Cancer Among Blacks and other minorities: statistical profiles | NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (uv. < ), Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Cancer Control Applications Branch | Claudia R. Baquet, M.D., M.P.H., Project Coordinator Program Director, Minority Field Programs Knut Ringen, Dr. P.H. Program Director, Field Programs Biometry Branch Earl S. Pollack, Sc.D. Chief John L. Young, Dr. P.H. Chief, Demographic Analysis Section John W. Horm, M.Sc. Statistician, Demographic Analysis Section Lynn A. Gloeckler Ries, M.S. Statistician, Demographic Analysis Section Technassociates, Inc. Nancy K. Simpson, M.Sc. ANY e————s. NaH onal Cancer instiuie esss——— U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health 13132%94H% PUBL OVERVIEW AND SUMMARY Table of Contents . . . Discussion ....... Summary Table 1. Summary Table 2. Summary Table 3. Summary Table 4. Summary Table 5. NOTE TO READERS ......... SECTION I. DATA SOURCES Table of Contents . . . Discussion ....... Figure I-1. Table I-1. TABLE OF CONTENTS £ Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1978-81 . Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, Total United States, 1978-81 . . ....................... Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1973-81 ............. Ratio of Black to White Age-adjusted (1970 U.S. Standard) Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates by Primary Site, SEER Program, 1978-81 . . .......................... Five-year Relative Survival for Selected Cancer Sites: Black and White Differences, SEER Program, 1973-81 ....... Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program, National Cancer Institute . . ......................... Percent Distribution of Cancer Cases by Geographic Area for Eight Racial/Ethnic Groups, SEER Program, 1978-81. ........ SECTION II. CANCER INCIDENCE FOR BLACKS, WHITES, AND OTHER GROUPS Table of Contents . . . Discussion ....... Table II-1. Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1978-81 . Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Figure II-1. Figure II-2. All Sites Combined . . ............. ii 10 11 12 13 17 21 23 26 27 31 33 35 37 38 Figure II-3. Figure II-4. Figure II-5. Figure II-6. Figure II-7. Figure II-8. Figure II-9. Figure II-10. Figure II-11. Figure II-12. Figure II-13. Figure II-14. Figure II-15. Figure II-16. Figure II-17. Figure II-18. Figure II-19. Figure II-20. Figure II-21. Figure II-22. Figure II-23. Figure 11-24. Figure II-25. Figure II-26. Figure II-27. Figure II-28. All Sites Combined, Female ......................... Bladder, Male Bladder, Female Breast, Female Cervix Uteri © se es ss es ee ss se se es ss esses eee eee. Ss es ss ss es a sass se ses ese esse sees © ee ss 4 4 ss es ese ee es ss ss ee see ses aes. Colon, Male . ........... iin. Colon, Female Colon and Rectum, Male ........................... Colon and Rectum, Female ......................... Corpus Uteri © 8 ss se ss ee se a es ss se es se sess ease eee © 8 es ss 4 4 es se se se sss sss sss essa see Esophagus, Male ................................ Esophagus, Female . .............................. Larynx, Male Larynx, Fema I TT le © ee se 8 se 4 ss se ss ss es sss esse ese esses. Lung, Male ................ iii. Lung, Female Multiple Myeloma, Male ........................... Multiple Myeloma, Female . . . ....................... Ovary . .... oe Pancreas, Male TT Pancreas, Female ................................ Prostate ............. Rectum, Male Rectum, Female Stomach, Mal ee es 4 4 4 es a ss 4 ss 8 ss ss ss sees esse ee. © 4 ss 4 4 4 4 ss a a 4 a a ss ss es sss es ee ease. = Stomach, Female ....................... uuu... Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 All Sites Combined . . ............................. Bladder . ............. Figure II-29. Figure II-30. Figure II-31. Figure II-32. Figure II-33. Figure II-34. Figure II-35. Figure II-36. Figure II-37. Figure II-38. Figure II-39. Figure 11-40. Figure II-41. Figure 11-42. Figure 11-43. Figure 11-44. Corpus Uteri © ee a ss ss es ss ss ee ee ss ss sss ee esses oe Colon... ET TT Esophagus . . ............ Larynx ........... Lung ..... Multiple Myeloma. .............................. Ovary . .. oe Pancreas ............ ee Prostate .......... iv 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 51 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 SECTION III. CANCER MORTALITY FOR BLACKS, WHITES, AND OTHER GROUPS Table of Contents . . . ............. 87 Discussion . . . . . Le 89 Table III-1. Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, Total United States, 1978-81 90 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Figure III-1. All Sites Combined . .............................. 91 Figure III-2. All Sites Combined, Male .......................... 92 Figure III-3. All Sites Combined, Female ......................... 93 Figure III-4. Bladder, Male ............ ee. 94 Figure III-5. Bladder, Female ................................. 95 Figure III-6. Breast, Female .................... 0.0.0... 96 Figure III-7. Cervix Uteri . . ....... ieee ieee 97 Figure III-8. Colon, Male . . ........ 98 Figure III-9. Colon, Female .............. . . . 0. iii. 99 Figure III-10. Colonand Rectum, Male . .......................... 100 Figure III-11. Colon and Rectum, Female ....................... Ce 101 Figure III-12. Corpus Uteri ........... 0. iin. 103 Figure III-13. Esophagus, Male ................................ 104 Figure III-14. Esophagus, Female . . . .. Se 105 Figure III-15. Larynx, Male . .............. ie. 106 Figure III-16. Larynx, Female ................................. 107 Figure III-17. Lung, Male .............. iin 108 Figure III-18. Lung, Female . .................................. 109 Figure III-19. Multiple Myeloma, Male ........................... 110 Figure III-20. Multiple Myeloma, Female . . . . ...................... 111 Figure III-21. Ovary . .. oe ee 113 Figure III-22. Pancreas, Male . . . ................. .. iii. 114 Figure III-23. Pancreas, Female ................................ 115 Figure III-24. Prostate ............. . LL... 117 Figure III-25. Rectum, Male ................. .. 0 0iiiiiin.. 118 Figure III-26. Rectum, Female ............... ei... 119 Figure III-27. Stomach, Male .................................. 120 Figure III-28. Stomach, Female ................................ 121 SECTION IV. FIVE-YEAR RELATIVE SURVIVAL FOR BLACKS, WHITES, AND OTHER GROUPS Tableof Contents . . . . ........... eee 125 Discussion . ........ LL eee 127 Table IV-1. Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1973-81 .......... 129 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 All Sites Combined . . ............................. Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure IV-1. IvV-2. IV-3. Iv-4. IV-5. IV-6. Iv-7. IV-8. IV-9. IV-10. IV-11. IV-12. IV-13. IV-14. IV-15. IV-16. IV-17. IV-18. Breast, Female . . Cervix Uteri . . . . Colon and Rectum . ......... iin. Corpus Uteri . .. Esophagus . . . . . Larynx ....... Lung and Bronchus .............................. Lung and Bronchus, Male .......................... Lung and Bronchus, Female . . . ...................... Multiple Myeloma Ovary ........ Pancreas ...... Prostate ...... Rectum ....... Stomach ...... SECTION V. SURVIVAL TRENDS: RELATIVE SURVIVAL BY SUCCESSIVE NUMBER OF YEARS AFTER DIAGNOSIS AND YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS, 1973-75 AND 1976-81, FOR BLACKS AND WHITES Table of Contents Discussion Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure V-1. V-2. V-3. V-4. V-5. V-6. V-7. V-8. V-9. V-10. V-11. V-12. V-13. V-14. V-15. All Sites Combined, Black .......................... All Sites Combined, White . . . ....................... Bladder, Black . . Bladder, White . . Breast, Black Fema le . ee Breast, White Female ................... .......... Cervix Uteri, Black Cervix Uteri, White . . . . ............... i ..... Colon, Black . .. Colon, White . . . Colon and Rectum, Black . . . ........................ Colon and Rectum, White .......................... Corpus Uteri, Black . . . ............................ Corpus Uteri, White . ............................. Esophagus, Black vi 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 151 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Figure V-16. Esophagus, White ............................... 169 Figure V-17. Larynx, Black . . ........... 170 Figure V-18. Larynx, White .................... inn... 171 Figure V-19. Lung and Bronchus, Black Male ...................... 172 Figure V-20. Lung and Bronchus, White Male ..................... 173 Figure V-21. Lung and Bronchus, Black Female .................... 174 Figure V-22. Lung and Bronchus, White Female .................... 175 Figure V-23. Multiple Myeloma, Black ........................... 176 Figure V-24. Multiple Myeloma, White .......................... 177 Figure V-25. Ovary, Black ............. iii. 178 Figure V-26. Ovary, White . . ....................... .......... 179 Figure V-27. Pancreas, Black .......... ii 180 Figure V-28. Pancreas, White . . . ...... i. 181 Figure V-29. Prostate, Black ................ iii. 182 Figure V-30. Prostate, White ...................c.c0 iui... 183 Figure V-31. Rectum, Black .................................. 184 Figure V-32. Rectum, White . . .............. iii. 185 Figure V-33. Stomach, Black . . ............ Li iii 186 Figure V-34. Stomach, White ................................. 187 SECTION VI. FIVE-YEAR RELATIVE SURVIVAL BY STAGE OF CANCER AT DIAGNOSIS FOR BLACKS AND WHITES Table of Contents . . . . . ..... tt eee 191 DISCUSSION . . . . 193 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage at Diagnosis: 1977-81 Figure VI-1. Bladder . ............ 195 Figure VI-2. Breast, Female .................................. 196 Figure VI-3. Corpus Uteri ................... iin... 197 Figure VI-4. Colon ..... ee 198 Figure VI-5. Colonand Rectum ............................... 199 Figure VI-6. Cervix Uteri . . . . oo otitis 200 Figure VI-7. Esophagus (whiteonly) . .............. 0.0... ... 201 Figure VI-8. LUNG © itt 202 Figure VI-9. Melanoma (whiteonly) ............................ 203 Figure VI-10. OVary . o.oo 204 Figure VI-11. Prostate ............ iii 205 Figure VI-12. Rectum ........... 206 Figure VI-13. Stomach ............... 207 SECTION VII. DISTRIBUTION OF HISTOLOGIC TYPES OF CANCER FOR BLACKS AND WHITES Table of Contents . . . . . . . DISCUSSION . . . . ee Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites, SEER Program, 1978-81 Table VII-1. All Sites Combined . ...................... . . . . 0... Table VII-2. Bladder . . . ....... ee Table VII-3. Breast, Female ................ Table VII-4. Breast, Female <40 yearsofage ...................... Table VII-5. Breast, Female 40+ yearsofage ...................... Table VII-6. Cervix Uteri . . . . o.oo eee eee Table VII-7. Colon .... eee Table VII-8. Colonand Rectum ...................... 000i... Table VII-9. Corpus Uteri ............... iin... Table VII-10 Esophagus . ................. i Table VII-11 Larynx ........ Table VII-12 Lung, Male ................. i... Table VII-13. Lung, Female . . ................... Table VII-14. Ovary .. o.oo Table VII-15. Pancreas ........... ieee Table VII-16. Prostate ......... eee Table VII-17. Rectum ........ ee. Table VII-18. Stomach .......... eee SECTION VIII. CANCER TRENDS: COMPARISON OF INCIDENCE, MORTALITY, AND SURVIVAL FOR BLACKS AND WHITES Table of Contents . . . . . . . . eee DISCUSSION . . . Lo eee Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Figure VIII-1. All Sites Combined, Black .......................... Figure VIII-2. All Sites Combined, White . . ........................ Figure VIII-3. Bladder, Black . ........... ee Figure VIII-4. Bladder, White .-. . ............................... Figure VIII-5. Breast, Female, Black ............................. Figure VIII-6. Breast, Female, White . ..................... ....... Figure VIII-7. Cervix Uteri, Black ............. iio... Figure VIII-8. Cervix Uteri, White . . . ............................ Figure VIII-9. Colon, Black ..................... 0... Figure VIII-10. Colon, White . . ................................. Figure VIII-11. Colon and Rectum, Black . . ......................... 211 213 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 235 237 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 Figure VIII-12. Figure VIII-13. Figure VIII-14. Figure VIII-15. Figure VIII-16. Figure VIII-17. Figure VIII-18. Figure VIII-19. Figure VIII-20. Figure VIII-21. Figure VIII-22. Figure VIII-23. Figure VIII-24. Figure VIII-25. Figure VIII-26. Figure VIII-27. Figure VIII-28. Figure VIII-29. Figure VIII-30. Figure VIII-31. Figure VIII-32. Figure VIII-33. Figure VIII-34. Colon and Rectum, White . ......................... Corpus Uteri, Black .............................. Corpus Uteri, White . ............................. Esophagus, Black ................................ Esophagus, White ............................... Larynx, Black . Larynx, White Lung and Bronchus, Black Male ...................... Lung and Bronchus, White Male ..................... Lung and Bronchus, Black Female .................... Lung and Bronchus, White Female .................... Multiple Myeloma, Black . .......................... Multiple Myeloma, White .......................... Ovary, Black . Ovary, White . Pancreas, Black Pancreas, White Prostate, Black Prostate, White Rectum, Black Rectum, White Stomach, Black Stomach, White 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 Overview And Summary OVERVIEW AND SUMMARY Discussion ...... Summary Table 1. Summary Table 2. Summary Table 3. Summary Table 4. Summary Table 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1978-81 . Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, Total United States, 1978-81 . ........................ Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1973-81 ............. Ratio of Black to White Age-adjusted (1970 U.S. Standard) Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates by Primary Site, SEER Program, 1978-81 ............................ Five-year Relative Survival for Selected Cancer Sites: Black and White Differences, SEER Program, 1973-81 ....... 