START MICROFILMED 1985 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by . THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. THE PRINTING MASTER FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE IS HELD BY THE MAIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCTION REQUEST MASTER NEGATIVE NUMBER ¥S-359) AUTHOR: Schuss|ex, Hermann. TITLE: The wader supply of San Aaneiscs, California. .- . PLACE : [New York_1 DATE: L 19662] VOLUME caLL ¥ Fg MASTER _ 55° NO. °>3S3¢ NEG. NO. 3592 —_— recy «53534 o 13512 £ree9 Bo - 1451C eS OTGE. , . 5 o Wthdier Vhs Fy Em TE 7 San Fred april np ! fire, 1906. 3. Spring Valley water company, San Francisco. Schussler, Hermann. : i The water supply of San Francisco, California, before, during and after the earthquake of April 18th, 1906, and the subsequent conflagration. Dedicated to the hydraulic engineers of America, by Hermann Schussler, chief engi- neer of the Spring Valley water company, July 23d, 1906. (New York, M. B. Brown press, 19064 103 p. incl fold. plates, maps, plans, facsim., diagrs. 35 x 28°™. ==== ===—-= Another copy. Black péges in this . yooalive 13 Additions TOL oF Ghniress : ) TD225.52557 ¥ . Copy 2. shelf (Continued on next card) | S—— tmnt emda SEES. " FILMED AND PROCESSEDBY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 JOB NO. 8/6 0525 DATE . 1/0 8/5 REDUCTION RATIO 1] 2 DOCUMENT _ — "SOURCE THE BANCROFT LIBRARY 10 2h 2 — LT EE po l | Ew lie = "|e 2 lls ne MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) THE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER The Earthquake of April 18th, 1906, and the Subsequent UNIVERSITY OF SAL FORME DEDICATED TO THE HYDRAULIC ENGINEERS OF AMERICA HERMANN SCHUSSLER, Chief Engineer OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY JULY 23d, 1906 9 ; 2 of v4 8 ~~ MARTIN B.BROWN 4 PRESS & 4 1 | 1 INDEX 1 Tue WATER SuPPLY i OF i SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA A BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER Bl The Earthquake of April 18%. 1906 "H and the Subsequent Conflagration 4 1 Tara a eon, rs a 7 : ; | The Works of the Spring Valley Water Company .............oniiiitiiiiiniiininieineenn.. 8 : Penitstla SUPPLY +... oir sr ssnssssninmnvoninmmsss suisosisivasnsnnstivstinsins ess cressminnmres 8 A San Bruno Faull... i tise ties iia seins sie ies in prima inna in ese sinie 9 EL Future Capacity, Crystal Springs Reservoir..............cvviiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiinenn, 9 A Alameda Creek SYSIEM ......0000vnrnvsssnssanss sronssseassssstnsssssrsssssssncsnsinnns 9 i CET re SE OES Sn es SE SR Cae eS cal 10 A Cn SR Ee PR ae 11 § San Francisco Distributing Reservoir and Pipe System ................. oii... 11 A Pumping Plants in San Francisco. ........ououenue oii 12 4 | City Distributing Resetunirs. oe ah a 12 A City Pipe Distributing System ............eueuiuinininiiiiii iii I3 oH Advisability of Independent Fire Protection System..............c.ooiiiiiiiiiiieenenn, 13 Hl Wrought-iron Pipes in San Francisco. .........cooviiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaan. 13 n | Cast-iron Pipes in San Francisco. ..........ccrieeriinirtnrrnserrarricrtetisesstssntesannss 14 is City Pipe System, how affected by Earthquake...... ............oooiiiiiiiiiiiniiinns 14 3 Character of Material and Workmanship Employed. . .......... co. iii. 14 Hi Historical Review of Water Supply of San Francisco,............oooiiiiiiiinnn, 6 The Law Of 1888... ...10sciessnrsosssnssetrrnsencnsssnnsnranssstaresnsansnserssrarans 16 a First San Francisco Water WOIKS. .........cnvreercrsersasrasnsansssssasnstssnssnssnsrsass 10 of Beginning of the Spring Valley Water Works. ..........ooiuiniiiiiiiiiinrriiinienene.. 16 : Principal Construction since U86d. ce ii hha trans tras reer an se ae se 17 1 Preparations for Future Increase of Supply. .........ocovniniiiiiiiniiiiniiinenes 18 San Francisco Proposes to Acquire a Municipal Water Supply.................ooiiiiiinnnnn. 19 ul 4 nea : b . Wu § : ~ 2 C §v3139 INDEX —Continued PAGES San Francisco Attempts to Purchase the Spring Valley Water Works ...........covvennennnn. 20 Fixing the Water Rates under the New Constitution ............ovinvinrrrnrrnrrnreneene: 20 The Public Misinformed by Promoters and Politicians ..............cooviniiinnnrreeeeees 21 The Spring Valley Water Works extends its Water Properties .............cooeeneneeenene: 22 Expenditures for Betterments from 1880 to 1900, INCISIVE ne tea 22 Table of Increase in Value of Real Estate in Bay Counties ............coviuunnnnnnrnnnnenes 23 The City Authorities’ Methods of Valuing the Spring Valley Water Works... neha wy 24 Responsibility of Board of Supervisors. ....... coco vauvsinrriicasasnnnvsrrernnassansnnvens 25 Table Showing City’s Valuation and the Taxation of Spring Valley Water Company’s Properties And Works i a oe ee es ete he ia she ses ale i xine a ele 27 The Earthquake and Conflagration and their Effects on the Water SNORE an aie 29 Repairs of Main Conduit Pipe Lines. .....coenuivs sanvrusnrernnesisiennssnssscnnasavnosss 29 Contents of City Reservoirs from April 18th to April 22d ...........ooviiiininernrernenens 30 Earthquake Effects on Other Parts of the Works— Onthe Penifisnlil o.oo. sees ainsi iaisis wiv alsin vs sinininivisininia ma isin winieisain vainisirsislsine vie 31 Alzmeda Creek SYSIEnT vi ovussssnasrassrssinsveratavasass eres trssnspnsnrnsny 32 San Francisco Pumps and Reservoirs. ...............iiiuiiiiiuainnnininneannn 33 San Francisco Distributing Pipe System........ a I 0a abeiin Cm wieptus eels 33 Letter to Chief of the Fire Department, Relating to Repairs of City System.................. 33 Notice PUDIEHEA .. isn ncnnssssisunsssnnnsssannessssessesasssansststsasmssnsnrenss sss 35 Original Plans of Spring Valley Water Works for Increasing Water Storage and Fire Protection 301 San IELARGIBCO uv cousin vn nsnn simmnsnshnie sms vannnsssivhesedssssnssamusss seston 36 Appendix A—Quotation from Former Reports to Board of Supervisors, Showing Responsibility of the Laer oie en ttienssivriasinie dssinsmnissninsamine RE ela iiea a le dae 37-39 Appendix B—Report by Professor Chas. Derleth, Jr., on the Effects of the Earthquake on the Water WOTES in iiv aia eA she a a a a A ae wie ities 39-43 Appendix C—Extract from “ New York Times” relating to Earthquake ..................... 43 Appendix D—Extracts from City Engineer's Report on Broken Sewers in San Francisco. ....... 43 Appendix E— (1.) Brickwork, Standard Employed by Spring Valley Water Company.............. 44 (2.) Concrete, Standard Employed by Spring Valley Water Company ................ 44 (3.) Clay Embankments; Standard Employed .............ooooeiiininminnnnenns 45 (4.) Wrought-iron Employed by Spring Valley Water Company for Pipe Lines. ....... 46 Appendix F—Outline of Independent Salt-water Fire Protection System for San Francisco...... 46-48 INDEX TO MAPS AND PHOTOGRAPHS Map 1. Map of the Spring Valley Water Works. ......c.. conve rvvnnnrrvasrrsrasssssasans Map 2. Topographical Map of Spring Valley Water Works .............. ccc. Map 3. Street Map of City and County of San Francisco ..............coviiiii.n. Map 4. Map of San Francisco, showing Contours. .........cvveervrvsssnrsesnnsnssnsesss Map 5. Map showing streets covered by the City Distributing Pipe System of the Spring Valley VWOter COMDINY vi. uiaioiviaiio isis nits ietviata Shumate shaban ela opus i ara a a stats Map 5a. Supply District Map of San Francisco (of the Spring Valley Water Co.)............ Map 5B. Standard dimensions of cast-iron pipe (used by Spring Valley Water Co.)........... Map s5BI. Specifications for cast-iron pipe (used by Spring Valley Water Co.) ................. Map 6. Sectlonsiof Tams... ieee sie eis ieicisio ais duraiatatoreio a wotinisth miata on Slatin pian slate anim doalinennie Map 7. Block System, Crysial Springs Dam. .....c.ccorrvesivsanessronsanivesinnisniaisismes Map 8. Outlet Shaft and Tunnel, Crystal Springs Dam ...............coiiiiiniiin... Map 9. Profiles of Main Pipe Lines, Spring Valley Water Company ........................ Map 10. Profile Detailed Plan and Diagram of Submarine Pipes .................... c.count. Map 11. Map of Burned District of San Francisco, showing breaks in main pipes, and zones where SIreciSiSUDSIARH . . .¢ oo soso visa sissies iris nitisiaitinia witontoinie isiuisinisinismistaininsaibis a ininie . Map 12. Map of Originally Proposed Market Street Reservoir ...............coiiiinnnnen Map 13. Map of Earthquake Faults and Details of Effects on Works of Spring Valley Water Co. Photographs Showing Destruction of Pilarcitos Pipe Line (Nos. I to I0, inclusive) ............... Photographs Showing Injuries to Pilarcitos Pipe Lines, Lock’s Creek Pipe Lines, Lines of Fault, eic. (Nos. 11 to ag, inclusive)... Loo. ee rien di tines sinensis swe senna aie mimes Photographs of Crystal Springs Pipe, San Andres Pipe, Upper and Lower Crystal Springs Dam (Nos. 2010.27, INCISIVE) . ooo ionic rca ritlee schisms veninsilos nissan ness sninsahensiasess Photographs San Andres Dam, Waste-weir Tunnel and Timber Chute, also Earthquake Cracks (Nos. 28 ito 37, inclusive)... . . ers ca se ne Se sl isis i sit ais sie erie ins Photographs of San Andres Brick and Concrete Outlet Gate-walls (Nos. 38 to 45, inclusive)... .... Photographs of Lock’s Creek Flume; Effects of Earthquake (Nos. 46 to 53, inclusive) ............ Photographs of Lake Honda Reservoir, Valencia Street Subsidence (showing pipes and sewer) ; also Harrison Street Pipe (INOS. 54 10 50, INCISIVE) + «ccc coun evunnrnrvrssrsvrnsorsrnssssssnss Effect of Earthquake on Streets and Buildings, showing subsidence (Nos. 59 to 65, inclusive)... . Effect of Earthquake on Streets, Pipes and Buildings, Showing Subsidence and Lateral Motion (NGS. 66:10:72, INCISIVE) . i. oevs esse sivssin sessions snr ss snis coal sien sinnaaieisismainiys unis Effect of Earthquake on Streets, Showing Subsidence and Lateral Motion (Nos. 73 to 81, inclusive) Debris in Streets of San Francisco (Nos. 82 to 88, inclusive) ............c.oceiiiiiiiiiin nn. Upper and Lower Crystal Springs Dams, San Andres Outlet Gate-wall and Waste-weir Tunnel {NOS OR 10 103, INCIUSIVE) . . sc sass irnsssnnisscicnsnsssiininsnssssninnnsssctensnnnnsne PAGES 75 77 79 81 83 85 37 89 9I 95 97 99 101 TIBRAR > N OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIEA THE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Before, During and After the Earthquake of April 18th, 1906, and the Subsequent Conflagration The earthquake of April 18th, 1906, followed by a general conflagration, destroyed the largest part of the business portion of San Francisco, as well as a considerable part of the adjacent residence district. The earthquake shock, which occurred about 5.15 A. M. on April 18th, although not injuring our main storage reservoirs in San Mateo County, nor our water sources in Alameda County, practically destroyed the upper thirty-inch conduit line, from Pilarcitos Reservoir, while it broke the lower 44-inch pipe line from Crystal Springs Reservoir for a total distance of about 2,850 feet, and seriously ruptured the 37-inch por- tion of the middle level San Andres pipe line. Of the City Distributing Reservoirs. only Lake Honda Reservoir, of about thirty-three million gallons capacity and 365 feet elevation, was seriously injured by the earthquake; but, in spite of this fact, on the morning of April 21st, when the fire in San Francisco was practically under control, it still contained over one-sixth of its capacity. The most serious injury sustained by the works were the ruptures caused by the earthquake, in hun- dreds of places, in our city main pipe distributing system, especially where the streets crossed filled ground and, particularly, where such filled ground covered former deep swamps, which swamps, during the earth- quake, subsided, tearing off sewers as well as water and gas pipes. Another as great and fully as fatal damage to the water distributing system was caused by the fact that the service pipes, supplying the many thousands of houses, hotels, factories, etc. (which the conflagration swept away with enormous rapidity, beginning immediately after the earthquake), were torn off, in and by the burning and falling buildings, allowing the water in the main pipe system to flow freely in tens of thou- sands of uncontrollable and inaccessible jets, large and small, into the accumulated debris of the burning buildings. The main conduit lines, connecting the large country storage reservoirs with the city distributing reservoirs, were rapidly repaired, the upper level conduit delivering from Lake Merced, within sixteen hours after the earthquake, seven million gallons a day into town, and the middle level, or San Andres con- duit, within sixty-two hours after the earthquake, delivering eight million gallons a day into the city. The water storage on hand in the city reservoirs, at the time of and for several days after the earth- quake, coupled with the fresh supplies thus brought in from the outside, enabled us to send water through the unburnt district of the Western Addition towards and to the burning district during the entire duration of the conflagration. Before I proceed with a detailed description of the effects of the earthquake on the works of the Spring Valley Water Company and of the repairing made necessary thereby, I shall, for the benefit of persons unacquainted with the water supply situation of San Francisco, give a brief description of the works, their past, present and future supply capacity, and a short review of the history of the same. L THE WORKS OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY. The City of San Francisco does not own a municipal water supply, but is being supplied by a private corporation, viz. : the Spring Valley Water Company. The State of California has a rainy season, during about five winter months, and a dry season, during the remaining seven summer and fall months. As the climatic conditions of our State are such that, owing to occasional two or three successive dry and unproductive winter seasons, the streams largely decrease in volume and, in many instances, dry up altogether, it has become an established fact that, in order to maintain a steady and constant supply of water here, either for irrigation or domestic purposes, no matter whether the rainy season is wet or dry, it is abso- lutely necessary to store in lakes or reservoirs, whether natural or largely artificial, the surplus waters of the wet rainy seasons, in order to tide over the dry seasons, and the effect of so-called “dry winters,” which, experience teaches us, are bound to re-occur here from time to time. The necessity of thus storing the surplus or waste waters of our California rivers and streams has been proven, to my fullest satisfaction, during my hydraulic engineering practice on the Pacific Coast, since 1864. It has been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that, in order to make our State capable of supporting a large agricultural population, commensurate with its marvelous soil and climatic resources, the first and last and most essential condition is to build large storage reservoirs in the watersheds of the many California rivers and streams and in them hold back and store the surplus and waste waters of the same, with a view of supplying a steady flow of water through the succeeding dry season or seasons, and thus build up a com- monwealth on this coast, the fertility and constant productiveness of whose resources would draw to our shores and nourish millions of industrious and contented people. What holds good for a general irrigation scheme, as above outlined, also holds good, only in a greater degree, for supplying our municipality with water for domestic, manufacturing, municipal and other pur- poses. Where people are crowded together in our California cities, a constant, reliable and good water supply is still more essential than for the needs of an irrigation system; as, outside of the domestic supply, there exists an urgent necessity for the flushing of house sewers, for manufacturing, shipping and other purposes, and for fire protection, if not otherwise provided for. In a country like California, where the providing of an abundant supply of fresh and potable water, in large and ever increasing quantities, is and always will be a difficult and very expensive task, owing to the above outlined climatic conditions, the high cost of labor and materials, etc., all cities located near the sea- shore should provide themselves with an efficient salt-water fire protection system, which, at the same time, could be used for flushing the street sewers. Thus the fire protection supply would be entirely separate and independent from the domestic water supply by allowing, on the former, no house connections whatever, but only numerous and large fire hydrant connections. : I shall revert hereafter in this report to the fact that our late disastrous conflagration has proven the absolute necessity of entirely separating the domestic water supply from that for fire purposes; as the rapid spread of the fire over such a large area was largely due to the fact that the two systems were combined. The City of San Francisco derives its water supply from the works of the Spring Valley Water Com- pany, of whose engineering department I have had charge since the fall of 1864. (See Map No. 1.) The water sources of the Spring Valley Water Company, as at present developed, can be divided into three separate groups: 1. The Peninsular Reservoir supply, in San Mateo County, comprising three storage reservoirs: a. The Pilarcitos Reservoir, formed by a clay dam with puddle core, about ninety feet in height, at about 700 feet elevation above tide, and of a capacity of about 950 million gallons. It is connected with the Lake Honda Distributing Reservoir in San Francisco, of 365 feet elevation, by means of a conduit consisting of three tunnels, a 30-inch wrought-iron pipe line, and about one and one-half miles of redwood flume. The 30-inch pipe was practically destroyed by the earthquake between a point about one mile south of San Adres dam and a point west of the village EE i a 9 of Baden, by the San Andres earthquake fault following its course for miles. (See Maps 1, 6 and 9.) b. The San Andres Reservoir is formed by a clay dam, about go feet in height, with a puddle core. Its elevation above tide is about 450 feet, and it has a storage capacity of about 5,500 million gallons. This reservoir is connected with the College Hill Distributing Reservoir in San Francisco (at an elevation of about 255 feet) by a pipe line consisting of 44 inch, 37 inch and 30 inch wrought-iron pipes. It is proposed, eventually, to extend the 44-inch pipe the entire distance. (This pipe was badly ruptured by the earthquake in the central portion, near Baden village, where its diameter is 37 inches.) (See Maps 1, 6 and 9.) ¢. The Crystal Springs Reservoir is formed by a concrete dam, at present 145 feet in height above its base, its present top being at 280 feet elevation above tide. Its present storage capacity is 19,000 million gallons. It is connected with the University Mound Reservoir in San Francisco, at an elevation of about 165 feet, by a conduit line consisting of three tunnels and a 44-inch wrought-iron pipe line. (See Maps 1, 6 and 9.) This 44-inch Crystal Springs pipe line crosses the swamp lands on the west side of the Bay of San Francisco, on heavily piled bridges, crossing the San Bruno Swamp at 5, on Map 1, the Guadaloupe Swamp at 6, on Map 1, and the Visitacion Swamp at 7, on Map 1. By the tremendous lateral vibration of these three swamps, during the earthquake of April 18, the 44-inch pipe was ruptured in a number of places, being torn apart and thrown to the east and to the west of the bridge. In those portions of the three above bridges, located miles apart, which crossed the deepest and softest portions of the respective swamps, the superstructures, on which the pipe rested, were completely destroyed. The San Bruno fault, which Professor A. C. Lawson, of the University of California, locates as pass- ing diagonally and in a northwesterly direction along the southwesterly slope of the San Bruno Mountains in almost a straight line to the Pacific Ocean (at 9, on Map 1), near Lake Merced, strikes diagonally across our 44-inch Crystal Springs pipe bridge, in or near the above San Bruno Marsh. Judging from the scat- tered position, after the earthquake, of the various broken fragments of the 44-inch pipe, it would appear that very violent lateral movements had made themselves felt, which were most accentuated in the softer portions of the swamp. (See Map 13, of earthquake fault.) This is furthermore evidenced by the fact that the earthquake showed great violence on the high shore bluff of the Pacific Ocean, west and southwest from Lake Merced, so that the outlet, or ocean end, of our brick Lake Merced drainage tunnel was completely covered up and closed by a large slide. (See 10, on Map 1.) By eventually raising the Crystal Springs dam to a height of 165 feet, its storage capacity will increase from 19,000 million to about 30,000 million gallons, while, should the dam be raised to its extreme practical height of 188 feet, which would also require a northerly extension of the main dam, the storage capacity would be increased to about 45,000 million gallons. The above three reservoirs, viz.: Pilarcitos, San Andres and Crystal Springs, each have side feeders, through which water is brought into them from adjacent watersheds. As above shown, the water product from these three reservoirs flows by gravitation to and into the respective distributing reservoirs in San Francisco. (The Pilarcitos 30-inch pipe line, owing to the earth- quake, being out of commission, the water from the Pilarcitos reservoir now flows through the by-pass (1-2, Map 1) into San Andres reservoir.) The Pilarcitos water is now being sent along, together with the San Andres water, to San Francisco through the San Andres pipe line, and where the Pilarcitos water, before the earthquake, arrived in Lake Honda reservoir in San Francisco by gravitation, the latter reservoir is now supplied by forcing into it the above waters by the Lake Merced pumps (near San Francisco), which draw it from the San Andres pipe line near Ocean View Station (see Map 1) and force it into the northerly end of