D's’ . 744 H43 A12 V36 1994 L PUBL " 79' . {A z? DEPOSITORY 1 5901199“ J No. 94-3 WELE©@HEES EN MEDE©ENE Persian Gulf Experience and Health National Library January 1971 of Medicine through March 1994 594 Citations NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH 0 National Library of Medicine I ..,\2‘;i CBM 94-3 Persian Gulf Experience and Health January 1971 through March 1994 594 Selected Citations Prepared by Jacqueline van de Kamp, M.L.S., Specialized Information Services, National Library of Medicine John H. Ferguson, M.D., Office of Medical Applications of Research, National Institutes of Health US. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 1994 National Library of Medicine Cataloging in Publication Van de Kamp, Jacqueline Persian Gulf experience and health : January 1971 through March 1994 : 594 selected citations / prepared by Jacqueline van de Kamp, John H. Ferguson. -— Bethesda, Md. (8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda 20894) : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Reference Section; Pittsburgh, PA : Sold by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1994. —— (Current bibliographies in medicine ; 94-3) Available from NLM at no cost though Internet FTP. 1. Chemical Warfare Agents - adverse effects — bibliography 2. Military Personnel - bibliography 3. Reproduction — drug effects — bibliography 4. Smoke — adverse effects - bibliography 5. Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic — bibliography 6. Syndrome - bibliography 7. War - Middle East - bibliography 8. War - Vietnam - bibliography I. Ferguson, John H. (Hollister) II. National Library of Medicine (U.S.). Reference Section III. Title IV. Series OZNLM: ZW l N272 no.94-3 fi SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine’s Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. In 1989 it also subsumed the Specialized Bibliography Series. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE', AVLINE', BIOETHICSLINE', CAN CERLIT', CATLINE', HEALTH, POPLINE" and TOXLINE'. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: Karen Patrias, Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 Phone: 301-496-6097 Fax: 301-402-1384 Internet: patrias@nlm.nih.gov Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office, P.O. 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. To order the entire CBM series for calendar year 1994 (approximately 10 bibliographies), send $60.00 ($75.00 foriegn) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM94. For your convenience an order blank is given inside the back cover. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($8.50, $10.63 foreign) should also be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing the title, CBM number, and the GPO List ID given above. Internet Access: The Current Bibliographies in Medicine series is also available at no cost to anyone with Internet access through FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP to nlmpubs.nlm.nih. gov and login: as nlmpubs. The index file in the "bibs" directory provides information on the bibliographies available. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Ofi’ice of Management and Budget through September 30, 1994. iii PERSIAN GULF EXPERIENCE AND HEALTH The exposure of U.S. and coalition forces to the unique environment of the Persian Gulf region during Operation Desert Storm has resulted in a controversy about the possible health effects that may have been caused by that exposure. Few battlefield casualties occurred and relatively little illness was seen immediately following the troop buildup and the short conflict. Since then, however, there have been numerous reports of illness from troops who were participants, and many of them