10 11 12 13 Overview and Summary In 1984, in order to achieve greater direction to the cancer control effort, the National Cancer Institute announced the national goal of reducing cancer mor- tality by one-half by the end of the century. As part of the planning, available data on the cancer experiences of different racial/ethnic groups were reviewed. These data document that certain segments of the population have disproportion- ately severe cancer rates compared to the general population. These data are presented in this report. The statistics presented are descriptive and intended to document discrepancies in cancer experiences of different population groups. This report does not attempt to identify the causes of such discrepancies. Fundamentally, the national goal for cancer control is based on the understanding that cancers can be prevented and survival among cancer patients improved through individual and institutional change. To achieve such changes, the coop- eration of all health professionals and concerned organizations and institutions will be required. This report intends that such individuals and organizations make use of these statistics to identify areas of opportunity where they can have the greatest impact: the researchers to formulate hypotheses for in-depth studies of causes of discrepancies in cancer rates and interventions to reduce the causes; the health planners to propose new program options for improved health pro- tection; the policy-makers to decide about resource allocations. The data presented in this report fall into three categories: eIncidence data: Cancer incidence data measure the number of new cases of cancer during the year. These data are collected by the Surveillance, Epidemiol- ogy and End Results (SEER) program of the National Cancer Institute for eleven population-based areas in the United States covering 12 percent of the U.S. population, including eight ethnic/racial groups. ® Mortality data: Cancer mortality data are collected by the National Center for Health Statistics as part of the national vital statistics system. These data include all deaths occurring in the United States during a year. U.S. mortality data classify Hispanics as whites. ® Survival data: Survival data indicate how long patients continue to live follow- ing diagnosis of a cancer. These data also are collected by the SEER program for the eleven population registries covered. The data collected cover both cross-sectional comparisons of cancer rates and time-trends for the eight racial/ethnic groups covered by the SEER program. For much of the in-depth analysis, particularly related to survival patterns, data were available for blacks and whites only. The reason for this is that the number of cases for specific cancer sites for other racial/ethnic groups were too small to allow for meaningful statistical analysis. The racial/ethnic breakdown for the SEER program areas is discussed in Section I of the report. Based on these data, the following major findings have emerged: ® Cancer incidence: Among the major racial/ethnic groups, blacks have the highest incidence rate for all cancers combined, followed by Native Hawaiians and then whites. Native Americans had the lowest incidence. (See Section II of report.) ® Cancer mortality: Blacks also experience the highest overall cancer mortality rates, followed by Native Hawaiians and whites. (Section III) ® Cancer survival: Japanese-Americans have the highest overall survival rates, with whites having the second highest rates. Blacks and Native Americans experience the least favorable rates. (Sections IV-VI) The detailed analysis of survival patterns between blacks and whites revealed: ® While whites showed increased survival during the last decade for each year following diagnosis, blacks experienced a largely unchanged survival pattern. (Section V) ® Differences in survival between blacks and whites were independent of stage at time of diagnosis; the differences persisted in early stages at approximately the same level as for advanced stages. (Section VI) ® Histologic differences in tumor types may account for some of the differences in survival experience. For some cancer sites, blacks appear to have tumor types that are more aggressive and result in poorer survival than some tumor types experienced by whites. (Section VII) Finally, when comparing trends in incidence, mortality and survival over time for blacks and whites, the following points can be made (Section VIII): ® Both blacks and whites experienced increased overall cancer incidence rates. ® Because whites experienced higher cancer survival rates than blacks, the effect of increases in incidence rates on mortality rates was less for whites than for blacks. ® This analysis only covered the period since 1973, and the differential effects described probably would be greater had data over a longer time period been available. Summary Tables 1-5 at the end of this section provide an overview of major cancer incidence, mortality, and survival patterns. In comparing blacks and whites, blacks experience disproportionate cancer rates by cancer sites as follows: ® Cancer incidence: Breast (women under age 40), esophagus, lung (males), multiple myeloma, pancreas, prostate, stomach. ® Cancer mortality: Cervix, esophagus, larnyx, lung, multiple myeloma, pan- creas, prostate. ® (Cancer survival: Bladder, breast, corpus uteri, prostate, rectum. Summary Table 1 Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1978-81 Native Native Primary Site Whites Blacks Hispanics* Japanese Chinese Filipinos Hawaiians Americans Allsites 335.0 372.5 246.2 247.8 252.9 222.4 357.9 164.2 Bladder 15.4 8.6 8.2 7.7 7.7 5.1 8.2 1.1 Breast, Female 86.5 71.9 54.1 53.1 54.0 43.4 111.1 28.5 Ages <40 8.2 10.7 7.9 8.6 7.4 7.1 7.1 4.0 Ages40+ 221.1 179.3 134.9 146.5 141.0 117.0 300.0 71.4 Cervix Uteri 8.8 20.2 17.7 7.6 11.2 8.8 14.1 22.6 Colon & Rectum 49.6 48.9 25.2 50.4 40.8 30.1 32.7 9.9 Colon 34.6 37.9 15.8 34.0 27.7 17.7 18.4 8.0 Rectum 15.0 11.7 9.4 16.4 13.1 12.4 14.3 1.9 Corpus Uteri 25.1 13.4 11.1 18.6 17.6 11.7 27.1 2.6 Esophagus 3.0 11.5 1.6 2.4 3.4 3.6 6.4 2.4 Larynx 4.6 6.6 2.6 2.6 1.9 1.8 5.2 0.9 Lung, Male 81.0 119.0 34.3 45.1 62.6 38.1 100.9 14.6 Lung, Female 28.2 30.5 13.0 14.1 31.2 18.4 38.6 3.1 Multiple Myeloma 3.4 7.9 2.5 1.2 1.6 4.1 5.5 2.8 Ovary 13.6 9.5 10.4 8.7 9.1 9.4 13.5 3.2 Pancreas 8.9 13.6 10.8 7.4 9.3 6.7 10.0 6.0 Prostate 75.1 120.3 76.5 4.2 26.1 48.9 57.9 45.4 Stomach 8.0 13.8 15.7 27.9 9.0 7.0 32.4 19.3 * Cancer incidence data for Hispanics come from New Mexico only. Summary Table 2 Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, Total United States, 1978-81 Native Native Primary Site Whites* Blacks Japanese Chinese Filipinos Hawaiians ~~ Americans Allsites 163.6 208.5 104.2 131.5 69.7 200.5 87.4 Bladder 3.9 3.8 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.0 Breast, Female 26.6 26.3 9.9 13.0 8.0 33.0 8.2 Ages <40 1.6 2.5 1.1 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.1 Ages40+ 70.2 68.1 25.2 34.6 20.6 88.7 20.6 Cervix Uteri 3.2 8.8 2.7 2.9 1.6 4.2 5.8 Colon & Rectum 21.6 22.3 17.2 19.3 8.1 15.0 8.6 Colon 18.1 18.8 13.6 15.5 5.8 11.4 6.8 Rectum 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.8 2.3 3.6 1.8 Corpus Uteri 3.9 6.6 3.9 4.3 2.0 3.0 1.8 Esophagus 2.6 9.2 1.9 3.3 1.9 6.5 2.1 Larynx 1.3 2.5 0.2 0.7 0.4 1.4 0.9 Lung, Male 69.3 91.4 32.7 48.2 20.0 88.0 28.0 Lung, Female 20.2 20.1 8.6 21.2 6.8 31.5 8.6 Multiple Myeloma 2.4 5.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 2.8 1.9 Ovary 8.1 6.4 4.3 4.2 2.8 7.0 3.3 Pancreas 8.4 11.0 7.0 7.4 3.3 10.9 4.5 Prostate 21.0 43.9 8.8 7.5 8.2 11.6 15.5 Stomach 5.3 10.0 17.5 7.8 3.3 25.3 6.2 * The National Center for Health Statistics from which these data are derived does not code ethnicity for Hispanics. 10 Summary Table 3 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1973-81 (percent) Native Native Primary Site Anglos? Blacks Hispanics Japanese Chinese Filipinos Hawaiians Americans All sites 50 38 47 51 44 45 44 34 Bladder 74 50 70 72 74! 49! 48° 37 Breast, Female 75 63 72 85 78 72 76 53! Cervix Uteri 68 63 69 72 72! 72! 73 67! Colon & Rectum 51 44 46 59 50 41 51! 37! Colon 52 46 48 61 53 38 59! 44 Rectum 49 37 44 55 44 45 42 24! Corpus Uteri 88 57 86 86 87 78 80 66 Esophagus 5 3 — —_— 1 — — Larynx 67 59 60! 75! 67° 57? 79 or Lung & Bronchus 12 11 11 14 15 12 16 5 Male 11 10 9 13 15 12 13 2 Female 16 14 15 17 15 11 24 — Multiple Myeloma 24 27 21 30! 24! 29! 26! — Ovary 37 39 41 41 42! 52! 36 43 Pancreas 3 3 2 3 3 2 es — Prostate 69 59 71 76 76! 73 85! 47! Stomach 14 15 16 28 16 16 14 9 ! Standard error between 5 & 10%. 2 Standard error 10%. 3 Caucasians not of Hispanic origin or surname. 11 Summary Table 4 Ratio of Black to White Age-adjusted (1970 U.S. Standard) Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates by Primary Site, SEER Program, 1978-81 Primary Site Incidence Rates Mortality Rates All Sites Combined 1.11 1.27 Bladder 0.56 0.97 Breast, Female 0.84 0.99 Cervix Uteri 2.30 2.75 Colon & Rectum 1.00 1.03 Colon 1.10 1.04 Rectum 0.78 1.00 Corpus Uteri 0.53 1.69 Esophagus 3.89 3.47 Larynx 1.43 1.92 Lung, Male 1.47 1.32 Female 1.08 1.00 Multiple Myeolma 2.30 2.08 Ovary 0.70 0.79 Pancreas 1.43 1.31 Prostate 1.60 2.09 Stomach 1.72 1.89 12 Summary Table 5 Five-Year Relative Survival for Selected Cancer Sites: Black and White Differences SEER Program, 1973-81 (percent) 5-Year Relative Survival Primary Site Blacks Whites Difference All Sites Combined 38 50 12 Corpus Uteri 57 88 31 Bladder 50 74 24 Breast-Female 63 75 12 Rectum 37 49 12 Prostate 59 69 10 13 Note To Readers Note to Readers Organization of Cancer Sites This document does not follow the International Classification of Diseases system nor- mally used for organizing cancer sites for the following reasons: ® The report is primarily intended to inform a broad range of health professionals and policy makers. In order to simplify locating information in the report, cancer sites are listed alphabetically rather than by organ system. ® The document covers only the major cancer sites of concern to the topic and it was thought that an alphabetical listing would be more appropriate. Age-specific Cancer Rates Because age is such an important variable to consider when looking at cancer, age-spe- cific information is presented in a series of cancer incidence and mortality graphs in Sections II and III. When using these graphs it is important to compare the cancer rates of blacks and whites within the same age-groups. For example, in the figure below age-specific incidence rates are shown for lung cancer among males. Point A on this graph represents the incidence rate of lung cancer for white males between the ages of 60 and 64. This point should be compared to point B, the point vertically above point A which represents the incidence rate of lung cancer for black males in the same 60 to 64 year age group. Point A should not be compared to point C, a point horizontally across from point A, because point C represents the cancer inci- dence rate of black men aged 50 to 54, not 60 to 64. Age-Specific Cancer Incidence Rates Per 100,000 SEER Program, 1978-81 Lung, Males 700 T 600+ T —— WHITES ---- BLAS 500+ 100+ 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ AGE Section VIII Care should be used when reading the line graphs in Section VIII, Cancer Trends: Comparison of Incidence, Mortality, and Survival For Blacks and Whites. Each graph contains two dashed, horizontal lines. These lines are for reference only; they do not represent levels or trends of cancer incidence or mortality. 17 Section I. Data Sources TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. DATA SOURCES Page Discussion . ........ 23 Figure I-1. Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program, National Cancer Institute 26 Table I-1. Percent Distribution of Cancer Cases by Geographic Area for Eight Racial/Ethnic Groups, SEER Program, 1978-81 ........ 27 21 Section I. Data Sources Discussion This report presents selected examples of cancer statistics in order to show comparisons between blacks, whites, and other racial and ethnic groups. The presentation displays in greater detail than in the past comparisons of the cancer experience of these groups. Differences between blacks and whites indicate where efforts must be directed to address the cancer needs of blacks in order to achieve improvement in incidence, mortality, and survival rates. The data presented in this report are derived from two sources. Cancer mortality data are obtained from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Data tapes on all deaths in the United States are obtained annually from the NCHS and form the basis for all mortality statistics. Cancer incidence and survival data are derived from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Pro- gram of the National Cancer Institute. The SEER Program collects information from 11 U.S. population-based cancer registries (Figure I-1). Cancer patients iden- tified through SEER from 1978 to 1981 had the following racial/ethnic distribution: Anglos (white) 84.7 Blacks 8.0 Hispanics 2.1 Native Americans 0.3 Chinese 0.8 Japanese 1.2 Filipinos 0.6 Native Hawaiians 0.4 Others 1.9 100.0% Table I-1 shows how the cancer cases for these eight racial/ethnic groups were distributed within the SEER geographic areas. The SEER Program began in 1973 and presently includes six entire states (Con- necticut, Hawaii, Iowa, New Mexico, New Jersey, and Utah), four large met- ropolitan areas (Atlanta, Detroit, San Francisco, and Seattle) and Puerto Rico. New Jersey joined the SEER Program in late 1983. It is now possible to analyze changes for the full ten years that SEER has been in operation. The majority of the SEER data on blacks is obtained from Atlanta, Detroit, and San Francisco. Information for this report comes from 9 of the 11 SEER registries; Puerto Rico and New Jersey are excluded. 