EPA 901 /3-88-001 March 1988 Index to EPA Test Methods Compiled by Margaret R. Nelson EPA Region 1 Library Information Management Branch US. Environmental Protection Agency JFK Federal Building Boston, MA 02203 EUBLIC HEALTH LtBRAk. a); "r r' ‘5' ~ f1 V\ , , 777 um: ,foY urn "THY OF @womm i ‘? z”? . V (7' [331} Index to EPA Test Methods .1 ~ W Table of Contents Semen Begs Introduction 1 Numeric List of Test Methods A - 1 Alphabetic List of Test Methods B - 1 Sodrces of Test Methods C - 1 Key to Sources C - 5 INTRODUCTION Margaret R. (Peg) Nelson. Head Librarian, Region 1 Ubrary. developed this index to provide access to EPA test methods. Test methods are approved procedures for: meas- uring the presence and concentration of physical and chemical pollutants; evaluating properties such as trivia mmflbs. of chemical substances; or measuring the effects of v! Iva, u—vn- any urn- I""'f"""" substances under various conditions. Peg developed and produced the Index from an in-house database. The printed Mam EPA Test Methgis consists of the following three sections: A - Numeric Ust by method number. includes the official method number (or a compiler assigned number if un-numbered). name of the chemical or method. and the publication source (noted by a document number). 8 - Alphabetical List by chemical substance or method name. includes the name of the chemical or method. method number. and the publication source (noted by a document number). C - Source List by document number. Includes the document number. title, and where to obtain it. The document numbers may be EPA report numbers (EPA Report #); National Technical information Service (NT lS) numbers (NT is #); Title Forty of the WW mus part numbers (40 CFR); or EPA Region 1 inrary Document Control System num- bers used for shelving the document (006 #). For a given method number multiple entries may be found; this was done to accommo- date multiple substances determined by a single method or to present terms in an inverted order. Some numbers appear to have been used for more than one method, but no attempt was made to reconcile these apparent discrepancies. In some cases individual substances are listed; in others a family of substances is listed under one name. The emphasis was on making the list as extensive as possible (within reason). leaving the deten'ninatlon of the most current and /or appropriate method up to the analyst. - ' This index evolved over several months of extensive data entry by library staff member. Wayne Malin. with revision by Peg Nelson. it will never be complete nor perfect. but with help from its users. it can be corrected. expanded. updated. and improved. Please contact the EPA Region 1 Ubrary at (617) 565-3300 or FT S 835-3300 with your comments. questions and contributions. Numeric List of Test Methods Page No. 03/ 12/88 Method # 0001 0002A 00020 00020 0003 0003 0003 0003. 1 0003. 1 0003.2 0003.3 0003.4 0003.5 0003A 0003A 0004 0004 0004 0004.2 0004.3 0004.4 0004.4 Mlmeric List of EPA Methods by Method Murber or indicator Mame of Method or sLbstance Asbestos Abatement Smple & Velocity Traverse: - Stationary Sources Absorption Flow Rate, Voluaetric and Steel: Gas Velocity Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate Gas Volume Through Pipes and Small Ducts Exhaust Gas Volune Flow Rate - Gasoline Vapor ‘ Flow Rate of Exhaust Gas Carbon Dioxide, Gas Analysis for Demolition Oxygen, Gas Analysis for Closed Conduit Flow Measurement Flow Measurement, Closed Conduit Flow from Pipes Discharging to Atmosphere Flow, Open Channel, Measurements Flow Measurement, Misc. Secondary Devices Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in Emissions Oxygen Concentrations in Emissions Dismantling Moisture Content in Stock Gases Stack Gases, Moisture Content in Davies, Murber of Couple Frequency Monitor, Parameters to Parameters to Monitor EPA Report # 600/2-85-028 600/2-85-028 600/2-85-028 600/fi-02-029 600/b-82-029 600/4-82-029 600/6482‘029 600/lv82'029 600/6-82-029 600l2-85-028 600/4-82-029 600/k'82-029 600/6-82-029 600/4‘82-029 MUS # 40 CFR 60, App A 60,AppA 60,AppA 60, App A 60, App A 60, App A 60, App A 83-12650?» 83-12450} 83-12450! 83-12450} 83-12450} 83-12450} 60, App A 60,AppA 60, App A 60, App A 83-12450: 33.124503 83-124503 83-12450} Page No. 03/12/88 Method I 0004 .5 0006 .5 MOS 0005 0005A 00053 00050 0005E 0005 F 0006 0006 0006 . 8 0006A 0006A 00068 00063 00060 0007 0007 0007. 8 sum 0007c 0007!) 0007B 0008 Nuneric List of EPA Methods by Method Number or Indicator Name of Nethod or Substance EPA Report e ms s 40 m Monitoring Network and ln-Plant Saupling 600/lo-82-029 83426503 Sanpling, ln-Plant and Network Monitoring 600/6-82-029 83424503 Ousting/Vacunira/Niping A 600/2-85-028 Particulate Emissions - Stationary Sources ' - 60, App A Particulate Emissions - Asphalt Processing 7 60, App A ‘ Particulate Matter, NonSulfuric Acid 60, App A Particulate Matter Emissions - Fabric Filters 0 60, App A Particulate Emissions - wool Fiberglass insulat. 60, App A Particulate Matter, NonSulfate 60, App A Encapsulation/Enclosure 600/2-85-028 Sulfur Dioxide Emissions - Stationary Sources , 60, App A Sanpling Industrial Nasteuaters 600/lo-82-029 83-124503 Carbon Dioxide Emissions 60, App A Sulfur Dioxide Emissions 60, App A Carbon Dioxide Daily Average Emissions 60, App A Sulfur Dioxide Daily Average Emissions 60, App A Sulfur Dioxide Emissions - Stationary Sources 60, App A Oritblasting 600/2-85-028 Nitrogen Oxide Emissions - Stationary Sources 60, App A Sanpling Agricultural Discharges “0/“32'029 83424503 Nitrogen Oxide Emissions - Stationary Sources 60, App A Nitrogen Oxide Emissions ~7s‘tationary Sources 60, App A Nitrogen Oxide Emissions - Stationary Sources 60, App A Nitrogen Oxide Emissions - Stationary Sources 60, App A Nitrogen Oxides Emissions - Stationary Sources , . 60, App A Hydroblast i ng/Uateruashi ng 600/2-85-028 00$ # Page No. 3 03/ 12/88 Muaeric List of EPA Methods by Method Murber or indicator Method # Mane of Method or Substance 0008 , Sulfur Dioxide Emissions 0008 Sulfuric Acid Mist Emissions 0008.7 Suplim Haters, Organism I Sediments 0009 macity ~of Emissions - Visual Determination 0009 Painting/coating 0009 Visual Determination of Opacity of Emissions 0009 Alt 1 Opacity of Emissions - Remotely by Lidar 0010 Carbon Monoxide from Stationary Sources 0010 Sanpling Train - Modified Method Method 5 0010 Scarification 0010.8 Sanpling sludges 0010A Carbon Monoxide in CEM at Petroleun Plants 0011 Hydrogen Sulfide Content of fuel Cas Streuns 0011 ladleen 0012 Lead-Inorganic Emissions - Stationary Sources 0012 Solvent Hashing 0012.1 Sauple Collection 0013 Steam cleaning 0013A Fluoride, Total Emissions - Stationary Sources 0013B 4 Fluoride, 10tal Emissions - Stationary Sources 0014 Fluoride Emissions from Potroom Roof Monitors 0014 Vapor-Phase Solvent Extraction 0014.4 Sailple Methods & Equipment - Microbiological 0015 Acid etching 0015 Carbon Disulfide from Stationary Sources 0015 Carbonyl Sulfide EPA Report I 600/4-82-029 600/245-1328 Sit-646 Ch. 10 600/2-85-028 600/4-82-029 Aug 17, 1987 600/2-85 -028 600/2-35-028 600/4-82-029 600/2-85-028 600/2-85-028 600/4-82-029 600/2-85-028 NUS 0 40 CFR 60. App A 60. App A as-msos “,AWA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60.AwA 33-12450: szrnsom 60, App A “MW” 83- 124503 60,AppA “LAWA 60,AppA 83- 124503 6°.APPA “EMA DCS # Page No. 03/12/88 Method # 0015 0015A O016 0016 0016A 0017 0017 0017.1 0013 0010 0019 0019 0020 0020 0020 0020 0020 0020 0021 0021 0022 0021. 0024A 0025 0025 0025A luneric List of EPA Methods by lethod timber or indicator Name of Method or Slbstance EPA Report # Hydrogen Sulfide Sulfur, Total [echoed Eaissions - Petrol Refin. Ileaching 600/2-85-028 Sulfur Emissions - Semicontiruous Sulfur, Total Redicad Emissions Flaming 600/2-85-028 Particulate Emissions - Stationary Sources Sauple Preservation 600/be2-029 _ Drilling and Spelling 600/2-85-028 Organic Coupomd (Gaseous) Emissions by CC K-ZO Sealant 600/2-85-028 Sulfur Dioxide Retnoval Efficiency Microbial degradation 600/2-85-028 Nitrogen Oxides Emission Oxygen Emission Sanpling System, Source Assessment Std-846 Ch 10 ‘Source Assessment Sampling System (SASS) “-866 Ch. 10 Sulfur Dioxide Emission Photochemical Degradation 600/2-85-028 Volatile Organic Coupouads Leaks Visual Determination of Fugitive Emissions Volatile Matter Content, Hater & Density/Coating Volatile Matter Content & Density/Printing inks Gaseous, Total Normthane Organic Emissions Organic, Total Oaseous Normthane Emissions Gaseous, Total Organic Concentration IlTlS I 40 CFR 6°.AppA 60.AppA 6,0.AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 33424503 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60.AppA 60.AppA 60, AppA DCS II Page No. 03/12/88 Method 1'! 0025A “3253 0025! NZ? 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101A 0102 0102 0102 0103 0103 0103 0103 0103 0103 0106 010‘ 0104 0104 0105 0105 0105 . 5 Muneric List of EPA Methods by Method Mulber or Indicator lane of Method or Sibstence Organic Concentration, total Oasews/Flame lon Gaseous, total Organic Concentration Organic Concentration, ‘I’otal Gaseous/Nondislnfr Vapor Tightness of Gasoline Delivery tank Volatile Organic Smpling train Alachlor - Pesticides in Uasteuater Butachlor (8184-66-9) Mercury Emissions - chlor-alkali Air Stream Propachlor (1918-164) Mercury Emissions . Sewage/Sludge incinerator Alachlor - Pesticides in Hasteuater Mercury Emissions - Chlor-alkali Hydrogen Stream Propachlor (1915-16-7) AOP - Pestcides in Hasteuater (industry) Beryllium Screening Method Pesticides, Am in W (industry Analytical) ZAC Zineb lira- (137-30-4) , Benfluralin - Pesticides in Hasteuater Beryllium Emissions from Stationary Sources Ethalfluralin (5523-68-6) lsopropalin (3820-53-0) lenolnyl - Pesticides in Uasteuater Cerbendazim (10605-21-7) Mercury in Sewage sludge EPA Report ! 09-066 015. 10 “0/1-83-079-0 640/1-83-079-0 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1-83-079-0 040/113-0794: “0/1-83-079‘0 1.40/1 ~83'079-C “0]1-83-079-0 440/143-0794: “0]1-83-079-0 “0/1 13-0794: “0/1-03-079-0 “0]1-03-079-0 “0/1-83-07'9°C MTIS I 60 CFR 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA “Apr-M GLAwB 61,AppB 61,AppB 61,AppB «.mp3 61,AppB 005 I! Page No. 03/ 12/88 Method I 0106 0106 0106 0107 0107 0107A 0108 0108 0109 0109 0109 0109 0109 0110 10110 0110.1 0110.2 0110.3 0111 0111 0112 0113 0113 0114 0115 0116 6 luueric List of EPA Methods by Method timber or Indicator lane of Method or Substance lemuyl - Pesticides in Hastauater Carbendazin Vinyl Chloride from Stationary Sources Ientazon (us 351-10 Vinyl Chloride Content of "process Uasteuater Vinyl Chloride Content of Solvents Arsenic Emissions, Particulate I Gaseous Colstar - Pesticides in Hasteuater Bronacil Mexazinone liethomyl Oxamyl Terbacil Susan - Nonconventional Pesticides/liasteuater Chromatographic Resolution, Deternining Color - Colorimetric, ADM! Color - Colorimtric-PlatiMI-Cobalt Color - Spectrophotometric Carbofuran Poloniun-Zw Emissions from Stationary Sources Chlorobenzilate Chlorpyrifos Chlorpyrifos methyl Counaphos Cyanazine Cyanazine [BLADEXU’IDJ EPA Report I 440/1-83-079'0 440/1-83-079-C 440/143-0794: 440/1 -83-079-C 440/1-83~079-C 440/1-83-079-C 440/1-83-079-C 440/1-83-079-1: 440/1-83-079-C 440/1-83-079-C 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 440/1°83-079-C 440/1-83-079-0 440/1-83-079-C 440/1-83-079-C 440/143-0794: 440/1 -83-079-C 440/1-83-079-C "US I 84-174705 84-12867? 84-128677 84-128677 40 079 61,AppB 61,Aw8 61,App3 61, App 0 61,Atp8 DCS # Page No. 03/ 12/88 Method # 0116 0117 0118 ' 0119 0119 0119 0120 0120 0120 0120.1 0121 0121 0121 0122 0123 0124 0124 0125 0125 0126 0127 0120 0129 0130 0130 0130 7 luneric List of EPA Methods by Method timber or Indicator lane of Method or Substance Stirofos 2,4-08 Dee: chhlorvos Ievirphos 01109211111111) Hated Dichlorvos Hevirphos [PHOSDRIMTHN Dialed Conductance - Specific Conductance, It 25 c 2-Sec-Butyl-l1 Dinitrophenol, 6- oinoseb (2-Sec-Butyl-6,6~Dinitrophenol) Dinoseb Ethiont‘m] Etridiezole [TERRAZOLEUMH Terrezole (1H) Etridiezole Dasenit (I’M) Fensulfothicn Fensulfothion [DASANI‘KTIDJ Fenthion Glyphosete Nencozeb [DITMANE #45011)! Ianeb Nephosfolan [CYTROLANEUMN Phorete ‘l’erbufos EPA Report t “0/1'83-079-6 “0/1-83-079-8 “0/1-83-079-6 “OH-8341794: “0H TB—O‘D-C “(J/1.83.0794: “0/1-83-079'8 “0/1'83-079-C 600/1-83-079-C 600/4'79-020 “OM-8341794 1.40/1'83-0794: “0/1~83-079-C “0/113-079-(2 “0/1-83-07'9-1: “0/1'83-079-1: “0/1-83-079-1: “0/1 '83-079-1: 640/113-0794: 440/143-0794: “0/1-83-079-1: “0/1-83-079-6 “OH-8341794: “0l1-83-079-C “0/1-83'079-12 640/113-0794: ITIS I 84-12867? ‘0 CFR DCS I! Page Mo. 8 03/12/88 Muneric Us: of EPA Methods by Method number or Indicator Method # Mute of Method or Slbstence EPA Report I MUS # 40 CFR DCS # 0130.1 Marthe“, Total - Colorinetrlc, Mon-ted EDTA 600/4-79-020 84-12867? 0130.2 Marthe“, Total - Tltrilletric, EDTA 600/4-79-020 84-12867? 0131 Methln (VAPAMCI’M)! 440/1-83-079-0 0132 mm». 99.9mm): “on-33mm: 0133 Methowl 440/1-83-079-0 0134 Mevirphos 440/1-83-079-c 0135 Proflurelin 440/1-83-079-c 0136 , Sinetryn 440/1-83-079-c 013? Triedimefon [BAYLE‘IOMUMN 440/1-83-079-0 0138 Irichloronete 081111011011)! 440/1-83-079-0 0139 tricyclezole 440/1-83-079-C 0140 Glyphosete 440/1-83-079-1: 0140.1 Odor - threshold odor, Consistent Series 600/4-79-020 84-12867? 0141 Irmcil 440/1-83-079-c 0141 Mexezinone, Verbecil, end Brmcil 440/1-83-079-c 0141 Terbecl l 440/1-83-079-c 0142 zirun 440/1-83-079-c 0143 Propachlor 440/1-83-079-0 0144 Fluometuron 440/1-83-079-0 0145 Metribuzin [SEMCORUMH 440/1-83-079-0 0150.1 p“ - Electrometric 600/4-79-020 84-12867? 0150.2 pH - Continuous MmitorimlElectrometric) 600/4-79-020 84-12867? 0160.1 ResidJe, Filtereble 600/4-79-020 84-12867? 0160.2 Residue, Mon-Filtereble 600/4-79-020 84-12867? 0160.2 Solids. Total Suspended 600/4-79-020 84-12867? 0160.3 Residue, Total 600/4-79-020 84-12867? Page No. 9 03/12/88 luneric List of EPA Methods by Nethodllmber or Indicator lethod # lane of Method or Substance 0160.6 Residue, Volatile 0160.5 Residae, Settleable latter 0160.5 Solids, Settelable 0170.1 Ruperature - Therm-uric 0180.1 turbidity - lephelonetric 0198A Arsenic Content in Ore Samples 0200.7 Trace Element (Metals) - XCP 0200.7 trace Element - [CF 0200.? App Arsenic by ICP 0200.7 App Bariun by 11:? 0200.7 App cadniun by ICP 0200.7 App chromium by xcp 0200.7 App Copper by ICP 0200.? App inductively Cowled Plasma (10?) 0200.? App Iron by 10? 0200.7 App Lead by 11:? 0200.7 App Manganese by ICP 0200.7 App silver by 10? 0200.7 App zinc by 11:? 0202.1 Alminun - AA, Direct Aspiration 0202.2 Alminuu - AA, Furnace technique 0206.1 Antimony - AA, oirect Aspiration 0206.2 Antimony - AA, Furnace 1echnique 0206.2 Arsenic - AA, Furnace Technique 0206.3 Arsenic - AA, Gaseous Hydride 0206.6 Arsenic - Spectrophotometric - 5001: EPA Report I 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 ‘ soc/k-n-ozo 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 EHSL ENSL EH51. E1151. EHSL EHSL 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 NUS 8 60 CFR 085 # 86-12867? 86-12867? 01A0005369 86-12867? 86-12867? 61.App3 86-12867? 136, App C 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? Page No. 03/12/88 Method 8 0206.5 0208.1 0208.2 0210.1 0210.2 0212.3 0213.1 0213.2 0215.1 0215.2 0218.1 0218.2 0218.3 0218.6 0218.5 0219.1 0219.2 0220.1 0231.2 0235.1 0235.2 0236.1 0236.2 0239.1 10 Imeric List of EPA Methods by Method Number or indicator lane of Method or swstance Arsenic - Digestion Prior to Total Analysis Dariu- - AA, Direct Aspiration Iariul - AA, Furnace Technique Derylliul - AA, Direct Aspiration Derylliua - AA, Furnace Tachnicpe Ioron - Colorimetric, Curcunin Cadniun - AA, Direct Aspiration Cadniun - AA, Furnace techniqae Calcium - AA, Direct Aspiration Calcium - Titrinetric, EDTA Chromiun - AA, Direct Aspiration Chromium - AA, Furnace Chromiun - AA, Chelation-Extraction Chromiun, Mexavalent - Chelation-Extraction Chroniun, ilexavalent Dissolved - AA, Furnace Cobalt - AA, Direct Aspiration Cobalt - AA. Furnace Copper - AA, Direct Aspiration Copper - AA, Furnace Gold - AA, Direct Aspiration Cold - AA, Furnace Iridium - AA, Direct Aspiration ldidim - AA, Furnace iron - AA, Direct Aspiration iron - AA, Furnace Lead - AA, Direct Aspiration EPA Report I 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 _ 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 8115 8 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-128677 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-128677 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-128677 86-12867? 