» " \ STE a RS : L : Pd ¥ a CB \ 5 a kT. ari E { . ls AS Te ARR a) a 3 A 3 Ci g J Wn 1984 Ee 18a ial SEVENTH Annual Fer Lo Ho 1 = : CE oF HE v GOLDEN. SATE. FAI AssociaTION, a " or DrsTaIoT Na. 1 onesie: THE ‘commas 0 Contra ‘Costa, RT 4 zo / XO: BE guts af Oahland, eat 5 ig Spent lst tang Entng Sept 6h, : vassal ES pit A fg SSR Ce SAT Fypancisco, Alameda and’ py > fr Ne a ss Cl ee Sian SEVENTH aeaal Bair OF THE GOLDEN GATE ricultural and Mechanical FAIR ASSOCIATION, SC DISTRICT No. 1 0% COMPRISING THE COUNTIES OF San Francisco, Alameda and Contra Costa, TO BE Feld at Oahifand, Cal. Beginning September Ist and Ending September 6th, OFFICERS OF THE GOLDEN GATE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL FAIR ASSOCIATION, DISTRICT NO, 1. President, A. C. DIETZ Oakland, Alameda Co. L. WALKER Oakland, Alameda Co. UNION BANK Oakland, Alameda Co. DIRECTORS. A. C. DIETZ Oakland, Alameda Co. JNO. B. WATSON Oakland, Alameda Co. JAMES ADAMS Oakland, Alameda Co. C. H. CUSHING Oakland, Alameda Co. R. P. CLEMENT Alameda, Alameda Co. D. F. MAJORS Concord, Contra Costa Co. W. E. MILLER Oakland, Alameda Co. Oakland, Alameda Co. NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS. Arrangements have been made by this Association with the Central Pacific Railroad Company, whereby all persons wishing to exhibit any articles, or stock, at this Association’s Fair at Oakland, and at the State Fair at Sacramento, may ship such articles, or stock, over any of the various routes of said Com- pany to this Association’s Fair, at Oakland, and exhibit the same there ; thence to Sacramento to the State Fair, and exhibit the same there: thence back to the original shipping point; or from the State Fair to any other Fair or Fairs, and exhibit the same there; and thence back to the original shipping point. Such exhibitor may then send all of his expense bills for freight on such articles of stock (together with the usual certificates of the Secretaries of the Societies at whose Fairs such articles or stock have been exhibited, to the effect that the same has been so exhibited and has not changed hands while on exhibition), to the General Freight Agent of said Company, at San Francisco, who will refund to such exhibitor an amount equal to the regular freight on such stock and such articles from the original shipping point, direct to Sacramento and back again. Stock should be shipped marked to the owner af the Golden Gate Agricultural and Mechanical Fair Association, Oakland Trotting Park, Oakland, and when so shipped it will be landed within half a mile of the Park, where convenient and safe arrangements have been made for shipping and unshipping stock. All parties having articles or stock on exhibition at the Fair Grounds, and desirous of exhibiting the same at the State Fair, will, on application to the President, be permitted to remove the same early in the afternoon on Saturday, September 6th ; and a special “train will be in readiness at that time, near the Fair Grounds, for the transportation of such articles and stock to Sacramento, arriving there Sunday morning, September 8th, the day before the State Fair opens. » First Department—LIVE STOCK Second Department — MACHINERY, IMPLEMENTS, RULES... SiR nsdn as 23 fi 4 - PREMIUM LIST OF THE GOLDEN GATE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL FAIR ASSOCIATION, DISTRICT No. 1. ; COMPETITION OPEN TO THE WORLD. The attention of exhibitors is particularly directed to the Rules of this Society. Attention to the requirements of the same will save the superintendents and clerks, as well as parties exhibiting, much unnecessary trouble and confusion. A copy of the Society’s Rules will be found in this Premium List. For all exhibits entered for a Sweepstake Premium except as otherwise specified in this Schedule, an entrance fee of ten (10) per cent. must be paid with the entry. In all sweepstakes three (3) or more entries will be required. FIRST DEPARTMENT. LIVE STOCK. ees H _RSES. In this Department the same animal cannot be entered more than once, except in Sweepstakes, or as a colt, with its sire or dam, as a member of a family. Any Stallion, Mare, Gelding or Colt, competing in a race, will not be excluded from competing for premiums in their respective classes. No animal will be allowed to compete for a premium unless free from disease or blemish which can be transmitted to pos- terity. Class 1=-=Thoroughhreds. Best Stallion, 3 years old and upward Second best Stallion, 3 years old and upward... ....... Best Stallion, 2 years old Second Best Stallion, 2 years old Best Stallion, I year old. ...... Second best Stallion, ‘1 year old Best Colt under 1 year Second best Colt, under 1 year Best Mare, 3 years old and upward Second best, 3 years old and upward Best mare, 2 years old Second best, 2 years old Best Mare, 1 yearold .. ........ Sia Deed ee Second best, I year old... Best Filly, under 1 year Second best, under I year......... 3 00 In this Class none will be permitted to compete but such as furnish a complete pedigree, tracing the entire line of descent to the English parent on the side of both sire and dam. The standard of authority for the pedigree of thoroughbred horses will be the English and American Stud Books. PREMIUM LIST. Class 2.«=Families. Best Thoroughbred Sire, with not less than’s of his colts, all thoroughbred $30 oo Best Thoroughbred Dam, with not less than 2 of her colts, all thoroughbred 20 Best Stallion, other than thoroughbred, with not less than 5 of his colts (open toall). . .............. 25 Best Dam, other than thoroughbed, with not less than 2 of her colts Class 3-=-Horses of all Work. Best Stallion, 3 years old and upward Second best, 3 years old and upward Best Stallion, 2 years old Second best, 2 years old Best Stallion, 1 year old Second best, I year old Best Colt, under I year Second best, under 1 year Best Mare, 3 years old and upward Second best, 3 years old and upward, .,.... .......... Best Mare, 2 years old Second best, 2 years old Best Mare, I year old Second best, 1 year old Best Filly, under 1 year Second best Filly, under 1 year Class 4--Roadsters. Best Stallion, 4 years old and over Second best, 4 years old and over Best Stallion, 3 years old Second best, 3 years old Best stallion, 2 years old Second best, 2 years old Best Yearling Best Sucking Colt. ....cco coven. Best Mare or Gelding, 4 years and over Second best, 4 years old and over 888888888838888838 PREMIUM LIST. Best Mare or Gelding, 3 years old Second best, 3 years old Best Mare or Gelding, 2 years old Second best, 2 years old Best Yearling Best Sucking Colt Best span of Roadsters, matched (2 or more to compete) owned and used by one person Second best span matched Roadsters All animals over I year old competing for premiums in this Department must be exhibited in harness. This rule must be strictly complied with to entitle exhibitors to a pre- mium. ’, Class 5-=Draft Horses. Best Stallion, 3 years old and upward...... : Second best, 3 years cld and upward. . Best Stallion, 2 years old Second best, 2 years old Best Stallion, 1 year old Second best, 1 yer old Best Stallion, under 1 year Second best, under 1 year Best Mare, 3 years old and upward Second best, 3 years old and upward Best Mare, 2 years old Second best, 2 years old Best Mare, 1 year old Second best, I year old Best Mare, under 1 year Second best, under 1 year Best span Draft horses, in harness. ....... Class 6--Carriage Horses. Best Span Carriage Horses, to be 16 hands high or up- wards, owned and used by one person, shown to car- riage or buggy, two or more to compete. . $20 oo Second best Span Carriage Horses, owned and used by one person PREwIUM LIST. Best Saddle Horse, of either sex Second best Saddle Horse, of either sex Sweepstakes. In the awards in this Department, blood will have the pref- erence, only when in the examination all other qualifications are found equal. Best Stallion of any breed orage....... ............... 00 Second best Stallion of any breed or age. ... 0 00 Best Mare of any breed or age > 00 Second best Mare of any breed or age : 00 Class 7--Jacks. Best Jack, 2 years old and upward Best Jennet, 2 years old and upward Cl :ss 8--Mules. Best Pair of Mules owned by one person... CATTLE. Class 1==Durham Cattle. Best Bull, 3 years old or over Second best Bull, 3 years old or over Best Bull, 2 years old Second best Bull, 2 years old Best Bull, 1 year old Second best Bull, 1 year old Best calf, under 1 year Best Cow, 3 years old or over Second best Cow, 3 years old or over.......... 9 aa Best Cow, 2 years old Second best Cow, 2 years old Best Cow, 1 year old Best Heifer Calf, under 1 year Class 2==Ayrshires. Best Bull, 3 years old or over Second best Bull, 3 years old or over - AS SP 10 PREMIUM LIST. Best Bull, 2 years old Second best Bull, 2 years old Best Bull, 1 year old Second best Bull, 1 year old... Best Calf, under 1 year Best Cow, 3 years old or over Second best Cow, 3 years old or over. . Best Cow, 2 years old Second best Cow, 2 years old Best Cow, I year old Best Heifeg Calf, under 1 year Class 3-=Jersey, or Alderney, and Guernsey, in Cne Class. Best Bull, 3 years old or over Secend best Bull, 3 years old or over Best Bull, 2 years old Second best Bull, 2 years old Best Bull, 1 year old Second best Bull, 1 year old Best Calf, under 1 year a Best Cow, 3 years old or over Second best Cow, 3 years old or over Best Cow, 2 years old Second best Cow, 2 years old Best Cow, I year old Best Heifer Calf, under 1 year Class 4--Devons, Herefords, Holstein and Holder= ness, in One Class. Best Bull, 3 years old and over Second best Bull, 