23 Definitions Rate: An expression of the frequency of an event in an entire population. It is characterized by “counts of an event” during a specified time period. The total number of events — the numerator — is divided by the population at risk (or mid-year population) — the denominator. For example, the crude death rate is calculated by dividing the total number of deaths registered during the calendar year (January 1 to December 31) by the total population at the middle of the year (July 1). This is then multiplied by 100,000. Incidence rate: The cancer incidence rate is the number of cancer cases newly diagnosed during a calendar year divided by the mid-year population and mul- tiplied by 100,000. Mortality rate: The cancer mortality rate is the number of deaths from cancer that occur during a calendar year in a specified population. It is expressed as a number per 100,000 population and includes those deaths where cancer is the reported underlying cause of death. This can be calculated for each specific type of cancer as well as for all cancer sites combined. Observed survival rate: The proportion of newly diagnosed cancer patients sur- viving for a specified period of time after diagnosis. Relative survival rate: The ratio of the observed survival rate for the patient group to the expected survival rate for persons in the general population similar to the patient group with respect to age, sex, race, and calendar year of obser- vation. Since almost half the cancers occur in persons 65 years or older, many of these individuals die of other causes with no evidence of recurrence of the cancer. Thus, because it is obtained by adjusting observed survival for the normal life expectancy of the general population of the same age, the relative survival rate is an estimate of the chance of surviving the effects of cancer. The five-year relative survival rate then can be considered the proportion potentially curable. Age-specific Rate: Age-specific cancer rates are calculated because the frequency of cancer incidence and mortality varies with age. By calculating separate inci- dence and mortality rates for each age group diversities often hidden in overall rates are more evident. ® Incidence: The age-specific cancer incidence rate is the number of new cases of cancer occurring to persons in a given age group during a calendar year divided by the mid-year population of all persons in that same age group. This is then multiplied by 100,000. ® Mortality: The age-specific mortality rate is the number of cancer deaths occur- ring to persons in a given age group during a calendar year divided by the mid-year population of all persons in that same age group. This is then mul- tiplied by 100,000. 24 Age-adjusted Rate: An age-adjusted cancer rate is a weighted average of the age-specific cancer mortality (or incidence) rates where the weights are the numbers of persons in age groups of a standard population. This has the effect of eliminating age distribution differences in the two populations as a factor when comparing their mortality (or incidence) for all ages combined. For this report, the 1970 U.S. population is used as the standard. Standard error: The standard error of a survival rate indicates the amount of sampling variability in the rate. Throughout this report, those rates for which the standard error is between 5 and 10 percent are indicated by superscript! and those with a standard error greater than 10 percent by superscript®. All other survival rates have standard errors less than 5 percent. 25 Figure I-1 Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program National Cancer Institute & Seattle (Puget Sound) = ’ New mn / SMSA — Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area Hawaii Op vi? Puerto Rico 26 Table I-1 Percent Distribution of Cancer Cases by Geographic Area, for Eight Racial/Ethnic Groups, SEER Program, 1978-81 Total forall racial/ethnic Native Native Area groups? Anglos? Blacks Hispanics Japanese Chinese Filipinos Hawaiians Americans Total numbers of cases 297,571 252,095 23,952 6,158 3,682 2,299 1,815 1,331 872 Percent residing in: All areas’ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 San Francisco-Oakland 16.8 15.7 20.4 33.5 9.2 64.1 36.1 2.4 3.8 Connecticut 16.9 18.8 8.6 5.4 0.2 1.0 0.1 0.1 1.4 Detroit 19.4 18.3 45.9 1.4 0.4 1.4 1.7 0.1 1.5 Hawaii 3.4 1.4 0.2 — 82.9 28.6 55.8 97.0 — Iowa 15.1 17.6 1.8 1.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 — 1.7 New Mexico 4.4 3.8 0.8 51.3 0.1 0.2 — — 42.4 Seattle 12.7 13.7 3.2 1.6 5.6 3.8 6.6 0.4 12.6 Utah 4.3 4.8 0.2 4.8 1.3 0.2 0.2 — 3.2 Atlanta 3.1 5.6 16.6 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.4 Arizona Indians 0.1 — a a _ —_ 32.7 ! Puerto Rico and New Jersey are not included. ? Total includes 5,367 cases of unknown and other racial/ethnic background. * Caucasians not of Hispanic origin or surname. 27 Section II. Cancer Incidence For Blacks, Whites, And Other Groups TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION II. CANCER INCIDENCE FOR BLACKS, WHITES, AND OTHER GROUPS Discussion Table II-1. Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1978-81 . Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure II-1. 11-2. 11-3. 11-4. II-5. 11-6. II-7. 11-8. 11-9. 11-10. I-11. 11-12. 11-13. 11-14. II-15. II-16. 11-17. 11-18. 11-19. 11-20. 11-21. 11-22. 11-23. 11-24. I-25. 11-26. 11-27. 11-28. All Sites Combined . . ............................. All Sites Combined, Male .......................... All Sites Combined, Female ......................... Bladder, Male ............. . . Bladder, Female . .............. 0... Breast, Female .............. .. . Colon, Male . . . .. Colon, Female ............... .. . . 0... Colon and Rectum, Male ........................... Colon and Rectum, Female ......................... Corpus Uteri . ........ iii. Esophagus, Male ................................ Esophagus, Female . .............................. Larynx, Male . .................... Larynx, Female ................................. Lung, Male .............. .. i... Lung, Female . . . ....................... . .. ...... Multiple Myeloma, Male ........................... Multiple Myeloma, Female . . . ....................... Ovary . ... oe Pancreas, Male . . ............... 0... Pancreas, Female ............... .. . 0... .... Prostate ......... Rectum, Male .................... a... Rectum, Female ..................... . .. ......... Stomach, Male . .......... Stomach, Female ................................ 31 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 63 64 65 66 67 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 11-29. 11-30. 11-31. 11-32. 11-33. 11-34. 11-35. 11-36. 11-37. 11-38. 11-39. 11-40. 11-41. 11-42. 11-43. 11-44. All Sites Bladder Breast, F Cervix U Combined . ............. emale ........ teri . . oe Corpus Uteri . ........... nn. Esophagus . ............ Larynx Lung . Ovary . 32 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Section II. Cancer Incidence for Blacks, Whites, and Other Groups Discussion The information about cancer incidence in this section is based on SEER data collected between 1978 and 1981. Cancer incidence rates measure the rate of occurrence of new cases of cancer during a year per 100,000 persons in that population. The cancer incidence rates presented here are an average of four annual cancer incidence rates: 1978, 1979, 1980, and 1981. The first table presents average annual, age-adjusted cancer incidence rates for blacks, whites, and other racial/ethnic groups. Two sets of figures follow: 1) line graphs comparing age-specific incidence rates for selected cancer sites for blacks and whites, and 2) bar graphs showing age-adjusted cancer incidence rates for blacks, whites, and other racial/ethnic groups. Highlights ® Among the major racial/ethnic groups, blacks had the highest overall incidence rate for cancer followed by Native Hawaiians and then whites. Native Amer- icans had the lowest cancer incidence rate. ® Among the major racial/ethnic groups for which data are available: — Blacks had the highest incidence rates for cancers of the female breast (for women under age 40), esophagus, colon, larynx, lung (male), multiple myeloma, pancreas, and prostate. — Whites had the highest incidence rates for cancers of the bladder and ovary. — Native Americans had the highest incidence rate for cancer of the cervix uteri. They had the lowest incidence rates for cancers of the bladder, colon, rectum, larynx, male and female lung, female breast, corpus uteri, pancreas, and ovary. — Native Hawaiians had the highest incidence rates for cancers of the female breast (all ages combined and for women age 40 and above), ovary, corpus uteri, stomach, and lung (female). — Japanese-Americans had the highest incidence rates for cancers of the rectum and for the colon and rectum combined. They had the lowest inci- dence rates for cancers of the cervix uteri and multiple myeloma. — Hispanics had the lowest incidence rate for cancer of the esophagus. — Chinese-Americans had the lowest incidence rate for cancer of the pros- tate gland. — Filipinos had the lowest incidence rate for cancer of the stomach. 33 ® Blacks were nearly four times as likely as whites to have cancer of the esophagus and more than twice as likely to have multiple myeloma. ® Black females were more than twice as likely as white females to have cancer of the cervix uteri. ® After ages 35-39 blacks had higher age-specific incidence rates for all cancer sites combined than whites. This difference increases to ages 55-59 and then decreases until ages 70-74 where it begins to increase again. 34 Table II-1 Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1978-81 Native Native Primary Site Whites Blacks Hispanics* Japanese Chinese Filipinos Hawaiians Americans All sites 335.0 372.5 246.2 247.8 252.9 222.4 357.9 164.2 Bladder 15.4 8.6 8.2 7.7 7.7 5.1 8.2 1.1 Breast, Female 86.5 71.9 54.1 53.1 54.0 43.4 111.1 28.5 Ages <40 8.2 10.7 7.9 8.6 7.4 7.1 7.1 4.0 Ages 40+ 221.1 179.3 134.9 146.5 141.0 117.0 300.0 71.4 Cervix Uteri 8.8 20.2 17.7 7.6 11.2 8.8 14.1 22.6 Colon & Rectum 49.6 48.9 25.2 50.4 40.8 30.1 32.7 9.9 Colon 34.6 37.9 15.8 34.0 27.7 17.7 18.4 8.0 Rectum 15.0 11.7 9.4 16.4 13.1 12.4 14.3 1.9 Corpus Uteri 25.1 13.4 11.1 18.6 17.6 11.7 27.1 2.6 Esophagus 3.0 11.5 1.6 2.4 3.4 3.6 6.4 2.4 Larynx 4.6 6.6 2.6 2.6 1.9 1.8 5.2 0.9 Lung, Male 81.0 119.0 34.3 45.1 62.6 38.1 100.9 14.6 Lung, Female 28.2 30.5 13.0 14.1 31.2 18.4 38.6 3.1 Multiple Myeloma 3.4 7.9 2.5 1.2 1.6 4.1 5.5 2.8 Ovary 13.6 9.5 10.4 8.7 9.1 9.4 13.5 3.2 Pancreas 8.9 13.6 10.8 7.4 9.3 6.7 10.0 6.0 Prostate 75.1 120.3 76.5 44.2 26.1 48.9 57.9 45.4 Stomach 8.0 13.8 15.7 27.9 9.0 7.0 32.4 19.3 * Cancer incidence data for Hispanics come from New Mexico only. 35 Figure II-1 Age-specific "ancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 All Sites Combined 2400 I 2200 A 2000 A 1800 - 1600 | 1200 A 1000 A RATE PER 100,000 800 - a BLACK 800 x WHITE 400 200 + 0 T T T T T TT 1 0-4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ Figure 11-2 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Age for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 All Sites Combined Male 4000 T T 3200 + ——— WHITES + —--- BLACKS 2400 + RATE PER 100,000 Nn o o b 1 4 | | WR 1 2 1 L 1 1 L L 1 L 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 "70-74 80-84 85+ 38 Figure 11-3 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 All Sites Combined Female 2000 T T 1600 + —— WHITES 1200 + 800 1 RATE PER 100,000 —— — 1 l 1 1 } 1 1 TI 1 1 1 Il [l Il 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 39 Figure 11-4 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Bladder Male 300 T 240 + — WHITES 180 T 120 + RATE PER 100,000 0 pn ttt ttt 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 10-31 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 40 Figure 11-5 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Bladder Female 100 T - 80 + —— WHITES 60 + 40 + RATE PER 100,000 — ~~ 1 J = 1 1 1 1 L L 1 1 1 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ AGE 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 41 Figure 11-6 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Breast Female 400 T T RATE PER 100,000 - MN Oo + ttt 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 10-34 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 42 Figure 11-7 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Cervix Uteri 110 r _- / jp / - / -T / -+ / + WHITES / + / + ---- BLACKS | + je ! -+ 1 pe / ie I~ / / fm / fe / pt i / - © / o S55 , 1 Oo ~ jo - + or § 1 T uw -t Eo —- a © —— — “+ fn 0- 410-14'20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 43 Figure 11-8 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Colon Male 400 + — WHITES 300 + RATE PER 100,000 Nn o S b 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 L 1 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 "50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 44 Figure 11-9 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Colon Female 400 T -+ 4 ja « + =+ + + 320 + ——— WHITES + + =—=-—-—- BLACKS + +4 4 240 T+ + -+ i [e] & + o a T T £160 + + pH tp — & T T i -+ 80 + T I : freemen eee pi 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 45 Figure 11-10 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Colon and Rectum Male 700 1 - 600 + 1 WHITES — — — — BLACKS 500 + 400 1 RATE PER 100,000 w Oo Oo n Oo o 1 T 0 1 1 } L L J 1 } L } 1 1 l 1 1 1 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ AGE 46 Figure 11-11 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Colon and Rectum Female WHITES T -—--—-— BLACKS RATE PER 100,000 n Oo © 0= 4710-14 20-24 30-34 40°44 750-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 47 Figure 11-12 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Corpus Uteri 150 7 + te je + 1 NM le WHITES + —--- BLACKS RATE PER 100,000 o o 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 49 Figure 1-13 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Esophagus Male 100 +4 N T ; 80+ WHITES ; + \ + ---- BLACKS EAN + ! ~7 +4 ; \ +4 / \ 4 / \ 4 / \ 60 + / \ , += oO ju. / \ / + o ! \ e I v o T 1 T 2 1 ! 