PICTORIAL KEYS ARTHROPODS. REPTILES, BIRDS AND MAMMALS OF PUBLIC HEALTH SIGNIFICANCE 0.8. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATIW, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE PICTORIAL KEYS TO CARTHROPODS, REPTILES, BIRDS AND MAMMALS v’d— \. OF PUBLIC HEALTH SIGNIFICANCE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION. AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE BUREAU OF DISEASE PREVENTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL NATIONAL ,. comumcnua mam Clmn g. , m All-nu. Georgia 30333 Reprinted I967 ,7 ’7238\ K PM Introduction . . . Pictorial Keys: General. Crustaces . . Centipedes Millipedee , Arachnida . Spiders . . . Scorpions . . Acarina. . . Ticks . . . Mites . . . Silverfish . . Collembola. . Cockroaches . Termites . . Earwigs . . Psocide . . Lice (Anoplurs) Lice (Mallophaga) Bugs. Lepidoptere Beetles. Hymenoptera . Flies . Mosquitoes. . Fleas . . Snakes . Birds . . . Rodents. Lsgomorphs Bats. . . . Selected References CONTENTS iii 100 120 134 167 175 179 181 185 186 187 PUBLIC HEALTH SIGNIFICANCE OF GROUPS INCLUDED IN THE KEY COMMON NAME Ant Bat Bed Bug Bee. Hornet. etc. Beeue Bird Book Louse. Psocid Caterpillar Centipede Chewing Louse Cockroach Collembola Copepod Daddy Long-leg Spider Earwig Flea Fly Ked or Louse Fly Kissing Bug Lagomorph Lobster. Crab. etc. Millipede Mite Mosquito Moth or Butterfly Pseudoscorpion Rodent Scorpion Sea Spider Silverfish. Firebrat Snake Sowbug. Pillbug Spider Sucking Louse Sun Spider Termite Thrips Tick Whip Scorpion PUBLIC HEALTH SIGNIFICANCE bite. sting; infest stored food; damage wood. associated with rabies. histoplasmosis and many other diseases. cause dermatitis: not known to transmit disease. bite and sting; infest stored food; damage wood. infest stored food: infest human intestine: cause dermatitis. associated with histoplasmosis. ornithosis and many other diseases. infest stored food. sting; infest intestinal tract. venomous bite; infest nasal. intestinal, and urinary tracts. infest domestic birds and mammals. transmit enteric diseases. infest stored food; used as indicator organisms for pesticide studies. involved in transmission of broad fish tapeworm and guinea worm. infest houses; harmless. household pests. cause dermatitis; transmit plague. murine typhus. tapeworms. some bite; larvae infest human flesh: transmit typhoid. psratyphoid. cholera. bacillary dysentery. infantile diarrhea. amebic dysentery. giardiasis. helminths. trachoma. conjunctivitis. yaws. anthrax. tula- remia. African sleeping sickness. leishmaniasis. onchocerciasis. loiasis. bartonellosis. sandfly fever. occasionally bite man. transmit Chagasdisease. transmit tularemia and many other diseases. involved in transmission of oriental lung fluke. exude vesicating venom; infest digestive and urinary tract; inter- mediate host of tapeworms. cause dermatitis; infest human intestine; transmit scrub typhus. rick- ettsialpox. epidemic hemorrhagic fever. transmit malaria. encephalitis. yellow fever. dengue. filariasis. infest stored food; infest human intestine: some have stinging hairs. infest houses; harmless. transmit leptospirosis. lymphocytic choriomeningitis. etc. sting. appearance causes fear; harmless. infest stored food; transmit enteric diseases. venomous bite; secondary infection of bites. household pests; harmless. venomous bite. cause dermatitis: transmit epidemic typhus. trench fever. relapsing fever. non-venomous bite. destroy wood; housing deterioration. bite man occasionally. cause dermatitis. tick paralysis; transmit spotted fever. relapsing fever. tularemia. Colorado tick fever. Russian spring-summer en- cephalitis. appearance causes fear; harmless. INTRODUCTION Public health biologists are often responsible for teaching animal identi— fication to personnel (sanitarians, engineers, physicians, veterinarians, etc.) without special training in taxonomy. One of the most successful devices for such training has been the pictorial key. The first U.S. Public Health Service pictorial key was devised by Stanley B. Freeborn and Eugene J. Gerberg (1943) to guide personnel in the identification of anopheline mosquito larvae during our national malaria control program. After the Communicable Disease Center was founded (1946) additional keys were developed. At present the Center utilizes more than 75 such keys in its regular training program. These are the major items incorporated into this booklet. Apropos morphological diagrams are also included. Precise identification of disease vectors is essential to their efficient control. In using the following keys it should be remembered that only a few of them include all species in a group, and that determinations made using them are only tentative. The pictorial keys are typical of identification keys found in reference works and scientific papers except that they are arranged as diagrams and are illustrated. After making the first choice offered at the tOp of each page, follow the black lines or indicated numbers to secondary choices until the correct identification has been made. Note that, in some cases, the identification can be made in the first choice. Note: The differing formats and typography in this publication were deliberately selected to: (1) Provide a broad spectrum of taxonomic experience; (2) Avoid the stultifying effect of monotonous repetition. l. .2 ARTHROPODS OF PUBLIC HEALTH IMPORTANCE: KEY TO COMMON CLASSES AND ORDERS Harold George Scott and Chester J. Stojanovich 1. Three or 4 pairs of walking legs (Fig. 1 A & B) .................................................. 2 Five or more pairs of walking legs (Fig. l C 6. D) ............................................... 33 2. Three pairs of walking legs (Fig. 2 A) .......................................................... 3 Four pairs of walking legs (Fig. 2 B) .......................................................... 25 Fig. 2 A Fig. 2 s 3. Wings present, well developed (Fig. 3 A) ........................................................ 4 wings absent or rudimentary (Fig. 3 B 6: C) ..................................................... 13 14. With one pair of membranous wings (Fig. 4 A). ORDER DIPTERA .................................... 5 With two pairs of wings (Fig. 4 B & C) .......................................................... 6 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablc Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — I962 3. 5. Wings with scales (Fig. 5 A). FAMILY CULICIDAE ...... ............. ...... ... ............. MOSQUITO Wings without scales (Fig. 5 B). DIPTERA OTHER THAN MOSQUITOES........ ........ . ............. FLY 7. Wings densely covered with scales; proboscis coiled (Fig. 7 A). ORDER LEPIDOPTERA ....... . ...... ....... .......HOTH 0R BUTTERFLY 8. Wing with fringe of long hair (Fig. 8 A). ORDEF THYSANOPTERA ............................. THRIPS Wing without long hair (Fig. 8 B). ORDER HEHIPTERA.. ......... . .......... . ........... KISSING BUG /" Fig. 8 A .4 9. Both pair of wings membranous and similar in structure (Fig. 9 A). ........................ .. ...... 10 Front pair of wings shell-like or Leathery, serving as covers for the second pair (Fig. 9 B). ..... ll Fig. 9 A Fig. 9 B 10. Both pairs of wings similar in 5129 (Fig. 10 A). ORDER ISOPTERA ............. . ............... TERMITE Hind wing much smaller than front wing (Fig. 10 8). ORDER HYMENOPTERA .............................. ............................................................ BEE, HORNET, WASP, YELLOW JACKET, OR ANT 10 B 11. Front wings horny or leathery, without distinct veins (Fig. 11 A).................... ......... ....12 Front wings leathery or paper-like, with distinct veins (Fig. 11 B). ORDER ORTHOPTERA ..... COCKROACH - , l -; 71‘ ‘fiflaua~- ' 3 kflgfivflfififiawn.' MI .Wfi. 7-: ‘ Fig. 11 A 12. Abdomen with prominent cerci; wings shorter than abdomen (Fig. 12 A). ORDER DERMAPTERA.......EARWIG Abdomen without prominent cerci; wings covering abdomen (Fig. 12 B). ORDER COLEOPTERA........BEETLE 5. 13. Mouthparts with jaws for chewing (Fig. 13 A)...................................................14 Mouthparts with a long beak or stylets for sucking up food (Fig. 13 3).. ..... ..................21 1“. With three long terminal tails (Fig. 14 A). ORDER THYSANURA....... ...... .SILVERFISH AND FIREBRAT Without three long terminal tails (Fig. lb B)......................... ........ .................lS Fig. 1A A Fig. 16 B 15. Abdomen with prominent pair of cerci (Fig. 15 A). ORDER DERMAPTEPA........ ............. ...EARHIG Abdomen without prominent pair of cerci (Fig. 15 B)............. ..................... ..........16 Fig. 15 B 16. With narrow waist (Fig. 16 A). ORDER HYHENOPTERA......... ..... ...............................ANT .. ........ 17 Without narrow waist (Fig. 16 3).. ...... ..... .......... ........ ...... ................ .6 l7. Antenna with fewer than 8 segments (Fig. 17 A)...... .........................................18 Antenna with more than 8 segments (Fig. 17 B)............ ....................................19 M) Fig. 17 A Fig. 17 s 18. Abdomen with 6 or fewer segments (Fig. 18 A). ORDER COLLEMBOLA......................SPRINGTAIL Abdomen with more than 6 segments (Fig. 18 8). ORDER MALLOPHAGA..... .............CHEHING LOUSE \x-L~fi\ 18 B 19. Tarsus with 4-5 segments (Fig. 19 A)................ ..... ... ..... ............................20 Tarsus with 1-3 segments (fig. 19 3). ORDER PSOCOPTERA... ................. BOOK LOUSE 0R PSOCID Fig. 19 A 4' 20. Pronotum narrower than head, never covering head (Fig. 20 A). ORDER ISOPTERA ........... TERHITE Pronotum broader than head, often covering head (Fig. 20 B). ORDER ORTHOPTERA ........ COCKROACH Fig. 20 A 7‘ 21. Flattened laterally (Fig. 21 A). ORDER SIPROIATEIA........................................FLBA Flattened dorIo-ventrally (Fig. 21 3)........................................................22 Hg. 21 n 22. Foot terminating in protrusible bladder (Fig. 22 A). ORDER THYSANOPTERA.................THRIPS Foot not terminating in protruslble bladder (Fig. 22 3)......................................23 Fig. 22 B Fig. 22 A § 23. Beak jointed (Fig. 23 A). ORDER HEMIPTERA... ..... .......................................BEDBUG Beak not jointed (Fig. 23 5).................................................................24 24. Mouthparts retracted into head (His. 24 A). ORDER ANOPLURA. ........ ..............SUCKING LOUSE Mouthparts not retracted into head (Fig. 24 B). ORDER DIPTERA.................K£D 0R LOUSE FLY Fis- 24 A Fig. 24 a .8 25. Abdomen well-developed (Fig. 25 A). CLASS ARACHNIDA ......................................... 26 Abdomen peg-like (Fig. 25 B). CLASS PYCNOGONIDA ..................................... SEA SPIDER Fig. 25 B Fig. 25 A 26. Abdomen distinctly segmented (Fig. 26 A) ..................................................... 27 Abdomen not distinctly segmented (Fig. 26 B) ................................................. 3X Fig. 26 B 27. Abdomen lengthened to form a long tail (Fig. 27 A) ........................................... 28 Abdomen not lengthened to form a long tail (Fig. 27 B) ....................................... 29 Fig. 27 B 28. Tail with stinger (Fig. 28 A). ORDER SCORPIONIDA ...................................... SCORPION Tail without stinger (Fig. 28 B). ORDER PEDIPALPIDA .............................. WHIP SCORPION 9. 29. With large pincer-like claws (Fig. 29 A). ORDER PSEUDOSCORPIONIDA......... ...... PSEUDOSCORPION ......................30 Without large pincer-like claws (Fig. 29 B).............. ....... . ...... 31. Abdomen constricted to form a narrow waist (Fig. 31 A). ..32 32. Body with long hair; Haller's organ absent (Fig. 32 A). ORDER ACARINA ..... .. ...... . Body without hair or short hair; Haller's organ present (Fig. 32 B). ORDER ACARINA ........ TICK 010 33. 34. 35. 36. Five to 7 pairs of walking legs (Fig. 33 A). CLASS CRUSTACEA .................................... 34 More than 14 pairs of walking legs (Fig. 33 B) ................................................... 36 Abdomen without appendages (Fig. 34 A). ORDER COPEPODA ..................................... COPEPOD Abdomen with appendages (Fig. 3A B) .............................................................. 35 Fig. 34 A Thorax covered with a fused plate; eyes, when present, on movable stalks (Fig. 35 A 6 B) ........... ORDER DECAPODA ................................................ LOBSTER, CRAB, CRAYFISH, SHRIMP, ETC. Thorax not covered with a fused plate; eyes, when present, not on movable stalks (Fig. 35 C & D)... ORDER ISOPODA ....................................................................... SOHBUG, PILLBUC Fig. 35 A Fig. 35 D One pair of legs per body segment (Fig. 36 A). CLASS CHILOPODA ........................... CENTIPEDE Two pairs of legs per body segment (Fig. 36 B). CLASS DIPLOPODA .......................... HILLIPEDE HOUSEHOLD AND STORED-FOOD PESTS: PICTORIAL KEY TO COMMON LABVAE Chester J. Stojanovlch & Harold George Scott l l abdominal legs present abdominal legs absent MOTH LARVAE I h I thoracic legs present thoracic legs absenr BEETLE. BORER & MEALWORM LARVAE | F I with fleshy lobes 3; ends of body without fleshy lobes at ends of body FLEA LARVAE l I I head capsule present head capsule absent WEEVIL LARVAE MUSCOID FLY LARVAE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Communicable Dleooao Connr, Twining Brmeh Atlanta, Georgia l962 .12 HOUSEHOLD AND STORED-FOOD PESTS: KEY TO COMMON ADULTS Harold George Scott & Chester J. Stojanovich l j l or 2 body regions 3 body regions MITES I, J wings well dtvclopcd wings reduced or abstnt ' l I l 1 front wings shell-like front wings not shell-like BEETLES-WEEVILS— BORERS—MEALWORMS I f fl I pair wings 1 Pair "i085 SPRINGTAILS I I tarsus 4-5 scgmcntcd tarsus l-5 segmented FLIES I l PSOCIDS l 1 l 1 wings with scalcs wings without scales with narrow waist without waist MOTHS COCKROACHES ANTS COCKROACHES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Corner, Training Bunch, Atlanta, Cousin-1962 13. ECTOPARASITES OF THE DOG: PICTORIAL KEY TO COMMON SPECIES Harold George Scott & Chester J. Stojanovich h l with 6 legs, head definite with 8 legs, head indefinite flattened laterally flattened dorsoventrally under 4 mm. in length over 4 mm. in length Haller's organ absent Haller's organ present TICK chewing mouthparts sucking mouthparts Linognathus setosus Demodex canis I DOG SUCKING LOUSE DEMODECTIC MANGE MITE with 2 claws with l claw legs short, stubby legs long, slender K 21E§ < g a ‘ Heterodoxus spiniger Trichodectes canis Sarcoptes scabiei canis Otodectes cynotis KANGAROO LOUSE DOG BITING LOUSE SARCOPTIC NANCE MITE EAR MITE I l genal comb present genal comb absent spine I short spine I long head squared head rounded Ctenocephalides canis Ctenocephalides felis Echidnophaga gallinacea Pulex simulans DOG PLEA CAT PLEA STICKTIGHT FLEA FALSE HUMAN FLEA I l ornately decorated inornate palpi long palpi short basis capitulum ' basis capitulum not produced " - produced- I Amblyomma americanum Dermacentor variabilis Rhipicephalus sanguineus Ixodcs scagularis LONE STAR TICK AMERICAN DOG TICK BROWN DOG TICK BLACK-LEGGED TICK U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Dina" Center, Training Branch, Atlonou, Georgia - 1965 '9'." .14 REPRESENTATIVE ECTOPARASITES OF THE DOG Chester J. Stojanovich . _f].-:I['I.-1I-V\‘)‘\ ‘ - 111‘111“_‘1\,‘x{\\ 1 N 11TH! H . 1,1}!!flflrhmh’1fi1'lflih 1‘ .. ‘1']? ‘ 1““ I ' H‘fl‘iilf-{Im Trichodectes canis DOG BITING LOUSE Otobius megnini SPINOSE EAR TICK Rhigiceehalus sanguineus BROWN DOC TICK U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Connr, Training Branch, Atlanta, Gougia — I965 150 HUMAN ECTOPARASITES: KEY TO COMMON GROUPS Chester J. Stojanovich and Harold George Scott '7 1 legs absent legs present held definite head indefinite 5 pairs of legs 4 pairs of legs FLY LARVA Order Diptera J I I flattened laterally flattened dorsovenrrally beak iointed beak not jointed PLEA Order Siphonaptera r r wings present wings absent KISSING BUG BED BUG LOUSE-FLY LOUSE Order Hemiptera Order Hemiptcra Order Diptera Order Anoplura F ' I over 4 mm. long; Haller's organ present under 4mm. long: Hillel“ organ Ibscnt mouthparts ventral mouthparts anterior SOFT TICK HARD TICK MITE Order Acarina Order Acarina Order Acarina U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — I962 O16 CRUSTACEA: KEY TO SOME MAJOR ORDERS Chester J. Stojanovich and Harold George Scott 1. With abdominal appendages (Fig. l A) ................................................... 2 Without abdominal appendages (Fig. 1 B) ................................................ 7 2. Carapace present (Fig. 2 A) ........................................................... 3 Carapace absent (Fig. 2 B) ............................................................ 6 Fig. 2 B SHIELD SHRIMP ....................... Order NOTOSTR ACA Without dorsal shield (Fig. 3 B) ........................................................ 4 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — I963 17. 4. With bivalve shell (Fig. 4 A). SHELL SHRIMP ......................... Order CONCHOSTRACA Without bivalve shell (Fig. 4 B) ............................................................ 5 Fig. 4 A S. First pleopod rudimentary (Fig. 5 A). OPOSSUM SHRIMP ................... Order MYSIDACEA First pleopod well-developed (Fig. 5 B, C Si D). SHRIMP, CRAYFISH, LOBSTERS, CRABS ...... ........................................................................ Order DECAPODA 6. Body laterally compressed (Fig. 6 A). SAND FLEAS, ETC .................. Order AMPHIPODA Body dorso-ventrally compressed (Fig. 6 B). SOWBUGS, PILLBUGS, ETC ........ Order ISOPODA .18 7. Body not completely enlosed in a bivalve shell (Fig. 7 A) ...................... . ............... 8 Body completely enclosed in a bivalve shell (Fig. 7 B). OSTRACODS .......... Order PODOCOPA Fig. 7 A interior View 8. Body segmented (Fig. 8 A) ............................................................... 9 Body nor segmented (Fig. 8 B). WATER FLEAS. .......................... Order CLADOCERA Fig. 8 A 9. Eyes stalked (Fig. 9 A). FAIRY SHRIMP ................................. Order ANOSTRACA Eyes not stalked (Fig. 9 B). COPEPODS ................................. Order EUCOPEPODA l9. CENTIPEDES: KEY TO SOME IMPORTANT UNITED STATES SPECIES Harold George Scott 1. 8 dorsal plates: 15 pairs of long legs. . . . EASTERN HOUSE CENTlPEDE, Scutigera cleoptrata More than 14 dorsal plates ........................................ . . . . . 2 Scutigero cleoptrota 2. 15 pairs of legs (Lithobius) ............................................ 3 21-23 pairs of legs (Scolopendra) ........................................ 4 More than 30 pairs of legs (Ceaphilus) ..................................... 5 3. Antenna 19-23 segmented ............................... Lithobius multidentatus Antenna 33-43 segmented ................................. Lithobius forficatus 4. Anal legs as long as or longer than 3 terminal body segments ....................... ............................ WESTERN HOUSE CENTIPEDE, Scolopendra heros Anal legs shorter than 3 terminal body segments ................ Scolopendra morsitans Scolopendra hero: 5. 47-53 pairs of legs .................................................. 6 64-67 pairs of legs .................................... Ceaphilus cali/ornicus 6. With 2 longitudinal black lines ................................ Ceaphilus rubens Without longitudinal black lines ........................... .Ceophilus umbraticus U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE pusuc HEALTH ssnvtcz. CommunieobIo Dina-o Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Goacgla — I964 .20 MILLIPEDES: KEY TO SOME IMPORTANT UNITED STATES SPECIES Harold George Scott, Ph.D. 1. 20-21bodysegments .................................... ...............2 More than 29 body segments ................................ . ......... . . . . 3 2, Legs with basal spines ...................... Pleurolomia butleri (= Fontan'a virginiensis) Legs without basal spines ................... . . . . . . . . . . . Pseudopolydesmus serratus § "5‘ 3+7 $1 :: f—‘l d 1 I. """:.'.. .- K I““"-“~-"-’:'-’hT.'T]fi-'{ 11,-: Narccus amoricanus 3. Body segment 3 with legs ............ . ........ Narceus amen'canus (=Spirobolus marginatus) Body segment 3 without legs . .................. . . Brachyiulus pusillus (=Iulus uirgatus) Bnchyiulus puslllus All“? ) m flymnmjllillim 3 ‘r lliiillni“'3"’- U.$. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Communicable Dino-o Center, Training Blanch Atlanta, Goovgi a 1964 210 ARACHNIDA: KEY TO COMMON ORDERS OF PUBLIC HEALTH IMPORTANCE Harold George Scott & Chester J. Stojanovich r I ABDOMEN ommcnv SEGMENYED ABDOMEN NOI ommcm ssememeo \ WIIHOUI TAIL WIIH TAIL IHREAD-WAISTED ARANEIDA ACARINA Spiders lick: and Min: 1 I WIYH STINGER WITHOUI STINGER PSEUDOSCORPIONIDA SCORPIONIDA PEDIPALPIDA Puudoscorpion: Scorpion: Whip-Scorpion: Q L I 1 LEGS SHORIER IHAN IODY LEGS MUCH LONGER THAN IODY / / : —,;A \ L e s , SOLPUGIDA PHALANGIDA Sun Spidnu Daddy Long-log Spidnl U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Diuau Com", Training Brmch, Avlmu, Goorgic - I962 022 SPIDERS: KEY TO SOME IMPORTANT UNITED STATES SPECIES Harold George Scott & Chester J. Stojanovich l. Fangs projecting horizontally (Fig. l A). (abdomen without tergites; tarsus with claw tufts and 2 claws) ..................................................... pugesiella hentzi and others, TARANTULAS Fangs projecting vertically (Fig. l B) ........................................................... 2 Fig. 1A Fig 13 2. Six eyes in 3 pairs; fiddle-shaped marking on cephalothorax (Fig. 2 A) .............................. Loxosceles reclusa ................................................... BROWN RECLUSE SPIDERS Eight eyes (shiny black with red sp0ts; usually with red hourglass on underside of abdomen) (Fig. 2 B). Latrodectus mactans ..................................................... BLACK WIDOW SPIDER n o u U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Diuau Center, Training Bunch, Aolcnoo, Gougia — I963 23g SCORPKNWIHAGRAMZDORSAI.VHHVOF‘CENTRUROWDES\"TTATUS Chester J. Stqjanofich --' -‘-‘- -- .--xr.',v-v‘—.—. . _,,...-,» , ~., ‘.-...,‘ f4 . . ",5,” . .»‘ _ , . ,. ,.pedipalp ocelli I-—-tarsus stinger -------- ,. subaculear spine-" ....—- caudal vesicle- / . postabdomen\\ \ i'ma \\\ _;h”%>\%\ / .4 \ :- ----------- \ V“. 4 \ \ \ A“ “m“. '--.._.“\ j‘)” ' ,7 \\ V . ~- - ,, ~ \\‘\ "9-.- w .r” ”W, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Com-r, Training Bunch, Aria-Ho, Gootgic _ I963 .24 SCORPION DIAGRAM: VENTRAL VIEW OF CENTRUROIDES VITTATUS Chester J. Stojanovich r pincer ————————— ‘W Max“. .w.‘ \ "" ' “ “NW _‘___<_._..»~ “25:5”... ‘lqnff‘v"_-,xf_-5_\‘ ‘\ v _ . » chelicera\‘ \ ‘ (I m— (/. § _ l,‘preabdomen ‘~~st1nger -—subaculear _ spine / .__ . \ L “caudal vesmle [77' \ (e 3'.\ r - ; \ f; (a; , \ . s w \ ~ J‘ \ um. VFW \ I f \ 1‘ I \ J t \ f *' \ a} 1. . \ in" N ~. ! , , )postabdomen "K " '~ WWW-5 r ’ . (r »~ ’ :‘V Ftp/M a” R..." . ",9“ ’f - M - Mr“ ,, ” .5 _. - . / .; - " ' ” U.$. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Dis-ole Center, Training Branch, Aolanvo, Goorgio — I963 250 SCORPIONS: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON UNITED STATES SPECIES Chester J. Stojanovich and flarold George Scott l l stinger with many setae stinger with few settle I I stinger without subnculear tooth stinger with aulmculear tooth Hadrurus arizonensis OLIVE HAIRY SCORPION l l— I . lmdy strip'ed dorsally body patterned dorsally body not striped or patterned \"‘.\ '. K" ' .. l‘ejm-is spilligerus Vejovis carolinianus Vejom's flavus STRIPEtTAIL DEVIL SCORPION SOUTHERN DEVIL HIORPION SLENDER DEVIL SCORI’ION F I T l)tltl\ ltlack dorsally body striped dorsally body yellow dorsally \ Centruroides gracilis Centruroides viltatus Centruroides sculpturalus MARGARITE SCORPION STRIPE-BACK SCORPION DEADLY SCULPTURED SCORPION U.$. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Dis-as. Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — ‘963 026 ACARINA: ILLUSTRATED KEY TO SOME COMMON ADULT FEMALE MITES AND ADULT TICKS Harry D. Pratt and Chester J. Stojanovich Last segment of first leg with a depression known as Haller's organ; most species with a toothed hypostome on capitulum; size usually over 4 mm. (Fig. 1 A). Ticks ...... 21 Last segment of first leg without such a depression known as Haller's organ; hypostome not toothed; most species less than 4 mm. long (Fig. 1 B). Mites. . ................. 2 .\ Vi“ \ ‘ hypos tome \ Fig. 1 A Ballet's organ 2. Respiratory system with a spiracle on each side opening lateral to the bases of the 3rd or 4th pair of legs, frequently spiracles leading into slender tubes that extend forward laterally to the bases of the lst or 2nd pairs of legs Fig. 2 A). Mesostigmatid Mites. 3 Respiratory system without spiracles, or with spiracles opening near bases of the che- licerae (Fig. 2 B) ............................................................. 13 3. Anus surrounded by a plate bearing only 3 setae, one on each side and one behind the anal opening; first tarsus bearing caruncle and claws at tip (Fig. 3 A) ............... 4 Anus surrounded by a plate bearing more than 3 setae; first tarsus without caruncle and claws (Fig. 3 B) .................................... Many species of Macrocheles Fig. 3 A Fig. 3 n U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Commonicabl. Dluou Cont", Training Bunch, Atlanta, Georgia - Revised ‘966 by Harold Georg. Scott 270 Anal opening more than its length behind anterior margin of. anal plate; chelicerae strongly narrowed apically, needle-like, movable chela absent or extremely small (Fig. 4 A). Genus Dermanyssus ..................................................... 5 Anal opening less than its length or about its length, behind anterior margin of anal plate; chelicerae not narrowed apically and needle-like, shear-like, bearing conspicu- ous shear-like chelae at tip which may or may not bear teeth (Fig. 4 B) .............. 