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Stresses. 8vo, 326 pages, $2.50 Part II. Graphic Statics. 8vo, .42 pages, $2.50 Part III. Bridge Design. 8vo, 382 pages, $2.50 Part IV. Higher Structures. 8vo, 385 pages, $2.50 By Professors MERRIMAN and BROOKS Handbook for Surveyors. 121110, 246 pages. $2.00 Edited by Professors MERRIMAN and WOODWARD Series of Mathematical Monographs. Eleven Volumes, 8vo. Each, $1.00STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. A TEXT-BOOK FOR MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOLS BY MANSFIELD MERRIMAN, Membïii of International Association for Testing Materials. FIFTH EDITION, ENLARGED. TOTAL ISSUE, ELEVEN THOUSAND. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS London : CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited.Copyright, 1897, 1906, BY MANSFIELD MERRIMAN. First Edition, November, 1897. Reprinted, i8y8. Second Edition, December, 1898. Reprinted, 1899, Third Edition. November, iyoo. Reprinted, iqoi, 1903, Fourth Edition, Revised, October, 1905. Fifth Edition, Enlarged, September, 1906. Reprinted 1907, 1908. ROBERT DRUMMOND. PRINTER, NEW YORK.PREFACE. In the following pages the attempt is made to give a presentation of the subject of the strength of materia^, beams, columns, and shafts, which may be understood by those not acquainted with the calculus. The degree of mathematical preparation required is merely that now given in high schools, and includes only arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and such a course in mechanics as is found in elementary works on physics. In particular the author has had in mind the students in the higher classes of manual training schools, and it has been his aim to present the subject in such an elementary manner that it may be readily comprehended by them and at the same time cover all the essential principles and methods. As the title implies the book deals mainly with questions of strength, the subject of elastic deformations occupying a subordinate place. As the deductions of the deflections of beams are best made by the calculus they are not here attempted, but the results are stated so that the student may learn their uses; later, if he continues the study of engineering, his appreciation of the proofs that he will then read will be accompanied with true scientific interest. All the rules for the investigation and design of common beams, including the subject of moment of inertia, are here presented by simple algebraic and geometric 34 PREFACE. methods. No Greek letters are used, and algebraic operations are made âs simple as possible. As the mechanical ideas involved are by far the most difficult paft flfl the subject, a Special effort has been made to clearly present them, and to illustrate them by numerous pradnpS^ numerical examples. A chapter dtilrthe manufacture and general properties of matô£|&ÎS 0' given, as also one on resilience and ■impact. Problems for students to solve are ptCSShled, Ifld ifcèbbùldIbe strongly insisted upon that these should pe thoroughly and completely worked out. It is indeed only by the Solution of many numerical exercises that % good knowledge of the theory of the subject can be acquired. NOTE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. To this edition a new chapter has been added which deals with reinforced concrete, especially with columns and beams ; in this the attempt has been made to clearly set forth the laws of distribution of the stresses between the concrete and the steel and td explain the fundamental principies for investigation and design. Minor Changes have been made in other chapters, and many tiew praBms for students have been added. Compared with the fourth edition, the number of problems has been increased from 84 to 140, and the number of pages from 128 to 156. M. M.CONTENTS Chapter I. ELASTIC AND ULTIMATE STRENGTH. PAGB Art. i. Direct Stresses. 2. The Elastic Limit. 3. Ul- timate Strength. 4. Tension. 5. Compression. 6. Shear. 7. Working Unit-stresses............... 7 Chapter II. GENERAL PROPERTIES. Art. 8. Average Weights. 9. Testing Machines. 10. Timher. 11. Brick. 12. Stone. 13. Cast Iron. 14. Wrought Iron. 15. Steel. 16. Other Materials.. 22 Chapter III. MOMENTS FOR BEAMS. Art. 17. The Principle of Moments. 18. Reactions for Supports. 19. Bending Moment. 20. Resisting Moments. It, Centers of Gravity. 22. Moments of Inertia.... 40 Chapter IV. CANTILEVER AND SIMPLE BEAMS. Art. 23. Definitions and Principles. 24. Resistance to Shearing. 25. Resistance to Bending. 26. Safe Loads for Beams. 27. Investigation of Beams. 28. Design of Beams. 29. Comparative Strengths. 30. Steel I Beams. 31. Beams of Uniform Strength...... ....... 56 Chapter V. COLUMNS OR STRUTS. Art. 32. General Principles. 33. Radius of Gyration. 34. Formula for Columns. 35. Safe Loads for Columns. 35. Investigation of Columns. 37. Design of Columns.. 75 56 CONTENTS. Chapter VI. THE TORSION OF SHAFTS. PAGB Art. 38. Phenomena of Torsion. 39. Polar Moment of Inertia. 40. Formula for Torsion. 41. Shafts to Transmit Power. 42. Solid Shafts. 43. Hollow Shafts. 85 Chapter VII. ELASTIC DEFORMATIONS. Art. 44. The Coefficient of Elasticity. 45. Elongation under Tension. 46. Shortening under Compression. 47. Deflection of Cantilever Beams. 48. Deflection of Simple Beams. 49. Restrained Beams. 50. Twist in Shafts............................................ 95 Chapter VIII. RESILIENCE OF MATERIALS. Art. 51. Fundamental Ideas. 52. Elastic Resilience of Bars. 53. Elastic Resilience of Beams. 54. Ultimate Resilience. 55. Sudden Loads. 56. Stresses Due to Impact.................................... 105 Chapter IX. MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS. Art. 57. Water and Steam Pipes. 58 Riveted Lap Joints. 59. Riveted Butt Joints. 60. Stresses Due to Temperature. 61. Shrinkage of Hoops. 62. Shaft Couplings. 63. Rupture of Beams and Shafts........ 114 Chapter X. REINFORCED CONCRETE. Art. 64. Concrete and Steel. 65. Compound Bars. 66. Short Columns. 67. Beams with Symmetric Reinforce- ment. 68. Unsymmetric Reinforcement. 69. Design of Beams. 70. General Discussions.........'............ 125 Appendix. Art. 71. Miscellaneous Problems. 72. Answers to Problems............................................ 145 155 IndexSTRENGTH OF MATERIALS, Chapter I. ELASTIC AND ULTIMATE STRENGTH. Art. 1. Direct Stresses. A ‘stress’ is an internal resistance which balances an exterior force. If a weight of 500 pounds be suspended by a rope a stress of 500 pounds exists in every cross-section of the rope ; or if the rope be cut anywhere and the ends be connected by a spring balance this will register 500 pounds. Stresses are measured in pounds» tons, or kilograms. A ‘ unit-stress ’ is the stress on a unit of area; this is expressed in pounds per square inch or in kilograms per square centimeter. Thus, when a bar of three square inches in cross-section is subject to a pull of 12 000 pounds, the unit-stress is 4000 pounds per square inch, if the total stress be uniformly distributed over the cross-section. Three kinds of direct stress are produced by exterior forces which act on a body and tend to change its shape; these are, Tension, tending to pull apart, as in a rope. 78 ELASTIC AND ULTIMATE STRENGTH. Ch. I. Compression, tending to push together, as in a wall or column. Shear, tending to cut across, as in punching a plate. The forces which produce these kinds of stress may be Called tensile, compressive, and shearing forces, while the Stresses themselves are frequently called tensile, compressive, and shearing stresses. A Stresses always accompanied by a ‘ deformation jjj or change of shape of the body. As the applied force ifrCfeases the deformation and the stress likewise in-cr£3j&S*.?and if the force be large enough it finally overcomes the stress and the rupture of the body follows. Tension and compression differ only in regard to direction* A tensile stress in a bar occurs when two forces of equal intensity act upon its ends, each acting Fig. I. away from the end of the bar. In compression the direction of the forces is reversed, each acting toward pWiHmd of the bar. The tensile force produces a defor-ihatron called * elongation * and the compressive force prpddfees a deformation called ‘ shortening.* If P be th^Torce in pounds then the total stress in every section *of the bar is equal to P. Shear implies the action of tw$ forces in parallel pl£ffi#&nd very near together, like the forces in a pair of shears, from which analogy the name is derived. Tlius, if a bar "be laid upon two supports and two loads, each P pounds,';be ap|died to it near the supports, theM are hence produced near each support two parallelArt. 1. DIRECT STRESSES. 9 forces which tend to cut the bar across vertically. In each of these sections the shearing stress is equal to P. The deformation caused by the shearing force P is a vertical sliding between the upward and downward forces; and the bar will be cut across if the external shear overcomes the internal stress. In all cases of direct stress the total stress Pis supposed to be uniformly distributed over the area of the cross-section ; this area will be called the ‘ section area.* Thus if A be the section area and 5 be the unit-stress, then from which one of the quantities may be computed when the other two are given. For example, it is known that a wrought-iron bar will rupture under tension when the unit-stress 5 becomes 50000 pounds per square inch ; if the area A is 4^- square inches, then the tensile force required to rupture the bar is P — 4^ X 50000 = 225 000 pounds. Problem x.' A cast-iron bar which is to be subjected to a tension of 34 000 pounds is to be designed so that the unit-stress shall be 2 500 pounds per square inch. What should be the section area in square inches ? If the bar is round what should be its diameter ? r P P Fig. 2. p=AS, 5 = ^ m 2 / hIO ELASTIC AND ULTIMATE STRENGTH. Ch. I. Art. 2. The Elastic Limit. When a tensile force is gradually applied to a bar it elongates, and up to a certain limit the elongation is proportional to the force. Thus, if a bar of wrought-iron one square inch in section area and ioo inches long be subjected to a tension of 5 000 pounds it will be found to elongate 0.02 inches; if 10000 pounds be applied the elongation will be 0.04 inches ; if 15 000 pounds it, will be 0.06 inches, for 20000 pounds 0.08 inches, for 25 000 pounds o. 10 inches. Thus far each addition of 5 000 pounds has produced an elongation of 0.02 inches. But when the next 5 000 pounds is added, mak'ing a total stress of 30000 pounds, it will be found that the total elongation is about 0.13 or 0.14 inches, and hence the elongations are increasing more rapidly than the stresses. The £ elastic limit ’ is defined to be that unit-stress at which the deformations begin to increase in a faster ratio than the stresses. In the above illustration this limit is about 25 000 pounds per square inch, and this indeed is the average value of the elastic limit for wrought iron. The term ‘ elastic strength ’ is perhaps more expressive than elastic limit, but the latter is the one in general use. When the unit-stress in a bar is less than the elastic limit the bar returns, when the stress is removed, to its original length. When the unit-stress is greater than the elastic limit the bar does not fully spring back, but there remains a so-called permanent set. In other words, the elastic properties of a bar are injured if it is stressed beyond the elastic limit. Hence it is aArt. 3. ULTIMATE STRENGTH. II fundamental rule in designing engineering constructions that the unit-stresses should never exceed the elastic limit of the material. The following are average values of the elastic limits of the four materials most used in engineering construction under tensile and compressive stresses. Table I. Elastic Limits. • Material. Pounds per Square Inch. Kilos per Sq. Centimeter. Tension. Compression. Tension. Compression