i NG ro al a tea " a ff canes RE EF mc i. : Ppa raf oe Ss Z x Ah x @ Oo | 9 a © 4 ; - fre Q -d idl - | > IT wl S 4 o Q Oo : | ; £ jon A y AN | E o > / \ w« a E : Sn fn (7) oh ) ” Q 5 = > oz LJ 3 > git 0 > : = - ’ - Jr -) Tae rch - V } 8 NT /s Bs ” Z. 4 es , or — si Em RING, AL AEA le gd . by " # i : = - - > He : TRE Ty . - a es % od he ; F Aimar . B Se a od » —— a Pa p . - a] ; ¥ hs f JA | S—" a ] i” ” ys ) | | a. X » 's . - hy “we UNITED STATES EXPLORING EXPEDITION. DURING THE YEARS 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. UNDER THE CONNAND OF CHARLES WILEES U8 X% JAMES D. DANA, A.M. GEOLOGIST OF THE EXPEDITION. MEMBER OF THE SOC. CES. NAT. €UR. OF MOSCOW, THE SOC. PHILOMATHIQUE OF PARIS, . THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES AT BOSTON, ETC. BY AUTHORITY OF CONGRESS. PHILADELPHIA: C. SHERMAN, PRINTER. 1849. EE ——————————————— eS tne A i BS AR AB A PLATE 1 Fig. 1. UrRosTHENES AUSTRALIS, natural size ; 1 a, part of two rays of the dorsal fin, enlarged.—p. 681. Fig. 2. TEREBRATULA AMYGDALA; a, b, ¢, d, different views, natural size ; ¢, lower margin from another specimen; f; internal structure, magnified 40 diameters.—p. 652. Fig. 3. TEREBRATULA ELONGATA; a, b, different views, natural size; ¢, d, internal structure, magnified 40 diameters.—p. 682. Fig. 4. TEREBRATULA —p. 683. Fig. 5. TEREBRATULA ?—p. 683. Fig. 6. SPIRIFER GLABER, a, , specimen from Black Head, Illa- warra, natural size; ¢, d, from Harper's Hill; e, f, distorted, from Harper's Hill; g, surface of ¢, magnified 3 diameters.—p. 683. Fig. 7. Spirirer DarwiNi; a, cast, with internal spiral sup- port in view ; &, broken valve.—p. 684. PLATE 2 Fig. 1. SPIRIFER DUODECICOSTATUS; a, b, natural size.—p. 684. Fig. 2. Spirirer ! natural size.—p. 634. Fig. 3. SpPIRIFER VESPERTILIO; @, J, ¢, natural size.—p. 685. Fig. 4. SPIRIFER PHALENA, a fragment, natural size.—p. 685. Fig. 5. SipHoNoTRETA? CURTA; @, b, natural size.—p. 685. Fig. 6. LaNGuLA ovaTA ; a, b, natural size.—p. 685. Fig. 7. ProDUCTUS FRAGILIS; a, b, ¢, natural size; d, profile of section.—p. 686. Fig. 8. PropuCTUS BRACHYTHERUS, natural size.—p. 686. Fig. 9. SoLecurTus? ELLIPTICUS, natural size.—p. 636. Fig. 10. SoLecurTUs (PsAMMOBIA ?) PLANULATUS.—. 686. Fig. 1i. Prorapomya (PLATYMYA) UNDATA; a, b, natural size. —p-. 687. Fig. 12. Puorapomya (Homomya) GLENDONENSIS, natural size. -—]. 687. PLATE 3. Fig. 1. ProLapomya (Homomya) AuDAX; a, b, ¢, natural size. —p. 687. Fig. 2. PaoLapomya (Homomya) cuURvaTA; a, J, natural size. —p. 688. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Fig. 3. ASTARTILA? CORPULENTA; a, b, ¢, natural size.—p. 691. Fig. 4. ASTARTE GEMMA, internal cast, natural size; a, cast of exterior ; J, enlarged, showing cast of hinge.—p. 68S. Fig. 5. ASTARTILA INTREPIDA, natural size; a, dorsal view 5 0 larger anterior muscular impression, enlarged ; ¢, smaller anterior muscular impression.—p. 689. Fig. 6. AsTARTILA CYPRINA, internal cast, natural size ; a, dorsal view; b, large anterior muscular impression (from cast), with commencemert of palleal impression; ¢, d, small anterior from different specimens.