644 B32 A12 1988 PUBL NATIONAL LIBRARY of MEDICINE CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN MEDICINE No. 88-13 Bacterial, Viral, and Parasitic Foodborne Infections and Intoxications January 1986 through October 1988 662 Citations Prepared by Fritz P. Gluckstein U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health U.S. DEPOSITORY FEB 1 31989 7O €E7D Fortra RA C44 G3L' Ai2 G4 (9898 PuRL ''''CBM No. 88-13 Bacterial, Viral, and Parasitic Foodborne Infections and Intoxications January 1986 through October 1988 662 Citations Prepared by Fritz P. Gluckstein; D.V.M., M.L.S. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 G.P.O. Stock No. 817-004-00013-0 ''m Qa o SUBOSORT LUE l SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine’s Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE, AVLINE, BIOETHICSLINE, CANCERLIT, CATLINE, HEALTH, POPLINE, AND TOXLINE. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material are not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: The Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 301/496-6097 Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. To order the entire CBM series for calendar year 1988 (20 bibliographies), send $26.00 ($33.50 foreign) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM88. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($2.00, $2.50 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing the title and the GPO Stock No. printed on the title page. To subscribe to the series for calendar year 1989, send $47.00 ($58.75 foreign) citing GPO List ID: CBM839. For your convenience an order blank is given inside the back cover. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget through September 30, 1989. ''K Dou S327. Ai ey 17 33 BACTERIAL, VIRAL, AND PARASITIC FOODBORNE INFECTIONS AND INTOXICATIONS | PC) f C Responding to public concern, Congress has introduced several bills relating to various aspects of food safety. This bibliography deals with one of these aspects. It contains citations to journal articles and books on the prevention, diagnosis, transmission, and occurrence of bacterial, viral, and parasitic foodborne infections and intoxications. The contents are arranged by type of etiologic agent. Articles dealing with four or more bacterial agents are listed in the "General" section; those dealing with two or three bacterial agents are listed under each. Articles concerning viruses or parasites are listed under their respective headings regardless of the number of agents that may be discussed concurrently. This bibliography is based on searches of the NLM databases MEDLINE and CATLINE, augmented by citations from six additional journals held at the NLM. ''SEARCH STRATEGY A variety of online databases are usually searched in preparing bibliographies in the CBM series. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the NLM’s MEDLINE database is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. SS_1= FOOD POISONING SS 2 = BOTULISM SS 3 = SALMONELLA FOOD POISONING SS 4 = STAPHYLOCOCCAL FOOD POISONING SS 5=10R2O0R30R4 SS 6 = HISTAMINE OR EXP MARINE TOXINS OR EXP MYCOTOXINS SS 7=5 AND NOT 6 SS_8 = FOOD CONTAMINATION OR FOOD MICROBIOLOGY SS 9 = BACTERIAL INFECTIONS (PX) SS10 = EXP RICKETTSIAL A#¥D CHLAMYDIAL INFECTIONS SS11 = BACTERIA (PX) SS12=9 OR 10 OR 11 SS13 = 12 AND 8 SS14 = VIRUS DISEASES (PX) OR VERTEBRATE VIRUSES (PX) SS15 = EXP HELMINTHIASIS SS16 = EXP HELMINTHS SS17 = EXP PROTOZOAN INFECTIONS SS18 = EXP PROTOZOA SS19 = 14 OR 15 OR 16 OR 17 OR 18 SS20 = 19 AND 8 SS21 = 7 OR 13 OR 20 ''SAMPLE CITATIONS Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets and the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Note also that a colon (:) may appear within an author’s name or article title. The NLM computer system automatically inserts this symbol in the place of a diacritical mark. Journal Article: Authors Article Title | Novotny T ; Dingman JD ; Pavia A. Foodborne illnesses associated with a pig roast. J Food Prot 1987 Nov;50(11):945-7 | iy Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title Monograph: Authors Title wt Longree, Karla ; Armbruster, Gertrude. Quantity food sanitation. New York: Wiley, 1987. 