3 years old and over Best Bull, 2 years old Second best Bull, 2 years old Best Bull, 1 year old Second best Bull, 1 year old Best Calf, under 1 year Best Cow, 3 years old or over Second best Cow, 3 years old or over PREMIUM LIST. Bést Cow, 2 years old.... Second best Cow, 2 years old Best Cow, 1 year old Best Heifer Calf, under 1 year Sweepstakes. Entrance, 10 per cent. Blood will only have the preferénce when all other qualifications are found equal. Crass 1-=DurHAMS, HoLsTEINS, HOLDERNESS, HEREFORDS AND DEVONS. Best Bull Second best Bull Second best Cow CLASS 2— AYRSHIRES, JERSEYS OR ALDERNEYS, AND GUERN- Best Bull Second best Bull Second best Cow Herbs, ETc. Best herd of thoroughbred Durham cattle, over 2 years old, to consist of 1 male and 4 females, owned by one person $40 oo Best herd of thoroughbred Durham cattle, under 2 years, to consist of I male and 4 females, owned by one person Best herd of thoroughbred Jersey or Alderney cattle, over 2 years old, to consist of I male and 4 females, owned by one person Best herd of thoroughbred Jersey or Alderney cattle. under 2 years, to consist of 1 male and 4 females, owned by one person Best herd of thoroughbred Guernsey cattle, of any age, to consist of 1 male and 4 females, owned by one person. Silver Pitcher, or cash........ odin 4 12 PREMIUM LIST. Best herd of thoroughbred Devon cattle, of any age, to consist of 1 male and 4 females, owned by one per- son $40 Best herd of thoroughbred Ayrshire cattle, of any age, to consist of 1 male and 4 females, owned by one person 40 Best herd of thoroughbred Hecefords, Holsteins or Hol- derness cattle, of any age, to consist of I male and 4 females, owned by one person Class 5—Graded Cattle—Cows. Best Cow, 3 years old and over Best Cow, 2 years old Best Cow, 1 year old Best Heifer Calf TE re mv eisai niein nies. b oe Tie ey eee Class 6—Cashmere or Angora Goats. Best Thoroughbred Buck Best Thoroughbred Ewe Best Herd of 10 Goats Class T—Sheep—Spanish Merino. Best Ram, 2 years old and upward Second best Ram, 2 years old Best Ram, 1 year old Second best Ram, 1 year old Best Pen, not less than 5 Ewes, 2 years old and over... 10 00 Best Pen of Ewes, not less than 5, I year old and under 2 10 00 * Best Pen, not less than 5 Ewe Lambs Best Ram and §5 of his Lambs French Merino. Best Ram, 2 years old and upward Second best Ram, 2 years old Best Ram, 1 year old Second best Ram, 1 year old Best Pen, not less than 5 Ewes, 2 years old and over... 10 00 Best Pen of Ewes, not less than 5, one year old and un- der 2 Best Pen, not less than 5 Ewe Lambs Best Ram and § of his Lambs ’ PREMIUM LIST. 13 Silesian, Cotswold, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire or Southdown, in One Class. Best Silesian Ram upward. ... ....... 4... Best Pen Cotswold Ewes, not less than 5, 1 year old and upward 7 50 Best Pen Leicestershire Ewes, not less than 5, 1 year old and upward. ........ 7 50 Best Pen Lincolnshire E and upward ve nverripas sues ann ans if BO Best Pen Southdown Ewes, not less than 5, 1 year old and upward Sweepstakes. Best Ram, of any age or breed Second best Ram, of any age or breed In this class no Sheep will be admitted to the grounds unless free from disease. : No animal in Class 7, unless shorn in the Spring months next preceding the Fair of the Society to be held this present year, shall be entered for competition, and no premium other- wise awarded sliall be paid. Class 8—Swine. ESSEX AND BERKSHIRE IN ONE CLASS. LTE PR EE NRO SEs SN Se Nh LT Best Sow .... ; Best Sow and Pigs (4 or more) .....cc. veer vue ee.. .. 10 OO POLAND, CHINA, AND CHESTER WHITE, IN ONE CLASS. Best Boar BES SOW... i. sie aes err risen es . 4 00 Best Sow and Pigs (a or more) ...ccvis vai r tenes. 7-50 PREMIUM LIST. POULTRY, mnTCc Class 9— Poultry. Best pair Light Brahma Fowls......... . Best pair Dark Brahma Fowls Best pair Patridge Cochin Fowls.... ......... Best pair Black Cochin Fowis. .......... Best pair White Cochin Fowls Best pair Buff Cochin Fowls Best pair Plymouth Rock Fowls.... .... Best pair Dominique Fowls Best pair Silver Gray Dorking Fowls.... .... Best pair White Leghorn Fowls Best pair Brown Leghorn Fowls.. ...... Best pair Black Spanish Fowls Best pair White-Faced Black Spanish Fowls Best pair Golden Spangled Polish Fowls Best pair Silver Spangled Spanish Fowls Best pair White and White-Crested Polish Fowls Best pair Black and White Crested Polish Fowls Best pair Golden Spangled Hamburg Fowls Best pair Silver Spangled Hamburg Fowls Best pair Black Hantburg Fowls Best pair Houdan Fowls Best pair Black Breasted Game Fowls Best pair Duckwing Game Fowls Best pair Brown Red Game Fowls Best pair Blue Game Fowls Best pair Malay Game Fowls Best pair Black Breasted Game Bantam Fowls Best pair Black African Bantam Fowls Best pair White Pile Game Bantam