— OF THE — i SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1 A Dist it Agito Association. DEEIRBE Lis: ERE a & ® BE ® SIRE &) ENE) ENE I) BEE SIRE QO = O RZ ra Vy Re) on a = O ESCONDIDO, SAN 1 DIEGO ie | Sept. 80, Oct. 1, 2 3, 1890. | ESCONDIDO, CAL. . “ Bacopioo TIMES” STEAM BRINTING HousE. 1890, ppp W. N. BRADBURY, D. F. MARIKLE. NoTArY PUBLIC. BRADBURY & MARIKLE Teal Turate, dioan and ngurance rs AGH IN Tes ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA. Loans and Securities. We are making loans at a very close margin, and at as LOW RATE OF INTEREST as it is possible to place money in Southern California, on first-class gecurity. Loans made PROMPTLY. IN REAL ESTATE we have some of the best bargains in the County, both in City and Ranch property. Prices. ranging from $20.00 to $135.00 per acre. Orange land, Lemon land and Alfalfa land, as well as all deciduous fruit land, included in our list. “Also several hundred acres of that magnificent timber land on the Smith Mountains, which is sure to become very valuable within a short time. ¥ IN INSURANCE we represent those two solid companies: The NORWICH UNION and GERMAN-AMERICAN. RULES AND SUGGESTIONS. 03 er ~ 1.* nN. : ! irst. Exhibitors at the Fair will be charged merely the pric of a season ticket—one dollar and fifty cents. price S on . : econd. That exhibitors see that their articles are in place f examination by the judges. pee tor Third. i i | rd } No animal or article can compete in more than on class, or for more than one premium ° F . . ’ ourth. For information seek the officials, who will be prop- rly haiael. Do not rely on hearsay or rumor : ifth. 6 : Tien Read the rules, and by example at least assist in on 8 em. But don’t forget that mistakes will occur where ; ousan s of people are congregated. The Board endeavors t a justice to all. Se . If officers and judges are not always ready at the desig- ne ed hour keep your stock and articles where you can command hem at any time. Remember we have but litile tir to 1¢ much business. ome Sev nog ars : 1 seventh. The success of the coming Fair depends largely oy the manner in which the public patronize it. Bear in mi 1d wat it takes money paid i J Bo. to pay out akes 3 d in to enable the Bo: Hay ne Board to pay out Eighth. It is earnestly requested that exhibitors have their articles in position by the opening of the Kair close by 12 a. October 1st. Ninth. No premium shall be awarded when the article is unworthy, thongh there is no competition ol Entries must - RULES AND SUGGESTIONS. First. Exhibitors at the Fair will be charged merely the price of a season ticket—one dollar and fifty cents. Second. That exhibitors see that their articles are in place for examination by the judges. Third. No animal or article can compete in more than one class, or for more than one premium. Fourth. For information seek the officials, who will be prop- erly badged. Do not rely on hearsay or rumor. Fifth. Read the rules, and by example at least assist in enforcing them. But don’t forget that mistakes will occur where thousands of people are congregated. The Board endeavors to do justice to all. Sixth. If officers and judges are not always ready at the desig- nated hour keep your stock and articles where you can command them at any time. Remember we have but little time to do much business. Seventh. The success of the coming Fair depends largely upon the manner in which the public patronize it. Bear in mind that it takes money paid in to enable the Board to pay out premiums. Eighth. It is earnestly requested that exhibitors have their articles in position by the opening of the Fair. Entries must close by 12 Mm. October 1st. : Ninth. No