1 or 1 Wo40+ | + pd +4 I 4 TC oC de i 20+ +4 +4 L 1 L 1 LL ~ 0- 410-14'20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 50 Figure 11-14 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Esophagus Female 30 + _ te de 4 A + I \ IA 24 + WHITES FR 4 + ---- BLACKS Jo + 4 I | — ! \ +4 / | 4 | \ 18+ \ 4 \ S +4 \ RA Oo \ - —— \ —t— 8 | «i 4 \ A 0 a 12 T - J 4 4 = T © 4 A 6 —— —+— 0- 4'10-14'20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485 51 Figure 1I-15 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Larynx Male 56 + ——— WHITES + ---- BLACKS 12 + 28 T+ RATE PER 100,000 L 1 ptt pt} 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 52 Figure 11-16 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Larynx Female 12 + _ —— i —p hy y= I Ra I fp 1 \ gp 9.6 + ————— WHITES / 1 + —--- BLACKS / + + l \ 4- I \ +4 I 1 4 \ 7.2 + 1 . \ RATE PER 100,000 > © + 2.4 + - 1 La 1 i l 1 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 "50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 53 Figure I-17 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Lung Male 700 1 J 1 600 A WHITES —- — —— BLACKS 5001 1 400 RATE PER 100,000 = Oo Oo 1 T 0 1 L 1 L 1 l 1 Il J } 1 1 1 1 1 L 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ AGE 54 Figure 11-18 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Lung Female 150 t+ T —— -T 120 1 WHITES sr + —---- BLACKS nn —— — 90+ T Oo 4 4 oO Oo o T T S i i * i YW oeoT + ¥3] 4 4 be C x 4 4 30T + +4 4 T- -+ 0= 4710-14 20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 55 Figure 11-19 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Multiple Myeloma Male 100 + —_— 1 C4 4 1 4 / —— / —— / 80 + WHITES / + + —--- BLACKS 4 60 + 4 RATE PER 100,000 a o — 0 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 49-44 '50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485 56 Figure 11-20 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Multiple Myeloma Female 50 T - — r ~ / N T ! \ —4 / \ — \ nie / \ + 40+ WHITES / + + —---- BLACKS / + 1 / 4 4 / + / 301 / 4 Oo 4 + Oo Oo Oo T T o ~~ + + a 20 T T pu -T + T oC 4 + T + 10+ + L = F =~ 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 57 Figure 11-21 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Ovary RATE PER 100,000 Nn > 1 T - 1 1 1 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 "50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85¢ 59 Figure 11-22 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Pancreas Male 130 + - 104 + — WHITES 78 T S52 + RATE PER 100,000 ~~ ttt ttt 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 10-34 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 60 Figure 11-23 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Pancreas Female 120 1 - 96 + ——— WHITES i + -—--— BLACKS + + + + nh 72 + = RATE PER 100,000 > © L I 1 1 1 1 1 4 a. : L L 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 "50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 61 Figure 11-24 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Age for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Prostate 1500 7 - $e + -— + 1200 + —— WHITES + + =---- BLACKS + RY whe 900+ 4 Lb v RATE PER 100,000 o o o ja — 4 L 0- 410-14720-24 30-34 40°44 S0-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 1 1 1 63 Figure 11-25 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Rectum Male 200 —T —_ —p -+ 160 + — WHITES “+ + -—---— BLACKS + + RM 120 + + 4 + oO 8 + T o e -— — Ei 80 + 1 pl T T & 1 1 40 + + 1 1 L L 1 1 1 1 1 4 L L L 1 L L 1 1 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 "50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ Figure 11-26 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Rectum Female 120 T + 96 + ——— WHITES 72 te 48 + RATE PER 100,000 244 1 - 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 J 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 "50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 65 Figure 11-27 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Stomach Male 160 + ——— WHITES ! + + ———— BLACKS 120 + 80 T RATE PER 100,000 0 L L 1 L L L 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 49-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ Figure 11-28 Age-specific Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Stomach Female 100 T - 80 + ———— WHITES + ---- BLACKS 60 1 10 + RATE PER 100,000 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 "50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 67 Figure 11-29 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 All Sites Combined ih 248 dal Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (N.M.) Puerto Rico 68 Figure 11-30 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Bladder @ 18 28 Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (N.M.) Puerto Rico 69 Figure 11-31 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Breast Female d 68 123 Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (N.M.) Puerto Rico 70 Figure 11-32 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Cervix Uteri Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (M.M.) Puerto Rico 71 Figure 11-33 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Colon Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (M.M.) Puerto Rico 72 Figure 11-34 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Colon and Rectum Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (N.M.) Puerto Rico 73 Figure 11-35 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Corpus Uteri Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (N.M.) Puerto Rico 74 Figure 11-36 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Esophagus Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (N.M.) Puerto Rico 75 Figure 11-37 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Larynx Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (N.M.)> Puerto Rico 76 Figure 11-38 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Lung i Ad 8a Whi tes 4 Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (N.M.) Puerto Rico 77 Figure 11-39 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Multiple Myeloma Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawailans Native Americans Hispanics (N.M.) Puerto Rico 78 Figure 11-40 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Ovary Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (N.M.) Puerto Rico 79 Figure 11-41 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Pancreas a 16 Whites } " Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (MN.M.) Puerto Rico 80 Figure 11-42 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Prostate i 78 144 Whi tes : : - Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (N.M.) Puerto Rico 81 Figure 11-43 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Rectum Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (M.M.) Puerto Rico 82 Figure 11-44 Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates per 100,000 by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1978-81 Stomach Whi tes Blacks Chinese Japanese Filipinos Hawaiians Native Americans Hispanics (MN.M.) Puerto Rico 83 Section III. Cancer Mortality For Blacks, Whites, And Other Groups TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION III. CANCER MORTALITY FOR BLACKS, WHITES, AND OTHER GROUPS Page DISCUSSION . . . LL... 89 Table III-1. Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, Total United States, 1978-81 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Figure III-1. All Sites Combined . . ............................. 91 Figure III-2. All Sites Combined, Male .......................... 92 Figure III-3. All Sites Combined, Female ......................... 93 Figure 111-4. Bladder, Male . ....... oii 94 Figure III-5. Bladder, Female ................................. 95 Figure III-6. Breast, Female . . . .... oui 96 Figure III-7. Cervix Uteri . ............ iin. 97 Figure III-8. Colon, Male . . . ... 98 Figure III-9. Colon, Female ............ i. 99 Figure III-10. Colon and Rectum, Male . . ......... uuu... 100 Figure III-11. Colon and Rectum, Female ......................... 101 Figure III-12. Corpus Uteri .............iiiiiiinnnnon. 103 Figure III-13. Esophagus, Male .................c.oiuiuiuienn.... 104 Figure III-14. Esophagus, Female . .............................. 105 Figure III-15. Larynx, Male . ........... cuit... 106 Figure III-16. Larynx, Female ................. 0.0.0... 107 Figure III-17. Lung, Male .............. ii. 108 Figure III-18. Lung, Female . . .............uuiiinnnnn.. 109 Figure III-19. Multiple Myeloma, Male . .......................... 110 Figure III-20. Multiple Myeloma, Female . . ........................ 111 Figure III-21. Ovary . . o.oo 113 Figure III-22. Pancreas, Male . . . ....... 114 Figure III-23. Pancreas, Female ................................ 115 Figure III-24. Prostate . .............. 117 Figure III-25. Rectum, Male ................iuiiiiininiunennnn nn. 118 Figure III-26. Rectum, Female ................. . . . ... .. . . . ..... 119 Figure III-27. Stomach, Male .............................. .... 120 Figure III-28. Stomach, Female ................................ 121 87 Section III: Cancer Mortality for Blacks, Whites, and Other Groups Discussion The mortality data presented in this section are collected by the National Center for Health Statistics. The mortality rates are an average of four annual cancer mortality rates: 1978,1979,1980, and 1981 (comparable to the incidence data pre- sented in Section II). The first table presents average annual, age-adjusted cancer mortality rates for all sites combined and for selected cancer sites for blacks, whites, and other racial/ethnic groups. This is followed by a series of line graphs showing age-spe- cific mortality rates for blacks and whites for selected cancer sites. Highlights ® Among the major racial/ethnic groups, blacks had the highest overall age-ad- justed mortality rate for cancer, followed by Native Hawaiians and then whites. ® Blacks had the highest mortality rates for cancers of the female breast (for women under age 40), colon, colon and rectum combined, cervix uteri, corpus uteri, esophagus, larynx, lung (male), multiple myeloma, pancreas, and pros- tate. ® Native Hawaiians had the highest mortality rates for cancers of the female breast (all ages combined, and for women age 40 and above), lung (female), and stomach. ® Whites had the highest mortality rates for cancers of the bladder and ovary. ® Chinese-Americans had the highest mortality rate for cancer of the rectum. ® Blacks had mortality rates that were over three times the rate of whites for cancer of the esophagus, and more than twice the rate for cancers of the cervix uteri, multiple myeloma, and prostate. ® Blacks experienced higher age-specific mortality rates for all sites combined than whites after ages 30-40. ® Mortality rates for colon and rectal cancer for black males and females suggest that the excess rate experienced by blacks is mainly present in black females. 89 by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, Total United States, 1978-81 Table llI-1 Average Annual Age-adjusted Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 Native Native Primary Site Whites* Blacks Japanese Chinese Filipinos Hawaiians ~~ Americans Allsites 163.6 208.5 104.2 131.5 69.7 200.5 87.4 Bladder 3.9 3.8 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.0 Breast, Female 26.6 26.3 9.9 13.0 8.0 33.0 8.2 Ages <40 1.6 2.5 1.1 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.1 Ages 40+ 70.2 68.1 25.2 34.6 20.6 88.7 20.6 Cervix Uteri 3.2 8.8 2.7 2.9 1.6 4.2 5.8 Colon & Rectum 21.6 22.3 17.2 19.3 8.1 15.0 8.6 Colon 18.1 18.8 13.6 15.5 5.8 11.4 6.8 Rectum 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.8 2.3 3.6 1.8 Corpus Uteri 3.9 6.6 3.9 4.3 2.0 3.0 1.8 Esophagus 2.6 9.2 1.9 3.3 1.9 6.5 2.1 Larynx 1.3 2.5 0.2 0.7 0.4 1.4 0.9 Lung, Male 69.3 91.4 32.7 48.2 20.0 88.0 28.0 Lung, Female 20.2 20.1 8.6 21.2 6.8 31.5 8.6 Multiple Myeloma 2.4 5.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 2.8 1.9 Ovary 8.1 6.4 4.3 4.2 2.8 7.0 3.3 Pancreas 8.4 11.0 7.0 7.4 3.3 10.9 4.5 Prostate 21.0 43.9 8.8 7.5 8.2 11.6 15.5 Stomach 5.3 10.0 17.5 7.8 3.3 25.3 6.2 * The National Center for Health Statistics from which these data are derived does not code ethnicity for Hispanics. 90 Figure IlI-1 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 RATE PER 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 All Sites Combined 1600 1400 + 1200 + 1000 + 800 600 s BLACK x WH]TE p= Dept : r T . D-4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 SO-54 60-64 70-74 BD-B4 BS+ AGL 91 Figure 11I-2 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 All Sites Combined Male 2400 T T + + 1920 + ——— WHITES + + ---- BLACKS $+ = T + “+ 1440 + + se T T < oy ~+ +4 o - + + £5 960 + 4 p —— —— g | 4 tp = 480+ + te T 0 0- 4710-14'20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 92 Figure IlI-3 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 All Sites Combined Female 1400 T - 1120+ ——— WHITES v + —--- BLACKS + + +4 4 4 840 + 4 Oo +4 “+ o Oo 8 | « + + fi s60 + + = T g | 1 + 4 280+ a8 T T he 4 0- 410-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 93 Figure 111-4 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Bladder Male 150 t+ - T Se T AN 120 + — WHITES + T -—--- BLACKS + + T T + 90 T + o + + Oo Oo sg 1 T Oo Lal 4 “+ fd 60 T + tu 1 1 & he -+ 30 T + T T 0- 4'10-14'20-24 30-34 40244 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 94 Figure llI-5 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Bladder Female S0T A 40+ ———— WHITES + + —-—--- BLACKS + 2h i 301 4 RATE PER 100,000 n o 0- 4710-14720-24 30-34 40°44'50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 95 Figure 1lI-6 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Breast Female 200 ~ 160 + WHITES (( + —---- BLACKS + —-— + T T 120 + + S fe + cs T T Oo i +4 + i a 80 -T KA =+ he te + 401 T 0- 4710-14 20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 96 Figure lI-7 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Cervix Uteri 40+ ——— WHITES / 1 RATE PER 100,000 n o 0 1 L l 1 1 Ll 1 1 1 0- 4710-14720-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-3485+ 97 Figure IlI-8 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Colon Male WHITES + ---- BLACKS RATE PER 100,000 - n © 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44'50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 98 Figure 111-9 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Colon Female 250 1 —- T +4 200+ — WHITES T + ---- BLACKS 1 -+ RY 150 T + RATE PER 100,000 - Oo Oo 1 1 1 1 0- 4710-14'20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 99 Figure 111-10 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Colon and Rectum Male 400+ ——— WHITES + + ---- BLACKS RATE PER 100,000 n o o - 1051420124 130134 40-44 0 0 0 0-4 L 1 "50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 100 Figure IlI-11 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Colon and Rectum Female S00 —_— T T 4001 WHITES + + ---- BLACKS + -— T 300+ 4 RATE PER 100,000 n o o 0- 4710714'20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 101 Figure llI-12 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Corpus Uteri 30 7 - 24+ WHITES + + ---- BLACKS - 4 +4 RATE PER 100,000 [EY nN 0- 410-14'20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485 103 Figure 111-13 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Esophagus Male 100 T T 90T T 80+ WHITES ob + ---- BLACKS + 70+ 4 —p- -+ 601 T RATE PER 100,000 a o - 0- 4710-14'20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 104 Figure 1lI-14 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Esophagus Female SOT —- 40+ ———— WHITES + + ---- BLACKS + 30+ 4 S +4 + S 2 | 1 Ss 1 1 § 201 + uw + + —- g 1 1 10+ 4 + 4 0- 4710-14'20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 105 Figure IlI-15 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Larynx Male + + 1 4 20+ ——— WHITES 5 + ---- BLACKS S$ 4 + 15+ 4 RATE PER 100,000 - Oo 0- 4'10-14720-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 106 Figure llI-16 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Larynx Female 4.07 - —p—- ge 3.24 WHITES 5 + ---- BLACKS + i ye 2.44 + le] 4 -t- © < o T T Oo I - + Gi a 1 . 