Fowls Best pair Seabright Bantam Fowls Best pair Silver Pheasants PREMIUM LIST. Best pair California Valley Quail Best pair California Mountain Grouse Best pair Bronze Turkeys Best pair Wild Turkeys... . Best pair White Holland Turkeys Best pair White Turkeys Best pair Toulouse Geese Best pair Bremen Geese Best ‘pair China Geese Best pair Poland Geese Best pair Aylesbury Ducks " Best pair Rouen Ducks Pest pair Pekin Ducks ........................0c.00.. Best pair Cayuga Ducks Best pair Muscovy Ducks Best pair Guinea Fowls Best pair White Guinea Fowls Best pair Peacocks BestpairSwans .........c........c000t, svniewn body : Best pair Carrier Pigeons. Best pair Flying Pouter Pigeons Best pair Fantail White Pigeons Best pair Fantail Black Pigeons Best pair Fantail Yellow Pigeons Best pair Trumpeter Pigeons .... Best and largest exhibition of Pigeons, not less than 6 varieties : Best and largest exhibition of live birds, not less than 6 varieties—not including domestic fowls. : Best and largest collection of, poultry exhibited by one person or firm 00 Best pair of Rabbits, lop-eared 00 Best pair Angora Rabbits 00 Best pair English Rabbits oo Best pair Turkish Rabbits .. co Best pair Guinea Pigs, common and Abyssinian 00 Best and largest exhibition of Rabbits by one person.... 2 50 All Fowls will be judged according to.the American standard of excellence. BS bd bord rey ht id id ahaa PREMIUM LIST. SECOND DEPARTMENT. Machinery, Implements, Ec. Models in Classes 1, 2 and 3 cannot compete with full-sized machines. Sui ; ; : All machinery to be exhibited without motive power. All articles named in Classes I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of this De- partment, if of California manufacture, will receive the premium offered and diploma; if not, they will be awarded a diploma only. Class 1-Agricultural Machines—First Division. Best display of Agricultural Machinery by any one house ( California Manufacture) Best Threshing Machine. . .. Best Sweep Horse Power ( Cal. manufacture) Best Circular Sawmill, operated by horse power Best Log Crosscut Sawmill, horse or steam power Best Ditching Machine operated by steam power Best Clover Huller and Cleaner... Best Hemp and Flax Dressing Machine Best Cider Mill and Press Best Horse Hay Rake Best Hay and Straw Cutter Best Bay Press... ...... 0 .cuiriiviesivinaninnenss Best Power Corn Sheller Best Hand Corn Sheller Best Corn Husker, from stalks Best Corn Husker, ears only Best Lawn Mower Best Gopher Trap Best Post Hole Auger Best Well Auger Best Lawn Sprinkler 7 00 7 00 } 3 PREMIUM LIST. Class 2—Agricultural Machines—2d Division. Best Header (California manufacture) Best Wheat Drill (2 horse) . Best Wheat Drill (1 horse). . Best Grain Broadcast Sowing Machine Best Machine for cutting and shocking corn... ....... e Best Clover Seed Harvester Best Self-Raking and Reaping Machine Best Reaping Machine Best Mowing Machine Best Combined Reaper and Mower Best Display of Reaping and Mowing Machine Knives. . Best Hay Loader Best Elevator for stacking grain Best Nets for header-wagon for stacking grain Best Derrick Rig, complete Best Lifter for Header. Best Self-Binding Harvester Best Self-Feeder for Threshing Machine Best Hay-Pitching Machine Best Corn Planter (horse power) Best Corn Planter (hand) | Best Potato Planter Best Potato Digger Best Field Roller and Crusher “Best Harrow : Best Cultivator. { Best Horse Hoe , Best Fanning Mill Best Flour Packing Best Windmill 3888888883888888888 18 PREMIUM LIST. Best Stock Scales for general purposes, to be set up by ‘the exhibitor and used ‘by the Board during the Fair, free of charge Best Platform Scales Best Refrigerator Best Agricultural B Best Ornamental Fence Best Grain Separator Class 4—-Tools and Household Implements. Best Display of Haying and Harvesting Tools Best Set of Draining Tools Best Farm-Road Scraper Best Garden-Seed Dri]] Best Cheese Press Best Cheese Vat, with heater attac Best Cheese-Shelf Model Best Churn, in operation on the ground Best Butter-Worker, in operation on the ground Best Washing Machine Best Clothes Wringer Best Mangel or Ironin Best Clothes Horse, t Best Well Pump. . Best Apparatus for Best Egg Carrier Best Milk Cooler Best Fruit Gatherer Class 5—Plows. La a $15 oo Best Sulky Plow..." ""~ a ea TE 5 oo Best Stubble Plow Best Sod Plow Best Steel Plow PREMIUM LIST. Best Subsoil Plow Best Sidehill Plow 2 e-horse Plow. ... Doe Soe or Blind-ditching Plow Best Open-ditching Plow Class 6— Vehicles. i i Diploma and $10 00 Carriage §1o 00 t Two-horse Family i a Bet One-horse Family Carriage rT Best Top Buggy t Open Buggy ee bow Thoscotd Open Carriage ing Wagon ye aa for general purposes Best Spring Market Wago Best Cart Best Track Sulky _ Best Track Wagon Best Ladies’ Phaeton Best Street-goods Wagon i Best Wagon or Carriage Bras : Pee Cy AS Eig Hubs, etc i f Carri 3 Sania Bet Ds of Carriage Material and Toi 3 oy Yn and Carriage Wheels made Rot out of Caliints grown mbes id ved Wo : loma BE i roam, Diplomas will only be given € 1 a o ee : Jatin Ne ma ee Rs i 1 § : ! | SPEED PROGRAMME, GOLDEN GATE Agricultural § Mechanical FAIR ASSO CIATION. — DISTRICT No. 1, OAKLAND, (AL, — Commencing Monday, Sept. 1st, 1884, and Endi Saturday, Sept, 6th, ae — SPEED PROGRAMME. 