—Figs. 7 a, 7 b, same species 7—p. 689. PLATE 4 Fig. 1. ASTARTILA CYTHEREA, natural size, exterior cast, show- ing surface of shell; a, dorsal view of same, showing ligament of hinge; , ¢, d, views of an internal cast; e, larger anterior mus- cular impression from cast, enlarged ; f; smaller ditto; ¢, posterior ditto.—p. 689. Fig. 2. ASTARTILA POLITA, natural size; a, lateral view of in- ternal cast; b, cast with portion of shell remaining; ¢, dorsal view of cast.—p. 690. Fig. 3. ASTARTILA cYcLAs, exterior cast, showing hinge liga- ment; a, dorsal view of same; , ¢, interior cast ; d, anterior mus- cular impression, enlarged ; e, posterior ditto.—p. 690. Fig. 4. ASTARTILA TRANSVERSA, internal cast, natural size; a, front view of same; , dorsal; ¢, d, anterior muscular impressions from cast, enlarged.—p. 690. Fig. 5. CARDINIA RECTA, natural size, showing exterior in part; a, imperfect, showing internal cast; b, profile of vertical section of cast.—p. 691. Fig. 6. CARDINIA CUNEATA, internal cast, natural size; 6 gq, another specimen ; J, ¢, other views of 6 a ; ¢, d, other views of 6.—p. 692. Fig. 8. CARDINIA cosTATA, natural size; a, partly internal cast; b, dorsal view of same; c, profile of vertical section.—p. 692. PLATE 5. Fig. 1. Pacuypomus cuNEATUS, natural size; a, b, different views of cast.—p. 693. Fig. 2. PacHYypoMUs ANTIQUATUS, natural size; cast with por- tion of shell.—p. 693. RH a ait F ig. 3. M_EONIA ELONGATA, natural size; a, b, ¢, different views. —p. 695. : FL | Fig. 4. MEoNIA VALIDA, cast, natural size; a, b, anterior mus- cular impressions, different sides.—p. 695. Fig. 5. MEONIA AXINIA; @, b, interior cast, natural size; c, smaller anterior muscular impressions from cast, much enlarged ; two anterior muscular impressions, natural size ; d, probably same species, exterior cast.—p. 696. PLATE 6. Fig. 1. @, b, MEoNIA cARINATA, different views of one valve, natural size.—p. 696. Fig. 2. MroN1a FRAGILIS, broken specimen, natural size. Fig. 3, same, smaller specimen.—p. 696. : Fig. 4. a, MzEoN1IA MYIFORMIS, interior cast, natural size; , front view ; ¢, hinge surface.—p. 697. : Fig. 5. a, MEoNI1A ELLIPTICA, natural size; 3, ¢, other views.— p- 697. Fig. 6. 6 @, MEoN1a ELLIPTIC, interior cast of a large spe- cimen. Fig. 7. MaoN1a GraNDIS, natural size; 7 a, outline of one valve, front view.—p. 697. Fig. 8. MzoNia Granpis, smaller specimen; 8 a, end view, valves dislocated. PLATE 7. Fig. 1. MzEoN1A GrACILIS, natural size; a, lateral view; 3, dorsal view; ¢, end view.—p. 698. Fig. 2. MzoN1a? RECTA, lateral view, natural size, shell broken in front.—p. 698. Fig. 3. NucuLa ABRUPTA, side view of cast; a, cast of posterior muscular impression.—p. 698. Fig. 4. Nucura coxcinna, imperfect, natural size.—p. 699. Fig. 5. NucuLA GLENDONENSIS, natural size.—p. 699. Fig. 6. EURYDESMA ELLIPTICA, a, b, ¢, d, different views, natural size.