- [ Fifth Edition ) ts at Your Fingertips A Guide to(iSources of Statistical hformationyon Major Health Topics yd eee DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT mma) RE _— ai Soar parks | Ao £ D759 . Cr elagd ny. #! A “ly Gor wl A ty wad Facts at Your Fingertips A Guide to Sources of [Statistical Information|on Major Health Topics Fifth Edition DHHS Publication No=PHS) 81-1246 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Hyattsville, Maryland May 1981 \—— National Center for Health Statistics DOROTHY P. RICE, Director ROBERT A. ISRAEL, Deputy Director JACOB J. FELDMAN, Ph.D., Associate Director for Analysis and Epidemiology GAIL F. FISHER, Ph.D., Associate Director for the Cooperative Health Statistics System GARRIE J. LOSEE, Associate Director for Data Processing and Services ALVAN O. ZARATE, Ph.D., Assistant Director for International Statistics E. EARL BRYANT, Associate Director for Interview and Examination Statistics ROBERT C. HUBER, Associate Director for Management MONROE G. SIRKEN, Ph.D., Associate Director for Research and Methodology PETER L. HURLEY, Associate Director for Vital and Health Care Statistics ALICE HAYWOOD, Information Officer Division of Data Services PHILLIP BEATTIE, Director SANDRA SURBER SMITH, Chief, Scientific and Technical Information Branch XD8A 197 1 This guide lists sources of statistical information on some of the major health topics. It is by no means a comprehensive or definitive list; however, it does attempt to identify major areas or topics of interest and to describe the KA 4 0 7 — kinds of data now available or in preparation. Under each topic, the National LD Us7! 195) PULL Center for Health Statistics publications or data are cited first, followed by other DHHS sources, other Federal agencies, and by private organizations or asssociations. This edition includes a number of references to non-statistical publications to respond to requests for general information on selected topics. We welcome your ideas and suggestions for additional topics to be included in future editions. For the National Center for Health Statistics reports, VHSS refers to Vital and Health Statistics Series; MISC to miscellaneous reports; MVSR to the Monthly Vital Statistics Report; VSUS to the Vital Statistics of the United States; and ADVANCEDATA to itself. As long as supplies last, most of the publications listed in this edition of Facts at Your Fingertips are available free from the Scientific and Technical Information Branch (STIB), Division of Data Services, NCHS, Room 1-57, 3700 East-West Highway, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782--or phone the publications hotline (301) 436-NCHS. In the spring of 1981 NCHS implemented a new distribution policy which limits the free distribution of certain NCHS publications--Vital Statistics of the United States, Vital and Health Statistics Series, and other major reports--to libraries and other selected institutions. These reports are on sale from the Government Printing Office. STIB can provide ordering information. Monthly Vital Statistics Reports, Advance Data, and other periodicals as well as catalogs and listings remain available to all users. For information on publications, distribution policy, reference questions, or other assistance, please call our information staff on (301) 436-8500. FIFTH EDITION Spring 1981 iii 0522 \ ! \ \ - . E . - - . - ‘ a x - - » ’ LA } } 1 . - ) - ” . Ke Fe oo - B ) - - - . B - . IE oo k ’ . k B . £ E. £ - I 2 3 ) . Bh B ’ ~ - \ > J \ — B b ¢ ‘ i . ’ ) , 3 7 g “ : Ia - y . ave = . - . e ~ . - . . ~N » ) § . A \ . ADOI IONS. eee eeseeesscesassssssccsssssssssssssssssessssssssssssansss ADSENtEEISMe es eeeeeeeeeesssesscsesssesssessssssssssssssssssssssssssns AcCidentS..cceeeeececssccccns cececesssscsns cececccnas teers ssrrrsense Accidents, Boating..eceescescesss Cescescescessesssscenans sesssvssens Acute CONAitioNS.eeeeeeeeeeesssessseesssescssesscsssssssssssnsssnnses Adolescent Health. eeeeeeeeeeeessaceeeeosssssscescscsssoossscsscnnsns AdoptionS.eeeeecess te ENE eI I Isr I IIIT IIIT I TIE ITI Esse asst rrne Agingeeeeeeescececacsncns Cececeesscsccnsesassnnn cecesesssssssecsesans Alcohol, Consumption Of.ccceeeeescccesssccccccccssssscconsssssssanss Alcoholism....... sssnvs esas III INI III IIIs EIT IIITIIEIIICERETISI OTL ES Allergy (including Hay Fever and Asthma)..cccececcescscccccsccsccccns AMPUtA IONS. ceeeeeessssececccssssscccessossssssssssssssssssssssssssanas Arthritis. esac rertreeerneneteentrenetssccnssnceesncnssnesnccnsncnsns Births (by the Second)...ceeeecccecceccscccccccacsss cececcsssscccanas Birth CONtrOleeeeeeeeceeeeesscsssccessssssscscsccssscscessssssscnnses Birth Defects/Congenital MalformationS....cceeescecscccsssccsssenssns Blacks, Health Characteristics of...ceceeeene cescseccessssssccncssns Breast Feeding..eeceeeeess cesececccsssssnnn cececcecssns cecceccssssssens BUINS.eeeeeeceecescsascscscscosascsosscsssssscscsccsscs cece ee ee ecsccvssee CaAnNCerececeecceccsccscnse eee eee ee cece eee eee 00000000000000000000000000 Cerebral PalSy..cececececccccccasscans NNT essa NEIEI AAAI NSIRIIIALIEIIIEITYTY Charges, HOSPitalS.eeeeeeeeescosccccsssoscccssscscssasscnns sevsessarrese Charges, NUrSing HOMES. .eceeeeessscesscessssssssssssssssssassssnssns Child ADUSE. cette eseeecaseescscesssessssssssssessssssssesssnnsssnsns oe Child Health..... serene ceseescens setrerrses Neves stIs sss rere rane Chronic ConditionS..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeseessessescessesscnsssascsscnsns CommuNIiCable DiSEaSES.ceeeeeseeseessesssscsssessssssssssssasossssssns Correctional Institutions................. tetstercestsrtttascsrnrnas Crime.eeeeeeeees I cecsesscsccns cecececcecns sesssssssessssceces CystiC FibroSiS.eeeeeeseeeeesceesceessscesssssossssosssssssssassssnssss Dental Health.....ceeee.. ceseecccscnns cesecces teeter rtssrssennnsrne 0 J ON Lx WN HH BWW WWW WW WwWNNNNDNNDNDLEREERRER H OW © 9 0 WN HOW IO &NDHOWVWO USN HF DiabeteS.eieeeecennnns cecseeccessssssccccnsanaan ceceene oe Digestive DiSeaseS.eeeeeeeeeececsccessccecscccsascsessans Disability..... cectceans Lolo To IOI Ne LL aE R eR I NNER eRe hehe cececcnns DivOrcCe.eeeeeess cecseetcenes cececenae PEE ceeecececns Drug ADUSE. cet eeeeeeoeesosssceoccencscscccoscccsssassssases Drug Use, Prescribed.......... Cece eesscssssssssssccccnns Dwarfismeeeeeeeeeaaens teers tetrrrs rs rsa ns ceeene ‘eve Education.eeeeeeeeesccescccancaans teeta ssranenanns cecees . Emergency Medical ServiceS......... 1s sunset rss etarsesnns Environmental Health...... Ceci nseterrrrirreirrr errr EPLlEPSY eee eeessesesssesscsacesasessessessosssasanssasnnns Expenditures, Health Care......... cece sccecescscscscasnes . Family Planning. .cceececeeeeess Ceecccecsstcccscnnnassnan . Fees, Physicians'...ceeeeeeeeenennn Cece essccccccannsanan Handicapped..cceeeeseeans Cece sssesececenennne ceceaans cee Headaches....ceeeune seeeeetarsrerrnee Ceteeectttteccnnnns Health Care Technology...eeeeeeeee cecesessssssas ceeeeee . Health Education..cieeeeeeeeenceenns Sssess eters esnrsenes Health IndexXeS...ceeeeeeess Nes eserecersrrrsr tear rre .. Health Information ClearinghOuUS€....cceeeeeecceeenccanns Health Manpower.....ccceeess Cees esessscnasscnnnse cececans Health Planning...ceeeeceeess Ceecescsssecessssscccncnnns HEALING. eve eeeensnnnnas cececans ceeccccsssceccsasccaans . Heart Attack....eeeeee. pn ceeens . Heart DiSEase....eceeeesccececccescescencannns cececcenns Height, Weight, Body MeasurementS.....eeeeeeeececeees ces Hip ReplacementS.ceeeeeseeesseeecccansaannns cess sscccnne Home Health Care............ Cesveseeranrrnns Cetteeceenns Homicide.eeeeeerenannnnnn Ceeececesssannns teers senrsennns HOSpiCeS.eeeeeeeans Cesc cscccssecsssassnnns hasan ceeenne Hospitalization. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaanns Cetcccecssceanans . 3 (015) oF I of- 1 I= ceccceans ceccecscscccennnns cee Huntington's DiSeas@..ececesescecescccescccacnncnanannns Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)..... sens senassennss _ vi Cees cesses eee eco ee oe eee ec cces eee eevee eee eevee eco ees eee eee eee eee eevee csoe ee eeccsccecce cece secene eee ee ee ccc cccee ee ee cco oe ee ceccccee eee eee ecoeeccse ee eee cee ee oe ee eee cece s econ eee ecco oe eee ees cscecoe ee eccoccce oe ee ecco cosc oe ees cece eee ee ee e000 sec ecco ee eo ese ee eee . cece oe eee oe eee ese eevee cece eee cee eee evs coce ee ees eevee oe Sec es scene oe ee ee ecccevoe . 43 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 61 63 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Hysterectomy....... teresa asenans STa Ee RoE e Ee Ee Ee bebe eRe Ne Bele diols Re Rotate cess seseenns “on 88 Illegitimacy..... ceeaane tesvsrssevns 2 7ole lela Tals lols isla Toke Re tet tesssssssseenes 89 ImpairmentS...cc.... teste ravans esssserasssranssesnnees ceecceeas ceeees 90 Income, Health Characteristics by....... Sesssasenrsssnass ceeesssesss 91 Indian Population, Health Characteristics (American)...... saaasers .. 93 Infant Mortalityeeeeeeeeeeennns ceeeenas Ceccecencaans SEs lolol Ts Fels Ea Ee Re Reb ls 94 Infertility...... Lele Te ii eaN, Ee Ee RoE oR iN Ese Ee Ee te EE RN Re eRe eRe tot seseseennnes eeeee 95 InjurieSeeeeeeeeecenenns tesessrscrrrsnarnnry tretrsretrreensnrens cee 96 Injuries, SportS........ IE AIEEE II Ie rear renrne veces 97 Insurance, Health... iiieieeeeeeennnnnnnns trees cecrasnecss 98 Kidney DialysSiS.cceeececeesnn ceeaae ss carsenanss tecetrenns cesssecesee 99 Kidney DiSEasSE.:ceesscececccccessssccccccssnnas Cees sssssssssasens ... 100 Labs...... sssanssvassenspe Cescesceaseann SecarnscerrseansT entre nns . 103 Learning Disability........ Cececenessaans Ceeecceeseaansaann ceceeeansess 104 Life ExpectanCy....... Mslsecrrsenrrscnrne Ceeeesccessceenacas sesnnss .. 105 LUPUS: cease eccsssssccsassacansnnes Cee eccssecccssscscesasennens ceeess 106 Marriage€.ceeeeeeess ER cesses ssesanas ceseesacens Ceceecsssssaanse .. 107 Marriage and DivOrCe LaWS.eeeeecccecssss ceeean ceeeccenanns cececennns 108 Maternal Mortality........ Cette escesccsccnnannans cecense cececccennes . 109 Medicaid..... saves rnansisesssnsevtns Ceceecesansann Cece ssssecscnenns . 110 Medical DeviceS....... tefeaseens Mecersscerssrerrenes Seusrs evs ersens 111 Medicare..... I Nas arr ATI I asst rss eres TrTsiI I OTassserasstes oo 112 Mental Health............. srssescdrnnsncs Pesce trsurarrrinn SEeloleleislete oly 113 Mental RetardatioN...ceeeescecesccessccas Masse ssEEtIIIIIIIILIIEERTS . 114 Mortality.eeeoeoeeeesnss tees 8 9000000000 TIIIIIIIIIIIITEIECECETET tenn nn 115 Mortality by Occupation........ ceaeseaas PP ceeeeans 116 Mortality, Motor Vehicle AcCident.....ieeeseeeceescessescencnscnnnns 117 Multiple ScleroSiS..ceeeeeececss Ceseseeessesesanane Creda aaranas aera 118 Muscular Dystrophy........... covers anne ceeecetctectrranenns teseenenes 119 NAtAlityeeeeeeooeeeeeesaeseeaseeessccsceonnssssssssscssssssassannasns 121 Neurological DiseaseS...cceeee. cececeanas sedesescsctrenssssssrreananss 122 NUrSing HOMES. :eceeseeeesoceessccascacssacnns Seassscrsserrrescarens 123 NULLiEiON eee eeeeeeeeeeenseeesscensseensccannscnns Ceceeecseacenens .. 125 ObESIitYeeeueeeseeeesooseeeeeassssssseessssssssscscssssscsccnscanss oo 127 Occupational Health... eee eee eeeeeoeeeeeceeaosssscscsessssssccannnnns 128 vii Parkinson's DiSEas...ecececececesscscscsccescsesssscscscscssssscnns Physical FitNeSS.eeececescececcscosscscscssescsscscsssscsssssssnsns oe Physician VisitS..eeeeeenenn. LoL LSI I NL Ta Ea le Re FRO RoR Reto a a ata to he Ne Re Nei Ra Ra Ra tate Fo Re RoR F oy POISONING. eeeeeeececesccccccennnns cesesssisssssanas cesesssans sans . Populationeeeeseceesccenaas Cececccssssscnans seesssten nsession . Population, International... eeeecesceecesccsccescescesscscesssnssnns Prevention, DiS€aSE...cceeeeseeesssscescsscsssesscsssosssssnss ‘ceeens Rehabilitation......... Ceeettcceitictittttttttettttttttttteetanens . Respiratory ConditionS...ceeeeeess Ms ss sess auresesssessuss assert as Rural Population, Health Characteristics Of..eeceeeeeceecccesscannns Sickle-Cell ANEMiA.eeceseesscesscescescescescesscescescesconsns cesees SMOKINGeeeeeeooonnans Ceccccssesssessssssananns cesses ssecsannse ceeeees Social SeCUrityeeeeeeesceeeccaanns Ceecesssscccteccessasstecnssaansns Spanish-Heritage Population, Health Characteristics Of...cceeeceenns Speech DefeCtS.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen eee ccccssccccssccccsscsctscesssennns Spina Bifida..eeeeeeeeennn ceceessecscccccencnnns ceeeceessecceans cee Strengtheeeeeeeeeeennns Cececssscccesscecccsssetcsscscccasssscnsane cos StIESS.eeeeeeescceacsannnns PP Cees Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).eecesses cececanenn cesses coos Suicide.ceeeeeeens eee Ieee T IIIs I eae IIIs I ITI taeIIIEIIRINIIIIOISONY SUIGEIY.eeeeeasscocencscananes Crt st rts te ster as et tat erates Surgical SterilizatioNeeeeeeeececeeess cesans aL TR EL ER ROL ER Rio l ly cone TransplantS.eceeeeeceeeeecsccsscsacnsne testers Iss EI INI ETIETAROIYSIE IES Unnecessary SUrgerye.eeeececcecess Ceesetvressaveren cece cesssensens . Unwanted and Unplanned Childbearing (Unwanted Births)....ceeieeeecess Urban Population, Health Characteristics of......... seas c tren ans Venereal Diseas€.....eeeess A , oe Veterans, Health Status of........ a, ‘. Vision (Including Blindness and DiSOrdersS).....ececescscececcscncasns Welfare....ceeeees cess cterrannnee Mase sessassensereccssrnns teeter sernuns Wife Abus€...cceieenieennnes Ceeecescescenans EN, tetas ennare Women's Health. e.ueeeeueeeeeenens “eset enne PP “os Work Life EXpectanCy.sceeeeceeeees Ceceecesssssttccccnnnns cecccccnnnns Working Mothers; Work During PregnanCy....eeceesscccesccescceases “es Guide to Advancedata.....eceeeee. Ceteccetstcccsennennns cececcssans ‘eo viii 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 139 141 142 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 155 156 157 159 161 162 163 165 166 167 171 172 173 174 175 177 REFER: ABORTIONS Center for Disease Control 1600 Clifton Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30333 Tel: (404) 329-3131 The Center for Disease Control operates a reporting system for the collection of data on legal abortions. Publishes an annual summary Abortion Surveillance Report--Legal Abortions. Information on legal abortions is also found in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. %. "Characteristics of Women Obtaining Reported Legal Abortions - Selected States, by State of Occurrence" "Legal Abortions - Number, Rates per 1,000 Women 15-44 Years Old, and Ratio per 1,000 Live Births, by State of Occurrence" - Statistical Abstract, 1978, p. 58. (Based on data collected by CDC). "Legal Abortions-Estimated Number and Rate, by Women's Race and Age"-Statistical Abstract, 1977. p. 63 (Based on data collected by CDC). Population Council 515 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10022 Tel: (202) 752-2100 A publication entitled "Induced Abortion: 1979," by Christopher Tietz, published by the Population Council, NY, is available upon request. ABSENTEEISM NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 10-132 Series 10-130 Series 10-118 4 Bureau of Labor Statistics Room 3826, GAO Building 441 G. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20212 Tel: (202) 523-1821 (202) 523-1959 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1975-June 1976 Current Estimates from the Health Interview Survey, 1978 Disability Days, U.S., 1975 Contact: Mrs. Janice Hedges Mr. Dan Taylor The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes rates of absence from work resulting from illnesses and injuries among nonfarm wage and salary employees who usually work full time (35 hours or more a week). Information is collected once a year, in May, 56,000 households, conducted for the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the Census Bureau. Rates of incidence (percent of workers absent) and inactivity (percent of scheduled time lost) by various industry, occupation and demographic groups are available for 1973 forward. NCHS: REFER: ACCIDENTS VHSS Series 10-130 Current Estimates from the Health Interview Survey, 1978 Series 10-87 Impairments Due to Injury, U.S., 1971 Series 13-46 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals Annual Summary for the U.S., 1978 MVSR Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 VSUS Vol. II, Section IV Accident Mortality, 1976 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 12, 13, 15, 16, 22, 23, 25, 30, 31, 33, 34, 48, 50, 53, 60 (See pg. 177 for Guide to ADVANCEDATA) Consumer Product Safety Commission National Injury Information Clearinghouse Hazard Identification and Analysis 5401 Westbard Avenue Washington, D.C. 20207 Tel: (301) 492-6424 Contact: Nancy S. Johnston Director Publishes quarterly newsletter, NEISS Data Highlights, annual tabulations of data, and special reports. Mailing lists maintained at no charge. National Safety Council 444 North Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60611 Tel: (312) 527-4800 Publishes annual Accident Facts. Latest edition available is 1980. Cost per copy is $7.00. American Medical Association Order Dept. P.O. Box 821 Monroe, WI 53566 Published "First Aid Guide" Order No. OP 015 $.75 "Home Accidents Aren't Accidental" Order No. OP 359 $.35 Prepayment must be made on all orders of AMA materials. i ACCIDENTS, Boating NCHS: VSUS Vol. II, Part A - Mortality, 1976 (See: ICDA codes E-830-838) REFER: Commandant (G-BP) U.S. Coast Guard Washington, D.C. 20593 Tel: (202) 426-1070 Publishes Boating Statistics (COMDTINST M16754.1 (old CG-357)) annually which contains compilations of boating accident descriptors. NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 10-132 Series 10-125 Series 10-120 Series 10-114 Series 10-102 Series 10-98 Series 10-77 Center for Disease Control 1600 Clifton Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30333 Tel: (404) 329-3195 ACUTE CONDITIONS Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1977-June 1978 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1976-June 1977 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1975-June 1976 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1974-June 1975 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1973-June 1974 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1972-June 1973 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1969-June 1970 Has information and statistics on communicable diseases. To obtain copies of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, call (404) 329-3195. ADOLESCENT HEALTH NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 13-39 Ambulatory Care Utilization Patterns of Children and Young Adults: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, U.S., January-December 1975 Series 11- Variety of reports on aspects of physical, psychological and intellectual growth and development in youths 12-17 years of age. (See CATALOG OF PUBLICATIONS for list of titles) Department of Health and Human Services Health Services Administration Program Service Branch Bureau of Community Health Services 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 7-08 Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-3196 Published "Adolescent Health Care". Publication Number (HSA) 79-5234 NCHS: REFER: ADOPTIONS The National Center for Health Statistics has collected data on adoptions in its National Survey of Family Growth. An article (reprinted from Journal of Marriage and the Family) by Gordon Bonham, entitled "Who Adopts: The Relationship of Adoption and Social-Demographic Characteristics of Women" is available upon request. Public Affairs Pamphlets 381 Park Avenue, South New York, NY 10016 Published "You and Your Adopted Child" Order No. 274 $.50 "Adopting a Child" Order No. 585 $.50 AGING NCHS: VHSS Series 10-124 Series 10-123 Series 10-118 Series 10-113 Series 10-112 Series 10-111 Series 10-99 Series 10-94 Series 10-84 Series 11-213 Series 11-212 Series 11-206 Series 11-203 Series 11-201 Series 13-46 Prevalence of Chronic Skin and Musculoskeletal Conditions, U.S., 1976 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Digestive Conditions, U.S., July-December 1975 Disability Days, U.S., 1975 Health Characteristics by Geographic Region, Large Metropolitan Areas, and Other Places of Residence, U.S., 1973-74 Health Characteristics of Persons With Chronic Activity Limitation, U.S., 1974 Limitation of Activity Due to Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1974 Prevalence of Selected Impairments, U.S., 1971 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Circulatory Conditions, U.S., 1972 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Respiratory Conditions, U.S., 1970 Basic Data on Arthritis, Knee, Hip, and Sacroiliac Joints in Adults Ages 25-74 Years, U.S., 1971-75 Skin Conditions and Related Need for Medical Care Among Persons 1-74 Years, U.S., 1971-74 Refraction Status and Motility Defects of Persons 4-74 Years, United States, 1971-72 Blood Pressure Levels for Persons 6-74 Years, U.S., 1971-74 Monocular Visual Acuity for Persons 4-74 Years, United States, 1971-72 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals, Annual Summary for the U.S., 1978 NCHS: REFER: AGING (Continued) VHSS Series 13-41 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals, Annual Summary for the U.S., 1977 Series 13-35 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals, U.S., 1975 Series 13-34 Surgical Operations in Short-Stay Hospitals, U.S., 1975 Series 13-33 The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 1975 Summary: U.S., January-December 1975 Series 13-32 Charges for Care and Sources of Payment for Residents in Nursing Homes: U.S., National Nursing Home Survey, August 1973-April 1974 / Series 13-29 Profile of Chronic Illnesses in Nursing Homes, U.S., National Nursing Home Survey, August 1973-April 1974 (See CATALOG OF PUBLICATIONS for other reports by age) Additional Reports from HANES I covering the population 1-74 years are now available upon request. ADVANCEDATA Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7, 12, 14, 15, le, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 60, 62, 63, 65 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) MISC (HRA) 81-1232 Health, United States, 1980 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Health of the Elderly" (PHS) 80-1315 No. 4 Statistical Analysis Staff National Clearinghouse on Aging Administration on Aging Room 4552, HHS Building 330 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20201 Tel: (202) 245-0768 Contact: Mr. Don Fowles (202) 245-2158 for publications Lo AGING (Continued) ALSO: Serves as a clearinghouse for information on aging; provides reference services and referrals. Prepares estimates of the number of elderly by county, prepares analytical reports on a variety of topics, issues a newsletter -- Statistical Notes -- on statistical reports and developments. A new Publication -- Facts About Older Americans -- has been released. American Speech-Language and Hearing Association 10801 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Tel: (301) 897-5700 Resource Materials for Communicative Problems of Older Persons (S8 for nonmembers) Organizations and Agencies in the Area of Aging ($10.50 for nonmembers) eeeenee $13.50 for Nonmembers for both Communication Disorders and Aging (brochure; single copy free) National Institutes of Health National Institute on Aging 9000 Rockville Pike Building 31, Room 5C-36 Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-1752 Contact: Jane E. Shure Information Officer The National Institute on Aging (NIA) was established to conduct and support biomedical, social, and behavioral research and training relating to the aging process, and the diseases and other special problems and needs of the aged. NIA published brochures and fact sheets. Single copies can be obtained free of charge by writing to the Institute. 