86-128677 86-128677 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-128677 86-12867? 86-128677 86-128677 60 CFR 005 8 Page No. 03/12/88 Method 8 0239. 2 0242.1 0243.1 0243.2 0245.1 0245.2 0245.5 0246. 1 0246.2 0249.1 0249.2 0252 . 1 0252.2 0253 . 1 0253.2 0255.1 0255.2 0258.1 0264.1 0264.2 0265.1 0265 .2 0267.1 026? . 2 0270 . 2 0270 .3 11 lineric List of EPA Methods by Method Mulber or Indicator lane of Method or Slbstance Lead - AA, Furnace Magnesium - AA, Direct Aspiration Mmanese - AA, Direct Aspiration Manganese - AA, Furnace Mercury - Cold Vapor, Manual Mercury - Cold Vapor, Automated Mercury - Cold Vapor, Sediment Manual Molybdenum - AA, Direct Aspiration Molybdenum - AA, Furnace Nickel AA, Direct Aspiration Nickel - AA, Furnace Osmium - AA, Direct Aspiration Osmium - AA, Furnace Palladium - AA, Direct Aspiration Palladium - AA, Furnace Platinum - AA, Direct Aspiration Platinum - AA, Furnace Potassium - AA, Direct Aspiration Rhenium - AA. Direct Aspiration lheniln AA, Furnace Rhodium AA, Direct Aspiration Rhodiln - AA, Furnace Ruthenium - AA, Direct Aspiration Ruthenium - AA, Furnace Selenium - AA, Furnace Selenium - AA, Gaseous Hydride EPA Report I 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 NUS 8 84-128677 84-128677 84-12867? ‘0 CFR 84428677 _ 84-1286T7 84-12867? 84-128677 84-128677 84-128677 84-128677 84-128677 84-12867? 84-12867? 84-128677 84-128677 84-128677 84-12867? 84-128677 84-12867? . 84-12867? 84-128677 84-12867? 84-12867? 84-12867? 84-12867? 84-12867? 08$ 8 Page No. 03/ 12/88 Method I 0272.1 0272.2 0273.1 0273.2 0279.1 0279.2 0202.1 0202.2 0203.1 0203.2 0286.1 0200.2 0209.1 0209.2 0300.0 0300.0 0300.0 0300.0 0300.0 0300.0 0300.0 0305.1 0305.2 0310.1 0310.2 0320 . 1 12 Imeric List of EPA Hethods by Method Huber or Indicator lane of Method or Sibstance Silver - AA, Direct Aspiration Silver - AA, Furnace Sodiu - AA, Direct Aspiration Sodium - AA, Furnace thalliua - AA, Direct Aspiration Thalliun - AA, Furnace ‘iin - AA, Direct Aspiration Yin - AA, Furnace Titaniun - AA, Direct Aspiration Titanium - AA, Furnace Vanadiun - AA, Direct Aspiration Vanadiun - AA, Furnace zinc - AA, Direct line - AA, Furnace chloride by it: Fluoride by it: inorganic Anions (Non-Metallics) - Hater by It: Nitrate-ll by ll: Nitrite by It: Ortho-Phosphate-P Sulfate Acidity - Titrinetric Acidity - ‘l'itrinetric (Acid Rain) Alkalinity - iitrimetric, pH 6.5 Alkalinity - Colorimetric, Autcniated Bromide - iitrimetric EPA Report I 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 6M/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-86-017 600/6-86-01? 600/6-86-017 600/6-86-01? 600/6-86-017 600/6-86-01? 600/6-86-017 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 INS I 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-128677 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-128677 86-128677 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-128677 86-128677 86-128677 60 CFR DCS # Page No. 03/12/88 Method I 0325.1 0325.2 0325.3 0330.1 0330.2 0330.3 0330.4 0330.5 0335.1 0335.2 0335.3 0340.1 0340.2 0340.3 '0345.1 0350.1 0350.2 0350.3 0351.1 0351.2 0351.3 0351.4 0352.1 0353.1 0353.2 0353 .3 13 Nuneric List of EPA Nethods by Method Nuber or Indicator Name of Method or Substance Chloride - Colorimetric, Auto. Ferricyanide A I Chloride - Colorinetric, Auto. FerricyanideA ll Chloride - Titrinetric, Nercuric Nitrate Chloride, Total Residual - Titrinetric Chlorine, Total Residual - Titrinetric, Back Chlorine, Total Residual - Titrinetric, iodonet. Chlorine, Total Residual - Titrimetric, CPD-PAS Chlorine, Total Residual - Spectrophotometric, Cyanides, Amenable to Chlorination - Titrimetric Cyanide, Total - Titrinetric, Spectrophotmtric Cyanide, Total - Colorimetric, Automated UV Fluoride, Total - Colorimetric Fluoride - Potentionetric fluoride - Colorimetric Iodide - Titrinetricr Nitrogen, Amonia - Colorimetric Nitrogen, Ammonia - Colorimetric, Titrinetric Nitrogen, Amonia - Potentionetric Nitrogen, Kieldahl, Total - Colorimetric/Auto. Nitrogen, Kieldahl, Total - Colorintric Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total - Colorintric/Titri. Nitrogen, Kieldahl, Total - Potentiometric Nitrogen, Nitrate - Colorinetric, Irocine Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite - Colorimetric/Hydra. Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite - Colorimtric/Cadniun Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite - Nanual‘Codniun EPA Report I 600/4-79-020 GOO/b79420 600/4-79-020 “#494120 600/4-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4'79-020 600/4-7'9-020 60014-794120 600/4-79-020 600/6'79-020 600/4-79-020 600/979-0213 600/4-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/449-1120 600/449-1120 - 60014-79-020 600/4-19-020 600/4-19-020 600/4-79-020 500/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/6-79-020 ITIS I Bio-128677 86-12867? ‘0 CFR DCS # Page No. 03/ 12/88 Method # 0356.1 0360.1 0360.2 0365.1 0365.2 0365.3 0365.6 0370.1 0375.1 0375.2 0375.3 0375.6 0376.1 0376.2 0377.1 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601.3 0602 14 Museric List of EPA Methods by Method timber or indicator Mane of Method or Substance Nitrogen, Mitrite - Spectrophotometric dxyaen, Dissolved - Macbrane Electrode (Probe) Oxygen, Dissolved - Modified Uinkler Phosphorus, All Form - ColorioatriclAutonsted Phosfliorus, All Pom - Colorimetric/(he lean. Phosphorus, All Pom - Coloriutric/Tuo lean. Phosphorus, Total - Colorimetric/Automated silica, Dissolved - Colorimetric Sulfate Colorimetric, Automated, chloranilate Sulfate - Colorimetric, Automted, Methylthymol Sulfate - Gravilnetric Sulfate Turbidinetric Sulfide I titrimetric, iodine Sulfide Colorinetric, Methylene Blue Sulfite Titrioetric AOP - Pesticides in Uasteuater (Contractor) Ferbam (15484-664) Miacide Miacide Miscide - Pesticides in Ussteuater Pesticides, AG? in w (Contractor Analytical) ZAC Zineb Zirun Oxygen, chemical Demnd - high Level Senomyl (17804-35-2) EPA Report I 600/4-79-020 600/449-020 600/16-79-020 , 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/6-7'9-020 600/6-79-020 600/16-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/6-79-020 “0/1-83-079-6 “0/1-83-079-C “OH-B-ON-C “0]1-83-079-(2 640/113-0794: “0/1 13-0794: “0]1-83-079-(2 “0]1-83-0794: “0/1-83-079-82 600/6-79-020 “0/1-83-079-6 ITIS I 40 CFR DCS it Page No. 03/ 12/88 fiethod a 0402 0403 0404 0404 0405 0405 0405 0405.1 0405.1 0406 0407 0408 0409 0410.1 0410.1 0410.2 0410.2 0410.3 0410.3 0410.4 0410.4 0413.1 0413.2 0415.1 0415.2 15 limeric List of EPA Methods by Method Huber or indicator lane of Hethod or Substance Carbendazim (10605-21-7) Carbofuran Chlorobenzilate Profluralin ‘l’erbutyn 2,4-DB lsobutyl Ester, 2,4-08 (51550-64-2) laoctyl Eater, 2,4-DB(1320-15-6) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (son) - 5 Days, 20 C Oxygen, Biochemical Demand (BID) Dinoseb Dinoseb Nethomyl Cyanazine Chemical Oxygen Demand ~ titrimetric, Hid-Level Oxygen, Chemical Demand - Titrimetric/Hid-Level Chemical Oxygen Demand - Titrimetric, Low Level Oxygen, Chemical Demand - Titriletric/Lou Level Chemical Oxygen Demand - titrimetric, High Level Oxygen, Chemical Demand/Titrimetric'lligh Level Chemical Oxygen Demand - Colorimetric Oxygen, Chemical Demand - Colorimetric oil & Crease, total, Recoverable - Cravimetric Oi l l Grease, Total Recoverable - Spectrophot. Organic Carbon, Total - Carbustion or Oxidation Organic Carbon, Total - UV Promoted EPA Report I 440/1-83-079-0 440/1-83-07'9-0 440/1-83-079-0 440/1'83-079-0 440l1-83-079-C 440l1-03-079-C 440/1-83-079-0 440/1-83-079- C 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 440/1-83-079-C 440I1-83-079-C 440/1-83-079-0 440] 1 43-0794: 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79~020 600/4-79-020 600/4~79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 INS I 40 CFR DCS # Page No. 03/12/88 Nethod # 0410.1 0420.1 0420.2 0420.3 0425.1 0450.1 0430.2 0450.1 0450.1 0501.1 0501.2 0501.5 0502.1 0502.2 0503.1 0503.1 0504 0504 0504 0505 0505 0505 0505 IA 0505 0505 0505 16 Nuneric List of EPA Methods by Method timber or Indicator lane of Method or abstance Petrolem hydrocarbon, Total lecoverable' - Phenolics, Total Aecoirerable - Spectrophot/IBTII Phenolics, Total Recoverable - Coloriaetric Phenolicc, Total Recoverable - Spectrophot/Ian. Methylene Ilue Active Substances (MBAS) ITA - Colorimetric, Hamel, lino-zincon DITA - Colorimetric, Automated, zinc-Zincon Halide, Total Organic Total Organic Halide Trihalcmethanes - Finished Hater/Purge E Trap Trihalomethanes in OH by Limid/Liquid Trihalcmethanes in Drinking Hater by (EC/HS Volatile Halogenated Organic Coupomds in Hater Volatile Organic Curpomds - Hater/Purge & Trap Organic, Unsaturated Coupomds in Hater Volatile Aromatic I. Unsaturated Organic Coupomd OBCP in Drinking Hater by ulcroextraction EOE in nu by Hicroextraction Extraction, licro, E03 and 081:? in W Aldrin Aroclors in Drinking Hater Chlordane (57-74-9) Oieldrin (60-57-1) Endrin (72-20-8) ueptachlor (7646-8) Heptachlor Epoxide (1024-57-3) EPA Report I 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/‘49-020 600/6-79-020 GOO/#792020 600/5-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/4581-056.. 600/b81-056 600/0‘80-019 600/0-80-020 NUS I 40 CFR DCS # 0110005114 0110004678 0110005017 01A0004678' 0110004678 0110004570 0110004578 0110004670 0110005019 0110005019 0110005019 0110005019 0110005019 0110005019 01A0005019 Page Ho. 03/12/88 Method H 0505 0505 0505' 0505 0507 0508 0510.1 0515 0515 0515 0515 0515 0515 0515 0515 0515 0515 052/. 0524.1 0524.2 0531 0531 17 Huneric List of EPA Methods by Hethod Huber or indicator Heme of Method or swstance EPA Report t Hexachlorobenzene (115-711-1) Undone (SB-89'?) Pesticides, Organohalide I. Aroclors in OH Toxaphene (8001-35-2) Pesticides, Nitrogen & Phosphorus in OH Pesticides, chlorinated in Gromduater by cc Trihalomethane, Haxiuun Total - Potential ‘ 600/4-81-044 2,4,5-1 (93-76-5) Herbicides in DH 2,4,5-1? (silvex 93-72-1) Herbicides in OH 2,4-0 (Chlorinated Herbicides in Oil) 2.4-” (94-82-6) Herbicides in OH Dalapon (75-99-0) Dicuba (1918-00-9) Herbicides in OH Oinoseb (88-85-7) Herbicides, Chlorinated in Drinking Hater Pentachloropheml (PCP) Herbicides in OH Picloram Purgeeble Organic Coupomds DH ~ Volatile Organic Culpomds - by Purge & trap Volatile Organic Cowomds - Hater/Purge & Trap H-Hethyl Carbumtes in Oil by HPLC 600/4-85-054 H-Hethyl Carbumyloxilues in OH by HPLC 600/4-85-05A Purgeable Halocarbons Benzene chlorobenzene (108-90-7) Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- ITIS * 40 CFR 136, 136, 136, 136, AppA AppA AppA App A DES # 01A0005019 01A0005019 01A0005019 01A0005019 MAOOOSDZO 01A0005021 01A0005022 01A0005022 01A0005022 01A0005022 01A0005022 01A0005022 01A0005022 O1AO005022 01A0005022 01A0005022 01‘0005023 01A0004678 01A00011678 Page No. 03/12/88 Method 0 0604.1 0604.1 0608.1 0608.1 0608.1 0608.1 0608.1 0608.2 0608.2 0608.2 0608.2 0608.2 0608.2 10 Numeric List of EPA Methods by Method Number or Indicator Meme of Method or Substance EPA Report I oichlorobenzene, 1.3- (541-73-1) Dichlorobenzene, 1.4- (106-46-7) Ethylbenzene (100-41-4) Purgesble Aromatics toluene (1113-88-3) Acrolein Acrylonitrile Phenols Dichlorophen EMSL Mexechlorphen EMSL Benzidines Phthslete Ester Mitrosemines Orgenochlorine Pesticides PCB: chlorobenzi late 440/1-83-079~c Dibromochloropropane 440/1-83-079-0 Etridilzole 440/1-83-079-0 Organochlorine Pesticides in Ussteueter . ‘ 600/4-82-003 Propochlor 440/1-83-079-0 Chlorothelonil (1897-45-6) DCPA (1861-3211) Dichloren (99-30-9) Methoxychlor (72-43-5) Orgamchlorine Pesticides in Uss‘teuater by ac Pemthrin (52645'53-1) ITIS I 60 CFR 136, App A 136, App A 136, AppA 136, App A “136, AppA 136, App A 136, App A 136, App A 136, App A 136, App A 136, App A 136, App A 136. AppA 82- 155979 00$ # 01A0005294 01 A0005 294 01A0005294 01A0005294 0 1A0005 294 01A0005294 Page No. 03/12/88 Method I 0610 0611 0612 0613 0614 0614 0614.1 0615 0615 0616 0616 0616 0616 0617 0617 0617 0618 0618 0618 0619 0619 0619 0622 19 Numeric List of EPA Methods by Method Nurber or Indicator lane of Method or Substance Isophorone litroerometics and Isophorone Polynucleer Aromtic hydrocarbons lleloethers Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Tetrechlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, 2,3,7,8~(TCDD) Ethion - Pesticides in Hasteueter Pesticides, Organophosphorus In W Pesticides, Organophosphorws in w Dinoseb herbicides, Chlorinated in Hasteuater c, u, end 0 CW5 Cycloprate Kinoprene Iethoprene Carbpohrnothiom - Pesticides in Ussteuater PCBs Pesticides, Organohalide and Peas in w Chloropicrin Ethylenedibromide Pesticides, Vol-tile iri w by GC Pesticides, Triezine in w sinetryn - Pesticides in Hesteuater Terbutryn - Pesticides in Ussteueter Diphenylemine in Ussteuater by ac Pesticides, Organophosphorus in w - EPA Report # uon-ss-m-c 600/4-82-004 ‘ susn. 440/1-33-079-c 600/4-82-005 600/4-85-019 EHSL EHSL east 1.40/1 ~33-079-c 500/4-32-006 600/4-82-006 cast an em 600/4-82—007 uon-as-on-c uon-as-on-c EHSL 600/4-82-008 "US I 40 CFR DCS # 136, AppA 136, AppA 136, AppA 136, Appl 136, AppA 136. AppA 82455987 82-155995 85-188951 82-156001 82-156019 82- 156027 Page No. 03/12/88 Method I 0622.1 0622.1 0622.1 0622.1 0622.1 0622.1 0622.1 0626-5 0626-5 0625-5 0625-8 20 Nuneric List of EPA Methods by Method Number or Indicator line of Method or Slbstance ‘l’richloronate - Pesticides in Uasteuater Oichlorophenthion F-pur Fonitrothion Fonofos Pesticides, Thiophosphate Phosmet Thionazin Purgeables Organic Priority Pollutants in Sludges sludges, Organic Priority Pollutants - Interim Acids and Base/Neutrals lose/Neutrals and Acids Pentachlorophenol Salt - Pesticides in w Priority Pollutants, Organic, in sludges sludges, Organic Priority Pollutants Enfluralin Ethalfluralin lsopropolin Pesticides. Oinitroaniline in Hesteueter Profluralin Cyanezine Cyanozine - Pesticides in Hasteuater AW Amobam (3566-10-7) EPA Report ! ENSL ENSL £1151. 