5.4 Sqwfiwfizi xiiéii... : y .. . ~~..g,,‘~ «my .H. ..:_|. ..{fll.l..\w¢r. u. xii-unfit} ( a. ‘ ..t. .3324 32 ,9, \1.1s1x......,.,«&l..€.€l§.zz: .. .5 \ x., I. .33.! ...:._...l... :wa “Vitiwf ...¥........H..{.I.¢4V..4ti. . Y. . i 55.1!» a;.....i}:tr.. v! y. 4!:1.VC;. xxualilnnf. 31.... ,fiunvbz... 91!“ ..\.. W HOME BEAUTIFIERS gtmmmm i 7 ii, i 'f This linile obtainwl by i i‘ 1 ; v usingour Stain 1502\2617 : M \ ’ 'shiittABTZi. :i ‘3: l3: This page Shows ii» is reallyimnark- you what beautiful ; . W113t 11” ”I'llm’VL‘“ doors we are pre- fiéfit a l)(‘2ll]llllll (.“_ pared to furnish for since “'1” lllllk“ in your homo lhv cost your new home. We 7 - 1r , ,} m ,, h' (11,, , llteline IS SO on \\ n.. _\ou an L‘1 $01an . order limit its that Of up to (late m1” amoni‘ ot iil‘tlllltll‘} work and C11“ make I'llt’.’tl]‘% twin nmlw tin- any Changes you de- Glllt'.’tlit‘t‘ to his home sire in interior finish. b ntltlllttl This linish (tltlttllltll bx mm: our Stain 3(|\‘_’(il«'i rtllll \rillll~ll J|I\'_".i‘) :With Ennnivl lit-\L‘lti‘i for th' Him. The beautiful grain {Hill smooth tinish of our doors respond perfectly to i‘itlim' oak This linish obtuinwl by using our 01‘ ”“1103:le 11-93“ This 'linish obtained by iisin).r our Stain ROAL‘MT 21nd Varnish SDAZETZ‘... mont. Stain 30;\261ti and Varnish ROAST“). For Prices of Stains Shown on These Doors See Our Big General Catalog 3 t [Inllinuuuunnnn SEARS_ ROEBUCK AND CO. CHICAGO ‘fifififififififiififi @fiifiifii . @fifififiéfiéfi @fiifii‘}i???@iéfi-Ié‘iéfiéfiéi@fifififififififiififififififififififififififi . {‘3' And We Pa the Ext U ' E A CT yS ra Frelght ntll November I, 1920 g — N ave F $ t D 0 W ram 150. 00 to 1,000. 00 on a House 3 ~ uring the 11 011115 of July and August we cut our regular catalog As an add‘t' l l l ‘ _ . _ 135:8...”Hazgerzd'13:: '° .. when:s:2:...s:g—..r.ssn:;.;: 501953522313: £15352: *3? . giggles: {Egosuhtxprznsent beforetNoveEbeé' lisl9£R.Ng%§ngfirease in freight {a} This SPECIAL SALE has helped . g . 9" °°“- SAVING 0F actually become home owners that WESOAIEEMGBIN%rTgsgg'f‘rESVg ABQéThELOEéfi), 11f) Iypu ACT-QUICKLY. ' - fit. OUR SPECIAL SALE PRICFS TO NOVEMBER 1 t t . . this y e xeve 1t mll not be possxble to quote lower prlces {é} others to build who could not arrange to‘ place tlsmeirOOSSEESIQbZIfacE: Savmyge-ar,fsg°?gfia23?:8agogdufi% otfiglggtfthyeogpflgfilt:Iggytigrfleago e133? {3} August 15:. This means a DIRECT SAVIVG TO Y . . Below are our SPECIAL SALE PRICES' 'h ' $150.00 to;$l.000.00. according to the house you‘buy. 0U OF FROM from the prices shown in the_body of this boot.It 10 per cent deducted '1‘? Regular 591°“ yam- house and marl your order today. fit. L 1 R 1 $5228 Reduced c.5315; Redu d é: Adams .................. W Price Price Prices“3 é? Adeline """""""""""" . ~‘ - $4,249.00 Lakeland .............................. W $5 599 00 {é} Alhambra ---- . -------------------- W - 1,335.0. Langston ............................. W9- 2,695.00 “mo __ ------------------------- +00e0<+ 3,605.00 Lebanon .............................. W 2’190'00 {31' Alpha (No. 7031)” . _ :::::':::::: ------- WW 1,461.00 Lexmgton ............................. Wo- 5’831‘00 £53 Alpha (No. 17031) .......... ;503‘99- 1,904.00 Lorne (No. 3053) ..................... W 9,794.09 @- Americus --------------------- - : - 1,371.00 Lorne (No. 13053) ..................... W 2’025'00 {<53 Arcadia (No. 2032):" -------- WW9- 3,o17,oo Madelie .. . . ........ ' ................... 6:054:00- 2’749'00 é? I\rcadia (N0. 0328) . - - . O, ................. M 1,327.00 KI (lgllolla : . o . .......................... W 9,000.00 @ Amara (Without garage, ................ M 956.00 Marnm (no. 7024) ..................... -B-,-595:00- 2,335.00 {:3 Adam (\Vith garage) . _ .. . . . . ........ 31439-00- 2,848.00 Manna (No. 2024) ..................... W00- 9’997'00 {(1,} .‘irgyle ........... . ..................... M 3,136.00 Marquette ............................. 340-1-00- 9’s ' Arlington ..................... ’ -. 91742-00 Maytown (No. 7017 .. . ' I ’ 54'00 {é} ........ +5.97%. ) .........,.......-3-4-59-eo- Ashmore ..................... my - . 4’162'00 Ma town \I‘ ‘ " A We... ' 2’843‘00 '3??? fit‘anta """"" y . 5 093 00 O 'y (‘ o~ J04‘) ................... I _ 2 011 00 - ........................ '- , I v. , . Auburn ........................ MW 6,922.00 011g 121 ................................. W, . 1,7401» {33 :\yalon . _ - . . _ ' ' i ‘ ‘ . _ I ~ . . . .............. m 5,077.00 P S OI‘U ............................... +63% . 3,903_00 {5% Avondak. ....................... M 3,5294“) reston. ................................ W, . 5 263 00 {é} Bandon .. . . . . ... ' ‘ . . . ------------- 4:38-09- 3,399.oo Prmcewllc ..- .......................... W09- 3,218.00 {)2- Beaumont (Without garage)”.;:.:::: 9-1608—09- 3,885.00 Rest .................................. -1-,6-1-1-:00- 1’450.00 (é? Beaumont (\Vith garage ............... M 3,243.00 Roanoke .............................. wees- 2’783'09 Belmont .............................. m 3,586-00 Rockhurst ............................. W90- 3,1 . é? grookside ............................ W fi’géé'gg Rodcssa ..................... 4:83-5:99- 1’612-33 {:3} t1 t ............ ’ ~~' ’ ' ' """""" ' ‘ ’ Cfiilseerfn, . ' . . . . ' _ . _ . ______________ 3’4 .99 3,129-00 Roseberr} ............................. ‘972‘1‘2100- £045.00 {5:3 Clyde (No. 9030) ' _ _' ................... $291199- 3,835.00 Rosita ________ g 20 by 30 feet ......... ». 4785-9109- 1,127_oo {(-3} Clyde (N0 7030,) ................. .W. 1,954.00 v 24 by ~4 feet .......... W, -. 1,345.00 {é} Columbine ----------------- “W. ~ . 1,312.00 Saranac (X'O. 20303) ................... W, . 1295 09 {c} Concord .............................. W _. 3,042.00 Saranac (.\o. 0308) ................... W90- ’933'00 {é} Corona . . . . ....... WW 3,5321”) Saratoga .............................. W90- 4 877.0. Crescent (No. 7029) . . . - ' . - . ' ‘ . . . "91486-06- 4,830,00 ggaggove . .............................. 9:689:09- 3:314:00 {é} Crescent (No. 3084) ............ W 2,147.00 _ er urn: ............................ W 3349 00 {‘33 Delevan (No. 20283) ________________________ W 2,752.00 gxlverdale ............................. W. . 2’901j00 {o} Delcvan (No. 0288) . . . ' . - 1,391.00 ornerest .............................. W . 2,314 09 {é} Del Rey . . ‘ . . . . . _ . . . . . """"""""" WM 1,002.00 Spnngwood ........................... W, . 9,817.00 Dundee (No. 3051) . . . . . . . . . . ' 41:499. 3’0315'00 Star Garage 12 by 16 feet """"" W ’266-00 lg. Dundee (No. 13051) ............ 406059. 1’5’0'00 No. 3042..., 12 by 13 feet ---------- W 23100 3‘3 Durham ::: .5455. 1’15“" 18b” “”6“ ----- M 376300 ‘53 Elmwood (No. 3068) Yellow Pine 446430- 3’933'09 Star Garage 5 12 by 16 feet """"" M “09-00 {‘3‘ Elmwo d \'o O _ " -. ~- 3,122.00 \v 12 by 18 feet .......... W O (. . 3069) 31. .............. 4.911199. - 0' 3043- - - - a 320-00 Elsmore _________ " ”j‘ 3,530.00 . 18 by 18 feet .......... W 425 00 {31' Flossmoor """"""""""""""" 3:933:99- 2,731,00 Starhghl‘: ................ s .............. WO- 2 137.00 {‘3' Glendale ---------------------------- 07-31100- 3,093.oo Stone Rldge ........................... 4:400:90- 3’123'00 {g}. Glyndon """"""""""""""""""""""""""" Mm 2,120.00 S’unnydell ............................. We— 2,474.00 a‘ Harmony (N0. 3056) . . W §,810.00 {if}? V .................................. +33%, . 2:098:00 '1??? , Harmony (No. 13056) ........... M ,998.00 8 C) _ ................................ -i-,G-1-7-.-00- 1 453 00 @3' Hazelton ............. x. . 1,440.00 Valloma ............................... W £69900 '1‘}? Hillrose . . ' . . . . . . ...... .. W 3,37500 Verndalc .............................. W 1,431.00 {:33 Hollywood (No. 2069) _ _ _ .. . . _ 1 . ‘ . .I. .. Hooe-W 4,905.00 xerona ................................ fies-00, J. 41,3420) .3533 Hollywood (No. 259.) .. ._~ . 4,291.00 Ignemom ............................. 4:21-3:00- 1 092 00 Homevine --------------- +m8-99- 4,120.00 \ mlta ................................. +99% 1’728'00 1% Honor --------------------- W - 2,687.00 \Vabash ............................... 4996-0-0- 1,715.0 {if f~i0pe1and ------------------------------ 44—14-00, . 4,240.00 Walton .............................. Me- 33133.08 .rmia (No-35345: ..................... 440000. 3,965.00 VV’archam 3595;00- 3’415'00 {5; lonia (No. 17034) . ' ----- WW0- 1,419.00 \z'esfly ................................ 43719999- 8’357:00 {é} losephine (No. 7044) .......... “1954-00- 99800 V lutehall .' ............................ W -’. 2,632 00 @1' Iosephine (No. 170“) ............ ~,~ . 2,029.00 \Vignona (No. 2010 ) .................. We- 2’384'00 @- I" :{ilbourne ---------------- W . 1,461.00 V1 mona (No. 2010A) ........... 3926490- ’~ ' .. ............................. 47398700- . W d1 d \- 9 """" ’ ' 2,4300 '5’} Exxsmet ...... - 3,869 00 00 an (. o. ~007) .................. 6419:00- 3 347 00 E -------------------------- Wg. 1,575.00 Woodland (No. 3025) .................. W 3,3300 {5) a - {é} * A S ROE UC C F SE R , B K AND O. . . CHICAGO 3 505300000000 0 i? {<5} @@€§@@@%§31§3@i§2@§3§1@@{€31-{é}{9'}?@@§H§?@§fi§3@@@i§i§i§@§i@i§@i§3§§ifii§i@ “6 ILeV.8,2G.20 06D.1.o.-. «mfi I.-,~..\w~u»u.w 6.05.311.» Km"..- “ uni-hint! quulnunuunu lilyvllil'll/llllll’lllhllllllllllllllllflll’lllllllll’lllgl/llllll' V i on“ “ “drill“ ‘3“ RENT RECEIPTS, OR A HOUSE OF YOUR OWN? Your Rent Money Will Now Buy an “Honor Bilt” Modern Home Our Easy Payment Plan is fully explained in the order blank in back of this book. We have lately instituted an added convenience that is sure to appeal to great numbers of home builders. Heretofore our terms on Modern Homes have been cash with the order or cash on delivery of the goods Now you can build your own home without sending us cash in full with your order. You can pay for your home in small monthly or half yearly payments, just as you would pay rent. We will be glad to give you five years to pay and, even though you have not entirely paid for .VOUr home in that time, arrangements can be made for taking care of the amount still due. WE WANT YOU TO BE A HOME OWNER, and we know that our trust in you as such will not be misplaced. We Need Your Good Will We would like you to know that when you purchase a house from us, either for cash or on easy payments, we have not only your best interests in mind, but our own reputation. We want the house we sell you to be so good that you will be a friend and customer of ours forever afterward. We could not afford to sell you anything but the very highest quality for your home. We want to supply the furnishings for this new home 0f YO‘JYS When you b‘lll’l it; we want to sell you clothing, groceries, mus cal instruments. shoes and books. Don’t you see that it is as much to our interests as it is to yours that we save you money on your new home and furnish materials of which you and your friends will be proud? Square Deal Assured NO dOUbt YOU, like many others have sent for different books of modern homes and building material catalogs. Everybody offers you the same kind of guarantee, you say. Everybody claims that he has “the best” or “the highest quality,” and everybody wants to assure you that you can save money by buying his particular merchandise. ‘How are you to decide which concern is best prepared to back up its claims with the merchandise: which concern is best able to live up to its guarantee; which concern, in a word. can “deliver the goods?" If you are a customer of ours, we don’t need to tell yoll how big or how reliable we are. YOU KNOW. But if you have never dealt With us, then it is an easy matter for you to satisfy yourself with regard to our standing. Any one of Six millions of your fellow citizens, dealing with us and scattered over the entire country, will tell you that you can get A SQUARE DEAL from Sears, Roebuck and Co. 3*» 596111.511 .20.60 \: ' \‘\\\\x\ um nun It \‘_ .\ N THIS Book of Modern Homes you will find house plans suitable for every section of the country. We have employed reliable architects and have scoured the entire country for building ideas. Our method enables you to select a house which is architecturally correct, of guaranteed construction, reliable , and enduring. \Ve are prepared to help you solve yOur building problems. Our architects, draftsmen, estimators and correspondents will smooth out all of your difficulties, whether they concern plans, specifications or material. \\'rite us today. Our price for each house in this book includes plans and specifications. BUILD ACCORDING TO OUR PROVED PLANS Many advantages are gained by building according to plans that have proved to be absolutely correct. You know exactly what the material Will cost. Xou have our Guarantee to furnish enough material at the price named to _ _ put up the building complete. I\o extras and the first cost 15 Floor plan ' ' , ' 1‘ ‘ the only cost. of Modern ,, ' .’ I The building can be put tip in less time than it takes With ”Made to Order H o m c No. ' .. ‘- Z l 1 i Plans." 7000 (T he / 4 ‘ Any ordinary carpenter or builder can put up your house. Aliiitidiillbii You have our guarantee that the material will be satisfactory in every S k ' ‘ . . ~ '- . u . ~ . t , , way. . , . . DBL 10' >7 ‘ “- \ ‘ You have the satisfaction 01 knowmg that you are not facxng an experiment, because over 25,000 persons have built houses according to our plans and with our materials. \Ve can refer you to satisned customers in every state in the Union. WHEN YOU BUY FROM US you are dealing with the originators of the mail order system of selling com- plete houses. “swam/7 ‘ OUR GUARANTEE Our guarantee stands the test in the Scales of Justice. It means that you must be thoroughly satisfied with the goods we furnish, and with the prices we charge, other- wise you can return them and get your money back, together with all freight or express charges you paid. VN‘X‘C nlvn— This binding guarantee applies in full force to our build- };‘n 3:42:33 ing proposition. You can order a complete house from us and d1“) r S and after the materials have been examined at the station, mnlwunlows . . . . . mm mm- ifyou are not satisfied, you have the privilege of returning finik‘m‘y the entire shipment or any part of it, at our expense and mated. . . . we will return the purchase price, together with any charges you have paid. a »' «“x w. \\\ “assesses \\Vax\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ i ‘ so 8 u 9:» c‘ cutsaeg :s 1 'l Name Adeline ....... Alhambra . . .. Almo ........ Alpha ....... . Americus . . . Arcadia ...... Ardara .. .. Argyle .. . . . .. Arlington Ashmore . . .. Atlanta ...... Auburn ...... Avalon . ..... Avondale Bandon Beaumont Belmont Brookside Castleton Chelsea. .... . . Clyde ........ Columbine Concord ..... Corona Crescent ..... ; Delevan . ' Del Rey...... Dundee ..... . Durham . . . . . ”711..” Elmwood .. . . Elsmore .. ... Flossmoor ... Glendale Glyndon . . . . . Harmony Hazelton Hillrose Hollywood Homeville Adams ... . ..... 1 Page 13 92 13 '3! (.0 IO 9 U) LO NJ (0 (D UICD 00 0’20) 65 9‘3 41 99 ’76 81 15 Name Page Honor 14 Hopeland .. .. ‘77 Ionia ..... . .. 43 Josephine . 45 Kilbourne 42 Kismet ..... . 3 Lakeland OT Langston 60 Lebanon ..... 96 Lexington 12 Lorne ....... 3 Madelia ..... 02 Magnolia l0 Marina ...... 5:2 Marquette 30 Maytown 61 Olivia ....... 27 Osborn .. 37 Preston 17 Prineeville 94 Rest ......... 43 Roanoke . 80 Roelx'hurst 84 Rodessa .. . .. 47 Roseberry 51 Rosita . ...... 93 Saranac .. 93 Saratoga 75 Seagrove ..... 96 Sherburne ..101 Silverdale 86 Somerset 5? Sprinewood .. 40 Star Garages..102 Starlight ..... 53 Stone Ridge. 25 Sunnydell 8:3 L'rie132 Valley 87 Vallonia 2O Name Page Verndale .. 90 Verona ...... 20 Vinemont . . .. Si) Vinita . . . . . 88 \Vabash ..... 94: “'alton . . . . .. 31 “'areham . 95 \Vestly ...... 69 \Vhitehall . 63 \Vinona ...... 58 \Voodland 68 Miscellaneous Bathroom Outfits .112-113 Electric Light— ing Fix- tures ..118—123 Fireplace Fur- nishings . . .111 Floor Tile....111 Furnaces..126—127 Hardware.116-117 llot \\'a_ter H e a t 1 n g Plants .124 Lumber .. . .132 Mantels .. . .. 111 Mill\\'ork.103-1OO Ready Made Buildings... ......... 106—107 Roofing ...... Inside Back Cover. Sheet Plaster.103 Steam Heating Plants ..... 12.3 \V a r m ll e a t i n g Plants. .1203-127 Water Supply Outfits..12>s-129 ,aa Reversed Floor Plans Your lot may face such a direction that the rooms you want the most 5 u n l i g h t in will be on the ‘ , ‘ wrong side, and a l great many of our l I houses, eventhough Ed: the materialis ready T, i, "a cut, can be built with the rooms reversed, _ in other words, the living room, dining room, and kitchen can be transposed to the other side of the house as shown in the illustration above. If you wish to build the house you select With the main rooms / , in a reversed position, be sure to mark the word "RE« / VERSED" after the name or number of the house , when placing your order, as there may be some few pieces of material which we may have to change so they will tit when the house is built with the room: in a reversed position. We tell you in our description of each house whether it can be built in this way or not. L__.' _ .1 IIlIIlIHIIIIIlIIIlllllllllllllllilllllllllIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllullullllllllinllvll'iwl-iwlmlmlllll[llllllllllllllllllllllllllllI'llllIlllllIlllllllilIIIlllllllllIlllIllIIlllllllIlllllI!!! , i i [mmuTmI-l SELL HOUSES Tllll‘llw'lIlllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllll E Birdseye View of Sears, Roebuck and Co.'s houses at Carlinvflle, Ill. llllIFlW Roebuck and Co.'s houses at Chester. Penna. sold to the Sun Ship Building Company. "llllllll l AA 'lllllllllll .l Sears, Roebuck andCo.'shouses at Carlmvxlle, Sears, Roebuck and “‘——\ I Street View of Sears, Roebuck and Co.'s l houses at Carlin- l ville. Ill. Plymouth Meeting, I’emm., sold to the American Magnesia T‘LIVF'TWL l ""W'll ""mtmn:umxmmitumr “nmfmr'l >VVY ‘L i L17" n‘ 'Lll ['Illl'lllllr lllll"l 'Illel ll 1"lllll" ll' 'l'nww'w u 1"‘11'1 ' lllllnlll ll and Co.'s houses at \Vood River, 111., sold to the Standard Oil Company. ’" 'LI ll'll U l QLU.L Sears. Roebuck and Co. Chicago IN ANY QUANTITY is One hundred and ninety-two of these houses 1 were sold to the Standard Oil Company. Sears, Roebuck and Co.’s houses at Akron. Ohio, sold to the Realty Benefit Company. American Homes During the past few years, there has been a tremendous demand for substantial and comfortable homes for an industrious and thrifty people. Our effort in helping to ~ // I l .41 Hill Street view of Sears, Roebuck and Co.’s houses at the requirements of the big operator as well " Carlmville. 111. as the individual builder. People who are best qualified to judge of the present situation predict that there will v. - \ be no let—up in the demand for homes for several years to come. The great decision fur the prospective builder at this time is ; to take advantage of our present facilities, rather than wait for future developments i that may possibly result in higher prices l and inferior quality, as well as less satis- l l I r-4 i . . i H meet this demand is illustrated in part on “ it these two pages. Called upon to furnish a : l , high grade materials in a hurry and to meet 3 “ actixe competition. we immediately filled _ E factory service. It is easy to see that an increased demand for material not only forces prices upwards, but reduces the quality of the available supply. l ‘ Weofifer you in this book dependable { qualities in house building materials, at 1 prices that are as reasonable as we can i l ll3 £5- swans ww»mw rm uurnnutiitilnttr'wrriit rut" 'wumii . urniunnruinrnHiii' t‘lt'iilluiiltii.ltmi Illll'Hlllllll'llillllll'll HHHHHHHHHHHtttl’rri ‘tt "1 tin. i. "m l . 't'ilt"tl‘v“tll‘l‘lv' n 0 “Honor Bilt.” No. 2089. “Already Cut” and Fitted. At the ice uotedwe will furnish all the material to build this ten-room house, in- Ae aqn0[l a cludingjnillqwork, lumber, lath, shingles. porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing I umber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware, nails, O. 0 9 “Alread Cut” and Fitted. eaves, cases, colonnade, roofing, painting material, mantels, tile and grates. We N 2 8 y 00 guarantee enough of the above material to build this house. Price does not Include $9 990— cement, brick or plaster. . 7 Y 77‘ , , —‘ , , .rllit tlllll'lllllltllll t . MDTPXG‘. If: yl‘i 6- re.” atom who’re“? . I ill ‘ Aaron ‘l‘ , DOQCr-i LAV. DEN 0‘ 6'1 85' Run HALL io‘Ott’Z‘Ot menisv ll! SWR HALL LMNORCOM Ufi‘l 20‘9' DiNINc. ROOM D'~U:l'l’0' SIft‘UNI) FLOOR PLAN. NO.” the days of George \\'ashini:tori to the present time, the Colonial type of residence has always beeii popular. It has housed the greatest treuies in American history, science and literature. Many \\ill ieeogniie a close ieseiiiblanee in the illustiation above to the famous residence at Cambridge, Mass. where the poet 1 oiietellow composed his immortal works. Leading: architectural authorities deelaie that this type will continue to win favor for hundreds of years, There can be no question or its imposing appearance. graceful lines and other attractive features. This is a house for the (iiseiitiiinatirie builder \\'ho is willing to invest a fair amount for the largest returns in comioit, convenience FIRST FLOOR PLAN. and extra high quality. . n , - . ~ ~ , )oreh into (11‘ reee ition There are four bedrooms with closets, two bathrooms and a Flr‘gt Floor {\uilléovlvliliitllli lidl‘inli‘iiiiii‘lli(iliiililisstli".lil1iiitii‘(t‘o‘tlie liVlIlL' room until the second Floor ‘ ' ' sleepingY porch on this tlooi. Une ot the trout bedrooms and OPENTERRACE PORCH OPENTERRACE .,.,.ir...,a.u.4w.ai...a.i.. dining room. lrl‘f‘m‘h (100” 11130 lead from the living room 1” the Stilaiiuin or sun one of the rear bedrooms have dressing rooms. \vitli e_\ti.i eoriipaitrncnts tor dresses parlor. A massive but graceful aiiwav leads from the. hall to the second tloor, lliere. and hats. Other eonveiiieriees are s elves iii the elosets, a speeial broom closet and .r is a rear hall hack of the stairway, with doors leading to the kitchen, the den and the staii’yvav to the attic. Note that the seivaiits'quarter s are completely separate and have . rear porch. The, kitehen has a iiieelv arranged breakfast aleove lighted by three taiiev a stairway from the kitelien. Rooms are 0 teet {torn tloor to ceiling.~ - windows. A China ease over each seat in the alcove. See, illustrations on the opposite. Basement .'\H‘(‘:\t ivated basement under the eittiie house, 4 feet from tloor page. Rooms are 9 feet 6 inches from tloor to telling. to ims s, lighted \vith basement sash. . We furnish oak flooring, birch doors and bireh trim for the reception hall, .\ pair ot French doors lead from the stair landing to the. deck and a French living room. dining room and sun parlor. Yellow pine flooring, doors and ‘trim door from dressing room to front or balcony. for the rest of the first tloor. \Vith the exception of the French doors for the living: Painted three coats outside, your choice ot color. Varnish and wood tiller for room, dining, room and sun parlor, all other inside doors are the latest two-panel interior iiiiisli. . . design. For the second tloor we furnish yellow pine. flooring and trim with live- Built on a concrete and brick foundation, trame construction. No. 1 yellow pine cross panel solid white pine doors. framing and diiriensioii lumber. Oriental Asphalt Shingles, Instead of Wood Shingles, no extra charge. For Prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Shades, see page 115. r r Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House Prom This Book. 3 Price Includes Plans and Spec1fications. WllllllllllIlllULlLllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 'lr rtill'r ' l' ll t ‘t‘tt' t . tit , , . t J Page 10 SEARS, ROEBUCI' AND CO., CHICAGO :'||llllllllllIliililII1|lllllllllllllilllllllllliE—l N T E R I O K S- 7A6) M A G N O L I At} W“— IIIllIllIIIIIlIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIM A glance at these interior views of the Magnolia Modern Homewill give you an idea of the refinement and comforts of our high class homes. See exterior view and description on opposite page. K‘ o \ f ‘ o ‘|, A ‘ §%\§ i o 1, Swagmvala g, L W2; 1- ', x x, #3 a E zit/”3:94 ,~ E " a 2'! 3 E ’ i 74 The Kitchen and Breakfast Alcove. A‘hILIIIIHllllHIIIHHHIIIHHHIIIHHHll||lHlll|llHllHHlHHIll] mmx11!IIIlnullmlllmnmllllll11111111”llllnnluunnnlunnuluunnnuununnlunn SEARS, ROEBl-JCK AND 00., CHICAGO Page 11 2'1». ; v ll vulv , mivvr‘vvv W. . Hume.» l'l'll ulth'ntl lll ”'l 1.1 ' 9“ llll“ ll u it Honor But 5 D - . ”gt nyhe IEXZ 71 q f 071 ii (1)111 :e s No. 3045 "Already Cut" and Fitted. an Page 7. r-‘ ‘ $6,534.00 HE LEXINGTON was designed by an architect whose specialty is houses of the true Colonial type. This is his masterpiece in a style that will be popular for all time. Here’s an exterior that will look well on any lot. With a few green trees in the landscape for a setting, this beautiful white Colonial with its green blinds and cozy sun porches will claim more than a passing glance. ‘ See the group Of casement windows on the landing and FlrSt Floor the two pairs of French doors. Standing between these you can see across the large living room and sun porch on your left and the dining room and glassed-in dining porch on the right. The lava- tory and toilet on this floor can be reached from the grade entrance or from the reception hall. At the end of the reception hall are two mirror doors, one leading to the toilet and the other to the coat closet. The hall, living room and dining room are all finished in beautiful birch. n both sides of the entrance are roomy wardrobes. Beside the graceful open stairway is room for hall furniture and opposite is a place for a grandfather clock. Entire first floor has clear maple floors. Kitchen excellence has been obtained by making sure that this room is neither too large nor too small, that the work can be done with few steps and that there be good light. Space for the ice box is just inside the pantry door and may be iced from the outside. The kitchen Cabinet is furnished with bread board, dough board, flour bins and work table top. Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. The second floor is also very well planned, the hall second Floor is light and airy, due to the easement windows on the landing. Four corner bedrooms with light and air from two sides, all of good Size and arranged for comfort, each having good closet. Doors lead from bedrooms to balconies over sun porch and (lining porch—handy places to air bedding. illll‘lilllx” ll llll'IIIH'ui'ulw 'lllllllllll lllllillllllllllllllll ll ill llllil 41 ll lY'l l ll'llll' Ill lllll llllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllll Illllllnll‘lllllllul‘ lllllll A Page 12 mull“Illlll'lllllllllllllllll'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllll 11111 lllll‘llllllllll’lllll Ill” “.1 it .1 11 1 Alllll llilllll‘ll H11 l1 1' 1 w I 111i l“'llrll1'|l“ We guarantee enough material to build this house. ‘l ‘ F. VlNG Room 4 as s—---—4 phoenix/mm ”3‘ ' i “$_ , ”1W; Pan? At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this nine- room Colonial house, including kitchen cabinet, medicine case and mantel. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. a . .. r7 “* J: a. “Nab: {139% [lowgax i ‘ o ' 1 .rr"“:.\ Wit?” ll‘rcr I n l “‘FA;E V .Trj/ ,1. ‘mx‘l/LLK .5333) , 747x08" 5:11 xiii-4r 5w ,~ ‘ l _ ‘ \A i ' __;,—.Lr 1 r7 , at? _ f g i l21‘3 )1 R515 1‘ a LAMP 9‘1 ‘ _ s , _ A -7 ~ =- ‘or’vc 17 FIRST . 9013'” 'o‘ FLOOR ‘ ‘ ’ PLAN.1 F - ' 60*” This house can be built with the rooms reversed. See page 3. f“ 11! Humm mmnnmmmumum It in n miiiuiuuluu “H n in: l 1 u uir 11mm: il' 1'l llll lll l'l I’lll’l llll Rooms are 8 feet 4 inches from floor to ceiling. Basement Excavated basement under the entire house. ‘MUM in; Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood 6:33 :‘i ““““““ ' " ‘S‘Xl 1 filler for interior finish. Chicago Design hardware, see page 116. Built ' 55m 6w LANDING BED,QOOM 1 ‘3“ on a concrete and brick foundation. No. 1 yellow pine framing lumber. wig“ : :98 ’ """"" [TAN-8' {ml Clear cypress siding. Rooted with Oriental Asphalt Shingles. xlO" ‘ 7% g_ lyiw’wpixcbfi guaranteed for 17 years. _ be deM ;, 1 OPTIONS. ”Ellfiléfiq :c , ‘— Sheet Plaster and Planter Finish to take the place of wood lath, pf”; " 7 Si: :33: *1 PW ,- WY $203.00 extra. , as 3r .. a“ air v_ 3* LL. “7/, Storm Door: and Windows, $332.00 extra. [MLCONY r loci; a lot} 28‘ r —, ,, , ~ 7 80 M: -0 Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $120.00 extra; galvanized 80le 6' ' , «if . 1313‘”) Hx‘\LLl a"; wire, $129.00 extra. l\ ,I’. ’ BF D ' ‘ , If Mantel is not wanted, $58.00 less. 2 ,’ : l icD OOlVl \‘l This house can be built on a lot 55 feet wide. gm‘ypw , :“ .7Z"“"'”f-'ll.’7fi' ; For prices of Plumbing, Heating. Wiring, Electric Fixtures and l ’ N 1' 1% {We} l ‘~. ,/ txnia’ E Shades, see page 115. BEDlROOM “{“i O jATH ;: : mft’KDEDI 1*: ..__. a, a \ % Grams-'x‘ioiz“ i “owl i t E 1157“ ‘ NyPil'Vfrlngg' """"""" ‘ "u; M __.._...._..._.. g Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House ~ 7%: at w - g5 From This Book. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. 5 , , . Pope ROOF i Price Includes Plans and Specxfications. a(umumuuuumlmummu"umumrnmumumInummummum IImumIIIllmmIIIuImmlmlImmuuImuuImumnIIImInunulmmmmmuuuimuuunnunmuuuuuumnmuuiumIiIi.nu:1uu1uiuuuuiumuuuu 11mm u munuuuuuuun muuu'mnnni m SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO .llllll mil” N l ll mum] ‘lllll‘ll‘lv At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this seven-room Colonial house, consisting of mill work, lumber, lath, shingles, Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, porch ceiling, flooring, siding, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware, kitchen cabinet, medicine case, mantel and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. ' L 340 “1 ITH its seven rooms, i each having windows at least on two sides, bath, numerous closets, grade entrance, la rge vestibule, popular long living room and numerous conveniences, the Adams will give you solid comfort. . Standing on the First Floor brick steps you face a porch and entrance of pure Colonial lines with front door and side lights—all in spotless white. Lovers of Colonial architecture will surely fancy this house. This in- tiltinglenéranci leads to a yestibule, ( irect y ehinr which is tie recep- . . . - . m1 tion hall, well lighted by the side SELOAD FLOOR FLA)" lights and stair landing windows. Standing in the hall, the entire living room and dining room are in view; also the attrac- tive stairway, beside which is a good coat closet. The housewife will appreciate being able to reach the kitchen from any part of the house without passing through the living or dining rooms. The living room, of pleasing proportions, extends . across one side of the hou se. Windows are grouped at each end and placed on either side of the fireplace. Even on cloudy - days this room will have light. In the sunny dining room, with its four windows, there is room for several pieces of furni- tu re besides table, chairs and buffet. The kitchen is large and well planned, with many modern conveniences and labor saving features. Rooms are 9 feet from loor to ceiling. Second Floor Each of the four large corner bedrooms has its own closet. See De scription of “Honor B i l t ’ ’ Houses on Page 7. viefidams No. 3059 “Already Cut” and Fitted. $4,7212 1 ll ml 1 ll'llllllllll ‘llllllllll ll‘ll lllllllll'illl ll ii' ‘l ‘0 3w mu , .ol. lo.» v ! “El .5m< Vim»: lllllllllllllllllll m l u m imnm iiii'i'in'l'”l"t""" v. CLOS. m .4 — 7.7.. FIRST FLOOR PLAN. ' J ’ r This house can be built with the rooms reversed. See page 3 *‘F- F2: \ l 33 ) l \ lH ‘l'lillllll ll'illllll llHL' ilil ll llll _ The bathroom is at the end of the straight hall off which all bedrooms open, and which is lighted by the Windows on the stair landing. All bedrooms are well laid out and roomy, permitting almost any arrangement desired. In every bedroom there is cross ventilation Without a draft across the bed. Rooms are 8 feet 2 inches from floor to ceiling- Excavated basement under the entire house 7 feet from floor to joists, lighted with basement sash. Basement \V'e furnish our best OPTIONS _ “r ' I" ' - - V . . . p:;:h%8(:u1alraln)tgeo Infilrliloi-‘ijlhio’rssgjr:nfi‘g‘l Shselet Plaster and Plaster Finish instead of wood lath, P ' ' i V v 71.00 extra. cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, l'lll'll' View. showing exposed chimney of Adams with different hood over front porch. If wanted this way order No. 3059A. l' lllil l' l' i‘ \‘llllll'lli all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \V'indows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Paint for three coats outside, stain for two coats for shingles on sides; your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior tillnfish. Chicago Design hardware, see page ). Built on a concrete and brick foundation. No. 1 yellow pine framing lumber. Clear cypress siding on first story. Roofed with Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, guaranteed for seventeen years. Maple Flooring for kitchen, pantry and bathroom in- stead ofyellow pine, no extra charge. Oak doors, trim and floors in living room, dining room, reception hall and stairs instead of yellow pine, $333.00 extra. Storm Doors and Windows, $185.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $65.00 extra; galvanized wire, $70.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 40 feet wide. If mantel is not wanted, $33.00 less. For prices of Plumbing, Heating, 'Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. No extra charge if wanted with porch hood as shown in lower right hand corner of this page. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. l‘lirl, llllll \‘lll l'llllllU‘lllllllii SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO i l K | w rum. I ‘lili m ll lillllllllli Hlll llli .mml ll m 3 llnllll ll liilllnillll'l lllll ll I lllhllllilllllll‘ , ‘llllll‘l l‘llll Page 13 NINE ROOMS AN D BATH j] lllllllllllll[lllllllllllllllllllli lllhlllllllllllll'hl 1‘” lillllllllllllllllll'l lllltllllllllllllllll'l tars. aiumugfimwasmm W ~W~~W~-- m m... mm .muagm‘ _ . ,- 2&3. .. , manhunt “" -"’_"—"""" , Wm M - *‘ m... aggggggg’a‘wmu- 4...}, . . ‘ , . . .. ‘ 3‘_IPgLFIL-.!L.!L. [Hfltllllltilltlltli'llttlll’lllllllllllll illl y l at: a 33‘; s . it at“: Sfifiu sfilz mull. 'itl in: At ‘lt .5"; i" m“mmmw”u—-Jm? - “I”; 'W—mmw-mvwn ' V I? ”i“!!! “I Tll‘i1lll'l'llllllllllllllillt'lll'l"'l‘l ‘ lih ' 'i‘ ll‘ A i i ' 9 “Hill ‘1‘ ll vi' 'l‘l l l 1 'il 'li l‘ 1' ti ' ' l - i *- n " ‘-l . S De ‘ At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this nine- “ E SC‘rieiftiori AG 0 n O 7/ room house, consisting of mill work, shingles for siding, flooring, porch >1 i 36?th N 307] “Al d C ,, d F' d ceiling, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, ’ : H 0P“ 5673 o. rea y at an [He ' sash weights, mantel, medicine case, breakfast alcove, seats, hardware, > i an age ' painting material, lumber, lath and slate surfaced shingles for roof. E . , [IE HONOR is a home that not only looks L; 350 A : f well at a distance, but makes a still more ' favorable impression upon closer investiga- tion. You will recognize in this house some of the features that have made the historical Colonial homes of America admired for years, together with many modern touches that add to its attractive- ness. Notice the thatched effect on the roof, the 4:412.“ oh T .) inviting front cntrancentlie big handsome windows ~ J (5: :w and the decorative trellis. As you step closer, you : A PM 31:, i L Will admire the cement floored porch, surrounded ; ”I, j it ~‘ byflower boxesforpcrennial plants and evergreens. : r :33} E Lil§§|1§53§l i- « First Floor Passing up the steps to the cement a _ , . _ ° porch you will find yourself in l /. _ ‘ front of the graceful and massive entrance, through / a fin L which you reach the large living room. To the left SEcoNi) FLOUR PLAX a cased opening leads to the dining room, and right in front of you is an inviting brick mantel. To the right in the living room a generous space for the piano is provided between two windows which have convenient window seats. In the dining: room there is ample space for a large buffet between the two windows. From this room a door leads to the kitchen, which is admirably arranged and has the FIRST FLOOR very popular breakfast alcove. The kitchen door leads to a rear hall. off which is a lavatory, I’LAN- and stairs to the second floor as well as to the basement. Directly to the right of this hall is a good size sun room which can also be reached front the living room in the front. All rooms on this floor are 9 feet front floor to ceiling. . Second Floor ()n this floor there are four large. bedrooms, all provided with closets having shelves, as well as a sleeping porch and . bathroom. The ventilating and lighting arrangement is perfect. There is plenty of room for large beds and dressers, as well as other necessary furniture. Rooms on this floor are 8 feet 4 inches from floor to ceiling. Basement Exeavatcdaiuder the entire house, 7 feet from Concrete floor OPTIONS to Jmsh' lighted With basement Sll‘ih‘ Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place . ‘i {JET ’ > This house can :1 be built with thw- i'ooms reversedli See page 3. . \Ve furnish our Ibest “Quality Guaranteed" mill work. shown on pares 108 of wood lath, $234.00 extra. ‘ and 10‘). Interior < oors are live—cross panel. with trim and tloorine to match. all St D nd Windows $260.00 extra ' Yellow pine. in beautiful grain and color. \Vindows are made of clear California 5‘32: Dosgjsa and Wit-[(10:08 black wire :74 00 Th§:,-’if::eacilor} 1;; white pine, With good quality glass set in With best grade of putty. . extra- galvanized wire 530,00 extra ' i I feet wide . o n v . ’ 7 I - ' . Paint for three coats outside. your choice of color. \ arnisli and wood filler for on}; Doors_ Trim and Floors for living and dining interior finish. (Thicauo Design hardware, seepage 110. room. hall and stairs, $304.00 extra. .Built on a concrete foundation, No. 1 yellow pine frame construction. sided If Mantel 1'8 not wanted, $51-00 less. \‘Yllll clear‘red cedar SlllflfllCS over good sheathing and roofed with Oriental Slate For prices of Plumbing. Heating. \‘Cirine, Flectric Fixtures and Shades. see Surfaced Shingles guaranteed 17 years. page 115. Our (.uarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. i Price Includes Plans and Specifications. Xlilli'V'T 4 lU'lllllllHHHfAull IA ”"411th L... til [it lilllllll llllilll ll ‘ ll‘i‘ 'l 'ii ll it i 'ilnlilll H l li tllllllt llll llt I” ll] llllill ilil ‘ 'i i "l Ill "t'llt lll llllllltlli "lll‘ ll ittti 1 page M SEARS. ROEBI‘CK AND (70.. (711167.160 'illlil‘llllli “ill llllllilll‘lillllllllllllillll IIIIIIIIIlIllllIilhmll H i‘lll‘ l i' lldl' llll mi in ”A H l lll um ll l m n l llll mum in ll"l...lu.LULLH 11 um 1‘ HI) I 1H NH! iillllli i'l i' ll ' llllllll lll llllllli lll l' ll lllllll ll' WIND“1.1'llhillvlinmlul ‘1"H i ' "ll'Il‘Ulllllllxllll ll'lllll'l'Hlll » “mummmmum, .1 ii 11h wn liHlIL,i.]lt {MH mmmun ‘IIH flh ‘llll‘l mi \‘wll‘ll'lllll"l"llll ‘l‘ll’H' llll l At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this six- room house, consisting of lumber, lath, Fire-Chief Shingle Roll S D Roofing, mill work, flooring, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, 0 sfxfgtioet; building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware, A 0 . onpl; medicine case, kitchen cupboard, mantel and painting material. We 8 " OM?VZ . e g (1)111 ; e S guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include No. 3072 Already Cut and Fitted. on page 2;. cement brick or plaster. This house can be built with the rooms 00 reversed. See page 3. $2,985: l 1640' A ‘ \ HE HOME VI LLE suggests home and home comfort in every line. That big exposed °7 _ chimney, even when covered with vines in Summer time, promises security against 3/ : \Vinter blasts and easily brings to mind the many enjoyable hours that can be spent 1 4i :1.» AM. seated in front of the brick mantel 1n51de. . "_ 5.1-; 31%”; 1 . , , , The French WlndOWS and French door, together With the columned entrance, impart just .- ‘ ‘ ‘ L 7 ’ _‘ the right artistic touch. When pamted pure white in contrast with red or green Fire-Chief ‘ , ~ 9 Slate Surfaced Shingle Roll Roofing this little home will be recognized as an architectural gem in any community. - The front door opens into a hall with clothes closet and shelf. Directl to M 0”" F 1°" the left is the big living room with dull red brick mantel. It is well liglited from two sides and has ample space for piano, davenport, phonograph and the other required furniture. A cased opening leads to the dining room, which is of good size, as the floor plans indicate. The kitchen is directly in the rear and is arranged for economy in space and labor. Our new kitchen cupboard illustrated on page 114 of this book is a special feature. From the kitchen, steps lead to the landing and to the basement entrance. The front bed- room is reached by a door from the dining room and the two rear bedrooms through a cased opening, facing a conveniently arranged hall off which the bathroom is located. All bed- rooms have closets with shelves and generous space for bed and dresser. Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. L! ”\m Dog-4 f’. '_ ' ’Z'lBasement The excavated basement is 7 feet high from floor to joists. Lighted '13,;me ' a ya i . y basement sash. . ' ” ” All framing lumber is No. 1 yellow pine. Paint for three coats on the outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for two coats of interior finish. Chicago Design hardware, see page 116. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work. shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. 30 O' Built on a concrete block foundation with basement under the entire house. l Concrete floor. The roof 15 covered With Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing. FLOOR PLAN. l OPTIONS Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, 3153.00 extra. ak Doors, Trim and Floor in vestibule, living room and dining room instead ofyellow pine, $271.00 extra. Maple Floor in kitchen and pantry, no extra charge. Storm Door: and Windows, $118.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows. black wire, 846.50 extra,- galvanized wire, 550.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 36 feet wide. For Prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Shades. see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. ”ll"! Hum“ in" 'liimmn'l ' lllil'l' ll l' in l "H llilllll H v v ' . . ‘Al '1 m lllllllllH ll”!‘ 1 l» l l v" mum Lullmii ll“ ,1 i \ AI llll'Vll illllllllil'll' 1111\1Hm'11uuuuuunnumuimmmmnulinmm ”'H‘illlllll 'Hiw ll'l H”l'Hl uum'lll‘llillIulI111lInIIlluimlllIIIHHHHHHHHHllIHlllHHllllIIllllllllllllllnllllllllHHIHIlllllIllllllITlflx llllllllllll l a W SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO, CHICAGO Page 15 m ‘ . _—v ‘- u ,— ._~: - ’n fit -. 'I. -- iiiiitii f. The ReceptioinflHall, Looking Toward the Front Door The Breakfast Alcove in the Kitchen. The Sleeping Porch ls Shown in the Circle Above. Massive Colonial Stair- may in (he Recep- lion Hall. At the price quoted on the opposite page we will furnish all the material to build this eight-room house, consisting of lumber, lath, Fire-Chief roofing, mill work, flooring, siding, finishing lumber, blinds, mantel, wardrobes, bookcases, pantry case, pANTRY 1 breakfast alcove, table and ‘ _ k l ‘ seats, medicine case, col- , umned openings, building}? paper, eaves trough, down 01 , spout, sash weights, hard- DININQQQQM : 7 ‘.::,,:: r ware and painting material. 13-3X16-9 ‘ l—lY'NQPQQM We guarantee enough ma- ~“13,13,3(5115‘;I" terial to build this house. " Price does not include ce- ment, brick or plaster. SLEEDING 13- 3x7- 5 LANDWG BEDROOM t3-3X12-O BEDQOOM 13—3 ‘(11-6 HALL l t l l BEDROOM 15-3X10-9 BEOQOOM 13—3X12'O BAT r1 ______ Description of the Preston. Illustrated on the Opposite Page. REAL Colonial house, >153.— set off to its best ad— SECOND FLOOR PLAN _ . ‘ _ - , - This house can be built with the rooms reversed. 3a 0 \ FIRST FLOOR PLAN. , \ Billing? In pU r9 “ in“) See page 3. amidst luxurious foliage. 45” 44 "s ‘s ' ~§ First Floor A specially made Colonial door leads into the ful grain and color. Windows are made. of clear California _: reception hall, which has two wardrobes with white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of _: mirror doors, also cased openings to the dining room and living putty. ...: room, with an open stairway to the second floor. (See floor l’aint furnished for three coats outside, your choice of color. : plans and interior views.) The living room has a rustic brick Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Chicago Design ~\ _;3 mantel and open bookcases at one end of the room. The hardware, see page 116. §: -§ kitchen has a breakfast alcove, large pantry with shelves and a Built on a concrete foundation, with excavated basement $2 1: special storage pantry. Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. 7 feet from floor to joists; No. 1 yellow pine frame construction, \I: 3*: _ sided with wide clear cypress siding and roofed with Fire- § \i "'2. Second Floor F01” demOIUS, sleeping porch 311d bath- Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, guaranteed for seventeen years. R _2,. room on this floor. All rooms have ” OPTIONS § ,» 3% closets and are well lighted. Rooms on this floor are 8 feet Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of lath,$240.00 extra. § i i‘ :f“ 4 inches from floor to ceiling. Oalg3zroig: apd Floors for reception hall, living room and dining room, ;\\ 3 . 2‘ We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, Siirm'ooi’is'fiad Windows, 5153.00 extra. \ shown on pages 108 and 109_ Interior (lOOI' leading from Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $89.00 extra; galvanized wire. dining room to kitchen is a flush door, balance are five-cross ”6‘00 "m" If Mantel is not wanted, $57.35 less. Can be built on a lot 40 feet wide. For Price of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Shades, see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. wewswxwwwxemmw m... wnxx-x“\'§\&\\\\\ panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beauti- . rmmam sass. ROE Bu ck QM» Ill “‘ “"‘““““~\\ 0 I I l l . ;§s\\\\\ Ill lllllllllllll \\\\ \s .\\‘ IlllmlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The Living Room - \Vill satisfy the most ex- acting. II'IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII 431V Illllllllllllla A WHITE BEAUTY “ (7&9 PRESTON Err: I’{‘Hl~t\ wn 151$: 1. [)2‘M T; "°“°' $5 84800 :- __ . _ No. 2092 “Already Cut” and Fitted. , nm'em 11f “Honur Milt" LsWaxns 1‘ ‘ ‘ i ‘ ‘ 2* 41. 1 1 SEARS ROEBUCK..AND CO. _17_ CHICAGO The Dining Room Those panel wal l 8 reflect t h e m 0 s 1; modern taste in interior decoration. llll|llllll||llIIIII'IIIIIt IIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIHHHIIIIIHnullunnllllllplllllIHIIIIHIIIIIH IIIIIIHIHII mung THE M I s s I o N TYPE hmfimmmwwmw . I I I = I = ' ’ ' ‘llllllll'llll'l ~— lllll » . : Lot/[Le ALHAMB 12A1 Honor ur _ . E See Description of - No. 7090 "Already Cut” and Fitted. “Honor Bilt" Houses on Page 7. . r7 7‘7“ “7:01; At the above price we will furnish A ; all the material to build this eight- room house, consisting of lum- ber, lath, Oriental slate surfaced shingles, mill work, flooring, fin- ishing lumber, mantel, bookcases. seats, side b ca rd, medicine case, ironing board, building paper,eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting n1aterial. Price does not in c l u de cement, brick or plaster. This house has stucco siding. We do not furnish brick, cement, plaster or stucco siding. We will t u r n is h clear cypress siding for $270.00 extra. ' I i " lllf AlJ/Afillgltl is an ef— 5 j ‘ / ' le(‘1i\'e Klission styl e of l. 3 / .-_. r t l l , H mm- arehiteetni‘e. lts exterior {U 1’ _> ‘ : ,,_ - i H (l*_ / a.) appearance. as \\‘t‘ll as the in— ;.—-;:—-~~- 7 'I = W" ___4_ U, . . * ‘ ‘ j . t - I [ta e__-. Iii :1 :«ILAJJ tei‘ioi‘ arrangement, Will appeal 5' ‘ ”\l) 1' M’“ "3* : FIRST moon PLAN. to anyone \\‘l1Hlll{(‘S massiVeness : 2'. and plentv ol room. : — ' _ II - First Floor A lireneh (loor leads from the poreh to the sun fill grain and color. Porch and tei'i'aee l1.l\l‘ eonereie floor. : : parlor. (‘ilxmmtm sash opening on three sides l’aint lllI'lHSllt‘tl for three vents ontmtle \\‘oo«l\\‘oi'l;. \ai'nish = : supply an ahnnilanee of light and ventilation. 