COMPOSITION OF FOODS EEKESANDII ERB§j RAW - PROCESSED - PREPARED AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK No. 8-2 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE COMPOSITION OF FOODS (guess AND "5"ij nAw - Pnocesssn - PREPARED By Consumer and Food Economics Institute Anne C. Marsh Principal Investigators: Mary K. Moss Elizabeth W. Murphy AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK N0. 8-2 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE 0 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON, D.C. REVISED JANUARY 1977 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Punting omee. Washlnzton. D.C. M PUBLIC HEALTH FOREWORD Agriculture Handbook No.8 represents a traditional function of the Agricultural Research Service of the US. Department of Agriculture. The development of the basic food composition tables used in the United States commenced more than 80 years ago. Data on the nutritive value of foods were first compiled and evaluated in the Department by W. O. Atwater in the 1890’s. This nutrition pioneer organized and became the first director of the Office of Experiment Stations in the USDA. In 1896, the now classic USDA Bulletin No. 28, “The Chemical Composition of American Food Materials,” by W.0. Atwater and CD. Woods was published. This document was the first in a long series of food composition tables that have been issued by the Department. The scope of succeeding tables has been expanded with the discovery of the presence and role of vitamins, minerals, and other dietary essentials in foods. Values from these tables have been used in many other compilations, both in this country and abroad. Nutritionists and health-related scientists depend on these composition data. Increasing emphasis on food and nutrition in national policies and programs has accelerated the need for comprehensive, up-to-date tabulations of the nutrient content of foods. USDA is continuing to expand and improve these food data. This publication is a major revision of the 1963 edition of USDA Agriculture Hand- book No. 8, “Composition of Foods...Raw, Processed, Prepared,” currently a basic source of food composition data in this country. Dr. Atwater stated in Bulletin No.28, “This table is intended to replace previous ones and to serve as a standard reference until it shall in its turn be replaced by a larger and more complete compilation.” It is envisaged that this edition of Agriculture Handbook No. 8 will in its turn also be replaced. The task of deriving representative nutritive values of foods is a historical responsibility of USDA. This task is never ending and is essential in providing more complete knowledge so that we can use our food resources wisely. ~\. T. W. Edminster, Administrator Agricultural Research Service iii ‘LG AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK NO. 8 SERIES Series Food groug Year Number & issued of items 8-1 ............ Dairy and Egg Products ................ 1976 144 8-2 ............ Spices and Herbs ..................... 1977 43 iv PREFACE Revision and updating of the major nutrient tables issued by the US. Department of Agriculture are needed to provide current nutrient information on foods. This revision of Agriculture Handbook No. 8 is being issued in sections so as to expedite release of data to the public. Each section contains a table of nutrient data for a major food group. The entire series will cover a wide range of food products. To facilitate continuous, rapid updating, the handbook is being prepared in looseleaf form. Each page contains the nutrient profile of a single food item, given on the 100-gram food basis, in two common measures, and in the edible portion of 1 pound as purchased, a format permitting a concise presentation of the data and comparison of values from one unit of measure to another. The scope of the nutrient listing has been enlarged. Values are provided for refuse, energy, proximate composition (water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and ash), 7 mineral elements (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc), 9 vitamins (ascorbic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin Ba: folacin, vitamin B12 , and vitamin A), individual fatty acids, total saturated, mono- unsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, total phytosterols, and 18 amino acids. The nutritive values contained in the handbook reflect the increasing information available on nutrients and food products. It is hoped that the revised and enlarged compilation of data will meet the requirements for reliable food composition values, which are basic to nutritional and dietary evaluation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The principal investigators gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Carole A. Brignoli of the University of Maryland for fatty acid data, and the following members of the Consumer and Food Economics Institute: M. Louise Orr for amino acid data, Catherine F. Adams for weights of household measures, and Brucy C. Gray and Philip C. Washburn for their assistance with statistical analyses and computer programing. We also express our gratitude to the many individuals in various government agencies and private industry who supplied data and information used in this study. CONTENTS Page Sources of data .................................................. l Explanation of table .............................................. 1 Format .................................................... l Nutrients .................................................. 2 Notes on spices and herbs .......................................... 3 Literature cited .................................................. 4 Appendix ........................................................ 5 List of abbreviations .......................................... 5 Grouping of spices and herbs .................................... 5 Specific factors for calculating energy values ........................ 6 Index to spices and herbs .......................................... 7 Table of nutrient data for item Nos. 02-001 through 02-043 ................ 8 vi \' O)" COMPOSITION OF FOODS SPIOES AND HERBS RAW - PROCESSED - PREPARED This is the second in a series of publications designed to revise and expand the food composition values pub- lished in Agriculture Handbook No. 8, “Composition of Foods...Raw, Processed, Prepared,” revised in 1963 (II).1 This section was prepared to serve as a basic refer— ence for data on nutrients in spices and herbs. Data are presented for 39 individual spices and herbs and 4 spice mixtures. Only two of these items, chili powder and sesame seed, were included in the 1963 edition. SOURCES OF DATA The data used here were obtained from both publish- ed sources and private communications. Published sources consist of the scientific and technical literature, numerous special bulletins, research reports, and other documents containing data or relevant material. Sources of unpublished data include industry, government agen- cies, and academic institutions. Studies conducted under contract with the Agricultural Research Service also pro- vided a considerable amount of information. EXPLANATION OF TABLE Format The data are shown in terms of 100 grams, edible portion; as the amount in two frequently used house- hold measures, a teaspoon and a tablespoon; and as the amount in 1 pound (453.6 grams) of food as purchased. The measure and weight are given at the top of columns . E and F. Abbreviations are listed in the appendix. Spices and herbs included in this table have refuse values of zero since they are consumed as purchased. Certain forms of these spices (e.g., whole bay leaves, stick cinna- mon) have not been included because of the lack of data on nutrients extracted from them before they are discarded. 7 Statistical expressions of the data have been included. To meet the increasing demands by users of the food composition table for estimates of the variability and reliability of the nutrient data, the standard error of the values on the IOO-gram food basis and the number of samples on which the IOO-gram values are based have been incorporated into the table. Data in column B are the sample means. Values in column C are the sample standard errors, which are shown when the number of samples is greater than two. The standard errors are given to the same number of ' Italic numbers in parentheses refer to Literature Cited, p. 4. significant figures as the corresponding nutrient data in column B. Column D contains the number of samples on which values in columns B and C are based. For some food items, mean values are given without an accompanying standard error and number of samples. These values are imputed from another form of the food, from a similar food, or from calculated values based on a recipe. Means for the fatty acids per 100 grams of food were obtained by multiplying the mean grams per 100 grams of methyl esters by the appropriate factors to obtain mean grams per 100 grams of total lipid, which were then multiplied by the'means of the proportion of total lipid in the food. Since samples for fatty acids and total lipid were considered to be independent, the formula for the variance of the product of two independent samples was used to obtain pooled standard errors. The number of decimal places to which the data for some nutrients are given differs from that of the 1963 handbook. The decimal places shown are those in which the bulk of the analytical data were obtained. Because this publication serves as a basic general reference, the data are in an unrounded form. To preserve the appro- priate relationships among the different weights of the same food, the same number of decimal places shown for data on the lOO-gram basis was carried for data given in other units of measure. The number of decimal places does not always reflect the accuracy of the data for all nutrients in all food items. As in the 1963 handbook, an alphabetical arrange- ment of foods has been followed in the table. An index containing the names of the products and item numbers is included. It also contains the corresponding item num- bers from the 1963 edition in order to clearly indicate those food products that are carried forward. The item number used in the table consists of two parts. The first designates the section or major food group for which the publication is issued. The second or consecutive part of the number indicates the food item and should be used to locate the item in place ofa page number. Each page in the table is dated by year of preparation. When the table is updated or expanded, new pages will be issued with instructions on how they should be inserted. Nutrients Proximate.—Data for water are given as grams in the edible portion of the food. Food energy is expressed in terms of both kilocalories and kilojoules. The data are for physiologic energyvalues and represent the gross energy value remaining after losses in digestion and metabolism have been deducted. The specific caloric fac- tors used for spices and herbs are given in the appendix. They are based on the Atwater system for determining energy values. Details of the derivation of these factors are outlined in Agriculture Handbook No. 74 (5). Kilo- calories were converted into kilojoules using the factor 4.184. The values for protein were calculated from determi- nations of the content of nitrogen (N) in the food using the conversion factors recommended by Jones (3). The specific factor applied to each food item is shown in the stub of the table following protein. The carbohydrate value is the difference between 100 and the sum of the percentages of water, protein, fat, and ash. This carbohydrate value includes fiber. Minerals. —Data on the content of seven minerals are included in the table. Zinc has been added to the miner- als that were reported in the 1963 handbook. The miner- al data were obtained primarily by flame photometry and by atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy. The mineral values represent the total amount present in the food and are not necessarily the amount of the mineral element available to the body. Availability is affected by many factors and a multiplicity of con- ditions about which present information is inadequate. Vitamins-Ascorbic acid values are expressed in terms of total ascorbic acid, which is reduced plus dehy- droascorbic acid. Microbiological methods and the chemical procedure by which thiamin is oxidized to thiochrome and measured fluorometrically were used to determine values for thiamin. Fluorometric and micro- biological methods were used to derive values for ribo- flavin. The values for niacin do not include the niacin that could be contributed by tryptophan, a niacin precursor. “Niacin equivalent” or potential niacin value, which is the sum of preformed niacin and the amount that could be derived from tryptophan, can be calculated. In esti- mating the amount of niacin available from foods, the mean value of 60 mg of tryptophan is considered equiva- lent to 1 mg of niacin (6). Vitamin B12 is not present in plant products, and data on other B vitamins (pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, folacin) in spices and herbs are very scarce. Values for vitamin A were calculated from data for beta-carotene and carotenoid precursors of vitamin A. Vitamin A activity is expressed both as international units (1U) and as retinol equivalents (RE). One [U is equivalent to 0.3 mcg of retinol or 0.6 mcg of beta-carotene; one RE is equivalent to l mcg of retinol or 6 mcg of beta-carotene. One RE is equal to 3.33 [U of retinol or 10 IU of beta-carotene. Lipids. —Trivial or scientific names for the fatty acids have not been used because the values for the unsaturated acids include positional and geometric isomers. In the list of fatty acids, the first number refers to the carbon atoms and the second to the double bonds in the chain. Only data obtained by gas-liquid chromatographic analyses are given in the table. The values shown are for the actual quantity of each fatty acid in the food and do not represent fatty acid triglycerides. For spices containing fatty acids not given in the table (20:0, 22:0, 24:0, 14:1, 24:1, 20:2, 22:2), the total will exceed the sum of the fatty acids listed. Since spices are derived from plants, they contain no cholesterol. Amino acids—The data represent results obtained using both microbiological and chromatographic methods. Amino acid contents of each food were calculated from the mean amino acid contents per gram of nitrogen using the protein content and nitrogen factors given in the table for the specific food. The amino acid values may be converted to the per-gram-of-nitrogen basis by dividing the amount in a specific quantity of food by the nitrogen content of the same specific quantity of food. / NOTES ON SPICES AND HERBS Spices and herbs, which include a variety of aromatic plant products with pungent flavors, are used to enhance the natural flavor of foods and beverages. Generally spices are defined as parts of tropical plants, and herbs are the leafy parts of temperate-zone plants (I). Spices may be grouped according to their botanical structures. To derive factors for calculating energy values, the classifications given by Parry (7) were used. They are listed in the appendix. Some spices, including anise, caraway, celery seed, coriander, cumin, dill, and fennel, although called seeds, are actually the fruit of the plant. Fenugreek is a leguminous seed, cassia and cinna- mon are bark, clove is a flower bud, and saffron is the stigma of a type of crocus flower. Cardamom fruit is a small capsule containing from 15 to 20 brown-black seeds. Although cardamom as proc- essed may be whole or crushed capsules or whole or ground seed, data for all forms are reported as ground cardamom. Data for cassia and cinnamon were similar for all nutrients and frequently could not be distinguished. Although they are from different trees, cassia and cinna- mon are similar in flavor and have the same end uses (2). For these reasons and because cassia has almost entirely replaced cinnamon as a spice in this country (9), the data for each have been combined in establishing nutri- ent values for use in the table. To derive values for the content of the spice mix- tures, the following formulas were selected from the literature (8): Percent Chili powder: Red pepper ............................ 83 Cumin .................... : ........... 9 Oregano .................. _ ............ 4 Salt .................................. 2.5 Garlic powder .......................... 1.5 Curry powder: Coriander seed ......................... 36 Turmeric .............................. 28 Cumin ................................ lO Fenugreek seed ......................... 10 White pepper ........................... 5 Allspice ............................... 4 Yellow mustard ......................... 3 Red pepper ............................ 2 Ginger ................................ 2 Percent Poultry seasoning: White pepper ........................... 35 Sage ................................. 15 Thyme ............................... 10 Marjoram .............................. 10 Savory ................................ 10 Ginger ................................ 10 Allspice ............................... 5 Nutmeg ............................... 5 This formula was selected for pumpkin pie spice: Percent Cinnamon .............................. 40 Ginger ................................. 20 Nutmeg ................................ 20 Allspice ................................ 10 Cloves ................................. 10 For most spices, the factors of Jones (3) werejudged to be the best estimate for calculating protein content. For mustard seed, Tkachuk (10) and MacKenzie (4) reported factors in good agreement, averaging 5.40, slightly higher than Jones’ general factor for seeds of 5.30. Black and white pepper contain alkaloids of the piperine family. Allowing for the alkaloidal nitrogen, which is approximately 14 percent of the total nitrogen in the pepper berry, a factor of 5.35 was calculated for use with black and white pepper only. The protein con- version factors for the mixtures were determined by weighting the factors for each component. For calculating calories from fat, protein, and carbo- hydrate contents, the Atwater factors (5) were applied where suitable. For fat, the general factor for plant foods of 8.37 was applied. Piperine in black and white pepper is extracted along with lipids in the determina- tion of total lipid. To obtain the values in the table, piperine was subtracted from total lipid. From these cor- rected values for total lipid, the contribution of fat to calories was calculated. For protein conversion, the fac- tor for fruits was applied to fruiting parts; the factor for underground crops was applied to roots and bulbs, and that for other vegetables to leaves and stigmas. For con- verting protein in seeds, the factor for legumes and nuts was applied; for protein in bark, the factor for 100 per- cent wheat bran was used; and for black and white pep- per, the factor for chocolate and cocoa was used. For conversion of carbohydrate, spices were classified according to fiber content. For spices containing less than 10 percent fiber, established Atwater factors for similar foods were used. For spices containing more than 10 percent fiber, coefficients of digestibility were calcu- lated and multiplied by appropriate heats of combustion (5). LITERATURE CITED (1) Consumer and Food Economics Institute. 