—p. 700. Fig. 7. EvRYDESMA GLOBOsA, side view, natural size ; 7 a, end view.—p. 700. Fig. 8. EuryDESMA saccuLus, natural size ; a, cast, imperfect ; b, end view of same; ¢, dorsal part of valve, showing back view of beak portion; d, profile of vertical section of valve ; ¢, under view of hinge portion of shell. —p. 700. PLATE =. Fig. 1. EvryDESMA CORDATA, natural size; a, dorsal view.— p- 700. Fig. 2. CARDIUM AUSTRALE, natural size.—p. 701. Fig. 3.. Caroium ? FEROX, part of shell, and external cast of a portion of same, natural size; a, b, internal cast of corresponding portion.—p. 701. Fig. 4. CYPRICARDIA ACUTIFRONS ; a, b, natural size.—p. 702. Fig. 5. CYPRICARDIA IMBRICATA, enlarged one-sixth.—p. 702. Figs. 6, 7. CYPRICARDIA TMBRICATA ? natural size.—p. 702. Fig. 8. CyPRICARDIA ARCODES ; @, b, natural size.—p. 702. GEOLOGY. Fig. 9. CypricARDIA ——, internal cast, imperfect, natural size. —p. 703. Fig. 10. CYPRICARDIA PRERUPTA, natural size.—p. 703. PLATE 9. Fig. 1. CYPRICARDIA SILIQUA ; @, b, natural size.—p. 703. I'ig. 2. CYPRICARDIA SIMPLEX, natural size.—p. 703. Fig. 3. CypricarDIA (AvicuLA?) VENERIS; a, b, natural size.— p. 704. Fig. 4. AvicuLA VOLGENSIS, imperfect, natural size.—p. 704. Fig. 5. PEcTEN comPTUS, natural size.—p. 704. Fig. 6. PECTEN LENIUSCULUS; a, b, natural size.—p. 704. Fig. 7. PECTEN TENUICOLLIS; a, section of surface.—p. 705. Fig. 8. PECTEN MITIS; a, b, natural size.—p. 705. Fig. 9. PECTEN ILLAWARRENSIS, natural size; a, section of sur- face.—p. 705. Figs. 10, 11, 12. . —p. 705. Fig. 13. PiLEOPSIS TENELLA ; @, b, natural size.—p. 706. Fig. 14. PiLEoPSIS ALTA; a, b, natural size.—p. 706. Fig. 15. PLEUROTOMARIA MORRISIANA, natural size, from Har- per’s Hill; 15 a, enlarged view of surface. 16. Illawarra speci- men.—p. 706. Fig. 17. PLEUROTOMARIA NUDA; a, J, ¢, natural size.—p. 706. PLATE 10. Fig. 1. PraTyscnisMA ocuLus, broken and compressed specimen, natural size.—p. 707. : : Fig. 2. PLATYSCHISMA DEPRESSUM; @, J, casts, natural size.— p. 707. : Fig. 3. NaTica ? natural size.—p. 707. Fig. 4. BELLEROPHON UNDULATUS; a, b, natural size.—p. 707. Fig. 5. BELLEROPHON STRICTUS ; @, b, natural size.—p. 707. Fig. 6. BELLEROPHON MICROMPHALUS; a, b, natural size.—p. 708. Fig. 7. THECA LANCEOLATA, @, b, natural size; c¢, transverse | section ; d, restored specimen.—p. 708. Fig. 8. CoNULARIA INORNATA, natural size.—p. 709. Fig. 9. CoNvuLARIA LEVIGATA, specimen flattened -out, natural size ; a, enlarged view of articulation.—p. 710. Fig. 10. PENTADIA (TRIBRACHYOCRINUS? of M’Coy,) corona, external cast, ornate side; a, opposite or naked side; &, enlarged view of ridges; ¢, transverse section, showing thickness of the original fossil; fig. 11, another plate; fig. 12, another plate, pro- bably of a different species.—pp. 712, 713. . Fig. 13. FENESTELLA INTERNATA, part of frond, natural size ; a, cast of frond, much enlarged; 4, under surface of branchlet much enlarged, exterior removed.—p. 710. Fig. 14. FENESTELLA MEDIA, natural size; a, under surface enlarged.