Timber 3 OOO 3 OOO 210 210 Cast Iron 6 000 20 OOO 420 I 4OO Wrought Iron 25 OOO 25 OOO 1750 1750 Steel, structural 35 OOO 35 000 2 450 2 450 Those in English units must be carefully kept in mind by the student ; and it may be noted that pounds per square inch multiplied by 0.07 will give kilos per square centimeter. But little is known concerning the elastic limit in shear ; it is probably about three-fourths of the values above given for tension. Prob. 2. A square stick of timber is to carry a compressive load of 81 000 pounds. What should be its size in order that the unit-stress may be one-third of the elastic limit ? H I Art. 3. Ultimate Strength. When a bar is under stress exceeding its elastic limit it is usually in an unsafe condition. As the stress is increased by the application of exterior forces the deformation rapidly increases, until finally the rupture of the bar occurs. By the term ‘ ultimate12 ELASTIC AND ULTIMATE STRENGTH. Ch. I. strength* is meant that unit-stress which occurs just before ruptufe, it being the highest unit-stress that the bar will bear. The ultimate strengths of materials are from two to four times theiirelastic limits, but for some materials they are much greater in compression than in tension. The average valwKS will be given in subsequent ar-ticles. The ‘ factdiilof safety’ is a number which results by diRhng the ultimate strength by the actual unit-stress that in a bar. For example, a stick of timber, 6x6 inches in section area, whose- ultimate strength in teHon isHHooo pounds per square ™:h,Hunder a te^^Hstress of 32 400 pounds. The unit-stress then is 32 40o/3^H§6^R)oun(Hper square inch, and the factor of safety is 10000/900 — 11. The factor of safety was foiHfcrly much used in dBBgmng, but it is now considered tHWbcttcr plan to judge of the security of a body under sReS» by inference to its elastic limit. Thus in tjHabovMrise, as the unit-stress is only one-third the elastic limit for timber, the degree of security may be regarded a$ sufficient. Prob. 3. A wrought iron 2$ inches in diameter ruptures under a tension of 271 000 pounds. What is its ultimate strengthH| pcfflBIBper square inch ? ■■ I ■ Art. 4. Tension. L U'Cw When a barHteffld under tension, it is done by loads which Bl^^^^Hlly applied. The elongations increase proportiojgdly to the stresses until the elastic limit is reached. After' the unit-stress has exceededArt. 4. TENSION. r3 the elastic limit the elongations increase more rapidly than the stresses, and this is often accompanied by a reduction in area of the cross-section of the bar. Finally the ultimate strength of the material is reached, and the bar tears apart. A graphical illustration of these phenomena may be made by laying off the unit-stresses as ordinates and the elongations per unit of length as abscissas. At various intervals, as the test progresses, the applied loads are observed and the resulting elongations are measured. The loads divided by the section area give the unit-stresses, while the total elongations divided by the length of the bar give the unit-elongations. On the plot a point is made for the intersection of each unit-stress with its corresponding unit-elongation, and a curve is drawn connecting the several points for each material. In this way curves are plotted showing the properties of each material. It is seen that each curve is a straight line from the origin o until the14 ELASTIC AND ULTIMATE STRENGTH. Ch. I. elastic limit is reached, showing that the elongations increase proportionally to the unit-stresses. At the elastic limit a sudden change in the curve is seen, and afterwards the elongation increases more rapidly than the stress. The end of the curve indicates the point of rupture. The curve for steel in the diagram is for a quality much stronger than structural steel, this being the kind mostly used in bridges and buildings. The ultimate elongation is an index of the ductility of the material, and is hence generally recorded for wrought iron and steel; this is usually expressed as a percentage of the total length of the bar, or it is ioo times the unit-elongation. The following table gives mean values of the ultimate strengths and ultimate elongations for the principal materials used in tension. Table II. Tensile Strengths. Material. Ultimate Strength. Ultimate Elongation. Per Cent. Pounds per Square Inch. Kilos per Sq. Centimeter. Timber IO OOO 700 1-5 Cast Iron 20 OOO 1400 0.5 Wrought Tron 50 000 3 500 30 Steel, structural 65 000 4 500 25 All these values should be regarded as rough averages, since they are subject to much variation with different qualities of the material; for instance poor timber may be as low as 6000 while strong timber may be as high as 20 000 pounds per square inch in ultimate tensile strength. The ultimate strengths given in the table should, however, be memorized by the stu-Art. 5. COMPRESSION. IS dent as a basis for future knowledge, and they will be used for all the examples and problems in this book, unless otherwise stated. Prob. 4. What should be the diameter of a wrought-iron bar so as to carry a tension of 200 000 pounds with a factor of safety of 5 ? If the bar is cast iron, what should be its diameter ? , Art. 5. Compression. The phenomena of compression are similar to those of tension provided that the elastic limit is not exceeded, the shortening of the bar being proportional to the applied force. After the elastic limit is passed the shortening increases more rapidly than the stress. If the length of the specimen is less than about ten times its least thickness, failure usually occurs by an oblique splitting or shearing, as seen in the diagram. Fig. 4. If the length be large compared with the thickness, failure usually occurs under a sidewise bending, so that this is not a case of simple compression. All the values given in the following table refer to theió ELASTIC AND ULTIMATE STRENGTH. Ch. I. short specimens; longer pieces are called ‘columns’ or ‘struts,’ and these will be discussed in Chapter V. The mean values of the ultimate compressive strengths of the principal materials are tabulated below. These are subject to much variation in different qualities of the materials, but it is necessary for the student to fix them in his mind as a preliminary basis for more extended knowledge. It is seen that Table III. Compressive Strengths. Material. Ultimate Strength. Pounds per Square Inch. Kilos per Sq. Centimeter. Timber 8 OOO 56° Brick 3 OOO 210 Stone 6 000 420 Cast Iron 90 OOO 6 300 Wrought Iron 50 OOO 3 5°° Steel, structural 65 OOO 4 500 timber is not quite as strong in compression as in tension, that cast iron is 4] times as strong, that wrought iron and structural steel have the same ultimate strength in tension and compression. The investigation of a body under compression is made by formula (1) of Art. 1. For example if a stone block 8 X 12 inches in cross-section is subjected to a compression of 230000 pounds, the unit-stress produced is 230000/96^=2400 pounds per square inch, and the factor of safety is 6 000/2 400= 2-J-; this is not sufficiently high for stone, as will be seen later. Prob. 5. A brick 2X4X8 inches weighs about 4.1 pounds. What will be the height of a pile of bricks soArt. 6. SHEAR. 17 that the unit-stress on the lowest brick its ultimate strength ? / 1 ~~t h y 1 / j Art. G. Shear. shall be one-half of c * w# I y y A4* Shearing stresses exist when two forces acting like a pair of shears tend to cut a body between them. When a hole is punched in a plate, the ultimate shearing strength of the material must be overcome. If two thin bars be connected by a rivet and these be subjected to tension, the cross-section of the rivet between the plates is brought into shear. If a bolt is in tension, the forces acting on the head tend to shear or strip it off. The following table gives the average ultimate shearing strength of different materials as determined Tabi.k IV. Shearing Strengths. Material. Ultimate Strength. Pounds per Square Inch. Kilos per Sq. Centimeter. (longitudinal Timber ■< 600 42 (transverse 3 OOO 210 Cast Iron 20 OOO I 400 Wrought Iron 40 OOO 2 800 Steel, structural 50 OOO 3 500 by expei iment. For timber this is much smaller along the grain than across the grain ; in the first direction it is called the longitudinal shearing strength, and in the second the transverse shearing strength. Rolled plates of wrought iron and steel, where the process of manufacture induces a fibrous structure, arei8 ELASTIC AND ULTIMATE STRENGTH. Ch. I. also sheared more eS^ly in the longitudinal than in the transverse direction* Wooden specimens,-for tensile tests like that shown in tire figure will fairly sheafing off the ends if the lerigth ab is not SUfRefeotly great. For instance, sup-ab to fee 6 ifiche^and the .diameter of the central part tO bd 2 inches. T|p$, ends afe grasped tightly by a_I b H 8. the machine and the cross-section of the central part Chtite brought under tensile stress. The forcO retired to ‘Cause rupture by tension is /*j-s /43 = 3.14 X i4 X 10000 = 31 400 pounds. rH$$t the ends also tend to shear off on the surface of |tyhnd£&whose diameter is 2 inches and whose length thè force required to cause this rupture by re fwSP AS%=< 3*14 X 2 X GtX 600 5=^22 600 ]3 and it contains from 6 to 4 per cent of carbon ; forge pig has a specific gravity of from 7.2 to 7.4, and it contains from 4 to 2 per CCnt of carbon. The hfflter the, percentage of carbon the is thflpecific gravity, and the easier it is to. 'ihelt the pig. Besi^R the carbon there are present from 1 to per (Ht of other impurities, such as silicon, mangas! nese, and phosphorus. The properties and strength of castingapldepend upon the and the method of their mlfacture in both the kHt and the cupola fmn^Re. Cold blast) pig p«ucH stronger itot> than theBBoM blast, but it is more expensive. Long continued'Art. 13. CAST IRON. 3r fusion improves the quality of the product, as also do repeated meltings. '1 he darkest grades of foundry pig make the smoothest castings, but they are apt to be brittle ; the light-gray grades make tough castings, but they are apt to contain blow holes or imperfections. The percentage of carbon in cast iron is a controlling factor which governs its strength, particularly that percentage which is chemically combined with the iron. As average values for the ultimate strength of cast iron, 20000 and 90000 pounds per square inch in tension and compression respectively are good figures. In any particular case, however, a variation of from 10 to 20 per cent from these values may be expected, owing to the great variation in quality. The elastic limit is poorly defined, there being no sudden increase in deformation, as in ductile materials. The high compressive strength and cheapness of cast iron render it a valuable material for many purposes ; blit its brittleness, low tensile strength and ductility forbid its use in structures subject to variations of load or to shocks. Its ultimate elongation being scarcely one per cent, the work required to cause rupture in tension is small compared to that for wrought iron and steel, and hence as a structural material the use of cast iron must be confined entirely to cases of compression. I’rob. 13. A cast-iron bar weighing 31 pounds per linear yard is to be subjected to tension. How many pounds are required to rupture it ?32 GENERAL PROPERTIES. Ch. IL Art. 14. Wrought Iron. The ancient peoples of Europe and Asia were acquainted with wrought iron and steel to a limited extent. It is mentioned in Genesis, iv. 22, and in one of the oldest pyramids of Egypt a piece of iron has been found. It was produced, probably, by the action of a hot fire on very pure ore. The ancient Britons built bloomaries on the tops of high hills, a tunnel opening toward the north furnishing a draft for the fire, which caused the carbon and other impurities to be expelled from the ore, leaving behind nearly pure metallic iron. Modern methods