10 ALCOHOL, Consumption of REFER: Bureau of Economic Analysis Consumption Branch U.S. Department of Commerce Washington, DC 20230 Tel: (202) 523-0829 Contact: Paul Lally Has figures on personal consumption expenditures by product, including alcoholic beverages. 11 ALCOHOLISM NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 13-47 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals by Persons Discharged with Alcohol-Related Diagnoses, U.S., 1976 Office of Communications and Public Affairs Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Room 6C-15 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Tel: (301) 443-3783 Has publications including ones entitled "The Impact of Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Treatment on Medical Care Utilization" and the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health National Data Book. Single copies are free. Department of Health and Human Services Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration National Institute of Mental Health Room 18C-17, Parklawn Bldg. 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Tel: (301) 443-3343 Contact: Mrs. Beatrice M. Rosen Survey of psychiatric facilities in which alcoholics are served, conducted by NIMH. National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism P.O. Box 2345 Rockville, Maryland 20852 Tel: (301) 468-2600 Material for the general public and health professionals. Bibliographies on many aspects of alcoholism are available; the Clearinghouse has access to extensive data base and will prepare specialized searches. Some statistics from a variety of sources, mostly program data. The 3rd Report to Congress is a comprehensive collection of available data on alcoholism. 12 ALCOHOLISM (Continued) American Medical Association Order Dept. P.O. Box 821 Monroe, WI 53566 Published "The Illness Called Alcoholism" Order No. OP 192 $.60 Prepayment must be made on all orders for AMA materials. Public Affairs Pamphlets 381 Park Ave., South New York, NY 10016 Published "Understanding and Dealing With Alcoholism" Report #580 $.50 13 ALLERGY (including Hay Fever and Asthma) NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 10-84 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Respiratory Conditions, U.S., 1970 Series 13-35 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals, by Diagnosis U.S., 1975 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 4,12, 13, 15, 16, 22, 25, 30, 34, 37, 41 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) Asthma and Allergy Foundataion of America 19 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036 Tel: (212) 921-9100 American Medical Association Order Dept. P.O. Box 821 Monroe, WI 53566 Published "Allergies" Order No. OP 007 $.50 "Hay Fever & Its Complications" Order No. OP 301 $.45 Prepayment must be made on all orders for AMA materials. 14 AMPUTATIONS NCHS: MISC (PHS) 80-1274 Detailed Diagnoses and Surgical Procedures for Patients Discharged From Short-Stay Hospitals: United States, 1978 The number of amputations performed in 1978 was 89,000 (See ICDA code 85) 15 ARTHRITIS NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 10-124 Prevalence of Chronic Skin and Musculoskeletal Conditions, U.S., 1976 Series 10-111 Limitation of Activity Due to Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1974 Series 11-213 Basic Data on Arthritis, Knee, Hip, and Sacroiliac Joints in Adults Ages 25-74 Years, U.S., 1971-75 Series 11-29 Osteoarthritis and Body Measurements Series 11-20 Osteoarthritis in Adults, by Selected Demographic Characteristics, U.S., 1960-62 Series 11-17 Rheumatoid Arthritis in Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Series 11-15 Prevalence of Osteoarthritis in Adults, by Age, Sex, Race, and Geographic Area, U.S., 1960-62 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 12, 25, 33 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases Rm. 9A-04, Bldg. 31 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-3583 Department of Health and Human Services National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases Arthritis Information Clearinghouse P.O. Box 34427 Bethesda, MD 20034 Tel: (301) 881-9400 Contact: Ms. Renee Schick Acts primarily as a referral organization for professionals such as physicians, nurses, technicians concerened with patients and/or the professional public. Also compiles and distributes bibliographies and other information on arthritis and rheumatic diseases, including education programs currently in operation and those being developed. They also compile, analyze, and distribute data on existing material and programs. 16 ARTHRITIS (Continued) Arthritis Foundation 3400 Peachtree Rd., NE Suite 1101 Atlanta, GA 30326 Tel: (404) 266-0795 Publishes the journal, Arthritis and Rheumatism, Bulletin on the Rheumatic Diseases, Index of Rheumatism Reviews. Additional publications and other educational materials for physicians, patients and the general public are also available. National Arthritis Advisory Board P.O. Box 30286 Bethesda, MD 20014 Publishes an Annual Report to the Congress and the Secretary, HHS, as well as other special, one-time reports. American Medical Association Order Dept. P.O. Box 821 Monroe, WI 53566 Published "Arthritis" Order No. OP 053 $.35 Prepayment must be made on all orders for AMA materials. 17 ys ge WTR VT To, a re eR RT TSE A TE ee . oo SET Ey TY Tr Bt ot > . - . . \ EEE - - - y . - n . \ . ) . . . ’ Bh oo N , ; . A - 8 - . 4 | . | N - \ - . ~ - ' - . N : ~ 7 - ) ) ~ ‘ f . - > . . . So - b - ‘ i ) ¥ . \ Jd ) } . 1 ) ) ) ~ \ ) ‘ - . / . . - . R ) ) . . a ~ , - \ . ‘ , ) ‘ \ ) . . Bh ) . ) \ r \ B : ) . . . ~ i i ) ‘ a . oN \ hve . ) ) pita we BIRTHS, by the Second (Clock Readings) REFER: Bureau of the Census U.S. Dept. of Commerce Population Division Suitland, Maryland 20233 Tel: (301) 763-5002 For U.S. births ALSO: Population Reference Bureau 12337 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 785-4664 Has information on international births 19 BIRTH CONTROL (Contraceptive Utilization) NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 3-17 Series 23-5 Series 23-2 MVSR Vol. 26-3(S) ADVANCEDATA Vol. 26-3(S)2 Patterns of Aggregate and Individual Changes in Contraceptive Practice, U.S., 1965-1975 Contraceptive Efficacy Among Married Women Aged 15-44 Years Contraceptive Utilization: U.S., 1973 The Incidence of Sterilization Following Delivery of Legitimate Live Births in Hospitals: U.S., 1974-75. Nos. 26, 36, 43, 45, 61, (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) The Relationship of Maternal Health Factors to Sterilization Following Delivery of Legitimate Live Births In Hospitals: U.S., 1975 Charles F. Westoff, "Trends in Contraceptive Practice: 1965- 1973," Family Planning Perspectives 8(2), pp. 54-57, 1976 and Kathleen Ford, "Contraceptive Use in the United States, 1973- 1976," Family Planning Perspectives 10(5), pp. 264-269, 1978 American Medical Association Order Dept. P.O. Box 821 Monroe, WI 53566 Published "Birth Control" Order No. OP 155 $.60 Prepayment must be made on all orders of AMA materials. Superintendent of Documents Public Documents Distribution Center Department 13 Pueblo, CO 81009 Pubished "Contraception: Comparing the Options" Order No. 576G Free NCHS: REFER: ALSO: BIRTH DEFECTS/CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS VHSS Series 11-142 Family Background, Early Development, and Intelligence of Children 6-11 Years, U.S. Series 13-46 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals: Annual Summary for the U.S., 1978 Series 21-31 Congenital Anomalies and Birth Injuries Among Live Births, United States, 1973-74 MVSR Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 VSUS Vol. II, Mortality, Part A, 1976 Center for Disease Control Chronic Diseases Division Birth Defects Branch Atlanta, GA 30333 Tel: (404) 452-4080 Contact: Dr. Godfrey P. Oakley, Jr. Chief, Birth Defects Branch Publishes Congenital Malformation Surveillance quarterly, based on data collected by the Birth Defects Monitoring Program; Metropolitan Atlanta, Nebraska, Florida Surveillance System. Incidence of selected malformations and some data by region and State are available. March of Dimes-Birth Defects Foundation 1275 Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY 10605 Tel: (914) 428-7100 x343 Contact: Rukmini Rajagopalan Statistician Prepares Facts each year, a book describing their programs of research, medical services, and education for prevention of birth defects. This book contains statistical tables and charts on the incidence of low birthweight, prevalence of selected birth defects, and the relationship of prenatal care to low birthweight. There is no charge for this publication. National Clearinghouse for Human Genetic Disease 805 15th St. NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005 Tel: (202) 842-7617 Contact: Ron McBee Has information on human genetics and education materials. 21 BLACKS, HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS OF NCHS: VHSS Most reports in the Vital and Health Statistics Series present data by color or race. See CATALOG OF PUBLICATIONS for complete listing of titles. Series 10-127 Family Out-of-Pocket Health Expenses, U.S., 1975 Series 10-124 Prevalence of Chronic Skin and Musculoskeletal Conditions, U.S., 1976 Series 10-123 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Digestive Conditions, U.S., July-December 1975 Series 10-118 Disability Days, U.S., 1975 Series 10-109 Prevalence of Chronic Conditions of the Genitourinary, Nervous, Endocrine, Metabolic, and Blood and Blood-Forming Systems and of Other Selected Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1973 Series 10-99 Prevalence of Selected Impairments, U.S., 1971 Series 10-94 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Circulatory Conditions, U.S., 1972 Series 10-84 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Respiratory Conditions, U.S., 1970 Series 11-203 Blood Pressure Levels for Persons 6-74 Years, U.S., 1971-74 Series 13-44 The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 1977 Summary, U.S., January-December 1977 Series 21-26 Selected Vital and Health Statistics in Poverty and Nonpoverty Areas of 19 Large Cities, U.S., 1969-71 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 1, 2, 3,6,7,9, 10, 12, 15, 16, ” 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29, 32, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 20, 29, 26, 58, 59, 61 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA. Underlined numbers indicate those reports which break data down specifically for "Black" or "Negro" while the others list only "White" and "All Other"). BLACKS, HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS OF (Continued) MISC: Health Data on Blacks in America Transcript of a lecture given by Dorothy P. Rice, Director, NCHS, at the Atlanta University Center, November 19, 1979. In this presentation Mrs. Rice discussed morbidity and mortality among blacks and utilization of health care services by blacks in the United States. BIBLIOGRAPHY Publications on . . . The Health of Minority Groups (PHS) 1315-3 Health Status of Minority Groups (Chapter reprint from Health, United States, 1979) REFER: Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. Published "The Social and Economic Status of the Black Population in the U.S.: An Historical View 1790-1978" Order No. Series P-23 No. 80 Stock Number S/N 003-024-01659-1 $4.50 23 BREAST FEEDING NCHS: VHSS Series 23-3 Trends in Breast Feeding Among American Mothers ADVANCEDATA No. 59 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) These reports are based on the National Survey of Family Growth. They report trends in breast feeding, as well as differences by race, Hispanic origin, education, occupation, and other characteristics. REFER: Public Affairs Pamphlet 381 Park Ave. South New York, NY 10016 Published "Breastfeeding" Pamphlet No. 3535 $.50 24 NCHS: REFER: BURNS VHSS Series 10-105 Persons Injured and Disability Days by Detailed Type and Class of Accident, u.S., 1971-72 Series 13-35 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals, by Diagnosis U.S., 1975 VSUS Vol. II, Part A, Mortality, 1976 Consumer Product Safety Commission National Injury Information Clearinghouse Hazard Identification and Analysis 5401 Westbard Avenue Washington, D.C. 20207 Tel: (301) 492-6424 Contact: Nancy S. Johnston Director Publishes quarterly newsletter, NEISS Data Highlights, annual tabulations of data, and special reports. Mailing lists maintained at no charge. American Burn Association Dept. of Surgery Cornell Medical Center 525 East 68th St. New York, NY 10021 Tel: (212) 744-4447 Contact: P. William Curreri, MD Secretary 25 i i s Rt el NE ie Cl haan lal Westin nal = NCHS: REFER: CANCER VHSS Series 10-111 Limitation of Activity Due to Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1974 Series 11-212 Skin Conditions and Related Need for Medical Care Among Persons 1-74 Years, U.S., 1971-74 Series 13-46 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals, Annual Summary for the U.S., 1978 MVSR Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 VSUS Vol. II, Mortality, Part A - 1976 (See Table 1-23 for mortality by specific type of cancer) Vol. II, Mortality, Part B - 1977 (Geographic detail presents cancer mortality by State, county, and Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area) ADVANCEDATA Nos. 4, 15, 29 (See pg. 177 for Guide to ADVANCEDATA) National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institutes Office of Cancer Communications Bldg. 31, Room 10A-18 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5583 (Public inquiries) (301) 496-6641 (Press office) Third National Cancer Survey: Incidence Data (National Cancer Inst. Monograph 41) contains incidence data collected during 1969-71 in 7 metropolitan areas and 2 States. This publication is out-of-print but may be found in medical libraries. Cancer Patient Survival, Report No. 5, presents survival rates for 39 forms of cancer over the period 1950-1973. "SEER Program: Cancer Incidence and Mortality in the U.S., 1973-76" Cancer Patient Survival Experience provides information on survival trends (1960-63 and 1970-73), a comparison of survival for black and white patients, and a discussion of the long-term effects of cancer. 27 CANCER (Continued) ALSO: American Cancer Society 777 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 Tel: (212) 371-2900, Ext. 405 A complete listing of publications is available upon request. American Medical Association Order Dept. P.O. Box 821 Monroe, WI 53566 Published "Cancer: Facts You Should Know" Order No. OP 046 S$.75 Prepayment must be made on all orders of AMA materials. 28 NCHS: REFER: CEREBRAL PALSY Unpublished data from the Health Interveiw Survey (1977) show an estimated 176,000 cases of cerebral palsy among the civilian, noninstitutionalized population, U.S. VHSS Series 11-142 Family Background, Early Development, and Intelligence of Children 6-11 Years, U.S. VSUS Vol. II Mortality, Part A, 1976 National Institutes of Health National Institutes of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke Bldg. 31, Room 8A-06 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5751 (for publications and General Info.) Publishes a fact sheet on neurological and sensory disability: estimated numbers and costs. United Cerebral Palsy Associations, Inc. 21 W. 38th St. - 5th floor New York, NY 10018 Tel: (212) 921-0880 Publishes facts about cerebral palsy and related disabilities. 29 CHARGES, HOSPITALS NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 13-15 Patient Charges in Short-Stay Hospitals, U.S., 1968-70 MISC (HRA) 81-1232 Health, United States, 1980 Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Financing Administration Office of Research, Demonstrations, and Statistics Office of Statistics and Data Management Room 3F 3, Meadows East 6401 Security Blvd. Baltimore, MD 21235 Tel: (301) 594-6702 Contact: Statistical Information Services Branch Has information on hospital charges available from a quarterly publication entitled "Health Care Financing Trends". 30 NCHS: VHSS Series 13-43 Series 13-38 Series 13-32 ADVANCEDATA MISC (HRA) 81-1232 31 CHARGES, NURSING HOMES National Nursing Home Survey: 1977 Summary for the U.S. Nursing Home Costs-1972 United States: National Nursing Home Survey-August 1973-April 1974 Charges for Care and Sources of Payment for Residents in Nursing Homes: U.S., National Nursing Home Survey, August 1973-April 1974 Nos. 29, 35 (See pg. 177 for Guide to ADVANCEDATA) Health, United States, 1980 CHILD ABUSE REFER: ALSO: National Clearinghouse on Domestic Violence P.O. Box 2309 Rockville, MD 20852 Tel: (301) 428-3104 National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect P.O. Box 1182 Washington, DC 20013 Tel: (202) 755-0590 Contact: Mr. Joe Wechsler The NCCAN is undertaking a national study of the incidence and severity of child abuse and neglect. In addition, an attempt is being made to collect, on a voluntary basis, the official reports of child abuse and neglect from all State departments of welfare/social services. American Humane Association 5351 S. Roslyn St. Englewood, CO 80111 Tel: (303) 779-1400 Publishes a Fact Sheet on Child Neglect and Abuse in America. Also publishes every 10 years, a nationwide survey of the status of child protective services. The 1980 Survey contains facts from all 50 States and over 1,200 counties. Public Affairs Pamphlets 381 Park Ave., South New York, NY 10016 Published "To Combat Child Abuse and Neglect" Order No. 508 $.50 32 NCHS: REFER: ALSO: CHILD HEALTH VHSS Series 13-39 Ambulatory Care Utilization Patterns of Children and Young Adults: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, U.S., January-December 1975 Series 11-165 NCHS Growth Curves for Children, Birth-18 Years, U.S. (See CATALOG OF PUBLICATIONS for other data from the Health Examination ‘ Survey of Children 6-11 years of age. These include data on aspects of physical, psychological, and intellectual growth and development). Administration for Children, Youth, and Families Research, Development, and Evaluation Division Office of Human Development Services P.O. Box 1182 Washington, DC 20013 Tel: (202) 755-7750 Contact: Edith H. Grotberg, Ph.D. Published The Status of Children, Youth, and Families 1979. This report is the third in the series of biennial reports on the conditions of children, youth, and families. It compiles and describes statistics from a wide variety of both Federal and nonfederal sources that pertain to children, youth, and families, and to the conditions, trends, and programs that affect them. This new edition contains a number of features not found in earlier versions. For example, Chapter 2: Life Cycle Development, treats the factor of time in human development, from birth through death, and identifies characteristics of the various stages of life and some of the potential problems. Chapter 6: Status of Research Related to Children, Chapter 7: Status of Research Related to Youth, and Chapter 8: Status of Research Related to Families are also new. They are added because research is increasingly recognized as an aid in understanding the conditions of children, youth, and families and can provide us with knowledge about how to improve or prevent these conditions. Superintendent of Documents Public Documents Distribution Center Dept. 13 Pueblo, CO 81009 Published "Child Development in the Home" Order No. 007G $.45 "Your Child from 1-6" Order No. 011G $1.75 33 CHILD HEALTH (Continued) American Medical Association Order Dept. P.O. Box 821 Monroe, WI 53566 Published "Prenatal Care" Order No. OP 057 $.90 Prepayment must be made on all orders for AMA materials. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, DC 20502 Tel: (202) 783-3238 Available from the Government Printing Office is a 4-Volume set on Child Health. They were written by Mary Grace Kovar of the National Center for Health Statistics to the United States Congress and the Secretary of Health and Human Services. When ordering, please specify which volume you would like. Volume I Major Findings and Recommendations Volume II Analysis and Recommendations for Selected Federal Programs Volume III A Statistical Profile - Better Health for Our Children: A National Strategy The Report of the Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health, 1980 Volume IV Background Papers NCHS: VHSS Series 10-124 Series 10-123 Series 10-113 Series 10-112 Series 10-111 Series 10-109 Series 10-96 Series 10-84 Series 11-213 Series 11-129 Series 11-29 Series 13-46 Series 13-35 Series 13-29 ADVANCEDATA 35 CHRONIC CONDITIONS Prevalence of Chronic Skin and Musculoskeletal Conditions, U.S., 1976 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Digestive Conditions, United States, 1975 Health Characteristics by Geographic Region, Large Metropolitan Areas, and Other Places of Residence, U.S., 1973-74 Health Characteristics of Persons With Chronic Activity Limitation, U.S., 1974 Limitation of Activity Due to Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1974 Prevalence of Chronic Conditions of the Genitourinary, Nervous, Endocrine, Metabolic, and Blood and Blood-Forming Systems and of Other Selected Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1973 Limitation of Activity and Mobility Due to Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1972 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Respiratory Conditions, U.S., 1970 Basic Data on Arthritis, Knee, Hip, and Sacroiliac Joints in Adults Ages 25-74 Years, U.S., 1971-75 Examination and Health History Findings Among Children and Youths 6-17 Years Osteoarthritis and Body Measurements Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals, Annual Summary for the U.S., 1978 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals, U.S., 1975 Profile of Chronic Illnesses in Nursing Homes, U.S., National Nursing Home Survey, August 1973-April 1974 Nos. 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 27, 41, 42, (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) COMMUNICABLE DISEASES NCHS: VHSS Series 10-132 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1977-June 1978 Series 10-130 Current Estimates from the Health Interview Survey, 1978 REFER: Center for Disease Control 1600 Clifton Road, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30333 Tel: (404) 329-3534 Contact: (General Information) Tel: (404) 329-3915 Contact: (Subscribe to Morbidity and Mortality Weekl Report) Publishes the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report and Annual Summary showing reported cases and deaths from selected communicable diseases. Some data are available by State. CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS, Health Characteristic REFER: Medical and Services Division Bureau of Prisons 320 First St. NW Washington, DC 20534 Tel: (202) 724-3055 Has data on Federal facilities only; deaths, surgical information, communicable diseases. Also has some data on medical conditons of prisoners upon arrival at the facilities. 37 CRIME REFER: National Criminal Justice Reference Service 1600 Research Blvd. Rockville, MD 20850 Tel: (301) 251-5500 The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) is a clearinghouse of information about law enforcement and criminal justice. The NCJRS collection currently contains nearly 40,000 research reports, published papers, books, articles, and audiovisual presentations. NCJRS reference specialists respond to individual reference queries by conducting computer searches of the NCJRS data base. They furnish single copies of selected documents and identify additional sources of information. NCJRS publishes a series of topical bibliographies on subjects of special interest. These reference aids highlight current literature and many of them contain additional sources of information. To receive monthly announcements of documents available write or telephone NCJRS at the above number and ask for a registration form. 38 NCHS: REFER: CYSTIC FIBROSIS VHSS Series 10-109 Prevalence of Chronic Conditions of the Genitourinary, Nervous, Endocrine, Metabolic, and Blood and Blood-Forming Systems and of Other Selected Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1973 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 6000 Executive Boulevard - Suite 309 Rockville, MD 20852 Tel: (301) 881-9130 The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to find the means through research for prevention, control and effective treatment of Cystic Fibrosis. The goal of the Foundation is to improve the length of survival and quality of life of individuals affected by Cystic Fibrosis, and to reduce the impact of the disease on the patient, the family, and society. A complete listing of publications and audio-visual materials for health professionals and the general public is available upon request. 39 NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 10-130 Series 10-89 Series 11-214 Series 11-162 Series 11-151 Series 11-144 Series 11-130 Series 11-106 Series 11-36 Series 11-33 Series 11-27 Series 11-23 Series 11-12 Series 11-7 DENTAL HEALTH Current Estimates from the Health Interview Survey, 1978 Edentulous Persons, U.S., 1971 Basic Data on Dental Examination Findings of Persons 1-74 Years, U.S., 1971-74 An Assessment of the Occlusion of Teeth of Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Oral Hygiene Among Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth Among Youths 12-17 Years Assessment of the Occlusion of Teeth of Children 6-11 Years, U.S. Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth Among Children, U.S. Need for Dental Care Among Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Selected Examination Findings Related to Peridontal Disease Among Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Total Loss of Teeth in Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth in Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Peridontal Disease in Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Selected Dental Findings in Adults by Age, Race, and Sex, U.S., 1960- 62 Department of Health and Human Services Division of Dentistry Public Health Service Center Building, Room 1-20 3700 East-West Highway Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 Tel: (301) 436-6534 41 DENTAL HEALTH (Continued) National Institutes of Health National Institute of Dental Research Room 2C-34 - Building 31 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-4261 42 NCHS: REFER DIABETES VHSS Series 2-3 The One-Hour Glucose Tolerance Test Series 10-109 Prevalence of Chronic Conditions of the Genitourinary, Nervous, Endocrine, Metabolic, and Blood and Blood-Forming Systems and of Other Selected Chronic Conditions, 1973 Series 11-21 Childbearing and Diabetes Mellitus, | U.S., 1960-1962 Series 11-18 Blood Glucose Levels in Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Series 11-2 Glucose Tolerance of Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Series 13-46 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals: Annual Summary for the U.S., 1978 Series 13-35 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals by Diagnosis, U.S., 1975 Series 13-29 Profile of Chronic Illness in Nursing Homes, U.S.: National Nursing Home Survey, August 1973-April 1974 Series 20-10 Diabetes Mellitus Mortality in the U.S., 1950-1967 MVSR Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 VSUS Vol. II, Part A, Mortality 1976 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 15, 16, 30, 48 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) National Institutes of Health National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases Room 9A-04, Building 31 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-3583 43 DIABETES (Continued) NIAMDD published Diabetes Data (1977), a very detailed compilation of morbidity and mortality data by region, and State. A breakdown is also given of complications of Diabetes. For statistical information only, Contact: Dr. Maureen Harris. American Medical Association Order Department P.O. Box 821 Monroe, WI 53566 Published "Diabetes" - Order No. OP 114 - $.50 Prepayment must be made on all orders for AMA materials. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse 805 15th Street, N.W. - Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Tel: (202) 842-7630 Collects and disseminates information on patient education materials and coordinates the development of materials and programs for diabetes education. NCHS: REFER: ALSO: DIGESTIVE DISEASES VHSS Series 10-130 Current Estimates From the Health Interview Survey, U.S., 1978 Series 10-125 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated J Disability, U.S., July 1976-June 1977 Series 10-123 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Digestive Conditions, U.S., 1975 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 30, 48, 50, 60 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) National Institutes of Health National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases Room 9A-04, Building 31 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-3583 Contact: Betsy Singer National Digestive Diseases Education and Information Clearinghouse 1555 Wilson Blvd. - Suite 600 Rossyln, Virginia 22209 Tel: (703) 522-0870 Provides information on digestive diseases to health professionals and consumers. ( 4s DISABILITY NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 10-135 Use of Special Aids, U.S., 1977 Series 10-132 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, July 1976-June 1977 Series 10-130 Current Estimates from the Health Interview Survey, U.S., 1978 Series 10-118 Disability Days, U.S., 1975 Series 10-112 Health Characteristics of Persons with Chronic Activity Limitation, U.S., 1974 Series 10-111 Limitation of Activity Due to Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1974 ADVANCEDATA No. 47 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) MISC (HRA) 78-1241 State Estimates of Disability and Utilization of Medical Services: U.S., 1974-76 Division of Disability Studies Social Security Administration Room 2223 Annex Baltimore, Maryland 21235 Tel: (301) 594-0316 Contact: Ms. Mary Ellen Burdette SSA has conducted surveys of the disabled in 1966, 1972, 1974 and 1978. Detailed reports on the characteristics of the disabled, on income and assets, on labor force activity, on medical care utilization and on adjustments to disability are available from the first 2 surveys. Several similar reports from the 1974 survey are now available. In addition, statistics on applicants for and beneficiaries of the SSA disability programs are prepared from program records. Some findings from the 1978 survey will be published in chartbook form this fall. be NCHS: REFER: DIVORCE VHSS Series 21-34 Divorce by Marriage Cohort Series 21-29 Divorces and Divorce Rates, U.S. (Based on population data from the 1970 census, and trend data through 1976) Series 21-24 100 Years of Marriage and Divorce Statistics: U.S., 1867-1967 Series 21-23 Teenagers: Marriages, Divorces, Parenthood and Mortality, U.S. Series 21-22 Divorces: Analysis of Changes, U.S., 1969 MVSR Vol. 29-4(S) Final Divorce Statistics, 1978 VSUS Vol. III, Marriage and Divorce, 1976 ADVANCEDATA No. 58 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) Bureau of the Census Population Division Room 2264, Federal Bldg. #3 Washington, D.C. 20233 Population Division - Marriage and Families Branch Tel: (301) 763-7950 - Contact: Mr. Arthur Norton Expectation of Divorce - Number of marriages ending in divorce Tel: (301) 763-7950 - Contact: Mr. Jim Weed Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. 20502 Published "Divorce, Child Custody, and Child Support" $1.50. S/N 003- 001-90846-8 Special Studies - P-23, No. 84 47 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE REFER: National Clearinghouse on Domestic Violence P.O. Box 2309 Rockville, Maryland 20852 Tel: (301) 251-5172 Serves as a central resource for information on the problems and issues of domestic violence. Collects and disseminates information in the areas of sexual abuse in the family, psychological studies on domestic violence, counseling the abused and abuser, program management, prevention, acute medical services, and community networking. 48 REFER: DRUG ABUSE Department of Health and Human Services National Institute on Drug Abuse National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information Room 10A-53, Parklawn Building 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-6500 General information, publications, documents collection, and bibliographies on selected aspects of drug abuse are available from the Clearinghouse. Department of Health and Human Services National Institute on Drug Abuse Division of Resource Development, Forecasting Branch Room 10-05, Parklawn Building 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-2401 Contact: Dr. William Pollen, Director The Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) is a large-scale, nationwide, trend analysis system jointly sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration and National Institute on Drug Abuse. DAWN examines drug abuse mentions encountered in emergency rooms and medical examiner's offices. Department of Health and Human Services National Institute on Drug Abuse Office of Medical and Professional Affairs Room 10A-19, Parklawn Building 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-4877 Contact: William H. Spillane The National Survey on Drug Abuse, recently conducted in 1977, is a biennial, nationwide survey measuring nonmedical drug use and related attitudes. Data collection utilized a national probability sample design and personal, face-to-face interviews. Department of Health and Human Services National Institute on Drug Abuse Division of Scientific and Program Information Analytical Studies Branch Room 11A-56, Parklawn Building 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-6637 Contact: Mrs. Bette Darling 49 DRUG ABUSE (Continued) The NIDA Statistical Series publications deal with a variety of data relating to drug abuse treatment, clients, and facilities. Included are annual and quarterly reports from the Client Oriented Data Acquisition Process (CODAP), a required reporting process for all units which receive rehabilitation services. Annual reports from the National Drug Abuse Treatment Utilization Survey (NDATUS), a national survey effort designed to measure the scope and use of drug abuse treatment services throughout the United States regardless of funding source. Special topical and trend reports are also available in the Statistical Series. The quarterly reports from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), a non random sample of hospital emergency rooms and medical examiners/coroners drug abuse episodes from 26 SMSAs. American Medical Association Order Department P.O. Box 821 Monroe, WI 53566 Published "Psychoactive Drugs" Order No. OP 455-S.75 Prepayment must be made on all orders for AMA materials. Superintendent of Documents Public Documents Distribution Center Department 13 Pueblo, Colorado 81009 Published "National Survey on Drug Abuse - 1977 Volume I-Main Findings" Order No. 86R9 S/N 017 024 00707-2 - $5.00 Public Affairs Pamphlets 381 Park Avenue, South New York, NY 10016 Published "Children and Drugs" Order No. 584 -$.50 50 NCHS: REFER: DRUG USE, PRESCRIBED VHSS Series 10-108 Out-of-Pocket Cost and Acquisition of Prescribed Medicines, U.S., 1973 MISC (PHS) 80-1240 The Nation's Use of Health Resources, 1979 Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Financing Administration Bureau of Program Policy Office of Reimbursement Policy Room 1A3 - East Lowrise Bldg. 6401 Security Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21235 Tel: (301) 597-1845 Has information on prescription drug summary in a report entitled, "Guide to Prescription Drug Costs". Superintendent of Documents Public Affairs Distribution Center Department 13 Pueblo, Colorado 81009 Published "Prescription Drugs" - Order No. 599G - Free "Generic Drugs-How Good Are They?" Order No. 596G - Free 51 DWARFISM REFER: National Institutes of Health National Institute on Child Health and Human Development Building 31 - Room 2A32 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5133 Contact: 52 Joan Muller, Public Information Specialist REFER: EDUCATION National Center for Education Statistics Division of Statistical Services 400 Maryland Ave. SW Washington, DC 20202 Tel: (301) 436-7900 Has available a catalog of NCES publications. National Institute of Education U.S. Department of Education 1200 19th Street, NW Washington, DC 20208 Tel: (202) 254-7150 - Information Tel: (202) 254-5800 - Publications Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, DC 20502 Published "The Condition of Education-1979 Edition" S/N 017-080-02008-4 $7.00 53 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES REFER: Department of Health and Human Services National Center for Health Services Research 3700 East-West Highway, Room 7-44 Hyattsville, MD 20783 Tel: (301) 436-8970 Published a report from the Research Proceedings Series (PHS) 79-3225- 1 "EMS Research Methodology--Workshop I". This document describes the accomplishments and results of the workshop on EMS research methods. It includes information on surveys in EMS research, the background and relationship of EMS systems development to evaluation research and principles of research design. National Clearinghouse for Emergency Medical Services 6625 Belcrest Road, Room 320 Hyyattsville, MD 20782 Tel: (301) 436-6267 They have information on trauma care capabilities in the United States and technical information on many subjects related to Emergency Medical Services. Publications include: A listing of State and regional emergency medical service systems. For additional information regarding trauma care in your local area contact your local medical society or your local emergency medical services organization. 54 NCHS: REFER: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH VHSS Series 4-20 Statistics Needed for determining the Effects of the Environment on Health - Report of the Technical Consultant Panel to the United States National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics MISC (PHS) 80-1248 Environmental Health, A Plan for Collecting and Coordinating Statistical and Epidemiologic Data This report includes: 1) a review of the data currently available from Federal data collection systems on human health and vital events in the American personal exposures to suspected hazards suffered by Americans; and 2) identification of deficiencies inherent in the use of these and all environmental health data. (PHS) 80-1275 Environmental Health, A Study of the Issues in Locating, Assessing, and Treating Individuals Exposed to Hazardous Substances This study spans a broad range of environmental health concerns-- from research aimed at identifying populations or individuals exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous substances to disease detection and the referral of individuals to needed sources of health care. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Tel: (919) 541-3345 Contact: Hugh James Lee NIEHS research is the basis for preventive programs for environmentally related diseases. They publish directories of their research programs, bibliographies, and monographs on topics such as chemical pollutants in the environment. Publications: Environmental Health Perspectives, bimonthly -- conference papers, articles, state of the art reviews. 55 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (Continued) ALSO: National Institutes of Health National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Office of Information 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 8-20 Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-2140 Serves as the point of contact for inquiries relating to the policies of the NIOSH. This office answers questions of a non-technical nature of the occupational safety and health field and supplies single copies of publications upon request. Their automated database consists of The Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS), formerly called the Toxic Substances List which is compiled on an annual basis. Environmental Protection Agency Public Inquiry Center (PM-215) 401 M St., SW Washington, DC 20460 Tel: (202) 755-0707 This office distributes publications related to major types of pollution, including air, water pollution, land use, solid waste and noise pollution. Other information materials such as posters are also distributed from this office. NCHS: REFER: EPILEPSY VHSS Series 10-109 Prevalence of Chronic Conditions of the Genitourinary, Nervous, Endocrine, Metabolic, and Blood and Blood-Forming Systems and of Other Selected Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1973 Series 11-142 Family Background, Early Development, and Intelligence of Children 6-11 Years, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke Bldg. 31, Room 8A-06 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5751 Contact: Mr. Robert Hinkel Publishes a listing of estimates on neurological and sensory disability; estimated numbers and cost. Epilepsy Foundation of America 1828 "L" St. NW Suite 406 Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 293-2930 Contact: Ms. Ann Scherer Director, Public Information and Education 57 EXPENDITURES, HEALTH CARE NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 3-20 Social and Economic Implications of Cancer Series 10-127 Family Out-of-Pocket Health Expenses, uU.S., 1975 Series 10-108 Out-of-Pocket Cost and Acquisition of Prescibed Medicines, U.S., 1973 MISC (HRA) 81-1232 Health, United States, 1980 Data from a new survey being conducted now - the National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey - will be available in the Fall of 198l. Department of Health and Human Services National Center for Health Services Research 3700 East-West Highway, Room 7-44 Hyattsville, MD 20783 Tel: (301) 436-8970 Published a report from the Research Proceedings Series (PHS) 79-3256 "Sharing Health Care Costs". This report presents the results from the International Seminar on Sharing of Health Care Costs. It includes information on the rising cost of health care, trends in cost in the U.S. and other countries, ideas on Cost-Sharing, and the role of health insurance policies. NCHSR also conducts a survey entitled the "National Medical Care Expenditures Survey." This survey provides comprehensive statistical pictures of how health services are used and paid for in the U.S. Social Security Administration 1875 Connecticut Ave. NW Universal North Building Room 940 Washington, DC 20009 Tel: (202) 673-5706 Contact: Joe Simanis Has statistics available on international health care expenditures. 