attribute their health problems to their wartime experience. Most of the unexplained cases of illness include symptoms that are often vague -- fatigue, weakness and malaise, skin rash, headache, and respiratory symptoms. Some veterans have reported illnesses in their spouses and birth defects in children conceived after the conflict. This bibliography was prepared in support of a National Institutes of Health Technology Assessment Workshop on The Persian Gulf Experience and Health held in Bethesda, Maryland on April 27-29, 1994. Sponsors of this Workshop included the NIH Office of Medical Applications of Research, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Environmental Protection Agency. The purpose of the Workshop was to examine the available information relating to environmental exposure of troops serving in the Persian Gulf and the reported illnesses, to determine if an increased incidence of unexpected illnesses occurred, and to attempt to develop a working case definition for that illness. While this bibliography was initiated in relation to the Persian Gulf experience, its scope was expanded to include other situations involving military personnel and areas of combat, particularly Vietnam. The final citations were selected from the several thousand items retrieved from the search of the literature. References to journal articles comprise the majority of the citations, with some books and book chapters and conference papers. Arrangement of the bibliography is by ten subject sections; a final section contains review articles on each of the ten subjects. Included among these reviews are references to the subjects without regard to the military or war situations. A bullet (O) preceding a citation within any of the sections indicates a direct reference to the Persian Gulf. SEARCH STRATEGY A variety of online databases are usually searched in preparing bibliographies in the CBM series. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the NLM’s MEDLINE database is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. SS 1 = MILITARY PERSONNEL OR MILITARY HYGIENE OR MILITARY MEDICINE OR MILITARY NURSING OR MILITARY PSYCHIATRY OR EXP WAR OR COMBAT DISORDERS SS 2 = (TW) ARMY OR NAVY OR NAVAL OR MARINES OR ALL SUBMARINE: OR ALL SOLDIER# OR WARFARE OR TROOPS OR ALL INFANTRY: OR MILITARY OR ALL COMBATANT# OR ALL SERVICEM: OR ALL FLIER# OR ALL AVIATOR# SS 3 = 1 OR 2 SS 4 = MIDDLE EAST OR BAHRAIN OR IRAN OR IRAQ 0R KUWAIT OR SAUDI ARABIA OR VIETNAM OR KOREA OR ISRAEL SS 5 = (TW) BAHRAIN OR IRAN OR IRAQ OR KUWAIT OR VIETNAM OR KOREA OR ISRAEL SS 6 = (TW) PERSIAN AND GULF OR ARABIAN AND GULF OR GULF AND SYNDROME OR GULF AND WAR OR DESERT AND STORM OR DESERT AND SHIELD SS 7 = 4 OR 5 OR 6 ss 8 = 3 OR 7 ss 9 = RESTACK 8 T0 1 ss 2 = FIBROMYAIJGIA OR FIBROSITIS (TW) OR FIBROFASCITIS (TW) ss 3 = (TW) MUSCULAR AND RHEUMATISM SS 4 = TS (TI) :MUSCULAR#RHEUMAT: OR :MUSCULAR#RHEUMAT: (AB) SS 5 = 2 OR 3 SS 6 = RESTACK 5 TO 2 SS 3 = FATIGUE SYNDROME, CHRONIC SS 4 = (TW) CHRONIC AND FATIGUE AND SYNDROME SS 5 = TS (TI) :CHRONIC#FATIGUE#SYND: OR :CHRONIC#FATIGUE#SYND: (AB) SS 6 = (TW) MYALGIA AND ENCEPHALITIS SS 7 = (TW) CHRONIC AND EPSTEIN AND BARR AND VIRUS SS 8 = TS (TI) :CHRONIC#EPSTEIN#BARR#VIRUS: OR :CHRONIC#EPSTEIN#BARR#VIRUS: (AB) ll SS 9 (TW) POSTVIRAL AND FATIGUE AND SYNDROME 8810 = (TW) ROYAL AND FREE AND DISEASE $81] = TS (TI) :ROYAL#FREE#DIS: OR :ROYAIA‘FREEIIDIS: (AB) 8812 = 3OR50R6OR8OR9OR11 8813 = RESTACK 12 TO 3 SS 4 = EXP LEISHMANIASIS OR STRESS DISORDERS, POST-TRAUMATIC OR P'TSD (TW) SS 5 = ANTHRAX OR BACILLUS ANTHRACIS OR BOTULISM OR CLOSTRIDIUM BOTULINUM SS 6 = 5 AND ALL INOCULA: OR 5 AND ALL VACCIN: SS 7 = 6 OR BOTULINUM TOXINS OR BOTULINUM ANTITOXIN vi ss 8 MUSTARD COMPOUNDS OR MUSTARD GAS ss 