6 T + ET T CT (4 te i ie RA 0 87 + 0 0= 410-1420-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 107 Figure I-17 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Lung Male 500 T - =f + 400+ ——— WHITES + ---- BLACKS + 300+ 4 Oo + wih Oo ° > 4 1 o -t + + fi 200 1 ps + + g 1 1 100 + 4 te 1 tp 4 a te 0- 4710-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 108 Figure llI-18 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Lung Female 100 T v 4 + 4 4 80+ ——— WHITES + + ---- BLACKS + 60+ + RATE PER 100,000 5 o 201 0- 4710-14'20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84 85+ 109 Figure 11-19 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Multiple Myeloma Male 70 T T 4 4 + WHITES + /I\ + =—-—-—-— BLACKS J NOT 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / o <4 / +4 S ! o 357 4 o «i 4+ lL Ww 4 4 g 1 + + oe 0- 4710-14'20-24 730-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 110 Figure 111-20 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Multiple Myeloma Female 50 T+ T 40 + WHITES + + —--- BLACKS 30+ 4 o 4 + oO S <1 1 o «i . te Bq 1 & | 1 10+ 4 0- 4'10-14'20-24'30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 111 Figure 11-21 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Ovary 40 + — WHITES + + -—---- BLACKS + = A + T \ / T 30 1 Y \ T RATE PER 100,000 n o 0- 4 10-14 20-24'30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 113 Figure 111-22 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Pancreas Male 110 1 T RATE PER 100,000 5 > 0- 4710-14720-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 114 Figure 111-23 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Pancreas Female 80 T T 64 + WHITES + + ---- BLACKS +4 48 EE + RATE PER 100,000 Ww Nn 0-4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 115 Figure llI-24 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Prostate 1000 - 900T 1 800+ — WHITES + + ---- BLACKS + 700+ 4 +4 +4 600 + + RATE PER 100,000 » o o 0- 4710-14'20-24'30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 117 Figure I1I-25 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Rectum Male 80 T re -— te 64+ ——— WHITES + + —---- BLACKS iA 4 4 + + 48 je 4 RATE PER 100,000 w nN OF 4710-14'20-24 30-34 40°44 50-54 60-64 70-74 "80-84 85+ 118 Figure 111-26 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Rectum Female WHITES + —-—--—-- BLACKS RATE PER 100,000 — 0- 410-14'20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 119 Figure 111-27 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Stomach Male 112+ —— WHITES + + =—---- BLACKS + 84 de 4 RATE PER 100,000 wn a 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44'50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 120 Figure 111-28 Age-specific Cancer Mortality Rates per 100,000 for Blacks and Whites: 1978-81 Stomach Female 80 T T RY jn 64+ ——— WHITES + + ---- BLACKS + + 4 he T 48 + + Oo + + o Oo oc T T o «i + de Ww + “4 —- g 1 1 1 + 16 + T T -+ 4 te + 0 ttt 0- 4 10-14 20-24 30-34 19544 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-8485+ 121 Section IV. Five-Year Relative Survival For Blacks, Whites, And Other Groups TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION IV. FIVE-YEAR RELATIVE SURVIVAL FOR BLACKS, WHITES, AND OTHER GROUPS Discussion . ...... LL. eee Table IV-1. Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1973-81 .......... Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 Figure IV-1. All Sites Combined . . ............................. Figure IV-2. Bladder . ................ LL. Figure IV-3. Breast, Female .................................. Figure IV-4. Cervix Uteri ................................... Figure IV-5. Colon ...... ee Figure IV-6. Colonand Rectum ............................... Figure IV-7. Corpus Uteri -............. i iiiiiiiinen.. Figure IV-8. Esophagus . ................................ .... Figure IV-9. Larynx ......... Figure IV-10. Lung and Bronchus .............................. Figure IV-11. Lung and Bronchus, Male .......................... Figure IV-12. Lung and Bronchus, Female . . . ...................... Figure IV-13. Multiple Myeloma ............................... Figure IV-14. Ovary . . o.oo ee Figure IV-15. Pancreas ................ i Figure IV-16. Prostate ................... ii. Figure IV-17. Rectum ..................... Figure IV-18. Stomach ............. 125 Page 127 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Section IV. Five-Year Relative Survival for Blacks, Whites, and Other Groups Discussion This section presents information about the cancer survival patterns of blacks, whites, and other racial/ethnic groups. The five-year relative survival rates shown represent the percentage of persons with cancer who will be alive five years after diagnosis, after adjusting for age, race, and sex mortality differences. This information comes from the reports of patients first diagnosed within SEER geographic areas, 1973-81. The term “Anglo” as shown in the bar graphs and tables in this section refers to non-Hispanic whites. The first table is a summary of five-year relative survival rates for all sites of cancer combined. The first figure is a bar graph comparing the average five-year relative survival rates for cancer, all sites combined, for blacks, whites, and other groups. This is followed by a series of bar graphs showing five-year relative survival rates for selected cancer sites for the same groups. Highlights ® The five-year relative survival rate for all cancer sites combined among Japanese-Americans was 51 percent, the highest rate among the eight racial/ ethnic groups presented. Whites, or Anglos, had the next highest rate (50 percent). Native Americans had the lowest overall five-year relative survival rate (34 percent). ® Japanese-Americans had the highest five-year relative survival rates for cancers of the female breast, colon, rectum, and stomach. ® Chinese-Americans had the highest five-year relative survival rate for cancer of the lung and bronchus for men. ® Hawaiians had the highest five-year relative survival rate for cancer of the bronchus for women. ® Blacks had the lowest five-year relative survival rates for cancers of the cervix uteri, corpus uteri, and esophagus. ® Filipinos had the lowest five-year relative survival rates for cancers of the colon, and for lung and bronchus in women. ® Native Americans had the lowest five-year relative survival rates for cancers of the stomach and lung and bronchus for men. ® The lowest five-year relative survival rates among all of the racial/ethnic groups were for cancers of the pancreas. Only 2-3 percent of persons diagnosed with pancreatic cancer within each group were alive after five years. 127 Table IV-1 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Primary Site and Racial/Ethnic Group, SEER Program, 1973-81 (percent) Native Native Primary Site Anglos® Blacks Hispanics Japanese Chinese Filipinos Hawaiians Americans All sites 50 38 47 51 44 45 44 34 Bladder 74 50 70 72 74 49! 48 37? Breast, Female 75 63 72 85 78 72 76 53! Cervix Uteri 68 63 69 72 72! 72! 73 67! Colon & Rectum 51 44 46 59 50 41 51 37 Colon 52 46 48 61 53 38 59! 44! Rectum 49 37 44 55 44 45 42 24 Corpus Uteri 88 57 86 86 87 78! 80 66 Esophagus 5 3 — — 1 — —_— — Larynx 67 59 60' 75! 67 572 79 _— Lung & Bronchus 12 11 11 14 15 12 16 5 Male 11 10 9 13 15 12 13 2 Female 16 14 15 17 15 11 24 —_ Multiple Myeloma 24 27 21 30! 24 29! 26 —_ Ovary 37 39 41 41 42! 52! 36! 43! Pancreas 3 3 2 3 3 2 —_ — Prostate 69 59 71 76 76' 73 85! 47 Stomach 14 15 16 28 16 16 14 9 ! Standard error between 5 & 10%. 2 Standard error 10%. * Caucasians not of Hispanic origin or surname. 129 Figure IV-1 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) All Sites Combined Japanese Ando Hispanic Filipino Chinese Hawaiian Black Native Amer. 130 Figure 1V-2 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Bladder i] Hispanic Filipino Native Amer. 131 Figure IV-3 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Breast, Female Japanese Chinese Hawaiian Ando Filipino Hispanic Black Native Amer. 132 Figure IV-4 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Cervix Uteri Hawailon Chinese Filipino Japanese Hispanic Anglo Native Amer. Black 133 Figure IV-5 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Colon Japanese Hawaiian Chinese Anglo Hispanic Black Native Amer. Filipino 134 Figure IV-6 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Colon and Rectum Japanese Anglo Hawaiian Chinese Hispanic Black Filipino Native Amer. 135 Figure IV-7 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Corpus Uteri HAWAIAN NATIVE AMER. 136 Figure IV-8 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Esophagus Chinese 11 Ango 15 Black 137 Figure IV-9 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Larynx Hawaiian Japanese Chinese Anglo Hispanic Black Filipino 138 Figure IV-10 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Lung and Bronchus Hawailon Chinese Japanese Ando Fillpino Hispanic Black Native Amer. 15) 139 Figure IV-11 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Lung and Bronchus, Male Chinese Japanese Hawaiian Filipino Ango Black Hispanic Native Amer. 2] 140 Figure IV-12 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Lung and Bronchus, Female Hawalian Japanese Anglo Chinese Hispanic Black [16 15) [15] (M Filipino 11] 141 Figure IV-13 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Multiple Myeloma Filipino i Hawaiian 30 29 27] 26] (24) (24) 21 if: 142 ~ Figure IV-14 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Ovary 143 Figure IV-15 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Pancreas Japanese Chinese Ando Hispanic Filipino 144 Figure IV-16 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Prostate Hawaiian Chinese Japanese Filipino Hispanic Ango Black Native Amer. 145 Figure IV-17 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Rectum Japanese Anglo Filipino Chinese Hispanic Hawaiian Black Native Amer. 146 Figure IV-18 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Racial/Ethnic Group: 1973-81 (percent) Stomach Japanese Hispanic Chinese Filipino Black Anglo Hawaiian Native Amer. 147 Section V. Survival Trends: Relative Survival By Successive Number Of Years After Diagnosis, 1973-75 And 1976-81, For Blacks And Whites TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION V. SURVIVAL TRENDS: RELATIVE SURVIVAL BY SUCCESSIVE NUMBER OF YEARS AFTER DIAGNOSIS AND YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS, 1973-75 AND 1976-81, FOR BLACKS AND WHITES Page DISCUSSION «© oo te ee ee ee 153 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 Figure V-1. All Sites Combined, Black .......................... 154 Figure V-2. All Sites Combined, White . . ........................ 155 Figure V-3. Bladder, Black . ....... ee 156 Figure V-4. Bladder, White . . .................... 157 Figure V-5. Breast, Black Female .............................. 158 Figure V-6. Breast, White Female ............................. 159 Figure V-7. Cervix Uteri, Black ............................... 160 Figure V-8. Cervix Uteri, White .............................. 161 Figure V-9. Colon, Black . .. «oui i i 162 Figure V-10. Colon, White . ......... iii. 163 Figure V-11. Colonand Rectum, Black . . . ........ i... 164 Figure V-12. Colon and Rectum, White ............... uu... 165 Figure V-13. Corpus Uteri, Black . ............................. 166 Figure V-14. Corpus Uteri, White . . ............................ 167 Figure V-15. Esophagus, Black ................................ 168 Figure V-16. Esophagus, White ............................... 169 Figure V-17. Larynx, Black . ................. 170 Figure V-18. Larynx, White .................................. 171 Figure V-19. Lung and Bronchus, Black Male ...................... 172 Figure V-20. Lung and Bronchus, White Male ..................... 173 Figure V-21. Lung and Bronchus, Black Female .................... 174 Figure V-22. Lung and Bronchus, White Female .................... 175 Figure V-23. Multiple Myeloma, Black ........................... 176 Figure V-24. Multiple Myeloma, White .......................... 177 Figure V-25. Ovary, Black ............... i iiiin.. 178 Figure V-26. Ovary, White . . ................ i. 179 Figure V-27. Pancreas, Black . ...... 180 Figure V-28. Pancreas, White . ................................ 181 Figure V-29. Prostate, Black . ...................... 182 Figure V-30. Prostate, White . . ........ i. 183 Figure V-31. Rectum, Black ................. iii... 184 Figure V-32. Rectum, White . . ................................ 185 Figure V-33. Stomach, Black . . .............. 186 Figure V-34. Stomach, White ................................. 