of manufacturing wrought iron are mainly by the use of forge pig (Art. 13), the one most extensively used being the puddling process. Here the forge pig is subjected to the oxidizing flame of a blast in a reverberatory furnace, where it is formed into pasty balls by the puddler. A ball taken from the furnace is run through a squeezer to expel the cinder and then rolled into a muck bar. The muck bars are cut, laid in piles, heated, and rolled, forming what is called merchant bar. If this is cut, piled, and rolled again, a better product, called best iron, is produced. A third rolling gives‘best best’ iron, a superior quality, but high in price. The product of the rolling-mill is bar iron, plate iron, shape iron, beams, and rails. Bar iron is round, square, and rectangular in section ; plate iron is from \ to 1 inch thick, and of varying widths and lengths ; shape iron includes angles, tees, channels, and other forms used in structural work; beams are I-shaped,Art. 14. WROUGHT IRON. 33 and of the deck or rail form. Structural shapes and beams are, however, now more extensively rolled in mild steel than in wrought iron. Wrought iron is metallic iron containing less than 0.25 per cent of carbon, and which has been manufactured without fusion. Its tensile and compressive strengths are closely equal, and range from 50 000 to 60000 pounds per square inch. The elastic limit is well defined at about 25 000 pounds per square inch, and within that limit the law of proportionality of stress to deformation is strictly observed. It is tough and ductile, having an ultimate elongation of from 20 to 30 per cent. It is malleable, can be forged and welded, and has a high capacity to withstand the action of shocks. It cannot, however, be tempered, nor can it be melted, except by the highest temperatures. The cold-bend test for wrought iron is an important one for judging of general quality. A bar perhaps Ixf inches and 15 inches long is bent when cold either by pressure or by blows of a hammer. Bridge iron should bend through an angle of 90 degrees to a curve whose radius is twice the thickness of the bar, without cracking. Rivet iron should bend through 180 degrees until the sides of the bar are in contact, without showing signs of fracture. Wrought iron that breaks under this test is lacking in both strength and ductility. The process of manufacture, as well as the quality of the pig iron, influences the strength of wrought iron. The higher the percentage of carbon the greater is the strength. Best iron is 10 per cent stronger than or-34 GENERAL PROPERTIES. Ch. II. dinary merchant iron owing to the influence of the second rolling. Cold rolling causes a marked increase in elastic limit and ultimate strength, but a decrease in ductility or ultimate elongation. Annealing lowers the ultimate strength, but increases the elongation. Iron wire, owing to the process of drawing, has a high tensile strength, sometimes greater than iooooo pounds per square inch. Good wrought iron when broken by tension shows a fibrous structure. If, however, it be subject to shocks or to repeated stresses which exceed the clastic limit, the molecular structure becomes changed so that the fracture is more or less crystalline. The effect of a stress slightly exceeding the elastic limit is to cause a small permanent set, but the elastic limit will be found to be higher than before. This is decidedly injurious to the quality of the material on account of the accompanying change in structure, and hence it is a fundamental principle that the working unit-stresses should not exceed the elastic limit. For proper security indeed the allowable unit-stress should seldom be greater than one-half the elastic limit. In a rough general way the quality of wrought iron may be estimated by the product of its tensile strength and ultimate elongation, this product being an approximate measure of the work required to produce rupture. Thus high tensile strength is not usually a good quality when accompanied by a low elongation. Prob. 14. What should be the length of a wronghf-iron bar, so that when hung at its .upper end it will rupture there under the stress produced by its own weight ?Art. 15. STEEL. 35 Art. 15. Steel. Steel was originally produced directly from pure iron ore by the action of a hot fire, which did not remove the carbon to a sufficient extent to form wrought iron. The modern processes, however, involve the fusion of the ore, and the definition of the United States law is that “steel is iron produced by fusion by any process, and which is malleable.” Chemically, steel is a compound of iron and carbon generally intermediate in composition between cast and wrought iron, but having a higher specific gravity than either. The following comparison points out the distinctive differences between the three kinds of iron : Per cent of Carbon. Spec Grav. Properties. Cast Iron, 5 to 2 7.2 Fusible, not malleable. Steel, i 50100.10 7.S Fusible and malleable. Wrought Iron, 0.30 to 0.05 7.7 Malleable, not fusible. It should be observed that the percentage of carbon alone is not sufficient to distinguish steel from wrought iron; also, that the mean values of specific gravity stated are in each case subject to considerable variation. The three principal methods of manufacture are the crucible process, the open-hearth process, and the Bessemer process. In the crucible process impure wrought iron or blister steel, with carbon and a flux, are fused in a sealed vessel to which air cannot obtain access; the best tool-steels are thus made. In the open-hearth process pig iron is melted in a Siemens furnace, wrought-iron scrap being added until the proper degree of carbonization is secured. In the Bessemer process pig iron is completely decarbonized in a converter byGENERAI, PROPERTIES. Ch. II. 36 an air blast and then recarbonized to the proper degree by the addition of spiegeleisen. The metal from the open hearth furnace or from the Bessemer converter is cast into ingots, which are rolled in mills to the required iorms. The open-hearth process produces steel for guns, armor plates, and for some structural purposes : the Bessemer process produces steel for railroad rails anti also for structural shapes. The physical properties of steel depend both upon the method of manufacture and upon the chemical composition, the carbon having the controlling influence upon strength. Manganese promotes malleability and silicon increases the hardness, while phosphorus and sulphur tend to cause brittleness. The higher the percentage of carbon within reasonable limits the greater is the ultimate strength and the less the elongation. A classification of steel according to the percentage of carbon and its physical properties of tempering and welding is as follows : Extra hard, 1.00 to 0.60^ C., takes high temper, but not weldable. Hard, 0.70 to c.jo% C., lemperable, but welded with difficulty. Medium, 0.50 to 0.20% C , poor temper, but weldable. Mild, 0.40 to 0.05% C., not temperable, but easily welded. It is seen that these classes overlap so that there are no distinct lines of demarcation. The extra-hard steels are used for tools, the hard steels for piston-rods and other parts of machines, the medium steels for rails, tires, and beams, and the mild or soft steels for rivets, plates, and other purposes. The structural steel used in bridges and buildings has an ultimate tensile strength of from 60 OOO toA.RT. 15. STEEL. 37 ^OOOO pounds per square inch, with an elastic limit from 30 000 to 40 000 pounds per square inch. The hard and extra-hard steels are much higher in strength. By the use of nickel as an alloy steel has been made with an ultimate tensile strength of 277 000 and an elastic limit of over 100000 pounds per square inch. The compressive strength of steel is always higher than the tensile strength. The maximum value recorded for hardened steel is 392 000 pounds per square inch. The expense of commercial tests of compression is, however, so great that they are seldom made. The shearing strength is about three-fourths of the tensile strength. Steel castings are extensively used for axle-boxes, cross-heads, and joints in structural work. They contain from 0.25 to 0.50 per cent of carbon, ranging in tensile strength from 60000 to 100000 pounds per square inch. Steel has entirely supplanted wrought iron for railroad rails, and largely so for structural purposes. Its price being the same, its strength greater, its structure more homogeneous, the low and medium varieties are coming more and more into use as a satisfactory and reliable material for large classes of engineering constructions. Prob. 15. A short steel piston-rod is to be designed to be used with a piston which is 20 inches in diameter and subject to a steam-pressure of 150 pounds per square inch. If the ultimate strength of the steel is go 000 pounds per square inch, what should be its diameter, allowing the a factor of safety of 15 ?general properties. Ch. II. Art. lG. Other Materials. Common mortar is composed of one part of lime to five parts of sand by measure. When six months old its tensile strength is from 15 to 30, and its compressive strength from 150 to 300 pounds per square inch. Its strength slowly increases with age, and it mciy be considerably increased by using a smaller proportion of sand. Hydraulic mortar is composed of hydraulic cement and sand in varying proportions. The less the proportion of sand the greater is its strength. A common proportion is 3 parts sand to 1 of cement, the strength of this being about one-fourth of the neat cement. The natural cements are of lighter color, lower weight, and lesser strength than the Portland cement, but they arc quicker in setting and cheaper in price. When one week old, neat natural cement has a tensile strength of about 125 and Portland cement about 300 pounds per square inch ; when one year old the tensile strengths are about 300 and 500 pounds per square inch respectively. The compressive strength is from 6 to 8 times the tensile strength, and it increases more rapidly with age. Concrete, composed of hydraulic mortar and broken stone, is an ancient material, having been extensively used by the Romans. It is mainly employed for foundations and monolithic structures, but in some cases large blocks have been made which are laid together like masonry. Like mortar, its strength increases with age. When six months old its mean compressive strength ranges from 1 000 to 3000 pounds per squareArt. 1G. OTHER MATERIALS. 39 inch, and when one year old it is probably about fifty per cent greater. Ropes are made of hemp, of manilla, and of iron or steel wire with a hemp center. A hemp rope one inch in diameter has an ultimate strength of about 6000 pounds, and its safe working strength is about 800 pounds. A manilla rope is slightly stronger. Iron and steel ropes one inch in diameter have ultimate strengths of about 36000 and 50 ooo pounds respectively, the safe working strengths being 6 000 and 8 000 pounds. As a fair rough rule, the strength of ropes may be said to increase as the squares of their diameters. Aluminum is a silver-gray metal which is malleable and ductile and not liable to corrode. Its specific gravity is about 2.65, so that it weighs only 168 pounds per cubic foot. Its ultimate tensile strength is about 25 600 pounds per square inch, and its ultimate elongation is also low. Alloys of aluminum and copper have been made with a tensile strength and elongation exceeding those of wrought iron, but have not come into use as structural materials. Prob. 16. Ascertain the weight of lead and brass pe» cubic foot, and their ultimate tensile strengths.MOMKNTS FOR REAMS. Ch. III. 46 Chapter III. MOMENTS FOR BEAMS. Art. 17. The Principle of Moments. The moment of a force with respect to a point is a quantity which measures the tendency of the force to cause rotation about that point. The moment is the product of the force by the length of its lever-arm, the lever-arm being a line drawn from the point perpendicular to the direction of the force. Thus if P be any lorce and p the length of a perpendicular drawn to it from any point, the product Pp is the moment of the force with respect to that point. As P is in pounds and p is in feet or inches, the moment is a compound quantity which is called pound-feet or pound-inches. The most important principle in mechanics is the principle of moments. This asserts that if any number of forces in the same plane be in equilibrium, the algebraic sum of their moments about any point in that plane is equal to zero. This principle results from theArt. 