—p. 710. Fig. 15. FENESTELLA INTERNATA ? a cast, natural size.—p. 710. PLATE 11. Fig. 1. FENESTELLA AMPLA, part of a frond, natural size; 1 a, inner inferior surface, enlarged.—p. 710. —————————— . enlarged.—p. 710. su rface, enlarged. GEOLOGY. Fig. 2. FENESTELLA AMPA? cast, natural - size; 2 a, same, Fig. 3 . FENESTELLA FOSSULA, part of a frond, natural size; ; 3 a, cast of upper surface, enlarged ; b, inner inferior surface, enlarged. —p. 710. ' a a Fig. 4. FENESTELLA GRACILIS, fant of a frond, natural size. ph 3 711. Fig. 5. 5 a, FENESTELLA ? natural size. Fig. 6. CHETETES CRINITA, form of corallum, size much dimi- nished ; 6 a, size and closeness of columns; 6 5, outer surface. of corallum; natural'size; 6 c, same, enlarged. —p. 711. Fig. 7. CHETETES TASMANIENSTS, part of sopalium, natural size ; 7 a, surface, magnified. —p- 711. Fig. 8. CHETETES TASMANIENSIS, flattened, natural size ; 8 a, - Fig. 9. CHETETES OVAT! A, part of a corallum, natural size ; 9 a, b éolumns, enlarged. ~p. AQ Fig. 10. CHETETES Gi ACILIS; 10 a, columns, enlarged ; 10 boc surface, enlarged. —p. 712. - Fig. 11. ! natural size.—p. 712. Fi igs. 12-15. ‘Encrinital remains. cp: 712. ? PLATE 12 Figs. 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Fruit scales.—p. 714. Fig. 9. NOEGGERATHIA SPATULATA, natural size.—p. 715. I'ig. 10. NOEGGERATHIA MEDIA, natural size.—p. 715. Fig. 11. CaLamiTES ? fragments, natural size. —p. 715. Fig. 12. SPHENOPTERTS LOBIFOLIA, natural size.—p. 715. Fig. 13. GrossopTERIS Browx1ANa, natural size ; -a, part of a frond magnified 2 diameters; 4, cast of under (?) surface of a small part, magnified 6 diameters ; ¢, a clump of fronds, as they grew together.—p. 716. Fig. 14. Young of Glossopteris Brow iiana ’—p. 717. PLATE 13 “Fig. 1a. GLOSSOPTERIS AMPLA, basal part of ; a fois b, ter- minal part ; natural size. —p. 717.: : Fig. 2. G LOSSOPTERIS RETICULUM, part of a frond, wiles) size. —p. 717. ie Fig. 3. Grossorriris ——? natural size.—p. 718. . Fig. 4. GLOSSOPTERIS ELONGATA, natural size.—p. 718. Fig. 5: GLoSSOPTERIS? CORDATA, natural size.—p. 718. . "Fig. 6. PHYLLOTHECA AUSTRALIS, natural size.—p. 718. PLATE 14. Fig. 1. PuyLroTHECA AUSTRALIS, whorl of leaflets, natural size. -~p. 718. Fig. 2. PavLLoTHECA ? natural size.—p. 719. Figs. 3, 4. CLASTERIA AUSTRALIS, natiiral Size; 5, enlarged.—p. 719. . el Fig. 6 a. Avamfimonssia; natural size.—p. 720. * Fig. 6 b. CYSTOSEIRITES "—p. 720. * Figs. 7, 8. AUSTRELLA RIGIDA, riatural size. gh 720. . Fig. 9. CoNFERVITES ? TENELLA, natural size.—p. 720. PLATE 15. Fig. 1. HELICERUS FUEGIENSIS, natural size ; a, section of part; 5, section, showing pial portion; 5 profile’ of vertical section.— or "Fig. 2. Triconia LoORENTIH, natural size; 2 a, profile of vertical section ; J, c, teeth of hinge of valves, imperfect. —Pp. 721. Fig. 3 a. b. TurBo ——, natural size.—p. 721. - Fig. 4. NAUTILUS TENUIPLANATUS, natural size.—p. 721. Fig. 5. AmMonITES PrckurINGT, natural size.