58 EXPENDITURES, HEALTH CARE (Continued) Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Financing Administration Office of Research, Demonstrations and Statistics Office of Statistics and Data Management Meadows East Building, Room 3F3 6401 Security Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21235 Tel: (301) 594-6702 Contact: Statistical Information Services Branch Has information on health care expenditures available from a quarterly publication entitled "Health Care Financing Trends". *See also CHARGES, FEES, PHYSICIANS 59 NCHS: FAMILY PLANNING VHSS Series 1-13 Background and Development of the National Reporting System for Family Planning Services Series 1-12 Development of the National Inventory of Family Planning Services, U.S. Series 2-76 National Survey of Family Growth, Cycle I: Sample Design, Estimation Procedures, and Variance Estimation Series 3-17 Patterns of Aggregate and Individual Changes in Contraceptive Practice, U.S., 1965-1975 Series 14-19 The National Inventory of Family Planning Services 1975 Survey Results Series 14-15 An Inventory of Family Planning Service Sites: Institutional Characteristics, U.S., 1974 Series 23-2 Contraceptive Utilization: U.S., 1973 Series 23-1 Utilization of Family Planning Services by Currently Married Women 15-44 Years of Age: U.S., 1973 MVSR Vol. 26-3(S) The Incidence of Sterilization Following Delivery of Legitimate Live Births in Hospitals: U.S. ADVANCEDATA Nos. 9, 10, 11, 36, 40, 43, 45, 55, 56, 61, (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) Vol. 26-3(S)2 The Relationship of Maternal Health Factors to Sterilization Following Delivery of Legitimate Live Births In Hospitals: U.S., MISC (HRA) 78-1238 National Reporting System for Family Planning Services, 1975 (PHS) 78-1239 Directory: Family Planning Sites, U.S. Data for 1977 and 1978 will be available soon. These reports will be coming out of the Vital and Health Statistics Series. 61 FAMILY PLANNING (Continued) REFER: National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information P.O. Box 2225 Rockville, Maryland 20852 The Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information is a source for identifying, locating, and disseminating information and materials for patient and professional education related to family planning. They publish the Catalog of Family Planning Materials and a bimonthly Information Services Bulletin. The purpose of these publications is to make users aware of current information materials that are generally available from many different sources. 62 FEES, PHY SICIANS' MISC (HRA) 81-1232 Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Financing Administration Office of Research, Demonstration, and Statistics Office of Statistics and Data Management Meadows East Building, Room 3F3 6401 Security Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21235 Tel: (301) 594-6702 Contact: Statistical Information Services Branch Information on physician and dentist fees is now available from a new, as yet unpublished edition of "Medical Care Expenditures, Prices and Costs: Background Book". *See also EXPENDITURES, HEALTH CARE 63 wr - _ k . Eo. r E . : I - t ' I ; Pe ¥ = b ) E - - 3 : . ) i . 3 pis . . 3 g k ’ / . " + ) ) ‘ " x 3 CER SR NEE : itd 5 Himes na paket i RNG it Belden ll REFER: ALSO: HANDICAPPED VHSS Series 10-135 Use of Special Aids, U.S., 1977 Series 10-134 Prevalence of Selected Impairments, u.S., 1977 MISC (HRA) 78-1241 State Estimates of Disability and . Utilization of Medical Services, U.S., 1974-76 Department of Health and Human Services Clearinghouse on the Handicapped Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Switzer Bldg., Room 3631 Washington, DC 20202 Tel: (202) 472-3796 A number of publications are available through this office, including: Programs for the Handicapped, periodical, 6 issues per year, free. This focuses on Federal activities benefiting the handicapped; A Summary of Selected Legislation Relating to the Handicapped, 1977-78. Summarizes legislation relevant to the handicapped enacted by the 95th Congress; Directory of National Information Sources on Handicapping Conditions and Related Services, 1980. This is designed for the information and services providers. It describes 259 voluntary organizations and 25 Federal operations. Many organizations are also service providers but the descriptions focus on the information capacities. Those who are other than information or service providers may purchase directories from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S., Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, Price: 6.50. Selected Federal Publications Concerning the Handicapped, $.80. A selected list of publications concerning the handicapped available from HHS, other Federal agencies, or the Government Printing Office. Pocket Guide to Federal Help for the Disabled Person. Division of Assistance to States Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Department of Education Donohoe Bldg., Room 4046 400 Maryland Ave. SW Washington, DC 20202 Tel: (202) 472-4825 This office has information on the number of handicapped children, by State, for the United States. 65 HANDICAPPED (Continued) American Speech-Language Hearing Association 10801 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 Tel: (301) 897-5700 Recognizing Communication Disorders (brochure; single copy free) Superintendent of Documents Public Documents Distribution Center Dept. 13 Pueblo, CO 81009 Published "Your Rights as a Disabled Person" Order No. 641G Free Public Affairs Pamphlet 381 Park Ave. South New York, NY 10016 Published "Independent Living: New Goal for Disabled Persons" Order No. 522 $.50 Published "Recreation for Disabled Persons" Order No. 571 $.50 Published "Jobs for the Handicapped Persons: A New Era in Civil Rights" Order No. 557 $.50 Published "The Legal Rights of Retarded Persons" Order No. 583 $.50 66 NCHS: REFER: HEADACHES VHSS Series 10-125 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1976-June 1967 Series 11-28 History and Examination Findings Related to Visual Acuity Among Adults, United States, 1960-1962 American Association for the Study of Headache 5252 N. Western Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60625 Tel: (312) 878-5558 Contact: Dr. Seymour Diamond, M.D. Executive Director Publication available: Journal, HEADACHE, published bimonthly. National Migraine Foundation 5214 N. Western Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60625 Tel: (312) 878-7715 Contact: Dr. Seymour Diamond, M.D. Executive Director Publication available: Journal, NEWSLETTER, published quarterly. The National Migraine Foundation has an information service and doctor referral service for headache patients. Superintendent of Documents Public Documents Distribution Center Department 13 Pueblo, CO 81009 Pubished "Headaches" Order No. 038G $.35 Public Affairs Pamphlets 381 Park Ave. South New York, NY 10016 Published "What We Know About Headaches" Order No. 502 $.50 67 HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY REFER: National Center for Health Care Technology Room 17A-29 Parklawn Bldg. 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Tel: (301) 443-1610 Contact: Peter Alterman At the present time NCHCT is publishing a number of documents on health care technology assessment. The first is an NCHCT monograph series of overview papers on particular technologies, including "Radiographic Examination of the Colon," "Ultrasound Diagnostic Techniques in Cardiology" (in preparation), "Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: One Internist's Perspective" (in preparation), "Dental Radiology" in preparation with the Bureau of Radiological Health/FDA, and "End-Stage Renal Disease" (in preparation). NCHCT hopes to publish several others during FY 81. The Center is also publishing a summary and proceedings of its National Conference on Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein, a new Fact Sheet describing the mandate and functions of the Center, and a series of pamphlets defining the goals and purposes of the various subcommittees of the National Council on Health Care Technology. These include a statement of criteria for selection of candidate technologies for assessment. At the present time, NCHCT has a Research Grant Announcement available. REFER: HEALTH EDUCATION Health and Human Services Center for Disease Control Bureau of Health Education 1300 Clifton Rd., Bldg. 14 Atlanta, GA 30333 Tel: (404) 329-3235 Provides leadership and program director for the prevention of disease, disability, premature death and undesirable and unnecessary health problems through health education. Inquiries on health education can be directed to BHE. National Health Education Committee, Inc. 870 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 Tel: (212) 758-1242 Contact: Mrs. Brewer Published "Killers and Cripplers, Facts on the Major Diseases in the U.S. Today, 1976 Edition" $9.95 69 HEALTH INDEXES NCHS: Clearinghouse on Health Indexes Division of Analysis National Center for Health Statistics 3700 East-West Highway, Room 2-27 Hyattsville, MD 20782 Tel: (301) 436-7035 The Clearinghouse of Health Indexes has been established by the National Center for Health Statistics to promote the development and utilization of indexes of health. It focuses on technical and scientific information realated to the construction of quantitative measurtes of health, rather than disease. This information center obtains and classifies documents, both published and unpublished, and prepares annotated bibliographies of the holdings. Current research on health indexes and the principal investigators carrying it out are identified and categorized; this file includes information about the applications of health indexes, as well as about methods for their construction. In addition, the Clearinghouse meets with various investigators to learn first hand about developments in the field and sponsors meetings to advance the state of the art. By collecting and maintaining up-to-date information, the Clearinghouse provides the following three services: (a) bibliographies on specified subjects, (b) referrals to informed persons or organizations, and (c) the dissemination of new information on health indexes. Dynamic interaction between all persons interested in the development of health indexes will stimulate growth within the field. The Clearinghouse staff urges active communication and participation. For further information, contact the Clearinghouse at the address or phone number listed above. To obtain a copy of (HRA) 80-1225, Clearinghouse on Health Indexes, call (301) 436-NCHS. 70 REFER: HEALTH INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE National Health Information Clearinghouse 1555 Wilson Blvd., Suite 600 Rosslyn, VA 22209 Tel: (703) 522-2590 The National Health Information Clearinghouse (NHIC) is a central referral source designed to help answer questions on health. NHIC was created to provide increased access to the wide variety of health resources available by answering the question "Where do I go for Health Information?" NHIC only provides information on health resources; NO medical advice or referrals to individual physicians are given. In addition to inquiries, NHIC services include a database on health resources, publications and a mailing list which you may be placed on. 71 HEALTH MANPOWER NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 14-21 Trends in the Podiatric Profession- A Comparative Study of 1970 and 1974 Survey Data Series 14-20 Employees in Nursing Homes in the United States: 1973-74 National Nursing Home Survey Series 14-18 Podiatry Manpower: A General Profile u.S., 1974 Series 14-13 Optometric Manpower: Characteristics of Optometric Practice, U.S., 1968 Series 14-10 Podiatry Manpower: A General Profile uU.S., 1970 Series 14-9 Ophthalmology Manpower, Utilization of Supplementary Personnel, U.S. Series 14-8 Optometrists Employed in Health Services, U.S., 1968 Series 14-7 Ophthalmology Manpower, Characteristics of Clinical Practice, U.S., 1968 Series 14-5 . Ophthalmology Manpower, A General Profile, U.S., 1968 MISC (PHS) 79-1509 Health Resources Statistics 1976-77 Edition PHS Pub. No. 1758 State Licensing of Health Occupations (HRA) 76-1231 Decennial Census Data for Selected Health Occupations: U.S., 1970 Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Bureau of Health Professions Center Bldg. - Rm. 4-41 Hyattsville, MD 20782 Tel: (301) 436-6756 Lists of publications available upon request. Estimates of manpower shortages, needs and projections of supply. 72 REFER: HEALTH PLANNING Department of Health and Human Services Center Building, Rm. 6-50 Bureau of Health Planning National Health Planning Information Center 3700 East-West Highway Hyattsville, MD 20782 Tel: (301) 436-6736 Contact: Mr. Cal Meadows The Bureau of Health Planning has responsibility for directing the health planning activities of the local Health Systems Agencies and State Health Planning and Development Agencies. The National Health Planning Information Center, has as its primary objective, to provide access to current information for use in the analysis of issues and problems related to health planning activities. Health planning documents, including the Health Planning Information Series and Health Planning Methodology Series, are prepared and distributed by the Center. 73 HEARING NCHS: VHSS Series 10-101 Series 10-99 Series 10-79 Series 11-215 Series 11-154 Series 11-145 Series 11-122 Series 11-114 Series 11-101 Series 11-102 Series 11-32 Series 11-31 Series 11-26 Series 11-11 74 Perons With Impaired Hearing, U.S., 1971 Prevalence of Selected Impairments, uU.S., 1971 Current Estimates from the Health Interview Survey, U.S., 1971 (Shows use of hearing aids) Basic Data on Hearing Levels of Adults 25-74 Years, United States, 1971-75 Hearing Sensitivity and Related Medical Findings Among Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Hearing Levels of Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Hearing and Related Medical Findings Among Children: Race, Area, and Socioeconomic Differentials, U.S. Hearing Sensitivity and Related Medical Findings Among Children, United States Hearing Levels of Children by Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics, U.S. Hearing Levels of Children by Age and Sex, U.S. Hearing Status and Ear Examination Findings Among Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Hearing Levels of Adults, by Education, Income and Occupation, U.S., 1960-62 Hearing Levels of Adults by Race, Region, and Area of Residence, U.S., 1960-62 Hearing Levels of Adults by Age and Sex, U.S., 1960-62 REFER: HEARING (Continued) Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health National Institute of Neurological Communicative Disorders & Stroke Building 31 - Room 8A-06 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5751 Has a large amount of information and printed material on hearing loss and research in that field. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 10801 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Tel: (301) 897-5700 Guide to Clinical Services in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology ($8) Governmental Affairs Review (a report of governmental issues affecting the communicatively impaired), published quarterly, $25 per year for nonmembers and organizations Hearing Impairment and the Audiologist (brochure; single copy free) Recognizing Communication Disorders (brochure; single copy free) How Does Your Child Hear & Talk? (brochure; single copy free) 75 . HEART ATTACK (Acute Myocardial Infarction-ICDA 410)* NCHS: REFER: VHSS: Series 10-94 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Circulatory Conditions, U.S., 1972 *(Incidence of coronary heart disease, ICDA 410-414, category includes chronic ischemic heart disease and angina pectoris in addition to acute myocardial infarction) Series 13-46 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals: Annual Summary for the U.S.; 1978 Series 13-35 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals by Diagnosis, U.S., 1975 MVSR: Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 VSUS: Vol. II, Part A, Mortality, 1976 (general mortality) Vol. II, Part B, Mortality, 1977 (geographic detail) American Heart Association 7320 Greenville Ave. Dallas, Texas 75231 Tel: (214) 750-5300 Journals and educational materials for medical/science professionals; pamphlets and brochures on all aspects of cardiovascular disease for the general public; films, slide presentations and other audio/visual messages for professional and public use. Requests for literature and audio/visual packages should be directed to your local heart association. *See also Heart Disease 76 NCHS: REFER: HEART DISEASE VHSS: Series 10-94 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Circulatory Conditions, U.S., 1972 Series 11-166 Cardiovascular Conditions of Children 6-11 Years and Youths 12-17 Years, United States, 1963-65 and 1966-70. Series 11-6 Heart Disease in Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Series 13-46 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals: Annual Summary for the U.S., 1978 Series 13-35 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals by Diagnosis, U.S., 1974 Series 13-34 Surgical Operations in Short-Stay Hospitals, U.S., 1975 MVSR: Vol. 29-6(S) Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 VSUS: Vol. II, Part A, Mortality, 1976 (general mortality) Vol. II, Part B, Mortality, 1977 (geographic detail) ADVANCEDATA Nos. 12, 15, 16, 30, 42, 50 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) National Institues of Health National Heart and Lung Institute Room 200, Federal Building 7550 Wisconsin Ave. Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5826 Contact: Mr. Thomas Thom This institute has information from a number of longitudinal studies and case history data. American Heart Association 7320 Greenville Ave. Dallas, Texas 75231 Tel: (214) 750-5300 Journals and educational materials for medical/science professionals; pamphlets and brochures on all aspects of cardiovascular disease for the general public; films, slide presentations and other audio/visual messages for professional and public use. Requests for literature and audio/visual packages should be directed to the Local Heart Association. 77 HEIGHT, WEIGHT, BODY MEASUREMENTS NCHS: VHSS: Series 11-211 Series 11-208 Series 11-167 Series 11-160 Series 11-149 Series 11-143 Series 11-140 Series 11-132 Series 11-126 Series 11-124 Series 11-123 Series 11-104 Series 11-35 Series 11-8 78 Weight and Height of Adults 18-74 Years of Age, U.S., 1971-74 Weight by Height and Age for Adults 18-74 Years U.S. 1971-74 Skeletal Maturity of Youths 12-17 Years, Racial, Geographic Area and Socioeconomic Differentials, U.S., 1966-70 Skeletal Maturity of Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Skeletal Maturity of Children 6-11 Years: Racial, Geographic Area, and Socioeconomic Differentials, U.S. Body Dimensions and Proportions, White and Negro Children 6-11 Years, U.S. Skeletal Maturity of Children 6-11 Years, U.S. Skinfold Thickness of Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Body Weight, Statute, and Sitting Height: White and Negro Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Height and Weight of Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Selected Body Measurements of Children 6-11 Years, U.S. Height and Weight of Children 6-11 Years, by Age, Sex, Race, and Geographic Region, U.S. Skinfolds, Body Girths, Biacromial Diameter, and Selected Anthropometric Indices of Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Weight, Height, and Selected Body Dimensions of Adults, U.S., 1960-62 HEIGHT, WEIGHT, BODY MEASUREMENTS (Continued) NCHS: Series 11-165 NCHS Growth Curves for Children ADVANCEDATA Nos. 3, 14 (See pg. 177 for Guide to ADVANCEDATA) 79 HIP REPLACEMENTS NCHS: MISC: (PHS) 80-1274 Detailed Diagnoses and Surgical Procedures for Patients Discharged From Short- Stay Hospitals: United States, 1978 The number of hip replacements performed in 1978 was 67,000 (see ICDA code 87.0) NCHS: REFER: ALSO: Series 10-73 MISC: (HRA) 80-1240 (HRA) 79-1509 Associate Bureau Director Home Health Services Room 7A-39, Parklawn Building 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-2270 Public Affairs Pamphlets 381 Park Avenue, South New York, NY 10016 HOME HEALTH CARE Home Care for Persons 55 Years and Over, U.S., July 1966-June 1968 Nation's Use of Health Resources Health Resources Statistics, 1976-77 Contact: Harold Dame Has a report entitled "Home Health Care: When a Patient Leaves the Hospital" Order No. 560 - $.50 81 HOMICIDE NCHS: MVSR: Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 The National Center for Health Statistics has available a report entitled "Homicide Trends, U.S., 1900-74 reprinted from Public Health Reports Vol. 90, No. 3 May-June 1975. This report presents some statistics on the rising rate of homicides, changing patterns of injury and murder, and some geographic particulars about homicide. Single copies are free of charge. A new report on homicide trends will be coming out in the near future. 