17. THE PRINCIPLE OF MOMENTS. 41 meaning of the word equilibrium, which implies that the body on which the forces act is at rest ; and since it is at rest the forces taken collectively have no tendency to turn it around any point. All experience teaches that the principle of moments is, indeed, a law of nature whose truth is universal. The point from which the lever-arms are measured is often called the ‘ center of moments.’ Forces which tend to turn around this center in the direction of motion of the hands of a watch have positive moments, and those which tend to turn in the opposite direction have negative moments. Thus, in the above figure, the numerical values of Pp and Z3,/’, are negative, while that of P% p% is positive. If the forces be in equilibrium, the sum Pp + A,/’, has the same numerical value as P„p„, or the algebraic sum of the three moments is zero; this will be the case wherever the center of moments be taken. In all investigations regarding the strength of beams, the principle of moments is of constant application. A beam is a body held in equilibrium by the downward loads and the upward pressures of the supports. As the beam is at rest these forces are in equilibrium, and the algebraic sum of their moments is zero about any point in the plane. Moreover by further use of the principle of moments the stresses in all parts of the beam due to the given loads may be determined. Prob. 17. In the above figure the three forces are in equilibrium, P% being 500 pounds, P% being 866 pounds, and the lever-arms being /> — r.5 feet, />, — 3.5 feet, p2 — 5.1 feet. Show that the force P is 1 777 pounds.42 MOMENTS FOR BEAMS. Ch. Ill -L Art. 18. Reactions of Supports. Let a simple beam resting on two supports near its ends be subject to a load P situated at 6 feet from the left support, and let the span be 24 feet. Taking the P Fig. 7. center of moments at the right support, the lever arm of A*, is 24 feet, that of /’is 18 feet, and that of is o; then by the application of the principle of moments A?, X 24 —P X 18 — o, or R} = \P. Again, taking the center of moments at the left support the lever-arm of R} is c, that of P is 6 feet, and that of A\ is 24 feet; then likewise from the principle of moments — R^ X 24 -(- P X 6 — o, or A’2 = \P. The sum of these two reactions is equal to Pt as should of course be the case. The reactions caused by the weight of the beam itself may be found in a similar manner, the uniform load being supposed concentrated at its center of gravity in stating the equations of moments. Thus, if the weight of the beam be Hi the two equations of moments are found to be A*, X 24 — WX 12 = 0, and — R^ X 24 -f- W X 12 — 0, from which A5, = ^ JV and R, = \W. The reactions due to both uniform and concentrated loads on a simple beam may also be computed in one operation. As an example, let there be a simple beam 12 feet long between the supports and weighing 35Art. 13. REACTIONS OR SUPPORTS 43 pounds per linear foot, its total weight being 420 pounds. Let there be three loads of 300, 60, and 150 pounds, placed 3, 5, and 8 feet respectively trom the left support. To find the left reaction A,, the center Fig. 8. of moments is taken at the right support and the weight of the beam regarded as concentrated at its middle: then the equation of moments is A5, X 12 — 420 X 6 — 300 X 9 — 60 X 7 — 150 X 4. from which R — 520 pounds. In like manner, to find R.t the center of moments is taken at the left support, anel then — A’, x 12 -f 420 x6-f 300 X 3 + 60 X 5 + x 50 X 8, from which A, = 410 pounds. As a check the sum of A, and Af, is found to be 930 pounds, which equals the weight of the beam and the three loads. By means of the principle of moments other problems relating to reactions of beams may also be solved. For instance, if a simple beam 12 feet long weighs 30 pounds per linear foot and carries a load of 600 pounds, where should this load be put so that the left reaction may be twice as great as the right reaction ? Here let x be the distance from the left support to the load ; let A, be the left reaction and Aa the right reaction. Then taking the centers of moments at the right and left support in succession there are found A, = 180 50 (12 — x), Aa — 180 -j- 50.19 and placing A, equal to 2Aa there results x = 2.8 feet.44 MOMENTS FOR REAMS. Ch. III. Prob. 18. A beam weighing 30 pounds per linear foot rests upon two supports 16 feet apart. A weight of 400 pounds is placed at 5 feet from the left end, and one of 600 pounds is placed at 8 feet from the right end. Find the reactions due to the total load. Art. 19. Bending Moments. The ‘bending moment ’ at any section of a beam is the algebraic sum of the moments of all the vertical forces on the left of that section. It is a measure of the tendency of those forces to cause rotation around that point. At the ends of a simple beam there are no bending moments, but at all other sections they exist, and the greater the bending moment the greater are the horizontal stresses in the beam, these stresses in fact bemg produced by the bending moment. For example, let a beam 30 feet long have three loads of 100 pounds each, situated at distances of 8, 12, and 22 feet from the left support. By the method of the previous article the left reaction Rt is 160 pounds and the right reaction A2 is impounds. For a section 4 feet from the left support the bending moment is 160X4—640 pound-feet, and for a section at 8 feet from the left support the bending moment is 160 X 8 = 1 280 pound-feet. For a section 10 feet from the left support there are two vertical forces on the left of theArt. 19. BENDING MOMENTS. 45 section, 160 acting up and ioo acting down, so that the bending moment is 160 X 10 — ioo X 2 ~ 1 400pound-feet. For a section at the middle of the beam the bending moment is 160X 15 — 100 X 7 — 100 X 3 = I 400 pound-feet. For a section under the third load the bending moment is, in like manner, 1 120 pound-feet, and for a section at 3 feet from the right support it is 420 pound-feet. The vertical ordinates underneath the beam represent the values of these bending moments, , and the diagram thus formed shows how the bending moments vary throughout the length of the beam. For a simple beam of span l and uniformly loaded with zv pounds per linear unit, each reaction is zvl. For any section distant x from the left support, the bending moment is $zv/X x — wx X \x, where the lever-arm of the reaction is x and the lever-arm of the load zvx is ix. If za be 80 pounds per linear foot and / be 30 feet, the bending moment at any section is then 1 200 x — 40jr» For x — 10 feet, the bending moment is S 000 pound-feet ; for ,r = 15 feet it is 9 OOO pound-feet; for .r ~ 20 feet it is 8000 pound-feet, and so on. The diagram shows the distributions of moments throughout the beam, and it can be demonstrated that the curve joining the ends of the ordinates is the common parabola.46 MOMENTS FOR BEAM?. Ch. III. When a beam is loaded both uniformly and with concentrated loads, the bending moments for all sections may be found in a similar manner. The maximum bending moment indicates the point where the beam is under the greatest horizontal stresses; this will usually be found near the middle of the beam and often under one of the concentrated loads. For simple beams resting on two supports at their ends all the bending moments are positive. It may further be noted that if the vertical forces on the right of the section be used the same numerical values will be found for the bending moments. Prob. 19. A simple beam of 12 feet span weighs 60 pounds per linear foot, and has a load of 150 pounds at 8 feet from the left end. Compute the bending moments for sections distant 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 feet from the left support, and construct the diagram of bending moments. Art. 20. Resisting Moments. Suppose a simple beam to be cut by an imaginary vertical plane MN and the portion on the right of that plane to be removed. In order that the remaining P C % Fig. it. M net Jz c D £ c f - _J part may be in equilibrium, forces must be applied to the section ; in the figure horizontal forces are shown, and these represent the horizontal stresses in the sec-Art. 20. RESISTING MOMENTS. 47 tion. It is found by experiment that there is a certain line CD on the side of the beam which does not change in length under the bending, and hence there is no horizontal stress upon it. Below this neutral line the fibers in a simple beam are found to be elongated and above it they are shortened ; thus the stresses below the neutral line are tension and those above it are compression. The reaction and loads on the left of the section MN together with the stresses acting on that section constitute a system of forces in equilibrium. The algebraic sum of the moments of the reaction and loads with respect to the point D is the bending moment for the section MN, the value of which may be found by the methods of the last article. This bending moment causes a bending which is resisted by the horizontal stresses in the section. A neutral line like CD\s also found in all longitudinal vertical sections of the beam. There is in fact a ‘neutral surface’ extending throughout the entire width of the beam, and the intersection of this neutral surface with any section area gives a line CC which is called the ‘ neutral axis ’ of that section. It is found by experiment that the horizontal stresses increase uni-iormly from the neutral axis to the top and bottom of the beam, provided that the elastic limit of the mate* rial be not exceeded. Thus, if 6' be the unit-stress at the upper or lower side of the beam, the unit-stress half-way between that side and the neutral axis is ^ Also if c be the distance from the neutral axis to the upper or lower side of the beam, and s be any distance less than c, then the unit-stress at the distance s is S-. c48 MOMENTS FOR BEAMS. Cus hi. ‘ Resisting moment ’ is the term used to denote the algebraic sum of the moments of all the horizontal stresses in a section with respect to its neutral axis. Let a be any small elementary area of the cross-section at a distance z from the neutral axis. The unit-stress on this small area is S~, and hence the total stress on c this small area is SB az The moment of this stress with respect to the point D is S— multiplied by its iever- 511 _. . . ..... arm z, or ——. The resisting moment is the algebraic c sum of all the values of--for all possible values of z. Or, letting 2 denote this process of summation, „ . . 5 Resisting moment = -2az7. h c Now the quantity 2az* is what is called the ‘moment of inertia ’ of the cross-section, and it will be shown in Art. 22 how its value is found. The moment of inertia is designated by /, and hence „ . Sf Resisting moment = —. b c This is a general expression applicable to all kinds of cross-sections, and in the next chapter it will be constantly used in the investigation and design of beams. The term ‘moment of inertia’has no reference to inertia when it is applied to plane surfaces, as is here the case. It is merely a name for the quantity and this quantity is found by multiplying each elemen-Art. HI. CENTERS OF GRAVITY. 