—p. 721. Fig. 6. AmMONITES — Fig. 7. OstrEA ? a, section of outer turn of spire. es ’ natural size. —p- 722 PLATE 16. Fig. 1. Vertebra of a Cetacean, natural size. —p. 722. Fig. 2. Remains of a fish, allied to Trigla, tural size ; a, b scales, enlarged. —p. 722. : ~ Fig. 3. Remains of a fish, adil size.—p. 722." Fig. 4. Calcareous spines, in’ a concretion of limestone. PLATE 17 Fig. 1. 2 a, 2 b, Vertebre of fish, natural size.—p. 722. Fig. 3. Carafes orteoguly leg; natural size.—p. 722. “Fig. 4. Baranus- , impression of base, natural size.—p. 723. Fig. 5. Mya: ABRUPTA, side view, natural size; 5 a, upper view. 2 =P 793... ‘ : Fig. 6. Turscix TRAPEZOWES, Salient size.—p. 723. Fig. 7. SoLEmya VENTRICOSA, natural size; 8, same, of a smaller : specimen.—p: 723. Fig. 9. DoNax PROTEXTA, cast, natural size.—p. 723. Figs. 10, 10 a. VENUS BISECTA, natural size.—p. 724. Fig. 11. VENUS ANGUSTIFRONS, natural size.—p. 724." : ‘Fig: 12. VENUS LAMELLIFERA, side view, lamell® of surface mutilated; 12 a, end view of broken specimen, showing the. lamelle: penetrating the enclosing rock.—p. 724. ent Fig. 13. Venus’ BREVI-LINEATA, cast, nal size. —p. "ne. PLATE 18. Fig. 1. Venus view.—p. 724. j : : Fig. 2. Lucia ACUTILINEATA, latéral view, nlarged one-sixth 2 a, 2 b, other views.—p. 725. Fig. 3. TELLINA ARCTATA, natural size; 3 a, decinl view. —P. 7925. Fig. 4. TELLINA EMACERATA, natural size.—p. 725. Fig. 5. TELLINA ALBARIA, natural size.—p. 725. ; Fig. 6. NucuLa DIvARICATA, natural Sie, in oblique Posfiion; : 6 a, lateral profile. —p. 725. Fig. 7. Nucura mMPRESSA, natural size; a, b, cast of portions of exterior shell ; ¢, d, internal casts; e, view of hinge.—p. 726. Fig. 8. PecruNcuLus PATULUS, cast, natural size; 8 «, end view.—p. 726. . : . Fig. 9. ProruNcuLus NITENS, watural size; a, b, different views.— P. 726. ; ! lateral view, natural size; 1 a; dorsal size; a, portion of exterior sliell unworn.—p. 726. Fig. 11. PECTUNCULUS ? a, b, cast, different views. Sp 726. Fig.. 10. Arca DEVINCTA, $2 sveral specimens. in rock, natural en 7 ——— co r wie voici TR a bad WE MEE EE SR WL GEOLOGY. Fig. 12. Carita SUBTENTA, natural size; a, end view, specimen in right side partly covered with rock.—p. 726. Fig. 13. PECTEN PROPATULUS, natural size; a, profile of costa. — p- 726. PLATE 19. Fig. 1. TEREBRATULA NITENS, natural size; 1 a, end view.— p. 726. Fig. 2. — 7—p. 727. Figs. 3, 4, 5. DoLium PETROSUM, shells of different ages.—p. 727. Fig. 6. SIGARETUS scopuLosus, natural size ; a, another view ; b, ¢, a smaller specimen.—p. 727. Fig. 7. NATICA SAXEA; a, b, natural size.—p. 727. Fig. 8. Burra PETROSA, natural size.—p. 727. Fig. 9. CREPIDULA PRERUPTA ; @, under view ; 10 a, b, views of cast.—p. 727. Fig. 11. CreErwuLa ——? a, b, views of cast.—p. 727. Fig. 12. ROSTELLARIA INDURATA, cast, natural size.—p. 727. PLATE -<2o0. Fig. 1. CErRiTHIUM MEDIALE, natural size; a, internal cast.— Fig. 2. BucciNum DEVINCTUM, cast, natural size ; @, another view. —p. 728. : Fig. 3. Fusus cenIcuLus, natural size.—p. 728. Fig. 4. Fusus corpuLENTUS, internal cast, natural size.