'l‘here is a sitle- 811(1 \VOUtl tiller tor interior tinish. ( hunt!“ “”114” lHl'd‘Vm‘C, : : board in the ilining room, a large ln‘iel; mantel with a lmokt‘ase 5““)1’?!“ 1“" _ . . . _ . . : - on each SlIlC in the living room, an ironing hoaril in the kitchen. _ 1‘1““ 0” «i [H‘H‘liloumhtmny\\'1111l‘i1~‘“11h‘111. I lH‘l ”“111 ”HOMO I: I Separate stairways to the seeontl tloor from livingT room and JUISIS: I\o, I yel— OPTIONS : ‘ kitchen. Rooms are 0 feet from floor to veiling. low pine frame 5’1""! PMS!" “."d ““5!" “ms" ”‘ Place or I z ‘ . . ‘ ‘ _ ‘ . wood lath. $11100 extra - - Second Floor l‘onrheilroommvnh (‘lonetsaml bathroom on “”l‘l'l“ 1‘0” and Oak: Trim and Floors f'vr fun Purlnr- living and = " this floor Spet‘ial (‘losets for hats in three roofedwith Orien- d‘mng "’0’"? and slam“. ‘491'00.“’”."' u i, . ‘ . . . , 1 ‘ _ Clear Maple l' lo 0 r In r n z s h c (l in kitchen 2 0f the bedrooms. Rooms are 5 feet 4 inehes li‘oin tloor to veiling. {iii 51‘1”“ Slll'li‘t‘t‘d q and lgxthroom without extra charge- I - .‘ H u . . . t 4 _( H ., . . ‘ , ‘ , . S “HQ (‘5‘, QIHI'Hll- . tornt oars and W'indows, 51.93.00 extra. - \Ve [llrlllhll our l)( at ()nalm (.naiantittl mill “oilt, bl10\\ll teeil for {i it ‘ ‘11 screen Dams and Windows black wire, 575,00 E - on pages lOo {llltl 10‘). Interior (loors ‘ are oneqianel g ‘ ‘ extra: galvanized wire. £80.00 extra. I : fir on the first floor, on the seeontl llooi‘ hve—eross panel, 3“”5' 71.2912“?! '8 "01', wgntl‘d‘ 557',” I“? = - . . ‘. _ . ‘ A V‘ ‘ . . ‘ . \y . ‘ _ ~ _ Is ouse c m ~ '1‘ (40 ‘ . - w1th trim and llooiing to malt h, .111 )( llt \\ pint, in hmnti- lint‘pi'ieexot I‘ll]mlttngl,llt‘nting‘AViti11§4.l':h‘t‘(lli\‘lfiixtiit’esgrilliKlfulggMfiiigbnlifs : - _ . I. - I - t , -, 3 _ ‘ ‘ v ‘ x _ v _ ‘ ‘ _ 1 . - I - Our (xuaiantee l 1010(15 \ oil—~0Hlti \ 0111 House 1‘10111 1 his Book : u - : PI‘ICO Includes l‘lans and Specifii‘aiions. : - I - I ;Hun:Innnluuunm SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. CHICAGO llllllllllllllll'flllll 431V ”13“ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIj E l I I fl The Dining Room What a wealth of norm hospitality this picture re- veals. A reeorgnizerl authority on interior decoration writes: “Bril- liont colors are used in u rooin exneth as n pointer puts the tin— ishins.r touches of high lights in a pieture. Thet June a nmgieul tout-h. but. like, all magieul things. must he Used with the utmost care and restraint. l‘iortunntely. :i greater uppreeintion of the value of strongr eolor is ex ident eurv )t'éil‘. ln planning.r the eolor treutment of a room it should he eonsidered us ” whole. remem— lH‘FiIlL’ that, ever); eolor introdueed will have its eti'eet upon the other colors. For more eti'eet mu) he obtained by eolor than by ornament. As the eti’eet is greater, so greater eure should he taken in using color in deeorotion. The first, consideration in Choosing the eolor seheme for :i room is the exposure of the room. If it far-es North or l‘izist. warm tints should he usedisomething,r that will give full value to all the light that gets to the room. The Living Room A suggestion for interior treatment that will be help— ful to the housewife. The Sun Parlor In this illustration the beautiful foliage, outside seems to Vie with the rieh furnishings in harmony of color and riehness of contrast. Conversely, a eolor that til)\'()l‘l)S light should he moided—red or dork l)lllt‘. for example. The ernxe for neutral eolored lmt'k— uroundshnsled us into thefullney of using 2i putty ('olor or l)l(‘ll(l in till rooms, regardless of their exposure. This is u pit). sinee a North room so needs the :irtilieiul glow from n wnrm tinted linekground. The, suitable eolors for a North or lfust room are tun. hull. lirown. rose. :iprieot or pinlx. or these ('(Hlll)illt'ti with one another or with a tool tone. The room with the Southern or \\estern exposure requires n more neutral, toned lmekground H grin}. putt) eolor. white and l)lti(‘l\. blue—green. mume or mul- lN'f‘I‘}; in feet, on) shade thut has of itself :1 eool etl'eet. In these rooms the purpose is to eounternet the exeess of sunlight and {ITZH‘H and their subsequent. etl'eet on the nemes. l“or eolor renets on us in an extraordinnr) we}. Too much T)l‘lllltllll eolor ext-ites nnd tires us and too (lrul) eolors gin: us no stimulus.” IlllllllllllI[Ill]lfllllullllllllllllllllllIllulll InlnllllIunI-uuun SEARS ROE B UCK A N o C O. C H | CA G O lllllllllllllllllllllllu 431V _19_ ._ ._. Cffze VERONA - ” ‘ of ”Honor 13111" No. 7094 “Already Cut and Fitted. —‘ 14,8252 Houses 1111 Page 7. First Floor A 17r1‘111‘11 111)1)r 1111113 11111) 1111' 1'1‘1‘1111111111 11:111. 1’\1i;1s1-11 11111111111g111n11s‘ 1111111111111x11‘21 1.1111411 11\‘111g room, from \\'11i1‘11 :1 111111r 112/1115 11) 11115 511111 11111111. 1111- 11111111,;r room11215111115111111111111111:111-11111111111111111111111 11:111. 1111111111111‘111111 W111 111* 111111111 :1 111‘1*;11<1;1_\‘1 ;111‘11\'1' .1111] :1 1‘1)11\‘1-1111-111 11111131‘ 1111' refrigerator. 1(11111115‘ :1r1‘ ‘) 111-1'1 1111111 1111111‘ 111111111114. THE LIVING ROOM Order Your House From This Book. Our Guarantee Protects You. Price Includes Plans and Spvcifications. At the above price we will furnish all the material to build this seven -room house with frame construction, consisting of lumber, lath, shingles, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, mill work, mantel, pantry and medicine case, columned opening, seats with table for breakfast alcove, building paper, eaves trough, down spout. hardware and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. [IE VERONA 1321111181g11111z1t11z1s 1‘1‘C1‘1V1‘11 11111\\'1111'st 111111111‘113‘ 111111 1511 fawn-111* 11111111111111 111‘ 1111? (11111111111 type. The 1111151‘1111111'15 on 11115111111 11111111111115111‘ 1111541113111: 1111‘ 1111111111 11111‘ 1-11111111'.111' 111 ~\1‘1‘111111111. 1‘11111111111111111111111111'1n111‘1111111x \\1111 1‘1051‘1< Second Floor .11 1 1111 1111\ 1111111. 111 \111111 \1/1' 11111. \\1‘11 1111111111. \1111'1111-11111'11 11.111 1.111\ 111 1111‘ 11111. 1(1111111\ 111‘1‘3 111‘1'1 31111‘11115111'111111111111‘11111111111; \\1*1111'111\1111111‘ 1>1r\1 "1_111.1111\ (1.111111111111111.111111 “1111;, >1111\\11 (.111 1111u11\ 11l_\111111 1U". 1111111111‘1111111\ 111 *:\1-1‘1'11\\ 11.11111. \\1111 ,,,. ‘. '11 . . H .‘ \ W 1 1*". ‘ ‘ ',1 12' 1\;111»~ ~ 1'”; 111' 1~x1111111111 1‘ 11111.1: \m' ()P'l'l )NS Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish furnishml in place of wood lath 5205 ()0 extra (late Trim and Floors for reven- tion hull. living and dining roonrs, $451.00 extra Oriental Asphalt Shingles. in- stead of wood shingles. no extra charge. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Rooting, Red or Sea (lr(‘(‘n in color. in- stead of wood shingles. $63.00 less. Storm Doors and “'i'ndows, 5172.001-xtra. Screcn Doors and W’indows, black wire. $90 ()0 extra: gal- vanized wire, $96.00 extra. If fitantcl is not wanted. 557.35 less. Can be built on a lot 50 feet wide. 1*111’1s1‘i1‘1‘s 111' 1’11111111111u. 1112111112, “’1 1‘ i111: , Electric l11x1111cs and 511111165 see page 115. llllllllllllluulullllullllllllllfllllllllllu lllllllllllllllllllllllll SEARS ROE B UCK A N D , C O. C H | CA G O lllllllllllllllllllllllll 431V __201, A quiet, dig- nified atmos- phere prevails here. WNW} . , novel/4W; The Breakfast A [cove Convenience, comfort and labor savincr. Note the handy E i cabinet over each alcove seat. If you order this house from us and construct it according to E = _ our “Honor Bilt ” specifications, you will have a home in the real sense of the word. Remember, our binding guarantee protects you. Thousands of people have tested our guarantee, and they know that in building a house of any kind it protects -, them from stipshod methods, inferior quality of material, extras of any kind, as well as damage in transportation or the slight- est disappointment. \ 'F—‘v— _ ‘* :TfiT’f, r 7:11 YVIVlfiyll’It-lltlllllltzl[IllI ltlllllll”lHlvlll-Ill'll VIIIIUI‘IIAHJIII I“ p, a 1::r' .JJ O FIRST FLOOR PLAN. .__. _.._.____.__ l “I”lullIlltllllllllllllIllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 6349 991 736W At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- room cottage, consisting of mill work, lumber, lath, Roma-Tile Roofing, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware, medicine WHHHHHH|lllluuulllllllllllllllllllllllllrHllll lllllll' inn ' lllllllirrlill'lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'n'ii I“ No. 3065 “Already Cut” and Fitted. $33729—2 1TH its Roma-Tile Roof, handsome. entrance and French front door and windows, the Del Rey spells “\Yelcome” as plainly as modern ' Nothing tells more of the character of a house than the entrance. There Maln Floor is no disappointment in this case. for the living room proves to be all that is expected. Its hospitable atmosphere is due to its large size, to the flood of light pouring in through the door and many pretty windows, and to the attractive fireplace on the right, flanked by bookcases. Notice the good wall spaces for furniture. French doors The dininrz room is just as interesting as the living room and fully as light and cheerful with two windows. double French doors into the livini: room and single French door to the screen porch. There is plenty of space for all furniture \\ here it will show to best advantage. Notice how completely the kitchen work is isolated from the living r wins (1:7(1 how entirely out of sight it is. See how it is arranged to save steps and how all the work is near the windows. Space is provi led for the refrigerator between the two doors so the iceman cannot track the kitchen floor. Cupboards of the latest desi,;rr, ample tor every purpose. greatly simplify the work and there. is plenty of room for an e:-.tr.1 table if wanted. lCach bedroom has a closet and windows are so arranged that in both rooms there is more than one position in which the bed can be set without beirru against windows. Both rooms are light and airy. In the front bedroom is a three-corrrpartmerrt \\.1r'«li‘trl>P, \xith iriir‘rer'. as illustrated on page 114 (No. 9.300). Thebathroom is located between the two bedrooms. \\‘hat may prove to be one of the most delightful spots in the houseistlreprivate screened portlr. No one passes through it in entering or leaving: the house. so it is easy to keep clean and free from mosquitoes. It is available as a Summer breakfast room, as a playroom, as a place for afternoon tea. or as a sleeping porch, there being two entrances to it. By this arrange- ment it is perfectly practical to use it both day and night all Summer. Excavatezl basement under the entire house 7 feet from Basement floor to joists, lighted with basement sash. \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 10". Interior doors are live-cross panel, with trim and tlooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \\'indows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. l’aint for three coats outside; your choice of color. Varnish and \\ood filler for interior tinislr. Llilcago Design liard\\‘are, see page lltr. Built on a concrete foundation. No, 1 yellow framing lumber. (‘lear cypress siding. Roofed with Roma—Tile Rooting, guaranteed seventeen years. See De- E scription E of "Honor 5 B i i t ' ’ 3 Houses on 3 page 7. 3 architecture can make it. 5i L :1 E E I lead to the big dining room. I J :5 '= Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. i ,. E case, kitchen case, bookcases, mantel and painting material. We guarantee enough material to buiid this house. Price does not in- clude cement, brick or plaster. 151.0th l‘l..-L\'. OPTIONS Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $122.00 extra. Oak Doors, Trim and Floor: in living room and dining room in- stead of yellow pine, $287.00 extra. Maple Flooring for kitchen, pantry and bathroom instead of yellow pine, no extra charge. Storn‘t Doors and Windows, $137.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $49.00 extra; galvanized wire, $54.00 extra. If Mantel is not wanted. deduct $45.00. This house can be built on a lot 50 feet wide. For prices of Plumbing, Heating, \\'iring, lClectric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. l imii till' it]! ltlllllullltl ' l l [llllllllllll'l llilllllll lili‘ ll lillllllllll li'l'lli ll l r i l l Page 22 SEARS, OEBUCK AND 00., CIIICA l l“ GO Hon—MM At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this six-room bungalow, consisting of mill work, medicine case, bookcase, colonnade,mantel,kitchencupboard,lumber,lath,roofing,siding,porch ceiling, flooring, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting material. No extras, as we guarantee enough material to build this bungalow. Price does No. 3048 3A9 five/[on “Already Cut" and Fitted. See D_e- scription of "Honor B i l t ' ' Houses on Page 7 IlllllLlllll not include cement, brick or plaster. HHIH mmmmmmminmu Hm n n m H| FLOOR PLAN. Paint for three coats outside; varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Chicago Design hardware, see page 116. llllllllll lllllllllllllllull llll l Hlllllllllll lull Hn llll For prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Elec- tric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. 'l lllllllllllllllllllll \\lllllllll lll Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. $3,9212 BOA! California comes the idea for this delightful bungalow. HONOR BILT cm- struction makes it cozy and warm enough for any part of the country. The architects of California have studied and experimented until they have built houses of this type which are the most beautiful in the world. Main Floor Pleasantly located in the front of the house are both living and dining rooms. Each of these rooms has four pairs of casement sash which can be curtained inexpensively. You will like these windows from the first, but it will take a good hot day in August to show you just how enjoyable it is to be able to throw open your entire windows instead of just half of them, as usual. The bookcases at the opening between the two rooms will not only be attractive in themselves, but will save wall space for other things. Three bedrooms, bathroom, attic stairs and linen closet open off the hall. Each bedroom has two windows and a closet. In each room there is a place where the bed can be set in \Tinter, away from the windows. In the largest bedroom there is room for two double beds and dresser. The bathroom is well arranged and all the plumbing is on one wall. The kitchen is entirely out of sight from the living room and dining room. The sink and cabinet are together and are between the dining room door and the two windows. This means light and air and no steps wasted. The space for the stove is on the adjoining wall where the light will shine directly into the oven and it is only a step or two from the stove to sink. Over the space on the landing, which has been provided for the refrigerator, are shelves which can be made to save trips to the basement, or used for vegetables. The glazed door lights the landing and cellar steps as well as the refrigerator and shelves, and the grade entrance makes the kitchen easier to keep clean and heated. Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. Excavated basement under entire house, 7 feet high. Built on a concrete foundation. \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work. Interior doors are one-panel fir with yellow pine trim and flooring to match, all in beautiful grain and color. \Vindows are made of clear California white at: l|llllllllllllllllil'l‘lllllllllillllililllllll K‘i”lllilll'l'll'llll‘llllllllll lllllllll ‘ ,"th d l't l t' "th t dzf tt. as pine vu goo quaiygass se in m bes gra co pu y wk w. , . OPTIONS Wu}; W . r ' Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, 8134.00 extra. Storm Door: and Windows, $129.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $47.00 extra; galva- nized wire, $49.00 extra. Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for living room, dining room and nook, 5184.00 extra. Can be built on a lot 45 feet wide. t ,l filly :1 ml mm”... m xynin- It. ,, \ vm H] y“ ,u vu‘yn mu. ,m .v ,. . M1 ' ‘ U' V ~Hmv1nmi SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., CHICAGO VlllllllllllllnTlllTlllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllHlllllllllllllllll‘l'lll lllll l lllll‘ll \lllillllllllllll l‘ llll vlmnm ll'll'lllllllllll HHH'Hlnn m vmmmmvHHHHHnulilm'lnmmll ”J “D s (b N.) C»: Illllllllll”'lllllllllll'm'll'li‘llllil' lllllhlllllliiiitlll im. Hill ‘i ii.‘ y... w, i m .i i ”VT—”"1", v...» ‘ll‘i ,1 .. - it i iiH it, At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this six- room house, including kitchen cabinet, medicine case and mantel. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. 44 ”MIN“ lllll lll'lw See De— scription of "llonor B i l t ' ' Houses on Page I . lliluu No. 3058 “Already Cut” and Fitted. $4,3 1 79—2 '— IIE BANDOV is a neat, practical and modern design very much in favor .1 with discriminating builders. Q 35:3?“ y; SOFT” \,_A4 L . "i » i i Main Floor l‘rom the pleasant shelter of the big front porch one enters ’l 1? the attractive living room. If the l’reneh doors to the lett ‘ happen to be open one can look into the cozy (llIllllg‘ porch or sun room. In the living room the fireplaee. is opposite the l‘d‘l‘llt‘ll doors and the center ot a pleasing: group ol windows and eased openingy balance and good proportions ‘ eliaraeteriziiig the room. In the dining room there is space directly opposite the eased Opening for a bullet or China closet. Bedrooms, bath, linen closet. attic stairs and kitchen all open otl the hall. Roth bedrooms have cross ventilation, large closets and doors to the l‘l-loot sleeping- porch. . .\n_v part prtlie heuse or basement may be quickly reaehed from the kitehen, yet the work is entirely out or sight. Sink and store are together and near by are two handy cabinets. \\' till one side ot the kitchen and these, together with the glass panel door leading to the sun 1 » ..i. . will make it a I‘rleasaut work room. t‘kl izraile entranee above space for retriuerator is a liiee _ shelf for vegetables, this space being: Cooler than the kitchen. The glass in the outside deer lights the landing. Rooms are 0 feet from floor to ceiling. Basement liseavated basement under the entire house 7 feet from floor to joists, lighted With basement sash. \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 103 and 100. Interior doors are live—cross panel, with trim and flooring to iiiateh, all yellow pine. in beautiful grain and color. \\ indows are made of clear Calitornia white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Paint for ltlir‘eereoats' outside; your choice OPTIONS of eolor. \ ainish and wood tiller tor inteiior Sh . . ‘ -. . U , . . .A ,, ‘ , V eet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take finish. (liit.i_..o Dtsim liaid\\ait. SC‘l page h I f :11 h ‘. 1H). Built on a C01h‘lt‘lt‘ toundatioii. No. 1 t e p ace 0 1.000 at ' ‘103’09 “I”? ~\‘ellow pine tiaiiiiiiq lumber. (‘lear cypress Oak D00"; .Trlm and FIoorsan I'l'mfl' siding. Rooted with lfiie-t‘hiet‘ Shingle Roll room, dining roof". and dining porch Rooting, ls'ugu'unu‘pil {or 1'; years. instead ofyellow pine. $319.00 extra. » :‘TL , {limit Maple flooring for kitchen, pantry and ”qua. //“\A- \‘li‘\\' bathroom instead of yellow pine, no 3 ~ . " extra Charge. Storm Doors and W’indows, 5132.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $51.00 extra; galvanized wire, $54.00 extra. Attic finished with two rooms, $316.00 ' em... 33 CEMENT PORCH ., I . _ , -- , .;2 g, If Mantel is not wanted, $58.00 less. 7‘ ~ i l ' 7 . g :. L This house can be built on a lot 38 feet p Lp’D ““'~—A'm~r F‘;'-lll I. .( ' ' l ride. . i l‘l l. ll \\ =+— . i. ’ ‘ wrpriees o iimiine, eating. ~iriniz, , ‘ flllllm Inleetrie Fixtures and Shades see page 115. This house can be one—14,0" l 60‘ .1 built with the rooms re- ‘ | I versed. See page 3. .l ; hi. WW i'lllllll 'v Irrv ii iii in liIllHUMILJHIUUAHHAUAllltlLJ HIH H HIH r H i'i'lllll'iili ll'Ulll'llll ll l'i i DINING PORCH ‘A‘lll ”r v lllll lli'" 'il l‘ 'il Hi I All i'liullll Ill l l’ll‘ ili h Our Guarantee Protects You—~Order Your llouse. From This Book Price Includes Plans and Speeitieations. \lliuirni ”IVII'UH 'I U'l’llltl"l ”Ulllllllllllilll i it i “L. i v i i n Page 24 SEX-1R8. ROEBI’CK AND“ CO, CHICAGO y‘l Hill“ U will 'i H ‘ m‘il ‘lllllllllllllll l H, mm m, ,,.y.1v.uu \lll w“ v v , ' lill‘llill'illl‘u-U" At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- room cottage, consisting of mill work, lumber, lath, shingles for walls, porch ceiling, flooring, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware, mantel, medicine case, Fire Chief Shingle Roll Roofing andpainting material. We guarantee J , mnn Cytejtone ytz'a’qe No. 3044 "Already Cut" and Fitted. -l'llx‘l ul‘m‘mlw‘ H" |,«,,¥| I" A ii'l‘l lit 11'” enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. ll! 1 m um n 11] — See Description = of "Honor Bilt” » Houses on page 7. “1‘” l mm H / my; 9:021 ‘ , 2951;2-2 FLOOR PLAN l’aint for three coats outside, your chorce of color. see ; :v: 116. built on a concrete foundation. ‘llil ll Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $119.60 extra. Oak Doors, Trim and Floors in living room and din- ing room instead of yellow pine, $210.00 extra. Maple Flooring for kitchen, pantry and bathroom instead of yellow pine, no extra charge. 'l'il‘ 'l'lll \' llll J“ door. llllllll'llllll'llill'l“ $354702 ERE is a large comfortable house that will identify its owner as a person of good taste and judgment. It is of a type that will conform to the architecture of the best neighborhood and will be a place of distinction anywhere. ' “There is no place more delightful than one’s own fireside,” wrote Mam Floor Cicero, and here is a fireplace that will indeed be a delight, being so situated that it adds much to the exterior and lends its cheer to the whole living room. This living room is over 20 feet long and has five big windows besides the glazed door and the big cased opening into the dining room. A good size coat closet is near the entrance. The dining room is also of good size and proportions with big wall spaces for furniture just where you want them. There are two windows together on the side wall and further light is admitted through the eased opening and the attractive glazed Notice that one can enter either living room or dining room from the porch. Each bedroom has two windows and a good claset. The bathroom and linen closet open off the hall which connects the bedrooms. The grade entrance makes it easy to reach the basement from either the kitchen or the outside. A generous pantry with an outside window is on the same side of the room as the work table and sink. The two windows are so placed that working at the sink or table will be equally pleasant, and light will shine directly into the oven. There is SpaCC for the refrigerator in the entry, which is on the same level as the kitchen floor and quickly reached. looms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. Basement Excavated basement under the entire house, 7 feet from floor t) joists, i'illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 'll :‘ are male of clear California white pine, with‘good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. . Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Chicago Desrgn hardware, No. 1 yellow pine framing lumber. OPTIONS . For prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book ”liH' llllllnlli" lll lighted with basement sash. We furnish our best "Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. VV indows ' l"”illl lll' \‘ l l" Clear cypress bevel siding instead of shingles for outside walls, $35.00 extra. Storm Doors and Windows, 5106.00 extra. Screen Doors an indows, black wire, extra; galvanized wire, $37.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 50 feet wide. 535 .00 llllllllll‘l'll'llhilll" ' Electric Fixtures and Shades, see page 115. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. iIH'IH Ulllllllll'l'lll iv" SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO, CHICAGO “ | 'i ‘1 1i- mil i! “\h MI! '.»I ,. , i \wHHHrii ‘ll [mu ‘ x Int-1H“ ”I Page 25 __—— ~ N E AT P O KC H I Elllllllyllllllllfllllllllllllllflllllflllllllllll “ml" ., ./ At the prices quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- room cottage, consisting of mill work, lumber, lath, Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing lumber, medicine case, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hard- ware, mantel and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Prices do not include cement, brick or plaster. Sec De— scription of “Honor B i l t ' ' Houses on Page 7. “it. 011/ de Two Arrangements. No. 9030 “Already Cut" and Fitted. Price, $2,171.00 No. 7ND “Already Cut” and Fitted. Price, 2,013.00 3 ‘llll‘lnlll 111111111 ,/ .111 \ "1 a l\\ II in" . / IMROKD: 1g TUCCO panels and tapered columns, brackets and other little touches make the Clyde an unusually well balanced and attrac- 111 tive house which will look as well on a narrow lot as on a wide one. 5-) Main Floor Entering the living room, it is surprising to find how .1 large and light it IS. It extends entirely across the house and has three windows besides the handsome glass door and a sash on each side of the brick mantel. It is of such good shape and arrangement that no matter what pieces of furniture you have, they can always be. comfortably and attractively arranged. The wide cased opening into the. dining room adds to the light and the feeling: of spa- ciousness. Ilere you have. the two windows pouring light right over the table. Opposite. is a big space that will accommodate a butiet. belt) PObM 5 M on X' *"QfiiiCHtNGE, .3 11011510?ng J ;> .u; 1117““ 1 'Y' 111111111111111 5812' 1111 11111 33‘Q The kitchen is an unusually compact, convenient Workroom. Standing at the sink you are close to the window and the table. The grade entrance is a modern imprm'ement that you will like better the longer you lire in the house. Fine for carrying things between basement and yard and makes the kitchen easier to heat. There is a closet off each bedroom. The bathroom in Plan No. 9030 is between the bedrooms. Rooms are 0 feet from floor to ceiling. t‘k‘" ‘ 10-2 xll' 7 . ‘ “L951“. “ 'L 11111 Basement E¥F“"“i“‘1 base'nient’muler the entire house 7 feet from floor to Joists. huhted with basement sash. \Ve furnish our best "Quality Guaranteed" tnill work, shown on pages 108 and 100. Interior doors are li\'(‘ ‘ ill" 3-4: 'DRLSERI ‘- lxi x l l (A Q i' I . ; l 1 “J ‘ ,‘ 44—5 .1- a’ .Q , !, Q Ca: J, VA‘ljil ,ml'l LI '0‘ < ; .6'5X5‘ . w l, U]: L LOSFT ‘,_L_L\11NcRoo.~/1; —~‘ 5 L +— i “:2": W‘ e: I - '.< 1 . 5 S L' fll’P‘ l y it“- 8;: l ”.51, Kai-DJPOOM l? 5;? m! g i, l /i&2'xl08 —. - - 1 l \ CEMENT PCRCH 16'0 x 70' Main Floor The living room has windows on two sides and long spaces against the walls for furniture. The kitchen is of good size, with sink near stove—a great step saver. On the opposite side there is a fine cabinet. Next to the stove is cased opening for five long shelves for culinary utensils. The rear door leads down three steps to the landing, where there is a space for the refrigerator. Directly off the kitchen is a large closet with two cupboard doors. This will hold all dishes and supplies. Between this closet and the back door is a space for brooms. The table can stand under the two windows. The two bedrooms and bath are off the hall. Each bedroom has a long closet. There are two windows in each bedroom and plenty of room for furniture. Rooms are 8 feet 3 inches from floor to ceiling. Basement Excavated basement under the entire house 7 feet from floor to joists, lighted with basement sash. \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five—cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Yindows are made of clear California White pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. OPTIONS Paint for three coats outside, your choice Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the of color. Varnish and wood filler for in- place °f "’00" lath: 381-00 extra- terior finish. Stratford Design hardware, Maple Flooring for kitchen. pantry and bath- sce page 117. Built on a concrete founda- room instead ofyellow pine, no extra charge. tion. No. 1 yellow pine framing lumber. Storm Door: and Windows. $72.00 extra. Clear cypress siding. Roofed with Firc- Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $32.00 Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, guaranteed 17 extra; galvanized wire. $35.00 extra. years. This house can be built on a lot 28 feet wide. For prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. Honor—BE! She Oil V2 C1 No. 7028 “Already Cut” and Fitted. $1,9332 EARS of study devoted to making the most of every inch of space in a small house have resulted in the Olivia. It is simply astonishing how convenient this house is. yourself. This house can be built with the rooms reversed as shown in the small floor plan. See also page 3. u wlnn HHI it Look over the floor plan and judge for lllk llllllll’lllll lllllllll ll‘llllillllllllllllll'llllllllllHlll t'llllll lvl lll [M "l ' ill: 1 "llltht‘lw _This Shows how the rooms Will be arranged if the house is built reversed. —’7 l bee page .3. Imunml Hnl‘umulmmmminulmmnmumml'mu 1mm IH'HHHHIHH I'u1|I1HmmmlmlmIIIHIHHIHHHIIII11HHHIIHIHHIHIHHl[1IllIlHIlIIlmlIlllllllnnlllmlIlmnmllummlmn Il‘-('I'hi H ' SEARS, ‘ROVE'BUCK AND 00., CHICAGO ‘1 HI t' n-lllll .IHH \ 1m l l' m Hmrnu 1m if" 1 Nu vm vn v v numw mm”) l‘l'llll'W H l‘lllll‘H luW' ’\ Ill iiilili‘inlhl‘ l l ii‘liii ill.ili‘llliilliillitilllll I] up ,iIMII l‘t l , A llll Llll .l “I: Hill'lli‘tliiliili l m Alill 'llll'll llll‘lllllil‘ll'llllllli Ulll'llllllilllli'i'iii! i 1 li' lili ,, Hirg‘ i ‘lrl'l'l‘ >" ilillllllli ”a . At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this six- fia room house, consisting of lumber, lath, mill work, kitchen cabinet, E 9 me, 1‘ as medicine case, flooring, porch ceiling, roofing, siding, firuzhzng lumber;i E ' - ' ' ut wei hts ardware an E No. 3063 “Already Cut” and Fitted. building paper, eaves trough, down spa , sash . g , 'Id [1' h E $ 00 painting material. We guarantee enough material to but t is ouse. E 3,252: Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. E f ERE is a fine home that any Ameri- E can can be proud of and be coni— "I‘m 3 See Description of “Honor Bilt" Houses fortaolc in. Iris :1 digniticd, substantial 5 on page 7 house that Will stand out among its 3 (“7.0. ‘ neighbors and never go “out of style." The rooms are all light. E ' ' airy and big, no crowding either of furniture or folks. Lots of 5 big closets just where needed and a kitchen that Will save miles E --— _I .-. _, of steps. 5 with? . ' From the large front porch our handsome E l“'"’ FIrSt Floor GRANT door leads to the big living room, E : va K which is of excellent proportions. and has good wall space. At 5 5 lICHEN. the foot of the stairway and 0ppos1te the front door a mirror door E : 7 ma 'vor‘ _-W l l'o'x K15 opens into a large coat closet- It 15 big enough for folding tables 5 E ]' i._°_‘"_”'3§". ill!) {imiod and other conveniences'which one likes to keep near the livmg : ~ I F; I met room. The four big Windows in the cheery dining room pour E g l D extra light into the living room through a 7-foot cased opening. _ E b ' ‘ my ’ Here is room enough for a large buffet, as well as for china cabi- : E {'9 L} net, serving table or tea wagon. You pusli‘tlie swmging door into : _ e—r ii LNWG DOOM the kitchen and find yourself right at the Sink. A couple of steps 5' g ‘ liblfllx lthl from the sink is the stove, with good light for oven and top. A ; {lutj big cabinet is in one_corner and near the table which 18 under . 3 “33$ the window. Now, if you bake, you have everything together, : F Imui flour in sanitary swmgiiig bins, all utensils and ingredients. i; “ without crossing the room once. At the grade entrance and 011 2. the same level with the kitchen floor is space for' the refrigerator. E Over the refrigerator space is a. bi: shelf for things wanted near 3 the kitchen but not used daily. . All your work is concentrated E _ Ii: on the three walls nearest the dining room. 011 the other wall is f. ' a window and space for table. Notice the grade entrance and ‘ the square turn for cellar stairs~no winding stairs when you 5 have a big load to carry. No traclesmeri and iceinen tracking up SECOND FLOOR PLAN. 2 Cth'T (took your clean kitchen floor, and the kitchen is always warm in \\ inter. : ; ‘ There are windows on two srles, so you can keep an eye on the yard. Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. : lfirfil . ~ '— The stairs make a square turn and bring you to S v—4 , ~ ~~~~~ second Floor a small hall from which all rooms and a closet OPTIONS ~__ , , olperli. lA windonl lilglits stairs and hail. Alt tllie heatfl of thefstairs is Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the 5 .~~——.—.—l 1 ie )at irooin, a p uni )ing on one \\'a , am p ciity o space or towel FIRST FLOOR PLAN. rods. t the end of the tub is a generous clipboard, over 5 feet high place 0’ "700d lath, $13800 extra. ,— ‘ alndf3 feet (I’m-ii), ii] the bitiellt ot whliel} akre deep shelves for storage and in Oak Doors, Trim and Floors in living room, , t ie font 0 w lie 1, out o t to ieac to c lll’ll't‘ll, is ample room for towc s - - - - , g and a handy shelf for bottles. All three bedrooms are large. Each has windows on two sides and has its own closet. The closet dining room and stairs Instead Of )ellow j shelves Iare in lfronlt of (lloors mild notlacross Vii/1 end where theyl would be hard to s)ee zilltllgtfi at. \Vindows are so arranged pine, 3231-00 extra- 2 . that bet s can )0 p acct away min t It'll] in inter ant near t icin in Summer. ( If t ie m is another closet for bed linen, - - 4 or storage, or for an extra broom, etc., so that it will not be necessary to carry the cleaning things up and down stairs. Maple Flooring for kitchen, Pantry and Rooms are 8 feet 2 inches from floor to ceiling. l’oreh is 8 feet by 26 feet. bathroom Instead of yellow pine, no extra ; We furnish our best “Quality (iuaraiiteed'_' mill work, shown on pages 108 and 10‘). Interior doors are “\‘t‘rt‘l'OSS panel, charge. j with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful giziiii and color. Windows are made of clear t‘alifornia white , pine, with good quality glans set in with best grade of putty. Front liol‘Cll has concrete tloor. Wood Floor material for the porch, $100.00 . Iluilt on a concrete block foundation and excavated under entire house. \’Ve furnish clear cypress siding and Roma—Tile extra. ‘ Roofing guaranteed fifteen years; framing lumber of No. 1 quality yellow pine. St D d W. d 3140 00 t - ‘ ‘ ‘ Basement, 7 feet from “001‘ to joists. with concrete floor. First tloor, 9 feet from floor to orm oors an m ows, ‘ ex rd. .3 Helght Of celllngs ceiling. Second floor, feet 2 inches front floor to ceiling. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, » wzllighsizé%raigll:rff6wats outside, your clioxce of color. Varnish and wood tiller for interior t‘iiiisli. Chicago Design liard- 551,00 extra; galvanized wire, 55400 extra. E ' ‘ This house can be built on a lot 32 feet wide. = Our Guarantee Protects You-Order Your House From This Book For prim “f phmlhing,11,.;,t,,,g_\\~i,ing, Em, - r: - . . ‘:‘» W‘~ : E PrlCC Includes Plans and SpCClllCLItIOIIS. trie l 1.\turcs and bliades, sue page 113. E E u [I’lll' lllilllll i'llilllllllll lllll'l' ”H 1H 1 l' ' " ll illlllllililili‘ ii” llllillllltli'lill‘ : SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO ltllllllllll K F j: i: {E 5E E n .H, -v ir- u iiilllllll‘ u .uwiw Ull'i'l . i ‘lll li “lllK‘lll]lllllll\\llllllllllllll lll‘ll llllllllllllllllflzi um I v ii I \[ll __ lSLO' ii HIHlll'l m u l mum v "mm " ,- DA,“ . . . it). maul /\ M‘r VJ' \ “2.21:2? \i'x‘irrsai) . invmn m \l"l'll'l\Y (’3 fl ; 0‘ Purim! um . VH uum nu mm H l'll 1m 1111 lll'l' Him “I 3At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this house, consisting of lumber, lath, roofing, mill work, flooring, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down — spout, sash weights, hardware, medicine case and painting material. Price does not include cement, brick . , FIRST FLOOR PLAN. v l‘il lll' lllllll'll' room and stairs, 8147.00 extra. lllllllllll lll Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $103.00 extra; with attic, $175.00. Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for living room, dining For prices of Plumbing, Heating, \Virinz, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. or plaster. First Floor The porch will be almost a living room in ummer. It extends entirely across the front of the house. The pretty San Jose door with its divided lights, corresponding with the divided lights in the windows on either side of it, leads to the large light living room. The dining room is large, pleasant and well lighted. Bedrooms, bath, closets and attic stairs—none of these open off the living rooms, yet they are quickly reached, as they are all off the small hall which leads from the dining room. Both bedrooms are of good size, permitting much leeway in the arrangement of furniture. The kitchen is a model for convenience and saving in time and labor. Attic Vile will furnish material for three bedrooms and three ClOCetfs in attic, as shown in attic floor plan at the right, for $499.00 extra. \K'e furnish our be:;t “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, Shown on pages 108 and 10"). Interior doors are five—cross pazel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Built on a concrete block foundation and excavated under entire house. \Ve furnish clear cypress siding and extra heavy Fire-Chief Roofing; framing lumber of No. 1 quality yellow pine. liir porch floor. Height of Ceilings Basement, 7 feet from floor to joists, with concrete floor. First floor, 8 feet 2 inches from floor to ceiling. l’aint for three coats outside, your choice of color. see page 117. OPTIONS Storm Doors and Windows, $84.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $32.00 extra,- galvanized wire, 33500 extra. This house can be built on a lot 32 feet wide. CtyAelloz/u'a No. 3049 “Already Cut” and Fitted $2,998.":0 . ' _ ‘ ‘ Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, /. ifs) iamavlwa' Dec somefisé 5:0 la'i. :".I.._.‘.‘-_ BED Doom, 3‘81XH‘15 ‘ a“. v 73:1" Ccooer Bio/3900M anesthetic: 9-wee- / ‘\I ' Finished Attic Plan, $499 Extra. This housefczm be built with the rooms reversed. See page 3. QA- "Honor Bill" Con— struction explained on page 7. llllllll'llllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘llllllll \lllll lll'l ll'i l'll llll l‘\lllHlllllllllillllllllllllllllllll lllHllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll[lll[llllllllllllilllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnzl llilll l 'r‘ . 1 mil n1mimimImmmunnnm mm] [minimum \ illr'HHHlHHlllllllllllllllll“llllll mun SEARS, EOEBUCK AND‘CO. CHICAGO “Hum Hm [Hum H lilllnlll ll inninmimm lilll4llllil . Page 29 e . ' ;.., 'll'll'l lll l inliln. ”‘ ' " "‘ ' "'l' 'l 'l ll H . I‘ll-nlllllilllll'llllll'llll‘l'llllllll ”Ill .1 it 1.x, 1 til ' l' l l 2749 Marquette No. 3046 Already Cut and Fitted See De- scriptiou of “Honor B l t ' ' At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- room house. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. N THE Marquette the architect has very successfully applied the gambrel roof to a. Colonial type and added many attractive features. The front porch with its Colonial columns worked in combination with trellises, the massive brackets and dentals, the Colonial attic windows and flower boxes, produce a harmonious ettect seldom obtained in this type of house. First Floor Hospitality characterizes the bit: living room, filled as it is with light by the windows and French doors in front and pair of windows on the side. In one corner a coat closet makes orderliness easy. A sideboard can be placed in the dining room opposite the cased opening. The kitchen work is pretty well shut out of the living and dining,y rooms, as you can see by the plan, yet everything is made easy and pleasant for the worker. The sink is on a direct route between the pantry and stove and is where there will always be good light, and on hot days a cross current of air. Lots of room in front of sink. stove and table. Another window lights the pantry, where the ice box may stand indoors; the icing door we provide will permit the ice man filling it without entering the house. \Vith the covered porch in back and the grade entrance at the side, there are two ways out. Rooms are 8 feet 4 inches front floor to ceiling. Big bedrooms, big closets. Second Floor lots of light and air. The front bedroom will take two full size beds comfortably —there are two good closets in it. Each bedroom has a cozy nook where seats are built at the dormer windows. Cross ventilation and good planning, not , to mention the big closets, make the bedrooms ------ - — — —-r/- — -~-- - - -- —- — — delightful. Rooms are 8 feet from floor to ceiling. Basement Iijxeavated basement under lhc‘m" tire house. llliL‘IlOI‘ doors are nve— eross panel, with trim and tlooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Vindows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Porches have tir edge grain flooring. 5““ ‘3“ H W ‘R HAN- \ Houses on Page 7 .umnnummmnmmun” 'll'll l ll‘llll'll llllllllllllllllllllv v .hn ( x ‘7 L mini 7 \'_ any)“: r‘. KlTCHEM a??? an X’ZLS‘ [MOLE 'lll' l Atlltmlwl lltlll l | a Aucz‘oalfil 26 '0' {RANGL L_._____.| ” DnuuG'Doom 30“: l" ,v. .173.” iii: ‘tll‘lflil. ' l D / ,.., , t. t o m HHHHHHHHIIHIHHHlllllllHlllllllluulllllllllllllllllllnlll HlllllHHII IV, LlVlNG DOOM HI x1. 2e2”x12#2“ LJ .lll ‘ J 1V: rev , L6 l 1 ”CI: to: mu 1 121': i l , II V m 4\ dz Q\ b’t kw\\ fl“ 7 A a O K 7) /CL\ 6“? \ \ 7 \\f¢/ 'lll l PODCH leoxso‘ All ltl g ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ) . l’aint for three coats out- OPTIONS ! ‘ I‘IRKI FLOOR 1 LAN' Sl‘le, UV” ‘1 “115 of 5mm for Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place i 1301‘ prices Of *' shingles 1n gable; your of wood lath. $12700 extra. ‘ choice of color. Varnish and - . . . . . ‘ ' r x - wood tiller toninteiior finish. Oak Doors, Trim and Floors In [Hung room, dating 1 lllllllllvll'g, 1.1“” mg, \\ 1 ring, (,lucavzo “Winn hardware, room and stairs instead of yellow pine, $223.00 see page 110. Built on a con— extra. vote and bi iek foundation. Maple Flooring for kitchen, pantrv and bathroom l“. lt‘C t riC l“ lX- ‘- .. 31111:“; (1:31;; filling?! instead ofyellow pine, no extra'charge. .. . 4 In ‘ ' '5». t. ( 7 . x ‘ H “I: lirst “my and cedzii gtorm Doors and Windows, $136.00 extra. I ll 1‘ L 5 (I I] d ‘, slnnglvS for Mable. Roofod creen Doors and Windows. black mire, $63.00 Qh'ldCS SCC 3'1 C ‘ \vitlr l‘ire—(‘liief Shingle Roll 93"“; galvanized 10578. $09.00 extra. ‘ i ’ 1" g Rooting, guaranteed 17 years. This house can be built on a lot 26 feet wide. 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. A III ll llll lllll'ltllllill Al nnnmmmmnm llllllllnHllllllllllllll ll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I I'll lll l H llll w , i W H " V '111 'm 111‘ Page 30 SEARS, ROEBI'CK AND CO., CHICAGO x A W's.” wmswwse ‘33: ‘ M a. a...“ W“- “‘ V“ w. . - a BATH AND I ‘h v M ‘l‘ lll'lulill H lilt'lllllli'tlllllllilllll‘lllll”h‘lti" l‘lll lllll ll 4 ‘1 ll “‘ l ” ll lllllllllllllll“lllllllltlll‘ . ‘ il‘ 1 l v V v 1 ll'llH1HHlll“VIHIIIHHHHIHHHHHlllllll‘llllllllllllHllllllllHlll|HI1HHHHIHH|HHlllllllllllllllllny u 'lH' H ll' 1 ' ll llll"l" I‘vvv t t yyvlv At the price quoted we will supply all the material to build this six- room bungalow, including all mill work, lumber, lath, shingles, siding, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, bookcase, colonnade, medicine case, mantel, hardware and painting material. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. built with the rooms reversed. See page 3. FUNK MR t‘l/wY FLOOR PLAN. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. See De— E] {IE it ‘w ill lH lll . l v I l m l v l scription of "Honor B i l t ‘ ' Houses on Page 7 43/1/01 ion No. 3050 “Already Cut” and Fitted. $3,8 1 42—? THIS design embodies strength, dignity and gracefulness. It presents a most pleasing appearance and is of a character that will long retain popular favor. This house can be Main Floor The six r0 0 m s a nd bath are well arranged. It is not necessary to enter any of the three bedrooms directly from the main rooms. Ample closets are—provided and many of the latest ideas for space utilizers are embodied. The living room is of excellent proportions and well lighted. The fireplace and bookcase colonnade add to comfort as well as beauty. The dining room is flooded with sunshine by the row of windows on the left and with the long wall space opposite these windows you can place a buffet of any size. The kitchen is planned to make the work easy. Only a few steps away from the door to the dining room is the stove. On the landing at the grade entrance just inside the back door, which has a glass, is a space for refrigerator. All bedrooms have two windows and will comfortably accommodate the bedroom furniture. Thereisa closet with a door for two bedrooms, also a coat closet and a linen Closet opening off the hall. There is an extra door for the linen closet in the bathroom. A cedar chest forms the window seat in the front bedroom. Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. Basement Excavated basement the full size of the bungalow. Has concrete floor and is 7 feet high from floor to joists. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Vindows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. lll‘l ll ‘llllllllll‘llll tl' lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“l'IlllllllllllllllIl llllllllllllllllllllllm "i i'll”lll" l'llil '1'1 Built on a concrete foundation, No. 1 yellow pine construction. roofed with best grade OPTIONS thick cedar shinirles over Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place Sided with clear cypress siding and good wood sheathing. Three coats of paint for outside woodwork; ofwoodlath, $146.00extra. . Varnish and filler for Oriental Asphalt Shingles Instead of wood interior. Chicago Design shingles, "0 9X0“ charge. For prices of hardware, $69 Page 116. Fire-Ch ief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green in color, instead of wood shingles, $86.00 less. Oak Trim Doors and Floors for living room and dining room, $148.00 extra. Storm Doors and Windows, $102.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $41.00 extra; galvanized wire, $43.00 extra. If Mantel is not wanted, $49.00 less. This house can be built on a lot 40 feet wide. Plumbing, Heating, \\'i r i n g , Electric I’ixtures and Shades see page 115. This house has double floors and IS enclosed with good sheathing. llllllllllllllllllll ll"l l'lllllllllllllllll'llllll lllli l' t,, SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., CHICAGO mlmhlmm Page 31 m llll‘ll I Hi 1 Alllllll m1.“ H m it“ an lllnlllllll mm . it n l in \' l‘llll'w 7 a E = - = s s .5. E E a s _-_,;a:I "l lll‘llll illlllllllll ll ii i i i .‘EJE . ’=’!7- l‘h'iil‘i‘ ~ 111111111i1111' :1 llllll‘lll'lll'lllil‘llll[lllllllul‘l ' Willt'illlllllllil‘11111111111111.111'1111 lli ' l i 1 . [V i . i ll ' l . i ' ""l‘ll' “ I ilIhP ll 1 il'i ‘ -' A At this price we will furnish all the material to build this five- fl\ . HIHIIIIHI l :" . . ' ' ' “3% S e e De room house, consisting of lumber, lath, Fire-Chiefshingle roll roofing, g E scription of mill work, flooring, siding, porch ceiling, finishing lumber, bullfdlgg .= "HonorBilt" paper eaves trough down spout sash weights medicine case ar - E :1 ll ,, I ’ ’ ’ ’ ' , . E i $32337” on No. 3052 Already Cut and F‘tted' ware and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build i . $2 33 100 this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. E r 3440. ' NEAT home with five comfortable rooms and bath, conservative E .... ., l and economical. The wonder of the house is how exactly right E gig ime all the little points are. Grade entrance: space for ice box on same E .. 