9 (TW) DICHLOROETHYL AND SULFIDE OR DICHLOROETHYL AND SULPHIDE 8810 = TS (TI) :DICHLOROETHYLII‘SUL: OR :DICHLOROETHYU‘SUL: (AB) 8811 = (TW) SULFUR AND MUSTARD OR SULPHUR AND MUSTARD 3512 = TS (TI) :SULFUR#MUSTARD: OR :SULFUR#MUSTARD: (AB) OR :SULPHUR#MUSTARD: (AB) OR :SULPHUR#MUSTARD: (TI) 5513 = EXP NEUROTOXINS OR ALL EXCITOTOXI: (TW) OR ALL NEUROTOXI: (TW) 3514 = EXP NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES/CI OR EXP PESTICIDES 5515 = 4OR7OR80R 100R 120R 13 OR 14 8816 = RESTACK 15 TO 4 SS 5 = SMOKE INHALATION INJURY OR SMOKE INHALATION OR EXP SMOKE SS 6 = 5 AND PETROLEUM OR 5 AND OILS SS 7 = (TW) OIL OR OILS OR PETROLEUM SS 3 = (TW) SMOKE OR BURNING OR ALL FIRE# SS9= 7AND8OR6 5810 = EXP ABNORMALITIES OR AB (SH) 8811 = 20R3OR4OR9OR 10 5512 = 1 AND 11 GRATEFUL MED' To make online searching easier and more efficient, the Library Offers GRATEFUL MED, microcomputer- based software that provides a user-friendly interface to most NLM databases. This software was specifically developed for health professionals and features multiple choice menus and "fill in the blank" screens for easy search preparation. GRATEFUL MED runs on an IBM PC (or IBM-compatible) with DOS 2.0 or a Macintosh, and requires a Hayes (or Hayes-compatible) modem. It may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia, for $29.95 (plus $3.00 per order for shipping). For your convenience, an order blank has been enclosed at the back of this bibliography. vii SAMPLE CITATIONS Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus'*. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets; for monographs, the title is given in the original language. In both cases the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Journal Article: Authors Article Title / \ / Hepburn NC, Tidman MJ, Hunter JA. Cutaneous leishmaniasis in British troops from Belize. Br J Dermatol 1993 Jan;128(1):63-8 / / l \ :\ Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title Monograph: Authors/Editors Title / \ I Kulka RA, Schlenger EW, Fairbank JA, et al. Trauma and the Vietnam war generation. New York: Brunner/Mazel; 1990. 322 p. / l ./ 1 Place of Publisher Date Total No. Publication Pages *For details of the formats used for references, see the following publication: Patrias, Karen. National Library of Medicine recommended formats for bibliographic citation. Bethesda (MD): The Library; 1991 Apr. Available from: N'I'IS, Springfield, VA; PB9l-182030. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS page Abnormalities 1 Anthrax 2 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2 Fibromyalgia 3 Leishmaniasis 3 Multiple Chemical Sensitivity 5 Mustard Gas 6 Neurotoxins 8 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 10 Smoke Effects 20 Review Articles 21 ABNORMALITIES Aschengrau A, Monson RR. Paternal military service in Vietnam and the risk of late adverse pregnancy outcomes. Am J Public Health 1990 Oct;80(10): 1218-24. Boling R0, Schipul AH Jr, Barnhill DR, Chaney S, Beam TL. Prevalence of neural tube defects in United States Army treatment facilities, 1975-1985; cost analysis of routine screening. Mil Med 1988 Jun;153(6):293-5. Brandt EN Jr. The CDC study of Vietnam veterans’ risks of fathering infants with birth defects [editorial]. Public Health Rep 1984 Nov-Dec; 99(6):529—30. Calle EE, Khoury MJ. Completeness of the discharge diagnoses as a measure of birth defects recorded in the hospital birth record. Am J Epidemiol 1991 Jul 1;134(1):69-77. Can N. Effects on offspring of paternal exposure to herbicides. In: Westing AH, editor. Herbicides in war: the long—term ecological and human consequences; International Symposium on Herbicides and Defoliants in War: the Long Term Effects on Man and Nature; 1983 Jan 