the Pilarcitos pipe line. 2. On the Alameda Creek system, no storage reservoirs have, as yet, been constructed, although the Spring Valley Water Company owns, on this fine watershed of about six hundred square miles, three large storage reservoir sites, viz.: The Calaveras, San Antonio and Arroyo Valle sites, of a joint future storage capacity of from 45,000 to 50,000 million gallons. The present average supply, drawn from the Alameda system, consists of about fifteen million gallons a day, drawn from subterranean developed springs and gravel beds and from artesian wells. Ronit - i oS dw . a tee A et pei RE i SS ier TER gs ay aie St Bn a mA CS ri rn ap ap TER not alah SA & 3 Se 10 By developing, as proposed, the Calaveras portion of the Alameda Creek system, by the construction of a concrete dam, 223 feet in height, we can create a storage capacity of 30,000 million gallons, at an ele- vation of about 750 feet above tide, which will gather and store the water product of its direct and imme- diately adjacent watershed of a total area of 139 square miles. Making full allowance for evaporation, the daily average net product of water of Calaveras Reservoir (as established by many years of rainfall observation and of gauging of the streams) will be, in round figures, about 30 million gallons a day, year in and year out. By successively constructing and developing thereafter the proposed San Antonio (31) and Arroyo Valle (3) reservoirs (see Map 1), of a joint capacity of, say, 20,000 million gallons (or more, if required), the two reservoirs having a joint watershed of about 180 square miles, they would produce an additional supply in the neighborhood of 30 million gallons per day. The Alameda Creek system, when fully developed, as above outlined (which can be done economically and step by step, as the demand for water in San Francisco and around the shores of San Francisco Bay increases), can thus easily be brought up to furnish a total supply of 75 million gallons per day, year in and year out, of water filtered through the company’s extensive natural gravel filter beds in the Sunol Valley. The present water product, of an average of 15 million gallons a day, is conveyed westwardly, through the Sunol aqueduct, consisting of a series of concrete-lined tunnels (having a carrying capacity of from 70 to 75 million gallons daily), and of stretches of heavy redwood flumes from tunnel to tunnel, of a present carrying capacity of 30 million gallons a day. The Alameda water arrives at the concrete receiving basin, near Niles (No. 4, on Map 1) at an ele- vation of about 180 feet above tide, and is from here conveyed, in a southwesterly direction, through a 36-inch wrought-iron pipe, buried in the ground, passing the towns of Centerville and Newark, until, about one mile west of Newark, the pipe reaches a strongly piled bridge, on which it is carried, for a distance of fully 16,000 feet, to Dumbarton Point. On this bridge it crosses the swamp lands on the east side of the Bay of San Francisco. (See profile of Alameda pipe line, Map 9.) At a point about 7,000 feet northeasterly from Dumbarton Point, a navigable slough or stream, 300 feet wide, is crossed by two 16-inch and two 22-inch ball-joint submarine pipes—the former being in service since 1888 and the latter since 1902. The Bay of San Francisco is crossed by four ball-joint submarine pipes, of the same respective dimen- sions and age of service as those at the crossing of the slough. The Bay at this point, viz., between Dum- barton Point and Ravenswood, is 6,300 feet in width, which is traversed by the four submarine lines, the two 16-inch lines as well as the two 22-inch lines, being about twelve feet apart from centre to centre; while the 22-inch double line lies northwestwardly from and parallel to the 16-inch line and about go feet away from the same (see Maps 1 and 10). At the Ravenswood, or westerly shore of San Francisco Bay, the four submarine pipe lines again join together into one 36-inch wrought-iron pipe, which, for a distance of about 2,000 feet, is carried on a heavy piled trestle, through the swamp lands, on the west side of the bay, until (at 4 a, on Map 1) it enters terra firma, being riveted together in a trench about six feet in depth. In this manner the 36-inch wrought-iron pipe runs along, partly under public roads and partly through private rights of way, to the Receiving Reservoir at the Belmont Pumping Station, which reservoir is about 12 feet above tide (see Map 1). The Belmont Pumping Plant, being in five units, has a capacity of lift 23 million gallons a day to an elevation of 325 feet, into a standpipe erected on a hill to the southwest of the pumping station. From this standpipe the Alameda water, so pumped, again enters a 36-inch wrought-iron pipe, which carries it in a northwesterly direction (see Map 1), through the town of San Mateo, to its junction with the Crystal Springs 44-inch pipe. At this point, near Burlingame, the 36-inch pipe also joins the new 54-inch pipe, which carries the Alameda water to Millbrae Pumping Staticn. It is proposed to eventually continue this 54-inch wrought-iron pipe northwestwardly from Millbrae to San Francisco and southeasterly from Burlingame to the Belmont Pumping Station. This latter station would then, in turn, be connected with the submarine pipes and the proposed sub-bay tunnel at Ravenswood either by a 54-inch pipe or other large conduit. This will be necessitated when one or more of the proposed Alameda System reservoirs are constructed, which will also require the enlarging of the conduit line to the Bay of San Fran- cisco, ‘its submarine pipes or the construction of the proposed sub-bay tunnel. The Spring Valley Water Company also owns considerable land or water rights in three of the penin- sular streams located south of its present above-described reservoir and watershed properties. On one of these properties (the San Francisquito Creek) a portion of the proposed dam has been already constructed II to fulfill certain contract obligations entered into in order to acquire and hold important water rights. The two other streams, viz.: The San Gregorio and the Pescadero, can eventually be brought, by gravitation, into and become feeders of the Crystal Springs Reservoir. This will probably be done by sending the joint waters of the Pescadero and San Gregorio Creeks, by means of a tunnel, into the Portola Reservoir, which is to be raised to 3,000 million gallons capacity. (Sec Map 1.) From here the waters could be conveyed into the Crystal Springs Reservoir. The conduit, consisting of large redwood flume, iron pipe and con- crete-lined tunnel, would, in its northwesterly course, pass within about two miles of Redwood City. It would enter Crystal Springs Reservoir through a concrete-lined tunnel, located almost on a straight line between Redwood City and the southeasterly end of the Crystal Springs Reservoir (see Map 1). (Through the same tunnel the enlarged Belmont pumping plant will also discharge, in future, the water of the enlarged Alameda supply, which is to be stored in the Crystal Springs Reservoir, on the San Mateo Peninsula.) The above-mentioned additional peninsular streams, if properly developed and connected with Crystal Springs Reservoir, can easily be counted upon to furnish an average daily supply of from twenty to twenty- five million gallons. The present three peninsular reservoirs (outside of Lake Merced, in San Francisco County) yield an average supply, over and above evaporation, of eighteen million gallons a day. Adding hereto the supply that can be developed on the adjacent streams and watersheds, the total daily average supply of the present and adjacent sources on the peninsula and in San Mateo County would be fully 40 million gallons a day. Adding to this amount the daily supply, which can easily be developed in the company's Alameda sys- tem, as above shown, of 75 million gallons per day, including the present 15 million gallons daily, the total daily supply, thus produced, in and from the fine watersheds surrounding the Bay of San Francisco, would be between 110 and 120 million gallons per day, which is in excess of three times the daily consumption prior to the earthquake. : Besides the above-mentioned sources of supply, the Spring Valley Water Company owns in the same and adjacent counties water rights, watersheds and reservoir sites capable, when properly developed, of add- ing largely tc the above daily supply. 3. Lake Merced, in San Francisco County: Lake Merced is located in the southwesterly corner of San Francisco County. It has an area of about 400 acres, and is fed by innumerable springs in the bottom and around the margin of this lake. The apparent watershed of the lake is between seven and eight square miles, and consists mainly of a sandy hard-pan formation, in the lowest portion of which Lake Merced, consisting of a north and south branch, is located. (See Map 1.) A very effective system has been constructed, conveying the surface water of two creeks into the Pacific Ocean, and as the intercepting dams, in the respective creeks, go down to the tight hard-pan, the surface waters are not allowed to enter the lake, but are carried towards the ocean. The average net yield of water of the two lakes combined (over and above evaporation) is somewhat in excess of three million gallons per day. By having constructed two dams, one between the North and South Lake and one at the old outlet (into the sea) of the North Lake (each dam with gate-well and outlet tunnel), the high-water mark of both lakes can be raised to about twenty-eight feet above tide. Its maximum storage capacity is over 2.000 million gallons: On the shore of the South Lake (see Map 1), the Lake Merced Pumping Station is located, with two Corliss compound condensing pumping plants, each of a capacity of lifting three and a half million gallons a day, either from Lake Merced or from the San Andres pipe line, into the Pilarcitos pipe line. (See Map 5a.) The Spring Valley Water Company owns about 4 4/10 square miles of land, within which tract both lakes are located. THE SAN FrRANcCISCO DISTRIBUTING RESERVOIR AND PIPE SYSTEM. The problem of water distribution in San Francisco is and always will be a very difficult one, owing to the very uneven and broken topography of the inhabited part of the city. The elevations vary from the original fresh and salt water swamp region, in the southeasterly and easterly portion of the city (most of whose present streets are less than twenty feet above tide) to the hilly northerly, northwesterly, westerly, 12 southerly and southeasterly portions of the city—some ridges running up to three hundred feet and over, while isolated hills and slopes that have to be supplied with water reach elevations of over 500 feet. (See Map 4.) ; : For the highest region, in the southwesterly portion of the city, we have a reservoir at an elevation of 600 feet above tide, into which the water is being pumped. < As it would take too long to describe the city distributing reservoir and pipe system in detail and the very circuitous routes that the pipes have to take to reach and supply the many isolated hills and, by virtue of the topography, peculiarly located and formed supply regions, requiring five separate and distinct reservoir levels, varying in elevation from 135 to 600 feet above city base, I refer, for further information, to Map a. } In San Francisco City and County we have three pumping plants in operation: : 2 (1). The Lake Merced Pumping Plant, in two units (as briefly described above), lifting seven million gallons daily, either from Lake Merced or from the San Andres conduit line, to the aerator on the Pilarcitos pipe line, from where Lake Honda Reservoir and the Western Addition of San Francisco is supplied (L. H. on Map 50): oe a J (2). The Black Point Pumping Station, in two units (see Map 5a), capable of lifting six million gallons daily to the Pacific and Presidio Heights districts (P. H. and P. H. 1, Map 50) (3). The Clarendon Heights Pumping Station, in two units, capable of lifting three million gallons a day from the College Hill district or from the University Mound district (C. H. or U. M. on Map 5a) to and into the Clarendon Heights tank and its district (Cl.-H. on Map 50), at an elevation of 600 feet. We have constructed (since the earthquake) an emergency pumping plant of a daily capacity of four million gallons (in three units), at the corner of Twenty-sixth and Harrison streets, in the southerly portion of San Francisco, to which plant we may add, if necessary, another unit of three million gallons a day. (U. M. district, Map 5a.) This emergency plant has been erected to temporarily take the place of the Pilarcitos pipe line (destroyed by the earthquake). It will lift water from the University Mound (U. M., Map 5a) or College Hill district (C. H. on Map 5a) to and into the Lake Honda district (L. H. on Map 5a), through a special heavy 16-inch cast-iron force pipe, one mile in length, laid for this purpose along Twenty- sixth street to and into the Lake Honda (L. H.) district. This emergency pumping plant will, in due time, be replaced by a high duty plant of twelve million gallons (in three units) daily capacity, which can be added to, as required. The City Distributing Reservoirs, with their approximate elevations and capacities, in round figures, are as follows: : its. vg Noun Bo oi U.M. 1. University Mound .........cceuinnnmmmenneirrnnsrnnnnnns 165 37,000,000 U.M. 2. Francisco Street Reservoir (Subsidiary to University Mound) 135 3,000,000 C.H. 3 College Hill ..oovuvrrererersnrvsrnrssciscecrcrnrensns 255 14,000,000 T.11 4 Lake Honda .......ccseentvrensrornanecarvcarnssnnras 365 33,000,000 L.H 6. Potrero Heights Reservoir (Subsidiary to Lake Honda)... .. 315 800,000 1L.H 5. Lombard Street Reservoir (Subsidiary to Lake Honda). .... 305 2,500,000 P.H 7 Presidio Heights’ Tank...........c.coinvnumnnnninnnnns 400 700,000 P.H.1. 8 Clay Street Tank...........cvvivnrseeiinniiinennnes, 375 250,000 CLH oo Clarendon Heights’ 600 500,000 City Reservoir in contemplation: I.S.R. 10. Industrial School Reservoir................oooinnnnnn.. 310 400,000,000 13 Tue City Pipe DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM. The City Pipe Distributing System is so arranged that the larger arterial pipes traverse the various pressure or supply districts longitudinally. On Map 5a¢ I have only marked them from the respective reservoirs fo their entrance into the respective districts, as this small photographic reproduction of the sup- ply disticts would have been too confusing, if all these lines had been drawn through the same. The following list of pipe in our city distributing system gives the pipes laid in the streets of San Francisco, beginning at the outlet gate of each respective distributing reservoir, and does not include the pipes in San Francisco County (shown on Map 5a) leading the water from the country reservoirs, nor from Lake Merced, into the respective city reservoirs. ; In the following list of pipes, which were in operation in the San Francisco Distributing Pipe System on January I, 1906, the riveted wrought-iron pipes, from 44 inches diameter down to 13 inches, act as con- ductors of water to and through the various supply districts, and although connected at street crossings by means of gates with cast-iron laterals, they (the wrought-iron pipe lines) are not allowed to be tapped, neither for house supply nor fire hydrant purposes. Of the cast-iron pipe in the City Distributing System, no house or hydrant connections have been allowed to be placed directly on the 30-inch and 24-inch pipes (they being important main arteries), while on the 22-inch and 20-inch cast-iron pipes (which are also main arteries) but a few house connections have been made, while fire hydrants have generally been set on special 8-inch side branches, with 8-inch gates, between the large pipe and the hydrant connections. A large portion of the 16-inch cast-iron pipe, where it acted as a main artery, has also been kept free from house connections, so that, generally speaking, most of the fire hydrants and nearly all of the domestic supply connections are made on pipes from 12 inches diam- eter downward. During about the last decade, none, if any, new fire hydrants have been connected to pipes smaller than 8 inches in diameter; and those that were still connected with pipes of diameters less than 8 inches have been, whenever requested by the Fire Department, cut off from the same and have been, where convenient, placed on larger new pipes; or, frequently, when there was not a larger pipe in the same street, it was laid especially for fire hydrant purposes and the hydrants were placed thereon. During the past two decades a large amount of 6-inch and 4-inch pipe has been taken up and replaced by the company by pipes of larger diameters, on which the San Francisco Fire Department had hydrants placed. Should the municipal authorities of San Francisco profit by the terrible lesson taught by the earthquake and fire, and entirely separate the fire supply from the domestic supply, in that case, a large portion of the 6-inch and 4-inch pipe, now in the distributing system, will be amply sufficient in size, if used for domestic supply alone, as our pressure here, owing to the very hilly topography of San Francisco, is necessarily quite high. If, on the other hand, the absolutely necessary independent salt-water supply is not adopted and inau- gurated by the authorities after all, then there is no doubt, if the water rates permit it, that most of these 6 and 4 inch pipes will gradually be replaced by larger ones. In many of the small alleys and in the water-front region and, especially, under the wharves, we still retain and shall probably in the future retain the 4-inch and 3-inch pipes, as convenient and ample sizes for supplying the domestic requirements in these alleys and the ships at the wharves and in the harbor with fresh water for their requirements. On January 1, 1906, the City Distributing Pipe System consisted of the following sizes and lengths: A. —Wrought-iron Pipes. Internal Diameter, Length of Pipe, in Inches. in Feet. Ad. a ae ss sn 7,213 37205 eres Bice siriekin ae ti ile sia Sa nth we aris 12,254 1 ACE RE en OR pe 2,510 1 EES Ie Sen RE OI RNID ST Sper eC 12,669 BB hh era nae Th a ne Cd 25,481 13 i ee tte sae Te Se 850 The wrought-iron pipes in the City Distributing Pipe System, as well as those used on the main con- duit lines in the country, are made of the best American laminated wrought iron. Their workmanship is 14 equal to the best boiler work in the country, and they have all been thoroughly immersed and boiled in, and thus coated, in and outside, with the best, most lasting and heavy asphaltum coating, with which proc- ess we have had many years of successful experience. B.—Cast-iron Pipe. Internal Diameter, Length of Pipe, in Inches. in Feet. ge a Ln ae cl nh ee 4,494 BU oi a un i a et A Ree et i ae a ee as 46,363 22. nL a se 19,183 Ee ee As rr 21,840 XO ne a ea eda 126,153 TD. hentia ince rete aint sbe A a pa ee eae ara aha ee ao ae ee he 265,037 TO ah ee th a ele 8,489 ee SR pl a at pie 701,453 Ghent oral ttn Sa ei a aban anew tat sf yt yes aati ese Tate cae 570,977 he tte ea Den ty ee eT Se te trey 376,114 Bs re ht at Sal met aaa mi an atta a i eal al ee 130,755 The metal of which these pipes are made is the best and toughest cast-iron obtainable from American pipe foundries. For years past these pipes are specially made for us under our own specifications and under the eyes of our own experts, who are our regular employees and who have been thoroughly trained for many years for this very purpose. We also require a heavier thickness of metal in the body of the pipe and a heavier and considerably deeper bell than is generally customary in American city water works. (See the annexed diagram on Map 5b, which forms a part of our specifications.) This increase in dimensions proved itself, during the earth- quake, a very wise provision, as, in spite of the terrific twisting and wrenching that the city pipe system received all over the city, the breaks in the main pipes (considering our great length of distributing system of 4415 miles) were comparatively few, and these were, in the large majority of cases, principally confined to and caused by the sudden sinking of the streets over the old swamps, which movement (the same as hap- pened to the city’s sewers there) tore the pipe over the swamp away from the pipe on terra firma. In the streets within the main body of the sunken swamp districts, which, during the earthquake, rap- idly moved up and down and sideways, back and forward, like jelly in a shaken bowl, there were also, naturally, a number of breaks in the street pipes, caused by the twisting and rapidly undulating motion of ground in which the pipes had to be laid. (See Map 11 and photographs of sunken and twisted streets.) Furthermore, we had a number of breaks in the main pipes in such streets that were constructed over loosely and poorly filled depressions. The works of our company in the country (except where they were unavoidably torn up and destroyed by the earthquake faults crossing and recrossing the same) and in the city (where the main pipes, wherever crossing swamps and fills were broken) have withstood the terrific strain to which they were submitted in a most remarkable degree. This splendid result is largely due to the fact that, ever since my taking charge of the Engineering De- partment of our company, more than forty years ago, I have established the rigid rule that only the very best of materials obtainable, coupled with the very best and most appropriate design and workmanship, should be employed in the construction of our works, as long as the Board of Directors of our company honored me by placing the entire responsibility for the physical success of our works on my shoulders. In order to recognize and reject inferior or doubtful materials and instead select and accept such mate- rials as would pass my individual rigid requirements in every case, whether relating to brick, cement, rock, cast or wrought iron, etc., or to structures, such as foundations, dams, tunnels, reservoirs, pipes, boilers, pumps, etc., etc., it was absolutely necessary to surround myself with men of good character, energy and skill, whom I could gradually discipline and train up into a body of reliable, thoroughly practical and efficient experts, assistants, foremen, mechanics and workmen. In selecting the men to fill either or all of these positions, I have always placed the good character of the men as the first and foremost requirement. After that came energy, adaptability and skill. Thus I soon found out for what specialty a man was best fitted. If, thereafter, he fully came up to 15 my expectations, he was regularly employed at fair pay and, when his qualifications permitted and the opportunity offered itself, he was advanced in position and salary. Having steadily followed this method, for fully four decades, of carefully selecting, thoroughly training and properly treating our employees in the Engineering, Construction and Maintenance Departments, I can say, from the bottom of my heart, that the splendid physical condition of our very extensive works, even after the earthquake (which works show an endless variety of constructions best adapted to the climatic, physical and local circumstances), is largely due to the faithful work of every man that has helped me to construct and maintain our works, and which men, since the trying ordeals of earthquake and fire, have done almost superhuman work to, in a very short space of time, rehabilitate our water supply. 