3 FIRST DAY—Monday, Sept. 1st 0. I, RUNNING—GOLDEN : i EN GATE pP — or two-year olds; in four monies; aE Pars S500 S . No. 2, RUNNING ’ —PARDEE Pp for all; four monies, One wil. oe $500; free No. 0. 3, TROTTING —2:22 class—Purse $800; four monies SECOND DAY—Tuesda y, S No. 4, TROTTING—Pur. fir under; four monies, No. 5, TROTT i SIR ING —Three minute class; se $600 for all four-year-olds ang Purse $600; four - SPEED PROGRAMME. THIRD DAY— Wednesday, Sept. 3d. No. 6, RUNNING — Free for all; two-mile dash; Purse $500; $300 to first, $150 to second, and $50 to third. No. 7, RUNNING—Free for all; three-quarters of a miie and repeat; Purse $500; $300 to first, $150 to second, and $50 to third. No. 8. TROTTING—2:30 class; Purse $800; four monies. FOURTH DAY—Thursday, Sept 4th. No. 9, TROTTING—Three-year olds and under; Purse $600; four monies. No. 10, TROTTING—For yearlings—Purse $250; three monies; mile dash. No. 11, PACING—Free for all-—Purse $500; four monies. (Corette to wagon.) 9 FIFTH DAY—Friday, Sept. 5th. No. 12, TROTTING —2:35 class— Purse $800; four monies. No. 13, TROTTING—For two-year-olds—Purse $400; four monies. No. 14, TROTTING —2:26 class—Purse $800; four monies. SIXTH DA Y—Saturday, Sept. 6th. No. 15, LADIES’ TOURNAMENT--Purse $100; $25 for the most graceful rider, second $15, third $10; for the most skillful rider $25, second $15, third $10. No. 16, BICYCLE RACE—Free for all; one mile dash— Purse, $100; first $50, second $30, and third $20. No. 17, TROTTING: —Free for all—Purse $1,000; four monies. (Director to wagon.) No. 18, RUNNING—Four mile dash — Purse 1,000; four monies. SPEED PROGRAMME, REMARKS AND CONDITIONS. All trotting and i acing races the tvavrars pacing are the best t i Se Voysarald sat, unless otherwise heii 5 ve SEQeRt the right in all re all the above races. = But the Boer ater A hone Tages in the above programme rh 1d phi amount of the Phos 2 the withdrawal of a pro : i i accompany nomin tic ntrance fee, ten per lg ona Fate 6) RflY or Anauon: ses of four monies ter or : . € first sec orse : oa Ritson per cent. to third, and yo is pent, i al Association Rule lotourth, reserves the fi s to govern trotting ; necessary 9s a bo heats of any two ean buss he Boa tween heats, A he ay X raeing, or to trot a dl 3 only to the acing a walk-over itled required oh money paid in. When oil entrance money, t Go arters appear, they may cont oh me 33% to th Y, to be divided as follows: 6 2y niast for the iy o the second. $s: 66%; to the first and n all races, entrie 8 not declared out b : ® 6 teceding fhe race, shall be required to £4 Pdtv Gedy . ere there is more th : interest ; an one entry b i es 158 partioular horse they Ag Yo, mms : > of e day preceding the rac must be named at or a walk-over. e. No added money paid Rules of the S tate Agricult i race ti ural Sec) i 255, getept when conditions named im gi = sin r i i FSS: Rule 3 unning races will be held for entrance unde r Peony colors to be named in entries n trotti : . : distinct Ne. FRges drivers will be required - to Entries to am must be named in their ent ia H 0 e above r ge. on Friday, August 1, 1884. aces to close with the Secretary L. WALKER, Secretary, A. C. DIETZ, President. Office, 26 Mont P. O. Box, 2360. gomery street, S. F. RULES GOLDEN GATE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL FAIR ASSOCIATION. ee een RuLeE I. Each member of the Golden Gate Agricultural ill be furnished with a ticket, and Mechanical Fair Association wi upon presentation of his certificate of membership, to transfer or loan which will subject him to expulsion from the Associa- tion, and exclusion from any of its benefits in the future. RuLk II. Price of admission to the Stock Grounds, one dol- Membership tickets, admitting a member and his wife and 11 the exhibitions at the Stock Grounds, five editors and delegates from Ag- ented with a complimentary lar. minor children at a dollars. Officiating clergymen, ricultural Societies, will be pres card of admission on application at the office of the Secretary. Rure III Exhibitors must see to the delivery of their articles upon the ground to the Superintendent of the appro- priate department. RuLe IV. All exhibitors, of age) of members, who inten except children (under 15 years d to compete for the pr.miums of the Association, must become members of the same, and all must have their animals entered at the office of the Entry Clérk, at the Park, by Monday, the 1st of September, at 5 o'clock P. M , so that they may be arranged in their respective departmer ts ER Ps . TET ER & Na is -3 Tr 24 RULES. . in readiness for examinati Fada ination by the Jud i wi I Se paid on any article at the ia i A pre € place assigned them for exhibition Properly entered RULE V. The Association’ omission to exhibit any article accordance with its rules, RuLe VI. N i . o article o i be removed : r animal entered for i without el ean Say before the close of am cle : On, 0 premiu i . 