SUBLICATIG resulting from National Institute of Mental Health Research Grants SEZ Yes I i J Liby Sa V Va Ea U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE e Public Health Service National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information PUBLICATIONS resulting from National Institute of Mental Health Research Grants 1947-1961 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service NATIONAL CLEARINGHOUSE FOR MENTAL HEALTH INFORMATION 'y NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH 5454 Wisconsin Ave. Chevy Chase, Maryland 20203 Mee Public Health Service Publication No. 1647 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price $3.75 ii JT Als A3 5 PUBLIC HEALTH LIBRARY Page Introduction ....... oc. ii 1 Explanatory INOtes ..............iiuiuiieiiiiteeiiieiiiieeainnnns 2 Questionnaire Form Submitted to All Principal Investigators Receiving Grant Awards From the National Institute of Mental Health, 1947-1961 ........ 5 Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators of Listed Projects, by Grant Number 11 Publications Resulting from National Institute of Mental Health Research Grants, LO47-1961 Loa 23 iii INTRODUCTION In 1946 the Congress enacted the National Mental Health Act, providing for a comprehensive and in- tegrated attack upon mental illness. To carry out the provisions of the Act, the National Institute of Mental Health has developed over the years a broad program of mental health research, training, com- munity services, and public education. Research, one of the principal activities of the Institute, is carried on in the Institute’s own facilities and is also sup- ported by grants awarded each year to hundreds of independent investigators working in universities, medical schools, and other non-federal research centers. The present listing of publications is con- cerned with the latter, extramural, research programs supported by the National Institute of Mental Health. One basic criterion of productivity of a research grant program is publication of research results. The Public Health Service has long required that copies of publications resulting from research sup- ported by grant funds be sent to it. It seemed to us desirable to check into the extent of response to this requirement as it affected the National Institute of Mental Health, and Dr. Marcus S. Goldstein of this Branch was assigned to this task in late 1963. A check of grant files revealed that in many instances there was no available record of published results. Furthermore, there appeared to be no way of know- ing how accurate or complete the available records were, except by specifically asking the grantees. A publications questionnaire (Appendix 1), therefore, was designed and sent in 1964 to all principal in- vestigators receiving grant support from the National Institute of Mental Health since inception of the grant program in 1947, to and including 1961; the latter “cut-off” date was taken since a couple of years must usually be allowed between the start of a pro- ject and expectation of published results. The Survey.—The publications questionnaire was sent to principal investigators representing 2,429 separate projects supported by research grants from the National Institute of Mental Health during or prior to 1961.1 Of this total number, 96 percent responded; the non-respondents included deceased 1 The deadline of 1961 does not refer to published matter. Papers and/or books published as late as 1966 are listed, since publication of research results may appear several years after termination of grant support. Too, projects that began during this period (1947-1961) may have continued to receive grant support until the present time. individuals and a number whose address had changed and could not be located. All National Institute of Mental Health research grant files were checked with respect to publications received, and thus some information on publications was obtained even for individuals who did not respond. A total of 12,323 publications were listed by 1,908 of the principal investigators; 37 percent of these pubications had not been submitted to the In- stitute before the survey.? Of the total number of projects, some 22 percent reported no publications, but an analysis of this group showed that more than half (55 percent) referred to “small grant” projects which are limited in duration (one year) and in amount (formerly under $2,500; at present $3,500), and are primarily awarded for exploratory research. In fact, the principal investigators of “small grant” projects in many instances noted on their returned survey forms that the grant was used for preliminary or exploratory work on a problem to ascertain its research potential. Moreover, 145 or 28 percent of the non-publication projects had presented one or more formal papers at a scientific meeting or had one or more manuscripts “in press’ at the time of the survey. Thus the proportion of projects without any research communication stemming from their Na- tional Institute of Mental Health grant support was reduced to about 16 percent of the total number. Many of the latter commented that their results were “inconclusive” or “negative” and hence had not been prepared for publication; in some instances also the project terminated prematurely because of illness or death of the principal investigator. Included in the volume, in addition to the listing of publications under each grant, are the principal investigators and co-investigators associated with each project; the title of each project; the sponsoring institution of the project and its location; and the duration of the project. This latter information is provided primarily for administrative use, although it may well prove helpful to anyone wishing to communicate with an investigator or institution about a listed project or publication. The excellent re- sponse of the grantees to the publications survey, 2 Actually a total of 10,638 were listed in the returned questionnaires by 1,885 of the respondents. Subsequently, as of June 1966, an additional 1,713 publications by the aforementioned grantees, plus 23 who had reported no publication in their questionnaire, came to our attention and are included in the listing. resulting in the present extensive listing of publica- tions based on research supported in part or totally by grant funds from the National Institute of Mental Health, undoubtedly will contribute to a better ap- praisal of the productivity of the Institute’s diverse grant programs. The volume is also presented with the hope that it may be of interest and use to mem- bers of the medical and scientific communities, particularly those involved in the broad field of mental health. Thanks are due to all the grantees who took the time and trouble to complete and return the pub- lications questionnaire: their generous cooperation made the survey a success, and we hope this listing will be as useful to them as to others. Marcus L. Goldstein, Ph. D., both planned and carried out the survey, and prepared and edited the listing for pub- lication, with the assistance of various staff members of the former Research Grants Branch of the Na- tional Institute of Mental Health. Philip Sapir, Chief Behavioral Sciences Research Branch National Institute of Mental Health EXPLANATORY NOTES Grant Number—A grant number preceded by MH refers to an award by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Type of Gramt—For administrative convenience, grants are divided into several types. In the present instance, these include the following: RO1—Regular or traditional research project— The standard type of research support for a clearly defined research project or group of closely related research activities. R0O3—Small research project—A research grant limited to one year and a maximum of $3,500 in direct costs, intended especially for small- scale pilot and exploratory studies. R04—Anthropology fellowship research support —A research grant in support of the field costs of an NIMH anthropology research fellow. RO6—Translation project—A research grant in support of the translation of publications on or relevant to research. R0O8—Research career award corollary—A research grant to provide limited funds for the re- search costs of recipients of research career and research career development awards. (Since 1963 these grants have been included in the regular (RO1) research project grant program.) R10—Special psychopharmacology—A research grant designed to meet special needs of the psychopharmacology program, either collab- orative in nature or closely monitored by the NIMH staff. R12—Special mental health—A research grant in support of research activities in which the NIMH has a direct and immediate interest, with close liaison maintained by the NIMH staff. R17—Mental health career investigator—A re- search grant designed to assist in the develop- ment of research careers in psychiatry and re- lated fields by providing recipients with a stipend and limited research funds over a 3 to 5-year period for a combined program of re- search and advanced research training. (This grant program was replaced in 1962 by the research career development award and the research career award corollary grant.) P01—Rescarch program-project—A research grant to provide large-scale, long-term support for a broad program of research, usually inter- disciplinary in nature and consisting of several projects with a common focus. Principal and Co-Investigators—The first name listed is the current or most recent principal in- vestigator of the project; all other names (most recent co-investigator, previous principal investigators and previous co-investigators) are listed in alpha- betical order. Other researchers than those listed may have been, of course, associated with any par- ticular research project, albeit not listed on the grant application as co-investigator. A name of an in- vestigator in parentheses refers to the maiden name under which the project was initiated. Duration of Project—The beginning date (year) and completion year are given on the first line of each project, e.g., 1959-1961, roughly 3 years. A project beginning and ending the same year is so indicated, i.e., 1959-1959. A project that began during or prior to 1961, and was still active as of June 1966, will show the beginning date only, thus: 1959- Continuation of Research Projects Under Different Grant Numbers—Not infrequently a principal in- vestigator doing research with the support of an NIMH grant may transfer to another institution. He may apply for, and receive, continued grant sup- port for the same project in his new local¢, if there is no objection from the original sponsoring institu- tion. In these circumstances, the research project becomes a new one for administrative purposes, and a new grant number is assigned by the NIMH. Such “continued” projects, with publications resulting from the research, have been cross-referenced in the listing, directly under the Grant Number. Acknowledgement of Grant Support—In many cases a grantee cites different NIMH grants as sources of research support. Such publications have been listed under the separate grant numbers cited, with a cross-reference notation under the listed item. Questionnaire Form Submitted to All Principal Investigators Receiving Grant Awards From the National Institute of Mental Health, 1947-1961 Budget Bureau No. 68-6371; Approval expires 7-30-64 RESEARCH GRANT NO, PROJECT PERIOD DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH PROJECT TILE National Institute of Mental Health Bethesda, Maryland 20014 PRINCIPAL [INVESTIGATOR REPORT OF PUBLICATIONS RESULTING FROM RESEARCH SUPPORTED BY NIMH GRANTS SPONSORING INSTITUTION 1. PUBLISHED MATERIAL Please list below all publications (books, monographs, chapters, scientific papers, popular articles, etc.) resulting from the project supported by the above grant. The listing should include author (s), title, journal or publisher, volume of journal, page numbers, and date, in this order. If necessary, continue the listing on an additional sheet. NOTE If copies have not been submitted to date, please submit 10 copies of each reprint and 3 copies of each book or monograph. NIH-49 (Rev. 1-64) 2. PAPERS AND/OR BOOKS ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION Please list below any papers and/or books not yet published but accepted for publication, resulting from the project supported by the research grant number on page one. The listing should include author(s), title, journal or publisher, and approximate date of publication. NOTES Ten copies of each reprint should be submitted as soon as these become available 3 copies of each book or monograph should be submitted as soon as available following publication. NIH-49 (Rev. 1-64) 3. PAPERS NOT PUBL ISHED BUT PRESENTED AT SCIENTIFIC MEET INGS Please list below any papers not already listed, which have been presented at scientific meetings, resulting from the project supported by the research grant number on page one. The listing should include author(s), title, meeting at which presented, and date. NOTEs If duplicated copies are available and have not yet been submitted to us, please submit 3 copies. NIH-49 (Rev. 1-64) Page 3 4, NO PUBLICATION TO DATE If no publication to date has resulted from the project supported by the research grant number on page one, please indicate whether any are contemplated in the near future: Od Yes [Ino Comments: 5. TERMINAL PROGRESS REPORTS (For completed or terminated grants only) Public Health Service regulations require that a terminal progress report be submitted within 90 days following termination of grant support, unless an extension of time has been granted. Please indicate whether a terminal progress report has been submitted: [Dyes [JNe Has a publication been submitted in lieu of a terminal progress report? []Yes J No If YES, please identify publication below: DATE: SIGNATURE s NIH-49 (Rev. 1-64) Page 4 Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators of Listed Projects, by Grant Number 11 A Aarons, Louis 2137 Abegglen, James 543 Abelson, Robert P. 1020, 4682 Aberle, David F. 463, 513, 2135 Abood, Leo G. 1370, 2302, 3878 Abramson, Arthur S. 2562 Abse, David W. 1870, 4406 Aceto, Mario D. 4511 Ackerman, Marshall 3708 Acosta, Phyllis B. 2323 Adams, Donald K. 4453 Adams, Joe K. 2297 Adams, Pauline A. 2297 Adams, Raymond D. 767 Adelson, Dahiel 2165 Ader, Robert 3655 Ades, Harlow W. 359 Adey, William R. 3708, 4336, 5163 Adler, Martin W. 5173 Affleck, D. Craig 5993 Agnew, John 3612 Aguiar, Manuel A. Torres 1750 Ahrenfeldt, Robert H. 4998 Ainsworth, Leonard H. 2713 Ainsworth, Mary D. 2713, 4644 Albee, George W. 2769, 5186 Aldrich, C. Anderson 180 Alexander, Franz 22, 23 Alexander, Irving E. 1334, 1936 Alland, Alexander 5512 Allinsmith, Wesley 5310 Allison, Roger B. 4524 Alpert, Murray 2716, 4664 Altman, Margaret 2599 Altshuler, Kenneth Z. 5333 Ames, Adelbert, III 1230, 6011, 6209 Anderson, John E. 690, 897, 985 Anderson, Milton H. 2244 Anderson, Norman H. 3502 Andres, Francis D. 4663 Andrew, Richard J. 5137 Andrews, T. G. 1604 Angermeier, Wilhelm F. Anliker, James 987 Applebaum, Stanley 2443. Aprison, Morris H. 3225 Archibald, H. David 9164 Arens, Richard 5009 Arensberg, Conrad M. 4184 Argyris, Chris 9128 Arkoff, Abe .1529 Aronson, Lester R. 5285 Armstrong, Marvin D. 655, 1165, 2278 Armus, Harvard L. 4702 Aronson, Elliot 4387 Asekoff, Myer 710, 1690 Atkinson, Richard C. 5184 Aubert, Vilhelm 4547 Auerbach, Victor H. 2673 Ax, Albert F. 2950 Ayllon, Teodoro 4926 Azima, Hassan 1794 Azrin, Nathan 4925, 4926 B Babb, Harold 4381, 5313 Back, Kurt W. 5356 5056 Backman, Carl W. Bacon, Margaret K. Bacon, Seldon D. Badal, Daniel W. Baer, Donald M. Bahnson, Claus 1223 Bain, James A. 2072 Baker, George W. 1666 Baker, Robert W. 734, 5247 Balaban, Martin 5643 Baldridge, Robert C. 2890 Baldwin, Alfred L. 901 Bales, Robert F. 1577, 4169 Ball, Rachel Stutsman 2054 Ban, Thomas A. 5202 Bandler, Bernard 373 Bandura, Albert 895, 1349, 1734, 4398, 5162 Banks, Edwin M. 3203 Barber, Theodore X. 3253, 4825 Barclay, Allan G. 5782 Bare, John K. 1329, 2959 Barker, Roger G. 6, 989, 1513 Barlow, George 4440 Barmack, Joseph E. 5065 Barratt, Ernest S. 4534 Barrett-Lennard, Godfrey T. Barry, Herbert, III. 2949 Barsch, Ray 3570 Bartlett, Roscoe G. 656, 986 Bartoshuk, Alexander 4927 Bascom, William R. 4322 Basehart, Harry W. 3088 Basowitz, Harold 2528 Baughman, Emmett E. 4944 Bay, Emmet B. 1057 Bayton, James A. 9134 Beach, Frank A. 783, 943, 2856, 4000 Beard, Belle B. 1919 Beatty, C. H. 2263 Bebin, Jose 2474 Bechtoldt, Harold P. Beck, Aaron T. 3358 Beck, Edward C. 3165 Beck, Lester F. 9066 Beck, Robert C. 4050 Beck, Samuel J. 63, 64, 597 Becker, Gordon M. 2348, 3843 Becker, Joseph 5920 Becker, Robert 2756 Becker, Wesley C. 1713, 4881 Beckett, Peter G. 2950, 5668 Beckwith, William Clinton 2570 Beecher, Henry K. 987, 2971 Beier, Ernst G. 1926 Beierwalters, William H. 2399 Belknap, George Myron 5009 Bell, Graham C. 4520 Bellak, Leopold 50, 3133 Beller, E. Kuno 849 Benda, Clemens E. 2036 Bender, Lauretta 171 Bender, Morris B. 139, 2261 Benedek, Therese 22 Benington, Frederick 1588, 7842 Bennett, Edward L. 1292 Bergen, John R. 2967, 4953 Berger, Andrew 3503 Berger, Peter L. 4821 1927, 3620 2681 5655, 9029 2127, 2733 2208 3710 1027, 4319, 1922 12 Berkeley, Austin W. 3527 Berkowitz, Leonard 1540 Berlyne, Daniel E. 4495, 6324 Berman, A. J. 2939 Bernstein, Lewis 1796, 3269 Berry, Helen K. 1175 Berry, Richard N. 4987 Berryman, Robert 3673 Bessman, Samuel P. 3644 Besteman, Korst J. 4014 Bettelheim, Bruno 81, 476 Biber, Barbara 215, 1075, 9135 Bibring, Grete L. 1393 Bidder, Thomas G. 3364 Bierber, Irving 2125 Biel, John 2302 Bieri, James 1274, 1976, 3611 Bigman, Stanley 9037 Bijou, Sidney W. 2208, 2232 Binder, Arnold 1259, 2170 Bindra, Dalbir 3238 Bitterman, Morton E. 2857, 5402 Bixby, Emily M. 5010, 6831 Bixenstine, V. Edwin 3291 Black, Abraham H. 2741 Blain, Daniel 1452, 1874 Blake, Lillian 4241 Blake, Robert R. 2447 Blankenship, L. Vaughn 5108 Blau, Abram 2488 Bliss, Eugene L. 2530, 4231 Block, Jack 1078 Block, James D. Block, Jeanne H. Block, Walter D. Block, William E. 5118 Blocksma, Douglas 919 Blom, Gaston E. 937 2306, 6010 2521 2434 Bloom, Bernard L. 1529 Bloom, Samuel W. 3360 Blough, Donald S. 2456 Blum, Arthur 1762 Blum, Gerald S. 659, 1286 Blumberg, Arnold G. 1536, 2938 Board, Francis 997 Bockoven, J. Sanbourne 4818 Bodarky, Clifford J. 9175 Boder, David P. 156, 582 Boehm, Leonore 2585 Bogdonoff, Morton B. 5356 Bogoch, Samuel 1330, 1419, 2095, 5704 Bohr, Vernon C. 656 Bolles, Robert C. 2798 Bomberg, Dorothy 2032 Bonk, William J. 4077 Bonnycastle, Desmond D. Book, Jan A. 5150 Bordin, Edward S. 516, 5029 Borgatta, Edgar F. 5591 Borges, Wayne H. 4587 Boroff, Daniel A. 1903 Borofsky, Leatrice 2890 Bose, Ajay K. 3930 Boston, John A., Jr. Bourne, Lyle E., Jr. Bower, Gordon H. Bower. Robert T. 1080 Bowerman, Charles E. 2045 Bowles, Gordon Townsend 4055 1988, 2030 1377 1759 3849 Bowman, Karl M. 37 Bowman, Paul H. 1319 Bowman, Peter W. 2729 Boyd, Eugene 4230 Boyer, L. Bryce 2013, 3088 Braceland, Francis J. 4675 Brackbill, Yvonne 5994 Bracken, Mark M. 1425 Bradley, Philip B. 4692 Bradway, Katherine P. 1273 Brady, Joseph V. 1604 Braine, Martin D. 5116 Branch, C. Hardin 451, 1165, 9084 Brand, Howard 814 Braun, Harry W. 1290, 1365 Brazier, Mary A. B. 4336 Brebbia, Robert D. 5333 Breg, W. Roy 4386, 4872 Breitner, Carl 3383 Brenman, Margaret 31, 163 Brenner, Bernard 4041 Breslow, Lester 3400 Brey, W. Roy 4386 Bridger, Wagner H. 2249 Brightbill, Roger 4530 Brill, Henry 5664 Brill, Norman Q. 7293 Broadhurst, P. L. 5263 Brochmann-Hanssen, Einar 3487 Broderick, Carlfred B. 1977 Brody, Arthur L. 3342 Brody, Nathan 5697 Bronfenbrenner, Uri 403, 1738, 4017 Bronson, Frank H. 4481 Brooks, George W. 1690, 1752, 3006 Brown, Barbara B. 2855 Brown, Donald R. 4532 Brown, Fountaine C. 3587 Brown, Fred 2488 Brown, James S. 3912 Brown, Judson S. 142, 1798, 4952, 6900 Brown, Raymond R. 3699 Brown, Roger W. 1366, 2649 Bruch, Hilde 5914 Bruell, Jan H. 2625 Bruner, Jerome S. 1324, 2269, 5120 Brunner, Edward M. 2177 Brunjes, Shannon 5470 Brush, F. Robert 2191, 3337 Brzezinski, Aharon 3498 Buchwald, Alexander M. 5283 Buchwald, Nathaniel A. 3491, 4850 Buckley, Joseph P. 3029, 4511 Buday, Paul V. 4435 Buddington, Ralph Wells 3701 Budoff, Milton 4201 Buendia, Nicolas 5183 Bueding, Ernest 1725 Buerkle, Jack V. 1712 Bugelski, B. Richard 3489 Bukantz, Samuel C. 3269 Bullard, Dexter 9111 Bulle, Peter H. 3562 Bullock, Donald H. 1464 Bullowa, Margaret 4300 Bunch, Marion E. 362 Burch, Neil R. 1904, 3360 Burchinal, Lee G. 3401 Burdock, Eugene I. 3546 Burgess, Ernest W. 2159 Burgin, Leo B. 819 Burke, Cletus J. 3939 Burke, Joseph A. 3235 Burns, Robert K. 1057 Burrell, Craig D. 4958 Burton, Robert M. 2338 1103, 2923, 3968, Bush, Robert R. 2293 Busnel, Rene G. 2754 Buss, Arnold H. 2655, 2861 Busse, Ewald W. 900, 2109 Butler, Alfred J. 2121 Butler, Alan M. 66 Butler, Donald C. 4840 Butler, John M. 4609 Butler, Thomas C. 393 C Cadman, William H. 425 Callaway, Enoch 863 Calvin, Allen D. 3854 Cameron, D. Ewen 4324 Campbell, Byron A. 1562 Campbell, Donald T. 1544 Campbell, Ernest Q. 1294, 4302 Campbell, Sam L. 3332 Campden-Main, Brian C. 3142 Candland, Douglas K. 5698 Cannon, Joseph G. 2799 Caplan, Gerald 973, 3442, 9137 Carlson, Eric T. 2146 Carlson, Helen B. 1969, 3437 Carlson, Nils J. 3364, 5439 Carpenter, John A. 4207, 6953 Carr, William J. 4729 Carter, William Earl 4055 Carver, Michael J. 1496, 2204, 2587, 5336 Castaneda, Alfred 4240 Castore, George F. 622 Cath, Stanley H. 1627 Cattell, Raymond B. 80, 1733 Cavanaugh, David K. 2173 Celian, Charles I. 4671 Centerwall, Willard R. 2323 Cerny, Laurence C. 5622 Chambers, Randall M. 1775 Chambers, William W. 2028 Chance, Erika 830, 1233, 2224 Chance, Norman A. 2555, 5918 Chancellor, Loren E. 3401 Chandler, Kenneth A. 4725 Chanley, Jacob D. 4824 Chansky, Norman M. 5176 Chapman, John E. 1902 Chapman, Loren J. 1416, 3481, 7306 Chapman, William P. 595 Chein, Isidor 9048, 9150, 9171 Chernin, Milton 2166 Cherrick, Gilbert R. 5541 Child, Irvin L. 808, 1758, 2681 Childers, Harold E. 1904 Chinnock, Robert F. 2323 Chittick, Rupert A. 1752 Chow, Bacon 1350 Christenson, Cornelia V. 1633 Christensen, Jens A. 1383 Christian, John E. 2405 Church, Russell N. 1812, 2903 Cisin, Ira 9158 Clark, Fogle C. 2244, 4335 Clark, George 210 Clark, Leland C., Jr. 600 Clark, Lincoln D. 1775 Clark, Mervin L. 1600, 4260 Clark, William C. 3046, 3663 Clausen, John A. 5300 Clausen, Johs 1394 Clay, Margaret L. 2946 Cleghorn, Robert A. 1794, 3050 Clemente, Carmine D. 1448, 5163 Cliff, Norman 4186 Clifton, James A. 3156 Cloward, Richard A. 9168 13 Coan, Richard W. 1733, 4467 Coate, William B. 3763, 4337 Coats, Edwin A. 4484 Cobb, Katharine 3453 Cobb, Stanley 66, 161 Cochran, Burt, Jr. 5470 Coddington, James W. 499 Coddington, R. Dean 5914 Cohen, Jacob 5174 Coffey, Hubert S. 331, 981 Cohen, Burton H. 4430 Cohen, Jacob 5174 Cohen, Louis D. 887 Cohen, Murray L. 3527 Cohen, Nathan E. 1762 Cohen, Sanford I. 2061 Cohen, Sidney 3968 Cohen, Walter 2173 Colby, Benjamin N. 4975 Cole, Malvin 5541 Collias, Elsie C. 2253 Collias, Nicholas E. 2253 Collier, George H. 3328, 7024 Collins, Robert L. 4956 Colvin, Ralph W. 2985 Conel, J. Le Roy 151 Conger, John J. 930, 1820, 3040 Conners, C. Keith 2583 Converse, John M. 201 Coombs, Clyde H. 4236 Cook, Stuart 1818 Coopersmith, Stanley 2696 Coppock, Harold W. 774, 1306, 2006, 2926 Corman, Harvey 2306 Cornish, Herbert 3692 Correll, Robert E. 2267 Coser, Rose L. 1658, 2325 Cotton, John W. 2834, 3437 Coult, Allan D. 5343 Cowen, Emory L. 437, 1805 Craig, James B. 2953 Craig, John C. 4582 Crandall, Vaughn J. 2238 Crandall, Virginia 2238 Crandell, Archie 305 Cranefield, Paul F. 3869 Cranswick, Edward H. 509 Crockett, Walter H. 1808 Cromwell, Rue L. 2311, 4391 Cronbach, Lee J. 1839 Crowder, William 4988 Crowell, David H. 3387 Cruse, Daniel B. 4507 Cullen, Thomas D. 788 Cumming, M. Elaine 4735 Cumming, William W. 3673, 4509, 6911 Cummings, John H. 1882 Curtis, George C. 4807 Cutler, Richard L. 516 D Dahlstrom, W. Grant 4944 Dai, Bingham 1049 Dailey, John T. 2074 Damas, David J. 3870 Damato, Michael R. 2051 Daniel, Robert 2553 Daniels, George E. 174, 175 Daniels, Morris J. 3504 Dardano, Joseph F. 4112 Darrow, Chester W. 250, 449 Davenport, John W. 3085, 4991 Davenport, Richard K. 1005 Davids, Anthony 1722, 2087, 4327 Davidson, Edwin M. 4673 Davidson, Kenneth 712 Davis, David E. 1003 Davis, John D. 2949 Davis, Roger T. 530, 2258, 2264, 5981 Davis, W. Marvin 3199 Davison, Clarke 3694 Dean, Sanford J. 2470 Dearborn, Ned 9133 Deasy, Leila C. 4346 De Fanti, David R. 4435 De Feo, John J. 4435 Delay, Jean 5098 Delgado, Jose M. 2004 Dement, William C. 3267, 3619 De Mott, Donald W. 2413 De Myer, Marian K. 5154 Denber, Herman C. 5093 Den Breeijen, Aire 3204 Deneau, Gerald A. 2814, 5320 Denenberg, Victor H. 1753 Deniker, Pierre 5098 Dennis, Wayne 48, 1659 Denniston, Rollin H. 969 Dent, C. H. 1377 Derks, Peter L. 5193 Desiderato, Otello 4705 Des Lauriers, Austin M. 775 Deutsch, Cynthia 4438 Deutsch, Jay A. 4563 Deutsch, Martin 3230, 4438 Devereux, Edward C. 4017 Devereux, George 1669 De Vos, George A. 2166, 4087 De Wit, Fred 622 Dews, Peter B. 1226, 2094, 2140, 2645 Diamond, Irving T. 4849 Diamond, Sigmond 4804 Dice, Lee R. 375, 1045, 1650, 2050 Dicken, Charles F. 4609 Dille, James M. 3311, 3319 Dillon, Donald J. 3616 Di Mascio, Alberto 2726 Dingman, Harvey F. 9130 Dinitz, Simon 2953 Dinnerstein, Dorothy 1075 Dinsmoor, James A. 1742, 3648 Dittes, James E. 2590, 3857 Dittmann, Allen T. 516 Divesta, Francis 2900 Dixon, Henry H. 2263 Dixon, James C. 1326 Dollard, John 648 Domino, Edward F. 2653 Domke, Herbert R. 592 Donahoe, John W. 4004 Donahue, Wilma 9162 Donnelly, John 4675 Doob, Leonard W. 1940 Dornbusch, Sanford M. 2480 Douglas, R. Gordon 2340 Douvan, Elizabeth M. 1648 Dovenmuehle, Robert 1599 Dowis, James L. 2721 Downing, Robert W. 4679, 5809 Downs, James Francis 4372, 5250 Dozier, Marianne F. 3729 Dratman, Mitchell L. 4652 Dreger, Ralph M. 5117 Drew, George C. 3313 Dubin, Robert 484 Dublin, Louis I. 9173 Dulany, Don E.,*Jr. 3002 Duncan, Carl P. 3182 Dunham, H. Warren 2898 Dunham, Richard M. 4348 Dunn, Lloyd M. 2529 Duty, Joseph E. 2535 Dyal, James A. 2596, 3331 Dykman, Roscoe A. 1091, 6009 E Easton, Karl 2488 Eaton, Joseph W. 255 Eckhoff, Eva 1737 Edelberg. Robert 1904 Eder, Howard A. 2562 Edgerton, Milton T. 1875 Edwards, Allen L. 3137, 4075 Ehrenfreund, David 2581 Ehrentheil, Otto F. 1905, 4690 Ehrlich, Leon 196 Eichler, Myron F. 4867 Eiduson, Samuel 3968 Eisenberg, Leon 2583 Eldred, Stanley H. 3999 Elkes, Joel 2412 Elkind, David 3466 Ellingson, Robert J. 2603, 5075 Ellis, Fred W. 1420 Ellis, Norman R. 2229, 4433 Ellis, Robert A. 4968 Ellson, Douglas G. 4786, 4989 Elmadjian, Fred 1300 Elrick, Harold 1796 Emerson, Richard 1957 Emmerich, Walter 2853, 3844 Enarson, Harold L. 1718, 9084 Engel, Edward 2528 Engel, George L. 750, 857, 1901, 5339 Engel, Mary 2638 Engelhardt, David M. 5518 Entwisle, Doris R. 5348 Epstein, Benjamin 3167 Epstein, Leon J. 1950, 2923 Epstein, Seymour 1293 Epstein, William 3600, 4153 Erasmus, Charles J. 5447 Eriksen, Charles W. 1037, 1206 Eron, Leonard D. 1726 Errera, Paul L. 5261 Ershoff, Benjamin H. 3797 Ervin, Susan M. 3772, 3813 Escalona, Sibylle K. 27 Essa, Shirley H. 2693 Essman, Walter B. 5140 Etsten, Benjamin 3167 Evan, William M. 3455 Evans, Francis C. 375 Ewalt, Jack R. 1510, 5077, 9106, 9153 Ewing, James H. 4679, 5809 Ewing, Thomas N. 1041, 1388 Eyde, David B. 4027 Eysenck, Hans J. 2612 1983, 5090, F Fagot, Robert F. 2046 Fahrion, Nell G. 4382 Fantz, Robert L. 2497, 5284 Farber, Bernard 3207 Farber, I. E. 142, 2296 Farina, Amerigo 4348 Farley, Jane 2270, 3514 Farnsworth, Dana L. 9151 Feifel, Herman 2920 Feld, Sheila 2181 Feldman, Marvin J. 2876 Feldman, Robert S. 376, 1061 Feldstein, Stanley 4548, 4571 Ferguson, Frances Northend 5513 14 Ferraro, Armando 129 Ferris, Eugene B., Jr. 313 Ferris, James P. 4748 Ferry, Alan 2211 Ferster, Charles B. 3225 Feshbach, Seymour 3213 Fiedler, Fred 1774 Field, Peter B. 9175 Fineman, Abraham 859, 2384 Finesinger, Jacob E. 318, 795, 3355 Finger, Frank 4920 Fink, Geraldine 5518 Fink, Max 927, 2092, 2715, 5338, 7432 Fink, Raymond 9172 Finney. Ben R. 5043 Fish, Barbara 4665 Fish, Melvin S. 2756 Fischer, Gloria J. 3771, 5464, 5515 Fischer, J. L. 1502 Fischer, Roland 2731, 2927, 4694 Fisher, Alan E. 1316, 1951 Fisher, Charles 3267 Fisher, Jerome 1132 Fisher, Seymour 1412, 1578 Fishman, Vivian 3929, 4543 Fisichelli, Vincent R. 2875 Flach, Frederic F. 4671, 4958 Flanagan, John C. 2074 Flavell, John H. 2632 Flexner, L. 2412 Flynn, John P. 6953 Foa, Uriel G. 2669 Folch-Pi, Jordi 2412, 4083 Foldes, Francis F. 1425 Folk, G. Edgar, Jr. 1333 Foltz, Eldon L. 2895 Fonda, Charles P. 1099 Foote, Nelson N. 891 Ford, Clellan S. 3090, 5512 Forrest, Irene S. 2728, 5294 Forsham, Peter H. 3951 Forsyln, Daniel 5348 Forster, Francis M. 38, 385, 9111 Foshee, James G. 2311, 4391 Fosmire, Frederick R. 3841, 4978 Foulkes, David 4151 Fowler, Harry 4549 Fox, Bernard H. 4956, 5892 Fox, Henry M. 3634 Fox, Robert 919 Fox, Stephen S. 5970 Frank, Jerome D. 532, 4618, 5521 Frank, Lawrence K. 61 Franklin, Girard H. 5157 Franks, Cyril M. 2720 Franzler, Shervert H. 3532 Freedman, Alfred M. 3230, 4438 Freedman, Daniel X. 1204, 3363 Freedman, Norbert 1983, 5090 Freedman, Sanford J. 1863 Freeman, G. Laverne 1034 Freeman, Harry 3253, 3314, 4276, 4825, 5089, 5933 Freeman, Howard E. 1627 Freeman, Walter J. 2401 Freilich, Morris 4326 French, Elizabeth G. French, Gilbert 4515 French, John D. 2482, 3491, 4336 French, John R., Jr. 3874, 9132 French, Joseph H. 3163 French, Thomas M. 22,23 Frenkel-Brunswik, Else 9139 Freyhan, Fritz A. 2991 Frezal, Jean 3921 Fried, Marc 9137 Frieden, Edward H. 2729 3607, 7083 Friedhoff, Arnold J. 4664, 4665, 4669 Friedman, Alfred S. Friedman, Orrie M. 3273 Friend, Dale G. 3226, 4586 Friis, Henning 5509 Frohman, Charles E. 4816, 5668 Frost, Henry H. 3348 Fujita, Shigeo 4366, 4598 Fuller, John L. 800, 1775 Fuller, Raymond G. 196 Funkenstein, Daniel 945, 9151 Furchtgott, Ernest 1064 Furer, Manuel 3353 Furfey, Paul H. 3525 Fuster, Joachim M. 2411, 3756, 5163 G Gadalla, Saad S. 2407 Gage, Nathaniel L. 650 Galanter, Eugene 2293 Galbrecht, Charles” 1091 Galdston, Iago 2790, 4314 Gallant, Donald M. 3701 Gantt, W. Horsley 1350 Garcia, John 4850 Gardner, Beatrice T. 4245 Gardner, George E. 661, 826 Gardner, R. Allen 4337 Gardner, Riley W. 25, 2454 Garfield, Sol L. 2318, 5993 Garmezy, Norman 629, 6004 Garner, Ann Margaret 823 Garner, Harry H. 1422, 3775, 4545 Garner, Wendell R. 3558 2716, 2717, 1727, 2722, 3674 Garrison, Mortimer, Jr. 563, 1394, 4267 Gaskill, Herbert S. 3040 Gastaut, Henri 3258 Gault, Frederick P. 4163 Gebhard, Paul H. 1633 Geertsma, Robert H. 2840 Geiger, Ruth S. 3878 Gelber, Beatrice T. 1001 Geller, Edward 3968 Geller, Miriam R. 5457 Gellhorn, Ernst 4341, 4743, 4791 Gendlin, Eugene T. 3496 Gengerelli, Joseph A. 839, 6452 Gerard, Donald L. 1426, 3522 Gerard, Margaret 823 Gerard, Ralph W. 694, 1379, 1971, 1972, 9104 Gerken, George M. 5611, 5733 Geschwind, Norman 1802 Gershon, Samuel 4669 Gertner, Sheldon B. 3231 Gerty, Francis J. 823, 5527 Gewirtz, Hava B. 3421 Ghent, Arthur W. 5561 Ghent, Lila 2444, 4109 Gianakon, Harry G. 2617 Giarman, Nicholas J. 3363 Gibson, Robert D. 4484 Gibbs, Frederic A. 56 Gidro-Frank, Lothar 744 Gilbert, William M. 1041 Gilkeson, Elizabeth C. 9135 Ging, Nelson S. 4598. Ging, Rosalie J. 4598 Gilbert, William M. 1388 Gill, Merton M. 163, 1323 Ginsburg, Benson E. 3361 Gjerstad, Gunnar 3518 Glasky, Alvin J. 4957 Glasscock, Thomas T. Gleitman, Henry 4993 3042 Gleser, Goldine C. 1055 Glick, Leonard B. 4025 Glickman, Stephen E. 4595 Glidewell, John C. 592 Glock, Charles Y. 1076, 9033, 9037 Gluck, Henry 5439 Glueck, Bernard C., Jr. 4465, 4675 Glueck, Eleanor T. 1817 Glueck, Sheldon 1817 Glusman, Murray 3660 Goff, William R. 5286 Goffman, Erving 4111 Gol, Alexander 5204 Gold, Mitchell A. 226 Goldberg, Eugene L. 5258 Goldberg, Marshall 4266 Goldenberg, Harry 1305, 2461, 2938, 3929 Goldenberg, Vivian 1305 Goldensohn, Eli S. 3166 Goldman, Alfred E. 4318 Goldman-Eisler, Frieda 5201 Goldschmidt, Walter R. 4097 Goldstein, Jacob 213 Goldstein, Menek 2717, 6024 Goldstein, Michael J. 4720 Goldstone, Sanford 1121 Gollub, Lewis R. 1604 Gonzalez, Richard C. 2857, 5402 Goode, William J. 2526, 5181 Goodenough, Donald R. 628, 3885 Goodenough, Evelyn W. 5107 Goodglass, Harold 4187 Goodman, Mary E. 1797 Goodman, Morris 2476 Goodrich, Kenneth P. 4426 Gortatowski, Melvin J. 1165 Gormezano, Isidore 4034 Goshen, Charles E. 1452 Gottesman, Irving I. 5384 Gottlieb, Jacques S. 14, 2241, 2476 Gottschalk, Louis A. 664, 1055, 6005 Gough, Harrison G. 462, 5746 Graham, David T. 996, 1446, 2011, 2014 Graham, Frances K. Graham, Thomas M. 3797 Gralnick, Alexander 2349 Granick, Ruth 2775 Granick, Samuel 1128 Grant, Ronald 1895 Greeley, David M. 898 Green, Edward J. 2200 Green, John D. 5163 Greenbaum, Marvin 4527 Greenberg, Nahman H. 5527 Greenberg, Ruven 3898 Greenblatt, Milton 354, 687, 1246, 1690, 1863, 2726, 3314, 4172, 4586, 5077, 9091 Greene, William A., Jr. Greenfield, Norman S. Greenspoon, Joel 3216 Greiner, Theodore H. 1904 Grenell, Robert G. 318, 795 Griffith, Wendell H. 3663 Griffiths, William J. 1481, 4724 Grings, William W. 3916 Grinker, Roy R. 65, 1442, 4957, 5519 Grob, Gerald N. 3190 Gross, Martin 2147, 3672, 4661 Gross, Milton M. 5410 Gross, Sonja K. 3617, 7431 Grosser, Bernard I. 4231 Grossman, Sebastian P. Gruber, Howard 4382 Gruemer, Hanns-Dieter Gruen, Walter 3064 2011 857 2743 5331 2729, 3961 15 Gruenberg, Ernest M. 5150 Gruman, Gerald J. 2163, 2686 Grunes, Jerome 2379 Gubler, Clark 5314 Guest, George M. 1175 Guilford, Joy P. 2353 Gulick, John 4466 Gump, Paul V. 550, 1066 Gunberg, David L. 4527 Gundlach, Ralph 5157 Gunter, Laurie M. 1338 Gussow, Zachary 3149 Gutekunst, Ralph 5793 Guth, Paul S. 2362, 4357, 4773 Guttersen, Alston G. 1452 Guttman, Louis 5159 Guttman, Norman 631, 1002, 3917 Guze, Samuel B. 2242 H Habenstein, Robert W. 5343 Haber, Ralph N. 3244 Haddad, Raef K. 4703 Hagamen, Wilbur D. 1386 Haggard, Ernest A. 637, 912, 4019 Hahn, Pauline B. 661 Hakerem, Gad 2783, 4759, 5051, 7478 Halas, Edward S. 4091 Hall, Edward T. 4166 Hall, Robert L. 2472 Halstead, Ward C. 1057 Hamblin, Robert L. 3039 Hamilton, Charles 3327 Hammer, Muriel 4082 Hammond, Kenneth R. 3848, 4977 Hampson, Joan G. 1557 Hampson, John L. 1557 Hamwi, George J. 4694 Hance, A. J. 3241 Handel, Gerald 543 Handler, Philip 2109 Hankoff, Leon D. 5090 Hanley, Charles 1885 Hanlon, Thomas E. 2152, 4233 Hanna, Calvin 3006, 6572 Hare, A. Paul 5400 Harlan, W. L. 2244 Harlan, William H. 719 Harleston, Bernard W. 3597 Harlow, Harry F. 772, 940, 4528 Harris, Dale B. 690, 897 Harris, Florence 2208 Harris, Lillian E. 180 Harris, Shelby 2286 Harte, Thomas J. 1164, 3525 Hartley, Ruth E. 959 Hartman, J. Francis 388 Harvey, Elinor B. 2521 Harwood, Charles W. 2838 Hassenplug, Lulu W. 5495 Hastorf, Albert H. 2480 Hatfield, John S. 3217 Hathaway, Starke R. 724, 4306 Havens, Leston L. 1690, 2726 Havighurst, Robert J. 382, 621, 4736, 9082 Hawkes, Glenn R. 2963 Hawkins, David R. 2360, 5543 Haydu, George G. 3993 Hayes, Keith J. 669 Heath, Douglas H. 4145 Heath, Robert G. 612, 3701 Hebb, Donald O. 2455 Hefferline, Ralph F. 2380, 2961 Hegsted, D. Mark 611 Heimstra, Norman W. 5981 Heinberg, Paul J. 3465 Heinicke, Christoph 2948 Heiser, Karl F. 563 Heiss, Jerold S. 4402 Heistad, Gordon T. 2273, 5106 Held, Richard M. 3657 Heller, John H. 1903 Helper, Malcolm 2318 Helwig, Harold L. 3507 Hemingway, Allan 2401 Hendin, Helen 2882 Henry, Andrew F. 1294 Henry, Charles E. 834 Henry, William E. 9082 Henry, William I. 1224 Henson, O'Dell W., Jr. Hereford, Carl F. 1377 Herring, Pendleton 4160 Herrnstein, Richard J. 5139 Hershkowitz, Aaron 4625, 7305 Hess, Eckhard H. 776 Hess, Robert. D. 543, 4736 Hetzel, Willard C. 196 Heusler, Anton F. 2823, 3826, 7071 Hewitt, Robert T. 1718 Hicks, Leslie H. 1215 Hilgard, Ernest R. 3859 Hilgard, Josephine 727 5430 Hill, Reuben 9038 Hill, William F. 622, 1133 Hill, Winfred F. 2834 Hinkle, Lawrence E. 1531 Hitchman, Irene L. 2147, 3672, 4661 Hitt, John 5056 Hoagland, Hudson 366, 657, 1322, 2211, 2936, 2967 Hobbs, Nicholas 674, 2529 Hockett, Charles F. 2021, 2833 Hoff, Ebbe C. 9073 Hoffer, Joe R. 9165 Hoffman, Howard 2433 Hoffman, Martin L. 1747, 2333 Hoffman, Paul J. 2097, 4439 Holland, William R. 4036 Holliday, Audrey R. 3311 Hollingshead, August B. 263, 1745, 1750, 3569 Hollister, Leo E. 3030, 5144 Holmes, Thomas H. 1115 Holt, L. Emmett, Jr. 833 Holt, Robert R. 782, 3670 Holtzman, Wayne H. 3223 Holz, William C. 4926 Holzman, Philip S. 1182, 1811 Homme, Lloyd E. 2987 Honig, Werner K. 2414 Honigmann, John J. 4466, 5513 Hoobler, Icie M. 2054 Hooker, Evelyn 839, 6452 Horita, Akira 2435 Horn, Paul E. 2904 Horner, B. Elizabeth 4096 Horner, Frederick A. 3163 Horowitz, Leonard M. 5428 Horst, Paul 743 Horton, Donald 9135 Hoskins, Robert G. 3226 House, Betty J. 1099 Hovorka, Edward J. 693 Howard, Stuart A. 3366 Howe, Edmund S. 3355 Howell, John C. 2957 Howes, Davis H* 1802 Hsia, David Y. 1945, 2630 Huang, Chien L. 3967 Hudson, Roy D. 5324 Hughes, Charles C. 4506 Hulpieu, Harold R. 3046 Hulse, Stewart H. 2363 Hume, Portia B. 9075 Humphreys, Lloyd G. 2509 Hunsaker, Don, II 4996 Hunt, David E. 955, 3517 Hunt, Howard F. 1918, 3361, 7279 Hunt, J. McVicker 1041 Hunt, Thelma 4109 Hunt, William E. 4694 Hunter, Richard A. 4721 Hunton, Vera D. 1215 Hurwitz, Jacob I. 9149 Huston, Paul E. 14 Hutcheson, B. R. 9149 I Ingram, Walter R. 675 Irwin, Samuel 3032 Isaac, Walter 2195, 2289, 4539 Isaacs, Kenneth 637 Isaacson, Robert L. 3202 Iscoe, Ira 3581 Ittelson, William H. 2503 Ivey, John E., Jr. 9080 Iwanska, Alicja 4448 Izquierdo, Ivan 5183 J Jackson, C. Wesley, Jr. 3037 Jackson, Donald D. 791, 1673, 2621, 4916 Jackson, Douglas N. 2738, 2878 Jackson, Edith B. 105 Jackson, Elton F. 5516 Jacobs, Harry L. 3448, 4320, 5754 Jacobs, Howard 1. 3394 Jaffe, Joseph 4548, 4571 Jahoda, Marie 910 James, Rita M. 2202 Janeway, Charles A. 320 Janke, Leota L. 1627 Janowitz, Morris 2104 Jarecki, Henry 5261 Jarrard, Leonard E. 4710 Jarvik, Lissy F. 1911 Jarvik, Murray E. 1225, 5319 Jeans, Robert F. 1422, 4545 Jeffrey, Wendell E. 1498 Jenkin, Noel 1394 Jenkins, James J. 4286 Jennings, Percy H. 2521 Jensen, Glen D. 2834, 4494, 7237 Jensen, Gordon D. 5241 Jerison, Harry J. 3145 Jervis, George A. 1192 Jessner, Lucie 819 Jessor, Richard 9156 John, Erwin R. 2811, 2972 Johns, Varner J., Jr. 5470 Johnson, Adelaide M. 23 Johnson, Erwin H. 5221 Johnson, Guy B., Jr. 4309 Johnson, Ronald C. 5110 Johnson, William J. 9133 Johnston, Philip W. 1227 Jolly, Donald H. 2537, 4290 Jones, Austin 2479 Jones, Edward V., Jr. Jones, F. Nowell 1776 Jones, Harold E. 4087 Jones, Lyle V. 1849, 1876 Jones, Richard M. 5087 Josselyn, Irene 1335 Juurmaa, Jyrki Y. 3593 2036 16 K Kabat, Elvin A. 257 Kado, Raymond T. 3708 Kagan, Jerome 2884, 4464 Kahn, Robert L. 3346, 9132 Kalish, Harry I. 1002, 1459, 6096 Kallmann, Franz J. 479, 1065, 1911, 3532, 5652 Kalz, Frederick 2151 Kamiya, Joe 2116, 5069 Kanareff, Vera T. 3909 Kanfer, Frederick H. 963, 2027, 3700, 6921, 6922 Kaplan, Bernard 3853 Kaplan, Bert 1019 Kaplan, Ira 5364 Kaplan, Michael 3332 Kaplan, Oscar J. 2919 Kaplan, Samuel 39, 3026 Kaplan, Solomon D. 1520, 2060, 4484 Karelitz, Samuel 2875 Kastenbaum, Robert 4818 Kates, Solis 4392 Katz, Irwin 2421 Katz, Jay 3121 Katz, Sanford 5498 Kaufman, I. Charles 373, 4670, 5518 Kaufman, Irving 3958 Kaufman, Melvin E. 4085 Kaufman, M. Ralph 1552 Kayce, Melvin M. 4673 Keehn, Robert J. 1928 Keeler, Martin H. 4742 Keely, Harold W. 3042 Kellaway, Peter 5204 Keller, Fred S. 1421, 3673 Keller, Mark 9159 Kellog, Winthrop N. 1 Kelly, George 2031 Kelly, E. Lowell 1045 Kelly, Harriet J. 2054 Kelman, Herbert C. 2516, 7280 Kensler, Charles J. 3312 Kenyon, Grant Y. 2328 Kernohan, William J. 4674 Kessen, William 1787 Kety, Seymour S. 2412, 5521 Kierman, Gerald L. 2726 Kiesler, D. J. 3496 Killam, Eva King 3374 Killam, Keith F. 3241, 3374 Kim, Chul 3093 Kimble, Gregory A. 1509 Kimmel, Herbert D. 2867 Kinder, Elaine F. 627, 1191 King, David J. 3174 King, Frederick A. 1630, 1639, 3118 King, John A. 123, 5643 King, Stanley H. 9151 Kinnard, William J., Jr. 3029 Kinross-Wright, John 4578, 5121 Kirk, H. David 3004 Kirk, Samuel A. 274, 3207 Kissin, Benjamin 4588, 5410 Kiyasu, John 4356 Klausner, Samuel Z. 3028 Klee, Gerald D. 3644 Kleemeier, Robert W. Klein, Donald F. 4798 Klein, George S. 25, 782, 3670 Kleiner, Robert J. 3047 Kline, Nathan S. 2350, 3031, 4253, 4417 Kling, Julius W. 2337 Klopfer, Peter H. 2850, 4453 Kluckhohn, Florence R. 971 Kluckhohn, Richard 2500 1057 Klugh, Henry E. 3275, 5257 Kluver, Heinrich 1981 Knapp, Harriet D. 2939 Knapp, Peter H. 609, 864, 1223, 2134, 2510 Knapp, Robert H. 2178 Knighton, Robert S. 2474 Knoblock, Hilda 1693 Knopf, Irwin J. 4038 Knott, John R. 675 Knowles, R. R. 4674 Kobayashi, Yutaka 3591 Kobler, Arthur L. 2858 Koch, Helen L. 409 Koegler, Ronald R. 3020 Koella, Werner P. 2211, 4953 Kogan, Nathan 1867, 2269 Koh, Soon D. 5306 Komarovsky, Mirra 2604 Kopeloff, Nicholas 651 Korchin, Sheldon J. 1051 Korman, Maurice 4038 Kornetsky, Conan ™ 3312 Kornhauser, Arthur 460 Koronakos, Chris 2816 Korsch, Barbara M. 3453 Kounin, Jacob S. 544, 1066, 4221 Kovnar, Murray R. 5306 Krall, Albert R. 5632 Kramer, Milton 3033 Krantz, John C. 2540 Krasner, Leonard 2458 Krause, Merton S. 5031 Krayer, Otto 2029 Krech, David 1292 Krezanoski, Joseph 2701 Kris, Else B. 2700, 3868 Kristofferson, Alfred B. 2463 Krivoy, William A. 2272, 3477 Kroeger, Donald C. 766 Kroepsch, Robert H. 1718 Kron, Reuben E. 5550 Kronhausen, Eberhard W. 1136 Krumholz, Wilhelm 5096 Krus, Donald M. 2262 Kryter, Karl D. 2234 Kumler, Warren D. 3487 Kurland, Albert A. 733, 2152, 2844, 3048, 3967 Kutash, Samuel B. 2503 L L’Abate, Luciano 1373, 3804 Lacey, Beatrice C. 623 Lacey, John I. 623 Lachman, Roy 4077, 5729 Laffal, Julius 2020 Tago, Gladwyn V. "2553 Lake, Richard A. 622 Iakin, Martin 2379 Lambert, William W. 1344, 2331 Lambertsen, Christian J. 692 Lamy, Maurice 3921 Lana, Robert E. 3774, 4113, 4830, 5504 Landauer, Thomas K. 5308 Landfield, Alvin W. 3058, 4058 Landis, Carney 872 Lane, Ellen A. 5186 . Lane, John E. 1284 Lang, Peter J. 3567, 3880 Langness, Lewis L. 4377 Langs, Robert J. 2110 Lanzetta, John T. 3909 Lapouse, Rema 1507, 3191 Larsson, Knut 5213 Lashley, Karl S. 77 Lasslo, Andrew 2072, 4379 Laties, Victor G. 3229 Laveck, Gerald D. 3240 Law, O. Thomas 5207 Lawrence, Douglas H. 1689 Lawson, Edwin D. 3836, 5278 Lawton, M. Powell 4796 Layman, Emma M. 1445 Lazarow, Arnold 388 Lazarus, Richard S. 734, 2136 Lazovik, A. David 3880 Lazure, Denis 4253 Leary, Robert W. 835, 1664 Leary, Timothy 1013, 1323 Leblanc, Jacques 3078 Lebra, William P. 3084 Ledwith, Nettie H. 929 Lee, Everett S. 5375 Lee, Joan 4674 Leete, Edward 2075, 2662 Leevy, Carroll M. 5541 Lefton, Mark = 2940, 2953 Legg, Donald R. 3890 Lehman, Heinz E. 5202 Lehrman, Daniel S. 2271 Liebowitz, Herschel 1090 Leiderman, P. Herbert 2276 Leighton, Alexander 515, 4506 Leitch, Eunice M. 27 Lemert, Edwin M. 3158, 5161 Lemieux, Lionel 3078 Lemon, Henry M. 609 Lennard, Henry L. 1076, 2882 Lenncberg, Eric H. 2921, 5268 Lennox, William G. 111 Lesse, Henry 867 Lesser, Gerald S. 3607, 7083 Lester, Boyd K. 5079 Lettvin, Jerome Y. 2820 Leventhal, Howard 3575 Leventhal, Theodore 1821 Levin, Harry 901 Levin, Max M. 3642 Levin, Sidney 2134 Levine, Jacob 3589 Levine, Julius 1690 Levine, Marvin 3906 Levine, Maurice 664 Levine, Murray 1934, 2724, 4041, 4531 Levine, Raphael B. 1499 Le Vine, Robert A. 4037 Levine, Seymour 1051, 1630, 1639 Levinger, George 2617, 4653 Levinson, Daniel J. 687, 1000, 9091 Levitt, Eugene E. 3204 Levy, Bernard I. 4663 Levy, Leon H. 1512, 2067 Levy, Nissim M. 3196 Lewinsohn, Peter M. 5548 Lewis, Donald J. 2508 Lewis, Leon 2325 Lewit, David W. 4164 Lhamon, William T. 1121, 1904 Liberson, Wladimir T. 1061 Licklider, J. C. R. 2234 Liddell, Howard S. 41 Liddle, Gordon P. 1319 Lidz, Theodore 728, 2468 Lieberman, Morton 2304 Liebeskind, John 5970 Lighthall, Fred 712 Lindemann, Elizabeth B. 5310 Lindemann, Erich 3471, 9137 Lindsley, Donald B. 189 Lindsley, Ogden R. 977, 2778, 5054 Lindzey, Gardner 1949, 3536 1020, 1956, 2884, 17 Linn, Erwin L. 4122 Lippitt, Ronald 94, 450, 919, 1654, 1780, 9109 Lippman, Richard W. 2891 Lipscomb, Wendell R. 3507, 9158 Lipton, Earle L. 4605 Liss, Leopold 2927 Little, Clarence C. 800 Little, Kenneth B. 402 Littman, Richard A. 1695, 3801, 3997, 4063, 5429 Liu, Chan-Nao 2028 Loeb, Janice 5588 Loeb, Martin B. 815 Loevinger, Jane 1213, 5115 Logan, Frank A. 1760, 4173 London, Irving M. 2562 London, Perry 4441 Long, Ernest S. 2769 Long, Eugene R., Jr. 2007, 2879 Loomis, Earl A.) Jr. 1263 Long, Robert 819, 937 Loranger, Armand W. Lorr, Maurice 3262 Lotsof, Erwin J. 1245 Loucks, Roger B. 2838 Lourie, Reginald S. 1445 Lovass, Ole I. 5170 Low, Niels L. 1586 Lowell, Francis C. 609 Lowenthal, Marjorie F. 9145 Lowry, Elmer F., Jr. 4030 Lubin, Ardie 4113, 5504 Luborsky, Lester B. 2257, 3654 Luce, R. Duncan 2293 Ludwig, Alfred O. 767, 2484 Luft, Joseph 528 Luszki, Margaret B. 9027 Lykken, David T. 1500, 4697 Lyons, Joseph 5438 M Maas. Henry S. 1483 McAllister, Dorothy E. 2064 McAllister, Robert J. 3773, 5909 McAllister, Wallace R. 2064 Macalpine, Ida 4721 McCain, Garvin M. 5469 McCandless, Boyd R. 658 McCann, Willis H. 425 McCarter, Robert H. 2134 McCarthy, Raymond G. 1426 McCay, Clive M. 41 McClelland, David C. 120, 2980 McCluer, Robert H. 1630, 1637, 1639 Maccoby, Eleanor E. 1468 McCollough, Celeste F. 4056 McConnell, James V. 2946 McConnell, Thomas R. 4734 McCord, Joan 2647 McCord, William M. 2647 McCluer, Robert H. 1637, 2731 MacFarlane, Jean W. 79 McGanity, William J. 1265 McGaugh, James L. 3541 McGinnies, Elliott M. 9064 1283, 2090 MacKinnon, Donald W. 1078, 2591 McKitrick, Keith G. 5148 Macklin, Madge T. 9161 McNamara, Robert L. 2407 McPartland, Thomas S. 1882 MacPhee, Halsey M. 1033 McPheeters, Harold 7874 McPherson, Marion W. 3568 McQuitty, Louis L. 9020 McQuown, Norman A. 3847 Madison, Harry L. 2906 Magoun, Horace W. 189 Mahan, Mary B. 3150 Maher, Brendan A. 2039, 5505 Mahl, George F. 1052, 3092 Mahler, Margaret S. 3353 Maier, Norman R. 2704 Maki, Augusth 2728 Makover, Henry 2562 Malamud, William 373 Maldonado-Sierra, E. D. 9175 Malitz, Sidney 1665 Malmo, Robert B. 1475 Maltzman, Irving 4684 Malzberg, Benjamin 188, 1140, 4486 Mandler, George 2442, 4852 Mandler, Jean M. 4852 Mangin, William P. 1566 Manis, Jerome G. 2646 Mann, Edward C. 2340 Mann, Floyd C. 3276, 3983, 9132 Mann, Richard D. 5405 Mannering, Gilbert J. 3689, 5453, 7541 Mansour, Tag E. 1725 Marchant, Walter E. 1905 Marcus, Irwin M. 790 Maretzki, Thomas 3084 Marjerrison, Gordon 3647 Markham, Charles 3020 Marley, Francis W. 1833 Marsh, James T. 1103, 3831 Marshall, Curtis 2844 Martin, Barclay 1454 Martin, Clyde E. 1633 Martin, Elmore 622 Marx, Melvin H. 817 Masland, Richard L. 652, 9092 Mason, William A. 4100 Masserman, Jules H. 16, 730, 2312 Masuda, Minoru 1948, 2552 Matarazzo, Joseph D. 1107, 1938 Matthews, Dorothy M. 1627 Mausner, Bernard 2836 Maxwell, David S. 5163 May, Philip R. 2719, 4589 May, Rupert 2988 Mayman, Martin 4401 Maynard, Edith A. 5639 Maynard, Laurence S. 4588 Mead, Margaret 9034 Meade, Robert D. 3193 Mecham, Merlin J. 5590 Mechner, Francis 3032 Mednick, Sarnoff A. 1519 Meehan, John P. 3394 Meehl, Paul E. 4465 Meenes, Max. 1215 Meier, Gilbert W. Meier, R. M. 1903 Meissner, William W. 4707 Mello, Nancy K. 4814 Melzack, Ronald 4235 Mendelson, Jack H. 1955, 4814, 5619 Menzel, Emil W., Jr. 1005 Menzer-Benaron, Doris 2484 Merkelstein, Ida 5157 Merlis, Sidney 5096 Mertens, Marjorie S. 2121 Mertz, Edwin T. 2434, 2537, 4290 Meshorer, Edward 3314 Messick, Samuel J. 2738, 2878, 4186 Metcalf, David R. 3042 Mettler, Fred A. 118, 252, 289 Meyer, Donald R. 1532, 1653, 1693, 2035 Meyer, Eugene 1875 762, 1265 Meyer, Hans 2434 Meyer, Mortimer M. 2920 Meyerowitz, Sanford 5339 Meyerson, Lee 3730 Michaux, Mary H. (Tatom) 4233 Michels, Kenneth 4532 Miles, Raymond C. 4890 Milhoj, Poul 5509 Mill, Cyril R. 4030 Miller, Aloysius I. 4663 Miller, Arnold 4915 Miller, Daniel R. 564 Miller, Eileen R. 4915 Miller, Frank C. 4982 Miller, George A. 5120 Miller, James G. 1871 Miller, Lovick C. 2292 Miller, Marvin F. 2408 Miller, Neal E. 647, 2949 Miller, Norman 4840 Miller, Orlando Jack 4386, 4872 Miller, Robert E. 487 Miller, Walter B. 1342, 1414, 4010 Miller, Wilbur C. 3040 Millican, Frances K. 1445 Mills, Theodore M. 3876 Minz, Bruno 1902 Mirone, Leonora 4813 Mirsky, Allan F. 6015 Mirsky, I. Arthur 67, 76, 327, 486, 487 Misback, Lorenz 425 Mischel, Frances 2557 Mischel, Walter 2557, 3344, 63830 Misiak, Henryk 1283, 4421 Miya, Tom S. 2405 Mohr, George 1335 Moles, Edgar A. 4674 Moltz, Howard 1732, 2417, 3855 Monachesi, Elio D. 724, 4306 Money, John 1557 Monk, Mary A. 1507, 3191 Monroe, Russell 4137 Moore, Blake W. 4591 Moore, Kenneth B. 1971 Moore, Robert Francis 1690 Morant, Ricardo B. 3658 Morgan, Richard D. 1950 Morin, Richard D. 1588, 7842 Morphet, Edgar L. 3473 Morris, Harold H. 4679 Morris, Thomas A. 2484 Morrison, James M. 4266 Morrow, William R. 3503 Morse, Roger A. 3368 Morse, W. H. 2094, 2140 Mosel, James N. 1508 Mosteller, Frederick 2293 Mountjoy, Paul T. 2398 Mouton, Jane Srygley 2447 Mowbray, Jay B. 4528 Mowrer, O. Hobart 422 Moyer, Kenneth E. 1298 Mudd, Emily H. 57 Muenzinger, Karl F. 771 Murdock, Bennet B. 3330 Murphy, Gardner 25, 715, 3924 Murphy, John V. 487 Murphy, Louis B. 680, 4093 Murphy, Robert F. 5250 Murray, Henry A. 700, 1287, 6038 Murstein, Bernard I. 4698 Mussen, Paul H. 3217 Myers, J. Martin 5931 Myers, Jerome K. 3569 Myers, Jerome L. 1932, 2620, 3803 Myers, Nancy A. 2620 Myers, Robert D. 2637 18 N Naboisek, Herbert 1627 Nakamura, Charles Y. 4493 Nalbandov, Andrew V. 3203 Naquet, Robert 3258 Naroll, Raoul S. 1930, 2453, 3068, 3821 Nash, Dennison J. 4821 Nash, Manning 2017 Neet, Claude C. 376 Neisser, Ulric 3658 Nelson, John W. 2929 Nenno, Robert P. 5541 Neugarten, Bernice L. 9082 Newcomb, Theodore M. 2924 Newman, Bertha L. 4855 Newman, Richard 1024 Nichols, Charles H. 5920 Nichols, John 2904 Nichols, Robert C. Nichtern, Sol 5150 Nielsen, Gerhard 6038 Nisonger, Herschel 9103 Nissen, Henry W. 1005 Nitzberg, Harold 3042 Noble, Merrill E. 1653, 2618 Nobles, W. Lewis 3232 Nodland, Thoralv Scheie 1737 Noshay, William C. 2474 Notterman, Joseph M. 1668 Noval, Joseph J. 3690, 4703 Novick, Alvin 5430 Nowlis, Helen H. 681 Nowlis, Vincent 681 Nunnally, Jum C. 9067 Nurnberger, John I. 5154 Nye, F. Ivan 2502 o Oakes, William F. 3212, 5998 O’Brien, Denis A. 5124 O’Brien, Donough 2347 Obrist, Walter D. 834 Ochs, Sidney 4815 O’Connell, Donald Neil 2820 O'Connor, James P. 3262 O'Connor, John F. 4740 O'Doherty, Desmond 9111 Odoi, Hiroshi 530 O'Donnell, John A. 4014 Offenkrantz, Frederick M. 3032 Offenkrantz, William 2390, 4151 Offer, Daniel 4870 Ohlin, Lloyd E. 9168 Ohwaki, Sonoko 3461 Ojemann, Ralph H. 301 O'Kelly, Lawrence I. 4853 Olds, James 1614, 2839 Oliver, Douglas L. 5043 Olson, Robert E. 2547 O'Neill, John J. 5317 O'Neal, Lawrence W. 1159 O’Neal, Patricia 1400 Orbach, Jack 3830 Ordy, Joseph M. 4956 Orlando, Robert 2232 Orne, Martin T. 3369 Orr, Richard H. 3236 Osburn, Hobart G. 1782 Osgood, Charles E. 2124, 9067 Osler, Sonia 2583 Ostfeld, Adrain M. 2302 Otis, Leon S. 2003, 3384, 4789 Overall, John E. 5144 Overholser, Winfred 965 3972, 4200, 2734, 5548 Owens, Ben L. 9134 Ozarin, Lucy D. 1452 P Paivio, Allan U. 4188 Palermo, David S. 4286 Palmer, James O. 3076 Pande, Shashi K. 4732 Parducci, Allen 3134, 5465 Pare, William P. 4752 Park, Lee C. 3741, 4732 Park, Peter 2478 Parker, Joseph B., Jr. 2365 Parker, Seymour 3047 Parsons, Anne 2105 Parsons, Oscar A. 1599 Pasamanick, Benjamin 1499, 1630, 1637, 1639, 1693, 2535, 3271, 4592, 5042, 7870, 7874 Pasik, Pedro 2261 Pasik, Tauba 2261 Patterson, Gerald R. 5429 Patterson, Ralph M. 2940 Patterson, Robert A. 2926 Patton, Robert A. 487, 1290 Paul, Benjamin D. 9059 Paul, Irving 4244 Pauling, Linus C. 5232 Pavenstedt, Eleanor 898, 3325 Pavlik, William B. 3406 Payton, Carolyn 4241 Peabody, Dean 6094 Peacock, Lelon J. 1005, 3791 Pechtel, Curtis 730 Peltz, William L. 57 Pennes, Harry H. 3444 Penny, Ronald K. 4240 Perkins, Charles 4378 Persky, Harold 3204 Peters, John E. 2564 Peterson, Cameron R. 4977 Peterson, Donald R. 5627 Peterson, Margaret J. 3707, 5209 Peterson, Ruth D. 2263 Petrie, Asenath 2057, 2641 Pettis, James B. 4030 Pfeiffer, Carl C. 639, 875, 4229 Pfouts, Jane 4518 Phares, E. Jerry 3852 Phillips, Leslie 467, 896, 1284 Philp, John R. 3507 Picchioni, Albert L. 3383 Pichot, Pierre 5098 Pierce, Chester M. 3033 Pierce, John G. 3663 Pierrel, Rosemary 1353, 2554, 5757 Piette, Lawrence H. 5294 Pilot, Martin L. 2468, 3092 Pincus, Gregory 657 Pins, Arnulf M. 4792 Piotrowski, Zygmunt 58 Pisoni, Stephanie 4443 Pitt-Rivers, Julian A. 3847 Pittenger, Robert E. 2021, 2833 Pittman, James A. 3842 Plotincov, Leonard 4322 Plotnikoff, Nicholas P. 3693 Podell, Jerome E. "4424, 5461 Polansky, Norman A. -544, 1762 Politzer, Frank 622 Pollack, Max 2092, 2715 Pollard, John C. 3037 Pomeroy, Wardell 1633 Pool, J. Lawrence 3166 Pope, Alfred 295 Pope, Benjamin 4287 1889, 4063, Pope, Saxton T., Jr. Porter, Paul B. 3165 Porter, R. W. 2482 Porteus, Stanley D. 2316 Poser, Charles M. 4660 Pospisil, Leopold 4027, 5124 Postman, Leo J. 2810 Prange, Arthur J., Jr. 4934 Preiss, Jack J. 2957 Prelinger, Ernst 1700, 3642 Premack, David 3345 Prentiss, Robert 4479 Pressey, Sidney L. 578 Presthus, Robert V. 5108 Preston, Malcolm G. 57 Pribram, Karl H. 545, 3732 Price, Marian Blewitt 4520 Priest, Jean H. 5484 Prigot, Aaron 2802 Proctor, Lorne D. 2474 Prokasy, William F. 2560 Pronko, Nicholas H. 2328, 3212 Pronovost, Wilbert 2123 Prout, Curtis T. 2090 Prusmack, John J. 3030 Pryles, Charles V. 5010, 6831 Psathas, George 2821 Pubols, Benjamin H. 4046 Pulver, Sydney E. 2068, 3986 Purcell, Kenneth 3269, 3722 Purvis, Martin 4479 Puryear, Herbert 5543 Putnam, Marian C. 39 Q Quarton, Gardner C. 5281 Quay, Herbert C. 5627 Quinn, Olive W. 4345 Quint, Jeanne C. 5495 R 331, 981 1870, 4406, 1608, 3966, Rabiner, Edwin L. 2349 Rabinowicz, Theodore 1561 Rader, Gordon E. 4518 Rafferty, Janet 1137 Ragland, James B. 4578 Rainer, John D. 3532 Rainey, Robert V. 3040 Rank, Beata 3026 Ramsey, Charles E. 3101 Ransohoff, Joseph 3166 Rapaport, Anatol 4238 Rapaport, Ionel F. 2561, 3322 Rarick, G. Lawrence 2561, 3322 Rashevsky, N. 1745 Raskin, Allen 4663 Rasmussen, A. F., Jr. 1103 Raush, Harold L. 516 Ray, Thomas S. 4260 Razran, Gregory 2196, 4417 Rechtschaffen, Allan 4151 Redl, Fritz 94, 550 Redlich, Frederick 263, 3589 Reed, Charles F. 4761 Reed, Sheldon C. 1431 Reese, William G. 1091 Regan, Peter F. 2721 Reichard, Suzanne 9139 Reichsman, Franz 750, 1205, 4356 Reid, Melvin P. 5117 Reid, L. Starling 4920 Reider, Norman 2948 Reiser, Morton F. 2306 Reiss, Ira L. 4045, 5566 19 Renneker, Richard 2556 Rennie, Thomas A. 515 Resnick, Oscar 2936 Rettig, Salomon 5042, 7870 Retzlaff, Ernest W. 1630, 1639, 3271, 4592 Reynolds, George S. 5139 Reynolds, Telfer 3507 Rexford, Eveoleen N. 1795, 9094 Reynolds, Robert W. 3459, 4003 Rhudick, Paul J. 1833 Rice, George E. 5449 Rice, Laura N. 4609 Richards, Thomas W. 469, 2212 Richardson, Stephen 2480 Richmond, Julius 4605 Richter, Curt P. 576 Richter, Melissa L. 3579 Rickels, Karl 2934 Rickers, Ovsiankina, Maria A. 1439 Riebar, Morton 5671 Riegel, Klaus F. 4069 Riese, Walther 4011 Riesen, Austin H. 681, 2137 Riesman, David 891 Rietman, H. J. 2244 Riggs, Margaret M. 563 Riley, Carroll L. 2150, 3565 Riley, John W., Jr. 926 Riley, Matilda W. 926 Rinkel, Max 5983 Riopelle, Arthur J. 589, 1005 Ripple, Lilian 1606 Riskin, Jules 4916 Riss, Walter 2339, 3392 Ritter, Anne M. 2985 Robbins, Gerald M. 5933 Robbins, Samuel D. 5452 Roberts, John M. 4161 Roberts, Warren W. 3979, 6901 Robins, Eli 752, 2254, 4591 Robins, Lee N. 1400 Robinson, Alice M. 677 Robinson, Franklin 260 Robinson, John S. 4296 Robinson, Halbert 4944 Rock, Irvin 2082, 3435 Rodnick, Eliot H. 629, 2109 Roe, Anne 10, 2106, 3239 Roessler, Robert 2743 Roff, Merrill 2218 Rogers, Carl R. 903, 2743, 3496 Rogers, David 4479 Rohrer, John H. 729 Roizin, Leon 1665 Rokeach, Milton 1885 Romano, John 1901 Romney, Kimball 3937 Rosecrans, John A. 4511 Rosen, Bernard C. 1495, 2283, 5589 Rosen, George 2115, 3171 Rosen, Joseph 123 Rosenberg, Sheldon 1394 Rosenblatt, Jay S. 3398 Rosenblatt, Seymour 4824 Rosenblith, Judy 2826 Rosenblith, Walter A. 4737 Rosenblum, Ira 5149 Rosenfeld, Laura S. 2875 Rosenzweig, Mark R. 1292 Rosenzweig, Norman 1972 Rosner, Burton S. 1530, 5286 Ross, Alan O. 2177 Ross, Arthur M. 9139 Ross, Bruce M. 1357, 3196 Ross, Golda Van Buskirk 1915 Ross, Robert T. 1632 Ross, Sherman 1604 Ross, William T. 1915 Rossi, Peter H. 4836 Roston, Sidney 2795 Rothenbuhler, Walter C. 3882, 7927 Rothney, John W. 1180 Rowe, John H. 4372 Rowland, Vernon 993, 5439, 6007 Royce, Joseph R. 2670 Rubenfeld, Seymour 1917 Rubin, Joan 4015 Rubinstein, Eli A. 2031 Ruesch, Jurgen 37, 534 Ruff, George E. 3014 Russell, Ian Steele 4815 Russell, Robert L. 4295 Rutschmann, Jakob 3616 Ryan, Philip E. 9121 S Sabshin, Melvin 5527 Sacchi, Ulrico. 3775 Sachar, Edward J. 4586 Sacks, William 789, 2096, 3666 Saenger, Gerhart S. 1426, 3522 Sakoda, James M. 814, 3621 Salisbury, Richard F. 4427, 4912 Salzinger, Kurt 2785, 4082, 4443, 4758, 4842, 7477 Samorajski, T. 3744, 4471, 4956 Sampson, Harold 9124 Samuels, Leo T. 451 Sander, Louis W. 3325 Sandifer, Myron G. 2360 Sandler, Jack 5450 Sandler, Merton 4859 Sanford, Nevitt 1195, 9181 Sanseigne, Alain 4253 Santos, John F. 715, 3924 Santostefano, Sebastian 3042 Saporta, Sol 2385 Sarason, Irwin G. 2397, 3889 Sarason, Seymour B. 712 Sarbin, Theodore R. 575 Saslow, George 735, 1107, 1938 Sassenrath, Julius M. 4918 Satter, George A. 563 Satterfield, James H. 4808 Saul, Leon J. 722 Saunders, John C. 2350, 3031 Sawrey, James M. 5287 Sawrey, William L. 930, 1820, 2776, 4704, 5287 Schachter, Joseph 2443 Schachter, Stanley 1992, 2584, 5203 Schaefer, Halmuth H. 3414, 4159 Schaefer, Theodore 3651 Schafer, Roy 1700, 2468 Scharf, Bertram 3750, 4530 Scharlock, Donald P. 3552 Scheerer, Martin 4610 Scheibel, Arnold B. 3020 Scheier, Ivan H. 1733 Schenker, Victor J. 3647, 4588 Schiele, Burtrum C. 5106 Schiff, Herbert M. 622 Schild, Heinz 3561 Schleifer, Maxwell J. 1795, 9094 Schlosberg, Harold 2779 Schmidt, Carl F. 692 Schmidt, Hans 2755 Schneider, David N. Schneidman, Edwin S. 1074 Schneirla, Theodore C. 1441, 1985 Schofield, William 4465 Schoggen, Phil H. 1513 Schottstaedt, William WW. Schramm, Wilbur 9122 2013 1044 Schreiner, L. 730 Schrier, Allan M. 2818 Schubert, Margaret S. 5829 Schulman, Martin P. 1947, 4559 Schulman, Sidney 2130, 2744 Schumacher, George 1752 Schuster, Donald H. 2353 Schutz, Richard E. 2381 Schutz, William C. 1831, 2591, 3473 Schwartz, Fred 5547 Schwartz, Morris S. 493, 3100, 6822 Schwartzbaum, Jerome 4686 Schwarzweller, Harry K. 3912 Scott, Frances G. 2131 Scott, George T. 3408, 3903 Scott, John P. 123, 419, 522, 4412, 4481 Scott, William A. 1597 Scoville, William B. 2267 Sears, Robert R. 461, 5398, 9122 Seashore, Stanley E. 3615 Sechrest, Lee B. 2757 Secord, Paul F. 1892, 1927, 3620 Seeman, Julius 593, 707 Seevers, M. H. 5320 Segundo, Jose P. 5183 Seidel, Robert J. 3994 Seitz, Philip F. 383, 489, 1187 Selkurt, Ewald 4815 Selvin, H. C. 4734 Serota, Herman 23 Shaffer, John 4479 Shagass, Charles 2635 Shaklee, Alfred B. 1527 Shakow, David 148, 637 Shanan, Joel 3498 Shanas, Ethel 5630 Shands, Harley C. 4408, 5518 Shannon, Donald T. 4881 Shapiro, Alvin P. 739 Shapiro, David 4209 Shapiro, Sam 9172 Sharp, Morris L. 3314 Shaw, Clifford R. 9030 Shaw, Evelyn 2322 Shaw, Merville C. 2843 Sheer, Daniel E. 766 Sheldon, Dana M. 5931 Sheldon, Eleanor B. 4589 Sheldon, Florence 4818 Shenkin, Henry A. 789 Shepherd, Michael 3561 Shepard, Thomas H. 1354 Sherman, J. Gilmour 5757 Shevrin, Howard 2257 Shideman, Frederick E. 4785 Shiffrin, Rae A. 637 Shirley, David A. 1239 Short, James F. 3301, 7158 Shotwell, Anna M. 585 Shuford, Emir H., Jr. 3103 Sibley, Willis E. 3348 Sidman, Murray 5408 Siegel, Alberta E. 3911 Siegel, Sidney 1328 Sievers, Dorothy J. 1490, 2693 Sigel, Irving E. 1747, 2983 Sills, David L. 2882, 3028 Silverman, Albert J. 2061 Silverstein, Sam 3570 Simmons, Ozzie G. 1627, 9059, 9167, 9182 Simon, Alexander 9145 Simon, Eric J. 4294 Simon, J. Richard 4262 Simonds, Paul E. 5050 Simpson, George E. 3837 Simpson, George M. 3031, 5333 20 Singer, Jerome L. 2279 Singer, Robert D. 4490 Singh, Sheo D. 5263 Sinha, Madan 835 Skard, Ase G. 1737 Skinner, Burrhus F. 977, 1711 Slaff, Bertram 2488 Slater, Philip E. 1402 Sloan, William 339 Small, Joyce S. 5554 Small, Leonard 342 Smith, Aaron 1191, 5951 Smith, Alfred A. 1434 Smith, Anthony J. 1715 Smith, Carl W. 4260 Smith, Charles P. 5301 Smith, Gene M. 987 Smith, Howard P. 2924 Smith, Jackson A. 1496, 2587, 2784 Smith, Karl U. 4469, 4785 Smith, Kathleen 4667, 5415 Smith, Maurice P. 3578 Smith, Paul K. 3694 Smith, Robert J. 3101 Smith, Ted C. 3348 Snapper, Arthur 3032 Snell, John E. 4586 Snyder, Charles R. 1289 Snyder, Laurence 2891 Soddy, Kenneth 4998 Sohler, Arthur 3690 Sokal, Robert R. 2356 Solem, Allen R. 2314 Solles, Robert C. 2798 Solley, Charles M. 715 Solomon, Harry C. 245, 595, 977 Solomon, Leonard 5353 Solomon, Philip 1955, 2057 Solomon, Richard L. 1246, 4202 Sontag, Lester W. 1260, 4464 Soskin, William F. 702, 3321 Sourkes, Theodore Lionel 3050 Spanner, Marvin 2676 Speisman, Joseph C. 2136 Spence, Donald P. 6025 Spence, Kenneth W. 312 Spencer, Katherine 1627 Spergel, Irving A. 4351 Sperry, Bessie 3246 Sperry, Roger W. 3372 Spicer, Edward Holland 4036 Spiegel, Ernest A. 372, 1011 Spiegel, John P. 971 Spiller, Bertram 4010 Spilman, Edra L. 2127, 2733 Spiro, Howard M. 3092 Spiro, Melford E. 2255 Spirtes, Morris A. 2362 Spitz, Herman M. 4533 Spivack, George 1934, 2724, 4041, 4531 Spradlin, Joseph 3987 Sprague, James M. 2028 Spriestersbach, D. C. 1158 Sprince, Herbert 1015 Spring, Faye 1599 Spurr, Gerald B. 4440 Staats, Arthur W. 2381 Staats, Carolyn K. 2381 Stafford, John W. 1308, 1917, 3262 Stanley, Walter C. 4412 Stanton, Alfred H. 51 Star, Shirley A. 9053 Starkweather, John A. 2015, 3375 Staver, Nancy 3246 Stead, Eugene A. 2109 Stearns, A. Warren 110 Stebbins, William C. 2845 Stechler, Gerald 3325 Stegman, Erwin J. 2244 Stehouwer, Jan 5509 Stein, Marvin 998, 5550 Stein, Morris I. 726 Stein, William W. 4371 Steinbach, Richard A. 4663 Steinberg, Hannah 3313, 3561 Steiner, Ivan D. 2357, 4460 Steinschneider, Alfred 4605 Stellar, Eliot 747, 941, 2028, 3571 Stern, John A. 2755 Sternbach, Richard A. 4172, 5281 Sterritt, Graham M. 2633, 2776, 3578 Stevens, John D. 4552 Stevenson, Harold W. 3519 Stewart, Daniel K. 3793 Stewart, Donald D. 499 Stewart, Mark A. 5068 / Stewart, Omar C. 9156 Stock, Dorothy 1048, 2304 (See also Whitaker) Stoller, Robert J. 2840 Stolz, Lois M. 211 Stone, George C. 4139 Stone, L. Joseph 614 Storrow, Hugh A. 2676 Stotland, Ezra 2423, 5473 Stouffer, Samule A. 1402, 1908 Strassmann, George 710 Straus, Murray A. 4060 Straus, Robert 4014 Streamer, Charles W. 3163 Streib, Gordon F. 1196 Strickland, Lloyd H. 5153 Strodtbeck, Fred L. 2202 Stross, Lawrence 2257 Strupp, Hans H. 2171, 4001 Stryker, Sheldon 2821 1465, 2291, Stunkard, Albert J. 3684 Sturgis, Somers H. 2484 Sudak, Frederick N. 5140 Sugano, Hisanobu 4476 Sullivan, Paul D. 4663 Summerfield, Arthur 3313 Sundberg, Norman D. 2825 Sussman, Marvin B. 1592 Surphlis, William R. P. 4667 Sutcliffe, John P. 3950 Sutherland, Arthur 884, 1118 Sutherland, Betty S. 1175 Sutton, Samuel 586, 1541, 2783, 4759, 5051, 7478 Swanson, Guy E. 564 Sweet, William H. 161. Szasz, Thomas S. 5706 Szurek, Stanislaus 2032 T Takemori, Akira 3897 Taketomo, Yasuhiko Talland, George A. 3966, 4889 Tannebaum, Percy H. 1540 Tarjan, George 585, 9130 Taylor, Howard C., Jr. 744 Taylor, Janet A. 2039 Tedeschi, Cesare G. 4276 Teghtsoonian, Robert 3359 Teichner, Warren H. 4201 Teitelbaum, Philip 2114 Terrell, Glenn 1505, 2063 Terwilliger, Robert F., 5111 Teuber, Hans-Lukas 3347, 5673 Thomas, Alexander 2805, 3614, 4907 Thomas, David R. 4203 Thomas, Dorothy S. 4486, 5375 1629 Thomas, Garth J. 694, 1370 Thompson, Robert Q. 1516 Thompson, Wayne E. 1196 Thomson, Calvin Wells 3541 Thorpe, Joseph S. 3223 Thuline, Horace C. 5484 Thurstone, L. L. 503 Thurstone, Thelma Gwinn 503 Tidd, Charles W. 2570 Tiller, Per O. 4547 Tisza, Veronica B. Titchener, James L. 999, 1957, 2534 Tobach, Ethel 1441, 1985 Tobin, Joseph M. 3690, 4229 Tobin, Michael 5410 Todd, Frederick J. 3848, 4977 Tolley, Granville 1870 Tolor, Alexander 5088 Toma, Stephan 1833 Toman, James E. 1422, 3775, 3898, 4545, 5503 Tomkins, Sylvan S. 2722, 4685 Torres, Fernando 2492 Tourney, Garfield 2950 Towne, Jack C. 3651 Townsend, Peter B. 5511 Trent, Richard 9175 Triandis, Harry C. 4033 Triandis, Leigh M. 2331, 4033 Trosman, Harry 2390, 4151 Trow, Donald B. 2389 Truax, Charles B. 3496 Truitt, Edward B. 4012 Trulson, M. F. 611 Tryon, Robert C. 3811 Tuchmann-Duplessis, H. 4008 Tuma, A. H. 4589 Tumin, Melvin M. 810 Tunturi, Archie R. 4234 Turner, Lucille 1246 Turner, William J. 5096 Tursky, Bernard 4172 Tutles, Alexander J. Tye, Arthur 2929 Tyler, Bonnie 1137 Tyler, Forrest B. 1137 Tyler, Frank H. 655 Tyler, Leona E. 2870 U Ueki, Showa 4476 Uhl, Charles N. 4894 Uhle, Frederick C. 2029 Uhlenhuth, Eberhard H. Uhr, Leonard M. 3037, 5254, 5597 Ulett, George A. 560, 752, 1369, 2755, 2823, 4667, 7071 Ullman, Leonard 2458 Usdin, Earl 2576, 4957 Vv 1415 1928 3741, 4732 Valenstein, Elliot S. 4529 Van Amerongen, Suzanne T. 1795, 9094 Van Breemen, Verne L. 3603 Van Der Kloot, William G. 2172 Vanderplas, James M. 4237 Van Der Veldt, Albert 3773, 5909 Vasques, Mario 1566 Veith, Ilza 1563 Veroff, Joseph 2181 Vester, John W. 2547 Vestergaard, Per 855, 1953 Vidich, Arthur J. 3429 Vinter, Robert D. 1332, 2104 Vogel, Ezra F. 5903 21 Vogel, Suzanne H. 5903 Vogin, Eugene E. 4511 Vogt, Evon Z. 1929, 2100 Von Brauchitsch, Hans 1972 Vonholt, Henry W., Jr. 2034 Voss, James F. 1476, 3531, 8291 Voth, Harold M. 4401 Ww Waelsch, Heinrich B. 2412, 4083 Wagatsuma, Hiroshi 4087 Wagley, Charles W. 4055 Waisman, Harry A. 2730, 3699, 5048 Walaszek, Edward J. 1902 Wald, Niel 4587 Waldfogel, Samuel 661 Waldrop, William F. 2270, 3514 Walker, Edward L. 4239 Walker, Harry J. 1080 Wall, Patrick D. 389 Wallace, Anthony F. 883, 1106 Wallach, Michael A. 2269 Wallerstein, Robert 1811 Walters, Guy M. 4803 Wapner, Seymour 348, 2262 Ward, Arthur A., Jr. 205 Warkany, Josef 1175 Warren, John M. 835, 1364, 1895, 3396, 4726 Warren, Neil D. 402 Warshaw, Leon J. 2225, 2922 Washburn, Sherwood 5050 Watkins, Charles 2408 Watson, James B. 4377 Watson, Jeanne 891 Watson, Peter D. 4172 ‘Watson, Roger E. 316 Waxman, Bruce D. 1928 Weaver, Lelon A. 1752 Webb, Warren W. 1685, 2368, 2735 Webb, Wilse 3881 Wechsler, Henry 3314 Wechsler, Magdalena (Berger) Weckroth, Johan E. 3595 Weiland, I. Hyman 3890 Weinberg, Jack M. 382 Weiner, Harold 5600 Weiner, Herbert 5258 Weinreb, Joseph 1821 Weinstein, Sidney 3166 Weinstock, Solomon 2286, 3342 Weiss, Bernard 3229 Weiss, James M. 1252 Weiss, Robert F. 4523 Weiss, Walter 1351 Weitzman, Elliot D. 4961 Weitzenhoffer, Andre M. Welker, Wallace I. 2786 Weller, Leonard 4800 Wenar, Charles 823, 2546, 4652, 5044 Wendt, George R. 681, 4681 Wenger, Marion A. 788, 1281 Wenkert, Ernest 1301, 5815 Wepman, Joseph M. 1849, 1876 Werboff, Jack 4412 Wermer, Henry 2134 Werner, Heinz 348, 3853 West, Charles D. 2530 West, Edward S. 2263 West, Louis J. 1044 Westerfield, W. W. 1947 Westfall, Bertis A. 4295 Westheimer, Gerald 3034 Wexler, Milton 2719 Whatley, Charles D. ‘Wheatley, David P. 1841 2896 5220 4135 Whitaker, Dorothy (Stock) 6027 (See also Stock) White, Abraham 2562 White, James C. 161 White, Lowell E., Jr. 2895 White, Martha S. 836 White, Mary Alice 2090 White, Sheldon H. 3639 Whitehorn, John C. 1085 Whitehouse, James M. 2633 Whiting, John W. 844, 1096, 2500 Whitman, Roy M. 1048, 2304, 3033 Whitten, Norman E., Jr. 5447 Whittier, John R. 3075, 3501, 3993 Whittington, Horace G. 3768 Whyte, William F. 4844 Wiener, Morton 2568, 3860 Wiesner, Jerome B. 4737 Wiggins, Jerry S. 2215, 2745, 5395, 7042 Wike, Edward L. 1967, 5196 Wilber, Charles G. 3235 Wailcott, Robert C. 1494, 2318, 2603, 4848 Wilcox, Jack E. 622 Wilder, Charles 2029 Wailensky, Harold L. 2209 Wilkerson, Hugh 4818 Willerman, Ben 4160 Williams, Carl D. 5450 Williams, Harry S. 875, 1666 Williams, James H. 1294 Willner, Allen E. 4610 Williams, Ruth M. 9165 Wilson, Kellogg V. 3291, 4706 Wilson, Martha 4472 Wilson, William A. 2908, 4472 Wilson, William P. 1203, 2594, 2698 Winch, Robert F. 439 Winder, C. Leland 2745 Winick, William 1015 Winitz, Harris 3987 Winsor, Charlotte B. 9135 Wirt, Robert D. 1151 Wischner, George J. 1290 Wishner, Julius 4211 Withey, Stephen 1648, 1780, 9109, Witkin, H. A. 628 Witte, Robert S. 2848 Weittenborn, John R. 3008 Wittkower, E. D. 2151 Wittman, Phyllis 165 Wittson, Cecil L. 2587, 2784, 5075 Wolf, Abner 91 Wolf, Irvin S. 2372 Wolf, Stewart G. 1044 Wolfe, John B. 4988 Wolff, Harold G. 1531 Wolff, Peter H. 1197, 6034 Wolfrom, Melville L. 1637 Wolman, Irving J. 4267 Woodhill, Barnes 2109 Woods, Paul 2883 Woolley, D. W. 1697 Worchel, Philip 1721 Worden, Frederic G. 1169, 2411, 3831 Worthen, Leonard R. 3319 Wortis, Bernard 1434 Wortis, Joseph 2679 Wright, Herbert F. 1098 Wunderlich, Richard A. 5691 Wyatt, Gertrud L. 2667 Wyckoff, L. Benjamin 1348 Wylie, Ruth C. 1822 Wynne, Ronald D. 5984 2093, 2525, 22 Y Yannet, Herman 4872 Yarrow, Leon J. 9077 Yasunobu, Kerry I. 2891 Yim, George K. W. 2405 Young, Frank W. 3740, 5625 Young, Leontine 4763 Young, M. Wharton 986 Young, William C. 504, 4648 Youngken, Heber W. 3319, 4435 Youniss, James E. 5793 Yrarrazaval, Sergio 5183 Yuwiler, Arthur 4567, 7293 Zz Zamansky, Harold S. 3750, 4530 Zander, Alvin F. 325, 701 Zborowski, Mark 453 Zeaman, David 1099 Zeigler, H. Philip 5214 Zeman, Wolfgang 1630, 1639 Zenner, Walter P. 4184 Zetzel, Elizabeth 2134 Ziegler, Frederick 4479 Zigler, Edward F. 3945 Zimet, Carl 1700, 3642 Zimmerman, Donald W. 2529 Zimmerman, Kent 1483 Zimmermann, Henry J. 4737 Zimmermann, Robert 4355, 4516 Zolik, Edwin 4030 Zubin, Joseph 586, 1440, 1541, 2775, 2783, 2785, 3444, 3546, 4443, 4758, 4759, 4842, 5051, 7477, 7478, 9146 Zuckerman, Marvin 6875 2355, 3204, 4847, MH-1 (R01) KELLOGG, WINTHROP N.: Basic na- ture of the learning process. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1947-48) KELLOGG, W. N.: Conditioning of the two body sides after hemidecortication. American Psycholo- gist, 3:237, 1948. KELLOGG, W. N.: The effect of unilateral damage to the cerebral cortex upon previously established conditioned responses. (Abstract) American Psy- chologist, 4(7):219, 1949. KELLOGG, W. N.: Locomotor and other disturbances following hemidecortication in the dog. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 42:506-516, 1949. MH-6 (R01) BARKER, ROGER G.: Environmental influence on behavior of children. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1947-53) BARKER, R. G., and BARKER, LoUISE S.: Personali- ties need balancing. In: Childcraft, Vol. 14. Chicago, Field Enterprises, 1954, p. 32-44. BARKER, R. G., SCHOGGEN, MAXINE, and BARKER, Louise S.: Hemerography of Mary Ennis. In: Burton, A., and Harris, R. E., eds. Clinical studies of personality. New York, Harper & Bros., 1955, p. 768-808. BARKER, R. G., and WRIGHT, H. F.: Psychological ecology and the problem of psychosocial develop- ment. Child Development, 20:131-143, 1949. BARKER, R. G., and WRIGHT, H. F.: One boy's day. New York, Harper Bros., 1951, 435 p. BARkER, R. G., and WriGHT, H. F.: The psycho- logical habitat of Raymond Birch. In: Rohrer, J. H., and Sherif, M., eds. Social psychology at the crossroads. New York, Harper & Bros., 1951, p. 196-212. BARKER, R. G., and WRIGHT, H. F.: Midwest and its children. Evanston, Ill. Row, Peterson & Co., 1955, 532 p. BARKER, R. G., WriGHT, H. F., and KopPPE, W. A.: The psychological ecology of a small town. In: Dennis, W., ed. Readings in child psychology. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1951, p. 552-566. BARKER, R. G., WricHT, H. F., NALL, J, and SCHOGGEN, P.: There is no class bias in our school. Progressive Education, 27:106-110, 1950. WRIGHT, H. F., and BARKER, R. G.: Methods in psychological ecology. Lawrence, Kansas, Univer- sity of Kansas, Department of Psychology, 1950. WRIGHT, H. F., and BARKER, R. G.: The elementary school does not stand alone. Progressive Educa- tion, 27:133-137,"1950. WriGHT, H. F., BARKER, R. G., KoprPg, W. A, MEYERSON, BEVERLY, and NALL, J.: Children at 23 home in Midwest. Progressive Education, 28:137~ 143, 1951. WRIGHT, H. F., BARKER, R. G., NALL, J., and SCHOGGEN, P.: Psychological ecology of the class- room. Journal of Educational Research, 45:187— 202, 1951. WRIGHT, H. F., BARKER, R. G., NaLL, J., and SCHOGGEN, P.: Toward a psychological ecology of the classroom. In: Coladarci, A. P., ed. Read- ings in educational psychology. New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1955, p- 254-268. MH-10 (R01) Rok, ANNE: Personality characteris- tics of eminent scientists, individual. New Haven, Conn. (1947-53) Rok, ANNE: Psychological examinations of eminent biologists. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 13: 225-246, 1949. ROE, ANNE: Analysis of group Rorschachs of physi- cal scientists. Journal of Projective Techniques, 14:385-398, 1950. Rok, ANNE: A psychological study of physical sci- entists. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 43:121— 239, 1951. Rog, ANNE: Psychological tests of research scien- tists. |. of Consulting Psychology, 15:492-495, 1951. ROE, ANNE: A study of imagery in research scien- tists. Journal of Personality, 19:459-470, 1951. RoE, ANNE: A psychological study of eminent biol- ogists. Psychological Monographs, 65(14):1-68, 1951. (Whole No. 331). RoE, ANNE: Two Rorschach scoring techniques: The inspection technique and the basic Rorschach. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 47: 263-264, 1952. RoE, ANNE: Group Rorschachs of university facul- ties. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 16:18-22, 1952. Rog, ANNE: Analysis of group Rorschachs of psy- chologists and anthropologists. Journal of Pro- jective Techniques, 16:212-224, 1952. RoE, ANNE: Freedom: The greatest need of the sci- entist. Everybody's Digest, 18(5):4-8, 1953. RoE, ANNE: The making of a scientist. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1953, 244 p. ROE, ANNE: A psychological study of eminent psy- chologists and anthropologists, and a compatison with biological and physical scientists. Psycho- logical Monographs, 67(2):1-55, 1953. (Whole No. 352). RoE, ANNE: A psychologist examines 64 eminent scientists. Scientific American, 187(5) :4-8, 1953. ROE, ANNE: Analysis of group Rorschachs of biolo- gists. Journal of Projective Techniques, 13:25-43, 1959. MH-14 (R01) Huston, PauL E., and GOTTLIEB, JAcQUEs S.: Psychological research on schizophre- nia and depression. State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, Towa. (1947-53) CoHEN, B. D., SENF, RiTA, and HusToN, PAUL E.: Effect of amobarbital (Amytal) and effect on con- ceptual thinking in schizophrenia, depression, and neurosis. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 71:171-180, 1954. Huston, PauL E., CoHEN, B. D., and SENF, RITA: Shifting of set and goal orientation in schizophre- nia. Journal of Mental Science, 101:344-350, 1955. Huston, PauL E., and SENF, RiTA: Psychopathol- ogy of schizophrenia and depression. I. Effect of Amytal and amphetamine sulfate on level and maintenance of attention. American Journal of Psychiatry, 109:131-138, 1952. Huston, PauL E., SENF, Rita, and CoHEN, B. D.: The use of comic cartoons for the study of social comprehension in schizophrenia. American Jour- nal of Psychiatry, 113(1):45-51, 1956. Huston, PAauL E., SENF, RiTA, and CoHEN, B. D.: Perceptual accuracy in schizophrenia, depression and neurosis and effects of Amytal. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 52(3):363-367, 1956. SENF, Rita, HustoN, PAUL E., and COHEN, B. D.: Thinking deficit in schizophrenia and changes with Amytal. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 50:383-387, 1955. MH-16 (R01) MasserMAN, JULES H.: Neurophysi- ology of experimental neuroses. Northwestern University, Chicago, Ill. (1947-51) Effects of direct interrupted electroshock on experi- mental neuroses, 1950. 16mm, 16 min., silent, black and white, produced by Masserman, Jules H., Pechtel, C., Arieff, A., Klehr, H., & Greene, S., distributed by Psychological Cinema. Experimental neuroses in monkeys, 1951. 16mm, 16 min., silent, black and white, produced by Masserman, Jules H., & Pechte., C,, distributed by Psychological Cinema. MAasSERMAN, JULES H.: Experimental approaches to psychodynamic problems. Journal of Mount Sinai Hospital, 19:639-652, 1953. MassERMAN, JULES H.: Conflict-engendered neurotic and psychotic behavior monkeys. Journal of Ner- vous and Mental Disease, 118:408-411, 1953. MASSERMAN, JULES H., ARIEFF, A., PEcHTEL, C,, and KLEHR, H.: Effects of direct interrupted elec- 24 troshock on experimental neuroses. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 112:384-392, 1950. MAsSERMAN, JULES H., and JACQUES, MARY G.: Effects of cerebral electroshock on experimental neuroses in cats. American Journal of Psychiatry, 104:92-99, 1947. MAasSERMAN, JULEs H., and JACQUES, MARY GRIER: Experimental masochism. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 60:402-404, 1948. MAasserRMAN, JULES H., and PECHTEL, C.: Neuroses in monkeys: A preliminary report of experimental observations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 56(2):253-265, 1953. PECHTEL, C., MASSERMAN, JULES H., SCHREINER, L., and Levitt, M.: Differential effects of lesions of the mediodorsal nuclei of the thalamus on the normal and neurotic behavior of the cat. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 121:26-33, 1955. MH-31 (R01) BRENMAN, MARGARET: Hypnosis and its use in psychotherapy. Menninger Founda- tion, Topeka, Kans. (1947-48) (Continued as MH-163). BRENMAN, MARGARET: The phenomena of hypno- sis. In: Problems of consciousness, Transactions of the first conference, March 20-21, 1950. New York, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 1951, p. 123- 163. (Also acknokledges MH-163). BRENMAN, MARGARET: On teasing and being teased: And the problem of “moral masochism”. Psycho- analytic Study of the Child, 7:264-284, 1952. (Also acknowledges MH-163). BRENMAN, MARGARET: Dreams and hypnosis. Psy- choanalytic Quarterly, 18:455-465, 1949. Also in: Austin Riggs Center. Psychoanalytic psychiatry and psychology. Clinical and theoretical papers. Vol. 1. New York, International Universities Press, 1954, p. 321-329. (Also acknowledges MH-163). BRENMAN, MARGARET, DARROW, CHESTER W., HeNry, CHARLES E., and GiLL, MERTON M.: Inter-area electroencephalographic relationships af- fected by hypnosis. (Abstract) Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2:231, 1950. (Also acknowledges MH-163). BRENMAN, MARGARET, GILL, M. and KNIGHT, R. P.: Spontaneous fluctuations in depth of hyp- nosis and their implications for ego function. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 33:22 33, 1952. Also in: Austin Riggs Center, Psy- choanalytic psychiatry and psychology. Clinical and theoretical papers. Vol. 1. New York, In- ternational Universities Press, 1954, p. 330-350. (Also acknowledges MH-163). BRENMAN, MARGARET, and KNIGHT, ROBERT P.: A note on the indications for the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy: An illustrative case report. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 12:49-56, 1948. (Also acknowledges MH-163). EHRENREICH, GERALD A.: The relationship of cer- tain descriptive factors to hypnotizability. In: Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences, Kansas City, 52(1):1949, 4 p. (Also acknowl- edges MH-163). GiLL, MERTON, M.: Ego psychology and psycho- therapy. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 20:62-71, 1951. (Also acknowledges MH-163). MH-22 (R01) ALEXANDER, FRANZ, BENEDEK, THERESE, and FRENCH, THOMAS M.: Emotional factors in diabetes mellitus. Institute for Psycho- analysis, Chicago, Ill. (1947-53) BENEDEK, THERESE: An approach to the study of the diabetic. Psychosomatic Medicine, 10:284- 1948. BENEDEK, THERESE: Toward the biology of the depressive constellation. Journal of the American Psychoanalytical Association, 4:389-427, 1956. MH-23 (R01) ALEXANDER, FRANZ, FRENCH, THoMAs M., JOHNSON, ADELAIDE M., and SEROTA, HERMAN: Emotional factors in atropic arthritis. Institute for Psycholoanalysis, Chicago, II. (1947-53) GOTTSCHALK, Louis A., SEROTA, HERMANN M,, and RoMAN, KLARA GOLDZIEHER: Handwriting in rheumatoid arthrites. Psychosomatic Medicine, 11:354-360, 1949. GOTTSCHALK, Louis A. SEROTA, HERMANN M., and SHAPIRO, Louls B.: Psychologic conflict and neuromuscular tension. I. Preliminary report on a method, as applied to rheumatoid arthrites. Psychosomatic Medicine, 12:315-319, 1950. JOHNSON, ADELAIDE, SHAPIRO, Louis B., and ALEX- ANDER, FRANZ: Preliminary report on a psycho- somatic study of rheumatoid arthrites. Psychoso- matic Medicine, 9:295-300, 1947. PorTEUS, S. D., and CHING, E. T.: Research with feebleminded. Hawaii Medical Journal, 18:491- 493, 1959. MH-25 (R01) KLEIN, GEORGE S., GARDNER, RILEY W., and MURPHY, GARDNER: Relation of per- ceptual functioning to personality. Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kans. (1948-55) BRUNER. J. S., and KLEIN, G. S.: The functions of perceiving: New look retrospect. In: Wapner, S and Kaplan B., eds. Perspectives in psychologic theory. New York, International Universit Press, 1960, p. 61-77. GARDNER, R. W.: Cognitive style in categor’:ing behavior. Journal of Personality, 22:21 -233, 1953. 25 GARDNER, R. W., HoLzMaN, P. S., KLEIN, G. S., LINTON, HARRIET, and SPENCE, D. P.: Cognitive control: A study of individual consistencies in cog- nitive behavior. Psychological Issues, 1(4) :1-185, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1182). Hort, R. R.: Cognitive controls and primary proc- esses. [Journal of Psychological Researches, 4:1-8, 1960. HoLzMAN, P. S.: The relation of assimilation tend- encies in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic time- error to cognitive attitudes of leveling and sharp- ening. Journal of Personality, 22:375-394, 1954. HorzmaN, P. S., and KLEIN, G. S.: The schematiz- ing process: Personality qualities and perceptual attitudes in sensitivity to change. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 5:312, 1950. HorzMmaN, P. S., and KLEIN, G. S.: Cognitive sys- tem-principles of leveling and sharpening: Indi- vidual differences in assimilation effects in visual time-error. Journal of Psychology, 37:105-122, 1954. HorzmaNn, P. S., and KLEIN, G. S.: Motive and style in reality contact. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 20:181-191, 1956. HorzmAN, PHILIP S., and KLEIN, G. S.: Intersen- sory and visual field forces in size estimation. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 6:37-41, 1956. KAPLAN, J. M.: Predicting memory behavior from cognitive attitudes toward instability. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 7:322, 1952. KLEIN, G. S.: Adaptive properties of sensory func- tioning: Some postulates and hypotheses. Bulle- tin of the Menninger Clinic, 13:16-23, 1949. KLEIN, G. S.: A clinical perspective for personality research. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 44:42-49, 1949. KLEIN, G. S.: The personal world through percep- tion. In: Blake, R. R., and Ramsey, G. G., eds. Perception: An approach to personality. New York, Ronald Press, 1951, p. 328-355. KLEIN, GEORGE S.: The Menninger Foundation re- search on perception and personality, 1947-1952: A review. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 17:93-99, 1953. KLEIN, G. S.: Need and regulation. In: Jones, Marshall R., ed. Nebraska symposium on moti- vation. Lincoln, Nebr., University of Nebraska Press, 1954, p. 224-274. KLEIN, G. S.: Perception, motives, and personality: A clinical perspective. In: McCary, J. L., ed. Psychology of personality. New York, Logos Press, 1956, p. 121-129. KLEIN, G. S.: Review of “The actual-genetic model of perception-personality” by U. H. Kragh. Con- temporary Psychology, 2:63-66, 1957. KLEIN, G. S.: Cognitive control and motivation. In: Lindzey, G., ed. Assessment of human motives. New York, Rinchart, 1958, p. 87-118. (Also acknowledges MH-782). KLEIN, G. S., GARDNER, R. W., and SCHLESINGER, H. J.: Tolerance for unrealistic experiences: A study of the generality of a cognitive control. British Journal of Psychology, 53:41-55, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2454). KLEIN, G. S.,, HoLzMAN, P. S., and LAskiN, D.: The perception project: Progress report for 1953 54. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 18:260-266, 1954. KLEIN, G. S,, and KREcH, D.: The problem and its theory. Journal of Personality, 20:2-23, 1951. KLEIN, G. S., and KrEcH, D.: Cortical conductivity in the brain-injured. Journal of Personality, 21: 118-148, 1952 KLEIN, G. S.,, and SCHLESINGER, H.: Where is the perceiver in perceptual theory? Journal of Per- sonality, 18:32-47, 1949. KLEIN, G. S., and SCHLESINGER, H. J.: Perceptual attitudes toward instability: I. Prediction of ap- parent movement experiences from Rorschach re- sponses. Journal of Personality, 19:289-302, 1951. KLEIN, G. S., SCHLESINGER, H. J., and MEISTER, D. E.: The effect of personal values on perception: An experimental critique. Psychological Review, 58:96-112, 1951 KretcH, D., and KLEIN, G. S., eds.: Theoretical models and personality theory. Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press, 1952. Loomis, H., and Moskowitz, S.: Cognitive style and stimulus ambiguity. Journal of Personality, 26:349-364, 1958. RaMskey, G. G., KLEIN, G. S.,, and HoLzMAN, P. S.: The schematizing process: Perceptual attitudes of “leveling” and “sharpening” in response to change. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 6:257, 1951. SCHLESINGER, HERBERT J.: Cognitive attitudes in relation to susceptibility to interference. Journal of Personality, 22:354-374, 1954. SmitH, G. W., and KLEIN, G. S.: Cognitive controls in serial behavior patterns. Journal of Personal- ity, 22:188-213, 1953 MH-27 (R01) LeitcH, EUNICE M., and ESCALONA, SiBYLLE K.: Early phases of personality develop- ment. Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kans. (1947-51) Bropy, SyLviA: Patterns of mothering. New York, International Universities Press, 1956. 446 p. EscaLoNa, S. K.: The psychological situation of mother and child upon return from the hospital. In: Senn, Milton J. E., ed., Problems of infancy 26 and childhood. New York, Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1949, p. 30-51. EscALoNA, S. K.: Emotional development during the first year of life. In: Senn, Milton J. E., ed. Problems of infancy and childhood. New York, Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1953, p. 11-92. EscaLoNa, S. K.: The case of Jerry. In: Soddy, Kenneth, ed. Mental health and infant develop- ment. Proceedings of the International Seminar held by the World Federation for Mental Health at Chichester, England. Vol. 2. London, Rout- ledge & Kegan Paul, 1955, p. 128-170. EscaLoNa, S. K.: The study of individual difference and the problem of state. Journal of the Ameri- can Academy of Child Psychiatry, 1:11-37, 1962. EscaLona, S. K.: Patterns of infantile experience and the developmental process. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 18:197-244, 1963. EscaLoNa, S. K., and BERGMAN, PAUL: Unusual sensitivities in very young children. Psychoana- lytic Study of the Child, 3/4:333-352, 1949. EscaLoNA, S. K., and HEIDER, GRACE: Prediction and outcome: A study of child development. New York, Basic Books, 1959. 318 p. (Also acknowledges MH-680). EscaLoNa, S. K., and LeircH, MARY: Early phases of personality development: A non-normative study of infant behavior. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 17(1):1-72, 1952. (Serial No. 54). EscaLoNa, S. K., and MORIARTY, ALICE: Prediction of schoolage intelligence from infant tests. Child Development, 32:597-605, 1961. LEITCH, MARY, and EscALoNA, S. K.: The reaction of infants to stress. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 3/4:121-140, 1949. MurpHY, Lois B.: The widening world of child- hood: Paths toward mastery. New York, Basic Books, 1962. 399 p. (Also acknowledges MH-680). MH-37 (R01) RUEsCH, JURGEN, and BOWMAN, KARL M.: Nonverbal communication in psycho- therapy. California, University of San Francisco, Calif. (1948-53) RUEsCH, JURGEN: Part and whole: The sociopsy- chological and psychosomatic approach to disease. Dialectica (Switzerland), 5:99-125, 1951. RuUEscH, J.: Disturbed communication. New York, Norton, 1957. 337 p. (Also acknowledges MH-534). RUESCH, J., and BATESON, G.: Structure and process in social relations. Psychiatry, 12:105-124, 1949. RUESCH, JURGEN, and BATESON, GREGORY: Com- munication: The social matrix of psychiatry. New York, Norton, 1951. 314 p. RuEescH, J., and PreEstwoop, A. R.: Anxiety, its initiation, communication, and interpersonal man- agement. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 62:527-550, 1949. RuEescH, J., and PrREsTwoOD, A. RODNEY: Interac- tion processes and personal codification. Journal of Personality, 18:391-430, 1950. RUEscH, JURGEN, and PREsTwooD, RODNEY: Com- munication and bodily disease: A study of vaso- spastic conditions. In: Wolf, Harold G., Wolf, Steward G., Jr., and Hare, Clarence C. Life stress and bodily disease. Vol. 29. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1950, p. 211-230. MH--38 (R01) ForsTER, FRANCIS M.: Role of acetylcholine in convulsive seizures. Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. (1947-49) BERRY, RICHARD G., and FORSTER, FRANCIS M.: Cerebral cortical effects of curare, (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 7:7, 1948. ForsTER, FRANCIS M.: Critical evaluation of the possible role of acetylcholine in epilepsy. Journal of Neuropathology and Clinical Neurology, 1:98, 1951. ForsTER, F. M., and Mapow, LEo: EEG studies in sensory induced seizures. (Abstract) Diseases of the Nervous System, 9(5):158-159, 1948. FORSTER, FRANCIS M., and MAapow, LEO: Metrazol activation of acetylcholine treated cerebral cortex. American Journal of Physiology, 161:426-429, 1950. ForsTER, F. M.,. and Mapow, Leo: Experimental sensory induced seizures. American Journal of Physiology, 161:430-434, 1950. MH-39 (R01) PurNAM, MARIAN C., KAPLAN, SAMUEL, and RANK, BEATA: Severe emotional disturbances in preschool children. James Jack- son Putnam Children’s Center, Boston, Mass. (1947-59) BROWN, JANET L.: Prognosis from presenting symp- toms of preschool children with atypical develop- ment. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 30(2) :382-390, 1960. GaTEs, PHILLIP H.: Etiology and treatment of atypi- cal development in children (childhood psychosis). In: Bowman, P. W. and Mautner, H. V., ed. Mental retardation. New York, Grune & Strat- ton, 1959, p. 493-504. KAPLAN, SAMUEL: Childhood schizophrenia round table, 1953. American Journal of Orthopsychi- atry, 24(3):521-523, 1954. PAVENSTEDT, ELEANOR, and ANDERSEN, IRENE: Complementary treatment of mother and child with atypical development, Workshop, 1951. 27 American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 22(3):607- 641, 1952. PutNAM, MARIAN C.: Some observations on psycho- sis in early childhood. In: Caplan, Gerald, ed. Emotional problems of early childhood. New York, Basic Books, 1955, p. 519-524. RANK, BEATA: Adaptation of the psychoanalytic technique for the treatment of young children with atypical development. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 19(1):130-139, 1949. RANK, BEATA: Intensive study and treatment of pre- school children who show marked personality deviations. In: Caplan, Gerald, ed. Emotional problems of early childhood. New York, Basic Books, 1955, p. 491-492. RANK, BEATA, and KAPLAN, SAMUEL: A case of pseudoschizophrenia in a child workshop. Ameri- can Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 21(1):155-181, 1951. RANK, BEATA, and MACNAUGHTON, DOROTHY: A clinical contribution to early ego development. In: Eissler, Ruth S., Freud, Anna, Hartmann, Heinz, and Kris, Ernest, eds. The psychoanalytic study of the child. Vol. 5. New York, Interna- tional Universities Press, 1950, p. 53-65. RANK, BEATA, PutNaM, M. C., and KAPLAN, SAMUEL: Notes on John I, a case of primal de- ression in an infant. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 6:38-58, 1951. RANK, BEATA, PUTNAM, MARIAN C., and ROCHLIN, GREGORY: The significance of the “emotional cli- mate” in early feeding difficulties. Psychosomatic Medicine, 10(5) :279-283, 1948. REisER, Davip E.: Psychosis of infancy and early childhood, as manifested by children with atypical development. New England Journal of Medicine, 269:790-798, and 844-850, 1963. MH-41 (R01) LipeLL, Howarp S., and McCAy, CLIVE M.: Aging and tolerance for environmen- tal stress. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1947-55) GiBsoN, E. J.: The role of shock in reinforcement. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 45(1):18-30, 1952. LiopeLr, H. S.: Some specific factors that modify tolerance for environmental stress. In: Wolf, Harold G., Wolf, Steward G., Jr., and Hare, Clarence C., eds. Life stress and bodily disease. Vol. 29. Baltimore, Md., Williams & Wilkins, 1950, p. 155-171. Lioperr, H. S.: The influence of experimental neu- rosis on respiratory function. In: Abramson, Harold A., ed. Somatic and psychiatric treatment of asthma. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1951, p. 126-147. MH-48 (R01) DENNIS, WAYNE: Psychological ef- fects of frontal lobotomy. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh, Pa. (1947-49) KoskoFF, Y. D., DENNIS, WAYNE, LAZOVIK, DAVID, and WHEELER, ERMA T.: The psychological effects of frontol lobotomy performed for the alleviation of pain. The frontal lobes. Proceedings of the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, 27:723-753, 1947. MH-50 (R01) BELLAK, LEOPOLD: Manic-depres- sive psychosis. New York Medical College, New York, N.Y. (1947-49) BELLAK, LEOPOLD: Manic-depressive psychosis and allied disorders. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1952. 306 p. MH-51 (R01) STANTON, ALFRED H.: Psychiatric- sociological study of a mental hospital. Washing- ton School of Psychiatry, Washington, D.C. (1947-51) RiocH, D. McK. and StanTON, A. H.: Milieu therapy. In: Psychiatric treatment. Vol. 31. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1953, p. 94-105. Also in: Journal of Psychiatry, 16:65-72, 1953. ScHwARTZ, C. G., SCHWARTZ, M. S., and STANTON, A. H.: A study of need-fulfillment on a mental hospital ward. Psychiatry, 14:223-242, 1951. SCHWARTZ, MORRIS S.: Social research in the mental hospital. In: Rose, Arnold M., ed. Mental health and mental disorder: A sociological approach. New York, Norton, 1955, p. 190-202. (Also acknowledges MH-493). ScHWARTZ, M. S., and ScHwWARTZ, C. G.: Problems in participant observation. American Journal of Sociology, 60:343-353, 1955. (Also acknowl- edges MH-493). ScHwWARTZ, M. S., and STANTON, A. H.: A social psychological study of incontinence. Psychiatry, 13:399-416, 1950. STANTON, A. H.: Situations evoking stress in human groups and the group behavioral changes denoting strain. In: Army Medical Service Graduate School, Symposium on Stress. Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953, p. 165-173. STANTON, A. H.: Psychiatric theory and institutional context. Psychiatry, 17:19-26, 1954. STANTON, A. H., and ScHwWARTZ, M. S.: The man- agement of a type of institutional participation in mental illness. Psychiatry, 12:13-26, 1949. STANTON, A. H., and ScHwARTZ, M. S.: Medical opinion and the social context in the mental hos- pital. Psychiatry, 12:243-249, 1949. STANTON, A. H., and ScHwARTZ, M. S.: Observa- tions on dissociation as social participation. Psy- chiatry, 12:339-354, 1949. 28 STANTON, A. H., and ScHWARTZ, M. S.: The men- tal hospital. New York, Basic Books, 1954. 492 p. MH-56 (R01) GiBBs, FREDERIC A.: Neurological basis of epilepsy. Illinois, University of Chicago, IL. (1948-52) BAILEY, P., GREEN, J. R., AMADOR, L., and GIBBs, F. A.: Treatment of psychomotor states by ante- rior temporal lobectomy. In: Wolf, Harold G., Wolf, Stewart G., Jr., and Hare, Clarence C., eds. Life stress and bodily disease. Vol. 29. Balti- more, Md., Williams & Wilkins, 1953, p. 341-346. Suimizu, K., REFsuM, S., and GiBBs, F. A.: Effect on the electrical activity of the brain of intra- arterially and intra-cerebrally injected convulsant and sedative drugs (Metrazol and Nembutal). Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysi- ology, 4:141-146, 1952. STILLERMAN, M. L., GiBBs, E. L., and PERLSTEIN, M. A.: Electroencephalographic changes in strabis- mus. American Journal of Ophthalmalogy, 35: 54-62, 1952. MH-57 (R01) Mupp, EMILY H., PELTZ, WILLIAM L., and PRESTON, MaLcoLM G.: Mental health aspects of marriage counseling. Marriage Coun- cil, Philadelphia, Pa. (1947-55) BALLARD, R. G., and Mupp, E. H.: Some theoretical and practical problems in evaluating effectiveness of counseling. Social Casework, 10:533-538, 1957. BaLLarDp, R. G., and Mupp, E. H.: Some sources of difference between client and agency evalua- tion of effectiveness of counseling. Social Case- work, 39(1):30-35, 1958. FroscHER, H. B.: An example of collaborative re- search in case work. Social Work Journal, 32:19, 1951. GatskiLL, E. R.,, and Mupp, E. H.: A decade of group counseling. Social Casework, 31:194-201, 1950. GIANOPULOS, ARTIE, and MITCHELL, HOWARD: Marital disagreement in working wife marriages as a function of husband's attitude toward wife's employment. ~~ Marriage and Family Living, 19(4):373-378, 1957. Mrrcuerr, H. E., and Mupp, E. H.: Anxieties associated with the conduct of research in a clin- ical setting. American Journal of Orthopsychi- atry, 27(2):310-330, 1957. MircHeLL, H. E., and Mupp, E. H.: The develop- ment of a research methodology for achieving the cooperation of alcoholics and their nonalcoholic wives. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 18(4) :647-657, 1957. MircHELL, H., PRESTON, M. G., and Mupp, E. H.: Anticipated development of the case from the content of the first interview. Marriage and Family Living, 15:226-231, 1953. MircHeLL, H. E., PrestoN, M. G., and Mupp, E. H.: Counselors’ attitudes toward technical aids to the counseling process. Social Casework, 36:165-174, 1955. Mupp, E. H.: The practice of marriage counseling. New York, Association Press, 1951. 336 p. Mupp, E. H.: Psychiatry and marital problems. Proceedings of the 14th Japanese Medical Con- gress, Kyoto, Japan, Part 1, April 1-5, 1955. Eugenics Quarterly, 2(2):367-372, 1955. Mupp, EMILY H.: Knowns and unknowns in mar- riage counseling research. Marriage and Family Living, 19(1):75-81, 1957. Mupp, E. H., FrRoscHER, H. B., PREsTON, M. G., and PeLTZ, W. L.: Effects on casework of ob- taining research material. Social Casework, 31: 11-17, 1950. Mupp, EMILY H., and PRESTON, MALcoLM G.: The contemporary status of marriage counseling. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 272:102-109, 1950. Mupp, E. H., PrREstoN, M. G., FRoscHER, H. B., and PELTZ, W. L.: Survey of a research project in marriage counseling. Marriage and Family Living, 12:59-62, 1950. PresTON, M. G., and Mupp, E. H.: Research and service in social work, conditions for a stable union. Social Work, 1(1):34-40, 1956. PresTON, M. G., Mupp, E. H., FROsCHER, H. B., and PELTZ, W. L.: Some results from research at marriage council of Philadelphia. Marriage and Family Living, 12:104-105, 1950. PresTON, M. G., Mupp, E. H., FRoscHER, H. B., and PELTZ, W. L.: Factors affecting movement in casework. Social Casework, 34:103-11, 1953. PresToN, M. G., Mupp, E. H., PELTZ, W. L., and FroscHER, H. B.: An experimental study of a method for abstracting the contents of social case records. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 45(4):628-646, 1950. PresToN, M. G., Mupp, E. H., PELTZ, W. L., and Froscer, H. B.: Impressions of personality as a function of marital conflict. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 47:326-336, 1952. SELLERS, L. S., PREsTON, M. G., Mupp, E. H., and PeLTZ, W. L.: Pre-testing methods for follow-up to validate measures of movement in casework. Journal of Social Casework, 35:285-291, 1954. MH-58 (R01) PIOTROWSKI, ZYGMUNT A.: Diag- nostic and prognostic techniques in psychiatry. New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY. (1947-51) 29 PioTROWSKI, Z. A.: A new evaluation of the The- matic Apperception Test. Psychoanalytic Review, 37:101-127, 1950. PiotrowsKI, Z. A.: Tendances actuelles du Rorsch- ach. Bulletin du Groupement Francais du Rorsch- ach, 3:2-4, 1953. PiotrOowsKI, Z. A.: The Rorschach test: Blind anal- ysis of two test records with emphasis on predic- tion of overt behavior. In: Carr, A. C., ed. The prediction of overt behavior through the use of projective techniques. Springfield, Ill, C. C. Thomas, 1960, p. 56-67. PiotrROowsKI, Z. A., and Lewis, N. D. C.: An ex- perimental Rorschach diagnostic aid for some forms of schizophrenia. American [Journal of Psychiatry, 107:360-366, 1950. Piotrowski, Z, A., and Lewis, N. D. C.: A case of stationary schizophrenia beginning in early childhood with remarks on certain aspects of chil- dren's Rorschach records. Quarterly Journal of Child Behavior, 2:115-139, 1950. Piotrowskl, Z. A., and LEwis, N. D. C.: An ex- perimental criterion for the prognostication of the status of schizophrenics after a three-year interval based on Rorschach data. In: Relation of psycho- logical tests to psychiatry. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1950, p. 51-72. PiotrRowsKI, Z. A., and Lewis, N. D. C.: Clinical diagnosis of manic-depressive psychosis. In: Hoch, Paul H., and Zubin, Joseph, eds. Depression. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1954, p. 25-38. PIOTROWSKI, ZYGMUNT, and SCHREIBER, M.: Rorschach perceptanalytic measurement of per- sonality changes during and after intensive psy- cho-analytically oriented psychotherapy. In: By- chowski, G., and Sepert, J. L., eds. Specialized techniques in psychotherapy. New York, Basic Books, 1952, p. 337-361. MH-61 (R01) Frank, LAWRENCE K.: Evaluation of emotional stability in nursery school. Caroline Zachry Institute, New York, N.Y. (1947-49) Frank, L. K., and HARTLEY, RUTH E.: Play and personality formation in preschool groups. [our- nal of Personality, 1:149-161, 1951. HARTLEY, RUTH E.: Growing through play. New York, Columbia University Press, 1952. 62 p. HARTLEY, RUTH, FRANK, L. K., and GOLDENSON, RoBERT M.: New play experiences for children. New York, Columbia University Press, 1952. 66 p. HAarTLEY, RUTH E., FRANK, LAWRENCE K. and GOLDENSON, ROBERT M.: Understanding chil- dren’s play. New York, Columbia University Press, 1952. 372 p. MH-63 (R01) BEck, SAMUEL ].: Prediction of psychosis in children. Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, Ill. = (1947-54) BEck, SAMUEL J.: The six schizophrenias. Reac- tion patterns in children and adults. New York, American Orthopsychiatric Association, 1954, 238 . (Research Monograph No. 6). (Also ac- knowledges MH-64). BECK, S. J.: The role of the clinical psychologist in the evaluation of children with specific handicaps. In: Neurology and psychiatry in childhood. Balti- more, Md., Williams & Wilkins, 1956, p. 434- 438. BECK, S. J., MoLisH, H. B., and SINCLAIR, JEAN: Concerning researcher’s thinking in schizophrenia research. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 26:792-800, 1956. BECK, S. J., RaBIN, A. I, THIESEN, W. G., MOLISH, H., and THETFORD, W. N.: The normal person- ality as projected in the Rorschach test. Journal of Psychology, 30:241-298, 1950. RaBIN, A. I, and Beck, S. J.: Genetic aspects of some Rorschach factors. American [Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 20:595-599, 1960. THETFORD, W. N., MoLisH, H. B., and BECK, S. J.: Developmental aspects of personality structure in normal children. Journal of Projective Tech- niques, 15(1):58-78, 1951. MH-64 (R01) Beck, SAMUEL J.: Levels of schizo- phrenia in adults. Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, Ill. (1947-54)" BECK, S. J.: The science of personality: Nomothetic or idiographic? Psychological Review, 60:353- 359, 1953. Beck, SAMUEL J.: The six schizophrenias. Reac- tion patterns in children and adults. New York, American Orthopsychiatric Association, 1954, 238 P (Research Monograph No. 6). (Also ac- nowledges MH-63). BEck, S. J., and NUNNALLY, J. C.: Two researches in schizophrenia. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 23:223-237, 1953. BEck, S. J., and NUNNALLY, J. C.: Method of so- cial work research in schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Social Work, 22:123-128, 1953. KLEHR, H. C.: Description of a social service fol- low-up study: Methods and problems. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 21:378-386, 1951. MouisH, H. B.: The popular response in Rorschach records of normals, neurotics and schizophrenics. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 21:523-531, 1951. THETFORD, W. N.: Fantasy perceptions in the per- sonality development of normal and deviant chil- 30 dren. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 22: 542-550, 1952. THIESEN, J. W.: A pattern analysis of structural characteristics of the Rorschach test in schizo- phrenia. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 14: 365-370, 1952. MH-65 (R01) GRINKER, Roy R.: Psychosomatic studies of skin diseases. Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, Ill. (1947-52) KEPEcs, JosepH: A walking screen analagous to the dream screen. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 21 (2):167-171, 1952. KEPECs, JosEPH: Some patterns of somatic displace- ment. Psychosomatic Medicine, 15:425-432, 1953. KEPECS, JosEPH: Observations on screens and bar- riers in the mind. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 23 (1):62-77, 1954. KEPECs, JosEPH, RABIN, ALBERT, and ROBIN, MiL- TON: Atopic dermatitis. A clinical study. Psy- chosomatic Medicine, 13(1):1-9, 1950. KEPECs, JosePH, and RoBIN, MILTON: Life situa- tions, emotions and atopic dermatitis. In: Wolff, Harold G., Wolf, Stewart G., Jr., and Hare, Clar- ance C., eds. Life stress and bodily disease. New York, Williams & Wilkins, 1950, p. 1010- 1015. KepEcs, JosePH G., and ROBIN, MILTON: Studies on itching. I. Contributions toward an under- standing of the physiology of masochism. Psycho- somatic Medicine, 17(2):87-95, 1955. KEepEcs, JosePH G., ROBIN, MILTON, and BRUN- NER, MATTHEW ].: Relationship between certain emotional states and exudation into the skin. Psychosomatic Medicine, 13:10-17, 1951. RaBIN, ALBERT, and KEPECS, JosepH G.: Person- ality structure in atopic dermatitis: A Rorschach study. Journal of General Psychology, 50:171- 180, 1954. RoBIN, MILTON, and KEPECS, JosePH G.: The rela- tionship of certain emotional states to the rate of secretion of sebum. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 20(5):373-383, 1953. MH-66 (R01) BUTLER, ALAN M., COBB, STANLEY: Psychosomatic disorders in children. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1947-54) BroM, GastoN E.: Ambivalence and resistance to treatment in a delinquent adolescent boy. Amer ican Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 22:584-606, 1952. BLoM, GastoN E.: Ulcerative colitis in a five-year- old boy. In: Caplan, Gerald, ed. Emotional problems of early childhood. New York, Basic Books, 1955, p. 169-198. BroM, GastoN E.: The reactions of hospitalized children to illness. Pediatrics, 22:590-600, 1958. Brom, GastoN E., and NICHOLS, GRANCE: Emo- tional factors in children with rheumatoid arth- ritis. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 24: 588-601, 1954. BLoM, GastoN, and WHIPPLE, B.: A method of studying emotional factors in children with rheu- matoid arthritis. In: Jessner, L., and Pavenstedt, E., eds. Dynamic psychopathology in childhood. New York, Grune and Stratton, 1959, p. 124-165. (Also acknowledges MH-937) CooLIDGE, JoHN C.: Asthma in mother and child as a special type of intercommunication. Amer- ican [Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 26:165-178, 1956. JESSNER, LUCIE: Some aspects of permissiveness in psychotherapy of children. Child Development, 21:13-18, 1950. JESSNER, L.: Some observations on children hospital- ized during latency. In: Jessner, Lucie, and Pav- einstedt, Eleanor, eds. Dynamic psychopathology in childhood. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1959, p. 257-268. JESSNER, L.: The psychoanalysis of an eight-year-old boy with asthma. In: Schneer, Henry I., ed. The asthmatic child. New York, Hoeber, 1963, p. 118-137. JEssNER, L., and ABsg, D. W.: Regressive forces in anorexia nervosa. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 33:301-312, 1960. JESSNER, Luci, BLoMm, GASTON, and WALLFOGEL, SAMUEL: Emotional implications of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on children. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 7:126-169, 1952. JESSNER, L., and KAPLAN, S.: Emotional reactions to tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in children. In: Problems of infancy and childhood. New York, Josiah Macy Foundation, 1949, p. 97-118. JESSNER, L., and KapraN, S.: “Discipline” as a problem in psychotherapy with children. Nervous Child, 9:147-155, 1951. JEsSNER, L., and SANDIFER, M. G.: Der Gegen- wartige Stand der Psychosomatischen Medizin in den Vereinigten Staaten Ein Uberblick. (Review of psychosomatic medicine in U.S.A.) Schweizer (Swiss) Zeitschrift der Psychiatrie und Neurol- ogie, 136:260-308, 1958. MH-67 (R01) Mirsky, I. ARTHUR: Gastric activity in emotional states. Jewish Hospital of Cincin- nati, Cincinnati, Ohio (1947-51) (Cont'd as MH-486) BRrOH-KAHN, ROBERT H., PODORE, CLARENCE ]J., and Mirsky, I. ARTHUR: Uropepsin excretion by 31 man. II. Uropepsin excretion by healthy men. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 27(6):825-833, 1948. Mirsky, I. ARTHUR, BLOCK, STANLEY, OSHER, STANLEY, and BrROH-KAHN, ROBERT H.: Uropep- sin excretion by man, I. The source, properties and assay of uropepsin. Journal of Clinical In- vestigation, 27(6):818-824, 1948. Mirsky, I. ARTHUR, FISHER, BERNARD, and HAR- BISON, S. P.: Comparison of blood pepsinogen in patients with duodenal and gastric ulcer and pa- tients with gastric carcinoma. (Abstract) Jour- nal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 46:933, 1955. (Also acknowledges MH-486). Mirsky, I. ARTHUR, FUTTERMAN, PERRY, and KAPLAN, STANLEY: Blood plasma pepsinogen: II. The activity of the plasma from “normal” sub- jects, patients with duodenal ulcer, and Jatients with pernicious anemia. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 40(2):188-199, 1952. (Also acknowledges MH-486). Mirsky, I. A., FUTTERMAN, P. KAPLAN, S., and BroH-KAHN, R. H.: Blood plasma pepsinogen: I. The source, properties and assay of the pro- teolytic activity of plasma at acid reactions. Jour- nal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 40(1): 17-26, 1952. (Also acknowledges MH-486). Mirsky, I. ARTHUR, KAPLAN, STANLEY, and BROH- KAHN, ROBERT H.: Pepsinogen excretion (Uro- pepsin) as an index of the influence of various life situations on gastric secretions. In: Wolf, Harold G., Wolf, Steward G., Jr, and Hare, Clarence C., eds. Life stress and bodily disease. Vol. 24. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1950, p. 628-646. Poporg, CLARENCE J., BROH-KAHN, ROBERT H., and Mirsky, I. ARTHUR: Uropepsin excretion by man. III. Uropepsin excretion by patients with peptic ulcers and other lesions of the stom- ach. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 27(6): 834-839, 1948. STEIN, M., JINKS, R., and Mirsky, I. A.: The bio- assay of pitressin and antidiuretic substances in blood and urine. Endocrinology, 51:492-503, 1952. (Also acknowledges MH-486). STEIN, MARVIN, JINKS, ROBERT, and MIRsKY, I. ARTHUR: The assay of antidiuretic substances. (Abtract) Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 12(7):961, 1952. (Also acknowl- edges MH-486). STEIN, M., SCHWARTZ, R., and Mirsky, I. A.: The antidiuretic activity of plasma of patients with hepatic cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, hyper- tension and other clinical disorders. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 33:77-81, 1954. (Also acknowledges MH-486) WEINER, HERBERT, THALER, MARGARET, REISER, MorToN F., and Mirsky, I. ARTHUR: Etiology of duodenal ulcer: I. Relation of specific psycho- logical characteristics to rate of gastric secretion (serum pepsinogen). Psychosomatic Medicine, 19 (1):1-10, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-486). MH-76 (R01) Mirsky, I. ARTHUR: Psychologic factors in hyperglycemia. Jewish Hospital of Cin- cinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (1947-50) Mirsky, I. A.: Emotional factors in the patient with diabetes mellitus. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 12:187-194, 1948. Mirsky, I. A., KapLAN, S. M., Poporg, C. J., and BroH-KAHN, R. H.: The insulin tolerance test in patients with essential hypertension. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 29:297-301, 1950. WEILAND, H. I, BRoH-KaAHN, R. H., and MIRSKY, I. A.: Lack of hypoglycemic response to intrathe- cal injection of glucose. Proceedings of the So- ciety for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 67: 171-172, 1948. MH-77 (R01) LasHLEY, KARL: Interaction of spe- cialized areas in the brain. Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology—Emory University, Orange Park, Fla. (1948-51) LasHLEY, K. S.: The mechanism of vision: Effects of destroying the visual “associative areas” of the monkey. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 37: 107-166, 1948. SPERRY, R. W.: Cerebral regulation of motor coor- dination in monkeys following multiple transec- tion of semimotor cortex. Journal of Neurophysi- ology, 10:275-294, 1947. MH-79 (RO1) MACFARLANE, JEAN W.: Personal- ity development from birth to maturity. Califor- nia, University of Berkeley, Calif. (1948-53) ATHERTON, KARYL: A comparison of solutions ob- tained in factor analyses of socio-economic varia- bles. Psychological Reports, 11:259-273, 1962. BAYER, LEONA M., and SNYDER, MARGARET M.: Illness experience of a group of normal children. Child Development, 21(2):93-120, 1950. BAYLEY, NANCY: Some psychological correlates of somatic androgyny. Child Development, 22(1): 47-60, 1951. BAYLEY, NANCY, and PINNEAU, S. R.: Tables for predicting adult height from skeletal age: Re- vised for use with the Greulich-Pyle hand stand- ards, Journal of Pediatrics, 40:423-441, 1952. BronsoN, WanDA C.: Dimensions of ego and in- fantile identification. Journal of Personality, 27(4):532-545, 1959. BroNsoN, WANDA C., KATTEN, EpiTH S., and Liv- SON, N.: Patterns of authority and affection in 32 two generations. [Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58(2):143-152, 1959. DEuEL, P. D.: A nomogram for factor analysis. Psychometrika, 21(3):291-294, 1956. Erikson, E. H.: Sex differences in the play config- urations of pre-adolescents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 21(4):667-692, 1951. GRANT, MARGUERITE Q., IVES, VIRGINIA, and RAN- zoNI, JANE H.: Reliability and validity of judges’ ratings of adjustment on the Rorschach. Psycho- logical Monographs, 66(2):1-20, 1952. (Whole No. 334) HANLEY, C.: Physique and reputation of junior high school boys. Child Development, 22(4):247-260, 1951. Harris, R. E.: Some observations on blood pressure in children. In: Physical and behavioral growth, Report of 26th Ross Pediatric Research Confer- ence, 1958,.p. 49-52. HEINSTEIN, M. I: Influence of breast feeding on children’s behavior. Children (Children’s Bureau, Department of Health, Education and Welfare), 10:93-97, 1963. HEINSTEIN, M. I.: Behavioral correlates of breast- bottle regimes under varying parent-infant rela- tionships. Monographs of the Society for Re- search in Child Development, 28(4):1-61, 1963. HonNzik, MARJORIE P.: Sex differences in the occur- rence of materials in the play constructions of pre- adolescents. Child Development, 22(1):15-35, 1951. HonNzik, MARJORIE P.: The constancy of mental test performance during the preschool period. In: Readings in child psychology. New York, Pren- tice-Hall, 1951, p. 329-344. HoNzik, MARJORIE P.: Developmental studies of parent-child resemblance in intelligence. Child Development, 28(2):215-228, 1957. Also in: Dennis, W., ed. Readings in child psychology. Revised ed. New York, Macmillan Co., 1963. Honzik, MARJORIE P.: A sex difference in the age of onset of the parent-child resemblance in intelli- gence. Journal of Educational Psychology, 54:5, 1963. HonNzik, MARJORIE P., MACFARLANE, JEAN W., and ALLEN, LuciLE: The stability of mental test performance between two and eighteen years. Journal of Experimental Education, 17(2):309- 324, 1948. HoNzIK, MARJORIE P., MACFARLANE, JEAN W., and ALLEN, LuciLE: The stability of mental test performance between two and eighteen years. In: Kuhlen, R. G., and Thompson, G. G., eds. Psy- chological studies of human development. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1952, p. 149-157. Honzik, MARJORIE P., and McKEE, J. P.: The sex difference in thumbsucking. Journal of Pediatrics, 61(5):726-732, 1962. IVES, VIRGINIA GRANT, MARGUERITE, Q., and RAN- zoN1, JANE H.: The “neurotic” Rorschachs of normal adolescents. Journal of Genetic Psychol- ogy, 83:31-61, 1953. JonEes, H. E., MACFARLANE, JEAN W., and EicH- ORN, DoroTHY H.: A progress report on growth studies at the University of California. Vita Humana, 3:17-31, 1960. LivsoN, N., and BRONSON, WANDA C.: An explora- tion of patterns of impulse control in early adoles- cence. Child Development, 32:75-88, 1961. LivsoN, N., and McNEILL, D.: Variability in male stature as function of adolescent maturation rate. Science, 133:708-709, 1961. LivsoN, N., and McNEILL, D.: Physique and matu- ration rate in male adolescents. Child Develop- ment, 33:145-152, 1962. LivsoN, N., and McNEILL, D.: The accuracy of recalled age of menarche. Human Biology, 34 (3) :218-221, 1962. LivsoN, N., and NicHoLs, T.: Note on Gaier and Lee's “Pattern analysis.” Psychological Bulletin, 51(1):77-78, 1955. LivsoN, N., and NICHOLS, T.: Discrimination and reliability in Q-sort personality descriptions. [our- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 52(2): 159-165, 1956. LivsoN, N., and NicHoLs, T.: Social attitude con- figurations in an adolescent group. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 91:3-23, 1957. LivsoN, N., and NicHoLs, T.: Assessment of the generalizability of the E, F, and PEC scales. Psy- chological Reports, 3:413-420, 1957. MACFARLANE, JEAN W.: Problems of validation in- herent in projective methods: In: Watson, R. I, ed. Clinical method in psychology. New York, Harper, 1949. MACFARLANE, JEAN W.: The training of psycholo- gists for the community mental health service field. Clinical Psychology, 6(2):128-132, 1950. MACFARLANE, JEAN W.: The uses and predictive limitations of intelligence tests in infants and young children. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 9:409-415, 1953. MACFARLANE, JEAN W.: Intellectual functioning in high school girls and college women. National Association of Women Deans and Counselors, 21(1):3-8, 1957. MACFARLANE, JEAN W.: The significance of early and late maturation. In: Physical and behavioral growth, Report of the 26th Ross Pediatric Re- search Conference, 1958, p. 69-78. 33 MACFARLANE, JEAN W.: From infancy to adult- hood. Childhood Education, 39(7):336-342, 1963. Also in: Pedagogic Reporter, 15(1):5-7, 1963. MACFARLANE, JEAN W., ALLEN, LuUcILE, and HonNzik, MAR JORIE P.: A developmental study of the behavior problems of normal children be- tween 21 months and 14 years. Vol. 2. Univer- sity of California publications in child develop- ment, 1954. 122 p. MACFARLANE, JEAN W., and TUDDENHAM, R. D.: Problems in the validation of projective tech- niques. In: Anderson, H. H., and Anderson, G. L., eds. An introduction to projective tech- niques. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1951, p. 26-54. MCcFATE, MARGUERITE Q., and ORR, FRANCES G.: Through adolescence with the Rorschach. Ror- schach Research Exchange and Journal of Pro- jective Techniques, 13(3):302-319, 1949. McKEE, J. P., and '"HONzZIK, MAR JORIE P.: Sucking behavior in mammals: An examination of the nature-nurture question. In: Postman, Leo J., ed. Psychology in the making. New York, Knopf, 1962, p. 585-661. McNEILL, D., and LivsoN, N.: Maturation rate and body build in women. Child Development, 34 (1):25-32, 1963. NicoLsoN, ARLINE B., and HANLEY, C.: Indices of psychological maturity: Derivation and inter- relationships. Child Development, 24(1):3-38, 1953. RANZONI, JANE H., GRANT, MARGUERITE Q., and Ives, VIRGINIA: Rorschach “card pull”. in a nor- mal adolescent population. Journal of Projective Techniques, 14(2):107-133, 1950. SMELSER, N. J., and SMELSER, W. T.: Personality and social systems. New York, Wiley, 1963, 658 p. SMELSER, W. T.: Adolescent and adult occupational choice as a function of family socioeconomic his- tory. Sociometry, 26(4):393-409, 1963. TuppENHAM, R. D.: Studies in reputation. IIL Correlates of popularity among elementary school children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 42(5):257-276, 1951. TuppeENHAM, R. D.: Studies in reputation. I. Sex and grade differences in school children’s evalua- tions of their peers. II. The diagnosis of social adjustment. Psychological Monographs, 66(1): 1-58, 1952. (Whole No. 333) TupbpENHAM, R. D., and SNYDER, MARGARET M.: Physical growth of California boys and girls from birth to 18 years. University of California Publi- cations in Child Development, 1(2):183-364, 1954. Tuma, E., and LivsoN, N.: Family socioeconomic status and adolescent attitudes to authority. Child Development, 31:387-399, 1960. MH-80 (R01) CaTTELL, RAYMOND B.: Hereditary and environmental factors in personality. Illinois, University of Urbana, Ill. (1948-54) CATTELL, R. B.: A note on factor invariance and the identification of factors. British [Journal of Psychology, 2:134-138, 1949. CATTELL, R. B.: A factorization of tests of person- ality source traits. British Journal of Psychology, 4:165-178, 1951. CATTELL, R. B.: Research designs in psychological genetics with special reference to the multiple variance method. American Journal of Human Genetics, 5:76-93, 1953. CatTELL, R. B.: What is “objective” in “objective personality tests”? Journal of Counseling Psy- chology, 5:285-289, 1958. CartELL, R. B., BLEwWETT, D. B., and BELOFF, J. R.: The inheritance of personality. A multiple variance analysis determination of approximate nature-nurture ratios for primary personality fac- tors in Q-data. American Journal of Human Genetics, 7:122-146, 1955. CAaTTELL, R. B,, DUBIN, S. S., and SAUNDERS, D. R.: Personality structure in psychotics by factorization of objective clinical tests. Journal of Mental Sci- ence, 100:154-176, 1954. CatTeLL, R. B.,, and GRUEN, W.: The personality factor structure of 11-year-old children in terms of behavior rating data. Journal of Clinical Psy- chology, 9:256-266, 1953. CaTTELL, R. B., and GRUEN, W.: Primary personal- ity factors in the questionnaire medium for chil- dren 11 to 14 years old. Educational and Psy- chological Measurements, 14:50-76, 1954. CarterL, R. B., and Horowitz, J.: Objective personality tests investigating the structure of altruism in relation to source traits, A, H, and L. Journal of Personality, 21:103-117, 1952. CatTELL, R. B., and SAUNDERS, D. R.: Inter-rela- tion and matching of personality factors from behavior rating, questionnaire and objective test data. Journal of Social Psychology, 31:243-260, 1950. CatTELL, R. B., STICE, G. F., and Kristy, N. F.: A first approximation to nature-nurture ratios for eleven primary personality factors in objective tests. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 54:143-159, 1957. MH-81 (R01) BETTELHEIM, BRUNO: Institutional treatment of disturbed children. Chicago, Uni- versity of Chicago, Ill. (1948-52) 34 BETTELHEIM, BRUNO HARRY: A study in rehabili- tation. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- ogy, 44:231-265, 1949. BETTELHEIM, BRUNO: Love is not enough. Glencoe, IIL, Free Press, 1950, 386 p. BETTELHEIM, BRUNO: Truants from life. IIL, The Free Press, 1955, 511 p. Glencoe, MH-91 (R01) WoLF, ABNER: Prenatal factors in CNS disorders. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1948-53) CoweN, Davip, and WoLF, A.: Experimental con- genital toxoplasmosis. I. The vagina as a portal of entry of toxoplasma in the mouse. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 92:393-402, 1950. CoweN, D., and WoLF, A.: Experimental congeni- tal toxoplasmosis. II. Transmission of toxoplas- mosis to the placenta and fetus following vaginal infection in the pregnant mouse. Journal of Ex- perimental Medicine, 92:403-416, 1950. CoweN, D., and WoLF, A.: Experimental congeni- tal toxoplasmosis. III. Toxoplasmosis in the offspring of mice infected by the vaginal route. Incidence and manifestations of the disease. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 92:418-429, 1950. Cowen, D., and WoLF, A.: Experimental congeni- tal toxoplasmosis. IV. Genital and secondary lesions in the mouse infected with toxoplasma by the vaginal route. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 10:1-15, 1951. CoweN, D., and WoLF, A.: Experimental congeni- tal toxoplasmosis. V. Lesions in the offspring of mice infected with toxoplasma by the vaginal route. Observations on an associated hepatic in- jury. Journal of Neuropathology and Experi- mental Neurology, 10:142-157, 1951. KasaT, E. A., WoLF, A., and BEzER, A. E.: Ex- perimental studies on acute disseminated enceph- alomyelitis in rhesus monkeys. In: Wolf, Harold G., Wolf, Steward G., Jr., and Hare, Clarence C. Life stress and bodily disease. Vol. 19. Balti- more, Williams %& Wilkins, 1950, p. 113-132. KaBaT, E. A., WoLF, A., and BezEr, A. E.: Effect of cortisone on experimental acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. ~~ (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 10(1):412, 1951. Lumspen, C. E., Kasar, E. A., WoLF, A., and BezEr, A. E.: Studies on acute disseminated en- cephalomyelitis produced experimentally in rhesus monkeys. Complement-fixing antibodies. Jour- nal of Experimental Medicine, 92:253-270, 1950. WoLF, A.: The pathology of some viral encephali- tides. In: Kidd, J. G., ed. The pathogenesis and pathology of viral diseases. New York, Columbia University Press, 1950, p. 193-213. WOLF, A.: A review of experimental studies on the etiology of the human demyelinating diseases. In: Proceedings of the First Internatiorfal Con- gress on Neuropathology, Rome, 1952, p. 1-60. Also in: Wolf, A. Revue des études éxperimen- tales sur I'étologie des maladies démyélinisantes humaines. Acta Neurologica et Psychiatrica Bel- gica, 54:634-681, 1954. WoLF, A., and CoweN, D.: In: Mettler, F. A., ed. Selective partial ablation of the frontal cortex. New York, Hoeber, 1949, p. 453-472. WoLF, A., and CoweN, D.: Histopathology of schizophrenia and other psychoses of unknown origin. In: Milbank Memorial Fund. The biol- ogy of mental health and disease. 27th annual conference at the Milbank Memorial Fund. New York, Hoeber, 1952, p. 469-486. WoLF, A., CoweN, D., and PLUVINAGE, R.: L’en- cephalomyélite a toxoplasmes. Revue Neurolo- gique, 81:262-275, 1949. WoLF, A., Kasat, E. A. BEzEr, A. E.,, and Fon- SECA, J. R. C.: Activation of trypanosomiasis in rhesus monkeys by cortisone. (Abstract) Feder- ation Proceedings, 10(1)Part 1:375, 1951. WoLF, A., KaBar, E. A., BEzERr, A. E., and FoN- seca, J. R. C.: The effect of cortisone in acti- vating latent trypanosomiasis in rhesus monkeys. In: Schwartzmann, G., ed. The effect of ACTH and cortisone upon infection and resistance. New York, Columbia University Press, 1953. WoLF, A., KAuFMAaN, M. A. and CowaN, D.: Adult toxoplasmosis: A report and review. Transactions of the American Neurology Associa- tion, p. 284-286, 1953. MH-94 (R01) REepL, FRITZ, and LiPPITT, RONALD: Use of the group medium with disturbed children. Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. (1948-51) GROSSER, DANIEL, POLANSKY, NORMAN, and Lip- PITT, RONALD: A laboratory study of behavioral contagion. Human Relations, 4:115-142, 1951. Lippitt, R., POLANSKY, N., and ROSEN, S.: The dynamics of power. Human Relations, S5(1): 37-64, 1952. (Also acknowledges MH-450). PoLANSKY, NORMAN: On the dynamics of behav- ioral contagion. The Group, 14:3-8, 21-24, 1952. PorLaNsky, N., FREEMAN, W. Horowitz, M., IrwiN, L., PApANIA, N., Rapaport, D., and WALEY, F.: Problems of interpersonal relations in research on groups. Human Relations, 2:281- 291, 1949. PoLaNsky, N., Lippitt, R., and RepL, F.: An in- vestigation of behavioral contagion in groups. Human Relations, 3:319-348, 1950. PoLANsKY, N., Lippitt, R., and REDL, F.: The use 35 of near-sociometric data in research on group treatment processes. Sociometry, 13:39-62, 1950. RepL, R., and WINEMAN, D.: Children who hate. Glencoe, IIL, Free Press, 1951, 253 p. RepL, F., and WINEMAN, D.: Controls from within. Glencoe, Ill., Free Press, 1952, 332 p. RoseN, S.: Effects of emotional disturbance on so- cial skills. Counseling, 10:1-7, 1952. RosEN, 8.: Predicting individual behavior in a group setting: Forecasting from case history material how children will adjust in a new group. In: Research Center for group dynamics. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1953, 8 p. RoseN, S.: Some perceptual and behavioral com- ponents of social influence in small groups, as predicted by interpersonal adjustment in previous social environments. In: Research Center for Group Dynamics. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1953, 5 p. MH-105 (R01) Jackson, EpiTH B.: Mental health effects of maternity wards. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1948-54) Backus, B. S.: I roomed in with my new baby. Child, 14(5) :66-67; 77-78, 1949. BARNES, G. R., LATHIN, A. N., Jackson, E. B, and SHEA, N.: Management of breast feeding. Journal of the American Medical Association, 151: 192-199, 1953. BAUMANN, E.: The visiting nurse views rooming-in. Public Health Nursing, 42:263-266, 1950. DaNEs, C.: Report of a panel discussion on rooming- in. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, 9(3) :80, 1954. FrEepMAN, L. Z., RepricH, F. C, EronN, L. D., and JacksoN, E. B.: Training for childbirth- remembrance of labor. Psychosomatic Medicine 14(6) :439-452, 1952. Harris, A.: A public health nurse in rooming-in. Public Health Nursing, 44(10):580-584, 1952. Jackson, E. B.: Pediatric and psychiatric aspects of the Yale rooming-in project. Connecticut Medi- cal Journal, 14:616-621, 1950. Jackson, E. B.: The development of rooming-in at Yale. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 25(6) :484-494, 1953. Jackson, E. B.: New trends in maternity care. American Journal of Nursing, 55(5):584-587, 1955. Jackson, E. B., and KraTskIN, E. H.: Rooming-in research project: Development of methodology of parent-child relationship study in a clinical set- ting. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 5:236- 274, 1950. Jackson, EpitH B., KLATSKIN, ETHELYN H., and WiLkiN, Louise C.: Early child development in relation to degree of flexibility of maternal atti- tude. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 7:393- 428, 1952. (Also acknowledges MH-9034). Jackson, E. B,, and TRAINHAM, G., eds.: Family centered maternity and infant care. New York, Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1950, 298 p. Jackson, E. B., WiLkIN, L. C., and AUERBACH, H.: Statistical report on incidence and duration of breast feeding in relation to personal-social and hospital maternity factors. Pediatrics, 17:700- 715, 1956. KratskiN, E. H.: Shifts in child care practices in three social classes under an infant care program of flexible methodology. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 22:52-61, 1952. KratskiN, E. H.: Intelligence test performance at one year among infants raised with flexible meth- odology. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8(3): 230-237, 1952. KraTskiN, ETHELYN HENRY: Relationships of defi- cits in intelligence test performance of pre-school children to perinatal experience. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 28(3):228-233, 1964. KraTskiN, E. H., and JacksoN, E. B.: Methodology of the Yale rooming-in-project on parent-child relationship. American Journal of Orthopsychi- atry, 25(1):81-108; 25(2):373-397, 1955. KratskiN, E. H., JacksoN, E. B., and WILKIN, L. C.: The influence of degree of flexibility in maternal child care practices on early child be- havior. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 26:79-93, 1956. KratskiN, E. H., LETHIN, A. N., and JACKSON, E. B.: Choice of rooming-in or newborn nursery: Analysis of data from prenatal screening inter- views of 1251 mothers, relating to their choice of hospital accommodation for their infants in a rooming-in unit or in the newborn nursery. Pedi- atrics, 6:878-889, 1950. NyHAN, W. L.: Stool frequency of normal infants in the first week of life. Pediatrics, 10:414-425, 1952. NyHAN, W. L., and WESSEL, M. A.: Neonatal growth in weight of normal infants on four dif- ferent feeding regimens. Pediatrics, 14:442-448, 1954. OLMsTED, R. W., and Jackson, E. B.: Self-demand feeding in the first week of life. Pediatrics, 6: 396-401, 1950. SHEA, N., KLATSKIN, E. H., and Jackson, E. B.: Home adjustment of rooming-in and non-rooming- in mothers. American Journal of Nursing, 52 (1):65-67, 1952. SNOKE, A. W.: Rooming-in and natural childbirth in a general hospital, or shall we break all rules? Modern Hospital, 77:98-110, 1951. WEesseL, M. A. Coss, J. C, Jackson, E. B, Harris, G. S., and DETWILER, B. A.: Paroxysmal fussing in infancy, sometimes called “colic.” Pediatrics, 14:421-434, 1954. MH-110 (R01) STEARNS, A. WARREN: Psychi- atric study of dependency and indigency. Tufts University, Medford, Mass. (1948-53) STEARNS, A. W.: Cases of probable suicide in young persons without obvious motivation. Journal of the Maine Medical Association, 44:16-23, 1953. STEARNS, A. W., and ULLMAN, A. D.: One thou- sand unsuccessful careers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 105:801-809, 1949. UrLmaN, A. D., DEMONE, Jr., HAROLD W., and STEARNS, A. W.: Does failure run in families? A further study of 1,000 unsuccessful careers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 107:667-676, 1951. MH-111 (R01) LeNNox, WiLLiam G.: Convul- sions and epilepsy in children. Children’s Hos- pital Medical Center, Boston, Mass. (1948-53) LENNOX, WILLIAM G.: The heredity of cpilepsy as told by relatives and twins. Journal of the American Medical Association, 146:529-536, 1951. LENNOX, WILLIAM G.: Phenomena and correlates of the psychomotor triad. Neurology, 1:357- 371, 1951. MH-118 (R01) METTLER, FRED A.: The human frontal lobe. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1948-50) CARPENTER, MALcoLM B.: The influence of frontal topectomy upon gastric secretion. Review of data on twenty-four cases and fourteen controls. [our- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 113(1): 52-60, 1951. Lanpis, C., ZUBIN, J., and METTLER, F. A.: The functions of the human frontal lobe. Journal of Psychology, 30:123-138, 1950. METTLER, F. A.: Physiologic effects of bilateral si- multaneous removal of Brodman cytoarchitectural area in the human. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 8:109, 1949. METTLER, F. A.: A comparison between various forms of psychosurgery. New York State [our- nal of Medicine, 49:2283-2286, 1949. METTLER, FRED A., ed.: Selective partial ablation of the frontal cortex. New York, Hoeber, 1949, 517 p. METTLER, FRED A., ed.: Psychosurgical problems. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1952, 357 p. 36 METTLER, F. A., CRANDELL, A., WITTENBORN, J. R, LirreN, K,, FemriNg, E. H, and CAR- PENTER, M. B.: Factors, in the pre-operative situ- ation of schizophrenics, considered to be of signifi- cance in influencing outcome following psycho- surgery. Psychiatric Quarterly, 28:549-606, 1954. METTLER, F. A., Poor, J. L., and CRANDELL, A.: Consequences of the ablation of area 8, 6 and 4S from the human cortex cerebri. Transactions of the American Neurological Association, 78th Meeting, 1953, p. 185-188. METTLER, FRED A., and RowLAND, LEwis P.: The enumeration of neurocytes in the frontal lobe of human psychotics. (Abstract) Anatomical Rec- ord, 103(3):488-489, 1949. Rowranp, L. P., and METTLER, F. A.: Cell con- centration and laminar thickness in the frontal cortex of psychotic patients: Studies on cortex removed at operation. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 90:255-280, 1949. WITTENBORN, J. R., and METTLER, F. A.: Some psychological changes following psychosurgery. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 46: 548-556, 1951. WITTENBORN, J. R., and METTLER, F. A.: A lack of perceptual control score for the Rorschach test. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 7:331, 1951. WITTENBORN, J. R., and METTLER, F. A.: Practical correlates of psychiatric symptoms. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 15:505-510, 1951. MH-120 (R01) McCLELLAND, Davip C.: Effect of fear and anxiety on psychological processes. Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. (1948- 53) SHIPLEY, THOMAs E., JrR., and VEROFF, JOSEPH: A projective measure of need for affiliation. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 43(5): 349- 356, 1952. MH-123 (R01) KING, JoHN A., ROSEN, JOSEPH, and ScorT, JoHN P.: Social and hereditary fac- tors in nervous instability. Roscoe 3B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Me. (1948- 61) (Continued as MH-5643). BAUER, FRANK J.: Genetic and experiential factors affecting social relations in male mice. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 49 (4) :359-364, 1956. DENENBERG, V. H., KING, J. A., and EHRENFELD, D.: Effects of testosterone propionate on the avoidance learning of male C57BL/6 mice. Phys- iological Zoology, 31:244-247, 1958. DENENBERG, VICTOR H., Ross, SHERMAN, and BLUMENFIELD, MICHAEL: Behavioral differences between mutant and nonmutant mice. Journal of 37 Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(2): 290-293, 1963. Ervior, O., and KING, J. A.: Effect of early food deprivation upon later consummatory behavior in puppies. Psychological Reports, 6:391-500, 1960. FREDERICSON, EMIL: Distributed versus massed ex- perience in a traumatic situation. [Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 45(2):259-266, 1950. FrREDERICSON, EmIL: Cognitive maps and reinforce- ment. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 76:253- 262, 1950. FrREDERICSON, EMIL: The effects of food deprivation upon competitive and spontaneous combat in C57 black mice. Journal of Psychology, 29:89-100, 1950. FREDERICSON, EmiL: Competition: The effects of infantile experience upon adult behavior. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 46(3): 406-409, 1951. FREDERICSON, EMIL: Time and aggression. Psycho- logical Review, 58(1): 41-51, 1951. FREDERICSON, EMIL: Aggressiveness in female mice. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 45(3):254-257, 1952. FREDERICSON, EMIL: Perceptual homeostasis and dis- tress in vocalization in puppies. Journal of Per- sonality, 20(4):472-477, 1952. FREDERICSON, EMIL: The wall-seeking tendency in three inbred mouse strains (mus musculus). Jour- nal of Genetic Psychology, 82:143-146, 1953. FREDERICSON, EMIL, and BIRNBAUM, E. ANN: Com- petitive fighting between mice with different her- editary backgrounds. Journal of Genetic Psychol- ogy, 85:271-280, 1954. FREDERICSON, EMIL, FINK, CHARLES D., and PARKER, JEAN R.: Elicitation and inhibition of competitive fighting in food deprived mice. [our- nal of Genetic Psychology, 86:131-141, 1955. FrREDERICSON, E., STORY, A. W., GURNEY, N. L., and BUTTERWORTH, K.: The relationship between heredity, sex, and aggression in two inbred mouse strains. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 87:121- 130, 1955. FreepMAN, D., ErvLioT, O., and KING, J. A.: Criti- cal period in the social development of dogs. Science, 133:1016-1017, 1961. (Also acknowl- edges MH-5643). KAHN, MARVIN W.: The effect of severe defeat at various age levels on the aggressive behavior of mice. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 79:117- 130, 1951. KAHN, MARVIN W.: Infantile experience and ma- ture aggressive behavior of mice: Some maternal influences. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 84: 65-75, 1954. KING, J. A.: Closed social groups among domestic dogs. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 98:327-336, 1954. KiNG, J. A.: Social behavior, social organization, and population dynamics in a black-tailed prairie- dog town in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Contributions of the Laboratory for Vertebrate Bi- ology (University of Michigan), 67:1-123, 1955. KING, J. A.: Social relations of domestic guinea pig living under semi-natural conditions. Ecology, 37:221-228, 1956. KING, J. A.: Sexual behavior of C57BL/10 mice and its relation to early social experience. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 88:223-229, 1956. KiNG, J. A.: Intra- and interspecific conflict of “Mus” and “Peromyscus.” Ecology, 38:355-357, 1957. KING, J. A.: Relationships between early social ex- perience and adult aggressive behavior in inbred mice. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 90:151- 166, 1957. KING, J. A.: Maternal behavior and behavioral de- velopment in two subspecies of “Peromyscus ma- niculatus.” Journal of Mammalogy, 39:177-190, 1958. : KING, J. A.: Parameters relevant to determining the effect of early experience upon the adult be- havior of animals. Psychological Bulletin, 55: 46-58, 1958. KiNG, J. A.: The social behavior of prairie dogs. Scientific American, 201(4):128-140, 1959. KiNG, J. A.: Swimming and reaction to electric shock in two subspecies of deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus) during development. Animal Be- haviour, 9:142-150, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-5643). KiNG, J. A.: Development and behavioral evolution in “Peromyscus.” In: Blair, W. F., ed. Verte- brate speciation. Austin, Texas, University of Texas Press, 1961, p. 122-145. (Also acnkowl- edges MH-5643). KiNG, J. A.: Maternal behavior in “Peromyscus.” In: Rheingold, H. L., ed. Maternal behavior of mammals. Baltimore, Wiley and Sons, 1963, p. 58-93. (Also acknowledges MH-5643). KiNG, J. A., and CoNNON, H.: Effects of social relationships upon mortality in C57BL/10 mice. Physiological Zoology, 28:233-239, 1955. KiNG, J. A., and DEsHAIEs, J.: A comparison of two subspecies of “Peromyscus maniculatus” at weaning. Anatomical Record, 134:593, 1959. KING, J. A., DEsHaIgs, J. C.,, and WEBSTER, R.: Age of weaning in two subspecies of deermice. 38 Science, 139:483-484, edges MH-5643). KiNG, J. A., and ELeFTHERIOU, B. E.: Effects of social experience in the laboratory upon the adap- tation of “Peromyscus” to a neutral environment. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 128:576, 1957. 1963. (Also acknowl- KING, J. A., and ErLerTHERIOU, B. E.: Effect of early handling upon adult behavior in two sub- species of deermice, “Peromyscus maniculatus.” Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 52:82-88, 1959. KiNG, J. A., and ELeFTHERIOU, B. E.: Differential growth in the skulls of two subspecies of deer- mice. Growth, 24:179-192, 1960. King, J. A., and GurNEY, N. L.: Effect of early social experience on adult aggressive behavior in C57BL/10 mice. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 47:326-330, 1954. KING, J. A., and LEvy, J.: The effects of testosterone propionate ‘on fighting behavior in young male C57BLZ/10 mice. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 117:562-563, 1953. KiNG, J. A., and MavroMmATis, A.: The effects of a conflict situation on the learning ability in two strains of inbred mice. Journal of Comparative and Physological Psychology, 49:465-468, 1956. KING, J. A., and NicHoLs, J.: Problems of classifi- cation. In: Waters, R., & Rothlingshafer, D., eds. Comparative psychology. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1960. KING, JoHN A., and Scott, JOHN PAUL: Aggres- sion. Chicago, University of Chicago, 1958, 149 p. KiNG, J. A., and SHEA, N.: Behavioral develop- ment in two subspecies of ‘Peromyscus manicu- latus.” (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 131:571- 572, 1958. KING, J. A., and SHEA, N.: Subspecific differences in the response of young deermice on an ele- vated platform. Journal of Heredity, 50:14-18, 1959. LEVINE, S.: Emotionality and aggressive behavior in the mouse as a function of infantile experi- ence. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 94:77-83, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1051 and MH- 1630). RoseN, J., and HART, F. M.: Effects of early social isolation upon adult timidity and dominance in “Peromyscus.” Psychological Reports, 13:47-50, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5643). Ross, SHERMAN: Effects of early weaning on suck- ing behavior in cocker spaniel puppies. Anatom- ical Record, 111(3):492, 1951. Ross, SHERMAN: Sucking behavior in neonate dogs. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 46(2):142-149, 1951. Ross, SHERMAN, DENENBERG, VICTOR H., FrROM- MER, G. P., and Sawin, P. B.: Genetic, physio- logical and behavioral background of reproduc- tion in the rabbit. V. Nonretrieving of neo- nates. Journal of Mammalogy, 40(1):91-96, 1959. Ross, SHERMAN, GINSBURG, BENSON E., and DEN- ENBERG, VICTOR H.: The use of the split-litter technique in psychological research. Psychological Bulletin, 54(2):145-151, 1957. Ross, SHERMAN, Scott, J. P.,, CHERNER, MARIA, and DENENBERG, Victor H.: Effects of restraint and isolation on yelping in puppies. Animal Behavior, 8:1-5, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 522). Scot, J. P.: The relative importance of social and hereditary factors in producing disturbances in life adjustment during periods of stress in lab- oratory animals. In: Wolf, Harold G., Wolf, Steward G., Jr., and Mare, Clarence C., eds. Life stress and bodily disease. Proceedings of the Association, December 2 and 3, 1949, New York. Vol. 29. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1950, p. 61-71. Scott, J. P., and FREDERICSON, EMIL: The causes of fighting in mice and rats. Physiological Zool- ogy, 24(4):273-309, 1951. Scott, J. P., FREDERICSON, EMIL, and FULLER, Joun L.: Experimental exploration of the critical period hypothesis. Personality, 1(2):162-183, 1951. Scott, J. P., and MARSTON, MARY-' VESTA: Non- adaptive behavior resulting from a series of de- feats in fighting mice. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 48(3):417-428, 1953. Scott, J. P., Ross, S., FisHER, A. E., and KING, D.: The effects of early enforced weaning on sucking behavior of puppies. Journal of Genetic Psy- chology, 95:261-281, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-522). ToLLMAN, J., and KING, J. A.: The effects of tes- tosterone propionate on aggression in male and female C5S7BL/10 mice. British Journal of Ani- mal Behaviour, 4:147-149, 1956. WiLLiaMs, ELIZABETH, and Scott, J. P.: The de- velopment of social behavior patterns in the mouse, in relation to natural periods. Behaviour, 6(1):35-64, 1953. MH-129 (R01) FErRrRARO, ARMANDO M.: Preven- tion of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, N.Y. (1950-52) FERRARO, A., and RoiziN, L.: Production of experi- mental encephalomyelitis with calcium acetate compound extracted from brain tissue. [Journal 39 of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 10:394-407, 1951. MH-139 (R01) BENDER, MoRRis B.: Changes in perceptual functions in functional psychos. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1949-52) BENDER, M. B.: The phenomenon of sensory dis- placement. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 65:607-621, 1951. BENDER, Morris B.: Disorders in perception. Springfield, Illinois, Charles C. Thomas, 1952, 109 p. BENDER, M. B, and FINK, M.: Tactile perceptual tests in the differential diagnosis of psychiatric disorders. Journal of the Hillside Hospital, 1:21- 31, 1952. BENDER, M. B., FINK, M., and GREEN, M.: Pat- terns in perception on simultaneous tests of face and hand. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 66:355-362, 1951. BENDER, MoRRrIs B., and KRIEGER, H. P.: Visual function in perimetrically blind fields. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 65:72-79, 1951. BENDER, M. B., and KRIEGER, H. P.: Background illumination and the visual threshold in hemi- anopic areas. Newrology, 3:102-110, 1953. BENDER, M., and NATHANSON, M.: Patterns in allesthesia and their relation to disorder of body scheme and other sensory phenomena. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 64:501-515, 1950. BERGMAN, P. S., NATHANSON, M., and BENDER, M. B.: The effects of drugs on normal and ab- normal electrically recorded eye movements. Transactions of the American Neurological Asso- ciation, 76:232-234, 1951. BERGMAN, P. S., NATHANSON, M., and BENDER, M. B.: Electrical recordings of normal and ab- normal eye movements modified by drugs. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 67:357-374, 1952. Fink, M., GREEN, M., and BENDER, M. B.: The face-hand test as a diagnostic sign of organic mental syndrome. Neurology, 2:46-58, 1952. FINK, MAX, GREEN, M. A., and BENDER, M. B.: Perception of simultaneous tactile stimuli by men- tally defective subjects. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 117:43-49, 1953. GREEN, M. A. and BENDER, M. B.: Cutaneous perception in the aged. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 69:577-581, 1953. JAFFE, J., and BENDER, M. B.: Perceptual patterns during recovery from general anesthesia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 14: 316-321, 1951. JAFFE, JosepH, and BENDER, MORRIS B.: The fac- tor of symmetry in the perception of two simul- taneous cutaneous stimuli. Brain, 75:167-176, 1952. KRIEGER, H. P., and BENDER, M. B.: Dark adapta- tion in perimetrically blind fields. Archives of Opthalomolgy, 46:625-636, 1951. SHAPIRO, M. F., FINK, M., and BENDER, M. B.: Exosomesthesia or displacement of cutaneous sen- sation into extraperxonal space. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 68:481-490, 1952. MH-142 (R01) BrowN, JupsoN S., and FARBER, I. E.: Development of conditioned fear responses. Iowa, State University of Iowa City, Iowa. (1949-54) ArMus, H. L.: The effect of percentage of rein- forcement and distribution of acquisition trials on extinction of conditioned fear. Psychological Re- ports, 6:387-390, 1960. BrowN, J. S., and FaArBER, I. E.: Emotions con- ceptualized as intervening variables, with sugges- tions toward a theory of frustration. Psychologi- cal Bulletin, 48:465-495, 1951. BrowN, J. S., KaLisH, H. I, and FARBER, I. E.: Conditioned fear as revealed by magnitude of startle response to an auditory stimulus. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 41(5):317-328, 1951. BROWN, JuDSON S., MERYMAN, J. W., and MAR- zocco, F. N.: Sound-induced startle response as a function of time since shock. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 49(2): 190-194, 1956. KaLisH, H. I: Strength of fear as a function of number of acqiusition and extinction trials. Jour- nal of Experimental Psychology, 47:1-9, 1954. MH-148 (R01) SHAkoOw, Davi: Psychological functioning in schizophrenia. Illinois, University of Chicago, Ill. (1949-51) Huston, Paul E., and SHAkOW, D.: Learning ca- pacity in schizophrenia: With special reference to the concept of deterioration. American Journal of Psychiatry, 105:881-888, 1949. SHAKOW, D.: Some psychological features of schizo- phrenia. In: Reymert, M. L., ed. Feelings and emotions. The Mooseheart Symposium, 1950. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1950, p. 383-390. SHAakow, D.: Normalisierungstendenzen bei chro- nisch Schizophrenen: Konsequenzen fur die Theo- rie der Schizophenie. (“Normalization trends in chronic schizophrenic patients: Some implica- ctions for schizophrenia theory.) Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Psychologie und Ihre Anwendun- gen, 17:285-299, 1958. 40 SHAkoW, D.: A theory of the formal psychological deficit in schizophrenia. Fifth George Kirby Col- lier Memorial Lecture at University of Rochester, December, 1960. Archives of General Psychi- atry, 6:1-17, 1962. SHAKOW, DAviD: Discussion of papers relating to definition of variables. In: Strupp, Hans H., and Luborsky, Lester, eds. Research in psychother- apy. Vol. 2. Washington, D.C., American Psy- chological Association, 1962, p. 237-241. SHAkOW, D.: Psychological deficit in schizophrenia. Behavioral Science, 8:275-305, 1963. MH-151 (R01) CoNEL, J. LEROY: Postnatal devel- opment of human cerebral cortex. Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Mass. (1949- 63) CoNEL, J. LERoy: The postnatal development of the human cerebral cortex. Vol. 4. The cortex of the six-month infant. Cambridge, Mass., Har- vard University Press, 1951, 189 p. ConEL, L. LEROY: The postnatal development of the human cerebral cortex. Vol. 5. The cortex of the fifteen-month infant. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1955, 221 p. CoNEL, J. LEROY: The postnatal development of the human cerebral cortex. Vol. 6. The cortex of the twenty-four month infant. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1959, 309 p. ConNEL, J. LEROY: The postnatal development of the human cerebral cortex. Vol. 7. The cortex of the four-year child. Cambridge, Mass., Har- vard University Press, 1963. MH-156 (RO1) BoDER, Davip P.: Psychological analysis of persons from DP camps. Illinois In- stitute of Technology, Chicago, Ill. (1949-52) (Continued as MH-582). Boper, DaAviD P.: Topical autobiographies of dis- placed people: Recorded verbatim in displaced persons camps, with a psychological and anthro- pological analysis. 16 Vols. Privately Printed, Los Angeles, Calif., 1957. (Processed) (Also acknowledges MH-582). MH-161 (R01) SweEeT, WiLLiaM H., CoBB, STAN- LEY, and WHITE, JAMES C.: Effect of partial exci- sion on cerebral function. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1949-53) Bakay, L., and SwegT, WiLLiaMm H.: Cervical and intra-cranial, intra-arterial pressures with and with- out vascular occlusion. Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 95:67-75, 1952. BakAy, L., and SwEgT, WiLLiAM H.: Intra-arterial pressures in the neck and brain. Journal of Neuro- surgery, 10:353-359, 1953. BONNER, F. J., and CoBB, S.: Psychiatric considera- tions. In: White, J. C., and Sweet, W. H., eds. Pain. Springfield, Ill., Charles C. Thomas, 1955, p. 99-115. BONNER, F., CoB, S., SWEET, W. H., and WHITE, J. C.: Frontal lobe surgery: Its value in the treat- ment of pain with consideration of postoperative psychological changes. Psychosomatic Medicine, 14:9-10, 1952. BONNER, F., Coss, S., SWEET, W. H., and WHITE, J. C.: Frontal lobe surgery in the treatment of pain. Psychosomatic Medicine, 14:383-405, 1952. YakovLEv, P. I., HAMLIN, H., and SweeT, W. H.: Frontal lobotomy. Neuroanatomical observations. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neu- rology, 9:250-285, 1950. YakovLEv, P. I., HAMLIN, H., and SweeT, W. H.: Anatomical study of lobotomy. Survey of six specimens from 11-235 days postoperative survival. In: Greenblatt, Milton, Arnot, Robert, and Solo- man, Harry C., eds. Studies in lobotomy. New York, Grune and Stratton, 1950, p. 309-329. MH-163 (R01) BRENMAN, MARGARET, and GILL, MERTON M.: Hypnosis and its use in psycho- therapy. Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Mass. (1948-52) (Continued from MH-031). BRENMAN, MARGARET: The phenomena of hypnosis. In: Problems of consciousness, Transactions of the first conference, March 20-21, 1950. New York, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 1951, p. 123-163. (Also acknowledges MH-31). BRENMAN, MARGARET: On teasing and being teased: And the problem of “moral masochism”. Psycho- analytic Study of the Child, 7:264-284, 1952. (Also acknowledges MH-31). BRENMAN, MARGARET: Dreams and hypnosis. Psy- choanalytic Quarterly, 18:455-465, 1949. Also in: Austin Riggs Center. Psychoanalytic psychiatry and psychology. Clinical and theoretical papers. Vol. 1. New York, International Universities Press, 1954, p. 321-329. (Also acknowledges MH-31). BRENMAN, MARGARET, DARROW, CHESTER W., HENRY, CHARLES E., and GiLL, MERTON M.: Inter-area electroencephalographic relationships af- fected by hypnosis. (Abstract) Electroencephalo- graphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2:231, 1950. (Also acknowledges MH-31). BRENMAN, MARGARET, GILL, M., and KNIGHT, R. P.: Spontaneous fluctuations in depth of hyp- nosis and their implications for ego function. In- ternational [Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 33:22-33, 1952. Also in: Austin Riggs Center, Psychoanaly- tic psychiatry and psychology. Clinical and theo- retical papers. Vol. 1. New York, International Universities Press, 1954, p. 330-350. (Also ack- nowledges MH-31). 41 BRENMAN, MARGARET, and KNIGHT, ROBERT P.: A note on the indications for the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy: An illustrative case report. Bul- letin of the Menninger Clinic, 12:49-56, 1948. (Also acknowledges MH-31). EHRENREICH, GERALD A.: The relationship of certain descriptive factors to hypnotizability. In: Trans- actions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences, Kansas City, 52(1):1949, 4 p. Also acknowledges MH- 31). GiLL, MERTON M.: Ego psychology and psycho- therapy. ~~ Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 20:62-71, 1951. (Also acknowledges MH-31). MH-165 (R01) WirTMAN, PHyLL1S: Prodromal factors in mental illness. Elgin State Hospital, Elgin, III. (1950-52) HurrFMAN, P. W., and WENIG, P. W.: Prodromal behavior patterns in mental illness. Springfield, Ill., State Department of Public Welfare, 1954. MH-171 (R01) BENDER, LAURETTA: Schizophrenia in children. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1949-52) BAUER, IRVING L., and GUREVITZ, S.: Group therapy with parents of schizophrenic children. Interna- tional Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 2:344-357, 1952. BENDER, LAURETTA: Aggression, hostility and anxi- ety in children. Springfield, Ill, Charles C. Thomas, 1953, 184 p. BENDER, LAURETTA: Childhood schizophrenia. Psy- chiatric Quarterly, 27:663-681, 1953. BENDER, LAURETTA: Current research in childhood schizophrenia. (Abstract) American Journal of Psychiatry, 110(11) :855-856, 1954. BENDER, LAURETTA: A dynamic psychopathology of childhood. Springfield, Ill, Charles Thomas, 1954, 275 p. BENDER, LAURETTA: The schizophrenic child. In: Michael-Smith, Harold, ed. Pediatric problems in clinical practice: Special medical and psychological aspects. New York; Grune & Stratton, 1954, p. 51-70. BENDER, LAURETTA: Twenty years of research on schizophrenic children with special reference to those under six years of age. In: Caplan, Gerald, ed. Emotional problems of early childhood. New York, Basic Books, 1955, p. 503-519. BENDER, LAURETTA: Schizophrenia in childhood: Its recognition, description and treatment. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 26:499-506, 1956. BENDER, LAURETTA: What are the influential factors that predispose the youth of our society to delin- quency and crime? In: Cohen, Frank J., ed. Youth and Crime. Proceedings of Law Inforce- ment Institute, New York University. New York, International Universities Press, 1957, p. 80-104. BENDER, LAURETTA: Diagnostic and therapeutic as- pects of childhood schizophrenia. In: Bowman, P.W., ed. Mental retardation. Proceedings of 1st International Medical Conference. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1960, p. 453-468. BENDER, LAURETTA: Clinical research from in-patient services for children, 1920-1957. Psychiatric Quarterly, 35:88-120, 1961. BENDER, LAURETTA: Developmental neuropsychiatry: The future in child psychiatry. In: Hoch, P., and Zubin, J., eds. The future in child psychiatry. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1962, p. 200-215. BENDER, LAURETTA: The origin and evolution of the Gestalt function, the body image and delusional thoughts in schizophrenia. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. New York, Plenum Press, 1963, p. 38-62. BENDER, LAURETTA: Genesis of hostility in children. Psychoanalytic Review, 50:95-102, 1964. BENDER, LAURETTA, and FREEDMAN, A. M.: When the childhood schizophrenic grows up. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 27:553-565, 1957. BENDER, LAURETTA, FREEDMAN, A., GRUGETT, A. E., and HELME, WILLIAM: Schizophrenia in childhood: A confirmation of the diagnosis. Trans- actions of American Neurological Association, 77:67-73, 1952. BENDER, LAURETTA, and GRUGETT, A. E, Jr.: A follow-up report on children who had atypical sexual experiences. American Journal of Ortho: psychiatry, 22:825-837, 1952. BENDER, LAURETTA, and GRUGETT, A. E.: A study of certain epidemiological problems in a group of children with childhood schizophrenia. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 26:131-145, 1956. BENDER, LAURETTA, and GUREVICH, SAUL: The results with psychotherapy with young schizo- phrenic children. American [Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 25:162-170, 1955. BENDER, LAURETTA, and HELME, W.: A quantitative test of theory and diagnosis indicators of childhood schizophrenia. Archives of Neurology and Psy- chiatry, 70:413-427, 1953. BENDER, LAURETTA, and KEELER, RAYMOND: The body image of schizophrenic children following electroshock therapy. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 22:335-355, 1952. BENDER, LAURETTA, and KEELER, W. R.: A follow- up study of children with behavior disorders and Sydenham’s chorea. American Journal of Psychi- atry, 109:421-428, 1952. 42 EFFRON, ABRAHAM, and FREEDMAN, ALFRED M.: The treatment of behavior disorders in children with benadryl. Journal of Pediatrics, 42:261-266, 1953. FREEDMAN, A. M.: Maturation and its relation to the dynamics of childhood schizophrenia. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 24:487-491, 1954. GOLDBERG, I.: Use of remedial tutoring as a method of oychotherapy in schizophrenic children with reading disability. Quarterly Journal of Child Behavior, 4:273-281, 1952. GuRrevITZ, S.: Direct analytic therapy and symbolic fulfillment reviewed as to their applicability to childhood schizophrenia. Ouarterly Journal of Child Behavior, 3:276-288, 1951. GUREVITZ, S.: Psychotherapy of a schizophrenic child through activation of neurotic symptoms. Quar- terly Journal of Child Behavior, 4:139-155, 1952. Gurevitz, S.: The total point of view in psycho- therapy of schizophrenic children. Psychoanalysis, 1:62-73, 1953. GUREVITZ, S.: The parents of the schizophrenic child. Psychoanalysis, 2:36-40, 1954. GUREVITZ, S., and GRUGETT, A. E.: A letter to a mother of a schizophrenic child. Quarterly Journal of Child Behavior, 4:281-288, 1952. GUREVITZ, SAUL, and HELME, WiLLiaM H.: Effects of electroconvulsive therapy on personality and in- tellectual functioning of the schizophrenic child. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 120:213~ 226, 1954. GUREVITZ, SAUL, and KLAPPER, ZELDA S.: Tech- niques for and evaluation of the responses of schizophrenic and cerebral palsied children to the children’s apperception test (C.A.T.). Quarterly Journal of Child Behavior, 3:38-65, 1951. Peck, H. B., RaBiNoviTcH, R. D., and CRAMER, J. B.: A treatment program for parents of schizo- phrenic children. American Journal of Orthopsy- chiatry, 19:592-598, 1949. MH-174 (R01) DaNIeLs, GEORGE E.: Psychoso- matic aspects of ulcerative colitis. Columbia Uni- versity, New York, N.Y. (1949-51) Froop, C. A., Lepore, M. J., Hiatt, R. B., and KARrusH, A.: Prognosis in ulcerative colitis. Jour- nal of Chronic Diseases, 4(3):267-282, 1956. Hiatt, R. B.,, ENGLE, C., FLoop, C., and KARUSH, A.: The role of the granulocyte as the source of lysozyme in ulcerative colitis. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 31(7):721-726, 1952. KARUSH, AARON, and DANIELS, GEORGE E.: Ulcera- tive colitis—The psychoanalyses of two cases. Psy- chosomatic Medicine, 15(2):140-167, 1953. KARUSH, AARON, HIATT, ROBERT B., and DANIELS, GEORGE E.: Psychophysiological correlations in ul- cerative colitis. Psychosomatic Medicine, 17(1): 36-56, 1955. MH-175 (R01) DANIELS, GEORGE E.: Psychological factors in amenorrhea. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1949-50) EAsser, RUTH: A case of amenorrhea showing psycho-hormonal interrelationships. Psychosomatic Medicine, 16(5):426-432, 1954. KELLEY, KENNETH, DANIELS, GEORGE E., POE, ]., EassEr, RuTH, and MONROE, RUSSELL: Psycho- logical correlations with secondary amenorrhea. Psychosomatic Medicine, 16(2):129-147, 1954. MH-180 (R01) Harris, LiLiaN E., ALpricH, C. ANDERSON: Child growth and development. Rochester Child Health Institute, Rochester, Minn. (1948-51) ArpricH, C. ANDERSON: What is the Rochester Child Health Institute? Journal of Home Eco- nomics, 40:359-360, 1948. ArpricH, C. ANDERSON, and Hewitt, EDITH S.: Outlines for well baby clinics: Recording develop- ment of second twelve months. Pediatrics, 2:69- 73, 1948. Harris, L. E.: The first line of defense. Medicine, 31:1319-1323, 1948. Minnesota Harris, L. E.: Emergencies in the newborn period. Minnesota Medicine, 33:1204-1207, 1950. LowENBERG, MIRIAM E.: A community program for child development. Childhood Education, 25:22- 27, September 1948. LoweNBERG, MIRIAM E.: The nurse can help with child feeding problems. Public Health Nursing, 43:198-201, 1951. RoBerts, K. E., and ScHVELLKPF, J. A.: Eating, sleeping, and elimination practices of a group of two-and-one-half-year-old children. I. Introduc- tion. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 82:121-152, 1951. Spock, BENJAMIN M.: The Child Health Institute in Rochester, Minnesota. American Journal of Public Health, 39:854-857, 1949. Spock, BENJAMIN M.: Chronic resistance to sleep in infancy. Pediatrics, 4:89-93, 1949. Spock, BENJAMIN M.: Schools are a fertile field for mental-health efforts. Child, 15:10-11 and 39, 1950. Spock, BENJAMIN M.: Some common diagnostic problems in children. Medical Clinics of North America, 34(4):1079-1089, 1950. Spock, BENJAMIN M.: Teaching the broader aspects of pediatrics. Pediatrics, 5:21-23, 1950. 43 MH-188 (R01) MALZBERG, BENjAMIN: Hospital discharge and mortality rates. New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, Albany, N.Y. (1949-52) MALZBERG, BEN JAMIN: Rates of discharge and rates of mortality among first admissions to the New York civil state hospitals. Mental Hygiene, 36 (1):104-120, 1952. MALZBERG, BENJAMIN: Rates of discharge and rates of mortality among first admissions to the New York civil state hospitals. Second study. Mental ... Hygiene, 36(4):618-638, 1952. MALZBERG, BENJAMIN: Rates of discharge and rates of mortality among first admissions to the New York civil state hospitals. Third study. Mental Hygiene, 36(4):639-654, 1952. MALZBERG, BEN JAMIN: Further studies of mortality among patients with mental disease. In: Report of the Fourth International Medical Conference of Life Insurance. Stockholm, Ivar Haeggstroms Boktryckeri, 1952, p. 215-230. MALZBERG, BENJAMIN: Cohort studies of mental disease in New York State, 1943-1949. New York, National Association for Mental Health, 1958, 113 p. (Also acknowledges MH-1140). MALZBERG, BENJAMIN: Mortality among mental de- fectives in New York State schools for mental defectives. Neurology (Bulletin of the Neurologi- cal Society of India), 7(4):65-70, 1959. MALZBERG, BENJAMIN: Statistics of admissions to and discharges from state schools for mental defec- tives. Mental Hygiene, 44(3):434-441, 1960. MH-189 (R01) MacGouN, Horace W., LINDSLEY, DonNALD B.: Thalamocortical relationships. North- western University, Chicago, Ill. (1949-50) JIMENEZ-CASTELLANOS, JUAN.: Thalamus of the cat in horsley-clarke coordinates. Journal of Compara- tive Neurology, 91:307-330, 1949. LINDSLEY, D. B.: Emotion. In: Stevens, S. S., ed. Handbook of experimental psychology. New York, Wiley, 1951, p. 473-516. LinpsLEy, D. B., BowbpeN, J. W., and MAGOUN, H. W.: Effect upon the electroencephalograph of acute injury to the brain stem activating system. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysi- ology, 1:475-486, 1949. MaGOUN, H. W.: Caudal and cephalic influences of the brain stem reticular formation. Physiological Review, 30:459-474, 1950. MacouN, H. W.: An ascending reticular activating system in the brain stem. A.M.A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 67:145-154, 1952. MaGouN, H. W.: The ascending reticular activating system. In: Bard, Philip, ed. Patterns of organi- zation in the central nervous system. Vol. 30. Baltimore, Md., Williams & Wilkins, 1953, p. 480-492. Moruzzi, G., and MacouN, H. W.: Brain stem reticular formation and activation of the electro- encephalograph. Electroencephalography and Clin- ical Neurophysiology Journal, 1:455-473, 1949. NieMER, W. T., and JIMENEZ-CASTELLANOS, JUAN: Cortico-thalamic connections in the cat as revealed by “physiological neuronography.” Journal of Comparative Neurology, 93:101-123, 1950. Starzr, T. E., Niemer, W. T., DELL, M., and ForGRAVE, P. R.: Cortical and subcortical elec- trical activity in experimental seizures induced by metrazol. Journal of Neuropathology and Ex- perimental Neurology, 12:262-276, 1953. MH-196 (R01) FULLER, RAYMOND G., EHRLICH, LeoN, and HETzZEL, WILLARD C.: Law and the administration of mental institutions. National ‘Association for Mental Health, New York, N.Y. (1950-53) FULLER, RAYMOND G.: A study of administration of state psychiatric services. New York, National Association for Mental Health, 1954, 60 p. Also in: Mental Hygiene, 38(2):177-235, 1954. MH-201 (R01) CONVERSE, JOHN M.: Psychology of facial deformities and plastic surgery. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1949-51) ABEL, THEODORA M.: Personality characteristics of the facially disfigured. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Ser. II, 8:325-329, 1952. ABEL, THEODORA M.: Figure drawings and facial disfigurement. American Journal of Orthopsy- chiatry, 23:253-264, 1953. ABEL, THEODORA M.: Facial disfigurement. In: Garrett, James F., ed. Psychological aspects of physical disability. Washington, Office of Voca- tional Rehabilitation, Series No. 210, 1955, p. 112- 124. ABEL, THEODORA M., and WEISSMANN, SERENA: Psychological aspects: a Rorschach study. Ror- Schachiana, International Review of Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, 1(2):152-158, 1952. MACGREGOR, FRANCES COOKE: Prophylactic aspects of the mental health of the physically disabled. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, 5:389-390, 1952. MACGREGOR, FRANCES COOKE: Some psycho-social roblems associated with facial deformities. Amer- ican Sociological Review, 16:629-638, 1951. Also in: Jaco, E. Gartly, ed. Patients, physicians and illness: Sourcebook in behavioral science and medi- cine, Glencoe, Ill., The Free Press, 1958, p. 269- 278. MACGREGOR, FRANCES COOKE: Some psychological hazards of plastic surgery of the free Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 12:123-130, 1953. Also in: Apple, Dorrian, ed. Sociological studies of health and sickness: A source book for the health professions, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1960, p. 145-153. MACGREGOR, FRANCES C.: Facial disfigurement and problems of employment: Some social and cul- tural considerations. In: Facial disfigurement. A rehabilitation problem. New York Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, New York Uni- versity Medical Center, 1963, p. 123-133. MACGREGOR, FRANCES COOKE, ABEL, THEODORA M., BryT, ALBERT, LAUER, EDITH, and WEIss- MANN, SERENA: Facial deformities and plastic surgery: A psychosocial study. Springfield, IIL, C. C. Thomas, 1953, 230 p. MACGREGOR, FRANCES COOKE, and SCHAFFNER, BERTRAM: Screening patients for nasal plastic operations: Some sociologic and psychiatric con- siderations. ~~ Psychosomatic Medicine, 12:277- 291, 1950. MH-205 (R01) WARD, ARTHUR A., Jr.: Cingular gyrus of the cerebral cortex. Washington, Uni- versity of Seattle, Wash. (1949-52) Fortz, E. L., and WHITE, L. E., Jr.: Experimental cingulumotomy and modification of morphine withdrawal. Journal of Neurosurgery, 14:655- 673, 1957. MH-210 (R01) CLARK, GEORGE: Cytoarchitectonic structures of the cerebral cortex. Chicago Medi- cal School, Chicago, Ill. (1950-51) RoE, ANNE, and SIEGELMAN, M.: A parent-child relations questionnaire. Child Development, 34: 355-369, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2106 and MH-3239). MH-211 (R01) StoLrz, Lois M.: Adjustment prob- lems of children born during the war. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1949-54) StoLz, L. M.: The effect of mobilization and war on children. In: Richards, E. A., ed. Proceed- ings of the Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth. Raleigh, N.C., Health Publications Institute, 1951, p. 111-122. Storz, Lois MEEK: Father relations of war-born children. Stanford, California, Stanford Univer- sity Press, 1954, 365 p. MH-213 (R01) GOLDSTEIN, JACOB: Personality study of concentration camp survivors. New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y. (1949-53) GoLDsTEIN, J., LukorF, I. F., and STRAUSS, H.: A case study of a concentration camp survivor. American OSE Review, 8:11-28, 1951. GOLDSTEIN, J., LukorF, I. F., and STRAUSS, H.: An analysis of a sample of interviews with Hun- garian Jewish survivors of German concentration camps. New York, New School for Social Re- search, 1951, 180 p. (Processed) GOLDSTEIN, J., and STRAUSS, H.: Changes in recall salience of concentration camp experience: A case study. New York, New School for Social Re- search, 1951, 28 p. (Processed) MH-215 (R01) BIBER, BARBARA: Selection of psy- chologically qualified teachers. Bank Street Col- lege of Education, New York, N.Y. (1951-56) SHAPIRO, EDNA, BIBER, BARBARA, and MINICHIN, PATRICIA: The cartoons situation test: A semi- structured technique for assessing aspects of per- sonality pertinent to the teaching process. [our- nal of Projective Techniques, 21:172-184, 1957. ZIMILES, HERBERT, BIBER, BARBARA, RABINOWITZ, WiLLiaM, and HAy, Louis: Personality aspects of teaching: A predictive study. Genetic Psy- chology Monographs, 69:101-149, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-9135). MH-226 (R01) GoLp, MITCHELL A.: Personality and expressive movements. Scientific Personality Research Corporation, New York, N.Y. (1950-52) GoLp, MITCHELL A.: An approach to the develop- ment of a biologic index of character structure. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 116:242- 255, 1952. MH-245 (R01) SoroMoN, Harry C.: Effect of prefrontal lobotomy on cerebral function. Har- vard Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1949-52) BockoVEN, J. S., and Hype, R. W.: Application of a sociometric technic to the study of lobotomized patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- ease, 114:95-105, 1951. GREENBLATT, M., ROBERTSON, E., and SOLOMON, H. C.: Five year follow-up of one hundred cases of bilateral prefrontal lobotomy. Journal of the American Medical Association, 151(3):200-202, 1953. GREENBLATT, M., and SoLoMoN, H. C.: Survey of nine years of lobotomy investigations. American Journal of Psychiatry, 109 (4) :262-265, 1952. GREENBLATT, MILTON, and SOLOMON, HARRY C,, eds.: Frontal lobes and schizophrenia. Second lobotomy project of Boston Psychopathic Hospital. New York, Springer, 1953, 425 p. GREENBLATT, M., and SoLoMmoN, H. C.: A theory of frontal lobe functioning based on eight years 45 of lobotomy investigations. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 117(2):170, 1953. GREENBLATT, M., and SoLoMoN, H. C.: Medical progress: Psychosurgery. New England [ournal of Medicine, 248:19-27, and 59-67, 1953. LEVINE, J., GREENBLATT, M., and SoLoMoON, H. C.: Bimedial lobotomy: Its superiority over the con- ventional approach. New England [Journal of Medicine, 245:888-891, 1951. LIN, TSUNG-YI, GREENBLATT, M., and SOLOMON, H. C.: Agitated depression associated with arterio- venous aneurysm of left frontal lobotomy: Recov- ery after unilateral frontal lobectomy. New Eng- land Journal of Medicine, 247:631-633, 1952. SoLomoN, H. C., and GREENBLATT, M.: Physio- logical changes predictive of clinical outcome fol- lowing frontal lobe surgery: Effect of frontal lobe surgery upon systolic blood pressure response to an autonomic drug (Mecholyl). Psychiatric Treat- ment, 21:328-340, 1953. TarLBot, B., BELLis, E. C., and GREENBLATT, M.: Alcoholism and lobotomy. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 12(3):386-394, 1951. MH-250 (R01) Darrow, CHESTER W.: Psycho- physiology of Hypnosis. Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago, Ill. (1949-50) DARROW, CHESTER, W., ARNOTT, PETER, STROUP, MAXINE, BrupOo, CHARLES, and Kris, C.: Pre- liminary observations on the uses of music in elec- troencephalography. ~~ (Abstract) Electroenceph- alography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 5:116, 1952. Darrow, C. W., and CoNVERSE, M.: EEG phase and autonomic function. (Abstract) Electroen- cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2: 225, 1950. Darrow, C. W., HENRY, C, E., BRENMAN, M., and GiLL, M.: Inter-area electroencephalographic re- lationships affected by hypnosis. (Abstract) Elec- troencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2:231, 1950. Darrow, C. W., HENRY, C. E., GILL, M., BREN- MAN, M. and CONVERSE, M.: Frontal motor parallelism and motor-occiptal in-phase activity in hypnosis, drowsiness and sleep. (Abstract) Elec- troencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2:335, 1950. DARROW, CHESTER W. WiLcorT, ROBERT C., SIEGEL, ANN, STROUP, MAXINE, and AARONS, L.: Instrumental evaluation of EEG phase relation- ships. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neu- rophysiology, 8:333-336, 1956. MH-252 (R01) METTLER, FRED A.: Space con- trolled neural lesions. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1949-50) CARPENTER, M. B., and CARPENTER, C. S.: Analy- sis of somatotopic relations of the corpus luysi in man and monkey. Journal of Comparative Neu- rology, 95:349-370, 1951. CARPENTER, M. B., and METTLER, F. A.: Analysis of subthalamic hyperkinesia in the monkey with special reference to ablations of agranular cortes. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 95:125-158, 1951. CARPENTER, M. B., and WHITTIER, J. R.: Study of methods for producing experimental lesions of the central nervous system with special reference to stereotaxic technique. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 97:73-132, 1952. CARPENTER, M. B., WHITTIER, J. R., and METTLER, F. A.: Tremor in the rhesus monkey produced by diencephalic lesions and studied by a graphic method. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 93: 1-16, 1950. HARMAN, PINCKNEY J., and CARPENTER, MALCOLM B.: Volumetric comparisons of the basal ganglia of various primates including man. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 93:125, 1950. MH-255 (R01) EATON, JosepH W.: Effect of cul- ture on incidence of mental disorder. Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. (1949-53) EATON, J. W.: The assessment of mental health. American Journal of Psychiatry, 108:81-90, 1951. EATON, J. W.: In defense of culture-personality studies. American Sociological Review, 16:98- 100, 1951. EATON, J. W.: Social processes of professional team- work. American Sociological Review, 16:707- 713, 1951. EATON, JosepH W.: Controlled acculturation: A survival technique of the Hutterites. American Sociological Review, 17(3):331-340, 1952. EATON, JosepH W.: Culture and mental disorders: A comparative study of the Hutterites and other populations. Glencoe, Illinois, Free Press, 1955, 254 p. EATON, JosepH W.: Folk obstetrics and pediatrics meet the M. D.: A case study of social anthro- pology and medicine. In: Jaco, E. Gartley, ed. Patients, physicians and illness, sourcebook in behavioral science and medicine. Glencoe, Ill, Free Press, 1958, p. 207-221. EATON, JosepH W.: Folk psychiatry. New Society, 2(48):9, 1963. EATON, JosePH W.: Adolescence in a communal society. Mental Hygiene, 48(1):66-73, 1964. EATON, JosepH W., KAPLAN, BERT, and PLAUT, THoMAs F. A.: Personality in the communal so- 46 ciety. Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas Press, 1956. EATON, JosepH W., and MAYER, ALBERT J.: The social biology of very high fertility among the Hutterites. ~~ Human Biology, 25(3):206-263, 1953. EATON, JosepH W., and WEIL, ROBERT J.: Psycho- therapeutic principles in social research. Psychi- atry, 14(4) :439-454, 1951. EATON, JosepH W., and WEIL, ROBERT ].: Some epidemiological findings in the Hutterite mental health study. In: Interrelations between the so- cial environment and psychiatric disorders. New York, Milbank Memorial Fund, 1953, p. 222-234. EATON, JosepH W., and WEIL, ROBERT J.: The mental health of the Hutterites. Scientific Ameri can, 189(6):31-38, 1953. EATON, J. W., WEIL, R., and KAPLAN, B.: The Hutterite mental health study. Mennonite Quar- terly Review, 25:3-19, 1951. MH-257 (R01) KaBaT, ELVIN A.: Immunochemi- cal studies on acute CNS disorders. New York Medical College, New York; N.Y. (1950-53) KaBAT, E. A., WoLF, A., and BEZER, A. E.: Studies on acute disseminated encephalomyelitis produced experimentally in rhesus monkeys. VII. The ef- fect of cortisone. Journal of Immunology, 68: 265-275, 1952. KaBat, E. A., WoLF, A., BEzER, A. E., and MUR- RAY, J. P.: Studies on acute disseminated enceph- alomyelitis produced experimentally in rhesus monkeys. VI. Changes in the cerebrospinal fluid proteins. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 93: 615-633, 1951. LumspeN, C. E., Kaspar, E. A, WoLF, A, and BezEr, A. E.: Studies on acute disseminated en- cephalomyelitis produced experimentally in rhesus monkeys. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 92: 253-270, 1950. MH-260 (R01) ROBINSON, FRANKLIN, and LEN- NOX, MARGARET A.: Physiological pathogenesis of epilepsy. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1949-53) HuGHES, ROBERT A., and ROBINSON, FRANKLIN: Acetylcholine and the central nervous system: A review of neurochemical mechanisms. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 24:35-47, 1951. LENNOX, MARGARET A., and ROBINSON, FRANK- LIN: Cingulate-cerebellar mechanisms in the physi- ological pathogenesis of epilepsy. Electroenceph- alography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 3:197- 205, 1951. MacLEAN, P.: The limbic system and its hippo- campal formation. Journal of Neurosurgery, 9: 29-44, 1954. MACLEAN, P. D., Horwitz, N. H., and ROBINSON, FRANKLIN: Olfactory-like responses in pyriform area to non-olfactory stimulation. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 25:160-172, 1952. MACLEAN, P. D., RosNER, B. S., and ROBINSON, FRANKLIN: Pyriform responses to electrical stimu- lation of olfactory fila, bulb and tract. American Journal of Physiology, 189:395-400, 1957. ROBINSON, FRANKLIN, and HUGHES, ROBERT A.: Effects of adenine compounds on electrocortical activity. Journal of Neurophysiology, 14:387- 398, 1951. ROBINSON, FRANKLIN, and LENNOX, MARGARET A.: Sensory mechanism in hippocampus, cingulate gy- rus and cerebellum of the cat. Federation Pro- ceedings, 10(1) :Part I, 1951. MH-263 (R01) RepLicH, FREDERICK C., and HoL- LINGSHEAD, AUGUST B.: Relation of social struc- ture to mental disorders. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1950-56) AuLp, FRANK, Jr. and MyERs, JEROME K.: Con- tributions to a theory for selecting psychotherapy patients. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 10(1): 56-60, 1954. (Also acknowledges MH-648). HoLLINGSHEAD, A. B., ELris, R., and KirBy, E.: Social mobility and mental illness. American So- ciological Review, 19:376-384, 1954. HOLLINGSHEAD, AUGUST B., and FREEDMAN, LAW- RENCE Z.: Social class and the treatment of neu- rotics. In: National Conference of Social Work. Social Welfare forum. New York, Columbia University Press, 1955, p. 194-205. HoOLLINGSHEAD, A. B., and REepLicH, F. C.: Social stratification and psychiatric disorders. American Sociological Review, 18:163-169, 1953. HoOLLINGSHEAD, A. B., and REepLicH, F. C.: Social stratification and schizophrenia. American Socio- logical Review, 19:302-308, 1954. HoNNINGSHEAD, A. B., and RebpLicH, F. C.: Social mobility and mental illness. American Journal of Psychiatry, 123:179-188, 1956. HOLLINGSHEAD, AUGUST B., and REDLICH, FREDER- Ick, C.: Social class and mental illness: A com- munity study. New York, Wiley, 1958, 442 p. Myers, JEROME K.: Note on the homogeneity of census tracts: A methodological problem in urban ecological research. Social Forces, 32:364-366, 1954. MyEers, JEROME K.: An empirical approach to the study of schizophrenia. Psychiatric Research Re- ports, 5:29-38, 1956. MyERs, JEROME G., and ROBERTS, BERTRAM H.: A sociological-psychiatric case study of schizo- phrenia. Sociology and Social Research, 39(1): 11-17, 1954. 47 Myers, JEROME K., and SCHAFFER, LESLIE: Social stratification and psychiatric practice: A study of an out-patient clinic. American Sociological Re- view, 19:307-310, 1954. RepricH, F. C.: The concept of normality. Ameri- can Journal of Psychotherapy, 6:551-576, 1952. RepLicH, F. C.: The influence of environment on mental health. Bulletin of the New York Acad- emy of Medicine, 30:608-621, 1954. RepricH, F. C.: Some sociological aspects of the psychoses. In: Theory and treatment of the psy- choses: Some newer aspects. St. Louis, Washing- ton University Studies, 1956, p. 59-75. RepricH, F. C.: Clases sociales, culture y esquizo- frenia. Acta Neuropsiquiatrica Argentina, 3:335- 340, 1957. RepricH, F. C.: Social aspects of psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 114:800-804, 1958. RepLicH, F. C.: Social aspects of psychotherapy in the United States. In: Masserman, J., and Moreno, J., eds. Progress in psychotherapy. Vol. 3. New York, Grune and Stratton, 1958, p. 79-85. RepricH, F. C.: Social class, culture and schizo- phrenia (in English). In: Ehrhardt, Helmut, ed. Psychiatrie und Gesellschaft. Zurich, Huber, 1958, p. 42-47. RepLicH, F. C., CaupiLL, W. A., GILMORE, H. R., and Brody, E. B.: Social structure and interaction processes on a psychiatric ward. American Jour- nal of Orthopsychiatry, 22:314-334, 1952. RepLicH, F. C., and HOLLINGSHEAD, A. B.: Schizo- phrenia and social structure. American Journal of Psychiatry, 110:695-701, 1954. RepricH, F. C., HOLLINGSHEAD, A. B., and BELLIS, E.: Social class difference in attitudes to psychi- atry. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 25: 60-70, 1955. RepricH, F. C., HOLLINGSHEAD, A. B., ROBERTS, B. H., RoBiNsON, H. A., FREEDMAN, L. Z., and Myers, J. K.: Social structure and psychiatric dis- orders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 109:729- 734, 1953. RepricH, F. C., RoBINsOoN, H. A., and HOLLINGS- HEAD, A. B.: An investigation of social structure and psychiatric disorders. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 7:348, 1952. RoBERTS, BERTRAM H., and MYERS, JEROME K.: Religion, national origin, immigration and mental illness. American Journal of Psychiatry, 110: 759-764, 1954. RoBERTS, BERTRAM H. and MYERS, JEROME K.: Schizophrenia in the youngest male child of the lower middle class. American Journal of Psychi- atry, 112:129-134, 1955. RoBINsON, H. A., RepricH, F. C., and MYERS, J. K.: Social structure and psychiatric treatment. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 24:307-316, 1954. SCHAFFER, LESLIE, and MYERS, JEROME K.: Psy- chotherapy and social stratification: An empirical study of practice in a psychiatric outpatient clinic. Psychiatry, 17:83-93, 1954. MH-274 (R01) Kirk, SAMUEL A.: Preschool train- ing for mentally handicapped children. Illinois, University of Urbana, Ill. (1950-54) Kirk, SAMUEL A.: Experiments in the early train- ing of the mentally retarded. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 56:692-700, 1952. Kirk, SAMUEL A.: Early education of the men- tally-retarded—an experimental study. Urbana, Ill., University of Illinois Press, 1958, 216 p. Kirk, SAMUEL A.: Effects of educational treatment. In: Masland, R. L., Cooke, R. E., and Kolb, L. C,, eds. Mental retardation. Vol. 39. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1962, p. 289-294. MH-289 (R01) METTLER, FRED A.: Research con- ference on psychosurgery. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1949-52) METTLER, FRED A. (Chairman): (Bigelow, New- ton, ed.). Criteria for the selection of psychotic patients for psychosurgery. In: Proceedings of the First Research Conference Group in Psycho- surgery, 1949. Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1951, p. 5-8. (Public Health Service Publication No. 16). METTLER, FRED A. (Chairman): (Bigelow, New- ton, ed.). Evaluation of change in patients after psychosurgery. Proceedings of 2nd Research Con- ference Group in Psychosurgery, 1950. Washing- ton, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1952, 116 p. (Public Health Service Publication No. 156). METTLER, FRED A.: The semiresponsible individual. Psychiatric Quarterly, 27:608-625, 1952. METTLER, FRED A. (Chairman): (Overholser, Win- fred, ed.). Evaluation of psychosurgery. Pro- ceedings of Third Research Conference on Psy- chosurgery. Public Health Service Publication No. 221, Washington, D.C., Government Print- ing Office, 1954, 173 p. MH-295 (R01) Pope, ALFRED: Brain chemistry in mentally ill patients. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1951-53) Hess, HELEN H., and Pope, ALFRED: Ultramicro- spectrophotometric determination of cytochrome 48 oxidase for quantitative histochemistry. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 204:295-306, 1953. Hess, H. H., and Popg, A.: Intralaminar distribu- tion of cytochrome oxidase activity in human fron- tal isocortex. Journal of Neurochemistry, 5:207- 217, 1960. Pope, ALFRED: The intralaminar distribution of dipepidase activity in human frontal isocortex. Journal of Neurochemistry, 4:31-41, 1959. Pork, A.: Quantitative histochemistry of the cere- bral cortex. Journal of Histochemistry and Cyto- chemistry, 8:425-430, 1960. PopPE, A.: Studies on the biochemical architecture of the isocortex of man. In: Tower, D. B., and Schade, J. P., eds. Structure and function of the cerebral cortex. (Proceedings of the Second In- ternational Meeting of Neurobiologists, Amster- dam, 1959). Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1560, p. 328- 333. Pope, ALFRED: Brain enzymes in mental disease. In: Folch-Pi, Jordi, ed. Brain enzymes in mental disease. Proceedings. New York, Pergamon, 1961, p. 388-402. Pope, A.: Brain enzymes in mental disease. In: Folch, H., ed. Chemical pathology of the nerv- ous system. (Proceedings of the Third Interna- tional Neurochemical Symposium). London, Per- gamon Press, 1961, p. 338-402. Pore, ALFRED: Applications of microchemistry to problems in neuropathology. Psychiatria Neu- rologia Neurochirurgia (Amsterdam), 64(1):1-8, 1961. Pore, ALFRED, and Hess, HELEN H.: Quantita- tive distribution of dipeptidase and cytochrome oxidase in cytoarchitectonic layers of human cere- bral cortex. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 13(1) :275, 1954. Pork, A., Hiss, H. H., and ALLEN, J. N.: Quan- titative histochemistry of proteolytic and oxida- tive enzymes in human cerebral cortex and brain tumors. In: Waelsch, H., ed. Progress in neu- robiology, 11. Ultrastructure and cellular chem- istry of neural tissue. New York, Hoeber-Harper, 1957, p. 182-191. Pope, ALFRED, HEss, HELEN H., WARE, JAMEs R., and THoMsoN, RuBy H.: Intralaminar distribu- tion of cytochrome oxidase and DPN in rat cere- bral cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 19:259- 270, 1956. MH-301 (R01) OjEMANN, RALPH H.: Evaluation of a learning program in human behavior. State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (1950-56) Levit, E. E.: Studies in intolerance of ambiguity: I. The decision-location test with grade school children. Child Development, 24:264-268, 1953. Levitt, E. E.: Studies in intolerance of ambiguity: II. The effects of “set” on the Decision Loca- tion Test. (Abstract) Proceedings of the lowa Academy of Science, 8:398, 1953. Levitt, E. E.: A note on the Welsh MMPI Anxiety Index. (Abstract) Journal of Consulting Psy- chology, 18:112, 1954. Levirt, E. E.: Punitiveness and “causality” in grade school children. Journal of Educational Psychol- 0gy, 46:494-498, 1955. Levitt, E. E.: Effect of a “causal” teacher training program on authoritarianism and responsibility in grade school children. Psychological Report, 1: 449-458, 1955. Levitt, E. E.: The development of prejudice: A critique of the Horowitz Faces Test. Child De- velopment, 27:155-171, 1956. Levitt, E. E.: A critical review of studies of the water-jar "Einstellung” test as a measure of rig- idity. Psychological Bulletin, 53:347-370, 1956. Levitt, E. E., and Crark, C. A.: Knowledge of mental hygiene and “probability thinking” in high school students. (Abstract) American Psycholo- gist, 8:389, 1953. Levitt, E. E,, and Lyre, W. H.: Evidence for the validity of the children’s form of the picture- frustration study. [Journal of Consulting Psychol- ogy, 19:381-386, 1955. Levitt, E. E.,, and McCaNDLESS, B. R.: Some re- lationships among tests pertaining to the authori- tarian personality syndrome in children. (Ab- stract) American Psychologist, 9:417, 1954. Levitt, E. E., and OJEMANN, R. H.: The aims of preventive psychiatry and “causality” as a per- sonality pattern. Journal of Psychology, 36:393- 400, 1953. Levitt, E. E., and SCHAEFFER, M. S.: Concerning Kendall's Tau, a non-parametric correlation co- efficient. Psychological Bulletin, 53 (4) :338-346, 1956. Leverrt, E. E., and ZELEN, S. L.: The validity of the “Einstellung” test as a measure of rigidity. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 48: 573-580, 1953. Levitt, E. E., and ZELEN, S.: An investigation of the water-jar extinction problem as a measure of rigidity. Psychological Report, 1:331-334, 1953. Lyre, W. H., and Levitt, E. E.: Situational dif- ferences in punitiveness of Iowa school children. Proceedings of the lowa Academy of Science, 61: 378-381, 1954. Lyre, W. H., and Levitt, E. E.: Punitiveness, au- thoritarianism, and parental discipline of grade school children. Journal of Abnormal and So- cial Psychology, 51(1):42-46, 1955. 49 LyLe, W. H., and Smock, C. D.: The relationship between manifest anxiety and test anxiety. Pro- ceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences, 62: 405-410, 1955. OJEMANN, R. H.: An integrated plan for education in human relations and mental health. Journal of School Health, 20:99-106, 1950. Also in: Journal of the National Association of Deans of Women, 16:101-108, 1953. OJEMANN, R. H.: The function of the secondary school in an integrated plan for education in hu- man relations and mental health. Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary School Prin- cipals, 37(197): 82-89, 1953. OJEMANN, R. H.: We can teach human relations. Journal of Health-Physical Education Record, February 1955, p. 20-21 and 35. OJEMANN, RaLpH H.: Four basic aspects of pre- ventive psychiatry. Report of the First Institute on Preventive Psychiatry. Iowa City, State Uni- versity of Iowa, 1957, 122 p. OJEMANN, R. H., Levitt, E. E., LyLg, W. H,, Jr, and WHITESIDE, M. F.: The effects of a “causal” teacher training program and certain curriculum changes on grade school children. Journal of Experimental Education, December, 1955, p. 95- 114. ZELEN, S. L., and Levitt, E. E.: A group level of aspiration technique as a measure of personality rigidity. Proceedings of the lowa Academy of Science, 60:569-573, 1953. ZELEN, S. L., and Levitt, E. E.: Notes on the Wes- ley Rigidity Scale: The development of a short form. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- ogy, 49:472-473, 1954. MH-305 (R01) CRANDELL, ARCHIE: Postoperative adjustment of psychosurgery patients. New Jersey State Hospital, Greystone Park, N.J. (1951-53) CRANDELL, ARCHIE, ZUBIN, JOSEPH, METTLER, FrED, and KUGELMAsS, NORMAN: “Mobility” in chronic schizophrenia with special regard to psy- chosurgery. Psychiatric Quarterly, 30:96-113, 1956. CRANDELL, ARCHIE, ZUBIN, JOSEPH, METTLER, Frep A., and LoGaN, NOREEN D.: The prog- nostic value of “mobility” during the first two years of hospitalization for mental disorder. Psy- chiatric Quarterly, 28:185-210, 1954. ZoLik, EpwiN S., and LANTZ, EDNA M.: A com- parative study of return rates to two mental hos- pitals. Community Mental Health Journal, 1(3): 233-237, 1965. MH-312 (R01) SPENCE, KENNETH W.: Relation of anxiety to behavior disorders. State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (1950-55) SPENCE, K. W., and TAYLOR, JANET A.: The rela- tion of conditioned response to anxiety in normal, neurotic and psychotic subjects. Journal of Ex- perimental Psychology, 45:265-272, 1953. TAYLOR, JANET A.: A personality scale of manifest anxiety. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 48:285-290, 1953. TAYLOR, JANET A., and SPENCE, K. W.: The rela- tionship of anxiety level to performance in serial learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 44:61-64, 1952. TAYLOR, JANET A., and SPENCE, K. W.: Condition- ing level in the behavior disorders. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 49:497-502, 1954. MH-313 (R01) Ferris, EUGENE B., JRr., REISER, MorTOoN F.: Role of the clinician in studies of hypertension. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (1950-52) LEGGE, D.: Analysis of perception of hand position with and without vision, using a drug. (Abstract) In: 14th International Congress of Applied Psy- chology, 1961, p. 153-154. MH-316 (R01) WaTsoN, RoGER E.: Early environ- ment and neurosis. Pennsylvania Hospital, Phila- delphia, Pa. (1950-53) WatsoN, ROGER, E.: Experimentally induced con- flict in cats. Psychosomatic Medicine, 16:340- 347, 1954. MH-318 (R01) FINESINGER, JacoB E., and GRE- NELL, ROBERT G.: Relationship of metabolism and brain function. University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. (1951-54) GRENELL, R. G., MENDELSOHN, J., and McELROY, W. D.: Neuronal metabolism and ATP synthesis in narcosis. Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology, 46:143-162, 1955. MH-320 (R01) JANEwWAY, CHARLES A.: Emotional factors in idiopathic celiac disease. Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Mass. (1950- 53) Lroyp, A. V. C, and ScHwACHMAN, H.: Current concepts in therapy. Diarrhea in children. New England [Journal of Medicine, 267:1081-1083, 1962. PRrUGH, DANE G.: Psychophysiologic aspects of in- born errors of metabolism. In: Lief, H. I., Lief, V. F, and Lief, N. R, eds. The psychological basis of medical practice. New York, Hoeber- Harper, 1963, p. 413-430. SHWACHMAN, H.: Mucoviscidosis and celiac syn- drome. Pediatric Clinics of North America May: 389-403, 1954. 50 SHWACHMAN, H.: Cystic fibrosis and celiac disease in childhood nutrition. In: Michael-Smith, Har- old, ed. Management of the handicapped child. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1957, p. 206-225. MH-325 (R01) ZANDER, ALVIN F.: Coordination of Community Mental Health Leadership. Uni- versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1950-53) CoHEN, A. R.: Situational structure, self-esteem and threat oriented reactions to power. In: Cart- wright, D., ed. Studies in social power. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Research Center for Group Dy- namics, 1959. Hurwitz, J. I., ZANDER, A., and HyMmoviTcH, B.: Some effects of power on the relations among group members. In: Cartwright, D., and Zander, A., eds. Group dynamics research and theory. Evanston, Ill, Row, Peterson, 1953, p. 800-809. STOTLAND, E.: Peer groups and reactions to power figures. In: Cartwright, D., ed. Studies in social power. Ann Arbor, Mich., Research Center for Group Dynamics, 1959. ZANDER, A., and COHEN, A. R.: Attributed social power and group acceptance. Journal of Abnor mal and Social Psychology, 51:490-492, 1955. ZANDER, A., CoHEN, A. R., and StorLAND, E.: Role relations in the mental health professions. Ann Arbor, Mich., Research Center for Group Dynamics, 1957, 210 p. ZANDER, A., CoHEN, A. R., and StoTLAND, E.: Power and the relations among professions. In: Cartwright, D., ed. Studies in social power. Ann Arbor, Mich., Research Center for Group Dynamics, 1959. MH-327 (R01) Mirsky, I. ARTHUR: The psycho- dynamics of potential diabetes mellitus. Jewish Hospital of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (1950- 51) Mirsky, I. A.: The etiology of diabetes mellitus in man. Record of Progress in Hormone Research, 7:437-467, 1952. MH-331 (R01) Corfrey, HUBERT S., and POPE, SaxToN, T., Jr.: Function of leader and group in group psychotherapy. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1950-54) BaroN, F., and LeARry, T.: Changes in psychoneu- rotic patients with and without psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 19(4):239- 245, 1955. FREEDMAN, M. B., LEARY, T., Ossorio, A. G., and CorrEY, H. S.: The interpersonal dimension of personality. Journal of Personality, 20:143-161, 1951. FREEDMAN, MERVIN, and SWEET, BLANCHE: Some specific features of group psychotherapy and the implications for the selection of patients. Interna- tional Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 4(4): 335-368, 1954. LaFoRrGE, R., FREEMAN, M., LEARY, T., NABOISEK, H., and CoFFEy, H.: The interpersonal dimension of personality: II. An objective study of repres- sion. Journal of Personality, 23:129-153, 1954. LEARY, T.: The theory and measurement methodol- ogy of interpersonal communication. Psychiatry, 18(2) :147-161, 1955. Leary, T.: A theory and methodology for measur- ing fantasy and imaginative expression. Journal of Personality, 25(2):159-175, 1956. Leary, TiMoTHY: Interpersonal diagnosis of per- sonality; a functional theory and methodology for personality evaluation. New York, Ronald Press, 1957, 518 p. (Also acknowledges MH-1013). LEARY, T.: Interpersonal dimensions of psychother- apy. New York, Ronald Press, 1957, 518 p. (Also acknowledges MH-1013). LEARY, T., and Coffey, H.: The prediction of in- terpersonal behavior in group psychotherapy. Group Psychotherapy, 7:7-51, 1954. Leary, T., and CoFFEy, H.: Interpersonal diagno- sis: Some problems of methodology and valida- tion. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 50(1):110-124, 1955. Suczek, R.: Psychologic aspects of obesity and group weight reduction. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 30(5) :442-446, 1954. MH-339 (R01) SLOAN, WILLIAM: Standardization of motor proficiency tests. Lincoln State School, Lincoln, Ill. (1950-52) SLoaN, W.: The Lincoln-Oseretsky motor develop- ment scale. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 51: 183-252, 1955. MH-342 (R01) SMALL, LEONARD: Personality fac- tors in adolescent vocational choices. Vocational Advisory Service, New York, N.Y. (1951-55) SMALL, L.: Personality determinants of vocational choice. Psychological Monographs, 67(1):1-21, 1953. (Whole No. 351). SMALL, L.: Work and personality adjustment. In: Oates, Wayne E., ed. The minister's own mental health. Great Neck, N.Y., Channel Press, 1961. MH-348 (R01) WAPNER, SEYMOUR, and WER- NER, HEINZ: Mechanisms of perception-personal- ity relationships. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. (1950- ) BArTON, MELVIN, I, and WAPNER, SEYMOUR: Apparent length of body parts attended to sepa- rately and in combination. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3) Part 1:904, 1965. 51 BAUERMEISTER, M.: The effect of body tilt on ap- parent verticality, apparent body position, and their relation. Journal of Experimental Psychol- ogy, 67:142-147, 1964. BAUERMEISTER, M., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Sex differences in the perception of apparent ver- ticality and apparent body position under condi- tions of body tilt. Journal of Personality, 31: 394-407, 1963. BAUERMEISTER, M., WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: The effect of body tilt on tactual-kinesthetic per- ception of verticality. American Journal of Psy- chology, 77:451-456, 1964. BLaNE, H. T.: Space perception among unilaterally paralyzed children and adolescents. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63:244-247, 1962. BrukLL, J. H., and ALBEE, G. W.: Effect of asym- metrical retinal stimulation on the perception of the median plane. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 5:133-139, 1955. ComarLi, P. E,, Jr.: Studies in physiognomic percep- tion: VI. Differential effects of directional dynam- ics of pictured objects on real and apparent motion in artists and chemists. Journal of Psychology, 49:99-109, 1960. ComarLy, P. E,, Jr.: Body position and localization of a visual object. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:86, 1963. Comal, P. E., Jr., Krus, D. M., and WAPNER, S.: Cognitive functioning in two groups of aged: One institutionalized, the other living in the community. Journal of Psychology, 47:259-266, 1959. ComarLy, P. E., Jr., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Perception of verticality in middle and old age. Journal of Psychology, 48:259-266, 1959. ComaLLy, P. E., Jr., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Effect of muscular involvement on size perception. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 9:116, 1959. ComaLLi, P. E., Jr., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Interference effects of Stroop color-word test in childhood, adulthood, and aging. Journal of Ge- netic Psychology, 100:47-53, 1962. Comariy, P. E., JrR.,, WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: Studies in physiognomic perception: III. Ef- fect of directional dynamics and meaning-induced sets on autokinetic motion. Journal of Psychology, 43:289-299, 1957. DENNER, B., and WAPNER, S.: Phenomenal time as a determinant of CFF. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19:653-654, 1964. DENNER, B., WAPNER, S., MCFARLAND, J. H., and WERNER, H.: Rhythmic activity and the percep- tion of time. American Journal of Psychology, 76:287-292, 1963. DENNER, B., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Rhythmic activity and the discrimination of stim- uli in time. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19:723- 729, 1964. DowLING, ROBERT M.: Visual recognition thresh- old and concurrent motor activity. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3) Part 2:1141-1146, 1965. GoLpMAN, A. E.: Studies in vicariousness: Degree of motor activity and the autokinetic phenomenon. American Journal of Psychology, 66:613-617, 1953. GOLDSTEIN, ALVIN G.: Linear acceleration and ap- parent distance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 9: 267-269, 1959. GUNTER, R. C., JrR., CHANDLER, K. A., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: A device for measuring angular movements of the body around its own axes. American Journal of Psychology, 65:609- 613, 1952. GUYETTE, A., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Some aspects of space perception in mental retardates. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 69:90- 100, 1964. KapeN, S. E., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Studies in physiognomic perception: II. Effect of directional dynamics of pictured objects and of words on the position of the apparent horizon. Journal of Psychology, 39:61-70, 1955. KRrus, D. M., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Studies in vicariousness: Effect of muscular involvement on visual threshold. American [Journal of Psy- chology, 71:395-398, 1958. Krus, D. M., WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: Studies in vicariousness: Motor activity and per- ceived movement. American Journal of Psychol- 0gy, 66:603-608, 1953. LANGER, ]J., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: The effect of danger upon the experience of time. American Journal of Psychology, 74:94-97, 1961. LANGER, JoNAs, WERNER, HEINZ, and WAPNER, SEYMOUR: Apparent speed of walking under con- ditions of danger. Journal of General Psychology, 73:291-298, 1965. LieBerT, R. S., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Studies in the effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): Visual perception of verticality in schizophrenic and normal adults. A. M. A. Ar chives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 77:193-201, 1957. LieBert, R. S., WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: Studies in the effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): Self and object size perception in schizophrenic and normal adults. A. M. A. Ar- chives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 79:580-584, 1958. 52 McFARLAND, J. H.: Visual and proprioceptive changes during visual exposure to a tilted line. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15:322, 1962. MCFARLAND, J. H., WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: The relation between perceived location of objects and perceived location of one’s own body. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 15:331-341, 1962. MCFARLAND, J. H., WERNER, H., & WAPNER, S.: The effect of muscular involvement on sensitivity: Asymmetrical convergence on the distribution of visual sensitivity. American Journal of Psychol- 0gy, 73:523-534, 1960. MCcFARLAND, J. H., WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: The effect of postural factors on the distribution of tactual sensitivity and the organization of tactual- kinaesthetic space. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 63:148-154, 1962. MILLER, A.: Verbal satiation and the role of con- current activity. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66(3):206-212, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4915). MILLER, A., WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: Studies in physiognomic perception: V. Effect of ascend- ing and descending gliding tones on autokinetic motion. Journal of Psychology, 46:101-105, 1958. MoraNT, R. B.: The visual perception of the me- dian plane as influenced by labyrinthian stimula- tion. Journal of Psychology, 47:25-35, 1959. MurHOLLAND, T. B.: Motion perceived while view- ing rotating stimulus-objects. American Journal of Psychology, 69:96-99, 1956. MuLrHOLLAND, T. B.: The “swinging disc” illusion. American Journal of Psychology, 71:375-382, 1958. OHWAKI, SONOKO: An investigation of figural adap- tation: A study within the framework of sensory- tonic field theory. American Journal of Psychol- ogy, 74:3-16, 1961. PORZEMSKY, J., WAPNER, SEYMOUR, and GLICK, J. A.: Effect of experimentally-induced self-object cognitive attitudes on body and object perception. Perceptual and Motor Skill, 21 (1) :187-195, 1965. RAND, G., WAPNER, S., WERNER, H., and McCFAR- LAND, J. H.: Age differences in performance on the Stroop color-word test. Journal of Personal- ity, 31:534-558, 1963. WAPNER, S.: Some aspects of the sensory-tonic field theory of perception. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, 1957, p. 336-337. WAPNER, S.: An experimental and theoretical ap- proach to body image. Acta Psychologica, 19: 758-759, 1961. (Proceedings of the 26th Inter- national Congress of Psychology, Bonn, 1960). WAPNER, S.: An organismic-developmental ap- proach to the study of perceptual and other cog- nitive operations. In: Scheerer, C., ed. Cogni- tion: Theory, research, promise. New York, Harper & Row, 1964. WAPNER, S., MCFARLAND, J. H., and WERNER, H.: Effect of visual spatial context on perception of one’s own body. British Journal of Psychology, 53:222-230, 1962. WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Experiments on sensory-tonic field theory of perception: V. Effect of body status on the kinaesthetic perception of verticality. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 44:126-131, 1952. WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Gestalt laws of organization and organismic theory of perception: Effect of asymmetry induced by the factor of similarity on the position of the apparent median plane and apparent horizon. American Journal of Psychology, 68:258-265, 1955. WAPNER, S., and WERNER, H.: Perceptual develop- ment. Worcester, Mass., Clark University, 1957, 62 p. WAPNER, S., WERNER, H., BRUELL, J. H., and GOLDSTEIN, A. G.: Experiments on sensory-tonic field theory of perception: VII. Effect of asym- metrical extent and starting position of figures on the visual apparent median plane. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 46:300-307, 1953. WAPNER, S., WERNER, H., and CHANDLER, K. A.: Experiments on sensory-tonic field theory of per- ception: I. Effect of extraneous stimulation on the visual perception of verticality. Journal of Ex- perimental Psychology, 42:341-345, 1951. WAPNER, S., WERNER, H., and ComaLLL P. E,, Jr.: Space localization under conditions of danger. Journal of Psychology, 41:335-346, 1956. WAPNER, S., WERNER, H., and ComALLL P. E., Jr.: Effect of enhancement of head boundary on head size and shape. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 8: 319-325, 1958. WAPNER, S., WERNER, H., and CoMALLL P. E,, Jr.: Perception of part-whole relationships in middle and old age. Journal of Gerontology, 15:412- 416, 1960. WAPNER, S., WERNER, H., and Krus, D. M.: The effect of success and failure on space localization. Journal of Personality, 25:752-756, 1957. WAPNER, S., WERNER, H., and Krus, D. M.: Stud- ies in physiognomic perception: IV. Effect of muscular involvement on the dynamic properties of objects. Journal of Psychology, 44:129-132, 1957. WAPNER, S., WERNER, H., and MoraNT, R. B.: Experiments on sensory-tonic field theory of per- 53 ception: III. Effect of body rotation on the visual perception of verticality. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 42:351-357, 1951. WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: Experiments on sensory-tonic field theory of perception: IV. Ef- fect of initial position of a rod on apparent verti- cality. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 43: 68-74, 1952. WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: Toward a general theory of perception. Psychological Review, 59: 324-338, 1952. WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: Studies in physio- gnomic perception: I. Effect of configurational dynamics and meaning-induced sets on the posi- tion of the apparent median plane. Journal of Psychology, 38:51-65, 1954. WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: Changes in psycho- logical distance under conditions of danger. Jour- nal of Personality, 24:153-167, 1955. WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: The Innsbruck studies on distorted visual field in relation to an organismic theory of perception. Psychological Review, 62:130-138, 1955. WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: The non-projective aspects of the Rorschach experiment: II. Orga- nismic theory and perceptual response. Journal of Social Psychology, 44:193-198, 1956. WERNER, H., and WAPNER, S.: Sensory-tonic field theory of perception: Basic concepts and experi- ments. Revista di psicologia, 50:315-337, 1956. WERNER, H., WAPNER, S., and BRUELL, J. H.: Experiments on sensory-tonic field theory of per- ception: VI. Effect of position of head, eyes and of object on position of the apparent median plane. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 46: 293-299, 1953. WERNER, H., WAPNER, S., and CHANDLER, K. A.: Experiments on sensory-tonic field theory of per- ception: II. Effect of supported and unsupported tilt of the body on the visual perception of verti- cality. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 42: 346-350, 1951. WERNER, H., WAPNER, S., and ComALLL P. E,, Jr.: Effect of boundary on perception of head size. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 7:69-71, 1957. MH-354 (R01) GREENBLATT, MILTON: Psycho- physiology of the psychotherapeutic process. Har- vard Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1952-57) COLEMAN, R., GREENBLATT, M., and SOLOMON, H. C.: Physiological evidence of rapport during psychotherapeutic interviews. Diseases of the Nervous System, 17:71-77, 1956. DiMascio, A., Boyp, R. W., and GREENBLATT, M.: Physiological correlates of tension and antagonism during psychotherapy. Psychosomatic Medicine, 19:99-104, 1957. DiMascio, R., Boyp, R. W., GREENBLATT, M., and SorLoMoN, H. C.: The psychiatric interview. Dis- eases of the Nervous System, 16:4-9, 1955. KANTER, S. S., and DiMascio, A.: Description of the patient: The setting of therapy and summary comments by the psychotherapist. In: Gottschalk, Louis A., ed. Comparative psycholinguistic analy- sis of two psychotherapeutic interviews. Part I. New York, International Universities Press, 1962, p. 15-21. KANTER, S. S., and DiMascio, A.: Some physio- logical correlates of the psycholinguistic patterns of two psychiatric interviews. In: Gottschalk, Louis A., ed. Comparative psycholinguistic analy- sis of two psychotherapeutic interviews. Part I. New York, International Universities Press, 1962, p. 139-148. WartsoN, P. D., DiMascio, A., KANTER, S.S., SUTER, E., and GREENBLATT, M.: A note on the influence of climatic factors in psychophysiological investigations. Psychosomatic Medicine, 19:419- 423, 1957. WATSON, P. D., and KANTER, S. S.: Some influences of an experimental situation on the psychothera- peutic process. Psychosomatic Medicine, 18:457- 470, 1956. MH-359 (R01) Apes, Harrow W.: Effects of brain injury on learning. Emory University, At- lanta, Ga. (1951-54) MEYER, D. R., HARLOow, H. F. and Apes, H. W.: Retention of delayed responses and proficiency in oddity problems by monkeys with preoccipital ablations. (Abstract) American Journal of Psy- chology, 64:391, 1951. RIOPELLE, A. J.: Transfer suppression and learning sets. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 46:108-114, 1953. RIOPELLE, A. ]., and Apes, H. W.: Visual discrimi- nation performance in rhesus monkeys following extirpation of prestriate and temporal cortex. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 83:63-77, 1953. RIOPELLE, A. ]J., ALPER, R. G., STRONG, P. N., and Apes, H. W.: Multiple discrimination and pat- terned string performance of normal and tem- poral-lobectomized monkeys. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 46:145-149, 1953. RioPELLE, A. ]., Francisco, E. W., and ADEs, H. W.: Differential first-trial procedures and dis- crimination learning performance. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 47: 293-297, 1954. (Also acknowledges MH-589). RIOPELLE, A. J., GRADSKY, M. A., and Apes, H. W.: Learned performance of monkeys after single and 54 repeated x-irradiations. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 49:521-524, 1956. MH-362 (R01) BunNcH, MARION E.: Oxygen deprivation and psychological functions. Wash- ington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1951-54) MEIER, G. W., BuncH, M. E,, NoLaN, C. Y., and ScHEIDLER, C. H.: Anoxia, behavioral develop- ment, and learning ability: A comparative-experi- mental approach. Psychological Monographs, 74: 1-48, 1960. (Whole No. 488) (Also acknowl- edges MH-762). SPIEGEL, E. A., Wycis, H. T., KLETZKIN, M., and THUR, C.: Studies in stereoencephalotomy. II. A new procedure for exploration and elimination of subcortical structures. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 5:309-311, 1953. MH-366 (R01) HoacrLanp, HupsoN: Effects of electroshock and ACTH in schizophrenia. Wor- cester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Shrewsbury, Mass. (1951- ) BERGEN, J]. R., Hunt, C, and HoaGLAND, H.: In vitro oxygen consumption of tissues from normal and adrenalectomized rats. American Journal of Physiology, 171:624, 1952. HoAGLAND, HUDSON: Some biochemical considera- tions of psychotic behavior. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psychopathology, 12:1110112, 1951. HoaGrLanp, H.: Metabolic and physiological dis- turbances in the psychoses. In: Milbank Memo- rial Fund. The biology of mental health and disease. The 27th annual Conference of the Mil- bank Memorial Fund. New York, Hoeber, 1952, p. 434-448. HoaGLAND, HUDSON: Adrenal steroids and person- ality disorders. In: Colston Research Society's Symposium. The suprarenal cortex. London, Butterworths, 1953, p. 125-134. HoaGLAND, H.: Studies of brain metabolism and electrical activity in relation to adrenocortical physiology. Recent Progress in Hormone Re- search, 10:29, 1954. HoacrLanDp, H., BERGEN, J. R., SLOCOMBE, A. §,, and HUNT, C. A.: Studies of adrenocortical physi- ology in relation to the nervous system. In: Mer- ritt, H. H., and Hare, C. C., eds. Metabolic and toxic diseases of the nervous system. Vol. 32. Baltimore, Md., Williams & Wilkins, 1953. HoAGLAND, HUDSON, PINcus, GREGORY, ELMAD- JiaN, Frep, RoMANOFF, Louis, FREEMAN, HARRY, HOPE, JUSTIN, BALLAN, JAMES, BERKE- LEY, AusTIN, and CARLO, JAMES: Study of adrenocortical physiology in normal and schizo- phrenic men. Archives of Neurology and Psy- chiatry, 69:470-485, 1953. Hore, JusTIN M., ELMADJIAN, FRED, and MALA- MUD, WILLIAM: A method for the evaluation of hormone therapy in schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psychopathology, 12: 267-282, 1951. MH-372 (R01) SpiEGEL, ERNEST A.: Central pain conduction and pain perception. Temple Univer- sity, Philadelphia, Pa. (1951-55) Bamrp, H. W., and SpieGer, E. A.: The use of bulbocapnine in electroencephalography of chil- dren. Electroencephalography and Clinical Nen- rophysiology, 7:127-129, 1955. Bamrp, H. W., StaNTON, L., and SPIEGEL, E. A.: Segmental differences of skin potentials and skin resistance induced by visceral pain. A. M. A. Journal of the Diseases of Children, 87:607-614, 1954. Barp, H. W., SzekkiLy, E. G., and SPIEGEL, E. A.: The use of bulbocapnine in electroencephalog- raphy. (Abstract) In: 3rd International Electro- encephalography Congress, 1953, p. 27. CHAVEZ, M., and SPIEGEL, E. A.: The functional state of sensory nuclei following deafferentation. Confinia Neurologica, 17:143-152, 1957. KLETZKIN, M.: A simple electrode carrier for the exploration of subcortical structures. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine, 80:22-24, 1952. KLETZKIN, M., and SPIEGEL, E. A.: Spinal pain conduction by chains of short neurons. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 11(1)Part 1:83-84, 1952. REevEs, V., HENNY, G. C., Barp, H., Wycis, H. T., and SPIEGEL, E. A.: Localization of centripetal pathways of the human brain by recording of evoked potentials. In: Transactions of the Ameri- can Neurological Association, 1951, p. 246-248. SpieGEL, E. A., and KLETZKIN, M.: Thalamohypo- thalamic relationships. Effect of acute thalamic lesions upon the hypothalamus. American Jour- nal of Physiology, 171:769, 1952. SPIEGEL, E. A., KLETZKIN, M., and SzZEKELY, E. G.: Pain reactions on stimulation of the quadrigeminal region. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 12 (2)Part 1:136, 1953. SPIEGEL, E. A., KLETZKIN, M., and SzZEKELY, E. G.: Pain reactions upon stimulation of the tectum mesencephali. Journal of Neuropathology, 13: 212-220, 1954. SpieGer, E. A., KvLetzKIN, M. SzEKELY, E. G,, and Wycis, H. T.: Role of hypothalamic mech- anisms in thalamic pain. Neurology, 4:739-751, 1954. SPIEGEL, E. A., and SzekELy, E. G.: Coritical super- sensitivity after lesions of the ventral thalamic 55 nuclei. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 13 (1)Part 1:143-144, 1954. SpieGeL, E. A. and SzexkEeLy, E. G.: Supersensi- tivity of the sensory cortex following partial de- afferentation. Electroencephalography and Clini- cal Neurophysiology, 7:375-481, 1955. SPIEGEL, E. A., and Szekery, E. G.: Thalamic compensation of the loss of the hypothalamic “waking center”. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 14(1):143, 1955. SpieGeL, E. A., and Wycis, H. T.: Stereoencepha- lotomy. Vol. I. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1952,'176 p. SpieGeL, E. A., and Wycis, H. T.: Mesencepha- lotomy in treatment of “intractable” facial pain. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 69:1-13, 1953. SpIEGEL, E. A., and Wycis, H. T.: Stereoencepha- lotomy. Vol. II, Section III: Pain. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1962, p. 205-244. SpieGeL, E. A., Wycis, H. T., and Barp, H. W.: Studies in stereoencephalotomy. Topical relation- ships of subcortical structures to the posterior commissure. Confinia Neurologica, 12:122-133, 1952. SPIEGEL, E. A., Wycis, H. T., and BARD, H. W.: Interrelationships between cortex and subcortical structures. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Supplement, 4:192-196, 1954. SpieGeL, E. A., Wycis, H. T., OrcHINIK, C. W., and FREED, H.: The thalamus and temporal orien- tation. Science, 121:771-772, 1955. SzekkiLy, E. G., and SPIEGEL, E. A.: The effect of bulbocapnine upon the spontaneous electric activ- ity of the brain and its reactivity to afferent stimuli. ~~ Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 6:213-219, 1954. MH-373 (R01) BANDLER, BERNARD, KAUFMAN, I. CHARLES, and MALaMUD, WiLLIAM: Emotional factors in epilepsy. Boston University, Boston, Mass. (1951-55) BANDLER, BERNARD: Role of sexuality in epilepsy. Psychosomatic Medicine, 20(3):227-234, 1958. BANDLER, BERNARD, KAUFMAN, I. CHARLES, and DykENSs, JAMES W.: Pregnancy fantasies, trans- ference, and seizures in a case of epilepsy. (Ab- stract) Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 118(4):376-378, 1953. BaNDLER, B., KaurMman, I. C., DyYKENs, J. W., Arico, J. T., and GELLER, H.: The role of the psychological factors related to the menstrual cycle and the sexual life of women in the production of seizures. (Abstract) Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 117:162, 1953. BANDLER, B., KAUFMAN, I. CHARLES, DYKENS, JAMES W., SCHLEIFER, MAXWELL, and SHAPIRO, LEoN N.: Seizures and the menstrual cycle. American Journal of Psychiatry, 113:704-708, 1957. MH-375 (R01) Evans, Francis C., and DICE, LEE R.: Role of heredity in convulsive disorders. Uni- versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1951- 56) BArTO, ELIZABETH: Spinner, an inherited type of abnormal behavior in the beach mouse, Peromyscus polionotus. Contributions from the Laboratory of Vertebrae Biology (University of Michigan), 66:1-16, 1954. BArTO, ELIZABETH: Boggler, an inherited abnor- mality of the deermouse (Peromyscus manicu- latus), characterized by a tremor and a stagger- ing gait. Contributions from the Laboratory of Vertebrae Biology (University of Michigan), 71: 1-26, 1955. BarTO, ELIZABETH: Tests for independence of waltzer and EP sonogenic convulsive from certain other genes in the deer mouse (Peromyscus ma- niculatus). Contributions from the Laboratory of Vertebrae Biology (University of Michigan), 74: 1-16, 1956. Dice, LE R., and BarTO, ELIZABETH: Ability of mice of the genus Peromyscus to hear ultrasonic sounds. Science, 116:110-111, 1952. Dice, Lee R., BArRTO, ELIZABETH, and CLARK, PHILIP J.: Modifications of behaviour associated with inherited convulsions or whirling in three strains of peromyscus. Animal Behaviour, 11: 40-50, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1650 and MH-2050). Dice, Lee R., and CLARK, PHILIP J.: Variation in measures of behavior among three races of pero- myscus. Contributions of the Laboratory of Ver- tebrae Biology at the University of Michigan, 75: 1-28, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1650 and MH-2050). McINTosH, WILLIAM B.: Linkage in peromyscus, and sequential tests for independent assortment. Contributions from the Laboratory of Vertebrae Biology of the University of Michigan, 73:1-27, 1956. McINTOSH, WILLIAM B.: Whiteside, a new mutation in peromyscus. Journal of Heredity, 47:29-32, 1956. Ross, MURIEL C.: Auditory pathway of the epileptic waltzing mouse. I. A comparison of the acoustic pathways of the normal mouse with those of the totally deaf epileptic waltzer. Journal of Com- parative Neurology, 119:317-330, 1962, MH-376 (R01) NEET, CLAUDE C., and FELDMAN, ROBERT S.: Effect of electroshock on psychological 56 functions. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. (1951-55) FELDMAN, ROBERT S., and NEET, CLAUDE C.: The effect of electroconvulsure shock on fixated be- havior in the rat II. The effect of ECS supple- mented by guidance. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 47:210-212, 1954. FELDMAN, ROBERT S., and NEET, CLAUDE C.: The effect of electroconvulsive shock on fixated be- havior of the rat. III. The effect of ECS as a function of the duration of conflict. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 50: 97-99, 1957. FELDMAN, ROBERT S., and NEET, CLAUDE C.: The effect of electroconvulsive shock on fixated be- havior in the rat. IV. The prevention of fixa- tions with ECS. Journal of Comparative and Physiological ~ Psychology, 53:532-534, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1061). NEeeT, CLAUDE C., and FELDMAN, ROBERT S.: The effect of electroconvulsive shock on fixated be- havior of the rat: I. The effect of a ten- and of a twenty-five day series of ECS on the stability of the fixed response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 47:124-129, 1954. MH-382 (R01) WEINBERG, JACK M., and HAVING- HURST, ROBERT ].: Mental hygiene for later ma- turity. University of Chicago, Chicago, IIL. (1951-53) LirtLE, M. H,, ed.: Good living after fifty. Chi- cago, University Chicago Press, 1952, 95 p. 3 LitTLE, M. H.: Making the most of maturity: Hu- man development NC 185. Chicago, Ill., Home Study Department of the University of Chicago, 1952, 27 p. WEINBERG, JACK: Mental health in later life. Chi- cago, Ill., Education-Industry Service, 1958, p. 36. MH-383 (R01) Serrz, PHiLip F. D.: Effect of in- fantile stress on adult behavior. Indiana Univer- sity, Bloomington, Ind. (1951-54) Seitz, P. F. D.: The effects of infantile experiences upon adult behavior in animal subjects: I. Effects of litter size during infancy upon adult behavior in the rat. American Journal of Psychiatry, 110: 916-927, 1954. MH-385 (R01) ForsTER, FRANCIS M.: Role of temporal lobe in psychomotor epilepsy. George- town University, Washington, D.C. (1951-54) ForsTER, F. M.: Epilepsia del lobulo temporal. Archivos Medicos de Cuba, May:290-298, 1952. ForsTER, FRANCIS M.: Clinical significance of im- pairment of sound localization. Neurology, 8: 119-125, 1958. ForsTER, F. M., and HUERTAs, J.: Temporal lobe suppressor cortex in man. Yale Journal of Biol- ogy and Medicine, 28:265-272, 1955. HUERTAS, J., and FORSTER, F. M.: Temporal lobe seizures in the monkey. Neurology, 5(5):329- 332, 1955. HUERTAS, J., O'DOHERTY, D., and FORSTER, F. M.: Evidence of suppression from the temporal lobe of the monkey. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 70:393-398, 1953. Isost, C. W., and Forster, F. M.: EEG foci in temporal lobes, with consideration of seizure mani- festations. Neurology, 1(4):309-317, 1951. O’DoHERTY, DEsMOND, and FORSTER, F. M.: The electroencephalographic study of patients with psychomotor epilepsy. Georgetown University Medical Bulletin, 6:158-161, 1953. SANCHEZ-LONGO, L., ForsTER, F. M., and AUTH, T. L.: A clinical test for sound localization and its application. Neurology, 7:655-663, 1957. SMmrtH, B., and ForsTER, F. M.: The role of some experimental anticonvulsants: Mysoline and Mi- lontin and 1461L. Medical Annals of the District of Columbia, 22:279-282, 1953. SmitH, G., Forster, F. N., and SMITH, B.: Intra- cranial hematomas resulting from convulsive seiz- ures. Bulletin of the Georgetown University Medical Center, 6:162-165, 1953. MH-388 (R01) HARTMANN, J. FraNcis, and Lazarow, ARNOLD: Electron microscopy of cen- tral nervous system. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1951-64) FARQUHAR, MARILYN GIST: Preparation of ultrathin tissue sections for electron microscopy: Laboratory investigation. Journal of Investigative Derma- tology, 5(4):317-337, 1956. FARQUHAR, M. G., and HARTMANN, J. F.: Neu- roglial structure and relationships as revealed by electron microscopy. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 16:18-39, 1956. Fujita, H., and HARTMANN, J. F.: Electron micros- copy of neurohypophysis in normal, adrenaline- treated and pilocarpine-treated rabbits. Zeitschrift fiir Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie, 54:734-763, 1961. HARTMANN, J. F.: Electron microscopy of myelin sheath in sections of spinal cord. Experimental Cell Research, 2:126-132, 1951. HARTMANN, J. F.: An electron optical study of sec- tions of central nervous system. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 99:201-249, 1953. HARTMANN, J. F.: Electron microscopy of motor nerve cells following section of axones. Anatomi- cal Record, 118:19-33, 1954. 57 HARTMANN, J. F.: Electron microscopy of mito- chondria in the central nervous system. Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology, 2:375- 379, 1956. HARTMANN, J. F.: Two views concerning criteria for identification of neurological cell types of electron microscopy. In: Windle, W. F., ed. Biology of neuroglia. Springfield, Ill, Charless C. Thomas, 1958, p. 50-56. HARTMANN, J. F.: Electron microscopy of the neuro- hypophysis in normal and histamine-treated rats. Zeitschrift Fur Zellforschung Und Mikroskopische Anatomie, 48:291-308, 1958. HARTMANN, J. F.: Discussion. In: Korey, S. R., ed. The biology of myelin. New York, Paul B. Hoeber, 1959, p. 81-95. HARTMANN, J. F.: Electron microscopy observations on the posterior lobe of the hypophysis. Verb. D. Anat. Gosellsch, 55 Ver.:188-193, 1959. HARTMANN, J. F.: Identification of neuroglia in electron micrographs of normal nerve tissue. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Congress for Neuropathology, Munich, Sept., 1961. Band II. Stuttgart, George Thieme Verlag, 1962, p. 329- 332. HARTMANN, J. F.: Technics of electron microscopy. In: Zelickson, A. S. Electron microscopy of skin and mucous membrane. Springfield, Illinois, Charles C. Thomas, 1963, p. 3-15. HARTMANN, J. F., GoEtz, F. C, and LAZAROW, A.: Electron microscopy of the human kidney in dia- betes. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Diabetes Congress, Dusseldorf, July 1958. Stutt- gart, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1959. HubpsoN, G., and HARTMANN, J. F.: The relation- ship between dense bodies and mitochondria in motor neurons. Zeitschrift fir Zellforschung, 54: 147-157, 1961. HupsoN, G., Lazarow, A., and HARTMANN, J. F.: A quantitative electron microscopic study of mito- chondria in motor neurones following axonal sec- tion. Experimental Cell Research, 24:440-456, 1961. RUNGE, W. J., VERNIER, R. L., and HARTMANN, J. F.: A staining method for sections of osmium- fixed, methacrylate embedded tissues. Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology, 4:327-328, 1958. ZELICKSON, ALVIN S.: Normal human keratiniza- tion processes as demonstrated by electron micros- copy. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 37 (5):369-379, 1961. ZELICKSON, A. S.: Virus-like particles demonstrated in keratoacanthomas by electron microscopy. Acta Dermato Venereologica, 42:23-26, 1962. ZELICKSON, A. S.: An electron microscope study of the basal cue epithelioma. Journal of Investiga- tive Dermatology, 39:183-187, 1962. ZELICKSON, A. S.: The five structures of the human melanotic and amelanotic malignant melanonia. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 39 (6) :605- 613, 1962. ZELICKSON, A. S., and HARTMANN, J. F.: Vestopal W: A superior embedding medium for an hoc tron microscopic study of human epidermis. Jour- nal of Investigative Dermatology, 35:315-317, 1960. ZELICKSON, A. S., and HARTMANN, J. F.: The fine structure of the melanocyte and melanin granule. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 36:23-27, 1961. ZELICKSON, A. S., and HARTMANN, J. F.: An elec- tron microscope study of normal human non- keratinizing oral mucosa. Journal of Investiga- tive Dermatology, 38:99-107, 1962. ZELICKSON, ALVIN S., and LyNcH, FrRANcIs W.: Electron microscopy of virus-like particles in a keratoaconthomia. Journal of Investigative Der- matology, 37(2):79-84, 1961. MH-389 (R01) WALL, Patrick D.: Effect of sen- sory impulses on the cortical system. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1951-53) Howvranp, B., LETTVIN, J. Y., McCuULLOCH, W. S., Prrts, W., and WALL, P. D.: Reflex inhibition by dorsal root interaction. Journal of Neurophysi- ology, 18:1-17, 1955. KORNACKER, KARL: Some properties of the afferent pathway in the frog corneal reflex. Experimental Neurology, 7:224-239, 1963. WALL, Patrick D., REMOND, ANTOINE G., and DossoN, RicHARD L.: Studies on the mechanism of the action of visual afferents on motor cortex excitability. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 5:385-393, 1953. MH-393 (R01) BUTLER, THOMAS C.: Metabolism of anticonvulsive drugs. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1951-53) BuTLER, T. C.: Quantitative studies of the metabolic fate of mephobarbital (N-methyl phenobarbital). Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Thera- pentics, 106:235-245, 1952. BUTLER, T. C.: Metabolic demethylation of 3-methyl- 5-ethyl-5-phenyl hydantoin (mesantoin). Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapentics, 104:299-308, 1952. BUTLER, T. C.: Quantitative studies of the demethyl- ation of trimethadione (tridione). Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 108:11-17, 1953. 58 BurLEr, T. C.: Quantitative studies of the physio- logical disposition of 3-methyl-5-ethyl-5-phenyl hydantoin (mesantoin) and 5-ethyl-5-phenyl hy- dantoin (nirvanol). Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 109:340-345, 1953. BurLEr, T. C.: Quantitative studies of the demethyl- ation of N-methyl barbital (metharbital, gemonil). Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Thera- peuntics, 108:474-480, 1953. BuTtLER, T. C.: Further studies of metabolic re- moval of alkyl groups from nitrogen in barbituric acid derivatives. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 84:105-108, 1953. BUTLER, T. C.: Some generalizations concerning the effects of N-methylation in 5, 5-disubstituted de- rivatives of barbituric acid, hydantoin, and 2,4- oxazolidinedione. (Abstract) Journal of Pharma- cology and Experimental Therapeutics, 111:9, 1954. BUTLER, T. C., MAHAFFEE, D., and MAHAFFEE, C.: The role of the liver in the metabolic disposition of mephobarbital. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 106:364-369, 1952. BuTLER, T. C.,, MAHAFFEE, D., and MAHAFFEE, C.: Metabolic demethylation of 3,5,5-trimethyl-2,4- oxazolidinedione (trimethadione, tridione). Pro- ceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 81:450-452, 1962. BuTtLEr, T. C., and WapDELL, W. J.: A pharmaco- logical comparison of the optical isomers of 5-ethyl-5-phenyl hydantoin (nirvanol) and of 3-methyl-5-ethyl-5-phenyl hydantoin (mesantoin). Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental T her- apeutics, 110:120-125, 1954. BuTLER, T. C., and WapDELL, W. J.: The role of the liver in the demethylation of N-methyl deriva- tives of hydantoin and of 2,4-oxazolidinedione. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental T hera- peuntics, 110:241-243, 1954. MH-402 (R01) WARREN, NEIL D., and LITTLE, KENNETH B.: Diagnostic validity of projective tests. University of Southern California, Los An- geles, Calif. (1951-55) Litre, KENNETH B., and SHNEIDMAN, EDWIN S.: The validity of thematic projective technique in- terpretations. Journal of Personality, 23:286-294, 1955. LirtLe, KENNETH B., and SHNEIDMAN, EDWIN S.: The validity of MMPI interpretations. [Journal of Consulting Psychology, 18:425-428, 1954. Also in: Welsh, G. S., and Dahlston, W. Grant, eds. Basic readings on the MMPI in psychology and medicine. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1956. LirTLE, KENNETH B., and SHNEIDMAN, EDWIN S.: Congruencies among interpretations of psychologi- cal test and anamnestic data. Psychological Mono- graphs, 73:1-42, 1959. MH-403 (R01) BRONFENBRENNER, URIE: Diag- nostic validity of projective tests. Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, N.Y. (1951-55) BRONFENBRENNER, URIE: Forward to “Principles of professional ethics,” by Staff, Cornell Studies in Social Growth. American Psychologist, 7(8): 452-455, 1952. BRONFENBRENNER, U.: What makes for effective citizenship? Farm Research, 18(2), 1952. BRONFENBRENNER, U., and DEVEREUX, E. C, JR.: Interdisciplinary planning for team research on constructive community behavior. Human Rela- tions, 5(2):187-203, 1952. VipicH, ARTHUR J.: Participant observation and the collection and interpretation of data. American Journal of Sociology, 60(4): 354-360, 1955. VmicH, A., and BENSMAN, J.: The validity of field data. Human Organization, 13:20-27, 1954. VibicH, A. J., and BENSMAN, J.: Small town in mass society. Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1958. ViicH, A. J., and SHAPIRO, GILBERT A.: A com- parison of participant observation and survey data. American Sociological Review, 20:28-33, 1955. MH-409 (R01) KocH, HELEN L.: Effect of age interval on personalities of siblings. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1951-54) KocH, HELEN L.: The relation of “Primary Mental Abilities” in five- and six-year-olds to sex of child and characteristics of his sibling. Child Develop- ment, 25:209-224, 1954. KocH, HELEN L.: Family constellation and sibling attitudes. Human Development Bulletin (Uni- versity of Chicago), 1954, p. 7-14. KocH, HELEN L.: The relation of certain family constellation characteristics and the attitudes of children toward adults. Child Development, 26: 13-39, 1955. KocH, HELEN L.: Some sex, sibling position, an five- and six-year-old children. ogy Monographs, 52:3-50, 1955. KocH, HELEN L.: Children’s work attitudes and sib- ling characteristics. Child Development, 27:289- 309, 1956. personality correlates of sex of sibling among Genetic Psychol- KocH, HELEN L.: Some emotional attitudes of the young child in relation to characteristics of his sibling. Child Development, 27:393-426, 1956. 59 KocH, HELEN L.: Sissiness and tomboyishness in relation to sibling characteristics. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 88:231-244, 1956. KocH, HELEN L.: Sibling influences on children’s speech. Journal of Speech and Hearing Dis- orders, 21:322-328, 1956. KocH, HELEN L.: Attitudes of young children to- ward their peers as related to certain characteris- tics of their sibling. Psychological Monographs, 70(19):1-41, 1956. (Whole No. 426). KocH, HELEN L.: The relation in young children between characteristics of their playmates and cer- tain attributes of their siblings. Child Develop- ment, 28:175-202, 1957. KocH, HELEN L.: Der Einfluss der Geschwister auf die Personlichkeitsentwicklung junger Knaben. Jahrbuch fiir Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 3/4:211-225, 1957. KocH, HELEN L.: The relation of certain formal attributes of siblings to attitudes held toward each other and toward their parents. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 25(4):1-123, 1960. (Serial No. 78). Koch, HELEN L.: Einige Ursachen von Eifersucht, Bewunderung, Ablehrung, und von Uberlegen- heitsgefuhlen wie sie bei jungeren Geschwistern auftrten. Psychologische Beitrage, 4:38-53, 1960. MH-419 (R01) Scott, JoHN P.: Effects of early experience on mental health. Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory. Bar Harbor, Me. (1951- 52) Scott, JoHN P., ed.: Minutes of the conference on the effects of early experience on mental health. Bar Harbor, Maine, Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory, 1952, 45 p. MH-422 (R01) MowRER, O. HoBART: Evaluation of two types of psychotherapy. University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. (1951-52) MowgrEgR, O. HoBaRT: Changes in verbal behavior during psychotherapy. In: Mowrer, O. Hobart, ed. Psychotherapy—theory and research. New York, Ronald Press, 1953, p. 463-545. MH-425 (R01) CapMmAN, WiLLiAM H., MCCANN, WiLLis H., and MisBACH, LORENZ: Group psyco- therapy for mental hospital patients. University of Missouri, Kansas City, Mo. (1951-53) CADMAN, WiLLiAM H., MISBACH, LORENZ, and BrowN, DONALD V.: An assessment of round- table psychotherapy. Psychological Monographs, 68(13):1-48, 1954. (Whole No. 384). McCANN, WiLLis H.: The round-table technique in group psychotherapy. Group Psychotherapy, 5: 233-239, 1953. MH-437 (R01) CoweN, EMORY L.: Factors related to psychological rigidity. University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (1951-53) AxeLroD, HowARrD S., CoweN, EMORY L., and HEILIZER, FRED: The correlates of manifest anxi- ety in stylus maze learning. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 51:131-138, 1956. CoweN, EMORY L.: The “negative self-concept” as a personality measure. Journal of Consulting Psy- chology, 18:138-142, 1954. CoweN, EMORY L.: An investigation of the rela- tionship between two measures of self-regarding attitudes. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 12:156~ 160, 1956. CoweN, E. L.: Reflections deriving from a research exposure in the field of disability. NCPAD Bul- letin, 5:104-106, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-1805). CoweN, Emory L., and BEIER, ERNST G.: Threat- expectancy, word frequencies, and perceptual pre- recognition hypotheses. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 49:178-182, 1954. CoweN, EMory L., HEILIZER, FRED, and AXELROD, HowaArp S.: Self-concept conflict indicators and learning. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 51:242-245, 1955. CoweN, E. L., UNDERBERG, RITA P., and VERRILLO, R. T.: The development and testing of an attitude to blindness scale. [eurnal of Social Psychology, 56:305-310, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH- 1805). CoweN, E. L., UNDERBERG, Rita P., VERRILLO, R. T, and BENHAM, F. G.: Adjustment to visual disability in adolescence. New York, American Foundation for the Blind, 1961, 239 p. (Also acknowledges MH-1805). CoweN, EMORY L., WIENER, MORTON, and HEss, JuprtH: Generalization of problem-solving rigid- ity. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 17:100- 103, 1953. HEemizer, Frep, AXELROD, HoOwARD S., and CoweN, EMORY L.: The correlates of manifest anxiety in paired associate learning. Journal of Personality, 24:463-474, 1956. UNDERBERG, Rita P., CowEN, E. L., and VERRILLO, R. T.: Some determinants of adjustment to visual disability in adolescence. New Outlook for the Blind, 55:253-259, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1805). MH-439 (R01) WiNcH, RoBerT F.: Study of the theory of complementary needs. Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. (1951-57) KTSANES, THOMAS: Mate selection on the basis of personality type: A study utilizing an empirical 60 typology of personality. American Sociological Review, 20:547-551, 1955. KT1saNES, THoMAS, and KTSANES, VIRGINIA: The theory of complementary needs in mate-selection. In: Winch, Robert F., McGinnis, Robert, and Barringer, Herbert R., eds. Selected studies of marriage and the family. New York, Holt, Rine- hart & Winston, 1962, p. 517-532. WiNcH, RoBerT F.: The theory of complementary needs in mate-selection: A test of one kind of complementariness. American Sociological Re- view, 20:52-56, 1955. WiNcH, ROBERT F.: The theory of complementary needs in mate-selection: Final results on the test of the general hypothesis. American Sociological Review, 20:552-555, 1955. WiNcH, RoBERT F.: Mate-selection: A study of complementary needs. New York, Harper Broth- ers, 1958, 336 p. WiNcH, RoBErRT F., and FREEMAN, LINTON C.: Societal complexity: An empirical test of a typol- ogy of societies. American Journal of Sociology, 62:461-466, 1957. WincH, RoBerT F., KTsANEs, THOMAS, and KTsANES, VIRGINIA: The theory of complemen- tary needs in mate-selection: An analytic and de- scriptive study. American Sociological Review, 19:241-249, 1954. WincH, RoBErRT F., KTsANEs, THOMAS, and KTsANES, VIRGINIA: Empirical elaboration of the theory of complementary needs in mate-selection. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51: 508-513, 1955. WINCH, RoBErT F., and MoRE, Doucras M.: Quantitative analysis of qualitative data in the assessment of motivation: Reliability, congruence, and validity. American Journal of Sociology, 61:445-452, 1956. WiNncH, RoBerT F., and MORE, DouGLAs M.: Does TAT add information to interview? Sta- tistical analysis of the increment. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 12:316-321, 1956. MH-449 (R01) Darrow, CHESTER W.: Electro- encephalographic phase relationships. Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago, Ill. (1951-54) DARROW, CHESTER W.: The relation of cerebral to autonomic activity in the conditioned emotional reactions of children. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 56:289-301, 1953. Darrow, CHESTER W., and ARNOTT, G. PETER: A device for simultaneous comparison of variable EEG brain patterns. In: Proceedings of Instru- ment Society of America, 8th National Confer- ence, Chicago, 1953, 2 p. Darrow, C. W., and ARNOTT, G. P.: A new cere- bral dominance indicator: Further observations on anterior-posterior cerebral dominance. (Abstract) Proceedings of the Society for Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 5:127, 1953. DARROW, CHESTER W., and LORENS, STANLEY A.: Eye movement, EEG, GSR, and EKG during mental multiplication. ~~ Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14:739-746, 1962. Darrow, C. W., Strupp, M., Kris, C., ARNOTT, G., Brupo, CHas., and GINSBURG, N.: Cyclic respiratory and cardiac changes in EEG. (Ab- stract No. 3): In: International Congress of EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology, EEG Supplement No. 111, Cambridge, August 1953. DARROW, CHESTER W., WiLcort, ROBERT C., SIEGEL, ANN, and WIiLsON, JERE: Central and peripheral indications of conditioning, adaption, anticipation and extinction. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 124:38-44, 1956. DARROW, CHESTER W., WILSON, JERE P., VIETH, RicHARD N., and MALLER, JUDITH M.: Accelera- tion and momentum in cerebral function reflected in EEG phase relations. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Biological psychiatry. New York, Grune & Strat- ton, 1960, p. 51-59. Kris, CHRISTINE: Assessing physiological age. Hu- man Development Bulletin. Sth Annual Sympo- sium. Chicago, University of Chicago, 1954, p. 35-49. Kris, C., and Darrow, C. W.: Changes in auto- nomic and EEG interrelationships with age. (Abstract) Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 6:158, 1954. MH-450 (R01) Lippitt, RONALD: Improving the social adjustment of children. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1951-54) HorrFMAN, L. W. Rosen, S., and Lippitt, R.: Parental coerciveness, child autonomy, and child's role at school. Sociometry, 23(1):15-22, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1780). LEVINGER, G.: The development of perceptions and behavior in newly formed social power relation- “ships. In: Cartwright, Dorwin, ed. Studies in social power. Ann Arbor, University of Michi- gan, 1959, p. 83-98. LEVINGER, G. K.: A framework for studying per- ceptual and behavioral aspects of social influence processes. Ann Arbor, Mich., Research Center for Group Dynamics, University of Michigan, 6 p. Lippitt, ROSEMARY: The auxiliary chair technique. Group Psychotherapy, 11(1):8-23, 1958. Lippitt, R., POLANSKY, N., and ROSEN, S.: The dynamics of power. Human Relations, 5(1):37- 64, 1952. (Also acknowledges MH-94). 61 PoLaNsKy, N. A.: On the dynamics of behavioral contagion. Group, 14(3):3-8, 1952. PoLaNsky, N., Lippitt, R., and REDL, F.: The uses of sociometric data in research on group treatment processes. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Re- search, 1949, 21 p. ROSEN, S.: An approach to the study of aggression. Journal of Social Psychology, 46:259-267, 1957. ROSEN, SIDNEY: Effects of adjustment on the per- ception and exertion of social power. In: Cart- wright, Dorwin, ed. Studies in social power. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1959, p. 69-82. ROSEN, S., LEVINGER, G., and LippITT, R.: Desired changes in self and others as a function of re- source ownership. Human Relations, 13:187-193, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-919). ROSEN, S., LEVINGER, G., and LipPiTT, R.: Per- ceived sources of social power. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 62(2):439-441, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-919). ZAjoNc, R. B.: Some effects of the “space” serials. Public Opinion Quarterly, 18(4):367-374, 1954. MH-451 (R01) SamukLs, Leo T., and BRANCH, C. H. HARDIN: Adrenocortical function in schizo- phrenia. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (1952-54) BLiss, EUGENE L.: Response of the pituitary-adrenal system to psychic stimuli. Report of the 22nd Ross Laboratories Pediatric Research Conference, 1957, p. 59. Buss, E. L., and MiGeoN, C. J.: Endocrinology of anoreria nervosa. Journal of Clinical Endocrinol- ogy and Metabolism, 17:766-776, 1957. Briss, EUGENE L., MIGEON, CLAUDE J., BRANCH, C. H. HARDIN, and SAMUELS, L. T.: Adrenocor- tical function in schizophrenia. American Jour- nal of Psychiatry, 112:358-365, 1955. Briss, E. L., MiGeoN, C. J., BRANCH, C., HARDIN, C., and SAMUELS, L.: Reaction of the adrenal cortex to emotional stress. Psychosomatic Medi- cine, 18:56-76, 1956. Briss, E., MiGeoN, C., Eik-NEs, K., SANDBERG, A., and SAMUELS, L.: The effects of insulin, hista- mine, bacterial pyrogen, and the antabuse-alcohol reaction upon the levels of 17-hydroxycorticos- teroids in the peripheral blood of man. Metabo- lism, 3:493-501, 1954. Buiss, E., MiGeoN, C., NELsON, D., SAMUELS, L., and BRANCH, C.: Influence of E. C. T. and insu- lin coma on level of adrenocortical steroids in peripheral circulation. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 72:352-361, 1954. Briss, E., NELsoN, D., and SAMUELS, L.: Effects of intravenous ACTH on blood levels of 17- hydroxy-corticosteroids and circulating leukocytes. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabo- lism, 14:423-439, 1954. Briss, E., SANDBERG, A., NELSON, D., and EIk- NEs, K.: The normal levels of 17-hydroxycorti- costeroids in the peripheral blood of man. Jour- nal of Clinical Investigations, 32:818-823, 1953. MiGEON, CLAUDE J., SANDBERG, A. A., BLIss, EuGeNE L., and KELLER, A. B.: Nonconjugated adrenocortical steroids in human plasma, com- parison of the Nelson and Samuels method with paper chromatographic techniques. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology, 16:253-261, 1956. MiGeoN, CLAUDE J., TYLER, F. H. MAHONEY, J. P., FLORENTIN, A. A., CASTLE, H., BLISS, EuGeNE L., and SamugiLs, L. T.: The diurnal variation of plasma levels and urinary excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in normal subjects, night workers and blind subjects. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology, 16:622-633, 1956. MH-453 (R01) ZBOoROWSKI, MARK: Cultural com- ponents in attitudes toward pain. Institute for Intercultural Studies, New York, N.Y. (1951-54) ZBOROWSKI, MARK: Cultural components in re- sponses to pain. Journal of Social Issues, 8:16-30, 1952. MH-460 (R01) KORNHAUSER, ARTHUR: Mental health of factory workers. Wayne State Univer- sity, Detroit, Mich. (1951-58) KORNHAUSER, ARTHUR: Toward an assessment of the mental health of factory workers: A Detroit study. Human Organization, 21 (1) :43-46, 1962. KORNHAUSER, ARTHUR: Mental health of the indus- trial worker: A Detroit study. New York, Wiley, 1964. MH-461 (R01) Sears, RoBerT R.: Child rearing and personality development. Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1951-53) HAVIGHURsT, R., and Davis, A.: A comparison of the Chicago and Harvard studies of social class differences in child rearing. American Sociologi- cal Review, 20:438-442, 1955. Levin, H., and Sears, R. R.: Identification with parents as a determinant of doll play aggression. Child Development, 27:135-153, 1956. (Also acknowledges MH-1096). MaccoBy, ELEANOR E.: The taking of adult roles in middle childhood. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63:493-503, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1468). MaccoBy, ELEANOR E., and GiBBs, PATRICIA K.: Methods of child rearing in two social classes. In: Martin, W. E. and Stendler, Celia B., eds. 62 Readings in child development. New York, Har- court, Brace, 1954. MiLtoN, G. A.: A factor analytic study of child rearing behaviors. Child Development, 29:381- 392, 1958. SEARs, R. R.: Relation of early socialization experi- ence to aggression in middle childhood. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63:466-492, 1961. SEARS, R. R., MAccoBy, ELEANOR, E., and LEVIN, H.: Patterns of child rearing. Evanston, Ill, Row, Peterson, 1957, 549 p. (Also acknowledges MH-844 and MH-1096). MH-462 (R01) GouGH, HARRISON G.: Personal- ity and social adjustment. University of Califor- nia, Berkeley, Calif. (1951-54) CHEEK, FRANCEs E.: Family interaction patterns and convalescent adjustment of the schizophrenic. Archives of General Psychiatry, 13(2):139-147, 1965. GoucH, H. G.: Identifying psychological femininity. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 12: 427-439, 1952. GouGH, H. G.: Predicting social participation. Journal of Social Psychology, 35:227-233, 1952. GouGH, H. G.: The construction of a personality scale to predict scholastic achievement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 37:361-366, 1953. GoucH, H. G.: A nonintellectual intelligence test. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 17:242-246, 1953. GoucH, H. G.: What determines the academic achievement of high school students? Journal of Educational Research, 46:321-331, 1953. GoucH, H. G.: Systematic validation of a test for delinquency. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 9:380, 1954. GoucH, H. G.: Some common misconceptions about neuroticism. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 18:287-292, 1954. GouGH, H. G.: Manual for the California Psycho- logical Inventory. Palo Alto, California, Consult- ing Psychologists Press, 1957, 9 p. GoucGH, H. G.: Cross-cultural studies of the sociali- zation continuum. American Psychologist, 15: 410-411, 1960. GoucH, H. G.: Theory and measurement of sociali- zation. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 24: 23-30, 1960. GouGH, H. G., and PETERSON, D. R.: The identifi- cation and measurement of predispositional factors in crime and delinquency. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 16:207-212, 1952. MH-463 (R01) ABERLE, DAVID F.: Factors related to the use of peyote drugs. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, Baltimore, Md. (1951-52) (Continued as MH-513). ABERLE, D. F.: The prophet dance and reactions to white contact. Southwestern Journal of Anthro- pology, 15:74-83, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-513 and MH-2135). MH-467 (RO1) PHILLIPS, LESLIE: Adrenal cortical response and social adjustment. Worcester Foun- dation for Experimental Biology, Shrewsbury, Mass. (1951-55) FEFFER, M., and PHILLIPS, L.: Social attainment and performance under stress. Journal of Personality, 22(2):284-297, 1953. FINE, H. J., FULKERSON, S. C., and PHILLIPS, L.: Maladjustment and social attainment. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 50(1):33-35, 1955. GERARD, D. L., and PHILLIPS, L.: Relation of so- cial attainment to psychological and adrenocortical reactions to stress. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 69:350-354, 1953. LoFcHIE, S. H.: The performance of adults under distraction stress: A developmental approach. Journal of Psychology, 39:109-116, 1955. PARSONS, O., and PHILLIPS, L.: Some problems as- sociated with development of stress scores for the individual. Journal of Applied Physiology, 6(11): 691-695, 1954. Parsons, O. A., PuiLLips, L., and LANE, J. E.: Performance on the same psychomotor task under different stressful conditions. Journal of Psychol- ogy, 38:457-466, 1954. PuiLLips, L.: Case history data and prognosis in schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 6:515-525, 1953. PHILLIPS, L., and Cowirz, B.: Social attainment and reactions to stress. [Journal of Personality, 22(2): 270-283, 1953. PHILLIPS, L., and FrRaMO, J. L.: Developmental the- ory applied to normal and psychopathological per- ception. Journal of Personality, 22(4):464-474, 1954. MH-469 (R01) RicHARDS, THOMAS W.: Variations in personality adjustments of children. North- western University, Evanston, Ill. (1952-53) RicHARDS, THOMAs W.: Psychogenetic study of “normal” personality: An experiment in longitu- dinal method. In: Burton, Arthur, and Harris, Robert E., eds. Clinical studies of personality. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1955, p. 694-725. RicHARDS, THOMAS W.: Personality development as reflected in Rorschach behavior: A case study. Journal of Projective Techniques, 19:54-61, 1955. 63 MH-476 (RO1) BETTELHEIM, BRUNO: Staff prob- lems in children’s institutions. University of Chi- cago, Chicago, Ill. (1952-57) BETTELHEIM, B., PERKINS, G. L., WRIGHT, B., and RILEY, MARY JEAN: Psychiatric consultation in res- idential treatment. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 28(2):256-288, 1958. HENRY, JurLes: Types of institutional structure. Psychiatry, 20:47-60, 1957. MH-479 (R01) KALLMANN, FRANZ J.: Heredity of health and mental disorder in aging. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1952-56) KALLMANN, F. J.: The genetics of aging. Journal of Chronic Diseases, 4:140-152, 1956. KALLMANN, F. ].: Genetic aspects of mental disor- ders in later life. In: Kaplan, O. J., ed. Mental disorders in later life. Stanford, Stanford Univer- sity Press, 1956, p. 26-46. KALLMANN, F. J.: The genetics of aging. In: Moore, J. E., Merritt, H. H., and Masselink, R. J., eds. The neurologic and psychiatric aspects of the disorders of aging. Baltimore, Md., Williams & Wilkins, 1956. KALLMANN, F. J.: Genetic variations in adjustment to aging. In: Anderson, J. E., ed. Psychological aspects of aging. Washington, D.C., American Psychological Association, 1956, p. 89-93. KALLMANN, F. J., ASCHNER, B. M., and FALEK, A.: Comparative data on longevity, adjustment to ag- ing, and causes of death in a senescent twin popu- lation. In: Gedda, L., ed. Novant’ anni delle Leggi Mendeliane. Rome, Gregor Mendel Insti- tute, 1955. MH-484 (R01) DuBIN, ROBERT: Mental health factors in work situations. University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. (1952-54) DuBIN, ROBERT: Industrial worker’s worlds: A study of the ‘central life interests” of industrial workers. Social Problems, 3(1):131-142, 1956. DusIN, RoBERT: The world of work: Industrial so- ciety and human relations. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1958, p. 255-260. MH-486 (R01) MirsKY, I. ARTHUR: Effect of life situations on gastric activity. University of Pitts- burgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1952-56) (Continued from MH-67). Mirsky, I. A.: Physiologic, psychologic and social determinants in the etiology of duodenal ulcer. American Journal of Digestive Diseases, 3(4): 285-314, 1958. MirsKY, I. ARTHUR, FISHER, BERNARD, and HARBI- soN, S. P.: Comparison of blood pepsinogen in patients with duodenal and gastric ulcer and pa- tients with gastric carcinoma. (Abstract) Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 46:933, 1955. (Also acknowledges MH-G7). Mirsky, I. ARTHUR, FUTTERMAN, PERRY, and KAP- LAN, STANLEY: Blood plasma pepsinogen: II. The activity of the plasma from “normal” subjects, pa- tients with duodenal ulcer, and patients with per- nicious anemia. Journal of Laboratory and Chini- cal Medicine, 40(2):188-199, 1952. Mirsky, I. A., FUTTERMAN, P., KapLAN, S., and BroH-KAHN, R. H.: Blood plasma pepsinogen: I. The source, properties and assay of the proteolytic activity of plasma at acid reactions. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 40(1):17-26, 1952. (Also acknowledges MH-67). STEIN, M., JiNKs, R., and Mirsky, I. A.: The bio- assay of pitressin and antidiuretic substances in blood and urine. Endocrinology, 51:492-503, 1952. (Also acknowledges MH-67). STEIN, MARVIN, JINKS, ROBERT, and MIrsKY, I. ARTHUR: The assay of antidiuretic substances. (Abstract) Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 12(7):961, 1952. (Also acknowl- edges MH-67). STEIN, M., SCHWARTZ, R., and Mirsky, I. A.: The antidiuretic activity of plasma of patients with hepatic cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, hyperten- sion and other clinical disorders. Journal of Clin- ical Investigation, 33:77-81, 1954. (Also ac- knowledges MH-67). WEINER, HERBERT, THALER, MARGARET, REISER, MorToN F., and Mirsky, I. ARTHUR: Etiology of duodenal ulcer: I. Relation of specific psychologi- cal characteristics to rate of gastric secretion (se- rum pepsinogen). Psychosomatic Medicine, 19 (1):1-10, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-67). MH-487 (R01) MIRsKY, I. ARTHUR, MILLER, ROB- ERT E., MURPHY, JOHN V., PATTON, ROBERT A.: Variables affecting avoidance behavior. Univer- sity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1952- ) MILLER, R. E., and BANKS, J. H., Jr.: Determina- tion of social dominance in monkeys by a competi- tive avoidance method. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:137-141, 1962. MILLER, ROBERT E., BANKS, James H., Jr., and KuwaHARA, HirosHI: The communication of af- fects in monkeys: Cooperative reward conditioning. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 108(1):121-134, 1966. MILLER, R. E., Banks, J. H,, Jr., and Ocawa, N.: Communication of affect in “cooperative condi- tioning” of rhesus monkeys. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 64:343-348, 1962. MILLER, R. E., BaNKs, J. H., Jr, and Ocawa, N.: The role of facial expression in ‘‘cooperative- 64 avoidance” conditioning in monkeys. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:24-30, 1963. MILLER, R. E., and FiNoccHio, D. V.: The pet- formance of rats in the acquired-drive apparatus in the absence of fear. (Abstract) American Psy- chology, 9:431, 1954. MILLER, R. E., and MURPHY, J. V.: Discrimination learning with vertical vs. horizontal stimulus rela- tionships. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 49:80-83, 1956. MiLLEr, R. E., and MURPHY, J. V.: Social interac- tions of rhesus monkeys. II. Effects of social in- teraction on the learning of discrimination tasks. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 49:207-211, 1956. MiLLER, R. E., and MurPHY, J. V.: Social interac- tions of rhesus monkeys. I. Food-getting domi- nance as a dependent variable. Journal of Social Psychology, 44:249-255, 1956. MiLLer, R. E., and MurpHY, J. V.: Supplementary report: The diminishing interval conditioning tech- nique. [Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56: 456, 1958. MILLER, R. E., and MURPHY, J. V.: Influence of the spatial relationships between the cue, reward, and response in discrimination learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67:120-213, 1964. MiLLer, R. E., MurpHY, J. V., and FINOccHIO, D. V.: A consideration of the object-quality dis- crimination task as a dependent variable. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 48: 29-31, 1955. MILLER, R. E., MURPHY, J. V., and MIRrsKY, I. A.: The modification of social dominance in a group of monkeys by interanimal conditioning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 48: 392-396, 1955. MILLER, R. E., MURPHY, ]. V., and MIrsKy, I. A.: The persistent effect of chlorpromazine on the ex- tinction of an avoidance response. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 78:526-530, 1957. MiLLER, R. E., MURPHY, J. V,, and MIrsKy, I. A.: The effect of chlorpromazine on fear-motivated be- havior in rats. Journal of Pharmacology and Ex- perimental Therapeutics, 120:379-387, 1957. MiLLER, R. E., MURPHY, J. V., and Mirsky, I. A.: The relevance of facial expression and posture as cues in the communication of affect in monkeys. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1:480- 488, 1959. MiLLER, R. E.,, MURPHY, J. V., and Mirsky, I. A.: Non-verbal communication of affect. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 15:155-158, 1959. MILLER, R. E., and Ocawa, N.: The effect of adre- nocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on avoidance conditioning in the adrenalectomized rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55: 211-213, 1962. Mirsky, I. A., MILLER, R. E., BANKS, J. H,, Jr., and OGAwA, N.: The communication of affects. In: Proceedings of the Third World Congress of Psy- chiatry. Vol. 1. Montreal, University of Mon- treal/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 88-91. Mirsky, I. A., MILLER, R. E., and MURPHY, J. V.: The communication of affect in rhesus monkeys. I. An experimental method. Journal of the Ameri- can Psychoanalytic Association, 6:433-441, 1958. Mirsky, I. A., MILLER, R., and STEIN, M.: Rela- tion of adrenocortical activity and adaptive behav- ior. Psychosomatic Medicine, 15:574-584, 1953. MurpHY, J. V., and MILLER, R. E.: The effect of spatial contiguity of cue and reward in the object- quality learning of rhesus monkeys. American Psychologist, 9:436, 1954. MurpHy, J. V., and MILLER, R. E.: The effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on avoid- ance conditioning in the rat. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 48:47-49, 1955. MurpHy, J. V., and MILLER, R. E.: The effect of spatial contiguity of cue and reward in the object- quality learning of rhesus monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 48: 221-224, 1955. MurpHy, J. V., and MILLER, R. E.: The manipula- tion of dominance in monkeys with conditioned fear. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- 0gy, 53:244-248, 1956. MurpHY, J. V., and MILLER, R. E.: Spaced and massed practice with a methodological considera- tion of avoidance conditioning. Journal of Ex- perimental Psychology, 52:77-81, 1956. MurpHy, J. V., and MILLER, R. E.: The effect on object-quality learning of doubling the number of test periods per day. Journal of General Psychol- 0gy, 55:31-33, 1956. MurpHY, J. V., and MILLER, R. E.: Higher-order conditioning in the monkey. [Journal of General Psychology, 56:67-72, 1957. MurpHY, J. V., and MILLER, R. E.: A flexible gen- eral test apparatus for the monkey. Journal of General Psychology, 57:265-271, 1957. MURPHY, J. V., and MILLER, R. E.: The effect of spatial relationship between cue, reward, and re- sponse in simple discrimination learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56:26-31, 1958. MurpHY, J. V., and MILLER, R. E.: The effect of intertrial responding on conditioning and extinc- tion of avoidance behavior. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 56:256-261, 1958. 65 MurpHY, J. V., and MILLER, R. E.: Spatial conti- guity of cue, reward, and response in discrimina- tion learning by children. Journal of Experimen- tal Psychology, 58:485-489, 1959. MurpHY, J. V., MILLER, R. E., and BrowN, E.: Secondary reinforcement and avoidance condition- ing. Journal of General Psychology, 59:201-209, 1958. MurpHY, J. V., MILLER, R. E., and FINOcCCHIO, D. V.: Spontaneous recovery of an avoidance re- sponse over an extended time interval in the mon- key. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 89:119-125, 1956. MurPpHY, J. V., MILLER, R. E., and Mirsky, I. A.: Interanimal conditioning in the monkey. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 48: 211-214, 1955. MH-489 (RO1) Skrrz, Puirip F. D.: Infantile ex- perience and adult reaction to stress. Indiana Uni- versity, Bloomington, Ind. (1952-55) Serrz, P. F. D.: Infantile experience and adult be- havior in animal subjects. II. Age of separation from the mother and adult behavior in the cat. Psychosomatic Medicine, 21:351-378, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1187). MH-493 (R01) ScHWARTZ, MORRIS S.: Social set- ting and recovery in a mental hospital. Washing- ton School of Psychiatry, Washington, D.C. (1952-54) SCHWARTZ, MORRIS S.: Social research in the men- tal hospital. In: Rose, Arnold M., ed. Mental health and mental disorder: A sociological ap- proach. New York, Norton, 1955, p. 190-202. (Also acknowledges MH-51). ScHwaRTZ, M. S.: Contributions of social science to the administrative process in the mental hospital. American Journal of Psychiatry, 114:493-497, 1957. SCHWARTZ, MORRIS S.: What is a therapeutic milieu? In: Greenblatt, Milton, Levinson, Daniel J., and Williams, Richard H. The patient and the men- tal hospital. Glencoe, Ill, Free Press, 1957, p. 130-144. ScHwARTZ, M. S.: Patient demands in a mental hospital context. Psychiatry, 20:249-261, 1957. ScHWARTZ, MORRIs S.: Discussion of socio-psycho- logical factors in psychiatric drug evaluation. In: Cole, J. O., and Gerard, R. W., eds. Pharmacol- ogy, problems in evaluation. Washington, D.C, National Academy of Science, National Research Council, 1959, p. 402-411. ScHWARTZ, M. S.: Functions of the team in the state mental hospital. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 30:100-102, 1960. ScHWARTZ, M. S., and ScHWARTZ, C. G.: Problems in participant observation. American [Journal of Sociology, 60:343-353, 1955. (Also acknowl- edges MH-51). ScHWARTZ, M. S., and ScHwARTZ, C. G.: Consider- ations in determining a model for the mental hos- pital. American Journal of Psychiatry, 116:435- 437, 1959. SCHWARTZ, MORRIS S., and SHOCKLEY, E. L.: The nurse and the mental patient. New York, Rus- sell Sage Foundation, 1956, 289 p. ScHwARTZ, M. S., and WiLL, G. T.: Low morale and mutual withdrawal on a mental hospital ward. Psychiatry, 16:337-353, 1953. MH-499 (R01) STEWART, DONALD D., and Cob- DINGTON, JAMES W.: Outcome of hospitalization in a state mental hospital. University of Arkan- sas, Fayetteville, Ark. (1952-53) ADLER, L. M.: The relationship of marital status to incidence of recovery from mental illness. Social Forces, 32:185-194, 1953. ADLER, L. M.: Patients of a state mental hospital: The outcome of their hospitalization. In: Rose, A. M., ed. Mental health and mental disorder. New York, Norton & Co., 1955, p. 501-523. ADLER, L. M., CoDpDINGTON, J. W., and STEWART, D. D.: Mental illness in Washington County, Arkansas: Incidence, recovery, and posthospital adjustment. University of Arkansas Institute of Science and Technology, Fayetteville, 1952, 74 p. (Research Series No. 23). BackMaN, C. W., and STEwART, D. D.: Mortality and mental illness in two Arkansas counties. Fay- etteville, Ark., University of Arkansas, Institute of Science and Technology, 1952, 58 p. (Proc- essed) : STEWART, D. D.: A note on mental illness in rural Arkansas. Social Problems, 1:57-60, 1953. STEWART, D. D.: Posthospital social adjustment of former mental patients from two Arkansas coun- ties. Southwestern Social Science Quarterly, 317- 323, 1955. MH-503 (R01) THursTONE, L. L., and THUR- STONE, THELMA GWINN: Studies of primary mental abilities. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1952-55) THURSTONE, L. L.: The differential growth of men- tal abilities. Laboratory Report Number 14. Chapel Hill, N.C., The Psychometric Laboratory, University of North Carolina, 1955, 8 p. THURSTONE, THELMA G., THURSTONE, L. L., and STRANDSKOV, HERLUF H.: A psychological study of twins. I. Distribution of absolute twin dif- ferences for identical and fraternal twins. Labo- 66 ratory Report Number 4. Chapel Hill, N.C., The Psychometric Laboratory, University of North Carolina, 1953, 6 p. THURSTONE, THELMA G., THURSTONE, L. L., and STRANDSKOV, HERLUF H.: A psychological study of twins. 2. Scores of 125 pairs of twins on 59 tests. Laboratory Report Number 12. Chapel Hill, N.C, The Psychometric Laboratory, Univer- sity of North Carolina, 1955, 29 p. MH-504 (R01) Young, WiLLiaM C., and PHOE- NIX, CHARLES H.: Endocrinological determinants of behavior. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1952-63) ANTLIFF, H. R., and Young, W. C.: Behavioral and tissue responses of male guinea pigs to estro- gens and the problem of hormone specificity. Endocrinology, 59(1):74-82, 1956. ANTLIFF, H. R., and Young, W. C.: Internal secre- tory capacity of the abdominal testis in the guinea pig. Endocrinology, 61:121-127, 1957. DiaMoND, M., and Young, W. C.: Differential re- sponsiveness of pregnant and non-pregnant guinea pigs to the masculinizing action of testosterone propionate. Endocrinology, 72:429-438, 1963. Forp, D. H., and Young, W. C.: Duration of the first cyclic vaginal openings in maturing guinea pigs and related ovarian conditions. Anatomical Record, 115:495-503, 1953. GERALL, A. A.: An attempt to induce precocious sexual behavior in male guinea pigs by injections of testosterone propionate. Endocrinology, 63: 280-284, 1958. GERALL, A. A.: Effect of interruption of copulation on male guinea pig sexual behavior. Psychologi- cal Reports, 4:215-221, 1958. GERALL, A. A.: An exploratory study of the effect of social isolation variables on the sexual behavior of male guinea pigs. Animal Behavior, 11(2/3): 274-282, 1963. GERALL, A. A.: The effect of prenatal and post- natal injections of testosterone propionate on pre- puberal male guinea pig sexual behavior. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56 (1):92-95, 1963. GERALL, A. A., and Berg, W. S.: Effect of novel situation and modification in sexual drive on rate of oxygen consumption in guinea pigs. Psycho- logical Reports, 15:311-317, 1964. Goy, R. W., BripsoN, W. E., and Young, W. C.: Period of maximal susceptibility of the prenatal guinea pig to masculinizing actions of testosterone ropionate. Journal of Comparative and Physio- Fogiral Psychology, 57:166-174, 1964. Goy, R. W., Hoar, R. M., and Young, W. C.: Length of gestation in the guinea pig with data on the frequency and time of abortion and still- birth. Anatomical Record, 128:747-757, 1957. Goy, R. W., and JakwaAy, J. S.: The inheritance of patterns of sexual behavior in female guinea pigs. Animal Behavior, 7:142-149, 1959. Goy, R. W,, and JakwAy, J. S.: Role of inheritance in determination of sexual behavior patterns. In: Bliss, E. L., ed. Roots of behavior. Genetics, instinct, and socialization in animal behavior. New York, Hoeber-Harper, 1962, p. 96-112. Goy, R. W., and PHOENIX, C. H.: Hypothalamic regulation of female sexual behavior; establish- ment of behavioral oestrus in spayed guinea pigs following hypothalamic lesions. Journal of Re- production and Fertility, 5:23-40, 1963. Goy, R. W., and Young, W. C.: Strain differences in the behavioral responses of female guinea pigs to alpha-estradiol benzoate and progesterone. Be- haviour, 10:340-354, 1957. Goy, R. W., and YouNG, W. C.: Somatic basis of sexual behavior patterns in guinea pigs: Factors involved in the determination of the character of the soma in the female. Psychosomatic Medicine, 19:144-151, 1957 GrADY, KENNETH L., PHOENIX, CHARLES H., and Young, WiLLiam C.: Role of the developing rat testis in differentiation of the neural tissues medi- ating mating behavior. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59(2):176-182, 1965. GRUNT, J. A.: Exogenous androgen and non-directed hyperexcitability in castrated male guinea pigs. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biol- ogy and Medicine, 85:540-542, 1954. GRUNT, J. A., and Young, W. C.: Consistency of sexual behavior patterns in individual male guinea pigs following castration and androgen therapy. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 46:138-144, 1953. Hoar, R. M., Goy, R. W,, and Young, W. C.: Loci of action of thyroid hormone on reproduction in the female guinea pig. Endocrinology, 60: 337-346, 1957. Hoar, R. M, and Young, W. C.: Respiratory metabolism during pregnancy in the guinea pig. American Journal of Physiology, 190:425-428, 1957. Jakway, J. S.: The inheritance of patterns of mating behaviour in the male guinea pig. Animal Be- haviour, 7:150-162, 1959. Jakway, J. S., and Young, W. C.: An inherited spermatogenic hypoplasia in the guinea pig. Fertility and Sterility, 9:533-544, 1958. JarmoN, H., and GERALL, A.: The effect of food deprivation upon the sexual performance of male 67 guinea pigs. [Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 54:306-309, 1961. LapMAN, A. J., and YouNG, W. C.: An electron microscopic study of the ductuli efferentes and rete testis of the guinea pig. [Journal of Biophysi- cal and Biochemical Cytology, 4(2):219-226, 1958. PETERSON, R. R.: Comparison of the effects of ad- ministration of propyl- and iodothiouracil to preg- nant guinea pigs. University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 37:269-275, 1955. PETERSON, R. R., and Young, W. C.: Prolonged cold, sex drive and metabolic responses in the male guinea pig. American Journal of Physiol- 0gy, 180:535-538, 1955. PHOENIX, C. H.: Hypothalamic regulation of sexual behavior in male guinea pigs Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 54:72-77, 1961. PHOENIX, C. H., Goy, R. W., GERALL, A. A., and Young, W. C.: Organizing action of prenatally administered testosterone propionate on the tissues mediating mating behavior in the female guinea pig. Endocrinology, 65:369-382, 1959. Riss, W.: Sex drive, oxygen consumption and heart rate in genetically different strains of male guinea pigs. American Journal of Physiology, 180(3): 530-534, 1955. Riss, W., and Goy, R. W.: Modification of sex drive and O, consumption by isolating and group- ing male guinea pigs. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 50:150-154, 1957. Riss, W., VALENSTEIN, E. S., SINKS, J., and YOUNG, W. C.: Development of sexual behavior in male guinea pigs from genetically different stocks un- der controlled conditions of androgen treatment and caging. Endocrinology, 57:139-146, 1955. Riss, W., and Young, W. C.: The failure of large quantities of testosterone propionate to activate low drive male guinea pigs. Endocrinology, 54 (2) :232-235, 1954. VALENSTEIN, E. S., and Goy, R. W.: Further studies of the organization and display of sexual behavior in male guinea pigs. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 50(2): 115-119, 1957. VALENSTEIN, E. S., Riss, W., and Young, W. C.: Sex drive in genetically heterogeneous and highly inbred strains of male guinea pigs. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 47: 162-165, 1954. VALENSTEIN, E. S., Riss, W., and Young, W. C.: Experiential and genetic factors in the organiza- tion of sexual behavior in male guinea pigs. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 48(5) :379-403, 1955. VALENSTEIN, E. S.) and Young, W. C.: An ex- periental factor influencing the effectiveness of testosterone propionate in eliciting sexual behav- ior in male guinea pigs. Endocrinology, 56(2): 173-177, 1955. Young, W. C.: Genetic and psychological determi- nants of sexual behavior patterns. In: Hoagland, Hudson, ed. Hormones, brain function, and be- havior. New York, Academic, 1957, p. 75-98. Young, W. C.: A hormonal action participating in the patterning of sexual behavior prenatally in the guinea pig. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1960, p. 200-209. Young, W. C.: The mammalian ovary. In: Young, W. C., ed. Sex and internal secretions. 3rd ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1961, p. 449-496. Young, W. C.: The hormones and mating behav- ior. In: Young, W. C., ed. Sex and internal secretions. 3rd ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wil- kins, 1961, p. 1173-1239. Young, W. C.: Patterning of sexual behavior. In: Bliss, E. L., ed. Roots of behavior. Genetics, instinct, and socialization in animal behavior. New York, Hoeber-Harper, 1962, p. 115-122. Young, W. C.: Patterning of sexual behaviour in the guinea pig. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 8:36-40, 1963. Young, W. C.: The hormones and behavior. In: Florkin, M., and Mason, H. S., eds. Compara- tive biochemistry. Vol. 7. New York, Academic Press, 1964, p. 203-251. Young, W. C.,, Goy, R. W., and PHOENIX, C. H.: The hormones and sexual behavior. Broad rela- tionships exist between the gonadal hormones and behavior. Science, 143(3603):212-218, 1964. MH-509 (R01) Cranswick, Epwarp H.: Thyro- tropic responsivity in schizophrenia. Clark Uni- versity, Worcester, Mass. (1952-54) CRrRANSWICK, EDWARD H.: Tracer iodine studies on thyroid activity and thyroid responsiveness in schizophrenia. American [Journal of Psychiatry, 112:170-178, 1955. MH-513 (R01) ABERLE, DaviDp F.: Factors related to the use of peyote drugs. University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Continued from MH-463). ABERLE, D. F.: The prophet dance and reactions to white contact. Southwestern Journal of Anthro- pology, 15:74-83, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-463 and MH-2135). ABERLE, Davi F., and STEWART, OMER, C.: Navaho and Ute peyotism: A chronological and 68 distributional study. Boulder, Colorado, Univer- sity of Colorado, 1957, 129 p. DittMAN, ALLEN T. and MOORE, HARVEY C.: Disturbance in dreams as related to peyotism among the Navaho. American Anthropologist, 59:642-649, 1957. MH-515 (R01) LEIGHTON, ALEXANDER H., and RENNIE, THOoMAs A. C.: Yorkville Community Mental Health Project. Cornell University, New York, N.Y. (1952-58) Heiss, JEROLD: Premarital characteristics of the re- ligiously intermarried in an urban area. Ameri can Sociological Review, 25:47-55, 1960. LANGNER, THOMAS S.: Environmental stress, degree of psychiatric impairment and type of mental dis- turbance. Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytic Review, 47(4) :3-16, 1960-1961. LANGNER, THoMAs S.: Environmental stress and mental health. In: Hoch, P. H., and Zubin, J, eds. Comparative epidemiology of the mental disorders. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p- 32-44. LANGNER, THOMAS S.: A twenty-two item screening score of psychiatric symptoms indicating impair- ment. Journal of Health and Human Behavior, 3(4):269-276, 1962. LANGNER, THOMAS S.: Broken homes and mental disorder. Public Health Reports, 78(11):921- 926, 1963. LANGNER, THOMAS S., and MICHAEL, STANLEY T.: Life stress and mental health: The Midtown Manhattan Study. Vol. 2. Thomas A. C. Ren- nie Series in Social Psychiatry. New York, Free Press of Glencoe, 1963, 515 p. MicHAEL, STANLEY T.: Social attitudes, socioeco- nomic status and psychiatric symptoms. Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica, 35:509- 517, 1960. MicHAEL, STANLEY T.: Neurotic symptoms in an urban population. In: Neuroses. Vol. 1. Janota, O., and Wolf, E., eds. Congressus Psychiatricus Bohemoslovenicus cum Participatione Internatio- nali, 1959. Praha, Statni Zdravotnike Nakl., 1961, p. 163-169. MicHAEL, STANLEY T., and LANGNER, THOMAS S.: Social mobility and psychiatric symptoms. Dis- eases of the Nervous System, Monograph Supple- ment, 24(4):128-132, 1963. Moore, M. E., STUNKARD, A., and SROLE, L.: Obesity, social class, and mental illness. Journal of the American Medical Association, 181:962- 966, 1962. OPLER, MARVIN K.: Cultural perspectives in mental health research. American Journal of Orthopsy- chiatry, 24(1):51-59, 1955. OpPLER, MARVIN K.: Contrasting patterns of fantasy and motility in Irish and Italian schizophrenics. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 53 (1):43-47, 1956. OpLER, MARVIN K.: Epidemiological studies of mental illness. In: Rioch, D. M., ed. Sympo- sium on preventive and social psychiatry. Wash- ington, D.C, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 1957, p. 111-147. OPLER, MARVIN K.: Dilemmas of two Puerto Rican men. In: Seward G., ed. Clinical studies in cul- ture conflict. New York, Ronald Press, 1958, p. 223-224. OPLER, MARVIN K., and SINGER, JEROME L.: Cul- tural anthropology and social psychiatry. Ameri- can Journal of Psychiatry, 113(4):302-311, 1956. OPLER, MARVIN K., and SINGER, JEROME L.: Eth- nic differences in behavior and psychopathology. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2(1): 11-22, 1956. RENNIE, THOMAS A. C.: The Yorkville community mental health study. In: Interrelations between the social environment and psychiatric disorders. Papers presented at 1952 annual conference of the Milbank Memorial Fund. New York, Milbank Memorial Fund, 1953, p. 209-221. RENNIE, THOMAS A. C.: Social psychiatry—a defi- nition. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1(1):5-13, 1955 RENNIE, THoMAs A. C., and SROLE, LEO: Social class prevalence and distribution of psychosomatic conditions in an urban population. Psychoso- matic Medicine, 18(6):449-456, 1956. RENNIE, THOMAS A. C., SROLE, LEO, OPLER, MAR- viN K., and LANGNER, THOMAS S.: Urban life and mental health. American Journal of Psychi- atry, 113(9) :813-837, 1957. SrROLE, LEO: Social integration and certain corol- laries: An exploratory study. American Sociologi- cal Review, 21:709-716, 1956. SROLE, LEO, LANGNER, THOMAS S., MICHAEL, STANLEY T., OPLER, MARVIN K., and RENNIE, THoMAs A. C.: Mental health in the metropolis: The midtown Manhattan study. Vol. 1. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1962, 428 p. MH-516 (R01) BorpiN, Epwarp S., CUTLER, RicHARD L., DITTMANN, ALLEN T. and RAUSH, HaroLD L.: Analyses of psychotherapeutic inter- action. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1952-61) BorpIN, EDWARD S.: Ambiguity as a therapeutic variable. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 19 (1):9-15, 1955 BorpIN, EDWARD S.: The implications of client ex- pectations for the counseling process. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2(1):17-21, 1955. 69 BorpiN, E. S.: Free association: An experimental analogue of the psychoanalytic situation. In: Gottschalk, L. A., and Auerbach, A. H., eds. Methods of research in psychotherapy. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1964. BorpIN, E. S., CUTLER, R. L., DITTMANN, ALLEN T., HarwaAy, N. I, RausH, H. L., and RIGLER, D.: Measurement problems in process research on psy- chotherapy. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 18(2):79-82, 1954. CUTLER, RICHARD L.: Countertransference effects in psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 22(5) :349-356, 1958. CUTLER, RicHARD L., BOrDIN, EDWARD S., WIL- LIAMS, JOAN, and RIGLER, DAvID: Psychoanalysis as expert observers of the therapy process. Jour- nal of Consulting Psychology, 22(5):335-340, 1958. DIBNER, ANDREW S.: Ambiguity and anxiety. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 56(2): 165-174, 1958. HArRwAYy, NORMAN I., DiTTMANN, ALLEN T., RausH, HAROLD L., BOrDIN, EDWARD S., and RIG- LER, DAviD: The measurement of depth of inter- pretation. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 19(4) :247-253, 1955. LICHTENSTEIN, EpwaRD: Cognitive controls and free-association behavior. Journal of General Psy- chology, 73(1):117-123, 1965. RausH, H. L., and BorbiN, E. S.: Warmth in per- sonality development and in psychotherapy. Psy- chiatry, 20(4) :351-363, 1957. RausH, H. L., SPERBER, Z., RIGLER, D., WILLIAMS, J., HARwaAY, N. I, BorpIN, E. S., DiTT™MAN, A. T., and Hays, W. L.: A dimensional analysis of depth of interpretation. Journal of Consulting Psychol ogy, 20(1) :43-48, 1956. TOWNSEND, ALAN H.: An empirical measure of ambiguity in the context of psychotherapy. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 41:349-355, 1956. MH-522 (RO1) Scott, JoHN P.: Effect of age and strain on early behavior patterns. Roscoe B. Jack- son Memorial Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Me. (1952-54) Ross, S., FisHER, A. E., and KING, D.: Sucking be- havior: A review of the literature. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 91:63-81, 1957. Ross, SHERMAN, Scott, J. P., CHERNER, MARIA, and DENENBERG, Victor H.: Effects of restraint and isolation on yelping in puppies. Animal Be- havior, 8:1-5, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 123). Scott, J. P., Ross, S., FIsHER, A. E., and KiNG, D.: The effects of early enforced weaning on sucking behavior of puppies. Journal of Genetic Psychol- ogy, 95:261-281, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-123). MH-528 (R01) Luft, JosepH: Study of adjust- ment patterns in families. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1952-53) LuFT, JosepH: Psychological control patterns within families. (Abstract) Journal of Consulting Psy- chology, 21:3, 1957. MARTIN, B.: Intolerance of ambiguity in interper- sonal and perceptual behavior. Journal of Per- sonality, 22 (4) :494-503, 1954. MH-530 (R01) Davis, Roger T., Opol, HIROSHI: Behavioral and histopathological effects of radia- tion. State University of South Dakota, Vermil- lion, S.D. (1952-58) CHo, J. B,, and Davis, R. T.: Preferences of mon- keys for objects other than food. American Jour- nal of Psychology, 70:87-91, 1957. Davis, R. T.: The performance of monkeys on dis- crimination problems with reduced stimulus cues. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Sci- ence, 33:116-122, 1954. Davis, R. T.: Discriminative performance of mon- keys irradiated with X-rays. American Journal of Psychology, 74:86-89, 1961. Davis, R. T., and McDowELL, A. A.: Manipulation of a G-unit mechanical puzzle by monkeys under spaced practice. Proceedings of the South Da- kota Academy of Science, 32:143-146, 1953. Davis, R. T., and McDowekLL, A. A.: Performance of monkeys on randomly presented string prob- lems. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, 32:147-152, 1953. Davis, R. T., McDoweLL, A. A., DETER, C. W., and STEELE, C. W.: Performance of rhesus mon- keys on selected laboratory tasks presented before and after a large single dose of whole-body X- radiation. Journal of Comparative and Physiolog- ical Psychology, 49:20-26, 1956. Davis, R. T., McDowELL, A. A., GRODSKY, M. A., and STEELE, J. P.: The performance of X-ray ir- radiated and honirradiated rhesus monkeys before, during, and following chronic barbiturate sedation. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 93:37-51, 1958. Davis, R. T. McDowkLL, A. A., and NISSEN, H. W.: Solution of bent wire problems by mon- keys and chimpanzees. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 50:441-444, 1957. Davis, R. T., McDowEeLL, A. A., and THORSON, N.: Four-trial object-quality discrimination learn- ing by monkeys. Proceedings of the South Da- kota Academy of Science, 32:132-142, 1953. 70 Davis, R. T., and STEELE, J. P.: Performance selec- tion through radiation death in rhesus monkeys. Journal of Psychology, 56:119-136, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2264). HEmMsTRA, N. W., Davis, R. T., and STEELE, J. P.: Effects of various food deprivation schedules on the discrimination learning performance of mon- keys irradiated with X-ray irradiation. Journal of Psychology, 44:271-281, 1957. HEeiMsTRA, N. W., and Opoi, H.: Position discrimi- nation learning with food and non-food reward by monkeys. Proceedings of the South Dakota Acad- emy of Science, 35:215-219, 1956. McDoweLL, A. A., and Davis, R. T.: A quantita- tive analysis of the chewing performance of rhesus monkeys. Proceedings of the South Dakota Acad- emy of Science, 33:123-127, 1954. McDowekLL, A. A., Davis, R. T., and STEELE, J. P.: Application of systematic direct observational meth- ods to analysis of the radiation syndrome in mon- keys. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 6:117-130, 1956. MassaARr, R. S., and Davis, R. T.: The formation of a temporal-sequence learning set by monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 52:225-227, 1959. Opor, H.: Analysis of the factors involved in oddity performance of monkeys. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Sciences, 35:220-224, 1956. MH-532 (R01) FraNK, JEROME D.: Evaluation of group and individual psychotherapy. Johns Hop- kins University, Baltimore, Md. (1952-56) FRANK, J. D.: The dynamics of the Joychotherapeutic relationship: Determinants and effects of the thera- Psychiatry, 22(1):17-39, 1959. FRANK, JEROME D.: Persuasion and healing. Balti- more, Johns Hopkins Press, 1961, 282 p. pists influence. Frank, J. D., GLIEDMAN, L. H., IMBER, S. D, NasH, E. H., and STONE, A. R.: Why patients leave psychotherapy. A. M. A. Archives of Neu- rology and Psychiatry, 77:283-299, 1957. FraNK, J. D., GLIEDMAN, M. D., IMBER, S. D,, STONE, A. R., and NasH, E. H.: Patients’ expec- tancies and relearning as factors determining im- provement in psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 115(11) :961-968, 1959. GLIEDMAN, L. H., NasH, E. H., Jr., IMBER, S. D,, STONE, A. R., and FRANK, J. D.: Reduction of symptoms by pharmacologically inert substances and by short-term psychotherapy. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 79:345-351, 1958. GLIEDMAN, L. H., StoNE, A. R., FraNK, J. D, NasH, E., and IMBER, S. D.: Incentives for treat- ment related to remaining or improving in psycho- therapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 11(3):589-598, 1957. IMBER, S. D., FRANK, J. D., GLIEDMAN, L. H., Nash, E. H., and STONE, A. R.: Suggestibility, social calss and the acceptance of psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 12(4):341-344, 1956. IMBER, S. D., FRANK, J. D., NasH, E. H., STONE, A. R,, and GLIEDMAN, L. H.: Improvement and amount of therapeutic contact: An alternative to the use of no-treatment controls in psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21 (4) :309-315, 1957. : IMBER, S. D., NasH, E. H., and STONE, A. R.: So- cial class and duration of psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 11(3):281-284, 1955. KEeLMAN, HERBERT C., and PARLOFF, MORRIS B.: Interrelations among three criteria of improvement in group therapy: Comfort, effectiveness, and self- awareness. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 54:281-288, 1957. Nash, E. H., FRANK, J. D., GLIEDMAN, L. H., IM- BER, S. D., and STONE, A. R.: Some factors re- lated to patients’ remaining in group psychother- apy. International Journal of Group Psychother- apy, 7(3) :264-274, 1957. PARLOFF, M. B., KELMAN, H. C,, and FRANK, J. D.: Comfort, effectiveness, and self-awareness as cri- teria of improvement in psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 3(5):343-351, 1954. ROSENTHAL, D., FRANK, J. D., and Nash, E. H.: The self-righteous moralist in early meetings of therapeutic groups. Psychiatry, 17(3):215-233, 1954. MH-534 (R01) RUESCH, JURGEN: Problems of com- munication in mentally ill patients. University of California, San Francisco, Calif. (1952-59) BLOCK, J.: The assessment of communication: Role variations as a function of interactional context. Journal of Personality, 21:272-286, 1952. Brock, J., and BENNETT, L.: The assessment of communication: Perception and transmission as a function of the social situation. Human Relations, 8:317-325, 1955. Kavris, B. L., and BENNETT, L. F.: The assessment of communication: The relation of clinical im- rovement to measured changes in communicative ehavior. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21: 10-14, 1957. RuUEscH, J.: Transference reformulated. Acta Psy- chotherapeutica, Psychosomatica et Orthopaedogo- gica, 3:596-605, 1955. RuUEscH, J.: Psychotherapy and communication. In: Fromm-Reichmann, F., and Moreno, J. L., eds. 71 Progress in psychotherapy. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1956, p. 180-187. RuEscH, J.: Creation of a multidisciplinary team. Psychosomatic Medicine, 18:105-112, 1956. RUESCH, ].: The observer and the observed: Human communication theory. System of relationships relevant in a unified theory of behavior. Analy- sis of various types of boundaries. In: Grinker, Roy R., ed. Toward a unified theory of human behavior. New York, Basic Books, 1956, p. 36- 54; 303-304; 340-361. Ruksch, J.: The trouble with psychiatric research. Archives of Neurology and Psichiatry, 77:93-107, 1957. RugescH, J.: Principles of human communication. Dialectica, 11:154-165, 1957. RuEkscH, J.: Disturbed communication. New York, Norton, 1957, 337 p. (Also acknowledges MH- 37). RuescH, J.: The tangential response. In: Hoch, P. H., and Zubin, J., eds. Psychopathology of communication. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1958, p. 37-48. Ruksch, J.: Communication difficulties among psy- - chiatrists. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 10:432-447, 1956. Also in: Masserman, J. H., ed. Science and psychoanalysis. Vol. 1. Integra- tive studies. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1958, p. 85-100. RUESCH, ].: Nonverbal language and therapy. Psy- chiatry, 18:323-330, 1955. Also in: McGowan, F., and Schmidt, L. D., eds. Counseling: Readings in theory and practice. New York, Holt, Rine- hart & Winston, 1962, p. 485-493. RUEscH, J., BLock, ]., and BENNETT, L.: The as- sessment of communication. I. A method for the analysis of social interaction. Journal of Psychol- ogy, 35:59-80, 1953. RUEscH, J., and Kegs, W.: Nonverbal communica- tion. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1956, 205 p. MH-543 (R01) Hess, ROBERT D., ABEGGLEN, James, HANDEL, GERALD: Parental influences on the child’s personality. Chicago, University of Chicago, Ill. (1952-57) HANDEL, GERALD: Psychological study of whole families. Psychological Bulletin, 63(1):19-41, 1965. Hess, RoBERT D.: Changing patterns of family life. In: Civic leadership in the sixties. Vol. 6. Chi- cago, National Safety Council, 1959. Hess, ROBERT D., and HANDEL, GERALD: Patterns of aggression in parents and their children. Jour- nal of Genetic Psychology, 89:199-212, 1956. Hess, RoBerT D., and HANDEL, GERALD: Family worlds: A psychosocial approach to family life. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1959. Hess, ROBERT D., and HANDEL, GERALD: The fam- ily as an emotional organization. Marriage and Family Living, 18(2) :99-101, 1956. MH-544 (R01) PoLANsKY, NORMAN A., KOUNIN, Jaco S.: Emotion and attitude in the interview situation. Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. (1952-55) KouniN, J., PoLaNskY, N., BiopLE, B., COBURN, H., and FENN, A.: Experimental studies of clients’ reactions to initial interviews. Human Relations, 9(3):265.293, 1956. PoLaNsky, N. A., and KouNIN, J. S.: Clients’ reac- tions to initial interviews: A field study. Human Relations, 9(3) :237-264, 1955. THomas, EpwiN, PoLANSKY, NORMAN, and KounNiIN, Jaco: The expected behavior of a po- tentially helpful person. Human Relations, 8(2): 165-174, 1955. MH-545 (R01) PrisrAM, KARL H., STAMM, JOHN: Neural mechanisms in behavior. Institute of Liv- ing, Hartford, Conn.. (1952-60) (Continued as MH-3732). BaGsHAW, MURIEL H., and PriBrRaM, K. H.: Corti- cal organization in gustation (Macaca Mulatta). Journal of Neurophysiology, 16:399-508, 1953. Chow, K. L., and PrisraM, K. H.: Cortical projec- tion of the thalamic ventrolateral nuclear group in monkeys. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 104:37-75, 1956. FULLER, J. L., RosvoLp, H. E., and PriBraM, K. H.: The effect on affective and cognitive behavior in the dog of lesions of the pyriform-amygdala-hip- pocampal complex. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 50:89-96, 1957. Kaus, L. I., PriBRAM, K. H., and KRUGER, L.: Ac- tion potentials in “motor” cortex evoked by pe- ripheral nerve stimulation. Journal of Neurophysi- ology, 16:161-167, 1953 KimsLE, D. P.,, and PriBrAM, K. H.: Hippocampec- tomy and behavior sequences. Science, 139:824- 825, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3732). KRAFT, MARCIA, OBRIST, W. D., and PRIBRAM, K. H.: The effect of irritative lesions of the stri- ate cortex on learning of visual discrimination in monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 53:17-22, 1960. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3732). MACLEAN, P. D., and PriBrRaM, K. H.: Neurono- graphic analysis of medial and basal cerebral cor- tex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 16:312-323, 1953. 72 MILLER, G. A., GALANTER, E., and PriBraM, K. H.: Plans and the structure of behavior. New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-3732). Mirsky, A. J., Rosvorp, H. E., and PriBraM, K. H.: Effects of cingulectomy on social behavior in mon- keys. Journal of Neurophysiology, 20:588-601, 1957. MisHKIN, M., and PriBrRAM, K. H.: Visual discrimi- nation performance following partial ablations of the temporal lobe: I. Ventral vs. lateral. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 47: 14-20, 1954. MisHKIN, M., and PriBrAM, K. H.: Analysis of the effects of frontal lesions in monkeys: I. Variations of delayed alternation. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 48:492-495, 1955. MisHKIN, M., and PriBRAM, K. H.: Analysis of the effects of frontal lesions in monkey: II. Variations of delayed response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 49:36-40, 1956. MisHKIN, M., RosvoLa, H. E., and PriBraM, K. H.: Effects of Nembutal in baboons with frontal le- sions. Journal of Neurophysiology, 16:155-159, 1953. PriBraM, K. H.: Toward a science of neuropsychol- ogy (method and data). In: Current trends in peychology and the behavioral sciences. Pitts- urgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1954, p. 115-142. PriBraM, K. H.: Concerning three rhinencephalic systems. In: Shwab, Robert S., ed. The rhinen- cephalon (symposium). Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 6:708-809, 1954. PriBrRAM, K. H.: Lesions of “frontal eye fields” and delayed response of baboons. Journal of Neuro- physiology, 18:105-112, 1955. PriBraM, K. H.: Comparative neurology and the evolution of behavior. In: Behavior and evolu- tion. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1958, p. 140-164. PriBraM, K. H.: Neocortical function in behavior. In: Biological and biochemical bases of behavior. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1958, p. 151-172. PriBraM, K. H.: On the neurology of thinking. Be- havioral Science, 4:265-287, 1959. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3732). PriBraM, K. H.: Neuropsychology in America. In: The Voice of America Forum Lectures, Behavioral Science Series 9. Washington, D.C., U.S. Infor- mation Agency, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH- 3732). PriBrAM, K. H.: A review of theory in physiological psychology. In: Annual review of psychology. Vol. 11. Palo Alto, Calif., Annual Reviews, 1960, p- 1-40. (Also acknowledges MH-3732). PriBrAM, K. H.: The intrinsic systems of the fore- brain: An alternative to the concept of cortical as- sociation areas. In: Handbook of physiology, neu- ropsychology. Vol. 2. Washington, D.C, American Physiological Society, 1960, p. 1323- 1344. (Also acknowledges MH-3732). PriBrRAM, K. H.: A further experimental analysis of the behavioral deficit that follows injury to the primate frontal cortex. Experimental Neurology, 3:432-466, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH- 3732). PriBraM, K. H.: Regional physiology of CNS: The search for the engram—decade of decision. In: Speigel, E., ed. Progress in neurology and psychi- atry. Vol. 16. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 45-57. (Also acknowledges MH-3732). PriBraM, K. H., and BAGSHAW, MURIEL: Further analysis of the temporal lobe syndrome utilizing fronto-temporal ablations. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 99:347-375, 1953. PriBraM, K. H., CHow, K. L. and SEMMEs, JosEPHINE: Limit and organization of the cortical projection from the medial thalamic nucleus in monkeys. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 95: 433-448, 1953. PriBraM, K. H., and FuLTtON, J. F.: An experi- mental critique of the effects of anterior cingulate ablations in monkeys. Brain, 77:34-44, 1954. PriBrRAM, K. H., GARDNER, K. W. PRESSMAN, G. L., and BAGSHAW, MURIEL. An automated discrimination apparatus for discrete trial analy- sis (DADTA). Psychological Reports, 11:247- 250, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3732). PriBrAM, K. H., GARDNER, K. W., PRESSMAN, G. L., and BAGSHAW, MURIEL: Automated analy- sis of multiple choice behavior. Journal of Ex- perimental Animal Behavior, 6:123-124, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3732). PriBrRAM, K. H., and KRUGER, L.: Functions of the “olfactory” brain. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 58:109-138, 1954. PriBraM, K. H., KRrRUGER, L., RoBINSON, F., and BERMAN, A. J.: The effects of precentral lesions on the behavior of monkeys. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 28:428-443, 1955-1956. PriBrRAM, K. H., and MACLEAN, P. D.: Neurono- graphic analysis of medial and basal cerebral cor- tex: II. Monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology, 16:324-340, 1953. PriBraM, K. H., and MisHKIN, M.: Simultaneous and successive visual discrimination by monkeys with inferotemporal lesions. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 48:198- 202, 1955. 73 PriBraM, K. H., and MISHKIN, M.: Analysis of the effects of frontal lesions in monkeys: III. Object alternation. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 49:41-45, 1956. PriBrAM, K. H., MisHKIN, M., Rosvorp, H. E. and KAPLAN, S. J.: Effects on delayed-response performance of lesions of dorsolateral and ven- tromedial frontal cortex of baboons. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 45: 565-575, 1952. PriBrRAM, K. H., ROSNER, B. S., and ROSENBLITH, W. A.: Electrical responses to acoustic clicks in monkey: Extent of neocortex activated. Journal of Neurophysiology, 17:336-344, 1954. PriBRAM, K. H., and WEISKRANTZ, L.: A compari- son of the effects of medial and lateral cerebral resections on conditioned avoidance behavior of monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 50:74-80, 1957. PriBrRaM, K. H., WiLsoN, W. A., and CONNORS, JANE: Effects of lesions of the medial forebrain on alternation behavior of rhesus monkeys. Ex- perimental Neurology, 6:36-47, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3732). Rosvorp, H. E., Mirsky, A. F., and PRIBRAM, K. H.: Influence of amygdalectomy on social be- havior in monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 47:173-178, 1954. ScHWARTZBAUM, J. S., and PriBRAM, K. H.: The effects of amydgalectomy in monkeys on transpo- sition along a brightness continuum. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53: 396-399, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-3732). SHERER, GEORGIA, and PriBRAM, K. H.: Serial frozen section of whole brain. Psychological Re- ports, 11:209-210, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3732). Stamm, J. S., and PriBrAM, K. H.: Effects of epi- leptogenic lesions in frontal cortex on learning and retention in monkeys. Journal of Neuro- physiology, 23:552-563, 1960. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3732). Stamm, J. S., and PriBRAM, K. H.: Effects of epi- leptogenic lesions in inferotemporal cortex on learning and retention in monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54: 614-618, 1961. WEISKRANTZ, L., and WiLsoN, W. A.: The effects of reserpine on emotional behavior of normal and brain-operated monkeys. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 61:36-55, 1955. WiLsoN, MARTHA, STAMM, J. S., and PRIBRAM, K. H.: Deficits in roughness discrimination after posterior parietal lesions in monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53: 535-539, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-3732). MH-550 (R01) Gump, PauL V., and REDL, FRITZ: Effect of activity programs on behavior of chil- dren. Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. (1952-55) Gump, P. V.,, and KouUNIN, J. S.: Issues raised by ecological and classical research efforts. Merrill- Palmer Quarterly of Behavior and Development, 6:145-152, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 1066). Gump, P. V., and MEI, YUEN-HUNG: Active games for physically handicapped children. Physical Therapy Review, 34(4):171-174, 1954. Gump, PauL V., and ScHOGGEN, P. H.: Wally O'Neill at camp: A day-long specimen of behav- ior. Detroit, Wayne University, 1955, 379 p. (Processed). Gump, PAUL V., SCHOGGEN, P., and REpL, F.: The camp milieu and its immediate effects. Journal of Social Issues, 13(1):40-46, 1957. Gump, PAUL V., SCHOGGEN, P., and REepL, F.: The behavior of the same child in different milieus. In: Barker, R., ed. The stream of behavior. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1963, p. 169-202. Gump, PAuL V., and SUTTON-SMITH, B.: Activity- setting and social interaction. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 25:755-760, 1955. Gump, PauL V., and SurTON-SMITH, B.: The it role in children’s games. Group, 17:3-8, 1955. SUTTON-SMITH, BRIAN, and GUMP, P. V.: Games and status experience. Recreation, 48(4):172- 174, 1955. MH-560 (R01) ULETT, GEORGE A.: Convulsive- subconvulsive photic stimulatory therapy. Wash- ington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1952-54) Lame, W. A., ULerT, G. A., MASTERS, W. H., and RoBINsON, D. W.: Premenstrual tension: EEG, hormonal, and psychiatric evaluation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 109:840-848, 1953. LAWLER, A., WINOKUR, G., GLESER, G., and ULETT, G. A.: The use of a control population in neuropsychiatric research: (Psychiatric, psycho- logical and EEG evaluation of a heterogeneous sample). American Journal of Psychiatry, 3:248- 262, 1954. ULETT, GEORGE A.: Photically-activated electroen- cephalogram: Research tool in psychiatry. Psy- chosomatic Medicine, 15(1):66-83, 1953. ULETT, GEORGE A.: Experience with photic stimu- lation in psychiatric research. American Journal of Psychiatry, 114(2):127-133, 1957. ULert, G. A, GLESER, G. C, CALDWELL, B. M,, and SmitH, K.: The use of matched groups in the evaluation of convulsive and subconvulsive photo- shock. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 18:138- 146, 1954. 74 ULerT, G. A, SMITH, K., and GLESER, G.: Evalua- tion of convulsive and sub-convulsive shock thera- pies utilizing a control group. American Journal of Psychiatry, 112:795-802, 1956. MH-563 (R01) SATTER, GEORGE A., GARRISON, MoRTIMER, HEISER, KARL F., and RIGGS, MAR- GARET M.: Intellectual development in retarded children. Training School at Vineland, Vineland, N.J. (1953-56) GARRIZON, M.: A comparison of psychological meas- ures in mentally retarded boys over a three-year period as a function of etiology. Training School Bulletin, Vineland, N.J., 55:54-60, 1958. SATTER, G., and McGEE, E.: Retarded adults who have developed beyond expectation. I. Intellec- tual functions. Training School Bulletin, Vine- land, N.J., 51:43-55, 1954. MH-564 (R01) MiLLER, DANIEL R., and SwAN- soN, Guy E.: Origins of defense mechanisms. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1952-55) MiLLER, D. R.: Inner conflict and defense. New York, Holt, 1960, 452 p. MILLER, D. R., and SwANsON, G. E.: The changing American parent. New York: Wiley, 1953. MH-575 (RO1) SARBIN, THEODORE R.: Intraper- sonal factors in juvenile delinquency. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1952-58) BAKER, BELE, and SarBIN, T. R.: Differential me- diation of social perception as a correlate of social adjustment. Sociometry, 19:69-83, 1956. Jones, D. S., LivsoN, N., and SArBIN, T. R.: Per- ceptual completion behavior in juvenile delin- quents. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 5:141-146, 1955. SArBIN, T. R. and BAKER, BELA: Psychological predisposition and/or subcultural participation. Sociometry, 20:161-164, 1957. SARBIN, THEODORE R., and JoNEs, DONALD S.: Intra-personal factors in delinquency: A prelimi- nary report. Nervous Child, 11:23-27, 1955. MH-576 (R01) RICHTER, CURT P.: Behavior, me- tabolism and mood cycles. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, Baltimore, Md. (1952- ) BAKER, S. P.: Anuria produced by alpha-naphthyl thiourea. American Journal of Physiology, 179: 457-461, 1954. Karri, P. C.: Influence de la gestation et de la lac- tation sur le compartment du Rat blanc vis-a-vis de la Souris Blanche adults. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie, 149:2245, 1955. KarL, P. C.: Social reactions of pregnant and lacta- tion rats. In: Gestation—Transactions of the Second Conference, March 8-10, 1955, Princeton, N.J., p. 94-112. Karey, P. C.: The Norway rat's killing response to the white mouse: An experimental analysis. Be- haviour, 10:81-103, 1956. KLINE, A. H., SIDBURY, J. B,, and RicHTER, C. P.: The occurrence of ectodermal dysplasia and cor- neal dysplasia in one family. Journal of Pedi- atrics, 55(3) :355, 1959. KLINE, A. H., SDBURY, J. B., RICHTER, C. P., and BILLINGSLY, J.: Mode of transmission of familial ectodermal dysplasia. (Abstract) American Pedi- atric Society, 1958. Mosier, H. D., Jr.: Comparative histological study of the adrenal cortex of the wild and domesticated Norway rat. Endocrinology, 60(4):460-469, 1957. Mosier, H. D., and RicHTER, C. P.: Response of the glomerulosa layer of the adrenal gland of wild and domesticated Norway rats to low and high salt diets. Endocrinology, 62:268, 1958. Park, E. A., and RicHTER, C. P.: Transverse lines in bones: The mechanism of their development. Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, 93:234, 1953. RicHTER, C. P.: Domestication of the Norway rat and its implication for the study of genetics in man. American Journal of Human Genetics, 4: 273, 1952. RicHTER, CURT P.: The physiology and cytology of pulmonary edema and pleural effusion produced in rats by alpha-naphthyl thiourea (ANTU). Journal of Thoracic Surgery, 23:66-91, 1952. RicHTER, C. P.: Experimentally produced behavior reaction to food poisoning in wild and domesti- cated rats. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 56(2):225-239, 1953. RicHTER, C. P.: Alcohol, beer and wine as foods. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 14:525, 1953. RicHTER, C. P.: Free research versus design re- search. Science, 118:91-93, 1953. RicHTER, C. P.: Behavioral regulators of carbohy- drate homeostasis. Acta Neurovegetativa, 9:247- 259, 1954. RicHTER, C. P.: The effects of domestication and selection on the behavior of the Norway rat. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 15:727, 1954. RicHTER, C. P.: Experimental production of cycles of behavior and physiology in animals. Acta Medica Scandinavica, 152 (Suppl. No. 307):36- 37,1955. 75 RicHTER, C. P.: Behavior and metabolic cycles in animals and man. In: Hoch, Paul, and Zubin, J., eds. Experimental psychopathology. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1955. RicHTER, C. P.: Nutritional factors. In: 17th Ross Pediatric Research Conference on Growth and Development of Dental and Skeletal Tissues, Bos- ton, Mass., March 28-30, 1955, p. 22-30. RicHTER, C. P.: Salt appetite of mammals: Its de- pendence on instinct and metabolism. Contribu- tion to Vol. ‘L’ instinct dans le comportement des animaux et de 'homme’. Paris, France, 1956. RicHTER, C. P.: Loss of appetite for alcohol and alcoholic beverages produced in rats by treatment with thyroid preparations. Endocrinology, 59 (4): 472-478, 1956. RicHTER, CURT: Decreased appeite for alcohol and alcoholic beverages produced in rats by thyroid treatment. In: Hoagland, Hudson, ed. Hor- mones, brain function, and behavior. Proceedings of the Conference on Neuroendocrinology, 1956. New York, Academic Press, 1957, p. 217-220. RicHTER, C. P.: Ovulation cycles and stress. In: Villee, Claude A., ed. Transactions of the 3rd Conference on Gestation, March 6, 7, 8, 1956. Princeton, New Jersey, p. 53-70. RicHTER, C. P.: Production and control of alcoholic cravings in rats. In: Abramson, H. A. ed. Transactions of the 3rd Conference in Neuro- pharmacology. Princeton, N.J. New York, The Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1956, p. 39-146. RicHTER, C. P.: Loss of appetite for alcohol and alcoholic beverages produced in rats by treatment with thyroid preparation. In: Himwich, H. E,, ed. Alcoholism—Basic aspects and treatment— A symposium. Atlanta, Georgia, 1957, p. 59-65. (Publication No. 47 of AAAS) RicHTER, C. P.: Hunger and appetite. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 5(2):141, 1957. RicHTER, C. P.: On the phenomenon of sudden death in animals and man. Psychosomatic Medi- cine, 19:191, 1957. RICHTER, C. P.: Hormones and rhythms in man and animals. In: Pincus, Gregory, ed. Recent prog- ress in hormone research. Vol. 13. New York, Academic Press, 1957, p. 105-159. RicHTER, C. P.: Neurological basis of responses to stress. In: Weistenholme, G. E. W., and O’Con- nor, Cecilia M., eds. A Ciba Foundation sym- posium on the ‘neurological basis of behaviour. (In commemoration of Sir Charles Sherrington). London, J. & A. Churchill, 1958, p. 204-217. RicHTER, C. P.: The phenomenon of unexplained sudden death in animals and man. In: Gantt, Horsley W., ed. Physiological bases of psychiatry. Springfield, Ill, C. C. Thomas, 1958, p. 112-125. RicHTER, CURT P.: Abnormal but regular cycles of behavior and metabolism in rats and catatonic- schizophrenics. In: Reiss, Max, ed. Psychoen- docrinology. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1958, p. 168-181. RicHTER, C. P.: On the phenomenon of sudden death in animals and man. In: Reed, Charles F., Alexander, Irving E., and Tomkins, Silvan S., eds. Psychopathology—A source book. Cambridge, Harvard University, 1958, p. 234-242. RicHTER, CURT P.: Diurnal cycles of man and ani- mals. (Abstract) Science, 128:1147-1148, 1958. RicHTER, C. P.: Rats, man and the welfare state. American Psychologist, 14(1):18-28, 1959. RicHTER, C. P.: Lasting after-effects produced in rats by several commonly used drugs and hor- mones. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 45(7):1080-1095, 1959. RicHTER, CURT P.: Biological clocks in medicine and psychiatry: Shock-phase hypothesis. Proceed- ings of the National Academy of Sciences, 46 (11):1506-1530, 1960. RicHTER, C. P., JoNEs, G. S., and BISWANGER, L.: Periodic phenomena and the thyroid. I. Abnor- mal but regular cycles in behavior and metabolism produced in rats by partial radiothyroidectomy. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 81(2):233, 1959. RicHTER, C. P., and Mosier, H. D., JrR.: Maximum sodium chloride intake and thirst in domesticated and wild Norway rats. American [Journal of Physiology, 176:213, 1954. RicHTER, C. P., and Rick, K. K.: Comparison of the effects produced by fasting on gross bodily activ- ity of wild and domesticated Norway rats. Ameri- can Journal of Physiology, 179:305, 1954. RicHTER, CURT P., and Rick, K. K.: Experimental production in rats of abnormal cycles in behavior and metabolism. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 124(4) :393-395, 1956. RicHTER, C. P., and UHLENHUTH, E. H.: Compari- son of the effects of gonadectomy on spontaneous activity of wild and domesticated Norway rats. Endocrinology, 54:311, 1954. RicHTER, CURT P., and Woop, Davip E.: Hypo- physectomy and domestication in the Norway rats. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 12(1)Part I: 116, 1953. TaN, B. M., HansoN, M. E., and RICHTER, C. P.: Swimming time of rats with relation to water tem- perature. Federation Proceedings, 13:498, 1954. WAGNER, H. N.: Electrical skin resistance studies in two persons with congenital absence of sweat glands. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilis, 65:543, 1952. 76 WANG, G. H.: Brainstem reticular system and gal- vanic skin reflex. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 14:158, 1955. WANG, G. H.: Galvanic skin reflex after spinal transection in normal and decerebrate cats. Fed- eration Proceedings, 15(1):196, 1956. WANG, G. H.: Special review: The galvanic skin reflex. A review of old and recent works from a physiologic point of view. Part I. American Journal of Physical Medicine, 36(5):295, 1957. WANG, G. H.: Terminal rebound of galvanic skin reflex in anesthetized cats. Journal of Neuro- physiology, 20:340, 1957. WANG, G. H.: Special review: The galvanic skin reflex. A review of old and recent works from a physiological point of view. Part II. Ameri can Journal of Physical Medicine, 37:35, 1958. WANG, G. H.: Strychninization of bulbar ventro- medial reticular formation and galvanic skin re- flex in thalamic cats. Journal of Neurophysiology, 21:327, 1958. WANG, G. H.: Effects of asphyxia of galvanic skin reflex before and after spinal transection. Journal of Neurophysiology, 22:98, 1959. WANG, G. H., and AkErt, K.: Behavior and re- flexes of chronic striatal cats. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 100:48, 1962. WANG, G. H., and BrowN, V. W.: Changes in galvanic skin reflex after acute spinal transection in normal and decerebrate cats. [Journal of Neu- rophysiology, 19:446, 1956. WANG, G. H., and BRowN, V. W.: Suprasegmental inhibition of an autonomic reflex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 19:564, 1956. WanG, G. H., STEIN, P., and Brown, V. W.: Effects of transection of central neuraxis on gal- vanic skin reflex in anesthetized cats. Journal of Neurophysiology, 19:340, 1956. WaNG, G. H., STEIN, P., and BrowN, V. W.: Brainstem reticular system and galvanic skin re- flex in acute decerebrate cats. Journal of Neuro- physiology, 19:350, 1956. Woop, D. E.: Hypophysectomy and domestication in the Norway rat. Bulletin of the Johns Hop- kins Hospital, 97(2) :178, 1955. Woops, J. W.: Differences in adrenal response to adverse conditions in wild and domesticated Nor- way rats. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 12(1)Part 1:159, 1953. Woops, James W.: Effects of a chronically cold environment on endocrine organs of wild and domesticated rats. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 13 (1) Part 1:167, 1954. Woops, J. W.: The effects of long-term exposure to cold adrenal weight and and ascorbic acid con- tent in wild and domesticated Norway rats. Jour- nal of Physiology, 135(2):384, 1957. Woops, J. W.: The effects of acute stress and of ACTH upon ascorbic acid and lipid content of the adrenal glands of wild rats. Journal of Physi- ology, 135(2):390, 1957. MH-578 (R01) PrEssEY, SIDNEY L.: Factors lead- ing to adjustment in old age. Ohio State Univer- sity, Columbus, Ohio. (1952-55) DEMMING, J. A., and PREssEY, S. L.: Tests “indige- nous” to the adult and older years. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 4:144-148, 1957. MAHER, HOWARD, and PRESSEY, S. L.: Age and per- formance of two work groups. Journal of Geron- tology, 10(4) :448-451, 1955. PrEssEY, S. L.: Employment and potentialities in age, and means for their possible increase. In: Report of New York State Joint Legation Com- mittee on Aging. Albany, New York, 1954, p. 92-94. PRESSEY, S. L.: The older psychologist: His poten- tials and problems. American Psychologist, 10: 163-165, 1955. PRrESSEY, S. L.: Certain findings and proposals re- garding professional retirement. Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors, 41: 503-509, 1955. PrEssEY, S. L.: Potentials of age: An exploratory field study. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 56: 159-205, 1957. PRESSEY, S. L.: Jobs at 80. Geriatrics, 13:678-681, 1958. PRESSEY, S. L., and JoNEs, A. W.: 1923-1953 and 20-60 age changes in moral codes, anxieties, and interests, as shown by the “x-0” tests. Journal of Psychology, 39:485-502, 1955. PrESSEY, S. L., and WHiItsoN, A. V.: Church pro- grams for older people in a midwest city. News- letter of the Gerontological Society, 3(2):5, 1956. SMITH, MARK W.: Older workers’ efficiency in jobs of various types. Personnel Journal, 32(1):19- 23,1953. MH-582 (R01) BopEr, Davip P.: Psychological analyses of persons from DP camps. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1952-57) (Continued from MH-156). BopER, DaviD P.: Topical autobiographies of dis- placed people: Recorded verbatim in displaced persons camps, with a psychological and anthro- pological analysis. 16 Vols. Privately Printed, Los Angeles, Calif., 1957. (Processed). (Also acknowledges MH-156). 77 MH-585 (R01) TARJAN, GEORGE, and SHOTWELL, ANNA M.: Selection and evaluation of psychiatric aides. Pacific State Hospital, Pomona, Calif. (1952-54) DiNGMAN, H. F., and GUILFORD, J. P.: A new method for obtaining weighted composites of ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology, 38:305- 307, 1954. TARJAN, G., SHOTWELL, ANNA M., and DINGMAN, H. F.: A screening test for psychiatric techni- cians: A preliminary report on five years experi- ence with the work assignment aid. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 59:388-394, 1955. TARJAN, G., SHOTWELL, ANNA M., and DINGMAN, H. F.: A screening test for psychiatric techni- cians: Continuation report on the work assign- ment aid, validation studies at various hospitals. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 60:458, 1956. MH-586 (RO1) ZuBIN, JosepH, and SUTTON, SAMUEL: Psychological prognosis in schizophre- nia. New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, N.Y. (1953-58) Burpock, E. I, Sutton, S., and ZUBIN, J.: Per- sonality and psychopathology. Journal of Abnor- mal and Social Psychology, 56:18-30, 1958. Burpock, E. I, SutrtoN, S., and ZuBIN, ].: Per- sonlichkeit und psychopathologie. Schwezzerische Zeitschrift fur Psychologie, 17:258-284, 1958. Burpock, E. I., and ZUBIN, J.: A rationale for the classification of experimental techniques in abnor- mal psychology. [Journal of General Psychology, 55:35-49, 1956. CHasg, R. A.: Effect of delayed auditory feedback on the repetition of cpeech sounds. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 23:583-590, 1958. CHASE, R. A., HARVEY S., STANDFAST, SUSAN, RAPIN, ISABELLE, and SUTTON, S.: Comparison of the effects of delayed auditory feedback on speech and key tapping. Science, 129:903-904, 1959. Cuasg, R. A. Sutton, S., First, DAPHNE, and ZUBIN, J.: A developmental study of changes in behavior under delayed auditory feedback. Jour nal of Genetic Psychology, 99:101-112, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1541). CHASE, R. A., SurToN, S., and RAPIN, ISABELLE: Sensory feedback influences on motion perform- ance. Journal of Auditory Research, 3:212-223, 1961. CRANDELL, A., ZUBIN, J., METTLER, F., and LOGAN, N. D.: Prognostic value of “mobility” during the first two years of hospitalization for mental dis- order. Psychiatric Quarterly, 28:185-210, 1954. GRANICK, RuTH, and NAHEMOW, LUCILLE: Pre- admission isolation as a factor in adjustment to an old age home. In: Hoch, P. H., and Zubin, J., eds. Psychopathology of aging. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 285-302. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1541 and MH-2775). HAKEREM, G., BEARE, A., and SutTtON, S.: The relationship of eye movements to reversals of an ambiguous figure. (Abstract) American Psychol- ogist, 11(8):431, 1956. HAKEREM, G., SUTTON, S., and ZUBIN, J.: Pupil- lary reactions in schizophrenics and normals. American Psychologist, 13:357, 1958. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1541). SALZINGER, K.: T echniques for computing shift in a scale of absolute judgment. Psychological Bul- letin, 53:394-401, 1956. SALZINGER, K.: Shift in judgment of weights as a function of anchoring stimuli and instructions in early schizophrenics and normals. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55:43-49, 1957. SALZINGER, K.: Experimental manipulation of ver- bal behavior: A review. [Journal of Genetic Psy- chology, 61:65-94, 1959. SALZINGER, K., and FELDMAN, R. S.: Verbal be- havior of schizophrenic and normal subjects. An- nals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 105: 845-860, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-1541, MH-4443, and MH-4842). SALZINGER, K., and PIsoNI, STEPHANIE: Reinforce- ment of affect responses of schizophrenics during the clinical interview. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 57:84-90, 1958. SALZINGER, K., and PisoNI, STEPHANIE: Reinforce- ment of verbal affect responses of normal subjects during the interview. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60:127-130, 1960. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1541). SALZINGER, K., and PISONI, STEPHANIE: Some pa- rameters of the conditioning of verbal affect re- sponses in schizophrenic subjects. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63:511-516, 1961. SALZINGER, K., and PORTNOY, STEPHANIE: Verbal conditioning in interviews: Application to chronic schizophrenics and relationship to prognosis for acute schizophrenics. Journal of Psychiatric Re- search, 2:1-7, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 7477 and MH-1541). STAUDT, VIRGINIA, and ZUBIN, J.: A biometric evaluation of the somato-therapies in schizophre- nia. Psychological Bulletin, 54:171-196, 1957. Sutton, S., HAKEREM, G., PorTNOY, M., and ZUBIN, J.: The effect of shift of sensory modality on serial reaction time: A comparison of schizo- phrenics and normals. American Journal of Psy- 78 chology, 74:224-232, 1961. MH-1541). ZUBIN, ].: Discussion. In: Hoch, P. H., and Zubin, J., eds. Current problems in psychiatric diagno- sis. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1953, p. 112- 118. (Also acknowledges ZUBIN, J.: How the psychologist helps the psychia- trist in the evaluation of therapy. Journal of the Brooklyn State Hospital Psychiatric Forum, Vol. 6, 1953. ZUBIN, ].: Evaluation of therapeutic outcome in mental disorders. Journal of Nervous and Men- tal Disease, 117:95-111, 1953. ZUBIN, ].: Design for the evaluation of therapy. In: Wortis, J., ed. Psychiatric treatment. Vol. 31. Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1953, p- 10-15. ZUBIN, JosepH: Current theoretici! and practical problems in measurement: A symposium. The measurement of personality. Journal of Counsel- ing Psychology, 1:159-164, 1954. ZUBIN, ].: Failures of the Rorschach technique. Journal of Projective Techniques, 18:303-315, 1954. ZUBIN, ].: Clinical vs. actuarial prediction: A pseudo- problem. In: Proceedings of the 1955 invita- tional conference on testing problems. Princeton, Educational Testing Service, 1955, p. 107-128. ZUBIN, ].: The non-projective aspects of the Ror- schach experiment, introduction to the symposium. Journal of Social Psychology, 55:35-49, 1956. ZUBIN, ].: A biometric model for psychopathology. In: Patton, R. A., ed. Current trends in the de- scription and analysis of behavior. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1958. ZUBIN, ]., Burpock, E. I., SuTTON, S., and CHEEK, FRANCES: Prognostic indicators in mental illness. Public Health Report, 72:592-595, 1957. ZUBIN, ]., Burpock, E. I, Sutton, S., and CHEEK, FRANCES: Epidemiological aspects of prognosis in mental illness. In: Pasamanick, B., ed. Epide- miology of mental disorder. Washington, Ameri- can Association of Advancement for Science, 1959, p. 119-142. ZUBIN, J., ErRoN, L. D., and SULTAN, FLORENCE: A psychometric evaluation of the Rorschach ex- periment. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 26:773-782, 1956. ZUBIN, J]., and WINDLE, C.: Psychological progno- sis of outcome in the mental disorders. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 49:272-281, 1954. MH-589 (R01) RIOPELLE, ARTHUR ].: Patterns of behavior in primates. Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. (1952-57) DarBy, C. L., and RioPELLE, A. ].: Differential problem sequences and the formation of learning sets. Journal of Psychology, 39:105-108, 1955. DarBy, C. L., and RIOPELLE, A. J.: Observational learning in the rhesus monkeys. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 52:94-98, 1959. PreiFFER, C. C., RIoPELLE, A. J, SMmitH, R. P, JENNY, E. H., and WiLLiams, H. L.: Comparative study of the effect of meprobamate on the condi- tioned response, on strychnine and pentylenetetra- zol thresholds on the normal electroencephalo- gram, and on polysynoptic reflexes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 67:734-743, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-875). RIOPELLE, A. J.: Facilities of the Emory University Primate Behavior Laboratory. Journal of Psychol- ogy, 38:331-338, 1954. RIOPELLE, A. J.: Learning sets from minimum stim- uli. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 49: 28-32, 1955. RIOPELLE, A. J.: Rewards, preferences and learning sets. Psychological Reports, 1:167-173, 1955. RIOPELLE, A. J.: Observational learning of a posi- tion habit by monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53:426-428, 1960. RIOPELLE, A. J., and CHURUKIAN, G. A.: The effect of varying the intertrial interval in discrimination learning by normal and brain-operated monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 51:119-125, 1958. RIOPELLE, A. J., and CopPELAN, E. L.: Discrimina- tion reversal to a sign. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 48:143-145, 1954. RiOPELLE, A. J., and Francisco, E. W.: Discrimi- nation learning performance under different first- trial conditions. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 48:90-93, 1955. RiopeLLE, A. J., Francisco, E. W., and ADEs, H. W.: Differential first-trial procedures and dis- crimination learning performance. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 47: 293-297, 1954. (Also acknowledges MH-359). RIOPELLE, A. J., and McCHINN, R.: Position habits and discrimination learning. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 54:178- 180, 1961. RIOPELLE, A. J., and MILLER, JAMES A.: Behavior of rhesus monkeys asphyxiated at nine days of age. In: Windle, William F., ed. Nexrological and psy- chological deficits of asphyxia neonatorum. Spring- field, Illinois, Thomas, 1958, p. 68-71. 79 RioPELLE, A. J., and PFEIFFER, C. C.: The effect of acute and chronic administration of reserpine on test performance on monkeys. A. M. A. Ar- chives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 79:352-358, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-875). RIOPELLE, A. J., and PRESLEY, W. J.: Observational learning of an avoidance response. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 95:251-254, 1959. RioPELLE, A. ]., and ROGER, J. P.: Transfer of training to orthogonal dimensions. Journal of Ex- perimental Psychology, 52:367-370, 1956. RIOPELLE, A. J., and SHELL, W. F.: Multiple dis- crimination learning in raccoons. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 50:585- 587, 1957. RIOPELLE, A. J., and SHELL, W. F.: Progressive dis- crimination learning in platyrrhine monkeys. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 51:467-470, 1958. RIOPELLE, A. J., SMITH, R. P., and WAGMAN, A. IL: The effects of reserpine on conditioned avoidance behavior in normal and brain-operated monkeys. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental T hera- peutics, 117:136-141, 1956. RIOPELLE, A. J., STEWART, P. A., and BEHAR, X.: Galvanic skin response in monkeys with prehensile tails. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 15:333-340, 1957. SmiTH, R. P., WAGMAN, A. I., PFEIFFER, C. C.,, and RIOPELLE, A. J.: Effects of some tranquilizing and depressant drugs on conditioned avoidance behav- ior in monkeys. Journal of Pharmacology and Ex- perimental Therapeutics, 119:317-323, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-875). MH-592 (RO1) GLIDEWELL, JOHN C., DOMKE, HEerBERT R.: Evaluation of a community mental health program. St. Louis County Department of Public Health, Clayton, Mo. (1953-59) DoMkE, H. R.,, BUCHMUELLER, A. D., MENSH, I. N., and GILDEA, MARGARET C.-L.: A research project to evaluate a community mental health program. In: Interrelations between the social environment and psychiatric disorders. New York, Milbank Memorial Fund, 1953. GILDEA, MARGARET C.-L.: School mental health: Orientation, methods, and screening. In: Krug- man, Morris, ed. Orthopsychiatry and the school. New York, New York American Orthopsychiatric Association, 1958, p. 131-134. GILDEA, MARGARET, C.-L., DoMKE, H. R., MENSH, I. N., BUCHMUELLER, A. D., GLIDEWELL, J. C., and KANTOR, M. B.: Community mental health research: Findings after three years. American Journal of Psychiatry, 114(11):970-976, 1958. GILDEA, MARGARET C-L., GLIDEWELL, JoHN C, and KANTOR, MILDRED B.: Two approaches to the study of maternal attitudes. In: Proceedings of the Regional Research Conference of the Amer- ican Psychiatric Association, Iowa City, 1960. GILDEA, MARGARET, C. L., GLIDEWELL, J. C., and KANTOR, M. B.: Maternal attitudes and general adjustment in school children. In: Parental atti- tudes and child behavior. Springfield, Ill., Charles C. Thomas, 1961. GLIDEWELL, J. C.: An experimental mental health program in Webster Groves. In: Third year book, American Association of Public Schools. New York, Columbia University, 1955. GLIDEWELL, J. C.: Some possible forecasts on re- search on mental health in the classroom. Journal of Social Issues, 15(1) :59-62, 1959. GLIDEWELL, J. C.: Mental health discussion groups. Adult Leadership, 10(1,5) :4-5, 1961. GLDEWELL, J. C.: On the analysis of social inter- vention. In: Parental attitudes and child behavior. Springfield, Ill., Charles C. Thomas, 1961, p. 215- 239. GLIDEWELL, J. C., and DoMKE, H. R.: Health de- partment research in community mental health. American Journal of Public Health, 48(3):362- 368, 1958. GLDEWELL, J. C., DoMKE, H. R., and KANTOR, M. B.: Screening in schools for behavior disorders: Use of mother’s reports of symptoms. Journal of Educational Research, 56(10):508-515, 1963. GLDEWELL, J. C., GILDEA, MARGARET, C.-L, DomMmkE, H. R., and KaNnTOR, M. B.: Behavior symptoms in children and adjustment in public school. Human Organization, 18(3):123-130, 1959. GLDEWELL, J. C., MENsH, I. N., DomKE, H. R., GILDEA, M. C.-L., and BUCHMUELLER, A. D.: Methods for community mental health research. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 27(1):38- 54, 1957. GLIDEWELL, J. C., MENsH, I. N., and GILDEA, MARGARET, C.-L.: Behavior symptoms in children and degree of sickness. American Journal of Psy- chiatry, 114(1) :47-53, 1957. KANTOR, M. B., GLDEWELL, J. C.,, MENsH, I. N,, DoMmKE, H. R., and GILDEA, MARGARET C.-L.: Socio-economic level and maternal attitudes to- ward parent-child relationships. Human Organi- zation, 16:44-48, 1958. MenNsH, I. N.: Community mental health services: Research in evaluation. Psychological Reports, 2: 497-498, 1956. MensH, I. N., and GLIDEWELL, J. C.: Children’s perceptions of relationships among their family and friends. Journal of Experimental Education, 27(1):65-71, 1958. 80 MEeNsH, I. N., Kantor, M. B., DomkEg, H. R,, GILDEA, MARGARET C.-L., and GLIDEWELL, J. C.: Children’s behavior symptoms and their relation- ships to school adjustment, sex, and social class. Journal of Social Issues, 15(1):8-15, 1959. SWINEHART, JAMES W.: Socio-economic level, status aspiration, and maternal role. American Sociolog- ical Review, 28(3):391-399, 1963. Tapia, F., JEKEL, J., and DoMkE, H. R.: Enuresis: An emotional symptom? The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 130(1):61-66, 1960. MH-593 (R01) SEEMAN, JuLius: Play therapy and emotionally disturbed children. University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. (1953-53) (Con- tinued as MH-701) SEEMAN, JuLius, Barry, EpyTH, and ELLINWOOD, CHARLOTTE: Personality integration as a criterion of therapy outcome. Psychotherapy: Theory, Re- search, and Practice, 1:14-16, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-707). SEEMAN, JuLius, BArRry, EpyTH, and ELLINWOOD, CHARLOTTE: Interpersonal assessment of play therapy outcome. Psychotherapy: Theory, Re- search, and Practice, 1:64-66, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-707). MH-595 (R01) SoLoMAN, HARRY C., CHAPMAN, WiLLiam P.: Autonomic and emotional responses to stimulation. Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1952-56) CHAPMAN, W. P., SCHROEDER, H. R., GEYER, G., BrAzIER, M., FaGeR, C., PoprpPEN, J. L., SoLo- MON, H. C., and YakovLEv, P. I.: Physiological evidence concerning importance of the amygdaloid nuclear region in the integration of circulatory function and emotion in man. Science, 120:949- 950, December 3, 1954. LAFFERTY, JAMES M., and CHAPMAN, WILLIAM P.: Indwelling electrodes for use in therapeutic coagu- lation and physiological studies of the brain in patients with neurological or psychiatric disorders. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysi- ology, 14(4):554-556, 1962. MH-597 (R01) Beck, SAMUEL J.: Psychological study of schizophrenic children. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1952-55) BECK, S. J.: Personality research and theories of per- sonality structure: Some convergences. Journal of Projective Techniques, 19:361-371, 1955. Beck, SAMUEL J.: Discussion of paper by Bender, Lauretta entitled “The concepts of pseudopsycho- pathic schizophrenia in adolescents.” American Journal Orthopsychiatry, 29(3):491-509, 1959. Beck, S. J.: Families of schizophrenic and of well children: Method, concepts, and some results. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 30:247-275, 1960. BECK, S. J.: SR-2. Affect autonomy in schizophre- nia. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2:408-420, 1960. BECK, S. J., and MovisH, H. B.: Course in the indi- vidual patient as traced in the six schizophrenias. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 125:403- 411, 1957. Beck, S. J., MoLisH, H. B., and SINCLAIR, JEAN: Gradients in operational description of schizophre- nic behavior. Psychiatric Quarterly, 30(1):1-14, 1957. MouisH, H. B., and BECK, S. J.: Mechanisms of de- fense in schizophrenic reaction types as evaluated by the Rorschach Test. American Journal of Or- thopsychiatry, 28:47-60, 1958. MouisH, H. B., and Beck, S. J.: Further explora- tions of the “six schizophrenias”: Typle S-3. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 28:483-505, and 809-827, 1958. MH-600 (R01) CLARK, LELAND C., Jr.: Biochemi- cal mechanisms of drug induced psychoses. An- tioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. (1953-58) BENINGTON, F., Morin, R. D.; and CrLaARrk, L. C.: Mescaline analogs. 1. 2, 4, 6-trialkoxy-B-phene- thylamines. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 19: 11-16, 1954. BENINGTON, FREDERICK, MORIN, RICHARD D., and CLARK, LELAND C., JRr.: Mescaline analogs. II. Tetra- and penta-methoxy-beta-phenethylamines. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 20:102-108, 1955. BENINGTON, FREDERICK, MORIN, RicHARD D., and CLARK, LELAND C,, Jr.: Mescaline analogs. III. 2, 4, 6-trialkyl- and 3, 4-dihydroxy-5-methoxy-beta- henethylamines. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 20:1292-1296, 1955. BENINGTON, FREDERICK, MORIN, RICHARD D., and CLARK, LELAND C., JR.: Mescaline analogs. IV. Substituted 4, 5, 6-trimethoxy indoles. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 20:1454-1457, 1955. BENINGTON, FREDERICK, MORIN, RICHARD D., and CLARK, LELAND C., JR.: Mescaline analogs. V. Para - dialkylamine - beta - phenethylamines and 9- (beta-aminoethyl) julolidine. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 21:1470-1471, 1956. BENINGTON, FREDERICK, MORIN, RICHARD D., and CLARK, LELAND C,, JRr.: Mescaline analogs. VI Mescaline homologs. Journal of Organic Chemis- try, 21:1545-1546, 1956. BENINGTON, FREDERICK, MORIN, RICHARD D., and CLARK, LELAND C. JrR.: New synthesis of tri- chocereine. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 22: 227, 1957. 81 BENINGTON, FREDERICK, MORIN, RICHARD D., and CLARK, LELAND C., JR.: Mescaline analogs. VIL 3, 4, 5-trimethyl-beta-phenethylamine. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 22:332, 1957. BENINGTON, FREDERICK, MORIN, RICHARD D., and CLARK, LELAND C,, JR.: Mescaline analogs. VIII. Substituted 5-methoxy- and 5, 6, 7-trimethoxyin- doles. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 23:19-23, 1958. BENINGTON, FREDERICK, MORIN, RICHARD D., and Crark, LeLanp C., Jr.: Psychopharmacological activities of ring and side chain substituted beta- phenethylamines. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 23:1977, 1958. BENINGTON, FREDERICK, MORIN, RicHARD D., and CLARK, LELAND C,, Jr.: Synthesis of O- and N- methylated derivatives of 5-hydroxy-tryptamine. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 23:1977-1979, 1958. BENINGTON, F., MoriN, R. D., and CLARK, L. C.: Synthesis of 5, 6, 7-trimethoxy- 2, 3-dihydroxidole and 6,7-dimethoxyindole. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 24:23-25, 1959. CLARK, LELAND C., Jr., Fox, R. PHYLLIS, BENING- TON, FREDERICK, and MORIN, RICHARD: Effect of mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide, and related compounds on respiratory enzyme activity of brain hemogenates. ~~ Federation Proceedings, 13:27, 1954. CLARK, LELAND C,, Jr., Fox, R. PHYLLIS, MORIN, RicHARD, and BENNINGTON, FREDERICK: Effects of psychotomimetric compounds on certain oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes in mammalian brain. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 124:466- 474, 1956. CrLArk, L. C., and MisraHY, G.: Chronically im- planted polarograph electrodes. Federation Pro- ceedings, 16(1):22-23, 1957. MORIN, RICHARD D., BENINGTON, FREDERICK, and CLARK, LELAND, C., Jr.: Synthesis of 5,6, 7- trimethoxyindole, a possible intermediary metabo- lite of mescaline. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 22:331-332, 1957. MH-609 (R01) KNAPP, PETER H., LEMON, HENRY M., LowkLL, FraNcis C.: Psychosomatic studies of bronchial asthma. Boston University, Boston, Mass. (1953-56) KNAPP, PETER H., and MICHAELSON, ALAN: Psy- chiatric pulmonary and adrenocortical observations in bronchial asthma. Journal of Allergy, 26:80, 1955. Knapp, PETER H., and NEMETZ, S. ]J.: Personality variations in bronchial asthma. Psychosomatic Medicine, 19:443-465, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-1223). KNAPP, PETER H., and NEMETZ, S. J.: Sources of tension in bronchial asthma. Psychosomatic Medi- cine, 19.466-485, 1957. (Also acnkowledges MH-1223). LowkiLL, Francis C., SCHILLER, IRVING W., and LyNcH, MARY T.: Estimation of the severity of bronchial asthma. Journal of Allergy, 26(2): 113-122, 1955. MH-611 (R01) HEGsTED, D. MARK, TRULSON, M. F.: Metabolic nutritional patterns in mongol- ism. Harvard University, Boston, Mass. (1952- 54) GERSHOFF, S. N., HEGSTED, D. M., and TRULSON, M. F.: Metabolic studies of mongoloids. Ameri- can Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 6:526-530, 1958. HEeGsTED, D. M., GERSHOFF, S. N., TRULSON, M. F.,, and JorrLy, D. H.: Variation in riboflavin excretion. Journal of Nutrition, 60:581-598, 1956. MH-612 (R01) HEeaTH, ROBERT G.: Relation of midbrain function to schizophrenia. Tulane Uni- versity, New Orleans, La. (1952-54) HEeATH, R. G.: Studies in schizophrenia: A multi- disciplinary approach to mind-brain relationships. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1954, 619 p. HEATH, R. G.: Correlations between levels of psy- chological awareness and physiological activity in the central nervous systems. Psychosomatic Medi- cine, 17:383, 1955. HEATH, R. G.: Physiological and biochemical studies in schizophrenia with particular emphasis on mind-brain relationships. International Review of Neurobiology, 1:299-331, 1959. MH-614 (R01) STONE, L. JosePH: Psychological effects of schooling on deaf children. Vassar Col- lege, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (1952-60) STONE, L. JOSEPH: Vassar Research in the hard of hearing. Vassar Alumnae Magazine, 45(4), March 1960. STONE, L. JosepH, FIEDLER, MiriaM F., and FINE, CaroL G.: Preschool education of deaf children. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 26(1): 45-60, 1961. MH-621 (R01) HAVIGHURST, ROBERT J.: The men- tal abilities of older persons. University of Chi- cago, Chicago, Ill. (1953-54) DorpELT, JEROME E., and WALLACE, WIMBURN L.: Standardization of the Wechsler adult intelligence scale for older persons. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51:312-330, 1955. WESMAN, ALEXANDER G.: Standardizing an indi- 82 vidual intelligence test on adults: Some problems. Journal of Gerontology, 10:216-219, 1955. MH-622 (R01) DE Wir, FRED, CASTORE, GEORGE F.,, HiLL, WiLLIAM F., LAKE, RICHARD A., MAR- TIN, ELMORE, POLITZER, FRANK, SCHIFF, HER- BERT M., WILCOX, JAcK E.: Measurement of com- munication in group psychotherapy. State Hos- pital South, Blackfoot, Idaho. (1953-58) CASTORE, G. F.: Number of verbal interrelationships as a determinant of group size. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 64:456-458, 1962. CasTtorg, G. F., HiL, W. F., and LAKE, R. A.: Measurement of a therapeutic group by a scale of communication complexity in interpersonal inter- actions: A study of inter-judge reliability. Provo Papers, 3:1-20, 1959. DEWIT, F.: Therapist behavior in group therapy. Provo Papers, 1:1-11, 1957. HiLL, WiLLiaAM F.: Hill interaction matrix. Salt Lake City, Utah, Dye, Smith & Co., 1962, 106 p. (Also acknowledges MH-1133). LAKE, R A.: Methods and techniques of group pro- cedure. Provo Papers, 3:32-42, 1959. LAKE, R. A.: Toward a theory of interaction behav- ior. Provo Papers, 3(3) :44-53, 1959. MARTIN, ELMORE A. and HiLL, WiLLIAM FAw- CETT: Toward a theory of group development: Six phases of therapy group Seve opment. Infzr- national Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 7:20-30, 1957. PoLitzeR, F.: An exploration of personality func- tioning in group therapy. Provo Papers, 3:21-31, 1959. WiLcox, E. J., and Hi, W. F.: Grou problems in a team research program. pers, 1:37-52, 1957. process rovo Pa- MH-623 (R01) LACEY, JoHN I., LACEY, BEATRICE C.: Psychophysiology of the autonomic nervous system. Fels Research Institute, Yellow Springs, Ohio. (1953- ) KAGAN, JEROME, and Moss, HOowArD A.: Birth to maturity. A study in psychological development. New York & London, John Wiley & Sons, 1962, 381 p. (Also acknowledges MH-1260). LACEY, JoHN IL: The evaluation of autonomic re- sponses: Toward a general solution. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 67:123-164, 1956. LACEY, JoHN I.: Psychophysiological approaches to the evaluation of psychotherapeutic process and outcome. In: Rubinstein, Eli A. and Parloff, Morris B., eds. Research in psychotherapy. Wash- ington, D.C., National Publishing, 1959, p. 160- 208. LACEY, JoHN I., KAGAN, JEROME, LACEY, BEATRICE C., and Moss, HowArRD A.: The visceral level: Situational determinants and behavioral correlates of autonomic response patterns. In: Knapp, P. J, ed. Expression of the emotions in man. New York, International Universities Press, 1963, p. 161-196. (Also acknowledges MH-1260). LACEY, JoHN I, and LACEY, BEATRICE C.: Verifica- tion and extension of the principle of autonomic response stereotypy. American Journal of Psychol- 0g), 71:50-73, 1958. Lacey, JoHN I, and LACEY, BEATRICE C.: The re- lationship of resting autonomic activity to motor impulsivity: The brain and human behavior. Proceedings of the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Diseases, 36:144-209, 1958. LACEY, JOHN I, and LACEY, BEATRICE C.: The law of initial values in the longitudinal study of au- tonomic constitution: Reproducibility of autonomic responses and ‘response patterns over a four-year interval. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 98:1257-1290, 1962. Also 1322-1326 (Appendix). LACEY, JoHN I, and SMiTH, ROBERT L.: Condition- ing and generalization of unconscious anxiety. Science, 120:1045-1052, 1954. LACEY, JoHN I., SMITH, ROBERT L., and ARNOLD, GREEN: Use of conditioned autonomic responses in the study of anxiety. Psychosomatic Medicine, 17:208-217, 1955. WELFORD, NORMAN T.: Recording physiological and behavioral data using Serial Event Timer and Recorder (SETAR). In: Slater, L. E., ed. Pro- ceedings of the Interdisciplinary Clinic on the In- strumentation Requirements for Psychophysiologi- cal Research. New York, FIER, 1961, p. 76-80. WELFORD, NORMAN T.: The SETAR and its uses for recording physiological and behavioral data. IRE Transactions on Bio-Medical Electronics, BME-9:185-189, 1962. WELFORD, NORMAN T., LACEY, BEATRICE C., and PEckHAM, CyRiL: Computer identification and measurement of cardiac cyclic activity. Psycho- physiology, 1(2):111-114, 1964. MH-627 (R01) KinDER, ELAINE F.: Comparative study of development of social behavior. Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology—Emory Univer- sity; Orange Park, Fla. (1953-56) Lev, JosepH, and KINDER, ELAINE F.: New analy- sis of variance formulas for treating data from mutually paired subjects. Psychometrika, 22(1): 1-15, 1957. MH-628 (R01) WitkIN, HERMAN A., and Goob- ENOUGH, DoNALD R.: Studies in psychological differentiation. State University of New York— 83 Medical Downstate N.Y. (1953- ) BERTINI, MARIO: Studio sulla natura dell’ effetto “frame” nella percezione della verticale. Estratto Dalla Rivista Di Psicologia, 58(4):1-35, Ottobre- Dicembre 1964. Center, Brooklyn, Dyk, R. B., and WiTkiN, H. A.: Family experiences related to the development of differentiation in children. Child Development, 36(1):21-55, 1965. GooDENOUGH, D. R., and EAGLE, C. J.: A modifi- cation of the embedded-figures test for use with young children. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 103:67-74, 1963. GoOoDENOUGH, D. R., and KARP, S. A.: Field de- pendence and intellectual functioning. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63(2):241- 246, 1961. Karp, S. A.: Field dependence and overcoming em- beddedness. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27(4) 1294-302, 1963. Karp, STEPHEN A., and KonNstapT, NORMA L.: Alcoholism and psychological differentiation: Long-range effect of heavy drinking on field de- pendence. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- ease, 140(6) :412-416, 1965. Karp, STEPHEN A., and PARDES, HERBERT: Psy- chological differentiation (field dependence) in obese women. Psychosomatic Medicine, 27(3): 238-244, 1965. KARP, STEPHEN A., WITKIN, HERMAN A., and GOODENOUGH, DONALD R.: Alcoholism and psy- chological differentiation: Effect of alcohol on field dependence. Journal of Abnormal Psychol- ogy, 70(4) 1262-265, 1965. KARP, STEPHEN A., WITKIN, HERMAN A. and GOODENOUGH, DONALD R.: Alcoholism and psy- chological differentiation: Effect of achievement of sobriety on field dependence. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 26(4):580-585, 1965. ROSENBLUM, LEONARD A. WITKIN, HERMAN A, KAUFMAN, I. CHARLES, and BROSGOLE, LEONARD: Perceptual disembedding in monkeys: Note on method and preliminary findings. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3) :Part 1:729-736, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4670). WitkiN, HERMAN A.: The perception of the up- right. Scientific American, 200(2) :49-56, 1959. Witkin, H. A.: The problem of individuality in development. In: Kaplan, B., and Wapner, S., eds. Perspectives in psychological theory. New York, International Universities Press, 1960. Witkin, H. A.: Psychological self-consistency. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sci- ences, 22(7) :541-545, 1960. Witkin, H. A.: Cognitive development and the growth of personality. Acta Psychologica, 18(4): 245-247, 1961. WitkiN, H. A.: Origins of cognitive style. In: Scheerer, C., ed. Cognition: Theory, research, promise. New York, Harper & Row, 1964, p. 172-205. WiTkIN, HERMAN A.: Diferenciacion psicologica y formas de patologia. Revista de Psicologia Gene- ral y Aplicada, 19(75):945-966, 1964. WITKIN, HERMAN A.: Some implications of research on cognitive style for problems of education. Archivio di psicologia, neurologia e psichiatria, 26(1):27-55, 1965. WitkIN, HERMAN A.: Development of the body concept and psychological differentiation. In: Wapner, S., and Werner H., eds. The body per- cept. New York, Random House, 1965, p. 26-48. WiTKIN, HERMAN A.: Psychological differentiation and forms of pathology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 70(5):317-335, 1965. Witkin, H. A., Dyk, R. B., FatersoN, H. F, GOODENOUGH, D. R., and Karp, S. A.: Psycho- logical differentiation. Studies of development. New York, John Wiley, 1962, 418 p. WirkiN, HERMAN A. FATERSON, HANNA F., GOODENOUGH, DoNALD R., and BIRNBAUM, JupitH: Cognitive patterning in mildly retarded boys. Child Development, 37(2):301-316, 1966. WiTKIN, HERMAN A., and Lewis, HELEN B.: The relation of experimentally induced presleep experi- ences to dreams: A report on method and pre- liminary findings. [Journal of the American Psy- choanalytic Association, 13(4):819-849, 1965. MH-629 (R01) Robpnick, Erior H., and GaRr- MEZY, NORMAN: Motivation and psychological deficit of schizophrenia. Duke University, Dur- ham, N.C. (1953-61) BLEKE, R.: Reward and punishment as determiners of reminiscence effects in schizophrenic and nor- mal subjects. Journal of Personality, 23:479-501, 1955. CLARKE, ALAN R.: Conformity behavior of schizo- phrenic subjects with maternal figures. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:45-53, 1964. DuNN, W. L., Jr.: Visual discrimination of schizo- phrenic subjects as a function of stimulus mean- ing. Journal of Personality, 23:48-64, 1954. FARINA, A.: Patterns of role dominance and conflict in parents of schizophrenic patients. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 61:31-38, 1960. FARINA, AMERIGO, BARRY, HERBERT, III., and GAR- MEZY, NORMAN: Birth order of recovered and 84 nonrecovered schizophrenics. Archives of Gen- eral Psychiatry, 9:224-228, 1963. FARINA, AMERIGO, GARMEZY, NORMAN, and BARRY, HERBERT, III.: Relationship of marital status to incidence and prognosis of schizophrenia. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(6): 624-630, 1963. FARINA, A., GarRMEzY, N. ZaLusky, M. and BECKER, ].: Premorbid behavior and prognosis in female schizophrenic patients. | ournal of Con- sulting Psychology, 26:56-60, 1962. GARMEzY, N., CLARKE, A. R., and STOCKNER, CaroL: Child rearing attitudes of mothers and fathers as reported by schizophrenic and normal patients. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 63:176-182, 1961. GARMEZY, N., FARINA, A. and Robnick, E. H.: The structured situational test: A method for studying family interaction in schizophrenia. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 30:445- 452, 1960. GARMEZY, N., and RopNiIck, E. H.: Premorbid ad- justment and performance in schizophrenia: Im- plications for interpreting heterogeneity in schizo- phrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 129:450-466, 1959. GUTTMAN, N., and KaLisH, H. I.: Discriminability and stimulus generalization. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 51:79-88, 1956. (Also ac- knowledges MH-631 and MH-1002). Harris, J. G., Jr.: Size estimation of pictures as a function of thematic content for schizophrenic and normal subjects. Journal of Personality, 25:651- 671, 1957. KavrisH, H. I., GARMEzY, N., RopNick, E. H., and BLAKE, R. C.: The effects of anxiety and experi- mentally-induced stress on verbal learning. Jour- nal of General Psychology, 59:87-95, 1959. Ropnick, E. H.: Clinical psychology, psychopathol- ogy, and research on schizophrenia. In: Koch, S., ed. Psychology: A study of science. Vol. 5. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 738-779. Ropnick, E. H., and GARMEZY, N.: An experimen- tal approach to the study of motivation in schizo- phrenia. In: Jones, Marshall, R., ed. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln, Nebraska, University of Nebraska Press, 1957, p. 109-184. WEBB, W. W.: Conceptual ability of schizophrenics as a function of threat of failure. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 50:221-224, 1955. ZAHN, T. P.: Acquired and symbolic affective value as determinants of size estimation in schizophrenic and normal subjects. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58:39-47, 1959. ZanN, T. P.: Size estimation of pictures associated with success and failure as a function of manifest anxiety. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 61:457-462, 1960. MH-631 (R01) GUTTMAN, NORMAN: The nature of rewards in learning and conflict. Duke Uni- versity, Durham, N.C. (1953-55) CoLLIER, G., and SISKEL, M.: Performance as a joint function of amount of reinforcement and inter-reinforcement interval. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 57:115-120, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-817). GuttMAN, N.: Equal-reinforcement values for su- crose and glucose solutions compared with equal sweetness values. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 5:358-361, 1954. GutTMAN, N.: Laws of behavior and facts of per- ception. In: Koch, S., ed. Psychology: A study of a science. Vol. 5. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 114-178. (Also acknowledges MH- 1002 and MH-3917). GurTMAN, N., and KaLisH, H. I.: Discriminability and stimulus generalization. Journal of Exper:- mental Psychology, 51:79-88, 1956. (Also ac- knowledges MH-629 and MH-1002). MH-637 (R01) HAGGARD, ERNEST A., ISAACS, KENNETH, SHAKOW, DAVID, and SHIFFRIN, RAE A.: Analysis of psychoanalytic therapy process. University of Illinois, Chicago, Ill. (1953-66) ALEXANDER, J.: The psychology of bitterness. In- ternational Journal of Psychoanalysis, 41:514-520, 1960. Also in Revue Francaise de Psychoanalyse, 25:943-958, 1961. ALEXANDER, J., and Isaacs, K. S.: Seriousness and preconscious affective attitudes. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 44:23-30, 1963. ALEXANDER, J., and Isaacs, K. S.: Obeissance a la realite: Contribution a la theorie psychanalytique de la depression. Revue Francaise de Psychoana- lyse, 27:223-230-1963. ALEXANDER, J. M., and Isaacs, K. S.: The function of affect. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 37:231-237, 1964. CarMICHAEL, H. T.: Sound film recording of psy- choanalytic therapy. Journal of the Iowa State Medical Society, November:590-595, 1956. Haccarp, E. A., CHAPMAN, JEAN, Isaacs, K. S,, and DickMAN, K. W.: Intraclass correlation vs. factor analytic techniques for determining groups of profiles. Psychological Bulletin, 56:48-57, 1959. HAGGARD, ERNEST A., HIKEN, JULIA R., and IsAAcs, KENNETH S.: Some effects of recording and film- ing on the psychotherapeutic process. Psychiatry, 28(2):169-191, 1965. 85 HAGGARD, ERNEST A., and Isaacs, KENNETH S.: Micromomentary facial expressions as indicators of ego mechanisms in psychotherapy. In: Gott- schalk, L. A., and Auerbach, A. H., eds. Methods of research in psychotherapy. New York, Apple- ton-Century-Crofts, 1966, p. 155-165. Isaacs, K. S., ALEXANDER, J., and HAGGARD, E. A.: Faith, trust, and gullibility. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 44:461-469, 1963. Isaacs, KENNETH S., and HAGGARD, ERNEST A.: Some methods used in the study of affect in psy- chotherapy. In: Gottschalk, L. A., and Auerbach, A. H., eds. Methods of research in psychother- apy. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1966, p. 226-239. MILLER, ARTHUR A., Isaacs, KENNETH S., and HAGGARD, ERNEST A.: On the nature of the ob- serving function of the ego. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 38(2):161-167, 1965. SKLANSKY, M. A. Isaacs, K. S., and HAGGARD, E. A.: A method for the study of verbal inter- action and levels of meaning in psychotherapy. Scientific Papers and Discussions, 1:133-148, 1960. SKLANSKY, MORRIS A. Isaacs, KENNETH S., Levitov, EpitH S., and HAGGARD, ERNEST A.: Verbal interaction and levels of meaning in psy- chotherapy. Archives of General Psychiatry, 14 (2) :158-170, 1966. STERNBERG, R. S., CHAPMAN, JEAN, and SHAKOW, D.: Psychotherapy research and the problem of intrusions on privacy. Psychiatry, 21(2):195- 203, 1958. MH-639 (R01) PrEeIFFER, CARL C.: Convulsive metabolites in epilepsy and schizophrenia. Uni- versity of Illinois, Chicago, Ill. (Continued as MH-875). (1953-54) JenNEy, E. H., and PFEIFFER, C. C.: The convul- sant effect of hydrazides and the antidotal effect of anticonvulsants and metabolites. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 122 (1):110-123, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH- 875). Kirram, K. F.: Convulsant hydrazides: II. Compari- son of electrical changes and enzyme inhibition induced by the administration of thiosemicarba- zide. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 119:263-271, 1957. (Also acknowl- edges MH-875). Kiam, K. F., and BAIN, J. A.: Convulsant hydra- zides. I. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of vita- min B enzymes by convulsant hydrazides. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 119:255-262, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH- 875). PFEFFER, CARL C., JENNEY, ELIZABETH H., and MARSHALL, WiLLIAM H.: Experimental seizures in man and animals with acute pyridoxine defi- ciency produced by hydrazides. Electroencepha- lography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 8:307- 315, 1955. (Also acknowledges MH-875). PRESTON, JAMES B.: Pentylenetetrazole and thiosemi- carbazide: A study of convulsant activity in the isolated cerebral cortex preparation. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 115 (1):28-38, 1955. (Also acknowledges MH-875). PRESTON, JAMES B.: The influence of thiosemicar- bazide on electrical activity recorded in the ante- rior brain stem of the cat. Journal of Pharma- cology and Experimental Therapeutics, 115(1): 39-45, 1955. (Also acknowledges MH-875). ReiLLy, R. H., Kram, K. F., JENNEY, E. H, MarsHALL, W. H., TausiG, T., and APTER, N. S.: Convulsant effects of isoniazid. Journal of Amer- ican Medical Association, 152:1317-1321, 1953. MH-647 (R01) MiLLER, NEAL E.: Behavioral laws of motivation and conflict. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1953-66) BaiLEy, C. J.: The effectiveness of drives as cues. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 48:183-187, 1955. BAILEY, C. J., and PORTER, L. V.: Relevant cues in drive discrimination in cats. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 48:180- 182, 1955. Barry, H., IIT: Effects of strength of drive on learn- ing and on extinction. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55:473-481, 1958. Barry, H., III, and MILLER, N. E.: Effects of drugs on approach-avoidance conflict tested repeatedly by means of a “telescope alley”. [Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:201- 210, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2949). Barry, H., III, WAGNER, SyLviA A., and MILLER, N. E.: Effects of several drugs on performance in an approach-avoidance conflict. Psychological Re- ports, 12:215-221, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2949). BERKUN, M. M.: Factors in the recovery from ap- proach-avoidance conflict. Journal of Experimen- tal Psychology, 54:65-73, 1957. BIALER, I.: Primary and secondary stimulus generali- zation as related to intelligence level. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62:395-402, 1961. Bower, G. H., and MILLER, N. E.: Rewarding and punishing effects from stimulating the same place in the rat's brain. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 51:669-674, 1958. Coons, EpGar E., LEVAK, MILENA, and MILLER, Near E.: Laternal hypothalamus: Learning of food-secking response motivated by electrical stim- ulation. Sczence, 150(3701):1320-1321, 1965. 86 DEeBorp, R. C., MILLER, N. E., and JENSEN, D. D.: Effect of strength of drive determined by a new technique for appetitive classical conditioning of rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59:102-108, 1965. DEeLGaDO, J. M. R., RoBERTS, W. W., and MILLER, N. E.: Learning motivated by electrical stimula- tion of the brain. American Journal of Physiol- 0gy, 179:587-593, 1954. Dicara, Leo V.: Effect of amygdaloid lesions on avoidance learning in the rat. Psychonomic Sci- ence, 4(7):279-280, 1966. EGGER, M. D., and MILLER, N. E.: Secondary rein- forcement in rats as a function of information value and reliability of the stimulus. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64:97-104, 1962. EcGEr, M. D., and MILLER, N. E.: When is a reward reinforcing: An experimental study of the information hypothesis. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:132-137, 1963. FEIRSTEIN, A. R., and MILLER, N. E.: Learning to resist pain and fear: Effects of electric shock be- fore versus after reaching goal. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 56:797- 800, 1963. FowLER, H.: Facilitation and inhibition of perform- ance by punishment: The effects of shock intensity and distribution of trials. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 56:531-538, 1963. FowrLer, H., and MILLER, N. E.: Facilitation and inhibition of runway performance by hind and forepaw shock of various intensities. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 801-805, 1963. FrROMER, R.: Conditioned vasomotor responses in the rabbit. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 56:1050-1055, 1963. HANDAL, PAUL ].: Immediate acceptance of sodium salts by sodium deficient rats. Psychonomic Sci- ence, 3(7):315-316, 1965. HENDRY, D. P.: The effect of correlated amount of reward on performance on a fixed-interval sched- ule of reinforcement. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:387-391, 1962. HENDRY, D. P., and RascHE, R. H.: Analysis of a new nonnutritive positive reinforcer based on thirst. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54:477-483, 1961. Horwmes, J. E., and MILLER, N. E.: Effects of bac- terial endotoxin on water intake, food intake and body temperature in the albino rat. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 118:649-658, 1963. KarsH, EILEEN B.: Effects of number of rewarded trials and intensity of punishment on running speed. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:44-51, 1962. KENYON, JoHN, and KRriECkHAUs, E. E.: Enhanced avoidance behavior following septal lesions in the rat as a function of lesion size and spontaneous activity. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 59(3):466-468, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-1370). KrasNE, F. B.: General disruption resulting from electrical stimulus of ventromedial hypothalamus. Science, 138:822-823, 1962. KRrASNE, FRANKLIN B.: Deceased tolerance of hypo- thalamic hyperphagics to quinine in drinking wa- ter. Psychonomic Science, 4(9):313-314, 1966. KrieckHAUS, E. E.: Decrements in avoidance be- havior following mammillothalamic tractotomy in cats. Journal of Neurophysiology, 27(5):753- 767, 1964. KrieckHAUS, E. E.: Ultrasound as a diagnostic and surgical tool. In: Gordon, D., ed. Ultrasound in psychology. London, E. & S. Livingstone, 1964. KrieckHAUS, E. E.: Decrements in avoidance be- havior following mammillothalamic tractotomy in rats and subsequent recovery with d-amphetamine. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 60(1):31-35, 1965. i} KrieckHAUS, E. E., and CHI, CARL C.: Role of freezing and fear in avoidance decrements follow- ing mammillothalamic tractotomy in cat: I. Two- way avoidance behavior. Psychonomic Science, 4(7):263-264, 1966. KrieckHAUS, E. E., SiMMoNs, H. J., THoMas, G. J., and KENYON, J.: Septal lesions enhance shock avoidance behavior in the rat. Experimental Neu- rology, 9:107-113, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-1370). LeaToN, ROBERT N.: Exploratory behavior in rats with hippocampal lesions. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 50(3):325-330, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4163). MacPHAIL, EUAN M.: Self-stimulation in pigeons: The problems of “priming.” Psychonomic Sci- ence, 5(1):7-8, 1966. MiLLER, NEAL E.: Drive, drive-reduction, and re- ward. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Canada. Am- sterdam, North-Holland, 1954, p. 151-152. MiLLER, N. E.: Shortcomings of food consumption as a measure of hunger; results from other be- havioral techniques. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 63:141-143, 1955. MiLLER, N. E.: Effects of drugs on motivation: The value of using a variety of measures. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, 65:318-333, 1956. 87 MILLER, N. E.: A psychologist speaks. In: Kruse, H. D., ed. Integrating the approaches to mental disease. New York, Hoeber, 1957, p. 43-45. MiLLEr, N. E.: Objective techniques for studying motivational effects of drugs on animals. In: Garattini, S., and Ghetti, V., eds. Psychotropic drugs. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1957, p. 83-103. MiLLER, N. E.: Experiments on motivation: Studies combining psychological, physiological and phar- macological techniques. ~~ Science, 126(3268): 1271-1278, 1957. MiLLER, N. E.: Central stimulation and other new approaches to motivation and reward. American Psychologist, 13:100-108, 1958. MILLER, N. E.: Liberalization of basic S-R concepts: Extensions to conflict behavior and social learning. In: Koch, Sigmund, ed. Psychology: A study of a science. Vol. II. General systematic formula- tions, learning and special processes. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1958, p. 196-292. MILLER, N. E.: Motivational effects of brain stimu- lation and drugs. Federation Proceedings, 19: 846-854, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2949). MILLER, N. E.: Some recent studies of conflict be- havior and drugs. American Psychologist, 16:12- 24,1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2949). MiLLER, N. E.: Analytical studies of drive and re- ward. American Psychologist, 16:739-754, 1961. MiLLEr, N. E.: Integration of neurophysiological and behavioral research. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 92:830-839, 1961. MILLER, N. E.: Learning and performance motivated by direct stimulation of the brain. In: Electrical stimulation of the brain. Austin, Texas, Univer- sity of Texas Press, 1961, p. 387-396. MiLLER, NEAL E.: Implications for theories of re- inforcement. In: Electrical stimulation of the brain. Austin, Texas, University of Texas Press, 1961, p- 575-581. MILLER, NEAL E.: Some experiments on the mech- anisms of motivation. Voprosy Psikhologii (Mos- cow), 4:143-156, 1961. MILLER, NEAL E.: Some motivational effects of elec- trical and chemical stimulation of the brain. Elec- troencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Supplement 24:247-259, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2949). MiLLER, N. E.: Some reflections on the law of effect produce a new alternative to drive reduction. In: Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln, Nebr., University of Nebraska Press, 1963, p. 65- 112. (Also acknowledges MH-2949). MiLLER, N. E.: Certain recent developments in ex- perimental psychology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Britain, 148:481-497, 1963. MiLLER, N. E.: Comments on “Approach-avoidance conflict in the mother-surrogate situation.” Psy- chological Reports, 12:773-774, 1963. MiLLER, N. E.: Discussion of Dr. Anand’s paper. In: Brazier, M. A. B., ed. Brain and behavior. Vol. 2. American Institute of Biological Science, 1964, p. 90-99. MiLLER, NEAL E.: Some psychophysiological studies of motivation and of the behavioural effects of illness. Bulletin of British Psychological Society, 17:1-20, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2949). MLLER, N. E.: Some implications of modern be- havior theory for personality and psychotherapy. In: Byrne, D., and Worchel, P., eds. Personality change. New York, Wiley, 1964, p. 149-175. (Also acknowledges MH-2949). MiLLER, N. E.: Physiological and cultural determi- nants of behavior. In: Proceedings of the Na- tional Academy of Sciences Centennial Symposium, Washington, D.C., May, 1964. MiLLER, NEAL E.: Extending the domain of learn- ing. Science, 152(3722):676, 1966. MiLLER, N. E., and BARRY, H., III: Motivational effects of drugs: Methods which illustrate some general problems in psychopharmacology. Psy- chopharmacologia, 1:169-199, 1960. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2949). MiLLER, N. E., Coons, E. E., LEwis, MELISSA, and JENSEN, D. D.: Electrode holders in chronic prep- arations. B. A simple technique for use with the rat. In: Sheer, D. E. Electrical stimulation of the brain. Austin, Texas, University of Texas Press, 1961, p. 51-54. MiLLER, N. E., and DeBoLp, R. C.: Classically con- ditioned tongue-licking and operant bar pressing recorded simultaneously in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59: 109-111, 1965. MILLER, N. E,, GoTrTEsMAN, K. S., and EMERY, N.: Dose-response to carbachol and norepinephrine in rat's hypothalamus. American Journal of Physiol- ogy, 206:1384-1388, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2949). MILLER, N. E., JENSEN, D. D., and MYERs, A. K.: Injury and excitation by electric current. B. A comparison of the Lilly waveform and the sixty- cycle sine wave. In: Sheer, D. E. Electrical stim- ulation of the brain. Austin, Texas, University of Texas Press, 1961, p. 64-66. MILLER, N. E., and KEsseN, M. L.: Is distension of the stomach via balloon rewarding or punishing? American Psychologist, 9:430-431, 1954. MILLER, N. E., PFAFFMAN, C., and SCHLOSBERG, H.: Aspects of psychology and psychophysiology in the USSR. In: Bauer, R. A., ed. Some views on Soviet psychology. New York Timely Press, 1962. 88 MILLER, N. E., and PORTER, L. W.: Training under two drives, alternately present, vs. training under a single drive. Journal of Experimental Psychol- ogy, 54:1-7, 1957. MILLER, N. E., SAMPLINER, R. I., and WoODROW, P.: Thirst-reducing effects of water by stomach fistula vs. water by mouth measured by both a consummatory and an instrumental response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 50:1-5, 1957. MicLLER, N. E,, and SENF, G.: Evidence for positive induction in instrumental discrimination learning. In: Armenian Academy of Sciences, Asratyan Memorial Volume, December, 1964. MURRAY, EDWARD J.: A content-analysis method for studying psychotherapy. Psychological Mono- graphs, 70(13):1-32, 1956. (Whole No. 420) Murray, E. J., and BERKUN, M. M.: Displacement as a function of conflict. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51:47-56, 1955. Myers, A. K., and MILLER, N. E.: Failure to find a learned drive based on hunger: Evidence for learning motivated by “exploration.” Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 47: 428-436, 1954. NoviN, D., and MILLER, N. E.: Failure to condi- tion thirst induced by feeding dry food to hun- gry rats. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 55:373-374, 1962. RoBerTS, W. W.: Rapid escape learning without avoidance learning under motivation aroused by hypothalamic stimulation. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 51:391-399, 1958. RoBERTS, W. W.: Both rewarding and punishing effects from stimulation of posterior hypothalamus of cat with same electrode at same intensity. [oun nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 51:400-407, 1958. RoBERTS, W. W., DEMBER, W. N., and BRODWICK, M.: Alternation and exploration in rats with hip- pocampal lesions. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:695-700, 1962. SteinBaUM, E. A., and MILLER, N. E.: Obesity from eating elicited by daily stimulation of hypo- thalamus. American Journal of Physiology, 208 (1):1-5, 1965. STRICKLER, E. M., and MILLER, N. E.: Thirst meas- ured by licking reinforced on interval schedules: Effects of prewatering and of bacterial endotoxin. Journal cf Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 59:112-115, 1965. TENEN, S. S., and MILLER, NEAL E.: Strength of electrical stimulation of lateral hypothalamus, food deprivation and tolerance for quinine in food. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 58:55-62, 1964. WoLF, G.: Effect of dorsolateral hypothalamic le- sions in sodium appetite elicited by desoxycorti- costerone and by acute hyponatremia. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58: 396-402, 1964. WoLF, GEORGE, and QUARTERMAIN, DAviD: So- dium chloride intake of desoxycorticosterone- treated and of sodium-deficient rats as a function of saline concentration. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 61(2):288-291, 1966. ZiMmBARDO, P. G., and Barry H., III: Effects of caffeine and chlorpromazine on the sexual behav- ior of male rats. Science, 127:84-85, 1958. ZiMBARDO, P. G., and MILLER, N. E.: The facilita- tion of exploration by hunger in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 51: 43-46, 1958. MH-648 (R01) DoLLARD, JOHN: Quantitative methods for the study of psychotherapy. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1953- ) AuLp, FRANK, JR.: Contributions of behavior the- ory to projective testing. Journal of Projective Techniques, 18(4):421-426, 1954. Aurp, FRANK, JR.: Is Beck's sample of -Rorschach testees representative? Journal of Genetic Psy- chology, 56:135-136, 1957. Aurv, FRANK, JR.: Emotions in the interview; Can they be measured? Psychological Reports, 8:239- 242, 1961. AuLp, FRANK, JR., DREYER, HARRY W., and DoL- LARD, JOHN: Measurement of electrical skin re- sistance during interviews. Psychological Reports, 4:11-15, 1958. Aurp, F., and Mani, G. F.: A comparison of the DRQ with ratings of emotion. [Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 53:386-388, 1956. (Also acknowledges MH-1052). AuLp, FRANK, JRr., and MURRAY, EDWARD, J.: Con- tent-analysis studies of psychotherapy. Psycho- logical Bulletin, 52:377-395, 1955. AuLp, FRANK, JR., and MyERs, JEROME K.: Con- tributions to a theory for selecting psychotherapy patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 10(1): 56-60, 1954. (Also acknowledges MH-263). AuLp, FRANK, JR., and WHITE, ALICE M.: Rules for dividing interviews into sentences. Journal of Psychology, 42:273-281, 1956. AuLD, FRANK, JR., and WHITE, ALICE M.: Sequen- tial dependencies in psychotherapy. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58:100-104, 1959. Drrtes, JaMmEs E.: Extinction during psychotherapy of GSR accompanying ‘embarrassing’ statements. 89 Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 54: 187-191, 1957. DitTES, JAMES E.: Facts and fantasies in the minis- ter’s mental health. In: Oates, Wayne E., ed. The minister's own mental health. New York, Channel Press, 1961, p. 209-222. DoLLARD, JoHN, and AULD, FRANK, JR.: Scoring human motives. New Haven, Conn., Yale Uni- versity Press, 1959, 452 p. MURRAY, EDWARD J., AULD, FRANK, and WHITE, ALICE M.: A psychotherapy case showing progress but no decrease in the discomfort-relief quotient. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 18:349-353, 1954. MyERrs, JEROME K., and AuLp, FRANK, JR.: Some variables related to outcome of psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 11(1):51-54, 1955. WHITE, A. M., FICHTENBAUM, L., and DOLLARD, J.: Measure for predicting dropping out of psyco- therapy. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28: 326-332, 1964. WHITE, ALICE M., FICHTENBAUM, LEONARD, and DoLLARD, JoHN: Evaluation of silence in initial interviews with psychiatric clinic patients. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 139(6):550~ 557, 1964. WHITE, ALICE M., FICHTENBAUM, LEONARD, and DoLLARD, JOHN: A content measure of changes attributable to psychotherapy. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 36(1):41-49, 1966. MH-650 (R01) GAGE, NATHANIEL L.: Studies of social perception in the classroom. University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. (1953-57) GaGg, N. L.: Explorations in teachers’ perceptions of pupils. Journal of Teacher Education, 9:97- 101, 1958. GaGE, N. L.: A method for “improving” teacher behavior. Journal of Teacher Education, 14:261- 266, 1963. GaGi, N. L., and CroNBACH, LEE ].: Conceptual and methodological problems in interpersonal perception. Psychological Review, 62:411-422, 1955. GAGE, N. L., Leavitt, GEORGE S., and STONE, GEORGE C.: Teachers’ understanding of their pupils and pupils’ ratings of their teachers. Psy- chological Monographs, 69(21), 1955. (Whole No. £06) GaGe, N. L., Leavirt, GEORGE S., and STONE, GEORGE C.: Social perception in the classroom. Urbana, Ill., Bureau of Educational Research, Uni- versity of Illinois, 1955, 73 p. (Report No. 5) GAGE, N. L., Leavitt, GEORGE S., and STONE, GEORGE C.: The intermediary key in the analysis of interpersonal perception. Psychological Bulle- tin, 53:258-266, 1956. GaGE, N. L., Leavitt, GEORGE S., and STONE, GEORGE C.: The psychological meaning of acqui- escence set for authoritarianism. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 55:98-103, 1957. GAGE, N. L., and RUNKEL, P. J.: What do they expect? Some conversation about pupils, an invi- tation, and a request. Urbana, Illinois, Bureau of Educational Research, University of Illinois Press. GAGE, N. L., RUNKEL, P. J., and CHATTERJEE, B. B.: Equilibrium theory and behavior change: An experiment in feedback from pupils to teach- ers. Urbana, Ill, Bureau of Educational Re- search, University of Illinois, 1960, 129 p. GAGE, N. L.,, RUNKEL, P. J.,, and CHATTERJEE, B. B.: Changing teacher behavior through feed- back from pupils: An application of equilibrium theory. In: Charters, W. W., Jr, and Gage, N. L., eds. Readings in the social psychology of education. Boston, Allyn & Bacon, 1963, p. 173- 181. RupIN, S. A.: Measuring the teacher's effectiveness as 2 lecturer. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 98: 147-154, 1961. STONE, GEORGE C., GAGE, N. L., and LEAVITT, GEORGE S.: An analysis of the negative correla- tion between two kinds of accuracy in predicting another’s responses. Urbana, Ill, Bureau of Edu- cational Research, University of Illinois, 1954, 25 p. (Report No. 3) STONE, GEORGE C., GAGE, N. L., and LEAVITT, GEORGE S.: Two kinds of accuracy in predicting another’s responses. Journal of Social Psychology, 45:245-254, 1957. STONE, GEORGE C., LEAVITT, GEORGE S., and GAGE, N. L.: Generality of accuracy in perceiving stand- ard persons. Urbana, Ill., Bureau of Educational Research, University of Illinois, 1954, 13 p. (Re- port No. 1) MH-651 (R01) KopELOFF, NicHOLAs: Effect of arterial ligation on experimental epilepsy. Colum- bia University, New York, N.Y. (1952-56) CHus, J. G., KopPeLOFF, L. M., and KOPELOFF, N.: Recurrent motor epileptic seizures following intraparietal cerebral injections of alumina cream in the monkey. Federation Proceedings, 13:26- 27, 1954. CHus, J. G., KoPELOFF, L. M., and KOPELOFF, N.: Chronic bilateral carotid arterial occlusion in epileptic monkeys. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 14(1)Part 1:28, 1955. CHus, J. G., KopPeLOFF, L. M., and KOPELOFF, N.: Motor epilepsy of parietal lobe origin in the monkey. Neurology, 5:108-112, 1955. 90 CHusp, J. G., KoPELOFF, L. M., and KOPELOFF, N.: Reserpine (Serpasil) effects on epileptic mon- keys. Proceedings of the Society for Experimen- tal Biology and Medicine, 88:276-277, 1955. CHus, J. G., KoPeLOFF, L. M., and KOPELOFF, N.: Effects of unilateral and bilateral carotid arte- rial occlusions in monkeys. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 89:534-536, 1955. CHus, J. G., KopeLOFF, L. M., and KOPELOFF, N.: Convulsive effects of tripelennamine and di- phenhydramine in monkeys. Federation Proceed- ings, 15:35-36, 1956. CHus, J. G., KopeELOFF, L. M., and KOPELOFF, N.: Anterior and middle cerebral arterial ligations in chronic experimental epilepsy in the monkey. Journal of Applied Physiology. 12:114-116, 1958. KoreLoFF, L. M., CHusID, J. G., and KOPELOFF, N.: Chronic experimental epilepsy in ‘‘macaca mulatta.” Neurology, 4:218-227, 1954. KopEeLOFF, L. M., CHusID, J. G., and KOPELOFF, N.: Epilepsy in “macaca mulatta” after cortical or intracerebral alumina. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 74:523-526, 1955. KopeLOFF, L. M., CHusID, J. G., and KOPELOFF, N.: Effect of chlorpromazine upon epileptic and normal monkeys. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 90:282-284, 1955. KoreLorF, N., CHusm, J. G., and KOPELOFF, L. M.: Epilepsy produced in “macaca mulatta” with commercial aluminum hydroxide. Electro- encephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 6:303-3006, 1954. MH-652 (R01) MAsLAND, RicHARD L.: Effect of anticonvulsants on EEG abnormalities. Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, N.C. (1952-57) StroBOs, ROBERT R. J.: Prognosis in convulsive disorders. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology, 1: 216-225, 1959. MH-655 (R01) ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and TYLER, FRANK H.: Biochemical basis of pheny’ pyruvic oligophrenia. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (1953-58) ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D.: The utilization of L- and D-phenylalanine by the rat. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 205:839-848, 1953. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D.: The phenylalanine and tyrosine requirements of the rat. Journal of Bio- logical Chemistry, 213:409-414, 1955. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D.: The relation of the bio- chemical abnormality to the development of the mental defect in phenylketonuria. In: Onesti, Silvio J., Jr., ed. Etiological factors in mental retardation. Report of the 23rd Ross Laboratories Pediatrics Research Conference. Columbus, Ohio, Ross Laboratories, 1957, p. 28-33. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and BINKLEY, E. L., JR.: Observations on a newborn infant with phenyl- ketonuria. Proceedings of the Society for Ex- perimental Biology and Medicine, 93(3):418- 420, 1956. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., CHao, F. C, WALL, P. E,, and PARKER, V. J.: The endogenous origin of hippuric acid. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 90:675-679, 1955. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and Low, N. L.: Studies on phenylketonuria. VIII. Relation between age, serum phenylalanine level, and phenylpyruvic acid excretion. Proceedings of the Society for Experi- mental Biology and Medicine, 94:142-146, 1957. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., Low, N. L., and BosMA, J. R.: Studies on phenylketonuria. IX. Further observations on the effect of phenylalanine-re- stricted diet on patients with phenylketonuria. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 5:543- 554, 1957. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D. and McMILLAN, AR- MAND: 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-D-mandelic acid, a urinary metabolite of norepinephrine. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta, 25:422-423, 1957. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and McMILLAN, A.: Identification of a major urinary metabolite of norepinephrine. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 16(1):146, 1957. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and MCMILLAN, AR- MAND: Studies on the formation of 3-methoxy-4- hydroxy-D-mandelic acid, a urinary metabolite of norepinephrine and epinephrine. Pharmacologi- cal Reviews, 11:394-401, 1959. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2278). ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and ROBINSON, KATH- RYN S.: On the excretion of indole derivatives in phenylketonuria. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 52:287-288, 1954. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and ROBINSON, KATH- RYN S.: Abnormal metabolites in phenylketonuria. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 13:175-176, 1954. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and SHAaw, K. N. F.: Studies on phenylketonuria. III. The metabolism of o-tyrosine. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 213:805-811, 1955. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and SHAw, K. N. F.: The occurrence of (-)B-m-hydroxyphenyl-hydra- crylic acid in human urine. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 225:269-278, 1957. ARMSTRONG, M. D., SHAW, K. N. F., GORTATOW- SKI, M. ]., and SINGER, H.: The indole acids of 91 human urine. Paper chromatography of indole acids. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 232:17- 30, 1958. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., SHAw, K. N. F, and ROBINSON, KATHRYN S.: Studies on phenylketo- nuria. II. The excretion of o-hydroxyphenyl- acetic acid in phenylketonuria. Journal of Bio- logical Chemistry, 213:797-804, 1955. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., SHAw, K. N. F., and WALL, P. E.: The occurrence of m-hydroxyphenyl acids in urine. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 14:174, 1955. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., SHAaw, K. N. F., and Watt, P. E.: The phenolic acids of human urine. Paper chromatography of phenolic acids. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 218(1):293-303, 1956. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and TYLER, F. H.: Studies on phenylketonuria. I. Restricted phenylalanine intake in phenylketonuria. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 34:565-580, 1955. ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., WALL, P. E., and PARKER, V. J.: The excretion of m-hydroxy-hippuric acid by humans. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 218 (2):921-927, 1956. BrowN, D. M., ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and SmitH, E. L.: Studies on phenylketonuria. IV. Serum proteins in phenylketonuria. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine, 89:367-371, 1955. GorTAaTOWSKI, M. J., and ARMSTRONG, M. D.: Convenient lactic acids. Journal of Organic Chem- istry, 22:1217-1220, 1957. GREENBERG, J. B., GALsTON, A. W., SHAW, K. N. F., and ARMSTRONG, M. D.: Formation and auxin activity of indole-3-glycolic acid. Science, 125: 992-993, 1957. HORNER, F. A., and STREAMER, C. W.: Effect of a phenylalanine-restricted diet on patients with phe- nylketonuria. Journal of the American Medical Association, 161:1628-1630, 1956. Low, N. L., ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and CAR- LISLE, J. W.: Phenylketonuria. Two unusual cases. Lancet, 2:917-918, 1956. Low, N. L., BosMma, J. F., and ARMSTRONG, MAR- VIN D.: Studies on phenylketonuria. VI. EEG studies in phenylketonuria. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 77:359-364, 1957. Low, N. L., BosMa, J. F., ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and MADSEN, J. A.: Infantile spasms with mental retardation, I. Clinical observations and dietary experiments. Pediatrics, 226) :1153-1164, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-1586). MORRIS, A. J., and ARMSTRONG, M. D.: Rat growth experiments with S-hydroxy-DL-tryptophan. (‘Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 16:393, 1957. Morris, A. J., and ARMSTRONG, M. D.: The prepa- ration of 5-hydroxy-L-and-D-tryptophan. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 22:306-308, 1957. SHAw, K. N. F., and ARMSTRONG, M. D.: Growth experiments with B-phenylserine diastereomers. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 13:295, 1954. SHAw, K. N. F., and ARMSTRONG, M. D.: Rat growth experiments with # phenylscrine diastereo- isomers. Proceedings of the Society for Experi- mental Biology and Medicine, 88:673-675, 1955. SHAw, K. N. F., ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D., and McMILLAN, A.: Preparation of m-hydroxyphenyl- L-and D-lactic acids and other compounds related to m-tyrosine. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 21: 1149-1151, 1956. SHAW, KENNETH N. F., GUDMUNDSON, ARIEL, and Morris, ALLAN ].: 5-Benzyloxyindole. Biochemi- cal Preparations, 9:12, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5232). SHAW, K. N. F., MCMILLAN, A., and ARMSTRONG, M. D.: Metabolism of DOPA. (Abstract) Fed- eration Proceedings, 15:353, 1956. SHAw, K. N. F.,, MCMILLAN, A., and ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D.: Synthesis of o-tyrosine and related phenolic acids. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 21:601-604, 1956. SHAW, K. N. F., McMILLAN, A. and ARMSTRONG, MARVIN D.: The metabolism of 3, 4-dihydroxy- phenylalanine. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 226:255-266, 1957. SHAw, K. N. F., McMILLAN, A., and ARMSTRONG, M. D.: Preparation of urinary metabolites of 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine and norepinephrine and related compounds. Journal of Organic Chem- istry, 23:27-32, 1958. SHAw, K. N. F., MCMILLAN, A., GUNDMUNDSON, A. G., and ARMSTRONG, M. D.: Preparation of B-(3-indolyl) compounds related to tryptophan metabolism. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 23: 1171-1178, 1958. Saw, K. N. F., and Morris, A. J.: 5-Hydroxy-dlI- tryptophan. Biochemical Preparations, 9:92, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5232). SHAW, KENNETH N. F., and NorLAN, CHRis: Im- proved preparation of diethyl oximino-formamido- and acetamidomalonates. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 22:1668-1670, 1957. TYLER, F. H., and ARMSTRONG, M. D.: Metabolic aspects of some neurological and muscular dis- orders. Annual Review of Medicine, 5:207-222, 1954. TyLER, F. H., BosMa, J. F., and ARMSTRONG, M. D.: Clinical and biochemical changes in patients with phenylketonuria on restricted phenylalanine intake. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 34:917- 918, 1955. 92 MH-656 (R01) BARTLETT, Roscoe G., Jr., and BoHR, VERNON C.: The adrenal cortex and con- ditioned hypothermia. Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, Calif. (1953-54) (Continued as MH-986). BARTLETT, R. G., JR, and MILLER, M. A.: The adrenal cortex in restraint hypothermia and in adaptation to the stress of restraint. Journal of Endocrinology, 14:181-187, 1956. REGISTER, U. D., and BARTLETT, R. G., JR.: Rela- tionship of adrenalin to tissue sulfhydryl com- pounds. Science, 120:109-110, 1954. MH-657 (R01) Pincus, GREGORY, and HOAGLAND, HupsoN: Biochemistry of induced psychoses and schizophrenia. Worcester Foundation for Experi- mental Biology. Shrewsbury, Mass. (1953-55) ELmaDJIAN, F., HOPE, J. M,, and Pincus, G.: The action of mono-ammonium glycyrrhizinate on adre- nalectomized subjects and its synergism with hy- drocortisone. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 16:338-349, 1956. FREEMAN, HARRY, Pincus, GREGORY, ELMAD]JIAN, FRED, and RoMANOFF, Louis P.: Adrenocortical reactivity in aged schizophrenic patients. In: Wolstenholm, G. E., and O'Connor, Margaret P. Cameron, eds. Ciba Foundation Colloquia on Aging. Vol. 1. Boston, Little, Brown, 1955, p. 219-236. FREEMAN, HARRY, PINCUS, GREGORY, ELMAD]JIAN, FRED, and ROMANOFF, Louis P.: Adrenal re- sponsivity in aged psychotic patients. Geriatrics, 10(2):72-77, 1955. HoaGLaND, HuDpsoN, RINKEL, MAX, and HYDE, RoBERT W.: Adrenocortical function and urinary phosphate excretion. A. M. A. Archives of Neu- rology and Psychiatry, 73:100-109, 1955. MH-658 (R01) McCANDLESS, Boyp R.: Language ability and concept formation in children. State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (1953-55) SCHAEFFER, MAURICE S., and GERJUOY, IRMA R.: The effect of stimulus naming on the discrimina- tion learning of kindergarten children. Child Development, 26:231-240, 1955. SHEPARD, WINIFRED O.: The effect of verbal train- ing on initial generalization tendencies. Child Development, 27:311-316, 1956. SHEPARD, WINIFRED O., and SCHAEFFER, MAURICE S.: The effect of concept knowledge on discrimi- nation learning. Child Development, 27:173- 178, 1956. MH-659 (R01) BLuM, GERALD S.: The role of defense mechanisms in behavior. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1953-54) BLuM, G. S.: A guide for research use of the Blacky pictures. Journal of Projective Techniques, 26:3-29, 1962. CoHEN, A. R.: Experimental effects of ego-defense preference on interpersonal relations. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 52:19-27, 1956. NELSON, S. E.: Psychosexual conflicts and defenses in visual perception. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51:427-433, 1955. MH-661 (R01) HAHN, PAULINE B., GARDNER, GEORGE E., and WALDFOGEL, SAMUEL: A study of school phobia in children. Judge Baker Guidance Clinic, Boston, Mass. (1953-55) COOLIDGE, SAMUEL, BRODIE, RICHARD D., and FEENEY, BARBARA: A ten-year follow-up study of sixty-six school phobic children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 34:675-684, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-826). CooLIDGE, JoHN C., HAHN, PAULINE B., and PECK, ALICE L.: School phobia: Neurotic crisis or way of life. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 27:296-305, 1957. CooLIDGE, JoHN C., WILLER, MARY Lou, TEss- MAN, ELLEN, and WALDFOGEL, SAMUEL: School phobia in adolescence: A manifestation.of severe character disturbance. American Journal of Or- thopsychiatry, 30:599-607, 1960. CooLIDGE, SAMUEL, and GRUNEBAUM, MARGARET: Considerations for individual and group therapy for the latency age child. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 14:84-96, 1964. CooLIDGE, SAMUEL, TESSMAN, ELLEN, WALDFOGEL, SAMUEL, and WILLER, MARY Lou: Patterns of aggression in school phobia. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 17:319-333, 1962. WALDFOGEL, SAMUEL, COLLIDGE, JOHN, and HAHN, PAULINE B.: The development, meaning and man- agement of school phobia. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. (Also acknowledges MH-826). WALDFOGEL, S., HAHN, P., and LANDY, E.: School phobia: Causes and management. The School Counselor, 3(2):19-25, 1955. WALDFOGEL, SAMUEL, TEssMAN, ELLEN, and HAHN, PAULINE B.: A program for early inter- vention in school phobia. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 29:324-332, 1959. MH-664 (R01) LEVINE, MAURICE, and GOTT- SCHALK, Louis A.: Psychiatric study of surgical patients. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (1954-56) FRIEDHOFF, ARNOLD, ALPERT, MURRAY, and KURTZBERG, RICHARD L.: An effect of emotion on voice. Nature, 193(4813):357-358, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2716 and MH-4664). 93 TITCHENER, JAMES L.: Psychiatry in the practice of surgery and the specialties. = Somatopsychic se- quences. In: Hofling, Charles K., ed. Textbook of psychiatry for medical practice. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1963, p. 222-268. TITCHENER, JAMES L., and LEVINE, MAURICE, eds.: Surgery as a human experience. The psychody- namics of surgical practice. New York, Oxford University, 1960, 285 p. (Also acknowledges MH-999). TITCHENER, J., ZWERLING, I., GOTTSCHALK, L., and LEVINE, M.: Psychological reactions of the aged in surgery. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 79:63-73, 1957. TITCHENER, J. L., ZWERLING, I, GOTTSCHALK, L. A., and LEVINE, M.: Psychological reactions to the aged in surgery. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 79:63-73, 1958. TITCHENER, J. L., ZWERLING, I, GOTTSCHALK, L. A., LEVINE, M., CULBERTSON, W., COHEN, §., and SILVER, H.: Problem of delay in seeking sur- gical care. Journal of the American Medical As- sociation, 160:1187-1193, 1956. TITCHENER, J. L., ZWERLING, I, GOTTSCHALK, L. A., LEVINE, M., CULBERTSON, W., COHEN, S., and SILVER, H.: Psychosis in surgical patients. Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, 102:59-65, 1956. TITCHENER, J. L., ZWERLING, I, GOTTSCHALK, L. A, LeviNgE, M., SiLver, H., CoweTT, A. COHEN, S., CULBERTSON, W.: Consequences of surgical illness and treatment. Archives of Neu- rology and Psychiatry, 77:623-634, 1957. ZWERLING, I., TITCHENER, J., GOTTSCHALK, L. A., LEVINE, M., CULBERTSON, W., COHEN, SENTA F., and SILVER, H.: Personality disorder and the re- lationships of emotion to surgical illness in 200 surgical patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 112(4) :270-277, 1955. MH-669 (RO1) Haves, KeitH J.: Effect of expe. rience on mental functions in animals. Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology—Emory Univer- sity, Orange, Park, Fla. 1953-55) Haves, KeiTH J., and Haves, C.: The cultural ca- acity of chimpanzee. Human Biology, 26:288- 303, 1954. MH-674 (R01) Hosss, NicHOLAs: Parent-child relationships of creative children. George Pea- body College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. (1953-60) Hosss, NicHOLOs: Motivation to high achievement. In: Shertzer, Bruce, ed. Working with superior students: Theories and practices. Chicago, Sci- ence Research Associates, 1960. MH-675 (R01) INGRAM, WALTER R., KNOTT, Jonn R.: Neurological bases of behavior. Iowa, State University of Iowa City, Iowa. (1953 ) AFIFI, A. K.: The camel subcommissural organ: His- tology and histochemistry. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 145:307, 1963. AFIFI, A. K.: Pineal body in the camel. Anatomical Record, 148:356, 1964. AFIFl, A. K.: The subcommissural organ of the camel. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 123: 139-142, 1964. AFIFl, A., and KAELBER, W. W.: Efferent connec- tions of the substantia nigra in the cat. Experi- mental Neurology, 11(4):474-482, 1965. AFIF, A. K., MorrisoN, R. T., SaHs, A. L., and Evans, T. C.: A comparison of Hg2%% chlormero- drin scintiencephaloscanning with neuroradiology and electroencephalography for the localization of intracanial lesions. (Abstract) Neurology, 14: 258, 1964. Arr, A. K., and OsBoRrRNE, J. W.: Correlation of neurosecretory material with water intake and urine output in x-irradiated rats. (Abstract) Ana- tomical Record, 145:198, 1963. AFIFL, ADEL K., OSBORNE, JaMEs W., and MITCH- ELL, C. L.: Changes in neurosecretory material, water intake, and urine output in X-irradiated rats. Radiation Research, 23(1):1-12, September 1964. (Abstract) BrowN, D., and AriFi, A. K.: Histological and ablation studies on the relation of the subcommis- sural organ to sodium and water metabolism in the rat. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 148: 264, 1964. CHAMBERLAIN, M. S., and SKULTETY, F. M.: Mesen- cephalic responses elicited by septal and fornical stimulation in the cat. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 145:215, 1963. CorreLL, R. E.: The effect of bilateral hippocampal stimulation on the acquisition and extinction of an instrumental response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 50:624-629, 1957. CorreLL, R. E., and INGRAM, W. R.: Variations in after-discharge from the hippocampus. Proceed- ings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 93:240-245, 1956. CorrELL, R. E., INGRAM, W. R., and KNOTT, J. R.: Effects of hypothalamic lesions on preoperatively learned tasks. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 124:277-278, 1956. CorreLL, R. E., and KAELBER, W. W.: Some ef- fects of chlorpromazine on subcortical activity. (Abstract) Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 9:175, 1957. CorreLL, R. E., KNoTT, J. R., and INGRAM, W. R.: The effect of subcortical lesions on the bar press 94 response. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 121: 279-280, 1955. DAHL, D., INGRAM, W. R., and Knorr, J. R.: Diencephalic lesions and avoidance learning in cats. Archives of Neurology, 7:314-319, 1962. Hamer, E. G., and KAELBER, W. W.: Reserpine action on central nervous system of the cat. Amer- ican Journal of Physiology, 200:195, 1961. Henry, C,, and KNortT, J. R.: Electroencephalog- raphy. In: Progress in neurology and psychiatry. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961. INGrAM, W. R.: Modification of learning by lesions and stimulation in the diencephalon and related structures. In: Jasper, Herbert H., ed. Reticular formation of the brain. Henry Ford Hospital In- ternational Symposium. Boston, Mass., Little, Brown, 1958, p. 535-544. INGRAM, W. R.: Central autonomic mechanisms. In: Handbook of physiology-neurophysiology. Vol. 2. American Physiological Society, 1960, p. 951-978. INGrAM, W. R., KNOTT, J. R., and CORRELL, R. E.: The effects of subcortical lesions and subcortical stimulation on the bar press response. (Abstract) In Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Anatomy, Paris, 1955, p. 100-111. INGrAM, W. R., KNOTT, ]. R., and PmrscH, J. G.: Electroencephalographic and behavioral effects of stimulation of certain points in diencephalon and forebrain in unanesthetized cats. (Abstract) Ana- tomical Record, 118:392-393, 1954. Jackson, J. M.: A simple electrocardiograph moni- tor for routine use in electroencephalography. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiol- 0gy, 14:924-927, 1962. JoHNsoN, D. A., and KAELBER, W. W.: Septal and anterior hypothalamic lesions: Some effects on sleep and body metabolism in cats. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine, 108:375-377, 1961. KAELBER, W. W.: Cortical and subcortical electrical effects of psycho-pharmacological and tremor pro- ducing compounds. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 80:544-553, 1958. KAELBER, W. W.: Tremor at rest from tegmental lesions in the cat. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 22:695-701, 1963. KAELBER, W. W., and CorreLL, R. E.: Some sub- cortical influences on tremor. (Abstract) Ana- tomical Record, 127:315, 1957. KAELBER, W. W., and CorreLL, R. E.: Effect of tremor producing drugs on subcortical electro- encephalographic recordings. (Abstract) Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 80:181, 1958. KAELBER, W. W. and Hamer, E. G.: Drug (tremorine) -inducted tremor in the cat. Abolition by differential transactions of the neuraxis. Ar- chives of Neurology, 2:338-340, 1960. KAELBER, W. W., and HaMmEL, E. G.: Post-lesion tremor inhibition: Effect of tremorine after lesions of the hypothalamus and thalamus. Archives of Neurology, 5:221-226, 1961. KAELBER, W. W., and Hamer, E. G.: Observa- tions on rest-type tremor in the cat. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 20: 263-274, 1961. KAELBER, W. W., and INGRAM, W. R.: Claustrum of tamandua tetradactyla and myrmecophaga ju- bata. Anatomical Record, 142:245-246, 1962. KAELBER, W. W., and JoynT, R. J.: Tremor pro- duction in cats given chlorpromazine. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine, 92:399-402, 1956. KAELBER, W. W., NIBBELINK, D. W., and INGRAM, W. R.: Some physiological and anatomical obser- vations on dorsal root sections in cat. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 139:243, 1961. KHALIFEH, Rivap R., KAELBER, WiLLiaAM W., and INGRAM, WALTER R.: Some efferent connections of the nucleus medialis doralis. An experimental study in the cat. American Journal of Anatomy, 116(2) :341-354, 1965. Knorr, J. R.: Some comments on automatic low frequency analysis. In: Brazier, Edward M. Computer techniques in electroencephalogram anal- ysis. New York, Elsevier, 1961, p. 22-24. Knorr, J. R., CorreLL, R. E., and INGRAM, W. R.: Some subcortical influences on performance in the cat. American Psychologist, 10:395, 1955. Knorr, J. R., and INGRAM, W. R.: Diencephalic influences on learning performance. In: Electri- cal stimulation of the brain. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1961, p. 371-379. Knorr, J. R., INGRAM, W. R., and CHILES, W. D.: Effects of subcortical lesions on cortical electro- encephalogram in cats. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 73:203-215, 1955. Knorr, J. R., INGRAM, W. R., and CORRELL, R. E.: Effects of certain subcortical lesions on learning and performance in the cat. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology, 2:247-259, 1960. Knott, J. R., INGRAM, W. R., and CORRELL, R. E.: Some effects of subcortical stimulation on the bar press response. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology, 2:476-484, 1960. LowENBERG, EDWIN C.: An experimental electro- encephalograph function generator. Electroen- cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 11: 335-357, 1959. McApaM, D.: Some neural correlates of classical aversive conditioning in the cat. (Abstract) Elec- 95 troencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14:288, 1962. McApaM, D. W.: Electroencephalographic changes and classical aversive conditioning in the cat. Ex- perimental Neurology, 6:357-371, 1962. McApaMm, D.: Some cortical-subcortical relationships during acquisition of a conditioned response. (Abstract) Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15:149, 1963. McApaM, D.: Effects of positional relations between subject, CS, and US on shuttle-box avoidance learning in cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58:302-304, 1964. McApaM, D., Grass, R., and KNOTT, J. R.: Quanti- fication of the EEG response to flickering light. (Abstract) Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15:720, 1963. McApam, D. W. Knorr, J. R.,, and INGRAM, W. R.: Changes in EEG responses to the condi- tioned stimulus during the formation of a clas- sically conditioned response. (Abstract) Proceed- ings of the 5th International Congress of Electro- encephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Excerpts Medica, 1961. McApaMm, D. W., Knott, J. R., and INGraM, W. R.: Changes in EEG responses evoked by the conditioned stimulus during classical aversive con- ditioning in the cat. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14:731-738, 1962. McApam, D. W., SNODGRASS, L., and KNOTT, J. R. A prewired circuit board for use in chronic elec- trode implantations. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 13:798-799, 1961. McApaMm, D. W. SNobcrass, L., Knott, J. R. and INGRAM, W. R.: Some preliminary observa- tions of electrical changes in deep brain structures during acquisition of a classical conditioned re- sponse. (Abstract) Electroencephalography and linical Neurophysiology, 13:146, 1961. McCrum, W. R.: A study of diencephalic mecha- nisms in temperature regulation. Journal of Com- parative Neurology, 98:233-282, 1953. NEWMAN, BERTHA L.: Behavioral effects of electri- cal self-stimulation of the septal area and related structures in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54:340-346, 1961. NiIBBELINK, D. W.: Paraventricular nuclei, neuro- hypophysis, and parturition. American Journal of Physiology, 200:1229-1231, 1961. SKULTETY, F. MiLEs: The behavioral effects of de- structive lesions of the periaqueductal gray matter in adult cats. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 110:337-365, 1958. SumMERs, T. B., and KAELBER, W. W.: Some ob- servations on behavior and its modification by le- sions of the amygdala and related projection sys- tem. (Abstract) Physiologist, 1:81, 1957. SumMERs, T. B., and KAELBER, W. W.: Amygdalec- tomy: Effects in 13 cats and a survey of its present status. American Journal of Physiology, 203: 1117-1119, 1962. Way, J. S.: Electrophysiologic study of hippocampal connections in the cat. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 133:348, 1959. Way, J. S.: An oscillographic study of a conduction pathway from the so-called olfactory areas to the hippocampal formation in the cat. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 139:285, 1961. Way, J. S.: An oscillographic study of afferent con- nections to the hippocampus in the cat (Felis do- mesticus). Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14:78-89, 1962. MH-677 (RO1) ROBINSON, ALICE M.: Therapeutic role of the nurse. Boston State Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1953- ) ROBINSON, ALICE M., MELLOW, JUNE, HURTEAU, PHYLLIS, and FRIED, MARC A.: Research in psy- chiatric nursing. 1. The role of the.nurse-thera- pist in a large public mental hospital. 2. Nursing therapy with individual patients. 3. The psychi- atric head nurse. American Journal of Nursing, 55:441-444;572-575;704-707, 1955. MH-680 (R01) MurpHY, Lois B.: Temperament in relation to children’s coping methods. Men- ninger Foundation, Topeka, Kan. (1953-60) BERNARDEZ, TERESA: The feminine role: Case re- port. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 29(4): 198-204, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4093). EscaLonNa, S. K., and HEIDER, GRACE: Prediction and outcome: A study of child development. New York, Basic Books, 1959, 318 p. (Also acknowl- edges MH-27). HEIDER, GRACE M.: Vulnerability in infants. Bul- letin of the Menninger Clinic, 24(3):104-115, 1960. HEDER, GRACE M.: What makes a good parent? Children, 7(6):207-213, 1960. HEIDER, GRACE M.: Vulnerabilities, sources of strength, and capacity to cope in the “normal” child. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Copenhagan, Munksgaard, 1961, p. 79-94. MoriARTY, ALICE: Children’s ways of coping with the intelligence test. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 24(3) :115-128, 1960. Moriarty, ALICE E.: Coping patterns of preschool children in response to intelligence test demands. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 64:3-127, 1961. 96 Murphy, Lois B.: Effects of child-rearing patterns on mental health. Children, 3(6):213-219, 1956. MurPHY, Lois B.: Emotional first aid for the young child. Menninger Quarterly, 10(1):19-22, 1956. Also in: Childhood Education, 32:205-207, 1956. Murphy, Lois B.: Psychoanalysis and child develop: ment. Part I. Bulletin of the Menninger Clin, 21(5) :177-259, 1957. MurpHY, Lois B.: Psychoanalysis and child develop- ment. Part II. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 21(6):248-259, 1957. MurpHY, Lois B.: Learning how children cope with their problems. Children, 4(4):132-137, 1957. MurpHY, Lois B.: Cultural sequences, expectancies and patterns in relation to childhood stress. Hu- man Development Bulletin. 8th Annual Sympo- sium, University of Chicago, Chicago, IIL, p. 44- 71, 1957. MurpHY, Lois B.: A longitudinal study of children’s coping methods and styles. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Psychology, Brus- sels, 1957, p. 433-436. MurpHY, Lois B.: What is an emotionally disturbed child and how does he get that way. In: The emotionally disturbed child. Fourth Annual North Carolina Conference on Handicapped Children. Durham, North Carolina, Duke University, 1958, p. 11-35. ) MurpHY, Lois B.: The child’s way of coping: A longitudinal study of normal children. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 24(3):97-104, 1960. MurpHY, Lois B.: Pride and its relation to nar- cissism, autonomy and identity. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 24(3) :136-144, 1960. MurpHY, Lois B.: Coping devices and defense mech- anisms in relation to autonomous ego functions. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 24(3) :144-154, 1960. MurpHY, Lois B.: Preventive implications of devel- opment in the preschool years. In: Caplan, Ger- ald, ed. Prevention of mental disorders in chil- dren. New York, Basic Books, 1960, p. 218-259. MurpHY, Lois B.: The widening world of child- hood: Paths toward mastery. New York, Basic Books, 1962, 399 p. (Also acknowledges MH- 27). MurpHY, Lois B.: World implications of early child- hood needs. In: World Organization for Early Childhood Education (O.M.E.P.). Report of the oth World Assembly. London, England, 1962, p. 19-23. MurpHY, Lois B.: Problems in recognizing emo- tional disturbance in children. Child Welfare, 42(10):473-487, 1963. MurpHY, Lois B.: Self-management capacities in children. In: Frazier, Alexander, ed. New in- sights and the curriculum. Yearbook 1963. Washington, D.C., Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, National Educa- tion Association, 1963, p. 107-142. MurpHY, L. B.: Adaptational tasks in childhood in our culture. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 28:309-322, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 4093). MURPHY, Lois B.: Some aspects of the first relation- ship. International [Journal of Psychoanalysis, 45(1):31-43, 1964. MurpHY, Lois B.: Continuity and change in coping resources of preschool children. Journal of Nur- sery Education, 19(2) :78-88, 1964. MurpHY, Lois B., and KRALL, Vita: Free play as a productive tool. In: Rabin, Albert, and Ha- worth, Mary, eds. Projective techniques with chil- dren. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1960. MurpHY, Lois B., and MURPHY, GARDNER: The child as potential. In: The nation’s children. Vol. 2. Development and education. New York, Columbia University Press, 1960, p. 207-224. MurpHY, Lois B., and MURPHY, GARDNER: Her- man Rorschach and personality research. In: Rickers-Ovsiankina, Maria, ed. Rorschach psychol- ogy. New York, Wiley, 1960, p. 341-358. ToussiENG, PovL W.: The psychiatric examination as part of the coping study. Bulletin“of the Men- ninger Clinic, 24(3) :128-136, 1960. MH-681 (R01) WENDT, GEORGE R., NOWLIS, HELEN H., NowLis, VINCENT, and RIESEN, AUs- TIN H.: Effects of drugs on social and emotional behavior. Rochester, University of Rochester, N.Y. (1953-58) ALEXANDER, S. J., CotzIN, M., and WENDT, G. R.: Chemical influences on behavior: I. The effects of small dose of hyoseine on performance. Journal of Psychology, 39:389-402, 1955. EICHLER, H., Fry, C. L., LAWRENCE, R. A., WENDT, G. R., and YANKAUER, A.: A study of periodic school medical examinations: Education aspects. American Journal of Public Health, 51:1532-1540, 1961. HAEFNER, D., LANGHAM, P., LANZETTA, J. T., and WENDT, G. R.: The effects of an “‘anxiety-reduc- ing” medication on group behavior under threat. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 52: 103-108, 1956. Howwis, VINCENT, & HowLis, HELEN H.: The de- scription and analysis of mood. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 65:345-355, 1956. 97 LATIES, V. G.: Modification of affect, social behavior and performance by sleep deprivation and drugs. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1:12-25, 1961. Nowwis, V.: Methods for the objective study of drug effects on group functioning. In: Uhr, L., and Miller, J. G., eds. Drugs and behavior. New York, John Wiley, 1960, p. 563-581. WENDT, G. R.: Effects of certain drugs used in self- medication in relation to driving performances and traffic hazards. In: Health, medical and drug fac- tors in highway safety. (Conference proceedings of the 2nd Highway Safety Research Correlation Conference). Washington, D.C., National Asso- ciation of Science, National Research Council, 1954, p. 2.26-2.31. (Publication 328). WENDT, G. R., and CAMERON, JEAN S.: Chemical studies of behavior: V. Procedures in drug ex- perimentation with college students. Journal of Psychology, 51:173-211, 1961. WENDT, G. R., CAMERON, J. S., and SPECHT, P. G.: Chemical studies of behavior: VI. Placebo and dramamine as methodological controls, and effects on moods, emotions, and motivations. [Journal of Psychology, 53:257-279, 1962. MH-687 (R01) LEVINSON, DANIEL J., and GREEN- BLATT, MILTON: Social structure and adaptation in mental hospitals. Harvard University, Boston, Mass. (1953-60) GREENBLATT, M., and LEVINSON, D. J.: The evalu- ation of therapeutic change: Sociopsychological as- pects. In: Cole, J. O., and Gerard, R. W., eds. sychopharmacology: Problems in evaluation. Washington, D.C., National Academy of Sciences- National Research Council, 1959, p. 478-498. (Also acknowledges MH-9104). GREENBLATT, M., LEVINSON, D. J., and SHAPIRO, A.: Placebo effect, social milieu, and the evalua- tion of psychiatric therapies. Journal of Chronic Diseases, 9:327-333, 1959. GREENBLATT, MILTON, LEVINSON, DANIEL J., and WiLLiAMS, RICHARD H., eds.: The patient and the mental hospital: Contributions of research in the science of social behavior. Glencoe, Ill., Free Press, 1957, 658 p. (Also acknowledges MH- 1000 and MH-9091). KLERMAN, G., SHARAF, M., HOLZMAN, MATHILDA, and LEVINSON, D. J.: Sociopsychological charac- teristics of resident psychiatrists and their use of drug therapy. American [Journal of Psychiatry, 117:111-117, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 1000). LeviNsON, D. J.: Role, personality, and social struc- ture in the organizational setting. [Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 58:170-180, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1000). LEVINSON, DANIEL J., and GALLAGHER, EUGENE B.: Patienthood in the mental hospital: An analysis of role, personality, and social structure. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1964, 265 p. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1000). LeEviNsON, D. J., and SHARAF, M.: Achieving a therapeutic ward setting. Mental Hospitals, 2:9- 11, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-1000). PINE, F., and LEVINSON, D. J.: A sociopsychological conception of patienthood. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 7(2):106-122, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1000). SHARAF, M. R., and LeviNsoN, D. J.: The “quest for omnipotence” in professional development: The case of resident psychiatrists. Psychiatry, 27(2):135-149, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 1000). MH-690 (R01) ANDERSON, JOHN E., and HARRIS, DALE B.: The prediction of adjustment in chil- dren. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1953-59) ANDERSON, J. E.: The prediction of adjustment over time. In: Iscoe, I., and Stevenson, H. W., eds. Personality development in children. Austin, Texas, University of Texas Press, 1960, p. 28-72. ANDERSON, J. E., Harris, D. B., WERNER, EMMY, and GALLISTEL, ELIZABETH: A survey of children’s adjustment over time. A report to the people of Nobles County. Minneapolis, Institute of Child Development and Welfare, University of Minne- sota, 1959, 42 p. BeiLIN, H.: Effect of changes in rural life upon teacher's attitudes toward the school program. School Review, 64:181-186, 1956. BeiLIN, H.: Validation of the Minnesota scale of parental occupations and a modification of the Warner occupational rating scale. Journal of Ap- plied Psychology, 41:373-376, 1957. BEILIN, H.: The prediction of adjustment over a four-year interval. Journal of Clinical Psychol- 0gy, 13:270-274, 1957. BEILIN, H.: Effect of social (occupational) role and age upon the criteria of mental health. Journal of Social Psychology, 48:247-256, 1958. BeiLIN, H., and WERNER, EMMY: Sex role expecta- tions and criteria of social adjustment for young adults. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 13:341- 343, 1957. BEILIN, H., and WERNER, EMMY: Sex differences among teachers in the use of the criteria of ad- justment. Journal of Educational Psychology, 48:426-436, 1957. Bein, H., and WERNER, EMMY: Interviewing availability of a follow-up sample of rural youth. Public Opinion Quarterly, 21:380-384, 1957. BEILIN, H., and WERNER, EMMY: Differences be- 98 tween well and poorly adjusted young adults based upon psychologists’ ratings and subjects’ self-ratings. Journal of General Psychology, 60: 45-55, 1959. Harris, D. B.: A scale for measuring attitudes of social responsibility in children. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 55:322-326, 1957. Harris, D. B.: Parental judgment of responsibility in children and children’s adjustment. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 92:161-166, 1958. Harris, D. B., CLark, K. E., Rose, A. M,, and VALASEK, F.: The measurement of responsibility in children. Child Development, 25:21-28, 1954. Harris, D. B., CLARK, K. E., Rose, A. M., and VaLASEK, F.: The relationship of children’s home duties to an attitude of responsibility. Child Development, 25:29-33, 1954. Harris, D. B., Rose, A. M.,, CLark, K. E., and VALASEK, F.: Personality differences between re- sponsible and less responsible children. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 87:103-109, 1955. Harris, D. B., and TSENG, S. C.: Children’s atti- tudes toward peers and parents as revealed by sentence completions. Child Development, 28: 401-411, 1957. WERNER, EMMY, and GALLISTEL, ELIZABETH: Pre- diction of outstanding performance, delinquency, and emotional disturbance from childhood evalua- tions. ..Child Development, 32:255-260, 1961. MH-692 (R01) LAMBERTSEN, CHRISTIAN J., and ScumipT, CARL F.: Control of human respiration and brain circulation. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1953-63) ALEXANDER, S. C., GELFAND, R., and LAMBERTSEN, C. J.: The pk’ of carbonic acid in cerebrospinal fluid. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 236:592- 596, 1961. ALEXANDER, S. C., WorkMAN, R. D., and Lam- BERTSEN, C. J.: Hyperthermia, lactic acid infu- sion, and the composition of arterial blood and cerebrospinal fluid. American Journal of Physi- ology, 202:1049, 1962. LaMBERTSEN, C. J.: Carbon dioxide and respiration in acid-base homeostasis. Anesthesiology, 21: 642-651, 1960. LAMBERTSEN, C. J.: The philosophy of extremes for the gascous environment of manned, closed eco- logical systems. Aerospace Medicine, 34:291- 299, 1963. LAMBERTSEN, C. J.: Factors in the stimulation of respiration by carbon dioxide. In: Cunningham, D. J. C, and Lloyd, B. B., eds. The regulation of human respiration. Oxford, England, Black- well Scientific Publications, 1963, p. 257. LAMBERTSEN, C. J., HALL, P., WoLLMAN, H., and GooDpMAN, M. W.: Quantitative interactions of increased Po, and Pco; upon respiration in man. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 109:731-742, 1963. LAMBERTSEN, C. J., and OWEN, S. G.: Continuous constant-rate sampling modification of nitrous ox- ide method for cerebral blood flow in man. In: Bruner, H. D., ed. Methods in medical research. Vol. 8. Chicago, Year Book, 1960, p. 262-269. LAMBERTSEN, C. J., SEMPLE, S. J. G., SMYTH, M. G,, and GELFAND, R.: H* and Pco, as chemical fac- tors in respiratory and cerebral circulatory control. Journal of Applied Physiology, 16:473-484, 1961. LAMBERTSEN, C. J., and WENDEL, H.: Continuous control of alveolar Pco, in man in studies of meperidine-induced respiratory depression. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 15:450, 1956. LAMBERTSEN, C. J., and WENDEL, H.: An alveolor Pco, control system: Its use to magnify respira- tory depression by meperidine. Journal of Ap- plied Physiology, 15:43-48, 1960. LAMBERTSEN, C. J., WENDEL, H., and LONGEN- HAGEN, J]. B.: The separate and combined res- piratory effects of chlorpromazine and feperidine in normal men controlled at 46 mm. Hg alveolor Pcoy. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 131:381-393, 1961. MARSHALL, J. R., and LAMBERTSEN, C. J.: Interac- tions of increased Po, and Pco, effects in pro- ducing convulsions and death in mice. Journal of Applied Physiology, 16:1-7, 1961. Pierce, E. C., LAMBERTSEN, C. J., DEUTSCH, S, CHaskg, P. E., LiNnpg, H. W., Dripps, R. D., and Prick, H. L.: Cerebral circulation and metabolism during thiopental anesthesia and hyperventilation in man. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 41: 1664-1671, 1962. Pierce, E. C., LAMBERTSEN, C. J., STRONG, M. J, ALEXANDER, S. C., and STEELE, D.: Blood Pco, and brain oxygenation at reduced ambient pres- sure. Journal of Applied Physiology, 17:899- 908, 1962. MH-693 (R01) Hovorka, EpwarDp J.: Effects of ECS on learning and memory. Tulane Univer- sity, New Orleans, La. (1953-58) Hovorka, E. J.: Depression of bar-pressing rate as related to the pulse duration of interjected uni- directional ECS. (Abstract) American Psycholo- gist, 11:442, 1956. Hovorka, E. J.: Depressive effects of ECS as re- lated to the peak intensity of unidirectional square-wave ECS. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 51:679-681, 1958. Hovorka, E. ]J.: Depression of bar-press responding as related to stimulus parameters of interjected unidirectional square-wave ECS. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 51:682- 688, 1958. Hovorka, E. J, ScHumMsky, D. A. and WORK, M. S.: Electroconvulsive thresholds as related to stimulus parameters of unidirectional ECS. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53:412-414, 1960. MH-694 (R01) THOMAS, GARTH ]., and GERARD, RaLpH W.: Neural mechanisms of behavior. Uni- versity of Illinois, Chicago, Ill. (1954-56) GERARD, R. W.: Biological roots of psychiatry. Science, 122(3162):225-230, 1955. KosMmAN, M. E., and GERARD, R. W.: The effect of adrenaline on a conditioned avoidance response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 48:506-508, 1955. LEVINE, SEYMOUR, and Otis, LEON S.: The effects of handling before and after weaning on the re- sistance of albino rats to later deprivation. Cana- dian Journal of Psychology, 12(2):103-108, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-1051). MAHER, BRENDAN A.: Anticipatory and persevera- tive errors following frontal lesions in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 48(2):102-105, 1955. Oris, L. S., CERF, J. A, and THoMas, G. ].: Con- ditioned inhibition of respiration and heart rate in the goldfish. Science, 126:263-264, 1957. Oris, L. S., and THOMAS, G. J.: Inhalation of car- bon dioxide has no effect on conditioned emo- tional responses in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 51:205-208, 1958. THOMAS, G. ].: Vision. Annual Review of Psychol- 0gy, 6:63-94, 1955. THOMAS, G. J., Moorg, R. Y., HARVEY, J. A., and Hunt, H. F.: Relations between the behavioral syndrome produced by lesions in the septal region of the forebrain and maze learning in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 52:527-532, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1370). THoMaAS, G. J., and Otis, L. S.: Effects of rhinen- cephalic lesions on conditioning avoidance re- sponses in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 51:120-134, 1958. THoMas, G. J., and Otis, L. S.:Effects of rhinen- cephalic lesions on maze learning in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 51: 161-166, 1958. THoMAs, G. J., and STEWART, P. A.: The effect on visual perception of stimulating the brain with polarizing currents. American Journal of Psy- chology, 70:528-540, 1957. MH-700 (R01) Murray, HENRY A.: Auditory apperception and personality. Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass. (1953-59) Murray, H. A.: American Icarus. In: Burton, A., and Harris, R. E., eds. Clinical studies of per- sonality. New York, Harper, 1955, p. 615-641. WessmaN, A. E., Ricks, D. F., and Tyr, MARY McILLVAINE: Characteristics and concomitants of mood fluctuation in college women. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60:117-126, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1287). MH-701 (R01) ZANDER, ALVIN F.: Effects of group variables on adaptive behavior. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1953-56) BURNSTEIN, E., StoTrLAND, E., and ZANDER, A.: Similarity to a model and self evaluation. [our- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62:257- 264, 1961. STOTLAND, EZRA: An expectancy approach to secu- rity as a general aspect of motivation. Journal of General Psychology, 61:253-268, 1959. STOTLAND, E.: Determinants of attraction to groups. Journal of Social Psychology, 49:71-80, 1959. StoTLAND, E., THORLEY, S., THOMAS, E. J., COHEN, A. R,, and ZANDER, A.: The effects of group expectations and self-esteem upon self-evaluation. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 54: 55-63, 1957. StorLaND, E., and ZANDER, A.: Effects of public and private failure on self-evaluation. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 56:223-229, 1958. StorLaND, E., ZANDER, A., and NaTsouras, T.: Generalization of interpersonal similarity. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62:250- 256, 1961. THoMmas, E. J.: Effects of facilitative role interde- pendence on group functioning. Human Rela- tions, 10:347-366, 1957. ZANDER, A., STOTLAND, E., and WOLFE, D.: Unity of group, identification with group, and self- esteem of members. [Journal of Personality, 28: 463-478, 1960. MH-702 (RO1) SoskiN, WiLLIAM F.: Characteris- tics of interaction of individuals. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1953-55) SoskIN, WILLIAM F.: Verbal interaction in a young married couple. (Publication No. 3). In: Barker, Roger, & Kaplan, Bert, eds. Primary rec- ords on psychology. Lawrence, Kansas, Univer- sity of Kansas, 1963. SoskIN, WiLLIAM F., and JoHN, VERA P.: Sequen- tial analyses of social interaction. (Abstract) 100 American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 32(2): 344-345, 1962. SoskIN, WiLLiAM F., and JoHN, VERA P.: The study of spontaneous talk. In: Barker, Roger, ed. The stream of behavior. New York, Appleton- Century-Crofts, 1963, p. 228-281. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3321). MH-707 (RO1) SEEMAN, JuLius: Study of the process and outcomes of play therapy. George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. (1954-56) (Continued from MH-593). SEEMAN, JuLius, BARRY, EDYTH, and ELLINWOOD, CHARLOTTE: Personality integration as a criterion of therapy outcome. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1:14-16, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-593). SEEMAN, JuLius, BARRY, EDYTH, and ELLINWOOD, CHARLOTTE: Interpersonal assessment of play therapy outcome. Psychotherapy: Theory, Re- search, and Practice, 1:64-66, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-593). MH-710 (RO1) STRASSMANN, GEORGE S., and ASEKOFF, MYER: Senile degenerations of the brain. Metropolitan State Hospital, Waltham, Mass. (1954-56) STRASSMANN, GEORGE S.: Uber die allgemein-medi- zinische bedeutung der altersveranderungen des gehirns. Die Medizinische, 15:568-570, 1956. STRASSMAN, GEORGE: Unrecognized intracranial le- sions in mentally sick patients over 60. Geriatrics, 12:350-352, 1957. STRASSMANN, G., and ASEKOFF, M.: Incidence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract among men- tally ill patients over 60 years old. (Abstract) Journal of Gerontology, 9(4):486-487, 1954. STRASSMANN, GEORGE, and ASEKOFF, MYER: Sen- ile degenerations of the brain and their relation to psychoses and diseases. American Practitioner and Digest of Treatment, 7:1100-1103, 1956. MH-712 (R01) SARASON, SEYMOUR B., DAVIDSON, KENNETH, and LIGHTHALL, FRED: Measurement of test anxiety in children. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1954- ) BARNARD, J. W., ZIMBARDO, P. G., and SARASON, SEYMOUR B.: Anxiety and verbal behavior in children. Child Development, 32:379-392, 1961. DavipsoN, K. S., and SARASON, SEYMOUR B.: Test anxiety and classroom observations. Child De- velopment, 32:199-210, 1961. DavipsonN, K. S., SArASON, S., LIGHTHALL, F. F. WAITE, R. R., and SARNOFF, I.: Differences be- tween mothers’ and fathers’ ratings of low anxious and high anxious children. Child Development, 29(1):155-160, 1958. Doris, JOHN, SARASON, SEYMOUR B., and BERKO- witz, LAWRENCE: Test anxiety and performance on projective tests. Child Development, 34:751~- 766, 1963. Fox, C., SARASON, S., DavipsoN, K. S.; LIGHTHALL, F. F., and Warrg, R. R.: Human figure drawings of high and low anxious children. Child De- velopment, 29(2) :287-295, 1958. Hirt, K. T.: Relation of test anxiety, defensiveness, and intelligence to sociometric status. Child De- velopment, 34:767-776, 1963. LiGHTHALL, F. F., RUEBUSH, B. K., and SARASON, S.: Change in mental ability as a function of test anxiety and type of mental test. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 23(1):34-38, 1959. SARASON, S., DavipsonN, K. S., LIGHTHALL, F. F., and WAITE, R. R.: A test anxiety scale for chil- dren. Child Development, 29(1):105-113, 1958. SARASON, S., Davipson, K. S., LiGHTHALL, F. K., and Wart, R. R.: Rorschach behavior and per- formance of high and low anxious children. Child Development, 29(2):277-285, 1958. SARASON, S., DavipsonN, K. S., LiGHTHALL, F. F., and Wartg, R. R.: Classroom observations of high and low anxious children. Child Develop- ment, 29(2) :287-295, 1958. SARASON, SEYMOUR B., DAviDsON, KENNETH S§., LiGHTHALL, FREDERICK K., WAITE, RICHARD R., and RueBuUsH, BriTTON K.: Anxiety in elemen- tary school children: A report of research. New York, John Wiley, 1960, 351 p. SARASON, S. B., LicHTHALL, F. F., Davipson, K. S., WaITE, R. R., and SARNOFF, I.: The effects of serial position and time interval on two anxiety questionnaires. Journal of General Psychology, 63:113-131, 1960. SARASON, J., SARNOFF, I., LiGHTHALL, F. F.| and DavipsoN, K. S.: Test anxiety and the “eleven- plus” examinations. British Journal of Educa- tional Psychology, 29 (Part I):9-16, 1959. SARASON, S., SARNOFF, I., LIGHTHALL, F. F., WAITE, R. R., and DavipsoN, K. S.: A cross-cultural study of anxiety among American and English school children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 49 (3) :129-136, 1958. WAaITE, R. R., SARASON, S., LIGHTHALL, F. F., and DaViDsoN, K. S.: A study of anxiety and learning in children. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 57(3):267-270, 1958. ZiMBARDO, P. G., BARNARD, J]. W., and BERKO- witz, L.: The role of anxiety and defensiveness in children’s verbal behavior. Journal of Person- ality, 31:79-96, 1963. ZwEIBELSON, I.: Test anxiety and intelligence test performance. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 20:479-481, 1956. 101 MH-715 (R01) MURPHY, GARDNER, SANTOS, JouN F., and SoLLEY, CHARLES M.: Studies in perceptual learning. Menninger Foundation, To- peka, Kans. (1954-60) AYLLON, THEODORO, and SOMMER, ROBERT: Au- tism, emphasis and figure-ground perception. Journal of Psychology, 41:163-176, 1956. Fisch, R. I, and McNAMARA, H. J.: Conditioning of attention as a factor in perceptual learning. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:891-907, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3924). HOCHBERG, JULIAN, and BROOKS, VIRGINIA: Effects of previously associated annoying stimuli (audi- tory) on visual recognition thresholds. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55:490-491, 1958. McNamara, H. J.: Non-veridical perception as a function of rewards and punishment. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 9(Monograph Suppl. No. 2): 67-80, 1959. McNamara, H. J., and FiscH, R. I.: Personal space and laterality in perception. Perceptual and Mo- tor Skills, 10:70, 1960. McNAMARA, HAROLD J., SOLLEY, CHARLES M., and LONG, JoHN: The effects of punishment (electric shock) on perceptual learning. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 57:91-98, 1958. MURPHY, GARDNER, and SoLLEY, CHARLES M.: Learning to perceive as we wish to perceive. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 21:225-237, 1957. SaNTOs, JoHN F., and MURPHY, GARDNER: An odyssey in perceptual learning. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 24:6-17, 1960. SaNTOs, JoHN F., and MURPHY, GARDNER: Per- ceptual learning and reality testing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13:130, 1961. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3924). SimpsoN, James E.: The influence of auditory stimulation on aniseikonic perception: I. A pre- liminary study. Journal of Peyihology, 41:235- 241, 1956. SimpsoN, JaMEes E.: The influence of auditory stim- ulation on aniseikonic perception: II and IIL Business school women and college women. [our- nal of Genetic Psychology, 94:263-266, 1959. SNYDER, FRED W., and SNYDER, CHARLES W.: The effects of monetary reward and punishment on auditory perception. Journal of Psychology, 41: 177-184, 1956. SoLLEY, CHARLES M., and ENGEL, MARY: Percep- tual autism in children: The effects of reward, punishment, and neutral conditions upon percep tual learning. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 97:77-91, 1960. SoLLEY, CHARLES M., JAcksoN, DoucLas N., and MEsSICK, SAMUEL J.: Guessing behavior and autism. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- ogy, 54:32-36, 1957. SoLLEY, CHARLES M., and LONG, JOHN: Perceptual learning versus response set learning. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 8:235-240, 1958. SoLLEY, CHARLES M., and LoNG, JoHN: When is “uh-huh” reinforcing? ~~ Perceptual and Motor Skills, 8:277, 1958. SoLLEY, CHARLES M., and LoNG, JoHN: Affect, fantasy, and figure-ground organization. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 62:75-82, 1960. SoLLEY, CHARLES M., and MURPHY, GARDNER: De- velopment of the perceptual world. New York, Basic Books, 1961. SoLLEY, CHARLES M., and SANTOS, JOHN H.: Per- ceptual learning with partial verbal reinforcement. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 8:183-193, 1958. SoLLEY, CHARLES M., and SNYDER, FRED W.: In- formation processing and problem solving. [our- nal of Experimental Psychology, 55:384-387, 1958. SoLLEY, CHARLES M., and SOMMER, ROBERT: Per- ceptual autism in children. Journal of General Psychology, 56:3-11, 1957. SOMMER, ROBERT: Perception and monetary rein- forcement: II. The effects of rewards and punish- ments in the visual modality. Journal of Psy- chology, 42:143-148, 1956. SoMMER, ROBERT: The effects of rewards and pun- ishments during perceptual organization. [Journal of Personality, 25(5):550-558, 1957. SoMMER, ROBERT, and AYLLON, TEODORO: Percep- tion and monetary reinforcement: I. The effects of rewards in the tactual modality. Journal of Psychology, 42:137-141, 1956. SPENCE, DONALD P.: Success, failure, and recogni- tion threshold. Journal of Personality, 25:712- 720, 1957. TurNER, EDWARD D., SANTOS, JOHN F.; and SoL- LEY, CHARLES M.: Search-discrimination time and task difficulty. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15: 719-724, 1962. WALTERS, RicHARD H.: Conditioning of attention as_a source of autistic effects in perception. Jour nal of Abnormal and Social Phychology, 57:197- 201, 1958. WEINER, MELVIN: Perceptual development in a dis- torted room: A phenomenological study. Psycho- logical Monographs, 70(16):1-38, 1956. (Whole No. 423) MH-719 (R01) HARLAN, WiLLIAM H.: Social psy- chological study of aged migrants. Ohio Univer- sity, Athens, Ohio. (1954-58) 102 HaArLAN, WirLrLiaM H.: Community adaptation to the presence of aged persons: St. Petersburg, Fla. American Journal of Sociology, 59(4):332-339, 1954. MH-722 (R01) Saur, Leon ].: Emotional forces in essential hypertension. University of Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1954-58). Harrow, H. F., HarLow, M. K., and HANSEN, E. W.: The maternal affectional system of rhesus monkeys. In: Rheingold, H. L., ed. Maternal behavior in mammals. New York, J. Wiley & Sons, 1963, p. 254-281. Saur, L. ]J.: Discussion. The emotional problems of cerebral vascular diseases. In: Luckey, E. Hugh, ed. Cerebral wascular diseases. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1955, p. 112-116 and p. 121- 122. Sau, L. J.: Psychogenic factors related to hyperten- sion. In: Hubbard, John. The early detection and prevention of disease. New York, McGraw- Hill, 1957, p. 89-101. Saur, L. J.: The psychoanalytic diagnostic inter- view. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 26:76-90, 1957. Saur, L. J.: Hostility—A bibliography in the psy- chological sciences with supplementary references from other social sciences. American Behavioral Scientist (Suppl.), 4:3-46, 1961. Saur, L. J, and SHEPPARD, E.: An attempt to quantify emotional forces using manifest dreams. A preliminary study. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 4(3):486-502, 1956. Saur, L. J., and SHEPPARD, E.: An approach to a systematic study of ego function. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 27:237-245, 1958. Saur, L. J., SHEPPARD, EDITH, SELBY, DOROTHY, LuamMoN, WiLrLiAM, SAcHS, DAVID, and MASTER, REGINA: The quantification of hostility in dreams with reference to essential hypertension. Science, 119(3090) :382-383, 1954. Saur, L. J., SNYDER, T. R., Jr., and SHEPPARD, E.: A guide to the understanding of manifest dreams and other unconscious material. Report of the panel on “The dream in the practice of psycho- analysis.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 4(1):125-127, 1956. SauL, L. J., SNYDER, T. R., Jr., and SHEPPARD, E.: On earliest memories. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 25:228-237, 1956. SHEPPARD, E.: Systematic dream studies: Clinical judgment and objective measurements of ego strength. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 4(4):263- 270, 1963. WaisMAN, HArRry A., WANG, Hwa L. PALMER, GalL, and Harrow, Harry F.: Phenylketonuria in infant monkeys. Nature, 188(4756):1124~ 1125, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2730). MH-724 (R01) HatHAWAY, STARKE R., and MoNAcHEsI, ELio D.: Development of social ad- justment. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1954-59) HATHAWAY, S. R., and MoNAcHEsI, E. D.: A new approach to identifying and helping delinquent children. In: Minnesota trends. 7th annual pub- lic lecture series. Minneapolis, Minn., Social Science Research Center, University of Minnesota, Spring 1954. HatHAwWAY, S. R., and MonNacHEsI, E. D.: The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory in the study of juvenile delinquents. In: Rose, Arnold M., ed. Mental health and mental dis- order. New York, W. W. Norton, 1955, p. 448- 458. HATHAWAY, S. R., and MonNacHEsI, E. D.: The personalities of predelinquent boys. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 48:149-163, 1957. HATHAWAY, S. R.,, MoNAcHEsI, E. D., and Erick- SON, M. L.: Relationship of college attendance to ersonality characteristics and earlier delinquent behavior. Sociological Quarterly, 1:97-106, 1960. HATHAWAY, S. R.: MoNAcHESI, E. D., and YOUNG, L. A.: Rural-urban adolescent personality. Rural Sociology, 24:331-346, 1959. HATHAWAY, S. R., MONACHESI, E. D., and YOUNG, L. A.: Delinquency rates and personality. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 50:433-440, 1960. MH-726 (R01) STEIN, MORRIS I.: Social interac- tion in a natural setting. Chicago, University of Chicago, Ill. (1954-54) RoseTT, HENRY L., NACKENSON, BURTON L., ROB- BINS, HERBERT, and SAPIRSTEIN, MILTON R.: Personality and cognitive characteristics of engi- neering students: Implications for the occupa- tional psychiatrist. American Journal of Psychi- atry, 122(10) :1147-1152, 1966. MH-727 (R01) HiLGARD, JosePHINE R.: Schizo- phrenia in parents and the age of children. Stan- ford University, Stanford, Calif. (1954-58) HiLGARD, JoseEPHINE R., and Fisk, FERN: Disrup- tion of adult ego identity as related to childhood loss of a mother through hospitalization for psy- chosis. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 131:47-57, 1960. HILGARD, JOSEPHINE R., and NEWMAN, MARTHA F.: Anniversaries in mental illness. Psychiatry, 22:113-121, 1959. 103 HILGARD, JOSEPHINE R., and NEWMAN, MARTHA F.: Evidence for functional genesis in mental ill- ness: Schizophrenia, depressive psychoses, and psychoneuroses. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 132:3-16, 1961. HiLGARD, JOSEPHINE R., and NEWMAN, MARTHA F.: Early parental deprivation in schizophrenia and alcoholism. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 33:409-420, 1963. HILGARD, JOSEPHINE R., and NEWMAN, MARTHA F.: Parental loss by death in childhood as an etio- logical factor among schizophrenic and alcoholic patients compared with a non-patient community sample. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:14-28, 1963. HILGARD, JOSEPHINE R., and NEWMAN, MARTHA F., and Fisk, FERN: Strength of adult ego fol- lowing childhood bereavement. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 30:788-798, 1960. MH-728 (R01) Liz, THEODORE: Interpersonal family environment in schizophrenia. Yale Uni- versity, New Haven, Conn. (1954-65) CORNELISON, A.: Casework interviewing as a re- search technique in a study of families of schizo- phrenic patients. Mental Hygiene, 44:551-559, 1960. FLECK, STEPHAN: Family dynamics and origin of schizophrenia. Psychosomatic Medicine, 22:333- 344, 1960. FLECK, STEPHAN: Residential treatment of young schizophrenics. ~~ Connecticut Medicine, 26:369- 376, 1962. FLECK, S.: Psychiatric hospitalization as a family experience. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Sup- plement 169, 39:260-283, 1963. FLECK, S.: Psychotherapy of families of hospital- ized patients. In: Masserman, J., ed. Current psychiatric therapies. New York, Grune & Strat- ton, 1963, vol. 3, p. 211-218, FLECK, STEPHEN, CORNELISON, ALICE R., NOR- TON, NEA, and Linz, THEODORE. II. Interac- tion between hospital staff and families. Psychi- atry, 20:343-350, 1957. FLECK, STEPHEN, Lipz, THEODORE, and CORNELI- SON, ALICE: Comparison of parent-child relation- ships of male and female schizophrenic patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8:1-7, 1963. FLECK, STEPHNA, LiDZ, THEODORE, CORNELISON, ALICE, SCHAFER, S., and TERRY, DOROTHY: The intrafamilial environment of the schizophrenic pa- tient: Incestuous and homosexual problems. In: Masserman, J., ed. Individual and familial dy- namics. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1959, p. 142-159. Loz, T.: Schizophrenia and the family. Psychiatry. 21:21-27, 1958. Loz, T.: The relevance of family studies to psycho- analytic theory. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:105-112, 1962. Loz, THEODORE: The family and human adapta- tion: Three lectures. New York, International Universities Press, 1963, 120 p. Linz, THEODORE, CORNELISON, ALICE R., FLECK, STEPHEN, and TERRY, DoroTHY: The father in the intrafamilial environment of the schziophre- nic patient. In: Cohen, Mable Blake, ed. Ad- vances in psychiatry. Recent development in in- terpersonal relations. New York, W. W. Norton, 1959, p. 180-206. Lipz, THEODORE, CORNELISON, ALICE, FLECK, STEPHEN, and TERRY, DoroTHY: The intrafamil- ial environment of the schizophrenic patient. II. Marital schizm and marital skew. American Jour- nal of Psychiatry, 114:241-248, 1957. Lipz, THEODORE, CORNELISON, ALICE R., FLECK, STEPHEN, and TERRY, DorOTHY: The intrafamil- ial environment of the schizophrenic patient. I. The father. Psychiatry, 20(4):329-342, 1957. Also in: Psychie, 13:267-286, 1959. Lipz, THEODORE, CORNELISON, ALICE, TERRY, DoroTHY, and FLECK, STEPHEN: Intrafamilial environment of the schizophrenic patient. VL The transmission of irrationality. Archives of Neurological Psychiatry, 79:305-316, 1958. Linz, T., and FLECK, S.: Schizophrenia, human inte- gration and the role of the Family. In: Jackson, Don D., ed. Etiology of schizophrenia. New York, Basic Books, 1960, p. 323-345. Lipz, THEODORE, FLECK, STEPHEN, ALANEN, YR JO O., and CORNELISON, ALICE: Schizophrenic pa- tients and their siblings. Psychiatry, 26(1):1-18, 1963. Lipz, THEODORE, FLECK, STEPHEN, CORNELISON, ALICE R., and TERRY, DOROTHY: The intrafamil- ial environment of the schizophrenic patient: IV. Parental personalities and family interaction. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 28(4) :764- 776, 1958. Linz, THEODORE, FLECK, STEPHEN, WILD, CYN- THIA, and SCHAFER, SARAH: The thought dis- orders of parents of schizophrenic patients. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psy- chiatry. Vol. 1. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 169-173. Liz, T., PARKER, B., and CORNELISON, A.: The role of the father in the family environment of the schizophrenic patient. American Journal of Psychiatry, 113:126-132, 1956. Liz, THEODORE, SCHAFER, SARAH, FLECK, STE- PHEN, CORNELISON, ALICE, and TERRY, DORO- THY: Ego differentiation and schizophrenic symp- tom formation in identical twins. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 10(1):74- 90, 1962. Linz, THEODORE, WILD, CYNTHIA, SCHAFER, SARAH, RosMAN, BERNICE, and FLECK, STEPHEN: Thought disorders in the parents of schizophrenic patients: A study utilizing the object sorting test. Psychiatric Research, 1:193-200, 1963. SmitH, D. C, and Linz, T.: Interrelated schizo- phrenic psychoses in fraternal twins. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:423-430, 1964. SoHLER, D. T., HoLzBERG, J. D., FLECK, S., COR- NELISON, A. R., Kay, E,, and Linz, T.: The pre- diction of family interaction from a battery of projective tests. Journal of Projective Techniques, 21(2):199-208, 1957. WiLp, CYNTHIA: Disturbed styles of thinking. Ar- chives of General Psychiatry, 13(5):464-470, 1965. WiLp, CYNTHIA, SINGER, MARGARET, ROSMAN, BERNICE, Riccr, JupiTH, and Liz, THEODORE: Measuring disordered styles of thinking. Archives of General Psychiatry, 13(5):471-476, 1965. MH-729 (R01) ROHRER, JoHN H.: Sociocultural influences on personality development. Tulane University, New Orleans, La. (1954-57) Lier, HAroLD I, and THompsoN, WiLLiaM C.: The prediction of behavior from adolescence to adulthood. Psychiatry, 24:32-38, 1961. ROHRER, J. H., EbpMONSON, M. S., LitF, HAROLD, THOMPSON, DANIEL, and THOMPSON, WILLIAM : The eighth generation. Cultures and personali- ties of New Orleans negroes. New York, Harper Brothers, 1960, 346 p. MH-730 (R01) MASSERMAN, JULES H., and PEcH- TEL, CURTIS, and SCHREINER, L.: Role of amyg- dala and temporal lobes in behavior. Northwest- ern University, Chicago, Ill. (1954-57) MasserMAN, JuLks H.: Evolution vs. revolution in psychotherapy: A biodynamic integration. Be- havioral Sciences, 2:89-100, 1957. MASSERMEN, JuLEs H.: Experimental psychophat- macology and behavioral reality. In: Hoch, Paul H., and Zubin, Joseph, eds. Problems of addic- tion and habituation. New York, Grune & Strat- ton, 1958, p. 110-148. MassERMAN, J. H.: Behavioral pharmacology in ani- mals. In: Bradley, P. B., ed. Neuropsychophar- macology. Vol. I. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1959. MASSERMAN, JULES H., LEviTT, MELVIN, MCAVOY, THoMmAs, KLING, ARTHUR, and PECHTEL, CUR- Tis: The amygdalae and behavior. American Journal of Psychiatry, 115:14-17, 1958. MasseErMAN, JurLes H., and PecHTEL, C.: How brain lesions affect normal and neurotic behavior. 104 American Journal of Psychiatry, 112:865-872, 1956. MASSERMAN, JuLEs H., and PecHTEL, C.: Neuro- physiologic and pharmacologic influences on ex- perimental neuroses. American Journal of Psychi- atry, 113:510-514, 1956. MassERMAN, JurLes H., and PECHTEL, CURTIS: Normal and neurotic olfactory behavior in mon- keys. A motion picture. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 124(5):518-519, 1956. PecHTEL, CURTIS, MCAVOY, THOMAS, LEVITT, MEL- VIN, KLING, ARTHUR, and MASSERMAN, JULES H.: The cingulates and behavior. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 126:148-152, 1958. PecHTEL, CURTIS, and MASSERMAN, JULES H.: Cerebral localization: Not where but in whom? American Journal of Psychiatry, 116:51-54, 1959. PeEcHTEL, CURTIS, MASSERMAN, JULES H., and AArONS, Louis: Differential responses in young versus old animals to training, conflict, drugs, and brains lesions. American [Journal of Psychiatry, 116(11):1018-1020, 1960. PecHTEL, C., MASSERMAN, JULES H., and AARONS, L.: Food acceptance in monkeys. In: Wortis, J, ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. Vol. 3. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 228-235. (Also acknowledges MH-2312). MH-733 (RO1) KURLAND, ALBERT A.: Study of psychotic murderers. Spring Grove State Hos- pital, Catonsville, Md. (1954- ) KURLAND, ALBERT A., MORGENSTERN, JACOB, and SHEETS, CAROLYN: A comparative study of wife murderers admitted to a state psychiatric hospital. Journal of Social Therapy, 1:7-15, 1955. MH-734 (RO1) LazARUS, RICHARD S., and BAKER, ROBERT W.: Motivation and personality under stress. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. (1954-57) (Continued as MH-2136). BrROVERMAN, D. M., and Lazarus, R. S.: Individual differences in task performance under conditions of cognitive interference. [Journal of Personality, 26:94-105, 1958. Lazarus, R. S.: A program of research in psycho- logical stress. In: Peatman, J. S., and Hartley, E., eds. Festschrift for Gardner Murphy. New York, Harper, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 2136). Lazarus, R. S.: A substitutive-defensive conception of apperceptive fantasy. In: Kazan, J., and Les- sor G., eds. Contemporary issues in thematic apperceptive methods. Springfield, Ill, C. C. Thomas, 1961, p. 51-82. (Also acknowledges MH-2136). 105 Lazarus, R. S.: The laboratory approach to the dy- namics of psychological stress. Administrative Science Quarterly, 8(2):192-213, 1963. Also in: American Psychologist, 19(6):400-411, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2136). Lazarus, R. S., and BAKER, R. W.: Psychology. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, 11:253- 271, 1956. (Also acknowledges MH-21306). Lazarus, R. S., and BAKER, R. W.: Personality and psychological stress: A theoretical and metho- dological framework. Psychological Newsletter, 8:21-32, 1956. Lazarus, R. S., and BAKER, R. W.: Motivation and personality in psychological stress. Psychological Newsletter, 8:159-193, 1957. Lazarus, R. S., and Riess, W. F.: Clinical psychol- ogy and the research problems of stress and adap- tation. In: Riess, W. F., and Brower, D., eds. Progress in clinical psychology. Vol. 4. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1960, p. 32-45. (Also acknowledges MH-2136). Lazarus, R. S., and SpeisMAN, J. C.: A research case-history dealing with psychological stress. Jour- nal of Psychological Studies, 11:167-194, 1960. (Also acknowledges MS-2136). Lazarus, R. S., SPEisMAN, J. C., and MORDKOFF, A. M.: The relationship between autonomic indi- cators of psychological stress: Heart rate and skin conductance. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25:19-30, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2136). Lazarus, R. S., SPEIsMAN, J. C., MORDKOFF, A. M., and Davison, L. A.: A laboratory study of psy- chological stress produced by a motion picture film. Psychological Monographs, 76(34):1-35, 1962. (Whole No. 553). (Also acknowledges MH-2136). MoRDKOFF, ARNOLD M.: The relationship between psychological and physiological response to stress. Psychosomatic Medicine, 26:135-150, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2136). PopeLr, HARRIETT A.: Note on successive dimen- sional analysis applied to affective, cognitive, and personality traits. Psychological Reports, 13:813- 814, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2136). SPEISMAN, JosePH C., Lazarus, RICHARD S., Davi- SON, Les, and MORDKOFF, ARNOLD M.: Experi- mental analysis of a film used as a threatening stimulus. ~~ Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28:23-33, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2136). SPEISMAN, JosepH C., OSBORN, JANET, and LA- sArRUS, R. S.: Cluster analysis of skin resistance and heart rate at rest and under stress. Psychoso- matic Medicine, 23:323-342, 1961. (Also ack- nowledges MH-2136). VocGeL, W., BAKER, R. S., and Lazarus, R. S.: The role of motivation in psychological stress. [Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 56:105-112, 1958. VoGEL, W., RAYMOND, SusaN, and Lazarus, R. S.: Intrinsic motivation and psychological stress. [our- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58:225- 233, 1959. MH-735 (R01) SasLow, GEORGE: Human inter- action in the interview situation. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1954-55) MaTARAZZO, J. D.: Prescribed behavior therapy: Suggestions from interview research. In: Bach- rach, A. J., ed. Experimental foundations of clin- ical psychology. New York, Basic Books, 1962, p. 471-509. (Also acknowledges MH-1107 and MH-1938). PHILLIPS, JEANNE S., MATARAZZO, RUTH G., MATA- RAZZO, JOSEPH D., and SAsLow, GEORGE.: Rela- tionships between descriptive content and inter- action behavior in interviews. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 25:260-266, 1961. SasLow, GEORGE, MATARAZzO, JosEPH D., and Guzg, SAMUEL B.: The stability of interaction chronograph patterns in psychiatric interviews. Journal of Consulting Psychology, *19:417-430, 1955. MH-739 (R01) SHAPIRO, ALVIN P.: Effect of ex- perimental neurosis on gastric activity. University of Texas, Dallas, Texas. (1954-55) BELKIN, GERALD A., and SHAPIRO, ALVIN P. Be- havioral disturbances in animals: II. Effects on blood pressure, pepsinogen and adrenal weight in rats. Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine, 14(4):415-423, 1956. SHAPIRO, ALVIN P.: The influence of emotional variables in the evaluation of hypotensive agents. Psychosomatic Medicine, 17(4):291-305, 1955. SHAPIRO, ALVIN P.: A consideration of the multiple variables involved in the evaluation of hypotensive agents. Journal of the American Medical Associ- ation, 160(1):30-39, 1956. SHAPIRO, ALVIN P., BELKIN G., and MELHADO, J.: Effect of behavioral disturbances on blood pressure and related functions in the rat. (Abstract) Clin- ical Research Procedures, 4:30, 1956. SHAPIRO, ALVIN P., and HorN, P.: Effect of behav- ioral disturbances on blood pressure of cats. (Ab- stract) Clinical Research Procedures, 3:117, 1955. SHAPIRO, ALVIN P., and HorN, P.: Blood pressure, pepsinogen, and behavior in cats subjected to ex- perimental production of anxiety. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 122:222-231, 1955. SHAPIRO, ALVIN P., MELHADO, JULIAN, FoX, Apacig, and LamMm, James: Effect of adrenal stimulation on blood pepsinogen in animals and 106 man. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 93(2):334-338, 1956. MH-743 (R01) Horst, PAUL: Mathematical analy- sis of patterns of personal data, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (1954- ) BrLoxoM, BRUCE MCARTHUR: Anger-arousing in- structions and the simplex in a personality ques- tionnaire. Seattle, Washington, University of Washington, 1966. 100 p. (Processed) BURKET, GEORGE: A study of reduced rank models for multiple prediction. Psychometric Mono- graphs, 12:1-66, 1964. Horst, P.: The estimation of immediate retest reli- ability. Educational and Psychological Measure- ment, 14:705-708, 1954. Horst, P.: The maximum expected correlation be- tween two multiple-choice tests. Psychometrika, 19:291-296, 1954. Horst, P.: The differential prediction of success in various college course areas. College and Univer- sity, 31:456-471, 1956. Horst, P.: Simplified computations for the multiple group method of factor analysis. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 16:101-109, 1956. Horst, P.: Multiple classification by the method of least squares. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 12:3-16, 1956. Horst, P.: Least square multiple classification for unequal subgroups. Journal of Clinical Psychol- 0gy, 12:309-315, 1956. Horst, P.: A simple method for rotating a centroid factor matrix to a simple structure hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Education, 24:251-258, 1956. Horst, P.: Educational and vocational counseling from the actuarial point of view. Personnel Guid- ance Journal, 35:164-170, 1956. Horst, P.: Optimal test length for maximum differ- ential prediction. Psychometrika, 21:51-66, 1956. Horst, P.: The prediction of academic achievement in college. University of Washington College of Education Record, 22:33-48, 1956. Horst, P.: Differential prediction in college admis- sions. College Board Review, 33:19-23, 1957. Horst, P.: The uniqueness of configural test item scores. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 13:107- 114, 1957. Horst, P.: How much information on test results should be given to students—views of a research psychologist. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 6:218-222, 1959. Horst, P.: Mathematics in psychological research. Psychological Reports, 6:165-166, 1960. Horst, P.: Optimal estimates of multiple criteria with restrictions on the covariance matrix of esti- mated criteria. Psychological Reports, 6(Mono- graph Suppl. 6) :427-444, 1960. Horst, P.: Relations among 7 sets of measures. Psychometrika, 26(2):129-149, 1961. Horst, PAuL: The logic of personnel selection and classification. In: Gagne, Robert M., ed. Psycho- logical principles in system development. New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1962, p. 231- 271. Horst, P.: Matrix reduction and approximation to principal axes. Psychometrika, 27:169-179, 1962. Horst, P.: Matrix algebra for social scientists. New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963. 517 p. Horst, PauL: The statewide testing program. Per- sonnel and Guidance Journal, 41(5):394-403, 1963. Horst, P.: Multivariate models for evaluating change. In: Harris, Chester W., ed. Problems in measuring change. Madison, Wisc., University of Wisconsin Press, 1963, p. 104-122. Horst, P., and BURKET, G.: Generalized canonical correlations and their application to experimental data. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 14(Mono- graph Suppl. 14):331-347, 1961. Horst, PauL, Dvorak, AUGUST, and WRIGHT, CaLviN: Computer applications to psychological problems. Educational and Psychological Meas- urement, 21:699-719, 1961. Horst, P., and MACEWAN, CHARLOTTE. Optimal test length for maximum absolute prediction. Psychometrika, 21:111-124, 1956. Horst, P., and MACEWAN, CHARLOTTE: Optimal test length for multiple prediction—the general case. Psychometrika, 22:311-324, 1957. Horst, P., and MACEWAN, CHARLOTTE: Predictor elimination techniques for determining multiple prediction batteries. Psychological ~~ Reports, 7(Monograph Suppl. 1):19-50, 1960. Horst, P., and ScHAIER, K. W.: The multiple group method of factor analysis and rotation to a simple structure hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Education, 24:231-237, 1956. HorsF, P., and WriGHT, C. E.: The comparative reliability of two techniques of personality ap- praisal. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 15:388- 391, 1959. STROTHER, C. R., ScHAIER, K. W., and HorsT, P.: The relationship between advanced age and mental abilities. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 55:166-170, 1957. MH-00744 (R01) TayrLor, Howarp C., Jr, GIDRO-FRANK, LOTHAR: Emotional aspects of 107 pelvic pain. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1954-55) TavLor, HowarD C., Jr.: The clinical management of functional pelvic pain. Journal of the National Medical Association, 49:368-371, 1957. TayLor, Howarp C., Jr.: The problem of pelvic pain. In: Meigs, Joe V., & Sturgis, Somers H., eds. Progress in gynecology, Vol. 3. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1957, p. 191-208. TavLor, Howarp C., Jr.: The problem of pelvic pain in gynecology. Review of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 100:103-116, 1957. TayrLor, HowARD C., Jr.: The pelvic pain syndrome. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the British Empire, 66:781-783, 1959. TayLor, HowArDp C., Jr.: The pelvic pain syndrome in women. Connecticut Medicine, 24:147-153, 1960. TavLor, Howarp C., Jr.: The syndrome of pelvic pain in women. Australian and New Zealand University of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1:5-16, 1961. TayLor, Howarp C., Jr. Frick, F. H. and SHETTLES, L. B.: Clearance of radioactive sodium from the cervix in women with normal menstrual cycles, primary dysmenorrhea, and non-organic pelvic pain and in post menopausal individuals. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 71:1176-1181, 1956. TayLor, Howarp C., Jr., GIDRO-FRANK, L., and GorpoN, T.: Pelvic pain and female identity. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 79:1184-1202, 1960. MH-747 (RO1) SteLLAR, ELioT: Experimental study of animal behavior. Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, Baltimore, Md. (1954-54) (Continued as MH-941). KAHN, M., and STELLAR, E.: Alcohol preference in normal and anosmic rats. [Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53:571-575, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-941). SPRAGUE, J. M., CHAMBERS, W. W., and STELLAR, E.: Regional physiology of the central nervous system. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, 10:57-92, 1955. (Also acknowledges MH-941). STELLAR, E.: Physiological psychology. American Review of Psychology, 8:415-436, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-941). STELLAR, E.: Drive and motivation. In: Magoun, H. W., ed. Handbook of physiology. American Physiological Society, 1960, p. 1501-1527. (Also acknowledges MH-941). STELLAR, E.: The marmoset as a laboratory animal: Maintenance, general observations of behavior, and simple learning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53:1-10, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-941). MH-750 (R01) ENGEL, GEORGE L., REICHSMAN, FRANZ: Gastric function and psychological proc- esses. University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (1954- ) ADER, R.: Susceptibility to gastric lesions in the rat. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 4:399-408, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3655). Aber, R., Beers, C. C., and Tatum, R. Social factors affecting emotionality and resistance to disease in animals: II. Susceptibility to gastric ulceration as a function of interruptions in social interactions and the time at which they occur. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 53:455-458, 1960. Aber, R., Tatum, R. and Beers, C. C.: Social factors affecting emotionality and resistance to disease in animals: I. Age of separation from the mother and susceptibility to gastric ulcers in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53:446-454, 1960. CoHEN, ]., CorLwiLy, J., Davis, N., KESSLER, W_, SHEPARDSON, R., REICHsMAN, F., and ENGEL, G. L.: Effect of histamine on nocturnal gastric secretion during sleeping and waking states. (Ab- stract) Journal of Clinical Investigation, 37:884, 1958. . ENGEL, G. L.: A unified concept of health and disease. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 3:459-485, 1960. ENGEL, G. L.: Anxiety and depression withdrawal: The primary affects of unpleasure. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 43:89-97, 1962. ENGEL, G. L.: Psychological development in health and disease. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1962, 435 p. ENGEL, GEORGE L.: Guilt, pain, and success. Suc- cess facilitated by the pain of glomus tumor and peptic ulcer. Psychosomatic Medicine, 24:37-48, 1962. ENGEL, G. L.: The nature of disease and the care of the patient: The challenge of humanism and science in medicine. (The 14th Annual Gerber Oration) Rhode Island Medical Journal, 45:245- 251, 1962. ENGEL, G. L., and REICHSMAN, F.: Affects, object relations, and gastric secretion. (Panel, American Psychoanalytic Association, May, 1955). [Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 4:138-148, 1956. ENGEL, G. L., and REricHsmAN, F.: Spontaneous and experimentally induced depression in an in- fant with gastric fistula: A contribution to the problem of depression. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 4:428-452, 1956. ENGEL, G. L., and REICHSMAN, F.: On identification. (Letter) International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 40:60-61, 1959. ENGEL, G. L., REicHsMAN, F., and SEGAL, H.: A study of an infant with a gastric fistula. Psycho- somatic Medicine, 18(5):374-398, 1956. Also in: Reed, Charles F., Alexander, Irving E., and Tomkins, Silvan E., eds. Psychopathology. A source book. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1958, p. 93-126. IroNsIDE, W., and KEHOE, M.: Studies in the expe- rimental induction of depression using hypnosis: The depressive responses with fantasies of being killed, suicide, and sleep. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 1377-1380. KEHOE, M.,, and IRONSIDE, W.: Studies on the expe- rimental evocation of depressive responses using hypnosis. II. The influence of depressive re- sponses upon the secretion of gastric acid. Psycho- somatic Medicine, 23:403-419, 1963. KEHOE, M., and IRONSIDE, W.: Studies on the expe- rimental evocation of depressive responses using hypnosis. III. The secretory rate of total gastric acid with respect to various spontaneous experi- ences such as nausea, disgust, crying and dyspnea. Psychosomatic Medicine, 26:224-249, 1964. REICHSMAN, F.: Methodologic problems in psycho- physiologic research on human gastric secretion. In: Ross Laboratories. Psychosomatic aspects of gastrointestinal illness in childhood. Ross Confer- ence on Pediatric Research 44th report, 1962. Conference held at Philadelphia, 26-27 Sept. 1962. Columbus, Ohio. Ross Laboratories, 1963, p- 29-36. (Also acknowledges MH-1205). ReicHsMAN, F., CoHEN, ]., CoLwiLL, ]., DAvIs, NaNcy, KEessLEr, W., SHEPARDSON, C. R., and ENGEL, G. L.: Natural and histamine-induced gastric secretion during waking and sleeping states. Psychosomatic Medicine, 22:14-23, 1960. ReicHsmaN, F., ENGEL, G. L., Harway, V, EscaLoNa, S.: Monica, an infant with gastric fistula and depression: An interim report on her development to the age four years. Psychiatric Research Reports, 8:12-27, 1957. ReicHsMAN, F., ENGEL, G. L., and SEGAL, H. L.: Modification of the gastric secretory response to histamine during varying behavioral states: Obser- vations on an infant with a gastric fistula. (Ab- stract) Journal of Clinical Investigation, 34:959, 1955. ReicHsMAN, F., ENGEL, G. L., and SEGAL, H. L.: Behavior and gastric secretion. The sutdy of an 108 infant with a gastric fistula. (Abstract) Psycho- somatic Medicine, 17:481, 1955. MH-752 (R01) ULETT, GEORGE A., ROBINS, ELI: Psychophysiological studies of schizophrenia. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1954 56) ULETT, GEORGE A. BROCKMAN, JIMMIE C, GLESER, GOLDINE, and JOHNSON, A.: Determina- tion of convulsive threshold by photo-pharma- cologic stimulation: A study of technique and reli- ability. ~~ Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 7:597-607, 1955. MH-762. (R01) MEIER, GILBERT W.: Effects of prenatal anoxemia on behavior. Vanderbilt Uni- versity, Nashville, Tenn. (1954-59) MEIER, GILBERT W.: Prenatal anoxia in relation to behavioral phenomena in other animals. In: Windle, William F., ed. Neurological and psy- chological deficits in asphyxia neonatorum. Spring- field, IlL., "Thomas, 1958, p. 55-66. MEIER, G. W., BuncH, M. E., NoLaN, C. Y., and ScHEIDLER, C. H.: Anoxia, behavioral develop- ment, and learning ability: A comparative-experi- mental approach. Psychological Monographs, 74:1-48, 1960. (Whole No. 488). (Also ack- nowledges MH-362). Meier, G. W., and McGEE, R. K.: A re-evaluation of the effect of early perceptual experience on dis- crimination performance during adulthood. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 52:390-395, 1959. MEIER, G. W., and MENzEL, E. W., JRr.: Prenatal oxygen deprivation and subsequent specific be- havior dysfunctions. Science, 122:419-420, 1955. MEIER, G. W., and MENZEL, E. W., Jr.: Prediction of behavior in a free and in a patterned situation. Psychological Reports, 3:537-545, 1957. MEIER, G. W., and PEELER, D. F., Jr.: Development of behavioral and electroencephalographic patterns in the kitchen. Psychological Reports, 6:307-314, 1960. MH-766 (R01) SHEER, DANIEL E. KROEGER, DonaLp C.: Neurophysiology of emotional facili- tation. University of Houston, Houston, Texas. (1954-58) SHEER, D. E.: Brain and behavior: The background of inter-disciplinary research. In: Sheer, D. E, ed. Electrical stimulation of the brain. Austin, Texas, University of Texas, 1960, p. 1-21. SHEER, D. E., ed.: Electrical stimulation of the brain: Subcortical integrative systems. Austin, University of Texas, 1961, 641 p. SHEER, D. E.: Emotional facilitation in learning situ- ations with subcortical stimulation. In: Sheer, 109 D. E, ed. Electrical stimulation of the brain. Austin, University of Texas, 1961, p. 431-464. SHEER, D. E., and KROEGER, D. C.: Chronic brain stimulation in monkeys. I: Techniques for multi- lead electrode implantation and recording of auto- nomic and EEG measures. 1955. 30 min., sound, color film, University of Houston, Houston, Texas. SHEER, D. E., and KrROEGER, D. C.: Chronic brain stimulation in monkeys. II: Experimental results. 1956. 30 min., sound, color film, University of Houston, Houston, Texas. SHEER, D. E., and KROEGER, D. C.: Recording auto- nomic, measures as an index of stimulation effects. In: Sheer, D. E., ed. Electrical stimulation of the brain. Austin, University of Texas, 1961, p. 116- 144. MH-767 (R01) Apams, RAymonNDp D., Lupwig, ALFRED O.: Psychiatric-neurological diseases and alcolholism. ~~ Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1954-59) ADAMS, R. D., Victor, M., and MANcaLL, E. L.: Central pontine myelinolysis. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 81:154-172, 1959. ALTSCHULE, M. D., Victor, M., and HOLLIDAY, PHyrLis D.: Carbohydrate metabolism in brain disease. IX. Carbohydrate metabolism in the chronic alcoholic psychoses. Archives of Internal Medicine, 99:28-39, 1957. TALLAND, G. A.: Psychological studies of Korsakoff’s psychosis: II. Perceptual functions. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 127:197-219, 1958. TALLAND, G. A.: Perception of apparent movement in Korsakoff’s psychosis. Journal of Personality, 26:337-348, 1958. TALLAND, G. A.: Psychological studies of Korsakoff’s psychosis: III. Concept formation. [Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 128:214-226, 1959. TALLAND, G. A.: Psychological studies of Korsakoff's psychosis: V. Spontaneity and activity rate. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 130:16-25, 1960. TALLAND, G. A.: Psychological studies of Korsakoff's psychosis: VI. Memory and learning. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 130:336-385, 1960. TALLAND, G. A., and EKDAHL, MARILYN: Psycho- logical studies of Korsakoff’s psychosis: IV. The rate and mode of forgetting narrative material. Journal af Nervous and Mental Disease, 129:391- 403, 1959. TALLAND, G. A., and MILLER, ALICEMARIE: Per- ceptual sets in Korsakoff’s psychosis. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58:234-240, 1959. Victor, M.: Nutritional disorders of the nervous system. Manitoba Medical Review, 37:363-369 & 442-452, 1957. Victor, M.: The medical aspects of acute and chronic alcoholism. Manitoba Medical Review, 37:599-608, 1957. Victor, M.: Alcohol and and nutritional diseases of the nervous system. Journal of the American Medical Association, 167:65-71, 1958. Victor, M., and Apams, R. D.: The neuropathology of experimental vitamin Bg deficiency in monkeys. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 4:346- 353, 1956. Victor, M., Apams, R. D., and MaNcaLL, E. L.: A restricted form of cerebellar cortical degenera- tion occurring in alcoholic patients. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology, 1:579-688, 1959. VICTOR, M., ALTSCHULE, M. D., HOLLIDAY, PHYLLIS D., Goncz, RoOSe-MARIE, and COUNTY, ANN: Carbohydrate metabolism in brain disease. VIII Carbohydrate metabolism in Wernicke’s encepha- lopathy associated with alcoholism. A. M. A. Archives of Internal Medicine, 99:28-39, 1957. Victor, M., BANKER, BETTY Q., and Apams, R. D.: The ncuropathy of multiple myeloma. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 21:73- 88, 1958. Victor, M., HERMAN, K., and WHITE, ELISABETH: A psychological study of the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alco- hol, 20:467-479, 1959. Victor, M., and HOPE, J. M.: The phenomenon of auditory hallucinations in chronic alcoholism. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 126:451- 481, 1958. Victor, M., and LEAR, A.: Subacute combined de- generation of the spinal cord. American Journal of Medicine, 20:896-911, 1956. Victor, M., MaNcALL, E. L., and DREYFUS, P. M.: Deficiency amblyopia in the alcoholic patient. Ar- chives of Opthalomolgy, 64:1-33, 1960. Victor, M., TALLAND, G. A., and Apams, R. D.: Psychological studies of Korsakoff’'s psychosis: I. General intellectual functions. Journal of Nerv- ous and Mental Disease, 128:528-537, 1959. Victor, M., and YAKOVLEV, P. I.: S. S. Korsakoff’s psychic disorder in conjunction with peripheral neuritis. Neurology, 5:394-406, 1955. MH-771 (R01) MUENZINGER, KARL F.: Role of noxious stimuli in discrimination learning. Uni- versity of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (1954-58) MUENZINGER, K. F., and BAXTER, L. F.: The ef- fects of training to approach vs. to escape from electric shock upon subsequent discrimination 110 learning. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 50:252-257, 1957. MUENZINGER, K. F., and Evans, W. O.: Black pert- ference or artifact? Psychological Reports, 3:493- 495, 1957. MH-772 (RO1) Harrow, Harry F.: Normal and abnormal social behavior of primates. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1954-60) (Con- tinued as MH-4528). AxkEerT, K., OrTH, O. S., HARLOW, H. F. and ScHLITZ, K. A.: Learned behavior of rhesus mon- keys following neonatal bilateral prefrontal lobot- omy. Science, 132:1944-1945, 1960. BENJAMIN, L. S.: The effect of bottle and cup feed- ing on the nonnutritive sucking of the infant rhesus monkey. Journal of Comparative and Phys- iological Psychology, 54:230-237, 1961. BENJAMIN, L. S.: The effect of frustration on the nonnutritive sucking of the infant rhesus monkey. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 54(6):700-703, 1961. BENJAMIN, L. S.: Nonnutritive sucking and dental malocclusion in the deciduous and permanent teeth of the rhesus monkey. Child Development, 33:20-35, 1962. BENJAMIN, L. S., and Mason, W. A.: Effect of hunger on nonnutritive sucking in infrant rhesus monkeys. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- ogy, 66:526-531, 1963. BERNSTEIN, S., and MasoN, W. A.: The effects of age and stimulus conditions on the emotional re- sponses of rhesus monkeys: Responses to complex stimuli. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 101:279- 298, 1962. BLoMmQuisT, A. J., and Harrow, H. F.: The infant rhesus monkey program at the University of Wis- consin Primate Laboratory. Proceedings of the Animal Care Panel, 11:57-64, 1961. BowmMmaN, R. E.: Discrimination learning-set per- formance under intermittent and secondary rein- forcement. Journal of Comparative and Physiolog- ical Psychology, 56(2) :429-434, 1963. Cross, H. A., FLETcHErR, H. F. and HARLOW, H. F.: Effects of prior experience with test stim- uli on learning-set performance of monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 56:204-207, 1963. FLETCHER, H. J., and Cross, H. A.: Effects of trial 1 reward contingency, intertrial interval, and expe- rience on intraproblem discrimination perform- ance of monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:318-320, 1964. FLETCHER, H. J.,, and MowBRAY, J. B.: Note on learning in aged monkey. Psychological Reports, 10:11-13, 1962. Harrow, H. F.: The nature of love. American Psychologist, 13(12) :673-685, 1958. Harrow, H. F.: The development of learning in the rhesus monkey. American Scientist, 47:459- 479, 1959. Harrow, H. F.: Basic social capacity of primates. Human Biology, 31(1):40-53, 1959. Harrow, H. F.: Love in infant monkeys. Scientific American, 200:68-74, 1959. Harrow, H. F.: Primary affectional patterns’ in pri- mates. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 30: 676-684, 1960. Harrow, H. F.: Development of the second and third affectional systems in macaque monkeys. In: Tourlentes, T. T., Pollack, S. L., and Himwich, H. E., eds. Research approaches to psychiatric problems: A symposium. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1962, p. 209-229. Harrow, H. F.: Development of affection in pri- mates. In: Bliss, E., eds. Roots of behavior. New York, Harper (Hoeber), 1962. Harrow, H. F., Brazek, N. C., and McCLEARN, G. E.: Manipulatory motivation in the infant thesus monkey. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 49(5):444-448, 1956. Harrow, H. F., and Harrow, M. K.: The effect of rearing conditions on behavior. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 26(5) :213-224, 1962. Harrow, H. F., and HarLow, M. K.: Social depri- vation in monkeys. Scientific American, 207:136- 147, 1962. Harrow, H. F., Harrow, M. K., RUEPING, R. R., and MasoN, W. A.: Performance of infant rhesus monkeys on discrimination learning, delayed response, and discrimination learning set. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53: 113-121, 1960. Harrow, H. F., and ZIMMERMANN, R. R.: The de- velopment of affectional responses in infant mon- keys. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 102(5) :501-509, 1958. Harrow, H. F., and ZIMMERMANN, R. R.: Affec- tional responses in the infant monkey. Science, 130(3372) :421-432, 1959. KiNG, J. E., and Harrow, H. F.: Effect of ratio of trial 1 reward to nonreward on the discrimination learning of macaque monkeys. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55(5): 872-875, 1962. LOCKHART, J. M., and HarLow, H. F.: The influ- ence of spatial configuration and percentage of reinforcement upon oddity learning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55: 495-501, 1962. 111 Mason, W. A.: Development of communication be- tween young rhesus monkeys. Science, 130 (3377) :712-713; 1959. Mason, W. A.: Socially mediated reduction in emo- tional responses of young rhesus monkeys. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60:100- 104, 1960. Mason, W. A.: The effects of social restriction on the behavior of rhesus monkeys. I. Free social behavior. Journal of Comparative and Physiolog- ical Psychology, 53(6) :582-589, 1960. Mason, W. A.: The effects of social restriction on the behavior of rhesus monkeys. II. Tests of gregariousness. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54:287-290, 1961. MasoN, W. A.: The effects of social restriction on the behavior of rhesus monkeys. III. Dominance tests. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54:694-699, 1961. MasoN, W. A.: Effects of age and stimulus charac- teristics on manipulatory responsiveness of mon- keys raised in a restricted environment. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 99:301-308, 1961. Mason, W. A., Brazek,.N. C., and HARLOW, H. F.: Learning capacities of the infant rhesus monkey. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 49(5) :449-453, 1956. Mason, W. A., and GREEN, P. C.: The effects of social restriction on the behavior of rhesus mon- keys. IV. Responses to a novel environment and to an alien species. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:363-368, 1962. Mason, W. A., and HArRLow, H. F.: Formation of conditioned responses in infant monkeys. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 51:68-70, 1958. MasoN, W. A., and Harrow, H. F.: Performance of infant rhesus monkeys on a spatial discrimina- tion problem. Journal of Comparative and Physi- ological Psychology, 51(1):71-74, 1958. Mason, W. A., and Harrow, H. F.: Learned ap- proach by infant rhesus monkeys to the sucking situation. Psychological Reports, 4:79-82, 1958. MasoN, W. A. and Harrow, H. F.: Initial re- sponses of infant rhesus monkeys to solid foods. Psychological Reports, 5:193-199, 1959. Mason, W. A., and HarLow, H. F.: The effect of age and previous training on patterned-strings per- formance of rhesus monkeys. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 54(6):704- 709, 1961. MasoN, W. A. Harrow, H. F., and RUEPING, R. R.: The development of manipulatory respon- siveness in the infant rhesus monkey. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 52: 555-558, 1959. MasoN, W. A., and HoLLis, J. H.: Communication between young rhesus monkeys. Animal Behavior, 10:211-221, 1962. MasoN, W. A., and SpoNHOLZ, R. R.: Behavior of rhesus monkeys raised in isolation. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1:299-306, 1963. Mowsray, J. B., and CapeLr, T. E.: Early behav- ior patterns in rhesus monkeys. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:350-357, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4528). RoseNBLUM, L. A., and Cross, H. A.: Perform- ance of neonatal monkeys in the visual cliff-situa- tion. American [Journal of Psychology, 76:318- 320, 1963. SEAY, BiLLy, HANSEN, E., and Harrow, H. F.: Mother-infant separation in monkeys. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 3:123-132, 1962. WaisMAN, HARRY A., WANG, Hwa L., HARLOW, H. F., and SpoNHOLZ, R. R.: Experimental phenyl- ketonuria in the monkey. Proceedings of the So- ciety for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 101: 864-865, 1959. ZIMMERMANN, R. R.: Analysis of discrimination learning capacities in the infant rhesus monkey. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 54:1-10, 1961. ZIMMERMAN, R. R.: Form generalization in the in- fant monkey. [Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 55(6):918-923, 1962. ZIMMERMAN, ROBERT R., and TORREY, CHARLES C.: Ontogeny of learning. In: Schrier, Allan M., Harlow, Harry F., and Stollnitz, Fred, eds. Be- havior of nonhuman primates. Vol. 2. New York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 405-447. (Also acknowledges MH-4516 and MH-4355). MH-774 (R01) Copprock, HAROLD W.: Condition- ing factors in drug addiction. University of Okla- homa, Norman, Okla. (1954-55) HEeapLEE, C. P., Coppock, H. W., and NICHOLS, J. R.: Apparatus and technique involved in a lab- oratory method of detecting the addictiveness of drugs. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Scientific Edition, 14:229-231, 1955. MH-775 (R01) DEs LAURIERS, AUSTIN M.: Sense of reality in schizophrenic children. Topeka State Hospital, Topeka, Kan. (1954-58) DEs LAURIERS, AUSTIN M.: The experience of real- ity in childhood schizophrenia. New York, In- ternational Universities Press, 1962, 215 p. MH-776 (R01) Hess, EckHArRD H.: Experimental analysis of imprinting. Chicago, University of Chicago, Ill. (1954- ) 112 BURGHARDT, GORDON M.: Stimulus control of the prey attack response in naive garter snakes. Psy- chonomic Science, 4(1) :37-38, 1966. BURGHARDT, GORDON M., and HEss, ECKHARD H.: Food imprinting in the snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina. Science, 151(3706) :108-109, 1966. Hess, E. H.: Effects of meprobamate on imprinting in waterfowl. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 67:724-733, 1957. Hess, E. H.: Imprinting in animals. American, 198(3):81-90, 1958. Scientific Hess, E. H.: Two conditions limiting critical age for imprinting. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 52:515-518, 1959. Hess, E. H.: The relationship between imprinting and motivation., In: Jones, M., ed. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln, Neb., Uni- versity of Nebraska, 1959, p. 44-77. Hess, E. H.: Imprinting. Science, 130:133-144, 1959. Hess, E. H.: Effects of drugs on imprinting behavior. In: Ohr, L., and Miller, J. G., eds. Drugs and behavior. New York, Wiley, 1960. Hess, E. H.: Ethology: An approach toward the complete analysis of behavior. In: Brown, R., Galenter, E., Hess, E. H., and Mandler, G. New directions in psychology. New York, Holt, Rine- hart & Winston, 1962, p. 157-286. Hess, E. H.: Imprinting and the critical period concept. In: Bliss, E. L., ed. Roots of behavior. New York, Hoeber-Harper, 1962, p. 254-263. Hess, EpwArD H.: Imprinting in birds. 146(3648):1128-1139, 1964. Hess, E. H., Port, J. M., and GoopwIN, E.: Effects of carisoprodol on early experience and learning. In: Miller, J. G., ed. The pharmacology and clinical usefulness of carisprodol. Detroit, Wayne State University, 1959, p. 51-65. Hess, E. H., and SCHAEFER, H. H.: Innate behavior patterns as indicators of the “critical period.” Zeitschrift Fir Tierpsychologie, 16:155-160, 1959. Science, KLINGHAMMER, E., and Hgss, E. H.: Imprinting in an altricial bird: The blond ring dove (strepto- pelia risoria). Science, 146:265-266, 1964. KLINGHAMMER, EricH, and HEss, ECKHARD H.: Parental feeding in ring doves (Stre fopelia ro- seogrisea) : Innate or learned? Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie (Germany), 21(3):S.338-347, 1964. KovacH, JosepH K.: Effects of autonomic drugs on imprinting. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 57:183-187, 1964. Kovach, J. K., and Hess, E. H.: Imprinting: The effects of painful stimulation upon the following response. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 56(2) :461-464, 1963. Port, J. M., and Hess, E. H.: Following and im- printing: Effects of light and social experience. Science, 143:1185-1187, 1964. Port, James M., and Hess, EcKkHARD H.: Effects of social experiences on the following response in chicks. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 61(2):268-270, 1966. Ramsay, A. O.: The meaning of display in the new natural history. American Biology Teacher, 24: 96-99, 1962. Ramsay, A. O., and Hess, E. H.: A laboratory 2p proach to the study of imprinting. Wilson Bulle- tin, 66:196-206, 1954. SCHAEFER, HALMUTH H., and HEss, E. H.: Color preferences in imprinting objects. Zeitschrift fur ierpsychologie, 16:161-172, 1959. MH-782 (R01) KLEIN, GEORGE S., and HOLT, ROBERT R.: Perceptual processes below the level of awareness. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1954-61) BOERNSTEIN, W. S.: Visual images: “Induced hal- lucinations.” Transactions of the New York Acad- emy of Sciences, 20:72-74, 1957. EAGLE, M.: The effects of subliminal stimuli of ag- gressive content upon conscious cognition. Jour: nal of Personality, 27:578-600, 1959. EAGLE, M.: Personality correlates of sensitivity to subliminal stimuli. Journal of Nervous and Men- tal Disease, 134:1-17, 1962. Fiss, H., GoLpBERG, F. H., and KLEIN, G. S.: Ef- fects of subliminal stimulation on imagery and discrimination. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17: 31-44, 1963. GOLDBERG, F., and Fiss, H.: Partial cues and the phenomenon of “discrimination without aware- ness.” Perceptual and Motor Skills, 9:243-251, 1959. Hort, R. R.: Gauging primary and secondary proc- ess in Rorschach responses. Journal of Projective Techniques, 20:14-25, 1956. Hort, R. R.: Discussion: Charles Fisher’s “Further observations on the Poetzl phenomenon—a study of day residues.” Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 28: 442, 1959. Hort, R. R.: The nature of TAT stories as cogni- tive products: A psychoanalytic approach. In: Kagan, J., ed. Contemporary issues in thematic apperceptive methods. Springfield, Ill., Thomas, 1961. Hort, R. R.: A critical examination of Freud's con- cept of bound vs. free cathexis. Journal of the 113 American Psychoanalytic Association, 10:475-525, 1962. KLEIN, G. S.: Discussion: Charles Fisher's “A study of the preliminary stages of the construction of dreams and images.” Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 26:155-156, 1957. KLEIN, G. S.: Cognitive control and motivation. In: Lindzey, G., ed. Assessment of human motives. New York, Rhinehart, 1958, p. 87-118. (Also acknowledges MH-25). KLEIN, G. S.: Consciousness in psychoanalytic the- ory: Some implications for current research in perception. Journal of the American Psychoanaly- tic Association, 7:5-34, 1959. KLEIN, G. S.: On subliminal activation. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 128:292-301, 1959. KLEIN, G. S., and Hort, R. R.: Problems and is- sues in current studies of subliminal stimulation. In: Peatman, J. G., and Harley, E. L., eds. Festschrift for Gardner Murphy. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1960, p. 76-93. KLEIN, G. S., SPENCE, D. P.,, Hort, R. R., and GOUREVITCH, SUSANNAH: Cognition without awareness: Subliminal influences upon conscious thought. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- 0gy, 57:255-266, 1958. PINE, F.: Incidental stimulation: A study of pre- conscious transformations. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60:68-75, 1960. PINE, F.: Incidental vs. focal presentation of drive- related stimuli. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62:482-490, 1961. PINE, F.: The bearing of psychoanalytic theory on selected issues in research on marginal stimuli. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138:205- 222, 1964. Smith, G. J. W., SPENCE, D. P., and KLEIN, G. S.: Subliminal effects of verbal stimuli. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 59:167-176, 1959. SPENCE, D. P.: Success, failure, and recognition threshold. Journal of Personality, 25:712-720, 1957. SPENCE, D. P.: An experimental test of schema in- teraction. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 62:611-615, 1961. SPENCE, D. P.: The multiple effects of subliminal stimuli. Journal of Personality, 29:40-53, 1961. SPENCE, D. P.: Effects of verbal satiation on recall. Psychological Reports, 9:476, 1961. SPENCE, D. P., and BRESSLER, JOANNA: Subliminal activation of conceptual associates: A study of “rational” preconscious thinking. Journal of Per- sonality, 30:89-105, 1962. SPENCE, D. P., and HoLLAND, B.: The restricting effects of awareness: A paradox and an explana- tion. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 64:163-174, 1962. SPENCE, D. P., and Pau, I. H.: Importation above and below awareness. (Abstract) American Psy- chologist, 14:359, 1959. MH-783 (RO1) Breach, FRANK A.: Hormonal- neural control of reproductive behavior. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1954-54) Beach, F. A., Conovitz, M. W., STEINBERG, F., and GOLDSTEIN, A. C.: Experimental inhibition and restoration of mating behavior in male rats. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 89:165-181, 1956. Beach, F. A., GOLDSTEIN, A. C., and JACOBY, G. A., Jr.: Effects of electroconvulsive shock on sexual behavior in male rats. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 48:173-179, 1955. MH-788 (R01) WENGER, MARION A., and CuUL- LEN, THOMAS D.: Studies of autonomic response patterns. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1954-65) AckEiRr, C. W.: Personality concomitants of auto- nomic balance. I. Rorschach measures. Journal of Projective Techniques, 27:12:-19, 1963. Acker, C. W.: Personality concomitants of auto- nomic balance. II. Inventory measures. Journal of Projective Techniques, 27:20-22, 1963. BacceHi, B. K., and WENGER, M. A.: Electrophysio- logical correlates of some Yogi exercises. EEG, Clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsy, 3:132- 149, 1959. BALsHAN, Iris: Muscle tension and personality in women: A factorial study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 7:436-448, 1962. CLEMENS, T. L.: Autonomic response patterns re- lated to the Funkenstein test. American Psychol- 0gy, 10:452-453, 1955. CLEMENS, T. L.: Autonomic nervous system re- sponses related to the Funkenstein test I. To epi- nephrine. Psychosomatic Medicine, 19:268-274, 1957. CLEMENS, T. L.: Autonomic nervous system re- sponses -related to the Funkenstein test II. To mecholyl. Psychosomatic Medicine, 19:364-369, 1957. EiseNSTEIN, E. M., and Woskow, M. H.: Tech- nique for measuring heart potentials continuously in a freely moving rat. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 80:394-395, 1958. ENGEL, B. T.: Some physiological correlates of hun- ger and pain. Journal of Experimental Psychol- 0gy, 57:389-396, 1959. ENGEL, B. T., and McFaLL, R. A.: Magnetometer method for recording localized movement of stom- ach walls. Journal of Applied Physiology, 14: 1069-1070, 1959. GENGERELLI, J. A., GUSTAFSON, L. A., and PriDDY, R. D.: Studies in the neurophysiology of learning. VI. Electrophysiological recording from the rat's brain during operant learning. Psychological Re- ports, 11:279-290, 1962. Horwitz, JOSEPH, and AVERILL, JAMES: An inex- pensive transducer for remote determination of arterial blood pressure. Psychophysiology, 2(2): 168-169, 1965. Lucio, W. H., and WENGER, M. A.: Prediction of teacher performance and emotional stability: A psychophysiological pilot study of female student teachers. Final. report to U.S. Office of Educa- tion, Contract No. SEA8311, September 30, 1961. Los Angeles, University of California, 1961, 91 p. MARKWELL, E. D., nomic balance in tuberculous patients. matic Medicine, 23:392-399, 1961. MARKWELL, E. D., Jr.: Autonomic nervous system measures and factor correlates with personality in- dices in a tuberculous population. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 26(2) :194, 1962. SmitH, D. B. D., and WENGER, M. A.: Changes in autonomic balance during phasic anxiety. Psycho- physiology, 1(3) :267-271, 1965. STERNBACH, R. A.: Two independent" indices of activation. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 12:609-611, 1960. Jr.: An investigation of auto- Psychoso- STERNBACH, R. A.: Correlates of differences in time to recover from startle. Psychosomatic Medicine, 22:143-148, 1960. STERNBACH, R. A.: A comparative analysis ‘of auto- nomic responses in startle. Psychosomatic Medi- cine, 22:204-210, 1960. STERNBACH, R. A.: Some relationships among vari- ous “dimensions” of autonomic activity. Psycho- somatic Medicine, 22:430-434, 1960. WENGER, M. A.: Pattern analyses of autonomic variables during rest. Psychosomatic Medicine, 19:240-244, 1957. WENGER, M. A.: A brief note on the objective eval- uation of pharmacotherapy. In: Cole, Jonathan, and Gerard. Ralph W., eds. Psychopharmacology: Problems in evaluation. Washington, D.C., Na- tional Academy of Science, 1959, p. 537-545. WENGER, M. A.: Some problems in psychophysiolgi- cal research. In: Roessler, R., and Greenfield, N. S., eds. Physiological correlates of psychologi- cal disorder. Vol. 5. Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin, 1962, p. 97-114. 114 WENGER, M. A.: Studies on autonomic balance: A summary. Psychophysiology, 2(3):178-186, 1966. (Aslo acknowledges MH-1281). WENGER, M. A., and BacGcHIi, B. K.: Studies of autonomic functions in practitioners of Yoga in India. Behavioral Science, 6:312-324, 1961. WENGER, M. A., BaccHi, B. K., and ANAND, B.: Experiments in India on voluntary control of the heart and pulse. Circulation, 24:1319-1325, 1961. WENGER, M. A., CLEMENS, T. L., COLEMAN, D. R,, CuLLEN, T. D., and ENGEL, B. T.: Autonomic response specificity. Psychosomatic Medicine, 23: 185-193, 1961. WENGER, M. A., CLEMENS, T. L., and CULLEN, T. D.: Autonomic functions in patients with gastro-intestinal and dermatological disorders. Psychosomatic Medicine, 24:267-273, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1281). WENGER, M. A., CLEMENS, T. L., DARrsIE, M. L., ENGEL, B. T., EstESs, F. M., and SONNESCHEIN, R. R.: Autonomic response patterns during intra- venous infusion of epinephrine and nor-epineph- rine. Psychosomatic Medicine, 22:294-307, 1960. WENGER, M. A., ENGEL, B. T. and CLEMENS, T. L.: Initial results with magnetometer method of recording stomach motility. American Psy- chologist, 10:452, 1955. WENGER, M. A., ENGEL, B. T., and CLEMENS, T. L.: Studies of autonomic response patterns: Rationale and methods. Behavioral Science, 2: 216-221, 1957. WENGER, M. A., ENGEL, B. T., CLEMENS, T. L., and CULLEN, T. D.: Stomach motility in man as recorded by the magnetometer method. Gastro- enterology, 41:479-485, 1961. WENGER, M. A., HENDERSON, E. B., and DINNING, J. S.: Magnetometer method for recording gastric motility. Science, 125:990-991, 1957. MH-789 (RO1) Sacks, WiLLIAM, and SHENKIN, HENRY A.: Cerebral tricarboxylic acid cycle en- zyme activities. Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pa. (1954-57) (Continued as MH-2096). Sack, WiLLiam: Cerebral oxidation of fumarate- 2-C* in normal human subjects. Journal of Ap- plied Physiology, 9:43-48, 1956. Sacks, WiLLiaM: Cerebral metabolism of butyrate- 1-C'* in normal human subjects. Federation Pro- ceedings, 16:240, 1957. Sacks, WILLIAM: Cerebral metabolism of isotopic glucose in normal human subjects. Journal of Applied Physiology, 10:37-44, 1957. Sacks, WiLLiaM: Cerebral metabolism of isotopic 115 lactate in normal humans. Federation Proceedings, 17:301, 1958. Sacks, WiLLiaM: Cerebral metabolism of isotopic lipid and protein derivatives in normal human sub- jects. Journal of Applied Physiology, 12:311- 318, 1958. Sacks, WILLIAM: Evidence for the metabolism of maleic acid in dogs and human beings. Science, 127:594, 1958. MH-790 (R01) Marcus, IRWIN M.: Studies of children showing injury patterns. Tulane Univer- sity, New Orleans, La. (1954-58) Marcus, IRVIN M.: The significance of health and handicaps in the child's growth and development. In: Tulane studies in social welfare. Vol. 3. New Orleans, Tulane University, 1961, p. 64-70. Marcus, IrRwIN, WIiLsON, M., KRAFT, WILMA, SWANDER, IRVIN DELAMR, SOUTHERLAND, FRED, and ScCHULHOFER, EpiTH: An interdisciplinary approach to accident patterns in children. Child Development Publications of the Society for Re- search in Child Development, 25(2):1-79, 1960. (Serial No. 76) SEAVER, JACQUELINE: What makes a child accident- prone? Family Circle Magazine, 60(2):58-78, 1962. SucHMAN, Ep. A., and ScHERZER, A. L.: Current research in childhood accidents. New York, As- sociation for the Aid of Crippled Children, 1960. MH-791 (R01) JAcksoN, DoNALD D.: Personal- ity of parents of schizophrenic children. Palo Alto Medical Research Foundation, Palo Alto, Calif. (1954-55) Brock, J., BLock, J., and PATTERSON, V.: Psychi- atrists’ conceptions of the schizophrenogenic par- ent. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 79: 448-459, 1958. BLOCK, JEANNE, PATTERSON, V., BLOCK, JACK, and Jackson, DoN D.: A study of the parents of schizophrenic and neurotic children. Psychiatry, 21:387-397, 1958. MH-795 (R01) GRENELL, ROBERT G., and FINE- SINGER, Jaco E.: Effects of chemical agents upon cerebral oxidation. University of Maryland, Balti- more, Md. (1954-61) GRENELL, R. G.: Remarks concerning the mecha- nisms of narcosis and anesthesia. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Biochemis- try, Brussels, Belgium, 1956. GRENELL, R. G.: Mechanisms of action of psycho- therapeutic and related drugs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 66:826-835, 1957. GRENELL, R. G.: Alcohols and activity of cerebral neurons. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 20:421-427, 1959. GRENELL, R. G.: Part III. Studies on schizophrenia and behavior: Molecular biology and psychopathol- ogy. Annals of the New York Academy of Sci- ences, 96(1) :345-352, 1962. GRENELL, R. G., and May, L.: Infrared spectro- scopy of nervous tissue. Journal of Neurochemis- try, 2:138-149, 1958. GRENELL, R. G., May, L., McELrOY, W. D., and MENDELSON, J.: Some structural and molecular aspects of cerebral responses to drugs. In: Pro- ceedings of the Association for Research in Nerv- ous and Mental Disease, 37:417-439, 1959. GRENELL, R. G., MENDELSON, J., and McELROY, W. D.: Effects of chlorpromazine on metabolism in central nervous system. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 73:347-351, 1955. GRENELL, R. G., MENDELSON, J., and McELRroyY, W. D.: ATP mapping in brain. Federation Pro- ceedings, 14:63-64, 1955. GRENELL, R. G., MENDELSON, J., MCELROY, W. D., MENDELSON, J. H., and SONNENFELD, S.: Neu- ronal metabolism and ATP synthesis in narcosis. Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology, 46(1) :143-162, 1955. GReNELL, R. G., MErus, J. K, Sax, D., and BrowN, D.: Physiologic correlates of the effects of insulin on the central nervous system. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1960, p. 43-49. May, L., and GRENELL, R. G.: Nucleic acid con- tent of various areas of the rat brain. Proceed- ings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 102:235-239, 1959. MH-800 (RO1) LittLE, CLARENCE C., and FuL- LER, JOHN L.: Biology of nervous and emotional instability. Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Labora- tory, Bar Harbor, Me. (1954-56) CHAMBERS, R. M., and FULLER, J. L.: Conditioning of skin temperature changes in dogs. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 51(2): 223-226, 1958. MH-808 (R01) CHILD, IRVIN L.: Factors influenc- ing positive social behavior. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1954-57) CuiLp, IrviN L., FRANK, Kitty F., and STORM, THoMAS: Self-ratings and TAT: Their relations to each other and to childhood background. Jour- nal of Personality, 25:96-114, 1956. STORM, THOMAS, ROSENwALD, GEORGE C., and CHILD, IRVIN L.: A factor analysis of self-ratings 116 on social behavior. Journal of Social Psychology, 48:45-49, 1958. MH-810 (R01) TumIN, MELVIN M.: Relation of personality to social structure. Puerto Rico De- partment of Health, San Juan, P.R. (1954-58) TumiN, M.: Competing status systems. In: Moore, W. E., and Feldman, A., eds. Symposium on labor systems and social change. New York, So- cial Science Research Council, 1961, p. 277-288. TumiN, M., and FELDMAN, ARNOLD: The miracle at Sabana Grande. Public Opinion Quarterly, 19(2): 125-139, 1955. TuMIN, M., and FELDMAN, ARNOLD: Status, per- spective and achievement: Education and the class structure in Puerto Rico. American Sociological Review, 21 (4) :464-472, 1956. TuMIN, M., and FELDMAN, ARNOLD: Theory and measurement of occupational mobility. American Sociological Review, 22(3):281-288, 1957. TumiN, M., and FELDMAN, ARNOLD: Social class and social change in Puerto Rico. Princeton, N.J., Princeton, University, 1961, 549 p. MH-814 (RO1) Sakopa, JaMEs M., and BRAND, HowaArp: The influence of antecedent conditions on perception. University of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. (1954-60) BRAND, HOWARD, SAKODA, JAMES, M., and WooDs, PauL J.: Contingent partial reinforcement and the anticipation of correct alternatives. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 53:417-424, 1957. BrAND, HOWARD, SAKODA, JAMES M., and WoODS, PauL J.: Effects of a random versus pattern in- structional set in a contingent partial reinforce ment situation. Psychological Reports, 3:473-479, 1957. BraND, HowarD, Woops, PAUL J., and SAKODA, JaAMEs M.: Anticipation of reward as a function of partial reinforcement. Journal of Experimen- tal Psychology, 52:18-22, 1956. Sakopa, James M.: Individual differences in cor- relation between clustering and recall of meaning- ful words. Journal of General Psychology, 54: 183-190, 1956. SAKODA, JamEs M., and COHEN, BurTOoN H.: Ex- act probabilities for contingency tables using bi- nomial coefficients. ~~ Psychometrika, 22:83-86, 1957. MH-815 (R01) LoEB, MARTIN B.: Social relations in a community psychiatric hospital. Community Studies, Kansas City, Mo. (1954-57) LoEeB, MARTIN B.: Some dominant cultural themes in a psychiatric hospital. Social Problems, 4(1), July 1956. LoEB, MARTIN B.: Role definition in the social world of a mental hospital. In: Levinson, D., Greenblatt, M., and Williams, R., eds. The pa- tient and the mental hospital. Glencoe, Ill., Free Press, 1957. MH-817 (R01) MARX, MELVIN H.: Effect of frus- tration on drive and motivation. University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (1954-64) BROWNSTEIN, A. J.: Predicting instrumental per- formances from the independent rates of contin- gent responses in a choice situation. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63:29-31, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3345). BROWNSTEIN, A. J., and HiLLix, W. A.: Drive ac- commodation and learning. Psychological Review, 10:21-24, 1960. CoGaN, D. C., and MARX, M. H.: The effect of intermittent presentation of goalbox cues on re- sistance to extinction under spaced and massed con- ditions. Psychological Record, 15(2):169-173, 1965. CoLLIER, GEORGE, KNARR, FREDERICK A. and MARX, MELVIN H.: Some relations between the intensive properties of the consummatory response and reinforcement. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 62:484-495, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3328 and MH-7024). CoLLIER, G., and MARX, M. H.: Changes in per- formance as a function of shifts in the magnitude of reinforcement. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 57:305-309, 1959. COLLIER, GEORGE, and MYERS, LEONHARD: The loci of reinforcement. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61:57-66, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3328 and MH-7024). CoLLIER, G., and SiSKEL, M.: Performance as a joint function of amount of reinforcement and inter-reinforcement interval. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 57:115-120, 1959. (Also ac- nowledges MH-631). HoLpER, W. B., MARX, M. H., HOLDER, E. E., and COLLIER, G.: Response strength as a function of delay of reward in a runway. [Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 53:316-323, 1957. LawsoN, R., and Marx, M. H.: Frustration: The- ory and experiment. Genetic Psychology Mono- graphs, 57:393-464, 1958. Lawson, R., and MARX, M. H.: A comparison of some presumed frustrating and secondary-reinforc- ing operations. Journal of Comparative and Phys- iological Psychology, 51:742-746, 1958. McCoy, DoNaLD F., and MARX, MELVIN H.: Com- peting responses and the partial-reinforcement ef- fect. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(4): 352-356, 1965. 117 Marx, M. H.: Resistance to extinction as a function of continuous or intermittent presentation of a training cue. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56:251-255, 1958. Marx, M. H.: Resistance to extinction as a function of degree of reproduction of training conditions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59:337-342, 1960. Marx, M. H.: Incentive shift in the runway and barpress box: Comment on Goodrich and Zaret- sky's runway study. Psychological Reports, 11: 784, 1962. MARX, M. H.: The need for more specific formula- tions of the “competing response” interpretation of extinction. Psychological Reports, 56:546-550, 1963. Marx, M. H.: Resistance to extinction as a function of instrumental training under two levels of food deprivation and a shift in incentive. Psychological Reports, 56:783-785, 1963. Marx, M. H.: The effects of blocking the consum- matory response on the acquisition and perform- ance of an associated instrumental response. Jour- nal Genetic Psychology, 105:351-358, 1964. Marx, M. H., and BROWNSTEIN, A. J.: Effects of incentive magnitude on running speeds without competing responses in acquisition and extinction. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65:182-189, 1963. MARX, MELVIN H., and EpwARDs, Davip C.: Speed of nonreinforced running response following in- creasing and decreasing orders of sucrose concen- trations. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71 (1):160-161, 1966. Marx, M. H., and HELLWIG, L. R.: Acquisition and extinction of avoidance conditioning without es- cape responses. Journal of Comparative and-Phys- iological Psychology, 58:451-452, 1964. MARX, MELVIN, and KNARR, FREDERICK A.: Long- term development of reinforcing propertics of a stimulus as a function of temporal relationship to food reinforcement. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:546-550, 1963. Marx, M. H., and MURPHY, W. W.: Resistance to extinction as a function of the presentation of a motivating cue in the startbox. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 54:207- 210, 1961. Marx, M. H., and PIEPER, W. A.: Acquisition of instrumental response as a function of incentive contrast. Psychological ~ Reports, 10:635-638, 1962. MARX, M. H., and PIEPER, W. A.: Instrumental ac- quisition and performance on fixed-interval rein- orcement as a function of incentive contrast. Psy- chological Reports, 12:255-258, 1963. Marx, M. H., and Smoot, K. E.: Response latency in the monkey as a function of the duration of interruption of an instrumental act. Psychological Record, 15:57-61, 1965. Marx, M. H., TOMBAUGH, Jo Woop, CoLE, C., and DOUGHERTY, D.: Persistence of nonreinforced re- sponding as a function of the direction of a prior- ordered incentive shift. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66:542-546, 1963. Marx, MELVIN H., TomBAUGH, Tom N., HATCH, RoBERT S., and TOMBAUGH, Jo Woop: Con- trolled operant conditioning boxes with discrete- trial programming for multiple experimental use. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 21(1):247-254, 1965. Pieper, W. A., GArwooDp, CAROLYN, LEWIS, DoNNA, and MARX, M. H.: Differential acqui- sition of an instrumental response in albino and hooded rats. Psychological Reports, 11:425-426, 1962. PIEPER, W. A., and MARX, M. H.: Effects of within- session incentive contrast on instrumental acquisi- tion and performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65:568-571, 1963. PIEPER, W. A., and MARX, M. H.: Conditioning of a previously neutral cue to the onset of a metabolic drive: Two instances of negative results. Psycho- logical Record, 13:191-195, 1963. RoBerTs, C. L., MARX, M. H., and COLLIER, G.: Light onset and light offset as reinforcers for the albino rat. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 51:575-579, 1958. Smoot, K. E., and LAwsoN, R.: Performance after failure as a function of interpolated activity. Jowur- nal of Genetic Psychology, 100:205-213, 1962. ToMBAUGH, Tom N., and MARX, M. H.: The effects of increasing and decreasing orders of monetary incentive on resistance to extinction in children. Psychological Record, 13:187-190, 1963. TomBAuGH, Tom N., and MARX, MELVIN H.: Effects of ordered and constant sucrose concentra- tions on non-reinforced performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(6):630-636, 1965. ToMmBAUGH, T. N., and ToMBAUGH, Jo: The effects of apparent task solubility and reward upon the duration of problem solving behavior. Psycho- logical Record, 13:83-87, 1963. TyLEr, D. W., Marx, M. H., and COLLIER, G.: Frustration stimuli in discrimination. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 58:295-301, 1959. Wist, E. R.: Amount, delay, and position of delay of reinforcement as parameters of runway per- formance. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63:160-166, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 3328). 118 MH-819 (R01) LoNG, ROBERT, BURGIN, LEO B., and JESSNER, Lucie: Study of allergic and emo- tional factors in asthma. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1954-57) JESSNER, Lucie, LAMONT, JOHN, LONG, ROBERT, RoLLIN, NANCY, WHIPPLE, BABETTE, and PREN- TICE, NORMAN: Emotional impact of nearness and separation for the asthmatic child and his mother. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 10:353-375, 1955. LaMONT, JoHN W.: Which children outgrow asthma and which do not? In: Scheer, Henry I. ed. The asthmatic child. New York, Harper & Roe, 1963, p. 16-26. LoNG, ROBERT, LAMONT, JOHN H., WHIPPLE, BABETTE, BANDLER, LouisE, BLoM, GAsTON E,, BurcIN, Leo, and JEsSNER, LUCIE: A psychoso- matic study of allergic and emotional factors in children with asthma. American Journal of Psy- chiatry, 114(10) :890-899, 1958. MH-823 (R01) GERTY, FRANCIS J., GARNER, ANN MARGARET, GERARD, MARGARET, and WENAR, CHARLES: Studies of psychosomatic disorders in children. University of Illinois, Chicago, IIL (1954-56) BARRON, SAMUEL H., and SPURLOCK, JEANNE: Ulcerative colitis: Psychosomatic factors. Medical Science, 3(7):412-418, 1958. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1335). Bropy, VioLA A.: Treatment of a pre-pubertal twin girl with psychogenic megacolon. American [our- nal of Orthopsychiatry, 33(3):569-573, 1963. DALLY, ANNE: Excerpts from a study of residen- tial treatment for children with psychosomatic disorders. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 21(4)Part 2:261-266, 1957. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1335). GARNER, ANN M., and WENAR, CHARLES: The mother-child interaction in psychosomatic disor- ders. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1959, 290 p. HERZOG, RUTH: A unique nursing role—pediatric- psychiatric nursing on a psychosomatic ward for children. Nursing Outlook, 6(11):1958. (Also acknowledges MH-1335). MoHR, GEORGE J., JOSSELYN, IRENE M., SPUR- LOCK, JEANNE, and BARRON, S. H.: Studies in ulcerative colitis. American [Journal of Psychia- try, 114(12):1067-1076, 1958. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1335). MOHR, GEORGE ]., RICHMOND, JuLlUS B., GARNER, ANN MARGARET, and EppY, EVELYN ]J.: A pro- gram for the study of children with psychosomatic disorders. In: Caplan, Gerald, ed. Eomtional problems of early childhood. New York, Basic Books, 1955, p. 251-268. MH-826 (R01) GARDNER, GEORGE E.: Emotional disorders of childhood. Judge Baker Guidance Clinic, Boston, Mass. (1954-59) COOLIDGE, SAMUEL, BRODIE, RicHARD D., and FEENEY, BARBARA: A ten-year follow-up study of sixty-six school phobic children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 34:675-684, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-661). GRUNEBAUM, MARGARET GALDSTON: A study of learning problems of children; casework implica- tions. Social Casework, 42(9):461-468, 1961. GRUNEBAUM, MARGARET GALDSTON, HURWITZ, IRVING, PRENTICE, NORMAN M., and SPERRY, Bessie M.: Fathers of sons with primary neurotic learning inhibitions. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 32(3):462-472, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3246). KAUFMAN, I: The continuation of protective serv- ices. Child Welfare, February, 1957. KAUFMAN, IRVING, FRANK, THOMAS, HEIMS, LORA, HERRICK, JOAN, REISER, DAviD, and WILLER, LEE: Treatment implications of a new classifica tion of parents of schizophrenic children. Amer ican Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 116(10):920- 924, 1960. KAUFMAN, IRVING, FRANK, THOMAS, HEIMS, LORA, HERRICK, JOAN, and WILLER, LEE: Four types of defense in mothers and fathers of schizophre- nic children. American Journal of Orthopsychia- atry, 29(3) :460-472, 1959. KaurMmaN, I., and HEemvs, L.: The body image of the juvenile delinquent. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 28(1):146-159, 1958. KaurMmaN, IRVING, HEIMS, Lora W., and REISER, Davip E.: A re-evaluation of the psychodynamics of firesetting. American Journal of Orthopsychi- atry, 31(1):123-136, 1961. KAUFMAN, I, MakkAY, E., and ZiLBAcH, J.: The impact of adolescence on girls with delinquent character formation. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 29(1):130-143, 1959. KaurMmaN, I, RosensauMm, E., Hemms, C., and WiLLER, C.: Childhood psychosis: I. Childhood schizophrenia: Treatment of children and parents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 27:683- 690, 1957. PRENTICE, N. M.: Individual achievement testing of children with learning problems: A clinical guide. Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality Assessment, 28:448-464, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3246). PRENTICE, N. M., and SPERRY, B. M.: Therapeuti- cally oriented tutoring of children with primary neurotic learning inhibitions. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35(3):521-530, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3246). 119 REINER, BEATRICE SiMcoX, and KAUFMAN, I.: Character disorders in parents of delinquents. New York, Family Service Association of America, 1959, 179 p. Simcox, B., and KAUFMAN, I.: Casework with par- ents and delinquents. Social Casework, October and November, 1956. SPERRY, BESSIE, STAVER, NANCY, REINER, BEATRICE S., and ULricH, DAvID: Renunciation and denial in learning difficulties. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 28:98-111, 1958. SPERRY, BESSIE, ULRICH, DAvID N., and STAVER, Nancy: The relationship of motility to boys’ learning problems. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 28:640-646, 1958. WALDFOGEL, SAMUEL, COLLIDGE, JOHN, and HAHN, PAULINE B.: The development, meaning and management of school phobia. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 27(4):734-780, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-661). WaLLAcH, M., ULricH, D., and GRUNEBAUM, MARGARET: Relationship of family disturbance to cognitive difficulties in a learning-problem child. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 24(4):355- 360, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-3246). MH-830 (R01) CHANCE, ERIKA: Impact of child guidance treatment on the family. Child Study Center of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. (1954- 56) (Continued as MH-1233). CHANCE, ERIKA: Measuring the potential -interplay of forces within the family during treatment. Child Development, 26:241-265, 1955. CHANCE, Erika: Measuring changes in the family of four year old during treatment. In: Caplan, G., ed. Emotional problems of early childhood. New York, Basic Books, 1955, p. 117-149. CHANCE, ERIKA: Mutual expectations of patients and therapists in individual treatment. Human Relations, 10:167-178, 1957. CHANCE, ERIKA, and ATKINSON, STUART: Some in- terpersonal characteristics of individual treatment. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1(3): 5-22, 1955. MH-833 (R01) Hort, L. EMMETT, JR.: Amino acid metabolism in mental deficiency. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1954-57) SNYDERMAN, S. E., NorTON, P. M., and HoLT, L. E, Jr.: Effect of tyrosine administration in phenylketonuria. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 14:450-451, 1955. (Abstract No. 1458) MH-834 (R01) HENRY, CHARLES E., and OBRIsT, WALTER D.: EEG study of the normal and psy- chotic aged. Institute of Living, Hartford, Conn. (1954-57) OBrisT, W. D.: The electroencephalogram of healthy aged males. In: Birren, J. E., Butler, R. N., Greenhouse, S. W., Sokoloff, L., and Yar- row, M. R., eds. Human aging, a biological and behavioral study. Public Health Service Publica- tion No. 986, Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1963, p. 79-93. Osrist, W. D., Busse, E. W., and HENRY, C. E.: Relation of electroencephalogram to blood pres- sure in elderly persons. Neurology, 11:151-158, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-900). OsristT, W. D., and HENRY, C. E.: The relation of EEG to brain syndrome in aged patients. Jour nal of Gerontology, 10(4):473, 1955. Osrist, W. D., and HENRY, C. E.: Electroencepha- lographic frequency analysis of aged psychiatric patients. ~~ Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 10:621-632, 1958. Osrist, W. D., and HENRY, C. E.: Electroencepha- lographic findings in aged psychiatric patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 126:254~- 267, 1958. Osrist, W. D., SokoLorF, L., LASSEN, N. A, LANE, M. H., BUTLER, R. N., and FEINBERG, I.: Relation of EEG to cerebral blood flow and me- tabolism in old age. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15:610-619, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-900). MH-835 (R01) LEARY, ROBERT W., SINHA, MapAN, and WARREN, JOHN M.: Effect of pre- frontal lobectomy on responses to stress. Univer- sity of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. (1954-57) Boyp, B. O., and WARREN, J. M.: Solution of oddity problems by cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 50(3):258-260, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH- 3396). BrRAMEL, DANA, and WARREN, J. M.: Retention of discrimination habits by cats. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 96:241-244, 1960. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1364 and MH-3396). CroNHOLM, J. N., WARREN, J. M., and HARA, Kazuo: Distribution of training and reversal learning by cats. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 96:105-113, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 1364 and MH-3396). Hara, Kazuo, and WARREN, J. M.: Stimulus addi- tivity and dominance in discrimination perform- ance by cats. Journal of Comparative and Physi- ological Psychology, 54(1):86-90, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). Hara, Kazuo, and WARREN, J. M.: Equivalence reactions by normal and brain-injured cats. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54(1):91-93, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH- 1364 and MH-3396). 120 JosHi, BHUWAN LAL, and WARREN, J. M.: Dis- crimination of ambivalent cue stimuli by cats. Journal of Psychology, 47:3-7, 1959. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). LEARY, R. W.: The rewarded, the unrewarded, the chosen, and the unchosen. Psychological Reports, 2:91-97, 1956. LEARY, R. W.: The temporal factor in reward and nonreward of monkeys. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3(56):294-296, 1958. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1664). MARONEY, R., and LEARY, R.: A failure to condi- tion submission in monkeys. Psychological Re- ports, 3:472, 1957. MARONEY, R. J., WARREN, J. M., and SINHA, M. M.: Stability of social dominance hierarchies in monkeys (Macaca Mulatta). Journal of Social Psychology, 50:285-293, 1959. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1364 and MH-3396). STEWART, C. N., and WARREN, J. M.: The behav- ior of cats on the double-alternation problem. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 50(1):26-28, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M.: Effects of satiation on food pref- erences in monkeys. Journal of Genetic Psychol- 0gy, 93:33-36, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH- 1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M.: The development of paw prefer- ences in cats and monkeys. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 93:229-236, 1958. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M.: Solution of object and positional discriminations by rhesus monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 52(1): 92-93, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M.: Stimulus preservation in discrimi- nation learning by cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 52(1):99-101, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH- 3396). WARREN, J. M.: Oddity learning set in a cat. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53(4):433-434, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M.: Supplementary report: Effective- ness of food and nonfood signs in reversal learn- ing by monkeys. Journal of Experimental Psychol- ogy, 60(4):263-264, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M.: Solution of sign-differentiated ob- ject and positional discriminations by rhesus mon- keys. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 96:365- 369, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M.: Discrimination reversal learning by cats. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 97:317-327, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH- 3396). WARREN, J. M.: Individual differences in discrimi- nation learning by cats. Journal of Genetic Psy- chology, 98:89-93, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-3996). WARREN, J. M., and BARON, ALAN: The forma- tion of learning sets by cats. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 49(3): 227-231, 1956. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M., and KiMBALL, H.: Transfer rela- tions in discrimination learning by cats. [Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 52 (3):336-338, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH- 1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M., and MARONEY, R. J.: Competitive social interaction between monkeys. Journal of Social Psychology, 48:223-233, 1958. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M., and SINHA, M. M.: Effect of dif- ferential reinforcement on size preferences in cats. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 7:17-22, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M., and SINHA, M. M.: Interactions be- tween learning sets in monkeys. Journal of Ge- netic Psychology, 95:19-25, 1959. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1364 and MH-3296). ’ WARREN, J. M., and WARREN, H. B.: Interspecies differences in learning by carnivores? Perceptual and Motor Skills, 9:346, 1959. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M., and WARREN, HELEN B.: Reversal learning by horse and raccoon. Journal of Ge- netic Psychology, 100:215-320, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1364 and MH-33906). WARREN, J. M., WARREN, HELEN B., and AKERT, K.: Umweg learning by cats with lesions in the prestriate cortex. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54(6):629-632, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M., WARREN, HELEN B., and AKERT, KoNRraAD: Orbitofrontal cortical lesions and learn- ing in cats. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 118(1):17-42, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 1364 and MH-3396). YamaGucHI, SHUN-IcHI, and WARREN, J. M.: Sin- gle versus double alternation learning by cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 54(5):533-538, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). MH-836 (R01) WHITE, MARTHA S.: Child rearing practices and child behavior, individual. Carmel, Calif. (1954-55) 121 WHITE, MARTHA STURM: Social class, child rearing practices, and child behavior. American Socio- logical Review, 22(6):702-712, 1957. Also in: Stoodley, B. H., ed. Society and self. Glencoe, Il1., Free Press, 1962, p. 579-592. MH-839 (R01) HOOKER, EVELYN G., and GEN- GERELLI, JOSEPH A.: Psychological study of male homosexuals. University of California, Los An- geles, Calif. (1954-62) (Continued as MH- 6452). HookEr, E.: A preliminary analysis of group be- havior of homosexuals. Journal of Psychology, 42:217-225, 1956. HookEr, E.: The adjustment of the male overt homosexual. Journal of Projective Techniques, 21:18-31, 1957. Also in: Ruitenbeek, H. M., ed. The problem of homosexuality in modern society. New York, E. P. Dutton, 1963, p. 141-161. (Also acknowledges MH-6452). HOOKER, E.: What is a criterion? Journal of Pro- jective Techniques, 23:278-281, 1959. HookER, E.: Male homosexuality in the Rorschach. Journal of Projective Techniques, 22:33-54, 1958. Also in: Sherman, M., ed. A Rorschach reader. New York, International Universities Press, 1960, p. 14-44. Hooker, E.: The case El: A biography. Journal of Projective Techniques, 25:252-267, 1961. Hooker, E.: Homosexuality—summary of studies. In: Duvall, Evelyn M., and Duvall, S. M., eds. Sex ways in fact and faith. New York, Associa- tion Press, 1961, p. 166-183. Hooker, E.: The homosexual community. In: Personality research. Vol. 2. Copenhagen, Munksgaard Press, 1962, p. 40-59. (Also ac- knowledges MH-6452). HookER, EVELYN: Male homosexual life styles and venereal disease. In: Proceedings of the world forum on syphilis and other treponematoses, Washington, D.C., 1962. Washington, Superin- tendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962. p. 431-437. (Public Health Service Publication No. 997). Hooker, E.: Male homosexuality. In: Farberow, N. L.,, ed. Taboo topics. New York, Atherton Press, 1963, p. 44-55. (Also acknowledges MH- 6452). MH-844 (R01) WHITING, JoHN M.: Child rearing and personality development. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1954-55) Sears, R. R., MaccoBy, ELEANOR E., and LEVIN, H.: Patterns of child rearing. Evanston, Ill, Row, Peterson, 1957, 549 p. (Also acknowledges MH- 461 and MH-1096). MH-849 (R01) BELLER, EMANUEL K.: Fear, ag- gression and dependency in childhood. Child Development Center, New York, N.Y. (1955 63) BELLER, E. KuNo: Direct and inferential observa- tions in the study of children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 29:560-573, 1959. BELLER, E. KuNo: Exploratory studies of depend- ency. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Series 11, 21(5):414-426, 1959. BeLLER, E. KuNo: Clinical process: The assess- ment of data in childhood personality disorders. Glencoe, Ill., Free Press, 1962, 394 p. BELLER, E. KUNO, and NEUBAUER, PETER B.: Sex differences and symptom patterns in early child- hood. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 2(3):417-433, 1963. BELLER, E. KUNO, and TURNER, JOHN: Personality correlates of children’s perception of human size. Child Development, 35-441-449, 1964. HAEBERLE, ANN W.: Quantification of observa- tional data in various stages of research. Amers- can Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 29:583-589, 1959. MH-855 (RO1) VESTERGAARD, PER B.: Adreno- cortical response to insulin. ~Rockland State Hos- pital, Orangeburg, N.Y. (1954-57) VESTERGAARD, P., ABBOTT, M. T., KLINE, N. S,, and STANLEY, A. M.: Endamoeba histolytica in- fections on a psychiatric research ward. Implica- tions for research and treatment with Mantomide. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psychology, 19:44-53, 1958. VESTERGAARD, P., and LEVERETT, R.: Excretion of combined neutral 17-ketosteroids in short term col- lection periods. A study of spontaneous variabil- ity. Acta Endocrinologica, 25:45-53, 1957. VESTERGAARD, P., and LEVERETT, R.: Constancy of urinary creatinine excretion. Journal of Labora- tory and Clinical Medicine, 51:211-218, 1958. VESTERGAARD, P., LEVERETT, R., and DOUGLAS, W. R.: Spontaneous variability in the excretion of combined neutral 17-ketosteroids in the urine of chronic schizophrenic patients. Psychiatric Re- search Reports, 6:74-89, 1956. MH-857 (R01) GREENE, WILLIAM A., Jr., and ENGEL, GEORGE L.: Psychological factors in reti- culoendothelial disease. University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (1954-60) GREENE, WILLIAM A.: Process in psychosomatic dis- orders. Psychosomatic Medicine, 17:150-158, 1956. GREENE, WILLIAM A.: Early object relations, so- matic, affective, and personal. An inquiry into 122 the physiology of the mother-child unit. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 126:225, 1958. GREENE, WILLIAM A.: Role of a vicarious object in the adaptation to object loss: I. Use of a vicari- ous object as a means of adjustment to separa- tion from a significant person. Psychosomatic Medicine, 20(5) :344-350, 1958. GREENE, WILLIAM A.: Some perspectives for ob- serving and interpreting biopsychologic relations and doctor-patient relations. Perspectives in Bi- ology and Medicine, 2(4):453-471, 1959. GREENE, WiLLIAM A.: What the cancer patient should be told about his diagnosis and prognosis: Psychiatrist’'s recommendation. In: - American Cancer Society. The physician and the total care of the cancer patient. A symposium presented at the 1961 scientific session of the American Cancer Society, Oct. 23-24, 1961. New York, American Cancer Society, 1962, p. 69-74. GREENE, WILLIAM A.: Role of a vicarious object in the adaptation to object loss: II. | Vicissitudes in the role of the vicarious object. Psychosomatic Medicine, 21(6) :438-447, 1959. GREENE, WILLIAM A., and MILLER, GERALD: Psy- chological factors and reticuloendothelial disease. IV. Observations on a group of children and adolescents with leukemia: An interpretation of disease development in terms of the mother-child unit. Psychosomatic Medicine, 20(2) :124-144, 1958. GREENE, WILLIAM A., YOUNG, LAWRENCE E., and SwisHER, ScoTT N.: Psychological factors and reticuloendothelial disease. II. Observations on a group of women with lymphomas and leuke- mias. Psychosomatic Medicine, 18(4):284-303, 1956. MH-859 (R17) FINEMAN, ABRAHAM: Emotional disorders of childhood. Judge Baker Guidance Clinic, Boston, Mass. (1955-58) FINEMAN, ABRAHAM D.: The utilization of child psychiatry on a children’s surgical service. Amer- ican Journal of Surgery, 95:64-73, 1958. FINEMAN, ABRAHAM D.: Preliminary observations on ego development in children with congenital defects of the genitourinary system. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 29:110-120, 1959. MH-863 (R17) CALLAwAY, ENocH, III: The re- lation of autonomic activity to perception. Uni- versity of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. (1954-58) CALLAWAY, ENocH, III: Institutional use of atarac- tic drugs. Modern Medicine, 25:81, 1957. Carraway, ENocH, III: A practical application of information theory in psychopharmacology. Psy- chiatric Research Report, 9:47-51, 1958. CALLAWAY, ENocH, III: The influence of amobar- bital and methamphetamine on the focus of at- tention. Journal of Mental Science, 105:382-392, 1959. Carraway, E., III: Non-empiric approaches from the basic sciences. A psychiatric viewpoint. In: Featherstone, R. M., and Simon, A., eds. Phar- macologic approach lo the study of the mind. Springfield, Ill., Thomas, 1959. CALLAWAY, ENOCH, III: Day-to-day variability in relationship between electroencephalographic alpha phase and reaction time to visual stimuli. New Academy of Sciences, 92:1183-1186, 1961. CaLLawAy, ENocH, III: Factors influencing the re- lationship between alpha activity and visual reac- tion time. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14:674-682, 1962. CaLLawAy, ENocH, III: A method for harmonic dial calculation. Psychophysiological Newsletter, 8(3):6-9, 1962. CALLAWAY, ENocH, III, and ALEXANDER, J. D.: The temporal coding of sensory data; An investi- gation of two theories. Journal of General Psy- chology, 62:293-309, 1960. Carraway, ENocH, III, and BAND, RAYMOND I.: Some psychopharmacologicals effects of atropine: Preliminary investigation of broadened attention. A. M. A. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 79:91-102, 1958. CaLLAawAY, ENocH, III, and DEeEMBO, DONALD: Narrowed attention: A psychological phenomenon that accompanies a certain physiological change. A. M. A. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 79:74-90, 1958. Carraway, ENocH, III, and ELLMmAN, G. L.: Ery- throcyte cholinesterase-levels in mental patients. Nature, 192:1216, 1961. Carraway, ENoch, III, and StoNE, G. C.: Psycho- pharmacologic theories: A critical review. Clini- cal Pharmacology and Therapentics, 1:247-267, 1960. CALLAWAY, ENocH, III, and STONE, GEORGE C.: Re-evaluating focus of attention. In: Uhr, Leon- ard, and Miller, James G., eds. Drugs and be- havior. New York, Wiley, 1960, p. 393-398. CALLAWAY, ENocH, III, Truitt, E. B., JR., BRAUDE, M. C,, and KraNTZ, |. C,, JR.: The pharmacology of myristicin: A contribution to the psychophar- macology of nutmeg. Journal of Neuropsychi- atry, 2:205-210, 1961. CALLAWAY, ENocH, III, and YEAGER, C. L.: Re- lations between human reaction time and EEG alpha phase. In: Proceedings of 7th International Congress, Society for Biological Rhythms, Minerva Medica, September, 1960. 123 KLEE, G. D., BERTINO, J., and WEINTRAUB, W.: Clinical studies with LSD-25 and two substances related to serotonin. Part II. Journal of Mental Science, 106:301-308, 1960. KLEE, G. D., BErTINO, J., and WEINTRAUB, W.: The influence of varying dosage on the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) in humans. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 132: 404-409, 1961. LaDou, J., ELLMAN, G. L., EDMINSTER, I. F., and CHRISTENSEN, R. L.: Correlates of manifest anx- iety. Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, 6:41- 47, 1961. VANBUSKIR, CHARLES, and CALLAWAY, ENOCH, III: Observations on vibratory thresholds. Con- finia Neunrologica, 16:301-308, 1956. MH-864 (R17) Knapp, PETER H.: Psychophysio- logical relationships in disease. Boston Univer- sity, Boston, Mass. (1954-59) Knapp, PETER H.: Sensory impressions in dreams. Psychoanalytical Quarterly, 25:325-347, 1956. Knapp, PETER H.: Conscious and unconscious af- fects: A preliminary approach to concepts and methods of study. Psychiatric Research Reports, 8:55-74, 1958. Knapp, PETER H., ed.: Expression of the emotions in man. New York, International Universities Press, 1963. Knapp, PETER H., LEVIN, SIDNEY, MCCARTER, ROB- ERT H., WERNER, HENRY, and ZETZEL, ELIZA- BETH: Suitability for psychoanalysis: A review of one hundred supervised analytic cases. Psycho- analytic Quarterly, 29:459-477, 1960. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2134). MH-867 (R17) LEesse, HENRY: Electrical brain ac- tivity and thought processes. Tulane University,’ New Orleans, La. (1954-59) Less, H.: Amygdaloid electrical activity during a conditioned response. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Electroenceph- alography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Brus- sels, Excerpta Medica, 1957, p. 99-100. Less, H.: Electrographic recordings of amygdaloid activity during a conditioned response. Federa- tion Proceedings, 16:79, 1957. LEssE, H.: Activite electrique du noyau amygdalien pendant le conditionnement. (Amygdaloid elec- trical activity during a conditioned response.) In: Van Bogaert, Ludo, and Radermecker, J., eds. Electroencephalography, clinical neurophysiology and epilepsy. (Proceedings of the First Interna- tional Congress of Neurological Sciences.) Vol. 3. London, Pergamon Press, 1959, p. 177-180. Lessg, H.: Rhinencephalic electrophysiological ac- tivity during emotional behavior in cats. In: West, L. J., and Greenblatt, M., eds. Explora- tions in the physiology of emotions. Washing- ton, D.C., American Psychiatric Association, 1960, p- 224-237. Lessg, H.: Discussion section five. In: West, L. J., and Greenblatt, M., eds. Explorations in the phys- iology of emotions. Washington, D.C., American Psychiatric Association, 1960. Less, H., HEATH, R. G., MicKLE, W. A., MON- ROE, R. R., and MiLLER, W. H.: Rhinencephalic activity during thought. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 122:433-440, 1955. Lessg, H., HEATH, R. G., MickLE, W. A., MON- ROE, R. R., and MILLER, W. H.: Correlation of thought activity with subcortical electrical record- ings. (Abstract) Proceedings of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, 10:7, 1955. Lessg, H., HEaTH, R. G., MIicKLE, W. A., MON- ROE, R. R., and MILLER, W. H.: Thought activity and subcortical electrical recordings. In: Recent advances in biological activity psychiatry. Trans- actions of the Society of Biological Psychiatry. Vol. 10. 1955, p. 14-16. MH-872 (R01) Lanpis, CARNEY: Sensory and mo- tor tests of CNS efficiency. New York State Psy- chiatric Institute, New York, N.Y. (1954-59) DILLON, DoNALD ].: Differences between ascending and descending flicker-fusion thresholds among groups of hospitalized psychiatric patients and a group of normal control persons. Journal of Psy- chology, 48:255-262, 1959. DILLON, DONALD ].: The variation of flicker-fusion thresholds among groups of hospitalized psychi- atric patients. Journal of Psychology, 51:351-360, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3616). DiLLoN, DoNALD J.: The variation of choice reac- tion time among groups of hospitalized psychi- atric patients. Journal of Psychology, 52:105- 114, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3616). DILLON, DONALD J.: Length judgment in psychotic and control populations. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13:335-341, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3616). DiLLON, DONALD J.: A test for patient-control dif- ferences ‘with a modified version of the Mueller- Lyer illusion. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13: 391-397, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3616). LANDIS, CARNEY, DILLON, DONALD, and LEOPOLD, Juris: Changes in flicker-fusion threshold and in choice reaction time induced by electroconvulsive therapy. Journal of Psychology, 41:61-80, 1956. Lanpis, X. C., DILLON, DONALD J., LEoPOLD, and RUTSCHMANN, J.: Blood sugar level and visual flicker-fusion threshold following insulin coma. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 16:76, 1957. Lanpis, CARNEY, DILLON, DONALD ]., LEOPOLD, Juris, and RuTsCHMANN, J.: Changes in the level of blood sugar and sensory and motor per- formance brought about by insulin coma therapy. Journal of Psychology, 45:275-285, 1958. Lanpis, CARNEY, WHITTIER, DiLLON, DONALD J., and LINK, RuTH: Clinical findings and psycho- physiological tests of the effects of a new psycho- pharmacologic agent: Dornwal. American [Jour- nal of Psychiatry, 116:747-748, 1960. ROEHRIG, WILLIAM C.: Psychomotor task with per- fect recall after fifty weeks of no practice. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 19:547-550, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3616). RUTSCHMANN, J.: Oppel-Kundt illusion in normals and schizophrenic patients: An examination of the perceptual primitivization hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13:399-415, 1961. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3616). MH-875 (R01) WiLLiaMs, HARRY L., and PFEIF- FER, CARL C.: Drugs and metabolites in epilepsy and schizophrenia. Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. (1954-61) (Continued from MH-639). DEMaAARr, E. W. J, WiLLiaMs, H. L., MILLER, A. 1., and PrEeiFrer, C. C.: Effects in man of single and combined oral doses of reserpine, ipro- niazid, and D-lysergic acid dimethylamide. Clini- cal Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1(1):23-30, 1960. DixoN, RoBerT H., and WiLLiaMS, HARRY L.: The toxicity of pyridoxal and pyridoxal phosphate hy- drazones in mice. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, March-April, 1962, p. 338. FULCHER, J. HERSHEL, GALLAGHER, WILLIAM J, and PFEIFFER, CARL C.: Comparative lucid inter- vals after amobarbital, CO,, and arecoline in the chronic schizophrenic. A. M. A. Archives of Neu- rology and Psychiatry, 78:392-395, 1957. GOLDSTEIN, L.: Electroencephalographic analysis of the effect of 2-dimethylaminoethanol choline, and atropine on the rabbit brain. Journal of Pharma- cology and Experimental Therapeutics, 128(4): 392-396, 1960. GOLDSTEIN, L., and ALDUNATO, JORGE: Quantita- tive electroencephalographic studies on the effects of morphine and nalorpine on rabbit brain. Jour- nal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapen- tics, 130(2) 1204-211, 1960. GOLDSTEIN, L., and Munoz, Carros: Influence of adrenergic stimulant and blocking drugs on cere- bral electrical activity in curarized animals. Jour- nal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeu- tics, 132(3) :345, 1961. 124 GrotH, D. P,, Ban, J. A. and PFEIFFER, C. C.: The comparative distribution of Cl4-labeled 2- dimethylaminoethanol and choline in the mouse. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Thera- pentics, 124(4) :290-295, 1958. HONEGGER, C. G., and HONEGGER, R.: Occurrence and quantitative determination of 2-dimethylamino- ethanol in animal tissue extracts. Nature, 184: 550-552, 1959. HoNEGGER, C. G., and HONEGGER, R.: Volatile amines in brain. Nature, 185(4712):530-532, 1960. ENNEY, E. H.: Drug effects on electroconvulsive in- hibition of conditioned avoidance response in rats. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 19:22, 1960. JENNEY, ErizaBetH H., and PFEIFFER, CARL C.: The predictable value of anticonvulsant indices. Annals of New York Academy of Science, 64:679- 689, 1956. JENNEY, E. H., and PFEIFFER, C. C.: The convulsant effect of hydrazides and the antidotal effect of anticonvulsants and metabolites. Journal of Phar- macology and Experimental Therapeutics, 122(1): 110-123, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-639). JorpaN, S. E., LassLo, A., LivINgsTON, H. L., ALPERIN, H., and GERSING, A.: Comparative pharmacology of cocain and the diethylamide de- rivative of cocaine. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 114(4):452- 473, 1958. KiLriam, K. F.: Convulsant hydrazides: II. Compari- son of electrical changes and enzyme inhibition in- duced by the administration of thiosemicarbazide. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Thera- peuntics, 119:263-271, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-639). KiLriam, K. F,, and BAIN, J. A.: Convulsant hydra- zides. I. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of vita- min B enzymes by convulsant hydrazides. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 119:255-262, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH- 639). Lyon, J. B,, Jr., Ban, J. A., and WiLrLiams, H. L.: The distribution of vitamin Bg in the tissues of two inbred strains of mice fed complete and vitamin Bg-deficient rations. Journal of Biological Chemis- try, 237:1989-1991, 1962. Munoz, CARLOS, and GOLDSTEIN, L.: Influence of adrenergic blocking drugs upon the EEG analeptic effect of dl-amphetamine in conscious unrestrained rabbits. Journal of Pharmacology and Experi- mental Therapeutics, 132(3):354-359, 1961. MURPHREE, HENRY B.: Effects in human volunteers of subparalytic dosis of dihydro-g-erythroidine. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 4(3): 304-310, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4229). 125 MurPHREE, HENRY B., Dippy, Roy H., JENNEY, ErLizaBETH, and PFEIFFER, CARL C.: Effects in normal man of a-methyltryptamine and a-ethyl- tryptamine. Clinical Pharmacology and Thera- peutics, 2(6):722-726, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-4229). MurpPHREE, H. B., JENNEY, E. H., and PFEIFFER, C. C.: 2-dimethylaminoethanol as a central nervous system stimulant: One aspect of the pharmacology of reserpine. In: Braceland, F. J, ed. The effect of pharmacologic agents on the nervous system. Vol. 37. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1959, p. 204. MurpPHREE, H. B., PFEIFFER, C. C., and BACKER- MAN, IVAN A.: The stimulant effect of 2-dimethy- laminoethanol (deanol) in human volunteer sub- jects. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1(3):303-310, 1960. PFEIFFER, CARL C.: Optical isomerism and pharma- cological action, a generalization. Science, 124:29- 31, 1956. PFEIFFER, C. C.: Parasympathetic neurohumors; Pos- sible precursors and effect on behavior. Interna- tional Review of Neurobiology, 1:195-244, 1959. PFEIFFER, CARL C., and DEMAAR, E. W. J.: Acetyl- choline congenors: Structure activity of nicotinic and muscarinic action. (Abstract) Federal Pro- ceedings, 16:327, 1957. PreIrrer, CARL C., GoLDSTEIN, L., MuNoz, Carros, MURPHREE, H. B., and JENNEY, E. H.: Quantitative comparisons of the electroencephalo- graphic stimulant effects of Deanol, choline and amphetamine. Clinical Pharmacology and T hera- peutics, 4(4):461-466, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4229). PreIFreRr, C. C., GrotH, D. P., and BAIN, J. A.: Choline versus dimethylaminoethanol (Deanol) as possible precursors of cerebral acetylcholine. Bio- ogical Psychiatry, Grune & Stratton, New York, p. 259, 1959. PFEIFFER, CARL C., and JENNEY, E. H.: The inhibi- tion of the conditioned response and the counter- action of schizophrenia by muscarinic stimulation of the brain. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 66:753-764, 1957. PrerfFER, CARL C., JENNEY, ELizABETH H., and MARSHALL, WILLIAM H.: Experimental seizures in man and animals with acute pyridoxine defi- ciency produced by hydrazides. Electroencephalo- graphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 8:307-315, 1955. (Also acknowledges MH-639). PrerFFer, C. C., MURPHREE, HENRY B., JENNEY, ELizABETH H., ROBERTSON, MASON G., RANDALL, A. HENRY, and BRYAN, LAURANCE: Hallucinatory effect in man of acetylcholine inhibitors. Neu- rology, 9(4) :249-250, 1959. PFEIFFER, C. C., RIOPELLE, A. J. SMITH, R. P, JENNY, E. H., and WiLLiams, H. L.: Comparative study of the effect of meprobamate on the condi- tioned response, on strychnine and pentylenetetrazol thresholds on the normal electroencephalogram, and on polysynoptic reflexes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 67:734-743, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-589). PRESTON, JAMES B.: Pentylenetetrazole and thiosemi- carbazide: A study of convulsant activity in the isolated cerebral cortex preparation. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 115 (1):28-38, 1955. (Also acknowledges MH-639). PrESTON, JAMES B.: The influence of thiosemicarba- zide on electrical activity recorded in the anterior brain stem of the cat. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 115(1):39-45, 1955. (Also acknowledges MH-639). RioPELLE, A. J., and PFEIFFER, C. C.: The effect of acute and chronic administration of reserpine on test performance on monkeys. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 79:352-358, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-589). SmiTH, R. P., and Bevan, W.: Maze performance, emotionality, audiogenic seizure susceptibility in rats and mice treated with 2-dimethylaminoethanol (23484). Proceedings of the Society for Experi- mental Biology and Medicine, 96:382-385, 1957. SMITH, R. P., WaAGMAN, A. I., PFEIFFER, C. C., and RiOPELLE, A. ].: Effects of some tranquillizing and depressant drugs on conditioned avoidance behavior in monkeys. [Journal of Pharmacology and Expe- rimental Therapeutics, 119:317-323, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-589). WiLriams, H. L., and WIEGAND, R. G.: Xanthurenic acid excretion and possible pyridoxine deficiency produced by isonicotinic acid hydrazide and other convulsant hydrazides. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 128 (4) :344-348, 1960. MH-883 (R01) WALLACE, ANTHONY, F. Cu: Mental health aspects of cultism. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1954-55) (Con- tinued as MH-1106). WaLLace, A. F. C.:. Revitalization movements. American Anthropologist, 58:264-281, 1956. WaLLace, A. F. C.: Stress and rapid personality changes. International Record of Medicine and General Practice Clinics, 169:761-774, 1956. (Also acknowledges MH-1106). WaLLacg, A. F. C.: New religions among the Dela- ware Indians, 1600-1900. Southwestern [Journal of Anthropology, 2:1-21, 1956. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1106). WALLACE, A. F. C.: Mazeway resynthesis: A biocul- tural theory of religious inspiration. Transactions 126 of the New York Academy of Science, 18 (Series II) :626-638, 1956. (Also acknowledges MH- 1106). WALLACE, ANTHONY F. C.: The Dekanawidah myth analyzed as the record of a revitalization movement. Ethnohistory, 5:118-130, 1958. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1106). WALLACE, ANTHONY F. C.: Cultural determinants of response to hallucinatory experience. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1:58-69, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1106). WALLACE, ANTHONY F. C.: The institutionalization of cathartic and control strategies in Iroquois reli- gious psychotherapy. In: Opler, Marvin K., ed. Culture and mental health. New York, MacMillan, 1959, p. 63-96. (Also acknowledges MH-1106). WALLACE, ANTHONY F. C.: Towards a classification of cult movements: Some further contributions. Man, 59:25-26, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH- 1106). WALLACE, ANTHONY F. C.: Schools in revolutionary and conservative societies: In: Gruber, Frederick C., ed. Anthropology and education. Philadel- phia, University of Pennsylvania, 1961, p. 25-54. (Also acknowledges MH-1106). WALLACE, ANTHONY F. C.: Cultural composition of the Handsome Lake religion. In: Fenton, W. N,, & Gulick, John, eds. Symposium on Cherokee and Iroquois culture. Washington, D. C., Bureau of American Ethnology, 1961, p. 139-151. (Bulletin 180). (Also acknowledges MH-1106). WALLACE, ANTHONY F. C.: Cultural revitalization: A function of religion in human history and evolu- tion. Boston, Institute for Religion in an Age of Science, 1962, 24 p. (Also acknowledges MH- 1106). WALLACE, ANTHONY F. C.: Mass hysteria. In: Deutsch, Albert, ed. Encyclopedia of mental health. New York, Franklin Watts, 1963, p. 990- 997. (Also acknowledges MH-1106). WALLACE, ANTHONY F. C.: Exporting the American idea: Quaker technology and the Senecas. Satur- day Review, April, 1963, p. 54-56. (Also ack- nowledges MH-1106). MH-884 (R01) SUTHERLAND, ARTHUR M.: Psycho- logical reactions to stress of cancer. Sloan Ketter- ing Institute for Cancer Research, New York, N.Y. (1954-59) OrBACH, CHARLES E., and BIEBER, IRVING: Depres- sive and paranoid reactions. Archives of Neurol- ogy and Psychiatry, 78:301-311, 1957. ScHON, MARTHA: Psychological effects of hypo- physectomy in women with metastatic breast cancer. Cancer, 11:95-98, 1958. ScHON, MARTHA: The effects of hyperhysectomy on intellectual functioning. ~~ Journal of Mental Science, 104:743-748, 1958. ScHON, MARTHA: Hypophysectomy as a psychologi- cal experience. Diseases of the Nervous System 24(4):475-483, 1963 SCHON, MARTHA, and BARD, MORTON: The effect of hypophysectomy on personality in women with metastatic breast cancer as revealed by the Rorschach test. Journal of Projective Techniques, 22(4) :440-445, 1958. SCHON, MARTHA, and SUTHERLAND, ARTHUR M.: The relationship of pituitary hormones to sexual behavior in women. In: Advances in sex research. New York, Hoeber-Harper, 1963, p. 33-47. (Also acknowledges MH-1118). SCHON, MARTHA, and WAXENBERG, SHELDON E.: Effect of hypophysectomy on Bender-Gestalt test performance. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 14: 2993-3002, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH- 1118). WAXENBERG, SHELDON E.: Some biological correla- tives of sexual behavior. In: Winokur, G., ed. Determinants of human sexual behavior. Spring- field, Illinois, C. C. Thomas, 1963, p. 52-75. (Also acknowledges MH-1118). WAXENBERG, SHELDON E., DRELLICH, MARVIN G., and SUTHERLAND, ARTHUR M.: The role of hormones in human behavior I. Changes in female sexuality after adrenalectomy. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 19:193-202, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1118). WAXENBERG, S. E., FINKBEINER, J. A., DRELLICH, M. G., and SUTHERLAND, A. M.: The role of hormones in human behavior. II. Changes in sexual behavior in relation to vaginal smears of breast cancer patients after oophorectomy and adrenalec- tomy. Psychosomatic Medicine, 22:435-442, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1118). MH-887 (R01) CoHEN, Louis D.: The assessment of change in anxiety level. Duke University, Durham, N.C. (1954-59) CoHEN, L. D., and THoMmAs, DAVID R.: Decision and motor components of reaction time as a function of anxiety level and task complexity. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 12:420, 1957. GoLDSTONE, SANFORD: Flicker fusion measurements and anxiety level. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 49:200-202, 1955. JonEs, Ora: Relationships between visual and audi- tory discrimination level and anxiety level. Journal of General Psychology, 59:111-118, 1958. Jones, Ora, and CoHEN, L. D.: Relationship be- tween visual and auditory discrimination and anxi- ety level. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 10: 387, 1955. 127 WAGONER, ROBERT A.: Differences in response latency and response variability between high and low anxiety subjects in a flicker fusion task. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 61:355- 359, 1960. WAGONER, ROBERT A., and COHEN, L. D.: Response latency of anxious and non-anxious groups in a flicker fusion task. (Abstract) American Psycholo- gist, 11:375, 1956 WAGONER, ROBERT A., and COHEN, L. D.: Analysis of patterns of response of anxious and non-anxious subjects to a flickering light. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 6:167-170, 1956. MH-891 (R01) WATSON, JEANNE, FOOTE, NEL- soN N., and RiesMaN, Davip: Functions of play in developing adulthood. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1955-59) FEIGENBAUM, KENNETH: Sociable groups as pre- political behavior. PROD, 2(3):29-31, 1959. RiESMAN, DavID, POTTER, ROBERT ]., and WATSON, JEANNE: The vanishing host. Human Organiza- tion, 19(1):17-27, 1960. RiesMAN, DAVID, POTTER, ROBERT J., and WATSON, JEANNE: Sociability, permissiveness, and equality: A preliminary formulation. Psychiatry, 23(4): 323-340, 1960. Also in: Riesman, David, ed., Abundance for what? New York, Doubleday, 1964. RiEsMAN, Davip, and WATSON, JEANNE: The soci- ability project: A chronicle of frustration and achievement. In: Hammond, Phillip E., ed. Soci- ologist at work. New York, Basic Books, 1964, p. 235-321. WATSON, JEANNE: A formal analysis of sociable interaction. ~~ Sociometry, 21(4):269-280, 1958. Also in: Hollander, E. P., and Hunt, R. G., eds. Current perspectives in social psychology. New York, Oxford University Press, 1963. WATSON, JEANNE, and POTTER, ROBERT J.: An analytic unit for the study of interaction. Human Relations, 15(3) :245-263, 1962. MH-895 (R01) BANDURA, ALBERT: Therapists anxiety level, self-insight and competence. Stan- ford University, Stanford, Calif. (1954-55) BANDURA, A.: Psychotherapist’s anxiety level, self- insight, and psychotherapeutic competence. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 52:333- 337, 1956. MH-896 (R01) PHILLIPS, LESLIE: Parent-child in- teraction and cognitive development. Clark Uni- versity, Worcester, Mass. (1954-62) BROOKS, MAR JORIE O., and PHILLIPS, L.: The cogni- tive significance of Rorschach developmental scores. Journal of Personality, 26(2):268-290, 1958. BroOVERMAN, D. M.: Dimensions of cognitive style. Journal of Personality, 28(2):167-185, 1960. BrovERMAN, D. M.: Cognitive style and intra- individual variation in abilities. Journal of Per- sonality, 28(2) :240-256, 1960. BROVERMAN, D. M.: Effects of score transformations in Q and R factor analysis techniques. Psychologi- cal Review, 68(1) :68-80, 1961. BROVERMAN, D. M.: Normative and ipsative meas- urement in psychology. Psychological Review, 69(4):295-305, 1962. BrOVERMAN, D. M., Jorban, E. J, Jr, and PHILLIPS, L.: Achievement motivation in fantasy and behavior. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60(3) :374-378, 1960. CAINE, J., and FILLENBAUM, GERDA RAND: The rela- tion of person naming and tension to prognosis and adjustment of chronic mental patients. Jour- nal of Clinical Psychology, 16(3):252-256, 1960. FEFFER, M. H.: The influence of affective factors on conceptualization in schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63(3):588-596, 1961. FEFFER, M. H., and GOUREVITCH, VIVIAN: Cognitive aspects of role-taking in children. Journal of Personality, 28 (4) :383-396, 1960. FEFFER, MELVIN, and PHILLIPS, LESLIE: Social at- tainment and performance under stress. Journal of Personality, 22:284-297, 1953. FrEemaN, H., Parsons, O. A. Ferrer, M. H., PuiLLips, D. L., DANEMAN, E. A. ELMADJIAN, F., BLocH, E., DorFMAN, R. I. and Pincus, G.: Steroid replacement in aged men. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 16(6): 779-789, 1956. GOUREVITCH, VIVIAN, and FEFFER, M. H.: A study of motivational development. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 100:361-375, 1962. LANE, JoHN E.: Social effectiveness and develop- mental level. Journal of Personality, 23:274-284, 1955. Lipton, H., KaDEN, S., and PHirrips, L.: Ror- schach scores and decontextualization: A develop- mental view. Journal of Personality, 26(2):291- 302, 1958. Parsons, O. A.: Status needs and performance un- der failure. Journal of Personality, 26(1):123- 138, 1958. PHILLIPS, LESLIE: Social effectiveness and sympto- matic behaviors. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 61:231-238, 1960. PHiLLips, L., KADEN, S., and WALDMAN, M.: Ror- schach indices of developmental level. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 94:267-285, 1959. 128 PHiLLIps, L., and RaBINovITCH, M. S.: Social role and patterns of symptomatic behaviors. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 57(2):181- 186, 1958. PHiLLips, L., and ZIGLER, E.: Social competence: The action-thought parameter and vicariousness in normal and pathological behaviors. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63(1):137-146, 1961. PopeLL, J. E., and PHiLLips, L.: A developmental analysis of cognition as observed in dimensions of Rorschach and objective test performance. Journal of Personality, 27(4):439-463, 1959. SjosTEDT, ELSI MARIE, and Hurwitz, I.: A de- velopmental study of sexual functioning by means of a cognitive analysis. Journal of Projective Techniques, 23(2):237-246, 1959. SmrtH, L. C., Jr., and PHILLIPS, L.: Social effective- ness and developmental level in adolescence. Journal of Personality, 27(2):240-249, 1959. ZIGLER, E., and PHILLIPS, L.: Social effectiveness and symptomatic behaviors. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 61(2):231-238, 1960. ZiGLER, E., and PHILLIPS; L.: Psychiatric diagnosis and symptomatology. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63(1):69-75, 1961. ZIGLER, E., and PHILLIPS, L.: Social competence and outcome in psychiatric disorder. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 63(2):264-271, 1961. ZIGLER, E., and PHILLIPS, L.: Psychiatric diagnosis: A critique. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 63(3):607-618, 1961. ZIGLER, E., and PHILLIPS, L.: Case history data and psychiatric diagnosis. Journal of Consulting Psy- chology, 25(5):458, 1961. ZIGLER, E., and PHILLIPS, L.: Social competence and the process-reactive distinction in psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 65 (4) :215-222, 1962. MH-897 (R01) ANDERSON, JoHN E., and HARRIS, DALE B.: Relation of childhood behavior to adult adjustment. University of Minnesota, Minneapo- lis, Minn. (1954-62) ANDERSON, JoHN E.: Experience and behavior in early childhood and the adjustment of the same persons as adults: A report to the participants in the study. Minneapolis, Minn., Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, 1963, 42 p. MH-898 (R01) PAVENSTEDT, ELEANOR, and GREELEY, DAVID M.: The effect of maternal ma- turity on child development. Boston University, Boston, Mass. (1954-59) (Continued as MH- 3325). FINEMAN, JOANN: Observations on the develop- ment of imaginative play in early childhood. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psy- chiatry, 1(1):167-181, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3325). PAVENSTEDT, ELEANOR: Study of immature mothers and their children. In: Caplan, Gerald, ed. Pre- vention of mental disorders in children. New York, Basic Books, 1961, p. 192-217. (Also acknowledges MH-3325). PAVENSTEDT, E.: A comparison of the child-rearing environment of upper-lower and very low-lower class families. American [Journal of Orthopsy- chiatry, 35:89-98, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3325). SANDER, Louis W.: Issues in early mother-child interaction. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 1(1):141-166, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3325). SANDER, Louis W.: Adaptive relationships in early mother-child interaction. Journal of the Ameri- can Academy of Child Psychiatry, 3:231-264, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3325). STECHLER, G.: A longitudinal follow-up of neo- nata apnea. Child Development, 35:333-348, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3325). MH-900 (R01) Busse, EwaLp W.: Effect of aging upon the central nervous system. Duke Univer- sity, Durham, N.C. (1954-63) AvrtroccHI, J., and EispORFER, C.: Comparison of attitudes toward old age, mental illness, and other concepts. In: Tibbitts, C., and Donahue, W., eds. Social and psychological aspects of aging. New York, Columbia University Press, 1962, p. 860- 865. AXELROD, SEYMOUR: Severe visual handicaps and kinesthetic figural after-effects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13:151-154, 1961. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2109). AXELROD, SEYMOUR: Cognitive tasks in several mo- dalities. In: Williams, R. H., Tibbitts, C., and Donahue, Wilma, eds. Processes of aging. New York, Atherton Press, 1963, p. 132-145. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). AXELROD, S., and EISDORFER, C.: Attitudes toward old people: An empirical analysis of the stimulus- group validity of the Tuckman-Lourge question- naire. Journal of Gerontology, 16:75-80, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). AXELROD, S., and EISDORFER, C.: Senescence and figural after-effects in two modalities. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 100:85-91, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2109). 129 AXELROD, S., and EISDORFER, C.: Auditory time- error and context effects in the aged. In: Tib- bitts, C., and Donahue, W., eds. Social and psy- chological aspects of aging, New York, Columbia University Press, 1962, p. 774-781. AXELROD, S., and THomPsoN, L. W.: On visual changes of reversible figures and auditory changes in meaning. American Journal of Psychology, 75(4):673-674, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 2109). BarNES, R. H., Busse, E. W., and FrRiEDMAN, E. L.: The psychological functioning of aged individuals with normal and abnormal electroencephalograms: A study of hospitalized individuals. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 124:585-593, 1956. BarNEs, R. H., Busse, E. W. and SILVERMAN, A. J.: The interrelationships between psychic and physical factors in the production of mental ill- ness in the aged. North Carolina Medical Jour- nal, 16:25-28, 1955. BoTrwiNIcK, Jack, and THOMPSON, LARRY W.: Premotor and motor components of reaction time. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(1):9-15, 1966. BrowN, R. G.: Family structure and social isolation of older persons. Journal of Gerontology, 15: 170-174, 1960. Busse, E. W.: Treatment of the non-hospitalized emotionally disturbed elderly person. Geriatrics, 11:173-179, 1956. Busse, E. W.: Mental health in advanced maturity. In: Donahue, W., and Tibbitts, C., eds. The new frontiers of aging. Ann Arbor, Mich., University of Michigan Press, 1957, p. 143-151. Bussg, E. W.: What is a realistic attitude in regard to research in aging. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Joint Council to Improve the Health Care of the Aged. Washing- ton, D.C., June, 1959, p. 36-40. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2109). Busse, E. W.: Aging and personal relations. In: Shock, Nathan, ed. Aging, some social and bio- logical aspects. Baltimore, Md., Horn-Shafer, 1960, p. 225-234. (Also acknowledges MH- 2109). Busse, E. W.: The lack of progress in geriatric psy- chiatry. Excerpta Medica: Gerontology and Geri atrics, 3:3-6, 1960. Bussk, E. W.: Problems affecting psychiatric care of the aging. Geriatrics, 15:673-680, 1960. Busse, E. W.: Clinical principles underlying admin- istrative practices. Mental Hospitals, 11(2):17- 19, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Busse, E. W.: The health and adjustment of the aged person. North Carolina Medical Journal, 21:504-508, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 2109). Bussg, E. W.: Mental disorders of the aging. Johnson, W. M., ed. The older patient. York, Paul B. Hoeber, 1960, p. 513-542. acknowledges MH-2109). In: New (Also Busse, E. W.: Current research on aging. Public Health Reports, 75:1119-1120, 1960. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2109). Bussk, E. W.: How to handle the elderly hypochon- driac. Medical Economics, 38:104-1Q8, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Bussk, E. W.: Psychoneurotic reactions and defense mechanisms in the aged. In: Hock, Paul, and Zubin, Joseph, eds. Psychopathology of aging. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 274-284. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Busse, E. W.: Spotlight on research. Rehabilitation Record, 2(2):31-35, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Busse, E. W.: Some emotional complications of chronic disease. Gerontologist, 2:153-156, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Busse, E. W.: Findings from the Duke Geriatrics Research Project on the effects of aging upon the nervous system. In: Blumenthal, H. T., ed. Medical and clinical aspects of aging. New York, Columbia University Press, 1962, p. 115-124. Also in: Tibbitts, Clark, and Donahue, Wilma, eds. Social and psychological aspects of aging. New York, Columbia University Press, 1962, p. 678-690. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Busse, E. W.: Identifying and meeting the emo- tional needs of the geriatric patient. In: Proceed- ings, Workshop on improved care to ambulatory geriatric patients. Williamsburg, Virginia, No- vember 1962, p. 9-18. (Also acknowledges MH- 2109). Busse, E. W.: Helping your older patients adjust to impaired perception. Consultant, 3:40-42, 1963. Busse, E. W., BARNES, R. H., and CoHEN, L. D.: Factors producing ego disintegration in the aged. North Carolina Medical Journal, 16:528-532, 1955. Busse, E. W., BARNES, R. H., Friepman, E. L,, and KerLty, E. J.: Psychological functioning of aged individuals with normal and abnormal elec- troencephalograms: I. A study of non-hospitalized community volunteers. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 124:135-141, 1956. Busse, E. W., BARNEs, R. H., SILVERMAN, A. J, THALER, M. B., SHY, G. M,, and Frost, L. L.: Studies of processes of aging: IV. Factors that influence the psyche of elderly persons. Ameri- can Journal of Bsyehistry, 110:897-903, 1954. 130 Busse, E. W. BARNES, R. H., and SILVERMAN, A. J.: Studies of processes of aging: Behavior patterns in the aged and their relationship to ad- justment. Disorders of the Nervous System, 15: 22-26, 1954. Busse, E. W., BArNEs, R. H., SILVERMAN, A. J, THALER, M. B., and Frost, L. L.: Studies of processes of aging: The strengths and weaknesses of psychic functioning in the aged. American Journal of Psychiatry, 111:896-901, 1955. Busse, E. W., and DovENMUEHLE, R. H.: Neurotic symptoms and predisposition in aging people. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 8:328- 336, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Busse, E. W., DovENMUEHLE, R. H., and BROWN, R. G.: Psychoneurotic reactions of the aged. Geri- atrics, 15:97-105, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Busse, E. W., FLEIDER, D. E., and Bortz, E., eds.: Backkground paper on research in gerontology: Medical. Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1960, 139 p. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2109). Busse, E. W., JErFFERs, F. C., and OBrisT, W. D.: Factors in age awareness. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Gerontology, 3:349- 357, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Busse, E. W., and NicHoLs, C. R.: Emotional dis- turbances of older people. Medical Times, 86: 263-268, 1958. Busse, E. W., and Osrist, W. D.: Significance of focal electroencephalographic changes’ in the el- derly. Postgraduate Medicine, 34:179-182, 1963. Bussk, E. W., and RECKLESS, J. B.: Psychiatric man- agement of the aged. Journal of the American Medical Association, 175:645-648, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). DoveNMUEHLE, R. H.: Health and aging. ~ Journal of Health and Human Behavior, 1:273-277, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). DoveNMUEHLE, R. H.: Aging vs. illness. In: Pro- ceedings of the 2nd National Conference of the Joint Council to Improve the Health Care of the Aged. Chicago, 1961, p. 37-48. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2109). DoveENMUEHLE, R. H.: Hospitalization of the el- derly psychiatrically ill. In: Williams, R. H., Tibbitts, C., and Donahue, W., eds. Processes of aging. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1963, p. 247- 268. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). DoveNMUEHLE, R. H., and Bussg, E. W.: Studies of the process of ageing: A review of the findings of a multidisciplinary approach. British [Journal of Physiological Medicine, 19:100-103, 1956. DoveNMUEHLE, R. H., Bussg, E. W., and NEw- MAN, E. G.: Physical problems of older people. Journal of the American Gerontology Society, 9: 208-217, 1961. (Also ackknowledges MH-2109). DovENMUEHLE, R. H., Bussg, E. W., and NEw- MAN, E. G.: Psychiatric problems of the non- institutionalized elderly: Some observations on methodological approach. In: Transactions of 7th Annual Conference, VA Cooperative Chemo- therapy Studies in Psychiatry and Broad Research Approaches to Mental Illness, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 26-28, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 2109). DovENMUEHLE, ROBERT H., and McGouGH, Eb- WARD: Aging, culture and affect: Predisposing factors. International Journal of Social Psychi- atry, 11(1):138-146, 1965. DoveNMUEHLE, R. H., NewMAN, E. G., and Busse, E. W.: Physical problems of psychiatri- cally hospitalized elderly persons. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 8:838-846, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). DovENMUEHLE, R. H., RECKLEss, J. B., and NEW- MAN, E. G.: Depressive reactions in the elderly. In: Blumenthal, H. T., ed. Medical and clinical aspects of aging. New York, Columbia Univer- sity Press, 1962, p. 63. (Also acknowledges MH- 2109). DovENMUEHLE, R. H., and VERWOERDT, A.: Physi- cal illness and depressive symptomatology: Inci- dence of depressive symptoms in hospitalized cardiac patients. Journal of the American Geri- atrics Society, 10:932-947, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2109). DoVENMUEHLE, R. H., and VERWOERDT, A.: Physi- cal illness and depressive symptomatology: Fac- tors of length and severity of illness and fre- quency of hospitalization. Journal of Gerontol- 0gy, 18:260-266, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 2109). E1spORFER, C.: Rorschach rigidity and sensory decre- ment in a senescent population. Journal of Geron- tology, 15:188-190, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). EIsDORFER, C.: Developmental level and sensory im- pairment in the aged. Journal of Projective Tech- niques, 24:129-132, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). EisDORFER, C.: Changes in cognitive functioning in relation to intellectual level in senescence. In: Tibbitts, C., and Donahue, W., eds. Social and psychological aspects of aging. New York, Co- lumbia University Press, 1962, p. 888-896. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). E1sDORFER, CARL: Verbal learning and response time in the aged. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 107: 15-22, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). EispoRFER, C., and ALTROCCHI, J.: A comparison of attitudes toward old age and mental illness. 131 Journal of Gerontology, 16:340-343, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1599 and MH-2109). E1sDORFER, CARL, and AXELROD, SEYMOUR: Senes- cence and figural aftereffects in two modalities: A correction. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 104: 193-197, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). EisporrER, C., Busse, E. W., and CoHEN, L. D.: The WAIS performance of an aged sample: The ip between verbal and performance IQs. relationshi Journal of Gerontology, 14:197-201, 1959. E1spORFER, C., and CoHEN, L. D.: The generality of WAIS standardization for the aged: A re- gional comparison. Journal of Abnormal and Sociological Psychology, 62:520-527, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Frayser, R., KNiseLy, W. H., BARNES, R., and SATTERWHITE, W. M.: In vivo observations on the conjunctival circulation in elderly subjects. Journal of Gerontology, 19:494-500, 1964. Heyman, D. K,, and JErFERs, F. C.: Effect of time lapse on consistency of self-health and medical evaluations of elderly persons. Journal of Geron- tology, 18:160-164, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Heyman, D. K., and JEFFERs, F. C.: Study of the relative influences of race and socio-economic status upon the activities and attitudes of a southern aged population. Journal of Gerontology, 19: 225-229, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). JEFFERS, FrANCIS C., ed.: Duke University council on gerontology. Proceedings of seminar 1958- 1959. Durham, North Carolina, Duke University, 1959, 88 p. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). JerrERrs, F. C.: Interdisciplinary research on aging: Participation of the social worker. Geriatrics, 17: 246-250, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Jerrers, F. C., EisporFER, C., and Busse, E. W.: Measurement of age identification: A methodologic note. Journal of Gerontology, 17:437-439, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). JerrERrs, F. C., and Nicos, C. R.: The relation- ship of activities and attitudes to physical well- being in older people. Journal of Gerontology, 16:67-70, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Jerrers, F. C., NicHots, C. R., and EISDORFER, C.: Attitudes of older persons toward death: A pre- liminary study. Journal of Gerontology, 16:53- 56, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). JerrERrs, F. C., NicHots, C. R., and EISDORFER, C.: Attitudes of older persons toward death. In: Tib- bits, Clark, and Donahue, Wilma, eds. Social and psychological aspects of aging. New York, Uni- versity of Columbia Press, 1962, p. 709-715. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). LAKIN, M., and EisporFER, C.: Affective expression among the aged. Journal of Projective Tech- niques, 24:403-408, 1960. Also in: Tibbitts, C., and Donahue, W., eds. Social and psychological aspects of aging. New York, Columbia University Press, 1962, p. 650-654. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Mappox, G. L.: Some correlates of differences in self-assessment of health status among the elderly. Journal of Gerontology, 17:180-185, 1962. MappoX, GEORGE L.: A longitudinal multidiscipli- nary study of human aging: Selected methodo- logical issues. In: Proceedings of the Social Sta- tistics Section of the American Statistical Associa- tion, 1962, p. 280-284. (Also acknowledges MH- 2109). Mappox, G. L.: Activity and morale: A longitudinal study of selected elderly subjects. Social Forces, 42:195-204, 1963. Mabpox, G. L., and EisDORFER, C.: Some corre- lates of activity and morale among the elderly. Social Forces, 40:254-260, 1962. NEwMAN, E. G., DOVENMUEHLE, R. H., and BUSSE, E. W.: Alterations in neurologic status with age. Journal of the American Gerontology Society, 8: 915-917, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). NewMAN, E. G., and NicHoLrs, C. R.: Sexual ac- tivities and attitudes in older persons. Journal of the American Medical Association, 173:33-35, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). NicHots, C. R., and Bussg, E. W.: Some aspects: of mental health and illness in the aged. North Carolina Medical Journal, 19:352-354, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). OsrisT, W. D., and Busse, E. W.: Relation of elec- troencephalogram to intellectual function in senes- cence. In: Blumenthal, H. T., ed. Medical and clinical aspects of aging. New York, Columbia University Press, 1962, p. 565. Osrist, W. D., Busse, E. W., EisDORFER, C., and KLEEMEIER, R. W.: Relation of the EEG to in- tellectual function in senescence. Journal of Gerontology, 17:197-206, 1962. Osrist, W. D., Busse, E. W., and Henry, C. E.: Relation of electroencephalogram to blood pressure in elderly persons. Neurology, 11:151-158, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-834). OBrisT, W. D., SokoLOFF, L., LAsseN, N. A. LANE, M. H., BUTLER, R. N., and FEINBERG, I.: Relation of EEG to cerebral blood flow and me- tabolism in old age. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15:610-619, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-834) SILVERMAN, A. J., Busse, E. W. and BARNES, R. H.: Studies in the processes of aging: Electro- encephalographic findings in 400 elderly subjects. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysi- ology, 7:67-75, 1955. 132 SILVERMAN, A. J., Busse, E. W., BarNEs, R. H,, Frost, LAWRENCE L., and THALER, M. B.: Phys- iologic influences on psychic functioning in elderly people. Geriatrics, 8:370-376, 1953. SILVERMAN, M., PARKER, J. B., and Busse, E. W.: A review of drugs in the elderly psychiatric pa- tient. North Carolina Medical Journal, 20:428- 432, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). THOMPSON, L. W., AXELROD, S., and COHEN, L. D.: Senescence and visual identification of tactual- kinesthetic forms. Journal of Gerontology, 20(2): 244-249, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). Tompson, L. W., NicHoLs, C. R., and OBRIST, W. D.: Relation of serum cholesterol to age, sex, and race in an elderly community group. [our- nal of Gerontology, 20(2):160-164, 1965. THOMPSON, LARRY W., and THOMPSON, VAIDA D.: Comparison of EEG changes in learning and over- learning of nonsense syllables. Psychological Re- ports, 16(2):339-344, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). THOMPSON, LARRY W., and WILSON, STUART: Electrocortical reactivity and learning in the elderly. Journal of Gerontology, 21(1):45-51, 1966. TINDALL, J. P., and SmitH, J. G.: Skin lesions of the aged and their association with internal changes. Journal of the American Medical Asso- ciation, 186:1039-1042, 1963. VERWOERDT, ADRIAAN, and DOVENMUEHLE, ROB- ERT H.: Physical illness and depressive sympto- matology. IV. Personal factors in the grief re- action. Journal of Gerontology, 20(4):470-478, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2109). MH-901 (R01) LevIN, HARRY, and BALDWIN, AL- FRED L.: Pride and shame in children. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1955-61) BALDWIN, A. L., and LeviN, H.: Effects of public and private success or failure on children’s repeti- tive motor behavior. Child Development, 29:363- 372, 1958. COOPERSMITH, STANLEY: A method for determin- ing typer of self-esteem. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 59:87-94, 1959. LeviN, H., and BALDWIN, A. L.: The choice to ex- hibit. Child Development, 29:373-380, 1958. LeviN, H., and BALDWIN, A. L.: Pride and shame in children. In: Jones, M. R., ed. Nebraska symposium on motivation. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1959. LevINE, H., BALDWIN, A. L., GALWEY, MARY, and Pawvio, A.: Audience stress, personality, and speech. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- 0gy, 61:469-473, 1960. LevIN, H., and TURGEON, VALERI F.: The influence of the mother’s presence on children’s doll play aggression. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 55:304-308, 1957. Pavio, A.: Childrearing antecedents of audience sensitivity. ~~ Child Development, 35:397-416, 1964. Parvio, ALLAN, BALDWIN, A. L., and BERGER, S. M.: Measurement of children’s sensitivity to audiences. Child Development, 32:721-730, 1961. MH-903 (R01) RoGERs, CARL R.: The process and facilitation of personality change. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1954-57) CARTWRIGHT, D. S.: Success in psychotherapy as a function of certain actuarial variables. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 19:357-363, 1955. CARTWRIGHT, D. S.: Computational procedures for Q-technique. Counseling Center Discussion Pa- pers (University of Chicago Library), 2(5), 1956. CARTWRIGHT, D. S.: A coefficient of consistency over T Q-sorts. Counseling Center Discussion Papers (University of Chicago Library), 2(14), 1956. CARTWRIGHT, D. S.: Psychotherapy: Not the placebo effect. Counseling Center Discussion Papers (Uni- versity of Chicago Library), 2(29), 1956. CARTWRIGHT, D. S.: Self-consistency as a factor af- fecting immediate recall. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 52:212-218, 1956. CARTWRIGHT, D. S.: A rapid non-parametric esti- mate of multi-judge reliability. — Psychometrika, 21(1):17-29, 1956. CARTWRIGHT, D. S.: Annotated bibliography of re- search and theory construction in client-centered therapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 4(1): 82-100, 1957. CARTWRIGHT, D. S.: A note concerning Kendall's “Tau.” Psychological Bulletin, 54:423-425, 1957. CARTWRIGHT, D. S.: A computational procedure for “Tau” correlation. Psychometrika, 22(1):97-104, 1957. CARTWRIGHT, D. S., and CARTWRIGHT, ROSALIND D.: Faith and improvement in psychotherapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 5(3):174-177, 1958. CARTWRIGHT, D. S., and KIRTNER, W. L.: An opera- tor-display analysis of psychotherapy. Counseling Center Discussion Papers, 2(17), 1956, University of Chicago Library. CARTWRIGHT, D. S., KIRTNER, W. L., and FISKE, D. W.: Method factors in changes associated with psychotherapy. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:164-175, 1963. 133 CARTWRIGHT, ROSALIND D., and LERNER, BAR- BARA: Empathy, need to change, and improvement with psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting Psy- chology, 27:138-144, 1963. DyMOND, ROSALIND F.: Adjustment changes in the absence of psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 19(2):103-107, 1955. DyMmonD, RosaLIND F., GRumMON, D. L., and SEEMAN, J.: Patterns of perceived inter-personal relations. Sociometry, 19:166-177, 1956. GenbpLIN, E. T., JENNEY, R. H., and SHLIEN, J. M.: Counselor ratings of process and outcome in psy- chotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 16: 210-213, 1960. KirTNER, W. L., and CARTWRIGHT, D. S.: Success and failure in client-centered therapy as a function of client personality variables. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 22:259-264, 1958. KIrRTNER, W. L., and CARTWRIGHT, D. S.: Success and failure in client-centered therapy as a function of initial in-therapy behavior. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 22:329-333, 1958. RoGERs, C. R.: Personality change in psychotherapy. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1:31- 41, 1955. RoGers, C. R.: A therapist's view of the good life. The Humanist, 17:219-300, 1957. RoGERs, C. R.: The necessary and sufficient condi- tions of therapeutic personality change. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21:95-103, 1957. RoGERs, C. R.: A process conception of psychother- apy. American Psychologist, 13:142-149, 1958. Also in: Bennis, W. G., Benne, K. D., and Chin, R., eds. The planning of change. New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1961, p. 361-372. RoGers, C. R.: The essence of psychotherapy A client-centered view. Annals of Psychotherapy, 1:51-57, 1959. RoGERs, C. R.: A theory of therapy, personality, and interpersonal relationships as developed in the client-centered framework. In: Koch, S., ed. Psy- chology: A study of a science. Vol. 3. Formula- tions of the person and the social context. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1959, p. 184-256. RoGERS, C. R., LEwis, M., and SHLIEN, J.: Two cases of time-limited client-centered psychotherapy. In: Burton, A., ed. Case studies of counseling and psychotherapy. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1959, p. 309-352. Rogers, C. R., and SEGEL, R. H.: Psychotherapy be- gins: The case of Mr. Lin. 16 mm. motion pic- ture with sound. Psychological Cinema Register, State College, Pennsylvania, 1955. Rogers, C. R., and SEGEL, R. H.: Psychotherapy in process: The case of Miss Mun. 16 mm. motion picture with sound. Psychological Cinema Regis- ter, State College, Pennsylvania, 1955. Rocers, C. R., SHOBEN, E. J., Mowrer, O. H, KiMBLE, G. A., and MILLER, J. G.: Behavior the- ories and a counseling case. Journal of Counsel- ing, 3:107-124, 1956. SAWREY, WILLIAM L., and LoNG, Davip H.: Strain and sex differences in ulceration in the rat. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55(4):603-605, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 4704). StANDAL, S. W.: Concept of anxiety in client-cen- tered theory. Counseling Center Discussion Pa- pers, 2(15), 1956. brary). (University of Chicago Li- StANDAL, S. W., and VAN DER VEEN, F.: Length of therapy in relation to counselor estimation of personal integration, life adjustment, and certain other case variables. Journal of Consulting Psy- chology, 21:1-9, 1957. StanpaL, S. V., vaAN DER VEEN, F., and WOOLF, JEANNE: Is there a “failure zone” in client-cen- tered therapy? Counseling Center Discussion Pa- pers, 2(7), University of Chicago Library. MH-910 (R01) JaHODA, MARIE: Psychology of role acceptance in women. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1954-55) Janooa, Marie, and HAVEL, JoAN: Psychological problems of women in different social roles. The Educational Record, October: 325-335, 1955. MH-912 (R01) HAGGARD, ERNEST A.: Socializa- tion, personality, and mental processes. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1954-59) D'HEURLE, ADMA, MELLINGER, JEANNE CUMMINGS, and HAGGARD, ERNEST A.: Personality, intellec- tual, and achievement patterns in gifted children. Psychological Monographs, 73:1-28, 1959. HAGGARD, ERNEST A.: Socialization, personality, and academic achievement in gifted children. School Review, 65:388-414, 1957. HAGGARD, ERNEST A.: Intraclass correlation and the analysis of variance. New York, Dryden Press, 1958, 171 p. MH-919 (R01) Brocksma, DoucLas, Fox, Ros- ERT, and Lippitt, RONALD: The social partici- pation of rejected children. University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1954-57) DoucLas, VirGiNiA: Children’s responses to frus- tration: A developmental study. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 19(2):161-171, 1965. GoLp, M.: Power in the classroom. Sociometry, 21 (1) :50-60, 1958. 134 Lippitt, R., and GoLp, M.: Classroom social struc- ture as a mental health problem. Journal of So- cial Issues, 15:40-49, 1959. ROSEN, S., LEVINGER, G., and LippiTT, R.: Desired changes in self and others as a function of resource ownership. Human Relations, 13:187-193, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-450). ROSEN, S., LEVINGER, G., and Lippitt, R.: Per- ceived sources of social power. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 62(2):439-441, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-450). MH-926 (R01) RILEY, JoHN W., Jr. and RILEY, MATILDA W.: Analysis of interpersonal and small group relations. Rutgers—The State University, New Brunswick, N.J. (1954-59) COHN, RICHARD, MOSTELLER, FREDERICK, PRATT, JouN W., and TATsuOKA, MAURICE: Maximiz- ing the probability that adjacent order statistics of samples from several populations form over- lapping intervals. Annals of Mathematical Sta- tistics, 31 (4) :1095-1104, 1960. RILEY, JoHN W., Jr., and RILEY, MATILDA WHITE: Mass communication and the social system. In: Merton, Robert K., Broom, Leonard, and Cot- trell, Leonard S., Jr., eds. Sociology today: Prob- lems and prospects. New York, Basic Books, 1959, p. 537-578. RILEY, JOHN W., JR., and RILEY, MATILDA WHITE: Scaling and the clarification of concepts. In: Shyne, Ann W., ed. Use of judgments as data in social work. New York, National Association of Social Workers, 1959. RILEY, JoHN W., JRr., and RILEY, MATILDA WHITE: Sociological perspectives on the use of new educa- tional media. In: Schramm, Wilbur, ed. New teaching aids. Stanford, Calif., The Institute for Communication Research, 1960. RILEY, MATILDA WHITE: Sociological research. Vol. 1. A case approach. New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1963, 777 p. RILEY, MATILDA WHITE, and COHN, RICHARD: Con- trol networks in informal groups. Sociometry, 21(1):30-49, 1958. RILEY, MATILDA WHITE, and MOORE, MARY E.: Sorokin’s use of sociological measurement. In: Allen, Philip J., ed. Pitirim A. Sorokin in review. Durham, N.C., Duke University, 1963, p. 206- 224. RILEY, MATILDA WHITE, RILEY, JoHN W., JR. and MoORE, MARY E.: Adolescent values and the Riesman typology: An empirical analysis. In: Lipset, S. M., and Lowenthal, Leo, eds. Culture and social character. Glencoe, Ill, Free Press, 1961, p. 370-386. MH-927 (R01) FINK, MAX: Perceptual changes induced by drugs and electroshock. Hillside Hos- pital, Glen Oaks, N.Y. (1954-59) FINK, Max: Denial of blindness following cerebral angiography. Journal of the Hillside Hospital, 5:238-245, 1956. FINK, MAX: A unified theory of the action of physio- dynamic therapies. Journal of Hillside Hospital, 6:197-206, 1957. FINK, Max: Effect of anticholinergic agent, dietha- zine, on EEG and behavior: Significance for the- ory of convulsion therapy. American Medical Association Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 80:380-387, 1958. FINK, Max: Lateral gaze nystagmus as an index of the sedation threshold. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 10:162-163, 1958. FINK, Max: Electroencephalographic and behavioral effects of Tofranil. Canadian Psychiatric Journal, 4:8166-8171, 1959. (Special Supplement. Mc- Gill University Conference on Depression and Al- lied States, Montreal, March 19-21, 1959.) (Also acknowledges MH-2092). FINK, MAX: Alteration of brain function in therapy. In: Kline, N., ed. Psychopharmacology frontiers. Boston, Little, Brown, 1959, p. 325-332. FINK, Max: Effect of anticholinergic compounds on post-convulsive EEG and behavior of psychiatric patients. ~~ Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 12:359-369, 1960. (Also ac- nowledges MH-2092). FINK, Max: EEG and behavioral effects of psycho- pharmacologic agents. In: Bradley, P., ed. Newro- psychopharmacology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1960, p. 441-446. (Also acknowledges MH-2092). FINK, MAX: The mode of action of convulsive ther- apy: The neurophysiologic-adaptive view. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 3:231-233, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2092 and MH-2715). FINK, Max, and GREEN, MARTIN A.: Electroen- cephalographic correlates of the electroshock proc- ess. Diseases of the Nervous System, 19(5) :227, 1958. FINK, MAX, JAFFE, J., and KaHN, R. L.: Drug in- duced changes in interview patterns: Lingiustic and neurophysiologic indices. In: Sarwer-Foner, ed. Dynamics of psychiatric drug therapy. Mon- treal, McGill University, 1960, p. 29-44. FINK, Max, and KAHN, R. L.: Quantitative studies of slow wave activity following electroshock. (Ab- stract) Electroencephalography and Clinical Neuro- physiology, 8:158, 1956. FINK, MAX, and KAHN, R. L.: Perception of em- bedded figures after induced altered brain function. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 12(7):361, 1957. 135 Fink, Max, and KAHN, R. L.: Relation of el Hes, D. O.: The semi-autonomous process: Its nature and nurture. American Psychologist, 18: 16-27, 1963. Hes, D. O.: Review lecture. The evolution of mind. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, 161: 376-383, 1965. MILNER, P. M.: Learning in neural systems. In: Marshall, C. Yovits, ed. Self-organizing systems. New York, Pergamon Press, 1959, p. 190-204. MILNER, P. M.: A neural mechanism for the imme- diate recall of sequences. Kybernetik, 1:76-81, 1961. MILNER, P., and ZUCKER, I.: Specific hunger for potassium in the rat. Psychonomic Science, 2:17- 18, 1965. NAKAJIMA, S.: Effects of chemical injection into the reticular formation of rats. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 58(1):10-15, 1964. NAKA JIMA, SHINSHU: Selectivity in fasciculation of nerve fibers in vitro. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 125(2):193-203, 1965. PriTcHARD, R. M., HERON, W., and HEBB, D. O.: Visual perception approached by the method of stabilized images. Canadian Journal of Psychol- 0gy, 14:67-77, 1960. STEWART, JAN.: Some behaviour characteristics of mazebright and mazedull animals. Canadian Jour- nal of Psychology, 15:75-80, 1961. VANDERWOLF, C. H.: Medial thalamic functions in voluntary behavior. Canadian Journal of Psychol- ogy, 16:318-330, 1962. VANDERWOLF, C. H.: The effect of medial thalamic lesions on previously established fear-motivated behaviour. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 17: 183-187, 1963. VaNDERWOLF, C. H.: Improved shuttle-box per- formance following electroconvulsive shock. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:983-986, 1963. VaANDERWOLF, C. H.: Effect of combined medial thalamic and septal lesions on active-avoidance behavior. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 58:31-37, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3372). VaNDERWOLF, C. H., and HeroN, W.: Electroen- cephalographic waves with voluntary movement. Archives of Neurology, 11:379-384, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3372). MH-2456 (R01) BLouGH, DoNALD S.: Differential extinction and stimulus control. Brown Univer- sity, Providence, R.I. (1958- ) BrouGH, D. S.: Delayed matching in the pigeon. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 2:151-160, 1959. BLouGH, D. S.: Generalization and preference on a stimulus intensity continuum. Journal of the Ex- perimental Analysis of Behavior, 2:307-317, 1959. BLouGH, D. S.: The shape of some wavelength generalization gradients. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 4:31-40, 1961. BLouGH, D. S.: Animal psychophysics. American, 205:113-122, 1961. Scientific BLoucGH, D. S.: Interresponse time as a function of continuous variables: A new method and some data. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:237-246, 1963. BLOUGH, DONALD S., and MILLWARD, RICHARD B.: Learning: Operant conditioning and verbal learn- ing. In: Farnsworth, Paul R., McNemear, Olga, and McNemear, Quinn, eds. Annual Review of Psychology. Vol. 16. Palto Alto, Calif., Annual Reviews, 1965, p. 63-94. MH-2458 (R01) KRASNER, LEONARD, and ULL- MAN, LEONARD: Personality variables related to verbal conditioning. Stanford University, Stan- ford, Calif. (1958-61) ExMmaN, P., KRASNER, L., and ULLMAN, L. P.: The interaction of set and awareness as determinants of response to verbal conditioning. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:387-389, 1963. 312 GELFAND, S., ULLMANN, L. P., and KRASNER, L.: The placebo response: An experimental approach. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136: 379-387, 1963. KRASNER, L.: Role taking research and psycho- therapy. Research Reports of the Veterans Associ- ation, Palo Alto. November 1959, 17 p. (Report No. 5). (Processed). KRASNER, L.: Behavior control and social responsi- bility. American Psychology, 17:199-204, 1962. KRASNER, L.: The therapist as a social reinforce- ment machine. In: Strupp, H. H., and Luborsky, L., eds. Research in psychotherapy. Washington, D.C., American Psychological Association, 1962, p. 61-94, vol. 2. KRASNER, L.: Reinforcement, verbal behavior and psychotherapy. American Journal of Orthopsy- chiatry, 33:601-613, 1963. KraAsSNER, L., and ULLMANN, L. P.: Variables affect- ing report of awareness in verbal conditioning. Journal of Psychology, 56:193-202, 1963. KRASNER, L., ULLMANN, L. P., and WEIss, R. L.: Studies in role perception. Journal of General Psychology, 71:367-371, 1964. KRrRASNER, L., ULLmaN, L. P. Weiss, R. L., and CoLLINS, BEVERLY J.: Responsivity to verbal con- ditioning as a function of three different exami- ners. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 17:411- 415, 1961. KRrASNER, L., Weiss, R. L., and ULLMAN, L. P.: Responsivity to verbal conditioning as a function of “awareness.” Psychological Reports, 8:523- 538, 1961. ULLMAN, LEONARD P.: An empirically derived MMPI scale which measures facilitation-inhibition of recognition of threatening stimuli. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 18:127-132, 1962. UrLLmaNn, L. P., Krasner, L., and COLLINS, BEVERLY: Modification of behavior through ver- bal conditioning: Affects in group therapy. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62:128- 132, 1961. UrLman, L. P., KrasNER, L., and EKMAN, P.: Verbal conditioning of emotional words: Effects on behavior in group therapy. Research Report (No. 15), Veterans Administration, Palo Alto, California, 1961. 6 p. UrLmaN, L. P., KrasNER, L., and GELFAND, DonNNA: Changed content within a reinforced response class. Psychological Reports, 12:819- 829, 1963. ULLMAN, L. P., Wess, R. L., and KRASNER, L.: Toward the development of a scale to measure resistance to verbal conditioning. Research Report of VA Palo Alto, No. 12, 1960. 13 p. (Proc- essed) ULLMAN, L. P.,, Weiss, R. L., and KRASNER, L.: The effect of verbal conditioning of emotional words on recognition of threatening stimuli. Jour- nal of Clinical Psychology, 19:182-183, 1963. ULLMAN, LEONARD P., and WIGGINS, JERRY S.: Endorsement frequency and the number of differ- entiating MMPI items to be expected by chance. Newsletter for Research in Psychology, 4:29-34, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2215). Weiss, R. L., Ekman, P., UrLLman, L. P., and KRrRASNER, L.: The context of reinforcement in verbal conditioning. Journal of Clinical Psychol- 0gy, 21:99-100, 1965. Weiss, R. L., KrRasNER, L., and ULLMAN, L. P.: Responsivity to verbal conditioning as a function of emotional atmosphere and pattern of reinforce- ment. Psychological Reports, 6:415-426, 1960. Weiss, R. L., KrRAsSNER, L. and ULLman, L.: Responsivity of psychiatric patients to verbal con- ditioning: “Success” and “failure” conditions and pattern of reinforced trials. Psychological Reports, 12:423-426, 1963. WEIss, ROBERT L., and SHERMAN, MARVIN: Anxiety and interfering responses in college students and psychiatric patients. Newsletter for Research in Psychology, 4(2):35-40, 1962. WEIss, R. L., ULLMAN, L. P., and KRASNER, L.: On the relationship between hypnotizability and response to verbal operant conditioning. Psycho- logical Reports, 6:59-60, 1960. MH-2461 (R01) GOLDENBERG, HARRY: Molecular structure and psychotomimetic action. Hillside Hospital, Glen Oaks, N.Y. (1958-60) GOLDENBERG, H., and FisHMAN, V.: Studies on chlorpromazine and imipramine metabolism. (Ab- stract) Clinical Chemistry, 6(4):398-399, 1960. GOLDENBERG, HARRY, and FISHMAN, VIVIAN: Spe- cies dependence of chlorpromazine metabolism. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biol- ogy and Medicine, 108:178-182, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2938 and MH-1305). MH-2463 (R03) KRISTOFFERSON, ALFRED B.: Meprobamate, basal GSR and GSR responsiveness. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (1958- 59) KRISTOFFERSON, A: B., and CorRMACK, R.: Prelimi- nary results concerning the galvanic skin response as an indicator of drug effects. In: Uhr, L., and Miller, J. G., eds. Drugs and behavior. New York, John Wiley, 1960. 313 MH-2468 (R01) PiLot, MARTIN L., LipZ, THEO- DORE, and SCHAFER, Roy: Psychodynamic study of identical twins. Yale University, New Haven, (1959-62) Linz, THEODORE: Die Familienumwelt des Schizo- phrenen: Zur Finfuhrung. Psyche, 13:243-256, 1959. Prior, M. L.: Psychosomatic disorders in monozy- gotic twin pairs. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry, Vol. 1. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1962, p. 534-538. Piotr, M. L., RUBIN, JESSE, SCHAFER, Roy, and Spiro, HOWARD: Duodenal ulcer in one of iden- tical twins—A follow-up study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25:285-291, 1963. Conn. PiLot, MARTIN L., and Spiro, HowarD M.: Com- ments on the use of blood pepsin (Pepsinogen) as a research technique. Psychosomatic Medicine, 23:420-425, 1961. ScHIFF, SHELDON, and PiLoT, MARTIN L.: An ap- proach to psychiatric consultation in the general hospital. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychia- atry, 1:349-357, 1959. Spiro, H., and Piotr, M. L.: The irritable bowel. Connecticut Medicine, 23:1-5, 1959. MH-2470 (R01) DEAN, SANFORD J.: Symbolic mediation in learning. Syracuse University, Syra- cuse, N.Y. (1958- ) DEAN, S. J., and HIESINGER, L.: Operant level, awareness, and the Greenspoon effect. Psychologi- cal Reports, 15:931-938, 1964. KataHN, M.: Effect of anxiety (drive) on the acquisition and avoidance of a dominant intratask response. Journal of Personality, 32(4) :642-650, 1964. KATAHN, MARTIN, and DEAN, SANFORD: Anxiety and stress in paired-associate learning with manipu- lated initial response strength. Psychological Re- ports, 14:959-965, 1964. MARTIN, R. B., and DEAN, S. J.: Implicit and ex- plicit mediation in paired-associate learning. Jour- nal of Experimental Psychology, 68(1):21-27, 1964. MARTIN, RANDALL, B., and DEAN SANFORD ].: Word familiarity and avoidance conditioning of verbal behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1(5):496-499, 1965. MARTIN, R. B,, and DEAN, S. J.: Multidimensional stimulus differences in discrimination learning and verbalization of the reinforcement contingency. Psychological Reports, 16:235-240, 1965. MARTIN, RANDALL B., and DEAN, SANFORD ].: Reported mediation in paired-associate learning. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5(1):23-27, 1966. RESNICK, JEROME H.: Reversals in the superiority of performance of high- and low-anxious Ss in verbal conditioning. Journal of Personality, 33(2): 218-232, 1965. MH-2472 (R01) Harr, RoBErT L.: Experimental studies of interpersonal learning. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1958-60) HALL, ROBERT L.: Two-alternative learning in inter- dependent dyads. In: Criswell, J., Solomon, H., and Suppes, P., eds. Mathematical methods in small group processes. Stanford, California, Stan- ford University, 1962, p. 180-192. MH-2474 (R01) Proctor, LORNE D., BEBIN, Jose, KNIGHTON, ROBERT S., and NOSHAY, WiLLiam C.: Behavior changes in stimulating reticular formation. Henry Ford Hospital, De- troit, Mich. (1958-62) EnDE, H. VAN DER: A method for stimulation and simultaneous electroencephalogram recording. Henry Ford Medical Bulletin, 7:174-181, 1959. LukaszowsKl, J., and Proctor, L. D.: A system for the automatic frequency analysis of electro- encephalograms. In: Proceedings of the interdis- ciplinary clinic on the instrumentation require- ments for psychophysiological research. Founda- tion for Instrumentation, Education and Research, May, 1961. McCruM, W. R., and PROCTOR, L. D.: Observations on the unique electrical discharge following stimu- lation in monkey brain. Henry Ford Hospital Medical Bulletin, 2:99-111, 1963. ProcTOR, L. D., CHURCHILL, J. A., KNIGHTON, R. S., and BEBIN, J.: Changes in behavior through stimulation of the reticular formation of the monkey. In: Masserman, Jules H., ed. Biological psychiatry, Vol. 1. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1959, p. 20-24. Proctor, L. D., KNIGHTON, R. S., LUKASZEWSKI, J., and BEBIN, ].: Behavioral changes during hypo- thalamic or limbic stimulation in the monkey. American Journal of Psychiatry, 117(6):511-518, 1960. Proctor, L. D., LUKASZEWSKI, J., and McCRuUM, W. R.: Further observations on behavior and EEG changes on stimulation in the limbic system of the monkey. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Con- gress of Psychiatry. Vol. 1. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 447-452. PROCTOR, L. D., McCrUM, W. R., and LUKASZEW- SKI, J.: Unusual seizure discharges on stimulation in the limbic system of the monkey. Henry Ford Hospital Medical Bulletin, 9:35-41, 1961. 314 MH-2476 (R01) GOTTLIEB, JACQUES S., and Goob- MAN, MORRIS: Serum protein specificities in mental disorders. Wayne State University, De- troit, Mich. (1958-64) BAUR, S., and GoopMmaN, M.: Immunologic com- parison of human adult thyroglobulin to other primate adult and human fetal thyroglobulins. Journal of Immunology, 93(2):183-191, 1964. GooDMAN, M.: On the emergence of intraspecific differences in the protein antigens of human beings. American Naturalist, 94:153-191, 1960. GoopMAN, M.: The species specificity of proteins as observed in the Wilson comparative analyses plates. American Naturalist, 94:184-186, 1960. GOODMAN, M.: A starch gel immunoelectrophoretic analysis of human +-globulin demonstrating the inter- and intra-species variation of organisms. Nature, 185:474-475, 1960. GOODMAN, M.: The role of immunochemical differ- ences in the phyletic development of human be- havior. Human Biology, 33:131-162, 1961. GoopMAN, M.: Evolution of the immunologic spe- cies specificity of human serum proteins. Human Biology, 34:104-150, 1962. GOODMAN, M.: Man's place in the phylogeny of the primates as reflected in serum proteins. In: Wash- burn, S. L., ed. Classification and human evolu- tion. Chicago, Viking Fund Publications in An- thropology, 1963, p. 204-234. GoopMaN, M., Lusy, E. D., FrRouMAN, C. E,, and GorTLIEB, J. S.: Orosomucoid in schizophrenia. Nature, 192(4800) :370-371, 1961. GoopMaN, M., and PoulLik, E.: Effects of speciation on serum proteins in the genus Macaca with spe- cial reference to the polymorphic state of trans- ferrin. Nature, 190:171-172, 1961. GoopMaN, M., PouLk, E., and PouLik, M. D.: Variations in the serum specificities of higher pri- mates detected by two-dimensional starch-gel elec- trophoresis. Nature, 188(4744):78-79, 1960. GoopMAN, M., RoseNBLATT, M., GOTTLIEB, J. S,, MILLER, J., and CHEN, C. H.: Effect of age, sex, and schizophrenia on thyroid autoantibody pro- duction. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8(5): 518-526, 1963. GoobpMAN, M., and VULPE, M.: A quantitative im- munochemical method for determining serum and cerebrospinal fluid proteins. World Neurology, 2:589-601, 1961. GOTTLIEB, JACQUES S.: Biochemistry and schizo- phrenia: Implications for the future. In: Hoch, H., and Zubin, Joseph, eds. The future of psy- chiatry. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1962, p. 103-115. MaiseL, H., and GOODMAN, M.: Species and tissues specificity of lens and brain antigens of primates. Federation Proceedings, 23(2):450, 1964. ROSENBLATT, M., and GOODMAN, M.: A rapid method for identifying and determining the “pu- rity” of thyroglobulin. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 39(5) :462-463, 1963. ROSENBLATT, MELVYN, GOODMAN, MORRIS, and REkLYs, EDWARD: Failure to detect by anaphylaxis antigenic abnormalities in schizophrenia. Compre- hensive Psychiatry, 3(6):381-383, 1962. SYNER, FRANK N., and GOODMAN, MoRRIs: Differ- ences in the lactic dehydrogenases of primate brains. Nature, 209(5021) :426-428, 1966. MH-2478 (R01) PARK, PETER: A cross-cultural study of prealcoholic syndrome. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1958-62) PARK, PETER: Drinking experiences of 806 Finnish alcoholics in comparison with similar experiences of 192 English alcoholics. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 38:227-246, 1962. MH-2479 (R01) JoNEs, AUSTIN: Information de- privation in humans. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1958- ) JoNEs, A., WILKINSON, H. J., and BRADEN, I: Information deprivation as a motivational variable. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62:126-137, 1961. JoNEs, A.: Supplementary report: Information depri- vation and irrelevant drive as determiners of an instrumental response. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62:310-311, 1961. JonEs, A.: Drive and incentive variables associated with the statistical properties of sequences of stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67: 423-431, 1964. MH-2480 (R01) RICHARDSON, STEPHAN A., DORN- BUSCH, SANFORD M., and HASTORF, ALBERT H.: Childrens categories of interpersonal perception. Association for the Aid of Crippled Children, New York, N.Y. (1958-61) GooDpMAN, N., DorRNBUSCH, S. M., RICHARDSON, S. A, and HasTorF, A. H.: Variant reactions to physical disabilities. American Sociological Re- view, 28(3) :429-435, 1963. RICHARDSON, S. A.: Some social psychological con- sequences of handicapping. Pediatrics, 32:291- 297, 1963. RicHARDSON, S. A., GoopMAN, N., HASTORF, A. H., and DorNBUscH, S. M.: Cultural uniformity in reaction to physical disabilities. American Sociological Reviéw, 26(2):241-247, 1961. RicHARDSON, S. A., Hastorr, A. H., and DORN- 315 BUSCH, S. M.: Effects of physical disability on a child's discription of himself. Child Develop- ment, 35:893-907, 1964. MH-2482 (R01) PorTER, ROBERT W., and FRENCH, JoHN D.: An experimental study of psychosomatic mechanisms. University of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. (1958-60) FeLpmaAN, S., Top, J. C., and PORTER, R. W.: Effect of adrenal cortical hormones on evoked po- tentials in the brain stem. Neurology, 11:109- 115, 1961. MEIER, R., GREENHOOT, J., GOODMAN, J., and PorTER, R. W.: Serum cholesterol changes in monkeys induced by restraint. (Abstract) Federa- tion Proceedings, 21(2):101, 1962. PORTER, R. W., and Bors, E.: Modulation of brain stem electrical activity by visceral (urinary blad- der) distention. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14:527-534, 1962. PorTER, R. W., KaMikAwWA, K., and GREENHOOT, J.: Some neurophysiologic considerations in the pathogenesis of cardiac dysfunction. Psychoso- matic Medicine, 24:518, 1962. MH-2484 (R01) MENZER-BENARON, Doris Lub- wiG, ALFRED O., Morris, THOMAS A., and SturGis, SoMERs H.: Psychobiologic study of reproductive functions. Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1958-64) MENZER-BENARON, Doris: Psychobiologic study of the Conversion process in women. In: Deutsch, Felix, ed. On the mysterious leap from the mind to the body. New York, International Universities Press, 1959, p. 155-181. SABBATH, JosepH C., MORRIS, THOMAs A., Jr. MENZER-BENARON, DORIS, and STURGIS, SOMERS H.: Psychiatric observations in adolescent girls lacking ovarian function. Psychosomatic Medicine, 23(3):224-231, 1961. StUrGls, SOMERS H., MENZER-BENARON, DORRIS, and MERRIS, THOMAS A.: The gynocologic patient —A psychoendocrine study. New York, Grune & Stratton, New York, 1962, 243 p. Sturcls, Somers H., RoBey, H., PiERsON, H., GATES, P., PLANT, T., and MENZER-BENARON, D.: Anaesthesia recovery patterns after elective hysterectomy. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7:383, 1958. MH-2488 (R01) Brau, ABRAM, BROWN, FRED, EastoN, KARL, and SLAFF, BERTRAM: A psychi- atric study of prematurity. Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, N.Y. (1959-63) BLAU, ABRAM, SLAFF, BERTRAM, EASTON, KARL, WELKOWITZ, JOAN, SPINGARN, JAMES, and CoHEN, Jaco: The psychogenic etiology of pre- mature births. A preliminary report. Psychoso- matic Medicine, 25:201-211, 1963. BLAU, ABRAM, WELKOWITZ, JOAN, COHEN, JACOB: Maternal attitude to pregnancy instrument. Ar- chives of General Psychiatry, 10:324-331, 1964. EastoN, KARL, and BLAU, ABRAM: Neonatal and mother-infant observations in child psychiatry training. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 2:176-186, 1963. MH-2492 (R01) TorRrEs, FERNANDO: Reciprocal effects of various sensory stimuli. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1958-62) Torres, F.: Study of evoked potentials by multi- sensory stimulation: Some tentative clinical appli- cations. University of Minnesota Medical Bulletin, 34:209-212, 1963. Torres, F., and WARNER, J. S.: Delayed electrical responses to visual stimuli in the cat. (Abstract No. 215) In: Sth International Congress of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiol- ogy, Rome, September 7-13, 1961. (Excerpta Medica, International Congress Series No. 37). TorREs, F., and WARNER, J. S.: Some characteristics of delayed responses to photic stimuli in the cat. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiol- 0gy, 14:654-663, 1962. MH-2497 (R01) FaNnTZ, ROBERT L.: The develop- ment of configurational vision in infancy. St. Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. (1958- 61) FANTZ, ROBERT L.: A visual acuity test for infants under six months of age. Psychological Record, 9:159-164, 1959. FANTZ, ROBERT L.: A method for studying depth perception in infants under six months of age. Psychological Record, 11:27-32, 1961. FANTZ, ROBERT L.: The origin of form perception. Scientific American, 204:66-72, 1961. FANTZ, ROBERT L.: Ontogeny of perception. In: Schrier, Allan M., Harlow, Harry F., and Stollnitz, Fred, eds. Behavior of nonhuman primates. Vol. 2. New York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 365-403. (Also acknowledges MH-5284). FANTZ, ROBERT L., ORDY, J. M., and UDELF, M. S.: Maturation of pattern vision in infants during the first six months. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:907-917, 1962. (Al- so acknowledges MH-5284). MH-2500 (R01) KLUCKHOHN, RICHARD, and WHITING, JoHN W.: Family structure and sociali- zation processeS. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1958-61) 316 KLUCKHOHN, RICHARD: The konso economy of Southern Ethiopia. In: Bohaanan, Paul, and Dal- ton, George, eds. Markets in Africa. Evanston, Ill, Northwestern University, 1962, p. 409-428. KLUCKHOHN, RICHARD: Creative approaches to fam- ily conflicts. In: Recent research on creative ap- proaches to environmental stress: Proceedings of the Fourth Institute on Preventive Psychiatry. Towa City, State University of Iowa, 1964, p. 141- 160. MH-2502 (R01) NYE, F. IvaAN: Preschool children of employed mothers. Washington State Univer- sity, Pullman, Wash. (1958-60) HorFMAN, IVAN W.: Mother's enjoyment of work and effects on the child. In: Nye, Ivan, and Hoff man, Lois, eds. The employed mother in America. Chicago, Rand McNally, 1963, p. 95-105. NvE, F. IvaN: Adjustment to children. In: Nye, F. Ivan, and Hoffman, Louis Wladis, eds. The employed mother in America. Chicago, Rand McNally, 1963, p. 353-363. NvE, F. I., PERRY, JosEPH B., and OGLES, RICHARD H.: Anxiety and antisocial behavior in preschool children. In: Nye, F. Ivan, and Hoffman, Louis Wiladis, eds. The employed mother in America. Chicago, Rand McNally, 1963, p. 82-94. PERRY, JosEPH B., JR.: The mother substitutes of employed mothers. Marriage and Family Living, 24:362-368, 1961. PERRY, JosEPH B.: Mother substitutes. In: Nye, F. Ivan, and Hoffman, Louis Wladis, eds. The em- ployed mother in America. Chicago, Rand Mc- Nally, 1963, p. 182-189. MH-2503 (R01) IrTELSON, WiLLiaM H., and KuTtasH, SAMUEL B.: Perceptual flexibility and psychiatric diagnosis. Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1958-64) ITTELSON, W. H.: Visual space perception. New York, Springer, 1960, 212 p. ITTELSON, WiLLIAM H., and KuTAsH, SAMUEL B.: Perceptual changes in psychopathology. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press, 1961, 262 p. ITTELSON, W. H., and SEIDENBERG, B.: The percep- tion of faces: A further study of the Engel effect. Journal of Psychology, 53:247-255, 1962. ITTELSON, W. H., SEIDENBERG, B., and KuUTASH, S. B.: A perceptual flexibility battery. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 12:3-9, 1961. ITTELSON, WiLLiIAM H., SEIDENBERG, B., and Ku- TASH, SAMUEL B.: Some perceptual differences in somatizing and nonsomatizing neuropsychiatric pa- tients. Psychosomatic Medicine, 23(3):219-223, 1961. MH-2508 (R01) Lewis, DONALD J.: Studies of the fractional anticipatory goal response. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. (1958-61) Apams, H. E., and Lewis, D. J.: Electroconvulsive shock, retrograde amnesia, and competing re- sponses. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 55:299-301, 1962. Apawms, H. E., and LEwis, D. J.: Retrograde amnesia and competing responses. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:302-305, 1962. ELDER, T., and Lewis, D. ]J.: Effects of salivary in- hibitor and facilitator upon food intake. Psycho- logical Reports, 7:115-118, 1960. Lewis, D. J., DiamonDp, A. L., and BUTLER, D.: Direct manipulation of the fractional anticipatory goal response. Psychological Reports, 4:575-578, 1958. Lewis, D. J., and KENT, NEIL D.: Attempted direct activation and deactivation of the fractional anti- cipatory goal response. Psychological Reports, 8: 107-110, 1961. Lewis, D. J., and McINTIRE, ROGER: A control for the direct manipulation of the fractional antici- patory goal response. Psychological Reports, 5: 753-756, 1959. MH-2509 (R01) HUMPHREYS, LLoyD G.: Predict- ing advanced stages of academic learning. Uni- versity of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. (1958-62) HuMPHREYS, LLoyDp G.: Investigations of the sim- plex. Psychometrika, 25(4):313-323, 1960. HuMPHREYS, LLOYD G.: The organization of human abilities. ~~ American Psychologist, 17:476-483, 1962. HuMPHREYS, LLoyD G.: The nature and organiza- tion of human abilities. In: 19th Yearbook of the National Council on Measurement in Educa- tion, 1962, p. 39-45. HuMmpHREYS, L. G.: Number of cases and number of factors: An example where N is very large. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 24 (3) :457-466, 1964. MH-2510 (R01) KNAPP, PETER H.: Psychoanalytic predictive study of depressive emotion. Massa- chusetts Memorial Hospitals, Boston, Mass. (1958-61) KNAPP, PETER H.:- The asthmatic child and the psychosomatic problem of asthma: toward a gen- eral theory. In: Schneer, H., ed. The asthmatic child; psychosomatic approach to problems and treatment. New York, Hoeber, 1962, p. 234-255. 317 KNAPP, PETER H.: Methods and models. A psycho- dynamic predictive approach to bronchial asthma. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:440- 454, 1962. Knapp, PETER H.: Short term psychoanalytic and psychosomatic predictions. Journal of the Ameri- can Psychoanalytical Association, 11:245-280, 1963. Knapp, PETER H., and BAHNSON, CLAUS BAHNE: The emotional field. A sequential study of mood and fantasy in two asthmatic patients. Psychoso- matic Medicine, 25:460-483, 1963. MH-2516 (R01) KeLMAN, HERBERT C.: Social in- fluence and behavior change. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1958-62) (Continued as MH-7280). BAILYN, LoTTE, and KELMAN, H. C.: The effects of a year’s experience in America on the self-image of Scandinavians. Journal of Social Issues, 18(1): 30-40, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-7280). KeLMaN, H. C.: The induction of action and atti- tude change. In: Coopersmith, S., ed. Personality research. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1962, p. 81- 110. (Also acknowledges MH-7280). KELMAN, H. C.: Processes of opinion change. Pub- lic Opinion Quarterly, 25:57-78, 1961. Also in: Hollander, E. P., and Hunt, R. G., eds. Current perspectives in social psychology. Three processes of social influence. New York, Oxford Univer- sity, 1963, p. 454-462. (Also acknowledges MH- 7280). KEeLMmaAN, H. C.: The role of the group in the induc- tion of therapeutic change. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 13(4):399-432, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-7280). KeLmaN, H. C, and BAILYN, LotTE: Effects of cross-cultural experience on national images: A study of Scandinavian students in America. Jour- nal of Conflict Resolution, 6(4):319-334, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-7280). KELMAN, HERBERT C., and BRACLAY, JANET: The F scale as a measure of breadth of perspective. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(6):608-615, 1963 MH-2521 (R01) JENNINGS, PErcy H., BLOCK, JEANNE H., and HARVEY, ELINOR B.: Psychogenic factors in bronchial asthma in children. Childrens Hospital of the East Bay, Oakland, Calif. (1958- 62) BLOCK, JEANNE, JENNINGS, PERCY H., HARVEY, ELiNOR, and SiMPsON, ELAINE: Interaction be- tween allergic potential and psychopathology in childhood asthma. Psychosomatic Medicine, 26: 307-320, 1964. MH-2525 (R10) WITTENBORN, JOHN R.: Study of affective depressions. Rutgers—The State Univer- sity, New Brunswick, N.J. (1958- ) WITTENBORN, J. R.: Rating scales in diagnosis. In: Nodine, John H., and Moyer, John H., eds. Psychosomatic medicine. First Hahnemann Sym- posium. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1962, p. 55-60. (Also acknowledges MH-2093 and MH- 3008). WITTENBORN, J. R., DEMPSTER, A., MAURER, H., and PLANTE, M.: Pretreatment individual differ- ences as potential predictors of response to phar- macology. Journal of Nervous Mental Diseases, 139:186-194, 1964. WITTENBORN, J. R., MAURER, HELEN, and PLANTE, M.: Methods for treating depression evaluated after the elapse of one year. [Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136:492-499, 1963. WITTENBORN, J. R., and PLANTE, M.: Patterns of response to placebo, iproniazid and electroconvul- sive therapy among young depressed females. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137(2): 155-161, 1963. WITTENBORN, J. R., PLANTE, M., and BURGESS, FRANCES: A comparison of physicians’ and nurses’ symptom ratings. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 133(6):514-518, 1961. WITTENBORN, J. R., PLANTE, M., BURGESS, FRANCES, and LIVERMORE, NANCY: The efficacy of electro-convulsive therapy, iproniazid and placebo in the treatment of young depressed women. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 133:316-332, 1961. WITTENBORN, J. R., PLANTE, M., BURGEss, F., LivERMORE, N., SOHLER, A., and TOBIN, J. M.: Preliminary report on the study of affective de- pressions. In: Transactions of the Sth Research Conference on Cooperative Chemotherapy Studies in Psychiatry and Broad Research Approaches to Mental Illness (Veterans Administration), 5:53- 57, 1960. WITTENBORN, J. R., PLANTE, M., BURGESS, FRANCES, and MAURER, HELEN: A comparison of Imipramine, electroconvulsive therapy and placebo in the treatment of depressions. [Journal of Ner- vous and Mental Disease, 135:131-137, 1962. MH-2526 (R01) Goobg, WILLIAM J.: A proposi- tional inventory of family theory. Columbia Uni- versity, New York, N.Y. (1958-60) (Con- tinued as MH-5181). GOODE, WiLLiaM J.: The theoretical importance of love. American Sociological Review, 24:38-47, 1959. GooDE, WILLIAM ].: Norm commitment and con- formity to role-status obligations. American Jour- nal of Sociology, 66:246-258, 1960. 318 GoobDg, WILLIAM J.: Illegitimacy in the Caribbean social structure. American Sociological Review, 25:21-30, 1960. GOODE, WILLIAM J.: A theory of role strain. Amer- ican Sociological Review, 25:483-496, 1960. Goopg, WiLLIAM J.: Die Struktur der Familie. Westdeutscher Verlag, Koln under Opladen, 1960, 107 p. Goobg, WiLLIAM J.: Illegitimacy, anomie, and cul- tural penetration. American Sociological Review, 26:910-925, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH- 5181). GooDg, WILLIAM ].: Family disorganization. In: Merton, Robert K., and Nisbet, Robert A. Social disorganization. New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1961, p. 390-458. (Also acknowledges MH- 5181). Goopg, WiLLIAM ].: The sociology of the family. In: Merton, R. K., Broom, L., and Contrell, L. S., Jr., eds. Sociology today. New York, Basic Books, 1961, p. 178-196. (Also acknowledges MH-5181). GOODE, WILLIAM J.: The family as an element in the world revolution. New York, Institute of Life Insurance, 1962, 19 p. (Also acknowledges MH-5181). GOODE, WILLIAM J.: Marital satisfaction and insta- bility: A cross-cultural class analysis of divorce rates. International Social Science Journal, 14(3): 507-526, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5181). GooDg, WILLIAM J.: Outdoor recreation and the family to the year 2000. In: Trends in American living and outdoor recreation. (ORRRC Study Report 22). Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1962, p. 101-113. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5181). GoopE, WiLLIAM ].: Industrialization and family change. In: Hoselits, Bert F., and Moore, Wil- bert E., eds. Industrialization and Society. New York, UNESCO, 1963, p. 237-255. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5181). Goobg, WiLLIAM J.: The role of the family in industrialzation. In: Social problems of develop- ment and industrialization: Science, technology, and development. United Nations Conference Papers on the Application of Science and Tech- nology for the Benefit of the Less Developed Areas (Geneva). Vol. 7. Washington, D.C, Government Printing Office, 1963, p. 32-38. (Also acknowledges MH-5181). GooDE, WILLIAM J.: World revolution and family patterns. New York, Free Press of Glencoe, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5181). MH-2528 (R01) ENGEL, EDWARD, and BAsowITZ, HaroLD: Adaptation in artificially induced ani- seikonia. State University of New York—Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, N.Y. (1958-63) ENGEL, E.: Binocular methods in psychological re- search. In: Kilpatrick, F. P., ed. Explorations in transactional psychology. New York, New York University Press, 1960, p. 290-305. ENGEL, E.: Incidence and magnitude of structurally imposed retinal image size differences. Percep- tual and Motor Skills, 16:377-384, 1963. ENGEL, E.: Stereoscopic distortion and structurally- imposed retinal-image-size-differences. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:31-38, 1964. ENGEL, E., and REED, C. F.: Perceptual achievement and visual defect. New York State Psychologist, 15:4, 1963. MH-2529 (R01) ZIMMERMAN, DonNaLp W., DunN, LLoyp M., and Hoss, NICHOLAS: Physio- and sociopsychological aspects of retardation. George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. (1958-63) BARTLETT, C. J., Quay, L. C.,, and WRIGHTSMAN, L. S., Jr.: A comparison of two methods of atti- tude measurement: Likert-type and forced-type. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 20: 699-704, 1960. GUskIN, S. L.: The perception of subnormality in mentally defective children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:53-60, 1962. GuskIN, S. L.: Measuring the strength of the stereotype of the mental defective. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:569-575, 1963. Hoses, M. T.: A comparison of institutionalized and non-institutionalized mentally retarded. Amer- ican Journal of Mental Deficiency, 69:206-210, 1964. THOMPSON, ROBERT: Interpeduncular nucleus and avoidance conditioning in the rat. Science, 132: 1551-1553, 1960. THOMPSON, R. BAUMEISTER, A. A., and RicH, I.: Subcortical mechanisms in a successive brightness discrimination habit in the rat. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:361- 368, 1962. THoMmPsoN, R., Duke, R. B.,, MALIN, C. F., and Hawkins, W. F.: The interpenduncular nucleus and retention in albino rats. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 54:329- 333, 1961. THOMPSON, R., and HAwkINs, W. F.: Memory as affected by mamillary body lesions in the rat. Experimental Neurology, 3:189-196, 1961. THOMPSON, R., and MALIN, CHARLES F., Jr.: The effect of neocortical lesions on retention of a 319 successive brightness discrimination in rats. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54:326-328, 1961. THoMmPsoN, R., MALIN, C. F., and HAwkINs, W. F.: Effect of subcortical lesions on retention of a kinesthetic discrimination habit. Experimental Neurology, 3:367-374, 1961. THOMPSON, R., and Massopust, L. C.: The effect of subcortical lesions on retention of a brightness discrimination in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53:488-496, 1960. Quay, L. C.: Problems in the evaluation of attend- ant employee training programs. American Jour- nal of Mental Deficiency, 65:323-325, 1960. Quay, L. C., BARTLETT, C. J., WRIGHTSMAN, L. S,, Jr., and CaTRON, D.: Attitude change in attendant employees. Journal of Social Psychology, 55:27- 31, 1961. ZIMMERMAN, D. W.: A conceptual approach to some problems in mental retardation. Psychologi- cal Records, 15(2):175-183, 1965. MH-2530 (R01) WEsT, CHARLES D., and BLISS, EuGeNE L.: Endocrinologic disturbance in psycho- genic amenorrhea. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (1958-61) GORTATOWSKI, MELVIN J., KuMaGaAl, LINDY F., and WEsT, CHARLES D.: Synthesis of ring-labeled L- thyroxine-C%. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 6:800-802, 1963. WEsT, C. D., Simons, E. L., GORTATOWSKI, MEL- VIN J., and KuMacal, L. F.: The metabolism of ring-labeled L-thyroxine-C'* “in vivo.” Journal of Clinical Investigation, 42(7):1134-1141, 1963. MH-2534 (R01) TITCHENER, JAMES L.: The in- dividual and his family. University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio. (1958- 64) TITCHENER, JAMES, D’ZMURA, T., GOLDEN, M., and EMERSON, R.: Family transaction and deriva- tion of individuality. Family Process, 2(1):95- 120, 1963. TITCHENER, J., and GOLDEN, M.: Predictions of therapeutic themes from family interaction. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136:464- 499, 1963. TITCHENER, J., RiskIN, J., and EMERSON, R.: The family in psychosomatic process. Psychosomatic Medicine, 22(2):127-142, 1960. (Also acknowl- edges MH-999). MH-2535 (R10) PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN, and Dury, JosepH E.: Home versus hospital care for schizophrenics. Columbus Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. tinued as MH-7874). PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN, ScArpPITTI, F., LEFTON, Mark, DiniTz, SiMON, WERNERT, J. J., and McPHEETERS, H.: Home vs. hospital care for schizophrenics. Journal of the American Medical Association, 187:177-181, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-7874). ScarprrTi, F., LEFTON, MARK, DINITZ, SIMON, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: Problems in a home care study for schizophrenics. Archives of Gen- eral Psychiatry, 10:143-154, 1964.- (Also ac- knowledges MH-7874). (1958-63) (Con- MH-2537 (R01) Mertz, EpwiN T., and JOLLY, DonNaLp H.: Etiology of emaciation in mentally defective children. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. (1958-63) Currey, W. J, JoLry, D. H., and Mertz, E. T.: Heights and weights of mentally retarded children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 68:203- 210, 1963. Currey, W. J., SAUNDERS, R. N., Mertz, E. T, and Jorry, D. H.: Serum proteins and hematocrits of mentally retarded patients. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:856-859, 1963. Mertz, E. T., CuLLEY, W. J., JoLLy, D. H., and CALANDRO, ].: Protein malnutrition in mentally retarded children. In: Meeting protein needs of infants and children, Publication 843, National Academy of Sciences—National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1961, p. 313-318. MH-2540 (R01) KraNTZ, JOHN C., JR.: Pharma- cological studies of hexafluorodiethyl ether. Uni- versity of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. (1958-62) KraNTZ, J. C., JR., MANCHEY, L. L., TRUITT, E. B,, Jr., LING, A. S. C., and KURLAND, A. A.: The availability of hexafluorodiethyl ether by intra- venous injection as a consulsant in psychiatric treatment. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- eases, 129:92-94, 1959. KraNTZ, JOHN C, JR. and TruIrT, E. B., JR.: The pharmacologic and therapeutic properties of hexa- fluorodiethyl ether (indoklon). In: Honoris causa volume for Professor G. Joachimoglu, Athens, Press of Monotypias School, 1959, p. 60-63. KraNTZ, JOHN C, Jr. Truitt, E. B., Jr., LING, A. S. C., and KURLAND, A. A.: Sustained exposure to hexafluorodiethyl ether (indoklon) in mental illness. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 1(4):362-365, 1959. LING, A. S. C, BeLL, F. K,, and KraNTZ, J. C,, JR.: Anesthesia 62; The effect of hexafluorodiethyl ether on brain cholinesterase activity. Anesthesi- ology, 22:426-428, 1961. 320 Ling, A. S. C, and KraNTZ, J. C, JR.: Anesthesia 62: The effect of hexafluorodiethyl ether and trifluoroethyl vinyl. Ether on cerebral metabolism. Anesthesiology, 21:518-521, 1960. Ling, Arrrep S. C., Trurrt, E. B., Jr, and Krantz, J. C, JR.: Anesthesia LIX: Effect of anesthesia with ether, fluoromar, and thiopental sodium on indoklon-induced cerebral cortical sei- zures. Anesthesiology, 20:173-176, 1959. Ling, AvFrep S. C., Truirr, E. B., Jr, and KraNTZ, J. C., JR.: Further pharmacologic studies on hexafluorodiethyl ether (HFE). Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 126: 366-373, 1959. Truitt, E. B,, Jr., and EBERSBERGER, E. M.: The therapeutic index of hexfluorediethyl ether (in- doklon) and its modification by reserpine, chlor- promazine and iproniazine. Archives Interna- tionales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 129: 223-235, 1960. Truitt, E. B,, Jr., and EBERSBERGER, E. M.: Decar- boxylase inhibitors affect convulsion thresholds to hexafluorodiethyl ether. Science, 135:105-106, 1962. Truitt, E. B., Jr., EBERSBERGER, E. M., and LING, A. S. C.: Measurement of brain excitability by use of hexafluorodiethyl ether. Journal of Pharma- cology and Experimental Therapeutics, 129:445- 453, 1960. MH-2546 (R01) WENAR, CHARLES: Etiology of psychosomatic and emotional disorders. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1958-59) WENAR, C., HANDLON, M. W., and GARNER, A. M.: Origins of psychosomatic and emotional dis- turbances: A study of mother-child relationships. New York, Hoeber, 1962, 73 p. (A Psychoso- matic Medicine Monograph) (Also acknowledges MH-5044). WENAR, C., WEIMAN, M., and GARNER, A. M.: Patterns of mothering in psychosomatic and severe emotional disturbances. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 6:165-170, 1959-1960. MH-2547 (R01) OrsoN, RoBERT E., and VESTER, JouN W.: Study of a somatic trait for chronic alcoholism. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1958-61) GURSEY, D., and OLsoN, R. E.: Depression of sero- tonin and norepinephrine levels in brain stem of rabbit by ethanol. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 104:280-281, 1960. McCorp, W., McCoRD, JoaN, and HOWARD, ALAN: Familial correlates of aggression in non-delinquent male children. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62(1):79-93, 1961. McManus, I. R., CoNTAG, A. O., and OLsoN, R. E.: Characterization of endogenous ethanol in the mammal. Science, 131(3393):102-103, 1960. OLsoN, R. E., Gursgy, D., and VESTER, J. W.: Evidence for a defect in tryptophan metabolism in chronic alcoholism. New England [Journal of Medicine, 263:1169-1174, 1960. Rice, E. W., OLsoN, R. E., and SWEENEY, P. D.: A study of serum copper and certain “acute-phase reactants” in alcoholics. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 22:544-549, 1961. MH-2552 (R01) MasupA, MINORU: Urinary aro- matic excretion in normals and mentally ill. University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (1958- 61) Masupa, MINQRU, and DORPAT, THEODORE L.: Urinary aromatic metabolites in normal subjects after LSD. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- ease, 130:224-229, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1948). Masupu, MINORU, SLONECKER, JoHN S., and DorpAT, THEODORE L.: Urinary aromatic metabo- lites in schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 130:125-133, 1960. MH-2553 (R01) DANIEL, ROBERT S., and LAGo, GLADWYN V.: Electronic data processing of EEG patterns. University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (1958-64) ALEXANDER, FRED L.: An amplitude distribution analyzer for studying brain waves. IRE Transac- tions of Bio-Medical Electronics, 8:144-147, 1961. CoroLp, DIANNE A.: Interhemispheric spread and graded response in spreading cortical depression. Psychonomic Science, 2(11):343-344, 1965. DANIEL, ROBERT S.: Electronic data processing of the EEG. Psychophysiology Newsletter, 8:31-32, 1962. DANIEL, R. S.: Electroencephalographic correlogram ratios and their stability. Science, 145:721-723, 1964. DANIEL, ROBERT S.: Electroencephalographic pattern quantification and the arousal continuum. Psycho- physiology, 2(2):146-160, 1965. FREEDMAN, NELSON L.: Bilateral differences in the human occipal electroencephalogram with uni- lateral photic driving. Science, 142:598-599, 1961. FREEDMAN, NELSON, L., HAFER, BRENNA M., and DANIEL, ROBERT S.: EEG arousal decrement dur- ing paired-associate learning. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 61(1):15-19, 1966. 321 GOLDSTEIN, A. G., SLoBopA, W., and JENNINGS, J. B.: Spontaneous electrical activity of three types of EEG electrodes. Psychophysiology Newsletter, 8:10-16, 1962. MH-2554 (R01) PIERREL, ROSEMARY: Instrumental generalization gradients. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1958-61) (Continued as MH-5757). HeGGe, F. W., PierreL, R., and SHERMAN, J. G.: A five-channel photoelectric programmer. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7(4): 326, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5757). PIERREL, R., and SHERMAN, J. G.: Generalization of auditory intensity following discrimination train- ing. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Be- havior, 3:313-322, 1960. PIERREL, R., and SHERMAN, J. G.: Generalization and discrimination as a function of the SP-SA dif- ference. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5(1):67-71, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5757). PIERREL, R., SHERMAN, J. G., and FISCHMAN, M. W.: Generalization of auditory intensity as a func- tion of small amounts of discrimination training. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:545-548, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 5757). SHERMAN, J. G., HEGGE, F. W., and PIERREL, R.: Discrimination formation as related to the amount of SA training. Psychonomic Science, 1:43-44, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5757). SHERMAN, J. G., and PIERREL, R.: Generalization of auditory intensity as a function of the amount of discrimination training. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 4:237-241, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-5757). MH-2555 (R03) CHANCE, NORMAN A.: The Barter Island study of cultural change. University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (1958-59) CHANCE, NORMAN A.: Culture change and integra- tion: An Eskimo example. American Anthro- pologist, 62(6):1028-1044, 1960. CHANCE, NORMAN A.: Investigation of the Eskimos at Barter Island, Alaska to rapid cultural changes. Arctic, 13(3), 1960. CHANCE, NORMAN A.: Conceptual and methodo- logical problems in cross-cultural health research. American Journal of Public Health, 52:410-417, 1962. MH-2556 (R01) RENNEKER, RICHARD: Study of nonverbal behavior during analysis. Mount Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles, Calif. (1958-60) RENNEKER, RICHARD: Kinesic research in psycho- therapy. In: Knapp, P. B., ed. Expression of the emotion in man. New York, International Uni- versities Press, 1963, p. 147-160. MH-2557 (R03) MiscHEL, WALTER, and MISCHEL, FRANCES: Cross cultural study of culture and per- sonality. Individual, Boulder, Colo. (1958-58) MiscHEL, WALTER: Delay of gratification, need for achievement, and acquiescence in another culture. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62: 543-552, 1961. MiscHEL, WALTER: Father-absence and delay of gratification: Cross-cultural comparisons. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63:116-124, 1961. MiscHEL, WALTER, and MiscHEL, F.: Psychological aspects of spirit possession: A reinforcement analy- sis. American Anthropologist, 60:249-260,.1958. MH-2560 (R03) Prokasy, WiLLIaM F., Jr.: Effects of instruction set on anxiety in conditioning. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. (1958-59) Prokasy, WiLrLiam F. and WHALEY, Francis L.: Manifest anxiety scale score and the ready signal in classical conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(2):119-123, 1962. MH-2561 (R03) Rapaport, IOoNEL F., and RARICK, G. LAWRENCE: Bone and soft tissue development in mongolism. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1958-59) KeLMAN, H. C., and BARCLAY, JANET: The F Scale as a measure of breadth of perspective. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(6):608- 615, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-7280). RARICK, LAWRENCE, RAPAPORT, IONEL, and SEE- FELDT, VERN: Bone development in Down's dis- ease. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 107:7-13, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3322). MH-2562 (R01) LoNDON, IRVING M., ABRAMSON, ARTHUR S., EDpER, HOwARD A. MAKOVER, HENRY, and WHITE, ABRAHAM: Comprehensive program of research in aging. Yeshiva University —Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, N.Y. (1958-63) ABRAMSON, ARTHUR S., and DEiLacl, EDWARD F.: Influence of weight-bearing and muscle contraction on disuse osteoporosis. Archives of Physical Med:- cine and Rehabilitation, 42:147-151, 1961. ABRAMSON, A., KUTNER, B., ROSENBERG, P., BER- GER, R., and WEINER, H.: A therapeutic com- munity in rehabilitation medicine. Journal of Chronic Diseases, 16:179-186, 1963. ADpiL, H. N.,, DaLy, M. M., DEMING, Q. B., BRUN, L., and RAEfF, V.: Effect of hypertension on 322 cholesterol synthesis in the rat. culation, 26:681, 1962. (Abstract) Cir- BARLAND, PETER, and HAMERMAN, DAVID: Studies on oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes in synovial membrane of normal and arthritic patients. Bul- letin of New York Academy of Medicine, 38:507, 1962. BARLAND, PETER, NOVIKOFF, A. B., and HAMER- MAN, Davip: Cytochemistry and electron micros- copy of the rheumatoid synovial membrane with special reference to lysosomes. Journal of Cell Biology, 14:207, 1962. BENEscH, R., and RANNEY, H. M.: Some observa- tion on hemoglobin H. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20:70, 1961. BENEscH, R., RANNEY, H. M., and BENEscH, R. E.: Isomeric forms of hemoglobin H. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 21 (Part II):72, 1962. BeENEscH, R. E., RaANNEY, H. M., and SMITH, G. M.: The chemistry of the Bohr effect. II. Some properties of hemoglobin H. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 236:2926-2929, 1961. BLUMENFELD, O., and GALLOP, P. M.: The partici- pation of aspartyl residues in the hydroxylamine- or hydrazine-sensitive bonds of collagen. Bio- chemistry, 1:947-959, 1962. BLUMENFELD, O., and GALLOP, P. M.: The roles of aspartic acid in the intramolecular ester cross linkages of collagen. Federation Proceedings, 21: 409, 1962. BLUMENFELD, O., PAZ, MERCEDES, GALLOP, PAUL M., and SEIFTER, SAM: The nature, quantity, and mode of attachement of hexoses in ichthyocol. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 238(12):3835- 3839, 1963. Corp, R. C., SUNG, PARK SuH, and WILLIAMS, M. H., Jr.: Pulmonary function studies in pneumonia. American Review of Respiratory Diseases, 85(6): 808-815, 1962. Corp, R. CHARLOTTE, and WiLLiams, M. H., Jr.: Pulmonary function following pulmonary emboli- zation. American Review of Respiratory Diseases, 85(6):799-807, 1962 D’Apano, A. F. Jr, and HoBerMAN, H. D.: Coupling of oxidation of substrates to reductive biosynthesis. III. Studies with L and D - lactates. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 235:514-518, 1960. DaLy, M. M., DEMING, Q. B., RAEfFF, V., and BruUN, L.: Cholesterol concentration and choles- terol synthesis in aortas of rats with renal hyper- tension. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 42: 1606-1612, 1963. DaLy, M. M., and RAEFF, V.: Effect of hyperten- sion on cholesterol synthesis in rat aorta. Circula- tion, 26:705, 1962. Davis, P. R.: Carbonic anhydrase. In: Boyer, P. D., Lardy, H., and Myrback, K., eds. The enzymes, 2nd ed. Vol. 5. New York, Academic Press, 1961. Davis, P. ROBERT: Pyelonephritis. Medical Science, 12:458-470, 1962. Davis, P. R.: The measurement of carbonic anhy- drase activity. In: Glick, D., ed. Methods of biochemical analysis. Vol. 11. New York, Inter- science, 1963, p. 307-327. Davis, P. ROBERT, ATSMON, A., and Ranp, F. G.: Metabolic control reactions in the kidney in potas- sium depletion. Clinical Research, 12:250, 1964. Davis, P. RoBErT, and CANESSA-FISCHER, M.: A metabolic basis for the action of vasopressin. (Abstract) Circulation, 24:915, 1961. Davis, P. ROBERT, CANESSA-FISCHER, M.: Fluores- cence spectrophotometric studies of metabolic con- trol in the isolated living toad bladder. (Abstract) Journal of Clinical Investigation, 40:1032, 1961. DawsoN, R. F., CHRrRISTMAN, D. R., ANDERSON, R. C, Sort, M. L., D’Apamo, A. F., Jr., and Weiss, U.: Biosynthesis of the pyridine ring of nicotine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 78:2645-2646, 1958. DRAPKIN, A.: Lipo atrophic diabetes. New York State Journal of Medicine, 62:855-858, 1962. EAGLE, HARRY: Population density and the nutrition of cultured mammalian cells. In: The general physiology of cell specialization. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 148-170. EAGLE, H., and LeviNTOow, L.: Amino acid and protein metabolism. I. The metabolic character- istics of serially propagated cells. In: Willmer, E. N. Cells and tissue in culture. Vol. 1. New York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 277-295. EAGLE, HARRY, and P1Ez, KARL: Amino acid pools, protein synthesis and protein turnover in human cell cultures. In: Amino acid pools. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1962, p. 694-705. Eber, H. A.: Hypo-and hyperlipidemia in Cecil and Loeb. In: Beeson, P., and McDermott, W., eds. Textbook of Medicine, 11th edition. 1963. Eber, H. A., GiLson, E. L., and KLEIN, C.: The regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis. (Abstract) Sth International Congress of Biochemistry, New York, Pergamon Press, 1961, p. 545. FELDMAN, RONALD, and WiLLIAMS, HENRY M., JR.: Acute ventilatory failure. New York State Jour- nal of Medicine, 63:3355-3360, 1963. FranzBLAU, CARL, GALLOP, M. PAUL, SEIFTER, Sam: The presence in collagen of y glutamyl peptide linkages. Biopolymers, 1:79-97, 1963. GaLLop, PauL: Concerning some special structural features of the collagen molecule. Biophysical Journal, 4(1):79-92, 1964. Part 2. Gavrrop, P. M,, and SEIFTER, S.: Features of primary structure and unusual linkages in collagen. In: Ramanathan, N., ed. Technical seminar on colla- gen. New York, Interscience, 1962. GELLER, ].: The effect of 17-ethyl-19-nortestosterone 3-enol propionate (SC 7294) on the metabolism of adrenal cortical steroid. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 22:1116-1121, 1962. GELLER, ].: The effect of 17a-ethyl-19-nortestosterone and 3-enol-proprionate on growth and endocrine function in normal young males of short stature. Acta Endocrinologica, 45:13-25, 1964. GELLER, J., and LoH, ARTHUR: Identification and measurement of growth hormone in extracts of human urine. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology, 23(11):1107-1114, 1963. GELLER, ]J., VoLk, H., and LEWIN, M.: Objective remission of metastatic breast carcinoma in a male who received 17-alpha-hydroxy progesterone caproate(Delalutin). Cancer Chemotherapy Re- ports, 14:77-81, 1961. GoTTFRIED, E., and RAPPORT, M.: Comparison of hemolytic activity of various lysophosphatidal. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 21:293, 1962. GotTFRIED, E., and RAPPORT, M.: The biochemistry of plasmalogens. I. Isolation and characterization of phosphatidal choline, a pure native plasmalogen. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 237:329-333, 1962. GotTFRIED, E., and RAPPORT, M.: The biochemistry of plasmalogens. III. Concentration in tissues of the rat as a function of age. Biochemistry, 2:646-648, 1963. GorrFRrIED, E., and RAPPORT, M.: Specificity of snake venom phospholipase A in ether and in aqueous media. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 22:295, 1963. GoTTFRIED, E., and RAPPORT, M.: The biochemistry of plasmalogen. II. Hemolytic activity of some plasmalogen derivatives. Journal of Lipid Re- search, 4:57-62, 1963. Gross, RUTH: A variant type of G5SPD deficiency in an Italian family. In: Goldschmidt, E., ed. The genetics of migrant and isolate populations. Balti- more, Md., Williams & Wilkins, 1963, p. 83. Hays, RICHARD, and LEAF, A.: Inadequacy of the “pore theory” to account for the action of neuro- hypophyseal hormones on water and solute move- ment across a living membrane. (Abstract) Jour- nal of Clinical Investigation, 39:995, 1960. Hays, RICHARD, and LEAF, A.: The problem of clini- cal vasopress in resistance: In vitro studies. An- nals of Internal Medicine, 54(4):700-709, 1961. Hays, RICHARD, and LIPMAN, K.: The surface charge of toad bladder epithelial cells. (Abstract) Bul- letin of the New York Academy of Sciences, 40: 74, 1964. HoBerMAN, H. D.,, and D’Apamo, A. F., Jr.: Syn- thesis of liver glycogen from 3-C!4-dl-malate. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 235(4):934- 936, 1960. HoBerMAN, H. D., and D’Apamo, A. F., Jr.: Coup- ling of oxidation of substrates to reductive bio- synthesis. VI. Studies with clycerol-2-d. Jour- nal of Biological Chemistry, 235:1599-1602, 1960. HoBerMAN, H. D., and D’Apamo, A. F., Jr. Labelled substrates. I. The synthesis of dl-2- deuterlolactic acid. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 25:30-31, 1960. KUTNER, B.: Doctors and hospitals offer clues to causes of conflict. Modern Hospital, 95:80-84, 1960. KUTNER, B.: Socio-psychological therapy of the hos- pitalized geriatric amputee. In: The geriatric amputee. Washington, D.C., National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1961, p. 208-211. (Publication No. 919). KUTNER, B.: The social nature of aging. Geron- tologist, 2(1):5-8, 1962. KuTNER, B.: Terminal illness and death in socio- cultural perspective. In: A symposium on con- structive approach to terminal illness. National Cancer Foundation, 1962, p. 27-35. KuTNER, B., and GORDON, G.: Seeking care for cancer. [Journal of Health and Human Behavior, 2:171-178, 1961. KUTNER, BERNARD, and GORDON, NORMAN B.: Cognitive functioning and prejudice: A nine-year follow-up study. Sociometry, 27(1):66-74, 1964. LAMPASsO, JAMES A.: Serum haptoglobin: A rapid quantative screening technique. Journal of the American Medical Technologists, 26(6):1964. Reprint, 4 p. LonpoN, I. M., and Ramor, B.: Pernicious anemia. In: Conn, Howard F., ed. Current therapy. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1958, p. 200-201. MarLcorM, DANIEL, RANNEY, HELEN M., and JacoBs, Aran. S.: Association of radioactive chromium with various components of hemo- globin. Blood, 21(1):8-20, 1963. Marcus, HENRIETTE, Yoo Hi Ok, AKkyoL, TurkAN, and WiLLiams, M. H., Jr.: A ran- 324 domized study of the effects of corticosteroid therapy on healing of pulmonary tuberculosis as judged by clinical roentgenographic, and physio- logic measurements. American Review of Respira- tory Diseases, 88(1) :55-64, 1963. MERSKEY, CLARENCE, and MARCUS, AARON J.: Lipids, blood coagulation and fibrinolysis. An- nual Review of Medicine, 14:323-338, 1963. MERrskEY, C., and WoHL, H.: Changes in blood coagulation and fibrinolysis in rats fed atherogenic diets. Thrombosis et Diathesis Haemorrbagica, 10:295-308, 1964. MEeRrskEY, C., WoHL, H., and Oka, M.: Effect of atherogenic diet on blood coagulation and fibrin- olysis in the rat. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 21:58, 1962. NorTON, WiLLIAM T., GOTTFRIED, EUGENE L., and RAPPORT, MAURICE M.: The structure of plas- malogens. VI. Configuration of the double bond in @, B -unsaturated ether linkage of phosphatidal choline. Journal of Lipid Research, 3(4):456- 459, 1962. REED, JUDEN L., BRADLEY, THoMAs B., Jr., and RANNEY, HELEN M.: The effect of amelioration of anemia on the synthesis of fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia. Blood, 25(1):36-48, 1965. Royce, P. C.: Inhibition of renal growth following unilateral nephrectomy in the rat. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 113:1046-1049, 1963. ScHEINBERG, I. H.: Copper metabolism, a review. In: Walshe, John M., and Cumings, John M., eds. Proceedings of the Symposium on Current con- cepts of Wilson's Disease, London, 1960. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1961, p. 4-17. SEIFTER, SAM, GALLOP, PAUL M., and FRANZBLAU, CARL: Some aspects of collagenolytic action. Trasns- actions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Series II, 23 (6) :540-547, 1961. SHERB, J., KIRSCHNER, M., and ARias, I.: Studies of hepatic excretory function. The effect of 17a- ethyl-19-nortestosterone on sulfobromophthalein sodium (BSP) metabolism in man. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 42(3):404-408, 1963. STERNLIEB, I., MORELL, A. G., and SCHEINBERG, I. H.: Homozygosity and heterozygosity in Wil- son’s disease. In: Walshe, John M., and Cumings, John M., eds. Proceedings of the Symposium on Current Concepts of Wilson's disease, London, 1960. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1961, p. 133-140. TiNG, YI ER, KARLINER, S. JOEL, and WILLIAMS, M. H., Jr.: Diaphragmatic flutter associated with apneustic respiration. American Review of Respiratory Diseases, 88(6):833-838, 1963. TING, YI ER, and WiLLiaMs, M. H., Jr.: The me- chanics of breathing in chronic obstructive pul- monary disease. American Review of Respiratory Diseases, 88(6) :791-801, 1963. WEINSTEIN, CLEMENT, SEIFTER, S., and BERKMAN, J. IL: Peptide-nucleotide associations in rat liver. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 19(1)Part I: 334, 1960. WEINSTEIN, SIDNEY: Experimental analysis of an attempt to improve speech in cases of expressive aphasia. Neurology, 9:632-635, 1959. WEINSTEIN, SIDNEY: Differences in effects of brain wounds implicating right or left hemispheres: Differential effects on certain intellectual and com- plex perceptual functions. In: Mountcastle, Ver- non B., ed. Interbemispheric relations and cere- bral dominance. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 1962,"p. 159-176. WEINSTEIN, S.: Tactile sensitivity of the phalanges. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14:351-354, 1962. WEINSTEIN, SIDNEY: Phantoms in paraplegia. In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Clinical Spinal Cord Injury Conference, October 22-24, 1962. Washington, D.C., Veterans Administration, 1962, p. 138-152. WEINSTEIN, SIDNEY, and SERSEN, EUGENE: Tactual sensitivity as a function of handedness and later- ality. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54(6):665-669, 1961. WEINSTEIN, SIDNEY, and SERSEN, EUGENE: Phan- toms in cases of congenital absence of limbs. Neurology, 11:905-911, 1961. WiLLiams, M. H., Jr.: Clinical applications of cardio-pulmonary physiology. New York, Hoeber- Harper, 1960, 233 p. WiLLiams, M. H., Jr.: Chronic obstructive pul- monary. Medical Science, 11:433, 1962. WiLLiams, M. H., Jr., and SERIFF, N. S.: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. American Journal of Medicine, 35:20-30, 1963. WiLLiaMs, M. H., Jr., SERIFF, N. S., AKyoL, K, and Yoo, O. H.: The diffusing capacity of the lung in acute pulmonary tuberculosis. American Review of Respiratory Diseases, 84:814-817, 1961. WoHL, H., and MERSKEY, C.: Anemia in rats on a high fat infarct producing diet. (Abstract) Fed- eration Proceedings, 21:100, 1962. WoHL, H., and MERSKEY, C.: Polycythemia in rats following restricted food intake. American [Jour- nal of Physiology, 206:762-764, 1964. WoHL, H., and MERsKEY, C.: Anemia in rats on atherogenic diets. American Journal of Physiol- 0gy, 206:765-768, 1964. 325 WoLMAN, Y., and GALLOP, P. M.: Urea formation via oxidative carbamylation. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 27:1902, 1962. MH-2564 (R03) PETERS, JoHN E.: Long-term effects of fear on behavior of rats. University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Ark. (1958-59) PETERS, JoHN E., and FINCH, STEPHEN B.: Short and long range effects on the rat of a fear- provoking stimulus. Psychosomatic Medicine, 23: 138-152, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1091). MH-2568 (R03) WIENER, MORTON: Subception or partial perception. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. (1958-59) WIENER, M., and SCHILLER, P. H.: Subliminal per. ception or perception of partial cues. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 61:124-137, 1960. MH-2570 (R03) Tip, CHARLES W., and BECK- wiITH, WILLIAM CLINTON: Experimental investi- gation of the imprinting process. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1958-59) Top, CHARLES W.: Introduction to symposium on “Psycho-analysis and ethology.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 41 (Part IV-V):308- 312, 1960. MH-2581 (R03) EHRENFREUND, DAVID: Motiva- tional effect of continuous weight loss. Adelphi College, Garden City, N.Y. (1958-58) EHRENFREUND, DAVID: The motivational effect of a continuous weight loss schedule. Psychological Reports, 6:339-345, 1960. MH-2583 (R01) EISENBERG, LEON, CONNERS, C. KEITH, and OSLER, SONIA: Drug and cognition studies in disturbed children. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. (1958- ) BREGER, E.: Meprobamate in the management of enuresis. Journal of Pediatrics, 59:571-576, 1961. BREGER, E.: Hydroxyzine hydrochloride and methyl- phenidate hydrochloride in the management of enuresis. Journal of Pediatrics, 61:443-447, 1962. BREGER, E.: The maintenance of therapeutic effect in children with enuresis. Journal of Pediatrics, 61: 723-725, 1962. ConNNERs, C. KeiTH: Effects of brief psychotherapy, drugs, and type of disturbance on Holtzman ink- blot scores in children. In: Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Convention of the American Psycho- logical Association, 1965, p. 201-202. ConNERrs, C. K., and EISENBERG, L.: The effects of methylphenidate on symptomatology and learning in disturbed children. American Journal of Psy- chiatry, 120:458-464, 1963. ConNNERs, C. K., EISENBERG, L. and SHARPE, L.: Effects of methylphenidate (ritalin) on paired- associate learning and Porteus maze performance in emotionally disturbed children. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28:14-22, 1964. CyTRrYN, L., GILBERT, A., and EISENBERG, L.: The effectiveness of tranquilizing drugs plus supportive psychotherapy in treating behavior disorders of children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 30:113-128, 1960. EISENBERG, L.: Basic issues in drug research with children. In: Fisher, S., ed. Child-research in psychopharmacology. Springfield, C. C. Thomas, 1959, p. 21-35. EISENBERG, L.: Conceptual problems in relating brain and behavior. American Journal of Orthopsychi- atry, 30:37-48, 1960. EISENBERG, L: The strategic deployment of the child psychiatrist in preventive psychiatry. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2:229-241, 1961. EISENBERG, L.: Possibilities for a preventive psychi- atry. Pediatrics, 30:815-828, 1962. EISENBERG, L.: Drug therapy of overactivity in chil- dren. Clinical Proceedings of the Children’s Hospital (Washington, D.C.), 19:253-255, 1963. EiSENBERG, L.: Role of drugs in treating disturbed children. Children, 11:167-173, 1964. EisENBERG, L., GILBERT, A., CyTRYN, L., and MoLLING, P. A.: The effectiveness of psycho- therapy alone and in conjunction with perphena- zine or placebo in the treatment of neurotic and hyperkinetic children. American Journal of Psy- chiatry, 117:1088-1093, 1961. EisENBERG, L., LacHMAN, R., MOLLING, P. A, LOCKNER, A., MizeLLE, J. D. and CONNERS, C. K.: A psychopharmacologic experiment in a training school for delinquent boys. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 33:431-447, 1963. MoLLING, P. A., LockNER, A. W., SauLs, R. J, and EISENBERG, L.: Committed delinquent boys: The impact of perphenazine and placebo. Archives of General Psychiatry, 7:70-76, 1962. OsLER, S. F.,, and Fiver, M. W.: Concept attain- ment. I. The role of age and intelligence in concept attainment by induction. Journal of Ex- perimental Psychology, 62:14-23, 1961. OSLER, SoNIA F., and KoFsky, ELLIN: Stimulus un- certainty as a variable in the development of con- ceptual ability. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2(3) 1264-279, 1965. OsLER, S. F., and PoweLL, M. G.: Apparatus for the study of discrimination and concept formation. American Journal of Psychology, 73:627-629, 1960. 326 OsLER, SONIA F., and SHAPIRO, SANDRA L.: Studies in concept attainment. IV. The role of partial reinforcement as a function of age and intelligence. Child Development, 35:623-633, 1964. OsLER, S. F., and TRAUTMAN, G. E.: Concept attain- ment. II. Effect of stimulus complexity upon concept attainment at two levels of intelligence. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62:14-23, 1961. OsLER, S. F., and WEIss, S. R.: Studies in concept attainment. III. Effect of instructions at two levels of intelligence. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63:528-533, 1962. MH-2584 (R01) SCHACHTER, STANLEY: Social de- terminants of the emotions. University of Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1959-61) (Con- tinued as MH-5203). LATANE, B., and SCHACHTER, S.: Adrenalin and avoidance learning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:369-372, 1962. (Al- so acknowledges MH-5203). RaDLOFF, R.: Opinion evaluation and affiliation. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62: 578-585, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-5203). SCHACHTER, S.: The psychology of affiliation. Stan- ford, Calif., Stanford University, 1959, 141 p. SCHACHTER, S.: Birth order, eminence and higher education. American Sociological Review, 28: 757-768, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5203). SCHACHTER, S., and SINGER, J.: Cognitive, social and physiological determinants of emotional state. Psychological Review, 69:379-399, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5203). SCHACHTER, S., and WHEELER, L.: Epinephrine, chlorpromazine and amusement. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 65:121-128, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5203). SINGER, ].: Sympathetic activation, drugs and fright. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 56:612-615, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5203). WRIGHTSMAN, L.: Effects of waiting with others on changes in level of felt anxiety. [Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 61:216-222, 1960. MH-2585 (R01) BoeHM, LEONORE: Social class differences in conscience development. Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1958-61) BoenM, L.: The development of conscience: A com- parison of American children of different mental and socio-economic levels. Child Development, 33:575-590, 1962. BoenM, L.: The development of conscience: A com- parison of students in Catholic parochial schools and in public schools. 591-602, 1962. Child Development, 33: BoeHM, L.: The development of conscience: A com- parison of upper-middle class academically gifted children attending Catholic and Jewish parochial schools. Journal of Social Psychology, 59:101- 110, 1963. BoeuM, L.: The development of conscience of pre- school children: A cultural and subcultural com- parison. Journal of Social Psychology, 59:355- 360, 1963. BoeHM, L., and Nass, M.: Social class differences in conscience development. Child Development, 33: 565-574, 1962. MH-2587 (R01) CARVER, MICHAEL J., SMITH, JackseN A., and WiTTsoN, CECIL: A study of the long term effects of tranquilizers. University of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebr. (1959-61) CARVER, M. J.: Long term study of chlorpromazine and meprobamate on serum protein profile. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:126- 130, 1962. MH-2590 (R03) DirTESs, JAMES E.: Defensive func- tions of cognitive closure. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1958-59) Dirtes, J. E.: Impulsive closure as reaction to failure-induced threat. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63:562-569, 1961. MH-2591 (R01) MACKINNON, DoNaLD W., and ScHuTZ, WILLIAM C.: Tests of a theory of inter- personal relations: ~~ University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1958-59) (Continued from MH-1831). Scuutz, W. C.: FIRO: A three-dimensional theory of interpersonal behavior. New York, Rinehart, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-1831). ScHutz, W. C.: On group composition. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62(2):275-281, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1831). Schurz, W. C.: The ego, FIRO theory and the leader as completer. In: Bass, B., and Petrullo, L., eds. Leadership and interpersonal behavior. New York, Holt, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1831). Schutz, W. C., and Gross, E. F.: The FIRO theory of interpersonal behavior: Empirical tests and ap- plications to business administration. In: Contri- butions to Scientific Research in Management. Los Angeles; University of California, January 29-30, 1959, p. 161-172. (Also acknowledges MH- 1831). MH-2594 (R01) WiLsoN, WiLLiaM P.: Carbon dioxide, glucose and potassium effects on CNS, 327 University of Texas, Galveston, Texas. 59) (Continued from MH-1203). (1958- Dosss, D., and WiLsoN, W.: Observations on per- sistence of war neurosis. Diseases of the Nervous System, 21:1-6, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 1203). ELiison, R. J., WiLsoN, W. P., and WEIss, E. B.: Changes in cerebral potassium during insulin hypo- glycemia. Proceedings of the Society for Expe- rimental Biology and Medicine, 98:128-129, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-1203). SIEKER, H. O., and WiLsoN, W. P.: Electroen- cephalographic biochemical changes in acute hypoxia and hypercapnia. Archives of Neurology, 3:704-710, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 1203). SMmitH, W. T., and WiLsoN, W. P.: Electroen- cephalographic and clinical correlations in epilepsy beginning in adulthood. Southern Medical Jour- nal, 51:889-894, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH- 1203). Tyor, MaLcoLM P., and WiLsoN, WiLLIAM P.: Peripheral biochemical changes associated with the intravenous administration of ammonion salts in normal subjects. Journal of Laboratory and Clini- cal Medicine, 51:592-599, 1958. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1203). WiLsoN, N. J., and WiLsoN, W. P.: The duration of human electroencephalographic arousal re- sponses elicited by photic stimulation. Electroen- cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 11: 85-91, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1203). WiLsoN, W. P.: The role of potassium in the pro- duction of the slow wave response to hyperventila- tion in the electroencephalogram. Electroencephal- ography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 10:546- 549, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-1203). WiLsoN, W. P., and JoHNsoN, J. E.: Clinical labora- tory and electroencephalographic correlations in hyperthyroidism. Southern Medical Journal, 53: 606-610, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1203). WiLsoN, W. P., and SIEKER, H. O.: A study of the factors responsible for changes in the electroen- cephalogram in chronic pulmonary insufficiency. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysi- ology, 10:89-96, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH- 1203). WiLsoN, W. P., and Tyor, MaLcoLMm P.: Electro- encephalographic observations during experimental hyperammonemia. Neurology, 8:913-916, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-1203). MH-2596 (R03) DyAL, JAMEs A.: Studies of incen- tive motivation and mediation process. Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. (1958-59) DyaL, J. A.: Brightness and spatial discrimination based on perceived incentive magnitude. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53: 346-350, 1960. DvyaL, J. A., and JonNEs, C. A.: Experimental tests of Hull's reasoning paradigms. Psychological Re- ports, 13:583-590, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3331). MH-2599 (R01) ALTMAN, MARGARET: The social role of the aging. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (1959-63) ALTMANN, MARGARET: Seniors of the wilderness. Animal Kingdom, 66(6) :181-183, 1963. ALTMANN, MARGARET: Naturalistic studies of ma- ternal care in moose and elk. In: Rheingold, H., ed. Maternal behavior in mammals. New -York, Wiley, 1963, p. 233-253. MH-2603 (R03) WiLcort, RoBERT C., and EL- LINGSON, ROBERT ].: Continuous measurement of skin sweating. University of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebr. (1958-60) WiLcorrT, R. C., and BEENKEN, H. G.: The continu- ous measurement of palmar sweating. American Journal of Psychology, 74:619-624, 1961. MH-2604 (R01) KoMAROVSKY, MIRRA: The rela- tion between social class and marriage roles. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1958- 62) KOMAROVSKY, MIRRA: Blue-collar marriage. New York, Random House, 1964, 395 p. MH-2612 (R01) EyseNck, Hans J.: Effects of stimulant and depressant drugs. London, London, UK (1959-62) CHoppy, M., and EYsENCK, H. J.: Brain-damage and depressant drugs: An experimental study of inter- action. In: Eysenck, H. J., ed. Experiments with drugs. Oxford, Pergamon, 1963, p. 313-323. University of Evsenck, H. J.: Personality and drug effects. In: Eysenck, H. J., ed. Experiments with drugs. Ox- ford, Pergamon Press, 1963, p. 1-24. GoocH, R. N.: The influence of stimulant and de- pressant drugs on the central nervous system. In: Eysenck, H. J., ed. Experiments with drugs. Ox- ford, Pergamon Press, 1963, p. 353-380. RobNIGHT, E., and GoocH, R. N.: A new method for the determination of individual differences in susceptibility to a depressant drug. In: Eysenck, H. ]J., ed. Experiments with drugs. Pergamon, 1963, p. 169-193. MH-2617 (R03) LEVINGER, GEORGE, and GIANA- KON, HARRY G.: An exploratory assessment of Oxford, 328 family relationships. Child Study Center of Phila- delphia, Philadelphia, Pa. (1958-59) LeVINGER, G.: Social desirability in the ratings of involved and neutral judges. Journal of Consult- ing Psychology, 25(6):554, 1961. LEVINGER, GEORGE: Supplementary methods in fam- ily research. Family Process, 2:357-366, 1963. MH-2618 (R01) NoBLE, MERRILL E.: A compara- tive study of the optimum CS-USC interval. State University of Kansas, Manhattan, Kan. (1959- 62) NosLE, M., and Apams, C. K.: Conditioning in pigs as a function of the interval between CS and US. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 56(1):215-219, 1963. NosLE, M., and ApaMms, C. K.: The effect of length of CS-US interval as a function of body tempera- ture in a cold-blooded animal. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 69:197-201, 1963. NoBLE, M., and HARDING, G. E.: Conditioning in rhesus monkeys as a function of the interval be- tween CS and UCS. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(1):220-224, 1963. MH-2620 (R01) MYERS, JEROME L., and MYERS, NANCY A.: An investigation of secondary rein- forcement variables. University of Massachusetts, Ambherst, Mass. (1959-64) Fort, JANE G.: Secondary reinforcement with pre- school children. Child Development, 32:755- 764, 1961. Fort, JANE GERALDINE: Discrimination based on secondary reinforcement. Child Development, 36 (2) :481-490, 1965. Fort, J. G., MyErs, J. L, and MyErs, N. A.: Secondary reinforcement in a discrimination prob- lem. Journal of General Psychology, 66:159-168, 1962. LEIMAN, A., Myers, J. L., and Myers, N. A.: Secondary reinforcement in a discrimination prob- lem with children. Child Development, 32:765- 772, 1961. Myers, J. L., and MyErs, N. A.: Effects of sched- ules of primary and secondary reinforcement on extinction behavior. Child Development, 34: 1057-1063, 1963. MyEkRrs, J. L., and MyERs, N. A.: Secondary rein- forcement in children as a function of condition- ing associations, extinction percentages, and stimu- lus types. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65:455-459, 1963. Myers, J. L., and MyErs, N. A.: Secondary rein- forcement in children as a function of conditioning associations and extinction percentages. Journal Psychology, 68(6):611-612, of Experimental 1964. Myers, N. A., Craig, G., and MYERs, J. L.: Sec- ondary reinforcement as a function of the number of reinforced trials. Child Development, 32:765- 772, 1961. Myers, N. A., and MyErs, J. L.: Effects of sec- ondary reinforcement schedules in extinction on children’s responding. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64:586-588, 1962. MyERs, NANCY A., and MYERS, JEROME L.: A test of discrimination hypothesis of secondary rein- forcement. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(1):98-101, 1965. MH-2621 (R01) Jackson, DoN D.: Use of psycho- tomimetics in personality evaluation. Palo Alto Medical Research Foundation, Palo Alto, Calif. (1958-61) TERRILL, J., SAVAGE, C., and JACKSON, DoNALD D.: LSD, transcendence, and the new beginning. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:425-439, 1962. MH-2625 (R03) BRUELL, JAN H.: Behavior de- velopment in inbred strains. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. (1958-59) BrutLL, J. H.: Dominance and segretation in the inheritance of quantitative behavior in mice. In: Bliss, E., ed. Roots of behavior. New York, Hoeber, 1962, p. 48-67. MH-2630 (R01) Hsia, DAviD Y.: Trypophan me- tabolism in phenylketonuria. Northwestern Uni- versity, Chicago, Ill. (1958-63) Hsia, Davip Y. Y.: Enzyme and mental deficiency. In: Bowman, P. W. and Mautner, H. V., eds. Mental retardation (Proceedings of the First In- ternational Conference on Mental Retardation). New York, Grune & Stratton, 1960, p. 65-82. (Also acknowledges MH-1945). Hsia, Davip Y. Y.: Medical progress: Medical genetics. New England Journal of Medicine, 62: 1222, 1273, and 1318, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1945). Hsia, DAVID YI-YUNG: Ontogenetic development of enzyme systems. In: Pruzansky, Samuel, ed. Con- genital anomalies of the face and associated struc- tures. Springfield, Ill., Thomas, 1961, p. 134- 147. Hsia, Davip Y. Y.: The nature of the disturbance of indole mefabolism in phenylketonuria. In: Stur, O., ed. Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Mental Retardation, Vienna, 1961. Part I. Basel, S. Karger, 1963, p. 47-53. Hsia, Davip Y. Y., Litwack, M., O'FLYNN, M., and Jakovcic, S.: Serum phenylalanine and tyro- 329 sine levels in the newborn infant. New England Journal of Medicine, 267:1067-1070, 1963. Hsia, Davip Y. Y., RowLEy, W., and RAskIN, N. J.: Clinical management of phenylketonuria. Quar- terly Bulletin of the Northwestern University Med- ical School, 36:25-33, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1945). Hsia, Davip Y. Y., NisHIMURA, K., and BRENCH- LEY, Y.: Mechanism for decrease of brain sero- tonin. Nature, 200:578-579, 1963. HuANG, I., and Hsia, DAviD Y. Y.: Studies on inhi- bition of 5-hydroxytrytophan decarboxylase by phenylalanine metabolites. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 112:81-84, 1963. HUANG, I., TANNENBAUM, S., BLUME, L., and Hsla, Davip Y. Y.: Metabolism of 5-hydroxyindole compounds in experimentally produced phenylke- tonuric rats. Proceedings of the Society for Ex- perimental Biology and Medicine, 106:533-536, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1945). Huang, I, TANNENBAUM, S., and Hsia, DAVID Y. Y.: Development of 5-hydroxytryptophan de- carboxylase activity in rat kidney. Nature, 186: 717-718, 1960. NADLER, H. L., and Hsia, Davip Y. Y.: Epinephrine metabolism in phenylketonuria. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine; 107:721-723, 1961. SLACK, J., SiMPsoN, K., and Hsia, Davip Y. Y.: Hereditary metabolic disorders involving the nerv- ous system. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 7(3):627-661, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 1945). MH-2632 (R03) FLAVELL, JoHN H.: Meaning and its relation to word association. University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (1958-59) FLaverr, J. H.: Meaning and meaning similarity. I. A theoretical reassessment. Journal of General Psychology, 64:307-319, 1961. FLAVELL, J. H.: Meaning and meaning similarity. II. The semantic differential and co-ocurrance as predictors of judged similarity in meaning. Jour- nal of General Psychology, 64:321-335, 1961. Fravery, J. H., and Fraverr, E. R.: One determi- nant of judged semantic and associative connection between words. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 58:159-165, 1959. FrLaveLL, J. H., and JoHNsON, B. A.: Meaning and meaning similarity. III. Latency and number of similarities as predictors of judged similarity in meaning. Journal of General Psychology, 64:337- 348, 1961. FraverLr, J. H,, and STEDMAN, D. J.: A develop- mental study of judgments of semantic similarity. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 98:279-293, 1961. MH-2633 (R03) SterrITT, GRAHAM M., and WHITEHOUSE, JAMES M.: A developmental study of chronic tube-fed fowl. University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colo. (1958-59) STERRITT, G. M., and SmiTH, M. P.: Feeding chick exclusively via implanted plastic fistuals. Psycho- nomic Science, 2(7):177-178, 1965. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3578). MH-2635 (R10) SHAGAss, CHARLES: Personality, emotion and drug action. State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (1958-66) BrowN, J. C. N., SHaGass, C., and SCHWARTZ, MARVIN: Cerebral evoked potential changes asso- ciated with the ditran delirium and its reversal in man. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. New York, Plenum Press, 1964, p. 223-234. EMDE, J. W.: A time locked, low level calibrator. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysi- ology, 16:616-618, 1964. KRISHNAMOORTI, S., and SHAGAss, C.: Some psy- chological test correlates of sedation threshold. In: Wortis, J., ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. Vol. 6. New York, Plenum Press, 1964, p. 256-266. ScHWARTZ, M., EMDE, J. W., and SHaGass, C.: Comparison of constant current and constant vol- tage stimulators for scalp-recorded somatosensory responses. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 17:81-83, 1964. ScuwARTZ, M., and SHAGAss, C.: Responses to colored and conflict-inducing stimuli in a psychi- atric population. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 11:245-252, 1960. ScHWARTZ, M., and SHAGASS, C.: Note on the rela- tion between autokinesis and psychiatric diagnosis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 11:253-257, 1960. ScHwARTZ, M., and SHAGAss, C.:- Physiological limits for “subliminal” perception. Science, 133: 1017-1018, 1961. ScHWARTZ, M., and SHAGAss, C.: Effect of different states of alertness on somatosensory and auditory recovery cycles. Electroencephalography and Clini- cal Neurophysiology, 14:11-20, 1962. SCHWARTZ, M., and SHAGASS, C.: Reticular modifica- tion of somatosensory cortical recovery function. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysi- ology, 15:265-271, 1963. ScHwARTZ, M., and SHAGAss, C.: Recovery func- tions of human somatosensory and visual evoked potentials. Annals of New York Academy of Science, 112:510-525, 1964. 330 ScHwWARTZ, M., SHAGAss, C., BrrrLe, R., and Frapan, M.: Dose related effects of pentothal on somatosensory evoked responses and recovery cy- cles. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neuro- physiology, 14:898-903, 1962. SHAGAss, C.: Explorations in the psychophysiology of affect. In: Scher, J., ed. Theories of the mind. New York, Free Press of Glencoe, 1962, p. 122- 144. SHAGAsS, CHARLES: The EEG in affective psychoses. In: Wilson, William P., ed. Applications of elec- troencephalography in psychiatry. Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press, 1965, p. 146- 167. SHAGASs, CHARLES: A neurophysiological approach to perceptual psychopathology. In: Psychopathol- ogy of perception. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1965, p. 41-61. SHAGass, C., BrrtLe, R., KEasLING, H., and ScHWARTZ, M.: “Barbiturate thresholds” in the rabbit. Psychopharmacologia, 3:204-211, 1962. SHAGAss, C., and ScHWARTZ, M.: Evoked cortical potentials and sensation in man. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 2:262-270, 1961. SHAGAss, C., and ScHwWARTZ, M.: Cortical excita- bility in psychiatric disorder. Preliminary results. In: Procedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 1. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 441-446. SHAGASs, C., and SCHWARTZ, M.: Reactivity cycle of somatosensory cortex in humans with and without psychiatric disorder. ~~ Science, 134:1757-1759, 1961. SHAGAss, C., and ScHWARTZ, M.: Cerebral cortical reactivity in psychotic depressions. Archives of General Psychiatry, 6:235-242, 1962. SHAGAsS, C., and ScHWARTZ, M.: Effect of stimulus intensity on the form and recovery cycle of evoked somatosensory cortical potentials in man. (Ab- stract) Excerpta Medica, 48:1056, 1962. SHAGASS, C., and SCHWARTZ, M.: Observations on somatosensory cortical reactivity in personality dis- order. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:44-51, 1962. SHAGAss, C., and SCHWARTZ, M.: Excitability of the cerebral cortex in psychiatric disorders. In: Roes- sler, R., and Greenfield, N. S., eds. Physiological correlates of psychological disorder. Madison, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Press, 1962, p. 45-60. SHAGASS, C., and SCHWARTZ, M.: Psychiatric corre- lates of evoked cerebral cortical potentials. Amen ican Journal of Psychiatry, 119:1055-1061, 1963. SHAGASS, C., and SCHWARTZ, M.: Cerebral respon- siveness in psychiatric patients. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8:177-189, 1963. SHAGASs, C., and SCHWARTZ, M.: Neurophysiological dysfunction associated with some psychiatric dis- orders. In: Psychiatric Research Report, No. 17, Washington, D.C., American Psychiatric Associa- tion, 1963, p. 130-152. SHAGAss, C., and SCHWARTZ, M.: Psychiatric dis- order and deviant cerebral responsiveness to sen- sory stimulation. In: Wortis, J., ed. Recent ad- vances in biological psychiatry. New York, Plenum Press, 1963, p. 321-330. SHAGAss, C., and SCHWARTZ, M.: Evoked potential studies in psychiatric patients. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 112:526-542, 1964. SHAGAss, C., and SCHWARTZ, M.: Recovery function of somatosensory peripheral nerve and cerebral evoked responses in man. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 17:126-135, 1964. SHAGASss, C., and SCHWARTZ, M.: Recovery functions of peripheral nerve and somato-sensory cortex in man. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neuro- physiology, 17:457, 1964. SHAGASS, C., and SCHWARTZ, M.: Visual cerebral evoked response characteristics in a psychiatric population. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121 (10) :979-987, 1965. SHAGASS, CHARLES, and SCHWARTZ, MARVIN: Age, personality, and somatosensory cerebral evoked re- sponses. Science, 148(3675):1359-1361, 1965. SHAGASS, C., SCHWARTZ, M., and AMADEO, M.: Some drug effects on evoked cerebral potentials in man. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 3:S49-S58, 1962. SHAGASS, CHARLES, SCHWARTZ, MARVIN, and KRISH- NAMOORTI, SINGA R.: Some psychologic correlates of cerebral responses evoked by light flash. Jour- nal of Psychosomatic Research, 9(2):223-231, 1965. SHipTON, H. W.: Averaging and correlation tech- niques applied to neurophysiological measure- ments. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Medical Electronics. London, In- ternational Federation for Medical Electronics, 1960, p. 179-181. STRAUMANIS, JOHN J., SHAGAss, CHARLES, and SCHWARTZ, MARVIN: Visually evoked cerebral response changes associated with chronic brain syndromes and aging. Journal of Gerontology, 20(4) :498-506, 1965. MH-2637 (R03) MYERS, ROBERT D.: Alcohol dose effects on operant responses. Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y. (1958-59) 331 Myers, R. D.: Changes in learning, extinction, and fluid preferences as a function of chronic alcohol consumption in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54:510-516, 1961. MH-2638 (R03) ENGEL, MARY: The development of the childrens insight test. Michael Reese Hospi- tal and Medical Center, Chicago, Ill. (1958-59) ENGEL, M.: Some parameters of the psychological evaluation of children. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2:593-605, 1960. ENGEL, M., and RECHENBERG, W.: Studies in the reliability of the Children’s Insight Test. Journal of Projective Techniques, 25(2):158-163, 1961. MH-2641 (R01) PETRIE, ASENATH: Tolerance for pain and suffering. Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1958-64) PETRIE, A.: Some psychological aspects of pain and the relief of suffering. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 86(1):13-27, 1960. PETRIE, A.: Pain. In: Deutsch, Albert, and Fish- man, Helen, eds. Encyclopedia of mental health. Vol. 4. New York, Franklin Watts, 1963, p. 1386-1406. PETRIE, A.: Perception and personality. In: Halpern, I, ed. Problems of dynamic neurology. Jeru- salem, Israel, 1963. PETRIE, A., and COLLINS, W.: Perceptual differences as related to the tolerance of pain and suffering. Acta Psychologica, 19:755-756, 1961. (Proceed- ings of the 26th International Congress of Psy- chology, Bonn, 1960). PETRIE, A., and CoLLINs, W.: Diferencias percepti- vas en relacion con la tolerancia al dolor y al sufrimiento. Revista de Psicologia General y Aplicada, 16(57) :13-22, 1961. PETRIE, A., CoLLINS, W., and SoLoMON, P.: Pain sensitivity, sensory deprivation, and susceptibility to satiation. Science, 128(3336).1431-1433, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-2057). PETRIE, A., CoLLINS, W., and SoLoMON, P.: The tolerance for pain and for sensory deprivation. American Journal of Psychology, 73:80-90, 1960. PETRIE, A., HOLLAND, T., and PODNIEKS, I.: Per- ceptual style in the nurse, the juvenile delinquent, and the schizophrenic. In: Proceedings of the 7th Congress of the Interamerican Society of Psy- chology. Mexico City, D. F., Sociedad Interameri- cana de Psicologia, 1963, p. 183-196. PETRIE, A., HoLLAND, T., and WoLK, I.: Perceptual indicators of basic algesic types: A new look at pain and suffering. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine and Childbirth. Paris, Gauthier & Cie., 1962. PETRIE, A., HoLLAND, T., and WoLK, I.: Sensory stimulation causing subdued experience: Audio- analygesia and perceptual augmentation and reduc- tion. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137(4) :312-321, 1963. PETRIE, A., McCuLLocH, R., and KAzDIN, P.: The perceptual characteristics of juvenile delinquents. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 134(5)+: 415-421, 1962. Also: Journal of Psychiatric Nurs- ing, 1(2):142-172, 1963. MH-2645 (R01) DEews, PETER B.: Behavioral effects of phenothiazine derivatives. Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1959-64) Cook, L., and KELLEHER, R. T.: Effects of drugs on behavior. In: Cutting, W. C., ed. Annual Re- view of Pharmacology. Vol. 3. Palo Alto, Cali- fornia, Annual Reviews, 1963, p. 205-222. (Also acknowledges MH-2094). DEws, P. B.: Free operant behavior under conditions of delayed reinforcement. I. CRF-type schedules. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 3:221-234, 1960. Dews, P. B.: A behavioral output enhancing effect of impramine in pigeons. International Journal of Neuropharmacology, 1:265-272, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2094). DEws, P. B.: Schedules of reitforcement. In: Stein- berg, Hannah, deReuck, A. V. S., and Knight, Julie, eds. Ciba Foundation symposium jointly with the co-ordinating committee for symposia on drug action on animal behaviour and drug action. London, J. & A. Churchill, 1964, p. 191-201. (Also acknowledges MH-2094). DEews, P. B.: The effect of multiple S periods on responding on a fixed-interval schedule: II. Ina primate. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(1):53-54, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2094). KELLEHER, ROGER T.: Operant conditioning. In: Schrier, Allan M., Harlow, Harry F., and Stollnitz, Fred, eds. Behavior of nonhuman primates. Vol. 1. New York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 211-247. (Also acknowledges MH-2094). KELLEHER, R. T., Fry, W., and Cook, L.: Adjust- ing fixed-ratio schedules in the squirrel monkey. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7:69-77, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2094). KELLEHER, ROGER T., and GoLLUB, LEwIs R.: A re- view of positive conditioned reinforcement. Jour- nal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 5 (Suppl.) :543-597, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1604 and MH-2094). KeLLEHER, R. T., RiopLe, W. C., and Cook, L.: Persistent behavior maintained by unavoidable shocks. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Be- havior, 6:507-517, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2094). 332 MoLLIVER, M. E.: Operant control of vocal behavior in the cat. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:197-202, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2094). SmitH, C. B.: Enhancement by reserpine and a- methyl dopa of the effects of d-amphetamine upon the locomotor activity of mice. Journal of Pharma- cology, 142:343-350, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2094). SMITH, CHARLES B.: Effects of d-Amphetamine upon operant behavior of pigeons: Enhancement by re- serpine. Journal of Pharmacology and Experi- mental Therapeutics, 146(2) :167-174, 1964. (Al- so acknowledges MH-2094). SmitH, C. B, and DEws, P. B.: Antagonism of locomotor suppressant effects of reserpine in mice. Psychopharmacology, 3:55-59, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2094). VAILLANT, GEORGE E.: Antagonism between physo- stigmine and atropine on the behavior of the pigeon. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch, Exp. Path. u. Pharmak., 248:406-416, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2094). MH-2646 (R01) Manis, JEROME G.: Mental health problems of an urban community. Western Michi- gan University, Kalamazoo, Mich. (1959-62) Manis, JEROME G., BRAWER, M. J., Hunt, C. L,, and KERCHER, L. C.: Validating a mental health scale. American Sociological Review, 28:108-116, 1963. Manis, JEROME G., BRAWER, MiLTON J., HUNT, CHESTER L., and KERCHER, LEONARD C.: Estimat- ing the prevalence of mental illness. American Sociological Review, 29:84-89, 1964. MH-2647 (R01) McCorp, WiLLiAM M., and McCorp, JoAN: Stanford personality development research project. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1958-62) McCorp, JoaN, and McCorp, W.: Cultural stereo- types and the validity of interviews for research in child development. Child Development, 32: 171-185, 1961. McCorbp, J., McCorp, W., and HOWARD, A.: Fam- ily interaction as antecedent to the direction of male aggressiveness. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:239-242, 1963. McCorp, JoAN, McCorp, WILLIAM, and THURBER, EMILY: The effects of foster home placement in the prevention of adult anti-social behavior. Social Service Review, 34(4) :415-420, 1960. McCorp, JoaN, McCorp, W., and THURBER, EMILY: Some effects of paternal absence on male children. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 64(5) :361-369, 1962. McCorp, J., McCorp, W., and THURBER, E.: Effects of maternal employment on lower-class boys. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:177- 182, 1963. McCorp, WiLLiAM, and McCoRrD, JoAN: Current contemporary theories of alcoholism: A longitudi- nal evaluation. Quarterly Journal of Studies in Alcohol, 20(4) :727-749, 1959. McCorp, WiLLiaMS, and McCorp, JoaN: Origins of alcoholism. Stanford, Calif., Stanford Univer- sity, 1960, 193 p. McCorp, WiLLiaAM, and McCorp, JoAN: The pet- sonality of alcoholics. In: Pittman, David and Snyder, Charles, eds. Society, culture, and drink- ing patterns. New York, John Wiley, 1962. McCorp, WILLIAM, McCORD, JOAN, and HOWARD, ALAN: Early familial experiences and bigotry. American Sociological Review, 25(5):717-722, 1960. McCorp, W., McCoRrp, JOAN, and VERDEN, PAUL: Familial and behavioral correlates of dependency in male children. Child Development, 33:313- 326, 1962. McCorp, WiLLiaM, McCorp, JOAN, and VERDEN, PauL: Family relationships and sexual deviance in lower class adolescents. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 8(3):165-179, 1962. McCorp, W., Porta, JUDITH, and McCORD, JOAN: The familial genesis of psychoses. Psychiatry, 25: 60-71, 1962. McCorp, WILLIAM, and VERDEN, PAUL: Familial correlates of psychosomatic symptoms in male chil- dren. Journal of Health and Human Behavior, 1:192-199, 1960. MH-2649 (R01) BROWN, ROGER W.: The linguistic expression of power and solidarity. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. (1958- 62) Brown, R.: The language of social relationship. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Psychology. Amsterdam, North-Holland Publish- ing, 1962, p. 663-667. BrowN, R., and FORD, MARGUERITE: Address in American English. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60:417-421, 1960. BrowN, R., and GILMAN, A.: The pronouns of power and solidarity. In: Sebeok, T., ed. Style in language. New York, Wiley, 1960, p. 253- 277. MH-2653 (R01) Domino, Epwarp F.: Neural mechanisms of psychopharmacological agents. Uni- versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1958- ) CarsoN, R. P., and Domino, E. F.: Synergistic and antagonistic effects of premedication on general 333 anesthetics in mice. Anesthesiology, 23:187-192, 1962. CHIN, J. H., and Domino, E. F.: Effects of morphine on brain potentials evoked by stimulation of the tooth pulp of the dog. [Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 132:74-86, 1961. CHIN, J. H,, KiLLaMm, Eva K., and KirLraMm, K. F.: Evoked interaction patterns in chronically im- planted cats following chlorpromazine. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 21:325, 1962. CorsseN, G., and Domino, E. F.: Objective tech- nique for evaluating drug induced changes in the visual cortical response in man. (Abstract) Phar- macologist, 5:232, 1963. CoRrssEN, GUENTER, and Domino, EpwArDp F.: Visually evoked responses in man: A method for measuring cerebral effects of preanesthetic medica- tion. Anesthesiology, 25(3):330-341, 1964. CoRsSEN, GUENTHER, Domino, EpwaArDp F., and SWEET, ROBERT B.: Neuroleptanalgesia and anes- thesia. Anesthesia and Analgesia—Current Re- searches, 43 (6) :748-764, 1964. Domino, E. F.: A simple dog head holder for use with the Lab Tronics stereotaxic instrument. Elec- troencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 12:521-522, 1960. Domino, E. F.: Role of preanesthetic medication in modifying the hypersynchronous electrical waves in rhinencephalic structures induced with inhala- tion anesthetics. (Abstract) Anesthesiology, 22: 133, 1961. Domino, EpwArD F.: Neuropharmacologic basis of drug treatment of epilepsy. Modern Treatment, 1(5) :1060-1070, 1964. Domino, EpwArD F., CALDWELL, DoNALD F., and HENKE, RACHEL: Effects of psychoactive agents on acquisition of conditioned pole jumping in rats. Psychopharmacologia, 8(4):285-289, 1965. Domino, EpwarDp F., CHODOFF, PETER, and CORs- SEN, GUENTER: Pharmacologic effects of CI-581, a new dissociative anesthetic, in man. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 6(3):279-291, 1965. Domino, E. F., and CorssiN, G.: Differential ac- tions of anesthesia and sleep on the visually evoked response in man. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 5: 232, 1963. Domino, EpwarD F., and CORSSEN, GUENTER: Visually evoked response in anesthetized man with and without induced muscle paralysis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 112:226- 237, 1964. Domino, E. F., CorssEN, G., and SWEET, R. B.: Effects of various anesthetics on the visually evoked response in man. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 42: 735-747, 1963. Domino, E. F., GorrLIEB, S. F., BRAUER, R. W, CuLLEN, S. C, and FEATHERSTONE, R. M.: Effects of xenon at elevated pressures in the dog. Anesthesiology, 25:43-53, 1964. Domino, E. F., and HupsoN, R. D.: Observations on the pharmacological actions of the isomers of atropine. Journal of Pharmacology and Experi- mental Therapeutics, 127:305-312, 1959. Domino, E. F., KaroLy, A. J., and WALKER, E. L.: Effects of various drugs on a conditioned avoid- ance response in dogs resistant to extinction. Jour- nal of Pharmacology and Experimental Thera- pentics, 141:92-99, 1963. Domino, E. F., MATSUOKA, S., WALTZ, ]., COOPER, I.: Simultaneous recordings in scalp and epidural somatosensory-evoked responses in man. Science, 145:1199-1200, 1964. Domino, EbpwARD F., MATSUOKA, SHIGEAKI, WALTZ, JOosEPH, and COOPER, IRVING S.: Effects of cryogenic thalamic lesions on the somesthetic evoked response in man. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 19(2):127-138, 1965. Domino, E. F., and Ueki, S.: Electrical “‘seizure- like” discharge in the amygdala of dogs following various general anesthetics. (Abstract) Federa- tion Proceedings, 18:385, 1959. Domino, E. F., and UEKI, S.: Differential effects of general anesthetics on spontaneous electrical ac- tivity of neocortical and rhinencephalic brain systems of the dog. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 127:288-304, 1959. Domino, E. F., and Ueki, S.: Hypersynchronous electrical waves in the amygdala of dogs following general anesthetics. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 1:58, 1959. Domino, E. F., and UEKI, S.: An analysis of the electrical burst phenomenon in some rhinencephalic structures of the dog and monkey. Electroen- cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 12: 635-648, 1960. HENG, J. E., and DoMiNo, E. F.: Effects of morphine on some evoked electrical responses in the dog. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 1:58, 1959. Heng, J. E., and Domino, E. F.: Morphine- nalorpine alteration of tooth pulp thresholds of dogs in the alert and drowsy state. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 19:272, 1960. HENG, J. E., and Domino, E. F.: Effects of mot- phine and nalorphine upon tooth pulp thresholds of dogs in the alert and drowsy state. Psycho- pharmacologia, 1:433-436, 1960. HupsoN, R. D., and Domino, E. F.: Effects of chlorpromazine on some motor reflexes. Interna- tional Journal of Neuropharmacology, 2:143-162, 1964. 334 INGRAM, C. G., and DoMinNo, E. F.: Observations on the initial hypertensive response to yohimbine. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 143:534-542, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1971 and MH-1972). KaroLy, A. J., DoMINO, E. F., and WALKER, E. L.: Differential effects of various drugs on the condi- tioned motor and heart rate responses in dogs re- sistant to extinction. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 148(1-2):40- 52, 1964. Marri, A., and DoMmiNo, E. F.: Action of methylated xanthines on electrically evoked afterdischarge in the neuronally isolated dog cerebral cortex. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 19:269, 1960. Marty, A., and Domino, E. F.: Effects of methylated xanthines on the neuronally isolated cerebral cor- tex. Experimental Neurology, 3:18-31, 1961. Marti, A., and Domino, E. F.: Effect of high con- centrations of carbon dioxide on the amygdala and neuronally isolated cerebral cortex. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20:307, 1961. Marri, A., and DoMiNo, E. F.: Effects of anesthetic concentrations of carbon dioxide on the amygdala and neuronally isolated cerebral cortex. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 5:332-343, 1964. MEeyYERs, B., and Domino, E. F.: The effect of cholinergic blocking drugs on spontaneous alter- nation in rats. Archives Internationales de Phar- macodynamie et de Therapie, 150(3-4):525-529, 1964. MEYERS, B., RoBerTs, K. H., RicipuTl, R. H., and Domino, E. F.: Some effects of muscarinic cholinergic blocking drugs on behavior and the electrocorticogram. Psychopharmacologia, 5:289- 300, 1964. MH-2655 (R03) Buss, ARNoLD H.: Hostility in clinical and experimental situations. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1958-59) Buss, A. H., FiscHER, H., and SIMMONS, A.: Ag- gression and hostility in psychiatric patients. Jour- nal of Consulting Psychology, 26:84-89, 1962. MH-2662 (R01) LeeTE, EDWARD: Biogenesis of natural products of medicinal interest. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1958-64) (Continued from MH-2075). Epwarps, P. N., and LEeTE, E.: Incorporation of formate into ajmaline. Chemistry and Industry, 41:1666, 1961. FRIEDMAN, A. R., and LEETE, E.: Biosynthesis of the nicotiana alkaloids. IX. The non-random in- corporation of acetate-2 C1# into the pyridine ring of anabasine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 85:2141-2144, 1963. GREGORY, H., and LEETE, E.: Biogenesis of digitoxi- genin. Chemistry and Industry, 1242-1243, 1960. Gros, E. G., and LEeTE, E.: Biosynthesis of the steroid moiety of digitoxigenin. Chemistry and Industry, 17:698, 1963. KowaNko, N., and LEETE, E.: Biosynthesis of the cinchona alkaloids. I. The incorporation of tryptophan into quinine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 84:4919-4921, 1962. LEeTE, E.: Biogenesis of morphine. Industry (London), p. 977-978, 1958. acknowledges MH-2075). Chemistry and (Also LeeTE, E.: Biogenesis of d-norpseudo ephedrine in Catha edulis. Chemistry and Industry (London), p. 1088-1089, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH- 2075). LEeTE, E.: Biogenesis of mescaline. (Abstract) Chemistry and Industry (London), p. 604, May 9, 1959. LEETE, E.: The alkaloids of Datura. In: The genus Datura. New York, Ronald Press, 1959. LEETE, E.: The biogenesis of morphine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 81:3948-3951, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-2075). LeeTE, E.: Biogenesis of ajmaline. Chemistry and Industry (London), 692-693, 1960. LEETE, E.: The biogenesis of tropic acid and related studies on the alkaloids of datura stramonium. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 82: 612-694, 1960. LEETE, E.: The biogenesis of the rauwolfia alkaloids: I. The incorporation of tryptophan into ajmaline. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 82: 6338-6342, 1960. LEeTE, E.: The stereospecific incorporation of orni- thine into the tropine moiety of hyoscyamine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 84:55- 57, 1962. LeeTE, E.: Alkaloid biogenesis. In: Bernfeld, P. The biogenesis of natural compounds. New York, Pergamon Press, 1963, p. 739-797. LeeTE, E.: Alkaloid biogenesis. In: De Mayo, P., ed. Degradation and elucidation of structures. New York, Interscience, 1963, Chapter 7. LeeTE, E.: Biosynthesis of the colchicum alkaloids: III. The incorporation of phenyl alanine-2-Cl4 into colchicine and demecolcine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 85:3666-3669, 1963. LeeTE, E.: Biosynthesis of alkaloids. 1000-1006, 1965. LEeTE, E., and BELL, V. M.: The biogenesis of the nicotiana alkaloids: VIII. The metabolism of nicotine in N. tabacum. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 81:4358-4359, 1959. Science, 147: 335 LeeTE, E., and FRIEDMAN, A. R.: Biosyntheesis of the nicotiana alkaloids: X. The incorporation of glycerol-2-C1* into the pyridine ring of anabasine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 86: 1224-1226, 1964. LeETE, E., and GHosAL, S.: Further studies on the biosynthesis of the non-tryptophan derived portion of ajmaline and related alkaloids. Tetrahedron Letters, 25:1179-1183, 1962. LeeTE, E., GHosAL, S., and Epwarps, P. N.: Bio- synthesis of the non-tryptophan derived portion of ajmaline. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 84:1068-1069, 1962. LeETE, E., and LouDEN, M. L.: Biogenesis of tropic acids: Origin of the hydroxymethyl group. Chem- istry and Industry, p. 1405-1406, Sept. 2, 1961. LeeTE, E.,, and LouDEN, M. L.: The incorporation of putrescine into hyoscyamine. Chemistry and Industry, 43:1725-1726, 1963. LEETE, E., and MURRILL, J. B.: The incorporation of dopamine into chelidonine and morphine. Tetra- hedron Letters, No. 3, 147-151, 1964. LeeTE, E., and NEMETH, P.: The biogenesis of the alkaloids of colchicum: I. The incorporation of phenyl alanine into colchicine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 82:6055-6057, 1960. LeeTE, E., and NEMETH, P. E.: The biogenesis of the alkaloids of colchicum: II. Tracer studies with acetate-1-C'* and methioninemethyl-C4. Jour- nal of the American Chemical Society, 83:2192- 2194, 1961. LoupEeN, M. L., and LEETE, E.: The biosynthesis of tropic acid. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 84:1510, 1962. LoupeN, M. L., and LEETE, E.: Further studies on the biosynthesis of tropic acid. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 84:4507-4509, 1962. O'Donovan, D., and LEeTE, E.: Biosynthesis of gramine: Feeding experiments with tryptophan-g- H3, CY. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 85:461-463, 1963. MH-2667 (R03) Wyatt, GERTRUD L.: Therapy with stuttering children and their mothers. Wel- lesley Public Schools, Wellesley Hills, Mass. (1958-60) Wyatt, GERTRUD L.: It takes two to talk. Parents’ Magazine, December:44 and 76-80, 1961. WYATT, GERTRUDE L., and HERZAN, HELEN M.: Therapy with stuttering children and their mothers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 32(4) :645- 659, 1962. MH-2669 (R01) Foa, URIEL G.: Interpersonal re- lationships in marriage. Israel Institute of Ap- plied Social Research, Jerusalem, Israel. (1959- 62) Foa, U. G.: Convergences in the analysis of the structure of interpersonal behavior. Psychological Review, 68:341-353, 1961. Foa, U. G.: The structure of interpersonal behavior in the dyad. In: Crisswell, Joan, Solomon, Her- bert, and Suppes, Patrick, eds. Mathematical methods in small group processes. Stanford, Stan- ford University Press, 1962, p. 166-179. Foa, U. G.: Dyadic relationship: Theory and experi- ments: In: Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Psychology. Amsterdam, North- Holland Publishing Co., 1962. Foa, U. G.: A facet approach to the prediction of communalities. Behavioral Science, 8:220-226, 1963. Foa, U. G.: An order among different perceptions of the same behavior. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:341-342, 1963. Foa, URiEL G.: Cross-cultural similarity and differ- ence in interpersonal behavior. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 68:(5):517-522, 1964. Foa, URiEL G.: New developments in facet design and analysis. Psychological Review; 72(4):262- 274, 1965. MH-2670 (R03) Royce, JosepH R.: Experimental reduction of autokinetic movement. University of Redlands, Redlands, Calif. (1958-60) Royce, JosepH R., Stayton, WiLLiam R., and KINKADE, ROBERT G.: Experimental reduction of autokinetic movement. American Journal of Psy- chology, 75:221-231, 1962. MH-2673 (R01) AuEerBAcH, Victor H.: Control of amino acid metabolism. St. Christophers Hos- pital for Children, Philadelphia, Pa. (1959-61) AUERBACH, V. H., DIGEORGE, A. M., BALDRIDGE, R. C.,, TourTELLOTTE, C. D., and BRIGHAM, M. P.: Histidinemia. A deficiency in histidase result- ing in the urinary excretion of histidine and of imidazolepyruvic acid. Journal of Pediatrics, 60: 487-497, 1962. DiGEORGE, A. M., and AUERBACH, V. H.: Leucine- induced hypoglycemia. A review and speculations. American Journal of Medical Science, 240:792- 801, 1960. DIGEORGE, A. M., AUERBACH, V. H., and MABRY, C. C.: Elevated serum insulin associated with leucine-induced hypoglycemia. Nature, 188:1036- 1037, 1960. Masry, C. C., DIGEORGE, A. M., and AUERBACH, V. H.: Leucine-induced hypoglycemia. I. Clini- 336 cal observations and diagnostic considerations. Journal of Pediatrics, 57:526-538, 1960. MaBry, C. C., DIGEORGE, A. M., and AUERBACH, V. H.: Leucine-induced hypoglycemia. II. Stud- ies concerning other amino acids and leucine metabolites. Journal of Pediatrics, 57:539-547, 1960. MH-2676 (R03) StorrOwW, HUGH A., and SPAN- NER, MARVIN: Patient-therapist attitudes in psy- chotherapy. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1958-61) StorrOow, H. A., and SPANNER, M.: Does psycho- therapy change patients’ attitudes? Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 134:440-446, 1962. MH-2679 (R01) WorTis, JosepH: Translation and review of Russian psychiatric literature. Individ- ual, Bronxville, N.Y. (1959-64) ANDREEV, B. V.: Sleep therapy in the neuroses. (English translation from the Russian). (Preface and bibliography by Wortis, J., ed.). New York, Consultants Bureau, 1960. 114 p. BEKHTEREVA, N. P.: Biopotentials of cerebral hem- ispheres in brain tumors. (English translation from the Russian). (Wortis, J., ed.) New York, Consultants Bureau, 1962. 183 p. KrusHINskI, L. V.: Animal behavior—its normal and abnormal development. (English translation from the Russian). (Wortis, J., ed.) New York, Consulting Bureau, 1961. 261 p. Matis, G. Yu: Research on the etiology of schizo- phrenia. (English translation from the Russian). (Wortis, J., ed.) New York, Consultants Bureau, 1961. 195 p. MiasisHCHEV, V. N.: Personality and neuroses (Eng- lish translation from the Russian). (Wortis, J., ed.) Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Com- merce, Office of Technical Services, Joint Publica- tions Research Service, 1963. 281 p. PEvzZNER, M. S.: Oligophrenia: Mental deficiency in children. (Wortis, J., ed. English translation from the Russian) New York, Consultants Bureau, 1961. 406 p. WorTIs, JosEPH: Mental retardation in the Soviet Union. Children, 7(6):219-222, 1960. WorTIs, JosEPH: International communication and cooperation in the field of mental retardation. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 65(4): 426-433, 1961. WoRTIs, J.: A psychiatric study tour of the U.S.S.R. Journal of Mental Science, 107(446):119-156, 1961. WorrTis, J.: A ‘thaw’ in Soviet psychiatry? Ameri- can Journal of Psychiatry, 119:586-588, 1962. WorTis, J.: Pavlovianism and clinical psychiatry. In: Wortis, J., ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. Vol. 4. New York, Plenum Press, 1962, p. 13-23. WorTS, J.: Alcoholism in the Soviet Union: Public health and social aspects. American Journal of Public Health, 53:1644-1655, 1963. WorrTis, J., and CHol, S. M.: Psychophysiological factor analysis in retarded, neurotic-and psychotic children. In: Wortis, J., ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. Vol. 5. New York, Plenum Press, 1963. WorTls, JosEPH, and FREUNDLICH, DAVID: Psychi- atric work therapy in the Soviet Union. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121:123-128, 1964. ZEIGARNIK, BLYUMA VUL’FOVNA: The pathology of thinking. New York, Consultants Bureau, 1965. 211 p. MH-2681 (R01) CHiLp, IRVIN L., and BACON, MARGARET K.: A cross-cultural study of alcohol consumption. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1958-62) BAcoN, MARGARET K., BARRY, HERBERT, III, and CHILD, IRVIN L.: A cross-cultural study of drink- ing: II. Relations to other features of culture. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Suppl. No. 3: 29-48, April 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-1758). BAacoN, MARGARET K., BARRY, HERBERT, III, CHILD, IrRvIN L., and SNYDER, CHARLES R.: A cross- cultural study of drinking: V. Detailed defini- tions and data. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Suppl. No. 3: 78-114, April 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-1758). BacoN, MARGARET K., CHILD, IRVIN L., and BARRY, HERBERT: A cross-cultural study of correlates of crime. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- 0gy, 66:291-300, 1963. BARRY, HERBERT, III, BUCHWALD, CHARLES, CHILD, IrvIN L., and BACON, MARGARET K.: A cross- cultural study of drinking: IV. Comparisons with Horton ratings. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Suppl. No. 3:62-77, April 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-1758). CHILD, IRVIN L., BACON, MARGARET K., and BARRY, HERBERT, III: A cross-cultural study of drinking: 1. Descriptive measurements of drinking customs. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Suppl. No. 3:1-28, April 1965. (Also acknowledes MH-1758). CHILD, IRVIN L., BARRY, HERBERT, III, and BACON, MARGARET K.: A cross-cultural study of drinking: III. Sex differences. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Suppl. No. 3:49-61, April 1965 (Also acknowledges MH-1758). 337 GEER, J. H., and Buss, A. H.: Supplementary report. Generalization of a nonverbal response to aggres- sive verbal stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 63 (4) :413-414, 1962. MH-2686 (R01) GRUMAN, GERALD ].: History of prolongevity hypotheses. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Cambridge, Mass. (1959-59) (Continued from MH-2163). GRUMAN, GERALD J.: The rise and fall of pro- longevity hygiene: 1558-1863. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 35:221-229, 1961. MH-2693 (R01) SIEVERS, DOROTHY J., and Essa, SHIRLEY H.: Early language development of men- tally retarded. Columbus State School, Columbus, Ohio. (1959-60) SIEVERS, DOROTHY J., and Essa, SHIRLEY H.: Lan- guage development in institutionalized and com- munity mentally retarded children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 66:413-420, 1961. MH-2696 (R01) COOPERSMITH, STANLEY: The an- tecedents and dynamics of self-esteem. Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. (1959-62) COOPERSMITH, STANLEY: Self esteem and need achievement as determinants of selective recall and repetition. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 60:310-317, 1960. COOPERSMITH, STANLEY: Clinical explanation of self esteem. In: Skard, A. and Husen, T., eds. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Vol. 3. Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1962, p. 61-78. CooPERSMITH, S.: The relationship between self esteem and sensory (perceptual) constancy. [our- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68(2): 217-221, 1964. CooPERSMITH, S.: Adaptive reactions of alcoholics and nonalcoholics. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 25:262-278, 1964. CoopPersMITH, S.: The effects of alcohol on reac- tions to affective stimuli. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 25:459-475, 1964. MH-2698 (R01) WiLsoN, WiLLIAM P.: Photically elicited EEG arousal in mental disease. University of Texas, Galveston, Texas (1959-60) ErwiN, C. WILLIAM, LERNER, MARVIN, WILSON, NORMAN J., and WiLsoN, WiLLIAM P.: Some further observations on the photically elicited arousal response. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 13:391-394, 1961. WILSON, WILLIAM P.: Observations on the effect of toxic doses of atropine on the electroencephalo- gram man. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 2:186- 190, 1961. WiLsoN, W. P., JouNsoN, J. E., and Feist, F. W.: Thyroid hormone and brain function: II. Changes in photically elicited EEG responses following the administration of triiodothyronine to normal sub- jects. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neuro- physiology, 16:329-331, 1964. ZUNG, WiLLiaM W. K.| and WiLsoN, WILLIAM P.: Response to aduitory stimulation during sleep. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4:548-552, 1961. MH-2700 (R01) Kris, ELSE B.: Drug therapy in a day care fac. for relapse control. Manhattan Day Care Facility, New York, N.Y. (1958-63) Kris, ELse B.: Intensive short-term treatment in a day care facility for the prevention of rehospitali- zation of patients in the community showing re- currence of psychotic symptoms. Psychiatric Quar- terly, 34(1) :83-88, 1960. Kris, ELsE B.: Prevention of rehospitalization through relapse control in a day hospital. In: Greenblatt, Milton. Mental patients in transition. Springfield, Ill., Thomas, 1961, p. 155-162. Kris, ELsE B.: After-care and rehabilitation of pa- tients returned to the community. In: Proceedings of the Third World Congress of Psychiatry. Mon- treal, University of Toronto Press/McGill Uni- versity Press, 1961, p. 245-249. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3868). Kris, ELSE B.: Post-hospital care of patients in the community. Current Therapeutic Research, 4:200- 205, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3868). Kris, ELSE B.: After-care and rehabilitation of the mentally ill. Current Therapeutic Research, 5(1): 24-30, 1963. Kris, ELSE B.: The role of the day hospital in the rehabilitation of mental patients. In: Proceedings of the Institute on Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill. New York, Altro Health & Rehabilitation Services, 1962, p. 33-36. Also In: Clinical Medi- cine, 70(6) :1091-1096, 1963. MH-2701 (R03) KREZANOSKI, JOSEPH Z.: Action of iproniazid on tetrahymena pyriformis. Medi- cal College of Virginia, Richmond, Va. (1958- 59) KRrEZANOSKI, JosEPH Z.: Effects of iproniazid on “Tetrahymena” pyriformis. Journal of Pharma- ceutical Sciences, 50(5):421-424, 1961. MH-2704 (R01) MAIER, NORMAN R. F.: Factors in effective problem solving. University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1959- ) BURKE, RONALD J.: Sex differences in recognizing the correct answer to a problem. Psychological Reports, 17(2) :532-534, 1965. BURKE, RONALD J., and MAIER, NORMAN R. F.: Attempts to predict success on an insight problem. Psychological Reports, 17(1):303-310, 1965. 338 HorrmaN, L. R.: Conditions for creative problem solving. Journal of Psychology, 52:429-444, 1961. HorrFMmAN, L. R.: A note on ratings versus choices as measures of group attraction. Sociometry, 25: 313-320, 1962. HorrFMAN, L. RICHARD: Group problem solving. In: Berkowitz, Leonard, ed. Advances in experi- mental social psychology. Vol. 2. New York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 99-132. HorrFMmaN, L. R., BURKE, R. J., and MAIER, N. R. F.: Does training with differential reinforcement on similar problems help in solving a new prob- lem? Psychological Reports, 13:147-154, 1963. HorrMaN, L. R., BURKE, RONALD J., and MAIER, NorMAN R. F.: Participation, influence, and satis- faction among members of problem-solving groups. Psychological Reports, 16:661-667, 1965. HorrMmaN, L. R., HARBURG, E., and MAIER, N. R. F.: Differences and disagreement as factors in creative group problem solving. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 64:206-214, 1962. HorrFMAN, L. R., and MaIEer, N. R. F.: Quality and acceptance of problem solutions by members of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62:401-408, 1961. HorrMAN, L. R., and MAIER, N. R. F.: Sex differ- ences, sex composition and group problem solving. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63: 453-456, 1961. HorFMAN, L. RICHARD, and MAIER, NORMAN R. F.: Valence in the adoption of solutions by problem- solving groups: Concept, method, and results. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69: 264-271, 1964. HorFMAN, L. RicHARD, and MAIER, NORMAN R. F.: An experimental reexamination of the similarity- attraction hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 3(2):145-152, 1966. HorrFMAN, L. R., and SMITH, C. G.: Some factors affecting the behavior of members of problem- solving groups. Sociometry, 23:273-291, 1960. Maier, N. R. F.: Screening solutions to upgrade quality: A new approach to problem solving under conditions of uncertainty. Journal of Psychology, 49:217-231, 1960. MaIer, N. R. F.: Fit decisions to your needs. Na- tion's Business, 48:48-52, 1960. MAIER, N. R. F.: Leadership principles for problem- solving conferences. Michigan Business Review, 14:8-15, 1962. MaIer, N. R. F.: Problem solving discussions and conferences. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963, 261 p. Maier, N. R. F, and HorrFmaN, L. R.: Using trained “developmental” discussion leaders to im- prove further the quality of group decisions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 44:247-251, 1960. Maier, N. R. F., and HOFFMAN, L. R.: Quality of first and second solutions in group problem- solving. Journal of Applied Psychology, 44:278- 283, 1960. Maier, N. R. F., and HoFFMAN, L. R.: Organiza- tion and creative problem solving. Journal of Applied Psychology, 45:277-280, 1961. Maier, N. R. F.,, and HorFmaN, L. R.: Group decision in England and the United States. Per- sonnel Psychology, 15:75-87, 1962. Maier, N. R. F., and HOFFMAN, L. R.: Seniority in work groups—A right or an honor? Journal of Applied Psychology, 47:173-176, 1963. Maier, N. R. F., and HorFrMAN, L. R.: Financial incentives and group decision in motivating change. Journal of Social Psychology, 64:369- 378, 1964. Maier, N. R. F., and HoFrFmaAN, L. R.: Types of problems confronting managers. Personnel Psy- chology, 17:261-269, 1964. Maier, NORMAN R. F. and HOFFMAN, L. RICHARD: Acceptance and quality of solutions as related to leaders’ attitudes toward disagreement in group problem solving. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1(4):373-386, 1965. Maier, N. R. F.,, HorrMAN, L. R. and LANSKY, L. M.: Human relations training as manifested in an interview situation. Personnel Psychology, 13: 11-30, 1960. Maier, N. R. F., and SorLeim, A. R.: Improving solutions by turning choice situations into prob- lems. Personnel Psychology, 15:151-157, 1962. Reap, W. H., Maier, N. R. F., and HOFFMAN, L. R.: Superior-subordinate communication: The relative effectiveness of managers who held their subordinates’ positions. Personnel Psychology, 16: 1-11, 1963. MH-2713 (R01) AINSWORTH, MARY D., and AINS- WORTH, LEONARD H.: Acculturation and personal- ity in East Africa. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. (1959-60) AINSWORTH, L. M., and AINSWORTH, MARY D.: Acculturation in East Africa. I. Political aware- ness and attitudes to authority. Journal of Social Psychology, 57:391-399, 1962. AINswORTH, L. H., and AINSWORTH, MARY D.: Acculturation in East Africa. III. Attitudes to parents, teachers, and education. Journal of Social Psychology, 57:409-415, 1962. 339 AINSWORTH, MARY D., and AINSWORTH, L. H.: Acculturation in East Africa. II. Frustration and aggression. Journal of Social Psychology, 57:401- 407, 1962. AINSWORTH, MARY D., and AINSWORTH, L. M.: Acculturation in East Africa. IV. Summary and discussion. Journal of Social Psychology, 57:417- 432, 1962. MH-2715 (R01) PoLLACK, MAX, and FINK, MAX: Behavior changes with induced altered brain func- tion. Hillside Hospital, Glen Oaks, N.Y. (1959- 63) (Continued as MH-7432). BeLmonT, I, BirRcH, H. G., PorLLAck, M., and KLEIN, D. F.: Perceptual evidence of CNS dys- function in schizophrenia. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:395-408, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4798). BELMONT, I., PoLLACK, M., WILLNER, A., KLEIN, DonNALD, and FINK, MAX: Effects of imipramine and chlorpromazine on perceptual analytic ability, perceptual responsivity and memory as revealed in Rorschach responses. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:42-50, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-7432). BLUMBERG, ARNOLD G.: Effect of chlorpromasine with procyclidine and imipramine on radioactive iodine uptake. [Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 23(9):881-884, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4798). BLUMBERG, A. G., KLEIN, D. F. and PoLLACK, M.: Effects of chlorpromazine and imipramine on systolic blood pressure in psychiatric patients: Re- lationships to age, diagnosis and initial blood pressure. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2:51- 60, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2938 and: MH-4798). BLUMBERG, A. G., LADERMAN, P., and FINK, MAX: Efficacy of divided and single dose schedules in insulin coma therapy. American Journal of Psy- chiatry, 116:839-840, 1960. FINK, MAX: Quantitative electroencephalography and human psychopharmacology. I. Frequency spectra and drug action. Neuropsychopharmkologie, 2. Symposium, Nurnberg, 1961. Medicina Experi- mentalis, 5:364-369, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2092). FINK, Max: The mode of action of convulsive therapy: The neurophysiologic-adaptive view. Jour- nal of Neuropsychiatry, 3:231-233, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-927 and MH-2092). FINK, Max: Quantitative electroencephalography in human psychopharmacology II. Drug patterns. In: Glaser, G., ed. EEG correlates of behavior. New York, Basic Books, 1963, p. 177-197. (Also acknowledges MH-5338 and MH-7432). FINK, M., KLEIN, D. F., and KRAMER, J. C.: Clini- cal efficacy of chlorpromazine-procyclidine combi- nation, imipramine and placebo in depressive dis- orders. Psychopharmacologia, 7(1):27-36, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-7432 and MH-4798). FINK, Max, Porrack, M., KLEIN, D. F., BLuM- BERG, A. G., BELMONT, I., KARP, E., KRAMER, J. C., and WILLNER, A.: Comparative studies of chlorpromazine and imipramine. I. Drug dis- criminating patterns. In: Bradley, P. B., ed. Neuro-psychopharmacology. Vol. 3. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1963, p. 370-372. (Also acknowledges MH-2938 and MH-4798). FINK, MAX, SIEGEL, N., KAHN, R. L., and POLLACK, M.: Diagnosis and treatment in three psychiatric hospitals. Social Problems, 10:191-196, 1959. GirTeLMAN, R. K., KLEIN, D. F., and POLLACK, M.: Effects of psychotropic drugs on long-term adjustment: A review. Psychopharmacologia, 5: 317-338, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4798). Karp, Eric, and PoLLAcK, Max: Comparative studies of chlorpromazine and imipramine, III Critical flicker fusion thresholds in psychiatric patients. Psychopharmacologia, 4:452-458, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-7432). Karp, E., PoLrLack, M., and FINK, M.: Critical flicker frequency and electroencephalography al- pha: A reliability study. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14:60-63, 1962. (Also acknoweldges MH-2092). Krein, D. F.: Management problems at Hillside Hospital, 1960 and 1963. Journal of Hillside Hospital, 13:79-94, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4798). KLEIN, D. F.: Delineation of two-drug responsive anxiety syndromes. Psychopharmacologia, 5:397- 408, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4798). KLEIN, D. F.: Visual hallucinations with imipramine. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121(9):911-914, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4798). KLEIN, D. F,, and FINK, M.: Psychiatric reaction patterns to imipramine (Tofranil). American Journal of Psychiatry, 119(5):432-438, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4798). KLEIN, D. F., and FINK, M.: Behavioral reaction patterns with phenothiazines. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 7:449-459, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-927 and MH-4798). Kren, D. F., and FINK, M.: Multiple item factors as change measures in psychopharmacology. Psy- chopharmacologia, 4:43-52, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4798). KRAMER, J. C.: Single daily dose schedules of imi- pramine (Tofranil). Comprehensive Psychiatry, 3:191-192, 1962. 340 KraMEr, J. C, KLEIN, D. F,, and FINK, MAX: Withdrawal symptoms following discontinuation of imipramine therapy. American Journal of Psy- chiatry, 118:549-550, 1961. KraMER, J. C., KLEIN, D. F. and FINK, M.: Imi- pramine as an adjunct to phenothiazine therapy. Comparative Psychiatry, 3(6):377-380, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4798). Porrack, E., Karp, I., BELMONT, I., WILLNER, A., KLEIN, D., and FINK, M.: Comparative studies of chlorpromazine and imipramine. II. Psychologi- cal performance profiles. In: Bradley, P. B., ed. Neuropsychopharmacology. Vol. 3. New York, Elsevier, 1964, p. 373-376. (Also acknowledges MH-4798). Porrack, Max, KLEIN, DoNALD F., WILLNER, ARTHUR, BLUMBERG, ARNOLD, and FINK, MAX: Imipramine-induced behavioral disorganization in schizophrenic patients: Physiological and psycho- logical correlates. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Re- cent advances in biological psychiatry. Vol. 7. New York, Plenum Press, 1964, p. 53-61. (Also acknowledges MH-2938 and MH-4798). WILLNER, A., and BELMONT I.: Relation of motor performance to perceived movement in Rorschach inkblots. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19:675- 684, 1964. MH-2716 (R01) FRIEDHOFF, ARNOLD J., and ALPERT, MURRAY: Measurement of daily activities in drug evaluation. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1959-60) FrIEDHOFF, A. J., and ALPERT, M.: The effect of chlorpromazine on the variability of motor task performance in schizophrenics. Journal of Nerv- ous and Mental Disease, 130(8):110-116, 1960. FrIEDHOFF, A. ]., ALPERT, M., and KURTZBERG, R. L.: An effect of emotion on voice. Nature, 193:357-358, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 4664 and MH-664). FrIEDHOFF, A. ]., ROSENBLATT, GILDA, LYNN, Francis, ALPERT, MURRAY, and WORTIS, S. B.: Evaluation of change in drug-treated psychiatric patients. Diseases of the Nervous System, 21(7): 373-377, 1960. RoseNBLUM, WILLIAM I., and FRIEDHOFF, AMARA J.: Response of adult schizophrenics to caloric stimulation. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- ease, 133(2):104-107, 1961. MH-2717 (R01) FRrIEDHOFF, ARNOLD J., and GOLDSTEIN, MENEK: Biogenic amines in the cen- tral nervous system. New York University Medi- cal Center, New York, N.Y. (1959- ) FrIEDHOFF, A. J., and GOLDSTEIN, M.: New de- velopments in metabolism of mescaline and re- lated amines. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 96(1) :5-12, 1962. FRIEDHOFF, A. J., GOLDSTEIN, M., SiMMONs, C,, and Wortis, S. B.: Conversion of dopamin to norepinephrine and to 3-methoxynorepinephrine in adrenalectomized rats. Federation Proceedings, 19(1):192, 1960. GOLDSTEIN, M.: The inhibition “in vivo” of nore- pinephrine synthesis by adrenalone. Biochemical Pharmacology, 11:809-811, 1962. GOLDSTEIN, M.: Cerebral metabolism of DOPA-C in rats. International Journal of Neuropharmacology, 3:37-43, 1964. GOLDSTEIN, MENEK, ANAGNOSTE, BERTHA, LAUBER, EDGAR, and McCKEREGHAN, MARGOT R.: Inhibi- tion of dopamine-B-hydroxylase by disulfiram. Life Sciences, 3:763-767, 1964. GOLDSTEIN, M., ANAGNOSTE, B., OWEN, W., BAT- TISTA, A., and RANSOHOFF, J.: Regional distribu- tion and metabolism of dopamine-H3 in the CNS of monkeys. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 25(2):713, 1966. ’ GOLDSTEIN, M., and CONTRERA, J. F.: Inhibition of norepinephrine and epinephrine in vitro. Bio- chemical Pharmacology, 7:77-78, 1961. GOLDSTEIN, M., and CONTRERA, J. F.: Inhibition of dopamine-B-oxidase by imipramine. Biochemical Pharmacology, 7:278-279, 1961. GOLDSTEIN, M., and CONTRERA, J. F.: Studies on inhibition of 3, 4 dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine) B-oxidase in vitro. Separatum Expe- rientia, 17:267-269, 1961. GOLDSTEIN, M., FRIEDHOFF, A. J., POMERANTZ, S., and GERTNER, S. B.: Formation of 3,4-dihydroxy- phenylethanol and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyle- thanol from 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine in the rat. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 236(6): 1816-1821, 1961. GOLDSTEIN, M., FRIEDHOFF, A. J., POMERANTZ, S., and SiMMONS, C.: Characterization of a new metabolite of dopamine. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 39:189-191, 1960. GOLDSTEIN, M., FRIEDHOFF, A. J., and SIMMONS, C.: Synthesis and inactivation of norepinephrine in adrenalectomized rats. In: First International Congress of Endocrinology, Copenhagen. New York, New York University Bellevue Medical Center, 1960, p. 1317-1318. GOLDSTEIN, M:, FRIEDHOFF, A. ]., Simmons, C, and PROCHOROFF, N. N.: Metabolism of 3- hydroxytyramine-1-C1* in brain tissue homoge- nates. Expefientia, 15(7):254-260, 1959. GOLDSTEIN, M., FRIEDHOFF, A. ]., SiMMoNs, C., and PRocHOROFF, N. N.: Conversion of 3- hydroxytyramine-1-C!* to 3-methoxynorepinephrine in vivo. Federation Proceedings, 18(1):236, 1959. 341 GOLDSTEIN, M., FRIEDHOFF, A. ]., SIMMONS, C.,, and ProcHOROFF, N. N.: Indirect evidence of synthesis of norepinephrine from 3-hydroxytyra- mine-1-C1* in vivo. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 103:137- 140, 1960. GOLDSTEIN, M., LAUBER, E., BLUMBER, W. E., and PrisacH, J.: Dopamine-B -hydroxylase-A copper enzyme. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 24 (2) Part 1:604, 1965. GOLDSTEIN, M., LAUBER, E., and MCKEREGHAN, M. R.: The inhibition of dopamine-B-hydroxylase by tropolonec and other chelating agents. Bio- chemical Pharmacology, 13:1103-1106, 1964. GOLDSTEIN, MENEK, and NAKAJIMA, KAZUHIKO: The effect of disulfiram on the biosynthesis of catecholamines during exposure of rats to cold. Life Sciences, 5(2):175-179, 1966. GOLDSTEIN, MENEK, and WEIss, Zvi: Inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by 3-IODO-L-tyrosine. Life Sciences, 4(2) :261-264, 1965. MH-2719 (R01) May, PHILIP R. and WEXLER, MiLTON: Psychotherapy of schizophrenia. Cama- rillo State Hospital, Camarillo, Calif. (1959- ) DisTLER, LUTHER S., MAY, PHILIP R. A., and TuMAa, A. H.: Anxiety and ego strength as predictors of response to treatment in schizophrenic patients. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28:170-177, 1964. McKEEVER, W. F. and May, P. R. A.: The MACC scale as a predictor of length of hospitalization for schizophrenic patients: A cross validation. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28(5):474, 1964. McKEEVER, W. F., May, P. R. A., and TuMa, A. H.: Prognosis in schizophrenia: Prediction of length of hospitalization from psychological test variables. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21(2): 214-221, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4589). May, PHILIP R. A.: Ataraxic drugs and electro-shock therapy in schizophrenic patients. In: Bradley, P. B.,, Flugel, F., and Hoch, P., eds. Neuropsy- chopharmacology. Vol. 3. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1964, p. 162-165. May, P. R. A, and Tuma, A. H.: The effect of psychotherapy and Stelazine on length of hospital stay, release rate and supplemental treatment of schizophrenic patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 139:362-369, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4589). May, PHILIP R. A., and Tuma, A. HussaIN: Choice of criteria for the assessment of treatment outcome. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2:199-209, 1964. May, PHILIP R. A., and Tuma, A. HUSSAIN: Treat- ment of schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychi- atry, 3(475) :503-510, 1965. MH-4589). May, PHILIP R. A., Tuma, A. HussaIN, and KRrRAUDE, WESLEY: Community follow-up of treat- ment of schizophrenia: Issues and problems. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35(4):754- 763, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4589). (Also acknowledges May, PHiLiP R. A.) Tuma, A. HUSSAIN, DISTLER, LuTHER S., and McKEEVER, WALTER F.: Selec- tions of treatment for schizophrenic patients: Methodological problems of outcome and prog- nosis research. Psychiatric Quarterly, 40(2):236- 247, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-4589). MH-2720 (R01) FRANKS, CYRIL M.: The effects of alcohol as related to personality. New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute, Princeton, N.J. (1959- 61) FrANKsS, C. M.: Personality, satiation, and inhibition: A preliminary report. In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Psychology. Acta Psychologie, 19:742-743, 1961. Franks, C. M.: Some observations and impressions on East German psychology and two international conferences—Summer 1960. Welfare Reporter (N.].), 12:126-135, 1961. Franks, C. M.: The apparent failure of ethyl alco- hol to inhibit the formation of conditioned" eye- blink responses in man. Psychopharmacologia, 4:433-440, 1963. Franks, C. M.: The effects of alcohol upon fluctua- tion in perspective, blink rate and eye movements. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 25(1): 56-66, 1964. Franks, C. M., HorLpeN, E., and PHILLIPS, M.: Eysenck’s “stratification” theory and the question- naire method of measuring personality. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 17:248-253, 1961. MH-2721 (R01) REGAN, PETER F., III, and Dowis, James L.: Patterns of thinking in psychiatric dis- eases. University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. (1959-64) Dowsis, J. L., and BucHANAN, C. E.: Some relation- ships between intellectual efficiency and the severity of psychiatric illness. Journal of Psychology, 51: 371-381, 1961. MCKINNEY, ]., PAWLIGER, D., and Dowis, J. L.: Information analysis of sequential dependencies. Behavioral Science, 7:128-129, 1962. WipF, JoHN LEE: Positive and negative gradients of response strength in a temporal conflict situa- tion. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67: 234-241, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4952 and MH-6900). 342 MH-2722 (R01) FRIEDMAN, ALFRED S., and ToM- KINS, SYLVAN S.: A study of themes of two types of depressed patients. Philadelphia Psychiatric Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. (1958-61) FRIEDMAN, JOSEPH, and SCHIFFMAN, HAROLD: Early recollections of schizophrenic and depressed patients. Journal of Individual Psychology, 18: 57-61, 1962. MH-2724 (RO1) SpivAcK, GEORGE, and LEVINE, MURRAY: Illusions and aftereffects in brain damage. Devereux Schools, Devon, Pa. (1958- 61) LevINE, M., and Spivack, G.: Rate of reversal of the Necker cube in diffuse brain injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 18:122-124, 1962. LevINE, M., and Spivack, G.: Adaptation to re- peated exposure to the spiral visual aftereffect in brain damaged, emotionally disturbed, and normal individuals. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14:425- 426, 1962. LevINE, M., Spivack, G., and FERwALD, D.: Dis- crimination in diffuse brain damage. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:287-300, 1962. Spivack, G., and LEVINE, M.: Note on the relation- ship between figural aftereffects and intelligence in diffusely brain-damaged individuals. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13:342, 1961. MH-2726 (R01) DiMascio, ALBERTO, GREEN- BLATT, MILTON, HAVENS, LEsToN L., and KIER- MAN, GERALD L.: Experimental human psycho- pharmacology. Massachusetts Mental Health Cen- ter, Boston, Mass. (1958-62) DiMascio, A.: Learning characteristics of nonsense syllables: A function of letter frequency. Psycho- logical Reports, 5:585, 1959. DiMascio, A.: Drug effects on competitive-paired associate learning: Relationship to and implications for the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale. Journal of Psychology, 56:89-97, 1963. DiMascio, ALBERTO A., and BROOKS, GEORGE W.: Free association to a fantasied psychotherapist. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4(5):513-516, 1961. DiMascio, A., Havens, L. L., and KLERMAN, G. L.: The psychopharmacology of phenothiazine com- pounds: A comparative study of the effects of chlopromazine, promethazine, trifluoperazine, and perphenazine in normal males. I. Introduction, aims and methods. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136:15-28, 1963. DiMascio, A., Havens, L. L., and KLERMAN, G. L.: The peyehopharmacology of phenothiazine com- pounds: A comparative study of the effects of chlorpromazine, promethazine, trifluoperazine, and perphenazine in normal males. 2. Results and discussion. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- ease, 136(2) :168-186, 1963. DiMascio, A., Havens, L. L., and SNELL, J. E.: A comparison of four phenothiazine derivatives: A preliminary report on the assessment of chlorpro- mazine, promethazine, perphenazine and trifluo- perazine. In: Wortis, J., ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. Vol. 3. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 68-76. DiMascio, A., and KLERMAN, G. L.: Experimental human psychopharmacology: The role of non-drug factors. In: Sarwer-Foner, C. J., ed. The dy- namics of psychiatric drug therapy. Springfield, Illinois, Thomas, 1959, p. 56. DiMascio, A., and KLERMAN, G. L.: Psychophysio- logical studies of psychoactive drugs. In: Uhr, L., and Miller, J. G., eds. Drugs and behavior. New York, Wiley, 1960. DiMascio, A., and RINKEL, M.: Prediction of clini- cal effectiveness of psychopharmacologic agents from “drug action profiles” in normal human sub- jects. In: Masserman, J., ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. Vols2. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1960, p. 268-279. DiMascio, A., and RINKEL, M.: Personality and drugs: “Specific” or “non-specific” influence on drug actions. In: Rinkel, M., ed. Specific and non-specific factors in psychopharmacology. New York, Philosophical Library, 1962, p. 130-140. DiMascio, A., RINKEL, M. and LEIBERMAN, J.: Personality and psychotomimetic drugs. In: Pro- ceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Montreal, Canada, University of Toronto Press/ McGill University Press, 1961, p. 933-936. KLERMAN, G. L., and MiMascio, A.: Psychological effects of piperazine phenothiazines. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20(1):393, 1961. KLERMAN, GERALD L., DiMaAscio, ALBERTO, Havens, LestoN L., and SNELL, JoHN E.: Sedation and tranquilization: A comparison of the effects of a number of psychopharmacologic agents upon normal human subjects. Archives of General Psychiatry, 3(1) :4-13, 1960. KLERMAN, G. L., DiMascio, A., RINKEL, M., and GREENBLATT, M.: The influence of specific per- sonality patterns on the reactions to phrenotropic agents. In: Masserman, J., ed. Biological psychi- atry. New York, Grune & Stratton, Vol. 1. 1959, p. 224. RINKEL, M., ATwiLL, C. R., DiMascio, A., and BROWN, J.: Psilocybine, a new psychotogenic drug. New England Journal of Medicine, 262:295-297, 1960. SHURTLEFF, D., and DiMascio, A.: Stimulus gener- alization and stimulus discriminability: Effects of 343 perphenazine. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15: 439-442, 1962. SHURTLEFF, D., MosTOFsKY, D., and DIMAscIo, A.: The effects of some phenothiazine derivatives on the discrimination of auditory clicks. Psycho- pharmacologia, 3:153-165, 1962. MH-2728 (R01) Maki, AuGust H., and FORREST, IRENE S.: Electron spin resonance studies of free radicals. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1958-60) FORREST, IRENE S., WECHSLER, MAGDALENA B., and SpERCO, JosePH E.: A comprehensive method for the determination of urinary chlorpromazine and its oxidative ‘metabolites. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120:44-48, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1841). GESKE, DaviD H., and Maki, Aucust E.: Electro- chemical generation of free radicals and their study by electron spin resonance spectroscopy; the nitro- benzene anion radiacal. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 82:2671-2676, 1960. Maki, Aucust H., and GESKE, Davip H.: Detection of electrolytically generated transient free radicals by electron spin resonance. Journal of Chemical Physics, 30:1356-1357, 1959. Maki, Aucust H., and GEskE, Davip H.: Electron- spin resonance of electrochemically generated free radicals. Isomeric dinitrobenzene mononegative ions. Journal of Chemical Physics, 33:825-832, 1960. Maki, Aucust H., and GEskg, Davip H.: Electron spin resonance and polarographic investigation of substituted nitrobenzene negative ions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 83:1852-1860, 1961. MEeLcHIOR, M. T., and Maki, A. H.: Electron spin resonance study of p-phenylene-diamine positive ion. Journal of Chemical Physics, 34:471-476, 1961. Baar, H. S., and GRUEMER, H:. Enzyme inhibitions by phenylalanine and its derivatives. (Abstract) Excerpta Medica International Congress Series, 43:62, 1961. MH-2729 (R01) GRUEMER, HANNS-DIETER, Bow- MAN, PETER W., and FRIEDEN, EDWARD H.: Meta- bolic defects in accumulation diseases. Boston Dispensary, Boston, Mass. (1958-64) Baar, H. S., GRUEMER, H. D., BEVERAGE, B, GorpON, M., and LEE, S. Q.: Enzyme inhibitions by phenylalanine and its derivatives. In: Stur, O,, ed. Proceedings of the 2nd International Medical Conference on Mental Retardation, Vienna, 1961. Basel, S. Karger, 1963, p. 62-69. GRUEMER, H. D.: Tolerance tests with p-hydroxy- phenylpyruvic acid in phenylketonuric patients. In: Bowman, P. W., and Mautner, H. V., eds. Men- tal retardation. 1st International Conference on Mental Retardation, Portland, 1959. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1960, p. 313-318. GRUEMER, H. D.: Synopsis of some current studies in phenylketonuria. Journal of the Maine Medical Association, 53:8-16, 1962. GRrRUEMER, H. D., KoBLET, H., and WoopARrD, C.: Phenylalanine turnover in phenylketonuria. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 19(1):193, 1960. GRUEMER, H. D., KoBLET, H., and WoopARD, C.: Phenylalanine metabolism in the phenylpyruvic condition. I. Distribution, pool size, and turn- over rate in human phenylketonuria. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 40:1758-1765, 1961. (Al- so acknowledges MH-3961). GRUEMER, H. D., KoBLET, H., and W0ODWARD, C.: Phenylalanine metabolism in the phenylpyruvic condition. II. An attempt to calculate the daily incorporation of phenylalanine into proteins. [our- nal of Clinical Investigation, 41:61-66, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3961). GRrUEMER, H. D., and LEE, S. Q.: Inhibition of phosphatases of brain and liver homogenates by phenylalanine and its derivatives. (Abstracts of communications). In: Sth International Congress of Biochemistry, Moscow, 1961, p. 346. MH-2730 (R01) WaismMAN, HARRY A.: Amino acids in neurologic and mental deficiency. Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1958-61) BERMAN, PHYLLIS, W., GRAHAM, FRANCES K., EICH- MAN, PETER L., and WAISMAN, HARRY A.: Psy- chologic and neurologic status of diet-treated phenylketonuric children and their siblings. Pedi- atrics, 28(6) :924-934, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3699). CapeLL, T. E., HArRLow, H. F., and WAISMAN, H. A.: EEG changes in experimental phenylke- tonuria. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neu- rophysiology, 14:540-543, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4528 and MH-5048). FrREEDLAND, R. A., Krakowski, M. C., and WaAIs- MAN, HARRY A.: Effect of age, sex, and nutrition on liver phenylalanine hydroxylase activity in rats. American Journal of Physiology, 202(1):145- 148, 1962. FrREEDLAND, R. A., Krakowski, M. C., and WaIs- MAN, HARRY A.: Influence of amino acids on rat liver phenylalanine hydroxylase activity. American Journal of Physiology, 206(2):341-344, 1964. FREEDLAND, R. A., WabpziNsk1, I. M., and WaAIs- MAN, HARRY A.: The enzymatic hydroxylation of tryptophan. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 5:94-98, 1961. GERRITSEN, THEO, LIPTON, SAMUEL H., STRONG, F. M., and WaisMAN, HARRY A.: On the isolation 344 and identification of homocitrulline from urine. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communica- tions, 4:379-383, 1961. GERRITSEN, THEO, WAISMAN, HARRY A., LIPTON, SAMUEL H., and STRONG, F. M.: Natural occur- rence of homoctirulline: I. Excretion in the urine. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 97(1):34-36, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 5048). WaisMAN, HARRY A.: Role of phenylalanine excess in experimental phenylketonuria. In: Korey, S. R., Pope, A., and Robins, E., eds. Ultrastructure and metabolism of the nervous system. Vol. 40. Re- search Publications, Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease. Baltimore, Md., Williams & Wilkins, 1962. WaisMAN, Harry A., WANG, Hwa L., PALMER, GaiL, and HarLOw, HARRY F.: Phenylketonuria in infant monkeys. Nature, 188(4756):1124~ 1125, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-722). WaisMAN, HARRY A., WANG, Hwa L., PALMER, Gair, and HarLOw, H. F.: Experimental phenyl- ketonuria in infant monkeys. In: Proceedings of the London Conference on the Scientific Study of Mental Retardation, July, 1960. Essex, England, May & Baker, 1962, p. 126-141. WANG, Hwa L., and WaIsMAN, HARRY A.: Experi- mental phenylketonuria in rats. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Med:- cine, 108:332-335, 1961. WANG, H. L., HARWALKAR, V. H., and WAISMAN, H. A.: Effect of dietary phenylalanine and trypto- han on brain serotonin. Archives of Biochemis- try and Biophysics, 97(1):181-184, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3699 and MH-5048). WANG, Hwa L., MorTON, N. E., and WAISMAN, HARRY A.: Increased reliability for the determina- tion of the carrier state in phenylketonuria. Amer- ican Journal of Human Genetics, 13(2):255-261, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3699). MH-2731 (R01) FiscHER, ROLAND, and MCCLUER, ROBERT H.: Metabolic pattern and its relation to schizophrenia. Columbus Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. (1959-60) FiscHER, R., and GRIFFIN, F.: On factors involved in the mechanism of ‘taste blindness.” Expe- rientia, 15:447-451, 1959. FiscHER, R., and GRIFFIN, F.: On factors involved in the mechanism of “taste blindness.” Journal of Heredity, 51:182-183, 1960. FiscHER, R., and GRIFFIN, F.: Quinine dimorphism among non-tasters of G6-n-propylthiouracil. Expe- rientia, 17:36-42, 1961. FiscHER, R., and GRIFFIN, F.: Taste-blindness and variations in taste threshold in relation to thyroid metabolism. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 3:98- 104, 1961. Also in: Wortis, J., ed. Recent ad- vances in biological psychiatry. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961. FiscHER, R., GRIFFIN, F., ENGLAND, S. J. M., and GARN, S.: Taste thresholds and food dislikes. Nature, 191 (4795) :1328, 1961. FiscHER, R., GRIFFIN, F., ENGLAND, S. J. M., and PASAMANICK, B.: Biochemical genetic factors of taste polymorphism and their relation to salivary thyroid metabolism in health and mental retarda- tion. Medicina Experimentalis, 4:356-366, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-4694). FiscHEr, R., GrirrIN, F., and KaprLaN, A. R.: Taste thresholds, cigarette smoking, and food dis- likes. Medicina Experimentalis, 9:151-168, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4694). GRIFFIN, F., and FiscHER, R.: Differential reactivity of saliva from “tasters” and ‘“non-tasters” of 6-n- propylthiouracil. Nature, 187:417-419, 1960. MH-2733 (R01) BapaL, Danie W., and SpiL- MAN, Epra L.: Isolation of compounds in brain after electroshock. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. (1959-60) BapaL, DANIEL W., and SpiLMAN, EDRA L.: Brain extracts of electrically convulsed animals. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4:98-104, 1961. MH-2734 (R03) NicHoLs, RoBerT C.: Studies of psychological masculinity-femininity. Purdue Uni- versity, Lafayette, Ind. (1959-60) NicHors, R. C.: Subtle, obvious and stereotype measures of masculinity-femininity. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 23:449-461, 1962. MH-2735 (R01) WEBB, WARREN W.: Eye move- ment in schizophrenia. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. (1959-61) WEBB, W. W., MATHENY, A. and LARsON G.: Eye movements as a peradigm of approach and avoidance behavior. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:341-347, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 1685). MH-2738 (R01) Jackson, Doucras N., and MEssicK, SAMUEL J.: Stylistic determinants in personality assessment. Pennsylvania State Uni- versity, University Park, Pa. (1959-64) Jackson, DoucrLas N.: Cognitive energy level, re- sponse acquiescence, and authoritarianism. Jour- nal of Social Psychology, 49:65-69, 1959. Jackson, DoucLas N.: Stylistic response determi- nants in the California Psychological Inventory. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 20: 339-346, 1960. 345 Jackson, DoucLas N.: Desirability judgments as a method of personality assessment. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 24:223-238, 1964. Jackson, DoucLas, N., and CLAYTON, M.: Equiva- lence range, acquiescence, and over-generalization. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 21: 371-382, 1960. Jackson, DoucLas N., and LEAGUE, B. J.: Activity and passivity as correlates of field-independence. Perceptual and Motor Siklls, 12:291-298, 1961. Jackson, DoucLas N., and MEsSICK, S.: Acquies- cence and the factorial interpretation of the MMPI. Psychological Bulletin, 58:299-304, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2878). Jackson, DoucLas N., and MEssIcK, S.: Acquies- cence and desirability as response determinants on the MMPI. Educational and Pachological Meas- urement, 21:771-790, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2878). Jackson, Doucras N., and MEssick, S.: Desira- bility scale values and dispersions for MMPI items. Psychological Reports, 8:409-414, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2878). Jackson, DoucLas N., and MEsSICK, S.: Response styles on the MMPI: Comparison of clinical and normal samples. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 65:285-299, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2878). Jackson, Doucras N., and MEssICK, S.: Response styles and assessment of psychopathology. In: Messick, S., and Ross, J., eds. Measurement in personality and cognition. New York, Wiley, 1962, p. 129-155. Also in: Jackson, D. N., and Messick, S., eds. Problems in human assessment. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2878). Jackson, DoucLas N., and MINTON, H.: A forced- choice adjective preference scale for personality assessment. Psychological Reports, 12:515-520, 1963. Jackson, Doucras N., and MURRAY, J. E.: Emo- tional control and color-form resolution. Research Bulletin, Stanford University, 1963. Jackson, Doucras N., and PACINE, L.: Response styles and academic achievement. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 21:1015-1028, 1961. Jackson, DoucLas N., and PAYNE, I. R.: A per- sonality scale for shallow affect. Psychological Reports, 13:687-698, 1963. Jackson, DoucLas N., and SECHREST, L.: The gen- erality of deviant response tendencies. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26:395-401, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2757). Jackson, DoucrLas N., SLOANE, H., and GorLOw, L.: Cognitive styles in equivalence range. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 16(Monograph Suppl. No. 3) :389-404, 1963 Jackson, Doucras N., and Vick, O.: Leveling- sharpening as a cognitive style: Appraisal of alter- native methods of measurement. Research Bul- letin, Stanford University, 1963. Murray, J. E.,, and Jackson, D. N.: Impulsivity and color-form abstraction. Journal of Consult ing Psychology, 28:518-522, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4186). Reitz, W. E.: Affect and stereoscopic resolution. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69: 212-215, 1964. SECHREST, L., and JacksoN, DoucLas N.: Deviant response tendencies: Their measurement and inter- pretation. Educational and Psychological Meas- urement, 23:33-54, 1963. MH-2741 (R01) BLAck, ABRAHAM H.: Aversive motivation and learning. McMaster University, Hamilton, Can. (1959- ) ANNAU, Z., and KaMmIN, L. J.: The conditioned emotional response as a function of intensity of the US. [Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 54:428-432, 1961. Brack, A. H.: The effects of CS-US interval on avoidance conditioning in the rat. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 17:174-182, 1963. Brack, A. H.: Cardiac conditioning in curarized dogs: The relationship between heart rate and skeletal behaviour. In: Prokasy, W., ed. Sym- posium on classical conditioning. New York, Appleton-Century, 1964, p. 20-47. Brack, A. H., and ANNAU, Z.: Time-out respond- ing during avoidance conditioning and extinction in the rat. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 17: 165-173, 1963. Brack, A. H., CarLsoN, N. J. and SOLOMON, R. L.: Exploratory studies of the conditioning of autonomic responses in curarized dogs. Psycho- logical Monographs, 76(29):1-31, 1962. (Whole No. 548). BLACK, A. H., and LANG, W. M.: Cardiac condition- ing and skeletal responding in curarized dogs. Psychological Review, 71(1):80-85, 1964. BrRIMER, C. J., and KAMER, L. J.: Fear of the CS in avoidance training and fear from a sense of help- lessness. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 17: 188-193, 1963. BrRIMER, C. J., and KaMIN, L. J.: Disinhibition, habi- tuation, sensitization, and the conditioned emo- tional response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:508-515, 1963. 346 De TorLepo, LeyrLa, and BrAck, A. H.: Heart rate: Changes during conditioned suppression in rats. Science, 152(3727):1404-1406, 1966. Kamin, L. J.: Apparent adaptation effects in the acquisition of a conditioned emotional response. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 15:176-188, 1961. Kamin, L. J.: Trace conditioning of the conditioned emotional response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54:149-153, 1961. Kamin, L. J.: Backward conditioning and the con- ditioned emotional response. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 56:517-519, 1963. Kamin, L. J.: Retention of an incompletely learned avoidance response: Some further analyses. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:713-718, 1963. KAMIN, LEON J.: Temporal and’ intensity character- istics of the conditioned stimulus. In: Prokasy, W., ed. Symposium on classical conditioning. New York, Appleton-Century, 1964, p. 118-147. Kamin, L. J., and BriMER, C. J.: The effects of in- tensity of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli on a conditioned emotional response. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 17:194-200, 1963. Kamin, L. J., and BriMER, C. J.: Conditioned sup- pression as a monitor of fear of the CS in the course of avoidance training. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 56:497- 501, 1963. Kamin, L. J., and ScHAuB, R. E.: Effects of condi- tioned stimulus intensity on the conditioned emo- tional response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:502-507, 1963. ToLrepo, LEYLA DE, and BLACK, A. H.: A technique for recording heart-rate in moving rats. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(3): 181-182, 1965. MH-2743 (R01) ROESSLER, ROBERT, GREENFIELD, NorMAN S., and RoGERs, CARL R.: Psychosomatic relationships in adaptation. University of Wiscon- sin, Madison, Wisc. (1958-62) ALEXANDER, A. A., ROESSLER, ROBERT, and GREEN- FIELD, NORMAN S.: Ego strength and physiological responsivity: III. The relationship of the Barron Ego Strenth Scale to spontaneous periodic activity in the skin resistance, finger blood volume, heart rate, and muscle potential. Archives of General Psychiatry, 9:142-145, 1963. ALEXANDER, A. A., ROESSLER, ROBERT, and GREEN- FIELD, NORMAN S.: Periodic nature of spontane- ous peripheral nervous system activity. Nature, 197(4873) :1169-1170, 1963. GREENFIELD, NORMAN S., ALEXANDER, A. A., and ROESSLER, ROBERT: Ego strength and physiologi- cal responsivity: II. The relationship of the Barron Ego Strength Scale to the temporal and recovery characteristics of skin resistance, finger blood volume, heart rate, and muscle potential responses to sound. Archives of General psychi- atry, 9:129-141, 1963. GREENFIELD, NORMAN S., KATZ, DEBORAH, ALEX- ANDER, A. A., and ROESSLER, ROBERT: The rela- tionship between physiological and psychological responsivity: Depression and galvanic skin re- sponse. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136(6) :535-539, 1963 ROESSLER, ROBERT, ALEXANDER, A. A., and GREEN- FIELD, NORMAN S.: Ego strength and physiological responsivity. I. The relationship of the Barron ES Scale to skin resistance, finger blood volume, heart rate, and muscle potential responses to sound. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8:142-154, 1963. ROESSLER, ROBERT, and GREENFIELD, NORMAN S.: Incidence of somatic disease in psychiatric patients. Psychosomatic Medicine, 23(5):413-419, 1961. ROESSLER, ROBERT, and GREENFIELD, NORMAN 8S.: Autonomic measures as = prognostic indicators among hospitalized psychiatric patients. Psychi atric Research Reports, 15:42-50, 1962. THURRELL, RICHARD J., GREENFIELD, NORMAN §., and ROESSLER, ROBERT: The prediction of physio- logical responsivity from psychological respon- sivity. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 5(3): 211-214, 1961. MH-2744 (R01) SCHULMAN, SIDNEY: Behavioral effects of thalamic lesions. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1958-64) SCHULMAN, SIDNEY: Impaired delayed response from thalamic lesions. Studies in monkeys. Ar- chives of Neurology, 11:477-499, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2130). MH-2745 (R01) WINDER, C. LELAND, and WIiG- GINS, JERRY S.: Social adjustment in preadolescent boys. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1958-61) WIGGINS, J. S., and WINDER, C. L.: The Peer Nomi- nation Inventory: An empirically derived socio- metric measure of adjustment in preadolescent boys. Psychological Reports, 9(Monograph Sup- plement 5) :643-677, 1961. WINDER, C. L., and Rau, Lucy: Parental attitudes associated with social deviance in preadolescent boys. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 64:418-424, 1962. WinDER, C. L., and WIGGINS, J. S.: Social reputa- tion and social behavior: A further validation of the Peer Nomination Inventory. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 68:681-684, 1964. 347 MH-2754 (R01) BusNEL, RENE-GUY: Biochemical brain changes induced by ataractic drugs. Insti- tute Nationale De La Recherche Agronomique, Paris, France. (1959-61) BusNEL, R. G., and LEHMANN, A.: Nouvelles données pharmacodynamiques relatives a la crise audiogéne de la souris. Journal de Physiologie, 52:37-38, 1960. BusNEL, R. G., and LEHMANN, A.: Action de con- vulsivants chimiques sur des souris de lignees sen- sible et résistante a la crise audiogéne. Journal de Physiologie, 53:285-286, 1961. LEHMANN, A.: Etude de variations due comporte- ment reactionnel des Souris sensibles a la crise audiogene. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie, 154(1) :57-61, 1960. LEHMANN, ALICE, and BUSNEL, RAUL-GUY: Etude sur la crise audiogene. Archives des Sciences Physiologiques, 13(2):193-225, 1959. LEHMANN, A., and BUSNEL, R. G.: A new test for MAOTI detecting effects. (Abstract) Biochemical Pharmacology, 8(1) :8, 1961. LEHMANN, A., and BUSNEL, R. G.: A new test for detecting MAO-inhibitor effects. International Journal of Neuropharmacology, 1(1-3):61-70, 1962. LEHMANN, A., and BUSNEL, R. G.: Le métabolisme de la sérotonine cerebrale dans ses rapports avec la crise audiogene de la Souris et ses variations sous I'influence de divers composés psychotropes. Psychophysiologie, Neuropharmacologie et Bio- chimie de la Crise Audiogene, 112:453-471, 1963. LEHMANN, A., and FLEss, A. D.: Etude de I'action de drogues psychotropes sur les processus d’excita- tion et d'inhibition du S. N. C. par le test de la crise audiogene du rat. Psychopharmacologia, 3: 331-343, 1962. NiaussaTt, M. M., and LAGET, P.: Etude électroen- céphalographique de la Crise audiogéne de la Souris. In: Coll. Intern. du C. N. R. S. No. 112, 6-9 Novembre 1961. Psychophysiologie, Neuro- pharmacologie et Biochimi de la Cruis Audiogéne, 1963, p. 181-197. Niaussat, M. M.: Etude électrocardiographique de la crise audiogéne chez la Souris. In: Coll. Intern. du C. N. R. S. No. 112, 6-9 Novembre 1961. Psychophysiologie, Neuropharmacologie et Bio- chimi de la Cruis Audiogéne, 1963, p. 199-215. Niaussat, M. M.: Aspects électroencéphalograph- iques de deux crises convulsives provoquées par les hydrazines chez la Souris. Journal de Physio- logie, 55:307-308, 1963. MH-2755 (RO1) STERN, JOHN A., SCHMIDT, HANS, and ULETT, GEORGE A.: Differential learning, diagnosis, and drug research. Washington Uni- versity, St. Louis, Mo. (1959- ) FEHR, F. S., and STERN, J. A.: Heart rate condition- ing in the rat. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 8(4):441-453, 1965. FjELD, S. P.: Motor response and muscle action. po- tential in the measurement of sensory threshold. Psychophysiology, 1(3) :277-281, 1965. FJELD, STANTON P., STERN, JOHN A., and ZIMNY, GEORGE H.: Effects of CS-UCS interval upon con- ditioning and extinction of GSR. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 8:45-48, 1964. HaHN, W. W. STERN, J. A. and MCDONALD, D. G.: Effects of water deprivation and bar- pressing activity on hear rate of the male albino rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:786-790, 1962. Jounson, L. C., ULert, G. A., SINEs, J. O., and STERN, J. A.: Cortical activity and cognitive func- tioning. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neu- rophysiology, 12:861-874, 1960. McDonaLp, D. G., StErN, J. A. and HAHN, W. W.: Behavioral, dietary, and autonomic effects of chlordiazepoxide in the rat. Diseases of the Nervous System, 24:95-103, 1963. McDonaLp, D. G., STERN, J. A., and HAHN, W. W.: Classical heart rate conditioning in the rat. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 7:97-106, 1963. ScHMIDT, H., JR.: Variations in water ingestion: The response to barbiturates. In: Himwich, Wil- liamina A., and Schade, J. P., eds. Progress in brain research. Vol. 16. Horizons in neuropsy- chopharmacology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1965, p. 263-284. Scamipt, H., Jr., and Dry, L.: Dose and time as variables in barbiturate action upon water inges- tion. American Journal of Physiology, 204:817- 820, 1963. ScumipT, M., JR, and Dry, L.: Comparison of phenobarbital and pentobarbital actions upon water ingestion. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 56:179-182, 1963. SINES, Jaco O., and KEeFE, DANIEL J.: The rela- tionship between pharmacologically modified oper- ant response rate and heart rate. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 100:267-274, 1962. STERN, J. A., DURHAM, J., and LOEFFEL, R.: Trials and tribulations in automating the output of a fre- quency analyzer. American Journal of Electro- encephalography Techniques, 3:83-89, 1963. STERN, J. A., and McDoNALD, D. G.: Physiological correlates of mental disease. Annual Review of Psychology, 16:225-264, 1965. STERN, J. A, SiLa, B., and Worp, T. J.: Observa- tions on the effect of electroconvulsive therapy and pharmacotherapy on the psychogalvanic response. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 2:149-152, 1961. 348 STERN, J. A., SURPHLIS, W., and KOFF, E.: Electro- dermal responsiveness as related to psychiatric diagnosis and prognosis. Psychophysiology, 2(1): 51-61, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4667). STERN, JoHN A., and Worp, T. J.: Changes in cardiac response of the albino rat as a function of electroconvulsive seizures. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54:389-394, 1961. STERN, J. A., and Worp, T. J.: Heart rate changes during avoidance conditioning in the male albino rat. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 6:167- 175, 1962. MH-2756 (R01) UspIN, EARL, BECKER, ROBERT, and FisH, MELVIN S.: Synthesis of psychopharma- cological compounds. New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM. (1959-61) UspIN, VERA R., Su, Su-CHEN, and UsDIN, EARL: Effects of psychotropic compounds on enzyme systems. I. Inhibition of human plasma and erythrocyte cholinesterases. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 108:457-460, 1961. MH-2757 (R03) SECHREST, LEE B.: The deviation hypothesis in personality assessment. Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. (1958-59) Jackson, Doucras N., and SEcHREsT, L.: The generality of deviant jesponse tendencies. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26:395-401, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2738). SECHREST, L., and JAcksoN, D. N.: Social intelli- gence and accuracy of interpersonal predictions. Journal of Personality, 29:167-182, 1961. SECHREST, L., and JacksoN, D. N.: The generality of deviant fesponse tendencies. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 26:395-401, 1962. MH-2769 (R01) ALBEE, GEORGE W., and LONG, ERNEST S.: Career choice determinants in psychi- atric nursing. Western Reserve University, Cleve- land, Ohio. (1958-62) LoNG, ERNEST S.: Career choice in psychiatric nurs- ing and the undergraduate psychiatric nursing experience. Cleveland, Ohio, Health Manpower Research, Western Reserve University, 1962, 129 p. (Processed). MH-2775 (R01) GraNIcK, RuTH, and ZUBIN, JosePH: Social isolation and adjustment in home for the aged. New York State Psychiatric Insti- tute, New York, N.Y. (1958-64) BENNETT, RUTH: The meaning of institutional life. Gerontologist, 3:117-125, 1963. BENNETT, RUTH, and NAHEMOW, LUCILLE: The re- lations between social isolation, socialization and adjustment in residents of a home for aged. In: Lawton, M. Powell, & Lawton, Fay G., eds. Mental impairment in the aged. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Geriatric Center, 1965, p. 88-105. GRANICK, RUTH, and NAHEMOW, LUCILLE: Pread- mission isolation as a factor in adjustment to an old age home. In: Hoch, P. H., and Zubin, J., eds. Psychopathology of aging. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 285-302. (Also ac- knowledges MH-586, and MH-1541). Tec, NEcHAMA, and GRANICK, RUTH: Social isola- tion and difficulties in social interaction in resi- dents of a home for aged. Social Problems, 7: 226-232, Winter 1959-60. (Also acknowledges MH-1440). WaLTON, H., BENNETT, R. G., NAHEMOW, L.: Psychiatric illness and adjustment in a home for aged. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 105:897-918, 1964. WaLTON, H. J, BENNETT, R., and NAHEMOW, L. D.: The significance of psychiatric symptoma- tology for social adaptation. British Journal of Psychiatry, 110:544-548, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1541). ZUBIN, ].: Discussion. In: Hoch, P. H., and Zubin, J., eds. Psychopathology of aging. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 223-226. MH-2776 (R01) StERRITT, GRAHAM M., and SAWREY, WiLLiaAM L.: Chronic electric shock leading to obesity. University of Colorado Medi- cal Center, Denver, Colo. (1958-61) Parks, ELpoN R., and STERRITT, GRAHAM M.: Stimulator-operated grid scrambler for reliable delivery of shock to animals. Journal of Experi- mental Analysis Behavior, 7:261-262, 1964. STERRITT, G. M.: A device to aid in the observation of behavior as a function of time intervals. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 18:116, 1964. STERRITT, GRAHAM M.: Inhibition and facilitation of eating by electric shock: III. A further study of the role of strain and of shock level. Psycho- nomic Science, 2(11):319-320, 1965. STERRITT, G. M., and SHEMBERG, K.: Inhibition and facilitation of eating by electric shock. II. Shock level, shock schedule and strain of rats. [owrnal of Psychosomatic Research, 7:215-223, 1963. MH-2778 (R01) LiNDSLEY, OGDEN R.: Screening potential stimulants on inactive psychotics. Har- vard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1958-62) BARRETT, BEATRICE H.: Reduction in rate of multi- ple tics by free operant conditioning methods. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 135: 187-195, 1962. LinDsLEY, O. R.: Operant conditioning methods in diagnosis. In: Nodine, J. H., and Moyer, J. H., 349 eds. Psychosomatic medicine: The First Hahne- mann Symposium. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1962, p. 41-54. (Also acknowledges MH-5054). LiNDsLEY, O. R.: Operant conditioning techniques in the measurement of psychopharmacologic response. In: Nodine, J. H., and Moyer, J. H., eds. Psycho- somatic medicine: The First Hahnemann Sym- posium. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1962, p. 373-383. (Also acknowledges MH-5054). LinpsLey, O. R.: Free-operant conditioning and psychotherapy. In: Masserman, J. H., ed. Current psychiatric therapies. Vol. 3. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1963, p. 47-56. (Also acknowledges MH-977). LINDSLEY, O. R.: Direct measurement and functional definition of vocal hallucinatory symptoms. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136:293- 297, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-977 and MH-5054). MH-2779 (R03) SCHLOSBERG, HAROLD: Judgment of facial expressions as a projective test. Brown University, Providence, R.I. (1958-60) Levy, N., and ScHLOSBERG, H.: Woodworth scale values of the Lightfoot pictures of facial expres- sion. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60(2): 121-125, 1960. SCHLOSBERG, H.: The dimensions of facial expres- sion. (Abstract) Acta Psychologica, 19:491-492, 1961. MH-2783 (R01) ZUBIN, JOSEPH, HAKEREM, GAD, and SUTTON, SAMUEL: The effect of chlorproma- zine on the pupillary reflex. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1958-60) (Continued as MH-4759). ZUBIN, ].: Report of the committee on patient selec- tion and controls. In: Psychopharmacology: Prob- lems in evaluation. Washington, D.C., National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, 1959, p. 620-625. MH-2784 (R01) WirTsoN, CeciL L., and SMITH, Jackson A.: Coordinated multiple psychiatric drug screening units. University of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebr. (1958-63) AFFLECK, D. C.,, Treprrow, K. A., and HERRICK, H. D.: The effects of isoxsuprine hydrochloride (vasodilan) on chronic cerebral arteriosclerosis. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 132:335- 338, 1961. CARVER, M. J., FREEMAN, J. G., and SMITH, J. A.: Evaluation of a cholesterol-synthesis inhibitor (triparanol). Annals of Internal Medicine, 53: 462-467, 1960. GouLpMaN, C., Lunpg, F., and Davis, ]J.: Clinical trial of hydroxyphenamate in alcoholic patients. Diseases of the Nervous System, Supply. No. 22: 44-46, 1961. GouLDMAN, C., and RUTHERFORD A.: Effects of a drug on the body odor of the chronically mentally ill. American [Journal of Psychiatry, 117:354- 355, 1960. Kim, K.: Responses of treatment-refractory chronic schizophrenics to chlorpromazine with concurrent adrenocortical steriod. American Journal of Psy- chiatry, 116:1023-1024, 1960. SMITH, J. A.: A trial of nialamide in chronically ill mental patients. Diseases of the Nervous System, (Suppl. No. 20) :1-3, 1959. SMITH, J. A., CHRISTIAN, D., MANsrFIELD E., and FIGAREDO, A.: A graphic comparison of five phenothiazines. American Journal of Psychiatry, 116:392-399, 1959. Smith, J. A., GouLbpMAN, C., and GysiN, W. M.: A comparison of results of controlled drug evalua- tions in two state hospitals. American Journal of Psychiatry, 117:788-790, 1961. SmitH, J. A., MANSFIELD, E., and HERRICK, H.: The treatment of chronic alcoholics with citrated calcium carbimide (temposil). American Journal of Psychiatry, 115:822-824, 1959. SMITH, J. A., and WitTsoN, C. L.: Hazards of drug evaluation: Trials of 84 non-approved drugs. American Journal of Psychiatry, 117(2):118-119, 1960. Treprow, K. R., AFFLECK, D. C., RoeHL, C. A,, and SOELLING, W. M.: Nylidrin hydrochloride in senile arteriosclerosis. Archives of Neurology, 9:142-146, 1963. MH-2785 (R01) ZUBIN, JOSEPH, and SALZINGER, Kurt: Immediate effect of chlorpromazine on verbal behavior. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1958-60) (Continued as MH-4758). PorTNOY, STEPHANIE, and SALZINGER, K.: The conditionability of different verbal response classes: Positive, negative and non-affect statements. [our- nal of General Psychology, 70:311-323, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-1541). SALZINGER, K., PORTNOY, STEPHANIE, and FELD- MAN, R. S.: The effect of order of approximation to the statistical structure of English on the emis- sion of verbal responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64:52-57, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4758). SALZINGER, KURT, PORTNOY, STEPHANIE, and FELD- MAN, RICHARD S.: Experimental manipulation of continuous speech in schizophrenic patients. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68(5): 508-516, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4842 and MH-1541). 350 SALZINGER, K., and WALLER, M. B.: The operant control of vocalization in the dog. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5:383-389, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4758). ZUBIN, ].: Role of prognostic indicators in the evalu- ation of therapy. In: Psychopharmacology: Prob- lems in evaluation. Washington, D.C. National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, 1959, p. 343-354. MH-2786 (R01) WELKER, WALLACE I.: Neural mechanisms of sequential behavior. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1958-64) Campos, G. B., and WELKER, W. I.: Some physio- logical and anatomical comparisons between brains of Capybara (Hydrochoerus) and guinea pig (Cavia). (Abstract) Physiologist, 3:35, 1960. GOLDBERG, JAY M., and GREENwooD, DONALD D.: Response of neurons of the dorsal and postero- ventral cochlear nuclei of the cat to acoustic stimuli of long duration. Journal of Neurophysi- ology, 29(1):72-93, 1966. JonnsoN, JoHN I.: Somatopic organization in rac- coon cuneate and gracile nuclei. American Associ- ation of Anatomists, 145:246, 1963. Jounson, J. I, Goy, R. W., and MicHELs, K. W.: Physiological mechanisms and behavior patterns. In: Hafez, S. E., ed. The behavior of domestic animals. London, Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1962, p. 139-179. PusoLs, B. H., WELKER, W. I, JOHNSON, J. L: Somatic sensory representation of forelimb in dor- sal root fibers of raccoon, coatimundi, and cat. Journal of Neurophysiology, 28(2) :312-341, 1965. THOMPSON, RicHARD, and WELKER, W. I.: Role of auditory cortex in reflex head orientation by cats to auditory stimuli. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:996-1002, 1963. WELKER, W. I.: Comparative study of physiology and morphology of somatic cerebral cortex of procyoni- dae. (Abstract) Physiologist, 2(3):121-122, 1959. WELKER, W. I: Genesis of exploratory and play be- havior in infant raccoons. Psychological Reports, 5:764, 1959. WELKER, W. I.: An analysis of exploratory and play behavior in animals. In: Fiske, D., and Maddj, S., eds. Functions of varied experience. Homewood, Illinois, Dorsey Press, 1961. WELKER, W. I., and Campos, G. B.: Physiological significance of sulci in somatic sensory cerebral cor- tex in mammals of the family Procyonidae. [our- nal of Comparative Neurology, 120:19-36, 1963. WELKER, W. I, HinD, J. E., Campos, G. B., and GILMORE, M. A.: Chronic implantation of multi- ple macroelectrodes. A technique for mapping au- ditory neocortex in unanesthetized cats. Electro- encephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 19 (3):309-312, 1965. WELKER, W. I, and JoHNsoN, J]. I.: Correlation between nuclear morphology and somatotopic or- ganization in vetro-basal complex of the raccoon’s thalamus. Journal of Anatomy, 99(4):761-790, 1965. WELKER, W. I., and KING, W. A.: Effects of stimu- lus novelty on gnawing and eating by rats. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:838-842, 1963. MH-2790 (R01) GALDSTON, IaGo: A history of medical education. American College of Neuro- psychopharmacology, New York, N.Y. (1959- 61) GALDSTON, IaGo: A philosophy for medicine. Cirn- cinnati Journal of Medicine, 40:333-339, 1959. GALDSTON, 1aGo: The natural history of specialism in medicine. Journal of the American Medical Association, 170(3):294-297, 1959. GLADSTON, IAGO: Psychoanalysis, 1959. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 36(10): 702-713, 1960. GALDSTON, IAGO: Reflections on historical epochs in medical education. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 35(1):5-60, 1961. GALDSTON, IAGO: Trade routes and medicine. Bul- letin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 37 (5) :342-358, 1961. GALDSTON, IaGo: The crisis in health education. Journal of the Maine Medical Association, Octo- ber, 1961. GALDSTON, 1aG0: Doctor and patient in medical his- tory. Journal of Medical Education, 37:222-232, 1962. GLADSTON, 1460: The challenge of professional edu- cation for the health professions. In: National Health Forum Council. Washington, D.C., 1963, p. 32-40. GLADSTON, IAGO: Summary of the New England Health Institute. This Week in Public Health, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 12 (11):311-319, 1963. MH-2795 (R01) RostoN, SIDNEY: Effects of coen- zyme A upon catecholamine oxidation. University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. (1960-61) RosTON, S.: The effect of coenzyme A upon the oxi- dation of B-3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl-l-alanine. [our- nal of Investigative Dermatology, 37:277-278, 1961. 351 RosTON, S.: Interaction of hydrocortisone, the sul- phydryl group, and the catechol amines. Nature, 191:490-491, 1961. RosTON, S.: Ascorbic acid, oxygen, and the disap- pearance of adrenochrome and noradrenochrome. Nature, 194:1079-1080, 1962. RosTon, S.: Enzymatic behavior of the product of coenzyme A-norepinephrine reaction. Nature, 197: 75-76, 1963. MH-2798 (R03) BorLES, ROBERT C.: A study of decision-making. ~~ University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1958-59) Borris, ROBERT C.: Is the “click” a token reward. Psychological Record, 11:163-168, 1961. BorLEs, RoBErRT C.: Percentage timing reinforce- ment schedule. Psychological Record, 11:349- 354, 1961. MH-2799 (R01) CANNON, JoseEPH G.: Synthesis of benzilic acid derivatives. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1959-62) CANNON, J. G.: Esters of benzilic acids and con- geners having potential psychotomimetic activity. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 25:959-962, 1960. KapIN, S. B., and CannoN, J. G.: Esters of N- methyl-3-hydroxypiperidine having psychotomi- metic activity. II. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 27:240-245, 1962. MH-2802 (R01) PricoT, AARON: Amino acid therapy in delirium tremens and alcoholism. Har- lem Hospital, New York, N.Y. (1959-61) PriGoT, A. P., CorBIN, E. E., MAYNARD, A. DE L,, RopEN, T. P., and HJELT-HARVEY, I.: The treat- ment of delirium tremens with amino acids. Clini- cal and laboratory results with special reference to chromatographic determination of amino acids. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 23:390- 410, 1962. MH-2805 (R03) THOMAS, ALEXANDER: Individual reaction patterns in childhood. New York Uni- versity, New York, N.Y. (1958-59) CuEss, S., THoMas, A., and BIrcH, H.: Character- istics of the individual child's behavioral responses to the environment. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 29(4):791-802, 1959. THoMas, A., CHEss, S., BircH, H., and HERTZIG, M.: A longitudinal study of primary reaction pat- terns in children. Comprehensive Psychology, 1: 103-112, 1960. MH-2810 (R03) PosTMAN, LEO J.: Effects of verbal reward and punishment on retention. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1958-59) PostMAN, L.: Spread of effect as a function of time and intralist similarity. American Journal of Psychology, 74:493-505, 1961. PosTMAN, LEO, and STARK, KAREN: The role of response set in tests of unlearning. [Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4(4):315- 322, 1965. MH-2811 (R10) JoHN, ErRwIN Roy: The role of brain electrolytes in drug action. University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (1959-62) CorNING, W. C., and JoHN, E. R.: Effect of ribonu- clease on retention of conditioned response in regenerated planarians. Science, 134:1363-1365, 1961. Jonn, E. R.: Studies of memory. In: Schmitt, F. O., ed. Macromolecular specificity and biological memory. Boston, MIT Press, 1962. Joun, E. R.: Some speculations on the psychophysi- ology of mind. In: Scher, J., ed. Theories of the mind. New York, Free Press, 1962, p. 80- 121. (Also acknowledges MH-2972). SacHs, E., WEINGARTEN, M., and KLEIN, N. W., Jr.: Effects of chlordiazepoxide on the acquisition of avoidance learning and its transfer to the normal state and other drug conditions. Psychopharma- cologia (Berlin), 9(1) :17-30, 1966. MH-2814 (R01) DENEAU, GERALD A.: Screening CNS drugs. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Mich. (1958-62) DeNEAU, G. A., and SEEVERS, M. H.: Methods for screening centrally-acting drugs in the intact rhesus monkey. Federation Proceedings, 19:267, 1960. MH-2816 (R03) KoroNakos, CHRIS: The use of machines for teaching reading skills. Indiana Uni- versity, Bloomington, Ind. (1958-60) KoroNakos, CHRIS: A preliminary study in pro- gramming reading for the mentally retarded learner. Reading Horizons, 3:7-19, 1962. MH-2818 (R01) ScHRIER, ALLAN M.: Effects of quantitative shifts in the reward. Brown Uni- versity, Providence, R.I. (1959-63) ScHRIER, A. M.: A modified version of the Wiscon- sin General Test Apparatus. [Journal of Psychol- ogy, 52:193-200, 1961. SCHRIER, A. M.: Response latency of monkeys as a function of amount of reward. Psychological Re- ports, 8:283-289, 1961. SCHRIER, A. M.: Response latency of monkeys as a function of reward amount and trials within test days. Psychological Reports, 10:439-444, 1962. SCHRIER, A. M.: Sucrose concentration and response rates of monkeys. Psychological Reports, 12:666, 1963. 352 ScHRIER, ALLAN M.: Response rates of monkeys (Macaca mulatta) under varying conditions of sucrose reinforcement. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59(3):378-384, 1965. SCHRIER, A. M., StoLLNITZ, F., and GREEN, K. F.: Titration of spatial S-R separation in discrimination by monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 56:848- 851, 1963. StoLLNITZ, FRED: Spatial variables, observing re- sponses, and discrimination learning sets. Psycho- logical Review, 72(4):247-261, 1965. StoLLNITZ, F., and SCHRIER, A. M.: Discrimination learning by monkeys with spatial separation of cue and response. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology; 55:876-881, 1962. MH-2820 (R03) LETTVIN, JEROME Y., and O’CON- NELL, DONALD NEIL: Low contact-potential elec- trodes for skin recording. Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, Mass. (1958-59) O’CoNNELL, D. N., and TuRrsky, BERNARD: Silver- silver chloride sponge electrodes for skin potential recording. American Journal of Psychology, 73: 302-304, 1960. O’CoNNELL, D. N., TUrsKy, B., and ORNE, M. T.: Electrodes for the recording of skin potential: An evaluation. Archives of General Psychiatry, 3: 252-258, 1960. MH-2821 (R03) STRYKER, SHELDON, and PSATHAS, GEORGE: An experimental study of power coali- tions in triads. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1958-60) STRYKER, SHELDON, and PSATHAS, GEORGE: Research on coalitions in the triad: Findings, problems and strategy. Sociometry, 23:217-230, 1960. MH-2823 (R03) ULETT, GEORGE A., and HEUSLER, ANTON F.: A noise index of ward behavior for drug evaluation. St. Louis State Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. (1958-59) CALLAHAN, J., Morris, J., SEIFRIED, S., ULETT, G. A, and HEUSLER, A.: Objective measures in psychopharmacology: Baseline observations. Mis- souri Medicine, 57:714-718, 1960. HEUSLER, A., ULETT, G., and BLASQUES, ].: Noise- level index. An objective measurement of the effect of drugs on the psychomotor activity of patients. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1(1):1-3, 1959. HEeusLir, A. F., ULert, G. A., and CALLAHAN, J. D.: Comparative EEG studies of tranquilizing drugs. Universitas Medica, 5:33-47, 1962. ULETT, G. A.: Comparative evaluation of tranquiliz- ing drugs. In: Abstracts of 13th Annual Scientific Assembly. Kansas City, Mo., American Academy of General Practice, 1961, 341-343. Ure, G. A., HEUSLER, A., and CALLAHAN, J.: Objective measures in psychopharmacology (meth- odology). Neuro-Psychopharmacology, 2:401-409, 1961. ULeTT, GEORGE, HEUSLER, A. F., WoRrD, V., and Worp, T.: Mechanical and electronic techniques in the measurement of psychopharmacologic re- sponse. In: Nodine, John H., and Moyer, John H., eds. The First Hahnemann Symposium on Psychosomatic Medicine. Philadelphia, Pa., Lea & Febiger, 1962, p. 384-390. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3826). MH-2825 (R03) SUNDBERG, NORMAN D.: A criti- cal review and study of assessment research. Uni- versity of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. (1958-59) SUNDBERG, NORMAN D.: Psychological assessment techniques. In: Spiegel, E. A., ed. Progress in neurology and psychiatry. Vol. 14. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1959, p. 557-582. SUNDBERG, NORMAN D.: The practice of psycho- logical testing in clinical services in the United States. American Psychologist, 16:79-83, 1961. MH-2826 (R03) ROSENBLITH, JUDY: Perceptual discrimination in children. Brown University, Providence, R.I. (1958-60) RoseENBLITH, JuDpy F.: Judgments of simple geo- metric figures by children. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 21(3) :947-990, 1965. MH-2833 (R01) PITTENGER, ROBERT E., and Hockert, CHARLES F.: Linguistic-psychiatric analysis of interview samples. State University of New York—Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, N.Y. (1959-62) PITTENGER, ROBERT E.: The first five minutes—its significance in mental health. Journal of Com- munication, 13(3):140-145, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2021). PITTENGER, ROBERT E., HOCKETT, CHARLES F., and DANEHY, JOHN J.: The first five minutes. Ithaca, N.Y., Paul Martineau, 1960, 264 p. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2021). MH-2834 (Ro1) Hi, WINFrRED F., COTTON, JouN W., and JENSEN, GLEN D.: Generalization related to number of trials and hunger. North- western University, Evanston, Ill. (1959-61) JENSEN, G. D.: Partial reinforcement effects (PREs) and inverse PREs determined by position of a non- reward block of responses. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 62:461-467, 1961. 353 JENSEN, GLEN D.: Preference for bar-pressing over “freeloading” as a function of number of rewarded presses. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65: 451-454, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4494 and MH-7237). JENSEN, G. D., and CoTTON, J. W.: Running speed as a function of stimulus similarity and number of trials. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 54:474-476, 1961. JENSEN, G. D., and CotTON, J. W.: Complete gen- eralization to stimuli of different areas in a Grice- type apparatus. Psychological Reports, 12:647- 650, 1963. MH-2836 (R01) MAUSNER, BERNARD: Experimen- tal study of social interaction. University of Pitts- burgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1959-62) MAUSNER, BERNARD: Situational effects on a pro- jective test. Journal of Applied Psychology, 45: 186-192, 1961. MAUSNER, BERNARD: Perspectives on interaction re- search. In: Hollander, E. P., ed. A convergence on social influence. New York, State University of Buffalo, 1963. MAUSNER, BERNARD: The specification of the stimu- lus in a social interaction. In: Sells, S. B., ed. Stimulus determinants of behavior. Symposium on dimensions of stimulus situations which account for behavior variance. New York, Ronald Press, 1963, p. 107-117. MH-2838 (R01) Harwoop, CHARDEs W., and Loucks, ROGER B.: Operant autonomic condi- tioning. Western Washington State College, Bel- lingham, Wash. (1959-63) Harwoobp, C. W.: Operant heart rate conditioning: Psychological Record, 12:279-284, 1962. Harwoop, C. W.: Operant autonomic conditioning. In: Taylor, Herbert C., Jr., ed. Research in progress. Bellingham, Washington, Graphic Arts Press, 1963, p. 31-36. MH-2839 (R01) Orbs, JaMEs: Pharmacology of motivational mechanisms. University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1959- ) BuURES, J., BURresova, O., Firkova, E., Orbs, J, Orbs, M. E., and Travis, R. P.: Spreading depres- sion and subcortical drive centers. Physiologia Bohemoslovenica, 10:321-331, 1961. CiaNci, S. N.: Effects of cortical and subcortical stimulation on delayed response in monkeys. Ex- perimental Neurology, 11(1):104-114, 1965. MaRrGULES, D. L., and OLps, J.: Identical “feeding” and “rewarding” systems in the lateral hypothala- mus of rats. Science, 135(3501):374-375, 1962. Orbs, J.: Studies of neuropharmacologicals by elec- trical and chemical manipulation of the brain in animals with chronically implanted electrodes. In: Bradley, P. B., Deniker, P., and Radouco-Thomas, C., eds. Newuropsychopharmacology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1959, p. 20-32. (Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Neuro-pharmacology). Orbs, J.: Self-injection in the rat brain. In: Brad- ley, P. B., Deniker, P., and Radouco-Thomas, C., eds. Neuropsychopharmacology. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Neuro-pharma- cology, Rome, Sept. 1958. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1959, p. 386-387. OLps, J.: Approach avoidance dissociations in rat brain. American Journal of Physiology, 199(6): 965-968, 1960. OvLps, J.: Positive emotional systems studied by tech- niques of self-stimulation. Psychiatric Research Reports, 12:238-258, 1960. Orbs, J.: Differential effects of drives and drugs on self-stimulation at different brain sites. In: Sheer, D. E, ed. Electrical stimulation of the brain. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1961, p. 350- 366. Orbs, J.: Mechanisms of instrumental conditioning. (Abstract) Electroencephalography, 14:426-427, 1962. Orbs, J.: Spreading depression and hypothalamic behavior mechanisms. Federation Proceedings, 21(3) :648-658, 1962. Orbs, J.: Hypothalamic substrates of reward. Physi- ological Review, 42(4) :554-604, 1962. Orbs, J.: Mechanisms of instrumental conditioning. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysi- ology, 24:219-234, 1963. Orbs, J.: The induction and suppression of hypo- thalamic self-stimulation behavior by micro-injec- tion of endogenous substances at the self-stimula- tion site. In: Excerpta Medica International Con- gress, Series 83, 1964, p. 597-605. (Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Endocrinol- ogy, London, Aug. 1964) (Also acknowledges MH-1614). Orbs, James: Operant conditioning of single unit responses. In: Excerpta Medica International Con- gress, Series 87, p. 372-380. (Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Physiological Sci- ences, Tokyo, Sept. 1965) (Also acknowledges MH-1614). Orbs, J., and Orbs, M. E.: Interference and learning in paleocortical systems. In: Delafresnaye, J. F., ed. Brain mechanisms and learning. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1961, p. 153-187. Orbs, J., and Travis, R. P.: Spreading depression and self-stimulation. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 19(1)Part 1:293, 1960. 354 Orbs, J., and Travis, R. P.: Effects of chloroproma- zine, meprobamate, pentobarbital and morphine on self-stimulation. Journal of Pharmacology and Ex- perimental Therapeutics, 128(4):397-404, 1960. Orbs, J., Travis, R. P., and ScHwING, R. C.: Topo- graphic organization of hypothalamic self-stimula- tion functions. Journal of Comparative and Physi- ological Psychology, 53(1):23-32, 1960. OLps, J., YUWILER, A. H.,, Orbs, M. E,, and YUN, C.: GABA microinjection in hypothalamic reward centers. Federation Proceedings, 21(2):353, 1962. Orbs, M. E., HOGBERG, D., and OLbDs, J.: Tranquili- zer action on thalamic and midbrain escape be- havior. American Journal of Physiology, 206(3): 515-520, 1964. Orbs, M. E., and Ops, J.: Emotional and associa- tive mechanisms in rat brain. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 54(2):120- 126, 1961. Orbs, M. E., and OLps, J.: Approach-escape interac- tions in rat brain. American Journal of Physiol- 0gy, 203(5) :803-810, 1962. Orbs, M. E, and Ops, J.: Approach-avoidance analysis of rat diencephalon. [Journal of Com- parative Neurology, 120(2):259-295, 1963. Ovps, M. E,, and OLps, J.: Pharmacological patterns in subcortical reinforcement behavior. Interna- tional Journal of Neuropharmacology, 2:309-325, 1964. Wurtz, R. H., and Orbs, J.: Chronic stimulation of amygdaloid complex. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20 (1) Part 1:336, 1961. MH-2840 (R03) STOLLER, ROBERT ]., and GEERTS- MA, RoBERT H.: Final examination in clinical psychiatry. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1958-59) STOLLER, ROBERT J., and GEERTSMA, ROBERT H.: The consistency of psychiatrists’ clinical judgments. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137(1): 58-66, 1963. MH-2843 (R01) SHAW, MERVILLE C.: Under- achievement and personality in bright children. Chico State College, Chico, Calif. (1959-60) SHAW, M. C., and Dutton, B. E.: The use of the parent attitude research inventory with the par- ents of bright academic underachievers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 53(5):203-208, 1962. MH-2844 (R01) KurrLaND, ALBERT A., and MagrsHALL, Curtis: Hexafluorodiethyl ether and convulsive threshold. Spring Grove State Hospi- tal, Catonsville, Md. (1959-62) KURLAND, ALBERT A., DELAMONICA, ENRIQUE, and MARSHALL, CURTIS: A preliminary note of the effect of hexafluorodiethyl ether (Indoklon) on the electroencephalogram of the epileptic. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiol- 0gy, 13:781-785, 1961. KURLAND, A., MARSHALL, C., and HANLON, T. E.: The effect of flurothyl (indoklon R) on the elec- troencephalogram of the alcoholic. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 5:279-283, 1964. MH-2845 (R03) StEBBINS, WILLIAM C.: A tech- nique for measuring reaction time. Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. (1958-59) STEBBINS, W. C., and DaNsoN, R. N.: A tech- nique for measuring the latency of a discrimina- tive operant. Journal of the Experimental Analy- sis of Behavior, 4:149-155, 1961. MH-2848 (R03) WirTE, ROBERT S.: A trace hy- pothesis for statistical learning theory. Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. (1959-60) WitTE, R. S.: Conditional response probability in a T maze. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62:439-447, 1961. MH-2850 (R01) Kroprer, PETER H.: Environ- mental determination of behavioral characters. Duke University, Durham, N.C. (1959-62) HaiLMAN, J. P.: Why do gull chicks peck at visu- ally contrasting spots? A suggestion concerning social learning of food-discrimination. American Naturalist, 95:245-247, 1961. KrLopFER, P. H.: Behavioral aspects of ecology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1962. Kroprer, P. H.: Behavioral aspects of habitat se- lection. The role of early experience. Wilson Bulletin, 75:51-22, 1963. KLOPFER, P. H., and GorTLIEB, G.: Imprinting and behavioral polymorphism: Auditory and visual imprinting in domestic ducks and the involve- ment of the critical period. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 55:126-130, 1962. KrLopFER, P. H., and GOTTLIEB, G.: Learning abil- ity and behavioral polymorphism within individ- ual clutches of wild ducklings. Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie, 19:183-190, 1962. KrLopPFER, P. H., and MACARTHUR, R. H.: Niche size and faunal diversity. American Naturalist, 94:293-300, 1960. KropPFER, P. H., and MACARTHUR, R. H.: On the causes of tropical species diversity: Niche overlap. American Naturalist, 95:222-226, 1961. WEeLcH, B. L.,, and Kroprer, P. H.: Endocrine variability as a factor in the regulation of popu- 355 lation density. American Naturalist, 95:256-260, 1961. MH-2853 (R03) EMMERICH, WALTER: Family role concepts of children and their parents. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (1959-60) EMMERICH, WALTER: Variations in the parent role as a function of the parent's sex and child's sex and age. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 8:3-11, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3844). EMMERICH, WALTER: Family role concepts of chil- dren ages six to ten. Child Development, 32: 609-624, 1961. Also in: Thomas E. A. S., and Biddle, B. J., eds. Social role: Readings in theory and application. New York, Wiley, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3844). MH-2855 (R01) BrowN, BARBARA B.: Evaluation of CNS drugs on rhinencephalic activities. Riker Laboratories, Northridge, Calif.: (1959-62) BaiLey, L. E., and BRowN, B. B.: Central electrical effects of two CNS stimulants. (Abstract) Phar- macologist, 2(2) :86, 1960. BrowN, BARBARA B.: CNS stimulants and brain electrical activity in spontaneously behaving cats. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20(1):320, 1961. BrOwN, BARBARA B., and SHRYNE, JAMES E., JR.: EEG theta activity and fast activity sleep in cats as related to behavioral traits. Neuropsychologia, 2:311-326, 1964. MH-2856 (RO1) BEeAcH, FRANK A.: Psychophysi- ology of reproductive behavior. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1958-60) (Contin- ued from MH-943). BeacH, F. A.: Neural and chemical regulation of behavior. In: Harlow, Harry F., and Woolsey, Clinton N., eds. Biological and biochemical bases of behavior. Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin, 1958, p. 263-285. (Also acknowledges MH- 943). BeacH, F. A.: Normal sexual behavior in male rats isolated at fourteen days of age. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 51:37, 1958. (Also acknowledges MH-943). BeacH, F. A., and FowLER, H.: Individual differ- ences in the response of male rats to androgen. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 52:50-52, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH- 943). BeacH, F. A., and FowLER, H.: Effects of ‘‘situa- tional anxiety” on sexual behavior in male rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 52:245-248, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-943). BEeAcH, F. A., and RABEDEAU, R.: Sexual exhaustion and recovery in the male hamster. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 52: 56-61, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-943). BeacH, F. A., and WHALEN, R.: Effects of ejacu- lation on sexual behavior in the male rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 52: 249-254, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-943). BeacH, F. A., and WHALEN, R.: Effects of intro- mission with ejaculation upon sexual behavior in male rats. Journal of Comparative ani Physiolog- ical Psychology, 52:476-481, 1959. (Also ac- knowledges MH-943). MH-2857 (R01) BITTERMAN, MorTON E., and GonzaLEz, RicHARD C.: Phylogenetic aspects of learning. Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. (1959- ) BEHREND, ErikA R.: Avoidance-conditioning in the fish: Further studies of the CS-US interval. American Journal of Psychology, 77:15-28, 1964. BEHREND, E. R., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Probabil- ity-matching in the fish. American Journal of Psychology, 74:542-551, 1961. BeEHREND, E. R., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Avoid- ance conditioning in the goldfish: Exploratory studies of the CS-US interval. American Journal of Psychology, 75:18-34, 1962. BEHREND, E. R., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Probabil- ity matching. Science, 137:921-922, 1962. BEHREND, E. R., and BIirTERMAN, M. E.: Sidman avoidance in the fish. Journal of the Experimen- tal Analysis of Behavior, 6:47-52, 1963. BEHREND, ERIKA R., DoMEsick, VALERIE B., and BrirTERMAN, M. E.: Habit reversal in the fish. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 60(3):407-411, 1965. BERGER, BARRY D., YARCZOWER, MATTHEW, and BirTERMAN, M. E.: Effect of partial reinforce- ment on the extinction of a classically conditioned response in the goldfish. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59(3):399-405, 1965. BirTERMAN, M. E.: Toward a comparative psychol- ogy of learning. American Psychologist, 15:704- 712, 1960. BirTERMAN, M. E.: Techniques for the study of learning in animals. Psychological Bulletin, 59: 81-93, 1962. BirterMAN, M. E.: Classical conditioning in the goldfish as a function of the CS-US interval. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 58:359-366, 1964. BirTERMAN, M. E.: Phyletic differences in learning. American Psychologist, 20(6):396-410, 1965. 356 BrrTerRMAN, M. E.: The evolution of intelligence. Scientific American, 212:92-100, 1965. DALLENBACH, KARL M., BITTERMAN, M. E., NEw- MAN, E. B., and PosTMAN, LEO: Avoidance- conditioning in the goldfish: Exploratory studies of the CS-US interval. American Journal of Psy- chology, 75(1) :18-34, 1962. EskiN, R., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Fixed-interval and fixed-ratio performance in the fish as a func- tion of prefeeding. American Journal of Psychol- ogy, 73:417-423, 1960. GonzaLEz, R. C., BAINBRIDGE, PAUL, and BITTER- MAN, M. E.: Discrete-trials lever pressing in the rat as a function of pattern of reinforcement, ef- fortfulness ‘of response, ‘and amount of reward. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 61(1'):110-122, 1966. GonNzaALEzZ, R. C., BEHREND, ERIKA R., and BITTER- MAN, M. E.: Partial reinforcement in the fish: Experiments with spaced trials and partial delay. American Journal of Psychology, 78(2):198-207, 1965. GonzaLEz, R. C, and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Resist- ance to extinction in the rat as a function of per- centage and distribution of reinforcement. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58:258-263, 1964. GonzaLEz, R. C., EskiN, R., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Alternating and partial reinforcement in the fish, with some observations on asymptotic re- sistance to extinction. American Journal. of Psy- chology, 74:561-568, 1961. GonzaLEz, R. C., EskIN, R., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Extinction in the fish after partial rein- forcement with number of reinforcements equated. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 55:381-386, 1962. GonzaLEz, R. C., EskiN, R. and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Further experiments on partial reinforce- ment in the fish. American Journal of Psychology, 76:366-375, 1963. GonzALEZ, R. C., GLEITMAN, H., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Some observations on the depression effect. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 55:578-581, 1962. GonzaLEz, R. C, Longo, N., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Classical conditioning in the fish: Explo. ratory studies of partial reinforcement. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54: 452-456, 1961. GonzaLEz, R. C., MILSTEIN, S., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Classical conditioning in the fish: Further studies of partial reinforcement. American Jour- nal of Psychology, 75:421-428, 1962. GonzaLEz, R. C., RoBerTs, W. A. and BITTER- MAN, M. E.: Learning in adult rats with extensive cortical lesions made in infancy. American Jour- nal of Psychology, 577:547-562, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5402). HORNER, J., LoNGo, N., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: A classical conditioning technique for small aqua- tic animals. American Journal of Psychology, 73: 623-626, 1960. HORNER, J., LoNGo, N., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: A shuttlebox for the fish and a control circuit of general applicability. American Journal of Psy- chology, 74:114-120, 1961. KrLinMAN, C., and BIrrTerRMAN, M. E.: Classical conditioning in the fish: The CS-US interval. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 56:578-583, 1963. LonNGo, N., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: The effect of partial reinforcement with spaced practice on re- sistance to extinction in the fish. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 53:169- 172, 1960. LoNGo, N., and BirTERMAN, M. E.: An improved live-worm dispenser. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:279-280, 1963. RoBERTs, WILLIAM A.: Learning and motivation in the immature rat. American Journal of Psychol- 0gy, 79(1):3-23, 1966. SHAPIRO, S. M.: Interocular transfer of pattern- discrimination in the goldfish. American Journal of Psychology, 78(1) :21-38, 1965. WobINsKY, J., BEHREND, E. R., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Avoidance conditioning in two species of fish. Animal Behavior, 10:76-78, 1962. WODINSKY, J., and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Resistance to extinction in the fish after extensive training with partial reinforcement. American Journal of Psychology, 73:429-434, 1960. YARCZOWER, MATTHEW, and BITTERMAN, M. E.: Stimulus generalization in the goldfish. In: Mos- tofsky, David I, ed. Stimulus generalization. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1965, p. 179-192. MH-2858 (R01) KOBLER, ARTHUR L.: Psychologic change in the hospitalized mentally ill. Ryther Child Center, Seattle, Wash. (1958-61) KOBLER, ARTHUR L., and StoTrLAND, EZRA: The end of hope: A social-clinical study of suicide. New York, Free Press of Glencoe, 1964, 266 p. StoTLAND, EZRA, and KOBLER, ARTHUR L.: Life and death of a mental hospital. Seattle, Univ. of Wash. Press, 1965, 257 p. MH-2861 (R01) Buss, ARNOLD H.: Stimulus gen- eralization and aggressive stimuli. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1959-62) 357 Buss, A. H.: Stimulus generalization and aggressive stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61: 469-473, 1961. Buss, A. H.: Stimulus generalization with aggres- sive verbal stimuli: A new paradigm. Journal of Psychology, 53:417-424, 1962. GEER, J., and Buss, A. H.: Generalization of a nonverbal response to aggressive verbal stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63:413-414, 1962. Murray, E. N., and Buss, A. H.: Mediated stimu- lus generalization and words connoting mood. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67: 586-593, 1963. MH-2867 (R03) KimMEL, HERBERT D.: The gal- vanic skin response as operant behavior. Univer- sity of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. (1959-60) KimMEL, H. D., and HILL, FRANCES A.: Operant conditioning of the GSR. Psychological Reports, 7:555-562, 1960. KimMEL, H. D., and HiLL, FRANCES A.: A compari- son of two electrodermal measures of response to stress. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54:395-397, 1961. MH-2870 (R03) TYLER, LEONA E.: Use of a sort- ing test to assess patterns of choices. University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. (1959-59) TYLER, LEONA E.: Research explorations in the realm of choice. Journal of Counseling Psychol- 0gy, 8:195-201, 1961. MH-2875 (R01) KARELITZ, SAMUEL, FISICHELLI, VINCENT R., and ROSENFELD, LAURA S.: In- fant vocalizations as index of mental development. Long Island Jewish Hospital, New Hyde Park, NY. (1959-64) FisicHELLL, V. R., and KareLitz, S.: The cry latencies of normal infants and those with brain damage. Journal of Pediatrics, 62:724-734, 1963. FisicHeLLL, V. R., KARrgLITZ, S., EICHBAUER, J, and ROSENFELD, L.: Volume-unit graphs: Their production and applicability in studies of infants’ cries. Journal of Psychology, 52:423-429, 1961. KARELITZ, S.: Infant vocalizations. Journal of the Indian Pediatric Society, 2:1-3, 1963. KARELITZ, S., and FisicHELLIL, V. R.: The cry thresh- olds of normal infants and those with brain dam- age. Journal of Pediatrics, 61:679-685, 1962. KARELITZ, S., FisicHELLIL, V. R., Costa, ]., KAREL- 11z, R., and ROSENFELD, L.: Relation of crying activity in early infancy to speech and intellectual development of age three years. Child Develop- ment, 35:769-777, 1964. KARELITZ, S., KARELITZ, R., and ROSENFELD, L. S.: Infants’ vocalizations and their significance. In: Bowman, P. W., and Mautner, H. V., eds. Men- tal Retardation (Proceedings of the First Interna- tional Medical Conference). New York, Grune & Stratton, 1960, p. 439-446. MH-2876 (R03) FELDMAN, MARVIN ].: The effect of reward on conformity behavior. University of Buffalo, prior to Sept. 1, 1962—Buffalo, N.Y. (1958-59) FELDMAN, MARVIN J., and BIERMAN, RALPH: The effect of reward on conforming and independent behavior. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 14: 334, 1959. MH-2878 (R01) MEssicK, SAMUEL J., and JACK- soN, Doucras N.: Stylistic determinants in per- sonality assessment Educational Testing Service. Princeton, N.J. (1959- ) Jackson, DoucLas N., and MESSICK, S.: Acquies- cence and desirability as response determinants on the MMPI. Educational and Psychological Meas- urement, 21:771-790, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2738). Jackson, Doucras N., and MEsSICK, S.: Acquies- cence and the factorial interpretation of the MMPI. Psychological ~ Bulletin, 58:299-304, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2738). Jackson, Doucras N., and Messick, S.: Desira- bility scale values and dispersions for MMPI items. Psychological Reports, 8:409-414, 1961. (Also acnowledges MH-2738). Jackson, Doucras N., and MEssicK, S.: Response styles on the MMPI: Comparison of clinical and normal samples. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 65:285-299, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2738). Jackson, Doucras N., and MESsICK, S.: Response styles and assessment of psychopathology. In: Messick, S., and Ross, J., eds. Measurement in personality and cognition. New York, Wiley, 1962, p. 129-155. Also in: Jackson, D. N., and Messick, S., eds. Problems in human assessment. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2738). MEssicK, S.: Response style and content measures from personality inventories. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 22:41-56, 1962. Tucker, L. R., and MEssick, S.: An individual differences model for multidimensional scaling. Psychometrika, 28:333-367, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4186). MH-2879 (R01) Long, EUGENE R., Jr.: Operant conditioning techniques for children. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1959-63) 358 LoNG, EUGENE R.: Multiple scheduling in children. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 3:268, 1959. LoNG, EuGeNE R.: Additional techniques for pro- ducing multiple schedule control in children. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5:443-455, 1962. LoNG, EUGENE R.: Chained and tandem scheduling with children. Journal of the Experimental Analy- sis of Behavior, 6:459-472, 1963. MH-2882 (R01) LENNARD, HENRY L., HENDIN, HELEN, and Sirs, Davip L.: Communication systems having a mentally ill member. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1959-62) HENDIN, HELEN C., LENNARD, HENRY L., and BERNSTEIN, ARNOLD: Psychotherapy as a system of action. American Journal of Psychiatry, 117(10): 903-909, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1076). LENNARD, HENRY L.: The challenge of research on family dynamics. In: Ackerman, N., and Beat- man, F., eds. Exploring the base for family therapy. New York, Family Service Association of America, 1961. LENNARD, HENRY L.: Some aspects of the psycho- therapy system. In: Strupp, H., and Luborsky, L., eds. Research in psychotherapy. Washington, D.C., American Psychological Association, 1962, p. 218-236. (Also acknowledges MH-1076). LENNARD, HENRY L.: Research on psychotherapy. In: Topical problems of psychotherapy. Vol. 4. Basel, S. Karger, 1963. LENNARD, HENRY L., BEAULIEU, MAURICE R., and EMBREY, NOLEN G.: Interaction in families with a schizophrenic child. Archives of General Psychi- atry, 12:166-183, 1965. LENNARD, HENRY L., and BERNSTEIN, ARNOLD: The anatomy of psychotherapy: Systems of com- munication and expectation. New York, Colum- bia University Press, 1960, 209 p. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1076). MH-2883 (R01) Woops, PauL J.: Intelligence as a function of early environment. Hollins College, Hollins College, Va. (1959- ) Borres, R. C, and Woops, P. J.: The ontogeny of behavior in the albino rat. Animal Behavior, 12:427-441, 1964. RowLaND, G., and Woonbs, P. ]J.: Performance of the Tryon “bright” and “dull” strains under two conditions in a multiple T-maze. Canadian [our- nal of Psychology, 15:20-25, 1961. Woops, P. J.: Behavior in a novel situation as influ- enced by the immediately preceding environment. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5(2):185-190, 1962. Woops, P. J.: Instrumental escape conditioning in a water tank: Preliminary report. Psychological Reports, 13:719-722, 1963. Woops, P. J.: Water tank apparatus for instrumental escape conditioning. Psychological Reports, 14: 167-170, 1964. Woops, P. J., and BoLLEs, R. C.: Effects of current hunger and prior eating habits on exploratory be- havior. Journal of Comparative and Physiology Psychology, 59:141-143, 1965. Woops, P. J., and DavipsoN, E.: The behavioral effects of changes in environmental complexity. Canadian [Journal of Psychology, 18:23-27, 1964. Woops, P. J., Davison, E. H., and PETERS, R. J.: Instrumental escape conditioning in a water tank: The effects of variations in drive stimulus intensity and reinforcement magnitude. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 57(3) :466- 470, 1964. Woops, P. J., Fiskg, A. S., and RUCKELSHAUS, S.: The effects of drives conflicting with exploration on the problem-solving behavior of rats reared in “free” and “restricted” environments. [Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54: 167-169, 1961. Woops, P. J., GLaviN, K. B., and KETTLE, C. M.: A mother-daughter comparison on selected aspects of child-rearing in a high socio-economic group. Child Development, 31:121-125, 1960. Woops, P. J., and HOLLAND, C.: Performance on a black-white discrimination problem in a water- maze as influenced by water temperature and swim- ming ability. Psychological Reports, 9:433-439, 1961. Woops, P. J., and JENNINGS, S.: Response to en- vironmental change: A further confirmation. Psy- chological Reports, 5:560, 1959. Woops, P. J., RUCKELSHAUS, S., and BOWLING, D.: Some, effects of “free” and “restricted” environ- mental rearing conditions upon adult behavior in the rat. Psychological Reports, 6:191-200, 1960. MH-2884 (R01) KAGAN, JEROME, and LESSER, GERALD S.: Conference on apperceptive fantasy techniques. ~~ Fels Research Institute, Yellow Springs, Ohio. (1959-60) KAGAN, J., and Lesser, G. S., eds.: Contemporary issues in” thematic apperceptive methods. Spring- field, I11., C. C. Thomas, 1961, 328 p. MH-2890 (R01) BALDRIDGE, ROBERT G., and BoRrOFsKY, LEATRICE: Tryptophan metabolism in phenylketonurics. Temple University, Philadel phia, Pa. (1959-62) AUERBACK, V. H., DIGEORGE, A. M., BALDRIDGE, R. C., TourTELLETTE, C. D., and BRIGHAM, 359 M. P.: Histidinemia. A deficiency of histidase resulting in the urinary excretion of histidine and imidazolepyruvic acid. Journal of Pediatrics, 60: 487-497, 1962. REICHLE, R. A., BALDRIDGE, R. C., Doss, J., and TROMPETTER, M.: Tryptophan metabolism in phenylketonurics. Journal of the American Medsi- cal Association, 178:939-941, 1961. SPOLTER, PARI D., and BALDRIDGE, R. C.: Effect of ethionine on lustidine metabolism. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine, 113(2) :436-439, 1963. MH-2891 (R01) SNYDER, LAURENCE H., LIPPMAN, RicHARD W., and YasuNoBu, Kerry T.: Bio- chemical and genetic aspects of mental dysfunc- tion. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Haw. (1959-64) Yamapa, H., GEE, P., EBATA, M., and YASUNOBU, K.: Monoamine oxidase. VI. Physiochemical properties of plasma monoamine oxidase. Bio- chemica et Biophysica Acta, 81:165-171, 1964. YAMADA, H., and YasuNoBu, K.: The nature of the prosthetic group of plasma amine oxidase. Bio- chemical and Biophysical Research Communica- tions, 8:5, 1962. Yamapa, H., and YasuNoBu, K.: Monoamine oxi- dase. II. Copper, one of the prosthetic groups of -plasma monoamine oxidase. Journal of Bio- logical Chemistry, 237(10):3077-3082, 1963. YAMADA, H., and YAsuNoBuU, K.: Monoamine oxi- dase. IV. Nature of the second prosthetic group of plasma monoamine oxidase. [Journal of Bio- logical Chemistry, 238:2669, 1963. Yamapa, H., YasunoBu, K., Yamano, T., and MasoN, M.: Copper in plasma amine oxidase. Nature, 198:1092, 1963. YasuNnoBuU, K., and YAMADA, H.: Plasma amine oxidase, a cuprice-pyridoxal phosphate enzyme. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Chemical and Biological Aspects of Pyridoxal Catalysis, Rome, 1962. New York, Pergamon Press, 1963, p. 453- 466. MH-2895 (R01) Fortz, ELDON L., and WHITE, LoweLL E., Jr.: Centrogenic factors in experi- mental disease states. University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (1959- ) Fortz, E. L.: Neurophysiological mechanisms in production of gastrointestinal ulcers. Journal of the American Medical Association, 187:413-417, 1964. Fortz, E. L., and WHITE, L. E., JR.: Pain “relief” by frontal cingulumotomy. Journal of Neuro- surgery, 19:89-100, 1962. WHITE, L. E., Jr., NELsON, W., and Fortz, E. L.: The cingulum fasciculus as related to the limbic system. (Abstract) Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 10:361, 1958. WHITE, L. E., JR, NELSON, W. M., and FoLtz, E. L.: Cingulum fasciculus study by evoked poten- tials. Experimental Neurology, 2:406-421, 1960. MH-2896 (R01) WEITZENHOFFER, ANDRE M.: An investigation of hypnotic time distortion. Stan- ford University, Stanford, Calif. (1959-60) WEITZENHOFFER, A. M.: Explorations in hypnotic time distortion. I. Acquisition of temporal refer- ence frames under conditions of time distortion. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138:354~ 366, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3859). MH-2898 (R01) DunHAM, H. WARREN, and HoweLL, RoGER W.: An epidemiological study of schizophrenia. Lafayette Clinic, Detroit, Mich. (1959-62) DunHaM, H. W.: Social class and schizophrenia. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 34:634- 642, 1964. DunHaM, H. WARREN, GuLyas, DENEz, KNOX, RICHARD, and Pits, JESSE: The development of a screening device for selecting schizophrenics in the community. Psychiatric Research Reports, 15:97- 105, 1962. DuNHAM, H. WARREN, KNOX, RICHARD S., and Pitts, Jesse R.: The epidemiology of schizo- phrenia in two subcommunities of Detroit. In: Proceedings of the Third World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 2. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 1089-1094. MH-2900 (R01) DiVEst4s, FraNcis J.: Verbal mediation in learning of preferences. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. (1959-64) Di Vesta, FRANCIS J.: Contrast effects in the verbal conditioning of meaning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62:535-544, 1961. Dr Vesta, FRANCIS J.: Effects of mediated generali- zation on the development of children’s prefer- ences for figures. Child Development, 33:209- 220, 1962. D1 Vesta, FRANCIS J, and Stover, DoNALD O.: The semantic mediation of evaluative meaning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64:467-475, 1962. MH-2903 (R01) CHURCH, RUSSELL M.: Behavior in competitive situations. Brown University, Providence, RI. (1959-64) CARNATHAN, JAMES, and CHURCH, RUSSELL M.: The effect of competitive allocation of reinforce- 360 ments to rats in the straight alley. Journal of General Psychology, 71:137-144, 1964. CHURCH, RUSSELL M.: Effects of a competitive situ- ation on the speed of response. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 54:162- 166, 1961. CHURCH, RusseLL M.: The effects of competition on reaction time and palmar skin conductance. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 65:32-40, 1962. CHURCH, RUSSELL M.: Effect of relative skill on the amount of competitive facilitation. Psychological Reports, 11:603-614, 1962. CHURCH, RUSSELL M.: Systematic effect of random error in the yoked control design. Psychological Bulletin, 62:122-131, 1964. CuurcH, R. M, and Camp, D. S.: Change in reaction-time as a function of knowledge of re- sults. American Journal of Psychology, 78(1): 102-106, 1965. CHURCH, RUSSELL M., and CARNATHAN, JAMES: Differential reinforcement of short latency re- sponses in the white rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:120-123, 1963. CHURCH, RUSSELL M., MILLWARD, RICHARD B., and MILLER, PETER: Prediction of success in a com- petitive reaction time situation. Journal of Abnor- mal and Social Psychology, 67:234-240, 1963. MH-2904 (R01) NicHoLs, JoHN R., and HORN, PauL E.: Operant conditioning factors in opiate addiction. Southeastern Louisiana College, Ham- mond, La. (1959- ) Davis, W. M., and NicHoLs, J. R.: Physical de- pendence and sustained opiate-directed behavior in the rat. Psychopharmacologia, 3:139-145, 1962. Davis, W. M., and NicHoLs, J. R.: A technique for self-injection of drugs in the study of reinforce- ment. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6(2) :233-235, 1963. Mors, W. H.: Effect of amobarbital and chlorpro- mazine on punished behavior in the pigeon. Psy- chopharmacologia, 6:286-294, 1964. NicHots, J. R.: A procedure which produces sus- tained opiate-directed behavior (morphine addic- tion) in the rat. Psychological Reports, 13:895- 904, 1963. NicHoLs, J. R., and Evans, W. O.: The relationship between the analgetic effect of morphine and ad- diction liability in rats. U.S. Army Medical Re- search and Development Command, February 25, 1963. (Unclassified report number 559). MH-2906 (R03) MapisoN, HARRY L.: Motivation of patients in occupational therapy. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1959-59) MabisoN, HARRY L., and HERRING, MARJORIE B.: An experimental study of motivation. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 14(5):253-255, 1960. MH-2908 (R03) WiLsoN, WiLLIAM A., Jr.: Cor- tical lesions and intersensory transfer. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (1959-60) WiLsoN, M., and WiLsoN, W. A., Jr.: Intersensory facilitation of learning sets in normal and brain- operated monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:931-934, 1962. (Al- so acknowledges MH-4472). MH-2919 (R01) KAPLAN, OscAR ].: Psychological abilities scale for seniles. San Diego State College, San Diego, Calif. (1960-64) KAPLAN, JEROME, FOrD, CAROLINE S., and WAIN, HARRY: Measuring the impact of a gerontological counseling service on a medical community. [our- nal of Gerontology, 21(1):27-30, 1966. KAPLAN, Oscar: Changes in psychological test per- formance in seniles after a one year interval. Part II. Gerontologist, 3:29 (September), 1963. KAPLAN, OscArR, and MiITcHELL, DoroTHY C.: Psychological abilities and self-care in seniles. In: Excerpta Medica, 6th International Congress of Gerontology. Amsterdam, International Congress Series 57, 1963, p. 143. KapLaN, Oscar J., RUMBAUGH, DUANE M.,, MitcHELL, DoroTHY C., and THOMAS, EDMUND D.: Effects of level of surviving abilities, time of day, and test-retest upon psychological performance in seniles. Journal of Gerontology, 18:55-59, 1963. MH-2920 (Ro01) FEIFEL, HERMAN, and MEYER, MORTIMER M.: Attitudes toward death of termi- nally ill persons. University of Southern Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. (1959-63) FEIFEL, HERMAN: Death-relevant variable in psy- chology. In: May, Rollo, ed. Existential psychol- ogy. New York, Random House, 1961, p. 61-74. FEIFEL, HERMAN: Attitudes toward death in older persons. Journal of Gerontology, 16:44-66, 1961. FEIFEL, HERMAN: Scientific research in taboo areas: Death. American Behavioral Scientist, 5:28-30, 1962. FriFsL, HERMAN: Relationships between religious outlook and attitudes toward death. In: Cook, Stuart W., ed. Research plans in the fields of religion, values, and morality. New York, Reli- gious Education Association, 1962, p. 60-66. FEIFEL, HERMAN: The taboo on death. American Behavioral Scientist, 6:66-67, 1963. 361 FeIFEL, HERMAN: Death. In: Deutsch, Albert, ed. The encyclopedia of mental health. Vol. 2. New York, Franklin Watts, 1963, p. 427-450. FEIFEL, HERMAN: Death. In: Farberow, Norman L., ed. Taboo topics. New York, Atherton Press, 1963, p. 8-21. FeIFEL, HERMAN: The function of attitudes toward dying. In: Death and dying: Attitudes of patient and doctor. Symposium No. 11. Vol. 5. New York, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, 1965, p. 632-641. FeIFEL, HERMAN, and HELLER, JosEPH: Normalcy, illness, and death. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 2. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1962, p- 1252-1256. MH-2921 (R17) LENNEBERG, Eric H.: Interdisci- plinary study of speech and language. Childrens Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Mass. (1959- 64) (Continued as MH-5268). LENNEBERG, Eric H.: Language, evolution, and pur- posive behavior. In: Diamond, Stanley, ed. Cul- ture in history. New York, Columbia University Press, 1960. LENNEBERG, Eric H.: Color naming, color recogni- tion, color discrimination: A reappraisal. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 12:375-382, 1961. LENNEBERG, Eric H.: Understanding language with- out ability to speak: A case report. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 65:419-425, 1962. LENNEBERG, Eric H.: A laboratory for speech re- search at the Children’s Hospital Medical Center. New England [Journal of Medicine, 266:385- 392, 1962. LENNEBERG, Eric H.: The relationship of language to the formation of concepts. Synthese, 14:103- 109, 1962. LENNEBERG, Eric H.: Language disorders in child- hood. Harvard Educational Review, 34(2):152- 177, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5268). LENNEBERG, Eric H.: Speech as a motor skill with special reference to nonaphasic disorders. Mono- graphs of the Society for Research in Child De- velopment, 29(1):115-139, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5268). LENNEBERG, Eric H.: A biological perspective of language. In: Lenneberg, Eric H., ed. New directions in the study of language. Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964, p. 65-88. (Also acknowledges MH-5268). LENNEBERG, Eric H., NicHoLs, IRENE A., and ROSENBERGER, ELEANOR F.: Primitive stages of language development in mongolism. In: Rioch, David McK., and Weinstein, Edwin A. eds. Disorders of communication. Vol. 42. Associa- tion for research in nervous and mental disease. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1964, p. 119-137. (Also acknowledges MH-5268). MH-2922 (R10) WaRrsHAW, LEON ].: Effects of drugs on mood and performance in industry. United Artists Corporation, New York, N.Y. (1959-63) STONE, M. L., and WARsHAW, L. J.: Dysmenorrhea. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 2:278-281, 1960. WARsHAW, L. J.: Employment of the handicapped. New York State Journal of Medicine, 60:2426- 2433, 1960. WaRsHAW, L. J.: Clinical pharmacology in industrial medicine. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeu- tics, 2:230-236, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH- 2225). WaARsHAW, L. J.: Cardiovascular effects of environ- mental stress. [Journal of the American Society of Safety Engineers, 7:33-38, 1962. WaARsHAW, L. J.: Placebo effects (toxicity following the use of placebos). In: Spain, D. M. The complications of modern medical practices. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1963, p. 300-313. WaRrsHAW, L. J.: Returning the cardiac to work. Heart Bulletin, 13:1:-7, 1964. WaRsHAW, L. J.: Clinical research in industrial medicine. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 6:1- 4, 1964. (Also acknoweldges MH-2225). WAaRsHAW, L. J.: The role of the industrial physician in cardiovascular rehabilitation. Journal of Occu- pational Medicine, 6:85-90, 1964. WaRrsHAW, L. J., and BENNETT, H. J.: Evaluation of drugs in industry. A. M. A. Archives of En- vironmental Health, 6:227-234, 1963. WarsHAW, L. J., BENNETT, H. J., and CHASSAN, J. B.: Chlordiazepoxide and clidinium bromide in management of acute gastrointestinal upset. New York State Journal of Medicine, 64(3):405-409, 1964. MH-2923 (R10) BriLL, NORMAN Q., and EPSTEIN, LeoN: Tranquilizers in psychiatric outpatient treat- ment. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1959-63) BriLL, NORMAN Q., KOEGLER, RONALD R., EPSTEIN, LeoN J., and Forcy, Epwarp W.: Controlled study of psychiatric outpatient treatment. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:581-595, 1964. KOEGLER, RONALD R., BRILL, NORMAN Q., EPSTEIN, LEON J., and JORDAN, SARA J.: The vanishing American. International Journal of Social Psychi- atry, 10(1):14-18, 1964. 362 MH-2924 (R01) NEwcoMB, THEODORE M., and SMITH, HowARD P.: Continuities in community participation and attitudes. Bennington College, Bennington, Vt. (1959-64) NewcomB, T. M.: Persistence and regression of changed attitudes: Long range studies. [Journal of Social Issues, 19(4):3-14, 1963. MH-2926 (R01) Coppock, HAROLD W., and PAT- TERSON, ROBERT A.: Sensory and motor factors in escape conditioning. Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. (1959-64) Coppock, H. W., and FreunD, J. E.: All-or-none vs. incremental learning of errorless shock escapes by the rat. Science, 135:1-2, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2006). Copprock, H. W., and FREuND, J.: All or non vs. incremental learning of errorless shock escapes by the rat. Science, 135:318-319, 1962. Coppock, H. W. MEgeks, W. A., and HUARD, D. V.: Drug and strain effects on performance and reversal of a head-position habit. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 551-557, 1963. Coppock, HaroLD W., and OSBORNE, J. G.: Inter- trial movements during distributed shock-escape conditioning. Psychonomic Science, 3(3):123- 124, 1965. WENLER, JONATHAN: Multiple analysis program system: A system of interrelated statistical pro- grams. Tempe, Arizona, Arizona State University, 1959, 126 p. (Processed) (Also acknowledges MH-2054). MH-2927 (R01) FiscHER, RorLaND, and Liss, LeopoLD: Factors involved in psychopharmaco- logical activity. Columbus Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. (1959-62) FiscHER, Davin: Histochemical model experiments on factors influencing dye-protein-interaction. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 7 (5):350-351, 1959. FiscHER, R.: Selection on the molecular level: Bio- logical role of drug-protein interaction. In: Pro- ceedings of the International Symposium on Struc- ture and Biological Function of Proteins, Sept. 21- 26, 1960. Berlin, W. Humboldt University, 1962, p. 165-174. FiscHER, R., GrIFFIN, F., and Liss, L.: Biological aspects of time in relation to (model) psychoses. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 96:44-65, 1962. FiscHER, RoLAND, and MEAD, E. L.: Time contra- tion and psychomotor performance produced by ‘psilocybin. Nature, 209(5021):433-434, 1966. FISCHER, R., and ZEMAN, W.: Neuronal dye-sorption as a histochemical indicator of nervous activity. Nature, 183:1337-1338, 1959. FiscHER, R., ZEMAN, W., and IRONS, I.: Differential dye-uptake in excited and non-excited nervous tissue after treatment with pepsin and neutetra- zeliunchloride. ~~ (Abstract) Journal of Histo- chemistry and Cytochemistry, 9:103, 1961. Irons, IAN I.: Rapid preparation of frozen sections for comparative histochemical studies: Jump mounting of paired frozen sections on semi-heated microslides. Journal of Histochemistry and Cyto- chemistry, 9(4) 363-367, 1961. NERENBERG, C., and FiscHER, R.: Purification of thionin, azure A, azure B, and methylene blue. Stain Technology, 38:75-84, 1963. ZEMAN, W., and FiscHER, R.: Further evidence on the relation between neuronal dye sorption and nervous activity. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1960, p. 16-23. MH-2929 (R01) NEeLsoN, JoHN W., and TYE, ARTHUR: Chlorpromazine action on amygdaloid- septal areas. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. (1959-62) CoHEN, M., and NELSON, J. W.: A method for evaluating the behavioral effects of central de- pressants. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 53: 863-868, 1964. CoHEN, M., and NELSON, J. W.: The effects of limbic lesions on chlorpromazine-pentobarbital in- teraction. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 53 (8) :979-981, 1964. Rarrt, J. R., NELsoN, J. W., and TYE, A.: An in- vestigation of a possible site of action of chlor- promazine. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20(1)Part I:170, 1960. Raitt, J. R., NELSON, J. W., and TyE, A.: Effect of chlorpromazine on scpal hyperactivity in the rat. British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemo- therapy, 17(3) :473-478, 1961. MH-2934 (R01) RickEirs, Karr: Eval of drug therapy in psychiatric outpatients. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1959-64) CartELL, R. B,, and RickELs, K.: Diagnostic power of IPAT objective anxiety neuroticism tests. Ar- chives of General Psychiatry, 11:459-465, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-1733). CATTELL, RAYMOND B., RicKELS, KARL, WEISE, C., Gray, B., and YEE, R.: The effects of psycho- therapy upon measured anxiety and regression. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 20(2):261- 269, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-1733). 363 DowNING, N., RickirLs, K., DowNING, R., and RoBINSON, F.: Personality and attitudinal corre- lates of response to drug treatment in psychiatric outpatients. 3. Neurotic medical clinic patients of low socio-economic status. A demographic study. Journal of Psychology, 57:165-188, 1964. DownNING, R., and RickELs, K.: Personality and attitudinal correlates of response to drug treatment in peychiatric outpatients: Preliminary investigation and implications for further research. Journal of Psychology, 54:345-361, 1962. DownNING, RoBERT W., and RICKELS, KARL: Q-sort patterns of self-evaluation in three neurotic clinic populations. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21: 89-96, 1965. GoopMAN, J., DowNING, R., and RickEiLs, K.: Temporal change in handwriting expansiveness in depressed and schizophrenic patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 139:53-61, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4679). Mock, JoHN E., RicKELs, KARL, and YEE, ROBERT: A clinical evaluation of hydroxyzine and placebo in anxious psychiatric outpatients. International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1(2):168-172, 1965. RaaB, ErRNsT, RICKELS, KARL, and MOORE, EDNA: A double-blind evaluation of tybamate in anxious neurotic medical clinic patients. American Jour- nal of Psychiatry, 120(10):1005-1007, 1964. RickEiLs, K.: Treatment of depression. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 2(Suppl. No. 1):17-30, 1960. (Proceedings of Symposium on Depression). Rickers, K.: Chemotherapy in the treatment of various depressive conditions. Massachusetts De- partment of Mental Health, 1960, p. 74-87. RickEeLs, K.: Controlled outpatient studies with non- psychotic psychiatric patients. In: Transactions of the Fifth Annual Research Conference, Washing- ton, D.C., Veterans Administration, 1960, p. 101- 106. RickkLs, K.: Drugs and the autonomic nervous sys- tem. Psychosomatics, 2:30-33, 1961. RickEeLs, K.: The controlled clinical trial in psycho- pharmacologic research. In: Nodine, J. H., and Moyer, J. H., eds. Psychosomatic medicine, The First Hahnemann Symposium. Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger, 1962, p. 421-426. RickeLs, K.: Indications for tranquilizers with psy- chotherapy. In: Nodine, J. H., and Moyer, J. H., eds. Psychosomatic medicine, The First Habne- mann Symposium. Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger, 1962, p. 776-779. RickeLs, K.: Pharmacotherapy of depression. chosomatics, 3:390-396, 1962. Psy- RickEiLs, K.: Psychopharmacologic agents: A clinical psychiatrist's individualistic point of view: Patient and doctor variables. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136:540-549, 1963. RickEiLs, KARL: Important and relevant aspects of tranquilizer therapy. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 5(7):442-447, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 4731). RickEeLs, K.: Placebo reactions and drop-outs in anxious and depressed patients visiting psycho- pharmacology clinics. Neuropsychopharmacology, 3:156-161, 1964. RickELs, K., and Bass, H.: A comparative controlled clinical trial of seven hypnotic agents in medical and psychiatric inpatients. American Journal of Medical Science, 245:142-152, 1963. RickeLs, K., BAumM, D., and FaLEs, K.: Evalua- tion of placebo responses in psychiatric outpatients under two experimental conditions. Nexropsycho- pharmacology, 3:80-84, 1964. RickELs, Karr, Baumm, CRAIG, RaAaB, ERNST, TAYLOR, WILLIAM, and MOORE, EDNA: A psy- chopharmacological evaluation of chlordiazepoxide, LA-1 and placebo, carried out with anxious, neu- rotic medical clinic patients. Medical Times, March 1965. RickiLs, KARL, BAumM, N. Craig, TAYLOR, WIL- LiaM, and RaaB, ERNST: Humanism in clinical research. Psychosomatics, 5:315-316, 1964. RickELS, KARL, BOREN, RICHARD, and STUART HAL M.: Controlled psychopharmacological research in general practice. Journal of New Drugs, 4:138- 147, 1964. RickeLs, K., CAaTtELL, R., MACAFEE, A., and HESBACHER, P.: Drug response and important external events in the patient's life. Diseases of the Nervous System, 26(12):782-786, 1965. RickEeLs, KARL, and CATTELL, RAYMOND B.: The clinical factor validity and trueness of the IPAT verbal and objective batteries for anxiety and re- gression. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21(3): 257-264, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-1733). Rickers, K., and DowNING, R.: Personality and attitudinal correlates of response to drug treatment in peychiatric outpatients: Theoretical orientation and measuring instruments to be employed. Jour- nal of Psychology, 54:331-344, 1962. RickiLs, KARL, and DoOwNING, ROBERT: Verbal ability (intelligence) and improvement in drug therapy of neurotic patients. Journal of New Drags, 5(5) :303-307, 1965. RickieLs, KARL, DowNING, R., and ApPEL, H.: Some personality correlates of suggestibility in normals and neurotics. Psychological Reports, 14: 715-719, 1964. Rickers, Karr, DowNING, RoBERT W., and DowNING, MILDRED H.: Personality differences 364 between somatically and psychologically oriented neurotic patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 142(1) :10-18, 1966. RickkiLs, K., and EwING, J. H.: The methacholine and cold pressor tests as indicators of autonomic reactivity in mental states. Journal of Clinical Experimental Psychopathology, 20:303-314, 1959. RickEiLs, K., and EWING, J. H.: Psychophysical re- sponses to cold-pressor stress as altered by phar- macological agents in normal and schizophrenic subjects. In: Rothlin, E., ed. Neuro-psycho- pharmacology. Vol. 2. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1961, p. 268-272. RickELs, KARL, RaaB, E., and CARRANZA, ].: Doc- tor medication guesses: An indicator of clinical improvement in double-blind studies. A contri- bution to the methodology of psychiatric drug evaluation. Journal of New Drugs, 5(2):67-71, 1965. RickeLs, Karr, and Snow, L.: Clinical use of meprobamate. In: Nodine, J. H., and Moyer, J. H., eds. Psychosomatic medicine, The First Hahnemann Symposium. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1962, p. 502-507. RickeLs, Karr, and SNow, LAURENCE: Nepro- bamate and phenobarbital sodium in anxious neu- rotic psychiatric and medical clinical outpatients. Psychopharmacologia, 5:339-348, 1964. Rickers, K., Snow, L., BaumMm, C., and Mock, J.: Controlled evaluations of several tranquilizing agents in anxious neurotic patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 119:1093-1094, 1963. RickiLs, K., Warp, C., and SNow, L.: Nialamide and placebo in depressed psychiatric clinic pa- tients. Diseases of the Nervous System, 24:548- 550, 1963. Snow, L. H., and RickEeLs, K.: The controlled eval- uation of imipramine and amitriptyline in hospital- ized depressed psychiatric patients. Psychophar- macologia, 5:409-416, 1964. Warp, C., and RickeLs, K.: The double blind drug study as a teaching device. Journal of Medical Education, 36:410-415, 1961. MH-2936 (R01) HoacLaNDp, HuUDsON, and REs- NICK, OSCAR: Mechanism of action of psychic energizers. Worcester Foundation for Experi- mental Biology, Shrewsbury, Mass. (1959-64) ResNICK, O.: The metabolism of orally ingested epinephrine in man. Life Sciences, 9:629-636, 1963. RESNICK, O., and FREEMAN, H.: Epinephrine metab- olism in normal and psychotic man. Archives of General Psychiatry, 6(5):388-394, 1962. Resnick, O., HacopiAN, M., and FREEMAN, H.: The alteration of epinephrine metabolism in man. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 19:508, 1960. REsNIck, O., HacopriaN, M., HoaGLAND, H., and FREEMAN, H.: An "in vivo” test for measuring monoamine oxidase inhibition in human subjects. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2:459-461, 1960. Resnick, O., Krus D., RaskIN, M., and FREEMAN, H.: Reserpine action in subjects treated with monoamine oxidase inhibitors. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8:481-486, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2262). Resnick, O., Krus, D., RaskIN, M., and FREE- MAN, H.: The effects of orally ingested L-trypto- phan in MAO inhibited subjects. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22(2)Part 1:510, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2262). Resnick, O., Krus, D. M., RaskIN, M., and HOAG- LAND, H.: Reversal of LSD-25 action by chronic pretreatment with Marplan in humans. Federa- tion Proceedings, 23:175, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2262). Resnick, O., Krus, D., Raskin, M., RIVERA, M,, and FREEMAN, H.: The effect of pretreatment with monoamine oxidase inhibitors on reserpine action in normal subjects and in schizophrenic pa- tients. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Con- gress of Psychiatry. Vol. 1. Montreal, Univer- sity of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 638-642. (Also acknowledges MH- 2262). MH-2938 (R01) BLUMBERG, ARNOLD G., and GOLDENBERG, HARRY: Relation of mecholyl test to catechol amine excretion. Hillside Hospital, Glen Oaks, N.Y. (1959-65) BLUMBERG, ARNOLD G.: Reproducibility of the mecholyl test. Psychosomatic Medicine, 22:32- 41, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1536). BLUMBERG, ARNOLD G., and GOLDENBERG, HARRY: Relation of the mecholyl test catechol amine ex- cretion. Proceedings of the Society for Experi- mental Biology and Medicine, 106:867, 1961. BLUMBERG, ARNOLD G., and KLEIN, DoNALD F.: Methoxy-catecholamine excretion and the mecholyl test. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 3(4):239- 254, 1965. BLUMBERG, A. G., KLEIN, D. F.,, and POLLACK, M.: Age related changes in blood pressure with chlorpromazine and imipramine. (Abstract) Ex- cerpta Medica, Sixth International Congress of Gerontology, International Congress Series, 57: 195, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4798). BLUMBERG, A. G., KLEIN, D. F., and POLLACK, M.: Effects of chlorpromazine and imipramine on systolic blood pressure in psychiatric patients: Re- 365 lationships to age, diagnosis and initial blood pres- sure. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2:51-60, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2715 and MH- 4798). FINK, MAX, Porrack, M., KLEIN, D. F., BLum- BERG, A. G., BELMONT, I., KARP, E., KRAMER, J. C., and WILLNER, A.: Comparative studies of chlorpromazine and imipramine. I. Drug dis- criminating patterns. In: Bradley, P. B., ed. Neuro-psychopharmacology. Vol. 3. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1963, p. 370-372. (Also acknowledges MH-2715 and MH-4798). GOLDENBERG, HARRY, and FISHMAN, VIVIAN: Spe- cies dependence of chlorpromazine metabolism. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biol- (Also ac- and MH- ogy and Medicine, 108:178-182, 1961. knowledges MH-3929; MH-2461 1305). GOLDENBERG, H., and WHITE, D. L.: A new fluo- rometric reaction for determination of the 3-O- methyl catecholamines. ~~ Clinical Chemistry, 8: 453, 1962. Porrack, Max, KLEIN, DonNALD F., WILLNER, ARTHUR, BLUMBERG, ARNOLD, and FINK, MAX: Imipramine-induced behavioral disorganization in schizophrenic patients: Physiological and psycho- logical correlates. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Re- cent advances in biological psychiatry. Vol. 7. New York, Plenum Press, 1964, p. 53-61. (Also acknowledges MH-2715 and MH-4798). MH-2939 (R01) BerMaAN, A. J, and KNAPP, HARRIET D.: Conditioned responses with deaffer- ented limb. Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1959-61) BeErMAN, A. J., Taus, E., PomiNa, A. C, and Knapp, H. D.: Further observations on deaf- ferentation in the monkey. In: Transactions of the American Neurological Association, 1960, p. 198-199. Knapp, H. D., Taus, E., and BERMAN, A. ].: Movements in monkeys with deafferented fore- limbs. Experimental Neurology, 7(4):305-315, 1963. MH-2940 (R01) LEFTON, MARK, and PATTERSON, RaLpH M.: Evaluation of ward social structure. Columbus Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Co- lumbus, Ohio. (1959-62) DiNITZ, SIMON, LEFTON, MARK, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: Status perceptions in a mental hos- pital. Social Forces, 38:124-128, 1959. LEFTON, MARK, DINITZ, SIMON, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: Decision-making in a mental hospi- tal: Real, perceived and ideal. American Socio- logical Review, 24:822-829, 1959. LEFTON, MARK, DINITZ, SIMON, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: Mental hospital organization and staff evaluation of patients. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2:462-467, 1960. LEFTON, MARK, RETTIG, SALOMON, DINITZ, SIMON, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: Status perceptions of psychiatric social workers and their implica- tions for work satisfaction. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 31:102-110, 1961. PAsAMANICK, BENJAMIN, DiNITZ, SIMON, and LEFTON, MARK: Psychiatric orientation and its relation to diagnosis and treatment in a mental hospital. American [Journal of Psychiatry, 116: 127-132, 1959. MH-2946 (R01) McCoONNELL, JAMES V., and CLAY, MARGARET L.: Learning and regenerative processes. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (1959-64) Cray, M. L.: The feeding and care of planaria. Worm Runner's Digest, 1(1):6-9, 1959. CoHEN, JokiL E.: Diurnal cycles and maze learning in planarians. Worm Runner's Digest, 7(1):20- 23, 1965. CORNWELL, G., and CORNWELL, P.: Planaria run- ning procedure. Worm Runner's Digest, 1(1): 3-5, 1959. CorNWELL, G., and CORNWELL, P.: Inter-judge agreement in the scoring of conditioned responses in the planarian. Worm Runner's Digest, 2(3): 118, 1960. CorRNWELL, G., CorRNWELL, P., and Cray, M.: Retention of a conditioned response following re- generation in the planarian. Worm Runner's Di- gest, 3(1):34-38, 1961. CorNWELL, P.: Classical conditioning with massed trials in the planarian. Worm Runner's Digest, 2(2):34-39, 1960. CORNWELL, P.: A preliminary study of pseudo-con- ditioning under conditions of massed stimulation in the planarian. Worm Runner's Digest, 2(3): 101-108, 1960. CorNWELL, P.: An attempted replication of studies by Halas et al. and by Thompson and McConnell. Worm Runner's Digest, 3(2):91-98, 1961. HuMPHRIES, B.: Maze learning in planaria. Worm Runner's Digest, 3(2):114-116, 1961. HuMmpHRIES, B. M., and JacoBsoN, R.: The effects of ingestion of conditioned planaria on the re- sponse level of naive planaria, II. Worm Run- ner's Digest, 3(3) :165-169, 1961. HumpHRIES, B., and McCoNNELL, J. V.: Factors affecting maze learning in planarians. Worm Runner's Digest, 6(1):52-59, 1964. 366 Jacosson, A. L.: Learning in flatworms and anne- lids. Psychological Bulletin, 60(1):74-94, 1963. JacoBsoN, A., and JacoBsoN, R.: Maze learning in planaria—a case history. Worm Runner's Di- gest, 5(1):69-71, 1963. Jacosson, A. L., and McCONNELL, J. V.: Research on learning in the planarian. Carolina Tips, 25 (7) :25-27, 1962. Jacosson, R.: Results of studies of planaria. Worm Runner's Digest, 1(1):10-12, 1959. Jacosson, R.: A semi-annotated bibliography of re- search on planaria and other assorted beasts: Part I. Worm Runner's Digest, 4(1):81-90, 1962. JacoBsoN, R., and CLAY, MARGARET L.: A semi- annotated bibliography of research on planarians and other assorted beasts: Part II. Worm Run- ner's Digest, 5(1):93-101, 1963. JacoBsoN, REEVA, and JACOBSON, ALLAN L.: An annotated bibliography of research on planarians: Part III. Worm Runner's Digest, 2:88-107, 1963. McCONNELL, JAMES V.: Memory transfer through cannibalism in planarians. Journal of Neuropsy- chiatry, 3 (Suppl. 1) :s42-s48, 1962. McCoNNELL, JaMmEs V.: Cannibalism and memory in flatworms. New Scientist, 21(379):465-468, 1964. McCoNNELL, JAMES V.: On the turning of worms: A reply to James and Halas. Psychological Rec- ord, 14:13-20, 1964. McConNELL, J. V.: The continental approach (to worms). Worm Runner's Digest, 6(1):32-39, 1964. McCoNNELL, JAMES V., CORNWELL, P., and CLAY, M. L.: An apparatus for conditioning planaria. American Journal of Psychology, 73:618-622, 1960. McCoNNELL, J. V., and JAacoBsoN, A.: Transfer of training through cannibalism in planaria. Worm Runner's Digest, 4(1):41-46, 1962. McCoNNELL, J. V., JACOBSON, R., and HUMPHRIES, B. M.: The effects of ingestion of conditioned planaria on the response level of naive planaria: A pilot study (Or: You are what you eat?) Worm Runner's Digest, 3(1):41-47, 1961. MosLAR, U., and Cray, M. L.: An annotated bib- liography of research on planarians: Part IV. Worm Runner's Digest, 6(1):91-114, 1964. SALIVE, H.: An operant test chamber for planaria using a force transducer. Worm Runner's Digest, 4(1):63-66, 1962. SHINKMAN, P. G., and KorNBLITH, C. L.: Comment on observer bias in classical conditioning of the planarian. Psychological Reports, 16:56, 1965. SHINKMAN, PAUL G., and VERNON, LEROY M.: An apparatus for injecting planarians. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3)Part 2:726-728, 1965. ZELMAN, A., KaBAT, L., JacoBsoN, R., and Mc- CONNELL, J. V.: Transfer of training through in- jection of “conditioned” RNA into untrained planarians. Worm Runner's Digest, 5(1):14-21, 1963. MH-2948 (RO1) HEINICKE, CHRISTOPH M., and REIDER, NORMAN: Change in children and the intensity of psychotherapy. Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center, San Francisco, Calif. (1959- 63)" HEeiNickE, C. M., and GOLDMAN, A.: Research on psychotherapy with children: A review and sug- gestions for further study. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 30:483-494, 1960. MH-2949 (RO1) MILLER, NEAL E., BARRY, HER- BERT, III, and Davis, JoHN D.: Analysis of drug effects on fear and conflict. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1959-66) Barry, H., ITI, and BARRY, H., Jr.: Season of birth: An epidemiological study in psychiatry. Archives of General Psychiatry, 5:292-300, 1961. BARRY, HERBERT, III, ETHEREDGE, EDWARD E., and MiLLER, NEAL E.: Counterconditioning and ex- tinction of fear fail to transfer from amobarbital to nondrug state. Psychopharmacologia, 8:150- 156, 1965. Barry, H., III, and MILLER, N. E.: Effects of drugs on approach-avoidance conflict tested repeatedly by means of a “telescope alley.” Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:201- 210, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-647). Barry, H., III, and MILLER, N. E.: Comparison of drug effects on approach, avoidance, and escape motivation. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 59(1):18-24, 1965. Barry, H., III, MiLLER, N. E., and Tipp, GAIL E.: Control for stimulus change while testing effects of amobarbital on conflict. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 55:1071-1074, 1962. Barry, H., III, and Symmes, D.: Reinforcing ef- fects of illumination change in different phases of the rat's diurnal cycle. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:117-119, 1963. Barry, H., III, WAGNER, A. R., and MILLER, N. E.: Effects of alcohol and amobarbital on per- formance inhibited by experimental extinction. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 55:464-468, 1962. BARRY, HERBERT, III, WAGNER, SyLvia, and MiL- LER, NEAL E.: Effects of drugs on rate of operant 367 behavior during gradations in fear. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 19:1970, 1960. Barry, H., III, WAGNER, SYLVIA A., and MILLER, N. E.: Effects of several drugs on performance in an approach-avoidance conflict. Psychological Re- ports, 12:215-221, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-647). BootH, Davib A., and QUARTERMAIN, DAVID: Taste sensitivity of eating elicited by chemical stimulation of the rat hypothalamus. Psychonomic Science, 3(11) :525-526, 1965. CHi, CARL C.: The effect of amobarbital sodium on conditioned fear as measured by the potentiated startle response in rats. Psychopharmacologia, 7: 115-122, 1965. Davis, JouN D.: Food intake following blood mix- ing of hungry and satiated rats. Psychonomic Sci- ence, 3(5):177-178, 1965. Davis, JouN D., and ELLISON, GAyLOrRD D.: A general purpose activity recorder with variable sensitivity. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7(1):117-118, 1964. Davis, J. D., and MILLER, N. E.: Fear and pain: Their effect on self-injection of amobarbital so- dium by rats. Science, 141:1286-1287, 1963. ELLisoN, G., and Davis, J. D.: A general purpose activity recorder with variable sensitivity. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7:117- 118, 1964. GROSSMAN, SEBASTIAN P.: Effects of chlorpromazine and perphenazine on bar-pressing performance in an approach-avoidance conflict. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 54:517- 521, 1961. GRrossMAN, S. P.: Direct adrenergic and cholinergic stimulation of hypothalamic mechanisms. Ameri- can Journal of Physiology, 202:872-882, 1962. GRrossMAN, S. P.: Effects of adrenergic and choliner- gic blocking agents on hypothalamic mechanisms. American Journal of Physiology, 202:1230-1236, 1962. GrossMAN, S. P., and MILLER, N. E.: Control for stimulus-change in the evaluation of alcohol and chlorpromazine as fear-reducing drugs. Psycho- pharmacologia, 2:342-351, 1961. KENYON, JoHN, and KrieckHAUs, E. E.: Decre- ments in one-way avoidance learning following septal lesions in rats. Psychonomic Science, 3(3): 113-114, 1965. KrieckHAUS, E. E., MILLER, NEAL E., and ZiM- MERMAN, PATRICIA: Reduction of freezing be- havior and improvement of shock avoidance by d-amphetamine. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60(1):36-40, 1965. LeatoN, R. N., SymmEs, D., and Barry, H., III. Familiarization with the test apparatus as a fac- tor in the reinforcing effect of change in illumina- tion. Journal of Psychology, 55:145-151, 1963. MiLLER, N. E.: Motivational effects of brain stimu- lation and drugs. Federation Proceedings, 19:846- 854, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-647). MILLER, N. E.: Some recent studies of conflict be- havior and drugs. American Psychologist, 16: 12-24, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-647). MILLER, NEAL E.: Some motivational effects of electrical and chemical stimulation of the brain. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysi- ology, Supplement 24:247-259, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-647). MILLER, N. E.: Some reflections on the law of effect produce a new alternative to drive reduction. In: Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln, Nebraska, University of Nebraska Press, 1963, p. 65-112. (Also acknowledges MH-647). MILLER, N. E.: Animal experiments on emotionally- induced ulcers. Proceedings of Third World Con- gress of Psychiatry. Vol. 3. Montreal, Univer- sity of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1963, p. 213-219. MiLLER, NEAL E.: Some psychophysiological studies of motivation and of the behavioral effects of illness. Bulletin of British Psychological Society, 17:1-20, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-647). MiLLER, N. E.: The analysis of motivational ef- fects illustrated by experiments on yamlobarbitone sodium. In: Steinberg, H., de Reuck, A. V. S,, and Knight, J., eds. Ciba Foundation symposium. Co-ordinating committee for symposia on drug ac- tion on animal behavior and drug action. Lon- don, J. & A. Churchill, 1964, p. 1-18. MiLLER, N. E.: Some implications of modern be- havior theory for personality and psychotherapy. In: Byrne, D., and Worchel, P., eds. Personality change. New York, Wiley, 1964, p. 149-175. (Also acknowledges MH-647). MiLLER, NEAL E.: Some animal experiments perti- nent to the problem of combining psychotherapy with drug therapy. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 7(1):1-12, 1966. MILLER, N. E., and BARRY, H., III. Motivational effects of drugs: Methods which illustrate some general problems in psychopharmacology. Psy- chopharmacologia, 1:169-199, 1960. (Also ac- knowledges MH-647). MILLER, N. E., GoTTEsMAN, K. S., and EMERY, N.: Dose-response to carbachol and norepinephrine in rat's hypothalamus. American Journal of Physi- ology, 206:1384-1388, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-647). 368 MiLLER, N. E., GortEsmaN, K. S. and HOLMES, J. E.: Effects of chemostimulation of brain and of bacterial endotoxins on eating and drinking. Sci- ence, 136(3516) :327-328, 1962. QUARTERMAIN, DaAvID, PAOLINO, RONALD M., and MILLER, NEAL E.: A brief temporal gradient of retrograde amnesia independent of situational change. Science, 149:1116-1118, 1965. STRICKER, EDWARD M.: The rat’s preference for sa- line solutions as measured by licking reinforced on a variable interval schedule. Psychonomic Sci- ence, 5(5):205-206, 1966. SymMmEs, D., and LeaTOoN, R. N.: Failure to ob- serve reinforcing properties of sound onset in rats. Psychological Reports, 10:458, 1962. WEEKS, J. R., and Davis, J. D.: Chronic intra- venous cannulas for rats. Journal of Applied Physiology, 19:540-541, 1964. WiLriams, Davip R., and Barry, HERBERT, III: Counter conditioning in an operant conflict situa- tion. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 61(1):154-156, 1966. WoLF, GEORGE: Sodium appetite elicited by aldo- sterone. Psychonomic Science, 1:211-212, 1964. WoLF, GEORGE: Effect of deoxycorticosterone on sodium appetite of intact and adrenalectomized rats. American Journal of Physiology, 208(6): 1281-1285, 1965. WoLF, GEORGE, DAHL, Lewis, K., and MILLER, NEeaL E.: Voluntary sodium chloride intake of two strains of rats with opposite genetic suscep- tibility to experimental hypertension. Proceed- ings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 120(2) :301-305, 1965. WoLF, GEORGE, and LAWRENCE, GEORGE H.: Sa- line preference curve for mice: Lack of relation- ship to pigmentation. Nature, 200:1025-1026, 1963. WoLF, G., and MILLER, N. E.: Lateral hypothalamic lesions: Effects on drinking elicited by carbachol in preoptic area and posterior hypothalamus. Sci- ence, 143:585-587, 1964. MH-2950 (R01) AX, ALBERT F., BECKETT, PETER G., and TOURNEY, GARFIELD: Human psycho- physiology research methodology. Lafayette Clinic, Detroit, Mich. (1959-62) Ax, ALBERT F.: Psychophysiological methodology for the study of schizophrenia. In: Roessler, Robert, and Greenfield, Norman S., eds. Physio- logical correlates of psychological disorder. Madi- son, Wisc., University of Wisconsin Press, 1962, p. 29-44. Ax, A. F., BEckETT, P. G. S., CoHEN, B. D., FROH- MAN, C. E.) TourNEY, G., and GOTTLIEB, J. S.: Psychophysiological patterns in chronic schizo- phrenia. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. Vol. 4. New York, Plenum Press, 1962, p. 218-231. Ax, A. F., SINGER, S. J., ZACHARY, G., GUDOBBA, R. D., and GotTLIEB, J. S.: Psychophysiological data retrieval and utilization. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 115:890-904, 1964. CoHEN, BERTRAM D., GRISELL, JAMES L., and AX, ALBERT F.: The effects of voluntary sleep loss on psychological and physiological functions. Pro- ceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 2. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/ McGill University Press, 1961, p. 986-991. ZACHAROPOULOS, GEORGE, and AX, ALBERT F.: Psychophysiological data processing. In: Digest of the 1961 International Conference on Medical Electronics. New York, N.Y., 1961, p. 42-45. MH-2953 (R01) Dinitz, SIMON, CRAIG, JAMES B,, and LEFTON, MARK: Effects of hospitalization on case outcome. Columbus Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. (1959-61) ANGRIST, SHIRLEY, DINITZ, SIMON, LEFTON, MARK, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: Rehospitalization of female mental patients: Social and psychological factors. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4:363- 370, 1961. ANGRIST, SHIRLEY, LEFTON, MARK, DINITZ, SIMON, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: Tolerance of devi- ant behavior, posthospital performance levels, and rehospitalization. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 1. Montreal, Uni- versity of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1962, p. 237-241. DiNiTZ, SIMON, ANGRIST, SHIRLEY, LEFTON, MARK, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: The posthospital psychological functioning of former mental hospi- tal patients. Mental Health, 45:579-588, 1961. DiNITZ, SIMON, ANGRIST, SHIRLEY, LEFTON, MARK, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: Instrumental role expectations and posthospital performance of fe- male mental patients. Social Forces, 40:248-254, 1962. DiNiTZ, SIMON, LEFTON, MARK, ANGRIST, SHIRLEY, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: Psychiatric and social attributes as predictors of case outcome in mental hospitalization. Social Problems, 8:322- 328, 1961. DinNitz, S., LEFTON, M., ANGRIST, S., and PAsa- MANICK, B.: The outcome of mental hospitaliza- tion: A study in prognosis. Psychiatric Research Reports, No. 15, 1962. DinNiTz, SIMON, LEFTON, MARK, ANGRIST, SHIRLEY, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: The post-hospital functioning of female mental patients: An explora- tion in prognosis. Psychiatric Research Reports, 15:154-163, 1962. 369 LEFTON, MARK, ANGRIST, SHIRLEY, DINITZ, SIMON, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: Social class, ex- pectations, and performance of mental patients. American Journal of Sociology, 68:79-87, 1962. PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN, and RISTINE, LEONARD: Differential assessment of posthospital psychologi- cal functioning: Evaluations by psychiatrists and relatives. American Journal of Psychiatry, 117: 40-46, 1961. MH-2957 (R01) HoweLL, JoHN C., and PREISS, Jack J.: Role image of the police officer. Michi- gan State University, East Lansing, Mich. (1959- 61) EnrLicH, HOWARD J., RINEHART, JAMES W., and Howekrr, JouHN C.: The study of role conflict: Explorations in methodology. Sociometry, 25:85- 97, 1962. MH-2959 (R01) BARE, JoHN K.: Studies in hun- ger. Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. (1959- 64) Bark, JouN K., and CicaLa, GEORGE: Deprivation and time of testing as determinants of food intake. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 53:151-154, 1960. MH-2961 (R01) HEFFERLINE, RALPH F.: Electro- psychology of verbal and subverbal processes. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1959- 63) BircH, JEREMY D.: Differentiation of response char- acteristics during multiple fixed ratio extinction. Psychological Reports, 15:495-502, 1964. GENTRY, T. A.: Inexpensive plug-in circuits. [Jour- nal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5: 460, 1962. HEFFERLINE, R. F.: Learning theory and clinical psychology—an eventual symbiosis? In: Bachrach, A., ed. Experimental foundations of clinical psy- chology. New York, Basic Books, 1962, p. 97- 138. HEFFERLINE, R. F., BIrcH, J. D., and GENTRY, T.: Simple transducers to detect or record operant amplitude. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 4:257-261, 1961. HEFFERLINE, R. F., and KEENAN, B.: Amplitude- induction gradient of a small human operant in an escape-avoidance situation. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 4:41-43, 1961. HEFFERLINE, R. F., and KEENAN, B.: Amplitude- induction gradient of a small-scale (covert) oper- ant. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:307-315, 1963. HErFFERLINE, R. F., KEENAN, B., and HARFORD R. A.: Escape and avoidance conditioning in human subjects without their observation of the response. Science, 130:1338-1339, 1959. HErFFERLINE, R. F., KEENAN, B., HARFORD, R. A, and BIrcH, J.: Electronics in psychology. Colum- bia Engineering Quarterly, 13:10-15, 1960. HEFFERLINE, R. F., and PERERA, T. B.: Propriocep- tive discrimination of a covert operant without its observation by the subject. Science, 139:834- 835, 1963. KAUFMAN, A.: Effects of punishment intensity on human operant behavior. Psychological Reports, 15:287-294, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 3673). KAUFMAN, ARNOLD: Punishment shock intensity and basal skin resistance. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 8(6) :389-394, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3673). SAsMOR, ROBERT M.: Operant conditioning of a small-scale muscle response. Journal of the Ex- perimental Analysis of Behavior, 9(1):69-85, 1966. MH-2963 (R01) HAwkEs, GLENN R.: Noncontinu- ous mothering and child health. Iowa State Uni- versity, Ames, Iowa. (1959-61) GARDNER, D. BRruUcg, HAwkEs, GLENN R., and BURCHINAL, LEE: Noncontinuous mothering in infancy and development in later childhood. Child Development, 32:225-234, 1961. PEasg, DamaRis, and HAWKES, GLENN R.: Obser- vation and parent-child interaction. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 30:453-459, 1960. PEASE, DAMARIS, ROSAUER, JOSEPHINE, and Wo- LINS, LEROY: Reliability of three infant develop- mental scales administered during the first year of life. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 98:295-298, 1961. MH-2967 (R01) HoaGLAND, HUDSON, and BER- GEN, JoHN R.: Endogenous psychotogens and re- lated substances. Worcester Foundation for Ex- perimental Biology, Shrewsbury, Mass. (1959- ) BERGEN, JOHN R., CzICMAN, JOHN S., and KOELLA, WERNER P.: Influence of a plasma protein fraction from schizophrenic and normal persons upon the optic evoked response in the rabbit. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 4:219-223, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2211). BERGEN, J. R.,, and Gray, F. W.: Effects of plasma fractions from non-psychotic patients on trained rat performance. Federation Proceedings, 23(2): 360, 1964. BERGEN, J. R., Gray, F. W., PENNELL, R. B., FREE- MAN, H., and HOAGLAND, H.: Taraxein-like ex- tracts. Archives of General Psychiatry, 12:80-82, 1965. 370 BERGEN, J. R., KogLLA, W. P., CzicMAN, J., and Hoacranp, H.: Evoked optic potential changes induced by plasma globulins from schizophrenics. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20(1):305, 1961 (Also acknowledges MH-2211). BERGEN, J. R., KoeLLA, W. P., FREEMAN, H., and HoaGLAND, H.: A human plasma factor inducing behavioral and electrophysiological changes in animals. II. Changes induced in animals. An- nals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 96: 469-476, 1962. BerGEN, J. R.,, Krus, D. M., Beisaw, N. E, Kokerra, W. P., and Pincus, G.: Central nervous system and behavior: Some properties of proges- terone. Excerpta Medica, 51:117, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2211 and MH-2262). BERGEN, J. R., PENNELL, R. B., Saravis, C. A., and HoacLAND, H.: Stabilization of a human blood factor causing behavior changes in rats. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 2:201-204, 1961. BERGEN, JoHN R., PENNELL, ROBERT B., SARAVIS, CaLviN A., and HoacLAND, HuUDsON: Further experiments with plasma proteins from schizo- phrenics. In: Heath, Robert G., ed. Serological fractions in schizophrenia. New York, Harper & Row, 1963, p. 67-76 DiBNER, Iris M., FELDSTEIN, AARON, FREEMAN, HARRY, and HoAGLAND, HuDsON: The metabo- lism of D,L-Tryptophan-b-C!* in man and in rats. Federation Proceedings, 19(1)Part 1:1469, 1960. DiBNER, I, FELDSTEIN, A., HoacLanDp, H., and FREEMAN, H.: Metabolism of D,L-tryptophan-B- C'* in man and in rats. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 19:3, 1960. HoacrLanp, H., PENNELL, R. B., BERGEN, J]. R, Saravis, C. A., FREEMAN, H., and KoEeLrLa, W.: Studies of plasma protein factors that may be in- volved in psychoses. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. Vol. 4. New York, Plenum, 1962, p. 329-346. Krus, D. M., WAPNER, S., BERGEN, J., and FREE- MAN, H.: The influence of progesterone on be- havioral changes induced by lysergic acid diethy- lamide (LSD-25) in normal males. Psycho- pharmacologia, 2:177-184, 1961. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2967). MH-2971 (R01) BEECHER, HENRY K.: Psychologi- cal responses to changes in blood chemistry. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1959-61) ANLIKER, J. E.: Variations in alpha voltage of the electroencephalogram and time perception. Sci- ence, 140:1307-1309, June 21, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-987). SMITH, GENE M., and BEECHER, HENRY K.: Com- parative sensitivity of three methods of evaluating drug-induced mood changes by a check list. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 23:175, 1964. SMITH, GENE M., EGBERT, LAWRENCE D., MARKO- witZ, ROBERT A., and BEECHER, HENRY K.: Tourniquet pain: An experimental method sensi- tive to morphine. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 24:548, 1965. MH-2972 (R01) JonN, ErRwIN R.: Electrical corre- lates of conditioning and perception. University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (1959-63) Joun, E. R.: High nervous functions: Brain func- tions and learning. Annual Review of Physiology, 23:451-484, 1961. Jonn, E. R.: Some speculations on the psychophysi- ology of mind. In: Scher, J., ed. Theories of the mind. New York, Free Press, 1962, p. 80-121. (Also acknowledges MH-2811). JoHN, E. R.: Neural mechanisms of decision making. In: Fields, W. S., and Abbot, W., eds. Informa- tion storage and neural control. Springfield, IIL, Charles C. Thomas, 1963, p. 243-282. Jonn, E. R., LEIMAN, A. L., and SAcHs, E.: An ex- ploration of the functional relationship between electroencephalographic potentials and differential inhibition. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 92:1160-1182, 1961. MH-2980 (R01) Mc CLELLAND, DAvip C.: Diag- nostic significance of variations in fantasy. Har- vard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1959- ) GREENBERGER, ELLEN: Fantasies of women con- fronting death. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 29(3) :252-260, 1965. KaLIN, R.: Effects of alcohol on memory. [Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69:635-641, 1964. McCLELLAND, D. C.: Encouraging excellence. In: Daedalus. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, November, 1960. Vol. 90. No. 4. Fall, 1961. McCreLLanND, D. C.: The Harlequin complex. Essays on personality in honor of Henry A. Murray. In. White, R. W., ed. The study of lives. New York, Atherton Press, 1963, p. 94- 119. WINTER, D. G., ALPERT, R.,, and MCCLELLAND, D. C.: The classic personal style. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(3):254- 265, 1963. MH-2983 (R01) SiGeL, IRVING E.: Cognitive style and personality dynamics. Merrill Palmer Insti- tute, Detroit, Mich. (1959-64) SiGEL, I. E.: How intelligence tests limit understand- ing of intelligence. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 9(4):39-56, 1963. 371 SIGEL, IRVING E.: Rationale for separate analyses of male and female samples on cognitive tasks. Psy- chological Record, 15(3):369-376, 1965. MH-2985 (R01) CoLvIN, RALPH W., and RITTER, ANNE M.: Parental attitudes and social growth of the retarded. Kennedy Child Study Center, New York, N.Y. (1960- ) CoLviN, RaLpH W.: Therapy-oriented diagnosis of the preschool retarded child and his family. In: Conference on the Psychological Problems in the Habilitation of the Mentally Retarded. Vineland, N.J., The Training School, 1962, p. 109-119. CoLviN, RALPH W., and RITTER, ANNE M.: The development of an integrated research-training day- care program for preschool retardates and their parents. I. The development of an interdiscipli- nary research project. In: Proceedings of the London Conference on the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency. Essex, England, May & Baker, 1961, p. 342-347. RITTER, ANNE M., and CoLvIN, RaLpH W.: The development of an integrated research training day- care program for preschool retardates and their parents. II. Research data as the basis for a family study. In: Proceedings of the London Conference on the Scientific Study of Mental Defi- ciency. Essex, England, May & Baker, 1961, p. 348-352. MH-2987 (R01) HomME, Lroyp E.: Analysis of a special case of timing behavior. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1959-60) TABER, JULIAN I, HOMME, LLoyDp E., and CsaNyI, AtTiLA P.: The differentiation of human time estimations. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 4(4):299-304, 1961. MH-2988 (R01) May, Rupert: Skin reactivity to histamine, serotonin, and procaine. Cleveland Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. (1959-60) May, R. H., Apams, J. A., and BYLENGA, N. D.: Changes in skin reactivity during ethyltryptamine therapy. Jozrnal of Neuropsychiatry. Suppl. 1: 111-113, 1961. MH-2991 (R01) FrEYHAN, Fritz A.: Clinical ex- plorations of new psychotropic compounds. Dela- ware State Hospital, New Castle, Del. (1959-61) FREYHAN, F. A.: The modern treatment of depres- sive disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 116(12):1057-1064, 1960. FrREYHAN, F. A.: The influence of specific and non- specific factors on the clinical effects of psycho- tropic drugs. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2:189- 203, 1961. FrREYHAN, F. A., and MERKEL, JOAN: Clinical and social aspects of compensatory drug treatment. In: Greenblatt, Milton, Lewinson, Daniel J., and Klerman, Gerald B., eds. Mental patients in transition. Springfield, Ill, Charles C. Thomas, 1961, p. 302-312. MH-3002 (R01) DuLANY, DONELSON E., JR.: Re- inforcement of verbal behavior. University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. (1959-62) DuraNEy, DoN E.: Hypotheses and habits in verbal “operant conditioning.” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63:251-263, 1961. DuranEey, DoN E.: The place of hypotheses and intentions: An analysis of verbal control in verbal conditioning. [Journal of Personality, 30:102-129, 1962. (Supplement Issue, Symposium on Behav- ior and Awareness.) Also in: Eriksen, C. W., ed. Behavior and awareness. Durham, N.C., Duke University, 1962. DuLAaNEY, DoN E., and O’CoNNELL, W. D.: Does partial reinforcement dissociate verbal rules and the behavior they might be presumed to control? Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 2:361-372, 1963. MH-3004 (R01) Kirk, H. Davi: Adaptations to role handicap in adoptive family life. Whittier College, Whittier, Calif. (1959-61) Kirk, Davip H.: Guarding the ramparts: Reader reactions to a magazine article questioning a social work prescription. Social Worker (Canada), 30 (3):31-43, 1962. Kirk, Davip H.: Nonfecund people as parents— some social and psychological considerations. Fer- tility and Sterility, 14(6):310-319, 1963. Kirk, Davip H.: Differential sex preference in family formation—a serendipitous datum followed up. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthro- pology, 1(1):31-48, 1964. Kirk, Davip H.: The impact of drastic change on social relations: A model for the identification and specification of stress. In: Zollschan, G. K., and Hirsch, W., eds. Explorations in social change. Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin, 1964. Kirk, Davip H.: Shared fate: A theory of adoption and mental health. New York, Free Press of Glencoe, 1964, 192 p. MH-3006 (R01) HANNA, CALVIN, and BROOKS, GEORGE W.: Tranquilizer withdrawal studies in schizophrenia. University of Vermont, Burling- ton, Vt. (1959-61) (Continued as MH-6572). DowLING, P. C., and HANNA, C.: Depressant effect of biperiden on the spontaneous EEG and the EEG activation response. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 143:565-573, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6572). 372 Hanna, C., Upton, P. D., and CHAMBERS, W. F.: Comparative effects of D-L-amphetamine and L- phengl-1-(Piperidye-2-)-1-acetoxy-1-methane ~~ (R. P.-8228) in antagonizing barbiturate hypnosis. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 145:553-564, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-6572). MH-3008 (R01) WITTENBORN, JOHN R.: Assess- ment methods for psychopharmacological research. The State University of Rutgers, New Brunswick, N.J. (1959-62) WITTENBORN, J. R.: The dimensions of psychosis. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 134:117- 128, 1962. WITTENBORN, J. R.: Rating scales in diagnosis. In: Nodine, John H., and Moyer, John H., eds. Psychosomatic medicine. First Hahnemann Sym- posium. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1962, p. 55-60. (Also acknowledges MH-2093 and MH- 2525). WiTTENBORN, J. R.: Distinctions within psychotic dimensions: A principal component analysis. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:543-547, 1963. WiITTENBORN, J. R.: Psychotic dimensions in male and female hospital patients: Principal component analyses. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138:460-467, 1964. WITTENBORN, J. R., and SmitH, J. B. K.: A com- parison of psychotic dimensions in male and female hospital patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 138:375-382, 1964. MH-3014 (R17) RUFF, GEORGE E.: Stress produced by experimental isolation. University of Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1959-64) RUFF, G. E.: Psychological and psychophysiological indices of stress. In: Burns, N. M., Chambers, R. M., and Hendler, E.: Unusual environments and human behavior. New York, Free Press of Glencoe, 1963, p. 33-59. MH-3020 (R01) KOEGLER, RONALD R., MARKHAM, CHARLES, and SCHEIBEL, ARNOLD B.: Substrates for postural dysfunction in schizophrenia. Univer- sity of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1959-61) SCHEIBEL, ARNOLD, MARKHAM, CHARLES, and KOEGLER, RONALD: Neural correlates of the ves- tibuloocular reflex. Neurology, 11(12):1055- 1065, 1961. MH-3026 (R01) RANK, BEATA, and KAPLAN, SAM- UEL: Developmental study centered on mutual communication. James Jackson Putnam Childrens Center, Boston, Mass. (1959-61) BrazELTON, T. B.: Observations of the neonate. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psy- chology, 1(1):38-58, 1962. BrazELTON, T. B.: The mother infant relationship. Pediatrics, 32:931-937, 1963. KAPLAN, SAMUEL, and RANK, BEATA: Communica- tion and transitory creativity in response to a trauma. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychology, 1(1):108-128, 1962. MH-3028 (R01) KLAUSNER, SAMUEL Z., and SILLS, Davip L.: Individual decision-making to undertake psychotherapy. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1959-61) KADUSHIN, CHARLES: Social distance between client and professional. American Journal of Sociology, 67:517-531, 1962. MH-3029 (R01) BuckLEY, JosEpH P., and KIN- NARD, WiLLIAM J., Jr.: Evaluation and pharma- cology of psychotropic agents. University of Pitts- burgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1959- ) BUCKLEY, J. P., FURGIUELE, A. R., and KINNARD, W. J.: The pharmacology of beta-phenylisopro- pylhydrazine. ~~ Federation Proceedings, 19(1), 1960. Coap, PETER, CoaDp, RAYLENE A. DUBINSKY, BARRY, BUCKLEY, JosePH P., and KINNARD, WiLLIAM: Synthesis and pharmacological study of pyridazines. I. Alkoxypyridazines. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 8(1):129-131, 1965. DuBINSKY, BARRY, KINNARD, WiLLIAM ]., and BUCKLEY, JOSEPH P.: Pharmacological evaluation of a series of 3,6-substituted pyridazine derivatives. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 54(11):1632- 1636, 1965. FURGIUELE, A. R., FARNswoRTH, N. R., and Buck- LEY, J. P.: False positive alkaloid reactions ob- tained with extracts of “piper methysticum” forst. (Piperaceae). Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 51:1156-1162, 1962. FurGIUELE, A. R., KINNARD, W. J., AceTOo, M. D,, and BUCKLEY, J. P.: Psychopharmacological activ- ity of certain aqueous fractions of piper methysti- cum forst. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 4:153, 1962. FurGlUELE, A. R., KINNARD, W. J., AceTo, M. D., and BUCKLEY, J. P.: Central activity of aqueous extracts of piper methysticum (Kava). Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 54(2):247-252, 1965. FURGIUELE, A. R., KINNARD, W. ]., and BUCKLEY, J. P.: Evaluation of certain psychopharmacological compounds. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 50:252-254, 1961. FurclUELE, A. R., KINNARD, W. J., and BUCKLEY, J. P.: Central effects of B-phenylisopropylhydrazine 373 and iproniazid. Journal of Pharmacology and Ex- perimental Therapeutics, 137:356-360, 1962. KinNarDp, W. J., Acero, M. D., and BUCKLEY, J. P.: Alteration of the temporal discrimination of the albino rat. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 4:152, 1962. KinNarp, W. J., Acero, M. D., and BUCKLEY, J. P.: The effects of certain psychotropic agents on the conditioned emotional response behavior pat- tern of the albino rat. Psychopharmacologia, 3: 227-230, 1962. O'HARA, MAUREEN J., KINNARD, WILLIAM ]., and BUCKLEY, JOSEPH P.: Preliminary characterization of aqueous extracts of piper methysticum (Kava, Kawa Kawa). Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 54(7):1021-1025, 1965. MH-3030 (R10) HoLLisTER, LEo E., and Prus- MACK, JoHN J.: Improved clinical screening of phrenotropic drugs. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1959- ) Forrest, IRENE S., KANTER, SauL L., SpPERrco, JosepH E., and WECHSLER, MAGDALENA B.: A comprehensive determination of thioridazine and its metabolites in urine. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121(11):1049-1055, 1965. HARTMAN, A. M., and HoLLISTER, L. E.: Effect of mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin on color perception. Psychopharmacologia, 4:441- 451, 1963. HovrLisTER, L. E.: Clinical, biochemical and psycho- logic effects of psilocybin. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 130:42-52, 1961. HorrisTEr, L. E.: Drug-induced psychoses and schizophrenic reactions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 96:80-88, 1962. HoLLIsTER, L. E.: Studies of prolonged-action medi- cation: II. Two phenothiazine tranquilizers (thi- oridazine and chlorpromazine) administered as coated tablets and prolonged-action preparations. Current Therapeutic Research, 4:417-479, 1962. HoLLisTER, L. E.: Studies of delayed-action medica- tion. I. Meprobamate administered as compressed tablets and as two delayed-action capsules. New England Journal of Medicine, 266:281-283, 1962. HOLLISTER, L. E.: Thyroid function and psychothera- peutic drugs. Journal of American Medical Asso- ciation, 185:890, 1963. HorLisTER, LEO E.: Complications from psychothera- peutic drugs, 1964. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 5:322-333, 1964. HoLLIsTER, LEO E.: Clinical syndrome from LSD-25 compared with epinephrine. Diseases of the Nerv- ous System, 25:427-429, 1964. HoLLISTER, L. E., and BENNETT, J. L.: Correspond- ence: Thyroid function and psychotherapeutic drugs. (Abstract) Journal of the American Medi- cal Association, 185(11):890, 1963. HoLLisTER, L. E., BENNETT, |]. L., KimMBELL, I, JR, SavaGg, C., and OvEeraLrL, J. E.: Diazepam in newly admitted schizophrenics. Diseases of the Nervous System, 24(12):746-750, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5144). HoruisTer, L. E., DEeGaN, R. O. and ScHULTZ, S. D.: An experimental approach to facilitation of psychotherapy by psychotomimetic drugs. Journal of Mental Science, 108(452):99-100, 1962. HOLLISTER, L. E., and GLAZENER, F. S.: Withdrawal reaction from meprobamate alone and combined with promazine: A controlled study. Psycho- pharmacologia, 1:336-341, 1960. HoLLIsTER, L. E., and HARTMAN, A. M.: Mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin: Compari- son of clinical syndromes, effects on color percep- tion and biochemical measures. [Journal of Com- parative Psychiatry, 3(4):235-241, 1962. HoLLISTER, L. E.; KANTER, S. L., and CLYDE, D. J.: Studies of prolonged-action medication. III. Pen- tobarbital sodium in prolonged-action form com- pared with conventional capsules. Serum levels of drug and clinical effects following acute doses. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 4(5): 612-618, 1963. HorLisTER, L. E., KANTER, S. L., and WRIGHT, A.: Comparison of intramuscular and oral administra- tion of chlorpromazine and thioridazine. Archives of International Pharmacodynamics, 144(34):571- 578, 1963. HorLisTER, LEO E., and MOTZENBECKER, F. P.: Haloperidal in schizophrenic reactions. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 4:(6)386-387, 1963. HorLister, L. E., MOTZENBECKER, F. P., and DEeGAN, R. O.: Withdrawal reactions from chlor- diazepoxide (“Librium”). Psychopharmacologia, 2:63-68, 1961. Horvrister, L. E., MOTZENBECKER, F. P. and PrUSMACK, J. J.: Nialamide: Clinical and toxi- cologic study. Journal of Clinical and Experi- mental Psychopathology, 21(3):212-216, 1960. HovLLisTER, L. E., PRUSMACK, J. J., PAULSEN, J., and RosenQuisT, N.: Comparison of three psycho- tropic drugs (psilocybin, JB-329 and IT-209) in volunteer subjects. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 131:428-434, 1960. HovrrisTER, LEo E., and SJOBERG, BERNARD M.: Clinical syndromes and biochemical alterations fol- lowing mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide, psilo- cybin and a combination of the three psychomi- metic drugs. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 5:170- 178, 1964. 374 HoLLIsTER, L. E., TRAUB, L., and PRUSMACK, J. J. Use of thioridazine for intensive treatment of schizophrenics refractory to other tranquilizing drugs. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1:200-204, 1960. KANTER, S.: Elimination of interference due to urea in the determination of meprobamate with P- dimethylaminobenzoaldehyde. ~~ Clinica Chimica Acta, 8(1):2-4, 1963. SJOBERG, B. M., Jr., and HoLLISTER, L. E.: The effects of psychotomimetic drugs on primary sug- gestibility. Psychopharmacologia, 8(4):251-262, 1965. MH-3031 (R01) KLINE, NATHAN S., SAUNDERS, J. C., and SiMPsoN, GEORGE: Drug induced endo- crine changes. Rockland State Hospital, Orange- burg, N.Y. (1959-66) BLAIR, J. H., SiMpsoN, G. M., and KLINE, N. S.: Monoamine oxidase inhibitor and sperm produc- tion. Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, 181:172, 1962. CoopPER, T. B., and Cranswick, E. H.: Iodoamino acid distribution in the serum of schizophrenic pa- tients receiving periphenazine. Life Sciences, 7: 527-531, 1963. Cranswick, E. H., ALLEN, D., Cooper, T. B,, and Pri, T.: Vacuum manifold for use in ery- throcyte uptake of T3 technic. Clinical Chemis- try, 11(1) : 77-79, 1965. Cranswick, E. H., and CoopPEir, T. B.: Thyroxine serum protein complexes in schizophrenia. Jour- nal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 25 (2) :177-180, 1965. Cranswick, E. H., CoopPer, T. B., and SIMPSON, G. M.: Two-year follow-up study of protein-bound iodine elevation in patients receiving perphena- zine. American Journal of Psychiatry, 122(3): 300-305, 1965. CraNswick, E. H., GRIFFIN, N., and GORrTON, F.: Experiences with an improved design for a clini- cal gamma well detector. American Journal of Medical Electronics, 2:21-27, 1963. Cranswick, E. H., and McFapbpeN, P. L.: Im- proved equipment design for studies on thyroid uptake. American Journal of Medical Electron- ics, 1:108-111, 1962. Cranswick, E. H., SiMmpsoN, G. M., and NIEs, A.: An abnormal thyroid finding produced by a phe, nothiazine. Journal of the American Medical Association, 181:554-555, 1962. SiMpsoN, G. M., BLA, J. H., and Nartowicz, G. R.: Prolonged Achilles reflex in neurosyphilis simulating the “myxedema reflex.” New England Journal of Medicine, 268:89-91, 1963. SiMpsoN, G. M., BLAIR, J. H.,, and Narrtowicz, G. R.: Diagnostic limitations of Achilles tendon reflex in thyroid disease. New York State Journal of Medicine, 63:1148-1153, 1963. SiMpsoN, G. M., and Cooper, T. B.: Thyroid in- dices in chronic schizophrenia: III. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 142(1):58-62, 1966. SimpsoN, G. M., Cranswick, E. H. and BLAIR, J. H.: Thyroid indices in chronic schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:582- 590, 1963. SimpsoN, G. M., CraNswick, E. H., and BLAIR, J. H.: Thyroid indices in chronic schizophrenia: II. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138: 581-585, 1964. MH-3032 (R01) MECHNER, FRANCIS, IRWIN, SAM- UEL, OFFENKRANTZ, FREDERICK M., and SNAP- PER, ARTHUR: Behavioral drug effects in animals and man. Schering Corp., Bloomfield, N.J. (1959-61) MECHNER, F., SNAPPER, ARTHUR G., and RAY, RoNaALD: Behavioral effects of methamphetamine and methylphenidate in rat and man. Nexro- psychopharmacology, 2:167-171, 1961. MH-3033 (R01) WHITMAN, Roy M., KRAMER, MiLTON, and PIERCE, CHESTER M.: The psycho- physiology of dreaming. University of Cincin- nati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (1959- ) BALDRIDGE, B. J., and HusTMYER, F. H.: Iterative association. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(2): 617-627, 1965. BALDRIDGE, B. J., WHITMAN, Roy M., and KRAMER, MiLToN: A simplified method for detecting eye movements during dreaming. Psychosomatic Med- icine, 25:78-82, 1963. KRAMER, M., WHITMAN, R. M., BALDRIDGE, B. J, and LANSKY, L. M.: Patterns of dreaming: The interrelationship of dreams of a night. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 139:426-439, 1964. KRAMER, MILTON, WHITMAN, Roy M., BALDRIDGE, Bi, and LANSKY, LEONARD: Depression: Dreams and defenses. American Journal of Psy- chiatry, 122(4):411-419, 1965. ORNSTEIN, PAuL H., and WHITMAN, Roy M.: On the metapharmacology of psychotropic drugs. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 3(6):166-175, 1965. PiErCE, CHESTER M., WHITMAN, Roy M., MAAs, James W., and GAy, MICHAEL L.: Enuresis and dreaming: Experimental studies. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4:166-170, 1961. WHITMAN, Roy M.: II. Drugs, dreams and the experimental subject. Canadian Psychiatric Asso- ciation Journal, 8(6):395-399, 1963. 375 WHITMAN, Roy M.: Remembering and forgetting dreams in psychoanalysis. Journal of the Ameri- can Psychoanalytic Association, 11(4):752-774, 1953, WHITMAN, Roy M., KRAMER, MILTON, and BALD- RIDGE, BILL: Which dream does the patient tell? Archives of General Psychiatry, 8:277-282, 1963. WHITMAN, Roy M., KRAMER, MILTON, and BALD- RIDGE, BILL: Experimental study of supervision of psychotherapy. Archives of General Psychiatry, 9(6) :529-535, 1963. WHITMAN, R., ORNSTEIN, P. H., and BALDRIDGE, B.: An experimental approach to the psycho- analytic theory of dreams and conflicts. Compre- hensive Psychiatry, 5(6):349-363, 1964. WHITMAN, R. M., ORNSTEIN, P. H., and KRAMER, M.: Drug therapy. In: Spiegel, E. A. ed. Progress in neurology and psychiatry. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1964, p. 606-630. WHITMAN, Roy M., PIERCE, CHESTER M., MAAS, James W., and BALDRIDGE, Birr: Drugs and dreams. II: Imipramine and prochlorperazine. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2(4):219-226, 1961. WHITMAN, Roy M., PIERCE, CHESTER M., MAAS, James W., and BALDRIDGE, BiLL: The dreams of the experimental subject. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 134:431-439, 1962. MH-3034 (RO1) WESTHEIMER, GERALD: Psycho- pharmacological agents and oculomotor responses. Columbus Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Co- lumbus, Ohio. (1959-63) RasHBass, C., and WESTHEIMER, G.: Recording rotational eye movements independently of lateral displacements. (Abstract) Journal of the Optical Society of America, 50(5):512, 1960. RasHBAss, C., and WESTHEIMER, G.: Disjunctive eye movements. Journal of Physiology, 159:339~- 360, 1961. RasHBass, C., and WESTHEIMER, G.: Independence of conjugate and disjunctive eye movements. Journal of Physiology, 159:361-364, 1961. WESTHEIMER, G.: Amphetemine, barbiturates and accommodation-convergence sykinesis. A. M. A. Archives of Ophthalmology, 70:830-836, 1963. WESTHEIMER, G., and RasHBAss, C.: Stability of retinal correspondence during convergence. Jour- nal of the Optical Society of America, 51:475, 1961. WESTHEIMER, G., and RAsHBAss, C.: Barbiturates and eye vergence. Nature, 191:833-834, 1961. MH-3037 (R01) PoLLArD, JoHN C., JACKSON, C. WESLEY, JR., and UHR, LEONARD M.: Studies in sensory deprivation. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1960-62) Jackson, C. W., Jr., and POLLARD, JoHN C.: Sen- sory deprivation and suggestion: A theoretical ap- proach. Behavioral Sciences, 7:332-342, 1962. Jackson, C. W., Jr., POLLARD, JoHN C., and KAN- sky, E. W.: The application of findings from experimental sensory deprivation to cases of clini- cal sensory deprivation. American Journal of Medical Science, 243:558-563, 1962. PoLLARD, J. C., BAKKER, C., UHR, L., and FEUER- FILE, D. F.: Controlled sensory input: A note on the technic of drug evaluation with a preliminary report on a comparative study of sernyl, psilocy- bin, and LSD-25. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1 (6) :377-380, 1960. PoLrrarp, J. C., JacksoN, C. W., Jr., UHR, L., and FEUERFILE, D.: A bibliography of experimental studies of sensory deprivation with human sub- jects. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Mental Health Re- search Institute, University of Michigan, 1961, 19 p. (Report No. 11). PorLarD, JoHN C., and UHR, L.: Controlled en- vironment: A method of measuring the drug response-behavior in humans. In: Paton, W. D. M., and Lindgren, P., eds. First International Pharmacological Meeting. Vol. 8. Stockholm, Pergamon Press, 1962, p. 309-314. PoLLARD, JoHN C., UHR, L., and Jackson, C. W., Jr.: Studies in sensory deprivation. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8:435-454, 1963. MH-3039 (R01) HAMBLIN, ROBERT L.: Causes of conformity and nonconformity of adolescents. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1959- 62) HaMBLIN, ROBERT L.: The dynamics of racial dis- crimination. ~~ Social Problems, 10(2):103-120, 1962. HamBLIN, ROBERT L.: The dynamics of aggressive delinquency. Indianapolis, Ind., Bobbs-Merrill, 1964. HAMBLIN, ROBERT L., BRIDGER, DAviID A., Day, RoBERT C., and YANCEY, WiLLiaM L.: The in- terference-aggression law? Sociometry 26(2): 190-216, 1963. MH-3040 (RO1) CONGER, J., GASKILL, HERBERT S., MILLER, WILBUR C., and RAINEY, ROBERT V.: Early identification of maladaptive behavior. Uni- versity of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colo. (1959- ) CONGER, J. J.: Personality factors in motor vehicle accidents. Medical Times, 88:281-284, 1960. CONGER, J. J.: Personality factors in driver educa- tion. Phi Delta Kappa, June:396-397, 1960. CONGER, J. J.: Research trends in traffic safety. Traffic Safety Research Review, 5(2):30-32, 1961. Also in: Police, July-August:44-47, 1961. 376 RAINEY, R. V., CONGER, J. J., and WALSMITH, C. R.: Personality characteristics as a selective factor in driver education. Highway Research Bulletin, 285:23-28, 1961. MH-3042 (R01) METCALF, DAVID R., GLASSCOCK, THoMmas T., KEeeLy, HaroLD W. NITZBERG, HAROLD, and SANTOSTEFANO, SEBASTIAN: Me- probamate in behavior disorders with abnormal EEGS. University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colo. (1959-62) Dobbs, J., and SANTOSTEFANO, S.: A comparison of the cognitive functioning of glue-sniffers and non-glue-sniffers. Journal of Pediatrics, 64:565- 570, 1964. SANTOSTEFANO, SEBASTIANO: Miniature situation tests as a way of interviewing children. Merrill- Palmer Quarterly of Behavior and Development, 8:261-269, 1962. SANTOSTEFANO, SEBASTIANO: A developmental study of the Delboeuf illusion. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:23-29, 1963. SANTOSTEFANO, SEBASTIANO: Cognitive controls and exceptional states in children. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 20:213-218, 1964. SANTOSTEFANO, SEBASTIANO, and PALEY, E.: De- velopment of cognitive controls in children. Child Development, 35:939-949, 1964. MH-3046 (R01) Crark, WiLLiaM C., and HuL- PIEU, HAROLD R.: Ethanol metabolism and hydro- gen transfer mechanisms. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1959-61) Crark, WiLLiam C., Hurprieu, HAroLD R., and HAINES, ROBERT J.: Ethanol metabolism and ex- perimental diabetes. ~~ Diabetes, 14(1):14-18, 1965. MH-3047 (R01) KLEINER, ROBERT J. and PARKER, SEYMOUR: Mental illness and migration. Eastern Mental Health Center, Philadelphia, Pa. (1959-62) KLEINER, R. J., and PARKER, S.: Goal striving, so- cial status, and mental disorder: A research re- view. American Sociological Review, 28:189-203, 1963. KLEINER, R. J., PARKER, S., and TAYLOR, H. G.: Social status and aspirations in Philadelphia’s ne- gro population. In: Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations, 1962. PARKER, SEYMOUR, and KLEINER, ROBERT J.: Men- tal illness in the urban negro community. New York, Free Press, 1965, 408 p. PARKER, S., KLEINER, R. J., and TAvLor, H. G.: Level of aspiration and mental disorder: A re- search proposal. Annals of the New York Acad- emy of Science, 84:878-886, 1960. MH-3048 (R01) KURLAND, ALBERT A.: Hexaflu- orodiethyl ether—its use in schizophrenia. Spring Grove State Hospital, Catonsville, Md. (1959- 61) KURLAND, A. A.: Implications of indoklon for psy- chiatric research. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 4 (3):173-177, 1963. KurLanD, A. A., GUERrvo, R., and KraNTzZ, J. C, Jr.: The intravenous use of hexafluorodiethyl ether as a convulsant in psychiatric treatment. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1(5):260-265, 1960. Kurranp, A. A., Krantz, J. C, Jr. and TRUITT, E. B,, Jr.: The treatment of schizophrenia with sustained exposure to hexafluorodiethyl ether. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 130(2): 155-159, 1960. NussBauM, K., and KurLAND, A. A.: Intravenous hexafluorodiethyl ether (indoklon) modified by succinylcholine chloride. Current Therapeutic Re- search, 4(2):44-56, 1962. NussBauM, K., and KurLAND, A. A.: Intravenous administration of indoklon 109% solution. Ameri- Journal of Psychiatry, 120(1):69-70, 1963. NussBauM, K., and KurLaND, A. A.: Bis (2,2,2- trifluorethyl) ether (Indoklon) modified with suc- cinylcholine (Anectine) as a convulsant in psy- chiatric treatment. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 5: 143-149, 1963. MH-3050 (R01) CLEGHORN, ROBERT A., and SOURKES, THEODORE LIONEL: Metabolism of bio- genic amines and mental illness. McGill Univer- sity, Montreal, Can. (1960-63) BARBEAU, ANDRE, SOURKES, THEODORE L,, and MurpHY, GERARD F.: Les catecholamines dans la maladie de Parkinson. In: Ajuriaguerra, J. de, ed. Monoamines et systeme nerveux central. Georg, Geneva, & Masson, Paris, 1962, p. 247-262. Moran, J. F., and Sourkes, T. L.: Induction of tryptophan pyrrolase by alpha-methyltryptophan and its metabolic significance in vivo. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 238:3006-3008, 1963. Moran, J. F., Sourkks, T. L., and CHAVEZ, B.: Inhibitory effects of decarboxylase inhibitors on the metabolism of tyrosine-C'# in the rat. Cana- dian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology, 41: 2376-2379, 1963. SANKOFF, I., and SourkEis, T. L.: The weight- depressing action of a-methyl-DL-tryptophan in the rat. Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology, 40:739-747, 1962. SANKOFF, I., and SourkEks, T. L.: Determination by thin-layer chromatography of urinary homo- vanillic acid in normal and disease states. Cana- dian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology, 41: 1381, 1963. 377 SoUrkES, THEODORE L.: Catecholamine metabolism and some functions of the nervous system. Amer- ican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 12(4):321- 329, 1963. SourkEs, T. L., DENTON, R. L., MURPHY, G. F., CHAVEZ, B., and SAINT CYR, S.: The excretion of dihydroxyphenylalanine, dopamine and dihy- droxyphenylacetic acid in neuroblastoma. Pedi- atrics, 31:660-668, 1963. SourkEes, T. L., MurpHY, G. F., and CHAVEz- LARA, B.: A metabolic study of a-methyl-g-(3, 4- dihydroxyphenyl)-DL-alanine in man. Journal of Medical Pharmacology and Chemistry, 5:204-210, 1962. Sourkes, T. L., MurpHY, G. F., and CHAVEz- LARA, B.: Experimental and clinical studies of anti-decarboxylases. In: Proceedings of the Third World Congress of Psychiatry. Montreal, Univer- sity of Toronto/McGill University Press, 1962, p. 649-653. SourkEks, T. L., MurpHY, G. F., CHAVEZ, B., and ZIELINSKA, M.: The action of some a-methyl and other amino acids on cerebral catecholamines. Journal of Neurochemistry, 8:109-115, 1961. SourkEes, T. L., MurpHY, G. F., SANKOFF, I, DistLEr, M. H. W., and SaiNT CYR, S.: Excre- tion of dopamine, catecholamine metabolites and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in hepatolenticular de- generation (Wilsons Disease). Journal of Neu- rochemistry, 10:947-951, 1963. WisEMAN-DISTLER, M. H., and SoURKES, T. L.: The effect of 4-hydroxyindoles on the metabolism of S-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 96:142-150, 1962. MH-3058 (R03) LANDFIELD, ALVIN W.: Social conceptual processes in a student population. Uni- versity of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (1959-60) LANDFIELD, A. W., and FIELD, S.: Personal con- struct consistency. Psychological Reports, 8:127- 129, 1961. LANDFIELD, A. W., and STERN, M.: Social concep- tual processes and change in students undergoing psychotherapy. Psychological Reports, 8:63-68, 1961. MH-3064 (R03) GRUEN, WALTER: General sys- tems theory and group formation. University of Buffalo—prior to Sept. 1, 1962, Buffalo, N.Y. (1959-59) GRUEN, W., and BIERMAN, R.: Determinants for verbal communication among strangers. Psycho- logical Reports, 7:463-469, 1960. MH-3068 (R03) NaroLL, RaouL S.: Childbirth— a cross-cultural study. San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, Calif. (1959-60) NaroLL, FrapA, NaArorL, RaouL, and HOWARD, Forest H.: Position of women in childbirth: A study in data quality control. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 82:943-954, 1961. MH-3075 (R01) WHITTIER, JoHN R.: Basal nu- clear structures, behavior and metabolism. Creed- moor State Hospital, New York, N.Y. (1959- 62) WHITTIER, JOHN R., and ORR, ALFONso: Hyper- kinesia and other physiologic effects of caudate deficit in the adult albino rat. Neurology, 12(8): 529-539, 1962. MH-3076 (R03) PALMER, James O.: TAT corre- lates of Rorschach’s Experience Balance. Univer- sity of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1959-59) PALMER, JAMES O., and LUSTGARTEN, BILLIE J.: The prediction of TAT structure as a test of Ror- schach’s Experience balance. Journal of Projective Techniques, 26:212-220, 1962. MH-3078 (R01) LE BLANC, JACQUES, and LE- MIEUX, LIONEL: Mast cells of the skin and tran- quilizer therapy. Laval University, Quebec, Can. (1959-61) LEBLANC, J., and LEMIEUX, L.: Histamine and men- tal disease. Medicina Experimentalis, 4:214-222, 1961. LEBLANC, J., Lemieux, L., Cote, F., DESBIENS, A., and BLANCHET, A.: The cold pressor test in mental patients during tranquilizer therapy. Med- icina Experimentalis, 8:163-170, 1963. MH-3084 (RO1) LEBRA, WILLIAM P., and MARET- zk1, THOMAS: Religion and health in Okinawa. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1959- 62) LEBRA, WILLIAM P.: Okinawan religion. In: Smith, Allan, ed. Ryukyuan culture and society. Hono- lulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1964. LEBRA, WILLIAM P.: The Okinawan shaman. In: Smith, Allan, ed. Ryukyuan culture and society. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1964. LeEBRA, WILLIAM P., and MARETZKI, THOMAS W.: The village cooperative in Okinawa. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 11:225-238, 1963. MareTzKI, THoMAs W.: Ryukyuan studies by American anthropologists since World War II. Japanese Journal of Ethnology ( Minzokugaku Kenkyu), 27:431-436, 1962. MaRreTzKI, THOMAS W.: Personality in rural Oki- nawa: A survey. In: Smith, Allan, ed. Ryu- kyuan culture and society. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1964. 378 MarETZKI1, THOMAS W.: Suicide in Okinawa: Pre- liminary explorations. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 11(4):256-263, 1965. MareTZKI, THOMAS W., and MARETZKI, HATSUMI S.: Child training in an Okinawan community. In: Whiting, B., ed. Six cultures: studies of child rearing. New York, John Wiley, 1963, p. 363-539. MH-3085 (R03) DAVENPORT, JoHN W.: Rein- forcement variables in selective learning. Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. (1959-60) DAVENPORT, J. W.: The interaction of magnitude and delay of reinforcement in spatial discrimina- tion. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:267-273, 1962. DAVENPORT, J. W.: A rotary runway apparatus. Psychological ~ Reports, 12(2):385-386, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4528). DAVENPORT, J. W.: Spatial discrimination and re- versal learning involving differential magnitude of reinforcement. ~~ Psychological Reports, 12:655- 665, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4528). DAVENPORT, J. W.: Supplementary information per- taining to the rotary runway. Document No. 7447, American Documentation Institute, Auxil- iary Publications Project, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 1963. MH-3088 (R01) BOYER, L. BRYCE, and BASEHART, HARRY W.: Field research in anthropopsycho- analytic techniques. University of New Mexico, Al- buquerque, N.M. (1959-65) (Continued from MH-2013). Boyer, L. Bryce: Notes on the personality struc- ture of a North American Indian shaman. Jour- nal of the Hillside Hospital, 10:14-33, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2013). Boyer, L. BRYCE: Remarks on the personality of shamans: With special reference to the Apache of the Mescalero Indian Reservation. In: Muenster- berger, Warner, and Axelrod, Sidney, eds. The psychoanalytic study of society. Vol. 2. New York, International Universities Press, 1962, p. 233-254. (Also acknowledges MH-2013). Boyer, L. Bryce: Folk psychiatry of the Apaches of the Mescalero Indian Reservation. In: Kiev, A., ed. Faith, magic and healing: Studies in prim- itive psychiatry today. Glencoe, Ill., Free Press, 1964, p. 384-419. (Also acknowledges MH- 2013). BOYER, L. BRYCE: Psychoanalytic insights in work- ing with ethnic minorities. Social Casework, 45 (90):519-526, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 2013). BOYER, L. BRYCE: Stone as a symbol in Apache my- thology. American Imago, 22:14-39, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2013). Boyer, L. Bryck, Boyce, RUTH M., BRAWER, FLORENCE R.. Kawal, HAvao, and KLOPFER, BRUNO: Apache age groups. Journal of Projec- tive Techniques and Personality Assessment, 28 (4):397-402, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 2013). BoYER, L. Bryce, KLOPFER, BRUNO, BOYER, RUTH M., BRAWER, FLORENCE B., and Kawai, HAYAO: Effects of acculturation on the personality traits of the old people of the Mescalero and Chiricahua Apaches. International Journal of Social Psychi- atry, 11(4):264-271, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2013). Boyer, L. Bryce, KLOPFER, BRUNO, BRAWER, FLORENCE B., and Kawai, Hayao: Comparisons of the shamans and pseudoshamans of the Apaches of the Mescalero Indian Reservation: A Rorschach study. Journal of Projective Techniques, 28:173- 180, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2013). Boyer, RUTH M.:. The matrifocal family among the Mescalero: Additional data. American Anthro- pologist, 66:593-602, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2013). KLOPFER, BRUNO, and BOYER, L. BrRYcE: Notes on the personality structure of a North American In- dian shaman: Rorschach report. Journal of Pro- jective Techniques, 25:169-178, 1961. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2013). MACLACHLAN, BRUCE B.: The contemporary Mes- calero Apache legal system. Anthropology To- morrow, 7:43-45, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2013). MACLACHLAN, Bruck B.: The Mescalero Apache uest for law and order. Journal of the West, 3(4):441-458, 1964. MH-3090 (R03) Forp, CLELLAN S.: Survey of cross-cultural studies relating to health. Human Relations Area Files, New Haven, Conn. (1959- 59) EMBER, MELVIN: The relationship between eco- nomic and political development in nonindustrial- ized societies. Ethnology, 2(2):228-248, 1963. MH-3092 (R03) Piotr, MARTIN L., MAHL, GEeorGE F., and Spiro, HowarD M.: Psycho- physiologic study of gastric secretion. Yale Uni- versity, New Haven, Conn. (1959-60) RUBIN, JESSE, NAGLER, RICHARD, SPIRO, HOWARD, and PiLoT, MARTIN L.: Measuring the effect of emotions on esophageal motility. Psychosomatic Medicine, 24:170-176, 1962. 379 MH-3093 (R03) KiM, CHUL: Reaction to a stress- provoking stimulus with ablation. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. (1959-60) Kim, CHuL, and KiM, CHANG Uk: Effect of par- tial hippocampal resection on stress mechanism in rats. American Journal of Physiology, 201(2): 337-340, 1961. Kim, Cur, and Kim, CHANG UK: Effect of hippo- campal ablation on audiogenic seizure in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 55(3):288-292, 1962. MH-3100 (RO1) ScHWARTZ, MORRIS S.: Social science in the mental hospital. Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass. (1960-62) (Continued as MH-6822). ScuwARrTZ, M. S.: The uses of sociology in the mental hospital. Social Problems, 10:219-227, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6822). MH-3101 (R03) SmitH, ROBERT ]., and RAMSEY, CHARLES E.: Cross-cultural study of Japanese and American youth. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1959-59) RAMSEY, CHARLES E., and SMITH, ROBERT J.: Jap- anese and American perceptions of occupations. American Journal of Sociology, 65(5):475-482, 1960. SMITH, ROBERT J., and RAMSEY, CHARLES E.: At- tudes of Japanese high school seniors toward the military. Public Opinion Quarterly, 26:249-253, 1962. SmiTH, ROBERT J., RAMSEY, CHARLES E., and Cas- TILLO, GELIA: Parental authority and job choice: Sex differences in three cultures. American Jour- nal of Sociology, 69(2):143-149, 1963. MH-3103 (R03) SHuFrorDp, EMIR H., Jr.: Bayes estimation and psychophysical judgment. Univer- sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1959- 59) Suurorp, EMIR H., Jr., and HALL, W. JACKSON: A decision theory approach to psychophysics. Psychometric Laboratory Research Report Number 22, June 1959. SHurorp, EMIR H., Jr., and WIESEN, RAYMOND A.: Bayes estimation of proportion: The effect of stimulus distribution and exposure time. Psycho- metric Laboratory Research Report Number 23, December 1959. MH-3118 (R01) KiNG, FREDERICK A.: Behavioral and physiological effects of brain damage. Uni- versity of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. (1959-60) (Continued from MH-1639). KAELBING, R., KING, F. A., ACHENBACH, K., BRAN- soN, R., and PasaMANICK, B.: Reliability of au- tonomic responses. Psychological Reports, 6:143- 163, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1639). MH-3121 (R03) Katz, JAY: Preparation of source- book on psychopathology. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1959-60) Katz, JAY, and GOLDSTEIN, JosepH: Abolish the insanity defense—why not? Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138:57-69, 1964. MH-3133 (R03) BeLLAK, LEoFoLD: Effects of De- rol on depression. City Hospital at Elmhurst, Elmhurst, N.Y. (1959-60) BELLAK, LEOPOLD, SALK, LEE, and ROSENHAN, DAvID: A process study of the effects of Deprol on depression. Exemplification of a method of a psychodynamic process study of psychotropic drugs. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 132(6):531-538, 1961. MH-3134 (R03) Parpbucci, ALLEN: Assimilation in the anchoring of absolute judgment. Univer- sity of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1959-60) Parbuccr, A., and MARSHALL, L. M.: Assimilation vs. contrast in the anchoring of perceptual judg- ments of weight. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 63:426-437, 1962. MH-3137 (RO1) Epwarps, ALLEN L.: Social de- sirability and conflict. University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (1960-61) Epwarps, A. L., and Diers, CAROL J.: Social de- sirability and conflict. Journal of Social Psychol- 0gy, 58:349-356, 1962. MH-3142 (R01) CAMPDEN-MAIN, Brian C.: Con- struction and validation of psychiatric profiles. Howard University, Washington, D.C. (1959- 62) CAMPDEN-MAIN, BRIAN C., and CAMPDEN-MAIN, THELMA ].: American psychiatry—current goals and practices. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 2. Montreal, Uni- versity of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 1267-1270. CAMPDEN-MAIN, BrIAN C., and CAMPDEN-MAIN, THELMA J.: American psychiatry: (2) Current practices and views in psychopharmacology. Dis- eases of the Nervous System, 23(3):3-8, 1962. MH-3145 (R03) JERISON: HARRY ].: Brain to body relations in fossil mammals. Antioch College, Yel- low Springs, Ohio. (1959-60) Jerson, H. J.: Quantitative analysis of evolution of the brain in mammals. Science, 133:1012-1014, 1961. 380 MH-3149 (R03) Gussow, ZACHARY: Mental health among Eskimos of eastern Quebec. Bank Street College of Education, New York, N.Y. (1959-59) Gussow, ZACHARY: A preliminary report of kayak- angst among the Eskimo of west Greenland: A study in sensory deprivation. International Jour- nal of Social Psychiatry, 9(1):18-26, 1963. MH-3150 (R03) MAHAN, Mary B.: Cultural in- fluences on the adolescent girl. Mount Marty College, Yankton, S.D. (1959-59) MAHAN, MARY BRIAN: Rural-urban differences in the attitudes and behavior of adolescent girls. American Catholic Sociological Review, 24:143- 152, 1963. MH-3156 (R01) CLIFTON, JAMES A.: Variation in Klamath culture and personality. University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. (1959-61) CLIFTON, JAMES A.: On the intercultural use of the Rorschach. American Anthropologist, 61: 1087-1090, 1959. CLIFTON, JAMES A., and LEVINE, DAvip: Klamath personalities: Ten Rorschach case studies. Eu- gene, Oregon, University of Oregon Press, 1961. (Reissued by the University of Kansas Press, 1963). MH-3158 (R01) LeMERT, EDWIN M.: The use of alcohol in Polynesia. University of California, Davis, Calif. (1959-60) (Continued as MH- 5161). LeEMERT, EDWIN M.: Stuttering and social structure in two Pacific societies. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 27:3-10, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5161). LeMERT, EDWIN M.: Alcohol use in Polynesia. Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 14:183-191, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5161). LEMERT, EDWIN M.: Forms and pathology of drink- ing in three Polynesian societies. American An- thropologist, 66:361-374, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-5161). LemerT, E. M.: Drinking in Hawaiian plantation society. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 25:689-713, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 5161). MH-3163 (R01) FRENCH, JosepH H., HORNER, FREDERICK A., and STREAMER, CHARLES W.: De- velopment of phenylketonurics controlled from birth. University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colo. (1959-64) FRENCH, JosepH H., O’BriEN, DoONOUGH, and GRUETER, BARBARA: Kynurenine metabolism and pyridoxine dependency in the syndrome of infan- tile myoclonic seizures. (Abstract) Society for Pediatric Research, Program and Abstracts, 32nd Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, May 8-9-10, 1962. Page 114. HORNER, F. A.: The technique of transillumination. A. M. A. Journal of Diseases of Children, 103: 182-184, 1962. Horner, F. A., and LuBcHENcO, L. O.: Specific neurologic findings in children of premature birth. Premature birth. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 106:101, 1963. HORNER, F. A., STREAMER, C. W., ALEjJANDRINO, L. L., Reep, L. H,, and IBBOTT, F.: Termination of dietary treatment of phenylketonuria. New England Journal of Medicine, 266:79-81, 1962. Masry, C. C., NELsoN, T. L., and HORNER, F. A.: Occult phenylketonuria. ~~ Clinical Pediatrics, 1 (2) :82-86, 1962. O’BrIEN, DONOUGH, IBBOTT, FRANK A., WALKER, DoroTtHY M., DABIERE, CAROL, and Ross, EM- MANUEL R.: The effect of a high phenylalanine intake on cerebral amino acid and lipid compo- sition in the infant monkey. (Abstract) Society of Pediatric Research, Program and Abstracts, 33rd Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, N.]J., May 1 and 2, 1963, p. 109. MH-3165 (RO1) PorTER, PauL B., and BECK, EpwarD C.: Relationships between limbic stimu- lation and rewards. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (1960- ) GiBsoN, WiLLiaM E., REID, LARRY D., SAKAI, Ma- KOTO, and PORTER, PAUL B.: Intracranial rein- forcement compared with sugar-water reinforce- ment. Science, 148(3675):1357-1358, 1965. Rem, LARRY D., GiBsoN, WiLLiAM E., GLEDHILL, STEPHEN M., and PORTER, PAUL B.: Anticon- vulsant drugs and self-stimulating behavior. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:353-356, 1964. REID, LARRY, and PORTER, PAUL B.: Another holder for chronically implanted electrodes. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7:12, 1964. RE, L. D., and PORTER, P. B.: Reinforcement from direct electrical stimulation of the brain. Rocky Mountain Psychologist, 1:1-20, 1965. SCHNITZER, SAMUEL B., RED, LArRry D., and PorTER, PAUL B.: Electrical intracranial stimu- lation as a primary reinforcer for cats. Psycho- logical Reports, 16:335-338, 1965. VAN DER Erst, DIRK H., PORTER, PAauL B., and SHARP, JosepH C.: Visual deficit in albino rats following fetal x irradiation. Perceptual and Mo- tor Skills, 16:291-294, 1963. 381 WaspeN, R. E., REm, L. D., and PORTER, P. B.: Overnight performance decrement with intracra- nial reinforcement. Phychological Reports, 16: 653-658, 1965. MH-3166 (R01) WEINSTEIN, SIDNEY, GOLDEN- soHN, Err S., Poor, J. LAWRENCE, and RAN- SOHOFF, JosEPH: Temporal lobe seizures and per- sonality disorders. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1959-64) FERGUSON, S. M.: Temporal lobe epilepsy: Psychi- atric and behavioral aspects. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 38(10):668-679, 1962. GOLDENSOHN, E. S.: Temporal lobe epilepsy: Neu- rological and electrical aspects. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 38(10)653- 661, 1962. GOLDENSOHN, ELI S.: EEG and ictal and postictal behavior. In: Glasser, Gilbert H., ed. EEG and behavior. New York, Basic Books, 1963, p. 293- 314. Poor, J. L., and RANSOHOFF, J.: Temporal lobe epilepsy: neurological aspects. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 38(10):680- 688, 1962. WEINSTEIN, S., and JoHNsON, L.: The Bender- Gestalt test in differential diagnosis of temporal lobectomy and schizophrenia. Perceptual and Mo- tor Skills, 18:813-820, 1964. WEINSTEIN, S., JoHNsON, L., and GUERRA, J.: Differentiation of human figure drawings made be- fore and after temporal lobectomy and by schizo- phrenics. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:687- 693, 1963. MH-3167 (R01) ETSTEN, BENJAMIN: Experimen- tal analysis of behavior under anesthesia. New England Center Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1959- 62) LiNDSLEY, O. R., HoBIkA, J. H., and ETSTEN, B. E.: Operant behavior during anesthesia recovery: A continuous and objective method. Anesthesiology, 22:937-946, 1961. MH-3171 (R01) ROSEN, GEORGE: Research in the social history of mental illness. Columbia Uni- versity, New York, N.Y. (1959-64) ROSEN, GEORGE: Patterns of discovery and control in mental illness. American [Journal of Public Health, 50:855-866,, 1960. ROSEN, GEORGE: Psychopathology in the social process. I. A study of the persecution of witches in Europe as a contribution to the understanding of mass delusions and psychic epidemics. Jour- nal of Health and Human Behavior, 1:200-211, 1960. RoseN, GEORGE: Discussions of A. H. Leighton: Cultures as causative of mental disorders. In: Causes of mental disorders: A review of epidemi- ological knowledge, 1959. New York, Milbank Memorial Fund, 1961, p. 366-376. ROSEN, GEORGE: Public health and mental health: Convering trends and emerging issues: Historical background. In: Mental health teaching in schools of public health. New York, Columbia University, School of Public Health and Admin- istrative Medicine, 1961, p. 1-75. ROSEN, GEORGE: Cross-cultural and historical as- pects of the psychopathology of aging. In: Hoch, P. H., and Zubin, J., eds. Psychopathology of aging. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 1-20. ROSEN, GEORGE: Psychopathology in the social process. II. Dance frenzies, demonic posses- sion, revival movements and similar so-called psy- chic epidemics: An interpretation. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 36:13-44, 1962. ROSEN, GEORGE: The hospital: Historical sociology of a community institution. In: Freidson, Eliot, ed. The hospital in modern society. New York, Free Press of Glencoe, 1963, p. 1-36. ROSEN, GEORGE: Social attitudes to irrationality and madness in 17th and 18th century Europe. Jour- nal of the History of Medicine, 18:220-240, 1963. RoseN, G.: The mentally ill and the community in western and central Europe during the late mid- dle ages and the Renaissance. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 19:377- 388, 1964. MH-3174 (R03) KiNG, DAviD J.: Scoring the ac- curacy of recall of connected material. American University, Washington, D.C. (1959-60) KiNG, Dav J.: On the accuracy of written recall: A scaling and factor analytic study. Psychological Record, 10(2) :113-122, 1960. KING, Davip J.: Sealing the accuracy of recall of stories in the absence of objective criteria. Psy- chological Record, 11(1):87-90, 1961. ScHuLTZ, DUANE P., and KiNG, Davip J.: Addi- tional observations on scoring the accuracy of writ- ten recall. Psychological Record, 10(3):203-209, 1960. MH-3182 (R01) Duncan, CARL P.: Research on human problem solving. Northwestern Univer- sity, Evanston, Ill. (1959-64) Duncan, C. P.: Letter response hierarchies within and among subjects. Psychological Reports, 6: 291-297, 1960. Duncan, C. P.: Attempts to influence performance on an insight problem. Psychological Reports, 9:35-42, 1961. 382 Duncan, C. P.: Probability vs. latency of solution of an insight problem. Psychological Reports, 10:119-121, 1962. Duncan, C. P.: Effect of instructions and informa- tion on problem solving. Journal of Experimen- tal Psychology, 65:321-327, 1963. Duncan, C. P.: Learning to learn in response- discovery and in paired associate lists. American Journal of Psychology, 77:367-379, 1964. Isaacs, I. Davip, and DuNcAN, CARL P.: Reversal and nonreversal shifts within and between dimen- sions in concept formation. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 64:580-585, 1962. O’ConnNELL, E. J, and Duncan, C. P.: Anagram solving as a function of letter spacing. Psycho- logical Reports, 8:117-118, 1961. MH-3190 (R01) Gros, GERALD N.: History of Worcester State Hospital since 1833. Clark Uni- versity, Worcester, Mass. (1960-65) GroB, GERALD N.: Samuel B. Woodward and the practice of psychiatry in early nineteenth century America. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 36:420-443, 1962. GRrOB, GERALD N.: Adolf Meyer on American psy- chiatry in 1895. American Journal of Psychiatry, 119(12):1135-1142, 1963. Gros, G. N.: Origins of the state mental hospital: A case study. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 29(2):1-19, 1965. MH-3191 (R01) LAPOUSE, REMA, and MONK, Mary ALICE: Epidemiologic study of child be- havior and adjustment. Tulane University, New Orleans, La. (1959-60) LaPousg, REMA: The relationship of behavior to adjustment in a representative sample of children. American Journal of Public Health, 55(8):1130- 1141, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-1507). LAPOUSE, REMA, and MONK, MARY A.: Behavior deviations in a representative sample of children: Variation by sex, age, race, social class and fam- ily size. The American Journal of Orthopsychi- atry, 34(3):436-446, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1507). LApPOUSE, REMA, MONK, MARY A., and STREET, ELisABETH: A method for use in epidemiologic studies of ‘behavior disorders in children. Ameri- can Journal of Public Health, 54(2):207-222, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-1507). MH-3193 (R01) MEADE, RoBERT D.: Motivation and time perception. Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. (1959-62) MEADE, ROBERT D.: Time perceptions as affected by need tension. Journal of Psychology, 49:249- 253, 1960. MEADE, ROBERT D.: Time estimates as affected by need tension and rate of progress. Journal of Psychology, 50:173-177, 1960. MEADE, ROBERT D.: Effect of motivation and prog- ress on the estimation of longer time intervals. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65(6):564~ 567, 1963. MH-3196 (RO1) Ross, BRUCE M., and LEvy, NissiMm M.: Immediate memory and predicting. Rutgers—The State University, New Brunswick, N.J. (1959-63) LINKER, EUGENE, and Ross, BRUCE M.: Memory and hypothesis in solving alternation problems with random competition. Psychological Reports, 12:783-797, 1963. Moore, MARY E., and Ross, BRUCE M.: Context effects in running memory. Psychological Re- ports, 12:451-465, 1963. Ross, BRUCE M., RESNICK, ANITA, and SPEELMAN, ROSEANNE G.: Recognition memory-span measure- ment for nonsense-shape orientations and the “span hold constancy” hypothesis. Psychological Monographs, 76(25):1-21, 1962. (Whole No. 544). Ross, BRUCE M., and WEINER, SAMUEL G.: On making a random pattern. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:587-600, 1963. MH-3199 (R03) Davis, W. MARVIN: Pharmacol- ogy of cataleptic behavior. University of Okla- homa, Norman, Okla. (1959-60) Davis, W. MARVIN: Neurophysiological basis and pharmacological modification of inhibitory emo- tional behavior. Archives Internationales de Phar- macodynamie et de Therapie, 142:349-360, 1963. MH-3202 (R03) Isaacson, RoBERT L.: Electro- graphic correlates of learning in hippocampus. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1959- 59) Isaacson, R. L., Doucras, R. J., and MOORE, R. Y.: The effect of radical hippocampal ablation on acquisition of avoidance response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54: 625-628, 1961. MH-3203 (R01) Banks, EpwiN M., and NAL- BANDOV, ANDREW V.: A comparative study of interaction. University of Illinois, Urbana, IIL (1959-63) BANKS, EDWIN M.: Some aspects of sexual behaviour in domestic sheep, Ovis aries. Behaviour, 23: 249-279, 1964. 383 MH-3204 (R01) PErsky, HAROLD, DEN BREEIJEN, Arg, Levitt, EUGENE E., and ZUCKERMAN, MarvIN: Effect of anxiety on blood corticotropin levels. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1960-62) Levitt, EUGENE E., PERsKY, HAROLD, and BRADY, JouN PauL: Hypnotic induction of anxiety: A psychoendocrine investigation. New York, Charles C. Thomas, 1964, 134 p. Levitt, E. E., Persky, H., Brapny, J. P., and FrrzGEraLD, J. A.: The effect of hydrocortisone infusion on hypnotically induced anxiety. Psycho- somatic Medicine, 25:158-161, 1963. PERsKY, H.: Excretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) by normal human subjects. Journal of the Albert Einstein Medical Center, 12:29-33, 1964. WEINER, S., DormaN, D., PErsKy, H., STACH, T. W., NorTON, J., and Levitt, E. E.: Effect on anxiety of increasing the plasma hydrocortisone level. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25:69-77, 1963. MH-3207 (R01) FARBER, BERNARD, and KIRK, SAMUEL A.: Siblings and parents of a mentally retarded child. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL (1959-62) DowNEY, KENNETH ].: Parental interest in the in- stitutionalized severely mentally retarded child. Social Problems, 11:186-193, 1963. FARBER, B.: Perceptions of crisis and related variable in the impact of a retarded child on the mother. Journal of Health and Human Behavior, 1:108- 118, 1960. Also in: Sussman, Marvin B., ed. Sourcebook in marriage and the family. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1963. FARBER, BERNARD: Marital integration as a factor in parent-child relations. Child Development, 33: 1-14, 1962. FARBER, B.: Types of family organization: Child- oriented, home-oriented, and parent-oriented. In: Rose, Arnold M., ed. Human behavior and social processes. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1962, p. 285-306. FARBER, BERNARD: Effects of a severely mentally re- tarded child on the family. In: Trapp, E. Philip, and Himelstein, Philip, eds. Readings on the Exceptional Child. New York, Appleton-Century- Crofts, 1962, p. 227-246. FARBER, BERNARD: Elements of competence in inter- personal relations: A factor analysis. Sociometry, 25(1):30-46, 1962. FARBER, BERNARD: Interaction with retarded siblings and life goals of children. Marriage and Family Living, 25:96-98, 1963. FARBER, BERNARD, and JENNE, WILLIAM C.: Family organization and parent-child communication: * Parents and siblings of a retarded child. Mono- graphs of the Society for Research in Child Devel- opment, 28, 1963. MH-3212 (R01) Oakes, WirrLiam F., and ProNkoO, N. H.: Reinforcement effects in group discussion. University of Wichita, Wichita, Kan. (1959-61) (Continued as MH-5998). Oakes, W. F.: Reinforcement of Bales’ categories in group discussion. Psychological Reports, 11:427- 435, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5998). OakEs, W. F.: A comparison of the effectiveness of signal light reinforcers given various meanings on participation in group discussion. Psychological Reports, 11:469-470, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5998). Oakes, W. F., and DroGe, A. E.: Operant condi- tioning of responses to social introversion scale items on the MMPI. Psychological Report, 6: 223-225, 1960. OakEs, W. F., DroGE, A. E., and AucusT, B.: Re- inforcement effects on participation in group dis- cussion. Psychological Reports, 7:503-514, 1960. Oakes, W. F., DRoOGE, A. E., and AucusT, E.: Re- inforcement effects on conclusions reached in group discussion. Psychological Reports, 9:27-34, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-5998). MH-3213 (R01) FEsHBAcH, SEYMOUR: Effects of emotional arousal on social perception. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1959-62) FEsHBACK, SEYMOUR: The effects of emotional re- straint upon the projective of positive effect. Journal of Personality, 31(4):471-481, 1963. FESHBACH, SEYMOUR, and FESHBACH, NORMA: In- fluence of the stimulus object upon the comple- mentary and supplementary projection of fear. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66 (5) :498-502, 1963. FESHBACH, SEYMOUR, SINGER, ROBERT D., and FesHBACH, NorMA: Effects of anger arousal and similarity upon the attribution of hostility to pictorial stimuli. Journal of Consulting Psychol- ogy, 27(3):248-252, 1963. KAUFMANN, HARRY, and FESHBACH, SEYMOUR: The influence of anti-aggressive communications upon the response to provocation. Journal of Person- ality, 31(3) :428-444, 1963. Logs, ARMIN, BEck, AARON T. FESHBACH, SEY- MOUR, and WOLF, ABRAHAM: Some effects of reward upon the social perception and motivation of psychiatric patients varying in depression. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68: 609-616, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3358) SINGER, ROBERT D., and FESHBACH, SEYMOUR: Effects of anxiety arousal in psychotics and normals upon the perception of anxiety in others. Journal of Personality, 30(4):574-587, 1962. 384 MH-3216 (R01) GREENSPOON, JoEL: Conditioned verbal behavior. Florida State University, Talla- hassee, Fla. (1959-62) GREENSPOON, ].: Private experience revisited. Psy- chological Record, 11:373-382, 1961. GREENSPOON, J.: Verbal conditioning and clinical psychology. In: Bachrach, A. J., ed. Experi- mental foundation of clinical psychology. New York, Basic Books, 1962, p. 510-553. MH-3217 (R01) MussEN, PauL H., and HAT- FIELD, JOHN S.: Antecedents and effects of paren- tal identification. ~~ University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1959-63) MusseN, P. H.: Some antecedents and consequents of masculine sex-typing in adolescent boys. Psycho- logical Monographs, 72(2):1-24, 1961. (Whole No. 506). MusseN, P. H.: Long-term consequents of mascu- linity of interests in adolescence. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 26(5):435-440, 1962. MusseN, P. H., and RUTHERFORD, ELDRED: Parent- child relations and parental personality in relation to young children’s sex-role preferences. Child Development, 34:589-607, 1963. MH-3223 (R01) HortzmaN, WAYNE H., and THORPE, JosepH S.: Inkblot perception and per- sonality. University of Texas, Austin, Texas. (1959- ) HERRON, E. WAYNE: Psychometric characteristics of a thirty-item version of the group method of the Holtzman Inkblot Technique. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 19(4) :450-453, 1963. HEerrON, E. W.: Changes in inkblot perception with presentation of the Holtzman inkblot technique as an “intelligence test.” Journal of Projective Tech- niques, 28:442-447, 1964. HovrT1zMAN, WAYNE H.: Can the computer supplant the clinician? Journal of Clinical Psychology, 16(2):119-122, 1960 HortzMAN, WAYNE H.: Holtzman inkblot tech- nique. Austin, Texas, Hogg Foundation, 1961, 417 p. Hor1zMAN, WAYNE H.: Inkblot perception and personality: The meaning of inkblot variables. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 27(2):84-95, 1963. HovrtzmaN, W. H., GorHAM, D. R., and MORAN, L. J.: A factor-analytic study of schizophrenic thought processes. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69(4):355-364, 1964. HoLtzMAN, WAYNE H., MoSigLEY, EpwarDp C., REINEHR, ROBERT C., and ABBOTT, ELAINE: Comparison of the group method and the standard individual version of the Holtzman Inkblot Tech- nique. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 19(4): 441-449, 1963. HortzMAN, WAYNE H., THORPE, J. S., SWARTZ, J. D., and HErrON, E. W.: Inkblot perception and personality. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1961, 417 p. MoseLEY, E. C.: Psychodiagnosis on the basis of the HIT. Journal of Projective Techniques, 27(1): 86-91, 1963. SwaRTZ, JoN D.: Performance of high- and low- anxious children on the Holtzman inkblot tech- nique. Child Development, 36(2):569-575, 1965. Swartz, JoN D., and HoLTtzMAN, WAYNE H.: Group method of administration for the Holtzman Inkblot Technique. Journal of Clinical Psychol- ogy, 19(4) :433-453, 1963. THORPE, JosePH S., and SwARTZ, JoN D.: The roles of intelligence and social status in rejections on the Holtzman Inkblot Technique. Journal of Projective Techniques, 27:248-251, 1963. THORPE, JosEPH S., and SWARTZ, JoN D.: Level of perceptual development as reflected in responses to the Holtzman Inkblot Technique. Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality Assessment, 29(3):380-386, 1965 MH-3225 (R01) APprisoN, Morris H., and FEr- STER, CHARLES B.: Neurochemical correlates of behavior. Indiana University, Indianapolis, Ind. (1959- ) APRISON, M. H.: On a proposed theory for the me- chanism of action of serotonin in brain. Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry, 4:133-146, 1962. APRISON, M. H.: Research approaches to problems in mental illness: Brain neurohumor-enzyme sys- tems and behavior. In: Himwich, Williamina A., and Schade, J. P., eds. Progress in brain research. Vol. 16. New York, Elsevier, 1965, p. 48-80. APRISON, M. H. and FErsTER, C. B.: Behavioral effects of 5-hydroxytryptophan. (Abstract) Expe- rientia, 16:159, 1960. APRISON, M. H., and FErsTER, C. B.: Neurochemi- cal correlates of behavior: II. Correlation of brain monoamine oxidase activity with behavioral changes after iproniazid and 5-hydroxytryptophan administration. Journal of Neurochemistry, 6: 350-357, 1961. APRISON, M. H., and FErsTER, C. B.: Neurochemical correlates of behavior: I. Quantitative measure- ment of the behavioral effects of the serotonin precursor, 5-hydroxytryptophan. Journal of Phar- malcology and Experimental Therapeutics, 131: 100-107, 1961. 385 APrisON, M. H., and FErsTER, C. B.: Serotonin and behavior. Recent Advances in Biological Psychi- atry, 3:151-162, 1961. AprisoN, M. H., and FoLkEirTH, T. L.: Relation- ship between cerebellum and liver monoamine oxidase activity. (Abstract) The Physiologist, 5: 100, 1962. APRISON, M. H., FOLKERTH, T. L., and TAKAHASHI, Ryo: The 5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxylase- monoamine oxidase and choline acetylase-cholines- terase systems in several discrete areas of the avian brain. (Abstract) Psysiologist, 6:130, 1963. APRISON, M. H. GraHaM, L. T., JR. BAXTER, C. F., and WERrRMAN, R.: Distribution of gamma- aminobutyric acid in cat spinal cord and roots. (Abstract) Physiologist, 8(3):103, 1965. AprisoN, M. H., GraHaM, L. T., LIVENGOOD, D. R., and WERMAN, R.: Distribution of glutamic acid in the cat spinal cord and roots. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 24(2)Part 1:462, 1965. APRISON, M. H., and HINGTGEN, J. N.: Brain nore- pinephrine in pigeons during period of atypical behavior following 5-hydroxytryptophan adminis- tration. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22: 273, 1963. APRISON, M. H., and HINGTGEN, J. N.: Neuro- chemical correlates of behavior: IV. Norepine- phrine and dopamine in four brain parts of the pigeon during period of atypical behavior follow- ing the injection of 5-hydroxytryptophan. Journal of Neurochemistry, 12(12):959-968, 1965. ApPrisoN, M. H., and SEGAR, WiLLIAM E.: Electro- Iyte distribution and water content in six discrete areas of the developing mammalian brain. Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry, 5:279-292, 1963. APRISON, M. H., and TAKAHASHI, R.: Biochemistry of the avian central nervous system—IL. ~~ 5- hydroxytryptamine, acetylcholine, 3,4-dihydroxy- phenylethylamine, and norepinephrine in several discrete areas of the pigeon brain. Journal of Neurochemistry, 12(3):221-230, 1965. APRISON, M. H., TakAHAsHI, R., and FOLKERTH, T. L.: Biochemistry of the avian central nervous system. I. The 5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxy- lase-monoamine oxidase and cholineacetylase-ace- tylcholinesterase systems in several discrete areas of the pigeon brain. Journal of Neurochemistry, 11: 341-350, 1964. APRISON, M. H., and WERMAN R.: The distribution of glycine in cat spinal cord and roots. Life Sci- ences, 4(21):2075-2083, 1965. APRISON, M. H., WoLF, MARY ANN, and POULOS, G. ].: Correlation between level of brain sero- tonin and behavior. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 21:322, 1962. APRISON, M. H., WoLF, MARY ANN, PouULOs, G. L., and FoLkEerTH, T. L.: Neurochemical cor- relates of behavior: III. Variation of serotonin content in several brain areas and peripheral tissues of the pigeon following 5-hydroxytryptophan ad- ministration. Journal of Neurochemistry, 9:575- 584, 1962. FERSTER, C. B., and APrisoN, M. H.: A multiple- unit pigeon apparatus. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 3:165-166, 1960. ForLkEerTH, T. L., and AprisoN, M. H.: Comparison of the recovery of monoamine oxidase activity after treatment with trans-2-phenylcyclo-propylamine (SKF 385) and beta-phenylisopropyl hydrazine (JB516). (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 4:169, 1962. GraHAM, L. T., JR., WERMAN, R., and APRISON, M. H.: Midcrodetermination of glutamate in single cat spinal roots. Life Sciences, 4(10): 1085-1090, 1965. HaNIG, R. C., and AprisoN, M. H.: Determination of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in rabbit caudate nuclei by atomic absorption spectro- photometry. Life Sciences, 4(9):945-948, 1965. HaNiG, RutH C., and ApPrisoN, M .H.: Determina- tion of eight cations in five specific brain areas in the rabbit by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 25(2):511, 1966. HINGTGEN, J. N., and APRrisoN, M. H.: Behavioral response rates in pigeons: Effect of alpha-methyl- m-tyrosine. Science, 141:169-171, 1963. HINGTGEN, J. N., and APRISON, M. H.: Behavioral changes following increased levels of total brain serotonin in pigeons. (Abstract) American Psy- chologist, 19:498, 1964. HINGTGEN, J. N., and AprisoN, M. H.: Interrela- tion between four measures of the behavioral re- sponse in pigeons with elevated serotonin levels. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Recent advances in bio- logical psychiatry. Vol. 7. New York, Plenum Press, 1965, p. 163-170. Jackson, R. L., and APrisoN, M. H.: Partial puri- fication of mammalian brain cholinesterase. Life Sciences, 6:415-418, 1963. McCaman, R. E., and AprisoN, M. H.: The syn- thetic and catabolic enzyme systems for acetylcho- line and serotonin in several discrete areas of the developing rabbit brain. In: Himwich, W. A, and Himwich, H. E., eds. Progress in brain re- search. Vol. 9. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1964, p. 220-247. RicHARDSON, T. W., AprisoN, M. H., and WER- MAN, R.: An automatic direct-current operating temperature-control device. Journal of Applied Physiology, 20(6):1355-1356, 1965. 386 TAKAHASHI, R., and APRrIisON, M. H.: Acetylcholine content of discrete areas of the brain obtained by a near-freezing method. Journal of Neurochemis- try, 11:887-898, 1964. Toru, M., HINGTGEN, J. N., and APRISON, M. H.: Acetylcholine concentrations in brain areas of rats during three states of avoidance behavior: Normal, depression, and excitation. Life Sciences, 5(2): 181-189, 1966. WiGeGs, J. W., and AprisoN, M. H.: The effect of several 5-hydroxyindole derivatives on red blood cell cholinesterase. (Abstract) Physiologist, 4: 134, 1961. MH-3226 (R01) FrienDp, DALE G., and HOSKINS, ROBERT G.: Imipramine effects before and after norepinephrine. Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1959-61) FriEND, DALE G.: The metabolism of dihydroxy- phenylalanine in man before and after administra- tion of psychotropic drugs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 96:152-158, 1962. MH-3229 (R01) WeEIss, BERNARD, and LATIES, Victor G.: Effects of psychopharmacological agents on behavior. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. (1959-65) LaTies, V. G., and WEIss, B.: Effects of alcohol on timing behavior. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:85-91, 1962. LaTies, V. G., and WEIss, B.: Effects of a concur- rent task on fixed-interval responding in humans. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:431-436, 1963. LaTies, Victor G., and WEIss, BERNARD: Response cost and confirming behavior. Psychonomic Sci- ence, 1:355-356, 1964. Laties, V. G., Weiss, B., CLARK, R. L., and REY- NoLps, M. D.: Overt “mediating” behavior during temporally spaced responding. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(2):107- 116, 1965. SIEGEL, Louis: A method for converting voltage levels. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(5) :339-340, 1965. Weiss, B.: Engineering perspectives in the analysis of behavior. Convention Record, IRE, 9:103-110, 1962. Weiss, B., and LATIES, V. G.: Behavioral thermo- regulation. Science, 133:1338-1344, 1961. Weiss, B., and LATIES, V. G.: A foot electrode for monkeys. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5:535-536, 1962. Weiss, B., and LATiEs, V. G.: Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the ampheta- mines. Pharmacological Reviews, 14:1-36, 1962. WEIss, B., and LAaTiEs, V. G.: Characteristics of aversive thresholds measured by a titration sched- ule. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Be- havior, 6:563-472, 1963. Wess, B., and Latigs, V. G.: Effects of ampheta- mine, chlorpromazine, and pentobarbital on be- havior thermoregulation. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 140:1-7, 1963. WEIss, BERNARD, and LATIES, VAcTOR G.: Drug effects on the temporal patterning of behavior. Federation Proceedings, 23:801-807, 1964. WEIss, BERNARD, and LATIES, VICTOR G.: Analgesic effects in monkeys of morphine, nalorphine, and a benzomorphan narcotic antagonist. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 143:169-173, 1964. WErss, B., and LATIES, V. G.: Reinforcement sched- ule generated by an On-line digital computer. Science, 148 (3670) :658-661, 1965. Weiss, B., Laties, V. G., and BrLaNTON, F. L.: Amphetamine toxicity in rats and mice subjected to stress. Journal of Pharmacology and Experi- mental Therapeutics, 132:366-371, 1961. YEH, S. D., and WEIss, B.: Behavioral thermoregula- tion during vitamin B deficiency. American [our- nal of Physiology, 205:857-862, 1963. MH-3230 (R01) FREEDMAN, ALFRED M., and DEuTscH, MARTIN: Psychopharmacological agents in children. State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1959- 60) (Continued as MH-4438). FREEDMAN, ALFRED, DEUTSCH, MARTIN, and DEeutscH, CYNTHIA: Effects of hydroxyine hydro- chloride on the reaction time performance of schizophrenic children. Archives of General Psy- chiatry, 3:153-159, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-4438). FREEDMAN, ALFRED M., DEUTSCH, MARTIN, and DEeuTtscH, CYNTHIA: Sensory response of schizo- phrenic children under Atarax: A new method of measurement. Neuro-psychopharmacology, 2:356- 360, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-4438). MH-3231 (R01) GERTNER, SHELDON B.: Monoa- mine oxidase and ganglionic transmission. Seton Hall- College of Medicine and Dentistry, Jersey City, N.J. (1959-64) GERTNER, S. B.: The effect of various amines on transmission through the superior cervical gang- lion. (Abstract) Biochemical Pharmacology, 8: 19, 1961. GERTNER, S. B.: The effects of monoamine oxidase inhibitors on ganglionic transmission. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 31: 223-230, 1961. 387 GERTNER, S. B.: The effect of lowered clacium on the actions of acetylcholine and S-hydroxytrypta- mine on the perfused superior cervical ganglion of the cat. (Abstract) The Pharmacologist, 4:114, 1962. GERTNER, S. B., and GOLDSTEIN, M.: Formation of a new metabolite of epinephrine and norepine- phrine in liver and kidney. Nature, 187:147- 148, 1960. GERTNER, S. B., and RomaNO, A.: Action of hy- dralazine on ganglionic transmission. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 2(2) :89, 1960. GERTNER, S. B., and RoMANO, A.: Action of guane- thidine and bretylium on ganglionic transmission. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20(1)Part I: 319, 1961. GERTNER, S. B., and RoMANO, A.: The effect of hydralazine on ganglionic transmission. (Ab- stract) Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapy, 138:309, 1962. GOLDSTEIN, M., FRIEDHOFF, A., WoRTIS, S. B., and GERTNER, S. B.: The differences in the accumula- tion and metabolism of catechol amines in heart and liver. Separatum Experientia, 15:369-373, 1960. MH-3232 (R01) Nosres, W. Lewis: Open chain analogs of reserpine. University of Mississippi, University, Miss. (1959-63) BRUENING, CHARLOTTE H., and NOBLES, LEwis W.: Synthetic relatives of reserpine. Journal of Phar- maceutical Sciences, 54(6):925-926, 1965. MH-3235 (R01) BURKE, JOSEPH A., and WILBER, CHARLES G.: Developmental effects of some psy- chotropic agents. Loyola College, Baltimore, Md. (1959-64) BURKE, JosEPH A.: Some effects of lysergic acid diethylamide and related agents on embryonic heart rate in “fundulus.” (Abstract) Biological Bulletin, 119(2):307, 1960. BURKE, JosePH A.: Some morphological effects of lysergic acid diethylamide and related agents on early embryonic development in “fundulus.” (Ab- stract) Biological Bulletin, 119(2):308, 1960. BURKE, JoseEPH A., and ORLANDO, JosePH C.: Ly- sergic acid diethylamide and growth in “fundu- lus.” (Abstract) Biological Bulletin, 121(2): 384-385, 1961. BURKE, JosePH A., and SPEAR, JosepH F.: Some morphological and physiological effects of thalido- mide on the embryos of “fundulus heteroclitus.” (Abstract) Biological Bulletin, 125(2):373, 1963. BURKE, JOSEPH A., SPEAR, JosepH F., and WiL- BER, C. G.: Some effects of lysergic acid diethyla- mide (LSD-25) on early development in “fundu- lus heteroclitus.” (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 137(3) :344-345, 1960. Supak, FRED N., and WILBER, CHARLES G.: Cardio- vascular and respiratory activity in dog fish. Bio- logical Bulletin, 119:341-342, 1960. Supak, F. N., and WILBER, C. G.: Cardiovascular responses to hemorrhage in the dog fish. Biologi- cal Bulletin, 119:342, 1960. WiLBER, C. G., and BURKE, J. A.: Lysergic acid diethylamide and physical performance in mice. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 137(3):401, 1960. WILBER, CHARLES G., and BURKE, J. A.: The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on swimming time in albino mice. Life Sciences, 1(2):134-138, 1963. WILBER, CHARLES G., and ROBINSON, PAUL F.: The correlation of length, weight and girth in the toadfish, Opsanus Tau. Chesapeake Science, 1 (2) :122-123, 1960. WILBER, CHARLES G., and SUDAK, FREDERICK N.: Circulatory responses of elasmobranchs to hemor- rhage. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 138(3): 389, 1960. WILBER, C. G., and Supak, F. N.: Cardiovascular and respiratory reflexes in elasmobranchs. (Ab- stract) Biological Bulletin, 119(2):349, 1960. WILBER, CHARLES G., and SUDAK, FREDERICK N.: Some effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on cit- culation in elasmobranchs. Biological Bulletin, 119:349-350, 1960. MH-3236 (R01) ORR, RicHARD H.: Metabolism of information in psychopharmacology. Institute for Advancement of Medical Communication, Be- thesda, Md. (1959-60) ORR, RICHARD H.: The metabolism of information in psychopharmacology. Psychopharmacology Serv- ice Center Bulletin, July 1961, p. 4-6. ORR, RicHARD H., and CroOUSE, ELEANOR M.: Sec- ondary publication in cardiovascular, endocrine and psychopharmacologic research. American Docu- mentation, 13(2):197-203, 1961. MH-3238 (R01) BINDRA, DALBIR: Interaction of habit strength and drug effects. McGill Univer- sity, Montreal, Can. (1960- ) Bacon, W. E.: Resistance to extinction following blocking of the instrumental response during ac- quisition. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69 (5):515-521, 1965. BINDRA, D.: Effects of several drugs on relevant and irrelevant behavior components in a lever-pressing situation. ~~ Psychological Reports, 11:307-310, 1962. BinDrRA, D.: Effects of nonreinforcement, drive- diminution, and punishment on relevant and irrele- 388 vant behavior in the runway. Psychological Rec- ord, 13:273-282, 1963. BiNDRA, D.: Temporal analysis of relevant and ir- relevant behavior components in partial reinforce- ment and extinction. Psychological Reports, 13: 551-563, 1963. BiNDRA, D., and ANcHEL, H.: Immobility as an avoidance response, and its disruption by drugs. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6(2):213-218, 1963. BiNprA, D., and MENDELSON, J.: Interaction of habit strength and drug effects. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:217- 219, 1962. BiNDRA, D., and MENDELSON, J.: Training, drive level, and drug effects: A temporal analysis of their combined influence on behavior. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, S6(1): 183-189, 1963. BINDRA, DALBIR, and MOSCOVITCH, ALAN: Atten- tion, discrimination learning, and observing re- sponses. Psychonomic Science, 3(5):223-224, 1965. BINDRA, DALBIR, NYMAN, KENNETH, and WISE, Jack: Barbiturate-induced dissociation of acquisi- tion and extinction: Role of movement-initiating processes. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 60(2):223-228, 1965. BINDRA, DALBIR, and REICHERT, HELMUT: Dissoci- ation of movement initiation without dissociation of response choice. Psychonomic Science, 4(3): 95-96, 1966. MENDELSON, ]., and BINDRA, D.: Combination of drive and drug effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(5):505-509, 1962. OvERTON, D. A.: State-dependent or “dissociated” learning produced with pentobarbital. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:3- 13, 1964. PosLuNs, D.: An analysis of chlorpromazine-induced suppression of the avoidance response. Psycho- pharmacologia, 3:361-373, 1962. RASKIN, LARRY M.: The influence of cue position and pretraining on successible discrimination learn- ing in the rat. Psychonomic Science, 3(5):221- 222, 1965. REevEsz, C., KERNAGHAN, D., and BINDRaA, D.: Sexual drive of female rats, “masculinized” by testosterone during gestation. Journal of Endo- crinology, 25:549-550, 1963. WiLLiaMs, JupiTH A.: Novelty, GSR, and stimulus generalization. Canadian [Journal of Psychology, 17(1):52-61, 1963. MH-3239 (R01) Rog, ANNE: Origin of interests in early family experiences. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1959-62) (Continued from MH-2106). RoE, ANNE, and SIEGELMAN, M.: A parent-child relations questionnaire. Child Development, 34: 355-369, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-210 and MH-2106). MH-3240 (R03) LAVEcK, GERALD D.: Chromo- somal study in mental retardation. Rainier School, Buckley, Wash. (1959-59) LaVEck, G. D.: Endocrinopathies associated with mental retardation. Northwest Medicine, 59:203- 209, 1960. LaVEck, G. D., and pe LA Cruz, F.: Medical Ad- vances in Prevention of mental retardation. In: The special child in century 21. Seattle, Special Child Publications, 1964, p. 23-46. MH-3241 (Ro1) KirraMm, Keith F., Jr., and HANCE, A. J.: Drug studies on electrical corre- lates of conditioning. Stanford University, Stan- ford, Calif. (1959- ) BERRY, C. A, and Stark, L. G.: Modification of conditional behavior by prior experience. Psycho- pharmacologia, 7(6):409-415, 1965. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3374). LiNDpsLEY, D. F., CARPENTER, R. S., and KiLLAM, E. K.: EEG and discrimination performance in cats under atropine. I. Light-dark and pattern discrimination. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 24(2) Part 1:516, 1965. Lokser, J. D., and Kram, K. F.: Influence of chloropromazine and pentobarbital on reticulo- thalamic pathways. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 5:79, 1963. MILLIGAN, M. M., and GABOR, K.: The effects of morphine on discriminative behavior in rats. (Ab- stract) Pharmacologist, 5:262, 1963. MircHELL, C. L., NELsoN, S. D., and KiLLAM, K. F.: Modification of afferent interaction patterns by chlorpromazine, meprobamate, morphine and pentobarbital. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 3:79, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3374). SEIDEN, L. S.,; KOENIG, J., and KiLLaM, K. F.: EEG and discrimination performance in cats under atropine: II. Total luminous flux (TLF) dis- crimination. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 24(2)Part 1:516, 1965. MH-3244 (R01) HABER, RALPH N.: Antecedents of perceptual selectivity. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1959-64) HABER, R. N.: A replication: Selective attention and coding in visual perception. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 67:402-404, 1964. 389 HABER, R. N.: Effects of coding strategy on per- ceptual memory. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 68(4):357-362, 1964. HABER, RALPH NORMAN: Limited modification of the trapezoidal illusion with experience. Ameri- can Journal of Psychology, 78(4):651-655, 1965. HaBer, R. N.: Effect of prior knowledge of the stimulus on word-recognition processes. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(3):282-286, 1965. HaBER, R. N.: Automatic measurement and record- ing of latency data. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(2) :605-608, 1965 HaBEr, R. N., and HABER, R. B.: Eidetic imagery: I. Frequency. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19: 131-138, 1964. HABER, RALPH NORMAN, and HERSHENSON, Maurice: Effects of repeated brief exposures on the growth of a percept. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(1):40-46, 1965. HABER, R. N., HERSHENSON, M., and SCHROEDER, D.: Apparatus note: The use of an IBM 024 or 026 card punch for simultaneous stimulus pro- gramming and response recording. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15:627-630, 1962. Harris, C. S., and HABER, R. N.: Selective attention and coding in visual perception. Journal of Expe- rimental Psychology, 65:328-333, 1963. HERSHENSON, M.: Visual discrimination in the human newborn. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58:270-276, 1964. (Al- so acknowledges MH-1787). HERSHENSON, M., and HABER, R. N.: The role of meaning in the perception of briefly exposed words. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 19(1): 42-46, 1965. WeEIssTEIN, N., and HABER, R. N.: A u-shaped backward masking function in vision. Psycho- nomic Science, 2:75-76, 1965. MH-3246 (RO1) SPERRY, BESSIE, and STAVER, Nancy: Neurotic learning problems in young boys. Judge Baker Guidance Clinic, Boston, Mass. (1959-62) GARDNER, GEORGE E., and SPERRY, BESSIE M.: Basic work ambivalence and the learning dis- abilities in childhood and adolescence. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 18(3):377-392, 1964. GRUNEBAUM, MARGARET GALDSTON, HURWITZ, IRVING, PRENTICE, NORMAN M., and SPERRY, BEssiE M.: Fathers of sons with primary neurotic learning inhibitions. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 32(3):462-472, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-826). KorsTVvEDT, A., KUHLMAN, CLEMENTINA, PREN- TICE, N. M., and TEssMAN, ELLEN: “Causal” thinking in learning disabilities in latency-aged boys. (Abstract) American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 34:367-368, 1964. PRENTICE, N. M.: Individual achievement testing of children with learning problems: A clinical guide. Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality Assessment, 28:448-464, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-826). PRENTICE, N. M., and SPERRY, BEssiE, M.: Thera- peutic tutoring of children with primary neurotic learning inhibition. (Abstract) American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 34:357-358, 1964. PRENTICE, N. M., and SPERRY, B. M.: Therapeu- tically oriented tutoring of children with primary neurotic learning inhibitions. American [Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35(3):521-530, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-826). STAVER, NANCY, and PRENTICE, N. M.: The role of the social worker in the psychological testing process. (Abstract) American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 34:315-316, 1964. WaLLacH, M., UrricH, D., and GRUNEBAUM, MARGARET: Relationship of family disturbance to cognitive difficulties in a learning-problem child. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 24(4):355- 360, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-826). Young, R. A., and SPERRY, BEssIE, M.: Some edu- cational aspects of learning inhibitions in boys. In: Vincent, M. S., and Curtis, B., eds. The edu- cation register. Boston, Vincent-Curtis, 1960. MH-3253 (R01) FREEMAN, HARRY, and BARBER, TueopoRE X.: Hallucinatory behavior of normals and schizophrenics. Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Shrewsbury, Mass. (1959- 61) BARBER, T. X.: The necessary and sufficient condi- tions for hypnotic behavior. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 3:31-42, 1960. BARBER, T. X.: Antisocial and criminal acts induced by hypnosis. Archives of General Psychiatry, 5: 301-312, 1961. BarBER, T. X.: Experimental evidence for a theory of hypnotic behavior: I. Hypnotic color-blindness without hypnosis. International Journal of Clini- cal and Experimental Hypnosis, 9:79-86, 1961. BarBER, T. X.: Experimental evidence for a theory of hypnotic behavior: II. Experimental controls in hypnotic age-regression. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 9:181- 193, 1961. BarBERr, T. X.: Physiological effects of hypnosis. Psychological Bulletin, 58:390-419, 1961. 390 BARBER, T. X.: Toward a theory of “hypnotic” be- havior: The "hypnotically induced dream.” Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:206-221, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4825). BarBER, T. X.: Hypnotic age-regression: A critical review. Psychosomatic Medicine, 24:286-299, 1962. BArBER, T. X., and Grass, L. B.: Significant factors in hypnotic behavior. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 64:222-228, 1962. Grass, L. B., and BARBER, T. X.: A note on hyp- notic behavior, the definition of the situation and the placebo effect. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 132:539-541, 1961. MH-3258 (R01) GastauT, HENRI, and NAQUET, ROBERT: Brain mechanisms of behavior. Univer- sity of Aix-Marseilles Faculty of Medicine, Mar- seilles, France. (1960- ) Beck, Epwarp C., and BAROLIN, GERHARD S.: Effect of hypnotic suggestion on evoked poten- tials. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 140(2) :154-161, 1965. GastauT, H., BEEK, E., FAIDHERBE, ]., FRANCK, G., Fressy, J., REmonp, A. Smith, C., and WERRE, P.: A transcranial chornographic and topographic study of cerebral potentials evoked by photic stimulation in man. In: Moruzzi, Giuseppe, ed. Progress in brain research. Vol. 1. Brain mechanisms. Amsterdam-London-New York, El- sevier, 1963, p. 374-392. GastauTt, H., Franck, G., KrorLikowska, W., NaqQueT, R., Rfais, H., and ROGER, ].: Etude des potentiels évoqués visuels chez des hémianop- siques présentant des crises épileptiques visuelles dans leur champ aveugle. Revue Neurologique, 108:316-322, 1963. WERRE, P. F., and SmitH, C. J.: Variability of re- sponses evoked by flashes in man. Electroen- cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 17: 644-652, 1964. MH-3262 (R01) O'CONNOR, JAMES P., LORR, MAURICE, and STAFFORD, JOHN WILLIAM: An in- ventory of psychiatric patient behavior. Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. (1959- 63) Lorr, MAURICE, and O'CONNOR, JAMES P.: Psy- chotic symptom patterns in a behavior inventory. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 22: 139-146, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1308). LorR, MAURICE, O'CONNOR, JAMES P., and STAF- FORD, JoHN W.: The psychotic reaction profile. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 16(3):241-245, 1960. (Also acknoweldges MH-1308). McNaAIR, D. M., and Lorr, M.: Differential typing of psychiatric outpatients. Psychological Record, 15:33-41, 1965. MH-3267 (R01) FisHER, CHARLES, DEMENT, WIL- Liam C.: Psychophysiology of dreams and sleep. Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, N.Y. (1960- ) ANTROBUS, J. S., DEMENT, W., and FISHER, C.: Patterns of dreaming and dream recall: An EEG study. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- ogy, 69(3):341-344, 1964. ANTROBUS, JOHN S., ANTROBUS, JUDITH S., and SINGER, JEROME L.: Eye movements accompany- ing daydreaming, visual imagery, and thought sup- pression. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 69(3):244-252, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2279). ANTROBUS, JUDITH S., ANTROBUS, JOHN S., and FisHER, CHARLES: Discrimination of dreaming and nondreaming sleep. Archives of General Psychi- atry, 12(4):395-401, 1965. DEMENT, W.: The effect of dream deprivation. Science, 131(3415):1705-1707, 1960. DeMENT, WILLIAM C.: Eye movements during sleep. In: Bender, M. B., ed. The oculomotor system. New York, Harper & Row, 1964, p. 366-416. DEMENT, W., and FisHER, C.: Studies in dream deprivation and satiation: An experimental demon- stration of the necessity for dreaming. (Abstract) Bulletin of the Philadelphia Association for Psy- choanalysis, 10:30, 1960. DeMENT, W., and FisHER, C.: Studies in dream deprivation and satiation. (Abstract) Psycho- analysis Quarterly, 29:671, 1960. DeMENT, WILLIAM C., and FisHER, C.: III. Expe- rimental interference with the sleep cycle. Cana- dian Psychiatric Association Journal, 8(6):400- 405, 1963. FisHER, C.: Introduction to: Potzl, O., Allers, R., and Teler, J.: Preconscious stimulation in dreams, images and associations. Psychological Issues, 2: 7, 1961. FisHER, C.: Dreams. In: Deutsch, A., ed. The en- cyclopedia of mental health. New York, Franklin Watts, 1963. FisHER, C., and DEMENT, W.: Dreaming and psy- chosis: Observations on the dream-sleep cycle during the course of an acute paranoid psychosis. Bulletin of the Philadelphia Association for Psy- chiatry, 11:130-132, 1961. FisHER, C., and DEMENT, W.: Manipulation expe- rimentale du cycle revesommeil par rapport aux etats psychopathologiques. Revue de Medecine Psychosomatique, 4(1) :5-12, 1962. Fisuer, C., and DeEMENT, W. C.: Studies on the psychopathology of sleep and dreams. American Journal of Psychiatry, 119:1160-1168, 1963. 391 FisHER, C., Gross, ]., and ZucH, J.: Cycle of penile erection synchronous with dreaming (REM) sleep. Archives of General Psychiatry, 12:29-45, 1965. GRoss, JosepH, BYRNE, JOSEPH, and FISHER, CHARLES: Eye movements during emergent stage 1 EEG in subjects with lifelong blindness. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 141(3): 365-370, 1965. KaHN, E., DEMENT, W., FISHER, C., and BARMACK, J. E.: Incidence of color in immediately recalled dreams. Science, 137(3535):1054-1055, 1962. RECHTSCHAFFEN, A., WoLPERT, E. A., DEMENT, W. C., MitcHELL, S. A., and FisHER, C.: Noc- turnal sleep of narcoleptics. Electroencephalo- graphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15:599- 609, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4151). RoFFwWARG, H., DEMENT, W., and FisHER, C.: Pre- liminary observations of the sleep-dream pattern in neonates, infants, children and adults. In: Harms, Ernest, ed. Problems of sleep and dream in children. International series of monographs on child psychiatry. Vol. 2, No. 2. New York, Pergamon Press, 1964, p. 60-72. RorrFwARrG, H. P., DEMENT, W. C., Muzio, J. N,, and FisHER, C.: Dream imagery: Relationship to rapid eye movements of sleep. Archives of Gen- eral Psychiatry, 7:235-258, 1962. MH-3269 (R01) PURCELL, KENNETH, BERNSTEIN, Lewis, and BUKANTZ, SAMUEL C.: Psychopharma- cology of corticosteroids with asthmatics. Jewish National Home for Asthmatic Children, Denver, Colo. (1959-63) BERNSTEIN, L., and PURCELL, K.: Institutional treat- ment of asthmatic children. In: Schneer, J. H., ed. The asthmatic child: Psychosomatic approach to problems and treatment. New York, Hoeber, 1963, p. 224-233. PurcerL, K.: Distinctions between subgroups of asthmatic children: children’s perceptions of events associated with asthma. Pediatrics, 31:486-494, 1963. PurciLL, KENNETH, BERNSTEIN, LEWIS, and Bu- KANTZ, SAMUEL C.: Behavioral effects of predni- sone in asymptomatic asthmatic children. [Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 140(3):180- 188, 1965. PurceLL, K., and METZ, J. R.: Distinctions between subgroups of asthmatic children: Some parent atti- tude variables related to age of onset. Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, 6:251-258, 1962. PurceLL, K., TURNBULL, J., and BERNSTEIN, L.: Distinctions between subgroups of asthmatic chil- dren: Psychological test and behavior rating com- parisons. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 6: 283-291, 1962. MH-3271 (R01) RETZLAFF, ERNEST W., and PAsA- MANICK, BENJAMIN: Pharmacologic effects upon single nerve cell systems. Columbus Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. (1959- 63) ReTzLAFF, E., and FONTAINE, J.: A differential staining reaction demonstrating reciprocal activity in Mauthner’s cells. Experientia, 16(8):359-364, 1960. RETZLAFF, E., and FONTAINE, J.: Reciprocal inhibi- tion as indicated by a differential staining reac- tion. Science, 131:104-105, 1960. RETZLAFF, E., FONTAINE, J., PASAMANICK, B., and LEAKE, C. D.: Direct inhibition of Mauthner’s cells. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20(1): Part 1:3251, 1961. RETZLAFF, E., FONTAINE, J., PASAMANICK, B., and LEAKE, C. D.: Role of axon collaterals in recipro- cal innervation. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 21(2):355, 1962. ReTZLAFF, E., FONTAINE, ]., PASAMANICK, B., and LEAKE, D.: Structural and functional changes in reciprocal innervation produced by localized teta- nus in the albino rat. Federation Proceedings, 22(2):714, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 4592). RETZLAFF, ERNEST, PASAMANICK, BEN JAMIN, FON- TAINE, JOAN, and LEAKE, CHAUNCEY: Histochem- ical indication of reciprocal inhibition. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 19(1)Part 1:300, 1960. MH-3273 (R01) FriEpMAN, ORRIE M.: Synthesis of psychochemical agents. Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. (1959-61) FriEDMAN, O. M., ParaMEswARON, K. N., and BURSTEIN, S.: Synthesis of phenothylamines re- lated to mescaline as possible psychotomimetic agents. Journal of Medical Chemistry, 6:227- 229, 1963. MH-3275 (R03) KrucH, HENRY E., IIL: Latent extinction and secondary reinforcement. Alma College, Alma, Mich. (1959-59) KrucH, H. E.: Speed of running in extinction as a function of differential goal box retention time. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61(2):172- 177, 1961. MH-3276 (R01) MANN, Froyp C.: Shift work and mental health. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1959-63) Mort, PauL E., MANN, FLoyp C., MCLAUGHLIN, Quin, and WARWICK, DoNALD: Shift work: The social, psychological and physical consequences. Ann Arbor, Institute for Social Research, 1963, 470 p. (Processed). 392 MH-3291 (R01) WiLsoN, KerrocG V., and BIXENSTINE, V. EDWIN: Research on repeated two-person games. Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. (1959-63) (Continued as MH-4706). BIXENSTINE, V. E., CHAMBERS, N., and WILSON, K. V.: Effect of asymmetry of payoff on behavior in a two-person non-zero-sum game. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 8(2):151-159, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4706). BIXENSTINE, V. E., PortasH, H. M., and WILSON, K. V.: Effects of level of cooperative choice by the other player on choices in a prisoner's dilemma game. Part I. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:308-313, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4706). BiXeNsTINE, V. E. and WiLsoN, K. V.: Effects of level of cooperative choice by other player on choices in a prisoner's dilemma game. Part II. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67: 139-147, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4706). WiLsoN, K. V., and BIXENsTINE, V. E.: Forms of social control in two-person, two-choice games. Behavioral Science, 7:92-102, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4706). MH-3301 (RO1) SHORT, JAMES F., Jr.: Street cor- ner groups and patterns of delinquency. Univer- sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1959-62) (Con- tinued as MH-7158). GORDON, ROBERT A., SHORT, JAMES F., Jr., CART- WRIGHT, DESMOND S., and STRODTBECK, FRED L.: Values and gang delinquency: A study of street corner groups. American Journal of So- ciology, 69:109-128, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-7158). SHORT, JAMES F., Jr.: The sociocultural context of delinquency. Crime and Delinquency, October: 365-375, 1960. SHORT, JAMES F., JR.: Street corner groups and pat- terns of delinquency: A progress report. Ameri- can Catholic Sociological Review, 24:13-32, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-7158). SuorT, JAMES F., Jr.: Introduction to “The Gang” by Frederic M. Thrasher. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, abridged edition, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-7158). SHORT, J. F., JR., and RIVERA, R.: Perceived oppor- tunities, gang membership, and delinquency. American Sociological Review, 30:56-67, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-7158). SHORT, JaMEs F., and STRODTBECK, FRED L.: The response of gang leaders to status threats: An ob- servation on group process and delinquent be- havior. American Journal of Sociology, 68:571- 579, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-7158). SHORT, JAMES F., JR., and STRODTBECK, FRED L.: Group process and gang delinquency. Chicago, Ill, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1965, 294 p. SHORT, JAMES F., STRODTBECK, FRED L., and CART- WRIGHT, DESMOND S.: A strategy for utilizing re- search dilemmas: A case from the study of par- enthood in a street corner gang. Sociological In- quiry, 32:185-202, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-7158). SHORT, JaMEs F., Jr., TENNYSON, Ray A., and’ Howarp, KENNETH I.: Behavior dimensions of gang delinquency. American Sociological Review, 28:412-418, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 7158). STRODTBECK, FRED L., SHORT, James F., Jr., and KoLEGAR, ELLEN: The analysis of self-descrip- tions by members of delinquent gangs. Sociolog- ical Quarterly, 3:331-356, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-7158). WHITTIER, J. R., KorENY], C., KLEIN, D. F., and FoLeEy, W.: Prevention of degenerative disease: A controlled study of anticoagulant prophylaxis. Journal of Chronic Diseases, 14:203-212, 1961. MH-3311 (R01) HoLrLipAY, AUDREY R. and DiLLE, JAMES M.: Psychopharmacologic agents— human behavior responses. University of Wash- ington, Seattle, Wash. (1959-61) HoLLIDAY, AUDREY R.: A comparison of benzquina- mide with pentobarbital and a placebo in regard to effects on performance of a simple mental task by fatigued subjects. Proceedings of the Western Pharmacological Society, 7:75-78, 1964. Horray, A. R.: The effects of D-amphetamine VS. placebo on both errors and correct response of humans performing a simple intellectural task. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 24(2)Part I: 328, 1965. HorLmAy, AUDREY R., and DEVERY, WILLIAM ].: Effects of drugs on the performance of a task by fatigued subjects. Journal of Clinical Pharmacol- ogy and Therapeutics, 3(1):5-15, 1962. HoLrLipAY, AUDREY R., and DILLE, JAMES M.: An experimental investigation of the change effected by the ingestion of carisoprodol, aspirin, codeine, and a placebo upon the threshold for deep pain induced by ultrasonic stimulation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 86(1):147-161, 1960. HorLmbAY, AUDREY R., HALL, GEORGE M., and SHARPLEY, ROBERT P.: The effects of lysergic acid diethylamide I: Critical flicker frequency. Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society, 8:48-50, 1965. HoLLipAY, AUDREY R., MORRIS, RICHARD B., and SHARPLEY, ROBERT P.: Compound 84/F 1983 393 compared with D-amphetamine and placebo in regard to effects on human performance. Psy- chopharmacologia, 6:192-200, 1964. HorLLibAY, AUDREY R., and SIGURDSON, THOR- BJORG: The effects of lysergic acid diethylamide II: Intraocular pressure. Proceedings of the West- ern Pharmacology Society, 8:51-54, 1965. MH-3312 (R01) KORNETSKY, CONAN, and KENs- LER, CHARLES J.: Effects of centrally acting drugs on behavior. Boston University School of Medi- cine, Boston, Mass. (1959- ) CocHIN, JosepPH, and KORNETsKY, CONAN: Devel- opment and loss of tolerance to morphine in the rat after single and multiple injections. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 145:1-10, 1964. KorNETSKY, C.: Individual differences in response to drugs. Acta Psychologica, 19(Suppl.) :765- 771, 1961. (Proceedings of the 16th Interna- tional Congress of Psychology). KORNETSKY, CONAN: A comparison of the effects of desipramine and imipramine on two schedules of reinforcement. International Journal of Neu- ropharmacology, 4(1):13-16, 1965. KORNETSKY, CONAN, and BAIN, GEORGE: The ef- fects of chlorpromazine and pentobarbital on sus- ‘tained attention in the rat. Psychopharmacologia, 8(4):277-284, 1965. KorNETSKY, C., and CocHIN, J.: Evidence of tol- erance to morphine in the mouse after injection of serum from morphine-tolerant rabbits. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 23(2)Part 1:283, 1964. KoRrRNETsKY, C., DAWSON, J., and PELIKAN, E. W.: Individual animal variation in the effects of pento-. barbital and dextro-amphetamine. (A compari- son). In: Rinkel, Max, ed. Specific and non- specific factors in psychopharmacology. New York, Philosophical Library, 1962, p. 161-171. KorNETSKY, C., and KIPLINGER, G.: Potentiation of an effect of morphine in the rat by sera from morphine-tolerant and abstinent dogs and mon- keys. Psychopharmacologia, 4:66-71, 1963. KorNETSKY, CONAN, and MIRsKY, ALLAN F.: On certain psychopharmacological and physiological differences between schizophrenic and normal per- sons. Psychopharmacologia, 8(5):309-318, 1966. KorNETSKY, C., and Orzack, M. H.: A research note on some of the critical factors on the dis- similar effects of chlorpromazine and secobarbital on the digit symbol substitution and continuous performance tests. Psychopharmacologia, 6:79- 86, 1964. Latz, A.: The differential effects of chlorpromazine and secobarbital on sustained attention in chronic schizophrenics. ~~ (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 22(2): 1963. Latz, ARrJE, and KORNETSKY, CONAN: The ef- fects of chlorpromazine and secobarbital under two conditions of reinforcement on the perform- ance of chronic schizophrenic subjects. Psycho- pharmacologia, 7:77-88, 1965. Latz, A., KoRNETSKY, C., and BAIN, G.: The effects of d-amphetamine on discrete avoidance as a function of the pre-drug level of performance. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 24(2)Part I: 197, 1965. Latz, ARrjJE, KORNETSKY, CONAN, and BAIN, GEORGE: The effects of antidepressant drugs on response acquisition. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 7(2):170, 1965. ORrzACK, MAREssA HEcHT, and KORNETSKY, Co- NAN: Attention dysfunction in chronic schizo- phrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 14(3): 323-326, 1966. MH-3313 (R01) SUMMERFIELD, ARTHUR, DREW, GEORGE C., and STEINBERG, HANNAH: Psycho- pharmacology of learning, perception and skill. University of London—University College, Lon- don, UK. (1959- ) Berry, C.: Effects of a drug and immediate mem- ory. Nature, 207 (5000) :1012, 1965. Berry, COLIN, GELDER, MICHAEL G., and SUM- MERFIELD, ARTHUR: Experimental analysis of drug effects on human performance using infor- mation theory concepts. British Journal of Psy- chology, 56(2&3) :255-265, 1965. Dickins, D. W., LADER, M. H. and STEINBERG, Hannan: Differential effects of two ampheta- mine-barbiturate mixtures in man. British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy, 24(1):14- 23, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3561). Joyce, DAPHNE, and Hurwitz, H. M. B.: Avoid- ance behavior in the rat after 5-hydroxytrypto- phan (5-HTP) administration. Psychopharma- cologia, 5:424-430, 1964. Joyce, D., and MRrosovsky, N.: Eating, drinking and activity in rats following 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) administration. Poychopharmacologia 5:417-423, 1964. Joycg, D., and SUMMERFIELD, A.: Effects of drugs related to serotonin on water intake and defeca- tion in rats. Implications for behavioral studies. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 161 (2) :489-494, 1966. LEGGE, D.: Analysis of visual and proprioceptive components of motor skill by means of a drug. British Journal of Psychology, 56(2&3):243-254, 1965. 394 LEGGE, D., and STEINBERG, H.: Actions of a mix- ture of amphetamine and a barbiturate in man. British Journal of Pharmacology, 18:490-500, 1962. LEGGE, D., STEINBERG, H., and SUMMERFIELD, A.: Simple measures of handwriting as indices of drugs’ effects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18: 549-558, 1964. RusHTON, R., and STEINBERG, H.: Experiments with amphetamine-barbiturate mixtures. (Ab- stract) Collegium International Neuropsychophar- macology, Third Congress, Munich, 1962, p. 94. RusHTON, R., and STEINBERG, H.: Mutual poten- tiation of amphetamine and amylobarbitone meas- sured by activity in rats. British Journal of Phar- macology, 21:295-305, 1963. RusHTON, R., and STEINBERG, H.: Dose-response relations of amphetamine-barbiturate mixtures. Nature, 197:1017-1018, 1963. RusHTON, R., and STEINBERG, H.: Modification of behavioral effects of drugs by past experience. In: Steinberg, H., de Reuck, A. V. S., and Knight, J., eds. Animal behavior and drug action. London, Churchill, 1964, p. 207-219. RusHTON, RUTH, and STEINBERG, HANNAH: Early experience and adult reactions to drugs. In: Bente, D., and Bradley, P. B., eds. Newro-psycho- pharmacology. Vol. 4. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1965, p. 345-346. RusHTON, R., STEINBERG, H., and TiNnsoN, C.: Ef- fects of a single experience on subsequent reac- tions to drugs. British Journal of Pharmacology, 20, 99-105, 1963. STEINBERG, HANNAH: The effects of chemicals and drugs on behavior. Using drugs to study ani- mal behavior. A review. Animal Behavior, 9:109, 1961. STEINBERG, H.: Methods and problems of measur- ing drug-induced changes in emotions and per- sonality. Review of Psychological Applications (France), 11:361-372, 1961. STEINBERG, H.: Successive approximation. In: Sym- posium on drugs as research tools in psychology. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Psychology, Bonn. Amsterdam, North Hol- land Publishing, 1962, p. 771-775. Also in: Acta Psychologica, 19: 1961. STEINBERG, H.: Experimental methods in psycho- pharmacology. In: Robson, J. M., and Stacey, R. S., eds. Recent advances in pharmacology. London, Churchill, 1962, p. 77-87. STEINBERG, H.: Psychological effects of drugs: Some problems, methods, and results. T7jdschrift voor Psychologies (University of Nijmegen, Gawein), 11:384-413, 1963. STEINBERG, H.: Drugs and animal behavior. Brit- ish Medical Bulletin, 20:75-80, 1964. STEINBERG, H.: Aspects of psychopharmacology: Drug-induced changes in emotions and personal- ity. In: Cohen, J., ed. Readings in psychology. London, Allen & Unwin, 1964, p. 142-154. STEINBERG, HANNAH: Discussion working group 3. (Topic: Animal behavior and drugs—character- istics of the methods used and their possible sig- nificance for psychiatric therapy with drugs.) In: Bente, D., and Bradley, P. B., eds. Neuro-psycho- pharmacology. Vol. 4. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1965, p. 123-124. STEINBERG, H., DE REUCK, A. V. S., and KNIGHT, J., eds.: Animal behavior and drug action. Lon- don, Churchill, 1964, 491 p. STEINBERG, H., LEGGE, D., and SUMMERFIELD, A.: Drug-induced changes in visual perception. In: Rothlin, E., ed. Neuropsychopharmacology. Vol. 2. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1961, p. 392-396. STEINBERG, H., RusHTON, R., and Tinson, C.: Modification of the effects of an amphetamine- barbiturate mixture by the past experience of rats. Nature, 192:533-535, 1961. SUMMERFIELD, A.: Serial order and coding. In: Symposium on drugs as research tools in psychol- ogy. Proceedings of the 16th International Con- gress of Psychology, Bonn. Amsterdam, North- Holland, 1961, p. 778-780. SUMMERFIELD, A.: Drugs and human behavior. British Medical Bulletin, 20:70-74, 1964. SUMMERFIELD, A., ed.: Experimental psychology. British Medical Bulletin, 20(1):1-86, 1964. SUMMERFIELD, ARTHUR: Codes and plans and or- ganized behavior. Bulletin of the British Psy- chological Society, 17(57):1-17, 1964. SUMMERFIELD, A., and LEGGE, D.: Perception and information theory. Bulletin of the British Psy- chological Society, 42:23-28, 1960. SUMMERFIELD, A., and LEGGE, D.: Information the- ory and perception. In: Cohen, J., ed. Readings in psychology. London, Allen & Unwin, 1964, p. 236-248. MH-3314 (R10) GREENBLATT, MILTON, FREE- MAN, HARRY, MESHORER, EDWARD, SHARP, MOR- Ris L., and WECHSLER, HENRY: Drug treatment of hospitalized depressed patients. Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, Mass. (1959-66) BusrFIELD, B., SCHNELLER, P., and CaPrA, D.: De- pressive symptom or side effect? A comparative study of symptoms during pretreatment and treat- ment periods of patients on three antidepressant medications. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- ease, 134:(4) :339-345, 1962. 395 BusrieLp, B. L., Jr., and WECHSLER, H.: Studies of salivation in depression. I. A comparison of salivation rates in depressed, sechizo-aftective de- pressed, nondepressed hospitalized patients and in normal controls. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4:10-15, 1961. BusrIELD, B., and WECHSLER, H.: Salivation rate: A physiologic correlate of improvement in hos- pitalized depressed patients treated with three anti- depressant medications. Psychosomatic Medicine, 24(4):337-342, 1962. BusrieLp, B. L., and WECHSLER, H.: Salivation as an index of higher nervous activity in diseases with prominent psychopathology. In: Psycho- pharmacological method. New York, Pergamon Press, 1963, p. 346-356. BusrieELp, B. L., Jr., WECHSLER, H., and BARNUM, W. J.: Studies of salivation in depression: II. Physiological differentiation of reactive and endo- genous depression. Archives of General Psychi- atry, 5:472-477, 1961. BusrieLp, B. L., WECHSLER, H., and BARNUM, W. J.: A physiologic correlate of diagnosis and treatment outcome in depression. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 2. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1962, p. 1367-1371. FELDSTEIN, AARON, HOAGLAND, HUDSON, OKTEM, MiLAGROS RIVERA, and FREEMAN, HARRY: MAO inhibition and antidepressant activity. Interna- tional Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1(4):381-383, 1965. FELDSTEIN, AARON, HOAGLAND, HUDSON, WONG, KEerrH KaM-KiM, OKTEM, MILAGROS RIVERA, and FREEMAN, HARRY: MAO activity in relation to depression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120: 1192-1194, 1964. GREENBLATT, M., GROSSER, G., and WECHSLER, H.: A comparative study of selected antidepres- sant medications and EST. American Journal of Psychiatry, 119(2) :144-153, 1962. GREENBLATT, MILTON, GROSSER, GEORGE H., and WECHSLER, HENRY: Differential response of hos- pitalized depressed patients to somatic therapy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120:935-943, 1964. Grosser, G. H., and FrReemaN, H.: Differential recovery patterns in the treatment of acute de- pression. Proceedings of the 3rd World Con- gress of Psychiatry. Vol. 2. Montreal, Univer- sity of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1962, p. 1392-1402. WECHSLER, H.: Community growth, depressive dis- orders, and suicide. American Journal of Soci- ology, 67:9-16, 1961. WECHSLER, H., Grosser, G. H., and BUSFIELD, B. L.: The depression rating scale: A quantita- tive approach to the assessment of depressive symptomatology. Archives of General Psychiatry, 9(4):334-343, 1963. WECHSLER, HENRY, GROSSER, GEORGE H., and GREENBLATT, MILTON: Research evaluating anti- depressant medications on hospitalized mental pa- tients: A survey of published reports during a five-year period. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 141(2) :231-239, 1965. MH-3319 (R01) YOUNGKEN, HEBER W., JR, DiLLE, JAMES M., and WORTHEN, LEONARD R.: Biosynthesis of psychotropic agents in fungi. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.L (1959-63) AUDETTE, R. C. S., WorTHEN, L. R., and YOUNG- KEN, H. W., Jr.: Enzymatic methylation of nico- tinamide by Claviceps purpurea. Journal of Phar- maceuntical Sciences, 53(9):1117-1118, 1964. UNDERHILL, E. W., and YOoUNGKEN, H. W., Jr.: Biosynthesis of hyoscyamine and scopolamine in datura stramonium. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 51:121-125, 1962. UNDERHILL, E. W., YouNGKEN, H., W., Jr., and Tsao, D. P. N.: Countercurrent separation of solanaceous alkaloids. Lloydia, 24:55-57, 1961. WORTHEN, L. R., PLaTIAU, P. E., and YOUNGKEN, H. W., Jr.: The metabolism of S-hydroxytrypta- mine in cultures of claviceps purpurea. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 15:626-627, 1963. WORTHEN, L. R., STESSEL, G. ]., and YOUNGKEN, H. W., Jr.: The occurrence of indole compounds in coprinus species. Economic Botany, 16:315- 318, 1962. MH-3321 (R01) SoskIN, WiLLiAM F.: Studies of verbal behavior. McLean Hospital, Belmont, Mass. (1959-61) SoskiN, WiLLiaM F., and JoHN, VERA P.: The study of spontaneous talk. In: Barker, Roger, ed. The stream of behavior. New York, Appleton- Century-Crofts, 1963, p. 228-281. (Also ac- knowledges MH-702). MH-3322 (RO1) RaARick, G. LAWRENCE, and RaP- APORT, IOoNEL F.: Pubertal growth of bone and soft tissues in mongolism. University of Wiscon- sin, Madison, Wisc. (1959-62) RARICK, LAWRENCE, RAPAPORT, IONEL, and SEE- FELDT, VERN: Bone development in Down's dis- ease. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 107:7-13, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2561). MH-3325 (R01) SANDER, Louis W., PAVEN- STEDT, ELEANOR, and STECHLER, GERALD: Mother-child interaction in first three years. Mas- sachusetts Memorial Hospitals, Boston, Mass. (1959-63) (Continued from MH-898). 396 FINEMAN, JOANN: Observations on the develop- ment of imaginative play in early childhood. Jour- nal of the American Academy of Child Psychi- atry, 1(1):167-181, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-898). PAVENSTEDT, ELEANOR: Study of immature mothers and their children. In: Caplan, Gerald, ed. Pre- vention of mental disorders in children. New York, Basic Books, 1961, p. 192-217. (Also ac- knowledges MH-898). PAVENSTEDT, ELEANOR: Introduction to the Sympo- sium on Research in Infancy and Early Childhood. Opening comments. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 1(1):5-10; 138- 140, 1962. PAVENSTEDT, E.: A comparison of the child-rearing environment of upper-lower and very low-lower class families. American Journal of Orthopsychi- atry, 35:89-98, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH- 898). SANDER, Louis W.: Issues in early mother-child interaction. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 1(1):141-166, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-898). SANDER, Louis W.: Adaptive relationships in early mother-child interaction. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 3:231-264, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-898). STECHLER, G.: A longitudinal follow-up of neo- natal apnea. Child Development, 35:333-348, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-898). MH-3327 (R01) HAMILTON, CHARLES L.: Psycho- physiological study of hypothalamic hyperphagia. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1959-64) HamiLtoN, C. L.: Comparison of two methods of dominance testing in the monkey. Psychological Reports, 7:247-250, 1960. Hamirton, C. L.: Interactions of food intake and temperature regulation in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 476-488, 1963. HamirtoN, C. L.: Hypothalamic temperature rec- ords of a monkey. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 112:55- 57, 1963. HamiLton, C. L.: Rat's preference for high fat diets. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58(3) :459-460, 1964. HamMmiLtoN, C. L.: Interactions of water, food and temperature regulation in the monkey. In: Wayner, M. J. Proceedings of the Ist Interna- tional Symposium on “Thirst in the regulation of body water.” New York, Pergamon Press, 1964, p. 45-56. HamiLtoN, C. L., and BROBECK, JoHN R.: Hypo- thalamic hyperphagia and social interaction in the monkey. (Abstract) American Journal of Psy- chology, 15:483, 1960. HamirtoN, C. L., and BROBECK, JoHN R.: Tem- perature response of tube-fed rats. American Journal of Physiology, 203:383-384, 1962. HamiLtoN, C. L., and BROBECK, JoHN R.: Hypo- thalamic hyperphagia and social interaction in the monkey. (Abstract) Acta Neurovegetativa, 24: 545-546, 1963. HamMmiLToN, C. L., and BroBEck, JoHN R.: Dia- betes mellitus in hyperphagic monkeys. Endo- crinology, 73:512-515, 1963. HamirtoN, C. L., and BrOBECK, JoHN R.: Food intake and temperature regulation in rats with rostral hypothalamic lesions. American Journal of Physiology, 207:291-297, 1964. HamiLtoN, C. L., and BROBECK, JoHN R.: Hypo- thalamic hyperphagia in the monkey. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57: 271-278, 1964. MH-3328 (RO1) CoLLIER, GEORGE: The determi- nants of amount of reinforcement. University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (1959-62) (Contin- ued as MH-7024). CoLLIER, GEORGE: Some properties of saccharin as a reinforcer. Journal of Experimental Psychol- ogy, 64:184-191, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-7024). COLLIER, GEORGE: Consummatory and instrumental responding as functions of deprivation. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64:410-414, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-7024). CoLLIER, GEORGE, and KNARR, FREDERICK: Defense of water balance in the rat. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 61(1):5-10, 1966. CoLLIER, GEORGE, KNARR, FREDERICK A., and Marx, MELVIN H.: Some relations between the intensive properties of the consummatory response and reinforcement. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 62:484-495, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-817). COLLIER, GEORGE, and MYERS, LEONHARD: The loci of reinforcement. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 61:57-66, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-817). COLLIER, GEORGE, and WILLIS, FRANK N.: Depri- vation and reinforcement. Journal of Experimen- tal Psychology, 62:377-384, 1961. KNARR, FREDERICK A., and COLLIER, GEORGE: Taste and consummatory activity in amount and gradient of reinforcement functions. Journal of Ex- 397 perimental Psychology, 63:579-588, 1962. acknowledges MH-7024). (Also Wist, E. R.: Amount, delay, and position of delay of reinforcement as parameters of runway per- formance. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63:160-166, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 817). MH-3330 (R01) Murpock, BENNET B., Jr.: A study of the retention of individual items. Uni- versity of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. (1959-64) Murpock, BENNET B., Jr.: The retention of in- dividual items. Journal of Experimental Psychol- ‘ogy, 62:618-625, 1961. Murpock, BENNET B., Jr.: Short-term retention of single paired-associates. Psychological Reports, 8: 280, 1961. MurpocK, BENNET B., Jr.: The serial position ef- fect of free recall. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 64:482-488, 1962. Murpock, BENNET B., Jr.: Direction of recall in short-term memory. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1(2):119-124, 1962. MURDOCK, BENNET B., JR.: Short-term retention of single paired associates. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65(5) :433-443, 1963. MuRrpOCK, BENNET B., JRr.: Interpolated recall in short-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 66:525-532, 1963. Murpock, BENNET B., Jr.: Short-term memory and paired-associate learning. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 2(4):320-328, 1963. MuRrDOCK, BENNET B., JR.: An analysis of the rec- ognition process. In: Cofer, C. N., ed. Verbal behavior and learning: Problems and processes. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963. Murpock, B. B., Jr.: A test of the “limited capac- ity” hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Psychol- 0gy, 69(3):237-240, 1965. Murpock, BENNET B., JRr.: Signal-detection theory and short-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(5) :443-447, 1965. Murpock, BENNET B., Jr.: Associative symmetry and dichotic presentation. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4(3):222-226, 1965. Murpock, BENNET B., Jr., and BABICK, ARTHUR J.: The effect of repetition on the retention of individual words. American Journal of Psychol- ogy, 74:596-601, 1961. MH-3331 (R01) DvyAL, JaAMEs A.: Studies of me- diation processes. Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. (1959-61) Dvyar, J. A.: Latent extinction under irrelevant drive. Psychological Reports, 9:369-376, 1961. DvaAL, J. A.: Spontaneous recovery from nonresponse extinction. ~~ Psychological Reports, 9:401-404, 1961. DyaL, J. A.: Latent extinction as a function of number and duration of pre-extinction exposures. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(1):98- 104, 1962. DyaL, J. A.: Latent extinction as a function of number of training trials. Psychological Records, 13(4) :407-414, 1963. DyaL, JaMEs A.: Latent extinction as a function of placement-test interval and irrelevant drive. Jowur- nal of Experimental Psychology, 68(5):486-491, 1964. DyaL, JAMES A.: Latent extinction as a function of partial reinforcement of the running response. Psychonomic Science, 3(5):207-208, 1965. DvyaL, J. A., and ABRIGHT, ].: Problem-solving as- sembly of separately acquired behavior segments: Negative results. Psychological Reports, 13:619- 621, 1963. Dvyar, J. A., and HorLLanp, T. A.: Resistance to extinction as a function of number of reinforce- ments. American Journal of Psychology, 76:332- 333, 1963. DvyaL, J. A., and Jones, C. A.: Experimental tests of Hull's reasoning paradigms. Psychological Re- ports, 13:583-590, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2596). WiLsoN, W. J., and DyaL, J. A.: Effects of non- response acquisition on latent extinction in a dif- ferential reinforcement setting. Psychological Re- ports, 13:879-884, 1963. MH-3332 (RO1) KAPLAN, MICHAEL, and CAMP- BELL, SAM L.: Experimental analyses of punish- ment. Creedmoor State Hospital, New York, N.Y. (1959-62) KAPLAN, MICHAEL, JACKSON, BRUCE, and SPARER, RICHARD: Escape behavior under continuous rein- forcement as a function of aversive light intensity. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(5):321-323, 1965. KAPLAN, MICHAEL, and KAPLAN, EUGENIE F.: Es- timating growth of inbred rats for behavioral and biological study. Psychological Reports, 17(2): 419-423, 1965. KAPLAN, M., and MARTIN, J. M.: A coupled tape programmer and buffer box. Journal of the Ex- perimental Analysis of Behavior, 4:322, 1961. MH-3337 (R01) BrusH, F. ROBERT: Anxiety and the interference hypothesis. University of Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1959-65) 398 BrusH, F. R.: The effects of intertrial interval on avoidance learning in the rat. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:888- 892, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2191). BrusH, F. R.: Avoidance learning as a function of time after fear conditioning and unsignalled shock. Psychonomic Science, 1:405-406, 1964. BrusH, F. ROBERT: On the differences between ani- mals that learn and do not learn to avoid electric shock. Psychonomic Science, 5(3):123-124, 1966. BrusH, F. ROBERT, DAVENPORT, JoHN W., and PoLiborA, V. J.: TCAP: Negative results in avoidance and water maze learning and retention. Psychonomic Science, 4(5):183-184, 1966. Brush, F. ROBERT, MEYER, J. S., and PALMER, M. E.: Joint effects of intertrial and intersession interval upon avoidance learning. Psychological Reports, 14:31-37, 1964. MH-3342 (R01) Bropy, ARTHUR L., and WEIN- STOCK, SOLOMON: Experimental studies of multi- ple choice learning. Lehigh University, Bethle- hem, Pa. (1959-62) Bropy, A. L.: A test of the identity operator model in a noncorrection T maze situation. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 18:466, 1963. Bropy, ARTHUR L.: Nonreinforcement in a non- correction T maze. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60(3):428-431, 1965. MH-3344 (RO1) MiscHEL, WALTER: Delay of gratification in choice situations. Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, Mass. (1960-62) (Contin- ued as MH-6830). METzZNER, RALPH: Effects of work-requirements in two types of delay of gratification situations. Child Development, 34:809-816, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6830). MisCHEL, WALTER, and METZNER, RALPH: Pref- erence for delayed reward as a function of age, intelligence, and length of delay interval. Jowur- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 64:425- 431, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-6830). MH-3345 (R01) PREMACK, DaAviD: Quantitative theory of learning for the positive case. Univer- sity of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (1959-61) BROWNSTEIN, A. J.: Predicting instrumental per- formances from the independent rates of contin- gent responses in a choice situation. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63:29-31, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-817). PREMACK, D.: Predicting instrumental performance from the independent rate of the contingent re- sponse. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61 (2):163-171, 1961. PREMACK, D.: Reversibility of the reinforcement re- lation. Science, 136(3512):255-257, 1962. PrEMACK, D.: Rate differential reinforcement in monkey manipulation. Journal of the Experimen- tal Analysis of Behavior, 6(1):81-89, 1963. PREMACK, DAviD: Reinforcement theory. In: Le- vine, David, ed. Nebraska symposium on moti- vation. Lincoln, Nebr., University of Nebraska Press, 1965, p. 123-188. PrREMACK, D., and CoLLIER, G.: Analysis of non- reinforcement variables affecting response proba- bility. Psychological Monographs, 76(5):1-20, 1962. (Whole No. 524). PreMAcCK, D., and Hiriix, W. A.: Evidence for shift effects in the consummatory response. Jour- nal of Experimental Psychology, 63(3):284-288, 1962. PrREMACK, D., and PUTNEY, RICHARD T.: Relation between intersession interval frequency of com- peting responses and rate of learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(3):269-274, 1962. PrREMACK, D., and ScHAEFFER, R. W.: Distribu- tional properties of operant-level locomotion in the rat. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5(1) :89-95, 1962. SCHAEFFER, R. W., and PRrREMAck, D.: Licking rates in infant albino rats. Science, 134(3494): 1980-1981, 1961. MH-3346 (R01) KAHN, RoBErT L.: Conflict and ambiguity in relation to mental health. Univer- sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1959-63) FrENcH, J. R. P, Jr, Kann, RoBerT L., and MaNN, Froyp C., eds. Work, health, and sat- isfaction. Journal of Social Issues, 18(3), 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3874 and MH-9132). KAHN, ROBERT L.: Role conflict and ambiguity in large organizations. In: Proceedings of CIOS 13th International Management Congress, New York, 1963, p. 729-734. KAHN, ROBERT L.: Field studies of power in or- ganizations. In: Kahn, Robert L., and Boulding, Elise, eds. Power and conflict. New York, Ba- sic Books, 1964, p. 52-66. KAHN, ROBERT L., and WoLFE, DONALD M.: Role conflict in organizations. In: Kahn, Robert L., and Boulding, Elise, eds. Power and conflict. New York, Basic Books, 1964, p. 115-126. Kann, R. L., WoLFrg, D. M., QUINN, R. P., SNOCK, J. D., and RoseNTHAL, R. A.: Organizational stress: Studies in role conflict and ambiguity. New York, Wiley & Sons, 1964, 470 p. (Also acknowledges MH-3874 and MH-9132). SNOEK, J. DiepRrIcK: Role strain in diversified role sets. American Journal of Sociology, 71(4):363- 372, 1966. 399 WoLFE, DONALD M., and SNOEK, J. DIEDRICK: A study of tensions and adjustment under role con- flict. Journal of Social Issues, 18(3):102-121, 1962. MH-3347 (R01) TEUBER, HANs-LUKAS: A pro- gram of research in neuropsychology. New York University Medical Center, New York, N.Y. (1959-61) (Continued as MH-5673). ALTMAN, ].: Diurnal activity rhythm of rats with lesions of superior colliculus and visual cortex. American Journal of Physiology, 202(6):1205- 1207, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). ALTMAN, J.: Effects of lesions in central nervous visual structures on light aversion of rats. Ameri- can Journal of Physiology, 202:1208-1210, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). ALTMAN, J.: Autoradiographic study of degenera- tive and regenerative proliferation of neuroglia cells with tritiated thymidine. Experimental Neu- rology, 5(4):302-318, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-5673). ALTMAN, J.: Some fiber projections to the superior colliculus in the cat. Journal of Comparative Neu- rology, 119:77-95, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). ALTMAN, J.: Are new neurons formed in the brains of adult mammals? Science, 135(3509):1127- 1128, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). ALTMAN, J., and ALTMAN, ELIZABETH: Increased utilization of an amino acid and cellular prolifera- tion demonstrated autoradiographically in the op- tic pathways of pigeons. Experimental Neurology, 6:142-151, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 5673). ALTMAN, J., and MAL, L. I.: An electrophysiolog- ical study of the superior colliculus and visual cortex. Experimental Neurology, 5:233-249, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). CHOROVER, S. L.: Effects of mescaline sulfate on extinction of conditional avoidance response (CAR). Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 54:649-652, 1961. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5673). CHOROVER, S. L., and Gross, C. G.: Caudate nu- cleus lesions: Behavioral effects in the rat. Sci- ence, 141:826-827, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). CoHEN, L.: Rate of apparent change of a Necker cube as a function of prior stimulation. American Journal of Psychology, 72(3):327-344, 1959. GHENT, LILA, MIsHKIN, M., and TEUBER, H. L.: Short-term memory after frontal-lobe injury in man. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:705-709, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-5673). Gross, C. G.: Effects of different stimulus condi- tions on locomotor activity of frontal monkeys. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 17:385, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). Gross, C. G.: A comparison of the effects of par- tial and total lateral frontal lesions on test per- formance by monkeys. Journal of Comparative and ~~ Physiological ~ Psychology, 56(1):41-47, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). Gross, C. G.: Effect of deprivation on delayed re- sponse and delayed alternation performance by normal and brain operated monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(1): 48-51, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). Gross, C. G.: Discrimination reversal after lateral frontal lesions in monkeys. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 56(1):52-55, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). Gross, C. G.: Locomotor activity following lateral frontal lesions in rhesus monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 232-236, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). Gross, C. G., and WEISKRANTZ, L.: Evidence for dissociation of impairment on auditory discrimi- nation and delayed response following lateral fron- tal lesions in monkeys. Experimental Neurology, 5(6):453-476, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 5673). Gross, C. G., and WEISKRANTZ, L.: Some changes in behavior produced by lateral frontal lesions in the Macaque. In: Warren, J. M., and Akert, K,, eds. The frontal granular cortex and behavior. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964, p. 74-101. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). MACKINTOSH, J., and SUTHERLAND, N. S.: Visual discrimination by the goldfish: The orientation of rectangles. Animal Behavior, 11(1):135-141, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). MEYER, V., Gross, C. G., and TEUBER, H.-L.: Ef- fect of knowledge of site of stimulation on the threshold for pressure sensitivity. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:637-640, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-5673). PROCTOR, FLORRY, RIKLAN, M., COOPER, I. S., and TeUBER, H. L.: Somatosensory status of parkin- sonian patients before and after chemothalamec- tomy. Neurology, 13:906-912, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5673). RupeL, Rita G.: The transposition of interme- diate size by brain-damaged and mongoloid chil- dren. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53:89-94, 1960. RupkL, Rita G., and TEUBER, H.-L.: Discrimina- tion of direction of line in children. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(5): 892-898, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). 400 RupkL, RiTA G., and TEUBER, H.-L.: Decrement of visual and haptic Miiller-Lyer illusion on re- peated trials: A study of crossmodal transfer. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 15:125-131, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 5673). RuDpEL, Rita G., TEUBER, H.-L., LIEBERT, R. S., and HALPERN, S.: Localization of auditory midline and reactions to body tilt in brain-damaged chil- dren. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 131 (4) 1302-309, 1960. SEMMES, JOSEPHINE, TEUBER, H.-L., WEINSTEIN, S., and GHENT, LiLA: Somatosensory changes after penetrating brain wounds in man. Cam- bridge, Harvard University, 1960, 91 p. SEMMES, JOSEPHINE, WEINSTEIN, S., GHENT, LILA, and TEUBER, H.-L.: Correlates of impaired orien- tation in personal and extrapersonal space. Brain, 86:747-772, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 5673). SUTHERLAND, N. S.: Visual discrimination of shape by “octopus”: Squares and crosses. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55: 939-943 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). SUTHERLAND, N. S., MACKINTOSH, J., and MACKIN- tosH, N. J.: The visual discrimination of redu- plicated patterns by octopus. Animal Behavior, 11(1):106-110, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 5673). SUTHERLAND, N. S., MackiNTOsH, N. J. and MACKINTOSH, J.: Simultaneous discrimination training of “octopus” and transfer of discrimina- tion along a continuum. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(1):150-156, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TeUBER, H.-L.: The premorbid personality and re- action to brain damage. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 30:322-329, 1960. TEUBER, H.-L.: Perception. In: Field, J., Magoun, H. W., and Hall, V. E., eds. Handbook of physi- ology. Section 1. Neurophysiology. Vol. 3. Washington, D.C., American Physiological Soci- ety, 1960, p. 1595-1668. TeUBER, H.-L.: Space perception and its disturb- ances after brain injury in man. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Psychol- ogy, Bonn, 1960. Acta Psychologica, 19:837- 838, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TEUBER, H.-L.: Brain and behavior. Summation. In: Brazier, M. A. B., ed. International Confer- ence on Brain and Behavior. Washington, D.C., American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1961, p. 393-420. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TEUBER, H.-L.: Sensory deprivation, sensory suppres- sion and agnosia: Notes for a neurologic theory. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 132(1): 32-40, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TEUBER, H.-L.: Some observations on the superior colliculi of the cat. (Report on the work of J. Altman) In: Jung, R., and Kornhuber, H. eds. Neurophysiologic und Psychophysik des visuellen Systems. Heidelberg, Springer, 1961, p. 217-221. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TEUBER, H.-L.: Neuere Beobachtungen iiber Sehs- trahlung und Sehrinde. In: Jung, R., and Korn- huber, H., eds. Neurophysiologie und Psychol- physik des visuellen Systems. Heidelberg, Springer, 1961, p. 256-274. (Also acknowledges MH- 5673). TEUBER, H.-L.: Effects of brain wounds implicating right or left hemisphere in man. Hemisphere differences and hemisphere interaction in vision, audition, and somesthesis. In: Mountcastle, V. B., ed. Interhemispheric relations and cerebral domi- nance. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1962, p. 131- 157. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TEUBER, H.-L.: Perspectives in the problems of biological memory—A psychologist’s view. Schmitt, F. O., ed. Macromolecular oecifioty and biological memory. Cambridge, Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, 1962, p. 99-107. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TEUBER, H.-L.: Memory. New York Medicine, 18: 248-250, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TEUBER, H.-L.: Personality and reaction to brain damage. In: Dulany, D. E., DeValois, R. L, Beardslee, D. C., and Winterbottom, Marian R.: Contributions to modern psychology. 2nd ed. New York, Oxford University, 1963, p. 406-414. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TEUBER, H.-L.: Space perception and its disturbances after brain injury in man. Neuropsychologia, 1: 47-57, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TEUBER, H.-L.: The riddle of frontal lobe function in man, In: Warren, J. M., and Akert, K., eds. The frontal granular cortex and behavior. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964, p. 410-444. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TeuBER, H.-L., BATTERSBY, W. S., and BENDER, M. B.: Visual field defects after penetrating missile wounds of the brain. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University, 1960, 143 p. TEUBER, H.-L., and RuDpEL, Rita G.: Effects of brain injury in children and adults. Clinical Psy- chology (Copenhagen), 4:113-139, 1962. (Pro- ceedings of the 14th Congress of Applied Psy- chology). (Also acknowledges MH-5673). TeuBer, H.-L., and RuUDEL, Rita G.: Behavior after cerebral lesions in children and adults. De- velopmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 4:3- 20, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). VAUGHAN, HERBERT G., JR., and Costa, Louis D.: Application of evoked potential techniques to 401 behavioral investigation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 118:71-75, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5673). WEISKRANTZ, L.: Contour discrimination in a young monkey with striate cortex ablation. Nexropsy- chologia, 1(2):145-164, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-5673). MH-3348 (R01) Frost, HENRY H., SIBLEY, WILLIS E., and SmiTH, TED C.: Transiency and new com- munity integration. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (1959-63) WiLLIAMS, MORGAN ]., Frost, HENRY H., and SiBLEY, WiLLis E.: Page, Arizona—A rootless community? Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 37:97-101, 1959-1960. MH-3353 (R01) MAHLER, MARGARET S., and FURER, MANUEL: Investigation of symbiotic child psychosis. Masters Childrens Center, New York, NY. (1959-64) MAHLER, MARGARET SCHOENBERGER: Perceptual de- differentiation and psychotic “object relationship.” International Journal of Psychiatry, 41:548-553, 1960. MAHLER, M. S.: On sadness and grief in infancy and childhood. Loss and restoration of the symbiotic love object. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 16:332-351, 1961. due Psiche MAHLER, MARGARET S.: Autismo e simbiosi. gravi alterazioni dell’identita personale. (Roma), 1(1):37-53, 1964. MAHLER, MARGARET SCHOENBERGER, and FURER, MANUEL: Observations on research regarding the “symbiotic syndrome” of infantile psychosis. Psy- choanalytic Quarterly, 29:317-327, 1960. PINE, FRED, and FURER, MANUEL: Studies of the separation- individuation phase: A methodological overview. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 18: 325-342, 1963. MH-3355 (R01) Howe, Epmunp S., and FINE- SINGER, JacoB E.: Anxiety and verbal behavior. University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. (1959- 63) Howe, E. S.: Further comparison of two short-form derivatives of the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale. Psychological Reports, 6:21-22, 1960. Howe, E. S.: Anxiety-arousal and specificity: Rated correlates of the depth of interpretive statements. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26:178-184, 1962. Howe, E. S.: A study of the semantic structure of ratings of interpretive responses. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 26(3) :285, 1962. Howe, E. S.: Postponement behavior as a function of approach and avoidance motivation. Psycho- logical Reports, 10:275-283, 1962. Howe, E. S.: Probabilistic adverbial qualifications of adjectives. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1(4):225-242, 1963. Howe, E. S.: Three-dimensional structure of ratings of exploratory responses shown by a semantic differential. Psychological Reports, 14:187-196, 1964. Howe, E. S.: A third comparison of two short-form derivatives of the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, using psychiatric patients. Psychological Reports, 14:497-498, 1964. Howe, E. S.: Further data concerning the dimen- sionality of ratings of the therapist's verbal ex- ploratory behavior. Journal of Consulting Psy- chology, 29(1):73-76, 1965. Howe, EDMUND S.: Uncertainty and other associa- tive correlates of Osgood’s Dy. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4(6):498-509, 1965. Howg, E. S., and Pork, B.: The dimensionality of ratings of therapist verbal responses. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 25:296-303, 1961. Howe, E. S., and Popg, B.: An empirical scale of therapist verbal activity level in the initial inter- view. [Journal of Consulting Psychology, 25:510- 520, 1961. Howe, E. S., and Pop, B.: Therapist verbal activity level and diagnostic utility of patient verbal re- sponses. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26: 149-155, 1962. MH-3358 (R01) Beck, AARON T.: Psychological correlates of depression. University of Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1959-64) Beck, A. T.: A systematic investigation of depres- sion. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2:163-170, 1961. Beck, A. T.: Reliability of psychiatric diagnoses: 1. A critiquue of systematic studies. American Jour- nal of Psychiatry, 119:210-216, 1962. Beck, A. T.: Thinking and depression: I. Idiosyn- cratic content and cognitive distortion. Archives of General Psychiatry, 9:324-333, 1963. Beck, A. T., FesHBAcH, S., and LEGG, D.: The clinical utility of the digit symbol test. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26:263-268, 1962. Beck, A. T., SETHI, B., and TutHiLL, R.: Child- hood bereavement and adult depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 9:295-302, 1963. Beck, A. T., and Warp, C. H.: Dreams of de- pressed patients: Characteristic themes in manifest contest. Archives of General Psychiatry, 5:462- 467, 1961. 402 Beck, A. T., Warp, C. H.,, MENDELSON, M.,, Mock, J., and ERBAUGH, J.: An inventory for measuring depression. Archives of General Psy- chiatry, 4:561-571, 1961. Beck, A. T., Warp, C. H. MENDELSON, M., Mock, J. E., and ErBAUGH, J. K.: Reliability of psychiatric diagnosis: 2. A study of consistency of clinical judgments and ratings. American Journal of Psychiatry, 119:351-357, 1962. LoeB, ARMIN, BEck, AARON T., FESHBACH, SEY- MOUR, and WOLF, ABRAHAM: Some effects of reward upon the social perception and motivation of psychiatric patients varying in depression. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:609- 616, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3213). Warp, C. H.,, Beck, A. T., MENDELSON, M., Mock, J. E., and ErRBAUGH, J. K.: The psychiatric nomenclature: Reasons for diagnostic disagree- ment. Archives of General Psychiatry, 7:198- 205, 1962. Warp, C. H.,, Beck, A. T., and RAscoE, E.: Typical dreams: Incidence among psychiatric patients. Ar- chives of General Psychiatry, 5:606-613, 1961. MH-3359 (R01) TEGHTSOONIAN, ROBERT: Rela- tion of retention to age of learning. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1959-61) BrusH, F. R., GoobpricH, K. P., TEGHTSOONIAN, R., and EisMAN, E. H.: Running speed as a function of deprivation condition and concentration of sucrose incentive. Psychological Reports, 9:627- 634, 1961. Brush, F. R., GoobpricH, K. P., TEGHTSOONIAN, R., and EismaN, E. H.: Dependence of learning (habit) in the runway on deprivation under three levels of sucrose incentive. Psychological Reports, 12:375-384, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 4426). MH-3360 (R01) BurcH, NEIL R., and Broom, SAMUEL W.: Psychophysiologic factors of behav- ioral interaction. Baylor University, Houston, Texas. (1960-62) BurcH, N. R., and CHILDERS, H. E.: Information processing in the time domain. In: Fields, Wil- liam S., and Abbott, Walter, eds. Information storage and neural control. Springfield, Ill, C. C. Thomas, 1963, p. 1-21. EDELBERG, R., GREINER, T., and Burch, N. R.: Some membrane properties of the effector in the galvanic skin response. Journal of Applied Physi- ology, 15(4):691-696, 1960. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1904). KapLAN, H. B.: Social interaction and GSR activity during group psychotherapy. Psychosomatic Med- icine, 25(2) :140-145, 1963. KaprLaN, H. B., and BrooM, S. W.: The use of sociological and social-psychological concepts in physiological research: A review of selected ex- perimental studies. Journal of Nervous and Men- tal Disease, 130(8) :128-134, 1960. KaprrLaN, HowArDp B., BurcH, NEIL R., BEDNER, Tom D., and TRENDA, JoHN D.: Physiologic (GSR) activity and perceptions of social behavior in positive, negative and neutral pairs. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 140(6):457-463, 1965. KapLAN, H. B,, BurcH, N. R., BLooM, S. W., and EDELBERG, R.: Affective orientation and physio- logical activity (GSR) in small peer groups. Psy- chosomatic Medicine, 25(3):245-252, 1963. MH-3361 (RO1) GINSBURG, BENsoN E., and Hunt, Howarp F.: Basic mechanisms of drug action on animal behavior. University of Chi- cago, Chicago, Ill. (1959- ) (Continued as MH-7279). GINSBURG, B. E.: Causal mechanisms in audiogenic seizures. Psychophysiologie Neuropharmocologie et Biochemie de la Crise Audiogene, Collogues Internationanx du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 112:227-240, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1918 and MH-7279). GINSBURG, B. E.: Genetics and personality. In: Wepman, J., and Heine, R., eds. Concepts of personality. Chicago, Aldine Press, 1963, p. 63- 78. (Also acknowledges MH-1918 and MH- 7279). Havrasz, M. F.: Some effects of varying the du- ration of an exteroceptive warning stimulus on intercurrent avoidance and appetitive responses. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 4:287, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1918). Harvey, J. A., HELLER, A., and MOORE, R. Y.: The effect of unilateral and bilateral medial fore- brain bundle lesions on brain serotonin. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 140:103-110, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 1918 and MH-7279). HARVEY, JoHN A., HELLER, ALFRED, MOORE, RoBerT Y., HuNnT, HOowArRD F., and ROTH, Lroyp, J.: Effect of central nervous system le- sions on barbiturate sleeping time in the rat. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Thera- peutics, 144 (1) :24-36, 1964. HaRrvEy, J. A., LiNTs, C. E., Jacosson, L. E., and Hunt, H. F.: Effects of lesions in the septal area on conditioned fear and discrimination instrumen- tal punishment in the albino rat. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 59:37-48, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-1918). HELLER, A., Harvey, J. A., Hunt, H. F., and Roth, L. J.: Effect of lesions in the septal fore- 403 brain of the rat on sleeping time under barbiturate anesthesia. Science, 131:662-663, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1918). HELLER, A., HARVEY, J. A., and MOORE, R. Y.: A demonstration of a fall in brain serotonin follow- ing central nervous system lesions in the rat. Bio- chemical Pharmacology, 11:859-866, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1918 and MH-7279). Hunt, H. F.: Non-empiric approaches from the basic sciences: Psychology. In: Featherstone, R. M., and Simon, A., eds. A pharmacological approach to the study of the mind. Springfield, Ill, Thomas, 1959, p. 82-94. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1918). Hunt, H. F.: Some applications of conditioned “fear.” In: Uhr, L., and Miller, J. G., eds. Drugs and behavior. New York, Wiley, 1960, p. 227-231. (Also acknowledges MH-1918). Hunt, H. F.: Physiology and drug action: Behav- ioral implications. Federation Proceedings, 19: 629-634, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1918). Hunt, H. F.: Methods for studying the behavioral effects of drugs. In: Cutting, W., Driesbach, H., and Elliott, H. W., eds. Annual reviews of phar- macology. Vol. 1. Palo Alto, Calif., Annual Re- views, 1961, p. 125-154. (Also acknowledges MH-1918). Hunt, HowarDp F.: Electro-convulsive shock and learning. Transactions of the New York Acad- emy of Sciences, Ser. II, 27(8):923-945, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-1918). Moore, R. Y.: Effects of some rhinencephalic le- sions on retention of conditioned avoidance be- havior in cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:65-71, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-1918 and MH-7279). MH-3363 (R01) GIiaRMAN, NicHOLAS ]., and FREEDMAN, DANIEL X.: Psychotogenic proce- dures and brain neurohumors. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1959- ) AGHAJANIAN, G. K.: The effect of chlorpromazine on respiration of brain mitochondria as a function of metabolic state. Biochemical Pharmacology, 12:7-12, 1963. AGHA JANIAN, G. K.: The effect of serotonin and norepinephrine on the structural changes induced in brain microsomes. Federation Proceedings, 22 (2) :450, 1963. AGHAJANIAN, G. K.: “Microsome” fraction of brain: Structural changes induced by ascorbic acid. Science, 141:628, 1963. APPEL, J. B.: Aversive aspects of schedule of posi- tive reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:423-428, 1963. APPEL, J. B.: Drugs, shock intensity, and the CER. Psychopharmacologia, 4:148-153, 1963. APPEL, J. B.: Punishment and shock intensity. Sci- ence, 141:528-529, 1963. APPEL, J. B.: The analysis of aversively motivated behavior. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10: 71-83, 1964. APPEL, J. B.: The rat: An important subject. Jour- nal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7 (5)355-356, 1964. AppiL, J. B., and FREEDMAN, D. X.: Chemically- induced alterations in the behavioral effects of LSD-25. Biochemical Pharmacology, 13:861-869, 1964. APPEL, J. B,, and FrREepMAN, D. X.: The relative potencies of psychotomimetic drugs. Life Sci- ences, 4(22):2181-2186, 1965. APPEL, JAMES B., and PETERSON, NEIL J.: Punish- ment and “recovery?” Journal of the Experimen- tal Analysis of Behavior, 7:166, 1964. APPEL, JAMES B., and PETERSON, NEIL J.: Punish- ment: Effects of shock intensity on response sup- pression. Psychological Reports, 16(3)Part 1:721- 730, 1965. BarcHAs, J. D., and FrEeEpMAN, D. X.: Brain amines: Response to physiological stress. Bio- chemical Pharmacology, 12:1232-1235, 1963. FreepMAN, D. X.: LSD-25 and brain serotonin in reserpinized rat. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 19:266, 1960. FreepMAN, D. X.: Effects of LSD-25 on brain sero- tonin. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimen- tal Therapeutics, 134:160-166, 1961. FREEDMAN, D. X.: Psychotomimetic drugs and brain biogenic amines. American Journal of Psychiatry, 119:843-850, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 1204). FreepMAN, D. X., and AcHAjANIAN, G. K., and CoqQuer, C. A.: Effect of reserpine on plasma binding and brain uptake of LSD-25. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 23:147, 1964. FreepMAN, D. X., AprpEL, J. B.,, HARTMAN, F. R., and MOLLIVER, M.: Tolerance to behavioral ef- fects of LSD-25 in rat. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 143:309-313, 1964. FREEDMAN, D. X., BarcHAs, J. D., and SCHOEN- BRUN, R. L.: Response of brain amines to ex- haustion stress or LSD-25. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 21:337, 1962. FrReEepMAN, D. X., and BENTON, A. J.: Persisting effects of reserpine in man. New England Journal of Medicine, 264:529-533, 1961. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1204). 404 FrReepMAN, D. X., and CoQUET, C. A.: Regional and subcellular distribution of LSD and effects on 5-HT levels. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 79(2): 183, 1965. FreepmaN, D. X. Fram, D. H., and GIARMAN, N. J.: The effect of morphine on the regenera- tion of brain norepinephrine after reserpine. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 20:321, 1961. FrReepMAN, D. X., and Giarman, N. J.: LSD-25 and the status and level of brain serotonin. An- nals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 96: 98-106, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1204). FrReepMAN, D. X., and GiarmAN, N. J.: Brain amines, clectrical activity, and behavior. In: Glaser, G. H., ed. EEG and behavior. New York, Basic Books, 1963, p. 198-243. GIARMAN, NICHOLAS J.: New developments in psy- chopharmacology. American Journal of Pharma- ceutical Education, 28(5):700-707, 1964. GIARMAN, NicHOLAS J., and FREEDMAN, DANIEL X.: Biochemical aspects of the actions of psycho- tomimetic drugs. Pharmacological Reviews, 17 (1):1-25, 1965. GiLLis, C. N., GiarmaN, N. J, and FREEDMAN, D. X.: Retention of S-hydroxytryptamine by sub- cellular fractions of rat brain homogenates. Bio- chemical Pharmacology, 13:1457-1474, 1964. MirkIN, B. L., GiarMAN, N. J., and FREEDMAN, D. X.: Uptake of noradrenaline by subcellular particles in homogenates of rat brain. Biochemi- cal Pharmacology, 12:214-216, 1963. MirkiN, B. L., GiarmMAN, N. J., and FREEDMAN, D. X.: Factors influencing the uptake of nor- adrenaline by subcellular particles in homogenates of rat brain. Biochemical Pharmacology, 13: 1027-1035, 1964. MirkiIN, B. L., and Girris, C. N.: Subcellular dis- tribution of tritium following the incubation of rat brain homogenates of H? norepinephrine. Bio- chemical Pharmacology, 12:1173-1179, 1963. SCHLESINGER, KURT, B0OGGAN, WILLIAM, and FREEDMAN, DANIEL X.: Genetics of audiogenic seizures: I. Relation to brain serotonin and nor- ephinephrine in mice. Life Sciences, 4(24) :2345- 2351, 1965. MH-3364 (R01) CarLsoN, NiLs J., and BIDDER, THoMAS G.: Neuropharmacological studies of mo- tivational states. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. (1959-61) CARLSON, NiLs JAMES, DoyLE, GERALD A., and BiopeR, GEORGE T.: The effects of dl-ampheta- mine and reserpine on runway performance. Psy- chopharmacologia, 8(3):157-173, 1965. ~ MH-3366 (R01) HowaRD, STUART A.: Bereave- ment behavior in a cooperative society. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1959-61) HowaRrp, ALAN: Rotuma as a hinterland commu- nity. Journal of the Polynesian Society, 70:272- 299, 1961. Howarp, ALAN: Land, activity systems, and deci- sion-making models in Rotuma. Ethnology, 2: 407-440, 1963. HowARrD, ALAN: Conservatism and non-traditional leadership in Rotuma. Journal of the Polynesian Society, 72:65-77, 1963. HowARD, ALAN, and HowARrD, IRWIN: Pre-marital sex and social control among the Rotumans. American Anthropologist, 66:266-283, 1964. MH-3368 (R01) MORSE, ROGER A.: A study of bioactive secretions. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1959-62) BENTON, A. W., MoRrsg, R. A., and KOSIKOWSKI, F. V.: Bioassay and standardization of venom in the honey bee. Nature, 198(4877):295-296, 1963. Gary, N. E.: Mandibular gland extirpation in liv- ing queen and worker honey bees. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 54:529-531, 1961. Gary, N. E.: Antagonistic reactions of worker honey bees to the mandibular gland contents of the queen (Apis mellifera). Bee World, 42(1): 14-17, 1961. Gary, N. E.: Mass production of honey bee larvae. Gleanings in Bee Culture, 88:550-552 and 659, 1961. Gary, N. E.: Queen honey bee attractiveness as related to mandibular gland secretions. Science, 133(3463) :1479-1480, 1961. GARY, NorMAN E.: Chemical mating attractants in the queen honey bee. Science, 136:773-774, 1961. Gary, N. E.: Observations of mating behaviour in the honey bee. Journal of Apicultural Research, 2(1):3-13, 1963. Gary, N. E,, FickenN, R. W., and STEIN, R. C.: Honey bee larvae (Apis mellifera L.) for bird food. Avicultural Magazine, 67:27-32, 1961. Gary, N. E., and Morse, R. A.: A technique for the removal of mandibular glands from living queen honeybees. Bee World, 41:229-230, 1960. Gary, N. E., and Morsg, R. A.: Queen cell con- struction in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colo- nies in response to living queens without mandib- ular glands. Proceedings of the Royal Entomo- logical Society of London, 37:76-78, 1962. 405 GARy, N. E,, and Morse, R. A.: The events fol- lowing queen cell construction in honeybee colo- nies. Journal of Apicultural Research, 1:3-5, 1963. GHENT, R. L., and GARY, N. E.: A chemical alarm releaser in honey bee stings (Apis mellifera L.): Psyche, 69(1):1-6, 1962. Morsg, R. A., and BENTON, A. W.: Mass collec- tion of bee venom. Gleanings in Bee Culture, 92: 42-45 and 54, 1964. Morskg, R. A., and GARY, N. E.: Insect invaders of the honey bee colony. Bee World, 42:179-181, 1961. Morse, R. A., and Gary, N. E.: Colony response to worker bees confined with queens. Bee World, 42(8):197-199, 1961. Morskg, R. A., and Gary, N. E.: Further studies of the responses of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies to queens with extirpated mandibular glands. Annals of Entomological Society of America, 56(3):372-374, 1963. Morse, R. A., Gary, N. E, and JOHANSSON, T. S. K.: Mating of virgin queen honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) following mandibular gland extirpation. Nature, 194(4828):605, 1962. Morse, R. A., MacDoNALD, JoN E., and ZMAR- LicKI, CypRIAN: The effect of queen mutilation on queen cell construction in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colony. Florida Entomologist, 46 (3):219-221, 1963. ZMARLICKI, C., and Morse, R. A.: Queen mating. American Bee Journal, 103(11):414-415, 1963. ZMARLICKI, C., and Morsg, R. A.: The mating of aged virgin queen honeybees. Journal of Apicul- tural Research, 2(1) :62-63, 1963. ZMmARLICKI, C., and Morsg, R. A.: Drone congre- gation areas. Journal of Apicultural Research, 2 (1) :64-66, 1963. ZMARLICKI, C., and MoRrsg, R. A.: The effect of mandibular gland extirpation on the longevity of queen honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 57(1): 73-74, 1964. MH-3369 (R01) ORNE, MARTIN T.: Studies in hypnosis. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1959-64) DamAaser, EstHErR C., SHOR, R. E., and ORNE, M. T.: Physiological effects during hypnotically requested emotions. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25: 334-343, 1963. O’CoNNELL, D. N., and OrRNE, M. T.: Bioelectric correlates of hypnosis: An experimental reevalua- tion. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1:201-213, 1962. OrNE, M. T.: Implications for psychotherapy de- rived from current research on the nature of hyp- nosis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 118:1097- 1103, 1962. Also in: Masserman, J., ed. Cur- rent psychiatric therapies. Vol. 2. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1962, p. 75-85. ORNE, M. T.: On the social psychology of the psy- chological experiment: With particular reference to demand characteristics and their implications. American Psychologist, 17:776-783, 1962. ORNE, MARTIN T., and ScHEIBE, KARL E.: The contribution of nondeprivation factors in the pro- duction of sensory deprivation effects: The psy- chology of the “panic button.” Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 68:3-12, 1964. MH-3372 (RO1) SPERRY, ROGER W.: Investiga- tions of neural mechanisms in behavior. Califor- nia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. (1959- ) ARORA, H. L.: Effect of forcing a regenerative optic fiber toward a foreign region of the optic tectum. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 145(2):202, 1963. ARORA, H. L., and SPERRY, R. W.: Optic nerve re- generation after surgical cross-union of medical and lateral optic tracts. (Abstract) American Zoologist, 2(3):389, 1962. Arora, H. L., and SpERrY, R. W.: Color discrimi- nation after optic nerve regeneration in the fish Astronotus ocellatus. Developmental Biology, 7 (1):234-243, 1963. ARORA, H. L., and SpERrY, R. W.: Selectivity in regeneration and reconnection of the oculomotor nerve in cichlid fishes. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 128(2):357-358, 1964. AtTARDI, D., and SPERRY, R. W.: Preferential se- lection of central pathways by regenerating optic fibers. Experimental Neurology, 7(1):46-64, 1963. BerLuccHI, GIOVANNI: Electroencephalographic studies in “split brain” cats. Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 20(4):348- 356, 1966. BerLuccHI, GIOVANNI: Electroencephalographic ac- tivity of the isolated hemicerebrum of the cat. Experimental Neurology, 15(2):220-228, 1966. Bossom, J. E., and HamiLToNn, C. R.: Interhemi- spheric transfer of adaptation to a monocular prism in split-brain monkeys. (Abstract) American Psy- chologist, 17(6) :384-385, 1962. BossoM, J., and Hamirton, C. R.: Interocular transfer of prism-altered coordinations in split- brain monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physi- ological Psychology, 56:769-774, 1963. 406 GAzZzANIGA, M. S.: Effects of commissurotomy on a preoperatively learned visual discrimination. Ex- perimental Neurology, 8:14-19, 1963. GAzzANIGA, M. S.: Cerebral mechanisms involved in ipsilateral eye-hand use in split-brain monkeys. Experimental Neurology, 10:148-155, 1964. GAZZANIGA, M. S., BOGEN, J. E., and SPERRY, R. W.: Some functional effects of sectioning the cere- bral commissures in man. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 48(10):1765- 1769, 1962. GAzzANIGA, M. S., BOGEN, J. E., and SPERRY, R. W.: Observations on visual perception after dis- connexion of the cerebral hemispheres in man. Brain, 88(2):221-236, 1965. GAzzANIGA, M. S., and SPERRY, R. W.: Language in human patients after brain bisection. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 24(2)Part 1:522, 1965. GAzzANIGA, M. S., and SPERRY, R. W.: Visuomotor control in monkey following brain lesions. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 25(2):396, 1966. GAzzANIGA, M. S., and SPERRY, R. W.: Simulta- neous double discrimination response following brain bisection. Psychonomic Science, 4(7):261- 262, 1966. GLICKSTEIN, M., ARORA, H. L., and SPERRY, R. W.: Delayed-response performance following optic tract section, unilateral frontal lesion and com- misurotomy. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 56(1):11-18, 1963. GLICKSTEIN, M., and SPERRY, R. W.: Visuomotor coordination in monkeys after optic tract section and commissurotomy. Federation Proceedings, 50 (4):703-710, 1963. HamirtoN, C. R.: Intermanual transfer of adapta- tion to prisms. American Journal Psychology, 77: 457-462, 1964. HamiLtoN, C. R., and BossoM, ].: Decay of prism aftereffects. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67(2) :148-150, 1964. Hamirton, C. R., and GAzzANIGA, M. S.: Laterali- zation of learning of color and brightness dis- criminations following brain bisection. Nature, 201(4915):220, 1964. HiBBARD, EMERSON: Orientation and directed growth of Mauthner’s cell axons from duplicated vestibular nerve roots. Experimental Neurology, 13(3):289-301, 1965. LEe-TENG, EVELYN: Visual discrimination versus visuo-motor learning in interocular transfer in the fish. Psychonomic Science, 5(5):209-210, 1966. Mark, R. F.: Fin movement after regeneration of neuromuscular connection: An investigation myo- typic specificity. Experimental Neurology, 12(3): 292-302, 1965. Myers, R. E., Sperry, R. W. and McCuRrpy, NaNcy: Neural mechanisms of visual guidance of limb movements. Archives of Neurology, 7 (3):195-202, 1962. RoBINSON, J. S., and VoNEDA, T. J.: Interocular perceptual integration in cats with optic chiasm and corpus callosum sectioned. (Abstract) Amer- ican Psychologist, 16(1):447-448, 1961. RoBINSON, J. S., and VoNEmDA, T. J.: Mask for controlling visual input in cats. Science, 135 (3509) :1134, 1962. ROBINSON, J. S., and VONEIDA, T. J.: Central cross- integration of visual inputs presented simultane- ously to the separate eyes. [Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 57(1):22-28, 1964. SPERRY, R. W.: Some developments in brain lesion studies of learning. Federation Proceedings, 20: 609-616, 1961. SPERRY, R. W.: Cerebral organization and behavior. Science, 133:1749-1757, 1961. SPERRY, R. W.: Some general aspects of interhemi- spheric integration. In: Montcastle,, Vernon B., ed. Interhemispheric relations and cerebral domi- nance. Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Press, 1962, p. 43-49. SPERRY, R. W.: Orderly function with disordered structure. In: von Foerster, H., and Zopf, G. W_, Jr., eds. Principles of self-organization. New York, Pergamon, 1962, p. 279-290. SPERRY, R. W.: Evidence behind chemoaffinity the- ory of synaptic patterning. (Abstract) Anatomi- cal Recorl, 145:288, 1963. SPERRY, ROGER W.: Recovery of sight after trans- plantation of eyes and regeneration of retina and optic nerve. In: Proceedings of International Congress of Technology and Blindness, 1963, p. 87-97. SPERRY, R. W.: Chemoaffinity in the orderly growth of nerve fiber patterns and connections. Proceed- ings of the National Academy of Science, 50(4): 703 and 710, 1963. SPERRY, ROGER W.: James Arthur lecture on the evolution of the human brain 1964. Problems outstanding in the evolution of brain function. New York, American Museum of Natural His- tory, 1964, 22 p. SPERRY, R. W.: The great cerebral commissure. Scientific American, 201(1):42-52, 1964. Sperry, R. W.: Corpus callosum and intermodal visuo-tactile integration in the monkey. Ana- tomical Record, 151(3):476, 1965. SPERRY, R. W., and ARORA, H. L.: Selectivity in regeneration of the oculmotor nerve in the cichlid fish, “‘Astronotus ocellatus.” Journal of Embry- 407 ology and Experimental Morphology (Great Brit- ain), 14(3):307-317, 1965. SUTHERLAND, N. S.: Cat's ability to discriminate oblique rectangles. Science, 139(3551):209-210, 1963. TEITELBAUM, H.: A comparison of effects of orbito- frontal and hippocampal lesions upon discrimina- tion learning and reversal in the cat. Experimen- tal Neurology, 9:452-462, 1964. TREVARTHEN, C.: Exploring the neural mechanisms of the mind. Engineering and Science, 26(2): 15-24, 1962. VanDERWOLF, C. H.: Effect of combined medial thalamic and septal lesions on active-avoidance behavior. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 58:31-37, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2455). VANDERWOLF, C. H., and HERON, W.: Electroen- cephalographic waves with voluntary movement. Archives of Neurology, 11:379-384, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2455). VONEDA, T. J.: Further studies of neural pathways in learning. Anatomical Record, 142:287-288, 1962. VonNEA, T. J.: Investigating the brain—its struc- ture and function. Engineering and Science, 25: 19-22, 1962. VONEIDA, THEODORE J.: Performance of a visual conditioned response in split-brain cats. Experi- mental Neurology, 8(6):493-504, 1963. Vonea, T. J., and SPERRY, R. W.: Central nerv- ous pathways involved in conditioning. Anatomi- cal Record, 13¢(2):283, 1961. WEBSTER, D. B.: Audio-motor integration in callo- sum-sectioned cats. (Abstract) Anatomical Rec- ord, 142(2):290, 1962. WEBSTER, DouGLAs B., and VONEIDA, THEODORE J.: Learning deficits following hippocampal le- sions in split-brain cats. Experimental Neurology, 10:170-182, 1964. WESTERMAN, R. A.: Somatic inheritance of habitua- tion of responses to light in planarians. Science, 140:676-677, 1963. MH-3374 (R01) Kirram, Kerth F., Jr., and KiLraMm, Eva KING: Drug action on brain sensory and integrative pathways. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1959- ) Berry, C. A., and HANCE, A. J.: Patterns of ex- citability in cerebral cortex. (Abstract) Federa- tion Proceedings, 22(2)Part 1:391, 1963. Berry, C. A, and HANCE, A. J.: Patterns of ex- citability in the cat cerebral cortex. Electroen- cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 18 (2):124-130, 1965. Berry, C. A., and STARK, L. G.: Modification of conditional behavior by prior experience. Psycho- pharmacologia, 7(6):409-415, 1965. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3241). CHIN, JANE H., KirraMm, Eva K. and KiLLAM, KEerrH F.: Factors affecting sensory input in the cat: Modification of evoked auditory potentials by reticular formation. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 18(6):567-574, 1965. CHIN, J. H., KiLLaMm, E. K., and KiLLaMm, K. F.: Evoked interaction patterns in chronically im- planted cats following chlorpromazine. Interna- tional Journal of Neuropharmacology, 4(2):47- 64, 1965. CHIN, JANE HENG, and KiLrLaMm, KeiTH F.: Com- parison of chlorpromazine, trifluoperazine and pentobarbital on conditioned arousal to retricular stimulation in cats. Psychopharmacologia, 8(1): 41-59, 1965. GYERMEK, L., CARPENTER, R., and KiLLam, K. F.: Neuropharmacological comparison of the steroid anesthetic (hydroxydione) with pentobarbital. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 5:255, 1963. Kram, Eva K.: Drug action on the brain stem reticular formation. Pharmacological Reviews, 14:175-223, 1962. MircHeELL, C. L., NEeLsoN, S. D., and KirLrLAM, K. F.: Modification of afferent interaction patterns by chlorpromazine, meprobamate, morphine and pentobarbital. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 3:79, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3241). MonrT1, JAIME M., HANCE, A. J. and KiLLAM, K. F.: CNE effects of haloperidol (McN-JR- 1625). (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 25 (2):229, 1966. MH-3375 (R01) STARKWEATHER, JOHN A.: Effect of drugs on vocal behavior. Langley Porter Neu- ropsychiatric Institute, San Francisco, Calif. (1959-1964) HARGREAVES, W. A., and STARKWEATHER, J. A.: Recognition of speaker identity. Language and Speech, 6:63-67, 1963. HARGREAVES, WILLIAM and STARKWEATHER, JOHN A.: Voice quality changes in depression. Lan- guage and Speech, 7(2):84-88, 1964. HARGREAVES, WILLIAM A., STARKWEATHER, J. A, and BLACKER, K. H.: Voice quality in depression. Journal of Psychology, 70(3):218-220, 1965. STARKWEATHER, J. A.: A speech rate meter for vocal behavior analysis. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 3:111-114, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2015). STARKWEATHER, J. A.: Vocal communication of personality and human feelings. Journal of Com- munication, 11:63-72, 1961. 408 STARKWEATHER, J. A.: A simple noise source. Jour- nal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 4:298, 1961. STARKWEATHER, JOHN A.: Variation in vocal be- havior. Disorders of Communication, 42:424- 449,1964. STARKWEATHER, J. A., and DECKER, J. B.: Com- puter analysis of interview content. Psychological eports, 15:875-882, 1964. STARKWEATHER, J. A., and HARGREAVES, W. A.: The influence of sodium pentobarbital on vocal behavior. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 69:123-126, 1964. STARKWEATHER, J. A., and LANGSLEY, D.: Sepa- ration of two-channel recordings for vocal be. havior studies. Journal of the Experimental Anal- ysis of Behavior, 4:193-195, 1961. MH-3383 (R01) PiccHIONI, ALBERT L., and BREIT- NER, CARL: Brain neurohormone levels following CNS stimulation. University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. (1959-65) BREITNER, C., PiccHIONI, A. L., and CHIN, L.: Neurohormone levels in brain after CNS stimu- lation, including electrotherapy. Journal of Neu- ropsychiatry, 5(3):153-158, 1964. BREITNER, C., PiccHIONI, A. CHIN, L., and BUR- TON, L.: Effect of electrostimulation on brain S-hydroxytryptamine concentration. Diseases of the Nervous System, 22(4):93-96, 1961. CHIN, L., PiccHionNi, A. L., and CHiLps, R. F.: Light—an essential factor in the trihydroxyindole- spectrophotofluorometric assay of norepinephrine. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 52:907-909, 1963. PiccHion:, A. L., CHIN, L., and BREITNER, C.: Relationship between brain levels of 5-hydroxy- tryptamine(5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) and susceptibility to electrically-induced seizures. Fed- eration Proceedings, 21:416, 1962. PiccHioNI, A. L., CHiN, L., CHOISSER, D., and BREITNER, C.: 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE): Relationship to audiogenic seizure (AS). (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 5:238, 1963. MH-3384 (R01) Oris, LEON S.: A multidimen- sional behavioral analysis of drugs. Johns Hop- kins University, Baltimore, Md. (1959-60) (Continued as MH-4789). Oris, L. S., and BOENNING, R. A.: A transistorized circuit for recording contact responses. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 2:289- 291, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-4789). MH-3387 (R01) CrowkLL, Davip H.: Infant re- sponsiveness. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. (1959-63). BEADLE, KATHRYN, R. and CrowkeLL, Davip H.: Neonatal electrocardiographic responses to sound: Methodology. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 5(2):112-123, 1962. CrowiLL, D. H., Yasaka, E., and CROWELL, Doris: Infant stabilimeter. Child Development, 35:525-532, 1964. MH-3392 (R03) Riss, WALTER: Intracranial stimu- lation and shaping behavior. State University of New York—Downstate Medical Center, Brook- lyn, N.Y. (1959-60) Riss, W.: Hippocampal electrical interaction with the midline thalamus in sleep and reticular domi- nance of the midline thalamus during excitement. Anatomical Record, 139:319, 1961. MH-3394 (R01) MEEHAN, JoHN P., and JACOBs, Howarp I.: Role of emotion in cardiovascular responses to stress. University of Southern Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. (1959-64) Jacoss, A., Capek, L., and MEEHAN, J. P.: The measurement of verbal responses to experimen- tally induced changes in emotional states. IIL The arousal of feelings of well-being. Journal of Psychological Studies, 12(3):128-134, 1961. MH-3396 (R01) WARREN, J. M.: Functions of association cortex in learning. Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology—Emory University, Orange Park, Fla. (1959-60) (Continued from MH- 1364). BRAMEL, DANA, and WARREN, J. M.: Retention of discrimination habits by cats. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 96:241-244, 1960. (Also acknowl- edges MH-835 and MH-1364). CrONHOLM, J. N., WARREN, J. M. and HARA, Kazuo: Distribution of training and reversal learning by cats. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 96:105-113, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 835 and MH-1364). ForwARrD, EDNA, WARREN, J. M., and HARA, Kasuo: The effects of unilateral lesions in sen- sorimotor cortex on manipulation by cats. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55(5):1130-1135, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-1895). Hara, Kazuo: Visual defects resulting from fres- triate cortical lesions in cats. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55(3): 293-298, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-1895). Hara, Kazuo, and WARREN, J. H.: Stimulus addi- tivity and dominance in discrimination perform- ance by cats. Journal of Comparative na Physio- logical Psychology, 54(1):86-90, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-835 and MH-1364). 409 Hara, Kazuo, and WARREN, J. M.: Equivalence reactions by normal and brain-injured cats. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54(1):91-93, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH- 835 and MH-1364). Josni, BHUWAN LAL, and WARREN, J. M.: Dis- crimination of ambivalent cue stimuli by cats. Journal of Psychology, 47:3-7, 1959. (Also ac- knowledges MH-835 and MH-1364). MARONEY, R. J., WARREN, J. M. and SINHA, M. M.: Stability of social dominance hierarchies in monkeys (Macaca Mulatta). Journal of Social Psychology, 50:285-293, 1959. (Also acknowl- edges MH-835 and MH-1364). WARREN, J. M.: Solution of object and positional discriminations by rhesus monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 52(1): 92-93, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-835 and MH-1364). WARREN, J. M.: Stimulus perserveration in discrimi- nation learning by cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 52(1):99-101, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-835 and MH- 1364). WARREN, J. M.: Oddity learning set in a cat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 53(4):433-434, 1960. (Also acknowl- edges MH-835 and MH-1364). WARREN, J. M.: Supplementary report: Effectiveness of food and nonfood signs in reversal learning by monkeys. Journal of Experimental Poychology, 60(4):263-264, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 835 and MH-1364). WARREN, J. M.: Discrimination reversal learning by cats. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 97:317- 327, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-835 and MH-1364). WARREN, J. M.: Solution of sign-differentiated ob- ject and positional discriminations by rhesus mon- keys. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 96:365- 369, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-835 and MH-1364). WARREN, J. M.: Individual differences in discrimi- nation learning by cats. Journal of Genetic Psy- chology, 98:89-93, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-835 and MH-1364). WARREN, J. M.: The behavior of carnivores and primates with lesion in the prefrontal cortex. In: Warren, J. M., and Akert, K., eds. The frontal granular cortex and behavior. New York, Mc- Graw-Hill, 1964, p. 168-191. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1364 and MH-4726). WARREN, J. M., GRANT, R., HARA, K., and LEARY, R. W.: Impaired learning by monkeys with uni- lateral lesions in association cortex. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(2): 241-253, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1895). \ WARREN, J. M., and KiMBALL, H.: Transfer rela- tions in discrimination learning by cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 52 (3):336-338, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH- 835 and MH-1364). WARREN, J. M., and SINHA, M. M.: Interactions between learning sets in monkeys. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 95:19-25, 1959. (Also ac- knowledges MH-835 and MH-1364). WARREN, J. M., and WARREN, H. B.: Interspecies differences in learning by carnivores? Perceptual and Motor Skills, 9:346, 1959. (Also acknowl- edges MH-835 and MH-1364). WARREN, J. M., and WARREN, HELEN B.: Reversal learning by horse and raccoon. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 100:215-320, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-835 and MH-1364). WARREN, J. M., WARREN, HELEN B., and AKERT, K.: Umweg learning by cats with lesions in the prestriate cortex. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54(6):629-632, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-835). WARREN, J. M., WARREN, HELEN B., and AKERT, KoNRrAD. Orbitofrontal cortical lesions and learn- ing in cats. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 118(1):17-42, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 835 and MH-1364). YAMAGUCHI, SHUN-IcHI, and WARREN, J. M.: Sin- gle versus double alternation learning by cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 54(5):533-538, 1961. (Also acknowl- edges MH-835 and MH-1364). MH-3398 (R01) ROSENBLATT, JAY S.: Maternal behavior in lower mammals. The State University of Rutgers, New Brunswick, N. J. (1959-63) ROSENBLATT, JAY S., and LEHRMAN, DANIEL S.: Maternal behavior in the laboratory rat. In: Rheingold, Harriet L., ed. Maternal behavior in mammals. New York, Wiley, 1963, p. 8-57. RoTH, LORRAINE L., and ROSENBLATT, JAY S.: Mammary glands of pregnant rats: Development stimulated by licking. Science, 151(3716):1403- 1404, 1966. MH-3400 (R01) BresLow, LESTER: Human popu- lation laboratory for epidemiologic studies. Cali- fornia State Department of public Health, Berke- ley, Calif. (1959-62) BrEsLOw, LESTER, and HOCHSTIM, JOSEPH: Socio- cultura] aspects of cervical cytology in Alameda County. Public Health Reports, 79(2):107-112, 1964. HocHsTiM, JosepH R.: Comparison of three infor- mation-gathering strategies in a population study of socio-medical variables. In: Goldfield, Ed- 410 win D., ed. Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section. Washington, D.C., American Statistical Association, 1962, p. 154-159. MH-3401 (R03) BURCHINAL, LEE G., and CHAN- CELLOR, LOREN E.: Factors in cross-religious mar- riages and divorces. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. (1959-62) BurcHINAL, L. G.: Comparison of state- and diocese-reported marriage data for Iowa, 1953-57. American Catholic Sociological Review, 23:21-29, 1962. BuURrcHINAL, L. G.: Religious identification and oc- cupational status of Iowa grooms, 1953-1957. American Sociological Review, 27:526-532, 1962. BurcHINAL, L. G.: Relations among interreligious marriages, migratory marriages and civil marriages in Iowa. Eugenics Quarterly, 9:75-83, 1962. BuRcHINAL, L. G.: Factors related to interreligious marriages in Iowa, 1953-1957. Iowa Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station, Re- search Bulletin 510, November, 1962. BURCHINAL, L. G.: Survival rates among religiously homogamous and interreligious marriages. Iowa Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station, Research Bulletin 512, December, 1962. BURCHINAL, L. G.: Ages at marriage, occupations of grooms and interreligious marriages. Social Forces, 40:348-354, 1962. BURCHINAL, L. G.: Proportions of Catholics, urban- ism, and mixed-Catholic marriage rates among Iowa counties. Social Problems, 9:359-365, 1962. BURCHINAL, L. G.: Survival rates among religiously homogamous and interreligious marriages. Social Forces, 41:353-362, 1963. MH-3406 (R03) PaviLik, WiLLiaM B.: Extinction in the instrumental-reward situation. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mich. (1959- 60) PavLik, W. B., and ReynNoLps, W. F.: Effects of deprivation schedule and reward magnitude on acquisition and extinction performance. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 452-455, 1963. PavLik, W. B., THoMPsON, R. R., and REYNOLDS, W. F.: Extinction under changed stimulus condi- tions. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:171-177, 1963. MH-3408 (R03) Scott, GEORGE T.: Physiological influences of ataraxic drugs. Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. (1959-59) Scott, GEORGE T.: Melanophora dispersing action of ataraxic drugs. (Abstract) Biological Bulletin, 117(2):400, 1959. 3903). (Also acknowledges MH- MH-3414 (R03) ScHAEFER, HALMUTH H.: Con- stancy aspects of operants. Loyola University, Chicago, Ill. (1959-59) ScHAEFER, HALMUTH H.: The effect of changing the schedule of reinforcement upon duration of responding. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 2(4):335-341, 1959. SCHAEFER, HALMUTH H.: Vibration as effective re- inforcer- for infant children. (Abstract) Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 3(2): 160, 1960. SCHAEFER, HALMUTH H.: Operant learning of sys- tems limitations. Psychological Reports, 6:51-56, 1960. MH-3421 (R03) GEewiIrTZ, Hava B.: Reinforcers for children’s response gradients. University of Maryland, College Park, Md. (1959-59) KLEIN, D., and Mayo, C.: Group dynamics as a basic process of community psychiatry. In: Bel- lak, L., ed. Handbook of community mental health. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1964, p. 47-64. MH-3429 (R03) VmicH, ARTHUR J.: Social and psychological consequences of change. Individual, Storrs, Conn. (1959-59) VIDICH, ARTHUR J.: Psicologia politica y el Cambio Social. In: Memoria, Toma II, 6th Congreso Latin Americano de Sociologia. Caracas, Impran de Nacionel, 1961, p. 327-340. MH-3435 (R01) Rock, IRVIN: Studies in associa- tive learning. Yeshiva University, New York, N.Y. (1959-62) (Continued from MH-2082). Rock, I.: The present status of Gestalt psychology. In: Festschrift for Gardner Murphy. New York, Harper, 1960, p. 117-144. (Also acknowledges MH-2082). Rock, I.: A neglected aspect of the problem of re- call. In: Scher, Jordan, ed. Toward a definition of mind. Glencoe, Ill., Free Press, 1962, p. 645- 659. (Also acknowledges MH-2082). Rock, I., and €ERASO, J.: Toward a cognitive theory of associative learning. In: Scheerer, C., ed. Cognition: Theory, research, promise. New York, Harper & Row, 1964, p. 110-146. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2082). Rock, I., and EBENHOLTZ, S.: The relational deter- mination of perceived size. Psychological Review, 66(6):387-401, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH- 2082). Rock, I., and EBENHOLTZ, S.: Stroboscopic move- ment based on change of phenomenal] location 411 rather than retinal location. American Journal of Psychology, 75(2):193-207, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2082). Rock, I., EpsTEIN, W., and ZUCKERMAN, C. B.: Meaning and familiarity in associative learning. Psychological Monographs, 74(4):1-22, 1960. (Whole No. 491) (Also acknowledges MH- 2082). MH-3437 (R01) CarrsoN, HELEN B., and Cort- TON, JoHN W.: Nonpsychotic confusional states in college students. Roosevelt University, Chi- cago, Ill. (1959-61) (Continued from MH- 1969). BENVENISTE, S., CARLSON, H. B., CoTTON, J. W., and GLASER, N.: The acute confusional state in college students: Statistical analysis of twenty cases. Journal of Psychology, 48:271-277, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1969). CARLSON, HELEN B.: The relationship of the acute confusional state to ego development. Interna- tional Journal of Psychoanalysis, 42:517-536, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1969). CARLSON, HELEN B.: The maturation of the college student. Ann Arbor, Mich., Edwards Brothers, 1962, 9 p. (Also acknowledges MH-1969). CARLSON, HELEN B.: Identity-confusion. Part I. Identification of the syndrome. Ann Arbor, Mich., Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1969). CARLSON, HELEN B.: Identity-confusion. Part II. Research design for identification of the syndrome: Analysis of preliminary results. Ann Arbor, Ed- wards Brothers, 1963, 28 p. (Also acknowledges MH-1969). CARLSON, HELEN B.: Identity-confusion (acute con- fusional state): Research design for identification of the syndrome and analysis of preliminary re- sults. International [Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1(5):452-465, 1965. MH-3442 (R01) CAPLAN, GERALD: Research and development in community mental health. Har- vard Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1959-65) BrAGG, ROBERT L.: Risk of admission to mental hospital following hysterectomy of cholecystectomy. American Journal of Public Health, 55(9) :1403- 1410, 1965. CapLAN, G.: Emotional implications of pregnancy and influences on family relationships. In: Stu- art, H. C., and Prugh, D. G., eds. The healthy child. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1960, p. 72-82. CAPLAN, G.: The roots of human relationships: Mother and infant. In: Stuart, H. C., and Prugh, D. G., eds. The healthy child. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1960, p. 209-220. CAPLAN, G.: Patterns of parental response to the crisis of premature birth. Psychiatry, 23:365-374, 1960. CapPLAN, G.: An approach to community mental health. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, 263 p. CAPLAN, G., ed.: Curriculum content. In: Mental health teaching in schools of public health. New York, Columbia University, 1961, p. 195-234. CAPLAN, G.: Primaire preventie van geestelijke stoornissen bij kinderen door hulpverlening tij- dens crisisperioden. Geneeskundige Gids, Nr. 14, Moormans Periodike Pers, Zwarteweg 1, The Hague, Holland, July, 1962. CAPLAN, G.: Types of mental health consultation. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 33:470-481, 1963. CAPLAN, G.: Conception, pregnancy, and childbirth. In: Deutsch, A., and Fishman, H., eds. Encyclo- pedia of mental health. Vol. 1. New York, Franklin Watts, 1963, p. 337-354. CAPLAN, G.: Emotional crises. In: Deutsch, A., and Fishman, H., eds. Encyclopedia of mental health. Vol. 2. New York, Franklin Watts, 1963, p. 521-532. CAPLAN, G.: Prevention of mental disorders. In: Deutsch, A., and Fishman, H., eds. Encyclopedia of mental health. Vol. 5. New York, Franklin Watts, 1963, p. 1556-1566. CapLAN, G.: Opportunities for school psychologists in the primary prevention of mental disorders in children. Mental Hygiene, 47:525-539, 1963. CAPLAN, G.: Psychological aspects of pregnancy. In: Lief, Harold, Lief, Victor F., and Lief, Nina R., eds. The psychological basis of medical prac- tice. New York, Hoeber-Harper, 1963, p. 441- 448. CAPLAN, G.: The role of pediatricians in community mental health (with particular reference to the primary prevention of mental disorders in chil- dren). In: Bellak, Leopold, ed. Handbook of community psychiatry and community mental health. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1964, p. 287-299. CAPLAN, G.: Principles of preventive psychiatry. Basic Books, New York, 1964. CAPLAN, GERALD, MasoN, EpwARD A., and Kap- LAN, DaviD M.: Four studies of crisis in parents of prematures. Community Mental Heals), Jour- nal, 1(2):149-161, 1965. CoNNERs, J. D., WoLkoN, G. H., HAEFNER, D. P,, and STOTsKY, B. A.: Outcome of post-hospital rehabilitative treatment of mental patients as a function of ego strength. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 7:278-282, 1960. 412 Howe, L. P.: The concept of the community: Some implications for the Sevelopment of community psychiatry. In: Bellak, Leopold, ed. Handbook of communilty psychiatry and community mental health. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1964, p. 16-46. KapLAN, D. M.: The ‘continuous workshop’: A form of interdisciplinary research team organization. Social Work, 5(4):78-82, 1960. Mason, E. A.: Children in the hospital. (Film). Distributed by the International Film Bureau, Chi- cago, 1961. OweNs, C.: Methods of improving service to the patient and family through consultation to public health nurses. In: Proceedings of a Conference for Mental Health Nurse Consultants on Bridging Public Health and Mental Health Programs. Providence, Rhode Island, William R. Brown, 1960. Praut, THOMAS, F. A.: Practical politics and public health. Harvard Public Health Alumni Bulletin, 27(2):6-9, 1960. Rapoport, L.: Working with families in crisis: An exploration in preventive intervention. Social Work, 7:48-56, 1962. RapoporT, R. V.: Normal crises, family structure and mental health. Family Process, 2:68-80, 1963. RapoPORT, RHONA: The transition from engage- ment to marriage. Acta Sociologica (Denmark), 8(1-2):36-55, 1964. RapopoORT, RHONA, and RAPOPORT, ROBERT: New light on the honeymoon. Human Relations, 17: 33-56, 1964. RapoPORT, ROBERT, and RAPOPORT, RHONA: Work and family in contemporary society. American Sociological Review, 30(3):381-394, 1965. MH-3444 (R03) ZuBIN, JosePH, and PENNES, Harry H.: Biometric evaluation of drug thera- pies. New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, New York, N.Y. (1959-60) ZUBIN, ].: Measurement of changes in human be- havior under the effects of psychotropic drugs. In: Rothlin, E., ed. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2:333-338, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH- 1541). MH-3448 (R03) Jacoss, HARRY L.: Psychophysi- ology of hunger. University of Rochester, Roches- ter, N.Y. (1959-60) Jacoss, HARRY L.: The osmotic postingestion fac- tor in the regulation of glucose appetite. In: Kare, M., and Halpern, B., eds. The physiologi- cal and behavioral aspects of taste. Chicago, Uni- versity of Chicago Press, 1961, p. 16-28. (Also acknowledges MH-4320). Jacoss, HARRY L.: Some physical, metabolic, and sensory components in the appetite for glucose. American Journal of Physiology, 203:1043-1054, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4320). MH-3453 (R03) KorscH, BARBARA M., and COBB, KATHARINE: Pediatricians’ appraisals of patients intelligence. Cornell University, New York, N.Y. (1959-59) KorscH, BARBARA, COBB, KATHARINE, and ASHE, BARBARA: Pediatricians’ appraisals of patients’ in- telligence. Pediatrics, 27(6):990-1003, 1961. MH-3455 (R03) Evan, WILLIAM M.: A sociologi- cal study of organizational structure. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1959-60) EvaN, WiLLIAM M.: Some consequences of a dis- crepant authority relationship. In: Proceedings and Summaries of the 23rd Annual Meeting, New York State Psychological Association, May 1960, p- 32-34. EvaN, WiLLIAM M.: Role strains and the norm of reciprocity in research organizations. American Journal of Sociology, 68:346-354, 1962. MH-3459 (R03) ReyNoLrps, RoBERT W.: Role of area postrema in regulation of food intake. Uni- versity of California, Santa Barbara, Calif. (1959- 59) CarLISLE, H. J., and REyNoLDs, R. W.: Effect of amphetamine on food intake in rats with brain- stem lesions. American Journal of Physiology, 201: 965-967, 1961. MH-3461 (R03) OHwAKI, SONOKO: Relations of oculomotor adjustments to apparent size. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. (1959-59) BIERSDORF, WILLIAM R., OHWAKI, SONOKO, and KoziL, D. J.: The effect of instructions and ocu- lomotor adjustments on apparent size. American Journal of Psychology, 76(1):1-17, 1963. MH-3465 (R03) HEINBERG, PAUL J.: Psychologi- cal factors in implicit communication. State Uni- versity of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (1959-60) HEINBERG, PAUL: Factors related to an individual's ability to perceive implications from dialogues. Speech Monographs, 28(4):274-281, 1961. MH-3466 (R03) ELkIND, Davin: Children’s suc- cess in constructing serial orders. Wheaton Col- lege, Norton, Mass. (1959-61) ELkinD, D.: Quantity conceptions in junior and senior high school students. Child Development, 32:551-560, 1961. ELkiND, Davin: The child's conception of his re- ligious denomination. I. The Jewish child. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 99:209-225, 1961. 413 ELkIND, Davip: The child's conception of his re- ligious denomination. II. The Catholic child. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 101:185-193, 1962. ELkiND, D.: Quantity conceptions in college stu- dents. Journal of Social Psychology, 57:459-465, 1962. ELkIND, DAvID: The child's conception of his re- ligious denomination. III. The Protestant child. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 103:291-304, 1963. ELkiND, D.: Discrimination, seriation, and numera- tion of size and dimensional differences in young children: Piaget replication study VI. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 104:275-296, 1964. ELkiND, D., and Scott, L.: Studies in perceptual development: I. The decentering of perception. Child Development, *33:619-630, 1962. MH-3471 (R01) LINDEMANN, ERICH: Research in community mental health. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1959-65) ALLINSMITH, W.: The learning of moral stand- ards. In: Miller, D. R., and Swanson, G. E., eds. Inner conflict and defense. New York, Henry Holt, 1960, p. 141-176. ALLINsMITH, W.: Religious affiliations and politico- economical attitude: A study of eight major U.S. religious groups. In: Odegard, P. H., ed. Re- ligion and politics. Dobbs Ferry, New York, Oceana Publications, 1960, p. 139-151. ArLiNsmITH, W., and GRiMEs, J. W.: Compulsiv- ity, anxiety and school achievement. Merrill- Palmer Quarterly on Behavior and Development, 7:247-271, 1961. ALLINSMITH, W., and RosenBLITH, J. F.: The causes of behavior: Reading in child development and educational psychology. Boston, Allyn & Bacon, 1962, 514 p. ARONSON, ].: The group interview in mental health research: Methodological aspects of an inquiry among prehospitalization associates of schizo- phrenics. Mental Hygiene, 48:85-92, 1964. ARONSON, J., KLINE, N., and FIELD, M.: Soviet psychiatric nomenclature. American Journal of Psychiatry, 118:178-180, 1961. ARONSON, J., and LEVIN, M.: Political alienation. In: Levin, M., ed. The alienated voter. New York, Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, 1960, p. 58-76. ARONSON, J., and POLGAR, S.: Pathogenic rela- tionships in schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 119:222-227, 1962. BarLpwiN, J., GELFAND, S., KELLY, J. G., LANGE, H., NEwBROUGH, J. R., and SIMMONs, A. J. Community mental health and social psychiatry: A reference guide. Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press, 1962, 161 p. BRAGG, R.: A study of certain psychological aspects of vocational (occupational) disability. ~~ (Ab- stract) American Journal of Psychiatry, 119: 570-571, 1962. Friep, M., and LINDEMANN, E.: Sociocultural fac- tors in mental health and illness. American Jour- nal of Orthopsychiatry, 31:87-101, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-9137). HARE, P.: Dimensions of social interaction. Be- havioral Science, 5(3):211-215, 1960. HARE, P.: Handbook of small group research. Glen- coe, Ill., Free Press, 1962, 512 p. HARE, P., WAXLER, N., SasLow, G., and MATA- RAZZO, J. D.: Simultaneous recording of Bales and Chapple interaction measures during initial psychiatric interviews. Journal of Consulting Psy- chology, 24:193, 1960. HEerzaN, H., and WyArT, G. I.: Therapy with stut- tering children and their mothers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 32(4) :645-659, 1962. KLEIN, D.: The minister and mental health: An evaluation. Journal of Pastoral Care, 13:230- 236, 1959. KLEIN, D.: Problems in adjustment to school. In: Stuart, H. C., and Prugh, D. G., eds. The healthy child. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Uni- versity, 1960, p. 427-447. KLEIN, D.: Some concepts concerning the mental health of the individual. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 24:288-293, 1960. KLEIN, D.: The prevention of mental illness. Men- tal Hygiene, 45:101-109, 1960. - KLEIN, D.: Behavior patterns of a community. In: Proceedings of Institute on Community Planning for Patients. Minneapolis, Minn., University of Minnesota, 1960, p. 6-9. KLEIN, D.: The prevention of mental illness in the community. In: Report of a workshop for men- tal health clinic staffs and advisory board mem- bers. Columbia, South Carolina, The South Caro- lina Mental Health Commission, 1960, p. 16-32. KLEIN, D., and KENNEDY, W. A.: Seating behav- ior of large groups. Adult Leadership, June, 1960. KLEIN, D., and LINDEMANN, E.: Preventive inter- vention in individual and family crisis situations. In: Caplan, G., ed. Prevention of mental disor- ders in children. New York, Basic Books, 1961, p. 283-307. KLEIN, D., Rossi, A. M., VON FELSINGER, J. M,, and Praurt, T.: A survey of psychologists in com- munity mental health: Activities and opinions on education needs. Psychological Monographs, 75: 1-38, 1961. 414 LINDEMANN, E.: The relation of drug-induced mental changes to psychoanalytical theory. Bulle- tin of the World Health Organization, 21:517- 526, 1959. LINDEMANN, E.: The ingredients of personality. In: Stuart, H. C., and Prugh, D. G., eds. The healthy child. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1960, 192-202. LINDEMANN, E.: Psychiatric activities in general hos- pitals. Medical Education Bulletin, 5:8-14, 1960. LINDEMANN, E.: Feldstudien in der Vorbeugenden Psychiatrie. Praxis der Psychotherapie, 5:22-33, 1960. LINDEMANN, E.: Disorganization of behavior in man. Psychosocial factors as stressor agents. In: Tanner, J. M., ed. Stress and psychiatric disorder. Oxford, England, Blackwell Science Publishers, 1960, p. 13-17. LINDEMANN, E.: Die soziale organization der mens- chlichen lebewesen. Prexis der Psychotherapie, 2: 49-62, 1961. LINDEMANN, E.: Recent studies on preventive inter- vention in social and emotional crises. In: Oje- mann, R. H., ed. Recent research looking toward preventive intervention. Iowa City, Iowa State University, 1961, p. 13-40. LINDEMANN, E.: Preventive intervention in situa- tional crises. In: Nielsen, Gerhard S., ed. Clin- ical psychology. Denmark, Munksgaard, 1962, p. 69-88. LINDEMANN, E.: Beobachtungen iiber Krankheiten und psychische Reaktione in verschiedenen Gesell- schraftschichten und Kulturen. Der Internist, 3: 72-76, 1962. LINDEMANN, E.: Die Vorbeugung Psychosomatischer Erkrankunger mit Riichsicht auf den sozialen Raum. Praxis der Psychotherapie, 7:166-173, 1962. LINDEMANN, E.: Mental health and the environment In: Duhl, L. J., ed. The urban condition. New York, Basic Books, 1963, p. 3-10. LINDEMANN, E.: Social system factors as determi- nants of resistance to change. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35(3):544-557, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-9137). LINDEMANN, E., and Barry, H., Jr.: Critical ages for maternal bereavement in psychoneuroses. Psy- chosomatic Medicine, 22:166-181, 1960. LINDEMANN, E., and vON FELSINGER, M.: Drug effects and personality theory. Psychopharmacol- ogia, 2:69-92, 1961. RoseENBLITH, J. F.: The modified Graham behavior test of neonates: Test-retest reliability normative data and hypotheses for future work. Biologia Neonatorum, 3:174-192, 1961. ROSENBLITH, J. F.: Imitative color choices in kinder- garten children. Child Development, 32:211- 223, 1961. RoseNBLITH, J. F.: Contributions of Paiget to de- velopmental psychology: A symposium. Merrill- Palmer Quarterly of Behavior and Development, 9:241-285, 1963. RoseNBLITH, J. F., and DELucia, L. A.: Tactile sensitivity and muscular strength in the neonate. Biologia Neonatorum, 5:266-282, 1963. SIFNEOS, P.- E.: Tutorial: A useful way to teach psychiatry to senior medical students. American Journal of Psychiatry, 118:832-836, 1962. SIFNEOs, P. E.: A study of mode and motive of some patients who attempted suicide. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 2. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/McGill, University Press, 1962, p. 1245-1250. SIFNEOS, P. E., and McCourt, W. F.: Wishes for life and death of some patients who attempted suicide. Mental Hygiene, 46:543-552, 1962. SIMMONS, A.: A philosophy for research scientists. Part of a symposium on community mental health research. (Abstract) Public Health Reports, 78: 62, 1963. SIMMONS, A., BALDWIN, J., GELFAND, S., KELLY, J. G., LANGE, H., and NEwBROUGH, J. R.: Com- munity mental health and social psychiatry: A ref- erence guide. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1962, 161 p. THOMA, L., and LINDEMANN, E.: Newcomers’ prob- lems in a suburban community. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 27:185-193, 1961. VON FELSINGER, M.: The volunteer subject in re- search. In: Ladimer, I., and NEWMAN, R., eds. Clinical investigation in medicine: Legal, ethical and moral aspects. Boston, Boston University, Law-Medicine Research Institute, 1963, p. 440- 450. VON FELSINGER, M., and KLEIN, D. C.: Professional training for the mental health field. Mental Hy- giene, 46:203-217, 1962. WEISMAN, A. D.: The psychodynamic formulation conflict. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychi- atry, 1:288-309, 1959. WEISMAN, A. D,, and HAckeTT, T. P.: Organiza- tion and function of a psychiatric consultation ser- vice. International Record of Medicine, 173:306- 311, 1960. WEISMAN, A. D., and HACKETT, T. P.: Psychiatric management of operative syndromes: I. The ther- apeutic consultation and the effect of non-interpre- tive intervention. Psychosomatic Medicine, 22: 267-282, 1960. 415 WEISMAN, A. D., and HAckeTT, T. P.: Psychiatric management of operative syndromes: II. Psycho- dynamic factors in formulation- and management. Psychosomatic Medicine, 22:356-372, 1960. Zora, I.: Problems of communication, diagnosis, and patient care: The interplay of patient, physi- cian and clinic organization. Journal of Medical Education, 38:829-838, 1963. Zora, I.: Observations on gambling in a lower- class setting. Social Problems, 10:353-361, 1963. Zora, I., STOECKLE, J. D., and DavipsoN, G. E.: On going to see the doctor: The contributions of the patient to the decision to seek medical aid. A selective review. Journal of Chronic Disease, 16: 975-989, 1963. MH-3473 (RO1) MorPHET, EpGarR L., and ScHuTz, WiLLiam C.: Empirical tests of a theory of interpersonal behavior. University of Califor- nia, Berkeley, Calif. (1959-62) Scuurtz, W. C., and Krasnow, E.: An IBM 704- 709 program for Guttman Scaling. (Abstract) Behavioral Science, 9(1) :87, 1964. MH-3477 (R01) Krivoy, WiLLIAM A.: The mech- anism of action of lysergic acid diethylamide. Baylor University, Houston, Texas. (1959- ) (Continued from MH-2272). GuUILLEMIN, R., and Krivoy, W.: L’hormone mel- anophoretique (B-MSH) joue-t-elle un role dans les fonctions du systeme nerveux central chex les mammiferes superieurs? Comptes Rendus Hebdo- madaires des Seances de L' Academie des Sciences, 250:1117-1119, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 2272). Krivoy, W.: Potentiation of substance P by lysergic acid diethylamide “in vivo”. British Journal of Pharmacology, 16:253-256, 1960. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2272). Krivoy, W.: The action of analygetic agents on positive after-potentials of frog sciatic nerve. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Thera- peutics, 129:186-190, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-2272). Krivoy, W.: A comparison of the action of sub- stance P and other naturally occurring polypeptides on spinal cord. Proceedings of the Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina-Jugoslavia, 1:131-137, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2272). Krivoy, W., BopANszKY, M., and LANDE, S.: Neu- rological and oxytocic actions of some nonapep- tides related to bradykinin. (Abstract) Biochemi- cal Pharmacology, 12 (Supplement) :179-180, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2272). Krivoy, W., and GUILLEMIN, R.: On a possible role of B-melanocyte stimulating hormone (8- MSH) in the central nervous system of the mam- malia: An effect of 3-MSH in the spinal cord of the cat. Endocrinology, 69:170-175, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2272). Krivoy, W., and GUILLEMIN, R.: Antagonism of chlorpromazine by beta-melanocyte stimulating hormone (B-MSH). Experimentia, 18:20-21, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2272). Krivoy, W., and HuGcINs, R.: The action of mor- phine, methadone, meperidine, and nalorphine on dorsal root potentials of cat spinal cord. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 134:210-213, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH- 2272). Krivoy, W., and KROEGER, D.: Chlorpromazine in- hibition of the positive intermediary potential. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biol- ogy and Medicine, 109:30-32, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2272). Krivoy, W., and KROEGER, D.: The neurogenic ac- tivity of high potency substance P. Experimentia, 19:366-367, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 2272). Krivoy, W. A., LANE, M., CHILDERS, H. E., and GUILLEMIN, R.: On the action of B-MSH on spontaneous electric discharge of the transparent knife fish, “G. eigenmannia.” Experimentia, 18: 521-522, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2272). Krivoy, W., LANE, M., and KROEGER, D.: The ac- tions of certain LL on synaptic transmis- sion. Annals of the New York Academy of Sci- ences, 104:312-325, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2272). Krivoy, W., LANE, M., and KROEGER, D.: The ef- fects of drugs on the electric knife fish, “Eigen- mannia virescens.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 114:640-644, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2272). KROEGER, D., GonzaLes, F., and Krivoy, W.: Transmembrane potentials of cultured mouse den- tinal pulp cells. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental and Biological Medicine, 108:134~ 136, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2272). KRrOEGER, D. C., and Krivoy, W.: The interaction between chlorpromazine and bradykinin. (Ab- stract) Pharmacologist, 4:174, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2272). LoNG, J., Krivoy, W., and GUILLEMIN, R.: On a possible role of B-melanocyte stimulating hor- mone (B-MSH) in the central nervous system of the mammalia: Enzymatic inactivation in vitro of B-MSH by brain tissue. Endocrinology, 69:176- 181, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2272). Vick, R. L., Krivoy, W., and KRrOEGER, D. C.: Effects of bradykinin on the specialized ventricu- lar conducting system of the dog heart. (Ab- 416 stract) Biochemical Pharmacology, 14(9):1400- 1401, 1965. Vick, R. L., Krivoy, W., and KrOEGER, D. C.: Effects of bradykinin and its 6-glycine derivative on the excitability of dog ventricle. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 24(2)Part I: 137, 1965. MH-3481 (R01) CHAPMAN, LOREN J.: Experi- mental study of schizophrenic thinking. Univer- sity of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. (1959-62) (Continued from MH-1416; as MH-7306). BURSTEIN, ALVIN G.: Some verbal aspects of pri- mary process thought in schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62:155-157, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1416). CuapMaN, L. J.: Confusion of figurative and literal usages of words by schizophrenics and brain-dam- aged patients. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60:412-416, 1960. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1416). CHAPMAN, L. J.: A re-interpretation of some patho- logical disturbances in conceptual breadth. Jour- nal of Abnormal Social Psychology, 62:514-519, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1416). CHAPMAN, L. J.: A search for lunacy. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 132:171-174, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1416). CHAPMAN, L. J.: Emotional factors in schizophrenic deficit. ~~ Psychological Reports, 9:564, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1416). CHAPMAN, L. J.: The problem of selecting drug- free schizophrenics for research. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 27:540-542, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-7306 and MH-1416). CHAPMAN, L. J, and BAXTER, J.: The process- reactive distinction and patients’ subculture. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136:352-359, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-7306 and MH- 1416). CHAPMAN, L. J., BURSTEIN, A., DAy, DOROTHY, and VERDONE, P.: Regression and disorders of thought. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 63:540-545, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1416). CHAPMAN, L. J., and CHAPMAN, JEAN P.: Atmos- phere effect re-examined. Journal of Experimen- tal Psychology, 58:220-226, 1959. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1416). CHAPMAN, LOREN J., CHAPMAN, JEAN P., and Mir- LER, GLENN A.: A theory of verbal behavior in schizophrenia. In: Maher, Brendan, ed. Progress in experimental personality research. Vol. 1. New York, Academic Press, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-7306). CHAPMAN, L. J., DAY, DorOTHY, and BURSTEIN, A.: The process-reaction distinction and prognosis in schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Men- tal Disease, 133:383-391, 1961. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1416). CuapMaN, L. J., and KNowLEs, R. R.: The effects of phenothiazine on disordered thought in schizo- phrenia. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28 (2):165-169, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 7306 and MH-4674). GoTTESMAN, L., and CHAPMAN, L. ].: Syllogistic reasoning errors in schizophrenia. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 24:250-255, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-1416). UspANSKY, G., and CHAPMAN, L. ]J.: Schizophrenic- like response in normal Ss under time pressure. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60: 143-146, 1960. MH-3487 (R01) BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, EINAR, and KUMLER, WARREN D.: Studies on opium and the opium poppy. University of California, Berke- ley, Calif. (1960- ) BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E.: Gas chromatography and its application to pharmaceutical analysis. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 51(11):1017- 1031, 1962. BrOCHMANN-HANSSEN, E. and Furuya, T.: A new opium alkaloid. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 53:575, 1964. BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E.; and Furuya, T.: Opium alkaloids-separation and identification by gas, thin- layer and paper chromatography. Journal of Phar- maceutical Sciences, 53(12):1549-1550, 1964. BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, EINAR, and NIELSEN, BEN- DIK: (+)-Reticuline—A new opium alkaloid. Tetrahedron Letters, 18:1271-1274, 1965. BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E., and Nouri, Y. MARY: A unified analysis of opium by thin-layer chro- matography and spectrophotometry. United Na- tions Documents, ST/SOA/SER.K/129, June 10, 1963. BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E., and SVENDSEN, A. BAERHEIM: Gas chromatography of barbiturates and related compounds. Journal of Pharmaceu- tical Sciences, 50(9) :804, 1961. BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E., and SVENDSEN, A. BAERHEIM: Separation and identification of bar- biturates and some related compounds by means of gas-liquid chromatography. Journal of Phar- maceutical Sciences, 51(4):318-321, 1962. BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E., and SVENDSEN, A. BAERHEIM: Gas chromatography of sympathomi- metic amines. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 51(4): 393, 1962. 417 BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E., and SVENDSEN, A. BAERHEIM: Separation and identification of sym- pathomimetic amines by gas-liquid chromatog- raphy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 51 (10) :938-941, 1962. BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E., and SVENDSEN, A. BAERHEIM: Gas chromatography of alkaloids, al- kaloidal salts and derivatives. Journal of Phar- maceuntical Sciences, 51(11):1095-1098, 1962. BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E., and SVENDSEN, A. BAERHEIM: Quantitative determination of morphine in opium by gas-liquid chromatography. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 52:1134-1136, 1963. JaBBAR, A., and BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E.: The amino acids in opium: Assay, characteristics, com- position and origin. United Nations Document, ST/SOA/SER.K/102, August 3, 1960. JaBBAR, A., and BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E.: Amino acids in opium. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sci- ences, 50(5):406-408, 1961. KELLOGG, HARMON M., SVENDSEN, A. BAERHEIM, and BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E.: Gas chromatog- raphy of esters of plant acids and their identifica- tion in plant materials. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 53:420-423, 1964. ) MivamoTo, S., and BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E.: De- termination of the origin of opium based on its content of meconic acid, sulfuric acid and total acid. United Nations Document, ST/SOA/SER. K/106, January 23, 1961. MiyamMoTO, S., and BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E.: The amino acids in opium. II. Quantitative determi- nation. United Nations Document, ST/SOA/ SER.K/109, March 30, 1961. Miyamoto, S., and BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E.: Dis- sociation constants of certain y-pyrone dicarboxylic acids. Meconic acid and chelidonic acid. Jour- nal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 51(6):552-554, 1962. Nayak, K. P., BROCHMANN-HANSsSEN, E., and Way, E. L.: Biological disposition of noscapine. I. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 54(2): 191-194, 1965. Nouri, Y. MARY, and BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E.: Quantitative determination of the principal alka- loids of opium by thin-layer chromatography. Lloydia, 26(4) :223-228, 1963. SVENDSEN, A. BAERHEIM, and BROCHMANN-HANS- SEN, E.: Gas chromatography of barbiturates. II. Application to the study of their metabolism and excretion in humans. Journal of Pharmacen- tical Sciences, 51(5) :494-495, 1962. SVENDSEN, A. BAERHEIM, and BROCHMANN-HANS- SEN, E.: Separation of amino acids on ion ex- change papers. Dependence of R; values on pH and ionic strength. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sci- ences, 51(6):514-517, 1962. SVENDSEN, A. BAERHEIM, and BROCHMANN-HANS- SEN, E.: Gas chromatographic analysis of opium. I. Determination of morphine. United Nations Documents, ST/SOA/SER.K/127, January 28, 1963. SVENDSEN, A. B., and BROCHMANN-HANSSEN, E.: The assay, characteristics, composition and origin of opium. No. 143. Gas chromatographic analy- sis of opium. II. Determination of the princi- pal nonphenolic alkaloids. N. Y., United Na- tions Secretariat, 1964, 7 p. (ST/SOA/SER.K/ 143). MH-3489 (RO1) BuUGELSKI, B. RICHARD: Evalua- tion of the limits of one-trial learning. Univer- sity of Buffalo—prior to Sept. 1, 1962, Buffalo, N.Y. (1960-62) BucGeLskl, B. R.: Presentation time, total time, and mediation in paired-associate learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(4):409-412, 1962. BuceLskl, B. R., and Pickwoob, J.: Presentation, total time, and mediation in paired-associate learn- ing, self-pacing. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 65(6):616-617, 1963. MH-3491 (RO1) FRENCH, JonN D., and Buch- WALD, NATHANIEL A.: Behavioral and electrical studies of basal ganglia. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1960-63) BucuwALp, N. A., Heuser, G., HuLi, C., and WyERs, E. J.: Blocking of “caudate-spindles” by stimulation of lateral geniculate body. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20:327, 1961. BucHwaLDp, N. A., HEUser, G., LAuPrREcHT, C,, and WYERs, E. J.: Inhibition of caudate induced “splindling” by stimulation of thalamic and basal ganglionic structures. (Abstract) Physiologist, 3: 32, 1960. BucuwaLDp, N. A., HEUSER, G., WYERs, E. J., and LauprecHT, C. W.: The “caudate-spindle.” III. Inhibition of the “caudate-spindle” by high fre- quency stimulation of subcortical structures. Elec- troencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 13:525-530, 1961. BucuwaALD, N. A., HorvATH, F. E., WyERs, E. J, and WakEeFIELD, C.: Electroencephalogram rhythms correlated with milk reinforcements in cats. Nature, 201(4921):830-831, 1964. BucHwaLp, N. A., WyErs, E., CARLIN, ]., and FARLEY, R.: Effects of stimulation of the caudate nucleus on visual discrimination in cats. (Ab- stract) Anatomical Record, 136:172, 1960. BucHwaALD, N. A., WyERrs, E. J, CARLIN, J., and FARLEY, R. E.: Effects of caudate stimulation on 418 visual discrimination. 4:23-35, 1961. BucHwaALDp, N. A., WyEgrs, E. J, LAUPRECHT, C. W., and HEUSER, G.: An electrical indication of behavioral inhibition. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 139:212, 1961. BucuwaLp, N. A., WyErs, E. J, LAUPRECHT, C. W., and HEUSER, G.: The ““‘caudate-spindle” IV. A behavioral index of caudate-induced inhi- bition. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neu- rophysiology, 13:531-537, 1961. BucHwaALD, N. A., WyERs, E. J., Okuma, T., and HEUsER, G.: The “caudate-spindle” I. Electro- physiological properties. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 13:509-518, 1961. Experimental Neurology, DaviDsoN, J. M., and SAWYER, C. H.: Evidence for an hypothalamic focus of inhibition of gonado- tropin by androgen in the male. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine, 107:4-7, 1961. HEUSER, G., BucHwALD, N. A., and WYERs, E. J.: The “‘caudate-spindle.” II. Facilitatory and in- hibitory caudate-cortical pathways. Electroenceph- alography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 13:519- 524, 1961. Rakic, L., BucawaLp, N. A., and WyERs, E. J.: Induction of seizures by stimulation of the caudate nucleus. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14:809-823, 1962. Rakic, L., BucHwALD, N. A., WyERs, E. J., HULL, C., and HEUSER, G.: Integration of visual impulses and the “caudate loop.” Experimental Neurology, 5:1-20, 1962. Rakic, L., WyErs, E. J, and BucHwALD, N. A.: EEG changes during “working attentive behavior” in intact cats and in cats with bilateral caudate lesions. (Abstract) Physiologist, 4:90, 1961. WyERs, E. J., BucHwALD, N. A., and CARLIN, J.: Electrical manifestations during visual discrimina- tion. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 136:304, 1960. MH-3496 (R01) RoGERs, CARL R., GENDLIN, EUGENE T., KIESLER, D. J., and TRUAX, CHARLES B.: Therapeutic process in schizophrenics and normals. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1960-64) BERGIN, A. E.: The effects of psychotherapy: Nega- tive results revisited. Journal of Counseling Psy- chology, 10:244-250, 1963. GENDLIN, EUGENE T.: Client-centered developments in psychotherapy with schizophrenics. Discussion Papers (Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute). 1(7). Madison, Wis., University of Wisconsin, 1961. GENDLIN, EUGENE T.: Client-centered developments and work with schizophrenics. Journal of Coun- seling Psychology, 9(3):205-212, 1962. GenpLIN, E. T.: Experiencing and the nature of concepts. Christian Scholar, 46:245-255, 1963. GeNDLIN, E. T.: Subverbal communication and therapist expressivity trends in client-centered ther- apy with schizophrenics. Journal of Existential Psychiatry, 4:105-120, 1963. KiesLER, DONALD ]., KLEIN, MARJORIE H., and MATHIEU, PHILIPPA L.: Sampling from the re- corded therapy interview: The problem of seg- ment location. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 29(4):337-344, 1965. KIESLER, D. J., MATHIEU, PHILIPPA L., and KLEIN, MAR JoRIE “H.: Sampling from the recorded ther- apy interview: A comparative study of different segment lengths. Journal of Consulting Psychol- 0gy, 28(4):349-357, 1964. RoGers, C. R.: The process equation of psycho- therapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 15: 27-45, 1961. RoGers, C. R.: A theory of psychotherapy with schizophrenics and a proposal for its empirical investigation. In: Dawson, J. G., Stone, H. K,, and Dellis, N. P., eds. Psychotherapy with schizo- phrenics. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1961, p. 3-19. RoGers, C. R.: The interpersonal relationship: The core of guidance. Harvard Educational Review, 32(4):416-429, 1962. RoGers, C. R.: Some learnings from a study of psychotherapy with schizophrenics. Pennsylvania Psychiatric Quarterly, 3(2):3-15, 1962. RoGERrs, C. R.: A study of psychotherapeutic change in schizophrenics and normals: The design and instrumentation. Psychiatric Research Reports, 15: 51-60, 1962. RoGERs, C. R.: The therapeutic relationship: Recent theory and research. (Privately printed). West- ern Behavioral Science Institute, Inc., 1019 Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California, 1962. Rogers, C. R.: The actualizing tendency in relation to “motives” and to consciousness. In: Jones, M. R., ed. Nebraska symposium on motivation. Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska, 1963, p. 1-24. RoGERrs, C. R.: Toward a science of the person. In: Wann, T. W., ed. Behaviorism and phe- nomenology. Chicago, University of Chicago, 1964, p. 109-140. RoGERs, CARL R.: Toward a modern approach to values. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- ogy, 68(2):160-167, 1964. StoLER, N.: Client likability: A variable in the study of psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting Psychol- ogy, 27:175-178, 1963. 419 ToMLINSON, T. M., and HART, J. T.: A validation study of the Process Scale. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26:74-78, 1962. TruaX, CHAs. B.: A tentative approach to the con- ceptualization and measurement of intensity and intimacy of interpersonal contact as a variable in psychotherapy. Psychiatric Institute Bulletin (Madison, University of Wisconsin), 2:1-7, 1962. TruAX, CHas. B.: Effective ingredients in psycho- therapy: An approach to unraveling the patient- therapist interaction. Journal of Counseling Psy- chology, 10:256-263, 1963. VaN DER VEEN, F.: Effects of the therapist and the patient on each other's therapeutic behavior. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 29(1):19-26, 1965. WALKER, A. M., RaBLEN, R. A. and ROGERS, C. R.: Development of a scale to measure process change in psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 16:79-85, 1960. WHARTON, W. P.: The case of Harry and therapist flexibility. ~~ Journal of Counseling Psychology, 10:179-184, 1963. MH-3498 (R01) SHANAN, JOEL, and BRZEZINSKI, AHARON: Psychological factors in functional amenorrhea. Hebrew University—Hadassah Med- ical School, Jerusalem, Israel. (1960-63) SHANAN, JOEL: Family structure as predictor of transient amenorrhea. Medicina Psychosomatica (Austria), 7:377-380, 1965. SHANAN, J., Brzezinski, A., SuLMAN, F., and Hertz, D.: Facteurs psychologiques dans I'amé- norrhée transitoire. (Abstract) Revue de Méde- cin Psychosomatique, 4:215, 1962. SHANAN, J., Brzezinski, A., SuLMAN, F., and SHARON, M.: Active coping behavior, anxiety, and cortical steroid excretion in the prediction of transient amenorrhea. Behavioral Science, 10 (4) :461-465, 1965. MH-3501 (R03) WHITTIER, JOHN R.: Anticoagu- lant effects on aged psychotic patients. Creedmoor State Hospital, New York, N.Y. (1959-61) Korenyr, C., GorLbpscHMIDT, L., and WHITTIER, J. R.: Anticoagulant medication in the aged. Geriatrics, 17:269-274, 1962. WHITTIER, J. R., and KoreNyI, C.: Selected char- acteristics of aged patients: A study of mental hospital admissions. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2:113-120, 1961. WHITTIER, JoHN R., and KORENYI, CHARLES: Se- lected biological, medical and psychiatric charac- teristics of male patients age 60 and over upon admission to a state hospital for the first time. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Recent advances in bio- logical psychiatry. New York & London, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 93-95. MH-3502 (R03) ANDERSON, NORMAN H.: Forma- tion of personality impressions. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1959-60) ANDERSON, NORMAN H.: Test of prediction of stimulus sampling theory in probability learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(4):499- 510, 1966. ANDERSON, NORMAN H., and BARRIES, ALFRED A.: Primary effects in personality impression forma- tion. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63:346-350, 1961. MH-3503 (R03) Morrow, WiLLiAM R., and BERGER, ANDREW: Prejudice and the offenses of criminal insane men. State Hospital No. 1, Fulton, Mo. (1959-60) Morrow, WiLLIAM R., and BERGER, ANDREW: Prejudice and the offenses of penal-psychiatric patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 20:218- 225, 1964. MH-3504 (R03) DANIELS, MORRIS J.: Role and nonrole determinants of role enactments. San Diego State College, San Diego, Calif. (1959- 61) DANIELS, MORRIS J.: Levels of organization in the role position of the staff nurse. Social Forces, 40: 242-247, 1962. MH-3507 (R01) HEeLwiG, HAROLD L., LIPSCOMB, WENDELL, R., PHILP, JOHN R., and REYNOLDS, TELFER: The relationship of zincuria to hepatic dysfunction. California State Department of Public Health, Berkeley, Calif. (1960-63) KAHN, ARTHUR M., HELWIG, HAROLD L., REDEKER, ALLAN G., and REeyNorLps, TELFER B.: Urine and serum zinc abnormalities in disease of the liver. American [Journal of Clinical Pathology, 44(4):426-435, 1965. MH-3514 (R01) FARLEY, JANE, and WALDROP, WiLLiaM F.: Psychic factors in hearing loss. Parmly Hearing Institute, Chicago, Ill. (1960- 63) FARLEY, J. C., DERBYSHIRE, A. J., AUSTIN, D. F,, WaLpror, W. W., CARTER, R. L., McCORMICK, C., and MiLLs, P. J.: Psychic factors in hearing loss. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryn- gology, 69(3):731-746, 1960. FARLEY, J. C., McCormick, C., OPPFELT, G. R,, and MiLvs, P. J.: The functions of psychic factors in hearing loss. International Audiology, 1(1), 1962. Also in: L'Audiologie Internationale, 1 (1):1-9, 1962. 420 KLEMESRUD, J.: Puppets speak a message of joy. Chicago Daily News, July 13, 1963, p. 25. MiLis, P. J., DERBYSHIRE, A. J., and CARTER, R. L.: Changes evoked by auditory stimulation in the electroencephalograph in sleep. Electroencepha- lography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 13:79-90, 1961. Norkus, F. J., DERBYSHIRE, A. J., MiLLs, P. J., and CARTER, R. L.: Frequency measure of the EEG. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Amer- ica, 32(9) :1147-1150, 1960. MH-3517 (R01) HuNT, DAvID E.: Personality pat- terns in adolescent boys. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. (1959-63) CARR, JoHN E.: The role of conceptual organization in interpersonal discrimination. Journal of Psy- chology, 59:159-176, 1965. Harvey, O. J., Hunt, D. E., and SCHRODER, H. M.: Conceptual systems and personality organiza- tion. New York, Wiley, 1961, 375 p. Hunt, Davip E., and DOPYERA, JOHN: Personality variation in lower-class children. Journal of Psy- chology, 62(1):47-54, 1966. Lucas, CaroL: Task performance and group struc- ture as a function of personality and feedback. Journal of Social Psychology, 66(2):257-270, 1965. WoLFE, R.: The role of conceptual systems in cog- nitive functioning at varying levels of age and intelligence. Journal of Personality, 31:108-123, 1963. MH-3518 (R01) GJERsTAD, GUNNAR: Intermedi- ary metabolism and alkaloid biosynthesis. Univer- sity of Texas, Austin, Texas. (1961-65) GJERSTAD, GUNNAR: Intermediary metabolism of ergot. II. Exploratory radiochemical investiga- tions. Planta Medica, 10(2):221-225, 1962. GJERSTAD, GUNNAR: Intermediary metabolism of ergot. III. Preliminary enzyme experiments. Planta Medica, 10(3) :269-274, 1962. GJERSTAD, GUNNAR: Intermediary metabolism of ergot. VI. Influence of colchicine on the growth and metabolism of “Claviceps purpurea.” Quar- terly Journal of Crude Drug Research, 3:461-464, 1963. GJERSTAD, GUNNAR: Intermediary metabolism of ergot. V. Lipid and alkaloid variability. Texas Journal of Pharmacy, 4(3):258-262, 1963. GJERSTAD, GUNNAR, and SIEGEL, FRANK L.: Inter- mediary metabolism of ergot. IV. Comparative amino acid metabolism. Planta Medica, 11(1): 113-118, 1963. SieGeL, F. L., and GJERSTAD, G.: Intermediary me- tabolism of ergot. IV. Comparative amino acid metabolism. Planta Medica, 11:113-118, 1963. MH-3519 (R01) STEVENSON, HAROLD W.: Rein- forcement effects in normal and retarded children. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1959- ) (Continued from MH-2291). ALLEN, SARA: The effects of verbal reinforcement on children’s performance as a function of type’ of task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 3(1):57-73, 1966. Hiri, K. T., and STEVENSON, H. W.: Effectiveness of social reinforcement following social and sen- sory deprivation. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:579-584, 1964. Hir, K. T., and STEVENSON, H, W.: The effects of social reinforcement vs. nonreinforcement and sex of E on the performance of adolescent girls. Journal of Personality, 33(1):30-36, 1965. Kaas, N., and STEVENSON, H. W.: The effect of pretraining reinforcement conditions on learning by normal and retarded children> American Jour- nal of Mental Deficiency, 66:76-80, 1961. KNIGHTS, R. M.: Test anxiety and defensiveness in institutionalized and noninstitutionalized normal and retarded children. Child Development, 34: 1019-1026, 1963. Opom, RicHARD D.: Children’s perormance as a function of the degree of visual stimulus depriva- tion and satiation. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 69(6):618-623, 1965. RuEeBusH, B. K., and STEVENSON, H. W.: The ef- fects of mothers and strangers on the performance of anxious and defensive children. [Journal of Personality, 32:587-600, 1964. STEVENSON, H. W.: Social reinforcement with chil- dren as a function of CA, sex of E, and sex of S. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63: 147-154, 1961. STEVENSON, H. W. and ALLEN, S.: Adult per- formance as a function of sex of experimenter and sex of subject. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:214-216, 1964. STEVENSON, H. W., and CruUsg, D. B.: The effec- tiveness of social reinforcement with normal and feebleminded children. Journal of Personality, 29:124-135, 1961. STEVENSON, HArRoLD W., and Hirr, KENNEDY T.: The effects of social reinforcement and nonrein- forcement following success and failure. Journal of Personality, 33(3):418-427, 1965. STEVENSON, H. W., KEEN, RACHEL, and KNIGHTS, R.: Parents and strangers as reinforcing agents for children’s performance. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:183-186, 1963. 421 STEVENSON, H. W., and KNIGHTS, R. M.: Effect of visual reinforcement on the performance of nor- mal and. retarded children. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13:119-126, 1961. STevENsoN, H. W. and KNIGHTS, R. M.: The effectiveness of social reinforcement after brief and extended institutionalization. American Jour- nal of Mental Deficiency, 66:589-594, 1962. STEVENSON, H. W., and KNIGHTS, R. M.: Social reinforcement with normal and retarded children as a function of pretraining, sex of E and sex of S. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 66:866-871, 1962. STEVENSON, H. W., and OpoM, R. D.: The effec- tiveness of social reinforcement following two conditions of social déprivation. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 65:429-431, 1962. STEVENSON, HaroLD W., and OpoMm, RICHARD D.: Visual reinorcement with children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1:248-255, 1964. MH-3522 (R01) SAENGER, GERHART, and GERARD, DonNALD L.: Follow-up standards for alcoholism outpatient clinics. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1959-62) (Continued from MH- 1426). GerARD, D. L., and SAENGER, G.: Interval between intake and follow-up as a factor in the evaluation of patients with a drinking problem. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 20:620-630, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1426). MH-3525 (R03) FurrEey, PauL H., and HARTE, THOMAS JosEPH: Factors in marginal employ- ability. Catholic University of America, Wash- ington, D.C. (1959-60) Furrey, PaurL HANLY, HARTE, THoMAs J., and WALSH, MARY ELIZABETH: Marginal employ- ability: A study in social deviation. In: Studies from the Bureau of Social Research. No. 2. Washington, D.C., Catholic University of Amer- ica, 1962, 27 p. MH-3527 (R03) BERKELEY, AUSTIN W., and COHEN, MURRAY L.: Spiral aftereffects in organic patients and normals. Boston University, Boston, Mass. (1959-60) COHEN, MURRAY, BERKELEY, AUSTIN W. and LAVERMAN, ANITA: Asymmetry of after-effects in the upper and lower visual fields. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:795-798, 1963. MH-3531 (R01) Voss, JAMEs F.: Probabilistic ver- bal acquisition. Wooster College, Wooster, Ohio. (1960-63) (Continued as MH-8291). Brown, A., OstErRHOUT, C., and Voss, J. F.: Effect of one probabilistic verbal association upon the concomitant acquisition of a second association. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Vebavior, 1:48-53, 1962. ErpELYI, M., WATTS, B., and Voss, J. F.: Effect of probability of competing responses in probabilistic verbal acquisition. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 68(4):323-329, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-8291). HEALY, N., and Voss, J. F.: Effect of list repetition upon multiple S-R,, S-R, verbal acquisition. Psy- chological Reports, 10:647-650, 1962. MCcCRACKEN, J., OstErRHOUT, C., and Voss, J. F.: The effect of instructions in probability learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64:267-271, 1962. MORNING, N., and Voss, J. F.: Mediation of R;-R, in the acquisition of S-R;, S-R, associations. [our- nal of Experimental Psychology, 67:67-71, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-8291). Popp, RICHARD, and Voss, JAMES E.: Acquisition- transfer and retention of S-R;, S-R, associations as a function of S-R;-S-R, pattern. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(3):304-308, 1965. SiMpsoN, W., and Voss, J. F.: Psychophysical judg- ments of probabilistic stimulus sequences. Jour- nal of Experimental Psychology, 62:416-422, 1961. SpIETH, T., and Voss, J. F.: Distribution of prac- tice and probabilistic verbal acquisition. Psycho- logical Reports, 10:663-666, 1962. Voss, J. F.: Ry competition in S-R;, S-R, verbal probability acquisition. Psychological Reports, 10: 675-678, 1962. WITTLINGER, R., and Voss, James F.: Acquisition of S-R, S-R paired associates as a function of S-R, S-R probability. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 68(4):407-412, 1964. ZIMMERMAN, H., and Voss, J. F.: The effect of marginal and conditional probabilities on one as- sociation upon concomitant acquisition of a sec- ond association. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1:463-469, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-8291). MH-3532 (R01) KALLMANN, FRANZ J., FRANZ- LER, SHERVERT H., and RAINER, JoHN D.: Mating and fertility patterns of schizophrenic families. New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, N.Y. (1960- ) GOLDFARB, C., and ERLENMEYER-KIMLING, L.: Mating and fertility trends in schizophrenia. In: Kallmann, F. J., ed. Expanding goals of genetics in psychiatry. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1962, p. 42-51. 422 MH-3536 (R01) LiNDzEY, GARDNER: Infantile trauma, temperament and gene factors. Univer- sity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1960-64) LiNDzEY, G., LYKKEN, D. T., and WinsTON, H. D.: Confusion, conviction and control groups. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63:221- 222, 1961. LINDZEY, G., LYKKEN, D. T., and WinNsTON, H. D.: Trauma, emotionality and scientific sin. Psycho- logical Reports, 9:199-206, 1961. Also in: Psy- chonomic Science, 1:35-36, 1964. LinpzEY, G., and MANOsEviTZ, M.: Hoarding in the mouse. Psychonomic Science, 1:35-36, 1964. Linpzey, G., and WiNsTON, H. D.: Maze learning and effects of pretraining in inbred strains of mice. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 55:748-752, 1962. LiNDzEY, G., WINSTON, H. D., and MANOSEVITZ, M.: Social dominance in inbred mouse strains. Nature, 91:474-476, 1961. LinpzEY, G., WINSTON, H. D., and MANOSEVITZ, M.: Early experience, genotype and temperament in "Mus Musculus.” Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:622-629, 1963. Linpzey, G., WINsTON, H. D., and WHITNEY, G. D.: Defecation in stressful and non-stressful situations. Psychonomic Science, 1:3-4, 1964. MANOSEVITZ, MARTIN: Genotype, fear, and hoard- ing. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60(3):412-416, 1965. WinsTtoN, H. D.: Influence of genotype and infan- tile trauma on adult learning in the mouse. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 56(3):630-635, 1963. WinsToN, H. D.: Heterosis and learning in the mouse. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:279-283, 1964. WiNsTtON, H. D., and LinpzEY, G.: Albinism and water escape performance in the mouse. Science, 144:189-191, 1964. MH-3541 (R10) McGAUGH, JAMES L., and THOM- SON, CALVIN WELLS: The effect of selected drugs on learning. San Jose State College, San Jose, Calif. (1960-64) BREEN, R. A., and McGaugcH, J. L.: Facilitation of maze learning with posttrial injections of picro- toxin. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54(5) :498-501, 1961. Fumi, L., and McGaugh, J. L.: Discrimination learning by descendants of Tryon maze bright and maze dull strains. Psychological Reports, 8: 122, 1961. GERBRANDT, LAUREN K.: Dissociation of condi- tioned emotional and avoidance responses due to ECS. Psychonomic Science, 2(9):385-386, 1965. GERBRANDT, L. K., and THomsoN, C. W.: Com- peting response and amnesic effects of electrocon- vulsive shock under extinction and incentive shifts. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 58(2):208-211, 1964. HupsPETH, WILLIAM J., MCGAUGH, JAMES L., and THOMSON, CALVIN W.: Aversive and amnesic effects of electroconvulsive shock. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:61- 64, 1964. HupspeTH, W. J., and THoMsoN, C. W.: A further study of the facilitative effect of 5-7-diphenyl-1-3- diazadamantan-6-01 (1757 1S.) on maze learn- ing. Psychological Reports, 10:222, 1962. McGAuGH, J. L.: Facilitative and disruptive effects of strychnine sulphate on maze learning. Psycho- logical Reports, 8:99-104, 1961. McGaAUGH, J. L., and CoLE, J. M.: Age and strain differences in the effect of distzibution of practice on maze learning. Psychonomic Science, 2(9): 253-254, 1965. McGAuGH, J. L., JENNINGS, R. D., and THOMSON, C. W.: Effect of distribution of practice on the maze learning of descendants of the Tryon maze bright and maze dull strains. Psychological Re- ports, 11:147-150, 1962. McGAUGH, J. L., and MADSEN, M.: Amnesic and punishing effects of electroconvulsive shock. Sci- ence, 144:182-183, 1964. McGaugH, J. L., and PETRINOVICH, L.: Comments concerning the basis of learning enhancement with central nervous system stimulants. Psychological Reports, 12:211-214, 1963. McGaugh, J. L., and THomsoN, C. W.: Facilita- tion of simultaneous discrimination learning with strychnine sulphate. Psychopharmacologia, 3:166- 172, 1962. McGaAuGH, J. L., THoMsON, C. W., WESTBROOK, W. H., and HupspETH, W. J.: A further study of learning facilitation with strychnine sulphate. Psychopharmacologia, 3:352-360, 1962. McGAUGH, J. L., WEsTBROOK, W., and BURT, B.: Strain differences in the facilitative effects of 5-7- diphenyl-1-3-diazadamantan-6-OL (1757 1S.) on maze learning. [Journal of Comparative and Physi- ological Psychology, 54(5):502-505, 1961. McGauaH, J. L., WESTBROOK, W. H., and THOM- soN, C. W.: Facilitation of maze learning with posttrial injections of 5-7-diphenyl-1-3-diazada- mantan-6-OL (1757 1.8.) Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 55(5):710- 713, 1962. 423 MADSEN, MiLLARD C., and McGAUGH, JAMES L.: The effect of ECS on one-tail avoidance learning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 54(5):522-523, 1961. PETRINOVICH, L., BRADFORD, D., and MCGAUGH, J. L.: Drug facilitation of memory in rats. Psy- chonomic Science, 2(7):191-192, 1965. THoMsoN, C. W., McGaucH, J. L., Smits, C. E., HupspetH, W. J., and WESTBROOK, W. H.: Strain differences in the retroactive effects of elec- troconvulsive shock on maze learning. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 15(2):69-74, 1961. WESTBROOK, WILLIAM H., and McGAUGH, JAMES L.: Drug facilitation of latent learning. Psycho- pharmacologia, 5:440-446, 1964. MH-3546 (R10) Burpock, EUGENE I, and ZUBIN, JosepH: Behavioral rating scales for mental pa- tients. New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, New York, N.Y. (1960-65) Burpock, EUGENE I.: From the point of view of the philosophy of science. In: Zubin, Joseph, ed. Field studies in the mental disorders. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 371-378. (Also ac- knowledges MH-9146). Burpock, EUGENE I.: Quantitative techniques for the evaluation of treatment. Symposium on meth- odological problems in research on the psycho- pathology of aging. American Psychologut, 17: 328, 1962. Burpock, EUGENE I., FLEIss, J., and HARDESTY, ANNE S.: A new view of inter-rater agreement. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 17:362, 1962. Burpock, EUGENE I., FLEIss, J., and HARDESTY, ANNE S.: A new view of inter-observer agree- ment. Personnel Psychology, 16:373-384, 1963. Burpock, EUGENE I., GrLAss, LEAH, HARDESTY, ANNE S., and BECK, YVONNE M.: A sample sur- vey of mental hospital patients. Journal of Clini cal Psychology, 17:253-259, 1961. Burpock, EUGENE I., and HARDESTY, ANNE S.: The reliability of judgments of ward behavior. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 15:469, 1960. Burpock, EUGENE I., and HARDESTY, ANNE S.: An outcome index for mental hospital patients. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63: 666-670, 1961. Burpock, EUGENE I., and HARDESTY, ANNE S.: Observational inventories for the assessment of mental patients. ~~ Psychopharmacology Service Center Bulletin, 2(4):14-16, 1962. Burpock, EUGENE I, and HARDESTY, ANNE S.: A children’s behavior diagnostic inventory. An- nals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 105: 890-896, 1964. Burpock, EUGENE I., HARDESTY, ANNE S., HAKE- REM, GAD, and ZUBIN, JosEPH: A ward behavior rating scale for mental hospital patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 16:246-247, 1960. FrEss, JosepH L.: Estimating the accuracy of dicho- tomous judgments. Psychometrika, 30(4) :469- 479, 1965. FrEiss, JosepH L., SpiTzER, ROBERT L., and BUr- DOCK, EUGENE I.: Estimating accuracy of judg- ment using recorded interviews. General Psychi- atry, 12(6) :562-567, 1965. GLUSMAN, MURRAY, WON, WILLIAM, BURDOCK, EUGENE I, and RANSOHOFF, JosepH: Effects of midbrain lesions on “savage” behavior induced by hypothalamic lesion in the cat. In: Yahr, Mel- vin D., ed. Transactions of the American Neu- rological Association. Vol. 86. New York, Springer, 1961, p. 216-218. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3660). HARDESTY, ANNE S., and BURDOCK, EUGENE I.: An outcome index for mental hospital patients. (Ab- stract) American Psychologist, 15:387, 1960. HARDESTY, ANNE S., -and Burpock, EUGENE I.: Predictive validity of the Ward Behavior Rating Scale for hospitalized mental patients. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 16:377-378, 1961. SpiTzER, R. L., FrEss, J. L., Burbock, E. I, and HARDESTY, A. S.: The mental status schedule: Rationale, reliability and validity. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 5:384-395, 1964. Serrzegr, R. L., FrEsss, J, KERNOHAN, W., LEE, J. C., and BarpwinN, I. T.: Mental status sched- ule. Archives of General Psychiatry, 12(5) :448- 455, 1965. MH-3552 (R03) ScHARLOCK, DoNaLD P.: Avoid- ance learning in normal and brain-operated cats. Roosevelt University, Chicago, Ill. (1959-60) SCHARLOCK, DONALD P., and YARMAT, AVRUM ]J.: Avoidance learning as a function of trials per training session in normal and brain operated cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 55(4) :455-457, 1962. MH-3558 (R01) GARNER, WENDELL R.: Sequen- tial aspects of information theory. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. (1960-60) GARNER, WENDELL R.: Uncertainty and structure as psychological concepts. New York, Wiley, 1962. 369 p. MH-3561 (RO1) ScHiLp, HEINZ O., SHEPHERD, MicHAEL, and STEINBERG, HANNAH: Psycho- tropic drugs and autonomic dysfunction. Univer- sity of London—University College, London, UK. (1960-65) 424 Dickins, D. W., LADER, M. H., and STEINBERG, HanNNaH: Differential effects of two ampheta- mine-barbiturate mixtures in man. British Jour- nal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy, 24(1): 14-23, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3313). LAper, M. H.: The effect of cyclobarbitone on the habituation of the psycho-galvanic reflex. Brain, 87(2) :321-340, 1964. LADER, M. H.: Measurement of cardiovascular vari- ables. Bulletin of the British Psychological So- ciety, 17(54) :1-3, 1964. LADER, M. H.: The effects of cyclobarbitone on the pulse volume, pulse rate and electromyogram. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 8(4):385- 398, 1965. LApEr, M. H.: The effects of cyclobarbitone on spontaneous autonomic activity. Journal of Psy- chosomatic Research, 9(2):201-207, 1965. LADER, M. H., and MoNTAGU, J. D.: The psycho- galvanic reflex: A pharmacological study of the peripheral mechanism. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 25:126-133, 1962. LADER, M. H., and WING, LORNA: Habituation of the psycho-galvanic reflex in patients with anxiety states and in normal subjects. Journal of Neu- rology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 27:210-218, 1964. Laper, M. H., and WING, LorNA: Comparative bioassay of chlordiazepoxide and amylobarbitone sodium therapies in patients with anxiety states using physiological and clinical measures. Jour- nal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 28:414-425, 1965. MoNTAGU, J. D.: Habituation of the psycho-galvanic reflex during serial tests. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 7:199-214, 1963. MONTAGU, J. D.: The psycho-galvanic reflex: A com- parison of D.C. and A.C. methods of measure- ment. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 8:49- 65, 1964. SHEPHERD, M., and WING, LORNA: Pharmacological aspects of psychiatry. In: Garattini, S., and Shore, P. A., eds. Advances in pharmacology. Academic Press, 1:227-276, 1962. WING, LorNA: Physiological effects of performing a difficult task in patients with anxiety states. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 7:283-294, 1964. MH-3562 (RO1) BuLLe, PETER H.: Effects of brain stimulation on serotonin release. George- town University, Washington, D.C. (1959-61) BULLE, PETER H., and PETRUCELLI, LAWRENCE M.: Cannulation of the lateral cerebral ventricle. (Ab- stract) Pharmacologist, 2(2):91, 1960. BuLLE, PETER H., PETRUCELLI, LAWRENCE M., and Oskoul, MAHMOUD: Regional anesthesia of the CNS. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20(1) Part 1:312, 1961. MH-3565 (R01) RiLEY, CARROLL L.: A study of Tepehuan medical religious practices. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, -Ill. (1960-63) JoNEs, JoHN A.: Tepecano house types. The Kiva, 27(4) :24-26, 1962. RiLEY, CARROLL, L., and WINTERS, HOWARD D.: The prehistoric Tepehuan of Northern Mexico. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 19(2): 177-185, 1963. MH-3567 (R01) LANG, PETER JOHN: Associative transfer and interference in schizophrenia. Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1960-60) Lang, P. J, and Luoto, K.: Mediation and asso- ciative facilitation in neurotic, psychotic, and 'nor- mal subjects. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 64:113-120, 1962. MH-3568 (R01) McPHERSON, MARION W.: Di- agnostic problems in children. Individual, Kala- mazoo, Mich. (1960-63) MCPHERSON, MARION WHITE, POPPLESTONE, JOHN A., and EvaNs, KATERINE A.: Perceptual care- lessness, drawing precision, and oral activity among normal six-year-olds. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 22(1):327-330, 1966. WUNDERLIN, ROBERT S., and MCPHERSON, MAR- ION W.: Sensitivity to imbalance in normal and anoxic damaged children. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 18:410-413, 1962. MH-3569 (R01) HOLLINGSHEAD, AUGUST B., and MyERrs, JEROME K.: Ten-year follow-up of psy- chiatric patients. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1960- ) Bean, L. L., Mykrs, J. K., and PEPPER, M. P.: Social class and schizophrenia: A ten-year follow- up. In: Shostake, Arthur B., and Gomerg, Wil- liam, eds. Blue-collar world; Studies of the Amer- ican worker. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice- Hall, 1964, p. 381-391. Myers, JEROME K., BEAN, LEE L., and PEPPER, Max P.: Social class and mental illness: A ten- year follow-up of psychiatric patients. Connecticut Medicine, 28:355-357, 1964. MH-3570 (R01) BarscH, RAY, and SILVERSTEIN, Sam: Handicapped child development and rear- ing practices. Jewish Vocational Service, Milwau- kee, Wisc. (1960-63) BarscH, RAY H.: Rearing practices of parents of children with cerebral palsy. I. Toilet training. Cerberal Palsy Review, 23(5):12-16, 1962. 425 BarscH, Ray H.: Child rearing practices. II Sleep and bedtime behavior. Cerebral Palsy Re- view, 24(3):10-12, 1963. BarscH, Ray H.: The handicapped ranking scale among parents of handicapped children. Ameri- can Journal of Public Health, 54(9):1560-1567, 1964. Cook, JoHN J.: Dimensional analysis of child-rear- ing attitudes of parents of handicapped children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 68(3): 354-361, 1963. Cook, JoHN ].: Family limitation subsequent to the birth of the cerebral palsied child. Cerebral Palsy Review, 24(3) :8-9, 1963. Cook, JOHN J.: Acquiescence in the Parental Atti- tude Research Instrument (PARI), the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) and the interper- sonal interview. Ontario Psychological Associa- tion Quarterly, Spring:8-18, 1963. MH-3571 (RO1) STELLAR, ELIOT: Neurological mechanisms underlying behavior. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960- ) Corpit, JoHN D.: Hyperphagic hyperreactivity to adulteration of drinking water with quinine HCL. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 60(1):123-124, 1965. CorBit, JoHN D.: Effect of intravenous sodium chloride on drinking in the rat. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 60(3): 397-406, 1965. CorsIT, J. D., and STELLAR, E.: Palatability, food intake, and obesity in normal and hyperphagic rats. Journal of Comparative and Phsriotogical Psychology, 58:63-67, 1964. EpsTEIN, A. N.: Reciprocal changes in feeding be- havior produced by intrahypothalamic chemical in- jection. American Journal of Physiology, 199: 969-974, 1960. EpsTEIN, A. N.: Water intake without the act of drinking. Science, 131:497-498, 1960. FLEXNER, J. B., FLEXNER, L. B., and STELLAR, E.: Memory in mice as affected by intracerebral puro- mycin. Science, 141:57-59, 1963. FLEXNER, J. B., FLEXNER, L. B., STELLAR, E., DE LA HaBA, G., and RoBEirTs, R. B.: Inhibition of protein synthesis in brain and learning and mem- ory following puromycin. Journal of Neurochem- istry, 9:595-605, 1962. GRAFF, H., and STELLAR, E.: Hyperphagia, obesity, and finickiness. Journal of Comparative and Phys- iological Psychology, 55:418-424, 1962. MEIKLE, T. H., SECHZER, J. A., and STELLAR, E.: Interhemispheric transfer of tactile conditioned re- sponses. in corpus callosum-sectioned cats. Jour- nal of Neurophysiology, 25:530-543, 1962. Mook, D. G.: Oral and postingestional determi- nants of the intake of various solutions in rats with esophageal fistulas. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:645-659, 1963. SECHZER, JERI A.: Successful interocular transfer of pattern discrimination in “‘split-brain” cats with shock-avoidance motivation. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 58:76-83, 1964. SPRAGUE, J. M., CHAMBERS, W. W., and STELLAR, E.: Attentive, affective, and adaptive behavior in the cat. Science, 133:165-176, 1961. MH-3575 (R01) LEVENTHAL, HOowARD: Cognitive processes and interpersonal impressions. Yale Uni- versity, New Haven, Conn. (1960-61) LeveNTHAL, H.: The effects of set and discrepancy on impression change. Journal of Personality, 30: 1-15, 1962. LEVENTHAL, H., and PERLOE, S. I.: A relationship between self-esteem and persuasibility. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 64:385-388, 1962. LEVENTHAL, HOWARD, and SINGER, DaviD L.: Cog- nitive complexity, impression formation and im- pression change. [Journal of Personality, 32:210- 226, 1964. MH-3578 (RO1) StERRITT, GRAHAM M.,, and SMITH, MAURICE P.: Developmental study of chronic tube-fed fowl. University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colo. (1959-63) SHRECK, P. K., STErRRrITT, G. M., SMITH, M. P., and StiLsoN, D. W.: Environmental factors in the development of eating in chicks. Animal Be- havior, 11:306-309, 1963. STERRITT, GRAHAM M., and SMITH, MAURICE P.: Reinforcement effects of specific components of feeding in young leghorn chicks. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 59(2): 171-175, 1965. STERRITT, G. M., and SmrtH, M. P.: Feeding chick exclusively via implanted plastic fistuals. Psycho- nomic Science, 2(7):177-178, 1965. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2633). MH-3579 (RO1) RICHTER, MELISSA L.: Behavior resulting from drives for specific nutrients. Vas- sar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (1960-63) Lewis, MELIssA: Behavior resulting from calcium deprivation in parathyroidectomized rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57 (3):348-352, 1964. MH-3581 (RO1) Iscok, Ira: Effect of conformity pressures on child judgments. University of Texas, Austin, Texas. (1960-64) 426 Iscok, IRA, and WILLIAMS, MARTHA: Experimental variables affecting the conformity behavior of chil- dren. Journal of Personality, 31(2):234-246, 1963. Iscog, Ira, WiLLIAMS, MARTHA, and HARVEY, JERRY: Modifications of children’s judgments by a simulated group technique: A normative devel- opmental study. Child Development, 34:963- 978, 1963. Iscog, IrRA, WILLIAMS, MARTHA, and HARVEY, JERRY: Age, intelligence, and sex as variables in the conformity behavior of Negro and White chil- dren. Child Development, 35:451-460, 1964. MH-3587 (R01) BROWN, FOUNTAINE C.: Trypto- phan in brain function and mental disease. Uni- versity of Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn. (1959-62) BrowN, F. CHRISTINE: Nicotinamide adenine di- nucleotide levels in rat brain. Canadian [Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology, 42:489-492, 1964. Brown, F. CHRISTINE, and WHITE, JAMES B.: The reduction of ceruloplasmin by the Electron Trans- port System. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 236:911-914, 1961. BrowN, F. CHRISTINE, WHITE, J. B., Jr., and KEN- NEDY, J. K.: Urinary excretion of tryptophan me- tabolites by schizophrenic individuals. American Journal of Psychiatry, 117:63-65, 1960. MH-3589 (R03) LEVINE, JacoB, and REDLICH, FREDERICK C.: Personality characteristics and hu- mor. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1959- 61) LEVINE, JACOB: Regression in primitive clowning. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 30:72-82, 1961. LEVINE, JacoB: Humor and mental health. Ency- clopedia for Mental Health, 3:786-799, 1963. MH-3591 (R01) KoBAYAsHI, YUTAKA: Histamine metabolism by schizophrenic subjects. Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Shrews- bury, Mass. (1960-64) KoBAYASHI, YUTAKA: Blood levels of diamine oxi- dase as a test for pregnancy. Journal of Labora- tory Clinical Medicine, 62(4):699-702, 1963. KoBavasHI, Y.: The effect of MAO-inhibitor drugs on plasma MAO activity. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 24(2) Part 1: 328, 1965. KoBAYAsHI, YuTOKA, and FREEMAN, Harry: His- tamine metabolism by schizophrenic and normal subjects. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 3(2):112- 125, 1961. MH-3593 (R01) JUURMAA, JYRKI Y.: Ability struc- ture of the blind and deaf. Institute of Occupa- tional Health, Helsinki, Fin. (1960- ) JuurMAA, JYRKI: On the ability structure of the deaf. [Jyvaskyla Studies in Education, Psychology, and Social Research (Finland), 4:1-114, 1963. JuurMAA, JYRKI: On the ability structure of the deaf. Kustantajat, Jyvaskyla, Finland, Jyvaskylan Yliopistoyhdistys and Jyvaskylan kasvatusopillinen korkeakoula, 1963, 114 p. MH-3595 (R01) WECKROTH, JoHAN E.: Aptitude profile of brain injured patients. Institute of Oc- cupational Health. Helsinki, Fin. (1960-61) PIHKANEN, T., and WECKROTH, ].: Correlation be- tween intellectual performance and the severity of brain injury. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 38: 233-238, 1962. WECKROTH, JOHAN: On the relationship between severity of brain injury and the level and struc- ture of intellectual performance. Jyvaskyla Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research (Finland), 12:5-105, 1965. WECKROTH, JOHAN: Psykometrisk och projektiv teknik vid personlighets-diagnostik. Nordisk Psy- kologi (Denmark), 17:61-136, 1965. WECKROTH, ]., and PIHKANEN, T.: An evaluation of an unidimensional scale of the severity of brain injury on the basis of clinical findings. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 38:224-232, 1962. WECKROTH, JOHAN, PIHKANEN, T., MYLLYNIEMI, R., and Suonio, K.: Figural reversals as indi- cators of brain injury. Helsinki, Finland, Insti- tute of Occupational Health, Report Number 21, 1965, 24 p. (Processed). WECKROTH, J]., PIHKANEN, T., and TIENARI, P.: A severity scale of brain injury. A cross-valida- tion study. Acta Newurologica Scandinavica, 39: 67-68, 1963. MH-3597 (R03) HARLESTON, BERNARD W.: Ef- fect of ability level on verbal learning. Tufts University, Medford, Mass. (1959-61) HARLESTON, BERNARD W.: Test anxiety and per- formance in problem solving situations. Journal of Personality, 30:557-573, 1962. HARLESTON, BERNARD W.: Task difficulty, anxiety level and ability level as factors affecting perform- ance in a verbal learning situation. Journal of Psychology, 55:165-168, 1963. MH-3600 (R03) EpsTEIN, WILLIAM: The role of grammatical structure in learning. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. (1959-60) EpsTEIN, WiLLIAM: The influence of syntactical structure on learning. American Journal of Psy- chology, 74:80-85, 1961. 427 EPSTEIN, WILLIAM: A further study of the influence of syntactical structure on learning. American Journal of Psychology, 75:121-126, 1962. EPSTEIN, WILLIAM: Backward association as a func- tion as meaningfulness. Journal of General Psy- chology, 67:11-20, 1962. EPSTEIN, WILLIAM: Temporal schemata in syntac- tically structured material. Journal of General Psychology, 68:157-164, 1963. MH-3603 (RO1) VAN BREEMEN, VERNE L:: Elec- tron microscopy of effects of drugs on neurons. Mercy Institute of Biomedical Research, Denver, Colo. (1961-64) HirAoKA, JUNICHI, and WAN BREEMAN, V. L.: Ul- trastructure of the nucleolus and the nuclear en- velope of spinal ganglion cells. Journal of Com- parative Neurology, 121(1):69-88, 1963. MH-3607 (R01) FRrENcH, ELizABETH G., and LESSER, GERALD S.: Characteristics of the achieve- ment motive in women. Hunter College of the City University of New York. New York, N.Y. (1959-62) (Continued as MH-7083). FrENCH, ELIZABETH G., and LESSER, GERALD S.: Some characteristics of the achievement motive in women. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- ogy, 68:119-128, 1964. Lesser, G., Krawirz, R., and PAckarDp, Rita: Ex- perimental arousal of achievement motivation in adolescent girls. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:59-66, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-7083). MH-3611 (R01) Bieri, James: Individual, social and information effects on judgment. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1960-63) Bieri, J.: Analysing stimulus information in social judgments. In: Messick, S., and Ross, J., eds. Measurement in personality and cognition. New York, Wiley, 1962, p. 229-239. Bieri, J.,, Orcutt, B. A., and LEaMAN, R.: An- choring effects in sequential clinical judgments. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67: 616-623, 1963. BRIAR, S., and BIERI, J.: A factor analytic and trait inference study of the Leary Interpersonal Check- list. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 19:193-198, 1963. MILLER, H., and BIER, J.: An informational analy- sis of clinical judgment. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:317-325, 1963. Tripopl, T., and BIER, J.: Cognitive complexity as a function of own and provided constructs. Psy- chological Reports, 13:26, 1963. Tripopl, TONE, and BIER, JaMEs: Information transmission in clinical judgments as a function of stimulus dimensionality and cognitive complex- ity. Journal of Personality, 32:(1):119-137, 1964. MH-3612 (R01) AGNEW, JoHN N.: Performance as a function of drive level. University of Sas- (1960-64) AGNEW, N., and AGNEW, MARY: Drive level ef- fects on tasks of narrow and broad attention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 15: 58-62, 1963. AGNEW, N. M. and PYKE, SANDRA: Attention- demand value of stimuli. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:843-846, 1963. AGNEW, N. M., PYKE, SANDRA, and PYLYSHYN, Z.: Information transfer in absolute judgment as a function of noxious stimulation and exposure time. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15:779-782, 1962. CookE, J., and AGNEW, N.: ATSAM—Automatic timing, switching, and memory device. Percep- tual and Motor Skills, 12:43-46, 1961. PEzER, VERA R., and AGNEW, N. MCK: Drive by set interactions in a word recognition task. Psy- chonomic Science, 12(2):375-376, 1965. katchewan, Saskatoon, Can. PYKE, SANDRA, and AGNEw, N. M.: Digit span performance as a function of noxious stimulation. (Abstract) Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27 (3):281, 1963. PyLYsHYN, ZENON W.: Information available from two consecutive exposures of visual displays. Ca- nadian Journal of Psychology, 19(2):133-144, 1965. PyLYSHYN, ZENON W.: The effect of a brief inter- polated task on short-term retention. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 19(4):280-287, 1965. PyLYsHYN, Z. and AGNEw, N.: Absolute judg- ment of distance as a function of anxiety and ex- posure time. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14: 411-418, 1962. PyLYsHYN, Z., and AGNEW, N. M.: The validity of anxiety and drive scales and their relation to glo- bal self-ratings. Canadian Psychologist, 4a:42-50, 1963. MH-3614 (RO1) THOMAS, ALEXANDER: Primary reaction patterns in childhood. New York Uni- versity Medical Center, New York, N.Y. (1960- ) BircH, H. G., THOMAS, A., and CHEss, S.: Be- havioral development in brain-damaged children. Three case studies. Archives of General Psychi- atry, 2:596-603, 1964. 428 BircH, H. G., THOMAS, A., CHESS, S., and HERTZIG, M.: Individuality in the development of children. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 4: 370-379, 1962. CHESS, S., HERTZIG, M., BIRCH, H. G., and THOMAS, A.: Methodology of a study of adaptive functions of the preschool child. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 1:236-245, 1962. CHEss, S., THoMAs, A., BircH, H., and HERTZIG, M.: Implications of a longitudinal study of child development for child psychiatry. American Jour- nal of Psychiatry, 117(5):434-441, 1960. CHEss, S., THOMAS, A., RUTTER, M., and BIRCH, H. G.: Interaction of temperament and environ- ment in the production of behavioral disturbances in children. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120: 142-148, 1963. RoBBINs, LILLIAN CUKIER: The accuracy of parental recall of aspects of child development and of child rearing practices. Journal of Abnormal and So- cial Psychology, 66(3):261-270, 1963. RuTTER, M., BircH, H. G., THOMAS, A., and CHEss, S.: Temperamental characteristics in in- fancy and the later development of behavioural disorders. British Journal of Psychiatry, 110:651- 661, 1964. RuTTER, M., KORN, S., and BircH, H. G.: Genetic and environmental factors in the development of primary reaction patterns. British [Journal of Clinical and Social Psychology, 2:161-173, 1963. THoMaAs, A., BircH, H. G., CHEss, S., and HERT- 716, M. E.: The developmental dynamics of pri- mary reaction characteristics in children. + In: Pro- ceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 1. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/ McGill University Press, 1961, p. 722-726. THoMmas, A., BircH, H. G., CHEss, S., HERTZIG, M. E., and KORN, S.: Behavioral individuality in early childhood. New York, New York Univer- sity Press, 1963. THoMas, A., BircH, H. G., CHEss, S., and Ros- BINS, L.: Individuality in responses of children to similar environmental situations. American Jour- nal of Psychiatry, 117(9):798-803, 1961. MH-3615 (RO1) SEASHORE, STANLEY E.: Determi- nants of stress in large organizations. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1960-62) INDIK, BERNARD P.: Relationship between job- related stress and strain in industrial workers. Journal of Industrial Psychology, 2(1):22-27, 1964. INDIK, BERNARD, SEASHORE, STANLEY E., and SLEs- INGER, JONATHAN: Demographic correlates of psy- chological strain. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69:26-38, 1964. SLESINGER, JONATHAN, and HARBURG, ERNEST: Or- ganizational stress: A force requiring management control. Personnel Administration, 27(3):3-5 and 35-39, 1964. MH-3616 (R01) RUTSCHMANN, JAKOB, and DIL- LON, DoNALD J.: Development of tests sensitive to drug effects. New York State Psychiatric In- stitute. New York, N.Y. (1959- ) Crark, W. C., RUTSCHMANN, J., LINK, RUTH, and BrowN, JANE COURTEN: Comparison of flicker- fusion thresholds obtained by the methods of forced-choice and limits on psychiatric patients. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:19-30, 1963. DiLLoN, DoNALD J.: The variation of choice reac- tion time among groups of hospitalized psychiatric patients. Journal of Psychology, 52:105-114, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-872). DiLLoN, DONALD J.: The variation of flicker-fusion thresholds among groups of hospitalized psychi- atric patients. Journal of Psychology, 51:351- 360, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-872). DILLON, DONALD J.: Length judgment in psychotic and control populations. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13:335-341, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-872). DiLLON, DONALD J.: A test for patient-control dif- ferences with a modified version of the Mueller- Lyer illusion. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13: 391-397, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-872). DiLLoN, DONALD J.: Measurement of perceived body size. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14:191- 196, 1962. DiLLoN, DoNALD J.: Estimation of bodily dimen- sions. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14:219-221, 1962. RoEHRIG, WILLIAM C.: Psychomotor task with per- fect recall after fifty weeks of no practice. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 19:547-550, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-872). RoeHRIG, W. C., and RUTSCHMANN, J.: Procedural considerations of the spiral aftereffect test. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 17:551-557, 1963. RUBINSTEIN, L.: Intersensory and intrasensory effects in simple reaction time. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:159-172, 1964. RUBINSTEIN, L.: Disjunctive reaction times within and between sense modes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:405-408, 1964. RUTSCHMANN, ].: Oppel-Kundt illusion in normals and schizophrenic patients: An examination of the perceptual primitivization hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13:399-415, 1961. (Also ac- knowledges MH-872). 429 RUTSCHMANN, J., and LINK, RUTH: Perception of temporal order of stimuli differing in sense mode and simple reaction time. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:345-352, 1964. RUTSCHMANN, RUTH: Perception of temporal order and relative visual latency. Science, 152(3725): 1099-1101, 1966. MH-3617 (R01) Gross, Sonja K.: Biogenesis of the alkaloids. Simmons College, Boston, Mass. (1960-62) (Continued as MH-7431). Gross, SoNJA, and DAwsoN, R. F.: The biochemi- cal transformation of the morphothebaine to the morphine ring system. Biochemistry, 2:186, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-7431). MH-3619 (R03) DEMENT, WILLIAM C.: Sleep and dreaming following prolonged wakefulness. Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, N.Y. (1959- 62) RoFFwARG, HowarD P., Muzio, JosepH N., and DEMENT, WILLIAM: Ontogenetic development of the human sleep-dream cycle. Science, 152 (3722) :604-619, 1966. MH-3620 (R01) Secorp, PAUL F., and BACKMAN, CarL W.: Interpersonal factors in behavioral sta- bility. ~~ University of Nevada, Reno, Nev. (1960- ) BackMaN, C. W., and SEcorp, P. F.: Liking, selec- tive interaction, and misperception in congruent interpersonal relations. Sociometry, 25(4):321- 335, 1962. Backman, C. W., and Secor, P. F.: The compro- mise process and the affect structure of groups. Human Relations, 17:19-22, 1964. Secorp, PauL F., and BAckMAN, CARL W.: Inter- personal congruency, perceived similarity, and friendship. Sociometry, 27:115-127, 1964. SEcorD, P. F., BaAckMaAN, C. W., and PEIRCE, J. R.: Resistance to change in the self concept as a func- tion of consensus among significant others. So- ciometry, 26(1):102-111, 1963. MH-3621 (R01) Sakopa, JAMES M.: Methods of utilizing a teaching machine. University of Con- necticut, Storrs, Conn. (1960-62) Sakopa, JAMES M., and GREENWOOD, MICHAEL: Construction and use of an auto-instructional punchboard with IBM cards. Psychological Re- ports, 8:207-216, 1961. Sakopa, JAMES M., and WILLEY, CLARENCE F.: An IBM card punchboard. Psychological Reports, 8:20, 1961. MH-3634 (R01) Fox, HENRY M.: Psychophysio- logical identity. Harvard Medical School. Bos- ton, Mass. (1960- ) Fox, H. M., GIFFORD, S., and VALENSTEIN, A. F.: Psychophysiology of monozygotic male twins. Archives of General Psychiatry, 12(5):490-500, 1965. MH-3639 (R01) WHITE, SHELDON H.: Attentional processes in learning. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1960- ) GriM, PAuL F., and ANDERSON, ROGER A.: A sys- tem for recording the orienting reflex: A photo- electric plethysmograph and transistor amplifier. American Journal of Psychology, 78(4):672-676, 1965. GriM, P. F., and WHITE, S. H.: Effects of stimulus change upon the GSR and reaction time. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(3):276-281, 1965. WHITE, S. H.: The effects of pretraining with varied stimuli on children’s discrimination learning. Child Development, 32:745-753, 1961. WHITE, S. H.: Learning. In: Stevenson, H. W., ed. Child psychology. 62nd Yearbook of the Na- tional Society for the Study of Education, Part 1. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1963. WHITE, SHELDON H.: Discrimination learning with ever-changing positive and negative cues. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2(2):154-162, 1965. MH-3642 (R01) PRELINGER, ERNsT, LEVIN, MAX M., and ZiMET, CARL N.: Character structure and selected ego functions. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1960- ) PRELINGER, ERNsT, and ZiMET, CARL: An ego- psychological approach to character assessment. New York, Free Press of Glencoe, 1964. MH-3644 (R01) KLEE, GERALD D., and BESSMAN, SAMUEL P.: Psychochemical studies with seroto- nin and ammonia. University of Maryland, Balti- more, Md. (1960-62) EicHLER, MYRON, and BEssMAN, SAMUEL: A dou- ble-blind study of the effect of ammonium infu- sion on psychological functioning in cirrhotic patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 134:539-542, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 4867). MH-3647 (R01) SCHENKER, VICTOR J., and MAR- JERRISON, GORDON: Mao. inhibition and antide- pressant correlates. State University of New York —Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1960-61) MAR JERRISON, GORDON, FREEDMAN, NORBERT, and CUTLER, ROBERT: A structured interview method for psychiatric research. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:346-353, 1962. 430 SCHENKER, VICTOR J., MARJERRISON, GORDON, SCHLACHET, PETER, FREEDMAN, N., HANKOFF, L. D., and ENGELHARDT, D. M.: Monoamine oxi- dase inhibition and antidepressive correlates. Pro- ceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 1. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/ McGill University Press, 1961, p. 642-649. MH-3648 (R01) DINSMOOR, JAMES A.: Screening test for tranquilizing compounds. Indiana Uni- versity, Bloomington, Ind. (1960- ) DINSMOOR, J. A., and Lyon, D. O.: The selective action of chlorpromazine on behavior suppressed by punishment. Psychopharmacologia, 2:456-460, 1961. MH-3651 (R01) SCHAEFER, THEODORE, JR., and TowNE, Jack C.: Emotionality, stress, and brain amine levels. University of Chicago, Chicago, IIL (1959-62) SCHAEFER, T.: Early “experience” and its effects on later behavioral processes in rats. II. A critical factor in the early handling phenomenon. T'rans- actions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 25(8):871-889, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 1051). MH-3654 (R01) LuBORsKY, LESTER B.: Recovery of incidental and subliminal perceptions. Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960- ) LUBORSKY, L., BLINDER, B., and MACKWORTH, N.: Eye fixations and recall of pictures as a function of GSR responsivity. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16(Monograph Suppl. No. 5) :469-483, 1963. LUBORSKY, L., BLINDER, B., and MACKWORTH, N.: Eye fixation and the contents of recall and images as a function of heart rate. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:421-436, 1964. LUBORSKY, LESTER, BLINDER, BARTON, and SCHIMEK, JEAN: Looking, recalling, and GSR as a function of defense. Journal of Abnormal Psy- chology, 70(4):270-280, 1965. Lusorsky, L. B., and SHEVRIN, H. S.: Forgetting of tachistoscopic exposures as a function of re- pression. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14:189- 190, 1962. SILVERMAN, L. H., and SiLvErRMAN, D. K.: A clini- cal-experimental approach to the study of sub- liminal stimulation: The effects of a drive-related stimulus upon Rorschach responses. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69(2):158-172, 1964. MH-3655 (R01) ADER, ROBERT: Psychosomatic phenomena in animals. University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (1960- ) ADER, R.: Social factors affecting emotionality and resistance to disease in animals: III. Early wean- ing and susceptibility to gastric ulcers in the rat. A control for nutritional factors. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55: 600-602, 1962. ADER, R.: The basic variable in the early handling phenomenon. Science, 136:580-583, 1962. ADER, R.: Susceptibility to gastric lesions in the rat. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 4:399-408, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-750). ADER, R.: Plasma pepsinogen level in rat and man. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25:218-220, 1963. ADER, R.: Plasma pepsinogen level as a predictor of susceptibility to gastric erosions in the rat. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25:221-232, 1963. ADER, ROBERT: Gastric erosions in the rat: effects of immobilization at different points in the ac- tivity cycle. Science, 145:406-407, 1964. ADER, ROBERT: Effects of early experience and dif- ferential housing on behavior and susceptibility to gastric erosions in the rat. [Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 60(2):233-238, 1965. ADer, R., Beers, C. C, and Tatum, R.: Blood pepsinogen and gastric erosions in the rat. Psy- chosomatic Medicine, 22:1-13, 1960. ADER, R., and BELFER, M. L.: Emotional behavior in the rat as a function of maternal emotionality. Psychological Reports, 10:349-350, 1962. ADER, R., and BELFER, M. L.: Prenatal maternal anxiety and offspring emotionality in the rat. Psychological Reports, 10:711-718, 1962. ADER, R., and CONKLIN, P. M.: Handling of preg- nant rats: Effects of emotionality of their off- spring. Science, 142:411-412, 1963. ADER, ROBERT, and FRIEDMAN, STANFORD B.: Psy- chological factors and susceptibility to disease in animals. In: Medical aspects of stress in the military climate. Washington, D.C., Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 1964, p. 457-470. ADER, R., and FRIEDMAN, S. B.: Social factors af- fecting emotionality and resistance to disease in animals: IV. Differential housing, emotionality, and Walker 256 carcinosarcoma in the rat. Psy- chological Reports, 15:535-541, 1964. ADER, ROBERT, and FRIEDMAN, STANFORD B.: Dif- ferential early experiences and susceptibility to transplanted tumor in the rat. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 59(3) :361- 364, 1965. ADER, ROBERT B., and FRIEDMAN, STANFORD B.: Social factors affecting emotionality and resistance to disease in animals. Psychosomatic Medicine, 27(2):119-122, 1965. 431 ADER, R., and HAHN, E. W.: Effects of social en- vironment on mortality to whole body x-irradiation in the rat. Psychological Reports, 13:211-215, 1963. ADER, R., and HAHN, E. W.: Dominance and emo- tionality in the rat and their effects on mortality to whole-body x-irradiation. Psychological Re- ports, 13:617-618, 1963. ADER, R., KREUTNER, A. JR., and JAacoss, H. L.: Social environment, emotionality, and alloxan dia- betes in the rat. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25:60-. 68, 1963. Brobig, Davip A., HanNsoN, HARLEY M., SINEs, J. O., and ADER, ROBERT: Current research on gastric ulcers. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 4(6): 388-408, 1963. FRIEDMAN, STANFORD B., and ADER, ROBERT: Parameters relevant to the experimental produc- tion of ‘'stress” in the mouse. Psychosomatic Medicine, 27(1):27-30, 1965. FRIEDMAN, STANFORD B., ADER, ROBERT, and GLAS- Gow, LoweLL A.: Effects of psychological stress in adult mice inoculated with Coxsackie B viruses. Psychosomatic Medicine, 27(4):361-368, 1965. MH-3657 (R01) HELD, RicHARD M.: Develop- ment and maintenance of human coordination. Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. (1960-63) HayNEs, H., WHITE, B. L., and HELD, R.: Visual accommodation in human infants. Science, 148 (3669) :528-530, 1965. HEIN, A, and HELD, R.: A neural model for labile sensorimotor coordination. In: Biological proto- types and synthetic systems. Vol. 1. New York, Plenum Press, 1962, p. 71-74. Herp, R.: Adaptation to rearrangement and visual- spatial aftereffects. Psychologische Heitrage, 6: 439-450, 1962. HELD, RICHARD, and FREEDMAN, S. J.: Plasticity in human sensorimotor control. Science, 142:455- 462, 1963. Herp, RICHARD, and MIKAELIAN, HARUTUNE: Motor-sensory feedback versus need in adaptation to rearrangement. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:685-688, 1964. Herp, R., and REKOsH, ].: Motor-sensory feedback and the geometry of visual space. Science, 141: 722-723, 1963. MIKAELIAN, HARUTUNE, and HELD, RICHARD: Two types of adaptation to an optically-rotated visual field. American Journal of Psychology, 77:257- 263, 1964. WEENE, PAUL, and HELD, RICHARD: Changes in perceived size of angle as a function of orientation in the frontal plane. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(1):55-59, 1966. WHITE, B. L., and CASTLE, P.: Visual exploratory behavior following postnatal handling of human infants. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:497-502, 1964. WHITE, B. L., CASTLE, P., and HELD, R.: Observa- tions on the development of visually-directed reaching. Child Development, 34:349-364, 1964. MH-3658 (R01) MoraNT, RicarpO B., and NEIs- SER, ULRIC: Basic processes underlying figural aftereffects. Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. (1960- ) MoraNT, RicARDO B., and EFSTATHIOU, AGLAIA: The archimedes spiral and diagnosis of brain dam- age. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 22(2):391- 397, 1966. MorANT, RicArRDO B., and HARRIS, JUDITH RICH: Two different after-effects of exposure to visual tilts. American Journal of Psychology, 78(2): 218-226, 1965. MoraNT, RicarRDO B., and MasLow, ABRAHAM H.: Art judgment and the judgment of others: A pre- liminary study. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21(4) 389-391, 1965. MoraNT, R. B., and MIKAELIAN, M.: Interfield tilt after-effects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 10: 95-98, 1960. MoranNT, R. B., and MistovicH, M.: Tilt after- effects between the vertical and horizontal axes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 10:75-80, 1960. MoranNT, R. B., and MistovicH, M.: Kinesthetic and inter-modal tilt after-effects. Acta Psycho- logica, 21:24-34, 1963. MH-3660 (R01) GLUSMAN, MURRAY: Basic aspects of hypothalmic rage. New York State Psychiatric Institute. New York, N.Y. (1960- ) Burpock, E. I, GLusMAN, M., and ZENER, J.: An animal behavior rating scale for quantification of savage behavior in cats. (Abstract) Federa- tion Proceedings, 20(1)Part 1:327, 1961. GENTRY, T. A, and GLUSMAN, M.: Effect of hypo- thalamic stimulation on learning and memory in the cat. Transactions of the American Neurologi- cal Association, 88:217-218, 1963. GLUSMAN, M., and Ro1ziN, L.: Aggressive behavior produced by electrical stimulation of the ventro- medial nucleus of the hypothalamus in the cat. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 19(1) (Part 1):828, 1960. GLUSMAN, M,, and RoiziN, L.: Role of the hypo- thalamus in the organization of agonistic behavior in the cat. Transactions of the American Neuro- logical Association, 85:177-181, 1960. GLUSMAN, MURRAY, WON, WILLIAM, BURDOCK, EUGENE I, and RANSOHOFF, JosepH: Effects of 432 midbrain lesions on “savage” behavior induced by hypothalamic lesion in the cat. In: Yahr, Melvin D., ed. Transactions of the American Neurologi- cal Association. Vol. 86. New York, Springer, 1961, p. 216-218. (Also acknowledges MH- 3546). KeLLy, D. D., and GLUSMAN, M.: Aversive thresh- olds for subcutaneous electrical stimulation in the cat. Psychonomic Science, 1:207-208, 1964. MH-3663 (R01) CLARK, WILLIAM C., GRIFFITH, WENDELL H., and PIERCE, JoHN G.: Psycho- pharm studies of adrenergic transmitters. Uni- versity of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1959- ) AUREs, D., and CLARK, W. G.: Inhibition of his- tidine decarboxylase of mouse mast cell tumor. (Abstract) Biological Pharmacology, 12(Suppl.): 40, 1963. Aurgs, D., HARTMAN, W. J., and CLARK, W. G.: Purification and properties of mast cell L-histidine decarboxylase. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Inter- national Congress of Physiological Science, Leiden, Holland, 1962, Vol. 2, Abstract 694. AURES, DOROTHEA, and NoLr, WALTER W.: Spe- cific histidine decarboxylase from different mam- malian tissues. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 25(2):691, 1966. AURES, DOROTHEA, WINQUIST, GOsTA, and HANs- soN, EskiL: Histamine formation in the blood and bone marrow of the guinea pig. American Jour- nal of Physiology, 208(1):186-189, 1965. CLARK, W. G.: Amine content and biosynthesis in mastocytomas and octopus salivary glands. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 19(1):10, 1960. CLARK, W. G.: Inhibition of amino acids decarboxyl- ase. In: Hochster, R. M., and Quastel, J. H., eds. Metabolic inhibitors. Vol. 1. New York, Aca- demic Press, 1963, p. 315-381. CLARK, W. G., HARTMAN, W. J., LIEBHOLD, R. A., JorpoN, A. R., and Cyr, S. D.: Some aspects of the biochemical pharmacology of the octopus. Proceedings Western Pharmacology Society, 3: 106-122, 1960. CLARK, W. G., and PoGrRUND, R. S.: Inhibition of dopa decarboxylase in vitro. Circulation Research, 9:721-733, 1961. FLEMING, ROBERT M., CLARK, WILLIAM G., FEN- sTER, Eric D., and TowNE, Jack C.: Single ex- traction method for the simultaneous fluorometric determination of serotonin, dopamine, and nor- epinephrine in brain. Analytical Chemistry, 37: 692-696, 1965. FLEMING, R. M., Masuoka, D. T., and CLARK, W. G.: Effect of fasting and refeeding on brain amines. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 24 (2) Part 1:265, 1965. GRIESEMER, E. C., and GasNEr, L. T.: Altered Dopa antagonism of reserpine hypothermia by a- methyl Dopa. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 21:269, 1962. GrieseMER, E. C., GAsNER, L. T. and CLARK, W. G.: Antagonism of reserpine. hypothermia in mice by 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine. Proceedings of the Western Society for Clinical Research, 5:7, 1962. Also in: Clinical Research, 10:125, 1963. (Abstract). Hansson, E., and CLARK, W. G.: Studies on dopa decarbqxylase inhibitors in vivo by use of Cl*- carboxy-labeled dopa. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 111:793- 798, 1962. Hansson, E., and CLARK, W. G.: Further studies on aromatic amino acid decarboxylase inhibitors in vivo. (Abstract) Biochemical Pharmacology, 12:203, 1963. HarTMAN, W. J., CLARK, W. G., and Cyr, S. D.: Histidine decarboxylase activity of basophils from chronic myelogenous leukemic patients. Contri- bution on the origin of blood histamine. Pro- ceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 107:123, 1961. . HarT™MAN, W. J, CLARK, W. G., Cyr, S. D, JorpoN, A. L., and LieBHOLD, R. A.: Pharmaco- logically active amines and their biogenesis in the octopus. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 90:637-666, 1960. Masuoka, D. T., CLARK, W. G., and ScHOTT, H. F.: Biosynthesis of catecholamines by rat brain tissue in vitro. Revue Canadienne de Biologie, 20:1-6, 1961. Masuoka, D. T., DrerLr, W. ScHotrt, H. F,, ALcAraz, A. F., and James, F. C.: The separa- tion of catecholamines and their metabolites. Analytical Biochemistry, 5:426-432, 1963. Masvuoka, D. T., ScHort, H. F., and PETRIELLO, L.: Formation of catecholamines by various areas of cat brain. Journal of Pharmacology and Ex- perimental Therapeutics, 139(1):73-76, 1963. PoGcrunD, R. S., DReLL, W., and CLARK, W. G.: Metabolism of 3-hydroxy and 3,4-dihydroxy-phe- nylpyruvic acids in vivo. [Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapy, 131:194-307, 1961. MH-3666 (R01) Sacks, WiLLiAM: Cerebral me- tabolism of neurohormonal precursors. Rockland State Hospital, Orangeburg, N.Y. (1960- ) Sacks, WILLIAM: A cerebral decarboxylase for 5- hydroxytryptophane in humans. Journal of Ap- plied Physiology, 16:1050-1054, 1961. Sacks, WILLIAM: Phenylalanine metabolism in con- trol subjects, mental patients, and phenylketonurics. Journal of Applied Physiology, 17:985-992, 1962. 433 Sacks, WiLLiaM: Cerebral metabolism “in vivo” in mental patients. (Abstract) In: Sissakian, N. M., ed. Fifth International Congress of Biochemistry, Moscow, 1961. Vol. 9. New York, Macmillan, 1963, p. 279. SAcks, WiLLiAM: The cerebral metabolism of dou- bly-labeled glucose in humans in vivo. Journal of Applied Physiology, 20(1):117-130, 1965. MH-3670 (R10) Hort, RoBERT R., and KLEIN, GEORGE S.: Psychotomimetic agents and primary process thinking. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1959-62) GOLDBERG, L., and Hort, R. R.: Studies on the effects of perceptual alteration. In: USAF ASD Technical Report 61-416, 1961, p. 1-19. Hovt, R. R.: Imagery: The return of the ostracized. American Psychologist, 19:254-264, 1964. Hort, R. R, and GOLDBERGER, L.: Research on the effects of isolation on cognitive functioning. In: USAF WADC Technical Report, 1960, p. 1- 22. (No. 60-260). KLEIN, G. S.: On inhibition, disinhibition, and “primary process” in thinking. In: Nielsen, G., ed. Proceedings of the 14th International Con- gress of Applied Psychology. Vol. 4. Clinical psychology. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1962, p. 179-198. LintoN, HARRIET B., and LANGs, R.: Subjective reactions to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) as measured by a questionnaire. A. M. A. Ar- chives of General Psychiatry, 6:352-368, 1962. LintoN, HARRIET B., and LANGs, R. J.: Placebo reactions in a study of lysergic acid (LSD-25). A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 6:369- 383, 1962. LiNTON, HARRIET B., and LANGs, R. J.: Empirical dimensions of the LSD-25 reactions. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:469-485, 1964. LINTON, HARRIET B., LANGS, R. J., and PAUL, I. H.: Retrospective alterations of LSD-25 experience. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138(5): 409-423, 1964. PauL, IRVING H., LANGs, ROBERT J., and BARR, HARRIET LINTON: Individual differences in the recall of a drug experience. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 140(2):122-145, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4244). MH-3672 (R01) Gross, MARTIN, and HITCHMAN, IRENE L.: Clinical research on psychopharmaco- logical drugs. Springfield State Hospital, Sykes- ville, Md. (1960- ) CLEMENT, Davip E.: Note on visual perception in schizophrenic SS1. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 21(2):385-386, 1965. Gross, MARTIN, HitcHMAN, IRENE L. REEVES, WALTER P., LAWRENCE, JORDAN, and BACON, E. Fave: The repetitive administration of two physiological tests during withdrawal from atarac- tic drugs. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- eases, 137(6);574-576, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2147). Gross, MARTIN, HiTCHMAN, IRENE L., REEVES, WALTER P., LAWRENCE, JORDAN, NEWELL, PAULINE C., and CLYDE, DEAN ].: Objective evaluation of psychotic patients under drug ther- apy: A symptom and adjustment index. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 133(5):399- 409, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2147). HoEHN-SARIC, RUDOLF, BACON, EUGENIA FAYE, and Gross, MARTIN: Effects of chlorpromazine on flicker fusion. Journal of Nervous and Men- tal Disease, 138:287-292, 1964. HoEHN-SARIC, RUDOLF, GROSS, MARTIN, and WoLFF, FREDERICK W.: Carbohydrate disturb- ances in mental hospital patients—with observa- tions on the effects of azacyclonol. Journal of Chronic Diseases, 17:91-100, 1964. HoGArTY, GERARD E., and Gross, MARTIN: Pre- admission symptom differences between first-ad- mitted schizophrenics in the predrug and post- drug era. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 7(2):134- 140, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-4661). MCcQUILLEN, MICHAEL P. Gross, MARTIN, and Jouns, RicHARD J.: Chlorpromazine-induced weakness in Myasthenia Gravis. Archives of Neurology, 8:286-290, 1963. MONROE, RusseLL R., and Wisg, SAMUEL P., III: Combined phenothiazine, chlordiazepoxide and primidone therapy for uncontrolled psychotic pa- tients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 122(6): 694-698, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4137). MH-3673 (R01) KELLER, FRED S., BERRYMAN, ROBERT, and CUMMING, WiLLIAM W.: Effect of psychotropic drugs on sensory processes. Colum- bia University, New York, N.Y. (1959-64) BERRYMAN, ROBERT, CUMMING, WiLLiaM W., CoHEN, Leia R., and JoHNsoN, DANIEL F.: Acquisition and transfer of simultaneous oddity. Psychological Reports, 17(3):767-775, 1965. BERRYMAN, R., CUMMING, W. W. and NEVIN, J. A.: Acquisition of delayed matching in the pigeon. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:101-107, 1963. BerrYMAN, R., CUMMING, W. W., NEVIN, J. A., and JArviK, M. E.: Effects of sodium pentobarbi- tal on complex operant discriminations. Psycho- pharmacologia, 6:388-398, 1964. BERrRYMAN, R., JARvIK, M. E., and NEvVIN, J. A.: Effects of pentobarbital, lysergic acid diethylamide, 434 and chlorpromazine on matching behavior in the pigeon. Psychopharmacologia, 3:60-65, 1962. BERRYMAN, R., and NEvIN, J. A.: Interlocking schedules of reinforcement. Journal of the Ex- perimental Analysis of Behavior, 5:213-223, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1421). CuMMING, W. W., and BERRYMAN, R.: Some data on matching behavior in the pigeon. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 3:281- 284, 1961. CUMMING, WILLIAM W., and BERRYMAN, ROBERT: The complex discriminated operant: Studies of matching-to-sample and related problems. In: Mostofsky, David I., ed. Stimulus generalization. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1965, p- 284-330. CUMMING, WILLIAM W., BERRYMAN, ROBERT, and CoHEN, Leia R.: Acquisition and transfer of zero-delay matching. Psychological Reports, 17 (2) :435-445, 1965. CUMMING, WILLIAM W., BERRYMAN, ROBERT, and NEVIN, JoHN A.: Search for an effect of satiation on delayed matching-to-sample performance. Psy- chological Reports, 16(2):645-652, 1965. KAUFMAN, A.: Effects of punishment intensity on human operant behavior. Psychological Reports, 15:287-294, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 2961). KAUFMAN, ARNOLD: Punishment shock intensity and basal skin resistance. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 8(6) :389-394, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2961). NEevIN, J. A.: Two parameters of conditioned rein- forcement in a chaining situation. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58(3): 367-373, 1964. NEvIN, J. A., and BERRYMAN, R.: A note on chain- ing and temporal discrimination. [Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:109-113, 1963. NEvIN, J. A., CUMMING, W. W., and BERRYMAN, R.: Ratio reinforcement of matching behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:147-154, 1963. MH-3674 (R10) FRIEDMAN, ALFRED S.: Vigilance, sedation threshold, tofranil and depression. Phila- delphia Psychiatric Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960 ) FRIEDMAN, A. S.: Thematic analysis methods in diagnosis. In: Nodine, John H., and Moyer, John H., eds. The First Hahnemann Symposium on Psychosomatic Medicine. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1962, p. 61-64. FRIEDMAN, ALFRED S.: A comparative analysis of psychotic depressives with matched normals on some untimed verbal intelligence tests. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27(5):439-443, 1963. FRIEDMAN, A. S.: Minimal effects of severe depres- sion on cognitive functioning. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 69:237-243, 1964. FrieEDMAN, A. S., and GRANICK, S.: A note on an- ger and aggression in old age. [Journal of Geron- tology, 18(3) :283-285, 1963. GRANICK, SAMUEL: Comparative analysis of psy- chotic depressives with matched normals on some untimed verbal intelligence tests. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 27(5):439-443, 1963. MH-3684 (R01) STUNKARD, ALBERT J.: Clinical and experimental studies of human obesity. Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960- ) ASTRAND, P., ASTRAND, IRMA, and STUNKARD, A.: Oxygen intake of obese individuals during work on a bicycle ergometer. Acta Physiologica Scandi- navica, 50:294-299, 1960. BROBECK, J., WINEGRAD, A., FEINSTEIN, A., and STUNKARD, A.: Obesity. American Practitioner and Digest of Treatment, 12:543, 1961. Burt, VICTOR, and STUNKARD, ALBERT: Body weight and Achilles reflex time. Annals of In- ternal Medicine, 60(5):900-902, 1964. CHIRICO, ANNA M., and STUNKARD, A. J.: Physical activity and human obesity. New England Journal of Medicine, 263:935-940, 1960. GriGGs, R. C., and STUNKARD, A.: The interpreta- tion of gastric motility. II. Sensitivity and bias in the perception of gastric motility. Archives of General Psychiatry, 11:82-89, 1964. KocH, C. R., and STUNKARD, A.: Obesity, age, and gastric “hunger” contractions. Journal of Applied Physiology, 15:133-134, 1960. Koch, C., and STUNKARD, A.: The interpretation of gastric motility. I. Apparent bias in the re- ports of hunger by obese persons. Archives of General Psychiatry, 11:74-82, 1964. LINKER, E., MOORE, MARY E., and GALANTER, E.: Taste thresholds, detection models, and disparate results. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67: 59-66, 1964. MENDELSON, M.: The treatment of obesity. Psycho- somatics, 1:158-160, 1960. MENDELSON, M.: Deviant patterns of feeding be- havior in man. Federation Proceedings, 23:69- 72, 1964. MENDELSON, MYER: Psychological aspects of obe- sity. Medical Clinics of North America, 48(5): 1373-1385, 1964. 435 MENDELSON, M., WEINBERG, N., and STUNKARD, A.: Obesity in men: a clinical study of 25 cases. Annals of Internal Medicine, 54:660-671, 1961. Moore, M. E., LINKER, E., and PURCELL, M.: Taste-sensitivity after eating: A signal-detection approach. American Journal of Psychology, 78 (1):107-111, 1965. Moore, MARY E., STUNKARD, A., and SROLE, L.: Obesity, social class and mental illness. Journal of the American Medical Association, 181:962- 966, 1962. SEED, J., ACTON, F., and STUNKARD, A.: Improve- ment of the intravenous glucose tolerance test. Nature, 186:808, 1960. SEED, J., AcTON, F., and STUNKARD, A.: A model for the appraisal of glucose metabolism. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 3:191-215, 1962. STUNKARD, A. J.: A method of studying physical activity in man. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 8:595-601, 1960. STUNKARD, A. J.: Hunger and satiety. American Journal of Psychiatry, 118:212-217, 1961. STUNKARD, A. ]J.: Psychological tests and medical prognosis. Annals of Internal Medicine, 56(3): 524-526, 1962. STUNKARD, A. J.: Research on a disease: Strategies in the study of obesity. In: Roessler, R.; and Greenfield, N. S., eds. Physiological correlates of psychological disorders. ~~ Madison, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin, 1962, p. 211-220. In: Deutsch, Albert, STUNKARD, A. J.: Obesity. Franklin ed. Encyclopedia of mental health. Watts, 1963, p. 1372-1484. STUNKARD, A. J., Crovis, W., and FREE, S. M.: Skin temperature after eating: Evidence bearing upon a thermostatic control of food intake. American Journal of Medical Sciences, 244(5): 622-626, 1962. STUNKARD, A., and KocH, C.: The interpretation of gastric motility. 1. Archives of General Psy- chiatry, 11:74-82, 1964. STUNKARD, A. J., and MENDELSON, M.: Disturb- ances in the body image of some obese persons. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 38: 328-331, 1961. STUNKARD, A. J., and PESTKA, JoAN: The physical activity of obese girls. American Journal of Dis- eases of Children, 103:812-817, 1962. WEINBERG, N., MENDELSON, M., and STUNKARD, A.: A failure to find distinctive personality fea- tures in a group of obese men. American Journal of Psychiatry, 117(11):1035-1037, 1961. MH-3689 (R01) MANNERING, GILBERT ].: Antag- onism of narcotic effects and N-demethylation. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1960- 62) (Continued as MH-7541). RuBIN, A., CHERNOV, H. I, MILLER, J. W., and MANNERING, G. J.: Antagonism of morphine- induced respiratory depression and analgesia and inhibition of narcotic N-demethylation i» vitro by N-substituted analogues of L-3-hydroxymorphinan and by N-allyl-normorphine. Journal of Pharma- cology and Experimental Therapeutics, 144:346- 353, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-7541). RUBIN, ALAN, TEPHLY, THOMAS R., and MANNER- ING, GILBERT J.: Kinetics of drug metabolism by hepatic microsomes. Biochemical Pharmacology, 13:1007-1016, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 7541). RuBIN, ALAN, TEPHLY, THOMAS R., and MANNER- ING, GILBERT J.: Inhibition of hexobarbital me- tabolism by ethylmorphine and codeine in the in- tact rat. Biochemical Pharmacology, 13:1053- 1057, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-7541). MH-3690 (R01) NovAaL, JOSEPH ]., SOHLER, ARTHUR, and TOBIN, JosepH M.: Adrenalin- derived indoles—metabolism and physiology. New Jersey Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiatry, Princeton, N.J. (1959-65) Apams, W. C., WaN, LILLIAN, and SOHLER, A.: Effect of melatonin on anterior pituitary luteiniz- ing hormone. Journal of Endocrinology (Great Britain), 31:295-296, 1965. NovaAL, J. J., SOHLER, A., STACKHOUSE, S. P., and BryAaN, A.: Metabolism of adrenochrome in ex- perimental animals. Biochemical Pharmacology, 11:467-473, 1962. SoHLER, A., Noval, J., and RENz, R.: 6-Hydroxy- skatole sulfate excretion in schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:591-596, 1963. MH-3692 (R01) CornisH, HERBERT H.: Toxicity and metabolism of di- and triphenylmethanes. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1960- ) CornisH, H., BAHOR, R., and Ryan, R.: Toxicity and metabolism of orthometa-, and para-terphe- ayls. American Industrial Hygiene Association, 23:372-378, 1962. CornNisH, HERBERT H., and RYAN, RicHArD C.: Metabolism of benzene in nonfasted, fasted, and arylhydroxylase inhibited rats. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 7(6):767-771, 1965. CornNisH, H. H., Zamora, E., and BAHOR, R. E.: Metabolism of triphenylmethane and triphenyl- carbinol. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophys- ics, 107:319-324, 1964. 436 MH-3693 (R10) PLOTNIKOFF, NICHOLAS P.: Neu- ropharmacology of audiogenic seizures. Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif. (1960- 63) PLOTNIKOFF, N.: A neuropharmacological study of escape from audiogenic seizures. Collogues Inter- nationaux Du Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique. No. 112. Psychophysiologie Neuro- pharmacologie Et Biochimie De La Crise Audio- gene, Gif-Sur-Yvette 6 Au 9 Nov. 1961, p. 429- 446. PLOTNIKOFF, N.: Drug resistance due to inbreed- ing. Science, 134:1881-1882, 1961. PLoTNIKOFF, N.: Effect of psychoactive drugs on escape from audiogenic seizures. Arch. Int. Phar- macodyn., 145 (3-4) :413-420, 1963. PLoTNIKOFF, N.: Effect of neurotropic drugs on a non-conditioned avoidance response. Archives In- ternationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 145 (3-4) :430-439, 1963. PLOTNIKOFF, N., and FITzLOFF, J.: Effect of stimu- lants on isolated rats. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 145 (3-4) :421- 429, 1963. PLoTNIKOFF, N., HUANG, J., and HAVENS, P.: Ef- fect of monoamino oxidase inhibitors on audio- genic seizures. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 52:172-173, 1963. MH-3694 (R01) DavisoN, CLARKE, and SMITH, PauL K.: Protein binding of drugs. George Washington ~~ University, =~ Washington, D.C. (1960-64) Davison, C., and Smith, P. K.: The binding of salicylic acid and related substances to purified proteins. Journal of Pharmacology and Experi- mental Therapeutics, 133:161-170, 1961. MH-3699 (R01) WaismMaN, HARry A., and BrOowN, RAYMOND R.: Amino acid metabolism in the mentally retarded. University of Wiscon- sin, Madison, Wisc. (1960-61) BerMAN, PnHyLLis W., GraHAM, Frances K., EicHMAN, PETER L., and WAISMAN, HARRY A.: Psychologic and neurologic status of diet-treated phenylketonuric children and their siblings. Pe- diatrics, 28(6):924-934, 1961. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2730). WAaIsMAN, HARRY: Excretion of 3,4-dihydroxy- phenylalanine in urine. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 53:603-605, 1961. WaisMAN, HARRY: Phenylalanine tolerance tests in patients with leukemia. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 57:73-77, 1961. WaisMAN, HARRY: Urinary excretion of 3,4-dihy- droxyphenylalanine (DOPA) in two children of short stature with malnutrition. atrics, 62(2) :208-216, 1963. Journal of Pedi- WaisMAN, HARRY: The experimental approach. In: Lyman, Frank L., ed. Phenylketonuria. Spring- field, Ill., Charles C. Thomas, 1963, p. 265-275. WANG, H. L., HARWALKAR, V. H., and WAISMAN, H. A.: Effect of dietary phenylalanine and trypto- han on brain serotonin. Archives of Biochemis- try and Biophysics, 97(1):181-184, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2730 and MH-5048). WANG, Hwa L., MortON, N. E., and WAISMAN, HARRY As: Increased reliability for the determi- nation of the carrier state in phenylketonuria. American Journal of Human Genetics, 13(2): 255-261, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2730). MH-3700 (R01) KANFER, FREDERICK H.: Studies of verbal interaction. Purdue University, Lafay-, ette, Ind. (1960-62) (Continued as MH- 6922). KANFER, F. H.: Comments on learning in psycho- therapy. Psychological Reports, 9:681-699, 1961. KANFER, FREDERICK H.: Control of communication in dyads by reinforcement. Psychological Re- ports, 15:131-138, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-6922). KANFER, F. H., Bass, B. M., and GUYETTE, IL. Dyadic speech patterns, personality, and social reinforcement. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27:199-205, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 6922). KaNFER, F. H., and McBREARTY, J. F.: Minimal social reinforcement and interview content. Jour- nal of Clinical Psychology, 18:210-215, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-6922). KANFER, F. H., and MARSTON, A. R.: Verbal con- ditioning, ambiguity and psychotherapy. Psycho- logical Reports, 9:461-475, 1961. KANFER, F. H., and MARSTON, A. R.: The effect of task-relevant information on verbal conditioning. Journal of Psychology, 53:29-36, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-6922). KANFER, F. H., and MARrsTON, A. R.: Control of verbal behavior by multiple schedules. Psycho- logical Reports, 10:703-710, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-6922). KANFER, F. H., and MaARrsTON, A. R.: Human re- inforcement: Vicarious and direct. Journal of Experimental ~~ Psychology, 65:292-296, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6922). MaARrsTON, A. R., and KANFER, F. H.: Group size and number of vicarious reinforcements in verbal learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65:593-596, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- £922). 437 MagrsTON, A. R., KANFER, F. H., and MCBREARTY, J. F.. Stimulus discriminability in verbal condi- tioning. Journal of Psychology, 53:143-153, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-6922). MH-3701 (R01) GALLANT, DONALD M., Bup- DINGTON, RALPH WELLS, and HEATH, ROBERT GALBRAITH: Clinical evaluation of new chemo- therapeutic agents. Tulane University, New Or- leans, La. (1960- ) BisHop, M. P., BuppiNGgTON, R. W., Siva, F. A., and RoBINsON, W. G.: A comparison of SKF- 7261 and trifluoperazine (Stelazine) in the treat- ment of chronic schizophrenic patients. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 5:28-32, 1963. Bisnop, M. P., and GALLANT, D. M.: Behavioral toxicity associated with benzquinamide (Quan- tril) therapy in schizophrenic patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120:180-181, 1963. BisHOP, M. P., and GALLANT, D. M.: Trifluperidol in “paranoid” and “non-paranoid” schizophrenics. Current Therapeutic Research, 7(2):96-101, 1965. BisHor, M. P., and GALLANT, D. M.: Observations of placebo response in chronic schizophrenic pa- tients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 14(5): 497-503, 1966. BisHop, M. P., GALLANT, D. M., NESSELHOF, W., and SPREHE, D. J.: A controlled evaluation of butaperazine in chronic schizophrenic patients. Diseases of the Nervous System, 25:674-683, 1964. BisHop, M. P., GALLANT, D. M., and STEELE, C. A.: A controlled evaluation of benzquinamide: Behavioral toxicity with high dosage levels. Cur- rent Therapeutic Research, 5:238-244, 1963. BisHop, M. P., GALLANT, D. M., and SykEks, T. F.: Extrapyramidal side effects and therapeutic re- sponse. Archives of General Psychiatry, 13(2): 155-162, 1965. GALLANT, D. M., and BisHop, M. P.: Transient granulocytopenia associated with administration of a new thioridazine derivative: TPS-23. American Journal of Psychiatry, 122(1):102-103, 1965. GALLANT, D. M,, BisHop, M. P., and BENITEZ, D.: A study of activity in outpatients. Current Thera- peutic Research, 6:71-72, 1964. GALLANT, D. M., BisHop, M. P., NESSELHOF, W., and FuLMER, T. E.: JB-8181: Antidepressant ac- tivity in outpatients. Current Therapeutic Re- search, 6:69-70, 1964. GALLANT, D. M., BisHop, M. P., and SCHUCHS, V.: A clinical trial of an oral hypoglycemic agent in chronic schizophrenic patients. Current Thera- peutic Research, 5:628-629, 1963. GALLANT, D. M., BisHop, M. P., and SHELTON, W.: SKF-10,812: A thioxanthene derivative. Current Therapeutic Research, 7(7)415:416, 1965. GALLANT, D. M., BisHop, M. P., and SPREHE, D.: TPS-23: A new thioridazine derivative. Current Therapeutic Research, 7(2):102-104, 1965. GALLANT, D. M. BisHop, M. P., and STEELE, C. A.: A controlled evaluation of trimethoxycin- namamide. Current Therapeutic Research, 5:598- 599, 1963. GALLANT, D. M., BisHop, M. P., STEELE, C. A, and NoBLIN, C.: The relationship between sero- tonin antagonism and tranquilizing activity. American Journal of Psychiatry, 119:882, 1963. GALLANT, D. M.: BisHopr, M. P., STeeLE, C. A., and NoBLIN, C. A.: Anti-serotonin activity and clinical tranquilization. Journal of Neuropsychi- atry, 5:273-278, 1964. GALLANT, D. M., BisHopr, M. P., TimMoNs, E., and STeeLE, C. A.: Trifluperidol: A butyrophenone derivative. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120: 485-487, 1963. GALLANT, D. M., BisHopr, M. P., Timmons, E., and STEELE, C. A.: A controlled evaluation of trifluperidol: A new potent psychopharmacologic agent. Current Therapeutic Research, 5:463-471, 1963. GALLANT, D. M., EpwArps, C. G., BisHop, M. P., and GALBRAITH, G. C.: Withdrawal symptoms after abrupt cessation of antipsychotic com- pounds: Clinical confirmation in chronic schizo- phrenics. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121: 491-493, 1964. GoNzALEzZ, R. G., BisHopr, M. P., and GALLANT, D. M.: Fencamfamin versus placebo in depressed patients. Journal of New Drugs, 4(5):284-287, 1964. NESSELHOF, W., GALLANT, D. M., and BISHOP, M. P.: A double-blind comparison of WY-3498, diazepam and placebo in psychiatric outpatients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121:809-811, 1965. PraTT, J. P., BisHop, M. P., and GALLANT, D. M.: Trifluperiodol and haloperidol in the treatment of acute schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychi- atry, 121:592-594, 1964. PraTT, J. P., BisHop, M. P., and GALLANT, D. M.: Comparison of haloperidol, trifluperidol, and chlorpromazine in acute schizophrenic patients. Current Therapeutic Research, 6:562-571, 1964. MH-3707 (R03) PETERSON, MARGARET J.: Rele- vant and irrelevant stimuli in concept formation. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1959-60) 438 PETERSON, MARGARET JEAN: Some effects of the percentage of relevant cues and presentation meth- ods on concept identification. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 64:623-627, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5209). PETERSON, M. ].: Effects of knowledge of results on a verbal mediating response. Journal of Ex- perimental Psychology, 66:394-398, 1963. MH-3708 (R01) ADEY, W. ROss, ACKERMAN, MAaRrsHALL, and Kapo, RAYMOND T.: Impedance measurements in the brain. University of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. (1960- ) Apey, W. R.: Computers at the frontiers of bio- medical research. American Federation of Infor- mation Processing Societies, 24:603-607, 1963. Apey, W. R.: Computer analysis of hippocampal EEG activity and impedance in approach learning: Effects of psychotomimetic and hallucinogenic drugs. In: Second International Pharmacological Congress, Prague, 1963. Apey, W. R.: Data acquisition and analysis tech- niques in a brain research institute. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 115:844-866, 1964. Apey, W. R.: Electrophysiological patterns and cere- bral impedance characteristics in orienting and discriminative behavior. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Physiological Sci- ence, Tokyo, Sept. 1965, p. 324-339. (Excerpta Medica International Congress Series No. 87) Apgy, W. R., and Kapo, R. T.: Changes in im- pedance in hippocampal structures during discrimi- native performance in cat. Federation Proceed- ings, 21:359, 1962. Apey, W. R., Kapo, R. T., Diplo, J., and SCHIND- LER, W. ]J.: Impedance changes in cerebral tissue accompanying a learned discriminative perform- ance in the cat. Experimental Neurology, 7:259- 281, 1963. Apey, W. R., Kapo, R. T., and WALTER, D. O.: Impedance characteristics of cortical and subcorti- cal structures: Evaluation of regional specificity in hypercapnea and hypothermia. Experimental Neu- rology, 11(2):190-216, 1965. Apey, W. R., WALTER, D. O., and Kapo, R. T.: Examination of integrative processes in cerebral systems by computer analysis of electroencephalo- graphic and impedance records. (Abstract) In: 22nd International Physiological Congress, Ley- den, September 1962. New York, Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1962, p. 612. PORTER, R., ADEY, W. R., and Kapo, R. T.: Meas- urement of electrical impedance in the human brain: Some preliminary observations. Neurology, 14(11) 11002-1012, 1964. MH-3710 (R03) BARRETT-LENNARD, GODFREY T.: Significant dimensions of a therapeutic relation- ship. Auburn University, Auburn, Ala. (1959- 60) BARRETT-LENNARD, G. T.: Dimensions of therapist response as causal factors in therapeutic change. Psychological Monographs, 76(43), 1962. (Whole No. 562) MH-3722 (R03) PURCELL, KENNETH: A method to assess parent influence on child behavior. Jew- ish National Home for Asthmatic Children, Den- ver, Colo. (1960-60) PURCELL, K.: A method to assess aspects of parent- child relationships. Child Development, 33:537- 553, 1962. MH-3729 (R01) Dozier, MARIANNE F.: Kalinga child rearing practices. Individual, Stanford, Calif. (1959-60) Dozier, MARIANNE FINK: North Kalinga personal- ity configurations and child-rearing patterns. In: VIe Congres International des Sciences Anthropo- logiques et Ethnologiques. Tome II, (1¢r volume). Musee de L'Homme. Paris, 1960. MH-3730 (R03) MEYERSON, LEE: Exploration of personal documents in somatopsychology. Indi- vidual, Houston, Texas. (1960-60) CoHN, NaNcy: Understanding the process of ad- justment to disability. Journal of Rehabilitation, 27(6):16-18, 1961. MH-3732 (R01) PriBRAM, KARL H.: Neural regu- lation of behavior. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1959- ) (Continued from MH-545). BaGsHAwW, MURIEL H., KiMBLE, DANIEL P., and PriBRAM, KARL H.: The GSR of monkeys during orienting and habituation and after ablation of the amygdala, hippocampus and inferotemporal cortex. Neuropsychologia, 3:111-119, 1965. BacsHAwW, MURIEL H., and PriBRAM, KARL H.: Effect of amygdalectomy on transfer of training in monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 59(1):118-121, 1965. GRUENINGER, W. E., KiMBLE, DANIEL P., GRUEN- INGER, J., and LEVINE S.: GSR and corticosteroid response in monkeys with frontal ablations. Nex- ropsychologia, 3:205-216, 1965. Hearst, E., and PriBraM, K. H.: Appetitive and aversive generalization gradients in amygdalec- tomized monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58(2):296-298, 1964. HEeArsT, ELIOT, and PriBRAM, KARL H.: Facilitation of avoidance behavior by unavoidable shocks in normal and amygdalectomized monkeys. Psycho- logical Reports, 14:39-42, 1964. 439 KiMBLE, D. P., and PriBRAM, K. H.: Hippocam- pectomy and behavior sequences. Science, 139: 824-825, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-545). KRAFT, MARCIA, OBRIST, W. D., and PRIBRAM, K. H.: The effect of irritative lesions of the stri- ate cortex on learning of visual discrimination in monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 53:17-22, 1960. (Also ac- knowledges MH-545). MILLER, G. A., GALANTER, E., and PriBrRAM, K. H.: Plans and the structure of behavior. New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-545). PoprPEN, R. L., PriBRAM, K. H., and ROBINSON, R. S.: Effects of frontal lobotomy in man on the performance of a multiple choice task. Experi- mental Neurology, 11(2):217-229, 1965. PriBRAM, K. H.: On the neurology of thinking. Behavioral Science, 4:265-287, 1959. (Also ac- knowledges MH-545). PriBrRAM, K. H.: Neuropsychology in America. In: The Voice of America Forum Lectures, Behavioral Science Series 9. Washington, D.C., U.S. Infor- mation Agency, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH- 545). PriBRAM, K. H.: A review of theory in physiologi- cal psychology. In: Annual review of psychology. Vol. II. Palo Alto, Calif., Annual Reviews, 1960, p. 1-40. (Also acknowledges MH-545). PriBrRAM, K. H.: The intrinsic systems of the fore- brain: An alternative to the concept of cortical association areas. In: Handbook of physiology, neuropsychology. Vol. 2. Washington, D.C, American Physiological Society, 1960, p. 1323- 1344. (Also acknowledges MH-545). PriBraM, K. H.: A further experimental analysis of the behavioral deficit that follows injury to the primate frontal cortex. Experimental. Neurology, 3:432-466, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-545). PriBrRAM, K. H.: Limbic system. In: Sheer, D. E,, ed. Electrical stimulation of the brain. Austin, University of Houston Press, 1961, p. 311-320. PriBraM, K. H.: Implications for systematic studies of behavior. In: Sheer, D. E., ed. Electrical stimulation of the brain. Austin, University of Houston Press, 1961, p. 563-574. PriBrAM, K. H.: Regional physiology of CNS: The search for the engram—decade of decision. In: Spiegel, E., ed. Progress in neurology and psy- chiatry. Vol. 16. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 45-57. (Also acknowledges MH-545). PriBraM, K. H.: The neuropsychology of Sigmund Freud. In: Bachrach, A. J., ed. Experimental foundations of clinical psychology. New York, Basic Books, 1962, p. 442-468. PriBraM, K. H.: Interrelations of psychology and the neurological disciplines. In: Koch, S., ed. Psychology: A study of a science. Vol. 4. Bio- logically oriented fields: Their place in psychology and in biological science. New York, McGraw- Hill, 1962, p. 119-157. PriBraM, K. H.: The new neurology: Memory, novelty, thought and choice. In: Glaser, G. H,, ed. Electroencephalography and behavior. New York, Basic Books, 1963, p. 149-173. PriBraM, K. H.: A neuropsychological model: Some observations on the structure of psychologi- cal process¢s. In: Knapp, P. H,, ed. Expression of the emotions in man. New York, International Universities Press, 1963, p. 209-229. PriBrAM, K. H.: Reinforcement revisited: A struc- tural view. In: Jones, M., ed. Nebraska sym- posium on motivation. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1963, p. 113-159. PriBraM, KARL H.: Neurological notes on the art of education. Sixty-third Yearbook of the Na- tional Society for the Study of Education. Part I. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1964, p. 78- 110. PriBrRAM, K. H., AHUMADA, A., HARTOG, ]., and Roos, L.: A progress report on the neurological processes disturbed by frontal lesions in primates. In: Warren, J. M., and Akert, K., eds. The frontal granular cortex and behavior. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964, p. 28-55. PriBRAM, K. H., GARDNER, K. W., PRESSMAN, G. L., and BAGSHAW, MURIEL: An automated discrimination apparatus for discrete trial analysis (DADTA). Psychological Reports, 11:247-250, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-545). PriBRAM, K. H., GARDNER, K. W., PRESSMAN, G. L,, and BAGSHAW, MURIEL: Automated analy- sis of multiple choice behavior. Journal of Ex- perimental Animal Behavior, 6:123-124, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-545). PriBRAM, K. H., WiLsoN, W. A. and CONNORS, JANE: Effects of lesions of the medial forebrain on alternation behavior of rhesus monkeys. Ex- perimental Neurology, 6:36-47, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-545). SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S., and PriBRAM, K. H.: The effects of amygdalectomy in monkeys on transpo- sition along a brightness continuum. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53: 396-399, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-545). SHERER, GEORGIA, and PriBRAM, K. H.: Serial frozen section of whole brain. Psychological Re- ports, 11:209-210, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-545). SPINELLI, D. N.: Visual receptive fields in the cat's retina: Complications. Science, 152(3730):1768- 1769, 1966. 440 SPINELLI, D. N., and PriBRAM, KARL H.: Changes in visual recovery functions produced by temporal lobe stimulation in monkeys. Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 20(1), 44- 49, 1966. SPINELLI, D. N., PriBRAM, KARL H., and WEIN- GARTEN, MOREY: Centrifugal optic nerve re- sponses evoked by auditory and somatic stimula- tion. Experimental Neurology, 12(3):303-319, 1965. SPINELLI, D. N., PriBraAM, KARL H., and WEIN- GARTEN, MOREY: Visual receptive field modifica- tion induced by non-visual stimuli. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 25(2):574, 1966. Stamm, J. S., and PriBraM, K. H.: Effects of epi- leptogenic lesions in frontal cortex on learning and retention in monkeys. Journal of Neuro- physiology, 23:552-563, 1960. (Also acknowl- edges MH-545). WILSON, MARTHA, STAMM, J. S., and PRIBRAM, K. H.: Deficits in roughness discrimination after posterior parietal lesions in monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53: 535-539, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-545). MH-3740 (R03) Young, Frank W.: Cross-cul- tural test of two socialization hypotheses. San Diego State College, San Diego, Calif. (1960- 60) YouNG, FRANK W.: The function of male initia- tion ceremonies: A cross-cultural test of an alter- native hypothesis. American Journal of Sociology, 67(4):379-396, 1962. MH-3741 (R03) UHLENHUTH, EBERHARD, H., and PARK, LEg C.: The relief of depression with imipramine and placebo. Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, Baltimore, Md. (1959-60) Park, LE C., and LiPMAN, RONALD S.: A com- parison of patient dosage deviation reports with pill counts. Psychopharmacologica, 6:299-302, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4732). UHLENHUTH, E. H., and PARK, LEE C.: The influ- ence of medication (Imipramine) and doctor in relieving depressed psychoneurotic outpatients. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2:101-122, 1964. MH-3744 (R01) SaMORAJsKI, THADDEUS: Func- tional cytology—hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. (1960- 60) (Continued as MH-4471). SamoORrAJsKI, T., and McCroup, JERRY: Alkaline phosphomonoesterase and blood brain permeabil- ity. Laboratory Investigation, 10:492-501, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-4471). Samora jski, T., and Marks, B. H.: Localization of tritiated norepinephrine in mouse brain. Jour- nal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 10:392- 399, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4471). MH-3750 (R03) ZaMANsKy, HarorLp S., and ScHARF, BERTRAM: The influence of hypnosis upon the visual threshold. Northeastern Univer- sity, Boston, Mass. (1959-60) ScHARF, B., and ZAmANskYy, H. S.: Reduction of the word-recognition threshold under hypnosis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:499-510, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4530). MH-3756 (R17) FUSTER, JOAQUIN M.: Neuronal activity in the limbic system and emotion. Uni- versity of California Medical Center, Los An- geles, Calif. (1960-65) FusTER, J. M., and CREUTZFELDT, O.: Intracellu- lare Ableitungen von Neuronen des visuellen Cortex und des Corpus geniculatum laterale beim Kaninchen. Pflugers Arch. ges. Physiol., 278(1): 67-68, 1963. FUSTER, JOAQUIN M., CREUTZFELDT, OTTO D., and STRASCHILL, MAX: Intracellular recording of neu- ronal activity in the visual system. Zeitschrift fur verglechende Physiologie (Germany), 49:605- 622, 1965. FUSTER, J. M., HERZ, A., and CREUTZFELDT, O. D.: Interval analysis of cell discharge in spontaneous and optically modulated activity in the visual sys- tem. Archives Italiennes de Biologie (Germany), 103:159-177, 1965. Fuster, J. M., and UYEDA, A. A.: Facilitation of tachistoscopic performance by stimulation of mid- brain tegmental points in the monkey. Experi- mental Neurology, 6:384-406, 1962. Herz, VON A., CREUTZFELDT, O., and FUSTER, J.: Statistische eigenschaften der neuronaktivitat im ascendierenden visuellen system. Sonderdruck aus, “Kybernetik” (Germany), 2. Band. 2. Heft, Juni 1964, S. 61-71. Herz, A., and FUSTER, J. M.: Uber das entladungs- muster von neuronen des optischen cortex und dessen veranderungen durch barbiturate und am- phetamin. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg Archives, 246: 25, 1963. Herz, A., and FUSTER, ].: Uber die Wirkung von Barbituraten und Amphetamin auf die Entladungs- tatigkeit corticaler Neurone. Naunyn-Schmiede- berg’s Archiv Fur Experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie (Germany), 249:146-161, 1964. RENoso, F., and FUSTER, J. M.: Respuestas repe- titivas en vias visuales tras lesiones en formacion reticular subtalamica y mesencefalica. Anales de Anatomia, 12:1-22, 1963. ScHEIBEL, M. E., and ScHEIBEL, A. B.: Relation of reticular axon collateralization to widened intra- 441 cellular axon spikes. (Abstract) Anatomical Rec- ord, 142(2):325, 1962. ScHEIBEL, M. E., and ScHEIBEL, A. B.: Structure- functional correlates of development in cerebellum and reticular core of newborn cats. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 142(2):325-326, 1962. Uvepa, A. A., and FUSTER, J. M.: The effects of amphetamine on tachistoscopic performance in the monkey. Psychopharmacologia, 3:463-467, 1962. MH-3763 (R03) CoATE, WILLIAM B.: Discrimina- tion and drive-generalization interaction. Welles- ley College, Wellesley, Mass. (1960-60) Coatg, W. B.: Effect of deprivation on postdis- crimination stimulus generalization in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 57:134-138, 1964. MH-3768 (R03) WHITTINGTON, HORACE G.: Fol- low-up of college psychiatric clinic patients. Uni- versity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1960-60) WHITTINGTON, H. G.: Psychiatry on the college campus. New York, International Universities Press, 1963, 328 p. MH-3771 (R03) FiscHER, GLORIA ].: Follow-up of released mental patients. University of Okla- homa, Norman, Okla. (1960-60) FiscHER, GLORIA ].: Socio-economic factors and out- come of released mental patients: influence of type of placement, occupational adjustment, compensa- tion and type of hospital. Journal of Health, and Human Behavior, 6:105-110, 1965. MH-3772 (R03) ErvIN, SusaN M.: The determi- nants of word associations. University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. (1960-61) ErvVIN, SusaN M.: Correlates of associative fre- quency. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1:422-431, 1963. MH-3773 (R03) MCALLISTER, ROBERT J., and VANDERVELDT, ALBERT: Factors in mental ill- ness among hospitalized clergy. Seton Psychiatric Institute, Baltimore, Md. (1960-60) MCALLISTER, ROBERT J., and VANDERVELDT, AL- BERT: Factors in mental illness among hospitalized clergy. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 132(1):80-88, 1961. MCALLISTER, R. J., and VANDERVELDT, A. J. Psychiatric illness in hospitalized Catholic religious. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121(9):881-884, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-5909). VANDERVELDT, A. J., and MCALLISTER, R. J.: Psychiatric illness in hospitalized clergy: Alco- holism. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 23(1):124-130, 1962. MH-3774 (R03) LANA, RoBErT E.: Familiarity and order of presentation in persuasion. Ameri- can University, Washington, D.C. (1960-60) LANA, R. E.: Familiarity and the order of presenta- tion of persuasive communications. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62:573-577, 1960. Also in: Vinacke, W. E., Wilson, W. R., and Meredith, G. M., eds. Dimensions of social psychology. Chicago, Scott, Foresman, & Co., 1964. MH-3775 (R01) GARNER, Harry H., SAccHi, Urrico, and ToMaN, James E. P.: Psychic and motor effects of drugs injected into CSF. Chicago Medical School, Chicago, Ill. (1960- ) BoGpANOVE, L. H., and JacoBy, M. S.: Behavioral and electroencephalographic responses of unanes- thetized, unrestrained cats to metacholine injected into the lateral cerebral ventricles and/or atropine sulfate injected intraperitoneally. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 23:560, 1964. BoGpaNove, L. H., Levin, J. J., and Sicg, J.: Cerebral effects of aliphatic esters. Pharmacolo- gist, 4:177, 1962. BoGpANOVE, L. H., and Nir, I.: Effect of intracere- bral injection of catecholamines and DOPA on EEG of cat cortex, limbic system and midthalamus. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 7(2):174, 1965. BoGpaNove, L. H., and SHERwoOD, S. L.: Behav- ioral response of unanesthetized cats to chelating agents injected into the lateral cerebral ventricles. Federation Proceedings, 21:420, 1962. Nir, I., and BoGpaNove, L. H.: Behavioral and electroencephalographic responses of unanesthet- ized, unrestrained cats to isomers of epinephrine, norepinephrine and metanephrine injected into the lateral cerebral ventricles. (Abstract) Pharmacol- ogist, 5:242, 1963. ToMmAN, James E. P.: Neurotropic drugs. In: Elliott, Page, & Quastel, J. H., eds. Nexrochem- istry. Springfield, Ill., Thomas, 1962, p. 728-765. (Also acknowledges MH-1422 and MH-4545). MH-3791 (R03) PEAcock, LELON J.: Measure- ment of general activity by ultrasonic means. Uni- versity of Georgia, Athens, Ga. (1960-60) Peacock, L. J., and WILLIAMS, MARSHALL: An ultrasonic device for recording activity. American Journal of Psychology, 75:648-652, 1962. MH-3793 (R01) STEWART, DANIEL K.: Laws of logic involved in communication. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. (1960-62) STEWART, DANIEL K.: Communication and logic: II. An explanation sketch of meaning. Psycho- logical Reports, 13:591-597, 1963. 442 StewART, DANIEL K.: Communication and logic: III. Evidence for showing that communication is a function of validity patterns. Journal of Gen- eral Psychology, 73(1):67-72, 1965. STEWART, DANIEL K.: Communication and logic: IV. Evidence for showing the effect of abstract thoughts on communication. Journal of Psychol- 0gy, 57:89-93, 1964. STEWART, DANIEL K.: Communication and logic: V. Evidence for showing the effect of compound thoughts on communication. Journal of General Psychology, 74:77-80, 1966. StewArT, D. K.: Communication and logic: VI. Evidence for showing the influence of negative thoughts on communication. Journal of Psychol- 0gy, 58:79-83, 1964. MH-3797 (R01) GraHAM, THoMAs M., and ErsHOFF, BENJAMIN, H.: Effects of gamma radi- ation on behavior and learning. Institute for Biological Research, Culver City, Calif. (1960- 62) ErsHOFF, B. H,, and GAL, E. M.: Effects of radia- tion on tissue serontin levels in the rat. Proceed- ings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 108:160-162, 1961. ErsHOFF, B. H., HELLMERS, R., and WELLS, A. F.: Effects of a radioprotective agent on tissue serontin levels in the X-irradiated rat. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 110:536-538, 1962. GILBERT, DUNHAM H., and GRAHAM, THOMAS M.: Prolonged gamma irradiation as related to learning and motivation in the rat. Radiation Research, 21:120-128, 1964. GRAHAM, THoMAs M., GILBERT, DUNHAM H., GoLD, NORMAN, and CALLAHAN, LAWRENCE G.: The effect of continuous gamma irradiation on bat- pressing in old rats. Radiation Research, 17:787- 791, 1962. MH-3801 (R03) LiTTMAN, RICHARD A.: Studies in social behavior, escape and avoidance. Univer- sity of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. (1960-61) BARON, A., and LITTMAN, RICHARD A.: Studies of individual and paired interactional problem solv- ing behavior of rats. Genetic Psychology Mono- graphs, 64:129-209, 1961. BROOKSHIRE, K., LirtMAN, R. A., and STEWART, C.: The interactive effects of promazine and post- weanling stress upon adult avoidance behavior. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:52- 58, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1695). MH-3803 (RO1) MYERS, JEROME L.: Parameters affecting risk-taking behavior. University of Mas- sachusetts, Amherst, Mass. (1960- ) CAMERON, BERNARD, and MYERS, JEROME L.: Some personality correlates of risk taking. Journal of General Psychology, 74:51-60, 1966. CRAIG, G., and MYERS, J. L.: A developmental study of sequential two-choice decision making. Child Development, 34:483-493, 1963. GAMBINO, BLASE, and MYERS, JEROME L.: The ef- fect of mean and variability of event run length on two-choice learning. (Technical Report No. 20). Amherst, Mass., Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 1965, 12 p. (Processed). GAMBINO, BLASE, SUYDAM, MARY M., and MYERS, JEROME L.: The purchase and use of informative cues in a two-choice situation. Amherst, Mass., Univ. of Mass., 1964, p. 1-15. (Technical Re- port No. 14). JonEs, MARI R., and MYERS, JEROME L.: A compari- son of two methods of event randomization in probability learning. (Technical Report No. 19). Amherst, Mass., Univ. of Massachusetts, 1965, 13 p. (Processed). Katz, LEONARD: Monetary incentive and range of payoffs as determiners of risk taking. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64:541-544, 1962. Katz, L.: Effects of differential monetary gain and loss on sequential two-choice behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68(3):245-249, 1964. LipkIN, S. G., SCHNORR, J. A., Suypam, M. M,, and MYERs, |. L.: Effects of risk as a within-sub- ject variable in probability learning. Psychonomic Science, 2(6) :145-146, 1964. Myers, J. L., and ATKINSON, R. C.: Choice be- havior and reward structure. Journal of Mathe- matical Psychology, 1:1-34, 1964. Myers, J. L., and Fort, J. G.: Sequential analysis of gambling behavior. Journal of General Psy- chology, 69:299-309, 1963. Myers, J. L., Fort, J. G., Katz, L., and Suypam, M.: Differential monetary gains and losses and event probabilities in a two-choice situation. Jour- nal of Experimental Psychology, 66:521-522, 1963. Myers, J. L., and Katz, LEONARD: Range of pay- offs and feedback in risk taking. Psychological Reports, 10:483-486, 1962. Myers, J. L., and SuypaMm, M.: Gain, cost, and event probability as determiners of choice be- havior. Psychonomic Science, 1:39-40, 1964. MYERS, JEROME L., SUYDAM, MARY M., and GAM- BINO, BLASE: Contingent gains and losses in a risk-taking situation. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2(2) :363-370, 1965. SCHNORR, JOHN A., LIPKIN, STANLEY G., and MyERs, JEROME L.: Incentive contrast in proba- 443 bility learning. Studies in choice behavior. Am- herst, Mass., Univ. of Mass., 1965, 11 p. (Tech- nical Report No. 18). (Processed). SLoviN, THEODORE: The effects of event probability and instructions on choice of event and amount bet in a two-choice situation. Studies in choice behavior. Amherst, Mass., University of Massa- chusetts, 1965, 48 p. (Technical Report No. 22). SLovVIN, THEODORE, SCHUMER, HARRY, and MYERS, JeroME L.: Effects of success and instructions on verbalized expectancies and amount bet in a two- choice situation. Psychological Reports, 15:387- 394, 1964. SuypaM, M. M..: Effects of cost and gain ratios, and probability of outcome ‘on ratings of alternative choices. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2 (1):171-179, 1965. SuypaM, M., and MYERs, J. L.: Some parameters of risk-taking behavior. Psychological Reports, 10: 559-562, 1962. MH-3804 (RO1) L’ABaTE, Luciano: Effects of anxiety on verbal and perceptual learning. Wash- ington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1960-62) L’ABATE, L.: MMPI scatter as a single index of maladjustment. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 18(2):142-143, 1962. L’ABATE, Luciano: The relationship between WAIS-derived indices of maladjustment and MMPI in deviant groups. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26(5) :441-445, 1962. MH-3811 (R01) TryoN, ROBERT C.: Cluster anal- ysis programs in psychosocial studies. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1960-63) TryoN, ROBERT C., and BAILEY, DANIEL E.: The BC try computer system of cluster and factor analy- sis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1(1):95- 111, 1966. TryoN, R. C., and Staff of Project CAP: Users’ manual of the BC TRY system: The IBM 704 programs. Berkeley, Calif., Project CAP, Univer- sity of California, 1961, 36 p. (Processed). TryoN, R. C., and Staff of Project CAP: Users’ manual of the BC TRY system: The first opera- tional 7090 programs. Berkeley, Calif., Project CAP, University of California, 1963, 136 bp. (Processed). MH-3813 (R01) ErviN, SusaN M.: Development of grammar in child language. University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. (1960-64) ERVIN, SusaN M., and MILLER, Wick R.: Lan- guage development. In: Stevenson, H. W., ed. Yearbook, National Society for the Study of Edu- cation. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1963, p. 108-143. MILLER, Wick, and ErvIN, Susan: The develop- ment of grammar in child language. In: The ac- quisition of language. Society for Research in Child Development. (Monograph), 29(1):9-34, 1964. MH-3821 (R01) NaroLL, RaouL S.: A cross-cul- tural study of culture stress causes. San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, Calif. (1960- 63) NAROLL, FrRADA, and NAROLL, RaouUL: On bias of exotic data. Man, 25:24-26, 1963. NaroLL, RaouL: Two solutions to Galton’s prob- lem. Philosophy of Science, 28:15-39, 1961. NaroLL, RaouL: Floor area and settlement popu- lation. American Antiquity, 27:587-589, 1962. NAroLL, RaouL: A fifth solution to Galton’s prob- lem. American Anthropologist, 66:863-867, 1964. NAROLL, RAOUL: On ethnic unit classification. Cur- rent Anthropology, 5:283-291, 1964. NaroLL, Raoul, and D’ANDRADE, Roy G.: Two further solutions to Galton’s problem. American Anthropologist, 65:1053-1062, 1963. NaroLL, Raour, and NArRoLL, FraDA: Social de- velopment of a Tyrolean village. Anthropological Quarterly, 35:103-119, 1962. MH-3826 (R01) HEUSLER, ANTON F., and ULETT, GEORGE: Effects of different tranquilizers on group behavior. St. Louis State Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. (Continued as MH-7071). (1960-62) ULert, G. A., HEUSLER, A. P., IvEs-Worp, V., Worp, T., and Quick, R.: Influence of chlordia- zeposide on drug-altered EEG patterns and behav- ior. Medicina Experimentalis, 5:386-390, 1961. ULETT, GEORGE, HEUSLER, A. F., Worp, V., and Worp, T.: Mechanical and electronic techniques in the measurement of psychopharmacologic re- sponse. In: Nodine, John H., and Moyer, John H., eds. The First Hahnemann Symposium on Psychosomatic Medicine. Philadelphia, Pa., Lea & Febiger, 1962, p. 384-390. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2823). MH-3830 (R01) ORBACH, JAcK: Role of limbic structures in learning and emotions. Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, IIL (1960- ) HeatH, H. A., EHrLICH, D., and ORBACH, ]J.: Reversibility of the Necker cube: Effects of vari- ous activating conditions. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:539-546, 1963. HEeaTH, H. A., and ORBACK, J.: Reversibility of the Necker cube: IV. Responses of elderly people. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:625-626, 1963. 444 KLING, A., and ORBACH, J.: Plasma 17-hydroxycor- ticosteroid levels in the stump-tailed monkey and two other macaques. Psychological Reports, 13: 863-865, 1963. KLING, A., and ORrBACH, J.: The stump-tailed ma- caque: A promising laboratory primate. Science, 139:45-46, 1963. OLsoN, RONALD, and ORBACH, J.: Reversibility of the necker cube: VIII. Parts of the figure con- tributing to the perception of reversals. Percep- tual and Motor Skills, 22(2) :623-629, 1966. ORBACH, J.: Spontaneous ejaculation in rat. Science, 134:1072-1073, 1961. ORBACH, J.: Proprioceptive and positional cues in solving" delayed-response problems. Science, 135: 667-668, 1962. ORBACH, J., EHRLICH, D., and HEATH, HELEN A.: Reversibility of the Necker cube: I. An examina- tion of the concept of ‘satiation of orientation.” Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:439-458, 1963. ORrBACH, J., EHRLICH, D., and VAINSTEIN, ELLA: Reversibility of the Necker cube: III. Effects of interpolation on reversal rate of the cube presented repetitively. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:571- 582, 1963. OrBACH, J., and KLING, A.: The stump-tailed macaque: A docile Asiatic monkey. Animal Be- havior, 12:343-347, 1964. ORrBACH, J., TrauB, ARTHUR C., and OLSON, RONALD: Psychophysical studies of body-image. II. Normative data on the adjustable body-dis- torting mirror. Archives of General Psychiatry, 12(1) :41-47, 1965. ORBACH, J., and ZUCKER, ELLEN: Reversibility of the necker cube: V. Effect of movement of the figure on the perception of reversals. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:945-951, 1964. ORBACH, J., and ZUCKER, E.: Reversibility of the necker cube: VI. Effects interpolating a non- reversing cube. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20 (2) :470-472, 1965. ORBACH, J., ZUCKER, ELLEN, and OLSON, RONALD: Reversibility of the necker cube: VII. Reversal rate as a function of figure-on and figure-off dura- tions. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 22(2):615- 618, 1966. SHUCKMAN, HAROLD: Area and stimulus specificity in the transfer of responses conditioned to intra- cranial stimulation: A replication. Psychological Reports, 18(2) :639-644, 1966. SHUCKMAN, H., FANTL, L., and BAILEY, P.: Lateral hypothalamus and hunger: Responses to a second- ary reinforcer with and without electrical stimula- tion. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 25(2): 207, 1966. TrAUB, A. C., and ORBACH, J.: Psychophysical studies of body-image. I. The adjustable body- distorting mirror. Archives of General Psychiatry, 11:53-66, 1964. MH-3831 (R01) WORDEN, FREDERIC G., and MARsH, JaMEs T.: Auditory electrophysiology and behavior. University of California Medical Cen- ter, Los Angeles, Calif. (1960- ) ABRAHAM, FREDERICK D., and MARsH, JaAMEs T.: Amplitude of evoked potentials as a function of slow presenting rates of repetitive auditory stimu- lation. Experimental Neurology, 14(2):187-198, 1966. MarsH, J. T., WorpeN, F. G., and Hicks, L.: Some effects of room acoustics on evoked auditory potentials. Science, 137(3526) :280-282, 1962. WorpeN, F. G., and MAaRsH, J. T.: Amplitude changes of auditory potentials evoked at cochlear nucleus during acoustic habituation. Electroen- cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15: 866-881, 1963. WORDEN, FREDERIC G., MARSH, JAMES T., ABRA- HAM, FREDERICK D., and WHITTLESEY, JOHN R. B.: Variability of evoked auditory potentials and acoustic input control. Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 17:524-530, 1964. MH-3836 (R03) LawsoN, EpwiN D.: Change in communication nets, morale and efficiency. State University of New York—Albany State College, Albany, N.Y. (1960-61) LawsoN, EpwiN D.: Change in communication nets, performance, and morale. Human Relations, 18 (2):139-147, 1965 MH-3837 (R03) SimPsoN, GEORGE E.: Religious cults in Trinidad, West Indies. Individual, Ober- lin, Ohio. (1960-60) SIMPSON, GEORGE E.: The Shango cult in Nigeria and in Trinidad. American Anthropologist, 64 (6):1204-1219, 1962. SiMpsoN, GEORGE E.: Folk medicine in Trinidad. Journal of American Folklore, 75(298) :326-340, 1962. SiMPsON, GEORGE E.: The acculturative process in Trinidadian Shango. Anthropological Quarterly, 37(1):16-27, 1964. MH-3841 (R03) FosMIRE, FREDERICK R.: Non- pathological character of atypical associations. University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. (1960-60) FosMiIrg, F. R., and TrRYK, H. EDWARD: Word asso- ciation: Common and original response. Science, 139:415-416, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 4978). 445 MH-3842 (R03) PirTMAN, JAMES A., JR.: Reser- pine and thyroid function in psychiatric patients. University of Alabama, Birmingham, Ala. (1960- 60) PITTMAN, J. A.: Diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis Co., 1963, 145 p. PiTTMAN, J. A., Wouters, F. W., Hi, S. R,, Jr, FARMER, T. A., HAMNER, D., and Rosser, H. F.: Effect of reserpine on thyroid function in man. (Abstract) Acta Endocrinologica, 35(Suppl. No. 51):1175, 1960. MH-3843 (R01) BECKER, GORDON M.: Decision- making with conflicting information. Boston Uni- versity, Boston, Mass. (1960-61) (Continued from MH-2348). BECKER, G. M.: Decision making: Objective meas- ures of subjective probability and utility. Psycho- logical Review, 69:136-148, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2348). CoHEN, D., WICKELGREN, W. and BECKER, G.:' Decision making with incongruent information. Santa Barbara, Calif., General Electric Company: TEMPO, 1963, 44 p. (Publication No. SP-234). (Also acknowledges MH-2348). MH-3844 (R03) EMMERICH, WALTER: Perception of family roles. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (1960-60) EMMERICH, WALTER: Variations in the parent role as a function of the parent’s sex and childs sex and age. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 8:3-11, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2853). EMMERICH, WALTER: Family role concepts of chil- dren ages six to ten. Child Development, 32: 609-624, 1961. Also in: Thomas, E. A. S., and Biddle, B. J., eds. Social role: Readings in theory and application. New York, Wiley, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2853). MH-3847 (R01) McQuowN, NORMAN A., and PITT-RIVERS, JULIAN A.: Social and linguistic in- dices of cultural change. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1960-62) BERLIN, BRENT: Esbozo de la fonologia del Tzeltal de tenejapa Chiapas. Estudios de Cultura Maya, 2:17-36, 1962. BERLIN, BRENT: A Tzeltal surname origin myth. Folklore, 73:230-233, 1962. BERLIN, BRENT: A possible paradigmatic structure for Tzeltal pronomials. Anthropological Linguis- tics, 5(2):1-5, 1963. BERLIN, BRENT: Some semantic features of redupli- cation in Tzeltal. International Journal of Ameri- can Linguists, 29(3):211-218, 1963. Diaz DE SALAS, MARCELO: Notas sobre la vision del mundo entre los Tzotziles de Venustiano Carranza, Chiapas. La Palabra y el Hombre, 26:253-267, 1963. HorcHkiss, JoHN C.: Studies of language and cul- ture in highland Chiapas, Mexico. Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society, p. 32-40, 1963. McQuownN, NorMAN A.: Indian and ladino bilin- gualism: Sociocultural contrasts in Chiapas, Mex- ico. Georgetown Monograph Series in Languages and Linguistics, 15:85-106, 1962. MEDINA HERNANDEZ, ANDRES: Caracteristicas del “Subdesarollo” en una communidad indigena de los altos de Chiapas. Tlatoani, 16:17-23, 1962. MEDINA HERNANDEZ, ANDRES: Magia y religion entre los Tzeltales y Tzotziles. Epoca, 1:9-12, 1963. MoNTAGU, ROBERTA, and HUNT, Eva V.: Nombre, autoridad y el sistema de creencias en los altos de Chiapas. Estudios de Cultura Maya, 2:141- 147, 1962. MH-3848 (R01) HamMmonD, KENNETH R., and Toop, FREDERICK, J.: Cognitive centrality and person perception. ~~ University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (1960-63) Topp, F. J., and RAPPOPORT, L.: A cognitive struc- ture approach to person perception: A comparison of two models. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:469-478, 1964. MH-3849 (R01) Bower, GORDAN H.: The learn- ing of observing responses. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1960-63) Bower, G. H.: Properties of the one-element model as applied to paired-associate learning. Stanford, Calif., Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences, Psychology series, Stanford Uni- versity, 1960, 34 p. (Technical Report No. 31) Bower, G. H.: Application of the all-or-none con- ditioning model to the learning of compound re- sponses. Stanford, Calif., Institute for Mathe- matical Studies in the Social Sciences, Psychology series, Stanford University, 1961, 37 p. (Techni- cal Report No. 37) Bower, G. H.: General three-state Markov learning models. Stanford, Calif., Institute for Mathe- matical Studies in the Social Sciences, Psychology series, Stanford University, 1961, 16 p. (Techni- cal Report No. 41) Bower, G. H.: A contrast effect in differential con- ditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(2):196-199, 1961. Bower, G. H.: Application of a model to paired- associate learning. Psychometrika, 26(3):255- 280, 1961. 446 Bower, G. H.: The influence of graded reductions in reward and prior frustrating events upon the magnitude of the frustration effect. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55(4): 582-587, 1962. Bower, G. H.: Response strengths and choice proba- bility: A consideration of two combination rules. In: Proceedings of the International Congress for Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1962, p. 400-412. Bower, G. H.: An association model for response and training variables in paired-associate learning. Psychological Review, 69(1):34-53, 1962. Bower, G. H.: Secondary reinforcement and frus- tration. Psychological Reports, 12:359-362, 1963. Bower, G. H., and KAUFMAN, R.: Transfer across drives of the discriminative effect of a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus. Journal of the Experimen- tal Analysis of Behavior, 6:445-448, 1963. Bowker, G. H., and TraBAsso, T.: Reversals prior to solution in concept identification. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66:409-418, 1963. DEwsoN, J. H., III: Avoidance responses to pure tones in the rat. Psychonomic Science, 2(5): 113-114, 1965. THEIOS, J., and Bower, G. H.: A test of -the com- peting response-interference hypothesis of extinc- tion. Psychonomic Science, 1:395-396, 1964. TrABASSO, THOMAS, and BOWER, GORDON: Presolu- tion reversal and dimensional shifts in concept identification. Journal of Experimental Psychol- 0gy, 67:398-399, 1964. TrABAssO, ToM, and BOWER, GORDON: Component learning in the four-category concept problem. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 1(1):143- 169, 1964. WERTHEIM, G. A.: Sequential properties of Sidman- avoidance behavior. (Abstract) Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7(2):170, 1964. MH-3852 (R01) PHARES, E. JERRY: Effects of situ- ational factors on expectancy changes. State Uni- versity of Kansas, Manhattan, Kans. (1960-62) PHARES, E. J.: Expectancy changes under conditions of relative massing and spacing. Psychological Reports, 8:199-206, 1961. PHARES, E. J.: Perceptual threshold decrements as a function of skill and chance expectancies. [our- nal of Psychology, 53:399-407, 1962. PHARES, E. JERRY: Additional effects of massing and spacing on expectancies. Journal of General Psy- chology, 70:215-223, 1964. MH-3853 (R01) KAPLAN, BERNARD, and WERNER, HEINZ: Nature of symbol-formation and its role in cognition. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. (1960-63) KAPLAN, B.: An approach to the problem of sym- bolic representation: Non-verbal and verbal. Jour- nal of Communication, 11(2):52-62, 1961. KapLaN, B.: Radical metaphor, aesthetic and the origin of language. Review of Existential Psy- chology and Psychiatry, 2(1):75-84, 1962. WERNER, H., and KAPLAN, B.: Some experiments in support of an organismic theory of symbol- formation. ~~ Psychol. Beitr., 6(3/4):484-491, 1962. (Kohler Festschrift). WERNER, H., and KAPLAN, B.: Symbol formation: An organismic-developmental approach to lan- guage and the expression of thought. New York, John Wiley, 1963, 530 p. MH-3854 (R01) CALVIN, ALLEN D.: Effects of consistent and inconsistent punishment. Hollins College, Hollins College, Va. (1960-62) LuBORskY, L., and SHEVRIN, M. S.: Artificial in- duction of day residues: An illustration and an examination. Bulletin of the Philadelphia Asso- ciation of Psychoanalysis, 12:149-167, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2257). MH-3855 (R01) Mor1z, HowaRrD: Influence of imprinting on social behavior. Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1960-63) Mortz, H.: The fixed action pattern: Empirical properties and theoretical implications. Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry, 4:69-85, 1962. Movtz, H.: Imprinting: An epigenetic approach. Psychological Review, 70:123-138, 1963. MoLtz, H.: Contemporary instinct theory and the fixed action pattern. Psychological Report, 72: 27-47, 1965. MoLtz, H., and STETTNER, L. J.: The interocular mediation of the following-response after pat- terned-light deprivation. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:626-632, 1962. MH-3857 (R01) Dirtes, James E.: Defensive functions of cognitive closure. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1960- ) Capra, P. C., and DirtEs, J. E.: Birth order as a selective factor among volunteer subjects. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 64:302, 1962. GoLrLoB, HENRY F., and DitTES, JAMES E.: Effects of manipulated self-esteem on persuasibility de- pending on threat and complexity of communica- 447 tion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2(2):195-201, 1965. MH-3859 (R01) HiLGarRD, ERNEST R.: Develop- ment-interactive aspects of hypnosis. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1961- ) As, Arvip, HiLGARD, E. R., and WEITZENHOFFER, A. M.: An attempt at experimental modification of hypnotizability through repeated individualized hypnotic experience. Scandinavian Journal of Psy- chology, 4:81-89, 1963. BENTLER, P. M.: Interpersonal orientation in rela- tion to hypnotic susceptibility. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 27:426-431, 1963. BENTLER, P. M., and HILGARD, E. R.: A compari- son of group and individual induction of hypnosis with self-scoring and observer-scoring. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 11:49-54, 1963. BENTLER, P. M., O'HARA, J. W., and KRASNER, L.: Hypnosis and placebo. Psychological Reports, 12: 153-154, 1963. BENTLER, P. M., and ROBERTS, M. R.: Hypnotic susceptibility assessed in large groups. Interna- tional Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hyp- nosis, 11:93-97, 1963. BoucHER, R. G., and HirLcarDp, E. R.: Volunteer bias in hypnotic experiments. American [Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 5:49-51, 1962. HiLGarp, E. R.: Impulsive versus realistic thinking: An examination of the distinction between pri- mary and secondary processes in thought. Psycho- logical Bulletin, 59:477-488, 1962. HiLcarp, E. R.: Ability to resist suggestions within the hypnotic state: Responsiveness to conflicting communications, Psychological Reports, 12:3-13, 1963. HiLGarD, ERNEST R.: Profiles of hypnotic ability. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 7(2): 136-139, 1964. HiLGARD, ERNEST R.: The motivational relevance of hypnosis. In: Levine, David, ed. Nebraska symposium on motivation. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1964, p. 1-44. HiLGARrD, ERNEST R.: Hypnosis. Annual Review of Psychology, 16:157-180, 1965. Hircarp, E. R., and BENTLER, P. M.: Predicting hypnotizability from the Maudsley Personality In- ventory. British Journal of Psychology, 54:63- 69, 1963. HiLGARD, ERNEST R., and HILGARD, JOSEPHINE R.: Hypnotic susceptibility. New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1965, 434 p. HiLcarp, E. R.,, and LAUER, LILLIAN W.: Lack of correlation between the CPI and hypnotic suscep- tibility. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26: 331-335, 1962. Hircarp, E. R., LAUER, LILLIAN W., and MORGAN, ARLENE H.: Manual for Stanford profile scales of hypnotic susceptibility, Forms I and II. Palo Alto, Calif., Consulting Psychologists Press, 1963, 80 p. HiLGARD, JOSEPHINE R., HiLGArD, E. R., and NEW- MAN, MARTHA F.: Sequelae to hypnotic induction with special reference to earlier chemical anes- thesia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 133:461-478, 1961. LEe-TENG, EVELYN: Trance-susceptibility, induction- susceptibitity, and acquiescence as factors in hyp- notic performance. Journal of Abnormal Psychol- 0gy, 70(5) :383-389, 1965. LieBERT, ROBERT M., RUBIN, NORMA, and HIL- GARD, ERNEST R.: The effects of suggestions of alertness in hypnosis on paired-associate learning. Journal of Personality, 33(4):605-612, 1965. LoNDON, PERRY, CONANT, MICHAEL, and DAVISON, + GERALD C.: More hypnosis in the unhypnotizable: Effects of hypnosis and exhortation on rote learn- ing. Journal of Personality, 34(1):71-79, 1966. MELEL, JANET P., and HILGARD, ERNEST R.: Atti- tudes toward hypnosis, self-predictions, and hyp- notic susceptibility. International Journal of Clini- cal and Experimental Hypnosis, 12(2):99-108, 1964. MoORE, ROSEMARIE K.: Susceptibility to hypnosis and susceptibility to social influence. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:282-294, 1964. Moore, RoseMARIE K., and LAUER, LiLLIAN W.: Hypnotic susceptibility in middle childhood. Ir- ternational Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 11:167-174, 1963. SLorNIck, R. S., LiEBERT, R. M., and HILGARD, E. R.: The enhancement of muscular performance in hypnosis through exhortation and involving instructions. Journal of Personality, 33(1):37- 45, 1965. SLotNIcK, R., and LonNpON, P.: Influence of in- structions on hypnotic and nonhypnotic perform- ance. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 70(1): 38-46, 1965. TROFFER, S. A., and Tart, C. T.: Experimenter bias in hypnetist performance. Science, 145: 1330-1331, 1964. WEITZENHOFFER, A. M.: “Credulity” and “‘skepti- cism” in hypnotic research: A critical examination of Sutcliffe’s thesis and evidence: Part I. Ameri- can Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 6:137-162, 1963. WEITZENHOFFER, A. M.: Explorations in hypnotic time distortion. I. Acquisition of temporal ref- 448 ence frames under conditions of time distortion. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138:354~ 366, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2896). WEITZENHOFFER, A. M., and HiLGARD, E. R.: Stan- ford hypnotic susceptibility scale, Form C. Palo Alto, California, Consulting Psychologists Press, 1962. WEITZENHOFFER, A. M., and Hircarp, E. R.: Stanford profile scales of hypnotic susceptibility, Forms I and II. Palo Alto, Calif., Consulting Psychologists Press, 1963, 46 p. MH-3860 (R01) WIENER, MORTON: Subception or perception of partial cue. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. (1960- ) BuTtTERS, NELSON, WIENER, MORTON, and KELL- NER, HAROLD: Schedules of reinforcement and individual differences in learning and recall. Psy- chological Reports, 17(1):3-9, 1965. CROMER, WARD, and WIENER, MORTON: Idiosyn- cratic response patterns among good and poor readers. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 30 (1):1-10, 1966. KeLLNER, H., Butters, N. and WIENER, M.: Mechanisms of defense: an alternative response. Journal of Personality, 32:601-621, 1964. KEMPLER, B., and WIENER, M.: Personality and perception in the recognition threshold paradigm. Psychological Review, 70:349-356, 1963. KEMPLER, B., and WIENER, M.: Personality-percep- tion: Characteristic responses to available part- cues. Journal of Personality, 32:57-74, 1964. OVERTON, WILLIS, and WIENER, MORTON: Visual field position and word-recognition threshold. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(2):249- 253, 1966. ScHILLER, P., and WIENER, M.: Binocular and stereoscopic viewing of geometric illusions. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 15:739-747, 1962. SCHILLER, P., and WIENER, M.: Monoptic and di- choptic visual masking. [Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66:386-393, 1963. StayTON, SAMUEL E.: Judgmental bias in percep- tion as a function of learned relationships between attributes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19:351- 361, 1964. WIENER, MORTON, NIDORF, LOUIS, JONES, AUSTIN, and KARRAS, ATHAN: Verbal reinforcement com- binations and examiner-subject interaction in the verbal learning of normal and schizophrenic sub- jects. Psychological Reports, 16(3) :Part 1:865- 876, 1965. WoHLWILL, JoAcHIM, F., and WIENER, MORTON: Discrimination of form orientation in young chil- dren. Child Development, 35:1113-1125, 1964. MH-3868 (R10) Kris, ELse B.: Five-year com- munity follow-up of discharged patients. New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, New York, N.Y. (1960-63) Kris, ELSE B.: After-care and rehabilitation of pa- tients returned to the community. In: Proceedings of the Third World Congress of Psychiatry. Mon- treal, University of Toronto Press/McGill Univer- sity Press, 1961, p. 245-249. (Also acknowledges MH-2700). Kris, ELsE B.: Effects of pharmacotherapy on work and learning ability—A five year follow-up study. Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry, 3:30- 34, 1961. Kris, ELSE B.: Five years’ experience with the use of drugs and psychotherapy in a community after- care clinic. American Journal of Public Health, 52(9):9-12, 1962. Kris, ELsE B.: Post-hospital care of patients in the community. Current Therapeutic Research, 4: 200-205, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2700). Kris, ELse B.: Five-year community follow-up of patients discharged from a mental hospital. Cur- rent Therapeutic Research, 5(9):451-462, 1963. MH-3869 (R01) CrRaNEFIELD, PAUL F.: Historical study of problem of mental deficiency. Yeshiva University—Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, N.Y. (1960-64) CRANEFIELD, P. F.: A seventeenth century view of mental deficiency and schizophrenia: Thomas Wil- lis on “Stupidity of foolishness,” Bulletin of His- tory of Medicine, 35:291-316, 1961. CrRANEFIELD, P. F.: The discovery of cretinism. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 36:489-511, 1962. CRANEFIELD; P. F.: L’Origine probable de I'intro- duction du ‘‘cretin” dans la langue Ecrite. Un manuscrit de 1750 par le Comte de Maugiron. Gesnerus, 19:89-92, 1962. CrANEFIELD, P. F.: The conquest of cretinism: A fable. Journal of the Albert Einstein Medical Center, 10:138-140, 1962. CrANEFIELD, P. F.: Little known English versions of the Praxis-and Observationes of Felix Platter. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 17:309-311, 1962. CRANEFIELD, P. F., and FEDERN, WALTER: Para- celsus on goiter and cretinism. A translation and discussion of De Struma Vulgo der Kropf. Bulle- tin of the History of Medicine, 37:463-471, 1963. CRANEFIELD, P. F., and FEDERN, WALTER: A pos- sible source of a passage in The Tempest. Shakes- peare Quarterly, 14:90-92, 1963. 449 MH-3870 (R01) Damas, DavID J.: Role of social structure in psychological stability. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1960-61) Damas, Davin: Igluligmiut kinship and local group- ings: A structural approach. National Museum of Canada, Bulletin No. 196, 1963, 216 p. Damas, Davip: The patterning of the Iglulingmiut kinship system. Ethnology, 3(4):377-388, 1964. Herm, JUNE, and Damas, Davin: The contact- traditional all-native community of the Canadian North: The upper Mackenzie “Bush” Athapaskans and the Igluligmiut. Anthropologica, N.S., 5(1): 1963, 21 p. MH-3874 (R01) FRENCH, JoHN R., Jr.: Job en- vironment and employee health and performance. (1960-61) FrencH, J. R. P, Jr, Kann, RoBerT L., and MANN, Froyp C., eds.: Work, health, and satis- faction. Journal of Social Issues, 18(3), 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3346 and MH-9132). KAHN, R. L., WoLFEg, D. M., QUINN, R. P., SNocK, J. D., and ROSENTHAL, R. A.: Organizational stress: Studies in role conflict and ambiguity. New York, Wiley & Sons, 1964, 470 p. (Also acknowledges MH-3346 and MH-9132). Kast, S. V.,, and FRENCH, J. R. P.: The effects of occupational status on physical and mental health. Journal of Social Issues, 18:67-89, 1962. MH-3876 (R01) MiLLs, THEODORE M.: Effects of authority relations upon group process. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1960- ) MiLLs, THEODORE M.: A sleeper variable in small groups research: The experimenter. Pacific So- ciological Review, 5(1):21-28, 1962. MH-3878 (R10) GEIGER, RuTH S., and ABOOD, Leo G.: Action of neurotropic drugs on mam- malian brain cells. University of Illinois, Chi- cago, Ill. (1961-63) GEIGER, R. S.: Neural physiopathology. In: Gren- ell, R., ed. Progress in neurobiology. New York, Hoeber-Harper, 1962, p. 345-348. GEIGER, R. S., and STONE, W. G.: The presence of cholinesterases in long-term cultures and subcul- tures of adult mammalian brain cells. (Abstract) Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 38(Suppl. 1):67, 1962. GEIGER, R. S., and STONE, W. G.: Demonstration of the presence of cholinesterases in long-term cultures and subcultures of adult mammalian brain cells. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 21: 366, 1962. GEIGER, R. S., and STONE, W. G.: Localization of cholinesterases in adult mammalian brain cell cul- tures. International Journal of Neuropharmacol- 0gy, 1:295-302, 1962. MH-3880 (RO1) LANG, PETER J., and LAZOVIK, A. Davin: Systematic desensitization therapy. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1960- 64) GEER, JAMES H.: Measurement of the conditioned cardiac response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:426-433, 1964. LANG, PETER J.: Behavior therapy with a case of nervous anorexia. In: Ullmann, L. P., and Kras- ner, L., eds. Case studies in behavior modification. Chicago, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1965, 10 page reprint. LANG, P. J., GEER, ]., and HNATIOW, M.: Semantic generalization of conditioned autonomic responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65:552-558, 1963. LANG, P. J., and HNATIOW, M.: Stimulus repetition and the heart rate response. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 55:781-785, 1962. LANG, P. J., and LAzoviK, A. D.: Personality and hypnotic susceptibility. ~~ Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26:317-322, 1962. LANG, P. J., and LAzoviK, A. D.: Experimental de- sensitization of a phobia. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:519-525, 1963. MH-3881 (R01) WEBB, WILSE B.: Antecedent de- terminants of the sleep response. University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. (1961- ) DiLLoN, RicHARD F., and WEBB, WIiLSE B.: Threshold of arousal from “activated” sleep in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 59(3) :446-447, 1965. JoHnsoN, FRANK, and WEBB, WILSE B.: Micro- sleep responses in the rat. Psychonomic Science, 3(11) :499-500, 1965. Levitt, R. A.: Sleep as a conditioned response. Psychonomic Science, 1:273-274, 1964. Levitt, ROBERT A.: Recovery from prolonged bar- biturate sleep in the rat. Psychonomic Science, 4(11):393-394, 1966. Levitt, ROBERT A., and WEBB, WiLSE B.: Effect of infantile treadmill experience on. body-weight and resistance to exhaustion in the rat. Nature, 208(5015) :1128-1129, 1965. SwisHER, JoHN E.: Manifestations of “activated” sleep in the rat. Science, 138(3545):1110, 1962. WEBB, W. B.: Some effects of prolonged sleep deprivation on the hooded rat. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:791- 793, 1962. 450 WEBB, W. B.: Sleep deprivation, age, and exhaus- tion time in the rat. Science, 136(3522):1122, 1962. WEBB, W. B., and ApEs, H.: Sleep tendencies: Ef- fects of barometric pressure. Science, 143:263- 264, 1964. WEBB, W. B., and STONE, W.: A note on the sleep responses of young college adults. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:162, 1963. MH-3882 (R01) ROTHENBUHLER, WALTER C.: Genetic bases of behavior differences. - Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. (1960-62) (Contin- ued as MH-7927). Jones, R. L., and ROTHENBUHLER, W. C.: Behav- iour genetics of nest cleaning in honey bees. II. Responses of two inbred lines to various amounts of cyanide-killed brood. Animal Behaviour, 12: 584-588, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-7927). ROTHENBUHLER, W. C.: Behaviour genetics of nest cleaning in honey bees. I. Responses of four in- bred lines to disease-killed brood. Animal Behav- jour, 12:578-583, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-7927). MH-3885 (R01) GOODENOUGH, DoNALD R.: Studies of dream recall. State University of New York—Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1960- ) GoobpeNoUGH, D. R., IV: Cyclical fluctuations in sleep-depth and eye-movement activity during the course of natural sleep. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 8:406-408, 1963. GoODENOUGH, DonNALD R., Lewis, HELEN B., SHAPIRO, ARTHUR, LEROY, JARET, and SLESER, IRVING: Dream reporting following abrupt and gradual awakenings from different types of sleep. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2 (2):170-179, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH- 5518). GOODENOUGH, DonaLp R., Lewis, HELEN B., SHAPIRO, ARTHUR, and SLESER, IRVING: Some correlates of dream reporting following labora- tory awakenings. Journal of Nervous and Men- tal Disease, 140(5):365-373, 1965. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5518). Lewis, HELEN B., GoopENouGH, DonNALD R., SHAPIRO, ARTHUR, and SLESER, IRVING: Individ- ual differences in dream recall. Journal of Ab- normal Psychology, 71(1):52-59, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-5518). RECHTSCHAFFEN, A. GOODENOUGH, D. R., and SHAPIRO, A.: Patterns of sleep talking. Archives of General Psychiatry, 7:418-426, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4151). SHAPIRO, ARTHUR, GOODENOUGH, DonNALD R., BIEDERMANN, IRVING, and SLESER, IRVING: Dream recall and the physiology of sleep. Journal of Applied Physiology, 19(4):778-783, 1964. SHAPIRO, A., GOODENOUGH, D. R., and GRYLER, R. B.: Dream recall as a function of method of awakening. Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, 25:174-180, 1963. SHAPIRO, ARTHUR, GOODENOUGH, DONALD, LEWIS, HELEN B., and SLESER, IRVING: Gradual arousal from sleep: A determinant of thinking reports. Psychosomatic Medicine, 27(4):342-349, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-5518). MH-3889 (RO1) SarAsoN, IRwIN G.: Test anxi- ety, difficulty, and experimental conditions. Uni- versity of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (1961- 64) Apams, ELSIE B., and SARASON, I. G.: The relation- ship between anxiety in children and their par- ents. Child Development, 34:237-246, 1963. SARASON, I. G., and GANZER, V. J.: Effects of test anxiety and reinforcement history on verbal be- havior. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- 0gy, 67:513-519, 1963. WALTER, D., DENZLER, L. S., and SARASON, I. G.: Anxiety and the intellectual performance of high school students. Child Development, 35:917-926, 1964. WINKEL, GARY H., and SArRAsON, IRWIN G.: Sub- ject, experimenter, and situational variables in re- search on anxiety. Journal of Abnormal and So- cial Psychology, 68:601-608, 1964. MH-3890 (R01) WEILAND, I. HYMAN, and LEGG, DonNaLp R.: Language development in childhood schizophrenia. Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960-62) WEILAND, I. HYMAN, and LEGG, DoNALD R.: For- mal speech characteristics as a diagnostic aid in childhood psychosis. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 34:91-94, 1964. WEILAND, HYMAN, and RuDNIcK, ROBERT: Con- siderations of the development and treatment of autistic childhood psychosis. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 16:549-563, 1961. MH-3897 (R01) TAKEMORI, AKIRA E.: Morphine biotransformation and cellular adaptation. State University of New York—Upstate Medical Cen- ter, Syracuse, N.Y. (1960-63) TAKEMORI, A. E.: Certain enzymic fesponses to mor- phine administration in rats. (Abstract) Phar- macologist, 2:97, 1960. TakeMORI, A. E.: The effect of morphine on the stimulated cortical slices of brain. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20:311, 1961. 451 Takemori, A. E.: Effect of withdrawal and nal- orphine on cerebral cortical slices adapted to mor- phine. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 3:66, 1961. TAkeMORI, A. E.: Cellular adaptation to morphine in rats. Science, 133:1018-1019, 1961. TakeMoORri, A. E.: Studies on morphine-adapted cerebral cortical slices of rats. (Abstract) Fed- eration Proceedings, 21:177, 1962. TAKEMORI, A. E.: Studies on cellular adaptation to morphine and its reversal by nalorphine in cere- bral cortical slices of rats. Journal of Pharma- cology, 135:89-93, 1962. TAKEMORI, A. E.: Cross-cellular adaptation to methadone and meperidine in cerebral cortical slices from morphinized rats. Journal of Phar- macology, 135:252-255, 1962. TAKeMORI, A. E.: The specific adaptation to mor- phine in cerebral cortical slices of rats. (Ab- stract) In: Proceedings of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, 22nd International Con- gress, Leiden, Holland, 1962. TakeMORI, A. E.: Influence of morphine on glu- cose metabolism of cerebral cortex of rats. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 22:249, 1963. TAKEMORI, A. E.: Cellular adaptation to morphine. (Abstract) Medical Bulletin (University of Min- nesota), 25:157, 1963. TAKeMORI, A. E.: The influence of morphine on glucose utilization in cerebral preparations of rats. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental T hera- peutics, 145 (1) 20-26, 1964. TakeMori, A. E., and Growacki, G. A.: Studies on glucuronide synthesis in rats chronically treated with morphine and phenol. Biochemical Phar- macology, 11:867-870, 1962. MH-3898 (R01) GREENBERG, RUVEN, and To- MAN, James E. P.: Histologic correlates of cate- cholamine depletion. University of Illinois, Chi- cago, Ill. (1960-64) GREENBERG, R., and WEGRzYN: Effects of acetyl- choline and calcium ions on the spontaneous re- lease of adrenaline and catecholamine granules. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 23:350, 1964. MH-3903 (R01) Scott, GEORGE T.: Physiological influences of psychoactive drugs. Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. (1960- ) CLARK, RicHARD L., and Scott, GEORGE T.: In- fluence of brain lesions on melanocyte dispersion. (Abstract) Biological Bulletin, 123(2):491-492, 1962. Scott, GEORGE T.: Melanophora dispersing action of ataraxic drugs. (Abstract) Biological Bulletin, 117(2):400, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH- 3408). Scott, GEORGE T.: Suppression of melanocyte dis- persion in the frog by psychic energizers. Na- ture, 193 (4815) :552-554, 1962. Scott, GEORGE T., CLARK, RICHARD L., and Hick- MAN, JAMES C.: Mechanism of chromatophore control in the common sand flounder *“Scophthala- mus aquosus.” (Abstract) Biological Bulletin, 123(2) :486-487, 1962. Scott, G. T., CLARK, R. L., and HickmAN, J. C.: Drugs causing localized lightening and darkening of the common sand dab, Scophthalamus acquo- sus. (Abstract) Biological Bulletin, 123:511, 1962. Scott, GEORGE T., and HickMAN, JAMES C.: Phar- macological studies relating to chemical mediation at the chromato-neural junction in the sand flounder, “Scophthalamus aquosus.” (Abstract) Biological Bulletin, 125(2):391, 1963. Scott, GEORGE T., and NapiNG, LEwis K.: Rela- tive effectiveness of phenothiazine tranquilizing drugs causing release of MSH. Society for Ex- “U'perimental Biology and Medicine, 106:88-90, 1961. MH-3906 (R03) LEVINE, MARVIN: Discrimination learning following stimulus adaptation. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1960-61) LEVINE, MARVIN: Cue neutralization: The effects of random reinforcements upon discrimination learn- ing. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63: 438-443, 1962. MH-3909 (R01) LANZzETTA, JOHN T., and KAN- AREFF, VERA T.: Choice behavior studies in con- flict situations. University of Delaware, Newark, Del. (1960-63) KANAREFF, V. T., and LANZETTA, J. T.: Effective- ness of social reinforcement in isolation and in conjunction with a conflicting task reinforcement. Psychological Reports, 12:883-897, 1963. LANZETTA, J. T., and KANAREFF, V. T.: The effects of congruent and conflicting social and task feed- back on the acquisition of an imitative response. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(4):322- 328, 1961. MH-3911 (R01) SIEGEL, ALBERTA E.: Profession- ally trained women and their children. Pennsyl- vania State University, University Park, Pa. (1960-63) SIEGEL, ALBERTA E., ed.: Research issues related to the effects of maternal employment on children. Pennsylvania, Social Science Research Center, Pennsylvania State University, 1961, 60 p. SIEGEL, ALBERTA E., and Curtis, ELIZABETH A.: Familial correlates of orientation toward future 452 employment among college women. Journal of Educational Psychology, 54:33-37, 1963. SIEGEL, ALBERTA E., and Haas, Miriam B.: The working mother: A review of research. Child Development, 34:513-542, 1963. MH-3912 (RO1) BrownN, JAMES S., and SCHWARZ- WELLER, HARRY K.: Social adjustment and per- sonality stability of migrants. University of Ken- tucky, Lexington, Ky. (1960-64) BrowN, JAMES S., SCHWARZWELLER, HARRY K. and MANGALAM, JosepH J.: Kentucky mountain migration and the stem-family: An American var- iation on a theme by Le Play. Rural Sociology, 28(1) :48-69, 1963. MH-3916 (R01) GRrINGS, WiLLIAM W.: Perceptual factors in emotional conditioning. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1960- ) GRrINGs, W. W.: Classical conditioning. In: Marx, M., ed. Theories in contemporary psychology. New York, Macmillan, 1963. GRINGS, WiLLiAM W., and CARLIN, SIDNEY: In- strumental modification of autonomic behavior. Psychological Record, 16(2):153-159, 1966. GRINGS, W. W., and LockHART, R. A.: Effects of “anxiety-lessening” instructions and differential set development on the extinction of GSR. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66:292-299, 1963. GRINGS, WILLIAM W., and LOCKHART, RUSSELL A.: Problems of magnitude measurement with multi- ple GSRS. Psychological Reports, 17(3):979- 982, 1965. GRINGS, W. W., LOCKHART, R. A., and DAMERON, L. E.: Conditioning autonomic responses of men- tally subnormal individuals. Psychological Mono- graphs, 76(39):1-35, 1962. (Whole No. 558). GRINGS, WILLIAM, UNO, Tapao, and FEIBIGER, Jo- SEPHINE: Component to compound stimulus trans- fer. Psychonomic Science, 3(2):63-64, 1965. GRrINGS, W. W., and ZEINER, A.: Autonomic re- sponses to words modified by sensitizing and con- itioning experiences. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 8(4) :373-378, 1965. LockHART, R. A., and GrINGs, W. W.: Comments on “an analysis of GSR conditioning.” Psycho- logical Review, 70:562-564, 1963. LockarT, R. A., and GrINGs, W. W.: Inter-stimu- lus interval effects on GSR discrimination condi- tioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67: 209-214, 1964. Uno, Tapao, and GRrINGS, WiLLiamM W.: Auto- nomic components of orienting behavior. Psy- chophysiology, 1(4):311-321, 1965. MH-3917 (R01) GutTtMAN, NORMAN: Stimulus generalization and its neural correlates. Duke University, Durham, N.C. (1960- ) BoNEAU, C. ALAN, and HoNiG, WERNER K.: Op- posed generalization gradients based upon condi- tional discrimination training. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 66(1):89-93, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2414). FriEpMAN, H.: Wave-length generalization as a function of spacing of test stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65(4):334-338, 1963. FRIEDMAN, "H.: Taming of the Virginia opossom. Nature, 201(4916):323-324, 1964. FriepmMAN, HERBERT, and GUTTMAN, NORMAN: Further analysis of the various effects of discrimi- nation training on stimulus generalization gradi- ents. In: Mostofsky, David I, ed. Stimulus generalization. Stanford, Calif., Stanford Univer: sity Press, 1965, p. 255-267. GUTTMAN, N.: Laws of behavior and facts of per- ception. In: Koch, S., ed. Psychology: A study of a science. Vol. 5. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 114-178. (Also acknowledges MH-631 and MH-1002). GuTTMAN, NORMAN: Effects of discrimination for- mation on generalization measured from a posi- tive-rate baseline. In: Mostofsky, David I., ed. Stimulus generalization. Stanford, Calif., Stan- ford University Press, 1965, p. 210-217. Honig, W. K., BoNEau, C. A., BURSTEIN, M. R,, and PENNYPACKER, H. S.: Positive and negative generalization gradients obtained after equivalent training conditions. Journal of Comparative and Physiological ~ Psychology, 56:111-116, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2414). MH-3921 (R01) LAMY, MAURICE, and FREZAL, JEAN: Etiologic studies on mental deficiencies. University of Paris—Clinique de Genetique Medi- cale, Paris, France. (1960-64) DruEz, G., Lamy, M., FREzAL, ]., POLONOVSKI, J., and REY, J.: L’acanthocytose. Ses rapports avec I'absence congenitale de beta-lipoproteines. Presse Medicale (France), 69:1546-1548, 1961. FrezaL, J., REY, ]., PoLoNOvVsKk], J., LEVY, G., and Lamy, M.: Labsence congénitale de béta-lipo- protéines. Etude de I'absorption des graisses aprés exsanguino transfusion, mesure de la demi- vie des béta-lipoprotéins injectées. Revue Fran- ¢aise d'Etudes Cliniques et Biologiques, 6:677- 683, 1961. GENNES, J. L. DE, GROUCHY, J. DE, and Lamy, M.: Dysgénésie gonadique et malformations de type turnérien chez un individu phénotypiquement et phénotypiquement et chromosomiquement mascu- in. Semaine des Hopitaux de Paris, 39:794-799, 1963. 453 GROUCHY, ]. DE, Josso, N., GENNES, J. L. DE, HENNEQUET, F., RiBIER, ]., FrEzAL, ]., and Lamy, M.: Mosaiques interessant le chromosome X dans le syndrome de Turner. La Semaine des Hoépitanx, 39:769-774, 1963. GROUCHY, J. DE, Josso, N., LAMY, M., FrEzAL, J, NezeLor, C., and FEINTUCH, G.: Syndrome de Klinefelter chez un nourrisson hypospade. Caryo- type a 46 chromosomes. Semaines des Hopitaux de Paris, 39:785-789, 1963. GROUCHY, J. DE, LAMY, M., AICARDI, J., and PEL- LERIN, D.: Mosaiques XY/XO chez un pseudo- hermaphrodite masculin. Semaine des Hopitaux de Paris, 39:789-794, 1963. GROUCHY, J. DE, Lamy, M., FrezAL, ]., and GARr- cN, R.: Etude d'un couple de jumeaux monozy- gotes dont un seul est atteint de myopathie. Acta Genetica et Gemellogiae, 12:324-333, 1963. GROUCHY, J. DE, LAMY, M., FREZAL, J., and RIBIER, J.: XX/XO mosaics in Turner's syndrome. Two further cases. Lancet, 1:1369-1371, 1961. GROUCHY, J. DE, LAMY, M., THIEFFRY, S., ARTHUIS, M., and SALMON, C.: Dysmorphie complexe avec oligophrénie: Délétion des bras courts d'un chro- mosome 17-18. Comptes Rendus de I'academie des Sciences, 256:1028-1029, 1963. GROUCHY, .]. DE, Lamy, M., YANEvA, H., SaLo- MON, Y., and NETTER, A.: Further abnormalities of the X chromosome in primary amenorrhoea or in severe obligomenorthoea. Lancet, 2:777-778, 1961. GROUCHY, J. DE, MLUNARSKI, J. C., MAROTEAUX, P., Lamy, M., DEsHAIES, G., BENIcHOU, C., and SaLmoN, C.: Syndrome polydysspondylique par translocation 14-15 et dyschondrostéose chez un méme sujet. Segregation familiale. Comptes Rendus de [!'academie des Sciences, 256:1614- 1616, 1963. Lamy, M., AUSSANNAIRE, M., GROUCHY, J. DE, and LALANDE, J.: Mosaiques XXXXY/XXXY dans le syndrome de Klinefelter. La Semaine des Hopitanx, 39:779-785, 1963. Lamy, M., FrREzAL, J., JAMMET, M. L., and Josso, N.: La méthémoglobinémie congénitale récessive. Nouvelle Revue Francaise d’Hématologie, 3:105- 120, 1963. Lamy, M., FrEzAL, J., PoLoNOVsK], J., DrRUEZ, G., and REY, J.: Congenital absence of beta-lipo- proteins. Pediatrics, 31:277-289, 1963. Lamy, M., FrfzaL, J., PoLoNovsk, J., and REY, J.: L’absence congénitale de lipoprotéines. Comp- tes Rendus des Séances de la Société de Biologie (France), 154:1974-1979, 1960. Lamy, M., FrEzAL, J.: PoLONOVSKI, J., and REY, J.: L'absence congenitale de lipoproteines. Presse Medicale, 69:1511-1514, 1961. Lamy, M., FrEzAL, J., and REY, J.: L’absence con- genitale de beta-lipoproteines. Folia Hereditaria et Pathologica, 10:275-286, 1961. Lamy, M., FrezAL, J., and REY, J.: La fréquence des malformations congénitales. Semaine des Hopitanux de Paris, 37:3456-3462, 1961. Lamy, M., FrEzAL, ]., and REY, J.: Les encephalo- pathies genetiques. Semz. Hop. Paris, 37:3463- 3470, Dec. 14, 1961. Lamy, M., FrEzAL, ]., and REY, J.: Les encephalo- pathies genetiques. Probl. Act. Pediat., 8:45-52, 1963. Lamy, M., FrefzaL, J., REY, J. and LARseN, C.: Etude metabolique du syndrome de Lowe. Revue Frangaise D’Etudes Cliniques et Bibliogiques, 7: 271-283, 1962. REY, J.: L'absence congenitale de beta-lipoproteines. Paris, R. Foulon and Cie, 1961, 117 p. REY, J., MAYER, A., DEYSSON, A., FREzAL, ]., and Lamy, M.: Séparation bi-dimensionnelle des aci- des aminés par électrophorése en haut voltage et ichromatographie sur papier. Revue Francaise D’Etudes Cliniques et Biologiques, 7:877-882, 1962. REY, J., PoLoNovsk], ]., Barp, D., FrEzAL, J., and Lamy, M.: Effets chez I'enfant d'une lipidopriva- tion prolongee. Revue Francaise D’Etudes Clini- ques et Biologiques, 6:871-875, 1961. PoLoNovsky, J., REY, J., BAarp, D., FrREzAL, J., and Lamy, M.: Modification des lipides plasmatiques aprés ingestion d’huile chez trois enfants nor- maux et dans un cas d’absence congénitale de béta-lipoprotéines. Review Francais Etudes Clini- cal Biologic, 6:1006-1013, 1961. MH-3924 (R01) MURPHY, GARDNER, and SANTOS, JounN F.: Program in reality testing. Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kan. (1961- ) Farrow, B. J., and SaNTOS, J. F.: A note on re- cency and perception. American Journal of Psy- chology, 75(4) :671-673, 1962. FARROW, BoBBY J., and SANTOS, JoHN F.: Changes in autokinetic perception as a function of the transfer of conlitioning effects. British [Journal of Psychology, 53:331-337, 1962. Farrow, BOBBY J., and SANTOS, JoHN F.: On con- ditionability, personality and perception. Percep- tual and Motor Skills, 15:578, 1962. Farrow, BoBBY J., SANTOS, JOHN F. HAINES, James R., SOLLEY, CHARLES M.: Influence of re- peated experience on latency and extent of auto- kinetic movement. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3) Part 2:1113-1120, 1965. Fisch, R. I, and McNamara, H. J.: Conditioning of attention as a factor in perceptual learning. 454 Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:891-907, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-715). GERALL, ARNOLD A., and SNYDER, CHARLES: Non- specific muscular tension and auditory threshold. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14:179-182, 1962. HAINES, JaMEs R., SANTOS, JoHN F., and FArRrROW, BoBBy J.: Stability of the autokinetic phenome- non. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 21(2):394, 1965. McNAaMARA, H. J., and Fisch, R. I.: Effect of high and low motivation on two aspects of attention. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19:571-578, 1964. McNAMARA, H. J., and Fisch, R. I: Effect of re- ward on the attributed meaning of nonsense forms. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20:825-828, 1965. McNaMARA, H. J., and Fisch, R. I: Attributed meaning of an unstructured stimulus. Perceptual’ and Motor Skills, 20(3)Part 1:853-857, 1965. McNaMARA, H. J, MurpHY, G., and HARRELL, S. N.: Curiosity and reality contact: A preliminary report. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:976, 1964. McNaMAaRA, HAROLD J., and SOLLEY, CHARLES M.: Influence of experience upon form constancy. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:31-37, 1963. MANGAN, G. L.: Generalization of perceptual vig- ilance and defense. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14:171-178, 1962. SaNTOs, JoHN F., FARROW, BoBBY J., and HAINES, James R.: How attention influences what is per- ceived: Some experimental evidence. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 27:3-14, 1963. SANTOS, JoHN F., FARROW, BOBBY J., and HAINES, James R.: Consistency and style of autokinetic movement. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 21(2): 583-586, 1965. Santos, JoHN F., FARROW, BOBBY J., and SOLLEY, CHARLES M.: Exposure frequency and the per- ception of a reversible perspective. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 10:199-209, 1962. SanTOs, JoHN F., and MONTGOMERY, JAMES R.: Stability of performance on the color-word test. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15:397-398, 1962. SANTOS, JoHN F., and MURPHY, GARDNER: Per- ceptual learning and reality testing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13:130, 1961. (Also acknowl- edges MH-715). TAYLOR, J. R., and MANGAN, G. L.: Perceptual learning and verbal meaning. Perceptual and Mo- tor Skills, 14:223-229, 1962. THETFORD, PAUL E.: Influence of massing and spac- ing on Necker cube reversals. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:215-222, 1963. THoMAS, ALEY, and SOLLEY, CHARLES M.: Search- discrimination time for missing stimulus informa- tion. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65: 501-506, 1963. MH-3929 (R01) FisHMAN, VIVIAN, and GOLDEN- BERG, HARRY: Metabolism of chlorpromazine in psychiatric disorders. Hillside Hospital, Glen Oaks, N.Y. (1960- ) FisuMAN, V., and GOLDENBERG, H.: Metabolism of chlorpromazine. IV. Identification of 7-Hy- droxychlorpromazine and its sulfoxide and des- methyl derivatives. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 112:501-506, 1963. FISHMAN, VIVIAN, and GOLDENBERG, HARRY: Side- chain degradation and ring hydroxylation of phe- nothiazine tranquilizers. [Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 150(1):122-128, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4543). FisHMAN, V., HEATON, A., and GOLDENBERG, H.: Metabolism of chlorpromazine. III. Isolation and identification of chlorpromazine-n-oxide. Pro- ceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 109:548-552, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1305 and MH-4543). GOLDENBERG, HARRY, and FISHMAN, VIVIAN: Spe- cies dependence of chlorpromazine metabolism. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biol- ogy and Medicine, 108:178-182, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2938; MH-2461 and MH- 1305). GOLDENBERG, H., and FISHMAN, V.: Metabolism of chlorpromazine. V. Confirmation of position 7 as the major site of hydroxylation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 14: 404-407, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4543). GOLDENBERG, HARRY, and FISHMAN, VIVIAN: Com- ments on “7-hydroxychlorpromazine in the urines of schizophrenics receiving chlorpromazine.” Bio- chemical Pharmacology, 14(3):365-368, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4543). GOLDENBERG, H., FisHMAN, V., HEATON, A., and BURNETT, R.: A detailed evaluation of promazine metabolism. Proceedings of the Society for Ex- perimental Biology and Medicine, 115:1044-1051, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4543). MH-3930 (R01) Bosk, Ajay K.: Synthesis of some substituted b-lactams. Stevens Institute of Tech- nology, Hoboken, N.J. (1960- ) Bosk, A. K., and GARRATT, S.: A new synthesis of barbituric acids. Journal of the American Chemi- cal Society, 84(7):1310-1311, 1962. Bosk, A. K., and GARRATT, S.: A new synthesis of substituted barbituric acids. Tetrahedron, 19:85- 89, 1963. 455 Bosk, A. K., GARRATT, S., and PELOsI, J. J.: Syn- thesis of some spirobarbiturates. Journal of Or- ganic Chemistry, 28:730-733, 1963. Bose, A. K., and MaNHAs, M. S.: Studies on lac- tams. III. Mechanism of cyclization. Journal or Organic Chemistry, 27:1244-1248, 1962. Bosk, A. K., MANHAS, M. S., and GHOSH-MAZUN- DAR, B. N.: Studies on lactams. II. A simplified synthesis. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 27: 1458-1459, 1962. MH-3937 (R01) RoMNEY, A. KiMBALL: Belief and practice in disease and therapy. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1960-63) METZGER, DUANE, and WiLrLiams, GERALD E.: A formal ethnographic analysis of Tenejapa La- dino weddings. American Anthropologist, 65 (5):1076-1101, 1963. METZGER, DUANE, and WILLIAMS, GERALD: Tene- japa medicine: The curer. Southwestern [Journal of Anthropology, 19(2):216-234, 1963. MH-3939 (R01) BurkEg, CLETUS J.: Two-person interactive learning. Indiana University, Bloom- ington, Ind. (1960-63) Burke, C. J.: Two-person interactive learning: A progress report. In: Criswell, Solomon, & Suppes, eds. Mathematical methods in small group processes. Stanford, Calif., Stanford Uni- versity, 1962, p. 49-68. BurkE, C. J., and ZINES, JosEPH L.: A parison of pair comparisons. [ourna matical Psychology, 2(1):53-76, 1965. paired com- of Mathe- MH-3945 (R01) ZiGLER, EDWARD F.: Rigidity in performance of the feebleminded. Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Conn. (1960-63) GREEN, C., and ZIGLER, E.: Social deprivation and the performance of retarded and normal children on a satiation type task. Child Development, 33: 499-508, 1962. SHALLENBERGER, P., and ZIGLER, E.: Rigidity, nega- tive reaction tendencies, and cosatiation effects in normal and feebleminded children. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63:20-26, 1961. Also in: Lipsitt, L., and Palermo, D., eds. Re- search readings in child psychology. New York, Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, 1963, p. 163-172. SHEPPs, R., and ZIGLER, E.: Social deprivation and rigidity in the performance of organic and fa- milial retardates. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:262-268, 1962. TENURE, J., and ZIGLER, E.: Outer-directedness in the problem solving of normal and retarded chil- dren. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- 0gy, 69:427-436, 1964. ZIGLER, EDWARD F.: An overview of research in learning, motivation, and perception. Exceptional Children, 28:455-458, 1962. ZIGLER, EDWARD: Social deprivation in organic and familial retardates. Psychological Reports, 10: 370, 1962. ZIGLER, EpwaArD: Rigidity in the feebleminded. In: Trapp, E., and Himelstein, P., eds. Research readings on the exceptional child. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1962, p. 142-162. ZIGLER, E.: Social reinforcement, environmental con- ditions, and the child. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 33(4):614-623, 1963. ZiGLER, EDWARD: Rigidity and social reinforcement effects in the performance of institutionalized normal and retarded children. Journal of Person- ality, 31:258-269, 1963. ZIGLER, EDWARD: The effect of social reinforcement on normal and socially deprived children. Jour- nal of Genetic Psychology, 104:235-242, 1964. ZIGLER, EDWARD, and DELABRY, ].: Concept-switch- ing in middle class, lower class, and retarded .ichildren. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 65:267-273, 1962. ZiGLER, E., and KANZER, P.: The effectiveness of two classes of verbal reinforcers on the perform- ance of middle and lower class children. Journal of Personality, 30:157-163, 1962. ZIGLER, EDWARD, and UNELL, E.: Concept-switching in normal and feeble-minded children as a func- tion of reinforcement. American Journal of Men- tal Deficiency, 66:651-657, 1962. ZIGLER, EDWARD, and WILLIAMS, ].: Institutionali- zation and the effectiveness of social reinforce- ment: A three year follow-up study. Journal of Abnormal and Social Poychology 66:197-205, 1963. MH-3950 (RO1) SuTcLIFFE, JoHN P.: The rela- tion of imagery and fantasy to hypnosis. Univer- sity of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. (1960-64) AUSTIN, M., PErrY, C. W., SUTCLIFFE, J. P., and YEOMANs, N.: Can somnambulists successfully simulate hypnotic behaviour without becoming en- tranced? International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 11:175-186, 1963. SINGER, G., and SHEEHAN, P. W.: The effect of demand characteristics on the figural after-effect with real and imaged inducing figures. Ameri- can Journal of Psychology, 78(1):96-101, 1965. SUTCLIFFE, J. P.: A probability model for errors of classification. I. General considerations. Psy- chometrika, 30(1):73-96, 1965. SUTCLIFFE, J. P.: A probability model for errors of classification. II. Particular cases. Psychometrika, 30(2):129-155, 1965. 456 SUTCLIFFE, J. P., and JoNEs, JEAN A.: Personal identity, multiple personality and hypnosis. In- ternational Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 10:231-269, 1962. MH-3951 (R01) ForsHaM, PETER H.: Central nervous control of corticotropin release. Univer- sity of California, San Francisco, Calif. (1960- 63) Bese, WiLriam R., Cos, JuaN ]., HORTON, RicHARD, CHAO, PING YU, and FORSHAM, PETER H.: Physiology of urinary cortisol excretion. [our- nal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 24(9) :887-893, 1964. BeiseL, W., DiRaiMonDO, V., and CHAO, P.: The relative constance of cortisol binding in different states of thyroid function. (Abstract) Clinical Research, 10:399, 1962. Govp, E., KeNT, J., and ForsHAM, P. H.: Studies of pituitary adrenal relationship in man with an 11-B-hydroxylase inhibitor (SU-4885). (Ab- stract) In: 1st International Congress on Endo- crinology, Copenhagen, July 1960, p. 353. Gorp, E. M,, KENT, J. R., and ForsHAM, P. H.: Clinical use of a new diagnostic agent, Metho- pyrapone (SU-4885), in pituitary and adreno- cortical disorders. Annals of Internal Medicine, 54:175-188, 1961. ROSNER, J. M., Cos, J. J., BiGLIERI, E. G., HANE, S., and ForsHAM, P. H.: Determination of urinary unconjugated cortisol by glass fiber chromatog- raphy in the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 23:820-827, 1963. MH-3958 (R01) KAUFMAN, IRVING: Personality and symptoms in preadolescent delinquency. Tufts University, Boston, Mass. (1960-64) KAUFMAN, IRVING, DURKIN, HARRY ]JR., FRANK, THomas, HeiMs, Lora W., JONES, DOROTHEA B., RYTER, ZELDA, STONE, EDWARD, and ZiL- BACH, JOAN: Delineation of two diagnostic groups among juvenile delinquents: The schizophrenic and the impulse ridden character disorder. Jour- nal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 2(2):292-318, 1963. MH-3961 (R01) GRUEMER, HANNs-DIETER F.: Phenylalanine metabolism in phenylketonuria. Pineland Hospital and Training Center, Pownal, Maine. (1960-64) GRUEMER, H. D.: Formation of hippuric acid from phenylalanine labeled with Carbon 14 in phenyl- ketonuric subjects. Nature, 189:63-64, 1961. GRUEMER, H. D., KoBLET, H., and WooDARD, C.: Phenylalanine metabolism in the phenylpyruvic condition. I. Distribution, pool size, and turn- over rate in human phenylketonuria. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 40:1758-1765, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2729). GrUEMER, H. D., KoBLET, H., and Woo0DARD, C.: Phenylalanine metabolism in the phenylpyruvic condition. II. An attempt to calculate the daily incorporation of phenylalanine jnto proteins. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 41:61-66, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2729). GRUEMER, H. D., MERROW, N., and Wo0ODARD, C.: Distribution of a-amino-isobutyric acid (AIB) in the mammalian organism. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22(2):417, 1963. MH-3966 (R01) QUARTON, GARDNER C., and TALLAND, GEORGE A.: Effects of drug and task- induced changes on memory. Massachusetts Gen- eral Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1960-63) TALLAND, GEORGE A., and QUARTON, GARDNER C.; Methamphetamine and pentobarbital effects on human motor performance. Psychopharmacologia, 8(4):241-250, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH- 1608). MH-3967 (R01) KURLAND, ALBERT A. and HuaNG, CHIEN L.: Chlorpromazine metabolism in psychotic patients. Spring Grove State Hos- pital, Catonsville, Md. (1960-62) HuANG, CHIAN L., and KURLAND, ALBERT A.: A quantitative study of chlorpromazine and its sulfoxides in the urine of psychotic patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 118:428-437, 1961. Huang, CHIAN L., and KURLAND, ALBERT A.: Chlorpromazine blood levels in psychotic patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 5:509-513, 1961. HuaNG, CHIAN L., SANDS, FREEMAN L., and KUR- LAND, ALBERT A.: Urinary Thorazine metabolites in psychotic patients. Archives of General Psy- chiatry, 8:301-307, 1963. MH-3968 (R01) EmusoN, SAMUEL, BRriLL, NOR- MAN Q., COHEN, SIDNEY, and GELLER, EDWARD: Identification of phenothiazine metabolites. Uni- versity of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1960- 64) Emuson, S., and GELLER, E.: The excretion and metabolism of _S35-labeled thioridazine in urine, blood, bile, and feces. Biochemical Pharmacology, 12:1429-1435, 1963. Emuson, S., GELLER, E., and COHEN, S.: Excretion and metabolism of S35-labeled thioridazine in humans. Transactions of the Sixth Research Con- ference on Chemotherapy Studies in Psychiatry and Research Approaches to Mental Illness (Vet- erans Administrations), 6:75-79, 1961. EmusonN, S., GELLER, E., and WALLACE, R. D.: Quantitative determination and excretion of some 457 phenothiazine-type drugs in neuropsychiatric pa- tients. Biochemical Pharmacology, 12:1437-1439, 1963. KoEeGLER, RoNALD R., CoLBERT, EDWARD C., and EmusoN, SAMUEL: Wanted: A biochemical test for schizophrenia. California Medicine, 94(1): 26-29, 1961. MH-3972 (R01) NEUGARTEN, BERNICE L.: Fac- tors related to mental health in middle-aged women. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill (1961-63) NEUGARTEN, BERNICE L., and KRAINEs, RUTH J.: “Menopausal symptoms” in women of various ages. Psychosomatic Medicine, 27(3):266-273, 1965. NEUGARTEN, BERNICE L., Woob, VIVIAN, KRAINES, RutH J., and Loomis, BARBARA: Women’s atti- tudes toward the menopause. Vita Humana, 6: 140-151, 1963. MH-3979 (R01) ROBERTS, WARREN M.: Central mechanisms of emotions. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. (1960-62) (Continued as 6901). RoBERTS, W. W.: Fear-like behavior elicited from dorsomedial thalamus of cat. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:191- 197, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-6901). RoBErTS, W. W., and CAREY, R. ]J.: Effect of dorso- medial thalamic lesions on fear in cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 950-958, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6901). ROBERTS, WARREN W. and CAREY, ROBERT J.: Rewarding effect of performance of gnawing aroused by hypothalamic stimulation in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 59(3):317-325, 1965. RoBERTS, W. W., DEMBER, W. N., and BRODWICK, M.: Alternation and exploration in rats with hippocampal lesions. Journal of Comparative and Physiological ~ Psychology, 55:695-700, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-6901). RoBerTs, W. W., and Kigss, H. O.: Motivational properties of hypothalamic aggression in cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 58:187-193, 1964. MH-3983 (R01) MANN, Froyp C.: Technological change and mental health. University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1960-60) MANN, F. C.: Psychological and organizational im- pacts of automation and technological change. In: Dunlop, John T., ed. Automation and tech- nological change. Englewood Cliffs, N.]J., Pren- tice Hall, 1962, p. 43-65. MANN, F. C., and WiLLiAMS, LAWRENCE K.: Ob- servations on the dynamics of a change to elec- tronics data processing equipment. Administrative Science Quarterly, 5:217-256, 1960. MANN, F. C., and WiLLiAMS, LAWRENCE K.: Some effects of the changing work environment in the office. Journal of Social Issues, 18(3):90-101, 1962. MH-3986 (R01) PULVER, SYDNEY E.: Recovery of subliminal stimuli in hypnotic imagery. Pennsyl- vania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960-62) PuLVER, SYDNEY E., and EpPEs, BENNETT: The Poetzl phenomenon: Some further evidence. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 136(6): 527-534, 1963. MH-3987 (R01) WiNITtz, HARRIS, and SPRADLIN, JosepH: The vocal learning of infants. Univer- sity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1960-63) WinITz, HARRIS: Temporal reliability in articulation testing. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 28:247-251, 1963. WiNITZ, HARRIS: Research in articulation and in- telligence. Child Development, 35:287-297, 1964. WiNITZz, HARRIS, and BELLEROSE, BETTY: Sound discrimination as a function of pretraining condi- tions. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 5:340-348, 1962. WiNITZ, HARRIS, and BELLEROSE, BETTY: Effects of pretraining with varied stimuli on sound discrimi- nation learning. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 6:171-180, 1963. WiNITZ, HARRIS, and BELLEROSE, BETTY: Phoneme generalization as a function of phoneme similarity and verbal unit of test and training stimuli. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 6:379- 392, 1963. WiNITZ, HARRIS, and DARLEY, F. L.: Age of first word: Review of research. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 26:272-290, 1961. WiNITZ, HARRIS, and LAWRENCE, M.: Children’s articulation and sound learning ability. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 4:259-268, 1961. WiNITZ, HARRIS, SIEGEL, G., and CONKEY, H.: The influence of testing instrument on articulatory re- sponses of children. Journal of Speech and Hear- ing Disorders, 28:67-76, 1963. MH-3993 (R10) WHITTIER, JoHN R., and HAYDU, GEORGE G.: Comparative trial of antidepressant drugs. Creedmoor State Hospital, New York, N.Y. (1960-63) Haypu, G. G., WHITTIER, J. R., GOLDSCHMIDT, L., and KoreNyi, C.: Differential therapeutic results of three antidepressant medications according to fixed or functional schedules. Journal of Nervous Mental Diseases, 139:475-478, 1964. 458 KoRENYI, CHARLES, WHITTIER, JoHN R., HAYDU, GEORGE G., and GoLpSCHMIDT, LEONTINE: Eosin- ophil count in depression. Diseases of the Nerv- ous System, 25:87-89, 1964. WHITTIER, J. R., Korenyl, C., GoLpscHmDT, L., and HAaypu, G.: The serum cholesterol “sign” test in depression. Psychosomatics, 5:27-33, 1964. MH-3994 (R01) SEIDEL, ROBERT J.: Nature of the mediator in verbal learning. Denison University, Granville, Ohio. (1960-61) SEIDEL, ROBERT J.: The importance of the S-R role of the verbal mediator in mediate association. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 16(3):170-176, 1962. SEIDEL, ROBERT J.: Role of repetition and reinforce- ment in learning. Psychological Reports, 13:815- 822, 1963. SEIDEL, ROBERT J.: RTT paradigm: No panacea for theories of associative learning. Psychological Review, 70(6):565-572, 1963. MH-3997 (R01) LiTTMAN, RICHARD A.: Immedi- ate and delayed effects of severe trauma. Univer- sity of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. (1960-62) LirtMAN, RICHARD A., and HsiEH, MEI-FUNG: Relations between exploration and length of alley. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 57:214-216, 1964. LirtMAN, RICHARD A. and STEVENS, DAVID A.: Early trauma, number of animals in a cage, and avoidance learning. Journal of Genetic Psychol- 0gy, 107:127-132, 1965. LirtMAN, R. A. STEVENS, D. A., and WHITTIER, J. L.: Previous shock experience and response threshold to shock. Canadian Journal of Psychol- 0gy, 18(2):93-100, 1964. MEYERS, WILLIAM J., LEARY, ROBERT W., and LitTMAN, RICHARD A.: Free-choice exploration: Decreased responsitivity to illumination from prior experience. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60(2):297-298, 1965. WHITTIER, JAMES L. and LITTMAN, RICHARD A.: Very early weaning, weaning stimulation, and the adult exploratory and avoidance behaviour of white rats. Canadian [Journal of Psychology, 19 (4) :288-303, 1965. MH-3999 (R01) ELDRED, STANLEY H.: Social and individual systems in schizophrenia. McLean Hos- pital, Belmont, Mass. (1960-64) ELprED, S. H., BELL, N. W., SHERMAN, L. J., and LoNGABAUGH, R. H.: Classification and analysis of interaction patterns on a ward for chronic schizophrenics. In: Riorch, David M., and Wein- stein, Edwin A., eds. Disorders of communica- tion. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1964, p. 381-386. LONGABAUGH, RicHARD, ELDRED, STANLEY H., BELL, NORMAN W. and SHERMAN, LEwIs J.: The interactional world of the chronic schizophre- nic patient. Psychiatry, 29(1):78-99, 1966. SHERMAN, Lewis J., ELDRED, STANLEY H., BELL, NorRMAN W., and LONGABAUGH, RICHARD H.: A revised use of the multidimensional scale for rating psychiatric patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 22(2) :248-251, 1966. MH—4000 (R01) BeacH, FRANK A.: Determinants of species—specific behavior. University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. (1960- ) BeacH, F. A.: Reproductive anatomy and mating behavior of an intersex rat. Journal of Mammal- ogy, 44:57-61, 1963. BeacH, F. A., and WiLsoN, J. R.: Mating behavior in male rats after removal of the seminal vesciles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 49:624-626, 1963. Burt, G. S.: Strain differences in picrotoxin seizure threshold. Nature, 193:301-302, 1962. KuEeHN, R., and BeacH, F. A.: Quantitative meas- urements of sexual receptivity in female rats. Behaviour, 21:282-299, 1963. SacHs, BENJAMIN D.: Sexual behavior of male rats after one to nine days without food. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60(1): 144-146, 1965. WHALEN, R. E.: Strain differences in the sexual be- havior of the male rat. Behaviour, 8:199-204, 1961. WiLsoN, JaMEs R., ADLER, NORMAN, and LE Boteu¥, BURNEY: The effects of intromission fre- quency on successful pregnancy in the female cat. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 53(6):1392-1395, 1965. WiLsoN, J., and BEacH, F. A.: Effects of prolactin, progesterone, and estrogen on reactions of non- pregnant rats to foster young. Psychological Re- ports, 13:231-239, 1963. WiLsoN, J., KUEHN, R., and BEacH, F. A.: Modi- fication in the sexual behavior of male rats pro- duced by changing the stimulus female. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 636-644, 1963. MH-4001 (R01) StrRUPP, HANs H.: Second con- ference on research in psychotherapy. American Psychological ~ Association, Washington, D.C. (1960-62) Strupp, H. H., and LUBORsKY, L., eds.: Research in psychotherapy, Volume 2. Washington, D.C, American Psychological Association, 1962, 342 p. 459 MH-4003 (R01) ReyNoLps, ROBERT W.: Neuro- physiology and pharmacology of hunger motiva- tion. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1960-61) ADLER, NORMAN, and BERMANT, GORDON: Sexual behavior of male rats: Effects of reduced sensory feedback. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 61(2):240-243, 1966. BERMANT, GORDON: Effects of single and multiple enforced intercopulatory intervals on the sexual behavior of male rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:398-403, 1964. BERMANT, G.: Rat sexual behavior: Photographic analysis of the intromission response. Psycho- nomic Science, 2:65-66, 1965. BERMANT, GORDON, and WESTBROOK, WILLIAM H.: Peripheral factors in the regulation of sexual con- tact by female rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 61(2):244-250, 1966. ReEyNoLps, R. W.: Ventromedial hypothalamic le- sions without hyperphagia. American Journal of Physiology, 204:60-62, 1963. ReyNoLDs, R. W., and CARLISLE, H. ]J.: The effect of chlorpromazine on food intake in the albino rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54:354-356, 1961. MH-4004 (R03) DONAHOE, JoHN W.: Quantita- tive study of visual exploratory behavior. Univer- sity of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. (1960-61) DONAHOE, JoHN W.: The reinforcing effects of variable visual stimulation. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 107:205-218, 1965. MH—4008 (R03) TuCHMANN-DUPLEssIS, H.: Brain and pituitary changes induced by reserpine. Fondation D Endocrinologie Embryologique, Paris, France. (1960-61) GABE, M., TucHMANN-DuUPLEssIs, H., and MER- cier-ParoT, L.: Influence de la reserpine sur la neurosecretion hypothalamo-hypophysaire du rat albinos. Comptes Rendus Academie des Sciences, 252:1857-1859, 1961. TucHMANN-DuUPLEssis, H., GABE, M., and MER- ciErR-ParoT, L.: Diminution du produit de sécré- tion hypothalamo-neuro-hypophysaire aprés injec- tion de réserpine. Annales d’Endocrinologie, 23: 65-77, 1962. TucHMANN-DUPLEssIS, H., and MERCIER-PAROT, L.: Influence de traitements chroniques de deserpidine sure le cycle oestral et la fertilité du Rat. Comp- tes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie, 156(3) :487-490, 1962. TucHMANN-DUPLESssIS, H., and MERCIER-PAROT, L.: Influence de traitements chroniques de reserpine sur la fertilité des parents et de leur descendance. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Bio- logie, 156(4):587-590, 1962, MH-4010 (R03) MILLER, WALTER B., and SPILLER, BERTRAM: Bases of prestige in delinquent corner gangs. Boston University, Boston, Mass. (1960- 61) SPILLER, BERTRAM: Some social functions of gangs, 2nd Annual Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Seminar: A report. Special Report No. 121. Lawrence, Kansas, Governmental Research Center, University of Kansas, 1963, p. 18-21. SPILLER, BERTRAM: Delinquency and middle class goals. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 56(4) :463-478, 1965. MH-4011 (RO1) Ries, WALTHER: Origins of modern psychiatry. Individual, Richmond, Va. (1960- 1) Riese, HERTHA: Intangibles of psychotherapy: With special reference to the neglected child. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, I 19(4):307-310, 1964. Riese, WALTHER: Phenomenology and existential- ism in psychiatry: An historical analysis. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 132:469-484, 1961. RIESE, WALTHER: La pensée morale de Maimonide. Interprétée par les “"Huit Chapitres.” Revue d’His- toire de la Médecine Hébraique (Paris), 54:149- 153, 1961. Riese, WALTHER: Frithe Fassungen und spiteres Schicksal des sogenannten Sprachzentrums. Schwei- zer Archiv fur Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie, 88(2):299-314, 1961. Riese, WALTHER: The impact of Romanticism on the experimental method. Studies in Romanticism (Boston University), 11(1):11-22, 1962. RIESE, WALTHER: Phyloanalysis (Burrow): Its his- torical and philosophical implications. Acta Psy- chotherapie, 11:5-36, 1963. Riese, WALTHER: La pensée morale de Galien. Revue Philosophique de la France et de I'Etran- ger, 153:331-346, 1963. Riese, WALTHER: The sources of Hughlings Jack- son’s view on aphasia. Brain, 88(4):811-822, 1965. Riese, W.: La theorie des passions a la lumiere de la pensie medicale du xvlle siecle. Confinia Psy- chiatrica, 8(Suppl.) :1-74, 1965. RIESE, WALTHER: On thought in existentialism. Journal of Existentialism, 6(21):89-97, 1965. RIESE, WALTHER, and ARRINGTON, G. E.: The his- tory of Johannes Muller's doctrine of the specific 460 energies of the senses, original and later version. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 37:179-183, 1963. RIESE, WALTHER, and COLLISON, JOHN: Aphasia in children reconsidered. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138:293-295, 1964. MH-4012 (R01) Trurrt, Epwarp B., Jr.: Role of acetaldehyde in the action of ethanol. University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. (1960- ) Duritz, G., and Trurrr, E. B.: A rapid method for the simultaneous determination of acetaldehyde and ethanol in blood using gas chromatography. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 25:498- 510, 1964. Truitt, E. B.: The role of acetaldehyde in the ac- tion of alcohol on brain norepinephrine and sero- tonin. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22(2) Part 1:272, 1963. Trurrt, E. B., and Durrrz, G.: An oscillographic measurement of body sway in the Romberg test applicable to inebriated human subjects. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 24(2) Part 1:517, 1965. Truitt, EDWARD B., JR., and DuRITZ, GILBERT: Gas chromatographically determined blood levels of ethanol and acetaldehyde in healthy and al- coholic human subjects. (Abstract) Pharmacolo- gist, 7(2) :147, 1965. Truitt, E. B, Jr., Duritz, G., MORGAN, A. M., and ProuTty, R. W.: Disulfiram-like actions pro- duced by hypoglycemic sulfonylurea compounds. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 23:197- 207, 1962. MH-4014 (RO1) BestemaN, Korst J., O’'DoNn- NELL, JOHN A., and STRAUS, ROBERT: A post- hospital study of Kentucky addicts. Public Health Service Hospital, Lexington, Ky. (1960-63) O'DONNELL, JOHN A.: A post-hospital study of Kentucky addicts. A preliminary report. Journal of the Kentucky State Medical Association, 61 (7):573-577 and 604, 1963. O'DoNNELL, J. A.: A follow-up of narcotic ad- dicts. American Journal Orthopsychiatry, 34:948- 954, 1964. MH-4015 (R01) RUBIN, JoaAN: The establishment of Guarani as a national language. Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Conn. (1960-61) RuBIN, JoaN: Bilingualism in Paraguay. Anthro- pological Linguistics, 4:52-58, 1962. RuBIN, JoAN: A bibliography of Caribbean Creole languages. Caribbean Studies, 2(4):51-61, 1963. MH-4017 (RO1) BRONFENBRENNER, URIE, and DEVEREUX, EDWARD C.: Cross-cultural studies of family behavior. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1960-61) BRONFENBRENNER, URIE: Soviet methods of char- acter education: Some implications for research. American Psychologist, 17(8):550-564, 1962. BRONFENBRENNER, URIE: Some possible effects of national policy on character development in the United States of America and the Soviet Union. In: Lasswell, H. D., and Cleveland, H. The ethic of power. New York, Harper Bros., 1962, p. 293-305. BRONFENBRENNER, URIE: Soviet studies of person- ality development and socialization. In: Bauer, Raymond A., ed. Some views on Soviet psychology. Washington, D.C., American Psychological Asso- ciation, 1962, p. 63-86. Devereux, E. C., JrR., BRONFENBRENNER, URIE, and Suci, G. J.: Patterns of parent behavior in the United States of America and the Federal Re- public of Germany: A cross-national comparison. International Social Science Journal, 14(3):488- 506, 1963. MH-4019 (R03) HAGGARD, ERNEST A.: Study of isolated families. Individual, Chicago, Ill. (1960- 60) HAGGARD, ERNEST A.: Isolation and personality. In: Worchel and Byrne, eds. Personality change. New York, Wiley Press, 1964, p. 433-469. MH-4025 (R01) GLick, LEONARD B.: Primitive medicine in a melanesian society. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960-62) GLicK, LEONARD B.: Categories and relations in Gimi natural science. American Anthropologist, 66(4)Part 11:273-322, 1962. MH-4027 (R04) PospisiL, LEopoLD, and EYDE, Davip B.: Informal pressures in a papuan group. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1960-62) Eypg, Davip B., and Postar, PAuL M.: Avuncu- locality and incest: The development of unilateral cross-cousin marriage and Crow-Omaha kinship systems. American Anthropologist, 63(4):747- 771, 1961. MH-4030 (R01) Lowry, ELMER F., Jr., MILL, CyriL R., PETTIS, JAMES B., and ZoLik, EDWIN: Hospital and community coordination for after- care. Alexandria Mental Hygiene Clinic, Alex- andria, Va. (1960-62) Davis, HIRaM W.: Northern Virginia mental health project. Virginia Medical Monthly, 88:484-486, 1961. 461 LEVIN, IRVING: Preparing for after-care: Hospital and community. In: Proceedings of conference on hospital-community coordination for total patient care. Blackwater Falls, W. Va., West Virginia Department of Mental Health, 1961, p. 14-17. Lowry, ELMER F., Jr.: The world of after-care. Mental Health in Virginia, 12:19-21, 1962. Zouk, EpwiIN S., and LEVIN, IRVING: Northern Vir- ginia Mental Health Project, Quarterly Report (Part I). Mental Health in Virginia, 11(4) :34- 36, 1961. Zork, EpwiIN S., LEVIN, IRVING: Northern Virginia Mental Health Project, First Quarterly Report (Part II). Mental Health in Virginia, 12(1): 26-28, 1961. Zork, EpwiN S., Lowry, ELMER F., JR., and PET- TIS, JAMES B.: Northern Virginia Mental Health Project (Part III). Mental Health in Virginia, 12:20-24, 1962. MH-4033 (R03) Trianpis, Harry C., and TRrI- ANDIS, LEIGH M.: Cultural determinants of social distance. University of Illinois, Urbana, IIL (1960-61) Trianpis, H. C.: Factors affecting employee selec- tion in two cultures. Journal of Applied Psy- chology, 47:89-96, 1963. Trianpis, H. C., and FisHBEIN, M.: Cognitive in- teraction in person perception. Journal of Abnor- mal and Social Psychology, 67:446-453, 1963. Trianpis, H. C., and TRIANDIS, LEIGH M.: A cross- cultural study of social distance. Psychological Monographs, 76:1-21, 1962. (Whole No. 540). MH-4034 (R03) GORMEZANO, ISIDORE: Instru- mental and reflex blinks in eyelid conditioning. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1960-61) GARMEZANO, I, and MOORE, J. W.: Effects of in- structional set and UCS intensity on the latency, percentage and form of the eyelid response. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63:487-494, 1962. Moor, J. W., and GorMEzANO, I.: Yoked com- parisons of instrumental and classical eyelid con- ditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(6)552-559, 1961. MH—4036 (R01) Horranp, WiLLiaM R., and SPICER, EDWARD HOLLAND: A study of tzotzil med- icine and medical practices. University of Ari- zona, Tucson, Ariz. (1960-61) HorrLanD, W. R.: Relaciones entre la religion tzotzil contemporinea y la maya antigua. Awnales del In- sitituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, 13: 113-131, 1961. HoLrLaNnD, W. R.: Tonalismo y nagualismo entre los indios tzotziles de Larrainzar, Chiapas, Mexico. Estudios de Cultura Maya. Universidad Nacio- nal Autonoma de Mexico, 1:159-81, 1961. HoLLAND, WILLIAM R.: Mexican-American medical beliefs: Science or magic? Arizona Medicine, 20 (5) :89-102, 1963. HoLLAND, W. R.: Psicoterapia maya en los altos de Chiapas. Estudios de Cultura Maya (Mexico), 3:261-277, 1963. HorrLanp, W. R.: Contemporary Tzotzil cosmologi- cal concepts as a basis for interpreting prehistoric Maya civilization. American Antiquity, 29(3): 301-306, 1964. HorLLaND, WiLLiAM, and THARP, RorLanD G.: Highland Maya psychotherapy. American Anthro- pologist, 66:41-52, 1964. HoLranNp, W. R., and WEITLANER, ROBERT ]J.: Modern Cuicatec use of prehistoric sacrificial knives. American Antiquity, 25(3):392-464, 1960. MH-4037 (R03) LEVINE, ROBERT A.: Cross-cul- tural studies of personality development. Univer- sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1960-60) LEVINE, ROBERT A.: Africa. In: Hsu, Francis L. K, ed. Psychological anthropology: Ap- proaches to culture and personality. Homewood, IIL, Dorsey Press, 1961, p. 48-93. MH-4038 (R01) KORMAN, MAURICE, and KNOPF, IRWIN J.: The alcohol consummatory response in rats. University of Texas, Dallas, Texas. (1960- 63) Brack, CHARLES J.: Behavior of normal rats in- jected with the blood of rats subjected to pro- longed stress. Psychological Reports, 10:646, 1962. KorMAN, M., and KNOPF, I. J.: Variables affecting the instrumental conditioning of the alcohol re- sponse. In: Proceedings of the 7th Inter-American Congress of Psychology, Mexico City, Rama Mexi- cana-S.I.P., 1963, p. 256-260. KorMmaN, M., KNoPF, I. J., and Leon, R. L.: Al- cohol as a discriminative stimulus: A preliminary report. Texas Reports in Biology and Medicine, 20:61-63, 1962. KorMAN, M., and STUBBLEFIELD, R. L.: The defi- nition of alcoholism. Journal of the American Medical Association, 178:1184-1186, 1961. MH-4041 (RO1) BRENNER, BERNARD, LEVINE, MURRAY, and SPIVACK, GEORGE: Subliminal in- fluences on creative art. Devereux Schools, De- von, Pa. (1960-61) 462 LEVINE, MURRAY, and SPIVACK, GEORGE: Rorschach index of repressive style. Springfield, Ill, C. C. Thomas, 1963, 164 p. Spivack, G., LEVINE, M., and BRENNER, B.: The Rorschach index of repressive style and scale check- ing style: A study of sex differences. Journal of Projective Techniques, 28:484-490, 1964. MH-4045 (R01) Reiss, IRA L.: Guttman scales of student attitudes. Bard College, Annandale-on- Hudson, N.Y. (1960-61) (Continued as MH- 5566). McTavisH, DoNALD G.: A method for more re- liable coding detailed occupations into Duncan’s socio-economic categories. American Sociological Review, 29:402-406, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5566). REss, Ira L.: Sexual codes in teen-age culture. An- nals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, November: 53-62, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-5566). Ress, IRA L.: Sociological studies of sexual stand- ards. In: Winokur, G., ed. Determinants of hu- man sexual behavior, Chapter 6. Springfield, IIL, Thomas, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5566). Reiss, Ira L.: Premarital sexual permissiveness among Negroes and whites. American Sociologi- cal Review, 29:688-698, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-5566). Reiss, Ira L.: Social class and premarital sexual per- missiveness: A re-examination. American Socio- logical Review, 30(5):747-756, 1965. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5566). MH-4046 (R03) PusoLs, BENjaMIN H., Jr. Trials per problem and discrimination reversal. University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. (1960- 61) PuBoLs, BENJAMIN H., Jr.: Serial reversal learning as a function of the number of trials per reversal. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 55:66-68, 1962. PusoLs, BENJAMIN H., Jr.: An application of Le- vine’s model for hypothesis behavior to serial re- versal learning. Psychological Review, 69:241- 245, 1962. MH-4050 (R03) Beck, RoBerT C.: Artificial con- trol of thirst and behavior. Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, N.C. (1960-61) Beck, ROBERT C.: Effects of variations in water need and incentive concentration on bar-pressing. Psy- chological Reports, 13:31-37, 1963. Beck, R. C.: Consummatory behaviour of the rat adapting to a water deprivation schedule. In: Wagner, Mathew J., ed. Thirst. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Thirst in the Regulation of Body Water. Florida State Univer- sity, Tallahassee, May, 1963. New York, Mac- Millan, 1964, p. 305-316. Beck, RoBERT C., and HORNE, MAURICE: Some effects of two thirst control procedures on eating, drinking and body weight of the rat. Journal of General Psychology, 71:93-101, 1964. MH-4055 (R01) WAGLEY, CHARLES W., BOWLES, GORDON TOWNSEND, and CARTER, WILLIAM EARL: The effect of servility on human personal- ity. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1960-61) CARTER, WILLIAM E.: The first book of South Amer- ica. New York, Franklin Watts, 1961, 86 p. CARTER, WiLLiaM E.: The first book of Bolivia. New York, Franklin Watts, 1963, 82 p. CARTER, WiLLIAM E.: Religion y el indio andino. Iglesia y Sociedad, 1964. Montevideo, Uruguay. MH-4056 (R01) McCoLLouGH, CELESTE F.: Au- tonomic conditioning—cardiac and pupillary stud- ies. Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. (1960-63) McCorLouGH, CELESTE: The conditioning of color- perception. American Journal of Psychology, 78 (3) :362-378, 1965. MH-4058 (R01) LANDFIELD, ALVIN W.: Social cognition and client-therapist interaction. Univer- sity of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (1960-62) LANDFIELD, ALVIN W., O’DoNovaN, D., and Nawas, M.: Improvement ratings by external judges and psychotherapists. Psychological Re- ports, 11:747-748, 1962. OLIVER, W. D., and LANDFIELD, ALVIN W.: Re- flexivity: An unfaced issue in psychology. Jour- nal of Individual Psychology, 18:114-124, 1962. Also in: ETC; A Review of General Semantics, July, 1963. MH-4060 (R03) STRAUS, MURRAY A.: A survey of patterns of deferred gratification. Cornell Univer- sity, Ithaca, N.Y. (1960-61) STRAUS, MURRAY A.: Deferred gratification, social class, and the achievement syndrome. American Sociological Review, 27:326-335, 1962. MH-4063 (R01) PATTERSON, GERALD R., and LirTMAN, RICHARD A.: Application of learning principles to child rearing. University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. (1960-61) (Continued as MH- 5429). PATTERSON, G. R.: An empirical approach to the classification of disturbed children. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 20:326-337, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5429). 463 PATTERSON, G. R., and ANDERSON, D.: Peers as social reinforcers. Child Development, 35:951- 960, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5429). PATTERSON, G. R., and HiNsey, W. C.: Investiga- tions of some assumptions and characteristics of a procedure for instrumental conditioning in chil- dren. Journal of Experimental and Child Psychol- ogy, 1:111-112, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 5429). PATTERSON, G. R., LirtmAN, R. E., and HINSEY, W. C.: Parental effectiveness as reinforcers in the laboratory and its relation to child rearing prac- tices, and child adjustment in the classroom. Journal of Personality, 32:180-199, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5429). MH-4069 (R03) RieGEL, Kraus F.: Study on the use of association and fluency tests. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1960-61) Riecer, K. F,, and BIRREN, J. E.: Age differences in choice reaction time to verbal stimuli. (Ab- stract) Journal of Gerontology, 17:470-471, 1962. MH-4075 (R01) Epwarps, ALLEN L.: Psycho- metric investigation of personality scales. Univer- sity of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (1961- ) EpwaRrps, A. L.: A factor analysis of experimental social desirability and response set scales. Jour- nal of Applied Psychology, 47:308-316, 1963. EbpwaARDS, ALLEN L.: Prediction of mean scores on MMPI scales. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28(2):183-185, 1964. EpwaRrps, A. L.: Social desirability and performance on the MMPI. Psychometrika, 29(4):295-308, 1964. EpwarDs, ALLEN L.: Correlation of “A unidimen- sional depression scale for the MMPI” with the SD scale. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 29 (3) 1271-273, 1965. EpwARDS, ALLEN L.: Measurement of individual differences in ratings of social desirability and in the tendency to give socially desirable responses. Journal of Experimental Research in Personality, 1(2):91-98, 1965. EpwaRDs, ALLEN L.: A comparison of 57 MMPI scales and 57 experimental scales matched with the MMPI scales in terms of item social desira- bility scale values and probabilities of endorse- ment. Educational and Psychological Measure- ment, 26(1) :15-27, 1966. Epwarps, A. L., and Diers, CAROL J.: Social de- sirability and the factorial interpretation of the MMPI. Educational and Psychological Measure- ment, 22:501-509, 1962. Epwarps, A. L., and Diers, CAROL J.: Neutral items as a measure of acquiescence. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 23:687-698, 1963. EpwaRrDps, A. L., Diers, CAROL J., and WALKER, J. N.: Response sets and factor loadings on sixty- one personality scales. Journal of Applied Psy- chology, 46:220-225, 1962. EpwArps, A. L., Gocka, E. F., and HoLLowAy, HiLpEGUND: The development of an MMPI ac- quiescence scale. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 20:148-150, 1964. EpwARDs, ALLEN L., and KLockARrs, ALAN ].: So- cial desirability and probability of endorsement of items in the Yatabe-Guilford personality inven- tory. Psychological Reports, 17(1):166, 1965. EbpwARDS, A. L., and WALKER, J. N.: A short form of the MMPI: The SD scale. Psychological Re- ports, 8:485-486, 1961. Epwarps, A. L., and WALKER, J. N.: Relationship between probability of item endorsement and so- cial desirability scale value for high and low groups on Edward's SD scale. Journal of Abnor- mal and Social Psychology, 64:458-460, 1962. EpwaRrDs, A. L., and WALsH, J. A.: Relationships between various psychometric properties of per- sonality items. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 23:227-238, 1963. Epwarps, A. L., and WALsH, J. A.: Response sets in standard and experimental personality scales. American Educational Research Journal, 1:52-61, 1964. EpwARDS, ALLEN L., and WALSH, JAMES A.: A fac- tor analysis of ? scores. [Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69(5):559-563, 1964. Epwarps, A. L., WALsH, J. A., and DiErs, CAROL, J.: The relationship between social desirability and internal consistency of personality scales. Journal of Applied Psychology, 47:255-259, 1963. WALKER, J. N.: An examination of the role of the experimentally determined response set in evalu- ating Edwards’ Social Desirability Scale. [Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26:162-166, 1962. MH-4077 (R03) LacHMAN, Roy, and BONK, WILLIAM ].: Behavior and attitudes during 1960 volcanic eruption. University of Hawaii, Hono- lulu, Hawaii. (1960-60) LAcHMAN, R.: Behavior, rituals, and beliefs during a volcano eruption. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Psychology. Amster- dam, North-Holland Publishing Co., 1962. LacHMAN, R., and Bonk, W. J.: Behavior and be- liefs during the recent volcano eruption at Kapoho, Hawaii. Science, 131(3407):1095-1096, 1960. LacHMAN, R., TATsuoka, M., and Bonk, W. J.: Human behavior during the taunami of May 1960. Science, 133:1405-1409, 1961. 464 MH-4082 (R03) HAMMER, MURIEL, and SALZIN- GER, KURT: Formal characteristics of schizophre- nic speech. New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, N.Y. (1960-61) HaMMER, M., and SALZINGER, K.: Some formal characteristics of schizophrenic speech as a meas- ure of social deviance. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 105:861-889, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4842). MH-4083 (R01) ForLcH-P1, Jorpi, and WAELSCH, HEINRICH B.: Fourth international neurochemical symposium. McLean Hospital, Belmont, Mass. (1960-61) KEety, S. S., and ELKEs, J., eds.: Regional neuro- chemistry. The regional chemistry, physiology and pharmacology of the nervous system. Ox- ford, Pergamon, 1961, 540 p. MH-4085 (R03) KAUFMAN, MELVIN E.: Learning set retention in mentally retarded children. Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1960-61) KaAurMAN, M. E.: The formation of a learning set in institutional and noninstitutional mental defec- tives. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:601-605, 1963. MH-4087 (R01) De Vos, GEORGE A., JONEs, Harorp E., and WacAaTsuMa, HirosHI: Com- parative research on delinquency. University of California, Berekeley, Calif. (1960- ) DeVos, GEORGE: Deviancy and social change: A psychocultural evaluation of trends in Japanese delinquency and suicide. In: Smith, Robert J., and Beardsley, Richard K., eds. Japanese culture: Its development and characteristics. Chicago, Aldine Publishing, 1962, p. 153-170. DeVos, GEORGE: The legendary Yakuza. Califor nia Monthly, 74(5) :1964. DeVos, GEORGE A.: Assimilation and social self identity in the Japanese former outcaste group, Chapter 3. In: Kantor, Mildred B., ed. Mobility and mental health. Springfield, Ill., Charles C. Thomas, 1965. DeVos, GEORGE, and MizusHIMA, KEncHI: The school and delinquency: Perspectives from Japan. Teachers College Record, 63(8):626-638, 1962. MH-4091 (R01) Havras, EDWARD S.: Instrumental conditioning in the planarian. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D. (1960-64) Havas, E. S.: Operant conditioning in planarian: A criticism. Science, 141(3579):390-392, 1963. Havras, E. S., James, R. L., and Knutson, C. S.: An attempt at classical conditioning in the pla- narian. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:969-971, 1962. Havas, E. S., James, R. L., and STONE, L. A.: Types of responses elicited in planaria by light. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 54:302-305, 1961. Haras, E. S., MuLry, R. C,, and DEBOER, MAR- GARET: Some problems involved in conditioning planaria: Electrical polarity. Psychological Re- ports, 11:395-398, 1962. James, R. L., and Havas, E. S.: No difference in extinction behavior in planaria following various types and amounts of training. Psychological Record, 14:1-11, 1964. James, R.-L., and Havas, E. S.: A reply to McCon- nell. Psychological Record, 14:21-23, 1964. RoseNTHAL, R., and Havras, E. S.: Experimenter effect in the study of invertebrate behavior. Psy- chological Reports, 11:251-256, 1962. MH-4093 (R01) MurpHY, Lois B.: Longitudinal studies in mental health maintenance. Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kans. (1960-64) BERNARDEZ, TERESA: The feminine role: Case re- port. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 29(4): 198-204, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-680). GINSPARG, SYLVIA, MORIATRY, ALICE, and MURPHY, Lois B.: Young teenagers’ responses to the assassi- nation of President Kennedy: Relation to previous life experiences. Wolfenstein, Martha, and Kli- man, Gilbert, eds. Children and the death of President: Multi-disciplinary studies. New York, Doubleday, 1965, 29 p. MorGaN, C. J.: An individual action-research method for intensive exploration of adaptive diffi- culties in the prepuberty stage. Journal of Psy- chology, 58:439-458, 1964. Morrow, J. TARLTON: Providing growth experi- ences: A preventive approach. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 29(4):177-188, 1965. MurpHY, L. B.: Adaptational tasks in childhood in our culture. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 28:309-322, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 680). MurpHY, L. B.: Continuity and change in coping resources of preschool children. Journal of Nurs- ery Education, 19, 1964. MH-4096 (R03) HORNER, B. ELIZABETH: Ony- chomys in normal and abnormal behavioral stud- ies. Smith College, Northampton, Mass. (1960- 61) HORNER, B. ELIZABETH: Paternal care of the young and convulsive seizures in the grasshopper mouse. (Abstract) American Zoologist, 1(3):360, 1961. MH-4097 (R01) GoLpscHMIDT, WALTER R.: So- cio-cultural concomitants of ecologic changes. 465 University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1960- ) EpGERTON, ROBERT B.: Pokot intersexuality: An East African example of the resolution of sexual incongruity. American Anthropologist, 66(6) Part 1:1288-1299, 1964. EDGERTON, ROBERT B.: Some dimensions of dis- illusionment in culture contact. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 21:231-243, 1965. EDGERTON, ROBERT B., and CoNANT, FRANCIS P.: “Kilapat”: The “shaming party” among the Po- kot of East Africa. Southwestern Journal of An- thropology, 20:404-418, 1964. MH-4100 (R01) MaAsoN, WILLIAM A.: Determi- nants of social behavior. Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology—Emory University, Orange Park, Fla. (1960-62) BERNSTEIN, I. S., and MasoN, W. A.: Group for- mation by rhesus monkeys. Animal Behavior, 11: 28-31, 1963. BERNSTEIN, I. S., and MasoN, W. A.: Activity pats terns of rhesus monkeys in a social group. Ani- mal Behavior, 11:455-460, 1963. MasoN, W. A.: The effects of environmental re- striction on the social development of rhesus mon- keys. In: Southwick, C. H., ed. Primate social behavior. Princeton, Van Nostrand, 1963, p. 161-173. MasoN, WiLLIAM A.: Determinants of social be- havior in young chimpanzees. In: Schrier, Allan M., Harlow, Harry F., and Stollnitz, Fred, eds. Behavior of nonhuman primates. Vol. 2. New York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 335-364. MasoN, W. A., and BerksoN, G.: Conditions in- fluencing vocal responsiveness of infant chimpan- zees. Science, 137:127-128, 1962. Mason, W. A., Hors, J. H.,, and SHARPE, L. G.: Differential responses of chimpanzees to social stimulation. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 55:1105-1110, 1962. MasoN, W. A., Saxon, S. V., and SHARPE, L. G.: Preferential responses of young chimpanzees to food and social rewards. Psychological Record, 13:341-345, 1963. MH-4109 (R01) GHENT, LILA, and HUNT, THELMA: Spatial orientation in visual perception of children. George Washington University, Washington, D.C. (1960- ) ANTONOVSKY, HELEN F., and GHENT, LiLA: Cross- cultural consistency of children’s preferences for the orientation of figures. American Journal Psy- chology, 77:295-297, 1964. BRAINE, L. GHENT: Age changes in the mode of perceiving geometric forms. Psychonomic Sci- ence, 2(6):155-156, 1965. GHENT, L.: Recognition by children of realistic fig- ures presented in various orientations. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 14:249-256, 1960. GHENT, L.: Effect of orientation on recognition of geometric forms by retarded children. Child De- velopment, 35(4) :1127-1136, 1964. GHENT, L., and BERNSTEIN, L.: Influence of the orientation of geometric forms on their recogni- tion by childien. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 12:95-101, 1961. MH-4111 (R03) GOFFMAN, ERVING: Sociology of the mental hospital. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1960-60) GOFFMAN, ERVING: Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates. Garden City/New York, Anchor Books/Double- day, 1961, 386 p. MH-4112 (R03) DarpaNo, JosepH F.: Modifica- O7cation of attentiveness—an exploratory study. Anna State Hospital, Anna, Ill. (1960-61) DARrDANO, JosepH F.: Modification of observing be- havior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(4) :207-214, 1965. MH-4113 (R03) LANA, RoBERT E., and LUBIN, ARDIE: Use of analysis of variance technics in psy- chology. American University, Washington, D.C. (1960-61) LANA, R. E,, and LuBIN, A.: Chi square revisited. American Psychologist, 17(11):793, 1962. LANA, R. E,, and LuBIN, A.: The effect of corre- lation on the repeated measures design. Educa- tional and Psychological Measurement, 23:729- 739, 1963. MH-4122 (R01) LINN, ERwIN L.: Traits, behavior and release of mental patients. Catholic Univer- sity of America, Washington, D.C. (1960-63) LINN, ERwIN L.: Agents, timing, and events lead- ing to mental hospitalization. Human Organiza- tion, 20:92-98, Summer, 1961. LiNN, ERwIN L.: The relation of chronicity in the functional psychoses to prognosis. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:460-467, 1962. LiNN, E. L.: Psychiatric and institutional implica- tions of hyperactive behaviour manifested by func- tional psychotic patients. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 10(4):292-300, 1964. LINN, ERwIN L.: Relevance of psychotic patients’ “insight” to their prognosis. Archives of Gen- eral Psychiatry, 13(5):424-428, 1965. 466 MH-4135 (R10) WHEATLEY, DaviD P.: Use of psychotherpeutic drugs in general practice. Gen- eral Practitioner Research Group, Twickenham, UK. (1960-65) Baum, G., FisumaAN, J, IsoN, L. J., SINCLAIR, R. G., SkLAR, E. M., StoLL, L. J., TEPPER, R,, WHEATLEY, D. P., WHITE, D. F., and WHITE- LAW, J. D. A.: Dexamphetamine compared with an inactive placebo in depression. Practitioner, 192:151-154, 1964. BiLr, C. E. S.,, CANDLER, T. O., Davis, R., HARRI- soN, R. T. T., HeErsHON, E., Moore, W. R., TowNEND, K. M., TRAHERNE, J. B., WHEAT- LEY, D. P., WHITELAW, J. D. A., and Woob- GATE-JONES, N. P.: Methylpentynol compared with phenobarbitone in anxiety. Practitioner, 192: 273-275, 1964. BisLey, B. L., GrwerLB, H. J., LAWRENCE, N,, SAPERIA, J., STEWART, J. M., Symes, D.. M,, THoMmpsoN, H. W. K., and WHEATLEY, D. P.: A dexamphetamine-barbiturate combination in anxiety-depressive states. Practitioner, 192:275- 278, 1964. CraDDOCK, D., Davis, R., EVERTON, M., INMAN, K. N., JaFrg, G. V., Jones, H. A., SMITH, N., WHEATLEY, D. P., and WiLsoN, D. G.: Pheno- barbitone compared with an inactive placebo in anxiety states. Practitioner, 192:147-151, 1964. WHEATLEY, D.: Evaluation of psychotherapeutic drugs in general practice. Psychopharmacology Service Center Bulletin, 2:25-31, 1962. MH-4137 (R01) MONROE, RUSSELL R.: Pharmaco- logic blocking of alpha chloralose activation. Uni- versity of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. (1960- ) BaLis, GEORGE U., and MONROE, RUSSELL R.: Pharmacology of the chloraloses: A review. Psy- chopharmacologia, 6:1-30, 1964. Braupg, M. C., and MoNROE, R. R.: Neuro- and psychopharmacologic studies of alphaglucochlora- lose (AGC) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Federation Proceedings, 24(2):390, 1965. EicHLER, MYRON F., and NORMAN, JANET: Re- peated use of the Bender Gestalt Test in a study of an induced toxic state. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3)Part 2:1033-1036, 1965. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4867). MonNROE, R. R., Baris, G. U., and EBERSBERGER, E. B.: The hypnotic effects of alpha and beta chloralose in rats. Current Therapeutic Research, 5(3):141-153, 1963. MonRroE, R. R., Baris, G. U., and EBERSBERGER, E. B.: Anticonvulsant activity of alpha and beta chloralose in rats. Current Therapeutic Research, 5(3):154-165, 1963. MONROE, RusseLL R., KRAMER, MorTtON D., GOULDING, ROBERT, and WisE, SAMUEL: EEG activation of patients receiving phenothiazines and chlordiazepoxide. Journal of Nervous and Men- tal Disease, 141(1) :100-107, 1965. MoNROE, RUSSELL R., and Wisg, SAMUEL P., III: Combined phenothiazine, chlordiazepoxide and primidone therapy for uncontrolled psychotic pa- tients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 122(6): 694-698, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3672). MH-4139 (R01) STONE, GEORGE C.: Drug effects on nondiscriminated avoidance behavior. Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, San Francisco, Calif. (1960- ) STONE, G. C.: On baseline estimates in nondiscrim- inated avoidance behavior. California Mental Health Research Digest, 1(2):21-23, 1963. StoNE, G. C.: A patch panel for operant program- ming components. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:38, 1963. STONE, GEORGE C.: Dosing order and depression of avoidance behavior by chlorpromazine. Psycho- logical Reports, 15:175-178, 1964. StoNE, GEORGE C.: Effects of drugs on nondiscrim- inated avoidance behavior. I. Individual dif- ferences in dose-response relationships. Psycho- pharmacologia, 6:245-255, 1964. StoNE, G. C.: Effects of drugs on avoidance be- havior. II. Individual differences in susceptibili- ties. Psychopharmacologia, 7(4):283-302, 1965. STONE, GEORGE C.: Some factors that influence ac- quisition of free-operant avoidance behavior. Psychological Reports, 18(2):383-396, 1966. StoNE, G. C., and MACLEAN, M.: Increased rate of avoidance responding associated with non-con- tingent auditory stimulus. Psychological Reports, 13:259-265, 1963. Self- Hav- MH-4145 (R01) HeaTtH, Doucras H.: organization and cognitive control modes. erford College, Haverford, Pa. (1960-62) Heath, DoucLas H.: Explorations of maturity. Studies of mature and immature college men. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1965, 423 p. MH-4151 (RO1) RECHTSCHAFFEN, ALLEN, FouLKES, DAVID, OFFENKRANTZ, WILLIAM, and TROSMAN, HARRY: Stimulus determinants of dreaming. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill (1960- ) FouLkEes, D.: Theories of dream formation and re- cent studies of sleep consciousness. Psychological Bulletin, 62:236-247, 1964. FouLkEes, D., and RECHTSCHAFFEN, A.: Presleep determinants of dream content: Effects of two 467 films. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19:983-1005, 1964. FouLkEes, Davip, and VOGEL, GERALD: Mental ac- tivity at sleep onset. Journal of Abnormal Psy- chology, 70(4) :231-243, 1965. MARrON, L., RECHTSCHAFFEN, A., and WOLPERT, E. A.: Sleep cycle during napping. Archives of General Psychiatry, 11:503-508, 1964. OFFENKRANTZ, W., and RECHTSCHAFFEN, A.: Clin- ical studies of sequential dreams. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8(5):497-508, 1963. OFFENKRANTZ, W. and WoLPERT, E. A.: The detection of dreaming in a congenitally blind sub- ject. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136:88-90, 1963. RECHTSCHAFFEN, ALLAN, and FoOULKES, DAVID: Effect of visual stimuli on dream content. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3):Part 2:1149- 1160, 1965. RECHTSCHAFFEN, A., GOODENOUGH, D. R., and SHAPIRO, A.: Patterns of sleep talking. Archives of General Psychiatry, 7:418-426, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3885). RECHTSCHAFFEN, A., and MARON, L.: The effect of amphetamine on the sleep cycle. Electroen- cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 16: 438-445, 1964. RECHTSCHAFFEN, A., SCHULSINGER, K., and MED- NICK, S.: Schizophrenia and physiological indices of dreaming. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10: 89-93, 1964. RECHTSCHAFFEN, A., VERDONE, P., and WHEATON, Joy: V. Reports of mental activity during sleep. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 8(6): 409-414, 1963. RECHTSCHAFFEN, A., VOGEL, G., and SHAIKUN, G.: Interrelatedness of mental activity during sleep. Archives of General Psychiatry, 9:536- 547, 1963. RECHTSCHAFFEN, A., WoLPERT, E. A., DEMENT, W. C., MrrcHELL, S. A., and FisHER, C.: Noc- turnal sleep of narcoleptics. Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15:599-609, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3267). REDING, G. R., RUBRIGHT, W. C., RECHTSCHAFFEN, A., and DANIELS, R. S.: Sleep pattern of tooth- grinding: Its relationship to dreaming. Science, 145(3633) :725-726, 1964. TrosMAN, H.: Dream research and the psycho- analytic theory of dreams. Archives of General Psychiatry, 9:9-18, 1963. VERDONE, PAuL: Temporal reference of manifest dream content. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20 (3) :Part 2:1253-1268, 1965. VoGEL, GERALD, FOULKES, DAVID, and TROSMAN, HARRY: Ego functions and dreaming during sleep onset. Archives of General Psychiatry, 14(3): 238-248, 1966. MH-4153 (R01) EpsTEIN, WiLLIAM: Role of as- sumptions in perception. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. (1960- ) EpsTEIN, WILLIAM: The known size apparent dis- tance hypothesis. American [Journal of Psychol- 0gy, 74:333-346, 1961. EpsTEIN, WILLIAM: Phenomenal orientation and perceived achromatic color. Journal of Psychol- ogy, 52:51-53, 1961. EPSTEIN, WILLIAM: A test of two interpretations of the apparent size effects in a distorted room. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63:124-128, 1962. EPSTEIN, WILLIAM: Apparent shape of a meaning- ful representational form. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15:239-246, 1962. EpsTEIN, WILLIAM: The influence of assumed size on apparent distance. American Journal of Psy- chology, 76:257-265, 1963. EpsTEIN, WILLIAM: Attitudes of judgment and the size-distance invariance hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66:78-83, 1963. EpsTEIN, WiLLIAM: Effective difference in the in- fluence of relative size on relative distance. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 18:383-384, 1964. EpsTEIN, WILLIAM: Experimental investigations of the genesis of space perception. Psychological Bulletin, 61:115-128, 1964. EpsTEIN, W.: Nonrelational judgments of size and distance. American Journal of Psychology, 78 (1):120-123, 1965. EpsTEIN, WILLIAM: Perceptual invariance in the kinetic depth-effect. American Journal of Psy- chology, 78(2) :301-303, 1965. EpsTEIN, WILLIAM, and BARATZ, STEVEN: Relative size in isolation as a stimulus for relative per- ceived distance. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 67:507-513, 1964. EPSTEIN, WILLIAM, BONTRAGER, HELEN, and PARK, Jonn: The induction of nonveridical slant and the perception of shape. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 63:472-479, 1962. EPSTEIN, WILLIAM, and FRANKLIN, SAMUEL: Some conditions of the effect of relative size on per- ceived relative distance. American Journal of Psychology, 78(3) :466-470, 1965. EPSTEIN, WiLLIAM, and MOUNTFORD, DAMON: Judgment of slant in response to an isolated gra- dient of stimulation. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:733-737, 1963. 468 EpsTEIN, WILLIAM, and PARK, JoHN: Shape con- stance: Functional relationships and theoretical formulations. ~~ Psychological Bulletin, 60:265- 288, 1963. EpsTEIN, W., and PARK, J.: Examination of Gib- son’s psychophysical hypothesis. Psychological Bulletin, 62:180-196, 1964. EPSTEIN, WILLIAM, PARK, JoHN, and CASEY, AL- BERT: The current status of the size-distance hy- potheses. Psychological Bulletin, 58:491-514, 1961. MH-4159 (R03) ScHAEFER, HALMUTH H.: Func- tional dimensions of operants. Loyola University, Chicago, Ill. (1960-60) SCHAEFER, HALMUTH H.: Effect of changing force contingency schedules upon duration of response. Psychological Reports, 9:191-198, 1961. MH-4160 (R01) HERRING, PENDLETON, and WIL- LERMAN, BEN: Socialization process and social structure. Social Science Research Council, New York, N.Y. (1960- ) BECKER, HOWARD S.: Personal change in adult life. Sociometry, 27:40-53, 1964. Brim, ORVILLE B., JR.: Socialization through the life cycle. Social Science Research Council Items, 18:1-5, 1964. CLAUSEN, JOHN A.: Research on socialization and personality development in the United States and France: Remarks on the paper by Professor Chom- bart de Lauwe. American Sociological Review, 31(2):248-257, 1966. KAGAN, JEROME: American longitudinal research on sychological development. Child Development, 35:1-32, 1964. PROSHANSKY, HAROLD, ed.: Linking social class and socialization: Toward a framework for analysis and research. Ann Arbor, Michigan, University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, 1962. MH-4161 (R01) ROBERTS, JoHN M.: Comparative study of cultural codes and models. Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, N.Y. (1960-63) ROBERTS, JOHN M.: Kinsmen and friends in Zuni culture: A terminological note. El Palacio, 38-43, Summer, 1965. ROBERTS, JOHN M., HOFFMANN, HANS, and SuT- TON-SMITH, BRIAN: Pattern and competence: A consideration tick tack toe. El! Palacio, Autumn 1965, p. 17-30. ROBERTS, JOHN M., and SUTTON-SMITH, BRIAN: Child training and game involvement. Ethnology, 1:166-185, 1962. ROBERTS, JOHN M., SUTTON-SMITH, BRIAN, and KENDON, ApaM: Strategy in games and folk tales. Journal of Social Psychology, 61:185-199, 1963. ROBERTS, JOHN, THOMPSON, WAYNE E., and SMITH, BRIAN SUTTON: Expressive self-testing in driving. Human Organization, 25(1):54-63, 1966. SMITH, ROBERT J].: Japanese kinship terminology: The history of a nomenclature. Ethnology, 1(3): 349-359, 1962. SUTTON-SMITH, BRIAN, and ROBERTS, JOHN M.: Rubrics of competitive behavior. Journal of Ge- netic Psychology, 105:13-37, 1964. SUTTON-SMITH, BRIAN, ROBERTS, JOHN M., and KozeLka, ROBERT M.: Game involvement in adults. Journal of Social Psychology, 60:15-30, 1963. SUTTON-SMITH, BRIAN, ROBERTS, JOHN M., and ROSENBERG, B. G.: Sibling associations and role involvement. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly of Be- havior and Development, 10:25-38, 1964. WALKER, WILLARD: Taxonomic structure and’ the pursuit of meaning. Southwestern Journal of An- thropology, 21(3) :265-275, 1965. MH-4163 (R01) GauLrt, FreEpERICK P.: Evoked potentials and discrimination behavior. Yale Uni- versity, New Haven, Conn. (1960- ) Gaurt, F. P.: A simple device for controlling transients in auditory stimuli. Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 18:300-301, 1965. Gault, E. P., and CousrtaN, D. R.: Nasal air flow and rhinencephalic activity. Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 18(6):617- 624, 1965. Gaurr, F. P., and LeatoN, R. S.: Electrical ac- tivity of the olfactory system. Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15:299-304, 1963. LeaTON, ROBERT N.: Exploratory behavior in rats with hippocampal lesions. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 50(3):325- 330, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-647). Pagano, R. R,, and GauLrt, F. P.: Amygdala ac- tivity: A central measure of arousal. Electro- encephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 17:255-260, 1964. YuLgs, RicHARD B., OGDEN, JOHN A., GAULT, FREDERICK, P., and FREEDMAN, DANIEL X.: An implanted electrode for recording both rapid eye movements and muscle tone during sleep. Elec- troencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 20(4):410-411, 1966. YuLes, RicHARD B., OGDEN, JoHN A., GAULT, FREDERICK P., and FREEDMAN, DANIEL X.: The effect of ethyl alcohol on electroencephalographic sleep cycles in cats. Psychonomic Science, 5(3): 97-98, 1966. 469 MH-4164 (R01) Lewir, Davi W.: The learn- ing of interpersonal structures. University of Mas- sachusetts, Amherst, Mass. (1960-62) SHRADER, ELIZABETH G., and LEwir, D. W.: Struc- tural factors in cognitive balancing behavior. Hu- man Relations, 15(3) :265-276, 1962. MH-4166 (R01) HALL, EpwArD T.: Social space as biocommunication. Washington School of Psy- chiatry, Washington, D.C. (1960-63) Harr, Epwarp T.: A system for the notation of proxemic behavior. American Anthropologist, 65 (5) :1003-1026, 1963. Harr, EDWARD T.: Proxemics—The study of man’s spatial relations and boundaries. In: Galdston, Tago, ed. Man's image in medicine and anthro- pology. New York, International Universities Press, 1963, p. 422-445. MH-4169 (R01) BALES, ROBERT F.: Prediction of interpersonal behavior. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1960-63) BaLks, R. F., Couch, A. S., and STONE, P. J.: The interaction simulator. Annals of the Computation Laboratory, 31:305-314, 1961. DuNPHY, DEXTER C., STONE, PHILIP J., and SMITH, MARSHALL S.: Computers in behavioral science. The general inquirer: Further developments in a computer system for content analysis of verbal data in the social sciences. Behavioral Science, 10(4) :468-488, 1965. ScHEucH, E. K., and STONE, PH. J.: The General Inquirer approach to an international retrieval sys- tem for survey archives. American Behavioral Scientist, 7(10) :23-28, 1964. STONE, P. J, Bares, R. F., NAMENWIRTH, Z., and OcILviE, D. M.: The general inquirer: A com- uter system for content analysis and retrieval based on the sentence as a unit of information. Behavioral Science, 7(4):484-498, 1962. StoNE, P. J, and Hunt, E. B.: A computer ap- proach to content analysis: Studies using the Gen- eral Inquirer system. In: Proceedings of the Spring Joint Computer Conference. Baltimore, Spartan Press, 1963, p. 241-256. MH-4172 (R01) GREENBLATT, MILTON, STERN- BACH, RICHARD A., TURSKY, BERNARD, and Watson, PETER D.: Factors affecting pain due to electric shock. Harvard Medical School, Bos- ton, Mass. (1960- ) CRIDER, ANDREW, SHAPIRO, DAVID, and TURSKY, BERNARD: Reinforcement of spontaneous electro- dermal activity. Journal of Comparative and Phys- iological Psychology, 61(1):20-27, 1966. STERNBACH, R. A.: Congenital insensitivity to pain: A critique. Psychological Bulletin, 60:252-264, 1963. STERNBACH, R. A., and TURsKY, B.: On the psycho- physical power function in electric shock. Psy- chonomic Science, 1:217-218, 1964. STERNBACH, R. A., and Tursky, B.: Ethnic differ- ences among housewives in psychophysical and skin potential responses to electric shock. Psycho- physiology, 1(3) :241-246, 1965. TursKY, BERNARD: Integrators as measuring devices of bioelectric output. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 5(6)Part 2:887-892, 1964. Tursky, BERNARD, and O'CONNELL, DONALD N.: Survey of practice in electrodermal measurement. Psychophysiology, 2(3) :237-240, 1966. TuRsKY, BERNARD, SHAPIRO, DAVID, and LEIDER- MAN, HERBERT P.: Automatic data processing in psychophysiology: A system in operation. Be- havioral Science, 11(1):64-70, 1966. (Also ac- _ knowledges MH-5077). TuRrsKY, BERNARD, and WATSON, PETER D.: Con- trolled physical and subjective intensities of elec- tric shock. Psychophysiology, 1(2):151-162, 1964. Tursky, B., Watson, P. D., and O'CONNELL, D. N.: Instrumentation. A concentric shock elec- trode for pain stimulation. Psychophysiology, 1 (3) :296-298, 1965. MH-4173 (R01) LoGaN, FRANK A.: The free re- sponding situation. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1960-64) LoGaN, FRANK A.: The free behavior situation. In: Hilgard, E., ed. Nebraska Symposium on Moti- vation. Vol. 12. Levine, David, E. Current the- ory and research in motivation. Lincoln, Univer- sity of Nebraska Press, 1964, p. 99-128. MH-4184 (R01) ZENNER, WALTER P., and ARENSBERG, CONRAD M.: Acculturation of a mid- dle eastern ethnic group. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1961-62) ZENNER, WALTER P.: Raful leaves school. Recon- Structionist, 28(15) :21-24, 1962. ZENNER, WALTER P.: Ambivalence and self-image among Oriental Jews in Israel. Jewish Journal of Sociology (London), 5(2):214-223, 1963. ZENNER, W. P.: Memorialism—some Jewish exam- ples. American Anthropologist, 67(2):481-483, 1965. MH-4186 (R01) MEssicK, SAMUEL, and CLIFF, NORMAN: Personality organization in cognitive processes. N.J. (1960- ) Educational Testing Service, Princeton, 470 Driver, M. J.: Conceptual structure and group proc- esses in an inter-nation stimulation. Part one: The perception of simulated nations. Educational Testing Service Research Bulletin (Princeton, New Jersey), 1962. (RB-62-15). Fritzky, F. J.: Aesthetic preference for abstract de- signs as a function of their perceived complexity. Educational Testing Service Research Bulletin (Princeton, New Jersey), 1963. (RB-63-27). Jackson, D. N., Messick, S., and Myers, C.: Evaluation of group and individual forms of embedded-figures measures of field-independence. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 24: 177-192, 1964. Jackson, Philip W., and MEssick, SAMUEL: The person, the product, and the response: Concep- tual problems in the assessment of creativity. Jour- nal of Personality, 33(3):309-329, 1965. Messick, S., and DAMARIN, F.: Cognitive styles and memory for faces. [Journal of Abnormal and So- cial Psychology, 69(3):313-318, 1964. Messick, S., and Fritzky, F. J.: Dimensions of analytic attitude in cognition and personality. Journal of Personality, 31:346-370, 1963. Messick, S., and KoGaN, N.: Differentiation and compartmentalization in object-sorting measures of categorizing style. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:47-51, 1963. Messick, S., and KoGaN, N.: Category width and quantitative aptitude. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(2) :493-497, 1965. Murray, J. E., and Jackson, D. N.: Impulsivity and color-form abstraction. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28:518-522, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2738). Tucker, L. R., and MEssick, S.: An individual dif- ferences model for multidimensional scaling. Psy- chometrika, 28:333-367, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2878). MH-4187 (R01) GoobcLass, HAROLD: New meas- ures of aphasic symptom variables. Clark Univer- sity, Worcester, Mass. (1960- ) GEscHWIND, N., and KAPLAN, E.: A human cere- bral deconnection syndrome: A preliminary re- port. Neurology, 12(10):675-685, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1802). Goobcrass, H.: Redefining the concept of agram- matism in aphasia. In: Proceedings, 12th Con- gress of the International Association of Logo- pedics and Phoniatrics, Padua, 1962, p. 108-116. GooncLass, H.: Aphasia for specific semantic word categories. In: Societatis Internationalis Logo- aediae et Phoniatriae 13th Congressus Vindo- onae Anno 1965. De Therapia Vocis et Lo- quelae. Vol. 2, 1965, p. 169-173. GoobcLass, H., and KapLaN, E.: Disturbance of pantomime and gesture in aphasia. Brain, 86 (Part IV) :703-720, 1963. Goobacrass, H., KLEIN, B., Carey, P., and JONES, K.: Specific semantic word categories in aphasia. Cortex (Varese, Italia), 2:74-89, 1966. GoobncLass, H., QUADFASEL, F. A., and TIMEBER- LAKE, W. H.: Phrase length and the type and severity of aphasia. Cortex, 1:133-153, 1964. MH-4188 (R01) Parwvio, ALLAN U.: Personality factors in audience influence. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Can. (1960-62) Pawvio, A.: Success and failure, personality and pre- ferred degree of public exposure. Bulletin of the Maritimes Psychological Association, 10:50- 58, 1961. Pawvio, A.: Audience influence, social isolation, and speech. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- 0gy, 67:247-253, 1963. MH-4200 (R01) NEUGARTEN, BERNICE L.: Age norms and socialization in adulthood. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1960-63) NEUGARTEN, B. L., MOORE, J. W., and LOWE, J. C.: Age norms, age constraints, and adult so- cialization. American Journal of Sociology, 70 (6):710-717, 1965. MH-4201 (R01) TEICHNER, WARREN H., and BUDOFF, MILTON: Interaction of emotion and body heat regulation. University of Massachu- setts, Amherst, Mass. (1961-65) BuporF, M., and Liebowitz, J.: Tolerance for stress among institutionalized mildly retarded ado- lescents. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28 (4) :333-341, 1964. TEICHNER, WARREN H.: Delayed cold-induced vaso- dilation and behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(4):426-432, 1965. TEICHNER, WARREN H.: Individual thermal and be- havioral factors in cold-induced vasodilatation. Psychophysiology, 2(4):295-304, 1966. MH-4202 (R01) SoromoN, RicHARD L.: Condi- tioning and training experiments. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960- ) BauM, MORRIE: ‘Reversal learning” of an avoid- ance response as a function of prior fear condi- tioning and fear extinction. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 19(2) :85-93, 1965. BauM, MORRIE: An automated apparatus for the avoidance training of rats. Psychological Reports, 16(3) Part 2:1205-1211, 1965. Baum, M.: The recovery-from-extinction of an avoidance response following an inescapable shock 471 in the avoidance apparatus. Psychonomic Science, 2:7-8, 1965. BauM, MoRRIE: Rapid extinction of an avoidance response following a period of response preven- tion in the avoidance apparatus. Psychological Reports, 18(1) :59-64, 1966. DeTHIER, V. G., SoLoMON, RicHARD L., and TURNER, LuciLLE H.: Sensory input and central excitation and inhibition in the blowfly. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60 (3):303-313, 1965. Lewis, MICHAEL: Some nondecremental effects of effort. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:367-372, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1260). OVERMIER, J. BRUCE: Differential transfer of con- trol of avoidance responses as a function of UCS duration. ~~ Psychonomic Science, 5€1):25-26, 1966. OVERMIER, J. BRUCE, and LEAF, RusseLL C.: Ef- fects of discriminative Pavlovian fear conditioning upon previously or subsequently acquired avoid: ance responding. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60(2):213-217, 1965. REscorLA, ROBERT A.: Relation of bar presses to magazine approaches. Psychological Reports, 14: 943-948, 1964. RESCORLA, ROBERT A.: Predictability and number of pairings in Pavlovian fear conditioning. Psy- chonomic Science, 4(11):383-384, 1966. REscorLA, ROBERT A., and LOLORODO, VINCENT: Inhibition of avoidance behavior. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59(3): 406-412, 1965. SoLOMON, RICHARD L.: Punishment. American Psychologist, 19:239-253, 1964. SoLoMON, RICHARD L., and TURENR, LUCILLE H.: A note on “A goalless gradient.” Psychological Reports, 10:203-208, 1962. TURNER, LuciLLE H., and SoLoMON, RICHARD L.: Human traumatic avoidance learning: Theory and experiments on the operant respondent distinction and failure to learn. Psychological Monographs, 76(40), 1962. (Whole No. 559) (Also ac- knowledges MH-1246). MH-—4203 (R01) THoMAs, Davip R.: Variables in the study of stimulus generalization. Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. (1961-64) DicksoN, J. F., and THoMas, D. R.: Operant dis- crimination learning and stimulus generalization as a function of reward exposure. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 829-833, 1963. Hiss, R. H., and THoMas, D. R.: Stimulus generali- zation as a function of testing procedure and re- sponse measure. [Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 65:587-592, 1963. THoMmas, DaviD R., and BARKER, ELAINE G.: The effects of extinction and “central tendency” on stimulus generalization in pigeons. Psychonomic Science, 1:119-120, 1964. Thomas, D. R., and BIsTEY, G.: Stimulus generali- zation as a function of the number and range of generalization test stimuli. Journal of Experimen- tal Psychology, 68:599-602, 1964. THoMAs, D. R., and CaronitE, S. C.: Stimulus generalization of a positive conditioned reinforcer: II. Effects of discrimination training. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68:402-406, 1964. THoMmas, D. R., and Hiss, R. H.: A test of the “units hypothesis” with wavelength generalization in human Ss. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65:59-62, 1963. THoMas, D. R., and Jones, C. G.: Stimulus gen- , eralization as a function of the frame of refer- ence. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64: 77-80, 1962 THoMAS, D. R., and LANIER, W. G.: A comparison of the stimulus generalization of tendencies to respond and not to respond. Psychological Rec- ord, 12:61-65, 1962. THoMas, D. R., and Lopez, L. J.: The effect of delayed testing on generalization slope. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55: 541-544, 1962. THomas, D. R., and MircHELL, K.: Instructions and stimulus categorizing in a measure of stimu- lus generalization. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5:375-381, 1962. Tuomas, D. R.,, and WiLLiams, J. L.: A further study of stimulus generalization following three- stimulus discrimination training. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:171-176, 1963. THoMAS, D. R., and WILLIAMS, J. L.: Stimulus gen- eralization of a positive conditioned reinforcer. Science, 141:172-173, 1963. WiLLiaMs, J. L., TREICHLER, F. R., and THOMAs, D. R.: Satiation and recovery of the “air-drinking” response in rats. Psychonomic Science, 1:49-50, 1964. MH-4209 (R01) SHAPIRO, DAVID: Group learning without awareness. Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1960-63) ARSENIAN, J., SEMRAD, E. V., and SHAPIRO, D.: An analysis of integral functions in small groups. International [Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 12:421-434, 1962 LEDERMAN, P. H., and SHAPIRO, D.: Application of a time series statistic to physiology and psy- chology. Science, 138:141-142, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2276). LEDERMAN, D. H., and SHAPIRO, D.: A physio- logical and behavioral approach to the study of group interaction. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25: 146-157, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2276). LEDERMAN, P. H., and SHAPIRO, D.: Studies on the galvanic skin potential level: Some behavioral correlates. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 7:277-281, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 2276). LEVIN, G., and SHAPIRO, D.: The operant condi- tioning of conversation. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 5(3) :309-316, 1962. SHAPIRO, D.: The reinforcement of disagreement in a small group. Behavior Research and Therapy, 1:267-272, 1963. SHAPIRO, DaAviD, and LEDERMAN, P. HERBERT: Studies on the galvanic skin potential level: Some statistical properties. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 7:269-275, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2276). SHAPIRO, D., and LEIDERMAN, P. H.: Acts and acti- vation: A psychophysiological study of social in- teraction. In: Leiderman, P. H., and Shapiro, D., eds. Psychobiological approaches to social be- havior. Stanford, Calif., Stanford Univ. Press, 1964, p. 110-126. (Also acknowledges MH- 2276). SHAPIRO, D., LEDERMAN, P. H., and MORNING- STAR, M.: Social isolation and social interaction: A behavioral and physiological comparison. In: Wortis, J., ed. Recent advances in biological psy- chiatry. New York, Plenum Press, 1964, p. 129- 138. (Also acknowledges MH-2276). TuURSKY, BERNARD, LEIDERMAN, P. HERBERT, and SHAPIRO, DAvID: A system for recording and processing psychophysiological and behavioral data. Psychophysiological Newsletter, 8(1):24- 32, 1962. ZINBERG, N. E., and SHAPIRO, D.: A group ap- proach in the contexts of therapy and education. Mental Hygiene, 47:108-116, 1963. MH-4211 (R01) WISHNER, JuLiUs: Studies in effi- ciency and psychopathology. University of Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960- ) LETCHWORTH, GEORGE E.: Studies in efficiency. Verbal conditioning in schizophrenia. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 30(1):45-50, 1966. LercHwoRrTH, G. E., and WISHNER, J.: Studies in efficiency: Verbal conditioning as a function of degree of task-centering. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 65:238-245, 1962. LercHwoRTH, G. E., and WISHNER, J.: Studies in efficiency: Verbal conditioning as a function of degree of task centering. A replication. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:282-286, 1963. PEASTREL, A. L.: Studies in efficiency: Semantic generalization in schizophrenia. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 69:444-449, 1964. WISHNER, J.: Studies in efficiency: GSR condition- ing as a function of degree of task-centering. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 65 (3):170-177, 1962. WISHNER, J.: Efficiency: Concept and measurement. In: Personality research, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Vol. 2. Munksgaard, 1962, p. 161-187. WISHNER, J., PEASTREL, A. L., and FISHBEIN, H. D.: Studies in efficiency: Muscle-action pat- terns in reaction time as related to GSR condition- ing. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69(2) :144-149, 1964. MH-4221 (R01) KouNIN, Jaco S.: Managing emotionally disturbed children in classrooms. Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. (1960- Gump, PauL V., and KouNIN, Jaco S.: Milieu influences in children’s concepts of misconduct. Child Development, 32:711-720, 1961. MH-4229 (R01) PrEIFFER, CARL C., and TOBIN, JosepH M.: Cerebral neurohumors and trained behavior. New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute, Princeton, N.J. (1960- ) Beck, RAYMOND, A., and GOLDSTEIN, LEONIDE: EEG alerting and behavioral stimulant effects of very low doses of atropine in rabbits. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 23(2):175, 1964. Beck, R. A., GOLDSTEIN, L., and PFEIFFER, C. C.: Stimulant effect of psychotogenic drugs demon- strated by quantitative EEG. (Abstract) Phar- macologist, 5(2):238, 1963. GOLDSTEIN, L.: B-adrenergic blocking property of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 21:337, 1962. GOLDSTEIN, L.: Biometric approach to the quantita- tive analysis of brain waves in animals and man. (Abstract) Biometrics, 19(4):660, 1963. GOLDSTEIN, LEONIDE, and HENLEY, KERSTIN: Quantitative EEG analysis of cortical-subcortical relationships during drug induced stimulation. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 7(2):145, 1965. GoLDsTEIN, L., JENNEY, E. H.,, MURPHREE, H. B,, and PFEIFFER, C. C.: Quantitative electroenceph- alographic analysis of the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide in animals and man. (Abstract) In: 473 Proceedings of the International Union of Physio- logical Sciences, 22nd International Congress, Leiden, 1962. Vol. 2. p. 1219. GoLpsTEIN, L., Munoz, C., and NORTON, G.: The reversal of drug-induced EEG depression by dichloroisoproterenol (DCI). (Abstract) Elec- roencephavgrabhy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 13(2), 1961. GOLDSTEIN, LEONIDE, MURPHREE, HENRY B., Su- GARMAN, A. A., PFEIFFER, CARL C., and JENNEY, ELizaBetH H.: Quantitative electroencephalo- graphic analysis of naturally occurring (schizo- phrenic) and drug-induced psychotic states in human males. Clinical Pharmacology and Thera- peuntics, 4(1):10-21, 1963. GOLDSTEIN, LEONIDE, SUGARMAN, A. ARTHUR, STOLBERG, HUBERT, MURPHREE, HENRY B., and PreIFFER, CARL C.: Elector-cerebral activity in schizophrenics and nonpsychotic subjects: Quan- titative EEG amplitude analysis. Electroenceph- alography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 19(4): 350-361, 1965. JENNEY, E. H., MURPHREE, H. B., GOLDSTEIN, L., and PFEIFFER, C. C.: Behavioral and EEG effects of y-butyrolactone and y-hydroxybutyric acid in man. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 4:166E, 1962. KREMZNER, LEON T.: A partial characterization of acetylcholinesterase. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 23(2)Part 1:177, 1964. Munoz, CARLOS, and GOLDSTEIN, LEONIDE: Quan- titative EEG studies on the action of adrenergic blocking drugs upon the analeptic effects of dl- amphetamine in rabbits. (Abstract) Pharmacolo- gist, 2(2):80, 1960. MURPHREE, HENRY B.: Quantitative studies on hu- mans on the antagonism of d-lysergic acid diethyl- amide by chlorpromazine and phenoxybenzamine. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 3(3): 314-320, 1962. MurPHREE, HENRY B.: Clinical pharmacology of potent analgesics. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 3(4):473-504, 1962. MurPHREE, H. B.: The use of potent analgesics. (Abstract) American Journal of Nursing, 63: 104, 1963. MURPHREE, HENRY B.: Effects in human volunteers of subparalytic dosis of dihydro-g-erythroidine. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 4(3): 304-310, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-875). MURPHREE, HENRY B.: Time-series analysis of EEG effects of two barbiturates in humans. (Ab- stract) Pharmacologist, 5:233, 1963. MURPHREE, HENRY B., Dippy, Roy H., JENNEY, ErLizaBeTH, and PFEIFFER, CARL C.: Effects in normal man of a-methyltryptamine and a-ethyl- tryptamine. Clinical Pharmacology and Thera- peuntics, 2(6):722-726, 1961. (Also acknowl- edges MH-875). MurPHREE, H. B., Dippy, Roy H., PFEIFFER, CARL C., and WiLLiams, HARRY L.: Threshold doses of lysergic acid diethylamide, a method for ex- ploring antagonism of this drug by other agents. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 20(1):397, 1961. MuRrPHREE, H. B., GOLDSTEIN, L., PFEIFFER, C. C,, and JENNEY, E. H.: Comparative EEG analysis of the effect of barbiturates on normal and schizo- phrenic subjects. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 4: 166C, 1962. MURPHREE, HENRY B., JENNEY, EL1zABETH, H., and PFEIFFER, CARL C.: Comparison of the effects of congeners of lysergic acid diethylamide and tryptophane in normal human volunteers. (Ab- stract) Pharmacologist, 2(2) :64, 1960. MurpHREE, H. B., JENNEY, E. H., and PFEIFFER, C. C.: Quantitative electroencephalographic analy- ‘sis of the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) and d-amphetamine in man. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 21:337, 1962. MURPHREE, HENRY B., KARABELAS, MICHAEL J, and BRYAN, LAURENCE L.: Scores of inmates of federal penitentiary on two scales of the MMPI Journal of Clinical Psychology, 18(3):137-139, 1962. MuURPHREE, H. B., PFEIFFER, CARL C., and BACK- ERMAN, IVAN A.: The stimulant effect of 2-di- methylaminoethanol (deanol) in human volun- teer subjects. Clinical Pharmacology and Thera- peutics, 1(3):303-310, 1960. MUuURPHREE, H. B., PFEIFFER, C. C., and GOLDSTEIN, L.: EEG effects of antihistamines. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 7(2):145, 1965. MurPHREE, H. B., PFEIFFER, C. C., SCHRAMM, L. P., and JENNEY, E. H.: Computer analysis of drug effects on the electroencephalograms of nor- mal and psychotic subjects. (Abstract) Biochemi- cal Pharmacology, 12(Suppl.):176, 1963. MuURrPHREE, H. B., Siera, O. L., and SCHRAMM, L. P.: Quantitative EEG comparisons of drug- free, treated, and post-treated psychotic patients and normal subjects. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 23:(2), 1964. MURPHREE, H. B., SUGERMAN, A. A., JENNEY, E. H, and ScHuLrtz, R. E.: Quantitative EEG effects in male chronic schizophrenics of pheno- thiazines and deanol. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 22(2)Part 1:510, 1963. PFEIFFER, CARL C.: Some observations regarding hydrazides and convulsions. In: Inhibitions of the nervous system and aminobutyric acid. New York, Pergamon Press, 1960, p. 324-327. 474 PFEIFFER, CARL C.: Present status of Deanol as a cerebral stimulant. Psychosomatics, 2(2):85-88, 1961. PFEIFFER, CARL C.: Part XI. Exploratory trials of new drugs in man. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 3(3):397-399, 1962. PFEIFFER, CARL C., GOLDSTEIN, L., and MuNoz, Carros: Quantitative EEG analysis of the stimu- lant properties of histamine and histamine deriva- tives. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22(2) Part 1:424, 1963. PFEIFFER, CARL C., GOLDSTEIN, L., MuNoz, CAR- Los, MurPHREE, H. B., and JENNEY, E. H.: Quantitative comparisons of the electroencephalo- graphic stimulant effects of Deanol, choline and amphetamine. Clinical Pharmacology and Thera- peutics, 4(4):461-466, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-875). PFEIFFER, CARL C., GOLDSTEIN, L., MURPHREE, H. B., and JenNNEy, E. H.: Electroencephalo- graphic assay of anti-anxiety drugs. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:446-454, 1964. PFEIFFER, CARL C., GOLDSTEIN, LEONIDE, MUR- PHREE, HENRY B., and SUGERMAN, ARTHUR: Time-series, frequency analysis, and electrogenesis of the EEGs of normals and psychotics before and after drugs. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121 (12):1147-1155, 1965. PFEIFFER, C. C., JENNEY, E. H.,, MURPHREE, H. B,, and GoLDsTEIN, L.: EEG effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in normal volunteers and schizophrenic patients. (Abstract) Pharmacolo- gist, 4:166 B, 1962. PFEIFFER, CARL C., and ScHULTZ, ROBERT E.: Quantitative assay of anti-anxiety drugs in man: II. Barbiturates. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 23(2):175, 1964. ScHraMM, L. P. Siera, C. L., and MURPHREE, H. B.: A new technique for assay of CNS drug effect by time-series and frequency analysis of the EEG. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 5:238, 1963. SUGERMAN, A. ARTHUR, GOLDSTEIN, L., MUR- PHREE, H. B., PFEIFFER, C. C., and JENNEY, E. H.: EEG and behavioral changes in schizophre- nia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10(4):340- 344, 1964. MH-4230 (R01) Boyp, EUGENE: Neuropharmaco- logical effects of tetrahydrocannabinol. Univer- sity of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (1960- ) Bovp, E. S., HurcHINSON, E. D., GARDNER, L. C,, and MEeriTT, D. A.: Effects of Tetrahydracanna- binols and other drugs on operant behavior in rats. Archives Internationales de Pharmacody- namie et de Therapie, 144(3-4):533-554, 1963. Bovp, E. S., and MEeriTT, D. A.: Effects of a tetra- hydrocannabinol derivative on some motor systems in the cat. Archives Internationales de Pharma- codynamie et de Therapie, 153(1):1-12, 1965. Boyp, E. S., and Meritt, D. A.: Effects of thio- pental and tetrahydrocannabinol derivative on arousal and recruiting in the cat. Journal of Phar- macology and Experimental Therapeutics, 149(1): 138-145, 1965. MH-4231 (R01) Briss, EUGENE L., and GROSSER, BERNARD I.: Effects of psychological stress on brain metabolism. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (1960-64) Biss, E. L.: Anorexia nervosa-psychogenic malnu- trition. Southern Medical Journal, 56:529-533, 1963. Grosser, B. I., and Briss, E. L.: Corticosteroid metabolism by rat cerebral cortex. 22 Reunion Anual Sociedad Mexicana de Nutricion y Endo- crinologia A.C., Mexico, D.F., 1961, p. 119-126. Grosser, B. I., and Briss, E. L.: Metabolism of 11-hydroxysteroids by rat cerebral cortex in vitro. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22:No. 660, March-April, 1963. MH-4233 (R01) MicHAUX, MARY H. (TatoMm), and HANLON, THOMAS: Rater perseveration in measures of patient change. Spring Grove State Hospital, Catonsville, Md. (1960-62) MicHAUX, MARY HELEN, Ota, Kay Y., HANLON, T. E., and KURLAND, A. A.: Rater perseveration in measurement of patient change. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 23(1):171-184, 1963. MH-4234 (R01) TuNTURI, ARCHIE R.: Psychoto- mimetic drugs and patterns of auditory cortex. University of Oregon Medical School, Portland, Ore. (1960- ) TuNTURI, ARCHIE R.: Statistics of spontaneous elec- trical activity of supra- and ectosylvian gyri of the dog. American [Journal of Physiology, 204:51- 59, 1963. TuNTURI, ARCHIE R.: The brain as a self organiz- ing system. Naval Research Reviews, 1-9, Sep- tember 1964. MH-4235 (R01) MEgLzAcK, RONALD: Effects of early sensory isolation. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. (1960-63) Burns, S. K., and MELzAcCK, R.: A method for analyzing variations in evoked responses. Electro- encephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 20(4):407-409, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH- 4737). HamBRrECHT, F. T., DONAHUE, P. D., and MEL- zAcK, R.: A multiple channel EEG telemetering 475 system. ~~ Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Journal, 15:323-326, 1963. MELzAck, R.: The perception of pain. American, 204:41-49, 1961. Scientific MEeLzAcK, R.: Neuropsychological effects of early sensory restriction. Quarterly Progress Report (Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachu- setts Institute of Technology), No. 65:267-278, April 15, 1962. MELzAck, R.: Neuropsychological effects of early sensory restriction. Quarterly Progress Report (Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), No. 67:237-249, Octo- ber 15, 1962. MEeLzAck, R.: Effects of early perceptual restriction on simple visual discrimination. Science, 137: 978-979, 1962. MEeLzACK, RONALD: Influence of early experience on the cue-arousal effects of stimulation. In: Edwards, A. J., and Cawley, J. F., eds. Physio- logical determinates of behavior: Implications for mental retardation. Lawrence, University of Kan- sas Press, 1964, p. 79-108. MELzack, RoNALD: Effects of early experience on behavior: Experimental and conceptual considera- tions. In: Hoch, P. H., and Zubin, J., eds. Psychopathology of perception. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1965, p. 271-299. MEeLzAcK, RONALD, and Burns, S. K.: Neuropsy- chological effects of early sensory restriction. Boletin del Instituto de Estudios Medicos y Bio- logicos (Mexico), 21:407-425, 1963. Also in: Experimental Neurology, 13(2):163-175, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4737). MEeLzack, R., Rosi, G., and McGINTY, D.: Skin sensitivity to thermal stimuli. Experimental Neu- rology, 6:300-314, 1962. MEeLzAcK, R., and WALL, P. D.: On the nature of cutaneous sensory mechanisms. Brain, 85(2): 331-356, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4737). RopGERs, W. L., MELZACK, R., and SEGAL, J. R.: “Tailflip response” in goldfish. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 56:917- 923, 1963. WaLL, P. D., and MELzAcK, R.: Neural mecha- nisms which discriminate events on the skin. IRE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-8; 120-125, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4737). MH-4236 (R01) Coomss, CLYDE H.: Risk-taking behavior in decision-making. University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1960- ) CoomBs, CLYDE H.: A theory of data. New York, Wiley & Sons, 1964, 585 p. Coomss, C. H., and GOLDBERG, D.: Some applica- tions of unfolding theory to fertility analysis. In: Emerging techniques in population research. New York, Milbank Memorial Fund, 1963, p. 105-129. DAwEs, ROBYN M.: Social selection based on multi- dimensional criteria. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:104-109, 1964. Dawes, RoByN M.: Cognitive distortion. logical Reports, 14:443-459, 1964. Psycho- MH-4237 (R01) VANDERPLAS, JAMES M.: Physical and linguistic factors in form perception. Wash- ington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1960-63) OJEMANN, RaLpH H., Maxey, E. JAMEs, and SNER, Birr C. F.: Effects of guided learning experiences in developing probability concepts at the fifth grade level. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 21(2) :415-427, 1965. VANDERPLAS, J. M.: Associative processes and task relations in perceptual learning. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:501-509, 1963. VANDERPLAS, J. M., SANDERSON, W. A., and VAN- DERPLAS, J. N.: Some task-related determinants of transfer in perceptual learning. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:71-80, 1964. MH-4238 (R01) Rapoport, ANATOL: Coordina- tion and cooperation in small groups. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1960- ) RAPOPORT, AMNON: A study of human control in a stochastic multistage decision task. Behavioral Science, 11(1):18-32, 1966. RAPOPORT, ANATOL: Some self-organizing parame- ters in three-person groups. In: Von Foerster, H., and Zopf, G. W., Jr., eds. Principles of self- organization. New York, Pergamon, 1962, p. 1- 24. RapopPORT, ANATOL, and CHAMMAH, ALBERT M.: Prisoner’s dilemma. A study in conflict and co- operation. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1965, 258 p. MH-4239 (R01) WALKER, EDWARD L.: Stimulus produced arousal patterns and learning. Univer- sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1960-64) DewsBURY, D. A.: Changes in stimulus preference as a function of exposure in an extra-test situa- tion. Psychonomic Science, 2(7):175-176, 1965. Dri Lovrro, V., and WALKER, E. L.: Speed and basal resistance level (BRL) in a segmented straight alley. Psychological Record, 14:499-505, 1964. Houston, J. P., Garskor, B. E., Noyp, D. E., and ERrskINE, J. M.: First-list retention as a function of the method of recall. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(3):326-327, 1965. 476 KAPLAN, RACHEL: Rat basal resistance level under stress and nonstress conditions. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 56:775- 777, 1963. KAPLAN, S., and KAPLAN, RACHEL: Skin resistance recording in the unrestrained rat. Science, 138: 1403-1404, 1962. KLeINsMITH, L. J., and KAPLAN, S.: Paired-associ- ate learning as a function of arousal and inter- polated interval. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 65(2):190-193, 1963. KLEINsMITH, L. J., and KAPLAN, S.: The interaction of arousal and recall interval in nonsense syllable paired-associate learning. Journal of Experimen- tal Psychology, 67:124-126, 1964. KvrLeiNsMITH, L. J., KAPLAN, S., and TARTE, R. D.: The relationship of arousal to short- and long- term verbal recall. Canadian Journal of Psychol- 0gy, 17(4):393-397, 1963. WALKER, B. E., and WALKER, E. L.: Learning, ex- tinction, and relearning of running and basal skin resistance (BRL) in a segmented straight alley. Psychological Record, 14:507-513, 1964. WALKER, E. L., COHEN, Avis, and DOYLE, CHAR- LOTTE: Skin resistance in relation to stimulus change and estrus in rats. Psychological Record, 14:25-30, 1964. WALKER, E. L., and TARTE, R. D.: Memory storage as a function of arousal and time with homoge- neous and heterogeneous lists. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 2:113-119, 1963. WALKER, E. L., and WALKER, B. E.: Response to stimulus complexity in the rat. Psychological Record, 14:489-497, 1964. WEEMS, L. B., and WALKER, E. R.: Speed and basal resistance level (BRL) in a segmented straight alley as a function of alteration of the stimulus, gentling, and isolations. Psychological Record, 14:515-519, 1964. MH-4240 (R01) CASTANEDA, ALFRED, and PENNY, RonaLD K.: Factors in verbal paired-associate learning. University of Texas, Austin, Texas. (1960-64) CASTANEDA, A.: Anxiety and the differential adapta- tion hypothesis. Psychometric Science, 1:25-26, 1954. CASTANEDA, A., FAHEL, L. S., and OpoM, R.: Asso- ciative characteristics of sixty-three adjectives and their relation to verbal paired-associates learning in children. Child Development, 32:297-304, 1961. LUNNEBORG, P. W.: Relations among social desira- bility, achievement, and anxiety measures in chil- dren. Child Development, 35:169-182, 1964. McCuLLErs, J. C.: Effects of associative strength, grade level and inter-pair interval in verbal paired- associate learning. Child Development, 32:773- 778, 1961. McCuLLERs, J. C.: An analysis of some factors underlying intralist associative transfer in paired- associate learning. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 65:163-168, 1963. PENNEY, RoNALD K., and KirRwIN, PAUL M.: Dif- ferential adaptation of anxious and nonanxious children in instrumental escape conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(5):539- 541, 1965. MH-4241 (RO1) PaytoN, CaroLYN R., and BLAKE, LILLIAN: Vertical perception as a thresh- old function. Howard University, Washington, D.C. (1960-64) PAYTON, CAROLYN R., and BLAKE, LILLIAN: Dif- ference limen for perception of the vertical in monkeys. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19:455- 461, 1964. MH-4244 (R01) Paul, IRVING H.: Study of mem- ory styles. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1960-63) ‘Paur, I. H.: The effects of a drug-induced altera- tion in state of consciousness on retention of drive-related verbal material. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138:367-374, 1964. PauL, IRVING H., LANGS, ROBERT J]., and BARR, HARRIET LINTON: Individual differences in the recall of a drug experience. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 140(2):122-145, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3670). MH-4245 (R01) GARDNER, BEATRICE T.: Analy- sis of response chains. Wellesley College, Wel- lesley, Mass. (1960-63) GARDNER, B. T.: Hunger and sequential responses in the hunting behavior of salticid spiders. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58:167-173, 1964. MH-4253 (R10) Lazurg, DENIS, KLINE, NATHAN S., and SANSEIGNE, ALAIN: Psychiatric services in an underdeveloped country. Medico Inc, New York, N.Y. (1960-62) BORDELEAU, J. M., and KLINE, N. S.: Experience in developing psychiatric services in Haiti. World Mental Health, 14:170-182, 1962. KLINE, N. S., ed.: Psychiatry in the underdeveloped countries. Transcript of roundtable presentation and discussion. Washington, D.C., American Psy- chiatric Association, 1960, p. 1-42. KLiNg, N. S.: Bringing clinical services to under- developed countries and contributions to basic 477 knowledge that can be expected from such enter- prises. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 38:170- 175, 1962. KLINE, N. S.: The proper study of mankind. Over- seas, 1:6-10, 1962. KLINE, N. S.: No man is a stranger. Film: Scher- ing Corp., Bloomfield, New Jersey. KLINE, N. S., and Mars, L.: The Haiti Psychiatric Institute: Centre de psychiatrie. In: Kline, N. S., ed. Psychiatry in the underdeveloped countries. Washington, D.C., American Psychiatric Associa- tion, 1960, p. 48-51. MH-4260 (R01) CLARK, MERVIN L., Ray, THOMAS S., and SmitH, CARL W.: Predictors of drug re- sponse in schizophrenia. University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Okla. (1960- ) CLARK, M. L., Ray, T. S., and RacrLanD, R. E.: Chlorpromazine in chronic schizophrenic women: Rate of onset and rate of dissipation of drug ef- fects. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25(3):212-217, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1600). PuGH, LAWRENCE A. OLDROYD, CARL R., RAy, THoMAs S., and CLARK, MERVIN L.: Muscular effort and electrodermal responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(2):241-248, 1966. PuGH, LAWRENCE A., RAY, THOMAS S., and OKLA, NORMAN: Behavior style categories of chronic schizophrenic women. Archives of General Psy- chiatry, 13(5):457-463, 1965. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1600). Ray, T. S., RacLanND, R. E., and Crark, M. L.: Chlorpromazine in chronic schizophrenic women: Comparison of differential effects on various psy- chological modalities during and after treatment. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138: 348-353, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-1600). SampsoN, P. H., Ray, T. S., PucH, L. A. and CLARK, M. L.: Picture recognition as an index of social sensitivity in chronic schizophrenia: The effects of chlorpromazine. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26(6) :510-514, 1962. MH-4262 (R03) SIMON, J. RICHARD: A study of the behavior of hospitalized patients. State Uni- versity of Towa, Iowa City, Iowa. (1960-62) SiMoN, J. R.: Effects of age on the behavior of hos- pitalized patients. Journal of Gerontology, 19: 364-369, 1964. MH-4266 (R03) GOLDBERG, MARSHALL, and MORRISON, JAMES M.: Relationships between thy- roid hormones and alcoholism. St. Vincent Hos- pital, Worcester, Mass. (1960-61) GOLDBERG, M.: Thyroid impairment in chronic al- coholics. (Abstract) American [Journal of Psy- chiatry, 119(3) :255-256, 1962. GOLDBERG, MARSHAL: Thyroid function in chronic alcoholism. Lancet, 2(7259):746-749, 1962. GOLDBERG, M., HEHIR, R., and Hurowirz, M.: Intravenous triiodothyronine in acute alcoholic in- toxication. New England [Journal of Medicine, 263:1336-1339, 1960. MH-4267 (R01) WoLMAN, IRVING J., and GAR- RISON, MORTIMER, JR.: The significance of ovalo- cytosis in mental deficiency. Woods Schools, Langhorne, Pa. (1960-61) KiossoGLou, K. A., GARRISON, M., WALKER, ADE- LYN, and WoLMAN, I. J.: The leudocyte, differ- ential and polymorphonuclear blood counts in mongols and in “organic” mental retardation. Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, 7:69-78, 1963. KiossogLou, K. A., and WALKER, ADELYN: The use of peripheral blood leukocyte concentrates for sex determination. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:78-81, 1962. KiossoGLou, K. A., WoLMAN, I. J., and GARRISON, M.: Fetal hemoglobin-containing erythrocytes. I. Counts of cells stained by the acid elution method compared with alkali denaturation measurements. Blood, 21:553-560, 1963. WoOLMAN, IRVING ]J., WALKER, ADELYN, Kiosso- GLou, Kosmas A., and GARRISON, MORTIMER, Jr.: Ovalocytosis in normal and mentally retarded subjects. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 70(4):515-519, 1966 MH-4276 (R03) FREEMAN, HARRY, and TEDESCHI, CESARE G.: Intracellular chromatin masses in male schizophrenics. Medfield State Hospital, Med- field, Mass. (1960-61) TepEscHI, LUKE G., and FREEMAN, HARRY: Sex chromosomes in male schizophrenics. Archives of General Psychiatry, 6:109-111, 1962. MH-4286 (R01) PALERMO, DAvID S., JENKINS, JaMEs J.: Word association norm—grade school through college. University of Minnesota, Min- neapolis, Minn. (1960-63) PaLerMO, D. S.: Word associations and children’s verbal behavior. In: Lipsitt, L. P., and Spiker, C. C, eds. Advances in child development and behavior. Vol. 1. New York, Academic Press, 1963, p. 31-68. PaLermo, D. S., and JENKINS, J. J.: Superordi- nates, “maturity” and logical analyses of language. Psychological Reports, 10:437-438, 1962. PaLeErMoO, D. S., and JENKINS, J. J.: Free associa- tion responses to the primary responses of the Palermo-Jenkins word association norms for grade school children. University Park, Pa., Depart- 478 ment of Psychology, Pennsylvania State Univer- sity, 1963. (Research Bulletin #37). PaLErMO, D. S., and JENKINS, J. J.: Frequency of superordinate response to a word association test as a function of age. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1:378-383, 1963. PaLErMO, D. S., and JENKINS, J. J.: Paired-associ- ate learning as a function of the strength of links in the associative chain. In: Research Bulletin, No. 39. University Park, Pa., Department of Psy- chology, Pennsylvania State University, 1964. PaLermo, D. S., and JENKINS, J. J.: Sex differ- ences in word associations. Journal of General Psychology, 72:77-84, 1965. WickLUND, D. A., PALERMO, D. S., and JENKINS, J. J.: The effects of associatie strength and re- sponse hierarchy on paired-associate learning. Re- search Bulletin No. 38. University Park, Pa., De- partment of Psychology, Pennsylvania State Uni- versity, 1964. MH-4287 (R01) PoPg, BENJAMIN: Verbal activity level in the psychiatric interview. University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. (1960- ) PoPE, B.: An intercorrelational study of some in- dices of verbal fluency. Psychological Reports, 15: 303-310, 1964. Pork, B., and SIEGMAN, A. W.: The effect of thera- pist activity level and specificity on patient pro- ductivity and speech disturbance in the initial in- terview. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26 (5) :489, 1962. PorE, BENJAMIN, and SIEGMAN, ARON W.: Inter- viewer specificity and topical focus in relation to interviewee productivity, Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4(3):188-192, 1965. SIEGMAN, A. W., and Pork, B.: An empirical scale for the measurement of therapist specificity in the initial psychiatric interview. Psychological Reports, 11:515-520, 1962. MH-4290 (RO1) Mertz, EpWIN T., and JoLLY, DonALD: Experimental phenylketonuria in rats. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. (1960-64) Currey, W. ]J., MEr1Z, E. T,, LUCE, M. W., CAL- ANDRO, J. M., and Jorry, D. H.: Paper chromato- graphic estimation of phenylalanine and tyrosine using finger-tip blood. Clinical Chemistry, 8: 266-269, 1962. CuLLEY, W. J., SaunpERs, R. N,, Jory, D. H,, and MErTZ, E. T.: Reduction of brain serotonin levels in rats fed phenylpyruvic acid. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 21(2):364, 1962. CuLLEY, W. J., SAUNDERS, R. N., Mertz, E. T,, and Jorry, D. H.: Effect of phenylalanine and its metabolites on the brain serotonin level of the rat. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biol- ogy and Medicine, 111:444-446, 1962. CuLLEY, W. J., SAUNDERS, R. N., Mertz, E. T,, and Jorry, D. H.: Effect of a tryptophan deficient diet on brain serotonin and plasma tryptophan level. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 113:645-648, 1963. MATHEWS, SPENCER R., Jr., and FINGER, FRANK W.: Direct observation of the rat's activity during food deprivation. Physiology and Behavior, 1 (1):85-88, 1966. MH-4294 (R01) SimMoN, Eric J.: Biochemical ba- sis of narcotics addiction. New York University Medical Center, New York, N.Y. (1961-63) Prac, DINA VAN, SiMON, Eric J., and ROSEN- KRANZ, HERBERT S.: The effects of various bac- terial and viral inhibitors on the development and metabolism of fertilized sea urchin eggs. Bio- logical Bulletin, 127(2):394-395, 1964. SiMON, E. J.: The inhibition of RNA synthesis in E. coli by a drug of the morphine series. Federa- tion Proceedings, 22:533, 1963. Simon, E. J.: Inhibition of RNA synthesis in E. coli by the narcotic drug levorphanol. (Abstract) Nature, 198(4882) :794-795, 1963. SiMON, E. J.: The effects of narcotics on single cells. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 40:85, 1964. Simon, E. J.: Inhibition of bacterial growth by drugs of the morphine series. Science, 144:543-544, 1964. SIMON, Eric J., and VAN PraGG, DINA: Inhibition of RNA synthesis in escherichia coli by levor- phanol. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 51(5) :877-883, 1964. Simon, Eric J., and VAN PRAGG, DINA: Selective inhibition of synthesis of ribosomal RNA in escherichia coli by levorphanol. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 51(6):1151- 1158, 1964. SIMON, Eric J., and VAN PraGG, DINA: Selective inhibition of the synthesis of ribosomal RNA in escherichia coli by levorphanol. (Abstract) 6th International Congress of Biochemistry, New York, N.Y., July 26-Aug. 1, 1964, Section 1, p. 86. MH-4295 (R01) WESTFALL, BERTIS A., and Rus- SELL, ROBERT L.: Pharmacology of some plants indigenous to Missouri. University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (1961-63) Avuyvong, T. K., RusseLL, R. L., and WESTFALL, B. A.: Effects of juglone on isolated rabbit heart. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, April :95, 1962. 479 AuyonNG, T. K., WESTFALL, B. A., and RUSSELL, R. L.: Pharmacological aspects of juglone. Toxi- con, 1:235-239, 1963. WESTFALL, B. A. RusseLL, R. L., and AUYONG, T. K.: Depressant agent from walnut hulls. (Ab- stract) Science, 134(3490):1617, 1961. MH-4296 (R03) ROBINSON, JoHN S.: Experimen- tal tests of perceptual learning hypotheses. Prince- ton, N.J. (1960-61) ROBINSON, JoHN S., BrowN, Larry T., "and Hayes, WiLLiaM H.: Test of effects of past ex- perience on perception. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:953-956, 1964. MH-4300 (R03) BurLLowa, MARGARET: Develop- ment from vocal to verbal behavior in child. Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, Mass. (1960-65) BrRAZELTON, T. BERRY, and YOUNG, GRACE: An example of imitative behavior in a nine week old infant. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 3:53-67, 1964: MH-4302 (R01) CampPBELL, ERNEST Q.: Norma- tive controls and the social use of alcohol. Uni- versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1960-63) ALEXANDER, CHARLES NORMAN: A method for processing sociometric data. Sociometry, 26:268- 269, 1963. ALEXANDER, CHARLES N.: Consensus and mutual attraction. A study of adolescent drinkers in natural cliques. American Journal of Sociology, 69:395-403, 1964. ALEXANDER, C. NORMAN, JR.: Ordinal position and sociometric status. ~~ Sociometry, 29(1):41-51, 1966. ALEXANDER, C. N., and CAMPBELL, E. Q.: Peer in- fluences on adolescent educational aspirations and attainments. American Sociological Review, 29: 568-575, 1964. CampBELL, ERNEST Q.: High school drinking in North Carolina. In: Youth and alcohol educa- tion. North Carolina State Board of Health, 1963. CaMpPBELL, ERNEST Q.: The internalization of moral norms, Sociometry, 27:391-412, 1964. CAMPBELL, ERNEST Q., and ALEXANDER, CHARLES NORMAN: Peer influences on adolescent educa- tional aspirations and attainments. American Sociological Review, 29:568-575, 1964. CAMPBELL, ERNEST Q., and ALEXANDER, C. NOR- MAN: Structural effects and interpersonal relation- ships. American Journal of Sociology, 71(3): 284-289, 1966. MH-4306 (R01) HATHAWAY, STARKE R., and MoNAcHEsI, ELio D.: Preservation of a research source for follow-up. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1960-66) HATHAWAY, S. R., and MONACHEsI, E. D.: An atlas of juvenile MMPI profiles. Minneapolis, Minn., University of Minnesota Press, 1961, 401 p. HATHAWAY, S. R., and MoNacHEsI, E. D.: Adoles- cent personality and behavior. Minneapolis, Uni- versity of Minnesota Press, 1963, 193 p. HaTHAWAY, S. R., and MoNAcHEsI, E. D.: Adoles- cent personality and behavior: Delinquency. Uni- versity of Minnesota Medical Bulletin, 34:257- 259, 1963. MH-4309 (R01) JoHNsoN, Guy B., Jr.: A study of values in two communities. University of Ore- gon, Eugene, Ore. (1961-63) JOHNSON, BENTON: Ascetic Protestantism and po- litical preference. Public Opinion Quarterly, 26: 35-46, 1962. JoHNsoN, BENTON: On church and sect. American Sociological Review, 28:539-549, 1963. JOHNSON, BENTON: Ascetic Protestantism and po- litical preference in the deep South. American Journal of Sociology, 69:359-366, 1964. JouNsoN, BENTON: Theory and party preference among protestant clergymen. American Socio- logical Review, 31(2):200-208, 1966. MH-4314 (R01) GaLrpstON, Iaco, and FEjos, PauL: Conference on medicine and anthropology. New York Academy of Medicine, New York, N.Y. (1960-62) GALDSTON, IaGo: Man's image in medicine and anthropology. (Monograph for Institute of So- cial and Historic Medicine, New York Academy of Medicine). New York, International Univer- sities Press, 1963, 525 p. MH-4318 (R03) GorpmaN, ALFRED E.: Onto- genesis of superordination. Norristown State Hospital, Norristown, Pa. (1960-61) GoLpMaN, A. E., and LEVINE, M.: A developmen- tal study of object-sorting. Child Development, 34:649-666, 1963. MH-4319 (R03) BauGHMAN, EMMETT E.: Fantasy behavior of certain southern children. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1960-61) MINGIONE, A. D.: Need for achievement in negro and white children. Journal of Consulting Psy- chology, 29(2):108-111, 1965. MH-4320 (R01) Jacoss, HARRY L.: Psychophysiol- ogy of sugar appetite. University of Rochester, 480 Rochester, N.Y. MH-5754). Jacoss, HARRY L.: The osmotic postingestion factor in the regulation of glucose appetite. In: Kare, M., and Halpern, B., eds. The physiological and behavioral aspects of taste. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1961, p. 16-28. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3448). Jacoss, HARRY L.: Some physical, metabolic, and sensory components in the appetite for glucose. American Journal of Physiology, 203:1043-1054, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3448). Jacoss, HARRY L.: Evidence for a bipolar detector system involved in hunger. Physiologist, 6:209, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5754). Jacoss, HARRY L.: Effects of intragastric hypertonic glucose loads on AC brain resistance in rats. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biol- ogy and Medicine, 114:657-659, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5754). Jacoss, HARRY L.: Evaluation of the osmotic effects of glucose loads in food satisfaction. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57: 309-310, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5754). Jacoss, HARRY L.: The interaction of hunger and thirst: Experimental separation of osmotic and oral-gastric factors in regulating caloric intake. In: Wayner, M. J, ed. Thirst. New York, Pergamon Press, 1964, p. 117-137. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5754). (1960-62) (Continued as MH-4322 (R04) ProTINCOV, LEONARD, and BaAs- coM, WILLIAM R.: Personality and family adjust- ments to urbanization. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1960-63) ProTNIcOV, LEONARD: Tribal ethnocentricism: A problem of integration in modern African nations. In: Boletin 9, Instituto de Estodinos Northeameri- canos. Barcelona, Primavera, 1964. MH-4324 (R01) CAMERON, D. EWEN: Third world congress of psychiatry. Third World Congress of Psychiatry, Montreal, Can. (1960-61) CAMERON, EWEN D.: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry (June 4-10, 1961). Mon- treal, Canada, University of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, Vols. I-III, 1961. MH-4326 (R03) FrEILICH, MORRIS: An ethno- graphic study of cultural persistence. University of Akron, Akron, Ohio. (1960-61) FrEILICH, MORRIS: The modern Shtetl: A study of cultural persistence. Anthropos, 57:45-54, 1962. MH-4327 (R03) Davips, ANTHONY: Ego func- tions in disturbed and normal children. Emma Pendleton Bradley Hospital, East Providence, R.I. (1960-61) Davips, A.: Stability of personal and social prefer- ences in emotionally disturbed and normal chil- dren. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69:556-559, 1964. Davips, A., Kipper, CATHERINE, and REICH, M.: Time orientation in male and female juvenile de- linquents. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 64:239-240, 1962. MH-4335 (R01) CLARK, FoGLE C.: Rate of forma- tion of an operant discrimination. Woodmere State Hospital, Evansville, Ind. (1960- ) CLARK, F. C.: Some observations on the adventitious reinforcement of drinking under food reinforce- ment. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5(1):61-63, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2244). CLARK, F. C.: Use of neutralization procedures in the study of discrimination formation. Psycho- logical Reports, 15:662, 1964. CLARK, F. C.: Effects of repeated VI reinforcement and extinction upon operant behavior. Psycho- logical Reports, 15:943-955, 1964. CLARK, FoGLE C.: Emulsification of liquid monkey food. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(1) :16, 1965. CLARK, F. C,, and Hurt, L. D.: The generation of random interval schedules. Journal of the Ex- perimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(2):131-133, 1965. Tapp, JoHN W., and CLARK, FoGLE C.: Another solid state timer. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7(6):431-432, 1964. MH-4336 (R01) FRENCH, JoHN D., Apey, W. Ross, and BRAZIER, MARY A. B.: Conference on computer technics in EEG analysis. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1960-61) BraziER, M. A. B., ed.: Computer techniques in EEG analysis. Electroencephalography and Clini- cal Neurophysiology, Supplement 20, 1962, 98 p. MH-4337 (R01) CoATg, WiLLiAM B., and GARD- NER, R. ALLEN: Reward and nonreward in re- versal learning. Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. (1960-63) CoaTg, W. B., and GARDNER, R. A.: Reward and nonreward in a successive discrimination. Jour- nal of Experimental Psychology, 68:119-124, 1964. CoaTg, W. B., and GARDNER, R. ALLEN: Sources of transfer from original training to discrimination reversal. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70 (1):94-97, 1965. GARDNER, R. A. and CoATE, W. B.: An inexpen- sive multi-channel recorder. American Journal of Psychology, 78(1):134-135, 1965. 481 GARDNER, R. ALLEN, and CoATE, W. B.: Reward versus nonreward in a simultaneous discrimination. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(6):579- 582, 1965. MH-4341 (R03) GELLHORN, ERNsT: Preparation of two papers on autonomic physiology. West- mont College, Santa Barbara, Calif. (1960-60) GELLHORN, E.: Effect of hemorrhage, reinjection of blood and dextran on the reactivity of the sympa- thetic and parasympathetic systems. Acta Neuro- vegetativa, 22:291-299, 1962. GELLHORN, E., and MILLER, A. D.: Methacholine and noradrenaline tests. Archives of General Psy- chiatry, 4:371-380, 1962. MH-4345 (R03) QuiNN, OLIVE W.: Attitudes of adults toward adoption of children. Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. (1960-61) DEeasy, LEiLA CALHOUN, and QUINN, OLIVE WEST- BROOKE: The urban negro and adoption of chil- dren. Child Welfare, 41(9):400-407, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4346). MH-4346 (R03) Deasy, Leia C.: Attitudes of adults toward adoption of children. Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. (1960- 60) DEeAsy, LEiLA CALHOUN, and QUINN, OLIVE WEST- BROOKE: The urban negro and adoption of chil- dren. Child Welfare, 41(9):400-407, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4345). MH-4348 (R03) FARINA, AMERIGO, and DUNHAM, RicHARD M.: Family interaction and its effects in schizophrenia. Dorothea Dix Hospital, Raleigh, N.C. (1960-61) FARINA, A., and DUNHAM, R. M.: Measurement of family relationships and their effects. Archives of General Psychiatry, 9:64-73, 1963. MH-4351 (R03) SPERGEL, IRVING A.: Pilot ex- ploration of the delinquent theft subculture. Co- lumbia University, New York, N.Y. (1960-60) SPERGEL, IRVING: An exploratory research in delin- quent subcultures. Social Service Review, 35:33 47,1961. SPERGEL, IRVING: Racketville, Slumtown, Haulburg: An exploratory study of delinquent subcultures. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1964, 211 p. MH-4355 (R03) ZIMMERMANN, ROBERT R.: Color discrimination in the infant rhesus monkey. Cor- nell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1960-61) ZIMMERMANN, ROBERT R., and TORREY, CHARLES C.: Ontogeny of learning. In: Schrier, Allan M., Harlow, Harry F., and Stollnitz, Fred, eds. Be- New havior of nonhuman primates. Vol. 2. (Also York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 405-447. acknowledges MH-4516 and MH-772). MH-4356 (R03) REICHSMAN, FRANZ, and KiyAsu, JoHN: A study of creatine metabolism in brain. University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (1960- 60) Davies, RoBerT K., DEFALCO, A. J., SHANDER, D., KoPELMAN, A., and Kivasu, J.: Urea-synthesis in the living rat brain. Nature, 191(4785):288, 1961. DEeraLco, ALFRED, and DAVIES, ROBERT K.: The synthesis of creatine by the brain of the intact rat. Journal of Neurochemistry, 7:308-312, 1961. MH-4357 (R10) GuTtH, PAUL S.: Drug effects on release of particle-bound neurohumors. Tulane University, New Orleans, La. (1960-63) GuTH, Paul S.: Effect of phenothiazines on neuro- humor-containing particles from mammalian brain. Federation Proceedings, 21:1100-1103, 1962. GurtH, P. S., and DE JArRaMILLO, G. A. V.: Pheno- thiazine distribution in mammalian brain. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 21:178, 1962. GuTH, PauL S. and FINLAY, ANDREW G.: The effect of chlorpromazine on release of neurohu- mors in vitro. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 3:76, 1961. GuTtH, P. S., SELLINGER, O. Z., AMARO, J., and ELMER, L.: Additional permeability effects by chlorpromazine: “Leakage” of lyosomal phospha- tase. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22(2) Part 1:626, 1963. GuTH, PAUL S., and SPIRTES, M. A.: Mode of ac- tion of chlorpromazine. (Abstract) In: First International Pharmacological Meeting, Stock- holm, Aug., 1961. GuTH, Paul S., and WHITTAKER, VICTOR P.: The effect of chlorpromazine on acetylcholine-contain- ing particles from brain. (Abstract) Pharmacolo- gist, 2(2):93, 1960. JARAMILLO, GABRIELLA ANNA V. DE, and GUTH, PauL S.: A study of the localization of pheno- thiazines in dog brain. Biochemical Pharmacol- 0gy, 12:525-532, 1963. MH-4366 (R03) Fujita, SHIGEO: Schizophrenic urine extract effects on EEG. University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1960-61) Fujita, SHIGEO, and GING, NELSON S.: Presence of toxic factors in urine from schizophrenic subjects. Science, 134(3491):1687-1688, 1961. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4598, MH-1972 and MH-1971). MH-4371 (R03) STEIN, WILLIAM M.: Sociocul- tural analysis of a Peruvian mental hospital. In- dividual, Coral Gables, Fla. (1960-60) 482 STEIN, WILLIAM W.: Patterns of a Peruvian mental hospital. International Journal of Social Psychi- atry, 9(3):208-215, 1963. STEIN, WiLLiaAM W., and OETTING, E. R.: Human- ism and custodialism in a Peruvian mental hos- pital. Human Organization, 24:278-282, 1964. MH-4372 (R01) Rowg, JoHN H., and DowNs, James Francis: Effects of animal husbandry on aboriginal Americans. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1960-61) Downs, James F.: The cowboy and the lady: Models as a determinant of the rate of accultura- tion among the Pinon Navajo. Kroeber Anthro- pological Society Papers, 29:53-56, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5250). Downs, JaMEis F.: Animal husbandry in Navajo society and culture. University of California Publications in Anthropology. Vol. 1. Berkeley, University of California, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-5250). MH-4377 (R01) WATSON, JaMEs B., and LANG- NEss, LEwis L.: Culture contact dissonance. Uni- versity of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (1960-62) LANGNESs, L. L.: Notes on the Bena Council, East- ern Highlands. Oceania, 33(3):151-170, 1963. LANGNEss, L. L.: Hysterical psychosis in the New Guinea highlands: A bena bena example. Psy- chiatry, 28(3):258-277, 1965. MH—4378 (R01) PERKINS, CHARLES C., JR.: Scaling relative reinforcing properties of stimuli. Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. (1960-64) PERKINS, CHARLES C., JR.: A conceptual scheme for studies of stimulus generalization. In: Mostof- sky, David 1, ed. Stimulus generalization. Stan- ford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1965, p. 38-54. PErkINs, C. C., Jr., Levis, D. J., and SEYMANN, R.: Preference for signal-shock vs. shock-signal. Psy- chological Reports, 13:735-738, 1963. MH-4379 (R01) LassLo, ANDREW: Molecular structure and enzymodynamic properties. Univer- sity of Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn. (1961-64) (Continued from MH-2072). BEASLEY, JAMES G., QUINTANA, RoNALD P., and NELMs, GRETCHEN G.: The effect of piperidine- carboxamide derivatives on isolated human plasma cholinesterase: II. Variations in the amide func- tion. Journal of Medical Chemistry, 7:698-701, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2072). LassLo, A., BEasLEy, J. G., NELMs, G. G., and EPPERSON, G. J.: The effect of piperidinecar- boxamide derivatives on isolated human plasma cholinesterase. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 6:811-813, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 2072). LassLo, A., WALLER, P. D., and EPPERSON, G. J.: The synthesis of arylalkylamino-propionamide ana- logues of lysergic acid diethylamide and their effect upon isolated cholinesterase systems. [our- nal of Medicinal Chemistry, 6:26-28, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2072). QUINTANA, R. P.: Relationships between the surface activity and cholinesterase inhibition of mono- and bis [3-(N,N-diethylcarbamoyl) piperidino} al- kanes. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 53: 1221-1223, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 2072). QUINTANA, R. P.: Relationships between the surface activity and cholinesterase inhibition of carbamoyl- piperdinoalkanes. II. Variations in the amide function. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 54 (4):573-575, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH- 2072). QUINTANA, R. P., and SHRADER, W. A.: Synthesis of selected amides of mono- and bis(carboxypi- peridino) alkanes. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 52:1186-1188, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2072). QuINTANA, RoNALD P., SMmiTH, TERRY D., and LoreNZEN, LINDA F.: Synthesis of carbamoyl- piperidine-type cholinesterase inhibitors. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 54(5):785-787, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2072). PurcirLL, W. P., and SINGER, J. A.: Electric mo- ment of isonicotinamide in benzene and dioxane solutions. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 69(2): 691-693, 1965. MH-4381 (R03) BaBB, HaroLD: Reinforcement and punishment of aversive behavior. Hobart and William Smith College, Geneva, N.Y. (1960-60) BaBB, HaroLD: Reinforcement. and an escape response. Psychologica 542, 1963. punishment of Reports, 13: MH-4382 (R03) GRUBER, HOWARD, and FAHRION, NELL G.: Variables of motor activity during mental work. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (1960-61) FAHRION, NELL G.: Measurement of motor styles. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19:139-146, 1964. MH-4386 (R03) BreG, W. Roy, and MILLER, ORLANDO Jack: Chromosome studies in a men- tally retarded population. Southbury Training School, Southbury, Conn. (1960-61) BreG, W. R.: Genetic aspects of mental retardation. Quarterly Review of Pediatrics, 17:9-23, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4872). 483 BrEG, W. R., MILLER, O. J., and SCHMICKEL, R. D.: Chromosomal translocations in patients with mon- golism and in their normal relatives. New Eng- land Journal of Medicine, 266:845-852, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4872). MILLER, O. J., BREG, W. R., ScHMICKEL, R. D., and TRETTER, W.: A family with an XXXXY male, a leukemic male, and two 21-trisomic mon- goloid females. Lancet, 11:78-79, 1961. MILLER, O. J., MUKHERJEE, B. B. and BREG, W. R.: Normal variations in the human karyo- type. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Series 11, 24:372-382, 1962. MH-4387 (R03) AronsoN, Errior: Confirmation and disconfirmation of expectancies. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1960-60) AronNsoN, Ervior, and CARLSMITH, J. MERRILL: Performance expectancy as a determinant of ac- tual performance. Journal of Abnormal and So- cial Psychology, 65(3):178-182, 1962. MH-4391 (R01) CROMWELL, RUE L., and FOSHEE, James G.: Activity level in defectives and nor- mals. George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. (1960-62) (Continued from MH-2311). CROMWELL, RUE L.: Theory and research in activity level. Training School Bulletin, 59:134-141, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2311). CROMWELL, RUE L. BAUMEISTER, A., and HAw- KINS, W. F.: Research in activity level. In: Ellis, N., ed. Handbook of mental deficiency. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 632-663. (Also acknowledges MH-2311). CROMWELL, R. L., and CALDWELL, D. F.: A com- parison of ratings based on personal constructs of self and others. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 18:43-46, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2311). CroMWELL, RUE L. Pork, B. E., and FOSHEE, J. G.: Studies in activity level. V. The relation- ships among eyelid conditioning, intelligence, ac- tivity level, and age. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 65:744-748, 1961. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2311). Hawkins, WiLLIAM F., and CROMWELL, RUE L.: Need states and activity level. Psychological Bul- letin, 61:438-453, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2311). WOLFENSBERGER, W. P., MILLER, M. B., FOSHEE, J. G., & CrRoMWELL, R. L.: Rorschach correlates of activity level in high school children. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26:269-272, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2311). MH-4392 (R01) KATES, SoLis L.: Problem solving in deaf and hearing children. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. (1960-64) Kates, S. L, YuciN, L. W. and TIFFANY, R.: Concept attainment by deaf and hearing adoles- cents. Journal of Educational Psychology, 53: 119-126, 1962. TIFFANY, R., and KATEs, S. L.: Concept attainment and lip reading among deaf adolescents. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 27:265-274, 1962. YupiN, L. W., Kates, S. L.: Concept attainment and adolescent development. Journal of Educa- tional Psychology, 54:177-182, 1963. MH-4398 (R03) BANDURA, ALBERT: Transmis- sion of aggression through imitation. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1960-61) BANDURA, A.: The role of imitation in personality development. Journal of Nursery Education, 18: 207-215, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1734 and MH-5162). BANDURA, A., Ross, DOROTHEA, and Ross, SHEILA A.: Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63:575-582, 1961. BANDURA, A., Ross, DOROTHEA, and Ross, SHEILA A.: Imitation of film-mediated aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66: 3-11, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5162). MH-4401 (R03) VortH, HAROLD M., and MAy- MAN, MARTIN: Autokinesis and personality or- ganization. Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kan. (1960-61) VotH, HAROLD M., and MAYMAN, MARTIN: A di- mension of personality organization: An experi- mental study of “ego-closeness—ego-distance.” Archives of General Psychiatry, 8:366-380, 1963. MH-4402 (R03) Heiss, JEROLD S.: A laboratory study on the expansion of the dyad. University of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. (1960-61) Heiss, JEROLD: Degree of intimacy and male-female interaction. Soczometry, 25:197-208, 1962. Heiss, JEROLD: The dyad views the newcomer: A study of perception. Human Relations, 16:241- 248, 1963. Heiss, JEroLD S., and GORDON, MICHAEL: Need patterns and the mutual satisfaction of dating and engaged couples. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 26:337-339, 1964. MH-4406 (R03) Ase, Davip W., and PRANGE, ARTHUR J., Jr.: Personality change in group analy- tic psychotherapy. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1960-61) JEsSNER, Lucik, and ABsg, D. W.: The psychody- namic aspects of leadership. In: Graubard, Ste- 484 phen R., and Holten, Gerald, eds. Excellence and eadership in a democracy. New York, Colum- bia University Press, 1962, p. 76-94. MH-4408 (R03) SHANDs, HARLEY C.: Study of GSR response in sedation threshold procedure. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1960-61) PEREZ-REYES, MARIO, SHANDS, HARLEY C., and JoHNsON, GEORGE: Galvanic skin reflex inhibi- tion threshold: A new psychophysiologic tech- nique. Psychosomatic Medicine, 24(3):274-277, 1962. MH-4412 (RO1) Scott, JoHN P., STANLEY, WAL- TER C., and WERBOFF, Jack: Studies in social motivation. Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Labora- tory, Bar Harbor, Me. (1961-63) BacoN, W. E., and STANLEY, W. C.: Effect of deprivation level in puppies on performance maintained by a passive person reinforcer. [our- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:783-785, 1963. BacoN, W. EpwARD, and STANLEY, WALTER C.: Resistance to extinction after continuous and par- tial reinforcement in basenji puppies. Psycho- nomic Science, 4(9):327-328, 1966. RHEINGOLD, HARRIET L. and STANLEY, W. C.: Developmental psychology. Annual Review of Psychology, 14:1-28, 1963. SATINOFF, EVELYN, and STANLEY, W. C.: Effect of stomach loading on sulking behavior in neonatal puppies. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 56:66-68, 1963. STANLEY, W. C.: The passive person as a reinforcer in isolated beagle puppies. Psychonomic Science, 2:21-22, 1965. StaNLEY, W. C., and Bacon, W. E.: Suppression of sucking behavior in non-deprived puppies. Psychological Reports, 13:175-178, 1963. STANLEY, W. C., CORNWELL, ANNE C., POGGIANI, CONSTANCE, and TRATTNER, ALICE: Condition- ing in the neonatal puppy. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 56:211-214, 1963. STANLEY, W. C., and ErrioT, O.: Differential hu- man handling as reinforcing events and as treat- ments influencing later social behavior in basenji puppies. ~~ Psychological Reports, 10:775-788, 1962. STANLEY, W. C., Morris, D. D., and TRATTNER, A.: Conditioning with a passive person reinforcer and extinction in Shetland sheep dog puppies. Psychonomic Science, 2:19-20, 1965. MH-4417 (R01) KLINE, NATHAN S., and Raz- RAN, GREGORY: Soviet-American joint confer- ence on Pavlovianism. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, N.Y. (1960-60) KLINE, N. S.: Pavlovian conference on higher nerv- ous activity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 92:813-1198, 1961. MH-4421 (R03) Misiak, HENRYK: CFF, age, and mental functions in children. Fordham Univer- sity, New York, N.Y. (1960-61) Cross, JANE P.: Relation of age and mental growth to the CFF response in children. Child Devel- opment, 34:739-744, 1963. MH-4424 (R03) PopkLL, JEROME E.: Studies in meaning—scale construction.” San Francisco State College, San Francisco, Calif. (1960-61) PopELL, HARRIETT A., and PODELL, JEROME’ E.: Quantitative connotation of a concept. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:509-513, 1963. MH-4426 (R03) GoobricH, KENNETH P.: Auto- mated discrete-trial instrumental conditioning. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960-61) BrusH, F. R., GoobricH, K. P., TEGHTSOONIAN, R., and EismaN, E. H.: Dependence of learning (habit) in the runway on deprivation under three levels of sucrose incentive. Psychological Re- ports, 12:375-384, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3359). WaLL, A. M., and GoobricH, K. P.: Differential responding on reinforcement and nonreinforce- ment trials occurring in fixed repeating patterns. Psychonomic Science, 1:193-194, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4528). MH-4427 (R03) SALISBURY, RicHARD F.: Emer- gent leadership among the New Guinea tolai. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1960- 61) SALISBURY, RicHARD F.: Early stages of economic development in New Guinea. Journal of the Poly- nesian Society, 71:328-339, 1962. MH-4430 (R03) CoHEN, Burton H.: The use of recoding in free recall. Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. (1960-61) COHEN, B. H.: An investigation of recoding in free recall. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65: 368-376, 1963. CoHEN, B. H.: Recall of categorized word lists. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66:227-234, 1963. 485 CoHEN, B. H., and Hur, P. A.: Learning of re- sponses to stimulus classes and to specific stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66:274-280, 1963. MH-4433 (RO1) ELLIS, NORMAN R.: Determinants of learning in the mentally retarded. George Pea- body College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. (1960-64) (Continued from MH-2229). BAUMEISTER, A. A., and BARTLETT, C. J.: A com- parison of the factor structure of normals and re- tardates on the WISC. American Journal of Men- tal Deficiency, 66:641-646, 1962. BAUMEISTER, A. A., and BARTLETT, C. ].: Further factorial investigations of WISC performance of mental defectives. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:257-261, 1962. BAUMEISTER, A. A., and BArRTLETT, C. J.: Stimu- lus trace as a predictor of performance. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:726-729, 1963. BAUMEISTER, A. A., and ErLis, N. R.: Delayed re- sponse performance of retardates. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:714-722, 1963. BAUMEISTER, A. A., SPAIN, C. J., and ELLs, N. R.: A note on alpha block duration in normals and retardates. American Journal of Mental Defi- ciency, 67:723-725, 1963. BLUE, C. M.: Performance of normal and retarded subjects on a modified paired-associate task. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 68:228- 234, 1963. DickersoN, DoNALD J.: Effect of variations in warning-interval duration on reaction time in nor- mal and mentally defective subjects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1(4):392-396, 1965. Dickerson, D. J., and Eris, N. R.: Effects of postresponse stimulus duration upon discrimination learning in human subjects. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 69(5):528-533, 1965. Eruis, N. R.: Amount of reward and operant be- havior in mental defectives. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 66:595-599, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2229). Eris, N. R., GIRARDEAU, F. L., and PRYER, MAR- GARET W.: Analysis of learning sets in normal and severely defective humans. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:860- 865, 1962. ELLs, N. R., Hawkins, W. F., PRYER, MARGARET W., and Jones, R. W.: Distraction effects in od- dity learning by normal and mentally defective humans. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:576-583, 1963. GIRARDEAU, F. L., and Erris, N. R.: Rote verbal learning by normal and mentally retarded chil- dren. American [Journal of Mental Deficiency, 68:525-522, 1964. HEeaDrRICK, M. W., and Erris, N. R.: Short-term visual memory in normals and retardates. Jour- nal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1(4):339- 347, 1964. Jones, R. W., and Err, N. R.: Inhibitory po- tential in rotary pursuit acquisition by normal and defective subjects. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 63:534-537, 1962. MH-2229). TERRELL, CATHERINE G., and ErLLis, NORMAN R.: Reaction time in normal and defective subjects following varied warning conditions. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69(4):449- 452, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4435 (R01) DE FEo, JoHN ]., Bupay, PAUL V., De Fanti, Davip R., and YOUNGKEN, HEBER W.: Thyroid, mao, and sympathomimetic amine - interactions. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. (1961-64) CARRIER, R. N., and BupAay, P. V.: The influence of thyroid feeding on the pharmacologic actions of some monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thera- pie, 145:18-35, 1963. MH-4438 (R01) DeuTscH, CYNTHIA P., DEUTSCH, MARTIN, and FREEDMAN, ALFRED M.: Effects of psychoactive agents on remedial reading. New York Medical College, New York, N.Y. (1960- 63) (Continued from MH-3230). CoLEMAN, R. I., and DeuTscH, C. P.: Lateral dom- inance and right-left discrimination: A compari- son of normal and retarded readers. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19:43-50, 1964. FREEDMAN, ALFRED, DEUTSCH, MARTIN, and Deutsch, CyNTHIA: Effects of hydroxyine hy- drochloride on the reaction time performance of schizophrenic children. Archives of General Psy- chiatry, 3:153-159, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH-3230). FREEDMAN, ALFRED M., DEUTSCH, MARTIN, and DErutscH, CYNTHIA: Sensory response of schizo- phrenic children under Atarax: A new method of measurement. Neuro-psychopharmacology, 2:356- 360, 1961. (Also acknowledges M-3230). MH-4439 (R01) HOFFMAN, PAUL J.: Paramorphic representation of human judgment. Oregon Re- search Institute, Eugene, Ore. (1960- ) (Con- tinued from MH-2097). BECHTEL, GORDON G.: Comparative scaling of uni- dimensional discrimination and similarity data. Psychometrika, 31 (1) :75-84, 1966. 486 CraNDALL, J. E., and HOFFMAN, P. J.: Estimation of judgment reliability: Effects of amount of in- tervening material and point of interpolation. ORI Research Bulletin, 1(1), 1961, 19 bp. (Processed). (Also acknowledges MH-2097). GOLDBERG, LEWIs R.: Diagnosticians vs. diagnostic signs. Psychological Monographs, 79(9):1-28, 1965. (Whole No. 602). HorFMAN, P. J.: Linear multivariate models as rep- resentative of clinical judgment. (Abstract) Journal of the American Statistical Association, 55(290):363, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH- 2097). HOFFMAN, P. J.: Human judgment and the decision process. Oregon Research Institute Bulletin (Uni- versity of Oregon), 1(3): 1960. HorFMAN, P. ]J.: The paramorphic representation of clinical judgment. Psychological Bulletin, 57(2): 116-131, 1960. (Also acknowledges MH=2097). HorFMAN, P. J.: Criterion measures and judgment accuracy. Oregon Research Institute Bulletin (University of Oregon), 1(4): 1961. HorrMAN, P. J.: A multivariate analysis model for the prediction of differential diagnostic judgments. Oregon Research Institute Bulletin, 2(1): 1962, 19 p. (Also acknowledges MH-2097). HOFFMAN, PAUL J.: Assessment of the independent contributions of predictors. Psychological Bulle- tin, 59:77-80, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 2097). HorrFmaN, P. J., Rorer, L., and LAForcEk, R.: Reciprocal moderation and configural prediction: The construction of an appropriate model. ORI (Oregon Research Institute) Research Mono- graph, 3(2), 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 2097). Knox, R. E., and HOFFMAN, P. J.: The format in information display: Some effects upon the judg- ment process. ORI Research Monograph, 1(1): 1-67, 1961. (Processed). LAFORGE, G. R.: Homoscedasticity. American Psy- chologist, 18:213-214, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2097). LaFoRGE, R.: Components of reliability. ORI (Ore- gon Research Institute) Technical Report, 3(5), 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2097). LAFORGE, G. R.: Determination of judgment mod- els by field characteristics. ORI (Oregon Re- search Institute) Research Bulletin, 3(1), 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2097). MAYBEE, J. S.: Least squares solutions of polynomial expressions: Some general considerations. ORI (Oregon Research Institute) Technical Report, 3(1), 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2097). PraDHAN, P. L., and HorrMmaN, P. J.: Effect of spacing and range of stimuli on magnitude esti- mation judgments. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 66:533-541, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2097). Srovic, PAauL: Risk-taking in children: Age and sex differences. Child Development, 37(1):169-176, 1966. Truax, D. R. An asymptotic solution to the prob- lem of sampling error for two equivalent models. ORI (Oregon Research Institute) Technical Re- port, 3(2), 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 2097). WicciNs, N. Multidimensional scaling for individ- ual viewpoints. ORI (Oregon Research Institute) Technical Report, 3(3), 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2097). MH-4440 (RO1) SPURR, GERALD B., and BARLOW, GEORGE: Physiological studies in experimental al- coholism. University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn. (1961- ) BearD, J. D., and Barrow, G.: Influence of daily ethanol administration on fluid volumes and se- rum proteins. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 21:77, 1962. BEARD, JAMES D., BARLOW, GEORGE, and OVER- MAN, R. R. Body fluids and blood electrolytes in dogs subjected to chronic ethanol administration. Journal of Pharmacoolgy and Experimental Thera- peuntics, 148(3) :348-355, 1965. Bearp, J. D., Barrow, G., and TuTTLE, A. H.: Observations on peripheral blood elements during chronic ethanol administrations in dogs. (Ab- stract) Physiologist, 6(3):136, 1963. Knorr, D. H., Barrow, G., and BEARD, J. D.: Effects of alcohol ingestion on the production of and response to experimental hemorrhagic stress. New England [Journal of Medicine, 269:292-295, 1963. MH-4441 (R03) LoNDON, PERRY: Developmental changes in hypnotic susceptibility. University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. (1960-61) LoNDON, P.: Hypnosis in children: An experimen- tal approach. . International [Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 10:79-91, 1962. MH-4443 (R03) SALZINGER, KURT, PISONI, STEPH- ANIE, and ZUBIN, JosepH: Comprehensibility of schizophrenic speech. New York State Psychi- atric Institute, New York, N.Y. (1960-61) SALZINGER, K., and FELDMAN, R. S.: Verbal behav- ior of schizophrenic and normal subjects. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 105:845- 860, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-586, MH- 1541, and MH-4842). 487 MH-4448 (R01) IwANSKA, ALICJA: Relationships between subordinate and dominate groups. Uni- versity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1961-63) IwWANSKA, ALICJA: Meksyk. Part I. Kultura, 75 (5) :41-59, 1962. IwANsSKA, ALICJA: Meksyk. Part II. Kultura, 176 (6) :26-41, 1962. IwaNskA, ALICJA: El concepto del indigena en dos distintas regiones de Mexico. America Indigena, 23(4):345-357, 1963. IwaNska, ALicja: New knowledge: The impact of school upon traditional structure of a Mexican village. Sociologus (Berlin), 13(2):137-150, 1963. MH-4453 (R01) KLOPFER, PETER H., and ADAMs, DonNaLp K.: Early experience and species—char- acteristic behavior. Duke University, Durham, N.C. (1961- ) GotrLIEB, G., and KLOPFER, P. H.: The relation of developmental age to auditory and visual imprint- ing. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:821-826, 1962. HaiLMAN, Jack P.: Cliff-nesting adaptations of the Galapagos Swallow-tailed Gull. Wilson Bulletin, 77(4) 346-362, 1965. HaIiLMAN, J. P., and KLOPFER, P. H.: On measur- ing “critical learning periods” in birds. Animal Behaviour, 10:233-234, 1962. HatcH, JEREMY ].: Only one species of Galapagos mockingbird feeds on eggs. Candor, 67(4): 354-355, 1965. HEsPENHEIDE, HENRY A.: Competition and the genus “tyrannus.” Wilson Bulletin, 76:265-281, 1964. KLOPFER, P. H.: Parameters of imprinting. Ameri- can Naturalist, 98:173-182, 1964. KropFeEr, PETER H., Apams, DonNaLp K., and KLOPFER, MARTHA S.: Maternal “imprinting” in goats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 52:911-914, 1964. KroPFER, P. H., and HAILMAN, J. P.: Perceptual preferences and imprinting in chicks. Science, 145:1333-1334, 1964. KropFeRr, P. H., and KLOPFER, M. S.: Notes on handrearing fallow deer. International Zoology Yearbook, 4:295-296, 1962. SCHLEIDT, WOLFGANG M.: Gaussian interval distri- butions in spontaneously occurring innate behav- iour. Nature, 206(4986):1061-1062, 1965. MH-4460 (RO1) STEINER, IVAN D.: Personality and responses to interpersonal conflict. University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. (1961- ) JouNsoN, HoMER H.: Some effects of discrepancy level on responses to negative information about one’s self. Sociometry, 29(1):52-66, 1966. JounsoN, HoMER H. and STEINER, IVAN D.: Effects of discrepancy level on relationships be- tween authoritarianism and conformity. Report No. 5. Urbana, Illinois, University of Illinois, 1965, 9 p. (Processed) JounsoN, Homer H., and STEINER, IVAN D.: Effort and subjective probability. Journal of Per- sonality and Social Psychology, 1(4):365-368, 1965. STEINER, I. D.: Receptivity to supportive vs. non- supportive communications. Journal of Abnor- mal and Social Psychology, 65:266-267, 1962. STEINER, I. D., and JoHNsoN, H. H.: Authoritarian- ism and tolerance of trait inconsistency. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:388-391, 1963. STEINER, I. D., and JoHNsoN, H. H.: Authoritarian- ism and conformity. Sociometry, 26:21-34, 1963. STEINER, I. D., and JOHNSON, H. H.: Relationships among dissonance reducing responses. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:38-44, 1964. STEINER, IvaN D., and JoHNsoN, HoMEr H.: Category width and responses to interpersonal dis- agreements. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2(2) :290-292, 1965. STEINER, I. D., and RoGEers, E. D.: Alternative re- sponses to dissonance. [Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:128-136, 1963. VANNOY, JosePH S.: Generality of cognitive com- plexity-simplicity as a personality construct. Jour- nal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2(3): 385-396, 1965. MH-4464 (R01) KAGAN, JEROME, and SONTAG, Lester W.: Passivity and styles of thought in children. Fels Research Institute, Yellow Springs, Ohio. (1961-64) KAGAN, JEROME: The child's sex role classification of school objects. Child Development, 35:1051- 1056, 1964. KAGAN, ]J.: On measurement: Suggestions for the future. Journal of Projection Techniques, 28: 151-155, 1964. KAGAN, J.: The acquisition and significance of sex typing and sex role identity. In: Hoffman, Mar- tin, and Hoffman, Lois, eds. Review of child development research. Vol. 1. New York, Rus- sell Sage Foundation, 1964, p. 137-167. KAGAN, JEROME: Reflection-impulsivity and reading ability in primary grade children. Child Develop- ment, 36(3) :609-628, 1965. 488 KAGAN, JEROME: Individual differences in the reso- lution of response uncertainty. Journal of Per sonality and Social Psychology, 2(2):154-160, 1965. KAGAN, JEROME: Impulsive and reflective children: Significance of conceptual tempo. In: Krumboltz, J., ed. Learning and the educational process. Chicago, Rand, McNally, 1965, p. 133-161. KAGAN, JEROME: Reflection-impulsivity: The gener- ality and dynamics of conceptual tempo. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 71(1):17-24, 1966. KAGAN, JEROME: Body build and conceptual im- pulsivity in children. Journal of Personality, 34 (1):118-128, 1966. KAGAN, J., and FREEMAN, MARIAN: Relation of childhood intelligence, maternal behaviors, and social class to behavior during adolescence. Child Development, 34:899-911, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1260). KAGAN, JEROME, and LEWIS, MICHAEL: Studies of attention in the human infant. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly of Behavior and Development, 11(2): 95-127, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-1260). KacaN, J., Moss, H. A., and SiGeL, I. E.: Psycho- logical significance of styles of conceptualization. In: Wright, J. C., and Kagan, J., eds. Basic cog- nitive processes in children. Society for Research in Child Development, Monograph, 28(2):73- 112, 1963. (Serial No. 86). (Also acknowl- edges MH-1260). KaGaN, J., and PHiLLPs, W.: Measurement of identification: A methodological note. Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology, 69:442-444, 1964. KAGAN, J., and RosMAN, BERNICE L.: Cardiac and respiratory correlates of attention and an analytic attitude. Journal of Experimental Child Psychol- ogy, 1:50-63, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 1260). KAGAN, J., RosMAN, BERNICE L., DAY, DEBORAH, ALBERT ]., and PHILLIPS, W.: Information proc- essing in the child: Significance of analytic and reflective attitudes. Psychological Monographs, 78(1):1-37, 1964. (Whole No. 578). Leg, Leg C., KacaN, J., and RABSON, ALICE: In- fluence of a preference for analytic categorization upon concept acquisition. Child Development, 34:433-442, 1963. Lewis, MICHAEL, KAGAN, JEROME, and KALAFAT, JoHN: Patterns of fixation in the young infant. Child Development, 37(2):321-341, 1966. MH-4465 (R01) GLUECK, BERNARD C., JR, MeeHL, PauL E., and ScHOFIELD, WILLIAM: Skilled clinicians’ assessment of personality. In- stitute of Living, Hartford, Conn. (1961- ) GLUECK, BERNARD C.: Minnesota-Ford pool of phenotypic personality items. Minneapolis, Uni- versity of Minnesota, 1962. 86 p. GLUECK, BERNARD C., MEEHL, PAuL E., ScHo- FIELD, WILLIAM, and CLYDE, DEAN ].: The quan- titative assessment of personality. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 5(1):15-23, 1964. GLUECK, BERNARD C., JR., and REZNIKOFF, MAR- VIN: Comparison of computer-derived personality profile and projective psychological test findings. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121(12):1156- 1161, 1965. ScHOFIELD; WILLIAM: The profile of personality. Mental Health Research Bulletin, 3:15-16, 1961. MH-4466 (R03) HONIGMANN, JOHN J. and GULICK, JOHN: Propositional inventory in culture change. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1960-61) KusHNER, G., GiBsoN, M., GULICK, ]., HONIG- MANN, J. J., and NoNas, R.: What accounts for sociocultural change? A propositional inventory. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina, Institute for Research in Social Science, 1962, 51 p. KUSHNER, GILBERT, GIBSON, MICKEY, NONAS, RicHARD, GULICK, JOHN, and HONIGMANN, JoHN J.: What accounts for sociocultural change? Research Previews (University of North Carolina, Institute for Research in Social Science), 9(2): 14-24, 1962. (Processed) MH-4467 (R03) CoaN, RicHARD W.: An analysis of movement perception. University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. (1960-61) CoaN, R. W.: Factors in movement perception. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28(5):394- 402, 1964. MH-4469 (R01) SmitH, KARL U.: Geometric or- ganization of motion. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1961- ) Goulp, J., and Smith, K. U.: Angular displace- ment of visual feedback in motion and learning. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:699-710, 1963. McDerMD, C., and SmitH, K. U.: Compensatory reactions to displaced and visual feedback in be- havior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 48:63- 68, 1964. Smith, K. U.: Behavior organization and work: A new approach to industrial behavioral science. Madison, Wisc., College Printing and Typing, 1962, 900 p. (Also acknowledges MH-4785). SmitH, K. U.: Work theory and economic behavior. Bloomington, Ind., Bureau of Business Research, Indiana School of Business, 1962, 33 p. (Indiana Business Paper No. 5) 489 SMITH, KARL U.: Sensory feedback analysis of visual behavior: A new theoretical-experimental founda- tion of physiological optics. American Journal of Optometry, 40(7):365-417, 1963. SmitH, KARL U.: Sensory feedback analysis in medi- cal research: II. Spatial organization of neurobe- havioral system. American Journal of Physical Medicine, 43:49-84, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4785). SMmitH, K. U., ANsSeLL, S., and SmiTH, W. M.: Sensory feedback analysis in medical research: I. Delayed sensory feedback in behavior and neural function. American Journal of Physical Medicine, 42(6):228-262, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 4785). SmitH, KARL U., and GouLp, JoHN D.: Sensory- feedback analysis of behavior in stereotelevised visual fields. Journal of Applied Psychology, 48 (6):361-368, 1964. SMmitH, K. U.,, and GREENE, P.: Scientific motion study and aging processes in performance. Ergo- nomics, 5S(1):155-164, 1962. SmitH, K. U., GouLp, J., and WARGO, L.: Sensory- feedback analysis in visual behavior. A new theo- retical-experimental foundation of physiological optics. American Journal of Optometry and Ar- chives of the Academy of Optometry, 40:365-417, 1963. SmitH, K. U.,, and MURPHY, T.: Sensory feedback mechanisms of handwriting motions and their neurogeometric bases. In: Herrick, V., ed. New horizons for research on handwriting. Madison, Wis., University of Wisconsin Press, 1963, p. 111- 157. SMmitH, K. U., MyszeEwskl, M., MERGEN, M., and KOEHLER, J.: Computer system control of delayed auditory feedback. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:343-354, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 4785). SmitH, K. U.,, and SmitH, W. M.: Perception and motion: An analysis of space-structured behavior. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1962, 341 p. Smith, K. U., and WaRrGo, L.: Sensory-feedback analysis of specialization of movements in learn- ing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:749-756, 1963. SmitH, K. U., WaRGo, L., and JoNEs, R.: Delayed and space-displaced sensory feedback and learn- ing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:781-796, 1963. MH-4471 (R01) SamoORAJsKI, THADDEUS: Func- tional cytology—hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Cleveland Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. (1960-62) (Continued from MH-3744). SamorajJskl, T., and McCroup, JERRY: Alkaline phosphomonoesterase and blood brain permeabil- ity. Laboratory Investigation, 10:492-501, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3744). SamorajJski, T., and Marks, B. H.: Localization of tritiated norepinephrine in mouse brain. Jour- nal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 10:392- 399, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3744). MH-4472 (R01) WiLsoN, WiLLIAM A., and WIL- SON, MARTHA: Analysis of behavioral functions of cerebral areas. Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. (1960-64) CHIANG, H. M., and WiLsoN, W. A., Jr.: Some tests of the diluted-water hypothesis of saline consumption in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:660-665, 1963. GLEITMAN, HENRY, WILSON, W. A., JR., HERMAN, MAGDALENA M., and RESCORLA, ROBERT A.: Massing and within-delay position as factors in delayed-response performance. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 56:445- 451, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4993). WiLsoN, MARTHA: Further analysis of intersensoty facilitation of learning sets in menkeys. Percep- tual and Motor Skills, 18:917-920, 1964. WiLsoN, M., and WiLsoN, W. A., Jr.: Intersensory facilitation of learning sets in normal and brain- operated monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological ~ Psychology, 55:931-934, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2908). WILSON, MARTHA, and WILSON, WILLIAM A., JR.: Visual and tactual preferences in normal and brain-operated monkeys. Animal Behaviour, 12: 227-230, 1964. WiLsoN, M., WiLsoN, W. A., Jr., and CHIANG, H.-M.: The formation of tactual learning sets. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 56:732-734, 1963. WiLsoN, W. A., Jr.: Alternation in normal and frontal monkeys as a function of response and outcome of the previous trial. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:701- 704, 1962. WiLsoN, W. A., Jr.: The effect of colony disease upon behavioral studies in primates. Laboratory Animal Care, 13:485-489, 1963. WiLsoN, WiLLiAM A., JR., OSCAR, MARLENE, and BrrrerMAN, M. E.: Visual probability-learning in the monkey. Psychonomic Science, 1:71-72, 1964. WiLsoN, WILLIAM A., JR., OSCAR, MARLENE, and BirTeErRMAN, M. E.: Probability-learning in the monkey. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 16(2):163-165, 1964. 490 WiLsoN, W. A., Jr., Oscar, M., and GLEITMAN, H.: The effect of frontal lesions in monkeys upon widely-spaced delayed-response trials. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 237-240, 1963. WiLsoN, W. A., Jr., and SHAFFER, O. C.: Inter- modality transfer of specific discriminations in the monkey. Nature, 197:107, 1963. MH-4476 (R03) Ueki, SHowA, and SUGANO, HisaNoBU: Effects of drugs on the limbic system. Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. (1960-61) Tanaka, Kunio, Ueki, SHowA, and IKUTA, Takumi: Correlates between EEG and experi- mentally derived electrotonic potential. In: Pro- ceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of Japanese EEG Society. 1961, p. 58-61. UEKI, SHOWA: Problems in olfactory function. Fukuoka Acta Medica, 52:345-366, 1961. UEKI, SHOwA, and OoNo, SHINJI: A new method for continuous recording of the pupil size by means of a phototransistor. Archives Interna- tionales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 142: 339-348, 1963. Ueki, SHowa, TANAKA, Kunio, and SUGANO, HisaNoBU: Pharmacological studies on the elec- trical activities of the olfactory bulb. Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, 14:80-93, 1964. MH-—4479 (RO1) ZIEGLER, FREDERICK J]. PREN- TISS, ROBERT, PURVIS, MARTIN, ROGERS, DAVID, and SHAFFER, JOHN: Psychosocial study of vasec- tomy patients. Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, Calif. (1961- ) RODGERS, DAvID A.: Estimation of MMPI profiles from CPI data. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 30(1):89, 1966. RODGERS, DAVID A., ZIEGLER, FREDERICK J., AL- TROCCHI, JOHN, and Levy, Nissim: A longitu- dinal study of the psycho-social effects of vasec- tomy. [Journal of Marriage and the Family, 27 (1):59-63, 1965. RoDGERs, DAVID A., ZIEGLER, FREDERICK J., PREN- TiSS, ROBERT J., and MARTIN, Purvis L.: Com- parisons of nine contraceptive procedures by couples changing to vasectomy or ovulation sup- pression medication. Journal of Sex Research, 1(2):87-96, 1965. RoDGERs, D. A., ZIEGLER, F. J., ROHR, PATRICIA, and PRENTISS, R. J.: Sociopsychological charac- teristics of patients obtaining vasectomies from urologists. Marriage and Family Living, 25(3): 331-335, 1963. ZIEGLER, FREDERICK J., and KRIEGSMAN, SALI ANN: Vasectomy and psychological functioning. Hu- manist, 16-18, 1965. Z1EGLER, FREDERICK J., RODGERS, DAviD A., and KRIEGSMAN, SALI ANN: Effect of vasectomy on psychological functioning. Psychosomatic Medi- cine, 28(1) :50-63, 1966. MH-4481 (R01) Scott, JoHN P., and BRONSON, FRANK H.: Development of normal and mal- adaptive social behavior. Roscoe B. Jackson Me- morial Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine. (1961- 64) BroNsoN, F. H.: Density, subordination and social timidity in “Peromyscus” and C57BL/10] mice. Animal Behaviour, 11:475-479, 1963. BronsoN, H. F., and ELEfFTHERIOU, B. E.: Influ- ence of strange males on implantation in the deermouse. General and Comparative Endocri- nology, 3:515-518, 1963. Bronson, F. H., and ELEFTHERIOU, B. E.: Adrenal responses to crowding in “Peromyscus” and C57BL/10] mice. Physiological Zoology, 36: 161-166, 1963. Bronson, F. H., and ELEFTHERIOU, B. E.: Chronic physiological effects of fighting Yn mice. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 4:9-14, 1964. ELeFTHERIOU, Basi. E. BronNsoN, F. H., and ZarRrROW, M. X.: Interaction of olfactory and other environmental stimuli on implantation in the deer mouse. Science, 137:764, 1962. MARSDEN, HALSEY M., and BroNsoN, F. H.: Es- trous synchrony in mice: Alteration by exposure to male urine. Science, 144:1469, 1964. Scorr, J. P.: Critical periods in behavioral develop- ment. Science, 138:949-958, 1962. Scortr, J. P.: The process of primary socialization in canine and human infants. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 28 (1) :1-47, 1963. Scott, J. P.: Genetics and the development of social behavior in dogs. American Zoologist, 4:161- 168, 1964. MH-4484 (R01) KAPLAN, SoLoMON D., COATS, EpwiN A., and GiBsoN, ROBERT D.: Visual— olfactory vs. vascular schizokinesis. Lincoln State Hospital, Lincoln, Nebr. (1961-64) Poperr, H. A., and PobkLL, J. E.: Quantitative connotation of a concept. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:509-513, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5461). MH-4486 (R01) MALZBERG, BENJAMIN, and THOMAS, DOROTHY SWAIN: Social and biological aspects of mental disease. Middletown State Hos- pital, Middletown, N.Y. (1961-64) 491 MALZBERG, BENJAMIN: Migration and mental dis- ease among the white population of New York State, 1949-1951. Human Biology, 34:89-98, 1962. MALZBERG, BENJAMIN: Mental disease among for- eign-born in Canada, 1950-1952, in relation to period of immigration. American [Journal of Psychiatry, 120(10):971-973, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1140). MALZBERG, BENJAMIN: Marital status and the inci- dence of mental disease. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 10:19-26, 1964. MH—4490 (RO1) SINGER, ROBERT D.: Conditioning and generalization of verbal responses. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1961-63) GELFAND, DONNA M., and SINGER, ROBERT D.: Generalization of children’s verbally conditioned personality judgments. Journal of Clinical Psy- chology, 21:101-103, 1965. WERTHEIM, GEORGE A., and SINGER, ROBERT D.: Resistance to extinction in the goldfish following schedules of continuous and variable interval re- inforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analy- sis of Behavior, 7:357-360, 1964. MH-4493 (R01) NAKAMURA, CHARLES Y.: Abso- lute and relative incentive magnitude in learning. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1961-63) ANDERSON, N. H., and NAKAMURA, C. Y.: Avoid- ance decrement in avoidance conditioning. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:196-204, 1964. Boroczi, G., and NAKAMURA, C. Y.: Variability of responding as a measure of the effect of frustra- tion. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 3:342-345, 1964. NakaMURA, CHARLES Y.: Effect of prominence of dissonance-associated stimuli during evaluation of the stimuli. Journal of Experimental Child Psy- chology, 3(1):86-99, 1966. NAKAMURA, C. Y., and ANDERSON, N. H.: Avoid- ance conditioning in wheel box and shuttle box. Psychological Reports, 14:327-334, 1964. NAKAMURA, CHARLES Y., and BrRooczi, GEORGE: Effect of relative incentive value on persistence and response speed. Child Development, 36(2) :247- 257, 1965. NAKAMURA, C. Y., and ELLs, F. F.: Methodological study of the effects of relative reward magnitude on performance. Child Development, 35:595- 610, 1964. NAKAMURA, C. Y., and LOWENKRON, B. Z.: Incen- tive magnitude, task orientation, and persistence. Child Development, 35:611-621, 1964. NAKAMURA, CHARLES Y., SMITH, JaMEs C., and ScHWARTZ, FREDERICK W.: Establishment of a lasting discriminative stimulus in rats by compe- tition training. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:852-856, 1963. MH-—4494 (R01) JENSEN, GLENN D.: Comparative study of operant conditioning. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N.M. (1961-62) (Con- tinued as MH-7237). JENSEN, GLENN D.: Preference for bar-pressing over “freeloading” as a function of number of rewarded presses. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 65:451-454, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2834 and MH-7237). MH-4495 (R01) BerLYNE, DANIEL E.: Explora- tory behavior and arousal. Boston University, Boston, Mass. (1961-62) (Continued as MH- 6324). BERLYNE, D. E.: New directions in motivation the- ory. In: Gladwin, T., and Sturtevant, W. C., eds. Anthropology and human behavior. Washington, Anthropological Society of Washington, 1962, p. 150-173. (Also acknowledges MH-6324). BerLYNE, DANIEL E.: Uncertainty and epistemic curiosity. British Journal of Psychology, 53:27- 34, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-6324). BERLYNE, D. E.: Comments on relations between Piaget’s theory and S-R theory. In: Kessen, W., and Kuhlman, C., eds. Thought in the young child. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 1962, p. 150-173. (Also acknowledges MH-6324). BerLYNE, D. E.: Complexity and incongruity varia- bles as determinants of exploratory choice and evaluative ratings. Canadian Journal of Psychol- ogy, 17:274-290, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6324). BerLYNE, D. E.: Psychology in the US.S.R. Cana- dian Psychologist, 4:1-13, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-6324). BErRLYNE, D. E.: Motivational problems raised by exploratory and epistemic behavior. In: Koch, S., ed. Psychology—a study of a science. Vol. 5. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 284-364. (Also acknowledges MH-6324). BERLYNE, D. E.: Soviet research on intellectual processes in children. In: Wright, J. C., and Kagan, J., eds. Society for research in child de- velopment monographs. Washington, D.C., Na- tional Research Council, 1963, p. 165-183. (Also acknowledges MH-6324). BERLYNE, D. E.: Emotional aspects of learning. Annual Review of Psychology, 15:115-142, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-6324). 492 BERLYNE, D. E., Craw, M. A., SALAPATEK, P. H,, and Lewis, J. L.: Novelty, complexity, incon- gruity, extrinsic motivation and the GSR. Jour- nal of Experimental Psychology, 66:560-567, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6324). BERLYNE, D. E., and LAWRENCE, G. H.: Effects of complexity and incongruity variables on GSR, investigatory behavior and verbally expressed pref- erence. Journal of General Psychology, 71:21-45, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-6324). BErLYNE, D. E., and Lewis, J. L.: Effects of heightened arousal on human exploratory behavior, Canadian Journal of Psychology, 17:398-411, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6324). BERLYNE, D. E., SALAPATEK, H., GELMAN, R. S,, and ZENER, S. L.: Is light increment really re- warding to the rat? Journal of Comparative and Physiological ~ Psychology, 58:148-151, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-6324). MH-4506 (R01) LEIGHTON, ALEXANDER H., and HuGHES, CHARLES C.: Cornell-Aro mental health research project. Cornell University, New York, N.Y. (1961-61) LEIGHTON, ALEXANDER H., and LAmBO, T. ADE- OYE: Psychiatric problems in developing coun- tries. In: U.S. Papers for U.N. Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for Benefit of Less Developed Areas, Geneva, 1962. Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1963. LeicHTON, A. H., LaMBO, T. A., HucHEks, C. C, LeiGHTON, D. C., MURPHY, J. M., and MACKLIN, D. B.: Psychiatric disorder in West Africa. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120(6):521-527, 1963. LeiGHTON, A. H., LaMBO, T. ADEOYE, HUGHES, CHARLES C., LEIGHTON, DOROTHEA C., MURPHY, JANE M., and MACKLIN, Davip B.: Psychiatric disorder among the Yoruba. Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 1963, 413 p. LEIGHTON, ALEXANDER H., and MURPHY, JANE M.: The problem of cultural distortion. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 43(2)Part 2:189-198, 1965. MH-4507 (R01) Crusk, DANIEL B.: The develop- ment of socially desirable responses. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Atk. (1961-61) Cruse, DANIEL B.: Socially desirable responses in relation to grade level. Child Development, 34: 777-789, 1963. MH-4509 (R01) CumMING, WiLLiaM W.: Para- metric study of temporally spaced responding. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1961- 61) (Continued as MH-6911). MaLrort, RicHARD W., and CUMMING, WILLIAM W.: Schedules of inter-response time reinforce- ment. Psychological Record, 14:211-252, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-6911). MH-4511 (RO1) BUCKLEY, JosepH P., AcCETO, Mario D., ROSECRANS, JoHN A., and VOGIN, EuGeNE E.: Effects of psychotropic drugs on ex- perimental stress. University of Pittsburgh, Pitts- urgh, Pa. (1961- ) Acero, M. D. G., KINNARD, W. J., and BUCKLEY, J. P.: Effect of compounds on blood pressure and behavioral responses of rats chronically subjected to an avoidance-escape situation. Pharmacologist, 4:152, 1962. Acero, M. D. G., KINNARD, W. J., and BUCKLEY, J. P.: Effect of compounds on blood pressure and behavioral responses of rats chronically subjected to an avoidance-escape situation. Archives Inter- nationales de Pharmacodynamie de Therapie, 144: 214, 1963. BuckLEY, J. P., Kato, H., KINNARD, W. J., ACETO, M. D. G., and EsTEVEZ, J. M.: Effects of reserpine and chlorpromazine on rats subjected to experi- mental stressors. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 5: 261, 1963. Also in: Psychopharmacologia, 6:87- 95, 1964. Dixit, B. N., and BUCKLEY, J. P.: Brain 5-HT and anterior pituitary activation by stress and reserpine. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 25(2):192, 1966. MH-4515 (RO1) FRENCH, GILBERT M.: Role of experience in behavior of frontal monkeys. Uni- versity of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1961-64) FRENCH, G. M.: The frontal lobes and association. In: Warren, J. M., and AKERT, K., eds. The frontal granular cortex and behavior. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964, p. 56-73. FrReNcH, G. M., BrnBaUM, I., LEVINE, R., and PINSKER, H.: Discriminative choice in normal and - prefrontal rhesus monkeys. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 59 (2) :225-230, 1965. MH-4516 (RO1) ZIMMERMANN, ROBERT R.: Dis- crimination learning during early development. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1961- ) LockE, KATHERINE D., Locke, EDWIN A., MOR- GAN, GEORGE A., and ZIMMERMANN, ROBERT R.: Dimensions of social interactions among infant rhesus monkeys. Psychological Reports, 15:339- 349, 1964. Locke, KATHERINE D., MORGAN, GEORGE A., JR., and ZIMMERMANN, ROBERT R.: Method for ob- serving social interactions in groups of infant 493 rhesus monkeys. 91, 1964. ScHiFr, W., CAVINEss, J. A., and GIBSON, J. J. Persistent fear response in rhesus monkeys to the optical stimulus of looming. Science, 136:982- 983, 1962. TiGHE, THoMAs J.: Effect of overtraining on re- versal and extradimensional shifts. Journal of Ex- perimental Psychology, 70(1):13-17, 1965. Psychological Reports, 14:83 ZIMMERMAN, ROBERT R., and TORREY, CHARLES C.: Ontogeny of learning. In: Schrier, Allan M., Harlow, Harty F., and Stollnitz, Fred, eds. Be- havior of nonhuman primates. Vol. 2. New York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 405-447. (Also acknowledges MH-4355 and MH-772). MH-4518 (R03) RADER, GorpoON E., and ProurTs, JANE: Personality interaction in the psychiatric interview. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1960-61) ProuTs, JANE H., and RADER, G. E.: Instruction in interviewing technique in the medical school cur- riculum: Report of a trial program and some sug- gestions. Journal of Medical Education, 37:681- 686, 1962. Prours, JANE H., and RADER, G. E.: The influence of interviewer characteristics on the initial inter- view. Social Casework, 43:548-552, 1962. MH-4520 (R03) BerL, GrRaHaM C., and PRICE, MARIAN BLEWITT: Mental age, IQ, sex and di- vergent thinking. Pomona College, Claremont, Calif. (1960-61) Price, MARIAN B., and BiLL, GRAHAM B.: The relationship of chronological age, mental age, IQ and sex to divergent thinking tests. [Journal of Psychological Researches, 9(1):1-9, 1965. MH-4523 (R01) Weiss, RoBerT F.: Attitude learning through persuasive communication. Co- lumbus Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Co- lumbus, Ohio. (1961-63) Weiss, R. F.: Persuasion and the acquisition of at- titudes: Models from conditioning and selective training. ~~ Psychological Reports, 11:709-732, 1962. WEIss, R. F.: Defection from social movements and subsequent recruitment of new movements. So- ciometry, 26:1-20, 1963. Weiss, RoBERT FRANK: Delay of verbal reward in verbal conditioning and selective learning. Psy- chological Reports, 16(3): Part 1, 857-861, 1965. Wess, R. F., BUCHANAN, W., and PASAMANICK, B.: Social consensus in persuasive communication. Psychological Reports, 14:95-98, 1964. Weiss, ROBERT F., BUCHAN, WILLIAM, PASAMAN- ICK, BENJAMIN: Delay of reinforcement and de- lay of punishment in persuasive communication. Psychological Reports, 16:576, 1965. Weiss, R. F., and PASAMANICK, B. Number of ex- posures to persuasive communication in the in- strumental conditioning of attitudes. Journal of Social Psychology, 63:373-382, 1964. Weiss, R. F., Rawson, H. E., and PASAMANICK, B.: Argument strength, delay of argument and anxiety in the “conditioning” and ‘‘selective learn- ing” of attitudes. Journal of Abnormal and So- cial Psychology, 67:157-165, 1963. MH-4524 (RO1) ALLISON, ROGER B., Jr.: Multi- dimensional semantic differentials. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (1961-63) ALLISON, R. B., Jr.: A two-dimensional semantic differential. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27:18-23, 1963. ALLISON, R. B., Jr.: Using adverbs as multipliers in semantic differentials. Journal of Psychology, 56:115-117, 1963. MH-4527 (R01) GREENBAUM, MARVIN, and GUN- BERG, DAvID L.: Effects of multiple stress on be- havior. University of Oregon Medical School, Portland, Ore. (1961-62) GREENBAUM, MARVIN, and Levy, Nissim: Effect of multiple stress and Thorazine on Amsel’s frus- tration effect. Psychological Reports, 16(3)Part 1:947-948, 1965. MH-4528 (R01) Harrow, Harry F., and Mow- BRAY, JAY B.: Comprehensive behavioral studies of monkeys. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1961- ) (Continued from MH-772). Boyer, WiLLiaM N.: Discriminative performance by three species of monkeys as a function of trial 1 reward contingency, intertrial interval and prior test experience. Psychonomic Science, 5(1):27- 28, 1966. CaperLrL, T. E., Harrow, H. F., and WAISMAN, H. A.: EEG changes in experimental phenylke- tonuria. ~~ Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14:540-543, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2730 and MH-5048). Cross, H. A., and Harrow, H. F.: Observation of infant monkeys by female monkeys. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:11-15, 1963. DEVENPORT, J. W.: A rotary runway apparatus. Psychological Reports, 12(2):385-386, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3085). DAVENPORT, J. W.: Spatial discrimination and re- versal learning involving differential magnitude of 494 reinforcement. ~~ Psychological Reports, 12:655- 665, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3085). DAVENPORT, JOHN W., GoobricH, KENNETH P., and HacQuist, WiLLiaM W.: Effects of magni- tude of reinforcement in Macaca speciosa. Psy- chonomic Science, 4(5):187-188, 1966. DAVENPORT, JoHN W., and THOMPSON, CARL I.: The Amsel frustration effect in monkeys. Psy- chonomic Science, 3(11):481-482, 1965. FLETCHER, HAROLD J., and BOorpOW, ALLAN M.: Monkey's solution of an ambiguous-cue problem. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 21(1):115-119, 1965. FLETCHER, HAROLD J., and Cross, HENRY A.: Ef- fects of trial 1 reward contingency, intertrial in- terval and experience on intraproblem discrimina- tion performance of monkeys. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 57:318- 320, 1964. FLETCHER, HAROLD J., and TAKEMURA, KEN-ICHI: Prompted vs. trial-and-error concept discrimina- tion learning in monkeys. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3) Part 1:737-743, 1965. GoopricH, KENNETH P.: Differential conditioning based on concentration of sucrose reinforcement in rats on a VI schedule. Psychonomic Science, 3(5):213-214, 1965. HaNseN, Ernst W., Harrow, Harry F. and DopsworRTH, ROBERT O.: Reactions of rheus monkeys to familiar and unfamiliar peers. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 61(2):274-279, 1966. Harrow, H. F.: The development of affectional patterns in infant monkeys. In: Foss, B. M., ed. Determinants of infant behavior. London, CIBA Foundation, 1961. Harrow, H. F.: The heterosexual affectional sys- tem in monkeys. American Psychologist, 17:1-9, 1962. Harrow, H. F.: A behavioral approach to psycho- analytic theory. Science and Psychoanalysis, 7:93- 117, 1964. Harrow, Harry F.: Early social deprivation and later behavior in the monkey. In: Abrams, Arnold, ed. Unfinished tasks in the behavioral sciences. Baltimore, Md., Williams & Wilkins, 1964, p. 154-173. Harrow, HARRY F. and HARLOW, MARGARET K.: The affectional systems. In: Schrier, Allan M., Harlow, Harry F., and Stollnitz, Fred, eds. Be- havior of nonhuman primates. Vol. 2. New York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 287-334. Harrow, H. F., HArRLow, M. K., and HANSEN, E. W.: The maternal affectional system of rhesus monkeys. In: Rheingold, H. L., ed. Maternal behavior in mammals. New York, Wiley, 1963, p. 254-281. Harrow, H. F., RowLaND, G. L., and GRIFFIN, G. A.: The effect of total social deprivation on the development of monkey behavior. Psychiatric Research Reports, 19:116-135, 1964. Harrow, H. F., and SEAY, B.: Affectional systems in rhesus monkeys. Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society, 1964. LockHART, J. M., Parks, T. E., and DAVENPORT, J. W.: Information acquired in one trial by learn- ing-set experienced monkeys. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 56(6): 1035-1037, 1963. MircHELL, G. D., RAYMOND, E. J., RUPPENTHAL, G. C., and Harrow, H. F.: Long-term effects of total social isolation upon behavior of rhesus mon- keys. Psychological Reports, 18(2):567-580, 1966. MowsBRray, J. B., and Caperr, T. E.: Early be- havior patterns in rhesus monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55: 350-357, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-772). RosenBLUM, L. A. and Harrow, H. F.: Gen- eralization of affectional responses in rhesus mon- keys. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:561-564, 1963. RosenNBLUM, L. A, and HARLOW, H. F.: Approach- avoidance conflict in the mother-surrogate situa- tion. Psychological Reports, 12:83-85, 1963. SACKETT, GENE P.: Effects of rearing conditions upon the behavior of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Child Development, 36(4):855-868, 1965. SACKETT, GENE P.: Manipulatory behavior in mon- keys reared under different levels of early stimu- lus variation. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20 (3) ‘Part 1:985-988, 1965. SACKETT, GENE P.: Response of rhesus monkeys to social stimulation presented by means of colored slides. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3) Part 2: 1027-1028, 1965. SAcKETT, G. P., PORTER, M., HOLMES, H.: Choice behavior in rhesus monkeys: Effect of stimulation during the first month of life. Science, 147:304- 306, 1965. SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S., BowMaN, R. E., and HoLp- STOCK, L.: Visual exploration in the monkey fol- lowing ablation of the amygdaloid complex. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 57(3):453-456, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4686). SEAY, B., ALEXANDER, B. K., and HARLOW, H. F.: Maternal behavior of socially deprived rhesus mon- 495 keys. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69:345-354, 1964. SEAY, BILL, and HARLOW, HARRY F.: Maternal sep- aration in the rhesus monkey. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 140(6) :434-441, 1965. STERRITT, G. M., GOODENOUGH, E., and HARLOW, H. F.: Learning set development: Trials to cri- terion vs. six trials per problem. Psychological Reports, 13:267-271, 1963. WaLL, A. M., and GoobricH, K. P.: Differential responding on reinforcement and nonreinforce- ment trials occurring in fixed repeating patterns. Psychonomic Science, 1:193-194, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4426). MH-4529 (R01) VALENSTEIN, Errior S.: Affec- tive consequences of brain stimulation. Fels Re- search Institute, Yellow Springs, Ohio. (1961- ) CASE, BARBARA, and VALENSTEIN, E. S.: Methy methacrylate monomer; a solvent for removal of implanted electrodes. Stain Technology, 38:201- 202, 1963. Cox, VERNE C., and VALENSTEIN, ELLIOT S.: At- tenuation of aversive properties of peripheral shock by hypothalamic stimulation. Science, 149 (3681) 1323-325, 1965. Cox, VERNE C., and VALENSTEIN, ELLIOT S.: The effect of extensive mesencephalic central gray le- sions on responses to reinforcing brain stimula- tion. Psychonomic Science, 4(1):1-2, 1966. MEYER, W. J., and VALENSTEIN, E. S.: Animal preference for method of obtaining reinforcing rain stimulation. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:47-51, 1964. MEYERS, W. J., VALENSTEIN, E. S., and LACEY, J. I: Heart rate changes following reinforcing brain stimulation in rats. Science, 140:1233-1235, 1963. PeTrROHILOS, H. G., SIMPSON, R., WELFORD, N. T., and VALENSTEIN, E. S.: A design for a reliable and inexpensive biphasic stimulator. ~~ Electro- encephalograph and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15: 1042-1044, 1963. SiMPsoN, R., and VALENSTEIN, E. S.: An inexpen- sive swivel-device for electrical stimulation of un- restrained animals. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15:900-901, 1963. VALENSTEIN, E. S.: Problems of measurement and interpretation with reinforcing brain stimulation. Psychological Review, 71:415-437, 1964. VALENSTEIN, ELLIOT S.: Interaction of positive and negative reinforcing neural systems. Science, 145: 1456-1458, 1964. VALENSTEIN, ELLioT S.: Independence of approach and escape reactions to electrical stimulation of the brain. Journal of Comparative and Physiolog- ical Psychology, 60(1) :20-30, 1965. VALENSTEIN, E. S., and BEER, B.: Reinforcing brain stimulation in competition with water reward and shock avoidance. Science, 137:1052-1054, 1962. VALENSTEIN, E. S., and MEYERS, W. J.: A rate- independent test of reinforcing consequences of brain stimulation. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:52-60, 1964. VALENSTEIN, E. S., and VALENSTEIN, T.: Inter- action of positive and negative reinforcing neural systems. Science, 145:1456-1458, 1964. VALENSTEIN, ELLIOT S., and WEBER, MARGARET L.: Potentiation of insulin coma by saccharin. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 60(3):443-448, 1965. MH-4530 (R01) ZAMANSKY, HAROLD S., BRIGHT- BILL, ROGER, and SCHARF, BERTRAM: Modifica- tion of visual threshold under hypnosis. North- eastern University, Boston, Mass. (1961- ) BRIGHTBILL, ROGER F., and ZAMANSKY, HAROLD S.: The conceptual space of good and poor hypnotic subjects: A preliminary exploration. [International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 11:112-121, 1963. ScHARF, B., and ZaMmANskY, H. S.: Reduction of the word-recognition threshold under hypnosis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:499-510, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3750). ZAMANSKY, HAROLD S., and BRIGHTBILL, ROGER: Modification of the word-recognition threshold by hypnotic suggestion and monetary reward. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 18:805-812, 1964. ZAMANSKY, HAROLD S., and BRIGHTBILL, ROGER F.: Attitude differences of volunteers and nonvolun- teers and of susceptible and nonsusceptible hyp- notic subjects. International [Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 13(4):279-290, 1965. ZAMANSKY, HAROLD S., SCHARF, BERTRAM, and BRIGHTBILL, ROGER: The effect of expectancy for hypnosis on prehypnotic performance. Journal of Personality, 32(2):236-248, 1964. MH-4531 (R01) Spivack, GEORGE, and LEVINE, MURRAY: The subjective time scale—method and theory. Devereux Schools, Devon, Pa. (1961- 63) Spivack, G., and LEVINE, M.: Self regulation in acting out and normal adolescents. Devon, Pa., Devereux Foundation, 1963, 207 p. (Processed). SPIvAcK, G., and LEVINE, M.: Consistency of in- dividual differences in time judgments. Percep- tual and Motor Skills, 19:83-92, 1964. 496 MH-4532 (R01) MicHELS, KENNETH M., BROWN, DonNALDp R.: Quantitative studies of discrimina- tion behavior. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. (1961-64) Brown, D. R., HircHcock, L., Jr., and MICHELS, K. M.: Quantitative studies in form perception: The visual discrimination performance of human subjects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14:519- 529, 1962. HrircHcock, Jr., BRowN, D. R., MicHELs, K. M., and SpiriToso, T.: Stimulus complexity and the judgment of relative size. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14(2):210, 1962. HircHcock, L., Jr, MicHeLs, K. M. BROWN, D. R.: Discrimination learning: Squirrels vs. rac- coons. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:405-414, 1963. MicHeLs, K. M., PirtmMAN, G. G., HrrcHcock, L., and BrRowN, D. R.: Visual discrimination: Tree squirrels and quantified stimulus dimensions. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15:443-450, 1962. ZUsSNE, L.: Moments of area and of the perimeter of visual form as predictors of discrimination per- formance. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(3):213-220, 1965. ZUsNE, L., and MicHELs, K. M.: Geometricity of visual form. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 14: 147-154, 1962. ZUsNE, L., and MicHELS, K. M.: More on the geo- metricity of visual form. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15:55-58, 1962. ZusNE, L., and MicHELs, K. M.: Nonrepresenta- tional shapes and eye movements. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:11-20, 1964. MH-4533 (R01) Spitz, HERMAN H.: Curiosity behavior in mental retardates and normals. Ed- ward R. Johnstone Training and Research Center, Bordentown, N.J. (1961-61) Hoarts, Davip L., MILLER, MARTIN B., and Spitz, HERMAN H.: Experiments on perceptual curiosity in mental retardates and normals. American Jour- nal of Mental Deficiency, 68(3):386-395, 1963. MH-4534 (R01) BARRATT, ERNEST S.: ANS activ- ity related to intraindividual variability. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas. (1961- 61) BARRATT, ERNEST S.: Intra-individual variability of performance: ANS and psychometric correlates. exas Reports on Biology and Medicine, 21:496- 504, 1963. MH-4539 (R01) Isaac, WALTER: Quantification of arousal and arousal stimuli. Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. (1961- ) ALEXANDER, M., and Isaac W.: Effect of illumi- nation and D-amphetamine on the activity of the rhesus macaque. Psychological Reports, 16:311- 313, 1965. Isaac, WALTER: Role of stimulation and time in the effects of spaced occipital ablations. Psycho- logical Reports, 14:151-154, 1964. THURMOND, JoHN B.: Effects of amphetamine on the monkey's visual threshold. Psychonomic Sci- ence, 3(3):115-116, 1965. MH-4543 (R01) FisHMAN, VIVIAN: Metabolism of chlorpromazine in psychiatric disorders. Hillside Hospital, Glen Oaks, N.Y. (1961-64) FisHMAN, V., and GOLDENBERG, H.: Identification of a new metabolite of imipramine. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine, 110:187-190, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1305). FisHMAN, V. HEgATON, A., and GOLDENBERG, H.: Metabolism of chlorpromazine. III. Isolation and identification of chlorpromazine-n-oxide. Pro- ceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 109:548-552, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1305 and MH-3929). FisHMAN, VIVIAN, and GOLDENBERG, HARRY: Side- chain degradation and ring hydroxylation of phenothiazine tranquilizers. Journal of Pharma- cology and Experimental Therapeutics, 150(1): 122-128, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3929). GOLDENBERG, H., and FisHMAN, V.: Metabolism of chlorpromazine. Confirmation of position 7 as the major site of hydroxylation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 14:404- 407, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3929). GOLDENBERG, HARRY, and FisHMAN, VIVIAN: Com- ments on ‘‘7-hydroxychlorpromazine in the urines of schizophrenics receiving chlorpromazine. Bio- chemical Pharmacology, 14(3):365-368, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3929). GOLDENBERG, H., FisuMAN, V., HEATON, A., and BURNETT, R.: A detailed evaluation of promazine metabolism. Proceedings of the Society for Ex- perimental Biology and Medicine, 115:1044-1051, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3929). MH-4545 (R01) GARNER, HArRry H., JEANS, RoBerT F., and TomaN, James E.: Electrical signs of subjective activity. Chicago Medical School, Chicago, Ill. (1961- ) GARNER, H. H.: Compliance and problem-solving psychotherapy. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 7(1): 21-30, 1966. GorpoN, P., Fupema, J. J, SNIDER, G. L, ABRAMS, A., ToBIN, S. S., and Kraus, J. D.: The effects of a European procaine preparation in 497 a aged population. Journal of Gerontology, 20 (2) 1144-150, 1965 In: El- Neuro- ToMmaN, James E. P.: Neurotropic drugs. liott, Page, and Quastel, J. H., eds. chemistry. Springfield, Ill, Thomas, 1962, p. 728-765. (Also acknowledges MH-1422 and MH-3775). Toman, J. E. P.: Some aspects of central nervous pharmacology. Annual Review of Pharmacology, 3:153-184, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 5503). VAzQUE, A. J, and ToMaN, J. E. P.: Human EEG averaged operant potentials. (Abstract) Federa- tion Proceedings, 25(2):638, 1966. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5503). MH-4547 (RO1) AUBERT, VILHELM, and TILLER, Per O.: A study of isolated families and commu- nities. Institute for Social Research, Oslo, Nor- way. (1961- ) AUBERT, VILHELM: Poverty, isolation and social structure. Sosialt Arbeid (Norway), 38:34-43, 1964. TILLER, PER OLAV: Isolation: Center and’ periphery. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 4:90-96, 1963. MH-4548 (R01) FELDSTEIN, STANLEY, and JAFFE, Joseph: Correlates of the linguistic aspects of speech. William Alanson White Institute, New York, N.Y. (1961-62) BRENNER, MARCIA S., FELSTEIN, STANLEY, and JAFFE, JosepH: The contribution of statistical un- certainty and test anxiety to speech disruption. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4(4):300-305, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH- 4571). CAssoTTA, L., FELDSTEIN, S., and JAFFE, J.: AVTA: A device for automatic vocal transaction analysis. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7:99-104, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4571). FELDSTEIN, S.: The relationship of interpersonal involvement and affectiveness of content to the verbal communication of schizophrenic patients. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 64: 39-45, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1052). FELDSTEIN, STANLEY, BRENNER, MARCIA S., and JAFFE, JosepH: The effect of subject sex, verbal interaction and topical focus on speech disruption. Language and Speech, 6:229-239, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4571). FELDSTEIN, S., and JAFFE, J.: Language predicta- bility as a function of psychotherapeutic interac- tion. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27:123- 126, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4571). FELDSTEIN, STANLEY, and JAFFE, JOSEPH: Schizo- phrenic speech fluency: A partial replication and an hypothesis. Psychological Reports, 13:775- 780, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4571). FELDSTEIN, S., JAFFE, J., and CassorTa, L.: Psy- chodiagnostic implications of automated speech analysis. In: Enslein, K., ed. Proceedings of the Conference on Data Acquisition and Processing in Biology and Medicine. New York, Pergamon, 1962, p. 243-251. (Also acknowledges MH- 4571). JAFFE, J.: Electronic computers in psychoanalytic re- search. In: Masserman, E. H., ed. Science and psychoanalysis. Vol. 6. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1963, p. 160-172. (Also acknowledges MH-4571). JAFFE, JosepH: Verbal behavior analysis in psychi- atric interviews with the aid of digital computers. In: Rioch, David McK., and Weinstein, Edwin A., eds. Disorders of communication. Vol. 42. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1964, p. 389-399. (Also acknowledges MH-4571 and MH-5120). RozAN, GERALD H., JAFFE, JOSEPH, and FELDSTEIN, STANLEY: Rating the potential for psychiatric nursing. Mental Hygiene, 49(4):604-607, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4571). MH-4549 (R01) FowLER, HARRY: Stimulus fac- tors affecting exploratory behavior. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1961-63) FowLER, HARRY: Exploratory motivation and ani- mal handling: The effect on runway performance of start-box exposure time. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 56:866-871, 1963. MH-4552 (R01) STEVENS, JoHN D.: Cell perme- ability in schizophrenia. Loma Linda University, Los Angeles, Calif. (1961-64) STEVENS, JoHN D.: Membrane permeability in schizophrenia. Diseases of the Nervous System, 25:21-28, 1964. MH-4559 (RO1) SCHULMAN, MARTIN P.: Me- tabloism of aliphatic alcohols. University of Illi- nois, Chicago, Ill. (1961- ) AMER, M. SAMIR, and SCHULMAN, MARTIN P.: Metabolism of ethanol. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 20:439, 1959. Gupta, N., KOWALCHYK, J., and SCHULMAN, M. P.: Coupled oxidoreductase activity of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase. (Abstract) Federa- tion Proceedings, 25(2):750, 1966. ScHULMAN, M. P., and VocGeL, W. H.: Inhibition of enzymes by aromatic compounds in vitro and in vivo. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 24 (2) Part 1:530, 1965. 498 SNYDER, R., VoGeL, W. H., and SCHULMAN, M. P.: Differential effects on the alcohol dehydrogenase and isomerase activities of the liver alcohol de- hydrogenase. Biochemical and Biophysical Re- search Communications, 13:335-339, 1963. VoGEL, W. H., SNYDER, R., and SCHULMAN, M. P.: Inhibition of dehydrogenases by folic acid and several analogs. Biochemical and Biophysical Re- search Communications, 10:97-101, 1963. VoGeEL, W. H., SNYDER, R., and SCHULMAN, M. P.: Inhibition of several enzymes by folic acid, aminopterin and amethopterin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 85:164-167, 1964. VoGEL, W. H., SNYDER, R., and SCHULMAN, M. P.: Inhibition of alcohol dehydrogenase by folic acid and several of its analogs. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 115:545-549, 1964. MH-4563 (R01) DeutscH, Jay A.: Control of ingestion and nature of reward. Stanford Univer- sity, Stanford, Calif. (1961-63) Deutsch, J. A.: Higher nervous function: The physiological bases of memory. Annual Review of Physiology, 24:259-296, 1962. DEeurscH, J. A.: Learning and electrical self-stimu- lation of the brain. Journal of Theoretical Biol- 0gy, 4:193-214, 1963. DEuTscH, J. A.: Behavioral measurement of the neural refractory period and its application to intracranial self-stimulation. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 58:1-9, 1964. DeuTscH, J. A.: Neurophysiological contrast phe- nomena and figural after-effects. Psychological Review, 71:19-26, 1964. Deutsch, J. A., Apams, D. W., and METZNER, R. J.: Choice of intracranial stimulation as a function of delay between stimulations and strength of competing drive. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 57:241-243, 1964. Deutsch, J. A., and BLuMmEN, H. G.: Counter- injection: A new technique for the analysis of drinking. Nature, 196:196-197, 1962. DeuTtscH, J. A., and Deutsch, D.: Attention: Some theoretical considerations. Psychological Review, 70:80-90, 1963. DEeuTtscH, J. A., and HowarTH, C. I.: Evocation ‘by fear of a habit learned for electrical stimula- tion of the brain. Science, 136:1057-1058, 1962. DEeuTscH, J. A., and HowarTH, C. I: Some tests of a theory of intracranial self-stimulation. Psy- chological Review, 70:444-470, 1963. DeuTscH, J. A., HowarTH, C. I, Bar, G. C, and DeutscH, D.: Threshold differentiation of drive and reward in the Olds effect. Nature, 196:669- 700, 1962. GALLISTEL, C. R.: Electrical self-stimulation and its theoretical implications. Psychological Bulletin, 61:23-34, 1964. HowarTH, C. E., and DEUTSCH, J. A.: Drive de- cay: The cause of fast “extinction” of habits learned for brain stimulation. Science, 137:35-36, 1962. MH-4567 (R01) YUWILER, ARTHUR: Biochemical tests for schizophrenia. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1961-62) (Continued as MH-7293). YUWILER, ARTHUR: Urinary aminochromes and mental illness. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135(4):365-369, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1972). YUWILER, ARTHUR: Psychopathology and 5-hydroxy- indoleacetic acid excretion. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 3(2):125-131, 1965. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1972 and MH-7293). YUWILER, ARTHUR, and Goop, Mary H.: Chro- matographic study of ‘‘Reigelhaupt” chromogens in urine. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1:215- 227, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1972). MH-4571 (RO1) JAFFE, JosePH, and FELDSTEIN, STANLEY: Psycholinguistic analysis of psychother- apy. William Alanson White Institute, New York, N.Y. (1961- ) BRENNER, MARCIA S. FELSTEIN, STANLEY, and JAFFE, JosEPH: The contribution of statistical un- certainty and test anxiety to speech disruption. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4(4):300-305, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH- 4548). CASSOTTA, L., FELDSTEIN, S., and JAFFE, J.: AVTA: A device for automatic vocal transaction analysis. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7:99-104, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4548). FELDSTEIN, S.: Vocal patterning of emotional ex- pression. In: Masserman, E. H., ed. Science and psychoanalysis. Vol. 7. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1964, p. 193-210. (Jaffe, J. Discus- sion of above cited paper. p. 208-210.) FELDSTEIN, STANLEY, BRENNER, MARcIA S., and JAFFE, JosepH: The effect of subject sex, verbal interaction and topical focus on speech disruption. Language and Speech, 6:229-239, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4548). FELDSTEIN, S., and JAFFE, J.: A note about speech disturbances and vocabulary diversity. Journal of Communication, 12:166-170, 1962. 499 FELDSTEIN, S., and JAFFE, J.: The relationship of speech disruption to the experience of anger. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26:505-509, 1962. FELDSTEIN, S., and JAFFE, J.: Vocabulary diversity of schizophrenics and normals. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 5:76-78, 1962. FELDSTEIN, S., and JAFFE, J.: An IBM 650 pro- gram written in S.O.A.P. for the computation of speech disturbances per time, speaker and group. (Abstract) Behavioral Science, 8:86-87, 1963. FELDSTEIN, S., and JAFFE, ].: Language predicta- bility as a function of psychotherapeutic inter- action. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27: 123-126, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4548) FELDSTEIN, STANLEY, and JAFFE, JOSEPH: Schizo- phrenic speech fluency: A partial replication and an hypothesis. Psychological Reports, 13:775- 780, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4548). FELDSTEIN, S., JAFFE, J., and CAssOTTA, L.: Psy- chodiagnostic implications of automated speech analysis. In: Enslein, K., ed. Proceedings of the Conference on Data Acquisition and Processing in Biology and Medicine. New York, Pergamon, 1962, p. 243-251. (Also acknowledges MH- 4548). JAFFE, J.: Electronic computers in psychoanalytic re- search. In: Masserman, E. H., ed. Science and psychoanalysis. Vol. 6. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1963, p. 160-172. (Also acknowledges MH-4548). JAFFE, JosepH: Verbal behavior analysis in psychi- atric interviews with the aid of digital computers. In: Rioch, David McK. and Weinstein, Edwin A., eds. Disorders of communication. Vol. 42. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1964, p. 389- 399. (Also acknowledges MH-4548 and MH- 5120). JAFFE, J., CassorTa, L., and FELDSTEIN, S.: A Markovian model of time patterns of speech. Sci- ence, 144:884-886, 1964. JAFFE, J., FELDSTEIN, S., and CAssOTTA, L.: Si- multaneous computation of lexical and extralin- guistic information measures in dialogue. (Ab- stract) MT, 7(2) :37, August, 1963. RozAN, GERALD H., JAFFE, JosepH, and FELD- STEIN, STANLEY: Rating the potential for psychi- atric nursing. Mental Hygiene, 49(4):604-607, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4548). WEINSTEIN, ROBERT S., FELDSTEIN, STANLEY, and JAFFE, JosepH: The interaction of vocal context and lexical predictability. Language and Speech, 8(Part 1) :56-66, 1965. MH-4578 (RO1) RacLaND, JaMEs B., and KIN- ROSS-WRIGHT, JOHN: Metabolism of phenothia- zines. Baylor University, Houston, Texas. (1961- 65) KINROSS-WRIGHT, J. V., and RAGLAND, JAMEs B.: Clinical pharmacology of some newer phenothia- zine analogues. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 2. Montreal, Uni- versity of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 901-905. RAGLAND, JaMEs B., and KINROss-WRIGHT, V. Jonn: Spectrofluorometric measurement of pheno- thiazines. Analytical Chemistry, 36(7):1356- 1359, 1964. MH-4582 (R01) Craig, JouN C.: Synthesis of compounds related to lysergic acid. University of California, San Francisco, Calif. (1961- ) CRAIG, J. CYMERMAN: Structure of metabolites of phenothiazine. Psychopharmacology Service Cen- ter Bulletin, 2(5) 144-46, 1962. CralG, J. CYMERMAN, GREEN, D. E, Roy, S. K,, PIeTTE, L. H., and LOEFFLER, KAY O.: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of phenothiazines. Chemical shift data. Journal of Medicinal Chem- istry, 8(3):392-395, 1965. CRAIG, J. CYMERMAN, MARY, NORI Y., GOLDMAN, NorMAN L., and WoLF, LYNN: Tertiary amine oxide rearrangements. III. The mechanism of the demethylation of nicotine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 86:3866-3869, 1964. CRAIG, J. CYMERMAN, MARY, Nour! Y., and Roy, S. K.: Application of gas chromatography to the detection of tert-amine oxides. Analytical Chemis- try, 36:1142-1143, 1964. CRAIG, J. CYMERMAN, MARY NouRi, and WOLF, L.: Demethylation products of nicotine: A unified hypothesis. In: Abstracts of Communications, 2nd International Symposium on the Chemistry of Nat- ural Products, Prague, 1962, p. 79. CRAIG, J. CYMERMAN, MARY NOUR Y., and WOLF, LyNN: Teritary amine oxide rearrangements. II. N-benezyl-dimethylamine oxides as models for the demethylation of nicotine. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 29:2868-2870, 1964. CralG, J. CYMERMAN, and MoYLE, M.: The syn- thesis of acetylenes from enol phosphates. In: Proceedings of the Chemical Society, London, April, 1962, p. 149. CRAIG, J. CYMERMAN, and MOYLE, M.: The reaction of sodamide with cg-acetylenic acids and their de- rivatives. In: Proceedings of the Chemical So- ciety, London, 1962, p. 283-284. MH-4586 (R01) FRIEND, DALE G., GREENBLATT, MILTON, SACHAR, EDWARD J., and SNELL, JOHN 500 E.: Clinical metabolic study of depressive illness. Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, Mass. (1961- ) FrIEND, DALE G., BELL, WiLLIAM R., and KLINE, NATHAN S.: The action of L-dihydroxyphenyla- lanine in patients receiving nialamide. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 6(3):362-366, 1965. KLERMAN, GERALD L., SCHILDKRAUT, JOSEPH H., HASENBUSH, L., GREENBLATT, MILTON, and FriEnD, D. G.: Clinical experience with dihy- droxyphenylalanine (DOPA) in depression. Jour- nal of Psychiatric Research, 1:289-297, 1963. SCHILDKRAUT, J. J., KLERMAN, G. L. FRIEND, D. G., and GREENBLATT, M.: Biochemical and pressor effects of oral D, L-dihydrexyphenylalanine in patients pretreated with anti-depressant drugs. New York Academy of Sciences, 107:1005-1015, 1963. SCHILDKRAUT, J. J., KLERMAN, G. L., HAMMOND, R., and FRIEND, D. G.: Excretion of e-methoxy-4- hydroxymandelic acid (VMA) in depressed pa- tients treated with antidepressant drugs. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2(4):257-266, 1964. MH-4587 (R01) BorGES, WAYNE H., and WALD, NieL: Cytogenetic study of mongoloids and their parents. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1961-64) Borges, W. H., WaLp, N., and HOFFMAN, ELEANOR: Inherited cytogenetic mosaicism in man. (Abstract) Journal of Pediatrics, 65:103, 1964. KapLaN, S., Lt, C. C,, WALD N., and BORGES, W.: ABO frequencies in mongols. Annals of Human Genetics, 27:405-412, 1964. MH-4588 (R01) MAYNARD, LAURENCE S., KissIN, BENJAMIN, and SCHENKER, VICTOR J.: Effect of ethanol on neurohumoral amines. State Univer- sity of New York—Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1961- ) MAYNARD, L. S., and SCHENKER, V. J.: Monamine oxidase inhibition by ethanol “in vitro.” Nature, 196:575-576, 1962. MAYNARD, L. S.: SCHENKER, V. J.: Decarboxylase activity “in vivo.” Effect of morphine and ethanol pre-treatment in mice. International Journal of Neurology and Pharmacology, 2:303-307, 1964. MH-4589 (R01) May, PHILIP R. A., SHELDON, ELeEaNOR B., and Tuma, A. H.: Follow-up study of treatment of schizophrenia. Camarillo State Hospital, Camarillo, Calif. (1961- ) McKEEvVER, W. F., May, P. R. A., and TuMA, A. H.: Prognosis in schizophrenia: Prediction of length of hospitalization from psychological test variables. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21(2): 214-221, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2719). May, P. R. A, and Tuma, A. H.: The effect of psychotherapy and Stelazine on length of hospital stay, release rate and supplemental treatment of schizophrenic patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 139:362-369, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2719). May, PHILIP R. A., and Tuma, A. HussaIN: Treat- ment of schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychi- atry, 3(475):503-510, 1965. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2719). May, PHILIP R. A., Tuma, A. HussAIN, DISTLER, LutHER S., and MCcKEEVER, WALTER F.: Se- lections of treatment for schizophrenic patients: Methodological problems of outcome and prog- nosis research. Psychiatric Quarterly, 40(2):236~ 247, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-2719). May, Pui R. A. Tuma, A. HussaAIN, and KRrAUDE, WESLEY: Community follow-up of treat- ment of schizophrenia: Issues and problems. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35(4):754- 763, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2719). MH-4591 (R01) Rosins, ELI, and MOORE, BLAKE W.: Brain biochemistry in manic depressive dis- ease. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1961- ) McCaMmaN, MARILYN W., and RoBiNs, Eri: Fluori- metric method for the determination of phenyl- alanine in serum. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 59(5):885-890, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2254). Prrts, FERRIS N., and Quick, COLLEEN: Brain succinate simialdehyde dehydrogenase-1. Journal of Neurochemistry, 12(9/10):893-900, 1965. Pitts, F. N., Jr., Quick, C., and RoBins, E.: The enzymic measurement of y-Aminobutyric-a-Oxo- glutaric transaminase. Journal of Neurochemistry, 12(2):93-101, 1965. MH-—4592 (R01) RETZLAFF, ERNEST W., and PAsA- MANICK, BENJAMIN: Functional morphology in the aging nervous system. Columbus Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. (1961- 63) RETZLAFF, E., FONTAINE, ]., PASAMANICK, B., and LEAKE, D.: Structural and functional changes in reciprocal innervation produced by localized teta- nus in the albino rat. Federation Proceedings, 22(2):714, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 3271). RETZLAFF, E., FONTAINE, J., PASAMANICK, B., and LEAKE, D.: Effects of heavy exercise on the life span of the albino rat. Gerontologist, 3:12, 1963. 501 RETZLAFF, E., FONTAINE, J., PASAMANICK, B., and LEAKE, C. D.: Effects of age and exercise on dif- ferential staining reaction of spinal motor neu- rons. (Abstract 121). In: Sixth International Congress of Gerontology, August 11-16, 1963, Excerpta Medica, International Congress Series, No. 57, 1964. MH-4595 (R03) GLICKMAN, STEPHEN E.: Be- havioral effects of discrete reticular lesions. North- western University, Evanston, Ill. (1960-61) GLickMAN, S. E., Sroces, R. W., and HUNT, J.: Brain lesions and locomotor exploration in the albino rat. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 58(1):93-100, 1964. MH-4598 (R01) GING, NELsON S., Fujita, SHI- Goo, and GING, ROSALIE J.: Isolation of toxic substances in schizophrenic urine. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1961-63) Fujita, SHIGEO, and GING, NELSON S.: Presence of toxic factors in urine from schizophrenic sub- jects. Science, 134(3491):1687-1688, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-4366, MH-1972 and MH-1971). MH-4605 (R01) RicHMOND, Jurius B., LIPTON, EARLE L., and STEINSCHNEIDER, ALFRED: Auto- nomic nervous system function in early life. State University of New York—Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, N.Y. (1961- ) CALDWELL, BETTYE, HERSHER, LEONARD, LIPTON, EARLE, RICHMOND, JULIUS, STERN, GEORGE, Eppy, EVELYN, DRACHMAN, ROBERT, and ROTH- MAN, ALBERT: Mother-infant interaction in mono- matric and polymatric families. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 33:653-664, 1963. LiprtoN, EARLE L., HOLLOWELL, JosEPH, COX, Patrick J. N., VOORHESS, MARY L., STEIN- SCHNEIDER, ALFRED, and GARDNER, LyrT IL: Temperature effects of therapy in congenital hypo- thyroidism. Journal of Pediatrics, 65(5):740- 744, 1964. LipToN, EARLE L., and STEINSCHNEIDER, ALFRED: Studies on the psychophysiology of infancy. Mer- rill-Palmer Quarterly, 103-117, April-May 1964. LipTOoN, EARLE L., STEINSCHNEIDER, ALFRED, and RicHMOND, JuLrius B.: Autonomic function in the neonate. II: Physiologic effects of motor restraint. Psychosomatic Medicine, 22(1):57-65, 1960. LiptoN, EARLE L., STEINSCHNEIDER, ALFRED, and RicHMOND, JuLius B.: Autonomic function in the neonate: VIII. Cardio-pulmonary observations. Pediatrics, 33:212-215, 1964. LiproN, EARLE L., STEINSCHNEIDER, ALFRED, and RicuMoND, JuLius B.: The autonomic nervous system in early life. New England [Journal of Medicine, 273 (3) :147-153, 1965. LiptoN, EARLE L., STEINSCHNEIDER, ALFRED, and RicHMOND, JuLius B.: The autonomic nervous system in early life. (Concluded). New England Journal of Medicine, 273(4):201-208, 1965. LiproN, EARLE L., STEINSCHNEIDER, ALFRED, and RicHMOND, JuLius B.: Swaddling, a child care practice: Historical, cultural and experimental ob- servations. Pediatrics, 35(3)Part 2:521-567, 1965. LiproN, EARLE L., STEINSCHNEIDER, ALFRED, and RICHMOND, JuLius B.: Autonomic function in the neonate: VII. Maturational changes in car- diac control. Child Development, 37(1):1-16, 1966. Lipton, E. L., VOORHESS, M. L., STEINSCHNEIDER, A., HoLLowELL, J., Cox, P. J., and GARDINER, L. I: Cardiovascular effects of therapy in con- genital hypothyroidism. Journal of Pediatrics, 66 (1) :79-89, 1965. Lipton, EARLE L., WaALsH, Leo F., MUELLER, WiLLIAM J., and SALAMY, BEVERLY A.: A respira- tory alarm for infants. Journal of Pediatrics, 65: 294-296, 1964. RicHMOND, JuLius B.: Observations of infant de- velopment: Clinical and psychological aspects. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 95-101, April-May 1964. RicumoND, Jurius B., LipToN, EARLE L., and STEINSCHNEIDER, ALFRED: Observations on dif- ferences in autonomic nervous system function between and within individuals during early in- fancy. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 1(1):83-91, 1962. STEINSCHNEIDER, ALFRED, and LipTON, EARLE L.: Individual differences in autonomic responsivity. Problems of measurement. Psychosomatic Medi- cine, 27(5) :446-456, 1965. STEINSCHNEIDER, A., Lipton, E. L., and RIcH- MOND, J. B.: Autonomic function in the neonate: VI. Discriminability, consistency, and slope as measures of an individual's cardiac responsivity. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 105:295-310, 1964. STEINSCHNEIDER, ALFRED, LIPTON, EARLE L., and RicHMOND, JuLius B.: Auditory sensitivity in the infant: Effect of intensity on cardiac and motor responsivity. Child Development, 37(2):233- 252, 1966. MH-4609 (R01) BUTLER, JoHN M., DICKEN, CHARLES F., and Rice, Laura N.: Controlled study of psychotherapy process. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1961- ) 502 Rice, L. N.: Therapist’s style of participation and case outcome. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 29(2) :155-160, 1965. MH-4610 (R01) WiLLNER, ALLEN E. and SCHEERER, MARTIN: Experimental analysis of analogical reasoning tests. Washburn University, Topeka, Kans. (1961-63) WILLNER, A.: An experimental analysis of analogi- cal reasoning. Psychological Reports, 15:479-494, 1964. WILLNER, ALLEN: Impairment of knowledge of unusual meanings of familiar words in brain dam- age and schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 70(6):405-411, 1965. MH-4618 (R01) FRANK, JEROME D.: Psychother- apy of psychiatric outpatients. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. (1961- ) BATTLE, CAROLYN C., IMBER, STANLEY D., HOEHN- SARIC, RUDOLF, STONE, ANTHONY R., NASH, EARL R., and FRANK, JEROME D.: Target com- plaints as criteria of improvement. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 20(1):184-192, 1966. FRANK, JEROME D.: The effects of psychotherapy. International Journal of Psychiatry, 1(1):150-152, 1965. FRANK, JEROME D., and NasH, EARL H.: Commit- ment to peace work: A preliminary study of de- terminants and sustainers of behavior change. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35(1): 106-119, 1965. Frank, J. D., Nash, E. H., StoNE, A. R., and IMBER, S. D.: Immediate and long-term sympto- matic course of psychiatric outpatients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120:429-439, 1963. HoEeHnN-SArIC, R., FRANK, J. D., IMBER, S. D, NasH, E. H., STONE, A. R., and BATTLE, C. C.: Systematic preparation of patients for psychother- apy—1. Effects on therapy behavior and outcome. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2(4):267-281, 1964. NasH, E. H., Frank, J. D., IMBER, S. D., and STONE, A. R.: Selected effects of inert medica- tion on psychiatric outpatients. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 18(Suppl. 1):33-48, 1964. STONE, ANTHONY R., FRANK, JEROME D., HOEHN- Saric, RUDOLF, IMBER, STANLEY, and NASH, EARL H.: Some situational factors associated with response to psychotherapy. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35(4):682-687, 1965. StoNE, A. R,, Frank, J. D, NasH, E. H., and IMBER, S. D.: An intensive five-year follow-up study of treated psychiatric outpatients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 133:410-422, 1961. MH-4625 (R01) HERSHKOWITZ, AARON: Intensive observations of chronic N P patients. Yale Uni- versity, New Haven, Conn. (1961-62) (Con- tinued as MH-7305). HEersHKOWITZ, A.: Naturalistic observations on chronically hospitalized patients: The effects of “strangers”. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- eases, 135:258-264, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-7305). MH-4644 (R01) AINSWORTH, MARY D.: Infant care and social development in the Ghanda. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. (1961-62) AINSWORTH, MARY D.: The development of infant- mother interaction among the Ghanda. In: Foss, Brian M., ed. Determinants of infant behaviour. Vol. 2. New York, Wiley, 1963, p. 67-112. AINSWORTH, MARY D.: Patterns of attachment be- havior shown by the infant in interaction with his mother. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly of Behavior and Development, 10:51-58, 1964. MH-4648 (R01) YouNG, WiLLIAM C.: Subvention of Allen’s internal secretions. University of Kan- sas, Lawrence, Kans. (1961-61) Young, WiLLiaAM C., and CORNER, GEORGE W.: Sex and internal secretion. Vol. 1. 3rd ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1961, 704 p. Young, WiLLiaAM C., and CORNER, GEORGE W.: Sex and internal secretion. Vol. 2. 3rd ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1961, 905 p. MH-4652 (R03) DRrRATMAN, MITCHELL L., and WENAR, CHARLES: Behavioral correlates of a chromosome anomaly. University of Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960-61) MOORHEAD, P. S., MELLMAN, W. J., and WENAR, C.: A familial chromosome translocation associ- ated with speech and mental retardation. Ameri- can Journal of Human Genetics, 13:32-46, 1961. MH-4653 (R01) LEVINGER, GEORGE: Family strength and problem solving. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. (1961-63) LEVINGER, GEORGE: Review of Blood and Wolfe's Husbands and Wives. Contemporary Psychology, 6:405-406, 1961. LEVINGER, G.: Note on need complementarity in marriage. Psychological Bulletin, 61:153-157, 1964. LEVINGER, GEORGE: Task and social behavior in marriage. Sociometry, 27(4):433-448, 1964. LEVINGER, GEORGE: Complementarity in marital ad- justment: Rejoiner. [Journal of Individual Psy- chology, 21:147-148, 1965. 503 LEVINGER, G.: Marital cohesiveness and dissolution: An integrative review. [Journal of Marriage and the Family, 27(1):19-28, 1965. LEVINGER, G.: Altruism in marriage: A test of the Buerkle-Badgley battery. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 27(1) :32-33, 1965. LEVINGER, GEORGE, and SONNHEIM, MAURICE: Complementarity in marital adjustment: Reconsid- ering Toman’s family constellation hypothesis. Journal of Individual Psychology, 21:137-145, 1965. WoLkoN, G. H., and LEVINGER, G.: Birth order and need for achievement. Psychological Reports, 16:73-74, 1965. MH-4660 (R01) Posir, CHARLES M.: Amino acid studies in mentally retarded patients. University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kans. (1961-63) Poser, CHARLES M., and BUNCH, LEITHA: Amino- aciduria in familial mental retardation. Archives of Neurology, 9:35-46, 1963. Poser, CHARLES M., JOHNSON,. MARGARET, and Bunch, LeITHA D.: Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Diseases of the Nervous System, 26 (11):697-702, 1965. MH-4661 (R10) Gross, MARTIN, and HITCHMAN, IReNe L.: NIMH-PSC collaborative study of phenothiazines. Springfield State Hospital, Sykes- ville, Md. (1960- ) GOLDBERG, SoLoMON C., SCHOOLER, NINA R., DavipsoN, EpwiN M., and KAYCE, MELVIN M.: Sex and race differences in response to drug treat- ment among schizophrenics. Psychopharmacolo- gia (Berlin), 9(1):31-47, 1966. (Also acknowl-, edges MH-4663; MH-4667; MH-4673; MH- 4674; MH-4675; MH-4679; MH-4803). HoGARTY, GERARD -E., and GROss, MARTIN: Pread- mission symptom differences between first-admitted schizophrenics in the predrug and postdrug era. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 7(2):134-140, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-3672). National Institute of Mental Health, Psychopharma- cology Service Center Collaborative Study Group. Phenothiazine treatment in acute schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:246-261, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4663; MH-4667; MH- 4671; MH-4673; MH-4674; MH-4675; MH- 4679; MH-4803; MH-5664). MH-4663 (R10) ANDRES, Francis D., MILLER, Avroysius 1., LEvy, BERNARD I., RASKIN, ALLEN, STEINBACH, RICHARD A. and SULLIVAN, PAUL D.: NIMH-PSC collaborative study of phenothia- zines. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. (1960- ) BorucHow, JoAN K.: Characteristics of nurses in short- and long-term treatment settings. Journal of Social Psychology, 67:61-66, 1965. GOLDBERG, SoLOMON C., SCHOOLER, NINA R,, DavipsoN, EpwiN M., and KAycg, MELVIN H.: Sex and race differences in response to drug treat- ment among schizophrenics. Psychopharmacologia (Berlin), 9(1):31-47, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-4661; MH-4667; MH-4673; MH-4674; MH-4675; MH-4679; MH-4803). National - Institute of Mental Health, Psychophar- macology Service Center Collaborative Study Group. Phenothiazine treatment in acute schizo- phrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:246- 261, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4661; MH- 4667; MH-4671; MH-4673; MH-4674; MH- 4675; MH-4679; MH-4803; MH-5664). RaskIN, A., and CLYDE, D. J.: Factors of psycho- pathology in the ward behavior of acute schizo- phrenics. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27 (5) :420-425, 1963. RASKIN, ALLEN, and GoLoB, Risa: Occurrence of sex and social class differences in premorbid com- petence symptom and outcome measures in acute schizophrenia. Psychological Reports, 18(1):11- 22, 1966. RASKIN, A., and SULLIVAN, P. D.: The psychiatric department of D.C. General Hospital: A survey of patient characteristics, treatment and disposi- tion. Medical Annals of the District of Columbia, 31(8):470-475, 1962. RASKIN, A., and SuLLIvAN, P. D.: Factors associ- ated with interrater discrepancies on a psychiatric rating scale. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27(6):547, 1963. MH-4664 (R01) ALPERT, MURRAY, and FRIED- HOFF, ARNOLD J.: Sound oscillographic patterns in psychopathology. New York University Medi- cal Center, New York, N.Y. (1961- ) ALPERT, M., KURTZBERG, R. L., and FRIEDHOFF, A. J.: Transient voice changes associated with emotional stimuli. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8:362-365, 1963. ALPERT, M., KURTZBERG, R. L., Prior, M., and FRIEDHOFF, A. ].: Spectral characteristics of the voices of twins. Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae, 12:335-341, 1963. FRrIEDHOFF, A. ]., ALPERT, M., and KURTZBERG, R. L.: An effect of emotion on voice. Nature, 193:357-358, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 2716 and MH-664). FrRIEDHOFF, A. J., ALPERT, M., and KURTZBERG, R. L.: An electroacoustic analysis of the effects of stress on voice. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 5:266-272, 1964. 504 FRIEDHOFF, A. J., ALPERT, M., and KURTZBERG, R. L.: Infra-content channels of vocal communica- tion. In: Rioch, David McK. and Weinstein, Edwin A., eds. Disorders of communication. Vol. 42. Research Publication of the Association of Nervous and Mental Disease. Baltimore, Wil- liams & Wilkins, 1964, p. 414-423. MH-4665 (R10) FisH, BARBARA, and FRIEDHOFF, ARNOLD J.: Children’s psychopharmocology unit. New York University Medical Center, New York, N.Y. (1961- ) FisH, BARBARA: Pharmacotherapy in children’s be- havior disorders. Current Psychiatric Therapies, 3:82-90, 1963. FisH, BARBARA: The influence of maturation and abnormal development on the responses of dis- turbed children to drugs. In: Proceedings of the Third World Congress of Phychiatry, Montreal, University of Toronto/McGill University Press, 1963, 2:1341-1344. FisH, B., SHAPIRO, T., HALPERN, F., and WILE, R.: The prediction of schizophrenia in infancy: IIL A ten-year follow-up report of neurological and psychological development. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121:768-775, 1965. FRrRIEDHOFF, A. J., and VAN WINKLE, E.: 3,4-Di- methoxyphenylethylamine and other amines in the urine of schizophrenic patients. Nature, 199: 203-204, 1963. FRIEDHOFF, ARNOLD J., and VAN WINKLE, EL- NORA: Conversion of dopamine to 3,4-dimethoxy- phenylacetic acid in schizophrenic patients. Na- ture, 199(4900) :1271-1272, 1963. SHAPIRO, THEODORE: Hand morphology in some severely impaired schizophrenic children. Ameri- can Journal of Psychiatry, 122(4) :432-435, 1965. TAKESADA, MasasHI, KAKIMOTO, YAsuoO, SANO, Isamu, and KANEKO, ZIRO: 3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl- ethylamine and other amines in the urine of schizo- phrenic patients. Nature, 199 (4889) :203-204, 1963. MH-4667 (R10) SmitH, KATHLEEN, SURPHLIS, WiLLiaM R. P.; and ULETT, GEORGE A.: NIMH- PSC collaborative study of phenothiazines. Wash- ington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1960-64) GOLDBERG, SOLOMON C., SCHOOLER, NINA R,, DavipsoN, EpwiN M., and KAYCE, MELVIN M.: Sex and race differences in response to drug treat- ment among schizophrenics. Psychopharmacologia (Berlin), 9(1):31-47, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-4803; MH-4679; MH-4675; MH-4674; MH-4673; MH-4663 and MH-4661). GYNTHER, MALcOLM D., and SHIMKUNAS, ALGI- MANTAS M.: More data on MMPI F>16 scores. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21(3):275-277, 1965. National Institute of Mental Health. Psychophar- macology Service Center Collaborative Study Group. Phenothiazine treatment in acute schizo- phrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10: 246-261, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH-4671; MH-4673; MH-4674; MH-4675; MH-4679; MH-4803 and MH-5664). SHIMKUNAS, ALGIMANTAS M., GYNTHER, MALCOLM D., and SMITH, KATHLEEN: Abstracting ability of schizophrenics before and during phenothia- zine therapy. Archives of General Psychiatry, 14 (1):79-83, 1966. Smarr, I. F., MEssINg, J. A., and SMALL, J. G.: The meaning of hospitalization: A comparison of attitudes of medical and psychiatric patients. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 139:575-580, 1964. SMALL, JovCE G., and SMALL, IVER F.: Re-evalua- tion of clinical EEG findings in schizophrenia. Diseases of the Nervous System, 26(6) :345-349, 1965. SMALL, IVER F., SMALL, Joyce G., and ANDERSEN, JouN M.: Clinical characteristics of hallucinations of schizophrenia. Diseases of the Nervous Sys- tem, 27 (5) 349-353, 1966. Smarr, I. F., Smarr, J. G., and GoNzALEzZ, R.: The clinical correlates of attitudinal change during psychiatric treatment. American Journal of Psy- chotherapy, 19:66-74, 1965. Smarr, Iver F., SMALL, Joyce G., GONZALEZ, Ramon C., and GYNTHER, MaLcoLM D.: Con- tent reliability of a structured psychiatric inter- view. Archives of General Psychiatry, 11:192- 196, 1964. SMALL, Joyce G., SMALL, IVER F., and GONZALEZ, RAMON: The contribution of the informant in psy- chiatric evaluation. International Journal of Neu- ropsychiatry, 1(5):446-451, 1965. SMALL, J. G., SmaLL, I. F., and SurpHLIs, W. R. P.: Temporal EEG abnormalities in acute schizo- phrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121: 262-263, 1964. SmitH, K., PumpHREY, M. W., and HALL, J. C.: The “last straw”: The decisive incident resulting in the request for hospitalization in 100 schizo- phrenic patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120:228-233,1963. STERN, J. A., SUrRPHLIS, W., and KOFF, E.: Electro- dermal responsiveness as related to psychiatric diagnosis and prognosis. Psychophysiology, 2(1): 51-61, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2755). MH-4669 (R10) GERSHON, SAMUEL, and FRIED- HOFF, ARNOLD ].: Controlled drug evaluations. 505 New York University Medical Center, New York, NY. (1961- ) FRIEDHOFF, A. J., and HEKIMIAN, L.: A pilot study of Win #18501. Diseases of the Nervous Sys- tem, 24(4) 1241-242, 1963. FRrIEDHOFF, A. ]J., HEKIMIAN, L., and ToBAcH, E.: Dihydroxyphenylalanine in extrapyramidal disease. Journal of the American Medical Association, 184 (4) :285-286, 1963. GLICK, B. S.: Double-blind study of tranylcypromine and phenelzine in depression. Disease of the Nervous System, 25:617-619, 1964. GLick, BurtON S.: Dropout in an outpatient, double-blind drug study. Psychosomatics, 6:44- 48, 1965. HEKIMIAN, LEON J., and FRIEDHOFF, ARNOLD ]J.: Action of large doses of desmethylimipramine on psychotic patients. Journal of New Drugs, 3:367- 374, 1964. HEKIMIAN, LEON ]., and FRIEDHOFF, ARNOLD ]J.: Pilot study of intramuscular haloanisone and halo- peridol in disturbed psychotics. Journal of New Drugs, 4(5):264-267, 1964. HEKIMIAN, LEON J., FRIEDHOFF, ARNOLD ]J., and ALPERT, MURRAY: Treatment of acute brain syn- drome from alcohol with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and methaminodiazepoxide. Quar- terly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 27(2):214- 220, 1966. HEKIMIAN, L., FRIEDHOFF, A. J., and HANDLEY, P.: A preliminary trial of R-2028 (Haloanisone) (4 fluoro (1-/4-(2 methoxy) phenyl/piperazinyl) butyrophenone orthophosphate). Current Thera- peutic Research, 5:437-443, 1960. LyNN, FRANCES H., and FRIEDHOFF, ARNOLD J.: The patient on a tranquilizing regimen. Ameri- can Journal of Nursing, 60(2):234-240, 1960. MH-4670 (R01) KAUFMAN, I. CHARLES: Reactions to separation in the rhesus. State University of New York—Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1961- ) RoseNBLUM, L. A., CLARK, R. W., and KAUFMAN, I. C.: Diurnal variations in mother-infant separa- tion and sleep in two species of macaque. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58 (2):330-332, 1964. RoseNBLUM, L. A., KaurmaN, I. C.,, and STYNES, A. ].: Individual distance in two species of ma- caque. Animal Behaviour, 12:338-342, 1964. ROSENBLUM, LEONARD A., WITKIN, HERMAN A. KAUFMAN, I. CHARLES, and BROSGOLE, LEONARD: Perceptual disembedding in monkeys: Note on method and preliminary findings. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3) :Part 1:729-736, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-628). MH-4671 (R10) FracH, Freperick F. and CELIAN, CHARLES I.: PSC-NIMH collaborative study of phenothiazines. Cornell University, New York, N.Y. (1960-63) National Institute of Mental Health. Psychophar- macology Service Center Collaborative Study Group. Phenothiazine treatment in acute schizo- phrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:246- 261, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH-4667; MH-4673; MH-4674; MH-4675; MH-4679; MH-4803 and MH-5664). MH-4673 (R10) DavipsoN, EDwiN M., and KAYCE, MELVIN M.: NIMH-PSC collaborative study of phenothiazines. Boston University, Boston, Mass. (1960-64) GOLDBERG, SoLOMON C. ScHOOLER, NINA R, DavipsoN, EpwiN M., and KAYCE, MELVIN M.: Sex and race differences in response to drug treat- ment among schizophrenics. Psychopharmacologia (Berlin), 9(1):31-47, 1966. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH-4667; MH- 4674; MH-4675; MH-4679 and MH-4803). National Institute of Mental Health. Psychopharma- cology Service Center Collaborative Study Group. Phenothiazine treatment in acute schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:246-261, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH- 4667; MH-4671; MH-4674; MH-4675; MH- 4679; MH-4803 and MH-5664). MH-4674 (R10) KERNOHAN, WILLIAM J, KNOWLES, ROBERT R., LEE, JOAN, and MOLES, EpGar A.: NIMH-PSC collaborative study of phenothiazines. Kentucky State Hospital, Dan- ville, Ky. (1960-64) CHAPMAN, L. J., and KNowLEs, R. R.: The effects of phenothiazine on disordered thought in schizo- phrenia. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28 (2):165-169, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 7306 and MH-3481). GOLDBERG, SOLOMON C., SCHOOLER, NINA R,, DavipsoN, EpwiN M., and KAYCE, MELVIN M.: Sex and race differences in response to drug treat- ment among schizophrenics. Psychopharmacologia (Berlin), 9(1):31-47, 1966. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH-4667; MH- 4673; MH-4675; MH-4679 and MH-4803). National Institute of Mental Health. Psychopharma- cology Service Center Collaborative Study Group. Phenothiazine treatment in acute schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:246-261, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH- 4667; MH-4671; MH-4673; MH-4675; MH- 4679; MH-4803 and MH-5664). 506 MH-4675 (R10) DONNELLY, JOHN, BRACELAND, Francis J., and GLUECK, BERNARD C.: NIMH- PSC collaborative study of phenothiazines. Insti- tute of Living, Hartford, Conn. (1960-65) GOLDBERG, SOLOMON C., SCHOOLER, NINA R,, DavipsoN, EpwiN M., and KAYCE, MELVIN M.: Sex and race differences in response to drug treat- ment among schizophrenics. Psychopharmacologia (Berlin), 9(1):31-47, 1966. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH-4667; MH- 4673; MH-4674; MH-4679 and MH-4803). National Institute of Mental Health. Psychopharma- cology Service Center Collaborative Study Group. Phenothiazine treatment in acute schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:246-261, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH- 4667; MH-4671; MH-4673; MH-4674; MH- 4679; MH-4803 and MH-5664). SCHREIER, ARTHUR ]., and Lozito, DELORES: In- tegrating clinical research with treatment. Mental Hospitals, 14(11):573-577, 1963. SCHREIER, ARTHUR J., REZNIKOFF, MARVIN, and GLUECK, BERNARD C., Jr.: Controlled clinical evaluation of acute schizophrenia: A comparative study of rating instruments and judges. Compre- hensive Psychiatry, 3(6):343-353, 1962. MH-4679 (R10) EwING, JaAMEs H., DOWNING, RoBERT W. and Morris, HAROLD H.: NIMH- PSC collaborative study of phenothiazines. Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960- 64) AUERBACH, ARTHUR H., and EwING, JaMEs H.: Some limitations of psychiatric rating scales: The Clinician’s viewpoint. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 5(2):93-100, 1964. DowNING, ROBERT W., COMER, NATHAN L., and EBERT, JOHN N.: Family dynamics in a case of Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138(6):548-557, 1964. DowNING, ROBERT W., EBERT, JOHN N., and SHU- BROOKS, S. J.: Effect of phenothiazines on the thinking of acute schizophrenics. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:511-520, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-5809). DowNING, R. W. SuBRoOOks, SAMUEL J., and EBERT, JOHN N.: Intrusion of associative dis- tractors into conceptual performance by acute schizophrenics: Role of associative strength. Per ceptual and Motor Skills, 22(2):460-462, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-5809). GOLDBERG, SOLOMON C., SCHOOLER, NINA R., DavipsoN, EpwiN M., and KAYCE, MELVIN M.: Sex and race differences in response to drug treat- ment among schizophrenics. Psychopharmacologia (Berlin), 9(1):31-47, 1966. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH-4667; MH- 4673; MH-4674; MH-4675; MH-4803). GoopMAN, J., DowNING, R., and RickkeLs, K.: Temporal change in handwriting expansiveness in depressed and schizophrenic patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 139:53-61, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2934). NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH: Psy- chopharmacology Service Center Collaborative Study Group. Phenothiazine treatment in acute schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:246-261, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 4661; MH-4663; MH-4667, MH-4671; MH- 4673; MH-4674; MH-4675; MH-4803 and MH- 5664). MH-4681 (R01) WENDT, GEORGE R.: Effects of drugs on emotional and motivational states. Uni- versity of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (1961-63) WENDT, G. R.: Man and motion. In: Dill, D. B., ed. Handbook of physiology: Adaptation to the environment. Washington, D.C., American Phys- iological Society, 1964, p. 999-1005. MH-4682 (RO1) ABELSON, ROBERT P.: Cognitive mechanisms under belief dilemma. Yale Univer- (1961- ) ABELSON, R. P.: Computer simulation of “hot” cognition. In: Tomkins, S., and Messick, S., eds. Computer simulation of personality. New York, Wiley, 1963, p. 277-298. Iwao, SUMIKO: Internal versus external criticism of group standards. Sociometry, 26:410-421, 1963. sity, New Haven, Conn. MH-4684 (R01) MALTZMAN, IRVING: Nonverbal responses of schizophrenics. University of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. (1961- ) MALTZMAN, IRVING, and RaskIN, Davib C.: Ef- fects of individual differences in the orienting re- flex on conditioning and complex processes. [our- nal of Experimental Research in Personality, 1 (1):1-16, 1965. MH-4685 (R01) TOMKINS, SILVAN S.: Measure- ment of affect by responses to human face. Phila- delphia Psychiatric Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. (1961- ) ToMkINs, SILVAN S., and MCCARTER, ROBERT: What and where are the primary affects? Some evidence for a theory. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:119-158, 1964. (Monograph Suppl. No. 1). MH-4686 (R01) SCHWARTZBAUM, JEROME S.: Role of the limbic system in sensory discrimination. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1961- 64) 507 Hovrpstock, T. L., and SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S.: Classical conditioning of heart rate and galavnic skin response in the rat. Psychophysiology, 2(1): 25-38,.1965. KEeLricutt, M. H., and SCHWARTBAUM, J. S.: For- mation of a conditioned emotional response (CER) following lesions of the amygdaloid complex in rats. Psychological Reports, 12:351-358, 1963. PuBoLs, LiLLIAN M.: Changes in food-motivated behavior of rats as a function of septal and amyg- daloid lesions. Experimental Neurology, 15(2): 240-254, 1966. SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S.: Visually reinforced behavior following ablation of the amygdaloid complex in monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 57(3):340-347, 1964. SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S.: Discrimination behavior after amygdalectomy in monkeys: Visual.and somes- thetic learning and perceptual capacity. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60 (3):314-319, 1965. SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S., BowMaN, R. E., and HoLb- STOCK, L.: Visual exploration in the monkey fol- lowing ablation of the amygdaloid complex. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57(3) :453-456, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 4528). SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S., and DoNovick. P. J.: An artifact in the use of brain stimulation with shock- motivated behavior. Psychonomic Science, 2(7): 183-184, 1965. SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S., and GAY, Patricia E.: In- teracting behavioral effects of septal and amygda- loid lesions in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 61(1):59-65, 1966. SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S., and KeLLicuTTt, M. H.: In- verted generalization gradients about a nonrein- forced stimulus. Psychological Reports, 11:791- 792, 1962. SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S., KELLicUTT, M. H., SPIETH, T. M., and THOMPSON, J. B.: Effects of septal lesions in rats on response inhibition associated with food-reinforced behavior. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 58:217- 224, 1964. ScHWARTZBAUM, J. S., and Pouros, DENNIS A.: Discrimination behavior after amygdalectomy in monkeys: Learning set and discrimination rever- sals. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60(3):320-328, 1965. SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S.. and SPIETH, T. M.: Analysis of the response-inhibition concept of septual func- tions in ‘‘passive-avoidance” behavior. Psycho- nomic Science, 1:145-146, 1964. SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S., THOMPSON, J. B., and KEL- Licutt, M. H.: Auditory frequency discrimina- tion and generalization following lesions of the amygdaloid area in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:257-266, 1964. THOMPSON, J. B., and SCHWARTZBAUM, J. S.: Dis- crimination behavior and conditioned suppression (CER) following localized lesions in the amyg- dala and putamen. Psychological Reports, 15:587- 606, 1964. MH-4690 (R03) EHRENTHEIL, O1TO F.: The influ- ence of aging on preexisting psychoses. Tufts University, Medford, Mass. (1960-61) EHRENTHEIL, O. F.: Thought content of mute chronic schizophrenic patients: Interviews after in- jection of amobarbital sodium (Amytal Sodium) and methamphetamine hydrochloride (Methe- drine). Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:187-197, 1963. EHRENTHEIL, O. F., and Davis, E. T.: Degree of fixation of thought content in relation to with- drawal versus non-withdrawal in hospitalized mental patients observed over 30 years. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:455-459, 1962. EHRENTHEIL, O. F., Davis, E. T., Casey, T. M., and AISENBERG, R. B.: Schizophrenic motor ac- tivity observed over thirty years. Archives of General Psychiatry, 7:58-68, 1962. MH-4692 (R01) BRADLEY, PHILIP B.: A neuro- pharmacological study of cerebral function. Bir- mingham University, Birmingham, UK. (1961- 64) ANseLL, G. B., CHOJNAcKI, T. and METCALF, R. F.: The incorporation of phyophorylpropanol- amine and phosphorylethanolamine into the phos- pholipids of brain dispersions. Journal of Neuro- chemistry, 12(7):649-656, 1965. MH-4694 (R01) FiscHER, RoLAND, Hamwi, GEORGE J., and HUNT, WiLLIAM E.: Biochemical lesions and psychopathology. Columbus Psychi- atric Institute and Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. (1961-61) FiscHER, R., and GRIFFIN, F.: Biochemical genetic factors in health and mental retardation. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psy- chiatry. Vol. 1. Montreal, University of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 542-547. FiscHER, R., and GRIFFIN, F.: Quinine dimorphism, a cardinal determinant of taste sensitivity. Na- ture, 200:343-347, 1963. Fiscuer, R., GRIFFIN, F., and KapLaN, A. R.: Taste thresholds in mothers of children with Down's syndrome. Lancet, 2:992, 1962. 508 FiscHER, R., GRIFFIN, F., and KAPLAN, A. R.: Taste thresholds in mothers of children with Down's syndrome: A rejoinder. Lancet, 1:393, 1963. FiscHEr, R., GRIFFIN, F., ENGLAND, S. J. M., and PASAMANICK, B.: Biochemical genetic factors of taste polymorphism and their relation to salivary thyroid metabolism in health and mental retarda- tion. Medicina Experimentalis, 4:356-366, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2731). FiscHER, R., GRIFFIN, F., and KAPLAN, A. R.: Taste thresholds, cigarette smoking, and food dis- likes. Medicina Experimentalis, 9:151-168, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2731). FiscHER, R., GriFrIN, F., and KapPLAN, A. R.: Pharmacogenetic aspects of taste. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Genetics, The Hague, September 1963. Vol. 1. 1963, p. 67. FiscHER, R., GRIFFIN, F. and MEAD, E. L.: Two characteristic ranges of taste sensitivity. Medi- cina Experimentalis, 6:177-182, 1962. FiscHer, R., KaprLaN, A. R., GrirFIN, F., and STING, D. W.: Abnormal congregation of insen- sitive (“non”-)tasters among patents of children with Down's syndrome. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:849-855, 1963. RuBIN, T., GRIFFIN, F., and FISCHER, R.: A physico- chemical treatment of taste thresholds. Nature, 195:362-365, 1962. MH-4697 (R01) LYKKEN, Davip T.: A methodo- logical study of electric shock stimuli. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1961-62) LYkkEN, D. T.: Perception in the rat: Autonomic response to shock as function of length of warning interval. Science, 137:665-666, 1962. MH-4698 (R01) MURSTEIN, BERNARD I.: The stimulus in thematic perception. Interfaith Coun- seling Center, Portland, Ore. (1960-62) MURSTEIN, B. I.: Assumptions, adaptation-level and projective techniques. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 12:107-125, 1961. MugsTEIN, B. I.: The relationship of expectancy of reward to achievement performance on an arith- metic and thematic test. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27(5):394-399, 1963. MursTEIN, B. I.: TAT hostility to the Buss Hostility Scale. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:520, 1963. MURSTEIN, B. I.: Theory and research in projective techniques: Emphasizing the TAT. New York, John Wiley, 1963, 385 p. MURSTEIN, B. I.: A normative study of TAT am- biguity. Journal of Projective Techniques, 28: 210-218, 1964. MURSTEIN, B. I.: Projection of hostility on the TAT as a function of stimulus, background, and per- sonality variables. Journal of Consulting Psy- chology, 29(1) :43-48, 1965. MURSTEIN, BERNARD I.: Scaling of the TAT for achievement. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 29(3):286, 1965. MURSTEIN, BERNARD I.: Sex difference in TAT ambiguity, hostility, and projection. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 108(1):71-80, 1966. MURSTEIN, BERNARD I., and EASTER, LAWRENCE V.: The role of achievement motive, anxiety, stimulus, and expectancy, on achievement motivation in arithmetic and thematic tests. Journal of Projec- tive Techniques and Personality Assessment, 29 (4) :491-497, 1965. MURSTEIN, B. I., and WiENs, ARTHUR H.: A fac- tor analysis of various hostility measures on a psy- chiatric populuation. Journal of Projective Tech- niques, 27 :447-451, 1963. MURSTEIN, BERNARD I., and WIENS, ARTHUR N.: Diagnostic and actuarial correlates of thematic and questionnaire measures of hostility. Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality Assess- ment, 29(3) :341-347, 1965. MH-4702 (R01) ArMmus, HarRvARrD L.: Reinforce- ment schedules and secondary reinforcement. University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. (1960-64) ArMUs, HArvarD L., CarLsoN, KRrisTIN R,, GuINAN, JaMEs F., and CROWELL, RONALD A.: Effect of a secondary reinforcement stimulus on the auditory startle response. Psychological Re- ports, 14:535-540, 1964. ArMUS, HArRvARD L., DEVoy, W. EpwiN, EISEN- BERG, TERRY, and SCHROEDER, STEPHEN R.: Ef- fect of primary reinforcement schedule on sec- ondary reinforcement strength with continuous secondary reinforcement during training. Psy- chological Reports, 11:203-208, 1962. ARMUS, HARVARD L., GUINAN, JAMES F., CROWELL, RONALD A., SCHROEDER, STEPHEN R., RUDGE, J. ANTHONY, and ComTols, DaviD R.: Second- ary reinforcement strength and primary reinforce- ment schedule. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:313-315, 1964. MH-4703 (R03) Happap, RAEF K., and NovaL, JosepH ].: Test for an abnormal antigen in schizophrenics serum. New Jersey Bureau of Re- search in Neurology and Psychiatry, Princeton, N.J. (1960-61) 509 Habpap, R. K., and RABE, AusMA: An anaphylac- tic test for abnormal antigen (s) in schizophren- ics’ serum. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psychiatry. Vol. 1. Montreal, Uni- versity of Toronto Press/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 658-661. Happap, R. K., and RABE, AUSMA: An antigenic abnormality in the serum of chronically ill schizo- phrenic patients. In: Heath, Robert G., ed. Serological fractions in schizophrenia. New York, Harper & Row, 1963, p. 151-157. MH-4704 (R01) SAWREY, WiLLIAM L.: Psycho- logical factors in production of gastric ulcers. Alameda County State College, Hayward, Calif. (1960-60) (Continued from MH-930). SAwREY, WiLLiaM L.: Conditioned responses of fear in relationship to ulceration. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 54(3): 347-348, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-930). SAWREY, WILLIAM L., and LoNG, Davip H.: Strain and sex differences in ulceration in the rat. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55(4):603-605, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 930). MH-4705 (R01) DEesmEerATO, OTELLO: Effect of anxiety and stress on simple performance. Con- necticut College, New London, Conn. (1960-63) DESIDERATO, 0.: Generalization of conditioned sup- pression. Journal of Comparative and Physiolog- 1cal Psychology, 57:434-437, 1964. DEsSIDERATO, O.: Generalization of acquired fear as a function of CS intensity and number of acqui- sition trials. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67:41-47, 1964. DEsIDERATO, O.: Effect of anxiety and stress on re- action time and temporal generalization. Psycho- logical Reports, 14:51-58, 1964. KiNtz, ROBERT T.: The tape recorder as a pro- grammer. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(5) :294, 1965. MH-4706 (R01) WiLsoN, KeLLoGG V.: Two-per- son mixed motive situations. University of Ne- braska, Lincoln, Nebr. (1960-63) (Continued from MH-3291). BIXENSTINE, V. E., CHAMBERS, N., and WILSON, K. V.: Effect of asymmetry of payoff on behavior in a two-person non-zero-sum game. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 8(2):151-159, 1964. (Also acknowledges M-3291). BIXENSTINE, V. E., PorasH, H. M., and WILSON, K. V.: Effects of level of cooperative choice by the other player on choices in a prisoners dilemma game. Part I. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:308-313, 1963. edges MH-3291). BIXENSTINE, V. E., and WiLsoN, K. V.: Effects of level of cooperative choice by other player on choices in a prisoner's dilemma game. Part II Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67: 139-147, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3291). WiLsoN, K. V., and BIXENSTINE, V. E.: Forms of social control in two-person, two-choice games. Behavioral Science, 7:92-102, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3291). (Also acknowl- MH-4707 (R03) MEISSNER, WILLIAM W.: Anno- tated bibliography in religion and psychology. Individual, Woodstock, Md. (1961-61) MEISSNER, W. W.: Annotated bibliography in re- ligion and psychology. New York, Academy of Religion ani Mental Health, 1961, 235 p. MH-4710 (R03) JARRARD, LEONARD E.: Effects of X-irradiation on operant behavior. Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. (1961-62) JARRARD, L. E.: Effects of X-irradiation on operant behavior in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:608-611, 1963. JARRARD, L. E.: The effects of d-lysergic acid di- ethylamide on operant conditioning in the rat. Psychopharmacologia, 5:39-46, 1963. MH-4720 (R01) GOLDSTEIN, MICHAEL J.: Di- agnostic and [progoostic value of response biases. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1961-64) GOLDSTEIN, MICHAEL J., and JONES, ROBERT B.: The relationships among word association test, objective personality test scores and ratings of clinical behavior in psychiatric patients. Journal of Projective Techniques, 28:271-279, 1964. GOLDSTEIN, M. J., JonNEs, R. B., and KINDER, M. L.: A method for the experimental analysis of psy- chological defenses through perception. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2:135-146, 1964. MH-4721 (R01) HUNTER, RicHARD A., and Ma- CALPINE, IDA: Anthology of British psychiatry. Individual, London, UK. (1960-62) HUNTER, RICHARD, and MACALPINE, IDA: Three hundred years of psychiatry. 1535-1860. London, Oxford University Press, 1963, 1107 p. MH-4724 (R01) GRIFFITHS, WILLIAM J., Jr.: Ef- fects of electric shock on the behavior of rats. Montana State University, Missoula, Mont. (1960-62) GRIFFITHS, WILLIAM ]., JR.: Some behavioral char- acteristics of rats susceptible to sound induced 510 seizures. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13:283- 289, 1961. GRIFFITHS, WILLIAM ].: Effect of isolation on tread- mill running in the albino rat. Psychological Re- ports, 8:243-250, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1481). GRIFFITHS, WILLIAM J., JR.: Effect of food and water deprivation on shock tolerance of albino rats. Psychological Reports, 11:163-166, 1962. GRIFFITHS, WILLIAM J., Jr.: Effects of stress on susceptibility of albino rats to sound-induced con- vulsions. Psychological Reports, 11:663-665, 1962. GRIFFITHS, WILLIAM J., JR., HERGENHAHN, B. R,, and LEAN, J. B.: Methodological note: A device for self-regulation of stimulation in the laboratory rat. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:153-154, 1963. MH-4725 (R03) CHANDLER, KENNETH A.: Psy- chological study of Alzheimer’s disease. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1960-62) FELDMAN, R. G., CHANDLER, K. A., Levy, L. L,, and GLASER, G. H.: Familial Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology, 13(10) :811-824, 1963. MH-4726 (RO1) WARREN, JoHN M.: Functions of association cortex in learning. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. (1960- ) Haves, W. N., and WARREN, J. M.: Failure to find spontaneous alternation in chicks. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(3): 575-577, 1963. STEWART, CHARLES N., ABPLANALP, PAUL H., and WARREN, J. M.: Unconditioned responses to elec- trical shock by cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60(3):449:451, 1965. WARREN, J. M.: Additivity of cues in conditional discrimination learning by Rhesus monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 58:124-126, 1964. WARREN, J. M.: The behavior of carnivores and primates with lesion in the prefrontal cortex. In: Warren, J. M., and Akert, K., eds. The frontal granular cortex and behavior. New York, Mc- Graw-Hill, 1964, p. 168-191. (Also acknowledges MH-1364 and MH-3396). WARREN, J. M.: The comparative psychology of learning. Annual Review of Psychology, 16:95- 118, 1965. WARREN, J. M.: Primate learning in comparative perspective. In: Schrier, A. M., Harlow, H. F,, and Stollnitz, F., eds. Behavior of nonhuman pri- mates: Modern research trends. New York, Aca- demic Press, 1965, p. 1-46. WARREN, J. M., BEcK, CHARLES H.: Visual prob- ability learning by cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 61(2):316-318, 1966. WILSON, MARGARET, WARREN, J. M., and ABBOTT, LYNN: Infantile stimulation, actiity, and learning by cats. Child Development, 36(4) :843-853, Dec. 1965. MH-4729 (R03) CARR, WiLLiaM ].: Further in- vestigation of olfactory phenomena. Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. (1961-61) CARR, W. J., and CauL, W. F.: The effect of castra- tion in rats upon the discrimination of sex odours. Animal Behavior, 10:20-27, 1962. CARR, W. J., SELBERG, BEVERLY, and PFAFFMANN, C.: The olfactory threshold for estrous female urine in normal and castrated male rats. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:415-417, 1962. MH-4731 (R10) RickkiLrs, KARL: NIMH-PSC out- patient study of drug-set interaction. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1960- ) FISHER, S., CoLE, J. O., RickELs, K., and UHLEN- HUTH, E. H.: Drug-set interaction: The effect of expectations on drug response in outpatients. Neu- ropsychopbarmacology, 3:149-156, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4732). FisHER, S., LipmMAN, R. S., UHLENHUTH, E. H,, RicHELs, K., and PARK, L. C.: Drug effects and initial severity of symptomatology. Psychophar- macologia, 7(1):57-60, 1965. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4732). LipMAN, RONALD S., COLE, JONATHAN O., PARK, Lee C,, and RickELs, KARL: Sensitivity of symp- tom and nonsymptom-focused criteria of outpa- tient drug efficacy. American Journal of Psychi- atry, 122(1):25-27, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4732). LipMAN, RoNALD S., RiCHELS, KARL, UHLENHUTH, EBERHARD H., PARK, LEE C., and FISHER, SEY- MOUR: Neurotics who fail to take their drugs. British Journal of Psychiatry, 111(480):1043- 1049, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4732). Park, LE C., UHLENHUTH, EBERHARD H., Lip- MAN, RoNALD S., RickeLs, KARL, and FISHER, SEYMOUR: A comparison of doctor and patient improvement ratings in a drug (meprobamate) trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 3(475):535- 540, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4732). RickeLs, KARL: Important and relevant aspects of tranquilizer therapy. Journal of Neuropsychi- atry, 5(7):442-447, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2934). 511 RickELs, KARL: Some comments on non-drug fac- tors in psychiatric drug therapy. Psychosomatics, 6:303-309, 1965. SNow, LAURENCE H., and RickeLs, KARL: Use of direct observation in the teaching and learning of psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychother apy, 19(3) :487-491, 1965. UHLENHUTH, EBERHARD H., PArRk, LE C., Lip- MAN, RoNALD S., RicKELS, KARL, FISHER, SEY- MOUR, and Mock, JoHN: Dosage deviation and drug effects in drug trials. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 141(1):95-99, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4732). MH-4732 (R10) Park, LE C., PANDE, SHASHI K., and UHLENHUTH, EBERHARD H.: NIMH-PSC outpatient study of drug-set interaction. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. (1960- ) FisHER, S., and Cork, J. O., Rickkirs, K., and UHLENHUTH, E. H.: Drug-set interaction: The effect of expectations on drug response in out- patients. Neuropsychopharmacology, 3:149-156, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4731). FisHER, S., LipmaAN, R. S., UHLENHUTH, E. H, RicHEiLs, K., and Park, L. C.: Drug effects and initial severity of symptomatology. Psychophar- macologia, 7(1):57-60, 1965. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4731). LipMAN, RONALD S., COLE, JONATHAN O., PARK, Lee C., and RickELs, KARL: Sensitivity of symp- tom and nonsymptom-focused criteria of out- patient drug efficacy. American Journal of Psy- chiatry, 122(1):25-27, 1965. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4731). LipMAN, RoNALD S., HAMMER, HARVEY M., BER- NARDES, JAIRO F., Park, LE C., and COLE, JONATHAN O.: Patient report of significant life situation events. Diseases of the Nervous System, 26(9) :586-591, 1965. LipMAN, RONALD S., RICHELS, KARL, UHLENHUTH, EBERHARD H., Park, LEE C., and FISHER, SEY- MOUR: Neurotics who fail to take their drugs. British Journal of Psychiatry, 111(480):1043- 1049, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4731). Park, L. C., and Covi, L.: Nonblind placebo trial. An exploration of neurotic patients’ responses to placebo when its inert content is disclosed. Ar- chives of General Psychiatry, 12(4):336-345, 1965. Park, LE C. and LipMAN, RoNALD S.: A com- parison of patient dosage deviation reports with pill counts. Psychopharmacologica, 6:299-302, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3741). Park, LE C., UHLENHUTH, EBERHARD H., Lip- MAN, RONALD S., RIcKELS, KARL, and FISHER, SEYMOUR: A comparison of doctor and patient improvement ratings in a drug (meprobamate) trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 3(475):535- 540, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4731). UHLENHUTH, EBERHARD H., Park, LE C. Lip- MAN, RONALD S., RickeLs, KARL, FISHER, SEY- MOUR, and Mock, JoHN: Dosage deviation and drug effects in drug trials. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 141(1):95-99, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4731). MH-4734 (R01) McCoNNELL, THOMAS R., and SELvIN, H.C.: Student culture and intellectual development. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1961- ) HANAN, C. SELVIN: The impact of higher educa- tion on student attitudes. In: Axelrod, Joseph, ed. Unity and diversity in higher education. Berkeley, Calif., University of California, 1962, p. 19-26. NAsATIR, DAVID: A contextual analysis of attitude change. School Review, 71:290-298, 1963. MH-4735 (R01) CuMMING, M. ELAINE: Commu- nity handling of disturbed behavior. Middletown State Hospital, Middletown, N.Y. (1961- ) CUMMING, ELAINE, and HARRINGTON, CHARLES: Clergyman as counselor. American [Journal of Sociology, 69(3):234-243, 1963. CUMMING, JoHN: The inadequacy syndrome. chiatric Quarterly, 37(4):723-733, 1963. CUMMING, JoHN, and CUMMING, ELAINE: The community. In: Cumming, John, and Cumming, Elaine. Ego and milieu: Theory and practice of environmental therapy. New York, Atherton Press, 1962, p. 246-267. CUMMING, MARGARET E.: Phase movement in the support and control of the psychiatric patients. Journal of Health and Human Behavior, 3:235- 241, 1962. MCcCAFFREY, IsABEL, CUMMING, ELAINE, and RupoLpH, CLAIRE: Mental disorders in socially defined populations. American Journal of Public Health, 53(7):1025-1030, 1963. Psy- MH-4736 (R01) HAVIGHURST, ROBERT ]., and Hess, ROBERT D.: Cross-national research semi- nars in human development. University of Chi- cago, Chicago, Ill. (1961-62) Hess, R. D., and TorNEY, J. V.: Religion, age, and sex in children’s perceptions of family authority. Child Development, 33:781-789, 1962. MH-4737 (RO1) ZIMMERMANN, HENRY ]., Ro- SENBLITH, WALTER A., and WIESNER, JEROME B.: Basic research in communication sciences. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. (1961- ) 512 ALGAzI, VIDAL R.: A study of the performance of linear and nonlinear filters. Cambridge, Mass., Masschusetts Institute of Technology, June 22, 1964, 104 p. (Technical Report No. 420). Arcazi, V. R.: Generalized SNR and performance index of filters for waveform estimation. Pro- ceedings of the IEEE, 53(7):725-726, July 1965. ArBIB, M. A.: Turing machines, finite automata and neutral nets. Journal of the Association of Com- puting Machinery, 8:467-475, 1961. ARBIB, MICHAEL A.: Hitting and martingale char- acterizations of one-dimensional diffusions. Cam- bridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, 1964, 22 p. (Processed). ARBIB, MICHAEL, and BLUM, MANUEL: Machine dependence of degrees of difficulty. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 16(3): 442-447, 1965. BaLpwiN, H. A., FRENK, S., and LETTVIN, J. Y.: Glass-coated tungsten microelectrodes. Science, 148(3676) :1462-1464, 1965. Barrow, J. S.: A phase-comparator model for the diurnal rhythm of emergence of Drosophila. An- nals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 98: 788-805, 1962. BARLOW, JOHN S.: Some statistical characteristics of electrocortical activity in relation to visual-oculo- motor tracking in man. Boletin del Instituto de Estudios Medicos y Biologicos, 21(3):497-518, 1963. BARLOW, JOHN S.: Evoked responses in relation to visual perception and oculomotor reaction times in man. Annals of the New York Academy of Sci- ences, 112:432-467, 1964. Barrow, J. S., Rovit, R. L., and GLOOR, P.: Cor- relation analysis of EEG changes induced by uni- lateral intracarotid injection of amobarbital. Elec- troencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 16:213-220, 1964. BERENDSEN, HERMAN, J. C.: Nuclear magnetic res- onance study of collagen hydration. Journal of Chemical Physics, 36:3297-3305, 1962. BErRLEKAMP, ELWYN R.: Note on recurrent codes. IEEE (Institute of Electric and Electronic Engi- neers) Transactions of the Professional Technical Group on “Information Theory,” IT-10(3), July 1964. Bever, T. G., Fopor, J. A. and WEKSEL, W.: Theoretical notes on the acquisition of syntax: A critique of “contextual generalization.” Psycho- logical Review, 72(6):467-482, 1965. BICKFORD, REGINALD G., JACOBSON, JAMEs L., and Copy, THANE R.: Nature of average evoked po- tentials to sound and other stimuli in man. A»n- nals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 112: 219-222, 1964. BLuMm, N.M., ONEsTO, and VERBEEK, L. A. M.: Tolerable errors of neurons for infallible nets. In: Redundancy techniques for computing sys- tems. Washington, D.C., Spartan Books, 1962. BrazIER, M. A. B.: The analysis of brain waves. Scientific American, 206:142-153, 1962. BrinGes, J. E., and ZALEwskl, R. A.: Orthogonal detection to reduce common channel interference. Proceedings of the IEEE, 53(7):742-743, 1965. BrowN, JokL E.: Dendritic fields of retinal ganglion cells of the rat. Journal of Neurophysiology, 28 (6) :1091-1100, 1965. Brown, JoeL E., and Rojas, ARISTIDES J.: Rat retinal ganglion cells: Receptive field organization and” maintained activity. Journal of Neurophysi- ology, 28(6):1073-1090, 1965. BRUCE, JAMES D.: On the optimum quantization of stationary signals. In: IEEE (Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers) International Conven- tion Record. Part I. 1964, p. 118-124. BRUCE, J. D.: Optimum quantization. Cambridge, Mass., Mass. Institute of Technology, March 1965, 72p. (Technical Rept. No. 429). Burns, S. K., and Morzack, R.: A method for analyzing variations in evoked responses. Electro- encephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 20 (4) :407-409, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH- 4235). CAVAGGIONI, ANDREA, and GOLDSTEIN, MOISE: Enhancement of shock-evoked responses from stri- ate cortex following either onset or termination of light. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22(2) (Part I) :576, 1963. CAVAGGIONI, A., and GOLDSTEIN, M. H., Jr.: Fa- cilitation and inhibition in the visual system after photic stimulation. Archives Italiennes De Biolo- ge, 103:397-420, 1965. CHOMSKY, NoaM: Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 1965, 251 p. (Also acknowledges MH- 5120). CoLBURN, H. S., and DurLAcH, N. I.: Time-iten- sity relations in binaural unmasking. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 38(1) :93-103, July 1965. DENNIS, J. B.: The use of computers in speech re- search. Annals of the New York Academy of Sci- ences, 115:867-880, 1964. DENNIS, J. B.: A multiuser computation facility for education and research. Communications of ACM, 7:521-529, 1964. DENNIS, Jack B.: Distributed solution of network programming problems. IEEE Transactions of the Professional Technical Group on Communications Systems, CS-12(2):176-184, June 1964. 513 DoGGENWEILER, C. F., and FRENK, S.: Staining properties of Lanthanum on cell membranes. Pro- ceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 53 (2) :425-430, 1965. DurrLacH, N. I: Note on binaural masking-level differences at high frequencies. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 36(3):576-581, 1964. DurracH, N. I: Note on binaural masking-level differences as a function of the interaural corre- Journal of the 36:1613-1617, lation of the masking noise. Acoustical Society of America, 1964. EpeN, M.: Handwriting and pattern recognition. Transactions of the Professional Group on In- formal Theory, IT-8(2):160-166, 1962. EpEN, M.: Human information processing. IEEE Transactions of the Professional Technical Group on Information Theory, 1T-9:253-256, 1963. EDEN, MURRAY: Note on short term storage of in- formation in vision. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19:93-94, 1964. Fopor, JERRY A.: Could meaning be an rm? Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4(2):73-81, 1965 Fopogr, J. A., and BEVER, THOMAS G.: The psycho- logical reality of linguistic segments. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4(5):414~ 420, 1965. FrisukopF, L. S., and GoLrpstEIN, H. M., JR.: Responses to acoustic stimuli from single units in the eighth nerve of the bullfrog. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 35:1219-1228, 1963. GALLAGER, ROBERT G.: Low-density parity-check codes. Cambridge, Mass.,, M.ILT. Press, 1963, 111 p. (M.LT. Research Monograph). GALLAGER, ROBERT G.: A simple derivation of the coding theorem and some applications. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, p. 3-18, Jan. 1965. GERSTEIN, G. W.: Mathematical models for the all- or-none activity of some neurons. [RE Transac- tions on Information Theory, IT-8:S137-S143, September 1962. GERSTEIN, G. L., and CLARK, W. A.: Simultaneous studies of firing patterns in several neurons. Sci- ence, 143(3612):1325-1327, 1964. GERSTEIN, G. L., and KIANG, N. Y-s: Responses of single units in the auditory cortex. Experi- mental Neurology, 10:1-18, 1964. GERSTEIN, G. L., and MANDELBROT, B.: Random- walk models for the spike activity of a single neu- ron. Biophysical Journal, 4:41-68, 1964. Gray, P. R,, KIANG, N. Y. S,, and SHIPLEY, J. W.: Probabilities associated with spike discharges in auditory nerve fibers. (Abstract) Physiologist, 8(3) :Aug. 1965. GREENBLATT, SHERWIN: Transistor becomes sensor in temperature regulator. Electronics, Nov. 2, 1964. GRONEMANN, Uri F.: Coding color pictures. Cam- bridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, June 17, 1964, 41 p. (Technical Report No. 422). GUILBAUD, GISELE, ROSENBLITH, WALTER, BURNS, STEVE, and ALBE-FEssARD, DENISE: Evolution chez 'Homme au cours des differents stades du sommeil des responses electrocorticales evoquees au vertex par deux modes de stimulation. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de L’ Academie des Sciences (Paris), 260:5366-5369, 1965. HaLy, J. L., II: Minimum detectable change in in- teraural time or intensity difference for brief im- pulsive stimuli. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 36(12):2411-2413, 1964. HALL, JosepH L., II: Binaural interaction in the ac- cessory superior olivary nucleus of the cat: An electrophysiological study of single neurons. Cam- bridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, 1964, 83 p. (Processed). HALL, JosepH L.: Processing and transmitting in- formation through the central nervous system. IEEE Student Journal, 29-34, May 1965. Harr, J. L.: Binaural interaction in the accessory superior-olivary nucleus of the cat. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 37(5):814- 823, 1965. Harr, ROBERT D., CLAYTON, RICHARD J., and MARK, ROGER G.: A device for the partial re- straint of rats in operant conditioning studies. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 9(2):143-145, 1966. HALLE, M.: On the rules of Russian conjugation (in Russian). In: American contribution to the Sth Congress of Slavists, Sofia, Bulgaria, Septem- ber 17-24. The Hague, Mouton & Co., 1963. HAMBRECHT, FREDERICK TERRY: A multichannel electroencephalographic telemetering system. Cam- bridge, Mass., Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1963, 32 p. (Technical Report No. 413). HOFSTETTER, E. M.: Construction of time-limited functions with specified functions with specified autocorrelation functions. IEEE Transactions of the Professional and Technical Groups on Infor- mation Theory, IT 10:119-126, 1964. HOLSINGER, J. L.: Digital communication over fixed time-continuous channels with memory—with spe- 514 cial application to telephone channels. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Mass. Institute of Technology, 1964, 124 p. (Technical Report 366). HuaNG, THOMAs S.: Pseudorandom scanning. IEEE Transactions on Communication Technology, COM-12(3) :105-107, 1964. HuaNG, THoMAs S.: The power density spectrum of television random noise. Applied Optics, 4(5):597-601, 1965. HuANG, THOMAS S.: Some mapping properties of RC and RL driving-point impedance functions. IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory, CT-12(2): 257-259, 1965. Huang, THoMmas S.: The subjective effect of two- dimensional pictorial noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-11(1):43-53, 1965. Huang, T. S., and LEE, H. B.: Bounds on imped- ance functions of R, = L, + C, T networks. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 279(2):83-94, 1965. KATZ, JERROLD J.: Semantic theory and the meaning of “good”. [Journal of Philosophy, 61(23):739- 766, 1964. Katz, JERROLD ].: Mentalism in linguistics. guage, 40:124-137, 1964. Lan- KaTz, JERROLD J.: Symposium: Philosophy and lin- guistics. The relevance of linguistics to philoso- phy. Journal of Philosophy, 62:590-602, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-5120). Katz, JERROLD ].: The philosophy of language. In: Chomsky, Noam, and Halle, Morris, eds. Studies in language. New York, Harper & Row, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-5120). Katz, J. J., and Fopor, J. A.: A reply to Dixon's “A trend in semantics.” Linguistics, 3:19-29, 1964. Karz, JERROLD J., and PosTAL, PAUL M.: An in- tegrated theory of linguistic descriptions. Cam- bridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964, 178 p. KIANG, NELSON YUAN-SHENG: Stimulus coding in the auditory nerve and cochlear nucleus. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 59:186-200, 1965. KIANG, N. Y-S, and PFEIFFER, R. R.: Nerver and nucleus: A study of stimulus coding in the initial stages of the auditory nervous system. Science, 146:432, 1964. KiaNG, NELSON Y. S., PFEIFFER, RUSSELL R., WARR, W. BRUCE, and Backus, ANN S. N.: Stimulus coding in the cochlear nucleus. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 74(2): 463-485, 1965. KiIANG, N. Y., and SacHs, M. B.: Effects of acoustic stimuli on spontaneous spike discharges in audi- tory nerve fibers. Physiologist, 8(3): August 1965. KiIANG, N. Y-S., WATANABE, T., THOMAS, ELEANOR G., and CLARK, Louise F.: Stimulus coding in the cat's auditory nerve: A preliminary report. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology, 71:1009-1026, 1962. KuRroDA, S.-Y.: Classes of languages and linear- bounded automata. Information and Control, 7: 207-223, 1964. Kuropa, S. Y.: Causative forms in Japanese. Foundations of Language, 1:30-50, 1965. Liu, C. L.: Determination of the final state of an automaton whose initial state is unknown. IEEE (Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers) Transactions on Electronic Computers, EC-12(5), December 1963. Lw, C. L.: kth-order finite automation. IEEE (Insti- tute of Electric and Electronic Engineers) Trans- actions on Electric Computers, EC-13(5), Octo- ber 1964. Liu, C. L.: The memory orders of states of an auto- mation. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 277: 37-49, 1964. Lu, BEDE, and KAHN, ROBERT E.: Optimum pre- filtering in sampled data systems with read-in jitter. IEEE International Convention Record, Part 7:127-133, 1965. McCARTHY, JoHN: Time-sharing computer systems. In: Greenberger, Martin, ed. Management and the computer of the future. Cambridge, Mass., M. I. T. Press, and New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1962, p. 221-236. McCARTHY, ]., ABRAHAMS, P. W., EDWARDS, D. J, HArT, T. P., and LEVIN, M. I, eds.: LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual. Cambridge, Mass., Michi- gan Institute of Technology Press, 1963, 107 p. (Processed). McCuLrrocH, W. S.: Symbolic representation of the neuron as an unreliable function. In: Principles of self organization. New York, Pergamon Press, 1961, p. 91-94. McCurrocH, W. S.: The utility of anastomotic nets. In: Wilcox & Mann, eds. Redundancy techniques for computing systems. Washington, D.C., Spar- tan Books, 1962. McCurLocH, W. S.: Brains, machines, and mathe- mathics. American Scientist, 52:318, 1964. McCurrocH, W. S.: Reliable systems using unre- liable units. In: Rioch, David McK., and Wein- stein, Edwin A., eds. Disorders of communica- tion. Vol. 42. Baltimore, Md., Williams & Wilkins, 1964, p. 19-28. 515 MATTHEWS, G. H.: A note on asymmetry in phrase structure grammars. Information and Control, 7:360-365, 1964. MEeLzACK, RONALD, and BURNS, S. K.: Neuropsy- chological effects of early sensory restriction. Boletin del Instituto de Estudios Medicos y Bio- logicos (Mexico), 21:407-425, 1963. Also in: Experimental Neurology, 13(2):163-175, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4235). MELzAcK, R., and WALL, P. D.: On the nature of cutaneous sensory mechanisms. Brain, 85(2): 331-356, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH=4235). MELzACK, RONALD, and WALL, PATRICK D.: Pain mechanisms: A new theory. Science, 150(3699): 971-979, 1965. MEeNDELL, L. M., and "WALL, P. D.: Presynaptic hyperpolarization: A role for fine afferent fibres. Journal of Physiology, 172:274-294, 1964. MEeNDELL, L. M., and WALL, P. D.: Response of single dorsal cord cells to peripheral cutaneous unmyelinated fibres. Nature, 206(4979):95-97, 1965. MENYUK, PAULA: Syntactic rules used. by children from preschool through first grade. Child De velopment, 35:533-546, 1964. MENYUK, PAULA: Comparison of grammar of chil- dren with functionally deviant and normal speech. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 7:109- 121, 1964. MENYUK, PAULA: Alternation of rules in children’s grammar, Journal of Verbal Learning and Ver- bal Behavior, 3(6) :480-488, 1964. MENYUK, PAULA: Speech communication. Detec- tion of DSB signals occupying the same RF spectrum. Quarterly Progress Report, 77:305-313, 1965. (Processed) MERMELSTEIN, PauL, and EDEN, MURRAY: Experi- ments on computer recognition of connected hand- written words. Information and Control, 7:255- 270, 1964. MERMELSTEIN, PAUL, and EYDEN, MURRAY: A sys- tem for automatic recognition of handwritten words. In: Proceedings—Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1964, p. 333-342. OPPENHEIM, ALAN V.: Superposition in a class of nonlinear systems. Cambridge, Mass., Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, 1965, 62 p. (Tech- nical Report 432). . PauL, ALLAN P., HOUSE, ARTHUR S., and STEVENS, KENNETH N.: Automatic reduction of vowel spectra: An analysis by synthesis method and its evaluation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 36(2):303-308, 1964. PEAKE, W. T., GOLDSTEIN, M. H., JRr., and KIANG, N. Y-S: Responses of the auditory nerve to repeti- tive acoustic stimuli. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 34(5):562-570, 1962. PFEIFFER, R. R., and KiaNG, N. Y-S: Spike dis- charge patterns of spontaneous and continuously stimulated activity in the cochlear nucleus of anesthetized cats. Biophysical Journal, 5(3):301- 316, 1965. PicHARD, W. F., LETTVIN, J. Y., MOORE, J. W., TAKATA, M., POOLER, ]., and BERNSTEIN, T.: Caesium ions do not pass the membrane of the giant axon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 52:1177-1183, 1964. PuTNAM, HILARY: An examination of Griinbaum’s philosophy of geometry. In: Philosophy of sci- ence. Vol. 2. New York, Interscience Publishers, 1963, p. 205-255. ROBERTS, L. G.: Recent development in optical char- acter recognition at M.LT. In: Proceedings of Symposium on Optical Character Recognition, Washington, D.C., January 15-17, 1962, p. 209- 212. Robpieck, R. W., KiaNG, N. Y-S., and GERSTEIN, G. L.: Some quantitative methods for the study of spontaneous activity-of single neurons. Bio- physical Journal, 2(4):351-368, 1962. RosenBLITH, W. A., and VIDALE, E. B.: A quanti- tative view of neuroelectric events in relation to sensory communication. In: Koch, S., ed. Psy- chology: A study of science. New York, Mc- Graw-Hill, 1962, p. 333-379. ROSENBLITH, W. A., WIESNER, J. B., RAPOPORT, A., MacKay, D. M. HoacLanDp, H., ADEy, W. R., GARNER, W. R., Coss, S., and McCuL- LocH, W. S.: Norbert Wiener 1894-1964. [our- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 140(1): 3-16, 1965. SacHs, MURRAY B.: Responses to acoustic stimuli from single units in the eighth nerve of the green frog. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Amer- ica, 36:1956-1958, 1964. SAVAGE, J. E.: The computation problem with se- quential decoding. Cambridge, Mass., Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, 1965, 84 p. (Tech- nical Report 439). SCHETZ, M.: Measurement of correlation functions. Proceedings of the IEEE, 3(12):2100-2104, 1964. SCHETZEN, MARTIN: Determination of optimum nonlinear systems for generalized error criteria based on the use of gate functions. IEEE Trans- actions on Information Theory, 1T-11(1):117- 125, 1965. SCHETZEN, MARTIN: Measurement of the kernels of a non-linear system of finite order. Interna tional Journal of Control, 1(3):251-263, 1965. SCHETZEN, MARTIN: Synthesis of a class of non- linear systems. International Journal of Control, 1(5):401-414, 1965. SELVIN, HANAN C.: The impact of university ex- periences on occupational plans. School Review, 71:317-329, 1963. SIEBERT, WILLIAM M.: Some implications of the stochastic behavior of primary auditory neurons. Sonderdruck aus, Kybernetik, 2. Band, 5. Heft, June 1965, S.206-215. SiMON, WiLLIAM: The real-time sorting of neuro- electric action potentials in multiple unit studies. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysi- ology, 18:192-195, 1965. SKLAR, J. R.: Sequential measurement of multidi- mensional transducers. Cambridge, Mass., Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, 1964, 95 p. (Technical Report 431). SNYDER, DONALD: Some useful expressions for opti- mum linear filtering in white noise. Proceedings of the IEEE, 1965, p. 629-630. StevENs, K. N., and Housk, A. S.: Perturbation of 516 vowel articulations by consonantal context: An acoustical study. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 6:111-128, 1963. SUTHERLAND, N. S., and HOLGATE, VALERIE: Two- cue discrimination learning in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 61(2): 198-207, 1966. TAUB, ARTHUR: Local, segmental and supraspinal interaction with a dorsolateral spinal cutaneous afferent system. Experimental Neurology, 10: 357-374, 1964. TAUB, ARTHUR, and BisHoP, PETER O.: The spino- cervical tract: Dorsal column linkage, conduction velocity, primary afferent spectrum. Experimental Neurology, 13(1):1-21, 1965. Teas, DonNaLD C., and KiaNG, NELSON Y-S.: Evoked responses from the auditory cortex. Ex- perimental Neurology, 10:91-119, 1964. Teas, D. C., and KiaNG, N. Y-S.: Components of the complex response evoked from the auditory cortex of unanesthetized cats. Science, 146:434~ 435, 1964. TRETIAK, O. J., and HUANG, T. S.: Resistance of an n-dimensional cube. Proceedings of the IEEE, 53(9):1271-1272, 1965. VERBEEK, L. A. M.: On error minimizing neuronal nets. In: Principles of self organization. New York, Pergamon Press, 1961, p. 121-133. VIERTEL, JOHN: Generative grammars. In: Confer- ence on College Composition and Communication, May 1964, p. 65-81. WALL, P. D.: Presynaptic control of impulses at the first central synapse in the cutaneous pathway. In: Eccles, J. C., and Schade, J. P., eds. Progress in brain research. Vol. 12. Physiology of spinal neurons. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1964, p. 92-118. WaLL, P. D.: Impulses originating in the region of dendrites. Journal of Physiology (Great Britain), 180:116-133, 1965. WALL, P. D., and MELZACK, R.: Neural mechanisms which discriminate events on the skin. IRE Trans- actions on Information Theory, IT-8:120-125, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4235). WaLL, P. D., and TAuB, A.: Four aspects of tri- geminal nucleus and a paradox. Journal of Neu- rophysidlogy, 25:110-126, 1962. Weiss, THoMAs F.: A model for firing patterns of auditory nerve fibers. Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964, 93 p. (Technical Report No. 418). (Processed) MH-4740 (R03) O'CONNOR, JoHN F.: Evaluation of psychotherapy in ulcerative colitis. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1961-62) DANIELS, GEORGE E., O'CONNOR, JoHN F., Ka- RUSH, AARON, MosEs, LEON, FLooD, CHARLES E., and LEPORE, MICHAEL: Three decades in the observation and treatment of ulcerative colitis. Psychosomatic Medicine, 24(1):85-93, 1962. O'CONNOR, JoHN F. DANIELS, GEORGE, FLOOD, CHARLES, KARUSH, AARON, MOSES, LEON, and STERN, LENORE O.: An evaluation of the effec- tiveness of psychotherapy in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Annals of Internal Medicine, 60(4):587-602, 1964. O'CONNOR, JoHN F., DANIELS, GEORGE, KARUSH, AARON, Moses, LeoN, Froop, CHARLES, and STERN, LENORE O.: The effects of psychotherapy on the course of ulcerative colitis. A preliminary report. Journal of American Psychiatric Associa- tion, 120(8):738-742, 1964. MH-4742 (R03) KEELER, MARTIN H.: Subjective response—intermittent photic stimulation. Uni- versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1961-61) KEELER, MARTIN H.: Relations between excitatory and inhibitory retinal responses as determined by a revised apparatus for the study of negative after- images. Nature, 196:1343-1344, 1962. KEELER, MARTIN: Inter-relations of the effects of psilocybin on subjective sensation, photopic criti- cal frequency of fusion, and circulating non- esterified fatty acids. Experientia, 19:37-38, 1963. KEELER, MARTIN, CLARKE, MAY G., and CocCH- RANE, CARL M.: Psychological effects of psilo- 517 cybin as determined by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Psychiatry Digest, 24(1): 27-34, 1963, MH-4743 (R03) GELLHORN, ERNsT: Facts and theories of adrenomedullary secretion. Westmont College, Santa Barbara, Calif. (1961-61) GELLHORN, E.: Prolegomena to a theory of the emotions. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 4:403-436, 1961. MH-4748 (R01) Ferris, JAMEs P.: Constitution of some lythraceae alkaloids. Florida State Univer- sity, Tallahassee, Fla. (1961-64) FERRIS, J. P.: Lythraceae alkaloids. I. Isolation and structural studies of the alkaloids of decodon verticillatus (L.) ell. Journal of Organic Chem- istry, 27:2985-2990, 1962. FERRIS, J. P.: Lythraceae alkaloids. II. Structural studies on decodine and verticillatine. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 28:817-822, 1963. MH-4752 (R03) PARE, WILLIAM P.: Chronic stress and the etiology of gastric ulcers. Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass. (1961-61) PARE, WiLLIAM P.: The effects of chronic environ- mental stress on stomach ulceration, adrenal func- tion, and consummatory behavior in the rat. Journal of Psychology, 57:143-151, 1964. MH-4754 (R03) RosEN, SIDNEY: On withholding informational vs. material resources. Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisc. (1961-62) ROSEN, SIDNEY: The comparative roles of informa- tional and material commodities in interpersonal transactions. Journal of Experimental Social Psy- chology, 2(2):211-226, 1966. MH-4758 (R01) ZuBIN, JOSEPH, and SALZINGER, Kurt: Immediate effect of chlorpromazine on verbal behavior. New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, Albany, N.Y. (1960-61) (Continued from MH-2785). SaLzINGER, K., FELDMAN, R. S., and PORTNOY, STEPHANIE: The effects of reinforcement on ver- bal and non-verbal responses. Journal of General Psychology, 70:225-234, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1541). SALZINGER, K., PORTNOY, STEPHANIE, and FELD- MAN, R. S.: The effect of order of approximation to the statistical structure of English on the emis- sion of verbal responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64:52-57, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2785). SALZINGER, K., and WALLER, M. B.: The cperant control of vocalization in the dog. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5:383-389, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2785). MH-4759 (R01) ZUBIN, JosEPH, HAKEREM, GAD, and SUTTON, SAMUEL: The effect of chlorproma- zine on the pupillary reflex. New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, Albany, N.Y. (1960-61) (Continued from MH-2783). HAKEREM, G., SUTTON, S., and ZUBIN, ].: Pupillary reactions to light in schizophrenic patients and normals. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 105:820-831, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1541). MH-4761 (R03) REED, CHARLES F.: Measurement of pattern-detection in brain injury. State Uni- versity of New York—Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, N.Y. (1961-61) REED, C. F., and POLLACK, A.: Statistically defined displays and pattern detection of cerebral palsied children. Science, 140(3573):1331-1333, June, 1963. REED, CHARLES F., and POoLLACK, ALAN: Pattern- detection in brain-injured children. American Journal of Psychology, 78(2):177-187, 1965. MH-4763 (R03) YOUNG, LEONTINE: Families that neglect and abuse their children. Child Service Association. Newark, N.J. (1960-61) YOUNG, LEONTINE R.: Wednesday's children. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964, 195 p. MH-4773 (R01) GurtH, PAUL S.: Interaction of neurohumors and LSD congeners in CNS. Tu- lane University, New Orleans, La. (1961-63) Maing, J. E., and Gur, P. S.: Pharmacologic evi- dence favoring the hypothesis that the auditory inhibitory tract is cholinergic. (Abstract) Phar- macologist, 4, 1962. MH-4785 (R01) SmiTH, KARL U., and SHIDEMAN, MAN, FREDERICK E.: Drugs and brain biochemis- try in aging and development. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1961-64) Goutp, J., and SmiTH, K. U.: Angular displacement of the visual feedback of motion. Science, 137: 619-620, 1962. GREEN, P. M. and SMmitH, K. U.: Maturation of performance with space-displaced vision. Science, 141:727-728, 1963. Smits, K. U.: Environmental research and sensory- feedback analyses of behavior. In: Proceedings of the Institute of Environmental Scientists. Chi- cago, Institute of Environmental Scientists, 1962, p. 353-368. SMITH, KARL U.: Delayed sensory feedback and be- havior. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1962, 109 p. 518 SmitH, K. U.: Behavior organization and work: A new approach to industrial behavioral science. Madison, Wisc., College Printing and Typing, 1962, 900 p. (Also acknowledges MH-4469). SMITH, KARL U.: Sensory feedback analysis in medi- cal research: II. Spatial organization of neuro- behavioral system. American Journal of Physical Medicine, 43:49-84, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4469). Smit, K. U.: Cybernetic foundations of learning science. In: Association of Computing Machinery Proceedings of the 20th National Conference, 1965, p. 8-26. SMITH, KARL U.: Cybernation and human evolution. Madison, University of Wisconsin Behavioral Cybernetics Laboratory, 1966, 13 p. (Processed) SmitH, KARL U., and ANSELL, SHERMAN D.: Closed-loop digital computer system for study of sensory feedback effects of brain rhythms. Ameri- can Journal of Physical Medicine, 44(3):125-137, 1964. Smith, K. U.,, ANsEiLL, S., and SmitH, W. M.: Sensory feedback analysis in medical research: I. Delayed sensory feedback in behavior and neural function. American Journal of Physical Medicine, 42(6):228-261, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4469). SMmiTH, KARL U., CAMBRIA, RICHARD, and STEFFAN, JAMES: Sensory-feedback analysis of reading. Jour- nal of Applied Psychology, 48(5) :275-286, 1964. SMITH, KARL U., and GREENE, PAUL: A critical period in maturation of performance with space- displaced vision. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17-627-639, 1963. SMitH, KARL U., HENRY, JOHN P., JUNAS, RICHARD K., and ANSELL, SHERMAN D.: Remote experi- mental cybernetic analysis of delayed feedback of oral breath pressure control in normal and em- physema patients: Application to space medicine. Madison, University of Wisconsin Behavioral Cybernetics Laboratory, 1966, 16 p. (Processed). SmitH, K. U., Myszewskl, M., MERGEN, M., and KOEHLER, ].: Computer system control of delayed auditory feedback. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:343-354, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 4469). SMITH, K. U., and SmitH, W. M.: Scientific televi- sion methods applied to analysis of perceptual feedback in behavior. In: May, M., and Erons, L., eds. Television and human behavior. New York, Appleton Century Crofts, 1963, p. 295-307. SmitH, K. U., ZWERG, C., and SMITH, N. J.: Sen- sory-feedback analysis of infant control of the behavioral environment. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:725-732, 1963. SMITH, W. M., and Smith, K. U.: Delayed visual feedback and behavior. Science, 132:1013-1014, 1960. MH-4786 (R03) ELLsoN, DoucGLAs G.: Machine teaching of reading in retarded children. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1961-61) ELLsoN, D. G.: Programmed learning of elementary reading. In: Selected convention papers, 40th Annual CEC Convention, Columbus, Ohio, April 24-28, 1962. Washington, D.C., Council for Exceptional Children, National Education Asso- ciation, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4989). MH-4789 (R10) Oris, LEON S.: A multidimen- sional behavioral analysis of drugs. Stanford Re- search Institute, Menlo Park, Calif. (1961-62) (Continued from MH-3384). Oris, L. S., and BOENNING, R. A.: A transistorized circuit for recording contact responses. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 2:289- 291, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-3384). MH-4791 (RO1) GELLHORN, ‘ERNST: A neuro- physiological view of emotional disorders. West- mont College, Santa Barbara, Calif. (1961-62) GELLHORN, E. and LoorFBourRrOow, G. N.: Emo- tions and emotional disorders. New York, Hoe- ber, 1963, 496 p. MH-4792 (R03) Pins, ARNULF M.: Factors influ- encing career choices in social work. Individual, Closter, N.J. (1961-61) PINs, ARNULF M.: Profile of social work students. Canadian Welfare, 38(6):280-284, 1962. PINs, ARNULF M.: What do we know about the shortage of group workers and the recruitment of group work students and how can we use this knowledge to increase their number? New York, National Association of Social Workers, 1962. (Processed) PINs, ARNULF: Who chooses social work, when and why? New York, Council on Social Work Edu- cation, 1963, 212 p. MH-4796 (R03) LawTtOoN, M. POWELL: Role con- cepts of the psychiatric aide. Norristown State Hospital, Norristown, Pa. (1961-63) LawTOoN, M. POowELL: Studies on the psychiatric aide. Mental Hospitals, 512-515, September 1964. LAwTON, M. POWELL, and GOLDMAN, ALFRED E.: Role conceptions of the psychiatric aide. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 71:311-348, 1965. LAWTON, M. POWELL: Personality and attitudinal correlates of psychiatric-aid performance. Journal of Social Psychology, 66(2):215-226, 1965. 519 MH-4798 (R17) KLEIN, DoNALD F.: Psychiatric reaction patterns to psychotropic drugs. Hillside Hospital, Glen Oaks, N.Y. (1961-64) BELMONT, I, BIRCH, H. G., PoLLACK, M., and KLEIN, D. F.: Perceptual evidence of CNS dys- function in schizophrenia. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:395-408, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2715). BLUMBERG, ARNOLD G.: Effect of chlorpromazine with procyclidine and imipramine on radioactive iodine uptake. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 23(9):881-884, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2715). BLUMBERG, A. G., dnd KLEIN, D. F.: Severe papil- ledema associated with drug therapy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 118:168-170, 1961. BLUMBERG, A. G., KLEIN, D. F., and PoLLACK, M.: Age related changes in blood pressuge with chlor- promazine and imipramine. (Abstract) Excerpta Medica, Sixth International Congress of Gerontol- ogy, International Congress Series, 57:195, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2938). BLUMBERG, A. G., KLEIN, D. F., and POLLACK, M.: Effects of chlorpromazine and imipramine on sys- tolic blood pressure in psychiatric patients: Rela- tionships to age, diagnosis and initial blood pres- sure. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2:51-60, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2715 and MH- 2938). Fink, M., KLEIN, D. F., and KRAMER, J. C.: Clini- cal efficacy of chlorpromazine-procyclidine combi- nation, imipramine and placebo in depressive disorders. ~~ Psychopharmacologia, 7(1):27-36, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-7432 and MH- 2715). FINK, MAX, PorrLack, M., KLEIN, D. F., BLuM- BERG, A. G., BELMONT, I., KARP., E., KRAMER, J. C., and WILLNER, A.: Comparative studies of chlorpromazine and imipramine. I. Drug dis- criminating ‘patterns. In: Bradley,” P. B., ed. Neuro-psychopharmacology. Vol. 3. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1963, p. 370-372. (Also acknowledges MH-2715 and MH-2938). GrrTeLMAN, R. K., KLEIN, D. F. and POLLACK, M.: Effects of psychotropic drugs on long-term adjustment: A review. Psychopharmacologia, 5: 317-338, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2715). KLEIN, D. F.: Management problems at Hillside Hospital, 1960 and 1963. Journal of Hillside Hospital, 13:79-94, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2715). KLEIN, D. F.: Delineation of two-drug responsive anxiety syndromes. Psychopharmacologia, 5:397- 408, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2715). KLEIN, D. F.: Visual hallucinations with imipram- ine. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121(9): 911-914, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-2715). KLeIN, D. F.,, and FINK, M.: Psychiatric reaction patterns to imipramine (Tofranil). American Journal of Psychiatry, 119(5):432-438, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2715). KLEIN, D. F., and FINK, M.: Behavioral reaction patterns with phenothiazines. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 7:449-459, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-927 and MH-2715). KLEIN, D. F.,, and FINK, M.: Multiple item factors as change measures in psychopharmacology. Psy- chopharmacologia, 4:43-52, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2715). KrAMER, J. C, KLEIN, D. F,, and FINK, M.: Imi- pramine as an adjunct to phenothiazine therapy. Comparative Psychiatry, 3(6):377-380, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2715). Porrack, MAX, and GITTELMAN, R. K.: The sib- lings of childhood schizophrenics: A review. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 34:868-874, 1964. PorrLAck, E., Karp, I, BLEMONT, I., WILLNER, A., KLEIN, D.,, and FINK, M.: Comparative studies of chlorpromazine and imipramine. II. Psycho- logical performance profiles. In: Bradley, P. B., ed. Neuropsychopharmacology. Vol. 3. New York, Elsevier, 1964, p. 373-376. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2715). PorLLAack, Max, KLEIN, DoNALD F., WILLNER, ARTHUR, BLUMBERG, ARNOLD, and FINK, MAX: Imipramine-induced behavioral disorganization in schizophrenic patients: Physiological and psycho- logical correlates. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Re- cent advances in biological psychiatry. Vol. 7. New York, Plenum Press, 1964, p. 53-61. (Also acknowledges MH-2715 and MH-2938). MH-4800 (R03) WELLER, LEONARD: Anxiety, co- hesiveness and group functioning. University of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. (1961-61) WELLER, LEONARD: The relationship of birth order to anxiety: A replication of the Schachter findings. Sociometry, 25(4) :415-417, 1962. WELLER, LEONARD: The effects of anxiety on co- hesiveness and rejection. Human Relations, 16 (2):189-197, 1963. WELLER, LEONARD: The relationship of birth order to cohesiveness. Journal of Social Psychology, 63: 249-254, 1964. MH-4803 (R10) WALTERS, Guy M.: NIMH-PSC collaborative study of phenothiazines. Rochester State Hospital, Rochester, N.Y. (1960-64) GOLDBERG, SoLOMON C., ScHOLLER, NINA R., DavipsoN, EpwiN M., and KAYCE, MELVIN M.: Sex and race differences in response to drug treat- ment among schizophrenics. Psychopharmacologia 520 (Berlin), 9(1):31-47, 1966. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH-4667;, MH- 4673; MH-4674; MH-4675; MH-4679). NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH, Psy- CHOPHARMACOLOGY SERVICE CENTER COLLABO- RATIVE STUDY GROUP: Phenothiazine treatment in acute schizophrenia. Archives of General Psy- chiatry, 10:246-261, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH-4667; MH-4671; MH-4673; MH-4674; MH-4675; MH-4679; MH-5664). WALTERS, GUY M.: Jaundice following administra- tion of fluphenazine dihydrochloride. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120(1):83-84, 1963. MH-4804 (R01) DiamMOND, SIGMUND: 17th cen- tury theories of human nature. Columbia Univer- sity, New York, N.Y. (1961-64) DiaMOND, SIGMUND: The creation of society in the New World. Vol. 1. Sellers, Charles, ed. Berkeley Series in American History. Chicago, Rand McNally, 1963. MH-4807 (R17) Curtis, GEORGE C.: Humor pat- terns and their psychological correlates. Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1961-64) ALEXANDER, F., Curtis, G. C., and SPRINCE, H.: Effects of amino-acids and tranylcypromine on schizophenric behavior. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 21:417, 1962. ALEXANDER, F., Curtis, G. C., SprINCE, H., and CROSLEY, A. P.: L-methionine and L-tryptophane feedings in the non-psychotic and schizophrenic patient with and without tranylcypromine. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:135-142, 1963. Curtis, G. C.: Mechanisms of neurohumoral trans- mission. In: Nodine, J. H., and MoyEr, J. H,, eds. Psychosomatic medicine: The first Habne- mann symposium. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1962, p- 186-192. Curtis, G. C.: Violence breeds violence—perhaps? American Journal of Psychiatry, 120:386-387, 1963. MH-4808 (R17) SATTERFIELD, JaMEs H.: Neuro- physiological correlates of psychotic behavior. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1961- 65) SATTERFIELD, J. H.: Successful suicide in a patient with conversion reaction. American Journal of Psychiatry, 118:1047-1048, 1962. SATTERFIELD, J. H.: Effect of sensorimotor cortical stimulation upon cuneate nuclear output through medial lemniscus in cat. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:507-512, 1962. SATTERFIELD, JAMES H.: Evoked cortical response enhancement and attention in man. A study of responses to auditory and shock stimuli. Electro- encephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 19 (5) :470-475, 1965. SATTERFIELD, J. H., and CHEATUM D.: Evoked cor- tical potential correlates of attention in human subjects. ~~ Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 17:456-457, 1964. MH-4813 (R01) MIRONE, LEONORA: Ethanol me- tabolism in prolonged ingestion of alcohol. Man- hattan College, New York, N.Y. (1961- ) MIRONE, LEONORA: Effect of prolonged ethanol in- take on body weight, liver weight and liver nitro- gen, glycogen, ADH, and NAD and NADH of mice. Life Sciences, 4:1195-1199, 1965. MIRONE, LEONORA: Effect of ethanol on growth and liver components in mice. Life Sciences, 4: 1823-1830, 1965. MirRONE, LEONORA: Effect of vitamins in single dose on liver of mice on prolonged ethanol in- take. Life Sciences, 5(4):317-324, 1966. MH-4814 (R01) MENDELSON, Jack H., and MELLO, NaNcy K.: Induced alcohol addiction in animals. Massachusetts General Hospital, Bos- ton, Mass. (1961-63) MkeLro, N. K,, and MENDELSON, J. H.: Operant performance by rats for alcohol reinforcement: A comparison of alcohol-preferring and nonprefer- ring animals. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Al- cohol, 25:226-234, 1964. MEeLLo, NaNcy K., and MENDELSON, Jack H.: A shock harness for rats: Resistance as a function of shock intensity. Psychonomic Science, 3(1): 3-4, 1965. MENDELSON, J. H., and MELLO, N. K.: Ethanol and whisky drinking patterns in rats under free-choice and forced-choice conditions. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 25(1):125, 1964. MENDELSON, J. H., and MELLO, N. K.: Potassium- stimulated respiration of rat cerebral cortex: Effect of ethanol on tissue from alcohol-preferring and nonpreferring animals. ~~ Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 25:235-239, 1964. MH-4815 (R01) Ochs, SIDNEY, RUSSELL, IAN STEELE, and SELKURT, EWALD: Cerebral cortex function and behavior. Indiana University, Indi- anapolis, Ind. (1961- ) MATSUNAGE, M.: Firing level of Betz cells in rela- tionship to direct cortical responses of the sensory- motor cortex. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22(2): Series 1, 1963. 521 MATSUNAGA, M., Suzuki, H., and OcHs, S.: Con- trol of Betz cell excitability by direct cortical stim- ulation. (Abstract) Physiologist, 5:179, 1962. Ocns, S.: Analysis of cellular mechanisms of direct cortical responses. Federation Proceedings, 21: 642-647, 1962. Ocns, S.: The nature of spreading depression in neural networks. [International Revue of Neuro- biology, 4:1-69, 1962. Ochs, SiDNEY: Cortical potentials and pyramidal cells: A theoretical discussion. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 9(1):126-136, 1965. Ochs, S., Dowerr, A. R., and RusseLr, I. S.: Mescaline convulsive spikes triggered by direct cortical stimulation. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14:878-884, 1962. RusseLr, I. S., and OcHs, S.: Localization of a memory trace in one cortical hemisphere and trans- fer to the other hemisphere. Brain, 86:36-54, 1963. Suzuki, H., and OcHs, S.: Laminar analysis of di- rect cortical responses. Federation Proceedings, 21:350, 1962. Suzaki, H., and Ochs, S.: Laminar stimulation for direct cortical responses from intact and chroni- cally isolated cortex. Electroencephalography and Neurophysiology, 17:405-413, 1964. MH-4816 (R01) FroHMAN, CHARLES E.: Isola- tion of a serum factor in schizophrenia. Lafay- ette Clinic, Detroit, Mich. (1961- ) BEckeTT, P. G. S., FROHMAN, C. E., GOTTLIEB, J. S., MowBRAyY, J. B., and WoLF, R. C.: Schizo- phrenic-like mechanisms in monkeys. American Journal of Psychiatry, 119(9):835-842, 1963. BeckEeTT, P. G. S., SENF, R., FRouMmAN, C. E., and GortTLIEB, J. S.: Energy production and premor- bid history in schizophrenia. A. M. A. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8:155-162, 1963. BeckEeTrT, P. G. S., SENF, Rita, FROHMAN, C. E,, TOURNEY, G., and GOTTLIEB, J. S.: Relations between energy transfer systems and the symp- toms of schizophrenia. American Journal of Psy- chiatry, 118(11):995-1003, 1962. FroHMAN, C. E., GoopMAN, M., BECKETT, P. G. S,, LatHaMm, L. K., SENF, Rita, and GOTTLIEB, J. S.: The isolation of an active factor from serum of schizophrenic patients. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 96(1):438-447, 1962. FrouMmaN, C. E., LatHAM, L. K.,, WARNER, K. A., Brosius, C. O., Beckett, P. G. S.,, and Gortrt- LIEB, J. S.: The effect of motor activity on the plasma factor in schizophrenia. Archives of Gen- eral Psychiatry, 9:83-88, 1963. GorTLIEB, J. S., and FroHMAN, C. E.: The bio- chemical identification of schizophrenia. In: Tourlentes, T. T., Pollack, S. L., and Himwich, H. E., eds. Research approaches to psychiatric problems. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1962, p. 129-139. LatHAM, L. K., LoNCHARICH, K., WARNER, K. A,, CRANDALL, R. GorpoN, Beckett, P. G. S, FrouMmaN, C. E., and GorrTLIEB, J. S.: Effect of a protein factor isolated from schizophrenic blood on permeability. Vox Sanguinus, 8 :491-496, 1963. Lees, H., GrReenwoop, D. J, FroumaN, C. E., BECKETT, P. G. S., and GOTTLIEB, J. S.: The ef- fects of sera from schizophrenic subjects on the oxidation of succinate and a-Ketoglutarate. - Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 5(8):534-538, 1964. SuLLIVAN, THomAs M., FrROHMAN, CHARLES E, BECKETT, PETER G. S., and GOTTLIEB, JACQUES S.: Biochemical studies of families of schizo- hrenic patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 122(9) :1040-1044, 1966. TourNEY, G., FRoHMAN, C. E., BECKETT, P. G. S,, and GOTTLIEB, J. S.: Biochemical mechanisms in schizophrenia. In: Roessler, Robert, and Green- field, Norman S., eds. Physiological correlates of psychological disorder. Vol. 13. Madison, Wisc. University of Wisconsin Press, 1962, p. 13-28. MH-4818 (R01) BOCKOVEN, J]. SANBOURNE, KASTENBAUM, ROBERT, SHELDON, FLORENCE, and WILKERSON, HUGH: Drug effects on behavior cognition in the aged. Cushing Hospital, Fram- ingham, Mass. (1961-64) KastenBaUM, R.: Cognitive and personal futurity in later life. Journal of Individual Psychology, 19:216-222, 1963. MH-4821 (R03) BERGER, PETER L., NasH, DEN- NISON J.: Increased religious interest in suburban communities. Hartford Seminary, Hartford, Conn. (1961-62) NasH, DENNISON, and BERGER, PETER L.: Church commitment in an American suburb. Archives de Sociologie des Religions, January-June, No. 13, 1962. NaAsH, DENNISON, and BERGER, PETER L.: The child, the family, and the religious revival in suburbia. Journal for the Scientific Study of Re- ligion, Fall, 85-93, 1962. MH-4824 (R01) ROSENBLATT, SEYMOUR, and CHANLEY, JacoB D.: Biochemistry catecholamines in emotional disorders. Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, N.Y. (1961- ) FECHER, RONALD, CHANLEY, J. D., and ROSEN- BLATT, SEYMOUR: Electrophoretic separation of 522 catecholamine metabolites and the quantification of norepinephrine-7H® metabolites in man. A»n- alytical Biochemistry, 9:54-67, 1964. ROSENBLATT, S., and CHANLEY, J. D.: Differences in the metabolism of norepinephrine in depres- sions. Archives of General Psychiatry, 13(6): 495-502, 1965. MH-4825 (RO1) BARBER, THEODORE X., and FREEMAN, HARRY: Analgesia produced by hypno- sis, placebo, morphine. Medfield State Hospital, Medfield, Mass. (1961-63) BarBER, T. X.: Toward a hypnosis: Posthypnotic behavior. Archives of General Psychiatry, 7: 321-342, 1962. BarBER, T. X.: Experimental controls and the phe- nomena of “hypnosis”: A critique of hypnotic re- search methodology. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 134:493-505, 1962. BARBER, T. X.: Toward a theory of “hypnotic” be- havior: The “hypnotically induced dream.” [our- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:206- 221, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3253). BARBER, T. X.: The effects of “hypnosis” on pain: A critical review of experimental and clinical find- ings. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25:303-333, 1963. BarsER, T. X.: Hypnotically hallucinated colors and their negative after-images. American Journal of Psychology, 77:313-318, 1964. BARBER, T. X.: Toward a theory of hypnotic. be- havior: Positive visual and auditory hallucinations. Psychological Record, 14:197-210, 1964. Barser, T. X.: Hypnotizability, suggestibility, and personality: V. A critical review of research find- ings. Psychological Reports, 14:299-320, 1964. BARBER, T. X., and CALVERLEY, D. S.: “Hypnotic behavior” as a function of task motivation. Jour- nal of Psychology, 54:363-389, 1962. BarBER, T. X., and CALVERLEY, D. S.: “Hynotic- like” suggestibility in children and adults. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:589- 597, 1963. BARBER, T. X., and CALVERLEY, D. S.: Toward a theory of hypnotic behavior: Effects on suggesti- bility of task motivating instructions and attitudes toward hypnosis. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:557-565, 1963. BarBeRr, T. X., and CALVERLEY, D. S.: The rela- tive effectiveness of task-motivating instructions and trance-induction procedure in the production of “hypnotic-like” behaviors. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:107-116, 1963. BARBER, T. X., and CALVERLEY, D. S.: Toward a theory of “hypnotic” behavior: An experimental study of “hypnotic” time distortion. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:209-216, 1964. BARBER, T. X., and CALVERLEY, D. S.: Toward a theory of “hypnotic” behavior: Enforcement of strength and endurance. Canadian Journal of Psy- chology, 18:156-167, 1964. BARBER, T. X., and CALVERLEY, D. S.: An experi- mental study of “hypnotic” (auditory and visual) hallucinations. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:13-20, 1964. BarBER, T. X., and CALVERLEY, D. S.: Hypnotiza- bility, suggestibility, and personality: III. - A study using teachers’ ratings of children’s charac- teristics. Journal of Psychology, 57:275-280, 1964. BARBER, T. X., and CALVERLEY, D. S.: Hypnotiza- bility, suggestibility, and personality: I. Two studies with Edwards Personal Preference Sched- ule, the Jourard Self-Disclosure Scale, and the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale. Jour- nal of Psychology, 58:215-222, 1964. BARBER, T. X., and CALVERLEY, D. S.: Hypnotiza- bility, suggestibility and personality: II. ~ Assess- ment of previous imaginative-fantasy experiences by the As, Barber-Glass, and Shor Questionnaires. Journal of Clinical Psychology,21:57-58, 1965. BARBER, T. X., and HAHN, K. W., Jr.: Physiolog- ical and subjective responses to pain producing stimulation under hypnotically suggested and waking-imagined “analgesia.” [Journal of Abnor- mal and Social Psychology, 65:411-418, 1962. BARBER, T. X., and HAHN, K. W., Jr.: Hypnotic induction and “relaxation”: An experimental study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8:295- 300, 1963. BARBER, T. X., KaracaN, I, and CALVERLEY, D. S.: “Hypnotizability” and suggestibility. Ar- chives of General Psychiatry, 11:439-451, 1964: MH-4830 (R01) LANA, ROBERT E.: Order effects in persuasive communications. American Univer- sity, Washington, D.C. (1961-62) LANA, R. E.: Interest media, and order effects in persuasive communications. Journal of Psychol- 0gy, 56:9-13, 1963. LANA, R. E.: Controversy of the topic and the order of presentation in persuasive communications. Psy- chological Reports, 12:163-170, 1963. LANA, R. E.: Perception of social controversy in professors and college students. Journal of Psy- chology, 57:213-218, 1964. LANA, R. E.: Three theoretical interpretations of order effects in persuasive communications. Psy- chological Bulletin, 61:314-320, 1964. LANA, R. E.,, and RosNow, R. L.: Subject aware- ness and order effects in persuasive communica- tions. Psychological Reports, 12:523-529, 1963. 523 Rosnow, RALPH L., and LANA, RoBERT E.: Com- lementary and competing-order effects in opin- ton change. Journal of Social Psychology, 66(2): 201-207, 1965. MH-4836 (R01) Rossi, PETER H.: The measure- ment of interpersonal environments. National Opinion Research Center, Chicago, Ill. (1961- 62) WALLACE, WALTER L.: Peer groups and student achievement: The college campus and its stu- dents. Report No. 91. Chicago, National Opin- ion Research Center, 1963. (Processed). } WALLACE, W. L.: Institutional and life-cycle social- ization of college freshmen. = American Journal of Sociology, 70:303-318, 1964. MH-4840 (R01) MILLER, NORMAN, and BUTLER, DonNaLD C.: Intragroup interaction and reinforce- ment structure. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1961-63) BUTLER, DoNALD C., and MILLER, NORMAN: “Power to reinforce” as a determinant of com- munication. Psychological Reports, 16(3) Part I: 705-709, 1965. MH-4842 (RO1) SALZINGER, KURT, and ZUBIN, JosepH: Verbal behavior and its conditioning in schizophrenia. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1961-62) (Continued as MH-7477). HAMMER, M., and SALZINGER, K.: Some formal characteristics of schizophrenic speech as a meas- ure of social deviance. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 105:861-889, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4082). SALZINGER, K., and FELDMAN, R. S.: Verbal be- havior of schizophrenic and normal subjects. A»n- nals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 105: 845-860, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-586, MH-1541, and MH-4443). SALZINGER, KURT, PORTNOY, STEPHANIE, and FELDMAN, RICHARD S.: Experimental manipula- tion of continuous speech in schizophrenic pa- tients. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- ogy, 68(5):508-516, 1964. MH-2785 and MH-1541). (Also acknowledges SALZINGER, K., PORTNOY, STEPHANIE, ZLOTOGURA, PuyrLss, and KESNER, R.: The effect of rein- forcement on continuous speech and on plural nouns in grammatical context. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1:477-485, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-7477). MH-4844 (R01) WHYTE, WiLLiAM F.: Human problems of industrial development in Peru. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1961-63) WHYTE, WILLIAM F.: Culture, industrial relations, and economic development: The case of Peru. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 16(4): 583-594, 1963. WHYTE, WILLIAM F., and GraciELA, FLORES: Los Valores y el Crecimiento Economico en el Peru. Senati, (Lima, Peru), p. 7-23, 1963. MH-4847 (R01) ZUCKERMAN, MARVIN: Stress and hallucination in perceptual isolation. Brooklyn College of the Ey University of New York, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1961-62) MH-6875). (Continued as ZUCKERMAN, M., and CoHEN, N.: Is suggestion the source of reported visual sensations in per- ceptual isolation? Journal of Abnormal and So- cial Psychology, 68:655-660, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-6875). ZUCKERMAN, MARVIN, and COHEN, NATHAN: Sources of reports of visual and auditory sensa- tions in perceptual isolation experiments. Psy- chological Bulletin, 62:1:20, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-6875). ZUCKERMAN, MARVIN, KoLIN, ELIZABETH A, Price, LEAH, and Zoos, INA: Development of a sensation-seeking scale. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28(6) :477-482, 1964. ZUCKERMAN, M., LEVINE, S., and Biasg, D. V.: Stress responses in total and partial perceptual iso- lation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 26:250-260, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-6875). MH-4848 (R01) Wircort, RoBERT C.: Palmar sweating as an index of autonomic activity. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. (1961- ) WiLcort, R. C.: Effects of exsanguination on sweat- ing and skin potential responses. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:1136- 1137, 1962. Wircort, R. C.: Effects of high environmental temperature on sweating and skin resistance. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 56:778-782, 1963. Wircort, R. C.: A comparative study of the skin potential, skin resistance and sweating of the cat's oot pad. Psychophysiology, 2(1):62-71, 1965. WiLcorT, R. C.: Adaptive value of arousal sweating and the epidermal mechanism related to skin po- tential and skin resistance. Psychophysiology, 2 (3) :249-262, 1966. WiLcort, R. C., and HAMMOND, L. J.: On the constant-current error in skin resistance measure- ment. Psychophysiology, 2(1):39-41, 1965. 524 MH-4849 (R01) DiamonD, IRVING T.: Behavioral analysis of sensory neocortex. Duke University, Durham, N.C. (1961- ) AXELROD, S., and DiaMoOND, I. T.: Effects of audi- tory cortex ablation on ability to discriminate be- tween stimuli presented to the two ears. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59: 79-89, 1965. BricksoN, R. P., Jang, J. A., Ware, R,, and Daivonp, I. T.: Single neuron investigation of somesthetic thalamus of the oppossum. (Ab- stract) Physiologist, 6(3):177, 1963. DiamonDp, I. T., RANDALL, W., and SPRINGER, L.: Tactual localization in cats deprived of cortical areas SI and SII and the dorsal columns. Psy- chonomic Science, 1:261-262, 1964. EricksoN, R. P., JANE, J. A, Ware, R., and DiamonD, I. T.: Single neuron investigation of somesthetic thalamus of the opossum. (Abstract) Physiologist, 6(3):177, 1963. Also in: Journal of Neurophysiology, 27:1026-1047, 1964. MASTERSON, R. B., and Diamonp, I. T.: Effect of auditory cortex ablation on sound localization. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22:578, 1963. MASTERSON, R. B., and DiamonD, I. T.: Effects of auditory cortex ablation on discrimination of small binaural time differences. Journal of Neuro- physiology, 27:15-36, 1964. RANDALL, W. L.: The behavior of cats with lesions in the caudal midbrain region. Behaviour, 21:1- 33, 1964. RANDALL, WALTER L.: Generalization after fre- quency discrimination in cats with central nervous system lesions. In: Mostofsky, David I., ed. Stimulus generalization. Stanford, Calif., Stan- ford University Press, 1965, p. 134-153. MH-4850 (R01) GARCIA, JOHN, and BUCHWALD, NATHANIEL A.: Physiological basis of radiation- conditioned behavior. Long Beach State College, Long Beach, Calif. (1960-62) GARCIA, J., and BucHwALD, N. A.: Note on Furcht- gott’s “Behavioral effects of ionizing radiations: 1955-61.” Psychological Bulletin, 61:234-235, 1964. GARCIA, J., BucuwaLp, N. A., FEpEr, B. H., and WAKEFIELD, C.: Habituation as a factor in radiation-conditioned behaviour. In: Staff of the International Atomic Energy Agency, eds. Effects of ionizing radiation on the nervous system. Vi- enna, Christoph Reisser’ssohne, 1962, p. 145-155. MH-4852 (R01) MANDLER, GEORGE, and MAN- DLER, JEAN M.: Integration and interruption of response sequences. University of Toronto, To- ronto, Can. (1961-64) MANDLER, G.: Emotion. In: Brown, R. W., Gal- anter, E., Hess, E., and Mandler, G., eds. New directions in psychology. New York, Holt, Rine- hart & Winston, 1962. MANDLER, G.: From association to structure. Psy- chological Review, 69:415-427, 1962. MANDLER, G.: An analysis of human emotion. In: Series research in social psychology, symposia studies series no. 16. Washington, D.C., National Institute of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1963. MANDLER, G., and MANDLER, JEAN M.: Associative behavior and somatic response. Canadian [Journal of Psychology, 16:331-343, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2442). MH-4853 (R01) O’KELLEY, LAWRENCE I.: Drive intensity factor in thirst motivated behavior. Uni- versity of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. (1961- ) HartoN, GLENN I, and O’KELLY, LAWRENCE: The effects of maintenance diet on adaptation to food or water deprivation schedules in the rat. Psychonomic Sciences, 3(7):267-268, 1965. O’KEeLLy, LAWRENCE I: The psychophysiology of motivation. Annual Review of Psychology, 14: 57-92, 1963. O’KEeLLy, LAWRENCE I., CRow, LoweLL T., TAPP, Jack T., and HATTON, GLENN I.: Water regu- lation in the rat: Drive intensity and fixed ratio responding. Journal of Comparative and Physio- logical Psychology, 61(2):194-197, 1966. O’KEeLLY, LAWRENCE I, HArTON, GLENN I, Tucker, LINDA, and WESTALL, D’ANNE: Wa- ter regulation in the rat: Heart rate as a function of hydration, anesthesia, and association with re- inforcement. Journal of Comparative and Physi- ological Psychological Psychology, 59(2):159- 165, 1965. MH-4855 (RO1) NEWMAN, BERTHA L.: Studies of the septal area. University of Southern Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. (1961- ) KocH, A. R., RANCK, J. B.,, and NEwmaN, B. L.: Ionic content of glial cells. (Abstract) Physiolo- gist, 4:59, 1961. NEwMAN, BERTHA L., and FELDMAN, S. M.: Elec- trophysiological activity accompanying intracra- nial self-stimulation. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57(2):244-247, 1964. MH-4859 (R01) SANDLER, MERTON: Alternative pathways of 5-hydroxyindole metabolism. Bern- hard Baron Memorial Research Laboratories, Lon- don, UK. (1961-62) SANDLER, M., RuTHVEN, C. R. J., CONTRACTOR, S. F.,, Woop, C., BootH, R. T., and PINKERTON, J. H. M.: Transmission of noradrenaline across the human placenta. Nature, 197:598, 1963. 525 SANDLER, M., RuTHVEN, C. R. ]., and Woop, C.: Metabolism of C,4-noradrenaline and C,4-adren- aline and their transmission across the human placenta. International Journal of Neuropharma- cology, 3:123-128, 1964. MH-4867 (R17) EicHLER, MyRoN F.: Altered biochemical pathways and behavioral patterns. University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. (1961- 64) EicHLER, MYRON: Psychological changes associated with induced hyperamnonemia. Science, 144:886- 888, 1964. EICHLER, MYRON, and BESSMAN, SAMUEL: A dou- blind study of the effect of ammonium infusion on psychological functioning in cirrhotic patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 134:539- 542, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3644). EicHLER, MYRON F., and NORMAN, JANET: Re- peated use of the Bender Gestalt Test in a study of an induced toxic state. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3)Part 2:1033-1036, 1965. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4137). MH-4870 (R17) OFFER, DANIEL: Borderline ado- lescent. Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, Ill. (1961-64) FaLSTEIN, EUGENE I., and OFFER, DANIEL: Adoles- cent therapy. In: Abt, L. E., and Riess, B. F., eds. Progress in clinical psychology. Vol. 5. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1963, p. 60-73. FINE, PauL, and OFFER, DANIEL: Periodic out- bursts of antisocial behavior. Archives of General Psychiatry, 13(3) :240-254, 1965. (Also acknowl- edges MH-5519). OFFER, D., and SABSHIN, M.: The psychiatrist and the normal adolescent. Archives of General Psy- chology, 9:427-432, 1963. OFFER, D., SABSHIN, M., and MARcus, D.: Clinical evaluation of normal adolescents. American Jour- nal of Psychiatry, 121(9):864-872, 1965. MH-4872 (R01) BreG, W. Roy, MILLER, OR- LANDO J., and YANNET, HERMAN: Cytogenetic studies in mental retardation. Southbury Train- ing School, Southbury, Conn. BrREG, W. R.: Genetic aspects of mental retardation. Quarterly Review of Pediatrics, 17:9-23, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4386). BreG, W. R., MILLER, O. ]J., and SCHMICKEL, R. D.: Chromosomal translocations in patients with mongolism and in their normal relatives. New England Journal of Medicine, 266:845-852, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4386). MILLER, O. J., BREG, W. R., MUKHERJEE, B. B,, VAN N. GAMBLE, A., and CHRISTAKOS, A. C.: Non-random distribution of chromosomes in meta- phase figures from cultured human leukocytes. II. The peripheral location of chromosomes 13, 17-18, and 21. Cytogenetics, 2:152, 1963. MiLLER, O. J., MUKHERJEE, B. B., BrREG, W. R,, and vAN N. GAMBLE, A.: Non-random distribu- tion of chromosomes in metaphase figures from cultured human leukocytes. I. The peripheral location of the Y chromosome. Cytogenetics, 2: 1-14, 1963. MH-4881 (R01) BECKER, WESLEY C., and SHAN- NoN, DoNaLp T.: Longitudinal study of parent- child relationships. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL (1961-65) Becker, W. C.: Consequences of different kinds of parental discipline. In: Hoffman, M., ed. Re- view of child development research. Vol. 1. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 1964, p. 169-208. Becker, W. C., and Krug, R. S.: A circumplex model for social behavior in children. Child Development, 35:371-396, 1964. BECKER, WESLEY C., and KruG, RONALD S.: The parent attitude research instrument—A research interview. Child Development, 36(2):329-365, 1965. MH-4889 (R01) TALLAND, GEORGE A.: Aging and the selection of information. Harvard Medi- cal School, Boston, Mass. (1961-64) TALLAND, GEORGE A.: Effect of aging on the for- mation of sequential and spatial concepts. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 13:210, 1961. TALLAND, GEORGE A.: The effect of warning sig- nals on reaction time in youth and old age. Jour- nal of Gerontology, 19:31-38, 1964. MH-4890 (R01) Mires, RayMonD C.: Modes of arousal and discrimination efficiency. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Can. (1961-62) Mires, RayMOoND C.: Discrimination-learning sets. In: Schrier, Allan M., Harlow, Harry F., and Stollnitz, Fred, eds. Behavior of nonhuman pri- mates. Vol. 1. New York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 51-95. Mires, RaymoND C.: Effectiveness of deprivation, incentive quality, and number of reinforcements after numerous reconditionings. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 60(3): 460-463, 1965. MH-4894 (R03) UHL, CHARLES N.: A preliminary study of multiple-stimulus learning. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. (1961-62) Unt, C. N.: Learning of interval concepts. I. The effects of differences in stimulus weights. Journal 526 of Experimental Psychology, 1963. 66(3):264-273, MH-4907 (R01) THOMAS, ALEXANDER: Puerto Rican infant behavior and parental practices. New York University Medical Center, New York, N.Y. (1961- ) Brock, James D.: Stimulus discrimination among autonomic measures: Individual and group char- acteristics. Psychosomatic Medicine, 27(3):212- 228, 1965. Brock, J. B., and EssmaN, W. B.: Psychology. Growth hormone administration during preg- nancy: A behavioural difference in offspring rats. Nature, 205(4976):1136-1137, 1965. (Also ac- knowledges MH-6010). MH-4912 (R01) SALisBURY, RICHARD F.: Social factors in New Guinea economic changes. Uni- versity of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1961-62) SALISBURY, RICHARD F.: Notes on bilingualism and linguistic change in New Guinea. Anthropotogi- cal Linguistics, 4(7):1-13, 1962. SALISBURY, R. F.: Despotism and Australian admin- istration in the New Guinea Highlands. Ameri- can Anthropologist, 66: Part 2, 225-239, 1964. SALISBURY, RicHARD F.: Changes in land use and tenure among the Siane of the New Guinea high- lands 1952-1961. Pacific Viewpoint, 5:1-10, 1964. MH-4915 (R01) MILLER, ARNOLD, and MILLER, EILEEN R.: Intermodal perception project. Mon- tana State University, Missoula, Mont. (1961-64) DUNNELL, G., OWENS, KATHERINE, and MILLER, A.: Effect of patterned auditory stimulation on autokinetic motion. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 18:311-312, 1964. Funk, C., and MILLER, A.: A figure-ground illu- lusion as related to configuration and prior expe- rience. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 13:233-234, 1961. MILLER, A.: Verbal satiation and the role of concur- rent activity. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66(3):206-212, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-348). MILLER, A.: Sex differences related to the effect of auditory stimulation on the stability of visually fixated forms. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16: 589-594, 1963. MiLLER, A., and KEMP, E.: Personality style and perceptual reactivity to the immediate environ- ment. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- 0gy, 65(5):333-337, 1962. MH-4916 (R01) JacksoN, DoNALD D., and Ris- KIN, JULES: Methodology for analyzing family interaction. Palo Alto Medical Research Founda- tion. Palo Alto, California. (1961-64) Jackson, DoN D.: Family rules. Archives of Gen- eral Psychiatry, 12(6):589-594, 1965. JacksoN, DoNALD D.: The study of the family. Family Process, 4(1) :1-18, 1965. JacksoN, DoNALD D.: Conjoint family therapy. Modern Medicine, p. 172-198, May 24, 1965. JacksoN, DoNALD D., RIsKIN, J., and SATIR, V.: A method of analysis of a family interview. Archives of General Psychiatry, 5:321-339, 1961. RiskIN, JULEs J.: Methodology or studying family interaction. Archives of General Psychiatry, 8: 343-348, 1963. RiskIN, JuLes: Family interaction scales. A pre- liminary report. Archives of General Psychiatry, 11:484-495, 1964. TERRILL, JAMES M., and TERRILL, RuTH E.: A method for studying family communication. Fam- ily Process, 4(2):259-290, 1965. MH-4918 (R01) SASSENRATH, JuLius M.: Test anxiety and complex learning. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1961-64) SASSENRATH, J. M.: Test anxiety, manifest anxiety, and concept learning without awareness. Psycho- logical Reports, 12:71-81, 1963. SASSENRATH, J. M.: Manifest anxiety and transfer of complex learning. Psychological Reports, 12: 913-914, 1963. SASSENRATH, J. M.: A factor analysis of rating scale items on the test anxiety questionnaire. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28:371-377, 1964. SASSENRATH, J. M., and KiGHT, H. R.: Anxiety, anxiety reduction and motivating instructions in human learning and performance. Psychological Reports, 16:243-250, 1965. SASSENRATH, J. M., KiGHT, H. R., and ATHEY, IL: Verbal learning and anxiety drive. Psychological Reports, 15:379-386, 1964. SASSENRATH, Jurius M., KicHT, HOowARD R., and Kaiser, HENRY F.: Relating factors from anxiety scales between two samples. Psychological Re- ports, 17(2) :407-416, 1965. MH-4920 (R01) FINGER, FRANK W., and REID, L. STARLING: Experimental analysis of drive indices. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. (1961- ) FaLroN, DANIEL: Effects of cyclic deprivation upon consummatory behavior: The role of deprivation history. Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 60(2):283-287, 1965. 527 FaLLoN, D.: Eatometer: A device for continuous recording of free-feeding behavior. Science, 148 (3672) :977-978, 1965. FALLON, DANIEL, THOMPSON, DONALD M., and ScHILD, MARY E.: Concurant food- and water- reinforced responding under food, water, and food-plus-water deprivation. Psychological Re- ports, 16(3)Part 11:1305-1311, 1965. FINGER, FRANK W.: Effect of food deprivation on running-wheel activity in naive rats. Psychologs cal Reports, 16(3)Part 1:753-757, 1965. THOMPSON, DONALD M.: Punishment by S associ- ated with fixed-ratio reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(3) :189- 194, 1965. WRIGHT, JoHN H.: Modifications in the rat’s diurnal activity pattern as a function of opportunity for reinforcement by ingestion. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 59 (3) :463-465, 1965. WRIGHT, JoHN H.: Test for a learned drive based on the hunger drive. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(6) :580-584, 1965. WRIGHT, JOHN H.: The rat’s adjustment to repeated exposure to 72-hour food deprivation. Psycho- logical Reports, 17(2):467-472, 1965. MH-—4925 (R01) AzriN, NATHAN H.: Aggressive and avoidant reactions to aversive stimuli. Anna State Hospital, Anna, Ill. (1961- ) AzriN, H., Hakg, D. F., Horz, W. C, and HurcHINsSON, R. R.: Motivational aspects of es- cape from punishment. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 8(1):31-44, 1965. AzriN, N. H., Hake, D. F., and HUTCHINSON, R. R.: Elicitation of aggression by a physical blow. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(1):55-57, 1965. AzriN, N. H., HoLz, W. C., and HAKE, D.: Inter- mittent reinforcement by removal of a conditioned aversive stimulus. Science, 136:781-782, 1962. AzriN, N. H., HorLz, W. C., and HAKE, D. F.: Fixed-ratio punishment. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 6:141-148, 1963. AzriN, N. H., Horz, W. C., Hakg, D. F.,, and AyvLLoN, T.: Fixed-ratio escape reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:449-456, 1963. AzriN, N. H., HurtcHINsOoN, R. R., and HAKE, D. F.: Pain-induced fighting in the squirrel mon- key. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:620, 1963. AzriN, N. H., HuTcHINSON, R. R., and McLAUGH- LIN, R.: The opportunity for aggression as an operant reinforcer during aversive stimulation. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(3):171-180, 1965. AzriN, N. H., HuTcHINSON, R. R., and SALLERY, B.: Pain-aggression toward inanimate objects. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7:223-228, 1964. AzriN, N. H., ULricH, R. E., HutcHINSON, R. R,, and NorMAN, D. G.: Effect of shock duration on shock-induced fighting. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 7:9-11, 1964. HAKE, D. F.,, and AzriN, N. H.: An apparatus for delivering pain shock to monkeys. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:297-298, 1963. HAKE, D. F., and AzriN, N. H.: Conditioned pun- ishment. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(5):279-293, 1965. HERMAN, R. L., and AzrIN, N. H.: Punishment by noise in an alternative response situation. Jour- nal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7:185-188, 1964. Horz, W. C., and AzrIN,-N. H.: Interactions be- tween the discriminative and aversive properties of punishment. Journal of the Experimental Anabysis of Behavior, 5:229-234, 1962. Horz, W. C., and AzrIN, N. H.: Recovery during punishment by intense noise. Psychological Re- ports, 11:655-657, 1962. Horz, W. C., and AzrIN, N. H.: A comparison of several procedures for eliminating behavior. Jour- nal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6: 399-406, 1963. Horz, W. C., AzriN, N. H., and ULrIicH, R. E.: Punishment of temporally spaced responding. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:115-122, 1963. HutcHINsON, R. R., UrricH, R. E., and AZRIN, N. H.: Effects of age and related factors on the pain-aggression reaction. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 59(3):365- 369, 1965. ULrricH, R. G., and AzrIN, N. H.: Reflexive fight- ing response to aversive stimulation. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5:511- 520, 1962. UrricH, R. E., Horz, W. C., and AzrIN, N. H.: Stimulus control of avoidance behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7:129- 133, 1964. UrricH, R. E., HurcHINsON, R. R., and AZRIN, N. H.: Pain-elicited aggression. Psychological Records, 15:111-126, 1965. ULricH, RoGER E., WOLFF, PETER C., and AZRIN, NATHAN H.: Shock as an elicitor of intra- and 528 inter-species fighting behavior. Animal Behaviour, 12:14-15, 1964. MH-4926 (R01) AzrIN, NATHAN H., AYLLON, TEeoporo, and HoLrz, WiLLiaMm C.: Conditioning verbal behavior of mental patients. Anna State Hospital, Anna, Ill. (1961- ) AyLLON, T., and AzrIN, N. H.: Reinforcement and instructions with mental patients. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7(4):327-331, 1964. AvLLON, T., and AzriN, N. H.: The measurement and reinforcement of behavior of psychotics. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 8(6):357-383, 1965. Horz, W. C, AzriN, N. H., and AyvLLON, T.: Elimination of behavior of mental patients by response-produced extinction. Journal of Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 6:407-412, 1963. MH-4927 (R01) BARTOSHUK, ALEXANDER K.: Human neonatal habituation and conditioned arousal. ~~ Brown University, Providence, R.IL (1961-64) BARTOSHUK, ALEXANDER K.: Human neonatal car- diac acceleration to sound: Habituation and dis- habituation. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15: 15-27, 1962. BarTOSHUK, A. K., and TENNANT, J. M.: Human neonatal EEG correlates of sleep-wakefulness and neural maturation. Journal of Psychiatric Re- search, 2:73-83, 1964. MH-4934 (R17) PRANGE, ARTHUR ]J., JR.: Criteria for effective treatment of depression. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1961-64) ErLLinwoop, EVERETT H., JR., and PRANGE,, AR- THUR ]., JR.: The effect of epinephrine on pento- barbital sleeping time of mice with altered thyroid status. Nature, 20:305-306, 1964. HamBY, GEORGE A., PRANGE, ARTHUR J. JR. LipTON, MORRIS A., and COCHRANE, CARL M.: Physiologic variations of a tyramine-like substance in human saliva. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 137(5) :487-493, 1963. MCcKINNEY, WILLIAM T., PRANGE, ARTHUR ]., JR., and COCHRANE, CARL M.: The Achilles reflex in an unselected psychiatric population. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120:1108-1110, 1964. PRANGE, A. J., Jr.: Paroxysmal auricular tachycardia apparently resulting from combined thyroid-imi- pramine treatment. American Journal of Psychia- try, 119(10) :994-995, 1963. PRANGE, A. ]., Jr.: Recent advances in therapeutics: Psychoactive drugs. North Carolina Medical Jour- nal, 24(2):63-66, 1963. PRANGE, A. J., JR.: The pharmacology and biochem- istry of depression. Diseases of the Nervous Sys- tem, 25:217-221, 1964. PRANGE, A. J., Jr. and LipTON, MORRIS A.: En- hancement of imipramine mortality in hyperthy- roid mice. Nature, 196(4854) :588-589, 1962. PRANGE, ARTHUR J., Jr., and LIPTON, MORRIS A.: Effects of propylthiouracil and thyroid feedings on the response of mice to injected convulsant barbiturate. Nature, 208(5012):791-792, 1965. PRANGE, ARTHUR J., LIPTON, MORRIS A., and LOVE, G.: Diminuation of impramine mortality in hypo- thyroid mice. Nature, 197(4873):1212-1213, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1870). PRANGE, A. J., Jr., PustroM, EINAR, and CocH- RANE, CARL M.: Imipramine enhancement of norepinephrine in normal humans. Psychiatry Digest, 25(1) :27-40, 1964. PRANGE, A. J., Jr. and VirorLs, M. M.: Cultural aspects of the relatively low incidence of depres- sion in southern negroes. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 8(2):104-112, 1962. PustrOoM, EINAR, PRANGE, A. J. Jr., and CocH- RANE, CARL M.: Epinephrine blocking and WY- 3041: A comment on the measurement of blood pressure reactivity. Journal of Clinical and Ex- perimental Psychopathology and Quarterly Review of Psychiatry and Neurology, 23(2) :99-105, 1962. . WiMANN, FRANCES K., PRANGE, ARTHUR J., JR, and BAKEWELL, WILLIAM E.: Variable density of silver-stained fibrils in the myocardium. Nature, 209(5029) :1253-1254, 1966. MH-4944 (R01) BAUGHMAN, EMMETT E., DAHL- STROM, W. GRANT, and ROBINSON, HALBERT: Personality development of southern rural chil- dren. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1961- ) BUTCHER, JAMES NEAL: Manifest aggression: MMPI correlates in normal boys. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 29(5) :446-454, 1965. BUTCHER, JAMES NEAL, and MEssick, Davip M.: Parent-child profile similarity and aggression: A preliminary study. Psychological Reports, 18(2): 440-442, 1966. MH-4952 (R01) BrowN, JupsoN S.: Experimen- tal masochism and and allied phenomena. Uni- versity of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. (1961-62) (Continued as MH-6900). Brown, J. S., and BELLONI, MARIGOLD: Perform- ance as a function of deprivation time following periodic feeding in an isolated environment. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 56:105-110, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6900). 529 Brown, J. S., MarTIN, R. C., and MorrOW, M.: Self-punitive behavior in the rat: Facilitative ef- fects of punishment on resistance to extinction. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 57:127-133, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-6900). MARTIN, R. CHRIS: Resistance to extinction of an escape response as a function of the number of reinforcements. Psychonomic Science, 4(7):275- 276, 1966. Mervin, K. B., and Brown, J. S.: Neutralization of an aversive light stimulus as a function of num- ber of paired presentations with food. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58: 350-353, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-6900). WipF, JoHN LEE: Positive and negative gradients of response strength in a temporal conflict situa- tion. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67: 234-241, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2721 and MH-6900). MH-4953 (R01) KoerrLa, WERNER P., and BERGEN, JoHN R.: Action of plasma proteins and psychotogens. Worcester Foundation for Ex- perimental Biology, Shrewsbury, Mass. (1961- 65) KogrLLA, WERNER P., Beaulieu, 'R. F., and BERGEN, J. R.: Effect of LSD-25 on the walking activity and pattern in the goat. (Abstract) Fed- eration Proceedings, 22 Part 1:627, 1963. ScuAgeppr, U.,, and RuBIN, P. H.: Effects of chlor- promazine upon induced periods of tonic immo- bility in rabbits. International Journal of Neuro- psychiatry, 1(1):71-75, 1965. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2211). MH-4956 (R01) Orpy, JosepH M., COLLINS, RoBERT L., Fox, BERNARD H., and SAMORA JSKI, THADDEUS: Effects of prenatal chlorpromazine on offspring. Cleveland Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. (1961- ) Orpy, J. M., LATANICK, A., JoHNsON, R., and MassopusT, L. C., Jr.: Chloropromazine effects on pregnancy and offspring in mice. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine, 113:833-836, 1963. Samora Jski, T., RoLsTEN, C., and Orpy, J. M.: A simplified method for determinations of serum leucine aminopeptidase. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 38:645-650, 1962. MH-4957 (R10) UspIN, EARL, GLASKY, ALVIN J., GRINKER, Roy R.: Drug effects on metabolic pat- terns in schizophrenia. Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, Ill. (1961-62) GLasKY, ALUIN J.: Effects of chlorpromazine and physical activity on brain protein metabolism “in vivo.” (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22(2) Part 1:272, 1963. MH-4958 (RO1) FracH, Freperic F., and Bur- RELL, CRAIG D.: Effect of imipramine and ECT on calcium in depression. Cornell University, New York, N.Y. (1961-65) FrAcH, F. F.: Calcium metabolism in states of de- pression. British [Journal of Psychiatry, 110: 588-593, 1964. FrLAcH, FrepERIC F., and LIANG, EDWARD: The op- eration of a metabolic unit in psychiatry. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:51-57, 1963. MH-4961 (R01) WEeItzmMaN, ELLioT D.: Behav- ioral method for study of aversive stimuli. Ye- shiva University, New York, N.Y. (1961- ) KripkE, DANIEL F., WEITZMAN, ErLLior D., and PoLLACK, CHARLES: Attempts to induce the rapid eye movement stage of sleep in Macaca mulatta by brain stem stimulation. Psychophysiology, 2 (2) :132-140, 1965. MH-4968 (R01) ELLis, ROBERT A.: Social mobil- ity, role stress, and college success. University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. (1961-65) ELLis, ROBERT A., and LANE, W. CLAYTON: Struc- tural supports for upward mobility. American Sociological Review, 28(5):743-756, 1963. ErLis, ROBERT A., LANE, W. CLAYTON, and OLE- SEN, VRIGINIA: The index of class position: An improved intercommunity measure of stratifica- tion. American Sociological Review, 28(2):271- 277, 1963. MH-4975 (R01) CoLrBY, BENJAMIN N.: Cross- cultural study of value categories. Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, Mass. (1961-63) Cory, B. N., CoLLIER, GEORGE A., and POSTAL, SusaN K.: Comparison of themes in folktales by the general inquirer system. Journal of American Folklore, 76(302) :318-323, 1963. EpwaArps, A. L., and WAaLsH, J. A.: The relation- ship between the intensity of the social desirabil- ity keying of a scale and the correlation of the scale with Edwards’ SD scale and the first factor loading of the scale. Journal of Clinical Psychol- ogy, 19:200-203, 1963. Postal, S. K.: Body-image and identity: A compari- son of Kwakiutl and Hopi.. American Anthro- pologist, 67(2) :455-462, 1965. MH-4977 (R01) HAMMOND, KENNETH R., PETER- sON, CAMERON R., and Topp, FREDERICK ]J.: Clinical inference and cognitive processes. Uni- versity of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (1961-64) 530 Hammonp, K. R., Hursch, C. J, Toop, F. J.: Analyzing the components of clinical inference. Psychological Review, 71(6):438-456, 1964. HamMoND, KENNETH R., and SUMMERS, DAVID A.: Cognitive dependence on linear and nonlinear cues. Psychological Review, 72(3):215-224, 1965. HurscH, CaroLyN, Hammonp, K. R., and Hursch, J.: Some methodological considerations in multiple-cue probability studies. Psychological Review, 71:42-60, 1964. PETERSON, CAMERON R., HAMMOND, KENNETH R., and SUMMERS, DAvID A.: Optimal responding in multiple-cue probability learning. Journal of Ex- perimental Psychology, 70(3):270-276, 1965. PETERSON, C., and MILLER, A.: Mode, median, and mean as optimal strategies. Journal of Experimen- tal Psychology, 68(4):363-367, 1964. PETERSON, CAMERON R., and MILLER, ALAN J.: Sensitivity of subjective probability revision. Jour- nal of Experimental Psychology, 70(1):117-121, 1965. PETERSON, C. R., SCHNEIDER, R. J., and MILLER, A. J.: Sample size and the revision of subjective probabilities. Journal of Experimental Psychol- 0gy, 69(5):522-527, 1965. PETERSON, C. R., and ULEHLA, Z. J.: Uncertainty, inference difficulty, and probability learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67:523-530, 1964. PETERSON, C. R., ULEHLA, Z. ]., and LEHMAN, R. S.: Function order and paired-associate learn- ing. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(2): 119-120, 1965. PETERSON, CAMERON R., ULEHLA, Z. ]., MILLER, ALAN J., BourNE, Lyi E., Jr, and STILSON, DoNaALD W.: Internal consistency of subjective probabilities. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(5):526-533, 1965. Topp, FREDERICK ]., and HAMMOND, KENNETH R.: Differential feedback in two multiple-cue proba- bility learning tasks. Behavioral Science, 10(4): 429-435, 1965. MH-4978 (R01) FosMIRe, FREDERICK R.: Further studies in deviant verbal behavior. University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. (1961-63) FosMmIRg, F. R.: Clustering as a function of associa- tive commonality. American Journal of Psychol- ogy, 78(1) :39-47, 1965. Fosmirg, F. R., and Tryk, H. EDWARD: Word as- sociation: Common and original response. Sci- ence, 139:415-416, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3841). MH-4982 (R01) MILLER, FRANK C.: Equilibrium processes in acculturation. Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. (1961-64) MILLER, FRANK C., and CAULKINS, D. DOUGLAS: Chippewa adolescents: A changing generation. Human Organization, 23:150-159, 1964. MH-4987 (R01) BERRY, RicHARD N.: Skin con- ductance levels and verbal performance. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1961-64) Berry, R. N.: Response interference vs. stimulus interference in rote learning. Perceptual and Mo- tor Skills, 13:135-138, 1961. Berry, R. N.: Task difficulty, performance, and skin conductance levels. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15:474, 1962. BERRY, R. N.: Effect of two reinforcement ratios on human skin conductance levels. Psychological Reports, 10:15-18, 1962. MH-4988 (R01) WOLFE, JoHN B., and CROWDER, WiLLIAM: Extinction of secondary reinforcement. University of Mississippi, University, Miss. (1961- 64) CrowpER, W. F., and WILKES, W. P.: An easily constructed rat lever. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7(4):292, 1964. CrowDER, W. F., WiLKEs, W. P., and HUNEYCUTT, B. D.: Simple motor-driven device for feeding and watering animals. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7(4):313-314, 1964. CROWDER, W. F., WiLkEs, W. P., and HUNEYCUTT, B. D.: A compact easily constructed water dipper for rats. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7(4) :322, 1964. HuneycurtT, B. D., CRowbpER, W. F., and WILKES, W. P.: An inexpensive retracting rat lever. Jour- nal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7(4): 332, 1964. MH-4989 (R01) ELLsoN, Doucras G.: Machine teaching of reading to retarded children. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1961-64) ELLsoN, D. G.: Programmed learning of elemen- tary reading. In: Selected convention papers, 40th Annual CEC Convention, Columbus, Ohio, April 24-28, 1962. Washington, D.C., Council for Exceptional Children, National Education Association, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 4786). MH-4991 (R01) DAVENPORT, JOHN W.: Free re- sponse variations in discrete trial learning. Am- herst College, Amherst, Mass. (1961-62) DAVENPORT, JoHN W.: The multipurpose psycho- logical laboratory at Amherst College. American Journal of Psychology, 76:694-697, 1963. 531 DAVENPORT, JoHN W.: Instrumental runway per- formance as a function of temporal distribution of reinforcement. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57(2):205-210, 1964. DAVENPORT, JoHN W.: Higher-order conditioning of fear (CER). Psychonomic Science, 4(1):27- 28, 1966. MH-4993 (R01) GLEITMAN, HENRY: Retention and interference processes. Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. (1961-63) GLEITMAN, HENRY, and BERNHEIM, JosepH W.: Retention of fixed-interval performance in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 56:839-841, 1963. GLEITMAN, HENRY, and JuNG, Louise: Retention in rats: The effect of proactive interference. Sci- ence, 142:1683-1684, 1963. GLEITMAN, HENRY, and STEINMAN, FREDDA: Re- tention of runway performance as a function of proactive interference. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:834-838, 1963. GLEITMAN, HENRY, and STEINMAN, FREDDA: De- pression effect as a function of retention interval efore and after shift in reward magnitude. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:158-160, 1964. GLEITMAN, HENRY, STEINMAN, FREDDA, and BERN- HEIM, JosEpH W.: Effect of prior interference upon retention of fixed interval performance in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59(3) :461-462, 1965. GLEITMAN, HENRY, WiLsoN, W. A. Jr., HEr- MAN, MAGDALENA M., and RESCORLA, ROBERT A.: Massing and within-delay position as factors in delayed-response performance. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 445-451, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4472). MH-4996 (R01) HUNSAKER, DoN, II: Behavioral genetic isolation of coextensive species. San Di- ego State College, San Diego, Calif. (1961-64) HuNsakEer, D., II, and HAHN, T. C.: Vocalization of the South American tapir, tapirus terrestris. Animal Behaviour, 13(1):69-74, 1965. MH-4998 (RO1) Soppy, KENNETH, and AHREN- FELDT, ROBERT H.: International interprofessional study group—June 1961. World Federation for Mental Health, London, UK. (1961-62) Soppy, KENNETH: Mental health in international perspective. A report on the WFMH international study group, Roffey Park, June 1961. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Mental Health, Paris. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series, No. 45:148-155, 1961. Soppy, KENNETH, and AHRENFELDT, ROBERT H., eds. Mental health in a changing world. Vol. 1. London, Tavistock, 1965, 192 p. WORLD FEDERATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH: Men- tal health in international perspective. London, Vernon Lock, 1961, 84 p. MH-5009 (RO1) ARENS, RICHARD, and BELKNAP, GEORGE MYRON: Criminal law and psychiatry. Washington School of Psychiatry, Washington, D.C. (1961-64) ARENS, RICHARD: Due process and the rights of the mentally ill. Catholic University Law Review, 12:3-38, 1964. SALZMAN, LEON: Psychiatric interviews as evidence: The role of the psychiatrist in court—some sug- gestions and case histories. George Washington Law Review, 30:853-874, 1962. MH-5010 (RO1) PrYLES, CHARLES V., and BixBy, ~ EMiLy M.: Protein metabolism—relation to men- tal deficiency. Wrentham State School, Wren- tham, Mass. (1961-62) (Continued as MH- 6831). Bixsy, EMiLY M., PALLATAO, LUZ G., and PRYLES, CHARLES V.: Evaluation of the “bacillus subtilis” inhibition-assay technic as a screening procedure for the detection of phenylketonuria. New Eng- land Journal of Medicine, 268:647-651, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6831). EFrRON, MARY L., BixBy, EMILY M., PALATTAO, Luz G., and PryLEs, CHARLES V.: Hydroxypro- linemia associated with mental deficiency. New England [Journal of Medicine, 267:1193-1194, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-6831). O’SuLLivaN, M. A., and Pryrgs, C. V.: Reading disability in children. Journal of Pediatrics, 60: 369-375, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-6831) MH-5029 (R01) BorpIN, EDWARD S.: Free associ- ation project. University of Michigan, Ann Ar- bor, Mich. (1961-63) BorpIN, EDWARD S.: Response to the task of free association as a reflection of personality. (Ab- stract) Acta Psychologica, 23:120-121, 1964. BorpiN, EpWARD S.: Personality and free associa- tion. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 30(1): 30-38, 1966. MH-5031 (R01) KRAUSE, MERTON S.: Resistance in applicants for psychological treatment. Family Service of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. (1961-66) KrAUSE, M. S.: Predicting client discontinuance at intake. Social Casework, 43:308-312, 1962. 532 KRAUSE, MERTON S.: Twelve propositions in the semantics of motivation. Journal of General Psy- chology, 70:331-339, 1964. KRAUSE, MERTON S.: Role-deviant respondent sets and resulting bias, their detection and control in the survey interview. Journal of Social Psychol- 0gy, 67:163-183, 1965. MH-5042 (R01) PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN, and RETTIG, SALOMON: Electronic computer program- ming in psychiatric RES. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. (1961-63) (Continued as MH-7870). RAwsON, HARVE E., and RETTIG, SALOMAN: Fac- tor analysis as a controlling technique. Educa- tional and Psychological Measurement, 22:725- 729, 1962. RETTIG, SALOMON: Multiple discriminant analysis: An illustration. American Sociological Review, 29:398-402, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 7870). RETTIG, SALOMON: Invariance of factor structure of ethical judgments by Indian and American col- lege students. Sociometry, 27:96-113, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-7870). RETTIG, SALOMON, and PASAMANICK, BEN JAMIN: Differences in structure and severity on moral judg- ments by students and by a community sample: Some observations on ethical relativity. Ohio Journal of Science, 62:317-325, 1962. RETTIG, SALOMON, and RAwsoN, HARVE E.: The risk hypothesis in predictive judgments of unethi- cal behavior. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:243-248, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-7870). RETTIG, S., RAWSON, H. E., KNoBLOCH, H., and PASAMANICK, B.: A multi-dimensional computer analysis of some complications of pregnancy and their neuropsychiatric sequelae. In: Fourth IBM Medical Symposium. New York, Endicott, 1963, p- 123-132. (Also acknowledges MH-7870). MH-5043 (R01) OLIVER, DoucLas L., and FIN- NEY, BEN R.: Social-psychological aspects of Polynesian ecology. Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass. (1961-62) FINNEY, BEN R.: Les differents noms de Mai’ao. Bulletin de la Societe des Etudes Oceaniennes, 12 (1):24-25, 1962 MH-5044 (R01) WENAR, CHARLES: Etiology of psychosomatic and emotional disorders. Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1961-62) WENAR, C., HANDLON, M. W., and GARNER, A. M.: Origins of psychosomatic and emotional disturbances: A study of mother-child relation- ships. Psychosomatic Medicine Monograph). knowledges MH-2546). New York, Hoeber, 1962, 73 p. (A (Also ac- MH-5048 (R01) WaIsMAN, HARRY A.: Metabolic studies in mental retardation. Wisconsin, Univer- sity of School of Med., Madison, Wisc. (1961- 64) Boces, Darras E., McLAy, DAReN, KAPPY, MicHAEL, and WAISMAN, HARRY A.: Excretion of indolyl acids in phenylketonuric monkeys. Na- ture, 200(4901) :76, 1963. Bocas, DALLAS E., and PoLiDorA, V. J.: Biochemi- cal and behavioral observations of phenylketonuria (PKU). in rats. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 22(2) Part I: 515, 1963. Bocas, D. E., ROSENBERG, R., and WAISMAN, H. A.: Effects of phenylalanine, phenylacetic acid, tyro- sine, and valine on brain and liver serotonin in rats. Proceedings of the Society for Experimen- tal Biology and Medicine, 114(2):356-358, 19G3. BoGes, Darras E., and WAISMAN, HARRY A.: Influence of excess dietary phenylalanine on preg- nant rats and their fetuses. Proceedings oF the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 115:407-410, 1964. Brighter vista for the retarded. Medical World News, 22:103, Oct. 13, 1964. CapeLr, T. E., Harrow, H. F., and WAISMAN, H. A.: EEG changes in experimental phenylke- tonuria. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neu- rophysiology, 14:540-543, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2730 and MH-4528). GERRITSEN, THEO.: The unusual finding of homo- cystine excretion in an infant. (Abstract) Fed- eration Proceedings, 22(2)Part I: 650, 1963. GERRITSEN, THEO., LEMLI, Luc, Pracek, Louis J, and WAISMAN, HARRY A.: The presence of lac- tulose in the urine of infants with lactosuria. Pediatrics; 32(6):1033-1038, 1963. GERRITSEN, THEO., VAUGHN, James G., and WaisMAN, HARRY A.: The identification of homo- cystine in the urine. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 9(6):493-496, 1962. GERRITSEN, THEO., VAUGHN, JaMmEs G., and WaisMAN, HARRY A.: The origin of homocitrul- line in the urine of infants. Archives of Biochem- istry and Biophysics, 100(2) :298-301, 1963. GERRITSEN, THEO., WAISMAN, HARRY A., LIPTON, SAMUEL H., and STRONG, F. M.: Natural oc- currence of homocitrulline: I. Excretion in the urine. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 97(1):34-36, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 2730). PoLipora, V. J, Boces, D. E., and WAISMAN, HARRY A.: A behavioral deficit associated with phenylketonuria in rats. Proceedings of the So- ciety for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 113: 817-820, 1963. Pracek, Louis J., Opitz, JoHN M., SMITH, DaviD W., GERRITSEN, THEO., and WAISMAN, HARRY A.: The Cornelia de Lange Syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics, 63(5):1000-1020, 1963. WaisMAN, H. A. and Harrow, H. F.: The bio- chemical induction of phenylketonuria in monkeys and rats. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress on Mental Retardation, Vienna. Part 1:54, 1963. WaNG, H. L., HARWALKAR, V. H., and WAISMAN, H. A.: Effect of dietary phenylalanine and trypto- phan on brain serotonin. Archives of Biochemis- try and Biophysics, 97(1):181-184, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2730 and MH-3699). MH-5050 (R01) WASHBURN, SHERWOOD L., and SiMonDs, PAuL E.: Ecology of Macaques. Uni- versity of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1961-62) SimonDs, P. E.: The Japan monkey center. Cur- rent Anthropology, 3(3):303-305, 1962. MH-5051 (R10) SUTTON, SAMUEL, HAKEREM, Gap, and ZUBIN, JosepH: Effect of drugs on the pupillary reflex. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1961-62) (Continued as MH-7478). HAKEREM, GAD: Instrumentation for research in pupillography. Psychopharmacology Service Cen- ter Bulletin, 2:11, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-7478). MH-5054 (R01) LiNDSLEY, OGDEN R.: Drug sen- sitive free-operant measures of psychosis. Har- vard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1961-65) BARRETT, BEATRICE H., and LINDSLEY, O. R.: Defi- cits in acquisition of operant discrimination and differentiation shown by institutionalized retarded children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67:424-436, 1962 LinDsLEY, O. R.: Operant conditioning methods in diagnosis. In: Nodine, J. H., and Moyer, J. H,, eds. Psychosomatic medicine: The First Hahne- mann Symposium. Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger, 1962, p. 41-54. (Also acknowledges MH-2778). LiNDSLEY, O. R.: Operant conditioning techniques in the measurement of psychopharmacological re- sponse. In: Nodine, J. H., and Moyer, J. H., eds. Psychosomatic medicine: The First Hahnemann Symposium. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1962, p. 373-383. (Also acknowledges MH-2778). LINDSLEY, O. R.: Direct measurement and functional definition of vocal hallucinatory symptoms. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136:293-297, 1963. 2778). (Also acknowledges MH-977 and MH- LINDSLEY, OGDEN R.: Direct measurement and pros- thesis of retarded behavior. Journal of Education, 147:62-81, 1964. LinpsLEY, O. R.: Geriatric behavioral prosthetics. In: Kastenbaum, R., ed. New thoughts on old age. New York, Springer, 1964, p. 41-60. NATHAN, PETER E.: “Transmitting” and “receiving” in psychotherapy and supervision. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35(5) :937-952, 1965. NATHAN, P. E. SCHNELLER, P., and LINDSLEY, O. R.: Direct measurement of communication dur- ing psychiatric admission interviews. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 2:49-57, 1964. MH-5056 (R03) ANGERMEIER, WILHELM F., and Hirt, JoHN: Reinforcing effects of basic dimen- sions of light. Austin College, Sherman, Texas. (1961-61) ANGERMEIER, W. F.: Basic dimensions of light as reinforcement: Patterns, brightness, movement and sequence effects. Research Bulletin (Pennsylvania State University), 22:1-28, 1961. ANGERMEIER, W. F., and Hirt, J. C.: Basic dimen- sions of light as reinforcement: Changes in pat- terns, brightness and movement. Journal of Ge- netic Psychology, 104:147-153, 1964. MH-5065 (R03) Barmack, JosepH E.: Perform- ance after ingestion of depressant drugs. Public Service Research, Stamford, Conn. (1961-62) DICARA, LEO, and BARMACK, JosePH E.: The effect of reporting procedure on the stabilized retinal image. Journal of Psychology, 59:55-60, 1964. MH-5068 (R17) STEWART, MARK A.: Biochemistry of Wallerian degeneration. Washington Univer- sity, St. Louis, Mo. (1961-64) STERN, J. A., WINOKUR, G., STEWART, M. A., and LEONARD, C.: Electrodermal conditioning: Some further correlates. Journal of Nervous and Men- tal Disease, 137:479-486, 1963. STEWART, MARK A., DRAKE, FENTON, and WINO- KUR, GEORGE: Depression among medically ill patients. Diseases of the Nervous System, 26(8): 479-485, 1965. MH-5069 (R01) Kamiya, Joe: Behavioral and physiological concomitants of dreaming. Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, San Francisco, Calif. (1961-65) (Continued from MH-2116). KaMiya, Joi: Behavioral, subjective, and physiologi- cal aspects of drowsiness and sleep. In: Fiske, D. W., and Maddi, S. R., eds. Functions of varied experience. Homewood, Ill., Dorsey Press, 534 1961, p. 145-174. 2116). Stoyva, J. M.: Posthypnotically suggested dreams and the sleep cycle. Archives of General Psy- chiatry, 12(3) :287-294, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH- StoYvA, JOHANN MARTIN: Finger electromyographic activity during sleep: Its relation to dreaming in deaf and normal subjects. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 70(5):343-349, 1965. MH-5075 (R01) WirTsoN, Ceci. L., and ELLING- SON, ROBERT J.: Mental retardation clinical re- search center. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. (1961-63) MARVER, M. ].: Effects of sodium phenylpyruvate on brain amino acids. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 110:171-173, 1962. CARVER, M. J., DuTcH, S. J., Paska, R., and WiTT- soN, C. L.: Aminoaciduria in selected metabolic errors. Metabolism, 11:357-364, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2204). CARVER, M. ]., and Paska, R.: Urinary amino-acids on phenylalanine-tyrosine-supplemented diets. Na- ture, 197:493, 1963. MCINTIRE, M. S.: Critical norms of development in infants and young children. Nebraska State Medi- cal Journal, 48:382-383, 1963. McINTIRE, M. S., and CARVER, M. J.: The early detection of phenylketonuria in Nebraska. Ne- braska State Medical Journal, 48:649-651, 1963. McINTIRE, M. S., and DurtcH, S. J.: Mental re- tardation: A new look at an undergraduate cur- riculum. Journal of Medical Education, 38:974- 977, 1963. McINTIRE, M. S., and Dutch, S. J.: Mongolism and generalized hypotonia. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 68:669-670, 1964. McINTIRE, M. S., and KIEKHAEFER, T. C.: Parental reaction to a clinic for the evaluation of the men- tally retarded. Nebraska State Medical Journal, 48:69-73, 1963. National action against mental retardation. Mental Hospitals, December:4-9, 1961. OsBORNE, ROBERT G., TUNAKAN, BULENT, and BARMORE, JOHN: Anesthetic agent in electro-con- vulsive therapy: A controlled comparison. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:297-300, 1963. RyaN, W. L., and CARVER, M. J.: Inhibition of antibody synthesis by L-phenylalanine. Science, 143:479-480, 1964. Worski, W., and MCINTIRE, M.: A guide to nor- mal speech and language development in children. Medical Times, 92:202-205, 1964. MH-5077 (R01) EwaLTt, Jack R., and GREEN- BLATT, MILTON: Psychiatric research center, stud- ies in the psychoses. Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, Mass. (1961-65) COHLER, JONAS, GRINSPOON, LESTER, and FLEISs, JosEPH: An extreme situation on a chronic schizo- phrenic treatment ward. Psychiatry, 28(4):359- 367, 1965. CRIDER, ANDREW B., GRINSPOON, LESTER, and MAHER, BRENDAN A.: Autonomic and psychomo- tor correlates of premorbid adjustment in schizo- phrenia. Psychosomatic Medicine, 27(3):201- 206, 1965. GRINSPOON, L., SHADER, R. I., CHATTERJEE, S., and COHLER, J.: Side effects and double-blind studies. I. A clinical comparison between thioridazine hydrochloride and a combination of phenobarbital and atropine sulfate. Journal of Psychiatric Re- search, 2(4) :247-256, 1964. Post, JERROLD M., SwaNsoN, JoANNE F., and GRINSPOON, L.: Cyclic staff responses to chronic schizophrenic patients. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2(3), 1964. (7 page repgint) SHADER, RICHARD I, COHLER, JONAS, ELASHOFF, ROBERT, and GRINSPOON, L.: Phenobarbital and atropine in combination, an active control sub- stance for phenothiazine research. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2:169-183, 1964. TURSKY, BERNARD, SHAPIRO, DAVID, and LEIDER- MAN, HERBERT P.: Automatic data processing in psychophysiology: A system in operation. Behav- ioral Science, 11(1):64-70, 1966. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4172). MH-5079 (R17) Lester, Boyp K.: Diurnal and Circadian psychobiological periodicity. University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Okla. (1961-63) Lester, Boyp K., and Epwarps, R. J.: EEG fast activity in schizophrenic and control subjects. International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 2(2): 143-156, 1966. Lester, B. K., and GUERRERO-FIGUEROA, R.: Effects of some drugs on electroencephalographic fast activity and dream time. Psychophysiology, 2(3):224-236, 1966. MH-5087 (R03) JoNEs, RICHARD M.: A method for the study of ego synthesis in dreams. Bran- deis University, Waltham, Mass. (1961-62) JonEs, RICHARD M.: Ego synthesis in dreams. Cam- bridge, Mass., Schenckman Publishing Co., 1962, 100 p. JoNEs, RICHARD M.: On the metaphor of the dream censor. Journal of Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15:45-46, 1962. 535 MH-5088 (R03) TOLOR, ALEXANDER: An evalua- tion of Bender-Gestalt test research. Fairfield State Hospital, Newtown, Conn. (1961-62) ToLor, A., and SCHULBERG, H. C.: An evaluation of the Bender-Gestalt test. Springfield, Ill., C. C. Thomas, 1963, 229 p. MH-5089 (R10) FREeMAN, HARry: NIMH-PSC early clinical drug evaluation unit. Medfield State Hospital, Medfield, Mass. (1961-66) FREEMAN, HARRY, KARACAN, ISMET, WATERNAN, WiLLIAM E., KAHN, AMAN U., ZIMMER, FRANCIS L., FELDSTEIN, AARON, TEDESCHI, CESARE G., and DEFELICE, EUGENE A.: Orthostatic effects of an amine oxidase inhibitor (W3207B). Inter- national Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1(5):513- 517, 1965. MH-5090 (R10) ENGELHARDT, DAVID 'M., FREED- MAN, NORBERT, and HANKOFF, LEoN D.: NIMH-PSC early clinical drug evaluation unit. State University of New York—Downstate Medi- cal Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1961- ) GuNDLACH, RALPH, ENGELHARDT, DAviD M,, HANKOFF, LEON, PALEY, HERBERT, RUDORFER, LeoN, and Birp, ETTA: A double-blind outpatient study of diazepam (Valium) and placebo. Psy chopharmacologia (Berlin), 9(2):81-92, 1966. HANKOFF, L. D.: Treatment comparison and the placebo effect. Diseases of the Nervous System, 23(1):39-40, 1962. HaNKkoOFF, L. D., GUuNDLACH, R. H., PALEY, H. M,, and RUDORFER, L.: Diphenhydramine as an anti- depressant. Diseases of the Nervous System, 547- 553, 1964. HANKOFF, LEON D., HELLER, BoORIs, and GALVIN, JoHN W.: The setting in psychopharmacological treatment. The outpatient usage of antidepres- sants. Psychosomatics, 3(3):1-8, 1962. HANKOFF, LEON D., MENDELSOHN, FREDERICK S., and PALEY, HERBERT M.: Fluphenazine treatment in a receiving hospital setting. Disease of the Nervous System, 21(8):467-472, 1960. HANkKOFF, L. D., and RUDORFER, L.: A psycho- pharmacological clinic. An approach to a com- munity need. Medical Times, 92(12):1248- 1252, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-1983). HANKOFF, L. D., RUDORFER, L., and PALEY, H. M.: The psychiatric use of pyrbenzindole: A double- blind outpatient study. Journal of New Drugs, 2(3):167-172, 1962. HANKOFF, L. D., RUDORFER, L., and PALEY, H. M.: A reference study of ataraxics: A two week dou- ble blind outpatient evaluation. Journal of New Drugs, 2(3):173-178, 1962. HANKOFF, L. D., RUDORFER, L., and PALEY, H. M.: The antidepressant use of N-(2,5-dimethyl-I- pyrrolyl)-isonicotinamide (SQ 3242): A double blind outpatient evaluation. Journal of New Drugs, 3(1):40-47, 1963. PaLey, H. M., HankofF, L. D., Kawi, A., and MENDELSOHN, F.: The therapeutic profile of haloperidol: A preliminary study of butyrophenone derivative in inpatients and outpatients. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 4(1):39-42, 1962. RUDORFER, L., HANKOFF, L. D., and PALEY, H. M.: Range of depression: Study of 244 depressed pa- tients. New York State Journal of Medicine, 63 (21) :3090-3095, 1963. WaALTZER, HERBERT, HANKOFF, LEON D., ENGEL- HARDT, DAVID M., and KAUFMAN, I. CHARLES: Emergency psychiatric treatment in a receiving hospital. Mental Hospitals, 595-600, November 1963. MH-5093 (R10) DeNBER, HERMAN C.: NIMH- PSC early clinical drug evaluation unit. Manhat- tan State Hospital, New York, N.Y. (1961- ) CoLLARD, ]., DENBER, H. C. B., and TELLER, D. N.: The effect of haloanisone upon leucocyte mi- gration. Diseases of the Nervous System, 24: 439-441, 1963. DENBER, H. C. B.: Social psychiatry and the state hospital. International Mental Research Health Newsletter, 5:12-15, 1963. DenBER, H. C. B.: Comparative analysis of drug trials in Europe and the United States. Nexro- psychopharmacology, 3:143-145, 1964. DENBER, H. C. B., CHARIPPER, H. A., and RoIzIN, L.: Cytological effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) in rat brain and liver. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 23 Part 1:147, 1964. DeNBER, H. C. B., FLorio, D., COLLARD, ]., and RajorTE, P.: Etude clinique comparative de I'haloanisone et de la thioperazine. In: Comptes rendus du congres des medecins alienistes et neu- rologistes, Paris, Masson et Cie, 1962, p. 360-366. DEenNBER, H. C. B., MEesHEL, E., TELLER, D. N., and RICHMAN, S.: Clinical and biochemical studies with centrophenoxine. Diseases of the Nervous System, 25:724-732, 1964. TELLER, DAviD N., and DENBER, HERMAN C. B.: Studies on mescaline. XV. The influence of mescaline on the free amino acid patterns of serum. ~~ Newuropsychopharmacology, 3:423-426, 1964. TELLER, D. N., GOLDBERG, B., and DENBER, H. C. B.: Methods of early drug evaluation I: Leucocytic motility and succinic dehydrogenase activity. In- ternational Journal of Neuropharmacology, 2:241- 247, 1963. 536 TurNs, DANIELLE, DENBER, HERMAN C. B., and TELLER, DAVID N.: Preliminary clinical study of propericiazine. Journal of New Drugs, 5(2):90- 93, 1965. MH-5096 (R10) MeRLis, SIDNEY, KRUMHOLZ, WILHELM, and TURNER, WILLIAM ].: NIMH- PSC early clinical drug evaluation unit. Central Islip State Hospital, Islip, N.Y. (1961- ) Cacioppo, JosePH, and MERLIS, SIDNEY: Chlordia- zepoxide hydrochloride (Librium) and jaundice: Report of a case. American Journal of Psychiatry, 117(11):1040-1041, 1961. Cacioppo, JosepPH, and MERLIS, SIDNEY: Chlordia- zepoxide, hydrochloride (Librium) and jaundice. International Medical Digest, 77:537-538, 1961. HALPERN, SEYMOUR: On the similarity between hyp- notic and mescaline hallucinations. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 19(3) :139-149, 1961. HALPERN, SEYMOUR: Civilization and aggression. In: Proceedings Emergency Conference on Hos- tility (Aggression and War), Eastern Regional Meeting of American Association of Social Psy- chiatry, Nov. 17-18, 1961, p. 61-66. HALPERN, SEYMOUR: Hypnosis as a state of medi- tative concentration. In: Kline, Milton and others, eds. Transactions of 1961 International Congress on Hypnosis. The nature of hypnosis: Contem- porary theoretical approaches. 1962, p. 63-67. HALPERN, SEYMOUR: Hypnointrospection—A con- tribution to the practice and theory of hypnother- apy: Part II. Studies in the therapeutic effects of immobilization. Journal of Psychology, 57:329- 376, 1964. HALPERN, SEYMOUR, and MERLIS, SIDNEY: Hypno- sis and psychotropic agents: Their interaction in mental patients. Psychopharmacology Abstracts, 1:502, 1961. HALPERN, SEYMOUR, and WHITE, LEONARD: Ex- perimental hypnotherapy with a cancer patient. Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and Medicine, 9:7-12, 1962. HEYMAN, JAck J.: Nicotinamide metabolism in schizophrenics, drug addicts, and normals: The effect of psychotropic drugs and hormones. Trans- actions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 26(3):354-360, 1964. HEYMAN, JAcK ]., HALPERN, SEYMOUR, and MER- Lis, SIDNEY: The use of nicotinamide test dose in the assessment of psychotropic drugs in schizo- phrenic patients. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 5(4):221-224, 1964. HeymAN, Jack J, KrumHOLzZ, WILHELM, and MErLs, SIDNEY: The influence of different phar- maceutical preparations of meprobamate on the rate of absorption in humans. Current Therapeu- tic Research, 4:416-418, 1962. HEYMAN, JAcK J., and MERLIS, SIDNEY: The cause of false-positive tests for piperazine-linked pheno- thiazines. American Journal of Psychiatry, 117 (10) :924-926, 1961. HEYMAN, Jack J., and MERLIS, SIDNEY: Trans- methylation of nicotinamide in schizophrenics and normals. II. The effect of psychotropic drugs on the transmethylation of nicotinamide in the schizo- phrenic. In: Recent advances in biological psy- chiatry. Vol. 5. New York, Plenum Press, 1963, p. 211-220. KruMmHOLZ, W. V., SHEPPARD, C., and MERLIS, S.: Studies with aspirin: Psychopharmacologic and methodologic considerations. ~~ Clinical Pharma- cology and Therapeutics, 5(6):691-694, 1964. KruMHOLZ, WILHELM V. SHEPPARD, CHARLES, and MERLIS, SIDNEY: Studies with acetylsalicylic acid. II. Psychopharmacologic and methodologic considerations. Clinical Pharmacology and Thera- peuntics, 6(3):359-361, 1965. MERLIS, SIDNEY: Psychopharmacology in rehabilita- tion of the chronic psychotic. Diseases of the Nervous System, 22(4):143-146, 1961. MerLis, SIDNEY: Clinical and electroencephalo- graphic correlates of gaba-trasaminase inhibition in man. Medicina Experimentalis, 5:419-421, 1961. (Neuropsychopharmakologie, 2. Sympo- sium, Nurnberg 1961). MERLIS, SIDNEY: The selection of drug treatment for emotional disorders. Bulletin of Suffolk County Medical Society, 40:292, 1962. MERLIS, SIDNEY: Research in psychopharmacology. Clinical Psychopharmacology and Therapeutics, 3:389-391, (May/June), 1962. MERLIS, SIDNEY, and TURNER, WILLIAM ].: Drug evaluation and practical psychiatric therapeutics. Abstracts of Psychiatry for the General Practitioner (The Carrier Clinic), 5:22, 1962. MERLIS, SIDNEY, TURNER, WILLIAM J., and HAL- PERN, SEYMOUR: Chlordiazepoxide as adjunctive therapy in convulsive disorders. American [our nal of Psychiatry, 119:575-576, 1962. MERLIS, SIDNEY, TURNER, WILLIAM J., and KRUM- HoLz, WILHELM: A double-blind comparison of diazepan, chlordiazepoxide and chlorpromazine in psychotic patients. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 3 (Supplement 1):133-139, 1962. SHEPPARD, C., BHATTACHARYYA, A., DIGIAcOMO, M., and Meru, S.: Effects of acetophenazine dimaleate on paranoid symptomatology in female geriatric patients: double-blind study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 12(9) :884-888, 1964. 537 SHEPPARD, C., KrRuMHOLZ, W. and MERLIS, S.: Treatment patterns of depressed patients in a state hospital. Current Therapeutic Research, 7(6): 355-360, 1965. TURNER, WILLIAM: Glossaries for use with the Overall and Gorham brief psychiatric rating scale and for a modified Malamud-Sands rating scale. Central Islip, New York, Central Islip State Hos- pital, 1963. 57 p. (Processed) TURNER, WiLLIAM J.: Experiences with primary process thinking. Psychiatric Quarterly, 37:476- 499, 1963. TURNER, W. J.: Schizophrenia and oneirophrenia. A clinical and biological note. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 26(3):361- 368, 1964. TURNER, WILLIAM J., HANIA, VICTORIA, HALPERN, SEYMOUR, and MERLIS, SIDNEY: Chemotherapeu- tic trials in psychosis. IV: (Report on a test for potentiation of rauwolfia in chronic schizophrenics by high dosage of vitamins.) Disease of the Nervous System, 22(1):1961. 3 page reprint. TURNER, WILLIAM ]., KRUMHOLZ, WILHELM, and MERrLIS, SIDNEY: A modified Malamud-Sands rating scale for use by ward personnel. Psycho- pharmacology Service Center Bulletin, 2:17-20, 1962. TURNER, WILLIAM ]., KRUMHOLZ, WILHELM, and MERLIS, SIDNEY: A fortran program for compu- tation of results of controlled studies in thera- peutics. International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1(5) :481-490, 1965. TURNER, WILLIAM J., and MERLIS, SIDNEY: Anti- depressant medication and its use in psychiatric hospital practice. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, (Suppl. No. 1) :69-72, 1961. TURNER, WILLIAM J., and MERLIS, SIDNEY: Clinical studies with ethyltryptamine. Journal of Neuro- psychiatry, (Suppl. No. 1):73-76, 1961. TURNER, WILLIAM J., and MERLIS, SIDNEY: Clinical correlations between electroencephalography and antisocial behavior. Medical Times, 90:505-511, 1962. TURNER, W. J., and MERLIS, S.: A clinical trial of pargyline and DOPA in psychotic subjects. Dis- eases of the Nervous System, 25:538-541, 1964. TURNER, WILLIAM J., O'NEILL, Francis J., and MERLIS, SIDNEY: The treatment of depression in hospitalized patients before and since the intro- duction of antidepressant drugs. American [Jour- nal of Psychiatry, 119:421-426, 1962. MH-5098 (R10) DELAY, JEAN, DENIKER, PIERRE, and PicHoTt, PIERRE: NIMH-PSC early clinical drug evaluation. Centre Psychiatrique Ste Anne, Paris, France. (1961- ) DELAY, J.: Medecine mentale et progres scientifique. L’Union Medicale du Canada, 90:972-978, 1961. DELAY, ]J., and DENIKER, P.: Apport de la clinique a la connaissance de I'action des neurolopetiques. Systeme Extra-pyramidal et Neuroleptique, p. 301- 327, 1961. DELAY, ]., and DENIKER, P.: Récents chimothérapies psychitriques. Revue 12:43-46, 1962. progres des u Praticien, DELAY, ]., and DENIKER, P.: Les nouvelles chimio- thérapies psychiatriques (principaux types de médi- cations). UMFIA Compte-rendu, 31(2):49-57, 1962. DELAY, ]J., DENIKER, P., and Benoist, J. C.: Evo- lution psychomatique d'une Lombalgie. Associa- tion de Chimiothérapie et de Psychothérapie—Re- vue Médicale Psychosomatique, 3(2):31-35, 1961. DELAY, ]., DENIKER, P., GINESTET, D., PERIER, M., and CoNTE, C.: Essai preliminaire d'un nouvel inhibiteur de la monoamine-oxydase, I'hydrazine-2 octane (D.1514), comme antidepresseur. Societe de Psycho-Pharmacologie de langue francaise. L’Encephale, 51(6) :517-530, 1962. DELAY, JEAN, DENIKER, PIERRE, GINESTET, DAN- 1IEL, and PERON-MAGNAN, PIERRE: Evaluation clinique precoce des proprietes neuroleptiques d'un compose nouveau: La dibenzothiazepine. Annales Medico-Psychologiques, 2:402-407, 1964. DELAY, ]J., DENIKER, P., LEMPERIERE, THEODORE, and GINESTET, D.: Deux annees d’experience de I'imipramine. ~~ Annales Medico-psychologiques, 119:235-248, 1961. DELAY, J., DENIKER, P., and LEYRIE, J.: Psychiatrie. Gazette Medicale de France—Bilan Therapeutique 1956-1961, p. 383-398. DELAY, J, DENIKER, P., and LEYRIE, J.: Dosage d’alcoolémie pratiqué chez des malades traités par des neuroleptiques. Annales Médico-psychologi- ques, 120(1):752-755, 1962. DELAY, J, DENIKER, P., and LEYRIE, J.: Alcoolé- mie et médication neuroleptiques: Absence de mo- dification du taux sanguin d’alcool éthylique chez les malades mentaux traités par chimiothrérapies neuroleptiques. Société de Médecine Légale, 62 (4) :366-367, 1962. DELAY, J., DENIKER, P., VERDEAUX, G., GINESTET, D., and PERrON, P.: Etude clinique et polygraphi- que d'un nouveau type de psycho-dysliptique: Le Ditran. L’Encephale, 51:539-547, 1962. DeLay, ]., PicHor, P., and LEMPERIERE, THEO- DORE: La psilocybine: Ses applications thérapeuti- ques. Le Sud Médical et Chirurgical, 97:9217- 9224, 1961. DELAY, ]., PicHoT, P., LEMPERIERE, THEODORE, and BAILLY, R.: L’emploides butyrophénones en 538 psychiatrie. Etude statistique et psychométrique. In: Symposium internazionale sull’ Haloperidol e Triperidol. Milan, Instituto Puso Farmaco d’ Italia, 1963, p. 305-319. DELAY, J., PicHoTr, P., LEMPERIERE, THEODORE,. and BAILLY, R.: L'emploi de la thioridazine en psychiatric, Problemes de la posologie et des ef- ets secondaires. L'encephale, 52:192-195, 1964. DELAY, J., PicHOT, P., LEMPERIERE, THEODORE, BaiLLy, R., CATTAN, F. and BasQuiN, R.: Tri- peridol et chimiotherapie des psychoses. La Presse Medicale, 70(46):2147-2149, 1962. DELAY, J., PicHoT, P., LEMPERIERE, T., and Mi- ROUZE, R.: La nosologie des etats depressifs rap- ports entre I'etiologie et le semiologie. II. Re- sultats du questionnaire de Beck. L'encephale, 51:497-505, 1963. DEkLAy, J., PicHOT, P., LEMPERIERE, T., and PERSE, J.: La nosologie des etats depressifs rapports entre I'etiologie et la semiologie. II. Resultats de I'echelle d’appreciation de Wittenborn. L'ence- phale, 52:5-18, 1964. DeLay, ]., PicHoT, P., MIirOUZE, R., PEYROUZET, J.: La nosologie des états dépressifs. Rapport entre I'étiologie et la semiologie. Position du probleme. L'encephale, 51(6):481-496, 1963. DELAY, ]., PicHot, P., PERSE, ]., and GENoOU, A. M.: La nosologie des etats depressifs rapports entre l'etiologie et la semiologie. IV. Resultats du test de niveau d’aspiration. L'encephale, 52: 19-34, 1964. DELAY, ]., TALAIRACH, J., Bancaup, J, and REMPAT-DESCHAMPS, ].: Modalité d'action élec- trographique et neurovégétative du N.N’ diéthila- mide de l'acide Z.méthoxy.Y.allylphénoxyacétique (G.29.505) au cours des investigations fonction- nelles stéréotaxiques chez 'homme. Revue Neu- rologique, 105:235-241, 1961. PicHoT, P.: A propos de I'effet placebo. Societe de Medecine Psychosomatique, séance du 15 Février 1962. Revue de Médecine Psycho-somatique, 3 (3):37-40, 1961. MH-5106 (R10) ScHIELE, BurtRUM C., and HEeistap, GorpoN T.: NIMH-PSC early clinical drug evaluation unit. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1961- ) BerLrviLLg, T. P., Heistap, G. T., and ScCHIELE, B. C.: A comparative study of thioridazine and carphenazine using sequential analysis. Psycho- pharmacologia, 4:53-65, 1963. GARETZ, FLoyp K., and LEDER, LLoyD L.: Pheno- thiazine drugs. Patterns of urinary excretion. Minnesota Medicine, 973-976, October 1963. JANECEK, JAMES: Advances. Antidepressant drugs. Minnesota Medicine, 48:1197-1209, 1965. JANECEK, J., and MANDEL, A.: The combined use of group and pharmacotherapy by collaborative therapists. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 6:35-40, 1965. JANECEK, JAMES, and ScHIELE, BURTRUM C.: Pre- liminary investigation of SK&F 10810: An early clinical trial using “basic clinical controls.” Psy- chopharmacologia, 6:462-471, 1964. JANECEK, J., ScHIELE, B. C., BELLVILLE, T. P., and ANDERSON, R.: The effects of withdrawal of tri- fluoperazine on patients maintained on the com- bination of tranylcypromine and trifluoperazine: A double-blind study. Current Therapeutic Research, 5:608-615, 1963. JANECEK, JAMES, SCHIELE, BURTRUM C., BELLVILLE, Titus P., VESTRE, NORRIS D., and RAaTHS, OTTO: A controlled study of 4(1-phenyl-4-piperazinyl)- butyl 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzate hydrochloride (MA 568) and meprobamate in psychiatric outpatients. Journal of New Drugs, 5(1):51-56, 1965. JANECEK, JAMES, ScHIELE, BUrRTRUM C., TROUS- DALE, WILLIAM, and LARSON, THEODORE: Dif- ferential effects of psychotropic drugs. (An ex- ploration using comparisons of several agents). Diseases of the Nervous System, 26(5):292-301, 1965. JANECEK, ]., ScHIELE, B. C, and VESTRE, N. D.: Pargyline and tranylcypromine in the treatment of hospitalized depressed patients. Journal of New Drugs, 3:309-316, 1963. KouTsky, C. D., and SLETTEN, I.: Chlordiazepox- ide in alcohol withdrawal—intramuscular effects. Minnesota Medicine, 46(6):354-357, 1963. MENA, A., HEISTAD, G., SCHIELE, B. C., and JANE- CEK, J.: A comparison of tranylcypromine alone with tranylcypromine plus trifluoperazine in the treatment of chronic outpatients: A double-blind controlled study. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 5 (8) :542-550, 1964. ScHIELE, B. C.: Antidepressants: Comparison of clinical effects in anergic schizophrenia and the depressed states. Annals of the New York Acad- emy of Sciences, 107:1131-1138, 1963. SHARPLEY, P., HEisTAD, G., and ScHIELE, B. C.: Comparison of butaperazine and perphenazine: A double-blind controlled study. ~~ Psychopharma- cologia, 5:209-216, 1964. SuLzER, E., and ScHIELE, B. C.: The prediction of response to tranylcypromine plus trifluoperazine by the MMPI. American Journal of Psychiatry, 119: 69-70, 1962. VESTRE, NORRIS D.: Relative effects of phenothia- zines and phenobarbital on verbal conditioning of schizophrenics. ~~ Psychological Reports, 17(1): 289-290, 1965. 539 VESTRE, Norris D.: Validity data on the psychotic reaction profile. Journal of Consulting Psychol- ogy, 30(1):84-85, 1966. VESTRE, N. D., HALL, W. B., and ScHIELE, B. C.: A comparison of fluphenazine, triflupromazine and phenobarbital in the treatment of chronic schizophrenic patients: A double-blind study. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psycho- pathology and Quarterly Review of Psychiatry and Neurology, 23(3):149-159, 1962. VESTRE, N. D., MACNAUGHTON, D., and SCHIELE, B. C.: Treatment of hospitalized schizophrenics with trifluoperazine plus tranylcypromine: A double-blind controlled study. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 4:66-79, 1963. VESTRE, N. D., MACNAUGHTON, D., and SCHIELE, B. C.: A comparison of the slow-release and the regular forms of thiroidazine. Current Therapen- tic Research, 5:183-194, 1963. MH-5107 (R03) GOODENOUGH, EVELYN W.: Fan- tasy of young children as an ego function. Tufts University, Medford, Mass. .(1961-62) PrircHER, EVELYN GOODENOUGH: Male and fe- male. Atlantic Monthly, 211(3):87-91, 1963. PircHER, EVELYN GOODENOUGH, and PRELINGER, Ernst: Children tell stories: An analysis of fan- tasy. New York, International Universities Press, 1963, 256 p. MH-5108 (R03) PrestHUS, ROBERT V., and BLANKENSHIP, L. VAUGHN: Comparative study of community decision-making. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1961-62) PRESTHUS, ROBERT: Men at the top: A study in community power. New York, Oxford Univer- sity, 1964, 496 p. MH-5110 (R03) JoHNsoN, RonaLp C.: Associa- tive production and personality variables. San Jose State College, San Jose, Calif. (1961-62) Jounson, R. C., and LiM, D.: Personality variables in associative production. Journal of General Psy- chology, 71:349-350, 1964. Jounson, R. C., WEiss, R. L., and ZELHART, P. F.: Similarities and differences between normal and psychotic subjects in responses to verbal stimuli. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68: 221-226, 1964. MH-5111 (R03) TERWILLIGER, ROBERT F.: Some variables influencing verbal choice behavior. Rut- gers—The State University, New Brunswick, N.]J. (1961-61) TERWILLIGER, R. F.: Free association patterns and familiarity as predictors of affect. Journal of Gen- eral Psychology, 70:3-12, 1964. MH-5115 (R01) LOEVINGER, JANE: Objective per- sonality measurement. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1961- ) (Continued from MH-1213). LOEVINGER, JANE: Objective tests as instruments of psychological theory. Psychological Reports, 3: 635-694, 1957. (Also acknowledges MH-1213). LOEVINGER, JANE: Theory and techniques of assess- ment. Annual Review of Psychology, 10:287- 316, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1213). LOEVINGER, JANE: A theory of test response. In: Lennon, R. T., chairman. Conference on testing problems, Nov. 1, 1958. Princeton, N.J., Edu- cational Testing Service, 1959, p. 36-47. (Also ‘acknowledges MH-1213). LOEVINGER, JANE: Patterns of parenthood as theo- ries of learning. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 59:148-150, 1959. Also in: Rosen- blith, Judy, and Allinsmith, W., eds. The causes of behavior. Rockleigh, New Jersey, Allyn & Bacon, 1962, p. 73-75. (Also acknowledges MH- 1213). LOEVINGER, JANE: Conflict of commitment in clini- cal research. American Psychologist, 18, 241- 251, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1213). LOEVINGER, JANE: The meaning and measurement of ego development. American Psychologist, 21 (3) :195-206, 1966. LOEVINGER, JANE, and Ossorio, A. G.: Evaluation of therapy by self-report: A paradox. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58:392-394, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH-1213). LOEVINGER, JANE, and SWEET, BLANCHE: Con- struction of a test of mothers’ attitudes. In: Glid- well, J. C., ed. Parental attitudes and child be- havior. Springfield, Ill, Charles C. Thomas, 1961, p. 110-123. (Also acknowledges MH- 1213). LOEVINGER, JANE, SWEET, BLANCHE, OSSORIO, A. G., and LAPERRIERE, KITTY: Measuring per- sonality patterns of women. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 65:53-136, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1213). MH-5116 (R03) BRAINE, MARTIN D.: The on- togeny of English phrase structure. Washington School of Psychiatry, Washington, D.C. (1961- 62) BRAINE, MARTIN, D. S.: The ontogeny of English phrase structure: The first phase. Language, 39: 1-13, 1963. MH-5117 (R03) DREGER, RALPH M., and REID, MELVIN P.: Behavioral classification—child emo- tional disorders. Jacksonville University, Jack- sonville, Fla. (1961-62) 540 DRrEGER, R. M., and DREGER, GEORGIA E., eds. Proceedings of the technical assistance project held at Jacksonville University, August 16-17, 1962. Behavioral classification project, report no. 1. Vol. 8. Jacksonville, Florida, Behavioral Classi- fication Project, 1962, 138 p. DREGER, R. M., Lewis, PAuL M., RicH, THOMAS A., MiLLER, KENT S., RED, MELVIN P., OVER- LADE, DAN C., TAFFEL, CHARLES, and FLEM- MING, EDWARD L.: Behavioral classification proj- ect. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28:1-13, 1964. MH-5118 (R03) Brock, WiLLiaM E.: Adapta- tion level theory and projective testing. Yeshiva University, New York, N.Y. (1961-61) Brock, WiLLiaM E.: Adaptation-level theory: Para- digmatic application to projective testing. Jour- nal of Clinical Psychology, 18(4) :466-468, 1962. Brock, WiLLiAM E.: Preliminary study of adapta- tion-level theory as a framework for projective testing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 15:366, 1962. Brock, WiLLiAM E.: A conceptual framework for the clinical test situation. Psychological Bulletin, 61:168-175, 1964. MH-5120 (R01) BRUNER, JEROME S., and MILLER, GEORGE A.: Factors in efficiency of human infor- mation processing. Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass. (1961-66) ASCHNER, MARY JANE McCUE: The analysis of ver- bal interaction in the classroom. In: Bellack, Amo A., ed. Theory analysis and research in teaching. New York, Teachers College Bureau of Publications, 1963. Beck, Jaco: The effect of gloss on ness. American Journal of Psycho 1964. BECK, J.: Apparent spatial position and the percep- tion of lightness. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 69(2):170-179, 1965. BRUNER, J. S.: Introduction: The new educational technology. American Behavioral Scientist, 6(3): 5-11, 1962. BRUNER, J. S.: On knowing: Essays for the left hand. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University, 1962, 165 p. BRUNER, J. S.: Preface to L. S. Vygotsky's, Thought and language. New York, MIT Press and John Wiley & Sons, 1962. BRUNER, J. S.: Needed: A theory of instruction. Educational Leadership, 20(8):523-532, 1963. passeived light- ogy, 17:54-63, BRUNER, J. S.: Structures in learning. National Ed- ucation Association Journal, 52(3):26-27, 1963. BRUNER, J. S., and KENNEY, HELEN J.: Observa- tions on the learning of mathematics. Science Education News (American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C.), April, 1963. CHOMSKY, NoaM: Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 1965, 251 p. (Also acknowledges MH- 4737). HUTTENLOCHER, J.: Children’s language: Word- phrase relationship. Science, 143:264-265, 1964. HUTTENLOCHER, JANELLEN: Children’s intellectual development. Review of Educational Research, 35 (2):114-121, 1965. JAFFE, 'JosEPH: Verbal behavior analysis in psychi- atric interviews with the aid of digital computers. In: Rioch, David McK., and Weinstein, Edwin A., eds. Disorders of communication. Vol. 42. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1964, p. 389-399. (Also acknowledges MH-4571 and MH-4548). Katz, JERROLD J.: Symposium: Philosophy and lin- guistics. The relevance of linguistics to philoso- phy. Journal of Philosophy, 62:590-602, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4737). Katz, JERROLD J.: The philosophy of language. In: Chomsky, Noam, and Halle, Morris, eds. Studies in language. New York, Harper & Row, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-4737). Marks, L. E., and MILLER, G. A.: The role of semantic and syntactic constraints in the memori- zation of English sentences. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 3:1-5, 1964. MEHLER, JAQQUES: Some effects of grammatical transformations on the recall of English sentences. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 2:346-351, 1963. MEHLER, J., and MILLER, G. A.: Retroactive in- terference in the recall of simple sentences. Brit- ish Journal of Psychology, 55(3):295-301, 1964. MiLLER, G. A.: Comments on Professor Postman’s paper. In: Cofer, N., and Musgrave, eds. Verbal behavior and learning. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 321-333. MILLER, G. A., and IsARD, S.: Some perceptual con- sequences of linguistic rules. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 2(3):217-228, 1963. MILLER, G.” A., and IsArD, S.: Free recall of self- embedded English sentences. Information and Control, 7:292-303, 1964. MILLER, GEORGE A., and McKEAN, KATHRYN O JE- MANN: A chronometric study of some relations be- tween sentences. Quarterly Journal of Experimen- tal Psychology, 16(4) :297-308, 1964. 541 PIAGET, ]., and INHELDER, BARBEL: Le developpe- ment des quantites physiques. Switzerland, Dela- chaux & Niestle, 1962. WauGH, Nancy C.: The effect of intralist repeti- tion on free recall. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1:95-99, 1962. WaAuGH, NaNcy C.: Immediate memory as a func- tion of repetition. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 2(1):107-112, 1963. WauGH, N. C., and NorRMAN, D. A.: Primary mem- ory. Psychological Review, 72(2):89-104, 1965. WEIR, RuTH HIRSCH: Language in the crib. The Hague, Mouton and Co., 1962. MH-5121 (R10) KiNRrOss-WRIGHT, JoHN: NIMH- PSC early clinical drug evaluation unit. Baylor University, Houston, Texas. (1961-63) CHarALAMPOUS, K. D.: Pseudoneurotic schizophre- nia. Medical Record and Annals, 56:99-100, 1963. CHArRALAMPOUS, K. D.: The long-term care of the chronic mentally ill patient: A medical approach. Medical Record and Annals, 56:257-258, 1963. CHArRALAMPOUS, K. D., and KINROSS-WRIGHT, ].: The effect of 6-hydroxydimethyl tryptamine in man. (Abstract) Clinical Research, 11:29, 1963. CHARALAMPOUS, K. D., and KINROSs-WRIGHT, J.: Hallucinogens. Tools for research or therapeutic agents. Texas State Journal of Medicine, 59:848- 852,1963. KINROSS-WRIGHT, J., and CHARALAMPOUS, K. D.: Concurrent administration of DOPA decarboxylase and monoamine oxidase inhibitors in man. (Ab- stract) Clinical Research, 9:177, 1963. KINROSS-WRIGHT, ]., and CHARALAMPOUS, K. D.: A psychopharmacology research unit. Diseases of the Nervous System, 24(5):299-301, 1963. KINROss-WRIGHT, J., and CHARALAMPOUS, K. D.: A recent development in the chemotherapy of schizophrenia. Medical Record and Annals, 56: 224-225, 1963. KINROSs-WRIGHT, J., and CHARALAMPOUS, K. D.: Hallucinogens: Tools for research or therapeutic agents. Texas State Journal of Medicine, 59:848- 852, 1963. KINROSs-WRIGHT, J., RoweLL, R. C., and OTERO, M. ].: Fluphenazine in treatment of chronic schizophrenia: Results of a limited dosage sched- ule. Diseases of the Nervous System, 23(3):152- 155, 1962. KINROSs-WRIGHT, J., Vocr, A. H., and CHARA- LAMPOUS, K. D.: A new method of drug therapy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 119:779-780, 1963. KirkHAM, JaMEs E., and KINROss-WRIGHT, J.: A clinical evaluation of opipramol (Ensidon). Psy- chosomatics, 3(6) :464-466, 1962. RAGLAND, J. B., and KINROss-WRIGHT, J.: Me- tabolism of phenothiazines. (Abstract) Biochemi- cal Pharmacology (Stockholm), 8:148, 1961. MH-5124 (R04) O'BRIEN, DENISE A., and PospI- siL, LEopoLD J.: Congruent and divergent mech- anisms of social control. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1961-63) O’BrieN, DENISE A.: Economic and social devel- opment; nativistic movements; leadership. In: Working papers in Dani ethnology, No. 1. Bu- reau of Native Affairs, United Nations Tempo- rary Executive Authority in West New Guinea, West Irian, 1962. (Processed). O'BRIEN, DENISE, and PLOEG, ANTON: Accultura- tion movements among the Western Dani. Amer- ican Anthropologist, 66(4)Part 2:281-292, 1964. MH-5137 (R01) ANDREW, RICHARD J.: Compara- tive study of the motivation of vocalization. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1961-65) ANDREW, R. J.: The situations that evoke vocaliza- tion in primates. Annals of the New York Acad- emy of Sciences, 102:296-315, 1962. ANDREW, R. J.: The evolution of facial and vocal expressions. New Scientist, 14:568-570, 1962. ANDREW, R. J.: Evolution of intelligence and vocal mimicking. Science, 137:585-589, 1962. ANDREW, R. J.: The origin and evolution of the calls and facial expressions of the primates. Be- havior, Supplement (Leiden), 20:1-109, 1963. ANDREW, R. Evolution of facial expression. Science, 142:1034-1041, 1963. ANDREW, R. J.: Trends apparent in the evolution of vocalization in the old world monkeys and apes. Symposium of the Zoological Society of London, 10:89-101, 1963. ANDREW, R. J.: The displays of the primates. In: Buettner-Janusch, J., ed. Genetic and evolution- ary biology of the primates. New York, Aca- demic, 1964, p. 227-309. BUETTNER-JANUSCH, JoHN, and ANDREW, R. J.: The use of the incisors by primates in grooming. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2: 127-129, 1962. MH-5139 (R01) HERRNSTEIN, RICHARD J., and REYNOLDS, GEORGE S.: Quantitative studies of reinforcement. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1961-63) BRETHOWER, DALE M., and REYNOLDS, G. S.: A facilitative effect of punishment on unpunished be- 542 havior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5:191-199, 1962. ReyNoLDs, G. S.: On some determinants of choice in pigeons. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:53-59, 1963. ReyNoLDs, G. S.: Some limitations on behavioral contrast and induction during successive discrimi- nation. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:131-139, 1963. REYNOLDS, G. S.: Potency of conditioned reinforcers based on food and on food and punishment. Sci- ence, 139:838-839, 1963. MH-5140 (RO1) SupAk, FREDERICK N., and Ess- MAN, WALTER B.: Psychophysiological changes with hypothermia. ~ Yeshiva University—Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, N.Y. (1961-64) EssMAN, WALTER B., and Supak, F. N.: Effect of body temperature reduction on response acquisi- tion in mice. Journal of Applied Physiology, 17: 113-116, 1962. EssMAN, W. B., and Supak, F. N.: Sustained and temporary hypothermia as variables in successful maze learning. Psychological Reports, 10:551- 557, 1962. EssmaN, W. B., and Supak, F. N.: Effect of hypo- thermia on the establishment of a conditioned avoidance response in mice. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 56:366-369, 1963. EssMAN, WALTER B., and SupaAk, FREDERICK N.: Audiogenic seizure in genetically susceptible mice: Relation of hypothermia to onset and susceptibil- ity. Experimental Neurology, 9:228-235, 1964. EssMAN, W. B., and Supak, F. N.: Reduction of retroactive effects of interpolated maze training in hypothermic mice. Journal of Applied Physiology, 19:889-892, 1964. EssMaN, W. B., and Supak, F. N.: Single-trial avoidance conditioning in rats. Psychological Re- ports, 15:775-783, 1964. Supak, F. N., and EssmMaN, W. B.: Maze acqui- sition and retention in hypothermic mice. Journal of Applied Physiology, 17:747-750, 1962. Supak, F. N., and EssMaN, W. B.: Body tempera- ture as a determinant in maze acquisition by mice. Journal of Applied Physiology, 18:964-966, 1963. SupAk, FREDERICK N., and EssmMAN, WALTER B.: Effects of pre- and post-acquisition maze train- ing in mice. Psychological Reports, 14:791-798, 1964. Supak, F. N., and EssMaAN, W. B., and HAMBURGH, M.: Anticonvulsive effects of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy- acetic acid in mice susceptible to audiogenic seiz- ures. Experimental Neurology, 6:30-35, 1962. Supak, F. N., EssMaN, W. B, and SHEN, E. M.: Body temperature regulation in mice resuscitated from deep hypothermia. Journal of Applied Psy- chology, 18:959-963, 1963. ZAMAN, H., Supak, F. N. and SHEVELL, J. Electrocardiographic changes occurring in Trichi- nella-infected rats prior to larviposition and mi- gration. Experimental Parasitology, 13:323-327, 1963. MH-5144 (R10) HOLLISTER, LEO E., and OVERALL, JouN E.: Cooperative clinical screening of psy- chotropic drugs. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1961- ) HOLLISTER, L. E.: Newer developments in the clini- cal study of psychotherapeutic drugs. Proceed- ings of the Western Pharmacology Society, 6:61- 63, 1963. HoLLisTER, L. E., BENNETT, J. L., Kam, S. C.,, and KimBELL, I, JR.: Drug-induced electroencephalo- graphic abnormalities as predictors of clinical re- sponse to thiopropazate and haloperidol. Clinical notes. American Journal pf Psychiatry, 119(9): 887-888, 1963. HOLLISTER, L. E., BENNETT, J. L., KIMBELL, I, JR, SavaGg, C., and OVERALL, J. E.: Diazepam in newly admitted schizophrenics. Diseases of the Nervous System, 24(2):746-750, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3030). HoLLisTER, LEO E., OVERALL, JoHN E., BENNETT, J. LAMAR, KIMBELL, IsHAM, JR., and SHELTON, Jack: Triperidol in newly admitted schizophrenics. American Journal of Psychiatry, 122(1):96-99, 1965. HoLLisTER, LEO E., OVERALL, JoHN E., BENNETT, J. LAMAR, KIMBELL, IsHAM, JR., and SHELTON, Jack: Triperidol in schizophrenia: Further evi- dence for specific patterns of action of antipsy- chotic drugs. Journal of New Drugs, 5(1):34- 42, 1965. HovLisTER, L. E., OveraLL, J. E., CAFFEY, E, JR, BENNETT, J. L., MEYER, F., KIMBELL, I, ]JR., and HONIGFELD, G.: Controlled comparison of haloperidol with thiopropazate in newly admitted schizophrenics. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 135(6):544-549, 1962. HorvrisTER, L. E., OVERALL, J. E., JOHNSON, M.,, Karz, G., KiMBELL, I, JR., and HONIGFELD, G.: Evaluation of desipramine in depressive states. Journal of New Drugs, 3:161-166, 1963. HoLuisTER, L. E., OvERALL, J. E., JoHNsON, M., PENNINGTON, V., KATZ, G., and SHELTON, J.: Controlled comparison of amitriptyline, imipra- mine and placebo in hospitalized depressed pa- tients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 139:370-375, 1964. 543 HoLLisTER, L. E., OVERALL, J. E.,, KIMBELL, I, JR,, BENNETT, J. L., MEYER, F., and CAFFEY, E,, JR.: Oxypertine in newly admitted schizophrenics. Journal of New Drugs, 3(1):26-31, 1963. HoNIGFELD, GILBERT: The ability of schizophrenics to understand normal, psychotic, and pseudo-psy- chotic speech. Diseases of the Nervous System, 24:692-694, 1963. HoNIGFELD, G.: Effect of an hallucinogenic agent on verbal behavior. Psychological Reports, 13: 383-385, 1963. HONIGFELD, GILBERT: Non-specific factors in treat- ment. I. Review of placebo reactions and pla- cebo reactors. Diseases of the Nervous System, 25(3):145-156, 1964. HoNIGFELD, GILBERT: Non-specific factors in treat- ment. II. Review of social-psychological factors. Diseases of the Nervous System, 25€4):225-239, 1964. HoNIGFELD, GILBERT: Temporal effects of LSD-25 and epinephrine on verbal behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 70(4):303-306, 1965. OVERALL, J. E.: A configural analysis of psychiatric diagnostic stereotypes. Behavioral Science, 8: 211-219, 1963. OVERALL, J. E., and GORHAM, DONALD R.: A pat- tern probability model for the classification of psychiatric patients. Behavioral Science, 8:108- 116, 1963. OVERALL, J. E., HOLLISTER, L. E., BENNETT, J. L., SHELTON, J., and CAFFEY, E. M., Jr.: Benzquin- amide in newly-admitted schizophrenics. A search for patients best treated with a specific drug. Current Therapeutic Research, 5:335-342, 1963. OverALL, J. E., HOLLISTER, L. E., JOHNSON, M., and PENNINGTON, V.: Computer classifications of depressions and differential effect of antidepres- sants. Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, 192(6):561, 1965. OVERALL, JoHN E., HOLLISTER, LEO E., JOHNSON, MERLIN, and PENNINGTON, VERONICA: Nosology of depression and differential response to drugs. Journal of the American Medical Association, 195 (11):162-164, 1966. OVERALL, JoHN E., HOLLISTER, LEO E., MEYER, FrED, KIMBELL, ISHAM, JR., and SHELTON, JACK: Imipramine and thioridazine in depressed and schizophrenic patients. Journal of the American Medical Association, 189:605-608, 1964. OVERALL, J. E., HOLLISTER, L. E., HONIGFELD, G., KimBeLL, I. H., Jr., MEYER, F., BENNETT, J. L., and CAFFEY, I, Jr.: Comparison of acetophena- zine with perphenazine in schizophrenics. Dem- onstration of differential effects based on com- puter-derived diagnostic models. Clinical Phar- macology and Therapeutics, 4(2):200-208, 1963. MH-5148 (R03) McKirrick, KEITH G.: Bodily activity and the autokinetic effect. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (1961-62) McKirrick, KeitH G.: Bodily activity and percep- tual activity. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3) Part I1:1109-1112, 1965. MH-5149 (R03) ROSENBLUM, IRA: Periodicity in electroshock seizures. Albany Union University— Albany Medical College, Albany, N.Y. (1961- 62) RosenBLuM, I.: Light deprivation as a means of lowering electroshock thresholds in rabbits. Ex- perimental Neurology, 8:30-34, 1963. MH-5150 (R03) NICHTERN, SoL, Book, JAN A, and GRUENBERG, ERNEST M.: Chromosomal ab- normalities in childhood schizophrenia. League School, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1961-62) Book, J. A., NICHTERN, S., and GRUENBERG, E.: Cytogenetical investigations in severe childhood schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia, 39 (2) :309-323, 1963 MH-5153 (R03) StRicKLAND, LLoYD H.: An ex- perimental approach to group behavior. Dart- mouth College, Hanover, N.H. (1961-62) STRICKLAND, L. H., GRUDER, C. L., and KROUPA, K. W.: Response time as a cue in person percep- tion. Psychological Reports, 15:827-837, 1964. MH-5154 (R01) DE Myer, MarRiAN K. and NURNBERGER, JOHN I: Research center for early childhood schizophrenia. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1961- ) HENDRICKSON, Lois N., and MEUHL, SIEGMAR: The effect of attention and motor response pretraining on learning to discriminate B and D in kinder- garten children. Journal of Educational Psychol- ogy, 53(5):236-241, 1962. Levit, E. E., BraDy, J. P., OTTINGER, D. R., and HINESLEY, T.: Effects of sensory restriction on hypnotizability, a clinical study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 7:343-344, 1962. Lowe, Lois HENDRICKSON: Families of children with early childhood schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 14(1):26-30, 1966. ONHEIBER, PHYLLIS, WHITE, PHILIP T., DEMYER, MARIAN K., and OTTINGER, DONALD R.: Sleep and dream patterns of child schizophrenics. Ar- chives of General Psychiatry, 12(6):168-171, 1965. OrTINGER, D. R,, and SiMMmoNs, J. E.: Maternal anxiety during gestation and neonate behavior. Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry, 5:7-12, 1963. 544 OTTINGER, D. R., and SitMmMoONs, J. E.: Behavior of human neonates and prenatal maternal anxiety. Psychological Reports, 14:391-394, 1964. OTTINGER, DONALD R., SWEENEY, NEIL, and LOEW, Lois HENDRICKSON: Visual discrimination learn- ing in schizophrenic and normal children. Jour- nal of Clinical Psychology, 21(3):251-253, 1965. TiLTON, JAMES R., and OTTINGER, DONALD R.: Comparison of the toy play behavior of autistic, retarded, and normal children. Psychological Re- ports, 15:967-975, 1964. ; WHITE, PHILIP T., DEMYER, WILLIAM E., and DE- MyER, MARIAN K.: EEG. abnormalities in early childhood ‘schizophrenia: A double-blind study of psychiatrically disturbed and normal children dur- ing promazine sedation. American [Journal of Psychiatry, 120:950-958, 1964. MH-5157 (R03) GuNDLACH, RALPH, FRANKLIN, GIRARD H., and MERKELSTEIN, IDA: Analysis of process in group psychotherapy. Postgraduate Center for Mental Health, New York, N.Y. (1961-62) GUNDLACH, RALPH H.: A technique for the analysis of process in group psychotherapy. New York, Postgraduate Center for Mental Health, April, 1963. (Processed). Riess, BERNARD F., GUNDLACH, RALPH, and SAGER, CLIFFORD J.: The uses and interpretations of a follow-up study of patients in psychoanalytic psy- chotherapy. Journal of Psychology, 53:219-232, 1962. MH-5159 (R03) GUTTMAN, Lois: Test for a bio- logical basis for correlated abilities. Israel Insti- tute of Applied Social Research. Jerusalem, Ts- rael. (1961-62) GUTTMAN, R.: A test for a biological basis for cor- related abilities. In: Goldschmidt, E., ed. The genetics of migrant and isolate populations. New York, Williams & Wilkins, 1963, p. 338-339. GUTTMAN, RUTH, and GUTTMAN, Louis: A test for a biological basis for correlated abilities. Re- port of the Israel Institute of Applied Social Research. Document No. 7395, ADI Auxiliary Publications Project, Photoduplication Service. Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, 1962, p. 1-24. (Processed) GuTrTMAN, RUTH, and GUTTMAN, Louis: Cross- cultura] stability of an intercorrelation pattern of abilities: A possible test for a biological basis. Human Biology, 35:53-60, 1963. MH-5161 (R01) LEMERT, EDWIN M.: Use of alco- hol in the Polynesia-Hawaiian Islands. University of California, Davis, Calif. (1961-62) (Con- tinued from MH-3158). LEMERT, EDWIN M.: Stuttering and social structure in two Pacific societies. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 27:3-10, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3158). LeEmEerT, EDWIN M.: Alcohol use in Polynesia. Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 14:183-191, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3158). LemERT, EDWIN M.: Forms and pathology of drink- ing in three Polynesian societies. _American An- thropologist, 66:361-374, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3158). LeMErT, E. M.: Drinking in Hawaiian plantation society. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 25:689-713, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 3158). MH-5162 (R01) BANDURA, ALBERT: Learning of aggressive behavior through imitation. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1961- ) BANDURA, A.: Social learning through imitation. In: Jones, M. R., ed. Nebraska symposium on motivation: 1962 Lincoln, University of Ne- braska, 1962, p- 21 1-269. BANDURA, A.: Behavior theory and identificatory learning. American [Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 33:591-601, 1963. BANDURA, A.: The role of imitation in personality development. Journal of Nursery Education, 18: 207-215, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1734 and MH-4398). BANDURA, ALBERT: Influence of models’ reinforce- ment contingencies on the acquisition of imitative responses. Journal of Personality and Social Psy- chology, 1(6):589-595, 1965. BANDURA, A., and KUPERS, CAROL ].: Transmission of patterns of self-reinforcement through model- ing. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69(1):1-9, 1964. BANDURA, A., and McDoNALpD, F. J.: Influence of social reinforcement and the behavior of models in shaping children’s moral judgments. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:274-281, 1963. BANDURA, ALBERT, and MISCHEL, WALTHER: Modi- fication of self-imposed delay of reward through exposure to live and symbolic models. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2(5):698-705, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-6830). BANDURA, ALBERT, and ROSENTHAL, THEODORE L.: Vicarious classical conditioning as a function of arousal level. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 3(1) :54-62, 1966. BANDURA, A., Ross, DOROTHEA, and Ross, SHEILA A.: Imitation of film-mediated aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66: 3-11, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4398). BANDURA, A., Ross, DOROTHEA, and Ross, SHEILA A.: Vicarious reinforcement and imitative learn- ing. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:601-607, 1963 BANDURA, A., Ross, DOROTHEA, and Ross, SHEILA A.: Imitation of film-mediated aggressive models. In: Palermo, D. S., and Lipsitt, L. P., eds. Re- search readings in child psychology. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963, p. 142-153. BANDURA, A., Ross, DOROTHEA, and Ross, SHEILA A.: A comparative test of the status envy, social power and secondary reinforcement theories of identificatory learning. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:527-534, 1964. BANDURA, A., and WALTERS, R. H.: Aggression. In: Child psychology: The sixty-second yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Part I. Chicago, National Society for the Study of Education, 1963, p. 364-415. MH-5163 (R01) CLEMENTE, CARMINE D., ADEyY, W. Ross, GREEN, JoHN D., FUSTER, JOACHIM - M., and MAXWELL, DavD S.: Functional role of the rhinencephalon. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1961-65) Apey, W. R.: The modelling of cerebral systems from the computation of brain "wave records. Endicott, N.Y., 4th IBM Medical Symposium, 1961, 16 p. Apey, W. R.: Studies of integrative processes in cerebral’ systems based on mathematical analysis of electroencephalographic records. (Abstract) Science, 135:1425-1426, 1961. ‘Apey, W. R.: EEG records in training situations, including computer analysis. neurophysiological and neuroendocrinological studies in relation to experience. Cincinnati, 6th Annual VA Research Conference, 6:100-108, 1961. Apey, W. R,, BerLL, F. R, and DENNIS, B. J.: Effects of LSD-25, psilocybin, and psilocin on temporal lobe EEG patterns and learned behavior in the cat. Neurology, 12:591-602, 1962. Apgy, W. R., Kapo, R. T., and Dio, J.: Imped- ance measurements in brain tissue of animals using microvolt signals. Experimental Neurology, 5: 47-66, 1962. Apey, W. R., and WALTER, D.: Application of phase detection and averaging techniques in com- puter analysis of EEG records in the cat. Experi- mental Neurology, 7:186-209, 1963. ADEY, W. R., WALTER, D. O., and LINDSLEY, D. F.: Effects of subthalamic lesions on learned behavior and correlated hippocampal and subcortical slow- wave activity. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology, 6:180-189, 1962. In: Symposium on CLEMENTE, C. D., and RicHARDsON, H. E.: Some observations of radiation effects on the blood brain barrier and cerebral blood vessels. In: Haley, Thomas J., Snider, Ray S., and Linde, Shirley Motter. Response of the nervous system to ioniz- ing radiation. New York, Academic, 1962, p. 411-428. CLEMENTE, C. D., and STeErMAN, M. B.: The in- duction of behavioral and EEG sleep patterns with basal forebrain stimulation. (Abstract) Excerpta Medica, 38:83-84, 1961. CLEMENTE, C. D., and STERMAN, M. B.: Cortical synchronization and sleep patterns in acute re- strained and chronic behaving cats induced by basal forebrain stimulation. Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, Suppl. 24: 172-187, 1963. CLEMENTE, C. D. STERMAN, M. S., and WYR- wicka, W.: Forebrain inhibitory mechanisms: Conditioning of basal forebrain induced EEG syn- chronization and sleep. Experimental Neurology, 7:400-417, 1963. GooDMAN, S., and CLEMENTE, C. D.: Thalamic in- fluences on the monosynaptic spinal reflex. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 21:343, 1962. GREEN, J. D.: Comparative aspects of hypophysial innervation with special reference to neurosecre- tion. Brain and Nerve, 13:915-918, 1961. GREEN, J. D.: The function of the hippocampus. Endeavour, 22:80-84, 1963. GREEN, J. D.: The hippocampus. Reviews, 44(4) :561-608, 1964. GREEN, J. D., MANcIA, M., and VONBAUMGARTEN, R.: Recurrent inhibition in the olfactory bulb. I. Effects of antidromic stimulation of the lateral olfactory tract. Journal of Neurophysiology, 25: 467-488, 1962. GREEN, J. D., and NEcisHI, K.: Membrane poten- tials in hypoglossal motoneurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 26:835-856, 1963. LinpsLey, D. F., Wenpt, R. H., Fucert, R, LinDsLEY, D. B., and Apgy, W. R.: Diurnal ac- tivity cycles in monkeys under prolonged visual- pattern deprivation. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:633-640, 1962. MANCcIA, M., BAUMGARTEN, R. VON, and GREEN, J. D.: Response patterns of olfactory bulb neurons. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 100:449-462, 1962. MaNcIA, M., GREEN, J. D., and BAUMGARTEN, R. VON: Reticular control of single neurons in the olfactory bulb. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 100:463-475, 1962. MaxweLL, D. S., and MisraHY, G.: The inactiva- tion potential in the cerebellar cortex of the rab- bit. Anatomical Record, 145:258, 1963. Physiological 546 REINOSO-SUAREZ, F., and FUSTER, J. M.: Effects of subcortical lesions on the potentials evoked in the visual pathway by light stimuli and geniculate shock. (Abstract) In: Sth International Congress of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysi- ology, Rome—September 7-13, 1961, p. 215-216. (Excerpta Medica, International Congress Series No. 37) ScHJEIDE, O., YaMakaAzI, J. N., CLEMENTE, C. D., RAGEN, N., and SiMONS, S.: Biological effects of x-irradiation in the brain of the neonatal rat. In: Haley, T., and Schneider, R., eds. Response of the nervous system to ionizing radiation. New York, Academic Press, 1962, p. 95-108. STERMAN, M. B., and CLEMENTE, C. D.: Limbic and thalamic relationships of the basal forebrain recruitment area. (Abstract) Physiologist, 4:117, 1961. STERMAN, M. B., and CLEMENTE, C. D.: Forebrain inhibitory mechanisms: Cortical synchronization induced by basal forebrain stimulation. Experi- mental Neurology, 6:91-102, 1962. STERMAN, M. B., and CLEMENTE, C. D.: Forebrain inhibitory mechanisms: Sleep patterns induced by basal forebrain stimulation in the behaving cat. Experimental Neurology, 6:103-117, 1962. STERMAN, M. B., Harr, R., BRowN, L., and CLE- MENTE, C. D.: Acute and chronic studies of the basal forebrain synchronizing system. (Abstract) Anatomical Record, 42:282, 1962. STERMAN, M. B., Wyrwicka, W., and CLEMENTE, C. D.: Behavioral patterns induced by basal fore- brain stimulation. (Abstract) Federal Proceed- ings, 21:344, 1962. VON BAUMGARTEN, R., GREEN, J. D., and MANCIA, M.: Slow waves in the olfactory bulb and their relation to unitary discharges. Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 14:621-634, 1962. VON BAUMGARTEN, R., GREEN, J. D., and MANCIA, M.: Recurrent inhibition in the olfactory bulb. II. Effects of antidromic stimulation of commis- sural fibers. Journal of Neurophysiology, 25: 489-500, 1962. WALTER, DONALD O.: Spectral analysis for electro- encephalograms: Mathematical determination of neurophysiological relationships from records of ‘limited duration. Experimental Neurology, 8: 155-181, 1963. WALTER, D. O., and ApEY, W. R.: Spectral analysis of EEG’s recorded during learning in the cat, before and after subthalamic lesions. Experimen- tal Neurology, 6:481-501, 1963. WyYRWICKA, W., STERMAN, M. B., and CLEMENTE, C. D.: Conditioning of induced electroencephalo- graphic sleep patterns in the cat. Science, 137: 616-618, 1962. Yamakazi, J. N., BENNETT, L. R., and CLEMENTE, C. D.: Behavioral and histologic effects of head irradiation in newborn rats. In: Haley, T., and Schneider, R., eds. Response of the nervous sys- tem to ionizing radiation. New York, Academic, 1962, p. 95-108. MH-5170 (R03) Lovaas, OLE I: Interaction be- tween verbal and nonverbal behavior. University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (1961-61) Lovaas, O. Ivar: The control of food-intake in children by reinforcement of relevant verbal be- havior. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol- ogy, 68:672-678, 1964. MH-5173 (R01) ADLER, MARTIN W.: Chronic brain lesions and responsivenessness to drugs. Temple University School of Medicine, Philadel- phia, Pa. (1961- ) ADLER, MARTIN W.: “Cumulative” effect of tetra- benazine in rats. (Abstract) Pharmacologist, 5(2):262, 1963. ADLER, MARTIN W.: Threshold changes to hexa- fluorodiethyl ether(Indokeon) following cortical lesions in rats. Federation Proceedings, 23(2): 349, 1964. ADLER, MARTIN W.: Enhanced depressant effects of tetrabenazine after repeated administration. Psy- chopharmacologia, 5:393-396, 1964. ADLER, MARTIN W.: Increased sensitivity to pentyl- enetetrazol and flurothyl following cortical abla- tions in rats. Journal of Pharmacology and Ex- perimental Therapeutics, 148(1):131-135, 1965. ADpLER, M. W., KurivyaMa, K., and MAYNERT, E. W.: Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in rat brain stem following cortical lesions. Life Sciences, 4(2) 1141-144, 1965. ADLER, MARTIN W. REIDENBERG, MARCUS M., HARAKAL, CONCETTA, Rusy, BEN F., and PAPA- cosTAS, CHARLES A.: Cardiovascular effects of hexafluorodiethyl ether. International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1(5):511-512, 1965. MH-5174 (R03) COHEN, JAcoB: The power of ab- normal-social psychological research. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1961-61) CoHEN, JacoB: The statistical power of abnormal- social psychological research: A review. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 65:145- 153, 1962. MH-5176 (R03) CHANsKY, NORMAN M.: Progress of promoted and repeating grade 1 failures. Ulster County Board of Education, New Paltz, N.Y. (1961-62) CHANsKY, N. M.: Progress of promoted and repeat- ing grade 1 failures. Journal of Experimental Education, 32(3):225-237, 1964. 547 MH-5181 (R01) Goopg, WiLLIAM ].: Proposi- tional inventory in the family. Columbia Univer- sity, New York, N.Y. (1961-62) (Continued from MH-2526). GoobE, WILLIAM J.: Illegitimacy, anomie, and cul- tural penetration. American Sociological Review, 26:910-925, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH- 2526). GOODE, WiLLIAM ].: Family disorganization. In: Merton, Robert K., and Nisbet, Robert A.: So- cial disorganization. New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1961, p. 390-458. (Also acknowledges MH- 2526). GoobE, WiLLiaM J.: The sociology of the family. In: Merton, R. K., Broom, L., and Contrell, L. S., Jr., eds. Sociology today. New York, Basic Books, 1961, p. 178-196. (Also acknowledges MH-2526). GoopE, WILLIAM J.: The family as an element in the world revolution. New York, Institute of Life, Insurance, 1962, 19 p. (Also acknowledges MH-2526). GOODE, WILLIAM ].: Marital satisfaction and insta- bility: A cross-cultural class analysis of divorce rates. International Social Science Journal, 14 (3):507-526, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 2526). GOODE, WILLIAM J.: Outdoor recreation and the family to the year 2000. In: Trends in American living and outdoor recreation. (ORRRC Study Report 22). Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1962, p. 101-113. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2526). Goopg, WiLLIAM ].: Industrialization and family change. In: Hoselits, Bert F., and Moore, Wil- bert E., eds. Industrialization and society. New York, UNESCO, 1963, p. 237-255. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2526). GOODE, WiLLIAM ].: The role of the family in industrialization. In: Social problems of develop- ment and industrialization: Science, technology, and development. United Nations Conference Papers on the Application of Science and Tech- nology for the Benefit of the Less Developed Areas (Geneva). Vol. 7. Washington, D.C, Government Printing Office, 1963, p. 32-38. (Also acknowledges MH-2526). GOODE, WILLIAM J.: World revolution and family patterns. New York, Free Press of Glencoe, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2526). MH-5183 (R01) SEGUNDO, JOSE P., BUENDIA, NicoLAs, IZQUIERDO, IVAN, and YRARRAZAVAL, SERGIO: Learned mechanisms in arousal. Univer- sity of California, Los Angeles, Calif. (1961-64) BeLL, C., BUENDIA, N., SIERRA, G., and SEGUNDO, J. P.: Mesencephalic reticular responses to natural and to repeated sensory stimuli. Experientia, 19: 308, 1963. BeLL, C., SIERRA, G., and BUENDIA, N.: Sensory properties of mesencephalic units. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22:337, 1963. BELL, C., SIERRA, G., BUENDIA, N., and SEGUNDO, J. P.: Sensory properties of neurons in the mes- encephalic reticular formation. Journal of Neauro- physiology, 27:961-987, 1964. BuenDpIA, N., Goobg, M., and SIERRA, G.: Be- havioral and E.E.G. study of pitch discrimination in naturally sleeping cats. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 21:347, 1962. BUENDIA, N., GOODE, M., SIERRA, G., and SEGUNDO, J.. P.: Responsiveness and discrimination during sleep. Experientia, 19:208, 1963. BUENDIA, N., SIERRA, G., GOODE, M., and SEGUNDO, J. P.: Conditioned and discriminatory responses in wakeful and in sleeping cats. Electroencepha- lography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 24:201- 218, 1963. . IzQuierpo, I., and WyRwiIcKA, W.: Trace reflexes during sleep. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22:638, 1963. JacoBsoN, A., KaLgs, A. LEHMANN, D., and HOEDEMAKER, F. S.: Muscle tonus in human sub- jects during sleep and dreaming. Experimental Neurology, 10:418-424, 1964. SEGUNDO, J. P.: A hypothesis concerning the sharp pitch discrimination observed in the sleeping cat. Experientia, 20:415-420, 1964. SEGUNDO, J. P., and MooRE, G. P.: Functional sig- nificance of neuronal spike discharge parameters. Boletin del Instituto de Estudios Medicos y Biolo- gicos, 21:371-373, 1963. SEGUNDO, J. P., and MOORE, G. P.: Organization of neuronal groups inferred from analysis of spontaneous activity patterns. Physiologist, 6:272, 1963. SEGUNDO, J. P., MOORE, G. P., STENsAas, L., and BurLrock, T. H.: Sensitivity of neurones in Aplysia to temporal pattern of arriving impulses. Journal of Experimental Biology, 40:643-667, 1963. SEGUNDO, J. P., and STENsAAs, L.: Post synaptic potential as functions of the temporal pattern of pre-synaptic volleys in Aplysia californica. Fed- eration Proceedings, 21:356, 1962. SIERRA, G., GOODE, M., and BUENDIA, N.: Be- havioral and EEG study of pitch discrimination in wakeful cats. Federation Proceedings, 21:347, 1962. MH-5184 (R01) ATKINSON, RicHARD C.: Mathe- matical models for discrimination learning. Stan- ford University, Stanford, Calif. (1961-64) 548 ATKINSON, R. C.: Choice behavior and monetary payoff. In: Criswell, J., Solomon, H., and Suppes, P., eds. Mathematical methods in small group processes. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1962, p. 23-34. ATKINSON, R. C.: Mathematical models in research with children. In: Wright, J. C., and Kagen, J. eds. Basic cognitive processes in children. Mono- graph of the Society for Research in Child Devel- opment, 28(2):145-163, 1963. (Serial No. 86). ATKINSON, R. C.: A variable sensitivity theory of signal detection. Psychological Review, 70:91- 106, 1963. ATKINSON, R. C.: Mathematical models in research on perception and learning. In: Marx, M. H., ed. Theories in.contemporary psychology. New York, Macmillan, 1963, p. 551-564. ATKINSON, R. C., and CALFEE, R. C.: An auto- mated system for discrete-trial research with ani- mals. Psychological Reports, 14:424-426, 1964. ATKINSON, R. C., CALFEE, R. C., SOMMER, G. R,, JEFFREY, W. E., and SHOEMAKER, R.: A test of three models for stimulus compounding with chil- dren. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67: 52-58, 1964. ATKINSON, R. C., CARTERETTE, E. C., and KINCHLA, R. A.: Sequential phenomena in psychophysical judgments: A theoretical analysis. Institute of Radio Engineers Transactions on Information The- ory, IT-8:5155-8162, 1962. ATKINSON, R. C., and Estes, W. K.: Stimulus sam- pling theory. In: Luce, R. D., Bush, R. R., and Galanter, E., eds. Handbook of mathematical psychology. Vol. 2. New York, Wiley, 1963, p. 121-268. MH-5186 (R01) ALBEE, GEORGE W., and LANE, ELLEN A.: Childhood intelligence of adult schizo- phrenics. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. (1961- ) ALBEE, GEORGE W., LANE, ELLEN A., CORCORAN, CLAIRE, and WERNEKE, ANN: Childhood and intercurrent intellectual performance of adult schizophrenics. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27:364-366, 1963. ALBEE, GEORGE W., LANE, ELLEN A., and REUTER, JEANETTE: Childhood intelligence of future schizophrenics and neighborhood peers. Journal of Psychology, 58:141-144, 1964. LANE, ELLEN A., and ALBEE, GEORGE W.: Child- hood intellectual development of adult schizophre- nics. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:186-189, 1963. LANE, ELLEN A., and ALBEE, GEORGE W.: Early childhood intellectual differences between schizo- phrenic adults and their siblings. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 68:193-195, 1964. LANE, ELLEN A., and ALBEE, GEORGE W.: Child- hood intellectual differences between schizophrenic adults and their siblings. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35(4):747-753, 1965. Schizophrenic deficit in IQ is held inborn. Medical Tribune, 1-12, April 12, 1965. MH-5193 (R03) DErks, PETER L.: Human binary choice behavior. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. (1961-62) DErks, P. L.: The effect of the run length on the “gambler’s fallacy.” Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65:213-214, 1963. MH-5196 (R03) WikE, EDWARD L.: Reinfofcement schedules and secondary reinforcement. Univer- sity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. (1961-62) Wike, E. L., and Farrow, B. J.: The effects of drive intensity and secondary reinforcement. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:1024-1028, 1962. Wikg, E. L., and Pratt, J. R.: Reinforcement schedules and bar pressing: Some extensions of Zimmerman's work. Psychological Record, 12: 273-278, 1962. Wike, E. L., PLaTT, J. R.,, and KNOWLES, J. M.: The reward value of getting out of a starting box: Further extensions of Zimmerman's work. Psy- chological Record, 12:397-400, 1962. Wikg, E. L., Pratt, J. R,, and Scott, D.: Drive and secondary reinforcement: Further extensions of Zimmerman’s work. Psychological Record, 13: 45-49, 1963. MH-5201 (RO1) GoLDMAN-EISLER, FRIEDA: Ef- fect of drugs on speech production. London, University of—University College, London, U.K. (1961- ) GOLDMAN-EISLER, FRIEDA: Hesitation, information and levels of speech production. In: de Reuck, A. V. S., and O'Connor, Maeve, eds. Disorders of language: Ciba Foundation Symposium. Bos- ton, Little, Brown, & Co., 1964, p. 96-114. GOLDMAN-EISLER, F., SKARBEK, A., and HENDER- SON, A.: The effect of chlopromazine on speech behaviour. Psychopharmacologia, 7(3):220-229, 1965. GOLDMAN-EISLER, FRIEDA, SKARBEK, ANDREW, and HENDERSON, ALAN: Breath rate and the selective action of chlorpromazine on speech behavior. Psy- chopharmacologia, 8(6):415-427, 1966. MH-5202 (R10) LEHMANN, HEINZ E., and BAN, THoMAs A.: Comprehensive clinical studies of psychoactive drugs. Verdun Protestant Hospital, Verdun, Can. (1961- ) 549 BAN, THoMmas A.: The butyrophenones in psychi- atry. In: Lehmann, H. E., and Ban, T. A., eds. The butyrophenones in psychiatry. L’Annoncia- tion, Quebec, First North American Symposium held at “Hospital des Laurentides,” January 10, 1964, p. 120-122. BAN, THOMAS A.: Human pharmacology and syste- matic clinical studies with a new phenothiazine. In: Proceedings of the Leeds Symposium on Be- havioural Disorders, March 25-27, 1965, p. 3-16. Ban, T. A., FErGUsON, K., and LEHMANN, H. E.: The effect of clopenthixol on chronic psychiatric patients. American [Journal of Psychiatry, 119: 984-985, 1963. BaN, T. A., and LEHMANN, H. E.: Clinical trial with desmethylimipramine (G-35020) a new antidepressive compound. Canadian Medical As- sociation Journal, 86:1030-1031, 1962. Ban, T. A., and LEHMANN, H. E.: Skin pigmenta- tion, a rare side effect of chlorpromazine. Cana- dian Psychiatric Association Journal, 10(2):112- 124, 1965. Ban, T. A., LEHMANN, H. E., GALLAIL Z, WARNES, H., and LEE, H.: Rapport entre la photosensibilite et la pigmentation pathologique de la peau avec des doses elevees de chlorpromazine. L'Union Med. du Canada, 94:305-307, 1965. BAN, T. A., LEHMANN, H. E., MATTHEWS, VALERIE, and DoNALD, M.: Comparative study of chlor- promazine and chlordiazepoxide in the prevention and treatment of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Clinical Medicine, 72:59-67, 1965. Ban, T. A., LEHMANN, H. E., and Roy, P.: Rap- port preliminaire sur Ieffet therapeutique du Flagyl dans l'alcoolisme. L'Union Medicale du Canada, 95:147-149, 1966. Ban, T. A., and McGinnis, K.: Comparative clini- cal study of two hypnotic drugs. Canadian Medi- cal Association Journal, 87:816-817, 1962. BaN, T. A., PaApaTHOMOPOULOS, E., and SCHWARZ, L.: Clinical studies with thioproperazine (Majep- til). Comprehensive Psychiatry, 3:284-291, 1962. Ban, T. A., and ST. JEAN, A.: The effect of pheno- thiazines on the electrocardiogram. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 91:537-540, 1964. Ban, T. A., and St. JEAN, A.: Electrocardiographic changes induced by phenothiazine drugs. Ameri- can Heart Journal, 70(4) :575, 1965. Ban, T. A., ST.-JEAN, A., and DESAUTELS, S.: The effects of phenothiazines on the human electro- cardiogram. In: Bente, D., and Bradley, P. B,, eds. Neuro-psychopharmacology. Vol. 4. Am- sterdam, Elsevier, c. 1965, p. 467-470. BaN, T. A., and ScHWARz, L.: Systematic study with levomepromezine. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, S: 112-117, 1963. Ban, T. A., and StoNEHILL, E.: Clinical observa- tions on the differential effects of a butyrophenone (Haloperidol) and a phenothiazine (Fluphena- zine) in chronic schizophrenic patients. In: Leh- mann, H. E., and Ban, T. A, eds. The buty- rophenones in psychiatry. L’Annonciation, Que- bec, First North American Symposium held at Hospital des Laurentides, January 10, 1964, p. 113-1109. EruTtKuy, I., BAN, T. A., and LEHMANN, H. E.: The effect of trimipramine on newly admitted de- pressed patients. In: Lehmann, H. E., and Ber- thiaume, M., eds. Trimipramine, a new anti- depressant. Montreal-Gamelin, Quebec, North American Colloquim on Trimipramine, 1964, p. 59-64. FLEGEL, H.: Pharmako-psychiatrische Forschungs- abteilungen in Landeskrankenhausern und ihre Zusammenarbeit nach nordamerikanischen Er- fahrungen. Psychiatria Neurologia, Neurochirur- gia, Basel (Switzerland), 148:365-379, 1964. LeuMANN, H. E., and BAN, T. A. eds. The butyrophenones in psychiatry. L’Annonciation, Quebec, First North American Symposium, 1964, 164 p. LeuMANN, H. E., and BAN, T. A.: Notes from the log-book of a psychopharmacological research unit 1. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 9: 28-32, 1964. LEHMANN, H. E,, and BAN, T. A.: Pigmentation de la peau: consecutif a I'administration prolongee de fortes doses de chlorpromazine. Annales de Der- matologie et de Syphiligraphie (Paris), 92(3): 287-289, 1965. LeaMANN, H. E., Ban, T. A., and DoNALD, M.: Rating the rater: An experimental approach to the methodological problem of interrater agree- ment. Archives of General Psychiatry, 13{1) :67- 75, 1965. LEHMANN, H. E., BaN, T. A., Grozsy, B., and Kato, L.: Potentiation of pharmacological and therapeutic action of phenothiazines by nylidrin (arlidin). Canadian Psychiatric Association [our- nal, 5:36-43, 1964. LEHMANN, H. E., BAN, T. A.,, MATTHEWS, V., and GARcIA-RILL, T.: The effects of. haloperidol on acute schizophrenic patients. A comparative study of haloperidol, chlorpromazine and chlorprothix- ene. In: Lehmann, H. E., and Ban, T. A, eds. The butyrophenones in psychiatry. L’Annoncia- tion, Quebec: First North American Symposium held at “Hospital des Laurentides,” 1964, p. 77- 88. 550 LEHMANN, H. E., and BERTHIAUME, M., eds. Tri- mipramine, a new anti-depressant. Montreal- Gamelin, Quebec, North American Colloquium on Trimipramine, 1964, 105 p. MATTHEWS, VALERIE, LEHMANN, H. E., and BAN, T. A.: A comparative study of thirteen hypnotic drugs. Applied Therapeutics, 6(10):806-809, 1964. Roy, P., St.-JEAN, A. Ban, T., and Nog, W.: Studies with antiparkinsonian drugs with chronic psychiatric patients. International Journal of Neu- ropsychiatry, 2(1) :65-69, 1966. St. JEAN, A., Ban, T. A., and Nog, W.: The ef- fect of trimipramine on psychophysical test per- formances. In: Lehmann, H. E., and Berthiaume, M., eds. Trimipramine, a new anti-depressant. Montreal-Gamelin, Quebec, North American Col- loquim on Trimipramine, 1964, p. 29-33. St. JEAN, A., BAN, T. A., and Nog, W.: Psycho- pharmacological studies with Neoserp and Aldo- met. International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1 (5) :491-503, 1965. : ST. JEAN, A., CsorBa, T., Nog, W. and BANN, T. A.: Human pharmacology and progressive clin- ical screening of a new psychoactive compound (Ciba 30,803 Ba). Diseases of the Nervous Sys- tem, 26(7)430-434, 1965. St. JEAN, A., DoNALD, M., and Ban, T. A.: In- terchangeability of antiparkinsonian medication. American Journal Psychiatry, 120:1189-1190, 1964. St. JEAN, A., LipsKy, A. Ban, T. A, and LEH- MANN, H. E.: The psychophysical effects of the butyrophenones in male schizophrenics. In: Leh- mann, H. E, and Ban, T. A. eds. The buty- rophenones in psychiatry. L’Annonciation, Que- bec: First North American Symposium held at “Hospital des Laurentides,” 1964, p. 38-52. WARNES, H., LEE, H., and BAN, T.: The compara- tive effectiveness of butyrophenones in chronic sychotic patients. In: Lehmann, H. E., and Ban, EF A. ods. The butyrophenones in psychiatry. L’Annonciation, Quebec, First North American Symposium held at “Hospital des Laurentides,” 1964, p- 100-112. MH-5203 (R01) SCHACHTER, STANLEY: Cognitive and physiological determinants of emotion. Co- lumbia University, New York, N.Y. (1961-64) (Continued from MH-2584). LATANE, B., and ScHACTER, S.: Adrenalin and avoidance learning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological ~ Psychology, 55:369-372, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2584). RADLOFF, R.: Opinion evaluation and affiliation. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62: 578-585, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2584). SCHACHTER, S.: Birth orders, eminence and higher education. American Sociological Review, 28: 757-768, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2584). SCHACHTER, S., and SINGER, J.: Cognitive, social- and Psychological Review, 69:379-399, 1962. acknowledges MH-2584). SCHACHTER, S., and WHEELER, L.: Epinephrine, chlorpromazine and amusement. Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, 65:121-128, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2584). SINGER, ].: Sympathetic activation, drugs and fright. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- ogy, 56:612-615, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2584). hysiological determinants of emotional state. (Also MH-5204 (R01) KEeLLAwAY, PETER, and Goi, ALEXANDER: Behavioral changes following hippo- campectomy. Baylor University, Houston, Texas. (1961- ) Gor, A., KELLAWAY, PETER, and SHAPIRO, M.: Behavioral changes in the monkey and the cat after extensive hippocampal removal. (Abstract) Neurology, 12(4):303, 1962.° GoL, ALEXANDER, KELLAWAY, PETER, SHAPIRO, MARTIN, and Hurst, C. M.: Studies of hippo- campectomy in the monkey, baboon, and cat. Behavioral changes and a preliminary evaluation, of cognitive function. Neurology, 13:1031-1041, 1963. Low, MorTON, D., BorpA, ROBERT P., and KEL- LAWAY, PETER: “Contingent negative variation” in rhesus monkeys: An EEG sign of a specific men- tal process. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 22(2): 443-446, 1966. SHAPIRO, MARTIN M., GoL, ALEXANDER, and KEL- LAWAY, PETER: Acquisition, retention, and dis- crimination reversal after hippocampal ablation in monkeys. Experimental Neurology, 13(2):128- 144, 1965. MH-5207 (R01) Law, O. THOMAS: Neural mech- anisms of reproduction. Claremont Graduate School and University Center, Claremont, Calif. (1961-64) Hari, R. J., and WiLsoNcroFT, W. E.: Prolong- ing visual after images. Psychonomic Science, 1: 267-268, 1964. HupsPETH, WILLIAM ].: Strychnine: Its facilitating effect on the solution of a simple oddity problem by the rat. Science, 145:1331-1333, 1964. Law, O. THoMmas, and ApaMs, J.: A versatile solderless electrode carrier. Psychiatric Reports, 13:539-541, 1963. Law, O. THOMAS, and SKINNER, JAMES E.: Sexual behavior: Postcopulatory heart rate in the male and 551 female rat. 1964. SACKETT, G. P.: A neural mechanism underlying unlearned, critical period, and developmental as- pects of visually controlled behavior. Psychologi- cal Review, 70:40-50, 1963. Psychonomic Science, 1:235-236, WataNaBE, K., and Law, T.: Techniques for chronic electrode implantation and brain poten- tial recordings. Psychological Reports, 15:691- 694, 1964. WiLsoNCROFT, WiLIAM E.: Effects of median cortex lesions on the maternal behavior of the rat.” Psy- chological Reports, 13:835-838, 1963. WILSONCROFT, W. E., arid SHUPE, D. V.: Tail, paw and pup retrieving in the rat. Psychonomic Science, 3(11) :494; 1965. MH-5209 (R01) PETERSON, MARGARET J.: Cues, observing responses and concept formation. Indi- ana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1961-63) PETERSON, MARGARET JEAN: Some effects of the percentage of relevant cues and presentation meth- ods on concept identification. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 64:623-627, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3707). PETERSON, MARGARET J.: Cue trials, frequency of presentation, and mediating responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67:432-438, 1964. PETERSON, M. J.: Effects of delay intervals and meaningfulness of verbal mediating responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(1):60- 66, 1965. PETERSON, M. J., and BLATTNER, K. C.: Develop- ment of a verbal mediator. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 66:72-77, 1963. PETERSON, M. J., and Coravita, F. B.: Strategies, type of solution, and stage of learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68(6):578-587, 1964. PETERSON, M. J., CoLAviTA, F. B., SHEAHAN, D. B,, and BLATTNER, K. C.: Verbal mediating chains and response availability as a function of the ac- quisition paradigm. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 3:11-18, 1964. MH-5213 (RO1) LarssoN, Knut: Neurological mechanisms in reproductive behavior. University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. (1961-64) LARssON, KNUT: Mating behavior in male rats after cerebral cortex ablation: Effects of lesions in the dorsolateral and the median cortex. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 151:167-176, 1962. SVEN, G. CarLssON, and LArssoN, KNut: Intro- mission frequency and intromission duration in the male rat mating behaviour. Scandinavian Jour- nal of Psychology, 3:189-191, 1962. MH-5214 (RO1) ZEIGLER, H. PHILIP: Functional organization of the forebrain. City College of the City University of New York, New York, N.Y. (1961-63) ZEIGLER, N. P.: Effects of endbrain lesions upon visual discrimination learning in pigeons. Jour- nal of Comparative Neurology, 120:161-182, 1963. ZEIGLER, N. P.: Effects of forebrain lesions upon activity in pigeons. Journal of Comparative Neu- rology, 120:183-194, 1963. ZEIGLER, H. PHILIP: Displacement activity and mo- tivational theory: A case study in the history of ethology. Psychological Bulletin, 61(5):362- 376, 1964. MH-5220 (R03) WHATLEY, CHARLES D.: Employ- ers, ex-mental patients, and job durability. Uni- versity of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (1961-61) WHATLEY, CHARLES D.: Status, role and vocational continuity of discharged mental patients. Journal of Health and Human Behavipr, 4:105-112, 1963. WHATLEY, CHARLES D., Jr.: Employer attitudes, discharged patients and job durability. Mental Hygiene, 48:121-131, 1964. MH-5221 (R03) JounsoN, ErwiN H.: Family change in rem day Japan. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. (1961-62) Jounson, E.: The stem family and its extension in present day Japan. American Anthropologist, 66: 839-851, 1964. JounsoN, ErRwIN H.: The emergence of a se. conscious entrepreneurial class in rural J pan. Smith, Robert J., and Beardsley, Richard K., ds Japanese culture: Its development and characteris- tics. Chicago, Aldine, 1962, p. 91-99. MH-5232 (RO1) PAuLING, Linus C.: Biochemical and molecular basis of mental disease. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. (1961- 64) DeGeNs, EGoN T., REUTER, JOHANNES N., and Saw, KENNETH N. F.: Biochemical compounds in offshore California sediments and sea waters. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 28:45, 1964, New York, Pergamon Press. PERRY, THOMAS L.: Urinary excretion of amines in phenylketonuria and mongolism. Science, 136: 879-880, 1962. PERRY, THOMAS L.: N-methylmetanephrine: Excre- tion by juvenile psychotics. Science, 139:587- 589, 1963. PERRY, THOMAS L., and JoNEs, RicHARD T.: The amino acid content of human cerebrospinal fluid 552 in normal individuals and in mental defectives. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 40:1363-1372, 1961. PERRY, THOMAS L., and SCHROEDER, WALTER A.: The occurrence of amines in human urine: De- termination by combined ion exchange and paper chromatography. Journal of Chromatography, 12: 358-373, 1963. Perry, THoMAs L. SHAw, KENNETH N. F, WALKER, DorOTHY, and REDLICH, DOROTHY: Urinary excretion of amines in normal children. Pediatrics, 30:576-584, 1962. RINDERKNECHT, HEINRICH, and Ma, VICTORIA: Eine einfache neue Synthese fiir Saureanhydride. Helv. Chim. Acta, 47:162-165, 1964. ScrIVER, CHARLES R., and SHAW, KENNETH N. F.: Hartnup disease: An example of genetically de- termined defective cellular amino acid transport. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 86(5): 232, 1962. SHAW, KENNETH N. F., BoDER, ELENA, GUTEN- STEIN, MORRIS, and Jacoss, E. ELMo: Histi- dinemia. (Abstract) Journal of Pediatrics, 63: 720, 1963. SHAw, KENNETH N. F., GUDMUNDSON, ARIEL, and MoRRrIs, ALLAN J.: 5-Benzyloxyindole. Biochemi- cal Preparations, 9:12, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-655). SHAw, K. N. F., and Morris, A. J.: 5-Hydroxy-dl- tryptophan. Biochemical Preparations, 9:92, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-655). MH-5241 (RO1) JENSEN, GORDON D.: Maternal development and social interaction. University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (1961-64) BosBITT, R. A., JENSEN, G. D., and KUEHN, R. E.: Development and application of an observational method. A pilot study of the mother-infant rela- tionship in pigtail monkeys. Journal of Genetic Popo 105:257-274, 1964. MH-5247 (R03) BAKER, ROBERT W.: Psychologi- cal disturbances and academic stressors. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. (1961-62) BAKER, ROBERT W.: Pattern of initial contacts with a university psychological clinic and its relation to academic stressors. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 19:361-363, 1963. MH-5250 (R03) MurpHY, RoBerT F., and Downs, JaMEs FRANCIS: Alcohol use in a chang- ing Navajo community. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1961-61) Downs, James F.: The cowboy and the lady: Mod- els as a determinant of the rate of acculturation among the Pinon Navajo. Kroeber Anthropolgi- cal Society Papers, 29:53-56, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4372). Downs, James F.: Animal husbandry in Navajo society and culture. University of California Pub- lications in Anthropology. Vol. 1. Berkeley, University of California, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4372). MH-5254 (R01) Unr, LeoNArRD M.: Computer simulation of higher mental processes. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1961-65) UHR, LEONARD: Pattern recognition computers "as models for form perception. Psychological Bul- letin, 60:40-73, 1963. UHR, LEONARD: The development of perception and language. In: Tomkins, S., and Messick, S., eds. Simulation of personality processes. New York, Wiley, 1963, p. 231-266. UHR, LEONARD: Computers in behavioral science. Pattern-string learning programs: Cognitive learn- ers: General conception. Behavioral Science, 9: 258-270, 1964. UHR, LEONARD: Recognition of letters, pictures, and speech by a discovery and learning program. Wescon/64, Frontiers in Electronics. Western Electronic Show & Convention/Los Angeles. Santa Monica, Calif., Univ. of Mich., 1964, p. 1-7, (No. 8.5) UHR, LEONARD: Pattern recognition. In: 6th IBM Medical Symposium. New York, Poughkeepsie and Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1964, p. 1-19. UHR, LEONARD: The compilation of natural lan- guage text into teaching machine programs. In: Proceedings—Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1964, p. 35-44. UHR, LEONARD, and VOsSLER, CHARLES: The search to recognize. In: Fischer, George L., Jr., ed. Optical character recognition. ashington, D.C., Spartan Books, 1962, p. 319-329. UHR, LEONARD, and VOSSLER, CHARLES: A pattern recognition program that generates, evaluates, and adjusts its own operators. In: Feigenbaum, E., and Feldman, ]., eds. Computer and thought. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 251-268. VossLER, CHARLES, ‘and UHR, LEONARD: Computer stimulations of a perceptual learning model for sensory pattern recognition, concept formation, and symbol transformation. In: Proceedings of the IFIPS Congress, Munich, 1962. Amsterdam, North Holland, 1963, p. 413-418. MH-5257 (R03) KrLuGH, HENRY E.: Situational oiexy and preference. Alma College, Alma, Mich. (1961-61) 553 KrucH, H. E.: Situational complexity and prefer- ence. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 17:394, 1962. MH-5258 (R03) WEINER, HERBERT, and GOLD- BERG, EUGENE L.: Psychophysiological studies of depressive states. Yeshiva University, New York, N.Y. (1961-62) WEINER, HERBERT: Some psychological factors re- lated to cardiovascular responses: A logical and empirical analysis. In: Roessler, R., and Green- field, N. S., eds. Physiological correlated of psy- chological disorder. Madison, Wisconsin, Uni- versity of Wisconsin Press, 1962, p. 115-142. MH-5261 (R03) ERRERA, PAUL L., and JARECKI, HENRY: Survey of psychiatric referrals to an emergency room. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1961-62) CoLEMAN, JuLEs V., and ERRERA, PAuL: The gen- eral hospital emergency room and its psychiatric problems. American [Journal of Public Health, 53(8):1294-1301, 1963. MH-5263 (R01) SINGH, SHEO D., and BRroOAD- HURST, P. L.: Effects of human contact on be- haviors of monkeys. Panjab University, Chandi- garth, India. (1961-63) SINGH, S. D.: Effect of human environment on cog- nitive behavior in the rhesus monkey. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 61(2): 280-283, 1966. MH-5268 (R01) LENNEBERG, Eric H.: Speech de- velopment under abnormal circumstances. Chil- dren’s Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Mass. (1961-65) (Continued from MH-2921). LENNEBERG, Eric H.: Language disorders in child- hood. Harvard Educational Review, 34(2):152- 177, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2921). LENNEBERG, ERIC H.: Speech as a motor skill with special reference to nonaphasic disorders. Mono- graphs of the Society for Research in Child De- velopment, 29(1):115-139, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2921). LENNEBERG, Eric H.: A biological perspective of language. In: Lenneberg, Eric H., ed. New di- rections in the study of language. Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964, p. 65-88. (Also acknowledges MH-2921). LENNEBERG, Eric H., NicHoLs, IRENE A., and ROSENBERGER, ELEANOR F.: Primitive stages of language development in mongolism. In: Rioch, David McK., and Weinstein, Edwin A., eds. Dis- orders of communication. Vol. 42. Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1964, p. 119-137. MH-5278 (R01) LawsoN, EpwiN D.: Reinforce- ment in communication nets. State University of New York—Albany State College, Albany, N.Y. (1961-64) LawsoN, EpwiN D.: Reinforced and non-reinforced four-man communication nets. Psychological Re- ports, 14:287-296, 1964. LawsoN, EpwiIN D.: Reinforcement in group prob- lem-solving with arithmetic problems. Psychologi- cal Reports, 14:703-710, 1964. MH-5281 (RO1) QuarTON, GARDNER C., and STERNBACH, RICHARD A.: Autonomic changes ac- companying repetitive events. Massachusetts Gen- eral Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1961-63) QUARTON, G. C.: Theoretical considerations in analysis of psychophysiological data. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 115:881-889, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-1608). MH-5283 (R01) BUCHWALD, ALEXANDER M.: Sit- uational variables influencing reinforce values. In- diana University, Bloomington, Ind. (1961-63) BucHwWALD, ALEXANDER M.: The effect of some variations in procedure on response repetition fol- lowing verbal outcomes. Journal of Verbal Learn- ing and Verbal Behavior, 5(1):77-85, 1966. MH-5284 (R01) FanTz, ROBERT L.: Early devel- opment of pattern and spatial vision. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. (1961-63) FaNTZ, ROBERT L.: Pattern vision in newborn in- fants. Science, 140:296-297, 1963. FanTz, R. L.: Visual experience in infants: De- creased attention to familiar patterns relative to novel ones. Science, 146:668-670, 1964. FANTZ, ROBERT L.: Ontogeny of perception. In: Schrier, Allan M., Harlow, Harry F., and Stoll- nitz, Fred, eds. Behavior of nonhuman primates. Vol. 2. New York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 365-403. (Also acknowledges MH-2497). FANTZ, ROBERT L., ORDY, J. M., and UDELF, M. S.: Maturation of pattern vision in infants during the first six months. Journal of Comparative and Physiological ~ Psychology, 55:907-917, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2497). MH-5285 (R01) ARONSON, LESTER R.: Behavioral effects of selected denervation. American Mu- seum of Natural History, New York, N.Y. (1961-64) ARONSON, LESTER R., and COOPER, MADELINE: Genital denervation and sexual behavior in male cats. In: Moore, John A., ed. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Zoology. Vol. 2. Washington, D.C., 1963, p. 24. 554 COOPER, MADELINE, and ARONSON, LESTER R.: Effects of a sensroy deprivation on the sexual be- havior of experienced adult male cats. (Abstract No. 114) American Zoologist, 2(4), 1962. MH-5286 (R01) GorF, WiLLIAM R., and ROSNER, BURTON S.: Psychophysiology of perception. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1961- ) ABRAHAMIAN, H. A., ALLisoN, T., Gorr, W. R,, and ROSNER, B. S.: Effects thiopental on human cerebral evoked responses. Anesthesiology, 24: 650-657, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1530). ROSNER, B. S.: Temporal interaction between elec- trocutaneous stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67:191-192, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1530). MH-5287 (R01) SAwWREY, WILLIAM L., and Saw- REY, JAMES M.: Psychological factors in resistance to ulceration. Alameda County State College, Hayward, Calif. (1961- ) SAWREY, JAMES M., and SAwWREY, WiLLiAM L.: Ulcer production with reserpine and conflict. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57(2):307-309, 1964. SAWREY, WILLIAM L., and SAWREY, JAMES M.: Fear conditioning and resistance to ulceration. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56 (5):821-823, 1963. SAWREY, WILLIAM L., and SAWREY, JAMES M.: Con- ditioned fear and restraint in ulceration. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57 (1):150-151, 1964. MH-5294 (R10) PiETTE, LAWRENCE H.: and For- REST, IRENE S.: EPR study of metabolic free radi- cal intermediates. Varian Associates, Palo Alto, Calif. (1961-62) PieTTE, L. H., and Forrest, IRENE: EPR studies of free radicals in the oxidation of drugs derived from phenothiazine in vitro. Biochemica et Bio- physica Acta, 57:419-420, 1962. MH-5300 (R01) CLAUSEN, JoHN A.: Personality continuity in the Oakland growth study Univer- sity of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1961- ) CLAUSEN, JoHN A. and WILLIAMS, JUDITH R.: Sociological correlates of child behavior. In: Child psychology. Part I. Chicago, University of Chi- cago Press, 1963, p. 62-107. HAAN, NorMA: A proposed model .of ego func- tioning: Coping and defense mechanisms in rela- tionship to I.Q. change. Psychological Mono- graphs, 77(8):1-23, 1963. (Whole No. 571). HaAN, N.: The relationship of ego functioning and intelligence to social status and social mobility. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69 (6) :594-605, 1964. HaaN, N.: An investigation of the relationships of Rorschach scores, patterns, and behavior to coping and defense mechanisms. Journal of Projective Techniques, 28:429-441, 1964. HAAN, Norma: Coping and defense mechanisms related to personality inventories. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 29(4):373-378, 1965. HATFIELD, J. S., and SHAPIRO, A. M.: Dimensions among interview ratings of men: An analysis of their meaning and personality inventory correlates. Journal of Elimical Psychology, 21(2):150-160, 1965. ROSENTHAL, IRENE: Reliability of retrospective re- ports of adolescence. Journal of Consulting Psy- chology, 27:189-198, 1963. SKOLNICK, ARLENE: Stability and interrelations of thematic test imagery over 20 years. Child De- velopment, 37(2):389-396, 1966. STEWART, L. H.: Social and emotional adjustment during adolescence as related to the development of psychosomatic illness in adulthood. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 65:175-215, 1962. MH-5301 (R01) SmiTH, CHARLES P.: Need achieve- ment, extrinsic goals, and performance. Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. (1961-64) SMITH, CHARLES P.: Relationships between achieve- ment-related motives and intelligence, perform- ance level, and persistence. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:523-532, 1964. MH-5306 (R01) KoH, SooN D., and KOVNAR, Murray R.: Affective judgments of music in schizophrenics. State Hospital, Jamestown, N.D. (1961-63) KoH, SooN Duk: Scaling musical preferences. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(1):79- 82, 1965. MH-5308 (R03) LANDAUER, THoMAs K.: Delay of secondary reinforcement. Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.-H. (1961-62) LANDAUER, THOMAS K.: Delay of an acquired rein- forcer. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58(3):374-379, 1964. MH-5310 (R03) ALLINSMITH, WESLEY, and LINDE- MANN, ELIZABETH B.: Evaluation of a preschool screening program. Human Relations Service of Wellesley, Wellesley Hills, Mass. (1961-62) LINDEMANN, ELIZABETH B., ALLINSMITH, W., RoseNBLITH, Jupy F., Bubp, LiNpA M., and SHAPIRO, SYBIL: Evaluation of a preschool screen- ing program. (Abstract) American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 33:376-377, 1963. 555 MH-5313 (R03) Bas, HaroLD: Additivity of habits based on shock and thirst. Hobart and William Smith College, Geneva, N.Y. (1961-61) BaBB, HAROLD: Transfer between habits based on shock and thirst. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(2):318-323, 1963. O'NEILL, JOHN J., SIMON, STUART H., and SHREEVE, WALTON W.: Alternate glycolytic pathways in brain: A comparison between the action of arti- ficial electron acceptors and electrical stimulation. Journal of Neurochemistry, 12(9/10):797-802, 1965. MH-5314 (R01) GUBLER, CLARK J.: Adrenal hor- mone and thiamine effects on' cerebral SHT. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. (1961- ) Jounson, L. R., and GUBLER, C. J.: Studies with thiamine pyrophosphokinase from rat brain. (Ab- tract) Federation Proceedings, 24(2)Part 1:481, 1965. SOFER, S., and GUBLER, C. J.: The effect of various procedures on the 5-OH tryptamine (SHT) levels in the brain of rats. (Abstract) Federation Pro- ceedings, 21:340, 1962. MH-5317 (R01) O'NEILL, JOHN ].: Drug-sensitive biochemical pathways in the CNS. University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. (1961- ) O'NEILL, J., Duccy, T., and SIMON, S.: Inhibition of cerebral cortex glycolysis: Possible feedback control. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 24 (2) Part 1:536, 1965. O'NEILL, J. J., SiMON, S. H., and CUMMINS, J. T.: Inhibition of stimulated cerebral cortex respira- tion and glycolysis by cholinolytic drugs. Bio- chemical Pharmacology, 12:809-820, 1963. O'NEILL, J., SIMON, S., and DUFFY, T.: Glycolytic control by pyruvate in guinea pig brain slice. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 25(2):560, 1966. MH-5319 (R01) Jarvik, MURRAY E.: Effect of drugs upon memory. Yeshiva University—Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, N.Y. (1961- ) BARONDES, S. E., and Jarvik, M. E.: The influence of actinomycin-D on brain RNA synthesis and on memory. Journal of Neurochemistry, 11:187- 195, 1964. BARRON, F., JarRviK, M. E., and BUNNELL, S.: The hallucinogens. ~~ Scientific American, 210:29-37, 1964. JarRviK, M. E., and CARLEY, J. L.: A simple circuit for contact responses. Journal of the Experimen- tal Analysis of Behavior, 7:82, 1964. Kopp, R.: The temporal gradient of retrograde am- nesia to ECS in mice. Federation Proceedings, 25(2):262, 1966. LETHLEAN, A. K.: Habituation in the rat spinal cord—a triggered process. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 24(2) Part 1:517, 1965. MH-5320 (R01) Seevers, M. H., and DENEAU, GERALD A.: Dependence on narcotics in primates. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1961- ) Beck, L., LEVIN, J. A., and DENEAU, G. A.: Effect of blocking agents on reflex and serotonin induced dilatation in the monkey. (Abstract) Pharmacol- ogist, 7(2):139, 1965. DEeNEAU, G. A.: Pharmacological techniques for evaluating addiction liability of drugs. In: No- dine, J., and Siegler, P., eds. Clinical and labo- ratory techniques in drug evaluation. Chicago, Yearbook, 1964, p. 406-410. DENEAU, G. A., and SEEVERS, M. H.: Pharmaco- logical aspects of drug dependence. In: Garattini, S., and Shore, P. A, eds. Advances in pharma- cology. Vol. 3. New York, Academic, 1964, p- 267-283. DENEAU, G. A, and SEEVERs, M. H.: Drug depend- ence. In: Lawrence, D. R., and Bachrach, A. L., eds. Evaluation of drug activities. London, Academic, p. 167-179. DENEAU, G. A., YaNAcGITA, T., and SEEVERS, M. H.: Drug dependence in the monkey. In: Heath, R. G, ed. The role of pleasure in behavior. New York, Harper & Row, 1964, p. 141-150. MH-5324 (R01) HubpsoN, Roy D.: Drug effects on pyramidal and extra pyramidal systems. Uni- versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. ( 1961- ) HubsoN, Roy D., and DoMiNO, EDWARD F.: Com- parative effects of three substituted phenothiazines on the patellar reflex and mean arterial blood pressure of the rabbit. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 147 (1-2): 36-42, 1964. MH-5331 (R01) GROSSMAN, SEBASTIAN P.: Be- havioral effect of local chemical brain stimulation. State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (1961- 64) GRossMAN, S. P.: Chemically induced epileptiform seizures in the cat. Science, 142:409-411, 1963. GRossMAN, S. P.: Behavioral effects of chemical stimulation of the ventral amygdala. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57: 29-36, 1964. GRroOssMAN, S. P.: Effect of chemical stimulation of the septal area on motivation. Journal of Com- 556 parative and Physiological Psychology, 58(2): 194-200, 1964. GROSSMAN, S. P.: Some neurochemical properties of the central regulation of thirst. In: Wayner, M., ed. Thirst in the regulation of body water. New York, Pergamon, 1964, p. 487-510. GROSSMAN, SEBASTIAN P.: Acquisition and per- formance of avoidance responses during chemical stimulation of the midbrain reticular formation. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psy- chology, 61(1):42-49, 1966. GROSSMAN, S. P.: The VMH: A center for affective reactions, satiety, or both? Physiology and Be- havior, 1(1) :1-10, 1966. GRroOssMAN, S. P., and GrossMaN, L.: Food and water intake following lesions or electrical stimu- lation of the amygdala. American [Journal of Physiology, 205:761-765, 1963. GRrossMAN, S. P., PETERs, R. H., FREEDMAN, P. E,, and WILLER, H. I.: Behavioral effects of choliner- gic stimulation of the thalamic reticular formation. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychol- 0gy, 59:57-65, 1965. MH-5333 (R01) BrEBBIA, D. ROBERT, ALTSHULER, KENNETH Z., and SIMPSON, GEORGE M.: Diurnal atterns of the BMR in schizophrenia. Rockland tate Hospital, Orangeburg, N.Y. (1961- ) SIMPSON, GEORGE M., FARKAS, TIBOR, and SAUN- DERS, J. C.: A clinical evaluation of a new butyro- phenone (WY-3457). Psychopharmacologia, 5: 306-312, 1964. MH-5336 (R10) CARVER, MICHAEL J.: Amino acid transport by white blood cells. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (1961-62) RyaN, W. L., and CARVER, M. J.: Immediate and prolonged effects of hydrocortisone on the free amino acids of rat skeletal muscle. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine, 114:816-819, 1963. MH-5338 (R01) FINk, Max: Conference on EEG and human psychiatry. Hillside Hospital, Glen Oaks, N.Y. (1961-62) FINK, Max: EEG and human psychopharmacology. (Abstract) Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15:133-137, 1963. FINK, MAX: Quantitative electroencephalography in human psychopharmacology. II. Drug patterns. In: Glaser, G., ed. EEG correlates of Bravior. New York, Basic Books, 1963, p. 177-197. (Also acknowledges MH-2715 and MH-7432). MH-5339 (R01) MEYEROWITZ, SANFORD, and ENGEL, GEORGE L.: Study of psychologic aspects of disease. University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (1961-66) Jacox, RALPH F., MONGAN, EDWARD S., VAUGHAN, JouN H., ATWATER, EDWARD C., MEYEROWITZ, SANFORD, and DUTHIE, ROBERT B.: An interdis- ciplinary approach to the care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. New York State Journal of Medicine, 63(11):1639-1651, 1963. MH-5343 (R01) HABENSTEIN, ROBERT W., and Court, ALLAN D.: Functions of extended kin- ship in an urban milieu. Community Studies, Kansas City, Mo. (1961-64) Court, ALLAN-D.: Role allocation, position struc- turing, and ambilineal descent. American An- thropologist, 66:29-40, 1964. CouLTt, ALLAN D., and HABENSTEIN, ROBERT W.: The study of extended kinship in urban society. Sociological Quarterly, 141-145, 1962. MH-5348 (R01) EnTwiIsLE, Doris R., and FoRr- sYTH, DANIEL: Analytic studies of children’s word associations. Johns Hopkins University, Balti- more, Md. (1961-64) ENTwISLE, D. R., and ForsyTH, D. F.: Word asso- ciations of children: Effect of method of admin- istration. ~~ Psychological Reports, 13:291-299, 1963. MH-5353 (R01) SorLoMON, LEONARD: Conditions affecting behavioral coordination. Boston Univer- sity, Boston, Mass. (1961-65) KLEIN, EDWARD B., and SOLOMON, LEONARD: Agreement response tendency and behavioral sub- mission in schizophrenia. Psychological Reports, 18(2) :499-509, 1966. NuTTALL, RONALD L., and SoLOMON, LEONARD F.: Factorial structure and prognostic significance of premorbid adjustment in schizophrenia. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 29(4):362-372, 1965. SoLomoN, L., and KLEIN, E.: A comparison of responses set tendencies in a normal and a schizo- phrenic sample. Veterans Administration News- etter for Research Psychology, 4:6-14, 1962. SoLoMmoN, L., and KLEIN, E.: The relationship be- tween agreeing response set and social desirability. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66: 176-179, 1963. SoLoMoON, L., and ZLotowsKl, M.: The relationship between the Elgin and Phillips measures of proc- -ess-reactive schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138:32-37, 1964. MH-5356 (R01) Back, Kurt W., and Bocpo- NOFF, MorTON B.: Conformity behavior and lipid mobilization. Duke University, Durham, N.C. (1961-65) Back, Kurt W. and BOGDONOFF, MORTON D.: Plasma lipid responses to leadership, conformity and deviation. In: Leiderman, P. Herbert, and Shapiro, David, eds. Psychobiological approaches to social behavior. Stanford, California, Stanford University, 1964, p. 24-42. Back, KUurRT W., BGGDONOFF, MORTON D., SHAW, Davip M., and KLEIN, ROBERT F.: An interpre- tation of experimental conformity through physio- logical measures. Behavioral Science, 8:34-40, 1963. Back, Kurt W., Hoop, THoMAs C., and BREHM, MARY L.: The subject role in small group experi- ments. Social Forces, 43(2):181-187, 1965. BoGDONOFF, MORTON D., Back, Kurt W., KLEIN, RoBert F., Estes, E. H., Jr. and NICHOLS, CLAUDE: The physiologic response to conformity pressure in man. Annals of Internal Medicine, 57:389-397, 1962. "BoGpONOFF, M. D., BREHM, L., and Back, K. W.: The effect of the experimenter’s role upon the subject’s response to an unpleasant task. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 8:137-143, 1964. BogponNorF, M. D., KLEIN, R. F., Back, K. W,, NicHors, C. R., TrRovEr, W. G., and Hoop, T. C.: Effect of group relationship and of the role of leadership upon lipid mobilization. Psychoso- matic Medicine, 26:710-719, 1964. BreuM, M. L., Back, K. W., and BOGDONOFF, M. D.: A physiological effect of cognitive disso- nance under stress and deprivation. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69(3):303-310, 1964. KLEIN, ROBERT F., TROYER, WILLIAM G., BACK, Kurt W., Hoop, THOMAS C., and BOGDONOFF, MorTON D.: Experimental stress and fat mobili- zation in lean and obese subjects. Metabolism, 14(1):17-25, 1965. McGoucH, W. E. SILVERMAN, A. J., and BoG- DONOFF, M. D.: Patterns of fat mobilization in field-dependent and field-independent subjects. Psychosomatic Medicine, 27(3), 245-256, 1965. MH-5364 (R01) KaprLaN, Ira T.: Independent monocular viewing with both eyes. Public Service Research, Stamford, Conn. (1961-62) KapLaN, I. T., and MEeTLAY, W.: Light intensity and binocular rivalry. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67:22-26, 1964. MH-5375 (R01) THoMAs, DOROTHY S., and LEE, EVERETT S.: Migration and mental disease. Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (1961- ) Lazarus, JUDITH, LocKE, BEN Z., and THOMAS, DoroTHY S.: Migration differentials in mental disease. State patterns in first admissions to men- 557 tal hospitals for all disorders and for schizophre- nia, New York, Ohio and California, as of 1950. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 41:25-42, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1140). THoMAS, DOROTHY S., and LOCKE, BEN Z.: Mari- tal status, education and occupational differentials in mental disease. State patterns in first admis- sions to mental hospitals for all disorders and for schizophrenia, New York, and Ohio as of 1950. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 41(2):145- 160, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1140). MH-5384 (R01) GOTTESMAN, IRVING I.: Behavior genetics of human personality. Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass. (1961-63) GOTTESMAN, I. I.: Differential inheritance of the psychoneuroses. Eugenics Quarterly, 9:223-227, 1962. GOTTESMAN, I. I.: Genetic aspects of intelligent be- havior. In: Ellis, N., ed. Handbook of mental deficiency. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 253-296. GoTTESMAN, I. I.: Heritability of personality: A demonstration. Psychological Monographs, 77 (9):1-21, 1963. (Whole No. 572). MH-5395 (R01) WIGGINS, JERRY S.: The structure of the MMPI. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1961-62) (Continued as MH-7042). WIGGINS, J. S.: Social desirability under role-playing instructions: A reply to Walker. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 27:107-111, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-7042). WiGGINs, J. S.: An MMPI item characteristic deck. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 24: 137-141, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-7042). WiGGiNs, J. S.: Convergences among stylistic re- sponse measures from objective personality tests. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 24: 551-562, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-7042). MH-5398 (RO1) SEARs, ROBERT R.: Identification in four-year-old children. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1961-64) SEARS, R. R.: Dependency motivation. In: Jones, M. R, ed. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1963. Lincoln, Nebr., University of Nebraska, 1963, p. 25-64. MH-5400 (R03) HARrg, A. PauL: Conditional measures of personality. Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. (1961-62) HARE, A. PAUL: Factors associated with Peace Corps volunteer success in the Philippines. Human Organization, 25(2):150-153, 1966. 558 MH-5402 (R03) GoNzALEZ, RicHARD C., and BIr- TERMAN, M. E.: Preliminary studies of learning in brain injured rats. Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. (1961-62) GonzaLEz, R. C., RoBerTs, W. A., and BITTER- MAN, M. E.: Learning in adult rats with extensive cortical lesions made in infancy. American Jour- nal of Psychology, 577:547-562, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2857). MH-5405 (R03) MANN, RicHARD D.: Authority and intimacy in group discussions. Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, Mass. (1961-62) MANN, RicHARD D.: The development of the mem- ber-trainer relationship in self-analytic groups. Human Relations, 19(1):85-115, 1966. MH-5408 (R01) SiDMAN, MURRAY: Sensory and behavioral tests of induced CNS changes. Massa- chusetts "General Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1961- ) SIDMAN, MURRAY: Anxiety. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 108(6):478-481, 1964. MH-5410 (R01) Gross, MiLToN M., KissIN, BEN- JAMIN, and TOBIN, MICHAEL: Hallucinations in acute alcoholic psychoses. State University of New York—Downstate Medical Center, Brook- Iyn, N.Y. (1961-64) Gross, M. M., BEGLEITER, H. ToBIN, M., and Kissin, B.: Auditory evoked response comparison during counting clicks and reading. Electroen- cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 18 (5) :451-454, 1965. GRoss, MILTON M., HALPERT, EUGENE, and SABOT, LAWRENCE: Some comment on Bleuler’s concept of acute alcoholic hallucinosis. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 24:54-60, 1963. Gross, MILTON M., HALPERT, EUGENE, SABOT, LAWRENCE, and PoLizos, PoLizoEs: Hearing dis- turbances and auditory hallucinations in the acute alcoholic psychoses. I. Tinnitus—incidence and significance. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- ease, 137:455-465, 1963. Gross, MiLToN M., ToBIN, M., KissiN, B., HAL- PERT, EUGENE, and SABOT, LAWRENCE: Evoked responses to clicks in delirium tremens: A pre- liminary report. New York Academy of Science, 112:543-546, 1964. MH-5415 (R01) SmitH, KATHLEEN: Origin of characteristic odor of schizophrenic sweat. Wash- ington University, St. Louis, Mo. (1961- ) Mort, RicHARD H., SMALL, IVER F., and ANDER- SON, JoHN M.: Comparative study of hallucina- tions. General Psychiatry, 12(6):595-601, 1965. SKINNER, K., SMITH, K., and RicH, E.: Bacteria and the “schizophrenic odor.” (Abstract) Amer- ican Journal of Psychiatry, 121:64-65, 1964. THOMPSON, GEOFFREY, F., and SMITH, KATHLEEN: Application of on-column acid-base reactions to the gas chromatographic separation of free fatty acids and amines. Analytical Chemistry, 37(12): 1591-1592, 1965. MH-5428 (R01) Horowitz, LEONARD M.: Studies in verbal learning. Stanford University, Stanf rd, Calif. (1961-64) Horowitz, L.: Associative matching and intralist similarity. ~~ Psychological Reports, 10:751-757, 1962. Horowitz, L. M., BRowN, Z. M. and WEIss- BLUTH, S.: Availability and the direction of asso- ciations. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68 (6) :541-549, 1964. Horowitz, L., and Izawa, C.: Comparison of serial and paired-associate learning. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 65:352-361, 1963. Horowitz, L., and LARSEN, S.: Response interfer- ence in paired-associate learning. [Journal of Ex- perimental Psychology, 65:225-232, 1963. Horowitz, L., LippMAN, L., NorMAN, S., and McConKIE, G.: Compound stimuli in paired- associate learning. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 67:132-141, 1964. MH-5429 (R01) PATTERSON, GERALD R., and LiTTMAN, RICHARD A.: Reinforcement theory to socialization of the child. University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. (1961-63) (Continued from MH-4063). PATTERSON, G. R.: An empirical approach to the classification of disturbed children. Journal ‘of Clinical Psychology, 20:326-337, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4063). PATTERSON, G. R., and ANDERSON, D.: Peers as social reinforcers. Child Development, 35:951- 960, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4063). PATTERSON, G. R., and HiNsey, W. C.: Investiga- tions of some assumptions and characteristics of a procedure for instrumental conditioning in chil- dren. Journal of Experimental and Child Psy- chology, 1:111-112, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4063). PATTERSON, G. R., LitrtmMAN, R. E., and HINSEY, W. C.: Parental effectiveness as reinforcers in the laboratory and its relation to child rearing prac- tices, and child adjustment in the classroom. Jour- nal of Personality, 32:180-199, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4063). MH-5430 (R01) Novick, ALVIN, and HENSON, O’DeLL W., Jr.: Acoustic perception in echo 559 orientation. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1961- ) GouLp, EpwiN, NEGUs, NorRMAN C., and NoVICK, ALVIN: Evidence for echolocation in shrews. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 156(1):19-38, 1964. Novick, A.: Pulse duration in the echolocation of insects by the bat, “Pteronotus.” Ergebnisse der Zoology, 26:21-26, 1963. Novick, ALVIN: Comparative aspects of echoloca- tion of flying insects by chilonycterine bats. (Ab- stract) American Zoologist, 4(4):15, 1964. ~ Novick, A., and VaisNnys, J. R.: Echolocation of flying insects by the bat, “‘Chilonycteris.” (Ab- stract) American Zoology, 3, 1963. Novick, ALVIN, and VAIsNYs, Juozas R.: Echo- location of flying insects by the bat, “Chilonycteris parnellii.” Biological Bulletin, 127€3) :478-488, 1964. MH-5438 (R03) Lyons, JosePH: Postural sym- metry and perception of the vertical. University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. (1961-61) Gourp, E., Neus, N. C,, and Novick, A.: Evi- dence for echo-location in shrews. (Abstract No. 53) American Zoologist, 2, 1962. MH-5439 (R01) RowLAND, VERNON, CARLSON, Nis J., GLuck, HENRY, and MACINTYRE, WIL- LiaM J.: Electrophysiology and pharmacology of conditioning. Western Reserve University, Cleve- land, Ohio. (1961- ) DELUDE, LLoyDp A., and CARLSON, NILS J.: A test of the conservation of anxiety and partial irre- versibility hypotheses. Canadian Journal of Psy- chology/Review of Canadian Psychology, 18:15- 22, 1964. MACINTYRE, W. J., WasMaN, M., GLuekK, H., and DiNEs, G. A.: Electroencephalographic data: Re- duction by wave-width analysis. Science, 144 (3624) :1357-1358, 1964. RowLAND, VERNON: Electrographic responses in sleeping conditioned animals. In: Wolstenholme, G. E. W., and O'Conner, M., eds. Ciba Founda- tion Symposium on the Nature of Sleep. London, J. & A. Churchill, 1961, p. 284-304. MH-5447 (R01) WHITTEN, NorRMAN E., JR. and" ErAasmUs, CHARLES J.: Social organization in val- ues in coastal Ecuador. University of North Caro- lina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1961-61) WHITTEN, NORMAN E., JR.: Contemporary patterns of malign occultism among negroes in North Carolina. Journal of American Folklore, 75 (298) :311-325, 1962. WHITTEN, NORMAN E.: Sociocultural change in northwest Ecuador. Research Previews (Univer- sity of North Carolina, Institute for Research in Social Science), 9(3):9-18, 1962. WHITTEN, NORMAN E., JR.: Power structure and sociocultural] change in Latin American communi- ties. Social Forces, 43(3):320-329, 1965. MH-5449 (R03) Rice, GEORGE E., JRr.: Variables of altruism in the rat. Agnes Scott College, Deca- tur, Ga. (1961-62) Rick, G. E., and GAINER, PRISCILLA: “Altruism” in the albino rat. Journal of Comparative and Physi- ological Psychology, 55:123-125, 1962. MH-5450 (R03) SANDLER, JACK, and WILLIAMS, CARL D.: Effect of reinforcement on masochistic behavior. University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. 1961-62) SANDLER, JAck: Reinforcement combinations and masochistic behavior. Psychological Reports, 11: 110, 1962. MH-5452 (R03) RoBBINS, SAMUEL D.: Relation between insecurity and” onset of stuttering. Insti- tute for Speech Correction, Boston, Mass. (1961- 62) RoBBINs, SAMUEL D.: 1000 Stutterers: A personal report of clinical experience and research. Jour- nal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, May:178- 186, 1964. MH-5453 (R01) MANNERING, GILBERT J.: Devel- opment of rapid test for narcotic excretion. Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1961-62) ANDERS, M. W., and MANNERING, G. J.: A new peak-shift technique for gas-liquid chromatog- raphy: Preparation of derivatives on the column. Aalytical Chemistry, 34:730-733, 1962. MH-5457 (R10) GELLER, MIRIAM R.: Bibliographic research in psychopharmacology. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1960-63) GELLER, MIRIAM R.: The treatment of psychiatric disorders with insulin, 1936-1960. A selected annotated bibliography. Public Health Service Publication No. 941, Washington, D.C., Govern- ment Printing Office, 1962, 33 p. GELLER, MIRIAM R.: The treatment of psychiatric disorders with metrazol, 1935-1960. A selected annotated bibliography. Public Health Service Publication No. 967, Washington, D.C., Govern- ment Printing Office, 1963, 22 p. MH-5461 (R01) PopEeLL, JEROME E.: Studies in meaning and context effects in connotation. San Francisco State College, San Francisco, Calif. (1961-63) 560 PopeLL, H. A., and PopELL, J. E.: Quantitative con- notation of a concept. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67:509-513, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4484). MH-5464 (RO1) FiscHER, GLORIA ].: Compara- tive learning in higher primates. University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (1961-63) FiscHER, GLORIA J., and KITCHENER, SAuL L.: Comparative learning in young gorillas and orang- utans. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 107:337- 348, 1965. MH-5465 (R01) Paroucci, ALLEN: Identification of simple perceptual stimuli. University of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. (1961-64) Parbuccr, A.: Sequential effects in judgment. Psy- chological Bulletin, 61:163-167, 1964. PArDuUCCcI, A., and SANDUSKY, A.: Distribution and sequence effects in judgment. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 69(5):450-459, 1965. MH-5469 (R03) McCAIN, GARVIN M.: Effects of overstraining on learning factors. Arlington State College, Arlington, Texas. (1961-62) McCAIN, GARVIN, and GARRETT, B. L.: Generaliza- tion to stimuli of different brightness in three straight-alley studies. Psychological Reports, 15: 368-370, 1964. MH-5470 (R01) JOHNS, VARNER J., JR., BRUNJES, SHANNON, and CocHRAN, BURT, Jr.: Cate- cholamine and lipid metabolism in mental stress. Loma Linda University, Los Angeles, Calif. (1961-65) BruNjJEs, S. D., Haywoop, L. J., and MARONDE, R. E.: A controlled study of the antihypertensive response to an MAO inhibitor. B. Urinary ex- cretion of catecholamines and their metabolites. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 107:982-992, 1963. BruUNJES, S. D., and WyBENGA, D.: Differential fluorometry in catecholamine determination: A simplified method of calculation. Clinical Chem- istry, 9(5):626-630, 1963. BrunjEs, S. D., WYBENGA, D., and JoHNs, V. J.: Fluorometric determination of urinary metaneph- ride and normetanephrine. Clinical Chemistry, 10 (1):1-12, 1964. BrUNJES, S. W., WYBENGA, D., SPrOED, J., and CHANEY, A.: A vanillylmandelic acid procedure using an Ion exchange resin for the initial sepa- ration. (Abstract) Clinical Chemistry, 8:452-453, 1962. CocHRAN, B., and MARBACH, E. P.: Some acute and chronic biochemical responses to electroconvulsive therapy. In: Wortis, J., ed. Recent advances in biological psychiatry. Vol. 4. New York, Plenum Press, 1962, p. 154-169. CocHRAN, B., and MarBAcH, E. P.: Serum lipid responses to somatic challenges in a neuropsychi- atric hospital. In: Wortis, J., ed. Recent ad- vance in biological psychiatry. Vol. 6. New York, Plenum Press, 1964, p. 233-241. DEQuATTRO, V., VON STUDNITZ, W., WYBENGA, D., and BryYBHESM, S. D.: Determination of uri- nary 3,4-dihydroxymandelic acid. (Abstract) Clin- ical Research, 11:84, 1963. SHANKEL, S., BRUNJES, S. D., and JoHNs, V. J.: A new in vivo assay of monoamine oxidase activity. (Abstract) Clinical Research, 10:90, 1962. MH-5473 (R01) StoTLAND, EZRA: Cognitive in- fluences on anxiety. University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (1961-62) STOTLAND, EZRA, and BLUMENTHAL, ARTHUR L.: The reduction of anxiety as a result of expectation of making a choice. Canadian Journal of Psychol- ogy/Review of Canadian Psychology, 18:139-145, 1964. StoTLAND, E., and LiNDsTROM, M.: The influence of anticipatory insight on subsequent anxiety. Human Relations, 17:267-275, 1964. MH-5484 (R01) THULINE, Horace C. and Priest, JEAN H.: DNA duplication in human chromosomes. Rainier School, Buckley, Wash. (1961-64) Priest, JEAN H., THULINE, H. C., Norsy, D. E, and LAVECK, G. D.: Reproduction in human au- tosomal trisomics; including chromosome studies of a mongol mother, her non-mongol twins and her family. A. M. A. Journal of the Diseases of Children, 105:31-41, 1963. MH-5495 (R01) HasseNPLUG, Luru W., and QuiNT, JEANNE C.: Adjustment processes fol- lowing radical mastectomy. University of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. (1961-63) QuiNT, JEANNE C.: Delineation of qualitative as- ects of nursing care. Nursing Research, 11: 204-206, 1962. QuiNT, JEANNE C.: The impact of mastectomy. American Journal of Nursing, 63(11):88-91, 1963. QUINT, JEANNE C.: Mastectomy: Signpost in time. Journal of Nursing Education, 3:3-33, 1963. QUINT, JEANNE C.: Mastectomy-symbol of cure or warning sign? GP, 29(3):119-124, 1964. QuINT, JEANNE C.: Institutionalized practices of in- formation control. Psychiatry, 28(2):119-132, 1965. MH-5498 (R03) Katz, SANFORD: The reaction time of mediated responses. Hobart and William Smith College, Geneva, N.Y. (1961-62) Katz, S.: The reaction time of mediated responses. Psychological Record, 13(1):57-64, 1963. MH-5503 (R01) ToMmaN, JAMES E.: Mechanisms of action of psychotropic drugs. Chicago Medical School, Chicago, Ill. (1961- ) MirLaG, H., LEVIN, J. J, and TomMmaN, J. E. P.: Utility of rheobase-length measurement in drug studies on nerves. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 24(2) Part 1:716, 1965. SaBeLLI, H. C.: A pharmacological strategy for the study of central modulator linkages. In: Wortis, Joseph, ed. Recent advances in biological psychi- atry. Vol. 6. New York, Plenum Press, 1964, p. 145-182. SaBeLLy, H. C., MARKS, R., and TomaN, J. E. P.: Drug studies on earthworm isolated ventral cord. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22:391, 1963. SaBeLLL, H. C, and ToMmAN, J. E. P.: Autonomic- like mechanisms modulating brain functions. (Ab- stract) American Zoologist, 1(4):468, 1961. SaBeLLI, H. C., and ToMAN, J. E. P.: Drug-induced rage in cats. (Abstract) Excerpta Medica, Serial No. 48:1229, 1962. SABELLI, H. C;, and ToMmAN, J. E. P.: Central modu- lator mechanisms. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 21:331, 1962. ToMmaN, J. E. P.: Some aspects of central nervous pharmacology. Annual Review of Pharmacology, 3:153-184, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 4545). TomaN, James E. P.: Contribution of physiology and pharmacology to psychiatry. Chicago Medi- cal School Quarterly, 24:21-31, 1964. VAZQUEZ, A. J.: Strychnine-sensitive mechanisms in cat rage. (Abstract) Federation Proceedings, 22 (2) Part 1:514, 1963. VazQuez, A. J., SaBerLLl, H. C, and TOMAN, J. E. P.: Drug effects on rabbit cortical averaged evoked potentials. (Abstract) Federation Proceed- ings, 23(2)Part 1:248, 1964. VazQuez, A. J. SaBerLii, H. C, and TOMAN, J. E. P.: Action of nicotine and other drugs upon rabbit cortical averaged evoked potentials. (Ab- stract) Federation Proceedings, 24(2)Part 1:266, 1965. VAzQuEz, A. J., and ToMAN, J. E. P.: Human EEG averaged operant potentials. (Abstract) Federa- tion Proceedings, 25(2):638, 1966. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4545). MH-5504 (R01) LuBIN, ARDIE, and LANA, ROBERT E.: The repeated measurement design in psycho- pharmacology. American University, Washington, .C. (1961-62) LuBIN, ARDIE: Book Review: Problems in measur- ing change. Harris, Chester W., ed. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1963. American Journal of Psychology, 78(2):324-327, 1965. MH-5505 (R01) MAHER, BRENDAN A.: Telemet- ric autonomic measure of conflict behavior. Har- vard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1961-64) MAHER, BRENDAN: The application of the approach- avoidance conflict model to social behavior. Jour- nal of Conflict Resolution, 8:287-291, 1964. MAHER, BRENDAN, WEISSTEIN, NAOMI, and SYLVAI, KATHLEEN: The determinants of oscillation points in a temporal decision conflict. Psychonomic Sci- ence, 1:13-14, 1964. MH-5509 (R01) Frus, HENNING, MILHO]J, PouL, and STEHOUWER, JAN: Study of social well-being of the aged in Denmark. Danish National Insti- tute of Social Research, Copenhagen, Denmark. (1961-63) Frus, HENNING: Cross-national research in old age. International Social Science Bulletin, 15(3):451- 455, 1963. MH-5511 (R01) TowNseND, PETER B.: Social functioning of the aged. University of London— University College, London, U.K. (1961-63) TowNSEND, PETER: Moving towards a general the- ory of family structure. In: Townsend, Peter. The family life of old people. Baltimore, Md., Pelican Books, 1963, p. 300-313. TownNsEND, PETER: The place of older people in different societies. Lancet, 18:159-161, 1964. WEDDERBURN, DOROTHY COLE: Economic aspects of aging. International Social Science Journal, 15 (3) :394-409, 1963. WEDDERBURN, DOROTHY COLE: Pension problems. London and Cambridge Economic Bulletin, No. 49, March 1964, p. 6-11. MH-5512 (R04) ALLAND, ALEXANDER, JR., and Forp, CLELLAN S.: A comparative study of prim- itive hygiene. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1961-62) ALLAND, ALEXANDER, JR.: Residence, domicile, and descent: Groups among the Abron of the Ivory Coast. Ethnology, 2(3):276-281, 1963. ALLAND, ALEXANDER, JR.S Native therapists and western medical practitioners among the Abron of the Ivory Coast. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 26:714-725, 1964. 562 MH-5513 (R01) FERGUSON, FRANCES NORTHEND, and HONIGMANN, JOHN J.: Sociopsychological dynamics of nonattachment. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1961-62) FERGUSON, FRANCES N.: The master-disciple rela- tionship in India. Research Previews (Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.), 10:22-26, 1963. MH-5515 (R03) FiscHER, GLORIA ].: Simple vis- ual discrimination learning sets. University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (1961-61) FiscHER, GLORIA J.: The formation of learning sets in young gorillas. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:924-925, 1962. MH-5516 (R03) Jackson, ELTON F.: Effects of status mobility and inconsistency. Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Conn. (1961-63) Jackson, ELTON F., and BURKE, PETER ].: Status and symptoms of stress: Additive and interaction effects. American Sociological Review, 30(4): 556-564, 1965. MH-5518 (P01) ENGELHARDT, DAvID M., FINK, GERALDINE, KAUFMAN, I. CHARLES, and SHANDS, HARLEY C.: Psychiatric treatment process research center. State University of New York—Down- state Medical Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1961- ) GoOODENOUGH, DonNaLp R., Lewis, HELEN B.,, SHAPIRO, ARTHUR, LEROY, JARET, and SLESER, IRVING: Dream reporting following abrupt and gradual awakenings from different types of sleep. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2 (2):170-179, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH- 3885). GOODENOUGH, DonNaLp R.,- LEwis, HELEN B,, SHAPIRO, ARTHUR, and SLESER, IRVING: Some correlates of dream reporting following labora- tory awenkings. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 140(5):365-373, 1965. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3885). Lewis, HELEN B., GoobeENOuUGH, DonNaALD R., SHAPIRO, ARTHUR, and SLESER, IRVING: Individual differences in dream recall. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 71(1):52-59, 1966. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3885). SHAPIRO, A.: Instrumental techniques for the study of human behavior. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 118:65-70, 1964. SHAPIRO, ARTHUR, and COHEN, HARVEY D.: The use of mercury capillary length gauges for the measurement of the volume of thoracic and di- aphragmatic components of human respiration: A theoretical analysis and a practical method. Trans- actions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Ser. II, 27 (6) :634-649, 1965. SHAPIRO, ARTHUR, GOODENOUGH, DONALD, LEWIS, HELEN B., and SLESER, IRVING: Gradual arousal from sleep: A determinant of thinking reports. Psychosomatic Medicine, 27(4):342-349, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3885). MH-5519 (P01) GRINKER, Roy R.: Psychosomatic clinical research center. Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, Ill. (1961- ) FINE, PauL, and OFFER, DANIEL: Periodic out- bursts of antisocial behavior. - Archives of General Psychiatry, 13(3) :240-254, 1965. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4870). GoLDsTEIN, I. B.: A comparison between Taylor's and Freeman’s manifest anxiety scales. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27:466, 1963. GOLDSTEIN, Iris B.: Physiological responses in anx- ious women patients. Archives of General Psy- chiatry, 10(4) :382-388, 1964. GoLpsTEIN, I. R., GRINKER, R. R., HEATH, H. A., OkEN, D,, and SHipMAN, W. G.: Study in psy- chophysiology of muscle tension. 1. Response specificity. Archives of General Psychiatry, 11: 322-330, 1964. GRINKER, R. R.: A struggle for eclecticism. Amer- ican Journal of Psychiatry, 121:451-457, 1964. HeatH, HELEN A., and OKEN, DoNALD: The quantification of “response” to experimental stim- uli. Psychosomatic Medicine, 27(5):457-471, 1965. OKEN, D.: “Tension,” stress and self-control. chosomatics, 5:3-6, 1964. Psy- OkEN, DONALD, and GRINKER, Roy R.: The pri- vate mental hospital: A setting for clinical re- search. Mental Hospitals, 13:483-486, 1962. SHIPMAN, W. G.: The validity of MMPI hostility scales. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21(2): 186-190, 1965. SHIPMAN, W. G., OkEN, D.: GoLpsTEIN, I. B,, GRINKER, R. R., and HEATH, H. A.: Study in psychophysiology of muscle tension. II. Person- ality factors. Archives of General Psychiatry, 11: 330-345, 1964. MH-5521 (P01) FRANK, JEROME D.: KETY, SEY- MOUR S.: A ‘psychiatric research center and pro- gram. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. (1961-62) PARK, L. C., BALDESsARINI, R. J., and KETY, S. S.: Methionine effects on chronic schizophrenics. Archives of General Psychiatry, 12(4):346-351, 1965. PoLrack, I. W., and KiEv, A.: Spatial orientation of psychotherapy: An experimental study of per- ception. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- ease, 137(1) :93-97, 1963. 563 MH-5527 (RO1) GREENBERG, NAHMAN H,, GErTY, FRANCIS, and SABSHIN, MELVIN: Psycho- physiological studies during infancy. University of Illinois, Chicago, Ill. (1961-64) GREENBERG, N. H.: Studies in psychosomatic dif- ferentiation during infancy. Archives of General Psychiatry, 7:389-406, 1962. GREENBERG, N. H.: Origins of head-rolling (spas- mus nutans) during early infancy: Clinical ob- servations and theoretical implications. Psycho- somatic Medicine, 26:162-171, 1964. GREENBERG, N. H., and LoEkscH, J. G.: Some spe- cific areas of conflicts observed during pregnancy. American. Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 32:624-636, 1962. MH-5541 (RO1) Leevy, CARROLL M., CHERRICK, GILBERT R., COLE, MALVIN, and NENNO, ROB- ERT P.: Biochemical mechanism of delirium tremens. Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry, Jersey City, N.J. (1961- ) CHERRICK, GILBERT R., BAKER, HERMAN, FRANK, OscARr, and LEEVY, CARROLL M.: Observations on hepatic acidity for folate in laennec’s cirrhosis. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 66 (3) :446-451, 1965. CHERRICK, GILBERT R., and LEEVY, CARROLL M.: Effect of ethanol metabolism on pyridine nucleo- tides in extrahepatic tissues. (Abstract) Federa- tion Proceedings, 23:242, 1964. CHERRICK, G. R., and LEevY, C. M.: The effect of ethanol metabolism on levels of oxidized and re- duced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide in liver, kidney, and heart. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 107:29-37, 1965. FENNELLY, JAMES, BAKER, HERMAN, FRANK, Os- CAR, and LEEVY, CARROLL M.: Deficiency of thi- amine pyrophosphate apoenzyme in liver disease. Clinical Research, 11:182, 1963. FENNELLY, J., FRANK, O., BAKER, H., and LEEVY, C. M.: Peripheral neuropathy of the alcoholic: I. Aectiological role of aneurin and other B- complex vitamins. British Medical Journal, 2: 1290-1292, 1964. Leevy, CARROLL M.: Clinical aspects of the hepatic circulation. ~~ Gastroenterology, 48(6):790-804, 1965. LEEvY, CARROLL M., and BAKER, HERMAN: Meta- bolic and nutritional effects of alcoholism. Ar- chives of Environmental Health, 7:453-459, 1963. LEevy, CARROLL M., BAKER, HERMAN, TENHOVE, WIiLLEM, FRANK, OscAR, and CHERRICK, GIL- BERT R.: B-complex vitamins in liver disease of the alcoholic. American Journal of Clinical Nu- trition, 16(4) :339-346, 1965. LEevy, CarRroLL M., TENHOVE, WILLEM, and HowARrp, MACEO: Mesenchymal-cell proliferation in liver disease of the alcoholic. Journal of the American Medical Association, 187:598-600, 1964. MH-5543 (R03) Hawkins, Davip R., and Pur- YEAR, HERBERT: Basal skin resistance change in sleep and dreaming. University of North Caro- lina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1961-62) HAWKINS, DAvID R., PURYEAR, HERBERT B., WAL- LACE, CHARLES D., Dear, WiLLiAM B., and THoMAs, EpwIN S.: Basal skin resistance during sleep and “dreaming.” Science, 136:311-322, 1962. MH-5547 (R03) ScHwARTZ, FRED: Role of at- tention in learning memory. Austin Riggs Cen- ter, Stockbridge, Mass. (1961-62) ScHwARTZ, F., and LiPPMANN, FRANCES: Cognitive and associative structures in recall. Psychological Reports, 11:91-101, 1962. ScHwARTZ, F., and Novick; T. N.: An associative explanation of verbal satiation. Psychological Re- ports, 15:404, 1964. MH-5548 (R03) NicHoLs, RoBERT C., and LEW- INSOHN, PETER M.: Evaluation of change in men- tal disorders. Larue Carter Memorial Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. (1961-62) LEwWINSOHN, P. M., and NicHoLs, R. C.: The evalu- ation of changes in psychiatric patients during and after hospitalization. Journal of Clinical Psychol- 0gy, 20:272-279, 1964. LewiNsoHN, P. M., NicHors, R. C., Puros, L., LAaMoNT, J. F,, NickeL, H. J., and SisKIND, G.: The reliability and validity of quantified judge- ments from psychological tests. Journal of Clin- ical Psychology, 19:64-73, 1963. MH-5550 (R01) KroN, REUBEN E., and STEIN, MARVIN: Experimental investigation of sucking behavior. University of Pennsylvania, Philadel phia, Pa. (1961- ) Kron, R. E., STEIN, M., and GoppAarDp, G. E.: A method of measuring sucking behavior of new- born infants. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25:181- 191, 1963. MH-5554 (R03) SMALL, Joyce G.: EEG activa- tion by emotional stress. University of Oregon Medical School, Portland, Ore. (1961-62) SMALL, J. G., STEVENS, J. R., and MILSTREIN, V.: Electro-clinical correlates of emotional activation of the electroencephalogram. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 138:146-155, 1964. 564 MH-5561 (R03) GHENT, ARTHUR W.: Tribolium responses to fresh and conditioned flours. Uni- versity of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (1961-62) GHENT; ARTHUR W.: Studies of behavior of the Tribolium flour beetles. I. Contrasting responses of “T. castaneum” and “T. confusum” to fresh and conditioned flours. Ecology, 44(2):269-283, 1963. MH-5566 (RO1) REiss, IRA L.: Guttman scales of student attitudes. State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (1961-64) (Continued from MH- 4045). : McTAavisH, DoNALD G.: A method for more re- liable coding detailed occupations into Duncan’s socio-economic categories. American Sociological Review, 29:402-406, 1964. (Also aknowledges MH-4045). Reiss, IRA L.: Sexual codes in teen-age culture. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, November: 53-62, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-4045). Ress, IRA L.: Sociological studies of sexual stand- ards. In: Winokur, G., ed. Determinants of human sexual behavior, Chapter 6. Springfield, Ill., Thomas, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 4045). Reiss, IRA L.: Premarital sexual permissiveness among Negroes and whites. American Sociologi- cal Review, 29:688-698, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4045). Reiss, IRA L.: Social class and premarital sexual permissiveness: A re-examination. American So- ciological Review, 30(5):747-756, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4045). MH-5588 (R01) LOEB, JANICE: Social reinforce- ment and learning in children. Dallas Child Guidance Clinic, Dallas, Texas. (1961-62) LokeB, JANICE: The incentive value of cartoon faces to children. Journal of Experimental Child Psy- chology, 1:99-107, 1964 MH-5589 (R01) RoseN, BERNARD C.: Family structure and achievement motivation. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (1961- ) (Con- tinued from MH-2283). ROSEN, BERNARD C.: Family structure and achieve- ment motivation. American Sociological Review, 26:574-585, (Also acknowledges MH- 2283). 1961. ROSEN, BERNARD C.: Socialization and achievement motivation in Brazil. American Sociological Re- view, 27:612-624, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2283). RoseN, BERNARD C.: The achievement syndrome and economic growth in Brazil. Social Forces, 42(3):341-354, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 2283). MH-5590 (R03) MECHAM, MERLIN ].: Language scores vs. speech training. Brigham Young Uni- versity, Provo, Utah. (1961-62) MEcHAM, M. J.: Prediction and measurement of speech improvement in the mentally retarded. In: Selected convention papers, 40th Annual Council for Exceptional Children Convention. Washing- ton, D.C., National Education Association, 1962, p- 130-134. MH-5591 (RO1) BoRrGATTA, EDGAR F.: Cumula- tive scaling and error estimation. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (1961-64) BORGATTA, EDGAR F.: Some comments on metho- dological developments in the last quarter-century. Sociological Quarterly, 3:296-315, 1962. BORGATTA, EDGAR F., and StoLz, WALTER: A note on a computer program for rearrangement of matrices. Sociometry, 26(3):391-392, 1963. MH-5597 (R03) UHR, LEONARD M.: Experimen- tal tests of computer model for perception. Uni- versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1961- 62) UHR, LEONARD, VOSSLER, CHARLES, and ULEMAN, JAMES: Pattern recognition over distortions, by human subjects and by a computer simulation of a model for human form perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63:227-234, 1962. MH-5600 (R01) WEINER, HAROLD: A study of observer responses in a vigilance task. St. Eliza- beth’s Hospital, Washington, D.C. (1961-62) WEINER, HAROLD: Some effects of response cost upon human, operant behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5:201-208, 1962. WEINER, HAROLD: Operant programming with tran- sisterized digital elements. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 6:193-195, 1963. WEINER, HAROLD: Response cost and the aversive contro} of human operant behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:415- 421, 1963. WEINER, HAROLD: Response cost and fixed-ratio performance. Journal of the Experimental Analy- sis of Behavior, 7:79-81, 1964. WEINER, HAROLD: Modification of escape respond- ing in humans by increasing the magnitude of an aversive event. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7:277-279, 1964. 565 WEINER, HAROLD: Response cost effects during ex- tinction following fixed-interval reinforcement in humans. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7:333-335, 1964. WEINER, H.: Conditioning history and human fixed- interval performance. Journal of the Experimen- tal Analysis of Behavior, 7(5):383-385, 1964. MH-5611 (R03) GERKEN, GEORGE M.: Correla- tion of evoked potential and behavior. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. (1961-62) GERKEN, G. M.: Correlational analysis of evoked responses. (Abstract) Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 35:809-810, 1963. MH-5619 (R17) MENDELSON, Jack H.: Metabolic and behavioral aspects of alcohol addiction. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1961- ) McGUIRE, MICHAEL T., STEIN, STEFAN, and MEN- DELSON, JAcK H.: Comparative psychosocial stud- ies of alcoholic and nonalcoholic subjects under- going experimentally induced ethanol intoxication. Psychosomatic Medicine, 28(1):13-26, 1966. Merro, Nancy K., and MENDELSON, JAcK H.: Operant drinking of alcohol on a rate-contingent ratio schedule of reinforcement. Journal of Psy- chiatric Research, 3(3):145-152, 1965. MkeLLo, N. K., and MENDELSON, J. H.: Operant analysis of drinking patterns of chronic alcoholics. Nature, 206(4979) :43-46, 1965. MENDELSON, Jack H., and MELLO, NANcy K.: A tamper-proof fluid dispenser and drinkometer for monkeys. Psychonomic Science, 2(9):387- 388, 1965. MENDELSON, Jack H., MEeLLo, Nancy K., Cor- BETT, CLARE, and BALLARD, REGINALD: Puromy- cin inhibition of ethanol ingestion and liver alcohol dehydrogenase activity in the rat. Journal of Psy- chiatric Research, 3(2):133-143, 1965. MENDELSON, Jack H., STEIN, STEFAN, and Mc- GUIRE, MICHAEL T.: Comparative psychophysio- logical studies of alcoholic and nonalcoholic sub- jects undergoing experimentally induced ethanol intoxication. Psychosomatic Medicine, 28(1): 1-12, 1966. ScHAPIRO, R. H., ScHEIG, R. L., DRUMMEY, G. D,, MENDELSON, J. H., and ISSELBACHER, K. J.: Effects of prolonged ethanol ingestion on the transport and metabolism of lipids in man. New England Journal of Medicine, 272(12):610-615, 1965. TALLAND, GEORGE A., MENDELSON, JAck H, Koz, GABRIEL, and AARON, ROBERT: Experimen- tal studies of the effects of tricyanoaminopropene on the memory and learning capacities of geriatric patients. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 3(3): 171-179, 1965. MH-5622 (R03) CERNY, LAURENCE C.: In vitro, in vivo blood flow correlation study. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. (1961-62) CerNY, L. C.: A region of Newtonian flow for whole blood. Biorheology, 1:159-165, 1963. MH-5625 (R03) Young, Frank W.: Cross-cul- tural test of two identification hypotheses. Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1961-62) Young, FRANK W., and YouNG, RutH C.: The sequence and direction of community growth: A cross-cultural generalization. Rural Sociology, 27(4):374-386, 1962. YouNG, FRANK W., and YouNG, RuTH C.: Toward a theory of community development. In: Science, technology and development. Vol. 7. Social problems of development and urbanization. United Nations Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less De- veloped Areas. New York, United Nations, 1963, p- 23-31. MH-5627 (R01) Quay, HERBERT C., and PETER- soN, DoNALD R.: Dimensions of personality in juvenile delinquency. Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. (1961-63) Quay, HERBERT C.: Dimensions of personality in delinquent boys as inferred from the factor analy- sis of case history data. Child Development, 35: 479-484, 1964. Quay, H. C,, and Quay, L. C.: Behavior problems in early adolescence. Child Development, 36(1): 215-220, 1965. MH-5630 (R01) SHANAS, ETHEL: National survey of noninstitutionalized older people. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1961-63) SHANAS, ETHEL: Some observations on cross-national surveys of aging. Gerontologist, 3:7-9, 1963. SHANAs, ETHEL: Cross-national research in aging: A report of an on-going research project. Social Process, 26:19-22, 1963. MH-5632 (R17) Krarr, ALBERT R.: Oxidative and photosynthetic phosphorylation. ~ University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Fla. (1961- 64) KrarL, A. R.: Urinary indoles in mental patients. Journal of the American Medical Association, 185:889-890, 1963. KRALL, A. R,, and Bass, E. R.: Oxygen dependency of in vivo photophospherylation. Nature, 196 (4856) :791-792, 1962. Krarr, ALBERT R., LEVER, P. GORDON, VILLA- VERDE, RICARDO, and BILLETT, BERNICE: Studies on urinary indoles in mental patients. Journal of 566 the American Medical Association, 184:280-282, 1963. KraLL, A. R., SIEGEL, G., and GozANsKY, D. M.: Adrenochroms inhibition of oxidative phosphoryl- ation by rat brain mitochondria. (Abstract) Fed- eration Proceedings, 22:55f, 1962. MH-5639 (R03) MAYNARD, EpiTH A.: Study of esterases in crustacean nervous system. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1961-61) MAYNARD, E. A.: An electrophoretic study of ester- ases in the nervous systems of several decapod crustacea. (Abstract) American Zoologist, 1(4): 462, 1961. MH-5643 (R01) KING, JoHN A., and BALABAN, MARTIN: Social and hereditary factors in nervous instability. Michigan State University, East Lan- sing, Mich. (1961- ) (Continued from MH- 123). FreepMAN, D., Erriorr, O., and KING, J. A.: Critical period in the social development of dogs. Science, 133:1016-1017, 1961. (Also acknowl- edges MH-123). KiNG, J. A.: Swimming and reaction to electric shock in two subspecies of deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus) during development. Animal Be- haviour, 9:142-150, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-123). KING, J. A.: Development and behavioral evolution in “Peromyscus.” In: Blair, W. F., ed. Verte- brate speciation. Austin, Texas, University of Texas Press, 1961, p. 122-145. (Also acknowl- edges MH-123). KING, J. A.: Maternal behavior in “Peromyscus.” In: Rheingold, H. L., ed. Maternal behavior of mammals. Baltimore, Wiley & Sons, 1963, p. 58- 93. (Also acknowledges MH-123). KING, JoHN A.: Body, brain, and lens weights of “Peromyscus.” Zoologische Jahrbucher Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere (Germany), 82:5.177- 188, 1965. KING, J. A., DEsHAIES, J. C., and WEBSTER, R.: Age of weaning in two subspecies of deer mice. Science, 139:483-484, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-123). KING, J. A., Maas, D., and WEISMAN, R. G.: Geo- graphic variation in nest size among three species of Peromyscus. (Abstract) American Zoologist, 3:501, 1963. Also in: Evolution, 18(2):230- 234, 1964. KING, JoHN A., and WEISMAN, RONALD G.: Sand digging contingent upon bar pressing in deermice (Peromyscus). Animal Behavior, 12(4):446- 450, 1964. KING, JoHN A., and WEISMAN, RONALD G.: Visual discrimination in deermice. Psychonomic Science, 4(1):43-44, 1965. ROSEN, J., and HART, F. M.: Effects of early social isolation upon adult timidity and dominance in “Peromyscus.” Psychological Reports, 13:47-50, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-123). MH-5652 (R01) KALLMANN, FRANZ J.: Confer- ence on goals of genetics in psychiatry. New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, N.Y. (1961-61) KaLLMANN, F. J.: Expanding goals of genetics in psychiatry. In: Kallmann, F. J., ed. Symposium at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1962, p. 1-12. MH-5655 (P01) BacoN, SELDON D.: Center of alcohol studies at Rutgers. The State University of Rutgers, New Brunswick, N.J. (1961- ) Bacon, S. D.: Alcoholism. In: Josephson, Eric, and Josephson, Mary, eds. Man alone: Alienation in modern society. New York, Dell, 1962, p. 393-401. Bacon, S. D.: The Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies. A tentative conceptualization of purpose. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 23:321- 324, 1962. BacoN, S. D.: Alcohol and complex society. In: Pittman, D. J., and Snyder, C. R., eds. Society, culture and drinking patterns. New York, Wiley, 1962, p. 78-93. Bacon, S. D.: Changes in alcoholism rehabilitation, 1928-1963. Academy of Medicine of New Jersey, 9:166-178, 1963. Bacon, S. D.: Alcohol, alcoholism, and crime: An overview. Crime and Delinquency, 9:1-14, 1963. Bacon, S. D., and Straus, R. D.: The problems of drinking in college. In: Pittman, D. J. and Snyder, C. R., eds. Society, culture and drinking patterns. New York, Wiley, 1962, p. 246-258. CARPENTER, J. A.: Effects of alcohol on psychologi- cal processes. In: Fox, B. H., and Fox, J. H., eds. Alcohol and traffic safety. Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1963, p. 45-90. (Public Health Service Pub. No. 1043). CARPENTER, JOHN A., and Ross, BRuce M.: Effect of alcohol on short-term memory. Quarterly Jour- nal of Studies on Alcohol, 26(4):561-579, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-6953). CARPENTER, J. A., and VARLEY, M. E.: The joint action of tranquilizers and alcohol on driving. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Confer- ence on Alcohol and Road Traffic, 1962. London, British Medical Association, 1963, p. 156-161. 567 ErroN, V., and KELLER, M.: Selected statistical tables on the consumption of alcohol, 1850-1961 and on alcoholism, 1930-1960. Quarterly Journal on Studies on Alcohol, 18 p., July 1962. FALLDING, H.: Functional analysis in sociology. American Sociological Review, 28:5-13, 1963. GorpoN, E. R:: Glucose consumption by the per- fused isolated rat liver. Canadian Journal of Bio- chemistry and Physiology, 41:1611-1620, 1963. GorpoN, E., TINKER, D. O., and WaTsoN, W. J.: A study of intermediate carbohydrate metabolism in rats exposed to high oxygen pressures. ~ Cana- dian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology, 41: 327-333, 1963. JonEs, R. W.: Changing patterns and attitudes to- ward use of alcoholic beverages in the United States, 1900-1963. In: Reynolds, Richard B., ed. Interpreting current knowledge about alcohol and alcoholism to a college community. Albany, New York, New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, 1964, p. 9-20. KELLER, M.: The definition of alcoholism and the estimation of its prevalence. In: Pittman, D. J., and Snyder, C. R., eds. Society, culture, and drinking patterns. New York, Wiley, 1962, p. 310-329. (Also acknowledges MH-9159). LEsTER, D.: Endogenous ethanol. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 22:554-574, 1961. LESTER, D.: The concentration of apparent endoge- nous. ethanol. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 23:17-25, 1962. LESTER, D.: Rapid methods for processing large numbers of tissue samples for ethyl-alcohol. In: Alcohol and road trafhc, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, London, 1962. 1963, p. 231-236. McCArTHY, R. G.: Community responsibility for the control of alcoholism. In: Los Angeles Confer- ence on Alcoholism. Los Angeles, Calif., Wel- fare Planning Council, 1962, p. 1-6. McCARTHY, R. B.: Alcohol—its social and educa- tional implications. In: Alcohol education— whose responsibility? Michigan State Board of Alcoholism, 1963, p. 4-11. McCarTHY, R. G.: Alcohol education for classroom and community: A source book for educators. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964. 308 p. MURPHREE, HENRY B., Pricg, LiLLys M., and GREENBERG, LEON A.: Effect of congeners in al- coholic beverages on the incidence of nystagmus. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 27(2): 201-213, 1966. RUBINGTON, E.: The alcohol offender and his treat- ment. In: Toch, Hans, ed. Legal and criminal psychology. New York, Holt, Rinehart, & Win- ston, 1961, p. 381-399. RUBINGTON, E.: “Failure” as a heavy drinker: The case of the chronic drunkenness offender on skid row. In: Pittman, David J., and Snyder, Charles R., eds. Society, culture and drinking patterns. New York, Wiley, 1962, p. 146-153. MH-5664 (R10) BriLL, HENRY: NIMH collabo- rative study. New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, Albany, N.Y. (1961- ) DevYkIN, Eva Y. KLERMAN, GERALD L. and ARMOR, DAVID J.: The relatives of schizophrenic patients: Clinical judgments of potential emo- tional resourcefulness. American Journal of Or- thopsychiatry, 36(3):518-528, 1966. KLErMAN, G. L.: NIMH collaborative study of phenothiazine treatment of acute schizophrenic psychoses. Transactions of the 6th Research Con- ference on Cooperative Chemotherapy Studies in Psychiatry and Broad Research Approaches to Mental Illness. Washington, D.C., Veterans Ad- ministration, 6:30-38, 1961. KLERMAN, G. L.: The influence of personality fac- tors on phrenotropic agent effects. Transactions of the 6th Research Conference on Cooperative Chemotherapy Studies ih Psychiatry and Broad Research Approaches to Mental Illness. Wash- ington, D.C., Veterans Administration, 6:339- 346, 1961. KLERMAN, G. L.: Stress and adjustment reactions: Classification and clinical orientation. In: No- dine, J. H., and Moyer, J. H., eds. Psychosomatic medicine. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1962, p. 14-17.. KLERMAN, G. L.: Ratings scales in the measurement of psychopathologic pharmacologic response. In: Nodine, J. H., and Moyer, J. H., eds. Psychoso- matic Medicine. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1962, p. 368-372. KLERMAN, G. L.: Assessing the influence of the hospital milieu upon the effectiveness of psychi- atric drug therapy: Problems of conceptualization and of research methodology. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:143-154, 1963. National Institute of Mental Health, Psychopharma- cology Service Center Collaborative Study Group. Phenothiazine treatment in acute schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 10:246-261, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4661; MH-4663; MH- 4667; MH-4673; MH-4674; MH-4675; MH- 4679; MH-4803; MH-4671). PEARLIN, LEONARD I., and KLERMAN, GERALD S.: Career preferences of psychiatric residents. = Psy- chiatry, 29(1):56-66, 1966. Rosg, R. M., DiMascio, A., and KLERMAN, G. L.: Non-polar urinary metabolites of chlorpromazine in male schizophrenics. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2(4):299-305, 1964. 568 MH-5668 (R03) BECKETT, PETER G. S., and FROH- MAN, CHARLES E.: Biochemical study of primates reared in isolation. Lafayette Clinic, Detroit, Mich. (1961-62) BECKETT, P. G. S., FROHMAN, C. E., DAVENPORT, R. K,, Jr, RoGErs, M., and GOTTLIEB, ]. S.: Biologic effects of infantile restriction in chim- panzees. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 4(1):1-8, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1005). MH-5671 (R03) RIEBER, MORTON: Delay of re- ward and discrimination learning. Baylor Uni- versity, Houston, Texas. (1961-62) RIEBER, M.: Verbal mediations in normal and re- tarded children. American [Journal of Mental Deficiency, 68:634-641, 1964. RIEBER, M.: Delay of reward and discrimination learning in children. Child Development, 35: 559-568, 1964. RIEBER, MORTON, and JOHNSON, BETTE M.: The relative effects of alternating delayed reinforce- ment and alternating nonreinforcement on re- sponse speeds of children. Journal of Experimen- tal Child Psychology, 1:174-181, 1964. MH-5673 (R01) TEUBER, HANsS-LUKAs: Program of research in neuropsychology. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. (1961- ) (Continued from MH-3347). ALTMAN, J.: Diurnal activity rhythm of rats with lesions of superior colliculus and visual cortex. American Journal of Physiology, 202(6):1205- 1207, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). ALTMAN, ].: Effects of lesions in central nervous visual structures on light aversion of rats. Ameri- can Journal of Physiology, 202:1208-1210, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). ALTMAN, ].: Autoradiographic study of degenera- tive and regenerative proliferation of neuroglia cells with tritiated thymidine. Experimental Neu- rology, 5(4):302-318, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3347). ALTMAN, J.: Some fiber projections to the superior colliculus in the cat. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 119:77-95, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3347). ALTMAN, J.: Are new neurons formed in the brains of adult mammals? Science, 135(3509):1127- 1128, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). ALTMAN, J., and ALTMAN, ELIZABETH: Increased utilization of an amino acid and cellular prolifer- ation demonstrated autoradiographically in the optic pathways of pigeons. Experimental Neu- rology, 6:142-151, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). ALTMAN, J., and MaLis, L. I.: An electrophysio- logical study of the superior colliculus and visual cortex. ~~ Experimental Neurology, 5:233-249, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). CHOROVER, S. L.: Effects of mescaline sulfate on extinction of conditional avoidance response (CAR). Journal of Comparative and Physiologi- cal Psychology, 54:649-652, 1961. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3347). CHOROVER, S. L., and Gross, C. G.: Caudate nu- cleus lesions: Behavioral effects in the rat. Sci- ence, 141:826-827, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). CHOROVER, S. L., and ScHILLER, P. H.: Short-term retrograde amnesia in rats. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 59:73-78, 1965. GHENT, LiLA, MISHKIN, M., and TEUBER, H. L.: Short-term memory after frontal-lobe injury in man. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:705-709, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3347). Gross, C. G.: Effects of different stimulus condi- tions on locomotor activity of frontal monkeys. (Abstract) American Psychologist, 17:385, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). Gross, C. G.: A comparison of the effects of par- tial and total lateral frontal lesions on test per- formance by monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(1):41-47, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). Gross, C. G.: Effect of deprivation on delayed response and delayed alternation performance by normal and brain operated monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56 (1):48-51, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 3347). Gross, C. G.: Discrimination reversal after lateral frontal lesions in monkeys. Journal of Compara- tice and Physiological Psychology, 56(1):52-55, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). Gross, C. G.: Locomotor activity following lateral frontal lesions in rhesus monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 232-236, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). Gross, CHARLES G., CHOROVER, STEPHAN L., and COHEN, SHOEL M.: Caudate, cortical, hippocam- pal and dorsal thalamic lesions in rats: Alterna- tion and Hebb-Williams maze performance. Nex- ropsychologia, 3:53-68, 1965. Gross, C. G., and WEISKRANTZ, L.: Evidence for dissociation of impairment on auditory discrimi- nation and delayed response following lateral frontal lesions in monkeys. Experimental Neurol- ogy, 5(6):453-476, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). 569 Gross, C. G., and WEISKRANTZ, L.: Some changes in behavior produced by lateral frontal lesions in the Macaque. In: Warren, J. M., and Akert, K., eds. The frontal granular cortex and behavior. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964, p. 74-101. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). MACKINTOSH, J., and SUTHERLAND, N. S.: Visual discrimination by the goldfish: The orientation of rectangles. Animal Behavior, 11(1):135-141, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). MackINTOSH, N. J., MACKINTOSH, J., and SUTHER- LAND, N. S.: The relative importance of horizon- tal and vertical extents in shape discrimination by octopus. Animal Behavior, 11(2&3):355-358, 1963. MEYER, V., Gross, C. G., and TeuBEr, H.-L.: Effect of knowledge of site of stimulation on the threshold for pressure sensitivity. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:637-640, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3347). PROCTOR, FLORRY, RIKLAN, M., COOPER, I. S., and TEUBER, H. L.: Somatosensory status of parkin- sonian patients before and after chemothalamec- tomy. Neurology, 13:906-912, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3347). RupEL, Rita G., and TEUBER, H.-L.: Discrimina- tion of direction of line in children. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(5): 892-898,.1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). RupkL, RiTA G., and TEUBER, H.-L.: Decrement of visual and haptic Miiller-Lyer illusion on repeated “trials: A study of crossmodal transfer. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 15:125-131, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). SEMMES, JOSEPHINE, WEINSTEIN, S., GHENT, LILA, and TEUBER, H.-L.: Correlates of impaired orien- tation in personal and extrapersonal space. Brain, 86:747-772, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 3347). SUTHERLAND, N. S.: Visual discrimination of shape by “octopus”: Squares and crosses. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55: 939-943, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). SUTHERLAND, N. S., MACKINTOSH, J., and MACKIN- TOsH, N. J.: The visual discrimination of redu- plicated patterns by octopus. Animal Behavior, 11(1):106-110, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 3347). SUTHERLAND, N. S., MaAckiNTOsH, N. J. and MACKINTOSH, J.: Simultaneous discrimination training of “octopus” and transfer of discrimina- tion along a continuum. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(1):150-156, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). SUTHERLAND, N. S., MackiNTosH, N. J, and MACKINTOSH, J.: Shape and size discrimination in octopus: The ecects of pretraining along dif- ferent dimensions. Journal of Genetic Psychol- ogy, 106 (First Half) :1-10, 1965. TeUBER, H.-L.: Brain and behavior. Summation. In: Brazier, M. A. B., ed. International Confer- ence on Brain and Behavior. Washington, D.C, American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1961, p. 393-420. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). TEUBER, H.-L.: Sensory deprivation, sensory sup- pression and agnosia: Notes for a neurologic the- ory. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 132(1):32-40, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH- 3347). TEUBER, H.-L.: Some observations on the superior colliculi of the cat. (Report on the work of J. Altman) In: Jung, R., and Kornhuber, H., eds. Neurophysiologie und Psychophysik des visuellen Systems. Heidelberg, Springer, 1961, p. 217- 221. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). TEUBER, H.-L.: Neuere Beobachtungen iiber Seh- strahlung und Sehrinde. In: Jung, R., and Korn- huber, H., eds. Neurophysiologie und Psychol- physik des visuellen Systems. Heidelberg, Spring- er, 1961, 256-274. (Also acknowledges MH- 3347). TEUBER, H.-L.: Space perception and its disturb- ances after brain injury in man. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Psychol- ogy, Bonn, 1960. Acta Psychologica, 19:837- 838, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). TEUBER, H.-L.: Effects of brain wounds implicating right or left hemisphere in man. Hemisphere dif- ferences and hemisphere interaction in vision, au- dition, and somesthesis. In: Mountcastle, V. B., ed. Interbemispheric relations and cerebral domi- nance. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1962, p. 131- 157. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). TEUBER, H.-L.: Perspectives in the problems of biological memory—A psychologist’s view. In: Schmitt, F. O., ed. Macromolecular specificity and biological memory. Cambridge, Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, 1962, p. 99-107. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). TEUBER, H.-L.: Memory. New York Medicine, 18: 248-250, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). TeUBER, H.-L.: Personality and reaction to brain damage. In: Dulany, D. E., DeValois, R. L., Beardslee, D. C., and Winterbottom, Marian R. Contributions to modern psychology. 2nd ed. New York, Oxford University, 1963, p. 406-414. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). TEUBER, H.-L.: Space perception and its disturb- ances after brain injury in man. Neuropsychol- ogia, 1:47-57, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 3347). 570 TEUBER, H.-L.: The riddle of frontal lobe function in man. In: Warren, J. M., and Akert, K., eds. The frontal granular cortex and behavior. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964, p. 410-444. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). TeuBER, H.-L., and RupiL, Rita G.: Effects of brain injury in children and adults. Clinical Psy- chology (Copenhagen), 4:113-139, 1962. (Pro- ceedings of the 14th Congress of Applied Psy- chology). (Also acknowledges MH-3347). TEUBER, H.-L., and RUDEL, RiTA G.: Behavior after cerebral lesions in children and adults. Develop- mental Medicine and Child Neurology, 4:3-20, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). VAUGHAN, HERBERT G., JRr., and Costa, Louis D.: Application of evoked potential techniques to be- havioral investigation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 118:71-75, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3347). VAUGHAN, HERBERT G., and HuLL, RICHARD C.: Functional relation between stimulus intensity and photically evoked cerebral responses in man. Na- ture, 206(4985) :720-721, 1965. WEISKRANTZ, L.: Contour discrimination in a young monkey with striate cortex ablation. Nexropsy- chologia, 1(2):145-164, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3347). WICKELGREN, W. A.: Psychology: Effects of dif- ferent terminal sounds on short-term memory for initial consonant sounds. Nature, 203:1199-1200, 1964. WICKELGREN, WAYNE A.: Short-term memory for phonemically similar lists. American Journal of Psychology, 78(4) :567-574, 1965. WYKE, MARIA, and CHOROVER, STEPHAN L.: Com- parison of spatial discrimination in the temporal and nasal sectors of the monocular visual field. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 20(3)Part 2:1037- 1045, 1965. MH-5691 (R03) WUNDERLICH, RICHARD A.: Con- tiquity determinants of discrimination difficulty. Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. (1961-62) WUNDERLICH, R. A., and Dor¥F, J. E.: Contiguity relationships of stimulus, response, and reward as determinants of discrimination difficulty. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59: 147-149, 1965. MH-5697 (R03) Bropy, NATHAN: Effect of anx- iety on information processing behavior. Prince- ton University, Princeton, N.J. (1961-62) Bropy, NATHAN: Anxiety and the variability of word associates. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:331-334, 1964. Bropy, NATHAN: Anxiety, induced muscular ten- sion, and the statistical structure of binary response sequences. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 68:540-543, 1964. Bropy, NATHAN: The effect of commitment to cor- rect and incorrect decisions on confidence in a sequential decision-task. American Journal of Psy- chology, 78(2) :251-256, 1965. MH-5698 (R03) CanpLAND, DoucLas K.: Teach- ing deaf mutes by the oddity problem method. Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. (1961-62) CANDLAND, Doucgras K., and CONKLYN, DANIEL H.: Use of the “oddity problem” in teaching men- tally retarded deaf-mutes to read; a pilot project. Training School Bulletin, 59:38-41, 1962. MH-5704 (R01) BoGocH, SAMUEL: Pathological chemistry of brain glycolipids. Foundation for Research on the Nervous System, Boston, Mass. (1961-61) (Continued from MH-2095). BoGocH, S.: Aminoglycolipids and glycoproteins of human brain. III. Quantitative separation and determination of brain glycoproteins, neuraminic acid, hexosamin, and hexoses by means of whole tissue emulsion-fractionation. Nature, 190:153- 155, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2095). BogocH, S.: Glycoproteins of human cerebrospinal fluid. In: Stewart, C. P., Fraser, S. C., and Joce- lyn, P. C, eds. Proceedings of the 4th Interna- tional Congress on Clinical Chemistry. Edin- burgh & London, Livingston, 1961, p. 136. (Also acknowledges MH-2095). BogGocH, S.: Aminoglycolipids and glycoproteins of human brain. New methods for their extraction and further study in the sphingolipidoses. Aronson, S. M., and Volk, B. W., eds. Proceed- ings of the international conference on the sphin- golipidoses. New York, Academic Press, p. 249- 270. (Also acknowledges MH-2095). BogocH, S., BELvaAL, P. C., and WINER, D.: Amino- glycolipids and glycoproteins of human brain. II. Hot methanol extraction of human brain amino- glycoplipids. Nature, 190:152-153, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2095). BogGocH, S., FaiLLacg, L. A. Bervar, P. C., and WINER, D.: Aminoglycolipids and glycoproteins of human brain. I. Quantitative fractionation of brain glycolipids by silicic acid chromatography. Nature, 190:150-155, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2095). FAILLACE, L. A., and BoGocH, S.: Quantitative sep- aration of human brain glycolipids: Isolation of an aminoglycolipid. Biochemical Journal, 82: 527-530, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2095). In: 571 MH-5706 (R03) SzaAsz, THoMAs S.: Law, liberty, and psychiatry. State University of New York— Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, N.Y. (1961- 62) Szasz, THOMAS: Law, liberty, and psychiatry: An inquiry into the social uses of mental health prac- tices. New York, Macmillan, 1963. MH-5729 (R03) LAcHMAN, Roy: Exploratory em- pirical research—a theory of thinking. Hollins College, Hollins College, Va. (1961-62) LacHMAN, R., and SANDERS, J. A.: Concept shifts and verbal behavior. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 65:22-29, 1963. ) MH-5733 (R03) GERKEN, GEORGE M.: Self-stim- ulation—the effect of ‘stimulus parameters. Uni- versity of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. (1961- 62) CampBELL, J. F.: A comparison of thresholds for the detection of subcortical electric current and for self stimulation. (Abstract) American Psycholo- gist, 18:436, 1963. MH-5746 (R03) GouGH, HARRISON G.: Assess- ment of medical students and practitioners. Uni- versity of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1961-62) GOUGH, HARRISON G.: A validational study of the Chapin social insight test. Psychological Reports, 17(2):355-367, 1965. GoucH, H. G., Harr, W. B., and Harris, R. E.: Admissions procedures as forecasters of perform- ance in medical training. Journal of Medical Education, 38:983-998, 1963. MH-5754 (RO1) Jacoss, HARRY L.: Psychophysi- ology of sugar apetite. University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. (1962- ) (Continued from MH- 4320). Jacoss, HARRY L.: Evidence for a bipolar detector system involved in hunger. Physiologist, 6:209, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4320). Jacoss, HARRY L.: Effects of intragastric hypertonic glucose loads on AC brain resistance in rats. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biol- ogy and Medicine, 114:657-659, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4320). Jacoss, HARRY L.: Evaluation of the osmotic ef- fects of glucose loads in food satisfaction. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:309-310, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 4320). Jacoss, Harry L.: Observations on the ontogeny of saccharine preference in the neonate rat. Psy- chonomic Science, 1:105-106, 1964. Jacoss, Harry L.: The interaction of hunger and thirst: Experimental separation of osmotic and oral-gastric factors in regulating caloric intake. In: Wayner, M. J., ed. Thirst. New York, Per- gamon Press, 1964, p. 117-137. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4320). Jacoss, H. L., and SHARMA, K. N.: The modulat- ing influence of flavor on food preferences in hy- pothalamic obese rats. Federation Proceedings, 23:448, 1964. Jacoss, H. L., and SHARMA, K. N.: Energy balance and palatability: The effect of food deprivation on the intake of positively and negatively flavored solutions. Physiologist, 7:166, 1964. SHARMA, K. N., and Dua, S.: Gastric-caudate re- lationship: Its implications in food intake. Physi- ologist, 6:273, 1963. SHARMA, K. N., and Nasser, E. S.: Electrical ac- tivity in mesenteric nerves after perfusion of gut lumen. American Journal of Physiology, 202: 725-730, 1962. UcoLev, A. M., and KassiL, V. G.: Physiology of the appetite. Uspekhi Sovremonnoi Biologii, 51: 352-368, 1961. MH-5757 (R01) PIERREL, ROSEMARY, and SHER- MAN, J. GILMOUR: Parameters of generalization and discrimination. Brown University, Provi- dence, RI. (1961-64) (Continued from MH- 2554). HEeGGE, F. W., PIERREL, R., and SHERMAN, J]. G.: A five-channel photoelectric programmer. Jour- nal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7 (4):326, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2554). PierrEL, R., and SHERMAN, J. G.: Generalization and discrimination as a function of the SP-SA dif- ference. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5(1):67-71, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2554). PIERREL, R., SHERMAN, J. G., and FISCHMAN, M. W.: Generalization of auditory intensity as a function of small amounts of discriminating train- ing. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6:545-548, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2554). SHERMAN, J. G., HEGGE, F. W., and PIERREL, R.: Discrimination formation as related to the amount of SA training. Psychonomic Science, 1:43-44, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2554). SHERMAN, J. G., and PIERREL, R.: Generalization of auditory intensity as a function of the amount of discrimination training. Journal of the Experi- mental Analysis of Behavior, 4:237-241, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-2554). 572 MH-5782 (R03) Barcray, ALLAN G.: Contribu- tion of mediation to transfer effects. St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. (1961-62) BARCLAY, A.: Mediated transfer in verbal learning. Psychological Reports, 12:751-756, 1963. MH-5793 (R03) GUTEKUNST, RALPH M., JRr., and Youniss, JAMEs E.: Imprinting and a test of the consolidated hypothesis. Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. (1961-62) GUTEKUNST, RALPH, and YOuNIss, JAMES: Inter- ruption of imprinting following anesthesia. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 16:348, 1963. MH->809 (R03) DowNING, RoBErT W., and EwiNG, James H.: Distractors in schizophrenic concept formation. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Pa. (1961-62) DowNING, ROBERT W., EBERT, JOHN N., and SHUBROOKS, S. ].: Effect of phenothiazines on the thinking of acute schizophrenics. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:511-520, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4679). DownNING, R. W., EBERT, J. N., and SHUBROOKS, S. J.: Effects of three types of verbal distractors on thinking in acute schizophrenia. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 17:881-882, 1963. DownNING, R. W., SHUBROOKS, SAMUEL J., and EBERT, JOHN N.: Intrusion of associative dis- tractors into conceptual performance by acute schizophrenics: Role of associative strength. Per- ceptual and Motor Skills, 22(2):460-462, 1966. (Also acknowledges MH-4679). MH-5815 (R01) WENKERT, ERNEST: Bioactive in- dole compounds. Indiana University, Blooming- ton, Ind. (1961-63) (Continued from MH- 1301). WENKERT, E., Apams, K. A. H., and LEicHT, C.: Self-condensation of methyl propiolate. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 41:1844-1846, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1301). WENKERT, E., and BroOsseEy, E.: Derivatives of oxytryptophal. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 27: 4656-4659, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 1301). WENKERT, ERNEST, DAVE, K. G., and HAacLD, F.: General methods of synthesis of indole alkaloids. V. Syntheses of d,1-Corynantheidol and d,1-Epi- alloyohimbane. Journal of the American Chemi- cal Society, 87(23):5461-5467, 1965. WENKERT, E., GARRATT, S., and DAVE, K. G.: A quebrachamine model. Canadian Journal of Chem- istry, 42:489-490, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1301). WENKERT, E., and KiLzER, J.: A flavopereirine syn- thesis. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 27:2283- 2284, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1301). WENKERT, E., ORR, J. C., GARRATT, S., HANSEN, J., WickBERG, B., and LEicHT, C.: Gelsedine. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 27:4123-4126, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1301). WENKERT, E., and WICKBERG, B.: General meth- ods of synthesis of indole alkaloids: A flavo- pereirine synthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 84:4914-4919, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1301). WENKERT, ERNEST, and WICKBERG, BORJE: Gen- eral methods of synthesis of indole alkaloids. IV. A synthesis of dl-eburnamonine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 87(7):1580-1589, 1965. WENKERT, E., WICKBERG, B., and LEicHT, C.: The stereochemistry of ajmalicine and tetrahydroalston- ine. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 83:5037, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1301). WENKERT, E., WICKBERG, B., and LEicHT, C.: The stereochemistry of mayumbine and structurally re- lated oxindole alkaloids. Tetrahedron Letters, 22: 822-826, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-1301). MH-5829 (R03) SCHUBERT, MARGARET S.: Appli- cations for admission, School of Social Welfare. University of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1961- 62) SCHUBERT, MARGARET: Admissions decisions. cial Service Review, 37:154-165, 1963. So- MH-5892 (R03) Fox, BERNARD H.: Alcohol ef- fect on caloric nystagmus latency. Cleveland Psy- chiatric Institute and Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. 1961-62) Fox, B. H., LOWER, ]., and Fox, M. W.: Measure- ment and reduction of some sources of variation in a breath instrument. In: Proceedings, 3rd In- ternational Conference on Alcohol and Road Traf- fic, London, 1962. London, British Medical As- sociation; 1963, p. 261-271. MH-5903 (R03) VoceL, Ezra F., and VOGEL, SuzANNE H.: Japanese family and the emotion- ally disturbed child. Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass. (1961-62) VoGEL, EZRA F.: Entrance examinations and emo- tionally disturbed children in Japan's new mid- dle class. In: Smith, Robert J., and Beardsley, Richard K., eds. Japanese culture. New York, Viking Fund Series, Werner-Gren Foundation, 1962, p. 140-152. VoceL, Ezra F.: Japan's new middle class: The salary man and his family in a Tokyo suburb. Berkeley, Calif., University of California Press, 1963, 299 p. 573 MH-5909 (R03) MCALLISTER, ROBERT J., and VANDER VELDT, ALBERT: Factors in mental ill- ness among hospitalized sisters. Seton Psychiatric Institute, Baltimore, Md. (1961-62) MCALLISTER, R. J., and VANDER VELDT, A. J. Psychiatric illness in hospitalized Catholic religious. American Journal of Psychiatry, 121(9) :881-884, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3773). MH-5914 (R03) BrucH, HILDE, and CODDINGTON, R. DEAN: Electrogastrographic study of hunger awareness. New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, N.Y. (1961-63) BrucH, HILDE: Falsification of bodily needs and body concept in schizophrenia. Archives of Gen- eral Psychiatry, 6(1):18-24, 1962. Also in: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Psy- chiatry. Vol. 2. Montreal, University of To- ronto Press/McGill University Press, 1961, p. 1117-1120. BrucH, HILDE: Transformation of oral impulses in eating disorders: A conceptual approach. Psychi- atric Quarterly, 35:458-481, 1961. BrucH, HILDE: Prognosis and treatment of obesity from a psychiatrist's point of view. In: L’Obesite. Paris, Expansion Scientifique, 1963, p. 319-326. MH-5918 (R03) CHANCE, NORMAN A.: Culture change and mental health among the Eskimo. University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. (1961- 62) CHANCE, NORMAN A.: Eskimo-white relations at remote military installations. In: Sells, S. B., ed. Research relevant to behavior problems of small military groups under isolation and stress. ..Fort Wainwright, Alaska, Aero-Medical Laboratory, 1962, p. 57-61. CHANCE, NORMAN A.: Notes on culture change and personality adjustment among the North Alaska Eskimos. Arctic, 16(4):264-270, 1963. CHANCE, NORMAN A., and FOSTER, DOROTHY A.: Symptom formation and patterns of psychopathol- ogy in a rapidly changing Alaskan Eskimo society. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, 11(1):32-42, 1962. CHANCE, NORMAN A., and TRUDEAU, JOHN: So- cial organization, acculturation, and integration among the Eskimo and Cree: A comparative study. Anthropologica, 5(1):47-56, 1963. MH-5920 (R03) BECKER, JoseEPH, and NICHOLS, CHARLES H.: Personality and blood characteris- tics of cyclothymics. University of Illinois, Ur- bana, Ill. (1961-63) BECKER, JosePH, and NicHOLAs H.: Community of manic-depressive and “mild” cyclothymic charac- teristics. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 69(5) :531-538, 1964. MH-5931 (R03) MYERS, J. MARTIN, and SHEL- DON, DANA M.: Study of 151 elderly first ad- missions. Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. (1961-62) MYERS, J. M., SHELDON, D., and RoBINSON, S. S.: A study of 138 elderly first admissions. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120(3):244-249, 1963. MH-5933 (R03) RoBBINS, GERALD M., and FREE- MAN, HARRY: Impact of transfer of mental pa- tients on the family. Medfield State Hospital, Medfield, Mass. (1961-63) ~RoBBINS, GERALD M.: Effect upon the family of transfer of mental patients. Community Mental Health Journal, 1(2):195-204, 1965. MH-5951 (R03) SMITH, AARON: Psychological im- pairment in brain tumor patients. Seton Hall Col- lege of Medicine and Dentistry, Jersey City, N.]J. (1961-62) : SMITH, AARON: Ambiguities in concepts and stud- ies of “brain damage” and “organicity.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:311-326, 1962. SMITH, AARON: Psychodiagnosis of patients with brain tumors. The validity of Hewson’s ratios in neurological and mental hospital populations. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 135:513- 533, 1962. SMITH, AARON: Verbal and nonverbal test perform- ances of patients with “acute” lateralized brain lesions (tumors). Journal of Nervous and Men- tal Disease, 141(5):517-523, 1965. SMITH, AARON: Certain hypothesized hemispheric differences in language and visual functions in human adults. Cortex, 2:109-126, 1966. MH-5970 (R03) Fox, STEPHEN S., and LIEBES- KIND, JOHN: Schizophernic serum and resistance to stress. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1961-62) LieBESKIND, JoHN C., and Fox, STEPHEN S.: The effect of cingulectomy on the ability to develop resistance to stress. (Abstract) American Psy- chologist, 17:389-390, 1962. MH-5981 (R03) HEeiMsTRA, NORMAN W., and Davis, RoGER T.: Social influence on response to drugs. State University of South Dakota, Vermil- lion, S.D. (1961-62) HEIMSTRA, NORMAN W.: Social influence on the response to drugs. I. Amphetamine sulfate. Journal of Psychology, 53:233-244, 1962. 574 HEeimsTRA, N. W.: Social influence on the response to drugs. II. Chlorpromazine and iproniazid. Psychopharmacologia, 3:72-78, 1962. HEeimMsTRA, N. W., and Davis, R. T.: A simple re- cording system for the direct observation tech- nique. Animal Behavior, 10:208-210, 1962. HEeimsTrA, N. W., and McDoNALD, A.: Social in- fluence on the response to drugs. IV. Stimulus factors. Psychological Record, 12:327-330, 1962. HEeMsTRA, N. W., and McDoNALD, A.: Social in- fluence on the response to drugs. III. Age fac- tors in the response to amphetamine sulfate. Psy- chopharmacologia, 3:212-218, 1962. Mast, T., and HEmMSTRA, N. W.: Prior social ex- perience on amphetamine toxicity in mice. Psy- chological Reports, 11:809-812, 1962. MH-5983 (R03) RINKEL, MAX: Publication of a book on psychopharmacology. Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, Mass. (1961-62) RINKEL, MAX, ed.: Specific and non-specific factors in psychopharmacology. New York, Philosophi- cal Library, 1963, 174 p. MH-5984 (R03) WYNNE, RoNALD D.: Associa- tions, clinical state, and test behavior. Pennsyl- vania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. (1961-62) ScHIFFMAN, H., and WyNNE, R. D.: Cause and affect. Research memorandum RM-63-7. Prince- ton, N.J., Educational Testing Service, 1963. WYNNE, R. D.: Are normal word association norms suitable for schizophrenics? Psychological Re- ports, 14:121-122, 1964. WYNNE, RoNALD D., Gerjuoy, HERBERT, and SCHIFFMAN, HAROLD: Association test antonym- response set. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4(5) :354-359, 1965. MH-5993 (R03) GARFIELD, SoL L., and AFFLECK, D. CRAIG: Patient-therapist interactions in psycho- therapy. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. (1961-62) GARFIELD, S. L.: A note on patients’ reasons for terminating therapy. Psychological Reports, 13: 38, 1963. GARFIELD, S. L., AFFLECK, D. C., and MUFFLY, R.: A study of psychotherapy interaction and con- tinuation in psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 19:473-478, 1963. MH-5994 (R01) BRACKBILL, YVONNE: Delay of reinforcement and retention. University of Colo- rado Medical Center, Denver, Colo. (1961- ) BRACKBILL, YVONNE, BoBLITT, WILLIAM E., DAV- LIN, DoucGLas, and WAGNER, JoHN E.: Ampli- tude of response and the delay-retention effect. Journal of Experimental Psvchology, 66:57-64, 1963. BRACKBILL, YVONNE, BRAVOS, ANTHONY, and STARR, RAYMOND H.: Delay-improved retention of a difficult task. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:947-952, 1962. BRACKBILL, YVONNE, Isaacs, R. B., and SMELKIN- soN, N.: Delay of reinforcement and the reten- tion of unfamiliar, meaningless material. Psy- chological Reports, 11:553-554, 1962. BRACKBILL, YVONNE, and KAPPY, MICHAEL S.: Delay of reinforcement and retention. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55:14- 18, 1962. BRACKBILL, YVONNE, WAGNER, JoHN E., and WIL- soN, DoroTHY: Feedback delay and the teaching machine. Psychology in the Schools, 1:148-156, 1964. LiNTZ, LARRY M., and BRACKBILL, YVONNE: Ef- fects of reinforcement delay during learning on the retention of verbal material in adults. Jowr- nal of Experimental Psychology,» 71(2):194-199, 1966. MH-5998 (R01) Oakes, WiLLiaM F.: Reinforce- ment effects in group discussion. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Haw. ((1961-63) (Contin- ued from MH-3212). BoArDMAN, W. K.: Constancy of absolute judg- ments of size by normals and schizophrenics. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:346- 349, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-1121). OAKES, W. F.: Reinforcement of Bales’ categories in group discussion. Psychological Reports, 11: 427-435, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3212). OAKES, W. F.: A comparison of the effectiveness of signal light reinforcers given various meanings on participation in group discussion. Psychological Reports, 11:469-470, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3212). Oakes, W. F., DroGg, A. E., and Aucusrt, E.: Reinforcement effects on conclusions reached in group discussion. Psychological Reports, 9:27-34, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3212). MH-6004 (R08) GARMEzY, NORMAN: Life history factors and performance in schizophrenia. Uni- versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1961- 62) GARMEZY, NORMAN: Some determiners and char- acteristics of learning research in schizophrenia. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 34:643- 651, 1964. 575 MH-6005 (R08) GoTTscHALK, Louis A.: Psycho- social factors in precocious pregnancy. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (1961-62) GOTTSCHALK, L. A.: Psychiatric problems seen in "the general practice of medicine. In: Hofling, Charles, ed. Textbook of psychiatry for medical practice. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1963, p. 130-181. GOTTSCHALK, L. A., GLESER, G. C., and SPRINGER, K. J.: Three hostility scales applicable to verbal samples. Archives of General Psychiatry, 9:254- 279, 1963. GOTTSCHALK, L. A., TITCHENER, J. L., PIKER, H. N., and STEWART, S. S.: Psychosocial factors asso- ciated with pregnancy in adolescent girls: A pre- liminary report. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 138(6):524-534, 1964. GOTTSCHALK, L. A., and WHITMAN, R. M.: Some typical complications mobilized by the psyccho- analytic procedure. International [ourhal of Psy- choanalysis, 43:142-150, 1962. MH-6007 (R08) RowLAND, VERNON: Role of brain slow potentials in conditioned animals. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. (1961-62) RowLAND, VERNON, and GOLDSTONE, MURRAY: Appetitively conditioned and drive-related bio- electric baseline shift in cat cortex. Electroen- cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 15: 474-485, 1963. MH-6009 (R08) DykMAN, RoscoE A.: A psycho- physiological research program. University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Ark. (1961-62) DYKMAN, Rosco A.: Toward a theory of classical conditioning: Cognitive, emotional, and motor components of the conditional reflex. In: Maher, B., ed. Progress in experimental personality re- search. Vol. 2. New York, Academic Press, 1965, p. 229-317. DyYkMAN, R. A., ACKERMAN, P. T., GALBRECHT, C. R., and REEsg, W. R.: Physiological reactivity to stressors and methods of evaluation. Psychoso- matic Medicine, 25:37-59, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1091). DykMAN, R. A., Mack, R. L., and ACKERMAN, P. T.: The evaluation of autonomic and motor components of the nonavoidance conditioned re- sponse in the dog. Psychophysiology, 1(3):209- 230, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-1091). GALBRECHT, CHARLES R., DYKMAN, ROSCOE A., REESE, WiLLIAM G., and Suzuki, TETSUKO: Intrasession adaptation and intersession extinction of the components of the orienting response. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(6):585- 597, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-1091). MH-6010 (R01) BLock, JaMEs D.: Psychophysio- logical studies of autonomic function. Yeshiva University, New York, N.Y. (1961- ) Brock, JaMEs D., and BRIDGER, WAGNER H.: The law of initial value in psychophysiology: A refor- mulation in terms of experimental and theoretical considerations. Annals of the New York Acad- emy of Sciences, 98:1229-1241, 1962. Brock, J. B., and EssMAN, W. B.: Psychology. Growth hormone administration during preg- nancy: A behavioural difference in offspring rats. Nature, 205(4976):1136-1137, 1965. (Also ac- knowledges MH-4907). MH-6011 (R08) AMES, ADELBERT, III: Electrolyte metabolism and function in the CNS. Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1961-62) (Con- tinued as MH-6209). AMEs, A. III, and GuriaN, B. S.: Electrical re- cordings from isolated mammalian retina mounted as a membrane. Archives of Ophthamology, 70: 837-841, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3769 and MH-6209). AMES, A, III, and GURIAN, B. S.: Effect of glucose and oxygen deprivation on function of isolated mammalian retina. Journal of Neurophysiology, 26:617-634, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 6209). AMEs, A., III, SAkKANOUE, M., and ENDO, S.: Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Cl concentrations in choroid plexus fluid and cisternal fluid compared with plasma ultrafiltrate. Journal of Neurophysiology, 27:672-681, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 6209). NesBerT, F. B.,, and AMES, A. III: Increase in sodium contamination from glass as a function of time after cleaning. Analytical Biochemistry, 5: 452-456, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6209). MH-6015 (R08) Mirsky, ALLAN F.: Central fac- tors in attentive behavior in monkeys. Boston University, Boston, Mass. (1961-62) Mirsky, ALLAN R., and KorRNETSKY, CONAN: On the dissimilar effects of drugs on the digit symbol substitution and continuous performance tests. A review and preliminary integration of behav- ioral and physiological evidence. Psychopharma- cologia, 5:161-177, 1964. MH-6024 (R08) GOLDSTEIN, MENEK: Role of bio- genic amines in the CNS. New York University Medical Center, New York, N.Y. (1961-63) GOLDSTEIN, M.: Some aspects of the biosynthesis and metabolism of catecholamines. In: Varley, Harold, and Gowenlock, A. H., eds. The clinical chemistry of monoamines. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1963, p. 92-93. 576 GOLDSTEIN, M., and CONTRERA, J. F.: The effect of pH on enzymatic formation and inhibition of norepinephrine synthesis. Experientia, 18:332- 333, 1962. GOLDSTEIN, M., and CONTRERA, J. F.: The sub- strate specificity of phenylamine-B-hydroxylase. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 237(6):1898- 1902, 1962. GOLDSTEIN, M., and CONTRERA, J. F.: The activa- tion and inhibition of phenylamine-B-hydroxylase. Separatum Experientia, 18:334-336, 1962. GOLDSTEIN, MENCK, and GERBER, HEINZ: Phenolic alcohols in the brain after administration of dopa- C4 or dopamine-Cl%. Life Sciences, 2:97-100, 1963. GOLDSTEIN, M., Gut, M., DORFMAN, R. I., SOFFER, L. J, and GaBRrILONE, J. L.: Biosynthesis of corticoids and androgens in an adenoma from a Cushing's syndrome patient. Acta Endocrino- logica, 42:187-194, 1963. GOLDSTEIN, M., and MusaccHio, J. M.: The for- mation in vivo of N-acetydopamine and N.-acetyl- 3-methoxy-dopamine. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 58:607-608, 1962. GOLDSTEIN, M., and MusaccHIo, J. M.: Effects of monoamine oxidase inhibitions on biogenic amine metabolism. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 107:840-846, 1963. GOLDSTEIN, M., and MusAccHIo, J. M.: Formation of norepinephrine from tyrosine in isolated rabbit heart. Experimentia, 19(9):491, 1963. GOLDSTEIN, M., MusaccHIo, J. M., KENIN, M. C,, CONTRERA, J. F., and Rice, M. D.: The inhibi- tion in vivo of norepinephrine synthesis by adrena- lone. Biochemical Pharmacology, 11:809-811, 1962. MusaccHIo, J. M., and GOLDSTEIN, M.: Biosynthe- sis of norepinephrine and norsynephrine in the perfused rabbit heart. Biochemical Pharmacology, 12:1061-1063, 1963. MH-6025 (R01) SPENCE, DONALD P.: Precon- scious thought processes. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1961- ) SPENCE, D. P.: Conscious and preconscious influ- ences on recall: Another exam k of the restricting effects of awareness. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68:92-99, 1964. MH-6027 (R01) WHITAKER, DOROTHY (STOCK): Studies in therapeutic interaction. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1961-64) Stock, DOROTHY A.: A survey of research on T groups. In: Bradford, Leland P., Gibb, Jack R., and Benne, Kenneth D., eds. T-group theory and laboratory method. Innovation in re-education. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1964, p. 395-441. Stock, D., and LIEBERMAN, M. A.: Methodological issues in the assessment of total-group phenomena in group therapy. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 12:312-325, 1962. WHITAKER, D. S., and LIEBERMAN, M. A.: Psycho- therapy through the group process. New York, Atherton Press, 1964. 293 p. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1048). MH-6034 (R01) WoLFF, PETER H.: Development of affect expressions in small children. Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. (1961- ) WoLFF, PETER _H.: Observations on the early de- velopment of smiling. In: Foss, B. M., ed. Determinants of infant behavior. Vol. 2. (Pro- ceedings of the 2nd Tavistock Seminar on Mother- Infant Interaction held under the auspices of the Ciba Foundation at the House of the Royal So- ciety of Medicine, London, Sept. 1961.) New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1963, p. 113-167. WoLFF, PETER H.: The early development of smiling. In: Foss, Brian, ed. Determinants of infant behavior. Vol. 2. London, Methuen, April 1963. WoLFF, PETER H.: The natural history of a family. In: Foss, Brian, ed. Determinants of infant be- havior. Vol. 2. London, Methuen, 1963. WoLrF, PETER H.: Developmental and motiva- tional concepts in Piaget's sensorimotor theory of intelligence. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 2(2):225-243, 1963. MH-6038 (R03) MURRAY, HENRY A., and NIEL- SEN, GERHARD: Particularities of expression un- der stress. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1961-61) NIELSEN, G.: Studies in self-confrontation. Copen- hagen, Munksgaard — Scandinavian University Books, 1963. NIELSEN, G. S.:" The method of self-confrontation. In: White, R. W., ed. The study of lives. New York, Atherton, 1963, p. 124-141. MH-6094 (R01) PeaBopy, DEAN: Structure of attitudes. Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. (1961- ) PEABODY,» DEAN: Authoritarianism scales and re- sponse bias. 23, 1966. MH-6096 (R01) KavrisH, HARRY I.: Motivation and conflict in stimulus generalization. State Uni- versity of New York—Long Island Center, Stony Brook, N.Y. (1961-64) (Continued from MH- 1459). HABER, A., and KaLisH, H. I.: Prediction of dis- crimination from generalization after variations in Psychological Bulletin, 65(1):11- 577 schedules of reinforcement. Science, 142:412- 413, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1459). KavisH, H. I, and HABER, A.: Generality of stimu- lus generalization. Psychological Reports, 11: 741-746, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1459). KavrisH, H. I., and HABER, A.: Generalization. I. Generalization gradients from single and multiple stimulus points. II. Generalization of inhibi- tion. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65: 176-181, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-1459). MH-6209 (R01) AMEs, ADELBERT, III: Electro- Iytes and function in the CNS. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. (1962- ) (Continued from MH-6011). AMEs, A., III: Studies on isolated central nervous tissue. Boletin del Instituto de Estudios Medicos y Biologicos, 22(2):283-291, 1964. AMEs, A. III, and GURIAN, B. S.: Electrical re- cordings from isolated mammalian retina mounted as a membrane. Archives of Ophthamology, 70: 837-841, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3769 and MH-6011). AMEs, A, III, and GURIAN, B. S.: Effect of glucose and oxygen deprivation on function of isolated mammalian retina. Journal of Neurophysiology, 26:617-634, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 6011). AMEs, A., III, HicasHI, K., and NESBETT, FRANCES B.: Relation of potassium concentration in choroid- plexus fluid to that in plasma. Journal of Physi- ology, 181:506-515, 1965. AMEs, A., III, Ison, J. B., and NESBETT, FRANCES B.: Effects of osmotic changes on water and elec- trolytes in nervous tissue. Journal of Physiology, 177:246-262, 1965. AMEs, A. III, and SAKANOUE, M.: A new method for preparing a plasma ultrafiltrate: Distribution of 5 electrolytes. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 64(1):168-176, 1964. AMES, A., III, SAKANOUE, M., and ENDO, S.: Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Cl concentrations in choroid plexus fluid and cisternal fluid compared with plasma ultrafiltrate. Journal of Neurophysiology, 27:672-681, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 6011). NesBerT, F. B,, and AMES, A., III: Increase in sodium contamination from glass as a function of time after cleaning. Analytical Biochemistry, 5: 452-456, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-6011). WEBSTER, HENRY DEF., and AMES, ADELBERT, 3RD: Reversible and irreversible changes in the fine structure of nervous tissue during oxygen and glucose deprivation. Journal of Cell Biology, 26 (3) :885-909, 1965. MH-6324 (R01) BerLYNE, DANIEL E.: Explora- tory behavior and arousal. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. (1962- ) (Continued from MH-4495). BERLYNE, DANIEL E.: Uncertainty and epistemic curiosity. British Journal of Psychology, 53:27- 34, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4495). BERLYNE, D. E.: New directions in motivation the- ory. In: Gladwin, T., and Sturtevant, W. C., eds. Anthropology and human behavior. Washington, Anthropological Society of Washington, 1962, p. 150-173. (Also acknowledges MH-4495). BERLYNE, D. E.: Comments on relations between Piaget's theory and S-R theory. In: Kessen, W., and Kuhlman, C., eds. Thought in the young child. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 1962, p. 150-173. (Also acknowledges MH-4495). BERLYNE, D. E.: Complexity and incongruity varia- bles as determinants of exploratory choice and evaluative ratings. Canadian [Journal of Psychol- ogy, 17:274-290, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4495). BERLYNE, D. E.: Psychology in the U.S.S.R. Cana- dian Psychologist, 4:1-13, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4495). BERLYNE, D. E.: Soviet research on intellectual processes in children. In: Wright, J. C., and Kagan, J., eds. Society for research in child development monographs. Washington, D.C, National Research Council, 1963, p. 165-183. (Also acknowledges MH-4495). BERLYNE, D. E.: Motivational problems raised by exploratory and epistemic behavior. In: Koch, S., ed. Psychology—a study of a science. Vol. 5. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 284-364. (Also acknowledges MH-4495). BerLYNE, D. E.: Emotional aspects of learning. Annual Review of Psychology, 15:115-142, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4495). BERLYNE, D. E., Borsa, DoNNA M., CRAW, MAR- GARET A., GELMAN, RoOcCHEL S., and MANDELL, ELizaBeTH E.: Effects of stimulus complexity and induced arousal on paired-associate learning. [our- nal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 4(4):291-299, 1965. BERLYNE, D. E., Craw, M. A., SALAPATEK, P. H,, and Lewis, J. L.: Novelty, complexity, incon- gruity, extrinsic motivation and the GSR. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66:560-567, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4495). BERLYNE, D. E., and FROMMER, FRANCES D.: Some determinants of the incidence and content of chil- dren’s questions. Child Development, 37(1): 177-189, 1966. 578 BERLYNE, D. E. and Koenig, Isobe D. V.: Some possible parameters of photic reinforcement. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60(2):276-282, 1965. BERLYNE, D. E., and LAWRENCE, G. H.: Effects of complexity and incongruity variables on GSR, in- vestigatory behavior and verbally expressed pref- erence. Journal of General Psychology, 71:21-45, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4495). BERLYNE, D. E., and Lewis, J. L.: Effects of height- ened arousal on human exploratory behavior. Canadian [Journal of Psychology, 17:398-411, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4495). BERLYNE, D. E., and McDoNNELL, P.: Effects of stimulus complexity and incongruity on duration of EEG desynchronization. Electroencephalog- raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 18(2):156- 161, 1965. BErLYNE, D. E,, and Nicki, R. M.: Effects of the pitch and duration of tones on EEG desynchroni- zation. Psychonomic Science, 4(3):101-102, 1966. BERLYNE, D. E., SALAPATEK, H., GELMAN, R. S,, and ZENER, S. L.: Is light increment really re- warding to the rat? Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58:148-151, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4495). MH-6452 (R01) HooOkER, EVELYN, and GEN- GERELLI, JOSEPH A.: Psychological studies of male homosexuals. University of California, Los An- geles, Calif. (1962- ) (Continued from MH- 839). Hooker, E.: The homosexual community. In: Personality research. Vol. 2. Copenhagen, Munksgaard Press, 1962, p. 40-59. (Also ac- knowledges MH-839). Hooker, E.: Male homosexuality. In: Farberow, N. L, ed. Taboo topics. New York, Atherton Press, 1963, p. 44-45. (Also acknowledges MH- 839). HookERr, E.: The adjustment of the male overt homosexual. Journal of Projective Techniques, 21:18-31, 1957. Also in: Ruitenbeek, H. M., ed. The problem of homosexuality in modern society. New York, E. P. Dutton, 1963, p. 141-161. (Also acknowledges MH-839). MH-6572 (R10) HANNA, CALVIN: Tranquilizer withdrawal studies in schizophrenia. University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Ark. (1962-62) (Con- tinued from MH-3006). DowLING, P. C,, and HANNA, C.: Depressant effect of biperiden on the spontaneous EEG and the EEG activation response. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 143:565-573, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3006). HANNA, C., UptON, P. D.,, and CHAMBERS, W. F.: Comparative effects of D-L-amphetamine and L- phengl-1-(Piperidye-2-)-1-acetoxy-1-methane (R. P.-8228) in antagonizing barbiturate hypnosis. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et. de Therapie, 145:553-564, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3006). MH-6822 (R01) ScHwWARTZ, MORRIS S.: Social science in the mental hospital. Brandeis Univer- sity, Waltham, Mass. (1962- ) (Continued from MH-3100). ScHWARTZ, M. S.: The uses of sociology in the men-- tal hospital. Social Problems, 10:219-227, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3100). MH-6830 (RO1) MiscHEL, WALTER: Delay of gratification in choice situations. Stanford Uni- versity, Stanford, Calif. (1962- ) (Continued from MH-3344). BANDURA, ALBERT, and MISCHEL, WALTHER: Modi- fication of self-imposed delay of reward through exposure to live and symbolic models. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2(5):698- 705, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-5162). METZNER, RALPH: Effects of work-requirements in two types of delay of gratification situations. Child Development, 34:809-816, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3344). MiscHEL, W., and GILLIGAN, C.: Delay of gratifi- cation, motivation for the prohibited gratification, and responses to temptation. Journal of Abnor- mal and Social Psychology, 69:411-417, 1964. MiscHEL, WALTER, and METZNER, RALPH: Prefer- ence for delayed reward as a function of age, in- telligence, and length of delay interval. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 64:425-431, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3344). MH-6831 (R01) PryLES, CHARLES V., and BIXBY, EMILY M.: Relation of metabolic disorders to mental deficiency. Wrentham State Scchool, Wrentham, Mass. (1962-63) (Continued from MH-5010). BixBy, EMILY M., PALLATAO, LUZ G., and PRYLES, CHARLES V.: Evaluation of the “bacillus subtilis” inhibition-assay technic as a sccreening procedure for the detection of phenylketonuria. New Eng- land Journal of Medicine, 268:647-651, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-5010). EFRON, MARY L., BixBy, EMILY M., PALATTAO, Luz G., and PrYLES, CHARLES V.: Hydroxypro- linemia associated with mental deficiency. New England Journal of Medicine, 267:1193-1194, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5010). O’SuLLIVAN, M. A. and PryLEs, C. V.: Reading disability in children. Journal of Pediatrics, 60: 369-375, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5010). 579 MH-6875 (R01) ZUCKERMAN, MARVIN: Stress and hallucination in perceptual isolation. Adelphi College, Garden City, N.Y. (1962-63) (Con- tinued from MH-4847). ZUCKERMAN, M., and CoHEN, N.: Is suggestion the source of reported visual sensations in perceptual isolation? Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- chology, 68:655-660, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4847). ZUCKERMAN, MARVIN, and COHEN, NATHAN: Sources of reports of visual and auditory sensa- tions in perceptual isolation experiments. Psycho- logical Bulletin, 62:1-20, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-4847). ZUCKERMAN, M.; LEVINE, S., and Biase, D. V.: Stress responses in total and partial perceptual iso- lation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 26:250-260, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4847). MH-6900 (R01) BrownN, JupsoN 'S.: Experimen- tal masochism and allied phenomena. University of Oregon Medical School, Portland, Ore. (1962- 65) (Continued from MH-4952). BROWN, JUDsON S.: Theoretical note. A behavioral analysis of masochism. [Journal of Experimental Research in Personality, 1(1):65-70, 1965. BROWN, JUDSON S.: Generalization and discrimina- tion. In: Mostofsky, David I., ed. Stimulus gen- eralization. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1965, p. 7-23. BROWN, JUDSON S., ANDERSON, D. CHRis, and Weiss, CAROL G.: Self-punitive behavior under conditions of massed practice. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 60(3):451- 453, 1965. BrownN, J. S., and BELLONI, MARIGOLD: Perform= ance as a function of deprivation time following periodic feeding in an isolated environment. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56:105-110, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 4952). BrowN, JupsoN S., and HORSFALL, ROBERT B.: Speed-contingent reinforcement. Psychonomic Sci- ence, 3(7):305-306, 1965. Brown, J. S., MARTIN, R. C., and MORROW, M.: Self-punitive behavior in the rat: Facilitative effects of punishment on resistance to extinction. [our- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57:127-133, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 4952). | FitzGERALD, ROBERT D., and BROWN, JUDSON S.: Variables affecting avoidance conditioning in free- responding and discrete-trial situations. Psycho- logical Reports, 17(3):835-843, 1965. MeLviN, K. B., and BROWN, J. S.: Neutralization of an aversive light stimulus as a function of number of paired presentations with food. Jour- nal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 58:350-353, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 4952). WipF, JoHN LEE: Positive and negative gradients of response strength in a temporal conflict situa- tion. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67: 234-241, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-2721 and MH-4952). MH-6901 (R01) RoBERTS, WARREN W.: Central mechanisms of emotions. University of Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1962- ) (Contin- ued from MH-3979). RoBERTS, W. W.: Fear-like behavior elicited from dorsomedial thalamus of cat. Journal of Com- parative and Physiological Psychology, 55:191- 197, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3979). RoBERTS, W. W., and CAREY, R. J.: Effect of dorso- medial thalamic lesions on fear in cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56: 950-958, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3979). RoBERTS, W. W. DEMBER, W. N., and BRroD- WICK, M.: Alternation and exploration in rats with hippocampal lesions. Journal of Compara- tive and Physiological Psychology, 55:695-700, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3979). MH-6911 (R01) CuMMING, WiLLIAM W.: Para- metric study of temporally spaced responding. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1963- 64) (Continued from MH-4509). MarotTt, RicHARD W., and CUMMING, WILLIAM W.: Schedules of inter-response time reinforce- ment. Psychological Record, 14:211-252, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-4509). MaLorT, R. W., and CummING, W. W.: A note on psychogenic polydipsia. Psychonomic Science, 2(9) :241, 1965. MaLrort, R. W., and CumMING, W. W.: Inter- response time reinforcement: Transition and steady states. Psychonomic Science, 2(9):257-258, 1965. Mavrort, R. W., and CuMMING, W. W.: A note on multiple schedules of IRT reinforcement. Psy- chonomic Science, 2(9):259-260, 1965. MH-6921 (R01) KANFER, FREDERICK H.: Verbal behavior determinants. University of Oregon Medical School, Portland, Ore. (1962- ) (Con- tinued from MH-963; MH-2027). KANFER, F. H., and MARsTON, A. R.: Characteris- tics of interactional behavior in a psychotherapy analogue. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28: 456-467, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-6922). KANFER, FREDERICK H.: Structure of psychotherapy: Role playing as a variable in dyadic communica- 580 tion. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 29(4): 325-332, 1965. KANFER, FREDERICK H., and GoLpFooT, DAVID A.: Self-control and tolerance of noxious stimulation. Psychological Reports, 18(1):79-85, 1966. KANFER, F. H., and MARSTON, A. R.: Determinants of self-reinforcement in human learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66:245-254, 1963. KANFER, F. H., and MARsTON, A. R.: Conditioning of self-reinforcing responses: An analogue to self- confidence training. Psychological Reports, 13: 63-70, 1963. KaNFER, F. H., and PomERANZ, D. M.: Condi- tioning and transfer of therapist operations. Psy- chological Reports, 16:593-602, 1965. KANFER, FREDERICK H., and SAsLow, GEORGE: Behavioral analysis. General Psychiatry, 12(6): 529-538, 1965. McBreArTY, J. F., KANFER, F. H., MARSTON, A. R., and EvANDER, DEANNE: Focal and con- textual stimulus variables in verbal conditioning. Psychological Reports, 13:115-124, 1963. MH-6922 (R01) KANFER, FREDERICK H.: Studies of verbal interaction. University of Oregon Medi- cal School, Portland, Ore. (1962- ) (Contin- ued from MH-3700). KANFER, FREDERICK H.: Control of communication in dyads by reinforcement. Psychological Reports, .15:131-138, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 3700). KANFER, FREDERICK H.: Vicarious human rein- forcements: A glimpse into the black box. In: Krasner, Leonard, ed. Research in behavior modi- fication. New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1965, p. 244-267. KANFER, F. H.: Issues and ethics in behavior ma- nipulation. Psychological Reports, 16:187-196, 1965. KaNFER, F. H., Bass, B. M,, and GuYETT, IL.: Dyadic speech patterns, personality and social re- inforcement. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27:199-205, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 3700). KANFER, F. H., and McBREARTY, J. F.: Minimal social reinforcement and interview content. Jour- nal of Clinical Psychology, 18:210-215, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3700). KANFER, F. H., and MaArsTON, A. R.: The effect of task-relevant information on verbal condition- ing. Journal of Psychology, 53:29-36, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3700). KANFER, F. H., and MARrsTON, A. R.: Control of verbal behavior by multiple schedules. Psycho- logical Reports, 10:703-710, 1962. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3700). KANFER, F. H., and MARsTON, A. R.: Human rein- forcement: Vicarious and direct. Journal of Ex- perimental Psychology, 65:292-296, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3700). KANFER, F. H., and MARsTON, A. R.: Characteris- tics of interactional behavior in a psychotherapy analogue. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28: 456-467, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-6921). MarstoN, A. R., and KANFER, F. H.: Group size and number of vicarious reinforcements in verbal learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65:593-596, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 3700). MARSTON, A. R., KANFER, F. H., and MCBREARTY, J. F.: Stimulus discriminability in verbal condi- tioning. Journal of Psychology, 53:143-153, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3700). MH-6953 (R01) CARPENTER, JouNn A. and FLYNN, JoHN P.: Logical induction and alcohol, effects. The State University of Rutgers, New Brunswick, N.J. (1962-63) (Continued from MH-4207). CARPENTER, JOHN A., and Ross, BRUCE M.: Effect of alcohol on short-term memory. Quarterly Jour- nal of Studies on Alcohol, 26(4):561-579, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-5655). MH-7024 (R01) CoLLIER, GEORGE H.: The de- terminants of amount of reinforcement. Rutgers —The State University, New Brunswick, N.J. (1962-64) (Continued from MH-3328). CoLLIER, GEORGE: Some properties of saccharin as a reinforcer. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64:184-191, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 3328). CoLLIER, GEORGE: Consummatory and instrumental responding as functions of deprivation. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64:410-414, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3328). KNARR, FREDERICK A., and COLLIER, GEORGE: Taste and consummatory activity in amount and gradient of reinforcement functions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63:579-588, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3328). MH-7042 (R01) WIGGINS, JERRY S.: Structure of the MMPI. University of Illinois, Urbana, IIL (1962-64) (Continued from MH-5395). SKRZYPEK, GEORGE. ]., and WIGGINS, JERRY S.: Contrasted groups versus repeated measurement designs in the evaluation of social desirability scales. Educational and Psychological Measure- ment, 26(1):131-138, 1966. WIGGINS, J. S.: Social desirability under role-playing instructions: A reply to Walker. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 27:107-111, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-5395). 581 WiGGINs, J. S.: Convergences among stylistic re- sponse measures from objective personality tests. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 24: 551-562, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5395). WiGGINS, J. S.: An MMPI item characteristic deck. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 24: 137-141, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5395). WIGGINS, JERRY S.: Social desirability estimation and “faking good” well. Educational and Psychologi- cal Measurements, 26(2):329-341, 1966. WIGGINS, JERRY S., and GOLDBERG, LEwis R.: In- terrelationships among MMPI item characteristics. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 25 (2):381-397, 1965. WIGGINS, JERRY S., and LoveLL, Victor R.: Com- munality and favorability as sources of method variance in the MMPI. Educational and Psycho- logical Measurement, 25(2):399-412, 1965. MH-7071 (R10) HEUSLER, ANTON F., and ULETT, GEORGE A.: Effects of tranquilizers on group be- havior. St. Louis State Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. (1962-63) (Continued from MH-3826). ULert, G. A., Bowers, C. A., HEUSLER, A. F., Quick, R., Worp, T., and Worp, V.: A study of the behavior and EEG patterns of patients re- ceiving tranquilizers with and without the addi- tion of chlordiazepoxide. Journal of Neuropsy- chiatry, 5(8):558-565, 1964. MH-7083 (R01) FRrENcH, ELizABETH, G., and LESSER, GERALD S.: Characteristics of the achieve- ment motive in women. Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. (1962- ) (Continued from MH-3607). Lesser, G., Krawirz, R., and PACKARD, RiTA: Ex- perimental arousal of achievement motivation in adolescent girls. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:59-66, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3607). MH-7158 (R01) SHORT, JAMES F., Jr.: Street cor- ner groups and patterns of delinquency. Wash- ington State University, Pullman, Wash. (Con- tinued from MH-3301) GORDON, ROBERT A., SHORT, JAMES F., Jr., CART- WRIGHT, DESMOND S. and STRODTBECK, FRED L.: Values and gang delinquency: A study of street corner groups. American Journal of Sociology, 69:109-128, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 3301). SHORT, JAMES F., JR.: Street corner groups and pat- terns of delinquency: A progress report. Ameri- can Catholic Sociological Review, 24:13-32, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3301). SHORT, JaMEs F., Jr.: Introduction to “The Gang” by Frederic M. Thrasher, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, abridged edition, 1963. acknowledges MH-3301). (Also SHORT, J. F., Jr., and Rivera, R.: Perceived op- portunities, gang membership, and delinquency. American Sociological Review, 30:56-67, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3301). SHORT, JAMES F., and STRODTBECK, FRED L.: The response of gang leaders to status threats: An observation on group process and delinquent be- havior. American Journal of Sociology, 68:571- 579, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3301). SHORT, JAMES F., STRODTBECK, FRED L., and CART- WRIGHT, DESMOND S.: A strategy for utilizing re- search dilemmas: A case from the study of par- enthood in a street corner gang. Sociological In- quiry, 32:185-202, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3301). SHORT, JaMEs F., Jr, TENNYSON, Ray A., and HowARrp, KENNETH I.: Behavior dimensions of gang delinquency. American Sociological Review, 28:412-418, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 3301). STRODTBECK, FRED L., SHORT, JaMmEs F., Jr., and KOLEGAR, ELLEN: The analysis of self-descrip- tions by members of delinquent gangs. Sociolog- ical Quarterly, 3:331-356, 1962. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3301). MH-7237 (RO1) JENSEN, GLEN D.: Comparative study of operant conditioning. De Paul Univer- sity, Chicago, Ill. (1962-63) (Continued from MH-4494). JENSEN, GLEN D.: Preference for bar-pressing over “freeloading” as a function of number of re- warded presses. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 65:451-454, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2834 and MH-4494). MH-7279 (R01) HuNT, HowARrD F.: Basic mech- anisms of drug action on animal behavior. New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, N.Y. (1962- ) (Continued from MH-3361). GINSBURG, B. E.: Causal mechanisms in audiogenic seizures. Psychophysiologie Neuropharmocologie et Biochemie de la Crise Audiogene, Collogques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 112:227-240, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1918 and MH-3361). GINSBURG, B. E.: Genetics and ‘personality. In: Wepman, J., and Heine, R., eds. Concepts of personality. Chicago, Aldine Press, 1963, p. 63- 78. (Also acknowledges MH-1918 and MH- 3361). Harvey, J. A., HELLER, A., and MooRrg, R. Y.: The effect of unilateral and bilateral medial fore- brain bundle lesions on brain serotonin. Journal 582 of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 140:103-110, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 1918 and MH-3361). HELLER, A., HARVEY, J. A., and MOORE, R. Y.: A demonstration of a fall in brain serotonin fol- lowing central nervous system lesions in the rat. Biochemical Pharmacology, 11:859-866, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-1918 and MH-3361). HurcHINGs, DoNALD E.: Early handling in rats: The effects of body-temperature reduction and stimulation on adult emotionality. In: Proceed- ings of 1965 Meeting, American Psychological ssociation, p. 183-184. Moore, R. Y.: Effects of some rhinencephalic le- sions on retention of conditioned avoidance be- havior in cats. Journal of Comparative and Physi- ological Psychology, 57:65-71, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-1918 and MH-3361). MH-7280 (R01) Kermans, HERBERT C.: Social influence and behavior change. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1962- ) (Con- tinued from MH-2516). BaiLyN, Lotte, and KELMAN, H. C.: The effects of a year’s experience in America on the self- image of Scandinavians. Journal of Social Issues, 18(1):30-40, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH- 2516). KeLMAN, H. C.: The induction of action and atti- tude change. In: Coopersmith, S., ed. Personal- ity research. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1962, p. 81-110. (Also acknowledges MH-2516). KeLmaN, H. C.: The role of the group in the in- duction of therapeutic change. International Jour- nal of Group Psychotherapy, 13(4):399-432, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2516). KeLMAN, H. C.: Processes of opinion change. Public Opinion Quarterly, 25:57-78, 1961. Also in: Hollander, E. P., and Hunt, R. G., eds. Current perspectives in social psychology. Three processes of social influence. New York, Oxford, University, 1963, p. 454-462. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2516). KELMAN, HERBERT C.: Manipulation of human be- havior: An ethical dilemma for the social scien- tist. Journal of Social Issues, 21(2) :31-46, 1965. KeLmaN, H. C.,, and BaiLyN, Lotte: Effects of cross-cultural experience on national images: A study of Scandinavian students in America. Jour- nal of Conflict Resolution, 6(4):319-334, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-2516). KeLMmaN, H. C., and Barcray, JANET: The F Scale as a measure of breadth of perspective. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67 (6) :608-615, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH- 2561). KeLMmaN, H. C, and EacrLy, A. H.: Attitude to- ward the communicator, perception of communi- cation content, and attitude change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1(1):63-78, 1965. MH-7293 (R01) YUWILER, ARTHUR, and BRILL, NORMAN Q.: Biochemical tests for schizophrenia. University of California Medical Center, Los An- geles, Calif. (1962-64) (Continued from MH- 4567). YUWILER,ARTHUR: Psychopathology and 5-hydroxy- indoleacetic acid excretion. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 3(2):125-131, 1965. (Also acknowl- edges MH-1972 and MH-4567). MH-7305 (R01) HERSHKOWITZ, AARON: Intensive observations of chronic N P patients. Yeshiva University, New York, N.Y. (1962-64) (Con- tinued from M-4625). HEersHKOWITZ, A.: Naturalistic observations on chronically hospitalized patients: The effects of “strangers.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- eases, 135:258-264, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-4625). MH-7306 (R01) CHAPMAN, LOREN ].: Experi- mental study of schizophrenic thinking. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill. (1963-64) (Continued from MH-1416; MH-3481). CuaPMAN, L. J.: The problem of selecting drug- free schizophrenics for research. Journal of Con- sulting Psychology, 27:540-542, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3481 and MH-1416). CuapMmaN, L. J., and BAXTER, J.: The process- reactive distinction and patients’ subculture. Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 136:352- 359, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3481 and MH-1416). CHAPMAN, LOREN ]., CHAPMAN, JEAN P., and MILLER, GLENN A.: A theory of verbal behavior in schizophrenia. In: Maher, Brendan, ed. Prog- ress in experimental personality research. Vol. 1. New York, Academic Press, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3481). CHAPMAN, L. J, and KNowLEgs, R. R.: The ef- fects of phenothiazine on disordered thought in schizophrenia.” Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28(2):165-169, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 4674 and MH-3481). MH-7431 (R01) Gross, SoNjA K.: Biogenesis of the alkaloids. Boston University, Boston, Mass. (1962-63) (Continued from MH-3617). Gross, SONJA, and Dawson, R. F.: The biochem- ical transformation of the morphothebaine to the morphine ring system. Biochemistry, 2:186,1963. (Also acknowledges MH-3617). 583 MH-7432 (RO1) FINK, Max: Behavior changes with induced altered brain function. St. Louis State Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. (1963-64) (Con- tinued from MH-2715). BELMONT, I., PoLLAck, M., WILLNER, A., KLEIN, DonNaLD, and FINK, MAX: Effects of imipramine and chlorpromazine on perceptual analytic ability, perceptual responsivitiy and memory as revealed in Rorschach responses. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 137:42-50, 1963. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2715). FINK, MAX: Quantitative electroencephalography in human psychopharmacology. II. Drug patterns. In: Glaser, G., ed. EEG correlates of behavior. New York, Basic Books, 1963, p. 177-197. (Also acknowledges. MH-2715 and MH-5338). Fink, M., KLEIN, D. F., and KRAMER, J. C.: Clini- cal efficacy of chlorpromazine-procyclidine combi- nation, imipramine and placebo in depressive dis- orders. Psychopharmacologia, 7(1):27536, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-4798 and MH-2715). Karp, Eric, and POLLACK, Max: Comparative stud- ies of chlorpromazine and imipramine, III. Criti- cal flicker fusion thresholds in psychiatric patients. Psychopharmacologia, 4:452-458, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-2715). MH-7477 (RO1) SALZINGER, Kurt, and ZUBIN, JosepH: Verbal behavior and conditioning in schizophrenia. New York State Psychiatric Insti- tute, New York, N.Y. (1962- ) (Continued from MH-4842). PORTNOY, MAURICE, and SALZINGER, KURT: Per- ception as a function of association value with response bias controlled. Journal of Experimen- tal Psychology, 68(3):316-320, 1964. SALZINGER, K., and PORTNOY, STEPHANIE: Verbal conditioning in interviews: Application to chronic schizophrenics and relationship to prognosis for acute schizophrenics. Journal of Psychiatric Re- search, 2:1-9, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 1541 and MH-586). SALZINGER, K., PORTNOY, STEPHANIE, ZLOTO- GURA, PuyLLIs, and KEISNER, R.: The effect of reinforcement on continuous speech and on plural nouns in grammatical context. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1:477-485, 1963. (Also acknowledges MH-4842). MH-7478 (RO1) SUTTON, SAMUEL, HAKEREM, Gap, and ZUBIN, JosepH: Effect of drugs on the pupillary reflex. New York State Psychiatric In- stitute, New York, N.Y. (1962- ) (Contin- ued from MH-5051). HAKEREM, GAD: Instrumentation for research in pupillography. Psychopharmacology Service Cen- ter Bulletin, 2:11, 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-5051). MH-7541 (R01) MANNKERING, GILBERT J.: An- tagonism of narcotic effects and N-demethylation. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (1963-64) (Continued from MH-3689). RuBIN, A., CHERNoV, H. I, MILLER, J. W., and MANNERING, G. ].: Antagonism of morphine- induced respiratory depression and analgesia and inhibition of narcotic N-demethylation in vitro by N-substituted analogues of L-3-hydroxymorphinan and by N-allyl-normorphine. Journal of Pharma- cology and Experimental Therapeutics, 144:346- 353, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3689). RuBIN, ALAN, TepHLY, THoMmAs R., and MAN- NERING, GILBERT J.: Kinetics of drug metabolism by hepatic microsomes. Biochemical Pharmacol- ogy, 13:1007-1016, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3689). RuBIN, ALAN, TEpHLY, THOMAS R., and MAN- NERING, GILBERT J.: Inhibition of hexobarbital metabolism by ethylmorphine and codeine in the intact rat. Biochemical Pharmacology, 13:1053- 1057, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3689). MH-7842 (RO1) MorRIN, RicHARD, D., and BEN- INGTON, FREDERICK: Functional groups and psy- chotomimetic activity. University of Alabama, Birtiingham, Ala. (1963- ) (Continued from MH-1588). BENINGTON, F., Morin, R. D., and CLARK, L. C, Jr.: Pharmacological activity of phenylisopropyl- hydroxylamine and its o-methyl ether. Nature, 202(4934) :813, 1964. BENINGTON, F., MORIN, R. D., and CLARK, L. C, Jr.: 5-methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine, a pos- sible endogenous psychotoxin. Alabama Journal of Medical Sciences, 2(4):397-403, 1965. BENINGTON, F., MoriN, R. D,, and CLARK, L. C, Jr.: Behavioral and neuropharmacological actions of N-aralkylhydroxylamines and their O-methyl ethers. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 8(1): 100-104, 1965. Crark, L. C, Jr.,, BeENINGTON, F., and MORIN, R. D.: The enzymatic oxidative deamination and effect on cat behavior of mescaline and struc- turally-related ~~ beta-phenethylamines. ~~ Alabama Journal of Medical Sciences, 1(4) :417-429, 1964. CLARK, LELAND C. JR., BENINGTON, FREDERICK, and MORIN, RicHARD D.: The effects of ring- methoxyl groups on biological deamination of phenethylamines. Journal of Medicinal Chemis- try, 8:353-355, 1965. MH-7870 (R01) PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN, and RETTIG, SALOMON: Electronic computer program- ming in psychiatric research. Ohio State Univer- sity, Columbus, Ohio. (1963- ) (Continued from MH-5042). 584 RETTIG, SALOMON: Multiple discriminant analysis: An illustration. American Sociological Review, 29:398-402, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH- 5042). RETTIG, SALOMON: Invariance of factor structure of ethical judgments by Indian and American college students. Sociometry, 27:96-113, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-5042). RETTIG, SALOMON, and RAwsON, HARVE E.: The risk hypothesis in predictive judgments of un- ethical behavior. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66:243-248, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-5042). RETTIG, S., RAwsoN, H. E., KNoBLOCH, H., and PAsAMANICK, B.: A multi-dimensional computer analysis of some complications of pregnancy and their neuropsychiatric sequelae. In: Fourth IBM Medical Symposium. New York, Endicott, 1963, p.- 123-132. (Also acknowledges MH-5042). MH-7874 (R01) PASAMANICK, BENjAMIN, and MCcPHEETERS, HAROLD: Home versus hospital care for schizophrenics. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. (1963- ) (Continued from MH-2535). Dinitz, S., ScarpiTT, F. R.,, ALBINI, J. L., LEFTON, M., and PASAMANICK, B.: An experimental study in the prevention of hospitalization of schizophren- ics. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35: 1-9, 1965. PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN, ScarpiTTl, F., LEFTON, Mark, DiNitz, SiMoN, WERNERT, J. J., and McPHEETERS, H.: Home vs. hospital care for schizophrenics. Journal of the American Medical Association, 187:177-181, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-2535). ScarprrTi, F., LEFTON, MARK, DINITZ, SIMON, and PASAMANICK, BENJAMIN: Problems in a home care study for schizophrenics. Archives of Gen- eral Psychiatry, 10:143-154, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-2535). MH-7927 (R01) ROTHENBUHLER, WALTER C.: Genetic bases of behavior differences. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. (1963-63) (Con- tinued from MH-3882). Jones, R. L., and ROTHENBUHLER, W. C.: Behav- jour genetics of nest cleaning in honey bees. II. Responses of two inbred lines to various amounts of cyanide-killed brood. Animal Behaviour, 12: 584-588, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3882). ROTHENBUHLER, W. C.: Behaviour genetics of next cleaning in honey bees. 1. Responses of four inbred lines to disease-killed brood. Animal Behaviour, 12:578-583, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3882). MH-8291 (R01) Voss, JaMEs F.: Probabilistic ver- bal learning. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1963-64) (Continued from MH-3531). ErDELYI, M., WATTS, B., and Voss, J. F.: Effect of probability of competing responses in probabilistic verbal acquisition. Journal of Experimental Psy- chology, 68(4):323-329, 1964. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3531). MORNING, N., and Voss, J. F.: Mediation of R;- R, in the acquisition of S-R;, S-R, associations. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67:67-71, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-3531). Voss, J. F.: Effect of pairing directionality and an- ticipatory cue in paired-associate learning. Jour- nal of Experimental Psychology, 69(5):490-495, 1965. ZIMMERMAN, H., and Voss, J. F.: The effect of marginal and conditional probabilities on one asso- ciation upon concomitant acquisition of a second association. Journal of Verbal Learning and Ver- bal Behavior, 1:463-469, 1963. (Also acknowl- edges MH-3531). MH-9020 (R12) McQuirty, Louis L.: Mental health screening techniques. University of Illi- nois, Urbana, Ill. (1950-54) McQuirty, L. L.: A statistical method for studying personality integration. In: Mowrer, O. H., ed. sychotherapy, theory and research. New York, Ronald Press, 1953, p. 414-462. McQuirty, L. L.: Pattern analysis illustrated in classifying patients and normals. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 14:598-604, 1954. McQuirrty, L. L.: Theories and methods in some objective assessments of psychological well-being. Psychological Monographs, 68:1-28, 1954. McQuirty, L. L. A pattern and analytic method de- rived from a theory of individual differences in psychological well-being. In: Sells, S. B., Chair- man. Symposium on pattern analysis. Randolph Field, Texas, Air University, USAF School of Aviation Medicine, 1955, p. 29-46. McQuirty, L. L.: Agreement analysis: Classifying persons by predominant patterns of response. British Journal of Statistical Psychology, 9:5-16, 1956. MH-9027 (R12) Luszki, MARGARET B.: Work conference in mental health research. National Training Laboratory in Group Development, Washington, D.C. (1951-57) Luszki, MARGARET BARRON: Some sccial problems of social research. American Sociological Review, 22(3):333-335, 1957. Luszki, MARGARET BARRON: Team research in social sciences: Major consequences of a growing 585 trend. Human Organization, 16(1):21-24, 1957. Also in: Adams, Richard N., and Preiss, Jack J., eds. Human organization research: Field rela- tions and techniques. Homewood, Ill, Dorsey Press, 1960, p. 19-27. Luszki, MARGARET BARRON: Interdisciplinary team research: Methods and problems. ew York, New York University Press for National Train- ing Laboratories, 1958, 355 p. Luszki, MARGARET BARRON: The challenge of the interdisciplinary team approach in research. In: Jeffers, Frances C., ed. Proceedings of Seminars, 1958-1959 Duke University Council on Geron- tology. North Carolina, Duke University Re- gional Center for the Study of Aging, 1959, p. 11-26. MH-9029 (R12) BacoN, SELDON D.: Problems of alcoholism. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (1951-52) Bacon, SELpON D., ed.: Alcoholism, 1941-1951: A survey of activities in research, education and therapy. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 13:421-511, 1952. MH-9030 (R12) SHAw, CLIFFORD R.: Epidemiol- ogy of juvenile addiction in Chicago. Chicago Area Project, Chicago, Ill. (1951-53) FINESTONE, HAROLD: Narcotics and criminality. Law and Contemporary Problems, 22:60-85, Win- ter 1957. FINESTONE, HAROLD: Cats, kicks, and color. cial Problems, 5:3-13, 1957. So- FINESTONE, HAROLD: Epidemiology of adult addic- tion. Proceedings, White House Conference on Narcotic and Drug Abuse, September 27 and 28, 1962, Washington, D.C., p. 142-145. MH-9033 (R12) Grock, CHARLES Y.: Explora- tory survey and conference on drug addiction. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1951- 51) BiGMAN, STANLEY K.: Drug use among adolescents. A framework for social research. New York, Co- lumbia University, 1951, 71 p. (Processed). MH-9034 (R12) MEAD, MARGARET: European mental health summer school 1952. Society for Applied Anthropology, New York, N.Y. (1951- 54) Jackson, EpitH B., KLATsKIN, ETHELYN H., and WILKIN, Louise C.: Early child development in relation to degree of flexibility of maternal atti- tude. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 7:393- 428, 1952. (Also acknowledges MH-105). MEAD, MARGARET: Sharing child development in- sights around the globe. Understanding the Child, 21:98-103, 1952. MEAD, MARGARET: Technological change and child development. Understanding the Child, 21:109- 112, 1952. Soppy, KENNETH, ed.: Mental health and infant development. (Proceedings of the International Seminar held by World Federation for Mental Health at Chechester, England). Vol. 1—308 p. Vol. 2—289 p. New York, Basic Books, 1956. MH-9037 (R12) BioMAN, STANLEY K., and GLocK, CHARLES: Bibliographical analysis of drug use literature. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. (1951-52) MEYER, ALAN S.: Social and psychological factors in opiate addiction: A review of research findings together with an annotated bibliography. New York, Columbia University Bureau of Applied So- cial Research, 1952. (Processed). MH-9038 (R12) HiLL, REUBEN: Family and per- sonal adjustment in an urban community. Uni- versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. (1951-53) HiLL, REUBEN: The Eddyville story: Personal and family adjustments to rapid urbanization of a southern town. In: Recherche sur la famille. Vol. 3. Goettingen, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1958, p. 93-145. HiLL, REUBEN, Moss, J. JOEL, and WIRTHS, CLAU- DINE G.: Eddyville’s families: A study of per- sonal and family adjustments subsequent to the rapid urbanization of a southern town. Chapel Hill, N.C, Institute for Research in Social Sci- ence, 1953. (Processed). MH-9048 (R12) CHEIN, Isipor: Factors affecting drug addiction among minors. New York Uni- versity, New York, N.Y. (1952-58) CHEIN, ISIDORE: Narcotics use among juveniles. Social Work, 1:50-60, 1956. CHEIN, ISIDORE: Perspectives on narcotics use by teen-aged boys. Lectures to the laity. New York Academy of Medicine, January 20, 1960. Also in: Golden Anniversary White House Conference on Children and Youth, 1960, p. 250-257. CHEIN, ISIDORE, GERARD, DoNALD L., LEE, RoB- ERT S., and ROSENFELD, Eva: The road to H: Narcotics, delinquency, and social policy. New York, Basic Books, 1964, 482 p. CHEIN, ISIDORE, and ROSENFELD, Eva: Juvenile heroin use. Law and Contemporary Problems, 22:52-68, 1957. 586 ROSENFELD, EVA: A research-based proposal for a community program of delinquency prevention. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 322:136-145, 1959. WIiLNER, D. M., RoseNFELD, Eva, LEE, R. S, GEeraARD, D. L., and CHEIN, I.: Heroin use and street gangs. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminol- ogy and Police Science, 48:399-409, 1957. MH-9053 (R12) STAR, SHIRLEY A.: Popular think- ing in the field of mental health. National Opin- ion Research Center, Chicago, Ill. (1953-54 BENNEY, MARK, RIESMAN, DAVID, and STAR, SHIR- LEY A.: Age and sex in the interview. American Journal of Sociology, 62(2):143-152, 1956. STAR, SHIRLEY A.: Public attitudes—A measure of the difficulties. In: American Psychiatric Associa- tion, ed. Psychiatry, the press and the public: Problems in communication. Washington, D.C., American Psychiatric Association, 1956, p. 1-5. STAR, SHIRLEY A.: Nervous breakdown. In: Encyclo- pedia of mental health. Vol. 4. New York, Franklin Watts, 1963, p. 1306-1311. MH-9059 (R12) SmMMoNs, Ozzie, and PauL, BENJAMIN D.: Community aspects of psychiatric rehabilitation. Harvard University, Boston, Mass. (1953-57) Davis, JaMEs A., FREEMAN, HowArp E., and SiM- MONS, OzziE G.: Rehospitalization and perform- ance level among former mental patients. Social Problems, 5:37-44, 1957. FREEMAN, Howarp E., and SiMMoONs, Ozzie G.: Wives, mothers, and the post-hospital performance of mental patients. Social Forces, 37:153-159, December, 1958. NaBOISEK, H., SIMMONS, O. G., MATHEWS, D. M,, and CATH, S. H.: Hospital image and post-hospi- tal experience. In: Greenblatt, M., Levinson, D. J., and Williams, R. H., eds. The patient and the mental hospital. Glencoe, Ill., Free Press, 1957, p. 565-576 SimMONs, Ozzie G., and Davis, JAMES A.: Inter- disciplinary collaboration in mental illness re- search. American Journal of Sociology, 63:297- 303, 1957. SiMMoNs, Ozzie G., Davis, SPENCER, KATHERINE: release from a mental hospital. 4:21-28, 1956. James A., and Interpersonal strains in Social Problems, MH-9064 (R12) McGinnis, ELLioTT M.: Effects of mental health films on community groups. University of Maryland, College Park, Md. (1953-57) ALTMAN, I, and McGINNIES, ELLioTT: Interper- sonal perception and communication in discussion groups of varied attitudinal composition. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60:390- 395, 1960. LaNA, R., VAUGHAN, W., and McGINNIES, E.: Leadership and friendship status as factors in dis- cussion group interaction. Journal of Social Psy- chology, 52:127-134, 1960. McGINNIES, ErrLiorrs A method for matching anonymous questionnaire data with group discus- sion material. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 52:139-140, 1956. McGINNIES, ELLiorT: The role of mental health films in community discussion groups. Mental Hygiene, 42:409-422, 1958. McGINNIES, ELLIOTT, and ALTMAN, I.: Discussion as a function of attitudes and content of a per- suasive communication. Journal of Applied Psy- chology, 43:53-59, 1959. McGINNIES, EvrLiorT, LANA, R., and Smith, C.: The effects of sound films on opinions about men- tal illness in community discussion groups. Jour- nal of Applied Psychology, 42:40-46, 1958. McGINNIES, ELLioTT, and VAUGN, W.: Some bio- graphical determiners of participation in group discussion. Journal of Applied Psychology, 41: 179-185, 1957. MirNIcK, L., and McGINNIES, ELLIOTT: Influencing ethnocentrism in small discussion groups through a film communication. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 56:82-90, 1958. PAGE, R., and McGINNIES, ELLIOTT: Comparison of two styles of leadership in small discussion groups. Journal of Applied Psychology, 43:240-245, 1959. MH-9066 (R12) Beck, LESTER F.: Evaluation of mental health films. University of Southern Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. (1954-55) Audience reactions to mental health films. 1955. Distributed by Department of Cinema, University of Southern California. MH-9067 (R12) NunNNALLy, Jum C, and Os- Goon, CHARLES E.: Communication of informa- tion on mental health. University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. (1954-60) Husek, T. R., and BoBREN, H.: The relative im- portance of labels and behavior descriptions in determining attitudes toward labeled behavior. Psychological Record, 14:319-325, 1964. NuNNALLy, J. C.: The communication of mental health information: A comparison of the opin- ions of experts and the public with mass media presentations. Behavioral Sciences, 2:222-230, 1957. 587 NuNNALLy, J. C.: Opinions of psychologists and psychiatrists about mental health problems. [our- nal of Consulting Psychology, 22:178-182, 1958. NUNNALLY, J. C.: Psychology, psychiatry and men- tal illness in the mass media: A study of trends, 1900-1959. Mental Hygiene, 45:89-93, 1961. NuUNNALLY, J. C.: Popular conceptions of mental health, New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1961. 311 p. NuUNNALLY, J. C., and BoBREN, H. M.: Variables governing the willingness to receive communica- tions on mental health. Journal of Personality, 27:38-46, 1959. NUNNALLY, J., and BOBREN, H. M.: Attitude change with false information. Public Opinion Quarterly, 23:260-266, 1959. NUNNALLY, J. C., and GERBNER, GEORGE: Mental illness on television: A study of censorship. Jour- nal of Broadcasting, 3:292-303, 1959. NuNNALLY, Jum C, and Husek, T. R.: The phony language examination: An approach to the meas- urement of response bias. Educational and Psy- chological Measurement, 18:275-282, 1958. NuUNNALLY, Jum C., and Husek, T. R.: “Semantic clarity”: One standard for factored tests. Educa- tional and Psychological Measurement, 18:761- 767, 1958. NUNNALLY, J. C., and KiTTROSS, J. M.: Public atti- tudes toward mental health professions. American Psychologist, 13:589-594, 1958. NUNNALLY, J., and TANNENBAUM, PERCY H.: Reg- ulation of mental illness content in motion pictures and television. Gazette, 6:365-385, 1961. NuUNNALLY, J., and TANNENBAUM, PERCY H.: Mass media censorship and the portrayal of men- tal illness: Some effects of industry-wide controls in motion pictures and television. In: Schramm, Wilbur, ed. Studies of innovation and of com- munication to the public. Stanford, Calif., Stan- ford University, 1962. TAYLOR, WILSON L.: Gauging the mental health content of the mass media. Journalism Quarterly, 34:191-201, 1957. MH-9073 (R12) Horr, EBBE C.: Conference on alcoholism research. National States Conference on Alcoholism, Raleigh, N.C. (1954-55) Horr, E. C., QUASTEL, J. H., PosT, J., BLACKBURN, J. M,, Bacon, S. D., and DIETHELM, O.: Current research on problems of alcoholism. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 16(3):533-574, 1955. MH-9075 (R12) HuME, Portia B.: Hospital and clinic treatment in comparable cases. California State Department of Mental Hygiene, Sacramento, Calif. (1955-57) California Department of Mental Hygiene: A study of suitability for outpatient clinic treatment of state mental hospital admissions. Sacramento, California, California Department of Menta] Hy- giene, 1957. (Research Report No. 1). SAMPSON, HAroLD, Ross, DaviD, ENGLE, BERNICE, and FLORINE, LivsoN: Feasibility of community clinic treatment for state mental hospital patients. A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 80:71-77, 1958. MH-9077 (R12) YARROW, LEON ].: Mother figure change in infancy and personality. Family and Child Services, Washington, D.C. (1954-62) YARROW, LEON J.: Moving toward maturity: In- fancy. Children, 7(3):110-111, 1960. YARROW, LEON J.: Interviewing children. In: Mussen, P. H., ed. Handbook of research meth- ods in child development. New York, John Wiley, 1960, p. 561-602. YARROW, LEON J.: Maternal deprivation: Toward an empirical and conceptual re-evaluation. Psy- chological Bulletin, 58:459-490, 1961. YARROW, LEON J.: The effects of having people as parents. Contemporary Psychology, 6:322-323, 1962. YARROW, LEON J.: Maternal care and infant be- havior. Children, 10:32-34, 1963. Yarrow, LEON J.: The longterm implications of maternal separation. Child Welfare, 52:72-77, 1963. YARROW, LEON J.: Research in dimensions of early maternal care. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly of Be- havior and Development, 9:101-114, 1963. YARROW, LEON J.: Separation from parents in early childhood. In: Hoffman, M., and Hoffman, L., eds. Review of child development research. New York, Russell Sage, 1964, p. 89-136. YARROW, LEON ].: Personality consistency and change: Perspectives from longitudinal research. I. An overview of some conceptual and methodo- logical issues. Vita Humana, 7:67-72, 1964. Yarrow, L. J., and GoopwiN, M. S.: Some concep- tual issues in the study of mother-infant inter- action. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35 (3):473-481, 1965. YARROW, LEON J., and YARROW, M. R.: Personality continuity and change in the family context. In: Worchel, P., and Byrne, D., eds. Personality change. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1964, p. 489-523. MH-9080 (R12) Ivey, JouN E., Jr.: Southern regional council on mental health. Southern Regional Education Board, Atlanta, Ga. (1955- 57) Southern Regional Education Board: Social work personnel for mental health programs. Atlanta, Ga., Southern Regional Education Board, June, 1956, p. 48. Southern Regional Education Board: Psychiatrists for mental health programs. Atlanta, Ga., Southern Regional Education Board, December 1956, p. 51. Southern Regional Education Board: Psychologists for mental health programs. Atlanta, Ga., South- ern Regional Education Board, August 1957, p. 43. Southern Regional Education Board: Nursing per- sonnel for mental health programs. Atlanta, Ga., Southern Regional Education Board, March, 1958, 56 p. MH-9082 (R12) HENRY, WiLLiaM E., HAVIG- HURST, ROBERT ]., and NEUGARTEN, BERNICE: Psychological and social factors in successful aging. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (1955-63) CuMMING, ELAINE, DEAN, Lois R., and NEWELL, Davip S.: Measuring successful aging: A validity problem. In: Human Development Bulletin (Human Development Student Organization, Uni- versity of Chicago), 1958, p. 22-32. CUMMING, ELAINE, DEAN, Lois R., and NEWELL, Davip S.: What is “morale?” A case history of a validity problem. Human Organization, 17(2): 3-8, 1958. CuMMING, ELAINE, and HENRY, WiLLiaM E.: Growing old. New York, Basic Books, 1961. 293 p. CUMMING, ELAINE, and McCAFFREY, ISABEL: Dis- engagement: A tentative theory of aging. So- ciometry, 23:23-35, 1960. CuMMING, E., and SCHNEIDER, DAvID: Sibling soli- darity: A structural property of American kinship. American Anthropologist, 63:498-507, 1961. DEAN, Lois R.: Aging and the decline of instru- mentality. Journal of Gerontology, 15:403-407, 1960. DEAN, Lois R.: The pattern variables: Some empiri- cal operations. American Sociological Review, 26:80-90, 1961. HAVIGHURsST, ROBERT J.: The relation of the state to the aging individual. Bulletin of the Interna- tional Association of Gerontology, 1(3):1-2, 1958. HAVIGHURST, ROBERT ].: Successul aging. Geron- tologist, 1(1):8-13, 1961. HAVIGHURST, R. J., NEUGARTEN, B. L., and TOBIN, S. S.: Disengagement, personality and life satis- faction in the later years. In: Age with a future. 588 Proceedings, 6th International Congress of Geron- tology, Markaryd, Sweden. Copenhagen, Munks- gaard, 1964, p. 419-425. HENRY, WiLLiAM E., and CUMMING, ELAINE: Per- sonality development in adulthood and old age. Journal of Projective Techniques, 23:383-390, 1959. LorTiE, DAN C.: Middle-aged men and their work: An exploration of meanings. Human Develop- ment Bulletin, 1957, p. 1-7. NEUGARTEN, B.: Women’s implicit views of women. Chapter 4. In: Gross, Irma W., ed. Potentiali- ties of women in the middle years. East Lansing, Michigan State University Press, 1956. NEUGARTEN, B.: Social change and our aging popu- lation. = Journal of the American Association of University Women, 50(2):67-70, 1957. NEUGARTEN, B.: Women’s changing roles through the life cycle. Journal of the Association sof Women Deans and Counselors, 24:163-170, 1961. NEUGARTEN, B.: Personality changes in adulthood and old age. In: Proceedings of Seminars, 1951- 1961, Duke University Council on Gerontology. Durham, North Carolina, Regional Center for the Study of Aging, Duke University, 1962, p. 22-34. NEUGARTEN, BERNICE L.: Personality changes dur- ing the adult years. In: Kuhlen, Raymond G., ed. Psychological backgrounds of adult education. Chicago, Center for the Study of Liberal Educa- tion for Adults, 1963, p. 43-76. NEUGARTEN, BERNICE L.: Personality and the aging process. In: Williams, Richard H., Tibbetts, Clark, and Donahue, Wilma, eds. Processes of aging. Vol. 1. New York, Atherton Press, 1963, p. 321-334. NEUGARTEN, B.: Biological and psychological as- pects of aging. Washington, D.C., Welfare Ad- ministration, U.S. Health, Education, and Welfare Department, 1963. 17 p. (Processed). NEUGARTEN, BERNICE L.: Personality in middle and late life: A set of empirical studies. New York, Atherton Press, 1964. 231 p. NEUGARTEN, B.: A developmental view of adult personality. In: Birren, James E., ed. Relations of development and aging. Springfield, Ill, Charles C. Thomas, 1964, p. 176-208. NEUGARTEN, BERNICE L., and GUTMAN, Davip L.: Age-sex roles and personality in middle age: A thematic apperception study. Psychological Monographs, 72(17):1-33, 1958. (Whole No. 470). NEUGARTEN, BERNICE L., HAVIGHURST, ROBERT ]J., and TOBIN, SHELDON S.: The measurement of life satisfaction. Journal of Gerontology, 16(2): 134-143, 1961. 589 NEUGARTEN, BERNICE L., and PETERSON, W. A.: A study of the American age-grade system. In: Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the Interna- tional Association of Gerontology: Sociological Division, Merano, Italy, July 14-19, 1957. Vol. 3. 1957, p. 497-502. ROSEN, JACQUELINE L., and NEUGARTEN, BERNICE L.: Ego functions in the middle and later years: A thematic apperception study of normal adults. Journal of Gerontology, 15:62-67, 1960. ToBIN, SHELDON S., and NEUGARTEN, B. L.: Life satisfaction and social interaction in the aging. Journal of Gerontology, 16:344-346, 1961. MH-9084 (R12) BraNcH, C. HARDIN, and ENAR- soN, HaroLD L.: Training, research and resource needs in western U.S. Western Interstate Com- mission for Higher Education, Boulder, Colo. (1955-56) BrancH, C. H. HARDIN: The Western mental health training and research survey. Journal of Correctional Psychology, 11(3 and 4) :63-68, 1955. MH-9091 (R12) LeviNsoN, DANIEL J. and GREENBLATT, MILTON: Research conference on patient and the mental hospital.. Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, Mass. (1955-57) GREENBLATT, MILTON, LEVINSON, DANIEL J., and WiLLiaMs, RicHARD H., eds.: The patient and the mental hospital: Contributions of research in the science of social behavior. Glencoe, Ill., Free Press, 1957. 658 p. (Also acknowledges MH- 687 and MH-1000). MH-9092 (R12) MASLAND, RICHARD L.: Survey of etiology of mental retardation. National Asso- ciation for Retarded Children, New York, N.Y. (1955-57) MASLAND, RICHARD L., SARASON, SEYMOUR B., and GLADWIN, THOMAS: Mental subnormality—Dbio- logical, psychological, and cultural factors. New York, Basic Books, 1958. 442 p. MH-9094 (R12) REXFORD, EVEOLEEN N., SCHLEI- FER, MAXWELL, VAN AMERONGEN, SUZANNE T.: A study of families with antisocial young children. Douglas A. Thomas Clinic for Children, Boston, Mass. (1956-58) RExFORD, EVEOLEEN N.: Some meanings of ag gressive behavior in children. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 322:11-18, 1959. (Also acknowledges MH- 1795). REXFORD, EVEOLEEN N.: Antisocial young children and their families. In: Jessner, L., and Paven- stedt, E., eds. Dynamic psychotherapy of children. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1959, p. 186-218. (Also acknowledges MH-1795). REXFORD, EVEOLEEN, N.: A developmental concept of problems of acting-out. Journal of the Ameri- can Academy of Child Psychiatry, 2:1, 1963. MH-9103 (R12) NISONGER, HERSCHEL W.: Pro- fessional organization planning in retardation. American Association on Mental Deficiency, Co- lumbus, Ohio. (1956-63) CAUGHEY, JoHN ]J., Jr.: The medical school phase of the education of a physician. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 63(1):39-46, 1958. DuHL, LEONARD ]J., ed.: Research design and meth- odology in mental retardation. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 64(2):227-430, 1959. GARDNER, WILLIAM I., and NISONGER, H. W.: A manual on program development in mental re- tardation. American Journal of Mental Defi- ciency, Monograph Supplement, 66(4):1-192, 1962. HEBER, RICK: Promising areas for psychological re- search in mental retardation. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 63:1014-1019, 1959. HEBER, Rick F., ed.: Preparation of mentally re- tarded youth for gainful employment. Washing- ton, D.C., Office of Education, Bulletin 1959, No. 28, Rehabilitation Services Series No. 507, U.S. Government Printing Office. 1959, 86 p. HEBER, Rick F., ed.: Training of psychologists in mental retardation. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 65(5):634-651, 1961. HEBER, Rick F., ed.: A manual on terminology and classification in mental retardation. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, Monograph Supple- ment, 2nd ed., 1961, 109 p. HINDMAN, DARRELL A.: Cooperative programs of training and research in mental retardation: A sur- vey study of cooperative relationships established between residential facilities for the mentally re- tarded and colleges and universities. Yellow Springs, Ohio, Antioch Press, 1959, 160 p. Katz, ALBERT H., ed.: Mental retardation and social work education. Detroit, Wayne State Uni- versity Press, 1961, 56 p. KNoBLOCH, HILDA: Teaching about mental subnor- mality to the medical student and physician: A conference report. Pediatrics, 31(1):Part I: 146-153, 1963. NISONGER, HERSCHEL W.: Status of the A.A.M.D. project: Past, present, and future. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 64:217-226, 1959. NisoNGER, H. W.: State planning on mental re- tardation. Mental Retardation, 1(6):330-337, 1963. NisoNGER, H. W., ed.: Manual on standards for state residential institutions. American Journal 590 of Mental Deficiency, Monograph Supplement, 66(4):1-101, 1964. President's Panel on Mental Retardation: Bibliog- raphy of world literature on mental retardation, January 1940-March 1963. Washington, D.C, Government Printing Office, 1963, 564 p. MH-9104 (R12) GErARD, RALPH W.: Conference on pharmacotherapy in mental illness. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. (1955- 59) COLE, JONATHAN O., and GERARD, RALPH W, eds.: Psychopharmacology: Problems in evaluation. Washington, D.C., National Academy of Sciences- National Research Council, 1959, 662 p. (Pub- lication No. 583). GREENBLATT, M., and LEVINSON, D. J.: The evalu- ation of therapeutic change: Sociopsychological aspects. In: Cole, J. O., and Gerard, R. W., eds. Psychopharmacology: Problems in evaluation. Washington, D.C., National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, 1959, p. 478-498. (Also acknowledges MH-687). MH-9106 (R12) EwALT, Jack R.: National survey of mental illness and health. Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health, Boston, Mass. (1956-61) ALBEE, GEORGE W.: Mental health manpower trends. New York, Basic Books, 1959, 361 p. ALLINSMITH, WESLEY, and GOETHALS, GEORGE: The role of schools in mental health. New York, Basic Books, 1962, 337 p. EwaALT, JACK R.: Goals of the Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health. American Journal of Public Health, 47:19-24, 1957. EwaLt, Jack R.: Community attitudes. American Journal of Public Health, 47(11):24-26, 1957. EwaALT, Jack R.: Working with the Joint Commis- sion on Mental Illness and Health. Mental Health in Virginia, 8(1):13-15, 1957. EwaLT, Jack R.: The Joint Commission and the community self survey. National Health Council, New York, September, 1957, p. 20. EwaLT, Jack R.: A case for the community self survey. Public Health Reports, 72(7):620-623, 1957. FEIN, RasHI: Economics of mental illness. New York, Basic Books, 1958, 164 p. GURIN, GERALD, VEROFF, JOSEPH, and FIELD, SHEILA: Americans view their mental health. New York, Basic Books, 1960, 444 p. JaHopA, MARIE: Current concepts of positive men- tal health. New York, Basic Books, 1958, 136 p. Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health: Action for mental health: Final report of the Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health. New York, Basic Books, 1961, 338 p. McCANN, RicHARD V.: The churches and mental health. New York, Basic Books, 1962, 278 p. PLUNKETT, RICHARD J., and GORDON, JoHN E.: Epidemiology in mental health. New York, Basic Books, 1960, 126 p. ROBINSON, REGINALD, DEMARCHE, DAviD F., and WAGLE, MILDRED: Community - resources in men- tal health. New York, Basic Books, 1960, 435 p. (Also acknowledges MH-9153). MH-9109 (R12) Lippitt, RONALD, and WITHEY, STEPHEN: Social and psychological factors in de- linquency. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1956-65) EisEMAN, J.: Leaders’ guide for the deciders. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Institute for Social Research, 1963, 29 p. GoLp, M.: Status forces in delinquent boys. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Institute for Social Research, 1963, 229 p. Gourp, R,, and LippITT, R., eds.: Delinquency pat- terns, causes, cures. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Insti- tute for Social Research, 1961, 53 p. HAWKINSHIRE, F., ed.: Parents, teachers, youth: A teenage weekend laboratory. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Institute for Social Research, 1962, 62 p. (Processed). Jung, C.: Flint schools experimental programs for the emotionally handicapped. Pilot phase descrip- tion and evaluation. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Insti- tute for Social Research, July 1962, 75 p. Ap- pendix, 157 p. (Processed). MCcQUEEN, A.: Lower class culture, mobility aspira- tions and juvenile delinquency: A functional analysis. Ann Arbor, Mich., Institute for Social Research, 1961, 17 p. Motgs, O. Jr., Lippitt, R., and WiTHEY, S. B.: A selective review of research and theories con- cerning the dynamics of delinquency. Ann Arbor, Mich., Institute for Social Research, 1960, 188 p. Morris, RuTH R.: Female delinquency and rela- tional problems. Social Forces, 43(1):82-89, 1964. Morris, RUTH R.: Attitudes toward delinquency by delinquents, non-delinquents and their friends. British Journal of Criminology, p. 249-265, July 1965. SIMBERG, M.,, ed.: Flint community leaders seminar reports. Ann Arbor, Mich., Institute for Social Research, 1962, 121 p. (Processed). 591 WINTER, J., and HALSTED, D.: Report on the Flint youth study. A resource book of selected findings. Ann Arbor, Mich., Institute for Social Research, 1961, 317 p. MH-9111 (R12) O'DOHERTY, DESMOND, BULLARD, DEXTER, and FORSTER, FRANCIS M.: Symposium on subcortical implanted electrodes. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. (1956-60) RaMEY, E. R., and O’DoHEerTY, D. S.: Electrical studies on the unanesthetized brain. New York, Paul B. Hoeber, 1960, 423 p. MH-9121 (R12) RyaN, PHILIP E.: 1957 national health forum on fostering mental health. Na- tional Health Council, New. York, N.Y. (1956- 57) DacH, ELIZABETH M.: Your community and mental health, New York, Public Affairs Committee, 1958, 28 p. (Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 263). NELSON, JOSEPHINE, and DAcH, ELIZABETH, M., eds.: Steps for today toward better mental health. New York City, National Health Council, 1957, 118 p. MH-9122 (R12) ScHrRaAMM, WILBUR, and SEARS, RoBERT R.: Factors affecting development of the parental role. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (1957-62) ApAMs, J. STACEY: Advice seeking of mothers as a function of need for cognition. Child Develop- ment, 30:171-176, 1959. ADAMs, J. STACEY: The reduction of cognitive dis- sonance by seeking consonant information. Jour- nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62:74-78, 1961. MaAccoBy, ELEANOR E., MaccoBy, NATHAN, RoM- NEY, A. K,, and Apawms, J. S.: Social reinforce- ment and attitude change. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63:109-115, 1961. MAaccoBy, NATHAN: The communication of child- rearing advice to parents. Merrill-Palmer Quar- terly of Behavior and Development, 7:199-204, 1961. MaccoBy, NATHAN, and MaccoBy, ELEANOR E.: Homeostatic theory in attitude change. Public Opinion Quarterly, 25:538-545, 1961. MaccoBy, NATHAN, RoMNEY, A. K., ApAMs, J. STACEY, and MAccoBY, ELEANOR E.: “Critical periods” in seeking and accepting information. In: Paris—Stanford studies in communication 1962. Stanford, California, Institute for Com- munication Research, Stanford University, 1962, p. 47-57. MH-9124 (R12) SampsoN, HaroLD: Convalescent leave of schizophrenic patients. California State Department of Mental Hygiene, Sacramento, Calif. (1957-63) MESSINGER, SHELDON, L., SAMPSON, HAROLD, and TowNE, ROBERT D.: Life as theater: Some notes on the dramaturgic approach to social reality. Sociometry, 25:98-110, 1962. SAMPSON, HAROLD, MESSINGER, SHELDON L., and TowNE, ROBERT D.: Family processes and be- coming a mental patient. American Journal of Sociology, 68:88-96, 1962. SAMPSON, H., MESSINGER, S. L., and TowNE, R. D.: The mental hospital and family adaptations. Psy- chiatric Quarterly, 36:704-719, 1962. SAMPsON, H., MESSINGER, S. L., and TowNE, R. D.: Schizophrenic women: Studies of marital crisis. New York, Atherton Press, 1964, 174 p. SaMpPsoN, H., MESSINGER, S. L., TowNE, R. D., Ross, DAvID, LivsoN, FLORINE, BOWERS, MARY, CoHEN, LESTER, and DorsT, KATE S.: Two types of schizophrenic crises in women. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 25:296-306, 1961. SaMPsON, H., MESSINGER, S. L., TowNE, R. D,, Ross, DAviD, LivsoN, FLORINE, BOWERS, MARY, COHEN, LESTER, and Dorst, KATE S.: The men- tal hospital and marital family ties. Social Prob- lems, 9(2) :141-155, 1961. TowNE, ROBERT D., MESSINGER, SHELDON L., and SAMPSON, HAROLD: Schizophrenia and the marital family: Accommodations to symbiosis. Family Processes, 1:304-318, 1962. TowNE, ROBERT D., SAMPsoN, HAROLD, and MEs- SINGER, SHELDON L.: Schizophrenia and the mari- tal family: Identification crisis. Journal of Nerv- ous and Mental Disease, 133:423-429, 1961. MH-9128 (R12) ARGyYRis, CHRIs: Optimizing self-actualization in organization. Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Conn. (1957- ) ARGYRIS, CHRIS: Organization and the human being. Product Engineering, p. 26-29, 1957 (December 30). ARGYRIS, CHRIS: Some problems in conceptualizing organizational climate: A case study of a bank. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2(4):501-520, 1958. ARGYRIS, CHRIS: The organization: What makes it healthy? Harvard Business Review, 36(6):107- 116, 1958. ARGYRIS, CHRIS: Creating effective research relation- ships in organizations. Human Organization, 17 (1) :34-40, 1958. ARGYRIs, CHRIS: Individual and organization: An empirical test. Administration Science Quarterly, 3(4):145-167, 1959. 592 ARGYRIS, CHRIS: Understanding human behavior in organizations: One viewpoint. In: Haire, Mason, ed. Modern Organization theory. New York, Wiley, 1959, p. 115-154. ARGYRIS, CHRIS: Organizational effectiveness under stress. Harvard Business Review, 38(3):137-146, 1960. ARGYRIs, CHRIS: Individual actualization in complex organizations. Mental Hygiene, 44(2):226-237, 1960. ARGYRIS, CHRIs: Explorations in client consultation relationships. Human Organization, 20(3):121- 133, 1961. ARGYRIS, CHRIS: A model for relating interpersonal competence to organizational effectiveness. In: Mental health in industry, Proceedings of Foun- dation for Research in Human Behavior, Ann Ar- bor, Mich., 1961. ARGYRIS, CHRIS: Behavior of executives within the organization. In: Behavioral science research in industrial relations. New York, Industrial Rela- tions Counselors, 1962. (Industrial Relations Monograph No. 21). ARrGYRis, CHRis: The integration of the indiivdual and the organization. In: Social science ap- proaches to business behavior. Homewood, Ill, Irwin-Dorsey Press, 1962. MH-9130 (R12) DINGMAN, HARVEY F., and TARr- JAN, GEORGE: Population movement of hospital- ized retarded. Pacific State Hospital, Pomona, Calif. (1957-62) BROWN, SHELDON J., WINDLE, CHARLES, and STEW- ART, ELIZABETH: Statistics on a family care pro- gram. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 64:535-542, 1959. DINGMAN, HARVEY F.: The relationship between coefficients of correlation and difficulty factors. British Journal of Statistical Psychology, 11(1): 13-17, 1958. DINGMAN, HARVEY F.: Some uses of descriptive statistics in population analysis. American Four. nal of Mental Deficiency, 64(2):291-295, 1959. DINGMAN, HARVEY F.: Description of NIMH-spon- sored research programs at Pacific State Hospital. Training School Bulletin, 58:74-79, 1961. DiNgMAN, H. F.: NIMH supported research in mental retardation at Pacific State Hospital. In: Proceedings of the 12th annual conference of the model reporting area for mental hospital statistics —presentations of panel members. Public Health Service Publ. No. 1126, 1963, p. 74-81. DINGMAN, HARVEY F., EymaN, R. K., and WIN- DLE, CHARLES D.: An investigation of some child-rearing attitudes of mothers with retarded children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67(6) :899-908, 1963. DINGMAN, HARVEY F., and MILLER, Curtis R.: Note on use of correlation statistics and popula- tion analysis. American Journal of Mental Defi- ciency, 64:636-637, 1959. DINGMAN, HARVEY F., and SILVERSTEIN, ARTHUR B.: Intelligence, motor disabilities, and reaction time in the mentally retarded. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19:791-794, 1964. DINGMAN, HARVEY F., and TARrJAN, G.: Mental retardation and the normal distribution curve. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 64:991- 994, 1960. DINGMAN, HARVEY F., WINDLE, CHARLES D., and BrowN, S. J.: Prediction of child-rearing atti- tudes. Child Welfare, 41:305-307, 1962. DINGMAN, HARVEY F., WINDLE, CHARLES D., Ey- MAN, RicHARD K., and MusseLMAN, D.: Factor analysis of a magazine interest test. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 65:59-63, 1960. DINGMAN, HARVEY F., WINDLE, CHARLES D., and SABAGH, GEORGES: Three additional error terms for analysis of variance. Psychological Reports, 8:373-376, 1961. EDGERTON, ROBERT B.: A patient elite: Ethnog- raphy in a hospital for the mentally retarded. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 68:372- 385, 1963. EDGERTON, ROBERT B., and DINGMAN, HARVEY F.: Tattooing and identity. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 9(2):143:153, 1963. EDGERTON, ROBERT B., and SABAGH, GEORGE: From mortification to aggrandizement: Changing self- conception in the careers of the mentally retarded. Psychiatry, 25:263-272, 1962. EDGERTON, ROBERT B., TARJAN, GEORGE, and DINGMAN, HARVEY F.: Free enterprise in a cap- tive society. American Journal of Mental Defi ciency, 66:35-41, 1961. EyMAN, RicHARD K.: Convariation of level of aspi- ration and adaption level with other characteris- tics. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 68:741-750, 1964. EyMmAN, RicHArRD K., DINGMAN, HARVEY F., and WANDLE, CHARDLES: Manipulative dexterity and movement history of mental defectives. Percep- tual and Motor Skills, 9:291-294, 1959. KAARIAINEN, Risto, and DINGMAN, HARVEY F.: The relation of the degree of mongolism to the degree of subnormality. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 66:438-443, 1961. KRAMER, M., PERSON, P. H., Jr., TARJAN, GEORGE, MORGAN, R., and WRIGHT, S. W.: A method for 593 determination of probabilities of stay, release, and death, for patients admitted to a hospital for the mentally deficient: The experience of Pacific State Hospital during the period 1948-1952. Ameri- can Journal of Mental Deficiency, 62(3):481- 495, 1957. MERCER, JANE R.: Social system perspective and clinical perspective: Frames of reference for un- derstanding career patterns of persons labelled as mentally retarded. Social Problems, 13(1):18- 34, 1965. MEYERS, C. E., and DINGMAN, HARVEY F.: The structure of abilities at the preschool ages: Hypo- thesized domains. Psychological Bulletin, 57:514- 532, 1960. Meyers, C. E., DINGMAN, HARVEY F., ATTWELL, A., and ORPET, R.: Comparative abilities of nor- mals and retardates of MA 6 on a factor-type test battery. American Journal of Mental Defiency, 66:250-258, 1961. Meyers, C. E., DinomaN, H. F., OrreT, R. E, SitkEel, E. G., and Warts, C. A.: Four ability- factor hypothese at three preliterate levels in nor- mal and retarded children. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 29 (5):3-80, 1964. (Serial No. 96). MEyERrs, C. E., OrPET, R., ATTWELL, S., and DING- MAN, HARVEY F.: Primary ability at mental age six. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 27, 1962. (Whole No. 1). MiLLEr, D. R., FisHER, G. M., and DINGMAN, HArvEY F.: A note on differential utility of WAIS verbal and performance 1Q’s. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 65:482-485, 1961. Mosier, D., Scott, L., and DINGMAN, HARVEY F.: Sexually deviant behavior in Klinefelter’s syn- drome. Journal of Pediatrics, 57(3):479-483, 1960. SABAGH, GEORGES, DINGMAN, HARVEY F., MILLER, Curtis, and TARJAN, GEORGE: Differential mor- tality in a hospital for the mentally retarded: A study of mortality among patients admitted to Pacific State Hospital, 1948-1956. In: Proceed- ings of the International Population Conference, Vienna, 1959, p. 460-468. SABAGH, GEORGES, DINGMAN, HARVEY F., TAr- JAN, GEORGE, and WRIGHT, STANLEY W.: So- cial class and ethnic status of patients admitted to a state hospital for the retarded. Pacific So- ciology Review, 2:76-80, 1959. SABAGH, GEORGE, DINGMAN, HARVEY F., and WINDLE, CHARLES D.: Variations in the image of a mental hospital and situational bias. Men- tal Hygiene, 47(1):96-102, 1963. SABAGH, GEORGES, and EDGERTON, R. B.: Steril ized mental defectives look at eugenic steriliza- tion. Eugenics Quarterly, 9(4):213-222, 1962. SABAGH, GEROGES, and WINDLE, C.: Recent trends in institutionalization rates of mental defectives in the United States. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 64:618-624, 1959. SHIPE, DOROTHY, DINGMAN, HARVEY F., WINDLE, CHARLES, and MoTiCHA, KATHERINE: Validity of a measure of escape proneness. American Jour- nal of Mental Deficiency, 66:872-877, 1962. SHOTWELL, ANNA M., DINGMAN, HARVEY F., and TARJAN, GEORGE: Need for improved criteria in evaluating job performance of state hospital em- ployees. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 65(2) :208-213, 1960. TArjJAN, G., DinomaN, Harvey F., Evyman, R, and BrOwN, S. J.: Effectiveness of hospital re- lease programs. American Journal of Mental De- ficiency, 64:609-617, 1960. TARJAN, GEORGE, DINGMAN, HarvEYy F., and MILLER, CURTIS R.: Statistical expectations of se- lected handicaps in the mentally retarded. Amer- ican Journal of Mental Deficiency, 65:335-341, 1960. TARJAN, GEORGE, WRIGHT, STANLEY W., DING- MAN, HARVEY F., and EymaN, RicHARD K.: The natural history of mental deficiency in a state hos- pital. III. Selected characteristics of first ad- missions and their environment. American Jour- nal of Diseases of Children, 101:195-205, 1961. TARJAN, GEORGE, WRIGHT, STANLEY W., DING- MAN, HARVEY F., and SABAGH, G.: The natural history of mental deficiency in a state hospital. II. Mentally deficient children admitted to a state hospital prior to their sixth birthday. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 98:370-378, 1959. TARJAN, GEORGE, WRIGHT, S. W., KRAMER M,, PErsoN, P. H., Jr., and MORGAN, R.: The natu- ral history of mental deficiency in a state hospital. I. Probabilities of release and death by age, in- telligent quotient, and diagnosis. A. M. A. Jour- nal of Diseases of Children, 96:64-70, 1958. WINDLE, CHARLES: An exploratory prognostic study of unauthorized absences from Pacfiic State Hos- pital. Training School Bulletin, 55:73-75, 1959. WINDLE, CHARLES: Prognosis of mental subnormals. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, mono- graph 66, 1962. (Whole No. 5). WINDLE, CHARLES, and DINGMAN, HARVEY F.: The front and back doors of a hospital for mental defectives. Training School Bulletin, 56:8-14, 1959. WINDLE, CHARLES, and DINGMAN, HARVEY F.: Interrater agreement and predictive validity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 44:203-204, 594 WINDLE, CHARLES, and FISHER, GARY M.: Com- ment of Walton and Begg’s “Cognitive changes in low-grade defectives.” American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 64(4):740-741, 1959. WINDLE, CHARLES, SABAGH, G., BROwN, S. J., and DINGMAN, HARVEY F.: Caretaker characteristics and placement success. American Journal of Men- tal Deficiency, 65:739-743, 1961. WINDLE, CHARLES D., STEWART, ELIZABETH, and BROWN, S. ]J.: Reasons for community failure of released patients. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 66:213-217, 1961. MH-9132 (R12) FRreNcH, JoHN R., Jr., KAHN, RoBErT L., and MANN, Froyp C.: A program of research on mental health in industry. Uni- versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1957- 61) Coss, S., FRENCH, J. R. P, Kann, R. L.,, and MaNN, F. C.: An environmental approach to mental health. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 107:596-606, 1963. FrencH, J. R. P, and KaHN, R. L.: A program- matic approach to studying the industrial environ- ment and mental health. Journal of Social Issues, 18(3):1-47, 1962. FrRENcH, J. R. P., Jr, KaHN, RoBErT L., and MANN, Froyp C., eds.: Work, health, and satis- faction. Journal of Social Issues, 18(3), 1962. (Also acknowledges MH-3346 and MH-3874). KAHN, R. L,, and FrRENcH, J. R. P.: A summary and some tentative conclusions. Journal of So- cial Issues, 18(3) :122-127, 1962. Kaun, R. L., Worrg, D. M, QuiNN, R. P, SNOcK, J. D., and ROSENTHAL, R. A.: Organiza- tional stress: Studies in role conflict and ambig- uity. New York, Wiley & Sons, 1964, 470 p. (Also acknowledges MH-3346 and MH-3874). MaNN, F. C., and WirLLiams, L. K.: Some effects of changing work environment in the office. Jour- nal of Social Issues, 18(3):90-101, 1962. MH-9133 (R12) DEARBORN, NED, and JOHNSON, WiLLIAM J.: Conference on research in highway safety, 1957. National Safety Council, Chicago, IL. (1957-58) SPECIAL REPORT ON THE WILLIAMSBURG CONFER- ENCE: Traffic Safety, (Magazine published by National Safety Council), 52(6):2-11, 1958. (Research Review Section, June). MH-9134 (R12) BAYTON, JAMES A., and OWENS, BEN L.: Individual and social responses to in- fluenza epidemic. National Analysts, Philadel phia, Pa. (1957-58) RoseNsTACK, I. M. HocHBAauM, G. M., and LEVENTHAL, H.: The impact of Asian influenza on community life. Public Health Service Publi- cation No. 766, 1960, 98 p. MH-9135 (R12) BIBER, BARBARA, GILKESON, ELizaBETH C., HORTON, DONALD, and WINSOR, CHARLOTTE B.: Schools and mental health, an action-research program. Bank Street College of Education, New York, N.Y. (1958-66) ASSOCIATES OF BANK STREET COLLEGE OF Epuca- TION: Individuality and education. New York, Bank Street College of Education, 1958, 88 p. BIBER, BARBARA: Premature structuring as a de- terrent to creativity. American Journal of Ortho- psychiatry, 29:280-290, 1959. BIBER, BARBARA: Integration of mental health prin- ciples in the school setting. In: Caplan, Gerald, ed Prevention of mental disorders in children. New York, Basic Books, 1961, p. 323-352. (Also acknowledges MH-1075). BIBER, BARBARA: Preschool education. In: Ulrich, R., ed. Education and the idea of mankind. New York, Harcourt Brace & World, 1964, p. 79. KoHN, MARTIN, and BAKER, JEROME: Special methodological considerations in conducting field research in a school setting. Psychology in the Schools, 1:31-46, 1964. (Also acknowledges MH-1075). ZIMILES, HERBERT, BIBER, BARBARA, RABINOWITZ, WiLLiaM, and HAY, Louis: Personality aspects of teaching: A predictive study. Genetic Psychol- ogy Monographs, 69:101-149, 1964. (Also ac- knowledges MH-215). MH-9137 (R12) Frew, MARC, CAPLAN, GERALD, and LINDEMANN, ERICH: Relocation and mental health adaption under stress. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1957- ) ELLING, R. H.: Medizinische Soziologie, bericht tiber das Yale Program. Der Offentliche Gesundbeits- dienst, |. O. Jabrgang, Stuttgart, 4:146-149, July 1958. ELLING, R. H.: Der Medizinische Soziologie in U.S.A.—seine Rollen und Interessen. Kolner Zeitschrift fiir Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Sonderheft iiber. Medizinische Soziologie, Decem- ber, 1958. Friep, M.: Grieving for a lost home. In: Duhl, L. J, ed. The urban condition. New York, Basic Books, 1963, p. 151-171. Friep, M.: Effects of social change on mental health. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 34:3-28, 1964. FRIED, MARC: Social problems and psychopathology. In: Urban American and the planning of mental 595 health services. Vol. 5. Symposium No. 10. New York, Group for the Advancement of Psychi- atry, 1964, p. 403-446. FriED, M., and GLEICHER, P.: Some sources of residential satisfaction in an urban slum. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 27:305- 315, 1961. FriEp, M., and LINDEMANN, E.: Sociocultural fac- tors in mental health and illness. American Jour- nal of Orthopsychiatry, 31:87-101, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH-3471). GaNs, H.: The human implications of current re- development and relocation planning, Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 25(1):15-26, 1959. GANs, H.: The urban villagers: Group and class in the life of Italian-Americans. Glencoe, Ill., Free Press, 1962, 367 p. HArRTMAN, C.: The limitations of public housing: Relocation choices in a working-class community. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 29:283-296, 1963. HARTMAN, C.: Social values and housing orienta- tions. Journal of Social Issues, 19:113-131, 1963. HARTMAN, CHESTER: The housing of relocated families. Journal of the American Institute of _ Planners, 30(4) :266-286, 1964. LINDEMANN, E.: Social system factors as determi- nants of resistance to change. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 35(3):544-557, 1965. (Also acknowledges MH-3471). RyaN, E. J.: Individual identity in a urban slum. In: Duhl, L. ]J., ed. The urban condition. New York, Basic Books, 1963, p. 135-150. SiFNEOS, PETER E.: Phobic patient with dyspnes: Short-term psychotherapy. American Practitioner and Digest of Treatment, 9(6) :947-952, 1958. SIFNEOS, PETER E.: Preventive psychiatric work with mothers. Mental Hygiene, 43:230-236, 1959. SIFNEOS, P. E.: A concept of emotional crisis. Men- tal Hygiene, 44:169-179, 1960. MH-9139 (R12) Ross, ARTHUR M., FRENKEL- BRUNSWIK, ELSE, and REICHARD, SUZANNE: So- cial and psychological problems of aging. Uni- versity of California, Berkeley, Calif. (1957-62) REICHARD, SUZANNE: Personality and adjustment to aging. In: Tibbitts, Clark, and Donahue, Wilma, eds. Social and psychological aspects of aging. New York, Columbia University Press, 1962, p. 666-669. REICHARD, SUZANNE, LIVSON, FLORINE, and PETER- SEN, PAUL G.: Aging and personality: A study of 87 older men. New York, Wiley, 1962, 237 p. MH-9145 (R12) SIMON, ALEXANDER, LOWEN- THAL, MARJORIE F.: Studies in geriatric mental illness. Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, San Francisco, Calif. (1958- ) ANDERSON, BARBARA GALLATIN: Stress and psycho- pathology among aged Americans: An inquiry into the perception of stress. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 20:190-217, 1964. ANDERSON, BARBARA GALLATIN: Bereavement as a subject of cross-cultural inquiry: An American sample. Anthropological Quarterly, 38(4):181- 200, 1965. CAHAN, ROBERT B., and YEAGER, CHARLES L.: Admission EEG as a predictor of mortality and discharge for aged state hospital patients. Journal of Gerontology, 21(2):248-256, 1966. CHRIST, ApoLPH E.: Attitudes toward death among a group of acute geriatric psychiatric patients. (Attitudes toward death in older persons: A sym- posium.) Journal of Gerontology, 16:56-59, 1961. CroOOK, Guy HAMILTON, and KATZ, LAWRENCE: Intellectual functioning of aged patients and non- patients. In: Tibbitts, Clark, and Donahue, Wilma, eds. Social and psychological aspects of aging. New York, Columbia University Press, 1962, p. 555-567. EPSTEIN, LEON, SIMON, ALEXANDER, and MOCK, RoNALD: Neuropsychological correlations in senile and cerebral arteriosclerotic psychoses. In: Han- sen Per Fromm, ed. Age with a future. Copen- hagen, Munksgaard, 1964, p. 272-275. JaMBOR, HELEN: A comparative analysis of employ- ment patterns of older psychiatric male patients and men in the community. In: Tibbitts, Clark, and Donahue, Wilma, eds. Social and psychologi- cal aspects of aging. New York, Columbia Uni- versity Press, 1962, p. 537-546. Katz, LAWRENCE, and CROOK, GUY HAMILTON: Use of the Kent E-G-Y with an aged population. Journal of Gerontology, 17:186-189, 1962. KATz, LAWRENCE, NEAL, MIRON W., and SIMON, ALEXANDER: Observations on psychic mechanisms in organic psychoses of the aged. In: Hoch, Paul H., and Zubin, Joseph, eds. Psychopathology of aging. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 160-181. LOWENTHAL, MARJORIE FISKE: Geriatric mental illness: Methodologic and social aspects. Geri- atrics, 16:306-310, 1961. LOWENTHAL, MAR JORIE FISKE: Some social dimen- sions of psychiatric disorders in old age. In: Williams, Richard H., Tibbitts, Clark, and Dona- hue, Wilma, eds. Processes of aging: Social and psychological perspectives. New York, Atherton Press, 1963, p. 224-246. 596 LOWENTHAL, MAR JORIE FISKE: Social isolation and mental illness in old age. American Sociological Review, 29:54-70, 1964. LoweNTHAL, MARJORIE FISKE: Lives in distress: The paths of the elderly to the psychiatric ward. New York, Basic Books, 1964, 266 p. LoweENTHAL, M. F.: Antecedents of isolation and mental illness in old age. Archives of General Psychiatry, 12(3) :245-254, 1965. LOWENTHAL, MARJORIE FISKE, and BERKMAN, PauL L.: The problem of rating psychiatric dis- ability in a study of normal and abnormal aging. Journal of Health and Human Behavior, 5:40-44, 1964. LOWENTHAL, MAR JORIE FISKE, and BOLER, DEET JE: Voluntary vs. involuntary social withdrawal. Jour- nal of Gerontology, 20(3):263-271, 1965. Pierce, RoBERT C.: Note on testing conditions. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 27:536-537, 1963. SIMON, ALEXANDER, and CAHAN, ROBERT B.: The acute brain syndrome in geriatric patients. Psy- chiatric Research Reports, 16:8-21, 1963. SIMON, ALEXANDER, and LOWENTHAL, MAR JORIE Fiske: Studies in geriatric mental illness: Some research plans and assumptions. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 8:363-372, 1960. SIMON, ALEXANDER, FISKE (LOWENTHAL), MAR- JORIE, and NEAL, MIRON W.: Preliminary report on studies in geriatric mental illness. Newsletter of the Gerontological Society, pp. 17, 18, 26, June, 1960. SIMON, ALEXANDER, and NEAL, MIRON W.: Pat- terns of geriatric mental illness. In: Williams, Richard H., Tibbitts, Clark, and Donahue, Wilma, eds. Processes of aging: Social and psychological perspectives. New York, Atherton Press, 1963, p. 449-471. MH-9146 (R12) ZuBIN, JosePH: Epidemiology of mental disorders. American Psychopathological Association, Minneapolis, Minn. (1958-59) Burpock, EUGENE I.: From the point of view of the philosophy of science. In: Zubin, Joseph, ed. Field studies in the mental disorders. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 371-378. (Also ac- knowledges MH-3546). HAMMER, MURIEL, and LEACOCK, ELEANOR: Source material on the epidemiology of mental illness. In: Zubin, J., ed. Field studies in the mental disorders. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, p. 418-487. ZUBIN, JOSEPH, ed.: Field studies in the mental dis- orders. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1961, 495 p. MH-9149 (R12) HurtcHEsoN, B. R., and HUR- witz, Jaco I.: Clinical and community studies of juvenile delinquency. South Shore Mental Health Association, Quincy, Mass. (1958-62) South Shore Mental Health Center: A prognostic classification for juvenile court first offenders based on a follow-up study: A method applicable to the field of mental illness. Quincy, Mass., South Shore Mental Health Association, 1963. (Processed) MH-9150 (R12) CHEIN, IsIDOR: Prevention of juvenile delinquency and narcotics use. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1958-60) CHEIN, IsiDOorR, ROSENFELD, Eva, GERARD, D. L,, and LEE, R. S.: A proposal for a community cen- tered demonstration and research project aimed at the control of maladaptive behavior among juve- niles. New York, Research Center for Human Relations, New York University, January 1957. (Processed) MH-9151 (R12) KING, STANLEY H., FARNSWORTH, DANA L., and FUNKENSTEIN, DANIEL: Person- ality development during college years. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (1958- ) BipweLL, CHARLES E., KING, STANLEY H., FINNIE, BRUCE, and ScARR, HARRY A.: Undergraduate careers: Alternatives and determinants. School Review, 71(3) :299-316, 1963. BiDWELL, CHARLES E., and VREELAND, REBECCA S.: College education and moral orientations: An organized approach. Administrative Science Quar- terly, 8(2):166-191, 1963. BiDwWELL, CHARLES E., and VREELAND, REBECCA S.: Authority and control in client-serving organiza- tions. Sociological Quarterly, Fall:231-242, 1963. ScARR, H. A.: Measures of particularism. Sociome- try, 27:413-432, 1964. MH-9153 (R12) EwaLT, Jack R.: Sources of men- tal health services, rural and urban. Joint Com- mission on Mental Illness and Health, Boston, Mass. (1958-61) ROBINSON, REGINALD: Planning for the small com- munity. In: Official proceedings of the 86th annual forum: National conference on social wel- fare> New York, New York University Press, 1959, p. 114-124. ROBINSON, REGINALD: A report on the project on community resources in mental health. American Journal of Public Health, 53(4):609-614, 1963. ROBINSON, REGINALD, DEMARCHE, Davip F., and WAGLE, MILDRED: Community resources in men- tal health. New York, Basic Books, 1963, 435 p. (Also acknowledges MH-9106). 597 MH-9156 (R12) STEWART, OMAR C., and JESSOR, RicHARD: Values and behavior of a tri-ethnic com- munity. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (1959-64). CASTELLAN, N. JOHN, JR.: On the contingency tables. (5):330-338, 1965 pativoning of Psychological Bulletin, 64 CASTELLAN, N. JoHN, Jr.: On the estimation of the tetrachoric correlation coefficient. Psychometrika, 31(1):67-73, 1966. JEssor, R.: Issues in the phenomenological approach to personality. Journal of Individual Psychology, 17:27-38, 1961 JEssor, R.: A social learning approach to culture and behavior. In: Gladwin, T., and Sturtevant, W. C., eds. Anthropology and human behavior. Washington, D.C., Anthropological Society of Washington, 1962, p. 94-114. JEssor, R., LIVERANT, S., and OPOCHINSKY, S.: Imbalance in need structure and maladjustment. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66: 271-275, 1963. STEWART, OMER C.: Questions regarding American Indian criminality. Human Organization, 23:61- 66, 1964. MH-9158 (R12) LipscoMB, WENDELL R., and CisiN, Ira: Epidemiology of alcoholic beverage usage patterns. California State Department of Public Health, Berkeley, Calif. (1959-62) CisiN, Ira: Community studies of health behavior. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 107:607-612, 1963. CisiN, Ira: Concepts and methods for the study of drinking practices. (Abstract) Public Health Reports, 78(2) :140, 1963. KNUPFER, GENEVIEVE: Use of alcoholic beverages by society and its cultural implications. ‘‘Alcohol and Society.” Progress, 3(1):8-16, 1961. KNUPFER, GENEVIEVE, FINK, RAYMOND, CLARK, WALTER B., and GOFFMAN, ANGELICA S.: Fac- tors related to amount of drinking in an urban community. Berkeley, Calif., State of California Department of Public Health, 1963, 88 p. (Processed) KNUPFER, GENEVIEVE, and RooM, ROBIN: Age, sex and social class as factors in amount of drinking in a metropolitan community. Social Problems, 12(11) :224-240, 1964. MH-9159 (R12) KELLER, MARK: Alcoholism no- menclature and classification. North American Association of Alcoholism Programs, North Berke- ley, Calif. (1953-57) KELLER, M.: Definition of alcoholism. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcoholism, 21:125-134, 1960. KELLER, M.: The definition of alcoholism and the estimation of its prevalence. In: Pittman, D. J, and Snyder, C. R., eds. Society, culture, and drinking patterns. New York, Wiley, 1962, p. 310-329. (Also acknowledges MH-5655). MH-9161 (R12) MACKLIN, MADGE T.: A sympo- sium on cytology in human genetics. American Society of Human Genetics, New Orleans, La. (1959-60) ALLEN, GORDON, ed.: Symposium on cytology and cell culture genetics of man. American Journal of Human Genetics, 12:95-138, 1960. WiLriams, R. H., HiBeirts, C.,, and DONAHUE, WILMA, eds.: Processes of aging. Vol. 1. New York, Atherton Press, 1963, 587 p. MH-9162 (R12) DONAHUE, WILMA: Social and psychological aspects of aging. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1959-63) WiLrLiams, R. H., TiBeirts, C., and DONAHUE, WILMA, eds.: Processes of aging. Vol. 2. New York, Atherton Press, 1963, 570 p. MH-9164 (R12) ArcHiBALD, H. DAviD: Coopera- tive commission on the study of alcoholism. North American Association of Alcoholism Pro- grams, Berkeley, Calif. (1959-62) (Continued as MH-9181). MH-9165 (R12) HOFFER, JoE R., and WILLIAMS, RutH M.: 1960 annual national conference on social welfare. National Conference on Social Welfare, Columbus, Ohio. (1960-61) CLIFTON, JAMES A.: The Southern Ute tribe as a fixed membership group. Human Organization, 24(4):319-327, 1965. FELIX, ROBERT H., and others: Mental health and social welfare. New York, Columbia University 1961, Press, 1961, 203 p. MH-9167 (R12) Simmons, Ozzie G.: Community aspects of psychiatric rehabilitation. Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, Mass. (1960-62) (Contin- ued as MH-9182). FREEMAN, Howarp E., and SiMMoNs, Ozzie G.: Treatment experiences of mental patients and their families. American Journal of Public Health, 51:1266-1273, 1961. (Also acknowledges MH- 1627). FrReeMAN, HowArD E., and Simmons, Ozzie G.: Feelings of stigma among relatives of former mental patients. Social Problems, 8:314-321, 19¢*. (Also acknowledges MH-1627). 598 FREEMAN, Howarp E., and SiMMoNs, Ozzie G.: The mental patient comes homes. New York, Wiley, 1963, 309 p. (Also acknowledges MH- 1627 and MH-9182). MH-9168 (R12) Crowarp, RICHARD A., and OHLIN, LLoyp E.: Mobilization for youth. Co- lumbia University, New York, N.Y. (1959-62) CLOWARD, RICHARD A., and JONES, JAMES A.: Social class: Educational attitudes and participa- tion. In: Passow, A. Harry, ed. Education in depressed areas. New York, Teachers College Bureau of Publications, 1963, p. 190-216. Also in: Nurturing individual potential. Washington, D.C., Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1964, p. 66-91. CLowARD, RicHARD A., and OHLIN, Lroyp E.: Delinquency and opportunity: A theory of delin- quent gangs. Glencoe, Illinois, Free Press, 1960, 220 p. MH-9171 (R12) CHEN, Isipor: Epidemiologic vectors of delinquency and its control. New York University, New York, N.Y. (1960- ) CHEIN, IsaDOR: Some epidemiological vectors of delinquency and its control: Outline of a project. New York, Research Center for Human Relations, New York University, September 1963, 69 p. (Processed) MH-9172 (R12) SHAPIRO, SAM, and FINK, RAy- MOND: Patterns of medical care related to mental illness. Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York, New York, N.Y. (1961-62) SHAPIRO, SAM: Patterns of care related to mental illness. H.LP. Statistical Report—1962, Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York, pp. 17-20. SHAPIRO, SAM, and FINK, RAYMOND: Methodologi- cal considerations in studying patterns of medical care related to mental illness. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 41(4) :Part 1:371-399, 1963. MH-9173 (R12) DusLIN, Louis I.: Review of cut- rent work on suicide. Individual, Winter Park, Fla. (1960-64) DuBLIN, Lous I.: Suicide, a sociological and sta- tistical study. New York, Ronald Press, 1963, 240 p. MH-9175 (R12) MALDONADO-SIERRA, EDUARDO D., BopARKY, CLIFFORD J., FIELD, PETER B., and TRENT, RICHARD: The competent adolescent—a cross-cultural study. Puerto Rico Institute of Psy- chiatry, Bayamon, P.R. (1961-64) FieLp, P. B., MALDONADO-SIERRA, E. D., and CoELHO, G. V.: A student TAT measure of com- petence: A cross-cultural replication in Puerto Rico. 1963. FieLD, P. B., MALDONADO-SIERRA, E. D., WALLACE, S. E., Boparky, C. J., and CoELHO, G. V.: An other-directed fantasy in a Puerto Rican. Journal of Social Psychology, 58:43-60, 1962. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 16:195-198, MH-9181 (R12) SaNrorp, NEvITT: Cooperative commission on the study of alcoholism. North American Association of Alcoholism Programs, Berkeley, Calif. (1962- ) (Continued from MH-9164). 599 BLuM, Eva MARIA: Psychoanalytic views of alco- holism: A review. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 27(2):259-299, 1966. MH-9182 (R12) SiMMoONs, Ozzie G.: Community aspects of psychiatric rehabilitation. Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, Mass. (1962-65) (Contin- ued from MH-9167). FREEMAN, HowARrD E., and SiMMoONs, Ozzie G.: The mental patient comes home. New York, Wiley, 1963, 309 p. (Also acknowledges MH- 1627 and MH-9167). w U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1968 O — 263-234 ¥ Np TTS FTES ~ fil C029384743