49 tar}’ area by the square of its distance from the given axis and taking the sum of the products. As s' is always positive whether s be positive or negative, or the moment of inertia / is always positive. Prob. 20. In the above figure let Ml) and DN be each 6 inches and let the width of the beam CC be 8 inches. If the tensile unit-stress .S on the bottom of the beam is 6oo pounds per square inch, the compressive unit-stress on the top of the beam is also 6oo pounds per square inch. Show that the total tensile stress is 14400 pounds, and that the total compressive stress is also 14 400 pounds. Art. 21. Centers ok Gravity. The center of gravity of a plane surface is that point upon which a thin sheet of cardboard, having the same shape as the given surface, can be balanced when held in a horizontal position. In the investigation of beams its section area is the given surface, and it is required to know the distances from the top or bottom of the section to the center of gravity. The letter c will be used to denote these distances when they are equal, and the longest of these distances when they are unequal. For a square, rectangle, or circle, whose depth is d, it is evident that c = id. Also for a section of I shape, where the upper and lower flanges are equal in size, it is plain that c — \d. For a T section c is greater than \d, and its value is to be found by using the principle of moments. If the width of the horizontal flange be 4 inches and its thickness ij inches, the area of the flange is 5 square inches; if the height of the vertical web be 65° MOMENTS FOR BEAMS. Ch. III. inches and its thickness I inch, the area of the web is 6 square inches. The total area of the cross-section is then ii square inches. Now if this section be a thin 1 c KlG. 13. sheet held in a horizontal plane the weights of the two parts and the whole are represented by 5, 6, and ij. With respect to an axis at the end of the web the lever-arms of these weights are 6|- inches, 3 inches, and c inches ; the equation of moments then is 5 X 6f -f 6 X 3 - 11 X c = o, from which the value of c is found to be 4.65 inches. The method of moments may thus be applied to areas as well as to forces. If a be any area and z the distance of its center of gravity from an axis, the product as is called the static moment of the area. The sum of the static moments of all parts of the figure is represented by 2az, and if A be the total section area, then 2as C = ~A is a general expression of the method of finding the distance c. If the axis be taken within the section, some of the jj's are negative, and if the axis passes through the center of gravity of the section then the quantity 2az is zero. For the channel section m the same method is to be followed as for the T._ When the cross-section isArt. 22. MOMENTS OF INERTIA. 5* bounded by curved lines, as in a railroad rail, it is to be divided up into small rectangles and the value of a be found for each; the sum of all the a's is A, and then by the above method the value of t is computed. For the various rolled shapes found in the market the values of c are thus determined by the manufacturers and published for the information of engineers. Triangular beams are never used, but it is often convenient to remember that for any triangle whose depth is d the value of c is § d. Prob. 2i. A deck-beam used in buildings has a rectangular flange 4 X § inches, a rectangular web 5 X 1 inches, and an elliptical head which is 1 inch in depth and whose area is 1.6 square inches. Find the distance of the center of gravity from the top of the head. ^; Art. 22. Moments of Inertia. The moment of inertia of a plane surface with respect to an axis is the sum of the products obtained by multiplying each elementary area by the square of its distance from that axis. In the discussion of beams the axis is always taken as passing through the center of gravity of the cross-section and parallel to the top and bottom lines of the cross-section. Let I be this moment of inertia, as in Art. 20; its value is to be found by determining the quantity 2az'\ To find / for a rectangle of breadth b and depth d, let CC be the axis through the center of gravity and parallel to b. Let the elementary area d be a small strip HR parallel to CC and at a distance z from it. Let a line gh be drawn parallel to the depth d of the5* MOMEKTS FOR BEAMS. Ch. Ill, rectangle, artd normal to gh let lines be drawn equal to the squares of s\ thus ee is the square of CE, and gg is the square of CG. Now the‘:"elementary product is the elementary area EE multiplied by the ordr nate ee; hence Sae? is represented by a solid standing on bd ^'hose Variable height is shown by the shaded area ghhcg. But the volume of this solid,is the product of its length b and this shaded area. The curve ceg is» a parabola because each line ee is the square of the corresponding altitude ce; accordingly the shaded area is onBHhird of ghkg. But gh is equal to d, and gg is (^)*; thus thi^ffiiaded area is represented by £. d. \d\ or j\d\ Hence b X ^d3 = is the mo^jnt of inertia of a rectangle about an axis of gravity and parallel to ItSt'base. The moment of inertia is a compound quantit^ffiSttlt1 ing by multiplying an area by the square of a distance ; it thHconta^R the linear unit-Tour tim^T If b = 3 inches ;Hl d = 4 tn^^Hthen^^Hid inched or the nu^^^^Bun^Rf I is biquadratic inches., Mc^Bsnts of inertia when referred to the same axis ■1 be subtracted like any other qualitiesArt. 22 MOMENTS OF INERTIA. S3 which are of the same kind. Thus, let there be a hollow rectangular section whose outside depth and Fig. 14. breadth are b and dand whose inside depth and breadth are //, and d,, the thickness of the metal being the same throughout. Then the moment of inertia of this section is found by subtracting the moment of inertia of the inner rectangle from that of the outer one, or I ss febd* — xV^i3 is the moment of inertia for the section whose area is bd — bxdx. For the common I beams whose flanges are equal the same method applies. Let b be the width of the flanges and d the total depth ; also let t be the thickness of the web and t1 the thickness of the flanges. The moment of inertia of the area (b — t){d — 2t,) is then to be subtracted from the moment of inertia of the area bd, or / = — -^{b — t){d — 2 t,y is the moment of inertia for the I section. For the T section the distance c from the end of the web to the axis through the center of gravity must first be computed by the method of the last article. Then the distance from the outside of the flange to54 MOMENTS KOR REAMS. Ch. III. the axis, is also known. Let b be the breadth of the flange and tx its thickness, and let t be the thickness of the web. Then the moment of inertia of the area tc is one-half of that of a rectangle of depth 2c, or£ X tV(2^)S> which is \tc%; also the moment of inertia of the area bcx is one-half of that of a rectangle of depth 2cx. Adding these together and subtracting the moment of inertia of the area (b — t)(cx — tx), there results / = W + iK - Ub - t)(cx - /,)*, which is the moment of inertia for the T section. The same formula applies to the n section if t be the thick ness of the two webs. The above formulas for I and T sections are correct for cast-iron beams where the corners are but little rounded. For wrought iron and steel beams, however, the flanges are not usually of uniform thickness, and all the corners are rounded off by curves, so that the formulas are not strictly correct; for such shapes the numerical values of the moments of inertia for all the sections in the market are published by the manufacturers, so that it is not necessary for engineers to compute them. (See Art. 30.) In this chapter the fundamental applications of moments to be used in discussing beams have been presented, and it is now possible to take up the subject and give the theory of equilibrium of beams clearlyArt. 22. MOMENTS OF INERTIA. 55 and logically, so that the student may undertake practical problems in the most satisfactory manner. Prob. 22. A steel I beam weighing 8o pounds per linear foot is 24 inches deep, its flanges being 7 inches wide and inches mean thickness, while the web is 0.5 inches thick. The moment of inertia stated by the manufacturer is 2088 inches*. Compute it by the formula here given. Q56 CANTILEVER AND SIMPLE BEAMS Ch. IV. Chapter IV. CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. Art. 23. Definitions and Principles. A simple beam is a bar resting upon supports at its ends, and is the kind most commonly in use. A cantilever beam is a bar resting on one support at the middle, or if a part of a beam projects out from a wall or beyond a support this part is called a cantilever beam. In a simple beam the lower part is under tension and the upper part under compression ; in a cantilever beam the reverse is the case. Unless other wise stated, all beams will be regarded as having the section area uniform throughout the entire length. Since a beam is at rest the internal stresses in any section hold in equilibrium the external forces on each Fig. 16. side of that section. Thus, if a beam be imagined to be cut apart and the two parts separated, as in the figure, forces must necessarily be required to prevent the parts from falling. These internal forces or stresses may be resolved into horizontal and vertical com.Art. 23. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. 57 ponents. The horizontal components are stresses of tension and compression, while the vertical components add together and form a stress known as the resisting shear. Each side of the beam is held in equilibrium by the vertical forces and stresses that act upon it. The vertical forces are the reaction and the loads, the stresses are the horizontal ones of tension and compression, and the vertical one of shear. The sum of all the horizontal tensile stresses must be equal to the sum of all the horizontal compressive stresses, or otherwise there would be longitudinal motion. The sum V of the vertical stresses must equal the algebraic sum of the reaction and loads, or otherwise there would be motion in an upward or dowmvard direction. Lastly, the sum of the moments of the stresses in the section must equal the sum of the moments of the vertical forces, or otherwise there would be rotation. These statical principles apply to each part into which the beam is supposed to be divided. It is found by experiment that the fibers on one side of the beam are elongated and on the other shortened, while between is a neutral surface, which is c T*------ Z 1 da I c I I - _______________ * Neutral Surface ■«- *■ Fig. 17. unchanged in length. It is also found that the amount of elongation or shortening of any fiber is directly proportional to its distance from the neutral surface. Hence, if the elastic limit be not surpassed, the stresses58 CANTILEVER AND SIMPLE BEAMS. Ch. IV. are also proportional to their distances from the neutral surface. From the above it can be shown that the neutral axis passes through the center of gravity of the cross-section. For if 6' be the unit-stress on the remotest fiber and c its distance from the neutral axis, then the unit-stress at the distance z is S-, and the total stress c on an elementary area a is A'—. The algebraic sum of all the horizontal stresses in the section then is -2az. c From the above statical principles this sum must be zero, and it hence follows that 2az must be zero ; that is, the sum of the moments of the elementary areas is zero with respect to the neutral axis. Hence the neutral axis passes through the center of gravity, for the center of gravity is that point upon which the surface can be balanced or for which 2az — o. Prob. 23. An I beam which is 20 feet long weighs 700 pounds and the area of its cross-section is 10.29 S(luare inches. What is the kind of material ? Art. 24. Resistance to Shearing. When a beam is short it sometimes fails by shearing in a vertical section near one of the supports. The force that produces this shearing is the resultant of all the vertical forces on one side of the section. Thus, in the simple beam of the first diagram this resultant is the reaction minus the weight of the beam between the reaction and the section ; in the cantilever beamArt. 