1972. Seasoning with spices and herbs. U.S. Dept. Agr. CA 62-24, 4 pp. (2) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1962. 34 Commodity bulletin series. 77 pp. Rome. (3) Jones, D. C. 1931. Factors for converting percentages of nitrogen in foods and feeds into percentages of protein. U.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 183, 22 pp. (Sl. rev. 1941.) (4) MacKenzie, S. L. 1973. Cultivar differences in proteins of oriental mustard (Brassica funcea [L.] Coss.). Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. Jour. 50 (10): 411-414. (5) Merrill, A. L., and Watt, B. K. 1955. Energy value of foods - basis and derivation. U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 74, 105 pp. (Sl. rev. 1973.) (6) National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council. 1974. Recommended dietary allowances. 8th ed., rev., 129 pp. Washington, DC. (7) Parry, J. W. 1969. The story of spices. V. 1, 228 pp. Chemical Publishing Co., New York, NY. (8) ------- 1975. The spice handbook. 254 pp. Chemical Publishing Co., New York, NY. (9) Rosengarten, F. 1973. The book of spices. 475 pp. Pyramid Communications, New York, NY. (10) Tkachuk, R. 1969. Nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors for cereals and oilseed meals. Cereal Chem. 46 (4): 419-423. (11) Watt, B. K., and Merrill, A. L. 1963. Composition of foods raw, processed, prepared. U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 8 (rev.), 190 pp. ‘\ \ APPENDIX List of Abbreviations g ..................... gram 1U .................... international unit kcal ................... kilocalorie kJ .................... kilojoule mcg ................... microgram mg .................... milligram N ..................... nitrogen RE ................... retinol equivalent tbsp ................... tablespoon tsp .................... teaspoon Grouping of Spices and Herbs Leaves Basil Bay leaf Chervil Coriander leaf Dill weed Marjoram Oregano Parsley Rosemary Sage Savory Tarragon Thyme Bulbs, roots Garlic Ginger Onion Turmeric Fruits Allspice Anise Caraway Cardamom Celery seed Coriander seed Cumin Dill seed Fennel seed Mace Paprika Pepper, black Pepper, red Pepper, white Buds, stigmas Cloves Saffron Seeds Fenugreek Mustard, yellow Nutmeg Peppy Sesame Bark Cassia Cinnamon Mixtures Chili powder Currv powder Poultry seasoning Pumpkin pie spice Specific Factors for Calculating Energy Values1 Protein Carbohydrate (kLl/g) (kcal/ Leaves: Less than 10% fiber ........................ 2.44 3.57 More than 10% fiber ....................... 2.44 3.00 Fruits: Less than 10% fiber ........................ 3.36 3.60 10-20% fiber ............................. 3.36 2.90 20-30% fiber ............................. 3.36 2.35 10-20% fiber, high starch .................... 3.36 3.20 More than 20% fiber, high starch .............. 3.36 1.95 Les than 10% fiber, contain piperine .......... 1.83 3.78 More than 10% fiber, contain piperine .......... 1.83 3.20 Seeds: Less than 10% fiber ........................ 3.47 4.07 More than 10% fiber ....................... 3.47 3.25 Bark ..................................... 1.82 2.35 Bulbs, roots ............................... 2.78 3.84 Buds .................................... 1.82 2.85 1For calculating fat, the specific factor is 8.37 kcal per gram. INDEX TO SPICES AND HERBS M;_ AH-8 AH-8-2 (1963) (1977) Allspice, ground .................................................................... 02-001 Anise seed ........................................................................ 02-002 Basil, ground ...................................................................... 02-003 Bay leaf, crumbled .................................................................. 02-004 Caraway seed ...................................................................... 02-005 Cardamom, ground .................................................................. 02-006 Celery seed ........................................................................ 02-007 Chervil, dried ...................................................................... 02-008 Chili powder .................................................................. 1544 02-009 Cinnamon, ground .................................................................. 02-010 Cloves, ground ..................................................................... 02-01 1 Coriander leaf, dried ................................................................. 02-012 Coriander seed ..................................................................... 02-013 Cumin seed ........................................................................ 02-014 Curry powder ...................................................................... 02-015 Dill seed .......................................................................... 02-016 Dill weed, dried .................................................................... 02—017 Fennel seed ....................................................................... 02-018 Fenugreek seed ..................................................................... 02-019 Garlic powder ...................................................................... 02-020 Ginger, ground ..................................................................... 02-021 Mace, ground ...................................................................... 02-022 Marjoram, dried .................................................................... 02-023 Mustard seed, yellow ................................................................ 02-024 Nutmeg, ground .................................................................... 02-025 Onion powder ..................................................................... 02-026 Oregano, ground .................................................................... 02-027 Paprika ........................................................................... 02-028 Parsley, dried ...................................................................... 02-029 Pepper, black ...................................................................... 02-030 Pepper, red or cayenne ............................................................... 02-031 Pepper, white ...................................................................... 02-032 Poppy seed ........................................................................ 02-033 Poultry seasoning ................................................................... 02—034 Pumpkin pie spice .................................................................. 02-035 Rosemary, dried .................................................................... 02-036 Saffron ........................................................................... 02-037 Sage, ground ....................................................................... 02-038 Savory, ground ..................................................................... 02-039 Sesame seed, decorticated ....................................................... 2033 02-040 Tarragon, ground ................................................................... 02-04l Thyme, ground ..................................................................... 02-042 Turmeric, ground ................................................................... 02-043 TABLE OF NUTRIENT DATA FOR ITEM NOS. 02-001 THROUGH 02-043 [Dashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in measurable amount. Blank spaces indicate that the presence of the nutrient is uncertain.] If“ AL LSPICE, ground Pimenm dlolca Imam No. 02-001 Nutrients md units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate measure and weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Reiuse: 0 Mean 1 standard error “Lurk“ A 13 c D itspE1.99 1tbspF 6.09 G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . , 8.46 i 0.273 40 0.16 0.51 38.40 km! . . 263 5 16 1,192 F°°d "WV """" 1.; . . . 1 ,099 21 66 4,990 Protein(NX 6.25) ..... g . . . 6.09 1 .336 35 .12 .37 27.65 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 8.69 i .120 214 .17 .52 39.43 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . 72 . 12 1 . 37 4 . 33 327 . 42 Fiber ........... g . . . 21.64 1 .4208 64 .41 1.30 98.26 Ash ........... g . 4.65 1 .0408 259 .09. .28 21.10 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 661 i 76.6 7 13 40 2,999 lron ........... mg. 7. 06 i . 474 7 .13 . 42 32.04 Milnesium ........ Mg. 135 i 12.1 6 3 8 612 Phosphorus ........ mg. 113 i 6. 24 4 2 7 514 Potassium ......... mg. 1,044 1 67.81 8 20 63 4.740 Sodium .......... mg. 77 i 7. 2 9 1 5 350 Zinc ........... mg. 1.01 i .167 7 .02 .06 4.56 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. 39.20 1 .75 2.35 177.97 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .101 1 . 002 . 006 . 459 Riboflavin ......... mg . . . . 063 1 . 001 . 004 . 286 Niacin .......... mg. . . 2.860 1 .054 .172 12.984 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . -- ”—“ —‘ —" Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . —_ _- —— __ Folacin .......... mag . . -— —_ "'- ’—‘ Vitamin B12 ........ mag . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE. . . 54 1 1 3 245 Vitamin A ......... IU. . . 540 1 10 32 2,449 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 2 . 55 . 05 .15 11.57 4: ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 12:0 ......... g . 14:0 ......... g . . 02 1 Trace Trace .09 16:0 ......... g . .49 1 .01 .03 2.22 18:0 ......... g . 1.99 1 .04 .12 9.03 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . 66 . 01 .04 2 . 99 16:1 ......... g . 18:1 ......... g’ . .66 1 .01 .04 2.99 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 2 . 36 . 04 . 14 10 . 70 18:2 ......... g . 2.29 1 .04 .14 10.39 18:3 ......... g . .07 1 Trace Trace . 32 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosmols ........ mg. . . 61 1 4 277 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . —— — —— -— Threonine ......... g . —— — — — lsoleucine ......... g _— _. _ _ Leucine .......... g —— — — — Lysine .......... g —— — — — Methionine ........ g -—— -—— — —— Cystine .......... g --— —— —— — Phenylalanine g — — — — Tyrosine ......... Z — — ~—— —— Valine - .......... x — —— — —— Arginine .......... 8 —- -— — — Histidlne .......... 8 - —— —— — — Alanine .......... x —— ~-——— — —— Aspartic acid ........ g — — —— —— Glutamic acid ........ g -— — — — Glycine .......... l — —— —— — Proiine .......... E — —- —— — Serlne .......... g . ——-— — —— — AH-8-2 (1976) ANISE SEED lepluellaanlsum Item No. 02-002 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximm meenue and weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Refuse: 0 Mean 1 standard error Nzanéff 1 = . 1 tbs = 6.7 A B C D tsp E 2 I g p F g G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 9.54 + 0.873 11 0.20 0.64 43.29 km! . . 337 — 7 23 1,531 F°°"°"°'8Y """" u. . . 1,412 30 95 6,403 Protein(NX6.25) ..... g . . . 17.60 1 .6018 ' 7 .37 1.18 79.90 Totallipid (fat) ....... g . . . 15.90 i 2.317 10 .33 1.06 72.19 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 50.02 1.05 3.35 227.08 Fiber ........... g . . . 14.60 + 1.087 4 .31 .98 66.29 Ash ........... g . 6.95 E .558 13 .15 .46 31.54 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. 646 1 38.5 5 14 43 2.931 Iron ........... mg. 36.96 :1; 10.19 5 .78 2.48 167.80 Magnesium ,,,,,,,, mg. 170 1 4 11 772 Phosphorus ........ mg. 440 1 9 29 1 .998 Potassium ......... mg. 1,441 i 61. 75 5 30 97 5 .542 Sodium .......... mg. . . 16 + 4.9 6 Trace 1 71 Zinc ........... mg. . . 5.30 ‘ 1 .11 .36 24.06 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . — — — — Thiamin .......... mg. . . — — — — Riboflavin ......... mg. . . -~ — — — Niacin .......... mg. . , — — — — Pantothenicacid ....... mg. . . — _ *7 — Vitamin B6 ........ mg. . . — — — — Folacin .......... mcg . — — — — Vitamin B12 ........ meg . . 0 0 0 0 VitaminA --------- “if" ' ' __ _ _ __ LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... g . 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g . . . 18:0 ......... g . . . Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 9.78 ~21 ~66 44-36 16:1 ......... . . . 18:1 ......... g . . . 9.78 1 .21 .66 44.36 20:1 ......... g . . . 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 3.15 .07 .21 14.29 18:2 ......... g 3.15 1 .07 .21 14.29 18:3 ......... g 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g 22:5 ......... g’ 22:6 ......... g Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytoszerols ........ mg . w-n! — — ‘— AMINOACIDS: Trypzophan ........ g . —— —— — — Threonine ......... g . —— — — —- lsoleucine ......... g . . _ —— —— -—— Leucine‘ .......... B - - - — -—— — — Lysine .......... l — ‘_ — _ Methionine ........ g . . . ._ —\ —— —- Cystine .......... g . . . _ — — — Phenylalanine ....... g —— — — ,—- Tyrosine ......... g — — —-— —- Valine' .......... g . . . __ — — —— Arginine .......... g . . . __ —— — —— Histidine .......... X - - - — — — —— Alanine .......... g . . . _ — — —— Asparticacid ........ g . . . — — — — Glutamicacid ........ g - - - — —— — ‘— Glycine .......... X - ~ . — —— —- —‘ Praline .......... B - ~ - -—- —-— —- — Serine .......... g — — — —— AH-8-2 (1976) BASIL, ground Ocirrwrrr busillcurn Item No. 02-003 Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate mum and weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of lood as purchased Refuse: 0 Mann 1: standard error "mm”, 0' n pl“ 1tsp= 1.4 g 1tbsp= 4.5 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . , , 6.43 i 0.292 4 0.09 0.29 29.20 km! . , 251 4 11 1.141 Foodenergy """" 1.], , _ 1,051 15 47 4,773 Protein1NX 6.25) ..... g . . . 14.37 1 2.515 4 .20 .65 65.23 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 3.98 1 .408 4 .06 .18 18.06 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 60.96 .85 2-74 276-75 Fiber ........... g . . . 17.76 1 3.181 4 .25 .80 80.63 Ash ........... g . . . 14.27 i 1.159 6 .20 .64 64.77 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 2,113 1 98.21 6 30 95 9,595 Iran ........... mg. . . 42.00 i 5.769 6 .59 1.89 190.68 Magnesium ........ mg. . . 422 1 12.0 5 6 19 1,916 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 490 1 26.8 4 7 22 2,225 Potassium ......... mg. . . 3,433 1 200.9 7 48 154 15.585 Sodium .......... mg. . . 34 1'. 4.6 8 Trace 2 155 Zinc ........... mg. . . 5.82 + .583 5 .08 .26 26.42 VITAMINS: _ Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 61.22 1 .86 2.76 277.94 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .148 1 .002 .007 .672 Riboflavin ....... .. . mg. . . .316 1 .004 .014 1-435 Niacin .......... mg. . . 6.948 1 .097 .313 31-544 Pantothenicacid ....... mg. . . —— — — __ Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . —— — —‘ ‘— Folacin .......... mcg . . — —' "" ‘— Vitamin B12 ........ mtg . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE. . . 938 1 13 42 4,252 V'um'“ """""" ru. . . 9,375 1 131 422 42.525 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated,total ...... g . . . 4:0 ......... g 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g . . . 18:0 ......... g . . . Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 16:1 ......... g . . . 18:1 ......... g . . . 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 18:2 ......... g 18:3 ......... g . . . 18:4 ......... g . . . 20:4 ......... g . . . 20:5 ......... g 22:5 ......... g 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterois ........ mg. . . 106 1 5 481 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . .221 .003 .010 1.002 Threonine ......... g . . . .588 .008 .026 2.572 Isoleucine ......... g . 588 . 008 . 026 2 . 672 Leucine .......... g ~ 1.078 .015 .049 4.895 Lysine. .......... K ‘ .618 .009 .028 2.807 Methionine ........ 3 . 202 . 003 . 009 . 918 Cystine .......... B .159 . 002 . 007 . 720 Phenylalanine ....... S .733 .010 .033 3.329 TYYOSiM --------- K .432 .006 .019 1 .962 Valine .......... g .717 .010 .032 3.256 Arginine .......... 8 . . . .662 .009 .030 3.006 Histidine .......... g . . . .287 .004 .013 1.305 Alanine .......... z . 747 . 010 . 034 3 . 392 Aspartic acid ........ K 1 . 696 . 024 . 076 7 . 702 Glummic acid ........ 8 1.565 .022 .070 7.107 Glycine .......... x .690 .010 .031 3.131 Praline .......... g . . . .588 .008 .026 2.672 Serine .......... I . 561 . 008 . 025 2 . 546 AH-8-2 (1976) BAY LEAF, crumbled Laurus nobili: Item No. 02-004 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximame measure and weight Rafuu:0 Mean 1 standard error Number fl ”mm” 1 tsp = 0.6 g 1 tbsp = 1.8 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 5.44 + 0.254 23 0.03 0.10 24.68 km! . . 313 _ 2 6 1 9423 F°°d ”"8“” """" u . . . 1,312 8 24 5 .956 Protein (N X6.25) ..... g . . . 7.61 + .426 6 .05 .14 34.56 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 8. 36 E . 262 6 g: 1.;2 32(7). 32 Carboh drate, total ..... . . 74. 96 - - Fiber.y .......... g . . . 26.32 + .7878 6 16 .47 119.48 Ash ........... g 3. 62 E .0887 24 02 .06 16 . 45 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 834 i 169 4 5 15 3,787 Iron ,,,,,,,,,,, mg_ 43.00 + 17.35 4 .26 .77 195.22 Magnesium , mg. 120 I 20. 8 3 1 2 545 Phosphorus . . . mg . 113 I 8~82 3 1 2 515 Potassium . . . . .... mg. . . 529 I 60-1 5 3 10 2 ’403 Sodium ,,,,,,,,,, ",3. , . 23 E 1. 5 4 Trace Trace 103 Zinc ........... mg_ , . 3.70 i .624 3 .02 .07 16.80 V'Tatcmisc'acsa mg 46.53 1 .23 .84 211 .25 Thiamin """" mg" ‘ ' .009 1 Trace Trace .041 Riboflavin mg: -421 1 “003 '008 1'9” Niacin .......... mg_ . . 2. 005 1 .012 .036 9.103 Pantothenic acid ....... mg . . . — ~ _' — Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . '— —~ __.. — Folacin .......... _mcg . . — — — — Vitamin 512 ........ mtg . . 613 1 2 10 2 80g Vitamin A ~~~~~~~~~ RE. I ' 1 ’055 IU. . . 6,185 1 37 111 28, LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . 2. 28 01 .04 10.34 4: ......... g . 6:0 ......... . 8:0 ......... f . .01 1 Trace Trace . 05 10:0 ......... g . . 01 1 Trace Trace .05 12:0 ......... g . . 53 1 Trace . 01 2.40 14:0 ......... g . .21 1 Trace Trace .95 16:0 ......... g . 1.27 1 .01 .02 5.76 18:0 ......... g . .16 Trace Trace .73 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . 1 . $4 1 T. 01 T. 03 7.22 16:1 ......... . . 4 race race . 18:1 ......... g . 1.50 1 .01 .03 6.80 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 2.29 1.81.3; 12.2; 18:2 ......... g . 1 . 24 . . . 18:3 ......... g . 1.05 1 .01 .02 4.76 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... . Cholesterol ........ gmg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg . ~— — _ __ AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g — — — "‘— Threonine ......... g — — — “‘— lsoleucine ......... g — —‘ '— — Leucine .......... x - — — — _ Lysine .......... x — — —— _ Methionine ........ E '— — —— — Cystine .......... K _ _ _ — Phenylalanine ....... g -— '— — "— Tyrosine ......... g — —— — —' Valine .......... g — —- — — Arginine .......... g — — “— — Histidine .......... x — — _' —‘ Alanine .......... x — _ “— _"_ Aspartic acid ........ X — _ — —' Glutamic acid ........ K —' ‘— — — Glycine .......... l — — '_ — Proline . . . Z ...... I — """ — __ Serine .......... 3 . -— _ '— '— AH-8-2 (1976) CARAWAV SEED Camm ml Item No. 02-005 Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate meewre and weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Refuse: 0 Mean 1 standard error Number °1 ”'“P'” 1 tsp = 2.1 g 1 tbsp = 6.7 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . 9.88 + 0.682 21 0.21 0.66 44.83 1...: 333 ‘ 7 22 1,513 Food energy -------- ‘ k]. 1,395 29 93 6,332 Protein(NX 6.25) ,,,,, g , _ . 19.77 1 .7179 10 .42 1.32 89.75 Total llpid (fat) ....... g _ . , 14.59 i 1.346 18 .31 .98 66.25 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 49-90 1-05 3'34 226-52 Fiber ........... g . , . 12.65 1 1.377 9 .27 .85 57.41 Ash ........... g , _ , 5.87 i .224 23 .12 .39 26.65 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 689 i 46-4 4 14 46 3,129 Iron ........... mg, . ‘ 16.23 i 3.961 3 .34 1.09 73.70 Magnesium ........ mg, 258 2 5 17 1 ,171 Phosphorus ........ mg . . . 568 2 12 38 2 ’576 Potassium ......... mg. . . 1,351 i 60- 79 7 28 91 6 ’135 Sodium .......... mg. . . 17 i 2.1 7 Trace 1 78 Zinc ........... mg. , , 5.50 1 .12 .37 24.97 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ m . . . —" _— — _ Thiamin .......... mi. _ _ .383 1 .008 .026 1.739 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . - 379 1 -008 -025 1 - 721 Main .......... mg_ , , 3.606 1 1.486 4 076 .242 16.371 Pantothenicacid ....... mg. . . —‘ _— _ — Vitamin 135 ........ mg. . . -— _‘ _ .— Folacin .......... meg . _" — — —— Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE 36 1 1 2 165 Vltamm A --------- IU. ' ' 353 '| 8 24 1,647 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . .62 -01 -04 2-81 4: ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... 3 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g .01 1 Trace Trace .05 12:0 ......... g .01 1 Trace Trace .05 14:0 ......... g .04 1 Trace Trace .18 16:0 ......... g _ . . .40 + .20 3 .01 .03 1.81 18:0 ......... g . , . .11 '- 1 Trace .01 .50 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 7.12 .15 .48 32.30 16:1 ......... g . . , .09 1 Trace .01 .41 18:1 ......... g . . . 7.03 i 1.59 3 .15 .47 31.89 20:1 ......... g . . . 22:1 ......... g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . , 3.27 .07 .22 14-83 18:2 ......... g . . . 3.12 i 1.09 3 .07 .21 14-15 18:3 ......... g . . . .15 1 Trace .01 .68 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g . . . 20:5 ......... g . . . 22:5 ......... g . . . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 76 2 5 345 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . — _ — — Threonine ......... g . . . —- — — - Isoleucine ......... g — - — — Leucine .......... 8 "- _ — — Lysine .......... t — — - — Methionine ........ g . . . —— —- "- "" Cystine .......... g - . - -- "— '— .— Phenylalanlne ....... g —- '— "- _' Tyrosine ......... g —— '- — '— Vallne' .......... g . . . —— — "_ ‘— Arglnlne .......... g . . . — —— '— — Histldlne .......... Z . . . —— — — —'_ Alanine .......... g . . . — —‘ —“ ’— Asparticacid ........ g - . . -— —" —“ - Glutamicacid ........ g . . . —— ‘— "— ’- Glycine .......... 8 - - - — — — — Praline .......... g . . . —— —' —‘ "-' Serine .......... g - — —‘ —" '— AH-8-2 (1976) CAR DAMOM, ground Elenm'a curdunomum Item No. 02-006 Vaiues were obtained by combining data for cardamom capsu‘les and seeds 'in accordance with conmercia1 practices. Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edible ponion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as pudiased Mean 2 mMIrd error Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 sample: 1 tsp = 2.0 g 1 tbsp = 5.8 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 8.28 1 0.180 96 0 17 0.48 37.60 [mi , _ 311 6 18 1,414 F°°d "my """" 1 k] _ 1,303 25 76 5,915 Protein(NX5.25) ..... g . . . 10.75 1 .3604 28 .21 .52 48.85 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 6.70 1 .424 40 13 .39 30.41 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 58-47 1 37 3-97 310-87 Fiber ........... g . . . 11.29 i .7385 27 23 .65 51.24 Ash ........... g . 5.78 i .218 99 12 .33 26.26 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. 383 1 78. 5 7 8 22 1,740 Iron ........... mg. 13.97 1 3.101 7 .28 81 63.44 Magnesium ........ mg. 229 i 56. 3 5 5 13 1 ,038 Phosphorus ........ mg . . 178 i 17 . 6 6 4 10 805 Potassium ......... mg. . . 1,119 :1; 198.6 21 22 65 5,079 Sodium .......... mg. . . 18 i 3.7 3 Trace 1 83 Zinc ........... mg. . . 7.47 i .855 3 .15 .43 33.90 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg . . . — — — — Thiamin .......... mg. . . .198 2 004 .011 .899 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . .182 i 0190 5 .004 .011 .826 Niacin .......... mg. . , 1.102 1 3176 5 .022 .064 5 003 Pantothenic acid ....... mg . . . — -—— — — Vitamin 85 ........ mg. . . —— —— — — Folacin .......... mpg . . _ — — — Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE. . . Trace 1 Vitamln A -------- IU . . . Trace 1 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . 68 01 . 04 3 . 08 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . Trace 1 12:0 ......... g . Trace 1 14:0 ......... g . .03 1 Trace Trace -14 16:0 ......... g . .57 1 .0 .03 2.59 18:0 ......... g . .06 1 Trace Trace .27 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . 87 . 02 . 05 3 - 95 16:1 ......... g . .02 1 Trace Trace .09 18:1 ......... g . .85 1 .02 .05 3.86 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . .43 .01 .02 1-95 18:2 ......... g . .31 1 .01 .02 1.41 18:3 ......... g . .12 1 Trace .01 .54 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg . 46 1 3 209 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g —— —— — --- Threonine ......... g . — -— -——- — Isoleucine ......... g --—— — — —— Leucine .......... ! "" — — _— Lysine .......... g —' — —— — Methionine ........ g — — — _ Cystine .......... K ‘— _-' — — Phenylalanine ....... g —— —— — - Tyrosine . . . ' ...... g —— — — — Valine ‘ .......... g — — — — Arginine .......... g — —— --— —- Histidine .......... 8 ~—-— — —— --'v- Alanine .......... K — -— -— —— Asparticacid ........ 8 —— — —— — Glutamic acid ........ g — —- — — Glycine .......... g —- —— — — Proline .......... B — — -—- — Serine .......... Z — — — — AH-8-2 (1976) CELERY SEED Item No. 02-007 Aplum gruveolens . . . Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of . ' Amount m 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrient and units . _ Number of Approxumne measure and weigh! new”; 0 Mean 1 standard error “mm“ 1 tsp = 2.0 g 1 tbsp = 6.5 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Whmr ........... g . ._ 6.04 1 0.735 12 0.12 0.39 27.41 km! . . 392 8 25 1,780 Foodenergy """" kJ~ . . 1,641 33 107 7,451 Protein(NX 6.25) ..... g ‘ . . 18.07 1 1.045 6 36 1.18 82 04 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 25.27 1 .9972 9 50 1.64 114 73 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 41-35 83 2.69 187 73 Fmer ........... g , _, 11.85 1 1.175 4 24 .77 53 80 Ash ........... g _ . . 9.27 1 .720 12 19 .60 42 10 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1,767 1 185.6 3 35 115 8,021 Iron ........... mg. . . 44.90 1 8.766 3 .90 2.92 203 85 Magnesium ........ mg. . . 440 1 20.8 3 9 29 1,998 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 547 1 96.1 3 11 36 2,482 Potassium ......... mg. . . 1,400 1 40.82 4 28 91 6,356 Sodium .......... mg. . . 160 1 17.6 5 3 10 726 Zinc ........... mg. . . 6.93 1 1.48 3 .14 45 31.48 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 17.14 1_ .34 1 11 77 82 Thiamin .......... mg. . . —— —— —- — Riboflavin.;....‘... mg... — — — —- Niacin .......... mg. . . -—- —— —- . — Pantothenicacid ....... mg. . . — — — —‘ Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . — — — —— Folacin .......... mtg . . — — — — Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE. . . 5 1 Trace Trace 24 memA ......... IU. . ~ 52 1 1 3 236 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated,total ...... g . . . 2.19 .04 .14 9.93 420 ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... g 820 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 02 1 Trace Trace 09 12.0 ......... g 02 1 Trace Trace 09 14.0 ......... g 02 1 Trace Trace 09 160 ......... g . . . 1 29 1 .343 8 03 .08 5 85 18:0 ......... g . . . .39 1 .08 5 01 .03 1 77 Monounsaturated,total. . . g . . . 15.93 32 1.04 72 26 16A ......... g . . . .24 2 Trace .02 1 09 18:1 ......... g . . . 15.45 1 .8061 8 31 1.00 70 08 20:1 ......... g . . . .24 1 Trace .02 1 09 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 3.72 07 .24 16 87 18:2 ......... g . . . 3.52 1 .389 8 07 .23 15 97 18:3 ......... g . . . .20 1 .04 4 Trace .01 91 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g . . . 20:5 ......... g . . . 22:5 ......... g 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 50 1 4 272 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . —— — — —— Threonine ......... g . . . —— — — — lsoleucine ......... g — — — — Leucine .......... 3. - ~ - — — — ”—‘ Lysine .......... Z — — — ‘— Methionine ........ g — — —' — Cystine .......... g —-- — ~— — Phenylalanine ' ....... g — — —— — Tyrosine ......... g -—- --— — — Valine .......... g . . . — — ——- — Arginine .......... Z . - - -- — — — Histidine .......... g ‘ ~ - — — '— — Alanine .......... x — —‘— — "‘ Aspartic acid ........ s — ~— — ”‘— Gluumicacid ........ B - > - — — —“ —— Glycine .......... g . . . — — —— *- Proline .......... g -— —— — ~— Serine .......... Z — ‘— — ‘— AH-8-2 (1976) CHERVIL, dried “Om No. 02-008 Anthrtuu: cerefollum . . . Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of N utrie nu and units Amount 1'" 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased A roximnte measure and wei ht . Mean 1 standard error "nagg'oi pp 9 Refuse. 0 A B c D 1 tsp E 0.6 g 1 tbsp F 1.9 g G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g _ . , 7.20 1 0.04 0.14 32.69 km! . . 237 1 4 1 ,074 F°°d energy """" l t] . . . 990 6 19 4 .494 Protein (NX6.25) ..... g . . . 23.20 1 .14 .44 105.33 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . , 3.90 1 .02 .07 17-71 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 49.10 . 30 - 93 222 - 91 Fmer ........... g . . _ 11.30 1 07 21 51.30 Ash ........... g . . . 16.60 2 10 31 75.36 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1,346 2 8 26 5,111 Iron ........... mg. . . 31.95 2 19 .61 145 05 Magnesium ........ mg . 130 1 1 2 590 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 450 1 3 9 2:043 Potassium ......... mg. . . 4,740 2 28 90 21 ,520 Sodium .......... mg. . . 83 2 Trace 2 375 Zinc ........... mg. . . 8.80 1 .05 .17 39.95 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . —"— — _ “- Thiamin .......... mg. . . —‘ “— _ — Riboflavin ......... mg. . . *— — *- . Niacin .......... mg. . . — _ _ — Pantothenic acid ..... ‘. . mg. . . a — — — Vitamin B6 ........ mg, . . 1.225 + 0.1411 8 .007 023 5.562 Folacin .......... mtg . . —- ‘— — —" Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . O 0 0 0 Vitamin A --------- “a: ' ' _ _ _ __ LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4:0 ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... 3 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g 18:0 ......... g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16:1 ......... g 18:1 ......... g 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:2 ......... g 18:3 ......... g 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g 22:5 ......... g 22:6 ......... g . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . —— ”"' ‘- AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . — — — — Threonine ......... g . . . -— -— '— _ Isoleucine ......... g — —- —- — Leucine .......... g — —' — — Lysine .......... g — "— — '— Methionine ........ 8 — — —' — Cystine .......... K — — "_ "' Phenylalanine ....... 5 — — —' _ Tyrosine ......... E -— — "'- — Valine .......... g —- —- — — Arginine .......... l - - . —— —— '— —‘ Histidine .......... z . . . -— —— — —‘ Alanine .......... 8 — — '— —' Aspartic acid ........ 8 —- — —‘ — Glutamic acid ........ S — — — _ Glycine .......... x — — _ — Proline . ‘ ......... g — — — —“ Serine .......... g —- — —' “— AH-8-2 (1976) CHILI POWDER Values were derived from a spice mixture containing red pepper, cumin, oregano, salt, and garlic powder. Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Item No. 02-009 Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean 2 standard error "aging,“ A B c D l’cspE 2.69 1 tbsp F7.59 G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 7‘79 0'20 0‘58 35‘34 kcaI . . 314 8 24 1 ’424 Food energy ~~~~~~~~ k] ' . . 1.313 34 98 5 ,956 Protein(NX6.25) ..... g . . . 12-26 ‘32 '92 55'“ Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 15-75 -44 1'26 76‘ 02 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 54 - 66 1 ' 42 4 '10 247 ' 94 Fiber ......... g . . . 22,23 .58 1.67 100.84 Ash ........... g 8-53 '22 '64 38'69 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 27 7 2] 1 ’26] Iron ........... mg 14-25 '37 1'07 64'64 Magnesium ........ mg 170 4 13 77] Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 303 8 23 1 ’374 Potassium ......... mg. . . 1:916 50 144 3 ,691 Sodium .......... mg. . . 1.010 26 76 4,581 Zinc ........... mg. . . 2-70 ‘07 '20 12'26 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 64-14 1-57 4-81 290‘95 Thiamin .......... mg. . . - 349 ‘ 009 ' 026 1' 583 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . - 794 '02] '060 3'602 Niacin .......... mg. . . 7-893 ‘205 ‘592 35'803 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — — — _ Vitamin BS ........ mg. . . ”— — __ __ Folacin .......... mcg . . 0— 0—— — 6—- Vitamin B ........ mcg . . . . 12 RE. . . 3,493 9‘ 262 15’8“ memA ......... {u}. . . 34,927 903 2,620 158,429 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . 4: ......... g 6:0 ......... 3 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g 18:0 ......... 3 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16:1 ......... g 18:1 ......... g . 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 18:2 ......... g . 18:3 ......... g . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . 0 0 0 0 Cholesterol ........ mg . Phytosterols ........ mg . 83 2 6 376 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g '— — — —_ Threonine ......... g . -— —“ — "— lsoleucine ......... g -— — '— _ Leucine .......... g - - - — — — ‘— Lysine .......... 8 *— — — ’— Methionine ........ x —‘ ‘— _ — Cystine .......... 8 _ _" — _ Phenylalanine ....... g — — — .— Tyrosine ......... l "— _ _ _ Valine ' .......... g — -‘ _ — Arginine .......... 8 - - - — _ — — Histidine .......... 8 - - - —‘ — ’— — Alanine .......... g '— _ _' — Aspartic acid ........ x — "_ — — Glutamic acid ........ x —— —' _ — Glycine .......... K —- — __ — Proline .......... x _ "‘ —" — Serine .......... 8 '— _' _ — AH-8-2 (1976) CINNAMON, ground Cinnamomum vemm (C. zeylanicum) Cinnamamum aromatic-mu (C. cassia) Values were obtained by comEining data for cassia and cinnamon in accordance with comercial practices. Item No. 0 2-010 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Mean 1 standard error ”2:15;; :7 Refuse.0 1tsp=2.3g 1tbsp= I:.689 A B C D E G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 9.52 i 0.172 166 0.22 0.65 43.22 km! . . 261 6 18 1,186 F°°d "my """" u . . . 1 .094 25 74 4,965 Protein(NX6.25) ..... g . . . 3.89 i .103 73 .09 .26 17.68 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 3.18 i .156 169 .07 .22 14.46 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . 79 . 85 1 . 84 5 . 43 362 . 50 Fiber ........... g . . . 24.35 i .6211 115 .56 1.66 110.53 Ash ........... g . 3.55 i .0542 529 .08 .24 16.13 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1,228 _+_ 0. 0 17 28 84 5.577 Iron . . ‘ ......... mg. 38.07 i 2.332 43 .88 2.59 172.83 Magnesium ........ mg. 56 i 3. 3 5 1 4 252 Phosphorus ........ mg. I 61 i 8. 9 9 1 4 279 Potassium ......... mg. . 500 + 9. 3 14 11 34 2 ,270 Sodium .......... mg. . . 26 I 9. 4 6 1 2 120 Zinc ........... mg. . . 1.97 I .381 5 .05 .13 8.93 VITAMINS: _ Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . 28.46 2 .65 1.94 129.19 Thiamin .......... mg. . . . 077 2 .002 .005 . 350 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . .140 2 .003 .010 .636 Niacin .......... mg. . 1. 300 2 . 030 .088 5.902 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — — — — Vitamin B6 ........ mg. . . — — — — Folacin .......... mcg . . — — — — Vitamin 312 ........ meg . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE. . . 26 1 1 2 118 Vitamin A --------- IU ‘ . _ 260 1 6 18 1,179 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . - 65 . 01 . 04 2 . 95 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 12:0 ......... g . .03 1 Trace Trace .14 14:0 ......... g _ .09 1 Trace .01 .41 16:0 ......... g . .39 1 .01 .03 1.77 18:0 ......... g . . 14 1 Trace .01 . 64 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . - 48 - 01 - 03 2 - 18 16:1 ......... g , . 03 1 Trace Trace . 14 18:1 ......... g , .45 1 .01 .03 2.04 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . 53 . 01 . 04 2 . 40 18:2 ......... g . .53 1 .01 .04 2.40 18:3 ......... g . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . ‘ 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. 26 1 2 1 18 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g '— — — — Threonine ......... g . — ‘— ""' '— lsoleucine ......... g -— — —" _ Leucine .......... E — _- ~— — Lysine .......... 8 '_ — —- — Methionine ........ l — _ _ — Cystine .......... g —— _ — ‘— Phenylalanine ....... g —" —' — ‘— Tyrosine ......... g -— — — ‘— Valine .......... g —— — — ‘— Arginine .......... K "— —' _ ‘— Histidine .......... x - -—I — — — Alanine .......... B ; _— — — Aspartic acid ........ x — — _-‘ _‘ Glutamic acid ........ x — — — — Glycine .......... g — — — ‘— Proline .......... 8 — _ "_ _‘ Serine .......... x —‘ — —‘ — AH-8-2 (1976) GLOVES, ground Syzyglum aromatic-um Item No. 02-011 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound 01 food as purchased A roximete measure and woi lit - Mean i standard error ”3:;sz pp 9 Reins-.0 1tsp= 2.1 g 1tbsp=6.6g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 6.86 i 0.241 343 0.14 0.45 31.13 km! . . 323 7 21 1,465 F°°d WW """" 1 k] . 1,350 28 39 6,130 Protein(NX 6.25) ..... g . . . 5.98 i .106 73 .13 39 27.16 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 20.06 i 2728 299 .42 1 32 91.07 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . 61 . 22 1 . 29 4 04 277 . 94 Fiber ........... g . . . 9.62 i .191 123 .20 63 43.69 Ash ........... g . 5.88 i .0485 384 .12 39 26.70 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 646 1 64. 4 6 14 43 2 ,931 Iron ........... mg. 8.68 i 1.50 7 .18 .57 39.42 Magnesium ........ mg. 264 i 4 . 87 5 6 17 1 ,198 Phosphorus ........ mg. 105 i 2 . 89 4 2 7 477 Potassium ......... mg. 1 .102 j; 68. 43 6 23 73 5 ,002 Sodium .......... mg. . . 243 i 12.4 6 5 16 1,102 Zinc ........... mg. . , 1.09 .278 5 .02 .07 4.97 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . 80.81 1_ 1 .70 5.33 366.88 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .115 2 .002 .008 .522 Riboflavin ...... .. . . mg. . . .267 i .0115 4 .006 .018 1.212 Niacin .......... mg. . 1.458 1 .031 .096 6.619 Pantothenic acid ....... mg . . . — — — —— Vitamin Be ........ mg. . . — — — _ Folacin .......... meg . , —~— — — —— Vitamin B12 ........ meg . . 0 0 0 0 ‘ - RE- - - 53 1 1 3 240 V m n ......... "a ' A m. . . 530 1 11 35 2.404 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4. 39 . 09 29 19 91 4:0 ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... g . . . 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g Trace 14:0 ......... g .01 1 Trace Trace .05 16:0 ......... g .10 1 Trace .01 .45 18:0 ......... g 4.21 1 .09 .28 19.10 Monounsaturated, total . . . g 16:1 ......... g 18:1 ......... g 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 18:2 ......... g 18:3 ......... g 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g . . . 22:5 ......... g . . . 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 256 5 1 7 1 ’16] AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . -— — — *— Threonine ......... g . . . —- _ ‘— ’— lsoleucine ......... g — '—“ ”"— ‘— Leucine .......... g — #— fl — Lysine .......... 8 ~ '— — — _ Methionine ........ g . — "“ _ — Cystine .......... X — "‘- _ _ Phenylalanine ....... g — —‘ — ‘— Tyrosine ......... g ——- — — ""— Valine ' .......... g — —— — — Arginine .......... 8 — _ _ — Histidine .......... K . — _ — _“ Alanine .......... E “‘— — — __ Aspartic acid ........ g . -— — —' —— Glutamic acid ........ 8 ‘— — _— _ Glycine .......... 8 _ ——_ —— — Proline .......... 8 _ ~ —_ — Serine .......... g . —-— —' —' ‘— AH-B-Z (1976) CORIANDER LEAF, dried Con'andrum sarivum Item No. 02-012 Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Rufusezo Mean 2 standard error ":31;sz 1tsp=0.6g 1tbsp=1.89 A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: water ,,,,,,,,,,, g _ . , 7.30 0.04 0.13 33.11 kca! . . 279 2 5 1 ’266 Food energy """" U . . ' '| ,158 7 2'] 5 ,298 Protein(NX 6.25) ..... g . . , 21.83 i 2.970 8 .13 .39 99.10 Total lipid (m) ....... g . . . 4. 76 i .699 9 .03 .09 21.60 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 52 -10 - 31 ~ 94 236 ' 33 Fiber ,,,,,,,,,,, g . ‘ . 10.39 i 1.663 9 .06 .19 47.17 Ash ........... g 14.02 1 1.101 11 .08 .25 63.64 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1:246 : 94-99 10 7 22 5,656 Iron ,,,,,,,,,,, mg, 42 46- 1 6.465 10 .25 .76 192.79 Magnesium ,,,,,,,, mg _ 594 2 4 12 3 ,149 Phosphorus ........ mg . 431 i 43 -1 10 3 9 2 ’182 Potassium ,,,,,,,,, mg_ 4 ,466 i 280. 7 3 27 80 20,276 Sodium .......... mg. 211 I 1 4 957 Zinc ........... mg. —— —- “- — VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ,,,,,,,, mg. , . 566.71 1 208.80 5 3.40 10.20 2 ,572.84 Thiamin ,,,,,,,,,, mg. , . 1.252 : .2081 5 .008 .023 5.684 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . 1.500 1 .4818 6 .009 .027 6 810 Niacin __________ mg. . . 10 707 i 1. 8880 6 .064 193 48.610 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — — — '— Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . —‘ _" ’— _ Folacin .......... mcg . . —" — — .— Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 O 0 Vitamin A ......... f: ‘ ‘ “— _ _— : LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4: ......... g ‘ 6:0 ......... 3 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g 18:0 ......... g Monounsaturated, total . . . g 16:1 ......... g 18:1 ......... g 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:2 ......... g 18:3 ......... g 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g 22:5 ......... g 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . —— "“ __._ — AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . — —‘ _ ‘— Threonine ......... g . . . — — — ‘_"' lsoleucine ......... g —-—-— ~ _ — Leucine .......... g _ ~ _ _ Lysine .......... 3 _ — —— — Methionine ........ g — — — — Cystine .......... g — — — _‘ Phenylalanine ....... g --—— — W — Tyrosine ......... g -—-—- — fl — Valine .......... g — — “ — Arginine .......... 8 — — — _ Histidine .......... 8 —- — —' _ Alanine .......... 8 ———' — — ‘— Aspartic acid ........ 8 — _ — _ Glutamic acid ........ 8 —— — — — Glycine .......... g — — —' — Proline .......... g -- — — — Serine .......... g -—— — "— — AH-8-2 (1976) CORIANDER SEED Conundrum dern Item No. 02-013 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate meuure and weight Reiulezo Mean 1 standard error N""‘b" °I I '"""°' 1 tsp = 1.8 g 1 tbsp = 5.0 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 8.86 i 0.260 38 0.16 0.44 40.23 km! . . 298 5 15 1,351 F°°d°"9'EY ' ' ‘ j ' ' ' '11.], , _ 1,245 22 62 5,553 Protein(NX ..... g . , . 12.37 i .3160 11 .22 .62 56.15 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 17.77 i 2.015 12 .32 .89 80.68 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 54-99 -99 2.75 249.63 Fiber ........... g . . . 29.12 i 1.485 7 .52 1.46 132.22 Ash ........... g . . . 6.02 i .107 43 .11 .30 27.32 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 709 i 62.5 6 13 35 3,217 Iron ........... mg. . . 16.32 i 4.362 7 .29 .82 74.09 Magnesium ........ mg. 330 i 36.1 3 6 17 1 ,499 Phosphorus ........ mg. 409 i 18. 3 4 7 20 1 ,856 Potassium ......... mg. . . 1,267 1 80.42 7 23 63 5,752 Sodium .......... mg. . . 35 i 4.2 7 1 2 160 Zinc ........... mg. . . 4.70 2 .08 .24 21.34 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . —- — — — Thiamin .......... mg. . . .239 2 .004 012 1.085 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . .290 2 .005 014 1.317 Niacin .......... mg. 2.130 2 .038 .106 9 670 Pantothenicacid ....... mg. . . _“ — __ — Vitamin B5 ........ mg. . . — — — — Folacin .......... meg . . “— — — _ Vitamin Bu ........ meg . . 0 1 0 0 0 . . RE. . . Trace “awn" """"" IIU. . . Trace 1 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . .99 .02 05 4.49 4:0 ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... g . . . 8:0 ......... g . . . 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g .02 1 Trace Trace .09 1.610 --------- 8 . . . .81 + .31 3 .01 .04 3.67 18:0 ......... g . . . .11 — 2 Trace .01 .50 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 13.58 .24 .68 61.60 16:1 ......... g .10 2 Trace Trace .45 1811 --------- g 13.48 i 1.818 3 .24 .67 61.15 20:1 ......... g . . . 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 1.75 .03 09 7.94 1312 --------- x 1.75 i .447 3 .03 09 7.94 18:3 ......... g . . . 18:4 ......... g . . . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 46 'I 2 209 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . —— ’— ""‘ _ Threonine ......... g . . . — -— _‘ — lsoleucine ......... g —— _ _ _____ Leucine .......... K “'— — — .— Lysine .......... g '— _ — _ Methionine ........ 3 ~ _ — _._ — Cystine .......... 3 — '— — — Phenylalanine ....... x —- — — ‘- Tyrosine ......... Z — — —- — Valine ' .......... g —- — — — Arginine .......... E . . . —— — — — Histidine .......... 8 - - - —-— — —- — Alanine .......... g — — -— '— Asparticacld ........ g . . . — — —— — Glutamicacid ........ g . . . ._ — — — Glycine .......... g — — — -—- Prollne .......... 8 —-— — — —— Serlne .......... g . — —— —— — AH-8-2 (1976) CUMIN SEED Cumlnum cyminum Item No. 02-014 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Nutrients and units Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased A roximlu mum and weight :0 Mean 3 standard error N:"n"b;‘: :1 pp Refuse 1 tsp = 2.1 g 1 tbsp = 6.0 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 8.06 + .237 47 0.17 0.48 36.61 km! . . 375 _ 8 22 1,701 Food energy ~~~~~~ { k] . ' ' 1,569 33 94 7 ,117 Protein(NX 5-25) ..... g . . . 17.81 i .2604 12 .37 1.07 80.87 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 22.27 1 2.604 13 .47 1.34 101.11 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 44. 24 . 93 2 . 65 200 . 85 Fiber ........... g . . . 10.50 + 1.340 9 .22 -53 47-69 Ash ........... g . . . 7.62 E .205 48 .16 .46 34.58 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 931 i 102 7 20 56 4.225 iron ........... mg. 66.35 i 2.507 35 1.39 3.98 301.25 Magnesium ........ mg. 366 :1; 33.4 4 8 22 1 ,659 Phosphorus ........ mg. . 499 i 22 . 9 7 10 30 2 .264 Potassium ......... mg. . , 1,788 :1: 136.2 6 38 107 8,115 Sodium .......... mg. . . 168 + 18.6 6 4 10 762 Zinc ........... mg. . 4.80 E 569 3 .10 29 21 79 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . 7.71 i 4.71 3 .16 .46 35.02 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .628 1 .053 3 .013 .038 2.851 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . . 327 i . 035 6 .007 .020 1.485 Niacin .......... mg. . . 4.579 t 2.011 3 .096 .275 20.789 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — —"‘ "— —“ Vitamin 56 ........ mg. . . —- — — — Foiacin .......... mag . . ——— — — — Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 v. . RE. . . 127 1 3 8 576 itammA ......... {,U. . . 1,270 1 27 76 5.761 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g 18:0 ......... 3 Monounsaturated, total . . . g 16:1 ......... g 18:1 ......... g 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:2 ......... g . . . 18:3 ......... g . . . 18:4 ......... g . . . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 68 1 4 308 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . —— — ’— ‘— Threonine ......... g . . . —— —" — '— Isoleucine ......... g , — — — _— Leucinei .......... g . . . —— — -— '— Lysine .......... E — —" _ — Methionine ........ g — — —_ ‘— Cystine .......... g — — — ‘— Phenylalanine ....... g — —— —' '—“‘ Tyrosine . . ' ....... g — -— —- — Valine .......... g — —- —— _ Arginine .......... g . - - —— —— —‘ ‘— Histidine .......... 8 - - . -——— -— —‘ —" Alanine .......... g - - - ——- —- — '— Aspartic acid ........ g - . - — —' — "" Glutamic acid ........ g . - . — —- '— "‘- Glycine .......... Z — —- —— ‘- Proline .......... E — —— — —" Serine .......... g ——- -— —- — AH-8-2 (1976) CU R RY POWDE R Item No. 02-015 Va1ues were derived from a spice mixture containing coriander seed. turmeric. cumin, fenugreek seed, white pepper, a11spice, ye11ow mustard, red pepper, and ginger. Nutrients aid units Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate mum and weight Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Refuse: O Mean 1 standard error Hawk“ 1 ts = 2.0 1 tbs = 6.3 A B C p E g p F g G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 9.52 0.19 0.60 43.18 Izcal . . 325 6 20 1 ,474 F°°d W” """" u . . . 1 , 360 27 86 6,169 Protein(NX6.08) ..... g . . . 12.66 .25 .80 57.43 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 113. 81 .28 .87 62.64 Carbohydrate, totaI ..... g . . . 58.15 1.16 3 . 65 263 . 77 Fiber ........... g . . . 15.32 33 1.03 74.03 Ash ........... g . . 5.57 11 .35 25.27 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. 478 10 30 2 ,168 Iron ........... mg. 29.59 .59 1.86 134.22 Magnesium ,,,,,,,, mg . 254 5 16 1 ,152 Phosphorus ........ mg . . . 349 7 22 1 ,583 Potassium ......... mg . . . 1 , 543 31 97 6 ,999 Sodium .......... mg. . . 52 1 3 236 Zinc ........... mg. . . 4.05 .08 .26 18.38 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 11.41 .23 .72 51.74 Thiamin .......... mg. . . . 253 . 005 .016 1.148 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . .281 .006 .018 1.275 Niacin .......... mg. . . 3.467 .069 .218 15.726 Pantothenic acid ....... mg . . . — ”- — — Vitamin 36 ........ mg . . . —- — —— — Folacin .......... mcg . . — — — -— Vitamin B12 ........ mtg . . 0 0 0 4;) . . RE. . . 99 2 6 4 “mm” A """"" IU. . . ' 986 20 62 4 .472 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 12:0 ......... g . 14:0 ......... g . 16:0 ......... g . 18:0 ......... g . Monounsaturated, total . . . g . 16:1 ......... g . 18:1 ......... g . 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 18:2 ......... g . 18:3 ......... g . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg . . . 72 1 5 327 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g — _._ *— _‘ Threonine ......... g . — —~ —' _‘ Isoleucine ......... g —— — — ‘— Leucinel .......... g . — — — — Lysine ........... l — — — — Methionine ........ g — — — —' Cystine .......... g --+ — '— — Phenylalanine ....... X —‘ ‘_ — — Tyrosine ......... g — — — — Valine .......... 3 —~ — ~ — Arginine .......... g -— — ’— — Histidine .......... 3 ‘ — — '— — Alanine .......... 8 - — fi‘ — , Aspartic acid ........ K -— — _' — Glutamic acid ........ g —— '— —‘ — Glycine .......... 8 — — _ — Proiine .......... 8 — — — — Serine g . 1 Tota1 proximates do not equal 100% because piperine was subtracted from 1ipid va1ue for white pepper. AH-8-2 (1976) DI LL SE E D Anerhum graveolens Item No. 02-016 Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portlon of 1 pound of food as purchased Approxlmete mum and weight Ruhr-:0 Mean t mnderd error ":ang.” 1 tsp=2.1g 1tbsp=6.69 A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 7.70 i 0.669 7 0.16 0 51 34.96 . ’ . . m1 . . 305 5 20 1,385 F°°d°"°'8Y ' ' ' ' .1. . . 1,276 27 84 5,795 Protein(NX6.25) ..... g . . . 15.98 1 1.212 8 34 1.05 72.54 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 14.53 i 2.109 8 .31 .96 65.99 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . 55.17 1.16 3.64 250.45 Fiber ........... g . . . 21.09 i 3.367 5 .44 1.39 95.74 Ash ........... g . 6.62 1 .180 14 .14 .44 30.06 MINERALS: Calcium ---------- ”13> - - 1,516 : 115.7 5 1 32 100 6,881 '10" ----------- "18- 16.32 i 4.900 4 34 1.08 74.12 Magnesium ........ mg- 256 i 11.1 4 5 17 1,162 PhOSPhOWS -------- mg- 277 i 66. 8 4 6 18 1.256 Potassium --------- mg- 1,186 1 118.0 6 25 78 5,384 Sodium ---------- mg- 20 i 4.2 4 Trace 1 90 Zinc ----------- mg. 5.20 i .854 3 .11 .34 23.61 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg . . . —— —— — ——- Thiamin ---------- "13- . . .418 1 .009 .028 1.898 Riboflavin ......... mg- - . .284 1 .006 .019 1.289 Niacin ---------- mg. - . 2 807 1 .059 .185 12.744 Pantothenic acid ....... mg . . . — -— —' ‘- Vitamin B5 ........ mg. . . — —- — —— Folacin .......... ‘ mtg . . -—— —— — — Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . O 0 0 0 . . RE. . - 5 1 Trace Trace 24 Vitamin A - . . lU . . . 53 1 240 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . .73 .02 .05 3.31 4: ......... g . 6:0 ......... 3 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g .01 1 Trace Trace .05 14:0 ......... g .01 1 Trace Trace .05 16:0 ......... g .58 2 .01 .04 2.63 18:0 ......... g .10 2 Trace . 01 . 45 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 9. 41 . 20 . 62 42 . 68 16:1 ......... g .05 2 Trace Trace .23 18:1 ......... g 9.36 2 .20 .62 42.46 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 1 . 01 .02 . 07 4. 58 18:2 ......... g .96 2 .02 .06 4.35 18:3 ......... g . .15 2 Trace .01 .68 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g 22:5 ......... g 22:6 ......... g Cholesterol ........ mg . . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg . . . 124 3 8 562 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . — -—- — — Threonine ......... g . .575 .012 .038 2.611 lsoleucine ......... g .767 .016 .051 3.482 Leucine __________ g .925 .019 .061 4.201 Lysine ,,,,,,,,,, g 1.038 .022 . 068 4. 712 Methionine ........ g . -143 - 003 - 009 - 550 Cystine .......... x - —— —‘ — — Phenylalanine ....... g . .670 .014 .044 3.041 Tyrosine ......... l — —‘ — "— Valine ' .......... g 1.120 .024 .074 5.083 Arginine .......... g 1. 263 . 027 . 083 5. 733 Histidine .......... g .320 .007 .021 1 .451 Alanine .......... g — — —— — Aspartic acid ........ g — —' — —"‘ Glutamic acid ........ g —— '— — — Glycine .......... K —' "— — — Proline . . . ' ....... 8 —— — “" — Serine .......... 8 — — — — AH-8-2 (1976) DlLL WEED, dried Anethum gmolens Item No. 02-017 Nutrient; and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean 1 standard error "3:52“ 5 = 1 .0 1 tbs = .1 A B C D 1 t P E g p F 3 q G PROXlMATE: Water ........... g . . . 7.30 0.07 0.23 33.11 km! . _ 253 3 8 1 ,1 48 F°°¢°W8Y """" 1,, _ , 1,057 11 33 4,795 Protein (NX6.25) ..... g . . , 19.96 1 .20 .62 90.62 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 4.36 Trace .14 19. 78 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 55-82 56 1-73 253.20 Fiber ........... g . . . 11.93 1 12 .37 54.16 Ash ........... g . 12.56 2 13 .39 57.00 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1,784 1 202.4 4 18 55 8,100 Iron ........... mg. 48.77 : 21.17 4 .49 1.51 221.44 Magnesium ........ mg. 451 i 116 3 5 14 2 ,048 Phosphorus ........ mg . 543 i 163 3 5 17 2,464 Potassium ......... mg. 3,308 1 923.0 4 33 103 15,016 Sodium .......... mg. 208 i 98. 3 3 2 6 946 Zinc ........... mg. 3.30 2 .03 .10 14.98 VlTAMlNS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . — — — — Thiamin .......... mg. . . .418 1 .004 .013 1.898 Riboflavin ......... mg. . , . 284 1 . 003 . 009 1 . 289 Niacin .......... mg. . . 2 807 1 . 029 . 086 12 . 744 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — — — _ Vitamin 85 ........ mg. . . 1.461 + .1427 9 . 015 .045 6 633 Folacin .......... mtg . . ‘_ — — — Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE. . . — — _ — Vitamin A ......... IU . . . _ ____ __ __ LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . 4: ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 12:0 ......... g . 14:0 ......... g . 16:0 ......... g . 18:0 ......... g . Monounsaturated, total. . . g . 16:1 ......... g . 18:1 ......... g . 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 18:2 ......... g . 18:3 ......... g . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . — —— — —- AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . -— — — — Threonine ......... g — — — -— lsoleucine ......... g — — —— — Leucine .......... 3 - '— — _— _ Lysine .......... 8 _ — _ ~— Methionine ........ g —— "" _" — Cystine .......... g :— — — _ Phenylalanine ....... g — — —- — Tyrosine ......... g —— —— — —-—- Valine ‘ .......... g — — — -—— Arginine .......... 8 -—— -— — —- Histidine .......... l . ~— —— — — Alanine .......... 3 —— — —- -— Aspartic acid ........ g —— —- —- — Glutamic acid ........ g — -— —- —— Glycine .......... x — — — —- Prollne .......... 5 . — — — —- Serlne .......... g - ——- -—- -— -- AH-8-2 (1976) FENN E L SE ED Foenlculum vulgun Item No. 02-018 Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edib|e portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate manure and weight Mean 1 standard error N31635:“ Rlflm.0 A B c o 1 tsp E 2.0 g 1 tbsp F5.8 g G PHOXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 8.81 i 0.743 18 0.18 0.51 40.01 Itcal . . 345 7 20 1 .566 Food energy """"" k] . _ _ 1,443 29 84 6 .553 Protein (N X6.25) ..... g . , . 15.80 i .9265 12 .32 .92 71.74 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 14 . 87 i 1. 041 20 . 30 . 86 67 . 50 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 52. 