187 151 Section V. Survival Trends: Relative Survival by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, 1973-75 and 1976-81, for Blacks and Whites Discussion In this section relative cancer survival rates for blacks and whites are presented by the number of years after a diagnosis of cancer is made. These rates cover two time periods, 1973-75 and 1976-81. The data are derived from SEER reports. This section contains a set of line graphs comparing survival patterns for primary cancer sites from two time periods. Black and white survival patterns are shown on separate graphs. The first two graphs present overall cancer survival patterns for blacks and whites. These are followed by a series of graphs showing black and white patterns for primary cancer sites. Highlights ® The overall cancer survival pattern for blacks was virtually unchanged from 1973-75 to 1976-81. Blacks experienced similar survival rates each year after diagnosis for the two time periods. Whites, however, had slightly higher survival rates in 1976-81 than in 1973-75 for each year after diagnosis. ® Blacks experienced some increase in cancer survival from 1973-75 to 1976-81 for cancers of the bladder, esophagus, colon, lung and bronchus (female), ovary, prostate, rectum, and stomach. 153 Figure V-1 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) All Sites Combined Black 100 -{ 100 80 -1 80 40 -1 40 SURVIVAL RATE (Z%) 20 4 -1 20 oa 1973-75 o-e-6 1976-81 10 4 10 T T T Y T on 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RAFTER DIRGNOSIS 154 Figure V-2 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) All Sites Combined ° White 100 -100 80 + - 80 — ™N f= — —f wi — 40 + «4 40 ac a< J xc > — = = 20 - - 20 wv ee 1973-7S eae 1976-81 10 - 10 T 1 1 1 T I 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RFTER DIAGNOSIS 155 Figure V-3 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Bladder Black TS I. 40 — - 40 SURVIVAL RATE (%) 20 — i} 20 aa 1973-75 eo-a-e 1976-81 T T T Tr v 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS 156 Figure V-4 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Bladder White 100 - 100 80 + - 80 40 >» o 1 1 SURVIVAL RATE (%) 20 nN o i A ove 1973-785 o-oo 1976-81 10 + 0 2 3 ‘ s YEARS AFTER DIAGNOSIS 157 Figure V-5 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 Breast Black, Female 100 - 100 80 - 80 o— N ~— w — 4D - «0 a 14 J ac > — = 2 20 J 2 wn es 1973-75 o-o-8 1976-81 T T T T T — 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS 158 Figure V-6 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Breast White, Female 100 —P— — 100 80 ——— - 80 40 — —- 40 20 -1 20 SURVIVAL RATE (Z%Z) aa 1973-75 o—-a—8 1976-81 10 Hy I I I T 0 1 2 3 4 YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS “1 159 Figure V-7 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Cervix Uteri Black 100 -{ 100 80— - 80 A pn — _—— — ~N ht Ww — 40 - 40 ac x pu | ac > — x a 20 - 20 —o—s 1973-75 8—e-8 1976-81 10 + - 10 T T T T T T 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RFTER DIAGNOSIS 160 Figure V-8 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Cervix Uteri White T— I 40 <1 40 SURVIVAL RATE (ZX) >a 1973-7S o-oo 1976-81 10 RS v v . - . - 10 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RAFTER DIAGNOSIS 161 Figure V-9 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Colon Black 100 -{ 100 80 - 80 ~ Ww - 40 — - 40 c [- 4 - ac > > s o 20 — - 20 ——a 1973-75 6-0 1976-81 10 = r , : : . - 10 0 1 2 3 4 3 YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS 162 Figure V-10 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Colon White 100 = 100 80 - 80 ~ Ww = 40 + = 40 a pu | [= o > = eg 20 + ® «4 20 oe 1973-78 o-o-8 1976-81 10 + . . ’ . . - 10 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RAFTER DIAGNOSIS 163 Figure V-11 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Colon and Rectum Black 100 - 100 80 — — 80 40 : - 40 SURVIVAL RATE (%) 20 — -1 20 —o—a 1973-75 e-a-8 1976-81 10 = 10 T T 1 v LJ Ll 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS 164 Figure V-12 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Colon and Rectum White 100 =1100 80 4 4 80 ~ “0A 4 «w x a -d x > > x= a 201 4 20 oe 1973-78 0 1276-01 1 | | | | SE 0 1 2 3 4 8 YEARS RAFTER DIAGNOSIS 165 Figure V-13 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Corpus Uteri Black 100 $ =| 100 80 - 80 N = eo0- 4 « a ac g > z a 20 1 20 —a—a 1973-75 o-a-8 1876-81 10 . . : . — 10 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS NOTE: BLACK FEMALES 166 Figure V-14 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Corpus Uteri White 00 ooo ~ 100 —— ——— =p —a 80 A —~ 80 ~ w = 40 -1 40 [+4 | @ > > oc a 201 4 20 aa 1973-75 e-e-a 1976-81 10 4 1 10 0 2 3 ‘ 5 YERRS AFTER DIAGNOSIS 167 Figure V-15 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Esophagus Black 100 80 + 1 40 20 + —o—a 1973-75 o-6-6 1976-61 10 SURVIVAL RATE (7%) YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS 168 Figure V-16 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Esophagus White 100 80 A =1100 80 40 + 20 + SURVIVAL RATE (%) >a 1973-75 o-a-e 1976-81 0 ! 2 3 ‘ 5 YEARS AFTER DIAGNOSIS 169 Figure V-17 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Larynx Black 100 =1100 80+ -1 80 ~ Wi = 40 -] 40 oc od ac > > ox a 01 - 20 os 1973-75 e-e-8 1976-81 104 . . : : . 410 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RFTER DIRGNDSIS 170 Figure V-18 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Larynx White 100 — 100 80 + —~ 80 ~ - 40 - ~ 40 xc a J =o > > jo = D 20 - - 20 wn ew 1973-75 o-a-8 1976-81 10 1, I ' T v I - 10 0 1 2 3 4 $ YERRS AFTER DIAGNOSIS 171 Figure V-19 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Lung and Bronchus Black Male 40 — SURYIVAL RATE (Z) 20 + a 1973-75 o-o-8 1976-81 YERRS RFTER DIRCGNOSIS 172 Figure V-20 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Lung and Bronchus White Male 100 = 100 80 - 40 + SURVIVAL RATE (Z%Z) 20 + be 1973-75 o-e-e 1976-81 10 T YEARS RAFTER DIAGNOSIS 173 Figure V-21 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SURYIVAL RATE (%) ~ o A ~ o 1 SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Lung and Bronchus Black Female —a—e 1973-75 e—-6-8 1576-81 < 100 YERRS RFTER DIRGNDSIS 174 Figure V-22 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Lung and Bronchus White Female 100 =4100 80 - 40 - os 1973-78 o-e-e 1976-81 SURVIVAL RATE (Z) 10 + 310 T v Vv YERRS RAFTER DIAGNOSIS 175 Figure V-23 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Multiple Myeloma Black 100 - 100 80 — - 80 —— ~N Ww bo 40 -1 40 ac oa pu | ac > iy > [« 4 2 20 — -1 20 ta 1973-75 o-e-8 1976-81 10 J = 10 T T T T ov T 0 1 2 3 4 Ss YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS 176 Figure V-24 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years SURVIVAL RATE (Z%Z) 40 + 10 - After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Multiple Myeloma White ota 1973-78 o-o-8 1976-81 - 100 4 10 an T 1 ' T 0 1 2 3 4 YERRS RFTER DIAGNOSIS 177 Figure V-25 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Ovary Black 100 -4 300 80 4 - 80 = — 40 -1 40 oc a - x > > «© — a 20 20 oa 1973-75 o-e-8 1976-81 10 . T . : . - 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS 178 Figure V-26 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Ovary White 100 ={ 100 80 1 80 ~ w = 40 4 -1 40 oc J a > > oc a 20 4 20 —a—a 1973-75 eee 1376-81 10 + 310 ¥ T v v T 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RAFTER DIAGNOSIS «4 179 Figure V-27 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Pancreas Black 100 - 100 80 - 80 40 + - 40 = = 204 4 20 w [« o oc a 10 + as 1973-75 -1 10 g | I 8-6-8 1976-81 = 0 > o a 1 14 2? ha 2 lq . = 1 on 4 AJ v v 0 1 2 3 4 YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS 180 Figure V-28 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Pancreas White 100 100 40 4 20 4 SURVIVAL RATE (%) ta 1973-78 o-a-0 1976-01 0 1 2 3 ‘ 5 YEARS AFTER DIAGNOSIS 181 Figure V-29 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Prostate Black 100 -4300 80 - 80 < he 40 - 40 a o< - c > > oc > 20 —{ 20 wv oa 1973-75 o-e-0 1976-81 10 v ' . — , - 10 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS 182 Figure V-30 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Prostate White 100 - 100 80 + < 80 40 4 - 40 SURVIVAL RATE (%) 20 4 «4 20 oa 1973-75 o-o-e 1976-81 10 <4 10 T T T Y T Tv 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RFTER DIAGNOSIS 183 Figure V-31 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Rectum Black 100 - 100 80 - 80 ~ Ww — 40 -1 40 > ox a 20 - 20 ba 1973-75 o-e-0 1976-81 10 pt r v . - . - 10 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RFTER DIAGNOSIS 184 Figure V-32 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Rectum White 100 “1100 80 + -1 80 S w < 40 - i 40 - x > > [+ 4 = vw 20 - <4 20 oe 1973-78 o-o-e 1376-81 10 1 T r ' ' r - 10 0 1 2 3 4 S YEARS AFTER DIAGNOSIS 185 Figure V-33 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Stomach Black 100 4 100 80 - 80 ~ Ww = 40 -1 40 oe eas 1973-75 = eee 1976-81 > > oa 2 20 4 4 20 10 + . : <4 10 - 1 I v 0 1 2 3 4 S YERRS RFTER DIRGNOSIS 186 Figure V-34 Relative Survival Rates by Successive Number of Years After Diagnosis and Year of Diagnosis, SEER Program: 1973-81 (percent) Stomach White 100 = 100 40 + oe 1973-75 o-o-e 1976-81 SURVIVAL RATE (7%) 20 + 10 3 10 T T T T T 0 1 2 3 ‘ S YEARS AFTER DIAGNOSIS NOTE: WHITE MALES & FEMALES 187 Section VI. Five-Year Relative Survival By Stage Of Cancer At Diagnosis For Blacks And Whites TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION VI. FIVE-YEAR RELATIVE SURVIVAL BY STAGE OF CANCER AT DIAGNOSIS FOR BLACKS AND WHITES Page DISCUSSION . . . ot te 193 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage at Diagnosis: 1977-81 Figure VI-1. Bladder . ........ oi 195 Figure VI-2. Breast, Female ........................ ... ... .... 196 Figure VI-3. Cervix Uteri .......... iii. 197 Figure VI-4. COlON ov vite 198 Figure VI-5. Colonand Rectum ............................... 199 Figure VI-6. Corpus Uteri ................ iii. 200 Figure VI-7. Esophagus (whiteonly) . ........................... 201 Figure VI-8. LUNG «ott et 202 Figure VI-9. Melanoma (whiteonly) ............................ 203 Figure VI-10. OVAry . oot 204 Figure VI-11. Prostate ............ 205 Figure VI-12. Rectum ........... 206 Figure VI-13. Stomach ............... 207 191 Section VI. Five-Year Relative Survival by Stage of Cancer at Diagnosis for Blacks and Whites Discussion The detailed classification of patients by stage of disease at diagnosis has been available in a consistent, comparable manner through SEER only since 1977. The classification of stage or extent of disease at diagnosis used in SEER is compatible with that developed by the American Joint Committee on Cancer. Generally, the more advanced or higher stages of disease have poorer survival than the less advanced or lower stages. Since earlier stages of disease data (before 1977) are not comparable, it is not possible to assess changes in stage distributions over time. Thus, the data presented in this section are derived entirely from SEER. The data presented here compare five-year relative survival rates between white and black patients within stage of disease categories for each primary site. For many sites the number of black patients are too small in specific stage categories to draw meaningful conclusions. For several sites, however, even though the survival rates for white patients are signficantly higher than those for black patients for all stages combined, survival differences tend to disappear within individual stage categories. This is because cancer is generally detected at more favorable stages of disease among white patients. The figures in this section are a set of bar graphs which compare black and white five-year relative survival rates for various stages of disease for primary cancer sites. Survival data by stage of disease for cancers of the esophagus and melanoma were available for whites only. Due to data collection procedures, information about female breast cancer has been available since 1975 and is presented in Figure VI-2. Highlights ® The difference in survival for breast cancers between white and black patients was large and statistically significant (75 percent vs. 63 percent), but this was accounted for primarily by those who presented for diagnosis with lymph node involvement or direct extension of the tumor to adjacent tissue (Stage IIB). ® For cancer of the corpus uteri, the site with the greatest difference in survival between black and white patients, there was a large, statistically significant difference between blacks and whites even for Stage I disease (92 percent vs. 75 percent respectively). The numbers of black patients were too small to draw meaningful conclusions for the other stages. ® Black patients had a slightly higher survival rate for cancer of the ovary than did white patients. This was true not only for all stages combined but also for each stage of disease at diagnosis. 193 Figure VI-1 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Bladder LOCALIZED NOS SAA NNN Stree 11 DIR STAGE | STAGE IV NNN hE WHITES nonin AR SA NNN mm BLACKS ¥ sample too small © 10 a 3% 4 se 0 8 9% 100 SURVIVAL RATE (%) 195 Figure VI-2 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1975-81 ALL STAGES <2 CM, N- 2-4.9 CM, N- <2 CH, N+ S+ CH, N- 2-4.9 CH, N+ 5+ CH, N+ STAGE [11B DISTANT UNKNOWN (percent) Breast, Female hi Aiki 73 hh SL a UF a A Sn [&) A 65] i SL 79 oa A a ye 3] Gaia a ine ANN WY] RACE 13) WHITES 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 70 ® 90 100 SURVIVAL RATE (4) 196 Figure VI-3 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Cervix Uteri ALL STAGES SL STAGE [1 SL) m2 111 A 37 STAGE IV SCE NHITES UNKNOWN Sa BE BLACKS oO 10 2 3 «© Se 70 6 9% 100 SURVIVAL RATE (%) 197 Figure Vi-4 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Colon ALL STAGES SA 53) STREE 1 70 STAGE 111 STAGE IV RACE WHITES UNKNOWN @l BLACKS 0 10 20 30 40 50 80 70 > A 50 SURVIVAL RATE (4) 198 Figure VI-5 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Colon and Rectum ALL STAGES a STAGE | STAGE [1 STAGE 111 STAGE 1V pea RACE NHITES UNKNOWN El BLACKS 10 2 30 40 s0 80 70 0 9% 100 SURVIVAL RATE (7) 199 Figure VI-6 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Corpus Uteri ALL STAGES AL STRGE I Ll 75 STAGE 11 Ld STAGE [IV NAF ACE on N00) IE BLACKS * eample too small 0 0 20 30 0 50 0 70 80 90 100 SURVIVAL RATE (4) 200 Figure VI-7 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Esophagus (White only) ALL STAGES STREE | stage 11 N10] STAGE 111 STRABE IV UNKNOWN 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 30 40 50 mo 70 0 9% 100 SURVIVAL RATE (%) 201 Figure VI-8 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Lung ee ALL STAGES a STAGE I STAGE II STAGE 111 RACE NHITES LRIEHORN El BLACKS * somple too small 1 T T v ' SURVIVAL RATE (%) 202 Figure VI-9 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Melanoma (White only) ALL STAGES UIE] ARERR E] STAGE STREE [1 STAGE [11 UNKNOWN NNN NN 0 10 2 0 40 50 50 70 80 9% 100 SURVIVAL RATE (4) 203 Figure VI-10 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Ovary ALL STAGES Aw STAGE | RRR STAGE 11 NANNY RACE WHITES BE BLACKS NWR N 0 10 20 30 10 50 80 70 80 90 100 SURVIVAL RATE (Z) 204 Figure VI-11 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Prostate ALL STAGES a STAGE IV RACE WHITES UNKNOWN BE BLACKS SURVIVAL RATE (4) 205 Figure VI-12 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Rectum ALL STAGES LLL STAGE IV Dlr "i WHITES UNKNOKN BE BLACKS SURVIVAL RATE (%) 206 Figure VI-13 Five-year Relative Survival Rates by Cancer Stage At Diagnosis: 1977-81 (percent) Stomach ALL STAGES STAREE 11 STAGE 111 STAGE IV § RACE NHITES UNKNOWN D EWE BLACKS 7 T T T T T T T T 1 0 Lo a0 30 40 50 60 70 eo 90 100 SURVIVAL RATE (X) 207 Section VII. Distribution Of Histologic Types Of Cancer For Blacks And Whites TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION VII. DISTRIBUTION OF HISTOLOGIC TYPES OF CANCER FOR BLACKS AND WHITES Page DISCUSSION . . . 