. ___l NUMBER 420. y’lpl 9% all ’/-,1 I'm! Why l /. M, l w W‘ECAF;>)\’ This handsome Bungalow has many commendable features and has been built a dozen times or more. always giy ing complete satisfaction. The broad span of the front porch affords an unobstructed View from the large living room. The construction is resawed weatherboarding. shingle roof, cobble chimney and porch columns, etc. Clinker brick or hard dark red brick can be used instead of cobbles with good effect. There is a fine bufi‘et kitchen. and the bath room arrangement is ex- cellent. The size is 30 feet by 47 feet and with hardwood floors, b‘am ceilings and panel wainscot in living and dining rooms. the cost will be about $2400.00. Comp/etc plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary inferior de- tails, either as S/IO'ZUIZ on this page or rez'wsra’ will be faults/ml f01'$7. 50. 11—11711 .6. .x" ROOM 8"” D n-O“12.0 ,5 cRLLN p 01904 .ITCHLU no “2-0 ' ' LIVqu' EOOM _l| ‘- 1‘ 1'3 107\‘201—Ol. .1 "_l | ll l _ I H l‘ | 1| 11 " I1 '1 " '1 liloor Plan No. 420. NUMBER 521. Construction: Glazed hollow terra cotta blocks, regarding which see plan No. 530 on next page. The arrangement is good. Den may be made into a separate room if desired. Note the buffet kitchen and the bath room arrange- ment. Size 28 feet by 45 feet, and Cost about $1800.00. Floor l’lan X0. 521. Complete plans and speci— ficm‘ions of this house tuft/z all necessary interior dc- z‘ails, either as shown 01! tlzls flags 0)‘ rr-z'r‘rsca’, will be furnished for $10.00. NUMBER 530. Construction—Glazed 111achine—made terra cotta blocks, a new and admi ‘ablc mode of buihliuw which I com mend stronglv. b. . (See next page.) See exterior on page 112. This house is built of glazed machine—made terra cotta blocks, a new method of construction which is in every way commendable and The blocks are made in Various They are hollow, thus insuring warmth in winter and coolness in the heated which is becoming very popular. shapes and sizes to conform to any demands of architecture. term. and a dry, healthy home always. The outer surface is a very hard, dull glaze. impervious to rain, requiring no paint. and practically everlasting. while the inside has a rough surface so that no lath is The blocks are made in many colors so that most pleasing effects can be needed and only about one-half the usual amount of plaster. produced. This method of building is cheaper than brick, and in fact, considering the saving of paint. lath. plaster and labor, it will cost but little more than frame and be infinitely better in many ways. I have plans and specifications now ready for this house as shown, and am prepared to execute other designs promptly. This floor plan is simple. but very convenient and roomy. and the house can be built for about $1800.00. Size 28 feet by 46 feet. Complete plans and speci- fications of this house it'll/z all necessary inferior dc- faz'ls, citlzcr as show: on this page or rc-Z'crscd, "will lJC’ farm's/It’d far $10.00. 113 ? 1533,20 cm 1 . . l I _ I .///////// /.