5 s or animals removed in violation of is i be paid on arti- RULE VIL All arti ne . articles and ani must ha : animals ente tldas Clerk ; ol pee, the numbers. as entered by th SE yon : c ors in ail cases must obtaj €¢ Ent vious to placing their arti €s must obtain their y : article i their cards pre- for animals must be place S or animals on exhibition, Cds d in a pi ace on e stalls 2 : conspicuous Pp h or pens, and cards for other articles will be Tine | t ae fl O them. r le dnting the Fair, € same, at the ti ry or Entry Clerk Ve a card attached or posted on stall or owner’s name, e for sale, with the RULE IX. The Board of D wi) not be responsible for the amimal not entered strictly in (Rul irecto i their power for the safe preserv sad viii on exhibition, i xh » but will not be 2 Exhibitors must give attention or ing the Fair, a ) » and at the close of t ation of all OL ork or ountable for loss or da ok their articles or AT > he exhibition attend to their _RULE X. Jud i the hi . ges will be selected wi _~ ig He 9 her fitness ; WES Solely. ko e 3 , tha . where he is a ea as Judge in the same Boon ’ a RULES. 25 RuLe XII. No stock of inferior quality will be admitted within the Grounds. A committee will be appointed to rule out all below a medium grade. RuLE XIII. No person will be allowed to interfere with the Judges during their adjudication ; and any person who shall attempt to interfere with them, whether verbally or otherwise, shall be excluded from competition. RULE XIV. The Superintendents of Departments will re- ceive the award books from the Secretary, and will deliver them to the proper Judges in their respective departments ; will afford the Judges every facility for examination ; point out the articles or animals to be examined ; attach prize cards to the articles or flags to the successful animals, under the direction of the Judges, and when the awards are finished and ‘entered in the books, will receive them from the Judges, return them carefully to the President or Secretary, allowing no person to handle or examine them, except specially authorized so to do, as upon the entry of awards in them, signed by the Judges, and upon no other authority can orders or checks for premiums be drawn. RULE XV. The General Superintendent of the Stock Grounds will see that they are in proper order for the reception and exhibition of the stock of all kinds, and for the comfort and convenience of exhibitors and visitors; and that proper supplies of food for stock, and water for all purposes, are on the ground and convenient of access. He will direct exhibitors on their arrival, and after their entry of their animals, to proper stalls or departments on the grounds; and, in connection with the Su- perintendants of Departments, will see that all classes of stock are ready for exhibition or parade at the exact time and in the particular manner as specified in the programme ; and will ex- ercise a general supervision over the grounds, preserving order and decorum. The General Superintendent and Superinten- dents of Departments and their assistants, also the Marshal and his assistants, [will also be vested with all the powers and preroga- tives with which the Constables are vested, so far as acts and offences committed within, or with reference to, or in connec- tion with the exhibition are concerned; and they shall be ee ee a No 26 RULES. responsible to the Board of Dire of Their depamtiiente, ctors for the proper management RULE XVI. N kit . 0 animal can i oh INO anim; com more less the exception is made in the Pi ore than oneclay, RULE XVII. Ani ies L XVIT nimals when duly ent i i oe 2g for Toa joy for Peli ae of Loe Dwisid grain for swine and Doe t ccc Jon for od S na onlay. A depot for grin whi i RULE XVIII. Al , 1 i of mechanical art ponies, or Inventors, or improvers oe Splements, or other products y their respective makers I oF vente » OF their assi P ums for such articles will be pid to fr hom . Any fictitious entries will subj 153 all al Txinest the partite in the fraud to forfei Raines vied bn vit ny Improper conduct i isi of WAIT SI the Mey sys In pow ibitor, ~ the said pa power, by an ibi bition of the oc Li fiyfeom compeiug at any ho exh . 