premium shall be awarded when the article is unworthy, though there is no competition. RULES AND SUGGESTIONS. Tenth. The judges will award premiums only on such articles regularly mentioned in the Schedule of Premiums. Eleventh. When a majority of judges are present they shall constitute a quorum and be authorized to award premiums. Judges will give written reports of their awards. Twelfth. As soon as judges pass upon and award a premium they shall then and there attach the proper ribbon. L. STEADMAN, President. W. W. HORINE, Secretary. DIRECTORS: W. H. H. DINWIDDIE. JouNx M. HArNEY. JoHN JUDSON, CHESTER GUNN. W. W. STEWART. C. A. McDovuGALL. Frank KIMBALL. : L. STEADMAN. LIST OF PREMIUMS. FIRST DEPARTMENT. LIVE STOCK. CLASS I.—THOROUGHBRED HORSES. In this class none will be permitted to compete but such as furnish a comvlete pedigree, tracing the entire line of descent to the English parent on the side of both sire and dam. The standard of authority will be the English and American Stud Book. STALLIONS, Best three years old and over $10.00 and diploma Best two years old 5.00 and diploma Best one year old 3.00 and diploma Jest suckling co't diploma MARES. Best three years old and over Best two years old 6 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR J. W. COLLINS, Pres. P. A. GRAHAM, Vice-Pres. J. H. ANDERSON, Cashier. BANK OF ESCONDIDO. Capital Stock, - » = $100,000 Capital Paid in Coin, 30,000 Surplus and Profits, - 6,500 DIRECTORS: J. W. CoLLINS. Davip D. DARE. A. K. CRAVATH. P. A. GRAHAM. J. H. ANDERSON. Geo. N. O’BrIEN. D. L. WiTHINGTON. A General Banking Business Transacted CORRESPONDENTS: CHEMICAL NATIONAL BANK.....................NEW YORK NEVADA BANK...................0iv. NaN Fraxcisco, CAL. LOS ANGELES NATIONAL BANK.. ......Los ANGELES, CAL. CALIFORNIA NATIONAL BANK.............8:~ Dirgo, Car. PREMIUM LIST. CLASS II.—STANDARD BRED AND ROADSTERS. Animals that have trotted in a race will not be considered roadsters. All animals two years old and over to be shown in harness. : STALLIONS. Best three years old and over Best two years old 5.00 and diploma Best one year old 3.00 and diploma Best suckling colt diploma $10.00 and diploma Best three years old and over Best two years old Best one year old Best suckling colt : diploma Best roadster, gelding. .$5.00 whip by Haney & Haworth, diploma Best standard bred mare with not less than two of her progeny by her side diploma CLASS III.—ROADSTER TEAMS. Bestyoadsterteam......... .......... 0 hu mrinen diploma CLASS IV.—HORSES OF ALL WORK. STALLIONS, Best three years old and over Best two years old 5.00 and diploma Best one year old : 3.00 and diploma Best suckling colt ; diploma $10.00 and diploma 8 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR MARSTON'S SAN DIEGO. ——— Dry Goods Carpets Men’s Furnishings Four Large Departments. Sewing Machines Our salesrooms cover over 10,000 square feet, and we carry the largest retail stock in the county. It’s the aim at Marston’s to furnish good, reliable merchandise at moderate prices. A steady and growing business, from 1878 to 1890, seems to indicate that we succeed in doing it. Samples furnished by mail, and orders promptly filled. —_— Geo. W. MARSTON, Cex. Fifth and FF sts. PREMIUM LIST. Best three years old and over Best two years old CLASS V.—DRAFT HORSES. STALLIONS. Best three years old and over Best two years old 5.00 and diploma Best one year old 3.00 and diploma Best suckling colt diploma $10.00 and diploma MARES. Best three yearsoldandover............................. $10.00 Best two years old Best one year old diploma CLASS VI.—SADDLE HORSES. Best saddle horse, mare or gelding diploma CLASS VII.