452p. ff / | " Place of Publisher Date No. of Pages Publication ''''TABLE OF CONTENTS page JOURNAL ARTICLES: Bacteria General 1 Aeromonas 5 Bacillus cereus 5 Brucella 6 Campylobacter 6 Clostridium (except C. botulinum) 8 Clostridium botulinum 9 Enterobacter 11 Escherichia 11 Flavobacterium 12 Francisella 12 Klebsiella 12 Leuconostoc 12 Listeria 12 Plesiomonas 15 Pseudomonas 15 Salmonella 15 Shigella 20 Staphylococcus 20 Streptococcus 23 Vibrio 23 Yersinia 25 Viruses 27 Helminths 29 Protozoa 31 MONOGRAPHS 32 ''''Bacteria General Abbar FM. Incidence of fecal coliforms and serovars of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in naturally contaminated cheese. J Food Prot 1988 May;51(5):384-5 Adonajo A ; Maruszczak M. [Food poisoning--1984]. Przegl Epidemiol 1986;40(1):79-88 [Pol] Ahmed AA ; Ahmed SH ; Moustafa MK. Occurrence of fecal coliforms and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli EEC in Egyptian soft cheese. J Food Prot 1988 Jun;51(6):442-4 Andreichin MA ; Kita:i GP ; Vasil’eva IA. [Binding function of the serum albumin in food toxinfections]. Vrach Delo 1986 Sep;(9): 112-4 [Rus] Andrews WH. Resuscitation of injured Salmonella spp. and Coliforms from foods. J Food Prot 1986 Jan;49(1):62-75 Archer DL. Foodborne gram-negative bacteria and atherosclerosis: is there a connection? J Food Prot 1987 Sep; 50(9):783-7 Barrett NJ. Communicable disease associated with milk and dairy products in England and Wales: 1983-1984. J Infect 1986 May; 12(3):265-72 Beckers HJ. Incidence of foodborne disease in the Netherlands: annual summary 1981. J Food Prot 1986 Nov;49(11):924-31 Beckers HJ. Incidence of foodborne disease in the Netherlands: annual summary 1982 and an overview from 1979 to 1982. J Food Prot 1988 Apr;51(4):327-34 Beckers HJ. Public health aspects of microbial contaminants in food. Vet Q 1987 Oct;9(4):342-7 Bok HE ; Holzapfel WH ; Odendahl ES ; van der Linde HJ. Incidence of foodborne pathogens in retail broilers. Int J Food Microbiol 1986;3(5):273-85 Bondarenko VM ; Timofeeva IT ; Bondarenko VM ; Kolesnikov SA ; Kaplunova AT. [Significance of the rate of isolation of Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter and intestinal Yersinia in bacteriological research]. Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol 1987 Jun;(6):74-8 [Rus] Brocklehurst TF ; Zaman-Wong CM ; Lund BM. A note on the microbiology of retail packs of prepared salad vegetables. J Appl Bacteriol 1987 Nov;63(5):409-15 Brodov LE ; Davydovski:i VI ; Karetkina GN ; Maleev VV ; Iushchuk ND. [Causes of unfavorable outcome of food poisoning]. Klin Med (Mosk) 1986 Mar;64(3):67-72 [Rus] Brodov LE ; Iushchuk ND ; Moguchev VM ; Maleev VV ; Karetkina GN. [Differential diagnosis of toxic food infections and acute appendicitis]. Sov Med 1986;(11):95-8 [Rus] Bryan FL. Risks associated with vehicles of foodborne pathogens and toxins. J Food Prot 1988 Jun;51(6):498-508 Bryan FL ; Michanie S ; Mendoza-Fernandez N ; Moscoso- Vizcarra M ; Taboada PD ; Navarros O ; Bravo-Alonso A ; Guerra-Requejo E. Hazard analyses of foods prepared by migrants living in a new settlement at the outskirts of Lima, Peru. J Food Prot 1988 Apr;51(4):314-23 Bryan FL ; Michanie S ; Moscoso-Vizcarra