213 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites, SEER Program, 1978-81 Table VII-1. All Sites Combined . . . ............ iii 215 Table VII-2. Bladder . .......... 216 Table VII-3. Breast, Female .................................. 217 Table VII-4. Breast, Female <40 years of age ...................... 218 Table VII-5. Breast, Female 40+ yearsofage ...................... 219 Table VII-6. Cervix Uteri .................... iin... 220 Table VII-7. Colon «oo 221 Table VII-8. Colonand Rectum ................... 0 uiueun... 222 Table VII-9. Corpus Uteri ..................... i... 223 Table VII-10 Esophagus . ................ 224 Table VII-11 Larynx ....... 225 Table VII-12 Lung, Male ...........iii i 226 Table VII-13. Lung, Female . . ................................. 227 Table VII-14. OVATY © tite ee 228 Table VII-15. Pancreas . ........... i 229 Table VII-16. Prostate . ......... i 230 Table VII-17. Rectum ........... 231 Table VII-18. Stomach . .... iii 232 211 Section VII. Distribution of Histologic Types of Cancer for Blacks and Whites Discussion Information on the histologic distributions of cancer for selected cancer sites is presented in this section. Certain histologic types of cancer have been associated with favorable or poor survival prognosis. For example, more histologically aggres- sive or less differentiated cancers, such as sarcomas, have poorer survival than well-differentiated adenocarcinomas. Differences in the survival rates observed between blacks and whites for various cancer sites may be explained in part by differences in the distributions of histologic types. Therefore, histologic distribu- tions may be used as a proxy measure of biologic differences in cancer between blacks and whites. A set of 18 tables are presented in this section showing the percent of histolog- ically confirmed tumors and percentage distributions of histologic types of can- cers for selected sites for blacks and whites. Highlights ® Except for cancer of the pancreas, histologic confirmation of tumor types for both blacks and whites generally exceeds 90 percent. ® For cancers of the bladder and corpus uteri, blacks experience significantly lower survival rates than whites and have higher distributions of more aggres- sive histologic types of cancer. 213 Table VII-1 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 All Sites Combined Number of Cases and Histologic Type Total number of cancer cases Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed Adenocarcinoma, NOS Squamous cell carcinoma Carcinoma, NOS Duct carcinoma Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Leukemia Papillary adenocarcinoma All Others Whites 522,065 491,263 (94.1%) 39.2% 11.3 5.3 5.0 4.8 4.3 3.8 26.3 100.0% Blacks 46,800 43,898 (93.8%) 39.1% 19.3 6.6 4.0 3.0 3.8 3.2 21.0 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 215 Table VII-2 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Bladder Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases 12,018 520 Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed 11,826 (98.4%) 508 (97.7%) Carcinoma, NOS 1.8% 3.9% Papillary adenocarcinoma 3.6 1.6 Squamous cell carcinoma 2.1 9.1 Transitional cell 36.0 41.4 Papillary transitional cell 54.5 36.2 All Others 2.0 7.9 100.0% 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 216 Table VII-3 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Breast, Female Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed Carcinoma, NOS Papillary adenocarcinoma Mucinous adenocarcinoma Duct adenocarcinoma Medullary carcinoma cell Lobular carcinoma Paget's disease All Others 35,220 34,375 (97.6%) 3.5% 10.3 2.2 69.5 3.0 8.3 1.2 2.0 100.0% 2,648 2,571 (97.1%) 3.9% 11.5 2.3 65.2 6.8 5.7 1.3 3.3 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 217 Table VIi-4 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Breast, Female <40 years of age Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases 2,358 382 Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed 2,351 (99.7%) 380 (99.5%) Duct adenocarcinoma 70.1% 65.2% Medullary carcinoma 8.4 13.9 Adenocarcinoma, NOS 7.3 7.8 Lobular carcinoma 7.0 3.7 Carcinoma, NOS 3.4 3.9 All Others 3.8 5.5 100.0% 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 218 Table VII-5 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Breast, Female 40 + years of age Number of Cases and Histologic Type Total number of cancer cases Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed Duct adenocarinoma Adenocarcinoma, NOS Lobular carcinoma Carcinoma, NOS Medullary carcinoma cell Mucinous adenocarcinoma All Others Whites 32,247 31,409 (97.4%) 69.4% 10.6 8.3 3.5 2.6 2.3 3.3 100.0% Blacks 2,216 2,143 (96.7%) 65.1% 12.4 6.0 3.9 5.5 2.4 4.7 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 219 Table VII-6 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Cervix Uteri Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases 3,604 780 Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed 3,532 (98.0%) 766 (98.2%) Squamous cell carcinoma 76.6% 80.8% Adenocarcinoma, NOS 8.8 3.8 Carcinoma, NOS 7.1 9.1 Adenosquamous carcinoma 2.3 1.7 All Others 5.2 4.6 100.0% 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 220 Table VII-7 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Colon Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed Adenocarcinoma, NOS Mucinous Adenocarcinoma Papillary/villous adenocarcinoma Carcinoma, NOS All Others 27,196 25,564 (94.0%) 80.0% 10.0 6.3 2.3 1.4 100.0% 2,263 2,118 (93.6%) 78.2% 10.3 7.6 1.8 2.1 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 221 Table VII-8 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Colon and Rectum Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed Adenocarcinoma, NOS Mucinous adenocarcinoma Papillary/villous adenocarcinoma Carcinoma, NOS All Others 38,816 36,798 (94.8%) 80.3% 8.7 7.4 2.0 1.6 100.0% 2,970 2,801 (94.3%) 77.4% 9.7 8.4 1.8 2.7 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 222 Table VII-9 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Corpus Uteri Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases 10,323 475 Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed 10,261 (99.4%) 470 (98.9%) Carcinoma, NOS 2.1% 1.9% Papillary adenocarcinoma 6.6 14.0 Adenocarcinoma, NOS 73.4 52.8 Adenosquamous carcinoma 10.8 8.7 Mullerian mixec tumor 1.9 7.0 Leiomyosarcoma 1.2 6.0 All Others 4.0 9.6 100.0% 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 223 Table VII-10 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Esophagus Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases 2,262 734 Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed 2,099 (92.8%) 708 (96.5%) Squamous cell carcinoma 72.8% 91.1% Adenocarcinoma, NOS 16.6 1.1 Carcinoma, NOS 6.1 5.8 All Others 4.5 2.0 100.0% 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 224 Table VII-11 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Larynx Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed Squamous cell carcinoma Papillary/villous adenocarcinoma Carcinoma, NOS All Others 3,452 3,390 (98.2%) 94.9% 2.2 1.4 1.5 100.0% 424 417 (98.4%) 96.9% 1.0 1.7 0.4 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 225 Cancer for Blacks and Whites Table ViI-12 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of SEER Program, 1978-81 Lung, Male Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed Squamous cell carcinoma Adenocarcinoma, NOS Carcinoma, NOS Small/oat cell carcinoma Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma All Others 26,716 24,125 (90.3%) 35.9% 19.7 18.8 16.9 2.4 6.3 100.0% 3,276 3,034 (92.6%) 41.1% 19.4 19.3 11.9 1.8 6.5 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 226 Table VII-13 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Lung, Female Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed Adenocarcinoma, NOS Squamous cell carcinoma Small/oat cell carcinoma Carcinoma, NOS Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma Mucinous adenocarcinoma All Others 11,646 10,621 (91.2%) 26.9% 20.9 19.4 19.1 4.9 2.9 5.9 100.0% 1,074 979 (91.2%) 30.3% 23.0 13.3 19.0 4.1 1.6 8.7 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 227 Table VII-14 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Ovary Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases 5,567 348 Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed 5,394 (96.9%) 331 (95.1%) Cystadenocarcinoma 40.7% 43.2% Adenocarcinoma, NOS 16.3 13.6 Pappillary/villous adenocarcinoma 14.9 13.9 Endometrioid carcinoma 8.6 4.8 Carcinoma, NOS 5.3 2.7 Mucinous adenocarcinoma 3.2 2.4 All Others 11.0 19.4 100.0% 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 228 Table VII-15 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Pancreas Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed Adenocarcinoma, NOS Carcinoma, NOS Mucinous adenocarcinoma Duct adenocarcinoma Islet cell carcinoma All Others 6,901 5,107 (74.0%) 69.9% 14.0 6.2 3.1 1.7 5.1 100.0% 817 627 (76.7%) 70.6% 11.2 8.3 2.4 2.9 4.6 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 229 Table VII-16 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Prostate Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed Adenocarcinoma, NOS Carcinoma, NOS All Others 23,740 22,577 (95.1%) 94.3% 4.0 1.7 100.0% 2,864 2,709 (94.6%) 94.5% 3.9 1.6 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 230 Table VII-17 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Rectum Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases 11,620 707 Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed 11,248 (96.8%) 685 (96.9%) Adenocarcinoma, NOS 80.9% 75.2% Pappillary adenocarcinoma 10.1 10.7 Mucinous adenocarcinoma 5.9 7.9 Carcinoma, NOS 1.4 1.6 All Others 1.7 4.6 100.0% 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 231 Table VII-18 Percent Distribution of Cases by Histologic Type of Cancer for Blacks and Whites SEER Program, 1978-81 Stomach Number of Cases and Histologic Type Whites Blacks Total number of cancer cases 6,295 834 Number and Percent of cases microscopically confirmed 5,798 (92.1%) 788 (94.5%) Adenocarcinoma, NOS 77.4% 75.4% Carcinoma, NOS 6.4 5.8 Mucinous adenocarcinoma 6.0 5.0 Signet ring carcinoma 4.3 4.6 Leiomyosarcoma 1.8 3.9 All Others 4.1 5.3 100.0% 100.0% NOS = Not otherwise specified 232 Section VIII. Cancer Trends: Comparison Of Incidence, Mortality, And Survival For Blacks And Whites TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION VIII. CANCER TRENDS: COMPARISON OF INCIDENCE, MORTALITY, AND SURVIVAL FOR BLACKS AND WHITES Discussion Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure VIII-1. VIII-2. VIII-3. VIII-4. VIII-5. VIII-6. VIII-7. VIII-8. VIII-9. VIII-10. VIII-11. VIII-12. VIII-13. VIII-14. VIII-15. VIII-16. VIII-17. VIII-18. VIII-19. VIII-20. VIII-21. VIII-22. VIII-23. VIII-24. VIII-25. VIII-26. VIII-27. VIII-28. VIII-29. VIII-30. VIII-31. VIII-32. VIII-33. VIII-34. All Sites Combined, Black .......................... All Sites Combined, White . . . ....................... Bladder, Black . ............ Bladder, White . . . .......... Breast, Female, Black ............................. Breast, Female, White . ............................ Cervix Uteri, Black ........... Cervix Uteri, White . . ............................ Colon, Black ........... ee Colon, White . . ...... Colon and Rectum, Black . . . ........................ Colon and Rectum, White . ......................... Corpus Uteri, Black .............................. Corpus Uteri, White .............................. Esophagus, Black ................................ Esophagus, White ............................... Larynx, Black . . ................ LL. Larynx, White . ................................. Lung and Bronchus, Black Male . ..................... Lung and Bronchus, White Male ..................... Lung and Bronchus, Black Female .................... Lung and Bronchus, White Female .................... Multiple Myeloma, Black . .......................... Multiple Myeloma, White .......................... Ovary, Black .................. Ovary, White . . . ................................ Pancreas, Black . ............ Pancreas, White . ............ Prostate, Black . ............. Prostate, White . ............ . Rectum, Black ......... Rectum, White . . . ........ Stomach, Black . . . ..... Stomach, White ............... . . .. 