‘ L - / Em p KiTCHEN SCREEN f io‘xio’ ‘PQQCH BED 32 o om 5x .ofio" Io-b"x Is-'o” 3 I. D. a j 0 o \\ . \ . zo-cax 13.5’ ElNlNG D 0 ON 16-0” x IBI‘ on LlVlNGr E0 ON 16 x111 (9, s /// ’// I I | I l | 5 I I )4 Z- Floor Plan No. 530. NUMBER 532 [Ill VI "ll" 1!." k ‘- ii ”TIII:‘I «7% ms» slss «.4 hs Y—s st; 1”, “(/5 A very pretty, inexpensive little house, with convenient room arrangement and handy buffet kitchen. Its extreme width is 241/3 feet. and its depth, including front porch, 42 feet. For a low priced house this plan has many good features. It can be built for about $1000.00. The exterior is very attractive. 114 § S)“ _ .\‘ _ s“\\\\\\V — ~\\¥ ' , . ‘\\ ‘\ \I ll U .0 O 3 '12 LlVlfiG' .PIOON 15 X15 20x13 F \\ \\\ Floor Plan No. 5’2. Comp/vie plans and speci— fications 0f z‘his house with all ncccswr_\' -z'm‘cri0r dc- taflx, either as 5/20th on this page 01' reversed. will be furnished for $7 50 i mm mm 533. .15 M-” ,_ A This Mission Bungalow is one of my special plan 5, and can be made up to any required size and room :ir 'zmg‘emcnt. The construction is stucco concrete. A tile roof insures a cool house for very warm climates—for .\rizonzi. for instance and the effect is fine. 115 N UM BER 536. . mums, EQOM 12x15 This little house has proved so popu— LlVIHGr' 1200M lar that I O‘ive two floor lans for it. :3 p BE?§OQM 5 16Xi+ O 10 The exterior is very pretty; the floor arrangement excellent, and the little but very complete buffet kitchen is a strong feature. See sizes and costs under floor plans. Floor Plan No. 536-A. Exterior practically like the elevation on this page with chimney and other Complete plans and speci- fications of this house with all necessary inferior de- (letails altered. fails, either as shown on this 131001- Plan N; 536. pavgjrc.‘l()1‘irct'ehs:scd,.o Will b6 Size 24 feet by 42 feet. Size .38 feet front by 40 farms 15" fO’ 7-5 - . Cost $1000.00 feet. Cost about $1000.00. 110 NUMBER 540. This is a special design which will be made of any size, and with floor plans to suit owner. Construction may be weatherboarcls, shingles or shakes, with either cobbles, clinker brick or pressed brick, with equally good effect. . um; NUMBER 54.. PANTRY . , . 7— _ arc-7” 4 x8 (I S Mm \ xmK‘, _' { \: : ; § “@9515” DINING ROOM \‘ ‘W 12,x16‘ g g 4 5‘ H va F L :3\ 5EA'T C‘omfilm‘c plans and speci— . , fictitious of this house with L‘VJSHXGWROOM all necessary [inferior (I’v- : inf/s. Cit/101‘ as shown on this [mgr 0r rnz'vrsvd, will hr furnished for $10.00. _ r / J F7 , PORCH 7x18 {'57 , gar/z: 221E: First Floor Plan. A very attractive house with many taking {catnrcs and not expensive. Construction \\'cuthcrhozn‘(ling, with sliing‘lml roof. Size 28 byJ“; foot. and will cost about $2000.01). 118 Il/ md 1:% 331 {um I' 1 x, _:- I m ~ It v. (41 V?’ qq:;n n.....;.:........; humuhnxu‘u‘vunm H ~ \\\\\\\ “mama“ \\\\\ wows M \ W. . A “ks/3% rfifi“ r 1— Floor I’fllan. I1 l\‘\\\ ‘l \\ \\ V N: R\ m [:1 DM \\\ \\\\\\\\\\ 1 If SCREEN . PORCH .,. a’xa’ L 3 n KYTCHEH” 13 xa-e V.“ cups 0A1: o ‘| 351313 'iaoqm 1.4 x12. BEDjaoQM 14} X12. m BUFFET \\ \\m ' I 15X17- c; LIVlHG 120,0 12X 14 . RECEPTIOH HALL 12-63(7' DI fill"! Gr ROOM 3 T NUMBER 545. A (I. - PORCH fi zoxa a WW“ 1—“! w TCHEN 11X12 4 a Dmmopoom ll-GXl‘S 7* f P 6 < é Ill “3 Ltvmspopm 14x12 ZZ l \ \\\\\X\\ _l Floor Plan No. 545. Size (it Ht 28 feet by 48 feet. about $1600.00. liloor Plan No. Size 24 feet by 48 feet. Cost about $1250.00. 