—p. 728. Fig. 5. Navrmus aneustatus, imperfect ; fig. 6, young of same.—p. 728. Fig. 7. TEREDO SUBSTRIATA, @, another specimen ; 4, internal cast.—p. 728. Figs. 8 to 14. Undetermined species.—p. 728. PLATE 21. Fig. 1. Imperfect cast. Figs. 2, 3, 4. ForaMINIFERA.—p. 729. Figs. 5, 6. GALERITES OREGONENSIS.—p. 729. Fig. 7. Undetermined.—p. 729. Fig. 8. Undetermined.—p. 729. Fig. 9. ABIES RoBUSTA, natural size.—p. 729. Fig. 10. Species of J UNIPERUS, T'AxopIuM, SMinax? etc., natural size.—p. 729. Fig. il. CorALLINE Arca, natural size.—p. 730. . Ll = = g i 2 fe el o> ol = an a ga wv By No won 2, i 2 4 : [7 - iN E+ §iine a EP = Fel “ ® < > | £ ov 3 - o ww sn 8 = a - d So = © i. @ bt + 2 -~ oy «oD = 8 : — k= Ee ~~ o = L . © o © © o @0 . 5 B o — E = o ft wd o z Ft be v a ~ - « «ol w .E = = 2 ww ~~ ; Y= x © . 3 or * x Bow RS {1 gH A € = ® ~ — X PE A po X HI 3 SQ =i " NN = = =) ~ 5 ” = on eD “eb ~ |= stir lS Faploring Fipedition. AUSTRALIAN FOSSILS Pl. 2 Zith of Sarory & Major, 117 Fulton Se ¥.X~ Drawn by J.D. Dana 4,S.phalena. — 5 ab, Siphopotreta ? _ sab, Lingula ovata. nab, Pholadomya undata.i2,P. glendonensis. sR as, a,b,c, S.vesperlilio. Fig .1a.b, Spirifer duodecicostatus — 25. © — za be,d, Producius fragilis. — 8, P. brachytherus. 9, Solecurlus ellipticus . 10, S.planulatus . US. Fxploring Expedition. AUSTRALIAN FOSSILS P1.3% J 443A 4 AIA LIAS 4d dc 2 wr dy JD. Dana Zisk of Sarony & Major; 117 Fulton St NY. Figaiab.c, Pholadomva Homomya) audax . _ 2.ab,P. curvata. __ sa, b,c, Astartila ? corpulenta . _ a.4a ,b, Astarte gemma. 5,5a,b,c, \starlila intrepida. _ 6.64 b.ec.del, Acyprina. 7,2 ,b, A cyprina ? Ih, ———- SS ” BH IIS. Exploring Expedition AUSTRALIAN FOSSILS 1. 4. § i 1a i i - i } i Eig HE § | Nn. [G8 - a 3 a Kr ur at Sak. ——" ey AS i sb 5a 6 6 d | i Drawn by JD Dana Lith. of Sarony & Mayor 147 Fulton St NF. Fig. 1,1a.b,c.d.e f.,g. Astartila cytherea. _ 2a. b,c.A.polita. — 3. sa.b.c.d.e A. cyclas. __ &. sa.b,c.d, A.transversa. —_ 5, C. costata. : sa, b, Cardinia recta. _ ea. b.c ,d,e, C. cuneata . —— sa,b,c, US Exploring Expedition . AUSTRALIAN PONSILS 1 Drawn by J.D. Dan. Zuah. of Sarony # 3:0» ir Fulton St. NE. Fig 1a, b, Pachydomus cuneatus. __ 2P. antiquatus. ___ 3a.b, ¢, Mzeonia elongata. ___ 4, 4a,b, M. valida. ___ 5, sa, b,c, cd, 4, M. axinia. | ! { ; | J U.S Exploring Expedition . AUSTRALIAN FOSSILS Pl. © . w — ] i i 3 } £ i ~ F - ‘ HE ~ i v 4, 4 : ’ Drawn by 1. 1. Dana Lith .of Sarony & Majer 17. Futon St N.¥ . E Fig 1a. b . Meeonia carinafa. _ 2, 3 M. fragilis . ___ aa — iT. 78.,.8. 80. M. grandis . .b.e, M myiformis. __ s5a,b,¢.M.elliplica.___ », ea, M . elliptica ? _ mo Sania —— s + B o : & 3 5 FF & fy 27°7 pele : - : 1: I & Exploring Lxpecizion AUSTRALIAN FONSILY Pl. 7. 4 8 4 S : ” a 5 » | it ! i TY Big ££ H & I ] HAE Ha 3 H | ; # Hi pe i Ha 1 . | “By Hi Ha Hu : g tH: i i = y 1 - fl | 1: 5 L 1 Sh : (gH 5 > ‘1s 3 : : td 4 . - Li ii i ; A 4 r Lith of Sarony & Major HT Fultorr St. NF. 2) Lrawn by JD Dana Fig.1o.b c Mesonin oracilis. __ z.M. recta. 