235 Page 237 Section VIII. Cancer Trends: Comparison of Incidence, Mortality, and Survival for Blacks and Whites Discussion This section illustrates the complex set of interrelationships among cancer inci- dence, survival, and mortality for blacks and whites. As indicated earlier, cancer incidence rates measure the rate of occurrence of new cases of cancer during a year per 100,000 persons in the population; cancer mortality rates measure the rate of deaths during the year with cancer given as the underlying cause of death per 100,000 population; and cancer patient survival rates measure the percent of cases, first diagnosed during a particular period of time, that survive for specific lengths of time following diagnosis, usually adjusted for the effect of deaths from other causes. The survival rate for a particular cancer can be affected by changes in the incidence of that cancer. Changes in incidence and/or survival for a particular cancer over time can result in changes in the mortality rate for that cancer. The following examples illustrate some of the relationships among these measures. ® The incidence rate for a specific cancer can change over time due to changes in the prevalence of risk factors for that cancer. For example, increases in the prevalence of cigarette smoking among white males during the first half of this century resulted in sharp increases in the incidence of lung cancer. Changes in smoking practices, particularly following the Surgeon General's report on smoking in 1964, have resulted in a decrease in the incidence of lung cancer among white males under 45 years of age in the past few years; there is an indication that this trend is beginning to extend to older age groups. ® Among cancers with low survival rates, such as lung cancer, increases in incidence rates are accompanied, with a very short time lag, by corresponding increases in mortality rates. ® If an increasing number of less severe cases of a particular cancer are identified, this will have the effect of increasing the five-year relative survival rate for that cancer. For example, this may be the explanation for the increase in five-year relative survival rates for melanoma among whites which has accom- panied a rapid increase in incidence over the past few years. ® An improvement in survival rates over time, particularly in the absence of any changes in the incidence rate, will result in decreases in the mortality rate. A dramatic example of this occurred in the mid-1970s when a sharp reduction in mortality from testicular cancer was observed due to a major increase in the survival rate for that cancer. 237 The data presented in this section pertain to the period covered by the SEER Program. For each cancer, the five-year relative survival rate is presented for black and white patients first diagnosed during each year 1973-77. The corres- ponding SEER incidence rates and U.S. mortality rates are presented for each year 1973-81. (Mortality rates for all SEER areas combined, for each cancer site, follow very closely those for the United States.) By examining these three meas- ures on a single page, for a given cancer, the reader can obtain a better under- standing of the trends for that cancer than would be possible by examining each of these measures in isolation. The reader should be cautioned, however, that the observed measures for a particular time period are also influenced by events occurring during that time period. Because of long latent periods for the effect of some risk factors to appear as cancers, the incidence rate for a particular cancer may increase or decrease due to changes in the risk factors a number of years earlier. The number of persons dying of a particular cancer during a given year include not only those who are first diagnosed during that year, but also a number who had been diagnosed in earlier years. Care should be used when comparing the graphs between blacks and whites because the vertical axes are not always identical. These factors must be kept in mind when reviewing the data on the following pages. 239 Figure VIIi-1 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 All Sites Combined Black LAN NN LA LN LAMAN § wn - o - wn o 0 0 (7) 318Y TWATAYNS — wn oN o 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 73 REF {1000 =| soa = 400 INCIDENCE - MORTALITY =1 100 81 = YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 8 3 oco°001 ¥3d 31vy 4004 100 73 240 Figure VIlI-2 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 All Sites Combined 60 - White S5 S ~ sO J — a oc 45 - J [em = 2 40 =D wn 35 oL BZA ©2222 ZZ, ZZ EZ 1 1 1 1 73 74 JS 76 77 78 79 80 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 1000+ «4 1000 800+ <4 800 oO - . S 600 600 o oOo © 400 INCIDENCE 7] 400 oz eT REF uJ a. wi fo a 200 = 200 = - — tr mil a rurale REF MORTALITY 100+ = 100 TT T 1 1 T 1 T T 1 73 7% 7 79 81 YERR OF DIAGNOSIS 241 Figure VIII-3 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Bladder 0 - Black S 0 = . = 45+ _ xn | | 2 _ _ _ 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 100 4 +100 80 4 0 5 20 - 4 20 INCIDENCE REF RATE PER 100.000 4 L Sr meaan gg sana Ea = EE Lie au BY REF MORTALITY 2 7s 7 7 0 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 242 Figure VIliI-4 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 Bladder White T 78 77 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 80 + w ~ (7) 3LBY "THATAYNS T 81 “ 80 T 79 76 75 74 73 -100 - 80 REF E a grens=cconees a MORTALITY INCIDENCE 000°001 ¥3d 31Yy YERR OF DIAGNOSIS 243 Figure VIiI-5 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Breast 0 - Female, Black 2 Zz 2 _ S04 _ _ _ J BEAC AP AC AZ] _ 1 0 eR oF omeNosIs Cem TT— ~ 1", ’ 73 7s Ly 9 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 244 Figure VIII-6 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 Breast Female, White MAY 80 J 1 I I v vy R 8 8 B® & (7) 3154 WATAYNS I 78 77 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS I 81 1 80 1 79 76 75 74 73 REF REF -——= = ¢0 b 120 INCIDENCE - MORTALITY 0 0 204 000001 ¥3d 31UY 10 + n 7 0 YEAR OF DIRGNOSIS 7% 73 245 Figure VIII-7 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Cervix Uteri Black = 1 - LL Le] 75 4 V wn o wn 2 vw w w [Ta] « (7) 3164 THATAYNS 70 + A I BZA A 2 T T 80 81 79 76 77 78 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 75 74 73 REF 4100 <« 80 INCIDENCE MORTALITY o - 000°001 ¥3d 31Y¥ v oO ~ T ~ 7 79 ol YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS v 7s 3 246 Figure VIII-8 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Cervix Uteri White (7) 318Y THATAYNS T 81 75 76 77 78 79 80 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 74 73 «100 - 80 REF REF <4 20 INCIDENCE MORTALITY A T 000°001 ¥3d 314Yy 7 79 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 7s Tv 7 247 Figure VIII-9 Colon Black Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 LN LAN A LN AAR wn wn 1 oo wn 4 I 1 LI wn o -« -* (7) 31YY¥ THAIAYNS 35 T 78 \ 76 77 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS " 81 T 60 1 79 7S 74 73 <4100 REF 11 <4 40 20 REF 310 INCIDENCE MORTALITY v 81 7 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS v 7s 000°001 ¥3d 3iuy 10 + T 73 248 Figure VIII-10 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Colon White Five-year Relative Survival Rates and ah I 78 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS _ 76 S5 50 + 45 40 35 + (7) 3LHY TWATAYNS Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 T 81 T 80 1 79 77 75 74 73 REF INCIDENCE pees 0 40 + 0 000°001 ¥3d 31vy MORTALITY 1 79 7 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 7s 7 249 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Figure ViiI-11 Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 SURVIVAL RATE (%) RATE PER 100,000 SS + S0 + 100-4 80 $0 20+ by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Colon and Rectum Black T 79 T 80 T 81 — o a RU. a eff MORTALITY I 73 v 7s 7 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 250 m=) “1 =1100 1 80 REF REF 120 Figure VIII-12 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Colon and Rectum White 55 + (Z) 318 TWATAINS T T T T 78 79 80 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS REF ro I o o~ INCIDENCE 60 000‘001 ¥3d 31YY¥ MORTALITY YERR OF DIAGNOSIS 251 Figure ViiI-13 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 SURVIVAL RATE (%) RATE PER 100,000 100 20 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Corpus Uteri Black 80 + 60 20 — AMIN AY “ALM INCIDENCE 76 77 78 79 80 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 74 «4100 «<4 80 <4 20 weeamezzmogm———i REF 4 ee <4 4 r- ET SI eo —==== =f soc anagee a REF 71 MORTALITY 7 YERR OF DIAGNOSIS 252 Figure ViiI-14 cidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 Corpus Uteri White Five-year Relative Survival Rates and by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 (7%) 3184 TBAIAYNS Age-adjusted In 95 T 0 0 75 4 T 81 T T 79 80 T 78 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 4100 4 so REF REF w o E 2 = u o RB = Oo x Zz o = vv ¥ Bi ea Ri 73 v T 7 79 81 YERR OF DIRGNOSIS 7S 257 Figure VIII-19 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Lung and Bronchus Black, Male 15 4 oN — I LJ a w 0 o (7) 314d TWATAYNS 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 73 «1000 4 800 4 400 100 REF REF < 200 <4 20 INCIDENCE 79 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 1000 + 400 + | 000°001 ¥3d 3lbY 1 MORTALITY o - o ~ 0 o 258 Figure VIII-20 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 nn = So Ci £3 mn ~~ TL § 2 oD ep = a = 77 LANNY ANY 1S 1 T oO vn 1 — (7) 31IBY THATAYNS T 78 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS T 80 T 79 76 75 74 73 -100 REF EF = 60 R -F 100 INCIDENCE 2 —— — a ener ae rw@waz======@=TT MORTALITY 80 o o~ 000°001 ¥3d 316Y 1 79 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 259 Figure Viii-21 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Lung and Bronchus Black, Female 20 & _ _ = : | BF n .. _ _ 7 h 7 Yer oF Y RBNOSIS 7 ” V fee — 1" 7 7 7 ES Cm YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 260 Figure VIII-22 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Lung and Bronchus White, Female 20 : | o wn > — — (7) 3LHY TBATIAINS T 78 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS T 81 T 80 Tr 79 77 76 75 7 73 REF INCIDENCE MORTALITY o o a o w S o 000°001 ¥3d 31HY 7 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 261 Figure VIiI-23 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Multiple Myeloma Black 40 ~ 35 4 < = 304 Ww — & 25 4 - a = > 20- = wn 15 4 I Apap Ar | 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 10 4 0 ’ . oS 1 s Q S INCIDENCE Wy le ——— hy — Ne . . 14 ner - Qn w Ey Pree ee a — |. —————— REF [- <4 2 J «= MORTALITY 2 ! Y T T T T -r- T T T } 73 7s 7 79 el YERR OF DIAGNOSIS 262 Figure VIII-24 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Multiple Myeloma White 30 1 ] oN I I I I Q wn o w o oN —t -— (7) 31BY WATAINS T 78 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS IY T 81 T 80 T 79 77 76 75 74 73 REF - 4 11] INCIDENCE MORTALITY o © w - o~ -— 000°001 ¥3d 3IYY¥ 77 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 73 263 Figure VIII-25 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Ovary Black SURVIVAL RATE (%) IIIT AMI ALITY mem 2 76 77 78 7 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 9 80 8 100 100 80 + ] 20 © 40 4 4 «0 © 2 8S 0- = INCIDENCE x 10 SE —— warren w ne _o m= — @ MORTALITY ac 4 ? YEAR OF DIRCNOSIS 264 Figure VIII-26 Ovary White Five-year Relative Survival Rates and by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 45 40 Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 (7) 318d TWATAYNS T T T 79 80 81 T 78 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS -100 REF 8 REF INCIDENCE a . MORTALITY a “tt 4 oOo ® -— 000°001 ¥3d 31vY¥ 73 YEAR OF DIRGNOSIS 265 Figure VIII-27 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Pancreas x Black 20 - S eis (oo oc -) a > 10- > jo 2 wv 57 = 2 _ _ 2 0 ZZ ZZ; Ezz EZ ZZ 1 T v 1 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 100 «4100 80 - 80 o 40 - 40 oO o o 20 4 INCIDENCE 12 oO - - ———— es __ + REF © 10 - ——— Sr RR eee Rd 10 per a ° MORTALITY ds wl Po g {4 2 4 + 2 ' 4 . . : . <4 3 73 78 77 ' 29 ’ a1 YERR OF DIAGNOSIS 266 SURVIVAL RATE (%) RATE PER 100.000 25 1 20 1S 10 Figure VIiI-28 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Pancreas White > 1 ~N 1 2 ee = T= 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 10 per MORTALITY ——— om o "EF 73 I 8 7 79 0 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 267 Figure VIII-29 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Prostate 0 - Black & _ 7 _ B s0- __ YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 1000 ~ <4 1000 800 + <4 800 400 = 4 400 o [=] o “1 o 200 + <4 200 o INCIDENCE Rd ey > “ 100 ome gers — 100 per = 80 - 80 a - — tt . «0 T — —— -- a > 40 ger oc MORTALITY 20 < <4 20 10 A 4 10 ¥ T or v v v v I v 73 1s 77 9 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 268 Figure VIII-30 Prostate White Five-year Relative Survival Rates and by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 T 78 77 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 I 1 R 8 2 a 2 (7) 31U¥ WAIANNS T 81 T 80 T 79 76 75 74 73 100 80 - INCIDENCE 60 REF 20 REF 10 — 000°001 ¥3d 31H¥ MORTALITY 10 7 79 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS T 7s I 73 269 SURVIVAL RATE (%) RATE PER 100.000 Figure VIII-31 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Rectum cs - Black 50 - 45 - 40 - 35 4 0 EE OL OE RR JA 1 7 : . 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 8! YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 100 + «£100 80 « 00 40 = - 40 20 4 INCIDENCE 1% 10 4 eR ——— EE — 10 ® << 8 ‘4 I To Tee 1° MORTALITY 2 2 | ' ’ 3 ¥ v J T v v 78 7 9 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 270 REF Figure VIIIl-32 Rectum White Five-year Relative Survival Rates and by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 5S (7) 318Y BATANINS Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 T 81 T T 78 79 80 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS REF ge ¢ =& == TT 1 1 7 T | 8 E = mY oc S | [ S = = ge 9 8 2° - 000°001 ¥3d 31Uy 7 29 81 YEAR OF OIRGNOSIS T 7% 73 271 Figure VIII-33 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 Stomach Black 1 T | wn o wv o -— -— 20 (7) 314¥ YAIAYNS T 78 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS T 81 T 60 T 79 77 76 75 74 73 100 o INCIDENCE oO o~ 000°001 ¥3d 31Yy rrr MORTALITY 9 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS pe RA) v 78 T 73 oe - ~ > - 272 Figure VIII-34 Five-year Relative Survival Rates and Age-adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates per 100,000 by Year of Diagnosis: 1973-81 | Stomach White 20 I 1 wv [=} wv o -— — (7) 31Y¥ HAIANNS LMM ys | \ \ \ \ 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS 73 REF <410 INCIDENCE 1 ¢ REF MORTALITY A T T w w - ~ 000°001 ¥3d4 31YYy T 7s T 73 YEAR OF DIRGNOSIS 273 “259 GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. 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