11. SHORT HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO FROM THE EARLY SIXTIES UNTIL THE EARTHQUAKE OF APRIL 18TH, 1906. Up to the latter part of the fifties, of the past century, San Francisco received its domestic supply largely from watering carts and from wells and springs. The supply for the hand fire engines was drawn either from the bay or from large cisterns, built at a number of street crossings, and which were kept filled for the use of the volunteer fire department. : The city, during the fifties, having gone through several serious conflagrations, which proved the in- efficiency of this fire protection for the rapidly growing city, of mostly wooden houses, and, as at that time, the city’s finances, or credit, did not permit the construction of municipal water works, nor were the au- thorities willing to embark in such enterprise, a law was framed, thereafter called the law of 1858, designed to encourage private enterprise to embark in the business of supplying cities and towns in California with water. . Labor was scarce and dear; materials were high, as everything in the shape of metal, cement, etc., had to come around the Horn; money also commanded a high rate of interest. | The above law, while intended to get efficient results as regards domestic supply and fire protection, at the same time proposed to protect the capital invested in such private enterprise, as, without the guarantee of either fair treatment on the part of the authorities or of a fair rate of interest on the money to be in- vested (most people then believing that as soon as the mines should give out the future growth of the City of San Francisco would be, to say the least, problematical), no capital could have been found to embark in the enterprise. : For the purpose of regulating the price at which water might be sold, the law provided that such rates should be established by a commission of four, two of which were to be appointed by the city and two by the respective water company. In case that the four could not agree, they should select a fifth commissioner, if they could agree on one. If not, then the Sheriff was to appoint the fifth commissioner. he The commission was to establish reasonable water rates for one year, or until new rates were adopted. Before I proceed further with an account of how the water rates were regulated under the law of 1858 and, later on, under the new State Constitution, which supplanted it, when it went into effect on Janu- ary 1st, 1880, I will give a short account of how the works were gradually and successively developed from the beginning of the year 1865 to the year 1906. Protected by the law of 1858, a company was organized and brought the water of Lobos Creek (fur- nishing somewhat over two million gallons daily) through the Presidio, with a tunnel under Fort Mason, and to the Black Point Pumping Station, at the foot of Van Ness Avenue. : From here it was pumped through two sets of heavy double force pipe lines, partly into the Francisco Street Reservoir (at 135 feet elevation), at Hyde and Francisco Streets, and partly into the Lombard Street Reservoir (at 305 feet elevation), at Hyde and Lombard Streets. From these two reservoirs an extensive network of pipes distributed the water of Lobos Creek, under a fair pressure and in a general easterly and southeasterly and southerly direction, to and through what was then San Francisco—the former reservoir taking care of the lower districts of the city, while the latter supplied the higher opens In 1860, according to the United States census, San Francisco had a population of 78,000, and, fon a 1 appearances, it would continue to grow gradually, as the agricultural interests were being developed in ition to the mining interests. ; is Encouraged by Se law of 1858, which was being justly and fairly interpreted by the Water Commis- sion, and knowing that the supply of the original water company was limited to two million gallons 2 day from Lobos Creek, a new water company, under the name of the “ SPRING VALLEY WATER Works,” was i bout that time, by local citizens and with local capital. a having Fall faith in the city’s future growth, and being convinced that the rapidly growing city would, in the near future, need a considerable addition to its water supply, purchased a con- Ea 17 siderable tract of land, with the water rights appertaining thereto, in the secluded mountain forests of San Mateo County. By constructing the upper Pilarcitos dam or reservoir and, from there, conducting the water of Pilarcitos Creek and tributaries and also that of the upper San Mateo Creek through a tunnel, flume and pipe line of a total length of thirty-two miles, the new company was able to deliver its water, during the fiscal years of 1862-3, into its partly finished Lake Honda Reservoir and its completed Market Street Reservoir, since destroyed by cutting through of Market Street—the former being located near the present Almshouse, at 365 feet elevation, and the latter near Market Street, at its intersection with Bu- chanan Street, at 200 feet elevation. From these two reservoirs a network of cast-iron pipes distributed the Pilarcitos water supply through the North Mission, Hayes Valley, part of the Western Addition and the main business portion of the city. Finding it to their mutual interests to join the two supplies together, so that not only one could sup- plement and assist the other, but also that the operating of both companies under one head would largely simplify and cheapen the management, on the first of the year 1865 the two water companies became one under the name of the “ Spring Valley Water Works.” On October 8th, 1864, I had been appointed as engineer of that part of the works of the original Spring Valley Water Works which related to the head waters in San Mateo County and the conduit lines con- structed and to be constructed into San Francisco. (See Map 1.) In the fall of 1864 the foundation of the large Pilarcitos main dam was started and, early in 1865, the second long tunnel on the proposed new Pilarcitos conduit line. In May, 1866, I was appointed Chief Engineer of the entire Spring Valley Water Works, with head- quarters in San Francisco, and have continued in this position from that date up to the present. During this long, continuous period of over four decades, I have designed and constructed all the works necessary to gradually bring the works up to their present capacity of about 35 million gallons a day. I have also advised and insisted upon the timely acquisition of the large, then available, but now enormously valuable watersheds, reservoir sites, water rights and rights of way in and from the mountains and valleys sur- rounding the bay. The ownership of these large properties will enable the Spring Valley Water Company to practically, economically, safely and rapidly solve the otherwise serious problem of meeting the fresh water require- ments of this city and neighborhood, until the time when we have a population far in excess of one million people. As the population and the demand for water gradually increased during the past four decades, we met such increased and ever increasing demand by a number of timely and appropriate constructions, promi- nent amongst which are the following: In the second half of the sixties, building the Pilarcitos Reservoir and its new conduit into San Fran- cisco; and, in the latter part of the sixties and early in the seventies, building the San Andres dam and its independent pipe line. Both of these reservoirs were, some years later, increased in capacity by raising the two dams. (See Map No. 6.) In the middle of the seventies we constructed the upper Crystal Springs Reservoir and, a few years later, connected the same by a pumping plant, pipe and flume line with the Pilarcitos conduit, thus adding the upper Crystal Springs water to our city water supply. About the same time we acquired land and water rights at Lake Merced, in San Francisco County, and erected a pumping plant on the north lake and connected the same (which controlled the north lake and the outflow from the south lake), by a pipe line, with our San Andres main conduit line, delivering water into College Hill Reservoir. In 1885 we constructed the 44-inch wrought-iron Crystal Springs pipe line from the upper Crystal Springs Reservoir to the new University Mound Reservoir, into the city, thus sending a much larger supply from this important source into San Francisco by gravitation, instead of pumping as theretofore. In 1888 we completed the original Alameda Creek works as far as the 44-inch Crystal Springs pipe, near Burlingame, with double 16-inch submarine pipes crossing the bay. At this period we also completed the original Belmont pumping plant, thus adding to our works the magnificent Alameda properties, which holdings have since been largely added to and part of their resources developed. In 1887 we laid the foundation of the concrete Crystal Springs main dam and, by working on the same during 1887, 1888 and 1890, we raised it to its present height of 145 feet above its base, which is 280 feet above tide. The 44-inch Crystal Springs pipe was disconnected from the upper dam and, instead, con- nected (as originally contemplated) with the lower main dam. = — 18 In 1897 the Pilarcitos pumps were constructed, forcing San Andres water into the Pilarcitos pipe line. In 1898 we completed the Crystal Springs emergency pumping station, with conduit to San Andres Reservoir, and also the Millbrae pumping station, which latter can deliver either Alameda or Crystal Springs water into the higher San Andres pipe line. In 1900 we completed the Sunol filter beds and Sunol aqueduct, on the Alameda Creek system, largely increasing the capacity of the original Alameda works and also, by filtration, improving the quality of the water. These filter beds also received the water from our extensive artesian lands in Livermore Valley. During 1902 we constructed the second double line of submarine pipes across the bay, these lines being 22 inches, while the original lines are 16 inches in diameter. Thus we considerably again increased the carrying capacity of the Alameda conduit. This was followed, in 1903, by our more than doubling the capacity of the Belmont pumping plant and, at the same time, laying the 54-inch Alameda pipe line from the Burlingame junction of the Crystal Springs and Alameda pipe line to the Millbrae Pumping Station. At the latter place we had also, since 1898, established a large central and effective emergency camp, for the purpose of rapidly repairing any part of the main works, should it become necessary. This camp stood us in good stead immediately after the earthquake, as without the great variety of almost every kind of repair fittings kept on hand there much more time would have elapsed in repairing the damage done by the earthquake to the San Andres and Crystal Springs main pipe lines. During the period of forty years, from 1865 to 1905, the population and consumption of water in San Francisco gradually and steadily grew and, naturally, required an enormous extension of the city distrib- uting reservoir and pipe system. Cable roads were constructed, rapidly populating the hilly parts of the city. Water was required and demanded everywhere, and at elevations varying from the sea level up to over 500 feet above tide. : The electric roads came, and spread and scattered the city rapidly over a very large area, and we kept on extending our reservoir, pumps and pipe system. At the urgent request of, and promise of fair treatment by the city authorities, we not only rapidly extended our distributing system, but also largely increased the sizes of our main pipes, so that, by the end of the year 1905, we had the above detailed list of (pages 13 and 14) distributing pipes, of a total length of 441% miles, laid and in operation in the City of San Francisco. The following table shows the population of San Francisco, in round figures, taken, for the even years, from the United States Census and, for the intermediate years, arrived at by a careful estimate made by the writer ; and the daily consumption of water, during this period of four decades, taken from five to five years: United States Daily Consumption of Year. Census. Estimate. Water in Gallons. E805 en tes 110,000 2,360,000 1870... ees 150,000: = lL... 6,040,000 18378... .. cee. 190,000 11,680,000 880, «0 iat a 234,000. | ...... 12,670,000 1885. a 265,000 17,050,000 IE 300000 =... 20,430,000 1808... an ie 330,000 19,900,000 TT a ee eR 343,000 355,000 25,470,000 BOOS. or sina s anise 455,000 34,000,000 SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY'S PREPARATIONS FOR INCREASING ITs SUPPLIES IN THE FUTURE. During the last decade railroad facilities to this coast and city have materially increased, and the cli- matic, agricultural and commercial advantages of onr State and city have become much better known and appreciated in America, as well as in Europe. The population of San Francisco, as well as the water con- sumption, especially during the last five years, began to increase much more rapidly than heretofore, as is shown on the above table. 19 Taking this increase during these past five years as a basis, in connection with the causes that brought it about, I made, in the year 1904, the following approximate estimate of the probable increase in the popu- lation and the minimum water supply that would have to be provided for such increase. (See my testi- mony in the United States Circuit Court during the latter part of 1904 and the early part of 1905) : Estimated Estimated Minimum Supply Year. Population. (in Round Figures). TORO: vat sania as 500,000 40 million gallons per day. FE I LH 650,000 (fully) 55 million gallons per day. BOSON. ey te ati 800,000 72 million gallons per day. FOO. a 950,000 (fully) go million gallons per day. BOEO sa vs wr ie, 1,100,000 110 million gallons per day. I showed that this estimated rate of increase in population and consumption might be somewhat altered by contributary circumstances, but that the estimate appeared to be rather under than over what we might expect. Having advised our Board of Directors, in due time, that a material increase in the water supply would have to be provided for, they concluded to erect the Calaveras dam on our watershed in Alameda County, by which a storage reservoir (as above shown) of 30,000 million gallons’ capacity would be created and a supply of about 30 million gallons a day would be added to our present supply of about 35 million gallons daily. This proposed work, which would also include an increase in the conduit and pumping capacity of the Alameda pipe line and Belmont Pumping Works, respectively, and an extension to San I'rancisco, could be accomplished within a period of from three to five years. The supply capacity of the works being thus increased from 35 to 65 million gallons per day, the above table shows that this supply would take care of San Francisco until somewhere in the neighborhood of 1925. Prior to this period additional extensions of the company’s works would have been inaugurated on other portions of its extensive watershed and reservoir, or other properties. Such new work might be the construction of either the San Antonio or Arroyo Valle Reservoirs, or both, which, jointly, would add, say, 20,000 million gallons to the storage capacity and about 30 million gallons to the daily supply. Or, the company might choose to then first develop and connect with Crystal Springs Reservoir the coast streams, via the Portola Reservoir; or it might prefer to develop other of its extensive water prop- erties. In short, the probable supply requirements, beyond 1925, as approximately prognosticated in the above table, could be easily met by gradually, successively and economically developing the company’s various water properties during the first half of the present century. The late earthquake has also conclusively shown that a number of short conduit lines, each bringing an independent supply from separate sources and through different localities, is far safer than a long, single pipe line, bringing water from a source from 150 to 200 miles distant. Even if such pipe were duplicated, following about the same route, the cause that would destroy and disable the one is likely to also interrupt the other. I shall now revert back to the law of 1858 and its interpretation by the Water Commission established under the same (see page 16). The water rate commission, created under the law of 1858, while regulating the price of water so as to bring a fair and safe revenue on the money invested in this enterprise, most vital to San Francisco’s welfare and safety, at the same time established the rates reasonably to the consumers and gradually decreased the same as the demand for water increased. ; About the year 1870 promoters of various water schemes, prominent among which was Lake Tahoe, located about 200 miles from San Francisco, appeared before the people, who, by continued agitation, both by the interested parties and a part of the press (all promising an abundant supply of cheap mountain water), became considerably enthused on the subject. As time went on, a number of other additional water schemes were proposed from far and near, also including the Alameda Creek System, which I had recommended to our Board of Directors in my report of 20 1865 and had strongly urged ever since. Our company then considered the acquisition of the Alameda Creek water proporties, including the Calaveras Reservoir site, as premature and did not buy them. In the early part of the seventies the Oakland and Alameda Water Company purchased sufficient properties there to control the key to the situation. : a The city authorities finally took hold of the matter and a water committee was appointed, consisting of the Mayor, City Attorney and Auditor, who engaged an Eastern hydraulic engineer, Mr. Scowden, as expert, to report on the water question and to advise the most feasible and appropriate supply for San Fran- cisco. After looking into the various schemes proposed he strongly advised the purchase and development of the Alameda Creek properties as the cheapest, safest and simplest solution of the water question. : Finding that my high opinion of the Alameda Creek System, that I had expressed to our Directors in a number of reports during the past ten years, was fuily shared by the city’s expert, Mr. Scowden, the Spring Valley Water Works concluded to purchase the properties from the Oakland and Alameda Water Company. : : By this acquisition, they, in 1875, became the owners of the nucleus of their present magnificent and unique Alameda Creek System, which has ever since been added to by the purchase of watersheds, reservoir sites, natural gravel and filter beds, artesian lands, water rights and rights of way. This system alone, if fully developed, can furnish an abundant supply of naturally filtered water for a population of nearly one million inhabitants, and its nucleus is located within fifty miles of San Francisco. In 1876, the city authorities, having again brought before them by many various promoters a number of water schemes (although the Spring Valley Water Works had been furnishing right along an abundant supply of good water, and which it was preparing to increase in good faith and protected by the law of 1858, fairly and equitably interpreted), this time appointed a local engineer of the Army, Colonel Mendell, to in- vestigate not only the local but also the various schemes proposed. He made an exhaustive report in 1877, in which he went into the relative merits of a number of schemes proposed. No particular scheme was selected by the authorities; but, whether based upon Col. Mendell’s report or not, the Board of Water Commissioners entered into negotiations with the Spring Valley Water Works for the purchase of its plant, offering therefor the sum of $11,000,000. This offer was declined by the Spring Valley Water Works as not being within several million dollars of what they considered to be the true value of the works, particularly when considering the great facility and comparatively light expense (when compared with a distant mountain scheme) with which the daily furnishing capacity of its works (being then fully sixteen million gallons a day) could be largely increased whenever required. The water agitation continued unabated and finally culminated in the insertion into the new State Constitution of a clause, intended to replace the new law of 1858 in regard to the regulation or fixing of the price of water, at which private parties or corporations should be compelled to sell their water to cities or towns and their inhabitants. This new law entirely ignored the fact that many millions of dollars had been expended in good faith by private water companies, invited and encouraged by the authorities and protected, as to fair treatment, by the law of 1858, and, as for the past twenty-two years, fairly interpreted by the umpires appointed under this law. It goes without saying, that if the new Constitution, with its remarkable water clause, had been the fundamental law governing the price of water in the latter part of the fifties and the early portion of the sixties, it would have been practically impossible to induce private capital, which then brought a high rate of interest, to go into such a hazardous venture as a municipal water supply, where, under the new consti- tional provision, the water companies have no voice in the matter, but where the price of water is annually fixed by the Board of Supervisors, and (experience has shown) with very little regard to the cost or true value of the respective enterprises. But, as the Spring Valley Water Works had a great many million dollars invested in its enterprise at the time the city’s offer was made, which investment the company had to protect, and the city refusing to purchase the works at a fair price, there was nothing for the company to do but to proceed in developing and extending its works, as the demand for water increased from year to year, hoping that the new law would be fairly interpreted by the city authorities and a fair and reasonable rate would be established. 