1 RULE XIX. The General Su of Departments, a "¥y d the the Park, wi h Judges of stock 3 ; on Modan i big at the office of ares Shbiied at i > of Septem! ard, at the Park precisely, and each d ptember, at half-past 10 o’cl ark, tions, and the P (ay thereafter, where all will o'clock A. a., books, and resident will deliver to th receive sire. respective 3 he Superintendents will ger theis award All Sancta meme for She commencement en to their filled, so that ¢ Board of Jud ; ; eir work. ed; 11 will b ges will thén and This is impor e e expected to b nd there be portant, as u e present at t : success of the SR a proper commencement ht oe 8 perintendent, Superintendents : : n ~ eral satisfaction of exhibitors 9 wands, ad upon these the gen RuLe XX. Premi X. Premiums a diplomas or plate are nT ty e Tooms of the Association a5 hey can Le prepared or en decretary. Premiums wil payable in cash, exc : sh, ept wh hs diplomas will be en Zula e City of Oakland, as soon ed, to the proper persons, by 1 be paid by the Treasurer only on RULES. 27 the order of the President and Secretary. These orders must be indorsed by the parties to whom they are made payable. Rute XXI.. When a majority of Judges on any section are presen}, they shall constitute a quorum, and be authorized to award premiums, and the first on the list of those present shall be Chairman. RuLk XXII. The Judges will give the reasons in writing for their decisions, as far as practicable, embracing the valuable and desirable qualities of the article or animal to which a premium is awarded. RuLe XXIIL Should Judges not be satisfied of the regu- larity of the entries in their respective classes, they will apply to the Entry Clerk for information ; and should there still be any doubt after examination, or if any article or animal is of such a character as not to be entitled to exhibition in compe- tition, they will exclude from their award all such articles or animals. RuLE XXIV. Discretionary premiums will be awarded by the Board of Directors, should objects of special interest, not provided for in any of the classes, be presented. RuLE XXV. All instruments, machines, utensils and appa- ratus intended to be used in the preservation, culture or seeding of the soil, in the harvesting, manufacture, or transportation of produce, in the various requirements of agriculture, or in promoting the comforts of agriculturists and their families, will be admitted to the exhibition, whether in competition or not. RuLe XXVI. Sales may be made by exhibitors during the Fair, under such regulations as the Board of Directors may hereafter prescribe; but the articles shall not be removed with- out the special permission of the President. RuLE XXVII. The exhibition in the Cattle Ring or on the Track will take place punctually at the hour specified in the programme. RuLE XXVIIL The Judges will report, not only the ani- "mals and articles entitled to premiums, but also those next in merit in each class, to meet the contingency of any legal objec- tion which May arise to the awards receive suitable commendation, RuLe XXIX. their awards to th , and also that they may particularly requested to hand .as the cage may be, g the reason ds, and ha before the close of the Fair, that they may tions of the Association. If longer time is i needed in any par- ticular case, apply to the Secretary for copies of the awards, ticular breed to which name and address, in 2 conspicuous ve stalls. RULE XXXI. No other than the bona fiq wise, they will not be awarded by the Judges, RULE XXXII. No persons oth permitted to go into the Ring where the stock is exhibited, except the officers of the Association or Marshals. No stock will be permitted to enter the Ring unless under halter and ip care of a groom, RULE XXXII, Symmetry, si animal to be entered € owner. Should an allowed to receive a in the name of an y be entered other. Premium, although er than the Judges will be Yy pedigree, haracteristjcs of the 3 and the Judges wil] other circumstances, d parade of aj] the day, unless notice is ; 5 and a failure of any stock to appear at that hour wil] exclude such stoek from competition for pre- miums. All persons having stock on the grounds will see to jt at that hour, as the rules will be strictly adhered to, RuLe XXXV, As soon as the awards are made on Horses and Cattle, the Ribbons or Badges will be affixed in front of the Grand Stand ; p \ DISTRICT ASSOCIATIONS. DISTRICT AGRICOLTURAL ASSOCIATIONS. i he istri to Provide for t icultural Districts, Eros pe A as a A Associations 2a ah, J : i ret and Control of the same by the ne [Approved April 15th, 1880.] S75 rmi sented in Senate te of California, repre Pie Pepi I ry do enact as follows : 9 ’ ’ bl ’ Colusa, The counties of Sutter, Yuba, Butte, BEC: 3 ento shall constitute Agricultural Tehama, Yolo and Sacram ; 4 Th i a an Re 3 counties of Sonoma, Matis Sans, Nap Se constitute Agricultural District ’ EAE ee The counties of Santa Clara an Wi AE Agricultural District No. » 6. The counties of Los Angel Ja : Santa Batis, Ventira Agricultural District No. 6. Li Sec. 7. The counties o Moe spo a Benito sha : Obispo and San No. 7. . 