7 (- Fig. 4 A Fig. 4 B 5. Dorsal surface of body with a Single plate (Fig... 5 A) ................................ 6 Dorsal s;.rface of body with two plates, 3 urge anterior plate and a small posterior plate (Fig: 5 B). Dermanyssus sanguineus ..................... HOUSE; MOUSE MET \) W at 9" / Fig- 5 A \W/j/ \ "I‘ Fig. 5 s \_/ Peritreme tube somewhat sinuous and extending anteriorl y to a point opposite coxa 2 (Fig. 6 A). Dermanyssus gallinae ................................. CHICKEN MITE 0. Peritreme tube short, extending forward for a. distance less than half the diameter of coxa 3 (Fig. 6 B). Dermanyssus americanus ................. AMERICAN BIRD MITE is? {33‘ i Q) Q Tsunami '\ f Fig. 6 A\ .28 Dorsal plate not covering entire dorsal surface of mite; genito-ventral plate typically narrowed posteriorl y behind 4th coxae; chelae on chelicerae without teeth or setae (Fig. 7 A). Genus anithonyssus ..................................................... 8 Dorsal plate almost covering entire dorsal surface of mite; genito-ventral plate typical- ly expanded posterior to 4th coxae; one or both chelae of chelicerae with teeth and a seta (Fig. 7 B). Family Laelaptidae ............................................. 10 genito- ventral plate\ Sternal plate with anterior and middle pairs of sternal setae on the plate, posterior pair usually just off the plate (Fig. 8 A). On Birds. . . Ornithonyssus sylviarum ............ ........................................................ NORTHERN FOWL MITE Sternal plate with the usual three pairs of setae on the plate (Fig. 8 B) ............... 9 E A' / Fig. 8 A \ Fig. 8 B Dorsal plate narrowed posteriorly; setae in middle dorsal row of plate longer than the distance between their bases (Fig. 9 A). Normally on mammals or man ............. Ornithonyssus bacoti ........................................ TROPICAL RAT MITE Dorsal plate broader posterior] y; setae in middle dorsal row of plate much shorter than the distance between their bases (Fig. 9 B). Normally on birds ...................... Ornithonyssus bursa ........................................ TROPICAL BIRD MITE Fig. 9 A 29. 10. Genito-ventral plate with many fine setae; anal plate transverse, wider than long (Fig. 10 A). On domestic rats and a wide variety of wild mammals ..... Eulaelaps stabularis Genito- ventral plate with one to four pairs of setae; anal plate longer than wide (Fig. 10 Fig. 10 A Fig. 10 B 11. Genito—ventral plate with only a single pair of setae (Fig. 11 A). On domestic rats and mice and a wide variety of mammals and birds .................................... Haemolaelaps glasgowi ................................... COMMON RODENT MITE Genito-ventral plate with four pairs of setae (Fig. 11 B). Normally on domestic rats.. 12 12. Anal plate contiguous with the genito- ventral plate, anterior margin rounded and fitting into a strong concavity in genito- vental plate; larger species averaging l- 2 mm. long. (Fig. 12 A). Echinolaelaps echidninus ............................. SPINY RAT MITE Anal plate somewhat separated from genito- v-entral plat, anterior margin almost straight with definite anterior- -lateral corners; small species averaging 0. 5— 1 mm long (Fig. 12 B). Laelaps sn_u__ttalli ................................. DOMESTIC RAT MITE Fig. 12 A 030 13. First pair of legs very long, much longer than other three pairs; anterior margin of body with four distinct flattened scales and somewhat flattened scales on other dorsal surfaces of body (Fig. 13 A). Plant feeders which invade buildings but do not bite man. Bryobia praetiosa ................................................ CLOVER MITE First pair of legs not markedly longer than the other three pairs of legs; no flattened scales on body (Fig. 13 B) ..................................................... 14 14. Surface of body without fine parallel lines or folds; tarsi without stalked suckers (Fig. 14 A). Adults never true parasites (Cheese or Flour mites) ...................... 15 Surface of body with fine parallel lines or folds; tarsi often provided with stalked suclz— ers (Fig. 14 B). Scabies Or mange mites parasitic in all stages, chiefly on vertebrates 15. Tarsi tapering markedly to tip (Fig. 15 A) .................... gycyphagus prunorum Tarsi not tapering markedly to tip (Fig. 15 B). Many cheese and flour mites which are difficult to separate except with very specialized literature and a reference collection. ..................................... Genus Tyrophagus, Genus Caloglyphus, Etc. P13. 15 A 16. Body elongate, somewhat cigar-shaped and prolonged behind; the abdomen somewhat ringed; legs very short, apparently three-segmented; tiny species less than 1 mm. (Fig. 16 A). In hair follicles or sebaceous glands of mammals ...................... Demodex folliculorum .................................. PORE OR FOLLICLE MITE Body not prolonged behind and cigar—shaped (Fig. 16 B). Occasionally female grain itch somewhat balloon-shaped; larger species not found in hair follicle or sebaceous glands of mammals ................................................................. l7 _ 17. A club—shaped or clavate hair between bases of first and second pairs of legs, body di- vided into cephalothorax and abdomen, the latter often enormously enlarged (Fig. 17 A) Pyemotes ventricosus formerly Pediculoides ventricosus .......... STR AW ITCH MITE Setae on cephalothorax normal, no club-shaped or clavate hair between bases of first and second pairs of legs; no distinct division into cephalothorax and abdomen (Fig. 17 B) ............................................................................. 18 Fig. 17 B 18. Legs short and stubby (Fig. 18 A) ............................................... 20 Legs longer and more slender (Fig. 18 B) ........................................ l9 .32 19. Suckers of tarsi with segmented pedicels (Fig. 19 A). Non-burrowing itch mites on mammals in the genus Psoroptes, a common species causing scabs and crusts in the ears of rabbits is the Psoroptes cuniculi ......................... RABBIT EAR MITE Suckers of tarsi without segmented pedicels (Fig. 19 B) ............................ ........................................... Dermatophagoides scheremetewskyi a M Fig. 19 A Fig. 19 B 20. Anal opening on the dorsal surface of the body; dorsal surface of the body with only short, sharp setae (Fig. 20 A) ......................................... Notoedres Anal opening at tip of body or slightly on ventral side; dorsal surface of body with pointed scales and blunt stout spines (Fig. 20 B). Sarcoptes scabiei ................ ..................................................... SCABIES OR MANGE MITE Fig. 20 A 330 21. Capitulum at anterior end of body, visible from above and below; scutum or dorsal shield present, short in female, long in male (Fig. 21 A & B). Family Ixodidae. .HARD TICKS...22 Capitulum on under side of body, hidden by body when seen from above thOugh palpi may project anteriorly; scurum absent (Fig. 21 C & D). Family Argasidae ..... SOFT TICKS. . . .31 capitulum\ ‘ Fig. 21 A Fig. 21 B Fig. 21 C Fig. 21 D FAMILY IXODIDAE - HARD TICKS 22. Ornate ticks, with some white markings on dorsal shield (Fig. 22 A) .................... 23 Inornate ticks, without white markings on dorsal shield (Fig. 22 B) .................... 28 dorsal shield dorsal shield \ 23, Palpi long, much longer than basis capituli; second segment of palpus about twice as long as wide (Fig. 23A) . Genus Amblyonma .................................. .. ...... .........24 Palpi short, about as long as basis capituli; second segment of palpus about as long as wide (Fig. 23 B). Genus Dermacentor ..... . .............................................. 25 III- --II-- - —I —————— palpal segments ------- III- "II‘ ‘1 a-" ‘| C.\ V. \ Fig. 23A basis capituli Fig. 23 B ‘basis capituli 034 24. Next to last segment of second, third, and fourth pairs of legs without paired terminal spurs; female with a distinct pale marking near posterior end of dorsal shield (Fig. 24 A). Amblxomma americanum ........... . ..................................... LONE STAR TICK Next to last Segment of second, third, and fourth pairs of legs with long, paired termi- nal spurs; female with more diffuse markings on dorsal shield (Fig. 24 B) ................ Amblyomma maculatum ...................................................... GULF COAST TICK 25. Spiracular plate without dorsal prolongation (Fig. 25 A). Dermacentor albipictus ....... . .................................................................... .........HINTER TICK Spiracular plate with dorsal prolongation (Fig. 25 B) ........... . ............... .......26 Fig. 25 B 26. Basis capituli with long cornua (Fig. 26 A). Dermacentor occidentalis.PACIl-‘IC COAST TICK Basis capituli with short cornua (Fig. 26 B) ................................... .. ..... 27 Fig. 26 A Fig. 26 B 35. 27. Goblets of spiracular plate large and less numerous; Rocky Mountain species. (Fig.27 A) Dermacentor andersoni .................. ..... .................... ROCKY MOUNTAIN WOOD TICK Goblets of spiracular plate very small and numerous; east of the Rocky Mountains and on the Pacific coast. (Fig.27 B). Dermacentor variabilis ................ AMERICAN DOG TICK Fig.27 A 28. Sides of basis capituli laterally produced; distinctly angulate; eyes present on sides of scutum (Fig.28 A a B) ........................................................ ......29 Sides of basis capituli not laterally produced; more or less parallel (Fig.28 C); eyes absent ......................................................................... . ...... 30 Fig.28 A basis capitulir’ ’basis capituli 29. Fore :oxa deeply cleft; festoons present; easily seen in unengorged specimens; anal groove distinct in unengorged specimens (Fig.29 A). (principally on dogs or in houses) Rhipicephalus sanguineus .................................................. BROWN DOG TICK Fore coxa not deeply cleft; festoons absent; anal groove indistinct (Fig.29 B). (On cat— tle and deer). Boophilus annulatus ..................................... .....CATTLE TICK fore coxa anal groove festoon; {ore coxa \ \ I” I’ I I I / Fig.29 A Fig.29 B .36 30. 3L 32. second segment of palpus anal groove Second segment of palpus laterally produced; anal groove behind anus, not attaining pos- terior margins of body (Fig.30 A & B). Haemaphysalis leporispalustris ..... RABBIT TICK Second segment of palpus not laterally produced; anal groove extending as an inverted U from in front of anus to posterior margins of body (Fig. 30 C) ............. Genus Ixodes anal groove\ FAMILY ARGASIDAE - SOFT TICKS Margin of body with a definite Sututal line separating dorsal and ventral surfaces; dorsal surface with con5picuous "discs" arranged somewhat in radiating lines (Fig. 31 A) Argas persicus ................ _ ........ . ........ . .............. ....... ..... ....FOHL TICK Margin of body lacking definite sutural line, thick and rounded (Fig. 31 B) ....... ...32 Fig. 31 A Hypostome with well—developed teeth (Fig. 32 A); integument not spinose...... ........ Genus Ornithodoros ....................... . ........................................... 33 Hypostome of adult vestigial or without effective teeth; integument of nymph (stage usually seen) spinose (Fig. 32 8). Usually on cattle and horses ............. .... ...... Otobius megnini ................. . ............. . ....... .... ............. SPINOSE EAR TICK Fig. 32 A 37. 33. Strong dorsal humps absent on all tarsi (Fig. 33 A)..... ............................. 34 Strong dorsal humps present on tarsi of first, second and third legs (Fig. 33 B)......35 mi W Fig. 33 Fig. 'l3 B 34. Cheeks absent (Fig. 34 A). Ornithodoros hvrmsi .............. HERMS' RELAPSING FEVER TICK Cheeks present (Fig. 34 B) ........................................... Ornithodoros talujo ‘\ A l‘. , Fig. 34 A Fig. 34 B 35. Eyes present on sides of body above second and third coxae (Fig. 35 A); tarsus of fourth log with a prominent, poin .ed subterminal spur (Fig. 35 B). .......................... Ornithodoros coriaceus ................................................... PAJAROELLO TICK Eyes absent; tarsus of fourth leg without such subterminal spur (Fig. 35 C) ........... 15 ‘spiracle Fig. 35 B Fig. 35 C \ Fig. 35 A 36. Hammillae large, relatively few and not crowded; in mid -dorsal region about 10 per linear mm. ;l)postome over 1/2 mm. longa Southeastern United States and Mexico north to Kansas and Florida. Ornithodoros turicata.......................RELAPSING FEVER TICK Mammillae small, crowded, and numerous; in mid-dorsal region about 18 per linear mm. ; hypostome less than 1/2 mm. long. Pacific coast and Rocky Mountain states ............ Ornithodoros Barketi.......................................PARK£R' S RELAPSING FEVER TICK O38 TICKS: KEY TO GENERA IN UNITED STATES Harry D. Pratt l fl Capitulum interior; scutum absent Caprtulum anterior; scuturn present FAMILY ARGASIDAE — SOFI TICKS FAMILY IXODIDAE - HARD TICKS ,capitulum / :apivulum __ _ _ _ _ .1 \ Vonlral Dorsal Female, donol Mole. dornl Margin at body with definite Margin ol body thick, rounded, Anal groove either behind Anal groove in Iront ol anus. sutural line. without delinite sutural line. anus. indistinct, or absent. e l HYPOSIOM Wllh well devel» HYDOStOM VEStIgial or with- Second segment ol palpr not Second segment at palpi Iat- oped teeth, Integumenl mamrl- Out ellectrve teeth. Integu- laterally produced. erally produced. lated ment tuberculated or granu- lated. ' 4. %* ORNITMODOROS HAEMAPNYSALIS lntegurnent ol adult granular, Integumentoladult and nymph Mouthuarts much longer than Mouthparts as long as basis at nymph(stage usually seen) tuberculated. Hypostome ol basrs capitulr. capituli. very spinose. Hypostonie ol adult scoop-like, Associated adult vestigial. Usually on With bats. cattle, horses, or rabbits. oroarus aurnrcou -—-°u'he°m—- - ]__boaia cepituli-- I I l l [ *1 Scutum with eyes Scuturn without eyes Basis capituli laterally pro- Basis capituli not laterally duced. produced. A' 4' 4' (o I r y r 4 Palm ridged dorsally and Famous absent. Palpi not ridged. Festoons present. Festoons eleven Festoons seven laterally. °€gwwv ANOCENTOR BOOPHILUS RHIPICEPHALUS l DERMACENTOR l -(OTOCENTOR} U.$. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Diuau Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - I96) 390 TICKS AND MITES: KEY TO SPECIES COMMONLY INFESTING PIGEONS Harold George Scott 8; Chester J. Stojanovich adult 6-9 mm. long Argas reflexus PIGEON TICK r’ with lateral spiracles Ornithonxssus bursa TROPICAL FOWL HITE or DermanXSSus gallinae CHICKEN HITE I with horizontal setae ’ql’w ~ (“JV Pterophagus strictus BODY-FEATHER MITE [7 I mouthparts ventral mouthparts anterior adult 0.25 mm. under 0.6 mm. long long Laminosiogtes cxstlcola FOWL CYST MITE 4] l without lateral apiraclea with H-ahaped without H-ahapad peritreme eringoghilus bigectinatus or eringoghilus columbae PIGEON QUILL MITBS J I without horizontal se tae le 5 I and II simple legs I and II / FalculiIe r stratus or Hegninia cubitalia CONTOUR-FEATHER HITES RING-FEATHER HITE U§.DEPARTMENTOFHEALTH,EDUCAHON,ANDWELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Diuou Conny, Twining Branch, Atlanta, Gougio - I963 e40 TICKS: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON SPECIES I capitulum visible tram above, scutum present, Iamily lxodidae, HARD TICKS , capitulum temale Harry D. Pratt fl capitulum not visible from above, scutum absent, family Argasidae. SOFT TICKS C \ \ capitulum 0 ventral dorsal J I fl SU'U'OI “"0 P'GSGM sutural line absent Argos persicus Ornithodoros FOWL TICK RELAPSING FEVER TICK mouthparts short, about as long as basis capituli mouthparts basis capitulum l scutum with white markings; basis capituli with parallel sides *I mauthparts much longer than basis capituli white spot on tip of scutum at female mouthparts basis capitalum / \ Amblyomma americanum LONE STAR TICK scutum without white markings; basis capituli produced laterally to Iarm an angle Dermacentar voriabilis and D. andersoni AMERICAN DOG TICK AND WOOD TlCK U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Rhipicephalus sanguineus BROWN DOG TICK PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - I961 MITE DIAGRAM WITH STRUCTURES LABELED Harry D. Pratt ) K chelicero i ’ i. p0|pus u‘. gi. l a j : l ‘ \ ‘ Fl hyposlome “ ‘ jg . a V triloslernum lrochonler // . {f fem‘" Dolello O ' . tibia i. ’ i lor5us I I caruncle \ \ i CIOW OHOl slernol plate perilreme ‘ spiracle metapodol plate genito—ven’tral plole U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLlC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Diuou Com-r, Training Branch, Atlanta, Gawain .42 MITES: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON SPECIES OF PUBLIC HEALTH IMPORTANCE Harold George Scott and Chester J. Stojanovich uilh l.|ll‘i'1ll ~|nirm~lr~ and lll‘l’il'l'mr wilhoul Illerll ppirnrlrv- or perilreme u I olnl'nll' a! hunt Immu- Mo "Ln" vuluc .uu- u-nu (Inn-Mable!) ----- c...- Alb-I a... l9h1 _________ Pll’llf‘mc ’ ‘xplmile >gemlo umnl leu' » .imi plan unnl opening nl mul opening Ii firni P." of leg! “I,“ P.“ of ”8' Ihorl rear of illlll llllll‘ from of lnnl pllle dorsal shield undivided dorlll Ihield divided CLOVER M lTl‘: Bryobia praeliosa with rlub belueen leg. I 8! II nilhonl rlub belween lean l a II CN'CKE" "I” HOUSE mouse mm»: Dermanyssus gnllinae Dermanyssus sanguine“ l I senimwfmni pllie genilo-venlnl plnle narrowed Poulfrior'y expnndtd pouleriorly STRAW ITlle MlTI-I Pyemnies veniricosus fl bod» ov-I wilh fine line: body Ilrongly elonglle body nomewhll elon‘llc abdomen with fine lines lhdomen wilhoul lillfl TROPICAL RAT MITE SPINY RAT MITE ITCH MITI’. FOLLICLE MITE A CHEESE MITE Ornithonyuus baroli Echinolaelaps echidninus Sarroples arabiei Demodex folliculorum Tyrophagua Iinlneri U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Discos. Center, Training Brmch, Ailmio, Georgia — I963 43. MlTES: KEY TO SOME SPECIES COMMONLY INFESTING HOUSEHOLDS AND STORED FOOD Harold George Scott. 1. With club-like hair between bases of legs I and II .............................. 5 Without club-like hair between bases of legs I and II .............. . .............. 2 2. Claws, if present, not on stalks (Glycyphagus domesticus, formerly . . . ................ Clyciphagus prunorum) ....................................... SUGAR MlTE Claws on stalks .................................................... 3 3. Internal apical hair (on ioint between femur I and tibia l) less than three times as long as external apical hair ............................... 4 Internal apical hair (on ioint between femur l and tibia I) more than three times as long as external apical hair (Acarus farinae, formerly Tyroglyphus farinae) .................... . .............. . HAM MITE Acarus farinae ,/ '\ 4. Tarsus with one stout dorsal and five small ventral terminal spines (Acarus siro, formerly Tyroglyphus siro) .......................... GRAIN MITE Tarsus with only three small ventral spines (Tyrophagus castellani, formerly Tyrog/yphus longior) ................................ CHEESE MlTE Tyrophagus castellani S. Tarsus IV of female ending in claws and a fleshy protuberance; leg IV of male smoothly curved inwards (Pyemotes ventricosus, formerly STRAW lTCH MlTE --------------------------- Pediculoides ventricosus) ...... Tarsus IV of female ending in two long hairs of unequal length; leg IV 0-" male sharply bent (Tarsonemus floricolus) ............. FLORICOLUS GRAIN MITE Pyemotes ventricosus U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - I963 O44 MITES: PICTORIAL KEY TO ADULT FEMALES COMMONLY FOUND 0N DOMESTIC RATS IN SOUTHERN UNITED STATES Harry D. Pratt and Chester J. Stojanovich I (m. Ind mu...“ m." .mm ~rplrnlrd lrnm Ihird .na fourth nun all four rnllr ul'rlu-r Inplhcr IIleI lug. .m. 2 'n'lIi'Illr pup. v", mun. “In...” perlinllf "an. I... m :I’Illumrn "Inn lip u! abdomen .iIIu-ul 2 long “I" unit. 2 lunl nun l fl 4...“: .nmd mp. grnilo-Irnlv-l don-l .Imla mun. .mim-unml pl-Ir null") expand-d pmrniovly pl-Ie runn- pauninrl, dun-l uhirhl Ilnvanl nhirld undivided don-l uhiol-I dividrd LIIIP'VIO'IIII alu‘t‘if! .rroud llr~u~ unh l-n rlau «rand unu. air!» one «In: ()milhouyuin bun-Ii Dermunyuu: sanguine": lnll plus Iilh 7 or man «In .ul III-Ir nilh 3 um lefunlin rnsifrra Myabia sperirs Marrorlleln nprrica ' I lrlliln-vflllvnl 'Illlf uuh many fine um: .rniIo-vcnlrll plat: will. one pair of um pnim-unlul plan- will: Iaur pin a! «In C1271? t F—gl km" and HM: of nro-d femur and tibia a! "road geniIn-venlul plan "nine-"anal plnu I2. uilhaul alaul Ipinu lq earl. uilh 1 “our wine “In" poneriovly ranvu pu-Iuiarly Eu Ia clap: unbu Ia ri- U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ”ngmnlaflapl glugmoi Andrnlaolapa "row. Echinoloolapo erhidninun Leela,» nuualll' HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Dina-a Cam-r, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - I963 45. SILVERFISH. PICTOBIAL KEY TO DOMESTIC SPECIES Chester J. Stojanovlch and Harold George Scott r I sea: in tufts sen: single color brown Tbmnobia domestica FIREBKAT J r I without seul combs with scul combs color silver Lrpisma saccharina COMMON SlLVERI-‘ISH J F I 2 pairs of styli 3 pairs of Styli color gray color brown I I l . ' ‘ , ’ 4- I‘ ‘ m ' ' ‘ I _ ' 1 I 1 1— |‘ Ctrnolepisma urbana Clrnolrpis'ma quadrism'ala GIANT SILVERFISH FOUR-LINED SILVERFISH Ctenolrpisma longicauda of some authors U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH IERVICE. Communicable Disease Corner, Training Branch, Atlmta, Georgia — 1962 O46 COLLEMBOLA: PICTORIAL KEY TO COMMON DOMESTIC SPECIES Harold George Scott, and Chester J. Stojanovich l prothorsx well developed prothomxl reduced eyes absent eyes present abd IV long sbd IV short without snsl spines with anal spines snus ventral onus terminal eyes absent eyes present 305 W b@‘@3 Onychiurus Onychiurus Isotouodes Pulse-is Proisotona fimetarius smtus tenuis guadrioculata frisoni ' I ungulculus present unguiculus absent scales present scales Lbsent body marbled body not urbled I Hypogastrurs Hypogsstrura “Hog-struts manubrialis smta pseudamata l dens with Jentral scales dens without ventral scales antenna antenns 6 ~aegnentsd lo-segnented all blue ‘ blue nakerd W) \e .‘ " vs Orchesslla albosa begidocgtus cuvicollis Slra buski Sira glatani mslisl | r l j body not striped acne body sessents striped all body segunts striped __LEnt°n°br - s___r1u°11v-t- mime mg;- m M U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, AtIm'o, Georgie - 196] 470 COLLEMBOLA DIAGRAMS Harold George Scott ocelli tenent hair__ / antenna \ \ / \ / \ . , \ ungulculus- _ _ V , I \ / \ , , / antenna\ \ unguls- — '- \\ mandible\ _‘ ‘~ \ / /oce11i / - , a o \ \ ‘ -. col lophore / / tenaCUlum” ’ H “In“ \\ ':"’I:'ll‘l}llg’1\\ 'I'I I" | I‘m 1‘," I I ‘ [HIPIHJI' manubrium\ \ SUBORDER ARTHROPLEONA I’antenna\ ,oce11i\ / / _ _____Lhorax II ————— / "" / / / \I l l /anal papilla‘ II I l l l l I l ________ AfUrCllla tibiotarsus SUBORDER SYMPHYPLEONA U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Diuan Conny, Training Branch, Mlmro, Georgia — I96! .48 COLLEMBOLA: PICTORIAL KEY TO WORLD SUBFAMILIES Harold George Scott, Ph.D. 1 j body elongate, Segmented body subglobose, fused Suborder ARTHROPLEONA Suborder SYMPHYPLEONA SHINTHURIDAE . ' 1 ,___*__‘ prothorax well developed pr.othorax reduced antenna longer antenna shorter ’ than head than head an PODURIDAE ENTCMOBRYIDAE NEELINAE furcula rtot reaching furcula reaching ant IV subequal to ant IV shorter beyond colloPhore beyond collophore or longer than III than III ‘__,ant IV..—-—— / PODURINAE DICYRTOMINAE ant III sense organ ant III sense organ thoracic sutures thoracic sutures with rods and cones with rods only Indefinite ev1dent eyes absent eyes usually present collophore warty collophore smooth mandible with mandible without molar surface molar surface A SMINTHURINAE SHINTHURIDINAE M l {3' abd IV “0c “ice abd IV at least 2:50 III (or terminal twice 111 " segments fused) HYPOGASTRURINAE NEANURINAE , ‘ fl I ant III and IV subsegmented ant III and IV not subsegmented 09?? / TOMOCERINAE ISOTCM INAE ENTWOBRY INAE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE puauc HEALTH SERVICE, Communicablo Diuau Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — I961 49. COLLEMBOLA: PICTORIAL KEY TO NEARCTIC GENERA Harold George Scott, Ph.D. SUBFAMILIES PODURINAE, HYPOGASTRURINAE, AND ONYCHIURINAE __postantennal organ eyes present Podura aguatlca Linnaeus only species in subfamily ONYCHIURINAE f l unguiculus well unguiculus reduced developed or absent. ‘ k postantennal tubercles 4-12 0 PODURINAE HYPOGASTRURINAE eyes absent I ‘e o o 0 ~ -_postantenna1 & organ/ postantenna l. tubercles I (Q) \ Willemia Stachlomella l I Onychiurus postantennal postantennal J organ present organ absent r 1 body slender body stout #5 “V \/ \/ Xenylla 'r . postantennal postantennal tubercles 4-8 tubercles 1 )q u, -_ .. A .. H (V Tullbergia Hoffia 2‘ 1“" J r ' ' eyes 2 and 2 eyes 8 and 8 anal Spines present anal spines absent furcula absent furcula present WE? Kn_ow_____1tonella N___________eobeckerella Mesachorutes Hypogastrura U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Dunn Center, Training Branch, Aolmvo, Goovgio - I961 .50 COLLEMBOLA: PICTORIAL KEY TO NEARCTIC GENERA Harold George Scott, Ph.D. SUBFAMILY NEANURINAE I l abd VI large, bilobed abd VI small, rounded segmental tubercles present segmental tubercles absent (o NEANURINI PSEUDACHORUTINI 1 l 'l segmental segmental anal Spines present anal Spines absent tubercles large tubercles small c e u 4| l ‘l furcula present furcula absent Neanura Neanurodes f l anal spines 2 anal Spine53- S anal spines 8 W W S j, ’ maxilla untoothed maxilla toothed Xgnyllodes Friesea Prospinanura «W @\ Micranur ida Anurida I I fl eyes 5 and 5 eyes 6 and 6 eyes 8 and 8 L Micro astrura I fl l postantennal postantennal with buccal cone without buccal cone tubercles 8 tubercles 4-5 Logacanura Odontella Brachystomella Pseudachorutes U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Adana, Georgia — 196' 51. COLLEMBOLA: PICTORIAL KEY TO NEARCTIC GENERA Harold George Scott, Ph.D. SUBFAMILY ISOTOMINAE - For! A l l anal spines 4 anal spines 8 anal spines 0-2 G) 'A e \ Q \ $7 L Weberacantha I I | F l furCula short furcula long futcula absent furcula present K ; , (o 1 1g Tetracanthella Spinlsotoma Anurophorus ""““ ' "" 1 I l fringed b0thri°tricha precent fringed bothrlotricha absent }————-fi f 4 I abd V and VI abd v and VI anal spines 0 anal spines 2 ankylosed not ankylosed N N E I ‘ unguiculus unguiculus present absent Archisotoma ‘ mucro with 3-4 teeth mucro with 5 teeth % %’ ’, ‘ Biacanthella Uzelia l ‘ pg postantennal organ postantennal organ present and eyes absent eyes present or absent Isotomurus Axelsonia Folsomina ' see part B U§.DEPARTMENTOFHEALTH,EDUCA“ON,ANDWELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Diuou Conroy, Twining Bunch, Adana, Georgia - I961 .52 COLLEMBOLA: PICTORIAL KEY TO NEARCTIC GENERA SUBFAMILY ISOTOMINAE - Part B continued from part A l 1 anus ventral anus terminal t 444 manubrium with manubrium abd IV not shorter abd 1V Snorter hooks without hooks than III than III Isotomodes Folsomia [ 1 mucro with 0-3 teeth mucro with 4 teeth mucro with 2 teeth mucro with 3-4 teeth 4&4 WW Proisotoma Metisotoma 4J I eyes 8 and 8 eyes 2 and 2 eyes absent to 4 and 4 . 