21 Such rate should, naturally, be based upon a fair valuation of the properties and works of the company, on which value a fair rate of interest, commensurate with the risk incurred in the business should be al- lowed. The water rates, or annual revenue, should also include State and county taxes, operating expenses and a fair and equitable allowance for deterioration. A constant agitation has been kept up before the public, ever since the adoption of the new Constitution, for a municipally owned and managed water supply. The public was informed, by the promoters of many rival schemes and by politicians, that the San Francisco water rates were much higher than in the East; but they wisely refrained from telling the public that, where in the East, many of the large cities had rivers or large natural lakes to draw from, the climatic conditions on this coast, owing to the absence of such available large rivers and lakes, required the construc- tion of large reservoirs in which to store the water of the rainy or snow-melting season, as in the summer and fall most of the streams were dry, or nearly so. They neither informed the public that materials, such as wrought-iron and cast-iron, cement, etc., had to be imported here, either by rail or ship, at an expense far in excess of Eastern prices, nor did they tell the people that wages of mechanics and laborers were much higher on this coast than in the Eastern States; that the large Eastern cities are generally located on very much more level ground than the very hilly location of San Francisco, etc., etc., and that for all of these, and other reasons, the cost of water de- livered into the homes in San Francisco was and always would be much higher than in the East. Another and very prominent reason for low prices to the water consumer in the East, which was never understood by the San Francisco public, was, that in many Eastern cities it was customary, and in some it is still in vogue, to have a large part of the cost of water, particularly that pertaining to interest on out- standing water bonds, paid out of the general fund, while the water taker, who was in many or most cases a tenant, paid but a very small annual water rate as such, while, unknown to himself, he paid the larger portion of the annual cost of the water used in his premises in the form of rent to his landlord. The latter, in turn, paid his taxes, which generally included the respective proportion of interest and sinking fund pay- ments made by the city authorities on account of the bonded water debt. Our company published the comparative facts between the East and the West in a number of reports and pamphlets and also, at many of the meetings of the successive Boards of Supervisors, all these matters were not only fully explained and proven, in order to induce them to treat this company with the same degree of fairness to which they would be compelled by law and by holders of municipal water bonds, if it was a question of fixing water rates for a municipally-owned and managed water works system. When politicians urged and municipal conventions insisted upon pledges to be made by candidates be- fore nomination for supervisors, or, when nominated, candidates often pledged themselves before election that they would see that water rates should be reduced, provided that they were elected,—the position of the Spring Valley Water Works gradually became almost untenable. Meanwhile, around San Francisco Bay, while almost all real estate (whether in city or country) con- stantly increased in value, the water properties of the Spring Valley Water Works, although having in- creased enormously in value during the past two and one-half decades (being developed, unified and having their most difficult engineering problems successfully solved and their future capacities for large extension proven), were, for water rate purposes, continuously largely undervalued. At the same time, for taxing purposes, the value of the company’s properties and works was constantly being increased by the assessors of the different counties in which they were located, particularly of San Francisco County, which is the principal place of business of the company. As before stated (page 20), the City Water Commission, in 1877, offered the company, for its proper- ties and works on the San Francisco peninsula (and exclusive of the Alameda Creek System) the sum of $11,000,000. As the company considered all of its properties and works, inclusive of its Alameda Creek properties (then undeveloped), to be worth fully $16,000,000, it offered to sell all its holdings and works for this sum; but added, that if the city were unwilling to include the Alameda properties in its proposed purchase, that, in this case, the Water Company would retain the latter properties and reduce the selling price to $13,500,000, as the Water Company considered its holdings on the Alameda Creek System to be worth the balance of $2,500,000. No agreement being reached between the Water Commissioners and the com- pany, the negotiations were discontinued, and the Water Commission concluded to try to acquire some water properties in the Sierra Nevada, which plan was never carried to completion. we RNR RR 4 { It | f 22 I am satisfied that, had the negotiations not been so abruptly broken off by the city at that time, a com- promise figure between the city’s offer of $11,000,000 and the company’s final asking price for the peninsular works of $13,500,000 could have been arrived at; so that the city’s purchase might have been then com- pleted at a figure of somewhere between $12,000,000 and $12,500,000. : If the peninsular works had been bought at that time for this figure, this purchase would have given the City of San Francisco a great bargain. This has since been proven by the large increase in values of all real estate and, particularly, of water properties, such as watersheds, reservoir sites and water rights, located in the almost immediate vicinity of San Francisco. : ol The three San Mateo County reservoirs, Pilarcitos, San Andres and Crystal Springs, now have a joint storage capacity of over 25,000 million gallons; which total storage capacity, by extending and raising the large Crystal Springs Dam (as above shown) can be more than doubled. In 1877, the population of San Francisco consisted of about 200,000 inhabitants. In order to meet the constantly growing demand for water since then, the Spring Valley Water Works, although the water rates annually fixed by the Supervisors were not commensurate with the company’s financial needs, kept on extending its works and, in order to provide for a more rapid increase in the water consumption in the near future, continued to increase and round off its holdings of water properties up o their present extent of over one hundred square miles, in fee simple, in the counties around the bay, and o large, valuable and necessary reservoir and other properties in San Francisco, City and County. Dre these properties and works, the Spring Valley Water Company was supplying the City of San Francisco, Ty 1905, with an average daily supply of nearly 35,000,000 gallons; while the properties acquired since 1877, such as water rights, watersheds, reservoir sites and rights of way, enabled the company not only to meet all of the city’s requirements up to date, but also, in the future, to develop, on its fee simple properties, enough water to supply a population considerably in excess of one million inhabitants. To construct and systematically develop its works (the principal features of which were enumerated on pages 17 and 18) as the population increased, and to acquire the above properties and rights for [itis extensions, the Spring Valley Water Works expended the following sums of money, segregated by calendar years (see page 24 of Appendix of Municipal Reports of 1899-1900) : 2 PERE SC St ue F Ry mE ERE RO CER Ee RENE J ee $62,627 71 AOS ah a a eb a at eee 72,148 32 2882 ee ah see te lone A Rs aia es 51,687 95 B85... irra srr Se seis ts ree 1,050,085 94 E83 crete snare hte kay eae 032,464 31 1 CE SE 881,406 25 E80. a ee a 652,575 32 IBS Lin tn rrr essen as prt sr a best ene 1,257,081 75 1888 hn a es el 2,723,251 30 E880. lanes ea ERs sh sks en a a 388,215 94 E800 1. 0ansnr tris veserinnshasnssts se snssnrnr snes rs 637,454 18 11 I EC BO SR 683,196 70 EE OE eS RE RT 235,337 19 28072 i eaters ena rie ek te is 327,342 32 re a Re ee a a a Le a etal 367,781 81 71 OLA CE er 485,910 28 806 vrs isa rest taa ter sansa t tases 432,378 20 1807 ov naininarinismsisavr sienna sang inns 727,957 26 E808 ... cir ire isera seta na ss tes ps 1,174,973 13 E800. ocr inners saat aaa sa ee a yas tenia 708,430 44 T000 «2100 ss sisnnnssnsssrsasainhsnsbensiotsisressvens 41,079,278 88 Total expenditures for betterments and new construction from 1880 to 1900, both inclusive .............. $14,932,485 18 © *The records of such expenditures, during 1878 and 1879, having been destroyed by the fire of April 18, 1906, they are therefore not here included. ns + The expenditures for 1900 are taken from Appendix, page 116, of Municipal Reports of 1900, 1901. isa & A SRS LN 23 From the year 1880 and up to the year 1900, when the new city Charter of San Francisco went into effect, real estate located around the Bay of San Francisco and in the counties where the Spring Valley Water Works’ distributing system, storage reservoirs, watersheds, conduits and water rights were located, viz. : San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda and Santa Clara Counties,—the values of all kinds of real estate and properties constantly increased, as is shown by the total assessed valuation of real estate (exclusive of improvements and of personal property) in these four counties: REAL ESTATE AssEssMENT—IN RounND FIGURES. (EXCLUSIVE OF IMPROVEMENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY.) YEAR. | PERCENTAGE OF 1880. 1890. | 1900. 1880 TO 1900. San Francisco... .....oonivasienine $115,000,000 $164,500,000 | $190,380,000 | 65 San Males. ....... coin in 4,530,000 9,750,000 8,500,000 | 88 Alanredaii ola 31,380,000 49,080,000 | 47,855,000 | 52 Santa Clara... note vnnivn. 20,900,000 | 32,099,000 | 53 | 35,345,000 | From this showing, it is fair to presume that the magnificent holdings, which the Water Company had acquired and owns in large united bodies in the above four counties, which counties surround the southern half of the Bay of San Francisco, had also participated in the above general increase of value during the two decades, from 1880 to 1900, particularly as the very large and unique reservoir sites (with adjacent and tributary watersheds), which cannot be duplicated at any price within such safe distance of San Francisco, lend a very great additional value to these properties. In the following I will assume, for argument’s sake, that the City of San Francisco had succeeded in purchasing, in the fall of 1877, the peninsular properties and works of the Spring Valley Water Works for the price which the city then offered, viz.: 4. $11,000,000. I will further assume that the city (instead of the Spring Valley Water Works) had also purchased then, or prior to that time, the magnificent Ala- meda Creek properties (also including the larger portion of the Calaveras Reservoir site) for the same price that the Spring Valley Water Works paid for the same in 18735, viz.: B. $1,000,000. I will furthermore assume that thereafter the city had proceeded with the same foresight, judgment and caution as since displayed by the Spring Valley Water Works, and had purchased the same extensive and unique water properties, and had built thereon as good works as this company has since constructed,—and all of this for only the same expenditures as made by the Spring Valley Water Works since 1880, shown in the above table, of $14,932,485.18. (NoTe.—In this figure, the expenditures during 1878 and 1879, not being available, are not included.) I will further assume that the city had taken as good care of its works, during these two decades, as the company has, and, finally,— I will assume that the values of these properties, so acquired, were reckoned only at cost, making no allowance, whatever, for the great increase in real estate values, during these two decades, in the above four bay counties (as above shown), nor for the still greater increase, in these counties, in the values of properties specifically adapted for water works purposes: We would then, at the end of the year 1900, have the following total :— AN aA, $11,000,000 00 Bi 1,000,000 00 Ch oak 14,932,485 18 Total ....... $26,932,485 18 or, in round figures: $26,930,000. (NOTE.—At the beginning of the year 1901, the properties and works of the Spring Valley Water Works were conservatively estimated by competent experts to be work fully fifZy per cent. more than the above figure.) 24 In the year 1900, the new Charter of San Francisco went into effect, a very prominent feature of which was the clause providing for the acquisition or construction of a municipal water works system. The city had surveys and preliminary estimates made for various Sierra Nevada supplies, the cost figures of which were far below what the actual cost of such works would be. The city also had some estimates made by its City Engineer, embodying his idea of the value of the properties and works of the Spring Valley Water Works and, in his report of February 23d, 1901, he arrived at the amazingly low valuation of $24,667,800. The Water Committee of the Board of Supervisors reduced this already low figure by nearly $2,000,- 000 more, leaving the estimated value of the works and properties of the Spring Valley Water Works at $22,039,722. This process of arbitrarily placing this low valuation on the properties and works of the Spring Valley Water Company, regardless of their cost or value, the Water Committee of the Board of Super- visors, in its report of March 4, 1901, calls “ Fixing the Value.” The fact being that, if they had been fair enough to place the real or intrinsic value on these works, the annual water rates, which they were to establish, would have to be raised; while, on the other hand, by arbi- trarily assuming the above low value, on which interestwas to be allowed to the company, they succeeded in seriously crippling the company’s finances. All of this arbitrary, unfair and unjust action was taken by the city authorities and approved by the Mayor, in spite of our company’s solemn protest. In the appendix, hereto annexed, will be found extracts from my various reports and protests sent to the Supervisors at that time and in subsequent years. During the year 1901, the Spring Valley Water Works expended for betterments, such as purchases of lands, water rights, rights of way and new construction, the sum of $974,732.67. (See page 787, Municipal Reports of 1901-1902.) The City Engineer’s valuation of the properties of the Spring Valley Water Works, in his report of January 31st, 1902 (see page 801, Municipal Reports of 1901-2), was $24,468,210. In other words, although the Spring Valley Water Works had, during 1901, expended for betterments, as above shown, the additional sum of $974,732.67, which sum, added to the City Engineer’s valuation of the previous year of $24,667,800, would have made a total valuation of $25,642,532.67 for 1902, he places the valuation of 1902 at $1,174,322.67 less than this figure; thus, not only ignoring the entire year's ex- penditure of $974,732.67, but actually reducing the valuation of 1902 by nearly $200,000 below his valu- ation of 19OI. This low valuation, thus adopted by the City Engineer in 1902, of $24,468,210, again did not suit the city authorities, and they concluded to place their valuation at $23,914,454.67 (see page 835, Municipal Reports of 1901-2), on which valuation they “ fixed” the water rates for the next fiscal year. During the year 1902, the Spring Valley Water Works expended for betterments, such as purchases of lands and rights and for new construction, the sum of $735,594.16 (see page 942, Municipal Reports of 1902-3). The City Engineer’s valuation of the properties and works of the Spring Valley Water Works, in his report to the Board of Supervisors of January 3oth, 1903, places the value of the same at $28,024,389.00 (see page 957, Municipal Reports of 1902-3). The Board of Supervisors again disregarded the valuation of their City Engineer and arbitrarily placed their valuation at $24,124,389.00 (see page 1019, Municipal Reports of 1902-3), which is only $209,934.33 more than their valuation of 1902, although the Water Company had expended for betterments, during 1902, the sum of $735,594.16. These rates, being placed so low that the revenue derived under them would be entirely inadequate to carry on the business of supplying the city and its inhabitants with water, the Spring Valley Water Com- pany began suit against the city, in the United States Circuit Court, enjoining the city from enforcing these rates, which injunction was granted. The Water Company also brought suit against the city, in the same Court, to annul the above water rates and compel the city to establish fair water rates, commensurate with the value of the plant and with the cost of operation. This suit is still pending. During the year 1903, the Spring Valley Water Works expended for betterments, such as purchases of lands, rights, etc., and for new construction, the sum of $718,939.48 (see page 515, Municipal Reports of 1903-4). SE a ae La a rer The City Engineer's valuation of the properties and works of the company, in his report of January 26th, 1904 (see page 499, Municipal Reports of 1903-4), was $24,673,212.00; or, although the Spring Valley Water Works had, during the past year, expended for betterments the sum of $718.939.48, the City Engineer not only entirely ignores this fact but, in addition, reduces his valuation of 1904 by $3,351,177.00 peo his valuation of 1903. Not satisfied with this most remarkable estimate by the City Engineer, the Board of Supervisors em- ployed another party, who gave them a valuation of $23,121,502.00 (filed February 29th, 1904,—see page 603, Municipal Reports of 1903-4), on which valuation the water rates of the next fiscal year was based. During the year 1904, the Spring Valley Water Company expended for betterments, such as purchase of lands and rights, and for new construction, the sum of $462,438.07 (taken from report of Secretary Howard of Spring Valley Water Company, the Municipal Report of that year not being available). The City Engineer’s valuation of the properties and works of the Spring Valley Water Company, in his report of January 26th, 1905, was $25,001,441.00. : The record of what valuation the Supervisors based the water rates on for this year are not avail- able. Suffice it to say that the rates were again cut so low that the Spring Valley Water Company was again compelled to enjoin the city from enforcing the same. : During the year 19os, the Spring Valley Water Company expended for betterments, such as purchase of lands and rights, and for new construction, the sum of $510,751,10 (taken from report of Secretary How- i the Spring Valley Water Company, the Municipal Report for this year not having been published as yet). The City Engineer's valuation of the properties and works of the Spring Valley Water Company Feb- ruary, 19ob, was $25,450.327. The arbitrary low water rate adopted by the Supervisors for the year 1906-7 was again far below the needs of the company for operating expenses, taxes and interest. The papers for enjoining the city against enforcing these rates are now in course of preparation. From the above detailed showing, it will be seen that the position of the Water Company, from a finan- cial point of view, has become practically untenable. The city is constantly growing and its demand for water is constantly increasing. All of these demands for an increased water supply have been effectively met by the company. It is preparing and fully able, from a physical point of view, to meet any and all demands for an increased supply, drawn from its own fee simple properties lying in close proximity to the city and bay of San Francisco. But: the cost of labor has largely increased of late, as well as the cost of many of the necessary materials. : The taxes have also enormously increased of late years, as will be hereafter shown. And as practically the only resource of the company consists in the revenue derived from the sale of water, it is imperative—at least until such time when the city owns its own municipal supply—that a suf- ficient revenue is provided to meet the interest and tax obligations, as well as the operating expenses of the Water Company. I shall quote, in the Appendix A to this report, extracts from several previous reports to the Super- visors on the necessity of providing a fair and adequate water rate,—at the same time showing that all re- sponsibility for the consequences of inadequate water rates rests with them. Assuming that the peninsular properties and works, for which the city offered in 1877 the sum of $11,000,000, and the Alameda Creek properties, then owned by the Spring Valley Water Works,—the com- pany having purchased them two years previous for $1,000,000, had not increased in value between that time and