29 1 . 05 3 .03 237 .41 Fiber ........... g . . , 15.66 i 1.235 6 .31 .91 71.08 Ash ........... g . 8.22 i 260 42 16 .48 37.34 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1,196 : 74.83 6 24 69 5.431 Iron ........... mg. 18.54 i .7913 36 37 1.07 84.15 Magnesium ,,,,,,,, mg. 385 i 71 . 9 4 8 22 1 ,748 Phosphorus ........ mg. 487 j; 42 .1 4 10 28 2 ,213 Potassium ......... mg . 1 .694 i 56 . 49 6 34 98 7 .690 Sodium .......... mg. 88 i 10 7 2 5 399 Zinc ........... mg. 3.70 ‘_l'_ .794 3 .07 21 16.80 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg . . . — — ‘— _"‘ ' Thiamin .......... mg. . . .408 1 .008 .024 1 .852 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . . 353 1 . 007 . 020 1.603 Niacin .......... mg. . . 6.050 1 .121 .351 27.467 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — — —— —‘ Vitamin B6 ........ mg. . . —— —— — Folacin .......... mtg . . —— —— '— “— Vitamin B12 ........ mtg . . 0 0 0 0 . , RE. . . 14 1 Trace 1 61 V'”""" A """"" m. . . 135 1 3 8 612 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . - 48 0] '03 2'18 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 12:0 ......... g . 14:0 ......... . 16:0 ......... z . .48 1 .01 .03 2.18 18:0 ......... g . Monounsaturated, total. . . g . 9 - 91 ' 20 ' 57 44 ' 95 16:1 ......... . 13.1 ,,,,,,,,, i , 9.91 1 .20 .57 44.95 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 1 - 69 ' 03 ‘ 10 7 ' 67 18:2 ......... g . 1.69 1 .03 .10 7-67 18:3 ......... g . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 2025 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 66 1 4 299 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . .253 .005 .015 1 .148 Threonine ......... g . . 602 . 012 . 035 2 - 732 lsoleucine . . .‘ ...... 8 . 695 .014 .040 3.157 Leucine‘ .......... E . 996 .020 .058 4. 523 Lysine .......... 8 . 758 . 015 . 044 3 .444 Methionine ........ 8 . . 301 . 006 . 017 1 . 366 Cystine .......... g .222 .004 .013 1.010 Phenylalanine ....... 8 . 647 .013 .038 2.939 Tyrosine . . -. ...... 3 . 410 . 008 . 024 1 . 860 Valine .......... g .915 .018 .053 4.155 Arginine .......... K . 680 .014 .039 3.088 Histidine. . . . . . . . . .- Z . 331 .007 .019 1-504 Alanine .......... 8 . 789 .016 .046 3.581 Aspartic acid ........ x - 1 .833 .037 .106 8.322 Glutamic acid ........ x 2. 956 .059 .171 13 . 418 Glycine .......... g 1 .107 .022 .064 5.028 Proline .......... x . 900 .018 . 052 4.086 Serine .......... 8 . 900 .018 .052 4.086 AH-8—2 (1976) FENUGREEK SEED THgonella foenum-gmecum Item No. 02-019 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food I: purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Number of Men 1. mndard error ”'“P'” 1tsp= 3.7g 1tbsp= 11.1 g A B C D E F G PHOXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 8.84 1 0.238 57 0.33 0.98 40.15 Izcal . . 323 12 36 1,467 F°°d ”WY """" u . . . 1.352 so 150 6 ,138 Protein (NX 5.30) ..... g . . . 23.00 1 .3106 81 .85 2.55 104.41 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 6.41 1 .163 82 .24 .71 29.09 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 58. 35 2 .16 6 . 48 264. 90 Fiber ........... g . . . 10.07 1 .9251 26 .37 1.12 45.71 Ash ........... g . . . 3.40 1 .073 80 .13 .38 15.44 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 176 1 5.86 25 6 19 797 Iron ........... mg. . . 33.53 1 5.431 25 1.24 3.72 152.22 Magnesium ........ mg. . . 191 1 61.7 3 7 21 865 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 296 1 15 . 3 21 11 33 1,345 Potassium ......... mg. . . 770 1 80. 7 4 28 85 3 ,495 Sodium .......... mg. . . 67 1 16 4 2 7 305 Zinc ........... mg. . . 2.50 1 .09 .28 11.35 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 3.00 1 .316 10 .11 .33 13.62 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .322 1 .028 8 .012 .036 1.462 Riboflavin ......... mg. , . .366 1 .0211 12 .014 .041 1.662 Niacin .......... mg. . . 1.640 1 .1411 21 .061 .182 7.446 Pantothenic acid ....... mg . . . — — —‘ — Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . — — — — Foiacin .......... mag . . 5 1 2.109 6.327 258.6 Vitamin 312 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 Vitamin A ......... {f5 ' ‘ — —- — — LIPIDS: — _ — - Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 12:0 ......... g . 14:0 ......... g . 16:0 ......... g . 18:0 ......... g . Monounsaturated, total. . . g . 16:1 ......... g . 1821 ......... g . 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 18:2 ......... g . 18:3 ......... g . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . o 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 140 5 16 635 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . 391 . 014 . 043 1 . 773 Threonine ......... g . . 898 . 033 .100 4 . 078 lsoleucine ......... g 1.241 .046 .138 5.634 Leucine .......... g - 1. 757 . 065 .195 7.979 Lysine. .......... g 1 . 684 . 062 .187 7 . 644 Methionine ........ g . 338 . 013 . 038 1. 537 Cystine .......... g . 369 . 014 . 041 1 . 675 Phenylalanine ....... g 1 . 089 . 040 .121 4 . 945 Tyrosine ......... 8 . 764 . 028 . 085 3 . 467 Valine - .......... x 1.102 .041 .122 5.004 Arsinine .......... E 2. 465 .091 .274 11.190 Histidine .......... l . 668 .025 .074 3.034 Alanine .......... 3 1.020 .038 .113 4.630 .Aspartic acid ........ g 2 . 708 .100 . 301 12 . 293 Glutamic acid ........ 8 3. 988 .148 .443 18.105 Glycine .......... x 1 . 306 . 048 .145 5 . 930 Proline .......... x 1.198 .044 .133 5.437 Serine .......... 5 1.215 .045 .135 5.516 AH-8—2 (1976) GARLIC POWDER Allium sarivum Item No. 02-020 Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common mums of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean : standard error "Largo, 1tsp= 2.8 g 1 tbsp = 8.49 A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: water ,,,,,,,,,,, g 1 , . 6.45 + 0.170 44 0.18 0.54 29.26 km] , _ 332 9 28 1 ,508 F°°denergv """" I“. , _ 1,391 39 117 5,313 Protein(NX6.25) ..... g , . _ 16.80 _+_ .8352 5 .47 1.41 76.26 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . 1 . . 76 i .11 9 . 02 . 06 3.45 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 72-71 2.04 6.11 330.11 Fiber ........... g . . . 1.87 i .0446 4 .05 .16 8.50 Ash ........... g . . , 3.29 i .196 27 .09 .28 14.92 MINERALS: CaICium .......... mg. . . 80 2 2 7 361 Iron ........... mg. , , 2.75 i .482 5 .08 .23 12.48 Magnesium ________ mg. . , 58 i 10 3 2 5 265 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 417 i 21.9 3 12 35 1,892 Potassium ......... mg. . . 1,101 1 40.85 4 31 93 5,000 Sodium .......... mg. . . 26 i 8.6 3 1 2 120 Zinc ........... mg. . . 2.63 i .350 4 .07 .22 11.92 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . — — —"‘ — Thiamin .......... mg. . . .466 2 .013 .039 2.116 Riboflavin ......... mg. , . .152 2 .004 .013 .690 Niacin .......... mg. . , .692 1 .019 .058 3 142 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — —_ _" ‘— Vitamin 36 ........ mg . . . —" _ "_ —— Folacin .......... meg . . '— —_ — —_ Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 Vitamin A ......... ff ' ‘ 1:22: 1 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4:0 ......... g 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g 18:0 ......... g Monounsaturated, total . . . g 16:1 ......... g 18:1 ......... g . . . 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 18:2 ......... g . . . 18:3 ......... g . . . 18:4 ......... g . . . 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g . . . 22:5 ......... g . . . 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 8 Trace 1 35 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . . 215 ~. 006 .018 .976 Threonine ......... g . . . .468 .013 .039 2.123 Isoleucine ......... g .648 .018 .054 2.941 Leucine .......... 3 ~ - . 1.027 .029 .086 4.661 Lysine .......... g . 578 .016 .049 2.623 Methionine ........ g . 336 .009 .028 1 . 525 Cystine .......... 8 .172 .005 .014 .781 Phenylalanine ....... g . . . . 484 .014 .041 2 .196 Tyrosine ......... g . . . .215 .006 .018 .976 Valine .......... 8 .712 . 020 .060 3.234 Arginine .......... g . . . 1.674 .047 .141 7.602 Histidine .......... g . . . . 309 .009 .026 1.403 Alanine .......... g . . . .349 .010 .029 1 .586 Aspartic acid ........ 8 - - ~ 1 . 290 . 036 .108 5 . 857 Glutamicacid ........ g . - . 2_'|26 .060 .179 9.652 Glycine .......... g . . . .527 .015 .044 2.392 Praline . . ., ....... 8 . . . .263 .007 .022 1,196 Serine .......... 8 . 503 . 014 . 042 2 . 282 AH-8—2 (1976) GINGER, ground Zlnglber offlcinale Item No. 02-021 Nutrient and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amoum in edible portion of oomrnon measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refine :0 Mun 1 standard error Number M ”'“P'” 1 tsp = 1.8 g 1 tbsp = 5.4 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 9.38 1 0.0711 781 0.17 0.51 42.57 kcaI . . 347 6 19 1'575 Food energy ------- U- . _ 1,452 26 78 6,592 Protein(NX6.25) ..... g . . . 9:12 i -278 63 '16 '49 “'41 Total lipid (in) ....... g . . . 5.95 1 -0839 400 ~11 -32 27-01 Carbohydrate,i.otal ..... g . . . 70-79 I'27 3'82 321'37 Fiber ,,,,,,,,,,, g , , _ 5.91 1 .231 155 .11 .32 26-85 Ash ........... g . . . 4.77 i .0403 1,006 .09 .26 21.63 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 116 1 16.6 7 2 5 527 iron ........... mg. . . 11.52 1 1.850 6 .21 .62 52-29 Mishesium ........ mg. . . 184 i 9.27 5 3 10 835 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . I48 1 17-5 4 3 8 670 Potassium ......... mg. . . 1,342 2’; 104.2 8 24 68 6’087 Sodium .......... mg. . . 32 i 2-7 I3 I 2 I47 Zinc ........... mg. . . 4.72 i .429 7 .08 .25 21.41 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . — — _ *— Thiamin .......... mg. . . .046 1 .001 .002 -209 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . .185 1 .0435 3 .003 .010 .840 Niacin .......... mg. . . 5.155 t 3.245 .093 .278 23-404 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — — _ _ Vitamin B6 ........ mg. . , _ "‘ — — Folacin .......... meg . . —‘ — — _ Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 v. . A R54 . . 15 1 Trace 1 67 "W" """"" w. . . 147 1 3 8 567 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... x . . . 1.94 .03 10 8.80 4:0 ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g .06 1 Trace Trace .27 10:0 ......... g .18 1 Trace .01 .82 12:0 ......... g .33 1 .01 .02 1.50 14:0 ......... g .15 1 Trace .01 .68 16:0 ......... g 1.02 1 .02 .06 4.63 18:0 ......... g .14 1 Trace .01 .64 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 1.00 .02 .05 4.54 16:1 ......... g 18:1 ......... g 1.00 1 .02 .05 4.54 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . . 1.31 .02 .07 5.94 18:2 ......... g . . . 1.02 1 .02 .06 4.63 1&3 ......... g . .. .29 1 -01 .02 1-32 18:4 ......... g . . . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 83 1 4 375 AMTINOSCE'S- .053 .001 .003 .285 Taiwan?“ ........ g . . . .187 .003 .010 .848 Isoleucine ......... g . . . .266 _005 _014 1,206 L . ......... g . . . .387 .007 .021 1,756 lieulcine .......... K - - - ‘299 .005 .016 1.358 ysne .......... K - - - .057 .00] .004 .305 Methionine ........ I . . . .042 '00] _002 ,192 Cystlne .......... l - ~ - .236 .004 .013 1.073 Phenylalanine ....... g . . . .102 .002 _005 .464 Vlrlosme ......... g . . . .382 .007 _02] 1.736 Aline .......... g . . . .226 .004 .012 1.027 HII‘B'I'IJ'ne .......... x . . . .158 .003 _009 _7'|6 AI," ne .......... l . . . .163 .003 .009 .742 anlne .11 ........ 8 . . . 1.090 _020 .059 4.950 élspartlcacild ........ 3 . . . .848 .015 .046 3.850 Glutamcac ........ g - ~ - .226 _004 _o'|2 1.027 Pl.y'cme .......... l . . . .216 .004 _o'|2 _98‘| seem .......... 3 . . . .236 .004 .013 1.073 rine .......... x . . . AH-8-2 (1976) MACE, ground Myrisfiaa frugal-.1 Item No. (12-022 Nutrionts and units Arnount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate molar. and woi ht -, Man 1 standard error Ngxlrhof 9 am“. 0 A a c D 1tspE1.7q 1th 5.30 G PROXIMATE: Wm, ........... g . . , 8.17 1 0.229 107 0.14 0.43 37.06 km! . , 475 8 25 2,155 F°°d enemy """" 1 k, , , . 1 .989 34 105 9,022 ProteiniNX5-25) ,,,,, g . . . 6.71 1 .232 22 .11 .36 30.46 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . , 32.38 1 .4161 131 .55 1.72 146.88 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 50- 51 - 86 2 - 68 229 '11 Fiber ,,,,,,,,,,, g . , , 4. 77 i . 262 64 .08 . 25 21. 64 Ash ........... g 2.23 i .0485 179 04 .12 10.12 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. 252 i 23.0 6 4 13 1,146 Iron ........... mg. 13.90 i 2.710 5 .24 .74 63.11 Magnesium ........ ms . 163 i 3 . 33 3 3 9 742 Phosphorus ........ mg . 110 1 7 . 07 4 2 6 499 Potassium ......... mg. . . 463 i 81.4 6 8 25 2,101 Sodium .......... mg , . . 80 1 1 3 8 1 4 364 Zinc ........... mg. . . 2.30 1 .460 4 .04 .12 10.44 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg . . . — — — ‘— Thiamin .......... mg. . . .312 2 .005 .017 1.416 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . . 448 1 . 0613 5 . 008 . 024 2 . 034 Niacin .......... mg. . . 1.350 t .1826 5 .023 .072 6.129 Pantothenir. acid ....... mg . . . — —— ‘— _" Vitamin B5 ........ mg. . . — —-—- — —‘ Folacin .......... mcg . . — ——" —— —‘ Vitamin B12 ........ mtg . . 0 0 0 0 Vitamin A ........ RE. . . 80 1 1 4 363 IU. . , 800 1 14 42 3 .629 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . 9 . 51 .16 . 50 43 .14 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 12:0 ......... g , 14:0 ......... g . . 93 1 . 02 .05 4.22 1610 --------- g . 7.69 1 .13 .41 34.88 13:0 ......... g . .43 1 .01 .02 1.95 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . 11.17 .19 . 59 50. 67 16:1 ......... g . .58 1 .01 .03 2.63 18:1 ......... g . 10.59 1 .18 .56 48.04 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 4. 39 . 07 . 23 19 . 91 18:2 --------- g - 4.31 1 .07 .23 19.55 18:3 ......... g . . 08 1 Trace Trace . 36 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 73 ‘| 4 331 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . __ __ _ __. Threonine ......... g . _ _ __ .— lsoleucine ......... g _ _ __ _ Leucine .......... x _ _ __ _ Lysine .......... 8 __ _ _ __ Methionine ........ s _ __ __ —- Cystine .......... x __ _ _ _ Phenylalanine ....... 5 _ __ _ _ Tyrosine ......... 5 _ __ __ .— Valine .......... g . _ _ __ _ Arginine .......... 8 _ _ __ _ Histidine .......... 8 __ __ _ _ Alanine .......... x __ _ ._ —— Aspartic acid ........ x _ __ ._ __ Glutamic acid ........ g _ _ __ _ Glycine .......... x _ __ _ .— Proline .......... x __ _. _ .— Serine .......... x _ _ _ __ AH-8-2 (1976) MARJORAM, d ried Majorm harreusls Item No. 02-023 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Nutrient; and units Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate manure end weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as pudiesed Refueezo Mean tymnderd error Nggé“ A B c D 1tspE 0.69 1tbspF1.7g G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . , . 7.64 + 0.148 28 0.05 0.13 34.69 kcal . . 271 2 5 1,232 F°°den°rsy """" u. . . 1,136 7 19 5,158 Protein(NX 6.25) ..... g . . , 12.66 i .5154 5 .08 .21 57.49 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . , 7.04 i .176 5 04 .12 31.94 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 60.56 36 1.03 274.93 Fiber ........... g . . . 18.11 i 1.093 5 .11 .31 82.23 Ash ........... g . . . 12.10 1 .2286 203 .07 .21 54.94 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1,990 1 197.7 10 12 34 9,034 Iron ........... mg. . . 82.71 1 7.638 8 .50 1.41 375.51 Magnesium ........ mg . 346 i 15.7 8 2 6 1,570 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 306 i 39.1 7 2 5 1,389 Potassium ......... mg. . . 1,522 1 72.98 12 9 26 6,910 Sodium .......... mg. . . 77 i 9.4 15 Trace 1 350 Zinc ........... mg. . . 3.60 i .378 5 .02 .06 16.34 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 51.43 1 .31 .87 233.49 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .289 1 .002 .005 1.312 Riboflavin ........ . mg. . . .316 1 .002 .005 1.435 Niacin .......... mg. . . 4.120 1 .025 .070 18.705 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — —— -— — Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . — —- -—- — Folacin .......... meg . . -— -— — - Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 V' . A RE. . . 807 1 5 14 3,660 Itamun ......... IU. ' . 8,068 1 48 137 35,596 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4:0 ......... g 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g 18:0 ......... g Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 16:1 ......... g . . . 18:1 ......... g . . . 20:1 ......... g . . . 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 8:2 ......... g 18:3 ......... g . . . 18:4 ......... g . . 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g . . . 22:5 ......... g . . . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 50 Trace 'l 272 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . — ———— — ——- Threonine ......... g . . . — —— — -—- lsoleucine ......... g — —— — —- Leucine .......... g . . . — — —— — Lysine ........... g — —- — —-— Methionine ........ g . — — — — Cystine .......... 8 — —— —— —- Phenylalanine ....... g —— — — —— Tyrosine ......... g ————- -—- — —— Valine ' .......... g — — — — Arginine .......... 8 - - - — — — —— Histidine .......... 8 ~ > . — — — —— Alanine .......... g —— — — — Asparticacid ........ K - ~ - — — —— '— Glutamic acid ........ g - . . — -— -— —- Glycine. . . .> ...... 8 —— — — — Praline .......... g —— -— -— — Serine .......... g -— — -— —— AH-B-2 (1976) MUSTARD SEED, yellow SinapIJ allm Item No. 02-024 Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean 1 standard error Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuee: 0 amnion A B c D 1 tspE3.3g 1 tbsp F1129 c PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . , 6.86 1 0.215 45 0.23 0.77 31.13 118.1 . . 469 15 53 2,131 Food enemy """" 1., . , _ 1,955 55 220 8.919 1151.111 111x540) ,,,,, g . , , 24.94 1 4305 49 .82 2.79 113.22 10151115181151) ....... g . 28.75 1 4329 72 .95 3.22 130.57 Carbohydrate, total ..... g 34 . 94 1 . 15 3 . 91 158. 62 115.1 ,,,,,,,,,,, g 5. 55 1 .234 33 .22 .73 29.75 Ash ........... g 4.51 1 .0955 53 .15 .50 20.45 MINERALS: c3181.... .......... mg. 521 1 25.7 28 17 5 2,355 1.8.. ........... mg, 9.98 1 1.02 8 .33 1.12 45.29 11.311.511.111 ........ mg, 298 1 8. 59 22 10 33 1,355 Phosphorus ........ mg. 841 1 31.0 22 28 94 3 ,81 7 Potassium ......... mg. 682 i 42. 7 10 23 76 3,098 Sodium .......... mg. 5 i . 7 10 Trace 1 21 Zinc ........... mg. 5.70 1 .19 .54 25.88 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg . . . — — "— — Thiamin .......... mg. . . .543 2 .018 .061 2-463 Riboflavin ......... mg . . . . 381 2 . 013 . 043 1- 728 Niacin .......... mg. . . 7 .890 2 . 260 .884 35.791 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . __ _ _. _ Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . __ _ __ _ Folacin .......... mcg . . __ _ _ —-—— Vitamin B12 ........ :23 . . 0 1 0 0 o - - ......... - - - 5 Trace 1 28 Vitamin A IU ‘ ' . 62 1 2 7 281 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . 1 . 46 . 05 .16 6 . 62 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 1:13 ......... g . : ......... g . 