'f " . ~ .. "3'9“”; level as kitchen floor; front bedroom and kitchen have cross yeiitilation; : Pun-il'TOfl V811 __ :J - ' ‘ . ' ’ 5 E 1m. :1 it 't. ' BEDPWH bathroom is entered from a little hallway and not directly from livnig E E flyfiainz l . , 5.8;“95 . room, bathroom unusually well arranged; three big Closets and all 5 E ‘ 7 W gag“.— 7 rooms well planned to accommodate f urniture. E ' ' Jun “h . . . . . E E E ' _ u. 7. sit. Mam Floor The large llVlng room and cheerful dining room are 3 E N DlNlM‘ ROOM ‘ iéF's-rw connected by means of a “'lde cased Opening. Oppos1te 5 big.) g LIVING ROOM 'BED ROOM , the front door with windows grouped about it is a long space against the g Lemming] 13L7Xl+;2‘ r”; . wall where any handsome large piece of furniture “'1” look attractive. In E £5.41 3 5% fact, the liying room is one that will be easy to furnish C021l_\'. The din- g Ui'le—‘B z§ Egg mg room also has good places for furniture and is flooded w1th light. g a 17 :1: m3. .7 Right at the swinging door leading to the kitchen is the Sink with a wmdow E This house . beside it, and close by is space for the range. L nder the. window on the g 3; can lie built l DODCH llATffi'xl Opposite wall a table can stand. Opening the rear door you find your— :3 pggfigsfl‘; I 200170 l sell on a landing where the ice box can stand, and Just inside this door ‘7 . >_ E a .. CEMENT -. .- ‘ . - - - - E E {Egg Sm _ .___ fl _._ is a good size drop shelf where things to be put into the refrigerator -\TTIC m “I ; § ' FLOUR yum. ‘ can be gathered and all put in at one time, saying ice. The shell will be SEE opiioxs i E useful in many ways and when cleaning the kitchen it can be dropped ' E flat against the wall. The two bedrooms are of good size, on pages 108 and 100. Interior doors are five—cross panel, with E 5' light and airy. Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain E - . . - d color. Windows are made of clear Californii white ine i 2 e furnish r “ ' . . ’ . - - 39 . . . . ‘ P v : E W on best Q1131“) Guaranteed null “0d" Sh0\\ll With good quality glass set in With best grade of putty. : E _ Paint forthree coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for OPTIONS. E E interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. This house can be E 5 Basement under en- Furnished with two rooms in the attic. £352.00 built on a lot 40 : E tire house 7 feet high. extra. See attic floor plan. feet wide. 5 E Bum on a concrete Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the 1‘ - E E block foundation. place of wood Iath, $90.00 extra; with attic, <0r Prices 0f E 5 frame construction 3134.00 extra. Plumbing Heat- .5 L and Sided \yith nar- , . . . , . . 4 .~.‘ . : ; row bevel clear cy- Oak Trim and Floors in living and dining rooms, 1 11 g , \\ l r 1 11 g, E E .- - ,' :~ ‘._ $152.00 extra. [:1 . . ' . :' , : H prtss siding. Iirt . L ( it'lL 1 IX- .— E ‘_ It (‘hief Shingle Roll Storm Doors and Windows, $104.00 extra. til i‘ C s "111d : E 1{0(\lin}( tor_the roof. Screen Doors and Windows. black wire, 539001 911 1.. Hi , : E . . guaranteed “’1 SCVCH‘ extra; galvanized wire. $42.00 extra. 11:“ L" S“ page T ’: '. ' ' teen years. 5. E E ~\iiiimmmmnmmi ‘ s s » W.“ “J ,. - , E E . r ,d. Our Guarantee Protects Xou—Order Xour House From This Book 5 E ,_' “WWW-mfg; " "-r. Froni;:g 8.15:1. View Price Includes Plans and Specnications. E E?! l u l ! 1‘: III!1HLU11”111111111111 1 111111111 11 ‘1‘11111111 ' 1' 17111 1111 | 1‘11 11 11i 1'11lll 1 1111 I 11H 11! 1 1111111” M 11111 11‘“ i "u «S; :19" SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., CHICAGO K FOUR “POMS AND 99”?“ )1 \m‘msm \m‘\“\“ \&\\\\\xmm . mmmx\xm““ W‘W‘Ws‘ssliie‘ims‘“ l‘llll‘llllllll Il‘illl'llllll 'i‘liltllill'HIVHll on- view; a... . h~|~w «Wr A . .,...:.. 'miiilm'nnumlHm M b ‘ll‘l ll‘IHll lllllll‘lil'lil” [lll‘ilM-t ‘7‘”llll‘llllllllll‘l' v ym At the prices quoted we will furnish all the mill work, kitchen Deifim cupboard, flooring, siding, finishing lumber, porch ceiling, building £823): paper, eaves trough, down spout, roofing, sash weights, hardware, “ ‘ H “ Bug, . . . . . N .3 5 H B t, painting material, lumber and lath to build this four-room house. $1,744.00 ocuotnlandtgxzedfl Already 1,53%, . . . . , _ B .11 We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not $1,281.00 Ncgiio‘frlFif-tlggteerlt, Not ”835.057 include cement, brick or plaster. on 3&0 . N these four good size .rooms there is real comfort and convenience. Each room has windows on two Sides, insuring plenty of light and fresh air. - Notice that while the front porch is of good size and is arranged so as to Mal" Floor make an outdoor sitting room in hot weather, it does not cutoff light from the living room. Long spaces along the walls of living room provide for furniture. In all rooms, doors and windows are where they are needed, without being in the way of the furniture, The kitchen is big, yet the work can be done as quickly as in the most up to date kitchenette. This is because the sink, cupboard and range are side by side. Notice that the kitchen cup- board is the convenient one shown on page 114, numbers 9260 and 9261. Near the stove a door opens to a large closet. All space in the corner under the two windows is left for the table, so that meals can be eaten in this kitchen with perfect comfort. At the same time there is plenty of light for work, and the housewife will appreciate having a window directly opposite the stove so that the light will shine into the oven. Brooms and cleaning utensils as well as refriger- ator can stand on the landing. This landing makes it unnecessary for the iceman or peddler to step on the clean kitchen floor, and the room is more comfortable in Winter than it would be if the kitchen door were an outside one letting in a blast of cold air every time it was opened. Each bedroom has windows on two sides and generous closets. Both rooms are of comfortable size and permit the beds to be placed away from the windows. Rooms on this floor are 8 feet 2 inches from floor to ceiling. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. ' \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. illllllllllllllllllflTlTllll'l llil I‘ll ll‘lllll‘lllll l IillnnnuvuuynHlnHIIIIVVIIIIIHHIIHHnuunnlllHllllllllllllll lllll1|l\i' lllliil’r‘lliil' v Cit/{HT illlillll'l Basement 7 feet from floor to joists. Built on a concrete foundation, frame construc- tion and sided With narrow bevel clear cypress siding. Seventeen—year guaranteed lire-Chief FLOOR PLAN. . V , v. .- . . A ms 1101;535:2473 lscli‘p‘l’tfé’ ghe moms Shingle Roll Roofing for the roof. é OPTIONS This house can be built E Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $69.00 extra. 0;" ‘1 [Of-30 ’geeifll'm'dg- 2 Storm Doors and Windows, $62.00 extra. I or DIHQ ‘7 I hmbmz. — . , . ll t' ', \V. i a, El t. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire. 525-00 61h“; galvanized wire, {41:11:32 andnghadesec 52:: $27.00 extra. page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Prices Include Plans and Specifications. SEARS, ROEB UCK AND C0., CHICAGO ' l M Page 3.2 Hi] i t H l l l l H i It I II I ll llllllllllll"Illllllllfllllllllllll ‘ii Hllmhl ‘li Hunt. .4 ill lllilllllllllmllllllllii nhinultlmlllllillllllll l'"i'il- llhiil‘llllh ii i i lIIll IIII lllll ltll‘l ' ,4 A1 IlllUll lllllllllllllllllu’ See Descrip- tion of “Honor 3A9 £07719 Houses on Page 7. t llillll i‘l ilYil‘U’ 'II I ll" i‘l'llli does it]. 6707 well, {a ll Incl In: lewn um I turn /\ ‘~_/(/ LlVlNGtDlNlN llalf in ”v1.1 Illl 00M p 7-. 156' m light N .. 1111'1 wltllltl l (lilltltlill lll lll'l l ' illlllt' t lliill llll l ‘ i i i'i " No. 3053 “Honor Bilt" "Already Cut" and No. 13053 “Lighter Built” Not Cut or Fitted, $2,250.00. I‘()()In. room" left. which wraps or linen. up from the kitchen. enough so that meals can be eaten there with enjownent. But for all its good size, the work can be done with very little walking. cabinet and right at the. dining room door. drier or extra shelves if needed. grade entrance. ator. ,‘ tar iii. : (lining room, an economy in space and money that has come into vogue very much in recent years. The house consists of four large rooms and bath. is a front porch and a modern grade entrance. nient, attic, closets—every convenience, and every nook and corner a pleasure to those who appreciate a well planned home, which is also planned for warm climate. Main Floor needed; there is plenty of room. French in style, but heavier, one enters a reception hall of good size. connected with the combined living and dining room and the. e ' windows on three sides. J IN THE LORNE the living room also serves as :1 There Base— Many an easy chair will tind its way to the big porch. Bring out as many as Through the door, By means of a wide cased opening this is iiect is one of spacionsness. Light streams through Notice that even the big porch not cut otf the light from the front of the living Room for dining table and other large pieces as for the room is well proportioned and windows and doors serve their purpose without getting in the way of other things. in each bedroom. There are three windows and a big closet The rooms are so large that you can the bed Several ways and always have lots of “elbow Both rooms open off the hall, at the end of is the bathroom. N0 crowding there, either. way down the hall is another good closet, useful for There is a large attic, the stairs gold: The kitchen also is big and light to the stairs and landing. mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. , all yellow pine, in beautitnl grain and color. ood quality glass set in with best grade of puttv. At the prices quoted we will furnish all the material to build this four- room house, consisting of lumber, lath and roofing, mill work, medi- cine case, porch ceiling, shingles, flooring, interior and exterior trim, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Prices do not include cement, brick or plaster. ”aw“ i )g‘ 30'13' p5. . 3.3 _,_. ATTIC FLOOR PLAN. SIZE OPTIONS. The sink is between the stove and In the corner beside the stove is room for coal bucket, towel \Vindows at the side light sink and cabinet instead of the stoop and cellar hatehway which folks used to build snow piled up, and which let in a blast of cold air every time the back door was opened, the Lorne has a modern From the kitchen a door opens to a landing ' Then three steps down to the lower landing where and throw light directly into oven. at the back 01 their houses, on which the where space is provided big enough tor a it it iger- a glazed door leads to the yard and when closed gives Rooms are 9 feet from tloor to ceiling. Basement is 7 feet high under entire house. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" panel, with trim and ilooring to match California white pine, with g Interior doors are five—cross “indows are made ot clear Porch has tir edge gram llooring. - Can be built on a lot 38 feet wide. Paint for three coats, outside, your Choieeoi color. Var— nish and Wood tiller interior tinish. (‘ h icago Design hardware, see. page. OPTIONS Furnished with Four Rooms in Attic, 5528.00 extra. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $55.00 extra; with Attic, $107.00 extra. Storm Door: and Windows, $94.00 extra. 0 Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $38.00 extra; galvanized wire, $43.00 extra. For prices of Plumbing, Heating, \Viring, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. I l l l I n ”H u i I ll muuuiiiriinm mm runiv -: HIIIHH u mun uniluiniiiuinnw l “4.. .— I III in. r 'Ill'l lllA A All llllll llllll 1! 'HIIU i Page 3!; um“ thiuuuu Iuiulmlm Y11mm mnu H. .IT mllnimimlnui lllillllllllllllil . i Hin'i Price Includes Plans and Specifications. iii. l All||l”lllllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllIHll llllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllliHL' i L ululhtliilttiiHHIlIHi‘tltHIi y SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO N... ,_ ...a . . w. . VE ROOMS~NEAT POKCHU} lll' llllvl'ililll‘HHH‘HIH‘IHIIHI‘I lllllllI"..|I""ll|l"|ll l'l'lllfl ‘1‘1llllllllllllllHHIHHHHHHII mmww {mull m .y , “in,“ v.» i. H 1, ...‘,u,..m...x— HM' 3A9 67/950974 2‘ N . 7029 "Al (1 $2,385000 C:t" and 17;:ng N.3084"Al d 3,057-00 cfu“ and Fifth): At the prices quoted we will furnish all the mill work, kitchen cup- board, flooring, shingles, siding, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, roofing, sash weights, hardware, pain ting material, lumber and lath to build this five-room house. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Prices do not include cement, brick or plaster. . we 4: 'lv. . 0 THE folks who like a touch of individuality with good taste the Crescent makes a special appeal. The front door and windows have been admirably selected. Seldom, indeed, do you find a more inviting entrance than we provide for this house. Your choice of two floor plans as shown below. Main Floor The two front rooms in No. 7029 are connected by means of a wide ih‘i’it' l__"r§iTCH:f cased opening. The living room is 17 feet long and the combined width _ ‘ 5 ‘ ‘ » l li’Z'xlO i of the rooms is over 22 feet. Through the glazed door and four windows there is light 9 ___' he ‘ ' . . . and air from two sides. The door to attic stairs is in one corner and next to it is a long a - ‘ ‘ 7‘ ..... , , ‘_ yew—~— closet. The kitchen is conveniently located and planned to save steps. Sink and stove are Slde by Slde and nearby 13 our handy and roomy cabinet 9260 and 9261 shown on page 114. Soiled dishes are car- ried to the sink merely by pushing the swinging door into the kitchen, the sink is right next to the door. On the landing is mm“ leg 7:1: space for a refrigerator, above which is a __ lg; '23 big shelf. The glass in the outside door "' PORCH L“: Lag: lights stairs and landing. The grade entrance ‘i‘G’x 010' : . , . ‘ gives access to cellar or ice box without __ E _1 —*— h. ' , going outdoors and keeps mud and Winter all 5:. ‘ f '— ' — — winds out of the kitchen. Each bedroom ‘ggl l1 2 23 see Description has a generous closet with a door, and room 1 “—J _ E :9 of “Honor Bill" for bedroom furniture so that beds may be pm,“ E Houses on placed away from windows. Rooms on this ’(3 game: g l . age 7' floor are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. j \k § KITCH’C‘P“ E E ——-—- -— bggfiflfiifi ‘31,: Paint for three coats outside, your choice t 1.33331! i. all", |Q‘-5 E g FLOOR PLAN moms reversed. of color. Varnish and wood filler for two ~l )J ‘ g : No. 7029. - See page 3. coats of interior finish. Stratford Design \— / .. A” g 3 U- hardware, see page 117. DMVéROOM g”); y s / ‘ : E “e furnish our best 'Quality Guaranteed" mill work, Shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors . 'l'rz'gh-X 17151 rising. ‘ UL" i? E are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match. all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. 9 1 H l g \Vindows are made of clear California white pine, With good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. \‘3 r-n— , , I i 3 “Honor Bilt” frame construction; No. 1 yellow pine framing lumber, sided with narrow bevel clear S‘ «#3 If“ mm“ 5 = cypress siding. Ninety-pound Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, guaranteed to last for seventeen years. sv f: it E on roof and wood shingles on gables. Your choice of color, dark red or sea green. Built on concrete Lil/55'” PooM ‘V’Q‘l F“ 559—4 ' E foundation. Basement under entire house 7 feet high. 3- rfjfjgn / t g o . I 7| 1 Lllmrl : F h d h 20PTIONS 0 For prices of Plumbing, Heating, \Vir— 765“; ,5. Ragsgfig g urnis e wit rooms in attic $385.0 extra. ' - - , F~—-—' ,; E Sheet Plaster andPlaster Finish to’tahe theplace mg’ EleCtrlc FIXtures and Shades see page /\ I /\ IB“ E of wood lath, for No. 7029, 581.00 extra; with 115. 9'") 3”," i 03¢ E; E attic, $137.00. For No. 3084, $107.00 extra. , , . __1 J E glorm DDoors anddwwdows, $64.00 Extra. :29 00 When comparing prices, please con51der } a: 40' #11 g creen oors an indows. blac wire, . - u - n E oelitba; galv%nized wire' 330.00 ”TL R that this house ( Honor Bilt ) has”: 1 [QPgRCBHO' ; a oors, rim an Floor for iving oom, ' vith ' E 'X i E Dining Room and Oak Stairs, $170.00 extra. dOUble. floor and IS endosed W g CEMENT FLOOR 9: : This house can be built on a lot 40 feet wide. sheathing. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book 2 Prices Include Plans and Spec1ficat10ns. MR PLAN No, 3084, mummim vaHiHHIlI i lullilillllll ll‘i'. ,.. m \u "‘livl Iil‘ HlH n in All n‘l' ”l n li‘illl- llllll'l‘Hil ‘lili ”1 Hli'i l 11”“ 1M n 1w In 1 Wu 1 vHinlullllllllumllllmmmumh Hm ‘I l' l 1 “Hill'- nlli'l Ml lillll .mlm l'll| lllhl‘llllll SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO Page 35 xV//// W// 7/W/ f i 3‘ g. \ \ \ ‘\ ‘ .. \ // Sleeping (Porch HIS much desired feature in the modern bungalow is located in the rear of the back bedroom, as shown in the floor plan. In the hot, stuffy Summer nights it Will be pleasant and healthful. ,44 //////// ////"/ / C. F. Bare, New Cumberland, Penna,built“TheOsborn”Modern Home in 1918. He says: "Car- penters were well pleased with the material and astonished at the way everything fitted. They said I saved at least $500.00 on the price of material. I consider I saved nearly $700.00 on the material and carpenter work.” Description of the Osborn Modern Home No. 2050 Shown on Opposite Page At the price quoted on the opposite page we will furnish all the material to LEEP‘NG build the Osborn bungalow, consisting of mill work, lumber, lath, shingles, pf”??? flooring, porch ceiling, finishing lumber, buffet, kitchen cupboards, medicine , __I /-6th 2_ case, colonnade, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weigh ts, mantel, ,; ' ' l’fi ‘lllli: hardware and painting material. No extras, as we guarantee enough material i‘BEP‘QFGLQ 11-4-1) to build this bungalow. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. 7 12 53911 %§ : UNGALOlV authorities agree that this style of architecture has *i o LilOlAC- come to sta r. The' claim that as the 'ears 0 bv the bun alow J, , . 3. 3 3 g .. g 0' 5: Wlll be even in more demand than at the. present time, and should l“ one wish to sell he will have little difficulty in finding a buyer if his building is con- structed along the new lines. \Vhile the bungalow on the Opposite page is neither extreme nor extravagant it has all the earmarks of a cozy, well planned, artistic home. The stucco work of the porches, with red brick coping, the gables and chimneys, at once draw the attention of the passerby. Then, again, the Craftsman front door and (‘olonial windows still further enhance the bungalow ellect. Main Floor The living room in this bungalow extends the entire width of the house. The spec1fications call for a brick mantel. \Ve furnish a window seat with hinged cover in which many articles can be stored. At each side of i, .1 BED DOOM‘ E. 125ilC'll' i 4 430' LCLO ‘ fl 13E” LIVING gmoM thewindow seat closetsare provided. A bookcase colonnade leads into the dining room, “Wt: 1,1-117x23lll' which has a beamed ceiling, bullet, plate rail and panel strips. 1‘ rencli doors lead from 3M“ . 5 the dining room to a private side porch. Directly back of the dining room is the drift ~47;_ _ 1%.? kitchen, for which we speedy two cupboards, which make a. pantry unnecessary. The ' - 2 two bedrooms and bathroom are entered by a hall ofl the dining room. la the rear of l; DOQCH .: the back bedroom is the. lunch desired screened sleeping porch. l: CL’MLHT moon [“1 l r ac-o—v-Qag, I , | ‘ . . . I Basement szcavated basement under the entire house, lighted with cellar _ ‘ 'W— x f1: sash on three sides. LL'T', ‘\ Height Of Ceilings Basement, 7 feet. high from concrete floor to joists. _; u u FLOOR PI AN 0-} Rooms on the main lloor are 9 feet high. . . . OPTIONS We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, Sheet Plaster and Haste, Finish to take the g shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are live—cross panel, pjace of wood lath. {“700 estra. i with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain 02‘":yrfglles’qs’fgagihihézilr‘; “Stead °f w°°d l Built at New and color. Windows are made of clear (aliloriiia white pine, Fire-Chief, Shingle RoII Roofing. Red or Sea 1 C u inbe rland, With good quality glass set in With best grade. of putty. from in 001‘"- im‘ead 0’ “’00" shingIes,5101.00 ‘ p m“ Morton ess. _ . ’ C i -i ’ Paint for three coats outside woodwork; two coats stain for OZifBgfhgTé'gnfns‘§9§%%°;:lfg' Lm'“ R°°m P e n n a . , and a shingles on sides. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Storm Doors and Windows, $83.00 extra. number of other Chicago DeSign hardware, see page 116. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $50.00 . _ . . . _ extra; galvanized wire, $53.00 extra. (11108. This bungalow is built on a concrete foundation; No; 1 yellow [Cf Manteljs not wanted. $32.9‘0 less. pine frame construction. Sided and roofed with best grade thick “f' be 9“" °" ‘1 [of ‘2 re“,w'de' . , red cedar shingles. l*or prices of Plumbing, Heating. \Viriiig, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. . NW - w... .. .w. \mwsmw‘mmmwmwm m . ~\ .. .. —36—- um min i I iiriuiiii nil/IIHill/run"Huinunni 3 a, MM IIIIIIIIIHII'I ' ,,///’//,.«.,/// rzr / , ‘le Mm“ 43a L140“... a... a w w fi m; «a s: mum-n2 FROM THE GOLDEN WEST“ ya; 5’" Wi‘flflh"; $3.; “new? - «gi‘iTy, ‘V * 4"»?ai; 3. alga} ‘3: uuuunlnuu 7 gfie OSBORN l_ Sm‘ Ihw'ri ptinn «.t' ”war Hilt' No. 2050 ”Already Cut” and Fitted. HMhm (m I’un- _. . . szmg Room [I] \' mrniwm unvl \pm'irmx‘ (-mnpnrt- 1mm mtwnvk Hzn- wmirw width of the: Ime. \nTr- thv btmkmw (‘nlrulnmlr' HIM Hw bri‘ k mnnir-l. 'HH‘ f'vzr‘hmrm' wwnv r “1111‘:an Hm mum a mod imi'in: nwi HIHIIMI’JHV r'vfrmr. tinn of lhv (khurn “Honor iii!" XImlvrn Hmm- 1m IIH' upwmitv DZIUI'ng R0077? I V .V' 1 b r I - 4 , A, ' ' ‘ . .1: [IA-mi‘lhvi'ullderip- ///.\' mum is > < prmidwri mm , ‘ ‘ 1 . , ’. : . 7 A pawn :1 IN‘HHIWI H-il- I 7 ing. musx‘iw: buH‘vt. platv: mil and {mm-I \tripx I’m-“ch dour» Imti info Hm private side porvh. Illllllllllll[llllllllllullllllllllulllfluuulll I I I I I l I I II I' IIIII I I I I I l I I I I I I I III I II I I I I I I I llllllllllllllllllllIllll """“"""g MAKES ITS OWNERS PROUD 9mm... lIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIII-ullulImlllllllllllllllll 8.131 I:::i:tli:"l‘l Ojfi Q ARGYLE : __I-3_ $3,0472—9 lllllllllllnl gauzlggfigg No. 7018 “Already Cut” and Fitted. on Page '7. II III] 111C ARCYLE \111111‘1‘1‘1 11111111' is" 11 111111j;a111\\' “1111511 1‘XI1‘I‘1111';l})111'.11‘1111(‘1‘ s11f4'g1‘s1s ‘ a h . 1-1 ,_ ,_ . , h c, -1 u» .... .m; 557 ‘ ..3x13W1rswfli 133’" ."’ 1‘XII‘I] 111111 1111111111 :11‘1‘1111541111111111 an11 furnishings. 1111‘ 1111111 1111‘- \11111111, as _\‘1111 141111111 a1 11. 111*- spuaks 11111111» 111111 1‘111111‘111‘1 1111 1111‘ 111511111. 1\ 1411111111 a1 1111‘ 111118- 1111110118 111. 1111‘ 11\'1n§; 11111111 111111 1111111114 11111111 111‘11V1‘S 11115 11111- (‘11181\'U1}'. X11111 1111‘ 1111111111150 1‘1110111121111‘. 1111‘ 111‘411111‘11 1111111; 1111‘111:1ssiV1‘111'11‘11' 111;1111111\\'i1111111‘ 1111111—111 111111111‘as11 1111 11111 511111. N1’111‘ 111811 1111* 1‘\11‘.1 111111111 111 11111 1111111; 11111111 111111 1111111134 11111111. 111x11‘1_\‘ 30 1111 11111;. ”.\ 811011111111 Built at _ 111111\1‘.” 31111 111114111 say, i}$}111111“:1:)\\“1 1 §\ 111111 11111 \\'1111111 11111110 T1)10111),()11111, 1 ‘ I; MTV 1‘”: “11‘0”; It 1t 1)9”"it' .. 12-; :1' \1111'1‘ 1111111 111 11111 111111- 311111., =1 , » 11111‘\' nay. \‘1‘1 111 11111' {ig‘l‘lafi‘lmrtv 1‘ 5 11111111111 1111\1'1‘11a1111ising Garvin, 111‘ 11 . 1 111111111115.\1‘11111'11‘11111‘111 M11111" ’ 1111‘111s‘11 1111‘ 1111111111115 gilliilrgl. Y., 11“)! "4 511111.11111111‘11111111111111 Rantoul, 111. 1111‘ a 14111111 1111111 11155. “'ritc {111' 1111111113 of people 1 I 1 1 1. 1 1 R1‘1111 (‘1‘1111‘11‘11‘ 131‘51‘1‘111110n 011 1:1“- (1131‘1‘5111‘ Page. ‘V 10 HIVC 1111 t t 115' 111111111 U\V. IllllllllIllIlllllulllluulllllflllllllulllluulmmllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllnlnllflllll 431V *HHH l‘Nllll ‘ " 2 fizz-sum ‘R 1- ”raw-A y” : '55 y»! on 42 building this year. to. Bedroom This house can be built with the rooms reversed. See page 3. You may not think it advis- able to invest all of your ready cash in a Well, you don’t need You can put up the house of your choice and be living in it this year by tak- ing advantage of our Easy Payment Plan. Look over the terms on the yellow order E blank in the back of this book. See how : simple the conditions are. want to build now YOU CAN DO IT. __.g,' A Sanitary If you really i l a” zzto' CLoa. ,~ . c x ‘ ;M~. f‘f‘pl Jl;\. ' .\_/./l.\ story house. and settee. partly furnished. a A l DEVI.) / 03M —————— much easier. room. Basement E X C a ' vated basement u n d e r rear half with concrete floor. FLOOR PLAN ° ' ' The basement is 7 feet high from Height Of celllngs floor to joists, and the rooms on the main floor are 8 feet 4 inches from the floor to the ceiling. This bungalow is built on a concrete foundation and is of No. 1 yellow pine frame construction. Sided and roofed with best grade thick red cedar shingles, except gables, which are sided with stonekote. We furnish our best“Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Ma”: 9:. .5. Description of the Argyle Shown on Opposite Page Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. ‘eeeEEARS, FLQEflQEfELCO-EHICAGO 1. W vii A . ,, ' —39— Modern Home No. 7018, At the price quoted on the opposite page we will furnish all the material to build this five-room bungalow, consisting of mill work, lumber, lath, shingles, flooring, porch ceiling, finishing lumber, seats, medicine case, bookcase, colonnade, mantel, kitchen cupboards, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hard- ware and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this bungalow. Price does not include cement, brick, plaster or stonekote. F YOU are looking for a home in the bungalow style that will not be too extreme and yet entirely different from a cottage, we recommend the design shown on the opposite page. It is a neat, well arranged, solidly constructed home, pretty without being too showy, not too large or too small, but just suitable for the average family. We have condensed in this plan as much actual accommodation and more convenience than is usually found in a six or seven—room two- Much room is saved by the built-in fixtures which do away with the necessity of purchasing four bulky pieces of furniture, namely, bookcase, china cabinet, kitchen cabinet These fixtures, with the beamed ceiling and paneled walls, give you a home Floor Plan From the porch, with its distinctively bungalow porch rail, you enter' the living room, which has a rustic brick mantel. provided a bookcase and on the other a seat with hinged cover, making a receptacle where many articles can be stored away. A colonnade with china cabinet or bookcase sepa- rates the living room and dining room. Dining room has paneled walls. there are three spacious cupboards which take the place of a pantry and make work A hall separates the two bedrooms and bathroom from living room and dining Linen and coat closets in the hall. On one side of this mantel is In the kitchen The front door is glazed with bevel plate glass. Paint for three coats outside. Stain for two brush coats for shingles on sides. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Chicago design hardware, see page 116' Can be built on a lot 32 feet wide. OPTIONS Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, 598.00 extra. Oriental Asphalt Shingles instead of wood shingles, no extra charge. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green in color, instead of wood shingles, $70.00 less. Oak Doors, Trim and Floors in living room and dining room instead of yellow pine, $213.00 extra. Maple Floors in kitchen and bathroom instead of yellow pine, no extra charge. Storm Doors and Windows, $93.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, 340.00 extra; galvanized wire; 843.00 extra. If Mantel is not wanted deduct $44.00. For prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Saved $1,500.00 on a Modern Home. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago, 111. West McHenry, Ill. entlemenr—W'e are in our new house. or bungalow. and are greatly pleased with everything. We feel that you have saved us $1,500.00 on our materials, and you have shown us every courtesy that a seller could have shown a buyer. ery res ctfully. AU UST M. SCHILLER. 31:413‘4? fa has; Viz » . ~/*:V'Wr"”j myv/wrwrr/rv, .,. if g . ' l HH'IIH‘WH’ll . [11 "ll"i"1l" lll‘- ‘ "1"“ l i. . i.‘ . I 1 I’ll lll' 3A9 olumbine No. 8013 "Already Cut” and Fitted. $3,37922 At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this six- room bungalow, consisting of mill work, medicine case, kitchen cupboard, lumber, lath, roofing, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing lumber, mantel, building paper,eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. llIIllllllllllD; lllllllAlllllllllll HIS house is so well arranged that it will make an ideal home. A Paig°PCSCFipti°n0f“”0“” But" Houses” place for everything makes for perfect order and the arrangement its. house can be built with the rooms re- insures the comfort and contentment of the entire family. ‘L‘em'd' 5°CL““°’ ‘ L , Main Floor All rooms except the dining room open off the hall, at the end of which i *3 O .3 is the bathroom. There are three good bedrooms, each with a closet; an extra closet in the hall and another in the kitchen; stairs to the attic, and a kitchen that is the last word in step saving. Living and dining rooms are in front. Great freedom is permitted in the placing of furniture and there is plenty of light and air. The view from the living and (lining room is equally good, as both are in the front of the house. Throwing the two rooms together by means of the French doors makes each lighter and more airy and seemingly larger than if shut off. Besides the Craftsman door, there are seven windows in these two rooms, two of which are casement sash at the. SKlC‘S of the fireplace. In the bed rooms dressers can stand where the light is ”good and yet be near the closet doors. There are big sllOlves in all closets. The kitchen is reached directly from hall, dining room, bascznent or outdoors. The grade entrance is a great help in keeping it clean and warm. On the landing is space for the refrigerator and above it handy shelves that will save many a trip to the basement. The landing is light because the door is glazed. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for two coats of interior finish. Stratt‘ord Design hardware, see page 117. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. lnterior doors are five—cross panel. with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Vindows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best gra'le of putty. Basement under entire house 7 feet high. Built on a brick foundation; No. 1 yellow pine framing lumber. Sided with narrow bevel clear cypress siding. Seventeen-year guaranteed l~‘ire« Chief Shingle Roll Rooting for the roof. Height of rooms, 9 feet from floor to ceiling. ll Allillllll’lllllllllllillllll mufllmmrrulun .llllll' l l i l Al All lil ‘ i : OPTIONS This house ' ‘ M, A. _, , Furnished with 2 rooms in attic, $462.00 extra. can be built E M‘ See floor plan. on a lot 34 feet 2 Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place wide. ; FLOOR of wood lath, $120.00 extra; with attic, $150.00. » E PL‘XV Oak Doors, Trim and Floors in living and dining ' 1 E ‘ ‘ ' room instead of yellow pine, 5201.00 extra. ) For Dng‘k‘s 0f - 3 See Maple Flooring for kitchen and pantry instead of h 1"”.1“ b 13.3) Options. yellow pine, no extra charge. “Wyn“:‘i'l‘ww‘tll: Storm Doors and Windows, $94.00 extra. 1;i1“:‘u’n,s ‘ 31:15 vafi‘ - ‘3‘ ,1 Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $43.00 Shades sec ' ‘7 1 3" 6:57 _§ extra; galvanized wire, $46.00 extra. page 115, FLOOR If Brick Mantel is not wanted deduct $60.00. PLAN. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. \Ililuuivmuiiumm' ”u If anmumullnuuluuuluuuu-uiv u '11 um n Lllxll” mu" ' .. '1 v I H . It i l M imminw'fln unit 1|| 1 H '1 ”I l' H” 1' Page 40 SEA RS, ROEB UCK AND 00., CHICAGO ROOMS. BATH AND PORCH El M...“ 4.‘ _ . _ E THREE HII lll‘lll 1” litl‘lllili‘l‘lll l llll i“ u ' HM ml ii _ W ”WNW” H' ' W At the prices quoted we will furnish all the material to build this three- room bungalow, consisting of lumber, lath, Fire-Chief Shingle Roll 9 armony 2 Roofing, mill work, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware, No. 3056 “Honor Bth," medicine case and painting material. We guarantee enough material $27220‘00 “Already fi“';3%?gFii;71‘ier to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. $1,599.00 3:)“, Not Cut or Fitted. 'ii nu'nu" See Degcdptm c,- “How, 11m" and Light“ Built HE Harmony meets the demands of those who must have good size “011363 0“ Pass 7‘ rooms in a home that is not too big or expensive. --— ,, Main Floor The big living room with windows on two sides and a glazed front door will always be airy and light. A Six-foot closet opens off one end. There is room for plenty of other furniture beside a large table, so it will make a comfortable dining room when needed and a pleasant living room the rest of the time. The bedroom is as large as the living room and a closet opens from it. Three full sized windows give lots of light and air. The bathroom was designed so that all the plumbing would be close together. The kitchen is large with windows on two walls and the door to the landing on the third side. It will always be well ventilated and light. Just a few steps between the stove and sink. The window next to the sink will take the unpleasantness out of dishwashing in hot weather, and every time you bake you will be glad the light shines directly into the oven. Not far from the door to the living room is the door which leads to the good 4 size landing. From this you can go down three steps and out the rear door to the yard, or you can turn the other way and go to the basement without having to go outdoors. A window : and the glass in the rear door light the landing and all the steps. There is so much room out there that you can keep an ice box or put up shelves and have more room for storing things than most folks have whose houses contain big pantries. Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. \V'e furnish our best "‘Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are — five—cross panel, With trim and floorin': to match, all yr llow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Vindows are 5 no ' made of clear California white pine. with goo/l q iality glass set in with best grade of puttY- Porches have fir ’ edge grain flooring. . FAQ": Paint for three coats outside, 14:31,: N your choice of color. Varnish v and wood filler for interior fin- A / //\ A» Front and i ish. Chicago Design hard- 1;. .. . / /./ \ Side View, The w . I}. .'. ,.\\\ , q, ‘lll'iil .,,,1,...,,.,,.,,,.,.m,,.,..,.m...flmwwmnw.,,,,.,,u,.,.,,.§ J 1 Hi.“ ' ~ "'1 will ' ' M" O' l 'l'lll '” lr l This can be built wi : h t h e r o o rn 3 re- versed. See page 3. HOUSE tin ware, see page 116. Harmony. ~_——7 Built on a concrete block / l foundation, exr‘: ":-ted base— \ *4 [A ment. “Honor 1‘7 'frarneeom struction and sued witi nir- FLOOR PLAN row bevel clear ‘ypreST ’ g. All framing timbers are or . .o.1 quality yellow pine. 'llllllll‘ l l ilili OPTIONS Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, take the place of wood lath, $82.00 $27.00 extra; galvanized wire, $29.00 extra. extra. Storm Doors and Windows, $98.00 extra. Thisdhouse can be built on a lot 35 feet to: e. ill'l l\lliI'l'llll illll'llllll‘ llll\' li' ”|‘ For prices of Plumbing, Heating, \Viring, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Prices Include Plans and Specifications. illl lil lLLl "lll l'il' lll l lll'lllllni SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO age M rm] lIlIIlll y_ A Il"'tlllllul ‘I‘ lllllilllllllllllllllltlllllnlllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllnlnllrllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 'H'YV I HIHU'H Hint HHHHHHLtI Tm LII Hill rl'lllllllllltllllllli I ll ”" llll'l lllllllllHlll‘lllllllill'llllllllllllllllll ' lJlHllllli‘llilttltlllll'lllll' ll" ill" " l t‘ l“ l H ' ‘ ‘ ' l l’ll r[thti-t , At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- 5553.2; ‘ 0 room bungalow, consisting of mill work, medicine case, kitchen <1); g'fiifinPr, A9 I 0241/7/19 cabinet, lumber, lath, shingles, flooring, finishing lumber, porch ceil- Houses on “ n . ing, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, mantel, Page 7"- No. 7013 Already Cut and Fltted- hardware and painting material. No extras, as we guarantee enough $4 29800 material to build this bungalow. Price does not include cement, ’ = brick or plaster. HOUSE that looks as well outside as it is planned inside. The roomy porch is A so located that it does not cut off the light from the living room, while inside, bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living room and Closet all open off the small hallway. The front bedroom has a big combination wardrobe, as illustrated on page 114, No. 9365. - The living room is large, light and pleasant. Interest is centered in Mal” Floor the fireplace, flanked as it is by well designed windows, with the cased opening on one side and the group of three windows on the other. The etlect is most inviting. The dining room is good, too. Lots of room around the table, four windows to insure plenty of light, and spaces for furniture where the pieces can most conveniently be placed and where they will look best from the front room. Good sleeping quarters are essential to health. The bedrooms each have windows on two sides. Careful planning, however, is even more apparent in the kitchen than elsewhere. This is as it should be. Right outside the dining room is the sink. Two windows are at the left of it. At the left is our kitchen cabinet No. 9260 or 9261, shown on page 114. Sink, supplies, utensils, doughboard, cutlery and everything together. Re- frigerator but a few steps away in the enclosed entry. The basement stairs lead from the kitchen. Notice that all work is on one side of the room, that which leads to the dining room. lecavatezl basement under rear half of house is 7 feet high with a concrete Basement floor. Dem ‘ . . . . Basement, 7 feet hi Yh from floor to 'oists. Rooms on the main floo ZS-GH-D' Iii-"JG“ Height of Ceilings are 9 feet high. 5" J r . \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work. shown on pages 108 and 100. Interior dc-ms [El are five-Cross panel, with trim and flooring to match. all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \\'indov.‘s are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. l‘oich has fir edge gram flooring. . l’aint for three coats outside; stain for two brush coats for shingles cu sides; varnish and wood tiller for interior linish. (‘hicauo Design hardware, see page 1 10. This bunjtalow is built on a concrete foundation; No. 1 yellow pine frame construction. Sided and roofed. with best grade. thick red cedar shingles over good wood sheathing. OPTIONS Furnished with three rooms in attic, $535.00 extra. See Attic lan. ' “£qu9,250, Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath,p$2ti6.00 extra. For .1) r 1 C e S . Of ‘ Oriental Asphalt Shingles, instead of wood shingles. no extra charge. Plumbing, Heating, Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green in color, instead of wood \ ",3 ‘ . ' ‘ shingles, $65.00 less. \ 1‘ 111g, ILICL I Flt, Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for living room and dining room, $191.00 extra. 17 i X t u r (‘ S a n d Storm Doors and Windows, $106.00 extra. ‘ Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, 543.00 extra; galvanized wire, $46.00 Slliltlk‘e‘, SCC p a g 9 extra. 4 If Mantel is not wanted. $40.00 less. 115 This house can be built on a lot 40 feet wide. See Options. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. nmnluuuummlm iHI Hit H 11 ill Hill {11 111.11.. .1 IItflmnH'HIItl'i 'I I'MI'IHI [1111111.] "Uh it' 1 1' In!‘ I H I ‘I it u y , ‘ I , u it AilnAIAAlHllwl§ I ”Hi HI.“ I. in” 'll I llTl'lH i' S CARS, ROERUCK AND (70., CHICAGO 'EL THREE ROOMS AND PORCH j]: \ ._ .. a. _ any» air UHHUH 'HthH-V ~1'H mnwumm ml ”H‘l lIHlmHmlmmwm 11'!” WW" H l'HlIlIU IV”! 'HHIHIHHHIHHIH‘ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllnfl'. . 'uIII!I|Illlllllll|lllllnllmlulllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIII \— At the prices quoted we will furnish all the material to build this three- 59°. » room cottage, consisting of mill work, lumber, lath, Fire-Chief Shingle ‘ Disc“? ‘ Roll Roofing, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing lumber, building A O n l 0 “ion 0 . . e . Honor paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and patnt- ” . Bin" ing material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. No- 7034NUAII;;§:P g": 3:," F'If.‘if;1vd"’576'oa Houses ’ Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. “Lighter 32,-“, 513.08.30': ' on Page 7. ERE you have comfort and convenience at small cost with attractiveness thrown in. : There is a good front porch, three excellent rooms, a. big attic, a basement under the ’ entire house and an up to date grade entrance. Main Floor All_ the windows in the house harmonize with the pretty bungalow door — whlch leads to the combined 11v1ng and dining room. This room 15 big enough for the living room furniture besides the dining table and chairs. Notice how much room there is against the walls. Two of the Windows are grouped at the side while another is in front, just where the light will be needed for the piano or easy chair. A big closet at the foot of the attic stairs will be useful for many things besides wraps. No one can see into the kitchen from the front. Two windows and a good closet in the bedroom. Space for the dresser next to the window for good light and close to the cl0set for quick dressing. There are several different ways a full size bed can be turned. Besides this room there is the big attic. The kitchen is so big and pleasant that we predict the family will want to spend a good * part of their time there. As you come into the kitchen the sink and space for cabinet are to- : gether on the right. The stove is just on the other side of the door. Light shines directly into the oven and a window is near the sink. There being windows on two sides, the room will always be light and airy. The grade entrance helps keep the kitchen warm and prevents tracking up the clean floor. It makes a quick and easy trip between yard and basement, too. ~ On the same level as the kitchen floor and around the corner from the stove is a place big enough to hold a refrigerator with shelves above, which will be handy for many things. Rooms are 8 feet 2 inches from floor to ceiling. Basement Encavated basement under the entire house 7 feet from floor to joists, lighted With basement sash. \Ve furnish our best ”Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. In— terior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Vindows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford Design hardware see page 117. Built on a concrete foundation. No. 1 yellow pine framing lumber. Clear cypress siding. Roofed with Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, guaranteed 17 years. . OPTIONS. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $50.00 extra for first story only. Storm Doors and Windows, 859.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $21.00 extra; galvanized wire, $24.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 25 feet wide. For prices of Plumbing. Heating, Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Shades, see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Prices Include Plans and Specifications. . . m 1'l'lilvnlnlllhlllllllll'l!l|‘lll|“““lllJl‘lll>ll’Hllllll'l'll”"”\' ‘ . ' " M‘ ‘ ‘I'V ' ‘h u h“ ‘I'nm H I I" hlhlhl l .1 i \m m . n l‘lll in H Hl‘Hlllllllil‘ll 11!] ll lllllh‘lllllllllllnlm SEARS ROEBI’FK 4 ND CO CHIP/1(7) ’ , , ,. . . ., i I 3Page 43 \HHHnIIIHIIIIIIulInIlHHIHllHI mum mm: nu ll“ 1 1w 1'1 l‘ ll"l' FLOOR PLAN .i' “—“Ll—t—_—ltIItIIlltlllltlltlllllIllllllllllfl'llllllll'llllllllllll FO U R KOO M S B AT H A N D P 0 RC H rxxrttitll'Il" $3":an .kau- - W Hf" II, | , I I r ' , v W“ BEE ‘ See . D ' . . . . . . s, ltftfsiixb At the prices quoted we will furnish all the material to build this four- g * 3339’ e p room bungalow, consisting of mill work, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, § U231?“ “H B'I " finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash 5 Built $2,115.0 -‘.‘i‘l3'etigjlcut”o::é Flutt'ed, Weights, medicine case, hitchen case, hardware, painting material, : oglfifigsfi 1 523 0 No. [7031 Lighter Built, lumber, lath and Fire-Chief roofing. We guarantee enough material ~‘ 9 ' Not Cut or Fitted. to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. SIZWPLE house, if it be truly comfortable and substantial, may make a far more happy home than one that is more elaborate than your requirements demand. In this one the rooms are light, the rugs and furniture will fit nicely and the kitchen is a pleasant place to work in. Main Floor Three windows and the glazed door make the living room bright, and the windows are SO located that you can pull up your chair to read or sew. The : wide spaces along the walls are exactly where you want the big pieces of furniture to go. : Nine by twelve rugs are just made for rooms of this good size and shape. The bathroom : Opens off the hallway between kitchen and living room, and across from it is a dandy big closet. In this location there are a dozen different uses to which a closet can be put. lets of room and light in the kitchen. \Vith one window at the sink, another over the table and door on the other walls, it will be unusually well ventilated. The modern grade. entrance keeps out the Winter cold and all year around prevents tracking up the kitchen floor. Things can be carried into the basement without passing through the. kitchen. ()n the landing are the ice box space. and a place for brooms. \Ve have tigured to save you money on plumbing by having all the. fixtures close together. liach bedroom has its own S—t’oot closet, space for everything needed and room to get around in. The front bedroom has windows on two sides. Rooms 8 feet 2 inches high from floor to ceiling. IIII IIIIIII lllIll II Basement The excavated basement under the entire house has a concrete floor and measures 7 feet from floor to joists. \Ve furnIsh our best “Quahty Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 10‘). In- _ terior doors are five—cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful Th“ III‘W‘ (1m ‘ f O’r‘lh- H . . l ' ‘ grain and color. \Vindows are made, of clear (‘alifornia white. pine, with good quality glass 1,111,;311:lilfiililjfi 1 t i l 3ii‘ifiQ'R < 81‘! in with best grade Of putty. liront. porch has clear edge Seepage 3.‘ I iii ' ’ ““t i i I H grain fir flooring. 7, i ifiT‘T‘tri—Q lluilt on concrete block foundation; OPTIONS This gullgalow No. 1 yellow pine framing lumber; Sheet PIM’" ‘1’“! 1’10“" “"55" ‘0 take ”“3 Place lgtn 30e fetttxgillea. ‘. . r w I t ‘ - W faded \Vllll narrow bevel Clear cypress 0 00d 0 h for hr“ floor 0"“ 51"00 “(rm 51,111,541 Maple Flooring for kitchen. pantry and bath- ) . _ room Instead of yellow pine, no extra charge. laInt for three,‘ coats outside: var- nish and Wood filler for inside finish. Storm Doors and Windows' $74.00 ”ha' For prices of Chicago Inn-jg“ hnrdWHI-(I‘ St‘t‘ 11-133: Screen Doors and! Windows. black wire, $31.00 {\btulbiue. lll‘tiati‘ng, ‘ , l “V. .. . . . . . . ‘ extra; ga x‘anizc wire, $33.00 t . H'HIQ' i‘ ‘V‘HC 1)”). )l\ooftd\\1th l‘llt‘—( hiet .fbmgle . _ _ fix m l‘lxtlltesnndSllinlCS lxoll lxootmg, guaranteed for 1/ )‘ears. 0"" T"""D°°'s and “0°" '" 1"”"3 ”0"" 5107-00 3““ 1““ “5' extra. 'l'I Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book l’rices Include Plans and Specifications. ”II "It i ubLlL " [IIHUUHHHlHllHULUJHHHlUHH HHILIILIIIIIII Ill ' I ll 1 IHIIHHI. I IIIII I Page [14 II lIlIlIllIIl‘IlIl 'Ill‘Il' I l'uIll ftltlllltllll‘ttltIIllllltALLLLLAl‘A II " SEARS, ROE1HY7K AND (70., CHICAGO K FOUR. ROOMS AND BATH a: At the Prices quoted we will furnish all the material to build this four- 9A9 705919;]. 