M ; Navarro SO); Taboada ; D ; Mendoza-Fernandez N ; Guerra-Requejo E ; Perez-Munoz B. Hazard analyses of foods prepared by inhabitants near Lake Titicaca in the Peruvian Sierra. J Food Prot 1988 May;51(5):412-8 Cervera P. [Nutrition during the holidays (II)]. Rev Enferm 1986 Jul-Aug;9(96-97):48-52 [Spa] Charm SE ; Landau SH. Thermalizer. High-temperature short- time sterilization of heat-sensitive biological materials. Ann NY Acad Sci 1987;506:608-12 Chattopadhyay B. The structure and functions of a district food hygiene group. J Hosp Infect 1987 May;9(3):298-301 Chekalina KI ; Kabal’nova TA. [Clinical picture, treatment and prevention of food poisoning]. Feldsher Akush 1986 Nov; 51(11):12-8 [Rus] Cherian A ; Lawande RV. Diarrhoeal disease in bottle fed children. J R Soc Health 1987 Apr;107(2):62-3 Cliver DO. Foodborne diseases in the United States, 1946-1986. Int J Food Microbiol 1987;4(4):269-77 Cole MT ; Kilgen MB ; Reily LA ; Hackney CR. Detection of enteroviruses and bacterial indicators and pathogens in Louisiana oysters and their overlying waters. J Food Prot 1986 Aug;49(8):596-601 ''Cox NA ; Fung DYC ; Bailey JS ; Hartman PA ; Vasavada PC. Miniaturized kits, immunoasseys and DNA hybridization for recognition and identification of foodborne bacteria. Dairy Food Sanit 1987 Dec;7(12):628-31 de Wit JC ; Kampelmacher EH. Some aspects of bacterial contamination of hands of workers in food service establishments. Zentralbl Bakteriol Mikrobiol Hyg [B] 1988 Mar;186(1):45-54 Eidelman AI. Gram-negative bacilli in human milk [letter]. J Pediatr 1988 Mar;112(3):500 Ellencweig AY ; Slater PE. Demographic and socio-economic patterns of hospitalization for infectious diseases in Israel. Eur J Epidemiol 1986 Jun;2(2):83-9 Eyles MJ ; Davey GR. Vibrio cholerae and enteric bacteria in oyster-producing areas of two urban estuaries in Australia. Int J Food Microbiol 1988;6(3):207-18 Foodborne disease surveillance in England and Wales 1984. Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre. Br Med J [Clin Res] 1986 Nov 29;293(6559):1424-7 Fries R ; Tschischkale R. [Bacteriologic status of the muscle tissue of broilers in the fattening phase and following meat removal]. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 1987 Jul 1;100(7):233-7 [Ger] Fukushima H ; Hoshina K ; Nakamura R ; Ito Y. Raw beef, pork and chicken in Japan contaminated with Salmonella sp., Campylobacter sp., Yersinia enterocolitica, and Clostridium perfringens--a comparative study. Zentralbl Bakteriol Mikrobiol Hyg [B] 1987 Apr;184(1):60-70 Galbraith NS ; Barrett NJ ; Sockett PN. The changing pattern of foodborne disease in England and Wales. Public Health 1987 Sep;101(5):319-28 Garcia-Villanova Ruiz B ; Galvez Vargas R ; Garcia-Villanova R. Contamination on fresh vegetables during cultivation and marketing. Int J Food Microbiol 1987;4(4):285-91 Garcia-Villanova Ruiz B ; Mariscal Larrubia A ; G:alvez Vargas R. Microbial content in fresh vegetables: roots, tubers and bulbs. Rev Latinoam Microbiol 1987 Apr-Jun;29(2):107-12 Gaya P ; Medina M ; Nu:nez M. Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms, faecal coliforms and salmonellas in raw ewes’ milk. J Appl Bacteriol 1987 Apr;62(4):321-6 Goda FF ; Wassef NA ; Ibrahim AA ; Roushdy S. Studies on microorganisms secured from different organs of slaughtered sheep with special reference to the microbial load in certain muscles. Beitr Trop Landwirtsch Veterinarmed 1986;24(1):85- 95 Goh KT. Surveillance of food poisoning and other food-borne diseases in Singapore. Ann Acad Med Singapore 1987 Oct; 16(4):577-82 Gokalp HY ; Yetim H ; Kaya M ; Ockerman HW. Saprophytic and pathogenic bacteria levels in Turkish soudjouks manufactured in Erzurum, Turkey. J Food Prot 1988 Feb;51(2):121-5 Gould D. Food poisoning: health needs hygiene. Community Outlook 1987 Jun:14-6 Haddock RL ; Kampelmacher EH. The control of foodborne diseases on the island of Guam. Int J Food Microbiol 1986; 3(3):143-7 Hall S. Current epidemiology of childhood infections. Br Med Bull 1986 Apr;42(2):127-30 Hartog BJ ; de Boer E ; Lenssinck JB ; de Wilde GJ. [The microbiological status of dry sausage in East Netherlands]. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 1987 Mar 15;112(6):322-33 [Dut] Hudson WR ; Roberts TA ; Whelehan OP. Bacteriological status of beef carcasses at a commercial abattoir before and after slaughterline improvements. Epidemiol Infect 1987 Feb;98(1): 81-6 Hughey VL ; Johnson EA. Antimicrobial activity of lysozyme against bacteria involved in food spoilage and food-borne disease. Appl Environ Microbiol 1987 Sep;53(9):2165-70 Ibarra JJ ; Yokoya F. Estimation of chicken microbial load using the growth curve parameters of chicken microflora. Poult Sci 1986 Jan;65(1):58-62 Imai C ; Nakamaru E ; Mita M ; Uesugi I ; Saito J. Egg yolk paste for determining some food poisoning bacteria. Poult Sci 1988 Feb;67(2):261-9 Jaksch P ; Terplan G. [Examination of eggs and egg products by means of the Limulustest: experiences, examination of market egg products and control during processing]. Arch Lebensmittelhyg 1987 Mar-Apr;38(2):47-55 [Ger] Johnson RW. Microbial food safety. Dairy Food Sanit 1987 Apr; 1(4):174-6 Kalamkarova LI ; Nikov PS ; Bilialova KI ; Rakhimberlina RM ; Zhiglov VI. [Improved sanitary bacteriological control of dairy production]. Vopr Pitan 1988 Jan-Feb;(1):60-4 [Rus] ''Kaloianov I ; Monov G ; Ionova I ; Kunev Zh ; Petkov R. [Hygienic research on meat-dressing shops and enterprises]. Vet Med Nauki 1987;24(7):49-58 [Bul] Kampelmacher EH. Gordon memorial lecture. Poultry disease and public health. Br Poult Sci 1987 Mar;28(1):3-13 Kampelmacher EH. [People are always saying...]. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 1986 Mar 1;111(5):247-53 [Dut] Kapila M ; Buttery R. Lessons from the outbreak of food poisoning at Stanley Royd Hospital: what are health authorities doing now? Br Med J [Clin Res] 1986 Aug 2;293(6542):321-2 Kartsev VV. [The significance and frequency of the isolation of citrate-assimilating coliform bacteria from food products]. Vopr Pitan 1987 Nov-Dec;(6):72-3 [Rus] Kaysner CA ; Weagant SD. Limitations of the A-1M method for fecal coliform enumeration in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). J Assoc Off Anal Chem 1987 May-Jun;70(3):535-7 Khayat FA ; Bruhn JC ; Richardson GH. A survey of coliforms and Staphylococcus aureus in cheese using impedimetric and plate count methods. J Food Prot 1988 Jan;51(1):53-5 Lecos C. A closer look at dairy safety. FDA Consum 1986 Apr; 20(3):14-7 MacDonald KL ; Griffin PM. Foodborne disease outbreaks, annual summary, 1982. MMWR CDC Surveill Summ 1986; 35(1):7SS-16SS {Meat poisoning. By H.J.H. Stempel, 1891 (classical article)]. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 1987 Sep 15;112(18):1033-5 [Dut] Menning EL. Danger lurks in your supermarket meat cases. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1988 Feb 15;192(4):494-7 Michanie S ; Bryan FL ; Mendoza-Fernandez N ; Moscoso- Vizcarra M ; Taboada PD ; Navarros O ; Bravo-Alonso A ; Santillan ML. Hazard analyses of foods prepared by inhabitants along the Peruvian Amazon River. J Food Prot 1988 Apr;51(4): 293-302 Mol H. [Prevention of food-borne diseases in the Netherlands. Are we on the right course?] Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 1986 Sep 1; 111(17):800-8 [Dut] Morris P. Stanley Royd: errors that led to tragedy. Nurs Times 1986 Feb 12-18;82(7):18-9 Mossel DA ; van der Zee H ; Hardon AP ; van Netten P. The enumeration of thermotrophic types amongst the Enterobacteriaceae colonizing perishable foods. J Appl Bacteriol 1986 Apr;60(4):289-95 Mossel DAA. [The state of the art of medical food microbiology » and its impact for the protection of the public against food- transmitted diseases of microbial aetiology]. Arch Lebensmittelhyg 1986 May-Jun;37(3):59-65 [Ger] Muytjens HL ; Roelofs-Willemse H ; Jaspar GH. Quality of powdered substitutes for breast milk with regard to members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. J Clin Microbiol 1988 Apr; 26(4):743-6 Naeem K ; Rizvi AR. Studies on the physical and bacterial quality of Dahi with special reference to public health. JPMA 1986 Apr;36(4):87-9 Nightingale SL. Foodborne disease: an increasing problem. Am Fam Physician 1987 Mar;35(3):353-4 Novotny T ; Dingman JD ; Pavia A. Foodborne illness associated with a pig roast. J Food Prot 1987 Nov;50(11):945-7 Okolo MI. Bacterial drug resistance in meat animals: a review. Int J Zoonoses 1986 Sep;13(3):143-52 Ollinger-Snyder PA ; Matthews ME. Cook/chill foodservice system with a microwave oven: coliforms and aerobic counts from turkey rolls and slices. J Food Prot 1988 Feb;51(2):84-6 Oosterom J ; Notermans S. [Hygiene in poultry processing]. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 1986 Jun 1;111(11):529-33 [Dut] Ozari R ; Dittrich H-G ; Kotter L. [About the application of the Limulustest in the microtiter-system for the examination of minced pork]. Arch Lebensmittelhyg 1987 Nov-Dec;38(6):166- 72 [Ger] Palumbo SA. Is refrigeration enough to restrain foodborne pathogens? J Food Prot 1986 Dec;49(12):1003-9 Phonboon K ; Kunasol P ; Jayaniyayothin T ; Srisomporn D. Surveillance of food and waterborne diseases in Thailand, 1979-1984. J Trop Med Hyg 1987 Dec;90(6):311-7 Pohn HP ; Grossmann R. [Outbreaks of food-borne infections and microbial-induced poisonings in West Germany including Berlin (West) 1983-1986]. Off Gesundheitswes 1987 Nov; 49(11):577-80 [Ger] Pokrovskii VI. [Traveler’s diarrhea]. Klin Med (Mosk) 1987 Apr; 65(4):17-20 [Rus] ''Prasad M ; Chandiramani NK ; Mandokhot U. Isolation of bacteria of public health significance from some pork products. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 1986 Oct;29(4):328-36 Preston FS. Food irradiation and airline catering. Aviat Space Environ Med 1988 Apr;59(4):363-6 Przybylska A. [Food poisoning 1985]. Przegl Epidemiol 1987;41(1): 66-77 [Pol] Ray B. Impact of bacterial injury and repair in food microbiology: its past, present and future. J Food Prot 1986 Aug;49(8):651-5 Rennels MB ; Levine MM. Classical bacterial diarrhea: perspectives and update--Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia coli, Aeromonas and Plesiomonas. Pediatr Infect Dis 1986 Jan-Feb; 5(1 Suppl):S91-100 Restaino L ; Lyon RH. Efficacy of Petrifilm VRB for enumerating coliforms and Escherichia coli from frozen raw beef. J Food Prot 1987 Dec;50(12):1017-22 Rivas M ; Mercado EC ; Frade AH ; Rizzo IJ. [Microbiological quality of dehydrated and instant products for infants and children ]. Rev Argent Microbiol 1985;17(1):5-10 [Spa] Rodrigues UM ; Kroll RG. Rapid selective enumeration of bacteria in foods using a microcolony epifluorescence microscopy technique. J Appl Bacteriol 1988 Jan;64(1):65-78 Sami Z ; Bari A. Food hygiene with reference to public health. Viable bacterial counts of ready to eat foods served in Rawalpindi Islamabad. JPMA 1986 Dec;36(12):304-8 Sami Z ; Roohi S ; Khan MA ; Ghafoor A. Food hygiene with reference to public health microbiological contaminants of different foods in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. JPMA 