16:0 ......... g . .77 1 .028 25 .03 .09 3.49 .18:0 ......... g . .25 1 .015 23 .01 .03 1.13 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . 19.83 .65 2.22 89.95 15:1 ......... g . .06 _+_ .003 20 Trace .01 .27 13:1 ......... g . 5.90 1 .208 25 .20 .55 25.75 20:1 ......... g . 2.58 1 .0683 25 .09 .30 12.15 22:1 ......... g . 10.58 1 .2505 25 .35 1.20 48.44 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 5 . 39 .18 . 50 $11 . g: 18:2 ......... g . 2.59 1 .0838 25 .09 .29 . 18:3 ......... g . 2.58 1 .0552 25 .09 .30 12.15 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . . 0 0 0 0 MPhyotostergls ........ mg. . . 1 18 4 13 535 A IN ACI S: .525 .017 .059 2.390 3:53:93" ------ K 1 .095 .035 .123 4.959 1.51.1151... """"" 3 1.081 .035 .121 4. 905 L . """"" 3 1.783 .059 .200 8.093 3"?” ---------- 3 1.519 .050 .170 5.898 ”"3“ . ---------- 3 .480 .015 .054 2.181 "Cm‘1'°"‘"° ~~~~~~ 3 .582 .019 .055 2.542 11113:"; 1.1.111. -------- g 1.057 .035 .119 4.843 1 my“ ------ g .744 .025 .083 3.375 VYHM """"" g 1.325 .044 .148 5.018 A: inine """"" g 1.750 .058 .195 7.947 11151111111. """"" g .752 .025 .085 3.450 711.111... """"" g 1.187 .039 .133 5.389 As 11118.88 """"" g 1.957 .055 .220 8.932 p . """"" 4.979 .154 .558 22.503 gm?“ ““1 """"" g 1.312 .043 .147 5. 955 ”:33 """"""" g 1 .944 .054 .218 8. 827 5.1111. ......... g 1.081 .035 . 121 4.905 AH-8-2 (1976) NUTMEG, ground M yrixn‘ca frangIs Item No. 02-025 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased A roximete measure and wei ht - Mean i standard error Nznréff DP 9 Retuse. 0 1 tsp = 2.2 g 1 tbsp= 7.09 A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water .......... g . . _ 6.23 + 0.367 78 0.14 0.44 28.27 km: , _ 525 12 37 2 .382 F°°d energy """" 1., , , , 2,196 48 154 9,970 Protein(NX 5.30). . .. g . . . 5.84 1 .111 20 .13 .41 26.49 Total lipid (fat) ...... g . . _ 36.31 i .4793 76 .80 2.54 164.83 Carbohydrate, total . . . . g . . . 49. 29 1 . 08 3 . 45 223 . 77 Fiber .......... g , , . 4.02 i .254 66 .09 .28 18.27 Ash .......... g . . . 2.34 i .0639 119 .05 .16 10.62 MINERALS: Calcium ......... mg. . . 184 i 22 . 5 5 4 13 837 Iron .......... mg. . . 3.04 i .535 5 .07 .21 13.80 Magnesium ....... mg. . . 183 i 24.0 3 4 13 832 Phosphorus ....... mg . . . 213 i 9 . 46 4 5 15 965 Pomsmm ........ ng.. . 350 1 74.2 5 8 24 1.587 Sodium ......... mg. . . 16 i 2.7 5 Trace 1 74 Zinc .......... mg. . . 2.15 i .352 4 .05 .15 9.76 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ....... mg. . . — —— —- -- Thiamin: ........ mg. . . .346 2 .008 .024 1.571 Riboflavin ........ mg. . . . 057 i . 049 5 . 001 . 004 . 259 Niacin ......... mg. . . 1.299 1 .1432 5 .029 .091 5.897 Pantothenic acid ...... mg. . . — --— — — Vitamin 86 ....... mg. . . — —- -— — Folacin ......... mcg . . ‘— — -— — Vitamin B12 ....... mcg . . 0 0 0 0 _ _ RE, . . 10 1 Trace 1 46 V'tam‘" A """"" 1w. . . 102 1 2 7 463 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturate¢ total ______ g _ 25. 94 . 57 1. 82 117. 66 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 12:0 ......... g . .37 i .21 3 01 .03 1.68 14:0 ......... g . 22.83 1 1.861 3 .50 1.60 103.56 16:0 ......... g . 2.26 i 1.64 3 .05 .16 10.25 18:0 ......... g . .17 1 .14 3 Trace 01 .77 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . 3 . 22 . 07 23 14 . 55 16:1 ......... g . 1.40 1 .03 10 6.35 18:1 ......... g . 1.59 + .528 3 .03 11 7.21 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . 35 01 . 02 1 . 59 18:2 ......... g . .35 2 01 .02 1.59 18:3 ......... g . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 62 1 4 231 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g — — ——-—— — Threonine ......... g — —-— — — Isoleucine ......... g — -—-— —— — Leucine' .......... g . — — — — Lysine .......... 8 — — —— — Methionine ........ 8 -— — —- — Cystine .......... 8 —— '— —— — Phenylalanine ....... g — — —— — Tyrosine ......... g —— — -— — Valine ’ .......... g — — — — Arginine .......... E —— — —— — Histidine .......... g . — —— — — Alanine .......... 8 -—-— -— — — Aspartic acid ........ g -—- -— —- — Glutamic acid ........ 8 —- — — — Glycine .......... E — — — — Proline .......... g — —— — —- Serine .......... g —- —-- — -—- AH-8-2 (1976) ONION POWDER Alllum cepa Item No. 02-026 Nutrient: lid unit: Amount in 100 gram, edible ponion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mnntmnderd error ~:"r:1:|::' 2 1 1 ts = . 1 tbs = 6.5 A B C D p E 9 p F g G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 5.01 1 0.216 19 0.11 0.32 22.72 km! . . 347 7 23 1,574 F°°d°"°'3Y """" {1.1. . _ 1,451 30 94 6,587 Protein(NX 6.25) ..... g . . . 10.12 1 .8059 5 .21 .66 45.96 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 1.05 _+_ .0683 19 .02 .07 4.78 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 80.67 1.69 5.24 366.22 Fiber ........... g . . . 5.69 i 1.98 4 .12 .37 25.81 Ash ........... g . . . 3.15 i .169 24 .07 .20 14.31 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. 363 i 41 .8 7 8 24 1 ,648 Iron ........... mg. 2.56 i .472 6 .05 .17 11.61 Magnesium ........ mg. . . 122 i 19.7 4 3 8 552 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 340 i 70.8 4 7 22 1,544 Potassium ......... mg. . . 943 i 57.6 6 20 61 4,283 Sodium .......... mg. . . 54 i 8.3 7 1 3 243 Zinc ........... mg. . . 2.32 1 .433 4 .05 .15 10.56 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 14.69 1 .31 .95 66.69 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .418 1 .009 .027 1.898 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . .056 1 .001 .004 .254 Niacin .......... mg. . . .647 1 .014 .042 2.937 Pantothenicacid ....... mg. . . '— —" — — Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . —- "“ — — Folacin .......... mtg . . — —' ‘—‘ — Vitamin 812 ........ meg . . 0 1 0 0 0 . . RE. . . Trace mummA """"" IU. . . Trace 1 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4:0 ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... g . . . 8:0 ......... g . . . 10:0 ......... g . . . 12:0 ......... g . . . 14:0 ......... g . . . 16:0 ......... g . . . 18:0 ......... g . . . Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 16:1 ......... g . . . 18:1 ......... g . . . 20:1 ......... g . . . 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 18:2 ......... g . . . 18:3 ......... g . . . 18:4 ......... g . . . 20:4 ......... g . . . 20:5 ......... g . . . 22:5 ......... g . . . 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 87 2 5 395 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g .120 . 003 . 008 . 544 Threonine ......... x .199 . 004 . 013 - 905 lsoleucine ......... g . 293 . 006 . 019 1 - 331 Leucine .......... x . 327 . 007 . 021 1 . 486 Lysine .......... g .467 .010 .030 2.118 Methionine ........ z . 086 . 002 . 006 . 390 Cystine .......... g .181 .004 .012 . 824 Phenylalanine _ ....... 8 .249 .005 .016 1 .133 Tyrosine ......... 8 . 232 .005 . 015 1 . 052 Valine .......... x . 238 . 005 . 015 1 . 081 Arsinlne .......... 8 1 . 338 .028 . 087 6 . 074 Histidine .......... s .136 . 003 . 009 . 618 Alanine .......... 8 .220 .005 .014 1 .000 Aspartic acid ........ g . 509 . 011 . 033 2 . 309 Gluumic acid ........ g 1. 884 . 040 .122 8. 553 Glycine .......... 8 . 334 . 007 . 022 1 .515 Praline .......... s . 405 . 009 . 026 1 . 839 Serine .......... K .246 .005 .016 1.118 AHe-8n2 (1976) OREGANO, ground Item No. 02-027 Origami»: vulgar: . . . Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of N utriems m d units Amount m 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1pound of foodaspurehased A ximlte mew" and wei ht - Mean 1 standard error "tame! W0 ' R"“”- 0 1 = 1.5 1 tbs = 4.5 A B C “P E 9 P F 9 G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g , , . 7.16 i 0.322 22 0.11 0.32 32.52 km! . _ 306 5 14 1,389 ”WWW """" .1. . _ 1,280 19 58 5,313 Protein(NX6.25) ..... g . , . 11.00 1 1.313 3 .17 .50 49.95 Total lipid (fat) ....... g _ . . 10.25 1 1.356 6 .15 .46 46.54 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 64-43 -97 2-90 - 292-51 Fiber ........... g , _ , 14.96 i 3.970 3 .22 .67 67.93 Ash ........... g _ _ . 7.15 i .252 20 .11 .32 32.48 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg, , , 1,576 1169.0 4 24 71 7,156 Iron ........... mg. . , 44.00 1 11.53 3 .66 1.98 199.76 Magnesium ........ mg. . . 270 i 10.0 3 4 12 1,226 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 200 i 23.1 3 3 9 908 Potassium ......... mg. . . 1,669 1 62.40 4 25 75 7,576 Sodium .......... mg. . . 15 1 4.1 6 Trace 1 67 Zinc ........... mg. . . 4 43 i .498 3 .07 .20 20.13 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . '— — — _ Thiamin .......... mg. . . 341 1 005 .015 1 48 Riboflavin ........ _. mg. . . — — “- —‘ Niacin .......... mg. . . .220 1 .093 .280 2 .239 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . —— — _ _~ Vitamin B6 ........ mg. . . — '— _— —_ Folacin .......... mtg . . — .— _—_ _ Vitamin B]; ........ mtg . . 0 0 0 0 V' . A RE. , . 690 1 10 31 3,131 itamm """"" IU, . . 6.903 1 104 311 31.312 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 2-55 -04 -12 12-07 4:0 ......... g 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ,,,,,,,,, g , 04 1 Trace Trace 18 12.0 ......... g 02 1 Trace Trace 09 14.0 ......... g 17 1 Trace .01 77 16.0 ......... g . . . 1 70 1 .03 .08 7 71 18:0 ......... g . . . -58 1 .01 .03 2.63 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . -67 ~01 ~03 3-04 16:1 ,,,,,,,,, g . . _ .16 1 Trace .01 .73 18:1 ......... g , , , .51 1 .01 .02 2.31 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 5 23 .08 .24 23 72 18:2 ......... g 1 05 1 .02 .05 4 76 18:3 ......... g 418 1 .06 .19 18 96 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g . . . 22:5 ......... g . . . 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 203 3 9 921 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . —- _ '_ _ Threonine ......... g . — ‘— —’ — lsoleucine ......... g — '— — — Leucine .......... 8 — — _ — Lysine .......... K '— _ _ .— Methionine ........ g . . . — —— —- — Cystine .......... x —— — — — Phenylalanine ....... g . . . -—-— — — —- Tyrosine ......... g -— — —- —- Valine .......... g — —— — —— Arginine .......... g . . . — —— — -— Histidine .......... g - . . —— -—- — —— Alanine .......... x — — _ '— Aspartic acid ........ g . . . — —— — — Giulamicacid ........ g . . . — —— —- — Glycine .......... l — — _ — Proline .......... 8 “" — _- _ Serine .......... x -— _ __ —' AH-8-2 (1976) PAPRlKA Item No. 02-028 Capsicum annuum . . . Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased A roximate measure and wei ht - Mean i standard error Ngnréff PD 9 Refuu.0 1tsp=2.1g 1tbsp=6.99 A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 9.54 i 0.249 106 0.20 0.66 43.29 km! . . 289 6 20 1,311 F°°d “my """" 1 k] . . . 1 .209 25 83 5,484 ”0‘81"le 5-25) ..... g . . . 14.76 i .2288 66 .31 1.02 67.00 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 12.95 i .4156 138 .27 .89 58.81 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 55 . 74 1 .17 3 . 85 253 . 04 Fiber ........... g . . . 20. 89 i . 3458 92 .44 1. 44 94. 83 Ash ........... g . . . 7.02 1 .0889 201 .15 .48 31.86 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 177 i 16.3 19 4 12 803 Iron ........... mg. . . 23.59 i 3.064 14 .50 1.63 107.10 Magnesium ........ mg . 185 + 14.8 13 4 13 838 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 345 T 18. 4 15 7 24 1,566 Potassium ......... mg. . . 2,344 I 77.89 18 49 162 10,544 Sodium .......... mg. . . 34 I 9. 4 8 1 2 154 Zinc ........... mg. . . 4.06 I .805 5 .08 .28 18.44 VITAMINS: _ Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . 71. 2 + 15.12 21 1.49 4.91 322.60 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .645 I .0784 10 .014 .045 2.928 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . 1.743 T .2142 10 .037 .120 7.913 Niac'in .......... mg. . . 15.320 ‘ 2 .322 1.057 69.553 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . -— 1 -— _‘ ‘—“ Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . — — — _ Folacin .......... mtg . . — _‘ — — Vitamin B ........ mg . . 0 0 0 V‘ . 12 RE. . . 6,060 + 389.0 62 127 418 27,498 itamlnA ......... ,U‘ ‘ . 50,504 T3,890.2 62 1,273 4,182 274.900 LWIDS: “ Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 2 .10 . 04 .14 9 . 53 4:0 ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 23 2 Trace .02 1-04 14.0 ......... g 52 2 01 .04 2 36 16.0 ......... g . 95 2 02 .07 4 35 18.0 ......... g . . . .33 1 .01 .02 1 50 Monounsaturated, total . . . g . . . 1 , 23 . 03 . 08 5 - 58 16:1 ......... g . . . .12 1 Trace .01 -54 18:1 ......... g . . . 1.11 2 .02 .08 5.03 20:1 ......... g . . . 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . B, 32 .17 . 57 37 - 74 18:2 ......... g . . . 7.42 2 .16 .51 33-66 18:3 ......... g . . . .90 2 .02 .06 4-08 18:4 ......... g . . . 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g 22:5 ......... g 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 175 4 12 794 AMINO ACIDS: Tryplophan ........ g . . . — -—- — ——* Threonine ......... g . . . — —— — —— lsoleucine ......... g — — ~ — Leucine .......... Z — — _ — Lysine .......... g —— — — — Methionine ........ 8 — — — — Cystine .......... g . . . — — — — Phenylalanine ....... g — — -—— -——‘ Tyrosine ......... g —. — -—-— —- Valine ' .......... g _ — -—-——- — Arginine .......... g - . - — — —— -- Histidine .......... g . . . _ — — — Alanine .......... x — — — —— Aspartic acid ........ g — — —- '— Glutamic acid ........ g . . . — — — —- Glycine .......... g . . . —— —— —— -— Proline . . . . , ...... g . - . —— — — — Serine .......... g . . . — — --- —-— AH-8-2 (1976) PARSLEY, dried Pemmllnum crispum Item No. 02-029 Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean 1 standard error Nam :1 = . bs = . A B c D 1tspE03g 1t pF1ag c. ‘PROXIMATE: Water ,,,,,,,,,,, g . . , 9.02 _ 1.69 11 0.03 0.12 40.95 km! . . 276 1 4 1,254 Food energy """" k]. . . 1.156 3 15 5,248 Protein (N X 6.25) ..... g . . . 22.42 1 .6796 16 .07 .29 101.80 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 4.43 i .408 16 .01 -06 20-12 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 51.66 .15 .67 234.53 Fiber ........... g _ . . 10.32 1 .6639 13 .03 .13 46.85 Ash ........... g . 12.47 i .5758 17 .04 .16 56.61 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1,468 1 64.66 41 4 19 6,663 Iron ........... mg. 97.86 1 11.17 46 .29 1.27 444.28 Magnesium ........ mg. 249 i 25.8 8 1 3 1 .130 Phosphorus ........ mg. 351 i 17 . 2 37 1 5 1,595 Potassium ......... mg. 3,805 1 228.8 13 11 49 17,273 Sodium .......... mg. 452 i 54.3 14 1 6 2,051 Zinc ........... mg. 4.75 i .437 3 .01 .06 21.59 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 122 04 1; 79.104 7 .37 1.59 554.07 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .172 1 .001 .002 .781 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . 1 230 1 .004 .016 5.584 Niacin .......... mg. . . 7.929 1 .024 .103 35.998 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . -— — —‘ ’- Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . 1.002 1 .1131 8 .003 .013 4.549 Folacin .......... mcg . . —— — —" '— Viumin B12 ........ mag . . 0 0 0 80 . . RE. . . 2,334 1 7 30 10,5 7 - VitammA --------- IU. . . 23’340 1 70 303 105,870 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 12:0 ......... g . 14:0 ......... g . 16:0 ......... g . 18:0 ......... g . Monounsaturated, total . . . g . 16:1 ......... g . 18:1 ......... g . 20:1 ..... *. . . . g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 18:2 ......... g . 18:3 ......... g . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . —— — -" "‘— AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . _ __ _ — Threonine ......... g . _ __ —— — Isoleucine ......... g __ _ __ _ Leuclnel .......... 8 _ —— —- —— Lysine .......... 8 __ _ —— —— Methionine ........ 8 _ _ —— — Cystine .......... 8 __ ..__ _ -— Phenylalanine ....... g _ _ __ __ Tyrosine ......... g _ _ _ _ Valine .......... g _ _ __ __ Arglnlne .......... B _ _ —— —- Histldine .......... x - _ __ — ~— Alanine .......... s _ __ —— —-— Aspartlc acid ........ g _ — — — Glutamic acid ........ 8 __ ._ -——- —- Glycine .......... g _ __ _ ——. ProIine .......... l __ _ __ __ Serlne .......... g __ _ __ __ AH-8-2 (1976) PEPPER, BLACK Piper nipum Item No. 02-030 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 gems, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased A oximete manure end we‘ ht - Mun i'mnderd error "3;”; M PI" I! “dun. 0 p a 1 tsp = 2.1 g 1 tbsp = 6.4 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 10.51 1 0.1991 321 0.22 0.67 47.72 km! . . 255 5 16 1,157 “WWW ‘ ' ' j ‘ ' ' ‘ u. . . 1,066 22 68 4,835 Protein(NX5.35) ..... g . . . 10.95 1 .1114 162 .23 .70 49.67 Totallipid (fat) ....... g . . . 13.26 1 .166 198 .07 .21 14.80 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 64.81 1.36 4.15 293.98 Fiber ........... g . . . 13.13 1 .1244 325 .28 .84 59.61 Ash ........... g . . . 4.33 1 .0368 1,671 .09 .28 19.66 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 437 1 8.45 110 9 28 1,984 lron ........... mg. . . 28.86 1 7.456 8 .61 1.85 131.02 Magnesium ........ mg. 194 1 13 .1 42 4 12 881 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 173 1 9.19 52 4 11 785 Potassium ......... mg. . . 1,259 1 87.19 12 26 81 5,716 Sodium .......... mg. . . 44 1 12 9 1 3 200 Zinc ........... mg. . . 1.42 1 .295 6 .03 .09 6.45 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ rug. . . --- __ _ __ 73111211111... ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ :3- - - .109 1 .0378 4 .002 .007 .495 Niacin -------- "'5- ~ - .240 1 .0124 6 .005 .015 1.090 P z ''''''' 3' ~ - 1.142 + .1563 4 .024 .073 5185 antothemcaad ....... mg. . . _ — __. _ _ Vitamin 86 ........ mg. . . _ _ __ _ Folacin .......... mtg . . __ _ __ _ Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 - ~ 105- - - 19 1 Trace 1 86 vnmmA ......... 1w. , , 190 1 12 862 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 1.33 .03 .09 6.03 4:0 ......... g 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g . 04 1 Trace Trace .18 14:0 ......... g .07 1 Trace Trace .32 16:0 ......... g 1.22 1 .03 .08 5.53 18:0 ......... g . . . Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . .\ 1.37 .03 .09 5.21 16:1 ......... g . . . 18:1 ......... g . . . 1.37 1 .03 .09 6.21 20:1 ......... g . . . 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated,total . . . g . . . 1.54 .03 .10 6.99 18:2 ......... g . . . 1.32 1 .03 .08 5.99 18:3 ......... g . . . .22 1 Trace .01 1.00 18:4 ......... g . . . 20:4 ......... g . . . 20:5 ......... g . . . 22:5 ......... g . . . 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 92 2 6 417 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . — — -— '— Threonine ......... g . . . — — — —— lsoleucine ......... g . — — — —-— Leucine .......... 8 - — —— —— — Lysine .......... E - — — — —— Methionine ........ g - - - — -— -- — Cystine .......... 5 - - - — — — — Phenylalanine ....... g . — —— — — Tyrosine . . ' ....... l . — — — — Vallne .......... g — — — —- Arginine .......... 8 ‘ - . — --- —- — Histidine .......... 8 ~ ~ . — — — — Alanine .......... B . - . — —— —-- —' Aspartlcacid ........ z - - - — — —- —- Gluumlcacid ........ x - - - —— — -— —— Glycine .......... l - - . — — — '— Proline .......... 8 - - - —— — — -— Serine .......... x - — — — — ‘ Tota1 proximates do not e qua1 100% beca use piperine was subtracted from 11p1d va1ue. AH-8—2 (1976) PEPPER, red or cayenne Item No. 02-031 Capslcumfrutemns (hpflcumaunuum Amount in 100mm“ edible portion Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and units ' common mum of food 1 pound of food as purchased A oxirnate "new" and wo' . Mean 1 standard error ~:anl::f PW WM Refunfl 1 tsp= 1.8 g 1 tbsp = 5.3 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 8.05 1 0.295 121 0.14 0.43 36.53 km! . _ 318 6 17 1,444 F°°d°"e'8Y' ' ' i ‘ ' ’ ‘11.]. . . 1,331 24 71 6,042 Protein1NX 6.25) ..... g . . . 12.01 i .3202 77 .22 .64 54.51 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 17.27 i .5014 171 .31 .92 78.41 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 56.63 1.02 3.00 257.12 Fiber ........... g . . . 24.88 i .4444 173 .45 1.32 112.97 Ash ........... g . . . 6.04 i .101 385 .11 .32 27.42 MINERALS: . Calcium .......... mg. . . 148 + 8.22 50 3 8 674 Iron ........... mg. . . 7.80 E .620 31 .14 .41 35.33 MagneSilIm ........ mg. . . 152 i 10.9 4 3 8 689 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 293 i 10.4 51 5 16 1,332 Potassium ......... mg. . . 2,014 + 128.1 8 36 107 9,144 Sodium .......... mg. . . 30 I 8.4 5 1 2 136 Zinc ........... mg. . . 2.48 E .614 4 .05 .13 11.24 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 76.44 + 11.43 40 1.38 4.05 347.06 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .328 E .0328 34 .006 .017 1.489 Riboflavin ...... » . . . mg. . . .919 i .0923 34 .017 .049 4.172 Niacin .......... mg. . . 8.701 1 .7345 29 .157 .461 , 39.503 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . —— — — — Vitamin B5 ........ mg. . . “— — _ — Folacin .......... mcg . . —‘ — — ‘- Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 VitaminA """"" RE. , , 4.161 2 75 220 18,874 ' ' IU. . . 41,610 2 749 2,205 188,743 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 3-25 -05 ~17 ”-79 4:0 ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g .03 1 Trace Trace 14 120 ......... g .03 1 Trace Trace 14 140 ......... g .09 1 Trace Trace 41 16.0 ......... g 2.36 1 .04 .13 10 70 18.0 ......... g .49 1 .01 .03 2 22 Monounsaturated,tolal. . . g . . . 2.75 .05 .15 12 47 16:1 ......... g . . . .24 1 Trace .01 1.09 18:1 ......... g 2 51 1 .05 13 11 39 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 8 37 15 .44 37 97 18:2 ......... g . . . 7.71 1 .14 .41 34.97 18:3 ......... g . . . .66 1 .01 .03 2.99 18:4 ......... g . . . 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g . . . 22:5 ......... x . . . 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 O 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 83 1 4 375 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . — —— — _ Threonine ......... g . . . —- _‘ _' — Isoleucine ......... g _ _ — _ Leucinen .......... _g . . . —— — ""' — Lysine .......... E - - - — — _ — Methionine ........ 8 . . . — — — — Cystine .......... x — — —' — Phenylalanine ....... g . . . — — _ — Tyrosine ......... g . . . — — —— —— Valine' .......... g . . . — -— — —" Arginine .......... 3 ~ - . — — _ ‘- Histidine .......... g . . . — — '— —' Alanine . . . . , ..... g — _ — — Aspartic acid ........ g . . . -—- — *— — Glutamicacid ........ g . . . — ‘— —' —' Glycine .......... g - . . — — —— — Praline .......... g - . ,- — —' — '— Serine .......... 8 - - - —" — — — AH-8—2 (1976) PEPPER, WHITE Piper nlgrum Item No. 02-032 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Nutrient: and units Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Reiuu:0 Mean 1 standerd error Number of ""'"'°‘ 1 tsp = 2.4 g 1 tbsp = 7.1 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . , 11.42 1: 0.1794 132 0.27 0.81 51.85 km! . . 296 7 21 1,343 F°°denersv """" 11,. , _ 1,239 . 30 88 5,620 Protein(NX 5.35) ..... g . . . 10.40 1 .1197 78 .25 .74 47.22 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 12.12 i .159 75 .05 -15 9-62 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 68.61 1.65 4.87 311.21: Fiber ........... g . , . 4.34 1 .122 149 .10 .31 19.68 Ash ........... g . . . 1.59 i .0263 1,023 .04 11 7.20 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 265 1 30.0 12 6 19 1,205 Iron ........... mg. . . 14.31 i 2.923 8 .34 1.02 64.98 Magnesium ........ mg _ . 90 i 12 12 2 6 410 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 176 i 12.0 11 4 12 799 Potassium ......... mg. . . 73 i 7.9 9 2 5 329 Sodium .......... mg. . , 5 1 1 7 Trace Trace 23 Zinc ........... mg. . . 1.13 i .272 6 .03 .08 5.11 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . — '— _" _ Thhnfin .......... mg. .. .022 1 001 .002 .100 Riboflavin ......... mg. . , .126 1 003 .009 .572 Niacin .......... mg, . , .212 1 .005 .015 .962 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — — —' —" Vitamin 136 ........ mg. . , — — — — Folacin .......... mtg . . “— — '— ‘— WEMnmz ........ mq. . 0 0 0 0 - - RE- - - Trace 1 VItammA {IU. . . Trace 1 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4:0 ......... g 6:0 ......... 3 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g 18:0 ......... g Monounsaturated, total . . . g 16:1 ......... g 18:1 ......... g 20:1 ......... g . . . 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:2 ......... g 18:3 ......... g 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g 22:5 ......... g 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 55 1 4 249 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . —- — -— — Threonine ......... g . . . —-— —— —- — Isoleucine ......... g -— — — —- Leucine .......... E _ _ — ——- Lysine .......... 3 ~ - ~ —— -— — —' Methionine ........ 3 . . . —— ——- — — Cystine .......... g . . . — — — — Phenylalanine ....... g -— —— — — Tyrosine ......... g — —— —- —- Valine ' .......... g — —— — — Arginine .......... g . . . — — — — Histidine .......... g . . . — — -— -—— Alanine .......... g — — — — Aspartic acid ........ g — — — — Glutamicacid ........ x . . . — — — — Glycine .......... 8 . . . — — —— -— Prollne .......... g — — —— '— Serine .' . . — —— —- — ....... g . . . 1 Tota1 proximates do not equa1 100% because piperine was subtracted from 11p1d va1u AH-8-2 (1976) POPPY SEED Papaver samm'femm Item No. 02-033 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean 1: standard error N:"$';::‘ 1 tsp = 2.89 1tbsp= 8.89 A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 6.78 + 0.550 27 0.19 0.60 30.79 km! . . 533 15 47 2,421 F°°d°n°rgy """" u. . , 2,231 62 196 10,131 Protein(NX5.30) ..... g . . . 18.04 i .5144 18 .50 1.59 81.91 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 44.70 i .8484 29 1.25 3.93 202.96 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 23.69 .66 2.09 107.55 Fiber ........... g . . . 6.26 i .452 12 .18 .55 28.41 Ash ........... g . . . 6.78 i .235 25 .19 .60 30.79 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1,448 1 67.31 9 41 127 6,576 Iron ........... mg. . . 9.40 i .323 10 .26 .82 42.44 Magnesium ........ mg. . . 331 i 16. 2 4 9 29 1 .505 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 848 i 19 . 0 9 24 75 3 ,852 Potassium ......... mg. . . 700 1 64.4 5 20 62 3,176 Sodium .......... mg. . . 21 i 5.5 3 1 2 95 Zinc ........... mg. . . 10.23 i 1.247 3 .29 .90 46.46 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg . . . —— —— — — Thiamin .......... mg. . . .849 i .0726 6 .024 .075 3.854 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . .173 i .0077 6 .005 .015 .785 Niacin .......... mg. . . .976 i .0522 9 .027 .086 4.431 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — — — — Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . .444 2 .012 .039 2.016 Folacin .......... mcg . . — —- -— — Vitamin 312 ........ mcg . . 0 1 0 0 0 . . RE. . . Trace V'“""" A """"" iw . . . Trace 1 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . 4. 87 .14 . 43 22 . 09 4: ......... g 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 1610 --------- x 4.11 i .247 5 .12 .36 18.64 18:0 ......... g .67 i .081 5 .02 .06 3.04 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 6 . 34 . 18 . 56 28 . 76 16:1 ......... g .13 1 Trace .01 .59 1811 --------- 8 6.17 _ .547 5 .17 .54 27.99 20:1 ......... g . . . . 04 Trace Trace . 18 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . - - 8 - - . 30. 82 . 86 2 . 71 139 . 80 1812 ~~~~~~~~~ 8 30.49 + .4565 5 .85 2.68 138.30 ‘323 --------- g 33 E .19 3 .01 .03 1.50 18:4 ......... g . . . ' 20:4 ......... g . . . 20:5 ......... g . . . 22:5 ......... g . . . 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg . 89 2 8 404 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . 255 . 007 . 022 1 .159 Threonine ......... g . . 905 . 025 . 080 4.111 lsoleucine ......... g . 905 . 025 . 080 4 .111 Leucine .......... g 1 . 484 . 042 . 131 6 . 738 Lysine .......... g 1. 099 . 031 .097 4 . 992 Methionine ........ g .470 .013 .041 2.133 Cystine .......... g . 453 .013 .040 2.055 Phenylalanine ....... g . 882 . 025 . 078 4 . 003 Tyrosine ......... x .681 .019 .060 3.091 Valine .......... g 1.287 .036 .113 5.842 Arginine .......... g 1.995 .056 .176 9.056 Histidine .......... 8 . 528 . 015 . 046 2 . 395 Alanine .......... g . . . 1.178 .033 .104 5.347 Aspartic acid ........ g . ~ - 2. 202 . 062 .194 9. 999 Glutamic acid ........ 8 . . . 4.541 .127 .400 20.616 Glycine .......... g . . . 1.123 .031 . 099 5.100 Proline .......... 3 - - - 1.062 .030 .093 4.822 Serine .......... s . 987 . 028 . 087 4 . 482 AH-8-2 (1976) POULTRY SEASONING Item No. 02-034 Values were derived from a spice mixture containing white pepper, sage, thyme, marjoram,savory, ginger, allspice, and nutmeg. Nutrients and units Amount in edible portion of Amount In 100 grams, edible portion common ures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased A oximate mmre and wei M - Mean 1 standard error Nngraf' pp! 9 Refuse. 0 A B c D 1tspE1.Sg 1 tbsp F3.7g G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 9.31 0.14 0.34 42.23 km! . . 3 07 5 1 1 1 . 39 3 Food energy """"" kl ' . _ 1 ’ 286 1g 48 5 ,833 Protein(NX5.89) ..... g . . . 9.59 .14 .35 43.50 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 17. 53 .1 1* . 28 34.16 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 65 . 59 . 98 2 . 43 297 . 52 Fiber ........... g . . . 11.30 .17 .42 51.26 Ash ........... g . . . 5.92 .09 .22 26.85 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 996 15 37 4,518 Iron ........... mg. 35.30 .53 1.31 160.12 Magnesium ........ mg. 224 3 8 1 ,016 Phosphorus ........ mg. 171 3 6 776 Potassium ......... mg . 684 10 25 3 ,103 Sodium .......... mg. 27 Trace 1 122 Zinc ........... mg. 3.14 .05 .12 14.23 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg . . . 11 . 95 .18 . 44 54 . 25 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .264 .004 .010 1.198 Riboflavin ......... mg . . . .191 . 003 . 007 . 866 Niacin .......... mg. . . 2.970 .045 .110 13.472 Pantothenic acid ....... mg . . . — — — — Vitamin 86 ........ mg. . . — — — *‘ Folacin .......... mcg . . — — —- — Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 Vta . A RE. . . 263 4 10 1.194 ' ""n """"" w. . . 2,532 39 97 11,939 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4:0 ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... g . . . 8:0 ......... g . . . 10:0 ......... g . . . 12:0 ......... g . . . 14:0 ......... g . . . 16:0 ......... g . . . 18:0 ......... g . . . Monounsaturated, total . . . g . . . 16:1 ......... g . . . 18:1 ......... g . . . 20:1 ......... g . . . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 18:2 ......... g . 18: 3 ......... g . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 225 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg . 95 1 4 435 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g '— —" — — Threonine ......... g . —— — — — Isoleucine ......... g '— ._ —’ — Leucine .......... g — — —- — Lysine .......... x _‘ -_ _ — Methionine ........ X — —" — — Cystine .......... 8 '— _ — — Phenylalanine ....... g — '— "" — Tyrosine ......... g ‘— — "" _ Valine ' .......... g "-' —‘ — —‘ Arginine .......... g _ — _ _ Histidine .......... 2'1 . — — — —‘ Alanine .......... K _ _ — — Aspartic acid ........ 8 . _ —" — — Glutamic acid ........ x —‘ _ _' — Glycine .......... l —" — _ '— Proline .......... 8 —" — _ __ Serine .......... g . — _ — — ‘ Tota1 proximates do not equa1 100% because piperine was subtracted from iipid va1ue for white pepper. AH-8-2 (1976) PUMPKIN PIE SPICE Vaiues were derived from a spice mixture containing cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, a1isp1ce, and cioves. Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Meen d: mud-rd error Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approxlmate manure end weight 1ts =1.7 1tbs =5.6 PE 9 PF 9 lm No. 02-035 Amoum in edible portion of 1 pound oi food as purchased Renato A B G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 8.46 0 14 0.47 38.37 . km! .. 342 6 19 1.551 F°°de"°‘gY """" u. . . 1,429 24 80 6,482 Protein(NX6-06) ..... g . . . 5.76 10 .32 26.13 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 12.60 21 .71 57.15 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 69.28 1 17 3.88 314.25 Fiber ........... g . . . 14.85 .25 .83 67.36 Ash ........... g . . . 3.90 .07 .22 17.69 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 682 12 38 3,094 Iron ........... mg. . . 19.71 .34 1.10 89.40 Magnesium ........ mg. . . 136 Z 8 617 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 118 2 7 535 Potassium ......... mg. . . 663 11 37 3,007 Sodium .......... mg. . . 52 1 3 236 Zinc ........... mg. . . 2.37 .04 .13 10.75 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 23.38 .40 1.31 106.07 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .131 002 .007 .594 Riboflavin .......... mg. . . .137 002 .008 .621 Niacin .......... mg. . . 2.243 038 .307 10.174 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . —- —— -— --— Vitamin 85 ........ mg. . . — — —- — Folacin .......... mtg . . -— ..._. __ __ Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 VitaminA ......... {27" ' ' 2%? Trace 2 118 LIPIDS: 15 1'184 Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4: ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g . . . 18:0 ......... g . . . Monounsaturated,total. . . g . . . 16:1 ......... g 18:1 ......... g 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 18:2 ......... g . . . 18:3 ......... g . . . 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g 22:5 ......... g . . . 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 71 1 4 322 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . — -—- — -—— Threonine ......... g . . . -— — — —— lsoleucine ......... g — — —— -—- Leucine .......... 3 “— — — __ Lysine ........... g -- -— -— — Methionine ........ g -—- -— —- — Cystine .......... 3 —— —- —- — Phenylalanine ....... 8 -— —' — '— Tyrosine ......... g . . . —— __ _ ._ Valine .......... g . . . —— _ __ _ Arginine .......... g - . . — —-— -—— — Histidine .......... 8 - - - —- —- —- —' Alanine .......... 5 ~ ~ - — — -— —— Aspartic acid ........ g - - . — -— — -— Glutamicacid ........ s -—- -— —- -— Glycine .......... x . . . —— —— -— — Proline .......... g - - - —--— —- -- — Serine .......... g —- —— —- -— AH~8-2 (1976) ROSEMARY, dried Rnsmadnu: officlnalis Item No. 02-036 Nutrients md units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean 1 standard error szfi‘o' = . a = . A B c D 1tSPE12- 1tbspF33g G PROXIMATE: ware, ........... g _ . , 9.31 i 1.52 7 0.11 0.31 42.25 km! . . 331 4 11 1,505 Food energy ------ k] . _ ' 1,337 17 46 5,298 Protein(Nx6.25) ,,,,, g . _ _ 4.88 1 .808 3 .06 .16 22.17 Total |ipid(fat) ....... g . . . 15.22 i 1.818 4 .18 .50 69.10 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 64-06 ~77 2'11 290-85 Fiber ........... g . . . 17.65 i 1.108 3 .21 .58 80.12 Ash ........... g . 6.53 i .340 6 .08 .21 29.64 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1,280 1 188.1 4 15 42 5,811 Iron ........... mg. 29.25 i 7.158 4 .35 .96 132.79 Magnesium ,,,,,,,, mg . 220 i 5 . 77 3 3 7 999 Phosphorus ........ mg. 70 i 21 3 1 2 318 Potassium ......... mg . 955 i 70. 8 5 11 32 4 .337 Sodium .......... mg. 50 i 3-8 6 1 2 225 Zinc ........... mg. 3.23 1 .233 3 .04 .11 14.68 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 61-22 1 ~74 2'02 277‘94 Thiamin .......... mg. . . -514 1 '006 '017 2 334 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . ‘_ — — — Niacin .......... mg, , , 1 000 1 .012 .033 4 540 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — — _ — Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . —— '— ‘~ — Folacin .......... meg . . _ — — — Vitamin B12 ....... '. mtg . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE. . . 313 1 4 10 1 419 Vitamn --------- ’ ' A In]. . . 3,123 1 38 103 14,189 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g 4: ......... 3 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g 18:0 ......... g Monounsaturated, total . . . g 16:1 ......... g 18:1 ......... g 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:2 ......... g 18:3 ......... g . . . 18:4 ......... g . . . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 58 1 2 263 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . — — — "—— Threonine ......... g . -— — — —"‘ |soleucine ......... g — ‘— -"‘ — Leucine .......... 8 - - - — _ — _' Lysine .......... l -— _' '— — Methionine ........ B -— — _" —' Cystine .......... g — _ "- — Phenylalanine ....... g . — — — — Tyrosine ......... K — —' — — Valine .......... g — — '— '— Arglnine .......... l -— '— _‘ "“‘ Histidine .......... K -— — — '— Alanine .......... s . ~ - — — ‘— — Aspartic acid ........ 3 ~ - - —— — — — Glutamicacid ........ l —- _ — — Glycine .......... g —- —‘ ——' — Proline . . _. ....... 8 — — — — Serine .......... l — — — — AH-8-2 (1976) SAFFRON Item No. 02-037 00qu nrlvus Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of N Wm end uni ts Amum in 100 gram, “M. POND" common meeeum of food 1 pound of food as pmelmed Approxlm mu Ind weight 3mm; 0 Nunlm of Mean 1 standard em: I 7 1 b 2 1 A a c D 1 tsp E 0. g t sp F g c PROXIMATE: , Water ........... g . . . 11.90 + 0.2472 111 0.08 0.25 54.02 km! . . 310 2 7 1 .409 F°°d WW """" k] . . . 1,298 9 27 5,895 Protein(NX6.25) ..... g . . . 11.43 1 .6843 12 .08 .24 51.90 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 5.85 1 .737 17 .04 .12 26.57 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 65. 37 .46 1 . 37 296. 78 Fiber ........... g . . . 3.87 _'l_'_ .254 13 .03 .08 17.57 Ash ........... g . 5.45 i .0835 103 .04 .11 24.73 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. 111 1 1 2 503 Iron ........... mg. 11.10 1 .08 .23 50.39 Magnesium ........ mg. """ —" _ — Phosphorus ........ mg. 252 1 2 5 1 ,145 Potassium ......... mg. 1:724 1‘ 251-5 3 12 36 7.827 Sodium .......... mg. 143 2 1 3 673 Zinc ........... mg. "—‘ — _- VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . — —‘ _ _ Thiamin .......... mg. . . _ — ‘- '— Riboflavin ......... mg. . . ‘— _ '_ "—— Niacin .......... mg. . . "— _ — - Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . —— "_ —" “"‘ Vitamin 35 ........ mg. . . — —‘ — ‘- Folacin .......... mtg . . —" —- - — Vitamin B12 ........ mtg . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE. . . — _ —_ — Vltamm A ......... IU ' - . __ _ __ __ LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . 4: ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 12:0 ......... g . 14:0 ......... g . 16:0 ......... g . 18:0 ......... g . Monounsaturated, total. . . g . 16:1 ......... g . 18:1 ......... g . 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 18:2 ......... x . 18:3 ......... g . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg. 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . — — — -——~ AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . —— -— —- — Threonlne ......... g . ——- -— — ‘— lsoleuclne ......... g —— — —- — Leuclne .......... x — — — — Lysine .......... s — -— —— —- Methionlne ........ 8 -— — —' — Cystlne .......... l — — — — Phenylalanine ....... g — —— — —— Tyrmlm ......... : -—-— —- -- .- Vallne ' .......... g —1 — — -- Arslnlne .......... 8 — —— —— *- Hlstldlne .......... I - —- -— — — Alanine .......... 8 —- -— — — Aspartlc acid ........ 5 - —- -- — — Glutamlc acid ........ I . -— — — — Glyclne .......... l - — —- —— — Praline .......... l - — — '— '— Serlne .......... .l — — — '— AH-8-2 (1976) SAGE, ground Salvla offlclndls Item No. 02-038 Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate "new" and weight Mean 1: standard error Nggrfi‘of Refuu.0 1tsp=0.7g 1tbsp=2.09 A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 7.96 1 0.366 14 0.06 0.16 36.12 kul . . 315 2 6 1,429 Food energy -------- Izj ‘ ’ ' 1,317 9 26 5 .981 Protein (NX 5-25) ..... g . . . 10.62 1 .3066 4 .07 .21 48-24 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 12 . 74 i . 2924 24 . 09 . 25 57 . 86 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . 60. 73 - 43 1 - 22 275 - 70 Fiber ........... ‘g . . . 18.05 + .5702 33 .13 .36 81-96 Ash ........... g . 7. 95 E . 284 45 .06 .16 36. 08 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1,652 1 107.5 6 12 33 7,500 Iron ........... mg. 28.12 + 3.969 6 .20 .56 127.65 Magnesium ........ mg. 428 E 19.1 5 3 9 1 .943 Phosphorus ........ mg . 91 i 7 . 2 4 1 2 414 Potassium ......... mg. 1 ,070 + 100. 7 7 7 21 4,358 Sodium .......... mg. . . 11 T 3. 3 4 Trace Trace 50 Zinc ........... mg. . . 4.70 I .622 5 .03 .09 21.34 VITAMINS: _ Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . 32.38 2 .23 -65 147-03 Thiamin .......... mg. . . .754 1 .005 .015 3.423 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . . 336 1 .002 .007 1 .525 Niacin .......... mg. . . 5. 720 1 .040 .114 25.969 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — — — — Vitamin 36 ........ mg. . . —— ’— _ —— Folacin .......... mcg . . — ‘_ 6“— — VitaminB ........ mc . . 0 0 . . '2 n55 . . 590 1 4 12 2.676 V'“""'" A """"" w. . . 5,900 1 41 118 26.762 LlPlDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 7.03 .05 .14 31.89 420 ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . .71 1 Trace .01 3.22 10:0 ......... g . .76 1 .01 .02 3.45 12:0 ......... g . .30 1 Trace .01 1.36 1420 ......... g . .72 1 .01 .01 3.27 16:0 ......... g . 3.15 1 .02 .06 14.29 18:0 ......... g . 1.25 1 .01 .02 5.67 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . 1 . 87 . 01 . 04 8.48 16:1 ......... g . .12 1 Trace Trace .54 18:1 ......... g . 1.75 1 .01 .04 7.94 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 1 . 76 .01 . 04 7.98 8 .......... g . .53 1 Trace .01 2.40 18:3 ......... g . 1.23 1 .01 .02 5.58 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. 244 2 5 1 ,107 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . —— _ — _ Threonine ......... g . — —— _ — lsoleucine ......... g — — — — Leuclne .......... 8 _ "" — _ Lysine .......... g —— _ — _ Methionlne ........ x — — "" _ Cystine .......... I — — — .— Phenylalanine ....... g — —‘ — ‘— Tyrosine . . ....... g — — — _‘ Valine ' .......... g —-— — —'— ‘- Arginine .......... g — '— '— — Histidine .......... i! - — — — '— Alanine .......... 8 — '— '__ — Aspartic acid ........ 8 — '— ‘— — Glutamic acid ........ g - — — "“ '— Glycine .......... I - — — ""’ _ Praline .......... x - —- —‘ — — Serine .......... g - — '— "— '— AH-8-2 (1976) SAVORY, ground Samr'eja hortena‘s Item No. 02-039 Nutrient: and units Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Amount in edible portion of Amount In 100 grams. edible POND“ common mum; of food A oximete measure and wei ht - Mean 1 standard error N:Tn:|::f Pl" 9 Refuse. 0 1tsp=1.4g 1tbsp=4.4g A B C E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 9.00 + 0.125 3 0.13 0.40 40.87 mi _ . 272 4 12 1,235 “WWW """" u. , . 1,139 16 50 5,159 Protein(NX 6.25) ..... g . . . 5J3 i -419 3 09 .30 30-55 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 5.91 1 .935 3 08 .26 26.82 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 68-73 95 3.02 312.03 Fiber ........... g . . . 15.27 1 .0221 3 21 .67 69.34 Ash ........... g . . . 9.63 i .612 5 13 42 43.72 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 2,132 1 213.7 5 30 94 9,677 Iron ........... mg. . . 37.88 1 6.482 4 53 1.67 171 95 Magnesium ........ mg. . . 377 i 18.6 3 5 17 1,710 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 140 i 17.3 3 2 6 635 Potassium ......... mg. . . 1,051 1 45.95 5 15 46 4,772 Sodium .......... mg. . . 24 i 5.1 7 Trace 1 110 Zinc ........... mg. . . 4.30 i 1.45 3 .06 19 19.52 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . — —' — — Thiamin .......... mg. . . .366 1 .005 016 1.662 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . —— — — —— Niacin ....... '. . . mg. . . 4.030 1 057 .180 1 .523 Pantothenicacid ....... mg. . . — — *~ — Vitamin 56 ........ mg. . . —- — — ~ Folacin .......... mcg . . -— — --— — Vitamin B12 ........ mag . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE. . . 513 1 7 23 2,327 “mm“ """"" w. . . 5,130 1 72 226 23,270 LIPIDS: Fattyacids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4:0 ......... g . . . 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g 18:0 ......... g Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 16:1 ......... g . . . 18:1 ......... g . . . 20:1 ......... g . . . 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 18:2 ......... g . . . 18:3 ......... g . . . 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g 22:5 ......... g . . . 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 3] Trace 1 14] AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . — — —- — Threonine ......... g . . . — — — — lsoleucine ......... g . . . — — — — Leucine .......... B - . - -— -- — — Lysine .......... g —- —- — — Methionine ........ l —- —- -— — Cystine .......... l . ~ - — — — — Phenylalanine ....... g . . . —— _ .._... __ Tyrosine ......... g . . . — —— ~— —— Valine ' .......... g — — ~— — Arginine .......... 8 ~ ¢ . -— — — --- Histidine .......... 8 ~ ~ - — —— —- -— Alanine .......... 8 — — — —— Asparticacid ........ 8 ~ - - — —- —— — Gluiamicacid ........ g - - - — — -— —-‘ Glycine .......... l —- — — —- Praline .......... x - - - — -—- -- — Serine .......... 8 - ~ - — — -- — AH-8-2 (1976) SESAME SEED, decorticated Sesamurn Indlcum Item No. 024040 Nutrient: and units Amount in 100 grams, edible port-on Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edlble portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Mean 1 standard error ":23:sz Refuse. 0 ‘ 1tsp=2.7g 1tbsp= 8.09 A B C T D E F G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 4.81 i 0.272 29 0.13 0.38 21.84 Food ener ________ kcaI . . 588 16 47 2,671 EV u. . . 2,462 66 197 11,176 Protein (NX5.30) ..... g . . . 26.38 1 .0998 613 .71 2.11 119.77 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 54. 78 1 .1077 614 1.48 4. 38 248.68 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 9. 39 . 25 . 75 42 . 63 Fiber ........... g . . . 2.96 _'l; .250 20 .08 .24 13.43 Ash ........... g 4.64 i .413 26 .13 .37 21.07 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 131 i 50.8 19 4 10 595 Iron ........... mg. 7.80 i .783 6 .21 .62 35.40 Magnesium ........ mg. 347 i 41. 8 3 9 28 1 .574 Phosphorus ........ mg . 776 i 71. 4 9 21 62 3 ,521 Potassium ......... mg. 407 i 58.1 3 11 33 1 9846 Sodium .......... mg. 40 i 8. 0 4 1 3 179 Zinc ........... mg. 10.25 2 .28 .82 46.54 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg . . . — -~— — — Thiamin .......... mg. . . .722 1 .246 5 .019 .058 3.278 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . . 085 i . 022 16 . 002 . 007 . 386 Niacin .......... mg. . . 4.682 1 .1523 15 .126 .375 21.256 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . .681 2 .018 .054 3.092 Vitamin 86 ........ mg. . . .146 2 .004 .012 . 663 Folacin .......... mcg . . —— —-- — — Vitamin B12 ........ mtg . . O 0 38 . . RE. . . 7 1 Trace 1 vamA ......... 1w. . . 66 1 2 5 299 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4: ......... g .— — — ~ 6:0 ......... g 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g _. _ _ _ 18:0 ......... g . . . — -— —' — Monounsaturated, total . . . g . . . — —— —- — 16:1 ......... g . . . 18:1 ......... g . . . — — — — 20:1 ......... g . . . 22:1 ......... g . . . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g — -— — — 18:2 ......... g . . . — —~ —— — 18:3 ......... g . . . — -— — -— 18:4 ......... g . . . 20:4 ......... g . . . 20:5 ......... g . . . 22:5 ......... g . . . 22:6 ......... g . . . Cholesterol ........ mg. 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . __ —— —- — AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . 473 . 013 . 038 2 .147 Threonine ......... g . 1.180 . 032 . 094 5 . 356 lsoleucine ......... g . . . 1.289 .035 .103 5.853 Leucine ,,,,,,,,,, g . . . 2.150 .058 .172 9.762 Lysine .......... g . 831 . 022 . 066 3. 774 Methionine ........ 5 . . . . 895 - 024 - 072 4- 068 Cystine .......... 8 . . . - 523 - 014 - 042 2 - 373 Phenylalanine ....... g 1- 528 - 041 '122 6' 938 Tyrosine ......... g 1.125 - 030 ' 090 5 '107 Valine .......... g . . . 1.478 .040 .118 6.712 Arglnlne .......... g . . . 3. 325 - 090 . 266 15- 095 Histldine .......... x . . . . 677 -018 ~ 054 3-073 Amine ,,,,,,,,,, g . . . 1.409 . 038 .113 6. 395 Aspartic acid ,,,,,,,, g . . . 2 . 265 . 061 .181 10. 282 Glutamic acid ........ g . . . 4. 943 .133 -395 22-440 Glycine .......... 8 . . . 1.896 .051 .152 8.610 Proline . ., ........ g . . . 1.359 .037 .109 6.169 Serlne .......... g 1. 309 .035 .105 5. 943 AH-8-2 (1976) TAR RAGON, ground Artemisia dmcunculus Item No. 02-041 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean i standard error Number of Approximate measure and weight Refusezo samples 1tsp=1.6g itbsp=4.Bg A B C D E F G PHOXIMATE: Water ........... g . . . 7-74 + 1-18 7 0-12 0'37 35'13 m, . . 295 _ 5 14 1,341 Food energy """"" { k1. . _ 1,237 20 59 5,614 Protein(NX6-25) ..... g _ ‘ _ 22.76 i 1.475 4 .36 1.09 103315 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 7-24 1 -411 4 ~12 -35 32-88 Carbohydrate,total ..... g . . . 50.22 -80 2-41 228-02 Fiber ........... g . . . 7'41 1 ~886 4 ~12 '36 33'63 Ash ,,,,,,,,,,, g , , , 12.03 i .8339 5 .19 .58 54.62 MINERALS: Calcium .......... mg. . . 1,139 : 180.3 4 18 55 5,172 Iron ___________ mg. , , 32.30 i 5.952 4 .52 1.55 146.64 Magnesium ,,,,,,,, mg. , . 347 i 64.4 3 6 17 1,574 Phosphorus ........ mg. . . 313 i 12.0 3 5 15 1,423 Potassium ......... mg. . . 39020 : 356.5 6 48 145 13,709 Sodium .......... mg. . . 62 i 25 4 1 3 283 Zinc ,,,,,,,,,,, mg. . _ 3.90 i 1.56 3 .06 .19 17.71 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ m . . . — “ — — Wm... .......... mi. . . .251 1 .004 .012 1.140 Riboflavin ......... mg. . . 1-339 '02] '064 6'079 Niacin .......... mg. . . 8-950 1 ‘143 ‘430 40 633 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . ‘— _ — — Vitamin 36 ........ mg, . . —_ _ _ .___ Folacin .......... mcg . . _ ‘— — — Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE. . , 420 1 7 20 1,905 VztamInA """"" 1w. . . 4,200 1 67 202 19,051 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4: ......... 3 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g 10:0 ......... g 12:0 ......... g 14:0 ......... g 16:0 ......... g 18:0 ......... 8 Monounsaturated, total . . . g 16:1 ......... g 18:1 ......... g 20:1 ......... g 22:1 ......... g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:2 ......... g 18:3 ......... g 18:4 ......... g 20:4 ......... g 20:5 ......... g 22:5 ......... g 22:6 ......... g . . Cholesterol ........ mg. . . 0 O 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 8'1 1 4 367 AMINOACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . . ____ _ __ —— Threonine ......... g . . . __ _ __ — lsoleucine ......... g __ __ — — Leucine .......... E _ —— — — Lysine .......... 3 _ _ — — Methionine ........ g __ _ —— -—— Cystine .......... g _ _ — — Phenylalanine ....... g _ __ _ — Tyrosine ......... E _ _ — — Valine .......... g __ __ __ _ Arginine .......... g _ __ — — Histidine .......... 8 _ ._ — —— Alanine .......... E _ _. —-— — Asparticacid ........ 3 _ _._ —— — Glutamicacid ........ E _ __ —— — Glycine .......... g __ __ — —— Praline .......... 8 _ _—— — — Serine .......... g __ __._ —-—— — AH—8-2 (1976) THYME, ground Thymus vulgan's Item No. 02-042 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Ap roximate measure and woi ht ; Mean 1 standard error "raTnlego' p l Refuse 0 1tsp=1.4g 1tbsp=4.3g A B C D E F G PneviLTATE' g 7.79 + 0.379 8 0.11 0.33 35 37 """""" ' ' ' 276 ‘ 4 12 1 .254 Food energy -------- {13", fi ' 1,156 16 1 50 39 5,227 34 ~ ' . + 1 .86 6 . 3 . 16121131: 33155.) 3 I I I I i L I I 3111‘s) 3 .482 22 .10 32 33.71 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . . 63 . 94 . 89 2 75 290 . 28 Fiber ........... g . 18.63 i .7006 21 .26 80 84.57 Ash ........... g 11.74 i .3719 46 .16 50 53.30 MINERALS: Calcium .......... m , . , 1,890 + 196. 5 4 26 81 8,578 K _ Iron ........... mg. . . 123.60 :1; 16.055 5 1.73 5.31 561.14 Magnesium ........ mg. , 220 i 57 . 0 4 3 9 1 ,001 Phosphorus ........ mg . . , 201 i 30. 7 4 3 9 99;: Potassium ......... mg. _ _ 814 i 47.3 27 11 35 3.6 Sodium ........ m . , 55 + 12 10 1 2 248 ~ . x . _ Zinc ........... mg. 6.18 i .684 4 .09 .27 28.06 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid ........ mg. . . — — — — Thiamin .......... mg. . . .513 1 .007 .022 2.32? Riboflavin ......... mg , , . . 399 1 . 006 . 017 1. 81 Niacin .......... mg, , , 4. 940 1 .069 .212 22 428 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . — _ — — Vitamin B6 ........ mg. . . “"‘ — "T" : Folacin .......... mtg . . — — “‘— Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 0 0 . . RE. . . 380 1 5 16 1,724 “mm" """"" 1m. . . 3,800 1 53 163 17,237 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g , 2 . 73 . 04 12 12 . 38 4:0 ......... g . 6:0 ......... 8:0 ......... 5 . 24 1 Trace .01 1.09 10:0 ......... g .12 1 Trace .01 .54 12:0 ......... g . 23 2 Trace .01 1.04 14:0 ......... g .15 2 Trace .01 .68 16:0 ......... g . . . 1.72 2 .02 .07 7.80 18:0 ......... g . . . .28 1 Trace .01 1.27 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . 47 . 01 . 02 2 .13 16:1 ......... . 18:1 ......... i . .47 2 .01 .02 2.13 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . P . _ , , 1.19 .02 .05 5.40 olygmzsaturated, total g . 50 2 . 01 . 02 2 . 27 """"" g ' 03 3 13 18:3 ......... g . .69 2 .01 . . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... - g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. 163 2 7 739 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . . , . 186 . 003 . 008 . 847 Threonine ......... g . . . . 252 .004 . 011 1.144 Isoleucine ......... g . 468 . 007 .020 2.123 Leucine .......... g . 430 .006 .018 1.951 LYsine .......... x . 207 . 003 . 009 . 939 Methionine ........ 3 1 . 242 Cystine .......... ZI ' ' ' ' 274 .004 ' 012 Phenylalanine ....... g} . 482 . 007 021 2 .189 Tyrosine ......... g ' ' Valine ‘ .......... g . 502 .007 .022 2382 Arginine .......... g . . . — — — -— Histidine .......... g . . . — — —- — Alanine .......... g - . . — —— —‘ _ Aspartic acid ........ g . . . -— — — — Glutamic acid ........ g - - - -— —' — ‘— Glycine .......... g - - - -— "— — f Proline .......... 8 — ‘— —‘ — Serine .......... B — —— — ‘— AH-8—2 (1976) TURMERIC, ground Curcuma damesflm (C. Ionga) Item No. 02-043 Nutrient; and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate momma and weight Refuuio Mean 1 standard error N:T"I;::f = . 2 1 b5 = . A B c D 1 tsp E 2 g t p F 6 8 g G PROXIMATE: Water ........... g , , . 11.36 1 0.3992 48 0.25 0.77 51.56 m, , , 354 a 24 1,606 Food energy ------ k] . . . 1,430 33 101 6,721 Protein (NX6.25) ..... g . , 7.83 i .437 15 17 .53 35.54 Total lipid (fat) ....... g . . . 9. 88 i I. 25 16 22 . 67 44. 84 Carbohydrate, total ..... g . . 54- 93 I 43 4' 41 294‘ 76 Fiber ........... g . . . 6.71 i .725 15 15 .46 30.48 Ash ........... g . 6.02 i .139 54 13 .41 27.31 MINERALS: Calcium ,,,,,,,,,, mg, , . 182 1 26.1 6 4 12 829 |ron ,,,,,,,,,,, mg. 41.42 1 6-900 5 .91 2.82 188.05 Magnesium ........ mg. 193 i 13- 3 3 4 I3 878 Phosphorus ........ mg . 268 i 10- 7 5 6 I8 I ’ZI 5 Potassium ......... mg. 2,525 i 103-] 4 56 I72 II ’463 Sodium .......... mg. 38 i 11 5 1 3 172 Zinc ........... mg_ 4.35 i 754 6 .10 .30 19.75 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ........ mg. . . 25-85 2 57 1'76 “7'38 Thiamin ,,,,,,,,,, mg_ . , .152 i . 0546 4 003 .010 . 690 Riboflavin ......... mg, . _ . 233 j: . 0340 3 005 .016 1. 058 Niacin ,,,,,,,,,, mg. , . 5.140 1 .7111 3 113 .350 23 336 Pantothenic acid ....... mg. . . —— — — — Vitamin 85 ........ mg. . . — — — _ Folacin .......... mcg . . — ’— —— —_ Vitamin B12 ........ mcg . . 0 0 O 0 Vitamin A ......... RE‘ ‘ ' Trace I 'U > - - Trace 1 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ...... g . . . 4: ......... g . 6:0 ......... g . 8:0 ......... g . 10:0 ......... g . 12:0 ......... g . 14:0 ......... g . 16:0 ......... g . 18:0 ......... g . Monounsaturated, total . . . g . 16:1 ......... g . 18:1 . . , ....... g . 20:1 ......... g . 22:1 ......... g . Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . 18:2 ......... g . 18:3 ......... g . 18:4 ......... g . 20:4 ......... g . 20:5 ......... g . 22:5 ......... g . 22:6 ......... g . Cholesterol ........ mg . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols ........ mg. . . 82 2 6 372 AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ........ g . — — — — Threonine ......... g — — — _ lsoleucine ......... g --- “‘ —‘ '— Leucine .......... 8' ' — — — _ Lysine .......... Z — — — — Methionine ........ g — _ — — Cystine .......... g —- _ — ’— Phenylalanine ....... g — —— — — Tyrosine ......... g — _ _ _— Valine .......... g — —— — _' Arginine .......... g — — _ — Histidine .......... l _ _ _ — Alanine .......... g — _' —_ — Aspartic acid ........ g — — —"‘ __ Gluumic acid ........ 3 — — —_ — Glycine .......... l — — ~— _ Proline .......... B —“ — — _— Serine .......... x — — ’— *— AH-8-2 (1976) 9 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1977 720-066/6651 'mii‘iiiiiii‘n (025755325