the beginning of the year 1901, when the first attempt was made by the city to value our works, under the provisions of the new Charter; Assuming, furthermore, that the extensive and now enormously valuable lands, water rights and rights of way, purchased by the company during the period between the fall of 1877 and the beginning of 1901, had not increased in value over their bare cost, when purchased in separate tracts, until the various properties were united into compact and completed units; Assuming, finally, that the cost of materials and, especially the cost of labor, employed in the construc- tion of the company’s water works plant, had not largely increased during this long period of twenty-three years: .26 The properties and works of the Spring Valley Water Works, at the beginning of the year 19o1, when the first appraisement was attempted by the city authorities under the new Charter, would have a mini- mum value of : $11,000,000.00 offered by the city in the fall of 1877 for the peninsular works; $1,000,000.00 paid in 1875 for all the properties and water rights of the Oakland and Alameda Water Companies on the Alameda Creek System; $14,932,485.18 expended by the Spring Valley Water Works from the beginning of 1880 to the end of 1900 for betterments, such as purchases of lands, water rights, rights of way and for the construction of its works, up to a supply capacity of 31 million gallons per day in 1900. Remarks. Total: $26,932,485.18, or, in round figures, $26,930,000. Municipal Report not being available. Municipal Report not yet published. From Secretary Howard of S. V. W. Co., From Secretary Howard of S. V. W. Co.. Page 787, Municipal Rep., 1901-2 In the following table I shall (Sub. A) place this sum of $26,930,000 at the head of the column; also (Sub. B), the annual expenditures for betterments made by the Water Company during the following five years, viz.: IQOI, 1902, 1903, 1904 and 1905, are enumerated, as heretofore detailed. I shall also place in the same table (Sub. C and D) the various valuations of the Spring Valley Water Company’s properties and works during and for these five latter years, as made by the City Engineer and the Supervisors. I shall also place in this table (Sub. E) the taxes annually paid by the Spring Valley Water Company on its properties and works for the respective years; which will show that, although the Supervisors, for water-rate-fixing purposes, assumed that the works had not increased in value during this five-year period (although fully $3,400,000 were expended for betterments), the respective City and County Assessors had a full appreciation of their increase of value for taxing purposes, which they showed by enormously increas- ing the company’s taxes during that time: $203,257 61 7 *7 # 321,537 25 Page 509, Municipal Rep., 1903-4 236,828 97 Page 942, Municipal Rep., 1902-3 S. V. W. Co. During the Year. 370,440 21 E. Taxes Paid by the 348,222 7 D. Valuation by Beginning of Year Supervisors at 3:914,454 6 24,124,389 00 2 Q Oo a a DS QQ “ 2 a a &* C. Valuation by City 28,024,389 00 Engineer at Be- ginning of Year. $24,667,800 00 24,468,210 00 24,673,212 00 25,450,327 00 Sum of A. + B. Beginning of Year 28,640,326 83 30,332,455 48 $27,904,732 67 B. Expended by Water Co. for Betterments During Year 735,594 16 510,751 IO A. (See Page 66) Beginning of Year $26,930,000 00 901.... 28 This table shows that, aithough the Spring Valley Water Company expended for betterments, during the five years from 1901 to 1905 (both inclusive) the sum of $3,402,455.48, which, in turn, increased the value of its works far in excess of this expenditure, the valuation by the City Engineer, during these same five years, increased only from $24,667,800, in the beginning of 1901, to $25,450,327, in the beginning of 1906, or a total increase of only $782,527, or less than one-fourth of the sum actually expended. The table furthermore shows that, although the City Engineer's valuation of the works and properties of the company shows for these five years an increase of only 3 1/10 per cent., the taxes paid by the com- pany during 1903 show an increase over the taxes paid during 1901 of 82 2/10 per cent. : Several of the highest authorities in the profession of Hydraulic Engineering in the United States, being thoroughly acquainted with the entire properties and works of the Spring Valley Water Company, as now uni- fied, and with their capabilities for rapid, safe and economical extension in the future, have valued them at fully twice the latest appraisement put upon them by the City Engineer,—especially when compared with the cost and relative merits and demerits of the nearest Sierra Nevada scheme of equal capacity. Any fair-minded person will be convinced that the actions of the city authorities in connection with the fixing of water rates, especially since the adoption of the New Charter, have been arbitrary, unjust and un- fair, the water rates fixed by them being neither based upon the true value of the properties and works nor . thus making entirely inadequate provision for meet- upon the evidence placed before them by the company ing the annual taxes, operating expenses and interest obligations. While they have succeeded in largely crip- pling the company’s finances, they, the city authorities, are solely to blame if the safety of the city has been imperiled. : These were the existing conditions and circumstances at the time of the earthquake of April 18th, 1900. II. THE EARTHQUAKE OF APRIL 18TH, 1906, AND SUBSEQUENT CONFLAGRA- TION, AND THEIR EFFECT ON THE WORKS OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY. Immediately after the earthquake occurred, at about 5.15 A. M., April 18th, finding that the telephone service had been interrupted by the earthquake, I started for the Spring Valley Water Company's pipe yard at Bryant street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. I met the head foreman, Mr. Gleeson, with his buggy, who was coming after me, and we found considerable difficulty, owing to the widespread conflagration south of Market street, to get to the pipe yard, where pipes, stores, repair pieces, horses, wagons and men are kept. Many of the company’s men had reported there and were on hand to carry out any orders. The men were at once organized in squads and, under the direction of the several foremen, started out to discover the extent of the damage done by the earthquake to the main street pipe system and, wherever possible, to repair breaks, but, in such manner, as not to interrupt the flow of the water from the respective city distributing reservoirs towards and to the burning districts. The flow of water from the country reservoir, viz., Pilarcitos, San Andres and Crystal Springs, into the respective city reservoirs, stopped soon after the earthquake, showing that each of the three independent conduit lines had been ruptured. As the telephone service between the city office and country reservoirs had also been interrupted by the earthquake, I started out at once to examine where and to what extent these main country conduit lines were ruptured. On the road I met my assistant, Mr. Lawrence, coming towards town to report to me what the various pipe walkers (one for each line) had reported to him. (See Map 9, showing profiles of the four wrought-iron pipe lines conducting water to San Francisco.) The sum and substance of their reports was that: 1. The earthquake, having torn a crack or fault, several miles in length, along and across the upper or 30-inch Pilarcitos pipe line, had either completely destroyed it, tearing and telescoping it in a number of places, or at least had so injured it, that it would be many months, to say the least, before it could be put into service again, if at all. At the large Frawley Canon the Pilarcitos 30-inch pipe was thrown some 60 feet to one side. It was torn in two for over 100 feet and thrown bodily, in two parts, and about at right angles to its original line; so that, no matter what construction could have been put there, it could not have been maintained there, owing to the evidently great violence of the shock. Other portions of the Pilarcitos 30-inch pipe were destroyed by the earthquake, pulling the pipe apart in many places, while, at other places, it was telescoped. (See Map 13 and photographs, from 1 to 19 inclusive.) 2. The San Andres pipe line, which consists of 44-inch, 37-inch and 30-inch pipe, was badly ruptured near Baden Station (about in the middle of the line) and suffered some other minor damage. 3. The 44-inch Crystal Springs pipe line was badly ruptured in seven places between the Crys- tal Springs dam and Millbrae Station, and also where, on a substantial pipe trestle, it had to cross the three swamps or marshes in the three respective valleys, viz.: the San Bruno, Guadaloupe and Visitacion Valleys. Those portions of these long pipe crossings that crossed over the softer portion of these marshes in an almost northerly direction, having been subjected by the earthquake to a number of violent shakings from southwest to northeast and vice versa, were completely demolished down to the pile and cap foundation, which latter, in almost every case, were left uninjured. In some cases, where the 44-inch pipe had been thrown straight up in the air first, it had, in its downward course, not only destroyed the strong superstructure but had, in sev- eral instances, crushed the heavy timber caps bolted down to the tops of the piles. In no case was one of the piles injured. I at once determined that it would take about two weeks (provided all repair pieces were at hand and the necessary large amount of heavy lumber was at once available which would be required for the rebuilding of a total (in the three valleys) of about three thousand feet of bridge and relaying and re-riveting thereon the large 44-inch wrought-iron pipe. This total distance of destroyed bridges and broken pipes, in the three valleys, afterwards turned out to be 2,850 feet. 30 The southern, or San Mateo County, portion of the 30-inch Pilarcites pipe line being Sisiase. igh fe northerly portion, near San Francisco, being but slightly damaged, the Iter vs immediate y 3 a by starting the Lake Merced Pumping Station to pumping from Lake Merced ri a ae County, where there was over a thousand Sa ig of ii 0% ny on 3 es : ine o’clock on the evening of April 18, or sixteen hours , bod Kind six and seven a then of water per twenty-four hours past jae BS (at 365 feet elevation) into and through the Western Addition. This regular daily oe Ys Be Sh $5 000,000 gallons stored in Lake Honda Reservoir, at 7 AM. of April 18, largely ee 3 . Sept 5 supply passing through the Western Addition during the entire progress of the re an hs 5 5 itis Before noon of April 18, all orders for materials, tools, fittings and men were Pyen for the el repair of the 37-inch San Andres pipe at Pas also 5 a in as short a spac p si ruptured 44-inch Crystal Springs pipe and bridge. alg a rn roe four large lugs torn off by the earthquake font an a jo on the bridge at Baden, which could not be repaired with bands and lead joint on boi er-maker aris oo. not being immediately available), I had four large iron patches made by some of the Syne a mont and Millbrae pumps, and had them securely bolted, with rubber gaskets and a num or 0 it 2 ’ the torn openings of the pipe. The 37-inch pipe was then securely wired and bandaged with ga is ed wire and cables twisted out of the same and, on the morning of April 20, the water from San As res a voir was then slowly and carefully turned again into this long line of wrought-iron pipe. (See photographs 24 is 2 o'clock on the evening of April 20, or sixty-two hours after the earthquake, a Sos no water was pouring into its respective city reservoir, the College Hill Reservorr. i Si a emptied of its contents of 11,400,000 gallons, which it contained at 7 A. M. April 18, by ior fh 2 is : 22-inch diameter, and its companion pipe, 16-inch diameter, both on Valencia street, having ot ; ors 0 off and destroyed between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets by the sinking of Valencia street of Irom an supply, thus brought into the empty reservoir on Friday evening, while pit of i nd cisco were still burning, was very welcome to a large portion of the unburnt South Mission an oe el oy part of the Potrero, and to the large factories there. This additional volume of water, thus bre ie on through College Hill Reservoir (at 255 feet elevation) was gradually increased to Samael i on which, with the supply of from six to seven million gallons daily sent in from the Lake Merce umping tion, made a total supply of from fourteen to fifteen million gallons daily flowing into the city. n The following table gives the state of the three largest city reservoirs from April 18, at 7 A. M,, tO 7 A. M. April 22: ToTaL WATER GEA STORED IN 3 3 i i 3 i RESERVOIRS, TIME. Stored in Lake Stored in University Stored in College RE » ELEVATION 365 FEET. ELEVATION 165 FEET. ELEVATION 255 FEET. R i roi ill Reservoir GALLONS. Hon 3 savoir | Mond Rape a 3 Gallons. 2 Sa | : Wednesday, April 18th, 7 A. M....... 31,100,000 30,000,000 I 2400.00 7% one Thursday, April 19th, 7 A. M........ 13,700,000 P20 | Sh : ; tes E5000 Friday, April 2oth, 7 A. M.......... 8,500,000 go 200 readies 500 000 Saturday, April 21st, 7 A. M......... 5,400,000 5, R000 sheds an Sunday, April 22d, 7 4 M........... 1,500,000 5,200, On fire were all the city reservoirs empty. Besides, in 7 time during the im siove V0 ok tnt hon on g supply was sent through the repaired Lake Merced addition to the water thus stored, a gradully increasin and San Andres conduits into the city during April 19th, 2oth, a 2 oti Te ihe i ings’ ipe, betw J The seven breaks on the 44-inch Crystal Springs’ main pipe, b : a ule i i i i But the repairing of that portion ot this pipe, the pipe was in the ditch, were soon repaired. [ Tanners San Francisco, which was carried on the three widely separated piled bridges fm we {es separate swamps, met with considerable delay, owing to the scarcity of the properly sized lumber an y timber. and also on account of the lack of proper transportation facilities for the same. 31 Finally, about ten days after the earthquake, having meanwhile lost no time in quickly dismantling, segregating and preparing the pipe for relaying by cutting off the torn edges, and other work, some 2-inch by 12-inch redwood and pine planks were secured, and I at once started a force of carpenters to construct, on the original pile foundation, a substantial system of blocking, spiked together. On this blocking, stringers were placed, from block to block, made of 2-inch by 12 inch pine planks, spiked together into two continuous girders. Across these two girders, 3-inch by 12-inch planks were laid, and on this cross-planking the torn- off sections of the 44-inch pipe were placed and riveted together, care being taken to place lead-jointed bands around the new joints (straddled by heavy galvanized wire cables, made on the spot), at such points in the bridge crossing, where the softer portions of the marsh joined the firmer parts and also near the central points of the softer portions of the same. (See photographs 20, 21, 22 and 23.) Thus, in case of a recurrence of the earthquake, there was provided, at the proper places, a number of strong but flexible joints in the 44-inch pipe, that would have enough give, so as, if possible, not to allow the pipe to be ruptured again in these critical places. One feature of the destruction of the bridge and pipe across the San Bruno marsh was that some of the pipe was thrown to the west and some to the east as much as four or five feet. Most of the broken 44-inch pipe was ruptured in the round seams and in lengths from thirty to fifty feet. There was one piece, though, about 800 feet long, of this 44-inch pipe, which was mostly lying on the west side, but so curved that it made quite a snake-like appearance, and that pipe we examined carefully, as to the strain received by the round seams, and we did not find even the slightest appearance of a strain in the rivet seam or a crack in the asphaltum coating. I attribute this remarkable flexibility of this 44-inch pipe to the high elastic limit and the great degree of ductility of the laminated iron used in its construction. We re- established, by careful survey, the straight line and grade of the pipe, and found that neither the original straight line of the piles nor the grade of their tops had been disturbed by the earthquake. Meanwhile, with a lot of jack-screws, we worked the long 8oo-foot piece of pipe carefully, until the survey showed it was straight in line and grade and in place, on the newly completed trestle. After the 44-inch Crystal Springs pipe had been so repaired, it was again covered by a redwood casing, on the bridge, for the entire length that had been broken. The seven serious breaks in the 44-inch line between Crystal Springs Dam and Millbrae, having been also repaired, we were able to turn the water into the now repaired and fully rehabilitated long Crystal Springs pipe line, slowly filling the same with water, while driving out the air through the air-valves on the high places in the pipe line. The water arrived at the University Mound Reservoir, in San Francisco, at the rate of 125,000 gallons per hour, at 2:10 A. M., on May 16th. Gradually, by 1 o'clock P. M. of the same day, the flow of water had been increased to 270,000 gallons per hour, or about six and a half million gallons a day. By 6 p. Mm., May 16th, it had been increased to 440,000 gallons per hour, or at the rate of about 10,600,000 gallons per day. Thereafter, it has been steadily increased, so that the supply filled the University Mound Reservoir, although a large amount of water was being wasted from the same in San Francisco, through breaks in the street pipes, through thousands of house and other service pipes, still broken, and through the very lavish and wasteful use of water by the people. The same San Andres earthquake fault, as Professor Lawson has named it, that destroyed the Pilarcitos 30-inch pipe line, also passed through the original brick and cement gate well at the inlet of San Andres Reservoir outlet tunnel, fracturing it. The new concrete gate-well, that also stood in the line of the fault, and within about ten feet of the above brick gate well, was apparently left uninjured. (See Map 13 and Photographs from 38 to 45 and 102.) The brick tunnel, connecting the concrete gate-well with the main San Andres tunnel, was somewhat damaged by the earthquake, but not so as to interfere with the flow of the water through the same. As man- hole C (Photograph 38) gives ready access to this tunnel, the fissures will be easily closed by cement grouting. The San Andres dam, built of selected clay, with a first-class clay puddle core through the entire length of the center of the dam and from the bedrock up to near the top, was left uninjured, only showing a few small cracks in the macadam pavement on the top of the dam and above the puddle core. (See Maps 13 and 6 and Photographs Nos. 28 and 32.) The large, heavy brick and cement tunnel, from the waste or overflow weir, was cut in two by the earth- quake fault passing right through it, and was badly crushed near its outlet end. The heavy timber chute con- nected with the same was also partly destroyed. (See Map 13 and Photographs from 29 to 37 and 103.) Ha 32 an Andres Reservoir, having been dam- The Lock’s Creek aqueduct, one of the main feeders of the S and is now in normal condition. aged by the earthquake and the nearness of the fault has since been repaired (See Map 13, and Photographs from 46 to 53, and from 14 to 19.) The San Andres waste-weir tunnel, as well as the brick gate-well this summer by either using first-class re-enforced concrete or by constructing a | The Crystal Springs main concrete dam, 145 feet in height, which forms the large Crystal Springs Reservoir, of a present capacity of 19,000 million gallons, was left uninjured by the earthquake. (See Maps 13, 6, 7 and 8 and Photos 26, 98, 100 and 101.) The upper Crystal Springs Dam received a severe blow near its extreme east end and near the top. The earthquake fault passed through the serpentine bluff, against which the cast end of the dam is built. Its original lower portion, that has a puddle core, was apparently uninjured, as the earthquake fault ran through the upper and eastern part of the road-fill, which has been made over the top of the original clay core dam. (See Maps 13 and 6, and Photos 27 and 99.) As the water, on both sides of the dam, is practically lower tunnel and through the two upper waste-weir tunne Neither the Sunol filter beds, on the Alameda Creek line, on the east side of the bay, nor the four submarine pip of the two 16-inch shore connections, was pulled apart sever &inch blow-offs, at the west shore connection of one of the 16-inch pipes, were broken off by the shock. (See Maps 1 and 10.) These minor injuries were quickly repaired, and Alameda Creek water has since been crossing under the Bay of San Francisco and pumped at Belmont Pumping Station. We now receive from there about fourteen and a half million gallons a day, no more being required from there at present. The Alameda pipe line, on the east side of the Bay of San Francisco, gives one of the best illustrations of the suddenness of the earthquake shocks. The submarine pipes bring water from the Sunol filter beds through an aqueduct, consisting of concrete tunnels and heavy redwood flume, along Niles Canon, to a point near Niles. Here the 36-inch pipe starts, descending oradually, for about eight miles, in a southwesterly direction, through Centerville and Newark, to a bridge passing over the Newark marsh for fully 9,000 feet, about 30 feet deep and 300 feet wide. Through this slough four submarine pipes (two 16-inch and two 22-inch) run—the former laid in 1887 and the latter in IOI. These submarine pipes are connected at both ends to the 36-inch wrought-iron pipe, each submarine pipe being controlled by two gates. At the westerly side of the above slough those four submarine pipes are connected together, each one with a shut-off gate and each one with a blow-off. The 36-inch pipe then proceeds southwesterly, on the same kind of additional trestle, for over 7,000 feet, to Dumbarton Point, which is located on the easterly shore of the narrow