3, 3a, Nucula abrupta. — 4.N.concinna. ___ 5 N. dlendonensis . — eo a,b, c,d. Furydesma Nat elliptica . 7,7a,F. globosa. —_8a.,b,c.d,e FE. sacculus. Hid i . ia Ea 7 Lo pl Te M—————-— ” ; F i. Ph en IT. Exploruwg Expedition. ~ 7 : AT STRALIAY FOSSILS 11. 8 = i I] ) » ¥ . 1 4 . Draw: by JD Dana . Lith of Seronr + Major i? Faleon St N. 1° Fig. 1 1a, Furydesma cordata. __ 2, Cardium australe . a, za. bv, C.ferox. +a, b, Cypricardia acutifrons . __ 5. C. imbricata. 6. =. C. imbricata® ___ ga, b, C. arcodes . o.€..% _1i0. C.preerupta. Rb ec a he TS Fooploriiig Flapedidiorn. HERVE An 7 % 7 AUSTRALIAN FOSSILS Pl. 9D, i | 1 em Drawn dy JD Dana Zith of Sarony & Major 1/7 Fulton St. NY Fig. 1a.b, Cypricardia sitiqua.__ 2 (. simplex. _ 3a,b, CypricardiaAvicula 2) veneris..— 4 Avicula volgensis ? 5, Pecten comptus.— sa.b.P leniusculus z,7a P. tenuicollis. __ s.,a,b,P mitis. _ o,0a, P illawarrensis _w Avicula 2? __ un ? __ a,b, Pileopsis tenella. _ a,b, Poalta. _ 15,15,a,15, o 124 ee Pleurotomaria Morrisiana. — 17 a,b,c, P.nuda. RR ar ht lS. Voploring Ljped tron . oe AUSTRALIAN FOSSILS Pl. 10. hE VEIT a 10 b r rer mr AAW A) Amis Sanpsaar) ASAIN : nage IA : im SOAR LAN SrA ana NN o> © Gon CXR) vo sea o Co o “4 2 13 oO San ole i pL Jrawn byJ DD. Dana Zith of Sarony & Mayor 117 Fulton St NY: Fig.1, Platyschisma oculus. _ 2 a,b, P. depressum. 3,Natica. __ 4 a,b, Bellerophon undulatus. __ 5 ab, B.slrictus 6 a,b,B micromphalus. 7ab,c,d, Theca lanceolata. — a, Conularia inornata 9, 0a,C levigata. _ 10,10a,b,c, i,12, Pentadia | Tribrachyocrinus ? | corona . _ 13,3ab, Fenestella internata. _ 14 ,14,a, I media. __ 15, F. internata ? tm a © woe ats Sr eA AA No oA a ——— y i | | PIL 4. FOSSILS ATUTSTRALIAN long Expedition. Ap “ US £ 3a ‘ha POCA 27 12 a = mm Tr Tr TT { | { } aay 15 TNE Tr CR "i, Leverrrrrer ei EET Lhd awd Pree praonpnee? m Lith. of Sarony & Mayor Fulton St NF Drawn by J. 1. Dana . tasma clis ._5.5a.F._2_ 6. 6a.u,c Chetetes crinifa.__7. 78.8 8a.C gra 12—15 Eiicrinital Remains . 3a.b.F .fossula .__ 4.F. 2, i.1a. Fenestella ampla . Fig 2a.F. ampla ? _3, < tha b.eC. Sraclis. wn... 7; gab, C. ovata 9 niensis AR 1S aploring Loxpedideon AUSTRALIAN FOSSILS Pl.12. i i i N\ > { \ ! f \ | i 1 \ \ 5 ™ 2 a 4 \ r { 5 i b } | } sf { : § — Bi : 3 Soe 1 A 3 : 2 G A y ~ 4 x, 6 2 3 i oo? 1 b ® 13 8 enn Dryumdy JD Dana Fig 1 _ 8, Frut scales . Luh by Sarony & Major; 117 Fulton St ¥Y 9, Noeggerathia spatulata 10. N. media. — n Calamites ?_12, Sphenopteris lobifolia. __ 1313a,b,c, 14 Glossopteris Browniana — 9.Noeg 8 a TS Exploring Expedition a. 0h, Glossopteris ampla ._ reficiinm . 3. Te. - ——— Gr. ATS TRALIAN FOSS wy 1. 3 Luh of Sarony & Major UT Fulton St. N.¥ ‘4, G. elongata. 5 G?® cordata.___ 6 Phyllotheca australis —————— S Pl.44. La FOSSIL IAN ATSTRA pedition . 28 ploruty F.f 17 Fulton Se. N.Y. Lith of Saveny & Major J. Al. Dana Drawn by ella . 8, Austr 2 vtoseirites © 1 C 6b, a, Anarthrocanna ° oO australis steria Cla + 5 4 australis . __ 1 Phvllothec 1 la. tenella . 5 o , Confervites © rigic I LR ..