82 REFER: HOSPICES Bureau of Health Planning Room 5-22 3700 East-West Highway Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 Tel: (301) 436-6733 Contact: Mr. Cal Meadows Published a report entitled "Hospices and Related Facilities for the Terminally Ill: Selected Bibliographic References. This report describes the types of facilities provided and the delivery of care in a hospice or hospice-like setting. The order number for this publication is DHHS Pub. No. (HRA) 79-14022. Single copies are free. GAO Distribution Section Room 1518 uy "G" St., NW Washington, D.C. 20548 Tel: (202) 275-6241 Published a report entitled "Hospice Care-A Growing Concept in the United States." This report by the Comptroller General of the United States, summarizes a study of hospices in the U.S. It describes the basic principles of hospice care and the services hospices provide. It also discusses characteristics of hospice patients and services provided that are presently covered and reimbursable under the Medicare, Medicaid, Social Services and Older Americans Act Programs. The order number for this report ist HRD 79-50 - March 6, 1979. Single copies are free. Hospice 765 Prospect St. New Haven, CT 06511 Tel: (203) 787-5871 Contact: Dennis Rezendes Administrator Conducts a specialized health care program emphasizing the management of pain and other symptoms associated with terminal illness and providing care for the family as well as the patient. Also acts as a center of information about the Hospice movement for more than 170 other Hospice groups throughout the country. &3 HOSPITALIZATION NCHS: VHSS: Series 10-116 Series 10-107 Series 13-46 Series 13-35 Series 13-34 MISC: (HRA) 80-1240 Persons Hospitalized by Number of Episodes and Days Hospitalized in a Year, 1972 Hospital Discharges and Length-of- Stay: Short-Stay Hospitals, U.S., 1972 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals: Annual Summary for the U.S., 1978 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals by Diagnosis, U.S., 1975 Surgical Operations in Short-Stay Hospitals, U.S., 1975 Nation's Use of Health Resources (Includes short-stay general and speciality hospitals; long-stay speciality hospitals, pp. 52-71) NCHS: REFER: HOSPITALS VHSS: Series 14-23 Inpatient Health Facilities as Reported from the 1976 MFI Survey MISC: (HRA) 78-1223 Hospitals: A County and Metropolitan Area Data Book, 1974 (HRA) 80-1240 The Nation's Use of Health Resources 1979 Directory: Data from the Master Facility Inventory, listing hospitals by address, etc., are also available. Cost - $150.00, tape or computer printout. American Hospital Association 840 North Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, 11 60611 Tel: (312) 280-6000 Hospital Literature Index: An author-subject quarterly index of periodical literature about administration, planning and financing of hospitals and related health care institutions and the administrative aspects of the medical, paramedical, and pre-payment fields. Cost: $72.00, U.S. & Canada; $80.00 elsewhere. Hospital Statistics, 1980 edition: Based on 1979 Annual Survey of Hospitals Information on hospital services, utilization, personnel, and finances. Long-term trend analyses and review of the data in their relationship to the economy and population. Cost: $15.00 to AHA members; $18.75 to others. Revised annually; 1981 edition available in September 1981. AHA Guide to the Health Care Field, 1980 edition: Lists hospitals in the United States by name, address, telephone, administrator, and approval and facility code, Cost: $40.00 to AHA members; $50.00 to others. Revised annually; 1981 edition available September 1980. 85 HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE NCHS: REFER: VSUS: Vol. II, Part A, Mortality - 1976 Department of Health & Human Services National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders & Stroke Office of Scientific and Health Reports Building 31 - Room 8A-06 Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5751 Committee to Combat Huntington's Disease 250 W. 57th St., Suite 2016 New York, NY 10107 Tel: (212) 757-0443 Aims to establish centers of information and education, assist families in meeting the social, economic and emotional problems resulting from Huntington's Disease, and promotes and supports research. National Huntington's Disease Association 128A East 74th Street New York, NY 10021 Tel: (212) 744-0302 Has information, brochures explaining the inheritance and effects of the disease, reprints of articles about Huntington's Disease and the Association, and a list of local chapters and representatives available on request. 86 NCHS: REFER: HYPERTENSION (High Blood Pressure) VHSS: Series 10-121 Characteristics of Persons With Hypertension, U.S., 1974 Series 10-94 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Circulatory Conditions, U.S., 1972 Series 11-203 Blood Pressure Levels of Persons 6-74 Years, U.S., 1971-74 Series 11-163 Blood Pressure of Youths, 12-17 Years, U.S. Series 11-150 Blood Pressure of Persons 18-74 Years, u.S., 1971-72 Series 11-38 Parity and Hypertension Series 11-13 Hypertension and Hypertensive Heart Disease in Adults, U.S., 1960-62 ADVANCEDATA: Nos. 1, 2, 12, 15, 16, 22, 28 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) American Medical Association Order Department P.O. Box 821 Monroe, WI 53566 Has a publicatoin available entitled "Your Blood Pressure" Order No. OP 044 - 8.55 Prepayment must be made on all orders for AMA materials Society of Actuaries P.O. Box 91901 Chicago, illinois 60693 The Society of Actuaries has put together a comprehensive 2-volume report entitled the 1979 Build and Blood Pressure Study. This report examines mortality experience of over 4.5 million insured lives from 1954 to 1972. Data were contributed by 25 U.S. and Canadian life insurance companies. The cost for a two-volume report is $100.00. Individual volumes are available upon request. 87 HYSTERECTOMY NCHS: VHSS: Series 13-46 Series 13-34 MISC: (PHS) 80-1274 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals, Annual Summary, U.S., 1978 Surgical Operations in Short-Stay Hospitals United States, 1975 Detailed Diagnoses and Surgical Procedures for Patients Discharged from Short-Stay Hospitals U.S., 1978 The number of hysterectomies performed in the United States in 1978 was 644,000. (ICDA Codes 69-69.5) NCHS: VHSS Series 21-36 Series 21-23 MVSR Vol 29-1(S) ADVANCEDATA 39 ILLEGITIMACY Trends and Differentials in Births to Unmarried Women: U.S., 1970-76 Teenagers: Marriages, Divorces, Parenthood, and Mortality, U.S. Final Natality Statistics, 1978 Nos. 9, 6l (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) IMPAIRMENTS NCHS: VHSS Series 10-135 Series 10-134 Series 10-101 Series 10-87 ADVANCEDATA Use of Special Aids, U.S., 1977 (Includes artificial limbs and braces, crutches, canes, special shoes, wheelchairs, walkers, and other special aids for getting around) Prevalence of Selected Impairments, U.S., 1977 (Includes vision, speech, hearing and orthopedic impairments, paralysis, and also absence of limbs) Persons With Impaired Hearing, U.S., 1971 Impairments Due to Injury, U.S., 1971 No. 55 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) NCHS: VHSS Series 10-127 Series 10-124 Series 10-123 Series 10-118 Series 10-104 Series 10-99 Series 10-94 Series 10-84 Series 11-216 Series 11-162 Series 11-159 Series 11-157 Series 11-151 Series 11-149 Series 11-144 Series 11-129 Series 21-26 INCOME, HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS BY 91 Family Out-of-Pocket Health Expenses, u.S., 1970 Prevalence of Chronic Skin and Musculoskeletal Conditions, U.S., 1976 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Digestive Conditions U.S., 1975 Disability Days, U.S., 1975 Differentials In Health Characteristics by Marital status, U.S., 1971-72 Prevalence of Selected Impairments, U.S., 1971 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Circulatory Conditions, U.S., 1972 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Respiratory Conditions, U.S. 1970 Basic Data on Depressive Symptomatology - U.S, 1971-75 An Assessment of the Occlusion of the Teeth of Youths 12-17 Years Goodenough-Harris Test Estimates of Intellectual Maturity of Youths 12-17 Years: Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors Skin Conditions of Youths 12-17 Years Oral Hygiene Among Youths 12-17 Years Skeletal Maturity of Children 6-11 Years: Racial, Geographic Area, and Socioeconomic Differentials Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth Among Youths 12-17 Years Examination and Health History Findings Among Children and Youths, 6-17 Years Selected Vital and Health Statistics in Poverty and Nonpoverty Areas of 19 Large Cities, U.S., 1969-71 INCOME, HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS BY (Continued) (See also Catalog of Publications for other reports with data by income; Series 11 has many reports on specific health topics) MISC (HRA) 80-1240 The Nation's Use of Health Resources, 1979 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 1, 2, 17, 18, 19, 24, 27 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) 92 NCHS: REFER: INDIAN POPULATION, Health Characteristics (American) VSUS Vol. II, Part A, Mortality - 1976 Vol. I, Natality - 1976 Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Service Director, Office of Program Statistics Room 6A-30, Parklawn Building 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-1180 The Indian Health Service has a wide range of data on the health of American Indians. Vital event statistics, population, hospital and ambulatory care statistics, utilization data, and other health statistics - operates reporting systems and utilizes program statistics. Publications include: Indian Health Trends and Services, 1978 Edition, (HSA) 78-12009 and Selected Vital Statistics for Indian Health Service Areas and Service Units 1972 to 1977, (HSA) 79-1005 93 INFANT MORTALITY NCHS: VHSS Series 20-7 A Study of Infant Mortality from Linked Records; Method of Study and Registration Aspects, U.S. Series 21-26 Selected Vital and Health Statistics in Poverty and Nonpoverty areas of 19 Large Cities, U.S., 1969-71 VSUS Vol. II, Mortality, Part A - 1976 Vol. II, Mortality, Part B - 1977 MVSR Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 NCHS REFER: INFERTILITY ADVANCEDATA No. 55 (See pg. 177 for Guide to ADVANCEDATA) National Institutes of Health National Institute on Child Health and Human Development 9000 Rockville Pike Bldg. 10 - Room 10B-09 Bethesda, MD 20205 Tel: (301) 496-4686 Contact: Dr. Richard Sherins Dr. Lynn Loriaux NICHD has information dealing mainly with reproduction abnormalities. Also has done studies on intramural research and endocrine deficiency. Public Affairs Pamphlet 381 Park Ave., South New York, NY 10016 Available a publication entitled "Why Can't You Have a Baby" No. 309A $.50 95 INJURIES NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 10-132 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1977-June 1978 Series 10-130 Current Estimates from the Health Interview Survey, U.S., 1978 Series 10-87 Impairments Due to Injury, U.S., 1971 Series 10-68 Work Injuries Among Blue-Collar Workers and Disability Days, U.S., July 1966-June 1967 Series 10-57 Types of Injuries, Incidence and Associated Disability, U.S., July 1965-June 1967 Series 13-44 The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 1975 Summary, U.S., January-December 1977 Series 13-35 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals by Diagnosis, U.S., 1975 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 12, 13, 15, 18, 22, 30, 48, 60 (See pg. 177 for Guide to ADVANCEDATA) Consumer Product Safety Commission National Injury Information Clearinghouse Hazard Identification and Analysis 5401 Westbard Avenue - Room 625 Washington, D.C. 20207 Tel: (202) 492-6424 Contact: Nancy S. Johnston The Consumer Product Safety Commission publishes estimates of the number of product-related injuries from information collected in the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS). NEISS covers injuries treated in the emergency room and measures severity of the injury. NEISS Data Highlights, published quarterly, provides current information. Also, special reports analyze particular products. 96 REFER: INJURIES, Sports Consumer Product Safety Commission Hazard Identification and Analysis 5401 Westbard Avenue Washington, D.C. 20207 Tel: (202) 492-6424 Contact: Nancy S. Johnston Tel: (202) 492-6468 Contact: Vicki Brown The Commission has data by product, such as footballs, baseballs, hockey sticks, etc., and by type of injury. Data include those injuries reported through the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System as well as National Athletic Injury Reporting System. American Medical Association 535 North Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60610 Tel: (312) 751-6529 Contact: Jack A. Bell Has some information on sports medicine and athletic injuries. Also reports on medical aspects of sports - Publication entitled "Fundamentals of Training," $3.00 per copy. OB366 Prepayment must be made on all orders for AMA materials American College of Sports Medicine 1440 Monroe St. Madison, WI 53706 Tel: (608) 262-3632 Contact: Tom Miller American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 1201-16th St. NW Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel: (202) 833-5541 Contact: George Anderson Executive Vice President Publications include: AAHPER Facts 1978-79, A Guide to Programs, Projects and Services of the Alliance. 97 INSURANCE, Health NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 10-117 Hospital and Surgical Insurance Coverage, U.S., 1974 ADVANCEDATA No. 32, 44 (See pg. 177 for Guide to ADVANCEDATA) Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Financing Administration Division of National Cost Estimates Room 4440 - Hubert Humphrey Bldg. 200 Independence Ave. SW Washington, D.C. 20201 Tel: (202) 245-7203 Statistics on private health insurance coverage by type of plan, type of care, and other factors as well as premiums and claims by type of insurer, are collected and published by the Division of National Cost Estimates. Current and trend data are available. Health Insurance Institute 1850 K St. NW Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel: (202) 862-4124 Contact: Information Office The Health Insurance Institute serves as a clearinghouse for health insurance information, on behalf of insurance companies. Publishes annual Source Book of Health Insurance Data. Single copies of this document are free of charge. HII handles some inquiries; refers others. 98 NCHS: REFER: KIDNEY DIALYSIS The Hospital Discharge Survey has an unpublished estimate of kidney dialysis performed in short-stay, non-Federal hospitals. This estimate includes only inpatients officially admitted and discharged and excludes dialysis performed on an out-patient basis, the usual treatment setting. Health Care Fianacing Administration Office of End-Stage Renal Disease Office of Special Programs Room 1-E-3 Dogwood West Bldg. 1848 Gwynn Oak Bldg. Baltimore, MD 21207 Tel: (301) 594-0918 Contact: Mr. Spencer Schron Has statistics and literature on end-stage renal disease dialysis and transplant patients and facilities in the United States. Publications include: ESRD Annual Report to Congress--1979; ESRD Annual Report to Congress- -1980; Renal Provider List; Facility Survey Tables; Living with End- Stage Renal Disease (a booklet which is being revised). KIDNEY DISEASE NCHS: VHSS Series 10-109 Prevalence of Chronic Conditions of the Genitourinary, Nervous, Endocrine, Metabolic, and Blood and Blood-Forming Systems and of Other Selected Chronic Conditions, United States, 1973. Series 13-46 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals: Annual Summary for the U.S., 1978 Series 13-35 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals by Diagnosis, U.S., 1975 ADVANCEDATA No. 39 (See pg. 177 for Guide to ADVANCEDATA) MVSR Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 VSUS Vol. II, Part A, Mortality - 1976 (General Mortality) Vol. II, Part B, Mortality - 1976 (Geographic Detail) REFER: Health Care Financing Administration Office of End-Stage Renal Disease Office of Special Programs Room 1-E-3 DogwoodWest Bldg. 1848 Gwynn Oak Bldg. Baltimore, MD 21207 Tel: (301) 594-0918 Contact: Mr. Spencer Schron Has statistics and literature on end-stage renal disease dialysis and transplant patients and facilities in the United States. Publications include: ESRD Annual Report to Congress--1979; ESRD Annual Report to Congress--1980; Renal Provider List; Facility Survey Tables; Living with End-Stage Renal Disease (a booklet which is being revised). ALSO: National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases NIH/Room 9A-04 Bldg. 31 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20205 Tel: (301) 496-3583 100 KIDNEY DISEASE (Continued) National Kidney Foundation 2 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 889-2210 Has information brochures and provides counseling and referrals to local resources for patients and their families. Publications include "The Kidney", a bimonthly report on research and clinical developments in all aspects of kidney disease. Another publication is "Perspectives" a journal featuring information on legislation and advances in social work and practice as they relate to patients. 101 SIRT Se v a NCHS: REFER: LABS MISC. (PHS) 79-1509 Health Resources Statistics (See pages 318, 359 & 381) (PHS)80-1240 Nations Use of Health Resources (See pages 97, 98, & 101) Center for Disease Control Attn: Herbert L. Lawton Laboratory Management Consultation Office Bldg. 29-9/Bureau of Labs./Chamblee Facility Atlanta, GA 30333 Tel: (404) 452-4104 The Center for Disease Control conducted a National Census survey in 1976 of clinical and public health laboratories. This updated the original survey done in 1971. Contained in this publication are sixteen tables summarizing the data gathered. The tables are arranged under seven general headings. They are: General Information; Services; Proficiency Testing; Director; Personnel; Technical Personnel Certifications; and Hospital Laboratories. For copies or any questions please contact Mr. Lawton at the above address. 103 LEARNING DISABILITY NCHS: VHSS Series 11-139 Behavior Patterns in School of Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Series 11-113 Behavior Patterns of Children in School, U.S. Series 11-108 Parent Ratings of Behavioral Patterns of Children, U.S. REFER: National Institute of Mental Health Public Inquiries 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Tel: (301) 443-4513 Contact: Joan Abell 104 LIFE EXPECTANCY NCHS: MISC. Vital Statistics of the United States-Vol. II, Part A, Section V, 1978 - Life Tables U.S. Decennial Life Tables for 1969-71 (HRA) 75-1150 Vol. I No. 1 - U.S. Life Tables for 1969-71 (HRA) 75-1150 Vol. I No. 2 - Acturial Tables Based on U.S. Life Tables (HRA) 75-1150 Vol. I No. 3 - Methodology of the National and State Life Tables (HRA) 75-1150 Vol. I No. 4 - Some Trends and Comparisons of U.S. Life Table Data 1900-1971 (HRA) 75-1150 Vol. I No. 5 - U.S. Life Tables by Causes of Death (HRA) 75-1150 Individual State tables are also available (HRA) 75-1150 MVSR Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics for 1978 Vol. 28-13 Monthly Vital Statistics Report -Annual Summary for the U.S., 1979 (Shows abridged life tables). 105 LUPUS REFER: National Institutes of Health National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases Bldg. 31 - Room 9A-04 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20205 Tel: (301) 496-3583 The Lupus Foundation of America, Inc. 11673 Holly Springs Dr. St. Louis, MO 63141 Tel: (314) 872-9036 Contact: Mr. Roger Sturdevant Director This foundation, newly established in 1977, serves as a clearinghouse for communications to and from the various lupus groups throughout the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Its main function is to assist the lupus patients with their problems, provide reference services and referrals, and works with various other medical organizations searching for the causes and cure of Lupus. 106 MARRIAGE NCHS: VHSS Series 21-35 First Marriages, U.S., 1968-1976 Series 21-34 Divorces by Marriage Cohort Series 21-25 Remarriages, U.S. Series 21-24 100 Years of Marriage and Divorce Statistics: U.S., 1867-1967 Series 21-23 Teenagers: Marriages, Divorces, Parenthood and Mortality, U.S. MVSR Vol. 29-6(9)1 Final Marriage Statistics, 1978 VSUS Vol. III, Marriage and Divorce, 1976 ADVANCEDATA No. 58 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) REFER: Bureau of the Census Population Division (Marriage & Families) Room 2030, Federal Bldg. #3 Washington, D.C. 20233 Tel: (301) 763-7950 Contact: Mr. Arthur Norton 107 MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE LAWS REFER: Women's Bureau U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Ave., N.W. Room $3305 Washington, D.C. 20210 Tel: (202) 523-6603 108 NCHS: REFER: MATERNAL MORTALITY MVSR Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 VSUS Vol. II, Mortality, Part A - 1976 Department of Health and Human Services Health Services Administration Bureau of Community Health Services Maternal and Child Health Service Room 7-15 Parklawn Building 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-6600 (program information and technical assistance) (301) 443-4273 (information services and publications) Maternal and Child Health Service has prepared reports analyzing maternal mortality and has computed rates by county based on data from NCHS. See: Infant, Maternal and Childhood Mortality in the U.S., 1968-73, (HSA) 75-5013 109 MEDICAID REFER: Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Financing Administration Bureau of Program Policy East Lowrise Bldg. - Room 124 6401 Security Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21235 Tel: (301) 594-8715 Has information on eligibility and policy coverage. 110 REFER: MEDICAL DEVICES Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Bureau of Medical Devices Device Experience Branch 8757 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Tel: (301) 427-8100 Contact: Harold A. Pellerite The Bureau's division of Product Surveillance collects, evaluates, and maintains experience data in an automated information system entitled, "The Device Experience Network" (DEN). These data primarily involve reports of injuries, hazards, and illnesses associated with the use of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic devices. However, product improvements and other user-related concerns are also reported and included in the database. For further information concerning data and reports from the system, telephone DEN at the number listed above. 