1 n 9 See Dump. ti t room house with bath, consisting of lumber, lath, porch ceiling, Fire- . u .. Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, mill work, flooring, siding, finishing $2 254.00 NOZZMC‘fignzzgtlléufi‘li 313931 lumber, medicine case, molding, building paper, eaves trough, down 1,623 00 N;.770)l4 Not Cut a, ' Li hter But spout, sash weights, hardware and painting material. We guarantee s y - ,_ Fitted. Lighter Bilt. on $2.57. enough material to build this house. Prices do not include cement, brick or plaster. ”/1 TH its four good size rooms, bath, large closets and many conven- iences, you will like the Josephine the longer you live in it. Main Floor Through the San Jose door one enters a large square living room which will be very comfortable when furnished because of the nice long spaces along the walls. There IS plenty of light, for the porch does not cover the big front window, the door is glazed, and two small sash let in light on the side. Can be used as a dining room if kitchen is not used for this purpose. The kitchen IS planned so that the work can all be done quickly in one part of the room. Close by is a cupboard that will hold dishes, pans and supplies. Space for refrigerator is on the landing just outside the kitchen door, made light by the glass in the outside door. The kitchen is a large, convenient, light and comfortable room. You seldom see such nice large bedrooms in a house of this size. Each of these has an 8-foot closet with doors so arranged that every part of the closet can be easily reached. Good health depends on good sleep. Bedrooms should have light, a cross current of air such as is provided by these windows on two sides of each room. These rooms fill all requirements. All rooms are 8 feet 2 inches from floor to ceiling. J” E ) ‘JV'AEl‘ YM' V mum _ Basement An excavatedbasement under the entire house, 7 feet from floor to joists, and lighted With basement sash. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. , , Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to ailing}; match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Vindows reversed. are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass See set in with best grade of putty. Porches have fir edge grain page 3' flooring. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford , Design hardware, see page 117. OPTIONS beTgé’ilefeacfgz Built on a concrete foundation, Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place 3“ fed wide. frame construction and side-d.w1th nar- of wood lath, 397.00 extra. For p—fices of row bevel clear cypress Siding. Storm Doors and Windows, $64.00 extra. Plumbing. Heating, SEYCnteCh—ycar guaranteed Flre' Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $29.00 Wiring, lilCCtriC Chlef Silmgle R011 ROOflng . . Fixture-3’ 'lSh'des r 'n extra; galvanized wire, $30.00 extra. see pagedlnls. d ‘ fO‘ t‘i“ rOOf‘ Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Prices Include Plans and Specifications. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND C0,, CHICAGO Page 45 ll‘. llitll‘lllllllllllllll lllllllllllll t: lllllllllll'llll'llllll K\LlLIlHnHIlUIlIUHlllllllli'llllllllllll'llt 'J' V [HI I I Iilillllllllllllllllll'llllll‘llli'llLlllllclll‘llllllllllllllllillllllllulll”lll‘i'll”Hlllilllllll'lllllll'tllLllllllllllll $3,164.00 Without Gar-(o. HE “Ardara” is a bungalow that will be recognized at once 0f as possessing many unusual attractive features and con- veniences. The artistic treatment of the porch and front is Windows leaves nothing to be desired. The garage attached to the —/ Honor ‘ng But rdara No. 3039 “Already Cut” and Fitted. ll'll‘lllll‘ll”lllllllll‘l“l‘ l‘ l iiliii‘ It ll ' ‘ lAl‘l ‘ l‘ l i t ' llll" $3,485.00 With Gar-go building itself adds to the general pleasing effect. Main Floor A substantial and artistic Craftsman door, with side lights, opens into the living room, which has cased openings to the den and dining room. From the living room, which is furnished with a closet for coats, a door leads to the basement and garage. leads to the kitchen, which has a pantry with two sets of shelves. between the kitchen and the rear stoop has space for an ice box. 9 feet from floor to ceiling. Basement An excavated basement under the entire house, 7 feet from floor to joists and lighted with basement sash. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. Page [16 on pages 108 and 100. “'0 furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown Interior doors are live—cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \\‘indows are made of clear (‘alitornia white. pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Built on a concrete block founda- tion, frame construction. Sided with clear cypress siding. Seven- teen—year guaranteed liirc—(‘hief Shingle Roll Roofing for the roof. minim”.until“.uuullllllilnHIHIHHIHHHHHIHMHI' nimmmmdntii Holmium I ”If .i J l l l I IImntuultllmllnn unnmpm lillIHIIItu A (“1111thHIHIIIHHIIIIHH'I m” mummy”, mun” ,1. ,1 case and painting material. From the dining room a door The entry The garage on the left is approached by a door from the central hall and is on a level with the grade. llere another door serves to prevent odors and fumes from reaching any of the rooms above. The basement is entered from platform leading to the garage. Garage is roofed with three layers of Asphalt Rooting. The rooms are See Description 280‘ “Honor Bill" Houses on Page 7. 0‘ ' u . ' l :J‘iirmmo ‘ . p , Bro noon ll A‘. ‘. . lighujflu Latte”: ‘ OPTIONS Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $134.00 extra. Storm Doors and Windows. $167.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $59.00 extra; galvanized wire, $63.00 extra. Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for living room. den and dining room. $225.00 extra. '1 “ill I Electric ['Ll ll ili' Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Prices Include Plans and Specifications. lA" At the prices quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- room house, consisting of lumber, lath, Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roof- ing, mill work, flooring, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware, medicine We guarantee enough material to build this house. Prices do not include cement, brick or plaster. For prices of Plumbing, Heat- ing, \\'iring, 17 ix- turesandShades see page 115. t . ‘n 'lll\ [MYTH r v Ill 11 iumHHHHHIIHHI nnuwmuiwuumummmwmmuwmmuu l '1' l'l i'll llllllll ” SEARS. ROICBI'CK AND (70., CHICAGO BATH AN D PORCH ‘li‘rii 'li ll‘illl v mun lHlHV‘VlAUVJH illillll m. ‘l lkllllll ”Vargas“; ,....iinn.iiii..i....iiiiiii.iiiiii:.i.ii..i.i;i...iiiiiiiiim iiiiiii‘i'iiiiiiiiuuiiil mm m n w . ll . , mama wwwq i .H i' l w ll‘iillli‘l'lil’ -‘l w ' "l” mum 1‘ “"1"“ “EM!“ “ At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this four- Ae ft 0 dessa iillllllllll Jr'— < miiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiinmulIiquV medicine case and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. room bungalow, consisting of lumber, lath, Fire-Chief Shingle Roll 53335333 3/ Roofing, mill work, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing lumber, . ‘fgfiul (21195 2 building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware, No. 7041 “Already Cut” and Fitted. Egg? on : $132522 T IS hardly necessary to say that this is a most attractive little home. The illustration proves it beyond a doubt. Furthermore, the price is also attractive. Much thought and expert advice have been ex- pended in designing an exterior that will make this bungalow appeal to lovers of artistic homes, While the floor plan appeals to all people desiring the utmost economy in space. This plan is very popular with our custom- ers, as proved by the sales of other houses with a similar arrangement. If you have only a moderate amount to expend on your home and wish to secure the biggest value for your money with the greatest results in com— fort, convenience and attractiveness, you can make no mistake in pur- Chasing this house. Main Floor A glazed front door opens into the living room. A door leads from the liVing room to front bedroom, and door leads from the dining room to the kitchen. Other doors lead into the rear bedroom and the bathroom, which has mediCine case. Two good size closets. _ Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. ; We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five—cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Porches have fir edge grain flooring. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford Design hard- ware, see page 117. Zuilt on a concrete block foundation, excavated basement. “llonor liilt” frame construction and sided with narrow bevel 178:0" l‘lli l1 ll"llll‘l"llli‘illl' llllllllllllllllllllAlllllllllllllllllllll‘lllll‘llllllvll‘ lllilllllllil ’H'll il 1.‘ il'll'llllllll'lHl'"H“Hll mnmumi i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiium\iiiiiiiiiiiiuiiumiuiuuiulnminimmililiillniiilmiiniii mm Sr"? 4‘ . ir‘r l Hll l' ' “a”: 3 ‘4 Ln . . . . . . :2 5.; clear cypress siding. All framing timbers are of I\o. 1 quality E‘ , i‘LooR PLAN. yrlbw pine. ; : OPTIONS E . Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, 528.00 E : place of wood lath, $78.00 extra. extra,- galvanized wire, $31.00 extra. : 5 Storm Doors and Windows, $62.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 27 feet wide. E 3 lior Prices of Plumbing, Heating, \Viring, Electric l‘ixtures and Shades see page 115. . E Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book ”(-7 5 ‘l ; Price Includes Plans and Specifications. lllllllllll'l 1‘ i. ll [‘1 . i i i ‘ Hi 1 [ll V . ll‘A ‘li i i i-v ll ll . i 41 m ' \imm mm H} l \ iili iiiunllili l“ i SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO, CHICAGO Page 47 A , v: {FOUR ROOMS TWO PORCH .iiwiiti'nr'tirw lll""|l' ii I' . Hit it it i l i . . t At the price quoted we will furnish all the mill work, flooring, siding, vx~m...’iijii finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, roofing, e est sash weights, hardware, painting material, lumber and lath to build a ,, . (1 this four-room house. We guarantee enough material to build this ' No. 7004 Already Cut and Fltte . , . . $ 00 house. Price does not Include cement, brick or plaster. 1 ,6 l 1—— This house can be built with the rooms reversed. See page 3. : ERE' is a house that is a real baiizaiu in qt 0‘ 7 price. For industrial eotiimunities, minim: towns or for farmers locating in new — Sections or on elaiius, this house Hands without Q _ a peer. This house has been built sei'eizil times D‘ “0.6 . with perfect satisfaetion to the owni-is. It has \gsefiption a double tloor, the walls :iie solidly sheathed and 1‘31“” Honor‘ sided with good quality lumber and lined with “I P ‘3”93“ H r building paper so as to in 'lllt‘ peitett piotet'tion on age " 5 against cold \i'eathei. (It is “llonor Kilt") j In places wheie lots can be (seemed for about 3 t $100.00, the entire east ot the house. laboi :ind ‘ lot ineluded, would be under Summon. \\e ” reeoniinend this design to Slllt‘ll\l>li‘ll owneis “—n‘ who want to dispose ot their piopriii' quit klv zit gm: is: 'f is m :1 tait' price. In lnilllitllillC(‘ttli‘l>,\\l1i1t‘l.tt‘;t‘ \ 513 ' 12;; < numbers of men are employed by lllilllllldi tui 111:; 1 \ /’ l ‘2‘ 3 or mining eoneeiiis and where it is lli‘tt‘>\.it} l \ 1 LE: that they should be limited i‘lose to [ill ll “nth a I n "\ m‘_ n number of houses built aeeoiding to e111 design .. i ”‘3“ .Y\‘ Illustrated on this page would sell nuit l\'. iii — . I " “'V V.‘ k“ W _ ' L... girl (as. L“? . W W Main Floor A high grade door opens into 1 e . ill L‘ ‘ ' —r the liViiiu iooin. IhiI‘lS lead TIN" LIVING ROOM‘ . from the living iooni to the ttoiit liwliiiflltl and kitchen. Door from kitehen to rear bedroom. Good Size pantry adjoining kitchen and a (‘lUSt‘t in eat it bed, room and kitehen. Rooms are 0 feet from floor to eeihtie. Basement, 7 teet high. I ighted by two \‘t‘ll.11 sash. Paint for three coats outside, your ehoiee, of color. Varnish and wood tiller tor two coats of inteiior tiiiisli. "O Stratford Design hardware, see page 11;. ., t \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill \i‘oik, shown on pages 108‘ and 10‘). liiteiior doois .iii' 6 i {ivewross panel, with Mini and flooring. to match, all. yellow pine, iii beautitul grain and Color. \Viiidows ale 6 i made of (‘leai‘ (‘aliforiiia white pine, \i'ithgpod quality glass set in with best giade of putty, l‘mphes h.i\'e E lir edge grain flooring. __ g l . m , A . u , _ , . . ii ' I1 < ‘ Houoi lhlt frame con OPTIONS lllis lIOIISt‘ lids -—— L;_.l ‘i \u i 33V struction; No. 1 yellow 91110 Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the l) t‘(‘ 11 l) U i ll .1 I . } i IOlT\‘i‘in“ ‘~|\: framing lumber, sided with place of wood lath. $66.00 extra. l’t‘liln, lll., ll.it'— “I I u k L“ narrow bpvpl (sh-411' cypress Storm Door: and Windows, $46.00 extra. l‘t‘l', l{tlll., .\lJ[h i-i L] siding. ()O—I’ound pim_ Screen Doors and Windows. black wire, $21.00 Illllg, lit\\'.1, (‘lin— .‘ f1] ‘ . QI' 1 1 HR ti extra; galvanized wire, $23.00 extra. tonvill‘i \\i\ ." J ‘ . y . r _ _ , . .. ( Ind ‘ um, ( {U 00 ”1"" This house can be built on a lot 25 feet wide. \\'i|]0“‘ 1 11“. g —A guaranteed tolzistfoi' seven- F l) 1' ll "1' '1 ‘ i . , A . _ , W , 7 .. ‘ . ‘ .‘ ‘or priees of Plumbing. Heating, \Viiini: l-Tlet‘tiie ‘1‘” 1m ”lg ”I1. -, V n l n yiars. Your (”home 0f Fixtures and Shades, see, page 115. I \. \. Stoelgptirt, (.(ilor, dark red or sea green. W1 . . 1 1 0 h io. I) 0 w n e I. . S ‘ . ten eonipariiii: DHH‘S. p ease eonsii er that this Uiove lll. liott Ri‘e 1 . . C en .. . ,. 4 . . i , 3 B1“ ment “1:”1 r “re house (.llonor Bill ) has a double tlooi and is en» N, l).ik., and other ; house, 7 feet high. closed with good sheathing. cities. i: Our Guarantee Protects \’ oil—Order Your House From This Book 5' Price Includes Plans and Speeitieations. : ummmmiminnrmniiiunuuumnumnimiumiilninnn in ‘llilhllillll‘ltitt 111mm t1 it. taunt V t. i 1 mummy q p . Kn “J“: , y L , . i1, pagp 48 SEARS. ROEIH'CK AND (70., CHICAGO I g H] MMmuIImIImmnumnnmmnmnmnm E F l V E KO 0 M 5 AN D B AT H—j} m . Ullllllll . ; . . t 4- ‘ y . m ' \ “i '” fit W “ . lllllllll I ll ‘llllll‘llllllll H. mm M‘- Hi 1 mt] ml]lllllllllllllll‘lllllllllllllllHl'it'llllhllllllll‘ll‘ luv [M'l‘l‘ill twwmi‘ vnww ' M till it 3 ll -' lll NH | \li'l l 'h" 'll ll'llllllllllllll ' ' l | in Al'l ' I At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- room bungalow, consisting of millworh, lumber, lath, shingles, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, mu“ down spout, sash weights, hardware, mantel and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. not include cement, brick or plaster. vnmm vm mt\rmnmrmrrrmmmmnm'mmnmnmhm mun c3A9 Sprzhgwooa’ No. 3078 “Already Cut" and Fitted, Price does HE Springwood has an at- tractive exterior with an interior equally inviting and comfortable. ' The first Main Floor thing you notice, of course, when you enter the living room is a hospitable mantel, with doors on either side to the two bedrooms. To the right is a private porch. To the left through a cased opening is the dining room with its gen- erous buffet. In the kitchen is the popular breakfast alcove with cupboard. The kitchen entry makes this home workshop com- fortable in Winter and cool in 'll tllllllllllllllllll'llll llll‘llllll‘llllll‘ __..;~._. “2;, _ y’" SIDE AND FRONT VIEW, THE SI‘RINGVVOOD. Summer. The bathroom is con- veniently located between the two bedrooms. Closets in bed- rooms have shelves and each bedroom is well lighted and ventilated. Rooms — are 9 feet 3 inches from floor to ceiling. . , . in — #¥fi_4g Basement Excatated basement unnJ 7 FLOOR PLAN, the entire house 4 feet from . E floor to joists, lighted with basement sash. THE LIVING ROOM' ': We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are i five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, inbeautiful grain and color. Windows are ’5 made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in With best grade of putty. é Paint for three coats outside; your choice of crl'n'. # Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratforrl 3 Design hardware. see page 117. OPTIONS ; Built on a concrete foundation. No. 1 yellow pine - - Z framing lumber. Clear cypress siding. Roofed with best Shift cluster} anddll’laitegsg'gaisht to take 3 grade thick cedar shingles. ep ace 0 woo ‘1 ’ ' ex ra. E Oak Doors, Trim and Floors in living room S \ /-\, and dining room instead of yellow pine, 2 ({LA { ii, \ $172.00 extra. E p / Fire-Chief Roofing instead of wood ; " / shingles, $68.00 less. a Storm Doors and Windows, $100.00 extra. E Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, :5 353.00 extra; galvanized wire, $58.00 extra. E If Mantel is not wanted, deduct 352.50. E This house can be built on a lot 28 feet wide. THE REAR PORCH. H For prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, l‘ l‘l'lll'llllllllllllllllll lll'lll'l'llllllllllllllllllllll Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. lllllllllllllml’lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘llllllllll ll”l‘lllllllllll' w , SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO. A it - l Yu Alltn‘ tmnm Illlllnl Page 49 ll llll‘lllll‘llilll‘lllllllllllllllllIltlli ‘ll’lllllllllltlll‘lllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllll allllillhll ‘ll‘il‘llllil iIwniMilnmr'wmnat in... _ . i ll ' l i H l‘” lllltlllllllllltllh'“l'i’l‘ill"l‘lllil'll” . . Mom—“t Cj/te r0 oksz’a’e No. 2091 “Already Cut” and Fitted. $2,09 72 See Description of “Honor Bilt" Houses on Page 7. [IE man who builds this bungalow will have made a first class 1 ”2110' , investment. It is a home that will look well in high class sur— 1 roundings. The exposed chimney, the shingled gable, the solidly CWC‘JTZMC‘L constructed and artistic porch and the Colonial windows all combine in producing a pleasing design at a remarkably low price. Main Floor From the porch, a door leads into the living room, which is separated from the dining room by a cased opening, making 1>raetieall_\' one large room clear across the entire width of the house. The. living room has a mantel and a door leading to the hall, which connects with the bathroom and bedroom. I7 n an the dining room, a door leads to the kitchen. Directly back of the kitchen is a grade, entrance, which has a stairway leading to the basement. All rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. Basement {\n excavate-d basement under the entire house, 7 feet from floor to JOIStS, and lighted With basement sash. We furnish our best “Quality GuaranteedH mill work, shown on pages 103 and 100. , _“ Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to mateh, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Vindows are made. of clear California white 12ine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Porches have ti r edge grain tloor— ing. ,. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for LL interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. f3 Built on a concrete foundation, frame Construction and sided with narrow bevel Clear cypress siding. Seventeen—)ear guaran- teed Fire—Chief Shingle Roll Rooting for the roof. At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this four- room house with bath, consisting of lumber, lath, Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, mill work, flooring, siding, finishing lumber, kitchen cupboard, sideboard, medicine case, mantel, molding, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting ma- terial. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. A LLUALLU llnilllllllllllllll immu Hllllllllllll .r’lv CUPBOARD WVTCHEN . some” . BED Room I: axe—4" l‘llll'laliLlHl'VLErlLUlln‘ ‘l “ 2747;, .l, iv-a l“.muuunminilrul v ' e DINING Doom ; true/now I l WW' in! l’Z’O'k l’QLQ | 7 l ? LMNG Doom : l l l l 171.0011 l‘l .\\'. OPTIONS Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $68.00 extra. Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for living room and dining room, 3130.00 extra. Storm Doors and Windows, $72.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $29.00 extra; gal- vanized wire, $31.00 cxtra. If Mantel is not wanted, $33.39 less. This house can be built on a lo! 3!) feet wide. llll ll llllllllll ll-l‘ For I‘rit‘es of l‘lumlxiue. Heating, \Viring, Electrlc lviixtuies and Shades, see page 115. 0111‘ Guarantee l’roteets Yolk-Order Your House From This Book “us“-mmawauwcuum.“Uni. “ma“... .. . milllnmnluuuunnHHHII' "Ililhl' '.l i Price Includes Plans and Specifications. 3 ‘llllllflnll'l' l ltlll‘llll 'llli'lllii‘ lulu .l li . =2 Page 50 SEARS. HORRI'CK AND ('70., CHItIlGO WWLHLWW;DHn n | ln'illllt . | HI lllilllil ' ltll D PORCH 2i 7""- unmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll E F l V E R0 0 M S 13 AT H AN t..............e.. ........ «WVW g _ g _ ,. 3).“ — g g . . , c. , Age. " mm , = illil‘l‘llll llll ‘ ' Illill illh' lllllll l illll‘lllll 'll l‘ll'hl ll ‘l ill [mm “in .i i l H 1 1.7 V“ l l l‘iiill'illllll‘lllll ill I F: I . .1 m r A w. y. i l, t‘[,i\|nlulnuhi’.fi H E“ it'lll-ll‘ iiw w Mm mh'w HHI-llilllll'll‘ iii "T: At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- 7" room house, consisting of lumber, lath, Fire-Chief shingle roll roofing, mill work, flooring, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, medicine case, kitchen cupboard, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash No 2037 “Alread Cut n and Fitted weights, hardware and painting material. We guarantee enough mate- ' y ’ rial to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. “1150950, Dgsifgxiptigfmg; E CONSIDER this house 9A9 Woseberrz/ lllllllllllll'il r H $2,2729=° . . ., , to be a remarkable bargain '-| l’—‘"‘—-‘ 22 O 6 ‘5 0 _ ‘f for the price. We furnish the material ~ A - ”already cut” and fitted. It is a house that will look well in any community. The front porch and entire elevation cannot fail to win favorable comment. 1;? 0 The front porch extends across 1 : FlrSt Floor the entire width of the house. A BEDROOM ’1‘5IIU'O KITCHEN :u I My: ROOF OYIR "l cased opening between the living room and dining room. Beamed ceiling in the dining room. Door leads from the dining room into the kitchen. A stairway leads from the living room to the second w h e n floor and from the kitchen to the basement. Comparing Rooms are 8 feet 4 inches from floor to ceiling. Sie’aieccSni Second Floor Two good size bedrooms and f"11”h(:§§; bathroom on the second floor. has double Bothbedroomslightedfromtwosides. Roomsonthe CL, PBOARD illllll l'llllllIllllllllllllllllllll iiil' lllllllillll _ 24' 0' BEDROOM 15'8" x 12'0" llllllllllllllllill' ROOM l_’/ Ll'VlNC. 1' 3 x PORCH Root fl J 3 - . . ,QfJggdoigfi second floor are8feet4mches from floor to ceiling. ;,', 0 9 d Basement Excavated basement under the sheathing. _ . entire house, With concrete floor, lighted With basement sash. Height of basement, ' 7 feet from floor to JOIStS. \Ve furnish our best “Quality j i PORCH .‘lt Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. ‘ l o o x 16 0 Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring ‘ to match, all yellow pine in beautiful grain and color. “in- dowsaremade ofclearCalifornia white pine, with good quality - ‘ \ ‘ glass set in with best grade of putty. Porches have fir edge SECOND FLOOR PLAN“ 16'5" grain flooring. Paint for three coats outside, your Choice of FIRST FLOOR MAM color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Strat- ford DeSign hardware, see page 1147. _ Built on a concrete_block foundation, frame construction and sided with narrow bevel clear cypress Siding. hire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing for the roof, guaranteed for seventeen years. OPTIONS This house can be built on a Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $84.00 [0t 28 feet wide. extra. For Prices of Plumbing, Heating. Oak Doors, Trim, and Floors for living room and dining room, $168.00 \Vi r i n g , lllr-rtric Fixtures and extra. Shades, see page 115. Storm Doors and Windows, $71.00 extra. Modern Home No. 2037 has been Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $31.00 extra; galvanized wire, built at “'aterbiiry, (ionnu New $33.00 extra. Stanton, Penna, and Morocco, Ind. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From T his Book. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. . ' .ii... \ummmmlmwu v ”noun. H mm {l\Hl'lllhllllllllllll“11”qu1 H . v, \v n , u \ll l Vlll F iii it ii iiii iii 'i'iiiiiiiiiiii'iiViiiifivfiii‘nmmn‘i‘n'flmmmmW 1 ill! .. 1 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘lllllllllllllllllullllllILl‘lLIHl IlliillllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllll' I‘l"li-ll|ilull|lil Hiiiii i . v _ m . i[ p v. m , m __ i ‘ ”Li” ‘ SEARS, ROEBUCIi AND“ 06.,“0111024 GO \ i i 'Puw 5 fl llllllll [lllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' 'l illtilllHilllllnlllllnlllll llll llll ‘l FIVE ROOMS BATH AND PORCH lilltlllltlllllu h: lutl’tlltl See _De- SCTIDKIOD of "Honor B i 1 t ' ' Houses on Page 7. ‘34.; No. 2024 No. 7024 Fitted, $2,595.00. l i TCt‘lEN 9L1X11—7 T”... it'il' "' 7 i i i'iilill . UMNQ ROOM 23—550 a— i ‘ AA‘ O ' in (L? FIRST FLOOR PLAN iliil‘il ' Doecu AAAJA i’iliiii i I above for $2,552.00. \luuttn i W0 fin 0 "Already Cut” and Filled, with Exterior as shown below, 52,552.00. "Already Cut" and paneled Slllt‘t‘t) porch galile adds much to the appear— ance and the l“ire-Chiet Shingle Roll Roofing sets oil the house to the best adx'antage. First Floor across the entire width of the house. between the. living room and dining room. ceiling in the dining; room. room into the kitchen. dining: room to the sueond tloor. Stairs lead {rein kitchen to liaseineii . serves as a pantry. floor to ceiling. Second Floor Two good size l>edinmiis with ilti-:et. tilatimi. ventilated. Basement l.CVi‘;i\‘:iteie11 l1.111l\\.11e. see Huih «r1111 1 111M 1111‘ 11v1111\l.11io!‘.. I'ow l1\‘\1'lt‘)'1vl1'<> \1\li1n:.111nl l1.1\' lust ).'I.11l1' 1 1 ti 211-. 111E, 1 >‘ , "M” $13,035:? At the above price we will furnish all the material to build this five-room bungalow, consisting of mill work, flooring, siding, porch ceiling, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, mantel. china closet, medicine case, hardware, painting material, lumber, lath and shingles. We guar- antee enough nIaterial to build this house. include cement, brick or plaster. Price does not l’Ul’l‘I. lll. i11e\ wusiVe aml Ql‘aeelul hunqalow. \Vell . I. l ‘ l1ghletl and \‘e1111laIe1l. eohunns (llltl [)oreh 1‘all. Main Floor l\l(|HHl.\ on Ihe 111.11'11 floor are 0 leel from floor to Large porch. with bungalow e111i111i'. .\ large hall ovensIhI‘ouehaea>e1loxeniue .\ _ l 111111.111«\wpuun.111\-1.11;. 11131.; 11111111 11111111le1l Iolu-11>e1lasa1'ou1hi— 11.11io11 loin; 1'oo111 .1111l 11min; lI‘onI 1>, \\11h 1‘11111‘1'1‘1elloor‘. \\'e furnish our lu~\1 “l1o\\n on pages 1th .11111 It"). lloo1'i11U 111111.111’h..1ll \ellow >111e.1u lveauluul «4131111111111 eoloI'. \\ i11.< panel. \\'i:h 11'1111aml el1-11(‘.1':11:' ':11\\l1'i‘ 1‘ t'e \\1l 111Ml11'. ':1_\1‘ ’111lm1'11“. \a1'1‘1si1 Lllhl\\0u1l 131.111 le i1111-11oru1tish. Hus >11 11: “11}; l\e>1 made 1 1 1.1- :11 Chicago 11.111‘ llh. No. l \ello“ 1;:‘1 11,111i1w‘ Si1le1l\\‘i(llni1r- OPTIONS Sheet Plaster amt Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath. $105.00e11ra. Oriental Asphalt Shingles. instead of wood shingles. no extra Charge. l‘his h o H \ ,. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Rooting. Red or Sea . l '1. y ' . Green in color. instead of wood shingles. llmi'l “H“ “l 1““‘L'l‘ $65.00 less. lll., l{1*:11.1111l. .\lo., Oak Doors, Trint and Floors in hall and living 1» l. \ l..1l\1. \\' i <.. roonl instead ofyellow pine. $165.00 extnL . , .. Maple Flooring for kitelien and bathroom, no ll‘l’l’ 1:11.1111\ l‘lL“ llm‘l' extra charge. K‘ouasset. \l.1»~'.. Stornx Doors and W'indows. $115.00 extra. unnaifldm 1;" .1111l Screen Doors and Windows. blue}: wire. $5l.00 extra: galvanized wire, $54.00 extra. If Mantel is not wanted. deduct $39.00. This house can be built on a lot 48 feet wide l'o1 111iee< 11’ l‘luu1hiuz;. lle.1[i11t:.\\’11111_-_‘, lC1ee11ie 1 l“i\1u1e_\‘ and Shades see name 115. olhe1 ellies. Our Guarantee l’roteets You—Order Your House From This Book l’riee lnehules l’lans and Specifications. llllllllllllllllIIIllllllllllllllllllllllll'llltllllllllllllllllllll'llllllllllll Ill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH .p (a) H < SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. CHICAGO __5(,A W .._ ”rm {FIVE ROOMS BATH AND PORCH E l'll ‘lll lll Hlllll‘llll: \llmll'll m, m. a. ll‘ll‘lll Ul “ llllllllll li‘mll-A lwrllxll'lm‘“»lwll‘lv tllllllllllllll'l 'nnllll , ‘ , v ' . “ . ‘ I . // H 1W, W, J , , . . ,,,, H . . .. t. . ,, mm. @‘ thum“....mmlu..-1 At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- ?Ae Somerset room bungalow, consisting of lumber, lath, shingles, mill work, medi- cine case, flooring, porch ceiling, finishing lumber, building paper, No. 7008 “Already Cut” and Fitted. $ 00 2,54 3: This house can be built with the rooms reversed. See page 3. eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting ma- HE’ SOMERSET Modern Home No. 7008 is an attractive and inexpensive bungalow of terial. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. , , “ See Description of five rooms with vestibule, bath and pantry. It has a front porch across the entire house, ; , i y, "Honor Bilt" Houses so arranged that it makes a combination porch and open terrace. \Ve furnish a sufficient Pasta ' ' ' 1W on page 7. quantity of shingle stain, any color, for the sides, front and rear for the price quoted above, but E: not for the roof. Shingled houses when stained with a suitable color have a very refined and comfortable appearance. Main Floor Front door, glazed with bevel plate glass, leads from the porch into the vestibule. he two front windows are Queen Anne design. On entering the vestibule you find a cased opening leading to the living room and another leading to the dining room. Note the bay window in the dining room. A swinging door leads from this room into the kitchen. A door from the kitchen leads to the basement. The two bedrooms have closets. All rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. Basement The excavated basement is 7 feet high from floor to joists. Lighted by base- .m g. i _, MW ment sash. 21 37,35 All framing lumber IS NO. 1 yellow pine. I ; Paint for three coats on the outside. Shingles on sides stained two brush coats; your choice of green or brown. Varnish and wood filler for two coats of interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best ‘3] grade of putty. Porches have fir edge grain flooring. ‘ Built on a concrete block foundation with basement under the entire house. Concrete floor. The entire house, including the roof, is covered with best grade of thick cedar shingles. A 0‘» C.‘ : . , Saved u: Le-lt 3300.00. OPTIONS This house has I Q5 ' R0. Box B. Wes: Main St. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of £663: b11111,“ at 108k :71 \ “‘1 ” Parkesburg, Penn. wood lath, $103.00 extra . b3; ,Mich C3223" i3 in LlV'F'i’: DOO‘A 3‘» Sears, REXlNCk and 03-. Oriental Asphalt Shingles instead of wood shingles, ittsbui‘g. Ohio, Deer :5 H ‘ . II :iu . r I g Chicago, Ill. no extra charge. River, Minnquhite ‘5 ILJ ‘c'5 xl’l- gj‘ Gentlemenz—Endosed you Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green Plains, N. Y., Han- .—”_l :3; will find a photo of our new. in color, instead of wood shingles, $62.00 less. nibal,. ‘Mou _ Junc- i 1;» L- __ _ 1 (a?) ,l V bungalow bull” frowyour ma- Siding for the outside walls instead of shingles, tion CRY: Ohio! and . “ WWW”. f is 332% $5113?” 1(322302? ”3-0" “"‘L our}? cm“: f .1 - l “1:, all tliegmaterial was extr: Oalz Doors, Trim and Floor in vestibule, living room Pluriiliinlizr 11:53:: i} 1310. I fine. I saved at least $30000 and dining room instead of yellow pine, $144.00 Wiring, E'I ect rigd I ‘i by buying from you. Thank- extra. Fix t u 1‘ e S a nd DCQCH ing you for your honest treat- Maple Floor in kitchen and pantry, no extra Charge- Shades, see page 115. ’L’ZLCYBZO. ment in these transactions, Storm Doors and Windows, $81.00 extra. This house can 1am Yours YCSDCCUUUY. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $30.00 extra; be built on a lot CHARLES MILLER. galvanized wire, $33.00 extra. 30 feet wide. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. FLOOR PLAN. mmwn. '[Hl' M v . Mll .. yr vi . nil l I‘ "lllllllllll mm M m [mun H pmm lllllllll Hum \HHI [AH-Hmlllulilli l .1 iv 11 )ul umnmn! n llllr’lllm mm m Hl mnmnm \HIHI'HIHIHIIHHIIn SEARS, R EBUCK AND CO., CHICAGO Page 57 .. _ _. __ an“ , —————-—-—= QF E Ill"llliiimii_.iiiiiiii..illlll i “Mi. llil ll l 5 it] Will i .. mil ' l i l i Writefor at names of f‘ See Description of “Honor Bilt" Houses on Page 7. aggxetiiiiii ' At the prices quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- ‘ms 1‘0“” e l Mona room cottage, consisting of mill wor'h, .lumber, lath, shingles, porch ’r h i 5 $2 649 00 No. 2010 “Already Cut” ceiling, flooring, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down {,‘gusbcufi‘; 7 ~ and Fitted. spout, sash weights, hardware, sideboard, mediune case, Oriental with the $3 026.00 [VG-2311.125 “glready Cut” slate surfaced siding and painting material. We guarantee enough £033.58? ’ a" “a ' material to build this house. Prices do not include cement, brick 93863- or plaster. S lVILL be seen by the illustration, this house is quite an imposing building. Note the graceful paneled effect on the porch columns and along the sides of the cottage. Above prices include best grade cedar shingles. In the panels shown in the illustration, Oriental Sea (ireen Slate Surfaced Siding is used, giving the appearance of stucco finish. The balance KITCHEN of the building is sided with best grade thick red cedar shingles. Altogether 81734314. this is a strictly high class cottage and should appeal to the man who wants something that will represent individual taste, high quality and big value. BEDROOM Main Floor A graceful front door, glazed with large bevel plate glass, leads from the porch 8~8§(9I— . into the vestibule, which is Connected with the living room by a cased opening. The (lining room has a handsome sideboard. Two bedrooms and bathroom are reached by DINING doors from the small hall. Both bedrooms have good size closets. Bathroom has medicine R00 case with mirror. Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. M I ' l 0 Basement Escavated basement under the entire house, 7 feet from floor to joists, lighted 1 1‘6 X 15"1 \Vlth biISCIllCllt 53.511. _-_...._.-_.‘—-.>‘ u > .4 I O I ~ ii i i iiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii iiiiiiiiiiWWmv-w { . H PAaaAa: \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 10‘). Interior doors are five-cross panel, With trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Porches have fir edge grain flooring. BED, ROOM c l’aiiit for three coats outside, except shingles; your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler 11~5X 9-9 for interior finish. Stratford DeSign hardware, see page 117. Built on a concrete foundation. No. 1 yellow pine framing lumber. OPTIONS FOR No. 2010. in min U 111 'I lilii'll Ili"ll llillIIlUIP ill'l'Hllllllllll‘ll{Y1llHlllllllllllllllllilillilllllllll”IllllIIIIIIIHII'IIHM of wood lath, $93.00 extra. Oriental Asphalt Shingles, instead of wood shin- gles, no extra charge. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green in color, instead of wood shingles, 557.00 less. Oah Doors, Trim and Floors in living room and dining room instead ofyellow pine, 5150.00 extra. ID '1 A lllli uuiilnnuiiniiIIIIHIi'I lllIHHHH IHHHIIIIIHHHII iiii ' i mu ‘m 'm ill '1 i1 DU \ s s, Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place Maple Flooring for kitchen, pantry and bathroom LOS For prices of Plumbing, Heating, \Viring, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Prices Include Plans and Specifications. 1 instead ofyellow pine, no extra charge. Clear cypress bevel siding instead of shingles and I " Oriental siding for outside walls, $75.00 extra. ------ 240 - ‘ "" " “ ‘ Storm Doors and Windows. $100.00 extra. P Screen Doors and Windows. black wire, $33.00 extra; galvanized wire, $35.00 extra. 0 RCH This house can be built on a lot 30 feet wide. k------56 FLOOR PLAN No. 2010. Price. 82,649.!” iiiVui lllll'ill i'niiIiHlii Hi1. llllllli‘lll‘ 1iy lill'll V114 1 ii i I 'liliiii ll! Hill!” '1” H L SEARS, ROEBL’CK AND (30.. CHiCAGO M L 1 NT E RI 0 R s — 7A9 w; N o N A g, L———_—'——_ IIIIlIlIIItllIlIIIIlIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllI'll" ll I mmlln l m Illlllll \muunuu: : I E \ ‘ ‘ ' \ uIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlullunllnnlllulIIIIIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIlull-InnIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllnlllluuIIIIIlllIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlullIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllulllulllulm llllllllllullnlll“ The Kitchen The china closet right beside the sink is a time and labor saver, as well as a valuable adjunct to the pantry. The housewife and maid will appreciate this. A.mrnHuHHn-nnuunuumuu BED ROOM 9‘8‘X-9‘8' DINING ROOM IILQ'X’ISLI' l i ALL BATH BED ROOM \ . I I I I ' / LIVING ROOM ”Lawn? urt'xwz' The Dining Room OPTIONS FOR No. 2010A Sheet Platter and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $106.00 extra. . , , . h. . Simp11c1ty of treatment and economy “my;gggglgjeggglggmgtwd °’ in furnishing are the principal features of 1.2.3-0ch Shingle [Roll .Roofing, Red or this _dining room. . There IS a certain ,zgng,;;¢;,3f30 “1:3? "mead °’ ““1 digmty 1n 51mp1101ty, and economy 13 Oak Doors, Trim and Floor: in living room . d d' . . t f . ‘ always desuable. ;?50.0bne‘:t€aioom ms ead 0 yellow pxne Maple Flooring for kitchen, entry and FLOOR PLAN . . . ‘ ‘ The attractlve Sideboard Wthh WC fur_ bathrotim instead of yellow pine, no _ . extra c urge. nish with the materlals for our Winona Clea; cypress geqel sliding. intrtead of No. 2010A has stairs to the attic, Modern Home NO. 2010 or NO. 2010A ;5::€,f,;*,,;f"g,_agggga_-" "*8 °' W'- which is floored, 12 feet wide and ex— makes it easy for the owner tO get this TIu': home can be built on a lot so me I i\'| l] l ' l‘lllllllllldl| l'l‘l'lll'l IIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIl||lI|l||IllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|l|II|IllllllII|IIIIIIII|I|IIIIIIIIIII|IIIIllllllll|l||ll||llIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIIIIiII nvn mmmmm 1 l No. 2010A , . . wide. tends the entire length Of the house. dlnlng I.001“. ready for occupan-Cy' - NOte For prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring. Price, $3,026-00- our suggestions for up to date lighting. Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. llIIIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIII“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘I'II 4 ~ I ~ ’luuuumInInnInunuuumI"InIIIIIIIIIlnInn-Inn".IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlnuuuuulI‘IIICIIIIIIlllluunu“(muIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllnulluullllIllnllll n V I I I I I Illllllllllllllllll" SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO Page 59 V'llllil lllll . ‘l , “”114”leiiliilll‘drlulliimlllli‘ulillll' m , y, . . . 1' iw'vmfilf JE ii Il‘llll‘lll'lllll‘llll'lllllllllllllllll ill‘llllT‘IVW l ll"v Illilllllllillllil’ll iHilllllllllllllllilllllulllillIllill!IltllllHillllililll'lllllilu lllLli” K x T CH EN llf'5'193IO' Eli—Foil DANQL I ~L‘ {:7 1%; by} Von we DOOM JV gliisuieis‘ Dli‘i&6 909M I’Wfldflj; ,\ 4L3 'XI’J 7 “3‘9 5?? @5751 ‘ lL‘NlIYYIDLl «i '- PODCH '24" o" 60' This house can be built with the rooms reversed. See page 3. FIRST FLOOR PLAN. How. 6.749 fanqston No. 7000 “Already Cut” and Fitted. Paint for three coats outside, y min i ll llilllllllii HIHim].in!iIIIInmunnlimillmimhmuinnnmnh l H does not include cement, brick or plaster. NEAT and roomy house at a very low price. Wm I“! \Yas deSIgned especially with two objects in “m 1 I: a v1ew, economy of floor space and low cost. Con- ;; tains six rooms and bathroom. Porch is 24 feet by 8 feet. - o. , . First Floor Front door, with bevel plate glass, ‘H “gag-395 Opens into the living room, which has ' a a nice closet with a mirror door and an open stairs to L the second floor. The dining room is connected with tamer : the living room by a large cased opening which makes m ,0, practically one large room of these two rooms. Ilas USP—J kitchen space for ice box, and entrance to the basement is through this pantry. “7,; @223, Second Floor The stairway from the first floor [’0 ask?!“ opens into a hall on the second floor /;;u,;m\ .‘ from which any of the three bedrooms or bathroom may " —————— “' be reached. In the bathroom is a large linen storage closet over stairs. All three bedrooms are well lighted and each has a good sized clothes closet. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 100. Interior doors are five- cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Yindows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this six- room house, consisting of lumber, lath, shingles, mill work, medicine case, flooring, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting ma- terial. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price 1 I l \\ I/ I ' f t = Wow {5. F L‘n“ ”5 r 550 Loom L15 . lib-231045 Door = mu m ,n \“37/ ' 12;: >( i §§J \ l _0’ 4r“ hi!!! set in with best grade of putty. Front porch has con- crete iloor. Built on a concrete block foundation and excavated under entire house. \Ye furnish clear cypress siding and best grade of thick cedar shingles; framing lumber of No. 1 quality yellow pine. md floor, 8 feet 3 inches from floor to ceiling. OPTIONS Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $135.00 extra. Oriental Asphalt Shingles instead of wood shingles, no extra char e. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green in color. instea ofcedar shingles, $57.00 less. ah Doors, Trim and Floors in living room, dining room and stairs instead of yellow pine, $121.00 extra. Maple Flooring for kitchen, pantry and bathroom instead of yellow pine, no extra charge. Wood Floor material for the porch, $90.00 extra. Storm Doors and Windows, $137.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $48.00 extra; galvanized wire, $52.00 extra. 7/“ is house can be built on a lot 30 feet wide. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. i '1 |lA SECOND FLOOR PLAN. Height Of Ceilings (Basement, 7 feet from floor to joists, with concrete floor. FirSt floor, 9 {09‘ from floor ‘0 Cell-111' 1g. seC' our choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. For prices of Plumbing, Heating, \\'i1‘ing. Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book SEARS, ROEBUCK AND C0., CHICAGO This house has been i built at North Me— Cregor. Iowa, Fort . Plain, N. Y., Logans- port, Ind., Chester, Penna., New Era. : Mich, Miller City, Ohio, Postboy, Ohio, Riverside. 111.. and other cities. ll ii ii i' ll iii ll] [1' it i ll llll iii ‘li'l l \ lllllllllllll'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIllllllllIllllllllnHlllnlllllllllll1ll]llllllllllllllVIVl'llll|ll||llHlllllllllHll 'll‘ ”17m ' ”Unllllllllllllllllllllllllhlllllllllllll‘IHlll'HquHlthllllllllllllllllll lllllll‘l ll l\‘ ll"|‘lll lnllllll'lllll‘llllllllllllllllllllllHU llll‘ uni-lulunlulIIIunInInnIu-nnunllIullluln HHHIIHHHHHIHI hnlnn'm “I . HIS photo- graphic repro- duction will help you in the interior treatment of your new home. Many other ideas are yours for the ask- mg. ‘9 Infillll'lllll'llly‘llllllllllllll‘llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll”HVl'lllllllllllllllllllllllllll'lllllllllllll HIHIHIIh. V.“ |lllll|llllllllllllllllllll l‘lllll \Illllllll llll'llll lllll H A) H I I'll lllll lhllll HrlllllllllllllllHI'HH'IAIHHIIHY (2 GLANCE at the interiors of THE LANGS- TON MODERN HOME illustrated above and the exterior on the opposite page should convince you of its value as an investment. It will make you a handsome, durable home for your own use or you can sell it quickly at a big profit if you so desire. THE LANGSTON has been built at N. Mc- lxlunu’unwl .1 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO Vyl' HIS room looks digni- fied in its simplic- ity. It is rich and up to date without being loud. Gregor, Iowa, Fort Plain, N. Y., Logansport, Ind., Chester, Penna, New Era, Mich., Miller City, Ohio, Postboy, Ohio, and other cities. Ask us for names of Modern Home owners in your own state. There may be some‘in your own county or even in your own town. They will put you on the right track in building to advantage at small cost. .1. mmvvxmummnmmm1vmvummnn .v Inmv ,y (In-Inn- I . “III“I“III“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIII|III||I|IIIIIIlIIIlIHIIIIIIIIII ll 1“ ll lll H I l I H H l I 11 I! ll 1 l l l llll H l ll ‘1 l ll 11} H“ l 1 H Hlll 1 I run l l H y l H \ ll {H l l I H“ l\ l I] | [111 ll 1 l A ll Ill 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllflllllllllgfily” 1h mmmmnnnumrmflnulmmnm -1m\“ Page. 6i . l _ E SIX ROOMS AND PRIVATE PORCH "1 ‘lll 'llhl ,1, ,th, IJH u lt“‘l Itiitlllt[”1ittt'llllttllltl‘lVFTllTT'li' H ll‘ttt‘ In} v t;1l" t"lt H m hauallltlllll' ”'1' .) vv . . t A W: ———J At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this six- {I \g 0 room house, consisting of lumber, lath, roofing, mill work, medicine f‘ : case, flooring, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, building paper, 3 2742 Ma dell a . . . a eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting _ NO- 3028 “Already CUP, and Fitted. material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price .5: ~ ' ment, brick or laster. 5 $3,0 5 42 does not include ce p i: ERE is a house that BATH ‘ industrial concerns 80"” g 5 like to provide for = : l‘ilTCHEN DtNING ROOM their managers and fore- 5 E. ate-x new money men. It makes a very classy ? E dwelling with its Colonial 2 windows, private side porch and colored Fire-Chief 3 ' l'lf‘n Roofing. First Floor From the cement porch, a door leads into the hall. This is con- nected with the living room by a cased opening. Another cased SECOND FLOOR PLAN. FIRST FLOOR pLAN_ Opening leads into the dining room _ . directly in the rear. There is an open stairway in the hall leading to the second 1.11““ 1"“15“ C?“ bf‘ hm“ floor and another stairway from the kitchen to the basement. There is a swinging vnth the rooms rewmrsed. . - ~ - - - ‘ 5“. page 3_ door connecting the (hump; room and kitchen. A side entrance leads to the kitchen _ so that it can be entered without passing through the other rooms. From the living room a pair of French doors lead to the private side porch. This porch may also be reached by means of steps from the rear. Second Floor There are three large bedrooms on the second floor with bathroom. Two bedrooms have closets furnished with shelves. ~ . All rooms are well vent1lated and lighted. " ‘ We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Viudows are made of Clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Built on a concrete foundation and excavated under entire. house. We furnish Clear cypress siding and extra heavy Fire-Chief Roofing. Framing lumber of No. 1 quality yellow pine. Height of Ceilings Basement, 7 feet from floor to joists, with concrete floor. First floor, 9 feet from lloor r in“ PORCH D'O'X 1410' Ltvmc ROOM lfila'XlO‘S’ .‘t'IlHIll l. t 't ‘ll' [1 uni “Honor Bilt" Construction explained on page 7. llll ttl' ' watt to ceiling. Second floor 8 feet 3 OPTIONS Th“. home ca" inches from floor to ceiling; She,“ ”2"," If"? Plaster Finish to take the place it"; i’e‘i'tuw‘ii“ [at - '. o woo at , 128.00 extra. ' l’alut for three coats ()UlSK‘lC, your Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for living room, din- For prices of choxce of color. Varnish and wood 5 ing rtbom. halilav'i/d .Ltairs, £234.00 extra. aluntbitigl, Heating. \ ‘ ' ' ‘ torm oors an in ows, 125.00 extra. 'iring, Ceetric ‘ix- Slu‘ f0]: "Honor fimSh‘ Stratford Screen Doors and Windows. black wire, $47.00 tures and Shades. esign ardware, see page 117. extra; galvanized wire, $52.00 extra. see page 115. -_ Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. Wllfllllttlll' SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO ESIX ROOMS AND BIC PORCFTEJ “a: 1 , . .., z ' H’ I? 4 2:» V ‘ .. f”- ' 4: r 1 .