13-20; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Philadelphia (PA): Taylor and Francis; 1984. p. 137-40. Cohen FL. Paternal contributions to birth defects. Nurs Clin North Am 1986 Mar;21(1):49-64. Colie CF. Male mediated teratogenesis. Reprod Toxicol 1993;7(1):3-9. Constable JD, Hatch MC. Reproductive effects of herbicide exposure in Vietnam: recent studies by the Vietnamese and others. Teratogenesis Carcinog Mutagen 1985;5(4):231-50. Dan BB. Vietnam and birth defects [editorial]. JAMA 1984 Aug 17;252(7):936-7. DeStefano F, Annest J L, Kresnow MJ, Schrader SM, Katz DF. Semen characteristics of Vietnam veterans. Reprod Toxicol 1989;3(3):165-73. Dienstbier Z. Late effects of use of nuclear and certain chemical weapons in man. Med War 1985 Jan-Apr;1(1):25-30. Donovan J W, MacLennan R, Adena M. Vietnam service and the risk of congenital anomalies. A case-control study. Med J Aust 1984 Mar 31; 140(7):394-7. Erickson JD, Mulinare J. Vietnam veterans risk for fathering children with birth defects--reply. JAMA 1985;254:609-10. Erickson JD, Mulinare J, James LM, Fitch TG. Design and execution of a very large birth-defects case—control study. Prog Clin Biol Res 1985;163B: 273-7. Erickson JD, Mulinare J, McClain PW, Fitch TG, James LM, McClearn AB, Adams MJ Jr. Vietnam veterans’ risks for fathering babies with birth defects. JAMA 1984 Aug 17;252(7):903-12. Field B, Kerr C. Reproductive behaviour and consistent patterns of abnormality in offspring of Vietnam veterans. J Med Genet 1988 Dec;25(12): 819-26. Gaffey WR. Agent Orange and birth defects. N Engl J Med 1983;309:492. Goldberg J, Eisen SA, True WR, Henderson WG. Health effects of military service. Lessons learned from the Vietnam experience. Ann Epidemiol 1992 Nov;2(6):841-53. Health status of Vietnam veterans. III. Reproductive outcomes and child health. The Centers for Disease Control Vietnam Experience Study. JAMA 1988 May 13;259(18):2715-9. Hemminki K, Lindbohm ML, Taskinen H. Transplacental toxicity of environmental chemicals. Environmental causes and correlates of spontaneous abortions, malformations, and childhood cancer. Adv Perinatal Med 1986;5:43-91. LaVecchio FA, Pashayan HM, Singer W. Agent Orange and birth defects [letter]. N Engl J Med 1983 Mar 24;308(12):719-20. Long JD, Thomas RL. A one—year experience in the antenatal evaluation of suspected abdominal wall and bowel defects at a military tertiary referral center. Mil Med 1993 Mar;158(3):199-202. Nguyen TN, Tran TT, Pham KP. An estimate of reproductive abnormalities in women inhabiting herbicide sprayed and non-herbicide sprayed areas in the south of Vietnam, 1952-1981. Chemosphere 1989;18(1—6):843-6. Oakley GP Jr. Population and case-control surveillance in the search for environmental causes of birth defects. Public Health Rep 1984 Sep—Oct; 99(5):465-8. Vietnam veterans’ risks for fathering babies with birth defects. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 1984 Aug 17;33(32):457-9. Wolfe WH, Michalek JE, Miner JC, Rahe AJ . The Air Force Health Study: an epidemiologic investigation of health effects in Air Force Personnel following exposure to herbicides: reproductive outcomes. Chemosphere 1992; 25(1-2):217-8. 2 ANTHRAX .Baker MS, Strunk HK. Medical aspects of Persian Gulf operations: serious infectious and communicable diseases of the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabian Peninsula. Mil Med 1991;156(8): 385-90. Franz DR, Pitt LM, Clayton MA, Hanes MA, Rose KJ. Efficacy of prophylactic and therapeutic administration of antitoxin for inhalation botulism. Botulinum Tetanus Neurotox 1993:473-6. Friedlander AM, Welkos SL, Pitt ML, Ezzell JW, Worsham PL. Postexposure prophylaxis against experimental inhalation anthrax. J Infect Dis 1993 May;67:1239-42. Howe EG. Medicine and war [letter]. N Engl J Med 1992 Oct 8;327(15):1098. Kim WS, Chung SI, Choi CS, Yang YT. [Association of pathogenicity of Genus Bacillus with the induction of superoxide dismutase in Bacillus anthracis and related Bacillus species]. Chung Ang J Med 1991;16(2):183-90. (Kor). Marshall E. U.S. bio-defenses faulted by GAO [news]. Science 1991 Feb 1;251(4993):514. McKee KT Jr, Berezuk GP, Balady MA. Medicine and war [letter]. N Engl J Med 1992 Oct 8; 327(15):1096-7. Metzger JF, Lewis GE Jr. Human-derived immune globulins for the treatment of botulism. Rev Infect Dis 1979 J ul-Aug;1(4):689—92. .More on Desert Storm [letter]. JAMA 1991 Dec 18; 266(23):3282-3. Nettleman MD. Biological warfare and infection control. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1991; 12(6) : 368-72. Nightingale SL. Medicine and war [letter]. N Engl J Med 1992 Oct 8;327(15):1097-8. CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME Bertolin JM, Bertolin V. [Chronic fatigue syndrome - biologic and psychopathological investigations]. Med Clin (Barc) 1993;101(2):67-75. (Spa). Harvey WT. A flight surgeon’s personal View of an emerging illness. Aviat Space Environ Med 1989 Dec;60(12):1199-201. Kutemeyer M. [Chronic fatigue syndrome — new clinical diagnosis]. Nervenarzt 1991;62(1):64-6. (Ger). Nixon PG. The grey area of effort syndrome and hyperventilation: from Thomas Lewis to today. J R Coll Physicians Lond 1993 Oct;27(4):377-83. Shave DW. A flight surgeons personal view of an emerging illness [letter]. Aviat Space Environ Med 1990 May;61(5):443-4. Zajdowicz TR. Chronic fatigue syndrome and military service [letter]. Mil Med 1992 Sep;157(9):A3-4. FIBROMYALGIA Culclasure TF, Enzenauer R], West SG. Post— traumatic stress disorder presenting as fibromyalgia. Am J Med 1993;94(5):548-9. Kersley G. Primary fibromyalgia syndrome (5). Br J Rheumatol 1993;32(7):646. Visuri T, Lindholm H, Lindqvist A, Dahlstrom S, Viljanen A. Cardiovascular functional disorder in primary fibromyalgia: a noninvasive study in 17 young men. Arthritis Care Res 1992 Dec;5(4): 210-5. LEISHNIANIASIS Abdel Wahab RM, e1 Garem AA, Morsy TA, Essa MH. The histopathological picture of cutaneous leishmaniasis in western part of Saudi Arabia. J Egypt Soc Parasitol 1985 Dec;15(2):381—6. Abdel Wahab RM, Morsy TA, Essa MH. Clinical and laboratory aspects of visceral leishmaniasis in Gizan, Saudi Arabia. J Egypt Soc Parasitol 1984 Dec;14(2):563-72. - Abdel Wahab RM, Morsy TA, el Garem AA, Bahgat A, Essa MH. Introduced cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Egypt. J Egypt Soc Parasitol 1986 Jun;16(1):9-16. Abdel—Aal H, Morsy TA, Hawwary GH. Clinical forms of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. JPMA J Pak Med Assoc 1975 Sep;25(9): 239-42. al-Fouzan AS, al Saleh QA, Najem NM, Rostom AI. Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Kuwait. Clinical experience with itraconazole. Int J Dermatol 1991 Jul;30(7):519-21. al—Jurayyan NA, al Ayed IH, al-Nasser MN, al- Mugeiren MM, Boohene AG, a1 Herbish AS. Visceral leishmaniasis in infancy and childhood epidemiology and clinicopathological study of 63 cases in Al-Baha Province, Saudi Arabia. J Trop Pediatr 1992 Feb;38(1):12-6. al-Shammari SA, Khoja TA, Fehr A. Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Riyadh region: four-year study of the epidemiologic and clinical features. Int J Dermatol 1992 Aug;31(8):565-7. Alimohammadian MH, Kivanjah M, Pak F, Gaznavia A, Kharazmi A. Evaluation of the efficacy of Iran leishmanin and comparison with leishmanins from Wellcome (UK) and Roma (Italy) in cured cutaneous leishmaniasis patients. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1993 Sep—Oct;87(5):550—1. .Amichai B, Finkelstein E, Grunwald MH, Halevy S. Think cutaneous leishmaniasis. Aust Fam Physician 1993 Jul;22(7):1213-4, 1217. .Baker MS, Strunk HK. Medical aspects of Persian Gulf operations: serious infectious and communicable diseases of the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabian Peninsula. Mil Med 1991;156(8): 385—90. .Boyer MH. Visceral leishmaniasis in Desert Storm veterans [letter]. N Engl J Med 1993 Nov 11; 329(20): 1503-4. .Cotton P. Gulf War symptoms remain puzzling [news]. JAMA 1992 Nov 18;268(19):2619. 4 Edrissian GH, Mohammadi M, Kanani A, Afshar A, Hafezi R, Ghorbani M, Gharagozloo AR. Bacterial infections in suspected cutaneous leishmaniasis lesions. Bull World Health Organ 1990;68(4):473-7. el-Sibae MM, Ecsa NM. A study on Phlebotomus species, the vectors of leishmaniasis in Gassim, Saudi Arabia. J Egypt Soc Parasitol 1993 Apr; 23(1):231—8. .From the Centers for Disease Control. Viscerotropic leishmaniasis in persons returning from Operation Desert Sto --1990-1991. JAMA 1992 Mar 18; 267(11):1444-6. Fryauff DJ, Modi GB, Mansour NS, Kreutzer RD, Soliman S, Youssef FG. Epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis at a focus monitored by the multinational force and observers in the northeastern Sinai Desert of Egypt. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1993 Nov;49(5):598-607. Funke BJ. Leishmaniasis update [letter]. Postgrad Med 1992 Mar;91(4):79. .Gasser RA Jr, Magill AJ, Oster CN, Tramont EC. The threat of infectious disease in Americans returning from Operation Desert Storm. N Engl J Med 1991;324(12):859-64. Giladi M, Block C, Danon YL, Schinder E, Greenblatt CL. Local environmental risk factors in the acquisition of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Isr J Med Sci 1988 Mar;24(3):185-7. Giladi M, Danon YL, Greenblatt C, Schinder E, Nili E. Keziot--a new endemic site of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Israel. An epidemiological and clinical study of a non-immune population entering an endemic area. Trop Geogr Med 1985 Dec; 37(4):298-303. Greenblatt CL, Schnur LF. Leishmaniasis recently imported into Israel. Ier Med Sci 1985;21(8): 709-10. .Grogl M, Daugirda JL, Hoover DL, Magill AJ, Berman JD. Survivability and infectivity of viscerotropic Leishmania tropica from Operation Desert Storm participants in human blood products maintained under blood bank conditions. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1993 Sep;49(3):308-15. .Gunby P. Desert Storm veterans now may donate blood; others call for discussion of donor tests [news]. JAMA 1993 Jan 27;269(4):451-2. Hepburn NC, Tidman MJ, Hunter JA. Cutaneous leishmaniasis in British troops from Belize. Br J Dermatol 1993 Jan;128(1):63—8. Ibrahim EA, al-Zahrani MA, al-Tuwaigri AS, al- Shammary FJ, Evans DA. Leishmania infecting man and wild animals in Saudi Arabia. 9. The black rat (Rattus rattus) a probable reservoir of visceral leishmaniasis in Gizan province, south-west Saudi Arabia. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1992 Sep—Oct;86(5):513-4. .Killick-Kendrick R, Peters W. Leishmaniasis and ’Desert Storm’ [letter]. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1992 Nov-Dec;86(6):698. Killick-Kendrick R, Peters W. Leishmaniasis in Arabia: an annotated bibliography. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1991 Mar;44(3 Pt 2):1-64. .Kreutzer RD, Grogl M, Neva FA, Fryauff DJ, Magill AJ, Aleman-Munoz MM. Identification and genetic comparison of leishmanial parasites causing viscerotropic and cutaneous disease in soldiers returning from Operation Desert Storm. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1993 Sep;49(3):357-63. .Leishmaniasis and the Arabian Gulf. Commun Dis Rep CDR Wkly 1992 Apr 3;2(14):61. .Lesho EP. Leishmaniasis. Another threat to Persian Gulf veterans. Postgrad Med 1991 Dec;90(8): 213-4, 216—7. .Magill AJ, Gasser RA Jr, Oster CN, Grogl M, Sun W. Viscerotropic leishmaniasis in persons returning from Operation Desert Storm 1990-1991. Arch Dermatol 1992;128(8):1033-4. .Magill AJ, Grogl M, Gasser RA Jr, Sun W, Oster CN. Visceral infection caused by Leishmania tropica in veterans of Operation Desert Storm. N Engl J Med 1993 May 13;328(19):1383-7. Mansour NS, Fryauff DJ, Modi GB, Mikhail EM, Youssef FG. Isolation and characterization of Leishmania major from Phlebotomus papatasi and military personnel in north Sinai, Egypt. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1991 Sep—Oct;85(5):590—1. Nascimento E, Mayrink W, da Costa CA, Michalick MS, Melo MN, Barros GC, Dias M, Antunes CM, Lima MS, Taboada DC, et a1. Vaccination of humans against cutaneous leishmaniasis: cellular and humoral immune responses. Infect Immun 1990 Jul;58(7):2198-203. Norton SA, Frankenburg S, Klaus SN. Cutaneous leishmaniasis acquired during military service in the Middle East. Arch Dermatol 1992 Jan;128(1):83-7. .0111 CA, Hyams KC, Malone JD, Oldfield E 3d. Leishmaniasis among Desert Storm veterans: a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. Mil Med 1993 Nov;158(11):726-9. .Oster CN, Sanford JP. Febrile illness in a Desert Storm veteran. Hosp Pract (Off Ed) 1992 Nov 15; 27(11):145-8, 151, 155-60. Rashti MA, Panah HY, Mohamadi HS, Jedari M. Susceptibility of Phlebotomus papatasi (Diptera: Psychodidae) to DDT in some foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Iran. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 1992 Mar;8(1):99-100. Sanchez JL, Diniega BM, Small JW, Miller RN, Andujar JM, Weina PI, Lawyer PG, Ballou WR, Lovelace 1K. Epidemiologic investigation of an outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis in a defined geographic focus of transmission. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1992 Jul;47(1):47—54. .Viscerotropic leishmaniasis in persons returning from Operation Desert Storm--1990-1991. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 1992 Feb 28;41(8):131-4. MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY Advancing the understanding of multiple chemical sensitivity. Proceedings of the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics Workshop on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Washington, DC, 20-21 September 1991. Toxicol Ind Health 1992 Jul-Aug;8(4):1-257. Albright J F, Goldstein RA. Is there evidence of an immunologic basis for multiple chemical sensitivity? Toxicol Ind Health 1992 Jul-Aug;8(4):215-9. Bascom R. Multiple chemical sensitivity: a respiratory disorder? Toxicol Ind Health 1992 Jul-Aug;8(4): 221-8. Bell IR, Miller CS, Schwartz GE. An olfactory-limbic model of multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome: possible relationships to kindling and affective spectrum disorders. Biol Psychiatry 1992 Aug 1; 32(3):218-42. Bell IR, Schwartz GE, Peterson J M, Amend D. Self— reported illness from chemical odors in young adults without clinical syndromes or occupational exposures. Arch Environ Health 1993 Jan-Feb; 48(1):6~13. Black DW. Environmental illness and misdiagnosis--a growing problem. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 1993 Aug; 18(1):23-31. Black DW, Rathe A, Goldstein RB. Measures of distress in 26 environmentally ill subjects. Psychosomatics 1993 Mar-Apr;34(2):131-8. Casanova-Roig R. Clinical ecology, multiple chemical sensitivity (M.C.S.): the debate [letter]. Bol Asoc Med P R 1991 Dec;83(12):553—6. Davidoff LL, Callender TJ, Morrow LA, Ziem G. Multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) [letter]. J Psychosom Res 1991;35(4-5):621-3. . Gots RE, Hamosh TD, Flamm WG, Carr CJ. 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