7. Lg?” O «SCQEEN j BED Room 5 BED 7200M 4 11'X12’ 11Xl‘l 5454. 119 On this page will be found two floor plans for this very popular little Bungalow. rooms are all of a nice size. Both arrangements are good, and the This house and the one on the next page will prove attractive and profitable for those who build to sell, and hence they are especially valuable to those who are building homes. NL'MERR 546. A snug little home with lots of room and every convenience. Construction is weatherboarding, with shingle roof. This home can be made almost any desired width. and will cost from $I500.00 up. according to size and finish. Comfiletc plans and speci— fications of this house with all necessary inferior de- tails, either as shown on this page or reversed, will be furnished f0} $10.00. 120 ecEEEH DQRCfi 1ox'5 KITCHEH 10x10 DlHlHG, TED/OM 12X‘l'5 00K LIVIHG'PIOOM H514]. 15x12 7X12 ”ooKs '1/ 130120171 24X? 7/5 Floor Plan No. 546. Size 24 feet by 54 feet. Cost about $1600.00. NUMBER 548. / Complete plans and speci- fications of this [201156 with all Izcccssar_\' interior dc- I‘az'ls, cit/161' as 5/2010}; 0/; this page 01' I'ct'crse’d, will be furnished for $10.00. "V, 6 v '7 7r 4 1 COM 1 ‘ (e. . ’ if w 35:197. 515 .; , 3“? 1‘ .V n' F; I l " ' 1; ‘ i g ' lg f w ; 1“, ; l: ,lrri‘cnfiti 7 a; ‘3 "7“: " l 9771-14 14 ' / ” CL g;~J ‘ HALL” D bATH . z " c1105 0 ’ t , W777 , ‘31 fl 7’] Eff-1 z ”/1 VI [—63], l e _\n artistic little home inside and out. lot is carried in stock 7" “‘VWSXEOOM in widths 'arying from 20 to 28 feet. The depth is the same in each plan. For a very narrow lot the Pergola can be omitted without marring‘ the beauty of the house. This house can he built for from $1200.00 to $1600.00. according to width. Size 20 feet. 22 feet. or 28 feet wide (not including pergolal and 45 feet deep not including porch. ELEVATIONS 017 BUNGALOVV BUFFETS. 'K’WE M IBROR. F ‘ j E E E E u l l __J r‘ JD _J1l_| lleCflL KLJ 3&8 DEE; DD fl —+ u I __ __L l cuss! K‘ r , . . . MIRROR. pm’rm MIRROR Detall plans of any of k these Buffets drawn to a f I l I ' Jam-“mm; L: scale of 1%” t0 the foot, EEK 1E IUE E [I with specifications, sent to BSD-5”“ A [I mmwansif E / any address for $1.00. DRAWER | 3;» W‘s: , K .34: \Vhen ordering please state ‘L ELEVATION or am?!” no 353. preference in wood and ELEVATION OFWFET Ho 19 0 NUMBER 352. fittings. NUMBER 190. BRACKETs’/fl LEADELD QLA55\ ET I: bmcKl'X‘S/Q ; L i / I I i I i ‘ ' l r I ‘ I 1 . ‘ I 1 1i r r \ a r r a t r \ 1!; I \ K \ K ‘ h LEADED GLI’xSfi" : § \ r M F Am¢=r ‘ >——— .e V. we ‘ mumsm :: Bkfions.:\/‘; P , r ‘ DRAWERs/fl‘ ‘ r r , .. i J r if“? z ‘ 1:me ‘Pficl‘éffi‘ 7" l :' : r r" fl 1 r ‘ r 'E ‘ ‘ 9&5sz DOORS—’d ‘ ‘ E \ « r r ' ‘ r 1 ‘ ‘_ 1 . ——’———-—#~—— ———— ——(—T , gfi #vfl;w# L. .-__ ! ——'—_—-:2 V r F 7. ‘ r a ELEWT‘OH OFBUTFET ND 557. 1 ‘ ELEVATION OFBL“ Err H0 573 Pf“ ..‘ K'UMBER 357. 