1’ W119 Folsomides Hicrisotoma body segments body segments unguis tunicate unguis not tunicate bulging ‘ not bulging %; g g g V Guthriella Isotomina Agrenia I l I with dental spines without dental spines mucro with 3 teeth * mucro with 4 teeth Semicerura Tomocerura Isotoma U$.DEPARTMENTOFHEALTH,EDUCA“ON,ANDWELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Blanch, Aolmm, Georgia — 196] 53. COLLEMBOLA: PICTORIAL KEY TO NEARCTIC GENERA Harold George Scott. Ph.D. SUBFAMILIES TOMOCERINAE AND ENTOMOBRYINAE TOMOCERINAE ENTOMOBRYINAE postantennal organ postantennal organ dentes with large dentes without large fringed scales fringed scales present y Tomolonus V Cyphoderus —-_— l I I I l fl ant 4-segmented ant 4-segmented ant 4-segmented ant 5—segmented ant 6-segmented 4th seg annulate 4th seg annulate seg not annulate dark eyepatch no dark eyepatch 1 f Lepidocyrtinus Troglosinella [ Heteromurus Orchesella I i I i I scales present scales present scales present scales absent scales absent mucro l—toothed mucro 2-toothed mucro O-toothed mucro without mucro with basal spine basal Spine Q Q Drepanocxrtus Calx dens with ventral dens without ventral dens with Spines dens without spines scales scalesfl ‘ Q W mi k Sira Homidia __i'"__—"__‘ eyes 8 and 8 eyes 5 and 5 ant II longer ant II not or fewer than IV longer than IV Lepidocyrtus Pseudosinella Isotobryoides I r I j 1 eyes 4 and 4 or eyes 8 and 8 eyes 8 and 8 eyes 8 and 8; no tibia- fewer or absent tibiotarsal patch no tibiotarsal patch tarsal PSCCh; mucro '! mucro with anteapical Without anteapical a tooth tooth M ’ Entomobr oides En__t__y_omobr a W U$.DEPARTMENTOFHEALTH,EDUCA“ON,ANDWELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Con'ov, Training Branch, Adamo, Georgia - I96] .54 COLLEMBOLA: PICTORIAL KEY TO NEARCTIC GEN ERA Harold George Scott, Ph.D. FAMILY SMINTHURIDAE NEELINAE DICYRTOMINAE l I ’1 ant III longer ant III not ant III and claw with claw without than IV longer than IV IV fused tunica tunica Neelides N___ee1us Me alothorax fiQQ SMINTHURIDINAE Dicxrtomina abd V and VI abd V and VI ant III and IV ant III or IV or ankylosed separated not subsegmented both subsegmented 5‘ u Dicyrtoma Ptenothrix SMINTHURINAE ant IV ant IV not Sminthurides subsegmented subsegmented 0) ant IV not ant IV ‘ Subsegmented subsegmented ant III with ant III without strong setae strong setae Sminthurinus tenent hairs absent tenent hairs present Sminthurus J I ’41 0-1 tenent hairs several tenent hairs Arrho alites Bourletiella bothriotricha bothriotricha I present ’4? absent r l claw tunicate claw not tunicate Katiannina Metakatianna 5 h rotheca Paratrhogalites U$.DEPARTMENTOFHEALTH,EDUCA“ON,ANDWELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlcnm, Georgia -— 196] COCKROACHES: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON SPECIES Harry D. Pratt MEDIUM TO LARGE, LONGER THAN 5/8 INCH SHALL, ABOUT 5/8" OR SHORTER l PRONOTUM WITH 2 LONGITLDINAL BLACK BARS GERMAN COGKROACH (Elvin/lo yormam‘w) WINGS COVERING ABOUT NALF OF ABDOMEN PRONOTUI ABOUT 1/4 INCH WIDE .r’ """ /-\~\ I. 1’ W000 ROACH (Porcobhfla :pp.) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE CommunicabIe Dino“ Center Training Branch Atlanta, Georgia - I953 V PRONOTUM WITHOUT WINGS ABSENT, LONGITUDINAL OR SHORTER THAN ABDOMEN BLACK BARS PRONOTW MORE THAN IA NCN WIDE .M ;‘ 'r , @ WINGS SHORTER WINGS ABSENT THAN ABDOMEN WINS COVERING ABDOHEN, OFTEN EXTENDING BEYOND PRONOTUN ABOUT I/4 INCH WIDE WITH PALE BORMR WOOD ROACH (Puma/aria app.) FEMALE — —— MALE I , / @ wmes COVERING NEARLY ALL OF ABDOMEN OR EXTENDING ORIENTAL COCKROACH BEYOND. PRONOTUM NARROWER (aloha oriental/s) FEMALE— I. I V FRONT wmo wn‘mou‘r PALE STREAK. PRONOTUM SOLID coma, on WITH PALE DESIGN ONLY MODERATELY cmsmcuous BROWN-BANDED COCKROAGH I {Same/la swallow/Mm} I I PRONOTW USUALLY WITH SOME PALE AREA. GENERAL COLOR SELDOM BARKER THAN REDDISH CHESTNUT PRONOTUIA SOLID DARK COLOR. GENERAL COLOR VERY DARK BROWN T0 BLACKV LAST SEGIENT 0F CERCUS TWICE AS LONG AS WIDE LAST SEGMENT OF CERCUS NOT TWICE AS LONG AS WIDE SMOKY BROWN COCKROACH (Par/"planua Iu/iginosa) O u! I a: SCALE IN INCHES AMERICAN COCKROACH BROWN COCKROACH (Par/plane" amoricana) (Par/planner bra/mu) FRONT WING WITN OUTER PALE STREAK AT BASE‘ AUSTRALIAN COGKROACH (Forth/ante dump/03in) PRONOTUM STRIKINGLV MARKED —— PALE \» STREAK USS 056 COCKROACHES: KEY TO EGG CASES OF COMMON DOMESTIC SPECIES Harold George Scott. Ph.D. and Margery R. Borom l less than %" long subsegments apparent with about 16 subsegments length more than twice width (W Blatclla germanica GERMAN COCKROACH more than %" long l with about 8 subsegments length less than twice width fipila spellectilium BROWN-BANDED COCKROACH with lateral indentations «rtttCCVLL\ m«.h “w 'mai- .‘.3- “Ml“ : Periplaneta brunnea BROWN COCKROACH without lateral indentations [gjplaneta Mginosa SMOKY-BROWN COCKROACH l not symmetrical 111333; orientali; 0 E1 lENTAL COCK ROACH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Communicable Diaoau Center, Training Branch Atlanta, Georgia — I965 symmetrical length more than twice width Mplaneta australasiae AUSTRALIAN COCKROACH length less than twice width P_eg_iplaneta americana AMERICAN COCKROACH 57. COCKROACHES: KEY TO SOME COMMON SPECIES FOUND IN THE UNITED STATES Harry D. Pratt & Chester J. Stojanovich 1. Middle and hind femora both with numerous strong spines along the ventral margin (Fig. l A)..2 Middle and hind femora without strong spines along the ventral margin (Fig. l B) ........ ....12 Fig. 1 A 2. Comparatively large species 18 mm. or longer; subgenital plate of female divided longitudinal- ly, valvular (Fig. 2 A); male styli similar, slender, elongate and straight (Fig. 2 B) ....... 3 Species usually less than 18 mm. long; or, if longer, anterior-ventral margin of front femur with several large stout spines on basal portion, followed by a row of smaller spines (Fig. 2 C); female subgenital plate simple, not divided (Fig. 2 D); male styli variable, frequently modified, asymmetrical, or unequal in size (Fig. 2 E) .............. . ......................... 8 female female male subgenital subgenital plate k m plate Fig. 2c ~ Fig. 2 B ---stylus V- ‘3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH senvxcE, Communicabll Dino-o Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia .. 1962 .58 3. Front wing in both sexes extending beyond tip of abdomen (Fig. 3 A)...... ........ ...........4 Front wing in both sexes not reaching tip of abdomen (Fig. 3 B).............................7 4. Uniformly dark blackish-brown, shining Species (Fig. 4 A) .................................... ..... ............................. . ........... .(Periplaneta fuliginosa) SMOKY BROWN COCKROACH Species with some yellowish markings on pronotum or front wing or both (Fig. 4 B) ........... 5 5. Front wing with yellowish stripe; pronotum with yellowish and darker areas very contrastingly marked (Fig. 5 A) ........... . ................. (Periplaneta australasiae) AUSTRALIAN COCKROACH Front wing entirely brownish; pronotum with yellowish and darker areas less contrastingly marked (Fig. 5 B) ........... ... .......... .... Fig. 5 A Fig- 5 B 59. Styli very long and slender, longer than space between their bases (Fig. 6 A); cercus long and slender particularly in the male; male supra-anal plate deeply notched (Fig. 6 B) .......... ............................. .......................(Periplanetam mricana) AMERICAN COCKROACH Styli shorter, not as long as space between their bases (Fig. 6 C); cercus stouter and more evenly spindle-shaped; male supra-anal plate truncate or feebly notched (Fig. 6 D) ............ ......................................................... (Periplaneta brunnea) BROWN COCKROACH _-atyli-_ "' Fig. 6 n Blackish species, 15-27Inn. long; male front wings covering two-thirds of abdomen (Fig. 7 A); female front wings widely separated pads (Fig. 7 B); first segment of hind tarsus longer than segments 2-5 combined, pulvilli of second and third segments small (Fig.7 C) ............... ........................................................ (Blatts orientalis) ORIENTAL COCKROACH Mahogany brownish species, 30-40 mm. long; front wings reduced to short pads, not widely sep- arated (Fig. 7 D); first segment of hind tarsus shorter than segments 2-5 combined, pulvilli of second and third segments large (Fig. 7 E)....(Eurycotis floridana) lARGE FLORIDA COCKROACH Fig. 7 A Fig. 7 B 1| Aj l I I Fig. 7 c Fig. 7 z .60 8. Pronotum with two conspicuous longitudinal dark bars on a pale background (Fig. 8 A).........9 Pronotum variously marked, but without two conspicuous dark longitudinal bars (Fig. 8 3)....10 Fig. 8 A 9. Face pale (Fig. 9 A); male subgenital plate asymmetrical, styli very unequal, short and round- ed (Fig. 9 B) ....................... ....................(Blattella germanica) GERMAN COCKROACH Face dark; male subgenital plate almost symmetrical, styli somewhat elongate and subequal in size (Fig. 9 C) ............................. ........... ....... (Blattella vaga) FIELD COCKROACH Fig. 9 B lO. Pronotum with a broad dark central stripe; front wings of both sexes appearing to have two transverse brownish bars, some pale specimens showing bars poorly (Fig. 10 A). Width of pro- notum usually not exceeding 4.5 mm ..... . ....... (Supella sugellectilium) BROWN-BANDED COCKROACH Pronotum and front wings otherwise, or, if pronotum is so marked, its width exceeding 4.5 mm. (Fig. 10 B) ........................ .. ........... . ........... . .............................. .ll Fig. 10 B ll. 12. Larger species 9-25 mm. or more in length; front wing without small dark spots in winged specimens (Fig. 11 A); claws equal (Fig. 11 B); ventral anterior margin of front femur with 3 long apical spines (Fig. ll C).. .................... (Parcoblatta species) WOOD COCKROACHES Small species, 8-9 mm. long; front wing with small dark spots (Fig. 11 D); claws unequal (Fig. 11 E); ventral anterior margin of front femur with 2 long apical spines (Fig. 11 F)... ................. ........................(Ectobius Ballidus) SPOTTED MEDITERRANEAN COCKROACH ‘1 # Fig. 11 E N! Fig. 11 c Fig. 11 F Top of eyes close together (Fig. 12 A); general color a nearly uniform greenish; posterior margin of pronotum somewhat angularly produced (Fig. 12 B) (Panchlora nivea) CUBAN COCKROACH Top of eyes sometimes distant (Fig. 12 C); general color various shades of brown and gray; pronotum usually not angularly produced posteriorly (Fig. 12 D) ............... , ........... l3 Fig. 12 c 062 13. 14, 15. Medium sized species, 30 mm. or less in length including folded wings (Fig. 14 A & B)......14 Large species 40 mm. or more in length, including folded wings (Fig. 15 A & c).............15 Pronotum uniformly blackish except a narrow yellowish band along anterior and lateral margins (Fig. lb A)......................................(chnoscelus surinamensis) SURINAH COCKROACH Pronotum pale with a narrow dark longitudinal submarginal band on each side and irregular brownish blotches on disc (Fig. 14 B) ...... ...........(Naughoeta cinerea) CINEREOUS COCKROACH Disc or pronotum with shield-like design, sometimes skull-like design (Fig. 15 A); front femur with one or more stout spurs on underside (Fig. 15 B)... ...... ........................ ........ ....... ..... .............. .(Blaberus giganteus; Blaberus craniifer) GIANT COCKROACH Disc of pronotum with shield—like design darkened in outline only, not solid black (Fig. 15 C); front femur with a line of stiff hairs on anterior-ventral margin (Fig. 15 D). .................... ....... ...........................(Leucoghaea maderae) MADEIRA COCKROACH Fig. 15 c Fig. 15 D 630 TERMITES: KEY TO SOME COMMON NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES Harold George Scott Kata» tam» Fig. A - Hinged Adult Fig. B - Soldier Fig. C - Worker Key to Winged Adults 1. Radius without brmches; fontatel (fig. E) usually present" 2 Radius (fig. D) with brcnches; fontmel absent 4 2. Tibia (fig. F) slightly to plainly blackish" 3 Tibia entirely pale, Ontario to Guatemala, west to Utah and Arizona (Reticulitermes Havipes).. ..EASTERN SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE 3. Tibia slightly darkened; length 9 mm.; British Columbia to Baia California, east to lddto and Sonora (Reiiculitermes hesperus).. ..WESTERN SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE Tibia generally darkened, length 9. 5 l0 mm. Oregon and MontaIa to western Mexico, Missouri, and Texas (Reticulitermos tibialis).. ARID SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE 4. Deal“ (fig. E) present 5 Ocelli absent, western Canada to mBaia Calttornla (Zootermopsis angusticollis) ...........VIESTERN ROTTEN-WOOD TERMITE 5. Body yellow to light brown... 6 Body blackish; California to Baia Calltornla, east to Arizona md Utah.” (Kalotermes minor). ... . "WESTERN DRY wooo TERMITE 6. Transverse rows of long hairs on tergites; South Carolina to Florida, west to eastern Texas (Kalotermes snyderi) EASTERN DRY-WOOD TERMITE No "In sverse rows of hairs on tergites; Arizona end California (Procryptotermes hubbardi) ....ARID onwwooo TERMITE Fig. D - Wing Fig. E - Head Fig. F - Leg Fig. G - Throat Key to Soldiers 1. Fontmel (fig. E) present, eyes usually absent 2 Fontmel absent, eyes (‘39. E) present" 4 2. Gulo (fig. G) not twice as broad in front as in middle .............. ARIO SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE Gula twice as broad in front as in middle 3 3. Head twice as long as broad WESTERN SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE Headless than twice as long as broad EASTERN SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE 4. Antenna (fig. E) with 23-31 segments 5 Antenna with li)-20 segments - WESTERN ROTTEN-WOOD TERMITE 5. Third mtennal segment as long as next 3 combined ..................EASTERN DRY-WOOD TERMITE Third antenna! segment shorter that next 3 combined................wEsTERN onvmooo TERMITE Third attennal segment as long as next 4 combined.......................... ARID DRY-WOOD TERMITE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATICN, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease ConteI, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - I962 .64 EARWIGS: PICTORIAL KEY TO COMMON DOMESTIC SPECIES Chester J. Stojanovich and Harold George Scott x l tarsus ll prolonged beneath lll tarsus ll not prolonged beneath lll EUROPEAN EARWIG Forficula auriculan'a l wings present wings absent .J... SHORE EARWIG Labidura riparia l legs and antennae banded legs and antennae not banded RlNG-LEGGED EARWIG SEASIDE EARWIG Euborcllia annulipes Anisolabis maritima U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Diuau Center, Training vach, AOlon'c, Georgia — I963 65. PSOCIDS: KEY TO SOME SPECIES COMMONLY INFESTING STORED l-‘OOD Harold George Scott and Chester J. Stojanovich I. Two disiinci thoracic segments . . . . V , . . . . V ......................... 2 Three disfinci {horacic segmenis (TIogium pulsaforium). . . . . . . i . . . , . . . . . . . . . . DEATH WATCH 2.Wifhouflargepronoiolbrisfles. ,. .. 1 With large pronofal brisfles . . . _ . . . ....... 4 3. Eye with 7 focefs: head and body brown (Liposcelis boshychopilus) . . . , . I . . . . BANDED PSOCID Eye wiih 2-4 focefs: head brown. body yellow (Liposcelis paefus) . . . . i V . . WAREHOUSE PSOCID J Warehouse Psocid 4. Two lo 5 large pronofal brisfles (Liposcelis enfomophilus) . . i . . . GRAIN PSOCID One large pronoiol brisrle (Liposce/is ferrico/us) . . . . . . . . . BOOK LOUSE Boolr Louse U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Diuau Conior, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — 1963 LICE COMMONLY FOUND 0N MAN Harry D. Pratt BODY LOUSE AND HEAD LOUSE CRAB LOUSE Flral pair of logs smaller than ucond and third pain of logo All logs of about tho some Ionglh I ‘\ Il’hl'u‘l‘ \ 4 "I": In ,’ 'I" I “nun \\ u ‘ .,,'- 'lt'llllllm' '\‘u". '2 Inn," ‘1" ;‘\‘ Abdomen shorter with hairy pro- cuus laterally u ........ Abdomen olonoala / vllhout halry pro- couoo lalorally PED/CULUS PHTH/RUS HUMANUS PUB/5 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicabla Diuaso Cantor, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - Roviud Aug. 1953, Oct. 1948 990 670 ANOPLURA: PICTORIAL KEY TO SPECIES 0N DOMESTIC RATS IN SOUTHERN UNITED STATES Roy F. Fritz and Harry I). Pratt Abdomen with roll do- linod vonlral, Ialorol and dorsal plalu ADULTS I Laleral plans small, Laloral plalos largo, sublrianqular. Seqmenl omarqinolo poslor’i- II or antenna as long orly. Segment II al as wide anlanna longer lhan Iido Polyp/at spiny/030 Laleral plolu 4-6 with one largo and on. minute ula Mp/apkura unamydis Abdomen Iilh plot” poorly «find or colon! NYMPHS Abdoman vim spira- cloo and Ilo parollal rows 0! ulao Abdomen Iilhaul spiraclu or paral- lel rain of «la. e» M Sm ml / Polyp/ar spiny/0:0 Hap/opium: :pp. Lateral plain 6- 6 will. no largo ulao Lolaral plalos brood- ly omarqinolo; Apical procouu thorn-Illa Laloral plain norm lyomorainalo; Apical preconc- broad U.$. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Communicable Di oaaoo Cantor, Training Brmch Allan-no, Goorgio - I947 Hap/aplura [Ursula [whip/aura "OHM .68 ANOPLURA: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON GENERA OF SUCKING LICE Chester J. Stojanovlch and Harry D. Pratt I l with eyes or otular points without eyes or ocular point: r fl ocular points present. (yes absent eyes prucnr. ocular points :bunr 1:21:::"pl:rl:r ”1:331 :33?" l ‘ _ I‘ l I nu \ I 2| I I Haemalopinul without hairy “bud" with hairy rubrrrlcs srcrrul plate Ivrll-dcveloprd srcrnal plat! narrow or :Incur u .‘Fflfi‘v n ,, ..-‘h"'u:!§\‘..-. \x 9- ufi".'i'i“'i“i\u x‘ , ‘nfg'rd‘m Pediculus Plhirm Solenopoln Linognathur l 1 2 groups of 2. or 3 srour spines 2 groups of) or 5 “our spines abscnr at but of :bdorncn fuss-m at base 0! abdomen I L I from of srcrnal plan not rounded from of nun-l plarc rounded rm HM / { ' - //r/ llflfl mu (”1 "I ‘\ ‘n J, | \ Hoplopleura Polyplax Neohaenalopimu U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERV|CE, Communicablo Diuoau Corner, Training Branch, Atlmn, Gougio - I962 69. ANOPLURA: KEY TO NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES Chester J. Stojanovich and Harry D. Pratt Key to Families of Anoplura 1. Head and thorax more or less thickly covered with setae; in some species the setae are modified into scales (Fig. 1 A). On marine animals...........FAMILY ECHINOPHTHIRIIDAE Head and thorax with only a few setae (Fig. 1 B)..... Fig. 1 A Fig. l B 2. Eyes present or with prominent ocular points (Fig. 2 A & B)...... Eyes and ocular points absent (Fig. 2 C)........................ Fig. 2 A Fig. 2 B Fig. 2 c 3. Abdomen without irregular sclerotized plates on dorsum and venter (Fig. 3 A). On man. ....................................................................FAMILY PEDICULIDAE Abdomen with irregular sclerotized plates on dorSum and venter (Fig. 3 B). On hoofed anlmals. ....... FAMILY HAEMATOPINIDAE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, Communicable Diuau Center, Training Branch, Ailmm, Georgie — 1965‘ .70 4. Paratergal plates absent (Fig. 4 A). On hoofed animals or carnivores................... ......... ...........................................................FAHILY LINOGNATHIDAE Paratergal plates present (Fig. 4 B). On rodents and lagomorphs...FAHILY HOPLOPLEURIDAE Fig. 4 A Key to Genera of Echinophthiriidae l. Antennae fOur-segmented; abdomen without scale-like setae (Fig. 1 A) ..... . ..... Antennae five-segmented; abdomen with scale-like setae (Fig. l B) ....... Antarctophthirus . MW Fig. l B 2. Legs all essentially the same size (Fig. 2 A)......Echinophthirius horridus (von Olfers) Anterior legs small; second and third legs stout (Fig. 2 B). on.uncoo-noun-no-o-ooo-nuua- .. ......... ........................Proechinophth1rus fluctus (Ferris) 710 Key to Species of Antarctophthirus 1. Scale-like setae present only on abdomen (Fig. 1 A).Antarct9phthirus callorhini (Osborn) Scale-like setae present on thorax and abdomen (Fig. 1 B) .............................. 2 Fig. 1 A Fig. 1 B 2. Thoracic sternum with a few long setae on posterior border (Fig. 2 A) ................... ........................................ Antarctophthirus microchir (Troussart & Neumann) Thoracic sternum without long setae on posterior border (Fig. 2 B) ...................... ................................................... Antarctophthirus trichechi (Bohemann) Fig. 2 A Fig. 2 B .72 Key to Genera of Haematopinidae l. Sternal plate of thorax present; eyes absent but with prominent ocular points (Fig. 1 A) ........... ..... ........Haematopinus Sternal plate of thorax absent; eyes present (Fig. l B). On peccary.................... .. ....... . ......... ..................................Pecaroecus javalii Babcock & Ewing Key to Species of Hacmatopinus l. Thoracic sternal plate wider than long, sternal pits on plate (Fig. 1 A0. Hog louse.... . .. ........ .... ........ ....................................Haematopinus suis (Linnaeus) Thoracic sternal plate longer than wide; sternal pits off plate (Fig. l B).............2 HE I," \ «l ) Fig. 2 A 2. Head at least two times as long as wide at ocular points‘ , sternal plate without a median projection (Fig. 2 A & B). On equines. Horse sucking louse..................... ...............................Haematopinus asini (Linnaeus) Head not two times as long as wide at ocular points; sternal plate with a median pro- jection (Fig. 2 C & D). On cattle............. ucon-oa-c-ncoauuua-aoo-o- ...............3 Fig. 2 A Fig. 2 B Fig. 2 C Fig. 2 D l. 73. Thoracic sternal plate with median projection blunt and rounded; male genital plate with six setae (Fig. 3 A & B). Short-nosed cattle louse............. ..... . .......... .. ........Haematopinus eurysternus (Nitzsch) - o ............... . ........................... Thoracic sternal plate with median projection more acute and louger; male genital plate with four setae (Fig. 3 C & D). Cattle tail louse.. ............ ....... ...... . ....... .. Haematopinus quadripertusus Fahrenholz ..-oo...o----oao-o-o.u-o ---------- ounce-IDIOOIO Fig. 3 A Fig. 3 B Fig. 3 C Fig. 3 D Key to Genera of Hoplopleuridae Paratergal plates very small being merely slightly selerotized points (Fig. l A)....... ....... .....................................................................Haemodipsus Paratergal plates on at least one abdominal segment usually as long as, or at least half as long as, the sternal plate (Fig. l B).........................................2 First and second pair of legs of the 5am. size and form, both being more slender and smaller than the third pair of legs (V;g 2 A)........................................3 First pair of legs smallest oi the three pairs; the second pair with stouter claws (Fig. ...A 2 B)....... ........................ ............................................ .74 3. A pair of small sclerotized plates present on venter of abdominal segment 2 (Fig. 3 A); antennae and head without hook-like processes...... ..... .. .......... .....Enderleinellus Sclerotized plates entirely lacking on venter of abdominal segment 2; antennae and head with hook-like processes (Fig. 3 B)....................Microphthirus uncinatus (Ferris) 4. Antennae four-segmented (sometimes appearing three-segmented); bladder-like expansions on third leg (Fig. 4 A & B)............................Haematopinoides sguamosus Osborn Antennae five-segmented; bladder-like expansions lacking on third leg (Fig. 4 C)......5 4b Fig. A A Fig. I. B Fig. 4 c 5. First sternite of abdominal segment 3 extended laterally to articulate with its corres- ponding paratergal plate; this sternite bearing two groups of two or three stout setae (Fig. 5 A)..................................................................Hoplopleura First sternite of abdominal segment 3 never articulating with paratergal plate (Fig. 5 B)................................................................. ..... ..............6 Fig. 5 A Fig. 5 B 6. Paratergal plate 2 completely divided longitudinally, one plate on the dorsum and the other on the venter of the abdomen (Fig. 6 A)..............................Fahrenholzia Paratergal plate 2 never completely divided to form two distinct plates (Fig. 6 8)....7 4' O) h if ; : Fig. 6 A Fig. 6 B 75. 