‘fi— ,. "'1! ‘ml llllh‘ulm lmltll" us. “” " “ : K . . : s g i t. ,' l ', E :3 3 , «m ‘ ii ’ l —_ — :~ ' . * d ‘ . ' E | . :_ . l ,i- Z - . _,__,._. -_ W —————-'" 1 av. a ccwsm—rW_:.._—o—’—'—‘ : -~w:"" ”N" . : m,— M 4,. i ”#1 . if .,:l 'E 4 lll‘mll'ht All‘lrlmll'l‘ llillll‘lllll H’ l ilil llltllllll‘ll ”H 'l‘ ' ll _7‘_., p ‘ F ,5, g. 1% . ii; ' (‘5 ——' j a a. m ‘l‘l‘l‘ ‘I‘Yl‘lilii‘i “"1‘l‘ill' liiil"l1‘l‘lll Cdflgwhz'tehall 5N0. 3035 “Already Cut" and Fitted $2,9259—2 At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this six- room house, consisting of lumber, lath, shingles, mill work, medicine case, flooring, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting ma- terial. No extras, as we guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. seeD _ ti f“Hmor V , _ NEAT and roomy house. at a very low Bilt" £125;ng (grizzly 7‘. : ,,: price. \\ as de51gned With two objects in view, economy of floor space and low cost. Contains six good size rooms and bathroom. Front door opens into the living room. A stairway from the living room leads to the second floor. The dining room is connected with the living room by a large cased opening which practically makes one large room of these two rooms. Has kitchen and good size pantry. Inside entrance to the basement. First Floor The front door is 1% inches thick, glazed with bevel plate glass. Living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry on first floor. Double floors in all rooms. Porch floor is clear edge grain fir. Second Floor The stairway from the first floor opens into a hall on the second floor from which any one of the three bedrooms or bathroom may be reached. Bedrooms are well lighted and each has a good size clothes closet. Height of Ceilings Basement, 7 feet from floor to joists, with cement floor. First floor, 9 feet from floor to ceiling. Second floor, 8 feet 6 inches from floor to ceiling. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five- cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made OPTIONS . of clear California white ShSEiePli'LTLJZ‘ihfi‘BKZZ £11.32]: to take the pine, with good quallty glass Oriental Asphalt Shingles instead of wood ' .' shingles, $25.00 less. set m “uh beSt grade Of Fire-ChiefShingIe RoIIRoofing,Redor Sea Green pUttY- POFChCS have fir in color, instead of wood shingles, $44.00 less. edge grain flooring. Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for living room, dining room and stairs, $141.00 extra. . r i ’ “A-‘iTQ‘f ITCHE?“ io—oxa-o KxlnulnulHHlllIHHHIHnlInuIIInIIIHn NINGQVJ . K7511 6'0 i DINING QM l 10-0114 —0" l l SECOND FLOOR PLAN. Built at Gary, Ind., Rich Valley, Ind., Allentown, Penna, Aurora, 111., Plainville, FIRST FLOOR PLAN. Built on a concrete foundation and excavated under entire house. We furnish clear cypress s1ding over good wood sheathing and best grade thick cedar shingles; framing lumber is clear quality yellow pine. All win- dows glazed with “A" quality glass. Paint for three coats outside. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Strat- ford Design hardware, see page 117. Conn., McKees- port, Penna., and llellertown, Penna. Storm Doors and Windows, $123.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $50.00 extra; galvanized wire, $53.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 28 feet wide. For prices of Plumbing, Heating, W’iring, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. SEARS, BOEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO lllllllllllllllllllll[111IUHHHHHHHIHIHHHIHll\HHHHHHHHHIIHIIHl1!IHi Illlllllllllllll11llllllllllllllllllullllllllllllllUllHllllllll'llllllllll'llllllllllllllllll'lllll'lIlllllllllllHllll ll”HHlllllllllllll]llll'llllllllll[IlllIllIllIllllllllllllllllnlllllllHlllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllll : All | 111.” u x .H'I I 1 u I I n l unmn [111111 . I [In 1mm HHhHH|1H|H(HIHI| l Page 6.? IX ROOMS BATH AND PORCH h?“— E IIlllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllflllllllll "Mm —"'—"—’KLS V'. 3 llllllllllllllll ° v»! «1:» '$ "Will": 7' r 3ggiifiiiili, - 6.7/49 Wat/to Wn No. 7017 “Already Cut" and Fitted. $3,1592 See Description of "Home”; C! 11118 is a well proportioned house which affords a \ W, m / In in At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this six- room house, consisting of mill work, medicine case, flooring, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware, painting material, lumber, lath and shingles. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Can be furnished 2 feet 6 inches wider for $197.00 extra. If wanted this size order No. 3047. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. But Houses on Page 7. great deal of room at a low cost. It is very pop- , ‘3'” / - ular in all sections of the country. Our price for all of the material required in its construction will enable you to make a substantial saving. First Floor A bevel plate glass front door, 3 feet by 7 feet, opens from the porch into the large living room. There is an open stairway lead— ing to the second floor. A cased opening leads from the living room into the dining room. The kitchen has a good size pantry adjoining. Please note that we fur- nish colored leaded art glass sash next to the front door and facing)' stairway on the inside. \\'e also furnish a crystal leaded front window for the living room. Inside cellar stairs directly under main stairs lead to basement. _ I“: ITCHEN ; F931} 914' if“ 'NICt—l’al In“ DINING DOOM :1 l5-l'xl4'—3 I)“ ‘11 3 to (:l‘ Darrin mice )3 r14. LC. u ‘y‘t 1 lllllulllllllnull”lllllullll”Hill!”llllllulllllllllllllllll Dim some (III I I ‘ , “0‘ \ Second Floor Flie three bedrooms and bathroom s.‘ - ‘ 11“,,853.“ &s can be entered direct from the hall, , - and all rooms have an abundance of light: and air. \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 10‘). Interior doors are five—cross panel, with trim and tlooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Yindows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Porches have fir ;\ 3m t 73R Dmvmvonr Lanna Doom "[0" E51150. é? ":9 .llln’ll MINI“! ll lllllillHill]llllllllllllllllllHHIIIHIllllllllAllllllllllllUlllllUll’Tllrlllllllllllllllll[lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllw : . : 5 . : = . : : . . 2 : . . . : : . . . . . . . : . . g : = . g . . edge gram flooring. sneoND FLOOR PLAN. 2 _ Paint for three coats out- OPTIONS FOR No. 7017. m . E PQPC'H . side, your choice of color. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of Thu house : ;- Ql-ng-O Varnish and wood tiller for wood lath. 512400 extra. has been built 3 5 two coats “f interior linish. Oriental Asphalt Shingles instead of wood shingles, at Lyndonville. : 5 u..:_._.‘» _» Stl'attold Design hardware, "0 9X9"! charge. Vt Brisbin E E see page 117. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing. Red or Sea Green in " ,' ’: :‘ FIRST FLOOR “llonor Bill" No. 1 yellow color. instead of wood shingles. $46.00 less. Pa" 501ml" )" E E PLAN. pine {“11“ng lumber; sided Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for living room, dining Y., Garfield, N. 5 5 with clear cypress narrow room and stairs, instead 0’ yellow pine, 5208-00 J. Baltimore 5 g bevel siding and has best extra. \fd <1; tl . *i E :_ grade thick cedar shingle roof. Concrete block foundation. Maple Flooring for kitchen, pantry and bathroom, ‘ ‘.’ ‘ m. urb' 5 1 Exeavated basement under the entire house, 7 feet from tloor to joists, with instead ofyellow pine, no extra charge. 01110. (Ilel‘l- : : concrete floor. liirst tloor, fl teet 2 inches from tloor to ceiling; second floor, 8 Storm Doors and Windows. $125.00 extra. brook, Conn, g E feet 4 inches from floor to ceiling. Strain Doors and Windows, black wire, $51.00 extra; MOIUOHCC. 111-. E 3 ga vanized wire. $54.00 extra. Bloomington, E a Our Guarantee Protectvaou—Order Your House For NO- 3047' Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish in m and several 5 E F ’I‘h. B k {lace of wood lath. $148.00 extra. th' 'tix E 3 rom IS 00 . T is house can be built on a lot 30 feet wide. 0 er Cl is. E , Price Includes Plans and Specifications. For prices of Plumbing. Heating. Whig. Electric Fixtures and Shades E 5 see page . E 7 E anHmHlHnllunlm IIIHIHull!llllllHHlllllvnlllnlllllll][H] 1(llllvllllllllllll'll'H' lIIIl‘ ii'l' H ill 1' Illlllill 'llillHll 'lHlHliHill u m m u A Illl'lllllllllllllll lll Page 64 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO {SEVEN COMFORTABLE no m 11w iii“ E. E: E E s g _ “ll'll‘ll “lil‘ll’llllllllll‘l‘llllll"‘lllllllll'lll” "'7'" Hill" .wm‘ l “ ll“ ’Hi ’ I‘ll This house can be built wi t h the r o o m 5 re— versed. See page 3. At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this seven- room house, consisting of mill work, medicine case, flooring, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware, painting material, lumber, lath and shingles. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. 9A9 glena’ale No. 7016 “Already Cut” and Fitted. See Descriptilog lof “Honor Bit HIS good substantial house of nice appearance is suitable for suburban residence or country home. Every bit of space has been used to the best advantage, leaving absolute- ly no waste space. First Floor As one enters the large living room the first thing to be seen is a nice open stairway with landing half way up to the second floor. Three nice rooms and a large hall on the first floor. A combination cupboard is placed between the dining room and kitchen, opening into both rooms. This arrangement makes all parts of the cupboard accessible from either the kitchen or dining room, saving many steps. Ceilings are 9 feet high. Second Floor There are four windows in each front bed- room on the second floor which admit plenty of light and air. Ceilings are 8 feet 2 inches high. Paint for three coats outside; two coats of stain for shingles on sides, your choice of color. Varnish and filler for interior finish. Chicago Design hardware, see page 116. Lumm Doom (Ill-10% 27-3- Basement Excavated basement under the entire house, 7 feet from floor to 101sts, with concrete floor. Basement lighted by basement sash. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five—cross panel, with trim and‘ flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California White pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. OPTIONS Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $137.00 extra. This house has been built at FIRST FLOOR _ PLAN. Porches have fir edge grain flooring. Oriental Asphalt Shingles instead of wood shin- gles, no extra charge. EastChicago,Ind., M on roe, Mich., U ‘ ” , ’ ' ‘ ‘ ' Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green . _ tI—OIOtrllgrsglfhi'ld 150' 1 yeggw :11ch “Sine Cgrbztrrlblgilglnl 1: IS'SIIiZd in color, instead of wood shingles, 540.00 less. DetI‘OIt, l“ 1Ch. , up C S ory “In W S W 1'18. C CO. Cy P ‘ S Oak Doors, Trim and Floors in living room, dining StanhopeY Iowa, siding, and best grade cedar shingles up the rest of the way to the cornice. block foundation. Best grade of thick cedar shingles for roof. Concrete For prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Shades seepage 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. room and stairs, instead of yellow pine, $278.00 extra. Maple Flooring for kitchen and bathroom, in- stead of yellow pine, no extra charge. Storm Doors and Windows, $141.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $57.00 extra; galvanized wire, $61.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 28 feet wide. Double Floors furnished for all "Honor Bilt" Modern Homes. Hicksville, N. Y., Port Jervis, N. Y., Bowbells, N. Dak., Connells- ville, Penna, Ver- plauck, N. Y., Kane, Penna, and other cities. ‘J "IMH minim inim lllllllllllllllnil ml i n w .' I“ it. A SEAIiS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICA 0 1 mm:Hmmmumml ill I n '1 n! “A ['1 V A ‘A1 iium mmm illHllll Page 65 [WWW E F] VE R0 0 M S AN D S LEE Pl N C BA LCO N Y‘E II'II'IIIII'IIIIIIIII lllllllIllfllfllltfllllltltlfl‘lmlllll . s¢‘_ _gi.,w “/c a? ., ’ .n Iv. IIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIHJIIII..II I I llllllIIIlII. _‘l iii II [III lli‘l'lli' l'lalll IIIIII II'H IIIIII _ "'1 I i I ll” .1” H l I , , I ‘ ‘ , ‘ l ‘ A _ V ‘ H‘ :4— See De- 9 i At the prices quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- scription Ae [m W0 00’ room bungalow, consisting of mill work, medicine case, flooring, B . 1 t ’ ’ porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, sideboard, building paper, Hi $3 469 00 No.3068. Yellow Pine Finish onol):gsee'ls ’ ° “Already Cut"and Fitted. ' No.3069. OhF' it! $3,922.00 “Already Cu‘tl” arid" eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware, mantel, painting Fitted. material, lumber, lath and shingles and Best-of-all felt roofing for roof over sleeping balcony. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Prices do not include cement, brick or plaster. E FYIOE:R(N)AI bunga- E 3TOOV 2910' 4 low of the Lraftsman F ' ‘71 style w1th open air E .. l r sleeping balconv. The large ‘77 :: l , . . ' ,u: 5 Lu '1 ”9%”; l ‘Jri livmg room has oak mantel, tufgifi; 4 , - I \ . . ’ I 3 ’ i open stairs and stairs to E : K {F I U —+ 7 7— ~ ‘ E ' ‘ lTC LN 3, L‘,l,f,§O‘WJ \— basement undermam stairs. ‘ ,f n ' ' z _- g _ s . . E Q 9126 / ) C_ 3— {4‘ l ( ased opening leads to din- ": w / -— . . . T m“ ”I V ‘\ ’e) mg room. Dining room has WANG: I ‘ ‘ sideboard facing the cased opening With leaded glass 'l'II LtVlNG Room P5553 sash on each side. l‘late rail ~ fly“: around the entire. room. ‘ UZ’ZRlT-O, First Floor For No. 3060 we furnish front door. also inside doors and iIIoltlings, of clear oak. (‘lear red oak tlooring for the living room and «lining room. Maple tlooring {Ar kitchen and pantry. Second Floor 5"“- 306" is trim- med in birch. \Ve furnish front doors leading to the balcony and inside doors and trim of birch, and clear maple tlooring. Stairs on second tloor are within arm's reach of either bedrooms or batty room. Each bedroom has door _leading to sleeping balcony. A ’1 3mm You h \J DlN NO “bit 7 l \ DINR’G‘ljoOM 1’Z'-8'Xll'~’l' l'II""' I H H III“: II II IIIIIII IIIIIImumIIIIIIIIIIIIJIHIIIIIIIIIIImI illl lllllln“ SLEEmuG EALCONV l 11%5- e‘ I I llllllll'l'l lll'ul ll“ FIRST FLOOR PLAN. linen closet in hall. 5155051) FLOOR PLAN. : For No. 3068 we furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and This “0115? 93“ be built with the rooms 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all‘yellow pine, in reversed. 509 page 3- beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear (‘alitornia whitopine, With good quality OPTIONS This house glass set in with best grade of putty. l‘orebes have tir edge grain tloormg. . . . , . . . . . ' ' ' _ b 'lt Paint for three coats outsnle, your choice 0t color. Varnish and wood tiller for interior finish. We '0'" furnish Shed Punt" and Fm can be W Chicago Design hardware, see page 110. 'fh instead 0’ (“Hi tor $10900 CXtTG- gget 101.5: 36 Built on a concrete foundation. excavated basement under entire building. Frame construc— Oriental Afphalt Shingle: instead or ' tion and sided with clear cypress bevel siding. Shingled with best grade thick cedar shingles. wood ’h‘"gl‘f’- no-cxtra charge. All framing lumber is No. 1 yellow pine. We Will furnish Fire-Chief Roofing Basement has concrete floor. Basement, 7 feet high from floor to joists. First floor, 9 feet '""‘“d of "70°" shingle: for 534-00 For prices of rom floor to ceilin . Second floor, 8 feet 0 inches from tloor to ceiling. (03L ' f g Storm Door: and Windows, $116.00 P 1 u m b 1 mg, , ”It ”It“ ill'l Illiiiumu IIIIIII Ill _ \ 7 extra. Heating. Vt ir- Our Guarantee Protects You OI‘(l( r \ our House From 5cm" Doe" and Window" black wire. in“. Electric TlllS Book $64.00 extra; galvanized wire, $68.00 Fixtures and . . . extra. Shades see Pnces Include Plans and Specrfications. If Mantel is not wanted, deduct $51.40. page 115. lumlmuuuuuum IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIImm“u”1.mmmmmumm“H“,mmmmm ”I, ”H ”I” m H mmmlm'mm ”m“ m mummmm”Hm“ WI Hmmmmwm m; Page 66 SEARS. ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO illlflmm (INTERIORS — 7A9 ELMWOOD E la ' \ _,~~.'\ , \ i \‘ , ("ICACD '\ \ r :31“ i i ‘C‘he ‘ i s _ ’r‘ ’ Living Room ‘ “3,, A Cozy ; f“ l Place to Read When the Gas 2 . ' ' LogSparkles. - , % .<\ ‘\\E HE quarter sawed oak mantel shown in the illustration at the top is furnished by us with- out extra charge. The sideboard shown in the dining room is also furnished by us. These are just two instances of the big values to be found in this book. You will make no mistake in selecting this bungalow for your home. People who have built it are enthused about its interior arrangement and exterior appear- ance. They claim that-the quality of material which we furnish is much better than they can secure else- SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO cZ3726: @im’ng Room Will You Have Breakfast Here When the Spring Sunshine Is Streaming In? The Elmwood has been built at Caldwell, Idaho, Cleveland, Ohio, Calmar, Iowa, Nashville, 111., Wichita, Kan., Lockport, La., Barboursville, W. Va., So. Euclid, Ohio, Huntland, Tenn., New Haven, Ind., Fargo, N. Dak., Sioux Falls, S. Dak., and other cities. where for more money. They are charmed with our quality doors and trim and admire the way in which everything is packed so as to arrive at destination in a spotless condition. ’ We have sold thousands of modern homes and the sales are increasing every year. Our big sales mean reduced cost to you as by buying material in large quantities, we can get the lowest price consistent with the quality of the goods. We have our own sawmills and factories, therefore, all middlemen’s profits are eliminated and you pay only manufacturer’s price. I’_—__————- llllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllmim “mum“ . u v Illlll "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIlIllllllIllIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIIIIl|III”IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII“.In.““IIII““Inn.“II“I“In“IIIIIIIIIIIIIII“IIIII.IIIIIlullnllllflllllflnllI“I“.INIII|IIIIIIIIIIIIIII llllllllllllllllllllll“l lllllllllllllll llll'lllllllllllllh ' “1‘ Hill! ‘ll lllll lll lllllllllll1llllllllll|Ill|I“IIIIIIIIII‘IIImIIIIIIIII"““IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllll I)!“ Page 6 vuu' u 7‘, NINE ROOMS AND, 13 41.111111 1.1111'71111 .11 FLOOR PLAN No. 3025. Price, $3,931.00 Mu I’Z'D'x JO‘S' F ‘u-at L. .1‘ Ks “cam ‘ L on, "01 ED their omow mm [or am , t / \ /| l lmci‘w vim: Etg/ OQM ll ,,"2'¥.‘O'-fl' vmt’mv' mum; we} 7 t Tl Depot Door if) i . ‘th l E N ,7, filial/Y H leCH (J thtw mm \l .ALD’DW‘ETT-fi “t___, i 7 l., .._ \ / i mn‘pam; \ i SECOND FLOOR PLAN No. 3025. 11 itllllllllllllHlLlLIMH[HILUlllllllllllllllllllllill111lV 1111111111'1 1 .I'l Page 68 S e e Descrip- tion of “Honor liilt" llouses on Page 7. This ho 11 s C can be built with the rooms re— v e r sed. See page 3. WJVooa’land "Already Cut” No. 2007—Price, $3,719.00 and Fitted. i No. 3025—Price, 3,931.00 At the prices quoted we will furnish all the material to build this house with eight or nine rooms. Prices do not include cement, brick or plaster. First Floor The front door, 1% inches thick, glared with bevel plate glass, opens into the reception hall, which has an attractive stairway leading to the second floor. The cased opening between the liVing room and reception hall practi- cally makes one large room of these. two rooms. ‘ S ; I 1' ' r: ; 3 Second Floor 'lhe t11r\\1_\ from the f1 st floor leids to a hall 011 the second floor from which any one of the. bedrooms can be reached. These. bedrooms have splendid ventilation, there beincr w111dows on two sides of the front rooms. No. 2007 plan has four bedrooms and balcony; No. 3025 has five bedrooms. ° ' ‘ Basement, 7 feet from floor to joists. Helght 0’ Ceilings First floor, 9 feet from floor to ceiling. Second floor, 8 feet 3 inches from floor to ceiling. \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill Work, shown on pages 108 :1'1'l 10‘). Interior doors are tire-cross panel, with trim and tlootim: to match. all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Vindows are made of clear (‘ali- fornia white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. liront porch has a cement tloor. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood tiller for interior finish. (‘hieaeo Design hardware, see page 110. lhiilt on :1 brick foundation and excavated basement under entire house. \Ve furnish clear cypress siding and best made of thick cedar shingles; framing timber of N0. 1 quality yellow pine. Basement has concrete tloor. OPTIONS FOR N03. 2007 AND 3025. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $171.00 extra for No. 2007 and $200.00 extra for No. 3025. Oriental Asphalt Shin les, instead of wood shingles, no extra charge. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofin . Red or Sea Green in color, instead of wood shingles, $71.00 less for o. 2007 and $55.00 less for No. 3025. Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for reception hall. living room, dining room and stairs, instead of yellow pine, $239.00 extra. Maple Floors for kitchen, pantry and bathroom, no extra charge lVood Floor material for porch, $100.00 extra. Storm Doors and Windows, $144.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $53.00 extra; galvanized wire, $57.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 32 feet wide. For prices of Plumbing, Heating, \\'i1in_s:, lilectt'ic Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—~0rder Your House From This Book Prices Include Plans and Specifications. llt Allllllllll ll 11 n 1 without I ' mum l Ill ATH a m, “.7 .W mw.,,,,~.,-,.~..m FLOOR PLAN No. 2 Price, $3,719.00 ANTRY 7x KITCHEN 12-4xio'4‘ DINING ROOM tz-q'xtze' ......u.-.u--.-u.—.‘ ...5g.o;... L1\}/?1NG ; OOM - ' - - ECEPTIL : 124‘H‘2 F HALL i 12:4}11-4' . ............ 260‘ ............. PORCH «EMICNT FLOOR [BALCONY RED n‘OOM 1o'elxn —1' Room tO»6xlt-t ROOM 1016311448 st‘coNn FLOOR PLAN No. 2007. Ill 1 'H l‘ 1lllllian.1tllhllllltlllltllllllttmn» 11 in. 1 1 . ,L n , , SEARS, ROEBI‘UK AND C0., C ' 1 l 1 1 H I CAGO unuunuunul At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this seven- room two-story bungalow, consisting of mill work, medicine case, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, mantel colonnade, hardware, painting material, lumber, lath and shingles. Price does not include cement, brick material to build this house. or plaster. See Description of “Honor Bilt" Houses on Page 7. KITCHEN H-I'X 10"6 LIBRARY l|’~l"X€5‘-7" DINING rI-I’X IEZ II-l'X l4—"l 500 ?‘ PORCH I DOLO'X 80' n ""‘. l FIRST FLOOR PLAN good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. varnish and wood filler for interior finish. LIVING R'M. 4‘0 u Porches have fir edge grain flooring. Paint furnished for three coats and Stain for siding shingles; your choice of colors. Chicago I)e31;n hardware, see page 116. I" iii‘lil‘ Ml Ill lllll‘lll|lli We guarantee enough First Floor The front door glazed with bevel plate glass leads directly into a hall which has cased opening with colonnades leading into living room and dining room, and stairway lead- ing to second floor. Dining room has oak mantel. The library is arranged directly in the rear of the living room, with an entrance to back entry; can also be used as a bedroom. Directly off the kitchen is the pantry with shelves and sash opening into rear entry. Inside stairway to base— ment from entry and also outside base- ment entrance. Second Floor The stairs to the sec— ond floor lead directly into a hall which connects with all bed— rooms and bathroom. All rooms on both floors are light and airy. Height of Ceilings Basement, 7 feet from floor to joists; first floor, 9 feet from floor to ceiling; second floor, 8 feet from floor to ceiling. We furnish our best “Quality GuaranteedH mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with Also Al‘l W“ thenl/i/QSZ‘ZI/ No. 2026 “Already Cut” and Fitted. $3,729fl BEDROOM ll‘l‘XQ'fb BEDROOM l5’Z'X I If) SECOND FLOOR PLAN. OPTIONS If Mantel is not wanted, $35.00 less. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $148.00 extra. Oriental Asphalt Shingles instead of wood shingles, no extra charge. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green in color, instead of wood shingles, $69.00 less. Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for hall, living room, dining room and stairs instead of yellow pine, $250.00 extra. Maple Floors for kitchen, pantry and bathroom, no extra charge. BEDROOM BALCONY l'li'.“ Inlay-11111”:illlllllllllllllllllll‘llll‘ llllllln T his house can be built ' the rooms TC- versed. See page 3. I H"X IS‘O" The Vv'estly has been built at Austintown, O h i o , 1.1 c — Brides, Mich., 0 rd, N e l) . , Vincland, N. J., Parkcrsburfl, W. Va, Mil- ford, Iowa, and other cities. For prices of P 1 u m b i n g , ll'l'I I I V IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Storm Doors and Windows, $134.00 extra. Heating, \Vir- E Built on concrete block foundation. Sided with narrow bevel clear cypress siding on first Screen Doors and Windows. black wire, in'z, Electric E story; roof. dormer and Sewnd Story covered with best grade of thick cedar Shingles. All $58.00 extra; galvanized wire, $61.00 extra. Fixtures and E framing material, including joists, studding, etc., made from No. 1 yellow pine. Basement This house can be built on a lot 35 feet Shade 8 . me i excavated under entire house and with concrete floor. wide. page 115. g Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book E Price Includes Plans and Specifications. 5 4mm h u-uumiuvmmmmvu 'um! ml 1' u in mu i. mum .m w. .1 n in all n mmunm nIIHufiWflququmm; SEARS, ROEB UCK AND 00., CHICAGO Page, 69 Illl [lllllllllllllhllllllnl ‘llllnlllhvllllll my my 11‘} ‘ ll’1'll'l ‘1 11111 “1mm“11111.111.1111..1111111 '7‘ U' ' ‘ lll'h'wl'lll“lllll1‘l'l1lflfll' ' will" I H H lllll ll 1'""'ll"lll'lll 111111.141 11H! 1'1 ' ~— 3A. Avona’ale No. 7006 “Already Cut" and Fitted. $4,3323—9 a FINE example of a modern bungalow, conveniently arranged, perfectly lighted and At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this six- room bungalow, consisting of mill work, porch ceiling, siding, flooring finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, buffet, colonnade, medicine case, pantry case, hardware, painting material, lumber, lath, shingles and mantel. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. This house can be built with the rooms reversed. See page 3. , ‘v See Description of . "Honor Bilt" Houses ventilated with a great many large wmdows. Pronounced a success by practical on Page 7. builders. For interior views see opposite page. Painted three coats outside; your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Chicago Design hardware, seepagem' F d 1 d °hb 11 1 ldf h h . ront oor gaze w1t eve pate gass ea 5 rom t e s acious rc Mal" Floor into the large living room, which has plaster arch ceilirig beam}:D A massive brick fireplace with seats on both sides adds to the bungalow eflect. Colored leaded art glass sash over each seat. An arch opening with four massive Colonial columns and balustrades connects this room with the dining room. For this room we specify a Craftsman oak buffet with plate glass mirror. Note the large front bedroom with bay window. Closets provided for each bedroom and linen closet for the bathroom. Rooms on the main floor are 0 feet from floor to ceiling. The rear porch is enclosed, which affords an inside stairs to the basement. Doom Rik?” _J lllTCHEN g5 103.1118 "7 1m Amt 11‘2'114‘101‘ r?) 3; . l' The excavated basement under the entire house has a concrete floor . ‘ Z . U u Basement and measures 7 feet from floor to joists. pl mgfiwf‘ll: 15% 2: \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. )\',$_5“§'35'~';"l‘{/" ff 1; Interior doors are five-cross panel, w1th tr1m and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in ‘ k ’ Q beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Front porch has cement floor. Rear porch has clear edge grain fir flooring. Built on concrete block foundation; N0. 1 'ellow pine framing lumber; sided with narrow bevel clear cypress siding and shingledy with best grade of thick cedar shingles. | l i 1. \‘ :1L1v1No 900le OPTIONS . : Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the This house :' 'Zl‘-’:‘xl4"£' ‘u place of wood lath, $130.00 extra. has been built 'i i: ’N Oriental Asphalt Shingles instead of mood at P1erson Sta' 4' '1 ,l‘ifi" shingles, no extra charge. tion, 111., Mc- '4‘" h ‘w x1 1‘. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Henry, 111.. ngeZZIin color, instead of wood shingles, Springfield. '1‘. . ess. ~ ' Oak. D_oors, Trim and Floors for living room and 91h“). glarks, dmmg room instead of yellow pine. $301.00 135" shelton. DO“ extra. Conn..LaJunta. ’16" :Unl‘ . Maple Flooring for kitchen, pantry and bath- Colo., LTCXiCO. Cain i800 : room instead of yellow pine, no extra charge. Ky., Janesville, : Storm Doors and Windows, $168.00 extra. Wis. Coats N : Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $58.00 C leewisto'wn. T extra; galvanized wire, $61.00 extra. Ni. . l , ' H If Mantel is not wanted, $57.35 less. 0" Ridgway, This bungalow can be built on a lot 45 feet wide. Penn. For megs of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Electric Fixtures and “ ' Shades, see page 115. ’ ‘ FLOOR PLAN. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. IIII."II"IIII"IIllllllllfllllfllllll'llllIllllllll'lfllulllll\ Page 70 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO MlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIllllllllllllll K I N T E R] O R S _ 7A9 AVO N D A L E E tmllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllll”mm tilt Bun-l : many...“ I | El ~gunnin- Twentieth Centuljy Living $right and Cheery Front {Bedroom HE’ illustration at the top is an exact repro- duction of the living room, and is a pleasing picture of simple elegance and homelike comfort. Note the large rustic brick fireplace with a leaded art you to start with, and our competent; practical and expert architects specify stock sizes and patterns of doors, windows, trim, etc., which enables you to buy your materials for several hundred dollars less than you could buy them if they were furnished according to the average architects’ specifications, which in most cases are odd sizes and patterns and have to be made to order. glass sash and a seat on each side. The Colonial columns and balustrade work are up to date features which are being used only in high priced houses. From the first impression you would think this house would cost over $10,000.00, but we make it possible for you to build it for about $8,200.00. Compare this house with similar houses already built in your neighborhood. There are many reasons why such homes are usually very expensive. Architects charge all the way from $100.00 to $150.00 for a set of plans and specifications. This is the amount we save We operate our own sawmills and ship lumber direct from our lumber yards to you. We also own and operate one of the biggest mill work factories in the country and ship all doors, windows, moldings, in fact, a complete line of mill work and building materials, direct to you. In this way we save you several hundred dollars. IIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIOIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIll"!IIIIIIIIIIII“III“I‘llIIII“II“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIII~ "I|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllflllllflllllllllllII|IIIIII||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIIII||I|IIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIIIIIIIIIIHII“IIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘III|IIIII|IIIIN|II|IIII'IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIIII|III||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllIllII1IlIIIIlllllflflmfllulIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU’h III|IIIIII \ v I . 'llueuenun-uln-nIu-quuII-muuu ullllllunuuuIII-nuunluuullululunululuIIIIluuulluunulluInuullllulInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIInmIIIIInInlnllunumulunIIIIIIIquIIIIHIII‘IIIIIIlIlllInunIIulInuIIIIIIIIll“IIllllIIIIIIn-Ilulu-II"luluIluluIulllunlllflfi“ SEARS; ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO Page 71 K EIGHT ROOMS AND BATH J -t~Hv-—W,-wm... .. . . , .w. . 1 . . A .- "(I , l“llh"l lrl[ r "l 1'1th ‘ SM! q-‘i l lltl . ' . ' CjAe Eur/tam At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this eight- Dc‘m room house, consisting of mill work, siding, flooring, porch ceiling, tion 0 "Horror “ ,, . finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash Hgiiges No.8040 Already Cl“ and F‘tted' weights, medicine case, hardware, painting material, lumber, lath on Page 7. and Fire-Chief Roofing. No extras, as we guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. s4,3702 ll ll'r 'rlll ll ll ‘il'lllig 1‘ i. .. érmplli This house can be built with the rooms reversed. See page 3. E ' W 7:5“ _. -_ f I m l L: (i, HEN V‘Ou have admired the illustration s <1» I. 1 \u ." E hail; I.‘ i - D Q v' (403 of this house and elanced over the floor ”1 L ' Z L‘ nu . ‘ . . : , i 1 Lil—~09? '\;- Lf— plans, V011 wrll agree that it is a model : . ,,,,,,,, __ q. 1 , ,7 »/ , "it , _ . i _ t‘ 7 . *— 7 , i—' [”521 ‘8) .. country house With the appearance of a City or ______ t l i t /("|”\\ Q :~;‘ suburban residence. The handsome torch r i i -i ‘-/ ' ‘r . . . L its 5 l q“. '7.-. . . and LOlOlllLll Windows, together With the dor- N 1-”: . ‘1 rrfloanx ‘ ’ i‘. . ' ‘ ss - 1 . : KITCHEN '11 H 31—3 mer roof, make a distinctrtel} high class 0.x- : 'c J 010'xi20' ‘ .54-. , " terror. '0 » <‘ “‘ .° ’ { I ’ ‘r. : V“ f7 i I. . o , . t . t a, i ‘ i i Rial? K, First Floor From the porth _\eu enttr into the 2 . n . t: ., , large hum: room. in \\l.ith is it Ilnt‘ L‘ g‘ V . .1 i .W “‘1 \, If i open stairwrry to the second tloor. \‘e'r out go to the E St i L".h;':"_"_; } 7 -l \. , ’ 1 kitchen from the lilirdryor through the hedltrorn the living ». ‘ . D > ‘3’ WW” “V -‘ ' / ‘ room. The litin: room has a hunk eioset with shelves. .‘ «7“ “a" . . .t m ,, . . . _ _ ,e. c- E 1 J D'O‘xi’l'Z' \xl, LWING A” DINHVU ‘ The kitchen 11:18 it p.1ntrywith sur‘s llliil shelves, tirrkine f I} 134:9}? DOOM 1 work easy for the housewite. 1-‘zertr the lurk stoop u , ' 2’1‘1'3‘3‘4' [1LT 20' ." wash room is rmehed. his is also prmided with :1 sink ‘ 1-“; . . , : E". - £151 tor the comenienee of men. who turn enter either the ; «4 ,'\\ r~. f : 1: kitchen or eotnhinrition lir‘ re and thrive room trorn the . !‘ F"? ‘T‘ (:7 “'3' L“'ij rear hall. The tloor iilwn also meets the requirements or — — 7 " many farm residences. calling for :i hedroom on the txrst H I 3110' floor. The bedroom is provided with eleset rind shelves. .~ I‘ ‘ The rooms on this tloor are 0 feet trorn door to ceiling. . : 90001 1 ZO'~O'IlO‘-0' There are four L‘ood si’e hed- m " . 1 _ ‘. . _ , k , ‘7 second Floor rooms with closets rind shelves on P“ CH 001’ . this floor. ulso luthroom furnished with medicine arse. lflich ‘ ‘ bedroom is well li;hted. the two front ones having three windows . and the rear ones two windows. Note the \‘er‘y desimhle porch L which can he sereened in .is .1 sleeping porch for Summer use. The ; FIRST 131700R PLAN. rooms on this tloor zire S teet 4 inches from floor to ceiling. SIN‘OVD Fl 00R PLAN. Basement l7.\e:i\xited under the entire house. 0 feet 8 inehes from OPTIONS ‘ \ "ss "‘ " \rs‘i‘ts.sl. (Ulltlklt tlor r to )or t , liehttd with l i tritn r 1 Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath. $206.00 extra. \Ve furnish our best "Ormlitt' (irrrtrrrnteed ' mill work. shown on Pmlt‘s‘ 103 and 10‘). Interior doors .ire lite-cross inrnel, with tr rnr .tnd tloorui; to 'Hrr Ill mziteh. .rllyellmv pine, in lit-.iutirul eriiin u d color. \Vindows lire nmde ot: 3‘0"" [goers and firndows, $19200 estra. (‘leur' (‘tthtorniu white pine, with good mmlity ~eluss set in with liest grude or “1“" 00" ("3d "1‘10"”; black wire $6700 . butt): l’orehes lure tir edee reruiin tloorine. CH6“; gall'ar’ued u‘nc‘ L 1'00 extra. . l‘rrint for three eorrts outside, your eh ice of color. \‘Arnish and wood 01:: 2:3?" CrrrggflnduFImZ-stfor111:;6g8%3dd:r;- 1 filler tor interior tinish. (‘hietieo Design hrirdwwre. see ridge lit». 8 ' a a" s “"5' ‘ ' ex ' ' . _ A , , , . This house can be built on a lot 38 feet wide. ’ . Built on n eonerete lilock tormddtron. \o. 1 yellow pine truime construe- ‘ . . 1 . . .. . tron. sided with trim rim-o1 cypress siding twer good sheathing and has For price et 1 lumhmg. Hurting. \\ mus, l‘er-cht blnnglc R011 Rooting. Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. llllll r' lunurrlnrrlrrll’l rrrrr I Wrnurm in minor i in I ruin. rr rrrr 1 mini H mm rr 1' A" , 1 ll 'r ~u s E SEARS, ROEBI'CK AND CO, CHICAGO We SIX ROOMS AND BATH E! l'x'lllllil l n l ml llil ’ ” WW " —— 3A9 Beaumont No. 3037 ”Already Cut” and Fitted Without Garage, $3,603.00. With Garage, $3,985.90. At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this cozy six-room house, consisting of lut‘mber, lath, Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, mill work, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, hardware, painting material, kitchen cupboard, seat and medicine case. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. T ’ h e ' 'lt ' * . . . . his ouse can be bUl With the rooms reversed See page 3 See Descrmmn of “Honor Bilt" Houses on Page 7. E SHOW in the illustration above a good View of 34"9' the left elevation of our “Beaumont” Modern Home, as well as front elevation. This is done to secure your attention to the garage, which is part of the building, with the very popular private porch and the comfortable balcony on the second floor. ' A glass door leads from the FlrSt Floor canopied porch into the large \ living room, which has an open stairway to the second floor. A door leads from. the living room to the dining room, which is furnished with a window seat in the rear. From the living,y room another glass door leads to the private porch on ,- -- 4 the left side of the house. A door leads from the aim tlflgo Q00” _ " dining room to the kitchen, which has a clothes l' 8'-°,'x|l'-ll' ‘ ‘f ‘ , chute and cupboard. From the kitchen, stairs 1 lead to the garage and basement. This is a very convenient arrangement, as no fumes or odors can reach the living room or kitchen from the I . garage. Rooms on this floor are 9 feet from floor my; - to ceiling. Second Floor There are three good size bedrooms with closets and also a bathroom on this floor. The clothes chute to the basement from the bathroom will be fo'1nd very convenient by the housewife. Another de- sirable feature of this house is the balcony, which is reached from the front bedroom by means of a glass door. The deck over the garage at the left can be used to good advantage as a convt ient place for drying clothes, provided a door instead of the window is placed in the left bedroom. The rooms on this floor are 8 feet 4 inches from floor to ceiling. ANut t; 260 w v LEE ,,_ fie FIRST FLOOR PLAN. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. Basement Excavated basement under the entire house, with concrete OPTIONS .oor g2. :d s. _ s .‘h. H!" , , . fl' , h U “u“ ba ement as ”6}“: 0f basement SheetPlas-terandplaster Finish to take the 7 feet from floor to joists. Can be built on a lot 45 feet wide. Place of mood lath. $132.00 extra. We f'irniah our l)’::t “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 Oak Doors, Trim andFloors for livingroom. and 10‘). Interior doors are ‘ —cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, dining room and stairs, $262.00 extra. all yellow pine in be nul gr n and color. Windows are made of clear Cali- fornia Write “inc, ' 1 good lity glass set in with best grade of putty. Storm Door“ and Windows, $14600 e’d'a‘ ‘ “1"“; Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler $54.00 extra,- galvanized wire. $60.00 extra. nish. Stratford Desi'rn hardware, see page 117. It on a concrete bloc}; foundation, frame construction and sided with For prices of Plumbing, Heating, bevi clear cyprr: ”idintg. l‘ire-thet bhingle Roll Roofingtor the roof guaran- \Viring, lilt-ctric Fixtures and Shades. teed for seventeen years. see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. lllll \uunuuv it 11' uu'vu ll v H nuuuunuumnun nu u l l in H1 mumunu mmmmm mummmmmmmmmninmmnmunnunnunnmnmnummummmmm in 1 mm [V l {J V I Il'lmi U .. l" . , , t A l l t , mu l I) it In nip ‘1 II [I l , [ll ‘1' t. it h A ll mm llllll‘illll n. n v SEARS, ROEBUCK AND (30., CHICAGO Page 73 S A N D B AT H Ell llllllllllllllllllll , ”ma... , , Ly!» May/(Kl [W E EIGHT ROOM ‘l'm[HI'llilllllHlllHllIlllllTTlllIl ‘lllllil‘llllll’l"l‘lll'll1-ll'll"lll ‘llllli‘lllllll'l'llllll'llll 'lllllll‘lrlll'l'lllllllIll"mull"!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII llhllllll'i Ih'll [ 'lll ,I‘a,‘ m .m.¢...~..a.m............. . lui ‘ll‘ltllllt l‘. *tlhllhlmll hill r wt ~ wwwm 1111 “H Al llllllllllt "l ' ‘l'w' “ ‘ l ‘ '1 l w‘l‘t 1 Al l l‘i “l l C— b. 9A9 CDAQZSQa j'ltllll'i’ ullllta l lllll lllll tlll HItIlIUIIIllIlll'lllllmlll lHIl'YllTlll'lltll‘lllllllllll ill'llllllllllllllllllllllllll‘lillllllllv At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this eight- room house, consisting of mill work: medicine case, porch ceiling, std- ing, flooring, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down :iiiiriaile No. 3027 “Already Cut" and Fitted. spout, sash weights, hardware, painting material, lumber, lath and gif'sed- $4 26200 shingles. No extras, as we guarantee enough material to build this page 3. , = house. Price does not include cement, brick, stonekote or plaster. See Descmnon of HIS is a conveniently arranged house of eight rooms litigggsréliilli’lage 7. j at a very low cost compared with the accommoda— , > ‘ tions it offers. A large front porch extends almost 8 KY“; ‘ across the front of the house. If you are interested in this r @1157 desim he sure to ask us for some names of ieo )le who I I v u n I ‘ I I have htult 1t. \V e have. a big list of satisfied owners. First Floor Front door opens into a vestilmle which leads to a WV '7 7 77l DININ; DOOM (qu0 large reception hall in which there is an open stairway chquP to the second floor. I nder the main stairway, cellar stairs lead to the {twig Side, entrance and continue down into the liasement. ;\ll rooms are 0 ‘41 . well lighted and are 9 feet high from floor to ceiling. Double floors ‘ '34 “"6 in all rooms. i3 EfiMfED‘A Second Floor A hall leads to all bedrooms, hathroom and attic ‘5 in I stairs. All rooms are well lighted, have good size (f'h'artt; DOOM. . ‘ closets and are. 8 feet () inches ltlgll from floor to ceiling. r,» 3...}? 9?, Basement An excavated liascment with concrete lloor under the entire house, 7 feet from floor to joists. lighted with basement sash. \Ve furnish our hest “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 10‘). Interior doors are tivc~cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in ltt‘éllllll‘lll grain and color. “in— E H ,1 dows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass samn moon MAN. 3 _tl,:-~-, ":"MWWA ___._. set in with l)(‘SI grade of putty. 5 FIR;;I‘X¥\E.()()R l,,::: Porches have. fir edge grain flooring. Built at Rose- ; ’ ' Paint. for three coats outside, OPTIONS Ville, 111,, San- : your choice of color. \ arltlsh and Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place d u skV, 0 h i0, H wood filler for two coats for interior of wood lath. 5195.00 extra. ' . . . . . \\’ooster, Ultio, finish. ( lucago Design hardware, Oriental Asphalt Shingle: instead of wood lhin- 'l‘erra ;\lta. \V. les no extra charge. . see page 116. g ' \ i \\ '1 rren ‘ . x s . - , Fire-ChicfShingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green ‘ I l i l tiolglllthfzj‘filrETSi 1‘12}; llhlhl‘lltflsxinlliilfit: in color. instead of wood shingles. $98.00 less. Olnoi and 5““ . _ , ‘ , _ Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for living room. din- (xx—1‘11 Other cities. framing lumber. lhe first story is ing mom, reception hall and stairs, $300.00 roof. see page 115. 2 sided With stonelmte or cement Plug- extra. For prices of i ter. The second story is sided with Storm Door: and Windows, $159.00 extra. l‘lumliingdleat— 7: Clt‘.."tt‘ nuI‘I‘OW l)(‘\'(‘l (‘ylit't‘SS siding Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $57.00 ing. \\'iring, E over good wood sheathing. liest Thanh“; g“"’“"”:‘1 “’"c' “"00 “”‘L 1‘3 lectric Fix— : , , ' , , , _ , . ‘ ‘ \ is oust is 28 or! wide by 38 feet long and can \ .. ‘ x . E gradt tlut l\(((1t11 shmgh be built on a lot 35 I“! wide. turt santlbhades 5 Our Guarantee Protects You~~0rder Your House From This Book Price Includes l‘lans and Specifications. mui nun]IHIHHHHHHIHHHllllHHH1H[[HIlUHHHll{HullIllullH[lmlll(IHHHHHHHHHHHHIIHIIHIIIIlllhllltllllll'llllll" ‘| Hull“ ’ in” (in rlil'll .mmm.nut1tu1111tt. nn H 11 1H ltllllll l 11 .-i 1- 'th'mtm SEA RS, ROEBUCK AND (70., CHICAGO '1 N Rooms AND 13 "H v w 'l‘lll'l Imn nm' H11. l l'l l" 'l' H H' lllllllillllIL—F‘ l‘ll'A’l'llltlil‘Hlllll‘:l”"?l‘llllll“‘ ' ill I ‘l LllIIxT' This house L___. 50 ra to go ,0 At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this seven- 9A 8 room residence, consisting of lumber, lath, shingles, mill work, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing lumber, bufiet, medicine case, pantry case, seats, mantel, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash No. 2087 “Already Cut”andFitted. givers“; weights, hardware and painting material. No extras, as we guarantee 5 00 eepage ‘ enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, 5,4 l 9: brick or plaster. First Floor A beautiful front door opens from the porch into the large _ living room, in which there is an open stairway of modern pattern leading to the second floor. The living room has a bay window with a window seat. Large cased opening leads to the dining room, which has cove mold in ceiling. The dining room has a modern buffet with seats at each side. Colored leaded art glass over the buffet. This room also has a bay window k with seat the entire length. Double floors é LO in all rooms. See Description of “ljonor Bilt" Houses on Page I. PORCH ROOF POQCH 'i KITCHEf * loin :O—‘T‘ Dmnma , ROOM34 'EL‘CX I‘lr a; 64:17: ’ 3014 Z Roor— .mummuuuu ("1 f— i e 30—0 Second Floor Four bedrooms, hall and bathroom on this floor. Three rooms have suitable closets and there 55D. QOOM is a plate glass mirror door in the front bed- room. Double floors. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” -——- mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white 1.2001?- pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Porches have fir edge grain flooring. Clear cypress siding from water table to second story window sills over good wood sheathing, balance of second story and ‘ " roof shingled with best grade thick cedar shingles. SECOND FLOOR PLAN- Built on a concrete block foundation. No. 1 yellow pine frame construction. ' Excavated basement under the entire house. 7 feet from floor to OPTIONS Built at West joists. First floor.9 feet high from floor to ceiling; second floor, 8 Sheet Plaster and Planter Finish to take the place of w l lath, Union, 111.. 50- feet 6 inches high from floor to ceiling; attic, 7 feet high from floor “7500 extra. B e t h l e h c m . to collar beams. Gables and columns are sided with stonekote. Penna., Mace- LIVINQ ROOM 14-40(290 FIRST FLOOR PLAN. Oriental Asphalt Shingles, instead of wood shingles, no extra charge. Paint for three coats. Stain for two coats for shingles on sides. . . . . . donia, Ohio I Varnish and filler for inside finish. Chicago Design hardware. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green :11 color. instead and Horsham, see Dag? 116 of wood shingles, $148.00 less. Penna ‘ ' Oak Doors, Trim and Floor: for living room, dining room and stairs, ' $337.00 extra. For prices of Our Guarantee Protects YOU _ Order Your Storm Door: and WindOIDI', $162.00 extra. FIE, liinm b 13“ng - Screen Doors and Windows, black wire. 868.00 extra: galvanized . .a ’1' . House From ThlS Book win, $7300 um, 113g} 171:1: c: rnlg 41x u e . _ ' If Mantel is not wanted, deduct 385.00. [S h a d e s ' see Price Includes Plans and Spec1fications. This house can be built on a lot 40 feet wide. page 115. ”11mm” n. 1 mm n. it ., v an n . H In” |lllli lllil “mm In thllllllhhh in. murmur]. .I I... l‘l m n Aml” HmHnnunmxmmmmnm um” HullIlllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl.lllllll“ SEARS, ROEBUCK AND‘ (50., CHICAGO Page 75 NINE ROOMS AND BATH .w-¢-o5w » in/s',;¢;:‘i' 11M. . M~fi~"1.,,wk 3‘.me ’4‘ - . ”waf‘afi/’¢$3"wflv 35211141,... v¢%y*'”»fir~ #75” ‘" "" 1"11111111111‘11‘11111111”11111111111111’111‘1111111111111111111111l1‘11111111111 111111111111111111111111111111 [ll 11'11’”"'11 “' 1'1111’ l 'l‘l1' 1 1 1 11 1" " 1 1 1 - '— Thia house i < : can.“ bum ' At the price quoted we will furnish all of the material to build this {I F “7111111112 9 Z 7056) nine-room house, consisting of lumber, lath, O7riental7sla7te slurfaced j 7 3;:versed7 No. 3015 “Already Cut" and Fitted. shingles, mill work, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing umber, : page . console, china closet, medicine case, building paper, eaves trough, $5 45099 down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting material. No ex- \’_/77—/’I' tras, as we guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. See Description of‘ 'Honor : Bilt" Houses on Page 7. —-..— a} HIS modern country residence was awarded first _ 1. prize in a contest participated in 113' one hundred of our country customers. First Floor \ beautiful 11111ssi1e door lends into the 11111 in 11 1 5 Q _ E - Id 3. KITCHEN living room in wl'1i111 we proxide 11 (011— E E a 1' IL'O’XILO" _ sole. with a large mirror _\ 1111ir of 1 rt “(1] doors 1e11d F 1 from the living: room into the 1111r11r3'.S1iding doors 1e11d - E to the dining room from the 1i\ing room .-\ convenient china (loset. that is often used 11s 11 strvinf: 1‘111111111rd eonneets with the 1111ntr3' the dining: room side 11131111: :1 1:111ss door Ihe 11111itr3'is 111ree. and is e1'1si1\ re 11 111d from dining room or kitthen. Adjoining the dining: room 111 111 BED ROOM 1111 1111111 11111111 1'» ' Our Guarantee Protects You— Order \onr House From This Book Price Inelndes Plans and Speeitieations. I""II"I“mum".mmmmmu11.1111111111111m1111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 " 11. 1111111111111 1'111111111111111111111 1 11111111. 1 1111' 111111 .1 1 ‘J Page 76 SEARS. 11012111011 AND (30., CHICAGO \ullluun111'11111111 1 1 ll 7 _ 7 7 1 77 is :1 111ree bedroom. \\orl{men entering this house from "I m I? RUQM UN'N“ "(QM O the rear porch 1111ss into the. washroom, which is eonneeted ‘ .f 1 '36 X l '1’ Q’ .0104 x ' '14 C? 113' 11 door with the dining room. Another desirable te.1tnre _. 1 \' 1 is the shed to the left of the liiU‘lk'n, 111st) outside st11irs ' ' ~ -' '"H E‘s—’4“ ‘ 1777 _ ’ lending to the 1111sement. The main st11irw'11\' to the seeond ‘ 1 11-11 '11 1 floor starts from the living room. The kitchen 1111s 1111111111 5 ~— flooring. Rooms are 0 feet high ‘ 1 1 1‘ LIVING QM Second Floor ()11 this floor are four bedrooms 11 ‘EQ‘BXTlEN ‘ LIBRARY ID‘O’X 15.0. 111111 11nd 1111throo111.\11 rooms 11111 e W V ‘ 121(;X 1 H7. closets. The two front bedrooms are liehted 113 four ’7 windows 1111111 11nd the two re; 1r 11ed1ooms 113 two windows 7 7 7 7 (11(11;{1es1111iri111111 rooms beingY obt1i11ed irom two sides 1 r . " 111.111 7'_7777 7 ..t 7; ‘ V ‘ so 111 It \'111ti11tio11 is l1e1“.te1” 'l llll‘llllll‘ll Hilllll. HM Lyle Waltz/wood $4 578 00 N°- 259F151: gut and ’$4 i683 No‘- 2065 “Already Cut” and Fitted. See Description of “Honor Bilt" Houses . on age BEDQCDM lOLl‘x ii"— L‘ g , . io-ix 107' 1 L— E FLOOR PLAN No. 239. extra. wood shingles, 8108.00 less. extra charge. 557.00 extra. OPTIONS Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, 319?.00 Oriental Asphalt Shingles, instead of wood shingles, no extra charge. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green in color, instead of Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for living room and dining room, instead of yellow pine, 3.22.00 extra. Maple Flooring for kitchen and bathroom, instead of yellow pine, no Storm Doors and Windows, $127.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $63.00 extra; galvanized wire, Can be built on a lot 40 feet wide. Our Guarantee Protects You-Order Your House From This Book. I Price Includes Plans and Specifications. The dining room has a window seat in the bay window, and also a beamed ceiling and handsome buffet. A door leads from the dining room into the kitchen and another to the hall. The kitchen is equipped with cabinet to serve as pantry. There is a sleeping porch lhcuhcelll the rear bedroom and kitchen which can be reached from t e a . Basement Excavated basement under part of house has a con— crete floor. Height of Celllngs The basement is 7 feet high from floor t? JmstS. Rooms on the main floor are ) feet from the floor to the ceiling. Bliilt on a concrete foundation; No. 1 yellow pine frame construction. Sided and roofed With best grade thick red cedar shingles. \Ve furnish our best ”Quality Guaranteed.” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are yellow pine with trim and flooring to match, in beauti— ful grain and color. \Vinrlows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. li ront porch has a cement floor. Paint for three coats outside, two coats stain for shinr'lcs on sides, your Choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Chicago Design hardware, see page 116. This house has been built at (,airo, Ill., and .\lukwon— ago, “is. For Prices of Plumbing, llr‘at- ing, \Yirintz, Elm trii: Fixtures and Shades see page 115. LIVING Room 29'-i'x14‘-)' Modern Home No. 2069, with same arrangement of rooms shown above and already cut and fitted, price, $4,768.00. 'l 'l .v lllilll 111 ”by 4”va ' [\l 'lll'll ill l'llllll 'l l'l'llllll lllllllllllllll llllllll lllllllllil'l'i l' 'i llllllllll mi. A in V‘ w ll l liHU iIiH mm rum Al Am HIH mm” Jim I mnmm (II' 111 Km!” I SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO lllll ll Hlll mmmm\iniiimmimmun lllllllH mi mm] llllllllHl Page 81 Zufl.x-‘lr Cw II H” H lllllll[llIIHHIWIHI‘Ml‘lllll- IW'HHHH' ' l'llllllll i-{IIv‘ilw'lr l‘ll'llllllllillll'l ii t'l‘lll'llhilllllhllllllltll iv Mm . ii oli'iuii .1i i , i- 'l' ”lilil '1 H V W t1 l '1 i“ M . llil'ill‘ll 'i I '1 l v y, No.1 i ‘- iii! NHLIL Hon—NEE f a s D At the price quoted we will supply all the material to build this seven- E scereipticfx; room bungalow, including all mill work, lumber, lath, shingles, sid- E 0‘ :‘Hor19r' e Crona ing, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, buffet, E goggle; on No. 1240 Not Cut 0,. Fitted. bookcase, kitchen cupboard, colonnade, medicine case, mantel, hard- ware and painting material. Price does not include cement, brick Page 7. $5’3 6 7: or plaster. First Floor A large living room is entered from nits-1' N the front porch. It has a beamed 5 Q1 _ ceiling and brick mantel with a window on each side. g E nagficyfl/ Bookcase and colonnade between this room and the o. g , ' & dining room. Beained ceiling in dining room. Door E E " ,Qg'fi, from living room to bedroom and a door from dining :14 E room into the hall connecting with the kitchen, bath— ~51 E rOATH room, stairs and rear bedroom. Breakfast nook with permanent seats on each side of table in the kitchen. Rooms are 9 feet high from floor to ceiling. Double floors in all rooms. Second Floor A stairway opens into the hall on the second floor leading to the 4:93 9199M two bedrooms and sleeping porch in the rear. Closet ‘ ’ I in hall and also in each bedroom. One of the front A...“ ‘ bedrooms has an alcove _which is large enough for a flow uo\ bedroom if desired, or it can be used as a sewingY . room or a den. Rooms are 7 feet high from floor to _.__ 1-JL ceiling. E" ‘EEEEQOM j Basement lixcavated basement the full width Liz-vim! ' of the bungalow and 30 feet long. llas concrete floorandis'i feethighfrom floortojoists. \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 10‘). Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \Vin~ (lows are made. of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in im in l I lHIHHullIIHHHIHHHHHHIHHHIHHIHHIIHH”1HHIH m HHIHHHHIHHHHIHIHHIHHHI IIlllIllUHHHIHIHHHIHHHHllllllllllllnllll ii i'lllllllllll'llllllllll‘!l . i :E with1 beslt grafde (lif putty. blit‘UNI) Hook PLAN. 3 Dream iave 1r C( re *I‘dlll ' ‘ . E . FIRST FLOOR PLAN. . flooring: ii i‘ Sheet Plaster anriOEl-EsltngFsinish to take the Ingilziilllt i113 I\1{t:3 ; Built on a concrete foundation, No. 1 yellow pine frame construc- Place 0’ Wood Ia‘h- {225-00 6.1"“. terforll \lich E tion. Sided with clear cypress siding and roofed with best grade o:;3f“;fl";fi":3m5ch,$f1:“ "‘"ead of w°°d 13,,t,“.i.1' 111.“: = thick cedar shingles over good wood sheathing. Three coats of paint Fire-Chief: Shingle Rollgléoofing Red or Sea 1“ i ‘ , ‘i’ ‘ E _ ,. . , , _ _ . _ ineton Ileiqlits, ~ for OutSIdC woodwork, varnish and filler for interior. Green In c0107. Imlwd 0’ wood shingles, \1‘ - ‘ ‘ E , , ”13.0016”? i ass, Stamford, : Chicago DeSign hardware, see page 116. Oak Trim Doors a d FI f 1.”. d Conn and other ~. .. a - s . n . . .. E This house has double floors and IS enclosed With good sheathing. 5 dining room, $258.00 33:: or I mg room an cities , H E _ 7 ‘ torm oors and Windows, $232.00 extra. I E our Guarantee PrOtECtS you order Your IIOUbC FFOIII Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $135.00 For rices of Plumb- ~ '5- ThlS BOOk Ifei’tra; glaluanixed wirfi, $8142.00, extra. ing. eating, \Viring, E . . . an e is not wante , 79.45 ess. Electric Fixtures and § Price Includes Plans and SpCCifications. This house can be built on a lot 42 feet wide. Shades see page 115. Irrmr ' H' Page 82 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO See Description of "Honor Bilt" Houses on Page 7 ll E's! MELF II IIII . 3" \.C O l' Ox Mn \0 \ (3’ m // e)"— 3 O lOK\ u 0 U LE: A? .755? 9133C‘L no 'z\ X. r“..— DINING DOOM (ff-"(K 7 )ncz'fon TAGL: \ \ \ >~- - «//I Own; 27cm” \\v’ A‘V” Snu Mi Damn: F I l , l v vr V'l‘illi At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this four- house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. 1530160 FLOOR PLAN. E : . = s V E : e 5 .4, Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. ‘iii‘lil‘l‘ l ‘lllllllllllllllnllll”ll My 1 , im ..i llllilll‘l '11 “Ml lll“llllll‘l"'llllilllll‘lll' l l‘"llllli‘lliil1'"llllllllillllilllllll' l‘llllll‘lllt .1“, I ,..,,, .M Him I, , .. ..,, m iili‘ii‘llil”liillliilllllnd’ This house can room bungalow, consisting of lumber, lath, shingles, mill work, ' bfigugt medicine case, porch ceiling, siding, flooring, finishing lumber, build- 8 18m Qt gm; ref.3 ing paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights hardware and u d C t" dF‘tted. versed- painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this ”0.7002 Alrea y u an 1 gee page $1,7509_2 N THIS bungalow we offer a home at a low price with an absolute guar- antee as to the quality of the materials we furnish. This four-room bungalow is suitable for almost any location. In many sections a four or five-room cottage and lot will sell for $3,000.00 to $3,500.00. Notwith- standing the low price which we ask for all of the material required in the construction of this bungalow, there is no sacrifice of quality and there will be no shortage of material. We furnish a double floor, also good wood sheath- ing, and plenty of building paper so that the house will be perfectly comfortable in the coldest weather. As this house can be built on a lot 25 feet wide, it is suitable for town or country. For a farm house, for a small family, it representsa splendid investment. It is gracefully proportioned and when nicely painted will look well in any community. ' A glazed front door opens into the living room. A door leads from the Mam Floor living room to front bedroom, and doors lead from the .dining room to the kitchen, doors lead into the rear bedroom and bathroom. Three good Size closets. Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, With good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Porch has fir edge grain flooring. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. Built on a concrete block foundation, excavated basement. “Honor Bilt" frame con- struction and sided with narrow bevel clear cypress Siding. . Best grade. thick cedar shingle roof. All framing timbers are of N0. 1 quality yellow pine. OPTIONS. This .house has Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place been built %‘ Spoon- er, Wis, New Cas. of wood lath, $78.00 extra. tlc Del Ener Oriental Asphalt Shingles, instead of wood 11' El " gy, _ I ., mhurst, 111., shingles, no extra charge. Conway, Penna., Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green Columbus, 0 h i 0 ' in color, instead of wood shingles, 835.00 leu- Randall, Minn.,and Storm Doors and Windows, 857.00 extra. other cities. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $23.00 extra; galvanized wire, 824.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 25 feet wide. .For prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring. Electric Fixtures and Shades. see page 115. y; / L‘SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO lulunnusnuuunululllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lll i i ii min i illl in \l lllllill lAllllii illlllllllllillllllllllll lllliillllllllllllll llilllllll ii iii iill r i iii 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiIOIIIIIIIIIIII'nlluulnulluul'llllInlnlnllllmululll lllllllll l‘ Minimum"illitllillliilMW-mmut N I N E KO 0 M S A N D B AT H "t" 'id 4. ,1, M, ,’ 4 ‘7, U 2 . ,w W, , I t ’ t v 5" . i . . h ‘l . h t D i \ ‘ , . '. , . . -_\ ‘ K t , i » ., ‘ , l . it; i . fig 1 ‘ .1. ; > . .. v 1.. :3 . ' ,. . ’7 if r U . if i . . at“? ‘ll 1 Tm‘ Ill 1 Illllll (‘HIII At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this nine- room house, consisting of mill work, siding, flooring, porch ceiling, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, medicine case, china closet, hardware, painting material, See De- scription of ' ' H o n o r i719 G/iocéhurst B ' l ' ’ . Iloilscst on No. 3074 “Already Cut" “Nd Fltted- mantel, lumber, lath and roofing. No extras, as we guarantee enough Page 7. material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick 3,495: or plaster. HE Rockhurst has been designed to moot a popular dmnnnd for :1 lurgc, :ittmvtiwV \wll lightvddnd economically arranged house. This house can be furnished W111] exterior, as shown, of any ot the designs IllUSII‘dU‘Kl at the bottom of this page. \\ hen ordering be sure to mention which design 1s wanted by gn'ing the number shown below the ont- you prefer. F'rst Floor In tht‘ N): “Vim: rmml tlu‘rt‘ is an own St:\lI'\\':1,\'tI\ll1t‘ svmnd floor an 1 |.i\t'\l opp: , to tlu' dimrzg room which gives :1 fine \'l(“~\' cf buffet. l The tin‘plncv, doors and Windows Illt‘ \wl‘. mouiu‘d, so :is to IHJL‘I' (Ln Hymn .:. x ,. .1 and honn-hl‘v. Spnu‘ 1 1‘16 d room window seat can lw used tor many purposes. l\ll\ hvn has st.m\\';1y to hnsvnn‘nt nitd zlvt:'._\ (t Y , 1:: It 1 i. (' ln \. 'Lo.m1 and Innuc. (>31ng r03; perm. makes the kitvhvn warm in \Yintvr nnd cool in Summer. Rooms on this Ilooi mo 8 Im[ 3 in lms ifwl'l :3.” to y. 1' -. 1‘44;thIi\u\15i}1(\ll[i-pfifis. Thvn‘ nrt‘ thrm‘ good 51: l ltt“llt\u11\< “lll‘. \lw pn’u 'wit l1 :11“l l‘.‘.il.!t . in (:1 .s OPTIONS second Floor H, t H. V“. ‘ o<~ g itl. <.«~ ' jut, v.1», . ,1 . H) r. A” ”(1M ”5 I” 1 iii “ ‘ 1 1‘ i ll ‘ " >1 1.1 Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the floor to “film.“ “It“ (1011M? “my”. place of wood lath. $115.00 extra. l\\'<, Rm ::.s;1tt Alll Al illlllll'lllulllmfillflllullllllllllHlIlIiIIlllllllIIIIIIHHHHIIHH ' o nttu‘ has two (‘mnfoxtnlilt‘ fi ish- 7m. \.-.‘r-d l).\\‘ ~ 1n 1 1! , ( v, | \ ., :zm Third F car all rooms 7 foot 4 inches fromliloor l Basement ll«311~‘1‘, 7 net (xiiih :1] mi itiwlef, Michal-d Oak 00073. Trim and F100" in living room and to ceiling. i with lmsr‘mx‘nl smh. dining room and oak stairs instead of yellow “'0 furnish our host “Quality Guaranteed" mill Work, simnn in 1: 1.3 s 108 .md 10‘). interior door < giro pine, 3183,00 extra. five—cross imm'l. “ith trim and flooring to nmtvh, :dl )‘v‘lli w liliit‘, in luxuititxd ILL-5.11 (Hid cvloi. \\'i:1'.o\\s ntt‘ Maple Flooring for kitchen, pantrv and bath- madc of \‘lczu' (\difornin \Vhitopinv, \\'1ll1 good quality 5145s srt in \xith lu‘st gnuig of putty. you-11.35 1““. 111‘ room instead ofyellow pine, no extra charge. edge urnin flooring. . Stornl Doors and Windows $154.00 extra. I’nint for tlm'o coats outside. your (homo of (‘t‘lt‘ll Vanish and wood tiller for interior finish. Strutford Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $63.00 Design hzu‘dwnrt‘, scv 1mm? 117. extra: galvanized wire. $68.00 extra. : Built on :1 (HHCH‘U‘ foundation. No. I \‘i‘llwv: I‘iT‘O finznirtu lumlwr. If Mantel is not wanted, $35.00 less. H For prices of Plumbing, llmting. \\'iii“ 1. l lw tiir l‘l\llll(‘_\' .wvl Shades see page 115. This house can be built on a lot 24" feet wide. (lui' (inamntt‘t‘ l’rotwts YHII'VUI‘ilt‘I' Your House lirom This Book. V l'N '1: l -_< 1".“s’ .tttl S'uu i‘ t.\i‘.w1‘\. 1“ uumuunuunonuu urn-nun”nun)llnrunnuluuuuInnIHLHHHIHHIHHlllnnuulxrnxlunnunnuuuuu‘ . c, 7 77 , , l\\ ' II IAvllIll‘llllllllll 1' V i 1' All Minna} In! FIRST FLOOR ' N’- 3070 No. .5075 . . 1 . No 3077 SECOND FLOUR PLAN. Iurmhnnlnl III! I g t" > A mu luHHlIIIHHHIHIHHIIIHIHHHIIllllllllllllll"HIHH mm” 111 Hulmlniliminmunn inn H “HUI H l H! Inn ”11.11 In 'lll A 1 H i . i i 111! . . i ...._._.J Page 84 SEA RS. ROICBI'CK AND C0., CHICAGO “E WNW llili Hmlllllvlv” llllllllllllllhilll‘lllllllllllllllllll Ml‘il'v‘ ill llllll'llllh llllllllt‘l ludill'llll‘ll'l‘l‘l l ‘l J l ‘ V' ‘i ' Hi! i' ' H il .IYUII l“‘lli l ll'\‘H Ill 'HHLB— 'i . 'l'l‘l‘lrllilnlwl ll'illlle llllll'l 'lli l l i ll H__.B_ At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this cozy ' ' (7 six-room story and a half house with frame construction, consisting e unny Q of lumber, lath, roofing, porch ceiling, Oriental siding, finishing lum- ber, mill work, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, hardware NO. 3079 “Already Cut” and Fitted. and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this $2 74800 house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. , = lllllllllllllllllllll'Ul‘l lllll seeDeSCdpfi°n°f"Hon°’Dm"muses“ Page 7- HIS design, originally planned for a farm- ” N” house, will look well in a suburban setting. First Floor Front door leads to the living room and open stairway leads to the second floor. Another door from the porch leads to kitchen. Directly in rear of the living room is located a bedroom with closet and door leading to kitchen; also door from living room to kitchen. From the kitchen a door leads to a large pantry with shelves. l MOE 711/ L!!- .-. . file-1552 ._...- 'lllllllllllllll—[lll‘lillllllllllllllllll ll‘l KITCHEN MHZ". II“? SECOND FLOOR PLAN. Second Floor On the second floor are located “a m three g o o d s i z 6 bedrooms IAN! t9? Lil/ZELGROOM V with closets. \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Porches have fir edge grain flooring. llllllll'lllllll Built on concrete block foundation; No. 1 yellow pine framing lumber. Sided with Oriental Slate Surfaced Siding and roof covered with Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing guaranteed for seventeen years. FIRST FLOOR PLAN. Vhite for ma me 3 of people who have built this house. . . . . Paint for three coats outsulc, your choxce of color. Varnish and wood filler for two coats of interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. Excavated cellar, 7 feet from floor to joists. First floor, 8 feet 4 inches from floor to ceiling. Second floor, 8 feet from floor to ceiling. OPTIONS Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $123.00 extra. Storm Doors and Windows, £93.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $43.00 extra; galvanized wire, $46.00 extra. For prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. llllHlllllHl HHH'l lllllllll mu 1'11 IHIIVHI‘IHTF IH mummmw 1m l‘\l\ nmuummummy-m v mnnnmmmmuumumnmuum C C H w T“ l 'n .H l . HI .. i l l l .‘h l «HHthHITH‘ , EARS, ROEB UCK AND 00., CIIICA GO ‘ Page 85 W_lggi_iuiiii.iiii 1 ‘ Tf‘wuiiiiiiiiii iiiii 'l , i iii- . At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this seven- . A 5 Z d Z room house, consisting of lumber, lath, shingles, mill work, medicine 3: r 'B V? i1 S”, 8 1 V6); a 9 case, flooring, porch ceiling, siding, finishing lumber, building paper, 3 F l I I I ‘ 5 Houses on No. 2011 “Already Cut” and Fitted. eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting E Page 7' $ 00 material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price : 3,223: does not include cement, brick or plaster. T‘ t E ii I WW V 7 V W ' i 5 I; COAHiORIABLE home. suitable for a ‘ 4 ,L :. r suburban or country residence. Has :1 3 1111‘ 'e front 'erh 25 feet Ion Y b\' () feet , is i t, . 5‘ :b lWEH A Wide, _C oloninl I)()I(l1 columns. l\tdI porch, l1 fut l} 4 ‘ Q 5 . Snub-1' feet 6 inches. At the price it is :1 \‘t‘t‘}'(l(‘SlI‘;1l)lt‘lIlVCSUIlL‘IIt. < F v " , . - . f: v ”UH“ First Floor l‘ront door glayed with double strength glass opens ’ *4 into the vestibule, with door lending to bring room. L ‘, ,L‘ H N Cased opening between p.1rlor and dining room. 'l‘liree windows in - I l j the parlor, one in vestibule and two in dining room. Bedroom zidjoin- . [ ,.,_ int: dining room with closet. Inside cellar stairs under the 111.1i1'1 ‘ 1]”me . stairs. (iood size kitchen with pantry and b.1tlirooni. 'l‘wo windows = E “'lmn ,meQQM O in kitchen, one window in pantry and bathroom. ;\ door lends trom ‘ ”40—3 the kitchen to the buck porch. Outside cellnr entrance. Rooms are 5 l 8 feet 4 inches from floor to ceiling. ~ e- lim .71-. _ , . . ‘ A. Second Floor lliree bedrooms and two closets are on this floor, \AESTJ l with an attic which is sometimes used :is :1 store- 50‘36] l room or cnn be finished .is ii small bedroom with little expense. Rooms LT LMHGQOOM are 8 feet from lloor to ceiling. Basement lixcnvnted bnsement under entire house, 7 feet from floor to joists, with concrete tloor, lighted with bnsement sash. * \Ve furnish our best “Qiinlity (innrnnteed' mill work, shown on pages 108 and 100. Interior doors are live—cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, nll Vellow pine, in benutitul grnin and color. \Viiidows 517.com) FLOOR rid-m. H '1‘ OPTIONS H 41quth iii 'itl 1k ‘1 , 1 i. 'f Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the been liiiilt .it Kit. 1*; ‘ ~ ~ ' ‘3 1 ’0‘“ . 9““ E 0 place of wood lath, 5130.00 extra. Vernon. Ohio, putty. Iorches have. tiredge grain flooring. Oriental Asphalt Shinqu imtead of wood Urdw n. (010 ’r ‘ - . . . .' , . shingles. no extra charge. ‘ . v _ '! lumt {0‘ Iltt‘CtV (0)1!“ (”1151(1‘ i 30‘”- Fire-ChiefShinglcRollRoofing.RedorSea Creen Rtfi'dlkhikt .\l1Cl1., ? choice of color: Varnish and wood tiller in color, instead of wood shingles, 567.00 less. Thunder ll.1\\'k, for interior finish. Strnttord Design LINN? "mm “"dd""‘"3 "’0'" mm”- "im’ do“”' 9 1) 1k Pine “”11“,,er 9(‘(‘ )1,“ 11~ etc. furnished in clear red oak, $185.00 extra. ‘ ' ‘ " _ i ‘ 7 i . '1‘ l" 1' Stern! Doors and Windows, $117.00 extra. lSldIitl, hill} 11., Hllonor Bill” No. 1 yellow pine framing 508:" DooIr-t apddWi'ndofi;Olt;Iactk wire, 544-00 ‘ (iillctt, l‘eitii.1., \ - 3 . ,‘ V . , . v ex ra; ga vanize wire, . ex ra. ~ _ h ‘ ‘ . lumbi r, sidul with narrow l)t\tl (l(.11" This house [.8 24 he, 6 inch" wide by 40 I“, I \,\.ttt‘tit,\ltur§\,lll., _ cypress Siding and has extra clear best long and can be buiIt on a lot 30 feet wide. b en \' e r l) .1 m, E 7 /"~ grade, .tlan (“L”- ‘fihlnglc For prices of Plumbing. Heating, \Viring, Electric \\1_S" and Other 5 roof. Stone foundation. Fixtures and Shades, see page 115. Cities. ; Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. : E ; . . Price, Includes Plans and Specifications. E _ 00 ' E W L H I ll lww iiilliitiiiniiiitlliniHHIllIHIIHHIH[HIHHHH A A” Hit lllliiilii llul HHAIA' i'HHAA A ‘ ~ SEARS, ROEBl '(7 K AND CO., CHICAGO \. ..t..\\_~..<.\.\n:\,\ .. _\ ,V. 4 \ “Ii-"mllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllIlllllllll lg TH REERO O M S . BATH A N? 4 PORC H‘E , ‘ -»‘¥.« m M \ 'llli'” :- 2 _. E E. is llllllldllllul‘lll \ '5 v .-. . I Z . _ H g : j - V g g __ v, 5 2‘, ‘ 1 ‘ i m» x L y s. ' m _ — f _; / em: E _l «u ‘: m ”on?” C :_ - i W BI LT E _v, as E = , a. x "“3” “w. . ’ H 4k ‘5,"/ "I“ 1 Al ll‘l ll'lilll l 'l'll ' ’l" '1 Ill ‘llll - l ““'l‘l"‘| H‘lll Hr" “H'l‘lllllllllll ll lllll _. c— :‘ filed/diley At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this three- E room house, consisting of lumber, lath, roofing, mill work, medicine No. 6000 “Already Cut” and Fitted. ; case, pantry case, breakfast alcove seat and table, flooring, finishing 00 5 lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hard- / - $1,6 1 7: ware and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. "Econo-Bilt" Construction explained on page 7. ANY a city flat dweller has longed for a little home like this. He would have ' to pay high rent for a flat that was as convenient and embodied as many of the latest ideas, and even then it is unlikely that he could find one with as many windows or with such a nice front porch. M . Fl From the 18-_foot_porch one enters through a door, which is the latest thing in a"! oar bungalow des1gn, Into a sunny room which is big enough to use for both livmg and dining room. The two windows on the side wall make it airy, and with the other window and the glazed door in front there will be lots of light. From the hall at the end of the big room you can enter either the bedroom or bathroom. In the hall is a closet for wraps or linen. The bedroom has windows on two sides and a large closet. The room is much better arranged than most bed— * . , rooms in flats. The bathroom is not only light, roomy and easy to reach from any other part of [3 (”aw-NF, ;v . g ‘ , the house, but over the end of the bathtub is a closet, so big that it will hold all your towels, or a J" l“ ‘“ ‘ whatever you Wish to keep there. The kitchen has three windows. Between the two which light . the stove and sink, the work table can stand. The other window is in an alcove large enough so ”"m m‘r‘ R‘ - ‘ h 1 t t- th 1 th t h hllv 1 .11 h'l (1 th U ,3]. , ‘ , .— , ‘ , , t .at meas can )e ea cn ere. n e pan ry t ere are s c Ves a on'g one wa ,.w 1e un er e \ IJ ' Window 15 our handy pantry case 8651, shown on page 114. Leading to landing at the back » door is a space where the ice box or other good size things may be kept. From this landing you can go on down to the basement or pass outdoors. Paint for two coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. FLOOR Rooms 8 feet 2 inches high from floor to ceiling. PLAIN. . . Excavated basement under entire house 7 feet high. Built on a concrete block foundation, frame construction and sided with Oriental slate surfaced siding. Fire—Chief Shingle Roll Roofing for the roof, guaranteed for seventeen years. xuunnnu\mmunimummmmmumnmumm . c: we unuunnunnmnmmm (Lngb'xlU-lf , I \ ‘ OPTIONS This house can be built on a lot 30 feet wide. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $70.00 . extra. For prices of Plumbing, Storm Door: and Windows. $66.00 extra. Heating, \Viring Electric l‘ilx— Screen Doon and Windows, black wire. $27.00 extra,- galvanized wire, turcs and Shades seepage 115 329.00 extra. ’ ' Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. unuullnllnUllHnnnlnuuulnln mum|lunnnnHmmmnl unmn 111111 1l11x1HHHum[\IHHI1|I11HHllnlIuIlIllIlHHllllIllIlllllIllHIIlllllllullllullllllllllllmllllll HllllllHHllHllllllllllllHlllllllllHHHIIIlllullllnlnlnlHIHHHHllHlHHI HHHIHHIIHHHHHnnnInIIH i mum Ml Hm it ml Imminmw liunmu mm” m mmmunmnmnnmunmmlmunmunummmmm HHIlHIIHHH11HHlHllllllllllllH””HUHVHIHHH 1 1 n n SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., HICAG“ Page 87 nmlmmmm | n m it it '1 It I '1 l mu FIVE ROOMS AND BATH ism .c .k‘ A. . . _‘ . .. - , 1;“. s! 2’, f, ‘ll " iiilildilulibtlTl‘i “J "Hlllll l‘l “W l‘.‘ lll‘Ill [mlllllllllc‘ ll l ‘AH v r "‘3. "Econo— . At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five- ; Coiil-limc A l n I fa room house, consisting of lumber, lath, Fire-Chief Shingle Roll 2 tionf‘ Ex: 9 Roofing, mill work, medicine case, flooring, finishing lumber, building ~ Dlziinednon No. 6001 “Already Cut” and Fitted. paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting Iage 1' $ 00 material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price 7: 1 ,920: does not include cement, brick or plaster. : ’l ”118 house with its stylish entrance and paneled walls will stand favorable comparison ‘-c' . E with in n s .' in r nearly wi 7 . as niu ‘h. . . . ' E a y hfm 0? C081 f” ” t (,0 ( _ , _ This house canbebuilt With .3 Main Floor The $110 and fine proportions of the livmg room make it an easy matter to the rooms reversed. See c % urnisli and decorate it attractively. There is a fine sense of balance and WSC 3' 3 good taste about it. As to light, it is almost as good as a sun parlor, with the handsome E group of Windows across the front, the San Jose door and the fourrfoot sash opposite the 5 E wide cased opening. There are three. more windows in the dining room, which is pleasantly _ g located in the front part of the house; bedrooms have. good closets, doors that do not : i swing against furniture, windows where they will not interfere with comfortable arrange— : '1 ment of the beds to suit the seasons, and both give easy access to the bathroom. The _ ideal kitchen is the one in which the work can be done most quickly and with the least effort. There must be good light at the work table, light must shine into the oven, the sink 3 should be near a Window and there should be no long walk between the sink and stove, or . sink and table. This kitchen is right in all these respects. Besides, there is a good closet next to the stove. The kitchen door leads to a space. for refrigerator and brooms, with stairs leading to landing. The grade entrance makes it unnecessary for tradesmen to come into the kitchen and things can be carried in and out of the basement without dis- ‘ turbing work in the kitchen. Rooms are 8 feet 2 inches from floor to ceiling. 1 We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 100. L Interior doors are five—cross panel, With trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in With best grade of putty. _I’aint for two coatsmltside, your choice of color. 7arnisli and wood filler for interior “*3; 4.: finish. Stratford Design hardware see page 117. A Basement under entire house, 7 feet high. Built on a concrete block foundation, frame construction and sided with ‘ Oriental Slate Snrfaced Roofin r. l7ire~Chief Shin *le Roll Roofin Y for the roof ls t3 5 r guaranteed for seventeen years. " OPTIONS This house can be — built on a lot 38 feet 5 Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, wide. _ $7500 extra. lior prices of Plumb- ,2 Storm Doors and Windows, 382.00 extra. inc. lleatiniz, “11mg, : Screen Doors and Windows, bIack wire, $32.00 extra; galvanized Iéleetiie l-‘ixtures and wire, 534.00 extra. Shades s30 page 115. ‘ i— ' it'll" - '- Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book “I E “42;; Price Includes Plans and Specifications. § EWIHHHHHIII“llllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllll lllllllllllll” Hllllfllllllllllll llllllllHllHl””“1”'llllllll'I””1”lllllllhlltllllhl lll ll lllllllil ll ‘l l lllil ll 1 ‘ l l‘ lLJj Page 88 ~ SEARS, ROEBL'CK AND (70., CHICAGO A 1 .1 ._,.. mmm.~m3 - l v H 1HlHl'll'Ht\HHHIIHHIHHHUUI“lulllllmnlmnlnlnnlmilmmW 'l'll'lll llllll'l'l l ”1' ll'll 1'“ l llllll I l \l 1 1H”! NH W‘l'lll‘ll' w x \llll‘ '1' At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this three- room bungalow, consisting of lumber, lath, roofing, mill work, porch ceiling, flooring, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting material. We guaran- tee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. 950‘ "I erlost HML I ._ Al I Storm Doors and Windows, $50.00 extra. OPTIONS This house can be built Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $49.00 extra. ‘ 0, . (Meow/n em on 2‘ No. 6002 “Already Cut" and Fitted. $13132 HE problem of making the outside walls attractive has been success- fully solved here by the use of slate surfaced s1d1ng nicely paneled. The solution has been effected with a substantial savmg over the cost of wood siding. Main Floor The three wmdows 1n the living room would be enough to assure you of plenty of light and a1r, but the entrance belng where it is and having a glazed door, you actually have light and air on three sides of this room. If hot Summer evenings are spent on the porch the door be1ng where it 1s will give more room on the porch. The living room is not only light, but roomy as well. The bedroom has two windows and an extra large closet. The room is planned so that there will be room for quite a lot of furnlture. On one side of the kitchen is a big alcove with a wmdow in it where meals can be served. The stove is.out of the way, yet has good light. On the other s1de of the room is a handy closet with shelves, the sink and a place for a work table under the window. \Vhen you step out the back door you are on a landing where there is enough room for a large ice box. Three steps take you down to the lower landing from which you can walk outdoors or go on down to the basement. The grade entrance is handy and will do much to help keep the kitchen clean and warm. Rooms are.8 feet 2 inches from floor to ceiling. \le furnishcur best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work. Interior doors are five—cross panel, w1th tr1m and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. “indows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Porch has fir edge grain flooring. Paint for two coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. Built on a concrete block foundation, excavated basement. frame construction and sided with Oriental Slate Surfaced sid- ing. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, guaranteed 17 years, for the roof. All framing timbers are of No. 1 quality yellow pine. Bilt Page 7. on a lot 25 feet wide. For prices of Plumbing, Heating, “'irinq, Elec- Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $22.00 extra; galvanized wire, $23.00 extra. ””5 Lil-“UT“? and Shades I.“ ' Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. see page 115. See De- 5 c r1 ptlon of ‘jEconyo: Houses on xllllllllllllll‘llllll‘ll A 'll‘lllilllllill [III [111 I" lll"l i'l‘i l “‘l‘l|l ll ll Al lllllll l"lll|lh J Li illllllllllld I ll 'll‘ll"l llIAlV‘T—Illllll‘l xllllllllll li'l" Il'l lll llilllilll'l‘lll SEARS, ROEBL'CK AND (10., CHICAGO (l iv flu u “1 iii u. 17 l .‘lll 9A9 %rnda/e “Already Cut” and Fitted. At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this three- room bungalow, consisting of lumber, lath, roofing, mill work, if flooring, porch ceiling, finishing lumber, building paper, eaves trough, down spout, sash weights, hardware and painting material. We guarantee enough material to build this house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. ‘vlllllunuunhuunniunn HIHHHHI ”I H ”In If uuolnuululluu-u u 11 “LL 1 See De- ; scription E of"Econo« i B i 1 t ' ' E Houses on No. 6003 g Page 7. L -2 +50 5 E : KITCHEN E 9‘l’x H-ll E E 9 :3 t\ E N LIVING Dam 12".5'XI3H' a. = 8 BOD ((+1 FLOOR PLAN E l 07X 1 O —i ‘1 tel house Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Rooting for roof OPTIONS can be builton guaranteed for scienteen years. lior siding, Two Finished Rooms in the Attic, 3290.00 extra. See a _IOt 30 feet Oriental Slate Surtaeed Rooting is furnished. attic pIan. "mie- . . \' ‘ “11 V . {I . 1 I) 1,, .. , , l‘or prices or A 0- M 0“ DmC‘ raining nm X r. Aht- Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of P 1 u in b i n w 18““ “muted 5m has concrete floor. wood lath. $65.00 extra; with Attic, 3111.00 extra. “mm “3;; ‘ ) ‘- 1 ‘ '» ' .- , Quad“ foundation. Storm Doors and Windows, $63.00 extra. ing, E 1 cc t ric :3 Paint for two coats outside; varnish and wood Screen Doors and Windows black wire $2600 (’1‘ Fixtures and. ' filler for int»rior finish. Stratford De'ign huid- - - ' ' ' ex a; \‘ . w )I f “um. sue pagie 117. 3 galvanized wire, $27.00 extra. 1331;: 311‘s?” see u L l mini 4 N THIS attractive home there are not many rooms, but they are really worth while in size and convenience. The exterior is pleasmg in every detail. Main Floor The reason the living room is so cozy is because it is so well planned. Interior doorways are in the corner, leaving big spaces along the walls for furniture. The glazed door and two windows let in the light on two sides. There is room for a good size drop-leaf table so you can quickly make a dining room when necessary, which will accommodate extra company. A little hall, connected with the living room by a cased opening, leads to bedroom and bath— room. Off the hall is a Closet. The good size of the bedroom will surprise you. \Vith closet, windows on two sides so arranged that the bed can be set entirely away from them in \\'i11ter,it is sure to be comfortable. \Vhen extra sleeping room is needed there is the big attic, stairs to which are in the back of the house. In the kitchen the pantry, sink and stove are handy to each other. The] are out of sight from the living room. Across the room is the sunny breakfast alcove. In the pantry is an outside window and plenty of shelf room. The. door opens on a well lighted landing where there is space. for an ice box and the door to the attic stairs. Three steps down is another roomy landing front which you can walk outdoors or down to the basement. Basement, 7 feet from floor to joists. first floor, 8 feet 2 inches from floor to ceiling. \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work. Interior doors are tire-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pineuin beautiful grain and color. \\'indows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. l’ort‘h has nr edge grain flooring. This l [111111 111111” mi H vmmm mum” nun n i t 7.40: —‘l ATTIC PLAN. See Options. 11 ”Hill —;——. .n Hrr'nlv' n m Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book ' ' A Price Includes Plans and Specifications. Illlllllllllllllllllllll 'llll'l lllllllllll’ l"! A {'1 mrvvnmu 1 1mm! lllll xv mt HVHHH HI ii 1! mini H In In H H1111 lHlIHlHIiI lll'lllllll 1V V 'll'l' v [v ”n V] 3' .v “11 SEARS, ROEB UCK AND 00.. CHICAGO COZY HOMES ymmmq No. 20338 “Already Cut” and Fitted. $15239; See Description of “Honor Bilt" Houses on Page 7. At the above price we will furnish all the material to build this four-room house. Price does not include ce- ment, brick or plaster. This house will appeal to the practical man of limited means who is anxious to have an artistic as well as a comfortable home. Main Floor A door leads into the combina- tion dining room and living room, from which there is also a door leading to the trellised porch. Directly back of the livmg room and dining room are two nice bedrooms with closet. On the right, a door from the living room leads to the kitchen and pantry. All rooms are well lighted , ’ ' ' and can be properly ventilated. Height of rooms, I 55%; 8 feet 4 inches from floor to ceiling. l— \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill a —- k shown on paves 108 and 109. Interior doors / _l‘*"‘ _ , “’0’ , . e . . . :‘ijnllg \' u m _ are five—cross panel, w1th trlm and flooring to match, all yellow pine, 1n beautiful I 9’1 grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, With good quality 41 521-90% 1m} “.‘-5'x5l‘»_5‘_ . V sill] .1 ‘1 —q - :1 ‘rrmnnnmmnnmmmnmmm lllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllIlllllI / K a \ 4 MIN” glass set in with best grade of putty. Side porch has fir edge grain flooring. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. Excavated basement under entire house 7 feet high. Built on brick foundation, frame construction and sided with narrow bevel clear cypress siding. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing for the roof, guaranteed for seventeen ‘ years. 1 When considering prices please note that our houses have double floors and are enclosed with good wood sheathing. HifH'IIiIfiiIfimmmnminn rirmm [N .. 'I "ll" ”‘1' LEMLMJ “.9 ”U: U 9 t} u l I ”5‘05 5‘ iNTR‘Yl Him o __ OPTIONS. . Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood For. prices. 0f CED/Cf: lath, $71.00 extra. Plumblng, Heating, MGR PLAN .0 x i“ Storm Doors and Windows, $46.00 extra. ' \Viring, Elect ric . Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $23.00 extra; Fixturesand Shades galvanized wire, $25.00 extra. . . . see page 115. This house can be butlt on a lot 40 feet wide. ImnnninnnlInnnnmn.ningnniunnnn Offie ARCADIA No. 20323 “Already Cut" and Fitted, $1,474.00. No. 0323 Not Cat or Fitted. Lighter Built, $1,062.00. $1,4742 “Honor Bilt” and Lighter Built Con- struction Explained on Page 7. llglll..l."llllillll’llal.1llill.lllllllllllllllllll...llll.i. dfllllllllilllllllll llj JllLllLllllll l lllIllLlll lllllllllUlJllLllllllllllllllllllflllllllllI At the above prices we will furnish all the material to build this five-room house. Price does not include ce- ment, brick or plaster. ‘llllllAl l '.ll l‘lil lllilllllllllllllllll‘ lill‘ llill'lllllllllllllll'l‘lllllllllllll llllll'lllllllllllllll‘llllllllll’lllll'l lilllll’lllllllllll lllllllllll' 1y . lllllllllll . l 1 This inviting little home combines many attractive features With an unusually low price. Main Floor A door on the right hand side as you stand on the porch leads into the dining room, from which a cased opening leads to the living room. From the dining room, doors lead to the kitchen and bedroom. There is a rear entrance to the kitchen and a door leading from the kitchen to the rear bedroom. Rooms are 8 feet 4 inches from floor to ceiling. \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel,with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Porch has a concrete floor. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Stratford Design hardware, see page 117. Excavated basement under entire house 7 feet high. Built on _a concrete block foundation, frame construction and sided with narrow bevel clear cypress siding. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing for the roof, guaranteed for seventeen years. When considering prices, please note that this house (“Honor Bilt”) has a double floor and is enclosed with good sheathing. illll‘llll. ll‘lii llll“"ll.'lllilli ll t. '1 ‘11111. r__ | V, l‘ r1 l I L 4 LEAD Lllll Ll llllllllllll 111 Lil l Lllllllllillllll llllmllllllllllllllllll ll ‘4,“[V Hlll 'l-gixlifl‘ LIVING ROOM "0 liilllllll l‘llliili OPTIONS. . KWCHFN F . f \yluclrorv; .y“ . Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath or prices 0 ‘fi‘V‘Wl'E’r‘fl’ ' - 5'4 X 9’4 for No. 20328, $65.00 extra. Plumbing, Heating, ‘J-jk-) ‘ . r___, Storm Doors and Windows, $48.00 extra. “firing, El 6 ct r i c U rifia'f". Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $24.00 extra; gal- FixturesandShadeS vanized wire, $25.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 38 feet wide. see page 115' FLOOR PLAN. No. 203213 and No. 03213. ill llllllllllllllllllllllll'lllllllllllul ll‘ll‘ll‘lAlllllllll'lllllllllllll'lllllllllllllllllll ‘ l_L lilillilll' Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. :1 Prices Include Plans and Specifications. A .; 1w, ‘Hr‘h "Nil ",1; l .I Sears, Roebuck and Co. Chicago. '53” , . ‘ ‘ , WW] ”I”; MONEY SAVERS : “Honor Bilt" and 5 00,, Lighter Built Con- : a LANDING .0 struetion explained 3 'r" on page 7. I E r“ 1 C‘ 1.1.1 l5” __ Ito —~ ' F\—)—IA(—L lai— —~ ‘ E » WW 1 1 ‘ ' it H ; ‘ 1 ' ,—\ . . : :. Alli i / I? L ': __ , 11' H. ; ‘1 r" 49111.5 __ __\1 IF: g. « 15m“ ,5'lfl‘ ‘ .2 E : l1 tort I IRRELi EEDDOQM E: . |TAPLE| L-.. - ‘ I. < __J . ~ < I H HALL = » 10m 1 ' w ~ ECLos. .Q T : L1V1NC11D1N1MGD g E I’L— -llr6 T. “‘1 I): --J (‘1'; —-.DE '71 ,HSuct tonf\ . 1:21;: 55: £1 TABLE. ' 1 I " ‘- ‘ ‘1. ,1” 1?. 3 ' (w L- “3‘21 7“ Z - ’ ,r’\ '1 ; ‘ \ / 3 " 11 - L. j "(T-O" ‘ i ' 1 ~ 00 a . DOQCH FLOOR max. , J How—“E $1 546— 5 ' 1.1213111 , . " ' ‘1 10 0110 0 “,2‘ 8 m No. 20233 “Already Cut’ and Fitted, $1,546.00. , 3 1\0- 0383- No. 0288 Not Cut or Fitted, Lighter Built, 51, 113110. 1 This house can At the above prices we will furnish all the material to build this four-room house. Price does not 1 be built with the include cement, brick or plaster. i {001115 rCVCYSCd- Note the substantial 1’11int for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler bee page 3‘ briek poreh 111111 the for interior tmish. Strattord Design hardware, see page 117. 1 eme re1l entr. 1111 e o\"( r the I‘Ixeavahwl basement 11111111' (‘111111‘ house 7101‘t high. ' front door. 111111”) this little home 111111111‘11 pure white for the 1111111. 111111 trimmed Built on 11 111111‘ret1' 111111 k f1::111l11t:111 frame t‘onstruction and sided with with a 111.1‘ sh: 1111‘ HI 1',er 11 111'11111; 1e11 to 11111 trust with the 1 ire Chief Shingle 111'1rro\\ b1\‘11 111 1r 1_\'I)r1 ss 311 111;. l ir1—(l11ef Slangle Roll Roofing for the E Roll Rooting. “1111 h \w‘ furnish (1th1 1 in 111111; 1'111 or sea L'H‘t 11- roof e11.1r.111t1111111r N U 11t11 “1‘?!” .1 - 1 . .1) 7 i 1' rout 11.1111' 11" 111s into the c111I1bi1111tio11li\i.1" 11111111111111 (lining “:1“ 11 1111111111i11e 11111 I K V l "0 (“Hill‘cr that “‘15 iouse ( Honor Bllt E V Main Floor room, from \x'hit‘h1111111'sl..11l tothetwo b1 lrtmi 1s, bathroom 1‘35 ‘1 double ”m”- 111111 is, L: ‘1'“ l ““11 “00d shtathmg. “ 1 and kitehen. Rooms 111e 8 1'--11t 1 11111115f'111111 ll11111‘t11111litt”.OPTIONS. i This house can i }, “'e furnish our best Quality Guaranteed mill \\ 01L, ho“ 11 on pages 108111111 Sheet PI‘”’"" and P105!" F'"“" to take the place l be bu'it on a [of 30 ‘ [C . ' , .. . . 1' , , of wood lath {or No. 20288, $62100 extra. feet unde. .» 10‘). Interior doors are fi\(‘-cross panel, \11th trim 111111 1101111111.: to 111.1t111, all _ 1 vellow pine, in beautiful grain 111111 color. “'intlows are 11111111‘ of clear California Storm D00" and Windows, $5000 extra. For 13’1“” Of Plumb- - , . . . . . . . . . i,ng 11eatim:\\1rmg, 1 white, pine, With 1.1111111 quality glass set 111 \vtth best grade 01 putty. 11 root porch Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $24.00 Eletttic 1:1\.1‘ r05. and 1 1111s eement tloor. extra; galvanized wire, $26.00 extra. 81131105, 500 page 115. ;; 1 ~ I: 1 ' See Description of : i “1111norB_11t"Houses ‘ i on Page 1 . 1‘: 1 s lyfirml A lZX'ls ii . Em: I », ff 3. . H . ' Z . ' ‘ ' ‘ ’ :; ll ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . .. FLOOR 5; '11 """" PLAN. {3 3 l J/ze ADELINEJ [1101»- _$1_ni_1r 48300 a _.___,___,,_ . W. A*.. —_ This 11 o 11 s c‘ if 'i No. 7099 “Already Cut" and Fitted.’ 111211111 built :1 .3 with the rooms 5 At the above price we will furnish all the material to build this three-room house. Price does not 11‘\'1‘rs‘etl. 5” 5 . . l. l ‘ 0. include cement, brick or plaster. I “bk There is something: about this house that it111ne1liat1‘lv seettres your attention all yellow pine, in beautiful grain 111111 1'111111'. \Vithlmvs 1111‘ made of elear C.1li« 111111 1111111111t1ou 11111111111.r at the 1111‘ tute 31111 e. '111111It help but admire the 1111111l< foruia white pine, with good quality glass set in with best 311.1111‘ 01' putty. Porches 111111~I11111'l1\\'ith its s1I11111'1‘1‘ol1111111s 111111 or 111 11111‘ 11t'.1l t11 llis1 s. 1111\1‘ 111 edge 111.1111 tlootiu .. lri‘rom the 11t11111‘ti1e poreh, 111111111' 11'1111s into the living loom. 1“ 1111111t ‘ “‘1 ““1“ ”W” t“ l“"“ ?1 ._ Main Floor his 11111111 is “”me t11l \xith the Litt'htu 111111 b1‘1l1oom 1W lluilt on 11 1‘11111“11te itllllltl‘liltlll, 1111110 construction 11ml siletl with narrow I; :1 m0 otl111 (loors I‘he 1111111111111 1111s 11 elos1t “1111 1111 It 111111 I\ 11 111111 on two bevel 1"11.11'1‘_\'I111‘ss sitling, St\1‘1ite1‘11»_\'ear guaranteed 1'111‘~C111et blangle i. :1 sides. 1111‘ kitt'heu has the latest 1111‘ 1 in: ('111111‘1111‘1111‘ 111111 1111111111' 11' 1111113, RM] Rootmg 1“" ”1" “‘01- I: the l’ullut: 111 1111‘ .1Lt. 1st 1111".o\e 1\(l1>111 1e. 11. s t1om the Littht 11 to 1111‘ 11.1th1oom OPTIONS This house can I? :3 .. . 111111 another to the basement. Rooms are 8 feet 11 i111'h1‘s 111~111 ll1‘111’ to 111111151. Shcct Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place be built on a lot 28 ‘_ F 7 l’aiut for three (oats outside. your 1‘l111i1‘1‘11lt‘11l111.