8. The cou Ar Alpine and Mono shall c No. 8. i San Ber- ego, San > ia a ’ constitute anta Cruz, San Lows Agricultural Distric ado, . Placer, El Dorad ities of Nevado Agricultural District 30 DISTRICT ASSOCIATIONS. SEC. 9. The counties of Mendocino, Humboldt and De Norte shall constitute Agricultural District No. 9. SEC. 10. The counties of Siskiyou, Trinity and Shasta shall constitute Agricultural District No. 10. SEC. 11. The counties of Plumas, Lassen, Modoc and Sierra shall constitute Agricultural District No. 11. SEC. 12. Any fifty or more persons representing a majority of the counties within any one of the districts above constituted, may form an association for the improvement of the material industries within such district, and when so formed the associa- tion shall be known and designated by the name of Agricultural Association, and by such name and style shall have perpetual succession, and shall have power and authority to con- tract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, to have and to use a common seal, to purchase and hold and lease real estate, with such buildings and improvements as may be erected thereon, and may sell and lease and dispose of the same at pleasure. The said real estate shall be used by such association for the purpose of holding exhibitions of horses, cattle, and other stock, of the agricultural, horticultural, mechanical, manufacturing and do district, with view to the improvem the same. viticultural, mestic products of such ent of all the industries in SEC. 13. The officers of such Association shall consist of eight Directors, who shall constitute a District Board of Agri- culture for District Number. ...; a President, who shall be one of their number, and a Secretary and Treasurer, not of their number. SEC. 14. Within ten da tural association within an accordance with the prov formation to the Govern ys after the formation of an agricul- y of the districts above constituted in isions of this Act, and notice of such or, the Governor shall appoint eight resident citizens of such districts as members of a District Board of Agriculture for said district, whose term of office shall be four years, except as hereinafter provided. DISTRICT ASSOCIATIONS. 31 ithin ten days after their appointment, the per- Bro 2S ily as rzquired by the Conson, Il mect at a place in the district and organize y : 1 f one of their number as President of the Board an ol who shall hold said office of President ons. year, Fis his successor is elected; they shall also elect a Secretary and Treasurer. ame meeting the members of the Board ig i At he I io nedves into four Slagses oT mbers each. The terms of offices of the first eines 3 I at the end of the first fiscal year; of the SeTung f the second fiscal year; of the third class, of the thir Se . ar: and of the fourth class, at the end of the full iin a os Jes The fiscal year shall be from December 1st to December Ist. iation so formed and organized is hereby 4 Sec: ? Lh B A a State institution, and the 5 rg appointed and qualified shall have the exclusive co : oo at of such institution for and in fhe name 4f 4 State and shall have the possession and ett Of» 5 ih : t of the association, and shall fix the terms of oft op 4 hid of the Secretary and Treasurer, and determine-the oy wi duties. They shall have power to make all feces: Hise Hy rules and Teghistions for he foreman! o ihe a its prudential 10: a ho Spe Loy for on on fair or exhibition by ie hose of all the industries and industrial products in ie trict at such time and place as they deem swig Jo § the ded that no district fair shall be held in any of the dis he ; ye a e time of the State Fair; and provided further, i a HA shall in no event be liable for any premium oered) o re for any debt contracted by any District Boar Agriculture, or Agricultural Association. istri iculture shall have When any District Board of Agricu h b ET aud ned as herein provided, the Jectettry a ie Board shall report such classification and organiz 32 DISTRICT ASSOCIATIONS, the State Board of Agriculture; he shall also report the same to the Governor, and shall report any vacancy that may occur in the Board to the Governor, who shall fill the same by appoint- ment for the unexpired term. SEC. 19. All laws and parts of law in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. SEC. 20. This Act shall take effect from and after its passage. ted RARARDS 3 \ NESSES BA HE a—r FS Pra rrr a a a