7. Sternal plate of thorax usually pointed posteriorly or, if truncate, always associated with a huge enlargement of the first antennal segment (Fig. 7 A & B)...... . .Polxplax Sternal plate of thorax usually emarginate posteriorly or sometimes quadrate in shape (Fig. 7 C & D)........... ..... ... ..... .................................Neohaematopinus 9 *3 ¢ llllll a Fig. 7 A Fig. 7 B Fig. 7 C Fig. 7 D Key to Species of Enderlcincllus l. Paratergal plates present on abdominal segments 2-5 (Fig. l A). ................. ... ..2 Paratergal plates present on abdominal segments 2-6 ; abdominal sternites and tergites present in both sexes (Fig. 1 B). On Sciurus........Ender1einellus nitzschi Fahrenholz paratergal pIatcs I _I‘ Fig. l B | ‘~_ dorsal dorsal ventral 076 2. Paired ventral plates of abdominal segment 2 completely detached frOm its corresponding paratergal plate; each ventral plate bearing a single seta (Fig. 2 A). On Sciurus....3 Paired ventral plates of abdominal segment 2 each extending laterally to unite with its corresponding paratergal plate; ventral plates without setae (Fig. 2 B) ...............5 3. Spermatheca present; arms of basal plate apically bilobed (Fig. 3 A & B)..............4 Spermatheca absent; arms of basal plate not apically bilobed (Fig. 3 C)................ .........................................................Ender1eine11us kelloggi Ferris 77. A. Spermatheca a straight slightly tapering tube; arms of basal plate apically bilobed but not expanded (Fig. 4 A & B).................Enderleinellus longiceps (Kellogg & Ferris) Spermatheca bent and with its ends expanded; arms of basal plate apically expanded and strongly bilobed (Fig. A C).... ...... ........... ..... Enderleinellus arizonensislflerneck Fig. A B 5. Paratergal plate 5 and lateral margin of abdominal segment 6 without a pair of long setae (Fig. 5 A)......... ........... ... ................ ............. ......... .........6 Paratergal plates or lateral margins of abdominal segments 4-8 with a pair of long setae (Fig. 5 B). On Marmota ........... . .............. ..Enderleinellus marmotae Ferris 6. Female with 2-4 long setae on dorsum of abdominal segment A reaching to apex of body (Fig. 5 A). On Citellus and ngomys..........Enderleinellus osborni (Kellogg & Ferris) Female without such setae. 0n Citellus.......... ..... Enderleinellus suturalis (Osborn) .78 Key to Species of Fahrenholzia l. Paratergal plates present only on abdominal segments 2 to h (Fig. l A) .................2 Paratergal plates present on at least abdominal segments 2-6 (Fig. l B) H IV I ..... ..... ......6 I III IV V VI I l I I l I I I I 2. Dorsal surface of abdomen with a narrow, sclerotized, median, longitudinal plate between paratergal plates 2 (Fig. 2 A). On Liomxs ............................................. 3 Dorsal surface of abdomen without such a plate (Fig. 2 B). On Perognathus and Dipodomys ....................................................................................... 5 <-\:::::—- median longitudinal 7 l _____ plate / “ ‘/‘\ ] .____paratergal plate 11....-- ‘(n‘nl Fig. 2 A Fig. 2 B 3. Thoracic sternal plate concave on anterior margin; dorsal lobe of paratergal plate 3 poxnted apically (Fig. 3 A & B) .................. Fahrenholzia texana Stojanovlch & Pratt Thoracic sternal plate convex on anterior margin; dorsal lobe of paratergal plate 3 apically truncate (Fig. 3 C & D) ....................................................... 4 79. 4. Dorsal lobe of paratergal plate 2 with the smaller seta about as loag as the plate (Fig. a A)........................................ ....... . ..... ..Fahrenholzia ehrlichi Johnson Dorsal lobe of paratergal plate 2 with the smaller seta minute, much shorter than the plate (Fig. 4 B)........................................Fahrenholzia microcephala Ferris Fig. A B S. Paratergal plates of abdominal segment 2 with a single pair of setae between dorsal and ventral lobes; male genitalia with parameres greatly expanded; female genital plate pre- sent (Fig. 5 A, B, & C). ..... ....... ..... ..........Fahrenholzia pinnata Kellogg & Ferris Paratergal plates of abdominal segment 2 with 6 to 8 long setae between dorsal and ven- tral lobes; parameres of male genitalia not expanded; female genital plate absent (Fig. 5 D & E) ............................ . ...... ...... ...... . ..... Fahrenholzia reducta Ferris --paramere Fig. 5 D Fig. 5 E ’female genital Fig. 6. Paratergal plates present on abdominal segments 2 to 6; paratergal plate 3 bilobed (Fig. 6 A) ............ ... ...... ... ....... . ....................... Fahrenholzia zacatecae Ferris Paratergal plates present on abdominal segments 2 to 7; paratergal plate 3 not bilobed (Fig. 6 B) .......... ........... ...... .. ................. ...Fahrenholzia tribulosa Ferris Vii | i 6%? .80 Key to Species of Hoploplcura 1. Third abdominal sternal plate with two groups of two stout setae (Fig. 1 A)............2 Third abdominal sternal plate with two groups of three stout setae (Fig. 1 B)....... On Glaucomzs........ ...... .... ....... ............Hoplopleura trispinosa Kellogg & Ferris I Fig. 1 A Fig. ll 2. Posterior margins of paratergal plates 3-5 with a broad or pointed lobe on each side (Fig. 2 A & B) ............. ... ....... ...... ....... ........................ ..... ........3 Posterior margins of paratergal plates 3-5 with four rounded lobes (Fig. 2 C)..... ...... On Orvzomxs ..... .. ..................... ..............Hoplopleura orxzomzdis Pratt & Lane /3/ E e I (L/ r“: - ’ o 0 ~" \‘T f: - O 2;;- o o x 3 \x . " \ j\i\—; Fig. 2 A Fig. 2 B 3. Paratergal plates 4 and 5 with broad lobes on posterior margin (Fig. 3 A)..............4 Paratergal plates 4 and 5 with pointed lobes on posterior margin (Fig. 3 B)............7 3 A! v ."1' ‘ o C‘_ _\ ‘ ;Flg. 3 A /7\ \ r) i> .. I I 9\ \\ Fig. 3 B 4. Paratergal plates 4 and 5 with CHE large and one minute seta on posterior margin (Fig. A A)...... ..... ........ ......... .. ........ ............................................5 Paratergal plates 4 and 5 wi‘; ,wo large setae on posterior margin (Fig. 4 B)........... On field rodents.... ...................... ..........Hoglopleura acanthopus (Burmeister) 81. Abdomen with setae in some of the membrane between sternal and paratergal plates (Fig. 5 A). On Rattus..............................................Hoplopleura oenomydis Ferris Abdomen without setae in membrane between ends of sternal and paratergal plates (Fig. 5 B) ..... .........6 w I.” :— Ill- IIE‘. =.-- II:- II- Thoracic sternal plate pointed posteriorly (Fig. 6 A). On Peromyscus.. ...... ........... .................*qulopleura hesperomydis (Osborn) and *Hoplopleura ferrisi Cook & Beer Thoracic sternal plate blunt posteriorly (Fig. 6 B). On Onychomx ..... ....... .......... ..... ..... ...........................................Hoplopleura onychomydis Cook & Beer I Fig. 6 A 0Fig. 6 B Thoracic sternal plate about as long as broad; first sternal plate on abdominal segment 3 with two stout setae usually set close together on each side (Fig. 7 A) ........ ......8 Thoracic sternal plate definitely longer than broad; first sternal plate on abdominal segment 3 with two stout setae more widely spaced on each side (Fig. 7 B) ..... .........9 *These species are separated only in the immature stages. 082 8. Paratergal plate 6 with posterior angles produced into points (Fig. 8 A). On Eutamias ............ ....... ...................... ...... ..IoBlopleura arboricola Kellogg & Ferris Paratergal plate 6 without points on posterior angles (Fig. 8 B). On Tamias.... ........ ......... ....... ............ ...... . ....................... Hoplopleura erratica (Osborn) : Fig. 8 A 9. Posterior margin of paratergal plate 6 with angles produced to form a deep emargination (Fig. 9 A). On Sciurus....................................{oplogleura sciuricola Ferris Posterior margin of paratergal plate 6 with angles not produced to form a deep emargina- tion (Fig. 9 B). On Sigmodon ......... ................ ................................ lO 0 ° 0 / I Fig. 9 A Fig. 9 B 10. Female with paratergal plates 4-6 elongated; male with ll tergal plates bearing a row of setae (Fig. 10 A & B)........................Hoplopleura arizonensis Stojanovich & Pratt Female with paratergal plates 4-6 only slightly elongated; male with only 7 tergal plates bearing a row of setae (Fig. 10 C & D).................Hoplopleura hirsuta Ferris 830 Key to Species of Haemodipsus 1. Thoracic sternal plate almost three times as wide as long (Fig. l A). On domestic rabbits (Orxctolagus)......... ............ ........-......Haemodipsus ventricosus (Denny) Thoracic sternal plate hexogonal, being almost as long as wide (Fig. 1 B). On wild rabbits and hares (levilagus and Lepus)... ........ .... ....... ..Haemodipsus setoni Ewing Tull mm gunman f 1. ms it! Hi 13 Key to Species of Neohaematopinus l. Thoracic eternal plate concave on posterior margin (Fig. l A)........... ..... ..........2 Thoracic sternal plate somewhat oval, and convex on posterior margin (Fig. l B) ....... ll Fig. l A Fig. 1 B Fig. 1 C 2. Paratergal plates 3 to 6 with three spines on posterior margins (Fig. 2 A) ...... .......3 Paratergal plates 3 to 6 with two spines on posterior margins (Fig. 2 B) .............. .5 3. Posterior angle of first antennal segment with a stout spine (Fig. 3 A). On Eutamias... ........ ............................... .....Neohaematopinus pacificus (Kellogg & Ferris) Posterior angle of first antennal segment without a stout spine (Fig. 3 B)..... ....... .4 W WWW? 084 4. Abdominal tergal and sternal plates present on each segment in both sexes (Fig. 4 A).... On Citellus tereticaudus...............................Neohaematopinus citellinus Ferris Abdominal tergal and sternal plates absent in the middle segments of female; male with only sternal plates absent (Fig. 4 B). On Citellus’spilosoma......... .......... . ....... ...... ........ ..........................Neohaematopinus spilosomae Stojanovich & Pratt 5. First antennal segment prolonged posterio-apically, with stout spine (Fig. 5 A)........6 First antennal segment without such a prolongation (Fig. 5 B)..........................8 Fig. 5 B " 6. Female without sternal and tergal plates on abdominal segments except for the normal terminal and genital segments (Fig. 6 A). On Sciurus griseicolus....................... ......................................................Neohaematopinus griseicolus Ferris Female with sternal and tergal plates on all abdominal segments (Fig. 6 B).............7 850 7. Second antennal segment with short spine-like seta on posterior margin (Fig. 7 A)....... On Tamias hudsonicus................................Neohaematopinus semifasciatus Ferris Second antennal segment without spine-like seta (Fig. 7 B). On Sciurus nige ...... ..... .............................................. ..... ....Neohaematopinus sciurinus Mijerg 8. Abdominal eternal and tergal plates absent in female; male with only sternal plates ab- sent (Fig. 8 A). On Neotoma cinerea....................Neohaematopinus inornatus Ferris Abdominal sternal and tergal plates present in both sexes (Fig. 9 A)...................9 Fig. 8 A 9. A row of setae present on membrane between most of the sternal and tergal plates of ab— domen (Fig. 9 A)......................................................................10 Membrane between the abdominal sternal and tergal plates without a row of setae (Fig. 9 B). On Glaucomxs...................................Neohaematopinus sciuropteri (Osborn) Fig. 9 A Fig. 9 B .86 10. ll. First antennal segment with a spine-like seta at the posterio-apical angle (Fig. 10 A) On Sciurus carolinensis..................................Neohaematoginus sciuri Jancke First antennal segment with a spine-like seta set somewhat away from the margin in the posterio-apical angle (Fig. 10 B). On Neotoma albigula, streatori and micropus....... .......................................................Neohaematopinus neotomae Ferris ’(fltflfilfl Fig. 10 A ‘ Fig. 10 B k Thoracic spiracle small, about one-fourth length of second coxa (Fig. 11 A)........... On Citellus and anomxs...........................Neohaematopinus laeviusculus (Grube) Thoracic spiracle larger, almost one-half length of second coxa (Fig. 11 B)........... On Harmota.............................................Neohaematopinus marmotae Ferris Fig. 11 A 870 Key to Species of Polyplax l. Sternal plate of thorax rounded or pointed posteriorly (Fig. l A) ...................... 2 Sternal plate of thorax truncate posteriorly (Fig. 1 B). On Peromyscus and Onychomys... ............................................................. Polyplax auricularis Ferris , . i ii; "*3“ 3’: 5%!!!" 2. Paratergal plate 4 with both setae short or subequal (Fig. 2 A) ............. . .......... 3 Fig. 1 A Fig. l B Paratergal plate 4 with dorsal seta longer than ventral seta; usually as long or longer than plate (Fig. 2 B). On house mouse ..................... Polyplax serrata (Burmeister) 3. Paratergal plates 3-5 with both apical angles produced into points (Fig. 3 A) ........... On microtene mice ...................................... . ............................... 4 Paratergal plates 3-5 with only dorsal apical angle produced into a point (Fig. 3 3).... 0n Rattus ................................................ Polyplax spinulosa (Burmeister) 4. First abdominal sternal plate strongly arcuate and with its lateral angles somewhat pro- longed (Fig. 4 A) ..... .. ........................................ Polyplax borealis Ferris First abdominal sternal plate not arcuate, its posterior margin almost straight and lateral angles not produced (Fig. 4 8).; ....................... Polyplax alaskensis Ewing -r all ha . ‘hq } I 1 r ,, .1, 1H '1 . ME M m M; Fig. 4 B ésww -_ 088 Key to Genera of Linognathidae l. Sternal plate of thorax at least half as wide as long (Fig. l A)............SolenoEotes Sternal plate of thorax small and slender or completely lacking (Fig. 1 B)..Linognathus 'Q g (I ‘ s. Fig. 1 A Fig. 1 B Key to Species of Linognathus 1. Head about as broad as long; antennae almost as long as head (Fig. l A)...............2 Head almost twice as long as wide or longer; antennae noticeably shorter than head (Fig. 1 B).............. ........ ............................................................3 2. Thoracic dorsum with four long setae; head slightly longer than broad (Fig. 2 A). On dogs, foxes and ferrets. Dog sucking louse............ inognathus setosus (von Olfers) Thoracic dorsum with two long setae; head definitely as broad as long (Fig. 2 B)....... Sheep foot louse....... ..... . ..... .........................Linognathus Bedalis (Osborn) Fig. 2 A 890 3. Fore head acutely conical and much elongated; female gonopod with a sclerotized hook (Fig. 3 A & B). On cattle. Long-nosed cattle louse ...... Linognathus vituli (Linnaeus) Fore head rounded (Fig. 3 C); female gonopod rounded or with a slight tooth (Fig. 5 B & C). On sheep and goats ................................................................ 4 Fig. 3 A Fig. 3 B Fig. 3 C 4. Head greatly expanded behind antennae; female gonopod rounded (Fig. 4 A & B). Goat sucking louse ................................... Linognathus africanus (Kellogg & Paine) Head not greatly expanded behind antennae (Fig. 4 C) .................................. 5 ll Fig. 4 A Fig. a E Fig. 4 c 5. Thoracic spiracle large and conspicuous; female gonopod rounded (Fig. 5 A & B). Sheep louse ...... . ....... . ...................................... Linognathus ovillus (Neumann) Thoracic spiracle not large and conspicuous; female gonopod with a slight tooth (Fig. 5 C & D). Goat sucking louse .......................... Linognathus stenopsis (Burmeister) 090 Key to Species of Solenopotes l. Abdominal spiracles strongly protuberant (Fig. 1 A); female genitalia with apical pro- cesses strongly constricted near middle (Fig. l B);-ma1e genitalia as in figure 2 E. On cattle. Little blue cattle louse ............. . ......... Solenogotes capillatus Enderlein Abdominal spiracles only slightly protuberant (Fig. l C); female genitalia with apical processes not constricted (Fig. l D & E); male genitalia as in figures 2 C & D. On deer ................... .. .................... ..... ...... ..‘ ........ .............. ..... ..2 9 9 Fig. l B (cagillatus) Fig. l D (binipilosus) Fig. 1 E (ferrisi) 2. Neck present, head with distinct posterior-lateral angles (Fig. 2 A); female genitalia as in figure 1 E; male genitalia as in figure 2 C.. ..... Solenopotes ferrisi (Fahrenholz) Head without distinct posterior-lateral angles (Fig. 2 B); female genitalia as in figure 1 D ; male genitalia as in figure 2 D ............. :.Solenopotes binipilosus (Fahrenholz) 0 &) Fig. 2 C Fig. 2 D Fig. 2 E Fig. 2 B (ferrisi) (binipilosus) (cggillatus) 91. Key to Genera of Pediculidae Abdomen much longer than basal width; without hairy tubercles (Fig. l A). Head and body louse......................... ..... ....................Pediculus humanus Linnaeus Abdomen about as long as basal width; with hairy tubercles (Fig. l B). Crab louse.... ..........................;....Pthirus gubis (Linnaeus) Fig. 1 A Fig. 1 B .92 MALLOPHAGA: PICTORIAL KEY TO SPECIES INFESTING PIGEONS Harold George Scott and Chester J. Stojanovich I l maxillary palps present maxillary palps absent j forehead without spines femur III with comb femur III without comb 7 Hohorstiella lata Colpocephalum turbinatum Bonomiella columbae [ARGE PIGEON BODY LOUSE SMALL PIGEON BODY LOUSE PIGEON VENT LOUSE l T head longer than wide head wider than long forehead with Spines forehead without spines Columbicola columbae Physconelloides zenaidurae SLENDER PIGEON LOUSE PIGEON HEAD LOUSE I I l male basal antennal segment small male basal antennal segment large .‘Iflb * l‘ k Campanulotes bidentatus compar Coloceras damicorne fahrenholzi SMALL PIGEON FEATHER LOUSE IARGE PIGEON FEATHER LOUSE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicabl. Diuou Com-v, Training Branch, Ammo, Goagla - I963 93. MALLOPHAGA: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON SPECIES 0N CHICKENS Chester J. Stojanovich and Harry D. Pratt l antenna 4 segmented l antenna 5 segmented \ Eli-E‘s l abdomen not densely covered with snat- t abdomen densely covered with seue head longer than wide head nor longer than wide m 'Ilninaha (9 ‘il . ’ I I Menopnn galllnae l Menacanlhus slramineus l temples evenly rounded temples not evenly rounded I abdomen oval l abdomen slender ‘ .— ’7' \ (3.575 --—i‘ r1. .13. ‘L‘R klfi" .“ 1-3 I 'Q ~ L\ J I. l ‘ ‘\\I f) ‘4’ f _, f. ‘ we - .ai' ‘ 3mm " I“ " denim: . . .. , , ‘ 47-33... V , ,j: v. ' and“, .. ; ‘F’i‘i , {L} .‘ I V ‘ ‘ ' . .,’- I , i i l i ,.9 ,‘ (furlutogaster heterographus Gonioroles hologastvr I abdomen without sclerotixed markings Lipeurus caponis I abdomen with sclerotiu-d markings Coniodel diuimilis "I. ism-nui— Coniodea gigaa U.5. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Cantor, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - l962 094 BUGS: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME SPECIES THAT MAY BITE MAN Harry B. Pratt and Chester J. Stojanovich l I wings usually well-developed; body elongate-oval wings reduced; body broadly-oval ASSASSIN AND KISSING BUGS-FAMILY REDUVllDAE BED BUGS-FAMILY ClMlClDAE thorax viith cog-“heel t‘rt‘st thorax without crest middle ‘0‘“ nearly touching middle ‘0‘" “’ld‘l)’ ”P‘Hl‘id beak reaching 2nd coxa beak not rtaching 2nd (oxa fiéifiéé POULTRY BUG Harma!os:phon inodorus WHEEL HUG Arilus (YlSltl (us r I fore-Wing with 2 yellow spots 5rd and slth antennal 4th antcnnul segment segments equal shorter than 3rd ~ ~ ,_ s ‘ Cm (Wt: BARN SWALLOW BUG urtiutus vicarius l CORSAIR fringe hairs on pronotum longer fringe hairs on prunotum R ”a,” A l7 W” ”I” 1 than. or equal to. width of eye shorter than width of t\'(' t is it I ' I I antenna inserted midway between eye antenna inserted near eye; and up of head; beak slcndcr. straight beak stout. curved BAT BUGS Cimrx adjunclus E N AM Cimrx pilosrllus w N. AM. . l I KISSING BUG pronutum with anterior margin pronotum with anterior margin Trmloma spp moderately excavated deeply excavated t l prunotuni (Unslrlt‘lt‘d behind middle pronotum constricted before middle .] . _ _ TROPICAL BED BUG BED BUG HLAUx BM: MASK“) HUNTER Ctmrx brmipltrufi Cimrx lrclulurius Mrlanolrstrs pmprs thuvius prrsonalus 50. [1.5. a TROPICS t TEMPERATE AREAS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Twining Branch, A'lunla, Georgia - 1962 KISSING BUGS: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON SPECIES IN THE UNITED STATES Harold George Scott and Margery R. Borom l I about 1-1/4 inch long; connexivum pale about 1-1/8 inch long; connexivum yellow banded less than 1 inch long Triatoma recurva Triatoma gerstaeckeri _ . . . Irst femur With 5 arse hair first femur Wlththlck hair first antenna] segment longAr P ‘first antenna] segment short Triatoma lecticularius Triatoma rubida l l . e es small . eyes large connexwum brown. pale banded or not ’ y ‘ connexwum yellow banded Triatoma anguisuga Triatoma prorracta Triatoma neotomae U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Cen'ov, Training Brmch, Atlanta, G-orgia — l96] 0‘56 .96 STINGING CATERPILLARS: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME IMPORTANT UNITED STATES SPECIES Harold George Scott & Chester J. Stojanovich I WITH DORSAL SADDLE WITHOUT DORSAL SADDLE BODY FUR-LIKE SADDLEBACK CATERPILLAR PUSS CATERPILLAR BODY NOT FUR-LIKE 7 PROLEGS Sibine stimuloe Megalopyge opercularis l I l 5 PROLEGS ABOUT 3/4—INCH LONG, ABOUT 2 INCHES LONG, YELLOWISH GREEN RED AND WHITE A SLUG CATERPILLAR Euclea Chloris IO MOTH CATERPILLAR Aqumeris io U.5. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, AND WELFARE A FLANNEL MOTH CATERPILLAR Norape creIaIa Gaorgia — I962 970 MOTHS: KEY TO SOME SPECIES COMMONLY ASSOCIATED WITH STORED FOOD Harold George Scott I. Caterpillars ....................................................... 2 Adult moths ....................................................... 5 2. Pinkish larvae up to 3/5-inch long living in silken tubes and pro- ducing matter webbing in the infested food (Anagasta kuhniella) ................... ........................................ MEDITERRANEAN FLOUR MOTH Whiti sh larvae with or without black or orange markings ........................... 3 3. Black head and prothorax; orange markings at both ends of the body; living in silken tubes (Pym/is farinalis) ............................. MEAL MOTH Without black head and prothorax ......................................... 4 4. White to greenish-white larvae producing matter webbing in the infested INDIAN MEAL MOTH food (Plodia interpunctella) ............................... Whitish; not producing matted webbing; living inside kernels of grain (Sitotroga cerealella) ............................... ANGOUMOIS GRAIN MOTH 5. Wings unicolorous to slightly spotted; long fringe at rear of wings (Sitotroga cerealella) ............................... ANGOUMOIS GRAIN MOTH Wings heavily dark marked .............................................. 6 6. Distal halfof front wings dark; basal half light (Plodia inter- INDIAN MEAL MOTH punctella) .......................................... Wings not so marked .................................................. 7 7. Basal and distal thirds of front wings dark; middle portion of front wings light (Pyralis farinalis) .................................. MEAL MOTH Front wings pale gray with transverse wavy black markings (Anagasta kuhniella) .......................... MEDITERRANEAN FLOUR MOTH Angoumoi 5 Grain Moth U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Communicable Disease Center, Training Brmeh, Atlanta, Georgia - I963 BLISTER BEETLES: KEY TO SOME COMMON UNITED STATES SPECIES Harold George Scott and Chester J. Stojanovich I I I j 1{\striped margined spotted essentially unicolorous ‘ /' \1 / Epicau—t___a Vittata Epicauta pestlfera Epicauta cinerea maculata STRIPED BLI'STER BEETLE MARGINED BLISTER BEETLE SPOTTED BLISTER BEETLE l . . abl'ack black with gray pubescense grlay metallic blue w1th red- yellow leg bases ll Epicauta pennsylvanica Epicauta cinerea cinerea Epicaura fabrici Pomphopoea sayi BLACK BLISTER BEETLE CLEMATIS BLISTER BEETLE ASH-GRAY BLISTER BEETLE SAY BLISTER BEETLE U.5. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Dix-as. Confer, Training Brmch, A'Ianta, Georgia - 1963 86. BEETLE S: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME SPECIES COMMONLY ASSOCIATED WITH STORED FOODS Harry D. Pratt PROMOTUN WITH 6 TEETH ON EACH SIDE PRONOTUM WITHOUT TEETH ON EACH SIDE PRONOTUM WITHOUT TEETH ON EACH SIDE BEAK ABSENT;SPEC|ES ABOUT I/O INCH LONG BEAK ABSENT BEAK PRESENT;SPECIES ABOUT l/B INCH LONG SAW-TOOTHED GRAIN BEETLE OlympII/lm sun/roman: SHALL WISH SPECIES LARGER BLACKISN SPECIES EACH FmE WING WITH 2 PALE SPOTS EACH ME WING DARK LESS THAN If. INCH LONG ”a T0 3/4 mcn LONG PRONOTUM WITH ROUND PUNCTURES PROMJTUM WITH WTE NM HEAD VISIBLE mom vaE "EAD MIMEN UNDER PHONOTUM I/O INCH LON» OR MORE IESS THAN 1/8 INCH LONG 3?.“- RICE WEEVIL GRANARY WEEVIL swam/u: aryza Simply/us armada I I CONFUSED AND RED FLOUR BEETLES Thu/1‘1". can/um AND custom FLATTENED BEETLES convEx aEETLEs II: To I/z INCH LONG I/z mcn LONG on non: momma SEPARATE!) av STRONG mun um 50 STRONGLY CONSYRICTION FROM BASES OF WINGS SEPARATED FROM BASES OF WINGS ma: WING WITH WENED SURFACE ENE WING WITH LINES FORE WING SMOOTH CADELLE YELLOW MEAL WORM renew/dc: Marilyn/”cu: Tau-Aria moi/m LESSER GRAIN BORER DRUG STORE BEETLE CIGARETTE BEETLE RWM «minim SW pan/tun Lox/Wm ”mama U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Discos. Ctnvor, Training Branch, A'Im'a, Georgia- I958 .66 0100 STINGING HYMENOPTERA: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON UNITED STATES FAMILIES Harold George Scott and Chester J. Stojanovich ' j wings absent wings present body fur-like body n0t fur-like hairs not feathered hairs feathered without node with node (on 20 X .aglifleallon) (nu 10 X II‘IIHCIIIOI) Mutillidae Formicidac VELVET ANTS ANTS I pronotum long. reaching tegula Vespidae WASPS. YELLOW jACKETS. HORNETS Sphecidae SPHECID WASPS l hind tibia with spurs hind tibia without spurs eye not reaching mandible eye reaching mandible Bombidac Andrcnidae Apidac RUMBLE BEES SWEAT BEES HONEY BEES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - l962 101. DIAGRAM OF SOCIAL WASP submarginal ‘3“ ‘- \ —.