24. RESISTANCE TO SHEARING. 59 of tlie second diagram it is the loads and the weight of the beam on the left of the section. 4 Vertical shear* is the name given to the algebraic sum of all the vertical forces on the left of the section under consideration. Thus in the first diagram, if the Fig i8 reaction be 6 ooo pounds, the vertical shear F just at the right ot the support is 6 ooo pounds, if the beam weigh ioo pounds per linear foot, the vertical shear at a section one foot from the support and on the left of the single load is 5 900 pounds. Again in the second diagram, if the beam weigh 100 pounds per linear foot and if each concentrated load be 800 pounds, and the distance from the end to the section shown be 4 feet, the vertical shear in that section is 2000 pounds. It is seen from these illustrations that in a simple beam tlie greatest vertical shear is at the supports, and that in a cantilever beam it is at the wall. Only these sections, then, need be investigated in a solid beam. For a simple beam of length l and carrying w pounds per linear unit, the greatest vertical shear is the reaction \wl. For a cantilever beam of length /,to CANTILEVER AN# SIMPLE BEAMS. Ch. IV. the greatest vertical sheaf due to uniform load is the total weight tvl. The Vertical shear V produces in the cross-section an equsffijShearing stress. If A be the section area and S thé shearing unit-stress acting over that area, then V V V=AS, S=L (3) are the equations similar to (l) of Art. i : these are used for the practical computations regarding ilhear in solid beams. For example, consider a steel I beam weighing 2$o pounds per yard and 12 feet long, over which roll th^^Bcomotive wheels 4 feet apart and each bearing" 14 000 pounds. The greatest shear will occur when ..' 1 ""^"TSr Pig 19. one wheel is almost at the support as shown in the figure. By Art. 18 the reaction is found to be 28 500 pounds. aiHthis is the greatest vertical shear V. By Art. 8 the area of the cross-section is found to be 24.5 square inches. Then the shearing unit-stress in the se^Sm is .S ~ "24 5° ~ 1 I^° Pounc^s Per S(luare inch. which is a low working unit-stress for steel. As a secon^Rxample, consider a wooden cantilever beam w^fth projects out from a bridge floor and sup-Art. 25. RESISTANCE TO BENDING. 6l ports a sidewalk. Let it be 6 inches wide, 8 inches deep, and 7 feet long, and let the maximum load that comes upon it be 7 500 pounds. The vertical shear at the section where it begins to project is then 7 590 pounds, or the load that it carries plus its own weight. As the section area is 48 square inches, the shearing unit-stress is a little less than 160 pounds per square inch. The factor of safety against shearing is hence about 19 (Art. 6), so that the security is ample. It is indeed only in rare instances that solid beams of uniform cross-section are subject to dangerous stresses from shearing. Beams almost universally fail by tearing apart under the horizontal tensile stresses, and hence the following articles will be devoted entirely to the consideration of these bending stresses. Prob. 24. A simple beam of cast iron is 3 X 3 inches in section and 5 } feet long between supports. Besides its own weight it is to carry a load of 4 000 pounds at the middle and a Iqad of 1 000 pounds at 2I feet from the left end. Find the factor of safety against shearing. Art. 25. Resistance to Bending. In Art. 24 it was shown that the resisting moment of the internal stresses in any section is equal to the bending moment of the external forces on each side of the section. Art. 19 explains how to find the bending moment, which hereafter will be designated by the letter J/. In Art. 20 an expression for the resisting moment is derived. Therefore SI T = M ^ is the fundamental formula for the discussion of theÔ2 CANTILEVER AND SIMPLE BEAMS. Ch. IV. flexure of beams, provided that the elastic limit is not exceeded. Here S is the unit stress of tension or compression on the top or bottom of the beam, c is the vertical distance of .S' from the center of gravity of the cross-section, and / is the moment of inertia of the cross-section. Art. 21 explains how to find c, and Art. 22 shows how I is determined. This formula shows that 5 varies directly with M, that is, the greatest tensile or compressive stress in the beam occurs at the section where M has its maximum value. For a simple beam under uniform load the bending moment M at any section distant * from the left support is, as shown in Art. 19, M — \wl. x — wx .\x — \iv(lx — x2), and if x — il, this gives M — \rvl% as tlm maximum bending moment; or if IV be the total load ul, this may be written as M — ill7. When concentrated loads are on a simple beam the maximum bending mo- Fig; 20. ment must usually be found by trial; it will generally be under one of those loads. For a cantilever beam of length / the maximum bending moment always occurs at the wall. For aArt. 25. RESISTANCE TO BENDING. 63 uniform load of tv per linear unit the bending moment at a section distant x from the end is the load wx into its lever arm t}.r, and this is negative as it tends to produce rotation in a direction opposite to that of the hands of a watch (Art. 17). Thus, for any section M — — 2~vx*> an^ when x becomes equal to / the maximum value is M = — ift'/*. The negative sign shows merely the direction in which rotation tends to occur, and when using formula (4) the value of J\I is to be inserted without sign. The diagram of bending moments for this case is a parabola, since J\I increases as the square of x. For concentrated loads on a cantilever beam the bending moment M is — I\x until ur passes beyond the second load ; then M — — Pvx — Pt(x — a) where a is the distance between the two loads. Thus the dia- gram of bending moments is composed of straight lines, and the maximum value of M occurs when x becomes equal to /. It may be noted that the only difference in stating moment equations for a cantilever beam and for a simple beam lies in the fact that for the former there is no reaction at the left end. A cantilever beam is hence really simpler than a simple beam, as no reactions need be computed.M CANTILEVER AND SIMPLE REAMS. Ch. IV. Prob. 25. A cantilever beam has a load of 800 pounds at it$ end and is also uniformly loaded with 125 pounds per linear foot ; its length is 5 feet. Compute the bending moments for five sections, one foot apart, and construct the diagram of bending moments. Art. 26. Safe Loads for Beams. A safe load for a beam is one that produces a tensile or compressive unit-stress which is safe according to the principles set forth in Chapter I. To find such a safe load for a given beam the safe value of S is to be assumed from those principles. Then in formula (4) the values of / and c are known. The maximum bending moment M is to be expressed in terms of the unknown load, and thus an equation is derived from which the load is found. For example let a wooden cantilever beam be 2 inches wide, 3 inches deep, and 72 inches long, and let it be required to find what load P at the end will produce a unit-stress of 800 pounds per square inch. Here the maximum value of M is P X 72. From Art. 21 the value of c is inches and from Art. 22 the value of /is 4I inches4. Then by (4) of Art. (25), SI I 800x4,5 I p c 1.5 ' from which A* is found to be 33-J- pound.s. Again, let a simple beam of cast iron be 3 inches wide, 4 inches deep, and 36 inches long, and let it be required to find what uniform load will produce a unit, stress of 2 000 pounds per square inch. Here let w be the uniform load per linear inch ; the total load is wl,Art. 27. INVESTIGATION OF REAMS. 6S each reaction is \wl, and the maximum bending moment M is The value of c is 2 inches, and that of 1 is 16 inches4. Then since / is 36 inches, SI _ 2 000 X 16 c 2 162 ft', from which w = 98.8 pounds per linear inch, and hence the total uniform safe load that can be put on the beam is about 3 560 pounds. The student should notice that in using formula (4) all lengths must be expressed in the same unit. If the length of a beam is given In feet it must be reduced to inches for use in the formula, because S, /, and c are expressed in terms of inches. Formula (4) cannot be used to find the load that will rupture a beam, except in the manner indicated in Art. 63. Prob. 26. A steel I beam 7 inches deep and weighing 22 pounds per foot has for the moment of inertia of its cross-section 52.5 inches4, and it is to be used as a simple beam with a span of 18 feet. What load P can it carry when the greatest unit-stress S is required to be 12000 pounds per square inch. Art. 27. Investigation of Beams. To investigate a beam acted upon by given loads the greatest unit-stress 5 produced by those loads is to be found from formula (4). From the given dimensions of the beam / and c are known, from the given loads the maximum value of M is to be found ; hence - Me66 CANTILEVER AND SIMPLE BEAMS. Ch. IV. is the equation for computing the value of S. Then by the rules of Chapter I the degree of security of the beam is to be inferred. As formula (4) is deduced under the laws of elasticity, it fails to give reliable values of .S when the elastic limit is exceeded. For example, consider a cast-iron u section which is used as a simple beam with a span of 6 feet, and upon which there is a total uniform load of 80 000 pounds. Let the total depth be 16 inches, the total width 12 inches, the thickness of the flange 2 inches, and the thickneW^f the webs 1 inch. By Art. 25 the greatest value of M is at the middle of the beam, this being X 80000 X 6 X 12 — 720OOO pound-inches, By Art. 21 the value of c is found to be 10.7 incites. By Art. 22 the value of / is found to be 1 292 inches*. Then, S « 5 960 pounds per square inch. This, is the compressive unit-stress in the end of the Web when the beam is placed in the l_j position, as ill usually the case in buildings. On the base of the beam the tensile unit-strcsjBH about half this value, since ct is abHt one-half of e. Thus under the compressive stress the beam has a factor of safety of about 15, and truin' the tensile ^stress it has a factor of safety of abHt 7. As the least factor of safety for cast iron 10, the beam has not the full degree of security required by the best practice. Prob. 27. A piece of wooden scantling 2 inches square atifls feet long is hung horizontally by a rope at each end and a student weighing 175 pounds stands upon it. Is is safe ?Art. 28. DESIGN OF BEAMS. 67 Art. 28. Design of Beams. The design of a beam consists in determining its size when the loads and its length are given. The allowable working unit-stress S is first assumed according to the requirements of practice. From the given loads the maximum bending moment M is then computed. Thus in formula (4) everything is known except / and c, and c ~ S is an equation which must be satisfied by the dimensions to be selected. For a rectangular beam of breadth b and depth d the value of c is %d, and the value of / is bd*. Thus the equation becomes and if either b or dbe assumed the other can be computed. For example, let it be required to design a rectangular wooden beam fora total uniform load of 80 pounds, the beam to be used as a cantilever with a length of 6 feet, and the working value of .S' to be 800 pounds per square inch. Here the maximum value of J/ is 80 X 3 = 240 pound-feet = 2 880 pound-inches. Thus bd'1 — 21.6 inches8. If b be taken as 1 inch, d = 4.65 inches ; if b be 2 inches, d — 3.29 inches ; if b be 3 inches, d — 2.68 inches. With due regard to sizes readily found in the market 3X3 inches are perhaps good proportions to adopt. Prob. 28. A simple cast-iron beam of 14 feet span car-68 CANTILEVER AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. IV. ries a load of ioooo pounds at the middle. If its width is 4 inches find its depth for a factor of safety of 10 ; also find its width for a depth of 12 inches. Art. 29. Comparative Strengths. The strength of a beam is measured by the load it can carry with a given unit-stress S. Let it be required to investigate the relative strengths of the four following cases : 1st. A cantilever loaded at the end with W. 2d. A cantilever loaded uniformly with W. 3d. A simple beam loaded at the middle with W. 4th. A simple beam loaded uniformly with W. Let / be the length in each case, and the cross-section be of breadth b and depth d. Then c = and 1 — ^bd*. Then from Art. 25, and formula (4), For 1st, K II s# & and W = Sbd' 61 ’ For 2d, M = % Wl, and W = Sbda 2~6T For 3d, M= ÌWI, and W = Sbd5 4 61 For 4th, and W = „SU' Sr6T Hence the comparative strengths of the four cases are as the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8; that is, if four such beams are of equal size and length and of the same material, the second is twice as strong as the first, the third is four times as strong, and the last is eight times as strong as the first.Art. 30. STEEL I BEAMS. 