122 NL'RI BER 372. ELEVATION OF BUNGALOW’ BUFFETS. -7: ——_——A L _’ IIJ 1:1 [:1 1:1 L 1 1 Detail plans of any of AEQESO S these Buffets drawn to a ’=‘=-‘-'- =---'-'-- _ I I ” t0 the foot \ LEDLvD 61:6) scale Of A ’ b=_____._$__ : U I: = = : ____ __ I 1 J . . , {r ‘\‘_1 11 1th spec1ficat10ns, sent to £5135 mg; SHED/E} mans g‘L‘WE “L555 WED/Em any address for $1.00. :14." ‘PLA’I‘E Immoral == =_____ fi 40%” mm“ W “hen ordering please state 1 _ - I a _L| preference 1n wood and ====.-_- 1 ==.-_-_-.». t: {serCkzng ,fittlllgs. :(‘TBRACLKET l ._1 11 ,1 #* 7—1.. E / El}\ ‘mezkfi DRRVVERS’ . Lilia) GLASS 7 .7"... l ‘ 1.53m.) um» JL ‘2 ELEVI’TIOH UP 5\ 1‘ 1‘ LL ‘7" ELKEYJJFLIQN OY'BUFFLT 510335 1 Nl')! BER 359. NUMBER 393. E E El EB ' % —Eli , BRACKETS 45:13. MIRROR. [II D [ID ll lll INO‘E‘ NUMBER 356. ' 123 Number 207 Mantel, and 207 Buffet. B L‘NGALOW’ 3 [l-XNTELS. WOOD SHELF ___ PRESS BRICK \\'orl to the foot, with specifications. sent to any address for $1.00. Cobble Mantel N0. 209. ~5RIC~K 912,285 ‘BRI¢K Design in Dutch clinker brick for living 1'00111 01' (len. Mantel X0. 357. NUMBER 386. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS as furnished by HENRY L. WILSON, 426, 427, 428 Copp Building, Los Angeles, Cal. These four pages show in miniature what is included in the plans which I furnish for $I0.00 ($9.00 if you have purchased a Bungalow Book) for any house shown in this book, without altera— tions. In addition, a complete set of specifica— tions, running from 15 to 30 pages, accompanies each plan. [lepnwau fizz-nob) Penn» chumus racer: ELEVATION 5¢AL ‘=‘» " DRAWINGS rzzwngu r.» ntth L.wu_squ. .Los ANGeL-l =A\_ Ne_429. 5W3: ELEVAT\ON s: «Lug: t- 0 DP Aw \NI’: 5 VIEVARED HY NPNEY .L WlLSON Lo: ANanms CA» no 419 Side elevation in miniature. 126 Front elevation and section in miniature. ELEVATIONS—Four elevations are always given showing all sides of the house. They show the shape, size and location of porches. gables, eaves, brackets, barge boards, and show rafters, towers. bays, doors, windows, pitch of roofs, etc.. all drawn accurately to scale and marked to show materials to be used. _:l] ('VLID1Q .m- ,-. .“u‘ / Vertical sections show construction and meas- urements from base,of foundations up. Roof plans are shown if roof presents any difficulty ]_ - er a. a 7:7 i . l l Liitl I v. ...... Ian-u of construction. ! _ I [P .Sipe EL‘._E\IATKQN ' Duoszgyaam Side elevation in miniature. If none of the plans suit you exactly, make a pencil sketch and send us your ideas and let us make you an estimate and advise you on the — ll“:2::’:f practicability of your ideas. See page I30. {'fimfirwfi . ...... . ..... Rear elevation in miniature. 127 FLOOR PLANS—These sheets show shapes and sizes of all rooms, halls, closets. porches, etc.; the location and sizes of doors, windows, open— ings, seats, bookcases, bufl‘ets, cupboards and pantries. bathroom and kitchen fittings, gas and electric fixtures, firealarm. mantels, chimneys. etc. All necessary measurements are accurately shown. moo: ngN 3: Anti n‘: e' WMNOS ‘DIEPA‘Efi av '1le L WILGON Lu Aunuu cw“. No on Floor plan in miniature. “4 i‘: i : mi: ‘ - El l l '3 E E l - - . . , C . 7: fl fl: ' r313 m 5g bl’ELll‘ lL:\TIOXb.