— BE ————— ee «US Exploring kxpedition SOUTH AMERICAN FOSSILS 1.45. ph——— — mrt ae EE Det EE eatin Ad ] 1 ] 3 i { | i Zz by JU. 12 Lith. of Sarony & Major U7 Futon St NX. rawn ¥ ana. - ha os * . ‘a ’ : , a Fig 1a. b,c Helicerus fuegiensis. ___ 2, za, b,c, Trigonia Lorenti. sah. Turbo. ___° 4 , Nautilus tenui-planatus . ___ 5 , Ammonites Pickerm. ] . : ° ] git . __ 6, 6a, Ammonites . t 72,.0streea.._. ° EF clom——— - 4 . 3 : pot x — 5 ¥ oy a rn 5 rs Z i pe 8 3 : 3 7 i) ~~ od 5 { | & . 2 i { . : I \ { 3 - : 1 i ': i ig | X s 3 : ~ / ny a X i S ~ » x > 4 ” NN het \ 3 STAB LAARR W, 3 8 ma y 2 \ ~ tan | NN : lr, i ~ TT i , a , a U5. Lnploring Lepediion: : DREGON FOSSILS PL.17 1 iq ii i i } : + 3 3 i x [ease + 4 i! # 0 1 i : EF Hid i i { 1 i | i / i } i He ‘14 ( # { : i 13. 1 { 3: : qs g i 1] : i oy { Sud " 3 : : by J.D. Lith. of Surony & Maor 17 Pelion SKE. of rawr O “ z dana A ; - Fig,1,2,a,b, Fish Vertebree. ___ 3, Callianassa oregonensis. __ 4, Balanus. __ s55a,Mya abrupta. _ ea, Thracia trapezoides. __ 7,8, Sclemya venlricosa.__ 18 8 9 Donax ? nrotexta. 10,10 a, Venus bisecta. __ n.V. angustifrons. __ 12,12a, V. lamellifera. _ © ,V. brevilineata . ! 8 q AE ie tf if 13] A 4 did nA ail cos HA pti [7S Faploring Lxpedilion . DREGON FOSSILS Pl.17 ET? Bi ABA a SHS Ws 5 Lith. of Sarony & Major 177 Fallon St XN ¥ 1 Fig,i,2,a,b, Fish Vertebre. 3, Callianassa oregonensis. __ 4 Balanus. __ s,5a,Mya abrupta. _ ea, Thracia trapezoides. __ 7,8, Solemya venlricosa.__ 9,Donax ? prolexta. 1,04, Venus bisecta. 5 — n.V. angustifrons. __ 12,124, V. lamellifera. ___ 13.V. brevilineata . ii ai or ] i : 4 ps + w % A A ASAIN NA US Exploring Expedition “XPLOrutg Exp OREGON FOSSILS ™1. 18 . 1a ; 2 po Ss yo — _- smaer? A 1 i] § ; T's 4. 4 j i } i + 5 2 of Drawn by J.D Dana . Lith of Sareny & Major U7. Futon S¢ NF. Fig. 1.1a, Venus __ ? 2 2a.b,Lucina acutilineata. ___ 3, 3a, Tellina arctatv. __ 4, T. emacerata . ____ 5». T. albaria 6. 6a, Nucula diva- 4 .rieata. __ 7a.b.¢.d.e N. impressa.____ 8, sa. Pectunculus patulns . a. bh, P. nifens . ___ 10, wa, Arca devincta. ma.b 3. 2 x 12, 12 a, Cardifa subtenfa.___ 13 13 a, Pecfen propatulus . , A » : 4 . a i “ te a) we ESS a ) 4 : maa ; crm : ss / IS Foxpl ring Lixpedidior OREGON FOSSILS Pl. 19. 4 1 1a ] 2 2 : AN i iN § { \ # } i } 7 1 EE “ i] i 3 | i 4 & ~ 1 8 C 743 — . 6d 9 7b RB 9a ua pith - | 10b ub 7 — f — \ : Drawn 8y J.D. Dana Lith. of Sareny X Mayor 17 Fulton St. ¥ York . v Fig 11a, Terebratula nitens . — 2 —° sa,b,aab, na, b, Dolium petrosum. _ 6,64 b,c, d, Sigaretus scopulosns. zab, Natica saxea. 8 Bulla 12. Rostellaria indurata. ‘i petrosa. _ 9.9,a, 10a, b, Crepidula prerupta. 1 ab; C.-7 ra US. Exploring Expedition OREGON FOSSILS P1.20. “ Fig. 1, 1a, Cerithium mediale. _ 2,2 a substriala. _ 8 ._ 14, Undetermmed Bucemum species . A 0 ec aia i 3 devinctum . _ 3,Fusus geniculus. _ a ,F .corpulentus . na — ¥ i Lith of Sarony & Mayor 117 Fulton t NY ‘e 5,6, Nautilus angustatus. _ 7, 7,a, b, Teredo - Tr ~~ U.S Exploring Expedition . hE SuRSiLs wy. . > : 2 rT o; a : ¥ 7 3 \ i