600/6-86-001 600/6-86-001 660/1-03-079-0 600/6-06-001 600/6-86-001 660/ 1-83/079-0 660/113-0794: 660/1-03-079-0 600/6-02-009 660/ 1 43-0794: 600/6-82-010 660/1 13-07942 660/143-0794: 'uon-as-on-c INS I 60 CFR 005 # 660/1 ~83-079-C 136, App A 86429068 86429068 136, App A 136. AppA 06-129068 Ole-129068 02-158035 02-15606} Page No. 03/12/88 Method 0 0630.1 0630.1 0630.1 0630.1 0630.1 0630.1 0630.1 0630.1 21 fluneric List of EPA Methods by Method timber or Indicator lane of Method or Substance Susan Iusan «0 Susan 85 Carbon Ferhen KN Methyl Hancozeb Ileneb (12327-38-2) Hethem (137-42-8) Nahum (142-59-6) Niecide Pesticides, Dithiocerbamtes in Hasteuater Polyrun (9006-42-2) Sodiun Dimthyldithiocarbemate (128-044) This-In (137-26-8) lAC Zineb zinm Iusen 60 Fer-bun K11 Methyl Mozeb lebun Nebohate Pesticides, Dithiocarbamates by GC Sodiun Dimthyl-dithiocerbamate EPA Report I “0/1/83-079-0 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1‘33-079-0 1.40/1-33-079-1: “0/1 '83-079-0 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1 ~83-079-C “0/1 '83-079-0 “0/1 ~83-079-C “0/1 -83-079-C “0/1 -83-079-C 600/6-82-011 “0/1-33-079-0 “0/1 '83-079-0 “0/1-83-0794: “0/1 -83-079- C “0/1 -83-079-C “0/1 '83-079-0 E1151. E1151. EMSL EHSL E1151. EMSL EHSL EHSL NUS 8 82-156050 (.0 CFR 005 it Page No. 03/12/88 Method I 0630.1 0630.1 0633.1 0633.1 0633.1 0633.1 E E E 22 Imeric List of EPA Methods by Method Huber or Indicator lane of Method or abet-nee thirln zineb leMIIyl - Pesticides in Hasteuate lemuyl - in Hesteuater Carbendazin Cerbofuren - in Hasteuater Fluuneturon Hethomyl Oxanlyl Pesticides. Carbonate and Urea Brmcil beet flex-zinone Ietribuxin Pesticides, Organonitrogen iri w Terbacil Triedimefon (63121-43-3) Tricyclezole (41816-78-2) Fenlrilol IGK~256 "GK-326 Pesticides, leturel litrogen-Containim Prcnluide Iutylete Cycloete EPTC EPA Report # EHSL ENSL “011-83-079-0 600/10-82-012 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1-33-079-0 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1-83-079-1: “0/1-83-079-0 600/4-82-014 “0/1-33-079-0 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1-83-07'9-0 600/4-32-013 “0/1'83'079-0 uon-u-on-c “0/1-83-079-0 EHSL ‘ EHSL EHSL “5L EHSL EMSL ENSL ENSL “US I 82456068 82456084 82-156076 40 CFR 005 # Page No. 03/12/88 23 Numeric List of EPA Methods by Method timber or Indicator lane of Method or Stbstonce CivCord Iolinote Pebulote Pesticides, Thiocarbunate in W by SC, Vernolote lotenone by LC Bensulide by Lc NETS in Hastcuater by LC 1011: in Hasteuater by LC Oryzalin in Hasteuater Bendiocarb in Hesteuater by LC Nercoptobenzothiczole in Uasteuater by LC Thilbendazole (148-79-8) in W by LC Phenol, Biphenyl and Ortho Phenyl- by LC lentazon (Bosagren) in Hasteuater by LC Piclorcm in Unsteuater by Lc Alochlor (15972-60-8) Iutechlor (23186-66-9) Diphenunid (957-51-7) Fluridone (59756-604) Lethone (112-56-1) Iorflurazon (27316-13-2) Pesticides, Amine in Hasteuater by CC Pesticides, Dinitro Aromatic PCB: in Hater & Soil/Sediment by CC/Ms pesticides in Hater I Soil/Sediment by GC/MS EPA Report I EHSL EMSL EHSL ENSL ENSL EHSL EHSL ENSL EHSL EHSL EHSL NUS 3 40 CFR DCS # 01A0005291 01 A0005 293 01A0005293 01A0005293 01A0005293 01A0005293 01A0005293 01A0005293 01 A0005 293 01A0005295 01A000529S Page No. 03/12/88 Method 0 0701 0701 0701 0900.1 0908.1 0908.2 0910 0911 0912 1000 1000 1001 24 Muneric List of EPA Methods by Method umber or Indicator Mine of Method or Substance Carbophenothion Dichlofenthion Dioxathion Radioactivity, Gross Alpha and Gross Eeta Radial, Gross Alpha Screening Procedure Radioactive Cesiun 6m Emitting Radiomclides Radionuclides, Gama Emitting Radioactive Iodine Alpha-Emitting Radian laotopes Radian, Alpha-Emitting Isotopes Radian-226 Radon Enanation Technique Radian-228 Radioactive Strontium tritium Actinide Elements Uraniuu - ladiochemical Method Uranium - Fluoranetric Method Uraniun in DU by Laser Indirect Fluorouetry Lead-210 in Drinking Hater thoriun in Drinking Hater i’lutoniun in Drinkim Hater Poloniun-Z‘IO in Drinking Hater Chronic Toxicity, Survival 1. Growth Survival & Growth of Fathead Mimou Larval chronic Toxicity, Survival & leratogenicity EPA Report I 040/143-0794 unn-as-on-c 040/143-0794: com—00032 soon-00032 600/4-80-032 woman-032 600/4-80-032 600/4-80~032 soon-00032 soon-00032 60014-110032 soon-00032 soon-00032 600/4-00-032 woman-032 woman-032 6W/4-00'032 600/4-00-032 600/4-84-014 600/4-85-014 600/4-85-014 ITIS I 06- 158474 86- 158474 86458474 005 f 01 A0004860 01A0004860 01 A0004860 01A0004860 Page Mo. 03/12/88 25 Muaeric List of EPA Methods by Method umber or Indicator Method # Mame of Method or Swstance 1001 1002 1002 1003 1003 1010 1010 1020 1020 1110 1110 1310 1320 1330 1330 1624 1625 1625 1625 2031 3010 3020 3040 3050 3500 Survival & Teratogenicity/Fathead Mimou Eabryo Chronic Toxicity, Survival & Reproduction Survival & Reproduction of Ceridaphnia Chronic Toxicity, Growth of Algal Growth of Algal - chronic Toxicity lgnitability, Pensky-Martins closed-up Method Pensky-Martens Closed-Cm -lgnitability lgnitability, Setaflash Closed-Cm Method Setaflash closed-Cw Method Corrosivity Touard Steel Steel, Corrosivity Toward Extraction Procedure Toxicity Test Method Extraction Procedure, Multiple Extraction Procedure If‘or Oily Uastes Oily Uastes, Extraction Procedure I Volatile Organic Coupomds Organic Coupomds, Semivolatile by OCIMS Organic Coupomds, Volatile by OC/MS Senivolatile Organic Cumulus/Isotope Dilution Drying and Concentrating Solvent Extracts Acid Digestion of Haters for Metals Acid Digestion for Flute AA Acid Digestion for Furnace AA Dissolution Procedure - Oils, Greases, or Uaxes Acid Digestion of Sludges ’ Extraction, Organic and Sample Preparation EPA Report # 600/4-65-016 600/6-65-016 600/6-05-016 660/6-05-016 660/AEaS-o16 su-046 Ch 6 su-646 Ch. 0.1 00-646 Ch 0 su-a46 Ch. 8.1 su-066 Ch. 8.2 SH-Bko Ch 3.2 su-a66 Ch. 6.6 su-366 ch. 6 00-066 Ch. 6 SU-B‘échb GOOIB-M-OOZ su-066 Ch. 3 su-666 ch. 3 30.066 Ch. 3 su-046 ch. 3 su-666 ch. 3 09-066 Ch £.2.1 ITIS I ‘0 CFR 86- 158474 86458474 06458474 06.158476 8645847192,, 136, App A 136, App A 136, App A 136, App A filo-155845 005 if Page No. 03/12/88 Method 6 3500 3500 3510 3520 3520 3560 3550 3580 3610 3610 3611 3611 3650 3810 5030 5060 6010 26 lluneric List of EPA Methods by liethod Number or Indicator Name of Method or Slbstance' Organic Extraction 8 Emple Preparation Suple Preparation Extraction, Separatory Panel timid-timid Extraction, Contim Liwid-Licpid timid-timid Continuous Extraction Extraction, Soxhlet Extraction, Sonication Haste Dilution Cleanip Alumina Coluvn Cleanup Clearxp, Alunina Colurn Alunina Colum Cleanlp 8. Separation of Petrol. Clam, Alumina Colum/ Separation of Petroleun Cleanip, Florisil Colum Florisil Colum Claarxp Claanlp, silica Gel Clem, Gel-Preparation Acid-Base Partition cleanup Cleanup, Sulfur ilaabpace Extraction, liexadecane Hexadecane Extraction & Screening - Organics Organics, Screening of Extraction Purge-and-Trap Method Volatile Organic Sanpling - wet Stack Gas Effl inductively Cowled Plasma Atomic Emission Spec EPA Report I ITIS # 60 CFR DCS # “-866 Ch. 6.2.1 “-866 Ch 6.2.1 “-866 Ch. 6.2.1 V “-866 Ch. 6.2.1 “-866 Ch 6.2.1 “-866 Ch. 6.2.1 “-866 Ch. 6.2.1 “-866 Ch. 6.2.1 “-866 Ch. 6.2.2 “-866 Ch. 6.2.2 “-866 Ch 6.2.2 “-866 Ch. 6.2.2 “-866 Ch 6.2.2 “-866 Ch 6.2.2 “-866 Ch. 6.2.2 “-866 Ch. 6.2.2 “-866 Ch. 6.2.2 “-866 Ch. 6 “-866 Ch. 6.2.2 “-866 Ch. 6.6 “-866 Ch 6.6 “-866 Ch. 6.6 “-866 Ch 6.6 “-866 Ch. 6.2.1 “-866 Ch. 6.2.1 “-866 Ch. 3 Page No. 03/12/88 lethod I 27 Museric List of EPA Methods by Method lumber or indicator Mame of Method or abstance 7000 , , 7AA ,, 7020 Aluninun - AA, Direct Aspiration 7040 Antimony - AA, Direct Aspiration 7041 Antimony - AA, Furnace Technique 7060 Arsenic - AA, Furnace ‘l’echnicpe 7061 Arsenic - AA, Dasews Hydride 7080 Dariun - AA, Direct Aspiration 7090 Berylliun - AA, Direct Aspiration 7091 Berylliun - AA, Furnace Iechnicpe 7130 Cadniun - AA, Direct Aspiration 7131 Cadniun - AA, Furnace Method 7140 Calcium - AA, Direct Aspiration 7190 Chromiun - AA, Direct Aspiration 7191 Chromiun - AA, Furnace Method 7195 Chromiun, Mexavalent - Coprecipitation Method 7195 iiexavalent Chromiun - Coprecipitation Method 7196 Chromiun, Mexavalent - Colorimetric Method 7196 V Mexavalent Chromium - Colorimetric Method 7197 Chromiun, Mexavalent - Chelstion Extraction 7197 Mexavalent Chromiun - ChelationlExtraction 7198 Chromium, Mcxavalent - Diff. Pulse Polarogrphy 7200 Cobalt - AA, Direct Aspiration 7201 Cobalt - AA, Furnace Technicpe n10 Copper - AA, Direct Aspiration 7580 iron - AA, Direct Aspiration 7420 Lead - AA, Direct Aspiration EPA Report I “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846Ch3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846Ch3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 CH 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 3 NUS 8 82-17256 40 CFR DCS # Page No. 03/ 12/88 Method 8 7421 7450 7460 7470 7471 7480 7481 7520 7521 7550 7610 7740 7741 7760 7870 7910 7911 8010 8010 8015 8015 8020 Muaeric List of EPA Methods by Method Number or Indicator lane of Method or Substance Lead - AA, Furnace Method Magnesium - AA, Direct Aspiration Manganese - AA, Direct Aspiration Mercury - Manual Cold Vapor Techniqae Mercury in Solid or Semisolid Haste Molybdenun - AA, Direct Aspiration Molybdenum - AA, Furnace Technique Nickel - AA, Direct Aspiration Mickel - AA, Furnace Method Osmium - AA, Direct Aspiration Potassiun - AA, Direct Aspiration Seleniun - AA, Furnace Method Selenium - AA, Gaseous Hydride Silver - AA, Direct Aspiration Sodiun - AA, Direct Aspiration Thalliun - AA, Direct Aspiration thalliun - AA, Furnace 1echnique Tin - AA, Direct Aspiration Vanadium - AA, Direct Aspiration Vanadiun - AA, Furnace Technique zinc - AA, Direct Aspiration Malogenated Volatile Organics Organics, llalogenated Volatile Morhalogenated Volatile Organics Organics, Norhalogenated Volatile Aromatic Volatile Organics EPA Report “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. “-846 Ch. 3 4.3.1 “-846 Ch 4.3.1 “-846 Ch. 4.3.1 “-846 Ch 4.3.1 “-846 Ch. 4.3.1 NTIS 8 40 CFR 0C5 # Page No. 03/12/88 Method 9 8020 8030 8030 8100 8120 8160 8150 8150 82110 8250 8270 8280 8280 8310 9010 9020 9020 9022 29 Mmeric List of EPA Methods by Method timber or Indicator Name of Method or smstance Organics, Aromatic Volatile Acetonitrile Acrolain Acrylonitrile Phenols Phthalate Esters Organochlorine Pesticides PCBs Ketones, Cyclic litroaromatics and Cyclic Ketones Polynoclear Aromatic hydrocarbons Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Organophosphorua Pesticides Chlorinated Herbicides llerbicides, Chlorinated Organics, Volatile - ISO/MS Organics, Semivolatile - OC/MS Semivolatile Organics - GCIMS Orgnics, Sanivolatile - OCIMS Polychlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxins ItPCOD) Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCOF) Polynuclear Aromatic hydrocarbons Cyanide, Total and Amanable Malides, Total Organic (TOX) Total Organic Nalides (10in Malides, total Organic (10X) EPA Report I su-a16 c1: 1.3.1 59-866 1:11. 1.3.1 50-866 Ch. 1.3.1 su-s16 1:11. 1.3.1 59-866 1:11. 1.3.1 89-866 1:11. 1.3.1 51-1116 Ch. 1.3.1 59-866 1:11 1.3.1 311-846 on 1.3.1 su-a16 Ch. 1.3.1 91-316 1:11. 1.3.1 std-846 Ch. 1.3.1 59-866 1:11. 1.3.1 80-866 1:11. 1.3.1 511-316 ch. 1.3.1 80-846 1111. 1.3.2 «4116 c1. 1.3.2 311-316 1:11. 1.3.2 30-846 1:11.-1.3.2 su-a16 Ch. 1.3.2 311-316 c1: 1.3.2 30-866 1:11. 1.3.3 s11-316 1:11. 5 91-316 Ch. 5 39-846 Ch. 5 Ski-866 Ch. 5 ITIS 8 40 CFR DCS # Page No. 03/12/88 Method 0 9030 9035 9070 9071 9100 9100 9100 9100 30 fluneric List of EPA Methods by Nethod timber or indicator line of Method or Slbstance Sulfide: Sulfate - Colorimetric, Automted, Chloranilate Sulfate - Colori-etric, Autos-ted, lethylthymol Sulfate - Turbidi-etric pol Measurement pH. Paper Iethod Soil pH pH, Soil Conductance - Specific Carbon, Total Organic ‘n Phenolic: - Spectrophotometric, Hamel Phenolics - Colorimetric Phenolics - Spectrophotometric, NBTH oil 6 Crease, Total Recoverable - Gravimetric Oil l Grease - Extraction Method for Sludge Cation-Exchange Capacity of Soils (Ammiun) Soils - Cation-Exchange Capacity Cation-Exchange Capacity of Soils (Sodium) Soils - Cation-Exchange Capatibility Test / Hastes t Ieubrane Liners Liners, Coatiatibility for flutes and Marianne Paint Filter Liquids Test Conductivity, Saturated Hydraulic and Leachate Hydraulic, Saturated Conductivity Leachate, Saturated Conductivity" Saturated Hydraulic I Leachate Conductivity EPA Report 0 “-866 Ch. 5 “-866 Ch. 5 “-866 Ch. 5 “-866 Ch. 5 “-866 Ch. 6 “-866 Ch. 6 “-866 Ch. 6 “-866 Ch. 6 “-866 Ch. 6 “-866 Ch. 5 “-866 Ch. 5 “-866 Ch. 5 “-866 Ch. 5 “-866 Ch. 5 “-866 Ch. 5 “-866 Ch. 6 “-866Ch6 “-866 Ch. 6 su-au- Ch 6‘ “-866 Ch. 6 “-866Ch6 “-866 Ch. 6 “-866Ch6 “-866 Ch. 6 “-866 Ch. 6 “-866 Ch. 6 NUS 3 60 CFR DCS * Page Mo. 03/12/88 Method 1 9131 9132 9200 9310 9315 9315 9320 A001 A001 A001 b A002 A003 A006 A006 A005 A006 A011 A012 A013 A014 A015 A016 A017 31 Mineric List of EPA Methods by Method later or Indicator Mane of Method or Substance Coliform, total - Multiple Tibe Fermentation Coliforn, Total - Meubrone Filter Mitrate Chloride - Colorimetric, Auto Ferricyanide A I Chloride - Colorimetric. Auto Ferricyanide A II Chloride - Titrinetric, Mercuric Mitrate Alpha & Bets Particles, Cross Alpha-Emitting Radian Isotopes Iadiun, Alpha-Emitting Isotopes Radiua~228 Moisture, Solid C Ash Content - Loss I Drying Moisture, Solid 8 Ash Content Macroscsle Moisture, Solid 8. Ash Content Loss / Ignition Moisture, Solid I Ash-Content - Microscale Elemental Composition - Organic Total Organic Carbon (TOC) iotal Organic Malogen (10X) Viscosity Meeting Value of Haste Organic Content by TOO Organic Content by CRAV Organic Content, Volatiles Compound Class ‘Type by Infrared Analysis , Mass Spectrometric Analysis - Survey Analysis Specific Major Couponents - OO/MS Specific Major Couponents - HPLC/IR- or ILRMS EPA Report I su-m Ch. 5 811-866 Ch. 5 su-uo ca. 5 sin-us Ch. 5 su-m Ch. 5 su-us Ch. 5 su-sae Ch. 6 su-see Ch. 6 swam Ch 6 59-866 Ch. 5 soc/s-u-ooz 600/8-86-002 coo/a-u-ooz wo/a-u-ooz soc/a¥u~ooz soon-woo: 600/8-86-002 soon-woo: souls-u-ooz cools-sa-ooz sows-woo: son/swan: cools-u-ooz 600/8-84-002 soc/a-u-ooz 600/8-84-002 MTIS I 84-155845 84-155845 Bio-15581.5 84-155845 86-155845 84-155845 85455845 Eli-155845 Bio-155845 86-155845 86-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 Bio-155845 40 CFR DCS # Page No. 03/12/88 Method # A021 A101 A101a A101b A101: A121 A122 A123 A131 A132 A133 A134 A136 A137 A138 A139 A141 A144 A145 Au. A149 A150 A156 A157 A160 A174 32 Iuneric List of EPA Nethods by Method lumber or Indicator line of Method or Substance ,, Inorganic Content - Survey Analysis Volatiles - Directed Analysis - Organics Volatiles - Purgiru for Organic Aqueous Lquids Volatiles - Purging for Organic Sludge: Volatiles - Purgim for Organic Solids Extractables - Organics MPLCIUV Generalized Procedwe - Organics IIPLC/UV Generalized Procedure - Organics Aldehydes - Derivatization Procechres/Organi cs Aldehydes - HPLC - Organics Carboxylic Acids - Organics Alcohols Posphine Fluorine Cases - Cyanogens A Phosgene Gases - Iustards Gases - Organics Acid Chlorides Aflatoxins lrucine Citrus Red No. 2 masin Ethylene Oxide Fluoroecetamid, 2- Lasicarpine Phenaceti n EPA Report l 600/8-04-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8‘84-002 600/8-84-002 600/3-84-002 600/8-04-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-844102 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-04-002 600/8-04-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/344-0132 600/844-0132 600/844-0112 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-04-002 600/8-84-002 600/844-1302 IlTlS # 84-155845 54-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84.155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 04-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84455845 84-155845 84-155845 Ila-155845 Clo-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-.155845 84'155845 40 CFR DCS # Page No. 03/12/88 Method # A180 A183 A190 A221 A223 A225 A226 A227 A228 AERP 05 AERP 05 AERP 05 AERP 06 AERP 07 AERP 08 33 Muneric List of EPA Methods by Method Number or Indicator Mame of Method or Substance Strychnine exiles Tris(1-aziridiny) Phosphine Sulfide Atinony Arsenic Iariun ierylliun Cadniun Chromiun Lead Mercury Nickel Oamiun Seleniun Silver Strontiun Thalliun Vanadium Wanides, Total Phosphides Acidity by Titration A Gran plot Alkalinity byy‘l’itration with Gran Plot pH - Titraiton uith Gran Plot Aliq‘nt Preparation] Filtration A Preservation Aluninun, Total Extractable Aluninun, Total and Mon-exchanageable EPA Report I 600/8-8lu-002 600/8-M-002 600/8-810-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-84-002 600/8’M-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/5-87-026 600/4-87-026 600/6-87-026 600/ 4-87-026 600/4-87-026 600/fi-87- 026 NUS 3 34-155845 84-155845 54-155a45 34-155845 lk-TSSBLS 84-155845 34-155a45 84-155845 84-155845 84-155345 34~155845 34-155845 54-155345 54-155845 IA-TSSSAS a4-155845 8k-155845 aL-issaAS 04-155845 84-1558“ ‘0 CFR 008 i Page Mo. 03/12/88 Method # AER? o9 AER? 1o AER? 11 AER? 11 AER? 11 AER? 12 AER? 13 AER? 11. AER? 15 AER? 16 AER? 17 AER? 1a AER? 19 AER? 20 AER? 21 AERP 22 AER? 23 AER? 2!. AER? 25 AIR App A AIR App 3 AIR App c AIR App 0 AIR App E AIR App r AIRAppc 34 Muneric List of EPA Methods by Method Mufloer or Indicator Mame of Method or sibstance Amniuu, Dissolved - by automated colimetry Amoniun, Dissolved - by flow injection Chloride by [on Chromatograpy Mitrate by Ion Chromatography Culfate - Ion Chromatography Chlorophyll a - by Fluorolnetric and MPLC Carob, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Dissolved inorganic and Organic Fluoride, Dissolved Metals (Al, Ca, Fe, 1:, 119', Mn, Ma) by AA Metals (Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn), Alternate by iCP Mitrogen, Total pM, Closed System P“. Open System Phosphorus, Total - Automated Calorimetry Silica, Dissolved - Automated Calorimetry Conductance - Specific by Cell 0 Meter Color, True Conparison to Platinun-Cobalt ' Turbidity by instrmental (nephelometer) Sulfur Dioxide in the Atmosphere Particulate Matter, Suspended in Atmosphere Carbon Monoxide in Atmosphere Ozone in Atmosphere Mydrocarbons (corrected for Methane) Nitrogen Dioxide in Atmosphere Lead in Particulate Matter from Anbient Air EPA Report I 600/4~07-026 600/4-87-026 600/4-87-026 600/4-87-026 6W/4-B7-026 600/4 47-026 600/4-87-026 600/4-86-026 , 600/4 '87- 026 600/4-87-026 600/4-87-026 600/4-87-026 600/4-87-026 600/4-37-026 600/4 -87- 026 600/4-87-026 600/4 -87- 026 600/4-87-026 600/4-87-026 40 CFR 50, App A 50, App B 50, App C so, App 0 50, App E 50, App F 50, App G Page No. 03/ 12/88 Method 8 AIR App n 0001 GEN-01 GEW- 02 GEN-03 SEW-04 SEW-05 SEW-06 35 luneric List of EPA Methods by Method umber or indicator Name of Method or Slbstance Ozone lgnitability Characteristics Corrosivity Characteristics Reactivity characteristics Extraction Procedure Toxicity characteristics Gromd Penetrating Radar (BR?) - Buried Hastes Electromagnetics (EH) for Sensing Buried Haste Resistivity for Sensing Buried Haste Seismic Refraction for Sensing Buried Haste Metal Detection (ID) for Sensing Buried Haste Magnetometer for Sensing Buried Haste Bacteria, Enterococcus Bacteria, Fecal Colifom Bacteria, Total Coliform Biochemical Oxygen DeInand (BID) Carbon, Total Organic (TOC) Chenicai Oxygen Demand (CW) Grain Size lnfama Oil 8 Grease Particulates, Floating Phytoplankton Priority Pollutant - Organic Coupomds Priority Pollutant Metals Salinity Solids, Yotal Volatile EPA Report I 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 coo/e-u-ooz 600I8°84°002 GOO/7°84-054 600/7-94-054 600/7-84-054 600/7-84-054 600/ 7-84-054 600/4 ~87° 054 “US I 84-155845 84455845 40 CFR 50. App fl 84-155845' 84455845 84498449 84-198449 84-198449 84-198449 84-198449 84498449 005 if 01A0005349 01A0005349 cinooossao 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 Page ilo. 03/12/88 Method 0 CHEF NE? 01 045? 