—JACKS, JENNIES AND MULES. CATTLE. All cows that have not produced a calf for two years, and all bulls that have not a get for one year are barred from compe- tition. 10 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR McBougall & Burgess, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ETL Sole Agents for STUDEBAKER WAGONS, SCHUTTLER WAGONS, OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS, JOHN DEERE STEEL PLOWS, NEW DEAL GAUGE PLOWS, CASSIDY & GILPIN SULKY PLOWS, BUCKEYE MOWERS, THOMAS’ RAKES, LIGHTNING HAY PRESSES, STROWBRIDGE SEEDERS, CENTENNIAL FAN MILLS, FREEMAN FEED CUTTERS. PRICES, TERMS, ETC., FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION. We were awarded seven First Premiums upon Implements at this Fair last year. McDOUGALL & BURGESS, 1 “an Figo, cali PREMIUM LIST. CLASS I.—.DURHAMS. Best bull, three years old and over $10.00 and diploma Best bull, two years old 5.00 and diploma Best bull, one year old 3.00 and diploma Best suckling bull calf diploma Best cow, three years.old and over Best cow, two years old Best cow, one year old Best suckling calf CLASS II.—HOLSTEIN. (Same as Class I.) CLASS III.—JERSEY. (Same as Class 1.) CLASS IV.—GUERNSEY. (Same as Class I.) CLASS V.—HEREFORD. (Same as Class I.) SWEEPSTAKES. diploma Best ram and three ewes ANGORA GOATS. Best buck and three does diploma $5.00 and diploma 12 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR Cheap Water Pipe —_———e——————— To Southern California Coal aud Clay Co.) ELSINORE, CALIF. ) Dear Sirs: It affords us great pleasure to state that we are now using your VITRIFIED Pree exclusively for the lateral pipes of our Irrigation system, and that we have made this selection after experimenting with various kinds of pipe, including cement and other vitrified pipe. We have now in use 27,622 feet of your pipe, which is giving entire satisfaction, and we expect to continue its use. Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE WATER CO. Francis CurrLE, Superintendent. Dated Riverside, Cal., June 21st, 1890. PREMIUM LIST. SWINE. CLASS I.—.BERKSHIRE. Best boar, any age. . ............o imi ii de nai $5.00 Best sow, any age Best pair pigs under three months old...... ............... 3.00 CLASS II.—POLAND-CHINA. (Same as Class 1.) POULTRY. Best cock and two hens, any distinct breed ....... ......... $2.00 eC eal a ih es rata Te va a 1.00 TURKEYS. Best pairwhite Holland....... 0:0 0 Lai ainda... $2.00 Second best Best pair bronze Second best Best pair Maltese Recetas. . o.oo oh Sl Bi Eel a seein 1.00 GEESE. Best pair Toulouse Second BEsty. .. . 0. ln EE i Ge ie ns Shas se 1.00 DUCKS. Best pair Rowenducks....................................52.00 Second best Best pair Pekin ducks Second best. ................0 14 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR J. H. ANDERSON, Treasurer. WM. BECKLER, Secretary. E. De BELL, President. E. J. HATCH, Vice-Pres. Ed UUNDI0 GANNING & PAGKING G0 Incorporated April, 1890. CAPID.AI, STOCHE, - 25,000 —— CANNERY IN BRADLEY BUILDING ON GRAND AVENUE, NEAR ESCONDIDO HOTEL. Packing Roem in K. of P. Block, opposite Cannery. DRYING GROUNDS SOUTHWEST OF COLLEGE BUILDING. Are doing a general Canning and Drying business, and will con- tract for any fruits and vegetables suitable for that purpose. Patronize home industry by bringing your fruit to our Cannery, and help to build up the industry by taking stock in it. The shares are placed at $25.00 each. ; The immense amount of fruit handled by the Company the present season, notwithstanding all the disadvantages incident to organizing the business, gives assurance of the future success of the enterprise, while the high grade of the product, both dried and canned, attests to the quality of the fruit raised in this section, and to the good and careful work done by those having it in charge. LF Yor any information regarding prices, etc., apply to the Secretary, or to the General Manager. PREMIUM LIST. Best pair Muscovy ducks Second best Best pair NecONBIESt. . ... . ..... iT dhsrvians vois iri iinnanes 1.00 DISPLAY. Best display of poultry diploma — tl @ — SECOND DEPARTMENT. FRUITS. CLASS I.