neck of the Bay of San Francisco. At this point the 36-inch pipe again divides into two [6-inch and two 22-inch ball-joint submarine pipes, each one with gates and blow-offs, which pipes run parallel to each other and underneath the bay—the two 16-inch being to the south and go feet from the 22-inch pipes. These pipes again join at the San Mateo shore, at Ravenswood, into one 36-inch pipe, with exactly the same construction as at the above described slough; and thereafter the 36-inch goes southwest- wardly through the marsh on a pile trestle for nearly 2,000 feet, and from there, for fully nine miles, in a ditch underground, through Menlo Park and Redwood City to Belmont Pumping Station, where the same From this reservoir the water is pumped into a standpipe and runs , above mentioned, will be repaired 1eavy timber chute. on the same level, communicating through the Is, no practical injury is done to the dam. System, nor the Sunol Aqueduct and 36-inch pipe e lines were injured; only a slip-joint, on one al inches, on the east side of the bay; and two to a navigable slough, which is discharges the water into a reservoir. to San Francisco. At the time when we built the first submarine lines and the 36-inch pipe, during 1887 and 1888, fearing that the watchman might shut the submarine gates down too suddenly, with a strong current of water flow- ing from Niles tank towards the submarine pipes, I put on an automatic safety valve at the east side of the slough and the bay, in order to lessen or avoid all shock danger to the eight or nine miles of 36-inch pipe that might be caused by the sudden shutting off of the submarine pipe gates. These automatic safety valves had a number of large rubber disks, which were regulated carefully to open automatically at the slightest shocks above the normal pressure. East of this shock valve T had a tall air chamber, where any air in the 36-inch pipe would collect and could be let out. I knew that the bottom of the bay and the bottom of the slough were not perfectly level, and that there might be high places in the pipe where any air getting into the same might accumulate. I therefore put up these air chambers to prevent any air from entering the sub- marine pipes. FEastwardly from the air chamber and close to the same was placed a vacuum valve, on top of the 36-inch pipe, which valve would open instantly and automatically, the moment the pressure: was taken off the pipe by a break, or whenever it was emptied, for repair purposes, by opening a blow-off gate. 33 A : i : — > i dy of Se a on the morning of April 18th, the water was coming westwardly, at the C million gallons daily, through the 36-inch pi avi i i : ] : pe, having a mean velocity of fully 34 feet per 2 | i y 3% feet per Se boii bd was flowing towards the bay with that velocity, going through the submarine pipe En y nd to the reservoir at Belmont. When the shock can : lve | rds / S ame the vacuum valv tantly d let air into the pipe, showin i . ty imp , g that at that point east of San Francisco Bay the first sl i southwestwardly direction. It further i a? ; showed that this shock was much id i i which the water flowed in the same directi e Ro a rection. The vacuum valve fell down, and wl I i came, from southwest to northeast, the valv i A ; ast, e closed suddenly, throwing u i i : : ; , g up a stream of water into the air hii a ho ih She Rei the safety valve nearby opened automatically, closing when the shock , and thus by discharging quite a quantity of water relieved i i a the long 36-inch the effect of the shock, which might have been disastrous. i a 5 i three large pumping plants in San Francisco, viz.: Black Point, Lake Merced and Seventeenth Street Station, were not injured by the earthquake, as w it Mi (uake, as well as the ones at Milll 1 C i At Belmont Pumping Stati i a g Station the only slight damage done was the breaking of a fl I on one of the five pumps, which has sinc s an ; 8 e been repaired; i i ae paired; the other four independent plants there received I. Cells , ; or Lie ans 2 San Francisco County, which was constructed by Engineer Von Schmidt and, later, ed to by an architect named Jordan, was turned over t i inj an, wi o me in 1866. It was db earthquake cracking the heavy wester ing { a Q avy w n wall, the shock coming from the west i 2 : : rest and shaking up a sandy moun- ti ie 100 feet high, causing the slope to slide down towards the wall. By the free use of pure cement y ut the large cracks and fissures in the west wall were successfully filled and closed, and the reservoir ane Soy been full, appears to be practically tight. (See Photos 54, 55 and 356.) : - on ase Stren En and Clay Street Tank, both in San Francisco, had their wooden roofs burnt : ormer has been cleaned and the brick bottcm and sides , Where necessary, covered witl asphaltum coating; and the latter tank, afte i i 2 a : ank, r having been cleaned and painted, will i issi , p , will soon be in commission a the other city distributing reservoirs were uninjured, both by earthquake and fire. i id Pipe distributing system was broken and in many instances torn and twisted off, especially in oy i where the ground, over which the streets had heen constructed, had been poorly and loosely filled over : so swamps and soft marshes. There were also a number of breaks in the streets that passed with deep Joon fills over former ravines. (See Map 11 and Photos from 57 to 81.) : n solid ground there was very little trouble and but very few breaks. A number of the breaks noted on the accompanying Map No. I1 as being on solid ground were caused by the use of dynamite and other explosives, employed in blowing down buildings. I : i ain Ae sunken streets the city sewers, as well as other conduits, such as gas pipes, electric light its, etc., su ered the same as the water pipes, in that they were also similarly ruptured by the sinkin and violent oscillations of the ground. ? x oo o id 18th there had been discovered and repaired 300 breaks in the street pipe system, of which . er 2 were in and immediately adjoining the burnt district, while in the entire balance of the city viz., 5 the unburnt district, only 24 breaks have been found and repaired. " 2 de tes Si De that we have had to meet in rehabilitating the city distributing system 1 e work of shutting off the thousands of broken service pi 1 i | tho pipes and house supply pipes that were fa off Gd the burning and falling buildings during the conflagration at the average rate of between about Sgn and 7,000 service pipes a day, ranging from 34 of an inch to 4 inches in diameter and sometimes over wis service pipes were thus torn off and left running wide open during the entire conflagration dis. charging uselessly into the accumulated debris. : : als total fe of the house, hotel, elevator, standpipe and factory connections and of automatic- 2 : r pipes, thus torn off and left open by and during the entire conflagration, amount to over 23,200 Soon pipes in the burnt district. The breaking, tearing and twisting off of the main street pipes in ar ss undre places and the opening of these many thousands of service pipes left but little pressure in nan Ble in the unburnt district and for the Fire Department along the burning margin of the same el s : I here quote from my letter of June 20th to the Chief Engineer of the San Francisco Fire Depart- lent on this subject and on the difficulties being encountered by our city repair forces in rehabilitating the cit distributing system in the burnt district : : iy 34 “4. As you know, the principal breaks caused by the earthquake in our City Deming Pr System occurred in those regions where the streets crossed old swamps and deep 3 S, X i eon | is solid ground the main pipes suffered but very little. I'he city sewer system was also badly these identical sunken streets, particularly south of Market street. “ But with the exception of the tearing off by the earthquake of the 22-inch and a oe on Valencia street (by Valencia street sinking about five feet between an anc a streets), which, within a comparatively short time, emptied the College Hil i voir, x mage done by the breaks in the balance of our pipe system was not any more serious than, 2 he pi oration progressed, the gradual tearing off, by the burning and falling i 0 ir 8 20 service connections, such as house services, factory supply pipes, So il hose i Jig elevator pipes, automatic sprinkler pipes, etc. The immediate effect of, first, I di ing off, by the earthquake of the main street pipes (especially In any oe 3 Gill A, second, the conflagration, lasting from three to four days, successively and irres Shay ns and opening, on an average, over six thousand a day of the above fone Sammy iE i : prevalence of the fire, or, by actual count, a total of 23,200 service pipes, arge and stl : pony total area of about seven thousand square inches) was to take away the pressure in the g region. ] “Is there a better argument in favor of a municipal independent fire protection Ta — a number of large salt water reservoirs on the hills, in the city squares and an I ¥ Ingen fem fire-pipe and fire hydrant system (especially if swamps and loose fills were prone J oe rous conflagration could be entirely avoided in the future. Foreseeing 8.04 amity, oy 2h visited us, I outlined an independent salt water plan some eight or ten years ago, i a Wis tio fy Board of Supervisors, so as to separate the domestic from the fire service, i Sa ge ys Joat Ay the urgent advice of the late Chief Sullivan was ever heeded by ie out ost jo oy oaged in the preparation of a similar plan for a salt water municipal i protec os oie an that either it or some other similarly effective plan will be adopted by the city in the \ “T have gone into some detail in this letter to you, so as to reiterate my Srv on the je of an independent salt water supply and also as I wish to show you the great difficu ty Joa meesny in the indifference on the part of the property owners in the burnt distr ict in regard bat is Rg the large piles of debris piled on sidewalks and streets, particularly in the regions of th brick buildings. — Sa “We ate importuned by hundreds of peopie, who want to rebuild in those Syn oe them with water. As all the water supplied in that part of the burnt Ais whos os in i prevailed, comes from the south and, of necessity, has to pass northwardly Tie 2 ow burnt regions between Valencia street, on the west, and Potrero avenue, on the os ; : Dien pe northeasterly direction and between Market street, on the north, and Berry stree : ies ri all of the main pipe lines within these regions- and paralleling either Yolen oe Ie Sree (with the exception of the Market street mains) pass through the regions y ae = tats fave sunken all the way from one to five feet and the sewers and main pipes have been torn z sunk with the streets. “The burnt district contains over one hundred miles of main street pipes, over which 7 have 23,200 open service pipes are scattered. Most of the large and vital pa pions, Sp sy feeding or leading the water to the shipping and former business districts, age xe p fod, an more than one-half of the total of 23,200 open service pipes have been closed, thus 2 : y : venting the water from escaping from the repaired main pipes, but, above a umes ig hs a ing a good fire pressure along said main pipe lines and into the old fugitiess 4 is Pate Asis mon pipes generally lie within from three to five feet of the curb, and, as t $5 op-co TE sidewalks and also the taps are near the main pipe, we have encountere granny % ig he also causing much delay in getting at these stop-cocks, which were all left wide oe y fs fear which all have to be shut off hefore we can send the water under pressure to the nex j block. “ Frequently, single lot owners, or even a group of adjoining lot owners, ene og od 2 debris from the streets and sidewalks and then demand water from us. Venom! Le i ek, through which the water has to come to reach the hove apple for Wier, Ton | ga : : : Aoi OW covered with high piles of brick, iron and other debris, whic he i The work, therefore, of rehabilita spective lot or lots refuse to move. (See Photos 83 to 88.) he v . - i the water supply, particularly in the former brick hullding Sie, is sory Sosy bom r i 7 re the debris ourselves, { anv and, under the circumstances, where we have to remove ; . : the main pipes and the stop-cocks, although we have a large force working, is very much re tarded by the indifference or unwillingness of the respective lot owners. “ An early resumption of normal conditions in regard to the domestic supply and, ly to the hydrant supply, is to the interest not alone of our company and the Fire Department, bu 35 to the entire city. Anything that you and your department can do to facilitate this matter will be highly appreciated by our company, and, particularly, by Yours respectfully, “ H. SCHUSSLER, “ Chief Engineer of the Spring Valley Water Company. P.S. TI enclose sample of the notices which have been sent around, in large numbers, but so far they have had but a very slight effect. The following is a copy of the notice above referred to: “OFFICE OF SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY. “ San Francisco, Cal., June 1, 1906. “ Notice. “The streets, sidewalks and basements, through the burned district, especially in that part within the old fire limits, are encumbered with debris, the removal of which is now one of the greatest problems which confront the city. In every one of the basements within this burned dis- trict are old connections with the water mains, varying from three-fourths of an inch to four inches in diameter, which have heen left open by the fire, and which cannot possibly be wholly closed before the street and lots have been cleared. The Water Company has a large force of men now engaged in closing these leaks as far as possible, but in spite of these efforts many must remain open until the work of clearing away the debris from the streets, sidewalks and basements has been well ad- vanced toward completion. We are now bringing daily into the city fully twice its present legiti- mate consumption, one-half of which is wasted by passing to the sewer through concealed open- ings in the burned district. The waste of water in itself is not being considered by the Company, but it is its first duty to keep the reservoirs within the city limits full as a protection against fire. Under these conditions, which we believe have not been fully understood, we trust that people de- siring water through the burned district will rely upon our using our best efforts to supply them at the earliest possible moment, and that they will excuse delays which result from causes entirely be- yond the Company’s control. “ SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY. The foregoing extracts from my letter of June 20th are self-explanatory . Since the writing to the Chief of the San Francisco Fire Department of the above letter, fully one month has passed, and still many of the streets in the former business district, through all of which our water pipes pass, are littered and filled with debris to this day, the same as before. In spite of the above-described condition of the streets, our various squads of repair forces, working under a systematic and methodically devised plan of rehabilitation, have so far succeeded in putting nearly 75 per cent. of our distributing system in the burnt district into normal condition. By doing so, we have used every possible effort and spared no expense to not only supply water for domestic purposes to those who wanted to rebuild in the burnt district, but we are also maintaining a good pressure on the fire hydrants there, thereby assisting in protecting the newly constructed buildings against fire. One of the most serious breaks in the main pipe lines was caused by the earthquake shaking and settling down, by from one to five feet, the region between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, on Valencia street. (See Photos 57, 58, 59, 63, 64 and 65.) Here an old swamp had been loosely filled in, many years ago, by any and all kinds of material and rubbish obtainable, the fill being twenty feet or more in depth. Our pipes, which had to be below the pavement of the street, had to cross this region. Being aware of this state of affairs regarding the character of the foundation and fill (I constructed the pipe in 1876), I remembered the location of this swamp, and made our 22-inch pipe of wrought-iron. I put in a number of cast-iron bell joints, with lead joints, which would give or yield somewhat in case of a slight settlement. This pipe is to-day in a per- fect condition, except at the points where the swamp dropped down suddenly, during the earthquake, from four to five feet, which naturally tore off the pipe both at the north and south boundary of the swamp. This serious break was quickly repaired by laying across the swamp and over the top of the pavement and well into terra firma on each side of the sink, a long stretch of 24-inch cast-iron pipe. This gave us a chance to drive a supply of water along Market to Sansome street, to Montgomery avenue, etc., to and into the Francisco Street Reservoir. As the high and isolated Pacific and Presidio Heights regions are supplied by the Black Point Station, which in turn di +, its water from the Francisco Street Reservoir, it was of the greatest importance to send 36 a sufficient supply of water as rapidly as possible via Valencia, Market and Sansome streets and Montgomery avenue to and into the Francisco Street Reservoir. The Crystal Springs System, from which, in normal times, this reservoir receives its supply, being at that time interrupted by the breaks on the 44-inch pipe line, could therefore not be called upon; thus, by the above rapidly completed repairs of the Valencia street mains, the object was accomplished. : In order to supply the unburnt region of the Mission District, we quickly also laid over the Valencia street swamp, and on top of the pavement, a 16-inch cast-iron pipe; thus making the supply of the unburnt portion of the College Hill, or middle city supply district, independent of the supply sent to the Francisco Street Reservoir. More than ten years ago 1 pointed out to the company the wisdom of establishing a very large storage reservoir in San Francisco, to hold from three to four hundred million gallons, at fully three hundred feet ct of land of forty-two acres back of the Industrial School, elevation. The company thereupon purchased a tra rial From this reservoir, a conduit consisting of a for the purpose of constructing thereon the above reser Voir. series of large concrete-lined tunnels were to be constructed in a general direction of northeast by north to- wards the southwesterly head of Market street in San Francisco, where, from a gate-house at the northeast end of this tunnel, at an elevation of about 265 feet above tide, a system of large distributing mains would ra- diate in southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly and northerly directions. All of the city reservoirs and districts below the level of this main gate-house were to be supplied by gravitation from the same. The hilly part of the West Mission was to be supplied from the same main tunnel, through side adits, which in turn would sup- ply the large proposed north and south main on Dolores street. But the continuous cutting down, by the Supervisors, of the price of water during the last decade pre- vented our company from undertaking this important work, as the company’s revenue was thereby reduced below its bare requirements for its obligations, consisting of taxes, operating expenses and interest. We had also projected a 16,000,000 gallon reservoir on our Market street block, near Buchanan street, at 150 feet elevation. This reservoir would be supplied from the University Mound Reservoir and also from the above proposed Industrial School Reservoir. It would have a large independent pipe line, down Market street, studded with many hydrants, and was intended to give to this important, broad thoroughfare an en- tirely independent system of fire protection. I knew at that time that the foundation of Market street, with the exception of its filled easterly end, was solid and reliable throughout, as was also proven during the earthquake. A strong plea was made by our company with the Board of Supervisors, in June, 1893, against destroying this fine isolated rocky hill, made and placed there by nature, apparently, for the purpose of a commanding reservoir at the head of this great thoroughfare. If this hill were saved, we agreed to at once construct this reservoir. But all our arguments and warnings were of no avail, and the Supervisors ordered Ridley street to be cut through this fine reservoir site with a deep and long excavation. There is no doubt, whatever, that this large volume of water stored therein, at 150 feet elevation, coupled with an independent large pipe for fire purposes only, down Market street, would in all probability have prevented the late fire from crossing over to the north side of the same. APPENDIX A. (See Page 25 of Report.) I shall here quote from several of my printed reports, made and handed to the Supervisors, pleading for fair treatment, in order to show that the attention of the city authorities had been fully and plainly called to the tremendous responsibility they were assuming by trying to cripple the finances and, conse- quently, the resources of the Spring Valley Water Company. Page 9 of my report to the Board of Supervisors, made January 28th, 1904: ““ NECESSITY OF AN AMPLE WATER SuPPLY. og “ Your predecessors in office were, and no doubt your Honorable Board is fully aware, that it is an absolute necessity that this city must have an ample supply of water at all times, both for domestic and fire purposes, no matter whether such water is supplied by the municipality or by private enterprise, or by both. “That the city authorities have heretofore been and are now desirous of providing water for the city’s future growth is proven by the various steps taken by them, from time to time, to procure a municipal supply. “That the Spring Valley Water Works and its successor, the Spring Valley Water Company, has been and is emphatically of the same opinion, that the necessity for an increase of the supply has existed and does exist, has been proven not only by its