02 MEP 02 OIEP 03 P002 P002 P003 P011 P011 P012 P013 P014 P021 P021a P021 b P022 P022a P022b 36 Muaeric List of EPA Methods by Method timber or Indicator Ilene of Method or Substance Solids, Total/Hater Content Sulfides, Total Sulfides, Hater Sollble Tiasue/Denersal Fishes I Epibenthic Macroinvert Tissue/Priority Pollutant Metals - Iioaccululat Tissue/Priority Pollutant Organic Coupon-ids Transmissivity Organic Cowomds, Extractable in Tissues Organic Coupomds, Volatile, in Tissues Volatile Organic Compounds - Tissues Metals & Metalloids/Estuarine & Marine Tissues Sauple Preparation/Limidsflqueous and Organic) Sliple Preparatiorvsludges Sludges - Suple Preparation Sample Preparation - Solids Sanple Preparation - Volatile Organics Volatile Organics - Sanple Preparation Sawple Preparation-Basic Extractable Organics Suple Preparation-Acidic Extractable Organics Saeple Preparation-Neutral Extractable Organics Extraction ~ Aqueous Limids Extraction - Aqueous Limids, Senivolatiles Extraction - Aqueous Liquids, Volatiles Extraction - Sludges (incl. Gels & Slurries) Extraction - Sludges, Semivolati'les Extraction Sludges, Volatiles EPA Report I soon-woo: aoon-u-ooz soo/a-u-ooz soo/a-u-ooz cools-u-ooz 600/8-84-002 soon-woo: wo/a-u-ooz aoo/o-aa-ooz com-woo: soon-woo: wo/a-u-ooz aom-wooz soc/a-u-ooz 600/0-04-002 ITISI 04455045 04455045 04455845 04455045 04455045 04455045 04455045 04455045 04455045 04455045 04455045 04455045 04455045 04455845 04455845 40 CFR Vol 4 vol4 vol 4 005 # 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005152 . 01A0005152 01A0005152 01A0005152 Page No. 03/12/88 Method 3 P024 P02“ P024b P024c 9045 9:: 99-001 99-002 '99-003 99-003 99-005 99-005 PP-006 99-007 99-000 99-009 99-010 99-011 99-012 ”-012 37 Muaeric List of EPA Methods by Method Mutber or indicator lane of Method or Substance Extraction - Organic Liquids Extraction - Organic Solids Extraction Solids, Semivolatiles by Momog. Extraction Solids, Semivolatiles by Soxhlet Extraction Solids, Volatiles Digestion Procedures for Metals Sanple Clearxp Procedures - Florisil Colum Smple Cleanq) Procedures - Bioaeads SX-3 Sailple Cleanlp Procedures - Silica Gel Smple clear-11p Procedures - Aluuina Colum Sauple cleanup Procedures - Liquid/Liquid 9ch in Transformer Fluid and Haste oils Pesticides, Chlorinated - MeutralslSediments Pesticides, Chlorinated in Fish Arsenic and Seleniun in Sediment Selenium in Sediment Metals in Fish Metals in Sediment Mercury in Fish Mercury in Sediment Phenols in Sediment Cyanide in Fish Cyanide in Sedioent Volatile Organics - Fish by Purge S Trap Organics, Purgeable in Sediment Purgeable Organics in Sediment EPA Report 1 600/8-84-002 600/8-64-002 600/8-84-002 600/3-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-54-002 600/8‘64-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8~84-002 600/4-81-045 600/4-81-055 60014-81 ~055 600/4-81-055 600/4-81-055 600/4-81'055 600/4-81-055 600/4-81-055. 000/5-01-055 600-931-055 600/4-81-055 600/4-81-055 000/4-31-055 600/4-81-055 600/4-81-055 NUS 3 84455845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845, 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84.155845 84-155845 84455845 40 CFR DCS # Page No. 03/12/88 Method I ”-013 $001 $007 $008 $010 S011 8012 SPE-500 SPE '500 SPE-SOO SPE '500 SPE '500 SPE ~500 SPE'SOO STATS STATS STATS STATS STATS TCDD iluneric List of EPA Methods by Method timber or Indicator Name of Method or Substonce ' Organics, General in Sediaent ”lino - Coluiu Swlim - Dipper (Pond Sumter) Sampling - Ueiohted Bottle Suplino - tap Supling - thief (Grain Smpler) Sulpling - Trier (Sable Corer/Haste Pile) Sapling - trowel (Scoop) Smpling - m5 train Sampling - SASS train Sampling - Gas Bulb Sauplino - Gas loo Salplinc - vosr Endrin Herbicides, chlorophenoxy in Hater Lindane Nethoxychlor Orsonochlorine Pesticides in OH Pesticides, Organochlorine in OH toxouiene Arc Sine Squire loot . chronic toxicity Danett's Procedure for Chronic Toxicity Fisher's Exact test in Chronic toxicity tests Probit Analysis for chronic toxicity Steel's Many-One Rank test / Chronic toxicity TODD, EPA Report I 600/6-81-055 600/8-86-002 600/8-86-002 com-woo: 600/8-86-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-86'002 600/8~86-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-86-002 EHSL EHSL EMSL EMSL ENSL 600/6-85-016 600/6-87-016 600/6-85-016 600/6-854116 600/6-85-016 600/3'83-019 ITIS I 86-155865 86-155865 86-155865 86-155865 86-155865 86-155865 86-155865 86-155865 86-155865 86-155865 86-155865 86-155865 86-158676 86'158676 86- 158676 86- 158676 86- 158676 60 CFR 063 S Page No. 03/12/88 Method # TCLP 10-1 10- 2 10-3 10-1. 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 XXXX 39 Numeric List of EPA Methods by Method Number or Indicator Mame of Method or Slbstance Toxicity Characteristic leaching ProcedarelTCLP) Tenax cc Adsorption Carbon Molecular Sieve Adsorption Cryogenic Trapping High Volune Polyurethane Foam Sampling Dinitrophenylhydrazine Limid lspinger Surplirig timid lupinger with HPLC Themsorb/N Adsorption - GC/Ms Sodium uydoxide Liquid lupinger with HPLC High Volune Polurethane Foam Surpling Actinomycetes - Microbiological Monitoring Acute Toxicity Oioassays at Ma: waste sites Acute Toxicity Test (Gmrid) Acute Toxicity to Freshwater I Marine Organisms Adsorption, Batch-Type - Soil Atteruotion Aquatic Test - Env. Effects Testing Guidelines Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Suples latch-Type Adsorption - Soil Attemation Uendiocarb in Hastewater lemulide in Hastewater Iiogradability, Trherent - Chemical Fate “monitoring, in situ — Marine Sewage Brunoforn in Drinking Hater by Purge ‘l Trap chemical Fate Testing Guidelines Chloroforln in Drinking Hater by Purge & Trap Chronic Exposure EPA Report ! Mov 7, 1986 600/4-87-006 600/5-87-006 600/4-87-006 600/6-87-006 600/6-87-006 600/6-87-006 600/6-87-006 600/4-87-006 600/6-87-006 600/848-1117 600/8-87-044 600/6-85-013 530/SU-87-006 530/SU-87-006 600/6-85-021 600/4-05-021 600/6-83-000 MTIS I 51 FR ‘06 290329 87-166155 87-11-6155 05-188159 85 - 188977 1.0 CFR DCS # 268, App 1 795.120 797 SubB 7635‘le AppA 795.45 141 Slbpt C App c, I 796 161 Subpt C App C, i 798 SubD Page Mo. 03/12/88 Method I 1.0 Huneric List of EPA Methods by Method Huber or Indicator lane of Method or Sibstarice Golifom, Fecal - Monitorim of Hater I. Hastes Colifom, Total - Monitoring of Hater 8 Haste: Dibroauochlorolaethane in OH by Purge 8 Trap Dichlorobronethane in DH by Purge E Trap Diohlorophen in Hasteuater Diphenylunine in Hasteuater Dispersant Effectiveness I Toxicity Tests EP Toxicity Test Procedures Electrical - Locating Abandoned Hells Enviromentel Effects Testing Guidelines Fecal Colifoms - Microbiological Monitoring Fecal Streptococci - Microbiological Monitoring Gmrid Acute Toxicity Test General Toxicity Testing Genetic Toxicity Geophysical - for Locating Abandoned Hells Good Laboratory Practice Standards Mealth Effects Testing Guidelines Mexachlorophene- in Haateuater Lead in Gasoline by x-Ray Spectolletry Lead in Gasoline, Automated Method by Ms Lead in Gasoline, Standard Method by MS MBTS in Hasteuater Magnetic - for Locating Abendonded Hells Mercaptobenzothiazole in Hasteuater Metals I Metalloins [Estuarine 8 Marine Tissues EPA Report l 600/8-87-017 600/8-78-017 600/6-85-027 600/6-85-025 boll/#844165 600/8-78-017 “Old-78°01? 600/4-84-065 ‘00/b85-027 GOO/#854328 600/4-84~065 600/4-85-026 HHS I (.0 CFR DCS # 290329 290329 141 swpt c App c, I 11.1 subpt c App c, I 85488209 85490871. 300 App c 261, App 11 84-2127” 797 290329 290329 795.120 798 Slb B 798 Sub F sic-212711 792 798 85488209 4 80, App 3 3 80, App 3 2 80, App 8 1 85489025 84-212711 85491120 Vol lo 01A0005152 Page No. 03/12/88 Method # § 5 55953;: § § 61 Muneric List of EPA Methods by Method timber or Indicator Mame of Method or Slbstance Method Detection Liait not). Rev. 1.11 Molluscs, Caged for In Situ Biomonitoring Morphologic Transformation of Cells in Culture Meurotoxi ci ty Organic Compounds, Semivolatile by OC/FT-‘IR Organic Compounds, Volatile in whole Blood Oryzalin in uasteuater PAH (Polycyclic Arountic Modrocarbons) PIC PCBs in Air as Oy-product by OC/EIMS PCBs in Hater as By-product by CC/EIMS PCOD - PIC (Products of lnconplete Carbustion) PCOO in "man Adipose Tissue PCOF (Dibenzofurans) in Munan Adipose Tissue PCOF - PIC (Products of lncavplete Cont-mtion) Pesticides, Neutral Nitrogen in w Pesticides, Volatile in w Pharmacokinectic Test Physical 8. Chemical Properties - Chemical Fate Retenone in liasteuater Salmonella - Microbiological Monitoring/Hater Semivolatile Organic CM - CC/FT-TR Soil Attemation of Chemicals Specific Chemical Slbstance R Mixture Require. Specific Organ/Tissue Toxicity Specific Studies ~ Health Effects Testing Standard Plate Count (SPC) EPA Report 8 600/443-000 600/6-86-081 560/5-87-008 600/10-85-024 GOO/9.87411 560/5-85-011 560/5-85-012 600/9-87-011 560/5-86-020 560/5-864320 600/9-87-011 600/10-85-018 600/5-85-020 “OH-854323 600/848-1317 600/6-86-081 SSO/SH-87-006 600/8-78-017 NUS 3 40 CFR DCS if 136. ‘App 3 795.285 798 81.1) 13 85-115186 35433935 37-203955 36409977 86-109105 37-203955 87468706 87468706 37-203955 35439157 35439913 795.223 796 sub 3 35433993 290329 35415136 37-146155 798 SubE 798 SubH 290329 Page No. 03/12/88 §§§§§§ §§ § 62 Muneric list of EPA Methods by Method umber or Indicator lane of Method or slbstance Clbchronic Exposure Slbchronic Oral Toxicity Test TCMTI (Iusan T2) in Hesteuater terrestrial Test Thiocarbutes in Hasteuater Thiophosphates in Hasteuater Toxicity Testing Toxicity, Dispersant & Effectiveness Tests Toxicokinetic Test Transformation Processes - Chemical Fate Transport Processes - Chemical Fate Trihalunethane, Total Potential (MTP) in W Trihalomethanes in W by Liwid/Liquid Trihaloalethanes in Oil by Purge & Trap Volatile Organic Coupolnds in mole Blood Hater Balance Method For Predicting Leachate EPA Report I NUS # (.0 CFR DCS # 798 Sub C 795.260 600/‘45-028 85489025 797 Sub C 690/4-85-917 85439009 600/4-85-016 85-18901? 798 Sub B 300, App C .. 795.235 796 Sub D 796 Sub C 11.1 Subpt c App c, 111 mm»: c App c, u 161 swpt C App C, I 560/5-87-008 530/59-168 Alphabetic List of Test Methods Page No. 1 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method Name of Chemical or Method 2,4,5-1’ (93-76-5) Herbicides in DH 2,6,5-1P (Silvex 93-72-1) Herbicides in DR 2.4-0 (Chlorinated Herbicides in DU) Z,£-DB 2.0-0! 2,lo-DB (94-82-6) Herbicides in DH 2-Sec-Butyl-4 AA AOP ADP - Pestcides in Uasteuater (lrudustry) ADP - Pesticides in Hasteuater (Contractor) Absorption Acetonitrile Acid chlorides Acid Digestion for Flame AA Acid Digestion for Furnace AA Acid Digestion of Sludges Acid Digestion of Haters for Metals Acid etching Acid-Case Partition Cleantp Acidity - titrialetric Acidity - Titrimetric (Acid Rain) Acidity by titration I. Gran plot Acids and Dase/Heutrals Acrolein Acrolein Method 0 EPA Report # 0515 0515 0515 0117 0605 0515 0121 7000 0630 0103 0401 0002 8030 A1“ 3010 3020 3050 0015 3650 0305.1 0305 .2 AERP 05 “0/1-83-079-(2 “DIVE-079$ uon-as-on-c su-m ch. 3 _ mn-as-m-c uon-as-m-c unn-as-on-c 600/2-85-028 $11-$46 Ch. 6.3.1 600/8-84-002 014°C“ Ch. 3 59-366 Ch. 3 59-046 Ch. 3 “-066 Ch. 3 600/2'85-028 til-“6 Ch. 0 600/10-79-020 . 600/6-79-020 600/6-87- 026 810-846 Ch. 0.3.1 11118 0 04455845 60 CFR 136. AppA 136. AppA DCS # 01A0005022 01A0005022 01A0005022 01A0005022 Page No. 2 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method Meme of chemical or Method Acrylonitrile Acrylonitrile Actinide Elements Actinonycetes - Microbiological Monitoring Acute toxicity Bioassays at uaz Haste sites Acute toxicity test (Gmrid) Acute Toxicity to Freshwater & Marine Organisms Adsorption, Batch-Type - Soil Attenuation Aflatoxins Alechlor (15972-60-8) Alachlor - Pesticides in Uasteuater Alachlor - Pesticides in Hasteueter Alcohols Aldehydes - Derivatization Procedures/Organics Aldehydes - MPLC - Organics Aldrin Alimot Preparation] Filtration I Preservation Alkalinity - Colorimetric, Automated Alkalinity . titrinetric, pH 4.5 Alkalinity by Titration uith Gran Plot Alwa & Beta Particles. Gross Alpha-Emitting Radian Isotopes Alpha-Emitting Radian Isotopes Alumina Colum Cleantp Alunina Colum Cleanup & Separation of Petrol. Aluninun - AA, Direct Aspiration Method 0 0101 0102 A134 A131 A132 0505 AER? 06 0310.2 0310.1 AERP 05 9310 0903 9315 3610 3611 0202 .1 EPA Report # 89-846 Ch. 4.3.1 600/4-80-032 600/8-78-017 600/8-87-044 600/4-85-013 530/SH-8T-W6 600/8-84-002 440/1-83-079-C 440/1-83-079-C 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/4-87-026 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 6N/4-87-026 89-846 Ch. 6 600/4-80-032 “-846 Ch. 6 59-846 Ch. 4.2.2 89-846 Ch. 4.2.2 600/4-79-020 “US i 40 CFR DCS # 136. AppA 290329 795.120 87- 146155 84- 155845 01A0005293 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 01A0005019 84-128677 Page No. 3 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by sibstance or Method lane of Chemical or Method Almirun . AA, Direct Aspiration Aluninun - AA, Furnace Technique Alunirun, Total Extractable Aluairun, Total and Non-exchanageable Antonius, Dissolved ° by automated colinetry Amoniun, Dissolved - by flow injection Amobam (3566-10-7) Antimony - AA, Direct Aspiration Antimony AA, Direct Aspiration Antimony - AA, Furnace Technicpe Antimony - AA, Furnace Technique Aquatic Test - Env. Effects Testing Guidelines Arc Sine Square Root - Chronic Toxicity Aroclors in Drinking Hater Aromtic Volatile Organics Arsenic Arsenic - AA, Furnace Technique Arsenic - AA, Furnace Technique Arsenic - AA, Gaseous Hydride Arsenic - AA, Gaseous Hydride Arsenic - Digestion Prior to Total Analysis Arsenic . Spectrophotolnetric - SDDC Arsenic Content in Dre Surples Arsenic Emissions, Particulate I. Gaseous Arsenic and Seleniun in Sediment Arsenic by [GP Method # 0202 . 2 AERP 07 AER? 08 AERP 09 AERP 10 STATS 0505 8020 A222 0206 .2 0206.3 7061 0206.5 0206.6 0198A 0108 PP-003 0200.7 App EPA Report # fill-866 ch. 3 600/6'79-020 6W/6-87-026 600/6-87-026 600/6-87-026 600l6-87r026 660/1-83-079-C 600/6-79-020 89-866 Ch. 3 600/6-79-020 Sill-866 Ch. 3 600/6-85-016 89-866 Ch. 6.3.1 600/8-86-002 600/6-79-020 89-866 Ch. 3 600/6'79-020 80-866 Ch. 3 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-81-055 EHSL ITIS I 60 CFR 005 8 86-12867? . 86-12867? 82-172156 86—12867? 797 Sub 8 86-158676 01A0005019 86-155865 86-12867? 86-12867? 86-12867? u-Izasrr 61. App 3 61,App8 Page No. . lo 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method Name of chemical or lethod Asbestos Abatement Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Smles Atinony lacteria, Enterococcus Iacteria, Fecal Colifom Bacteria, total Caliform Bariun Bariun - AA; Direct Aspiration Bariun - AA, Direct Aspiration lariun - AA, Furnace technique Barium by ICP Base/Neutrals and Acids Batch-type Adsorption - Soil Attemation Bendiocarb in Hesteuater lendiocarb in Hasteuater by LC Benfluralin - Pesticides in Hasteuater Benanyl (17804-35-2) Benomyl - Pesticides in Uasteuate Ierumyl - Pesticides in Hasteuater Ienomyl - Pesticides in Hasteuater Iermyl - in Hasteuater Bensulide by LC Bensulide in Hasteuater Bentazon (BAS 351-") Bentazon (Basagran) in Hasteuater by LC, Benzene Method I 0208.1 7080 0208.2 0200.7 App 0625 XXXX 0106 0602 0105 0106 EPA Report I 600/2-85-028 600/8~84-002 GOO/8°M-002 600/4-79-020 89-066 Ch. 3' 600/5-7’9-020 EHSL 530/59-87-006 600/6-85-021 am 44071-834794 440/143-0794 unn-as-on-c “on-834794 “On-834794 600/6-82-012 ENSL 600/4-85-021 “0/1-83-079-0 ms t 1.0 cm ocs # 763 sub r App A 84455845 0180005349 01A0005349 o1Aooos349 84455845 06-12867? 