1986 Jun; 36(6):141-9 : Schmidt-Lorenz W ; Spillmann H. [Critical reflections about the predictive value of the presence of E. coli, coliforms, and Enterobacteriaceae in foods]. Arch Lebensmittelhyg 1988 Jan- Feb;39(1):3-15 [Ger] Serkov VA. [Analysis of the work of a department of nutritional hygiene in preventing food poisoning]. Vopr Pitan 1988 Jan- Feb;(1):71-2 [Rus] Sinell HJ. [Food-borne infections and poisonings]. Z Hautkr 1987;62 Suppl 1:16-21 [Ger] Singh D ; Chan M ; Ng H-H ; Yong MO. Microbiological quality of frozen raw and cooked shrimps. Food Microbiol 1987;4(3): 221-8 Sixl W ; Sixl-Voigt B ; St:unzner D ; Arbesser C ; Reinthaler F ; Mascher F ; Rosegger H ; Schneeweiss W ; Schuhmann G. Investigations in the problem of diarrhoea in the Melut district, South Sudan (1981-1982). J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Immunol 1987;31(4 Suppl):486-9 Stalheim OH. Veterinary services in emergencies: food safety and inspection. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1987 Mar 15;190(6):723-32 Stanley Royd: the epidemiological lesson [editorial]. Br Med J [Clin Res] 1986 Mar 8;292(6521):644-5 Sudakova RN ; Iyks UL ; Peter IV ; Pe:etso RO ; Shliapnikov LN. [Isolation of enterobacteria from food products]. Vopr Pitan 1987 Jan-Feb;(1):64-5 [Rus] Taylor DN ; Echeverria P. Etiology and epidemiology of travelers’ diarrhea in Asia. Rev Infect Dis 1986 May-Jun;8 Suppl 2:S136- 41 Tebbutt GM. An evaluation of various working practices in shops selling raw and cooked meats. J Hyg (Lond) 1986 Aug;97(1):81- 90 Ternstrom A ; Molin G. Incidence of potential pathogens on raw pork, beef and chicken in Sweden with special reference to Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. J Food Prot 1987 Feb;50(2):141-6 Todd EC. Foodborne and waterborne disease in Canada - 1982 annual summary. J Food Prot 1988 Jan;51(1):56-65 Todd ECD. Foodborne and waterborne disease in Canada - 1981 annual summary. J Food Prot 1987 Nov;50(11):982-91 Todd ECD. Impact of spoilage and foodborne diseases on national and international economies. Int J Food Microbiol 1987;4(2): 83-100 Troller JA. Water relations of foodborne bacterial pathogens - an updated review. J Food Prot 1986 Aug;49(8):656-70 van Logtestijn JG ; Koolmees PA ; Mossel DA. [Identification and prevention of meat poisoning]. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 1987 Sep 15;112(18):1037-46 [Dut] Velichko AA ; Volkova RS. [Prevention of food poisoning]. Feldsher Akush 1986 May;51(5):14-20 [Rus] ''Wagstaff DJ. Public health and food safety: a historical association. Public Health Rep 1986 Nov-Dec; 101(6):624-31 Weber-Frick C ; Schmidt-Lorenz W. [Comparison of three miniaturized Limulus-amoebic-lysate methods]. Zentralbl Bakteriol Mikrobiol Hyg [B] 1988 Jan;185(4-5S):430-51 [Ger] Wilkinson PJ. Food hygiene in hospitals. J Hosp Infect 1988 Feb; 11 Suppl A:77-81 Aeromonas Abeyta C Jr ; Kaysner CA ; Wekeil MM ; Sullivan JJ ; Steima GN. Recovery of Aeromonas hydrophila from oysters implicated in an outbreak of foodborne illness. J Food Prot 1986 Aug;49(8): 643-6 Abeyta C Jr ; Wekell MM. Potential source of Aeromonas hydrophila. J Food Saf 1988;9(1):11-22 Archer DL ; Kvenberg JE. Regulatory significance of Aeromonas in foods. J Food Saf 1988;9(1):53-8 Callister SM ; Agger WA. Enumeration and characterization of Aeromonas hydrophila and Aeromonas caviae isolated from grocery store produce. Appl Environ Microbiol 1987 Feb; 53(2):249-53 Fehlhaber K ; Scheibner G. [Properties of Aeromonas hydrophila enterotoxins from a food hygiene viewpoint]. Arch Exp Veterinarmed 1987 Jan;41(1):121-6 [Ger] Flynn TJ ; Knepp IG. Seafood shucking as an etiology for Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Arch