—GREEN FRUITS. Best display of northern fruits by individual ex- hibitor Medal Second best. . i «ah ds eet AAA BG aiid ine $10.00 Third best 5.00 Best display Second best ciilh Best plate of any distinct variety PEARS. Best display Second best. .............. 16 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR 09.0004 cres of first-class Fruit Land! 9,000 Acres Orange and Lemon Land! On a branch of the Santa Fr Railroad, from 6 to 15 miles from the sea—just the right distance for a fine climate. PRICE FROM $20 TO $50 PER ACRE. — ree Af lf MP ee ee mms If we cannot show the best land in Southern California for the money we will pay your expenses incurred in looking at it. ESGONDIDO LAND & TOWN C0. SAN MARGOS LAND G0. D. P. HALE, General Manager. 1248 D strEET, - - - SAN DIEGO, CAL, PREMIUM LIST. Best plate of any distinct variety PEACHES. Best display Second best Best display Second best Best display Second best BE, i sin en a is a it a Ee ele 1.00 QUINCES. Best display Second best Best plate Best display Second best Best plate of oranges, any distinct variety LEMONS. Best display Second best Best plate any distinct variety...... Best display Second best Best plate, any distinct variety 2 18 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR “TIN COW” Brand Unsweetened Condensed Milk ———.— We guarantee this Milk to be absolutely pure. It will keep in any climate. The Highland District where the Milk is canned is the best Milk-producing region in the world. As your Grocer for the “TIN COW” Brand. Klauber & Levi, Wholesale Crocers, Fourta & Hsrs., - - SAN DIEGO, CAL. PREMIUM LIST. PERSIMMONS. Best display Second best Best plate, any distinct variety POMEGRANATES. Best display Second best GUAVAS AND LOQUATS. Best display guavas - Best display loquats Best display BECO BORE... nna a en Tai GRAPES. Best and largest display. ......-. ob ves cine 20.00 Second best Best plate table grapes Best plate wine grapes Best plate of any distinct variety Largest bunch by weight, any variety $5.00 in gold Second largest 2.50 in gold (Given by Havermale & Rossier, the shoemen.) CLASS IL.—DRIED FRUITS. Best display by producer Second best 20 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR “As pure and healthful as the best.”—PrROF. W. T. WENZELL. Use Home Products! Encourage Home Industry! SAN FRANCISCO, March 3rd, 1890. MESSRS. G. H. BALLOU & CO., SAN DIEGO, CALIF. GENTLEMEN: I have made a careful analysis of the sample of Sun Baking Powder you have sent me, per date February 5. The result of my analysis shows that it is composed of Cream of Tartar, Bicarbonate of Soda and Starch only, and therefore as pure and healthful as the best in the market. As to its leavening power it is high, an avoirdupois ounce yielding 159.7 cubic inches of Carbonic Acid Gas at 212 degrees F. Respectfully submitted, W. T. WENZELL. LT TRADE MARK REGISTERED Please note that this report is positive, and tells just what the Sun Baking Powder is composed of, which we believe is what the consuming public desire to know. Prof. W. T. Wenzell is not only the best authority on the Pacific coast, but stands at the head of the list of analytical chemists of the world. G. H. BALLOU & CO. 3 Tea and Coffee Importers and Jobbers, and Coffee Roasters. San Francisco office, 221 Front st. N.E. Cor. Fifth and K sts., SAN DIEGO. PREMIUM LIST. Best five pounds apples............. PEL ia ae ee $ 2.00 Best five pounds pears Best five pounds peaches Best five pounds plums Best five pounds prunes Best five pounds apricots Best five pounds nectarines Best five pounds cherries Best five pounds figs Best five pounds peanuts Best fivepoundschestnuts. .. ......c.. ..... cnn dna CLASS III.