84428677 136. App A 87448155 85488159 82458088 85488977 ouooosz93 136, App A Page No. 5 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Metth by Slbstance or Method Maine of chemical or Method Method 9 EPA Report I 01118 S 40 CFR DCS # Senzidines 0605 136, App A Serylliun A223 600/8-84-002 84-155845 lerylliun - AA, Direct Aspiration 0210.1 600/4-79-020 84-12867? Serylliul — AA, Direct Aspiration 7090 ' Sit-846 Ch. 3 Serylliun - AA, Furnace Techniqae 0210.2 600/4-7'9-020 84-12867? Serylliun - AA, Furnace Technique 7091 59-846 ch. 3 Beryllium Emissions from Stationary Sources 0104 61, App S Serylliun Screening Method 0103 6‘I,~ App 8 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (soc) (liEP 01A0005349 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (son) - 5 Days, 20 c 0405.1 600/4-79-020 Siogradability, inherent - chemical Fate XXXX 795.45 Siomonitoring, in Situ - Marine Sewage mx 600/4-83-000 Bleaching 0016 600/2-85-028 Solstar - Pesticides in Uasteuater 0108 440/1-83-079-0 Soron - Colorimetric, Curcunin 0212.3 600/4-79-020 84-12867? Sromacil 0109 440/1-83-079-c Sromaci l 0141 440/1-83-079-0 Sromacil 0633 440/1-83-079-0 Sromide - ‘l'itrimetric 0320.1 600/4-79-020 Sromoform in Drinking Hater by Purge 8 Trap ‘ XXX)! 141 Slbpt c App c, I Srucine . A148 600/8-84-002 84-155845 Susan 0630 440/1/83-079-0 Susan - Monconventional Pesticides/Uasteuater 0110 440/1-83-079-0 Susan 40 0630 440/1-83-079-c Susan 40 ‘ 0630.1 EMSl. Susan 85 0630 440/1-83-079-c Page No. 6 03/ 12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Slbstance or Method Name of Chemical or Method Iutachlor (23186-66-9) Dutachlor (8184-66-9) Butylate C, II, and D Coupolnds Cochin: Cadniun - AA, C-irect Aspiration Cadniun - AA, Direct Aspiration Cadniun - AA, Furnace Method Cadniun - AA, Furnace Technique Cadmium by ICP Calciun - AA, Direct Aspiration Calciun - AA, Direct Aspiration Calcium - Yitrimetric, EDTA Carban Carbendazim Carbendazim Carbendazim (10605-21-7) Carbendazio (10605-21-7) Carbofuran Carbofuran Carbofuran - in Hasteuater Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in Emissions Carbon Dioxide Daily Average Emissions Carbon Dioxide Emissions Carbon Dioxide, Gas Analysis for Carbon Disulfide from Stationary Sources Method I 0101 0616 A225 0213.1 7130 7131 0213.2 EPA Report I 660/1-83-079-0 EHSL 600/6-85-019 600/8-86-002 600/6-79-020 39-866 0h. 3 50-866 Ch. 3 600/6-79-020 0200.7 App eusn. 0215.1 7160 0215.2 0105 0602 0111 0603 MO3A 0003 0015 600/6-79-020 511-066 Ch. 3 600/6-79-020 660/1-83-079-1: 660/1-83-079-0 660/1-83-079-0 660/1-83-079-0 660l1°83-079-C 660/1-83-07'9-0 660/1-83-079-0 660/1-83-079-0 INS I 35-188951 86455865 86-12867? 86-12867? 36'128677 86-128677 60 CFR AppA AppA AppA AppA AppA DCS # 01A0005293 Page No. 7 03/ 12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or lethod lane of Chemical or Method Carbon Molecular sieve Adsorption Carbon Monoxide from Stationary Sources Carbon Monoxide in Atnosphere Carbon lonoxide in CE! at Petroleun Plants Carbon, Dissolved Inorganic and Organic Carbon, Total Organic (10C) Carbon, Yotal Organic 11 Carbonyl Sulfide Carbophenothion Carboxylic Acids - Organics Carbpohrnothiom - Pesticides in Hesteueter Carob, Dissolved Inorganic Cation-Exchange Capacity of Soils (Ammonium) Cation-Exchange Capacity of Soils (Sodiun) Chemical Fate testing Guidelines Chemical Oxygen Demand (coo) Chemical Oxygen Demand . Colorimetric Chemical Oxygen Demand - titriaetric, Iligh Level Chemical Oxygen Dunnd - litriaietric, Lou Level Chemical Oxygen Demand - iitriuietric, lid-Level Chlordane (57-76-9) Chloride - Colorinetric, Auto Ferricyanide A l Chloride ’- Colorimetric, Auto Ferricyanide A ll Chloride - Colorimetric, Auto. Ferricyanide A l Chloride - Colorimetric, Auto. Ferricyanide A ll Chloride - Titrilletric, Hercuric Nitrate Method # 10-2 0010 AIR App 1: 0010A am 16 01129 _ 9060 0015 0701 A133 0617 AERP 13 0610.6 0610.3 0610.2 0610.1 0505 0325 . 1 0325 . 2 0325 .3 EPA Report l 600/6-87~006 Aug 17, 1907 600/6-06-026 50-866 Ch. 5 660/1-83-07'9-0 600/8-86-002 660/1 -83-079-C 600/6-87-026 Sill-066 Ch. 6 Sid-866 Ch. 6 6W/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 Chi-866 Ch. 5 80-866 Ch. 5 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 NUS I 60,AppA 50,AppC 52FR30676 60, App A 60,AppA Clo-155865 796 60 CFR DCS # 01A0005369 01A0005369 01A0005019 Page No. 8 03/ 12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by slbstance or Method Heme of Chemical or Hethod Chloride - Titrilletric, Hercuric Nitrate Chloride by [C Chloride by ion Chraatograpy Chloride, total Residual Titrimetric Chlorinated Herbicides Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Chlorine, Yotal Residual - Spectrophotometric, Chlorine. total Residual - titrimetric, Back Chlorine, total Residual - titrimetric, DPD-FAS Chlorine, Total Residual - Titrimetric, lodolnet. Chlorobenzene (1118-90-7) Chlorobenzilate _ Chlorobenzilate Chlorobenzilate chloroform in Drinking Hater by Purge 8 trap Chlorophyll a - by Fluorometric and HPLC Chloropicrin Chlorothalonil (1897-65-6) Chlorpyrifos Chlorpyrifos oethyl Chromatographic Resolution, Determining Chromiun‘ Chromiun - AA, Chelation-Extraction Chrolniun - AA, Direct Aspiration Chromiun - AA, Direct Aspiration Method A EPA Report I 9252. 0300.0 AER? 11 0.0.1 0150 0612 11120 0330.5 0330.2 0330.4 0330.3 0602 _ 0112 0606 0608.1 XXXX mp 12 0618 0608.2 0113 0113 0110 A226 0218.3 ' 0213.1 7190 ITXS I ‘0 CFR DCS # 80-866 Ch. 5 600/6-86-017 600/6-87-026 600/6-79-020 89-866 Ch. 6.3.1 136, App A 811-866 Ch. 6.3.1 600/4-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/6-79-020 136, App A “0/1-83-079-12 “Dl1-83-079~C 640/1-83-079-1: 141 Subpt 0 App c, 1 600/6-87-026 EHSL 01A000529I. “D/1-83.079-C 640/143-0794: 86474705 600/8-86-002 86-155845 600/6-79-020 84-128677 600/6-79~DZO Bio-128677 811-846 Ch. 3 Page No. 9 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Swotance or Method lane of Chanical or Method Method 9 EPA Report I MUS I 40 CFR ocs # Chromiun - AA, Furnace 0218.2 600/4-79-020 84-12867? Chruiun - AA, Furnace Method 7191 811-846 Ch. 3 Chroniun by ICP 0200.7 App EMSI. Chromium, Mexavalant - Chelation Extraction _7197’ SU-846 C11 3 Chruiun, Mexavalant - Chelation-Extraction 0218.4 600/4-79-020 84-12867? 7 Chronim, Mexavalent - Colorimetric Method 7196 SlI-846 Ch 3 Chromium, Mexavalent - Coprecipitation Method 7195 Sit-846 Ch 3 Chromiun, Mexavalent - Diff. Pulse Polarogrphy 7198 80-846 Ch. 3 Chrotniun, Mexavalent Dissolved - AA, Furnace 0218.5 Chronic Exposure xxxx Chronic Toxicity, Growth of Algal 1003 Chronic toxicity, Survival 8 Growth 1000 Chronic Yoxicity, Survival 8 Reproduction 1002 Chronic ‘l’oxicity, Survival 8 Teratogenicity 1001 Citrus Red No. 2 I I A149 Cleamp 3600 Cleanup, Alunina Colum 3610 Clem, Almina Colum/ Separation of Petroleun 3611 Cleanup, Floriail Colmn Cleanlp, Gel-Preparation Cleanup, Silica Gel Claanw, Sulfur Closed Conduit Flow Measurement Cobalt - AA, Direct Aspiration Cobalt - AA, Direct Aspiration Cobalt - AA, Furnace 0003.1 0219.1 7200 0219.2 600/4-79-020 84-128677 798 Sub!) 660/4-85-014 86-158474 600/4-84-014 86-158474 600/4-85-014 86-158474 “0/4-85-014 86- 158474 600/8-84-002 84-155845 811-846 Ch. 4.2.2 89-846 Ch 4.2.2 00-846 Ch 4.2.2 _ 09-846 Ch 5.2.‘2 89-846 Ch. 4.2.2 00-846 Ch. 4.2.2 09-846 Ch. 4.2.2 600/4-82-029 83-124503 600/4-79-020 84-128677 59-846 Ch. 3 600/4-79-020 84-12867? Page No. 10 03/12/03 Alphabetic Mane of Chemical or Method Cobalt -VAA, Furnace Technicpe Coliform, Total - Menbrane Filter Coliforn, Total - Multiple Tube Fermentation Coliforns, Fecal - Monitoring of Hater A wastes} Coliforls, Total - Monitoring of Hater & Mastes Color - Colorimetric, ADM! Color - Colorimtric-PlatimJn-Cobalt Color - Spectrophotometric Color, True Cooperison to Platinun-Cobalt Conpatibility Test I Hastes I. Menbrane Liners Conpomd Class Type by Infrared Analysis Conductance - Specific Conductance - Specific Conductance, at 25 C Conductance - Specific by Cell & Meter Conductivity, Saturated Hydraulic and Leachate Copper - AA, Direct Aspiration Copper - AA, Direct Aspiration Copper - AA, Furnace Copper by ICC Corrosivity Characteristics Corrosivity Toward Steel Col-aphos Cryogenic Trapping Cyanazine Cyanazine Cyanezine List of EPA Methods by Stbstance or Method Method 6 7201 9132 9131 xxxx ,0... 0110.1 0110.2 7 0110.3 452? 24 9090 A014 9050 0120.1 VAERP 23 9100 0220.1 7210 0220.2 0200.7 App 0002 1110 0114 10-3 0115 0409 ' 0629 EPA Report l 50-846 Ch. 3 “-846 Ch. 5 80-846 Ch. 5 600/8-87'017 600/8-78-017 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-87-026 fill-846 Ch. 6 600/8-84-002 59-846 Ch. 6 600/4-79-020 600/4-87‘026 SU-B460h6 600/4-79-020 Val-846 Ch. 3 600/4-79~020 EMSL 600/8-84-002 Sit-846 Ch. 8.2 440/113-0794: 600/4 '87- 006 440/143-0794: 440/1-83-079-(2 600/4-82-010 NUS 8 40 CFR DCS # 290329 290329 84-12867? 84-12867? 84428677 84-155845 84-128677 84-128677 84-128677 84-155845 82-156043 Page No. 11 03/12/68 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by smotance or liethod lane of Clinical or Method Method 0 EPA Report I ITIS I ‘0 CFR 005 # Cyanazine'- Pesticides in'Uasteuater” 0629 “0]1-03-079-0 ' Cyanazine [BLADEXlTID] 0116 “0/1-83-079-0 Cyanide in Fish "-009 600/6-01-055 cyanide in Sediment "-010 600/4'81'055 Cyanide, Total - Colori-etric, Automted UV 0335.3 600/4-79-020 cyanide, Total - Titriaetric, Spectrophotanetric 0335.2 600/6-79-020 Cyanide, Total and Nnenable 9010 011-066 Ch. 5 Cyanides, Anemble to Chlorination - Titrimetric 0335.1 600/4-79-020 Cyanides, Total A252 600/6-86-002 66455845 Lycasin A150 600/844-002 06-155665 Cycloate 0631. EMSL Cycloprete 0616 EISL DBCP in Drinking Hater by Hicroextraction 0504 01A0004678 DCPA (1861-32-1) 0608.2 01A0005294 Dalapon (75-99-0) 0515 01A0005022 Dasenit (TN) Fensulfothion 0125 “0/1-83-079-0 oeet 0116 “0/1-83-079-0 beet - 0633 “on-33¢»: banalition ' 0003 600/2-65-028 Dibromochloromethane in on by Purge t Trap xxxx 1 1‘1 subpt c App c, x Dibrouochloropropane 0608.1 “0/1-63-079-0 Die-Ibo (1918-00-9) Herbicides in DU I 0515 01A0005022 Dichlofenthion om 64011~33-o79-c Dichloran (99-3009) 0608.2 01A0005294 Dichlorobenzene, 1.2- ‘ 0602 , 136, App A Dichlorobenzene, 1.3- (541-73-1) 0602 136, App A Page No. 12 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by slbstonce or liethod Name of Clinical or Method Dichlorobenzene, 1.4- (106-46-7) Dichlorobrolnethane in DH by Purge & Trap Dichlorophen Dichlorophen in Ussteuater Dicblorophenthion Dichlorvos Dichlorvos Dieldrin (60-57-1) Digestion Procedures for Metals Dinitrophenol, 6- Dinitrophenylhydrszine Liquid lupinger Sanpling Dinoseb Dinoseb Dinoseb Dinoseb Dinoseb (2-Sec-Butyl-4,6-Dinitrophenol) Dinoseb (88-85-7) Dioxothion Diphenalnid (957-51-7) Diphenylsnine in Hasteuater Diphenylunine in Hosteuster by ac Dismantling Disperssnt Effectiveness 8 Toxicity Tests Dissolution Procedure - Oils, Greases, or lines Drilling and Spalling Drying and Concentrating Solvent Extracts Method # 0622.1 0119 0120 0505 P032 0121 70-5 0122 0406 0407 0615 0121 0515 0701 0018 203 1 EPA Report I ENSL 600/4-05-027 EHSL 440/1-83-079-0 440/1 '83-079-0 600/8°84~002 440/1-83-079-0 600/4-87-006 440/1'83-079-0 440/1-83-079-0 440/1-83-079-C 440/1'83-079-0 440/1-83-079-0 440/1-83-079-0 soofl-ss-ozs EHSL 600/2-85-028 59-846 Ch. 3 600/2-85-028 600/8-84-002 ITIS I 60 CFR 065 f 136. Apt” 141 Subpt c App C, l 85-188209 01A0005019 84-155845 01A0005022 01A0005293 85-190874 300 App C 84-155845 Page No. 13 03/12/88 lane of chemical or Method Dmtt's Procedure for Chronic Toxicity Dutimflmimmipim DB in W by Microextraction EP Toxicity Test Procemres EPTC Electrical - Locating Abandoned Hells Electromagnetics (EH) for Sensing Buried Haste Elemental Calposition - Organic Encapsulation/Enclosure Endrin Endrin (72-20-8) Enfluralin Envirotmental Effects Testing Guidelines Ethelflurelin Ethalflurelin (5528-68-6) Ethion - Pesticides in Ussteueter EthiontTMJ Ethylbenzene (100-41-4) Ethylene Oxide Ethylenedibranide Etridiazole Etridiazole UERRAZOLElTM)! Exhaust lies Volume Flow Rate - Gasoline Vapor Extractables - Organics Extraction - Aqueous Liquids Extraction - Aqueous Liquids, Semivoletiles Method I STATS MOS 0504 GEN-02 ‘ A003 0006 SPE -500 0505 0104 0614 0123 A156 0610 0608.1 0124 @028 A121 P021 P021e EPA Report ! 600/4-87—014 600/2-85-028 EMSL 600/4-04-065 600/7-94-054 600/0-04-002 600/2-85-028 ENSL 440/1-83/079-0 440/1 '83-079-0 440/1-83-079-0 440/1-83-079-0 440/1-83-079-0 600/0-04-002 EISL 440/1-83-079-0 440/1 '83-079-0 600/8-04-002 600/8-84—002 600/8-04-002 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by smotence or Method NUS 0 40 CFR 00$ 0 06458474 01A0004678 261, App“ Bio-212711 84-198449 04455845 01A0005019 797 136. APPA 04-155845 60, App A Bio-155845 Bio-155845 04455845 Page No. 14 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Slbstance or Method Home of Chemical or Method Extraction - Aquews Limids, Volatiles Extraction - Organic Liquids Extractioni- Organic Solids Extraction - Sludges (incl. Gels I. slurries) Extraction - Sludges, Semivolatiles Extraction - Sludges, Volatiles Extraction - Solids, Setnivolatiles by Noting. Extraction - Solids, Semivolatiles by Soxhlet Extraction - Solids, Volatiles Extraction Procedure Toxicity characteristics Extraction Procedure Toxicity Test Method Extraction Procedure for Oily Hastes Extraction Procedure, Multiple Extraction, Continuous Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Mexadecane Extraction, Micro, EDS and DBCP in OH Extraction, Organic and San’ple Preparation Extraction, Separatory Funnel Limid-Liqaid Extraction, Sonication Extraction, Soxhlet Fuwr Focal Coliforas - Microbiological Monitoring Fecal Streptococci - Microbiological Monitoring Fenarinol Feni trothion Fensulfothion (DASANI‘I’UM)! Method # EPA Report # P021b P023 POZZa POZZb P024a P024b P024c c004 1310 1330 1320 3520 0504 3500 3510 3550 3540 0622.1 0633.1 0622.1 0125 MTIS I 600/8-84-002 84-155845 600/8-84-002 84-155845 600/8-84-002 84-155845 600/8-84-002 84-155845 600/8-84-002 84-155845 600/8-84-002 84-155845 600/8-84-002 84-155845 . 600/8-84-002 84-155845 600/8-84-002 84-155845 600/8-84-002 84-155845 Ski-846 Ch. 8.4 39-846 Ch. 6 89-846 Ch. 6 89-846 Ch. 4.2.1 80-846 Ch 4.4 59-846 Ch 4.2.1 89-846 Ch. 4.2.1 89-846 Ch. 4.2.1 89-846 Ch. 4.2.1 EHSL 600/8-78-017 290329 600/8-78-017 290329 EMSL EHSL 440/1-83-079-C 40 CFR DCS # 01A0004678 Psge Mo. 15 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method lane of Chemical or Method Method 6‘ EPA Report 8 MTls # 60 CFR 005 * anthion 0126 - 660/1-83-079-0 Fsrbam 0630.1 EMSL Fsrbuu (16686-66-1) 01.01 mn-ss-tm-c ' Ferbsn ‘ . 0630 660/1-83-079-c Fisher's Exact Test in chronic Toxicity Tests STATS 600/6-85-016 86-158676 Fluim 0017 60012-85-028 Florisil Colum cleantp 3620 Ell-866 Ch. 6.2.2 Flow Measurement, Closed Cordui t 0003.1 . 600/6-82-029 83-126503 Flow Measurement, Misc. 0003.6 600/6-82-029 83-12650} Flou Rste of Exhaust Gas 00023 60, App A Flow Rate, Volumetric and Stock Gas Velocity 0002 60, App A Flow from Pipes Discharging to Atmsphere 0003.2 600/6-82-029 83-126503 Flow, Open Chml, Measurements . 0003.3 600/6-82-029 83-126503 Fluolleturon 0166 660/1-83-079-0 Fluoneturon 0632 660/1-83-079-0 Fluoride — Colorimetric ' 0360.3 600/6-79-020 Fluoride - Fotentiometric 0360.2 600/6-79-020 86-12867? Fluoride Enissions from Potroom Roof Monitors 0016 60, App A Fluoride by [C . 0300.0 . 