\.1111i:lt 111111 “111111 tilhr 0’ wood 1‘1”“ 554 00 extra. feet Wide- ,1 ' I: for interior tinish. Strattortl 1)1‘:'i_.1111 hanlware, set I11 1111‘ H7. Storm Doors and Windows, $42.00 extra. ‘ 11.11 I1111‘esof Plumb- l: .1 ' —" \Ve furnish our best ”Quality Guaranteed" mill \x'otk, shonn on pages 108 Screen Doors and Windows. black wire,i$26.00 ilanvIUIIIh itilkhnlhugfii l: — and 10‘). Interior doors are 11ve-eross panel, \\'1th 111111 11ml 11111111111: to mateh. extra; galvanized wire, $28.00 extra. \‘tmdcs, see page 115. ()111' Guarantee l’roteets You—Order Your House From This Book. I’tiee 1111‘111111‘s 1‘111115 111111 Speeitieations. vfilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillflltlll—Lll’laa‘l 5‘90),S. ROGbllC/C and CO. Chicago; ”1‘th ' 1 I 1 1 11 311111153 Jfie SARANAC ] 1.1.1.... 1,439.= No. 20308 “Already Cut” and Fitted, 31,439 No. 0303 Not Cut or Fitted. Lighter Builto g], 036. 00. “Honor Bilt” and Lighter Built Construction Explained on Page 7. At the above prices we will furnish all the material to build this five-room house. Prices do not include cement, brick or plaster. ' From the concrete por h 1011 enter the living room and dining room through a hand<0me front door. Mal” Floor From the dining room (lCLUr leall to bedroom 11nd kitchen. lxooms are 3 feet 5 inches from lluor to ceiling. “e furnish our bes' ‘ ()uali: \ Guaranteed ' :iil uorl; shown on pages 105 and 10‘). Interior doors are tiV—e —Cross pane], “1th trim and mooring to match all v;11 low pine in beautiful grain and C:.Jlor “indoxxs are made of clear California OPTIONS \1l1ite pine “4'11 good (1 iali (v glass set in \\ith best grade of Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the I ,. : p ace put) The 1mm porch has a cement floor of wood lath for our Saranac Modern Home Paint for tnree coats outside your Choice of color. V arnish No. 20303. 561.00 extra. and “ood tiller tor interior n:1.ish.Strattord Design hartl< - “ are, see pagu 11; . Storm Doors and Windows, $44.00 extra. ‘ . ~ _ Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, 522.00 FLOOR PLAN. Basement 1111’ CF enare house 1 feet high- extra; galvanized wire, $23.00 extra. This house can be built Built on a concrete block foundation frame con truction - - - with the rooms reversed. and sided \\ ‘ narrow be el clear c: pres s ailing. lire ( hief This house can be but" on a [at 22 feet mlde' See page 3 Shingle R1; 1 Lyfing for the roof, guaranteed for seventeen For prices of Plumbing, Heating, \Viring, Electric years. Fixtures and Shades, see page a See Description f “Honor Bilt” Houses on Page 7. —]—. lnct 10:1 Davmruu r. I . l l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"llll'lllllllll‘llllllllllllllllllllllllll‘llllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llll]lllllIIlllllllllllllnnmmnnlmmmim nnml Tl” l mm ll l Ill - l ‘ E p” 4 b Thin] house can $ 00 E V ‘7« (1 1 it 1.1111 the 6"” T ' E EONJG (3 rooms reversed. [ Jfie R0 S I A J "W 1 252—— E Sce page 3 , , , E FLOOR FLAN. E No.20433 “Already Cut” and No.2044B “Already Cut” and E Fitted. 20120 feet, $1,252.00. Fitted. 24x24 feet, $1,495.00. E At the above prices we will furnish all the material to buiId this four-room house. Prices do not include cement, brick or plaster. E Main Floor There are four good Size rooms in this house, all well lighted and Buht On a concrete block {011an Mon fr; uric con truction and sided “ith narrow bevel E properly ventila r:.rl A Substantial glazed rloor leariq from the clear cyprtss Siding lire ( hici Shingle Roll Roofing for the roof guaranteed for E DOW—h into the 11‘ mz room from which (loom lrarl to the front bedroom and kitrhen. seventeen years. E g‘ nolhrrir door iC'Cld: from the kitchen to the rt .1r bedroom Rooms are 8 feet 4 inches OPTIONS. These houses can E .. rom oor to can 2 4 _ b . . E E We furnish our best “Quality Guarantenl" mill v ork Lhm‘ n on page< 108 and 109 Notheo 68 Sheet Pdlalstte’: ans: Plaster Finish to take 2613621011téo0n afelzt E E into or rloor=1 are five- ross DancL \1itl1 L: in a :1rl fluorine I to matrh all yr-fllow nine in P ace 0 woo a 5 00 extra 1 E : boa 1ti1ul grain and color. “indie“; are 1111:1111 r-f (ll-11' ( alifornia \xhiir: rim; “ith No 20443 Sheet Plaster and Plaster F""‘" to take Wide. . E E good q1ality glass set in with best grade ofptitt1,.1'orrhr s have fir edge grain flooring. the place 0f WOOd lath 365-00 extra. F0 r p r1 C C ‘Q Of 2 E Paint for three coats outside your choice of Color _Varnish and wood filler for Storm Doors and Windows, 548 00 extra {\lurnhinfi 11111111311, E E interior finish. Stratford I)e: ign hardvare, see page 11 Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $29. 00 extra; [uiglsngfid 5325325 31;: E E Basement under entire house 7 feet high. galvanized wire, $31.00 extra. page 115. ’ E 3 Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. 5 E Prices Include Plans and Specifications. 5 :1. E; 21111.11 1111 111 11111 1 Umulh 1111 11 1111111111111111111 111 1 1111141 111.11 ., in 1 11 11 11 1 11111111111 1111 11111 111111111 -1.1. 1 111 .rr11.11111r11111111111-11 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 SEARS, ROEEUCK AND CO., CHICAGO Page 93 'ill'llullii’ ll'illll'lll"lvllllllllllllllAlllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllll’llll ‘ioll'lri l'l lliiill . llll'llll lilll'll” tH‘V rut}. r . H in till ‘1’ 'illllllllllLLL u up”, “.va I m [. illr‘i 1r l'll'll I,VIV1VV “m yr yv. r No. 2003 “Already Cut” and Fitted. 3‘ 1 ,9063—9 See Description of “Honor Bilt" Houses on Page 7. At the price shown we will furnish all the material to build this four-room house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. ° The first thing you notice is Maln Floor a useful and enjoyable spa- cious screened porch. By screening in Summer and casing in with sash in “inter, this porch can be used as a dining porch in hot weather, or a laundry room where washing and ironing can be performed with comfort without filling the house with steam vapors, or as a sleeping porch. From the screened porch you can enter direct to the combination (lining room and living room without disturbing the women in the kitchen. Separate entrance to living room from front of house. The kitchen is lighted on three sides. Under the work table is a fuel box which can be filled once a week. ' ‘ e ashes drop from the stove through an iron pipe to a con- crete ash bin beneath the floor. A door leads from the kitchen into the dining and living room. A five—cross panel yellow pine door leads into one of the bedrooms and a cased opening leads into the other. Both bedrooms have closets and are lighted from two sides. Rooms are 9 feet from floor to ceiling. \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five—cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. \\’inr>1{1’1..\.\’. Sl-Lt‘t iN l) FLOOR PLAN Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House. From This Book. _94__ MumgijSoars. Roebuck and Co. Chicago i l l ll i‘lll‘lll .l lllllllllilllll'lllllllllllllllllllll l‘lllll .rrr’mu .rr iruiiuvru .. ,. {I r. ll‘lfll‘ll‘mll‘ll‘l it r it row, i“ ,; r ,H FIRST FLOOR H i 7' PLAN. '— ; . See Description - of ”Honor Bill" ’1 4 lIIouses on Page i ~ 1 l ._. rs ,— r at E m. ‘ : a s blfid E 35. mom ; g 5;, gins-11‘ {Mn j E s' ‘ _ (-3 man: MANVLL A . \1 —— ‘1 “ a 31W , ) 1 in 65y » g I . E s - r“- w i : ~ r Ihuml a E ': #4“ II 3T1“: ,— : : Juarmv I: ‘6 . I a E Arm-w, ;. LIVING Doom < E E \\ #41 .1 Is'o’xiq‘s‘ ‘ E E war. Doom ,_ A}. : ‘ E E 13-13114‘1' {=9 3‘32? . : I — V ,. E ” POQCH ”1 E Doc‘s-0' ;- ,,__u 1 E a ommmnmuwu $ 7 500 No. 203 Not Cut or Fitted. 3, 9 '— At the above price we will furnish all the material to build this six-room house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. F' t Floor Front door with bevel plate glass leads into the living room. with an imposing brick mantel in the rear. The lrs living room is separated from the dining room by a cased opening with Colonial columns. S d F1 The bedroom on the right is an extra large room, lighted by a double Colonial window on the front econ 00" and by aBColonial wiridfow ofn the Eight. For size of rooms see fl%0r plari‘s. fl 9 f ' ' ° asement, 7 eet rorn oor to joists, with concrete oor. ‘irst oor, eet from floor to Height 0, celllngs ceiling. Second floor, 8 feet 6 inches from floor to ceiling. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine. in beautiful grain and color. Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with best grade of putty. Porches have fir edge grain flooring. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color, two brush coats of shingle stain for shingle siding. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Chicago Design hardware. see page 116. Built on concrete block foundation and excavated under entire house. “/6 furnish best grade thick cedar shingles for roof and gables. clear cypress siding below belt, framing timbers are first quality yellow pine. '1': 1.1 'liiilll'i OPTIONS. This house can be Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take Floors, Trim, Doors, etc., furnished in built on a lot 36‘ feet the place of wood lath, $185.00 extra. clear red oak for the living room and wide. Oriental Asphalt Shingles, instead of dining room, $253.00 extra. wood shingles, no extra charge. Storm Doors and Windows, $147.00 extra. For prices of Plumb- Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, ing, Heating, \Viring, Sea Green in color, instead of wood 563.00 extra; galvanized wire, 567.00 Electric Fixtures and shingles, 582.00 less. extra. , Shades see page 115. ,._ ------——-~ 2501" - — ———-«~ 1111 5.‘ E“ i 3' i = . :. i This :; F: 3 ' t ” House 31 l :1 : 1, i E 'E 4 Can Be j _ s 9 Built *1 L; r 9, “'ith t i the E Z" 1 Rooms 51 ; Reversed. '1. E: . ; See 3 g g l Page 3. >3 :. :i . a . :7 :1 i i i - . . 1 E # : : E7 L- 3E : E E D See. ‘ : CSCl'lg')‘ < I . tmm 'l'his Bunk, OPTIONS. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $138.00 extra. Oriental Asphalt Shingles shingles, no extra charge. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green in color, instead of wood shingles, $46.00 less. Oak Doors, Trim, Stairs and Floors in parlor and dining room instead ofyellow pine,$220.00 extra. Maple Flooring for kitchen, pantry and bathroom instead of yellow pine, no extra charge. Storm Doors and Windows, $108.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $44.00 extra; glavanized wire, $48.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 30 feet wide. l’iir‘e llltlllll(‘.\‘ Plans and Six-eitu‘atiunx'. instead of mood liar irrieex‘ of l’liimhiriu, Heating, “firing, lileetric Fixtures and Shades see turtle ll< . See Description of “Honor Bilt" Houses on Page 7. naaaim it '2 J, . 3 a it :1 i . Emmet: ,3 ; tomcat 1 .1 )Ig PORCH {Eli FIRST FLOOR PLAN. 157.! 8—6 BEDROOM l7-DdZ 7‘ llq'fi'd' v .nh “lii‘uirvr Li‘fl , . if, '1 f i . it) x 5 [Hi X lJ/‘t'. Cur" , warm; I i , ’ “I l, item it?" Pit: llril t- it ‘t' XR 11,38 , , €3.11 i n 4' _‘._._.___ t It i .13 I‘ Hi x )R HAN. lllT" ' ‘vV 2 i :i t. -i ‘ t .i :t 't 1! ii . -1 . 7&9 FLOSSMVGESR ‘1 ‘No. 3032 “Already Cut” and Fitted. J $3,4372 _ \. AL» 3‘ ltitl kt‘l -‘ l SECOND lil,()()l{ PLAN, lead; to the the reieivtinn hall .iiid ht‘llztldlt‘tl [rum the ieeeivtiiui hall lw a ¢.\‘§(‘|ltt1tl‘lllll;',. ' “mm and clinirn: room, and large light pantry at the rear int dining 1mm) and kit« hen. Double floors Second Floor The seeniul floor has four bedrooms Height of Ceilings ”li(\[}£_ 8 feet (x iiii'lies from floor to t‘t‘lllllK. \\'e liltlllwll iviii' heat ‘l\t\\\'H run [Liszi‘rl 103 .llltl ltl‘). tiaiiel, \\ith trim and ”00!ng l0 riiiiteli, rill _\ellu\\' ]Hllt‘. iii heaiititiil Altai“ .iiid eiilnt, ‘aiiit \4.lttll\ll and wnml l)e~:ii:ii hardware, see page 117. liiiilt nu .\ enneiete Meek tuundatinn. vated and has euiieiete lltllil. Our Guarantee l'inteetsi \‘iillk()ltl(‘l Your llniise From This Hunk. At the price quoted we will furnish all the nzaterial to build this eight-room two-story house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. First Floor :\,~‘ tine enters the limit door of this house he lllvllllt‘tlldlt‘lY ll.l\‘ .i tavuiahle iiiiiiriwsinii lltttll the lame reeeiitiun hall and the open .\l.lll\\.i\' \\lll\ll unwind tlimi_ [he hung iimiii IS diieitlv utt lilieie i< a taxed ripening hetiieeii the living in all mums. and a nire bathroom. Basement, 1 to iuix'tu‘. tlimi' seemid from and feet li‘irst “K‘llAlItV Guaranteed" iriill “‘0th ltllt‘lh‘l duets '.\ti‘ trve rim: Hf i‘Qlui. Ntiattuiil i‘lii\ii‘<‘ tinirili. outside, tui tni three enats tiller \‘iill i' inter int Basement e\ea— Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place Oriental Asphalt Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing. Red or Sea Green Oak Doors. Trim and Floors for reception hall. Storm Doors and Windows, $132.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows. black wire, $52.00 This house can be built on a lot 26 feet wide. , OPTIONS. of wood lath, $156.00 extra Shingles shingles, no extra charge. instead of wood in color, instead of wood shingles. $52.00 less. lir'ing room and dining room, also stairs, $245.00 , extra. 1 I extra; galvanized wire, $55.00 extra. l‘iiee lneludes Plans and Siweitieations. ‘lfni mien»: ut Plumbing, Heating, \\'iiim:, lileetiieal Fixtures and Shades see page 115, lllllllllllllll llllll l ltli‘ilillili‘i ell lr‘ rilllt I “ 4 . i ‘ ‘ ”W“ I H i Iwill Searthoebuc/c and Co. Chicago. my; - OR a mmmiunummnmm Hunumfitmrmtmnmm”Imimmu lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 11.1 Ilmuuimmm Ll! .lJ . may}; 1.1.1 mumum .. “durum .: WWumnummemm11quuiuuu fl LIGHT El See Descrip- tion of “Honor Bilt" Houses on Page 7. Thibm/ X /\\ 5:13 [5 ED 12‘ IONS-7' (g). \ lGlXS-IO' r Lia-.1: DiNfiu RdOM I775'X I53), ~~I"'::}". I ROOM I sex I 3-6 5:“? PORCH ao—c' x 3—6' I one HAZELTON l No. 2025 “Already Cut” and Fitted. $3,7502 FLOOR PLAN. OPTIONS. At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five-room bungalow. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. ' The front door leads directly into parlor. Main Floor Directly to the rear is located a good size dining room with cased opening. Dining room has a side- To the rear of this room is the kitchen, with a door leading to the rear porch. The pantry being located between the kitchen and dining room makes it possible to use this room as a butler's On the left side of the house are located two large and airy bedrooms, with closets. and convenientlyt ron board and is trimmed with plate rail. serving pantry, located between the two bedrooms is a bathroom. door has a heavy beveled plate glass. Paint for three coats outside; varnish and wood filler for Chicago Desxgn hardware, see page 116. interior finish. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book. Price Includes Plans and Specifications. Height of Ceilings to Joists. from floor to ceiling. shown on pages 108 and 109. beautiful grain and color. best grade of putty. “Honor Bilt" No 1 yellow pine framing lumber. with cypress siding, and has shingle roof. Concrete foundation. For prices of Plumbing, Heating. Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 115. S ee Descrip- tion of “Honor Bilt" Houses on Page 7. so Doom 'IHIXS'W vamc DH. 12s.:211r LIBPFF’Y trims-11' 2 FIRST FLOOR PLAN. BED DOOM 129'th -il' ED 200M 11-11;:1-5' SECOND FLOOR PLAN. Basement, 7 feet from floor ' First floor, 9 feet \Ve furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed" mill work, Interior doors are five—cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, Windows are made of clear California white pine, with good quality glass set in with Porches have fir edge grain flooring. Sided best grade of thick cedar Basement excavated and has concrete floor. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $109.00 extra. Oriental Asphalt Shingles instead of wood shingles, no extra charge. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green in color, instead of wood shingles, $76.00 less. i Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for parlor and n dining room, 3168.00 extra. Maple Flooring for kitchen, pantry and bathroom instead of yellow pine, no extra charge. Storm Doors and Windows, $103.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $44.00 extra,- galvanized wire, $47.00 extra. This house can be built on a lot 40 feet wide. I 9729 CONCORD No. 2021 “Already Cut” and Fitted. At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this eight-room house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. ° The door from the vestibule opens into FlrSt Floor the living room. There is a large cased opening_between library and living room. Note that the kitchen IS lighted by Windows on two sides. There are three large bedrooms with Second Floor closet. Extra closet adjoining the hall. Bathroom on this floor. We furnish our best “Quality Guaranteed” mill work shown on pages 108 and 109. Interior doors are five-cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Porches have fir edge grain flooring. Chicago Design hardware, see page 116. Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finis . Built on a concrete block foundation; No. 1 yellow pine framing lumber; sided with narrow bevel clear cypress siding and has Oriental slate surfaced shingle roof. lecziw'aterI basement under the entire house, 7 feet from floor to jmsts. l‘irstfioor ceilings, 9 feet from floor to ceiling; second floor ceilings, 8 feet from floor to ceiling. OPTIONS. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $170.00 extra. Oak Doors, Trim and Floors for library, living room, dining room and vestibule, $258.00 extra. Storm Doors and Windows, $152.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $52.00 extra; galvanized wire, $55.00 extra. This house measures 26x46 feet and can be built on a lot 32 feet wide. Our Guarantee Protects You—Order Your House From This Book Price Includes Plans and Specifications. ‘ S For prices of Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Shades see page 11 ‘.]fl.,'l'lllllii m" n z w w l JlLSears.Roe/)uC/c and Co. Chz'caQO- ; (P _99__ WHHHHHHHHHHl'HIH‘H'llllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllirl l llllllllll illlllllllll l‘ 'lllilli IIHVH ll il‘lllll. l" llllll.l'lll illllllllllllllliLlllllllllllllilll Ilillllil‘ll'lll ll lll ‘Tl‘lll lllll lllllll lllllllll l llllllllllll H .11'1 v o H H" U ' 1i lilllll llIULLli ‘ "* iIHI[lllllllllllil’lll'lilIi ll il‘- l‘ Hlllllllllllllll‘lli l lllllll“lll v A on. ii 'l L] VVV[H‘ .wvuwwmmmu ' I Q’fieCASTLETON l No. 227 Not Cat or Fitted. £14772 At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this eight-room house. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. First Floor furniture. F l 1 b 1 l 1. ‘Our )C( rooms, utirooin am men Second Floor closet onliliisliloor. 1 ' ° ' "10 )£l>('111(‘11l ins concrete. Helght Of ceilings tl’mr nntl is 7 (-0! from floor of joists. The first floor is 9 fl'l‘i from floor to ceiling; second floor, 8 feet 6 inches from floor to «Piling. We furnish our lwst “Quality (lunruiiu-ctl” mill work, Shown on pages 108 and 10‘). lntvi'ior doors nrc ii\‘q—(‘ro§s panol, with trim and flooring to ninu’h, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. l’uint for three coats outsiilv. your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Chicago Design hardware, see page 110. Built on a Concrete block foundation, excavated under the entire house. Four nicely arrnngv-tl rooms on this floor, well lighted, and with I)lL'Ill_\' of room for Our Guarantee I’roteg‘ts You—~0rzlvr Your lloueij From This Book. OPTIONS. Wood Siding on second story, $105.00 extra. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $171.00 extra. Oriental Asphalt Shingles, shingles, no extra charge. Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green in color, instead of wood shingles, $79.00 less. Floors, Trim, Doors, etc., for living room, dining room, hall, den and stairs, furnished in clear red oalz for $304.00 extra. Storm Doors and Windows, $145.00 extra. Screen Doors and Windows, black wire, $72.00 extra; galvanized wire, $76.00 extra. If Mantel is not wanted, $53.00 less. Should be built on a lot about 35 feet wide. l’llfl‘ lnrluilvx‘ l’lunx’ zunl S1wi‘itii‘nlions. instead of wood For [)I'H‘t‘i oi l’lunihinu. lli'uliniz,\\.’1rinu, l‘:l(‘(‘ll’l(‘ l‘iixlurt's' :iuIl Slintlrs sw- puuv 115. $06 Dvscriptinn of “Honor Bilt" House: on Page 7. \ / ' : )rirv M2610 : —? i i .// \\ i l g ____ .73. l '5‘ EEO DOOM L_ meow? <3) 4-- .. r1... mm ‘0‘“ Mun ' uihwxu ’\ Vl'l l Em mu ‘ luau NING _ M DIN INC}; ROOM 0" “C: ,—bDAcz For: L. Lymarwil ”Shnvaqu 33in Fonz 23-0 See Description of “Honor Bilt" Houses on Page . §rmyfifl~ma l‘r-O’x we Kir 9(7xl2? 1, DAVINDOQ x80 WO‘ , Hi1.) ’ (law mnml“ -\ [J 55?}3 ELfio‘ifi No. 1237 Not Cut or Fitted. l $4,0162 At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this five-roont bungalow. Price does not include cement, brick or plaster. :7... L) mm M mquI r-—\ 5:3" ' LIVING Doom lg,“ (f3, Zfil’ZIIlAV‘Z‘ ll .23 I I 3,“) I l,__.i PODCH ioWTxatd W009 nuon mm FLOOR PLAN. Main Floor A. luinilsoinv (‘1.nisinnii oak (loor loznls (llH‘i‘llV into thv Lum- li\'in;: loom. lo llw iiulil ix‘ .1 lziiizv lll\ll\‘ lnirk munivl \\lll1 n “iinlow on ('ih‘ll SlKl“. ln llll‘ opt-ninn lwlnm‘n llu‘ lixing iooni :mil vlininu ioonl .lH‘ [Llllt‘h‘ll inwlvslnls \\illi (‘inlitxinzm lnurki'ls in tho 1‘01111‘! x ol lln‘ «xi :ml opvning nlmn‘. 'l‘ln' (lining ioonl has :i lllHH lx-iulinu lo lhc small \‘vnlq-i ll.lll.’|1‘l(lUll<‘l(‘.’|llllll{ lo llu- kili‘lu‘n. l‘ln- l§llk'lll‘ll i< IHU\lll(‘(l will] ;\ «ailiinvt niul two rlosvts‘ lo lilkk‘ tho pluro ol' :1 pnnln‘. Basement lC\«'.i\'.ilw_l lmsvmvnl ilmll‘i‘ 10;” hull of hon '1‘ IS I fool hmh \\‘lll\ .i tom n-io llooi. Height of Ceilings lhx‘i-uu‘nt, 7 foot high infill ‘ llool lo joists. Rooms on (he inmn lloor mo 0 {vol high. \\'<‘ uinisli oui lwxi "Ollnlitv (inalrnnh‘ml" niill work, uliown on pnuvs‘ IHX uml l(l‘)_ lnlmior ilool s llH‘ lin‘wnws punvl. with llllll ninl lloolini: (o mnh‘li. :ill )'(‘ll()\\' [\llll‘, in lwnutilul ginin illlll colon. Point for [lirm- «‘o'lls (illiSi(lk‘; stain for two ln'usli Coats for ‘himzlvs on sid ~ and roof; varnish and wood llll(‘l for lnH‘llUl‘ linisli. (‘lnvngo ln-sign l|:\Hl\\':1l(‘, soc page 110. This lnlnunlow is l>uilt on n vom‘rcli' loumlgnion; No. 1 yL‘llow pinv irmnv mmslrln‘tion. ()ur (luurnntcc l’i'oli‘tls \‘on—Ah‘dcr Your House From This Book. W l” A W g. I SearsJQoebuc/c and CaChz'cago. ~100~~ OPTIO NS. Sheet Plaster and Plaster Finish to take the place of wood lath, $131.00 extra. Oriental Asphalt shingles, no extra charge Shingles, instead of wood Fire-Chief Shingle Roll Roofing, Red or Sea Green in color, instead of wood shingles, $156.00 less. Oak Doors. Trim and Floors for living room and dining room, $230.00 extra. Storm Doors and Windows, Screen Doors and Windows. $117.00 extra. blaclz wire, $85.00 extra,- glauanizcd wire, $91.00 extra. If Mantel is not wanted, $46.85 less. This house can be built on a lot 40 feet wide. For plivos of l‘luinliing. llcu tlln‘s :nnl Sliinlrs soc pagv l 5. Price Includes l’l; ting, \Viiing, liloclric Fix- ins and Specifications. L“ ,v. .illil“ Q il‘ l l‘ii m .1 l1?llllll‘llil‘llillu'llfl'lllll“ ‘ lllllllilll‘illllll|llil'lllllllllilllllllllll llninHiiii111i.1Iiuuuuuinuuuuuui11111!unuu. riuuuuunuuluiunnunuinnmuuuu lllllllllllll llll lTlillllll r nilAAAAA r “.mITJUT‘iTTTIIXITITlIII iii . I v 'u"iiimuninniunnuiuunnv'u "Y Iiniinn' m' w H H '4 U111 LAAAALLI vnwfivfivrfiiy‘rvynwrrqw‘q {vvfiva-W‘ ‘ 1—11-1111” n 111111111 11 1 11111111111 111111111111111 '1'11‘11111'1111111111111111111—111111“ . 111...i 11111111111 11111111111 v 1. pm... L1 111111 ' 1111711111111111 11111111 ' 1.._l” LL11LLJJALLL’ ' n AA ..,. M1,. '1111‘1‘” "'11'111111'111111111111 iLll At the price quoted we will furnish all the material to build this six-room house. include cement, brick, stonekote or plaster. ' The large living room is lighted by five FlrSt Floor windows. A cased opening leads to the dining room, in which a spaCious and graceful buffet is the principal attraction. An open stairway leads from the living room to the second floor, the landing and handsome newels add considerabllly 11:1) its 1iieppearancel. l A t ree drooms ave cosets and Second Floor are well lighted. For size of rooms see floor plans. B 7f f fl ' ' ' asernent, eet rorri oor to Height Of Ceilings joists, with concrete floor. First floor. 9 feet from floor to ceiling. Second floor, 8 feet 6 inches from floor to ceiling. We furnish our best "Quality Guaranteed" mill work, shown on pages 108 and 10‘). Interior doors are five-Cross panel, with trim and flooring to match, all yellow pine, in beautiful grain and color. Paint for three Ctult.“ outside, two brush coats of shingle stain for shingle siding. Varnish and wood filler for interior finish. Chicago Design hardware, see page 116. Built on a concrete block foundation and excavated under the entire house. When considering prices, note that this house has double floors on first floor, and is enclosed with good matched sheathing. Heating, \Viring, Electric Fixtures and Shades, see page 115 \our Hou ‘3$\\\§;§\<\\g¢ ,. %-inch beaded ceiling in SL‘CUOHS. Doors and Windows are hung in their frames fitted with \‘é‘V‘R‘N‘M‘ - mortise lock, hinges and window spring bolts. Joist hangers, strap irons. screws, metal clips, bolts furnished for §§§ ’ assembling. Outside of buildings primed with one coat of gray paint. High grade SEA GREEN FIRE-CHIEF §}}‘$\‘:‘§\‘§‘ ' SHINGLE ROLL ROOFING furnished for all buildings. except steel garages. See the page on the inside back cover 5““, of this book which shows FIRE—CHIEF ROOFING in colors. All wooden or Ready Made Buildings shipped » from our own factory in SOUTHERN ILLINOIS. Steel garage 55MH193 shipped from OHIO factory. f READY MADE ISI'ILDINGS MAY BE I’SED THE YEAR AROL'ND as permanent dwellings by lining ' them with I’ecrlcss \Vall Board, as described in our Catalog of Ready Made Buildings 456MB. Our Section- al Houses are well constructed of durable material and can be placed on regular foundations of concrete or brick. with a basement underneath so that heating plants and plumbing tixtures can be put in, making attractive. per- ? mancnt homes at a remarkably small cost. No Sawing, No Nailing, No Fitting SIMI’LEX SECTIONAL PORTABLE Ill 'II.I)I NUS (Ready Made) should not be confused with cut to fit houses. because our Simplex Buildings are MADE IN SECTIONS 5 feet wide. ready to BOLT TOGETHER. They can be 55MH134— P°rtabl° Barnv “5‘15 feet. (31‘0“ dim“ 1‘5 “Wily (is they can be putup. No sawing. nailiiu or fitting is ncccssary. because Simplex Houses king??Xi(fij.gil,.f91r(Evoghgrftes and. a carriagewl‘vlvg ‘ {Cllt‘ll 3'911 2111111th framed and tilted with doors and windows hung in their frames so that they can be set up by {81?Lfgéj $313“ng feds: dgiihleaiZJZOligmgia fgel inexperienced workmen, A medium sized Simplex llouw can be completed to lch in within a day or two after you Shippingth about 7.000155. ' ‘ receive it. Garages can be put up in a day or less. csiwciully if the foundation is prepared in advance. l’rice, without floor ......... $407.00 These I’ortablc (‘ottagcs are ideal for use at Summer resorts and camps. because they can be quickly put up at Price, with floor (shipping the lX‘L’lntllllil 0f the season and then taken down and moved to a new location or stored away for the next season or weight, about 8,300 pounds) ...... 487.00 left standing as a permanent houso. ' ‘ . . A ticatlyalcsiuncnl Portable Cottage is far more healthful to live in than a tent. and their greater durability will r'" . offset the difference in cost. 5’ ’_ i' I" \ NOTI‘Zle‘lHly Made Buildings are now sold on the installment plan. Sec opposite page. C ‘ ' I l A l hree-Room House Ihis picture shows all the sections on the This picture, taken an hour and a half after ground ready for (‘l‘t‘t‘thIL They include the work was started, shows three Sides of the i floor, walls and root sections of our thrcc- buildin r m )OSlthII, wart of the interior par- , , , s . . ‘ room Ready Made House SSMHIZZ shown titions and most of the floor sections set in , on page 107. place. L?“ new.“ ._ _-. . 55MH193— Portable Fireproof Garage. Made of No. 2(J-gauge galvanized corrugated steel, bolts included. Hinged double doors, 8x8 feet. {a glared With Wire ribbed glass. Floor not included. h Size. 9 ftl. 4% in. by 12 ft. 8% in. Slipg. wt., “$43.99 . 3’? . .. ............. $1 44.00 abi'ufieiéi‘s‘ib?‘ “" by ‘5 “'231'752‘5’33 £35,221}; 4y a: 13911 my. 4... so; w... " 4:“.Icez..,.l’?: ............... 191.00 Size. 9 a. 4y in. b 20 a. 2 ' . Sl . ., about 1.4401115.“ y 94 m W W W Price ...... ....-...o.o...--. - ’ _’—~'-f: Page 106 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND C0., CHICAGO 55MH125 — Three-Room For t a bl a House, 27x21 feet INSIDE. Livtng room, 12x15 ft.; bedrooms. 12x12 ft. and 9x12 ft.; porch, 6x27 _55MH187-—-Five-Room Portable House, 27x33 feet INSIDE. Living room. 12x15 ft.: dining room. 12x12 ft.; bedroom. 12x13 ft.; kitchen. 12x12 ft. with closet and pantry; bedroom. 9x12 ft.; porch. 6x18 t. 5 ~ ‘ . - k - . ft. Shpg. wt., abt. 11,500 lbs. ‘eePrice,hilii)crliii:lgin§?i§gi‘. ab.0.u.t. .lq./00.p?u.nfj.s ....... . $1 , 6.00 Price. including floor . . . . 8 13690 Lined with Peerless Wall Board. $298.00 extra. / I exalaned With Peerless Wall B o a rd , S . Prices Subject to Market Changes. 55MH122—Three- Room Portable Summer " ‘="""“” Cottage, 15x21 feet INSIDE. Living room. 9x15 feet; kitchen. 12 fest by17< ffeet 6 iéikches; bedrgorg,81020 flget by 7 feet 6 inches; porc . 5x . eet. pg. wt.. :1. t. , s. Price, including floor .................... $592.00 Lined with Peerless Wall Board. $121.00 extra. ‘ * F urnishecl in Sections 55 (eet INSIDE. Sliding double doors. 8x8 feet; wall ( r Q 55MH106 Three-Room Portable House. sections of yellow pine paneled with Sea Green Slate A B It . . . _ Surfaced Roofing. Five windows and one rear door. n one an O , 18XZI 33e9thNtS'1113tEh L1v91n9g {rootrm 12xhl8éeit8,lf)edt Floor not furnished. Shipping weight. about » room. X 86. tc en. x 86 , Dorc . X ee . Lined with Peerless Wall Board. $125.00 extra. ”been: ............... $46 1.00 Them Together Sh;‘:t§:.g.;v:t:}:.:“;£;‘?‘??.‘Pf;. $776.00 An actual record proved by photographs shows a three-room house made ready for occu- pancy in eight hours. (See pictures at the bottom of this and the opposite page.) Our system of using tong‘hed and grooved sections simplifies the erection and makes the walls weathertight. Read what this pleased customer says about his garage. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago. Ill. _ . 908 Elizabeth Street. Utica, N. Y. Sirsz—The garage I bought of you iii up and I am well satisfied With it. I had one man help me and neither one of us is a carpenter. \Ve commenced at 1:00 p. m. and bad the building all up. except hanging the doors, a: 6:00 p. 111. Everything worked fine and the garage is O. K. Xours trulY. THOMAS PLATT. Erect lt Today—Live in It Tomorrow The statements of our many pleased customers are proof that our Simplex Portable Buildings can be easily and quickly put together. The ease and rapidity Wlth which they can be set up means a big savmg in time and labor expense. This man erected his house in two days. Sears. Roebuck and Co., Chicago, 111. A stin. Neb. " u Gentlemenz—When I received your portable house I had it up and the family_in it within forty-eight hours and they have lived in it ever since. By lining it on the inside it has done very well for the Winter and it has been a very cold Winter. ‘36? have never had occasion to take it down and it has been a very useful house for me and it lookl like it would he a useful house for a good many years yet. Very truly yours, JOHN VANDERGRIFT. ' moi-5301:3322Exggufltillgltgi‘DIgonfilirifigSr‘olo-r‘n- With every building we furnish a set of easily understood instructions and also a set of blue print plans explaining ”‘15 F"; two bedrooms' 9‘9 “'With Closetsiki-mhgn' the simple method of assembling the sections. The numbers on the plans correspond with the numbers stamped 3?:ng 1:131:35? ‘i’g‘fggégpfignfifm 6x” fi' Shippmg on the wall. sections. _ . . _ Price, including floor. . . $ 1 ,032.00 Our buildings represent big values. By ordering now you can benefit by our low prices. Do not delay taking Lined with peerless Wall Board, $188.00 extra. advantage of the bargain buildings offered on this and the opposite page. TERMS: . You may remit by checlr, draft or money order, the full amount in advance. If interested in Easy Payments, write for particulars and give name and number of building wanted. Up in Eight Hours By 11 o’clock the entire wall and interior This picture shows the house completed and the partition sections have been put in position “Len t’e?dfi’t if ‘50 h0g1? haw” figmple‘etd the ’0‘) 1‘; ' ' ' a 011 61g OUTS. lS proves e grea economy 0 and all the doors and Windows hung m the” our Simplex Ready Made Buildings and illustrates frames. how easily the parts are assembled. 5.5MH111—Portable Wood Garage 1n sections of well seasoned yellow pine lumber, ready to bolt together. Hinged double doors, 8x8 feet; one single sash hinged window included. Outside of garage painted gray and all necessary hardware furnished. Floor not included. Size, INSIDE. 9x12 feet. Shipping weight, about 2,000 pounds. 1 f Price ............ .......... a , Size. INSIDE, 9x15 feet. Shipping weight, abou 2,300 pounds. r ce ........... 1 .-......... I Size. INSIDE. 9x18 feet. Shipping wt.. about lute. $232.00 . ii SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO I , Page 107 E 3%- §: §- §- §: \- §- §- §= E §: §- 7 \\\ x A 3 V \ ;\ llllllllllll , / , r‘ 3‘} 1 11 3‘. _. 1‘} ,la-‘ '.‘ —,’ V" (‘ ~'-., 'g On these two [ngcs “'0 lllustmto some 01 the high grmlv products turmshml Iwr our (Inn‘n‘nt Modern ‘ . , . Hmmw, Anwvnilnu tn 14.1w ‘m‘i spvvimxmuns. The «111.1113 M 11w < ' : . = ' ~ g . " nutmul mmi 111 I‘m nmnxxtmlmv Hf IE:« 9» IiLIImmxx JHu‘Ix‘i 01 111111 ‘ ». \ ' _ ’ -- ' ; \\'4»rk..1>‘.\m1 \\'?ll nmtivo by I'Iw luxmxiful mum. rs slricth' ms: L‘lass. i . ' ~ ‘ _ ‘ . V 'l‘hv warkm‘mmm is “\vv‘tlr'nt. Thv Josiurw arc gru‘vl'ul ‘md ‘ mmlmn. 8w inx'Mv Hunt vuwr I‘lm‘. Shn\\'!11\.1h0\\' our dams and a Mont vmmm‘o n‘sgmml In \wv‘mr thu'tmont. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH'IIlllllllllllllllllllIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIII \\“\\\‘\\m\w ‘ “ \Ww {\Q II"-§ —108— ’ ’ .L m \ \ \\\<\\\\\\W\\§\ \\ x m \ : QWW\ \\w\\\\\\ \x\ \ \ \ \\\\~\\\\\\\\ \\\\\:\ \ \\\m\\\\\\\ \f‘mm \\\\\\\§ \\\\\\ § ,\ \\ &\\ _ \& \ \ L 1 L1 .\*'\\ 1_ \\-\~\\ \\\\\\\\«_\\\ l'ne stairmork, the porchwork the (loors, windows and frames for 50ur \lodcrn llomc are manufactured in om- of thL larrcst mill 1‘ ork factoriLs 1n thL country E xpL rt mLchanics and mOdLrn machinLry insure per- fe: ’ made mill work. Your mill work will roach you in spotless Lond1 1on,rLarlyfor r aint, stain or Varnish thL moment it is installLd. —109— / w ; 2/2, «3/ , nulllllllllnlunununlnnununInnnnnnlununuuuullullu]lunuununluuirnunnuuumuuImn1umImlunlnnruuuuliiifluifllllilll . BUILT-IN MEDICINE CASE. SPECIFICATIONS. Recess opening in wall, 1 foot 7 inches wide by 2 feet 4 inches high. Depth over all, 4 inches. Size of door, 1 foot 6 inches wide by 1 foot 11 inches high. Bevel plate mirror, 14 inches wide by 18 inches high, l-inch bevel. Three adjustable wood shelves. Furnished with trim as shown in illustration. 63MH8686—Clear Yel- low Pine, glazed with bevel platemirror. Price. each ....... .S13.80 63MH8687—Clear Oak, glazed with bevel plate mirror, as illustrated. Price, each ........ $15.40 Same design as above, only made larger. Opening in wall, 1 foot 91/,- inclies wide by 2 feet 3 inches high. Size of door, 1 foot 8 inches by 2 feet 1 inch high. 63MH8602—Clear Yellow Pine. glazed with lain plate mirror. I’rice, each ................... $1£20 Notch-This case shipped in the white, that is, without paint or varnish. WALL MEDICINE CASE. ‘\ SPECIFICATIONS. White Enamel Finish. Towel Roller. Out s i d e measurements, 19% inches wide by 26%; in. ,‘ high by 4 inches deep. Heavy bevel plate mirror, 14 inches wide by 20 inches high. Comes complete with nickel plated hardware, ready to hang on the wall and use. 3MH773 — Medicine C a bin 0 t and fittings, Complete, as described above. Price, each. . . . ..$19.10 ..!*\ m ,,,._..s,.... a A HANDY PANTRY CASE. SPECIFICATIONS. Furnished only in best quality clear yellow iine. lVIade In three widths, 3 ft. 6 in., 4 ft., and ti ft. Gin. Height from floor to counter. 2 feet 10‘; inches. Depth of counter from front to back, 1 foot (.7 inches. Size of door, 1 foot 6 inches by 2 feet 5 inches. Case made of 31-inch stock. Three large drawers, 7 Inches deep. Small drawer for silver, 4 inches deep, divided in three sections. Made up in one section ready to set in place. \‘Vorkniansliip the best. Shipped from factory in WESTERN OHIO. 63M H8651 Size, 3 ft. Gin. wide. Slipg. wt., 160 lbs. Eacli.$25-45 Size. 4 ft. wide. Slipg. \\'t., 8 lbs. Each. . 7.60 Size. 4 ft. 6 in. wide. Slipg. wt., 200 lbs. Each. 30.30 ~ BUILT-IN IRONING BOARD. r The items shown on this page are being speci- fied by builders everywhere. If your specifications do not call for these items be sure to order them extra. They can be shipped with the balance of the mill work and installed at a very low cost, while the carpenters are on the job. A medicine case in your bathroom, a buffet in your dining room, a pantry case in your pantry or a mirror door in your bedroom are conveniences that will add materially to the pleasure and comfort you will secure from your new home. Hardware to match balance of hardware in your house included with each item. A MIRROR DOOR FOR YOUR BEDROOM. Do not fail to install one of these mirror doors in your bed- room. Thcy are made with large full length mirror of heavy bevel plate glass. The back of the door is the five—cross panel style. 1% INCHES THICK. Price, In- Catalog Vidth, Height, Kind of \Vood cludingBevel No. Ft. In. lit. In. l’late Mirror 63MII16779 2 (l 6 8 White Pine $43.95 63MH16780 2 0 (i 8 Birch Veneer 50.80 63Mll1678l 2 0 6 S Oak Veneer 45.35 63Mll16782 2 4 (i 8 \\'hite l’iiie 52.90 63MHIG783 2 4 6 x Birch Veneer 60.45 63MH16784 2 4 6 8 Oak Veneer 54.40 63MII16785 2 4 7 U \V'hite I’ine 56-05 63MH16786 2 4 7 (l liirch Veneer 64.15 63Mlllt$787 2 4 7 0 Oak Veneer 57.40 Our big Mill Work Catalog, showing a com- plete line of doors, windows, moldings, stair work, porch work, cabinets, colonnades, etc., contains many more suggestions. If you haven't a copy in your possession be Bure to send for one. Ask for Catalog No. 543MH. This is one complete unit, consisting of an ironing board and a sleeve board. It is securely fitted in a heavy frame backed with beaded ceiling, ready to set between studs. It is trimmed with a neat design of casing to be initered and fitted on the job. Everything necessary to set in this desirable built-in ironing board is furnished, including hardware. "lli‘ SPECIFICATIONS. Opening in the wall, 14 inches wide, 80 inches high, 415 inches deep, made to tit between studs, set lo inches on center. Iron- ing boaid is ll 1;} inches wide by 55 inches long, set 3.! inches from floor. Sleeve board, 5 inches Wide by .13 inches long. 63M H376—Price for complete unit as described. $17.65 NOTE—This built-Iii ironing board can be furnished with a small bieaktast table, 2.2}; inches wide by 40 inches long. 63MH377——(‘oniplete unit as above, with tsable scribed.. ..... ......................... ......... . d e- A new and very desirable design of breakfast alcove. It has many new features to appeal to the housewife who desires iieutness combined with utility. The table. can be lifted out of the way so as not to interfere with scrubbing or sweeping. Can also be made to slide down against the wall. in case. the method shown should interfere with a window or cupboard. SPECIFICATIONS. blade of clear Arkansas pine, the table is ’2 feet 6 inches wide by 4 feet long. It is .2 feet 0 inches from floor to top. Each bench is 4 feet long and 1 foot 7 inches wide on seat. It is 1 foot (1 inches from floor to seat and 3 feet 3 inches from floor to top of bench back. Solid construction to allow secure crating. Necessary hardware, such as hinges, etc., attached. 63MH378—Breukfust alcove as described above. Price,comiilete............. ........ .............$27-35 varnished.) SPECIFICATIONS. Size of recess in the wall, 1 foot 6 inches by 1 foot 10 inches. Depth over all, 4 inches. Size of door, 1 foot 5% inches by 1 foot 9% inches. Size of bevel plate mir- ror, 14x18 inches. Contains two adjustable wood shelves. complete set of mitered trim. 63MH8688 — C I e a r Yellow Pine, glazed bevel plate mirror. Price. each . . . . .512.70 63MH8689—Clear Red Oak, glazed bevel plate mirror. Price, each ............... $13.60 Note—The above furnished in the white, that is, without paint or varnish. WALL MEDICINE CASE. . ”WV T— W, SPECIFICATIONS. ' White Enamel Finish. Outside measurements, 16 finches wide by 22 inches high " by 5% inches thick. Heavy ,Zbevel plate mirror, 12 inches ' wide by 18inches high. Com- 5, plete with nickel plated hard- ;ware and adjustable shelves, i ready to hang on the wall and ’1 / i use. } 63MH772 —- Medicine C a bi n e t and fittings, _ ’-' complete as described above. Price, each ..... $ 16.25 A LATE MODEL BUFFET. The Buffet shown here is the very latest design. It is identical with buffets now being used in most modern apartments and residences in the larger cities. One of its special features is that it is made to set against the wall. It can be used either in a new or an old building. Made of the highest grade clear lumber. The workmanship is strictly highest class cabinet work. Mirror is heavy beveled plate glass. SPECIFICATIONS. \Vidth, 8 feet. Ileiglit, to top of counter shelf. 3 feet 5 inches. Depth, from front to back. foot inches. Mirrors are 19}; in. high; end mirrors are 21.55111. wide; center mirror is 38 inches wide. Furnished in clear oak. Hardware included in price. Height over all, feet 4 inches. 63MH18652 -—— Clear Oak. (Not stained or $164. 0 Price ....................... POPULAR BREAKFAST ALCOVE. . saws 1: a. ; . i l i i Q. .: / // ///////,/;///, /, » . ,H / . . _ . llllllll'lllllllllllllllllllll —116-7 ~ SEANAR, ROEBUCK AND CO CH|CAGO ‘1111111111111111111111 I111111111i11r1'11' 7/. ”my/w /////// / ""ll unw' MASNTEL A Rough Texture Brown Brick Mantel. $5652 A small attractive design, which will fit nicely into a den or library, It is 5 feet 10 inches wide, over all. “'idth of body, 5 feet. and 4 feet S inches from floor to top of mantel shelf. The fireplace opening is 36 inches wide by 25' inches high. The hearth is composed of quarry tile and is IS inches by 60 inches. The nooden shelf is made of oak and is shipped in the white, that is, without paint or varnish, from our big inillu‘ork factory in 01110. The balance of the mantel is shipped fltllll our factory in t‘HICAGO. Shipping weight. LEGO pounds. Solid Straight Grain Oak, Dark Golden High Gloss Finish. $97_5 Total height, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet or 4 feet 6 inches. State which or we will send 4 feet 6 inches. Shelf, 8 inches wide and 48 or 54 inches long, dependingr on the width of the mantel. Tile projection or pro- file, 7/3 inch; tile opening. 36x36 inches. Shipping weight. 85 pounds. Price does not include tile or grate. 63MH4645—Solid Straight Grain Oak Mantel, dark golden gloss finish. Price ................... $9.75 AND FIRE PLACE FURNISHINGS I FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS M. Cast Iron Andirons. Dull black finish. Height, 14 inches. - _ 63MH407I —L9,ngtll. 2M5 ‘ "’ . For. light u 00d or gas logs. in. \Veight. 55 lbs. Price. .95 Agity‘zmfiit7mi,,As?V2;$p Vt eight, packed, 20 pounds. . 63MH4072—{fggfivssé pitched, 3 pounds. ' 63MH4150—Price . . . . . .$2.25 Iron Fire Tools. Dull Black Finish. Stand and three tools, shovel, tongs and poker. \Vrought iron with cast iron handles; 25 inches - 7- , - Len.h,I. m,Lb I" r l hlgh. V‘ eight, packed, 20 lbs. ggmng : 3; gig n 39 S “egg-2321 63MH4160 33m”: : 33 13 5.5 625330 . 1. 70 6. Price, per set ............. $4.90 63MH4|85 20 80 7.7g 63MH3377 —- Mantels scribed ahmc, Portable Grates. Made of heavy cast iron, Weight. 50 pounds. in. Weight, 6“ lbs. 63MH4O in. Weight. 651bs. as de- l’riee ...... 56.55 Shipped from CHICAGO or Factory in OHIO. Cast Iron Throat amper. Dumping Bottom. ' / ’ 9/ ’ tions. Maximum 5128 dull black finish. .'0. of Fireplace “'cigh , 1 30x30 .40 lbs 63MH4070—Iength. 10 1M- 2 30x30 401m 3-} 42x3 ‘ 00 lbs Price .................. $5.85 4 48x36 0307le ..tlll iii. k ~ *5 _ \ _ w. W‘; I ‘ 1- - sews.» Shipped from factory in OHIO. Regulatinghandlecon- trols damper perfectly. Should be ordered be— fore chimney is built. No chance for error in building c h i mn ey if his damper is used according instruc- 63MH4 I 75 , t Price .n :fit llllllllllllr I I 5 ' 6.85 4 ‘3‘ t“ r.‘ 7-- 5 Cast Iron Andirons. Dull black ,n. H74 1. 63MH4I76 7 3 — Length, ' Price ........... 55c Pitt-ta. Terra Cotta Gas Logs. Terra Cotta is a hard tired product like fire brick, These logs are made to exactly imitate oak logs and with reasonable care will last a lifetime. Packed complete with stand and air niixer Other sizes listed in Special Mantel Catalog. 2?) 4 0 finish. Height, 17% inches. Post, 3 i n c h e 5 square. Head, 5 inches. \Yeight, boxed, 70 pounds. 63MH4 l 25 .......................... $7.30 Wire Spark Guards. Every fireplace should have a guard. The framework is made of heavy steel wire. The large mesh is heavy copper plated wire and is Price lined with fine wire cloth, all securely fastened together. Splendid value in a. low priced guard. \Vidth, Ht., \Vt., Price, In. In. Lbs. Each 63MH42|5 24x30 12 $l.85 63MH42|6 30x30 15 2.IO 63MH42I7 36x30 16 2,35 63MH42|8 30x36 19 2.50 Plain White Tile. 63MHIOOO Pure \Yhite Tile, without border. handled. 1-Inch White Hexagons, mounted on paper. square foot ..... . ........................... . ........... 37c 114—Inch “'hitc Hexagons. mounted on paper. square foot ............................. . .............. 40c 34-inch squares can also be had at 37 cents a square foot. FLOOR TILE Shipped from tile works in OHIO. The designs that we show here are particularly adapted to flooring bathrooms, kitchens. vestibules and porches. Tile flooring is first of all sanitary. It is also beautiful. enduring and easy to keep clean. Notice the tile floors in the banks and stores that you visit. They are subjected to the hardest tests and seldom show any signs of wear. Only first quality tile Price, per _ black and white. Price, per foot . .......... . Plain body of pure white squares, with fancy border in A very popular design. Including border, with plain center. Plain White Body. Black Border. 63MHl005 Price, per square .50c Red and White Tile. I=IIIIIIIlll-IIIIII‘IIII:‘==}=.=:l-: ‘I-I . . i l 63MHtoh| ’Hexagons and squares in red and white. able for vestibules and porches. Price, including border, per square foot. . . . . .. . . . . . .. III. I llllllll .. , Border, 8 squares (6% inches) wide. 41 cents per lineal foot.) ' TILE IS EASILY LAID. The designs are worked out at the factory, then the tile is pasted on sheets of paper about 2 feet long and 1 foot wide, so that it is only necessary to lay these squares in a properly prepared cement bed and remove the paper. He sure to figure the cost of tiling your bath- room or kitchen and include a tile floor in your order for your Modern Home. ° 11 ' - - Especla y (135” white squares. kitchens. .54c (\Vhen sold alone, Very much in demand for bathrooms and Price, including border, per square foot... ............. 53c Border, 8 squares (6% inches) wide. sold alone. 41 cents per lineal foot.) Tl; _ . ' 63MH1035 This design is worked out in three colors: blue, gray and (Border only, when SEARS, ROEBUCK AND C0., CHICAGO Page 111 3flg?IIIIuIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIluulIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIquIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII §)? 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Complete plans and instructions for installing furnished free. 11111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 111111 11111111111111111 k I r. 1 1 «1.» n ”Hung-1 W I ’1‘ '0‘ I, . 