69 From these equations the following important laws regarding rectangular beams are derived : The strength varies directly as the breadth and directly as the square of the depth. The strength varies inversely as the length. A beam is twice as strong under a distributed load as under an equal concentrated load. The second and third of these laws apply also to beams having cross-sections of any shape. The reason why rectangular beams are placed with the longest dimension vertical is now seen to be that the strength increases in a faster ratio with the depth than with the breadth. If the breadth be doubled the strength is doubled ; if the depth be doubled the strength is four times as great as before. Prob. 29. Show that a beam 3 inches wide, 6 inches deep, and 4 feet long, is nine times as strong as a beam 7 inches wide, 4 inches deep, and io| feet long. Art. 30. Steel I Beams. Wrought-iron rolled beams have been much used in bridge and building construction, but now medium-steel beams are almost exclusively employed. The ultimate tensile strength of such steel will be taken as 65 000 pounds per square inch, and its elastic limit as 35000 pounds per square inch, in the solution of examples and problems hereafter given. These beams are manufactured in about thirteen different depths, and of each depth there are several different sizes or weights, so that designers have a large variety from which to select. In the following table only the heaviest and lightest sections of each depth are given. The7o CANTILEVER AND SIMPLE BEAMS, Ch. IV. Table Vili. Steel I Beams. Depth. Weight per Foot. Section Area. A Moment of Inertia. / Section Modulus. / Moment of Inertia. /' Inches. Pounds. Sq. Inches. Inches4. Inches3. Inches4. 24 IOO 29.4 2 380 198 48.6 24 80 23-5 2 088 174 42.9 20 75 22.1 I 269 127 30 2 20 65 I9.I I 170 II7 27.9 l8 70 20.6 92I 102 24.6 l8 55 15-9 796 88.4 21.2 15 55 15.9 SU 68.1 I7.I 15 42 12.5 442 58.9 14.6 12 35 10.3 228 38.0 IO.I 12 3i£ 9-3 216 36.0 9.5O IO 40 ii.8 159 317 9 50 IO 25 7-4 122 24.4 6.89 9 35 10.3 112 24.8 7.31 9 21 6.3 85.0 18.9 5.16 8 25i 7.50 68.4 17.1 4-75 8 18 5 33 569 14.2 3-73 7 20 5 88 42.2 12.i 3-24 7 15 4.42 36-2 10.4 2 67 6 I7i 5-07 2Ó.2 8.73 2.36 6 12i 3.61 21.8 7-27 1.85 5 I4J 4*34 15-2 6.08 1.70 5 9* 2.87 12.1 4.84 1.23 4 10 i 3-09 7-1 3-55 i.or 4 7i 221 6.0 3-co 0.77 3 7} 2.21 2.9 1.93 0.60 3 ! k 1.63 2.5 1.71 0.46 proportions of one of the sizes of the two 6-inch beams are shown in the accompanying figure, “the outer lineArt. 30, STEEL I BEAMS. 71 on the right-hand side indicating the heavier section and the other one the lighter section. In this table the moments of inertia / in the fourth column are those about an axis through the centers of gravity and perpendicular to the web, and are those to be used in all beam computations. The values 1' given in the last column are with respect to an axis through the center of gravity but parallel to the web; these are for use in the next chapter in the discussion of struts. The quantity — is often called the ‘section modulus’ c as it contains all the dimensions of the cross-section. The process of selecting an I section depends merely on finding a value of - which corresponds to the value of as shown in Art. 28; hence for convenience these values are tabulated in the fifth column of the table. For example, an I beam in a floor is to have 20 feet span and to carry a uniform load of 13 500 pounds; what size is to be selected ? The bending moment is72 CANTILEVER AND SIMPLE BEAMS. Ch. IV. M = ■§• X 13 500 X 20 X 12 * 405 000 pound-inches, and the working unit-stress 5 should be -Jt X 65 OOO pounds per square inch. Then from formula (4), / 405 000 . . , - sas ------= 31.2 inches , c 13 000 and hence, from the table, the heavy 10-inch beam should be »std. Prob. 30. A heavy i5*inch steel I beam of 12 feet span carries a Uniform load of 42 net tons. Find its factor of safety if the span be 6 feet; also if the span be 9 feet. Art. 31, Beams of Uniform Strength. The beams thus far dfecussed have been of uniform section throughout their entire length. As the bending moments are small near the ends of the beam the unit-stress in which Se is the elastic limit, St the ultimate tensile strength, and s the ultimate unit-elongation. For example, take a wrought iron specimen where Se — 25 000 and St = 50000 pounds per square inch, while s = 30 per cent = 0.30; then k — J2 500 inch-pounds is the ultimate resilience for one cubic inch of the material. Prob. 54. Show from the values given in Arts. 2 and 4 that the average ultimate resilience of timber in tension is about 50 per cent greater than that of cast iron. Art. 55. Sudden Loads. When a tension is gradually applied to a bar it increases from o up to its final value, while the elongation increases from o to e and the unit-stress increasesArt. 55. SUDDEN LOADS. Ill from o to 5. A ‘sudden load’ is one which has the same intensity from the beginning to the end of the elongation ; this elongation being produced, the bar springs back, carrying the load with it, and a series of oscillations results, until finally the bar comes to rest with the elongation c. The temporary elongation produced is greater than c, and hence also the temporary stresses produced are greater than .S. Let P be a suddenly applied load and y the temporary elongation produced by it; the external work performed during its application is Py. Now let Q be the internal stress corresponding to the elongation y; this increases gradually and uniformly from o up to Q, and hence its resilience or internal work is %Qy. But as internal work must equal external work, | Oy s* Py, or Q — 2P; that is, the sudden load A produces a temporary inter, nal stress equal to 2P. Now after the oscillations have ceased, the bar comes to rest under the steady load A and has the elongation e. If the elastic limit of the material be not exceeded, corresponding elongations are proportional to their stresses; thus y Q ~ — p~ 2, or y — 2e\ that is, the sudden load produces a temporary elongation double that caused by the same load when gradually applied. If A be the section area of the bar the unit-stress S under the gradual load is P/A, and the temporary unit-stress produced under the sudden load is 2PJA or 2S.112 RESILIENCE OF MATERIALS. Ch. VIII. The unit-stresses temporarily produced by sudden loads are hence double those caused by steady loads. It is for this reason that factors of safety are taken higher for variable loads than for steady ones. Prob. 55. A simple beam of wrought iron, 2X2 inches and 18 inches long, is to be loaded with 3000 pounds at the middle. Show that the beam will be unsafe if this be applied suddenly. Art. 56. Stresses due to Impact. Impact is said to be produced in a bar or beam when a load falls upon it from a certain height. The temporary stresses and deformations in such a case are greater than for sudden loads, and may often prove very injurious to the material. If the elastic limit be not exceeded, it is possible to deduce an expression showing the laws that govern the stresses produced by the impact. This will here be done only for the case of impact on the end of a bar. If the load P falls from the height h upon the end of a bar and produces the momentary elongation y, the work performed is P(h -f-y). The stress in the bar increases gradually and uniformly from o up to the value Q, so that the resilience or internal work is \Qy. Hence there results \Qy — P(]i + y)- Also, if e be the elongation due to the static load P, the law of proportionality of elongation to stress gives y Q ~e=P'Art. 56. STRESSES DUE TO IMPACT. i*3 By solving these equations the values of Q and y are which give the temporary stress and elongation produced by the impact. If h — o these formulas reduce to Q — 2/?andjy — 2e, as found in the last article for sudden loads. If h = 4^ they become Q = 4P and y = 4• and then t.he unit-stresses are C = 6M (3^ cr & )bg r— M (3^ - g)ai4o REINFORCED CONCRETE. Ch. X. the first being for compression on the concrete and the second for tension on the steel. As an example, let b — 12 and d = 4.5 inches, a = 0.6 square inches, / = 60 inches, the uniform load be 1800 pounds, and n — 10. Then g = 1.68 inches, which is the depth of the neutral surface below the top of the beam. From the given load and span, M is found to be 13 500 inch-pounds, and then the compressive stress on the upper surface of the concrete is C = 340 pounds per square inch, and the tensile stress in the steel rods is T = $710 pounds per square inch. Both of these are lower than maximum allowable values. Prob. 68. Let a reinforced beam of 1: 2:4 concrete be 24 inches wide, 5 inches deep, and 6 feet span, with 1.2 square inches of steel at 2 inches below the middle; compute the unit-stresses Sit T,, T3 due to the light uniform load of 1125 pounds. Also compute the unit-stresses C and T due to the heavy uniform load of 4500 pounds. Art. 69. Design of Beams. When a reinforced-concrete beam is to be designed the allowable unit-stresses for concrete and steel are given or assumed, as also the span and width, and it is then required to compute the depth of the beam and the section area of the steel. When this is done according to the formulas applicable to Fig. 47, the steel is stressed but slightly; if Tx be taken as 100 pounds per square inch for the concrete, T2 will be less than 1000 pounds per square inch for 1:2:4 concrete and less than 1500 for 1:3:6 concrete. It is found impossible to economically design a beam on this theory and have unit-stresses prevail that areArt. 69. DESIGN OF BEAMS. 