-—l turmsh very complete " '= '= = 1- ‘ , :‘ .- . - . 5;; a. may“ 5] < - :3 specrhcations tor each house. covermg excava— , .- .. ~ru . .: h 3' ‘“ r .: FT :: r,.,.r In... ;, 2 r_ . t-" g ‘ 33 Q 433 ”j v 3'31 5 5 tion. cesspool. mortar, cement and plaster. con- 13 . :5 E] o :2 ' - - ‘ . 1 .: FILLKD . . g '5 2; [II I 5; . S. ~13 . 3 crete. buck and stone work. latlnng and plaster— ' E .5 3“"? i: . ll F“ ° .7- ‘z "-3 rust ‘ I '1. . . . . -° 3 .1 Q . - fl '1 $513 EC}: 3‘36 5 mg. exterlor and mterlor work. glass hardware. 1+3: m-u' n', m-fi' y. : . ‘ ' ‘ _ _ . 3 2 .-.._ .-..- fix. w --.u._ w 4-- .z..-_;--;.».°~_.:._.:.°T....,.z..‘_+ “a. 13llllllblllf". gashttmg. heatmg‘. electrlc w1r1ng and a; L L “:1 l ., 5 httmg. ins1de and outsnle pamtmg. stammg, orl— . . a .. : . E -E :—==. 4:4". '5‘} “"9. “1 7-" . <. {P‘- " . 0‘ . h“ ‘ " Sh £5 : Q Q Q. Q [as Q .Q Q: 3 mh and floor hmsh. bathroom and kitchen finl , .3 , 5 etc. Li: 4 [6‘19 .- __..\.‘ rounaAnon "-6" “man? ill-no HENRY LWILSON LC. AHEILKI‘ CA:°““ Foundation plan in miniature. 128 /‘ . , “I", l)hlAILb.——Deta11 sheets are drawn to a .W . V. ”n—I large scale to show exact construction. They El il :1 are 1;)”, I” or 1/3” to the foot. accordinO‘ to guacamwmnw szcnon cummimnm “mt cum “a.“ necessity for showing exact \\ orkiny and fitting They show moulding and trim, wainscot. plate rails. picture moulding. newels and stair work. buffets. cupboards. medicine cabinets. linen closets. sink and drain boards. etc. 1 ;, c:::1:::1 rinLPLAc: AND SKA? IN LIVING ROOM IO’GK CAIK. AND CLOSE? SICTlON DETAIL 5H Irr- 5CAL‘*- “AHINO: ’RE:AI.IO N! “Y a.- *Wlh30 Lo: ANGEL-I CAL noaxi sumo or FIIL'LA‘ Interior details in miniature. E \§\ \T‘. CEILIN" may; i 9/} a , Eovxi\\ \B‘ ‘ 1Nfl7% 2: roze ..... Plan No. 209 50 ................. ' ........ Plans No. 211-2121 51 .............................. Plan No. 215 521 ............................. Plan No. 301 5:1 .............................. Plan No. £110 .145.) ............................ Plan No. £120 511-57 ........... Plans No. .140-A, 5140—11, 3404} 5S .............................. Plan No. 343 59 ......................... Plans No. $144345 (10 .............................. Plan No. 347 (11 .............................. Plan No. 350 112-113 ............. Plans No. £152, 352-A, 352—11 (14-115 ............. Plans No. £1511, .‘1511-;\, 350—11 (16 .............................. Plan No. 2157 (17 .............................. Plan No. I158 (18-1'9( ............. Plans No. 2159. $159-;\, 5159-11 71 1- 71 ............. Plans No. .‘1110 :160- \ 3110—11 72 .............................. Plan \'(1 .172 7:1 .............................. l lan \o.:17.'1 74- 75 ....................... Plans No .174 .1.71 70-77 ............. Plans No. 5182 .182- \. 2182- 1 78 .............................. Plan No. .181 79 .............................. Plan No. .187 90 .............................. Plan No. .189 8‘1 .............................. Plan No. L190 132 Page. 82-83 ............. Plans No. 392, 392-A, 392-B 84—85 ........................... Plan No. 393 8687 ........................... Plan No. 394 88—89 ................ Plans N0. 