Intern Med 1987 Oct; 147(10):1816-7 Guinee PA ; Jansen WH. Serotyping of Aeromonas species using passive haemagglutination. Zentralbl Bakteriol Mikrobiol Hyg [A] 1987 Jul;265(3-4):305-13 Joseph SW ; Janda M ; Carnahan A. Isolation, enumeration and identification of Aeromonas sp. J Food Saf 1988;9(1):23-35 Morgan DR ; Wood LV. Is Aeromonas sp a foodborne pathogen? Review of the clinical data. J Food Saf 1988;9(1):59-72 Nishikawa Y ; Kishi T. A modification of bile salts brilHiant green agar for isolation of motile Aeromonas from foods and environmental specimens. Epidemiol Infect 1987 Jun;98(3): 331-6 Okrend AJG ; Rose BE ; Bennett B. Incidence and toxigenicity of Aeromonas species in retail poultry, beef and pork. J Food Prot 1987 Jun;50(6):509-13 Palumbo SA ; Buchanan RL. Factors affecting growth or survival of Aeromonas hydrophila in foods. J Food Saf 1988;9(1):37-51 Palumbo SA ; Williams AC ; Buchanan RL ; Phillips JG. Thermal resistance of Aeromonas hydrophyla. J Food Prot 1987 Sep; 50(9):761-4 Research on Aeromonas and Plesiomonas. III. Enteric infections. Experientia 1987 Apr 15;43(4):362-6 Stelma GN Jr. Virulence factors associated with pathogenicity of Aeromonas isolates. J Food Saf 1988;9(1):1-9 Stern NJ ; Kazmi SU. Pathogenicity of Aeromonas sp. for BALB/c mice. JPMA 1988 Feb;38(2):47-51 Bacillus cereus Bacillus cereus--Maine. MMWR 1986 Jun 27;35(25):408-10 Baddour LM ; Gaia SM ; Griffin R ; Hudson R. A hospital cafeteria-related food-borne outbreak due to Bacillus cereus: unique features. Infect Control 1986 Sep;7(9):462-5 Harmon SM ; Kautter DA ; Solomon HM. Bacillus cereus contamination of seeds and vegetable sprouts grown in a home sprouting kit. J Food Prot 1987 Jan;50(1):62-5 Kamat AS ; Nene SP ; Nerkar DP ; Nadkarni GB. The nature of toxins produced by Bacillus cereus BIS-5S9. J Food Saf 1987; 8(2):71-81 Kaur P. Survival and growth of Bacillus cereus in bread. J Appl Bacteriol 1986 Jun;60(6):513-6 Konuma H ; Shinagawa K ; Tokumaru M ; Onoue Y ; Konno S ; Fujono N ; Shigehisa T ; Kurata H ; Kuwabara Y ; Lopes CAM. Occurrence of Bacillus cereus in meat products, raw meat, and meat product additives. J Food Prot 1988 Apr;51(4):324-6 Nielsen H-JS ; Zeuthen P. Growth studies of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria in vacuum-packed Bologna-type sausage with NaCl or mixed NaCl and KCI. Food Microbiol 1986;3(2): 151-2 ''Petkovic Z ; Cabrijan-Smokvina L ; Vukadinovi:c MV ; Brustulov D. [Enterocolitis as a hospital infection of neonates caused by food contaminated with B. cereus]. Lijec Vjesn 1987 Nov-Dec; 109(11-12):426-8 [Scr] Phillips JD ; Griffiths MW. 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Food quality control: foods of animal origin. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1986. 148p. Hobbs, Betty C. ; Roberts, Diane. Food poisoning and food hygiene. 5th ed. Baltimore, Md.: Arnold, 1987. 372p. Longree, Karla ; Armbruster, Gertrude. Quantity food sanitation. New York: Wiley, 1987. 452p. Pierson, Merle D. ; Stern, Norman J., editors. Foodborne microorganisms and their toxins: developing methodology. New York: Dekker, 1986. 475p. Smith, Louis DS ; Sugiyama, Hiroshi. Botulism: the organism, its toxins, the disease. 2nd ed. Springfield, IIl.: Thomas, 1988. 204p. 32 ''Please enter my subscription for the item(s) checked above. 1. The National Library of Medicine Announces Two New Subscription Titles Smet vy NATIONAL LIBRARY of MEDICINE AIDS BIBLIOGRAPHY © US CEPAS TERT oF MEALTE AO ELVES en [) ALDS Bibliography * $43 per year (12 Monthly issues) Individual issues $4 per copy List ID: AID89 . Previously published quarterly. 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