1.1mm: k ImmunmImmIermnmImmumnmnmmimmmm111111111111nunnmn‘nmumun 111111111111 1111 .I I.IlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111IIII1IIIIII11IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I11II IIIII1I111II11.1111“IIIIIIJII III III IIIIIIIIIIIIII I'II II|111’II'III: IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIi1I1 III!" 111I1 111] 11111111 III ‘ I‘III1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. :1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111wnmnmnnmrnnnnmmnm1Eé o “UlllllllllllllllllllIIlIIlIIIIiIlIlIlllllllllllllIllIIll1lllllIlllllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIllllllll l|llIlllllIlIIIIIIIIlIIIllIllllllIli. Page M? SEA RS. 11015191 (‘11 . llIllllllIiIlhlllu)JIIQII 111111111111111111 111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1-\ ' \< ,.\\l_\_),,,.a WA—w , 7‘ 7 7 *1 ’1 AND (70., CHICAGO 5);: WWWMUWMWW (gruntnurixuimmniimnhxmiiinniirriinxriirrmiirrimirnuiuiiMmmrmimmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmm “‘0’ .._ __ vficr umunmnnrtumil <1 \l Complete Plumbing System. Complete plumbing system includes this Perfection bathroom outfit, a 30-gallon galvanized range boiler, two-compartment laundry tub. size 24x48 inches, one- piece sink. size 18x30 inches, with drain board and all necessary cast iron soil pipe. calking lead. oakum. galvanized supply and waste pipe, galvanized fittings, faucets. traps and connections; in fact, everything required to install the entire plumbing system in a first class. sanitary manner. \Ve furnish full plans and instructions for in- stalling. Any handy man can easily do the work. All connections are threaded for iron pipe. Water supply system not included. Entire system guaranteed to give satisfactory service. ‘nmmnnmmumunnnmmlmrmmmmumnnmmmunnummnmmn “um1vumiInnmxunnmmmnmmmmuummnmnnmummnmmumnmmmnm <' t - r) mnmmnmnmm m v Hm m m mm” m. m m I mnmnu in) nu n “m ””th m 1 [ml [1“th «film mu n . I r .r l m H ”II my I 1 [ll 1 Hm mm x. H mm H n SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO, CHICAGO HI} i' 'd ii iiill llK l' l' l'IIli llll ll' iniiuni'i"innininni‘irriii‘i‘ifimnimm nnnni“; A m;"v.,w;..... No. 9266—T R I P L IS U N I T CLOTHES CLOSET. Irit for the finest “HONOR BILT" Modern Ilomc. Room fur the most 'cnrnplcte wardrobe. Three mirror doors.snhung that one can sec himself from any Vicwpnint. No. 9264 S I N (l I. E E l r E l i E I F : i t >—« : H E E . a , L: .1 3 l t. 9 4 t : i ‘E 1 . F IF f .r c: E . .H l i : i. t : :1 E :. V r L . c l: l E H t ‘E L i: =: v in"? No. 9265—DOL’BLE U N I T C L O T H E S CLOSET. Ample to serve two peo- pie—contusion impossible. Shoes in sep- arate draw- 6 r s , w h e r e dust cannot accumulate. /‘/‘HONOR BILT” CONVEN IENCES. Typical of the up to date ideas, honest construction, good material and carctnl planning of even the smallest detail, that charactvrizc "II()I\UR ISILT" Modern IIomcs. Thrjsc cluscts hold mare, and things are easier to find in thorn, than in old Iashiuru-d (‘lnscts hiking: twitc the spam. law are easier to clean. IILIIS, shuvs and garmcnts arc kcpt in lwtttr cunxiitinn. l ‘ N I T (‘LOTIIIZS C L() 8 IC ’1‘. Everything in plain Sight wht‘n door is 0 p v n t‘ d . N e at a n d Sijinvthing nmv in kitclit‘n Cupboards—a pcrt‘v‘i‘zlv saititarv built-in flour Inn! It swings like a duor and just as (‘asiiu .S' ti'wil li'm- a (ii‘artcr circlv, its rnundt‘d side is (if bright tin. Slln-lw‘s Cf‘lt’liil ermind‘i'i // back of thc bins and that space is immodiatclv available for A / stcragc (\r Cll'nl‘lfiij lw simply swinging Illt‘IldllS all the Il l‘l Ill TIT??? Ii'll' Ill lTllTlelTIm m i'l'Tl'll lllll minimmnmnnmnn’mmrmmnnnnnmimnmimmnminn III III] llIIIIIIlIIllAIIIIIIIllIIll‘lTE l'lll‘i i ‘51 HT]! ii compact. “113' out. Bins (‘ilSllY sunnwl and (ilrt‘d hv runny- / E . ‘I . .,l i a . ' i/ ‘ ingthc guns in ihv lzingcs. l‘..1Cl1l)lI‘i Ill‘l‘lS /./ E; \bwnls or tlour. /,// :7 , y: . £2 ‘ L: wuunnnr iiii.iii.. ..l 7"," ii.“ SECO I) I‘VII‘. Same as No. 9101. but With an extra drawer and cupboard (flour and longer shelves and working surtacc. _'_______________,_.__._._ Nice, Roomy Cupboards. J No. 9260—1'l'l‘l-IR SICC’I‘IUN, Attmht'd tm thv \\'.lll SM :is tn li'nw‘ Will‘king Sillim‘l‘ (it ln\\‘l‘l' Sl‘t'llflll «li‘JI‘ and easy to clam. Adjustable shclVi-s. No. 9261—I.0\\'l2l{ Sl-‘.(‘TIHN.W~ FIRST I'NI'I‘. Two sanitary S‘Alligr ing bins, cutli'ry diunwr with lm'ad board :dmvv, Ilvt‘p linvn (ll;1\\'(‘l' with . l (limr lu'lnw. and Sllt‘lVl‘S “hirh (*xtvnd _ , i3 ‘E zimun‘d hack (it tho liins. (m dunr is No. 9263~T II I R D I N IT. :3 ruck tor lids. Good size Sliding dough Same as No. 0301, but with_a third £5 a board. Clipboard door and still longer shelves and working sur- E ‘ ace. F631 , ‘ ‘ 1 'lllllil‘i iiiii‘li‘ —-Ar H ~~ mflLSGarsjeoebuC/c and Co. Chicago. mie-——~ ~—————A' —-1 14—— Window Shades for MODERN o Plumbing, Heating, Electric Lighting and HOMES Prices are shown here with page references to other pages where the outfits are illustrated. i HOT WATER STEAM \VARM AIR PIPELESS WINDOW HEATING HEATING HEATING FURNACE ELECTRIC WIRING AND SHADES PLUMBING PLANT PLANT PLANT FIXTURES .‘MODERN HOLIE ' Illustrated on Illustrated on Illustrated on Illustrated on Not Illustrated Page 124 Page 125 Page 126 Page 127 - Price. \Vitllout Price, \Vithout Price. “"ithout . - - Page Price Pipe Covering Pipe Covering Pipe Covering Prlce Price Page Price Adams.. ........... 128 $354.17 $712.44 $564.42 $311.63 $161.83 $652.60 118-119 $36.16 Adeline ............ 129 236.01 267.44 243.52 134.41 136.11 79.52 123 10.17 Alhambra. . ........ 128 353.91 689.72 570.30 327.60 183.09 433.86 118-119 57.63 Almo ......... . . . . . Not Illustrated 246.28 230.31 218.96 136.49 136.1 1 85.16 123 10.17 Alpha......... ..... 129 266.27 401.47 304.43 243.58 155.11 98.81 111 12.43 Americus..." ...... 128 364.86 482.72 378.77 278.28 166.90 286.63 109 24.86 Arcadia... ....... Not Illustrated 49.92 268.12 222.17 138.72 .............. 86.04 123 11.30 Ardara............. 128 317.81 428.67 333.42 187.36 .............. 330.40 121 22.60 Argyle. ........ ... 128 335.13 368.37 299.37 174.51 155.11 125.17 122 21.47 Arlington...... 128 435.47 520.52 424.57 268.53 .............. 284.58 121 35.03 Ashmore. ..... . . . . . 128 338.57 601.22 552.55 230.29 . . . ........... 258.45 120 44.07 Atlanta ....... . . . . . 129 809.90 1,050.15 848.40 846.58 . . . .......... 454.20 122 49.72 Auburn. . ..... . . . . . 128 363.50 699.62 565.67 325.41 . . . . ..... 247.09 121 36. 16 Avalon... . .........128 336.75 556.92 438.62 225.20 . .......... 314.98 108 21.47 A\'0nda.le........... 129 304.64 513.62 419.02 232.07 155.87 329.60 120 27.12 Bandon ........ . . . . 129 244.92 535.64 405.7 1 202.95 .............. 310.04 121 25.99 Beaumont ....... . . . 128 361.54 551.42 437.22 233.10 183.09 264.90 121 22.60 Belmont ......... . . 128 340.91 446.67 361.47 189.46 .............. 310.04 120 31.64 Brookside.... 129 251.29 310.78 257.65 141.76 .............. 106.86 123 13.56 Castleton.. ...... . . . 129 264.40 506.17 416.87 289.68 180.17 187.58 122 25.99 Chelsea. . .......... 129 281.71 490.32 417.67 275.43 178.65 156.20 122 23.73 Cl ‘d 9030 129 245.56 328.87 217.52 140.64 136.11 146.63 122 17.00 3 e" """7030 129 49.07 330.62 261.01 148.38 ........ .. . 164.95 122 14.69 Columbine. . . ...... 128 337.09 433.95 332.75 226.35 .............. 161.71 110 23.73 Concord. . . . . ...... 129 278.68 487.72 410.77 269.55 178.65 173.08 123 21.47 Corona. . . . . ....... 128 362.46 670.13 549.64 305.95 .............. 279.18 120 37.29 C Q t 7039} Not Illustrated 50.91 345.57 271.47 176.51 153.98 125.88 111 14.69 “men - - - - ‘3084 128 335.13 368.37 299.37 174.51 155.1 1 123.06 122 21.50 Delevanu .......... 129 238.59 229.59 218.24 140.64 134.59 78.79 123 11.30 Del Rey...... ...... 129 252.21 468.59 361.85 201.91 .............. 276.24 109 23.73 Dundee............ Not Illustrated 70.22 282.12 226.07 148.37 136.66 85.58 110 16.95 Durham. . . ........ 129 336.14 660.62 550.47 324.97 .............. 166.40 122 30.51 Elmwood.. ..... . 129 251.02 455.12 367.37 219.40 186.13 321.00 121 24.86 Elsmore... ......... 128 328.07 401.97 317.52 185.06 .............. 129.59 122 19.21 Flossmoor .......... 129 275.52 475.92 370.97 248.40 158.61 151.57 122 23.73 Glendale ........... 129 271.43 488.63 417.63 284.89 160.31 134.56 122 28.25 Glyndon ........... 129 270.14 458.00 363.17 205.40 160.31 125.99 122 25.99 Harmony.. .. ....... 129 245.88 292.62 233.87 172.86 153.14 75.24 110 14.69 Hazelton ...... ..... 129 250.56 444.50 361.50 183.05 155.11 119.98 122 23.73 Hillrose ............ 129 322.41 734.10 590.35 335.14 .............. 316.08 121 35.03 Hollywood .......... 128 340.45 540.97 452.42 189.64 .............. 198.01 120 25.99 Homeville .......... 128 336.13 436.57 343.67 224.25 155.66 160.78 110 24.86 Honor ............. 128 452.45 774.64 604.09 348.97 .............. 234.74 110 41.81 Hopeland .......... 129 309.03 555.72 523.87 323.84 .............. 165.28 123 27.12 Ionia .............. Not Illustrated 49.13 277.62 223.03 137.27 135.82 67.40 111 10.17 Josephine .......... 129 245.00 320.16 250.83 179.76 134.98 91.98 111 13.56 Kilbourne ..... . . . . . withoutattlc. . . 128 342.72 466.67 358.87 225.10 .............. 155.36 110 20.34 . “1th amc ...... 128 345.00 558.52 432.17 277.40 .................. . ......... 110 Klemet. . 129 245.97 271.41 227.42 142.72 136.11 88.38 123 11.30 Lakeland.. ......... 129 515.16 777.62 654.57 421.96 314.06 473.33 122 36.16 Langston ........... 129 258.01 434.00 345.27 211.15 160.31 137.01 122 24.86 Lebanon. . ......... 129 256.18 352.90 288.77 215.74 161.07 120.98 122 18.08 Lexington .......... 128 503.14 921.90 717.00 325.44 .............. 1,013.74 118-119 59.89 Lorne .............. 129 292.13 425.87 314.17 183.96 .............. 115.03 110 23.73 Bladelia ............ 129 260.00 530.72 405.95 237.27 159.55 147.85 22 20.34 llagnolla. .......... 128 695.10 931.80 705.75 372.93 .............. 879.64 118—119 106.22 llarlna. . . . ........ 129 265.13 316.17 293.47 214.53 161.07 175.14 110 19.21 llarquette. . . . ._. . ._. . 128 361.67 460.97 357.48 228.27 162.23 150.47 122 22.60 “3‘10va 101:) 129 256.68 475.00 388.37 226.12 161.07 160.36 122 24.86 ‘ - * ‘ '304: I 129 256.68 522.00 372.00 248.00 ............. 169.97 122 24.86 Olivia .............. 129 243.57 229.60 218.24 140.64 134.59 76.65 123 12.43 Osborn. . . . ........ 128 329.74 464.92 363.52 180.00 .............. 337.63 120 21.47 Preston. ............ 128 361.69 732.94 591.29 316.43 .. . .. 764.45 118—119 49.72 Princevllle. ......... 129 237.45 486.47 378.95 277.82 183.09 229.31 121 36.16 Not Illustrated 49.07 258.42 211.27 134.41 134.59 69.85 122 10.17 129 279.38 480.12 409.97 256.33 .............. 177.85 122 27.12 128 354.20 448.20 343.42 259.82 162.40 159.32 122 28.25 129 250.42 294.15 243.25 142.72 136.1 1 99-53 123 10.17 Roseberry .......... 129 280.51 356.11 286.47 205.00 158.79 109.30 123 19.21 Rosita, 20’x20’ ...... Not Illustrated 49.93 268.12 218.27 136.65 134.59 65.29 123 11.30 Rosita, 24’124’ ...... Xot Illustratwl 49.93 268.12 218.27 136.65 134.59 65.29 123 11.30 Saranac ............ Not Illustrated 44.56 328.87 217.52 140.64 136.11 80.06 123 10.17 Saratoga ........... _ 128 356.72 539.22 437.22 289.78 .............. 470.50 118—119 33.90 Seagmve ........... I\ot Illustrated 104.06 625.64 638.34 392.54 322.14 145.76 123 20.34 Sherburne... ....... 1 128 358.73 568.67 443.52 270.63 180.93 283.16 121 28.25 Silverdale .......... l 129 269.76 444.77 352.27 212.78 180.17 146.71 122 22.60 Somerset... ........ , 129 237.02 357.92 282.97 171.15 155.87 126.05 122 12.43 Springwood. .. 129 253.93 417.19 320.44 190.51 155.70 128.51 123 22.10 Starlight. ...... 129 243.03 310.55 256.00 170.19 155.11 120.60 111 14.69 Stone Ridge ....... 128 335.40 465.32 351.57 196-26 155.66 245.44 109 25.99 Sunnydell ..... . . . . . 128 347.07 453.67 345.52 244.73 159.88 81.13 110 12.43 Urld. 129 250.77 338.12 253.37 205.62 153.98 147.35 110 20.34 Valley: . . .......... 129 246.67 296.12 248.63 147.22 135.82 97.98 110 13.56 \:allonla............ 128 352.59 408.10 304.00 186.21 .............. 147.06 110 19.21 \verndale........... 129 248.78 282.79 225.99 145.81 134.14 114.49 111 14.69 \.§:r0na""""""' 128 386.58 790.52 608.37 325.35 .............. 799.51 118-119 39.55 \.l“?m°nt' . . . . . . . . . Not IllustratEd 48.21 277.62 223.03 139.37 135.82 83.64 111 11.30 \lnlta. .. . ...... . 253.66 410.96 311.91 189.76 155.66 135.72 111 20.34 V\_abash.. . . . . . . .. zxot Illustrated 49.49 347.34 285.90 142.88 136.11 88.18 123 14.69 \Vvalton. . . . . . . . . . .. 128 340.91 492.25 373.61 190.00 .............. 239.23 108 20.34 \1 areham. . . . ...... 129 266.01 482.72 416.87 259.81 160.31 158.42 122 28.25 \Vestly ..... . ....... 128 344.38 450.47 371.79 267.78 .............. 244.99 121 25.99 “:hltehall. . ........ 129 268.82 391.07 311.37 215.69 159.55 105.79 123 22.60 \Klnona..........~.. 129 255.53 343.67 268.57 172.27 155.11 130.60 122 21.47 woodland 2001“ 128 1 329.43 468.17 368.67 260.34 161.07 331.42 121 23.73 ' ' ' '3023 128 343.88 514.98 405.53 386.37 177.17 357.88 122 28.25 In the case of those few houses in the above list where the or regular warm air heating system. price of the pipeless furnace is not extended, we recommend hot water, steam ISEARS, ROEBUCK AND C0., CHICAGO Page 115 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIII me 1 1111111 ||||||||1|||1||1||l||1| 11111 W 11111 11161 gym 11111111111111.11111 I IHIIIIIHm1111111111111111111111111111.” 111111111111111 111111III1111111111111 111111111111111111 1111 11 1111111111111111111111111 111111 Chicago Design Hardware for “Honor Bilt” Modern Homes. From this assortment we select the hardware for your Modern Home, accordmg to number of rooms as per speCIficat1ons furnished. Front and rear door lock sets and push plate are made of genuine brass, old copper finish. Inside door and sliding door lock sets are made of electro plated steel, old copper finish. Bathroom door lock set is made of electro plated steel, old copper finish outside, niLkel plated finish inside to match the b2111111Le of bath- room l11rdxv1rL Other exposul items haxe copper plated finish, ‘15 thus securing 1 uniform trL 1t111L11t throughout 1 \ the house. : I II I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIn Illlllllll I II II II“ I'lmfillll IAA IIII II" II IIII ( 1 1111:111 1111111111111111111111111111111l1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 '111111111111111 11.111111 1 11111111 111111 111111111111111.11111111211111111 111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIuIIIII I I I IIIII III HlflnnlflTunlflmmmn ivffmnfrmnnnrmrmnmmmuuunmmnnnnnI IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII : 11111'11'1'111111111' 11 11111 111111 '1'1111111111111111 Page 116 S] 1R8, 4ND 00., 011104110 ROEB [1 CK IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IllulunmunumImummmInn-unumuuum a; Mnmulllll Stratford Design Hardware for “Honor Bilt” Modern Homes. From this assortment we select the hardware for your Modern Home. according to number of rooms as per specifications furnished. HHTIIIHIIIITIIHIIIIHHU Sliding door. front door, rear door lock sets and push plate shown above are made of genuine brass. lemon finish. 11mm?) ‘ lelfimmnmmmnnmxmnnmnmnmn Inside door lock set is made of electro plated steel, lemon brass finish. Bathroom door lock set is made of genuine brass. lemon finish outside ‘ ’ . ; 1., a g and nickel plated finish inside to match the balance of bathroom hard- . « ' g ware, which is all nickel finish. g Other exposed items are lemon brass finish, except coat and hat hook " Wt”? Qt which has a copper plated finish. ‘3’?" i l E | = mmmmnnnnmmnn XIII _ A .__,,~______.___.__._.____.___.__ nullunlllullullll InIInIInunlullnnlnulnll I Illllll WW ‘HWHIH n nu llll ll u a SEARS ROEBUCK AuND C0., CHICAGO Page 117 See Prices for the Sunburst Outfit and Houses for Which It Is Furnished on Page 115. nfxi A:[[1111vanrmmmmnnmmnnnnmnmmnmxmummumn IIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllll"In!"IIlI‘ll"IIMllllllIlllIllIllIllllllllllllllllllln '3); ,- \ W» Ilhxrl‘ (Mn mm Hun). llllll iilllllllllllll l|l|||HHlliH DINING ROOM LIVING ROOM m; : ‘ Y W1:HimmHmWWWwzwwwarwwww11W MW ‘ ' BEDROOM n mununmnuuuununulumunnnuumu = ‘ ‘ a " ‘ "" " KITCHEN FRONT \ ' 3"“ ‘ * “Ill HIM IIllIllllIIIIllIIIIIIlllllIllIII|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII||II|IIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIlllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllilllll l'"Ill“""“llllllllllllllflll llllllllllm IllIllIlllllllllllIl|ll|l|I|||l|lllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllll 539.463 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 931?} lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll (5*:a Page 118 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO .1 See Prices for The Sunburst Outfit and Houses for Which It Is Furnished on Page 115. \\"7/ BEDROOM mum yin—11111111111111111111111111111111111111 uuurunirmun mmmmummummunnnnmnnmmu IIIuIIIluluuumuuululI 1mm Fine and Period Electric Light Fixtures. From this assortment we select fixtures for your Modern Home, according to size and number of rooms shown on plans Six-light fixtures and one and twoJight brackets for living room are genuine brass in Colonial brass finish. Old rose color shades. Six-light chandelier and one and two-light brackets for dining roomarebrassinColonialbrass finish. Satin_ finish etched shades The one—light hall lantern 15 made of genuine brass in Colonial brass finish with clear glass hexagon paneled globe. The upper hall fixture is made of genuine brass in brush ‘ (satin) brass finish with 8- inch cut glass globe. J The one- -light semi—indirect fixtures, with 10,11V and 11V2- inch 1 satin finish frosted bowls, for bedrooms and two one-light brackets for each bedroom are genuine brass in brush (satin) ‘ brass and black finish. Shades on brackets to match bowl 5 I f Two one-light brackets for bathroom are brass in nickel Elai finish and the one—light ceiling light for kitchen is genuine brass '1 in oxidized copper finish with 10- inch glass reflector. ‘ The two front porch brackets are iron in black finish. Rear porch light has porcelain socket and lamp guard. Sleeping(§)orchb ceiling light 15 made of genuine brass with 6- inch froste glass ball Ceiling light for rear hall and breakfast I alcove' 1s brass 1n brush (satin) brass and black finish with Grecian 5 key design 6-inch frosted glass ball Drop cord for pantry has I brass ceiling canopy with porcelain bushing. Drop cord for base— 1 1 ment has porcelain rosette and socket with weatherproof cord. 1 1111111; )1. 1111‘ 1 1111! H I llHllllTlllE We require from four to six weeks to fill an order for this set so please allow us this much time in which to make shipment. Quality and workmanship guaranteed. mu mrrunrunuunrugmmmgmnnmmmnum SLEEPING PORCH \ 1;. 1%.“- -4 BATHROOM \\V\Lr . / I REAR HALL AND BREAKFAST ALCOVE «a SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO, CHICAGO = Page 119 See Prices for The Electra and Housesfor Which It Is Furnished on Page 115. I I “I IIIII I IIIIquII IIIuIIIquIIII tumult-nun IIII IlullIIIIInIIIIIIIIIiIIIIInnnquIIIquII I IIIlnlllllllunullIIIIII I u IluniuumInnnuunllnnumm: DINING ROOM m t‘D‘fiZ(QI I Hammered Iron and Genuine Brass Fixtures. From this assortment “e select the light ing fixtures for your Modern Home. ac- cording to size and number of rooms shownon plans. The four- light dining room three-light living room and one- light beam fixtures are made of hammered iron in burnt brass nis The front and sleeping porch ceiling lights are made of iron in dead black finish and the rear porch light has a porcelain socket “ith lamp guard. The two bedroom one- -light semi— —indirect ceiling lights are made of genuine brass in bruslh (satin) brass finish with decorated w s I I "ll The one—light hall pendant is made of genuine bras s in brush (s atin) brass finish “ith frosted glass shade. The kitchen ceiling light is made of genuine brass in oxidized copper finish “ith 10—inch glass reflector. The pantry drop cord has a brass ceiling canopy with J » \ porcelain bushing and the basement dro ~- - ’ f ‘ a“ cord has porcelain rosette and socket wit LIVIKL: ROOM weatherproof cord. Tno one- light brackets' in the bathroom are made of genuine brass in nicLel finish. Quality and workmanship guaranteed. IIIIII mmmxmiuunmnmmmmmnmmnmmuxmnmmnmmun I KITCHE\ .. 111 ' IIIIIIII III IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. SEARS, ROEBL C11 AND (70., CHICAGO LIVING ROOM See Prices for The Radio. Outfit and Houses for Which It Is Furnished on Page 115. BATHROOM «gt/f SLEEPING PORCH FRONT PORCH WM "l “mmllllllmum. an BEDROOM “m“ “m"HIlllmmIIu.......mmnlllllmlflm IK/GI IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ”9" IIIIIIIIIIIIII Inn ~—-JA Refined Set of Electric l—lll Light Fixtures. From this assortment we select the light- ing fixtures for your Modern Home ac- cording to size and number of rooms shofizn on plans. The three— light semi— —indirect living room electric fixture is made of genuine brass in brush (satin) brass and black finish 6/ -inch canopy with cast brass ornaments in leaf design and cast brass hooks to match supporting a 15-inch satin finish glass bowl The fi-ve light dining room fixture is made of genuine brass in rich gilt and matte finish with 12- inch satin finish bowl with shades to match handsomely em- bossed \Iith pansy border in a pale yellow tint. The two bedroom one light semi- -indirect fixtures are made of genuine brass, one in brush (satin) brass finish with 14-inch satin finish fluted glass bowl and the other in brush (satin) brass and black finish with a 13% -inch glass bowl, hand painted with colored pink rosebuds and lattice- work design The two pendants with square art glass lanterns are for archway and the rear hall pendant has a glass frosted shade. These pendants are made of genuine brass in brush (satin) brass finish. The kitchen pendant is made of genuine brass in oxidized copper finish with a 40- watt tungsten reflector. The front and sleeping porch ceiling lights are made of iron vith frosted glass shades and the rear porch light has a por- celain socket with lamp guard he two brackets for the bathroom are of genuine brass in nickel finish with plain frosted shad es The pantry drop cord has a brass ceiling canopy with porcelain bushing and the basement drop cord has a porcelain rosette ”ll WIN"||ll||llllllllllll||||||||||||||||||||ll||||l|||||llllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllml“ L_laQnd socket with weatherproofr cord dmwork anship i ‘ll Hull“lllllllillllllllllll||Illllllllll|Illllllllllllll||Illlllllillllllllllllllllllilllllilll will! llllllllllllillllllllllllllllllll ’ y m "m; PAN- BASE- TRY MENT ARCHWAY IlllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllnv IIIIIII IIIIIIIII I I IIIIIIIIIII III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I KITCHEN ll||||lllllllllllllll||llIII|IllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII||lIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII II III IIIII III IIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO a, 3' , unummuuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIuIIInnInIIIIIIIIIuuuuluunnnnulIIIIIIIIInun-nnlIII-IuInmlluuIIIIIum-qulllumuInnIIInIquuIImuslulllnuuuuuuIlullnnunnntul Inmuunnm j,- :9 L’ Q. ( 6‘IllllllufllululllIIIIIIIlllllIlllllllll'llullllllllllllllllllllllulullllIIIII"IIIIIIllIIIII"III”lIIIIllIIlllllllllllll'llIIIluluIII"IIIIllllllllllllllflllullIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllII”Illlllllllunlllulllll .2 See Prices for The Daylight Outfit and Houses for Which It Is Furnished on Page 115.. IInnuIIIunIquuIIIIIIIIIIu-IIIIIIIImIIInn"IIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuImIIIIInununmuu I".IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIII-mm:IIImIIIIIIIIII"umIImmIII-muIIImIIIIIIIIIImun-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIlllllllllllllllllilllIIIlIIIIIII' -// A Medium Price Set of Electric Light Fixtures. From this assortment we select the light- ing fixtures for your Modern Home, ac- cording to size and number of rooms shown on p The three-ligsht living room semi-indirect fixture Is made of genuine brass in brulsh (satin) brass and black finish. with 15- inch light radiating satin finish glass bowl. The four-light dining room shower and two brackets with shades to match are made of brass in brush (satin) brass and black finish with 16-inch satin finish light radiating glass bowl and shades to match. The front porch ceiling light' Is made_of wrought iron in dead black finish WIth 6-inch glass ball and rear porch light has porcelain socket with lamp guard. The bedroom and hall pendants are made of genuine brass in brush (satin) brass finish with frosted shades and the kitchen pendant is made of genuine brass in oxidized copper finish with 40-watt tungsten reflector. The bathroom pendant' Is made of genu- ine brass in nickel finish hwith 40—watt tungsten reflector. The pantry drop cord has a brass ceiiing canopfx; with porcelain ush ing and e basement drop cord has a porcelain ro- sette and socket with weatherproof cord. Quality and work- manship g u a r a II. teed. PANTRY I l I III III I IIIIIIIIIIIIII .IIII . - Mm WI BEDROOM BASEMENT ‘ II III Illll IIII II Ill 2‘“: IIIII II C" II I- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIuIIIIInInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuItIn“mlInnIIIIIunu-nIIIIIInIImunIIIIIquIIquuIIIIuIIumnnnu-IIIIIIII ))¥(@ age 122 II II I' I_ IIIIIIIIIIII .Ik L.) r. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND C0., CHICAGO ’37" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImummum:IIIumIImIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImmmIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIImuuInmumumm mnrm I III ummuImuummuIIIImmImquuu IIIIIIIIImmIIIII WK IIll"IIIllllllllll"llllllluIlluIIIIIIII"Ill"!IIInIllllllllll'lllllllflllIIInn"llllllllllulullll mIIuIIImmImIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuInIm-mImIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInnmmIIIIII-ImmIIIIIII Is. I See Prices for; The Venus Outfit and Houses for Which It Is Furnished on Page 115. 11g, ......................................................................................................................................................................... fig ill! a» / DINING ROOM Inexpensive Electric Light Fixtures for the Home. - Froimths ssa orentmtx seeceltth lgltngfitueforyuMd-i 5% Home .riaccodugoto sizeandnumber ofr shown onplans. a The thre elight livi mg room ce gsfixt is gen uien br rass in bu , (satin)brass finish, withforosmte Sdhgilgg crys setalr ibbed seshad 3 The er-iitheelghtdningr uinerbrsiasnbrsuh(s aitn) bassfimhwthfanyfostdhd lwithnueal crssrytalticsp 1:15 The frontporcch eiiln liight rougiht ron vithfro seitd6-nchg PANTRY ball; he eer ar porc chc ligh hatghs sporsc cselain socket with lamp gu ar rd The pantry drop cord has bras eiiclnga canopy vith pore ce1ain bu sir‘h ‘ — basememdrop cord has pomrcclainsrso 65m ads ocke ti“ thwea t11 errop oofcord. The bedroom, bathro and 11 a11S pen nd asnt are made of genuine brass in brush (satin) bra sfinis axh 1'.11 fro set (1 glas 3112111. The L1 tc hen penda nti sam ad oefg einu ne bra 55 ion xidiz ed copper finish, with 25 -wa at: £11 neg te en reflector Qu ai1ty and workmanshi 1p guar ante ed. KITCHEN BEDROOM, BATH- ROOM AND HALL ----- ' WM“ SEARS, ROEBUCK AND 00., CHICAGO . ' Page 123 Hot Water Heating Plant for Modern Homes. See prices on page 115. llHIHIIHHHHIIHHHHIHHHHIIHHH nunnmnmu nnunnil In mini) 1) ‘llllll "ll": H llll:iiilltllilhllllillillllllllllllllllillllllllilli‘lil ‘ ‘Itlw‘m ’3‘1l"will‘l‘tllliiililtl1? ll[lIlHllllIllIIll]l1IH11HHI[Ill|lll|l|HHHIIIIIIIII|i nn H HIHHHIIH i lH'l HHHHHH HI nwmnnmm y) t t l , .4“ A A to A“ , A I nn ”H mum nmmmnn mnnnnni [HIIIHHIHHIIHHHH llllllllll‘l‘l‘) my in min 11 1 H” mm inn Fr In |ll|l||llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHHlllllllllllllllllll]lllllllllllllllllllll”lHilllllllllll!Hilllllllllllllllililltilt!lnliililllllillllll l .nm HI 5 Hot Water Heating Plant. Complete hot water heating system consists of . Hercules boiler and cast iron radiators with all necessary pipe, valves, fittings, etc., required to completely install, and galvanized expansion tank. Includes also complete plans and instructions {or installing. Radiators to he 38 inches. Low radi- | ators can be furnished if desired at slight extra I .. , charge. 3‘ l m n u n System guaranteed to keep house comfortably warm, and to give satisfactory service in coldest . Winter weather. uu-nu IlllllIllllIIIIIIIIIllIII||||l|lllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|II|IIllllllllllllllllllllllll||lllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllll||||llllllllllllllllllllll|||||||||||||||Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli ,ipage 124 W SEARS, ROEBUCK AND (30., CHICAGO Steam Heating Plant for Modern Homes. See prices on page 115 ‘ll‘lll v Illllll‘ . .a‘ I uuuuuimunnmnunnmmunuuuiuuniunnnnnm!munxumnmuiummmummunmuuuuuummmmmmmummmum mm I" "In Iluulnln l l l v l 3 s I. 9 1 .. a ' 3-. 4 1 ,, » l ,> : 3 l '5 'l Vl‘ Q «3%; l 2 | ‘. is) ,' (fl? - l J . w‘. fiffi Q WI I n II I I I I I I I I I II I I I I IIII InmImmIImmIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuumm-IuImu-uumuumuuuuumuumun-mmun-mum.mumunm-unmuumnmumm... um. .—y. mmumummunnmnunu mmnnmunnu )l «a v wummvnmevvw-xnnm Iuuummmmnmmnmmnmn... Steam Heating Plant. :[W‘W Complete steam heating plant consists of Her- ‘ cules cast iron boiler, cast iron radiators with all necessary pipe, valves, fittings, etc., required to completely install, and all necessary steam trimmings for boiler as illustrated. Radiators to be 38 inches high. Low radiators can be fur- nished if desired at slight extra charge. Com- plete plans and instructions for installing fur- nished free. IllI[HIIIHIIIHIll]IHIIIHIIHIIIIHHHIHIHIIIHIIIHHIIHHIH System guaranteed to keep house comfortably warm in coldest \Vinter weather. unmmnmmmmnnmummmunuimunnnunnmmmmuuuummnnmmnumxnnummmmmmmm u i H. .mm mum Hun ”fin! mum nu m n m rm: m... n m x H” II!” mmmn q \o HHH H. m I. um u m .m.nmumnmmnummnumnm mm. mun mm. mmunmmmimunmmmmjmnmi m mu . -: SEARS, ROEBUCK AND C0., CHICAGO Page 125 'H'i H (T! Warm Air Heating Plant (‘|H11[11(‘[('\\(lrn) ilil‘ ih‘JiiHu phiit iih'iilti(‘> licn'nlvs Volcano mum .iir l‘iiriim v With .ill 1!I'\<‘$S;\I}'ti11flll- IILH‘1‘pi'pt‘, g.il\‘.ini/iwl smuki- pilw, tizi ii-gistvr lu\\<'>. M.ickj.11\.1miwl stvvl 1(‘Ki5tl'18 imd ilSiM‘StUS 1\.i]\<‘1 fur \Vi‘ {iiiiiish Ulli)‘ tiist quality iiniihlc CUIISII’llk‘tiun [in \\'.ill imxvs. bouts. \mll stavk .ind cm’mini: iiiiws. fittings mi .1“ ()III' Hx'rciih's “.IHH .iir ili‘JtHlL‘ systi-ins. I’iirnm'i- is wvll mimic nt’ \llSi iIUH with ih‘JVii)‘ \‘UIXU- gitvd illl‘ put 41ml iin- (lumv mistings, high ash pit and rm'ulvim: ‘ridnflllidl’ unites. lCntirc system guaranteed to give satisfactory service. > ‘1‘ i“ H in!“ n 'i‘li Mm iufli I , ‘E‘v ‘ ml “ ‘I ' i’i‘iil‘i‘Hiziii H1151NHiHimiii}!lHHHIHIHIHHNIIHllliHHHlliilHHHllHlllHH mmummimnmimiinmmislmiiuimwmwmwmmi:iii!iiiiiiaiiiiiiiimi«25:311an I!) i ill“ 1 Hi H“ M ‘ i i i I i\ [i M iii K Mini! ilzimlsiiév iii ' Ni‘WWHalliiiiéi”iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiii mm IllmnlnlnmmllmIKIIIIIIIIIIIIHIUII I H II n u iinnuiinnmimnmnmmnmnmxfiimm fl‘mm...m...u..”um.....mummm..u..............m. uu ) 1 i.mi.Mnliiimiimiiiii ilHHuIH‘IHyIiIHH.,IlII“HIIHILIHIIHHIVHIHHHHHHIHHEHIH in.“ i..i|.i..im,.u, in.“ WV 1 i I ii ii iiii l i , .7-,‘«‘.‘_,,, ii 0 \' i ***--\_.&,\‘_4 i l i ilii'iiii‘uililiili!HiiiilliillliHllHHIHHHH SEA RS. ROEBZ 1m AND CO. CHICA GO Pipeless Furnace for Modern Homes. See prices on page 115 i rv um 11“le n Hn nun.” nu 11 mm. nnnm nnmnn nun.” mrnnnunnunmnnmmnnn um nnnmmnnnn i) 1t, uuuinllillinIHIHImlHIIWWIIIHIHHIIIII|1|1|I'lll1IHHVHI“NH"HH‘“"”“H‘” II The Hercules Pipeless Furnace. Our Hercules Pipeless Furnace embodies all modern improvements in pipeless furnace design. Furnace proper is made of cast iron throughout. The fire pot and tire dome castings are heavily corrugated and have deep cup joints, which prevent gas or smoke escaping into the warm air chamber. 11111[HHHHIHHH1HIHIHII Revolving Triangular Grates. Easy to Operate. Grate bars are of the revolving triangular pattern, controlled by a simple mechanism, which makes the grates easy to revolve, and a woman or a boy can easily operate them. Cold Air Is Taken From Upstairs. By studying the illustration of our Hercules Pipeless Furnace carefully it will be observed that the cold air is taken from upstairs. It goes down through the large register around the outside edges and turns up inside of the inner casing, and after passing over the hot furnace is discharged through the center of the large register. The furnace is well made and guaranteed to give satis- factory service. imnnmmmumm { Combination floor and ceiling registers, illustrated in lower left hand corner. : not included, but can be furnished if desired at prices quoted in our Special ‘ Heating Catalog. ‘ 1111 11 111111 11{111111111111111111111111111111111111111111141111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H1fl1111111111IHHIIIIHIHIIIHHHHIIHIIHIHWI \ Wmmflu m | Winn“ yuninnunninuiun \_ 'x Q m 1t? “Hum”..”mum.u.m.rm..mm.um“.....1.Hmummm..1..um.m.munmmmmun H mm unHx.mmm.m.m..n.mm...unnummu ”mum” nuununmm-mun Hummufioh p A? llllullllllulllllullfil REVOLVING TRIANGULAR GRATE BARS H ‘ ‘ . , , n, . HM“ ‘ v, ‘ , ‘ H 1 , 111w ‘1 1 ‘.i">ii'r“‘ii1i11n“ I‘w‘ .i‘w ‘ , , m mum:mmuImunnImmmminnnmmnmmnnu w 1. {ml Ml, ‘ ‘ 1 , 1“: 1 i , legfller M minim Hnulwn‘ in‘wwm (<6; 111111111111 1 I m MI: 111 l (m wg|llll r nu , SEARS, R EBUCK AND (10., CHICAGO page 127 n u 1' 1 11111 n 1 -| 111 r n .u m 1111 H.” I” vm nu rHummmnmnm”minimum:unmmmmnumnu asy Payments on Mo darn Water Supply j: ’ and Plumbing “ ' Systems I , 0Wloi§e £0.10]. i“ av pecra ' ) Plumbing fl 1 ~.-urpn~ «v c Q r... :xw- ,/ Postpaid / on Request We offer you an opportunity to equip your home with a Modern Pneumatic \Vater Supply Syxtern. a complete Modern Plumbing System and other modern home conyenicnces at very reasonable prices, and We will arrange the terms of payment so that you can enjoy the great comfort and convenience of these mod< ern improvements in your home while paying for the material in small monthly payments, with 11 will be easily within your means. You need not wait until you haye accumu- lated sutiicicnt funds to pay cash in full for this material. You can begin right now to enjoy these great comforts in your home. Easily Installed. .\ny man who is at all handy with tools and Can cut and thread ordinary iron pipe and screw it together ' run t':l\ll)‘ inxtzill any of our complete plumbing or i. \yutvr \upply systems by following our simple plans and 39¢ in~trurtrou$ . i \\'o hayr‘ :r competent forte of CKPCIanC(‘(l plumbing expert; who tire .tlwuys tit your suture, and are hardy to own! you at any tunr- .\hoxrlr :rny {unfilllc unforeseen tiifiiculIE' fill-‘0 in connection with the in~t.tll.ition of the Inutvriul. Thousands of our t‘llSlr)IllI'l~‘ hrryt‘. lililK llrlSk‘tl thr-ir plumbing sy .\teins from us :it a big saying and hunt >ll\‘<‘t‘<.~lttlly inSlrtllKWl their own material. You turn (in the stunt‘ turd nuke juxt gr» hi); :1 .\ming. Write for Our Specral Plumbing Catalog No. 598MH. “'1‘ htcms. various types .md $57.09. in our Special l‘lurnlrinyV (‘gitzrlom which are not qtltrll‘tl llt‘lt‘ ouuru to hrmtwl .\pnt‘ru It will he to your inn-nut to write for thix xltr't‘iJl rurtrrloi: it you :rrr- trillwl, it is .r \'(‘l)‘ Slllttrlt‘ rnttttrr to extend tht~ pipes and “JVC running Water \yhercycf .VOU want It on your [ltt‘tlll<1‘\'. (Jrrr l‘\'(‘l Ready Automatic l"lr‘ctri<‘ \Vrrtt'r' Supply System, llltt— tr-rus not over 3‘ lr‘r't llr'r'li. \‘ou r .rri r~\t<-nrl thr- piping to \our lurrrr for nurturing xtor‘ly, it \ou \\l“ll, :mrl lr.ryr' lr\rlr;rrit~ r‘ouyr‘uir‘nth plum-rt tor lawn or L’Jlrlr'u \trr rultlzutt. All of llll‘xt' t‘t'll\t‘lllt'llr Aw urr‘ your > .r\ soon as you lmu‘ trur' ot lllr'xt' ruorlr-rri tillllllx‘ ru>trillcrl in your lrouit‘. There is uothurt; romphr .rtwl or «litlit‘ult to understand about llii< outlit. It I\ tun'y to ( ounm‘t up. Important—Read This. 'l‘hrwr' (ruttttx’ :Ht‘ trrrrrixhwl tor three typcx‘ of (‘lr‘r‘trir‘rurront only. ;i< tolloyx u: \o. 1-1 l‘l-yolt, A. (fl, Kinglr' pli.rrrpply you “1th electric current. W't‘ (':\uuot turnixlr motors tor r‘urrvut chr-i thrru tlrr‘ throw l\'pl'\’ \trrtr‘rl tilroyt'. .1. Figuring coat of current at In can” or kilo- lrr- lltlyolt .rrrrl lIS yolhorrttrt-w‘ rum lu- :rtt.rr hml to tiny r'lr t‘lllt‘ light Slu‘kr‘i. iust watt our, it like tin orrliimry I‘lt‘ti‘lllt‘ tl.rt iron or \\.r~ hrui; ur.ir luur'. llu' .l,‘ \rrlt UllllllS. .\lrouirl lrr- (on- will cont you only nm‘tr'rl tlllt‘t’l trout lrnr- \\’ll1‘ to motor \\r:lr tttlrln'l t‘r>\'|‘lt lrlr}r[!r‘t \yur‘. l‘lrix lS .rll you; 3 cents to pump 180 gallons of water. Water in Abundance When and Where You Want It. A suction pipr- if: I‘xtr‘utlt'tl to your well, and rlix‘r‘lmt'izn Iiipt‘ from the pump in (‘trnilt‘tlml to the \y.rtr'| 51ll[)[ll\’ pipr' iii your home. Any man who (rm r'rrl :rurl tllir'.ul orrlru.rly irou lllltt‘ 1.111 r-nHily ina‘tnll this outtrt in :1 {my liouiu. \Vlrvrr our’r‘ lllatJllr'tl, zwltlt: from tho or‘ruaiorurl Hlltrlrlylllfl ot oil, it uvmlx no tuithvr' attention. It Mums and Slfllt‘i :rrrtorrr;rtrr.rlly_ mini “11] :rl\\.r\-: COD :1 liberal Sllptllv (rl lll“§ll \\‘.|lt't lllltlt'l prrmuurr' iu thr‘ hurl», and the rnorurrnt vou (iIN‘ll :1 turn r~t :III\’\\'lir‘tt' on lllt' pipiui: S‘\'\’lt‘tll you will get it plentiful supply of \y.rtr-r. sirnplv and 15' all yc-ry t‘ll'llllV t‘xpldulr‘rl Ill orrr :ypvrml illSilllr trorr< St‘tll \\ith «xrr‘h otrttit. “'ntcr Fresh From the “'cll. (lur‘of tlrt‘ an‘ »t lr'.tl::lr‘~ ot our l- in l(1'.l«l\ .\utoumtir‘ l7lr‘t’tiit‘ \\‘.rtr't Supply Sy \lr'lll llr'x iri thr‘ l.l\l tlrnt \ou mu :ll\\.l\\' yet .1 izlrra‘u o. llt“»ll \Lrtr‘r, (it‘lll, tool and rr'trt‘slling, tllll‘t'l iron] tho “‘1‘“. lly r‘\l(‘tl1litu: :r wpumtr‘ pipe rlirmt from the pump to your kitrlrvu or lr.rtlrroour tor .\‘uppl\iu:: rlrirrlttu); \\.rtr‘r. tlu‘ prim) \ytll xtrrrt ruut.rutl\ .r» «oou .r> \ou opt-u tlrr~ l.lll\‘t‘l_ .rrirl tlrr‘ thin" \.ll\t‘ 1|Il'\'r‘lll‘~ tlu‘ t.rul\ \\’.itr't trout ru’ttrug luto tlrix‘ prpr‘. ”V Ilu: pl.ru \orr izr't trrwh \\.|lt‘l trotu lllt‘ \\yll. \\ .rtvr trour tht' Link ).\ |l “i T, ' - p - ‘ NAME ....................... ‘ ............................. , 5 _"How TO SEND MONEY. The best and safest . . , . Z, , , f“, ' ' ways to'send money are by Postofiice Money Order, ' POSTOFFICE ......... ~ ............................. I ..... ~ . " ’3; Ex ress Mone Order, Bank Draft or Check. - . f t g s; ‘p ‘ y R. F. D. No ......... Box No ......... STATE ............ :- E ' , . DO NOT SEND COIN; it is liable to break . i: . : through the envelope and be lost. If absolutely STREET AND No ........................................ . gt fieéessaty to send" coin BE SURE to wrap it in GIVE SHIPPING POINT IP DIFFERENT FROM POSTOFFICE. t: . strong paper before putting it in the envelope, and 1..) then send by REGISTERED MAIL. NAME .......... _ ......................................... I? r _ ‘ (Give name here only when shipment is to be made to another party. If to your- self leave spaoé blank.) _ 9° “T “'3'“ 'N ""9 3”“ SHIPPING POINT ....................................... j’ COUNTY ..................... STATE. . . . ; ................ . ,n ‘ DOLLARS cams— ; , STATE TOTAL AMOUNT OF MONEY 3 ® —-——' SENT WITH THIS ONOEN ——-— g 1. QASH WITH ORDER] % Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago, Ill. ‘ s , In accordance with your guarantee of satisfaction or money returned, enclosed please find ........................ ' (State whether Poswiflce or Express Money Order, Draft, Check or Letter of Deposit.) for $ ............. for your ............................. . .. ..Modern Home NO .............. V ............ described on (State name of home wanted.) (State number of home wanted.) page ......... of your Book of “HONOR BIL_T” ~Modern Homes. The order is sent with the understanding that, in addition to the lumber and mill work, the prlce Includes all hardware, painting material, eaves trough, as well as building plans. ' 4 g , (Signed) ....................... , ................... YOUR MONEY, INCLUDING ANY . TRANSPORTATION CHARGES - ' % ATchAng'l'U‘NAll-ELD 9,3 ”1.3%: Color of paint for outside body ............................. ANY GOODS nor PERFECTLY .. SATISFACTORY. . . . , . g 9 ' Color of paint for outSIde trim .............................. m 2. LPAY FOR THE MATERIAL As THE BUILDING GOES Ulfl @ g If you are building by an arrangement with a bank or building and loan association, we will ship the material to you ® ® upon the receipt of a letter from the bank or the building and loan association stating that payments for the material will @ 3 be made at certain periods as the work progresses. , . ’ g g 3.| PAY Al= :ER INSPECTING MATERIAL I . Q If you would like to inspect material before sending us the money you can deposit the payment required with your $3? Q bank or building and loan association and send us with your order this letter of deposit. This will give you a chance 930 Q to inspect your material before we get a cent of your money. , ” ® " | LETTER OF DEPOSI'fl % ......................... , ........1920 g % Postoffice ............................... State ........................... ~ ....... ; Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago, Ill. hi. Gentlemen :— ' ....................................................... hasdepositedwithusthesumof$......................... % subject to your order, same to be paid to you upon delivery of the building material ordered of you, with the under- ® standing that the goods must conform with your specifications and meet with depositor’s approval. The material is to be @ inspected immediately upon its receipt' and, if satisfactory, accepted by the depositor, who will then notify us to send , you the money. Yours truly, ' ‘QA “ “’66 ..................................................... (Name of Bank or Building and Loan Association.) .................... - (Signature 'of Omcer and Title.) ................ K AND co. CHICAGO . =eeeeessa»aaeeeeeeeeoeeeeeooaeeeaeeg R SIDE FOR~EAS PAYMENT PLAN OFFER. ' '2 a law ~11 R\ ‘1' 0 . (W'W‘ (OVER) 4. EASY PAYMENT PLAN . F YOU own a building lot or land‘free from debt and have some cash on hand to pay for laborand mate- rial which we do not furnish, we will ship lumber, mill work, plumbing and heating outfits, hardware, lighting fixtures and paint on easy payment terms, freight prepaid to your station. A small payment each month, or if more convenient every three or six months, makes you the owner of a good home in a few years. Here Is What Would Be Required of You : ' 1. Show title to your lot or land. 2. Furnish cash to pay for labor and masonry material. 3. Send us with order 2% per cent of the amount due us. This is to cover the expense of handling the transaction, such as examining titlehdrawing up papers and other expenses we do not have in connection with our regular cash with order busmess. 4. Make small payments each month for five years on amount due. Payments may be made every three months or every six months if more desirable. You can pay_as much more than your regular payment as you desire, or even take up the loan in full whenever convenient during the five years. 5. Pay interest at rate of 6 per cent per year. Your interest decreases each time you make a payment. GOING TO BUILD HOUSE YOURSELF? « If you order one of our Already Cut houses and intend to build the house yourself or do practically all of the work, we will be glad to consider your order with a small cash payment of about 10 per cent (one-tenth) of the price of the material with the order. You can pay the balance in small monthly or half-yearly payments. FARM OWNERS Even if your farm is not free from all debt, we may be able to offer you our liberal terms. Fill in the question blank below and write us explaining what your farm cost and how much you owe on it at present. ‘ If you feel that you can comply with our few requirements, just fill in the blank below and we will be glad to give you figures for your particular case. EASY PAYMENT PLAN INFORMATION BLANK 1. Doyouownthelotorlandonwhichyouintendtobuild?................,...............,....................\..... 2. Is it free and clear from debt? ................................... How much did it cost? $ ...................... 3. \Vhich of our Modern Ilomes would you like to build? ................................ Price, $ .................. 4. Shall we include heating, plumbing, lighting or Goodwall sheet plaster? Check items wanted. HEATING. LIGHTING. E] Goodwall Sheet Plaster. [3 Hot Water. To burn Hard Coal [:1 {:J 68‘ Fixtures. E] Plumbing. D Steam. or Soft Coal E] D Electric Fixtures. B Farm Electric Lighting [:l Warm Air Furnace. E] Combination Gas and Plant. Electric Fixtures. 5. How much cash will you have to invest in the deal? if. . . . . . . . . . . . How much can you pay each month? $ .......... 6. How much will it cost you to have your dwelling completed after our material reaches you? (Include foundation and chimney material, all labor and drayage.) $. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 7. When do you expect to start building? ........................................................................... Your Name ......................................................................................................... Postoffice ................................................ State ..................................................... R.F.D.No ............ Box No.............Street and No .......................................................... SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. - - CHICAGO ‘ assesseaeoeeasoeeeeeesasaggaaoosseeaseseesaaoesseav” F8591 . 0’ If. n. In: '1': ,d . ohm/3.1.2.. F . Fs 5‘35‘" .II 45:52:.“ N—‘FE 4'" of: mg Roo A? v.- ~. '1 I. . lst u- .JW ., _ u . {1m a.” J; . M: l «I , ,. .. . . A , é; ~75; . U . , .,&r§ ". a. 2"! .“v\. y 1.. [:1 It. 73. .fiytaib. .1 , Ro re Res i "\‘HLS u {AN WOOD ROLLS OHIO. , Mo 5 Shipped from 108 Sq. Feet. CHM Ann. 1—|\( H I IN PER ROLL or SOUTHERN ALHA\Y. N. Y., ’S. ire Underwriters. \\~u' [\ANSAS CI TY ‘RK I M 4 Iii) i x, 00D ROOFING 0: per roll extra. {<1 S’I'I’RUOI‘H \\ I ,. :i‘r 1E1). v , i5 \HN at '4 {w Makes F 5. Baku 15251, Jim Ki‘.\'1,51’i€r)\k.1 ',r.f a}! uur rrwinn' (4A.. ‘ief “£2? PAL 1., A .v .11 A Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., :1 1.! \' National Board of F LOOKS UKE‘PAINTED RED OR GREEN WOOD 5min n~, RUDE INC ’V. , (‘ (Aimxxlzui ion \ i.1"1 i' SNOW AND‘W'A TERM BETTER T A’I LANTA. t {V .-\~\I) , V TO BL; )1 lrec ES. MER THAN WOOD SHINCLES hipps'd from “ET. Fwnvii}. L ‘Ii 310:317‘ VAORANTEED FOR bEVENTEEN Yi'ARS.' ‘ S 'Ltpts 'C i pproved by the IT PAYS \XEXRI\U ( E.\H'.\’i i‘V( l.\ Dial). EITHER COLOR, .. xc “AR \‘r in L A‘ HiI\ IE , SHD Under D k) A A . .. &. Fire Ch 1 Warm 9. ,5. ,7, 0. n Egan . -v SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO.i CHICAGO. RANGE YGWR Farnhamvillo‘ lOwu. , Sears, Roebuck and CO., W @m & Chicago, 111. ‘ 9% III. I am sending you a photograph of my new home built of your Ready Cut lumber and millwork. I will say u that everything was exactly as you said it would be, es— pecially the reiters, studding, inside finish and frames. Hang your saw on a nail all day. Lay down a board and it is ready for nailing. It took us just six days to get the house ready for the plaster. One man did the Iinishing in seventy-two hours. fly cartenter's jg}; 329 92;; d152.00 22 this gig house. The buffet and fireplace are very good, in fact, I am very well pleased with Modern Home 30.02013 in every Way. I? I ever build again, I will get a dead; Jut house. I am yours. READ THIS 9H” 0’ Imrrg, 9 * YOU CANT‘LOSE * “'1’ GUARAI "FEE (‘\"(‘I‘.V Rio?“- 1 ' ' (Kata 0;: , ‘ Home in 0111 U. W (it‘lt-th as I't‘pI-ost‘nioti amt tlt‘tfiislt: (it‘i‘l't‘t-‘t satisfaction. \tH/ _ it) RISK. H ‘ .. .. h \HC (itbtlixtfi [1:]; that altutidl the shipnwnt has i)t‘t‘lt exam ‘ HI.) '1' the material does not (nine in 1t the pul't'hasvr‘s expert-attains in i 0' ros‘wvt, hV nutilyng as H , M”) ii " hashippt‘tl hat'k _ ‘5 ‘E and “v {\1\ Wnnwi ginkgo Pii‘it‘iic amt TIRE IU‘ I is that may haw urehasm‘. f" v F‘ I. gv — L‘J ' >