3941/2, 394141-14 90—91 ........................... Plan No: 395 929:1 ........................... Plan No. 397 94-95 ........................... Plan No. 400 96—97 ........................... Plan No. 406 98419 .................... Plans N0. 407, 407-14 100—101 .......................... Plan No. 412 102-103 .......................... Plan No. 414 104—105 .......................... Plan No. 415 1011-107 .......................... Plan No. 416 108-109 .......................... Plan No. 418 110 .............................. Plan No. 420 111 .............................. Plan No. 521 112—1121 .......................... Plan No. 5:10 114 .............................. Plan No. 5212 115 .............................. Plan No. 5:13 116 ....................... Plans N0. 5516, 536—; 117 .............................. Plan No. 540 118 ............................. Plan No. 541 119 ....................... Plans No. 545. 541A 120 .............................. Plan No. 546 121 .............................. Plan No. 545’ 122—123 ............................... Buffets 124-12." .............................. Mantels 120 to 129 ................ Description of Plans 1:10 ....................... -\l1ont Special Plans 1:11 .............................. Testimonials 1:12 .................................... Tndex The “Pittsburg” Automatic Instantaneous Water Heater furnishes hot water for the entire house. Combines the merits of all previous makes—the faults of none. Abso- lutely guaranteed and installed on a 60-day free trial. You run no risk when you use a “Pittsburg.” We assume the entire responsibility. , - 99 The “Llon Original Double Copper Coil Tank Heater, attached to the kitchen boiler, gives hot water for dish-washing in three minutes—~a hot bath in fifteen minutes. The best and cheapest in operation. Made and Guaranteed by PITTSBURG WATER HEATER COMPANY General Offices and Factory, PITTSBURC, U. S. A. BRANCH OFFICE. 639 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Cal. CHAS. F. STAMPS, 1L, Sales Agent The “Lion" V adfiL VHE‘unqsnrd” gill Why not get. our figures? E Montgomery & Mullin ' lumber to. i VV/iolesale yards at Rea’ondo. Branch yards at Hol/ywood, Sawtelle, Monela, So. Pasa- a’ena, Highland Par/e, Ocean Park, California, and ferome, 5:“ a“ ($1 Arizona. MAIN YARD AND OFFICE Cor. E. 5th and San peclro Sts. LOS ANGELES. CAL. MAIN 1730 HOME F4964 ” Prompt Delivery if it breaks our back" 133 Wall Tile Floor Tile Mantel Tile Glazed Facing Blocks It W111 Pay You to Visit Our Show Room 720 SOUTH OLIVE ST. before Bullcling. pressed Brick for Mantels. MACHINE-MADE TERRA COTTA BLOCKS FOR BUILDINGS GLAZED SURFACE, WARM IN WINTER--COOL IN SUMMER E FIRE PROOF, LAST FOREVER, NO FUTURE PAINTING GLAZED, ENAMELED AND PRESSED BRICK Telephone E ¥a13513296 Western Art Tile Works Office and Show Room, 720 SOUTH OLIVE ST. - - Works: TROPICO, CALIFORNIA 134 Th6 PBBI’IBSS Kliohfin BOIIBF I’rii-c sniprisingly 11nnlcrnte. New Mexico has solvorl the hot water problem in city and country homes. hotels. restaurants. «hills. liuth houses anrl gyinnasinlns. Burns wither gas or gasoline: heats water to 185 degrees and keeps it