111 MEDICARE REFER: Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Financing Administration Office of Research, Demonstration and Statistics Room 3F3 Meadows East 6401 Security Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21235 Tel: (301) 594-6702 Contact: Statistical Information Services Branch Has statistics on benefit payments, services, etc. For specific Medicare Policy related problems, write do not phone: Robert O'Connor Director, Bureau of Program Policy Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Financing Administration 6401 Security Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21235 112 NCHS: REFER: MENTAL HEALTH VHSS Series 10-111 Limitation of Activity Due to Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1974 Series 11-216 Basic Data on Depressive Symptomatology uU.S., 1974-75 Series 13-46 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals: Annual Summary for the U.S., 1978 Series 13-44 The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 1977 Summary; U.S., January-December 1977 Series 13-35 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals by Diagnosis, U.S., 1975 Series 14-23 Inpatient Health Facilities as Reported from the 1976 MFI Survey ADVANCEDATA Nos. 12, 15, 16, 22, 25, 30, 38 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) MISC (HRA) 80-1240 The Nation's Use of Health Resources, 1976 Edition Department of Health and Human Services National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information National Institute of Mental Health Public Inquiries Section Room 11A-21, Parklawn Bldg. 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-4513 Contact: Joan Abell Acquires and abstracts the world's mental health literature, answers general inquiries from the public and provides computer searches for the scientific and academic communities. 113 MENTAL RETARDATION REFER: President's Committee on Mental Retardation Regional Office Building #3 7th and D Street, S.W., Room 4025 Washington, D.C. 20201 Tel: (202) 245-7634 Contact: Mr. Fred Krause, Executive Director PCMR provides advice and assistance in the following areas: (1) evaluation of the adequacy of the national effort to combat mental retardation; (2) identification of the potential of various Federal programs for achieving Presidential goals in mental retardation; (3) provision of adequate liaison between Federal activities and related activities of State and local governments, foundations and other private organizations; and (4) development and dissemination of such information as will tend to reduce the incidence of retardation and ameliorate its effects. The Committee makes an annual report to the President concerning mental retardation. Such additional reports or recommendations may be made as the President may require or as the Committee may deem appropriate. Publications Include: Mental Retardation: Century of Decision (March 1976); Mental Retardation Past and Present; Mental Retardation: The Known and the Unknown; Mental Retardation: Trends in State Services; Mental Retardation and the Law - A Report on Status of Current Court Cases; The Problem of Mental Retardation; Hello World MR78: The Leading Edge - Service Programs That Work; International Summit on Prevention of Mental Retardation From Biomedical Causes; Proceedings of a National Multicultural Seminar on Mental Retardation Among Minority Disadvantaged Populations. A PCMR Publications List ia also available free of charge. 114 NCHS: VHSS MVSR VSUS Series 20-10 Series 20-9 Series 20-5 Series 21-23 Vol 29-6(5)2 MORTALITY Diabetes Mellitus Mortality in the U.S., 1950-1967 Motor Vehicle Accident Deaths in the U.S., 1950-1967 Suicide in the United States, 1950- 1964 Teenagers: Marriages, Divorces, Parenthood and Mortality, U.S. Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 Vol. II, Part A, Mortality - 1976 (general mortality) Vol. II, Part B, Mortality - 1977 (geographic detail) See also OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, MORTALITY BY OCCUPATION, MATERNAL MORTALITY, INFANT MORTALITY, MORTALITY, MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT, and SUICIDE. 115 MORTALITY BY OCCUPATION NCHS: MISC Vital Statistics Special Report, Vol. 53. This volume gives data from the 1950's. Though now out-of-print, it is available in many libraries and on microfilm from the National Technical Information Service, U.S., Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22151. REFER: Society of Actuaries 208 South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60604 Tel: (312) 236-3833 Contact: Executive Director Published a 1967 study, with statistics for major occupational groupings. Cost: $17.00 per single copy. l16 NCHS: REFER: MORTALITY, MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT VHSS Series 20-9 Motor Vehicle Accident Deaths in the U.S., 1950-1967 MVSR Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 VSUS Vol. II, Mortality, Part A - 1976 (general mortality) Vol. II, Mortality, Part B - 1977 (geographic detail) National Safety Council 444 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60611 Tel: (312) 527-4800 Publishes annual Accident Facts which covers principal classes of motor- vehicle deaths; trends in death rates; how people died in motor-vehicle accidents; turnpike accidents; type of accident-urban and rural places; accidents by place and type of road; vehicle movement in accidents; pedalcycle accidents; improper driving; deathless-day records of cities; road character; deaths and death rates by day and night; deaths by day and month; accidents involving use of alcohol, drugs; speed trends; occupant restraint systems; age and sex of driver. Cost per copy is $7.00 117 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 10-109 Prevalence of Chronic Conditions of the Genitourinary, Nervous, Endocrine, Metabolic, and Blood and Blood-Forming Systems and of Other Selected Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1973 VSUS Vol. II, Part A, Mortality - 1976 National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke Building 31, Room 8A-06 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5751 Publishes a fact sheet on neurological and sensory disability, including multiple sclerosis. National Multiple Sclerosis Society 205 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 Tel: (212) 986-3240 Contact: Ms. Binnie Schaller Information Representative The Society stimulates and supports research into the cause, treatment, cure and prevention of MS; provides a variety of programs and services to MS persons and their families through 150 chapters throughout the U.S.; and has a widespread professional and public education program. Lay and professional literature is available; order sheets sent on request. The Society estimates that there are currently 250,000 cases of multiple sclerosis in the U.S. and an additional 250,000 cases of closely related disorders. 118 NCHS: REFER: MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY VSUS Vol. II, Part A, Mortality - 1976 Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke Building 31, Room 8A-06 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5751 Publishes a fact sheet on neurological and sensory disability, including muscular dystrophy. Muscular Dystrophy Association 810 Seventh Ave. New York, NY 10019 MDA fights 40 neuromuscular diseases, which include muscular dystrophy and the spinal muscular atrophies. The Association sponsors worldwide basic and applied research that seeks cures and treatments for these disorders; conducts a nationwide program of free, comprehensive medical services; and engages in widespread professional and public education. 119 NCHS: VHSS Series 21-33 Series 21-32 Series 21-30 Series 21-28 Series 21-27 Series 21-26 Series 21-23 Series 23-4 MVSR Vol. 29-1(S) Vol. 26-3(S) Vol. 26-3(S)2 VSUS Vol. I, Natality, 1976 ADVANCE DATA MISC (HRA) 76-1152 121 NATALITY Prenatal Care, U.S, 1969-1975 Wanted and Unwanted Childbearing in the U.S., 1968, 1969, and 1972 Characteristics of Births, U.S., 1973- 1975 Trends in Fertility in the U.S. Birth and Fertility Rates for States and Metropolitan Areas, U.S., 1969- 71 Selected Vital and Health Statistics in Poverty and Nonpoverty Areas of 19 Large Cities, U.S., 1969-71 Teenagers: Marriage, Divorces, Parenthood and Mortality, U.S. Patterns of Employment Before and After Childbirth, United States Final Natality Statistics, 1978 Incidence of Sterilization Following Legitimate Live Births in Hospitals, U.S. The Relationship of Maternal Health Factors to Sterilization Following Delivery of Legitimate Live Births in Hospitals: U.S. Nos. 9, 10, 11, 20, 26, 36, 40, 43, 56, 59, 61 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) Fertility Tables for Birth Cohorts, u.S., 1917-73 NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES NCHS: REFER VHSS Series 10-134 Prevalence of Selected Impairments, u.S., 1977 Series 10-109 Prevalence of Chronic Conditions of the Genitourinary, Nervous, Endocrine, Metabolic, & Blood and Blood-Forming Systems and of Other Selected Chronic Conditions, U.S., 1973 Series 11-154 Hearing Sensitivity and Related Medical Findings Among Youths 12-17 years, United States. Series 11-142 Family Background, Early Development, and Intelligence of Children 6-11 Years, United States Series 11-114 Hearing Sensitivity and Related Medical Findings Among Children, United States Series 11-32 Hearing Status and Ear Examination Findings Among Adults, United States, 1960-62 | Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke Bldg. 31, Room 8A-08 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5751 Contact Mr. Robert Hinkel Provides estimated numbers and costs of major chronic neurological and sensory disorders presented in the fact sheet published by this office See also CEREBRAL PALSY, EPILEPSY, MENTAL RETARDATION, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, and MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY. 122 NCHS: VHSS Series 13-43 Series 13-38 Series 13-32 Series 13-29 Series 14-20 Series 14-17 Series 12-24 Series 12-23 Series 12-22 Series 12-21 Series 12-20 Series 12-19 Series 12-18 Series 12-17 Series 12-16 123 NURSING HOMES The National Nursing Home Survey: 1977 Summary for the U.S. Nursing Home Costs-1972, U.S., August 1973-April 1974 Charges for Care and Sources of Payment for Residents in Nursing Homes: August 1973-April 1974 Profil of Chronic Illness in Nursing Homes, U.S.: National Nursing Home Survey, August 1973-April 1974 Employees in Nursing Homes in the U.S.: 1973-74 Nursing Homes in the U.S.: 1973-74 National Nursing Home Survey Measures of Chronic Hiness Among Residents of Nursing Homes, U.S., June-August 1969 Selected Characteristics of Nursing Homes for the Aged and Chronically Ill, U.S., June-August 1969 Chronic Conditions and Impairments of Nursing Home Residents, U.S. Charges for Care and Sources of Payment for Residents in Nursing Homes, U.S., June-August 1969 Administrators of Nursing and Personal Care Homes: Work Experience, U.S., June-August 1969 Characteristics of Residents in Nursing and Personal Care Homes, U.S., June- August 1969 Administrators of Nursing and Personal Care Homes: Education and Training, U.S., June-August 1969 Services and Activities Offered to Nursing Home Residents, U.S., 1968 Nursing Homes: Their Admission Policies, Admissions and Discharges, U.S., April-September 1968 NURSING HOMES (Continued) NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 12-14 Charges for Care in Nursing Homes, U.S., April-September 1968 Series 12-13 Arrangements for Physician Services to Residents in Nursing and Personal Care Homes, U.S., May-June 1964 Series 12-4 Utilization of Institutions for the Aged and Chronically Ill, U.S., April- June 1963. ADVANCEDATA Nos. 29, 35 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) MISC (HRA) 77-1224 Nursing Homes: A County and Metropolitan Area Data Book, 1973 (HRA) 80-1240 The Nation's Use of Health Resources Bureau of the Census Population Division Federal Office Building #3 Washington, D.C. 20233 Tel: (301) 763-7784 Contact: Mr. Dennis Stoudt Published report, 1976 Survey of Institutionalized Persons: A Study of Persons Receiving Long-Term Care (Current Population Reports: Special Studies: Series P-23; No. 69). This report presents data from the Survey of Institutionalized Persons (SIP) conducted by the Bureau of the Census in 1976 for the U.S. Department of Health, and Human Services. The survey focused on long-term institutions, that is, facilities which offer residential care to persons for an average of 30 days or more. For this study, long-term care institutions were classified into six major types; nursing homes and homes for the aged, facilities for children, facilities for the physically handicapped and mentally handicapped, psychiatric institutions, and "other" long-term institutions such as those offering care for chronic diseases and extended care facilities of short-term hospitals. This survey was designed to (1) provide a three-demensional statistical profile of long-term institutionalization--the institution, the resident, and the resident's family; (2) update the 1967 Survey in Institutionalized Adults conducted for the Social Security Administration; and (3) provide baseline data for policy and program planning. There are six major areas of concern examined by the SIP: (1) Appropriateness of placement/admission and discharge; (2) institutional environment; (3) resident's rights and legal status; (4) level and effect of care; (5) financial considerations; and (6) effect of government programs and policies. 124 NCHS: REFER: ALSO: NUTRITION VHSS ) Series 1-10a & b Plan and Operation of the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, u.S., 1971-73 Series 1-14 Plan and Operation of the HANES I Augmentation Survey of Adults 25-74 Years: U.S., 1974-1975 Series 11-210 Food Consumption Profiles of White and Black Persons Aged 1-74 Years: uU.S., 1971-74 Series 11-209 Calories and Selected Nutrient Values for persons 1-74 Years of Age Series 11-202 Dietary Intake Findings, U.S., 1971- 1974 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 21, 46, 64 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) American Medical Association Order Department P.O. Box 821 Monroe, Wisconsin 53566 oI: a report entitled "Your Age and Your Diet" Order No. OP 031 - 5.55 Prepayment must be made on all orders for AMA materials Superintendent of Documents Public Documents Distribution Center Department 13 Pueblo, Colorado 81009 Published two reports entitled "Food and Your Weight," and "Nutrition: Food at Work for You" Order No. 025G - $1.00 Order No. 565G - Free 125 NUTRITION (Continued) Human Nutrition Center Room 426-A Administration Bldg. USDA/Science & Education Administration Washington, D.C. 20250 Tel: (203) 447-2868 Has a report entitled "Nutrition and Your Health-Dietary Guidelines for Americans" Home and Garden Bullentin #228 (Stock No. 001-000- 03881-8). 126 OBESITY NCHS: ADVANCEDATA No. 51 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) REFER: Public Affairs Pamphlets 381 Park Avenue, South New York, NY 10016 Available is a report entitled "Overweight-A Problem for Millions" Order No. 364A - $.50 127 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 10-133 Selected Health Characteristics by Occupation U.S. 1975-76 Series 10-130 Current Estimates for the Health Interview Survey, U.S., 1978 Series 10-118 Disability Days, 1975 Series 10-87 Impariments Due to Injury, U.S., 1971 Series 10-68 Work Injuries Among Blue Collar Workers and Disability Days, U.S. July 1966-June 1967 Series 11-31 Hearing Levels of Adults, by Education, Income, and Occupation, United States, 1960-62 Series 11-25 Binocular Visual Acuity of Adults, by Region and Selected Demographic Characteristics, United States, 1960-62 Series 11-17 Rheumatoid Arthritis in Adults, U.S., 1960-62 Series 11-13 Hypertension and Hypertension Heart Disease in Adults, U.S., 1960-62 (See Catalog of Publications for other reports by occupation and industry) VSUS Vol, II, Mortality, Part A - 1975 ADVANCEDATA No. 11 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) Occupational Safety and Health Statistics Bureau of Labor Statistics U.S. Department of Labor Room C4311 Washington, D.C. 20210 Tel: (202) 523-9275 Contact: Mr. William Mead Incidence rates and estimates of number of injuries and illnesses are shown for broad industry categories (e.g., construction and manufacturing) and for specific industry activities at the 2-, 3-, and 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification levels. Data 128 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH (Continued) are reported annually in a press release, summary, and bulletin. In addition, selected data are released in a series of industry guides as aids to employers for evaluating their firm's injury and illness experience. There are national and State data available. The occupational injury and illness statistics program has expanded to provide additional information particularly important in understanding the occurrence of injury and illness. The Work Injury Report program examines accidents from responses by the affected workers to questionnaires. Questions yield information about the activity of the workers at the time of the accident, type of equipment involved, working conditions at the worksite, and the extent of worker experience and training. PUBLICATIONS Bulletin 1981 Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in the U.S. by Industry, 1978 Report 518 Occupational Safety and Health Statistics: Concepts and Methods Report 597 Accidents Involving Eye Injuries Report 604 Accidents Involving Face Injuries Report 605 Accidents Involving Head Injuries The publications listed above as well as unpublished work injury reports on foot-injury, ladder, power-saw, scaffold, welding and cutting accidents may be obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics listed at the address on the previous page. National Institutes of Health National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Office of Information 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 8-20 Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-2140 Serves as the point of contact for inquiries relating to the policies of NIOSH. This office answers questions of a non-technical nature of the occupational safety and health field and supplies single copies of publications upon request. 129 EST Fey PTET Ee i Tr arse ar TERRE EP ry ITE RS 1 rr { | £81 2 dm eR A Aid oe BN REFER: PARKINSON'S DISEASE American Parkinson Disease Association 116 John St. Room 417 New York, NY 10038 Tel: (212) 732-9550 APDA publishes four pamphlets and a biennial newsletter for Parkinson patients and their families. The newsletter provides up-to-data information about new treatments, medications, and research. Also an updated list of treatment centers and self-help groups across the country are kept at APDA. 131 PHY SICAL FITNESS NCHS: REFER: ADVANCEDATA No. 19, 64 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports 400 6th Street, S.W., Room 3030 Washington, D.C. 20201 Tel: (202) 755-7478 Has general information on physical fitness, including a booklet entitled "Introduction to Physical Fitness." Also information on the President's award program. Superintendent of Documents Public Documents Distribution Center Department 13 Pueblo, Colorado 81009 Available are two reports entilted "Adult Physical Fitness" and "An Introduction to Physical Fitness." Order No. 027G - $.70 Order No. 032G - $.60 132 NCHS: VHSS Series 10-130 Series 10-128 Series 10-127 Series 10-91 Series 13-44 Series 14-14 ADVANCEDATA MISC (HRA) 80-1240 133 PHYSICIAN VISITS Current Estimates from the Health Interview Survey, 1978 Physician Visits: Volume and Interval Since Last Visit, U.S., 1975 Family Out-of-Pocket Health Expenses, u.S., 1975 Personal Out-of-Pocket Health Expenses, u.S., 1970 The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 1977 Summary, U.S., January-December 1977 Characteristics of Patients Treated by Podiatrists, U.S., 1970 Nos. 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48, 49, 50, 53, 57, 60, 63, 65 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) The Nation's Use of Health Resources, 1979 L410, JL 519779 POISONING NCHS: REFER: VSUS Vol. II, Part A, Mortality - 1976 (See Table 4-4, "Deaths from Accidental Poisoning, by Age, Color and Sex: U.S.) Food and Drug Administration, Bureau of Drugs Division of Poison Control (HFD-240) 5600 Fishers Lane - Room 13-45 Rockville, MD 20857 Tel: (301) 443-6260 Contact: Mark I. Fow, Ph.D. This office collects and analyzes data submitted voluntarily by local poison control centers on all cases of inappropriate exposure to any material known or presumed to be acutely toxic in which the centers were called upon to provide information or treatment intended to eliminate or reduce the resulting risk of poisoning. Data are published in the Bulletin of the National Clearinghouse for Poison Control Centers or in specialized reports available on request and consists of calendar year summaries of case report data such as severity, signs and symptoms, manner and route of exposure, etc., broken down by specific products, victim ages, etc. Consumer Product Safety Commission National Injury Information Clearinghouse Hazard Identification and Analysis 5401 Westbard Avenue - Room 6-25 Washington, D.C. 20207 Tel: (301) 492-6424 Contact: Nancy S. Johnston The Consumer Product Safety Commission publishes estimates of the number of product-related injuries from information collected in the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System. (NEISS). NEISS covers injuries treated in the emergency room and measures severity of the injury. NEISS Data Highlights, published quarterly, provides current information. Also, special reports analyze particular products. 134 REFER: ALSO: POPULATION Statistical Information Staff Bureau of the Census Population Division Washington, D.C. 20233 Tel: (202) 763-5020 Contact: Joanna Borton (202) 763-5002 POPULATION INFORMATION The Census Bureau is the primary source for population data. Conducts decennial and periodic surveys. Also available is general information, Census Data; Characteristics, and Survey Data. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census Populations Projections Branch/Population Division Washington, D.C. 20233 Tel: (202) 763-5300 Contact: Signe Wetrogen or Greg Spencer POPULATION PROJECTIONS This Branch develops and prepares the methodology for several national and state population projections. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census Customer Services Branch Data User Services Division Washington, D.C. 20233 Tel: (202) 449-1600 Contact: CENSUS PUBLICATIONS All requests for Bureau of Census publications should be directed to this office. Marriage, Family & Divorce Bureau of the Census Population Division Washington, D.C. 20233 Contact: Mr. Arthur Norton Published two reports entitled "Household and Family Characteristics" and "Marital Status and Living Arrangements" 135 POPULATION, INTERNATIONAL REFER: Population Reference Bureau 1337 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel: (202) 785-4664 Contact: Dr. Robert P. Worrall Acting President This office will research data from the United Nation's Demographic Yearbook. They also maintain a comprehensive library service based on demographic and population related subjects. Provides a referral service for individuals, libraries, and other demographers for requests which are unanswerable by in house information. All services are free. 136 NCHS: REFER: PREVENTION, DISEASE VHSS Series 10-110 Use of Selected Medical Procedures Associated With Preventive Care, u.S., 1973 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 64, 69 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) MISC Health, United States, 1980 National Survey of Personal Health Practices and Consequences: Highlights from 1979 Interviews, United States. In preparation (Series 15, No. 1).--wide range of personal health behaviors associated with health promotion. Additional data related to disease prevention are gathered in several NCHS surveys. National Health Interview Survey produces data on health status and on health behaviors and practices, including physician visits and dental visits. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey produces data on nutrition as well as other information regarding health status. The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey gathers information on vistis to office-based physicians. (See Catalog of Publications for publications in these areas) Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Room 719H, Hubert H. Humphrey Building 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201 Tel: (202) 245-7611 Published: "Promoting Health/Preventing Disease - Objectives for the Nation" "Healthy People"-The Surgeon General's Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. 137 . ES 7 ; Co NCHS: REFER: REHABILITATION MISC (PHS) 80-1240 The Nation's Use of Health Resources, 1979 (PHS) 79-1509 Health Resources Statistics, 1976-77 Edition National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials Oklahoma State University 115 Old USDA Building Stillwater, OK 74074 Tel: (405) 624-7650 Contact: Paul Gaines or Patsy Stafford Handicapping Conditions Served: All handicapping conditions The Organization: The National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials (NCHR TM), located at Oklahoma State University, is funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, to disseminate information on rehabilitation with primary concentration on training materials for use by educators of rehabilitation counselors. Personnel working in the areas of staff development, inservice training, and continuing education are also served by the Clearinghouse. Information Services: NCHR TM usually has between 250 and 300 titles to distribute free to requestors in the rehabilitation field. Microfiche or xerox copies of other publications in the Clearinghouse collection can be made for a cost recovery fee. An annotated bibliographic newsletter, NCHRTM Memorandum, on publications available from the Clearinghouse and other sources is published quarterly. Materials in rehabilitation and related areas are reviewed as a current awareness service. A bibliography listing Institute on Rehabilitation Issues publications is also available. NCHRTM helps inquirers identify publications relevant to their information needs, making referrals to outside organizations when necessary. Clearinghouse services are available primarily to professionals who have training interest in rehabilitation and related fields. 139 REHABILITATION (Continued) National Rehabiliation Information (NARIC) 4407 Eighth Street, N.E. The Catholic University of America Washington, D.C. 20017 NARIC is funded by the National Institute of Handicapped Research/Department of Education to improve the delivery of information to the rehabilitation community. NARIC disseminates research results of NIHR-funded programs, supplies copies of research reports, audiovisual materials and other types of publications, prepares bibliographies tailored to specific requests, and helps individuals locate answers to reference questions. 140 NCHS: REFER: RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS VHSS Series 10-133 Selected Health Characteristics by Occupation United States, 1975-76 Series 10-132 Acute Conditions, Incidence and Associated Disability, United States, July 1977- June 1978 Series 10-109 Prevalence of Chronic Conditions of the Genitourinary, Nervous, Endocrine, Metabolic and Blood and Blood-Forming Systems and of Other Selected Chronic Conditions, United States, 1973 Series 10-84 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Respiratory Conditions, United States, 1970 Series 13-46 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals, Annual Summary, 1978 Series 13-42 Office Visits for Diseases of the Respiratory System, the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 1975-76 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 12, 15, 41, 50, 53, 65 (See pg. 177 for Guide to ADVANCEDATA) American Lung Association 1740 Broadway New York, NY 10010 Tel: (212) 245-8000 The American Lung Association maintains current and historical data on the morbidity and mortality of diseases of the respiratory system, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis and the pediatric pulmonary conditions. Biostatistical information relating to risk factors, disability, economic costs and populations at special risk of respiratory disease are also available. Information on community programs in the prevention and control of respiratory disease such as emphysema, asthma, tuberculosis and the reduction of cigarette smoking, occupational exposures, and air pollution may be obtained upon request. 141 RURAL POPULATION, HEALTH CHARATERISTICS OF NCHS: VHSS Series 10-128 Series 10-124 Series 10-113 Series 10-107 Series 10-99 Series 10-94 Series 10-84 Series 10-83 Series 11-216 Series 11-166 Series 11-159 Series 11-158 Series 11-157 Series 11-153 142 Physician Visits: Volume and Interval Since Last Visit, U.S., 1975 Prevalence of Chronic Skin and Musculoskeletal Conditions, U.S., 1976 Health Characteristics by Geographic Region, Large Metropolitan Areas, and Other Places of Residence, U.S., 1973-1974 Hospital Discharges and Length of Stay: Short-Stay Hospitals, U.S., 1971 Prevalence of Selected Impairments, u.S., 1971 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Circulatory Conditions, U.S., 1972 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Respiratory Conditions, U.S., 1970 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Digestive Conditions, U.S., July-December 1968 Basic Data on Depressive Symptomatology U.S., 1974-75 Cardiovascular Conditions of Children 6-11 Years and Youths 12-17 Years, U.S., 1963-65 and 1966-70 Goodenough-Harris Tests Estimates of Intellectual Maturity of Youths 12-17 Years: Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors Intellectual Development and School Achievement of Youths 12-17 Years: Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors Skin Conditions of Youths 12-17 Years Health Attitudes and Behavior of Youths 12-17 Years RURAL POPULATION, HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS OF (Continued) Series 11-149 Skeletal Maturity of Children 6-11 Years: Racial, Geographic Area, and Socioeconomic Differentials Series 11-122 Hearing and Related Medical Findings Among Children: Race, Area, and Socioeconomic Differentials VSUS Vol. II, Mortality, Part B - 1977 (geographic detail) ADVANCEDATA No. 17 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) (See Catalog of Publications for other reports concerning the rural population) 143 NCHS: REFER: SICKLE-CELL ANEMIA VSUS Vol. II, Mortality, Part A - 1976 (Mortality data for all hemoglobinopathies, ICDA 282.5, including sickle-cell anemia) Department of Health and Human Services Health Services Administration Bureau of Community Health Services Room 7-08, 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-3196 Publications include: Sickle-Cell Education and Screening, (HSA) 75-5138 Sickle-Cell Medical Review, (HSA) 79-5123 Adolescents With Sickle-Cell Anemia, (NIH) 78-1479 Your Employee With Sickle-Cell Anemia, (NIH) 78-1523 Sickle Cell Branch National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute National Institutes of Health 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5826 National Association for Sickle Cell Disease, Inc. 3460 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1012 Los Angeles, California 90010 Tel: (213) 731-1166 This is a voluntary health agency formed to support research and educational programs aimed at control and ultimately eradication of sickle-cell anemia. Maintains extensive files on programs being conducted, individuals and organizations working to overcome the disease and services available to families and patients with the disease. Publications Include: Facts about NASCD, Highlights of the Sickle-Cell Story, Fact Sheet on Thalassemia, Fact Sheet on Hemaglobin C, and Fact Sheet on Sickle- Cell Trait and Anemia. Single copies are free. 145 SMOKING NCHS: REFER: VHSS Series 10-131 Use Habits Among Adults of Cigarettes, Coffee, Asprin, and Sleeping Pills, United States, 1976 Series 10-59 Changes in Cigarette Smoking Habits Between 1955 and 1966 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 52, 64 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) Department of Health & Human Services Office of Smoking and Health Room 116, Parklawn Building 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-1575 This office has periodically collected data on smoking from 1965 to 1975 (adults) and from 1968 to 1974 on teenagers. "Adult Use of Tabacco, 1975" includes sections on demographic characteristics of smokers, smoking behavior and attitutes, trends for 1965, 1970, and 1975. "Teenage Smoking" was published for 1968, 1970, 1972 and 1974. Also published the 1975 Health Professional Survey which focused on the smoking habits of physicians, dentists, nurses and pharmacists. This office also maintains a Technical Information Center which collects, organizes, and disseminates scientific and technical information on all aspects of smoking and its effect on health. Publications issed by the Technical Information Center include the Smoking and Health Bulletin, published eight to ten times year years; the Bibliography on Smoking and Health, biennial; State Legislation on Smoking and Health, issued annually; the Directory of On-Going Research in Smoking and Health, biennial; State Legislation on Smoking and Health, annual; and the Health Consequences of Smoking, a congressional report issued annually. They also have available the Surgeon General Report for 1979. American Medical Association Order Department P.O. Box 821 Monroe, Wisconsin 53566 Published a report entitled "Smoking: Facts You Should Know" Order No. OP 042 - $.75 (Prepayment must be made on all AMA materials) 146 REFER: SOCIAL SECURITY Social Security Administration Office of Research & Statistics Universal Building, North 1875 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009 Tel: (202) 673-5576 Publications Include: Listing of all Social Security Publications - (SSA) 13-11925 Social Welfare Expenditures, FY 1978 - Research & Statistics Note #3, 1980 Metropolitan Distribution of Social Security Beneficiaries Research & Statistics Note #3, 1978 Program & Demographic characteristics of Social Security Beneficiaries, December 1978, (SSA) 13-11977 National Health Systems in Eight Countries - (SSA0 75-11924 Some Statistical Reserach Resources Available at the SSA (SSA) 77- 11913 Income & Resources of the Aged, a chartbook, January 1980 (SSA) 13- 11727 Aid to Families with Dependent Children, a chartbook, May 1979 (SSA) 79-11721 47 SPANISH-HERITAGE POPULATION, HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS OF NCHS: VHSS Series 21-26 Selected Vital and Health Statistics in Poverty and Nonpoverty Areas of 19 Large Cities, U.S., 1969-71 Series 23-4 Patterns of Employment before and after Childbirth, U.S. Series 23-3 Trends in Breastfeeding among American Mothers Series 23-2 Contraceptive Utilization, U.S. Series 23-1 Utilization of Family Planning Services by Currently Married Women 15-44 Years of Age, U.S., 1973 MVSR Vol. 25-7(S) Contraceptive Utilization Among Currently Married Women 15-44 Years of Age, U.S., 1973 ADVANCEDATA Nos. 9, 10, 27, 36, 64 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) MISC (HRA) 76-1231 Decennial Census Data for Selected Health Occupations: U.S., 1970 (HRA) 78-1238 National Reporting System for Family Planning Services, 1975 (PHS) 80-1315-3 NCHS Publications On The Health of Minority Groups (bibliography) Department of Health & Human Services National Center for Health Services Research 3700 East-West Highway - Room 7-44 Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 Tel: (301) 436-8970 Published a report from the Research Proceedings Series (PHS) 80-3288 "Hispanic Health Services Research." This report contains the proceedings of the first Hispanic Health Services Research conference. Recommendations on methodologies appropriate for conducting health research among Hispanic population are presented in the individual reports of the four task forces. 148 NCHS: REFER: SPEECH DEFECTS VHSS Series 10-134 Prevalence of Selected Impairments, United States - 1977 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 10801 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Tel: (301) 897-5700 Publications include: Guide to Clinical Services in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (58) Government Affairs Review (a report of governmental issues affecting the communicatively impaired), published quarterly, ($25 per year for nonmembers and organizations) Speech and Language Disorders and the Speech-Language Pathologist (brochure; single copy free) Recognizing Communication Disorders (brochure; single copy free) How Does Your Child Hear and Talk? (brochure, single copy free) 149 SPINA BIFIDA NCHS REFER: VHSS Series 21-31 Congenital Anomalies and Birth Injuries Among Live Births: U.S., 1973-74 MVSR Vol. 29-6(S)2 Final Mortality Statistics, 1978 Spina Bifida Association of America 343 South Dearborn, Suite 319 Chicago, Illinois 60604 Tel: (312) 663-1562 Contact: Kent Smith Executive Director SBAA provides information on the association and the birth defect spina bifida, publishes booklets providing lay information, publishes a newsletter the PIPELINE 6 times a year, and maintains a Professional Advisory Committee which follows research being conducted by individuals or organizations into the birth defect. SBAA is a voluntary association of parents of children with the birth defect, individuals with spina befida, and professionals providing medical, educational or vocational support. The organization is establishing a research foundation to fund specific slides/films aimed at informing about the potential of individuals born with this birth defect. They advocate with government agencies on behalf of individuals and the assocation's views. 150 REFER: STRENGTH Consumer Product Safety Commission Hazard Identification & Analysis 5401 Westbard Avenue Washington, D.C. 20207 Tel: (301) 492-6424 Contact: Nancy S. Johnston (301) 492-6468 Terry Van Houten Published two reports entitled Strength Characteristics of Children for Product Safety Design. Report No. 011903-F. Final Report, May 31, 1975, and Gripping Strenght Measurements of Children for Product Safety Design. Report No. 014926-F. Final Report, September 1977. 151 STRESS REFER: National Institute of Mental Health Public Inquiries Section Room 11A-19 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel (301) 443-4862 Has information available on stress and other related mental disorders. National Institute on Aging Room 5C-36 Building 31 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-1752 Has information on stress and aging 152 SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME (SIDS) Mortality (ICDA 795.0) 1978 1977 1976 Sex and race - Number Rate! Number Rate! Number Rate! Total----=--- 4,963 148.9 4,751 142.8 4,357 137.5 Male-==----- 2,945 172.3 2,823 165.5 2,551 157.0 White------ 1,986 144.1 1,941 140.3 1,753 132.8 All other--- 959 289.6 882 273.5 798 261.9 Female------ 2,018 124.3 1,928 119.0 1,806 117.0 White------ 1,294 99.3 1217 93.1 1,160 93.0 All other--- 724 225.6 711 227.1 646 218.6 1 REFER: Per 100,000 live births. Department of Health, and Human Services Health Services Administration Bureau of Community Health Services Office of Maternal and Child Health Service Room 7-08, 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-3196 Published The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, (HSA) 80-5251 which discusses definition and terminology, historic notes, epidemiology, pathologic findings, and theories and causation of SIDS. Also published: After Our Baby Died: Instructor's Guide for a Film on the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, (HSA) 76-5141; Sudden Unexplained Infant Death, (HSA) 80- 5255 153 SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME (SIDS) (Continued) Department of Health, and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Building 31, Room 2A-34 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5133 Publications: Facts About Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, HSA 80-5259; Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Research Program of the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development Pregnancy and Infancy Branch, (NIH) 78-1436 National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Foundation 310 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1904 Chicago, Illinois 60604 Tel: (312) 663-0650 Contact: Carolyn Szybist, R.N. Executive Director The Foundation promotes reserach in the diagnosis, treatment and cure of SIDS and is working toward an interdisciplinary service system to the surviving families. It also maintains information on SIDS activity within the United States and other countries and acts as a resource and referral mechanism for such information. At the same time it provides public awareness and education programs about SIDS and related issues to the public-at-large. Publications include: Facts About Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, (revised); National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Foundation; The Counseling of Families in the Professional Management of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; Preparing for Visits to SIDS Families; The Subsequent Child; Siblings and Grief Clearinghouse for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Info. and Educational Materials 1555 Wilson Blvd., Suite 600 Rosslyn, VA 22209 Tel: (703) 522-0870 Provides information on SIDS to health professionals and consumers 154 NCHS: SUICIDE VHSS Series 20-5 Suicide in the U.S., 1950-64 Series 21-23 Teenagers: Marriages, Divorces, Parenthood and Mortality MVSR Vol. 29-6(S)2 Finnal Mortality Statistics, 1978 VSuUS Vol. II, Part A, Mortality - 1976 (general Mortality) Vol. II, Part B, Mortality - 1976 (geographic detail) Public Affairs Pamphlets 381 Park Avenue, South New York, New York 10016 Published two reports entitled "Dealing With the Crisis of Suicide" and "Adolescent Suicide: Mental Health Challenge" Order No. 406A - $.50 Order No. 569 - $.50 155 SURGERY NCHS: VHSS Series 13-46 Series 13-35 Series 13-34 ADVANCEDATA MISC: (PHS) 80-1274 RA Q¢ | I 156 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals - Annual Summary 1978 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals By Diagnosis, U.S., 1975 Surgical Operations in Short-Stay Hospitals U.S., 1975 Nos. 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 37, 39, 41, 50 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) Detailed Diagnoses and Surgical Procedures for Patients Discharged from Short Stay Hospitals, 1978 SURGICAL STERILIZATION Data on surgical sterilization have been published in reports on contraception (see "Birth Control") from the National Survey of Family Growth (see those listings). NCHS: REFER: VHSS: Series 3-17 Series 23-2 MVSR: Vol. 26-3(S) Vol. 26-3(S)2 ADVANCEDATA MISC (PHS) 80-1274 Patterns of Aggregate and Individual Changes in Contraceptive Practice: U.S., 1965-1975 Contraceptive Utilization: U.S., 1973 The Incidence of Sterilization Following Delivery of Legitimate Live Births in Hospitals: U.S., 1974-75 The Relationship of Maternal Health Factors to Sterilization Following Delivery of Legitimate Live Births Nos. 36, 55, 61 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) Detailed Diagnoses and Surgical Procedures for Patients Discharges from Short Stay Hospitals, 1978 Department of Health and Human Services Center for Disease Control Family Planning Evaluation Division Atlanta, GA 30333 Tel: (FTS) 236-3832 CDC publishes data on tubal sterilizations from NCHS' Hospital Discharge Survey. These data apply to non-federal short-stay hospitals in the U.S. Center for Disease Control, "Surgical Sterilization Surveillance: Tubal Sterilization 1970-1975." Issued July 1979. Public Affairs Pamphlets 381 Park Ave. South New York, NY 10016 "Voluntary Sterilization" #507 $.50 157 TRANSPLANTS NCHS: The Hospital Discharge Survey shows an estimated 6,100 kidney transplants performed in the U.S., in short-stay, non-Federal hospitals during 1978. REFER: Bone Marrow Registry: Mortimer M. Bortin, M.D. Winter Research Laboratory Mount Sinai Medical Center 950 North 12th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 Tel: (414) 289-8110 Office of End-Stage Renal Disease Office of Special Programs Health Care Financing Administration Room 1-E-3 Dogwood West Building 1848 Gwynn Oak Building Baltimore, Maryland 21207 Tel: (301) 594-0918 Contact: Mr. Spencer Schron Has statistics and literature on end-stage renal disease dialysis and transplant patients and facilities in the United States. Publications include: ESRD Annual Report to Congress--1979; ESRD Annual Report to Congress--1980; Renal Provider List; Facility Survey Tables; Living with End-Stage Renal Disease (a booklet which is being revised). 