—FRUITS IN GLASS. Best display—quality to decide A fine driving harness (Given by Story & Isham Commercial Co.) Second best—quality todecide. ...........................$ 5.00 Third best, i 4 3.00 Best jar apricots —quality to decide ....................... Best jar grapes, pd Best jar pears, Best jar plums, Best jar peaches, Best jar nectarines, Best jar quinces, Best jar cherries, 44 Best jar figs, * Best jar blackberries, Best jar raspberries, black, é ‘¢ ol é 29 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR M.A. WERTHEIMER & CO. THE LEADING BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, ano SCHOOL FURNISHERS me TNL E San Diego County. O00 -< <> <0 OO 0 rr mm Oe me Oem WE SELL EVERYTHING THAT SCHOOLS NEED. =m 00 0-0 0m 0 0 0 Oem 00 om Or Oem Om 0 00 >> > ACENTS FOR Andrews New Improved “Trinmph” School Desk MAPS, CHARTS, GLOBES, Etc. —" Patent Hyloplate Blackboards.— A large list of recommended School Library Books in Stock. M.A. WERTHEIMER & CO. 762-766 Fifth st, - - SAN DIEGO, CAL. PREMIUM LIST. 23 Best jar Tr Sopiiily to decide a at Bat ; 1.00 Best jar strawberries, # JELLIES. Best display Seco@EDesl.. 0. Mr a cs ce a ui ws OLIVE OIL. Best display Second best Best pickled olives Second best #*BesT GENERAL DisprAY of floral, horticultural and agri- cultural products to any section Gold-trimmed Banner CLASS IV.—HONEY. Best 10 bs. comb honey, in 2 Ibs. sections. .1 pair best $3.00 shoes (Stevenson Bros.) Second best Best 10 bs. comb honey in 1 1b sections Second best Best 10 lbs. extract honey in glass. ...1 suit gents’ French Balbrigan underwear, value $3.00. (Stevenson Bros.) Second best Best general display of honey Second best CLASS V.—BRANDIES AND WINES. Best six bottles claret Best six bottles port Best six bottles brandy Best display of wine *] NOTE. —For the year 1889 this premium was awarded to the Cuyamaeca District. 24 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR J. T. GORDON, President. H. M. CHERRY, Secretary. G. W. HAWKINS, Treasurer. Sweetwater Nursery bo. INCORPORATED 1889. Nurserymen, Seedsmen and Florists. IMIPORTERS AND Growers of Choice Nursery Stock NURSERIES, SWEETWATER VALLEY, OFFICES AND GREENHOUSES, Cor, Eiguta & F sts. - SAN DIEGO, CAL. PREMIUM LIST. THIRD DEPARTMENT. FARM PRODUCT. In this department, where exhibitor draws more than one subscription to each paper he will be paid in cash at the rate of $2.00 for first premium and $1.00 for second premium. Subscrip- tion to be for one year. CLASS I.—GRAIN. 1 sack best flour (Stevenson Bros.) Second best. . .- Great Southwest Best 101 sample Australian wheat Best 101b sample Defiance wheat and Great Southwest REBEORA DOSE. i ove invnsvrnarsnns Sariivassnnss Great Southwest Best 10th sample Propo wheat 1 sack best flour (Graham & Steiner.) Second best Great Southwest Best 101b sample Sonora wheat. .......1 pocket knife, value $2.50 (Graham & Steiner.) HOOORL DEE: . ove shrrngss phe mgs rvase snes Great Southwest Best 10lb rye. ..... ...... Rural Californian and Great Southwest Second best Great Southwest 26 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR DODGE & BURBECK. Cor fifth & D sts, SAN DIEGO. Books, Stationery — AND —— Printers’ Supplies. A Lomplete Line of Sohool Books, el Po, Pui eo, ed ie iy, Lhe only Map of San Diego County, Price 50 cents, post paid. PREMIUM LIST. 297 Best 101 oats 2.50 in trade at Graham & Steiner’s Second best Great Southwest Best 101 barley. .1 gents’ hat, value $3.00. (Graham & Steiner.) Second best Great Southwest Best 101 hops Rural Californian and Great Southwest Second best Great Southwest Rural Californian and Great Southwest Great Southwest Rural Californian and Great Southwest Second best........ Na aia hire ih ah or Great Southwest Best 12 ears yellow corn. .Rural Californian and Great Southwest Second best Great Southwest Best 12 ears white corn. ..Rural Californian and Great Southwest Second best Great Southwest Best 101b sample white corn, shelled Rural Californian and Great Southwest BaeonGihent a ss Great Southwest Best 101b sample early corn, shelled... .. .Rural Californian and Great Southwest Second best Great Southwest Best 12 ears early corn .. Rural Californian and Great Southwest BOcORA BEE, ena eh da Great Southwest Best 12 ears popcorn Great Southwest Best 101 sample of buckwheat Great Southwest Best display corn on stalk. Rural Californian and Great Southwest Second best. . ............. 0 vei i ie een Great Southwest Best display of grain in sheaf Rural Californian and Great Southwest BOAR DORE. © Teen wa Sa a fale Great Southwest Jest general display of grain... Combined cultivator and harrow (McDougall & Bureess.) SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR SSS ~~ HOWARD& GRANT. PREMIUM LIST. CLASS II.— VEGETABLES. Best 10h sample of early Rose, early Goodrich, Peerless, Burbank’s seedling, Garnet Chilli, Humboldt red potatoes, and anv other distinct variety. .... Great Southwest Best six yams Great Southwest Best twelve white sweet potatoes... ........... Great Southwest Best twelve red sweet potatoes Great Southwest Best twelve parsnips Great Southwest Best twelve carrots. Great Southwest Best twelve blood beets. ....................... Great Southwest Sone tw elve sugar heals, Tee ee Great Southwest Great Southwest Best twelve tomatoes Great Southwest Best three heads cabbage Great Southwest Best three heads cauliflower... ................. Great Southwest Best twelve yellow onions Great Southwest Best twelve red onions Great Southwest Best twe!ve white onions ...Great Southwest Best twelve peppers for pickling Great Southwest Best six stalks celery................ .......... Great Southwest Best three marrow squashes Great Southwest Best three hubbard squashes. ...... ............ Great Southwest Best three crook-necked squashes Great Southwest Best and largest pumpkin Great Southwest Best three watermelons, any variety. ........... Great Southwest Best one watermelon, any variety........ ...... Great Southwest Best three muskmelons, any variety............ Great Southwest Best one muskmelon Great Southwest Best cantaloupe Great Southwest Best six cucumbers Great Southwest Best ten pounds Lima beans Great Southwest 30 SAN DIEGO COUNTY FAIR JACOB GRUENDIKE, President. W. D. WOOLWINE, Cashier. JERRY TOLES, Vice-Pres’t & Manager. J. E. FISHBURN, Ass’t Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK riniot AYR. ameninin SAN DIEGO. CAPITAT, - - - - " SB800,000 SURPLUS, ~- se - - $100,000 DIRECTORS : M. SHERMAN. ALEXANDER LEMCKE. H. R. HiLbreTH. J. E. FIsHBURN. GEORGE HANNAHS. J. W. SEFTON. J. GRUENDIKE. GEORGE H. HiLL. JERRY TOLES. San Diego Savings Bank, SAN DIEGO, CALIF. (In First NATIONAL BANK BurLping, Cor. Fir AND KE STREETS.) Capital, - - =- $200,000 DIRECTORS: J. W. SEFTON, President. GEO. HANNAHSY, Vice-Pres’t. M. T. GILMORE, Cashier. J. GRUENDIKE. M. S. SHERMAN. JERRY ToLES. N. H. CoNKLIN. J. KE. FISHBURN. Interest paid ou deposits. Money loaned on Real Estate.