600/6-86-017 Fluoride, Dissolved AERP 15 600/6-87-026 Fluoride, Total ‘- colorinetric 0360.1 600/6-79-020 Fluoride, Total Emissions - Ststionary Sources 0013A 60, App A Fluoride; Total Emissions - Stationary Sources 00133 60, App A Fluorine 111-37 soc/s-sa-ooz «455345 Fluoroecetsmid, 2- A157 600/8-86-002 86-155865 Fluridone (59756-60-6) 0665 01A0005293 Page No. 03/12/88 lane of chemical or Method 16 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Sibstance or Method Method 0 EPA Report I Fonofos 0622.1 Gama Emitting Radionuclides 0901.1 Gmrid Acute Toxicity Test XXXX Gas Voluae Through Pipes and Small Ducts 0002A Gaseous. Total Hot-methane Organic Emissions 0025 Gaseous, Total Organic Concentration 0025A Gaseous, Total Organic Concentration 00258 Gases - Cyanogens & Phosgene A138 Gases - Mustards A139 Gases - Organics A141 General Toxicity Testing xxxx Genetic Toxicity XXXX Geophysical - for Locating Abandoned Hells )OOOl GivGard I 0634 Glyphosate 0127 Glyphosate 0140 Gold - AA, Direct Aspiration 0231.1 Gold - AA, Furnace 0231.2 Good Laboratory Practice Standards xxxx Grain Size OEP Gritblastim 0007 Ground Penetrating Radar (OR?) - Buried Uastes GECP-Ol Growth of Algal - Chronic Toxicity 1003 "PLO/UV Generalized Procedure - Organics ' A122 liPLC/UV Generalized Procedure - Organics A123 Halide, Total Organic - 0450.1 ENSL 600/4-80'032 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/4-84-065 EHSL 440/1-83-079-0 440/1-83-079-0 600/4-79~020 600/4-79-020 600/2-85-028 600/7-84-054 660/4-85-014 600/8-84~002 600/8-84-002 600/4-81-056 NUS 8 40 CFR DCS # 795.120 60, App A 60, App A 60, App A 60, App A 84455845 84455845 84455845 798 Sub B 798 Sub F 84-212711 84-12867? 84428677 792 01A0005349 84498449 86458474 84455845 84455845 Page No. 17 03/12/68 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Custance or Method Mlle of Chemical or Method halides, Total Organic (10x) llalides, Total Organic (Tux) Maloethera Malogenated Volatile Organics Marthe“, 1’otal - Colorimetric, Automated EDTA ilardaess, Total - Titrinetric, EDTA Meadspace Health Effects Testing Guidelines Meatim Value of Haste Meptachlor (76-44-8) Ileptachlor Epoxide (1024-57-3) herbicides, Chlorinated herbicides, Chlorinated in Drinking Hater Herbicides, Chlorinated in Hasteuater Herbicides, Chlorophenoxy in Hater Mexachlorobenzene (118-74-1) Mexachlorophene in Hasteuater Mexachlorphen llexadecane Extraction I Screening - Organics Mexavalent Chroniun - Chelation/Extraction uexavalent Chro-iul - ColoriIetric Method Mexavalent Chromiun - Coprecipitation Method Mexazinone Mexazinone Mexazinone, Terbacil, and Brolnacil High Volune Polurethane Foam Sanpling Method 3 EPA Report I 9020 0611 0010 0130.1 0130.2 3810 A006 0505 0505 8150 0515 0615 SPE-SOO 0505 0604.1 3820 7197 7196 7195 0109 0141 70-9 Eli-046 Ch. 5 “-046 Ch. 5 CH-846 Ch. 4.3.1 600/4-79-020 6N]4’79~020 Eli-846 Ch. 4.4 600/6-84-002 “-846 Ch. 4.3.1 600/4-82-005 EMSL 600/4-85-027 EISL Eli-846 Ch. 6.4 Ill-046 Ch. 3 Eli-046 Ch. 3 til-046 Ch. 3 440/143-0794: 440/1-83-079-C 440/1-83-079-0 600/4'87-006 urns I to :52 ocs # 136. App A 0 84-126677 84-12867? 79a 84-155845 01A0005019 01A0005019 01A0005022 a2-155995 o1aoooso19 as-iaazo9 Page Mo. 18 03/ 12/08 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Slbstance or Method Mame of Chemical or Method lligh Volume Polyurethane Foam Sapling hydraulic, Saturated Conductivity uydroblasting/Uateruashim Hydrocarbons (corrected for Methane) hydrogen Sulfide Hydrogen Sulfide Content of Fuel Gas Streams Ididiun - AA, Furnace Ignitabi lity Characteristics lgnitability, Pensky-Martins Closed-Cm Method Ignitability, Setaflash closed-Dip Method Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Indxtively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spec Infama Inorganic Anions (Non-Metallics) - Hater by IC Inorganic Content - Survey Analysis Iodide - ‘Iitrimetric Iridiun - AA, Direct Aspiration Iron - AA, Direct Aspiration Iron . AA, Direct Aspiration Iron - AA, Furnace Iron by ICP Iaobutyl Ester, 2,6~DD (51550-66-2) Iaoctyl Ester, 2,l.-DB(1320-15-6) Iaophorone Isopropalin Iaopropalin (33820-53-0) Method # 70-6 9100 AIRAmE 0015 0011 0235.2 0001 1010 1020 0200.7 App 6010 (HEP 0300.0 A021 0365.1 0235.1 0236.1 7380 0236.2 EPA Report I NUS 3 ‘0 CFR DCS # 600/6-87-006 59-846 Ch. 6 600/2-85-028 so, App E 60, App A 60, App A 600/4-79-020 84-12867? 600/8-84-002 0£-155845 su-a“ cu a su-aké Ch 8 EMSL su-eks Ch. 3 01A0005349 600/4-34-017 eoo/e-u-ooz al.— 155845 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 84-12867? 600/6-79-020 04-12867? su-ebe Ch. 3 600/6-79-020 filo-128677 0200.7 App EMSL 0605 0405 0609 0627 0104 550/1-83-079-c 540/1-33-079-c 136, App A AbO/i-es-079-c “0/1-83-079-0 Page 110. 19 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by abstance or Method 03/12/68 Name of Chemical or Method Method I K-ZO Sealant 0019 no: Methyl 0630 KM Methyl 0630.1 Ketmea, Cyclic 8090 Kinoprene A 0616 Lasicarpine A160 Leachate, Saturated Cmductivity 9100 Lead A227 Lead - AA, Direct Aspiration 0239.1 Lead - AA, Direct Aspiration 7420 Lead - AA, Furnace 0239.2 Lead - AA, Furnace Method 7421 Lead by ICP 0200.7 App Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectometry XXXX Lead in Gasoline, Automated Method by MS XXXX Lead in Gasoline, Standard Method by AAS XXXX Lead in Particulate Matter from Anbient Air - AIR App 0 Lead-210 in Drinking Mater 0909 Lead-Inorganic Eaiasions -. Stationary Sources W12 Lethane (112-56-1) _ 0665 Lindane GPE-SOO Lindane (53-39-17) ‘ osos Liners, Coupatibility for wastes and Marianne 9090 Liquid lupinger with llPLc 10-6 “mid-Liquid Contimous Extraction 3520 Mars in Uasteuater xxxx EPA Report # coo/z-as-ozs “0/1-83-079-0 EMSL su-aas ch I..3.1 EMSL sows-woo: su-aus Ch. 6 cools-u-ooz A soon-794120 arm Ch. 3 600/4-79-020 we“ Ch. 3 EHSL EISL SU-MCh6 600/4-87-006 811-346 Ch 4.2.1 600/5-85-028 NUS 9 86455865 84455845 86-12867? 86-12867? 85- 189025 1.0 CFR DCS # 80, App 8 3 80, App 8 2 80, App 8 1 50, App G 01A0004860 60, Am A 01A0005293 01A0005019 Page No. 20 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method lane of Chamical or Method MBTS in Hasteuater by LC 11011-254 Mex-326 Magnesium - AA, Direct Aspiration Magnesia - AA, Direct Aspiration Magnetic - for Locating Abandonded Hells Magnetometer for Sensing Buried Haste Mancozeb Mancozeb Mancozeb [DITMANE M-65(1M)] Maneb Maneb (1327-38-2) Manganese - AA, Direct Aspiration Manganese - AA, Direct Aspiration Manganese - AA, Furnace Manganese by ICP Mass Spectrometric Analysis - Survey Analysis Mefiwsfolan [CYTROLAMEUMH Mercaptobenzothiazole in Uasteuater Mercaptobenzothiazole in Uasteuater by LC Mercury Mercury - Cold Vapor, Automated Mercury - Cold Vapor, Manual Mercury - Cold Vapor, Sedth Manual Mercury - Manual Cold Vapor Technicpe Mercury Emissions - Chlor-alkali Air Stream Method # 0633.1 0633.1 0242.1 7650 GEN-06 0630.1 0128 0129 0243.1 7660 0243.2 0200.7 App 1015 0130 m 0660 0245.2 0245.1 0245.5 7470 0101 EPA Report I 9151. EMSL EMSL 600/6-79-020 80-866 Ch. 3 600/6-86-065 600/6-87-056 660/1 '83-079-C EMSL 660/1 ~83-079-C 660/1-83-079-C 660/1 -83-079-C 600/6-79-020 “-866 Ch. 3 600/6-7’9-020 EMSL 600/8-86-002 660/ 1-83-0794: 600/6-85-026 ‘ EMSL 600/8-86-002 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 Bil-866 Ch. 3 INS I 86-128677 06-212711 86-198669 86-128677 86-12867? 86-155865 85-191120 86-155865 86-128677 86-128677 86-128677 60 CFR 61.613133 DCS # Page No. 21 03/ 12/88 Mame of Chemical or Method Mercury Emissions - Chlor-alkali Mydrogen Stream Mercury Emissions - Sewage/Sludge Incinerator Mercury in Fish Mercury in Sediment Mercury in Sewage Sludge Mercury in Solid or Semisolid Haste Metal Detection (ID) for Sensing Buried Haste Metals l Metalloids/Estuarine & Marine Tissues Metals I Metalloins [Estuarine 1. Marine Tissues Metals (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ma) by AA Metals (Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn), Alternate by iCP Metals in Fish Metals in Sediment 'Metham (13742-8) Metham [VAPAMUMN Method Detection Limit (MDL), Rev. 1.11 Methanyl Methanyl Methosvyl Methosiyl Methny MRI‘MlTMfl Methoprene Methoxychlor Methoxychlor (7243-5) Methylene Blue Active Sibstances (MBAS) Metribuxin Method I EPA Report I 0102 , 0101A "-006 . "-007 0105 7471 SEW-05 one» 03 xxxx as» 16 AERP 17 ”-005 "-005 0131 0109 0133 m 0132 0616 SPE-SOO 0608.2 0625.1 60016-01 -055 600/10-01-055 89-846 Ch. 3 600/7-84-056 600/6-87-026 600/6-87-026 600/6-81-055 600/4-81-055 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1-03-079-0 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1-03'079-0 “0/1 -03~079-12 “0/1-03~079-C “0/1'03-079-0 EMSL EMSL 600/4-79-020 “0/1-83-079-0 NUS 0 84-198“? Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by slbstarice or Method 40 CFR 61,App8 61,AppB '61, App 5 vollo Vol I. 136, App 8 DCS # 01A0005152 01A0005152 01A0005294 Page Mo. 22 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method Mane of Chemical or Method Metribuzin [SEMCDR(TM)J*W Mevimhos Mevirphos [PHOSDRIMUMH Mevirphos trucsouu'mn Microbial degradation Moisture Content in Stack Cases Moisture, Solid & Ash Content - Loss / Drying Moisture, Solid & Ash Content - Loss I Ignition Moisture, Solid 8. Ash Content - Mocroscale Moisture, Solid 8. Ash Content - Microscole Molinate Molluscs, Caged for in Situ Biomnitoring Molybdenum - AA, Direct Aspiration Molybderun - AA, Direct Aspiration Molyhdetun - AA, Furnace Molybderun - AA, Furnace Technique Monitor, Parmters to Monitoring Network and ln-Plant Senpling Morphologic Transformation of Cells in Culture M-Methyl Carbuntes in W by MPLC M-Methyl Carbwyloxines in W by HPLC MIA - Colorimetric, Automated, zinc-zincon MIA - Colorimetric, Manual, Zinc-Zincon Msbam Mabun (142-59-6) Msbonete Method 0 0145 0134 0119 0120 0020 A001 A001 b A001 A002 0246.1 7480 0246.2 7481 0004.4 0004.5 0531 0531 0430.2 0430.1 0630.1 ' 0630.1 , EPA Report I 440/1-83-079-0 440/1-83-079-0 440/1-83-079-0 440/1-83-079-0 600/2-05-028 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 EHSL 600/4-83-000 600/4-79-020 39-846 Ch. 3 600/4-79-020 59-846 Ch. 3 600/4-82-029 600/4-02-029 600/4'85-054 600/4-05~054 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 EMSL 440/1‘03-079-0 EMSL M115 8 04-155845 04-155845 84455845 04-155845 84428677 04-128677 83- 124503 83-124503 40 CFR 60,AppA 795.285 DCS # Page No. 23 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Nethods by Sibstance or Nethod Name of chemical or Method Naled ” ' Naled Neurotoxicity Niecide Niacide Niacide Niacide - Pesticides in Nasteuater Nickel Nickel - M, Direct Aspiration Nickel - M, Direct Aspiration Nickel - M, Furnace Nickel - M, Furnace Nethod Nitrate Nitrate by ion Chromatography Nitrate-N by It: Nitrite by 11: Nitroaromatics and Cyclic Ketones Nitroaronatics and lsophorone Nitrogen Dioxide in Atmosphere Nitrogen Oxide Emissions - Stationary Sources Nitrogen Oxide Emissions - Stationary Sources Nitrogen Oxide Emissions - Stationary Sources Nitrogen Oxide Emissions - Stationary Sources Nitrogen Oxide Emissions . Stationary Sources Nitrogen Oxides Emission Nitrogen Oxides Emissions - Stationary Sources Method I 0119 0120 0601 0601 01.01 A229 0249.1 7520 0249.2 7521 9200 AERP 11 0300.0 0300 . 0 EPA Report I “0/1-83-0794: b00/1-83-079-C . ééO.’1-$3'079-L‘ “0/1-83-079-(2 MIPS-0794: “0/1-83-0794: 600/846-002 600/4-79-020 Eli-846 Ch. 3 600/6-79-020 iii-846 ch. 3 Eli-866 Ch. 5 600/11-87-026 600/6-84-017 600/6-86-017 Eli-846 Ch. 6.3.1 ITIS C Bio-155845 Bio-128677 86-12867? ‘0 CFR 79851138 136,AmA 50,Appf 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AWA 60,AppA 60, AppA DCS # Page No. 24 03/12/08 None of Chemical or Method Nitrogen, Aunonia - Colorimetric Nitrogen, Alluonia - Colorimetric, Titrimetric Nitrogen, All-onia - Potentiometric Nitrogen, Njeldahl, Total - Colorimetric Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total - Colorintric/Titri. Nitrogen, Kieldahl, Total - Colorimetric/Auto. Nitrogen, Kieldahl, Total - Potentiometric Nitrogen, Nitrate - Colorimetric, Brucine Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite - Colorimetric/Cachiun Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite - Colorimetric/Hydra. Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite - Hamel Cadniun Nitrogen, Nitrite - Spectrophotometric Nitrogen, Total N i troeami nee Not-halogenated Volatile Organics Norflurazon (27314-13-2) odor - Threshold odor, Consistent Series Oil 0 Grease Oil I Grease - Extraction Nethod for Sludge Oil & Crease, Total Iecoverable - Gravinetric Oil I Crease, Total lecoverable - Spectrophot. Oil & Grease, Total, Recoverable - Oravimetric Oily wastes, Extraction ProcedJre wacity of Emissions - Remotely by Lidar Opacity of Emissions - Visual Determination Organic Carbon, Total - Combustion or Oxidation Iethod 0 0350.1 0350.2 0350.3 0351.2 0351.3 0351.1 ‘ 0351.4 0352.1 0353.2 0353.1 0353.3 0354.1 AERP 18 0140.1 OMEP 9071 9070 0413.2 0413.1 1330 .0. m 1 0009 0415.1 EPA Report I 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 Veoou-n-ozo “/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79- 020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-07-026 89-046 Ch. 4.3.1 600/4-79-020 89-046 Ch. 5 Sit-046 Ch. 5 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 Sid-046 Ch 6 600/4-79-020 ' NUS 0 04-12067? 04-120677 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method 60 CPR 136. Apt-M 60, AppA 60, AppA DCS # 01A0005293 01A0005349 Page No. 25 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Slbstance or Method lane of Chemical or Method Organic Carbon, iotal - UV Promoted Organic Coapomd (Gaseous) Enissions by CC Organic Coupomds, organic Cowomds, Organic Comomds, Extractable in Tissues Senivolatile by CC/FT-iR Sanivolatile by OC/Iis Organic Coapomds, Volatile by cells Organic Coupomds, Volatile in Hhole Blood Organic Coupolnds, Volatile, in Tissues Organic Concentration, Total Gaseous/Flame ion Organic Concentration, Total Caseous/Nondislnfr Organic Content by CRAV Organic Content by TCO Organic Content, Volatiles Organic Extraction I. Sllple Preparation Organic Priority Pollutants in Sludges Organic, Total Gaseous lmthane Emissions Organic, Unsaturated Conpomds in Hater Organics, Aromatic Volatile Organics, General in Sediment Organics, halogenated Volatile Organics, lorhalogenated Volatile Organics, Purgeable in Sediment Organics, Screening of Extraction Organics, Semivolatile - CC/Hs Organics, Volatile - CC/Ms Organoch lorine Pesticides Method 9 EPA Report 0 0415.2 0018 011:» 01 20001 1025 1025 XXXX 01129 02 0025A 0025:; A012 A011 A013 3500 0624-5 0025 0503.1 0020 ”-013 0010 0015 "-012 NTIS I 40 CFR DCS # 600/4-79-020 60, App A 01A0005152 600/4-84-081 85-115186 136, App A 136, App A 560/5-87-008 Vol 4 01A0005152 60, App A 60, App A 600/8-84-002 84-155845 600/8-84-002 84-155845 600/8-84-002 84-155845 Sill-846 Ch. 4.2.1 600/4-84-001 84-129048 60, App A 01A0004678 Oil-346 Ch 4.3.1 600/4-81-055 Sit-846 Ch 4.3.1 til-846 Ch 4.3.1 600/4-81-055 Sit-846 Ch 4.4 fill-846 Ch 4.3.2 39-846 Ch. 4.3.2 136, App A Page No. 26 03/12/88 Alphabetic list of EPA Methods by Substance or Method lane of Chemical or Method Organochlorine Pesticides Organochlorine Pesticides in OH Organochlorine Pesticides in Hasteueter Organochlorine Pesticides in Hasteuater by BC Organophosphorus Pesticides Orgnics, Senivolatile - GC/Hs Ortho-Phosphete-P Oryzalin in Hasteueter Oryzalin in Hasteuater Osmium Osmiun - M, Direct Aspiration Osmiun - M, Direct Aspiration Osmiun - M, Furnace Oxemyl Oxamyl Oxilies Oxygen Concentrations in Emissions Oxyaen Elission , Biochemical Delnnd (son) , chemical Deund - Colorinetric , Chemical Dussnd - high Level , Chemical Dunend — ‘l'itrinetric/iiid-Level , Chemical Dmnd/Titrimetric-Iligh Level men men 0mm Oxygen, chemical Devand - Titrimetric/lou level OXYDOH Oxygen Oxygen, Dissolved ~ Ienbrene Electrode (Probe) Oxygen , Dissolved - Modified Uinkler Method I 95-500 0608.1 0608.2 8140 8270 0300.0 0638 XXXX A230 0252.1 7550 0252.2 0109 0632 A183 0003A 0020 0605 .1 0410.6 0601.3 0610.2 0410.1 0610.3 0360.1 0360.2 EPA Report I INS I ‘0 CFR DCS if su-saé Ch. 4.3.1 EMSL sou/Ii-sz-oo: 32455979 01110005291. sit-81.6 Oh. s.3.1 Eli-866 ch. s.3.2 souls-show ENSL 600/6-85-024 35485985 600/8-84-002 31.455545 600/4-79-020 86-12867? su-sus Ch. 3 cools-794120 “428677 uon-ss-on-c “0/1-85-079-c 600/8-84-002 Isl-15581.5 60, App A 60, App A eonu-n-ozo 60014-19-020 600/4-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/4-79-020 coo/k-n-ozo 600/6-79-020 600/4-79-020 Page No . 