MICROFILMED 1985 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. THE PRINTING MASTER FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE IS HELD BY THE MAIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCTION REQUEST MASTER NEGATIVE NUMBER g5-2119 AUTHOR: Ackerman bros., an Franeisce . TITLE:...Rules for governing clevks. PLACE: San Francisco DATE: [$7 VOLUME C Ea gS ALL = MASTER _ > NO. A® X ‘NEG. NO. 31% FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 ~ JOB NO. 8/6 0/3 2/4 DATE 9 85 REDUCTION RATIO 8 DOCUMENT "SOURCE THE BANCROFT LIBRARY I fl28 25 lee _ ie fl22 22 fs x fle ye fl = [lL MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) LLL LLG EL INCHES | V 10 1 I ! 2] f [ f 3 T [ 4 I | EERE hr T jie METRIC 1] i. 2) | 4 \ 9 11 HITTITE 5| 6 Lo 8 t io HO, woh 33, 4 15 HTT TTT TT TT TT rT TTT TTT od KERMAN BROS. entral Establishment, Tanah ere go SAN FRANCISCO; ANOROFT & Co., PRINTERS, 721 MARKET ST. > 1874. . Pete Bo. E Retake of Preceding Frame so | ACKERMAN BROS, Grand Central Establishment, 123 Kearny & 209 Sutter Sts. | | | | RULES FOR GOVERNING CLERKS. | | | { | : SAN FRANCISCO: | | A. L. BANCROFT & Co., PRINTERS, 721 MARKET ST. | 1874. | Retake of Preceding Frame 4 rmmemermreerrs "| sommes | Grant Central Establishment, 123 Kearny & 209 Sutter Sts. ~ RULES FOR GOVERNING GLERKS. ACKERMAN BROS. Grand Gentral Establishment, 123 Kearny & 209 Sutter Sts. RULES FOR GOVERNING CLERKS. SAN FRANCISOO; A. L. BAROROFT & C0., PRINTERS, 721 MARKET ST. 1874. RULES GOVERNING CLERKS. "11818 Bancroft Library SALESMEN are required to be in place at 8 o’clock a. m.; their immediate duty is to carefully dust and clean their re- spective departments. Must be fully cognizant of the reserve stock of their departments. RULES GOVERNING CLERKS. Each morning after the first duty is completed, they will examine the reserve stock in the basement, to take note of all which has been added to or taken out; in doing this notice must be taken that one-half of the force of Salesmen are on the floor. A stock book may be kept at their option. At 10 o'clock every Salesman is re- quired to be at his place ready to serve customers. In serving customers, no distinction as to class or dress must be made. The same patience must be exercised with all. Invite all customers to inspect our RULES GOVERNING CLERKS. 5 Establishment, and such who desire to do so refer to the monitor. Remain at your department during the day, and only serve in other depart- ments when your customer desires it, or when the Salesman of any department is occupied elsewhere. Any sample sold out of your depart- ment, replace immediately when sold. When departments are out of order and the Salesman of such being em- ployed elsewhere, put same in order to the best of your ability. Bancroft Library Salesmen are not required to put any department in order which he has dis- turbed if the Salesman of that particular department is unoccupied. RULES GOVERNING CLERKS. Not allowed to exchange goods with- out having first obtained permission from the monitor. All articles are to be sold as marked n plain figures, and no deviation from the price is allowed. Every Salesman is responsible for all errors and acts of negligence and care- lessness on his part. When goods are sold, the same is to be handed to a Cash Boy with a cash slip (providing it is a Cash Sale). The slip must be filled correctly—each arti- cle sold set down. The slip and goods are to be examined by the monitor before being brought to the counter for wrapping, and if correct to receive his initials. RULES GOVERNING CLERKS. oT The articles sold will be brought back by the boy to be delivered to the pur- chaser. ‘When articles are bought and the same are to be charged to the purchaser, the same rules are to be regarded as in Cash Sales, only filling out a charge slip instead of Cash. When goods are sold which are to be delivered to the residence, a cashier’s and delivery slip must be filled and sent to the Cashier. The delivery slip will be acknowledged and returned to Salesman. The goods with the delivery slip is to be sent to the Delivery Depart- ment. When Bris are sold which are to be delivered and the same are immediately 8 RULES GOVERNING CLERKS. paid, send a cash slip with remarks— ““Mdse. as per delivery slip” to Cashier. The delivery slip can be handed to Cashier for acknowledgement afterward and then sent to Delivery Clerk. Select immediately, or cause to be selected, the goods sold. In taking directions for delivery, every Salesman must be particular to ask be- tween what streets the addressed resides, as a guard against errors. The immediate duty of a Salesman, after having sold any article or articles, ie to fill the proper tag and send same to Cashier. Number and enter every sale in pass book and number the slip. RULES GOVERNING CLERKS. 9 All Salesmen are permitted to have one evening in every two weeks for themselves, excepting during holiday season. Orders received will be assorted ac- cording to departments, and a selection slip handed to the Salesman when any article in his department has been ordered. The goods are to be carefully selected and sent to the packing room, with the address. The selection slip must be returned to the office with the cost set down. ‘Wrapping CLERK. All goods sold will be brought to the wrapping office, providing the same are 10 RULES GOVERNING CLERKS. to be taken along by the purchaser. A slip and the proper amount must accom- pany the goods. Examine and see if the goods corre- spond with the slip, and notice if the slip bears the proper initials. When everything is found to be cor- rect pass the money and slip to the Cashier, and then wrap up the articles. When goods are left to be called for, lay the same aside with the name and proper memorandum. DEeLivery CLERK. Pack, or cause to be packed, all goods for city delivery, after the same has been examined and found to correspond with delivery slips, which must have the RULES GOVERNING CLEREs. 11 proper initials and the Cashier's ac- knowledgement. Enter all goods delivered and keep a true and strict account of such that have been paid, sent C.O.D., or to be charged. When returns from C. O. D. Sales are received, send the same to Book-keeper, with memorandum. Charge Slips, after same have been entered by the Book-keeper, will be sent to Delivery Clerk as security against any errors. Any deviations are to be reported immediately. Stock CLERKS AND SELECTORS. Keep departments in good order and 12 RULES GOVERNING CLERKS. condition, and carefully note that sam- ples of every article is exhibited and properly labelled. Inform the Salesman of all receipts and deliveries. Select according to Selection Slip, and in no instance select damaged goods. If goods are damaged repair the same or cause to be repaired, and hand the same to Salesman of its department. Stock Clerks are to co-operate with Salesmen. Specia. MENTION. Every Clerk is expected to act accord- ing to rules. All ungentlemanly acts and disregard to rules, is subject to im- mediate dismissal, with pay up to day of dismissal. END OF REEL. PLEASE REWIND.