141 satisfactory, this being due to the low tensile strength of the concrete. Nothing remains to be done, therefore, but to allow the concrete to crack on the tensile side and thus to stress the steel higher in tension than is otherwise possible. The formulas above given for the distribution of stresses shown in Fig. 48 may be transferred so as to be applicable to cases of design. The quantities usually given in designing are the allowable compressive unit-stress C on the concrete, the allowable tensile unit-stress T on the steel, the ratio E.JE1 = n, the bending moment M, and the breadth b of the rectangular beam. Let the ratio TIC be designated by t, then for the case of Fig. 48, d = /6jl 1/2+ 3«A/ bC' ~ 2ttn + 0 are the formulas for computing d and a. The unit-stress C should be taken as high as allowable by the specifications; T should not be higher than the highest allowable value, but it may be taken lower than this value if economy in cost is promoted. For example, a rectangular beam of 1:3:6 concrete is to have a span of 14 feet, a breadth of 20 inches, and is to carry a uniform load of 300 pounds per square foot, including its own weight. It is required to find the depth of the beam and the section area of the reinforcing rods so that the unit-stresses C and T shall be 350 and 14000 pounds per square inch respectively. Here n = 15,/ = T/C = 40, and b — 20 inches. The total load on the beam is 300 X 14 X 20/12 = 7000 pounds, and the bending moment is142 REINFORCED CONCRETE. Ch. X M = l X 7ooo x 14 X 12 = 147000 inch-pounds. Inserting these values in the first of the above formulas, there is found d — 13.o inches. Then bd = 20 X 13 = 260 square inches, and from the second formula a — 0.90 square inches. For the above case the section area of the steel is about one-third of one per cent of the section area bd of the concrete. Higher percentages of steel are frequently used, from 0.60 to 1.25 per cent being common values, but the author considers that these are not economical except for high-class concrete and low-priced steel. The depth d computed by the above formula is that from the top of the beam to the centers of the reinforcing rods. The actual depth of the beam is, however, greater than d by 1 or inches, the extra thickness of concrete serving to protect the steel from corrosion and from the effects of fire. Prob. 69. For the above numerical data except that for a compute the depth d and the section a, taking the value of T as 12 000 pounds per square inch. Also taking the value of T as 9000 pounds per square inch. If steel costs 50 times as much as concrete, per cubic unit, which of the three beams is the cheapest ? Art. 70. General Discussions. The formulas and methods above presented for reinforced-concrete beams are valid when the unit-stresses in the concrete are proportional to their distances from the neutral surface, and this is the case only when the changes of length are proportional to the unit-stresses. Concrete is a material in which this proportionality does not exist for compressiveArt. 70. GENERAL DISCUSSIONS. 143 stresses higher than 500 pounds per square inch, so that it cannot be expected that the formulas will apply to cases of rupture. Formulas for rupture have been deduced by Hatt and others in which the unit-stresses are taken as varying according to a parabolic law with their distances from the neutral surface, and such formulas are sometimes used for designing beams by applying proper factors of safety. The phenomena of failure of reinforced concrete beams have been fully ascertained by the experiments made by Talbot in 1905. The beams were tested by applying two concentrated loads at the third points of the span, and the deflections at the middle were measured for several increments of loading, as also horizontal changes of length near the top and bottom. Under light loads the tensile resistance of the concrete was plainly apparent; when the tensile unit-stress in the concrete approached the ultimate strength, the neutral surface rose and the stress in the steel increased. A little later fine vertical cracks appeared on the tensile side, while the tensile stresses in the steel and the compressive stresses in the concrete increased faster than the increments of the load. The last stage was a rapid increase in the deformations, and rupture generally occurred by the crushing of the concrete on the upper surface, the steel being then stressed beyond its elastic limit. In some cases, especially in short beams, failure is observed to occur by an oblique shearing near the supports, and this may be prevented by inclined or vertical reinforcing rods. In designing a beam, however,144 REINFORCED CONCRETE. CH. X. it is usually not necessary to make computations for this shearing stress because the dimensions obtained by the flexure formulas are for a beam which is to carry only about one-fifth or one-sixth of the load that causes rupture. The above discussions give only an introduction to the subject of reinforced concrete. Many questions in regard to beams remain yet to be settled, but it is believed that the methods above given are fundamental and not liable to essential change. It seems likely that the use of combined concrete and steel, not only for beams and columns, but for arches, walls, piers, dams, and aqueducts, is to increase rapidly and become a most important feature in engineering construction. Prob. 70. A plain concrete beam, 12 inches wide, 13^ inches deep, and 14 feet span, broke under two single loads, each of 1300 pounds and placed at the third points of the span. Compute the modulus of rupture by the common flexure formula. If this beam has one per cent of steel placed 11 inches above the lower surface, compute the values of C and T.Art. 71. REVIEW PROBLEMS. M5 APPENDIX. Art. 71. Review Problems. The following problems may be used in connection with those in the text, or may serve for review exercises. For each of the preceding articles there is given one additional problem. CHAPTER I. Prob. 71. If a cast-iron bar, iF X 2J inches in section area, breaks under a tension of 66 000 pounds, what tension will probably break a bar 1^ inches in diameter? Prob. 72. What should be the size of a round bar of structural steel to carry a tension of 200 000 pounds with a unit-stress of one-half the elastic limit? Prob. 73. What' should be the size of a round bar of structural steel to carry a tension of 125 000 pounds with a factor of safety of 5 ? Prob. 74. What force is required to rupture in tension a cast-iron bar 8 inches in diameter ? Prob. 75. A bar of wrought iron one square inch in section area and one yard long weighs 10 pounds. Find the length of a vertical bar which ruptures under its own weight when hung at its upper end.146 APPENDIX. Art. 71. Prob. 76. The beam in Fig. 2 is 3 X 4 inches in section area, and -P is 13 000 pounds. Compute the shearing unit-stress. Prob. 77. A short cast-iron column is 12 inches in outside diameter and 10 inches in inside diameter. Compute its factor of safety when carrying a load of 165 000 pounds. CHAPTER II. Prob. 78. Find the diameter of a wrought-iron bar which is 24 feet long and weighs 1344 pounds. Prob. 79. What is the diameter of the largest bar of structural steel which can be tested in a machine of 100 000 pounds capacity ? Prob. 80. What should be the size of a short piece of yellow pine which is to carry a steady load of 80 000 pounds? Prob. 81. A brick weighs 4.42 pounds when dry and 4.75 pounds after immersion for one day in water. What percentage of water has it absorbed ? Prob. 82. Find the weight of a granite column 18 feet high and 18 inches in diameter. Prob. 83. Compute the weight of a cast-iron water-pipe 12 feet long, and 20 inches inside diameter, the thickness of the metal being 1 inch. Prob. 84. A wrought-iron bar, 1 inch in diameter and 30 feet long, is hung at its upper end. What load applied at the lower end will stress it to the elastic limit ? Prob. 85. If steel costs 3 cents per pound and nickel costs 35 cents per pound, what is the minimum cost of a pound of nickel steel which contains 3.25 per cent of nickel? Prob. 86. A bar of aluminum copper, i; X if inches inArt. 71. REVIEW PROBLEMS. 147 section, breaks under a tension of 42 800 pounds. What tension will probably break a bar of the same material which is 1J X 2$ inches in section ? CHAPTER III. Prob. 87. Three men carry a stick of timber, two taking hold at a common point and one at one of the ends. Where should be the common point so that each man may carry one-third of the weight? Prob. 8S. Two locomotive wheels, six feet apart and each weighing 20000 pounds, roll over a beam of 27 feet span. Find the greatest reaction which can be caused by these wheels. Prob. 89. Compute the bending moments under each concentrated load for Fig. 8, taking the weight of the beam into account. Prob. 90. For Fig. 12 let c= 6 and cx = 3 inches. If the unit-stress S at the top of the web is 6 400 pounds per square inch, what is the unit-stress Sx on the lower side of the flange? Prob. 91. The two bases of a trapezoid are 8 and 5 inches and its height is 4 inches. Find its center of gravity. Prob. 92. For a solid circular section the moment of inertia with respect to an axis through the center is -^tzv/4. Find the moment of inertia for a hollow circular section with outside diameter dx and inside diameter cir CHAPTER IV. Prob. 93. Locate the neutral axis for a T section which is 3 X 3 inches and f inches thick. Prob. 94. A timber 4X6 inches in section projects 6 feet out of a wall. What load must be put upon it so that148 APPENDIX. Art. 71. the greatest shearing stress shall be 120 pounds per square, inch ? Prob. 95. Draw the moment diagrams for Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. Prob. 96. A simple wooden beam, 8 inches wide, 9 inches deep, and 14 feet in span, carries two equal loads, one being 2.5 feet at the left and the other 2.5 feet at the right of the middle. Find these loads so that the factor of safety of the beam shall be 8. Prob. 97. A simple wooden beam, 3 inches wide, 4 inches deep, and 16 feet span, has a load of 150 pounds at the middle. Compute its factor of safety. Prob. 98. A simple beam of structural steel, § inches deep and 16 feet span, is subject to a rolling load of 500 pounds. What must be its width in order that the factor of safety may be 6 ? Prob. 99. Compare the strength of a joist, 3X8 inches, when laid with long side vertical with that when it is laid with short side vertical. Prob. 100. Compare the strength of a light 9-inch steel I beam with that of a wooden beam 8 inches wide and 12 inches deep, the span being the same for both. Prob. 101. A cast-iron cantilever beam is to be 4 feet long, 3 inches wide, and to carry a load of 15 000 pounds at the end. Find the proper depths for every foot of length, using 3000 pounds per square inch for the horizontal unit-stress and 4000 for the vertical shearing unit-stress. CHAPTER V. Prob. X02. Find the safe steady load for a hollow short cast-iron column which is 12 inches in outside and 9 inches in inside diameter.Art. 71. REVIEW PROBLEMS. 149 Prob. 103. Compute the radius of gyration for the column section in the last problem. Prob. 104. Given and Watt’s Improvement of Rivers...........................4to, Turneaure and Russell’s Public Water-supplies.......................8vo, Wegmann’s Design and Construction of Dams. 5th Ed., enlarged........4*0, Water-supply of the City of New York from 1658 to 1895.........4*°» Whipple’s Value of Pure Water...............................Large i2mo, Williams and Hazen’s Hydraulic Tables...............................8vo, Wilson’s Irrigation Engineering..............................Small 8vo, Wolff’s Windmill as a Prime Mover...................................8vo, Wood’s Elements of Analytical Mechanics.............................8vo, Turbines...................................................... 8vo, 3 00 2 00 5 00 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 1 50 2 50 ) 8vo, 4 00 . . Large i2mo, 1 5o 8 vo, 3 00 8vo, 2 50 2 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 6 00 5 00 6 00 10 00 1 00 1 50 4 00 3 00 3 00 2 50 SMATERIALS OF ENGINEERING. Baker’s Roads and Pavements..........................................8vo, Treatise on Masonry Construction................................8vo, Birkmire’s Architectural Iron and Steel..............................8vo, Compound Riveted Girders as Applied in Buildings..............8vo, Black’s United States Public Works............................Oblong 4to, Bleininger’s Manufacture of Hydraulic Cement. (In Preparation.) * Bovey’s Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures............8vo, Burr’s Elasticity and Resistance of the Materials of Engineering.....8vo, Byrne’s Highway Construction..........................................8vo, Inspection of the Materials and Workmanship Employed in Construction. i6mo, Church’s Mechanics of Engineering.....................................8vo, Du Bois’s Mechanics of Engineering. Vol. I. Kinematics, Statics, Kinetics.....................Small 4to, Vol. II. 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