27 03/ 12/88 Nine of Chemical or Method Method # Oxygen. Gas Analysis for 0003 Ozone AIR App ll Ozone in Athsphere AIR App 0 PAH (Polycyclic Armtic Modrocarbons) PIC _ XXXX Pcas 0608 res: 0617 Peas 8080 PCBs in Air as By-product by GC/EIMS XXXX PCBs in Transformer Fluid and Haste Oils PCB rec: in Hater 8 Soil/Sediment by GCIMS 0680 PCBs in Hater as By-product by SC/ElMS xxxx Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Silas-tame or Method P000 - PIC (Products of Incouplete Coubustion) XXXX P000 in “man Adipose Tissue PCDF (Dibenzofurans) in llunan Adipose Tissue ”le PCDF - PIC (Products of lncouplete Conbustion) xxxx Paint Filter Liquids Test 9095 Painting/coating 0009 Palladium - AA, Direct Aspiration 0253.1 Palladiua - AA, Furnace 0253.2 Par-meters to Monitor ”6.6 Particulate Emissions - Asphalt Processing NOSA Particulate Emissions - Stationary Sources 0005 Particulate Emissions . Stationary Sources m1? Particulate Emissions - Hool Fiberglass lnsulat. 0005E Particulate Matter Emissions - Fabric Filters 00050 Particulate Matter, lonSulfate 0005F EPA Report # 600/9-87s011 “/6-82-006 Ell-866 ch 6.3.1 WIS-85.011 600/6-81-065 560/5-85-012 600/9-87-011 560/5-86-020 560/5-86-020 600/9'87-011 91-866 Ch. 6 600/2-85-028 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6'82-029 NUS # 87-208955 86409977 86-109105 87-208955 87- 168706 87- 168706 87-208955 86-12867? 86-128677 83- 126503 60 CFR 60,AwA 50,App1l so, App!) 136. mu 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60, AppA DCS 8 01A0005295 Page No. 03/12/88 28 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Slbstance or Method lane of Chemical or Method Particulate Matter, MonSulfuric Acid Particulate Matter, Suspended in Atmsphere Particulates, Floating Pawlate Penalty-Martens Closed-Cw -lgnitability Pantachlorophenol (PCP) herbicides in 00 Pentachlorophenol Salt - Pesticides in w Permethrin (52645-53-1) Pesticides in Hater & Soil/Sediment by CC/MS Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, ' Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, Pesticides, ADP in w (Contractor Analytical) AOP in w (Industry Analytical) Amine in Hasteuater by CC Carbamate and Urea , Chlorinated - Neutrals/Sediments Chlorinated in Fish Chlorinated in Gromduater by CC oinitro Aromatic Dinitroaniline in Uasteuater Dithiocarbamates by GC Dithiocarbalmtes in Masteuater Metural Mitrogen-Containino Meutral Mitrogen in w Mitrogen & Phosphorus in GU Organochlorine in nu Organohalide & Aroclors in OH Organohalide and PCBs in w Method # EPA Report # MOSS MlRAwB 1010 0515 0608.2 0680 0401 0103 ”-001 "-002 0508 0627 0630.1 0633.1 0507 SPE -500 0505 I 0617 EMSL \ “-866 Oil. 0.1 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1-83-079-0 “0/1-83-079-0 600/4-82-016 600/10-81-055 600/4-81-055 EHSL 600/4-82-W9 EMSL 600/6-32-011 EISL 600/10-85-01B EHSL 600/5-82-006 ITIS I 60 CFR 60. App A 50, "133 82456084 82458035 V az-iseoso 85-189157 82-156001 00$ # 01A0005349 01A0005022 01A0005294 01A0005295 01A0005293 01A0005021 01AO005020 01A0005019 Page No. 29 03/ 12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method lane of Chemical or Method Pesticides, Organonitrogen in w Pesticides, Organophosfliorous in w Pesticides, Organophosphorus in w Pesticides, Org-nophosfliorus in w Pesticides, Thiocarbnate in w by ac Pesticides, Thiophosphate Pesticides, Triszine in w Pesticides, Volatile in w Pesticides, Volatile in w by GC Petroleus Hydrocarbons, ‘l’otal Recoverable Pharmacokinectic Test Phenacetin Phenol, Iiphenyl and Ortho Phenyl- by LC Phenolics - Colorimetric Phenolics - Spectrophotometric, HBTH Phenolics - Spectrophotometric, Hamel Phenolics, Total Recoverable - Colorimetric Phenolics, Total lecoverable - Spectrophot/HBTH Phenolics, total Recoverable - Spectrophot/ilan. Phenols Phenols Phenols in Sediment Phorate ' Phounet Phosphides Phosphorus, All Forms - Colorimtric/Automated Iethod 0 EPA Report # 0616.1 0616 0622.1 0619 0618 0618.1 A176 0620.2 0620.1 0620.3 0130 0622.1 A253 0365.1 600/6-82-013 ENSL 600/6-82-006 600/6-82-008 ENSL EHSL 600/6-82-007 600/6-85-020 ENSL 600/6°79-020 600/0-86-002 EISL 80-066 Ch. 5 Gil-866 Ch. 5 Sit-866 Ch. 5 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 89-866 0h. 6.3.1 600-6-81-055 660/143-0794: EHSL 600/8-86-002 600/6-79~020 NUS 9 60 CFR DCS # 82456076 02-15598? 82-156027 82-156019 85-189918 795.223 06-155865 136. MM 06- 155665 Page 110. 30 03/ 12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Slbstance or Method Mame of Chemical or Method Phosphorus, All Forms - Colorimetric/Tao leag. Phosphorus, All Pom - Colorimetric/me Reag. Phosphorus, Total - Autonated Colori-etry Phosphorus, total - Colorimetric/Automated Photochemical Degradation Phthalate Eater Phthalate Esters Physical 8. chemical Properties - Chemical Fate Phytoplankton Picloram Picloram in Uasteuater by LC Platinun - AA, Direct Aspiration Platinun - AA, Furnace Plutoniun in Drinking Hater Poloniun-210 Emissions from Stationary Sources Poloniun-Zio in Drinking Hater Polychlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxins (PCDD) Polychlorinated Dibenzofuram (PCDF) Polynuclear Aromtic Hydrocarbons Polynuclear Aranatic Hydrocarbons Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Polyr- (9006-62-2) Posphine- Potassiun - AA, Direct Aspiration Potassiun - AA, Direct Aspiration Priority Pollutant - Organic Conpomds Method # EPA Report I 0365.3 0365.2 AERP 21 0365.6 0021 XXXX [HEP 0515 0664 0255.1 0255 .2 0911 0111 0912 8280 0200 0610 8100 0310 A136 0250 . 1 7610 OIEP NUS 0 ‘0 CFR 00$ # 600/4-79-020 600/4-79-020 600/4-37-026 600/4-79-020 600/2-05-028 136, App A su-046 ch. 4.3.1 796 sub 3 01A0005349 01A0005022 EMSL 600/4-79-020 64-126677 600/4-79-020 64-12667? 01A0004860 61, App 3 01A0004860 sit-646 ch. 4.3.2 00-646 ch 4.3.2 136, App A 511-846 Ch. 4.3.1 00-646 ch. 4.3.3 440/1-03-079-0 600/6-04-002 04-155845 600/4-79-020 04-12667? “-866 Ch. 3 01A00053lo9 Page No. 03/12/88 lane of chemical or Method 31 Alphabetic list of EPA Methods by Substance or Method Method I EPA Report 0 Priority Pollutant Metals (HEP Priority Pollutants, Organic, in Sludge: 0625-5 Probit Analytic for Chronic Toxicity siA‘iS Profluralin 0135 Profluralin 060i. Profluralin 0627 Pronnide 0633.1 ’ Propachlor 0143 Propachlor 0608.1 Propachlor (1915-16-7) 0101 Propachlor (1918-16-7) 0102 Purge-and-Trap Method 5030 Purgeable Aromatics 0602 Purgeable iialoca‘rbons 0601 Purgeable Organic Coupou'ids DH 0524 Purgeable Organics in Sedinent PP-012 Purgeables 0621. Radtleen 0011 Radioactive eeaiu 0901 Radioactive iodine 0902 Radioactive Strontiuu 0905 Radioactivity, Gross Alpha and Gross Beta 0900 Radionuclides, 0m Emitting 0901.1 Radian, Alpha-Emitting isotopes 0903 Radian, Alpha-Emitting isotopes 9315 Radian, Gross Alpha Screening Procedure 0900.1 600/4-04-001 600/6-85-014 uon-as-on-c 440/1-as-o7v-c unn-as-on-c EMSL unn-as-m-c uon-as-on-c 440/1-53-079-c “0/1-83-079-0 80-846 Ch. 4.2.1 600/4-81-055 600/2-85-028 600/5-80-032 600/6-80-032 600/b-80-032 600/5 -80- 032 600/6 ~80- 032 600/4-80-032 SH-Mbchb “/6-80-032 11115 I 86-1290“ 86458674 40 CFR ‘ll'»6.lpi>A 136. App A 136. IPPA 08$ # 01A0005349 ouooosozs ' Page No. 32 03/12/88 Name of Chamical or Method , Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method ladiur226 Radon Emu-nation Technicpe Radian-228 Radium-228 Reactivity characteristics Residue, Filterable Residue, Mon-Filterable Resiwe, Settleable Matter Resime, Total Reaiche, Volatile Resistivity for Sensing Buried Haste letenone in Uasteuater Rheniun - AA, Direct Aspiration Pheniun - AA, Furnace Rhodiun . AA, Direct Aspiration Rhodi un AA. Furnace Rotenone by LC Ruthenium - AA, Direct Aspiration lutheniua - AA, Furnace Salinity Salmonella - Microbiological Monitorlm/Uater Sale 8 Velocity Traveraes Suple Cleanlp Procemres - Sanple cleanup Procedures - Sutple Clearqa Procedures - Sailple cleanup Procedures - Sailple Cleanlp Procedures - - Stationary Sources Alumina Colum BioBeads SX-3 Florisil Colum- Liquid/Liquid Silica Gel Method 8 0903.1 9320 0160.1 0160.2 0160.5 0160.3 0160.6 SEW-03 0266.1 0266.2 0265.1 0265.2 0267 . 1 0267.2 XXXX W01 PO62 P065 P063 EPA Report I 600/6-80-032 600/6-80-032 89-866 Ch. 5 600/8-86°002 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6~79-020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 600/7°86-056 600/6-85-023 600/6-79-020 600/6-79'020 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 EMSL 600/6-79-020 600/6-79-020 soo/a-n-ow 6N/8-86'002 600/8-86-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-86-002 600/8-86‘002 ITIS 8 60 CFR 86455865 86428677 86428677 86428677 86428677 86428677 86498669 85488993 86428677 86428677 86428677 86428677 86428677 6 86-12867? 290329 86455865 86455865 86455865 86455865 86455865 0C5 # 01A0005369 Page No. 33 03/12/88 _ Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Slbstance or Method Name of Chemical or Method Smple Collection S-ple Froqsency Suple Methods S Eminent - Iicrobiological Swle Preparation Suple Preparation - Solids Surple Preparation . Volatile Organic: Sauple Preparation-Acidic Extrectable Organics Sauple Preparation-Basic Extractable Organics Sanple Preparation-Neutral Extractable Organics Surple Preparation/Liwidsumews and Organic) Surple Preparation/sludges Senple Preservation Souples, umber of Surpling - Coluisa Smpling - Dipper (Pond Surpler) Saupling - Gas Bag Sampling - Gas Bulb Smplim - M5 Train Saplira - SASS Train Slimline - hp Supiing - mm (Grain Sampler) Sapling - Trier (Sawle Carer/Haste Pile) Sampling- trowel (Scoop) Sanpling - VOST Seapling - Ueighted Bottle Surpling Agricultural Discharges nethod 8 EPA Report I 0012.) 0006.3 0016.6 . 3500 P003 P011 P013 P012 P016 P002 0017.1 0006.2 600/6~82-029 600/6-82-029 600l6-&-029 “-066 ch 6.2.1 6W]0~06-002 600/8-06-002 600/0-86-002 600/0-86-002 600/8-06-002 600/0'06-002 600/8'06-002 600/6-82-029 600/6-82-029 600/8-06-002 600/0-86-002 600/8-06-002 600/0-06-002 “Xi/046002 . eoo/e-u-ooz ‘ 600/0-06-W2 “IO-M-WZ eoon-u-ooz 600/8-06-002 600/8-06-002 600/8-06-002 600/6-82-029 NUS I 83-126503 03-126503 03- 126503 60 CFR “45531.5" 86-155865 06-155865 06-155865 06-155865 86-155865 06-155865 03-126503 03-126503 06-155865 06-155865 86-155865 86-155065 86.155865 06-155865 06-155865 06-155865 86-155065 86-155865 06-155065 86-155865 83- 126503 DCS # Page Ho. 34 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Stbstance or Method Home of chemical or Method Sapling lrldntrial Hasteuaters Supling sludges Saning ”stem, Source Assessment ”ling Train - Modified Method Method 5 Swlim Haters, Organisms I Sedinents Sampling, in-Plant and Hetuork Monitoring Saturated Hydraulic S Leachate Commotivity Scarification Secondary Devices Seismic Refraction for Sensing Buried Haste Selenium Selenium - M, Furnace Selenium ~ M, Furnace Method Selenium - M, Gaseous Hydride Selenium - M, Gaseous Hydride Selenium in Sediment Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GCIFT-IR Sanivolatile Organic “wands/Isotope Dilution Saivolatile Organics - GCIMS Setaflash closed-61p Method Silica, Dissolved - Automated Colorinetry Silica, Dissolved - Colorimetric Silver Silver - M, Direct Aspiration Silver - M, Direct ‘Aspiration Silver - M, Furnace Method 0 ”06.8 0010.8 N20 (I110 ”8.7 m.5 9100 0010 0003.5 GEN-04 0270 . 2 77110 0270 .3 7741 "-003 1625 1020 AERP 22 0370.1 0272.1 7760 ‘ 02n.2 EPA Report I ITIS I 110 CFR 600/4-32-029 33424503 600/4-32-029 33424503 311-346 011 10 311-346 1:11. 10 600/4-32-029 33-124503 600/4-32-029 33424503 311-346 1:11. 6 600/2-35-023 600/4-32-029 33424503 600/7-34-054 34493449 600/3-34-002 34455345 600/4-79-020 34423677 311-346 1:11. 3 600/4-79-020 34-123677 311-346 011. 3 600/4-31-055 600/4-34-031 35-115136 136, App A 311-346 011. 4.3.2 311-346 011. 3.1 600/4-37-026 600/4-79-020 600/3-34-002 34455345 600/4-79-020 34423677 311-346 011. 3 600/4-79-020 811- 128677 005 # Page No. 35 7 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Smctance or Method Mane of Chemical or Method Method 9 EPA Report 0 ans 1 40 CFR 005 # Silver brie? ,, “ 0200.7 App EMSL Siletryn 0136 440/1-83-079-0 Si-etryn - Pesticides in Uasteuater 0619 440/1-83-079-0 Sltdeee - Seaple Preperetion P002 600.10-04-002 84-155545 Sludaea, Organic Priority Pollutants 0625-8 600/4-04-001 04-129048 Slldges, Organic Priority Pollutants - Interim 0624-: 600/4-04-001 64429048 Sodiun — AA, Direct Aspiration 0273.1 ’ 600/4-79-020 04-12867? Sodiun - AA, Direct Aspiration 7770 Sid-846 0h. 3 Sodiun - AA, Furnace 0273.2 600/4-79-020 64-12867? Sodiul Dinethyl-dithiocarbanate 0630.1 EMSL Sodium Dinethyldithiocarbamate (128-04-1) 0630 440/1-83-079-0 Sodium llydoxide Liquid "pincer with IiPLC 10-8 600/4-07-006 Soil Atteruation of Chemicals XXXX S30/SH-37-006 67-146155 Soil p" 9045 Sit-046 0h. 6 Soils - Cation-Exchange 9081 SU-S46- 0h 6 Soils - Cation-Exchange Capacity 9080 “-846 ch 6 Solids, Settelable 0160.5 01A0005349 Solids, Total Suspanded 0160.2 600/4-79-020 04426677 Solids, total Volatile OE? 01A0005349 Solids, Total/Hater Content - ulEP 01A0005349 Solvent Hashing _ 0012 600/2-85-028 Source Asaesamnt Sanpling System (SASS) 0020 fill-046 Ch. 10 Specific thanical Substance S Mixture Require. XXXX 799 Specific Major Comma - lit/MS A016 600/8-84-002 64-155845 Specific Major Couponents - llPLC/lR or ILRMS‘ A017 600/8-04-002 84-155045 Specific Organ/Tissue Toxicity XXXX I 798 Sub E Page No. 36 03/ 12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Slbstence or Method Mane of Chemical or Method Specific Studies - Health Effects testing Stock Gas Velocity and Voluletric Flow Rate Stack Gases, Moisture Content in Standard Plate Cotnt (SPC) Stem cleanim ‘ Steel's Many-One Rank test I Chronic Toxicity Steel, Corrosivity toward Stirofos Strontium Stryohnine Slbchronic Exposure Slbchronic Oral toxicity ‘I’est Sulfate Sulfate - Colorimetric, Automated, Chloronilete Sulfate - Colorimetric, Automated, Chlorenilete Sulfate - Colorimetric, Automated, Methylthymol Sulfate - Colorimetric, Automted, Methylthymol Sulfate - Srevinetric Sulfate 4 Ion chromatography Sulfate - Turbidinetric Sulfate - turbidi-etric Sulfide - Coloriutric, Methylene Blue Sulfide 4 Titrinetric, Iodine Sulfides Sulfides, Total Sulfides, Hater Sollble Method I EPA Report I 0013 S'l’ATS 1110 0116 A180 0300.0 0375.1 9035 0375.2 9036 0375 .3 AER? 11 0375.6 0376.2 0376.1 9030 600/0-70-017 600/2°85-028 600/6-85-016 59-046 Ch 8.2 “0/1-83-079-0 600/8-86-002 600/0-86-002 soon-wow soon-79420 SW8“ ch. 5 600/4-79-020 su-m on. s eoou-n-ozo soon-37026 coo/z-n-ozo su-m ch. 5 comm-020 boo/l-n-ozo “-066 Ch. 5 “US I 290329 06458474 06455845 Bio-155865 1.0 cm ocs # 793 sub 11 60. Map A 60. Am A 798 sub c 795.260 o1Aooos349 ouooosm Page No. 37 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method lane of Chemical or Method Sulfite - ‘l’itrimetric Sulfur Dioxide Daily Average Emissions Sulfur Dioxide Eaission Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Sulfur Dioxide Emissions - Stationary Sources Sulfur Dioxide Emissions - Stationery Sources Sulfur Dioxide Removal Efficiency Sulfur Dioxide in the Atmsphere Sulfur Emissions - Semicontinuous Sulfur, iotal Reduced Emissions Sulfur, Total Reduced Emissions - Petrol Refin. Sulfuric Acid Mist Emissions Survival & Growth of Fathead Minnow Larval Survival & Reproduction of Ceridaphnia Survival & Teratogenicitylfathesd Mimou Ellbryo two, 10!” (Susan 72) in Hasteuater 10173 in Hasteuater by LC Twerature - Thermonetric tenax 0c Adsorption Terbacil ‘I’erbacil V Terbacil Terbufos Ierbutryn - Pesticides in Uasteuater Method I EPA Report I 0377.1 600/6-79-020 00060 0020 0006A 0003 0006 00060 0019 m App A 0016 0016A 0015A 0000 1000 600/6-05-014 1002 600/6-0‘5-011. 1001 600/6-65-016 1000 600/3-03-019 xxxx 600/4-85-028 0637 EMSL 0170.1 600/6-79-020 10-1 600/6-07-006 0109 660/1-03-079-0 0141 “0/1-33-079-0 0633 “0/1-83-079-(2 0130 “0/1~83-079-c 0619 61.011-33-079-0 "US I 36458474 06458474 86458474 85489025 86-12867? ‘0 CFR 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 50,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA 60,AppA DCS # Page No. 38 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or lethod time of chemical or Method Terbutyn Ierrazole (1'11) Etridiazole terrestrial Test Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, 2,3,7,8~(TCDD) Thalliu Thalliua - AA, Direct Aspiration Thalliun - AA, Direct Aspiration thallium - AA, Furnace Thalliuu - AA, Furnace technique thermocorb/l Adsorption - DC/NS ihiabendazole (148-79-8) in W by LC Ihiocarbamates in Hasteuater thionazin Thiophosphates in Uacteuater ihirln thiran (137-26-8) Thorium in Drinking Hater Tin - AA, Direct Aspiration 1’in - AA, Direct Aspiration tin - AA, Furnace Tiawe/Denercal Fiche: l Epibenthic Macroinvert "cam/Priority Pollutant Metals - Iioaccl-ulat Tissue/Priority Pollutant Organic Carpomds Titaniun - AA, Direct Aspiration Titanium - AA, Furnace toluene (108-88-3) Method # 0404 0124 mo: 0613 0910 0282.1 7870 0282.2 0283.1 0283.2 EPA Report 0 arms I 40 CFR Dcs # uon-B-on-c 450/143-0794 797 sub c 136. MP A 600/8-84-002 84-155845 600/4-79-020 84-128677 89-846 Ch. 3 . 