§ ceHs ‘~Zf~ “‘— first discoidal cell“ second discoidal cell\ _____ hind wing apparent abdominal ,1 ----1{1---111- Iv-Y-V'I ------------- segments I l submedian cell\ anal lobe \\ tegula\ \ x I I I \ I mesonorum\ \\ I \ I I I antenna ———————— DIAGRAM OF FIRE ANT metanotum antenna pronotum mesonotunl /propodeum \ \\ / I ‘\\ ‘\\ ‘\ 1/ nodes \ \ x ‘ I] [1” ‘ ‘ x x/ 111---Iy-—v—--apparem \\\ , I I abdonunal segments U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE puauc HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Dlsoau Corn-r, Training Branch, Atlonm, Goomlc - I963.Chester J. Stojanovich 0102 HYMENOPTERA: KEY TO SOME COMMON SPECIES WHICH STING MAN Harry D. Pratt and Chester J. Stojanovich 1. With wings (Fig. l A) ...................................................................... 2 Without wings (Fig. l B) ................................................................... 32 Fig. IB First (and sometimes second) segment of the abdomen node-like, clearly separated above and be- low from rest of abdomen (Fig. 2 A). Nest in ground, wood, or buildings (Family Formicxdae). . . . ...................................................................................... ANT Abdomen with or .without some constriction of first abdominal segments, but without true node formation of basal abdominal segments (Fig. 2 B) ............................................ 3 3. All hairs on body simple, unbranched; hind tarsus slender, first segment not broadened or thicken- ed (Fig. 3 A). (Superfamilies Vespoidea and Sphecoidea). Wasps and Hornets ................. 4 At least some hairs on thorax branched or _ plumose; hind tarsus with first segment broadened and thickened, often densely hairy (Fig. 3 B). (Superfamily Apoidea). Bees ...................... 27 Fig. 3 A U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — i963 103. 4. Pronotum extending entirely, or almost back, to the tegula (the scale covering base of fore-wing), its hind angles not lobed (Fig. 4 A). (Superfamily Vespoidea) ................................. 5 Pronotum shortened. more or less collar—like, not extending back to tegula, its hind angles often produced into lobes (Fig. 4 B). (Superfamily Sphecoidea) .................................... 22 wing \ I pronotal lobe Fig. 4 A Fig. 4 B S. Fore wing almost always folded when in repose; first discoidal cell very long, as a rule much long- er than the submedian cell (Fig. 5 A). Both solitary and colonial species (Family Vespidae) ...... 6 Fore wing very rarely folded; first discoidal cell shorter than submedian cell (Fig. 5 B). Solitary species ................................................................................ 2 l ’/ I 1 \ submedian cell fir“ “amid“ “11 ”median cell that discoidal cell Fig. 5 A Fig. 5 B 6. One spur at tip of middle tibia; claws bifid, split at tip (Fig. 6 A). (Subfamily Eumeninae) ........ Solitary Wasps ......................................................................... 18 Two spurs at tip of middle tibia; claws tapering to point (Fig. 6 B) ............................. 7 .104 7. Clypeus (upper lip) broadly truncate and more or less notched at apex (Fig. 7 A); hind wing with- out a lobe at anal angle (Fig. 7 B). (Subfamily Vespinae). Hornets, Yellow Jackets ............ 8 Clypeus somewhat pointed at apex (Fig. 7 C); hind wing with a lobe at anal angle (Fig. 7 D) ....... (Subfamily Polistinae). Paper Wasps ..................................................... lS Fig. 7C ahal lobe Fig. 7 B Fig- 7 D 8. Oculo-malar space long, more than half the len gth of next to last antennal segment; vertical carina on pronotum (Fig. 8 A) ........................................................... 9 Oculo—malar space short, less than half the len gth of next to last antennal segment; no vertical carina on pronotum (Fig. 8 B) ........................................................... ll __ _pronotum & _ vertical cartna __ __ -pronotum ‘ - oculo-mclu' space — oculo-mnlnr space I I antenna antenna Fig. 8 A Fig. 8 B 105. 9. Very large species, 20-30 mm. long, extensively reddish-brown; postocellar area of vertex at least as long as ocellar triangle in dorsal view (Fig. 9 A). Builds paper nest in homes or hollow trees. (Vespa crabo germana). .‘ .................... i ...................... GIANT HORNET Smaller species, 8-20 mm. long; black species with white, ivory white, or yellowish markings; postocellar area of vertex not as long as ocellar triangle (Fig. 9 B) .......................... 10 Fig. 9 A Fig. 9 B .106 10. Black and white species; first and second abdominal segments entirely black, sometimes with very narrow pale markings at tip of first segments in some males (Fig. 10 A). Builds enclosed globular nests under eaves or in trees. (Vespula maculata) ............ BALD-FACED HORNET Black and yellow species; yellowish posterior margins of first and second abdominal segments deeply notched (Fig. 10 B). Builds globular paper nests under eaves or in trees ................ (Vespula arenaria) ................................................... A YELLOW JACKET Fig. 10 B ll. Black and white species (Fig. ll A). Builds paper nest in ground or on trees ................... (Vespula consobrina) .......................................................... A HORNET Black and yellowish species (Fig. 11 B). All build paper nests in ground ..................... 12 J” Fig. 11 A 1070 12. Mesono turn with two, broad, longitudinal, curved yellowish stripes reaching almost from front to hind margins (Fig. 12 A). Eastern species (Ve‘spula squamosa). California and Oregon species (Vespula sulphurea) .......................................... A YELLOW IACKET Mesonotum entirely black, or with two short yellowish stripes near scutellum (Fig. 12 B) ..... 13 Fig. 12 A 13. Yellowish postero—lateral margins of pronOtum usually even, parallel-sided; clypeus with broad, dark, longitudinal stripe, often anchor-shaped (Fig. 13 A 8: B). Northern species ............. (Vespula vulgaris) ................................................... A YELLOW JACKET Yellowish postero-lateral margin of pronotum not parallel-sided; cl ypeus with short dark median stripe or one or more small dark spots (Fig. 13 C 81 D) ................................... l4 ' ..—‘ ”11'? 0108 14. First antennal segment largely yellowish in front; eyes encircled by yellowish band on upper three-fourths (Fig. 14 A). Western species (Vespula pennsylvanica) ...... A YELLOW JACKET First antennal segment largely or entirely blackish; eyes with a blackish area dorsally separating pale anterior and p05terior orbital bands (Fig. 14 B). Eastern species (Vespula maculifrons). . .. .................................................................... A YELLOW JACKET 15. Body and all legs entirely or largely orange-colored (Fig. 15 A). Builds paper combs in walls of house or hollow trees. (Polistes rubiginosus) ........................ OR ANGE PAPER WASP Body with some blackish markings; at least hind tarsi pale-colored (Fig. 15 B) ............... 16 ‘wi "if 11,3,» 4.,- 16. 17. 1090 Abdominal segments with blackish, yellowish, and reddish markings; mesonotum reddish; a yellowish band behind ocelli (Fig. 16 A). Builds single or double paper combs under eaves or in outbuildings. (Polistes exclamans) ...................................... ZEBRA PAPER WASP Abdomen largely blackish, with one or more pale bands starting at posterior margin of first or second segment; mesonotum largely blackish; no yellowish band behind ocelli (Fig. 16 B) ...... 17 Fig. 16 B Large species 20-25 mm. long, propodeum with coarse transverse striae (Fig. 17 A). Builds paper combs in bushes or trees. (Polistes annularis) .................... LARGE PAPER WASP Medium-sized species, 12-17 mm. long; propodeum with fine striae or essentially smooth (Fig. 17 B). Builds paper combs under eaves or in buildings. (Polistes fuscatus pallipes) ............... DARK PAPER WASP propodeum Fig. 17 A .110 18. Slender species with extremely elongate first abdominal segment (Fig. 18 A). Builds small mud, potter nests provisioned with caterpillars. (Eumenes fraterna) ............. . . . . POTTER WASP Stocky species, with stout first abdominal segment (Fig. 18 B). Nest in holes in ground or wood, or old mud-dauber nests provisioned with caterpillars. (Odmrus species and MOUObla species) ...................................................................... SOLITARY WASPS Fig. 18 B 19. Mesopleuron divided by an oblique suture into upper and lower parts (Fig. 19 A). holes in ground provisioned with spiders or tarantulas (Family Psammocharidae) ............... ....................................................... SPIDER AND TARANTULA WASPS Mesopleuron not divided by such an oblique suture (Fig. 19 B) ............................... Usually nest in 20 111. 20. Bases of middle and hind coxae not covered by plates (Fig. 20 A). Parasites of other wasps and bees nesting in ground ...................................................... VELVET ANTS Bases of middle, and sometimes hind, coxae covered by plates (Fig. 20 B) .................... 21 middle coxa [hind coxa Fig. 20 B 21. Wing membrane beyond cells with wrinkles; inner margin of eye with a sinus; bases of middle and hind coxae covered by plates (Fig. 21 A 8i B). Male with three spines at tip of abdomen ......... (Family Scoliidae) ......................................................... SCOLIID WASPS Wing membrane beyond cells without wrinkles; inner margin of eye essentially straight; bases of middle coxae covered by plates (Fig. 21 C Si D). Male with a single upturned spine at tip of abdo- men. (Family Tiphiidae) .................................................... TIPHIID WASPS [middle coxa [middle coxa .112 22. Very large species, 30 mm. long or more; first abdominal segment broad and sessile (Fig. 22 A) Nest in holes in ground provisioned with cicadas. (Sphecius sEciosus) ....... CICADA KILLER Smaller species, less than 25 mm. long; first abdominal segment longer and more slender (Fig. 22 B) ................................................................................ 23 V -‘" Fig. 22 A “man? Fig. 22 B 23. Eyes with deep sinus on inner side; one or two clearly defined submarginal cells; dark species with whitish tarsus(Fig. 23 A). Builds organ-pipe mud nests. (Trypoxylon species) .......... ............................................................. PWE (SRO AN MUD-DAUBER Eyes nearly straight on inner side; three well-defined submarginal cells; metallic blue, or species with some pale markings on abdomen (Fig. 23 B & C) ............................... 24 113. 24. Petiole of abdomen two—segmented (Fig. 24 A). Nest in holes in ground. (5 hex species) ...... ....................................................................... OLITARY WASP Fig. 24 B Fig. 24 A 25. Bright metallic-bluish species (Fig. 25 A). Builds mud nests provisioned with spiders ......... (Chalybion‘californicum) ............................................. BLUE MUD—DAUBER Darker species with yellowish or orange markings (Fig. 25 B) ............................. 26 0114 26. Dark species with yellowish markings (Fig. 26 A). (Sceliphron caementarium) Builds mud nests provisioned with spiders. . ........................................ COMMON MUD-DAUBER Dark hairy species with orange markings (Fig. 26 B). Nest in holes in ground ................. (Chlorion ichneumonea) ................................. ORANGE THR EAD-WAISTED WASP 1150 27. Hind tibia without spurs (Fig. 27 A). Colony builds wax combs in bee hives, in houses, and in trees. (Apis mellifera) .................................................... HONEY BEE Hind tibia with one or two spurs (Fig. 27 B) .............................................. 28 Fig. 27 B 28. Oculo—malar space longer than second segment of antenna; large hairy species with contrasting blackish and yellowish (sometimes reddish) pile (Fig. 28 A). Colony builds wax combs in nests in ground or logs, often in old mouse nests. (Family Bombidae; Bombus sp.) ..... BUMBLEBEES Oculo-malar space short. eye reaching (or nearly reaching) base of mandible (Fig. 28 B) ..... 29 Fig. 28 B .116 29. Very large species 15-25 mm. long with shiny bluish, nearly hairless upper abdomen; second submarginal cell strongly narrowed anteriorly (Fig. 29 A). Nest in holes bored in wood. (Xylocopa virginica) .................................................. CARPENTER BEE Smaller species 2-14 mm. long, usually with some hairs on upper surface of abdomen, shiny greenish species; second submarginal cell not narr0wed anteriorly (Fig. 29 B & C) ......... 30 Fig. 29 A 30. Fore-wing with two submarginal cells; abdomen of female with dense hairy patches on underside (Fig. 30 A). Builds nest out of leaves in tree holes (Megachile species). . . LEAFCU‘l'l‘ER BEES Fore-wing with three submarginal cells; abdomen without dense hairy patcheson underside (Fig. SOB&C) ............................................................................ 31 117. 31. Shiny greenish species (Fig. 31 A). Nest in ground. (Augochlora species) ................... ........................................................... METALLIC SOLITARY BEES Duller species (Fig. 31 B). Nest in ground. (Halictus and Andrena species). . . . SOLITARY BEES Fig. 318 32. First (and sometimes second) segment of abdomen node-like (Fig. 32 A). Build colony nests in ground, under stones, in wood, or in buildings (Family Formicidae) .................... ANTS First and second segments of abdomen not node-like (Fig. 32 B) ........................... 33 Fig. 32 A Fig. 32 B 0118 33. Larger species 3-25 mm. long, usually with definite dark and reddish or orange-colored hairs (Fig. 33 A). Parasites of ground-nesting bees and wasps (Family Mutillidae). . . VELVET ANTS Smaller species 1-2 mm. long. with few sparse hairs; body various shades yellowish to brown- ish (Fig. 33 B). Parasites of wood-boring beetles (Family Bethylidae, Scleroderma species. . . ...................................................................... PAR ASITIC WASPS m, (i//V'r/} 1/ [ll[{[“l||:lli‘{v(l ' Hi‘lii I i (ll Fig. 33 A ID. 119. ANTS: KEY TO SOME COMMON SPECIES Harold George Scott Pedicel ("waist") l-segmented .......................................... 2 Pedicel 2-segmented ................................................. 4 Petiole (scale on pedicel) poorly developed, hidden beneath abdomen (Tapinoma sessile) .................................. ODOROUS HOUSE ANT Petiole well-developed, erect, not hidden beneath abdomen ............... . . . .‘ ..... 3 Tip of abdomen without circlet of hairs (Iridomyrmex humilis) ............ ARGENTINE ANT Tip of abdomen with circlet of hairs (Camponotus herculeanus pennsylvanicus) .................................. BLACK CARPENTER ANT Head and thorax with numerous spines (Atta texana) .......... TEXAS LEAF-CUTTING ANT Head and thorax spineless or with I pair of spines on the posterior thorax ................ 5 Thorax and head covered with "fingerprints"; posterior thorax with single pairs of spines (Tetramorium caespitum) ................... PAVEMENT ANT Thorax and head without "fingerprints"; posterior thorax without spines ............... 6 Monomorium pharaonis Solenopsis molesta Antennal club 2-segmented ............................................. 8 Antennal club 3-segmented ............................................. 7 Shiny-black (Monomerium minimum) ........................... LITTLE BLACK ANT Yellowish-red (Monomorium pharaonis) ............................ PHARAOH ANT House inlesting ants (Solenopsis molesta) ............................. THIEF ANT Outdoor mound-building ants ............................................. 9 Mandibles strongly incurved (Solenopsis geminata) .......... . ...... TROPICAL FIRE ANT Mondibles not strongly incurved ................................... b ...... l0 Dorsal surface of head with large coarse, scattered punctures (Solenopsis soevissima var. richteri) ........................ IMPORTED FIRE ANT Dorsal surface of head without punctures (Solenopsis xyloni) .......... SOUTHERN FIRE ANT U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - I963 .120 DIPTERA: PICTORIAL KEY TO PRINCIPAL FAMILIES OF PUBLIC HEALTH IMPORTANCE II. R. Dodge AniennoeofSeegmenIeulI-e W sew-Is man a u find I . Nol man "Ian 3 nos- 4 or 5 paelenov cells Ierlav cells (Antennae 3 eegInenIea) Slut/LIMA! M van wilh 3A 3rd vein IIIn 3A A CoeIa ending belmeing lip. 38 endlng ”1,38 ending B. QWIII'Y veins reduced. "r354 ring lip ubefor'e wing Ilp Wallace 0' ring very eparee. Abdomen Ilallened- MBA/VIDA! A cylindrical -fiHAE/0NIDAE SWAT/0.407045 HELEIDAEI-CERATOW/Adf} i A 2nd anlannal segmenl wiIh team A. 2nd onlennal Inenl wiInouI seam XII“ ulIh croes veine Icy“. nine 8. Masonolal suluIe complele BI MesonoIal mluzgcomale' eavaheenl ul lhe middle WIN" the basal mm s %% GIL/610A! man/DA: H a euro have, or Wall?“ um soerI-ual Iyyneenl Oval vibmsae absent VP «gan- lIne ban a strong brisllas usua Iy dose naive. Lin-all...” files InIer relalned (Size usually lavgev,ar wiIh Moulhporle ueeligial a IS-Inesh ecveen) WM wheel's-1h IeInnIe) ‘ ' / Wham / ' w undeveloped I p CUTEREEfl/DAE FbelscuIellunI \ 2' s-allen (See I?” -> MUSE/045 746‘” TR “E ) 1 A 355 ’0 E (Spurious vein absent. Anal call no! many Ieachlng Inargin a! wing) ASpurioue veln present Poslsculellum undeveloped PaelscuIelIunI Iaoge,e-allen Icell man. 8. Anal ceunzegg'y'ha #5:“. MM"! I ' Anal cell noun! @: i. /’ SYRPH/DAE EPI'IYDRIDAE Usually Ian I 0‘0th "I well developed, fun'cIianel) nanpIeural Mules r mm "°°" (fi’mwm Humour! mum I“ WIT/DAEI'MTAL/alf} LOVCHAE’IDAE GdSTEROPN/LIM SAWAG/DAE CALL IPNORIDAE Boo; dull Ia Inozevalely ehlnlng any eIIaIIeg siding. usually blaclI for” ’ I I m'm_ «mm 2‘ mm“’° ”m L". (m veh 5 IIlhouI mom hIguIarIVy. Anal «In mu) AMM ea. AMI.) uII'I pamIVIIcI Afloummm mum AMS-fln f",IW'I- Amm BPolpl large, uI-nr" c. IerloI .8. III mul IIeehy II. I" ma WW 8 FM!" anIy “elem? a From leg usually III-1c" Inenefl ,leth cvaee velne WW eegIneIII hngJendeI IAna velnmabm ehavler IIIaII IIlnd leg ”(MIME WINE mama: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Dina-e CenIoI, TralnIng Bunch, Atlanta, Georgia — I948 Revlud May I953 121. DOMESTIC FLIES: PICTORIAL KEY TO COMMON SPECIES IN THE [1.8. H. R. Dodge I Thom: and coda-non dull, any or DIG-ll to block dlh "In anglod Thom: um, run 4 black Ilnpu “lam: donut/ca (Th0 houu lly) PlObO‘chl clongolo, III", M-Mlodllo, Mod-luck «whom: mm polo on "hand hood r—————' . Slavic!!! cult/Iron! (TM mu. lly) SUICOSYA\ COSTL ‘ l 2 / noooscns’ :uuoi maul Thorax ova], mlh 3 block Imp" (Sun: of M (bum cm- on uwolly polo) ouch-ilk lip unu- olly rod, IN «on no"! polo) San-00M a opp, usucosy; ' _ / 4m um curved onooscn normal, n- Iroclllo Tlp d nan."- um mom 0: Ion pal. L19: In pan mum-brown M dual/la!- Luci Iholly block 4’ HSIIIW'II! ENULEY I I \ l I I l ‘ ‘ ‘nuumuu Mo's M Au 1»: 'mumuomAL mm vtms' usUALLv mm Ion war 3;" "5:: ll “VINO“ :cuTELLmI I ”In“! memo: mum ‘ \ . I M. \ I l \\ \\ l l \ \ . \ \\ ‘ I \ l m ‘ \ ‘~ , I VWACIC SYII'K! AID 'OLLIMA'V MI IISY "H'VID |~ mvuo-oo-su VII «II «in flvolghl 6m vain mo" I Thom: dull; abdo- mon blue or one" Squaw. poloutdo- Squamoo dam-Ill. hind mon 11me lhlfllflo mavgm d lowrlobopoll; 6M um conlmuod loInlly lo 'an maygm \ y. / ‘\_ Hjllmyu; Ring/t a nd 0' Mn Hood yellow Dolor; lhovox can mean! Anlenor :pnocln thll Cal/I ”9E" Muddlu lhoraCIc slnp. obbnwolad, Imq yellomsh-bvv-n albau C harm/won" 'amn/cana / (Tho tang-worm fly) (Sccondory Icuu-wovm fly) TR Thorax and abdunon shmmg, molnIIIc a: block tlh vom IM'ply onolod ‘lh voln Ilrolohl obdomon pollnnon Opll rd Call/Mom sup. Body blullh-blacll. polpl black Body bronxy- Moot; polpl road-uh 0. manna/I: Hood dork below, Ihovux 001 “(I905 Squaw. 'hdl or porlIy so Squumm umlovmly dovk @2495mfliml Anlonor IDIVOCII bloclmh Donal lhovomc bmllu slronq Anlanor spuoclu "dd-sh Donal lMIuCIc btullo! Ioduced Thu-om: slopes ol 1 equal Ionqlh; Ilnq mm known at has. W - .. \ C Mtg/mud WEEW] {mafia/Q (The block blow lly) Abdomon slvoogly [himng nol poll-nose donallyf male- with squamoo portly durum-d, In: close I" 1 Abdomen pollmasedorsolly -,‘ mall! mlh Iquarnon I'll... Iyu modualnly "naval-d From mwln M move: calmly mulling or rim occullonol "ecu o' polllnosily ' Ammo and polpl block at bloom-h LBU'D/UCI/Id .ulmrum Anlmnoo and palm I'ddllh P. Emir/wild]: From margin cl lhorm milovrnly pollinou ' Anlunnoo rofldllh Anlonnoc bloc: Lila/Ia (HTS/II! U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Communicablo Discos. Conlor Training Branch Allonlo, Goovgia I95] — Revised July 1958 “nu—our mu: m A Body uuunlly grun Mole 9Inllol ugmonll con- ccolodylomolc mlhoul var- ioomoa pollmosnly nmrolly on obdomon" ABDOMEN MALE FEMALE SIDE vnu «~an wt! P Erma/a USUAL DIFFERENC! IN INVEROCULA“ SDI“ 0‘ MALE AND VEIALE 'LIES QZISQID '(IALI ML! ANTIIIOI WEI “VIM m. U A mm ”(D '1 mom: ”A" Body usually bronly Mule qonilol ugmonll con- spicuoul, hairy; lomolo mm yon-colic poll-nosuly won'- mlly on mflaodlly m- Iblo won «and In cIrlnm "°""' aaoouen MALE SID! mu V(IVIAL v-u FEMALE P cup/ma cupnnu (- pol/urns) .122 DOMESTIC FLIES: PICTORIAL KEY TO COMMON SPECIES Harold George Scott and Margery R. Borom Ihmu dull. abdumtn dull [horn dull. abdomen ahlny rhnru shlnv. zbdnmcn thy (_'1_|_|nphun ‘pp and gynom)gpsu spp_ BLUE BOTTLE FLIES . small (about 1/5 Imh long) mrdlum nu (About V. Inch long) lug: (usually uvu :/\ m(h long) I rhornm urlpn. nndunnn ( lbouru’ unpn. ufun nndnlmn 5 Justin“ ll’IUth unpn abdnmm wuh (ed up Finn»: lpp; 5351:3333: m: LESSER HOUSE FLIES FLESH FLIEb I l Ihcnnt unpu dunncl (hunt-K slnpn Induunu sndu of abdomen pale sldtl of abdomen dark tun when rcsung "squats" whtn rcilm. cren nhcn "sung thorax wuhour pal: spou pale spot bzl'und hnd pale spur on uuullum Musn domcuin HOUSE FLY Stomoxyl czlnuzns STABLE FLY Muscm: spp. FALSE STABLE FLIES color black color dark blur (010: green lo bronz: madlum-snt (7.4mm lon‘) large (l/S-IMh long) ”0—"NL'II'1' sucx aLow ny 9mm».- DUMP nuts l (010: pun color bronze 3 thou“: unpcs wuhoul Ihonnc slripu wuhoul (honnc snipe: Cox‘hlionyil nuclluia SECONDARY SCREW WORM iLY Phumcla Icllnll Phumcu cuprina GREEN BRONZE BOTTLE ELY BOTTLE FLY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Diuon Cont-r, Twining Brunch, Atlanta, Georgia - l962 DOMESTIC FLIES: PICTORIAL KEY TO COMMON SPECIES lN SOUTHERN [1.5. Body dull, or brown to grbe‘ylck H. R. Dodge Body bicolored: thorax dark, ab- domen metallic 4th vein angled Thorax dark,with 4 black stripes (Sidesotabdomen usually oale) Thorax grey, with 3 block stripes (Abdo- men ctieoliered,wilh tip usually red, the sides never pale) 4th vein curved W564 DOMESTIC?! The housefly Proboscis elon ate stiff, non-retractile, cod-suck- ing. Thorax with pale spot behind head srwoxrs warm/vs The stable fly SARCOPHAGA SPF. Proboscis normal, re- tractile. Tip of scu- tellum more or less pale «9r MUSC/NA Legs in part reddish~brovm M. STABULANS Legs wholly black M. ASS/MIL IS 4th vein straight Scutellum with 3 Scutellum with 4-5 pairs of marginal gain of marginal bristles (Squamae istles (Squamae ash rey) dark,uith pale hind 9 margin of lower lobe) FAN/VIA SPF. cr/vouropsm ' HYLEMYA $99. 0404 VER/NA “LL’PHOR‘ 5”- ‘M VElN SCUTELLU. t! “ING\ (KTWEEN M365) \ EYE , « - — \ mrcmui— __ “‘ “~50unn FALPUS — — —/ Pnoaosms—— —/ \\ \HINO LEG US. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch Atlanta, Georgia - I948, Revised Aug. l953 Bod shining, metal ic or black 4th vein sharply angled 4th vein straight OPH YRA Body bluish-black; palpi blacli 0. LEUCOSTOMA Body bronzy-black, polpi red 0. AENESCENS Thorax not stri ed. Head dark be our, never yellow Anterior spiracle red. Dorsal thoracic bristles reduced Thorax black-striped. Head yellow below CALL/TROGA MACELLAR/A The secondary screw-worm fly Anterior spiracle dark. Dorsal thoracic bristles strong PHORM/A REG/NA Body wholly shining, blue-green . I? CAERUL E IV/R/D/S PHAEN/C/A Body with whitish pollen most evident on fronl margin of thorax. Body color usually green R SERICATA Body color usually bronxy P. PALLESCENS .EZl Larva round in cm- action I.“ II.” My. My “- um touting mummy W b l W mm- admin '00. w camel“ uv "n m d M mi: Imch In confine“ a! My hut “H GILT? Tut/M Mich/Isl FLY LARVAE: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME Hutu-or fired“ Inl- I“ a mom, can“. W In a noun COMMON SPECIES — J. M. Seago um hula-film era. mm Maw lama: m gnu" walla: m mum mum “Iy/ hon-mo low M M, m Mm clam-a in ”1 Mn and HMO! ‘—~l.-—‘ T " Wk I \W: Wit/”W- 1 sumo-Mummmlmu SoiWoIov-awqu-mm J 8"- ” curly to Mom m' o W “M W Inflow, Actuary oval may no. Yuma m boast "an d not! (a dam» (a June) m m! can. «own fllflncfly mm mm Q l ‘ 6 § 0 ’ ‘ W W My W (AI/I'm Cal/Imam: War" I 0 admin” nvimu- , .. .. same-uni Wan-luv- I-m-n mull. . ‘ mom A om- Datum A m- m n m m...“ wmm mm“? WWW mm; “mg... (m . 1 ‘lx "“K /:._ . \ «w as ”I?“ O o \ I { \ i a g (I‘— 4’) (V v — .44) 11/ 'T" .. \ ___, l‘ M ‘ \ ”'7” \ ’/ mm mm Mam Wimp-aim v MmMMhnm Mun-mew Mariam-Inc”.- luv-Ill emu—om u... nomads-«h uih mum» um mun-Giulia- nun-Hy “in Wu. .- ..." l ! \u-u b can! I I In.“ new VIII. I ‘ nun-— . ¥ I un him It I I 'u M mm at an m: Panama-Io cum» We midfifidil Saw “ m m U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATIW, AND WELFARE PUILIc HIALTH IIRVICI. Communicable Diucu Count, Training Branch, Aolmto, Goaglo— l952-Rovlud I953 VZl. 125. FLY LARVAE: KEY TO SOME SPECIES OF PUBLIC HEALTH IMPORTANCE Chester J. Stojanovich — Harry D. Pratt - Elwin E. Bennington l. Larva with a definite, hard, sclerotized head capsule (Fig. l A) .......................... Z Larva without a definite, hard, sclerotized head capsule (Fig. l B) ............ . .......... .3 NV» WK? 1 / Fig. l A Fig. l B 2. Body flattened; large larvae 12-20 mm. long (Fig. 2 A). . . (Hermetia illucens) SOLDIER FLY Body cylindrical with spiracles opening in a tubular segment at posterior end of body. last segment modified into a sclerotized air tube (Fig. 2 B). . ................................ . . . . . . ........ . . . . ....... . ................. (Genus Psychoda & allies) FILTER FLIES 3. Body with spine-like dorsal and lateral processes on each segment; posterior spiracles on small elevations (Fig. 3 A). . . . . . . ................................... (Genus Fannia). . . 4 Body smooth, or with short spines, but no long lateral processes (Fig. 3 B) .............. S :1 [fl] Wl IL I \\ g )\‘-r _ Fig. 38 r'"\ [’7 \l U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — 1962 0126 4. Processes branched or feathery (Fig. 4 A) ............... (Fannia scalaris) LATRINE FLY Processes without branches, spiny (Fig. 4 B). . (Fannia canicularis) LESSER HOUSE FLY 5. . Posterior spiracles on peg-like tubercles or cones; smaller larvae, usually 6-9 mm. long (Fig.5A). .......................... .................... . .............. ......6 Posterior spiracles not on peg—like tubercles; larger larvae, usually 9-18 mm. long (Fig. SB). .................... . .......... . ..... . ......... ....... ................7 Fig.53 6. Posterior spiracles at ends of long tubercles (Fig. 6 A) ........... ...... ......... (Genus Drosophila) VINEGAR FLIES Posterior spiracles on short cones. last segment with short finger-like lateral process (Fig. 68)........... ..... ..........................(Pithila casei) CHEESE SKIPPER Fig. 6 B 1270 7. Posterior end of body extended to form a tail (Fig. 7 A) ................................. ............................................... (Eristalis tenax) RAT-TAILED MAGGOT Body swollen or tapered posteriorly, but never extended into a tail like process (Fig. 7 B).. 8 Fig. 7 A Fig. 7 B 8. Peritreme present, with 3 distinct slits (Fig. 8 A) ...................................... 9 Peritreme absent; or if present without 3 distinct slits (Fig. 8 B 8: C) ................... 23 Fig. 8 C 9. Slits of posterior spiracles straight (Fig. 9 A) ......................................... 10 Slits of posterior spiracles strongly sinuous (Fig. 9 B) .............. . .................. ZZ "Wu," . ,.......,l “u u"!!! u .‘,‘}v: ' Fig. 9 A Fig. 9 B .128 10. Dorsal and ventral arms of cephaloskeleton almost equal (Fig. 10 A); peritreme with two non-sclerotized areas away from the button (Fig. 10 B). . (Genus Ophyra) DUMP FLY Dorsal arm of cephaloskeleton longer than ventral arm (Fig. 10 C); peritreme complete or with one weakly sclerotized area (Fig. 10 D & E). . . . . . ......... . ...... ll 11. ll A) 12 Posterior spiracles with peritreme incomplete. not enclosing a sometimes ill-defined button(Fig.llB).. ....... . ...... ................. . .............. ........16 Fig. 11A Fig.11B 12. Spiracular plate and button heavily sclerotized; accessory oral sclerite present (Fig. 12 A & B). . . . . . . Ila-000‘.-II.Ion-looI...onloo-nlooonooIOOOOOII ....................... l3 Spiracular plate and button not heavily sclerotized; accessory oral sclerite absent (Fig. 12 C 8: D). . . . . . . ........ .14 129. 13. Mandibular sclerite with tooth longer than greatest width of basal portion (Fig. 13 A). . . . . .... ........ . ........ (Calliphora vicina)ABLUEBOTTLEFLY Mandibular sclerite with tooth only as long as greatest width of basal portion (Fig. 13 B). . . ....... . ....... . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . (Cznomxopsis cadaverina) A BLUE BOTTLE FLY 14. Peritreme thick with rounded or sharp projections which extend inward toward spiracular slits (Fig. 14 A); cephaloskeleton as in figure 14 B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Phaenicia caeruleiviridis) A GREEN BOTTLE FLY ....... . .. ...15 15. At least one of the prothoracic spiracles with 8 or more openings (Fig. 15 A); peritreme and cephaloskeleton as in figures 15 B & C. . (Phaenicia sericata) A GREEN BOTTLE FLY At least one of the prothoracic spiracles with 6 or less openings (Fig. 15 D); peritreme and cephaloskeleton as in figures 15 E & F ........................................... (Syn. E. pallescens) ............. . ........ (Phaenicia cuprina)A BRONZE BOTTLE FLY Fig. 15 E .lSC o 130 16. Spiracular slits not pointing toward opening in peritreme (Fig. 16 A) .................... l7 Spiracular slits pointing toward opening in peritreme (Fig. 16 B) ....................... 18 Fig. 16 A -".'_.5 - - 17. Very large size, about 20 mm. long; mandibular sclerite as in figure 17 A ................ .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Sarcophaga clitellivora or §.bullata) A FLESH FLY Smaller size, about [0 mm. long; mandibular sclerite as in figure 17 B ................... ........................................ (Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis) A FLESH FLY Fig. 17 A Fig. 17 B 18. At least one of the prothoracic Spiracles with 9 or less Openings (Fig. 18 A) ............. l9 At least one of the prothoracic spiracles with 10 or more openings (Fig. 18 B) ........... 20 Fig. 18 B 19. Mandibular sclerite with tooth longer than width of basal portion (Fig. 19 A) .............. ................................................... (Wohlfahrtia opaca) AFLESH FLY Mandibular sclerite with tooth only as long as greatest width of basal portion (Fig. 19 B). . ...................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Wohlfahrtia vigil) A FLESH FLY . 19 A Fig. 19 B 131. 20. Button indistinct or absent; walls of slits with lateral swellings (Fig. 20 A). . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Button present; walls of slits without lateral swellings (Fig. 20 8)....................... ........ (Phormia regina) BLACK BLOW FLY 21. Tracheal trunks pigmented (Fig. 21 A) .................................... . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . ........... . ....... ..(Cochliomxia hominivorax) PRIMARY SCREW- WORM Tracheal trunks not pigmented (Fig. 21 B) .............................. . . . . . . . . . ..... ................................. (Cochliomzia macellaria) SECONDARY SCREW- WORM .Fig. 21A Fig. 21B 22. Peritreme thick (Fig. 22 A) ...... . . . .............. . ...... (Musca domestica) HOUSE FLY Peritreme thin (Fig. 22 B) ......... , ...... . ...... . . . .(Haematobia irritans) HORN FLY Fig. 22 A Fig. 22 B .132 23. Small or slender. round larvae. usually less than 13 mm. long. tapering anteriorly (Fig. 23A)... ...................... 1» W6“, “2‘33““ Fig. 23 A Fig. 23 B 24. Button centrally located (Fig. 24 A). ................. (Stomox s calcitrans) STABLE FLY Button not centrally located (Fig. 24 B) ........ . ...................................... 25 Fig. 24 A Fig. 24 B 25. slits of posterior spiracles strongly sinuous (Fig. 25 A). . . . . (Musca autumnalis) FACE FLY Slits of posterior spiracles not strongly sinuous (Fig. 25 B) . . ............................ . . ............................................. (Genus Mucina) FALSE STABLE FLY Fig. 25 A Fig. 25 B 26. Posterior spiracles with 3 distinct slits (Fig. 26 A) ................................ . .. .27 Posterior spiracles without 3 distinct slits (Fig. 26 B) ................................. 28 Fig. 26 B Fig. 26 A 1330 27. Spiracular slits straight and sunken in deep cavity (Fig. 27 A); body shape as in figure 27 B. ................................................. (Genus Dermatobia) HUMAN BOT FLY Spiracular slits curved and at most in shallow cavity (Fig. 27 C); body shape as in figure :27 D .......................................... (Genus Gasterophilus) HORSE BOT FLY Fig. 27 B Fig.‘ 27 D 28. Each spiracle divided into several plates (Fig. 28 A) .................................... .................................... (Genus Cuterebra) RABBIT AND RODENT BOT FLY Each spiracle not divided into several plates (Fig. 28 B) ................................ 29 Fig. 28 A 29. Button centrally located (Fig. 29 A) ....................... (Oestrus ovis) SHEEP BOT FLY Button not centrally located (Fig. 29 B) ............................................... 30 Fig. 29 A 30. Opening toward button narrow (Fig. 30 A). . . . (Hmoderma bovis) NORTHERN CATTLE GRUB Opening toward button wide (Fig. 30 B). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Hypoderma lineatum) CATTLE GRUB Fig. 30 A .134 MOSQUITOES: CHARACTERISTICS OF ANOPHELINES AND CULICINES Kent S. Littig and Chester J. Stojanovich CULEX PALP LONG PALP SHORT PALP SHORT FEMALE =2; .y r: FEMALE riu‘k \ \ l HALE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Dis-ass Connr, Training Blanch, Atlanta, Georgia — 1962 1350 AEDES AEGYPTI \\ , i / Chester J. Stojanovich I. 1 "I i' ‘ COMB SCALE PECTEN TOOTH AIR TUBE t ‘l ANAL GI LLS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicobh Diuou Cantor, Training Branch, A'lonOo, Georgia — 1965 .136 ANOPHELES QUADRIMACflLATUS Harry I). Pratt :_x a“ \ ‘ 4v 4 717/ « HEAD U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicabl. Dis-cu Convoy, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia 137. CULEX QUINQUEFASCIATUS Harry D. Pratt :4 “9‘8 yy HE A0 COMB SCALE PECTEN TOOTH ECTEN IR TUBE ANAL GILLS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PueLIc HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablu Diuou Con'or, Training Branch, A'Ianw, Goorgio 0138 $2 I 3980 .28.: £255 9:55 .559 :85 3.32555 .35.”: :53: 032:. .2252. oz< £95633 £533. no pzmzhmlmo .9: hwadwwsfl .2.E§£32§E§:§ snail-53:33.5. flagsgifinetgtga .ggignfiizi 58. 2.8 3 .58. 2.8 in... 2:5 39... £588 .812?- .94 z. z 32.. .5138 .83.. .9: git—85350.- .E Sgo2£_l.§soo:8 Lono Egon £55 .939 .2830 £500 .53.. .EE’ Tll— :22... 52.... 23:33 .24 55!. £3 22.93 .92 I ‘ ‘K .x 8.14 W i...!§.8:_2 zieiiglflflni .13.; sissy-1%.! "9523);..sno 333.81%.3538... 52:18.... #513125...ng .ititzballafluefiu €_i§o£i§_8_§££m _ _ .25: 32:53 92 5.2 .08 S: 38 = 9:38 823 .22! £1. :5an a. 82.. .22! c z wl—Il— .3 .58. 9:8 52.... 3.3. n58 5... .550! .2582. :.:!w .5803 35689. :22w E E 8.. 2...! 8 £2 a £3 3 :8 2o :8 5i 3.: .2 .32 3 £2 3 £8 .83! 5.. 82 5 E _ 4 fi E598 Mm, HM a is; .039 is ‘2 B 831335,.5! £02.35...- u:232_8>:9:893‘=l82:< §!_2292fi32.23§< v.5 358 32 .3 6:58 .2 32 .2 52 :2 s :8 .88 a 52.382 .5 i=2 :2 E =8 .38 a £3 82 .2 I 0 11/197. .538 52:- .:o.oon 5.! 82 .3 83 .3 . E 4:2 8958 £8.58 .62... 52...- 5.82 unai/ 8 £2 22:8 E85 32 5 K . . g..- 8689 $ 2.88 z... 5 F 32.. .: Ea: 33.3 no <=mzmw .m.: ca 5:. 45:95:— ”mwohaamos 1 9. MOSQUITOES: PICTOBIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON LARVAE OF THE UNITED STATES Chester J. Stojanovlch and Harry B. Pratt I air lulu pun-II abdomen llllmul Illllllll' hair- alr lube Ilium: IMO—(I Iilh pal-lie Lain ll. luv-l! ar nun-L scan. a. raun- p """"" "'" mm In“! luv-I, hunt-an.“— u-n hr air lulu- aol painlerl air lulu- .MIlIIIPIl apirarular plale aplrarular plalr \ twin 0 n". 2 0n halr 0 rudl-Irnlar) Iiiho-l Ialla wulh 2 Illll aide—incl Ill-fall or abarnl. hair 1 a l and 5 unlllplr single or double \ ‘ a ‘ Mnmoniu prrlurlmna 4/ . \ Anophrln crutiam . Anopheln [manual-u Anophpln inn" :Iypul h-in innrr rlypral hi" paeudopunclipenuia n aralrl lay ll Ira-l aeparalrcl by it" lia- "‘ of ' Iraaal 'ubfld' urdll “f - "u“ Inherrlr air like rill a banal pair of llair Iul'hI air Iubr Iillmul u lulu-I .vair oi hair Inll- ' i; f alr lulu wilh "vet-l air Illln' willl um' pair “I huir lull~ paira of hair lull- \ I Q . mu» «l/I‘ Anopheln frreborni Anopholn quadrimarulama Anopheln puntll'ponnia I I '\\ “f "hf '“h. l "' '6 air lube villa-e air of hair Ill’ln air III-r uilh one pair cf hair lulu l""' 0' MIN-r" "I"- lain-l l uer nun-I hair or “am.- long" in... aaddlr .imm um. inn". "aun- nol rim-“I mm. l-irrrral L; ”um." in; lull- al vrnlral bra-Ii Infl- «ll \rnlrll I-ruall A; ,, / \ . Culiula nelanum Culisrla inornala Culiulo inridrm I I a-Ir-aa Inil’ r- in nth-pox aalcalu unaided: air air lulu- vl 3 pain III! I I. 5 pair- al’ IOI' alallc halra I'mmplwru confirmis I: _ - .’ I 0 one or Ian pat-lea lrrlh widely input-rd all pro-Ian Irv-Ill 1‘\rrll\ I'lul'fl'll C s i g S O R / Mru-n’x \ Culcx rnluam nun. of air lulu III Inna of air lulu Ial 'ffl'l 'l"“i”l brim-1| l"""‘ "' 'llffldilll anal u-gnrrnl rnmlilrlrl} nnal "gnu-n! nul a "pgllm Ii," In I .Iy-i... "up -Md|' a! air lulu bryoml middle «i air lulu- rinsed loy unhlh- rinp-II In} Illllul' /// -'/ / Culex lanolin Arden nigronlaculi' An!" "gm" ' I fi .ir up. 3 I. s Iinn .5. I.“ ‘ ., -." rank "air rounded apirally roul- u-Ir Ihurn-likr u long II with Iii-ca II '0.‘ aa tide Culex plyirru ‘ 4'. Cult: quinqucfmcialu Arden tacniarhynchus Aedu sollirilam ’ | l l l l lalrr-I Ialr a nddlr finale laleral hair a aaddlc double "nub aulr .im folllb "ale wi|h “in" air lulu llrol‘l 2 air lulu- allnnl 5i in l 'llffll apinel linin In limp u uiilr Il'lll‘l u long an hilir A\\\ l ' \ Cale: nigripalpua Cult: mliuariau Ania aegypu‘ Aedn iriurialua Aedu :10"th Amh- ranademla .140 :93396 .e-.:.=< £25.: 355.... a :1. :4. .41.. aco- .15.... C‘CT 3...? 4H!- .' V, /.I I L {xi/154w»,- A Fwd V” d g... e, 3:. .3 2. 3.3:... ?il. .33... 7.0.... 50.: :20}. .53.... 5‘3.- nm- Ivy «u/ .zltsafl 3... :a E 23...: .33... o. 12.... 5:. :20: .1... . .1. . ’.= .3 .i. a... 5... S. 5... 23.. n. In. .523“. 0.50:: o_a:u.=:EE°U .u...>zun I. ..=<._ 2:22.... :23... ..._. in:— .—<.«..?-:.... i..:..—..:3t=s_ 141. MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME LARVAE COMMONLY FOUND IN ARTIFICIAL CONTAINERS Harry D. Pratt and Chester J. Stojanovich r AII IUII AISINI, PALMAIE HAIIS PIESINI ‘/i Anopbelrs species r All IUIE WIIN 'ECIIN AISENI t—"'J‘—_l ‘IN SIGMINI WIIH DIN SIGMINI 'IA'E I(AIING NAIIS WIIM IWO IOWS OF COMI SCALSS i 1' ,' ' Toxovhyuchilrs ruiilus l "N SEGMENI wun om smumi WIIH- IIAI‘E, All TUIE OUI 'lAIl, All IUII WIIN A LAIG! IUFI WIIM A SMALL IUFI '1 ‘25? uuum HAIR All IUIi WIIH NAIl IUII INSEIIED BEYOND PECIIN All 10.! SNOII, '[CYEN FIESENI ONE VENIIAL IUFI ON EACH SIDE COM! SCAII WIII-I IONG MEDIAN S'INI, YNOIAX WIIN lAIElAl VNOlN—UK! S'INES INOIAX WIINOUY VHOIN—UKE SPINKS Attics aegypu I Ade; Inscrialus Ardu arropalpus U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Cen'ur, Training Branch, Atlan'o, Goargia — I962 COMI SCAlE FIINGED, All IUIE WIIH KAI! IUII INSEIIED WIIHIN PECIEN Culex quinquduscialus I All IUI! PRESENT, PALMATE "Alli AISINI a All ID! All 1U" lONG, PICIEN PRESENI SEVERAL NAIIS OI "All IUIIS ON EACH SIDE ANIENNA UNIFOIM ANTENNA CONSIIICYID, IN SHAPE, All TUIE All YUIE WITH SIVEIAL MUlII'lE ”All IU’IS WIYH SINGLE HAIIS Culcx "swans All IUIE J-5 IIMES AS LONG AS WIDE AI IASE All IUD! 6 0| MORE IIMES A5 lONG AS WIDE AI [ASE Culex salmamu 0142 MOSQUITOES PICTORIAL KEY TO ANOPHELINE LARVAE OF THE UNITED STATES St.:nley B. Freeborn and Eugene J. Gerberg Outov elypaal haiu uimpla; toatmd, at Iparuly Manchu! Outat ctypoai hair: donuly branch“ 'IIHI I"!- ‘- 4 Y IMO! clypool hon "mic; alt-mat bait limit at double on pool hair: toattiand inner c and min unaratad m c rd ha'n normal“ Id, Ipa;rulybvancho¢ bylinlfll‘lyidthdwtub'chl wild" «human autumnal haw ”cation many— «and m... - m Antanna but. Antntmo wtcu trontal hood hair'n 5w 6 pain at Only 3 pain at We W huh warm 1ft“. trontdhoodhon' (mmflamton) mum-r- . m '“°"°""""‘“' “mm” 3%“: 92' WWW-m: 2°"°':.2......"'* ”2:322...“ ' . ' at In! tactic-d ballot; at 1 man clan untun bled-ah ud- bnado'r huh Ida Nada: \ Winn-um o wam_m ( . ' ‘ . .3. unauth Mum notch“ mm a - E. ml BARBER! :25; g, (Tm holes at oastom halt at U S) ALBIAIAAUS ATRONS (Lo-Iv Rio Gramwlloy, (Salt m o! Gull and ham and South Haida) Atlantic Ooootl) th'v'z'anflhua Hair‘a'onamua Hdr‘z'onllhuo usual” trial. Inlay that. Potty-or ""9!" at Poul-riot main a! mosaic: plat. withlaila “ocular plat. Iithwl tail. ‘1' ’6. "‘ GEM/Allis ”ABLE Y/ momma/L ATUS psfumrlfmv/ws ffl‘mlscAM/s (mm U. s.) (Atlantic and (Ea-tam humus (South Connolu 5 ml to Tual) (Sum-morn us.) Gil Com) Hai'o'othth Hair “0 width mt big. and mltualo and, shale, or ranting ENE/41V; (Eon-m U 5.) Hair 'Z'an Att- In with tI-a at more bunch-a innar clmal hair: ttmov clypoal hail- ban lunar clyml hain typically Imogquypaal hair. ban. nightly ham-d at tip: today ovum at ti Nair on GM to; “may Nait ”'2 on 4": I09 qual y doubla. “ mulliplO. i ‘ ‘1 7 l V “K V” d 5 W N \ ’ ‘ I m L\\ .\ , J “CNNTALIS f‘fiLE] mu XEP/ (W00!!! us. an Pacific Coast) (Ruth Central and Mar/ifs?“ (Eat-n u s) MOT/KANE Ncrltnontom us) ' (AH us) FREE”!!! ) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE (Walton us.) BLIC HEALTH SERVICE Communicablo Diuau Cantor, Trainmg Branch Atlanta Goorg-a - 1943, Roviud I950, I951, I953 143. MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME LARVAE OF FLORIDA COMMONLY FOUND IN CONTAINERS Chester J. Stojanovich and Harry D. Pratt PART I ' air tube absent; abdomen with polmate hairs air tube present; abdomen without palmate hairs L \\ \ .\ \\\ \ \ \ : T: \- l \.3 \1’ a .t fix: a” /. «,:.. , é ,A-‘I‘ -* as“. , ,I 31;; I" / s . “/31;.,\\\* ./ l ' ' , / ,,' 2 M" /'/r ‘W ' / I ~palmate hair hairs 0 and 2 on abdominal hair 0 rudimentary or absent, segments 4 and 5 multiple hair 2 single or double Anopheles crucians inner clypeol hairs separated by inner clypeal hairs separated by less than width at a basal tubercle at least width at a basal tuberc‘-= Anopheles punctipennis Anopheles quadrimaculalus air tube without pecten air tut. : with pecten fi \ \\\\\\\\\\ SEE PART II I comb scales absent on 8th abdominal segment comb scales present on 8th abdomial segment Orthopodomyia signifera \ Toxorhynchites nitilus U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgi a - Revised May l965 .144 I PART n j air tube with one hair or tuft on each side air tube with several hairs or tults on each side comb scales with a strong median spine, comb scales with a hinge, thorax thorax with prominent lateral spinos with less prominent lateral spines <2::i> \‘l'\C Aerles aegypti A edes lriseriatus air tube at least 6 times as long as wide 05' Nb. 3-5 till"! as long as wide W I comb scales in a single row comb scales in a patch, 0“ ”5° "m‘ ° 5030' W“ air tube without a basal tult antenna with tult antenna with tult inserted at middle inserted beyond middle V _ air tube with 3 pairs air tube with 4 pairs (,tlllseta melanura of long single hairs at multiple tults thorax with spicules, thorax without spicules, lateral hair at saddle single lateral hair of saddle double Culex nigripalpus Culex salinarius Culex restuans Culex quinquefasciutns 145. MOSQUITOES: PICTOBIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON LARVAE OF PUERTO RICO FOUND IN CONTAINERS Harry D. Pratt and Chester J. Stojanovich eir lube linenl. lbdomen will: pllmnlr Inire Iir lube prelenl. abdomen wilhoul palm-le hair. I ouler elypell Illif ouler ‘IYPcll h'i" nol densely bunched den“! b""°"¢d inner rlypell Inire inner Hype-l illil’l "per-led by n Ienl "P"““l 5! '"l lhlll widlh of bull luberelr “Min of bull luberele ' q, n ,V l ""“b “d" preeenl on Comb ullel nbnenl on Olb abdominal nesmenl all) abdominal Iegmenl air lube wilhoul peelen Iir lube will! petlen Anopheles albimanun Anophelu grabhamii . s \\ \ Orthopodomyia Tozorhynchilel aignifem parloricensis lir lube will: lever-I lufle on end: Iide lil‘ "le Villl one lull on each side 2' P R Iil’ lube 3-5 limes Iil‘ lube ll leul b I u Ion; n wide IinIeI u long as wide I u. uh i I Iilorll Iilbonl Ipieulee oral w .P en en lborex will: Ilellnle blirl lhorlx wilboul IleiI-le illil’l lbornx wilhoul prominenl lllerll spines lborlx Vilil prominenl Illerll Ipinel uddle vili- ponerior epineu uddie vililoul pollerior spine! Cults quinquejaaciauu Culex nigripalplu Arden mediouiualm Aedel aegypli U.$. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PuaLlc NEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Blmcb, Atlanta, Georgia — i965 0146 MOSQUITO DIAGRAM — ADULT FEMALE AEDES Chester J. Stojanovlch and Harold George Scott Pnonoscxs \ (ANTENNA \ \ \ / / \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / / “ 4 \ / / / \ I \ V / 1 J / ~\. 1' pt , V ‘ ’/ V: ‘ ’ PALPUS__________ -. r — _ - .\ I, ‘3‘" _ ________________ EYE .-‘ 3"”. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ MESONO'I‘UM ______ _ _ , ‘ ‘ “ ‘OCCIPUT M — ’ I”... \ \ - :(‘u \ \ \ _- " ‘ \wmc FEMUR ————————— , V V \ \ "W \ ‘ \ SCUTELLUM \ .— \ ' _. — \ .— ‘ ’ — ’- \\ TIBIA — — ’ . \ \ / \ \ \ / I I / \\ \ \ I ABDOMEN TARSUS < /. \_ \ . \ \\ \ \ \ \ l U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PuaLIc HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Com-r, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - I966 147. MOSQUITO DIAGRAM — LATERAL ASPECT 0F MOSQUITO TIIORAX Chester J. Stojanovich SPIRACULAR BRISTLES\ 'STERNOPLEU'RON ’PREALAR BRISTLES \ l I \ POST ERIOR PRONOTAL BRISTLES\ , , UPPER MESEPIMERAL BRISTLES ANTERIOR PRONOTAL _ _ _ _HALTER BRISTLES ’ / \\ MESEPIMERON POSTSPIRACULAR / BRIST LES / / PROPLEURAL BRISTLES \ LOWER MESEPIMERAL STERNOPLEURAL BRISTLES/ BRISTLES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Diuau Cantor, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - I960 .148 MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY TO UNITED STATES GENERA 0F ADULTS (FEMALE) Harry D. Pratt and Chester J. Stojanovich palp as l°"8 as proboscis its near-tut 0' Mm. Inventor. no IIL'AII palp much shorter than proboscis 'IIMIC unn- suvlcl, C—nkdto Dunn-Caus- MI-k. huh I..- . . ma F Anopheles I l proboscis stout on basal half. outer half proboscis slender and never curved downward tapered and strongly turned downward Q I I abdominal scales darlt dorsally and abdominal tergites with pale bands or pale ventrally: pustnotum with setac lateral spots; postnotum without setae l l I wing with second marginal cell _ wing with second marginal cell less than half as long as its petiole at least as long as its petiole Uranolaenia abdomen blunt Toxorhynchites Formerly Megurht'nlu Wyeomyt'a abdomen pointed base of subcosta with row base of subcosta without row of bristles on under side dorsal segments of abdomen of brisrles on under side dorsal segments of abdomen with pale scales apically. with pale scales basally. ‘ W W or if absent. hind .ibia hind tibia without erect scales [2%.‘3; M with long. erect scales “Z79 , [y , / WW WWI/Mm“ Culiseta Aedes most wing scales at base of wing narrow. darlt ‘ W “53%; “a w . . " Immummunnuww \“ fill/IHIIIIIiIl/Mh: . antenna not longer than proboscis, first flagellar segment about as long as following segments antenna much longer than proboscis. first flagellar segment as long as neat two segments mesonotum with fine longitudinal lines of white scales mesonotum without lines of white scales Culex Deinoceril; Orthopodomyt'a Maneont'a MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON ADCLTS (FEMALE) OF THE LNITED STATES Harry I). Pratt and Chester J. Stoianovich F hum “run 'r-Iln‘x duh \ :\W-Inuru.-.-‘Ial --4 an. \_:- a" .. . .. . ;:...~.._ __ ‘ __ - ‘ l I 1 J rm; mu. pup. "10an um. "mum“. ..n: .pu'vHL ml,” .r m. n Wm”. . fi . mm K "H " l ' 'l-Av' \ I 'C :1 V ‘lflfl l’;_.< ’ a- 1L 7 ’1” ‘ V i-..“ _-., _ a» I o f . a --‘_ -. “r ‘ ‘4' . c '— Nw“ . _ ‘_ ,7 ._\ ‘. A . . ~ ploMKH ‘~ "s \ ~ " ‘ _. ‘ "m?”‘Wu‘w' "K \m‘ ‘V‘ l l :2 ruln Fm "Id dul: mag u m a“. y." w. . m. ,,.,.. r—L— ._—&—_— ‘hn'll "'I "1'11 ""Iflu' ”1’5"." ‘-""|' Aldo-ll" ’ollllr’l __::. - w “-.- E—~—\ m nov- Mm" WW." "m"! ‘u. wry N z; m. _ x — ‘ 123111! all]? I» . x . Raff”. ' ’ I 1" V .’ -- j ~£an31vw_\\ 4,- _ r, .. ‘ V, 5-, :(u' ’ v-nq .wx :. mm ..H v ‘ a.( .z I “NC "I ~"\ 7hr ‘ifid “1'7 ‘ I I"‘flul 31¢ Slflfl EA‘TEIN . ) Innpheln [Ivohorur WESTEIK Annplnlvs qunrlnmaculunu r l 'q__ - ‘ (nopheln punrliprnnit {ALL L' i) lhdomtn Mum ’ \ [mu—mer‘ 4w!" \PH'EE: \ 'i Abdul-run run hnud Dunn mammn mama” my. ”Mum {ulr mm. -" "I" Mum brand ma "on: 0...... ”my.” ..n.“ L'uln pip-rm .Nouxmum l \. Cub: qmnqur/Inrl'auu I!" lelN l u .Pur‘l nun : ,uu Git-firs "1 mm Cult: rnluaru Anophrlu [warm-mun [Sol THWESTkKN L 5' fl no pl: mm m .rm-u vulgm a! mu; m: .11: am .1 r .1 ma. ..& w- ' f’k Mm _ #4 2'. ‘1 N. :1 . ' ~~ x4; a. I: ”Wm-2H ‘\ ‘2‘” l {nophrlu rrutian- I 1 pllp ~”unwed pllp upper! mm such 31') :maeu um um: ,4" ' — ' ’ ~\‘ ‘ {nophrln puudopuntliprnnu ‘SOL THCE\TIAL '. a» l Abdnmln gun-u: / :nclll - *n .1": 1::un \i'l‘c 40d" Ulnrinllu v n n- 34rd; mm. mm. «ii, ..n'.’ " ..urm: \n 1.:m.» \ I mun” .- uAN- .1“: - FF”- Cult: Ialinuruu (fulr: urgnpalplu {can up u l Vl.dflv< IBGOIIIPIIK unm l-xalpru mack “autumn; um" m: 3-xllk: \\ {Mn 701m 5 £1 a, I O i u." -(I.E‘ 73.: um url 4/ dun-all} lulu (mu mnudvmu ..u .um mun .1 an I "will“! JQ'HAIMM LIMP! Iclldlfl mic emu: run 1mm ‘rmu menu um and xwrc an aunt nu more -I_I \ \ Pronghorn tourism: mam-um m mm ”c an”: .uonn mm :11: mm- up! was; {run «(aldfllfllrflu .NOMV'I‘ N 4.4.!)1 And-"III ' 1 1-} 13!.“ "h‘ .rgmrnl 1' Ilnll lull w v u.- u ): r mg nun»: numn um um mac um. u "mun . ' ~"'—"‘ .-‘--.-—- I‘m-3:)“ (2:23 C"!!! voilrrvmu E.\3YEI\ . 3 ”an uqromcuii‘ 'ESTEIN L' '.) Oblrl MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME ADULTS (FEMALE) IN EASTERN UNITED STATES Harry D. Pratt and Chester J. Stojanovich C I 1 d hmd nun; rnnrrly duh h-nd InIuI IIIL pile bndl 0' u: “ruin-vol mu. [annual mo nu... O 'ulk" hlnII-I Illvl‘l I-.-—n.§'nD~.--~ ‘9‘" nah-u.“ m1 --‘ ' a ' ‘ I I mu; Lleu. lulfu «mm mm pmrmm pmbouil uuulv dull yrobomu wiIh,pal¢ bus! ‘11“ g; ‘ Ihonl Inh pal: lyre-Ihtpcd lurhn' Ihoru Iilhoul Iyreahpcd luhn‘ aide-um blunt r——L——n—1w-n poi-ltd CULICINES ANOPHELINEs ' l f I lull mlu yak and dull. Inn. Inlu pnlt Ind dirk. wm‘ lulu I" duk: on: pnle IpoI u up 0! wln‘ [Ito pale span on ham null"! 0' Wm. um. nub 4 dark Ipon 7" 5” Manama pnlnbaus "“'”""“'"""“"W“""» Ade: nzyypl. Ina-a h." n.- ma k... um Anapbzhs ("00qu Anophrlu punchpmmx Anophelu quudnunculalus P"' 5‘“ “h" "P pale bud kt." H, I l Ibdomnu blqu lbdomcn pol-Inca hind um" with uno- hind llllII with brand plk pal: anI hand“ luddle hind: II but and we: III "(I IMo-fin‘l 5.14; 54h?