systematically acquiring additional properties, necessary in the near future, and by constantly extending its works, but also by many urgent, but vain appeals to your predecessors in office: not to reduce and cripple the necessary revenues of the company, as by such reduction the proper and timely extensions of the works would be prevented,—extensions that were and are absolutely essential to meet the rapidly grow- ing demands of the community. “The Spring Valley Water Company, which now supplies this city with water, has, for more than forty years past, given to this city and its inhabitants as good a service as was obtainable with the physical and financial means at its disposal; and, but for such good service, this wind exposed and largely inflammable city might have been swept by conflagrations, as the best fire de- partment in the world, without such a water supply, would be powerless. “ NECEssITY FOR FirsT-crLass WORK. “It pays neither the municipality nor a private corporation to use cheap and inferior materials and to employ poor workmanship in the construction of water works or other utilities. “ This fundamental principle has guided the Spring Valley Water Company and its predecessor in the past and will continue to do so in the future, as our experience has taught us that to build after first-class design and with the best of materials and workmanship, but without extravagance, 1s true economy. “ Appropriateness of design, best quality of materials, and the high-class workmanship em- ployed, have given our works reputation and standing all over the United States, which we in- tend to maintain. “ Good works, like ours, cost money, as the city will find out when it embarks into municipal ownership of the proposed public utilities. CAPITAL INVESTED AND INTEREST THEREON Must BE SAFE. “In such event, the city will have to pledge its faith and credit, in order to induce capital (which is naturally timid) to invest in the city’s proposed bond issues. “If a necessary utility is not undertaken by the city, but instead is left to private enter- prise, capital, in order to be induced to invest in the stock and bonds of such private corporation, must, of necessity, have not only the fullest confidence in the ability of the management, but also, and primarily, in the financial stability of the corporation, which means an assurance of absolute safety of the investment and interest, not only in the present but also in the future. “ RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CITY AUTHORITIES. “ Subject to the approval of the voters, the new Charter vests in the Board of Supervisors the power to acquire municipal water works, either by purchase or construction. aE Sow, Sigironiaos a mA BN 38 “If this course is adopted and approved, the entire responsibility for an adequate and constant supply of good water for the future will rest with the Board of Supervisors. With them will also rest the responsibility of establishing and maintaining, without a shadow of a doubt and to the fullest satisfaction of capital, the desirability of the investment and of the absolute security of principal and interest until the final redemption of the bonds. “ Should, on the other hand, the city authorities neglect or fail to carry out the above Charter provision, but should instcad leave such utility to private enterprise, they are, in this case, no less responsible for a constant and abundant supply of water and also for the security, safety, and financial stability of such private enterprise. For the latter case, the new Constitution provides that the Board of Supervisors must annually fix a fair water rate, which means, that not only should operating expenses and taves be provided for, but also a fair interest should be returned to the owners of the enterprise, and enough additional revenue should be provided to pay interest on the cost of such new extensions of the works as are necessitated by the increasing consumption, not to mention a fund to provide for deterioration. “Tf the city authorities, in their annual rate fixing fail to provide the proper and necessary amount of revenue, thereby preventing the expenditure of additional capital for constructing such new works as are made necessary by the constant growth of the consumption, the responsibility for such failure to have the works extended in due time, falls directly upon them. “ Assuming that all of the legal difficulties were now removed that will be encountered by the city in acquiring all of the lands, water-rights and rights of way necessary to bring an in- dependent municipal supply of water trom the Sierra Nevada to this city; even if the works were commenced at once, it would take about six years, or until the year 1910, before such municipal water could be distributed in San Francisco. “ During this interim, that is from now until 1910, the city will be constantly growing in popu- lation and, as my above estimate shows, the water consumption will, by that time, have grown to at least forty mullion gallons a day. “Tt is imperative, therefore, that the works now supplying the city with water must have their capacity increased, and that, ahcad of time, so as to keep fully ahead of the growing con- sumption. “To provide for such additional supply requires time and money, the interest on which the city authorities will also have to safeguard, in addition to all taxes, operating expenses and in- terest on the stock and bonds. “ The attention of the various Boards of Supervisors has heretofore been frequently called to their responsibility in the matter, as the following extracts from my former reports will show. “In my report of February, 1901, page 7, I say: “ “This splendid result, of meeting the ever-growing demands for water gradually and successively, as the city grew, and in spite of the frequency of single and successive dry and unproductive rainy seasons, could never have been accomplished if it had not been for the timely acquisition of water rights and lands and the construction of the magnificent storage reservoirs and the development of other additional resources which the company had provided in time to meet just such emergencies. And as sure as this city is bound to grow, calling upon whoever may be supplying it with water hereafter, whether it is a corporation or the municipality itself, or both, additional water facilities have to be provided at no matter what cost.’ “ On page 8 of the same report, I say: “ ‘Whether a corporation or the municipality supplies the water to this city, it is abso- lutely essential to look ahead and acquire the water-rights, lands, reservoir sites, etc., ahead of the time when they are absolutely needed; our experience having shown that once the fact is established that properties, as above described, will be needed in the reasonably near future (which means for a large and rapidly growing community like ours within the next ten or twenty years), it is always true economy to buy them as they are offered for sale from time to time, so as not to excite the seller and raise the price unnecessarily. Many of our large water-right and other properties have taken from ten to twenty years to complete the entire purchase. On pages 10 and 11 of the same report, I say: “ «This corporation has been for about forty years supplying this city with water, and, unless other water works are built hereafter either by the city or some one else, this com- pany will be called upon for some years to come to meet the ever-increasing demand for water in this city. Water works, under our climatic conditions, as well as on account of the high price of labor and materials, cost a great deal of money. As for an increasing supply for the future, and an improved and extended distributing and reservoir system in this city, a great deal of money will be required, and as money is proverbially timid (especially as to water- supply enterprises in California, where the purchaser of water demands a supply at such price 39 28. ; Zein oe is : as 2 Digs or si pe 1) representative fixes), it is difficult to sell either stock or corporation at a fair price which anywher : a where near approaches the ¢ erty, on account of the insecuri i y i Hi lebih ecurity of the interest to be paid i on the same,—particular ; so far, the city authorities 1 ae ay 1ave been constantly cutting the r fi ity : e rates, and mal y : g ke no > ever for a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds.’ ran In the same report, page 28, I say: “ A 3 : As on p i i os di of the direct results of the repeated reductions (against our protest) of the water De Fg ro the beginning of the year 1897, by which reductions the financial i - r H . . 2 a Le Spon ay Fon W it were seriously interfered with, also working 1e city and the Fire Department, I wish rile n : ent | wish to state, that w re laid (i round numbers) in the streets of San Francisco in : SER il ie We laid in miles of pipe, miles of pipe, miles of pipe, miles of pipe, i miles of pipe, Doge 2 of the same report to the Supervisors, I say: ed 7 re Spring Valley Pop hai is the main source from which the city is sup ’ ars to be a very short-sighted policy and almost suicid jy ry sig almost suicidal on the part of the city : pany’s financial resources, by adopting water r i i not permit a sufficient income to p TY allow for taxes, running expens i ; mi ie le to xes, rt g expenses, and interest on pr Jad A yl obligations. A¢ least, until such time as the city of San De ng cme away and manages its own municipal water works, the policy of the city es should be to co-operate with the present works i i i so that by fair and 2 , y fair and impartial treat- Want fe Tip oa be oh » properly develop the works, and with Sie A a a rates of interest. Such policy, if adopted by the ci ys W ual fair reduction of the water rates i 2 1 y the city, would soon allow a grad- ] a ates in the future, as the works exp: i : ; xpanded, as has Sows in my report on the value of the Spring Valley Water a If, on the Pena i Ps pony and succeed in crippling the company’s finances, they alone ill be me for making the works as well as the water s i 0 t ; 8 works 2 a upplied not only more costly, | will Hs be solely responsible if the final result of their short-sighted os is to he paralyze the efficiency of the water works for fire as well as domestic purposes.’ aii “In my report made tw ; f ; 1 vo years later to the Board rvisors, in Februar hh dae y 3oard of Supervisors, in February, 1903, I say €¢ : Js ra a Spay Valley Whi Works is practically the only source from which g ply of water, it is but fair to ask for it fair tre city t , 0 ¢ e atment at your hands ok every RT in your power to properly enlarge the Es and in growing demands of the city,—at¢ [cast until the ci acquir : i ere y the city has acquired and constructed its “ In the same report of 1903, page 18, I say: ‘ As near as can b i i s e estimated, the population of our ci 7 dtl ] Por our city has of late years grown at f£ At th ginni i i of iooioi Spy 0 he popuintion was 355,000 inhabitants; at the beginning : ooo inhabitants; at the beginning of i J 3005, 1 ; 5,0¢ : g g of 1902, the population was 383, Jp Tal any) 2 the beginning of 1903, the population was 410,000 inhabitants. ; growth, if continued, will require in the near future large expenditures of mone pi a “reser ng and assured revenue to meet the increasing cost of interest, operati . expense and taxes. Wi improv ol aes 1thout such revenue, the improvements now under way and which are necessary to meet the increasing requir 5 i i ements for v g - re TOWING CI TT g req vater in our rapidly growing city cannot be APPENDIX B. ny he tt on Ry Professor Charles Gilman Hyde and Professor Charles Derleth, Jr., both partment of Civil Engineering of the University of California, mad i i Ci ‘ g 3 a, made an exhaustive examinati of Wy of the Spring Valley Water Company and the repairs then in progress ihe e following are extracts from the report of Professor Derleth, whicl ol} i i News of May 17th, 1906, published in New York: EN Te NoTE.—In th i ( n the following extracts, Professor Derleth’s photographs and references to them have not been reproduced.) a: TR AR 40 7 -1 - . 11 - { “ The writer has visited Pilarcitos, San Andreas and Crystal i ey Say ot af i i se reservoirs with Sc rancisco. e ha i "te 28 2 i onnecting these reservoirs with San l'rat the important flumes and conduits co g ny mr Bem i e, but is informed tha ; EX? he Alameda conduit south of Burlingame, bu no opportunity to examine t : ] i ; : a ks @ is part of the conduit and at its source of supply are intd the works along this part of the conc tits > ore boss! that such is the case. since all of that work lies in a region of lesser disturbance. The Tn or v of ‘ Jerkel I have already reported, is practically uninjured, and 1 ply of Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley, as 1 have already i is likely that the Alameda conduit south of Burligame has been lig o very nearly degree of shock as the works of the Contra Costa Company of Oa and. Sahat ih The Pilarcitos reservoir is to the west of the main fault line and ; Spat ok hy by ; S i reservoir i ughly intac p i 7 ver Ridge. That reservoir 1s thorough by a range of hills known as the Saw} ¢ : ms th dam (95 feet high) is unaffected. The waste-way conduit connecting it with S i i The voir is full of water. Lake is also intact. The reservoir is fu : i y o have “ The main fault line runs through Crystal Springs Lake, but in no Ww 2 Ae oe affected the imperviousness of its bottom, since the Peron ” May 3 3 as a oy irs ! i ine passes through the older dam, which separ? interesting to note that the fault line | g a a. He stn i seri ; uptured, there wou : es sly affected, and even 1f 1t were I ; two halves, but that dam 1s not seriou : ] id danger, so-far as it individually is concerned, to the impounding capacity of the whole reserv Se d y ; : Ta All observations of the effect of the earthquake along gs Jjue Sn 2 ik fn) i i i i e materia 7 i tion of the surface materials, so that th there was an oscillating, shearing ac ; : Hw iil i i ins at the west. This shearing oscillation w of the fault line rubbed against that & ear iil ont i r, it is not possible tc 7 -ertical component. At this time, however, zontal, but must have had some ver | by state the exact direction of action. Of course these surface movements fo be fuy to : tl i but j 5 red i r ow is not entire - i p i st what has occurred in the firm crust be t in the hard materials beneath, but just \ 3 2 ey y i Reservoir to Lake Merced the surface grounc ally dent. From Crystal Springs k : i ual Ht i ; 7 a mixture of the two. 3 3 it is yellow adobe and sometimes it 1s known as black adobe land. In places : ig This avorend alone the fault line has been subjected to tensions and compressions, and the eart S > = % : and offsets. (quake has left permanent distortions : = : : Ge The Pilarcitos conduit for a considerable distance practically coincides with {pe iil nt line: indeed, one might almost imagine that the break in the ground was garpasey sta 5 along the pipe line. or vice versa, from San Andreas dam to Frawley Gulch, a dis ey of a 3 Y . . . . . 4 Sin miles. In this length the conduit 1s a 30-inch laminated i pipe o Tous ne i te i i joints i 34- in diameter. i : i y C riveted joints. The rivets are Black pTPUMP STN ’ \ BhgAn SH RES oLbge sT\acs Pres usa © sAN FR, N C ociay br warn oc. ra ocL mvs Talk & HONIA Res TN. ba, icw k SAN FRANCISCO TGS TRAN REE o HY ome Setar, on « Orlma dh £ 3 \ v \ z © 4 S & < 3 “\ / or ‘ Soir SAE \ Ravenswood MAP OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER WORKS 1903. Wo tershods of theSl) a © and lhery Topography. dcale, Hays Va Showing jakesent wird prosecli rid gresueclive Watersheds of he SVM ond therr lo; ceraphy i > = eT a > - - T———— har - 5 - il = & bs i = $+ : ? E ag? 17S 7 - ee a BLE * wo. 0 WH. a b ; : f Por CITY COUNTY \ Wo oN. — {> Sor 8 fo 3 or : J 4574 ¥ S, 1 { ' { . « SAN FRANGISCO : wy a BauiroRy iA ; ov 3 Cd : : = 2 QUBLISHED 5 A“ rs . g LW. ATU ST, 4 fo . ® BREN HEE LLEELELL is | HEN BREE JRE EEE EE HEEER AE, E IIB Gs LRIAVAERRERELaiRetE Th 1AERNFT RIRERREERALS TELARRERRN REE E EE TE TE Jai pet 0 A hi PCA ROR AS Sg Hen “EE ERE 0 Ws" < 2 * Nah we Fra $e Latin ‘b Bn cw : bo ; : 2 bie -— at 0 # X sot uv ni (hes EA x {inp 7e Susie Yido ry 3 x wn core Fa bi; “i Be a old | w ene § yo ar de [A CSTE AL A & 2 ' 72, > o> : 2 Slr 1 = ——— tn bn oss ~ oi : - 3 x : pi a a —— —h - - i - a ee si 3 ER Tr “ . i > ro minpr— i " - pp — .- a EN A ARUREEPSR—Y = —————— — Ni res S— oR Vv. I'S y Y a oe oo = . : MAPer CITY J el | —~ SAN FRANGISGO | ) : ix . : | . = : silat 4 “= 2 RN , 3 5 oh Th ay hn 5 : Lo 2 b Hain i wh Ey 2 % > i Zz cory Lar [cemrTERY X | : jis JL { Jas . 2 3 : > A 114434444841 4133 a a > hy ar rer ca nen HE pry a) # 7 tr 2X i i 7} SATS > i= j gE RR fh a ® Q o = i - / » “ail «= 2 ET a o— : : ; a {hase b ; i ji4i4aaa1 ne | ; Ho 7A . a: 1 1 . : A PA \ ? S o w 33 & 4 . Q : ot Bi * ¥: : 1 o = 1h ny I: 2 uh gays 3 ; , oS CY) idan wh 1 ELEY REEMA be nd ,, 2 a be 7 - feed iggy \ 3 =" QO gages gli EOD : . : i | rr = : es (0 0] = . ry : - 3 EA if : : PY LC) =a = & on, : RC % S : ; w | 2 : Rk 1 a | 3 : 8 ; % uions 3 2 a % v ~~ .- CT : 2 . % s i ; = Fe XGUIN A yu! Alu %: - aE are a ar 3 : 2 : 5 } LW L Ya oh oe { 2 / 3 a a Vv asl : : | A ‘a ¥ IT : | 7 al : | . ‘ ; -\ A { ‘n : : ima | a ie - ia 5 a —— Se " | heise - ee — —— - BL Tait SA re bn 2 JT £ FT OO FF & | SHOWING STREETS COVERED BY THE CRY DISTRIBUTING FIFE SYSTEM OF THE SPRING VALLEY “n OF THE cry AND COUNTY OF £7 2 NG WATER Co. A ~ - — = - 7. = = SHOWING CONTOUR LINES AND ELEVATIONS IN FIGURES \ =n sl = sled from the late ARY” RESERVATIC - SMILE cial » "Off ~< J ¢ AK QA NTL EM OF THE WATER CO OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF awe buipadaiy Jo 2532) Arm ares BN, MAP Va _ - Showing the Five Water Pressure Districts necessitated) by the.very urieven logssraphy of San Francisco with numerous 18clated, hills and ridges ranging in lelevation « 1373 base to Goo feet. um uM um PRESIDIO Tame of Reserve and] Ingicateds bY] Capant Elev | [Pressure or Supply District{ite-d + Lines atc 14.0 id ersity Mound|UM 37000000] 165 | I Francisco St. 300000Q 135 | College Hill 14000000|255 | 111] I. ake flonda Lombard St. 33000070365 MILITARY RESERVATION 28cooc alos . r—— + aaa YtreroHeight | Fresidiol lights Clay St. Tank succonl3is ee 700000400 | — - ll | 50000060 | 40000000030 es deri Tarendon Fits. J Propo, - . : =" ! \ ! [4 i! | 1 180 Ibs 780 Ibs Weight per fengih of 12-44%" /: Weightper length Fl1e-4 24 Clair Diameles. bia 20" Clear Diameter '$9/ 0022 .8-2l 42 NN. 3 yjbuay sad jy - 0 % $9/ 0092 '8q/ 00E¥ SPECIFICATIONS sig {PCY Reon CAST IRON PIPE ee EO) WE remem SPRING VALLEY WATER WORKS 2 Sores Clio ff Zoey. V0 Wy All pipes shall be of first-class quality of tough cast iron, close grained and homogeneous through the entire thickness of the metal, and of a tensile strength of not less than 15,000 nor more than 18,000 pounds per square inch; to be entirely free from blow-holes, porousness, flaws, cracks, splits, or any other defect, and free from cinders, slag, or any other impurities; the metal, when broken, to present a uniform gray surface, and not a white and vitreous one. The granulation of the iron being uniform throughout. and the grain being neither too fine nor too coarse The degree of hardness to be such that the iron shows no brittleness, but has a degree of softness that admits of being chipped, drilled, tapped, or cut with case. In cutting the pipe with a hardy, under ordinary blows, delivered by a workman with a suit- able sledge. the cut must extend not less than twice around the entire circumference of the pipe, and to a depth of not less than one-fifth of the thickness of the metal, before breaking; and the pipe must then break, with a square break, along the groove made by the hardy, without any lateral or longitudinal splits or cracks or jagged projections. After the nipple end has been thus cut off, a second similar hardy cut around the pipe, to cuttoff a picee of the pipe, equal in leneth to one-half the diameter of the pipe, with- out splitting the, pipe nor the ring. In pipe of 12 inches diameter or over, the ring so cut off shall not be more than 6 inches in width The groove made by the hardy to show the tough- ness of the metal by the burring up of the edges. as the cut is being made, like this ~~ instead of small chips and splinters flying off from the edges of the groove during the cutting, which would indicate brittleness. A test with the diamond-point chisel by cutting a groove, either straight or curved, must show the same tough characteristics as required by the above Lardy test, and under no circumstances to show any incipient cracks or splits caused by such cutting. no matter if the cutting extends through the entire thickness of the pipe. The diamond-point chisel tests to be as follows: A longitudinal \/ cut with the diamond-point chisel, is to be made, starting 8 inches from the cut end of the pipe and ranning towards the same, at right angles. The depth of this cut is to be two-thirds the thickness of the pipe, not exceeding § inch. The pipe must not crush through towards the inside, while the cut is being made to its full depth, nor must it crack through to the end. until the chisel cut has approached the same within 2} inches. At a distance of12 inches from the cat end of the pipe a circular, diamound-point chisel \/ cut is to be made to a depth of two-thirds the thickness of the pipe, and of a diameter equal to half the diameter of the pipe, but not to exceed 4 inches in diameter The picce so surrounded by this circular \/ cut to he driven through to the inside of the pipe, by one or more hard blows from a sledge, delivered on top of a drift bar set on the center of the outside of this piece. And after it has been thus driven in, the edges must show a clean break, without any splits or cracks running from said hole, either to or towards the cut end of the pipe, or in any other direction. All of the above tests to be made subject to the direction of the S. V. W. W, and at the expense of the contractor. The pipes shall be cast vertically in dry sand moulds, without the use of cote nails, chaplets, thickness-pieces, or any substitute therefor The pipes shall have smooth and perfect surfaces in pipe and bell inside and outside, and to