600/4-79-020 84-12867? 59-846 Ch. 3 600/4-87-006 01A0005291 600/4-85-017 85-189009 ENSL 600/415-016 85-189017 east 440/1c83-079-C 01A0004860 “/4-79-020 84428677 “-846 Ch. 3 m/4°79-020 84-12867? 01A0005349 01A0005349 01A0005349 600/4-79-020 84-128677 600/4'79-020 84- 128677 136.AppA Page No. 39 03/12/08 “diabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method lane of Chemical or Method Method I EPA Report t 11115 I 40 CFR ocs # Total Organic Carbon (T00) A004 600/0-04-002 04-155045 Total Organic halide 0450.1 600/4-01-056 Total Organic halides (TOX) 9020 “-046 Ch. 5 Total Organic IIalogen (TOX) ' cA004 600/8-04-002 04-155845 Toxauiane ‘ spa-500 am Toxadiene (8001-35-2) 0505 01A0005019 Toxicity Characteristic Leaching ProcedurelTClP) TCLP Mov 7, 1986 51 FR 406 268, App 1 Toxicity Testing XXXX 798 Sub B Toxicity, Dispersant 8. Effectiveness Tests M 300, App c Toxicokinetic Test xxxx 795.735 Trace Element (Metals) - 10? 0200.7 600/4~79-020 84-12867? Trace Elament - lCP 0200.7 136, App 0 Transformation Processes - chemical Fate xxxx 796 sup 0 Transmissivi ty OTEP 01A0005349 Transport Processes - Chemical Fate max 796 Sub c Triadinefon (43121-43-3) 0633 440/1-83-079-0 Triadi-efon DAYLETONUM)! 0137 440/1-03~079-c Trichloronate - Pesticides in Hasteuater 0622 440/143-0794: Trichloronate umnomm ' 0133 . “on-as-on-c Tricyclazole 0139 440/143-0794: Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) 0633 440/1-83-079-0 Trihalonethane, Maxi... Total - Potential 0510.1 600/4-81-044 Trihalomethane, Total Potential (MTP) in W max 141 Subpt c App c, m Trihalolnethanes - Finished Hater/Purge & Trap 0501.1 600/0-80-019 Trihalomethanes in OH by Liquid/Liquid . 0501.2 600/0-00-020 Trihalomethanes in on by Liquid/Liquid max 141 Subpt c App c, n Page no. 40 03/12/88 , Alphabetic Liat of EPA Methods by Eminence or Method Nun: of Chemical or Method Method 8 EPA Report 8 ans 8 40 CFR DCS # Trihalonethanes in DH by Purge 8 Trap W 141 Sibpt C App C, i Trihalonethanes in Drinking Hater by GCIMS 0501.3 01A0005114 Tria(1-aziridiny) Phosphine Sulfide A190 com-woo: 84-155845 Tritiu 0906 60014-80062 turbidity - lepheluetric 0180.1 600/4-79-020 84-12867? ' Turbidity by instrumental (nepheloneter) AERP 25 600/4-87-026 Uraniun - Fluoranetric Method 0908.1 ’ 600/4-80-032 Uraniun - ladiocheinical Method 0908 600/4-80-032 Uranium in 09 by Laser indirect Fluorometry 0908.2 600/4-80-032 Vanadiun A235 600/8~84-002 84-155845 Vanadiun - AA, Direct Aspiration 0286.1 600/4-79-020 84-128677 Vanadium - AA, Direct Aspiration 7910 su-ub Ch. 3 Vanadiuu ~ AA, Furnace 0286.2 600/4-79-020 84-128677 Vanadiun - AA, Furnace Technique 7911 89-846 Ch. 3 Vapor Tightness of Gasoline Delivery Tank 0027 60, App A Vapor-Phase Solvent Extraction 0014 600/2-85-028 Vernolate 0634 EMSL Vinyl Chloride Content of "process Uasteuater 0107 61, App 8 Vinyl Chloride Content of Solvents 0107A 61, App 8 Vinyl Chloride from Stationary Sources 0106 61, App 8 Viacoeity A005 600/8-84-002 84-155845 Viauai Determination of Fugitive Eniasions W22 60, App A Visual Determination of opacity of Emissions 0009 so, App A Volatile Aromatic 8 Unsaturated Organic Cuipomd 0503.1 01A0004678 Volatile iielogenated Organic Coupomds in Hater 0502.1 01A0004678 Volatile Matter Content 8 Density/Printing inks ‘ 0024A Page No. 41 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by suntance or Method lane of Chalical or Method Volatile latter Content, Vater A Density/Coating Volatile Organic Dmomds Volatile Organic cm - Tissues Volatile Organic cm - Hater/Purge & Trap Volatile Organic Coupomds - Hater/Purge & Trap Volatile Organic Comomds - by Purge l Trap Volatile Organic CW Leaks Volatile Organic Coupomds in Whole Blood Volatile Organic Sailpling - Vet Stack Gas Effl Volatile Organic Supling Train Volatile Organics - Fish by Purge I Trap Volatile Organics - Sauple Preparation Volatiles - Directed Analysis - Organics Volatiles - Purging for Organic Aqueous Liquids Volatiles - Purging for Organic Sludges Volatiles - Purging for Organic Solids Haste Dilution Hater Balance Method For Predicting Leachate 2A: In at zinc - AA, Direct Zinc - AA, Direct Aspiration Zinc - AA, Furnace Zinc by 101’ zineb lethod 8 EPA Report I 0024 1624 “P02 0502.2 0524.2 0524.1 0021 XXXX 5040 W30 PP-011 P011 A101 A101a A101b A101: 3580 0103 0289.1 7950 0289.2 0200.7 App ' 0103 560/5-87-008 SU-846 Ch. 4.2.1 89-846 Ch. 10 600/4-81'055 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84-002 600/8-84 -002 80-846 011. 4.2.1 550/ $9. 168 440/113-0794: “0/1-83-079-0 440/1-83°079-C 600/4-79-020 811-846 011. 3 600/4-79-020 ENSL 440/1-83-07’9~C NUS ' 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 84-155845 04455845 84-128677 04-12867? ‘0 CFR 60.AppA 136.AppA vol4 60,AppA 005 # 01A0005152 01A0005017 01A0004678 01A0004678 Page No. 42 03/12/88 Alphabetic List of EPA Methods by Substance or Method Mom of Chemical or Method Method l EPA Report! MTIS I 60 CFR ocs # Zineb 01.01 “0/1-83-079-c Zineb 0630 “0/1-83-079-1: Zineb 0630.1 EMSI. Zirn 0162 A “0/1-83-079-1: zim ' om unifies-079.: lirun 0630 “0/1-83-079-1: zit-In (137-30-4) 0103 1 “0/1-83-079-c p11 - Continuous Monitoring (Electrometric') 0150.2 600/4-79-020 86-128677 pii - Electrometric 0150.1 600/6-79-020 86-12867? pH - Titroiton uith Gran Plot AERP 05 600/11-87-026 pH Measurement 9040 511-846 ch. 6 pH, Closed System AERP 19 600/6-87-026 pH, Open System AERP 20 600/6-87-026 pii, Paper Method 9041 “-846 Ch. 6 p11, Soil 9045 311-846 Ch. 6 Sources of Test Methods ‘0 CFR EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA ErA EPA m EPA 640/1-83-079C 530/3H-846 530/39-87-006 560/5-85-011 560/5-85-012 560/5-86-020 560/5-87-008 600/2-85-028 GOO/3'85-019 600/e-79-020 600/6-80-032 600/A-81-005 600/‘-81-0‘4 600/6-81-0‘5 'soOIL-a1-ose 600/4-32-003 SOURCES OF EPA VEST IETNOOS Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations in eleven volunes: 1-51, 52. 53.60, 61-80, 31-99, 100-169, 150-189, 190-399, 400-626, 425-699, and 700-end, July 1937 ed. (spa) ' Test Methods for Monconventionel Pesticides Cheeicals Anelysis of Industrial and Municipal Hastauater. (MTlS I PISS-176636) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Haste: Physical/chelical Methods 3rd ed - s vols. (SP0 I s110.oo - SM955-DDi-DDDDD-i) latch-Type Adsorption Procedures for Estieating Soil Attenuation of Cheaicals. (MTlS I PI87-156155) Analytical Method: The Analysis of Iy-product Chlorinated Diphenyls in Air, Revision 2. (Nil: I P386-109977) Analytical Method: The Analysis of Iy-product nhlorinated Iiphenyls in Hater, Revision 2. (MTlS I Pl86-109105) Analysis for Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins (PCDD) and Dibenzofurans (PCDF) in human Adipose Tissue: Method Evaluation Study. (MTXS I P387-ib8706) Volatile Organic Compounds in Uhole llood-Detereination by heated Dynamic Meadspace Purge and Trap isotope Dilution GCIMS. COTS) Guide for Decontaminating Iuildings, Structures, and Equipment at Superfund Sites (MTIS I PBSS-ZOiZSA). Analytical Procedures and Quality Assurance Plan for the Analysis of in Tier 3-7 Samples of the u.s. EPA Mationsl Dioxin Study. (0RD) Methods for Cheaical Analysis of Hater and wastes. (ITIS I P866o128677) Prescribed Procedures for Measure-ant of Radioactivity in Drinking Hater. (MTIS I P380-22£766) Interil Methods for the Saapling and Analysis of Priority Pollutants in Sediaents and Fish Tissue. (EMSL) ' The Determination of the Maxiaue Total Trihalolethene Potential (EMSL) The Deteraination oi Polychlorinated Iiphenyls in Transforeer Fluid and Haste Oils (EMSL) ' Total Organic halide: Method 650.1. (EMSL) The Detersinatlon of Drganochlorine Pesticides in industrial and Municipal Hasteuater: Method 608.1. (MTls I P382-155979) C - 1 EPA 600/6'82-004 EPA 600/4-82-005 EPAg600/6-82-006 EPA 600/4-82-007 EPA 600/6-82-908 EPA 600/5‘82-009 EPA 600/6-82-010 EPA 600/6-82°011 EPA'600/k-82-012 EPA 600/4-82-013 EPA 600/6-82-016 EPA 600/6'82-029 EPA 600/6-83-000 EPA 600/6-84-001 EPA souls-a4-017 EPA 600/6-86-041 EPA 600/4-84-065 era’aoO/‘-al-oai Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Industrial and Municipal Hasteuater: Method 616. (MTIS I P382-155987) Deter-ination of chlorinated herbicides in Industrial and Municipal Hasteuater: Method 615. (MTIS I P882-155995) Determination of Organohalide Pesticides and PCBs in Industrial and “Municipal Hasteuatsr: Method 617. (MIIS / P382-156001) Determination of Triazine Pesticides in Industrial and Municipal Ussteuater: Method 619. (MTIS I P382-156019) Deter-ination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Industrial and Municipal Hestesster: Method 622. (M115 I P332-156927) Deternination of Dinitroaniline Pesticides in Industrial and Municipal Hasteuater: Method 627. (M11: I PlBZ-158035) Deternination of Cyanazine in Industrial and Municipal Hasteuater: Method 629. (MTIS I P382-156043) Deter-ination of Dithiocarbanate Pesticides in Industrial and Municipal ”Hestewlter: Method 630. (MTIS I P382-156050) Detersination of Ienonyl and Oarbendazin in Industrial and Municipal Uasteuater: Method 631. (MTIS I P382-156068) Deter-ination of Organonitrogen Pesticides in Industrial and Municipal Hasteuater: Method 633. (Mil: I P382-156076) Deternination of Carbanate and Urea Pesticides in Industrial and Municipal Hasteuater: Method 632. (MTIS I P382-156086) Handbook of Sampling and Sanple Preservation of Hater and Hasteuater. (MIIS I P383-126503) Methods for Use of Caged Molluscs for In Situ liononltoring of Marine Sewage Discharges (Draft). (EMSL) Development of Analytical test Procedures for the Measureoent of Organic Priority Pollutants in Sludge. (M118 I P384-129068) Technical Addition to Methods for Ohealcal Analysis of Hater and Hastes (EPA 600/5-79-020) (EMSL) ' Coopendiul of Methods for the Deter-ination of Toxic Organic Coapounds in Aabient Air. (III: I PIB7-168888) Geophysical Methods for Locating Abandoned Hells. (MTISIPBBA-212711) Interis Protocol of the Automated Analysis of Seaivolatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chrooatography/Fourier transforh Infrared (OCIFToIR) Spectroletry.‘ (MTIS I POSS-225286) ,D ,. EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA 600/4-85-013 600/6-85-014 DOD/b-OS-Oio 600/6°US-017 600/6~85’018 GOO/k-BS-OIP 600/6-85-020 600/6-85-021 600/4-85-022 600/‘-85-023 600/5-85°024 600/4-85-025 600/6-85-026 600/6-85-027 600/5-85-028 600/6-85-05‘ 600/6-87-006 Methods for Measuring the Acute toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms, 3rd ed. (EMSL/ORD) Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic toxicity of Eifluents and Receiving Haters to Freshwater Organisms. (III: I psa6-153474) Determination of Ihiophosphates in industrial and Municipal Uasteuaters - Aspon, Dichlofenthion, Famphur, Fenitrothion, Fonophos, Phosmet, and Ihiomazin. (MTIS I PISS-189017) Determination of Thiocarbamates in Industrial and Municipal Hasteuater - Iutylate, Cycloate, EPIC, Molinate, Pebulate, and Vernolate. (III: I PICS-189009) Determination of Meutral Mitrogen-Containing Pesticides in industrial and Municipal Ussteuaters - Fenarimol, MGK 26‘, MGK 326, and Pronamide. (III: I PODS-189157) C, M, and 0 Compounds - Cycloprate, Minoprene. Methoprene, and Resmethrin: Method 616. (MIIS I PISS-188951) Determination of Volatile Pesticides in Industrial and Municipal Hasteuaters. (MTIS I PODS-189918) Determination of lendiocarb in Industrial and Municipal Masteuaters. (MIIS I PICS-188159) Determination of Densulide in Industrial and Muncipal Ussteuaters. (MIls I PICS-188977) Determination of Rotenone in Industrial and Municipal Vasteuaters. (MTIS I FEDS-183993) Determination of Oryzalin in Industrial and Municipal Uasteuaters. (MTIS I PODS-188985) Determination of Diphenylamine in Industrial and Municipal Hasteuaters. (MIIS I PBBS-I9OD7‘) Determination of Mercaptobenzothiazole in Industrial and Municipal Vasteuaters. (ITIS I P385.191120) Determination of Mexachlorophene and Dichlorophen in Industrial and Municipal Uastauaters. (MIIS I PODS-188209) Determination of MBTS and ICMTI in Industrial and Municipal Hasteuaters. (MTIS I PIES-189025) Measurement of I-Methyl Carbamoyloximes and M-Methyl Carbamates in Drinking Hater by Direct aqueous Injection MPLC uith Post Column Derivatization: Method 531. (EMSL) Supplement to 600/6-86-061: Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air. (MTIS / P387-168996) EPA 600/6-87-026 EPA 600/7-84-054 EPA 600/8-84-002 EPA 600/8-78-017 en soozo-ao-ow - EPA 600/0-80-020 P384-176705 01A0004678 01A0006860 01A0005017 01A0005019 01A0005020 01A0005021 01A0005022 01ADOOSOZ3 01A0005114 01A0005152 01A000529i Handbook of Methods for Acid Deposition Studies: Laboratory Analysis for Surface Hater Chemistry. (0RD) Geophysical Techniques for Sensing Iuried Hastes. (MTIS I P886-198549) Sampling and Analysis Methods for Hazardous Haste Combustion. (HTIS I P885-155845) Microbiological Methods for Monitoring the Environment: Hater and Hastes. (HTIS I 93290329) Trihalomethanes...:Method 501.1 (EMSL) trihalomethanes...:Method 501.2 (EMSL) Area Overlap Method for Determining Adequate Chromatographic Resolution. (HTIS I PICA-176705) Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Finished Drinking Hater and Rea Source Hater. (EMSL) Determination of Lead-210, Thorium, Plutonium end Polonium-Zio in Drinking Hater. (EMSL) Volatile Organic Compounds in Hater by Purge end Trap Capillary Column Gas Chromatography uith Photoionitetion and Electrolytic Conductivity Detectors in Series: Method 502.2. (EMSL) Analysis of Organohalide Pesticides and Aroclors in Drinking Hater by Microextraction and Gas Chromatography: Method 505. (EMSL) Determination of Mitrogen- and Phosphoris-Containing Pesticides in Ground Hater by Gas Chromatography Hith a Mitrogen-Phosphorus Detector: Method 507. (EMSL) ' Determination of Chlorineted Pesticides in Ground Hater by Gas Chromatography Hith an Electron Capture Detector: Method 508. (EMSL) Determination of Chlorinated Merbicides in Drinking Hater: Method 515. (EMSL) Measurement of Purgeable Organic Compounds in Drinking Hater by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry: Method 52‘. (EMSL) Measurement of trihalomethanes in Drinking Hater with CCIMS and Selected lon Monitoring: Method 501.3. (EMSL) lioaccumulcation Monitoring Guidance: Vol 6. Analytical Methods for u.s. EPA Priority Pollutants and 301(h) Pesticides in tissues from Estuarine and Marine Organisms. May 1986. (OMEP) Analysis of Thibendazole in Hasteuater by Liquid Chromatography: Method 661. (EMSL) 01A0005292 01A0005293 01A0005296 01A0005295 01A0005369 OPE-500 0200.7 App ENSL EISL/RYP 6P0 ITIS ONE? 07S Analysis of Dentazon in Hesteuater by Liquid Chrolatography: Iethod 663. (EISL) Analysis of Certain Aline Pesticides and Lethane in Hasteuater by Gas Chrolatography: Method 665. (EISL) Analysis of Certain Organochlorine Pesticides in Hasteuater by Gas Chromatography: Iethod 608.2. (EISL) Deter-ination of Pesticides and Pcbs in Hater and Oil/Sedi-ent by Gas Chromatography/lass Spectronetry: Iethod 680. November 1985. (EHSL) lnteria Guidance on Quality Assurance/Duality control (DA/DC) for the Estuarine Field and Laboratory lethods. love-ber 15, 1985. (ONE?) Iethods for Organochlorine Pesticides and Chlorophenoxy Acid herbicides in Drinking Hater and Ian Source Hater by J.t. later Chemical Co. (ENSL) Inductively Coupled Plasna Atooic Eliseion Analysis of Drinking Hater, Appendix to Iethod 200.7. (EMSL) KEY to OBIAIHIUD SOURCES US EPA Environ-ental Ionitoring and Support Laboratory, 26 Heat lartin Luther King Dr, Cincinnati, on 65268. (513) 569-7302 or Fts 686-7302 US EPA Environmental lonitoring Systeus Laboratory, RTP, uc 27711. (919) 561-2106 or FtS 561-2106 Government Printing office, Superintendent of Documents, US 6P0, Hashington, Dc 20602. (202) 783-3238 lational technical lnfornation Service, Dept. of Collerce, Springfield, VA 22161. (703) 687-6650 or FtS 737-6780. office of Marine and Estuarine Protection, technical Support Div, US EPA, 601 I St, S.H., Hashington, at 10660. EPA office of Research and Develop-ent, 26 H. lartin Luther King Dr., cincinnati, on 65268. (513) 569-7562 or Ft: 569-7562. EPA Office of toxic Substances, 601 I Street, S.H., Hashimtm, Dc 20660. 111,4» U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDH‘I‘175301