“ nml ulna“ lbdo-innl huh “I I-Ihped Psavopbom rollnuu: IMO." wiII 'III .cdun "ripe Moan with-I pk .dn- uni” Ibdolmn wuh bvoxd pale bum; lbdumtn vuh nurow Pik hindI pllc mcdnn "up: on Ihmu duk Medan Impc on rhom (In!!! "Imam Cult: pup-rm Lulu salmunus AIdts lummlor Cahx gamut/ammw Culrx mgnpnlpus Atdn al'nnlum Ardrx murmlus Acdn mum Azdcx cauadenm Ardts sou-nuns Ardn "murky-ch! KEY TO SOME COMMON ADULTS (FEMALE) OF WESTERN UNITED STATES lMOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL Harry D. Pratt and Chester J. Stojanovich I 1 will. tpofled: PIIPI longer than probou‘i! ulbanllvflllllfl, m'~.WIIL!nl wing clear; PIIP‘ shorter ”"9 [”050“is Dunne nutt- IIIVICII h—h‘ll Min-ah .W . « Mu... ha. .. r . . .; ma ‘ ‘ 7.x 0% . \ . ‘ fltV/IJ/l V i...- . ' VII/0mm mmwmnmw w I I 1 abdomen blunt mummmmwm R I Anophelea freeborni abdomen pointed Anophelea punctipennit I probotcit with pale band -proboscis without pale band ‘ l hind tarsus entirely dark “I—III‘ I‘lfluu- Wi’wzw . O Aedea ut'cn'cua l I hind rartus with pale hands at base of segments hind tartus with pale hands I 1 narrow pale line on middle of underside of hind femur pale ' hind tars-u with pale hand: at both end! of Iome aegmenta Culex lanolin Culex peut H , t?‘ l hind femur and often on tibia I win; :potled wins not spotted win; with anal vein more wins with anal vein more than one-half dark sealed than one-half pale scaled €-—“""““” ’ C 4/” O I W Mflmum Aedet melanimon Aedet donalia I Culiaeta incident abdomen with pale median stripe -. L . ; .— go-li . Aedet vexant Aedu nigrmnaculia I middle abdominal bands B-shaped r I abdomen without definite hands abdomen with broad pal: hands ”Hum Culiaelo inornala Culex pipient .lSl .152 MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME ADULTS COMMONLY ASSOCIATED WITH AEDES AEGYPTI Harry D. Pratt and Chester J. Stojanovlch l fl PIOIOSCIS CUIVED. LAIGE MOSQUIIOES 'IOIOSCIS SIIAIGM', SMALLEI MOSQUIIO WITH IIILLIANY GlEENtSM TO PUI'LISH COLOR USUALLY WHN ILACIISN OI IIOWNISN COLOI Toxorhyncbilcs rutilus ‘ “IND 'AISI WI'NOU' 'ALE IANDS l MIND YARSI WITH PALE IANDS v j j MESONOTUM WITH LVlE-SNA'ED MESONOIUM WITH DAIK, IIOAD, MESONOTUM WITH PAIALLEL MAIKING, MIND TAISI WITH MEDIAN STRIPE, MIND IAISI WITH LINES. KIND 'AISI WI". PALE PALE IASAL IANDS PALE IASAL AND A'ICAL IANDS IASAL AND AHCAL IANDS Wmmj m1" " §’~‘-——__:;11.J‘H“,m'” Aides argypli Ardes atropalpus Orthopodomyia species ' I SCUYELLUM SADDLE-SHAPED, AIDOMEN SCUYELLUM 'll-LOIED, AIDOMEN WITH WITHOUT SCALES OI 'ALE IANDS SCALES AND USUALLY WITH PALE IANDS 9" m 1 L l ' I I ‘ ‘ MESONOYUM WITH IIOAD MESONOTUM WITH TWO MESONOYUM ALMOST MESONOYUM ALMOST MESONOTUM ALMOST DARK MEDIAN SIIIPE PALE SPOTS AND HNE UNIFORM, SCALES COAISE UNIFORM, SCALES FINE UNIFOIM, SCALES FINE AIDOMEN 'OINTED COPPEIV SCALES; AIDOMEN AND IlASSV; AIDOMEN AND CO'EEIY; AIDOMEN AND COP'EIV; AIDOMEN ILUNI WITH IASAL PALE ILUNT WITH PALE IASAL ILUNY WIYN IASAL PALE ILUNI WITH APICAL BANDS ALMOST SYIAIGHT IANDS ROUNDED IANDS NAIIOW PALE IANDS Atdts lnsmalus Culcx restuans Cultx quinqudascmlus Culrx salinan‘us Cultx territans I I 1 wins UNIFOIMLY aux WING 0“" WI?" FOUI WING WI!" INCH“ 0! WELL-DEFINED our spoxs om: AND Mu scans P...” »"""-“'-.¢ 'Wk‘Wfi- _ ....-. . ; - J A” . ‘ ‘ 7 4m,” Mm, , ‘ “HI/"WW”IMMImulmummnnmnMWufl‘w _‘ 4/4 V - , - Ww,mwmmmwm ”WWW: ' um *' Anophtlrs barberi Anopheles Quadrimaculaiu; Anopbdu punctipmm': U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Dina" Cantor, Twining Branch, Atlanta, Gawain-1962 153. MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY TO ADULT FEMALE ANOPHELINES OF UNITED STATES Richard H. Daggy Polo: as long as proboscis SCUTELLUM GENUS Scutelluin evenly rounded Ali/OPHELES Win91 ueoally spotted mum nus: / SPOT mun unsus I win I with areas 0! win entirel whiye or yellow scales manual"! t 0 ate area! on one to area on tront wince clear "'"0‘ 'P°"“ "‘0" 0' w p margpiet of wing at tip —unspotted "113.3?"ng Wug'llalp' tront mariin of wing ' '——'_I / CRUC/A/Vs thoracic bristles long Gggggmys 2:.-.2~-.2::*~ 2222222222" / Some 3 cimens of a .I‘ e faintly too ted wings. These are distlnquished horn other onophelinee by the absence at light These three specie: are 'indistinqyishabte as adults See Pictorial Key to Anoflheline Larvae tor separation in that stage. tine. spots. . . ] BARBER/ ATROPOS «__ (Ea-tern US.) (Atlantic and _ Gull Comte) hind torus entirely hind tanus with dork-Icolod brood white bald palr with narrow white bond: palps unbanded I hater knobs golden-yellow halter knobs dark l~ Elf/ll, | or a ran e _ . valley of Texas) ' WALKER] (Eastern U S.) I be dad l nba dad . m p n PO 9 u n cagfi'zfggz‘: “To” no trinIe spot . t ' I I I l W . PUNCT/PEIV/V/S (All of U. S.) GOG/DEN TAL/S (Pacific Coast) EARLE/ terminal rnent of terminai segment of (N°'”‘°"‘ ”:5 polp mm white pulp tipped with black 503' 0' Rockies) West of the Rockies East of the \ l I ! , | - ' e 2 . I fix. l : a U.S. DEPARTMENT OF (I02 w.Lon9Itude) Rockies HEALTH,EDUCATION,AND WELFARE I l PU BLIC HEALTH SER VICE these two modes are indistinguishable a: adult: P$£ OPU/VCTIPENA'IS FRANCISCA/VUS (goouthvrestern US.) (Southvcentral and Communicable Disease Center FREEBORN/ QUADR/MAGULATUS Training Branch (Western U. 5) (Eastern US.) Weltern U. 5.) Atlanta, Georgia - 1945 Revised Sept. 1951, May 1953 .154 MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY TO UNITED STATES GENERA BASED ON MALE GENITALIA PART I Chester J. Stojanovich besistyle about equal in length to distiatyle basistyle usually much shorter than dististyle. and with l-2 stout setae near base without l-2 stout setae near base _ _ _ _ I DISTIITVLK TINY" STKIIITI r \\ 1 EA ‘ I’munrn lo I, IAIIITVLI‘ ‘1 ~ ’ 1‘ \SA/” \\\ \\ \\ \ ’_ II ‘ sun-nu _________ 6".“- v V W V/fll Mn. Anopheles ' claspeltes present 'absent only in Action aegptl' as ahown below' new "1"HK curring" I SEE PART II SECTION ll distal lobe of buiatyle Will! leaf-like “ll“ distal lobe when present without leaf-like scales \‘ mun. Lou umml ........ DII‘IAL Lou IlIlIIITVLI __________ Humps“. SEE PART 11 SECTION I U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — I964 1550 PART II PART 11 SECTION I dististyle slender 'exceptions being dististyle not slender but variously shaped as shown below Aedu cinereus with dististyle furcate st base and Aedu mesons with claw of dististyle not inserted at tip ISTIITVLI‘ DlfiTll‘l’VLl I A eds: uuam Psorophora Aedes PART 11 SECTION II tenth sternite crowned with teeth or tuft of spines tenth sternite simple or With few teeth "um "nun: ————— , i". " distal lobe of basistyle without leaf-like scales or rods lobe of ninth tergite half as long as basistyle distal lobe of basistyle with leaf-like scales or rods lobe of ninth tergite short IASISTVLI — — — Loss or mum uncut” .156 PART III dialinlyle grellly modified at apex dilliuyle not greatly modified ll apex DIOYIIWLl‘ namvu _______ W yeomyia claw of diuliolyle comb-like elnw of dinlulyie nol comb-like I ‘ ’3“ ——————— \ \ \‘ \ \ X \l mmmu \ \ x \\ \ nummu.‘ \\ Orthopodomyia SEE PART IV 1570 PART IV claw of diotiotyle elongated claw of diltiotyle Ibort (ll-tilt] -e Ito-t Inn-l lobe not long and slender and without rel-like let- " Mansonia Uranotoenia .158 MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY TO MOST ADULTS (FEMALE) OF NEW MEXICO PART I Chester J. Stojanovich pulp; u long In probolru pulpl Inch nllorlcr llun probouil O ”.- A' K “ . WM wing scales all dark and with d dark spots win; sales pale and dark Wing Will! ll't’OlId will; will! second marginal cell Irn llnn hall marginal all It lust a) u long as its petiole long an its pnmle Anophelu freeborni I Uranolaenia lynlllela lrllp unlnndrd pulp Iipprd will: hllrk P"? tipped .uh uh“, :Mumcn polmud ahdnmon Num 1"- .1”..— . o «a. gag» .— -‘ - , .-—--- - . 7 -_:-N' .“~‘~‘_‘ Ks,“ - A ’ ‘1‘; _ . “ \\ “N‘. Auophvlm punrlipennis Anopheles frnnrisranus Anaplwlu plrudopunrlipvnni- 55}; PART n I nuumlllum hlll’l lam I-mguudiml lmu u! I-hilr sulu munnmum will-our Inn“ of Illllll' scale: .% “€45? ()rlhopodomyia alba J hiw cl subunit wuh row but of suhrmu wuhour row of hustle: IHI under nde of hflslk‘: on under sidc “mi; 1.2% wfii‘fi: ,_ Fax” .. , "x /‘\ ‘ lg w 1m" l ”/I/ Jug ”WWII!“ “"8 ”mm“, "5"5 ""1 $potled hind tarsus with pale bandl hind tars-u rmucly dark ~ _ ~. ‘ . maxim“«Laura,unw-nv:tmmw;,=.. -“ ‘ - O Culirela incidem (Juliana inornala prulmui- lauded prolmuib nol lunch-d «NW “aw 8E1. ’ \‘w Culex lhriamhua l l I I mrnumlum lira-n uuumnlum IQIOIOII- wilt newnolum .nhom l-ruwninh rul 2 pale If." 2 p-lc upon femur. und Iibil villi nnrro- fuller- Ind libi- Iilhoul wlxile lint of‘ll‘llcl , allulumcn will: llulumeu villi nurnm Pllll Inn-ills broad pale burlll‘ 1 nnr’ro-I while line of Icllu ’ ta; “(Elf—4‘.“ .. Culf‘ Culex Culex Cult: Cult: lanall: Cull: pun lnlinarilu erythrolhorax reuuana quinquefaaciauu U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Dinou Cantor, Training Branch, Allonlo, Guorgio - l964 1590 PART II don-I leg-en" cl Ihdo-en with pole lulu hunlly. hind lihi- wIIhonI era-l Imln »/*e r don-l seamen" of Ihdolnrn wilh pale unle- lpicllly. or if Ihunl. hind Iihil wilh Ion. curl "II" I '- \ [ I I hind Inn-u enliuly dark hind urn“ wilh pile lauds . l l i . win. "I u miltd win. u-Iu monlly duh ‘ :lIL ‘. ‘ ‘ “ dark "Id "ll“! hind femur wilhoul ‘ hind femur wilh while ring II apex while ring ll apex A \ 9"; 3 ICOOIMIIIII ""5 IOICIOII- without I! c\ 2 hand while 2 hand while } \ “ripe- ll Iniddle uri'u II niddlc W'“ €14,me Q ‘ hind lf‘l wilh hind Icgl wilhoul long errrl Ic-Iu inn! creel unle- Aedp. "iguana. t J L ) l—l , ' wins ugle. a." wing Itllel hieolorcd Psorophora cilialu Psorophora cyanelceru , ' l I wing “I.“ min-d wing lulu Iilh Irel- of « « «"5 .“d “.3... while Ind d-rl lulu Aedu pullalu: Aedn tpencrri I j hind “run wilh lulc handl 'Iilll. Inna: will! pull- ’ ll both ends of lolllf laymen“ hand: ll hue of upturn” ' ' -“ w w .1- .‘m‘ .__. “. «MW-nun- » - probouh wilhnul p-le l-nnd III-Inuit villi [unh- Inn-l «“331: t . 'm N- \ M III/Ill!“ ‘ Ihdolnen with a abdomen wilhnul I Psorophona discolor Psnrophora signipennia PIIQ nudI-n nlripe pnle medl-n stripe wing nr-Irs nloslly dlrh \<< "Nd" '“uMM' ""“k 'M‘m'fll I Aedes laeniorhynchul lunch Bah-pod hnndl no! B-Ih-ped wing unle- pnle wing Ifllu Ind dlrh inlernliled '0'”) dark Wills with anal vein mart wins with anal vein man than one-half dark scaled than ant-half pal: scalcd Aed" oexan' I , . * WM W ‘ ',. ~ 1: V \w‘xwv nlvdonlcn wilh pile Abdomen wilhoul 1% 1' ' \‘ mulign “ripe lule nluliln llripe Arde‘ Mllcheuat ”ll/W , I II . '" ”I'M/411W?” :—';"~ f ,. Ihdolnlnll Ilripe Ihdominal "ripe AM on me mnmou Anlpx (lorsnlls .fi“.‘_ ' ”lb“... “r“ "I'M“ “m‘ “I," "In!“ I . , of hind Ill’lul wilh ol' hind urn" wilhoul but of Null 5'“ 0f '0'" Ania. '"gromacul" Indian pale rlnl median pile ring wilh while Irnlcu wilh dlrh units 9 .3 . 4 K N I.— U" ‘~~-- T Cur-.1..- h-ul hull of hind femur hull hull of hind fen-Ir WW s I I Id W enlircly pnle ruled not on re y pl 9 on e “:5: W773} WIVN~N r" ,5 I r—IIII‘ I .’. JS.‘ 4/ Aedea zoowphus Amie: intrepilua Arden aollicilam Aedn nigromaculia WWI/mm Amie: nlropalpua Arden canadenlil v luv MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON ADULTS (FEMALE) OF IDAHO Chester .1. Stojanovich pair. as lea. ae prehoacia Anophelea freehand l ahdo-ca hlunt Hum. hind taruu entirely duh 0 Anita cinercua hind una- with pale hand! at both ends of son: It‘lltltl »- In:- 2"? ' ' \le- “TAM" 6*“ pale and darh Aedea dorsalia Acdu canadenat'a middle abdominal banda B-ehaped m A (do vexana abdomen with a pale median atripc Aedea nigromnculie prohoscia with pale hand probouit without pal: band Cale: tanalia I I j 'lfl‘ apottcd (Juliana incidena J. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Center, wing acalu nixed will; scale. dark with while aealca al hale oi raala prohaacia handed Iaraal elawa I and II doraal anrl’ace of tonne Culiaua inorunta j palpa Inch shorter than preheula rr 1 Ihdo-ea pained M« l hind lll’lll 'itll pale hand: fl hind tau-u with pale bands at but of segments FM'u—ufi;--“+1+~» prohouia not handed A «In nigromaculia _ I middle abdominal hand. not B-ahaped i aide-ten without a pale ncdlal atrl’I tanal elawa I and II with divergent teeth with parallel teeth A cdca excruciam doraal aurl'nce of Iorla with white acalea without while nalee A edea increpitu Training Branch, Atlanta, Geagia — l964 161. MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY TO ALL ADULTS (FEMALE) OF TEXAS PART I Chester J. Stojanovich pslps u long as proboscis pslps much shnrler Ihsn proboscis t “a“ \,‘ I win scales all dark , probosris slum nn basal hall. Pmboscis slrndcr "d K 'm‘ "II“ P": "Id dark and strongly Iurnnl downward My" turn-d downwud 0‘, “an“ 4’3 . ' L' ’ “*1 ~. ’ 11,11, ,, “J"... . \ - $93M... -. \ ‘ r‘ru» :.'..‘!Illé:llillullllllllllmfl‘l“ "'v'l mum's;-wwumumw Toxorhynchilea ruu'hu J r l Wing Ivnh strum! wmg wuh scrum] wing nol spelled hlng spuurd mzrgnnal all In: Ihan hall nurglnil all M lent u as long is In pcllnlc lung :\ II: pcuolu $?;jt ', . I' Ihoruic llfi!‘|¢‘ In"; Ihornrie hrisiles shorl himl lsrsi uilh hind Ilrsi Muir“). a"; broad while hands Q t W'“ " ”Wm Jatvqn-M. Uranolaenla lowii Anopheles barberi Anopheles alropos mnonolum uilh meiliun slripe meninolum uillmul median of iridesc'eul blue Irllfl ~lrilie nl iriilewenl l-lue It'llll‘h hsller Lnnlu pslr sealed, pulp. banded lllller knobs dark. pslps unhanded _ ”Wu“. _ as ' '. 75‘" -"" Uranolaenia sapphirina Uranolaenia anhydor synthela «a u“- u r abdomen pointed abdomen hlunl Anopheles quadrimaculams . I ‘ " " Anopheles walkeri Anopheles freeborni SEE PART III hind llrli entirely dsrk hind l-rsi nol cnlirel, dark but 0' Wb‘m” "mm" '0' has: of xul'uusu Ivuh mw '- . , ”ta—WW“! I“ “‘ nl brullts on undcr udc nl hnulcs on undrr ”'4‘. I Anopheles albimanus l“; <21? . _ I _ _ /I/// , fill/9;, ' "Ev, one pale area on from nurlm of Inn; IIo pnle "can on from III-rum of um“ ill/[Ill “(ll/1”,, ,,., . - . Mllmlfllmm ' I ‘ "“"ll'l , . .WTT' .% . SEE PART II ‘ «2W.,’-IF‘M_ “‘73 ”6:53“ I v. V .. u ”'3? ,_ W” .: \a win-5 spulml 7‘1”.” . ‘I ‘5!“ Wm.“ \ N N '4 L1“ ..lItilllullnflllfJn‘ut‘lkll'nlmww Wmmul:lulmnu'w:.:WM‘ Anopheles crucians Anopheles bradleyr' I pulp unblnded pslp Iipped with Isl-cl pulp Iipped vilh while Culisela inciden- r I ' _" fl- . “i"ll ".1" n-"m, hill“ srnlrs lIrn-d cm at - ‘5 «WW3? Erwi‘ta ' ‘ ' r ' .' Cu... "‘5‘ ‘M’. . f x _, . . - 1 w .- 3» ‘N‘N ‘ 1"... , ! \‘\\ ‘ “‘0‘ " “all . @W.“. “QC Anopheles Anophelei Anopheles puncfipenni. franriscnnus pseudopuncn'pennis Culisela inornala Culisua melanura U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disaasa Cantor, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — I964 0162 PART win! Iuln nlrrow or il bro-d never mixed hrnwn end while Inlennn no! longer lh-n probe-ri- .o". New.“ I anlenne longer lhln probe-til “vow lwnll Ipeeiu. llnl Inlennnl In" upeeiel. l'Iul lnlennll upnenl lhoul lwiee u long In Iecond Deinocerilea malhnoni neg-um ll Ienl 3 line: no long In oerond Deinoceriln pl eudea l hind unus with pale hand: m ‘ O l l lirohouiu landed {enlar- and Iihil wilh nlrrow while line of unle- \ Culex lanolin venler vilh lriln‘nl-r marking- B3333 Cu lex lhriambu: \‘_ \— proholril nnl handed (0" 9%;— N'- felnor- Ind lihi- wilhoul nnrrow while line ol unle- Culex pem l venler .wilhoul Iriln‘ulnr mutiny [1133333) I llltll Slh Iepnenl ol hind Innu- whilr bunlly and IPll‘Illy W.‘ Cults coranalor uludmnin-l hand-i Iurrowed Inler-lly Culex quinquefancialul h nunnolum wilh 2 Pllt upon '\ \ Cults realuann Slh Irlmenl of hind urn" while han-lly PM» Culex virgullus Ihdomin-l hands nol n-rrnwed lllerllly imam mewnolum wilhoul 2 pale upon 3 Cu lex inlenogamr win! Ifllfl bro-d. mixed brown and while mesonulum wilh line lunglludmal lmcs of while scales Orthopodomyia alba Orllwpodomyia signifem hind lihin wilh n plle hand I_ .‘ \/‘ Mamonia perturbam mnonotum wuhoul lmu of whit: suits hind Iibil wilhoul l pale laud ‘ \/\ Mamnnia lilillam hind nuns entirely dark 0 wing suln broad Culex erraticu: Culex pilosm Culex peccalor Culex abominalor abdomen wilh while unle- ll apex of negnuenls IE?“ I venlrel pllr Ilripe of hind femur reuhing lllfl Culex lerrilam r umrn wilh hrold pile hand! In nurtunulum liruwuihh red I pleurn wilh while Inle- Culex nigipalpus nerraw hnndo yellow. venler yellow mm; Culex mlimir'fiu Culex erythrolhorax ! win. «glen nlrrow abdomen wilh while Inlet ll hue ol Iegmrnlp venlrll pale :lripe ol hind l'emur no! rent-hing upe! y' Culex apicalis I llnlmurn hilh .lel‘rllh lu-li- l-umlp lurnnml um Inn-\- u 3< pleura wilhoul while lulu 4] l n-rrow hind. while. venler while Ilium Culex chideueri 1630 PART III dare-l nepmenll of Ihdomen nilh pnle Iellel lpieally wing lulu miled dnrli Ind while hind femur will! while ring ll npel while rlng wing wilh definile nreu of while Ind dnrh Irllrl win‘x nnifnrmly nperhled nilh dlrh end while nr-len Paorophorn tonfinnis I fringe of wing uniform in color fringe of wing wilh dull and pale unle- %. ‘ 30”]. III/m MM WWW ’7! '- 2...; win. rule: lonlly dark hlnd femur \vilhoul Paorophorri [discolor Plarophura aignipenni: luiml lnr-ul u -nl- l|llIIl Iur~ul n-gmunh . nIin'h [lurk MM lull a-I‘liri-l) ulurln Q M— Plarophora cyanelcenl hind leg: wilh lonl ereel nrllee M lnelonolum wilh - mediln “ripe of golden lulu. lnrli b-nded meeonolum wilhoul I medi-r nlripe of golden Iflltl. lnrei unlnnded Paorophora howardé Ploropho ra riliala Slh srpmenl of hind Innus dark, Slh "3'0"“ 0‘ hind "m" "hi". -|Ih nc-gnlenl whin- 4lh "gnu-n! mmlly dark 39,. ,_ u. Paorophora varipet Pmrophora mrxirmm hind unuu uilhoul holh ne'menl- l Ind 5 while weird lhan one-lhird u long In Pf0b01€l| dorul Ie'menll of lhdornen nilh plle unlen hullly null-rinr Iirmmlul luluw lurur unh-riur pruilnlul lulw- v-nlllll ll lpel Haemogogu; equimu hind lnrlun enlirely dIrL hind lll'llll with pale lumi- m V e "“ J ' 4 Sl-lF. PART IV SECTIO‘ l .J- hind lnrnu. wilh plle hind Inrnue uilh pale linndi bnndn ll lune of segmenll “ ~,--. -—- —- .- O I . «at J SHE PART IV SECTION II II holh elldl of lame Ieameull inn-2'. - j win“ lenlel mollly dlvh win! Irllel birolorecl é but of coil. with while reele- bnne of roll- uilh dlrh Ifllll ’4/2// W/ WI/W/flmmlmmn Audra alropalpus Aedes canaderuis win. Irelel evenly mixed Vllll Ifllt. nol eVrnl) mi\ed J v "9 #1:“ 10d" rampnlris Aedes (lorsalie hind leg. wilhoul long ereel Ienlen r'-----" I fl hind l-rqu wilh bolh ulmrnu 4 Ind 5 while It'lled Q 0 melonolum uilh l medinn melonolum wilh mined dull Ind Pllf ar-les "rape of dark erllel \ w I’mrophom fem: uilhoul pale hnee Ipoll. pulp: Innre uilh pale hnee 3pc". pllpl leu lh-n one-lhird u long Is probuwie W._.V‘,_ )" {V' . Pmrophara horrida Psor0phom longipalput 0164 PART IV nbdo-IIII eeglIeIIn IIIIOII Jon-I lelle bandu nr nedin IrlngnI-r spell PART IV SECTION I j lbdo-inll Ill-flll hllh don-I ville bund- ur nedlu Iris-lulu spel- l IIII-mnulum with «me ur “In drip" III \IlIiII prIIlr~ IIrIIr III' II IIIr IIIiIIIIII- I me-onulum uiIIIoIII Ilrlpel III abdomen IIIIII bee-I abdomen IIIII hell \IlIile oral" near nlddlr lrlln'ulu palette IIIlIe III-III ' I Arden thelcter melonolum wilh 2 brand I'lIile ue-onolum IIiIIIoIII 2 broad ville I Ilripe- II middle Ilripel ll middle I‘YIWINIIII I"! '"IIOI‘I "ll" hypo-filial In. IIIIL Melee ¢ «- I Amie: lrivilalllu l uilh Inc-Ilia" nlripe ll nInImI-lum IvillI nII-IliIII elrlpe A'd.‘ uiclicua A I In III rulr um , - . _ I g . ‘ """h'"! '" "uhumfl mnonolum wllII mzdiln ulrlpe IIIIIIIM nmnIIlunI 'Ilh .edlll urlpe '¢.¢ ‘. \ ’. ., wilt nine or silvery while unle- nan-filed Illh golde- Melee Ania Itapularis ‘ V Aedu infirmalm I h InuI-IIIIIIIIII uilh IIIeIIiuII Mrilu- IIlrrou IIIr-uuolum uilh IIIeIIi-n “ripe bro-II r IIIeIImquIn IIIII dark medial Aedn ”AM hi 1 new-ow. \IM dark Idle- .Inpe renrllinl InlI-rlur nargi- ulrlpe no! renting ulerior null- flap Aedel lormenlor Aedea allanliclu Aedel dupreeI' r And" lrI'uriauu probe-cit Vilhoul pale Iund PART IV SECTION II probe-ell IIIIh pale Ilhd *M‘“? , I nIenoIIoIIInI yIIIuI IIIIII 2 hrown po-IrroJ-Iernl upon Aefla llendenoni mewnoluu wilhoul 2 poalero-lllernl upon 1 abdominal nepmenls nol enlin-ly )ello- M'I‘fll rnlirel, y:IIOI IeIIeIl aide-e- IIIII e abdomen Illleul I pale lull-I Ilrlpc Aedn bimaculalm ArIles [Ilium pollen: isle Iedlll IIII'. nu»- mIIIIII hilII IVrl‘I‘I'IN: marlin“ IIII-«IIIIIIIIIII \IilImIII |_\ nah-pod marking Aedu taeniorhyuchu I III! "II" 'IIC and dirk Iller-Iied Aedn aegpu‘ wing u-I‘ee null] Jeri . l l I middle IbdomIn-l b-nd- Bah-pd middle nbdnminul hundl not l-Ihped ILdo-llal Ilrlpe yellevleh. Aedu vexam Arden hitcheuae able-IIII elrlpe III“. flnl leg-ell ol Illd flrel I¢.-Ill II“ o! I Ian" illi Iellnl pile rll. Inn-e 'IIIOII Iedlel pale rll. ' I .1!" tuna!!!) W Ibdomen \IIIII pale IIIedi-II Ilrlpe abdomen Iilhoul pale null-I tlrlpe ,“ , * Aedu mgronmculu Aedu zoo-opium 40d“ hallicitau Aeden uigrollaculh 165. MOSQUITOES: PICTORIAL KEY To SOME COMMON ADULTS (FEMALE) OF UTAH PART 1 Che stet J. Stojanovich j palp mud! shorter than proboscis palp as long as proboscis wing scalcs all dark and with 4 darlt spots gag], ‘ ~‘.;-Vi . _ wwwfluxummumuflflflnwfi ”WITH“: afll‘m’fmmwfl Anopheles [ranciscanus AHOP’H’IPI freeborni abdomen blunt abdomcn pointrd Aedm species I SEE PART n has: of subcosta without row has: of subcosta with row of bristlrs on undt-r side of bristles on under side I ' . "-P‘ (17/17 144/” I WW I’ll/WWW»... I I win; apolled wing not lpolll‘d proboscis without pal: hand proboscis with pale band Culex larsalis Culhela incidem I will; "I!" ntlircly ihrlt win. Ifl'fl- mixed d-rIi and “MOM?" Viih I'H'nllll'n “ilk while on roll: and ruhrolll nlrrow pale Inmls bro-1| pale lmmls <é «hag ‘ W mnonoluiu hroviiilh nil meson-alum hrtmn Culiula inomala Culiaeta impaliem % Culex erythrothorax Cu!” salinarius U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Dluou Comet, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - I964 0166 PART II hind urn" wilh Inlr Inn-uh himl Ill'lul enlirely «lurk ‘4 Iva-w -—. a“ —‘ .. “at” ”maggqumA'm‘u-uu p" I I j l I hind hurl-Is wilh lullc bnuda hilul Inn-Inn hilll pulr wing “1".- will“ "ml... ul lullll cud! nl‘ sum: segments Inn-«In ll Inm- nl' unmoun- “Hum?“ mo-ll) a.“ i. ' > p w uni—II... a. ~\ - /<. V -.~.- g / l I “if. ~. wlng S¢ll¢§ tvculy mixed wing pulley. Iml en-nly mixrd " Ji’sflk2\ \ <’v\\-— \‘ ,‘\<,\/\ ,\<‘ hing nuln pnlz- uinp \‘cinu nllrrnnliug \gffi‘é? \\\’(" Ind dark inn-rmhul dark and while \\ -\\“ \ . \ , \' ,L l- , 3', ' Al‘dl'N CIINIPPSII‘is l wing with anal vein mot: wing with anal vcin_ more . ' . than one-lull dark scalcd than one-half pale scaled AP'IW‘ "'I’I'"‘I"I"‘"‘ APIIPK KIN’IH‘P" ’mrw‘wqaus lunlc-nuul M'nlr 'Iflll'h ulna-III pupll'uxll u-nll- [ml-'h 'Irrr-rnl ‘ Act/n molunimtm Amie: llnrsflll'u n-ulm~a-i~ \‘illl IHIII' Imlul prulmsrh \‘H'IIIIII lullr IHIIIII ' . lqu-r mnrpimvral loner mru-piun-rnl a , ' hrinllu'h ulnu'ul hriullrs llfl‘lflll Andes nigrunuu-ulis l @ W I I Illitlullv ulululuinul lllillllll' ululnminul . . lumcl~ Il-slullwul lmnals unl Il-phnpml A0!!!" Nllclwus m I . FR :3 '1‘ v w”?!- nlrrnuplcnron with sl‘lll‘l nlrrnoplruron with wiles uol hlgké Av} P\|l'lltllll',! In fronlll Imrdrr rxlentling I" I'ronlnl "0rd"? Amlvs rt-xuns l 1 ulnlumvu uillu 'Hlll' nlulumrn willlnul nu-Ilinu ‘Il'illl‘ 'Illll‘ Iln'lliaul ~lri'n' “~-' E“ a: '3' i .- ‘ : 3"?»- - a $055. 1., 5.5.- fi Aecles comnuuua Avdes pullalux Aedm nigromaculis l I Ilnnnligmnl y-rult- pun-h “Inn-III lInNn-lignml n-ulc- Inuit-II IIrC‘y-I‘III lnrnnl rlnus I and Il lursnl rllwa l llul ll hilh parallel Icelh “ill! uliH-rgc-nl lrrlh (9‘ ‘ \J‘ fivdvs t-xrrnmuus ' A01]?! l'lllllllll)‘”ll . l I ulna-'sal surlnf‘c of Iorus dorsal n-url'url- nl lnrlu nII-nunulnm uilh yellowlnh mt-sonulum wilh lbruwn hl‘fllt'h VIIIIIOIOI hhllr u-Ilcs wuh hhllr orllts or brownish gr!) “1'“. 3“! \! Amlm im-rrpilus Amles filrhl' Amlex xrhiznpimu Awles Imxmluulux CAT FLEA - CTENOCEPHALIDES FELIS adult female ,—fmnfal- epicranial me’repimeron (supplanimg ddemmAl sTernifc I) . \ e 1 s sPiracles ‘ "8' e //\ \\ miis’raihomx Propagigiidq‘gmt) V\ i \ meso’ihoray/ /Pr°"°f;’iml Odl k . . /’ er ca r i (32:61:ng / Pn‘vscler‘ofizafione \\ ,— occipifal region POOVC . ' ‘ -‘iri’ltjgmal if Pygldlum\ I ‘:~ocu|ar bridfe \\ \an enna \ \ \anferm groove ‘ ‘ / ;J I ‘ ’ eli/ \\:\ 8 h , I \ l 03 . } nIl \‘ k \ \ f i '4 o ‘ at / ‘ . ‘ 1 \ \ \ \ ‘maxlllar l us ,1 \ \\\\ abiai 919513;): , . W V, \ \\\ \ ~s ernopleura recepfaculym! \ ’ '/ , ’ \ \ \ \ \mesosier-num . VII’ 4‘ /l I, ‘ \ N \ \ \- — mesepisfernum abdominal / l | \ 6‘ b —- mesepimeron \ . \ \\ \Qanulla semmis - 't i h / Coxag \\ ~ \ Sierm es roc anterl/ | ‘h h—Jnefasiernum m’eiepisiernum *\ I L ’i detached par? ‘ abdominal ’ afnefepistemum ’f 4 l .« I I 1 ‘ _ i , '| 3"},la’rerol plantar brisiles 5“" > I ’14!” =..ungue§ ‘- | ~‘_ _- _‘ — .4 inrsus U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Dina" Confor, Training Branch, Mlonvc,Goorgio OLQI .168 FLEA DIAGRAM — WITH STRUCTURES LABELED Harry D. Pratt HEIAD THORAX ABD?MEN Pronotal comb Tergite Antenna _ ‘ Antepygidial Eye fig“ ' bristles Ocular bristle & / ,2 § . . Genal comb \i .a Q? Pygidium Maxillary palpus 3 i“ Labial pulping Q‘ Mesopleuron /‘ Coxa/ I .Spermatheca Trochanter 9i; “:. Stermte 3 a \ Femur 4 ‘ lela 5 ‘ \ Tarsus \ Plantar bristles ‘~ ‘\‘ \ ~\\ / \ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATIM, AND WELFARE Puauc HEALTH sERVIc E. Cammunieabla Dluau Cantor, Training Branch, Atlanta, Gaargia Gonal and prancial combs arounl -Pronalal Mb Grnal camb— \ Gonol comb or 5 or morn Gml comb at 4 Iain" coin“. Eyo armnl Eyo obunl Gonal comb Gonal comb MOUSE FLEA norlzcnral radical “play/In Spin» polnlod Spinal blunl tog/Ii: RABBIT FLEA WWI/n slaw/u Hood longihlm Hood lonqln inon lino. Mlanr his. mam 0% 5 incl 9 \ Spine D. g FLE AS: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON SPECIES IN THE UNITED STATES Harry D. Pratt Pranolal aamb Gallo! and pronorol proton! combo abs-Ii b % - Labial polo: not or Labial pain 01- Franl margin 91 Fran! min at landing bayond lro- londlna beyond "0- Mad rounded Mad angular chonior or "m log chonior of "a! log Thorax normal Thorn: connect“ ‘% V Yrocnonm Labial polo G ROUND SOUIRREL PLEA STICKTIGHT PLEA Dianna: mum poll/noon Soamonl 5 of Snamonl 5d hind Monoplouran no W divldod hind m mm m rain I polr amour by mlaal by Mimi noun 5 poln Iaiorai mural (bowl) and "defining Mich-nine plonlor briula 4 pairs larval planrar brlclla QM? Planiar brifll" !i Ocular bmm Socrrnalhm Spine lo! annol Spin. land spin. comb dlslinclly 1] ol canal comb shorlor inan approximoioly Ocular brlsllc in- Ocular briallo incorlnd when nqual ln lanai» mod bola-eye in lronl al on DOG FLEA CAT FLEA mRTHERN RAT FLEA SOUIRREL FLEA HJMAN FLEA ORIENTAL RAT FLEA CImcopha/ido: CImpba/idu Absopsy/lu: OIL-hams Alla: Xonopsylla arm‘s lei/s Iascialus [toward/7 irritans mods U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION,AND WELFARE, PUILIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Diuooo Cantor, Training Branch, Allmta, Georgia —1956 .69l FLEAS: PICTORIAL KEY TO SPECIES FOUND ON DOMESTIC RATS IN SOUTHERN UNITED STATES Genal, prenatal and Slrgnny remsed April l947 By Roy F Fritz and Harry D Pratt abdominal combs present 5 TENOPON/A A HER/CA NA Genal and prenatal combs present Genal_comb at five or more spines. Eye present. I I. l_'J_l Genal comb Genal comb . horizontal vertical with Spines blunt Spinesrainted {D Q Head length not twice width Head en th twice wi th I I a. n1? 