159 \ Bk ates \ Ty PT RT rr perme pr PE UNNECESSARY SURGERY NCHS collects data on surgical operations, however, NCHS does not make judgements as to the necessity of specific operations. Definitions of unnecessary surgery vary from anything that isn't emergency, life-saving surgery to rates of surgery in the U.S. which exceed those for other countries. Many of the estimates of unnecessary surgery have come from Dr. Sidney Wolfe of the Ralph Nader-founded Science Institute in the Public Interest. Dr. Wolfe testified before the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, as did several HHS officials and others during hearings since 1975. Reports produced by the House subcommittee include: "Cost and Quality of Health Care: Unnecessary Surgery," January 1976, and "Surgical Performance: Necessity and Quality," December 1978. Background information about the question of unnecessary surgery can be obtained from: Pearlean Patters Office of PSRO Division of Peer Review Health Care Financing Administration 1849 Gwynn Oak Ave. Baltimore, Maryland 21207 Tel: (301) 594-3103 lé1 UNWANTED AND UNPLANNED CHILDBEARING (Unwanted Births) NCHS: VHSS Series 21-32 Wanted and Unwanted Childbearing in the United States: 1968, 1969, and 1972 National Natality Surveys ADVANCEDATA Nos. 9, 56 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) 162 NCHS: VHSS: URBAN POPULATION, HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS OF Series 10-134 Series 10-124 Series 10-117 Series 10-116 Series 10-113 Series 10-107 Series 10-99 Series 10-94 Series 10-84 Series 10-83 Series 11-216 Series 11-166 Series 11-159 Series 11-158 163 Prevalence of Selected Impairments, u.S., 1977 Prevalence of Chronic Skin and Musculoskeletal Conditions, U.S., 1976 Hospital and Surgical Insurance Coverage, U.S., 1974 Persons Hospitalized by Number of Episodes and Days Hospitalized in a Year, U.S., 1972 Health Characteristics by Geographic Region, Large Metropolitan Areas, and Other Places of Residence, U.S., 1973-74 Hospital Discharges and Length of Stay: Short-Stay Hospitals, U.S., 1972 Prevalence of Selected Impairments, u.S., 1971 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Circulatory Conditions, U.S., 1972 Prevalence of Selected Chronic Circulator Conditions, U.S., 1970 @ Prevalence of Selected Chronic Digestive Conditions, U.S., July-December 1968 Basic Data on Depressive Symptomatology U.S., 1974-75 Cardiovascular Conditions of Children 6-11 Years and Youths 12-17 Years, U.S., 1963-1965 and 1966-70 Goodenough-Harris Test Estimates of Intellectual Maturity of Youths 12-17 Years: Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors Intellectual Development and School Achievement of Youths 12-17 Years: Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors URBAN POPULATION, HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS OF (Continued) Series 11-157 Series 11-153 Series 11-149 Series 11-122 Series 13-44 Series 14-23 Series 21-26 leu Skin Conditions of Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Health Attitudes and Behavior of Youths 12-17 Years: Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors Skeletal Maturity of Children 6-11 Years: Racial, Geographic Area, and Socioeconomic Differentials Hearing and Related Medical Findings Among Children: Race, Area, and Socioeconomic Differentials The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 1977 Summary Inpatient Health Facilities as Reported from the 1976 MFI Survey Selected Vital Statistics in Poverty and Nonpoverty Areas of 19 Large Cities, U.S., 1969-71 (Also, see Catalog of Publications for other reports by residence) NCHS: REFER: VENEREAL DISEASE VSUS: Vol. II, Part A, Mortality - 1976 Center for Disease Control 1600 Clifton Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30333 Tel: (404) 329-3713 Publishes Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, gives reported deaths and newly reported cases of venereal diseases in civilians by geographic division and State; also, cases by age and sex; congenital syphilis. American Medical Association Order Department P.O. Box 821 Monroe, Wisconsin 53566 Published a report entitled "Sexually Transmitted Diseases" Order No. OP 383 - $1.50 (Prepayment must be made on all AMA materials) 165 VETERANS, HEALTH STATUS OF REFER: Veterans Administration Research Division (042Al) 810 Vermont Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20420 Tel: (202) 389-3012 The Verterans Administration has a wide variety of statistics and data dealing with veterans and their families including education benefits, housing assistance, and life insurance. They also have information on population. Other subjects are listed below with the address and phone number of the correct offices to contact. For information on alcoholism, arthritis, cancer, health characteristics of veterans and nonveterans, health characteristics by income, heart disease, hospitalization, mental health, prescribed drug use, and surgery contact the following office: Veterans Administration Biometrics Division (042A2) 810 Vermont Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20420 Tel: (202) 389-3458 For information on health care expenditures, health manpower, hospitals and their charges, and nursing homes and their charges, contact: Veterans Administration Reports Preparation Division (042B2) 810 Vermont Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20420 Tel: (202) 389-3677 166 NCHS: VHSS: Series 10-134 Series 10-93 Series 10-87 Series 11-206 Series 11-201 Series 11-155 Series 11-148 Series 11-134 Series 11-127 Series 11-118 Series 11-115 Series 11-112 Series 11-101 Series 11-30 Series 11-28 Series 11-25 VISION (Including Blindness and Disorders) Prevalence of Selected Impairments, u.S., 1977 Characteristics of Persons With Corrective Lenses, U.S., 1971 Impariments Due to Injury, U.S., 1971 Refraction Status & Motility Defects of Persons 4-74 Years U.S., 1971-72 Monocular Visual Acuity of Persons 4-74 Years, U.S., 1971-72 Eye Examination Findings Among Youths Aged 12-17 Years, U.S. Refraction Status of Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Color Vision Deficiencies in Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Visual Acuity of Youths 12-17 Years, U.S. Color Vision Deficiencies in Children, U.S. Eye Examination Findings Among Children, U.S. Binocular Visual Acuity of Children: Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics, U.S. Visual Acuity of Children Monocular-Binocular Visual Acuity of Adults, U.S., 1960-1962 History and Examination Findings Related to Visual Acuity Among Adults, U.S. 1960-62 Binocular Visual Acuity of Adults, by Region and Selected Demographic Charactersitics, U.S., 1960-1962 167 VISION (Including Blindness and Disorders) (Continued) REFER: Series 11-3 Binocular Visual Acuity of Adults, U.S., 1960-1962 Series 13-46 Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals: Annual Summary fo rthe U.S., 1978 (cataract operations) Series 13-35 Inpatient Utilization of Short-Stay Hospitals by Diagnosis, U.S., 1975 ADVANCEDATA No. 31, 34 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) National Society to Prevent Blindness 79 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 684-3505 Has information about prevalence and causes of blindness, top eye hazards, number of visually impaired and new cases of blindness. A new report, "Vision Problems in the U.S." furnishes latest data estimates, detailed for the legally blind, the visually impaired, eye injuries and medical care for eye disorders. For copies send order along with check made payable to the National Society to prevent Blindness- Price is 10.00 per copy. National Eye Research Foundation 18 South michigan Ave. Chicago, Il 60603 Tel: (312) 726-7866 The National Eye Research Foundation is a non-profit organization engaged in vision research, professional education, and the dissemination of eye care knowledge to the public. According to the foundation approximately one million people in the U.S. are legally blind, and others are becoming blind at the rate of about 30,000 a year. Publications include Contact lenses-Whats New?, Orthokeratology-Corrective Eye Care through Contact Lenses, and Myopia Control. American Medical Association Order Department P.O. Box 821 Monroe, Wisconsin 53566 Published a report entitled "How Are Your Eyes?" Order No. 0P008 - $1.25 (Prepayment must be made on all AMA materials) 168 VISION (Including Blindess and Disorders) (Continued) National Eye Institute National Institutes of Health Department of Health, and Human Services Building 31, Room 6A-25 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20205 Tel: (301) 496-5248 Contact: Marsha Corbett Information Office The National Eye Institute has surveyed available statistics on visual disorders, visual disability, blindness, eye care procedures, and the economic and social cost of these disorders. Sources of these data include NCHS, health statistics firms, health insurance companies, pharmaceutical and optical manufacturers associations, and private and Government agencies serving the blind and visually handicapped. The NEI has the final report (1970) on the incidence and prevalence of legal blindness in the 16 states of the Model Reporting Area for Blindess Statistics (no longer in existence). This includes data on the degree and causes of visual loss in the legally blind population of these states. Reports are also available on the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy and chronic openangle glaucoma and on the results of the Framingham Eye Study which measured the prevalence of selected eye diseases and identified health factors associated with them in a defined population. American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Dr. Berkowitz Director -- Advanced Development Department 15 W. 16 Street New York, NY 10011 Tel: (212) 620-2000 Contact: Corinne Kirchner Richard Peterson Statistical information about blind and visually impaired persons is disseminated in two ways. First, AFB has developed an on-going indexing system, the Statistical Information System on Visual Impairment and Blindness (SIS/VIB), to date covering over 300 documents. The system focuses on the social and demographic characteristics of persons with visual loss. It includes most major statistical sources on visual impairment and blindness, as well as comparative statistical sources for persons with other impairments, and for the U.S. population. SIS/VIB consists of four indexes: The Topical Index, the Statistical Index, the Data Base 169 VISION (Including Blindess and Disorders) (Continued) Index and the Place Name Index. The Topical Index allows cross-referencing of terms which are the major topics of the document, while the Statistical Index identifies terms on which statistical information is available in the document. Second, a series of "Statistical Briefs" is published periodically in the Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindess. These briefs include analyses of published data covered in SIS/VIB, previously unpublished data from major national data bases (such as NCHS' Health Interview Survey), and data from research projects conducted by AFB. A booklet containing the first ten "Statistical Briefs" (1978-80) will soon be available from the Publications Department. Topics covered in that booklet will include recent prevalence estimates, discussion of concepts used to measure visual loss, projections of the elderly blind and visually impaired population, analyses of employment and under-employment, estimates of multiply impaired blind persons, estimates of the school-age visually handicapped population, and information about low vision and other blindness agency services. Request for statistical information are answered with figures from Statistical Briefs where possible, or through use of SIS/VIB to access the requested data. Requests for a bibliography of sources in a given topic area can also be provided through SIS/VIB. 170 REFER: WELFARE Department of Health and Human Services Publications Staff Social Security Administration Office of Research and Statistics Room 1120, Universal North 1875 Connecticut Ave. Washington, D.C. 20009 Tel: (202) 673-5209 Conducts research and studies on the old-age, survivors, disability, supplemental security income programs, aid to families with dependent children, and child support enforcement. Also published a list of reports available-- "Research Publications and Microdata Files" (SSA)13-11925. 171 WIFE ABUSE REFER: Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquincy National Institute of Mental Health Room 7-103 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Tel: (301) 443-3728 Contact: Thomas L. Lalley Conducts research in the field of family violence, including wife abuse. A descriptive listing of on-going research projects is available from this office. Administration for Children, Youth, and Families Office of Domestic Violence Office of Human Development Services P.O. Box 1182 Washington, D.C. 20013 Tel: (202) 472-4205 Contact: June Zeitlin Listing of treatment centers and bibliography of articles on spouse abuse and other forms of domestic violence. Public Affairs Pamphlets 381 Park Ave., South New York, NY 10016 Publishes a publication entitled, "Assaults on Women: Rape & Wife Beating" Order #579, $.50 172 NCHS: WOMEN'S HEALTH MISC: (PHS) 80-1315-2 "The Health of Women" (bibliography) (PHS) 80-1315-4 "The Health of the Elderly" (bibliography) Health Status of American Women, a presentation from the Director, Dorothy P. Rice of the National Center for Health Statistics. This presentation deals with the health status of the working women. Comparisons are made between working women, women not in the labor force, and men in the labor force. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources Administration produced a report entitled, "Public Health Reports, Supplement to the September-October 1980 issue Women and Health, United States, 1980." This report contains data from NCHS as well as other agencies. The report covers statistics on Morbidity and Mortality, Health Concerns, Reproductive Health, the Health Care System and special concerns for women. Copies of this report may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Tel: (202) 783-3238 - there is a fee of $3.00 173 WORK LIFE EXPECTANCY REFER: Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of Labor Force Studies Room 3826 - GAO Building 4u] "G" St. NW Washington, D.C. 20212 Tel: (202) 523-1821 ' Has statistics on work life epectancy by occupation. 174 WORKING MOTHERS; WORK DURING PREGNANCY NCHS: VHSS: Series 23-1 Series 23-2 Series 23-3 Series 23-4 ADVANCEDATA See also: Utilization of Family Planning Services by Currently Married Women 15-44 Years of Age: United States, 1973 (table 5, 12 Contraceptive Utilization: U.S., 1973 (tables 13, 14) Trends in Breast Feeding Among American Mothers (all tables) Patterns of Employment Before and After Childbrith (all tables) Nos. 9, 10, 11, 56, 61 (See pg. 177 for guide to ADVANCEDATA) G. Hendershot, "Work During Pregnancy and Subsequent Hospitalization of Mothers and Infants," Public Health Reports 94(5), Sept.-Oct. 1979, pages 425-431]. 175 - ’, - N \ ¥ E B ” a ~ “ " ) bt i - . ‘ - . ¢ \ E - i - N - ) B, ’ ' - . ” : . ‘ 3 i b ) - ~ > so ' a ‘ - - . a > a - Lo. Fs ann Eo nl satis Salhi ine sete Alen i foe BE 3 ; er ch fake 3b £ : os i 10 GUIDE TO ADVANCEDATA Blood Pressure of Persons 6-74 Years of Age in the U.S. Hypertension: United States, 1974 Height and Weight of Adults 18-74 Years of Age in the U.S. Prevalence of Dermatological Disease Among Persons 1-74 Years of Age: United States A Comparison of Levels of Serum Cholesterol of Adults 18-74 years of Age in the U.S., in 1960-62 and 1971-74 Dietary Intake of Persons 1-74 Years of Age in the U.S. Total Serum Cholesterol Levels of Adults 18-74 Years of Age, U.S., 1971-74 Total Serum Cholesterol Levels of Children 4-17 Years of Age, United States, 1971-74 Wanted and Unwanted Births Reported by Mothers 15-44 Years of Age: United States, 1973 Expected Size of Completed Family Among Currently Married Women 15-44 Years of Age: United States, 1973 Pregnancy Workers in the United States Ambulatory Medical Care Rendered in Physician's Offices: United States, 1975 Ambulatory Medical Care Rendered in Pediatricians' Offices During 1975 Weight by Height and Age of Adults 18-74 Years: United States, 197 1- 74 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey of Visits to General and Family Practitioners, January-December 1975 Office Visits to Internists: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 1975 Access to Ambulatory Health Care: United States, 1974 Episodes of Persons Injured: United States, 1975 Exercise and Participation in Sports Among Persons 20 Years of Age and Over: United States, 1975 Office Visits to Obstetrician-Gynecologists: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 1975 177 GUIDE TO ADVANCEDATA (Continued) 21 Selected Findings: Food Consumption Profiles of White and Black Persons 1-74 Years of Age in the United States, 1971-74 22 Office Visits by Persons Aged 65 and Over: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 1975 23 Office Visits to General Surgeons: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 1975 24 Utilization of Selected Medical Practitioners: United States, 1974 25 Office Visits to Doctors of Osteopathy: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 1975 26 Contraceptive Efficacy Among Married Women 15-44 Years of Age in the United States, 1970-75 27 Health Characterisitcs of Minority Groups, U.S., 1976 28 Office Visits for Hypertension, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: U.S., January 1975-December 1976 29 A Comparison of Nursing Home Residents and Discharges from the 1977 National Nursing Home Survey: U.S. / 30 1976 Summary: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey 31 Office Visits to Opthalmologists: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 1976 32 Sociodemographic and Health Characteristics of Persons by Private Health Insurance Coverage and Type of Plan: United States, 1975 33 Office Visits to Orthopedic Surgeons, National Ambulatory 34 Office Visits to Otolaryngologists: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States: 1975-76 35 An Overview of Nursing Home Characteristics: Provisional Data from the 1977 National Nursing Home Survey 36 Contraceptive Utilization in the United States: 1973 and 1976 37 Office Visits to Dermatologists: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 1975-76 38 Office Visits to Psychiatrists: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 1975-76 39 Office Visits to Urologists, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: United States, 1975-76 40 Contraceptive Utilization Among Widowed, Divorced, and Separated Women in the United States: 1973 and 1976 178 41 42 43 uy 45 u6 u7 48 49 50 51 52 53 S54 55 56 58 59 60 61 GUIDE TO ADVANCEDATA (Continued) Office Visits for Respiratory Conditions, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: United States, 1975-76 Office Visits to Cardiovascular Specialists, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: United States, 1975-76 Use of Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices in the U.S. Health Care Coverage: United States, 1976 Use of Family Planning Services by Currently Married Women 15-44 Years of Age: United States, 1973 and 1976 Hemoglobin and Selected Iron-Related Findings of Persons 1-74 Years of Age: United States, 1971-74 Prevalence, Disability, and Health Care for Psoriasis Among Persons 1-74 Years: United States 1977 Summary: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Office Visits for Family Planning: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: United States 1977 Office Visits by Black Patients, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: United States, 1975-76 Overweight Adults in the United States Changes in Cigarette Smoking and Current Smoking Office Visits Involving X-rays, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: United States, 1977 Fats, Cholesterol, and Sodium Intake in the Diet: U.S. (revision in press) Reproductive Impairments Among Currently Married Couples: U.S., 1976 Wanted and Unwanted Births Reported by Mothers 15-44 Years of Age: u.S., 1976 Office Visits for Diabetes Mellitus, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: U.S., 1977 Remarriages of Women 15-44 Years of Age Whose First Marriage Ended in Divorce: U.S., 1976 Trends in Breastfeeding 1978 Summary: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Selected Demographic Charactersitics of Teenage Wives and Mothers 179 GUIDE TO ADVANCEDATA (Continued) 62 Expected Principal Source of Payment for Hospital Discharges: U.S., 1977 63 Office Visits for Male Genitourinary Conditions: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey; United States, 1977-78 64 Health Practices Among Adults: United States, 1977 65 Cough as the Reason for Office Visits, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: U.S., 1977-78 180 *U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981-0-727-746/1703 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics 3700 East-West Highway Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 HRST from the Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 81-1246 POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HHS HHS 396 THIRD CLASS BULK RATE B5987 GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. 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