be free from damage by handling in the transportation to the point of delivery. The pipes shall be straight throughout their length and truly cylindrical in bore, to which the outside of the pipe shall be concentric, and the metal of the shell must be of a uniform thickness, as hereafter specified for their respective diameters from bell to nipple. while the internal diameter shall be of the full size specified. The bolls and nipples of all pipes shall be smooth and shall conform to the dimensions shown on diagram for their respective diameters in every re- spect. The nipples shall freely enter to the bottom of the bells, to their full depth, and shall make a close, fair fit against the inside shoulder of the bell all around; the bells shall receive the nipples to their full depth and allow the free turning of the inserted pipe around the full circle, and the space for the lead joints shall be as specified on diagram. Every pipe shall be of the length of 12 feet net, and of a standard weight as specified for its respective diameter on the diagram. The S. V. W. W. reserve the right to reject, free of expense to it, any pipe weighing less than four (4°) per cent. below the standard weight, and any pipe weighing more than four (4) per cent above the standard weight; but if accepted, no extra weight above the four (4) per cent. extra will be allowed for in the payments. The pipes shall be in all their parts of the time. sions and the bells and nipples to be of the propor- tions as shown in the accompanying diagram All pipes shall be subjected to a test by hydraulic pressure of 300 pounds per square inch by and at the expense of the contractor The S5.B:. pipes shall be absolutely tight and impervious to water under the above pressure, and show no weak- ness in any part. All the pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned and prepared to receive their asphaltum coating, with- out the use of acid or other liquid, and ehall be pro- tected from rain, fog, moisture, and exposure, to the weather prior to dipping, and coated, before there is time for them to become rusted, with a first-class coating of asphaltum and tar, firmly adhering to the pipe. The pipes to be free from rust and strictly clean when they are immersed in the bath. Pipes shall be first heated to 20 degrees above the temperature of the boiling coating, then immersed in a proper mixiure of pure asphaltum and refined coal tar maintained at a boiling heat. Pipes, after a sufficient time in the bath, to be withdrawn slowly in a nearly vertical position, and dripped so as to have a coating of uniform thickness, and to remain suspended in that position until the surface be sufficiently hard to resist injury in being ‘rolled outside. Coating. when cold, to be smooth, tough, without brittleness and blisters, tenaciously attached to the castings, and not liable to abrasion with ordinary handling. The S. V. W. W. to have the privilege of rejecting all pipes that do not come up to the above specifica- tions. The preliminary acceptance at nou constituting the final acceptance by the 8. V. W. W., but the tests for final acceptance by the same party to be made at The S. V. W, W. reserves the right and privilege, without any charge or expense of any kind to them, to reject the whole lot or shipment, or any part thereof, if in the opinion of their agent, or his rep- resentative, the above specified tests show that there are a sufficient number of pipes, in his judgment, or in the judginent of his substitute, defective or not up to the specifications causing him to make such rejection Bids to be made for tons of 2000 pounds, net weight, of iron. For dimensions and weights, see other side of this sheet a LONGITYOINAL SECT7/0N 323 asovr rroe Joo Fer CROSS -SEcTrom 323 ssove Toc “Srosacz EAragiry = ic P= - 45,00 PTIELION GALLONS = ersmemrieea) CRYSTAL SPRINGS CONCRETE DAM von — — MIEION (GALLONS SHOWING SYSTEM OF INTERLOCKING BLOCKS, MADE IN PLACE HL / MiLLion Gascong LONGITUDINAL SECT/ON PILARCITOS OAM 7/77 287i CROSS SECTION 695 480vE TI0E et re 950 - Mict/oN GALLONS CONGITUDINAL SECTION CRYSTAL SPRINGS UPPER DAM : ee CROSS - SECTION —~-, Mruv = Tn 323 4gove riom St lyr stuf (srorage CRAPACIT(EY| See CS CONCRETE oan) o0o__ — — — — \ 2 ED mm PRESENT HN. wn. SCALE FOR LONG: SECTIONS TT ee TT Tape SCALE FOR CROSS- SECTIONS. J00 20 4 = Fasr reer 'S = TAl LO - DETA RINGS DAM CRYSTAL §& SPR 16" LAYER OF CONCR PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF ABOVE aa s ae a . - CRYSTAL SPRINGS DAM DETAILS 17" LAYER OF CONCRETE BLOCKS. PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF ABOVE —_——r wT WAT iis ti ig Gi fini so lo re 8 .; dl a Za i 8 , 8 Te Wonid 0 .. “wg A To ze > 5 Cd 4 2% 4 X = RD RR RR NON RW RRR RR NN NN N RRR NN N NN nD NN NN NX e SI SONS N NF ON DN rl 2 2 7 7 bh) 7 Mil li AN TX iy y + EF Z 2% Derarts or Oureer Tower &K GATE SYSTEM OF THE CRYSTAL SPRINGS MAIN DAM. EE EE SES A. Long Sect of Oullel Gale Tower 87iunnels. fl B. Cross Section of Main Qullel Tinned 8-8 FE] AS VS vy I C. Detail of Main Regulating Gate at C. / A 2 D. Horuontal Sections of Main Regulating \& N Gale & Casing at C \ £ Horizontal Section of Gat Tower A i 4 ie : - i if ’ re or 0 a vi or mid | IN y = (az a-a’) ; EA i Yi ur i - : B . : 8 A F. Vertical Seclion Uirough Gate © Zucwes Tower A and tls lhree Feed Tanned, yz Wn = ~ Gales | Fishscreens ek. INE 1GO LEY ATE RucTep 1867. --3.d A B-C LAID|™ cowece nes RYSTAL 8 NGS J coNs RUCT TRESTLL PROFILE or BAY | 6500" OF It’ STEEL CABLE STRETCHED ACROSS OF SANFRANCISCO | Susmarine Pipes Cross BALL-JOINT DESIGNED H.ScHussien. | AIR CHAMBER PRESSURE GAuse Man Hoe ) Lea TT Scaeen Daum’ Screen Drum EAST SHOREEND or SUBMARINE PIPES aN Cross Section OF Screen Drum (0%) a) Swowine Brass Screen In 8 Sections Scae 2 To 1” ’ PROFILE avo DETAILS OF DOUBLE LINE OF 16° SUBMARINE PIPES, LAID BY S.V.W.W. ACROSS BAY OF SANFRANCISCO, NOV. IS887. Hermann ScHussLeR, CHIEF ENGINEER PLAN AND SIDE VIEW OF SUBMARINE PIPE AND BARGE Scag 20vof DIAGRAM SHOWING HANDLING OF ANCHORS SCALE: 100'TO 1" s00 Hoo Far EAST CABLES FROM ANCHORS A B.C.D.EF,FASTENEP To CAPSTANS ABCDEF, RESPECTIVELY. AS BARGE MOVED WESTWARD DURING THE DAY PIPES WERE PAID OUT OVER STERN, AND CABLES ADJUSTED ON/ ALL CAPSTANS WITH THE PAYING OUT OF EACH LENGTH. AT NIGHT ANCHORS G*+H, WERE PUT OUT, WHICH FORMED THE Bow ANCHORS, OF THE NEXT MORNING . Mem. doyble 22." Submarine Pipeline / was laid in 1901 2. in Same manner / 23 16, and 90 from wparallel tothe same, ” ~ H ScHussler, % CHIEF ENGINEER , SY WW Map of Burned District SAN FRANCISCO Retative tomy prised inde pendent Total Sait Water Fire-Protection Systern, Number of breaks, caused by the Mem, Breaks on this map shows b / bs "i \ y absence of breaks: the, Earthguake of Apr. 18-08, cnStreel- Markel St between Fier Le . ; Zo lala sat ere canted Streets thatmay be safely selected, — / ; A: 2x o 2 Dis 2 276 by dymamitingbuit. 279 by presence of Groups of Greats XY ’ 3 raaks Tepeined 2 : tan urine Biss: 24. dings. streets that should be avorded in Con style AR ee cs Culside © it pn 80 = . . . : ® between AprigandJulylb.ns eta AB rep 3far 300s Delton of the Salt- Water Destribu-~"S Pipes broken by Total N2of breaks in ScroiceR[ully:2380 | ® Lipe System. — . Earirguake ig - re 7 Oo ire mnburned District: Scate: . ~ Stanyam bebween Bulh Hiller) a Chenery near Nabic - - Note: } . % ‘ Hp Devisadero x Grove — Et Distr. CA SF Lombard x Octavia —- Sandex »/4% - Vnion x Octavia — — ne x Budsanar CrescentnearMesseon Tiffany Av: bct. 28% 2 Devisadero » Bush Ocean House Pipe —_ Lake Honda Res. lower outlet. Waller n Frederik — SapamorenCapitol Capitol « Plymouth — Fittmore ncarl.ommbared - pure like Twonhiel &.of Kentucky - boi eg A the Mission »Onond ago — €=TCh quate of Apr. 18 ant by the Ettis bet. Webster » Fitimore Falling of the buildings diering, 4éreaks on Broderick w.of Lombar; the subsequent Configmagion. Jefferson xbombard — Totar Ne of Sevvice pipe. “, oo -—— . o nds 3 ¢ LM Yesveruly Hour see o = Hake LT « 3 0} I; Hei 8: B y . v ° LY TI B Clip Coy SAG \#H. — un Colleges - S. Km Co. 8 fs hoe en aw EEN, A \ & (4 iis, Fillmore near Lombard rahi . "8. on : Imexcess ow , Oa kSt between Ashb. Laguna 23200. / 2 3 ElUis laguna - — . 2A 5 2. > % a RN lof-al IF of breaks outside burned NN 2 J 27 5 / a % / / NN EY C= & BRYANT L. [8 | 5 ” 77 2 “BUCHANAN ST i rermseneprene se Proposed [6 Million Gallon CHURCH ST. Reservoir on the 15olated rock Blof at the head of Marke! Street GF 1850 elevation. /#sconstrochon mas prevented 4 y the Board of Supervrsors m ozs Jerre 1/893, orering A Ridley ard 7 enasy senIEH AB 5 Webster Streets cut Mroe veg #hss & g7(gue propert S¥ #he Yomiinst 00 wm Te vrgemnt et L% of the joe nr SVWW. _ac inl L BRUNO Note : Northweslward movement SHOWING "along theline of the Faul?: EARTHQUAKE. FAULTS 7 ois CROSSING THE PROPERTIES OF THE TE neste Win SPRING VALLEY WATER COMFANY [ LICK. FUEL, Nay Wasre LTE Weim rym, > isz7Feet SHETCH SHOWING SECTION THOUGH SAN ans ae nel? a & EFFECT OF EARTHOUANE on SAME Scare oe 20 Note See photographs from NSTr NEST ran SHOWING EFFECTS OF EARTHQUANE a J LOCKS CREEK 44 FFE AT LINE OF FAULT o v2 » LE Note. See Se2) 2 photogr AiI4. *90 Y-May \1-0L —_— ol po . g 2 - 100 north of bridedl,) viewnorth . Southend, telescoped) Eon ’ Ne /. 30 Pilarcitos Pipe - telescoped 58 “on brid, ns rn nih C45%5207th) moved 17 vest and’ telese. 4, (Pcl. 30 Pipe )SMapl3 . South i A hi fy pe Just wd ‘ ¢ HNe3 ~30°Piy Pipe pulled apart=2" Fondapl3. pe TORE ; pia dH a ; a 30 Pil Pipe pulled apart over 3! x " Fault crosses diagonally . rcar i Andres Reservocr, . Rs, . 30°Pil Pipe telesc.nthrown Sideways XG - BO Pit Pipe. Derail of north end Con Man 13. Nek. 30° Pil. Pipe in Farell near »soulh PE small Fr.CaWon. View south. of brealC on Ler N22. 7 Coll sec, ull J. ’ dia onal . of Small raged ° 2 Fault cro ES nts 7 E, on Map 13. © . WE 8 Destruction of hemvy bridge 2nndover- 100" 8f 30 Ail. Pepe NP9, Same as Neg. View down stream = East. Showing Neyo, Same as 899. View upstream =Wesl. Debras of bridge over (argc Frawley CaMon - Pipe torn in lwo 2nd thrown Ywo halves of 30 Pipe thrown parallel to each other. Zhrown from 4oto §0 to the west. 7 C. =~ Sidewaysover 50° into Canon below. View novlh. B,onManl3. B, on Map 13. B,ornM=zp13. pa LAS ACAI 8 - ia ¥\% \-Y June -Ob- Fast end thrown 20" north. MonMapl3. NG]. Pilzrcitos. 24°P. SanA 2 ” — elbow , 5 41. Pilarcitos mn dndred Vaio Lofese a 574s ne Caast bron) Noga. Sameas ll, vieweast E12, 97 ) con Mz . AOD YX ATTCAR IN Creek Pipe Telesc 5 y.moved 14 , } . . Road San Amer /3 Nels. Same pipe as Ney, Pipe pulled apart § Indies N26. wire fence, SanAndres Valley belweenMills pL stor, nearly reclongu . , anlS. +600 East of County Road. O,, Map l3. arto fault (indepression JustbeyondB, B) moved northwest wardly ’ ~ about]3 feel, fromlinc B DE to present posction B,CD. New" [pobition of [ence being practically parallel to old positior’ 75. See .N on Map N? Cry. 44 wr. Tron Lods CT ery to the north So Last of County vic Ww ret cas twa MSY Tene H'Ok Pipe ino 14», 15. N18 Fault one Mle southeasterly from 44 N19 Firual view taken from Rack in Nery. Ves Nort aor? Fault nearofslini2 -Movemn ent of Ground X 7! vicso South ) stwardly- t orwest side mowed 7 northwes Roh SM near M wy Map 13. N20. 44 Crystal Springs Pipeline ¢ncowerse of reconstruction ore pile trestle and bloding. View/Vorth. Opening ire oupoe to recetveflextble strapped téadjorrelt. See thes Neal. Hy“Cr Spr. P. showrng blodkeng, stringers nade same compleledd nh S'cz7e Breen o Marsh - South End. 2%: 2 v . ry ; LIke owl of 2" plank . Nezz . 44 Cr. Spr. SanBrueno Marsh, entering from reght 14 : : . ; A ore l Prof Lawsons SanBrune Faulbcrosses thes marsh vw pipeline deago., From Frrm ynarsh on ortgtna ~ nally from SE toN WW. bents wslringers, lo soft marsh, cvith reconstructed blo hing on pilecaps k planksinnpers wees. 44 Cr Spr. P. Showing original pile foundation wth caps, ‘ ; ay. plankstringers, on blocking made of 2xr2 redwood plank spiked cross «lengthevtse and Gxr2 pine cap. Flexible gornt (sce 20) im place, strapped » straddled wilh §- 14 ropes made of Nf galv. sve 37 San Andres pipeline at Baden Crosseng. Fourlron Lugs : S25. A Str. ne as 112 N°24 sho that eorresponded with 4 lugs at x, were fern off by Earthquake NE2S. Rios b ” rr § . ‘ making 4 ragged holes in pape t 810° These holes were closed by 4 plates 37 S.A Pipe made out old pipe » put on with tapbolss arubber gasKels Ther strapped wr at reght angles sithesire, thereafter slipjoint Zswas s traddled by 6 wire ropes front band View. NE 27. Crystal Springs Upper(Ciay)Dam. Fault passed nearly at right angles fo rystal Spry : 4 Ke wor N26. C y ta PTINQS Concrete Dam af erthe earthguake through east end of Darn at Ac AAA, . Westerly 35 of Damewas moved with moun. tain and valley west of Fault,— from 89 feet northwestwardly. See cross Section and Zong t. Sect. on plar 6. Fence A, B, before the earthquake was at A-B ina strarphtlinc Fence CA whic crosses over bluffon cast Side of Faull. Sec Cross x Longe Sections vw Delatls onslan 6. RE ad A A”est. SanAnrarcs Fault, T looking South castwa rdly along A, wastewedr turnel CANE 33» 36) ices underground between Ax B. The course of the wvtunnel ¢s from B to By In the destance Crystal Springs Reservorr s seen. “n ake, From poent D on Bluffor > ture AP30, AABCC,. Crushed bred LA Frult Loving northwest. A-B-CD. Yies in straight line beyond point Don Ne 30. SanAndre, Fawlton N228:C,CCy Ne 30) on bluff. \ 2 N28. San Andres ClayDam. For Cross- » Longit. Sections sce plan 6. Fawltpasses through rok bluff al East end of Dan at C; c Cu. L7ncA,B, before the earthquake was a/ A-B. Everything west of the Fault during carthguake, We 29. Faull southof S.A.D: E TED rushed ried of Ef: bam toy args, undergo rowid incl dam, palleyw mountains moved north westward between Ev F. Fully 7: from Atoll, % fromBtoB, . AA May WO at outlet ofbrikwasteW tunnel, ( See View from tunnel owullet WEBY. Hedy timber Chute point By on M31) badly erwushed, down alone chute a A i1¢ crossed ct. AL hare, chased ori the fs Cok Poarted From teoths r Joint At mort No 32. Cracks through Rok bluff agzcTest wheeh East end of San Andres gas Creek aguaduct; ct berinprictt or theft) FO 3X Kim 28-00 D arn buts G shows manhole of Concrete L which, althowgph dragged north westwardly 4 Ne 33. Heavy Brick Waste W- Tunn durnt brid Latdin rich cemc was not inured x rot ever cradiee. ' Nezr. Timber drute looking cdowrnnwared x on opposite devection to M35 ne-loswards crushed part of NE 33. me limber Chute as at Msg, out Lookenp towards break rly vertical are now lea W236. Brisk waste weir tunnel looki Same, in oppesite direction to MNe3s. Sa Cunnel. neng* s0 12%12" timbers that were forme fram Vertical Notice [ton dogs pulled outof caps Ph RENE Ep No Ao. Vicw south Brick gatewell A in trad of Fawll, criistcd by Earth guakes Concrete Well B, northerly from A wwithinlQofsame, escaped, 2s xls dead manhole well C. 4 / / ’ mess ‘ Ne38. Sian Andres Res. outlet gute wells, beforethe earthquake. A:orginal bred wel Brewconcrete 9 atewcll. C:Concre te manhole down lo outlet tunncl NE 39. View sautheastwardly. Showing gatewells A wBand manhole C onthe distance. In foreground es shown the SanAndres earthquake Fault crossing peninsula next north of Gatewell peninsula, whihiatter it also crossed, crushing brick gatewell A (ee pros from Ne 40 to 45 both incl.) but not the concrete wells 8 » C. AHN Noth. View merth-east . Crack A-Aon [rcture Nehi, seen on inside of well = A,-A, CAN rey Ne 43. Brick GC ate-well crushed. View Nerth-wes tL. Ne 45. View South . Cracks B-B on picture N43, seen on inside of well = 8,78). 89 N46. Lodks Cree flume(hiere: &x 3) én upper San Mateo Caron Neyy. Locks Cr. flumelhere 6 x y)aasl Sige of San Andres Valley partly destroyed by Stides, caused by Earthgseake frssure, Several (enrthguake fautlon opposite S VES FatleG partly deslr. by earths hundred feel above flume. quake. AT TSI RLY NP yg. Same flume as on 47. only alittle further north , being nea r tnrlel- or west end of 44 pape showrr en pictures: /4v»l5, RAL BTR: FE MNe4g. Same flume as 47% 48,6ut on East Sede of SanAndres Valley raboel 6ooeast of Fell line . Collapsed [rom Ales, -82C flume Sound. b= Crystal Springs Reservodr on the distance. View South ees. Ne so. View of Same flscric from a proerl E, further orth E-A-= Sound A-Bsame piece as in MNP49 collapsed B-Csound D = Crystal Spr Res, iL ¥\ob Y-Tune AL OG NES Same flume. View northwest, [lume collspsect ra South of San Andres Dam Fault crosses spur Just below Flupper Leflcornes) Wes. Lodks Creck flame crossing over SarAndres brick wascec-weir tunnel on trestleswork A-B. Outlet of bridktunnel (-C. (33x36) In foreground: lop of shattered lirnber Chute (soc NM3¥.35.37) C. NN283. Same 6x4 Locks Cr fl near SanArdres Dam? deslroyed from AteB. point Brmoved 4 Further away [rom A thar before Zhe ezrthguafe. O-D-E-F is the main SanAndres Faull inthe Gluff al ezst erzd of San Andres Dam , whic fres aldllle beyond & 91 s.r . . Ne $4, Lake Honda ARcse rvolv buctt by Engr. von Sd wudlt-From [860 Fo 1864. Earthquake of Apr18. cracked wall x prers. Repaired 8y grouting wilh pure Cemenl Cradt ABE inprer fincshed grouting, also Cradcs D-E 3 F-Gon ardred wall. ei amar aa SECURES Baa madi Tees N59 Valencia Sty Sunken portion of Str chowing lwo 2bove erncrpency ' Pipes on top of pavement. also 5. Sirk wilh cartrade x broken Sewerath. fle. Pictures [rom #87 to show Sanfrancisco Streets, thal subsided from ore lofrve feel during the earth guake. otbicrs IE ~? subsided k moved St AC LORY S, (Caring [oR C 257. Valernciz Str. between 18% a 197A Subscded | abou five feet, destroying Seever, and besretes gas» electric pipes y conduels lore of onc 16 and one 22 “water main, which 2tlhis point had 260uT 85 Lbs presseere NesE Same Res, Showing Same cracks O-ExFG as in N5Y. also cracks in Rext panel the lower ones of whedh havebecn tightly growled. ’ 3 o Showing lempo rn MHarrgson Id wv rary amergency repay of 3? wrought lrormMari. Pipe ¢ WNE59 Brannan Street subsided » cTadkopen ¥éo plAIACL ES west of Stewdd Sunken % le pipe bronen. N63. 14th Steast of Valencia, Street lorn open Sec walterpipe below - 62 Howard St. north of 18h sunken wlwestea (See cartvacks) One 20pippe, onc 24” 2nd two 6'pipes broken bycarthguake NCS Markel SZrearférry. Street subsided , 16 watermpe replurcd . NC 6% Other vicew of S2172C Showing { argc hote int sunken street ; also water pipe at x. A263 VeeZoncin Str mear (9% subsided (See Ae59) three Story HolZel MR 6% View taken on Valenciz Str. looking north (A-BC crossing of |§1hS ©) shkowtng frre Fr Few minutes afte rpecture was Laker the Lateral movement of Str to East. B-Bjoripinal position of Center of west car brack B-B. being present position since earthguake. Lateral movement fully 7 Feel, BiE,. - 95 es ! bh ASS Yoay how East Side Howard, between 17h n/8LK showing effect of Earth quake on 7 bredlain @s- N67 Street sunken, 127% 20 pipes ruptared. AEC BAL UNE A FAV eY- bo HO wi 7 0. Crossing 7h ve § 7%ntHoward SE 16 pipe badly fractured .(notyct repacred) Ne GE Alorg/8 th from Howard. Street subsided pipe broken N69. 19S ooking West Streets SedelootR oi ved north 3bowt & feel. Brick building also moved some. what. 14h Str near Valencez. Sewer ruptured. 8 repre broken same as Ne€S, prcture taker from slrghtly changed pont, Wa2. Nes Street or Water front badly broken up - NEY van Ness Ave rear vawzepo. & waterpipe ruptured. Ne T3. Van Ness Avenue betvocen Vzllejo Sf v Broadway NTT. Mission SE infront of tost Clive, near 7%, Szrces Sunmen racsed xk trwisted. 12 Walerpipe recep rec . ’ W276 Missions Strnear 7% 40 front of FPost-Cffice . loo Hing S. We Street a tx badly sunken x hoisted (See picture Niy7) NETB. Market St Lor of Spear SI. Street sunken scyeralfics /6 “waterpgre ruptured. NET74. Nev: Post Office. Stdewalk x Street subsided. NCT79. Unicon St between Steiner x Pierce SE. Street, Cable i . ki , SdcwalKs, walter w olthcrp Simoved lateral > R&I. Union Stsoith Cable Rad. Same as HE79,0m severz? Feel. ~ Note: A-A-B shows formerposition of Center slot of, NeBo. Same as N27g, onlyl=hen from different ‘tn opposcle direction, looking from West to Last, North Track. (looking west.) pocnt. Note destruction of form erly slracght . Sidewalk. ly Laken Views of Streets informer business Section of SF; showing glgpondis mea Sse; of i fed nd £ 7 . : y z Howl t slow Weostly. lo loc alc and repay, 2ccurnul ated on Strebts uw Sidewalks, making rtextremely djjicull, OI oC Ra Ba aot breaks end leaks (rn the Slrcetimacrns % Howse Scrarce pipes, whih mre locate A AVR STEEL ALE ETE vA Mo8§2. Debris on Battery SE North from Califorrua St N33. Debris on (aZjforniz ST west of Drumm SZ. Ne g4 Debris on Sacramento Stwest of Brumm St Ne 85, Debris on Baltlery St looAirng North . Ne 86. Sansome Se looking North [rom Bush. NEB7. Debris on BatlerySe South from California S* N88. Debris on Front St North from Califorrua St Sreuwrs, subsequent ysupplermenlal lo Pholos: 26,27,33,36x38 045. AR NE 98 Crystal Springs Concrete Dam . Looking N West Showing top, Wastewerr over Center, and lower Siope. " Gate-tower, Waslewelr x portion of Reservoir (Sec he2e, 98 » 101) (see N° 26 Bi plaré. APlan 6. NE 100. General view of Crystal Springs Concrete Dam, Showing hd AS bt ae BAN i 3 23.006 Ne 99. Crystal Springs Upper (Clay) Dam. Fault passed through norlneasterly porteor of upper park of embankment at Ae -A-AAu - % of Dam wilh tnounltatrs k ci Fault was moved, parallel toils [former postition from 859 feet norltuweslwardly. A-B = origiraal position of north fer.ce. A -Bspresent position of same Pence. View Soult west. (Seep ol. NE 27.) A. } WEI02. Showing Sar Andres brick(Galewell on thelefl, cracked by Nejo). Crystal Springs Concr.Dam . Lower Faull, and Concrete Gatewelllon the right uriryured Stope kioe. Looking No West. (See phot 26,98, Deep Crack A-B-C-DE strudk northeqst corner Fof concrete Gatewell, 100 % plan 6.) NE 103. San Andres Reservocr brick wastewerr tunnel, lookeng sn opposite direction to phot. NE 33. showing also tore deep hole in the grounal zt (he sowlteast correr. first class character of bridwork (cement mortar, (see plan 13. photographs: from NeBglo NCHS. same as ‘rn N297)- Faull crossed thus tunnel , which ot crushed, tearing portion of the same, (as shown in thes view) lo the right = northwest. Total "(See £33,360 plan lB) northwestward movement: 7. END OF TITLE PLEASE