0 T Spinel at genal Spine I and spine comb distinctly II of genal comb shorter than approximately equal spine II in length CTENOCEPHAL/DES CVEMCEPHALIDES CAN/5 FEL l5 Genal comb spines 13% LEPTOPSYL LA CED/OPSYLLA SEG/VIS crummy“ Mus warm/rm sum.” PSEUOAGYR r55 | Genal comb at two to tour spines. Eye absent or reduced. I 11% Genal comb with 3 spines ell HOPLOPSYL LUS AFFINIS Genal comb with 2 spines 1 ‘5??? Rev Moral, i954 Prenatal comb present l Irow of bristles on typical abdomi- nal segment Labial palps not ex- tending beyond tro- _ tending chanter at first pair 2 rows at bristles on typical abdomi~ nal segment Labial palps ex~ trochanter at first No combs present Tharan normal Thorax contracted Front margin of Front margin of head rounded head angular EGHIDNOPHAGA GAL L INA C E A Irow of bristles on typical ab- dominal segment 2 rows of bristles on typical abdomi- nol segment beyond of legs pair of legs 0/441an l P0535746 MONrA/l/US Segment 5 of hind tarsi with 5 pairs lateral plantar bristles Segment 5 of hind tarsi with l pair ventral (basal) and 4 pairs lateral plantar bristles sesmnuch .@ \ PLANTAR BRISTLES OSOPSYLLUS ORCHOPEAS FASCIA TUS HOWARD/I l 1 Mesopleuron not Mesopleuran divided dwided byvertical by vertical rodlike sclerotizatian, sclerotization. Oeular bristle insert- ed in front at eye XENOPSYL LA CHEOPIS SPERMAYHEC f 60’ l MESOPLEURON Ocular bristle in- serted below eye PULEX lfifl/TA/VS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, PUBLIC HEALTH sERVICE.Cammunicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia OLl. 171. FLEAS: ILLUSTRATED KEY TO SPECIES FOUND DURING PLAGUE INVESTIGATIONS Harry D. Pratt and Chester J. stojanovich l. Pronotal and genal combs absent (Fig. 1 A) ............................ 2 Pronotal combs present; genal comb present or absent (Fig. l B & G)...5 ' I l } fl I pronotal comb Fig. 1 A Fig. 1 B Fig. 1 c W 2. Front margin of head with two angles; three thoracic tergites together shorter than the first abdominal tergite (Fig. 2 A). (Echidnophaga gallinacea) ..................................... ........STICKTIGHT FLEA Front margin of head rounded; three thoracic tergites together longer than the first abdominal tergite (Fig. 2 B) ........................... 3 I abd I lthoraxl labd I I thora. [ Fig. 2 A Fig. 2 B 3. Ocular bristle in front of eye; mesopleuron divided by internal sclero- tization; female with Spermatheca partially pigmented (Fig. 3 A & B)... ......................................... ,(Genus Xenopsylla)..........4 Ocular bristle beneath eye; mesopleuron without internal sclerotization; female with spermatheca entirely without pigment (Fig. 3 C & D) ........ (Pglex irritans) ............................................. HUMAN FLEA / mesopleuron Fig. 3 A Fig. 3 B Fig. 3 C Fig. 3 D U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Diuoso Cantor, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia -— 1960 .172 4. Genus Xenogsxlla brasiliensis Xenogsxlla cheogis, male terminal segments. spermatheca 5. vexabilis hawaiiensis Xenogsxlla cheogis, female terminal segments 173. 5. Genal comb abSent (Fig. 5 A) ........................................... 6 Genal comb present (Fig. 5 B) .......................................... 8 6. Pronotal comb with about 12 teeth on each side (Fig. 6 A). India ....... ........................................................ Stivalius ahalae Pronotal comb with S to 10 teeth on each side (Fig. 6 B) ............... 7 7. Labial palpus long, extending beyond trochanter of first leg (Fig. 7 A). Diamanus montanus ..................................... ROCK SQUIRREL FLEA Labial palpus short, not extending to tip of coxa of first leg (Fig. 7 B). Nosopsyllus fasciatus .................................. NORTHERN RAT FLEA Fig. 7 B labial palpus- _._ trochanter ______ labial palpus _____ 0174 8. Genal comb with two teeth (Fig. 8 A)....................(Genus Neopsylla) Neopsylla setosa important in U. S. S. R., Mongolia and Manchuria. Genal comb with three teeth (Fig. 8 B) ......... ...J(Genus Ctenophthalmus) Ctenophthalmus breviatus and pollex potential vectors in U. S. S. R. Genal comb with four teeth (Fig. 8 C) ........... ......(Genus Leptopsylla) Leptopsylla segnis is cosmopolitan. Fig. 8 C Genal comb with more than five teeth ............ ..(Genus Ctenocephalides). 9 9. Head strongly rounded anteriorly; first spine of genal comb about half as long as second; hind tibia with the spiniform setae A and B (Fig. 9 A & B). Ctenocephalides canis.... ..................................... n..DOG FLEA Head not strongly convex anteriorly; first spine of genal comb almost as long as second spine; hind tibia with spiniform seta B, spiniform seta A replaced by a minute seta which may be absent in some specimens (Fig. 9 C & D). Ctenocephalides felis ........................ ... ...... ....CAT FLEA 175. v SNAKES: PICTORIAL KEY TO VENOMOUS SPECIES IN UNITED STATES PART 1 Chester J. Stojanovich and Margaret A. Parsons Iorcal pil abscnl. if rinsed red and yellow loreal pil present, “- aboenl rings always separated by black red and yellow ringa touch Iorcal pil abscnl 4] If a neck ring black neck rung red Micrurus fulvius TRUE CORAL SNAKE M. ]. julm'ua M. f. barbauri M. f. xenon Micruroides euryxanlhua Souohoonovn Florida Arkansas, Tosca ARIZONA CORAL SNAKE tail blunl or will: rallle [FEW SEE PART ll lail poinled lorcal 'acale absent Agkistrodon contortrix Agkiurodon piecivorus COPPERHEAD WATER MOCCASIN A. c. cantor-nix A. c. laticinaua A. c. nlolralen A. c. picu'gauer A. p. piacioonu A. p. leucouoma Soutboaflom Tonal, Oklahoma, Kaunas anlorn TOIOI Southeastern Soulhoouorn U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Cancer, Training Branch, A'Ian'a, Goovgia — T964, Revised Juno I965 0176 PART II head Wm, large scales medially head with emall acalel medially upper prroculnr usually tourhing postnaul Sistrurus catenalus MASSASAUGA RA'I‘TLESNAKE PIGMY RATTLI-LSNAKE S. 13- calenatue ' S. c. edwardaii Great Lake: 8. Central U.$. Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas 5. m. nullanue S. "L harbour: 5' n “rocker: Southeastern Southeastern Southeastern S. c. terganiruu Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Team auprnorulnr scale modified into a hornlihe ridge eupraorular scale not modified into a horalike ridge ca Crolalus cerasles SIDEWINDER RATTLESNAKE C. c. ceraue: C. c. ceroobombua C. c. loteroreperu | Arizona, Colilomia, Nevada, Utah Arizona Arizona, Calilornia internaaal ridge present internaeal ridge abnent ‘ Crotalus willardi RIDGE-NOSED RATTLESNAKE C. In. ailua C. to. willardl' New Meaico Arizona, I dorsal blotches on body divided into 2 parallel row. I . . first aupralabial scale broadly attached to poetnaeal ecale dorsal blotehea on body not ‘1".de into 2 P"."°l rowa fir-t lupralabial aeale not broadly attached to roarnul. poatnaeal ecale. sometimes completely eeparated DOIYIAIAL I . ‘l’u'flALAIIAL Crotalua pricei TWIN-SPOTTED “111.55me Arizona SEE PART III PART III 177. prenaaal and roatral usually aeparated ‘ “6"“??? 'n » gnaw“ 0, J A. “'l w ) l» l I \( ) h “Dill; 1.13;?» Crotalus milchelli pyrrhus SOUTHWESTERN SPECKLED RA'ITLESNAKE Arixona, Calilornia, Navadal Utah upper preocular usually separated vertically. anterior portion raised above posterior portion 'OITIIIOI FOI‘I’IOI amnion ’1 ________ ’depvv,’ roanou. e“ v‘ on“ ruccuun "’ Crotalus lepidus ROCK RATTLESNAKE C. l. lepidun C. L klauberi New Mexico, Texas A'i‘°"°l ”'V M"“°I “I“ prenual and aupralahill scales with pale stripe Crotalus adamanlem EASTERN DIAMONDBACK RAWLI‘ENAKE Southaaltarn r with 2 internaaala prenaaal and roalral attached ‘ F’” - \ - _ ((4.7 raogd," ‘7“\ ’é «WM» ‘ «39.8'4'40)’ ' \ upper preocular uaually not separated, if aeparated anterior portion not raised above poaterior portion with more than 2 internaaala Crotch» viridis WESTERN BATTLESNAKE C. a. oiridia C. a. abyunu C. a. eerbern: C. a. wwlor West Central US. Arizona Arinona Colorado. Utah C. a. hollan' C. I. lutoau C. a. nunll'au C. a. oraglulua Calilarnia NOVOdG 3- OdiOifliflfl “0'" Arizona Calilornia, Idaho, Orogon, Washington aupraoeular acale divided, pitted or marsina uneven Crotalul mitehelli atepbenu' PANAMINT RA'ITLIISNAKE Calilarnia, Nevada aupraoeular aeale not divided. pitted or margina uneven SEE PART IV 0178 PART IV tail without distinct rings tail with distinct rings “gimme anterior frontal area with scales not much larger than posterior Males Crotalus horridua Cram,” "'0,”qu (TANEBRAKE on TIMBER RATTLESNAKE BLACK-TAILED RATTLESNAKE Southwtstun 6' h' "0”“‘"‘ C' "- “""mda'm East-m Southeastern scales between supraoculars usually 2 scales between supraoeulars usually 4. or more Crotalus scutulalus MOHAVE RATTLESNAKE Arizona. Colilornia, Nevada, New Mexico, TOXOI l tail not in sharp contrast to posterior part of body tail in sharp contrast to posterior part of body Crotalus ligris TIGER RATTLESNAKE Arizona I l 7 Crotalus alrox Crotalus ruber WESTERN DIAMONDBACK RATTLESNAKE Southwutorn RED DIAMONDBACK RATTLESNAKE Culilovnio 179. BIRDS: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON PEST SPECIES OF PUBLIC HEALTH IMPORTANCE Margaret A. Parsons and Chester J. Stojanovich 1 bill shorl bill long body lrirn. lail nol fan-like COMMON I'lCl‘ZON 4 male. blaek lhroal, grey crown male. body blaek, head brown female. whilisll Illroal. dull eye stripe female. overall dull grey rolur lemulo COMMON COWBIRI) HOUSE SPARROW male. wing Willi red ’epnulellcs' wing wilhoul 'epaulenes‘ female. breast heavily slriped. lighl eye slripe brensl nol heavily slriped lunch mule :. RED-WINCH) BLACKBIRD males. plain bronze or Mile and female. dull purple bark‘ nil lung winler. bill dark. bod} heavily speckled will: lighl do" very large size. eoal females: less iridescenl. smaller size spring. bill yellow. rolor purple and green black color. Iail flal win!" phase summer plus. (illMIKlJ-‘S STARLING U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, Communicable Disease Cenlor, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — I964 0180 PIG-EON. COLUMBA LIVIA — EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY Harold George Scott and Walter S. Daugherty Clown .-—_--____‘ Eyolld hlngo--——-.‘ “ Skull back ------.‘ ‘ l‘ \ \ \ llll ------ --\ \ ‘\ \ \ ‘ Ovbhol con--—\\\\ \ \‘ I'"‘ Pupil I Aurlculcr lonthcru\::\‘\ \ ‘ 1’ I—-- From Nap. -- -—\ ’ ’l’lf- - Loren \ Noel: b||nud \\ I ,F“ Nonnll can ’n- Elnmal no". ” ' ,—-~ “no: Incl: - ' —‘ Lower book \ \ \\\------ ClIln \‘ ‘-------crmk Bock region ——————— _’ » ~ "-'-'- Throat Tonlal hookers ----- \‘ Socond wlng bav---—_-_ ~~~_--Crop nylon Fln'R:i:: ;:'-:: :-_:: - - -- \‘~:‘-"-' :|0Is: wlng cove": ~-- - n. u" P.i::.‘,°“.i:';lii':‘.':"" . ‘__ .. :::::::'“"'°"""”"" . ’l/Ill/IIY/l/I’II ' Suonduy ulna eovorn Dorlol toil :ovnru --- I ' ’ [[51,10] [:5] 1 --- . _ 1.01 ,: “‘----- luau :" ,a ' | -~—~--__-Flflflh Bolly--J : ————————————— Log Von! rogion-——-J' I J ,—--- Out" to. " Vonnol toll-:ovon: 1’ '-,.- 'Middlo '0. Neck _____ -__-_.I [I --_—- ch", Tflf‘u|---——-—-——J “--lnnor '.. Hind too~- —-——-__ -— U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATIM, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Discos. Conny, Training Blanch, Atlm'o, Guugie RODENT S: PICTORIAL KEY TO SOME COMMON UNITEDSTATES GENERA Harold George Scott and Margery R. Borom firm—my; NICE HATS . F . l 4’ tall bones longer than 1/2 body ”A l taxl bones shorter than 1/2 body‘ lug: (about lé'long) small (7-9'long) front feet enlarged front feet not enlarged , I . l l . ltanl almost naked. scaly‘ llall almost naked. annulmo‘ 4' tall ham/x large (9-17'long) small (S-7'long) tall long tail short hair short hair long Layman: Eve—Mys-Em WluTE-FCDTED Thomamyg-West MICE POCKET CDPHERS ‘ f g l [tall bones longer than body ‘ 4’ tall bones shorter than body ‘ ‘ ‘ tail bushy tail not bushy large (about lS'long) small (about 9' long) very large (about 26'Iong) 2’ 4 5cm!!! Citellus Tamils—East {gay-w” TREE , GHOL'ND Eullmas-“esl Marrmla SOUIRRELS RATS 4",“ SQUIHHELS Cllll'W'VKS WOOUCHLL‘KS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Cantor, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia-1962 .l9l LONGER THAN HEAD + BODY TAI L SHORTER THAN HEAD + BODY DOMESTIC RODENT FIELD IDENTIFICATION Robert Z. Brown ROOF RAT Rattus ranus YOUNG RAT LIGH SLENDER LARGE POINTED / \ LARGE FEET HEA[/) SMAlL SMALL BOEY BBC EYE NOSE XLQE HEAVY SMALL HOUSE MOUSE THICK SMALL BLUNT Mus musculus fl NORWAY RAT Ratius norvegicus SCALE IN WCHES 0 I 2 3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicablo Di oou Conhr, Training Branch, AOIm'u,Gaorgic— 1953 381. 1830 DOMESTIC RODENTS AND COCKROACHES: PICTOBlAL KEY TO DROPPINGS Harold George Scott and Margery B. Borom F 1 length over l/3-inch‘ length under l/4-inch’ rectungular, blunt elongate, pointed Rallus nomegtcus Rauus mltu: NORWAY RAT ROOF RAT elongnte, pointed tectlngullr, blunt ovoid, pointed ‘ . with ridges with ridges ‘lltlloul ridges with ridges length about 1/4-inch length about l/l6-inch I Y .5 Mus musculusi Blaltlla gamut-tut HOUSE MOUSE GERMAN COCKROACH V I length about l/8-inch length about l/lG-inch Bland onenlulis — ORlENTAL COCKR’»)ACH at Putplanem amulcana AMERlCAN COCKROACH Pcvtpluneta [ultgmosa — SMOKY BRO'N COCKROACH length about l/B-inch length about l/lG-inch length about l/BZ-inch Pertplantla auslmlusm: Penplanelu [manta Suprlln supzllu‘ltlxum AUSTRALIAN COCKROACH BROWN COCKROACH BROIN‘BANDED COCKROACH 'All characteriStics [or average, dry. adult droppings. Study groups. not individual droppings. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Dillase Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - 1964 0184 PRAIRIE DOGS: PICTORIAL KEY TO COMMON NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES (Cynomys) Harry Welnburgh and Margery R. Borom Tail black-tipped. long. more rh-n Tail white-tipped. lhort, Ieu Ihltl l/S total length (72415 mm.) [/5 total length (40-68 mu.) Black on nil coveriny most of dillll hllf ME XI(.D ONLY Blnelr an uil confined to dust-I third TEXAS T0 SASKATCME'AN MEXICAN PRAIRIE DOG C. lulu-nus I‘LACK-TAILED PRAIRIE DOG C, lulu/luau" \ ’4“ GUNNISON PRAIRIE DOG C. gun-linen Summer color reddish (cinnnmon or clay color min-d with bu"): darker on rump CENTRAL VALLEYS OF UTAH Sumner color atlyinh (pinkish bull mued Inth hllclr); darlr perch on cheek Ind above evc 'YOMII.:. COLORADO. AND EASTERN UTAH .. ("‘2'")? Ir , I, Hi; r I 'wa UTAH PRAIRIE DOG C_. purvilnu 'HI'I'E-TAILED PRAIRIE DOG C. lure-n: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH sERVIc E. Communicable Disease Center, Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia - I964 185. Harold George Scott and Margery R. Borom hind loot Eider under 4-1/8 inchu long‘ RABBITS AND "ARES: PICTORIAL KEY TO COMMON UNITED STATES SPECIES NOTE: Rabhiu and haul ara lap-alpha. apt ntleata. The iaelaor teeth are eaad to diIIeuItide lieu two me of finale. hind foot atti‘ut over 6-1/8 inches long‘ §ylvilague idahggnli! PYGMY R A BBIT Southeelatern U. S. total length about 9 time ur length total leitgth 6.2 to 7.5 time: ear length _Sylvilagu: Ealuatria MARSH RABBIT totalingth ebout 6.2 tinne- ear length hind feet with ahon lur total length about 6.7 times ear length , ,hind feet with long fur total length‘ about 7.2 times ear length under tail white yflegua auduboni DESERT COTTONTAIL _Sylvilague nuttalli NUI'I'ALL COTTONTAIL Sylvilagua floridanua EASTERN COTTONTAIL total length about 6.7 times ear length total lenIgth about 5.9 tall dark time. ear length l tail light total length about 7.4 times ear length l._.epua antericanua VARYING HARE Lapua town-endi WHITE-TAIL JACK EUROPEAN HARE 'All neurone-ta [or .4qu ,1 low Ge_nu- Minx“.- ‘— G=._.n"- Levy means RODENT HARES — r l Weatern U. S. total length [1-3/6 total length under to 18-1/4 inches 11-1/2 inche- I Smtheaatern U. S. tot-I length over 20 inchea - _Szlvllagul aguaticua SWAMP RABBIT Welt Cn‘aat of U. 5. total length [can than 6 time- ear length ' _Sylvilagua bachmani BRUSH RABBIT j total length about 7.5 time: ear length under tail not white stripe between eara filvilagflanlitionalie NEW ENGLAND CO'l'I'ONTAlL I total length about 4.8 times ear length upper foot white 15p“ calil’ornicul BLACK-TAIL JACK U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Puauc HEALTH senwca. Communicable Disease Center, Tralnlng Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — 1962 BATS: PICTORIAL KEY TO UNITED STATES GENERA Harold George Scott and Chester J. Stajanovich 1 short leaf nose T long leaf nose rostrum long I I leaf chin . -‘\§\\ plain face rostrun short I l', / v , way-fizz / 74¢? //4// (UM/l ’ n c - --’1 /, I ,, '« . Cormorhlnus Hacrotus Choeronycteris Leptonycterls Homeops/ ‘ BIG-EAR BATS LEAFNOSE BATS HOGNOSE BATS DONGNOSE BATS IMF-CHIN BATS l l free tall enclosed tall I l l l l l l I I deeply wrinkled llpl smooth to slightly fur black fur brown or red fur Spotted fur not spotted wrinkled lips silver-tipped silver-tipped not silver-tipped not silver-tipped Tndnrlda Eumogs Lasionycteris maturus Euderma FREE-TAIL BATS HASTIFF BATS SILVER-HAIR BATS RED AND HOARY BATS SPOTTED BATS I I can medium-long to long ears short '—__ pointed tragus blunt tragus under A" long over 4" long brown . 3. tawny olive yellow drab gray brown Antrozous Myotls Pleistrellus Idionyctetis Nycticeius Dasypterus Eptesicus PALLID BATS LITTLE am BATS PIPISTRZLLS ALLEN BATS EVENING BATS YELLOV BATS BIG BRWN BATS U.$. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Communicable Disease Com", Training Branch, Atlanta, Georgia — 1960 - Revusod 1962 981. 187. SELECTED REFERENCES GENERAL Mallis A. 1964. Handbook of pest control. MacNair Dorland Co., New York, 1148 pp. Metcalf, C.L., Flint, W.P., and Metcalf, R.L. 1962. Destructive and useful insects. McGraw-Hill Book Co.. Inc., New York, xii + 1087 pp. CRUSTACEA Barnes, RD. 1963. Invertebrate zoology. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, pp. 380-474. Pennak, R.W. 1953. Fresh water invertebrate of the United States. Ronald Press, New York, pp. 321-469. CENTIPEDES Cloudsley—Thomson, J. 1958. Spiders, scorpions, centipedes and mites. Permagon Press, New York, )di + 228 pp. Minton, S. 1959. Centipedes. Pest Control, 27(3):29. MILUPEDES Chamberlain, R., and Hoffman, R. 1958. A checklist of the millipedes of North America. U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 212, 236 pp. Halstead, B., and Ryckman, R. 1949. Injurious effects from contacts with milli- pedes. Med. Arts. Sci., 3:16-18. SPIDERS Emerton, J .H. 1961. The common spiders of the United States. Dover Pub- lications, Inc., New York City, xx + 227 pp. Kaston, B.J., and Kaston, E. 1953. How to know the spiders. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, vi + 22 pp. 0188 SCORPIONS Ewing, H.E. 1928. The scorpions of the western part of the United States with notes on those occurring in Northern Mexico. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus.. 73:1-24. Stahnke, H.L. 1956. Scorpions. Poisonous Animals Research Lab., Arizona State University, Tempe, 40 pp. TICKS Cooley, R.A., and Kohls, G.M. 1944. The Argasidae of North America, Central America, and Cuba. Amer. Midland Nat., Mono. #1, 152 pp. Gregson, JD. 1956. The Ixodoidea of Canada, Canada Dept. Agr., Sci. Serv., Publ. 930, 92 pp. MITES Baker, E.W., Evans, T.M., Gould, D.J., Hull, W.B., and Keegan, H.L. 1956. A manual of parasitic mites of medical or economic importance. Natl. Pest Control Assoc. Tech. Publ., New York, 170 pp. Hughes, A.M. 1961. The mites of stored food. H.M. Stationery Off., London, England, vi + 287 pp. SILVERFISH Slabaugh, RE. 1940. A new thysanuran, and a key to the domestic species of Lepismatidae (Thysanura) found in the U.S. Ent. News, 51:95-98. Womersley, H. 1939. Primitive insects of South Australia. Handbook Flora Fauna So. Aust., Adelaide (Government of So. Aust.), 322 pp. COLLEMBOLA Scott, H. G. 1966. Insect Pests - Part I: Springtails. Mod. Maintenance Manage- ment, 18(9):19-21. Scott, H.G. 1962. Collembola infesting man. Ann. Ent. Soc. America, 55(4): 428—430. COCKROACHES Roth, L.M., and Willis, E.R. 1957. The medical and veterinary importance of cockroaches. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 134(10): V + 147 pp. Willis, E.R., Riser, G.R., and Roth, L.M. 1958. Observations on reproduction and development in cockroaches. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 51(1) :53-69. TERM ITES Snyder, T.C. 1954. Order Isoptera: the termites of the United States and Canada. Natl. Pest Control Assoc., Tech. Bull., 64 pp. Scott, H.G. 1961. Keys to common North American domestic termites. Pest Control, 29(9):46. EARWIGS Hebard, M. 1934. The Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Illinois. Illinois Natl. Hist. Surv. Bull., 29(3):125-279. Townes, H.K. 1945. A list of the generic and subgeneric names of Dermaptera with their genotypes. Ann. Ent. Soc. America, 38:343-356. PSOCIDS Broadhead, E. 1950. A revision of the genus Liposcelis . . . Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, 101:335-338. UCE (Anoplura) Buxton, RA. 1946. The louse. Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, viii +164 pp., 47 figs. Pratt, H.D., and Littig, KS 1961. Lice of public health importance and their control. U.S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, 16 pp. UCE (Mallophoga) Emerson, K.C. 1962. A tentative list of Mallophaga for (1) North American Birds (11) North American Mammals. Dugway Proving Grounds, Dugway, Utah, 217 + 20 pp. 189. .190 UCE (Mallophago) (continued) Hopkins, G.H.E., and Clay, T. 1952. A check list of the genera and species of Mallophaga. British Mus. (Natl. Hist.), iii + 362 pp. BUGS Smith, C.N. 1958. Control of bed bugs. Pest Control, 26(11):9-12. Usinger, R.L. 1944. The Triatominae of North and Central America and the West Indies and their public health significance. U.S. Public Health Service Bull. 288, iv + 83 pp. LEPIDOPTERA Allard, H.F., and Allard, ILA. 1959. Venomous moths and butterflies. J. Washington Acad. Sci., 48:18-21. Goldman, L., Sawyer, F., Levine, A., Goldman, J ., Goldman. S., and Spinanger, J. 1960. Investigative studies of skin irritations from caterpillars. J. Invest. Dermat., 34:67—79. BEETlES Cotton, RT. 1956. Pests of stored grain and grain products. Burgess Publ. 00., Minneapolis, iii + 306 pp. Pratt, H.D., and Scott, H.G. 1962. A key to some beetles commonly found in stored foods. Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, 64(1):43-50. HYMENOPTERA Creighton, W.S. 1950. The ants of North America. Mus. Comp. 2001, Bull., 104:1-585. Musebeck, C.F.W., Krombein. K.V., Townes, I-I.K. 1951 and 1958. Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico + First Supplement. U.S. Dept. Agr. Monograph 2:1420 pp. ' 191. FUES Stone, A., Sabrosky, C. W., Wirth, W. W., Foote, R. H., and Coulson, J. R. 1965. A catalog of the diptera of America north of Mexico. Agri. Handbook No. 276, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington, D. C. Hall, D. 1948. The blowflies of North America. Thomas Say Foundation. Co- lumbus, 477 pp. MOSQUITOES Carpenter. S.J., and La Casse, W.J. 1955. Mosquitoes of North America. Univ. California Press, Berkeley, vi + 360 pp. Stojanovich, C.J. 1960-61. Illustrated key to common mosquitoes of (I) South- eastern United States, (II) Northeastern North America. Publ. by Author, P.O. Box 727, Emory University Branch, Atlanta, Georgia, 36 +49 pp. FLEAS Holland, G.P. 1949. The Siphonaptera of Canada. Canada Dept. Agr., Publ. 817, Tech. Bull. 70. 306 pp. Stark, H.E. 1958. The Siphonaptera of Utah. U.S. Dept. Health, Education, and Welfare, PHS, Atlanta, Georgia, xiii + 239 pp. SNAKES Ditmars, R.L. 1939. A field book of North American snakes. Doubleday and Co., Inc., New York, xii +305 pp. + 49 plates. Schmidt, K.P., and Davis. D.D. 1941. Field book of snakes of the United States and Canada. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, xiii + 365 pp. BIRDS Scott, H.G. 1961. Pigeons: Public health importance and control. Pest Control. 29(9):9-20 + 60-61. Scott, H.G. 1964. Pigeon-borne disease control through sanitation and pigeon stoppage. Pest Control, 32(9):14-19 +38-44. .192 RODENTS, RABBITS, AND HARES Bjornson, B.F., and Wright, Charles V. 1960. Control of domestic rats and mice. U.S. Govt. printing Office, Washington,D.C., PHS Publ. 563, 25 pp. Hall, E,R., and Kelson, K.R. 1959. The mammals of North America. The Ronald Press 00., New York, Vol. 1, xxx + 625 pp., Vol. II, viii + 1162 pp. BATS Allen, G.M. 1939. Bats. Dover Publ. Inc., New York, x + 368 pp. Scott, H.G. 1961. Bats: public health importance, identification and control. Pest Control, 29:23-26. ‘1‘! U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1984 O - 446—577 16.1670: U.C.IERKE VLI AR' 5 \Illllililill C02575H3‘1l