hot at one-half cent per hour. Hot water in two Ininutrs, lint bath for one and one-half cents. Simple in mnsti'nvtion#only three parts—disk, burner, tll'lllll. Absolutely noisolcss and mlorless. Occupies but :1 Very small spare. «my to install 21ml connect. GEO. R. IVES 423 W. Seventh St. - - Los Angeles, Cal. TELEPHONE MAIN 1336. Sole Distributing Agency. Southern California, Central California, Arizoua, [00K INIO MY READY-MADE PORTABLE HOUSES Manufactured and Erected by H. J. BRAINERD, los Angeles, California 507 Chamber of Commerce Building BEFORE YOU BUILD Any Size Any Style Any Price Anywhere Erected at Once (ll Cottages, Bungalows, all kinds of houses, for country, city, beach or mountains. Cosisless than any house of its grade. STRONG and ARTISTIC. 3-“ X ”‘7‘“ .. I MCI/W 1’ «f, \ffk ’9 . Wfl/r’ ‘0 9.999 R ‘ hw‘ag‘ ’2” uymh‘k'ek. ‘ 3,} fl . ;;“gfliiw%ZZMtWWMW‘lui {5: ”Z 9'.¢"zf“- ._ _) fl ' W 7%! I c4 ,/ ’ if, A .. . H M Mr I ‘\ I. (“HIM ‘ \1’3 21 I- It: I (Kr V 3%} “Slim __LIWEE Q l f‘rn‘fi—m , A“ | __‘=__" v s, ' W x . "I :ggs‘i: w fimfifi,gg_~llr—.mn Ni” V" 1% y z. .. .i c: ~— sax’sdecif -%:,3 c,”— ,,_,_,,:_ \ZS; - PLAIN AND ORNAMENIAL PRESSED BRICK fOR BUNGALOW MANIELS Can execute any color scheme in interior decorations as we make standard and Roman shapes in Cream, Butt, Red, Cray and Old Cold. Also mottled and plain colors in mantel tile of various sizes. We desire to call especial attention to our new and handsome effects produced in Clazed and Enameled BTtth. ROOF/NC TILE gives that substantial and artistic appearance so desired in Bungalow Architecture. Our “Mission” and “Spanish” tile are used throughout Southern California. We shall be pleased to give you prices at our office. l004-l006 UNION TRUST BUILDING Home F I439. Main I439. L03 flNGELBS FRESSED BRIGK GO. HENRY L. WILSON Designer of Artistic Homes W 426-427-428 Copp Building 218 South Broadway Los Angeles. Cal. IN THE VERY HEART OF BUNGALOW LAND It is just as easy and just as cheap to huilcl a beautiful‘ cozy. convenient. artistic home as the other kind. The plan and the designer make all the difference. My Clients tell me I know how. In reply to many inquiries. I want to state that I do no huilcling' nor superintending; I have all I can do to make plans. For Los Angeles and vicinity I can generally recommend a builder who will do exactly the right thing and do it fairly. HIGH SELECTED GRADE f LOCATIONS MODERATE ALWAYS ON _ T H E L I N E PRICED OF, FASTER GROWTH AND HOME IMPROVEMENT INVESTMENT LOW PRICES LOTS EASY TERMS g FLORENCE HEIGHTS ,, \ THE. MCCARTHY COMPANY ‘NCORPORATED ‘ . 201 NORTH BROADWA9$rmll 1‘ - . .. .. ILOS ANGELES. CAL. WE WILL FURNISH AND EUILD ANY PLAN IN THIS BOOK ON ANY LOT OWNED BY US AND SELL SAME ON ' ‘ YOU ONLY COM- REAL ESTATE EASY RENTAL TERMS MENCE To LIVE THE BASIS OF WHEN YOU LIVE A L L W E A LT H EVERYBODY Is GOING OUT OUR WAY—DON'T EXCEED THE IN YOUR OWN SPEED LIMIT—BUT COME QUICKLY-COME SEE FOR YOURSELF H O M E - - - - ‘ iyigi‘Ii.‘ iglirti;w\1 V 1.61,. / U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES Hllllllllllllmllllllthllllll/llllllflflllllllfllUlll} DCEJELBLSBU YE 03986 3